Ulavbaliwen & we Bammer 1920 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES COMPILED ; ACCORDING TO THE FOURTEENTH FEDERAL CENSUS AND OTHER OFFICIAL SOURCES 28 (2. ao) Populations of Counties, Cities and Towns Arranged Alphabetically by States. Copyright 1921, by George F. Loring, Chicago STATES AND TERRITORIAL POSSESSIONS Showing Population according to United States Census of 1920, with comparative figures of 1910, population per square mile, and also the area in square miles, of each State. Area Population Pop. x oa ee 4 Sq. Miles State . 1920 1910 Sq. M, 70.795 LeNOrthD Dakota. 2.0.65 «0 sie 646,872 57 7,056 9.2 B2j200 9 AIR noni) co, aces os 2,384,174 2,138,093 45.8 41,060 Ohio Wout eases tue Wels vO yt OU, Soe 4,767,121 101.4 DESEO! SEROTEC tery eke Soe, «bis 334,162 204,354 2.9 10,43 0s ORIANOMaN ys, . aera «2 6 2,028,283 1,657,155 29.2 DAD OheATEARSAS) shri ties es 1,752,204 1,574,449 Sond 96,0500 Oregons 2. forecast shwies 783,389 — 672,765 8.2 Bos eC, California, vio. kc dine. c'ee 3,426,861 ~ 2,377,549 22.0 45,215 Pennsylvania ......... 8,720,017 7,665,111 194.5 POS 9202 VOOLODAUG Wits asco. eke 939,629 799,024 9.1 1,250 Rhode Island ......... 604,397 542,610 566.4 GOO. OnE S ONNOCTICH EG te v.yius e's) s.05 > 1,380,631 1,114,756 286.4 30,570 South Caroliia ....... 1,683,724 1,515,400 55.2 PAT US UT 223,003 202,322 113.5 4i,000 ~South=Dakota a. . 2... Je 636,547 583,888 _ 8.3 70 District of Columbia... 437,571 331,069 7,292.9 42° 50> 2 Dennessee yc d,s). verte ee 2,337,885 2,18 789 56.1 Deue OMe LOTION cos coeii-v.«.eidlewia,0 968,470 752,619 i Uy 265,780 “TEXAS © oslo cece s vewe ee 3,896,542 7.8 Be a7b: Georgia 1.0... cae. 2,895,832 2,609,121 49.3 84/070" TERRES ele Sas ha a 39 37 D-5 Beye OC Mme IGANG oy. 2 Seite. cane ds ss 4% 431,866 325,594 5.2 OLB ORot VErTHON ty ee dee tack iacs 352,428 35 38.6 esha Oc ePNInOLgs see Gis aise c-clete wa 6,485,280 5,638,591 115.7 420050 = Virwiiia Soci cig eon bee 2,309,18 2,06 57.4 SO WOON ER GIAHA. “new cAeee cs tls 2,930,390 2,700,875 81.3 GB LESO> Wise hINe DORs sotie ss)» oie. _ 1,356,621 1,14 20.3 BE HME RSET | dictars vibes oor ce ie 2,404,021 2,224,771 43.2 24,780 West. Virginia <....... © 1,463,701- 1,221,119 60.9 BOO Meme HAVRE, 8 06 fiuly field so dno 1,769,257 1,690,949 21.6 S6IO4 GO WV ISCIINSLD Suara lasers «0s, 0 0s 2,632,067 2,333,860 47.6 PCOS ROMTGCEY.~ 5) nes en aces 2,416,630 2,289,905 60.1 OT S90 8 WiVODUNE’ <.ones ecules» «se 194,402 145,965 2.0 CS PALS Borat yb Ay Cit eee ee 1,798,509 1,656,388 39.6 HOO;S84 CATHSEA ¢ pos. . «viele wire lee © 54,899 64,356 0.1 Ro UA OM ATC ar Bitcines o-ocbg kane 768,014 742,371 25.7 77- American Samoa ...... 8,056 7,251 94.0 Lp Oe MAE WTS GS cisise: . «cos ves 1,449,661 1,295,346 145.8 LOLS IEE IAD cpcataalepslie'ss stapate wl s.e-v 13,275 11,806 58.3 8,315 Massachusetts. ......... 3,852,356 3,366,416 479.2 Rett ore ayeait 200 Grimes, Q@ 13.-.- 100 McKeanlelee soot bens Pia, 4 §._--772,009 Sumterville. K8_ 200 Ping. ’No7 ---34,680 McCabe, H : utter. O 8 Beltona, FY 8---- a Decatur, © 8--___4.752 pS ee ee co McKinley, M 62. 200 Pittsview. M14. 275 eet ope Fg ae Pinal, M 9__-.0-: 16,130 MeNeat oe Sar 300 i aia se , LM }BSS=25.6 Ra ak aT. 97 ruerryton, J = ry ase om aor 1 3ruz, 2/6 a lamers. aes: G 5_-s=-- 491 ee eae R 3. 150 Guin, F 4------- 596 Mewilliane: O77 138 Pilea Fae : 200 Sycamore, J 10-- 500 Varenet E 52a 016 M Pe 100 eee H 8--18.674 Deleon, G 12.-.- 150 Guntersville. D 91.909 Maben, G 7----- 300 Pleasant Gap, B18 100 Sykes Mills, 10, 10 Yama, i, 2_--.-14.904 Marcuse Poqe 25 mote i 4,--- 100 Delmar, B 5_-.-= 109 Gutley, C 10---- 727 yyadtson, © 9_-.. 435 Pleasanthill, Ms boo Sylacauga. tae - Mathews, M 12.” ay ; i B K__14--- 15) Demopolis, L 82,779 Madrid, R 10---_ 100 Pleasantridge.J4 350 Total -------333,903 Maxton, I 6___~ = Fon Bexar ee 514 Deposit, B 10---- 100 Hackleburg. D 5_ 376 Magazine, T 4-__ 250 Pletcher, K 8_--_ 200 ‘afton, I 8_---- 100 TOWNS \ Mesa, K 7.) 3.036 eburne. G Billingsley, K 9- 2 Detroit, F 3__-.- 160 Hackneyville. 111 150 Magnolia, N 5--. 500 Pocahontas, F 6. 300 Talladega, H 116.546 ‘ Metcalf, 1 13-273's05 fee, Q 11_-- 3 Birmiie Bae gog Dixons Mills. N 5 200 Haleburg, Q 14-100 Magnolia Sprs., U5 200 Pointclear, U 4_. 431 ‘falladega Sprs.. Town Key Pop. Miami, K 10 __-6'689 Ibert Sa uo eae + Dolives, S 4----- 1) Haleysville, D 5-1,404 Malone, I 12_-__ 150 Poley, Q 10. & 19 257 Agua Caliente, L5 100 Middlemarch O12 "400 t Black, R amp 425 Volomite, G 9_--1.000 Hamburg, L 6--- 150 Malvern, Q 13_- 221 Pollard, R 7_ Tallassee, I 11--2.034 ‘asuila, J 5-.--- 100 Morenci, L 13 __-5,100 ane Bladen Seer Cc 100 LOfa) Aye s Gay oe 1.117 Hamilton, E 4-. 487 Manchester. F 7. 500 Porter, Tarrant, G 8---- 734 “Aalnaingre KT 50 Mowry, P 10 > its ington, rie I eee e 50) peop R ares Haneeville. pee er pay eere oa Seiped (ttt Si 12 rps Taziorsville,-C 9- aie Ajo, N 5- __2,436 a enshaw. cane a ee Be ouble Sprs., 5 Hannon, M 12--- aplesville, K 8_ 5 Powers, J_ 5 _---- 50 Tennille, Sen H ainaiae z N bp aerip Blossburg, G {21.500 Douglas, Q 12_-- 100 Hardaway, M 4.. 310 Marbury, K 9.--. 600 Prairie, N 6_.-- 175 Texas, F 5-.--.- $00

Heflin, G@ 13..__-1.026 Meltonsville. C10 100 Red Bay. D 4". 753 ‘Triana, C 9.2... 300 Bisbee, P 12..-9,205 Patnae oun oe sr antleys ie "HS 500 Helena, H 8_-.-- 808 Memphis, I 3__-. 200 Red Hill, D 10-- 100 Trinity, © 7_---- 243 Black Water, L8 300 parker, J 2 77 289 srent, J 5 ‘ East Brewton. R7 "926 Henderson, P 11- 100 Meridianville. B9 185 Redlevel, Q 9--_ 385 Troy, 0 11-______ 5.696 Blue, K I3ss5023 30 Patagonia Pio. 500 Brewton, A 1D Bast Lake. G 84.108 Herbert, Q 8---- 300 Midland City.013 665 Reform, H 4----1.069 ‘Trussville. G@ 9-_ 742 Blue Bell, F 6. 200 Payson, I 9 Sng sridgeport, A 12_2.01§ Easton, J 12_...2.000 Hickoryflat, I 13- 150 Midway, N 12___ 524 Rehoboth. M 6_. 125 ‘Tunnel Sprs.. P 6 150 Bonita, N 11 --- 100 Peach ’ springs, F4 80 srierfield, eet meee ee Higdon; B27 1152-.)-100° Millry,. Pt32222> 100 Renfroe, H 10--. 98 ‘Turnbull, 0 7---_. 150 Bowie, N 13 --- 400 Peach Sp., @ 12 50 ay) va J 122.000 Highland et. a eigenen, sip era Saar ge oak Tuscaloosa, I 5-J1.996 Bouse, J 8 oa 167 Peates, Une an - a Das 3.1. Millport, @ 4___. public, --- 350 Tuscumbia, B 5--3.855 Brownell, — . coe eae rom ey. Tt e--- 00 Poin Td oc '390 Highnote, R 12-. 300 Milltown, I 13--- 100 Richmond, N 7-- 200 Tuskegee, 'L 12.22.478 Bryce, L 11---. 200 Beorla. K 7 300 Brooklyn, Q S___ 350 Echola, I 4-__-.. 200 R F : Fee, OENIX, K 7 29,053 mestone, Sookside uC & 666 Eclectic, K 1 555 ©6«- Hillman, Be 822525 100s Minter Nevesce 800 Riderville, K 8.. 250 Buchan, L 7---. 400 Pima, M 12 595 hwndes, Brookside, G8 -- 008 ee Oe gt a: eae eaelebare Cree 248 Mitchell Sta... M11 296 Riderwood, N 3.- whe eer aes soo Buckeye, K G-- 400 pinch 1M 12 ---- 595 1con, M Saat abe a oo easy Ndwardsville. G 12 pg IxOn eh Gases 5 ile, eT 322-260; en On ia ees ion, J 4.—-—- 7 snes aman nn fale. Rrownsboro, Goid 109 Bile. PT. 300 Hobson City, 12 371 Monroeville, P 61.017 River Falls. 0 9-1.107 Union Sprs.. Mi2_4.125 Qamp Verde, 1 7 175 Pinedale, H 11 100 srownsboro. © 10. 100 D4 279 Montcalm, F 5... 300 River Ridge, 0 6 300 Uniontown, L 6_-1.359 Dt eo ae Brundidge, O 12. 941 Elamville, P 12__ 200 Hodges, D 4-—-. prot ae Tene sire : =*y39 Canille, P'10---- 200 Pirtieville, 0 121,800 sues Pc toy Elba, Q 11 1.681 Hokes Bluff, E12 270 Montevallo, I 8.- 850 Riverside, G_10__ 240 University, I 6-- 150 G,.. Grande, M8 948 Prescott, H 6 5 Buenavista. 0 6-- 200 Toaridee, Bit 150 Holling, I 11._.. 688 MONTGOMERY, Riverview. K 14. 200 Uriah, R 5...--- 500. Cane Creare , =--5,010 Burnsville, L 8.2 200 Elkmont, A 8... 261 Hollypond, E 9-_ 168 L10_43.464 Roanoke, I 13_--3,841 Cero Carolina, O8 200 Quartzsite, L 2. 75 Butler, N 3._... 250 Blkwood, A 9__-. 150 Hollywood, B 11_- 276 Moores Bridge. H5 300 Robertsdale. T 5. 300 vValleyhead. C 12 233 Chandler, L 8---1,000 ° = MER OMeR A: Coffee Junction. 17 300 Elmore, L 10 300 Hopewell. G 18-- 250 Mooresville, © 8_ 144 Rockford. J 10--- 274 Vangale, N 4.--- 100 Chiricahua, P 13 100 Ray Junction, L9 1,200 110 80. oon tine oe ‘ 200 Wivton. HL 8.22221.000 Horton, Z 10-526 9425 teats ae Sees ts poe ine rs a Verbena, K 9---. 400 Chloride, F 3--_-1,500 Redrock, M oie: 7 ne YaladontascsNiry oe 1 oF BK pears Howells Cross- oulton, © ¢~--.- 51 ock hun, - ¢ Verdenburgh. O 6 874 4 Ei — ee, Caledonia, N 7-- cate pers K ge ae roads,” BiG. 220100; Monndville.. di ho=e Boal Rock west NT Ons Christmas, L 10. 200 Rhoades, @ 7 _-_ 50 Calera, I 8_ Calumet, F 6---- 350 [nsley, ----9. Calvert, R 4._._.. 150 Enterprise, Q 12_3, Cibecue, J 10 --- 600 Roosevelt, K 9__ 100 Clarkdale, H T_-2,321 Huffman, G 8--- 100 Mountaincreek. K9 300 Rockwood, D 5___ Mt Clay Springs, L10 100 Sacaton, L S___ 312 Holl 23 52 300 Mt. Andrew. N13 300 Rogersville, B 7_ Huntsville, B 9_-8.018 Mt. Hebron. J 3. 150 Rosehill, Q 10__- Camden, N 6__._. 700 Epes, I ‘ Clemenceau, F 6_ 603 Safford, M 12 __1,336 Campbell, 0 4... 100 Equality, K 11__ 200 Hurricane. § 4. G00 Mt. Hope, D 6. 300 Rosser. M 2... : Clifton, L 13_-_4,163 St. David, 0 11. ‘250 Camphill, H 12 952 Eufaula, 0 14___4.939 -Hurtsboro. M 13 868 Mt. Meigs, M 10_ 150 Round Mountain. Vincent, H 10---1.034 (ochise, N 12_--. 200 St. Johns, I 18 _1,061 Canoe, R 6.--.-. 450 Hunola, RB 11__-_ 321 hy Serene Q5 100 pie T's D2 ae Vinegar Bend, Q2 540 Cochran, L 9---- 100 St. Joseph, or ‘ Capitol Heights, Eureka, G 10---- 100 Inglenook, G 8.-1.590 Mt. ae ng, Ae! 3 100 Bastieile o "956 Vinemont, B 8--- 100 Coldwater, I 13- 30 Joseph Gity, M10 812 Eutaw, J 4_-----1.359 Inverness. N 11-. 200 Mt. Mee 4 800 Rutcae ps 96 269 Columbia, J 6... 100 G10 7% Carbonbill, F 6_-2.666 Evergreen, Q 8-.1,818 Ireland Hill. EB 5 225 Mt, Willing, N 9 231 Rutledge, O 10-- 155 — 1 14g. 508 Concho, I 12 260 Salome, J 4. 50 Cardiff, G 7--=- 463 Ezra, H 7-_--- 250 Ironaton, H 11-- 586 yet a Q-aq777 7 Wadsworth. K 9. 224 Congress, I 5.--. 220 San Carlos, L 10 50 Carlowville, N 7 200 Iron City, G 12_. 100 ffuntord, G 11-100 Saco, N 12... 200 Wagar. Q 3..-.. 150 Congress Jct., 15 93 Sanford, P 10-__ 50 Carrollton, I 4_-- 564 wpackler. B 11 1n9 Iron Dale, G 9_- 809 Rreseain Gia. 144 Safford, M 6_.... 150 Wallace, R 9_... 200 Constellation, J 6 250 San Simon, N 13 300 b 6. 14.378 Carrville, L 11-- 256 pairtax. K 14_--_ 109 Isbell, D 5------ 100 Uuscadine ‘ gaginaw, 1 8-=--, 300 walnut Gr.. B10 167 Cooley, I 10_-—_- 100° Sasco, M 8 300 "T= 7: *Sosen OastleberrvG cts sate i: irfield G 8....5.003 isney. O 2-.--.- 150 St. Clair Sprs., F10 150 WarrentonteD 10. 104 Copper Creek, M11 100 Scottsdale, K 8. 75 os Catherines M4 6iL0 200. eee 5 Nad h. O7 373 St. Elmo, U 3.... 100 ‘ . = Copper Hill, K10 250 Seligman, G@ 5__. 517 Total_.___2.348.174 veu Fairhope, U 4... 853 adawah, --- 4 rz Warrior, F 8_--. 568 Cec, MALTS = HOO wegen Nanafalia, N 4 600 St. Florian. B 5. 450 Cottonwood, H 7 350 Show Low, I 11__ 130 adac Tie ie hain Fairview, D S_-- 368 Jackson, P 4----1.331 = -- % St. Stephens, P 4 100 Warriorstand. M13 400 Courtland, P 12 200 Silverbell, N & 700 TOWNES Geday Brits. L 5. 250 Falco, Q 9------ 532 Jacksons Gav. J12 207 Natural Bridge.H5 335 Salem, L 14. Shp . araaerey Bett ROO, Crowley, K 9--.. 150 Smelter ‘or Hel. Cent = io. ies ogo Falkville. O 8._- 362 Jacksonville. F12_2.395 Nauvoo, E 6_---- 489 Bandincere7eeeee 95 Waterloo, B 4_-. 415 Crown King;-1 G2 100 avetise 0 10 2a 719 wn Key Pop. Genterville, F722 qo Farmersville. N8_ 100 400 Neltboo Ok. 10d Salter, J 10.2... 100 Water Vallev. 03 100 : Snowflake, I 11. 758 anda, I 13 100 Central, K'11_.-. 100 © aunsdale, 1 5 268 per, F 7_--_-_ 3.246 to pmte eaat yee re: Samson, R 11----1.646 Watkins, G 10-- 200 Dewey, I 6 --.. 57 Solomonsville, M21 629 beville, P 4__-1.267 Central Mills. 16 200 Fayette, G 5_---1.741 Jefferson, M 4... 204 patel Brake Olt 4e7 Sandy, J 8.-.... 199 Watson, G 8_---1.000 Dome, M 2-___- 100° Bomerton, a 938 ercrombie, J 7 "350 Chatom, or Chat- ot ae: Lao — S hacraig 2. od ae Ape Hone % ot at! Sanford, Q 10... 200 ee a ne rt en, a P a pi Springerville, 113 500 and 17 200 9, relix, —s-5-== ov enifer, ---~ JSS -< =e = : i pies . -—-= Reid 524. Fivepoints, J 13. 835 Jones Mill. I 6--. 576 Newtonville. Scotia, M 11 150 Wesobulga, I 12. 150 Tolleson, Iu 7... 190 ron Chesterfield. G13 100 Flat Creek. G 7- 600 Joppa, D 9_--_-- 166 Newville, Q 14__ 547 Scotland Ou@=aa= 100 West Blocton-_--1.023 Eden, L 12 -... 250 Tombstone, O 111,178 . City, BD 115.482 Childersburg. 110 418 fyimt. O S=--—-- 177 Nigh ngles Oo eee Seottehdee AOI aT Wetumpka, L 11-1520 Escuela, O 9 -— 200 ‘Toreva, BH 10 —_ 550 imeda, O 5._- 200 Chinagrove, N 11 150 Floral oR 10.222 ane Keener, E 11 100 Normal, B 9_.... 100. Scotts Station. L6 200 Whit fe T 3_---2.000 Fairbank, O 11-_ 100 Troy, L 10 ---__ 200 amuchee, Tr 3-100 Choccolocco, G12 250 Foley, U 6..-... 243. Kellyton, J 11--- 241 North Birming- Scyrene, 0 5---- 200 Whiteoak Spra.” Fairview. L 12-. 200 Tuba, D 8 ____ 124 any, C §-----7.652 Chunehula, $ 3-- 214 Florence, B 5...10.529 Kennedy, G 4--- 203 ham, G 8___._- 2.000 Seale, M 14--___ 316 018 635 Flagstaff, G 8 --3,186 Ture PQ ---- 300 erta, M G---_ 150 Citronelle, R 3___ 932 forest Home. 08. 300 Kimberly, F 8--- 500 Northport, 1 5---1,606 Searight, Q 10--. 71 White Plains. F12 202 Florence, L 9 _~_1,161 % mort perigs vertville. E 11_1.666 Clanton, J 9____- 1.411 Porcand, K 4-_. 100 Kingston, G 8_-_ 300 Notasulga, L 12. 619 Searles, M 14____ 700 Whitfield, M4... 200 Forrest, P 12--_ 100 Twin Buttes, 0 9 300 Irich, I 8_____ 50 Clayton, 0 13. 989 jrort Davis. M11 200 Kinsey, Q 13---- 340 sequen § i---- 259 whitney, ¥ 10... 100 Ft. Apache, J 11 250 valentin Cleveland. 1 :G.c 02150 205 POS ee ee Teka Seddon, G 10... 138 Winners a 1. 06 Ft. Huachucs,Pil 400. Yoaune: 74 4 - 160 Clinton, J eee ae 100 yy. Payne, D 12_2.025 Kymulga, H 10_. 98 Oakbowery. K 12 120 Sellers, N 9_-__. 100 Wilsonville. 1. 9.. 815 Ft. Thomas, L 11 200 . Clisa 01224228 838 Rosters, Vine nes 110 % Oakgrove, S 3--- 100 Selma, L 7___._ 15.589 Wiltont gd 28 522 Fortuna, N 2__. 604 Wagoner, I 6G... 47 Cloverdale, A 5-- 537 pranklin. P 6... 150 Oak Hill, N 7--- 300 Seminole, U 6__. 200 Winfield, F 5---. 753 Franklin, M 14-. 250 Warren, P 12 ~ 1,000 Coalburg, G 8_.. 250 Frankvilie, P 3. 200 Laceys Spr.. C 9 125 Oakman, G 7- 1.083 Shadygrove, O 11 150 i =: Webb, 0 12 _ ‘15 Coal City, G 10. 685 Lafayette, J 12--1.911 Octagon, M 5_- Woodlawn. G@ 9_-2.848 Fredonia, B 6--. 211 150 100 Sheffield, B 5__.-6.682 A Fredonia, J 14-_ 250 = S< Woodstock. I 7. 500 Wellton, M 3... 100 Coaldale, G 8... 500 7. Lahusage, D 13-_- 250 Odenville. G 10_. 375 Shelby, I 9_---_. 153 - Geronimo, L 11- 100 Wickenbu Coaling, I 6... 250 fruitiale, Q.25-- 350 Lamar, H 13... 150 Old Spring Hill, Shiloh” N 5_---.- 109 Woodville: Cr ie: Af Gilabend, or Willeor, ec eae 908 Coatopa, L 3.--- 100 fulton, N 5.2 799 Lamison, N 5---. 250 L5 100 Short Creek. G 7 150 pal Gila, M 6.--- 369 Williams, G 7_-1.35) Cochran, I 3-.--_ 200. cra rnat N 8. j99 Landersville. © 6 200 Olney, I 4_-_--__ 150 Shorter, M 12-._ 500 Gilbert, L 8 --~ 865 Winkelman, L 10 573 Coden, U 3._-..- 250 aa os Lanett, J _13.--_4.976 Oneonto, F 9.._-_ 876 Shorterville. P 14 100 Yarbo, P 4---_-- 300 Gleeson, P 12--- 250 Winslow, G 10 ~-3.730 Coffee Sprs., R13 312 Langdale, K 14-- 500 Ono, G 8_--_.-.. 100 Shortleaf. L 4... 300 Yellowpine, Q 2. 500 Glenbar, M 12_-_ 100 ee Coffeeville, O 3-- 104 Gadsden, H 11-_14.737 Langston, C 11-- 500 Onelika, K 13___4.960 Shottsville. D 3_. 100 Yolande, 7_... 500 Glendale, K 7_-_2.737 Yarnell, I 5.____ 33 Collbran, D 12_-. 100 Gainestown. Q 5. 100 Lanier, H 10-.-- 300 Opp, Q 10_______ 1,556 Sipsey, F 7... 800 © York; (Lr 82=225u5 1.651 Globe, K 10 ____7,044 Young, I 9______ 75 Collinsville, D 12 793 Gainesville, K 3. 355 Lapine, O 10---- 250 Orion, N 11-.-.. 150 Sligo, E 11_--... 100 Youngblood, O 11 “15 Goldroad, G 2.-. 10 Yuma, M 1 ____4,2 te AREANSAS CALIFORNIA ARKANSAS atest. > 2 _ Bauxite, H 11-4. 208 Crossett, N First Settled at Bay, of a 13277=" 200 oun 8 Goacapion denkp BT 260 rkansas Po. » or Big Bay ns, J 11 oe aoe (poem ucky, I 5 1685 ost, D 14 Curtis, K 6-.---. > Gum Spgs., J 6-- 75 Lumber. peonters 100 Pf F 500 © Comme : 9 z . M ~ feiffer, ‘ een eee ne Cte Ht ola A t res Cushman, © 10... 349 Gu. EB é Fdhenie et Se a i et eee time bit ist Success, A 13. 436 ritory, M id Bays I 16. 100 Dabney, D 7 ‘ w=neree= 850) Li aac enc 66 yeas Foe 229 Sugargrove, I €2.19 Hist Stok", Mid cms Bal Te ic oe tees: 3 RE aa? © CALIFORNIA: Betteres, = 9100 : * ae a aa ee Bennn § ' SaaS Tt “aoe | Sy ock, ; e 2 “eas > see bh as a State, Beebe, Fl0-- Damascus, wen Soa Halley, L 2 6-- 150 MeArthur, L 12 ne Bieepenine 70:19. 280 Sulphur § D 11 207 Pirst Settled at 8 Belmont, “Dp “T0-. 6 ee € 15, 1836, Bee Branch, a Denville, i Pagal 4 OS aed oh Be fa ens He trertcarp Geran at 8h S eed aa tere! ie Diego, 1769. San, Belvedere. 'C 10. 616 5 : ne, K 6... by WN Onna G mpton, M 8... 2 McCrory, 'F 0 Pinnacle Summi 2 470 Admitted asc jen Ali, A 13-- 532 Land, 52525 $ Belcher, F 11_-- 65 Hancock, C 15--. 271 McKerrer 12--- 687 Pitts, D’ . Sane Sibel 150 nittedasa State, Bent, oft ae ane , Bellefon --- 100 Datt ‘ H » C lo. 70 ‘Rerren, D 16... 10 itts, D 13 - Sunnyside, Hea Sept. 9. 185 €, Benici d4---- 802 miles q. onte, B 6 296 D. OPA Dona: 242 appy, G 14 McGehee, L 00 Plainview. Supply 2 500 opt. 9, 1850. B a, © 11..2.693 Water, 810 Belleville, F 5-—- ay, B 10-.. Hardy, A 11---.- ce Mie ae ee Gas iy Feil os paignl ty 18 Area: ; en Lomond. Pil 450 ‘ sq. Bellmor -.- 410 Dayton, F Harlow _can. 399 McKami Tee nO ant Plains. Sutton, Ls 5... ¥ Berkeley 1 45u miles Rene e, K 4... 100 D » ow, L 8.. McKamie, N Swan Ls --- 7 Land, 156 serkeley, C 1056.08 . om: e Ann Harr wee 7 MeN = 200 ~ Dili: Swan Lake. J 25 1, 156,092 s serros, N 6 Total, 63.385 sq. Benton, OTe 72.988 Deastnond, : Bee oe as Ta ea wae iat Pocakontes. B13 703 Swifton O" nD 100 ee = Betterivia, NS 300 i entonville, A 3- ecatur, A 15, Harrisburg, D 13- 5 McRae, F 10_--_- 448 Polk. C 11 31.806 Syl : 12... 450 ater, 2,205 everley Hill ‘ Populatio Bergm . 3_2. 3 Deckexvi jane 424 Harri g, D 13-1,315 , £10. 467 OLE = Sylamore, C 9 ee 2,205 sq. Se La anh Maes erville, B13 6: Tison, B 6. Mabelvale, H 67 Pollard, A -- 1% Sylvani -— 150 niles: B H 9 6 Census, 1,75 st Berryville, A Deer, C 6 63 Hartford ey ee ae Fee Ne ata ee A 15 --- 0 nia, C 10-- 50 : icknell; I 18-360 - . 1,752,204. Bertig, B Del at Defianc mg 250 Hart . B 8...2.067 M ey CIs +. 070 oP. ar Grove. H13 15 ie Total, 158,297 Bieber, © LS... 250 Capital, Little Rock, Bey! F Mame eet Degray, J qo--- 100 Hartman, 1 5. 500 Minin Dic le Se ON TS big Zama. J 10 pope 27 8q. Bless, ae an : . cate ter aee —<--=< E ee ees p =. 5 . et -G Avior.o"Ne Sse, . ZOU nl Or ce : ee reaear ene tae oe (Cee on Se Te us Bull Grande, Conon Suna Bisse, "aheg & Oas . igelow, G -. 195 Delight, K - 152 Ha » BP O----- 449 M Bikar bea ee 3.864 Poug iT Oa Uy ata goo + 3426 861, 3ishop, J 8... 100 County K Bi . & 8... 589 D pe ee ee ammoth Spg, oughkeepsie, Bll 2v0 2° 6------ “150 Capit Blai 8-—---1,304 ey Pop gflat, O 8... 10 ell, © 16... > Hazen, H 11_--- 0 oy: Bachna , Bll 2u0 eodore, F 5 a al, Sacra- Bi radon, 3 6co on Arkansas, J 1 » Biggers, A 13 a cated iow eam trees eae Soe faa. Mandetilien Ma 100. Crate mB 12 194 Thomasville. H 13 eta comfield, B92 200 J fice 2 eateee nace . R 2 Or 2 9 9 Ms 3 25 Bl ae oe Ashley, N 1 1. 21,483 Biglake, C 15. 447 Denning Yard, BU 608 Hector, E Keene tt: Manila, GC" M4. 100 Prairie Creek. @ 3 300 Dhorney, C 4 250 nay Canyons EE cae Baxter. A es 23.410 Biscoe, G 11.... 250 Denver, A 6. 14 800 Helena, H 14___. 115 Mansfiel C 15.--- 971 P. iriegrove, C3 861 Thornton, L 8. 200 COUNTIE Blue Lake. 5 150 i es : eae DE Ay Geaaa = ’ ae d, F 3. : rairievie KS Tv $ 8.-1.312 5. Blythe O22" 4 Benton. A 8 10.216 Blackfork, H 2. 250 Departee, D 11 73 Henderson, 14__--9,112 Maple, A 928 6Prattsv Ww. B 5 200 puree Bros.. A 9 206 ythe, I 12 41 Boone ay 6 ~-. 36.253 Black Oak. Cc 15. 100 De Queen, etn -- 50 Hensley, I A Oe ta Saveerl [yee pea 80 Pres hoes I & 100 Threecreeks. N 100 ounty Key Po Bodega, B 2-a--1.622 Bradley, M 9_- 16.098 Black Rock. B 12 100 Dermott,’ M hoe 517 Hermitage 9---=— 500 Marche,” os 10--. 100 Prince t, L 6----2.691 Tie Plant. H gt 100 Alameda, D p. Bodie; le fosas._ 200 ‘ <= . 5 er ° , iz A oes incedale. F Pill ts 9 150 Al 11 344,17 Se ye ez 500 Saittoun.. M 15.979 Black Sprs.. I 5 835 Deroche, I 6. 2.330 Hickman ioe 9. 285 Marianna gece Gee inceron, F 14 50 yy ar, pine, 77 as, CO { Barrolle A: iis 11.807 Blackton, H 12_- OBA Des Arc, Go lisse 100 Hickory P 17--- 120 Mario » H 13-.5,074 Pr ceton, K 8 - 191 Timbo, Amador, H 5 Boonville, FP 2_- 548 3 = 17.786 Bl : 2-= 150: D _ 11---1.307 ckory Plains, ny BY 1b oo toctor, Be dD se Tina. Butte, E 4. 3 Bonsall, K 2.__. 2 Chicot, N- 13. 21-749 Blevins. K 5.<-- 150 Devall Bluff, 112 “S89. Bong Marked Tree, DId1. 20 Prove Kea. 300 Dinsm epee esha: I 13°—- 20.207 Houghtony 622= 350 Dover, fuss J'9 173 Holly Spas. KT 150 Mellwook, J 18--, “15 Reader. L Ga50- 3p roy. Mf 6-100 ee graan--stionn Browas Val. FE os 4 rew, L 11... 21. ell, M 11_--. 500 over, B Gu---- ; ‘ollywood, J 50 Midland, F 3._-- .441 Readland. N 12 — 200 ann, D 142,598 Ki tap Brownaville.; BG , _ Faulkner, F 9- 21.822 Boydsville, “A 14 Poe eee os a ee rib hast te outage gen OM ey GSNUD SVs es SS cede hammer sot Brushcreek, E 5 ed Franklin. B - 27.681 Boynton, 0 15... 200 Draughon, K 4. 200 Hon, G 3 a Millwilve M 11--. 60 Red ai; B 15 21.801 Duckerman. D i2 200 rene 22,031 ath Mawr. H 12 119 Fulton, A 10-— 19:364 Bradford, B 11-- 350 Driggs, F 4. pre S00 oper nly Baa ezae= Milo, N L 8_---1.500 Redfi Pee AB Geaoe at {Te peal Se TiS IESE D 6_..._8.507 uena Park, I 1 300 Galanin 0-. 11.182 Branch ayaa ae 342 Dryden, C tei 75 Horatio 5 Mineol TGs ce 75 Bedtets, Te9 2.5006 Tupelo, DP sashes i7s Los Angeles, 507 Bulwinkle, B 2 0 300 2. a 1a eA ogy ae , ees r i i ifork, K ) aid! ie 817 Burbank. | 2 Cee ye ne Bradley, N 5 370 Dumas, K 137 Hot Springs eat eh eacrree ny arietiigg ar dirt edfork..K 12 1. 150 ao. = H 9__{ ank, H { 500 » J 8_---- : aces 290 Pp 2eee 1.124 prings, I 6-11, ineral Spgs., K Redleaf, N 12 50 ‘Turner, | 8.---- 100 Made: --936.455 Burli ik, H 9~—__2.913 « Greene, B 4 10.710 Brentwood, C 3. Dunnington, D 11 Houston, G 8___ 695 Minturn ,K4 777 Reed -- 100 rner, I 13 OOF aia Daten ar inh cae 7 ~ Hempstead, L 5 26.105 Briggsville, G 5-- 100 Dutch Mills, © 2- et as ae eee Be oor caine: Rodis 100 Purrell, @ 15-——- 100 Marin, Grnerenit es conan ~ Hot Spring, L 5 31,602 Brighton B 15_.- 50 Dutton oe 2. 7 Hoxie, B 12_--_ 150 Mofiit.” A 14___-- 110 Rar ville, K 11-- 50 Tyro, K tee 200 Mariposa, Butcher Ranch, _ whe Howard “th 7 17.784 Brightstar, N 4. 350 Dyer, D 2e------ Ee See ramet Seat OTinic: rag po ge goo T¥ronza, B i5_- ange nec ney BS 3 G5 122 ileherdence. 18'565 Brightwater, Fer 100 : eecee OOD Pee eat © 16... 100 Monr e, © 15---1.066 R at. Kr t0h saan 1740 , 5.. 259 Merced, J 5-- Butte City, F 5 122 veara, BoP 2! B28 Belikley, 12-2014 Bagleton, it Sec 430 Humphtey, 1°11. 338 Montang, 1 3-2-- 190 bot Aiea get Unie, Js Mone e Byron, O12 Bo es * 0... 13.87] Brookings, A 13- eton, H 3. er, F 12... onte N art hea --- mpire, J 4____ V Ls eng Cahui J —~ 13.871 B , Se 450) on e Ne, A 3_- hea, Cees ’ Ae AOS Monterey 4 ahuill Geramos. 3 16. 25.440 Brookland, a'i3. 100 Bago, CTonnann, 100 Huntington, 6 3.1, ES moaitoaiee 3, 86 Riceville. F 15 - Joy Union, B10 128 Napa, A b 62: Gates R 9. 150 eee a ce cre SE siithe ie es East Sylamore, D ee agen Boas tn i 10.. 75 Richmond int WS Urbane, N SPR DS aera! : alipatria, § 11-785 ‘ a AES ° ? ; *hmond a rhana, N <00 Orange 5-—---10.850 Calistoga. S ll. 785 Lafayette me 21.062 Brownsville. D 3 200 ore g, N 9-----1,261 Moreland’ M 11.. 404 Bic . L 3--- 300 Uzzell : aa ange, I 10 dalistoga, A 9 3) Since: 1d Se'cos peg ny ee B10 100 Ida, D 10. AS emi area Bic) Min Bed 1 el, G ll... 50 Placer, B B.22718'384 Callahan, B 4__— 850 Lee. G 1: 12 29'998 Bruno, B 7_----- 500 Hdgemont, D 9-- 100 Imboden, B 12-- 30 Mo ganton, EH 9-. 150 ison, K 9 --.- 685 Plumas, B_ 6_---5.6 Calpella, B 2__— 250 Lincoln, B= 28.F eee Sore oy ns Beare ss an Tinelda, BIS. 630 Morrilton, 7.23.10 pdt ay aa eg ale Vale, B Boxee 19 Riverside, I 12.50, So Canee amet: tle River. L3 16:30! uekner, M 5... 36 amondsen. BY 15 ngram SO MEMORAIS ary KES Lime Robrov EtG 100 Springs, _ ento, Camel aes 6. 400 . : —— = _ Le 9 tn . 5, iy, A Ya nt = ) Fagin, Te 5_-.= 25,88 Buckrange, 4. 108 Begen,’ 1 it. eae Morrison Biutt. BS, 100 Htodney. 10 222 150 van Buren, H 965.398 Ba Benito ks Campbell, i ii. 990 ; os dgger, cs ai oO = : i saad 8.995 - 93 |S pay C4. 14.918 om alee M 7- 280 rar D ie bee en's Dw 318 er re 100 Roe ii rH 9 --- 100 ee I re A San ae eee ee Senn ae AS 308 ion, B 7... 10. 0, Cee aine, I acksonyille, 4 R ere 7 Sa aS re si 4 2 ; So Be ae air 10:188Y Busey 3 = mE rs wee tee a AD 492 Renwer, Lao 22 Vanndale. 5 [eo ee eatiposees. Jen bes 200 Mississippt. Gis lo er N 5. ee 0 Jamestown » ll 400 oh Ory, ~ Na d aed Rondo. a = os gepe Rs rt pets wt San pEeneisens aptonville, 200 on “ er, Ey are s _ -- a esta, H 3. Ta soc 4 "506.678 5 = Montgoinery, 18 a Butlerville, aT et Elliott, M 7 oon cisely ae 258 os a nar oe erst ig hE be M aE =a ey San aici -506,678 toerbie B $3 5 pt evada, L 6 s Bllisville, L-9--- Jenny Lind, F 3_ Mt. Moriah. L 6- 69 Rose Bud. E 9 Levon, En Zoeon< 200 8 _ © 13-.79.905 oobat rates = Newton, © 6___ 21.934 Cabool, K 9. 5 Dlisworth. E 5--- 92 Jericho, BE ° # 3. 500 Mt. Oli ‘jah, L 6. 75 Rosi ud. E9 -~. 100 Vilonia, F 9__-- 200 San Luis Obispo 8.9065; ren MS ete og Cabot Gii0s2.__ 250 Fimo, D J 5ew- 74 Jerome, 15... 200 Mt. Pleas © 9--. 100 Rosevi Did wn 5 Vincent, F set M. 5..21.893 Carmel, K Pail e 7. me 79.908 Cades' Gap, 15. au Plmore, ii aes 200 Jerasieuae BT br Mt. Von . 350 Bpeston Eee ae 50 vines H 13.2 350 San Mateo, ee pi et ane 5 2S aaeon : --- 1 : ey: , Ep: 5 we es 2 pS Bett Phillips, 118. 44-530 Cadeston: J t1;- 50 Bi Paso. F 9---- 200 Joella, M 6.—---- ong eatery, lan eee eee 300 Vict te bee Santa Bares to 30 78t Case Podates ae D i3- et itu (pe cer fA ae re Johnstown, D 12_ ad oro, J 5 730 Royal, I 6 ebb cit - © sonta © N 5..41,097 Casmali es 1, a. vee eee leet - 13 50 ee x 10___2,408 orig M 10 es Near i K 12 75 Rosell, Os ee at “ikea Sei 00 et Caspar ia. ; , re aes, ’ ee Be ish, 11-2. er, D 15. ashville, K 4___ udy, D 3 ---- abbaseka w= 10 Ss 2__100.676 Cas . be Peniries G1 = 971153 Cale, L 6 150 Enola, F LOOM Tohaehoroe Colas 200 Natl PERI) geek lea ntee § Reke 100 W , 1 10 250 anta Cruz 76 stroville. 124 e, L 6_------ 125 a= 104 oro, C 14__ han, J 4___ Russell, ager, B 3. ) z, Oeeacne , Piet, aSadagee Site, E'S *, B8 Bite, Neat ugha, FHL AE AS IG eet witch, ei: Giama, @ ats Gunde, G2" in SEM 822 = 5 a I v rs., K . 0, -- 85 Sierra, — aA BatiTe 2. 175 Saint Franci 12 17,713 Camden, L 7 50 anchiodiCy 11_.. 509 mater K 3.. 200 Sa Waldr Ce Tod aE SG 36] arville, © 7 8. Gap ede 3.238 yadal A 4.2.429 NW 653 New eton, C 14__ 888 Sage, B 10 --. 6o W on; G “32.918 Siskiyou, A ‘783 Centerville. D - 600 P13 28.285 Ca . A 10__---- 115 ale. D 15.-- 150 K ewark, D 11 Saginaw, J 7 --- 25 alker, F 1 18 Solano, ” 4__18,545 Ceres, 11-1.000 Saline, H 8 885 nehill, C 2. 4 Evansville. C 2 Kearney, I Newburg. e=—, 906) =St; Ch __- 250 Walnuthil AT eee B 11__40.6 C rea , laos , pes sville. ae : j ee : e . Chi Son -740;¢02 Charte aaaee OST Scott. G 4 46.781 Canfield, N 5. pat Evening Shade. B 150 Kedron, K 9---- 350 New Bai SS TOE Vi5ee st ee I 12 200 Walnut 7S N5 300 Sonoma, A 9 SU REC er Oak. H10 35 Searcy, C 8... 13.932 Cargile, N 8 reer ae Everton, B e.Bll 290 Kelso, | SE 1255 Newt inburg.L9 435 St. rancis, A 15 501 Waln K.. Kil 82 Stanislaus, 52.090 Cherokee. HB 4. a7 : ae Jct i ee 45 as Eee 1 7heatcanne Kodees Newhope, J 4 ; t. James, C ut Rid a - Chico, E = 216 Sebastian.. F 14.590 Carlisle, H_ 10 Pxcelsior 5 Kensett “> 231 New Lewisville. _ 125 § . 10_ 300 Ee, EB 13 ico, H 4_____9,33 fe 3_ 5 ie B02 MEW Sis. > 87 «Keny NES pe: oe ewisville. t. Joe. B " B , Sutter, F 43.557 Chica ---9,339 oe ie: BE-T59” Carson, i B6.-- 300 Pairoaks, F we Reavone @ Vs ena a eee St. Paul, tee Ward io: a oon Tehania, 0 pi lOdS pote et ny eee ra h. “ F, ee v Ly St, - fe a , < = Y §.8.872 prone. C9 ae co oped re ei Rairview, Rog os Sy Gilg esos at Newnata. ¢ a 9 75 St. Miseants Be 509 Warden, tes 150 “Spee an ae hinese Camp. 872 nion, N 8.22. 29,691 Cass. alcon, M 5----- SS ere hones Now eee 12 Salado, D 11 Pare -ORae eRe -- Chino, 5 226 Van Burn. i$ tam Cassog, 33 Piuctines CR 150 Kinin Soa BL Newitocey cbmc tt Sandshana, "Eo 103 Marcas amas BOB Yan EEL Gatlin Peg White, F ef 3 35.498 Cato, G 9 Farmington. B Kingdon Spas... 8 ASOLaNiminons AC isas 1.408 panel ae N 8 60 springs, olo, G 3. . ula Vista, ) Woodruff, Neer eee a oa BE 4. 145 Fapattociis. B23. 5.36 5 Eiger, as 397 Nimrod, A 15_- 297 Biratoxa, iL 4 16 160 Warren, i on 12, 100 Yuba, F 4. . (asemane . 181.718 er ba. n, nue f elsenthal Bs Hoe 15 mae as oe Chambersville. 18 200 re Sextth. Pete pt babi OR ene Geen etar te Selma, BOB {3 Foon Si aaa ty Albion, DP li--2.402 Gelert e a 321.000 : pan 5 nolle, M8 e rer elles Tett on” akleat:: Wie sne ettleme eye esley, B ey leatra __-_ 500 College Ci O--~-- 573 Alix, 'B 4 => 391 Chapelhill, J 2 75 Wountainhill. M 10 319 Ladd, J Samer ane Odellniy Sess .e- fg peetien fad aa 300 Wesson, 4---- 100 Alderpoit D 10__ 171 ege City, F 4 285 noo ss ae Sel aera Peres 455 Geteche. pe Me io) ek Ae ik 200 Ogam Wip2eesean 100 Seyppel, G_15-—- Co a aoe See 100 a loerpoint.. ie ae College Park 285 PANis ete 10... 300 Charlotte. © a 734 Fourche D 7_--- 104 Lake City fi i3 310 Ogden, f M 7. (15 i pe deen L 5-- 100 ern Grove, § Alhambra, H 10-9 098 E 11_1.000 j Alma, B 3 Chatfield, F jim 75 Franklin, Bi H9 115 Lake Di ty, O 14. 635 Oil Tre Ei fanaa 250 She ut. J 5... 50 W B 7 100 Al eghany, F 5. 50 Collinsville. © 12 ne Alor Sion Cl . F 14... 150 in, B 10--- 150 ick, J 10__ rough, D 11 Shelbyville, C estfork, C 3. ! liance, B 1___ 500 Colma, D 250 TES pee PS ae aspera Big Pete villager Me Orsteia, Ase 20s Sheri 1 Aa, So Wert Helena, eee MS 200 Coloma, Be Alpena Pass, A 6 Cherry Val... F-13 Frostville, -- 285 : y His Ok ee 492 Shi : 10--- 350 Westpoi 14_6,.226 Alpau ? 11. 300 on, H_12___4.98: Alpine, J i 6 @hestors1D. 3 -13 300 Fulton <= No5ces Leia M 12.1.449 0 a eee 655 niloh, D_9_.-- 598 stpoint, F 11. 4 paugh, L 6_. cates Columbia, I 5.-- +282 as ster, ae 5 rs. mar, B 5. ldtown, I 55 Shirley, D -- 232 Wheelin 162 Alpine, S -- 250 Colus: 7 5--- 600 « Altheimer. --- 100 Chickalah - 223 -.-. 543 Lambethville. B15 542 Olena, I 14_-- 100 Shoalere 6_-_- 349 Whe: ig, A 10. 65 A »S 9----- 100 a, BF 4_____ 46 ae oe “aa ee Chikasawba, Oi6 ao Ae Ldg.. M12 75 Tana, WS aeredey ite Olyphant, 1 i3-- nap Blase Oe Ae a ape Wihelen Spe, a3 amt Alton "ol at 100 Congean z ii" Bio Si « air, Gee eee ester, L 7. ainesville. B ancaster, D 3___ ma, I 6, 2._ 120 Sidon, P 10_--- 300 Hite. N10. 3 137 Altura ------ 200 Con 4 ~-~1,478 AMityed bone 200 Choctaw, B 8__-- 280 Gaither, B 14 100 Landis, 0 8... 50 Omal ieee alas 100 Sili 10... 100 White Cli 10-3s.. )'200,. Al Be T-aae 919" (C cord, C 11 01° Amos, A 8 rahe 680 Cincinnati. ne 75 Galena, g Tescnute: aod 150 0 OL are 500 ica, H_ 8---- | 200 ite Cliffs, L 3 10 varado. D. 11-1 00 ae EB 7- a Any Poe Ls 2, L nalaska, L Siloam Spgs 90 White Hall 0 Alviso, E -1.000 Coppe T2320 ee teas ties eee ithe == 1 Maa DB Se aeaee Wileatteee a8 Ain OT Pe tee oc cee eae jetsi = fi Slavko wn. ep ee EL Cag treet eae sete Ghat eee oe Aplin, G@ Tice @ Clay, #10. - Garner, F Langley, | Osage, B Bo. Le aera Cae er Whiteriy, 6 A reich nee presap een cite sa ~ 380 Appleton, B 7___ 150 Cleveland, B 3--- 75 Garretson 0-70 ; Tapio N 9. 5 Osage ‘Mile 7 Seaithaate. M 7 150 Wega K 12 40 sel iistand. Sannin $771,449 Ard 22203005 Cli --- 159 : 0-- 200 ; =- 8 Smithdale. F 14 985 W rock, D 4. 75 Ci orona, I ‘ Mtcoente to. ee mnie Db On fp tater SS pee pape pierce See eee eters 50 Wiens AAS agate 10 285 Coronailo, M. i5-3.280 a, 1 ‘on, = , B iad vaca, x uacl Ppt ithville a 1 3---- . ance 10 So 2_3.28 of Arkadelphia, 6.3, 138 Clio, Re — 500 Geridze, epee tee Tenant, a Fa 350 Owensvitien 1% 125 Smithville, |B 12 800 Widener, Seb Nags oy ae ae Fae ms Gore uedere: Bo 300 ana, B 9_____ ‘lyde, Pane Oe : ermantown. F 7 “ “ebanon, J 3-_-- 8 xford, B- = Snowball, GC 7. 50 Tildcher st <— > Costa nga 7: 9 607 Se Rerigas Oy oan 72 3h0 Ginera TT. RE acd tee ary page eiee aS Mca ey A cy ta tine Witleockson Be o0150. Antioch. 0 eae Soitiwonteeinte 200 L121 1a ee BE tifford, I 7_---- ‘ veland, M 12_--- zark, 1 6-----1,2¢ myder, M eae Jilliford, B ne pplegate 2_-1.936 Coultervil * 600 Arkind -1.482 Cobb 5ST Gilk - 200 Leol ---- 200 0 -----1,262 i M 11--. 60 ; 2.. 357 A 2 G 5. 2 ille. I 6 35 Ree ace K 2_ s, H 10-- 7 ey, G 6- ola, J 5- zone, D 5. , Social Hill Willisville, M 7 ~Aptos, G 11 250 County Fa 3 350 tmada, D 3___. 148 Coffee, H 13__--- 7 Gillett. =_-- 100 Wepanto, D 15__- 482 jn----= 60 Sol cepts (aes nOOl eV LL _M6.. 50 Arbuckle, F 3_- S78 | Oourtiaid. - PT 225 = Atmore, 2 g-- 300 aio a ee 15 cithatn,” aes 155 Leslie. 08 ee 98g Palarm Gs 7 Solzohachta. F 8_ 15 rate a Tao 150 peled ts E 3--1.300 ee a B 13_ 650 e --= 2 pon Reine " iv — 0c. ens 0 ermmantnwioa 5 * * haa ne ’ elo, Le s—---- Ae conn, tt fe Climate: gag. 29 Esti, "aio am Palas @ Sens 1 Sti Fie Wiiinstas, Wa'9) Arnona, pS 389 ovine. Br F.—1.990 Ash Flat, B hye Colt, F18_----.- Glenwood, I 5_-- BOURLOvsIG Giese oe 252 Pangburn, AS 297 Southern “sd it~ 884 Wilson’ D 11_. 627 Aromas, 6 Coyote, F 12---- “300 Ashton, M oo 150 Columbus, Galician Dette 3 Tewlarillesea 5a: 673 Paragould, eth 706 ome. Wilton’ L ees 500 Arotis, pase ve 2... 169 haps a oe oe C 4 aesradage Gettin 82 pextogton, D: si one Paraloma, K 4 a Southfork. A 11 5 45 Winchester. L 11 294 Arrowhead. H 12 2 Crescent City Ha aut es Gases eek ra: fe eee ea ere ge 6 og Ya boat By A i cr, aid : 6e. ‘ones. Needes eee ) Light, 2 ae ale, re parkman, K 7_- in kK 3. 25 sanage = Augusta, B 12-1 150 Conway, F 8__--4,564 Grandfiela, J 4.- 318 Limestone a hae. 25 Perkin, eee 1 - 284 Spielerville ue 561 Witchervilla. 3-. 250 Artesia, I iN 4 760 Creston, M eer Austin, G 10____ .731 Cord, C 12 a Grady, J 11 -. 175 Lincoln, C .. 100 Park Pl -1.378 Spotyille, | 5. 100 Withers e. F 3 110 Atascad 0__.2.000 Crock » M 4... 100 Auvergne 4 168 Corinth yt eee ie Grannis, J 3----- ae Linder, F 4 ----- 534 ee Slag a 75. Soringdaie ees 100 1 a lag se 7 200 atone 5 M 4-1.650 Feowe tits 10__1.800 . soraianatCneeiel O } . J Dammnm 2 EF Ou. ef ’ et ae a J | 9 ng, pate £ bi pomnceatones FJ 10 250 Grapewine, 7 9.. 200 LITTLE ROCK. 50 Patmos. Meee ann Springfield, Fr 8. pie Wofford, Boe 166 Auberry, K GL is. Gh E'13 300 tes III 100 Corning, A K 10, 189 Gravette Ge ere hd gp iere ey eee Sprinstown, ‘B 2 140 Womble, 1 6-43 Ayalon, are a a alboa, B eotters-B 8-20 — rays, F Rasy, cust Bayo S Stam ' 40 Woodson, I 8 100 Azusa,” ----_ 586 , 9 50% Rald Knob. Pit 200 Cotton Plant. __ 884 Sn i psa 100 Locust Ctaelato 50 Peak, I 5 A 14 484 Stanley? br fects Worghtevill o: S73 usa, H 10---2.460 Daly Cit epee Ti Gees. Pe eae G1 ee ee F S__ red lib G8 9 ae Pearcy, Lor pecs of? Staple, a ae of Wyanoka See 9 200 Bagdad P u2 138 Daggett ee 779 anner, D 10____ untiss, treenfiel = ondon, BP 6_-.-- ea’ Ridge, As i one 5 5-5 5 akersfi L-- 135 D > ——-— 104) epee RE Lan “ora hee eee I a BD a oe Rented A See Bees One 2130208 Sean Paste Sees teeusen BR aoe Done "e Ti 706 Rerfield, G 16__- 200 Crawfordville, __ nic ge faT comsks, Se Lt ee hee tee 7 eGR Stacia MO 709 ok Banaing, T iSc22L.80 Heb nay ae Seage Barling, @ 8.1... 110 Pl Greenway. A 15_ 147 Lonoke, H 10---- 15 Pekin.) O:-14202 65 Sterling, 6. 769 Sale, D5... =, Barstow, 13__-1.810 Death Valley, 935 Savon, Wait. 100 Crickett, A Aces Seed Greenwoor. She ie - Lonsdale, eee Pooniheiacs is 150 iio gia 80 ancl Ki 42 ~ Bartlett Bie 9__ ‘800 1 alley, ..-. 250 Crittenden. F 14. 100 chips M Tene 4 Lorine, A 13. = Penrose, P12 re Stonewall. B “1 90 at Bs. 615 Batavia, he al 160 Decoto, D 11 11 200 riffithville. F 11 fan aor Prairie, Perla, I 7 wy 270 Strawberry, C 12 BO aaa nk dd J 10. 175 Baypoint, © 4121 114 Dehesha, L 13. 500 owell, B 3. Perry, F 7 eee 54 “be N 9 100 gstown, K10 136 Bayside, B 1 - -200 Delano, M 6 = 100 Perryville, G 7 aa livtteart, “0 1d acd bor Bear Val., J 6- fe Del Mar. Lb 12... a & Subisco. FP 5___ apes Zebulon, J 5. 125 Beatrice, O 1. aaa Del Rey, K ria 00 e220 181> Zent, G12 ees 50 peek: I 13, oat Diamond’ Spring _ 100 ae eckwith, B 6. 250 G 7 2 Di _ G5 250 inuba, °K 6---.3.400 Bates, G 6 - So anaes reat nee on . , Ute & Orosses. - Grubbs, Lowry, ettigrew Belden D . ——<— rail . Denair, BE 13---.- 200 Dinuba, K 16----3,490 Dixon, G S.4-deas 926 Dorris, A 4.-... 424 Dos Palos, J 5-- 550 Dos Rios, B 2--- 200 Dougherty, D 11 150 Douglas Flat. H5 135 Downey, I 9----2,00 Downieville, Drytown, H 5.- 20Q Duarte, H 10--. 600 Dublin, I 3--..- 150 Dunnigan, G@ 3-- 150 Dunsmuir, B 42.528 Durham, BD 4... 350 Dutch Flat, F 5 400 Eagle Rock, H 9-2.256 Eagleville, C 7-- 200 kK. Highlands, H12 500 Easton, E 10--- 500 East San Diego. S 84.148 East San Pedro. H 9 800 El Cajon, L 13-. 469 Elcasco, I 12_--- 100 El Centro, S 11-5,464 El Cerrito, C 11-1.505 Eldorado, G 11-- Eldridge, B 10. Elkcreek, E 3.- Elkgrove, A 13-- Ellisworth. C 13- Elmira, B 11... El Modena. I 11 El Segundo, H10_-1,56: El Monte. H 10_1.28: Kl Portal, J 5-. Die Bids Ey ooo te Elsinore, J 12_- El Segundo, H 10_1,56: El Verano. B 10 Emerald Bay. G6 Emeryville, D 10_2 Emigrant Gap, F6 Empire, I 4.-- 2 Encanto, S 8_-- Encinitas, L 12. Engelmine, a ee Escalon, I scondido. K “43_1.789 Esparto, G 13. 200 Etiwanda, H 12-. 400 Kina, -B SoS 7 Etua Mills, B 3 Eureka, B 1-_-12.923 Evergreen, E 12. 300 Bxeter, L T----1.852 Fairfield, B 11--1.008 Iairoaks, G@ 4-- 500 Palk G- 1 eee 300 Fallbrook, K 12. 500 Fallriver Mills, Cd 350 larmersville. L 6 300 Farmington, I 4. 225 Felton, F 11... 439 Fernando, or San Fernando. H 9_1.100 Ferndale, C 1--. 919 Fetters Spgs, A 9 328 ieldbrook, C 2--1,.200 Fillmore, O 6.-1,597 VFirebaugh, K 5. 543 Florence, H 9-.- 750 Florin, A 13_.-. 385 Folsom City, G5_1.500 Fontana, H 12. 250 Forbestown, F 5. 222 Forest, F 5 -.-= 250 Forest Knolls. H2 500 Forest Ranch. E4 200 Foresthill, G 5.. 400 Forestville. A 8. 184 Ft. Bidwell. B 7_ 450 Ft. Bragg, E 1-2,616 Ft. Jones, B 4. 33 Fortuna, Ci 1_-. 986 Fowler, K 6_--1.528 Franklin, A 13_- 109 Freeport, A 13. 101 Freestone, A 8_. 100 French Camp. C13 238 French Corral. F5 125 French Guleh. C3 600 Freshwater. B 1. 111 Fresno, K 6 _._.45.086 Friant, K 6-_-.- 100 Fullerton, I 10_.4.415 Galt. Bia 985 Garberville. D 2. 100 Gardena, I 9 _--1.200 Gardengrove, 110_-1,200 Gaviota, O 4-_-. 160 Georgetown, G 5_ 400 Germantown. E 4 400 Geyserville, F 2__ 600 Giant. CO 10-.<= 500 Gibsonville, DB 5- 200 Gilroy, G 13_-_-2.862 Glendale, H 9__13.586 Glendora, H 10_-2.028 Glen Ellen, A 10_ 210 Gloryetta, Q 7. 500 Goleta, 0 5. - .- 500 Goshen, L 6_--. 200 Grangeville, L 6. 153 Graniteville. F 5. 246 Grass Valley. F5_4.006 Grenada, A 4__. 200 Greenville. B 5_-_ 500 Greenwood. G 5. 307 Greenwood, B 9__ 500 Gridley, F 4_..-1.686 Grimes, F 4... 150 Grubgulch, J 6. 159 Guadalupe. N 4. 900 Gualala. F. 1.--.. 150 Guerneville, A 8. 600 Guinda, G 8... 800 Gustine, J 4_--.- 716 Halfmoon Bay, E 10-1.100 Halleck, or Oro Grande, P 9_-_ 340 Hamilton City. E 3_1.016 Hammonton, F 4. 850 Hanford, L 6_--5.888 Hap. Camp, A 3_ 163 Harbor City. Q 7 150 Harris; .D ~~ 2--.. 180 Harrison, E 10__ 200 Hawthorne, H 9_1.500 Haydenhill, C 6. 350 Hayfork, ©. 3--= 114 Haywards, D 11_3.487 Healdsburg, G 2_2,412 Hemet, I 13_---1.480 Hercules, © 11_- 373 Hermon, H 9.-- 450 Hermosa Beach. Hi G2 2in27: Highgrove, H 12_ 350 Highland, H 12. 693 Hillsboro, B 10-- 931 Holden, H 4---_ 341 Flolmes,* @),2--.-- 200 Hollister, J 3 ___2.781 TIO oes ae 400 Hollywood, Hf 9_1,000 yy - CALIFORNIA-CONT’D af teks et! San Marino. H 10. Coalmont, B 8-- 1 5 i yall Cokedale, 0 14-- 502 Colo. City, FE 15--4,333 Colorado Springs, -30,105 COLORADO Denver, 1858, aati ot as a Ter- Hornbrook, A 4 Newport Beh, “310 San Pablo. © 10-- 11 ; Como, G 10 eae Concrete, J 15 Conejos, O 10_--- San poe C 10__ ‘Nipomo, N 4--.. 3 F Beach, J 10_~--1,687 Y ] oe poe Barbara, — Admitted as a State DME eet saris ist, 1876. Northbranuch. Santa Clara. B 11-5.220 Y Santa Cruz, G11_10.917 Santa Margarita. M Santa Maria. N 4.3.943 Santa Monica. N. San Hea ee L12 / water, 290 square S 11--1,885 N. San eure PS 5. Independence, 1 Santa Paula. O 63.967 g Population: Inglewood, Eo. <3, an Census, 939,629, we Capital, Denver, Sausalito, Cc 10. County. Key Adams, B 15_---14,430 Alamosa, M 11 5 H 5----1.601 Sawyere Bar, B 3_ ; Jenny Lind, H 5_ Johannesburg. NS Ocean Beach. core H 9a—t he D 12_-31,861 I 10___.7,753 Clear Creek, F11_2,891 O 10___8,416 N_12___5,032 Junction City, C3 Shasta Retreat. A4d Sheepranch, H 5. Sheridan, G 4.-.. Suingletown, D 4 C 4_-_-1,.800 Oregon House, Sierra City, F Sierra pooh ie F 13..056, 491 Dolores, M 4 saeel, 243, Sierraville. F G_- La Crescenta. H 9 El Paso, I 13_-44,027 Fremont, J L217, Se Raed 8 9, Owensmouth, H m1 cast 304 250 Smartville. F 5-- Oxnard, P 6...-4.417 Smith River. A 2. Pacheco, C 11-.- Soldier Home. Soledad, K 3. Somerset, A 5--- La Manda Park. PAciic Grove Jackson,’ B9_.021,840 PD 12-14/400 Kiowa, J 19---_-3,755 Lake, G 9:---.-- 6,630 La Plata, N 4_-11,218 Larimer, B 13_ 27,872 Las Animas,014_38,975 Logan, B 18__--18,427 Mesa, H Saushe ae, Moffat, B 4 __-_5,129 <0! J 4_-11,852 D 16_- ae 124 esc ij 16 L L 13.--1.004 Palms, H 9------ 1,000 Palo Alto, HB 11-5.900 Parkfield, “L 4--— 207 Pasdtienn! H 9_-45.354 Paso Robles. M 4-1. 2 Te b-Saaee 1.684 Soulsbyville, £6. South Pasadena. H South San Fran- i D 10_-_-4.411 Standard, H 3 Stanford Univer- Las SA, _K 16 Flagler, G 18 -__-_ Fleming, B 19__ Peunro Valley. D 10 4 00 ‘ La Verne, H 11--1.698 Stanton, I 10_--- Stege, C 10 500 Stockton, C 15-40, 296 Stonyford, Bigs Pescadero, F Lemoncove, L 7__ Ft. Logan, Lemongrove, M 13 Ft. Lupton, or Lupton, D 138_-1,014 organ, D16_3,818 595 Stratford. M 6___ Pinegrove. Heb. i Sulphur Creek. F: i ace 14_ ZT, re Rio Blanco, D 4_3,135 Rio Grande, M9_-7,855 8,945 Sumi eniaid: 0 5 Little River. : Little Shasta. Saguache, L 10__4,638 Sedgwick, ‘A 20_4,207 I i bree “1808 Pt. Reyes Station, Suttercreek. H Swayne, IF 5 NieG sees 3.317 Talbert, I 10---- Wy2022s ai 13'897 Long Beach, Poway Absess Taylorsville, Ef 6. Meche seh 300 Terra Bella. M (= H 10_--1.000 Quartz, L 5 Aguilar, N 14__.1,236 Akron, D 18. il Altman, I 122-2. Amherst, B. 20. Lower Lake. F Rail Road Flat. H5 2 Ramona Park. I Saath O00 McFarland, N 6_- D 13_____2.450 F 6 ..-1.500 Hartman, L 20_- Hastings, N 14. 587 B19 ss Hayden, C 6_--. 455 Heiberger, DB 13. 200 Henderson, BE 13 200 Hesperus, O 4 Madera, K 5-5-3444 Redding, © 4_. e, L 62-2--3.539 Tarlock, (1 4.2.5, 3.394 Tustin ss 1 10s es 1.800 Redondo Bch, Haxtum, Mecnasie June- Arriba, G 18 Arrow, D 10_... Arvada, DP 13_-_. Redwood Val., Ukiah, F 2._____ 2.305 Upland, H 12_-__2.912 Upper Lake, F 2. Manhattan, P 7__ Marysville, F 4__5 Vacaville. B 11__1.254 Valle} B. 102-221 107 Valley Center, K13 350 ‘Avondale, K 15-- Itiverbank, hie: hoes 000 Mendocino, E 1_-1.5 Ventura, 0 6____4.342 Bayfield, O 5.--- Menlo Park. E 11 Ehdibie eS Sie Beulah, L ip villa "Park, Q 8_- Berthoud, B_13_- Middletown. G 13 425 Millbrae, D oT Aasposss Hossa: Waddington, C1. Walnut, P 7. Walnutcreek. © 11 Walnut Grove. B13 y 6 Mission San Jose. gem pts ieee Brandon, K 20___ Breckenridge, F10 7! Briggsdale, B 15 200 Brighton, BE 13_-2, dit i 0 Brookside, I 12... Brush, O 17 Buena Vista, Burlington, G 21_ SACRAMENTO. 0} bE d I 4___9.241 Mokelumne Hill. San Andreas, San Anselmo, C 9_ “2. San Bernardino. Watsonvitte, ay ey 013 ; z Ho eos 4.529 Montague, A 4___ i 4 5 Bao eee 1.500 Monte, P 7. San Buena Ven- . : Westminster. 110. 575 Monterey Park. 4 Ae Westport, E 1___ San Diego, M 1274.6: 4 Monterey, K 3. 8. 479 2 Wheatland. F 4__ Monte Vista, i San Fernado. or I 10___7.997 * ¥ ae Canon City, J 12_4,551 Capitol City, L6. 15 Carbondale, G T- Castle Rock, G 13 Cedar Edge, I 4. Central City, M11 Chandler, K 12_. Cheraw,. L 16__-. Cheyenne Wells, I 20 Chromo, OG San Francisco. as Willow, E 4_ Morgan Hill, San Gabriel. H10_2.6 Lamar, Mountainview. Si Woodbridge, B 13 400 Woodlake, L 7_-- San Jose, B 11__39.642 2 Woodland, G 4__4.147 San Juan Bautista, Napa, By 10_..---6.757 c b 2 San Juan Canis- National City. Yermo, P 10 Yettem, L 7 Yountville, A 10_ A 1.277 Yuba Qity, F 4 Rade Leandro. Dit_5. Navarro, 0 reel Nevada’ City, F5_1.782 New Almaden. Coalcreek, J 12__ San Suis Obispo. Coal Creek nae San Luis Rey, | COLORADO Cortez, N 2----- 5 Cotopaxt; J 102s 221 Coventry, K 3. 401 Craigs (O; S22 -oees 1,297 Crawford, I 5--- 149 Creede, L 7 _---- 5 Crestel Butte, J 7-1,213 Crestone, L 11--_ 74 Cripple Te Orook# A JOS. = es 232 Crowley, J 16... 224 Cucharas, or Cuchara Jc., M 18 351 Curtis, I 14.-.--- 5 Dacono, O 14.--. 172 De Beque, G 4-. 292 Delagua, N 14---1,035 Del Norte, M 9-1,007 Deltat*ries. Po 2,623 ¢ eee F13_256,491 Dickey, F 10__-- 134 Dillon, F 10_---. 126 Divide; 12-22 22 152 Dolores, N 3---. 465 Doyleville, J 8... 153 Dunton, M 3---. 101 Durango, O 5.---4,116 Hads, J. 192.2202 406 Eagle, :F 7saccce 358 East Canon, J 12 445 Eaton, O 14_-_.1,289 Eckley, D 2045-3 332 Edgewater, B 13_ Edith, O Elbert, Eldora Elizabeth Elkton, I 12-2... <3 El Moro, O 14._ 351 Empire, EB 11---. 105 Engle, O 14__--_ 801 Englewood, F 134,356 Erie;> D A322. 697 Espinoza, O 10-- 401 Estes Park, C 11 : Eureka, L 5_---- 160 Evans, O 14... 505 Evergreens, F 12 153 Fair Play, G 10_ Firestone, D 138. 214 Florence, K 12_.2,629 Florissant, I 12_ Forbes, O 14---- 400 Ft, Collins, B 12_8,755 Ft. Garland, or Garland, N 11_ 201 F 13_2,500 Fountain, J 14__ Fowler, L 16_---1,062 Fraser, BE 10_--- 290 Frederick, @ 14_-- Belden, F 9_-. 200 Glenwood Springs, F 6_.2,073 Golden, F 13_-_-2,484 Goldfield, I 12. 633 Gorham, FE 12__-- Granada, L 21_-- Grand Junc., H3_8,665 Grand Val., or Balzac, F G_.. 228 Granby, D 10__.. Graycreek, O 15_ 160 Greeley, O 6 14___10,958 Grommet, N 4-_. 400 Grover, A 15---. 195 Guadalupe, O 10_ 158 Guffey, I 11... 209 Guichs Gy 6-2 2=== 400 Gunnison, J 7-_--1,329 Gypsum, E 7_--. 164 Higbee, M 17. Holly, DL 2125-2. Holyoke, B 20__1,205 Hooper, M 10_--__ Hope, ©) 14-222 602 123 Howard, J 10_--- . 175 Howardsville, M5 301 Hoyt) D 165252285 101 Hudson, D 14___ 322 isos Hie 7 ee 838 Idaho Spgs., F11-1, ine Ideal,. M 1goeys 252 Ignacio, O ft; B) 18225 os5 Independent, Ironton, L 5-... Jaroso, O 11---. 300 Jasper, N 8_--. 301 Johnstown, 4 15. 274 Juanita, 0 102 Tulesburg, re “20-1, 320 Keenesburg, O 14 104 Keotay Gri4 =o 2- 129 Kersey, O 14---. 319 Kiowa, G 14___. 148 Kline; Ned=s5 oe 5 Kokomo, G 9_--- NF Kremmling, D 9 254 Lafayette, BE 13_1,815 La Jara, O 10-- La Junta, L_17__4,964 Lake City, L 6. Lakeside, B12... : L 20-5--23512 La Salle, C’ 14___ Las Animas, 1L18_2,252 Lasauses, O 11-- 162 La Valley, O 12. La Veta, M 13_- Lawson, BE 11--- 102 Leadville, G 9__-4, a Tibnon,. .G Tissot, Littleton, F 13_-1, 0 Donia, G, 2es.25" Longmont. D 13_5, rth Loretto, F 13__-- Louisville, Louviers, J 13_-- 125 Loveland, C 12--5,065 202 CONNECTICUT First Settled at "Windsor, 1633. era: One of the Original Thirteen States, Lupton, 'D 1355 MeKissick, D 135_ Mancos, N 3. 5 ¢ Dale =o 129. Manzanola, L 16 5 Matheson, G 16__ Mead, © 14--_ miles. miles. Population: Last Harwinton, re “ap 1 531. awleyville, OBS. Haystack, BE 1__ Hazardyille. J 21,870 Hazardville Sta. or Scitico,. J 2. Capital, Hartford. COUNTIES, ; County Key Pop. Hebron, Fairfield, D 7_820.936 Harttord, 1 3--336.027 Litehtield, B 3. 76.262 Middlesex, J 6- 47,550 New Haven, G6_415,.214 New London, N5-104,611 Tolland, L 3.-. 27.216 Hockanum, I 4__ Windham, O 3_ 52,815 Total___--1,380,631 TOWNS. Key Pop. Abington, N 3. 354 Monte Viate, NO_ 2481 Montezuma, F 10 69 Montrose, I 4__._3,581 Monument, H 13 ia PA Mountain V iew, Gl: Mt. Morsn, B 12_ Nederland, E 12- New Castle, F 6_ New Raymer, C14 Newett, I 10----1,00L ‘Teller, L 7----1,101 N. poneeas C12 262 Oak ead Cte. ‘Olney ’Spgs., K16 Orchard, I 4 Ordway, L 17_ i, Overland, F 13_- Oxon oO 4 Pagosa Junc., 0 6 102 Pagosa Spgs., O7-1,032 Palisades, H 3___ Palmer Lke., H13 Soe B 18 Bloomileid.© I 3--2.394 Pikev jew, T1425. Platteville, D 13_ Poncho Spgs., Primero, 0 13_.-2; 041 Pueblo, K ‘14___43,050 Pyrolite, K 12. "201 Radiant, J 12___ Ravenwood, M13_ Burnside, J 2—--1.856 Canaan, D 1___.. 562 Milldale, G 5____ 415 . O &. 802 Millington, L 6. . O 4 896 Mill Plain, B 6__ 425 Canton, G 3_--_- 2.549 Millstone, M 7___ Canton Center. G 3 205 Centerbrook, K 7 400 Mohegan, N 6___ Central Village, oO Rinvaey: or Ridgway phe 361 5 Fruita, G 2 ~...1,193 Gardner, M 12.. 1 Genoa, G 17---. 1385 Georgetown, F 11 Gilcrest, C 14. Gilman, or Hock Creek, F 9_ 351 Rockvale, K 12__1,249 Roubideau, I 4___ Russell Glch., 500 308 Saguache, L 9___ Sanford, O 10____ Comstocks Bridge. Sedalia, G 13____ Sedgwick, A 20__ Seibert, G 19____ Segundo, O 14___. Severance, C 13_- Shawnee, G 11__. Sheridan, F 15_- Silver Cliff, L 12_ Silver Plme, Silverton, M 5=.-1,150 Simla, G 14 387 Smuggler, L 5... 152 Cromwell, I 5___2.454 Danbury, © 6__-18,943 Niantic, i 0 3.-3.130 Nichols, B 8 Noank, O 7_____1.200 fo en 7.5) Noroton, CG 92a, 175 Darien’ O. $= 4.184 Dayville, 0 3_---1.250 Norfolix, Deep River, K 6_1,907 Derby, F 7-----11.2388 Noroton Heights, Durham, I 6_--. 959 C9 Durham Center. 16 397 N. Ashford, N 2_ e N. Branford, H 7 300 Eagleville, L 3-.. 350 N. Canaan, D 1__1.933 B. Berlin, I 5... 800 N. Canton. G 2__ 200 E. Canaan. D 1_. 500 Northfield, F 4__ Eastford, N 2... 496 Northford. H 6__ . Glastonbury, J4 381 N. Franklin. M 4. 5 N. Granby, H 2__ 312 N. Grosvenor ore Somerset, Ns 0G Be 156 Hotchkiss, I. 5.. 572 Hot Sulphur, Sp. D9 s. Canon, F 62.12 Springfield, N19_ 295 Sarkville, O 14__1,620 Stmbt. Spes., C7_1,249 Haddam. K 6_2. Hampton, J 5_2.394 2.2. Hartland. I 2_ 211 N. Guilford, r BU N. Haven, H 6-1. P 3_1.650 N. Stamford. B 8 500 M 7__.2.291 N. Sterling, P 3. Morris, B 4-__ 150 N. Stonington,O6_1, oan Norwalk. C 9_3.500 Northville, Ci 4__ Easton, D 7__-.- 1.017 E. Port Chester. Strassburg, F 15_ Stratton, G 19___ = 3 Killing] Sunshine, D 12_- me Superior, BD 12__. Swink, L 17 Tampa, D 14____ Teller (N. ele ES ae gee L bok 618 SSaSSESSa5 Towner, 4 Bee O 14-10, H06 Two Buttes, N 20 "8 Valdez,» 0, 14_--- alverde, I" Eee Victor, I 12. voles O 17. Elmwood, I 4_ Enfield, J 2_---11.708 s Lig ie aie 2.815 & Walden, B 9__~_ 2 Walsenbg. "1 M 13.3, oe D Wellington, B13 Westcliffe, L 12_ Weston, © 14_.. Wetmore, K 13_- 521 460 195 ba Wild Horse, I 19 O218221 300 WoodInd Pk., Wray, D CY eae al 538 175 TH 1221,'799 301 Yuma, D 10 CONNECTICUT Griswold, Grosvenor Dale.O2 ee ; a Gurleyville, M 3. ers J _6_--1.736 4820 $8Q. Hallville, N 6___ Hamburg, L 6___ Baddam, Hadlyme, 5 sq. Hampton, N 3___ miles. phos . Hanover, 4,965 SQ. Hartland, ME 325° Kent, Killicets -£ 200 Lebanon, Ballouville, P 3. 450 Ledyard, N 6____1. Tet Baltic, N 5 fe eS 500 Leetes Tsl., 7 200 4____ 608 Liberty Hill. Berkhamieas G2 719 Lime Rock. D 5_ Beacon Falls, F 6_1,593 a ee 4.2998 Long Hill, B 7-2. Bethany, G 6_-__ 411 Long Ridge, B 8_ OO sa ses 3.201 Lyme, L Bethlehem. BD 5.- 536 I, 7. 250 Madisony) J 7" Manchester. J 3. - we © 5. 180 Manchester Green. ~ J Mansfield, L 3___2.574 Mansfield Contes é Bozrahville. M 5- 200 M3 Branchville. C 7- 226 Mansfield Depot.L3 315 Branford, H_ 7_--2.619 Bridgeport, B8_143,595 Bridgewater, D 5 481 Bristol, G 4-____! 20,620 Mechanicsville, 02 Broadbrook, J 2--1,382 Brookfield, G 6_. 896 Meriden, H 5__-29,867 Brookfield Center. C6 896 Brooklyn, O 3_~- 1,655 . J 3.-. 418 Middlefield. I 5__1.047 G 31,109 Mid. Haddam, J5 550 Middletown, I 5_13,638 Milford. F 82___10.193 H 6 250 Ga alles Naugatuck, F 6_15,051 Golebrouk F 2... 492 Nepaug, Colebrook River, Newtown, i nb Greenwich, B 9_.5.939 Higganum, Highland Park.K3 High Ridge. B 3 High Rock Grove. 6 Highwood, G@ 7__ Hopriver, L 4___ Hotchkissville, Bs 250 gtown, E7_9,475 Ivoryton, K 7____ 800 Jewett City, O 5_3,196 iT tawoee 200 Kensington, H Addison, J 4--.. C oe oe “Tosa 6 . G@ 7 300 Kent F ee C4 K 4.__ 389 Kibbe, K aay F 7...17,643 Ashford, M 3_--_ 673 Killingworth. J. 7 531 Lakeville, © Beare BI 200 6 3_-_8.178 Litchfield, B 4___ Marbledale, cD eae Marion, G Marlboro, K Pee 580 Melrose, J 2__-__ 129 Merrow, L 3. ‘Mianus, B 9__ Middlebury, Milltown, O G___ 500 Monroe, E 7 4.1.521 Montowese, H 7__ M 13_.. 385 Moutville, or Pal- Chatham, J 5--.. 339 mertown, M 6_3,411 Cheshire, G@ 6_---2,855 Cheshire Station. Montville Sta.. casville), G5 400 Moodus, K 5_____ 1,200 ‘Moosup, O 4 M 6 260 Morris, B 4 ‘Clarks Falls, P 6 100 Clinton, J 7-_--~ 1.217 Mystic, 445 New Britain, H4_59,316 F1 450 New Canaan, B 8_1,918 Collinsville, G 3_ 300 New Fairfield. CG 468 Columbia, L 4__. 706 New Hartford, G2_1.781 New Haven,G7_162.537 5 150 Newington, I 4__2.38 . D 3_-. 834 Newington Jct..14 575 Coscob, B 9__-_. 591 New London, N5_25,688 C 8__. 274 Now Milford, 05_4,781 New aap D4 300 Me 7---1.100 N. Windham, M4 339 N. Woodbury, B5 450 A9_2.000 N. Woodstock. 0 2 309 DQ. River, I 7__-. 200 Norwalk, © 9___27.743 BE. Thompson, P 1 220 Norwich, E. Wallingford,H6 281 B. Windsor, J 2-_3,741 PB. Windsor Hill. N 5_--22.304 Norwichtown, N5v1.209 Wakdale, M G_-_. 822 J3 479 Oakville, F 5.--. 900 E. Woodstock, 02 309 Old Lyme, L 7 946 Ellington, K 2___2.127 -1.000 i 3... 288 Old Saybrook. K7_ 74 . 622 Oneco, P 4. Orange, F 7_-__16. aa Oxford, G 6---.. 998 Fabyan, O 1__-.. 100 Packer, D 4.____ 205 Fairfield, D 8_--_1.475 a LA el ry 600 farmington, 4_1,021 I Fitehville, M 5__ 150 ville Sta.). F4_ 5 Forrestville. G 44.534 Old Mystic, Palmertown. (Montville), M6_2,804 Pequabuck (Terry- seh speed AS = 500 Franklin, M 5-.. 552 Pine Orchard. 500 ae eay 552 plainfield. 0 4---7.926 Gales Ferry, N 6 110 Plainville, H 4__4.114 Gardner Lake. M5 121 Plantsville. 5_T.985. Gaylordsville, C 4 316 Pleasant Valley.G2 300 Georgetown, C 7 909 Plymouth, F 4_-_5.942 Gildersleeve, J 5 650 Pomfret, Gilead, K 4---.. 342 Pomfret Cen..O0 2. 621 bs555 800 Poquetanuck, N 6 282 Glastonbury, J 45,592 Poquonock, I 2__1.060 9-. 320 Poquonock Bridge. Glenville, A 9_-- 980 0 2... 250 Portland, . B 3_---- 675. Preston. by, Greenfield Hill. DS “400 Greens Farms. D9 170 Greenspond, C 5. 200 O 2___-1.454 NT & TI 5___8.644 —2.745 Prospect, G 6_ Putnam, 0: 2__ Quaker Hill, 3 CONN.—C ? ONT’D | DELAW ARE ~ FLORIDA IA ‘ Quinebaug, iat Rainbo ey pie Toes , Keduing, © =. 312 DELAWARE ‘“* Kouuing’ Kidze Maatoee Kenton, D 19 sadn SUi.. OF 6 240 n--- 212 Keynu. dding, C7 Fi ’ Lambs. FLO I ius bride, irst Settled at Wil Laurel, . 18-..-- 76 RIDA Bonita 8 tdgebu B4 225 ; il- F 16.0._2.258 a Spr r 22: mi L — = Bo 8. TT oa 250 ngton, 1658 pein ig D 17 rears mi ma a Hidmeneld,, 0 7-10 “ eipsic Re aia B i el ba ae Ro e, BY. ro) Artes le: ettle oynto' L1s Jarne: 17-. 28 Hogsuiis ) ‘Thirteen ines puimpoae fe be Dies seit eh eds ee eee palatka, my O20. 357 povny ill; Teast Le ED IE tied Hf... 34 Admitte ey Serene i pete oeaae Hy! 195,102 a 1. € Cr 7 d s. F Hey 9. ou yl Ss. ~ Lowe ack D17 156 ritor as a Ter ad er D ee 295 Be Rg og 7 448 eg Be nade 19 749 RGIA U Roxbur. § ae rea: s Cross R ob y, Mare ristol, B Sie 708 awthorn * 21 133 alm Beac . M16 2 pson, K 5 y Sta.. DS - 647 oads. 1822 ich 30. Bronsor fo 8S Helen - MLS. 6 3 Palm each, O23-1 30 First Walke en-214.786 + D5. 200 Fr 2 B nit Pao. 796 Seal 6 een gs oe 543 Pa netto, M 3-1,135 settled Ww r, D 2. 786 Salem Land 17 70 rooksville, 1 721,011 craands, 17. 223 ee es eases go daar alton, H ---23.370 Salisbu L 6.----- td, = 1,966 \ Admitte Brownville, I 17_1,01 Highland, Wii... 225 ity, ‘VED? (GC val, 1733. i- Ware, R 7__--24,216 Sanu ury. © ware aril 4 sq. {eDonough, C ; Mar dasa Stat Bevecvilias N 18 oon High Sprit a BLS 300 Panasoftk © 7.-1,722 ne of the Origi Warren, a = oan T728'361 y Ho 497 cs \ . 16 ar } e, B Ah. 8 0 H igs, E16 ee 2 Thir ri Washi 10 petro. ok D 6-1,725 5 ene Dit 82 ch 3, Legs = eset gas bts M eS 100 Le pg B coe 719 ids D 7 H18 200 A Lirteen ee ashington nw 11,828 augacn BAY Wat Marshall ee a7 Area: 2 ckingham, _ 200 er, or El ——— 512 auway by ee 150 rea: es, wi K ee Dol. 8. ater, 405 Mi ton. B 16 : Buena, S 23 P19 169 ton. H A eas Paxton, 3 Tranaun Vayne, R 10_28,147 pelts K pe Ty" 305 ; 405 sq. Middletown. C 424 Land 4 Bunnell 23 = igen 300 Hollister / ee on, Pedro rd, 58,725 s Webster 13.-14.381 Sciti k'Point. Li” = miles. Midway, F 16-1.260 ty 94,861 Burbank F_20.--- 0 Holly Hil E 18_- Son Pembr H 1. 25 Water, 54 sq. m, Wheeler, 12 aie Bt perk ee Milford. FP o18--- 7 miles, — a Bushnell, Gs. 350. How ane a 332 Panssenlal L 18. 250 Total 59. be sq. ™. Wynesler N10 8 2 Si Sta. J 2. to d. E17 5 wa pe. 17 50 Hom Asa. 22 Pp olan oes 300 » 99,265 Whited ie cotiund, N 4 - 739 otal, 2,87 Millsb' ~---2.753 iter, 3,805 --- 400 H lima’ 18. Baa Bettys, D 231,035 Populati sq. ™,. Wi tefield, oe ~--6.105 Berio, 6.6 oul nil 10 8q. Senet F 17. 482 miles 809 “sq. anes B aie da a CERN 200 Als Sa eae 941 ee oR last Wilkes, 1 ca) $= ay uerville, J. 6—— 73h iles, Millville. F 18 a Total, - ‘ampbell 18.- H een er Te ie ierce, L =. 200 SUS, 2,895,832 wget poeeer aes a. ats Milton; FE 17__-- 112 tal, 58,666 Cane. baz OTT aS ge pe ee Pierson, gh Be Capital, Atlante ri ny abston (ee ay q15 6 ~Populatio Moores, D pag 898 miles. sq. Candler or eo 17. 250 Hull, M ‘vc guaes 370 Se Semen fee 350 anta, erate eT SS 250 Re Ce Cul or Sioa Bers Gees ee ON AS re io Pinehurst, eae ._K 250 Census. 2! uba, A opulati Cap p Sf na, LTO) inellas P: 19_. 15 ee. Wit sus, 223,003. Mt, Pleasant. i 106 tion, £68,470. et ge ae we 2 Pinemount," © Lis cH COUNTIES. Silveriane, aa ae Gapitai Dev : LBigtig2eo eee Tallah en ae iets 150 Tamonia age Pinetta. B 14 15. 285 ain ey OP TOWNS. wet Min -- 391 s er. vassau, EB see yeoy aiee XK es Fea ee 5) qecin Beach, M16 is5 Plat ity, K 17 200 Appling, P : op. Town K Simsbu ne, C 8 40 NEWuEE 1Ss corel L 5 paw Keys, G@ 15 449 1nslis q ch, Mie 86 Pt: tee LS 3,729 Atkinsor P 11_-10,56 n Key “ Sh Hs aoe s wark, B 16 0 “enter Hill, 15 695 Interls 162222 oO Washington. C 999 Baco n, R 10. 094 Abba, ? : Pop. Race Oe eds 2.958 Newe ---2.183 * Centr Fis. 57a achen, B18 300 Bomona. ugton, C4 3t Bee ge 7.656 Abbevi 8_..-- Romervile, Bota souwmmss, Nombre BU 10 eae oie oot ieee HgTe eS Aa Baker, 1 4.2 Abbett, OSL ty ao Britain, D 6 * 300 North Lai B 16... 67a COvnts ees ee hae tn Talend Geove, I stor. ee a Banke, i 8. Ser as 4... 100 Southbury: iD) een 528 County Key P aurel. F19 182 Al y Key Pop rlotte Harbor, _ 115 Istachattas 1 1%. 465 Ponce Park A 6 202 ae @ Adabelle, Wael; t17 ev @ 6 200. 0 oe a ant - ch o1 ; ~ 225 Port ark, G 21 150 rtow, F Sa bien B---1,117 S. Coventry G 6. 2 Kent p. Oak G Baler’ ( E 16__3 “haseville: 18 266 5 Port Orang + 21 150 Ben Hil dairsvill 1G Gt Southf ntry, L 3-1. in Po 1B. tr 0 rove. F 18 aker, © 17 --31,689 Chattahooc © 18. 246 ap Port | ae oe G 21 380 Baret ill, P f Adel, R e, Bd. ard = cf --- ¥ * 3} i — = | vA “ a ‘ = ’ S14 eonrarerd. w 6.2 mgs New Cus 1,023 cean View. F peer eD Tout 5,622 Chester behise; Al 440 Jacksonville OL Port hed fel 5 $1,030 Bibl en, anlaiic B73 Southin nbury,J4— ane tee Oiawa/ OF 3 18 279 Brad f(s 4 Chipley, B Lovee ot see B 15 9-91,558 ipa City _ Sate 7 Ans M 13_- ‘1¢ ) s. lee Gibun: e) BG om : 16... 436 ford, B 407 Christin: fie oS 1 280 ennings, B 14__~ 1,260 Princet L 16-1,0' B ckley, M 8 Adriat 00 ngl 5.085 = 5-148. ar, F 5. ©6Brey. 17 12,5 C ina, K (80g Jens eis oe 6: eeLOly T 9: o71 Brantley, ‘Ai jan, Manohesior. 3.8.00 ests 1 aeetaOaey rae pa ae 2.908 Chomuckia isc Sion, apc 28 Punta Gord 2 mo Be 2 heat, B en. 5 -- 43.741 eee yard, Fe Citr a, A 2_- ~ Juniper, B 9.---- ; rda, * Sh fo ; 1 qo cca Port P 30 Cathouny © 8-22-8175 Cn es a pei Becca $s a905 Buree. J Ale 9 on S. Wethersicta, 12 Bot OD. ==-2238,008 Re pe City Point, J 22 494 Kathleen, K 1 Quine 205 Butte, Tt S50 3 As 303 é G1 » Clay os a8, 220; Oh Ksville een er i 5. 285 7, Bi Calhot j exander- 1,555 S. Wilt ngton, U3 375 Redden ,D 18 Clearw e, BS Ki est, W 18 285 0...-3,118 © pun, vill 3 - Ss. Wwindha (yt: te 307 7. Redii Pe jain be ae Columbia. D ----- 5,621 ale K is2 400 ice Ferry ey -18,749 -3,118 rare ina 0, t eaqing. | T 9. A 8. Wind am, M 4 4 4 OWNS. lion, B 16. - 50 Dade ae 16_14,29 Clevel nt. I 19 = 2,427 ea ibaa G2 1s 249 Raiford aig ese H “6.969 Oa tiant Meio ee 200 Se” OS ae Rehoboth --- 53 , § 28.....42. Ov Gooea, eee race ae meme, J 20.2, 722 pests Ee Candler, M 411,709 Al ntown, Ma. 150 Springiate, B o8 tio owe Key oP aa oe 18.. 389 aes N ee a Gocog, a 22 nt ML Kynesville, nue Rendiek a 19-1 een alee ame eet ante: v1 Ged, ao afford, L 2406 ‘Op ark. uval, ¢ --- 25,434 rove, . te = 250 edland, Tic eC sa, C 52 Alph EEE fu St 2 iy » Ant - . i : “f a: alta C. Re mas 23 Oa hemp arltor |, os ~_ 6.677 aretta, _. 300 ere en Bt 407, gola, F 19. 45 Risingsun, ae 178 ere AY oes aE a eters Labelle, 0 20 a Sinai ie eee Chatham, = 1A. Altamaha, one 8? a). rgo, D 17 % Rockla 125 Ser tae ,386 Colu an, H 18__- Z09 Lacooche Ube ae ct.. B 9- 4 pe tahooche, N 00,032 Amb Tp aoe 00 Stafford 2). gg9 Armstrong, 0 6-- g2 Ro ar Cra eae 20----2,442 Po Napact teed 16_. G40 ap oe oeaag een BE ae i Ripped eek eer ery aes “eos rmstrong, © yxana, F 18...- Se iceavacet Ape aa iets pases 62 oo BOD pa ae Be 35 pneniedee 52 iors Cherokee, Fans. Pees Bee ert i Stanw Sch: 9_~35.' 5 Ashila 6-1 63: , anu. 145 adsden, B need renee B Aye casks 500 L. Bird red, K 19 ne sewood, G 15. be 45 ad Clarke, G 8 4_. ‘An sterdam, T 42 9,010 = Stenuey, B 9--= 187 nd. A 16 St. Geor Hamiiton --23,539 Goon 8 Te2oee 200 L Butle OC 13-__ Md ~. 300 Clay, P 2 oom le ‘A dersonville, N5 250 Ste y. D 7-—= , --- 160 rges, B Her m=O 15=- C ReaD UT es. 309 Leak er, D 17.. 756 Saf Claytor pa Ta FS palachee, N5 196 Beer, Di 0 Bayard, @ 18 Seater F 1-244 range, ¥ 10-431 Setsndng GE HB pute ext arr aa fete Apne HES evenson. ----l. 368 : — pyville; G18. : oro, K 17-88, 48 Cou OU ene 8 . Helen Boa pers ME ew, C 71.211 pb, G 4 p25 -7.984 Ar on 1 i..- 200 Stonington BD 6. 6 . Beaver 18 Sm : 18. 462 Holm 7_88,2 rtenay, I 22_- 159 Lak PEG 0, ugustine, _ 310 Coffee, 30 43 agents teem 532 gton,’ -- 143 Vall yrna, es, A 257 Cow C I 22. ° plande Keen 978 ne, Q1 “437 Are a, eaeT fh Stony creek, a 1-210 Bethany see 987 Stanton, Uh erat Sees Ares ey Crawford. Bl A 125 a Maitand, 1130173 Be Cloud. D 30-6.192 Colquitt, 0. 6: eee 2 prea Suffield, isk. 360 i ach, Statero: ee Zor! efferson == 31,224 awfordvill i8__ 100 Ts eon H s 172 St. Joseph, J 2.011 Cook me H oe B aitingtone nee 383 Taos oae P ad. B 16 L » C12 Giont ie ae ce Wels 20 300 gt! eee UBr tee ae tee 718 Arm ELBA Roepe 4.070 B 19 56 Stockley ae 06 afayett 14,502 Cr nt, V 22 250 2° Weir ak Ds ay St. Ni 3s D di. 2 0 weta A ena, P -- 331 Taconic. ellefonte, D Su ey. ¥ 27, La e, D 14 escent C 22___ 32 Lak ir; G18. 93: § icholas - 200 Crawfot shburn. Binns) Ee . . i --- k 6,24 Crestvi y. F 328 ewood S-_ 25 t.. Petersbu C18 35 ord, L At APTS iy Taftvill C 1i---. 200 Bet 18. 291 mmit Bridg 135 e, H 19 242 op view, B 19 809 Taw : BS aa etersbur 359 Crisp, O raat co, F 8 SPs Tale e. N 5-.-3. hel, Io1 ei: TeOCe 10. 12.744 ewsville, .4._. 500 La orth, P 23_ 244 g, ak Dade, 6. 93 Athens, G 8_--1 1,000 Tavitvtte. “s pe a 222 Taylors Brid B16 192 Leo Gai che 9,940 ores River, Hié i ree emer Sanant N2hns 130 Dawson, 1_-----3,918 gee erryville, 690 i - a 7 To “ ge.Cl6 24 SS 18 sata 9 944 aurellhi aos Fe ra Sanbe : onio, J iz 5 ecatur 6 NTA, ree: DEMS Terryville F 3_-3.000 lades, F 1 5 wnsend 3 Levy, F 059 ees S9g's il, A 599 born, D 7 299 Dek S$ 4. ; v0. . G6. . © 16. “ | 93 awtey, D 4. 29 Sanford 10_ 62 pH alb, H 31,785 A HS Pete Bie B Sane SOS S458 Libert =~=-9,921 Dade Ci Lecanto. 17 291 Sa Pas at ees 150 Dodge 5___44.0 ttapulgy -200,616 Thoma abuck), P4 owers, D Vi tty, © 9-----5 Da ity, J 1 ay nto, H 16 _- Ge Rel EN s.5e5 Dooly, Mons 51 Aubur 1s, 3. 360 to 350 17_- iola, D Madi ----5,00 nia, i abe ee. O 6 --* 125 Sant eo, BE 1 D oly, O 549 Al rm, @ - 360 Pepups n, BF 4__3,993 Brid “ == 104 3 16. son, C 13. ,006 Day 23_ ee Tee 14_ 125 9g a Rosa, 9 “150 Doughe 6___ 20.35 ugusta, 6____ 290 Th son. BY 222 93 gevilie, Lome » LSE, Manat 16,516 D A (oleh bine oo sburg, @ 11__ 199 Sarasota, CO 4 40 Do ae P 5. ‘522 Aurari » I 13.252.548 to ae Pas ree Ninates Seatannis Beri ® oI eee ges Ee cea a ea re Gee Rorringzton, Ke 3_2 1.404 Rassias = Ve - - ¢o M ‘ 8___23 Se te "375 Limest 19. 3 opepieey L 23. 571 hols, ‘f 9 utreyville, S 6-— 758 Tracy, n, E 3-20. esville. G onroe, U 968 D ark, K 2 Pes 0s ob stone, -. 300 g ring, N 4 23. 29, Et T 9_ Aval e, S6 fo H 623 Ca illik Gil . U 20. me fe Fun e212 uittleriv 1 18 Ss , M 20 20 nghs on, -- 20 Blea Waa Candee 1606 Witansvties Pa er 19550 Dek ik Sng, Live Oak, C15. 400 Senile: 1pm a Bat Avera, J tic 100 r Cit ---2.597 © j--- 531 owgt kal ---11,3 e Land, G 5-2 0 15.3, Smitha ? 19-2 200 Smanue son, Bese Seal Un tal arpenter, a ; or ee, M 212.43 a it em eee ences 1 eae Sess aera —— B t 5 Selene (Mont Aettaovi A 17. 50 Wi B 16-110. range, I 20__ 432 ents poe 9. 209 Lovett, B T20re a Sopchop Ka tae 492 Fayette, 7 As : pa tale tices es) Ne uerville, A i¢ 200 ™ interthur, A 16 No ear te LAS GOO) Doreage ar Baer y pee punene an ee 150 © SOR ayer 150 eet a og mposeive or Rees M Ooo 7 Cheswole J ao Woodd . 416 206 Pa : 0_--7,195 orcas, | BRET SS ulu, D Bees OK sonville 59 Forsyth, F conton, Q 9... 360 Unionville, ar 257 eswold. D 16-. 28 Woodl ee A 16. 175 ee Beach, P22_ 195 Dowling 2 oaeee M4 Lumbert ne eS se S. Lak © 10..2.775 Franklin, a Haas We ay 2 9... 568 Verno “9.975 Choate. C 18 287 Wood awn. F 16 os Pasco, J 17 18,654 Drifton. oa C14 200 Lynn Hey J 17 sted e Weir 2,775 Pot H 4 Bainbridge oye 300 Versaili eee ae ---- 61 W vodside, TD 16. 5 Pinellas, K L802 “Desnelleg. — 100 eae BB ARTEA Rea H 18 100 Gisseos D 4. cathe D7 Bae ioieatonn Noi. 898 istiana, B 16. yoming. D _. 300 Polk. . 15__28.26. unnellon arr 200 & Springd C 7. 200 ere 7 il. B _ Ground ee TOs wh. O Boe 166 Clark 6. 400 . 16__ 66 ee 19 265 , 16_1,185 McDavi Spri ale, D 13 200 lyno B 11__.4.192 anning, L ty EB4 809 -- 656 rkesville. = ae ee PE 88,661 Ea -1,185 Mel vid, A2 ing Garden, _ 800 Gordon “4s_--191370 Bannockt ag" ere Tt Claym 19 © be Yorklyn, A Saint af, 19==-44,50 a Lake, K MeMockig Wed7e 450 Springhi G2 ke Gordon, B 8-17.15 Marncanite See. 350 ene. 7 3 teers ee enka (At Ton. 400 16... 828 Saint Johns, £20 pyit cea bs ° 3. 19 100 ape ria” 440 Spree 6G fol 250 Greene — Barney He. J 43 Rea ae 5 a = Svea sstville, A 1 161 Madi ny, C tke, D _ 2900 Gwi ; ROE netowae cei peeecuousck t pets ayton, C 16. = int Lucie, M 22 1B. Palat emAwt aaisona 17_ 35 Steinh 17_ ( nnett, A w, K een 7 Ks : 3 tel 1,023 Hat G. 6 Barwick 175 Ryacroh, Dias Concor - 82 anta Rosa 7,886 E. Tam ka, E 19 200 Maitland, tees | pes Staaten hee, D 14 23 yersham, Rast B vick -= Ww enville, -; 35 ord, : Semi , AB1 E pa, K - 734 Mal T2025 952 § UN as 153 Hall, BE 6 De 1 axley, dp taba De 120 Coochs Bri 16--- 300 eminole, H 20 RO ace oe pHa gon Maneteeas anaes lees af ee ne ean 4 Beach, a De- 1.619 — Goo) s Bridge.B16 50 ISTRICT Sumter, I 18 Dyer Eden ect 2. 507 Marathon: M 16..1, ee i deeipa ao 45 18 225 Hier _ Beachton me i Waterbi 4___--- 45 Ispring, F 3 Suwanee, C ----7, 851 Ellavill 24 Diack 150 Marianna, Ww a “300 Sathcring le, Hi8 2 arris, L 3, 2-14. 440 st Beaumont Gare 200 ‘Waterford. FE S1.715 Cypr seen aoe 0 Taylor, 1 15.-19,789 fnent e, O14, 225 Martel *G A 8__ 0 Suwan and, K 15 200 —=-- 15.78 sete Osinmee 150 Sec Stam N 6.3. i F 18 F Vv » D138 i Eliz on. M 16_- 350 Mascott 17___. 15: Svea ee, © 14 5 400 5 Bellton, BD 5. BOL own, F 5- 935 --- 500 olusia, H --11,219 En pala la OT; ade oe 663 Mayo eaaT UTR ae Sec Fea nb eae 200 Bellvill (eet 1 0 are COLUMBIA. Sen eres Bae i Magrort, 6. i cheater 3H 18 EEN ie Beuesalengs, 0 3 ip 3 By Walt —-~5,129 sto, ” =o 42 aytown ee yin,, in, H- 201 - 223 on, B : , A 5a n, H 2 Jacks Ber 4. ) Washiny 55119 Bustis, ei 154 Metnourne, ips Ratt, 720 qaceeicn Berryton. 1 1-—-— ety ston, B7-11,828 ustis, H 19-22. 9 Melbourne. K 23 ALLAHASSER, Jett Davis Beverly, i ist 246 ‘avorett Miami F 16 Tar eke 6G 657 enkins. ET? ig Creek Aa, | a, F 20, Miami. ne 23° 199.5 eee See kik Dive Johnson. en eT Bingen KF Me A0o -Micsnonye rss ee a age poner A ee Bishop, y, F.17._ 613 Tetogia, O_9 23. ae LaMar. J Toa 18200 eeneanen Cas Manotosae "> 899 Lat er, S 9 << tape a -1: ssa, K17 30 irens, M 10__3 ely, —- pean di { 10--39.605 Be So oe SEV ia ayes ue Hide, C3. 1 04 Bluffton, 4 c ae i Waterville Wauregan, Apes Re teoece, ee a Delaware = aware(y..B16-1,064 Organized as zH0 FOr, i. a oe eel rito re a 968,470 Kede Fernanda, B15. Midway, ey emy, ee A a 150 rider oe ee iew, B 2___ 198 Trilby. I 4 15.2 400 Linens, oe = owndes, ae 521 Bogart: G Ze ) olingbroke, K 6. ie -_ oO Westb cero, BT . Cheshire. - g49 Delmar, G pe eecentcr G5 450 a G 1628 stchester Sta ER i or ave spol . ie ee Down 16_--4.042 Westford. M —— 950 D: sChapel.Die 54 Organi By eesnene 2 aS ar ps reciae. © Ae ae Sigg ar ag TOWNS W. ie sed sta att imivemoor | A 16 eR in ae en, eae ea Dilendale, B 17_ ye : it SN ae Pop. Floren’ Gye 300 Min . Morris. or : t) ‘hua, E16 y re em 18 I i eis Hae oF Mor- Gunibiscrera. B16 _ 619 Area: Alafia, K B18 778 Florida Cres 3s 150 Milton, B C eee me orien seme _.. 620 Lt Alford, B 8-2-222 {IS Floral Cy., T 23 355 Minneol Be Se it a W: Norwalk ¢ 9. .300 Far ae 60 sq. m Ruakcon, oe: aeemweet . DeSoto, T 17. 300 Moin hear "130 I Westnort. D = 03 F meen. aS let eee 1) sq. m Altha, @ & So72 100 t, Lauderdale, Movtevita “F 16. 150 Umatilla, H 19 MoDute’ 1 fi Westport eee varnhurs otal, 70 . m. Alton, Speed 0 Ft K M ntevista 6 295 } .. 640 M Pn ans bas | 240 Bol t Station, st. B 162 2 4 sq. ™ A n, D 14 Samet (OOO. . MeO 23_2,065 onticell Sen) vo eIntosh, 11.500 Bo ton, G Fat - 328 _ | Altoona, H 19_-- Sp ea i eee re Mars pps lors an esa Mac Q 14.. SY aba s eae pace or D9 947 my A 16. 244 leak Sade El ae P 1 19-_- 300 ag ae ¥ 18.72 heal Morriston. @ Fe Vernon, B B 4 150 Madison, Ne peg wae Bostwick, eo. dding $ on, D 16 it, . E 1. Say aA bos. oo Petar eee vate Bey a itaad

7. 300 ee R3 aes fie man, F 9. 200) Ww. Th eld, 1 20.9 9 Frederica, D =< 3 : imbia). Seat ree fa, N 18-8 798 Fountain “RB 16. 360 furdock, M 18.1,499 ct en ton. F 5 ase: ia : W. pee son. 02 een [ 17. 611 fie IFederal at of ean Crk.. R ogee angia EET 7. 300 . M 10.. 400 Waldo, ed Mitchel, Boy es ners, Ww. Ww ingtoe, L a : men al Govern- A er, F 16 G2 “200s ne Ol=o= 25 Valkill. (ee onroe, K 6 588 aselton, F_ Re yt Georgetown, er scape t. Population Argyle, A 6-2-7 420 Prost proot, 397 230 Nashua. F 19 Walnne in, Ai 130 Montgoimers, NI 201 Breman 27 iimanti 44,342 Glas: -1,710 ee Ashm EB 17.3 F and Pk - 200 ugusti 9... 200 W: rington, C 500 Mt H 8.2 67 Brew rood, P12_ 17 el entien Meat 33 gow, B 16 Ashmore, D_10-- 309 Rulford, R 2 HIS 150 “D 20 Waterton 21.301 M mag, Othe 8 100 aro ieee 100 “i bleteescgr N 3 ee Glasgow ee LOG peri B 13... 150 Fulton, © 33___- 200 New Rerli ) 20__1,716 yauchula eh 16 150 pease e900 B inson, S 3 0. 247 Ss OS rae 1S Sta., C18 1 TOWN: roiteee Netauitee A ct Se aey Rin tae 225 Wankeenai, seer Oomnee,; fo sapere poncenae tee i 8. ic i74 Greenwood 06 S. etuane eae te te ee Now Riege D az et We ane ata oey Oalethe ti, 81 880 chante rer, ilton, >: 0d. B "Lows venti — ainesvi Ne er, D 917 Webster. BT 300 Ogle o 30 Brookfie , O 4 520 emi OE IE in 8 1 8 Town Kev Pop Aiela® Pe 1 Gare Bn 20 eta iaen Ween taa te See Oat ae ees ER Windh B2 3 Gumb pe aeeomniss (Uni “RB ; 19. s90 Gar re, B 4... oe Nichols = *o1_ 2.007 Wekiwa = H 18. 150 Faenens. a ate =14.025 ag rae Pare 600 caer M 4 350 oro, G 17 R own), F nion- nae date B3 y, J 17 200 Nocatee, 158 Wweyhien Spgs. H20 35 ierce, OW ata comnto wn MaRS ose Wary 18 n oO oo Samet a ig Se reese zoo Revnlee BIS BG Wor Pet) Bole: COUR Bert Hoe et Windsor ocks. 12_ <3. Tarbes = twood, Cee 500 Bal win, Cc 18 470 fon BEN 2 scons (eae 00 i? 817 Tostlake. . 5__ 993 Bp as 0 BE, 21. Ae B nswick. R.15c1 696 Wirne ryitle. J 2 4 son. F 17. Pees iane E 15_2,000 ae m, K 9 Sr 470 0G: . Mary, C17 % W. Falm 14. 35 ulaski, N 8 ~_ 90.357 Seren > R15-14.413 18 ey ie C — 972 Warri a 186 urrville, 15_2 75 sarberville. @ 20 10 raceville 159 Oakla Foesbs 350 Putnam, pn A ee 2G FB uckhead ey Pe 3 - 450 ngton, @ Capital H F 15 (150 Ba Gye 0 G -AT 0’ and. I 1 Ww 0 23 Q n, 18 1.587 Bu aes 91 na P 2____8.2 I . 161.617 © pital Hts 5 800 B rtow, K 1 20 104 rand Rid -. 840 Brien Goan Vv. Tamy 8.6: uitman, ¢ a Sa peal ena Vist: Cre * ARF Woodbrs cp eae ca Iartly, D 16. ' CongressiIts, F15_1,100 Tineseon A ee 203 Green ge, AD 30 Ocala, G Buu. 27 Westville. K 14 “Ra6R Rabun. © ) 2417 Cas E % N 41,23) “eet bls Pai 19 Hazl oe 1005 hreanewood, # 15-1,000 Ee ae 750 Cove Spgs 0 Ocore 17 aoe Wemahite A 6. cece Randolph 8. _____5.746 ullock vill 38500 Wood ury, B 5o_ 170 zlettville. BE eorgetown F 15_1.0 Baxter M 21. 35 Dis. Ofjus. : White rchka, D 2 885 Richmond. P 3__16. ra Borrougi le, K 3 Laat mou ees b 18 Goo own, E15 ,000 B Bs uh ty 6 358 Gre 19_2,0 Ak oe By Wii e City 3959 Rock ond, I 1! 16.721 B ghe. O 15 332 Wondetocke. G 8 Henry Cl 50 d Hope 517083 Bay Sent ae ate ensboro, B j098 a eennul ene Cis Sea Bommant, 3 A 03-602 urtsboro 15. 130 Wondatoc k. O 2__1. y Clay Fac- Hillbrook, F 15_2,186 Bay Harb IT2. 40 Greenvi » B10_ 302 Okeech pka, H 18 2 ee Reet C16 ¢ 0 Schley seHGe=_9 ue Burwell. | BG. 25 Ae teeta ley: Fer tory, A 16 Kenilwort say se oa Bayri or, C7 0 ille, B 2 Old Obea, N25 200 Wi Iwood, H 8 984 Scr -y, N 9.521 Butler, * ir ee 0 5 ne rar th, -- 250 yridge, I 2 ~ 909 Gre 13. sma N 22 2 Villiste a A8 48 even, itler, L : WhiieDeas 1s Hickman, B16. S51 flandle Hist 15. 500 Rell, Q 18-22 300 pepe Beas a oln Town, H 15-- 500 Wiimarth, Din we Bpaiting. < fey ; fae ‘ 3. 300 : ighlands, 500 Belle pacer 00 » B10 ey) OC Zoe, 300 indsor, D 9_ __ 200 ing, J rons Lak Yalesvi 125 Hockessi ands libaicn. Rodstse Griffi ea some Olu a Winter 9. Stepl sville. sin, A ‘ak , ares K 146 n, K 120 stee. > may | nter Gar .. 30 hens, Yatesvite Statfon. Hollyoak, A rag oe MakomaPast 5.2 ane Bee’, Pet ele Groveland Pere 150 ransebond aes 299 Winterh e810 J ld eee ad ymeryr: f i ytow -<, ie . Dd j-- 2 1 , re City §_.1,021 1 : ee OS : ST 210 pena Cots, 1. 10 epee 2a ee i HF 102 Grint gee Wate d Bes Piste, Pao een ealttanr 8 Soa own (A 5 100 B “hton, F 250 Z Gite! ent, K 17 19 332 ville, 1,078 " nall, O 10__8.841 Cs ry. costia) F. ee lountsto 18_-1,031 4 Orland 17__._ 300 Be Rey okey. Taylor, 4 _12_-14.502 amak, 15_-5,0 Bluffspri wn, B 9 Hague Ormo 6.) 1205 z) . 200 Telfair, i Bo S331. ne Camilla 1000 Soemtnaae A 2 a: taines BD i7_---- 200 et i 21__- Youkon Terrell, = 10___15. oa Camoochee, I ; i 1 gay s Cy., K Ostecn OF Taso ae. C19 Thomas J -aaals Campa L l1_ 17 an. Satlentale 19 651 Overst! FEO: ee ag o7 150 et 801 Ganprany I 12. Aho . R 23 407 pa aha Ds. " Bil@.oece ee Toombs, 5-19: Canon. = _ Ts al Oxford Fo ese 7) Towns, © 7 “13 R07 anton, F mea 132 : Asses Zellwood dreationn (Mo Ts! 2 937 He ts ena ae 2679 Zepnyrhtils, 19.. 100 Troup K 2 11_-7, 664 pee ae i as 125 s, J 17 577 ppiien, P 2...--38.007 Garnerie, toe a4 iggs, L Se “12.466 ne hE He == 200 oe 10.407 pereuen H O.. 400 rtecay. D Mage oer 5.-- 150 Yantic, N Bet 0: B88 soem 900 Aediaton 2 ta.. B16 190 W oodburn, B » B16. 150 E Bonifa: Ys Pa | nates 230 H amburg, B 13 325 .. 325 Ozona, K et God 7, Zolfo § pgs. M 18 2 256 Union ore O 16 455 Cart ersville, F » F 3--4,350 ILLINOIS IDAHO GEORGIA-—CONT’D j E 10_--. 682 Amboy, D 10___-1,944 Bureau, en Be ey em WARD Bistinf' ccc" MLLINOIS Sno, =ogo Borkavine ARS O76 re jae ay u ’ o== arrison, rr meee the Cass Station, F S<_ 250 pt cake paca 50 Mayeville Fas. 795 Hatch, M 12--- 108 ¢ Andalusia, EB 6-_ 228 Burnham, V 6__ assville, F 8-7 500 Gay, J 4. rst ansville, K 5-. 229 St. Clair, J 12-- 200 eee yo coe ise itst Betti ed gene ee Ne ee 30 Cassville, F 1. 738 Geneva, 7 5S MY, 210 Meansville, 4... 125 St George, S 13- 388 Imitted as a Ter- elmer,’ 3---- 134 Kaskaskia, 1720. Tih 773.019 Burnt Beasties Ris 350 Cave Spgs., = 307 Georgetown, Q 2. 244 Mears, K 14_---~ . Marys, T 15. 529 Admi A ae _ Anna, eR ee a 231 Cedartown, S-—- 4.093 Gibson. Pi 295 Melirim> Nd... "200 St. Simons Mills Teri) eee eee Admitted ag G, Ter Annapelis, N'15.- 200 Burr Oak, | Center, FY Sno-2 383 Gillsvifia, H 72-235 Neldrim, N'd-—- rt vaaeransl 14 225 1863. Hollister, ritory, Feb. 3, ‘Annawan, E 9-_- i622, t6 Central avenseg 2 15k Grand. i 200 Menlo. "B°S.--7. S78 Sale City, R 6a 531 Admitted C8 6 Bet aera Dea TO) C ARga Apple River, AS. 484 lepe Eaees 278 Chamblee, (G5. 300 Glenville : 6 13-71 OG Merritiville, “8 6. 204 peadeceet tee 2,005 July 3, 1890, gee as a Beats! Apple. iver A'S 484 Butler, N92 2t5 z y Pees slen J Peake otek 24 Sargent, I 3----- z Idaho City, be Den or . f , ~-- 1,831 Charing, M 5. worn: 10-- 592 Mesena, I 11 12 = 402 Area: : Arcola, I, 18- : Ghattaboeied yy overs, J Tanna apie aetna cigemre sre posi NEC ree cee bate ee Ge: Arenzville, KO7-- 479 Cabery, G18... 299 nara ) J T5259 Metter, M 12-——- isa: Seve "16_83,252 miles. Ilo, G 2 ~-----.- nd, 56,043 8q. Argenta, K 12_-. 528 Cable, sai : GoarvaiS Gooding, Ma "G5-- 183 Midleton, # f0-- 152 Savannah, iD 1k2- 100 “wavere’ 604 808 Emieventeneanne so5 Land, Arlington, © 10-- 284 Cadwell, Li8—— 100 Chauncey, z eS 100 Boccia Cas 248 Midland, L Barge he Ape . ap iste ied BA Hon. Li, he 630 vinale : co apts, caine BS dn ie ea EAP guar Sc 397 Gordon, K S8_---1,081 Midville, See cae Scott MMOs 312 Total, 8h» i ee: er, : *y 25 a 203 CheStichurst, Ta 150 Gradyvi 5-- 300 Milan, 0 9.----- is) Becttdale, @ 5. 400 miles. Armington, L 10_ 368 Caledonia, = Chestleburst, ia ses ot la ie 303 Milford, Q 4----_ a Beenie 5 ee 150 miles. ne Jerome, M neo" 759 Cotes 265 Armington, E 10. 968 Caledont bie 20 Chicken O'9--~ 180 Grantville, J 8.—-1, 120 Millen’ T1323. 405 Screven, @ 13---. 364 Capital, Boise. geek - eke miles. Aroma Park, F 15 266 Cambria; 8 i-2-, 658 Ciupley’ == 728 Gratis, @ 7---- i Sigerein eres yen pe : 7, Bases 126 Capita i 3. 658 ; Arrowsmith, I a ’ --~ ‘ sy, K 3---- be aratis, G 5ag Me; tNetes Seney, - 4 Kain ene. - dian, “LG Cambria, S 1 iS Chie anngaa S42 Graymout, Mid. 429 Milltaves Kd-~ 290 Seville, 0 Toots 17 COUNTIES, Koliog On ee Peniaua. 6 .i85,200 Achunh, @ 2p Ie Camden, Fs coed Clarkston, @ nn, JOL Grayson, @ 6-—- 128 Milltevn, § @22. 800 Shady Dale, 7 204 County Key Pop. fetctum: & 7222 200 State Capital, Aacniand K 8 Campbell Hill, 8i0 2 Clarkston, G 5--- 900 Greensboro, 128 Milltown, in 717 Sharon H 10st 282 Ow = . a ae --- 83 Springfield. Cee ae : Sanne ; 30 Ciaxton, N 13 Greenville, K 3__ 760 Milstead, H 6_--- 117 5 I 3_- 170 Ada, L 3------ 35,218 Kilgore, cape ‘p shley Craters cece ices a , a peees } 5 226 Sharpsburg, da, 3°966 vy. N 6... 50 ge Fg 200 Ciayton, C! 8--- pifin, (Jtoeeece 8.240 Mineralbluff, C 5. oe ¢ 3.1 014 Xdams, 1 2acce . 2; Kimberly, 5 1 882 Camron Cienmioat, D 7--- eee he N 14_ 350 Mitchell, J 10--- 257 Shellm: =? - Sue DOP Hankock: M_12 27,532 King Hill, M 5 - re TIES Ashton, C ae 1,852 Campus, F 33)... 228 Cleveland, D 7-- prprtihers ae I 12.. 425 Mobley, K 14---- 150 Saree I Ques 243 Bear Lake, N13 8,783 Kooskia, F 4 --- a COUN Assumption, MYR en Clitton, juyton, M 15. 539 Modoc, L 11--.. 200 Si aire, cK Gee 300 Benewah, D 2- 6,997 Kootenai, B 2-- 24: Pop.) Astoria, 3 Tax —-he Canton,” H 8-1 es Clinton oo ere gee tes Smithonia, Po 198 Bingham, L 11 18,310 Kuna, L 3 ------ 366 County Key P- Athens, ih ee "241 Capron, A 12---_ 550 inton, 864 Moniac, V 12_--- 184 Smithonia, eh) g > , ; ipl Senet : ~ Clyo, Ma Habershait, D 7-2. 200 onlse © te ot suitheille, 0 a2 761 Blaine, K 7--- 4,473 fe B 2 --- 400 Atxantcr, VI020960 Athinuon i Sc. 718 Certo Gane Cries ae Gobb, 0 6 peers al) Menkenne To “7300 Smyrna, G@ 4_-_-- 791 Boise. J 4---_- 12'957 ieee N12 pea le, 16,045 Atlanta, J 10__--1,173 Carbondale, T eraeed : tu 3 ; 336 Gh pe 8 eis = : 3... 12 : 2 Seong hee : é Qc1173 Car Cobbiown, Ni2--, 825 Hagan, 0. 12--. 336 Montezuma "N Se ee se Bonneville, Til 17 s0geeee Ge 200 Boone, A 12..-10'822 Atwood, N g.-7772,600. Cardiff, Fide. 152 Gone, Q ia---- 130 Hahira, |S 8". S64 Montrose "hl $22 310 Snow, N 6..---— $00 Boundary, A 3 4474 Lapwal, F 2-5 962" (Burea,’ HW Q---sA2s8 Abeeets, yaa Eyes Oneill Cohutia, © 3-02 28% Hamilton, L 3-437 Montrose, "M9 "2 Social Circle, H7-1,781 Butte, K 9_--- 2940 Tava i 30) Burea, 9. soe C 18..-36,397 Carlock, H 11... 35! Cobutta, OC 428 Hammett, L 6__. 200 Moreland, J 3_--- Soperton, M 11--1.033 Gamas, L — 1,730 Leadore, I res 15 Q Calhoun, N G---_5,2 2 Aurora, ---36,¢ 626 Carlyle, P 10.2222,027 = * 7 . i . Se » JD Z non 1 gp Wena 5 eee B 8___19 345 Ayaws Ton ae arlyle, Colbert, E Hampton, I 5_--. 927 Morgan, Q 4 71 South End, O 16_ 786 Canyon, K 2--- 26.930 Leland, 2 -sgitre Carroll, 9,845 Garlyle, P10_---2,027 ‘ule City, aHipe -1,631 Morganton, C 5-. 171 South End, 792 Cari M_ 12-2191 Lewiston, Ze eae ee 17,896 Avetyville --_--.8) an, Hoo 32 Coleman, P Haine ee 4jaeare Se Kp Sep Bpartared cael BOS ee aa Pagel Nikigeo te ogi porerersocae ae erg aoe ines Onrpenteasraiad ‘ollege Pk., O28 2--_ 798 Morton, K %--. 250 Spa race ett ic Disa 158 iberty, “22 450 Christian, ‘M 10-88,458 Avon, H 7-20 eee cout, Nie 3 Harris, 't 10---, $45 Morven, § Si 500 Buringlicld, MaSe0 S01 Gin wee iee aoe Lincoln, \ Kae --) 100° ee aE Ise DT ike 2 B 14.1,03 Collin : 810 Harrison, L 10_-. 4 7 Springfield, M 15_: 377 Clearwater, 250 Clark, - a. seas ate 731.125 Harrisonville, _--1,882 Moultrie, pee aTEeee eae Place, © 3 208 Custer, J-7-.-- ee rece. = Cr S01 Clay, ?, 482-00 =17.084 Baalton, A 9 187 Sensi ee Colum us, M d_-sl, lec Hartsfield, R 6__. 150 Mountain Ci y. 343 Springvale, P 3__ 148 Wilmore, L 5___ 5, 8ST Los iv +5 oe is Glinton, P= 10. 2 adel Bagi: Carrottton, wo 22B3t Comer, F 9 -----l. Hartwell, E 10---2,323 Mt. Airy, D 7_-.. 722 Stapleton, J 11-. 410 Franklin, N 12 8,650 Lund. M 12 —-.-_ 25 CIBER Bt 35,108 Baileyville, B 9-- 400 : on, M_ 7--2,020 ‘ommerce, F ‘442 Hatley, 0 7----. 300 Mt, Vernon, N11 722 haere rt 5 al: : t, J 12__ 10,380 NG AS Oss OFT ere 130 Carterville, cs Donker. J 4---- ome a Eve Rarer oH Mountville, J 3-- 300 Share ay 2 rest ipa io Seg 6427 McCall, I 2 ee 307 ook, C15. 058,017 Baker, B 12-——— z birtiage 1 bey Conyers, B ‘aemanrtts Hazlehurst, P 10_1.383 Mt. rr a Gis a3 Statham, G 7_-.. 720 Gooding, M aOR setae ips ue Cumberlaind. NLS_12.558 Barclay, L ficnos ah Cary a. B13, 403 Cordele, 0 6--=--6.53 ee eee po MOBY Oca 2 Stellaville, J 11__ 138 Idaho, H 5-_--- 11, ackay, T ids 508 lL DeKalb Gooner: Bardolute Bee M14-----2,188 Cordele, O 6-----6.538 9_---_ 928 e > K8 200 Jefferson, K 10 9,441 Malad City, N 11_2,598 Witt, J 11-10 288 por eS ia ae eee ‘ : « 0 Helena, O 9____ ae 200 StevensPottery, Jefferson, 9 . 351 DeWitt, Caseyville, P S.- 675 Corinth, J_3-.-—- 214 Henderson, -M 6-2 125 Nacoochee, D 7_- 20 2 200 . M7... 5,729 Marion, N 9 -.- 55) gins, 1, 1d 219 Oak ee maa ae oe Cornelia, i 8__-1, earth Hecnaiben oo 650 Ae ey ee : ae Seaiteeo oe a a ain dade stp fs b1sis Marysville, 313: 4 Douglas, 1 4-19.04 Barrows, Reese cat ee: im Corsica, N v rode? ..4..2- 186 Nashville, Ua . ’ 77 45 jn: aS, Meadows, e--- | a 25,70 Bartrison B AOLLE 2 ; Cotton, ay ee 150 = RUDE 7 146. Naylor, § 9_-...- 302 site Ty aor pe nde HSt S164. Mean Rett =--, 393 ober Me aie oe oe Bey Oe acerca Tan 17s Council, o i aoe Hickox Ri clgsaen 199 Needham, a te Bee Be, Pobne i Saree es 5,851 Meridian, x eat ace N 12-19.556 Bartonville, H eee Gedarvitle, “A? 1.163 Covens; NM. Tt ae eee N l1-- 161 Nellieville, N 6_- 503 Stock Mtn., G 5-1,266 TLincoln, M7. 3446 Middleton. 2. 5s ate OL oe sr Bartonville, H 9. eens : --1-103 f H 7--3,203 Higgston, N 11_- 16 rae 1 eee eS 511 Stone Mtn., 5-1, ( i i un Sih. Ss seaports $187 : 267 arville, A 9-1 Shae niente 5 ee sete att (. an Noe ( 409 Hines Lhe. Dp 2 sen eee cater apes ed ey ae 253 Ford, ‘ 18-- 16,408 Batavia, C i8--o4.a05 Central C x, iid i é : H6 19% illsboro, 142. 315 NewelluS 18-222. 200 ummertown, M a, ) 15.258 Minkcreek, M 12. 20% eankiins =3T,20% : 3 Centrale. tay nhc 30 Hinesville, 0 14-_ 315 Ne webs ee Summerville, D 2_ 1,003 Nez Perce, F 2 15, in amen 18_2,984 Fulton, I 8_-___ 48,163 Bates, a 583 Crawford, G 8_-- 830 Hiram, G 4 529° New England City, nerville, 361 Oneida, N 10.. 6.723 Montpelier, N 32.98 u 8,163 Core Cen a i sville, J 2 501 oan j wyhet : , K 3 _-_ 200 Gallatin, T145-12'856. Bath J’R2. oe a ee Crawfordville, H10 184 Hopensvilic J 2.1,.591 C1 1389 Summ Me M 12 Owyhee, N_ 3.-.4,694 Montour, K 3 _ 00 : aaa Bath, JB = pict 208 Creighton, F 5--- 300 oem rings, F 4 216° New Holland, F7_2,000 Sante oe ys Payette, J 2.-_ 7,021 Moreland, L 11 -- 150 Greeue, M 7.__-2 ee ayli ae - ee Champaign, #14 15,87: ssland, R 7.-- 81 Hol ysprings, 5 , 1 3.-..27,037 Bunny Side, ; . 5,105 scow, E 2 __-3,956 Grundy, EB 13_--18,5 Beardstown, M1 ‘Picare 141 Gonedcat K 6__-- es eA Ser: Tis 138 hobs Rds Oty Rureneys si ee Bhctener 7 “4.14250 Mountain Home, apa Hamilton, : pape Peseta) 2 Pees rie Popes z : 909 Culverton, J 10-.~ 28 iS ecbes Be o-— 291 Nicholls, Q 10--~ 720 uwanee, =-- 578 f K 13... 3'921 L.4-1.6 Hancock, ~~28, 52: eaver' ile, G 1 18F ane en i 120) 3 1 a ‘ Sooeer avs NI er) 50 Swainsboro, L 11-1,5) Teton, ie Si 1.329 Hance Uda Tae Ree eae 09 Cumming, F 6_ 276 Homerville, S 10_ 627 Nicholson, F 8_-_ 250 vords, H 8 - 136 Twin Falls, N 6 28,398 Mullan, C esa Hardin, Sree yer, P 15S Chale a 563 Cuthbert. P3 0 Bay NT poy Seivenia Dias tae ee 14... 2,524 Murray, © 4 ---- 500 Henderson, G6- 9.770 Beecher, Y 1 328 Charleston, M 14-6,(15 Hoschton, F 7--_ 3877 Ni y 200 Sylvania, L 14__-1 Valley, es j Ds Pe ee ceaaic ober spy Soa as ts Cuthbert. P Howell, S 9 198 | Nile; Seis rae ore, P 7 562 Washington, Bl 9,242 1 Henry, ---~43,162 Bec! ye. 2 SS oe ee Cyrene, S 3 owell, S 9----- 200 Nona, orDennis,J8 550 Sycamore, 3 1.547 Nampa, K 2 ~---7,62 lroguois, H 15_-34,841 Pelgium, J 15--- ‘ ' Mth, @1321,087 @h Huching, G 9. 2 ’ ‘ Sylvester, Q 6_--1,5 = 250 ¢ S 10__37.091 Ik U 11___ 424 Chatsworth, — : - 148 Norcross, G etal. So. s one: 431,866 Naples, A 3 ---_ 2 Jackson. --37.091 Belknap, 2 ee al Dacula, G 6_---- 244 Hull, T 8___-- 50 Norman Park-_-- Newdale, K 12-_- 381 Jétrerson, R 11-28,480 Bell, J '10------- 372 » Gas sl Denhneene 6__ sad Huntsville, F 3-. 15 Norinntoma Mill a ialarions iene © Towns. New wontons ae i Jersey, N ares Bella. N ist 100 Chemin ee ie aisy, N 13----- 2 = 2 Jorristown, } & alle ad a : Lee ee Be ease « : 1 Bais © eas Pi Se Acre ae isp Town Hey, Pop. Memory 8 ~ ort Hann MERE Rolle winine Gy; 1. Seen eee Damascus, 13 0 iron Gy, S8--- 408 Naberg ip 10---~ 100 Tarboro, Sid-- <2 400 Aberdcene Mt A0tee 47h ener eee Hane ee asa age Belle River, 12 811 Cherry, 1H 10----1.265 Damascus, Bes oats 8 D 8... 379 Nunez, M 11.-... a oor M 1l_ 273 Albion, N 8 _.=. Pee N. Poeatello,M11 436 Kankakee, F 15 a ot Belleview, et _ aps aly fe» god Danbury, G 10_—- f rapchi “T— 800. Nye. P10__oa-ce BELLE eWay - 150 Alpine, L 13 —-. 175 Kendall, D 13_--10,074 Beneville, Q 8__ field, M 8 363 panville, Mi oa 8 Tabata Q 6. 14 ba bag ah ir 500 American Falls, Oakley, N 8 ----1,273 Knox, @ %--2-- 46,727 Bellewood, P 1--1,881 Chesterfie 240 Darien, 'Q 14--. 823 Jeleoe tops, O18 150 Oaxfiela, P G.-- 295 Tate, B 4 AL sere Qteame. Ta 2 ac O00 stave a 3a ts des ee Chestnut, J 10-_- ae fee 100 a. Spee Oakwood, 2 = io Tay lorvilies 3 oan Ammon, L 11 ~~ 378 Orofino, rae ea Tasclic: B Traces Beieone Q ered eS eh arson sae ne 35 6.2.02 iinee, $5. ioe K 12... 300 ovia, N18 —-- 18 ence, P15-21.380 Belvidere, B 11_-7,804 Chic ee. Spas ; Hie eee ae ‘azewell, M 3--- 125 ‘Archer, 150 Lawr elvidere, B 11__7,8 ~ B15-19,653 Ber atk Tune POLS Galva, 8 15, H8 Buena A 8.-- 195 Arch seh iE IMMRE Boone ee. ti EES BM ae 88008 Bement te 1i-n.oeg One BRLO8 awsony 55-198 Jaklin, § 2------ Fr ci o anin ee aoc --1,768 Ashton, =e Dzone, —ane O00, Livingnton, 12289. 07p y ec ene col ge 3°31 ; 175 Dawsonv oe o- br ee " ee 100 Odessadale ook 3. 182 Tenaille, K 10. "200 Athol, a -=---- 281 Paris, N 18 1.933 Logan, J Operant Bensenville, 0 14 ye peter oat ecatur, 56,15 rer tO : ane Dae 4 eles? Ouida : y oa aris, ee Etre Donough, I 6_27, ; aa : Uae Decbatal aa en Jelloreae. F F7_--1, (26 a eae Q 12-- a Thelua “S$ 10. 300 aor : Parker, K 12 __. ace Meflenry. A 13_38,164 Pontey Fi lies 136 oe ae 993 4 Deore eset sonville, 8 842 Ogeechee, M 13_. 125 elma, 522" 181 Bancroft. M 12eee etd parma. ik joe 397 -McLean, I 11__70,107 ton, S 11_----7,201 Cicero, R 5----- 2 Jemorest, E 8___ 686 Jeffersonville, Li S42 N6.. 871 The Rock. K ce : att yo 83 A 7007 Bentley -- ae 0s a ea ; 800 Oglethorpe, i= K4 502) Basalt, Ly 1h 225 Paul, } Macon,-K 11...65, See aoe Ciscoe B45 Denton, P 10---- 300 Jenkinsburg, I 5- 200 Ohoope, O 12... 149 Thomaston, K 4__2,! 96 Basi N 8 302 Payette, J 2 _.-2,433 nin. N 8.57274 Berlin, o4t Oe eee a Desota, O 6_---_ 216 Jerome, M 14--_- = -- 288 Thomasville, T5_8,196 Basin. N 8 --__ : 3 Macoupin, N 857,274 Berlin, L 8 =-- isu, gaara o= = 00 Oliver, M 14__- 2,140 Bellevue, L 7 --_ 526 peck, F Madison, P 8__106.895 st ig ot 10g oe 7 De oe ee 9 mpi 8-_-- 200 Thomson, I i1__2,14 2 1 pi ; Madison, 37 497 Bernadotte, Ms BZ 150 rat Soma? Ajo IG Guat N2-m> Baer, Ne Bene, Sede! Bethe 482 Mac G0-1876) Berwe’ uag’-aada Clete, BT 1a eke, Jouenbarant aise 060 Omega, R 7_-__- 329 ‘Tifton, 1005 17--3,937 Plano, K 15_--- hall, “161631 Berwyn, Q 12---14, jap eee eh Sees 5 iger 3 Bietktnes ae Plano, = s J S8_--16,634 _--. 471 Clarence, es Osterfld on oo2 Ih anal, G70 tag isek Bing. N70 “33 Posatetis, M_11 15,002 Massag, V 12.218,550 seine stbee cp eee Sere a Me age he ae Toccoa, D 3.567 Bliss, M 6 —_--. Pocatello, 576 -Menasd, 3 9.11604 Bethtny. tees te 0 + ‘ Owens Ferry, S813 200 Toccoa, Bloomington, N13 475 Post Falls, C 2-- 576 ard, 6.718'806. Bible Grove, 200. Curkanle ee yoerun, R =~ + a 698 Toomsboro, L 4-_ 420 ston, - 2._1.500 Mercer, F 6__-18, Biggsville, G 6. 42 ‘ Be *o center, G2 ce oe -Boorerg Fock Bane rotates A Zn 8___12.839 Bi 3._ 250 Clayton, J 5----- : ronald, Pia Kestler, @ 2----- 3 O00: ROW aS Care Bt : 2__-8,235 Monroe, Q 8-_--¥2, Big Rock, C 13... 2 324 wie 3: Ozels 8 \Toccanne 295 Bonners Fy., A 3_1,236 Preston, N 12- 239 N10-41.403 ig 200° CHew ae Donald, P 1 Kestler, yee 373 Trenton, O1---..- | 295 3 3 F B 2 545 Montgomery. Billett, BP 152. 2 } ‘ is chiar a ne 10 op. ETtCee Haves, 8___83,567 192 Clifton, G 15_--_ 6 Bow Me Cittaro Md 15-2 20) Palmer. P/t4..228 800 Givin bee ae 1.588 Boville, 00 py B 2 200 Morgan, L 8_—- Bingham, N 10-- 1! . 5.898 Dura, Kindeviow, ‘TS-~ 150 Palmetto, Pee ar null, Ot 0 Bu TN. 6 i 70, bas Prospect, K 12.. 201 onle B10. 12--14,830 Birca ee cae 700 Giyde Bie 003 rae ae Sn nnatute 1eone Parrott, 0 4-—-__ hin ee eee ifs ee | Ogle, B10i=_ sane e+ Birkner, ---— 4 B 131,744 pear Vrgetath Rinntn, geo gob Reterog @ 1 BS. 9 nh pamam. og gg Bere a Beta ree oe Selo ek in ouglasyille cEra co cinewood se 96 > Ss ond, Erie erry, ----22,¢ ismarck, an ee 7S 2a ene ter Kirkland, Q 9.22 150 pues Unadilla, N 6_--.1,103 Cabinet, B 3... 250 Raymond. jf 18 - es Pee Ln 26866 Bisckelene eas 100 Coatauen Te RID Ags abla. sett 944 Dudley, M Rite 1. 1g. a Bd (Pembroke G 44> poo Stiaion hte aoe 620 , K 11 --- 200 Rexburg, K 12 --8,569 pone U 18.0229 625 Blandinsvilie, 161.002 Cohden, 11-944 see ee B00 Lag otyile SUES ise eae ee ae ee Camas, K 11 -_- exbure, _7""333 i, V_11__-14,629 U 12-100 Coffeen, N 10---- 45 Duluth: @ 6 BEAR Sebo kee REE Penfield M8. 346 Uptoa, Q 9____- iter Ee Bolin Rigby, Kk Mies 629 Pathe BF 10--7,579 Bloomingdale, © 14 448, Colchester, 1 basa are ney. QM45-5---» 200 Bepperton, 1 G--- 38l Uptonville, $18. 58 Carey, U8 _---- 700 Ririe, K 12__-__ 398 Randolph, R 9--29,109 Bloomingdale 5 Sees ae : a Eat i a Perry, Mi Ti aah” a ee Challis, I 7 ---- 484 Roberts, K 11--- 313 Richland, P 14_-14,044 111_28,725 Colfax. P 89.75% allijay, D4 285 Lay Ege ee UE Porry,, Mats 723 ta, T 8_-10,783 Chapin, K 18 --_ 125 Robin. M 11 2 jr, Rock Island. 636.320 _ Blue Island, V 4-11,424 Gollisen. 15 _ 150 Kast Lake, i 5+, O01 Lake Park, ‘TS Pichincha ae Vad Woke wea ‘221 Clark Fork, B 3 325 Rock Creek, N 7 Big St Clair, Peer ae 358 Blue Mound, L11 881 Colnee eee Fattaane: 'N 9. 2 Lambert, P 14_-_ 200 Rogie = oe ak Ae ye Ve TUE AL Lone Hockland, nN 0 = ia Satine, ae 353 Pi nn be i Gomer 4 int, A anier, 3 : are LO Ti ; aay d’ Alene, Rocky ar, anga Bluffsprings, Pie ted a Eastpoint, H Lanier, N 14_--_ 50 -~ Pine rst, N 6_-_ 596 Vidette, J 138_--- 569 Goeur 6,447 : Se Sate Colma, ie 6. ‘ ronia, H 9_-_-1,644 Pinehurst, a= : =-=-2,019 C2_- Roseberry, Schuyler, Bois, R 10. ; ===, 584 Taaeens Ge5- ater ine Dee lm §_-= re bb Sonesta 5 2--1,047 pornos F 3° eae ere a ie re as Si.” ae-i3"9 60 Holton, a 456 Columbia, Q 7 SK 13 20 ins, 0 4---_- y “ini G@ 3----- 250 Council, I 3----- ‘ upert, re, elby, --29, ondville, es OU 2 : is Pleasanthill, 1 4. 10M Sraig 2... 600 ia er Sa 9.692 Gap, Q.14.- 455 Colum: Hae me Ges race 2 EE 1 ae oe Ge ES BR ae a 2 | Roop AREA Hetil os Sotton Sais y Buc: 188. Pooler, N 140 ie = path "Jo" 71 46 5 sac. F 2.__. 39 2--2,9: swell, H 1 y lee R122. 8 Concor aoe ‘ 9 Leesburg, P 5.-. 786 Too Z 50 Ww u K pha Culdesae, F 2- 3'500 ‘Tazewe 5 Bowne = is ‘Iberton, : Sie WS ey Ss alesis 3 . Charles, N11: jon Gage 20,249 Gar 120 Congerville, H 1 7 PAT SE Lame ime ap Eeparine peda Walata Be BR Oey a aay Sat ROME Vermlion 7 i-S0G Beael a> 0 OME ioe itll ese, 0 Oona Poulan, 0 6.--- 586. Waloet Grove, HS ary, D2 316 Salmon, H 8-1, hash, 0 5 -1h os PB 10_--- 100 Cooks Mills, Illabell, Leslie, -O_ 6_---=-- 470 tat 3 586 Walnut ‘Grove, H8 143 Deary,- Bk 2. saecs % n 1 iw. 379 Wabas ) 14.034 Bealtan: peat 10 8 180 : : FO eee Qe ee ) lon Neer 200 Samaria, N Warren, G 16__-21.4 b L 18--- 250 Gooksville, H Ellaville, N 4____ 693 [etford, 0 14____ 4@9. Powder Spgs.,G4 336 Waresboro, R 10_ 175 Declo, 3 500 Sandpoint, B 22.2,876 arre = Boushen, 73 Be ville. “Ht 12- 207 Ellenton, R 7--- 125 Lexington, G 9_-_ aoe Spgs., Warrenton, I 111,407 Desmet. D 2 __- ? San * 1-7 bos Washington, 2 ee tet e Ree 200 lle] 226 > yeh 200 Preston, 0 4. 99 ; ich, M 7--- 300 Shelbey, L = Que ee 18.035 Sie 715 ‘Geohorn, Ellijay, Limerick, O 14___ 20 Pretoria, Q 5 Warthen, J 10_-_ 228 Dieterich, } ‘ 522 Shoshone. M 7.221.165 Q “5 ga-> te newen Wot S ee 715 v a z= 2 Fmerson Cindale, "f 2._1-8104 Pulaski,” M132. 249 Warwick, Poo Bt Driggs, K 18 2. 083 Seger Gity, M2 "400 White. 14..-90:081 Boyleston, Q 18-- Comer ee Emerson, Lindale, T 2 _-_-3.104 Pulaski, } Washington, H10_4,.208 Driggs, K 13 ___ 6% 3 Si ri eras White.” 4---20.081 Boyleston, Q 18-- 100 pest A “= 20 ee A ep Sete coer i Jassaw, N 16 721 Drummond, J 13 115 Soda Sp gs, Whiteside. 8_36. $0 815 re Inks Linwood 1 Seuerapaiia ie ieee Watkinsville, GY 403 Dubois, J 11 —-. 590 Sie TM oA a0 Will, 14. 92,011 Bradford, FF 9--—-_ 915 Contterville, He 91.401 snecks, re aN a a f 5 ee oise, L 8---. 883 Tila TROT “092 dley, Be at ee eee ea er Sere eens ta aed oer anes Bolten Boe ae Sort Spworth, 4 yee 5 529 Ray City, 8 9-0 7 ee ee ele Pry Mast H B 3_ 203 Springfield, Woodford, G 10 19,5 recken: ’ 203 R. 10. 250 Fsomhill, Locust Grove, I 5B 526 Rave Milis Roo 700 Waynesboro, J 12_3.311 East I ope, x ee ae 402 Brockeneeeea 2 fa ea 250 Etna, G Loganville, G 6-- 711 it aaah P 7. 331 Waynesville, R13 300 Eden, M fe Sterling, L. 10--. 250 Total 6,485,280 Breese, P 10----2,399 Great Sprs., T “pn Budera, TA ase eee aS, 108 eble, M 9... 200 Waynmanville. K5 315 gin’ & 12 125 - Sberilieg Lid Oss 200 SNS Reneg tone ; Prenetine HS "a0 estan ign Hit a0 Evel 24K Lovvate. 3 = ‘300 Rei See “4d Weat Green, Bi0 300 Pik City ‘G 5 200 Sunset, © 4 2--- 500 TOWNS. Briar Bluff, HT 104 pk bi = een 945 Evelyn, Q 14__-_ 200 Louvale, Sta. 15 221 Rea Stone, F 7--. 44 West Green, P 10 200 © < City, p= oe Be Orr 208 Pa Dery fie p sete) Lverett City, Q14 150 [Lovejoys Sta., 15 221 Register, M 13_ 300 West Point, K 22,188 Wlkhorn, 2 = 847 Super. 'K 12 Town ead Pop. Se Te eee ee i 200 ove J ; y Biste 30 ‘ . elkhor ae par zee az. Ewing, T 11---- 200 Lov ett. M = Reidsville, O 1$-5 553. Weston, Ak eae a 208 Elkriver, L 2 7722,204 A pen Lon a ee i 558 Experiment, J 5. 500 pRidowl eles Rentz, M 9 219 Whigham, S 5__-_ oe Emmett, TaylorK Wo. ae pens is 7 G2) (Brite, “8-97 Crotty, 7 “bee 5 Talaton, 18-2 2 ane! 3... 128 White Hall, G8. 38 Pai tone Kin 12) seu 57. AdatredGsenaten ands, K 14 384 Crysta = Paceville, T 4--_ 325 [ulaton, R 13____ 150 Resnea, 4a L 5_._- 996 White Plains, 1 9 319 Fairfield, L 6 250 bhecrh ic 18 222 $00 Adams, -Ko52222- ooh Broadlands Eid 384 Crystal Ly B 13. 2 Fae Mount, 142" 49f Lumplin, "6 2° MM Ten Ht 3 396. Willaccockse: GO-1,24¢ Ferdinand, F 3.2 958 Thatcher. N12". 900 Addieville. ° °-> FiO Broadwell, 3-10. 200 Gullom, @ ese oe Fair Mount, B4_ 497 Lump in, EE ei (NEC 396 Willacoochee, 09_1,211 Ferdinand, Soy teed SRE eter 4) Addiacna (ite ee ot ; a 209 Cullom, @ 13---- Fargo, {2 122-55— 300 [Luthersville. J 3. 359 Rbine, . rac. 529 Williamson, J 5-. 249 Filer, M’6 —_..1, 3 Thomas. L 11 --- 150 Agee ee on, "38-22 Curran. 9-7 123 ile, 14 O82 Tytles@ 2--a2a 200. Richwo -—— 20 ae See, Aire een ‘150 Thorn “- 591 Akin, $12------. 200 Brookfield, Sasa 363 Fone eB ie eal So pile, at UME pest HA ray 1.8 Be Pal, SOLS Amin, (@ Sco, ak Gromdaig gg Cuter 9 os 8 ‘ é > © ‘ a -1,% : eatin < j-- ==, Picklin, Hi 10, 182 McDonough, L 15_1,26 Ridgeville, Q 15. 800 wintint ete 20 onski oME coins Tyson, D 3 ---- 108 Albion, Q Ma zoo Brookport, VTi ane Co ee il Fitzgerald, re oe Metntorl. 0 ies 1/2 edo 304 Winterville, G 8 ree Garner, N 11 p02. Deon: Ki 1g) 6— 400 Aledo, F PTB. 200 Bemecntonl 8 13. 508 Dahlgren, ee 248 Flintstone, able, S11 Ritch, @'1H-* 301 Woodbine, Sg 113 Gat ( =. 875 Ulysses, H 8 --- 100 ‘texander. L 18. "J 7. 456 Dakota, A 10_--- Foren 2 Ane thas Rivertighe ne 59 Woodbury, K 4-_ 923 Gem, C@ 4 _-__ t6 Ustick K 822. 300 Alexander, T 18- iy Peed ——- 430 Dakota,” A 10-2 248 Florence, O 2_--. 150 Mableton, G 4__ phe ide. R G.. 24s Woodland, L 4--. 356 Genesee, E 2___ fo s 5 aes 300 Hopedale, L 10-- 556 McClure, V 10--. 300 New Lebanon, B12 200 Reddick, F 14--_ 239 Summerfield, P 9 277 Windsor, M 12---1.000 Adamsboro. G 9_- 150 Bure, Oak. wee Ob Fidelity, N 8... 155 Hornsby, N 9---. 190 McConnell, A 9-. 175 New Lenox, D 12 220 Redmon, L 15--- 234 Summit, R 2_-_-4, 019 Winsdor -------- 484 Advance, K 8_-- 417 Burrows. G 8... 150 Fieldon, N 7_____ 248 Houston R 9____ 149 McHenry, A 13--1,146 Newman, K 141,225 Reeves, T 11__-_ 779 Summum, I 7---. 225 Winfield, G 14-_. 250 Aetna, V 14 Butler, C .15_---1. 145 Fillmore, N 10___ 511 Hoyleton, Q 10_. 527 McLean, I 11__-_ 697 New Memphis, O09 252 Renault, R 8_--- 241 Sumner, P 15_ 9 Winnebago, B 19 495 Akron, DH 10 Butlerville. P 13 Findlay, M 12_-__ g82 Hubbard, B 14___ 300 McLeansboro,R12_1,927 New Milford, B11 200 Reno, O 10___-__ 500 Sunfield, R 11--- 150 Winnetka, B 15_6,694 Alaska, O 7 Byrneville, T 10_ ton Pisher,- I. 13.25 747 Wudson, H 10--_ 309 McNabb, F 10_-_ 150 New Minden, Q10 232 Reynolds, E 6_-- 322 Swansea, P 8----1,048 Wireton, C 15--. 150 Alamo, K fe Fithian, J. 14:._> 483 (Huey,5 P~18.-.2. 154 Macedonia, S 12_ 210 New Philadelphia, Richmond, A 13- 533 Swedona, F 7---- 46 Winslow, A 9---- 371 eens I oe. K 148 Plariagan, G 12... 687 Hull, Db 5c... .. 648 Mackinaw, H 10_ 828 17 300 Richview, Q 10__ 330 Sycamore, C 12__3,602 Winthrop Harbor, a arich os - Seed Ewe ge Ec Flat Rock. 0 15. 745 Humboldt, L 13-__ 343 Macomb, I 6_---- 6,714 New Salem, K 6- 262 Ridge Farm, K15 851 Symerton, B 14_- 157 Ald 473 ee © BF ambridge oto “Oem WitraP 18.528 3,558 Hume, K 14_____ 609 Macon, L 11----- 788 Newton, D 14___2.083 Ridgefield, B 13_ 200 Witt, N 10_----- 2.443 ‘Alexandria. Gatiden. Has SOT Floraville, Q 8___ 300 Humphreys, L 10 918 Madison, P 8_---4,996 New Windsor, F 7 473 Ridgeway, T 14-1,102 Table Grove, I 7- 610 Woburn, 0 10_--_ 250 Alfordsville. § Camineck. J) 15ce 300 Foosland, I 13___ 250 Hunt, N 14_-_-__ 195° Maystown, R 8. 28 Niantic, K 11-.. 613 Ridott, A 9_---_-_ 187 Tallula, K-9_____ 761 Woodburn, N 8.. 133 mites 8 Campbellsbars“ Ho 659 Fordville, T 11_. 792 Huntley. B 18__. 720 Magnolia, F 11_-- 321 Niles, C 15------ 1,258 pitgwes A 13_- 160 Tamaroa, R 11_-1,115 Woodhull, F 7_-. 700 Allensville, Q@ 15 52 Canaan, O 13____ 200 Forest Cy., I 9-- 314 Huntsville. J 6__ 250 Mahomet, J 13__ 649 Niles Center, M 2 763 Rio. F 7--_----- 201 Tamms, V 10---_ 822 Woodland, H 15- 398 Alquina, M it 111 Cannellburg, R 6 224 Forest Park _-_-10,768 Hurst, S 11--_--_ 1,222 Makanda, T 17_- 310 Nilwood, M 9___ 449 Ripley. K 6...-- 193 Tampico, D 9_--- 788 Woodlawn, Q 11. 309 Altoza, x iy aie 250 Cannellton. V 7_.2.008 Forrest, G 13_.___ 965 Hutsonville, N 15 665 Malden, B 10_--- 253 Noble, P 14__--_ 580 Riverdale. V 5__1.166 Taylor Springs---1,526 Wood River Alton, 8. Cee 128 Canton, R 10_--_ 200 Forreston, B 9__. 884 Malta, C 11----- 391 Nokomis, M 10-_3,465 River Forest, C15-4,358 Taylorville, L 10_5,806 Woodson, L 7___ é Altona, % 14... 382 Carbon. M 6... 472 Forsyth, K 11___ 200 Illinois City, EB 5 125 Manchester, L 7 456 Nora, A 8_------ 213 River Grove, 0 1 484 Tennessee, I 6... 252 Woodstock. A 1 23 Altona, R 4__---- 506 Cardonia, M 6_-- 509 Ft. Sheridan, B18 600 Tlliopolis, K 10__ 814 Manhattan, H 14- 525 Normal, I 11_---5,143 Riverside, R 1_--2,532 Terre Haute. H 5 190 Woodworth, H 15 154 Ambia, H 4----- 459° Carlisle. Q 4---_ 973 Fountain Green.I5 150 Ina. R 11__--_-_ 898 Manito, I 8_----. 758--Nortis, i Sasoee 382 Riverton, K 10_-1,916 Tessville. © 15__- 355 Woosung, C 10.. 300 Amboy. H 11---- 460 Carlos, K_14----- 150 Fowler. K 5_-_-__ 164 Indianola, K 15_ 359 Manlius. E 9_.-- 309 Norris City, S 141,300 River View, B 14 334. Teutopolis. N 138. 728 Worden, 0 9_---1,.252 Americus. H 7-- 90 Carmel. K 10_—_ 598 Pos, “Av 14-5. 467 Industry. I 6_.-. 604 Mansfield, J 12. 669 N. Aurora, C 13_ 458 Roanoke, G 11---1,368 Texas City, 8S 18. 200 Worth, U 2-----_ 249 Amity, N 10---- 100 Carpentersville. L7 150 Fox River Grove, Ingleside, A 14__ 100 Manteno, F 14__-1,182 N. Chicago, A 15_5,839 Robbins, C 15--. 481 Thackery, R 13_. 200 Wrights, M 7---. 200 Amo. M 8.----— = 274 Sarcon. A eres — Ais 19% Ingraham, 0 13_. 200 Maple Park, C12_ 884 N. City, S 11---_1,362 Roberts, ry Thawville, H 14. 318 Wyanet, BE S_--- 825 to cbetaintd ia aes potable: 8 sea Frankfort, 2 14-_ 497 Tola, 0 12__-___- 279 Mapleton, H 9_-- 600 N. Chillicothe, Robinson, 5..3.37% Thayer, 1 9--.-- Tue eee One eeea LOTS Came ne NAY 548 . Carterebinss WS Frankfort Heights. Apiva; “Leee 2. 720 Maqnon, G 4.--- 441 G 10_1,002 Rochelle, C 11_--3,310 Thebes, V 10_--_ 857 pe a. B 14___-2. 5 Gustncd: *, $12.3,423 Iroquois. G 15... 776 Marblehead, G 8. 100 N. Crystal Lake, Rochester, L 10_- 399 Thomashoro, J 14 261 Xenia, P 12... 640 A areatielit I ia aes Pp 3 Pranklin, £ 8S... 611. Irving. N 10--..- 519 Marengo, B 12_.1.758 A 13_2,000 Rockbridge, M %_ 225 Thompson, © 8__ 495 bien Cc 9. DS : FranklinGrove,C10 589 Irvington, Q 11-_ 258 Marietta, I 7---_ 512 N. Henderson, F 7 200 Rock City, A 9-- 159 'Thompsonville.S12 577 Yale, N 14_----- LOY “Anthony al dees Castleton, § Franklin Park. 01 914 Irwin, F 14----_- 102 Marine, O 9_----_ 676 N. Utica, © 15---1,087 Rockdale. D 14-1478 Thornton. D 15_-_ 767 Yates City, G@ S- 582 Antioch.’ f Cataract. Frederick, J 7. 300 Isabel, L 14----- 400 Marion, T 11__-_9,582 Rock Falls, D 9_2,927 Tilden, R 9_----1,137 York, N 15------ 150 Arba. K 1! mR’ Oates. Kooi Freeburg, Q 9_--1,594 Marissa. R 9----1,900 Oakford, J S----- 351 Rockford, B 10_65,651 Tilton, or Vander- Yorkville, D 13-. 441 Arcadia. : Catlin. M } Freeport, A 9__-19.669 Mark = See 1,300 Oak Glen, D 15_- 300 RockJIsland, E6_35,179 Cook, J 15__-~- 909 Arcola. B Cayuga. K 4____ 933 Fullersburg, C 12 700 Ivesdale, K 18... 390 Marley, or Oakland, L 14---1,210 Rockport, L 5--. 204 Timewell, K 6___ 300 Zeigler, S 11____2,: 3388 Argos. D 9 a Cedar Grove. N15 200 Fulton, D 4.....2,445 Ivy L’d’g., R 8_. 101 Midway, D 14. 100 Oaklawn, T 8--- 489 Rockton, A 11--. 899 Tinley Park, D15 493 .Zion City, A ise 580 Arlington, M 12. 500 CedarLake, O 4. 400 INDIANA-—CONT’D IOWA elestine, I 7--. 125 Wilettsville. O 8. 721 Hillsdale, 200 MeCool, V 15---. 125 New Mt. Pleasant. Redkey, I-14----1. 386 Talbot, H 4..... 150 IOWA Anita, hk edarville. D 14. 160 Wilsworth, S 7--- 50 Hoagland, Zov McCordsville, K 11 800 114 125 Reddington Talma, IF 10. 150 Ankeny, J ile ementville. T 11 000 Winora, Q 6_---- 865 Hobart, W 3.400 MeCoysburg, fF 6. 79 New Palestine.L11 442 Keelsville, ‘Lampico, Q 11--_ 140 Anthen, G 3 7 enter, 1: 202s 300 Hobbs, J 11_---- 300 Hobbieville, P 7- 200 McGrawsville. H10 50 New Paris, UC 11- 400 Keese Mill, J ‘langier, K 5---- 300 Furst settled at Aplington, F 14__ 598 enterpoint, N 6G 371 Wlrod, P 14----- 150 Holland, T G---. 500 McNatts, H 138.- 60 New Pekin. KR 1U 356 Reittsburg, Taswell, I’ 8... 200 Burlington, 1788 Arcadia, “Hi 1U2-5_ + 376 euterton, M 9-- 30U Elston, I 7------ 100 Hollaudsburg, L G6 100 Macy, F 10-----. 297 New Philadelphia, Remington, ‘Taylorsville, O 11, 500 3 Z Archer, C 4 1 enterville, L 15 917 Elwood, I 11----10.790 Holton, P 13---- 300 Macksville, T 4_3.083 R1i 100 Reno, L 7----—- 100 Teegarden, C 9-- 200 Admitted as a Ter- svion, 1 5__-____ halmers, G 7--. 528 Elwren, O 7----- 100 Homer, M 12_--. 2 Madison, R 18__-6.711 New Pittsburg.115 160 Rensselaer. F 6_-2.912 ‘Tefft, I G-~---__ 275 ritory heed 12, Arispe, N 9 6 A > 2 pe, uambersburg,S9 100 Wminence. N 8_- 300 Home Place, K 10 200 )janalasville. N 9 260 New Point, 0 13. 317 Rexville, Q 18--- 100 ‘ell City. V 7_--4.086 18388. Arlington, KE 18_ 729 handler, V 0-~- 100 English, I’ 8-—_—_ 576 Honey Crk.. K 13 182 yjaijesboro, O 11- 156 Newport, L 5---- 703 Reynolds, G 7--- 379 Templeton, B 5-- 350 4 qmitted St te, Armstrong, P 8__ 818 harlestown. S12 820 English L.. D_7_ 75 Hoosierville. N 6 100 jfajenica,'G 12-- 300 New Providence. Richland, V 5--- 300 ‘Tennyson, U woe MUVEL AS GC SUOLE ig eu eee 200 parlottesville.L12 450 Hnterprise, V 5-- (66 Hoover, G 19---- 100 jinize, Q 12----- 300 S11 3833 Richmond, L 15-26.765 ‘Terhune. J 9__ 150 Dec. 8, 1846. Arnolds Pk., B 6. 478 hentety a or a rea, R con Ae EDS: er at ct Makin. F122. 68 New prota i cae or Rich Val., G he i Terre Haute, N5_66.U83. Area: Arthur, G@ 4--_._ 290 iesterfiel otna Green, 3 ortonville, Malott Pk.. S 15 100 New Ross, K 7_. 3851 Ridgeview, F 10_ 447 ‘Thayer, I 4_-__. 200 Land, 55,586 sq. Ashton, B 4---_- i] hesterton. V 15-1.604 Wugene, K 4----- 450 Hosmer, S 5_---- 2 rape yoni O 16 350 New Salem. M 13 200 Ridgeville, I 14_-1.042 ‘Thorntown. J 8_-1.432 raging i! aeply tall 16 ios bili, F 10---»~ 250 Bureka, V 5-___. 150 Houston, P 10_-- 1 Manhattan. M 16 100 New Salisbury.110 210 Rigdon, I 11----- 203 ‘Tilden, L 8-__._ 80 Atalisea. K 20... 198 binds “Od tee eee sae ee eee Manilla, M-12_-- 400 Newton, F 10---- 163 Riley, N 3------- 550 ‘iosa, E 9____-__ 150 Water, 561 square Arneistan, 0 S.- 150 urisney, V 6--- Si5 Dverton, M Has se Howell, V 3 Mansfield. M 6. 300 Newton Stewart. Ripley, EH %=---.- 100 ‘Tippecanoe, E10 400 miles. Atkins, 1 17--_-. 202 uurubusco. D 13 916 Bwing, Q 10-—- Howesville. O d-- 200 j\iancon. J 8----- 200 T7 90 Rising Sun, © 151,411 Tipton, J 10__-__ 4.507 Total, 56,1j7 sq. Atlantic, K 6_-__5,329 icero, J 10----- a. Exchange, N 9-- 78 Howland.s § 1 150 \aples, E 15---. 100 Newtonville. V 6 150 River Park. B 9-1.505 ‘'Tobinsport. W 8_ 300 miles 4 Attica, L 13-_--. 150 incinnati, P 7. 87 spanks, O 4.. 111 Hudson, © 14---- 885 Jioblewood. LS. 100 Newtown, J 6--- 329 Riverside, J 18_- 866 ‘Tocsin, F 14 205 oe Auburn, G 7_-_-- 406 lurke Station.V13 100 Fairbanks. 0 4-- Sij, Huntertown. D 14, 400 ioe Cor... 0 18 75 New Trenton. 01s 200 Roachdale. L 7-_ 876 ‘oleston, V 3---=1.000 Population, Last ‘Audubon, J 22222108 arksburg, N 13 40% airland, M lis. 51g Buntingbure, 1 653.06) Marblehill. S 13. 100 Newville. D 15.-- 150 Roann, F 11-____ 414 Topeka, Q.12.--. 512 Census, 2,404,021. ‘Aurelia, EK 5_.... 708 areerilice ry 112.322 Fairmount, 1 122.155 Span em aee4 Marco, Q 5------ 300 New Ageia 268 pee oe Gag ie a Oe 100 Capital, Des Moines Aurora, F 18_--—— 28+ arksville, ~2-008 2 alr! LI Biases ws bi sville. 2. a : . 3 12 b Sal eee 642 ‘Trafalgar, N 10. 400 nh = larksville, K 11 200 lair Oak, E 5--- 350 Yoron, R 7-- 176 Marengo, T 9.--5 (4 i ‘ ae reas , Avery, M 14_____ 450 ‘kesville, 2 Pret rae A mae S 6 100 New Waverly.G9 300 Rochester, EH 10_-3.720 Trask, H 12 ---_ 10U =a 5 lay City, O 51.226 Vairview Park-—_1.301 Hymera, o-2-1.599" Mariab aie ie his 275 New Winchester.L8 116 Rockcreek. G 13- 100 ‘Treaty, G 11--__ 100. AV OGH ie oe ae: aypool, E 11. 356 Yalmount, M 1é8_ 175 Marietta, - d COUNTIES Ayrshire, D 7_--_. 361 ae "g, S 11 437 larmer, O 6 150 F : 600 Marion, H Bs 58 747 Nineveh, N 10--- 300 Rockfield. H 8_-- 300 ‘Trenton, K 14_--_ 300 ay eee M8... 498 barmersburg, “04-1, 141 ile Fe ing 163 Markland. O 15-- 200 Noe K 10-4, “too peetere be 10-2, 13 Ea ake ca We ane County Key ies Badger, BF 5222-2 By LORS So Je Bie irtae Mark ee | Paar ad hs ees ~ . we 125) TroyegV Tsou. 5: - 3 oT we Re Q10 200 Farmersville, V2 75 gps ip eave’ 500 Marshall, L_5--. 334 Normanda, L 10. ‘150 Rockville, L 5 yet 968 “‘Furner, N 5__--- 300 Adams, M 7_- 1032 21 Baldwin, ML 12 lamont, S13-. 240 Farmland, J 14 878 ypgiana Harbor... Marshfield, J 4. 110 Nommay Ste-+ 00) Te ae ee ae oases Allamakee, 316-17. 282 Bancroft, B 9_--- 902 lifford, O 11---. 185 Fayette, J 18--. 195 U 12-7. 000 Martinsburg. § 10 100 North, Q 15------ 2 Rome, -V_ 8—----- Joo Tyner, C 9-—--- 200 tubop, J 7. 12.300 _ Baknes City,1G Ia e478 i _--10. 96: tteville, @ -8 150 : 4: Norris, S 10_---. 85 Rome City, © 13_ 450 udubon, f_ 12.5 : ) | ereenake N 7° O78 perdinnad “UT. 884" Pale at log Be merinee ahs: a Northgrove, H 11 130 Romney, J 7_---- 200 Underwood. § 11. 125 Benton, H 16 24,080 iaciert D ise 135 loverland. Nd. (100" Fiat:. BH gltzae “eh Indian Spes.. Marvavillem sete 150 Ny aon “a Gest 7h oe vee 14 Luton. [eee -ne 200 eee 16 Boe Batavia M 162 eee une = ; 5G Mudgee 15) : = c p S F ; rty, -- ‘ 14_. 1- ii Y.. 3.40 . pias Eats re te rie = See a bs Binceee Lb tote 175 pea oe een aCe 118-- 502 N' Madison. R 13 309 Rosedale, M 5... 741 Uniondale. F 13-. 257 Bremer, © 16 16,728 Buttle Creeks G 3785 oal ity, OU 300 Fishers, K 40--.. 142 Jnwood, D Q:-- 300 Max: KS... 100)", Maehienten. 70) [tenet 10 11 ee Mine ee AAT Cooled ome Os 12 200 ¥ i 6 Reet ae TG fy 11-2. selawn. HE 5--- Unionport, Iq ada s UeDR VIS le ie al Creek. de oo ape er Aa Ireland, S 6----- 275 peeiace apres ia 9 ss N. Salem. L 8--. 595 Ross, W 13_----. 100 Unionville, O 9-. 100 lutler, E 14_-_ 17,845 B ld, 55 0 oatesvilie, M 8. 522 Flint, B 14____- 125 Taciccon Mero 100 MaxN*T 13-772 200 N. Terre Haute.M5 300 Rosston, K 9---- 100 Universal, L 41,57) Calhoun, G S_ 17,783 Hescousary N10 170 ochiraje 52.22. 8581 Rloraepesee 1.441 J8Sotbure, Lid 105 Moveooa, TP 1dc. 300 N. Vernon. P 12.3084 Rossville. I 8_--- 595 University Heights, Carroll, 1 7--- 21,549 peauiene fol oesse, E18---- 200 Florence, Q 15--. 240 Jackson Hill, 0 5 400 Mecca, L 5------1.200 N. Webster. D 12 400 Royal Cen.. F 8_ 900 TO. 477 C Ouse) Dateones 10,421. Deal ‘olburn, H 7---- 300: Floyds Knob, T11 285 Jajlapa, H il 150 Mechanicsburg.Ki2 200 Norwood, L 9.-.. 400 Royalton, K 9--- 100 Upland, H 13_---1.301 Cedar, J 20--- 17.560 peters ‘oldspring, P 14 61 Folsomville. U 5- 410 Jymestown. K 8 628 yf 4 z Sile i 7 624 Notre Dame. B9-1,200 Royerton, J 13_--_ 300 Upton, V 2_--_-- 250 CerroGordo,C12 34.675 Pelt b, 12__ ein pay eeeh Ie 793 Fontanet. M 5--- 570 Jaconville, P 5---4.461 Mea rO 5 659 Nottingham, H14 104 Rushville, M_13_5.498 Urbana, F 11---- 300 Cherokee, E 4_ 17.760 hah et Tas ne ‘ollamer, BH 12-. 100 Foresman, F 5--- 100 Jasper, I 6--- 772.539 Mellott. J Gaia 340 Nulltown. M 14. 73 Russellville. L 6 463 Utica, T 12_--___- 400 Chickasaw, C16 15,43 ae ay aine, I 63,887 ollege Park, F12 169 Forest, I 9--_--- 300 Jefferson, I S.--. 806 Meltzer. N 12... 75 Nyesville, L 6_-- 100 Russiaville. I 9-- 298 Clarke, M11. 10.308 eee be ‘ollett, I. 15.-.-. 200 Foresthill. O 12-- 113 Jeffersonville. Memphis. § j1__. 467 . Valeene. S 9---___ 100 Clay, G--___ eee says tt, J 20_... 362 ollins, B 1é 100 Ft. Branch. T 41.339 12 ‘ ° Par Oakford, I 10-_-- 150 g}, 50 Valentine, B 13. 100 Clayton, D.19_ 25,032 Bennett, J 20-—-—— ot. pies 200 Ft. Ritner, R 9-- ‘111 Ho 1210-988 Mentone, D 18--- 678 Ooxrorest, N14. 125 So Authony. TT 200 Valley Mills, Ud 250 Clinton, 122. 43.371 Bentov. O 81-4 246 Jolum bia City, Ft. Wayne, £14-86,549 Jerome” yp Sooo iyo Merom. P$-—.-- 503 Oakland City, T42.270 St: Henry, U6. 62 Vallonia, O ‘10... 475 Crawford, H 5 20,614 Beutousport, 0 18 141 B 12_: Fortville, K 11-1213 Jolietville, K 9. 300 Merton. 7°13 210 Oaklandon. § 16- 360 §¢: Joe, D 1_-__- 386 Valparaiso, C 66.518 Dallas, J 10-- 25,120 eae aera ot jolumbus, O 11__ Fountain City. K15 875 Jonesboro, H 12--1.429 Motainors kK 14) 5gg Oaktown, O 4.--- 779 §t! John, © 4__ 279 Van Buren. H12_- 861 Davis, N 1G--. 12,574 Ponce 14--__= He ‘ommiskey, Q 12 Fountaintown.M11 455 Jonesville, P 11- 213 wetz, B 15 > 390 Oakville, K 13--- 200 St. Joseph Hill.T11 100 Veedersburg. J 5-1,580 Decatur, N 11 16,566 pernard. Glee jonigs 1 Vi4se=s 39 «Fowler. H 5--~-- 1.442 Judson, L 6----- 163 Masia F 10... 509 Ouatsville, T 4_-- St. Leon, 0 15_-25 957° Velpen, TP) G22-22 250 Delaware, P19 18,183 Bernhart, M ite 1 onnersville. a ae Bowler: I — oe Judyville, I 5--. 125 Maina H 10... 300 Pee rain St. Louis. O 11__ 100 os Cruz. G 14= 113 DesMoines, Bie re ae eae 7 aes a ‘onrad, BH 4----- 50 fFrancesville. F 6 fetta, 1 Glee) IS canes 5. . jor. Ockley, Bs ‘ St. LouisCross..011 200 ernon, P 12____ 423 Dickinson, 6 10,2 5 Were eS es o ‘onverse, H 11--1.049 Francisco. t 4. 614 ne 2 nee. Eatia une Odell. ‘I 6 SiaMane atibe Versailles, P 14-_ 413 Dubuque, F 21 58,262 Sipe pee . sue > ¢ 8-11.58 ; — = 2 igi % is es, > 2 1c 3 527 ying D hes OTE Ae it 6°) 00 SEtmanlin, (NTU EOD Kellerville, §.7-- 50 Michigantown, 19 430 Orden, 1 13 a ete N aria 280 Fieuta. Ric) 208 Fayette, @ 17, 29.051 Bidwell, | Aaaiemeamaaae ‘ortland, Q 10-- 166 Frankton, J 11_. 739 Kempton, 0 Goo. O73 Se 19. 109 Ohio Falls, T 11. 237 §t! Meinard. U 7 439 Vincennes. R 4-17.160 Floyd, D 14__ 18,860 Birmingham, N 17 539 ‘orunna, o 14.__ 272 Fredericksburg. S9 215 Kenda | kK WD ae Middle For ‘r'102 200 Oldenburg, N 14. 628 St. Omer, N 12-300 Vistula, B 11---- 100 Franklin, F 12 15,807 Blairsburg, Ff 11 272 SOEV. JIN cdosee nee 300 Freedom,:O 7---- 300 pees 12 2. Middletons. io ars Olean, (Ps 1422082 80 St, Paul, N 12_..1.030 Fremont, N 4. 16.447 Blairstown, I 17_ 540 Yorydon, U 10__-1.785 Freeland Park. H4 300 ean ier a Maddlten rs “~~ 500 Oliver, V 2------ 100 St, Peters. 0 15. 150 Wabash, G 11---_9.872 Greene, I 9--_ 16.467 Blakesburg, N 15 380 Jorydon Junction. Freelandville, Q 5 cil Teereanal B 9... 695 si qeree j25 Omega, J_11--__- 100 St. Wendells. U 3 125 Wadena, G 5--_- 100 Grundy, G 14_ 14,420 et a O 5. 429 tage Grove MIS BO Sree pome oc, ago. Keystone, H 14: B28 (Milan, Pid... tis Quiles B tho Oh) eeimmonia! T 1010e ae rib io ee ee ‘oO Bat Se ottage Grove.M15 80 Fre 0. O-- 3 eal i 5 She eS erie nward, S 9_---- alem; I 142 22 1 yagoner, I" 10___ alilton, G Bas * ----. 9 Sovington, J 5--1.945 Fremont, A 15__ 729 Sinise <2 4 Sheree va erie a Oolitic, Q 8=--=- 883 Salem, R 10_____ mata Wakarusa. C 10_ 816 liancock, D 11 14.723 Bloomfield, 0 16_2,064 owen. 3 Ties tho peeing aa soo Meinl aero Mill Greek, B 8-2. 100 Ora. E $--;.---~ 250 Salem’ Cen.. B14 200 Waldron, N 12--- 400 Mardin. G_12_ 23.387 Blue Grass, K 21 205 ox Mills, K lo- ‘riendship, ee cd ib ee a ; F aR range, ) os Saline Cy.. N 6_. 350 Walesboro, P 11- 156 liarrison, J 4- 241488 Bode, D 9--_____ dle Soxville, M 5---- 100 Friendswood. M 9 100 eee frags ee eee zT8 on Orangeville. R 8- 100 Saltillo, R 9_-___ 127 Walkerton, Ci 8_-1.031 Henry, M 19_. 18.298 Bolton, L 14_____ 200 peeves ne aa ee se i; aes ane Tesnore, © 7. 250 Millersburg. © 12 385 cee se 395 eens Ne 95, Mea Vance bts Hen ee ao rae pone bes Sranda -- é . F 9_---- 36 aia a are Rae ‘a » U 8_----- andborn, lok) “58 en, ---- Iumboldt, E 9 95 . 255 teks crawfordsville, Furnessville. V 16 150 aE ey | pa Millersville, L e- poy Orland, B 14____ Sandford. M 4... 250 Walnut, BE 9.--- 200 Ida, G 5_.---- 11,689 Boone, H 10_-__12.451 Galena eat 200 Kinzie. Di ee 150 RIIPeReen 0 132 165 Orleans, R 8_---1. San Pierre. D 7_. 300 Walton, G 9__-__ 713° Jowa, J 17--__ 18,600 Botna, I 6_ 70 rae st He 10. 691 Kirklin, J 922522 695 Millt ee 9 ~ 615 Orville, S 8----_- ( Santa Fe, G 10__ 100 Wanamaker.M10 196 Jackson, H 21 19,931 Bouton, I 10-_-__ 187 ben aa va Grea, 1ac 7 Kirkpatrick, J.7-- 100 sainivine x 1d-. 300 Hopson. i : — Saratoga, J 15. 327 Wanatab. C oe Jasper, J 13 27.855 Boxhohaeay 9228 206 : 4 oases at sae > Klondike, H 16_-_ 120 2 : Bre SZ00' ----l, Sardinia, O 12___ 175 arren, ---1.520 Jefferson, M17 16,440 Boyden, ee Cromwell: C er rand Ga “ Waeeee ee Kiviehtstown.L12-1,918 eA Bie te pea ieee ee Sealesville. U5. 100 Ri srrlnk en: K 12 300 Johnson, J 18 26.462 Braddyville, O 6. 294 Crothersville,Q11-1,131 Gas City, H 12--2.370 Knightsville, M5 767 wineral, P 7---- 100 Otisco $-12.0207 aig Schererville. W 12 483. Warsaw, D 11---5.418 Jones, 1 20-_ 18.607 Bradford =a STE iat Tk LOD RG STC! Knox) Di. eee 1SOTT es iiineee Corner eco.) S712-_5"~ Sehneider. E 4-__ 258 ashington, R 5-8.743% Keokuk, K 16. 20,983 Bradgate, EB 8___ 230 Crowley ville, “1 4) 100 sas OR ena S Kokontom iH elomes0: 0G Tee Otto, S 13__-_--- 300 Schnellville. T 7_ 200 Waterford Mills. Kossuth, C 9_ 25,082 Brandon, G 17--- 343 Grown Point. O.5.3.235 “Geetinasy Tie te ro) Koleche © Teed peo 25 182 Otterbein. H 6-- 702 Scipio, P 11__--- 200 C11 100 fee 0 19... 30:676 Brayton, K 6... 244 Prumstown B® isp Genttyvilema, 6s, 201 Kotte tl Ge Mena Ta Bc soo, Otwell, S 5------ 300 Scircleville. J 9. 250 Waterloo, U_4_--1.172 Linn, 1 18... 74,004 Brazil, 0 14_-___ 500 EUs aN Meee ‘ ee mn. 1 10 401 Kramer, I 5 5 Sra a (eae tib, 1 Tyee = 100 Scotland. O 6_--- 200 Waterman. K 5-- 200 [ouisa, L 20__ 12.179 Breda. H 6_-___ 419 Culver, D Georgetown, U = P Modoc, K_14---- 256 Owensburg, 0 7 450 Wat T 12 95 ’ 2 _ Cumback. $ 5 Gessie, J 4------ 159 Krantzville. V 3- 100 \iohawk, L 11... 150 eG mints dee Scottsburg, R 11_1,609 Watsia, reece ae Lucas, M 12-_ 15,686 Bridgewater, L 7 343 Cumberland. L ao a eee sy gee ieee A Mee ao Oxford, H 5----- 950 Seat viite Paine ots Waveland K 6-_ 590 Miata mE ae Erica L ie oy igs Curryville, G 14- 1é rilead, F 10--__- fonon, Wo f2s--selis 5 earn : ae : a aa son, 5,02! 1 : geen He Sibaia Oe ot en Sellersburg, T 11 915 Waverly, M 3_--- 127 yanaska, L 14 26.270 Britt, © 10---___1,.619 Curtieville, 1 1. 260 amane BoB.) 200 “Laconia W106 88 Ries Clie Wadnnas 1 nchertce wrt t 109 erat eee 318 Wawaka, C 16--- 400 yyarion, L13- 24.957 Bromley, H 13-. 140 Cynthiana, U 32. 568 Glen Dale. S 6-. 75 Yacrosse, D 7---. 400 Monroeville. F 15 864 Palmyra. T 10-__ 227 Selvin, U‘5-____ 200 Wawpecong, H10 210 Marshall. I 13 32.630 Bronson, F 2____ 150 oy a see Glendora, P 5--. 100 Lacy, R 7--- 200 Monrovia, M 8--- 400 Eaoli, S 8---____ 1.520 Servia, F 11-_--_ 300 Waymansville.P10 110 yyins, M'4____ 15.422 Brooklyn, J 5-_--1,533 Dabney, P 18_-< 80 Glenus Val.. U 14 50 Ladoga, K 7_.---1.010 Monterey, E 8.. 304 Paragon, N 8_--. 444 Seymour, Q 11___7.348 Waynesburg, 012 106 witchell, B 14 13,921 Brunsville, W 2-— 111 Dale, “U 6 688 Glenwood, M 13. 324 Latayette 1 7-22 486 tezuma, L 5.1,178 Paris Cross.. O12 380 pannel: R 8 115 Waynesville. P11 110 y\ionona. H 3. 17,125 Bryantburg, F17-- 55 ~ Palettes Wy idc> Wak Goi, AO." 490 La-Rovtaine, G12 GOL Mentgomerd, 6, yg barker, ia. oY Snenele, 1 10., 20) Warnstows, J O- QO% Monroe: at 14°, 38:46; Buchanan, J 90-06 ‘ <14.--. 70 Goodland, G 5_-+1.12 . B 13_-1.610 i 5 arkersburg. 24 § , --- patel rigs r,M6 17, uckeye, -- Biliony te 0 Geonae eeca ee pees Ee Meee eee 300 Shelby..'D 5-400 Welsbura. 0 14-- 125 Muscatine, ot Buckgrove, I 5.2 91 Danville, Gosport, N 7... 100 Take Bruce, 8. 100 Montpelier, H 13_2,297 _Patoka, T 4_____ 673 Shelbyville, N 11_9.701 W. Baden. 8 8___. 832 K 20 29,042 Buena Vista, or yarlington, Grabill, D 14---- 250 Laketon, F_11--- 528 Moorefield, Q 4.. 85 Patricksburg, 0 6 400 Sheridan, J 9----1,761 W. College Cor., O’Brien, C 4. 19.051 North Buena C Grammer, O 12-- 100 Jake Vil.. E 4--- 150 Mfooreland. K 13. 404 Patriot, Q 15_--- 289 Shideler, I 13___ 200 M15 439 Osceola, B 4-. 10.223 _ Vista, E 20___ 162 é es Grand View. V 6 689 Yakeville, C 9--- 333 Moores Hill. P 14 285 Patton. G 7----- 100 Shipshewana, B12 248 Westfield. K 10+. 574 Page, N 6__-_ 24,137 Buffalo, K 22____ 487 ayville, V Granger, A 18-_- 85 Yancaster. Q 13_- 116 Mooresville, M 9_1.781 Paxton, P 4--- 300 Shirley, L 12_-__1.079 Westfork. T 8--- 200 pio 'Aito, G7 15.846 BuffaloCenter.B10 894 Decatur, Grantsburg. T 10 200 Lancaster, F 12_ 200 Moral, M 11 209 Pekin, S 10------ 350 Shirley City. E15 474 W. Harrison. P15 258 Plymouth, B 2 23,584 Barlington, N20_24,057 becker, S Granville, x on Landess. H 12--_ 2 Moran, I 8...... 200 Fences ae We sent Je ---=- er ee peters Ly om 4 Pocahontas, B 8 15.602 Buenslag G9s253 100 Deedsvill Grass Creek, F_ 9_ Lunesville, T 10- 269 wforear ‘ *endleton, K 11-1.2 irock, B 12_____ » Le : we Pelt 11____ 154,029 Burroak, B 17-_- 731 Dear Creck abli9e, OT Gunscellianv: 125 Laotto, D 14---_ 300 ed See Ca si eds Pennville. H 14-_ 646 Sidney, E 11_-__ 223 W. Middleton. 110 200 ead vee 2 Burt, Co. ems 626 Deerfield, I 5---- 107 Graysville. P 4-- MaApaze Gt Osossee 274 Morris, 0 14_____ 429 Perkimsville. J 11 8 Silver Grove. T11 783 W. Newton. U 14 300 L4 61.550 Bussey, L 14_--_ 585 Delaware. P 141__ 250 Greencastle. M 7-3.780 Lapel, K 11 __--- 1.079 M. rristown, M12 658 Eertrysbure.. I 10 86 Silverlake. Bi 11_ 452 Westpoint. I 6_-. 300 Poweshiek, J 15 19.910 Buxton, M 14___4,500 Delong, HW 8_---- ce ee P pe . Laporte, B 7__--15,158 Morton M7 9g Perrysville, K 4_ 650 eerie S ins sae bets nae 709 Ringgold, N 9 12.919 Delphi,- Ni'822—. = 2.08 Greenfie L 11 68 lLarwill, E 12. 264 4 -% yee Perth, M 5-----. 950° Sins, HH ilees so. 25 . Terre Haute. S: 2 i: peming, J 10.--- 143 Green Hill, 1 6.- 164 Taud. f 13.----- 250 NevAuburn, Nii 142 Pershing, V 14~~ 302 Smitiwand. N i1- 150 ne, pat h812 Scott. F-23-72 TSon2 Callender, G Ou a6 Demotte, D i 50 Greensboro, L 13__ 229 Taurel, N 14---- 515 wt) Ayr, F 5 Toomer Un Gel0eea—e 12.410 Smith Valley. N10 200 Westville. B 7-_ 408 Gneipy, J 5... 16065 © is CO aL Tee 036 Denham, EB 7___- Greensburg, ( 135.349 Tawrence, $ 16. 400 Mt. Ayr. I 3---- 199 Dotersbure, S 5--2.367 Smithville, P 8. 400 Wheatfield. D 6_ 382 Sino a ” OG 458 Colmet Dl oe Denver, F 10_--_ 522 Greens Pork. K 14 380 Lawrenceburg. _ Mt Cantar ‘L141 100 Petroleum, H 14-75 Snyder, L 13_--- 150 Wheatland. R 5_ 600 Qio.0’ Fo". 96185 Camanche J 33. G10 Depauw, T 9 Greentown, H 11_1.163 J _ P 15_3.466 ti Bina. G 12-- 137 Philadelphia. L11 200 Solsberry, P 7--- 200 Wheeler, W 14-- 200 ihama. H 14.. 21,861 Cambria, N 12... 200 Deputy, R 1 Greenville, T 10- 225 WLawrenceville. 015 120 ys¢° Meridian. M 7 109 Philomath. L 14_ 50 Somerset. G 11_- “a Wheeling. 1 12-- 110 moyior, 0 7 15.514 Cambridge, I 11__ 739 Derby, V S_- Greenwood, M 10-1.007 Teavenworth, U9 611 js¢° Sterling. O go Pickard. J 9--_-- 200 Somerville, T 4__ Whitcomb. N 15- 108 Goyon. M 9... 17268 Canton Mf 21-22 43 Diamond, M Griffin, Ui2-2--2e 341 Lebanon, K 8__.-_6.257 yyy" x 9 Pierceton. D 11__1.018 South Bend, B 9_70. oss Whiteland. M 10_ 888 ee Por ae anton, ---- 100. mpeg eat or 4 Mt. Summit, K 1 274 ; : = 7 het = WVanBuren.,N17 14.060 Cantril, O 17---. 440 Dickeyville, 1 Griffith, W 12--- 630 Leesburg, D 11_-- 369 Mt. Vernon. Vo 227.284 Elerceville, P 142) 150 8. Boston, S 10_- 90 Whitelick, K 9_- 195 Wapello, M 16° 37.937 a so Dillsboro. P Grovertown. D 8 125 Leesville. Q 9--- 150 y4¢' gion, -~150. Pikespeak, P 10. 100 S. Milford. C 13. 400 Whitestown. K 9 800 2NC" 0 ES ee eet a! EE ue Naa 7 ¢ é eel, 9) fony:G, i382.) 300 was ‘ 4 i ille; K 95 Warren, L 11_ 18.047 Carbondale, K 11 125 Discd, «Boa 12s.25 Groveland, I. 10- 100 f[eipsic, R 9_-__- 125 Mulbe 18 850 Pimento, 0 4-___ 100 S. Peru, F 10___- 866 Whitesville. K 7. 125 Washington. 118 20.421 C Dixony > O2cerec 37 Guilford, 0 15--- 200 Leiters Ford. B 9 200 Yuherry, 1 8--- 890 Pine Vil.. H 5-. 301 Southport, U 15. 458 Whitewater. K 15° 96 Warne N49. 45.478 eee K 12--_ 640 Doans:) 0). ere oes 35 Guthrie, P 8__--- 200 Tena, M 6__----- 340 RT Unies "797" "gos Pittsboro. L 8_-_ 649 §. Raub, I 7___.- 97 Whiting, U_12--10.145 Wotster. G90 37611 Cape D G 6-- 150 Donaldson, D 9-- 100 Gwynneville, M42 200 Lennox, G7... 180 Munster, W 12-_ 605 pittshure. M72. 400 8. Whitley, 121.974 Wilbur, M 8... 100 Webster. G9. 37.611 Carney. D 14 150 Doolittle Mills. TS 76 Teo; Di 14=5225.5. 200 Rioeae T 5------ 00 phainfield. L 821.393 Spades, O 14_.-_ 150 Wilfred, P 4 -._ 100 wriENe Hoe B17 22091 Carpenter, B 13__ 144 Dora. Ga £ 1 Herionay af 11 10 Leopold, U = 1208 Murray, G 14---_ 175 pyjsinville. O 5. 500 Sone kere: i 9_ io wilkines ieee 12. ce Woodbury. we 92171 = ga ae ae a over, | adiey, L 8 -.--- Leroy, D 5_----- 300 Pleasant L.. B 14 600 Spartanburg, K 15 302 Villiams, 8... 350 - ea] a yb o-----= Doverhill, Hagerstown, K14_1.238 [Lester, Q 6-----. 250 Nabb, S 12___-_- 100 Dieasant Mills.G15 200 Spearsville, 0 9-. 150 Williamsburg. K14 350 Worth, B 12-_ 11.630 Cartersville, D 13. 150 Drenden: Proll, Vege -- 200 Tetts,Q 12---.- 200 Napoleon, O 13-_ 520 Dieasantplains.G@12 100 Spencer, 0 7--.--2.066 Williamsport, 15-1,088 Wight, B 11- 20.348 Cascade, G 20___1,249 Dublin, Ifamburg. N 13., 79 Tewis, Q 5._____ 250 Pie C 10--2.678 pieasantville. TS 200 Spencerville. D 15 300 Williamstown. N13 130 Total Sandan eusey;, K 8_-.--- p Dubois, ‘Hamilton, © 15-- 387 Lewiscreek. N11 90 Nashville, O 9--- 323 pjeasantville. P'5 250 Spiceland, L 13_. 632 Willow, L 12-___ 131 otal----_-- 2,404,021 Castalia, C 18_ Dugger: Hamlet i ib ae oe vests, ~ Le a Nat. Mil. Home 2.089 Plumtree. G 13-- 150 arene Groves: 14 76 Se IO: P15 140 a ae 5 undee, Ou vexington, E -2.28 ‘ - i : Oe Ie WN e ep fi Dundee, Hanfield, H 12_-. 150 Liberty, M 15___1.292 Nead, GAIL e 100 he a ee ts aoe pa Sorineeiiic Q Bs on ped miprel rr org ar TO S. Cedar, L. 1522.22 50 Dunkirk, Hanna, C T__---- 400 [Liberty Cen.. G12 400 se peta Poig2 2) 5s: Pt. Isabel. I 11.. 200 Stanford, P 7--- 100 Windfall, I 11--_ 801 Town Key Pop Cedar Falls, F 15_ -6.316 te Hangres, ig-g $02 Liberty Mil, bie, oo Needham M10-- 200 Poland. NG: - id Bla City, W6i- 00 Winder 3 44/<- 150 “sbiogcon, af 17_- 200 Ges Haldane om ireith, ar _ a Agonier, Rei 4 + UO g-- 12) Poneto, G 13-... 2 tate Line. J 4._ 178 Wingate, J 6---_ 464 oh --_ <= edar Rapids, Dupont, @ 4 300 Harlan, D 15-.-- 500 Lincoln,’ H 9---. 200 New Albany, T11-22,902 Doctesty AB aol ae Staunton, N 5... 642 Winona, D 8_--_ 300 Ackley, F 13-._-1,529 T 18_45,566 yer, W 12.2..5 9 a . Dae SoAy Lincoln City. U6 150 Now pelea: 15 375 portersville. S 6. 150 Stendal, T 5._.-_ 250 Winona L.. D 11 300 reas L 12-- 95 Cedar Valley, J 20 125 gietown. K 40 $300 UHatsieiand teeedieo en ee ae Berne: Port Fulton, S11 971 Stephenston. V4 135 Winslow, T 5----1.140 Adair. 952 Center Junction. ST age bere ere es pata Linden. J 7------ 555 : U9 137 portland, I 15__-5.958 Stewartsville. U2 300 Winthrop. T 5--_ 100 Adaza, 100 H20 225 a Raa ie Be Hareoneine es rea Linngrove, G 14_ 259 Newark. Pe 7---- 150 Portiand Mills. L690 Stilesville, M 8. 400 Wolcott. G 5_--__ 868 rere J 10-_-_-_- 1,455 Center Point, H18 773 eG leanne A: Hartrord 0. daza,aea -Winnabure, Ko. ang New Auer OT, apg Poseyville. U 3_. ssi Stillwell, C 8... 200 Wolcottville. C13 666 on, 926 Centerville, O 14_8,486 us ME 14> OSM etETtE A coer o ae Tinton: P jhas so 5.858 ot ela 14_ 300 powers, I 14-___ 157 Stinesville. 0 8. 299 Wolf Lake. D 12 350 Agency, M 16_-_ 429 Central City, H19 688 saatorese Nike a ee Linwood. J 12_-_ 130 had ae sville.P10 150 prairie Creek. 0 4 160 Stips Hill, N-14- 97 Woodburn. B 15_ 375 Ainsworth, L 18_ 391 Centralia, F 21__ 267 Hote prise: f + 490, Hartwell Jct. 26 6400 sEisbon, (O14 ——- 100. New ethel. M10 300 prairieton, N 4. 325. Stockwell. I 7--. 500 Woodland. © 9___ 100 Akron, E 1_-____ 1,324 Chapin, E 13__--- 200 iy ae Haubstadt ee 500 Pee a cae re eee % ae meet Preble. F 15----- 115 hatie alli Pied yon, ote ee Albia, es - bey eet bai i Dilys) 1.G : aS stadt. -- 500 Little York. § = tonington, Bs =115 1a, M 14__--- 5.06 rles C1 OS Nec Gar Bee ere eit ee See ual CS 9 eee te Tene AY Ace tae Princeton. T 427.132 Straughn. "L 18-- 261 Worthington, P 61.893 Albion, H 13_---- 392 Charlotte. 122-404 talon Tides L2Ee Hadelwosa. Mra 100 Lit, qSgr——— Hea’ New Caulisle: 3 8, 08 Butaakl, i %__-- ino Gtrawtown, J 11. 100. Weatt, O 10.,--7 200 Albuenctts Ht 18-208 coaster Ones Ht 4 100 ae “M, O- nee Tochlel. G o----- ol aed oS Pputnamville. M 7 204 Stroh. B 13___-__ 450 . Us eG See : ALE OnE, mL Eee eEy. EPRI oe apt eee ie. &S 4-.— 605 TucksDEng, 0 13_ 200 New Chicago, Pyrmont, H 7__. 125 Sullivan, P 4____4.489 Yankeetown. V 5 178 Alexander, E 12_ 315 Chelsea, I 16_--_ 557 Beonomy, K 14__ 375 Hebron. D y sogan. 0 15---_- 75 B5-W 13 300 Sulphur Sp.. K_13 202 Yeddo, K 5_----- 200 Algona, D 9__--3,724 Cherokee, E 4____5,824 Mdgerton. E15. 300 Hecla. D Ay Logansport, G 9-21. 626 New Corydon, H15 210 Oueensville, P 12 110 Summit Grove.L4 100 Yenne. § 7_...-. 150 Allerton, © 12-. 954 Chester, B 15____ 237 are tee Se oe London. M 11____ 200 New Goshen. M 4 180 es ee Summitville. I 12_1.001 Yeoman, G (ESS TY Allison, HB 14--_ 520 ChesterCenter.114 300 Mdnx Mills. I 8... 72 Wolmavere c0oes 100 Se Nada R 6_-2.335 NewHarmony.U2_1,126 Quincey, N 7---__ 300 Sunman. 0 14__. 872 Yoder, F 14___-- 250 . Alta, Bl bosla-225 1,290 Chillicothe, M 15 146 Dav ard epontLONe Mannie ee ye wae ote K 14 525 New Haven, B15_1.237 Surprise, Q 10___ 100 Yorktown, J 12__ 797 Alta Vista, C 15_ 355 Churdan, H 8____ 763 Rv ardevtiie wdte 1 Ose rTecs IdeeeatenG too Load ie Dacaes : or RL eden sei 18 Lea vam ar oc Ae Surrapt. nee 95s eorkye! O bean ee DoS ae Nal pace O 14.1,301 Effner, G@ 4______ 5 anrvvilles.& 11. wehs Fae rea + at 0 - adley, I 12_____ 9 Swanington. H 5 150 Young America.H9 500 toona, J Be nane 50! are, i Goo So 259 Murriendalel Mf B20" aber Hew oso eae Bae ee ee Pepnton Fc vee a ncnoealy aces 150) Swayzee, H 11_-.-650 Youngstown. N 4 110: Alvord), Bi 22-4 ipo leremeea, 1) 2020 Gus ine Oe oe JAW WEicseclilee VID a Anh Perey Es Fgh dal Lisbon, L 13 187 Raglesville, Q 6- 150 Sweetsers. H_11_ 733 Youno, P 9___--- 100 Amana, J 17_---- 621 Clarinda, 0 6___-4,511 Pberfeld. TW 4... 47% Hibbard. D 9--_. 200 Lynn. K 1b 2222” ae ew London. I 9_ 150 Rainsville, L 5--_ 150 Switz City, P 6. 600 Yountsville, K 6. 130 Ames, H 11_____- 6.270 Clarion, E 11____2.826 Blizabeth. U 11.2 19% Hiehland. W oid. #42 Peepers oe eb New Marion, P13 225 Raleigh, L 13--_ 151 Sycamore, H 11_ 300 Anamosa, H 19__-2,881 Clarkdale. N 14__ 175 Riteabethicwh Pil RIS Fike Gee ea foe oS PE ad ep K_7 403 Ramsey, T 10--_ 100 Sylvania, K 5--- 200 Zanesville. F 14. 300 Anderson,,N 4_-- 136 Clarksville, E 14_1.003 lizaville. J 9.-. 120 Hillisburg, 1 9... 300 Tyons' Sta Mold tae ead rR Ee oe L7 102 Raub, G 4--_-___ 250 Syracuse, C-11--.1.171 Zenas, P 18._--_ 92. Andover, 1 232.22 ~ 88 Clay, L_17-_=__-. 639 Elkhart. B 11.24.2977 Hilisboro.. J 5... 887 Leyonton, BE 4 300 e i oe Ray. A 15__ 300 Zionsville. K 9-- 957 Andrew, H 22_-_ 289 Clayton, D 20____. 170 , --== 10 119 Rayville, K 13.. 358 Tab, H 4-_-..--_ 150 Zipp, Magers sare 100° Angus, I 9. ---2__ 246 Clearfield, N S__- 665 y) ‘ Clear Lake, C amet) Cleghorn, 4---- Clemons, H 13.-- ie Clermont, D 18.- 681 Cleveland, M 12... Cleves, F 13.---- Clinton, I 23.---24,151 Clio, O 12. Clive; E11... Cloverhill, K 11-- Clutier, H 16---- Coal Creek, K 6. Coalfield, M 14--~ Coalville, G 9---- 325 Coburg, N 5..¢ © 170 Coggon, G 19-... 553 Coin, O 5-------- 603 Colesburg, F 20-- 337 Colfax, J 12-----2,504 CollegeSprings,O6 495 Collins, 1 12----- 570 Cole, 1225-2 507 Columbia, M 13-. 200 ColumbusCity,L19 346 Columbus Jet.,L19 988 Commerce, K 11. 62 Conesville, L 19-- 307 Confidence, N 138. 75 Conover, C 17---- 168 Consol, M 18_---- 500 Conrad, 14__.. 560 Conway, O 8_---- 253 Coon Rapids, 1 7-1,328 Cooper, I 9------ 150 Coppock, M 18_-- 104 Coralville, J 18-_ 150 Corning, M 7----1,840 Correctionville, F 31,016 Corwith, D 10. 635 Corydon, N 12__-1,867 otters. 19. .— 100 Coulter, E 12---. 277 Council Bluffs, L 3.36,162 Rimi, Dee ——— 156 Grawtorasvilc. L19 337 L 3----_ 375 Creston, M 9-----' i Cromwell, M 8--- 143 Crystal Lake, C11 191 Cumberland, L 7- 561 Cumming, K 11-- 200 Curlew, D 7~---- 204 Cushing, F 4----. 286 Cylinder, C 8---. 174 Dahlonga, M 16-. 466 Dakotah, E 9---- 439 Dallas, L 13----- 643 Dallas Center, J 10 864 mena, 9... 163 Danbury, G 4---- 673 Danville, N 20__- 289 Darbyville, N 14- 200 Davenport, K 22_56,727 Davis City, 0 10_ 476 Dawson, I 9----- 300 Dayton, G 9_---- 836 Decatur, O 10-_-- 300 Decorah, B 18_--4, oa Dedham, I 7----- 360 Deep River, K 6. 487 Defiance, I 5_---- 389 Delaware, F 19-- 194 Pent, G 19... 390 Delmar. H 22 527 J 11_126,468 De Soto, K 10--- 261 Wewitt, 1 22_.-_ 1,849 exter, K 92.2.2. 790 Diagonal, N 9 569 Dickens, C 6-..-- 337 pricey ew 14 453 Dixon, J 21---.- 197 Dodgeville, N 20_ 113 Dolliver, B 8_--. 17) Donahue, J 22__- Donnellson, O 19- Doon, B Douds-Leando. N17 450 Dougherty, D 13_ 200 Dow City, I 4--_ 572 Downey, J 19_--. 2 Dows, E 11----_- 1,145 Drakesville, N 16 261 Dublin, L 17.---- 58 Dubuque, F 21_-39,141 Dumont, E 14---- 609 Duncan, © 11_--- 52 Dunéombe, F 10__ 442 Dundee, F 18_--- 195 Dunkerton, F 16_ 295 Dunlap, I 4------ 1,455 Dunreath, K 13 --- 200 Durango, F 21--- 37 Durant, J 21---. 775 Durham, L 14--- 105 Dyersville, F 20-1,933 Dysart, H 16---. 955 Eagle Center, G16 693 Eagle Grove, B10_4,433 Earlham, K 9_--- 803 Earling, J_5----- 321 Earlville, F 19... 619 marly, F @u0575 >. 568 East Peru, L 10-_ 253 Past Pleasant Plain. M 18_-. 300 Eddyville, M 15-- 961 mden; DD 172-5 214 Edenville, I ee 439 Edgewood, E 19-- 617 . I 16-_-= 349 Eldorado, D 17--- Eldridge, J 22_-. 234 Elgin, D 18_--.-- 623 Elkader, E 19----1,223 Elkhart, J 11... 196 Elliston, N 9 =---L2- Exline, O U-- 22. Fairbank, F 17_- pert: A gd be 225 eld, M 17___5,948 Fairport, K 21___ 212 Fairview, H 19-_ 200 Fanslers, J 8_--- 150 Farley, F 20----. 651 Farlin, H S..... 100 Farmersburg, D19 290 Farmington, O 18_1,086 Farnhamville, G 8 880 Farragut, O 4... 494 Farson, M 16---~ 150 Fayette, E 18_--1,085 Fenton, O 8...--- 391 Ferguson, I 14--. 207 Fertile, C 12_-.-. 223 Festina, C 17---- 127 800 Fontanelle, L 8-- Forest City, C 11_2,145 Ft. Atkinson, C17 315 Fort Des Moines, K 11_1,020 Fort Dodge, F 9-19,347 Fort Madison, O 20_12,566 Fostoria, C 6---- 119 Fraker, M 14---- 150 Franklin, O 19--- 119 Franklin Station, 019 138 Fraser, H 10_--. 391 Fredericksbg, D 16 624 Frederika, D 16.- 210 Fredonia, L 19--- 246 Fredric, M 15---- 100 Fremont, L 15--. 544 Fruitland, L 20-- 219 Fulton, H 22... 145 Galesburg, K 14-. 150 Galt, W112. 134 Galya; .F 6..-.--~ 539 Garber, E 19-~--- 189 Garden City, G12 125 Garden City, L20 130 Gardengrove, N11 666 Garnavillo, D 20_ 314 Gardner, C 11-~--1,311 Garrison, H 16_-. 437 Garwin, H 15_--- 587 Gaza, D 4 Geneva, E 13---- George, B 3. ~ Germania, Giard, D 19..--.. 150 Gibson, K 16---. 125 Gifford, G 18.--. 125 Gilbert, -H 11_--- 221 Gilbertsville,G16 212 Gillett Grove, D6 150 Gilman, I 14--_-- 490 Gilmore City, E7 919 Gladbrook, H 14. 961 Glasgow, N 18.-- 100 Glendon, J 8_---- 75 Glenwood, M 3__-3,862 Glidden, H 7_--. 867 Goldfield, E 10--- 749 Goodell, D 11---- 245 Gowrie, G 9_--~- 895 Graettinger, C 7- T79 Graft: Bilis 281 Grafton, B 3_--. 233 Grand Je., H 9_-1,010 Grandmound, I 22 463 Grand River, N10 425 Grandview, L 20. 341 Granger, J 10_-.. 324 Grant, M 6_----. 282 Grant City, G@ 7- 95 Granville, D 3--- 358 Greene, D to 1.375 Greencastle, J 12 150 Greenfield, L 8_--1,707 Green Island, H 22 132 Greenville, D 6. 167 Grimes, J 11__--- 524 Grinnell, J eerie’ Griswold, L 6_---1,2' Grundy Cutr,G17 1, 740 Gruver, B 4_---- Guernsey, J S__-- 16? Cuthrie Cntr, J 8_1,727 Guttenberg, BE 201,666 50 Hamburg, O 14--2,017 Hamilton, L 14-. 474 Hamlin, J 7----- 125 Hampton, E 13__2.992 Hancock, K 5 _-~ 276 Hanlontown, C12 202 Hansell, E 13_--- 163 Harcourt, G 9--. 307 Hardin, D 19_--. 150 Bardy, WH 10_-._. 128 Harlan, J 5__---- 2,831 Harper, L 17__-- 247 HarpersFerry,C20 328 Marrs, B 522-25. 359 Hartford, K 12-. 218 Hartley, C 5__---1,306 Hartwick, J 5--- 107 Harvard, O 12--. 206 Harvey, L 14_--- 422 Haskins, L 19--. 150 Hastings, M 4--. 424 Havelock, E 7--- 331 Hawarden, D 1_-2, Hawkeye, D 17_-- 582 Hayesville, L 16. 124 Hayfield, C 11--- 200 Hazelton, F 17_-- 517 Hedrick, M 16___ 901 Henderson, M 5. 232 Hepburn, N 6_--- 108 Hesper, B 18_--- 200 Highland Center, M16 160 Highlandville, B18 THiligy KK 192 22- Hillsboro, N 18_- Hinton, We 2-2 5= Hiteman, M 14__1.468 Hocking, M 14_--1,400 Holland, G 14-.-- 165 Holmes, B 10---._ 85 Holstein, F 4----1, ort Motte Nj) Tsccc2= 14 Homestead, J 17- 285 Hopeville, 'N 10__ 102 Hopkinton, G@ 19. 759 Hornick, G 2_-.. 296 Hospers, C 3_--- 570 Hubbard, G 12_-- 681 Hudson, G 15_--- xa Bull oe2> == =s5-5 Humboldt, E 9-_-2, 339 Humeston, N 12_1,214 Huron, M 20_---- 900 Hurstville, H 21. 176 Huxley; 1-1 866 Hynes, M 15..... 500 Teonium, N 14.-. 125 Idagrove, G 4____2,020 Imogene, N 5.--- 268 Independence, F 17_3,672 Indianapolis, K 15 100 Indianola, L 11__3,628 Inwood, B 1----- TAG ipa. O20. sucess 100 Ionia, D 15_--___ 280 Iowa City, J 19-11, 3eT lowa Pane F 12.3,954 bi ae es Fee 140 Ireton, ri pa Irwin, J 5. Jackson Je., C12 130 Jamaica, L 9. era od 295 Jamison, M ll-- G1 Janesville, F 12.. 261 - Jefferson, H 8__~3,416 Jerome, O 13... 300 Jesup, F 17-_.... 774 Jewell, or Jewell Jcty &, Line 1,090 Joice, B-12_-.... Kanawha, D 112 Kalona, K 18_--- Kellerton, O 10-- Kelloyei" 1)--se5 Kellogg, J 14---- Kensett, B pt ee Kenwood Pk, H 18 Keokuk, P 19__-14,423 Keosauqua, O 17. 851 Keota, 6.1 T2-22S 1,025 Kesley, F 14---. 125 Keswick, K i6__. 354 Keystone, I 16--. 558 Kinbaliton, J 6. 382 Kingsley, F bape eas RT 6° Kingston, M 20-_ 100 Kinross, K 17---. 138 Kirkman, J 5---. 204 Kirkville, M 15. 210 Baron? Ft Oneoee 294 Klemme, D 11_-. 468 Knierim, F 8.--. 173 Knowlton, N 9_-- 202 Knoxville, L 13__3,523 Kossuth, M 20_-. 250 Lacona, L 12-.-. Laddsdale, N 16- Lake City, G 7--2,110 Lake Mills, B 11-1,529 Lake Park, B 5-- 789 Lake View, G 6- 838 Lakonta, L 14... 472 Lamoni, O 10_-_-1,787 Lamont, F 18_--- 495 Lamotte, G 22_-. 327 Lancaster, L_15_-1,282 Lanesboro, H 7-. 282 Lansing, B ake is Laporte Cy, G 161,443 Larchwood, B 1. 441 Larrabee, D 4--_ Latimer, E 12_- Lattners, F 21--. Darel plater, I tli. aos 616 5 Sloan, G 2.-2._-- 608 Oxford Jc., H 21. 807 Smithland. G 3-- 321 Oxford Mills, 121 150 Soldier. I 3------ 281 “Solon, Ly 10:=.-=- 471 Pacific Jc., M 3. 666 Somers. G 8_-__-- 175 Packwood, M 17- 294 S. Amana, J 17_- 200 , S. English, K 17- 355 Panora. J ae ae Parkersburg. F14-1, 1108 Parnell, K 1-2 D Paton. Hi '9_22555 414 Patterson, L 10__ 136 Paullina, D 4---. 987 Pella. K 14_---_-3.338 Percival. N 3_--. 200 Perlee, M 17 5 Perty; 1. 9-2=6 Persia. J s4222--- Peru.. Byl0cl25 = Peterson, D 5_--_ 580 Spencer, C 6__--- 4.599 Spillville, C 17--. ¢ Spirit Lake, B 6-1. Spragueville, H 22 Springbrook, H 22 Springdale, F 1-_ Spring Hill, K 11 Springville, H 19 & Stacyville, B 14_ Stanhope, G 10_- Stanley, F 17_---- Stanton, M 6_--- Stanwood, I 20__ State Cen.. I 18_ Steamboat Rock, G13 Sterling, H Stiles, O 16. Stilson, D Stockport, Wann Stockton, J 21--- Stone City, H 19- Storm 300 110 150 385 128 6U0 Lake, BF 6_.38,658 Story City, H 11-1,591 Stout, BF i4---..- 162 Stratford, G 10-. 604 Strawberry Point, EB 18-1, 101 Struble, D 2_--__ Stuart, K 9 Sully, K 14-----_ Summer, BD 16 Superior, B 6---. 200 Sutherland, D 5.. 876 Swaledale, D 12-. 200 Swan, K 12_--__- 238 Swea City, B ¥_- 691 Sweetland, K 21-1,134 Swisher, J 18---. 130 TAvON, Ni 4 eee 1,186 Taintor, K 14--._ 150 Tama, I 15_-_-.-2,601 Tara. FE Got 150 Templeton, I 6--. 3873 Terril,..B Go -,As 440 Thayer, M 10---. 260 Thompson, B 1l-_ 548 Thor, EF 10_-2--=. 285 Thornburg, K 16. 197 Thornton, D 12. 317 Thurman, N 3--. 341 Ticonic, H Tiffin, J 18_- Tingley, fleas M 1 Tipton, J Titonka, C 10--._ 418 Toddville, H 18. 175 Toledo, I 15_~-__1,604 Toolsboro, M 20-- 110 Toronto, I 21--~- ~139 Tracys Iso 1425 300 Prser SH Genes 1,329 Trenton, M 19__-1,124 Treynor, L 4 2 Tripoli, E 16 ‘Troy NN 1652-2. Truesdale, E 6__- Truro, L Migs hs SSG yr ees Udell, N 14--.-.. 214 Ulmer, G 4_----- 125 Underwood, K 5__ 260 Union, G 14---_ 660 Unionville, N 14 500 University Park, L15 361 Urbana, H 17---. 477 Urbandale, K 11_ 29 LU al = ik: eRe 580 Wail) Bags os _ 635 Valeria, 33-22 -.27~90 Valley Je., K 11-3,681 Vandalia, K 12-_ 100 Van Horn, I 6_-. 524 Van Meter, K 10_ 358 Van Wert, N 11-- 463 Vating) F022 235 Ventura, C 12-.. 250 Victor, J 716+ 22 802 Village Creek, B9 167 Villisca; N 62-22. 2,111 Vincennes, P 19-_ 110 Vincent, F 10_--. 182 Vining; Titi ce 153 Vinton, H 17 --3.381 Viola, H 19 22: Volga, B 18 Wadena, BE 18_-. 318 Walcott, J 21--.. 384 “Walford, J 17---. 125 Walker, G 18 ~-. 364 Wallingford, B 7 197 Wall Lake, G 6. 737 Walnut, K 5_---1,072 Wanlock, M140 200 Wapello, L 20_---1,480 Washingtton, L18_4,697 Washta, F 508 Waterloo, F 15__36,230 Waterville, C 19- i ep y ee Waubeck, H 19__- Waucoma, D 17__ Waukee, J 10_--- Waukon, C 19 Watkins, Waverly, E 15__ Wayland, Webb, D 6 Webster, Mises S16. 183 194 222 457 875 2,309 -3,352 oe 172 Webster City, F 10_5,657 Weldon, N 11_--- 323 Wellman, K 18_- 875 Wellsburg, G 14- 482 Wesley, D 10 -- 444 W este Folto nee 225 West Auburn, D17 300 West Bend, D 8. 969 W. Branch, J 19. 688 W. Burlington, N 20-1,212 W. Chester, L 18_ 225 Western College, 118 200 Westfield, BE 1... 203 Westgate, EB 17_-_ 255 W. Grove, O 15_. 175 W. Liberty, K 20_1,834 Ww. J 5. Mitchell, B 14 117 Westphalia, 115 West Point. O 19 591 Westside, H 6_-- 405 West Union, D 17_1,777 Wever, 15 2O ce ees What Cheer, K15_1,62 Wheatland, 14 White City, L 18 Pew 200 WhiteSulphur,K22 2 Whiting, H 2__-_ Whittemore, D 8_ Whitten, G 13___ Whittier, H 19_. Willey, ah 7. 2.32 Williams, F 11__ 49 Williamsburg. JAUTA, 251 Williamstown. D16 .104 Wilton Jct., K 211,178 Winfield. M 19_--1,.027 Winterset, L 10__2,906 Winthrop, F 18__ 507 Wrote, Keo ea 199 Woden. C 10_-_-- 188 Woodbine, J 4_---1,463 Woodburn, M 11_ 375 Woodward, I 10__ 869 Woodstock, F 10_ 294 Worthington. G 20 341 Wright, L 15_--. 100 Wyman, L 19_-_- 100 Wyoming, H 20_ 690 Vale, J 8.03 2 35 276 Yarmouth, M 19_ 200 Yetter. G7 22-225 125 Yorktown. N 6--- 193 Zearing, H 15... 471 Zookspur, T 10--. 500 Zwingle, G 21... 124 KANSAS First Settled at Ft. Leavenworth, 1837 Admitted as a Ter- ritory, May 413, 1854. Admvitted as a State Jan. 29, 1861 Area: Land 81,774 square miles, Water 384 miles. Total 82.158 square miles square Population, 1,769.257 Capital, Topeka, COUNTIES County Key Pop. Allen, K 21._--— 23,509 Anderson, J 21--12,986 Atchison, E 21--23,411 Barber, N 11--.-9,739 Bartin, I 11----18,122 Bourbon, K 22_23,198 Brown, D 20_-__20,949 Butler, K 16_---43.842 Ghare, I 17 2. 8 7,144 Chautauqua, N18_11,598 Cherokee, N 22_83,609 Cheyenne, D 2___5,587 Clark) “N \%Sssoo 4,989 Clay, 7 se lbsscK. 14,365 Cloud, BE 14_---- 17,714 Coffey, J 20--.-14,254 Comanche, N 9.--5,302 Cowley, N 16 --~35,155 Crawford, M 21-61,800 Decatur, D 6__--8,121 Dickinson, H 15.25,777 Doniphan, D 21-13,438 Douglas, H 21_-23,998 Edwards, K 9_-~-7,057 A; » MO ome 9,034 Bilis, Ep [cease 14,138 Busworth, H 12-10,379 Finney, K 4.-..- 7,674 ord ofa =n 14,273 Fran“lin, I 21--21,946 Geary, G 17_-~--13,452 Gove; G@ 6..-=.<) 4,748 Graham, IF" 7_-~-7,624 Grant.“ 12) 6-2...-. 1,087 Grays toe 4,711 Greeley, I 2----- 1,028 Greenwood, IK 18_14,715 Hamilton, K 2_._2,586 Harper, N 13_--13,656 Harvey, K 15_-20,744 Haskell, L 4__--- 1,455 Hodgeman, K 7--3,734 Jackson, EB 19_--15 495 Jefferson, F 21__14,750 Jewell, D 12__.16,240 Johnson, G 22__-18,314 Kearny, K 3..--- 2,617 Kingman, L 12-12,119 Kiowa, L 9.---- 6,164 Labette, N 21_-34,047 ane Us Os ence 2,848 Leavenworth, B 21_38.402 Lincoln, G 12____9,894 Linn; ..J. 22-22— 13,815 Logan, G 4.._-_- 3,223 yon, 118.2. 2. 26,154 McPherson, I 14_21,845 Marion, J 16_~-.22,923 Marshall, D 17__22,730 Meade, N 6___-.5,542 Miami, H 22_--_19,809 Mitchell, F 12__13.886 Montgomery N20_49,645 Morris, H 17 -_.12,005 Morton;; N 1-—.-3,;177 Nemaha, D 19_-18,847 Neosho, M 21__-24,000 Nessa Teasanee 7,490 Norton, D 7_---11,423 Osage, I 19___-_ 18,621 Osborne, F 11---12,441 Ottawa, F 14_-__10.714 Pawnee, J 9_----9,323 Phillips, D 6__-12,505 Pottawatomie, i 18_16,154 Pratt... 3) 2i2s=-> 12,909 Rawlins, D 4_--_6.799 Reno, K 12___.44,423 Republic, D 14--15,855 Rice, J_12__--.. 14,832 Riley, F 16_--.20,650 Rooks, F 9_----- 9.966 GH,» ie Obl ees 8,360 Russel, H 10__-10.748 Saline, H 14_-25,103 Seott,. F ds-— eee 3,121 Sedgwick, L 14_92,234 Seward, N 14---6,220 Shawnee, G 19_-69,159 Sheridan, F 6__~5,484 Sherman, F° 2_-~_5,592 Smith, D 11--.-14,985 Stafford, K 11--11,559 Stanton, L 908 Stevens, N 3_---3,943 Summer, N 15..29,213 Thomas, F 4----.5,517 Trego, H 8.-----5,880 Wabaunsee, G18.11,424 Wallace, G@ 2__-.2,424 Washington,D15_17,984 Wichita, I 3---.. 1,856 Wilson, M 20-.21,157 Woodson, K 20...8,984 Wyandotte, B20_122,218 Total .....1,769,257 TOWNS, Towns Key Pop. Abbyville, K 12__ Abilene, 200 H 15_--4,895 Achilles, © 5... 50 Aga, G18 coe 170 Admire, H 19--.. 205 Agenda, D 15--.. 239 Agra, D 10 Agriola, Akron, M 6 Albert, 1 10. Alden, J 12 Alexander, Aliceville, Allen, H 3 Allendale, 5 Allison, BE 6---- 50 Alma, G 18. 8 Almena, D 8_---- Altamont, N : 308 Alta Vista, o 8 Alton, E 10--__-- 423 Altoona, M 20_--1,016 Americus, I 18__. 493 Ames, B® 15_---- 100 Andale, L 14... 259 Andover, L 16_- 85 Angola, N 21-- 60 Anna, or Pawnee Ste, Tae23.<.5 100 Anness, M 14--- 50 Anson, M 14---- 50 Antalope, I 16--_ 100 Anthony, N 13_--2,740 Areadia, L 23---1,175 Argonia, N 14... 478 Arkalon, N 4--- 50 ArkansasOy.016_11,253 Arlington, K14_ 590 Arma, M 28--_--2,180 Army City, F 16. 235 Agnold,) J.” T-—s— 9 Arrington, E 20_. 200 Asherville, F13-. 150 Ashland, N 8__--1,147 Ashton, N 15_-- 15 Assaria, H 14--. 234 Atchison, BE 21__12,630 Athol, D 10--_-- 294 Atlanta, M 12... 37 Attica, N 12... 744 Atwood, D 4-__-- 919 Auburn, G 19_-. 105 Augusta, L 16__-4,219 Aulne, J 16.---- 183 Aurora, BE 14-.-_ 275 AVOCH 0H 19-5-—— 150 Axtell; D 18... 617 Badger, N 23_-.. 300 Baileyville, D18_ 125 Bakers D) 20_.--. 150 Hala. By 16.2. = 100 Baldwin, H 21___1,137 Bancroft, EB 19-- 150 Barclay, I 19... 150 Barnard, F 13__-. 359 Barnes, D 16---. 395 Barrett, D 17_--_ 100 Bartlett. O 21-. 222 Basehor, B 21--_ 200 Bassett, K 21-... 319 Bavaria, H 14__ 90 Baxter Sps., 0° 23_3,608 Bazaar, or Bazar, J17 100 Bazine, I 8----. 150 Beagle F122 2 -= 281 Beattie, D 18_--~- Beaumont, L17-- 350 Beeler, I 16__-- 75 Bellaire, D 11. 135 Belle Plaine M15_ 839 Belleville, D 14__2,254 Belmont, M 13_--_ 130 Beloit, E 13_----3,31: Belore, K 10_---_ Belvue, Bendena, 0 Py | ass Benedict, L 20__- O73 Bennington, G@ 14 371 Bentley, K 14---_ 125 Benton, L 16.--. 22 Bern’ OC 19s eo 300 Berryton, G 20_. 75 Bethel, B 22__... 150 Beulah, M 23__-. 100 Beverly, G 13--. 344 Big Bend, or Speed, B 9__- 82 Bigelow, E 17-~ 175 Bird City, D3... 489 Birmingham, F20 80 Bisos,) 1-9. 2. c 357 Blaine, B 18_--- 200 Bloomington, E11 85 Bloom, M 7_----- 150 Blue Mound, J 22. 570 Blue Rapids, B17_1,534 Bluff City, 013. 272 Bogue, F 8_---- 125 Boicourt, J 23... 100 Belton, N 20__- 60 Benner Sps., C 22_1,626 Brazilton, M 22__ 100 Breezy Hill, M 22 700 Bremen, D 16-_ 109 Brewster, F 4.-. 208 Bridgeport, I 14 £0 Bronson, K 22__ 590 Brookville, H 13. 212 Broughton, F 16 118 Brownell, H 8. 225 Bucklin, M 8__-. 835 Bucyrus, H 23-. 125 Buffalo, L 20_--. 739 Buffalo Pk.,or , Park, G*6-.2 5D Buffville, M 20__ 300 Bubler, J 14__-_- 486 Bunkerhill, K11_ 268 Burlen, N 17----- Burdett. J 8_- Burdick, I 16_ f Burlingame, H 17_1,330 Burlington, J 20__-2.236 Burns. EK 165.2. 822 Burr Oak, D 12-- 638 Burrton, K 14--- 679 Bushy, M 19_--. 150 Bushong, I 18--. 150 Bushton, I 11... 326 Cadmus, J 22_. 75 Caldwell, O 1---2,191 Cambridge, N17. 233 Caney, O 19....- 3,427 Canton, J 15----- 700 Capaldo, M 28... 400 Carbondale, H 20 383 Carlton, H 15... 200 Carlyle, K 21-.-. 250 Carneiro, H 11-- TH Carona, M 22._.. 750 Cassoday, K 17-- 150 Castleton, L 14-- 200 Catharine, G 9_- 70 Cawker, Cy., E12 788 Cedar, EB 10--.. 149 Cedar Bluffs, C6 125 Cedar Pt., J17- 190 Cedar Vale, N 17-1,044 Centerville, J 22. 160 Centralia, D 18.. 619 Centropolis, H 21 115 Chanute, L 21-10,286 Chapman, G 16.. 853 Chase, J 12_...- 286 Chautaugua, O 18 401 Cheney, L 14... 6836 Cherokee, M 22_-1,091 Cherryvale, N 20- 4. 698 Chetopa, O 22.--1,! § Chicopee, M 23 Chiles, H 23... 50 Cimarron, L 6-.- 599 Circleville, E19. 226 Clafin, I tie- 2s. 648 Claudell, EB 10_- 50 Clay Center, F 1U_3,715 Clayton, D 7... 258 Clearwater, M 14- 6A7 Cleburne, KE 17-- 200 Clements, J 17-- 175 Cleveland, M13 62 Clifton, E 15---. 631 Climax, L 18---- 100 Clinton, G 21---- 250 Cloverdale, N17_ 100 Clyde, B 15_---- 1,063 Coalvale, L 23-- 50 Coats, M 10_---- 383 Codell, F 9--.--- 175 pat adhe oy, 020_13,452 Colby, F 4------- tia Cold ator! N 9_--1,207 Collyer, G 17---. 190 Colony, K 21---- 997 Columbus, N 22__3, Colwich, L_ 14-- Concordia, E 14__4.705 Conway, J 14--. 100 Conway Sps.,M14-1,120 Coolidge, K 1--. 144 Copeland, M 5_-- 150 Corbin, N 14---- 100 Corliss, G@ 22_--. 150 Corning, E 19---. 419 Corwin, N 12..-- 115 Cottonwood Falls, J 17-1,044 Council Grove, H 17_2,857 Courtland, D 13. 411 Oovert; BV 11== = 100 Coyville, L 19_-. 232 Crestline, N 23. 300 Croweburg, M 23_1,000 Ouba,, D345. 5525 432 Cullison, L 10---. 249 Culver, G 14-.-. 204 Cummings, E 21. 150 Cunningham, L 12 462 Curranville, M 21 150 Dalton, N 15_-- 50 Damar, F 8_----- 125 Danville, N 13--. 150 Dearing, N 20_--1,200 Deering Jc., O 20 295 Deerfield, K 4. 284 Delavan, H 16_-_ 100 Delia, F 19... 244 Delphos, F 14_ 87U Denison, F 20_-. 240 Denris, M 21---- 200 Densmore, BD S._ 50 Denton, D 21-- 193 Derby, M 15_--.- 350 De Soto, G 22_--. 345 Detroit, B 16____ 210 Devon, K 23_---- 150 Dexter, N 17---. 497 Dighton, I 6_--. 503 Dillon, H 15_-_ 75 Dodge City, L 7_-5,061 Doniphan, B 21_-_ 171 Dorrance, H 11__ 299 Douglas, ; Dover, Dresden, E 6_--. 200 Dunavant, FP 21-_..175 Dunkirk, M 22___ 500 Danlap? 1) 18-225 300 Dunquoin, M 13_ 80 Durham, I 15--- 288 Dwight, H 17---- 246 Earleton, L 21-_ 381 Easton, F 21-- __ 228 Edgerton, H 22.. 323 Edison, M 22--- 300 Edmond, E 8. Es Bina, 0; 21.2.-—- Edwardsville, C22 203 Effingham, © 21- 616 Elbing, K 16---- 230 dqrado, L 16_10,995 Elgin, O 18_-.. 600 Blk City, N 19.. 125 Elk Falls, M 18__ 293 Elkhart, N 2_---1,160 Ellinwood, J 11.-1,1038 Milis; -433 1,876 Ellsworth, H 12_-2,065 Elmdale, J 17---. 248 Elmo, H 15.----- 120 Pl Paso, L 15. 247 Elsmore, L 21--___237 Plwood, D 22__-_ T50 Elyria, J 14---- 100 Emmett, F 18_-_- 200 Emporia, I 18__11,273 Englevale, I. 28. 450 Unglewood, O 7. 466 Ensign, L 6_---- 250 Enterprise, H 16. 975 Erie, M21. =:-e4 163 Esbon, D 12_--.- 375 Bskridge, H 19. 759 Endora, G 21_--. 627 Eureka, L 18__--2.606 Everest, D 20... 403 Fairmount, B 22_ 100 Fairport, G 10--_ 50 Fairview, D 20__ 386 Fall River, L 19_ 376 Falum, H 14.___ 100 Farlington, L 22_ 200 Farlinville, J 22. 100 Faulkner, N 22._ 60 Floral, M 16_-.. 10% Florence, J 16__-1,517 Fontana, I 22--_ 206 ord; Ty- 6.229 272 Formose, D 13_-. 374 Ft. Dodge. L 7--. 500 Ft. Leavenworth, A 22_5.000 Ft. Riley, G 17_3,500 Ft. Scott, K 23_10.693 Fostoria, E 17-.. 80 a a i Rg a li KENTUCKY © a vii a SE OL LO Lt i es a iia KENTUC ese ee a as AS-CONT’D bia, I 11--1.076 Hardyville, J 10 166 Mitchellsburg, 112 230 KANS 2 825 KV: See ae 200 Columbus: K io. Gad Marian, J’ 17-2047 Molus, J Low222 120 490 LaCrosse, 1 9 siethh din a wiep babe apps eats et RN i Fe KENTUC Rittne 3 ioe © B0e Genwonds thee eee Hartgdsburg, G12 8.768 \Monwe, J)10-2 | 120 : 1__-1,05 eer g 5 e, See: i 50 luartford, Tie ah ee Fowler, M 6---- Lavygne, I 21---1,028 Oakland, G_20 red G2 815 aon F 12 .--. 150 Concordia, F_8--- 150 ; lle, G S_ S29 Monticello, J 13-1,514 [rauktort. bs. 1 La Harpe, K 21-71 101 Gak Mis, B 33. vst Shaw, 1 “Gs 40 First Settled at Alvation, J ot ge 150 eee fuse 308 ree ie 5 Ah oreisS erence ib 200 ank a Harpe, 21_-1,10 Valley, M 19 202 Shawnee, G 23_-- 0 } h Ambrose, @ Bias tr bin, Biase Warcieeie Be oe 415 Morefield, 5 braiclin, Crockettsvilles 116 200 Hickory. J 18. Soe iat Cotecine ake enter Hi aE ae Lebanon, D 11--- 822 See 6 Nema Se Solomon, H i aanpntts Population, Last reese! A 5-1, 506 Crofton. J 6----- 527 a in 100; Mt. Vernon. 1 2 ae eases a sbo, I 19_----_- De eee __-. 225 Somerset, I 23... 1 y 2,416,630 : iy Cromwell, --- lf : ¥e Mt, Washington, = Lebo, I 19 5 eRE 225 Somerset, Census, 2,416,630. ‘ : land Park, ’ Garland, L | 23--— 375 G 21_ 310 Opolis, M 23_--- 22 n, O 15. 423 : i Cropper, F 12--- 300 Highlan a FP 1 400 parte a Leeds. N18 1 Deane eel ieee) ae catenin on: Capital, Frankfort. Bagdad, F 7218 300 Crossland. 1 3-2 do0 Highsplint, 3-40. 150 Moutheard, H 18. 350 Garrison, 17 367 Lehigh, J_15_-——— 370 Osage City, H ice gel ) K13 639 eee ae 9. 286 Cunningham, J 2 250 Highsplint, na ae ~ 150 Munfondsville,J10 583 Gas, K 21__-—___ 356 Le Loup, H 21-7. 100 Osawatomle, {224.773 a im or IES Barbourville, Jis1.817 Curdsville, GG. 240 Highway, F 15-_ 183 Murphysville, B15 859 Gaylord, 3 Lenape, © 21---_ 100 Osawkie, F 1o7771,685 Sparks, D 21--.. 125 Laat byob patbeett GG iL-1717 Cynthiana, B Mos Hindman, 1 1i. 40? Murrey, Ko 4---2.415 pes mtr ix 61 Lenexa, G 23___- oe Sebaineie, 3 ‘700 Spearville, L 8. 629 County Key Pop. pet fa 2 21190 Cyrus, sGelta._- 125 nee 6.7- 500 Myers,’ B 15-2. 200 pene Lenora. B_7----- ie N 22___2,386 Speed, or Bend, 7,289 2 654 ‘Hiseville, I 10-- 181 Geneva, IK 20-——- baila 427 Oswego, N 22____ 1386 D9 250 Adair, I 11 -- 17,289 Barlow, feats 300 Hiseville, Boe / “ ae ie nel oe cp Leon ‘biti Tie | BE GHEE ola”, 508 Gpiver, af 32.0 BIB Allen, ic 9-27 foigse DNBEES CSN ir 17s DAE oder "16_ 199 Hedgenville, 101,100 Nelson Grr pacueeane Girard, ae — 92 Ottawa, I 21--_-9.018 Saree te fi ar 752 Senn ie 21 = 21045 Barnrock, G@ 17-- is Danville, H ee ouninavile eS peso H 10 vt Hade, D 9_ ; F > 815 Ottumwa, J 19_- 125 “ aah Deere --- 25,356 Barnsley, I 6---. 3 Dawson Spgs, I 81,7 Horse Branch, H8 Neon, S018 fees Glaseee Meteo 124 Vevent, Ht 4-2. 100 Overbrook, H 20. 025 Stanley, 122-0. 100 Bate ’w (sc2_i1'908 Barrenferk i 13 S00 Deseo yt t---7-G48 Horse Cave, 110 864 Nepton, B 15... 200 Glen: Eites. 1 122; 615 ee ee 22 550 Stark. 21 eee 35 Bell, °K 16__-- 33,988 oe brain iso peter: = jae ‘~~ Horton, 2 Tenses AT Neue i be 300 é 4 14--- 255 Sectors sates ea mye ; : 572 Baskett, Eee ekoven, z stonville, . -== ret L. 14 iaesG Liebenthal, H 9-_ 350 Oxford, N 15_--. se ctetoel errs phe ise aes weas 1418 Beattyville, Blste Petongeie: Di 4 bane pie F 14. 100 New Castle, Bu 12 20% Goff, E 19. : RISO nh 247 Ozawkie, F 20--. 2: anes “03. ~250 } 18 _- 29,281 Beaver Dam. Denmar Suess a pide dmalss 018 ew Haven, : Liberty, N 20 --- Stippville, N 23_. Boyd, EH 18 B. 11--. 240 Denton, P17... 482 New Hope, H 11 207 Goodland, Lalis, By ER eam 400 nonlas si) 200 GOs kockiaie een Ten 100 Boyle, H 12 -- 14,998 Beech Grove. HG. 152 Dexter” K Mc... 278 H 15... 200 New Liberty, E12 180 Gena Linoel aera 3. Falacky, Bi dees) 200 > Stock nol. fee, «eeu eee 4 Bellevue, D 14- 7.379 Diablock, 1 17... 700 Idamay, C13 153 Newmarket. I 11 342 Gove, G 6 132 Cen. G er pian Palco, F B-_-_-- 281 Stockton, “B 9_--1.324 preatnitt, H 16 20,61 Benton, J 3 5..2 891 Dishman’ K 1bl08 200 ee 17. 200 Reet wel D_13_29,317 Grand Summit. ) 16 ~~ "984 Paola, I 22. Meese 8 ‘teal oe : > 10 5 ee Berea, H ----l. over, Mapes tll Irvine, G 15-__.2.705 Nicho “150 M17 50 Linn, joe eee 364 Paradise, G 10-._. 250 Strong, Bullitt, G 10--- Bernstadt, I 14-- 400 Drakesboro. I 8_.1.164 ine, Gs 655 Nolin, H 10. ee 1 Linwood, G 22___ 364 Pa ffal Stull. “Hi 21-=_ =e Butler, I 8 _-.. 15,197 14 532 Dryridge, D 13. 300 Irvington, --= Normal, E 18. 300 Free eaca, “s 1124.60 Litebfield, M 23. 709 Park, or Buffalo 50 Stuttgart, D 9--- 100 Caldwell, 1 5-. 13,795 Berry, B 14 --- 582 Dryridge, 3__ 200 Island, H 6_-__- °#7 Northfork, B 152 200 Great Bend, J 11_4,460 Ri 113. 749 Park, G 6_---- ye Subl tte, M 4_-_. 150 Caldwe > KK 4 20,802 Bethel, F 15---- 175 Duckers, F 13__ 500 orthfo: iden eee Greeley, I 21_---_ 496 Little av = ~~ 585 Parker. J 22_--__ 436 Sublette, Gis A39 Calloway, K 4 20,8 Bethelridge, 1 13- 150 Dundee, H fia =. N. Middleton,! 2 pices 8 Gicten a ESS pele Ce OB Se, A ee eR ae gecons fd Magt No, “Plnsore Greenleaf, D 16__ 7 *@ 15.. 155 Parsons, } _21_-16,02 ahs [ 15--. 100 Carlisle, J 2 - 8% Big Clifty, e unmor, ———— : 4 li & Greensburg, L peek 215 pas robe Gas a8 i S s rat ooh ee aie 140 Cenrell: A ed -- ee Big Creek, 1 a6 hon Dunnyilley foes is fhe aeae phe Nortonville, I 6-_ 773 Greenwich, L 15-75 ston, M 19__. 583 Pawnee ock, Sylvan Grove. G12 450 Carter, 2 7. 177213 Big Springs, ae u ' Rood TRO é k i4 471 Srenola, M 18_.. 547 Longton, L 12-_ 200 Pawnee Station, | Sat ee ote Casey, I 12 -_ 1%, 3 Birdsville, I 8-- 200 Dwale, H 1 Po cigs K 14 546 Oakdale, F 10_-_3.198 Gretna, D 9__ 50 permet I 16 276 L23 70 Seracuse, K 3.271.059 Christian, J 5. 35.883 Birmingham, J 4 355 Dycusburrg, 1 4. 16 Jellicocséeks 14) 0 eae J 9. oe x 3 < . ’ --- Waele TG 5 18___ 251 (Oakland, Gridley, K 19_ 821 Lost Sprg 3 556 Paxieo, G 18__--- 784 Syr Clark, G 14 -- 17,901 Blackey, I 17 --- 269 Johnson, G 1 kt K 2.--- 200 Louisburg, H 23_ 55 : 8 __2.4 f 2 nae 5 He, D 14 175 Oakton, _2-= Grom 2h on BOQ Poulan. F 18-90 Beaedye 102 ge8 ss temound, NO0-1.20 Clingon, we ia-~ Spam Blackford: Hh 4-45) Barlington, 1 6..9.652 Joluevile, D1 198 Oaavile 14-190 Loe HW Isa 732 Lovewells De ake 5 Penalosa, L 12___ 157 Talmage, G 15__- ae Crittenden, I 4 13,125 Blanche, K 15_- 300 I15 500 Jordan, K 2_~__- ae Piel Hil, F 17_1.395 Lowell, N23 157 Peoria, Be MR Dos 262 Cumberland J11 10,648 Bianaville. J 20. 233 Eastpoint, G 18 250 Junction City,H12 72 Olmatead i oe a ta Haddam. D 15... 302 towel. Nt Perry, Tampa, I 15__-__ 377 Daviess, H 6--- 40,783 Bloomington, GIT 900 s Weholal 1 Teaco O00 00 Olympia, F 15... 200 Hallowell, N 22__ 300 ee D 4 75 Perth, Tescott, G ar aaet 200 Edmonson, I 9- 10,894 Binge Diamondli7 600 Fadyville, J 4_--1,182 Keene, G 13 -.. aa Omaha, I 18 ._.. 150 Balls Bums J 00200 eq 1g ieee ert on) Tecumseh, G 20_- 523 Elliott, F 17-- 8,887 Bop H 18 --..- 150 Uvieny 1. 188 402 Kelly, J 6 —--_- 200 Omega, B 13 _-_ 400 Halstead, K 14__1,163 TvndonswL -20mese 732 Peterton, H 19_- hs Thayer, ‘T9822. "100s still), Gy 15) 22515,500g, auras EOL TeS 200 Faenton, G 14__ 381 Kensee, K te 400 ODDY, Go 19.28 150 Batata ee TW 2,516 Petrolia, L 20--- 119 Timken, I 9__-_- 230 Fayette, G 13 54,664 Bonayr, J 9__--- 150 Edmonton, J 11-- 284 Kentenia, J 1 1 300: Oyenabarone imelgaod Hamlin, D 20___. 211 Lyons, Mn — a na ; Pfeifer, H 10_--- 500 ‘Tipton, F a eat 971 Fleming, F 15 15,614 Bonjellico, K 14. 350 Ekron, G 9__--- 157 Kettle Island, J16 200 Owenton, F 12.. 971 Hanover, D162 947 McCracken, I. 8. 491 Phillipsburg, D 91,310 TOPEKA, G 20.50.02 Floyd, H 18.. 27427 porate 102 309 Elizabethtown, Kevil 352 2-26 305 Owingsville, P15 781 HS peehadaie a pce hdtv ae tp oe 20 Piedmont. T. 18.- “175 SO ORtg TE te ie Meet ETD 1 Booneville, H 15 243 H 10 2.530 Kewanee, H 19_- ee \ Haritner, O 1c. 385 MeDonald, D 3. eal Pe ae “2 100 Towanda, “L162 718 Fulton, Ki -- 15.197 tebe cee “es Hlisavilie. 1 16-1 190 Keysburg, poets Sie Packard ene 150 ardtner, Fa) pene > 55) a = i r - Marietta, -- ie att, c sz "991 M 100 Hickman, K 2- 10,244 Brig , Se 7 ieee La Fayette, K 5 Petersburg, C oO Hepler, J elG 221,928 Prescott, Ine23Ee= Urbana, M 21. 0 nan, 3 Brodhead, I 14_-_ 555 ec. E 11 1,060 Pee oan permeton. te: sie Mae K 22_ pee Alene ae aos Witieas Hivcet =Ss5 285 povkans) a oe eed Bromley, D By 819 Fairfield, g 829 Pi oe aie 150 pe es Qbsss er -- g r a »L13 4 son, -_ 1,65 ’ j , ; : 0 Marquette, I 13__ 78 ett] 5 % ms 710_286,369 Brooksville, 2) Pairview, BNE Lamasco, J 4..__ 13 helps. H 19... 150 Hesston, J 19-2. 119 Marysville, D 17-3,048 Protection, NSa21.109 yaeees etree Uaessamie: Gas ae ans prow eeoron, 2 ealeons Seong > 20° Lancaster, His 2.106 Pikeville H 182.400 esston, pater Matfield Green, » N s--l, Jalencia, les , 19.622 Brownsville. S Falls 0 ugh. Latonia, C 13-_-1.882 Pine Grove. @ 14 195 Hewins, 0 18---. 200 Mat 17 200 Purcell, D 21---- 60 y ley Center, L15 486. Johnson, G 18- 19,62 hart, E 17_-. 150 H 8 250 2 ; Hiattville, L 22__ | 190 Mayetta, F ope 309 733 Valley Falls, F21_1,218 Kenton, D 13_- erage Be eevitie H18 150 palnouth, D 14.-1.330 LAW ren eee Pines ey oe Highland, D 21-809 MayBeld, N 14-—- @& Quincy, K 19-2. 300 Vance. YOO. 180 Know’ 7-13 22 247s Buckeye, tic. 190 Fancy Farm, J, 2 488 Lawton, EB 17__ 125 Pineville. K 15.9.908 : el-- = a SS RO = a ---- oO eel ace | ’ = ar 6 n 3 i a Hill City, F 8___ 732 ptf Pree Quindaro, B 23__ 300 Masa Dg D 18__ 294 Larue, H 10___ 10,004 eet ee! H 10 2. 350 egiocenapised| 7 3 159 Lebanon, H eu ae Pittsbar 934 Hilledsle, H 22.) 375 N11-1.305 Quinter, G 6_---- °S3 Vernon, K 20.--- 100 Laurel, 1 14.—- Ae et) Balan sat. Sos 713 Firebrick, D 17_- 260 febanen Je, G10 $93 Pleasan K 14 500 Siitetec ag peed tet NETO ar 22__..2,086 Vesper, G 12---- 150 Lawrence, F 18 17,643 Bulete 4, %g---- 78 Fiskburg, D 18 250. ¢eiocpurg, D 12. 63 Pleasueatetaed Hoisiugton, I/ii-2,399 Melrose, 0 90... 20) Radley, M_22____ 190. Victoria, H 10--- 600 Lee, H 15 --.. 11018 BUees ft -57 198 Flat Lick. J 15-200 Teche, K 11... 150° park a ie epronaa a e. a Melvern, I 21---_ 422 Rago, M SS ee Vining, © 15__--- 183 Leslie, I 16 -— 10,097 Burkley, J 1---- 188 Pyatrock, K' 18-150 Le ld; H 9221, pias Pleasureville, B12 Boe Holland, He1sc-. 0 Menlo, 5------ 100 Ramona, I 16---- 303 Viola, M 14_--__ ite Letcher, I 18--24.467 pitiineton, C13. 198 Fleming, I 18_--2.069 revenge li Pollard, B 18___1.500 Bo 50 Mercier D20---- 50 Randall, B 13__-_ 303 Wirgil Ke teLelee 150 Lewis, E16 -- 15,289 Burnside, J 12--1.100 yyemingsburg, ee g Sa 3 3a Poole, H 5-2... 142 Hollenberg, Cc 16_ a Ménaen. F 20__. 422 Randolph, Pits ook Viiets, Deigesess 200 Lincoln; H 18 — 16,481 Bish «J 1p. 200 BH 131.562 pate rs Te 572 Poorforls J 17.. 300 Holliday, G@ 22___ ae Merriam, © 23... 275 Ransom, I 17912 200 Livingston, I 3 9,782 Butler, D 14---. 406 Pippin Kk. 108 175 Leringtom, F 13 41.534. Poplae Ghee Gee Holton "D202 ee 500 Rentesk 1 ake ~_ 317 Wabaunsee, G 18 200 Logan, vi eee ohn Florence, C 13__ og Titexte! D 2) 222 "368 Poplar Pins, hee te yu ne we Ad i 2 ; ee eee aa eaen es ZOM100 lion eee : ‘ ‘ tiie iber ; Home, D 17_---_- sl Mildred K 21--- 336 Reading, "I 11---_ 358 Wakonait: F 16_ 581 McCreary, K 13 11.676 Calf Creek. G 18 50 Ford, G 14__-___ WG i ac ae 250 Powers, I 12._-_ 125 zmen ood tact its Milford, G 16__-_ 200 Reamsville, De bes Waldo, G 11_-.-- 246 McLean, H 6___ 12.502 Calhoun, H 6---_ 743 Foras Brancl.H18 450 Hed ® ee “Rl. 240° Praise; J 49-c522 300 Horace, I 2.0 312 Miller, I 19_--_—- ity Redwing. f ti ida, a. 21 5S 212 7 26.473 Carbondale, I 5-- Fultont7 ik 2222223; ) Rectorville, i Bresso) "21s 50 Moran, K 5, 25 Rock Creek, 20 Welda, Se Ohio, H 7 -- -- h i 1.569 , Lovelaceville, J2 400 h K 14... 700 head, M 20__ 125 > 5 Wellington, N 15_7,048 7,689 Carlisle, F 15_--1.5 150 Redash, Independence, Morganviile, B13 263 Rolla, N 0 Ww 10_ 140 Oldham, B11 - 7,6 liton, D_ 12-2,281 Lowell, H 18-150 Recssh: 5 een N 20-11. 929 POrs en Gane eae tye Wellstorae elie B12 _. 12,554 Carrollton, ra Gallup, F 18 ---- 100 yones” J 2.00” 200 tay 200 5 , Fv. 2968 Rome. Wellsville, H 21_ 756 Owen, Carrsville, I 3 -_ 323 : 175 Lowes, zep Regina, I 19____ Industry, F 15--- 170 Morland, 552 Roper, rn NTE RRE Owsley, H_ 15- 7,820 203 Gamaliel, K 10-- 175 yPugiow, © 13.224.582 Ripp I 15... 850 ee D202 6. bo 2 56 W. Mineral, N 22 988 19 Carter, B 17____ H 17 175 ibbon, ingalls, ek 6 onan ce ille, D 15 200 Rosalia, L 17---- 156 tmoreland,F18 386 Pendleton, D 14 11,719 ville, H 4__ 263 Gapville, = Lusby, B 13_-_-- 150 Richardson, G18 150 Inman, J 14--___ 482 Morrowvi Apap eal iey. Ronee 26/2 Wes pes ot 500 Perry, I 17 --- 26.042 Peed sate nS Garnettsville. G9 200 Lynch Mines. Richmond, -@ 44a aby (olde Kono oes Bee ond ity, 7222. 720. Rosedale, 0 2.2.1, Westorels: 6 Pike, H 19 -. 49,477 Catlettsburg, Garrison, EB 17_-- 200 J 10 3.000 R Mills, F16 130 } - be 5 lains, N 6 361 Pike, E 18_-4.183 13 3.903 ‘ ingos 0 teal? eter 300 Moundridee, J-14 138 Rose Hill, Mi. 125 West Pl E 19. 500 Powell, @ 15. 6,745 ity. 1 10.- 690 Gore eran. Dis’ os Lyunville, K 3.. i159 Ringos Mille, MiG 71%) lowe Point Dat ee Mound Val, © 21: 80% Roseland, M 22. 482 Wetmore, B18. 200 Pulaski, J \13__ 24,010) Gave Clty t 10." G00) 7 er autewa: Die 287 Riverton, B18. 200 Irving, E 17_-__- St Moun yaa oe eyille dae ones White Church-B33 100 Robertson, Hs “3:871 Cayce, t. K 13 200 Ghent, D 12---_ 438 17... 500 Robard. H 5.... 399 Isabel, M 11---—- Bo Oe oa! a ociicried ie eneod White Citr, Hi 17 652 Rockeastle H1413406 Coutectena. 7 343 Gilbertsville. J 4 300 McCall .D 17__- 500 TOO: ee Toke. .Losiioo 178 Mulberry. Fc omic Rozelidi oe anaen 200 White City, F 15. 9.467 Centertown, Paige Glasgow, J 10_-2.559 McHenry, I 7___ Rocheatar!io1 ae ; Mullinville. M 8_ 361 , I 9 150 White Cloud, C 21 553 Rowan, ‘4 Centerville. F 14 200 ; DW 398 McKee, H 15... 173 chester, a ; = M 15__-1,239 Rushcenter, 71.700 White Water, K16 556 Russell, J 12 — 11.854 Gohtral City, I 6_ 3.108 Glencoe, 0... 150 Kiny H 13. 440 Rockfiela, J 8_—— aah die tbat de ie 14 839 Russell, H_10----1.700 iting, E 20-.. 433 Scott, F 13_-. 15.318 Glendale, H_ 10-_ 150 McKinney, s Rockport, 1 7. 650 BS i D 20--- : lean, J, 5--- 274 12_ 250 MeNeal, E 18__ 200 Rockport, perhold, Bl og ear ee ara 100 Russell Springs, Wichita, 1. 15272217 Shelby, F ia. 18isge Ceru ay 170 Glensboro, G_12_ 2 eNeal, 2.146 Rockyhill Sta.J% 132 Jefferson, N 20-- 100 Munjor, H 9_-_--- G@ 4 115 Wichita, L 15__72. impson, K 8. 11.150 Chaplin, ---_ 200 Glen Dean. H 8. 200 McRoberts, I 18-2. R od. Sela Tae 105 : He 25 k, L 13_-- 427 r, G 22.___ 85 Simpson, hesley, I 5---. 200 Gl 19 _ 802 Rosewood, caer 4 quae 550 Museutan! OR URES oh ae IB Willard, G 19_-.- 184 pete oi AB. Chester, I ae 300 preces a vate eA elon te He fee vet Rosine, De 176 Johnson 2---- 50 Nanka,,D 5.5 gor Betontriie: DAR aay Winlamatans: 23) 404 apis 1,11 = 12280 wine 1B ae, 30 Grnhemton"G0'- 325 Maneater” rts" p9g Howletts, T 10.- 310 Johnson; Liss) ee eee aka OmaO St. Benedict, a Willi 97 Trige, K 5 .. 14.208 2 . asi rahamton, - 32% anc . “1.71g Ruddels Mills. i i . M 12__ 200 : 9 Willis, D 20_____ 197 Trigg, K Christopher, I 17 300 Gr 350 1 4... 1.718 : Junction City, Nashville St. Francis, D 2_ 733 Willis 140 Trimble, P 11- 6.011 250 Grahn, BE 17---_ 350 Marion, ets Rumsey, H_ 16-_ 139 G17-7,533 Nat. Military St. George, F 18_ 211 Wilmore, N 9--_- sono Eed 18.040 Cicero, IF 12-_—__ Grand Rivers. J 4 473 ‘Marrowbone, J 11 200 Humecy, Ht 40-5 300 Home, A 22___2.500 xt. [eors K 11__-1.671 Wilmot, M 16--_- 100 Union, H 4____ Clarkson, H 9--| 413 @ City, F15 150 Marrowbone. 119. 200 Rush. B 18...1.756 rr 10_--. 518 St. John, K 11__-1. Wils T diveeeene 337 Warren, J 8_~ 30.858 Cl PER 1.398 Grange y. 299 15. 200 Ruseell, -==1.756 Kackley, BD 13--- 120 Natoma. i 16 200 St. Joseph, EB) 15_ 100 sey, 2___-1.020 Washinetn G1214773 Clay. ae 900 Gratz, EB 12 229 Warshall. B 15. Russell Spgs., K7. 125 Kanona. D 6_--__ 100 Navarre, H 16--- 2 St. Marys, F 19.1321 Wilson, H 12_-_-1, ayne, K 13... 16.208 Clayburn, pose Graygidetozsonn= 400 Martwick, I 6_-= 250 Russellville. J 73.124 : i BS §_225- 150 i Winchester, F 21 386 Wayne, K 13__ Clay City, G 15__ 602 929 3 125 Kanopolis, H 12. 762 Neal. L 1 9. St. Paul, M 21-_- 974 inchester, Vebster, H 5_ 20.762 Clay . 50 Grayson, HB 17__ Mason, 13_---- KansesGity, 77 1” Neosho Falla, K 20 628 Stlina, H 19..2215.089 Winfield, N 10220.033 Whitley; K 1d ere Clay Switch, Jo3 200 Great Sac Eee Ee Mexcomit te oO ee legen cata ansa3 City, 9 267 Salina, =———10,05 rs ; -_. 208 Wolfe, G 16__ 8. : F 16__ 450 : : "IE 36 ile, E 13 448 Bee rama ace De nea bon” Satanta Ot oie ore Winans oe : Clearfield, re Greensburg, I 11 488 Mays Lick, E 15- 3866 Sadieville, I 7--. 905 Satanta, 258 Wolcott, B 22___ 150 Woodford. G 13 11.784 Cleat LET 252° 200: 910 : 5_6.107 St. Catherine, H11 125 Keats, F 17--_-. 100 Ness City, B 20. 267 Savonburg, L 21. 258 eae H 16. 318 enon: G 10.. 200 Greenup, B 18__ § Maysville, D 15_6. Bi Ohaules 1. 6804 Kechi,. L 1522-25 67 Bebewane. 19 Sawyer, M 11--_ 268 Woodbine. neon 2.416.630 Clermont, ae Greenville. I 6--1.917 \feaqd, B 18... 200 St. Charles, — a ; 5 bany, M19 233 ’ Woodlawn. D 19- 200 Total —----2. Cleveland, F 13... 601 163 Saint Helens. H16 1 Keelville. N 22-. 50 New A BA Sayman, J 13__.. 100 oodla “ eve : = Greenwood, Melber, J 2-:___ oo ERA Sion of Reger 8 eee Gane ot ee eben gare f sana Ca aaa Melivs dao sass = 7 0 Scandia, --- oO : q a . ’ peas uage, ---- re entor, —-- = F 10 125 ‘ c 2 50 New Salem, N 16 10 Wright, L 7-_--_ 15 lover, J 18___-- 150 eee NOR pen a ee 1.200 ' Kenan D 10 sos pabab K ey! ee Ropoenchers a ty a6 g oie ts Town Key Pop. aia Bot.. H M4 150 aie Ce. eed a Se a 197 Salem, 1. ee 25 =; etiam F } ysses, L 3 5 4 AD meniaehy ceo eee 2 a S ‘ a i ' aiekanen = 21_ es Nickerson, J Pete peore Cie Z pone Xenia ie Adairvitle ae Len Oy Cuivariort: G oboe diicnew eerie Cee aes See tee Salvisa, G ice ao NS are oF a B 10_... 375 Gansville, D 7__. 100 Garden City, H16 500 Gardner, We10_=2 500 Ged, A 15__- Geismar, J 14__-. 523 Genesee, L 13__- 600 Gheens, L 16_--. 500 Gibsland, € %S5--. 798 Gibson, J 16---. 400 Gilbert, H 7---. 442 Gilliam, A 4... 150 Gillis, C 14/____- 100 100 Gloster, A: 7225 250 Gold Dust, F 12. 80 Gonzales, J 19... 150 Good Pine, F 9- 500 Gordon, D 4 __--- 100 Gourlers (EY 145226210 Grace, Dy Ss —oso6 250 Gramercy; K 15. 655 Grand Bayou, BT 75 Grandcane, A T. 878 Grand Coteau,G13 470 Grand Isle, M 18 252 Grappes Bluff, C 8 300 Grays, PR 1 sSr 160 Grayson, G T--. 337 Greensburg, K 12 286 Greenwood, A 6. 250 Gretna, M 15_-__7,197 Grosse Tete, I 14 500 Gueydan, .2 15_-1,233 Gulietts, L 12_-. 200 Haasville, F 12. 100 Hadley, A 6---. 100 Hahnville, L 15_ gy Mallet). E \4f2205 120 Hammond, LL 13_3,855 Hard Times Landing, J 7-. 135 Harrisonburg G 8 399 Haughton, B 5_. 325 Hawthorn, B 11_ 200 Hayes, D 15.... 150 Haynesville, C 4 903 Head of Island, Hecker, © 14_--_ 400 Hermitage, I 13_ 310 Hessmer, F 11_-_ 300 Hester ork oitse 7 100 Hineston, D 11_-. 150 Hodge, E 6__--- 300 Hohen Solms, J14 120 Holden, K 13_--. 400 Holly Ridge, H6_ 200 Holum, G 8_--- 200 Homeplace, M 17 175 Momer,! iC 4520 _ 3,305 Hopes sein 62 200 Hope Villa, J 14. 100 Hornbeck, B 10-- 3 Hosston,. A 4---_ 200 Houltonville, M13 350 Houma, K 17_--5,160 Husser, L 13_--. 200 Hydropolis, G 11. 500 Hymers, B 11... 78 Vda PAN 4 aan ae, 500 Independence, L13-1,032 Indian Village, I 0 Irishbend, H 16. 150 Ironsboro, N 14 150 Isabel. M 12_... 15 Jackson, I We Jacoby, H 12_-__ Jarreau, H 12__ Jeanerette, H 15 2,512 dene Fy Oosn.n26 520 Jennings, D 14__3,824 Jesuit Bend, M16 243 Jones, Hayao oo 100 Jonesboro, E 7_-- 837 Jonesville, G 9--1,029 Juanita, B 13... 3800 Junetion City, E4 3822 gunks, HO 20. 100 Kahns, I 18... 250 Kanlan, F 15_--. 876 Keatchie. A 7_-- 500 Keithville, A 6__. 100 Kelloggs Ldg.,J7 110 Kelly,oF S$ ) cece i Kenner, M_ 15_- Kentwood, L 12203; 059 Kilbourne, I 4-- 150 Files O: 10) feeaen 100 Killona, L 15---- 5 Kinder, D 13_-- Klotzville. J 15. 500 Kolin, ¢F 10.2205 200 Kramer, K 16__-- 100 Krotz Spgs., H13 150 Kurthwood, C 11 500 Laark, H 4--.-.. 120 Labadieville. J 16 500 LaBranch, L 15. 75 TaCombe, N 14-- 600 LaFayette, G 14_7,855 Lafourche Cross- ing, Lake, K 14 Lake Arthur. Di5_1,882 Lake Charles, C 14 13,088 Lake End, B 8--- 150 Takeland, I 13--. 100 Lake eons eeaey t Vincent, Ki4 2 Larose, L 17--~- Lauderdale, J 16- Admitted as a State, Prairieville, J 14 March $, 182. Lecompie, F Leonville, G 13_- Population, - Census, 768,014. ee Jct.,E4 9 Lockport, Ty 16... County. Key. Androscoggin, Aroostook, I 4. 81.728 Long Bridge, “@ll 500 er * Longleaf, E 11_- ¢ CO 17-124.358 Franklin. C 12- 19.825 Hancock, J 14_ Kennebec. E 15 Lincoln, F 17-- Oxford. B 15-- 37.7 Penobscot. I 12 87 Piscataquis. H 9 % Sagadahoc, 1D) 17 23 Waldo, H 15. 2 Ludivine, L Va. Kk 130221, 700 32: "G (eas 380 Ruddock, L 14-- jee See yal M12 4 McDonoghyille, York, B 19---- McNary, E 11 __1,318 McNutt, E 10 —-- Madisonville, M 14-1,103 Mallard Jct, H16 ; Tete N 16 a pa Abbot, or Monson Manchac, J 14--- 13 Mandeville, M 14-1,130 Agamenticus, B 20 Mansfeia, A 722,508 Albany, Beigee Patricks, KA: 5 . Tammany, Ni Alexander. M 11_ Alfred, B 19___. 500 S Marksyille, G11-2,484 Schriever, K 16__ Anson, or River- i E 13__--2.593 Ri 5:22. 90 Seymourville, ee 16-21, 300 5 Shamrock, ne rats AUGUSTA. Hi 1514.14 Mermentau, E14 Midland, E 14--~ Millikens Bend, J Smoke Bend, J15_ Baldwin. or W. Bar Harbor. K 15_3.62! Bath, E 17---- eee Beans Corner. D 14 8. Mansfield, a aa 3 tp eee 083 3. Springfield, L 14 Montgomery, i Belmont. H 15. hts Mooringsport, Moreauville, G 11 CAM --=1,108 City, 116 5, 499 a ) Tat Soe eS ey 24 Biddeford, O 19_18,008 Biddeford Pool.C20 489 i E 12_-1.143 Summerfield, D 4 100 : a Mount Airy, K 15 13. Bolsters Mills.B16 420 Mount Hermon, y. 7 . L Booth Bay Har- Mt. Lebanon, Penaounduc E17_1.030 300 Talla Bena. J 6_ Bowery Be pach, D19 Napoleonville, Tangipahoa, L 12 Bradford Center. —O 5+ Thomastown, J 6 120 Tickfaw, Ti, Ages Natalbany, L 13- Natchitoches, Bremen G 17 Brewer, L 13 Bridgewater Cen- eee ran P54 B 1T2-1.545. New Iberia, G 15_6,278 Bridgton ‘Junction, 200 New Orleans, M15 387,219 New Roads,H13_1,294 “ 9 182 F Wa. 419 pete, I 15-1.019 Brownfield. A 17_ 83: Brownville. H nee BrownvilleJe.. Bryant Pond. Bis > aa. OO e 9_- feos 1,246 Ville Wistis S Burlington. J 11- Burnham, or Burn- Buxton, B 19_---1.56 : its Raila oS Eee ee 6.084 Paincourtville.J15 Colaiae tt a § Ward, D2 12, Washington, G13 1,041 Canton. 0 15 Cape Elizabet CapeJellison, H1 6 2 ornois \ : er ees at J 1h. Cape Porpoise. 020 600 Welsh, D 14__--1.45 Westlake,’ B 14 _ Westwego, M 15-1, White Pantie Pearl ‘River. ; B_ 10-2, 000 Caratunk, E 11__ Perry, F 15 Phoenix, N16 Pine one D cn Cash Corners. Caswell Planta- Center Lovell. A 16 261 Center Montville. Winnfeld, D 8__2,975 ling, A4 ae ey Winnsboro, H 7_-1,716 Plaquemine, I 14_4,632 Plattenville, J 15 400 Plaucheville. i Centraltown, or D_ 12___1.000 Chapman, K 4... 4¢ Charleston, H 12 720 Charlotte. N Chebeague Island. bdD18 Youngsville, Ponchotoula, L 13 9 MAINE Chelsea, F 16_..2.050 Cherryfield, L 14.1,304 Chester, J 19---. 285 Chesterville, D 14 586 China,. F 14....- 1.257 Chisholm, D 15. 800 Cliff Island. D 18 175 Clifton, J 18---. 185 Clinton, F 14-~--1.230 Columbia, L 14__ 586 Columbia Falls.L14 658 Concord, E 12__- Connors, H 1 Cooper, M 13 Corinna, G 1 Corinth, H 1 Cornish, A 18_-. 813 Cornville. E 13._ 637 Cranberry ie A Crosshill, F 15--- 175 Crouseville. K 4- 375 Crystal dite ssee 50% Cumberland, D18_1,15 Cumberland Cen- ter, “@° 328i s2255 672 Cumberland Mills. C 18_2.400 Cushing, G 17--. 416 Cutler, N 14.-... 584 Dallas, C 18.022 365 Damariscotta. P16 S849 Damariscotta Mills, F 16..-- 3950 Danforth, L ¥9---1.201 Davidson, I 8_--- 200 Dayton, B 18.--. 391 Dead Water. E11 300 Dedham, I 4---. 286 Deer Isle. I 16_-1.718 Denmark, A 17-~ 576 Dennysville. N 12 452 Detroit, G@ 10__- Dexter, G 11 Dickey, H. 25---= 2: Dixfield, C 14--_1.134 Dixmont, G 14_-_ 602 Dover, G 11----- 1.979 Dresden, BH 17_-- 620 Dresden Mills. P16 225 Drew, KO. ce 286 Durham, D 17_--1.144 Dyerbrook, K 7-- 385 Eaglelake, I 2--_1,772 E. Baldwin. B 18 380 E. Benton, F 14- 220 E. Booth Bay. F 18 500 Eastbrook, K 14. 204 Brownfield, Al7 340 Corinth. H 12_ 589 Dixfield. C 14. 250 Eddington, J13 620 Hampden. 113 300 Hebron Station. C16 200 Hiram, A 16_. 310 - Holden, I 13-- 209 . Jackson. G 14 222 . Livermore. or Norlands. D 15_2.636 EB. Machias. N 13_1.6: E. Madison. B 13 E. Millinocket. 19_1.39% BE. Monmouth. E16 150 Easton, L 4---~--1.451 BE. Orland. I 14-- 450 E. Poland. C 16__ 347 Eastport, O 12___4,194 BP. Sangerville.G11 856 BE. Sullivan. K 14 425 BE. Sumner. C 15_ 400 B. Vassalboro, F15 350 BE. Waterford. B16 250 BE. Wilton, G 14 430 E. Winn. J 10_-__ 236 Eddington, L 18_ 52 Edgecomb, F 17- 428 Edmunds, M 12__ 500 Hiiot."B i21-_-_-— 1.530 Ellsworth, J 14_-3.008 Ellsworth Falls. or The Falls. J 14 420 Embden, IE 10_-- ATS PREEES Seba Mustis, C112 -— tig ae oa Ptna Center. 5 Exeter, H 12 Fairbanks. D 13_ 300 Fairfield, F 14_--2.747 Falmouth. C 18_-1.542 Falmouth Fore- side: C18. 245 Farmingdale, 216 819 Farmington, D 14_1.650 Farmington “ep 14 430 Fayette, D 15--- 523 Ft. Fairfield. L 3_1.993 Ft. Kent. I 1---4.237 Foxcroft. G 11_-2.071 Frankfort. K 14 624 Franklin, K 14_. 925 Franklin Road. K16 175 Freedom, G 19__ 460 Freeman, D 18_-_ 222 Freeport, D 18_--1.075 Frenchville. J 1-1.586 Friendship, G 17_ 696 Fryeburg. A 17_- 565 Gardiner, E Garland, G Georgetown, Gilead, A 15_---. 196 Glenburn, J 12--- 377 Goodrich, L 8_--- 250 Goodwins Mills. 19 550 Gore, eb. 1D:-5.2e 230 Gorham, © 18_ Gouldsboro. L 15.1. Grand Isle. K 1-- 739 Gray, © 8_+-----1.165 Great Works. 112 400 Greenbush. I 12_ 881 Greene, D 15---- 670 Greenville. F 10_1.550 Greenville JetF 10 320 Greenwood. B 16_ 605 Guilford, G 10_--1.687 Hallowell. B 15__2.764 Hamlin, L 2_----- 602 Harmony, Bp 12. '838 Hampden, I 13--2.352 Hampden High- lands, H 13_-— 500 Hancock, K 14-_ 770 Harrington. L 14 &65 Harrison. B 16_- 901 Harpswell, D 131.242 Hartford, © 15-- 5 Hartland. G 1 Hastings, A 1? Haynesville. K Haywood, K 7_-_ 400 Head Tide, F 16 182 Hebron, C 16_--_ 400 Hebron Sta.. C16 652 Hermon, H_13_--1.199 Hersey, J_7----- 245 Highisle, H 16. 375 HighlandLake.C19 320 Hiram, A 17..-—— 521 Hodgdon. L 7_--1.070 Holden, J 18---- 549 Hollis, B 19-----1.192 Hollis hp ts B19 cal Howland, I 11--. Hudson, H 12---~ Katahdin Iron pd es po Me Le Kegnebank. “B 20_: Kenvebunk Port. Kingman, K 9___ Kittery Depot, B21 240 Kittery Point, B21_ aa 000 Knox ‘Station Gl4 Lake View. H_10_ Lawrence Mills. or S. Gardiner. 216 » A 20.2 7.192 0 . Leeds, or Central- Lincoln Center. or Middletown. 110 Lincolnville. H 16 Lincolnville Cen- er.) N15 ee D 17_-~-4.001 Lisbon Falls, D17_2.2 Litchfield Corners. Little River. or Lis- bon Falls. D 17_2.200 L 16__1.409 Livermore Falls. Lonsvond, D 9_ McKinley. J 16__ Machias, M 13___2. Machiasport. N13_1. Madawaska. J 1-1.93% ene Oe Mars ee L 4_1. Marshfield. L 14: Mz isardis, J 5 5. Medford Center. H Messalonskee, E Mexico, C 14____3,242 Middletown, or Lincoln Center. Il T, 1222._1.128 Mill Creek. or S. N_11_1.200 Millinocket. I 9__4.52: Mill Village. C 14 430 3 ep b Rees 2.894 Minot Sta.. or W. Minturn, J ears Monticello. L 6_-1.268 Moose paren: Mt. Desert Ferrv. New Canada. Newcastle. F 18_ New Gloucester. C1 New Harbor. F 17 New Limerick. L7 Newport, or New- New Portland, P12 s New Sweden. 7 New Vinevard.J13 Norlands. or B. Norridgewock. : Berwick, B 20_1.6 . Bridgton. B 16 . Cutler. N 14__ . Deer Isle. ortheast Harbor. K @ MAINE-CONT’D 1 16 15 . Bdgecomb, F 17 fe ‘ . kryeburg. . Gray, . Haven. . lslesboro. A 16 Cnldea EYi8es I 15 Jay. ---- Kennebunk- port, © 20----- . Limington, B1s + Lubec, O 18-- . New Oastle. P16 2 . New Portland. D > 12 550 ; Newry. A 14_ 286 |. Parsonfield.A18 300 |, Scarboro. C 19 3500 Snapleigh, A19 400 i, Vassalboro.F14 700 . Waterbero, A19 400 | Waterford. B16 300 1. Whitefield. F16 400 {, Windham, C 18 350 {. Yarmouth. or Walnut Hill.C18_ 590 Jorway, 16_--2.208 lakfield, K 7----1.016 akfield Sta.. K 7 250 Yakland, H 14-~-2. 473 yaks, B 16------ 420 yrunquit, B 20-- 465 id Orchard. or Old Orchard Beach, C 19---1.164 yidtown, I 12_--6.956 rient, L 8 170 rland, I 14- yrono, I 13 8.1 yrrington, I 13--1. rs Island, D 18 300 \tisfield, B 17--- 581 xbow, J 15----- 498 yxford, B 16---- 480 Palermo, F 15--- 567 -almyra, G 13--- 824 aris, B 16----- 300 ’arkman, F 11--- 565 arsonfield. A 18-1.062 -assadumkeas. Ill 354 -°emaquid, F 17_- -embroke, O ae Gy eae 498 »ejepscot, D 1 12_1.168 nobscot. I 1o-- 870 28 K 721 See Onid= 3-5 738 hillips, C 13--. 788 *hippsburg, BH 18 872 Pinepoint, C 19-- 350 Pittsfield. G 13_-2.146 Pittston, E 16--- 816 Plaisted, I 2---- 300 Pleasantdale. C19 850 Pleasant Point. H16 225 Plymouth, G 13. 576 Poland, C 16_---1.399 ’opham Beach.H18 290 Portage, J 3----- 500 port Clyde. G 17- 400 Porter, A 18----- 820 Portland, C 13_--69.272 bownal. 3 8 alr by Gea 514 Spoke tae 373 i resque Isle, K 4_ 3.452 Princeton. M 11. 934 lrospect, H 14-- 340 vrospectFerry.H14 431 ‘routs Neck. C19 350 Randolph, E 16_-1.145 liangeley, 12_. 682 liaymond, C 17-- 500 ted Beach. N 11_ 600 Readfield, EK 15-- 911 (G00. GK «Se aemaae 639 \tichmond. B 16_1.724 itidlonville. B 15_1.000 Ripley: G .32-2=— 383 civerview, or An- a en ee 244 fobbinston. O 12 747 itobinsons. L 5---1.08 nockland, H 16_-8. Rockport, H 16_-1.7T4 itome, EH 14_------ 436 Round Mountain. Bil 200 Round Pond. F17 450 Roxbury, B 14--- 276 Rumford, C 14--7.016 Rumford Corner. B15 311 RumfordPoint.B14 300 Sabattus. D 16-- 800 Ssaeo, .C 19-22-54) 6.81T St. Agatha, J 1-1.669 St. Albans, G 12. 952 St. David, J_1-_- -900 St. Francis. H 11.241 St. George. G 171.654 St. John Planta- tion. 252-2 9 fA 1 oy Gen PS 158 dy Creek. B17 275 365 indy Point, H 14 Sargantyille, 116 357 Scarboro, or ‘Sear- boro Beach.C19_1.832 Seal Harbor. J 15 300 Searsmont, H 15_ 669 Searsport, H_ 15_-1.373 Sebago, B 17---- 541 Sebec; H: 1152 464 Sedgwick, I 15-. 330 Srapleigh, A 1-- 457 Suapleigh Corner, A 380 Shawmut. F 14__ 625 Sheepscott. F 17- 350 Sheridan. J 4---- 300 Sherman, J 8__~=1,134 Sherman Mills. J8_1.100 Sherman Station. 18S 360 Shirley Mills. F1T 273 Sidney, G 11_--- 958 Silver wile. H 10 350 Silver Ridge. G3. 164 kowhegan, E 13_5. Smithfield. EB 14— Smyrna Mills, K 7 Solon, B 21---~--1,0) Somerset. D 12_- Somerville. PF 15_ AR PrN AS cha . Hiram, . Hone, . Libertv. H_15_ Acton, A 15___ Atkinson. H 11 " Rerwick. B 20-2. 955 Brewer. I_13_- Bridgton. B 17 Bristol. F 18_- Brooksville, 115 Deer Isle. I 16 980 35) 58d 300 450 Eliot. B 11_--~1.150 Freeport. D 18 Gardiner, or Lawrences Mills. P16 1 a by oe 2 eo Ns eee Moantville. G 15 ea, 490 840 541 310 380 S$. Orrington, or Mill Creek. 113 360 S. karis, D 16_--1.793 S. Poland, © 13-- 780 Southport, F 17-- : Portland, D 19-9. Robbinxton, N12 Thomaston, G17 947 Union, G 16--- Vassalboro, F 15 Waterford. B16 2 S. West Harbor. J16 824 S. Windham. cas. 1. Spaulding, K_ 13_ Springtield, K 10 Springvale, A 19-2.5 Staceyville. J 8- 5 Standish. B 18-1. Stark, D 13.--—~— LEY 6. Steep Falls, B 18 400 Stetson, H 12_--- 427 Steuben, L 14--_ 714 Stockholm. K 2_-1.038 Stockton Springs. 15.1.175 Stonington. I 16-1.353 Stow, A, 16....= 199 Stratton, C 11--- 500 Strickland. D 15_ 340 Strong, D 13_---- 179 Stroudwater. C 19 500 Sullivan, K 14--- 916 Sumner, © 15_---- 670 Sumner Station. 315 400 Sunset, I-162-2—= 300 Surry, eee 658 Swans Island. J 16 466 Swanville. H 14- 396 Sweden, B 16---- 225 Temple, C 14---- 425 Tenants Har bor. G 17_2.000 The Falls, or Sells: worth Falls. J 14 420 The Forks. EF 10 153 Thomaston. G 172.019 Thorndike. G 14 429 Todds Farm. M10_2.300 Topsfield. L 10-_ 272 Topsham, D 17--2.102 Tremont, J 14---1.029 314 Trenton, J 15---- Trescott. M 12_-- Union, G 16_---- 1.132 Unity, G 14_---- 916 Upper Frenchville, J 1_1.100 Upper Gloucester. C17 300 Van Buren, K 2-4.594 Vanceboro. M 9- 583 Vassalboro. F 15-1.936 Veazie, I 18----. 504 Verona, J 14----- 233 Vienna, D 14---- 366 Vinal Haven. 116-1.905 Wade, I 4------- 383 Waite, M 10_---- 186 Waldo, H 14---- 396 Waldoboro, H 16_3.426 Waldo Station---- 468 Wales; De1S>-—s— 428 Wallagrass, I 2-- 595 Walnut Hill. or N. Yarmouth. C18 600 Waltham, J 13-- 154 warren, G 10----1.500 Washburn, K 3__1.870 Washington, G16 660 Waterboro, or 8. Waterboro. B19 765 Waterville. F 14-13.: Wayne, D Li Webster, C Weld. G Wellington, F Wells, or Wells Beach, B 20_--1.475 W. Athens, F 12. 320 W. Baldwin. or Baldwin. B18__ 460 W. Bethel. C_18_ 240 W. Bowdoin. D17 520 Westbrook. C 18_9.453 W. Brooklyn. 116 240 W. Brooksville. I 1 250 W. Buxton. B 18_ $ W.Cumberland.C18 W. Durham. D 17 W. Enfield. I 11- W. Falmouth, C18 W. Farmington. or Westville. D 14 390 W. Franklin. K 14 500 Westfield. K 4--_ 798 W. Gardiner. B16 553 W. Gorham. B 18 320 W. Gray. C 17_-. 240 W. Jonesport. M14 617 W. Kennebunk. B 700 W. Lubec, O 138-- 275 W. Mills, D 138__ 553 W. Minot. or Mi- not Sta.. C 16_ 400 W. Newfield. N19 250 Weston, L_8--_-- 433 W. Patis. B 15__ 700 W. Pembroke. N12 690 W. Peru. C 14--- 420 W. Poland. C 17 875 Westport. E 17-_ 165 W. Pownal. D 17 250 W. Rockport. H16 360 W. Searboro. C 19 400 W. Sidney. EB 15_ 275 W. Sullivan. K 14 600 Westville. or W. farmington. D14 = Whitefield. F 16_ Whiterock. B 18_ Whiting, N 13___ 374 Whitneyville. N13 210 Willard. C 19_--- 500 Willimantic. G10 271 Wilton. C 14___-2.505 Windham Center. C .18_1.932 Windsor, F 15 599 Win. 1025 --—— 638 Winnecook. G 4-_ 290 Winnegance. E 8 300 Winslow. F 14--_3.280 Winslows Mills. G16 400 Winter Harbor. K 15 5os Winterport. H 141.435 Winterville. I 2. 353 Winthrop, FE 15_1.90% Wiscasset. F 17_1.192 Woodland. N 11-1.120 Woodland. N_ 1_-1.200 Woodstock. B 5_ TAS Woolwich, J 10_- &75 Wyman, M 12_-_ 260 Yarmouth. D 18_2.216 Yarmouthville. or Yarmouth Jct.. F 18_1.100 York Beach. B 2 653 York Corner. © 21_ 500 York Harbor. B2_ 220 York Village.B21_2.803 MARYLAND First Settled at St. Mary’s, 1634. One of the Original Thirteen States. Area: Land, 9,941 sq. miles. Water, 2,886 sq. miles. Total, 12,327 sq. miles. Population, Last Census, 1,449,661. Capital, Annapolis, COUNTIES. County Key Pop. Allegany, B 5_ 69,938 Anne Arundel. D 12 43.408 Baltimore, H 5 74.817 Baltimore ee: 733.826 Calvert, F 2 9.744 Caroline, E 15_ 18.652 Carroll, B 10_- 34.245 Cecil, C 15---- 23.612 Charles, G@ 11__ 17.703 Lorchester. G 14 27.895 Frederick, C 9_ 5: Garrett, B 2--- 19.678 liarford, B 18_ 29.291 Howard, D 11_ 15.826 Kent, D 14---- 15.026 Montgomery, D 34.921 Prince Georges, S11 43.347 Queen Annes, D115 Saint Marys,G12 ‘Somerset, H 16 2 Talbot, E 14_-- Washington. B7 Wicomico. G 16 Worcester, H17 2 Total..__--1.449.661 TOWNS. Town Key Pop. Aberdeen, B 14_-_1.067 Aberdeen, D 17-- 100 Abingdon, C 13_- 200 Accident, B 1_---- 200 Adamstown. C 9_ 200 Admiral, D 12--- 120 Aiken, B.a4-->= 150 Alberton, © 11_-- 562 Aliens, G 16-=—2-2 300 Andrews, G 17--- 200 ANNAPOLIS. E 13_11.214 Annapolis Jct., 11 100 Antietam, C 8--- 185 Aquasco, F 11--- 350 Arlington, G 6_---1,000 Ashland, C 12 150 Ashland, or Hay den, D 1 150 Baden, F 11_.--- 150 Baldwin, C 13_-_- 300 Baltimore, H 6- Barclay, D 15--_ 225 Barnesville, E 14 149 Barton, B 2_- 765 Bayview, B 15_- Beckleysburs, Bill 1 50 Belfast, B 12--—- 150 Bellevue, F eS 150 berlin, G Ee 5a 1,366 Berwyn, G 4_---- 1.000 Bethesda, C 2---- 250 Betterton, C 14-- 827 Big Gunpowder, Di6 200 Bishop, G 18-.-- 200 Bishops Head, G14 200 Bishopville, G 18_ 246 Bivalve, G 15_--_ 500 Black Rock. B 12 150 Bladensburg. G 4 597 Bloomington, C 2 350 Bondie bt ee) seas 200 Boonesboro, B S_-1,044 Boothbyhill, C 14 136 Borden Shaft. © 11 z Be Bowie, Boyds, 7 Bradshaw, C 15-- 500 Branchville. E 11 200 Breathedsville. B 8 104 Brooklandville. G 6 300 Brooklyn, I 7~---1,200 Browningsville. D15 i110 Bruceville, B 10. 150 Brunswick, C 8_-3.905 Bryans Road, © 15 300 Buckeystown, C 9 415 Burkittsville, C & 200 Burrsville, E 16-- 125 Butler, D 16_---- 150 Calvert, B 15---- 200 Cambridge, I° 14__7,467 Camp Parole, 16 300 Capitol Heights. F 16_1.194 Cargia bakes sa 500 Carlos;B 8==-=.= 500 Carlos Jct., B 2. 500 Carroll, H 6_--~--2,000 Carrollton, B 11- 150 Catonsville. H 5_4.500 Cavetown, B 8_-- 150 Cecilton, C 15_-- 439 Centerville. D 14-1.765 Chance, H 15_-- 700 Charlestown, B15 177 Chase = 2.176 Ayer, C 15 ~~--3,052 Baldwinsville. C 10_2.311 Ballard Vale. C16 677 Bancroft, E 4__- Barnstable. K 21_4.836 Barre, E 10-_---3.357 Barre Plains. 10 380 Barrowsville. 1 15 150 Bay State, E 6__ 447 Bay View. C 16_ 200 Becket, E 3_----- GAT Bedford, D 15__-1.362 Bedford Springs, D 150 Belchertown. I 8_2.058 Bellingham, G 14_2,102 Belmont, E) 15_-10.749 Berkley, J 16-.-- 985 Berkshire, D 3-- 356 Berlin, E 13_--. &68 Bernardston. C 7 769 Beverly, C 17_-22.561 Beverly Farms, C 18_2.368 Billerica, C 15___3.646 Blackstone. H 13_4.299 Blandford. G 5-- 479 Bolton, E 13__-. 708 Bondsville. Fo 8_-2.027 BOSTON, E 16_748.060 Bourne, J 19-__--2.530 Boxboro, D 13_-. 298 Foxford, C 16_--. 588 Boylston, E! 12__ 794 Boylston Center. EHiz 783 Bradstreet, E 6__ 240 Braggville, G@ 14. 405 Braintree. F 17_10.580 Brant Rock. G19 300 Brewster, J 22_. 688 Bridgewater, H17_8,438 Briggsville, B 4. 508 Brimfield, G 9_-. 778 Brockton, G 16_66,254 Brookfield, F 10_2.216 Brookline, E 16_37.748 Brookville. G 16_ 415 Bryantville, H 18 500 Buckland. C 5_--1.433 Burlington. D 15_ 885 Buzzards Bay, J 19 450 Byfield, B 17---. 908 Cambridge, E16_109. 694 Canton, G 16_-_-5.945 Canton Jct.. G16 660 Carlisle, D 14___ 463 Carters; EH 14_.-. 220 Carver, I 18__--_ 1.701 Caryville, G 14-. 575 Cataumet, K 19__ 150 Centerville. K 21 500 Central Village. L16 250 Charlemont, C 5_ &08 Charlton, G 10__-1.995 Charlton City. G10 660 Charlton Depot. G10 560 Chartley, I 15___1.000 Chatham, K 23_-1.737 Chelmsford, © 14_5,682 Chelsea, E 19___42 tet Cheshire, © 3_---1.476 Chester, F 4-_--- 1.302 Chesterfield. H 5_ 441 Chicopee, C 6_--36,214 Chicopee Falls. G 711.471 Chilmark. N 18_. 240 Chiltonville. T 19 500 City Mills. G 14_ 489 Clarendon Hills.P4 289 Clarksburg, B 3__1.156 Clifford: uit as “250 Clinton. E 12__-12.979 Cochituate. E 14_1.203 Cohasset, F 18___2.639 Cold Brook, E 10 200 Coldbrook Springs, E10 297 Colerain, B 6 ----1.607 Collinsville, B\14_1,322 Concord, D 14_--6.461 Concord Jct., D14_2.339 Congamond, H 6. 357 Conway, Lae SOL Cordaville, F 13- 267 Cotuit, K 20----- 750 Crescent Beach. 17-18. 219 Cummington. D 5 489 Cushing, A 18--. 427 Cushman, B 7--- 254 Cyrus, _B-b.-.c5e 56 Dalton, D-325--=.) 3.752 Dana, E 9------- 599 Danvers, C 17_-11. 108 Danversport,. C11_1,200 Dartmouth. ‘L 17_6.493 Dedham, I* 11_-~10.792 Deerfield, D 7_---2.803 Dennis, J’ 22.==+-1.536 Dennis Port. K 22 600 Dighton, J 16_---2,574 Dodge, G@ 11----- 301 Dodgeville, I 15_ 250 Douglas, H 12__-2,181 Dover, F 15---- 867 Dracut, C 14_--_- 5. ae Drury, > O.-425- 42 Dunstable, Duxbury, H 17--- E. Acton D 14. 200 E. Blackstone. H13 646 E. Braintree. F17_2.000 EB. Bridgewater. H 17_3.486 E. Brimfield. G 9. 191 E. Brookfield. F10 646 BR. Carver, I 18_- 250 E. Dedham, F 16_2,959 E. Dennis, J 22. 222 E. Douglas, H 12-1,610 E. Falmouth. L19 250 E. Foxboro, G 15. 200 BE. Freetown. J17 200 Easthampton, F 6_11.261 E. Hadley, 321 Eastham, J 21__- 430 E. Harwich, J 23_ 200 EK. Lee, F 3----_- 235 E. Lexington, D15 93 E. Long Meadow. H 7_2.352 E. Mansfield. H15 389 E. Northfield. BT 695 E. Norton, H 16- 200 Easton, H 16___-5.041 Eastondale. H 16 3873 . Orleans, J 23- 275 . Pepperell, C13_2,300 . Taunton. I 16_1. 402 . Templeton, C10 757 . Walpole. G 15_1.090 . Wareham, J19 496 E. Whately. D 7 191 Edgartown, M: 20_1,191 Egremont Plain.G1 441 BSS es Hillis.) We 1625-22 iT Enfield, E 8_---- 790 Erving, C 8 _---- 1.295 Essex, C1825 1.478 Everett, E 16-__40.120 Fair Haven. K 17_7.291 Fairview, F 7--. 422 Fall River, K16_120.484 Falmouth, L 19_-3.500 Falmouth Heights. L19 250 Farnams, D 3_-- 231 Farnamsville. G@ 2 839 Fayville, F 13__. 518 Feeding Hills, G6_1,S81 Fisherville. G 12_1.169 Fiskdale, G 10-_ 785 Fitchburg, C 11-41.029 Florence, E 6__--2.479 Florida, 298 Forge Village, (13 258 Foxboro, H 15_--4.136 Framingham, F 14_17.033 Franklin, G 14__6,497 Franklin Park. J6 150 Freetown, J 16_--1.532 Furnace, E 9---- 200 Gardner, C 10_-16.971 Gilbertville. B 9_2.750 Gill, Gleasondale. B 13 563 Globe Vil.. G@ 10_2.975 Gloucester. C 19_22.947 Goshen, D 5_---- Grafton, F 12_ Granby, F W225 779 Graniteville. C 141.440 Granville. G@ 5_-_ 655 Great Barrington. F 2_6.315 Greenbush. G 18_ 200 Greenfield, C 7_-15.462 Green Harbor. G19 150 Greenwich. DB 8__ 399 Greenwich Village. E9 112 Greenwood, D 16 781 Groton, C 13--~-2.185 yroveland, B 16_2.650 Hadley, EB) 7-_---2.784 Halifax, H 18_-- 638 Hamilton, C 18_-1.631 Hampden, H 6--. 624 Hancock, © 2---. 464 Hanover, G 18_--2.575 Hanover per 18 150 Hanson, G 17_-- 690 Hardwick. H 9_--3.085 Harvard, D 13_--2.546 Harwich, K 22__-1,846 Harwich Port. K22 500 Hatfield, E 6_--~2.651 Haverhill. B 16_53.884 Hawley, © 5_.-.. 390 Haydenville. E 6-1. 274 Heath; 3 pbe ee 325, Hebronville. I 15 800 Hingham, F 17_-5, Hingham Center, F17_ 899 Hinsdale, D 3_--1.065 Holbrook, G@ 16_-3.161 Holden, EB 11_----2.970 Holland, H 9----_ 153 Holliston, F 4_-_2.707 Holyoke, F 6__-60.203 Hopedale, G 13__2.777 Hepkinton, F 132.289 Hortonville. J 15__ 300 Housatonic. F 23.005 Hubbardston. D 10-3.045 Hudson, B 13_---7.607 BHoall,“F 17.2226 603 Huntington, F5_1.425 Hyannis, K 21__-1.550 Hyannis Port, K21 175 Indian Orchard. G 7-6.918 Ipswich, B 17---6,201 Islington, F 15_-- 150 Jefferson, DB 11-- 812 Kendal Green. B15 542 Kingston, H 18_-2,505 Lake Pleasant. C7 182 Lakeville, I 17_--1.491 Lancaster. D 12__2.461 Lanesboro, D 3_-1.054 Lawrence, B 15_94. 270 Leicester, F 113.635 Lenox, B 2_---~~2.691 Lenoxdale, B 3-- 617 Leominster, D12_19,744 Leverett, D 7---. 695 Lexington, D 15_6,350 Leyden, 330 Lincoln, E 15---. 650 Lincoln Station. BF 14_1.042 Linwood, G 13__1.386 Littleton, D 13_-1,277 Littleton Common. : D114 400 Long Meadow, H T.2.618 Long Plain, J 17_ 495 Lowell, C 15__-112.759 Ludlow, G T---.-7.470 Ludlow Center. F 7 947 Lynn, Di Pisses 99,148 Lynnfield, D 16_-1,.165 Lynnfield Center, D16 557 Lyonsville, B 6_. 237 Magnolia, C 18__ 800 Malden, E 16__-49.103 Manchaug, G 12__1,465 Manchester, Ci 18_2,466 Manomet, 1 19_-_ 500 Mansfield, H 15__6.255 Marblehead, D 17_7,324 Marion, K_ 18__--1.487. Marlboro, E 13_-15, Me Marshfield, G 18_ Marshfield Hills. G18 437 Marstons Mills. K 175 Mashpee, K 20--_ 242> Matfield, H 17___ 350 Mattapoisett, K18_1,352 Maynard, D 14___7,086 ~ Medfield, G 15_--3.595 Medford, E) 16__39.038 Medway, G 14___2.956 Melrose, D 16_--18.204 Mendon, G@ 13_--_ 951 Merrimack, A 16_2.173 Merrimacport, Al7 150 Methuen, B 15__15. 189 Middleboro, I 17_8.452 Middlefield, E 4_ 280 Middlefield Station. 4 232 Middleton, C 16_1,195 Milford, G@ 13_-_13.471 Mill Brook, H 18 150 Millbury, F 12_.5.653 Millers Falls, (7-2.000 Millington, D 8__ 285 Millis, G@ 14--_--1.485 Mill River, G 2_-. 227 Millville, H 13_-2.224 Milton, F 16_-__9.38:2 Mittineague, G Monroe, B 4 Monroe Bridge, 4. Monson, G 8__-_~ 4. 826 Montague, ID 7---7.47" Montague City, C7 711 Monterey, G@ 3_-- Montgomery, F 6_ Montville, G 3--__ 166 Monument et K19 300 Mt. Blue, G 18-_ 150 Mt. Tom, F 6_--- 196 Mundale, G 5---. 20% Myricks, J 16---- 835 Nantasket. F 17_ 800° Nantucket, N 22-2.797 Natick, F 14_-__10.907 Needham, F 15_-7.012 New Bedford. K 17_121.217 New Boston. G 4 247 New Braintree. E10 394 Newbury, B 17--1,303 Newburyport, B 17_15.618 New Lenox, HB 3.. 258 New Marlboro. G 3_1.010 New Salem. D 8_ 512 Newton, HB 15_--46.054 Nobscot, BH 14--_ 360 Norfolk, G 15---1.159 N. Abington, G17_2,846 N .Action, D J4__ 17H N. Adams, B 3__22,282 N. Amherst, E 7_1,122 Northampton, ©6_21,951 N. Andover, B 16_6,265 N. Attleboro, H14_9,23S N. Bellingham, G14 482 N. Billerica. C 15 675 Northboro, EH 13_1,753 N. Brewster, J 22 183 . Bridge, G@ 12. 10,174 . Bridge Center, G12 200 - Brookfield. F10_2.610 Carver, I 18. 528 Chelmsford. C'14_2.082 Cohasset. F 17_1.715 Dana, D 9_--- 550 Dartmouth. K 17_1.800 . Dighton, I 16_1,120 . Duxbury. G18 150 . Eastham, I 23 200 Baston. H 16_3.327 N. Egremont, F 1 166 N. Falmouth, K 19 275 Northfield. B 7_-1,775 Northfield Farms. 3 CT 150 ie N. Grafton, F12_1.923 N. Hadley, E 7. 334 N. Hanover. G 17 300 N. Hanson, H 17- 200 N. Harwich. K 22 200 AAU AAA AAA zzz N. Hatfield. B 6_ 283 N. Leominster. D 12_1.200 N. Leverett. D 7. 186 N. Lexington, D15 200 N. Middleboro. 117 350 N. Orange, C 9_- 221 N. Oxford, G 11_1.250 N. Pembroke. G18 300 N. Reading, C 16_1,284 N. Rochester. J17 150 N. Scituate. F°18_1,044 N. Stoughton, G17 379 MASS,—CONT’D MICHIGAN N. Swausea, J 15 200 S. Wareham, J 18 300 Athens, V 23.--. 553 Chi i 22_.2,218 Fai ' : Fait- Hesperii y2 3 isti 32 . ‘Truro, H 22__ 306 S$. Westport. L 16 250 MICHIGAN Atlanta, K 26.2. 250 Charlottes ‘at Bao -5 126 ROOT WAL 119 Hesperia, Q BI it aston kk Sanaa Palow i ogy t= ho N. Uxbridge, G13-1,023 , Southwick, H G_-1,194 Atlantic Mine, Chase, 0 21---_-_ 298 Falmouth, N 23- 200 Hessel, G 25---__ 200 Maple City, K 21 132 Paris, 0 22.~-_-- N. Westport, K 16 634 S. Yarmouth. K 22.590 #irst Settled at De- J13-2,000 Chassell, C 18_-- 750 argo, R 30_---- 300 Hickory Cor.,U 22 200 Maple Rapids,R24 466 Park’ Lake, N 23 25 N. Wilbraham. Spencer, F 10--_5,980 troit, 1670. Atlas, § 28-----_ 175 Chatham, B 18._ 750 Farmington, U 28 853 Highland, T 28-. 3800 Mapleton, I’ 13-. 700 Parkville, V 22 152 ; G 81.108 Springfield, G 7_129,614 ‘ented T Attica, R 29----. 400 Cheboygan, H 25_5,642 [arwell, 0 24____ 449 Highland Park, Mapleridge, N 26 150 Parma, U 25..... 564 N. Wilmington, State Farm. 117- 150 4amitted as a fer- auburn, P 26_--- 300 Chelsea, U 26--.-2.079 Fawn River, W 22 110 U 29-46,499 Maple Ridge, F 17 150 Parshallville, 127 400 C16 550 Sterling, D 12--- 1,305 ritory Jan. UU, a ta 9) z = oon Muskegon Heights, Richmondville.P30 200 7 pei «Gulf sseo 25 Glenn, 7 | pa = 6 WKinderhoo 20-9,5 ichvi 25 Rockville. GS 14-— 338 W. Brookfield.Fo_1.281 Mason, O 20;,--19-831 Bioomingdale, U21 486 Deford, Q 20---- 200 Glennie, or Sam: Kingsley, 22-350 a a gp 300 Rowley, B 17----1.249 W. Chatham. K 23 164 yrenominee, I 16-23,778 Boon. M 22--____ 275 DelawareMine,Al4 200 fields, 6 27____ 100 Kingsley, G 17-- 100 Nadeau, H 16__.-1,000 Riggs, W 27 213 Royalston, B 9-- 819 W. Chelmsford.C14 500 Midland, P 26__17.237 Borland, P 22___- 500° Delhi, U 27. = 200 Glenwood, V 20__ 105 Kingston, Q 29__ 321 Nahma, G 18_-__ 700 Riggsville, H 24. 200 Royalston Station. Westdale. H_17-- 300 \fissaukee, M 23_9,004 BowensMills, T22 100 Delton, U 22_-___ 225 Gobleville, U 29-- 491 Kipling, G 17_--_ 400 Nankin, U 28 Riley Center, S30 200 C9 628. W. Dennis. K 26- 500 jionroe, W 28.37.1159 Bowmanville, O25 100 Demmon, C 13_-_ 200 Goetzville, H 25. 300 Koss, I 15---_--- 150 Napoleon, V Riverdale, Q 24__ 400 Russell, F 5__--- 1.237 W. Dudley, H 11-1114 jyonteaim, Q 23-30,441 Boyne, J 23_-_--- 4,284 Denton, U 28---_ 137 Goodells, S 30_-- 150 Nashville, T River Rouge, U29_9,822 Rutland, B 11---1.743 W. oat ae. an Montmorency, oun vere 24 ii eg cad M: an one aes, micas a oetiaieee U 20----- es National Mine,E16 700 Riverside, V 19__ 150 Ww. Falmouth. K'26__4,089 Bradley, T 21____ etroit, U 29_-993,678 Goodrich, S 28--- 300 Laingsburg, 8 25_- 693 Naubinway, I 22 300 Rives Jct., U 25_- 200 Sagamore, J 20__ 742 Westfield. G 6--18.604 yruckegon, R 20 ro 362 Branch, O 20---_ 100 Devils Lake, V 26 100 Gordon, E 19---- 100 Lake, D 23______ 200 Navarre, U 27--_ 400 Rochester T 242,549 Salem, D 17----42.529 Westford. ee aa ay Newaygo, Q 21-17,328 hele ee rs ----- aa teased Peas 300 powen, R. 22_____ pen ae City, M 23_ 582 Nazareth, U : 156 Rock or Manle ; ares - . $ 7m an’ ax ravo, 20, ewitt. 5 fschap, T 2. 2 wake G ze, O24 100 Nega e, F 16__7.408 idg i 17 5 fete’ Beach oa te Westhampton, F5 305 pestant, S ee ae Breckenridge, Q25 G98 Dexter, Grace, H 36 as Es 150 Lake Linden, C14_2,182 Teen Ons. M 31 i15 Reread Sa 331148 AlT 624 elena as pe Ogemaw N 26__.7.786 Te sta 0 tee. a es eaten re ae vat Dae aeemeae Newaygo, Q 21--1,150 Rockland, D 11__1,000 LES W. Harwich. 3 5 T11_ hbren, M 20_- 0 ic ran anc, S 2 )0 Lakeside, W 18__ 150 New Baltimore, Rock flats 500 alae al: 458 W. Mansfield, H15 900 ree gar oo isos Bridgeport, Q 27- 305 Dighton, N 22___ 550 GrandHaven,R20_7,205 Lakeview, Q 23__ 886 ; nen 30 974 Raine P 20 a 199 Saugus, D 16-_.10.874 W. Medway, G16-1,350 (G Grass Lake ~---. 44 La Porte, Newport, V 29--_ 450 Roxana, T 24____ Pa raranest: * ia” tee W. Peabody. D17 804 ace So 231,251 Brooklyn, V 26__ 611 Dowagiac, W 20_5.440 Grattan, R 22___ 138 Laramie, New Troy, W 19__ 350 Boyal Gai U_ 29_6.007 Sharon, G 15__--2.466 W. Pittsfield. D2 400 Shiawassee. $26_35.924 Brown Oyea =a 828 Dowling, T 23___ 100 Grawn, L 21--_-_ 225 La Rocque, I 27-_ 200 Niles, W 19-----7.511 Royalton, V 19__1,164 Shattuckville. C 6 210 Westport. K 16--3.115 ‘Tuscola, Q 28_33.320 Brunswick, Q 20_ 100 Downington, 030 185 Grayling -______- 2,450 La Salle, W 28_- 100 Nirvana, O 21_-- 100 Ruby, R 31______ 118 Sheffield, G 2-_--1.435 Westport Point, Van Buren, V21_30.715 Prutus, I 24-_-_- 140 DraytonPlains,T29 320 Greenfield. U 29. 100 Lathrop, F 17--_ 159 N. Adams, W 25_ 414 Rumley, B 18____ 200 Malburve: C6121 436 L16 800 wWashtenaw,U27_49.520 Buchanan, W_19_-3,187 Drenthe, S 20____ 150 Greengarden. £17 250 Laurium, B 13___6,696 N. Bradley, P 25- 100 Ruth, P 30___-_- 150 nainurae Falla. aa W. Rutland. E 10 410 Wayne, U 29.1,177.643 paskleys iM or ees Hodes aes he a Adee e 24: i ey parreeces \ 20__ 664 N. Branch, R 29_ 645 ; W. Springfield, sford, “18/9 unkerhil ryden, S 29____ 35 treenville, 304 Lawton, V 21--_1,07% N. Muskegon, Q 20 630 Saganing, 0 26_-_ 300 Bieltonvitie, this G'6_13,443 Wexford. W 22-18.207 Burdickvilie, K2i 100 Dundee. W 27-..1.108 Gregory, U 26-- 250 Layton Cor.. R26 100 Northport. J 21-- 507 Saginaw’ Q 20.765 Sacthana F 14. 4.558 W. Stockbridge. Total __.--3,668.412 Burlington, V 23 194 Dunningville. T21 126 Grindstone City. _ Leaton, P 24--___ 100 Northstar, Q 25 300 Sagola, G 15____ 360 Shirley, D 12_...2.260 BH 2-1.058 Tati Ts di Burnips, T 21_--_ 225 Duplain, R 25_--_ 121 N 20 462 Leland, K 21__-_ 350 i J St. Charles, Q 26_1,469 Shirt eter Cie "300 W. Stockbridge TOWNS. Burroak, W 22.- 589 Durand, S 26____2,672 Grosse Ile., V 29. 700 Lennon, S 27____ 100 St. Clair, S 31___3,204 eds see! Eee Genter: W1.1.277 els ee Lh ----- oe Dutton, S 22.-_-. 150 Grosse Fomit Ate iae Lenox, S 30_---. 350 j St. Helen, M 25. 125 Vs —- : urton, 8S’ 26...<. 25 30_2,08 L da, Si 20--— 26 Norwood, 5 85 Shutesbury. D o- 282 a Sea ie ahi, County ad Pop. Butternut, R 24-- 300 Ragle, § 24______ 100 Grosse Point Teohidar ¥ 23.5 300 Rottaws: St JecnactG cid chon a ‘0 rath Wu 330 W. Tisbury, M 19 345 AGA ND 227 oe 440 ~Buttersville, 0 19 300 Ragle Harbor, B14 576 Farms, U 39---1,649 Leoni, V 26______ 147 Novi, U St. James, H 22. 200 paver Sa fh, Dar W. Townsend, B12 533 hata Ree oe ei Biron, Bi 26220 ee pare ee 14 180 Grosse ea Aye Le Roy, L 22.___ 642 Nunica, St. Johns, S 25__3.¢ Somerset, J 16___3.520 W. Upton, G 13--1,179 4 aaicon Ww 26 416 yron Cen. ~----- fames, T 29_-___ 100 ‘Park, 29----1,355 Leslie, U 25_-_-_1,089 i _ St. Joseph, V 19-_7.251 é , -- E. Grand Rapids, Grosse Point Le Pott 245 a0 + Oak, GU) 20. 150 ‘ Sneton, De id, 800 Ww. Warren i D- ee Adrian, W 26__-11,878 Cadillac, N 22___9,750 "8 21_1,310 _ Shores, U 29... 519 Lewiston, K . 330 Oakeprovs, I 27._. 200 Salem, U oR age es S. Acton, D 14_- Ahmeek, B 14--_ 892 Caledonia, S 22__ 432 WB. Jordan 2,428 Gustin, L 28_ 100 Lexing p 78 Oakhi y 19 5 aline, V 27_____ : S Amherst. 7. 191 W. Whately, D7 486 892 € 7 ington, Q wah Oakhill, N 19_--_ 150 Saline, V 27____- 830 oe E6. 814 Westwood, F 12-_ 927 voi pan a = 505 ey eas tl oe cee N eam on Gwinn, F 16_--_--2,500 Liberty, Y ~ 200 Oakley. R 26_ 2 Salling, K 24____ 150 5 =) th, F 16_15,057 ster, et, ~-29,99 0. Lansing, 25-1,85 Linden, S 27_____ 579 Oakwood ------_- 1.990 Samaria, W 28___ 100 guetta 1.139 By etniouth Gentes, Alanson, I 24____ Cambria, W 24... 350 WD. Leroy, V 23___ 100 Hadley, S 28_-_. 325 Linkville, 0 28_-_ 100 OgdenCenter,W27 100 ceed ave. Q 22. 366 & athel-D $ - in B 14_5.057 i egeniaees % oo LR ee ad apg alo uae ae ik F a ae ae a fe Linwood, P 26... 200 Old Mission, K 29 175 Sands, B 17__~___ 240 --—— th Heights, . om -- ell, es . Saugatuck, T2 5 Hagensville, I 27 100 Lisbon. R 21____ 60 Olivet Sta., or Sandusky, 30__1,228 8. ateerot m et oe Weymou rit tno Albion, V 24_- Campbells Corners, BH. Tawas, M 28__1,398 Haire, M 20---_- 100 Litchfield, V 24__ 716 Ainger, Saranac. Q°8 Main 750 . . oat. 5 rae.) 4 » b ® Eaton Rapids. U24_2,37§ wake, M 27__.. 100 Forsyth, E 3.. 150 O , S. Bridge, G 10-14-2388 epee sags a Alger, N 26_____- 250 Gannonsburg, B22 165 Bau Claire, V 19. 293 altway: U 30-2. 700 Locke T 26.7 ino omo,'S 3 Sault Ste Marlo. 12.096 + pop tad oe 286 Whitins, G 13__.1.364 ee cen ae ete sate Ma en ia) og 300 Hamburg, U 27-. 150 Long Rapids, J 27 200 Onekama., } Sawyer, W 19___ 300 Ss. ’ 5 : 20 2c—e=) 15! ‘arland, RET dckford, 4... 100 Hamilton, T 20__ 450 Loomis, 0 24____ 30) 0 laga, Se 4 §. Ohelmsford. C14 800 ee ne Eriiy ‘Allegan, ‘T 21---3.637 Carleton, V 28... 498 Ecorse. U 29__--4,394 Hammond, 1 26.. 106 Loretto, Hl 15.22. 701 Onota, E18 138 Schoolcraft, V92 731 S. Dartmou 7" Pee Wilbraham, G 8._2.780 Allen, W 24--_.. 550 Carlisle, T 24.___ 100 Edenville, O 25_. 178 Hamtramck,U30_48.615 Lott, or Chevriers. Onsted, V 26_--_ 323 Scofield. V 28.___ 295 «| ee eves Wilkinsonville.@12 770 Allendale, sae ae Letbpmsa B T7t==, 150 Régerton, % 22-- 70 Hancosk, g 1822 7.527 M27 300 Ontonagon, D 11_-1,406 Scotts. V 22_____ 350 8. . 1.2: B6_1.866 Bey ads arlton Center, fdmore, Q 23___. 2 anover, 20--. 364 Loud Spur, FE 18_ 200 Orangeville, T 22 150 Seottville, 0 20__1.045 5 poops. oe re EN aptbentle eg a Barie een 700 PS ‘? ae cer ane a reeiabueR =a 392 Harbor Beach, Lovells, K 25.-._ 100 Orion, S 2 Sebewa. 8 2 24 > “152 7 Vi : d Saat ‘arney, eee alk pids, K 684 O 30--1,927 - Lowell, S 22___-_ 1,730 Orleans, = Sebewaing ps. 6 S. Easton. H 16-- 700 tae sped <) -goy Alma, Q 24___-2 7.540 Caro, Q 28_______ 2,704 Blkton, 0 29_____ 500 Harbor Springs, Lucas, N 22_____ 100 Orona, 0. 22-._ etl ah iter inn - me a is 1 43: Wililtmanset. 3° 62.177 Almont, S 29. Carp Lake, H 24. 100 Ellsworth, J 22_. 200 T 23_1.600 Ludington, 0 19_8,810 Ortonville, Seney. E 20_--.. 150 Ss. emt Cc eine Wilmington, D15_2,581 Alpha, G ar a Carrollton, Q 26_2,200 Elmer, Q 29_____ 110 Hardgrove, K 24. 100 Lum, R 29_---__- 250 Osceola, Shaftsburg. S 26. 300 Southfield, G: ee Winchendon, B10_5.904 Ainine, 212505) 129 Carson City, R 24 973 Elm Halls, Q 24- 362 Hardwood, G 16__ 150 Lupton, M 26_--_ 175 Oscoda, } Shelby. P 19_____1,988 S. Hadley, F -5.5 Winchendon- Ps Alpena, J 28_--11,101 Carsonville, Q 30_ 536 Elmira, J 24--.__ 500 Harrietta, M 22__ 226 Luther, N 21---_ 396 Oshtemo, Shelbvville, T 22_ 150 S. Hadley Falls. Spres., B 10__-1,005 STON, 2 (agus nadoes 994 Cascade, S 22___-1.200 Eloise, U_ 28__--- 700) Harrie "T'20. = 102 Lyons, S 24...__ 574 Osseo, W Shelldrake. D 23_ 309 eee eae Winchester.D16_10-48% atte s eto ro pecenne, 3 se roe Elsie, R ee dase 680 Harrison, 0 24___ 399 ° Ossineke, Shepardsville, R25 145 s - CLT y a! Amadore, Pees Meee Mas ia, WES Eo i O42 2 10 MeBain, N 28__._ 547 ise t 25 1e 2 2 §. Hanover. G17 722 Winthrop Centon Amasa, P 19_---- Hi) eamian, Qk aRoIn Taett BDO Wyse edb co MeBrides, @ 33-. 290 Bie Bi, Sheridan, We oacr aka S. Hanson. H 17_ 805 ad p L 715.455 Amble, Q 22____ 160 Cass City, P 29_.1.228 Empire, K 80__-__ 298 Hartford, V 20__1,861 McCords. S 22... 100 Otsego, U 28 Sherman, M 21___ 108 S. Harwich. K 23 200 WoharhaD 16 “16574 Amsden, R 23___ 100 Cassopolis, W 20-1,885 Engadine, F 22. 150 Hartland, T 27__ 215 McFarland, F 17. 142 Ottawa Lake. Sherman City,P23 250 S. Hingham, G 17 400 Woods Hole. 119 “z00 Anchorville, T 30. 420 Cathro, J 27_---_ 140 Entrican, Q 23-- 125 Hartwick, N 20__ 150 MeMillan, E 21__ 200 Otter Lal Sherwood, V 250 page Sa rar Wodvitle OES ao Anderson, U 26.—| 200 Cecil. a rE 150 Brie, ¥ V1. See 350 Harvard. R 22___ 2 Mackinac, H 24. 679 Overisel, Shingleton. BP 19. 200 ° Sad pitt ea : * Fyne Shes n or, 19.516 edar, Keziun sa i scanaba F Taslet, 25 Mackinae Isl pide Meh. ce 067 Si 2) Eh Senn §. Lincoln. E 14. 660 fe Ome at re Applegate, Q 30-- 177 Cedar River, I 16 300 Bs pe ale oh eas “G34 if owendare ‘ Sieeeetan a Sa” ohn §. Middleboro, 718 450 Worthington Wal 409 Arcadia, N 20__ 800 Cedar Sprs., R 2 ee 1,020 Essexville. Mawke Ek. 2foc. 200 Mackinaw, H’24_ 750 Owosso, S 2S_ Simmons, K 24. 250 S. Natick. F 15_-_ 919 Wrentham, H 15.2.808 Arden, V 19----. 400. Cedarville, G 2: 150 Eureka, R 25 Hebron. H 25-___ “100 Macomb, T 30-__ 200 Oxford, S 29__-_-1. 668 Six Lakes. Q 23. 275 34 pao Ee bs s Bo Beco: z a x Ane ceent ae cate a ey pa Q 26. 250 Macon. V 27_-... 237 Skanee. D 14___- Ss. J : gyi, Le OOS G enterline, 1 2¢ ! wen enrietta. U 26__ 200 Madison, T 27___ 125 Paavola, B 13_-- 350 Slocum. R 21__-- 8. Sherborn, F 14 400 ae ee Armada, S$ 30_-_ 711 Centerville, W 22 701 Herman, D 14-.. 200 Maltby,'M 26---. 100 Paines. Q 26... 203 Smyrna. R23 8S. Sudbury. E 14 727 a K 21 593 Ashley. R 23__-._ 596 Central Lake, J 22 676 Fairfax, W 22.-__ 200 Henry, M 20_.___ 100 Mancelona, K 23_1.214 Painesdale, C 131,250 Sodus. V 19__ S. Vernon, B 7__-1 101 use Ashton. O 22-___ 170 Ceresco, U 23---- 350 Fairfield, W 27_- 350 Hermansville. Manchester, V 26_1.024 Palmer, E 16__-_ 799 Somerset. V Southville, F 18__ 180 Assinins, D 13_-. 149 Champion, EB 15__2,500 Fairgrove, PP 252 452 H 16_1,500 Mandan, B 15____ 100 Palms, or Ken- Somerset Pumten: 8, Walpole, 4155-800 eZoar, 0. 4..--..- 93 Assyria, U 23---- 100 Channing, F 14-. 500 Fair Haven, J 31. 300 Hersey, 0 22--__ 284 Manistee, N 19..9,694 neth, P 80..... 300 V25 200 MICH —CONT’D S. Boardman, L 22 524 Southfield, T 29-- 125 S. Haven, U_ 20_-3,829 S$. Lyon, U 27---- 615 S. Manitou, K 20- 150 S. Range, C 13_-1,485 8. Rockwood, V 29 316 Sparta, R 21--~-1,502 Spring Arbor, V 20 250 Spring Lake, R 20 978 Springport, U 24 535 Springville, V 26 200 Spruce, K 28_--- 333 Stambaugh, G@ 13_2,268 Standish, O 26--. 795 Stanton, 8 23. Stanwood, P 2 273 Strathmoor, V 23 Stephenson, I 16- 550 Sterling, O 26--- 160 Stevensville, V 19 206 Stittsville, M 23. 175 Stockbridge, U 26 749 Stonington, H 18. 400 Stronach, N 20-- 354 Sturgis, W 22 ---5,999 Summit City, L22 106 Sumner, Q 24---- 300 Sunfield, S 23---- 406 Sutton Bay, K 21 392 Swartz Creek, S$ 27 132 Tawas City, M 28-1,018 Tecumseh, V 27--2,432 Tekonsha, V 24-. 569 Temperance, W 28 200 Temple, O 23---- 300 Thayer, S 28-.-- 400 Thomas, S 28---- 400 Thompson, G 19. 250 ThompsonvilleM20 410 Thornville, 8. 29- 250 Thorice, F 26_---- 200 Three Ouks, W19-1,362 Three Rivers, W 22_5,209 Tipton, V 26. Tompkins, U 2 Tower, I 20---.- 680 Traverse Oly, Trenton, V 29---1,68:% Trimountain, C13-2,5 rombly, G 17_- rout Creek, E 12 597 ‘Trout Lake, F 28. 250 TVOY) pL aban one 102 Trufant, Q 2 400 Turin, I 17. 143 Turner, N 236 Tuscola, Q - 29 Tustin, N 28 Twining, Tyre, P 3 21 Union City, V 23_1,268 Union Pier, W 18 150 Unionville, P 28. 488 Upton Works, 8 31 165 Utica, Ine 2025 se5 588 Valley Center,R30 12 Vanek 24 ooo 200 u andalia, W 21-- 3031 Vanderbilt, J 24. 394 Vans ey H19 200 Vassar, Q 2 Vermont ville, Vernon, S 2 v ‘erona Mile, Q 24 ~~ R23 200 Vicksburg, V 22-1,712 Victoria, D 11-_- ia Wiola,, Ba 2i= Ss - Vriesland, 8S =; Vulean,, H’15__-- Wacousta, S 24-. 200 Wah Wah Soo, K24 150 Waiuwia, D 12___ 400 Wakefield, E 9 --4,151 Wakelee, W 21. 200 Waldenburg, T 30 350 Waldron, W 25-- 457 Wales, S 30_---- 126 Walkerville, P 20 252 Walkers Point, H 25 Walloon [ Waltz, V Warren, T 29_-._ 326 Wasepi, W 22_-. 100 Washington, S 29. 208 Washington Heights, U 23_ 1,245 Waterford, T 2 fi Waters, K 24---_ 200 Watersmeet, F 11 350 Watervliet, V 20_1,073 Watton, EB 13_-_. 200 Watrousville, Q 28 244 Waucedah, H 15. 250 Wayland, I 25--- 853 Wayne, U 28_--_1,899 Weadock, H 24-- 125 Webberville, T 26 465 Weidman, P 24-. 500 Wiells;G? L7o2235 1,500 Westbranch, N26_1,105 W. Sebewa, S 23 125 W. Sumpter, V 28 125 Weston, W 26... 254 Westphalia, S 24 325 Westwood, K 23_ 125 W. Windsor, T 24 25) Wetmore, © 19-- 306 Wetzell, K 23_-. 210 Wexford, M 21-_ 105 Wheeler, Q 25--_ 250 Wheelerton, V 25 250 White Cloud, P 21 618 Whitehall, Q 19_1,230 WhitePigeon,W22 S887 White Pine ett 10 800 Whitmore Lake, U27 350 Whittemore, N 27 232 Wildwood, I 24-_ 125 Williamsburg, L22 150 w illiamston, one 1,060 Willow, V 28__-- 100 Wilmot, 0.29.22 130 Wilson, V 25---- 500 Wilwin, F 22._-. 200 Winn. P24 3=- 250 Winona, D 12_--_ 120 Winters, F 18_ 200 Wixon, T 28_-__ 200 Wolverine, J 24-_ 413 Woodland, T 23__ 356 Woodstock, V 26_ 500 Wyandotte, V29_13,851 Yate; Bo-So.-_--- 1,223 Yalmar, B 17_--. 150 SOCK eae tes 100 Yorkville, U 22_. 175 Ypsilanti, V 28_-_7,413 Yuma./-M 2125..2 190 Zeeland, S 20__-_2,275 Zilwaukee, Q 27.- 914 MINNESOTA First Settled at St. Afton. R 12 30 Cottage Grove, R12 1 OSS Ss 490 855 Admitted as a Ter- Cottonwood, S 4— Admitted as a State, May 11, 1858, K 9____-3,500 crystal Bay, . Biwabik, G 13__-2,024 Ibow Lake, Blackduck, G7 Blooming Prairie, V Blue Earth, V 82, Elk River, P 10__ Lacqui Parle, Brainerd, L S___-_9,591 Brandon, N 4---- McLeod, R 8. 2 Breckenridge, Mahnomen, H 4 Evansville. ie 4_ Brooklyn Cen., MilleLacs, M 9- P Leberg ap N 12. Mower, V 12--- 25,9 Fairmont, V Faribault, T 11-11, 089 Ab dilate Vi2 He at § 11-1,449 Brownsville, Ni 16 Brown 1 Valley, eke O73 Federal Dam, I 8 332 5 217 Otter Tail, L 4 Fergus Falls, L 3_ 4, 581 Pennington, H3 Buffalo Leche sey, P 11_-244,554 Red Lake, F 4 7,263 Caledonia, V 16_-1,570 Fond du Lac, K13 Cambridge, O 11-1,080 Jroreston, N Ganby, B '8-2_1021,754 KF t. Snelling, Cannon Falls, $12_1,315 Roseau, B 4--- Carlton, K 13____ H 12_206,391 S-ott. S 10---- 14,245 Sherburne, P 9- $ 82..- 15,635 Freeport, 0" 7_..= Fridley; \P) 152222 Frontenac, § 13__ 9 Fulda, V 4 Funkley, F 6--.. U 11-_- 18,061 Chisago City. Garden City, TT 8 Chisholm, Hie "9,089 E Todds) M6252 26,059 Traverse, N 2-- T 13 17,919 Clear = i 5 ae Wadena, K 6-- 10,698 ¢ : rate 8 Washington, Watonwan, U7 12,457 L 2_s- 10,187 U 15_ 33,653 Wright, Q 9--- 28,685 Yellow Medicine, Ginnwocd: oO 5 Za Goldenyalley, rane “H 10__1, 300 Goodhue, T 13_-_ Collegeville, O S_ 240 i z Good Thunder, U8 Gordonsville, W 11 Columbia Heights, Qil Graceton, C 7_-- Total ~---2,387,125 MINNESOTA Graceville, O 2--1,022 Granada, V 8... 387 Grand Falls, E 9_ 100 Grand Marais, B14 443 Grand Meadow, V13 579 Grand Portage, B16 362 Grand Rapids, 110-2, 914 Grandy, O 11.--- 150 Granger, W 14-- 111 GraniteFalls, R4 1,611 Grasston, N 11_. 239 Gravelville, M 8_ 987 Greenbush, C 3-- 310 Green Isle, R 9-- 262 Green Valley, S 4 100 Greenwald, O 7-- 1553 Grey Eagle, N 6- 399 Groningen, M 11- 200 Grove City, Q T7- 388 Grygla, E 4.--- 155 Guckeen, V 8_--- 100 Gilly: Gran aennso 210 Hackensack, J T- 200 EHadieysrU) 425 ——- 147 Hallock, C 1__--- 1,012 Halloway, P 4--. 289 Halwa, iC 3.25 100 Halstad, H 1---- 528 Hamburg, R 9_-- 153 Hamel vide lessee 125 Hamilton, V 13-- 271 Hammond, T 13_ 226 Hampton, S 11-- 246 Hancock, O 4---~ 763 Hanley Falls, R 4 326 Hanover, O 13--- 199 Hanska, U 7---. 412 Hardwick, V 2-. 217 Harmony, W 14- 718 Harris, 0: 12..22 0072 Hartland, V 10-- 229 Hastings, R 12_-4,571 Hapsty,= PB) 9522222 1 Hatfield, U Hawick. P 6- Haycreek, S 13_- Hayfield, U Hayward, V 11-_ Hazel Run, R 4 Hector, R 7 Heidelburg, Tenderson, s 9. T66 Hendricks, S bs 781. Hendrum, H 1--- 354 Henning. L 5---- 155 Henriette, N 11-_ 250 Herman. N 3_--- 630 Heron Lake, V 5_ 922 Hewitt. L 6. Hibbing, H 11_- 9 High Forest, V 12 127 Hill City}, I 9---) 928 Hillman, M 9--.. 85 Falis,.) We 2e-2e== 418 Hinckley, M 11-- 673 Hitterdal, J 3--. 204 Hoffman, N 4--_. 475 Wokah, Vo 16-254- 407 Molding. N 7---. 507 Holdingford, N 7 500 Holdridge, Q 10. 275 Holland, U_ 38---~ -318 Holloway, P 4--. 289 Holmes City, N 5 100 Holig, DiiSestoues Homer, U_ 15_ Hopkins, Q 14---53, Hopper, G@ 12 Houston, V 1 Hoyland, B 15_ Howard Lake, Q 8 744 Hubbard, J 6---. 175 Hugo, > 10..2=22 246 Humboldt. B 1-- 198 Huntley, V 8---- 150 Hutchinson, R 8_3,379 Thien, U2:--2-2.) 211 Independence, J13 177 Inger, EL (822.2 a LO International Falls, C 10_3,448 Invergrove, R 16 3638 Tona, or Iona Lake, U4 365 Ifenton,, Ln 9o 2s 1,165 Tsanti) Os bila 411 Tele wae 2 ees 328 Ivanhoe, S 3---. 655 Jackson, W 6___-2,144 Janesville. U 10_1,261 Jasper, ViQ@o co. 968 Jeffers, U.\5.24.5 893 Jenkins, K 8___- Jessie Lake, G 9_ 200 Johnson, O 2_--_ 100 Jordan, S 10_---- 1,106 Judson, "LY 8..-—2 120 Kalavala, K 11-. 450 Kandiyohi, Q 6. 184 Karlstad, C 2-___ 286 Kasota,.Ti.9-- 2-5 686 Kasson, U 12____1,150 Keewatin, H 11_-1,879 Kelliher, F 7--.. 514 Kellogg, T 14.__ 870 Kelsey. I 12_____ 185 Kennedy, F 9_--. 273 Kennedy, C 1.... 311 Kenneth, V 3_--- 100 Kensington, N 4. 252 Kent;,) ge sae 150 Kenyon, T 11_-.1,362 Kerkhoven, P 5-_ 568 Kerrick, L 13__-- 100 Kiester. W 9_.-. 257 Kilkenny, T 10__ 218 Kimball, P 8---. 445 Kinbrae, Vi 4225) 121! Kingston, P 8_.. 100 Kinney, H_ 12__-_-1,200 Kitzville. H 11__ 480 Knapp,’ Q 8223-<2 100 Knife River, J 15 100 Kost, 0 I2-20" 5 100 Lac qui Parle, Q 3 100 La Crescent, V 16 367 Lafayette, S 8__ 309 L. Benton, T 2_._ 944 Lake City, S 13___2,846 L. Crystal, U 8_-1,204 Lake Elmo, Q 12. 125 Lakefield. V 5_--1,346 Lake Fremont,P 9 240 a Henry Py fae on, Lakeland, A 12-_ 343 Lake Park, J 3_-_ 700 Taakeville, S 11_. 474 T.. Wilson, U 3_- 354 Lakewood, J 14-- 138 Famberton. T 5-~ 872 Lancaster, B 2_-. 354 Lanesboro, V_ 14-1,015 Lansing. V 11--- 100 Laporte; To2cc= La Prairie, I 10__ LaSalle, U 7 ..-- Lastrup, M 8_.-. 121 Leonidas, G 12. 457 Ottertail, L S.cnn Owatonna, 1 1a Ra 352 Lengby, G aoe MISSISSIPPI Stewartville, Stillwater, Q 12_ ore Stockton, U 15_- Storden, U 5 Strandquist, D 3_ Sturgeon poke,» F; Lester Prairie, RS 434 S 9.-.1,795 Lesueur Cen., T 9 863 Lewiston, U_15-- Parkers Pr., M 5 570 Park Rapids, J 6_5,603 Paynesville, P 7-1,060 Natchez, 1716. Lindstrom, P 18_ Litchfield, Q 7---2,790 Lit. Canada, P 16 125 Little Falls, N 8-5,500 Little Forks, D10_ 397 Little Swan, H 12 Long Lake, Q 13_ Long Prairie, M 6_1,346 Pelican Rapids, Kk Admitted as a Ter- pannock won Swatara, J 10--- Taconite. H 10_- Perham, K ean Tamarack, K 11- Admitted as a State Dec. 10, 1817. Taunton, S 3---- Taylors Falls, P12 Pickwick, Gs 1622 Lowry, N 5 Theilman, S$ 13-- Pine City, N 12_-1,303 Thief River ety Pine Island, T 12 934 Pipestone, U 3_--3,325 Plainview, T 14_-1, eee E a3 2 met 2 Water, 503 square Ponsford, Jeane Porter, S 3 Potsdam, T 13_-- Preston, V 14__--1,227 Princeton, O 13__1,685 Prior Lake, R 10_ 246 Proctorknott,J13 2,378 5 5 WO Sele 440 Madison, Q 3----1,838 Madison Lake, é Trommald, K 6. => Turtle River, G 170 174. Twin Valley, Two Harbors, “ Mahnomen, H 4__1,076 . a Population, c 9 Matters’ His ca Census, 1,790,618. Mallard, H 5-_-.- Racine, V 13 Mankato, U 9 Capital—Jackson. Mantorville, i) 12 Undernoodmetieas Maplebay, G 3 Urbank, M 4--_- Maple Lake, P 8 Raymond, Q 5--- Reading, V 4---_ Mapleton, U 9 _-- Marble, H 10__-- Vasa 8 18 R 12 Red Lake Falls, County. Key Pop. Red Wing, S 13-8, 637 Redwood, S 6_--. 126 Redwood tees Adams, P 3---.-22,185 A 13,_-21,369 Amite, R 5_-.--18,960 Attala, J 9_._.--24,831 Benton, B 11--- 9,851 , EY 4._-57, 668 Calhoun, F 10_-16,823 Carroll, H 8_.--20,324 Chickasaw, F11-22,212 Choctaw, H 10_-12,491 Claiborne, N 4-~13,019 N 12_-.17,/927 Marine Us arine ne s, Vermillion, 8 14. Vernon Center, U8 WestajS os. ee Viking, B 2 Vilard. N 5. Mazeppa, T 13___ Meire Grove, R 5_---1, a Beld2.2, 411 Richland, T 14-2 Richville, I Richwood, J 4--- Robbinsdale, Pi iy ae Bac oe 241 Virginia, G 12_-14,022 Wabasha, T 14__2, an Wabasso, T 5_-.. 459 Waconia, R 9_-_- Wadena, L 6___-2,186 Wahkon., or Law- Waite Park, O 8- Merrifield, IL S___ Middle 1] River, é 13. 375 N 10----1,337 Coahoma, D 6__41,511 Copiah, O 6_~--28,672 Rockford, 16 ce Rockville, O S8___ Millerville. M 4-_ Millville, T 13___ Rolling Stouts U15 Walnut Grove, 14 De Soto, B 8__.24.859 Forrest, Q 11--21,238 P 5_-14,156 George, S 13--. 5,564 Greene, R 13___10,430 Grenada, F 8_~-13,607 Hancock, T 9__10,380 Harrison, T 11__32,855 Hinds, M 6. Holmes, I 7_~--34,513 Humphreys, I 6_19,192 Issaquena, J 4__ 7,618 Itawamba, D 13_15,647 Jackson, U 13_-19,208 N 11_--18,508 O 4__15,946 Jefferson Davis, Waltham, V 12__ Minneapolis, Q Wanamingo, T 12 Rosecreek, W 12- Rosemount, S 15_ Rothsay, L 2__-_ Round Lake, Round Prairie, N 6 Minneota, S 3_-- Minnesota City, Warba, I 11 Minnesota Lake, Warren, EB 2 Warroad, B 5_-_-1,211 Warsaw, T 10_-- Waseca, U 10_---3,908 Washington, V 13 Wasioja, U 12_.. Waterford, S 11. Watertown, Q 9. Waterville, T 10_1,211 Watkins, P 8._.- Minnetonka, R 10 Minnetonka Beach, R1 Mizpah, F 8 Money Creek, V 15 Rushford, V_15__ Ruthton, T 3_--- Montgomery, §10_1,297 Monticello, P 9 _-1,02: Sacred Heart, R5_ Moorehead, ee i Saint Anthony,O7 Moranbrook, L 6_ 670 Morris, O 3-_--_- ee St. Bonifacius, R St. Charles, U 14-1 St. Clair, Ui 92-2 St. Cloud, O 805,873 Waubun, I 3. Waverly, Q 9_-__ P Lise 018. Kemper, K 12_-19,619 Lafayette, D 9_19,243 Weaver, T 14-___ Q 10---12,869 Webster, S 11___ Wegdahl, N 3_-. Motley, L 7 Mound, Q 13_..- Mountain Lake, Mt. Iron, G 12 Munger, J 13_--- Murdock, P 5---- . James, U 722,673 ety 0. 8. Lawrence, P 7--12,663 K 9_-~--16,973 Lee, -D, T2225 see 29,618 Leflore, H 7----37,256 P 6_--24,652 Lowndes, H 13_27,632 K 8_.29,292 Marion, Q 8_~--17,144 Marshall, B 9__-26,105 F 13_-_32,613 Montene Wells, V 9. ’ Martin, O 7_- fon Be Sta- Westbrook, U 5_- W. Concord, U 12 704 W. Minneapolis, + F Nashwauk, H 10_2,414 ST. PAUL O16 234,698 Q St. Paul Park,R16 900 JT 9..-4,335 St. Stephens, St. tite ge B 1. Westport, O 6_-- W. St. Paul, Q 11-2,962 New Auburn, New Brighton, P15 E Newfolden, P 3__ New London, Wheaton, N 2__-1,337 Sandstone, M 12-1, 200 % 9 White Bear Beach, 3? Neshoba, K 11__19,308 Newton, M 11_-20,720 Noxubee, I 13__23,710 Oktibbeha, H12_16,872 Panola, D 8___ 27,845 Pearl River, $9-15,468 New Munich, White Bear ers : Sauk Center, N oer ees Sauk Rapids, O 8_2,349 Savage, R 10__-- Seaforth, S_5_--- New Prague, S16_1,/ New Richland, V10 New Ulm, T 8___6,745 New York Mills, K Nicollet... T’ 8..-4 Nielsville,, G 2-—— Nora, uN Gset oe 1.006 N. Branch, O 12_ White Earth, I 4 400 Wilder, V 5 Willernie, Q 12__ Williams, C 6_-__ Willmar, Q 6____5,892 Willow River, L12 247 Wilmont, V 4___ Pike, R 6.2.2_-28,725 Pontotoc, D 11_-19,962 Prentiss, © 13_-17,606 Quitman, D 7__19,861 Rankin, M 8__-20,272 Scott, M 10____16,420 Sharkey, J 5---14,190 Sellwood, F 14___ Shafer, P 12 100 Shakopee, R 14_-1, oo ae Sherburn, 3 ge: i Shevlin. G 5. Silver Creek, P 9 an chaste R 8 Windom, V 6_-_-2,123 Winger, G 3. Winnebago, V 81,641 Winona, U 15___19,143 Winsted, Q 8_-_. Winthrop, S 8___1,147 Winton, F 14____ Wiscoy, U 15___- Withrow, Q 12__ Wolverton, K 1__ Woodlake, S 5. Woodstock, U 3. Worthington, Northfield, S 11_4,023 Northland, H 11_ a akis nade 0 Northome, F 8___ N. Prairie. N_ 8_- N. Redwood, S 6-_ N. St. Paul, P 16_1,979 Norwood, R 9_-~ 56 Smith, N 9_---16,178 Stone, S 11 Sunflower, H 546,374 Talla 1 Slayton, Ur40e. = 1,045 Sleepy Eye, T 7_-2,449 8. Bemidji, or Nymore, H 6__ International Tippah, B 11___15,419 Tishomingo, B14_15,091 Tunica, C 6__~-20,386 Union, C 11__--20,044 . R 7--18,455 Warren, M 5_--33,362 Washington, H4_51,092 Wayne, O 12___15,467 Webster, G 10__12,644 Wilkinson, R 3_15,319 Winston, I 11__18,139 Yalobusha, F 9_18,738 Yazoo, J 6_---_37,149 ook Fark Cone es : 500 S. St. Paul, R 16_6,860 S. ey ater, Q12_1,936 Okabena, V6 R Gu Use dy 488 Pepa M 92355 Springfield. i ater ee Us $49 Spring Grove, W15 Wykoff, V°13- 22 ¥ Wyoming, P 11__ Spring Lake, O 11 Springpark, R 10 Springvale, O 10_ Spring Valley, Young America, Zemple, G 9... Zimmerman, P 10 Zumbro Falls, T13 Zumbrota, T 12_.1,265 Stanton, S 11____ Ostrander, W 13- Steen,: W So..2c5 Total ~-~--1,790,618 TOWNS, County. Key Pop. Abbeville, C 10_. 285 Aberdeen, I 13__4,071 Ackerman, H 11_1,264 Scola eb Tso 150 Adsivi. 3.2 oe 250 Adams Sta, M 6. 75 Agricola, S 18-. 100 Agri. Col., H11-_. 200 Airey.nF At. 2s 700 y, Albertson Mills, P10 Alexander, R Ss MISSISSIPPI-CONT’D Cooperville, M 8. 100 Coopers Wells, M 6 500 Goose) ie au... ~.. 55 Conraki+@ 102... .-5 100 Corinth, A 18___5,498 Cornersville, C10 70 Cotton Plant, C11 103 Courtland, BE 8. 265 oh eee! i: aaa 500 Crawford, I 13__ 323 Creek, N 13.-.-- 800 Crenshaw, C 7. 512 Crossroads, S 12. 358 Crowder, EF 7---- 388 Oruger,” Hii 72-.<- 488 Crystal Sprs.,N5_1, oe Cuevas, U 11. Alcor; On de.2— 600 Cdmberland, G 11 17 Algoma, E 11_.. 202 Cynthia, L 7... 80 Alligator, E- 5... 263 Almadale, N 7_~ 100 Amory, E 14_.--2,861 Dahomy, G 4-_-_ 100 Anding, K pric 150 Daleville, L 12__ 100 Anguilla, J 5.-. 361 Daniel, N 9--_--_ 75 Ansley, Darden, C 11__-. 200 Arbo, 0 9. Darling, D 6____ 150 Arcadia, K 4_-.__ 300 Deasonville, K 7 75 Mreolas tS... 453 Decatur, L 11--_ 319 Arkabutla, B 7. 168 Deeson, E 5_---- 63 es eet er 50 DeKalb, K 12___ 554 Artesia, 2 eee 583 Delisle, U 10__-._ 100 Ashland, B 11_-- 190 Dennis, CG 14____ 217 Atlanta, Bett .= 200 Derma, MolG=. 317. Austin, C 6-----_ 142 De Soto, N 12... 236 Dizon, K “G22. 100 DG; WN: Bec eek 646 Avera, @ 13_.-.. 100 Dobson, N 8. 66 maid: TiO. .ca6 234 Doddsville, G@ 6_ 200 Baldwin, C 12__. 922 Donavan, S 13__. 100 Ballardsville, D138 75 Dossville, J 9_-. 150 Ballentine, D-7_- 60 Drew, F 6___-__. 721 Balucta. L 9_--__ 69 Dry Grove, N 6. 250 menkse B; 2. 6800) Wobbs, C: T-5=--- 75 Bankston, H 10_. 75 Dublin, E 6___.__ 150 Banner, E 10__-- 75 Duck Hill, G 9__ 528 Barlow, 0 5... 46 Duffee, L 11... 250 Barnett, oN J2--5 .75 Dumas, C 12-22 125 bem, © S.....) 75 Dunean, EB 5... 322 Basin, S 12__--_. 50 Duncansby, J 4__ 175 Bassfield, P 9_-. 265 Dundee, C 6____ 150 Batesville, D 8_-1,050 Dunleith, H 4.__ 50 Baxterville, R 1. 200 Durant, J 8______ 1,870 Bay St. Louis, Dwyer; G 6__=-- 75 I 10_3,033 Bay Spgs,, N 10_ 861 Beaumont, R 12-_ 250 Eaglebend, L 4__ 60 Beauregard, O 6. 173° Fast Abuckle, P10 681 Belden, D 12_-.. 268 Fast Side, U 138__ 321 UTA Nee Dy eee 148 Whenezer, J 7_--. 137 Bellefntaine,, G11 155 Feru, D 11______ 642 Belleprairie, J 6. 350 Eddiceton, P 5__ 350 Belmont, © 14._-_ 459 Eden, S 7 _____-- 221 Belzonai, I 6_---2,277 Edinburg, K 10_. 250 Ben Lomong, K4 182 Edith, K 13_____ 100 Benoit, G 4_ = 443 Edwards, M 6___. 727 Bently, G 10---__ 62 Egypt, F 12__ 61 Benton, K 7_.--- 200 Elarbee, T 10___ 250 Bentonia, K 6_-.. 167 Electric Mills,K13 600 Berclair, H 6__-._ 150 Tlizabeth, H 4__. 61 Bethany, O 12-_ 50 fFilliott, G 8_-___s 89 Beulah, F 4_---_ 500 Ellisville, P 11__1,681 Bexley, R 13---. 150 Elwood, N 12__. 200 Bigbee, E 13____ 100 Embry, G 11--.__ 65 Bigbee Val., I 13 100- Wudville, D 12__ 450 Big Creek, F 10_ 107 Englewood, H 6__ 50 Biloxt, U 11_.--10,987 Wid, EB. 8... -__ 174 Binnsville, J 13_ 500 Enola, K 6______ 12 Black Hawk, H 8 127 Enterprise, M 12 700 Backmonton, H8. 52 Essex, D 6______ 100 Blaine, G 6_-_-- 150 Estabutchie, P10 400 Blodgett, P 11-. 415 Ethel, I 9_______ Blue Lake, F 6_- 200 Eudora, B 8_ Blue Mtn., B 11 654 WPupora, H 10____ Blue Sprs., D 12 167 Bobo, -E 6.5... 75 Bogue Chitto, P 6 605 Evansville, GC 6__ 100 Bolivar, Powe Os) Palrport, 5 -1225-.- 100 Bolton, M 6__---- 494 Fair River, P 7-_ 100 mond, § 145... 439 Faisonia, H 6___ 80 Bon Homme, Q10 300 Faleon, D 7______ 125 Booneville, © 15-1,495 Falin, We 75 Bounds, -F 9-2. 60 Walkner,”.B 12... 197 Bowling Green, I8 50 Fannin, L 8_____ 200 Boyd, [= 538 Farrell, D 6__-. 250 ipoyle, G S..-... 702 Fayette, 0 4____ 840 Bradley, H 11--- 100 VFearnsSprings J12 125 Brandon, M 8__-~ 691 Fentress, I 11___ 67 Braxton, N 8__-- 237 Fenwick, P 3___ 200 Brazelia, I 13__. 103 Fernwood, R 6__ 800 Brookhaven, P 6_4,706 Fitler, K Brooklyn, R 11_-_ 200 Flora, L 7__ 9 Brooksville, I 13 854 Florala, : Brownfield, A 12. 60 Florence, M 7___ 207 Bucatunna, P 13- 100 Floweree, L 5.__ 55 mude> —P4_2.-=- ied Word, UW 13i.2--2 209 Buena Vista, F12 210 Forest, M 10____1.188 Burnside, J 11--__ 75 Ft. Adams, R 2_. 133 Burnsville, B 11 3863 Fortinberry, Q 8. 75 Burtons. C 13-- 50 Franklin, J 8___. 75 nan, O S2.2k.= 50 Freeny, K 9___-- 50 Byhalia, B 9---. 514 FrenchCamps,H10 123 Byram, M 7---. 85 Friar Point, D 5 954 FruitlandPark,S11 60 Fulton, bs eae 227 Caledonia, G 14-_ 139 fFurrs, D 12_____ 15 Calhoun City, F10 502 Camden, K 8_--- 161 Canton, D 8__--- 3,252 Gainesville, U 9. 150 Carpenter, N 5_- 150 Galena, C 9__--__ 51 Carriere, T 9_--1,000 Gallman, N 6____ 176 Carrollton, H 8_. 510 Gandsi, P 9_--__ 105 Carrlltn Sta., H8 300 Gardner, Q 6__ 65 Garaon: FS... 150 Garlandville, M11 200 Carthage, J 9--_ 635 Gatesville, N 7. 100 Cary, davoe. so. 66 Gattman, F 14-_ 151 Cascilla, F 8_-- 161 Gautier, U 13__-. 100 Caswell, 4 10--- 75 Geeville, C 12--_ 200 Gato, H 8.-- << 175 Georgetown, 0 7~ 317 Cedarbluff, ire 12_ 228 Germania, K 5-- 175 Cedarview, B 8__ 60 Gibson, F 18__-_ 200 Center, J 10_---- Sd Giles) iT. 182--2- & 50 Centerville, R 4. 755 Gillsburg. R 5_- 200 Chambers, F 5_-- 100 Gitano, @ 10____ 100 Chaney. E 6---- 250 Glen Allen. J 4. 250 Charleston, Ff 7__3, nor Glendora, F 6_.-_ 250 Cherryereek, D 11 Glenfield, O 11 75 Chester, Fl 10___ 1% Gloster, R 4___-1,079 Chesterville, D 12 112 Giuckstadt, L 7. 100 Chotard, I, 4---- 100 Golden, C 14__-. 194 Chritton, D 5---- 250 Goodhope, K 7__. 200 Chulahoma, C 9- 100 Goodman, J 8__-- 589 Chunky. M 11_--- 272 Grand Gulf, N 4. 200 Claremont, B 6 50 Grange. O S8____- 250 Clarksburg, M 8-_100 Gray, R 6__---- 16) Clarksdale, EK 6--7,552 Gravsport. F 9-. 78 Clarkson, G 10-- 100 Greengrove, E 5_ 400 Clermont Harbor, Greenville, H 4 11.560 U.10 100 Greenwood. H 7__7.793 Cleveland, F 5__1. He Grenada, F 8____3,402 Cliftonville, I 18 Gulfport, U 11_-_8,157 Clinton. M 7---- be Gunnison, F 4__- 485 Cloverhill, D 6-- 277 Guntown, D 12_-- 365 Givde) ). 10_—..-- 100 Coahoma, D 6_- 326 Cockrum, B 8.--. 150 Hale, N 13_-__--. 100 Coffeeville, F 9.. 411 Hamburg,’ P 4. 176 Gshay, N 9-—...- 822 Hamilton, G 18_. 55 Cold Ag B 8 856 Wandsboro, 1 11_ 809 Cmes, @ -~ 4.2. 100 Hardy Station.F8 145 Collexe HAT, C0 75 Warleston, T 18. 75 Collins, P 10__--1,389 Harperville, L10 150 Collinsville, L 12. 50 Harriston, 0 4. 258 Colony. H 6___-- 150 Harrisville. N 7. 75 Columbia, 2 8_..2,826 Hatchie. B 12... 75 Columbus, H 14_10,501 Hattiesburg,Q10_13,270 Como, C 8_-._.. 8 Hazelhurst, 0 7_1.762 Conehatta, L 10. 149 Heidelberg, 0.11 Te Conway. J 6...- .50 Helena, T 13__.. Cooksville, J 13. 75 Hermanville, N 5 218 4 Hernando, B S__ 796 Hiekory, M 11__ 618 Hickory Flat, C1 269 Highlanddale, G27 200 Tlighpoint, I 11__ 145 Hight: cho ates 150 Hightown, B 12. 60 Hilandale, G 6_- 200 Hillsboro, L 10._ 175 Hillsdale, S 10_. 500 Hinehcliff, D 6_. 100 Hiwannee, O 12. 100 Holcomb, F 8_-. 205 Hollandale, I 4-. 799 Holly Bluff, J 5. 100 Hollyridge, H 4. 163 HollySprings, B10_2,113 Hollywood, B 7. 300 Holmesville, R 7 125 Homepark, J 6_. 150 Homewood, M 9. 100 Fiorn Lake, A 8 200 Houlka, E 11_--_ 803 Houston, F 11-_-1, Se Rover) 0 alto Howard, I 8_.-- i Howison, I 11__ Hub, R 9- Hunt; 0 .14_— Hurley, T 1 Huron, R 6 Hushpuckena, Increase, M 138.. 150 Vga) of eas Naa fy Gamera 800 Independence, BS 108 Indianola, H 5_-2,112 Ingomar, D 11-_ 238 Inverness, H 6__ 561 Jpse* By G25 cnc 50 Tsola\. To @e25 03 616 Itta Bena, H 6_-1,620 Iuka, B i4____-_ 1,306 Jacinto, B 13---. Jack, N 6 JACKSON, } James, I 4 Jamestown, Jayess, Q 7 Jefferson, G 8_-. 50 Jeffries, C 6_--. 100 vegsie, K~9222s—- 150 Johnston Sta., Q6 293 Jonestown, D 6. 469 Josephine, F 5. 75 Keel? D' 102252 = 100 Kendrick, A 14_ 100 Kilmichael, H 9_ 395 Kiln. a jie 150 Kipling, K 13_ Kirby. P 4._ 50 Kirkville, C 1: 500 Knoxville, Q 4-- 110 Eile. P3022 0 <2 100 Kosciusko, J 9__2,258 Kossuth, B om eal Laddner, T 10__. 125 Lafayette Sprs., D 10 153 Lake, M 10----- 455 Lake Carrier. D7_ 200 Take Como, N 17_ 150 Take Shore, V 10 200 Lamar, A 10--.. 41 Lambert, E G6. 957 Lamont, Bosse (50 Wandote WV S2se" '250 Lantrip, E 10--. 70 Latimer, T 12-. 100 Latonia. S 13__ 200 Lauderdale, L 13 187 Laurel, P 11__-13,037 Lawrence, M 10_ 200 ens; C2 5. 100 Leakesville, R 13 555 Learned, M 6__. 136 Leaton;"O! S-.-- 50 Leedy, B -18..<. 85 Leesburg, L 8_--- 75 Leland, H 5----2,003 Lemon, M 10_--. 75 Dena i O---... 198 Leota Landing.I4 300 Lewisburg, B S_ 75 Lexington, I 7__1,792 Taiberty, BRYb6i22. 515 Tingle, M92... ~ 75 Tittle Springs. Q5 200 Lockhart, L 12__ 100 Logtown, U 9_-. 650 tong, D) 12.2.8 300 Tiong Beach. U 11 980 Longtown, O 7__ 250 Longview, H 12. 248 Lorena, M_10_-_ 200 Lorenzen, J 5_--- 100 Lorraine, U 11-- 100 Touin’g ON 1i-25-2 475 Louisville, I 11--1,777 Louise. J 5_...-- 537 Love Sta., B S__ 100 Lowhurst,. HW 44. 3850 Lucedale, 8S 138-- 629 ILucern, 11__-_ 100 uctens P5=2258 117 ibtick, A: (982s 70 TIudlew. L 9---. 100 Pola..D 6.5. 344 Tumberton, S 9_2.192 Iyman. T 11----1,000 ee T1225 50 Lyon. G3.22 MOTT Lytel, C cb Pees 209 McCain, G 10... 75 McCall Creek, P6 140 McComb, O eae: sa McCondy. biz McCool, I 10----- si? MeHenry, S 11-_ 627 McLain. R 12_-_ 250 MeVanrin. R 11_ 500 MeNair. P 4---- 200 MeNeill. T 9---- 300 Maben. H 11---- 499 Macon. I 13_-.--- 2.051 Madden, K 10-- 75 Madison Sta., Li 823 Magee. 0 9_---- 730 Magnolia, R_ 6__-2.012 Mantachie. D 13 195 Mantee. G 11__- 249 Marathon, I 4-_ 390 Marie, H 5_._-~- 200 Marietta, C 18_- Marion, I. 12_ Marks,sa)* TW ony Martin, N 4----- Masbulaville. Matagorda, D 6__ 500 Matherville, O13 94 Mathiston. G 11_ 443 Mavyersville. J 4. 155 Mayhew. H 18_- 169 Meadville. P 5_-_ 304 Meehan Jct., M12 100 Melba; P* 9252-22 60 Mendenhall, N 8 637 Meridian, M 12_23.299 Merigold, F 5 _-- > 606 Merit, N 8----- 90 “Owens Wells, I 7 Merrill, ®.12.<... 126 Michigan City,A1l0 48 Midnight, J G__-_ 200 Mikoma, E 6_--. 100 Mileston, J 7---- 50 Millard, T 9... 200 Miller, A 8... 150 Millville, K i Minter City, G6 Mish, 0 9 Mississippi City, Mize, O 9. Money, G 7 Monroe, P 4_ Monticello, Montpelier, G 12 100 Montrose, N 10__ 398 Moorhead, H 6__1,600 Morgan City, H 6 193 Morton, M 9___. 437 Moselle, P 10_.. 240 Moss, or Moss- Fille® 2. © TL T50 Mosspoint, U 13_3,340 Mound Bayou, F5 803 Mountain, S ioe 200 Mt. Carmel, P 9 200 Mt. Olive, 0° 9.. 778 Mt. Pleasant, A 9 107 Muldon, G 13___ 300 Mullet, R 18_.-. 1650 Mullenville, R 13 100 Myrtle; O° 11... 825 Napanee, A 4___ 300 Natchez, P 3__12,608 Nesbitt, A S8__._ 142 Neshoba, K 11__ 200 Nettleton, E 12__ 653 New Albany, C11_2,531 New Augusta,Q11 400 New Hebron, 0 8 2°7 Newport, J 8... 75 Newton, M 11___1,604 Nicholson, U 9 848 Nickbyrd, R 13__ 250 Norfield, Q 6 _~~-1,080 North Caco utons 363 North Green- wood .... G 639 Noxapater, J 11 515 Nugent, U 11... 100 Oakland, E 8.-.. 429 Oakvale, Q 8._.. 228 Ocean Spg., U 12_1,732 Ofahoma, K 9-__ 100 Okolona, E 12__3,852 Olive Branch, AS 197 OME On, Toone 100 Ornat O Tle 875 Orange Grove,U13 100 Orvisburg, S 10- 485 Osborn, H 12_.__ 90 Osyka, R 6...-2 704 \Overpark, A 8--. 75 Orvett, Pi... 570 Oxfords2 D9. 25_— 2; 150 Pachuta, 332 pa Paris, B 100 Pascagoula, U 13_6,082 Pass Christian, Nw i252 U 10-2, 357. Pattison, O 5---. 155 Paulding, N 11_ 150 Pawticfaw, K 12 60 Pearle N, %as5222 of Pearlhaven, P 6. 87 Pearlington, U 9 300 PearsonjeN Tess) °%5 Pelahatchee, MS8_1,212 Renton, (Bri s2sa5 100 Peoria, R 5_---- B Percy; slg. 4 - <3 00 Perkinston, § 11_ Perthshire, F 5__ Pheba-«G 122... 300 Philadelphia, K11_1,669 Philipp, “F facu. 4200 Piave; P 1322,2+.- 100 Pickayune, T 9__2,479 Pickens, J 8_--- 457 Pinebur, R 9__-- 75 Pine Valley, E 9 60 Pinnellville, 0 10 75 Pinola, O 8_--... 245 Pittman, R,8..~c 150 Pittsboro, F 10._ 252 Plain, Mi -G2=s_-< 75 Plantersville, E13 275 Plattsburg, J 11 75 Pleasant Hill, A&8 190 Pocahontas, L 6_ 125 Pontotoc, D 11_-1.274 Pope), do: 822.25. 278 Poplar Springs, B12 27 Poplarville, S 10_1,2 Porterville, K 13 PortGibsen, N 4-1, PotosliF 5.5_5-— 500 Potts Camp, C 10 319 Prairie, F 13... 149 Prairie Pt., I 13 250 Prentiss, P 8__.__ 468 Presss.Q: 8.225=— 140 Pulaski, M 9_--_ 280 Purvis, R 10_.-- 919 Quitman, N 12_-1,375 Raleigh, N 9_--. 200 Randolph, E 11__ 137 Rara Avis, D 14. 100 Rathf, D 18.22. . 70 Ravine, I 18-_-_ 56 Raworth, M-9_- 75 Rayborn, Q 7-_-- 95 Raymond, M 6_- 500 Reba, R 18_---- 250 Recluse, S 10_--- 100 Red Banks. B 9. 79 Redding, G 9--. 75 Reform, H 10_--_ 69 Remus, J 10---. 75 Renalara, Rhodes, Rich, D 6 Richburg, Q 10_~ 200 Richland, J 8_--- 55 Richton, Q 11_--1,363 Ridgeland, L 7 164 Rienzi, B 18.2 493 Ripley, B 11---. 856 Robbs, E 10_---- 50 Robinsonville, B6 200 Rockport, O T-~ 100 Rocky Springs,M5 58 Rodney, O 3_---- 251 Rolling Fork, J5 703 Rome, EB’ 62.-.=. 400 Roosevelt, ae bh eS ay ey Rosedale, F 4_~-1,696 Rose Hill, N 11-- 300 Rosetta, Q 4____ 100 Borie.) Pa dos 207 Ruleville. G 6__-1.022 Rural Hill, I 10_ 250 Russum, O 4---- 120 Sabougla, F 10-- 150 Sallis, J 9--.---- 273 Saltillo, D 12.... 440 Sandersville, O LL 559 Sanford, P 10... 500 Sarah, Gr 7-4-5 160 Saratoga, O 9_--. 150 Sardis, ID 8____-- 1,352 Sarepta, E 10... 125 Satartia, K 6... 135 Saucier, T 11_-__ 600 Savoy, M 12_____ Sehlater, G 7_ Scobey, F 8_ 2 Scooba, J 14--__ 700 Belieray I" 10. 50 Seminary, P 9-- 360 Senatobia, C 8__1,126 Sessums, H 12__ 100 Shannon, B 12.. 498 Sharon, K 8_---- 173 Shaw, G 5-..... 1,375 Shelby, F 5---.- 1,300 Shellmount, G 6. 75 Sherman, D 11. 421 Shiloh k 14.2. s2 100 Shivers, O 8... 96 Shubuta, O 12__ 912 Shuqualak, J 18. 764 midon. rr 1.-2~— 370 Siloam, G 12__-_ 50 Silver City, I 6.. 822 Silver Creek, P 7 252 Silver SpringsB12 300 Sires te oer 84 Slate Springs, G10 155 Sledge, y ee ee 75 Smithville, E 13. 138 Snell, Mr. 128-_--- 80 Society Hill, Q 8 100 Sontag; =P 922- =~ 100 Host) no. oA 142 Spanish Fort ---. 200 Spinks, K 12__-._ 50 Splunge, E 14. 75 Springville, D 11_ 100 Stage; M 9 -_---_ 50 Stare Nise 500 Starkville, H 12_2.596 State Line, Q 13 500 Stephenson, Q 4_ 528 Stewart, H 10___ 196 Stonewall, N 12_1,000 Stonington, O 4-_ 150 Stratton, L11-_-. 74 Strayhorn, C 7. 132 Stringer, O 10_--. 250 Strongs, G 13__. 100 Sturgis, H 11---_ 354 Sucarnoochee, K13 80 Summerland, 010 100 Summit, Q 6 ___1,187 Sumner, BH 6__-_ 613 Sumrall, Q 9_--_1,444 Sunflower, G 6__ ‘517 Sycamore, F 12__ 100 Sylvarena, N10-. 200 Taylor, D 9. Taylorsville, Tehula, 01 7%, Ted, N 10. Tenmile, 8 11_ Terry, N 7 Thaxton,; D 11.— 155 Thomastown, J 9 50 Thornton, J 7__- (4 Thrasher, B 13__ 100 Tibbee Station, H 18 100 Tilden, E 138_.-_ 100 Tillatoba, F 8___ 193 Tipps, Kgs SS 100 Tishomingo, Cl4. 273 Toccopola, D 11_ 325 Tocowa, E 7_. 72 Tomnolen, G 10- 199 Toomsuba, I-12... 300 Trenton, M 9_-__ 200 96 178 955 Pace DO AZIS- 5.055 Tutwiler, E 6__-1,010 Tyler Te Oo Ss. > 200 Tylertown, R 7_-1,116 Dye Or Ge... 100 Wnion,.< Ty) 12.52 1,012 Union Chureh, 05 150 Upton, N°o-2.2.. 100 Utica; Nie522- 2c, 445 Utica Institute, ee N 5 50 Vaiden, H 8... 579 Valley, K 62.5. 100 ValteweM °S-==—2-. 50 Vance, E-7_....- 100 Vancleave, T12_. 79 Vardaman, F 10 599 Vanghans Ko f22— 125 Mera, a Our non co 100 Vernal, R 13-.-. 200 Verona, B 12_-.. 500 Vestry, S: 12-2 Vicksburg, M 5. Vosburg, N Voy, D: IT4.2-=-5 Wahalak, K 18__ 141 Waldo, K 10_--_ 100 Wallerville, D 11 75 Walley, Q 12_--_ 300 Wallfield, E 11-_ 100 Wallhill, B 9---. 114 Walls, B70: -.3 200 Walnut, A 11---- 150 Walnut, R 10_--_ 80 Walnut Groove, L 10 207 Walthall, G 10__ 114 Warrenton, M 5_ 200 Washington, P 3 100 Waterford. C 9_- 128 Water Valley, £9_4,315 Waveland, V 10. 431 Waverly, G 13-. 85 Waynesboro, 0 12 689 Weathersby, NS 180 Wend.-F TQ... 2 553, Weilenman. H 4 150 Were L 105552 37T Wenasoga, A 13. 60 Wesson, O 6_--. 885 Wiertirl <6. che 236 West Point, G13_4.400 Wheeler, C 12 222 Whitesand. P 8-_ 300 Wiggins, S 11__1.097 Wilkesburg, Q 9 150 Williamsburg. P9 100 Wilsonville. N 5. 150 Winborn, C 10. 100 Winchester. P 13. 350 Winona, H 9___2.572 Winterville. H 4 100 Wisdom, S 11_-_- 50 Woodland, G 11 194 Woodruff, T 4---- 150 Woodville, P -1,012 Wren, F 13_--.. 100 Yazoo City, J 6-5,244 427 500 Zama. - Zion Hill, O 5-- MISSOURI First Settled at Saint Lowis, 76}. Admitted as a Ter- ritory, June 4, 1812, Admitted as a State, March 2, 1821. Area: Land, 68,727 sq. m. Water, 693 sq. Total, 69,420 sq. m. m. Population, Last Census, 8,404,055, State Capital, ferson City. Jef- COUNTIES County Key Pop. Adair, B 11... Andrew, C 5. Atchison, A 3- Audrain, F 13 Barry, 02 S22. Barton, L 6-- Bates, J 6---. Benton, I 9.-. Bollinger, M 19 Boone, G 12-- Buchanan, D 5 Butler, O 18_- Caldwell, B 7- Callaway, G13 Camden, J 11- Cape Girardeau, M20 29,839 21,404 14,075 15,008 20,589 23,473 16,879 23,933 12,899 13,909 29,646 98,672 24,106 13,849 23,007 10,474 Carroll, E 9__--20,480 Carter, O 16... 7,482 Cass, H 6---. 21,536 Cedars, $2222" 13; 933 Chariton, H 10 2 Christian. O 9 15.252 Clark, B 14--- 11,874 Clay, F 6... 20,455 Clinton, E 6_---14,461 Cole, 1 13_--- 24,680 Cooper, G 11__ 19,308 Crawford, K 15 12.355 Dade, M 8. 14,173 Dallas, L 10-- 12,033 Daviess, C 8_- 16,641 Dekalb, B 6_ 11,694 Dent, L 14--- 12,318 Douglas, O 12 15,436 Dunklin, Q.19_- 82,773 Franklin, I 16 28,427 Gasconade, I 14_ 12/381 Gentry, B 6_ 15,634 Greene, M 9_ 68.698 Grundy, C' 9-- 17,454 Harrison, B 7 1..719 Elenry, E822 (23,116 Hickory, K 9_ 7,033 Holt, B 4---- 14,084 Howard, F 11- 13,997 Howell, O 13- 21,102 Tron;e by fre =" 8,408 Jackson, G 7_~ 367,846 Jasper, N 6-- 75,941 Jefferson, J 17 26,555 Johnson, 1 S__-24,899 Knox ©) 13-2 f10; 183 Laclede, L 11. 16,857 Lafayette, GS 30,006 Lawrence, N 8 24,211 Lewis, C 14-. 13,465 Lineoln, G 16_ 15,956 Linn, D 10_-. 24,778 Livingston, D9 18,857 MeDonald, P 6 14,690 Macon, D 12-_- 27,518 Madison, M 18 10,721 Maries, J 13_. 9,500 Marion, D 14- 30,266 Mercer, A 9-- 11,281 Miller, J 12-_ 15,569 Mississipi, O 21_12,860 Moniteau, I 11 138,532 Monroe, E 138. 16,414 Montgomery, G 14 15,233 Morgan, I 11 12,015 New Mardrid, O 20 25,180 Newton, O 6_ 24,886 Nodaway, O 6 27.744 Oregon, P 15_ 12,889 Osage, I 18--- 13,559 Ozark, P°12-2 11,125 Pemiscot,Q 20 26.634 Perry, L 19-- 14,434 Pettis, H 10-__ 35,813 Phelps, K 14. 14,941 Pike, F 15--- 20,345 Platte, B 5-_ 13,996 Polk, L 9---- 20,351 Pulaski, K 12. 10,490 Putnam, A 10 13,115 Ralls, B 14----10,412 Randolph, E12 27,633 Ray, vhs sans 20,508 Reynolds, M 12-10,106 Ripley, P 16- 12,061 St.Charles, H 17_22,828 St. Clair, K 8 15,341 St. Francois, L 17_-31,403 St. Genevieve, K 18 _ 9.809 St. Louis, D 21 100,737 St. Louis City, D 21 722,897 Saline, F 10_. 28,826 Schuyler, A 12 8,382 Scotland, A 13 10,700 Scott, N 20. 23.409 Shannon, N 15 11.865 Shelby, D 13. 138,617 Stoddard, 0 19 29,755 Stone, P 9--- 11.941 Sullivan, B 10 17,781 Taney, P 10__ 8.178 Texas, M 18_- 20.548 Vernon, K 6__ 26,069 Warren. H 15. 8,490 Washington, K 16 13,803 13.012 16.609 Wayne, N 18_ Webster, M 10 Worth. A 6. 7842 Wright, M 11 17,733 Total -----3,404,055 MISSOURI TOWNS Bourbon, J lise. 377 “4 DOWN y | it decictes 200 Town Key Pop. Bower Mills, N7 109 Acorn, O 19.... 5U sith nha 1.965 ava, B 12___- Y~ Boynton, B 10_- 60 SMa ner, Bredieyvilla, G10". 56 Auvauce PS te Ww. ddl Bragg City, Q20 402 mal ae a Go Branch, K 10--. 50 Ratan 19 Pea bis Brandsville, P14 352 Fe aka a . ranson, P 9... 598 ee a 7a rs Brashear, B 12. 339 Alunthus Groye, eee 4 ace is - B 100 Breckenridge, Ds 80 ech ee Ea Brewer, K 19-181 pt’ ee eet riarcreek, P 16 50 Alurich, L9---2- 261 Brlckeys ------- 30 Fe Fig) See PS + om Alexandria, B15. 650 Bridgeton, G 21_. 12) Atondale, Aeris eet pte tete (M88 SO Wenton, Woke gh ee ; ; Cyne priscos, Be 162 66 a ten vite 02) 210" Bronaughy Lb 6.) 28th Alley, N 15---- BY Brookfield, D 10_ 6,304 Alma, F 9----~ 369 BrooklineSta.,.N9 300 Altamont, C 7-. 349 ig 1 ie Altenberg, L 20. 313 Brooklyn, A 7- 71 7 A on A RS rowning, C 10__ 694 ae Ape ee Brownington, J8 333 se Pa ay ee srownsSta., G 12 60 Amazonia, C §-- 367 Brownwood, Noes Americus, H14- 100 7. pete ele So FS ‘Amity, GC 6 174 Brule, Gr LT seoe 50 FES J ere 390 Seer es ee aon ee 4 runer, N: 10-0) 10 i = Bbteisd M272 80 =e DA ae runswick, BP 101,411 dace N Begs HBS Brngeied =n" Sane es = ryson, H § 7s Andover. &,8--- (99 Buchanan, Nid. 6) : ve ace = Buckeye, O 21-- 200 Annada, F 17--- 150 : ae fe 7 7g Bucklin, D10_-_ 863 Annapolis, M17_ 176 Sete ¥4 Antrim, N 11__ 50 Buckner, F 7. 439 95 Buffalo, L 10_. 915 Fe baci gna 6, Mey Buffington, 0 20. 120 Appleton, =—=Ls. 106 , ae ta Appleton’ City. ; Bunceton, H 11-860 7 1,262 Arbela, A 3B 121 Burges |__- 364 Arbyrd, R 19-__ 100 Burfordville, R20 96 Arcadia, I 17-_ 289 Burlington Jct., = Archie, I 16_-. 250 Pena oat 970 Arcola, Li T.-=. ©1650 urnham, om io Ardeola, N20... 150 Burr Oak. @ 17 50 Ardmore, D 11- 500 Burton, F 11- -. 75 Argyle} cee soe “eS erp . 18_ ais Arkoe, B i 132 utler, ee 702 Arlington, K 1: 68 Butterfield, O 7. 200 Armstrong, F11 616 Bynumville, D11 100 Arnica: “Kr 8-20 100) Byron, 1 ‘14.--_ 3 50 Arrow Rock, G10 226 Asbury, M 5--.. 275 Cabool, N 13... 905 Asburn, Is 16_--. 181 Cadet, K 17-2. 117 Asherville. D19_ 100 Cainesville, A 8 1.051 Ash Grove. M 8 1,000 Sete B Eaee nek Ash Hill, 019-- 100 Caledonia, K 17_ : Ashland, H. 12.. 342 Calhoun, I 8--- 603 Ashley, F 15--_. 480 California, H 11. 2,218 Ashton, A 14--_ 200 Callao, D 11_--_ 542 Athens, A 14___ 140 Calwood, G 10-_ 100 Atherton, F 6_. 100 Camden, F 5_-- 534 Atlanta. C 12___ 536 Camden Pt., E5 212 Augusta, H 16-_ 308 Cameron, D 7-_- 3,248 Aullville, G 8.. 128 Campbell, P 19. 2,025 Aurora, N 8_--- 3.575 Canalou -----.. 477 Aurora, Sps., 111 116 Cane Hill, L 8_ 60 Austin, I 6.---- 300 Cannon Mines, Auxvasse, G 18. 484 K 17 100 Ava, Deli 845 Canton, C 14-_ 1,49 Avalon, D 9_--- 500 Cape Girardeau, Avenue Cy., D8. 50 M 20_10.252 Avert, D 19_---- 125 CaplingerMills.K8 980 Avilla. Ni ta—-s- a, Cardwell, R18_ 1,043 AVON. in loo ose Carl =Jct.. NS=- 1.877 Avondale, F 6. 314 Carlow, C 8_--. 125 Carrington, H 13 93 Bagnell, J 11--. ay Cat phe He ae eee Bakersfield, P 13 50 Carterville, 62.2; Baileys, P 18. 50 Carthage, N 6__10,068 Ballwin, O 10-- 3800 Caruth, R_ 19___ 75 Bardley, O oe 00 Caruthersville, 4 Baring, B 13--. 248 20_ 4,750 Barnard, B 5_-- se cpap M ar : a Barnett, -f 11-- 21 Cassville, P 7__- 1,002 Barnhart, I 18__. 100 Catawissa, I 17. 100 Brayties, J 17_- 60 Cavespring, M 9_ 50 Bates City, G 7- 98 Ceder City, H13 208 Battlefield ---__ 100 Cedarfork, I 15_ 50 Bay, 1.344.236 130 Cedar Gap, N11 148 Bayouville, P21 300 Cedar Springs, K 7 150 Beaman, H 10- 106 Cedar Valley, P10 500 Beaufort, 1 15 200 Cement City,. FT 250 Bedford, D 9--- 200 Center, B 14... 575 Bedison, B 50 Centertown, H12 243 Beetork, M 70 Centerview, HS 268 Beemont, I 50 Centerville, M 16 00 Belgique, K 26__ 61 Central City, N6 200 Boras x Me re Centralia, F 13_.2,071 ell City, N 20- Chaffee) ==... 3/0385 Bellegds14 ee. 437 Chandler, F 6_- 5T Belleflower, G15 29T Chaonia, N 18__ 100 Bellefontaine,D20 150 Charity, L 10-. 100 eke wii- ie Charleston, 0 21_ 3,410 elmont, O 22__ Chesterfield, D19 125 Belton, G 6_--- 899 GChilhowee, H 8. 469 Benbow. C 14-- 50 Chillicothe, D 9_ 6.772 = somer garnet a Chilton, O 16. 123 ennett, 2 fee 7) Yhitw . = 1,500 Seay ne hy ane Chula pe ee 444 erger, a 0 Civil Bend. © 7 78 Berlin, C 6_-_-- 65 Mar D 12_. 1,400 Bernie, O 10 oa 1.571 ueat (22.5. Bie mererends Ce ine ai Clarksburg, H * RS re J - Clarksdale, D 6. 375 pee Hae soc, Clarksville, 1 16. 4720 Se P 6.. 959 Clarkton, P 19_ 689 Bethvage. Fo) ph. Olaryville, K 19.” 9p Beulah. E 18:-— | 89 Ctarton, pi. 3,088 s a5. eq Clearmont, A 4. 282 here po icy ioe Cleopatra, A 9_- 65 Bie Pi as. 90 Cleveland, H 5. 169 Billings’ N 8. 614 Clever. N 9. 347 Birch Tree, N15 452 Clitten Hill’ B 18. 400 Bird Point, N 22 5 Brimingham, FG. 175 Climax Sprinke sire ee ¢ 2: plement Hiss fay Clintéu,” I. 3252 6,008 Black Jack, B22 490 Clyde, B 5_____ 213 pink 3 Coatsville, A 11. 104 Blackwater, ae oe Coffey, C6 390 Blackwell, J 17- 5) at dire ae me £ Coffeyton, J 15_ nO Blairstown, HT 260 Coffman Ste, K 19 100 Bliss. J 17... (‘wp Coldwater, M 18 60 BlodgethN 21mg sop Gore teen, Tae” O80 Blgodiands Tells sh0Od ve Tee cutee Eee Bloomfeld, 0.19 1,094 Collins, K 8... 265 FiGomdsgton, 0:41 160 » Coloma. Stee 200 Bloomsdale, K 18 70 Golambla G1310.292 meesete Seo 6 Columbus, G 8_- 150 chet be at Commerce, N 21 593 Bie ques oat 551 Conception Je.,B5 518 Bluffton. H 14... 38 Concordia, eL be oS” 59 ©Connelsville, 1 24 Bivinedale, XZ 294 Conran, P 20_-- 79 Boaz, N 9___--- 150 Conway, L_11_- 546 Boeuf Creek. 115 75 Cook Sta.. K 15. 75 Bogard. E 9--- 381 Cooter. R 20_-- eH Bois D’Are. M9 200 Cora, C_ 18_---. 0 Bolekow. B 5--. 334 Corder, FP 8__--- 768 Boles. T 16_---- 60 Corning, B3--.. 255 Bolivar, L 9.2.2 1,980 Cornwall, 1 18 “7 Bona. L, 8-----= ho Corry, M 8_--.- 70 9 300 Corsicana, O T. 5 Bonfils, C 20_--- Cosby aC 5 163 Terre. tosby, C 5_--- : Bones ome 17_ 3.815 Cottlesville, C19 225 BonnotsMill, H13 125 Cottonwood Pt.. Boonville. G 11_ 4.605 R 20 170 Boschertown, H 17 i” Courtney, F 6_-- 100 Boston, M 6__-- Contre. Q 20_--. 540 Bosworth, BE 9_- 612 Covington, R 20 150 Cowgill aneaccon S81 Craig, B 3 642 Crane, 0 82-_-- 1,151 Creighton, Bo Crescent, 100) Creve Cveur, D 20 400 Crocker, K 12.. 9506 Cross Timbers, J ¥ 500 Crosstown, K 20 155 Crowder, N 20... 150 Cruise, J 17--.. 100 Crystal City, J 18 2,243 Oba, J. tbc 704 Currentview, Q17 100 Curryville, F 15 285 Cyrene, F 16... 3d Dadeville. M 8. 333 Dayonia, M 16__ 7 Daisy; Lb 20-222 50 Dallas, G 6 100 Dalton, EB 10... Bs Danville, G 18__ 76 Darlington, B 6. $11 Davis, G 16____ bu Davisville, K 15 68 Dawn, lL 3..= = 400 Dawson, N 12. 135 Dearborn, E b.. 578 De Camp, K 14. 125 Decatur, I 12___ ww Deepwater,. J 8_ Deerfield, K 6.. 238 Deering, ~...... 60 Deer kidge, B 18 60 Detiance, H 17_ 76 Dekalb, BE 5.____ 401 De Lassus, K18 150 Delta, M 20-.< 175 Denton, Q 20_.. 124 Denver, A 7... 250 Des Arc, M17. 167 Desloge, K 12__ 2,500 De Soto, J 17--_ 5,003 Desperes, D 20__ 600 De Witt, Bb 9. 360 Dexter, O 19. 2,635 Diamond, N 5--. 500 Diehlstadt, __-. 196 Dillard, L 15-_ 100 Dixon, K 13 810 Dodson, G 5--. 250 Doniphan, P 17_ 1,248 Dover, F (822 22 Downing, A 12__ 566 Drake, H 15___. 85 Dresden, H 9--. 175 Drexel, I 5... 348 Dudenville, M 7_ 75 Dudley, O 19--_ 257 Dumas, A 14___ 5 Duncan, M 11___ 200 Duncans Bridge, B12 150 Dunksburg, G 9_ 78 Dunlap, C 9---. 150 Dunnegan, L S_. 250 Durham, © 14._ 200 Dykes, M 18_... 240 Baglerock, P 8__ 50 Eagleville, A 7. 340 E. Atchinson D4_ 160 E. Bonne ‘lerre, K 18 175 E, Kansas City, F 6 92 E. Leavenw’h., 5 50 E. Lynne, H 7. 29» Easton, D 5_-._ 206 E. Prairie, O 21_ 1,124 Eastwood, O 16. 100 Ebeuezer, M 9__ 50 Economy, C 12__ 108 Edgar Spr., L153. 250 Edgerton, © 5.. 558 EdgertonJct., KE 5 a2 Edgewood, F 16_ 100 Edina, B 13___ 1,438 Edinburg, C S__ 200 Edwards, J 10__ 67 Eldon, I 11_--_ 2,636 Eldorado Sprs., Kenta Zeke, Eldridge, K 11. 75 Elkland, M 10__ 50 Mikton,. Koc 22 2118s Ellington, M16. 452 Elliott, BE 12_... 200 Ellisville, D 19. 100 Ellsinore, O 17. 350 Elmer, C 11-.._ 349 Elmira, B 7... 150 Elmo, A 4______ 309 Elmwood, G 9__ 59 Elsberry, F 17__ 1.255 BHlsey, O 8. 125 Elston, H 12._ 109 Elvins, K 17___. 2,418 Emden, D 13__. 100 Emerson, C 14__ 80 Eminence, N 15. 825 ea By e; Eversonv ile. C9. 51 Everton, M 8... 463 Evona, B 6_-._ 125 Ewing, C 14... 384 Excello, D 12... 150 Excelsior, I 11. 125 Excelsior Sprs., B 7 4,165 WxtergP oss 3909 Fairfax, BS 104 Fairfield. J 9.. 150 Fairgrove, M10_ 150 Fairhaven, K 7_ 82 Fairmont, B 13. 300 Fair Play, L8. 486 Fairport, © 6... 250 Fairview, G 16_. 378 Fairville, F 9. 125 Fanning, J 15__ 50 Farber, F ee 363. Farley, It 5.5 98 Farmer, F "iba 50 Farmersville, C 9 Ho) Farmington, K 18 2.685 Faucett, D 5_.* 195 Fayette, F 11_. 2,38) Fayetteville. GS 100 Federal <-—-=.. 449 Fenton, F 20_.. 172 Ferguson, C 22_ 1,658 Fernridge, D 20. 150 Fertile. J 17_.. 100 Festus, J 18... 3,348 Feuersville, I 14 65 Pilley; KK Tones 50 Fillmore, C 4__ hs Wisk; 2 Flat River. K i7-sa12 Fleming, F 7--- 500 Flemington, K9 250 Flinthill, ‘G 17 125 Florence, H 10_ nT Florida. E 14... 200 Florissant, B21. 765 Foley,.G@ 1I7.... 237 Ford City, B 6 1385 MISSOURI-—CONT’D . MONTANA Fordland, N 10. 248 Hopkins, A 5-.--. 918 Louisville, F 16. 65 New F i Forrest City. 04 593 Horine Sta. J.18 75 Lowndes, N 18--- 100 Noe hie cp G11 848 pia ES nes Ee pele deme D ai. 300 MONTANA Bonner, G 5- Laeaateny F13 bee Forestell,»G@ 16-- 200 Hornersville, R19 647 Lowry Gity, J 8. 509 NN 20-4125 Hadteslons ase as urgeon, I° 12--- 7 Boulder, H 8_-__ Libby, Ba 2a 5 ForestGreen, F11 68 Horton, K 6._-_- 80 Low Wossie, N 15 100 ; B75 pear mages [ae ae ee Bowdoin, © 162. 600 Lima; M 72 Sieant DP * ~ ssie, N 15 100 New Hampton, B7 519 Ravanna, A 9_--__ 197 Sublett, B 12____ 51 eee peat ho eg Forest Park, N8. 432 Hough, P 21____- 250 Wilmeasey s ; a A ¥ s = t, Bowler, K 14--_. 100 Livingston, J 11 6,312 Wernfelt 1.819 5 0 Se pi eee pe 59 New Haven, H 15 805 Ravenwood, B 5_ 344 Sue City, © 12--_ 100 ‘ Box Elder, GC 12. 80 J é ornfelt, ------ 5: ouse Sprs., F 19 60 Lucerne, A 9---_ 316 New Hope, F 16_ 110 Raymondville,M14 100 1 Admitted as a Ter- ; Logan, I 9__-___ 150 Forsyth, FE A es ous Houston, M 13_-. 772 Ludlow, D 8_____ 300 New Lebanon,H10 100 Raymore, G 6. 182 Pon eae Ms ritory, May 26 eee -- 10---6,183 Lohman, B 13_-- 149 Fortescue, eae Houstonia, G 9-_ 407 Lupus, G 12_____ 148 New Liberty, 015 100 R yt Veeipt 5 grt af 9 prady, V o---——= 225 Lolo, G 4______ 300 Yortuna, H. ii. 203 “Howell. 4a7:_o 500 akaee ea 18 rey Eade re ve wapuan ae own, 6--- 150 Sulphur Sprs., 118 200 1864. Bridger, K 14_. 679 Loma, D 11 15 or ie : 1 2 eee 164 Bg ings Rayville, B 7... 157 Summerfield, 4 175 ‘j Se EO nEET O s Foster: 1 344 Hughesville, G 9- 300 Lutesville, M 19. 585 New Madrid, P21_1,908 Rea, © 5__-.____ n iearg pera Res) 2H6 Admitted Caley i ie! vere ny POTREOD, BSS eae) ountain Grove, 2 ulston, M 8_.-- 106 Luxemburg, H 18 147 New Market, E 5 91 Readsville, H 16-2,065 Sumner, D 10_-__ 468 WOE Sa ee Br “G sity D9 50 Humansville, K 8 947 Lynchburg, M 12 5 Je 2) ee octon, © 21---_ 200 M: ro DS 100 Humme Jf “ad iy 2, Mi. . 5d aidiertae g H Bar co a Bird, J 14. 100 Surprise, O 15--__ S80 Feb, 22, 1889, Browning, B 6. 986 aay ie rue Hee Fae onan: ete ae ie 5 +o ee ae - ¥ = ; Yew Offenburg, IX 3. Red” Osaki Mae = — 00 “Swart, ik oske oe 5 ( bers ea gues Peankelay, Ki iT “800. ‘Huniewel'D 482 ae Metter, Gia sane NOG pee or ite cee ae 00 Swedeborg, Ki3- 150 Area: Butte, I 7... aL.eit Malden. F18---_ 100 ay, “ 5 be CT 7 = 7 ars et aaa i eer 5 RMR a Sel BER Lesley Soe ited Caag tala , 25 Frankford, 1 15 653 Hunter, 0 17_—— “7 MeDowell, 0 8--~ 200 Newtoula, 0 G2. 206 Reser, B20 Boo grcet Sere, G 9-117" Land, 145,776 sq. Bynum, D 8. 140 Manhattan, t9-2 S91 redericktown, {untingdale, I 8. 60 McBElhany. O 6.. 60 Newtown. B ioe 408 Rembert Nill 175 i Y 10_. mile. Martinsdale 1 3 sds x : === , 2 heated : ee Ss. ale, H11 150 a4 ts ae oo bin oe G 12_ 91 McFall, B 7----= 447 New Wells, L 27. 60 Renick, BE 12____ 218 Syracuse, H 10 male a Cameron, K 9__-_ 100 Marysville, G 8__ bas BEeeUGreSs -- 392 Huntsville, © 12-2,126 McGirk, H 12---. 100 Niangua, M 17-_ 283 Rensselaer, D 14. “50 ‘Taberville, J 7. 120 "ater, 796 sq. Carter, D_10--__- 170 Maxville. H 6--_ 100 ETCOMAD: «oot long | Mekittriek, IH i5 111 Nichols, N Republic, N 9---1,097 aitsville, B 7___ 50 ee: Cascade. F 9.--.| 465 Meaderville, I 7_ pe Beeietath, AC- 700 Belay Oe a eee Hevers, “A 14-7 ‘Is? Ganeyvilie, Q 10. 142° Total, 1,572 9g. Genterville, 1, 7--2.609 Medleine, P22. 293 ‘re ge, A Machens, A 21__ 65 Nobby, J 10_ - 5.) ; 55 < % 8 eS it ee appell, = era elrose, J 7-2 : eS K 18 199 Hyman, P 20_--- 100 Macks Creek, K 10 150 Rodaways Chace 200. Rhineland ee im Tae ae ad nriles. Chestnut, J 102 150 Melstone, G 16__ rad riety arn Macon, Ni Vasc 0 aiicel PG 324 Richards, K 6... 359 Tarkio, A 3-----1,870 Chester. B 20... 402 Mildred, 21a short: es apg. mutha 300 Macon, D 12_-__3.549 Noelyville, P 18. 237 Rich Fountain,113 125 ‘Taskee Sta,, Nis 75 Population, 548,889, Chinook, B 13__-1,217 Miles City, H 20_7,937 Pristoe y Bre don kate Madison, E12... 646 Norborne,’ FP 8__-1,180 Rich Hill, J 9---2,261 ‘Lebbetts, H 13. 200 : Choteau, D 8.-..1,03 Miner, K 10__-2. 30 Frobna, L raat azo, Aperie: Madisonville, B15 50 Normandy, C 22- 200 Richland, K 12-_ 953 ‘Thayer, P 14.-_-1,738 Cmital, Helena. Circle, E_20__ 350 Missoula, G 4___12,688 Fruit Oe L 16 ais Iconium, Maitland, B 4. 716 N. Kansas Cy., P53 870 Richmond, F 7__-4,409 ‘Thomasville, 0-14 100 Clancey, H 8___. 250 Moccasin, F 12__ 300 Fruitland, M2--_ 190 jqatia, Malden, P 19.---2,098 N. Salem, C10. 150 Richwoods, J 16. 180 ‘Thornfield, P 11. 50 Clydepark, I 1--_ 352 Monarch, F 10--_ 100 Fulton, G 13--- 9,999 Timo .275 Malta Bend, F 9_ 442 Northview, M 10 87 Ridgeway, A 8__ 812 Tiff City, P 5 65 Coalville, K 14-- 200 Mondak, C 23.--_ 350 ; __ Imperial, L 18_-. 60 Manchester, D 20 500 Norwood, 'N 12-. 250 Risco, P 20__-__- 100 Tina, B 9_-.---- 364 COUNTIES, Coburg, ‘C15... 150 Moore, F127 855 Gainesville, P12 256 Independence, Mandeville, B 8. 100 Noy elty, C 12... 277 Ritchey, N 7... 356 Tindall, BO eden 150 Coffey Creek, F 12 300 Musselshell, H 16 150 Galena, 0 9---- 390 F 6-11,626 Manes, M 12_____ 120 Novinger, B 11--1,748 River Aux Vases, Tinney Grove, H8 40 Columbia, Falls,C4 611 : Galesburg, M 6. 100 Jona, I 9__------ ao" Mariley-stts oan Gs 80) Noxall “4 Safer 150 Ki9 85 Tipton, H 1i-_-.1.170 County Key Pop, Columbus, J 13-- 987 Nashua, © 19___ 972 Gallatin, C 7--- 1.747 Irondale, K 17_-. 455 Mansfield, N 11-- 757 Nursery, E 21--_ 100 Rives, R 19__-__ 150 Torch Station, P18 250 Conrad, C 8____- 988 Neihart, G 11 7 Galloway, K 9-- 00 Iron Mtn., L.17-. 75 Maplewood, D 21_4,976 Nye, 0 18__-____ 100 Roanoke, F 11 85 Tolona, C 14_ “50 Beaverhead, K6 7,369 Coram. B 4--____ 250 Newton Grove,H16 100 Galt, B lronton, L 17___. 832 Marble Hill, M 19 332 3 wi “FT7 5 ay a » Big Ho Cooke, L 12_____ 100 Nox a ere Ho) Srercetiag ULE TEO Robertsyille, 1 17 85 Tracy, HB 5__--_. 196 Big Horn, K 16 7,015 Govailis. H 4 399 Noxon. © 1------ 100 nase, as island City, B 6 50 Maignviiit N 81167 Oakdale, D 13... 50 Rocheport, G_12_ 458 Trask, N 14_---- 87 Blaine, C 14___ 2,057 Craig, ¥ 8 Se SO : Garland, 1 8 Matquand. ‘Mv 19. "sep O8k Grove, G@ 7-2 634 Rochester, C 5. 200 ‘Treloar, H 15_---_ 60 Broadwater, H9 3,239 Crow Agency, 717 100 Qldham. A 42___ 150 ; 7 r > > r\ sod Jo bs . = yekbr 7 x ~ > Oy ee > = Garland, I Jackson, M 20_--2,114 Marquand, M 19-352 Oak Hill, J 15-.- 100 ockbridge, 0 13 50 Trenton, © 9_———- 6,951 oe Culhortesn, Oy 22 Outlook, A 21___ 295 Gasconade, H 14-100 Jacksonville, B 9 275 jorshall F 10---5.200 oak Ridge, L 30. 274 Rockhill, H 18_ 150 Trimble, D 6... 118 Carbon, K 13__ 15,270 Caster mot 547 Oswego, © 19---- 300 Gatewood, oo 77 aig Jameson, C 7 329 Marston, P 20_.. 43g Oakville, F 22. 500 Rockport, A 3-_-1,136 ‘Triplett, B 10--_ 337 Carter, J 23-__ 3,972 Gut Bank, BS. List Ovando, F 6_____ (er) Gayoso, Q 20---- 1 Jamesport, C 8__ 884 eon wan ann, Oakwood, D> 1b=.--400% Rockview,N 20228020 oTroy,.G pltoe ae 1,116 be rie, Gentry, B Goon pea Jamestown, H 12 264 Sr eetpetbans HM oy ae Oates, L 16__.__ 50 Rockville, J 7--_. 486 ‘Truxton, G@ 15___ 275 Cascade, EH 10_ 38,836 Pablo, E 4 Coote, H 12 100 JHE P_6 73 Martin City, G5 “be Odessa, G 7__--_ 1,786 Rocky Comfort,07 500 Turners, N 10___ 50 Chouteau, © 12 11,051 Dagmar, B 22.2. 200 Paradise, WB... 990 ahs tat a ~ 546 Japan, 50 Mostingtowd Nir! 113 O’Fallon, B 18___ 588 tockymount, 111 75 Turney, D 6_--~- 212 Guster, I 2122. 12.194 Darby, 14-—_--2- 325 Park City, J 14. ao Se ee aein Rea tig Jasper, M 6 766 onan Bit 123 Obiman, M 16.-. 175 Hodelia. H 9-75 Tuscumbia, J 12_ 256 Daniels, A 20 Dayton, D 4_-___ 150 Pendroy, C8 100 ere t ets Fac eae 317 Jetterson Barracks, Marve one Tie" 109 , Olden: Odscde.. 150 Rogersville, N 10 408 Tuxedo, D 21-2 800 —2UCS: @ -U-— ----- Deborgia, F 2. 100 Philipsburg, H 6 1.724 Gibbs, oa mae ES B22 300 Maryville S 54,711 Old Appleton, M20 98 Rolla, K 142 222,077 “Dyler. E202 300 Dawson, E 19-_ 9,239 Deerlodge, H {__3,780 Piper, F 3 500 CID Eons ---", {97 JEFFERSON Banners te Old Mines, J. 17-. 400 Rombauer. O 18_ 200 Tyrone, N 14---- 69 Deerlodge, H 6 15,323 Benton, F 12---- 421 piping, mw 3_____ 4 Gideon te tae See seOITY, oi, WocleaoU gen ‘ Old Monroe, A 18 317 Roscoe, K 8__-_- 145 / "sag Devon. B 9------ 250 Dlentyw'd, A 33. ans Giftord,,O. 11-78 eS weftteya, 6 aes O00 arenes N95: -- 200 614 Orchard, D21.2,500 Rosebud, 1 15---. 200 Udall, P 12-__-__ gg Mallon, J 22_-- 4,548 “Dillon, K 8: 22,701 Bievna, qt een ae Jeftriesburg., I ié 30 saaptntaeer, } 21--- 75 Olean, 1 u See 169 oeerieeaty ee = poe age aad s ee Fergus, I 13_-_ 28,344 bee 4 iG a Polson, D° 4 “ees ee a teal aes; ennings, pi? Hie Fs sh cere = Olivette, A B00 ’ = 2 nion, 1162-2222 305 Flathead, C 4_ 21,765 IXOR Mae one ea) ny SQsoki an oe ¢ ladstone oy age Jerico Sprs.,, L 7 262 heave 22 Chen PPh ae 29 Rueter, P 10.” “50 Union’ Star, 0 6. 434 Gay on emer ” Dodson, C 15---. 365 Poe we Sects Merid GlaBe OW AT Ide 148 Berome, Ki 182206100 Meese ir O'Neill, B23... 50 Rush Hill, F 14. 146 Unionville, A 101,765 Gallatin, J 10- 15,364 Dooley, A 22.- 100 Post @ 4. "500 Glena et Me "7 “59 Johnstown, I 17 59 mya Mente C Oran, N 2 ~_-1,141 Rushville. D 4_-_ 262 University, D 222,417 Garfield, HE 18__ 5,368 Drummond, G 6__ 350 power p9__ 200 G encoe, & rae 800 Jonesburg, G 15_ 473 aad ck e, rs Oregon, © 1______ go4 Russellville, I 12 864 Urbana, K 10---- 150 Glacier National Dupuyer, C 7_-.~ 300 Proctor D 4am 300 pairs p : te ay Joplin, N’ 6_____ 29,902 Maron? Orie 250 Oronogo, N 6__-. 981 Rutledge; B-13_.. 283 Urich, I 7-28 538 Park, B. 5..2 £178 Dutton, D 9_____ 300 Princeton or onark A lil. 290 JoSephville, G 17_ 2 Meadvillee Doses 616 Orrick, PeqAelae 6382 Py Utica) Ses_ sees 500 aoa 'y nN are: 4 Flint, H 6. 300 Golden, B S----- 100 Medill, A 14... 125 Osage Bind, 118.65 SIDA Oe Hr id 100 -Yabeatliaen ate een H Helena; of |g Gc "AE 7 aeRob er ahoka Att eel ge Sarr sy POsa Pe Oitvesds cet o0 . ert, 5 alles Mines, J17 5 iy Mie ocat eng cee ; 9 on Golden Te @ 11 too Kansasity,F 62 3410 ieee ee 40 pias ee pace 354 St Ghatlos B 20_8.505 Vallee Gack ab ence Sant fo he eee nddy. 2° S--bipo Quart: FS 7 } amg er ED, ot arney, EB : 7, sceola, ' les, B20_8,503 Valley Park, £20_2,5 i : i, ee Goodman, P 6.-- 821 fearney, 2 6---- G25 Melbourne, B 8 158 Ossood, St. Clair. 1 16... 449 Van Buren, Nan e00Ge os ee 18,958 Ekalaka, 1 22---" 188 | Radersuare eemiaed Goodson, L eener, O 18___. Memphis, A 13__1, 941 ; 7 : al 6Jefferson, H 8. 5,203 Hlectric, K 11--_ 100 Gordonyille Kelso, M 20_____ : Mendon, E 10 bg7 Oskaloosa, L 5. 331 Ste. Genevieve, Vandalia, I" 14__2,158 : Sait Elkhorn, H 8.... 150 Mamsay, I 7-222 100 abe es ) Kennett ot) 8Go0 4622 “Montene GAT inaee oe Otterville. H 10. 482 : K 19_2,046 Vanduser, N 20__ 326 Judith, F 11-__ —___- Elk Park, I 7---. 100 Rancher, H 17, 125 coast = ip Reno yee 100 ee eae ior Overland, D 21__ 800 St. Elizabeth, J 12 150 Verdelia, L 6G_--- 50 Lewis & Clark Blliston, G 7__-_ 200 Ravalli, or Gietatn B 5 Kenwood Springs, Mentor, N 9 ee 51 apt 1 16. 777 = sown iy OF 100 be cal aca, ae G 8 18.660 Enid, D_ 22-2-_,- | 150 wae ae rod aoe er aha eC ae eee ee 18 eRe er : PN Gee eee 9 é oun. Noa ; Granby ee oa 736 -Keota, D We a5 Miohas ate Ozark Beach, P10 Te SO ses cco Versailies, 1 1--1,051 Liberty, B 10.-2,416 fame’ G 9.777 500 Red hook” rae sranby, Sacanlst fy Dad ———=— 9 , & 2 St. James, K 14_1,117 Vibbard, B 7__._ 124 Lincoln, B 2 7,797 A, SBE ae ed Rock, L 6_-- 75 Grandin, O 17--- 500 Keystone, D 6___ 50 Mercer, A 9___-_ : aD 4 » B 2___ 17,797 Wureka, A 3__-.~1,232 : grandis @ Wor igo Kevteswile, O10 gr2 Merwis, 1 Pacige, 1 17_:-u1,am5 St $oWN A 105-5, 149 Viehy, J 18> 200 Mecone, 19. 4.747 Heedpelst, 5 i> 24) Grandview, G 6__ 410 a der, cee 335 Meta eee 26 Painton, 0 19____ 250 gt’ ‘Louis, D 2. 772,891 Vienna, J 13_.... 312 Madison, K 8_.7,495 Fairfield, D 8_.-_ 150 Reserve, B 22... 75 Graniteville, L 17 846 150 pete, eam Sikeston, 0 20-..3,613 Westfork, L'16_. 120 re og: © 4-- 300 Stanford. F 11__- 300 arts , - 21 uawson, E 5 Mooresville, D 8. 193 Pittsville Woe She hae 0 ge SR | liegt en Cromer ee neoce ON Oca mae area Stevensville, Bethe ie. om ae en a Morena see) O 20_1,913 te Sao pay opie 5 a8 etre es: Westone iB cy a Town Key Pop. Pemapeteberst os) hb Stockett, B 10-11, 520 Pian hs aa es 4 , 825 forgzane Ts 11 en 5 atte City, EH 5. 55 Pict wae Sa eT oe 24 aiiai el oon eDOver SEs Suffolk, EH 13____ Harvie, PB... 470 oe ee Se 200 Morley, N 20_--. 599 Platte City Sta- Siloam pte. «O28 BO 5 Westphalian 7 dang Gik oan eee Hardin, T 47---1,512 Sula, {4-77 05 a RAE fy noe ---2,848 Morrellton. I 16_ 100 ion, HE 5--.--. 209 “4500 4s . 5 ““ysq Alberton, F 3_.-_ 300 4rdy, F_ S-—---__ Sumatra, G@ 17 125 Harwood, K 7--_ 215 Lecoma, K 14 500 Morrison H Pl fs Simmons, N 13__ 131 Westville, D 10__ 150 : : Aue ary ty 15 Lecoma, eee d ; 14._ 336 Plattsburg, D 6__1,719 " * = Harlem. B 14____ 721 §un River, Hatfield, A 7... 150 Leeper, N 17---- 500 Morrisville, M 9. 425 Pleasantgap, J 7_° 75 Skidmore, B 4 eR dato es ARE ica otzte Pel eee ETS eB Superior, FP 3.22 200 Hawk Point, G 16 256 ‘Lees Sum, G.621489 Morton \M/8__.c 100 PleasantGreen.H10 93 Sleeper, K 11.22. 129 White Ch ae ee ee Harrison, J 8_____ 150 Sweetgrass, A 8_ 323 Hayt?, Q 20-----1.507 Leesville, 1 Bite. 100) Mosby, 15 @icon-e 73 Pleasant Hill, G61965 Sick ke is. ot Bho OWhitesseeee ae 53 Alder, K 8_s_..- 150 Havre, B 12_____ 5,429 4 ae Hayward, Q 20;. 150 Leeton, H 8---- 463 Moscow, F 6_____ 100 Pleasant Hone, M9 ‘300 Smithfield, N 5c. Son Whitecne, & 16. 166 Aldridge, L 10. 300 Hays. D 14. 400 matt, m1. rare Run, K 18 100 Liebke, N 20---_ 700 Moscow Mills, G16 348 Plevna, © 13___-_ 150 See aE ine oe ade pases) F 16_ 166 2 oe Hedgesville, H 12 325 Terry, G_o1 ee 100 elem A) Ses 200; ‘Tiere, @ 145b 116 Moselle, I 16_... 160 Pocahontas. L 20_ 156 Smith aL ee, 331 A ably 3 Cc de 225 Alhambra, H 8-- 95 Helena, G 8____12,037 Thoms, es ie soetibe C4 Auy Lemons, A 10---- 150: Mound Cy., B 41,472 Pt. Pleasant, P 21 110 South Giffo 8 ie 168 Whiting 0° B b43 Anaconda, I 6.-11,608 Helmville. G §-- 100 Th Forks eS ematite, J 18-- 200 Lenox, 'L 13-_-_- 175 Moundsville, K 8 240 Polk, L 9... 59 South Gifford ---. 168 Whiting, “@ 21-243 (| tape Bide s oy endersony, We 5 200 ee tt Hemple, D 6.--- 125 Tentner,D 14... 189 Mountain Grove Pollock. B 10.... 200 oe Gorin 3252 426 Wilby, 0 18-__2_ 100 pe, err 99) Teri tied sacra 150 Toston, I 9:4 ure Henderson, N10. 150 feonard, © 12... 231 OG tate police Hao ee ae & Greenield. M7 258 Wilcox, A 5__-__ 100 Argenta, K 6_--- 80 Highwood, E 11_ 250 Townsend, H 9_- 897 Henderson Mound, ___ Leslie, 1 15_---_- 162= Mountainview: : Pomona, O 13--_ 325 ¢ W. ficial ear 106 Wilhelmina, P 19 150 Armington, E 10 75 Hilger, F 13_____ 150 ibe I 9---= 7 200 ee O21 67 Lesterville, M 16 250 N-14..058 Ponce dé'Leon, 09 7250 gupta. Toke poe ek Ue ena! 100 eae eg 95 Hingham, Bl1-- 154 avi priages, 37 res endrickson, 018 200 [evasy, FT. - I44. SEV ces Ee eae onde ie 75 panish Lake, B2 50 Williamsburg, G14 105 shland, pee 5 Hinsdale, C 17.. 650 in Brae JT T55 Henrietta, F 8... 680 Lewis Btactia.. #00 tae Pe En Lee ee a Sparta, x 10_--- 257 Williamstown,B14 254 Augusta, E 7_--_ 265 Hobson, G@ 12_-__ 3590 TWwodot. H 12____ 200 Herculaneum, 718 300 Lewistown. C 14. 483 Mt. Moriah, B §. 991 Poplar Bluff, 018_8,042 hpan tee = 1 cee on Willaimsville. N17 448 Y ae wite fees 150 Homestead, B 22 620 ermann, H 15_-1,502 Lexington, F 8_4,695 Mt. Pleasant, 118 500 Portage des Sioux, a a) aoe: e 5 5 Willmathsville. B21 99 Hot Springs, D 3 350 Ulm, EB 9_-_---_. 95 Hermitage, K 9__ 300 Liberal. L 6____- 1.160 Mt. Vernon, N 8_1,258 A 2i° 288. Spoonarvilie fa seg Witten, Vidas ah pated Se cen Herndon, G 9... 50 Liberty, F 6__---3.097 Mt. Washington, Portageville, P20_1,244 Qboomerville, ---—- 237 Wilton, H 12---- 120 Bainville, C 23.. 396 Hysham, H 17--- 360 Valier, © 8. 613 Henley, ‘I 12-127 Linertyville, E18 100 oF 6.2,000 Portland, H 145°278 shrine Uity NS as Wee a) ae Baker, Biota eter Victor, H_ 4.---- De ante Tees Licking, L.13____ 411 Mumford, N 9_-_ 100 Postoak, H 8__-- 100 §pringfield; 'N 9_39,631 Windoor Tape no Bald Butte, G S_ 150 Ingomar, G 17___ 300 Virginia City, K8 342 Hickory, <0>8...-' 50° jaitenmy ned ee 116 Musselfork, W1i_ 56 Fotesi, K 17_—_—- 984 Spring Fork, H 9 125 Winfield, G 17--- 418 Ballantine, I 15 100 !mYermess. B 11-. 300 Hishee .B-42.- 4 400 dlboumm: Joo o225 986 Myrtle, P 15__-. 100 Pottersville, 0 13 50 gpringhin, CG 8. 75 Winigan, G 10... 200 a “> 7 Tron Mountain, F¥ 3 250 Walkerville. I 7_2.391 Higsingvilles if 8 SPACE ene Powe. P 19-_--__ 187 Sprott, K 18 76 Winkler, K 15... 100 Bannack, K 6--- 150 Ismay, G 22_____ 344 Warland, B 2___ 251 High Hill, G15. o8e'! preeeta PRrErE Oda pier pe 120 Powersville, Avo. seg Sbfuce, 17-60 Winona. N 15. 359 Barr, B 17------ ee oe Wernebuncty TP Highlandville. 09 100 Linn, 1 igen gee Notte a ee ige, Poynor, P16... 75 RUC eGR, | 0 0 mat one Winston Oe oo) ast ee 500 Jackson, K 5__- 90 yyashoe. If 1 oay Hee aes 308 Linn Creek, J.11_ 481 Nashua, F 6____. 75 Prairie City, J 7 90 Btanheoes B 6 re a eye 9 4 Bearcreek, K 18. 744 alate? City, H5 100 Westby ‘eos sede 3n3 Hinton -G 12-22. 17— Linmeus: © 10---- 814 Nashville, M 6___ 100 Prairiehill. EB 11_ 192 Stanton, J 16... 111 Wittenberg, L 20 269 Belfry, K 14 150 Folet aa 200 Whitefish, B 14_-2.867 Hiram, Nis. ise [igben. FJ1.---— 100. Naylor, P 17-1. 681 Erairle Home, Ht 265 sieve City, 0.6. 190 Woodland D-14. th: Betgradely 10 ASO ee Ae aR Esa aes eee 35 Little Rove uo 16 Neck: M 6------ 241 Prathersville. E7 80 g i ea mm, E12. 5 eee White Sulphur Hoberg, NS-- 138 Tithe Hock, SiG rm ASK WMeO a-aer Sat Preston SLs 10p Steel 20-c2-— 2 Woodlawn. 32-30 etknap, 2... 100 Jeli, C1055 458 WEN PMIE 15 arg Hunan teres a Livonia, A 11____ 248 Nelson, G 10_____ 639 Princeton, A 9___1,576 Steffenville 0 13 120 Ww. Ot "id 2 ere 160 Belt. E 10 967 Tudith, QL 13____ 50 Wibaux, F 23____ 611 Hogan, Te 17-——- Lock Spr., C 8. 288 Neosho, 0 6.....3,968 Prospect Hill. 022 150 Sten Gyo aan onidge: one gaa pu SOD 3-15" wickes, H 8... ~200 olcomb, Q 19___ Lockwood, M 7_-_ 967 Nettleton. D 8 200 Prosperity, N 6-_ 800 <« perme mr ates ie oolam, T 14---- 160 Benchland, G 12. 250 Judith Gap, H 12 522 Wilsall, I 11_____ 5 ea ay ee x Logan, N 8______ 100 Nevada, K 6_____7.189 , Polis ‘< ae ce Date J Go 182 BS etoT aE " Windham, @ 11. pan ¢ ) 2 ¢ q 9 ee I eee oe . re srewarts ’ oe ~ ak GUS See 1 . ee aha gl Ore: pontenn, ie 120 Newark, C132 75. 4920 Sticklerville. 'B 11 450 Ha ae, as All poe Benton, D 11_-1,290 Kalispell, C 4___5, ass Winifred. E 138__ 262 Hollywood, R 19_ oie Star eae: ‘3 pei oe 400 Stillings, F 5... 300 Wright City, G16 402 Bernice, H_T---- 100 eames Baime, eS Winston ig tes ise Spies | en 15_- Lonetree, H_6___ 52 New Boston. C 11 100 Puxico, N 19--_- Roe ed rt ih area ae 300 Bie Arye oma Lamb = D 22 287 Wisdom, J 5__-_- 250 Ps ong aT AC. . > D : vy. ee 3 aoe ‘ a F Lam a oe Holts Sum., H 13 Longton, 8 2000. ion ae eo ioe Stotts Cy.; N 7 354 Wylie, P 6__-__- 200 Bigfork, C 4---- 400 Tame Deer, J 181,500 Wolf Creek, F 8. 102. Hope, I 14_--__-. fongtown, § 20. 162 New Cambria, D11 313 Queen City, A 12. 697 Stontland. K 11__ 200 Big Sandy, C 12_ 580 Landusky,'D 14_ 150 Wolf Point, © 20-2.098 Hopewell, K 17_- Ehgua’ Graney ie 199 al Po ae foe atte Boe 7. 75 Stoutsville, E 14_ 247 Yates, F 11_---- 300 Bistimber. J 12.1292 Larrel, J. 14--.--2,939 Worden. I 15... 200 Hopewell Acad- Louisburs, A 10 ope HUNG hate lee Obes Niney,.J Doses 150 Stover, I 10__-.. 447 oe = Sues an Luring, Ke Sonos 100 f a New Frankfort, Quitman, A 4_--_ 195 Strafford. M 10-- 300 Zadock, N 19---. 50 Billings, J 15_--15,100 Tavina, H 14_--- 300 Zortman, D 15___ 350 emy, H 16..-.. 200 y Louisiana, BD 16.74,080 F 10 250 Qulin, P 18c_-.-. 500 Strasburg, H 7-.. 171 Zalma, N 19.-.. 259 Blaine, K 7----- 73 Lehigh, F 11....1,500 Zurich, B 14..... 200 NEBRASKA First Settled «at _ Omaha, 1854. Admitted as a Ter- ritory, May 30, 1854. Adinitted as a State, Feb. 9, 1867. Area: Land, 76,808 sq. miles. Water, 712 sq. miles. Total, 77,520 sq. miles. Population, 1,296,372. Capital, Lincoln. COUNTIES, County Key Pop. Adams, L 15-- 22,621 Antelope, F 16 15,243 Arthur, H 7--. 1,412 Banner, H 2--- 1,435 Blaine, G 11-- 1,778 Boone, H 16_-- 14,146 Box Butte, F 3 8,407 Boyd, D 14---- 8,243 Brown, E 11-. 6,749 Buffalo, K 14-- 23,7S7-~ Burt, G 20---. 12,559 Butler, I 18--- 14,606 Cass, J 21-.-. 18,029 Cedar, E 18_-- 16,225 Chase, L 7---- 4,939 Cherry, E 8_-- 11,753 Cheyenne, I 3. 8,405 manag, 1 1G.-.-. 14,486 Colfax, H 18__ 11,624 Cuming, G 19_ 13,769 Custer, I 11--- 26,407 Dakota, F 20. 17,694 Dawes, D 3_--- 10,160 Dawson, J 11_- 16,002 Deuel, J 5----- 3,282 Dixon, E 19_-- 11,815 Dodge, H 19_-- 23,197 Douglas, I 21--204,524 Dundy, M G---- 4,869 Fillmore, L 17- 13,671 Franklin, M 14 10,067 Frontier, L 10_ 8,540 Furnas, M 11__ 11,657 Gage, M 19... 29,721 Garden, H 5--- 4,572 Garfield, G 14. 3,496 Gosper, L 12_-_ 4,669 Grant, G 7---. 1,486 Greeley, I 14-- 8,685 Hall, i 45--=- 23;720 Hawmilton, K 16 13,237 Harlan, M 13-- 9,220 Hayes, L 8---- 3,327 Hitchcock, M 8 6,045 Holt, E 14_--- 17,151 Hooker, G 8_---- 1,378 Howard, J 15_- 10,738 M 18 16,140 8,940 Jefferson, Johnson, L 21_- Kearney, L 16_ 8,588 Meith a 622... 5,294 Keyapaha, D 12 3,504 Kimball, J 2-_ 4,498 Knox, E 16__.- 18,894 Lancaster, K 20 85,902 Lincoln, J 9... 23,420 Logan, I 10--_ 1,596 Loup, G 12-.-- ‘1946 McPherson, I 8__1,092 Madison, G 17_ 22,561 Merrick, J 16__ 10,763 Morrill, Ht 3__. 9,151 Nance, I 16... 8,712 Nemaha, L 22_ 12,547 Nuckolls, M 16 13,236 Otoe, K 21____ 19,494 Pawnee, M 21_ 9,578 Perkins, IX 7_~-3,967 Phelps, L 13__ 9,900 Pierce, F 17__ 10,681 Platte, H 17__ 1,464 Polk,” dulvas =. 10,714 Redwillow, M10 11,434 Richardson,M22 18,968 Reck, BE '12_.—. 3,703 Saline, L 18_-_ 16,514 Sarpy, J 21.--_ Saunders, I 19- Scotts Bluff, G2 Seward, K 19-. Sheridan, E 5. Sherman, J 14. Sioux, E 1---.. Stanton, G 18. Thayer, M 17. Tliomas, G 10_ Thurston, F 20 9,589 Valley, H 13.- 9,823 Washington, H 21 12,180 Wayne, F 18. 9,725 Webster, M 15. 10,722 Wheeler, H 15. 2,531 York, K 17_--- 17,146 Total_--__1,296,372 9,370 20,589 20,710 15,867 9,625 8,877 4,528 7,756 13,976 1,773 TOWNS, Town Key Pop. Abie I Lome — 132 Adams, L 20... 574 Ainsworth, E 11-1,508 Albion, H 16_--.1,978 Alda: Kelas —.5 150 Alexandria, M 18 432 Allen, : B) 2922-25 485 Alliance, G 4-_-_4,591 Alma, Mw i3se = 1,058 Altona, G 19_ 50 Alvo, K 21_ 208 Ames, I 20_ 200 Amherst, K 13_-. 259 ese My UG = ae Anoka, D 14--___ 129 Anselmo, H 11-_ 457 Ansley, I 18_-... 775 Autioch, G-4_--_ 764 Arapahoe, M 11. 894 Areadia, I 13_.-. 745 Arlington, I 21__. 695 Armour, M 21__. 100 Arnold, I. 71_..2> 933 mrthurs, bt. 97 Ashby; G@-@.2.... 12 5 Ashland, J. 21_--1,725 Ashton, J 14_--. 397 Asylim, K 20_-_ 601 Atkinson, E 14_-1,300 Atlanta, M 13_- "258 Auburn, L 22____2,863 Auburn Stat., L 801 Aurora, K 16__--2,962 Avoca, K. 21---=. 231 Axtell, L 13__--_ 385 Rg Al Ohad ts 164 es Bancroft, G 20. 673 Barada, M 28... 118 Barnston, M 20_. 258 Bartlett, G 15_-_ 132 Bartley, M 10--. 251 Bassett, E 12__._ 664 Battle Creek, G17 7A3 Bazile Mills, E 16 Beatrice, M 20__9,664 Beaver City, M12_1,103 Beaver Cross, K 18 543 eS ost ie |: Ser ees 298 Beemer, G@ 19_--- 548 Belden. F_18_--. 285 Belgrade, I 16 493 Bellevue, J De a 695 Bellwood, I 18_-_ 369 Belvidere, M 18__ 424 Benedict, J 17-_- 313 Benkelman, N 7-1,009 Bennett, K 20--- 473 Bennington, [ 21. 314 Benson, I 21_---- 3,170 Benton, or Rich- mind, 2.18... 171 Bertrand, L 12__ 697 Perwyn, I 13--.. 205 Bethany, K 20_-1,078 Bigspring, J 6--. 408 Bladen, M 15... 445 Blair, ioomfield, BE 17_1, 431 Bloomington, M 14 es Blue Hill, M 15_- Blue Springs, M 20 as Boelus, J 14----- 183 Bonner, G 3--~-- 51 Boone, H 16_---- 120 Bordeaux, B 1--. 101 Bostwick, N 14_. 200 Bower. M 19-.... 61 Bradshaw, K 17. 391 Brady, or Brady Bek, J > Bes oe, 400 Brainard, J 19_-. 468 Brewster, G 11__ 100 Bridgeport, H 3_1,235 Bristow, D 19..> 255 Broadwater, H 4. 364 Brock. « L- 22-.__= 274 Broken Bow, [12_2, pas Brownville, L 22 rule, J 6 ae Bruning, M 18. Bruno, I 19... - Brunswick, P16. 359 Purehard, M 21__ 265 Burkett. J 15--- 401 iBurr,, Us 20-5 133 Burton, D 12-_-- 101 Burwell, H 12_-1,214 Bushnell, I 1---. 321 Bitte, D142 593 Berron,. No dissss 13T a Cairo, J 15__--+- 427 Calhoun, I 21_-_ 346 Callaway, I-11___ 833 Cambridge, M 11-1,042 Campbell, M 14__ 561 Carleton, M 17-- 350 Carroll, F 18_--_ 448 Cedar Bluffs, T 20 516 Cedar Creek, J 21 175 Cedar Rapids, H 16 766 Center, E 17_____ 198 Central a . J16 2,410 Ceresco, J 2 398 CheAron, D so 4,412 Chambers, F 15.. 256 Champion, L 6--. 100 Chapman, J 16__. 224 Chappell, J 5__--1,131 Cheney, K 20__-. 100 Chester, N 17---. 529 Clairks;, J 272225. 540 Clarkson, H 19_. S884 Clatonia, L 19... 239 Clay Cen, L 16__- 965 Clearwater, F 16. 479 Clinton, .D) ba. 125 Cody, D 8...oa.2 428 Coleridge, EB 18__ 674 Collegeview, K20_2, 349 Colon. IT 20_----_ 146 Columbus, I 18__5,410 Comstock, H 13 450 Concord, F 19... 261 360 205 Lt) eee Vee -9 RES Cordova, K 18... NEBRASKA Cornlea, H 17_.. Cortland, L 20___ Cotesfield, I 15__ Cowles, Cozad, Crab Orchard, M21 Gralg, H. 2052.02 Creighton, EB me 1, Creston, H 18. Crofton, B 17. Crookston, D Culbertson, M 9. Curtis, Cushing, I 15... Dakota, E 20__-. Dalton, I 3_.--.. Danbury, N_ 10_- Dannebrog, J 15_ Darr, Davenport, M 17_ Davey, David City, T 19_2, Dawson, M 22___ Daykin, M 18___- Decatur, G 21__- Denton, K 19____ Deshler, M 17_-_ Deweese, M 16__ DeWitt, L 19____ Dixon, BE 1022555 Dodge, Hi 1992S Doniphan, K 15-- Dorchester, L 19_ Douglas, L 21... DuBois, M 21____ Dunbar, K 21____ Duncan, I 18.-__ Dundee, I as Dunning, H Dwight, J igen Eagle, K 20 -.. Eddyville, J 12__ Edgar, L 16. Elgin, Elk Creek, Elkhorn, I 21___ Elm Creek, K 13 Elmwood, K 21__ Emerson, Emmet, EF Endicott, M 19__ Ericson, H 15_-. Eustis, TL 21... Ewing, F 15 Exeter, L 18____ ‘278 123 216 3 Fairbury, M 19__5,454 Fairfield, L 16__ Fairmont, L 17__ "784 785 Falls City, M 23 4,930 Farnum, K 11 __ 408 Farwell, J 15_.._ 250 Filley, M 20_... 169 FUrth ye 20 cue 332 Florence, I 22___1,526 Fontanelle, H 20 110 Fordyce, D 18__ 150 Ft. Calhoun. I 21 309 Ft. Crook, J 22__ 402 Ft. Robinson, BH2. 600 Hosters VEps2e 2) 140. Franklin, N 14_-1,055 Fremont, I 20_-_9,605 Friend, L 18___-1,263 Fullerton, I 16_-1,595 Emok, 13... 147 Gandy, I 10_.... 191 Garland, J 19--. 279 Garrison, J 18___ 138 Geneva, L 17__-1,768 Genoa; I 17... 1,069 Gering, G 2___.. 2,508 Germantown, J 19 275 Gibbon, K 14___ 883 Gilead, M_ 18____ 155 Giltner, K 16__. 300 Glenvil. L 16___. 400 Goehner, K 18___ 150 Gordon, D 6___-1,581 Gothenburg, K11_1,754 Grafton, L 17--. 324 Grand Island K 15.13,947 Grant, J 6---... 585 Greeley, or Greeley Cen., I 15.1,200 Greenwood, J 21 347 Gresham, J 18__ 492 Gretna, J 21... 491 Gross, D 15_-.--- St Guide Rock, N 15 611 Gurley; Td... 291 Hadar, G@ 18_... 100 Haigler, N 6__.. 450 Hallam Li-19S..2 212 Hampton, K 17__ 457 Harbine, M 19___ 107 Hardy, © N° 1722-2 445 Harrisburg, H 1_ 186 Harrison, E 1_- 401 Hartington, ©18_1,467 Harvard, L 16. 991 Hastings, L 15 11,647 Havelock, K 20_3,602 Hayes-Center, LS 250 Hay Springs, E4 577 Hazard, J mon L6T Headquarters, G15 301 Heartwell. L 14 140 Hebron, M 17_-1,513 Helvey, M 18_--- 100 Hemingford, F 3 708 Henderson, 17 485 Hendley, M 11. 200 Herman, H 21--- 385 Henry, G 1 --.. 129 Hershey, J 8_--. 482 Hickman, L 20_-. 380 Hildreth, M 14-. 453 Hoffland, G 5--- 250 Holbrook, M 11_- 455 Holdrege, L 13_3,108 Holmesville, M20 168 Holstein. L 15. 227 Homer, F 20_--- 491 Hooper, H 20--_1,014 Hordsville, J 17 191 Hoskins, G 18--. 274 Howard City, J15 a Howe, 22 256 Howell, H ‘105 ee Doe Hubbard, F 20... 152 Hubbell, N 18_-- 2381 Humboldt, M 22_1,277 Humphrey, 18 835 Huntington, H 16 3887 Huntley, M 13--- 170 Hyannis, G 1984 Imperial, L 7... 728 Inavale, M 15... 125 Indianola, M 10. 742 9 Plymouth, M 19. Inland, L 16-... 100 Inman, F 15... 315 Ithaca, J 20--.. 156 Jackson, E 20... 274 Jansen, M 19_... 258 Johnson, L 22... 255 Johnstown, E 11. 290 Julian, L 22... 181 Juniata, L 15... 329 Kearney, K 13___7,702 Kenesaw, L 15. 646 Kennard, I 21... 363 Keystone, I 7... 150 Kilgore, or Ng D 9.. 274 Kimball, I 2__..1,620 Kronborg, K 16.. "290 Lakeside, G 6_.. Lamar, Laplatte, Laurel, Lawrence, M 16_ Lebanon, N 10___ Leigh, Leshara, I Lewellen, I 5_-_. Lewiston, M 21__ Lexington, K 12_2,327 Liberty, 375 LINCOLN, K20 54,948 Lindsay, H 17__ 490 Linwood, I 19_._ 297 Litchfield, J 13_. 428 Lodgepole, J 4. 451 Long Pine, E 12_1,200 Loomis, L 12___ 238 Loretto, H 16... 200 Lorton, L 21____° 102 Louisville, J 21__ 645 Loup City, I 14__1,364 Lushtin, K 17___ 186 Lynch, D. 15.... 589 Lyons, G 26... ¢ 1,025 McCook, M 9 __4,303 McCool Je:, K 17 338 McGrew, H 2___ 129 McLean, F 17____ — 81 Madison, H 18__1,735 Madrid, K 17___ 218 Magnet, E 18___ 153 Malcolm, B30 54125 Malmo, I 20_____ 189 Manley, J 21... 175 Marion, N 10____ 200 Marquette, I 16_ 305 Marsland, E 38__ 165 Martinsburg, E10 303 Maskell, E 19___ 165 Mason City, J 13 Maxwell, J 10_. 410 Maywood, L 9_. 583 Mead, I 20______ 329 Meadow Grove, G17 449 Melbetta, H 2_- 129 Memphis, J 20__ 186 Merna, )) i §422-—° 5538 Merriman, D 7__ Milford, = Minatare, Minden, Mitchell, G Monowi, Monroe, or Munroe, tiie Wy Moorefield, L 10_ Morrill iG: 1 =. == Morse Bluff, I 19 Mt. Clare, M 16_ 198 Mullen, 8... 499 Munroe, F217=--2) 208 Murdock, J 21___ 206 Murray, K 22... 150 Naper, D 13... 190 Naponee, N 18_._ 263 Nebraska City, K eee Nehawka, K 22_ 150 Neligh, G 16____1,724 Nelson, M 16____ ‘955 Nemaha, PSS ss Shi Newcastle, E 19. 500 Newman Grove, H17_1,260 Newport, E 13__ 430 Nickerson, H 20 141 Niobrara. D 16__ 736 WNorgs 7M, 16-5205 130 Norfolk, G 18___8,634 Norman, L 14___ 127 N, Bend. I 19___1,087 N, Loun, I 14_-_ 637 N. Platte, J 9-10,466 Northport, H 38_. 100 Oaks. Mo Teo 261 Oakdale, G@ 16___ 707 Oakland, G 20__1,356 Obert, E 18_____ 116 Oconto, J 12.20 5272 Wetavin.. 1° 19.25.50 Odell, N 20_-.._ 403 Ogallala, J 7___1,062 Ohiowa, L 18___ 433 Omaha, I 22 __191, 601 Ong, E17 O'Neill, E 15 Orchard, F 16. Ord, “Ht 114 Orleans, M Osceola, J 17_~-1,207 Oshkosh, I 5__-_ 707 Osmond, F 17_-. 642 Olde; 1S (2055 261 Overton, K 12... Oxford, M 12... Page, he Ihe Palisade, Palmer, Palmyra, Panama, Papillion, Pauline, L 14___ Pawnee City, Petersburg, G 16 501 Phillips, K 16___ Pickrell, L 20... 160 Pierce, F 17----1,105 Filger, GQ" 39-..-5° 583 Plainview, F 17 1.199 Platte Center,H18 464 Plattsmouth, J22_4,190 Pleasant Dale, 19. 221 K Pleasanthill, L19 142 Pleasanton, K 13 262 Pleasant Valley, « H 72 453 Polk, S's 11-aeeun 561 Ponca, E 19_---I, 014 Poole, J 1 Posen, J Prague, Preston, Primrose, Prosser, K' 15... 156 Raeville, G@ 16.. Ragan, M 1 Ralston, Randolph, F 120 229 18_1,338 Ravenna, J 14-- 1,703 Raymond, J 19. 249 Red Cloud, M 15-1,856 Republican ay 18 425 Reynolds, N 2 208 Richland, or Benton, I 18. 133 Rising City, J 18 460 Riverdale, K 13. 125 Riverton, M 14__ 399 Reee,) 16-20 ...a<) 108 Rockville, J 14-. 208 Rogers, I 19... 128 Rosalie, G@ 20--_ 321 Roseland, L 15.. 243 Royal, or Sav- age, FB 16... 202 Rulo, M 23... - 744 Rushville, E 5... 955 Ruskin, M 172. 3860 St. Edward, H16 1,002 St. Helena, D 18 124 Saint Libory, J15 100 St. Paul, J 151,615 Salem, M 22____ 373 Sargent, H 13-. 1078 Saronyille, L 16_ 141 Schuyler, I 19__2,636 Scotia, I 14... 559 Scottsbluff, G 2 6,912 Scribner, H 20_-1,021 Seneca, G 9___ 476 Seward, K 19___2,368 Shelby, J-18 —-- 559 Shelton, K 14__.1,037 Shickley, L 17- 896 Sholes, F 18- 50 Shnbert, M 22... 397 Sidney, J .-3222—5 2,852 Silver Creek. I. 17 583 Smartville, L 21. 100 Smithfield, L 16_ 22 Snyder, H 18_.. 359 S. Auburn, L 22. 800 S: Bend, J 2122. 143 S. Omaha, I 22 26.259 S. SiouxCity, £20 2.402 Spalding, H 15. 878 Spencer. D 15___ 728 Sprague, L 20_-. 112 Springfield, J 21. 413 Springview, D 12 354 Stamford, M 12_ 302 Stanton, G 18__1,487 Staplehurst, J 18 235 Stapleton, I 10__ 401 Steele City, N 19 300 Steinauer. M 21. 213 Stella, M 21_.-.. 449 Sterling, L 22___ 804 Stockham, K 16_ 239 Stockville, TL 10 196 Strang, L 17... 175 Stratton, M 18__ 509 Stromsburg, J 171,361 Stuart, bo 13> 2-5 739 Sumner, K 12___ 345 Superior, N 16_-2,719 Surprise, J 18_. 279 Sutberland, J 8__ 651 Sutton, L 19__-_1,603 Swanton, L 10___ 276 Syracuse, K 21.. 889 Table Rock, M 21 750 Talmage, L 22__ 525 Tamora, K 18___ 205 Tarnov, H 18-.. 128 Daylor,, Ho 132-55" 951 Tecumseh, L 21_1,688 Tekamah, H 21_1,811 Thayer, + J - 17--= 168 Thedford, G 10__ 260 Thurston, F 20__ 204 Widens Go U2 27 101 Tobinkveta Liscne jObT. Trenton, M 8__.. 592 Trumbull, K 16. 236 Tryon; Vif. '9-_-..- 15 Uehling, H 20_. 267 Ulysses, J 18--. 460 Unadilla, K 21__ 227 Union. K 22__.. 292 University Place K 20--4,112 Upland, M 14... 433 Utica, +) 185. STL Valentine, D 10_1,596 Walley 331-5 764 Valparaiso, J 19 599 Venango, K 6... 285 Verdel. B 16_... 162 Verdigre, EF’ 16_. Verdon, M_ 22 Vesta, L 21 Virginia, M 20__ Wabash, K 21... 120 Waco. KEK 18... 297 Wahoo, J 20____2,338 Wakefield, F 19_1,114 Wallace, K 8... 327 Walthill, F 20__1,145 Warnerville, G 18 100 Washington, I 21 117 Waterbury, BE 19 190 Waterloo, I 21-. 431 Wauneta, L 7... 572 Wausa, E 17__.. 688 Waverly, K 20_. 334 Wayne, F ieee” 115 Weeping Water, K 21-1,084 Wellfleet, K*9__ 100 Western, L 18_. 427 W. Lincoln, K 20 162 Weston. J 20_.._ 427 Westpoint, G 20_2,002 Wilbur, L 19__-1,255 Wilcox, Mo 135.2) 358 Wilsonville, M 11 470 Winnebago, F 20 648 Winnetoon. E 16 208 Winside, F 18. 488 Winslow, T 20___ 154 Wisner, G 19-_ 1,210 Wolbach, I 15. 589 Wood Lake, E10 323 Wood River, K15 820 Wymore, M 20 _2,592 Wynot, D 18... 308 York, Kv 17: -._6,3888 Yutan, I: 20 --. 300 NEVADA First Settled at Washoe, 1860. Admitted as a Ter- ritory, March 2, 1861. Admitted as a State, March 21, 1864. Area: Land, 109,821 sq. miles. Water, miles. Total, 110,690 sq. miles. 869 sq. Population, Last Census, 77,407. Capital, Carson City. COUNTIES, County Key Pop. Churehill, E 4.. 4.649 Clark. L 10_--_ 4.859 Douglas, G 1--. 1.825 Elko, B 9--__-- 8.083 Esmeralda. H 4_ 2.410 Eureka, D 8_--~ 1.350 Humboldt. B 4__ 3.743 Lander, D 6_--~ 1.484 Lincoln. J 11... 2.287 Se Se es Se 4.078 Mineral, G 3__-~ 1.848 ee. aes 6.504 Ormsby, F 1... 2.453 Pershing, D 4___ 2.803 Storey, F 2... 1.469 Washoe, C 1-___18,.627 White Pine. F11 8.9385 SP OCS Boer 17.407 TOWNS. Town Key Pop. Acomaie 1° 12-222 110 Alamo, J 10__-.. 250 Alpha, Degree Amargosa, K 8__ ADNGS. CB 8522 oe aaa ADCTaNI, J. Tsao oe Anderson. B 8_.. —-- Andersons. F 1. -__ Antelope, C 3.-—, —.. Pek lus io ee Arden, Ty 10-—_- = 100 Argenta .Ge 7-2. 25 Argo, Wy 22225 os — Arrow Head. H 8 300 Artesia, G 2__-__ 200 Arthurs C2052. 5 30 mehton, Ko Fl. Bar Atlanta, H 12___ 200 Aura ABs 25 AVUTOLE sy Elie oe <= 50 Aurum, EH 11... 60 Austin, -F 62-22_. 1.000 Avenel, "G2 9-5 -255 ee Baker. Barclay, Battle Mountain. C 7_1.000 Beatty ek Fss 150 Belleville. H 4... ~__ Belmont, G 7__-. 50 Bex PACs oases eae Beowawe. C 8_-_ 24 Bews, © 12-5... = Big Springs, J 12 —-- Birch; BD 9-22... 35 Blackburn. J 12.. 100 Bisiey 15.522 500 Blair Wet AH. Kos tele Bonnie Claire. or Thorp, J 6... 100 Bull Frog. K 7.- Bullion. C 9_---. ae Bunkerville. K 12 300 Byron, 1 sia eS 500 Caliente, # ps Ee CARSON CITY. F 1.1.685 Carsons Indian School, F 1--._ 400 Catons, E 6___-_ =e Cavecreek. D9__. 25 Cedar SB 11 <2 se2 soe Cedar, B 1-__-_. ee Centerville. G1. 380 Charleston. A 9-. 12 Charleston... K 9. —_- Cherrycreek, E11 350 Churchill, F 2___ 5 Clark, Hic. = aay Ou fton), s8- 2s eal Clover Citv. C 11 54 Coaldale. Cobre, B 12_ Columbia, I 6-_-_1, Columbia Jct.. H 6 Contact, A 11_._ 150 Corn Creek. L 10 ~-_ Cosgrave, @ 8... -.. Crescent, N 10--. 75 Crestline, IT 122.27 -.. Oryatal,: 290 5 as, Cities DAI. 50 Dayton,. Wel. 350 Deeth, B 10___-_ 55 Delamar, I 11-___ 700 Delmues, I 12... 24 Derby, © 2. 18 Desert, E 3__ ete Diamond, E 8. Dike, L 11-_ Dillon, D 6_ Ditho, BD Podon, | O 4. -s NEVADA Dolly ce hae Cll Dover, G Dry Lake, Duckwater. East Ply, ; hehe oe ; Eccles, I Edgemont, A melons Sa 2 Piburz, C 9____-- Elgin, Elko, © Ely, Erie, Etna, Eureka, F 10_--. Bvans, D 8_----. Falais, Fallon, F Farrel, C 3 Fay, I 12 Fenelon, Fernley, Fletcher, H 3_--- Flower Lake. C 12 Francis, Franktown. F 1. Galty 3" Lowes Garden Pass. B 8 Garnerville. G@ 1_1.000 Garnett, Genoa, Gerald, C Gerlach, Geyser, Gillis, Gilpin, ese Glenbrook, F 1 Golconda. C & Gold Center. Gold Creek. A § Goldfield, I 6 Goldfield Jct.. Goldhill, Goodsprings, M 10 Gosiute, D AP Greens, D 11--_. Guelph, K 11__-- Halleck, C 10... Hamilton, F 10__ Hawthorne. G 8__ Hay Ranch, D 8_ Hazen, W 2______ Herrin, Hiko, Hiline Jct.. Hilltop, Hobson, D 9_-_-- Holborn, B 11_-_ Hornsilver, J 6__ Hot Springs, F 1 Hot Springs, K 7 Hoya, K 11 ees Hudson, G Huffakers, Humboldt. Indian Sprs., Iron Point, C 6_- Islen, Jarbridge, H 10__ Jean, 0. Jiggs, Johnnie, L S8_-- Jude, Junction City. F 14 Jungo, C 4 ’ Kennedy, C 5.--- Keystone, G 8. Kimberly, Kinkead, G@ 4 -_-- Klondike, I 6_-_. Kodak, Kyle, J 12...... Ladoga, Lake View. F Lamar, C 5 Lamoille, Lane, F Jonas GO. 10. F jets 07S 200 40 Las Vegas, L 10_2,304 Lawton, E 1_--- Lee, Leete, I 8-2. Leetville, L 9_--. Leith. J 1 Lewis, Lida, Lien, I Logan, Loray, Lovelocks, D 4__-1,164 Lower Rcehstr.D4 Luckyboy, H 3__ Ludwig, G 2 Lund, .@) Ba. Luning, G Af ee ES McDermitt. A 7. 40 BY it 5~- 2/200. MeGill, MeGill Jct. McLeans, H 5--_ McSweeney. H 6. Manhattan. G 6__ Manse, L Marble, Mason, Massie, E Mesquite. Newbee Metropolis. B 10 Midas= BF avscces Millett. Mineral, Minto, Miriam, © Mizpah, Da Moapa, K 8_--..2 Moleen, C 9_---_ Montello, B 12__ Moor. B Mosel, Mote. GC. 6.2.55 Mound House. F 1 Mountain City. A9 Mt. Hone. ES Mt. M’tgome’y I 4 Be 1.2225 B iO... Nardi, Natchez, 250 800 400 300 550 National, A 5 Nelson, M ps ae 0 ay ae Nordyke, G 2... North Fork. B 9. Norths Ranch, BG Oak, Ocala, E Olinghouse, O’ Neil, Osceola, Osino, C Overton, Owyhee, A S___-. Pahrump, Palisade, Panaea, Paradise al Pequop, Perth, Pins) DD S2224--— Pioche, I Pioneer, Pinte, Os Glee Potts, I : Fa Preble, Preston, G 10__.. Proctor, C 12. Prospect, FP S_ -. Pyramid, D 1. Queen, T-4.- Raines, C § ee Ralston. I 6. ankes Rasid, B 10. = Ravenswood. ee Rawhide, G4_._._ 26 Rebel Creek. A 5 __ Redlich, H 5_-.__ 40 Reno, HB 1_____ 12.016 Reservation Hill, Lis geo Rhodes, H 4_____ 16 Rhyolite, K 7___ 640 Riepetown. F 11_ 100 Rioville, L 12_-_ — Rio Vista. FP 3... Roach, M 10____ Rochester, dB a: pets Be 000 Rock Hill. H Pea ee Romano, F 8_ 20 Roop, CG 1_ maces Rose Creek, A Rosny, © TF. Teg Wonwell Hay soe ce Round Mt. G 6. ee BI Rowland, A 9__-_ 30 SOOT oe KOT ee as OT ee OS RSS 100 Ruby Hill, F 9__ 10 Ruby Valley, D10 200 Reh; |W nd te oe 1.500 Ryepateh, D 4__ 65 Ryndon, C 9... Sie St. Thomas. L 12 125 Sand Springs F 8 50 San Jacinto Ali 19 pedles. «Ns 15 a Schellbourne. Ell 75 Schurz, G 32.2-— 168 Searchlight. M11_ 40) Seven Troughs.03 100 Shafter, C 12... 50 maarpy) bs Goo ee Sheepshead, Di. ___ Sheridan, G@ 1___ 110 Shoshone, G 12_. 20 filters) LE 45 = = Silver City, F 1. 100 Silver Creek. E 6 ___ Silver Zone. C12 —__ Simonsen, B 9__ if Simpson, G 2... 42 Mica MII. Se Smiths Gees. aoe Sodaville, H 4... —__ Sparks, E 1_____3,238 Steamboat. F 1.. 20 Steptoe, BE 11___. 20 Stewart, L 10___ ee Stillwater. E 3. 50 Stine. Ty 11, a Se Strawberry. seit) Sulphur, € 50 Summit. E —— Summit, E a Sunnyside, =o Sutor, M = Butron My Loss 80 Sweetwater. H 2 100 Tate. Hy 120 2 50 Tecoma, B12... 60 Thompson. F 2. | 26 Thorne. G 3----. 235 Tippett, BH 12. 40 Tonkin, B 8... 30 Tonopah, H 6 _-_4,144 Toulon, “Ds Je Tulasco, “Bs JO. ee Tole. Mish - ae occ + Tole; > i 10522 s5 ms Tuscarora. 300 Tyrol, C 8 =e Olin +B 125 = Ss Union, D* S$. as Unionville. D 4._ 100 Upsal, By he ee Ursine, Ute, K ive Valery, iG) 425° = Valley,” Ladd. 20 a Valmy.n,C ©6222 N25 Vaugbns, E 6. = Vierdis (ie 2-.aor 400 Vernon, 2) 322... 150 Veteran, or Kim- berly, © 10_-... 50 Wie a, Mloss se Virginia City, 11, 200 Vista, deo 4 Vivian; (OC) Bo S.5 ed Wabuska, F 2___ Wadsworth. B 2. Walters. BD Ware, E Warm Springs. or Melvin, EB 11-- Wiashos, FB’ 1.5. Watts, D Wellington, Weiss 1s Whiterock, A 8__ Willowpoint, B 5 G 2. 100 800 Winnemucca, C 5_1,934 Wonder, F 4--_ Woolsey, D 4... 300 Yerington, G 2___1,169 Zola. DY 4222532 NEW HAMPSHIRE First Settled at Lit- tle Harbor. 1623. One of the Orig mai Thirteen States. Area: Land, 9,031 sq miles, Water, (.) sq. miles, Total, 9,341 sq. miles. Population, Last Census, 443,088. Capital, Concord. COUNTIES, County Key Belknap, Carroll, N 9 ___ 1 Cheshire, I 17_ Coos, N 4 Grafton, Hillsboro, K 17 Pop. M 138..21,178 5.017 K 9__40.572 0 partes Str eed Sullivan, I 14__20; Total ~o-----443,083 TOWNS, Town Key Pop. Acworth, H 15. 436 Albany, N 10. 170 Alexandria. saa Ye eS OZ Allentown. M 16_1.213 Alstead, H 16_. 670 Alstead Center. Nas Sl i 100 Alton;:. MAS 2221-99 Altonbay, N 13 B50 Amherst, L 18 SOs Anderson M 18_. 10) Andover, K B__ 1.12) Antrim, J 16_.-.1, O52 p shland, Ashuelot, Atkinson, Auburn, is M id Barrington, P Barrington, Barrington, P 1D 1d Smee Bartlett, Bath, "9. Sa ae Bedford, M Belmont, M 13. Bennington, Ce by Spee Se Benton, K 8_ Berlin, IN. 622535 Bethlehem, L Blackmount. J8__ Boscawen. L 14_ Bow; Le ist, Bow Mills. Bow Je. H Bradford, J 15_- srentwood. O 17 Bridgewater. L 11 Bristol, M 6 ___ Brookfield, O 12_ Brookline. L 19__ Burleyville. O 12 L 10_- or W. Campton, Campton, Campton, Canaan, Canaan J 12 Street, Candia Vil... N 165 3S Candia, N 16____ Canterbury. L 14 Garroil”.. Li we Cen. Barnstead. N 14 Cen. Conway. Conway 09 ap cen, way. oF Center, Har bor. aanawt h. 11 z ‘uftont 0TO. cen. neha Chesham, I Chester, N 17 ___ Chesterfield. G 18 or E. a 1.194 1.260 1.428 1.028 Chichester. M 15 507 Chichester Station M.. Liege 400 Claremont. H 14_9.524 Clarksville. N 2_ 410 Colebrook, L 2__1,811 Columbia, or Cones. L 3. .= 601 CONCORD. ib.) 5 ae 22.167 Vonesicaaes K 15 952 Converse, J 13_. 154 Conway, N 9___3.102 Conway Cen.. or a enter Conway, lee 200 Cornish Flat. 1S st; ee S44 Cotton Val.. O 12 150 Croydon, I 13____ 230 Dalton, ) Ef 460 Danbury, J 13_. 516 Danville, O 17__ 463 Davisville. K 15 200 Deerfield, N 16. 746 Deerfield Cen.. WIG 22 Se Deering, Derry, R Dorchester. Dover, P 15.18.09 Dover Pt.. P 16_1,000 Drewsville, Q 3_- 200 Dublin, I 17---_ 408 Dummer, N 5-_.. 266 Dunbarton. L 16 405 Durham, P 16____ 749 E. Alstead. H 16 199 . Andover. K 18 350 Barrington. or Barrington. PE 52 oe ee 400 E. Candia, N 17. 363 NEW HAMPSHIRE NEW JERSEY ral f P 7 “di ¢ 5 Garwood, E 9_---2,084 Longport, M 7.. 100 By Oasterhort pe er I So debe a De aap ts J,196,; Wolltbore "Be ana a NEW JERSEY = Camber, 3°--> 190 Georgetown, H 7 100 Long Valley, ©7- 07 M 14° ss 2aee 100 Lower Bartlett. Rye Beach, Q 17 500 Woodstock, L 9- 684 Saxman, J. Cape May, O 5-..2,999 Gibbsboro, 1 5--- 742 Louden, J 5------ +00 W. Conway O 9 100° -N 8) --- =a 150 Rye N. Beach. Woodsville, J 8--1,750 Saxon, K 6_ Cape May C H., Gibbstown, J_3-. 200 Lower Bank, K 7 1ov eye ek oes Uriah woos BIO Quite 100 Mound. I 5-.---- 200 Sayre, H 6_ First Settled at UVape May N G6.1.000 Gladstone, D 7... 69 Lower Squankum, B. Derry, N18. 583 Lyme,’ I 10. 891 Moundevilia Heat we tay eae 19) Blizabeth, 106+ ~~ Cane May Point, Glassboro, J 4_--2,700 flv 200 I. Grafton. J 12 300 Lyme Cen., 1 10. 175 Mt. Carbon, J 7-- 432 Seebert. J Iv---- 18” One of the Original O05 121 Glendola, G 10-- 250 Ludlow, D 5_---- 200 Li, Hampstead Lyndeboro, K 17-4287 Salem, N 18----2.818 Mt. Clare, Iv 9." 500 Selbyvillle, HM 10-150 Ther Stat ‘stadt, D 10-4,472 Glen Gardner, D5 $18 Lumberton, I 6.-_ Su® [OAS --nn-nnon= 250 BaP ae Me oe et Bay ReveceL eee Thirteen States. Oaniten Hill, D 10-500 Glenridge, D'9-—-4,620, Lyndhurst, D_10-7.209 E. Haverhill, J Madbury, P 15-- 826 _N 18 ~-..----- 630 Mt. Hope, K 7-_-1.989 Sevy, H 6 Area: planes 190 Glenrock,’ @ 10222181 Lyons Farins, D9. 400 DS on aioe 100 Madison, 0 10. 482 Salisbury, L 14-- 390 Mt. Lookout. J 8. 150 Sewell, K 7----- 00) Land, 7514 84. Garneys Point, 32-3, 000 Glenwood. A 8225 QW. Jaffrey. J 181.741 et Stat.. ie Batryste Kal ein atts pice. a Aa isi ea ty Oe 300 miles. Carpentersville, B4 Gloucester City, ea Lae Bg! call 3. Kingston, P (RN ete eights, 4 ) ¢ vs a a ay ak te ea ) ° L Dies 1 412.162 IcAfee, --- < galas Tis Phy eae ee Secor ag Ragin “tebe ens Wiener tanh ee ity Vaniiee F.0 egCe ee zn Goshen,’ N 5----- 500 McKee City, L 3-_ 175 b. Lempster. 115 150 | M1 --saoe- TE ESO Mantels, Orie ate ON Bhonsedoal gees Total, 8224 sq. Cecil, K 5 75 Grantwood, D 10-1500 Madison, D’ 8_-.25,523 E. Milford. L 18 100 Marlboro, I 17--1.380 Sanbornville. 0 12 475 Nallen, Shenandoah Sia 00 ee Dee en Brook 3 a) Goa eGrassy Bound, NG. 100) Mannolia, 16400 tezaa Paston, K S8_--- 181 Marlboro De- i Sanders, M 12_-_ 400 Nelson, “iseherdtadeen 3 miles. eae Brooks J Es OrUMCGSEL Magdows: CRrTEGe Meni walltls 10. coun E. Pembroke. pot Peis sce= 310 Sandown, N 17_- 280 Neola, H 8 Shepherdstown, 171.063 Population, Last Cadar bake “K 5. 100 Great Notch, © 9- 80 Maine Ave., P 6. 150 “__-. 150 Marlow, I 16--- 401 Sandwich, M 11-1,175 Nestorville. F 11 200 10) Bi Census, 3,155,900 dar Run a @. nason Grecncreck; Not SeOuMulagattierd 2-2 400 B. Rindge, J 19 155 Magcema, I ace 278 Bee L 6 sa 200 Nouns - Hii 0 ad and pie 300 Capital ‘Trenton. Oedaneiie 'T 3001,278 Greendeil, G 6--- 100 Manahawkin. J 9- 800 D tochester. P Mason, K 19---_ Ce 3 - =a ewburg, iat SJ Sa . eae YK 3 “ 1 ‘ton. K 4.. 127 Greenpond, B 8. 100 Manalapan, G 8_ 300 eae Re 1.000 Mathews, 0 12-_ 150 Seabrook, P 17--1.537 Newcreek, B 13_- 150 Sherrard, Oe ae non Con co ntl Green Vil. D 9-- 170 Manasquan, H 10-1,705 I. Sullivan. H Montene. - o 180 ge Stat.. ia New ct aaron a: cine eee ee pie COUNTIES. Centerville. BG. 50 Greenwich, L 221,200 Mantua, Ja --=- 730 ih (pte See ALE 267 Melvin Vil.. J ---------- lb -1s s eG aaa get ; - aAoy 5 203 Grenloch, J 4---. 29 anville, ss Saree mets i. Swanzey. H ll ------------ 263 Shelburne, O 6_- 178 Newell, A 9_---- 1,000 Sec ine any County Key Pop. Coane ea 18 oon Griggstown, F 7. 300 Muapleshade, I rae 200 1S ee 300 Meredith. M_ 12-1.680 enor ao Mt in aD kil Mie re ubhaekdede ty 711,000 Atlantic, K G6. 83.194 Chatham, | 8--_-2,.421 Groveville, Ce 300 daplen ore: fe. 9- 82) 3 vakefie ? Meredith Center. Silver Lake ew Haven, 5- 750 81 "Fe 10... 225 gen, GC 10..210-703 ita r 7. 95 i berg, D'11_6,726 Marcella, or Green, 1D “Wi ashington. Meriden, i Snowville, O 9-- 230 New Martinsville. Sistersville, E 8_3.2 Candies oa 06 fae Eee Ce eae eter in oe a seat me aaeca! Margate Olty 2c oeean "yy ics Sa 150 Merrimack, M 18_1,022 Somersworth. P D 8-2.341 Skelton, K 7---- vee Cape May, N G. 19.460 Gheendtee J 6. 287 C 10_17.667 Marksboro, Gi 5. 96 E. Weare. P 6. 825 Middleton. O 18 174 15 —------.--.- 6.688 Newport, F 6_--. 150 Slab Fork, L 7-_ 300 Cumberland, M4 61.348 Ghester, D 6.221.857 Hackettstown. Marlboro, G 9--- 400 1. Wolfboro. O Milan, IN joo2- 730 §. Acworth, H 15 250 New Richmond. I7 300 Sleepy Creek, D 15 774 Essex, D $..--052.089 Chesterfield, H 7. 150 C 6_2.936 Marlton, I 5_-_-_ 700 10) e225 eae 150 Milford, L 18--3.783 §. Barnstead, N. New Thacker, I 4 150 Smithfield, ee oe 250 Gloucester, J 4 48.224 Chews, J 4...... 400 Haddonfield, 1 4-2,950 Marmora, M 7_._ 200 Paton Cen. .000) 237" Mill Vile es 00 14 ean 100 Newton, H 7---- 150 Smithton, I" 8_—- 349 Hudson, D 10_-629:154 Chrome, E 10....4,000 Haddon Heights, Marshallyille, K 3 50 Effingham, O 11 383 Milton, P 138----1.428 §. Barrington. _ Nicolette, F 6_-- 150 Sophia, i T------ isl Hunterdon, F 5. 32.885 Cinnaminson, “I 5 150 14_5.643 Martinsville, © 7. 150 antennas, Fete en Pee 5" Noni aaa ies a Rea Abe ade ages 681 Mercer G 6_--159:88L Clarksboro, J 3 200 Hainesburg, C 4 800 Masonville, I 5-- 150 Ce 200° 13 -_---------- 760 §. Cornish, H138_ 102 Northfork, J 5--_ 421 “3 10 900 Middlesex, F 8.162.834 Clarksburg, G 8. 250 Hainesport, 1 6-_ 50) Matawan, F 9___1,910 Elkins, J 14-~--- 168 Monroe, J 7----- 356 §. Danbury. J 13 154 Northpoint Pleas- 8. Carbon. I Ser 9 Monmouth, G 9.104.925 Glayton, K 4.-_.. 5 Hainesville. A 6. 300 Maurice Riv., M4_2,116 Elmwood. J 17... 100 Montcalm, 1 12-- 100 - US Ba Ant, eee 452 S. Charleston. 1% 092 Morris, C 7---- 82.694 Clementon, J: Haledon, G 9_---3,435 Mauricetown, M 5 554 Iomerson, K 15-- 100 Mont Vernon. L i se 200 Nuttallburg, J 7_ 400 8. Keyser, E 14-- ; ee Oncaea ne el 22155 Clermont. N62. 300 Haleyville, M 4-- 300 Mayetta, K 9... 100 Enfield, “I 121.577 | 18 --—-—------- B08. 8. “eerie, N16 100 Nutter Fort. B 8_2.500 es be Run. K 7.765 Passaic, B 8---259.174 Cliffside, D 11.225.709 Halsey, B 6. 18 Mays tana eee Onfie envoy di Moultonboro, } 038 8. Effingham, » G O----- AE rs cate avas ren amburg, Edie F’ inf agp Re 618 Moultonvnlle. O Onl Lae 150 Oak Hill, K 7---1.000 Spilman, G4... 250 Saem, K 3---- a0.578 Cliffside Pk-, Dil 3.99% Hamilton, G 10.2 250 Maywood, © 10-1618 Bpping, O 16 ---1,276 11 ------------ 300 §, Hampton, Oakvale, M 8_--_ 281 Sprague, L 7_---- 250 Sussex, B 7_--- 24.905 Glifton, © 10 756.470 Hamilton Square, Medford, I 6____1.200 Epsom, or Goss- Mountainview. O18 eee 230 Oceana, I 5- Springfield, BE 14 167 Tinibiee es 200157 Clinton, B 5.200.950 G7 425 Mendham, D 7___. 969 Ville s oN 154.2-— Godse Ones oe 300 §. Kingston. Odell, pees 300 Spring Hill. 1 5-- 300 waren, D 5... 45,037 Gloster’ C Hammonton, Kk 66,417 Menlo Park, B 9_ 350 Errol, O 4 241 Mt. Vernon. L 18 413 ORS" = Se eeeaae 182 Ogden City, K Standard, H 6_-- a ’ ee eS Hampton oD. Sea O16, Mercnantvilies 142,749 Etna, H 11 150 Mount Whit- S. Lee, or Lee. Ohley, F 6 1 Star City, D 10_- 200 Total... 3.155.900 Coldspring, 0 Hancocks Bridge, _ Metuchen, E 8___3,334 Exeter, P 17----4.(04 tier, N 10---. 300 O16 assess ee 220 Okeefe. d Stark, H D--—=—— @alenvilicaa! 7. 200 K38. 125 Mickleton. A pe Munsonville. I 17 135 §. Lyndeboro. Sa Olcott, Stealey Belen. Bai TOWNS Colliers Mill. T= TD Peiaeld a ey ae on Middlebush, | F us ays ‘abyan Ho., M 7 250 F K18_ -------. Omar, : . ee es 2 sOlli : anover Neck, p iddlesex, ae Be yecacon © 14-2.461 Nashua, M 18_-28.879 §. Merrimack. Orleans Crossroads. Sterling, H_ 5---- “iad Town Key Pop Gree Goan eoig Hardingville, K 8 100 Middletown, F 10 400 Fitzwilliam, 1 18 962 Nelson, I 17--.- 171 18 —----__..- 150 D15 250 Stone Branch. H 4 30 5 Colts Neck, @ 9.. 150 Hardwick, B 5-- 470 Middle Val., D 6_ 200 Fitzwilliam New Boston. L S. Newbury. J14 100 Oswald, L 7 5 Stone Cliff. K 7_ 600 Absecom, L 8_--- 702 Col bia, © 4... 2090 Harlington, F 7__ 200 Midland Park, Depot, D 18---- 475 17 ~----------- 768 §. Seabrook. or Otsego, I 5 tk paren gene iG Byte akc crass mo enema Harmersyilie, 2), (ors 2 . se. d wbury. J 14._ 362 eo verk Sta.. Oxley, F Stotesbury. se! ho ne; v----- oF 4 ou Seles i armony, eu, idvale, ee ee Bowe aa 100 Aeris Q 16 728 18.6 Soe 150 : Sturgess, D 10_--1,389 Allaire, H 10____ 100 een G Maveecs a Harrington, C 11 627 Milford, F 4_____ Prancestowin Li New Durham. O Ss. Fovadaars: 1 16 100 Packs Branch, K 7 200 Summerco, H 4-. 200 Allamuchy, © G_- 200 6G one Tete PB 100 Harrison, D 10_15,721 Millbrook, B 5— 1 Ae ee Soh ee ieee eee 462 S. Sutton. J 14. 176 Packsville. 1 G-- 500 Summersville. 18 279 Allendale, B 10__1,1U5 Cohae C 10. 950 Harrisonville, J 3_ “300 Millburn, D 9__ Franconia. K 7 440 Newttelda, P 16_ 470 S| ,Tamworth. N pes Paden City, E 8-1, 703 om me Mla nro recreate aby : ae eo Crenbucy. G 7_.1.533 Hartford, 1 5---- 109 Millington, gic- 30 r F 3--6.318 ew Plannin.) ms Po 1s Se Mages KV oe os 5 nee -------- y: own, =. 63 g hy Ai Ue arvey, eo eas stone aaa =e oO 10-7 467 AY jn 708 §. Woffboro. Paint Creek Jct.. Superior, J 5 Allenwood, H 10_ 160 Crantord, i re ih Hasbrouck Heights. Milltown, F 8__-2,573 Fremont, 0 17-. 519 Newington, Q 16_ 627 O12 ae 42a. ee 150 or Pratt. J 6. 250 Surveyor, L 7 Alliance, I< 4____ 400 oa nee 942 C'10_2.895 Millville, L 4___14.691 } New Ipswich, K Spofford, G_18__ 300 Palestine, G 6___ 225 Sutton, H 8_--__- Alloway, K 2____ G00 pean 6 J de 950 Haskell, B 8-2-2500 Milmay, Tiboosae 75 Gale, N 5. J 13 179 13 92 Soe 869 Springfield, I 18. 349 Pancoast. G 6_-. 250 Swandale. G 6_.- 500 Almonesson. J 4-200 aetna H 7. fo0 Haworth, © 11__ 748 Milton, B 7—___ 300 Gaza, L 18 ---. 244 New London. J14 701 Stark, M 5-_--_- 339 Panther, M 5---- 300 Sweeneyburg,L7- 150 Alpha, EH 4______ 2.140 CG ta BOD = 100 Hawthorne, C 10_5,135 Minebrook, D 2-_ 100 Geotvasl NUL Newmarket. P State Line. I 19 175 Parkersburg, F6_20,050 Sweetspring, L10_ 250 Alpine, C 11_-_~- 0 CO aie SO ee Hazen, D 4.--L__ 180 Minehill, C 7---_ 700 hig) oe 250 16 _-----------3.181 Stewartstown. Parsons, F 11____2. ot Switzer, B_9----- 800) Amatols OG. = D005 iow Kom sO ee 200 Minotola, K 5---_ 500 Gerrich, L 14-_-- 100 Newport, I 14-4109 M 2 ________ 1.190 Patterson, B 9__ Sylvia.) Jo Woseeo 400 Anderson, D 5--- 97 Daretown, 1K 3-- 150 Yeislerville, M5. 414 Monmouth Beach. Gilford, M S8_--. 738 Newton, O 18_--- 872 Stoddard, I 16-_ 213 Pattersons Creek. Ayo eee yoke 417 Daviquie ous wane 350 Helmetta, F 8_-_ 687 Gill 410 Gilford, or Sand- Newton Je.. 018 215 Strafford. 0 14___ 764 B14 120 ‘ Anglesea, N O:-- 10L pevpeach, G liz 420 Herbertsville. H10 200 Monmouth Jet., ers, M 12 ---- 400 North Branch. Strafford Cor- Paw Paw. BD 15 Tad, G 5--_----- 300 popes ee o-- 379 Daartleld Strearine Hewitt oso 206 F7 400 Gilmanton. M 13 814 JUG i oecec ees 200 ner, 0:10 225 100". Pax?) Ho 62223-2484 Talcott, L 8----- 600 Anthony, 5.2.8. GENO K3 Hibernia, C 8_-_-1,389 Monroe, B 7__-_- 100 Gilmanton Wks.. N. Charlestown. a Stratford. L 4_- ‘he Peach eee H 4 rate ene : 6_ 400 pe perce ae ear Highbridge, - Be woe Mone ae 4_ had é 560) aH 4 fee ee é ee kes ip Pear uses ‘ams, anaes 2, ay Ss ighlan ark__14, yi eave ‘ils RTC 3 Sueathill K ae 300 Pecks Run, G 10_ 150 Terra Alta, 2 Asbury, D 5----- 576 Delair, 1 4-—- 2) Highlands, F 11_-1,731 Montelair, D 9__28,810 Gilsum, H 16_--- 439 N. Chichester. or Sugarhill, Pecks : ewan rane! Delanco ul ECns 730 i d Gien:Ons:; 200 Jie! Moy Sugarhill, or N. Pemberton. I 6__- 500 Thacker, I 4 “ So a 10-12,400 Delawanna, D 10. 702 High Point, J. 10_ 500 Montvale, B 10__ 779 Goffs Falls. M17 200 | 15 ~----_---_- 400 Lisbon, K 7-- 100 Pennsboro, F 8_-1.654 Thacker Mines. 14 000 Delaware CG 4... 400 Hightstown, G 72.674 Montville, © 821,719 Goffstown, L 17-2.391 N. Conway. © 921.500 Sullivan, H 17-2 206 Petersburg, G 13. 834 Thayer, K 7_--__- 500 Ash Brook, E 8-- OO eted. © 102.11.286 Highwood, © 11__ 500) Monarchie) auuammas Gonic, O 14_---- 30 N. Danville. O17 150 Sunapee,..J 14--- 898 Peterstown, M 8. 293 Thoburn, F 10---, 200 Ashland, J 5----- Live Delmont, M 5.22. 500 Hillsdale. B 10_-1.444 Moorestown, I 5--2,800 Gorham, N 6 ---2.734 Northfield, L_14-1,522 Suncook, M 16_-2,880 Peytona, J 5_--_- 200 Thomas, F 12__-_2.009 Atco, J 6.--—____ SN es 4. © 11 4654 Hilton, D 9____-__ 216 Morganville, F 9_ 175 Goshen” I 15.--. 283 N. Groton. K11_ 173 Surry, H 17---- 200 Philippi, F 10___-1.543 Thornwood. J 10_ 137 Athenia, C 10____ 600 We Teen M 6. 900 Hoboken, D 10_-68,166 Morris Plains, D8 445 Gossvilie Ore, N. Hampton, P Sutton, J 14_-- 632 Pickens, H 10_ Thurmond, K 7-- 285 Atlantie City, mel Pennisr 2 909 Hobokus, © 10... 586 Morristown, D 812,548 ee ei mips 677 Swainboro. K 10. 240 Piedmont, E 13__2 Tralee, I D--<=.~ 150 L 8_50.707 Dinas Ce kK. NEL 259 Holland, E 4_---1.706 Morsemere, C 10_ 400 Grafton, J 12-- 554 N, Haverhill, J8 600 Swanzey, H 18_-1.593 Pine Grove, E S__ Triade!phia, H 5. 299 Atlantic High oy tS ore ee eh Holly Beach, 0 61,901 Mountainside, D8 493 Craton Canon N. Lisbon. IK 7. 150 = Pineville. L. 6... Tribble, F 5-_-__ 150 lands, F 10_-__-1.629 Dividing Cree egret Holmdel, F 9_---1,000 Mountainview, C9 411 OARS wae see 752 N. Monroe. J 7-. 145 Tamworth. N 10_ 945 Piney, E 8_ Troy, Gi) 8us2= 32 113 ire J Dorchester, M5. 409 Holmeson, G 8___ 100 Mountainville, D6 150 Grantham, J 12 495 N. Newport. or Temple, K 18_--_ 263 Pittman, K Tunnelton. EB 11. 703 poets Dorette 1 Dann 500 Homestead, D 10_ 350 Mountairy, FE 5-- 100 Grasmere, L 17_ 400 Northville. 114 150 The Weirs. or Plymouth, I Twin Branch. M6 400 ce sao Dover, © 7-~---_9.803 Hopatcong, C 6_- 179 Mt. Arlington, C7 213 Grentield, K 17- 417 N. Nottingham. Weirs, M 12... 542 Poca, I 52u22-2-- 50 Tyrone, D 10--.. 153 eae NG Dowson saree "75 Hope, © b.2-25e5 350 Mt. Bethel, HE 7__ 200 Greenland, Q 165394909 16 oa 100 Thornton. L 10_-_ 477 Pocataligo, I 6. 150 bE i Drakestown. © Gc 173 2opewell, F 6_--1,339 Mt. Ephraim, I 4 300 Greenland Depot. N. Richmond. H Thoenttous a. Point Pleasant. sewenedin WD 47 1) # ree Cll 55) 37 Hornerstown, H 7 178 Mt. Freedom, D 7_ 199 gi yee LOO: eee ae ie 1007-8 c10h se 184 G 43.059 Uneeda, J 5_--_- 150 Avon, G 9. emteace ade “Tog Hudson Hts., Bi. 1,500 Mt, Holly, I 6_--5,750 Grenville, K 181.346 N Rochester. or Tilton, L 1: .014 Pondzap: Jt 200 Ungers Store, E18 200 Baptisttow EB 5 112 Dunellen oe 8___3,.394 Huntsville, © 6 ot Mt. Hope, Ci 7--- 352 Groton, K 11--- 199 Hayes, O 14. 168 Troy, I 18------1.444 Potomac Manor. Union, L tS eee 45 Bu v Bela Ape 0 “ Dutch ane G jalan “00 Hurffville, J ines 200 Mt. Laurel, I Da- 250 Groveton, L 4--1.880 N. Salem.. N 18 400 Turtonboro, N 11 611 D11 300 Union igs 7 ant Benet’ anion ea be eet tn a Hysonw se 150 Me Ol e ee Hee Guild; I 14---- 100 N, Sanbornton. Twin Mtn.. MT 260 Powellton, J 7-. 413 Uniontown, 9. 2 eens spate We aA geen ‘ . Pleasant, 5 eens ake Oe 500 Powhatan eke ano Pauneree Plt 110 aan a Ser iote - G--z ]i7 Imlaystown, G@ 7 150 Mt. Rose, F 6_--_ 120 Haleyon, K 13--. 350 N. Sandwich. M Union, 07S 2-ee Sige Pratw vgs eee 315 Barcit rae I 4..1.333 E. Newark, D 10.8,057 Indian Mills, J 6. 75 Mt. Tabor, 4 Hampstead, N18 670 LOVERS = 8 Fas oe 100 Unity, H 14--___ 522 Premier, M 6____ 200 Valleybend, H 11 688 B ees iy ee SNe eeES 799 Lona. Kivaees ee 100 ‘Tabor, © ean os Hampton, Q 17--1,251 N. Stratford. L Preston, K 3---- 150 Vanclevesville.E16 150 Rasiaee RiGee De rhs Rutherford. =n re ate 9__25, nen iar s re ~~ si Beach, pb eal aoa 2 ee 450 Wakefield, O 12-1.335 Price Hill, K 7-- 3 “peri pretend ht Gate) ee ee Se a . = Qravgaes es 415 N. Sutton. J 14 200 Walpole, G 16_-2.553 Prince, K 7-_--- 250 pee) gate re 100 T Ovange: DO Earle mand Hiss tees ecioiae F Northumberland. Warner, K 15--1.051 Princeton, M 7___6.224 eae AE oie toe repens Bu) ; National Park, Saat eee 8 TU, pass 28 567 Warren, K 10--- 600 Procious, I 7_--- 200 Virginville, B 9__ 259 payonne, D 10--76.754 EB. Pa 'o10-2.441 Jackson Mills, @9 75 r 1 4.1,000 Hancock. J 17 Worthvillewor Washington, Proctor, D' 8..-_. 250 Vivian, M 6_---_ 600 Ben or s 9- 329 Eatontown, @ 1021.20 Jacksonville, H_6 100 Naughright, D 6_ 200 Hanover, I Newport. I 14_ 150 ) Mi Dae ae 308 Prosperity, K_7-- 300 Volga, E 8_----- 200 Frade ‘9 a. 100 Edgewater, D 11_3,530 Lg desi l Pace ose Nelli Y inal 600 Harrisville. 17 599 N, Wakefield. O Water Vil.. N 11 100 Prudence, K 7--. 400 Beaches te Ma sewatar ea nicne Jamesburg, -—2, 05; elsonville, H 7 61 Hayertilie:d 1 9--3.206 sed 2 meee eueeene 150 Weare, K 16_--1.173 Pruntytown, F 10 400 : So Mecatpentista: Dre: tees HS 200 Janvier, J t-nag 20) Repiane Hayes, or Ne 14 199 ey Qvanol: sags Webb. 118 300 Pughtown, A 9... 407 Wabash. Dita 700 Beavermun, Bw. 60 Mdinbures Gh Taee 080 Cyc eo en 13S Neonat eee Rochester, O LG eae Sot 75> Webster. K 14___ 35 man, oH S225 2 yi ule, S-— 1 epee 4 aa eyes psec 3 ity S, J ¢----- 6 Hebrou, K 11-.- 184 N. Weare. K 16- 500 Wentworth, J 10- 507 Putney, I 7------ 00 en Ss ea pees Cola eS 250 ABE Harbor Cr; o.goo Tetsey PENT yocden108 Netcong, © 5 neha er erg 8 Cen ee ie ee walttn i 8.22 Beesleys Point, M7 350 Hlberon, G 11---- 100 Jopstown, H 6--. 200 Netherwood, B 8. “D4 Hillsboro, J 16__ 602 ter: Nese 140 EE St Babe 179 Queen Shoals, G 6 175 Ward, I 7 3elford, ¥ 10_-__ 750 Elizabeth Bb 9.295 783 Johnsonburg, C 5 150 Newark, D 9__414.524 ee ais Oe E . os, Tardensville. P15 745 Belleplain, M 5___ 175 Elizabeth, fat that Juliustown, H 7- 998 New Bedford, H 10 225 Hillsboro Bridge. Northwood Nar- W. Brentwood. Quiet Dell, F 9. 250 W e! Belleville. D 10-1: Bllisburg, J 5 100 ee TS aes 1.627 rows, N 15--. 200 Prey Wace eee 200 Quincy, I 6----__ 150 War Eagle. L 5_-1,500 Bel evi Sy ta gee Ellisdale. H 7 850 Jutland, WH b22s5 602 Northwood W. Campton, Quinnimont, K 7 400 Warrior, I 7---- 150 Beividere, D 4221, 793 Elm, J b-_-—--= Keansburg, “F 101,821 oY SANS 59.479 HYfower Vil. 316 444 a pare ca we ee ey Fhe joo Watson, 9 10.22. 450 Bennett, or ela oa Elmer, Kearny June. New Durham. ‘ A ata LN A oe a Rainelle, K 9-.-. 566 WatsonSiding. | Bergenfield, © 113,667 Emmerson, G10. 073 Kenilworth, WO tse New Bgypt, HT. 900 Upper, J_16--- 100 Nottingham. 0 16 520 iesceenae 250 Raleigh, L 7---- 35 , 210 519 Boley, D 8 300 Mnglewood, C11_11,627 Kenvil, G7. B41 Newfela,s K duu 500 Hinsdale, G 18_-1.773 5 elareniont Ramage, H 5---_ 150 Wayne, J 3_---__ 446 Berlin. J. 5-..... 800 Englewood Cliffs, — de Ges veh: Pita penne el ee Holderness, L 11. 602 Oliverian. J 9--- 100 Hf 14 ___-____- 598 Ranson, E 17--__ 699 Webster, F 10__- 200 Bernardsville, D7_1. 000 C10 594 Kivedand D 10. 800 New Gretna ween Hollis, L 19_--- 775 Orange, I 12____ 166 W. Epping, 0 16 441 Ravenswood, G 5_1.284 Webster Sprs, 1 9_ 500 Betlehem, F 5-_.1.761 English Creek, 6 281 Kinsston ’ F 72 300 Now HAmntcnan 126 Hookset. M 16_--1.828 Orford. I 10... 661 Ww. Hampstead. Red House. 1 5-_ 200 Weirton, A 8.---8.500 Beverly, H 5--.-2.562 Englishtown, G 8 641 Kingwood, F 5.221.875 New Lisbon 1 7 195 Pisvhetaton, os ic eet Sucre rie 7 age oe ING LT ees 220 ee ae nl > Ny i pil es M oy . Billingsport Woda Erma, or Bennett. Kine = ees epee idioms sche! on Herns Mills. P 12 ssipee, O 11_--__1.122 YW. Henniker. K edstar, K 7_--_ 50( ellsburg, b O5 225 ss _ * ho Hubbard, N 18__- 358 1s Soca eae wee 100 Red Warrior. I 7- 150 Wendel, D 7__--- > Birmingham re ae Hssex Falls, D 9. 598 Kirkwood. s as 308 Now Monsen ae snes Hudson, M ei Parkhill. G ee ats W. Lebanon. H Reedsville, BE 11. 254 a Tea te G4 re Bisse nae 70 Estelville, L 6--_ 100 , waa, mon (on Hudson Cen,. Pattenville. K ED ete a sor at ee . End, ---- 1b . Everett, G 9_____ 200 § ch tata are 261 “Pelham N. 105022 9748 We Milan ea dae ; 270 Westerly, H G2-. 500 pee vinci 500 He orithece aaa e isn Lafayette, B 6__- 700 Newport, M 3__-1,017 ees i iA PH ackwells Mills, Lake Como, H 10 225 New Providence. ; aes 200 Pembroke. e ae Westmoreland. a a 9-o=, ne We ree beget F 7 225 Evesboro, I 6_--- 100 Lake Hopatcong D 8-1.203 ntervale, 3. é Penacook,. -3. rae 2 eee 615 Richwoo 9___4.35 - Hamlin. 5- TWwans Jy Suave 250 : . Pequa Ket.. N Westmoreland Ridgeley, D 14_-1.709 W. Liberty, B 9- 350 Blereown & 800 Ewingsville, G 6- 475 Lakehurst, H oo O79 entre ae 7 53 Jackson, NUS2--= B38! | 10\see eens 110 Depot, G 17--. 125 Ripley, H 5 W. Milford, F 19 189 Bioomfeld, D 9232.019 Laken’ .H aon) Newbee, ae Jaffrey, I 18_.--2.803 Percy. M 4__-.- 200 W. Ossipee. N10 250 Rippon, F Weston, G@ 9_____ 5.701 Bloomingdale, C9_2.193 Fairfield, © 9---. 150 ambertviite F 54,660 Newtonville, (cueetOn Jefferson, M 6-- 960 Peterboro. J 18-2.615 W. Peterboro. Riverdale, D 8 Westover. D 100721 Bloomsbury, © 4_ 650 Fairhaven, F 10_1, 295 Landing, © 7 7109 New Vernon: D 8 104 Jefferson, Hizh- ee Pierce Bridge, or J 18 —--.- =33 400 Riverside, vy oe B26 = yak eri ty Blue Anchor, J 5 125 Fairlawn, © 10_-- 125 [andisville, K 5. 185 New Village, D 4 150 and, M 6---- 15 ethlehem Jc.. W. Rindge, 18 278 River View. 5- y. Vivian, fh bs Bog _---3.906 Fairmount, D 6. 100 fT, : aa 9 100 pene Tac 18 ¥, JS K 18 240 Rivesville, W 101.061, Wevaco, J G.--- 200 Boonton, OG 8. sot. Fairton, a Lanoka, 1 10-.-. 200 Norma, L 4. 100 Kearsarge, O 9-- *jermon nents Salisbury. Robson, J v----- ) eeling, $56.20 Bordentown, H 6_4.871 Fairview, 11__4.882 i D 10_1.767 Keene, H 17_._11.210 Pike, J 9------ 500 Ce eee 150. Rocky Mive2-2 22 500 Whipple. K 7---- 150 Round Brook, E7_5.906 Fairview, I 6---. 75 Lavailette T 10, 117 Northbranch, E 7 250 Kensington, P 17 383 Pittsburg, M 1_-_ 887 w. Springield. Rockbottom. H 5 3800 White Sulphur Braddock, J 5--- 350 Fanwood, E 8_--- 724 Yawnside. I 4 300 N. Caldwell, D 9. 466 Kingston, O 17_- 350 Pittsfield. N 14_1.914 Co BaP ee 219 Rock Cave. F 8_- 250 Springs, L 10- 837 Bradevelt. G 9-.. 150 Far Hills, D 7--. 300 Lawrence Sta.. @7 250 Northfield, L 7---1,127 Plainfield. H 13__ 853 w. Stewarts- Rock Forge. D 9_ 300 Whitmer, G 12. 704 Bradley Beach, Farmingdale, G10 474 Y[awrenceville, G6 300 N. Hacknsk, C10. 346 Laconia, M 13_-10.897 Plaistow. O 18__1.368 town, jlie2E-oS= 1.000 Rockport, F 6--- 150 Wicklow. H 6_--_ 150 G 10_2.307 Fieldsboro, or Layton, A 6.22 315 N. Haledon, B 8. 887 Lakeport, N 12_-3.183 Plymouth, L 11.2.353 W .Swanzev. H Rolfe; UM "652-2" 800 Widen, G 7-----1.500 Branchville, B 6. 588 White Hill, H6 580 Pebanon, E 6... 360 Northmont. J 5.. 150 ancaeie agree eras hae 182.) 131 ert RSS SEES 700 Sy sae H ret mes wenees - peer art oF Brant Beach, K 9 75 Finderne, I is aoe Ledgewood, C 7. 400 N. Paterson, C 10_1,288 jandafi. 1.622545. smouth, ; hornton, omney, E 14__- illiamsburg, K ¢ 51 Bridgeboro, H 5. 275 Finesville, BE 4--- ds Pt., _. 800 N. Plainfield, EB 8_6,916 Langdon, H 15-_ 279 OR 1G) tesa 13.569 Key OR aeee oes 452 Ronceverte. L 9-2.319 Williamson. L 4-6.819 Brideepert: I 6. 275 Finley Sta., L 3. 180 Lae dns A Has 600 Northvale, B 11_ 827 Leavitts Hill. N Potterplace, K 13 300 Westville. 0 18. 300 Ronda, H 6.2... 300 Williamstown.E6_1.793 Bridgeport, J 3-_ 638 Fishing Creek, N5 175 Lenardo, F 10___ 200 N. Wildwood. N6 807 : 6 eae Ten he Pratts, KK 182-22, 100 Ww. bce Co 100 opens “e x Me el bss prenae e ae Bridgeton, L 3_-14,323 Flagtown, ert int Leonardsville, F10 150 Norwood, G 11_ 820 sebanon, 2_-6.16% W. indham. semont, 105) x Vilsonburg. - 350 Bridgeyille, © 4. 100 Flanders, et L - 11____2.979 Nutley, D 10____9.4: Bee On 16 475 Raymond, N_ 6‘_1,050 18202 2 eee ae 100 Rowlesburg, H11_1,225 Winding Gulf. L7 200 Brielle. H 10__-__ 392 Flatbrookville. B5 100 pees euraceat “ * Lee, or South Redstone. O 9__- 100 Whiteface. M 10- 100 Rush Run. K 7. 300 Winfield, I 5__-_ 253 Broadway, D 4. 200 Flemington, F 5_2,.590 ET 260 Oakhurst, G 10__ 300 Ged: Ogee. 250 Reeds Fy.. M 18 400 Whitefield. L 6_-1.935 Ruth, I 5-----_- 150 Winifrede. J 6... 200 Brookdale, OC 9_-. 250 Florence, H 6---1.200 Tincoln, BE 8.-___ 200 Oakland, B 9____ 497 Lempster, I 15_- 287 Richmond. H 19 306 Wilmot, K 14_-_ 536 Winona, J 8-_-_- 1.000 Brookside, D 7--_ 187 Florham Park, D8 587 Yjincoln’Park,O9_ 94 Oaklyn, I 4--_-_- 1.148 Lincoln, L 8_--_- 1.473 Ridgemere, P 14_1,000 Wilmotflat. K14 293 Winterburn. J 10 300 Rrowns Mills, I gt 800 Folsom, K 5-~-_- 217 Yineroft, G 10-__ 100 Oakridge, B 8_-_ 104 Hishon, "RK 8.2 2== 2,228 Rindge, J 19__-_ 643 Wilton, K 18___1.546 Sabraton, D 10_. 700 Witcher. I 7_---_ 300 Browntown, F. 200 Fords, E 9------ 750 Yinden, E 9_---1.756 Oaktree, E 8_--__ 200 Litchfield. M 18__ 213 Riverdale. L 17-- 100 Winchester. St. Albans. I 5--2.825 Womelsdorf. H11 833 ’Budd Lake. CG & 108 Forked Riv., J 9-_ 500 Tjndenwold, J 5. 8375 Ocean City, M 7_2,512 Lit. Boarshead, Riverton, L 6--_ 100 1S ges Ih oe se pe de 2.267 St. Clara, BH 7_-_ 40 Woodman, K 9-- 400 Buddtown. I 7--_ 250 Ft. Lee, C 11----5.761 Linwood. L 5_--_ 638 Ocean Gate, 110. 69 Octe* See ee SS 100 Robys Cor., J15 125 Windham. N 18 543 St. Cloud. C 8__. 150 Woodsdale. B 9-- 700 Buena, K 5_-____ 150 Frankford, E 7-- 60 Yittle Falls, G@ 64.000 Ocean Grove. G11_3.000 Littleton, I< 7__4.239 Rochester, P 14__9.673 Windham Dep.. St. George. F 11_ 150 Worth, M 6__--- 3 Burleigh, N 5---- 150 Franklin, B 7_---4.075 T,ittle Ferry, C1G_2,715 Oceanport, G 10_ 400 Lochmere, L 13__ 366 Rockingham, or or Windham St. Marys, E 7_-1.648 Worthington, E10 381 Burlington, H 6_9,049 Franklin Park, RT 221 Tittle Silver. G10 400 Oceanview. M 6_ 200 Lockhaven, I 12. 100 Rockingham June. ON 18.25 2004 Salem Fi 9 2 2.920 Wright. I 6_---- 250° Butler, Ci'9-2S825 2.886 Franklinville, K 4 300 Little York, E 4 150 Oceanville, L 8__ 300 Londonderry, 016_1,258 June... P 16__. 147 Winnisquam, Salt Sulphur Wyndal, K 7---- 200 Buttzville, D 5_. 300 Freehold, G 9_---4.768 Yjvingston, D 9-_1.202 Ogdensburg. B 7 939 Londonderry, O Rollinsford. P 151.701 es peer = 100 Springs, L 9___ 200 Frenchtown, EP 4-1.104 Tocktown. F 5--. 50 Oldbridge, F 8_--1,000 it eee eS 1.308 Rumney, K 11_- 911 Winona. L 12_-_ 152 Sand Fork. G 8__ 200 Caldwell, D 9 ae Freneau, F 9_--- 200 Bocuse J Point, G a, 150 Old Tappan, © 10 404 Long Island, M eeeaer Den... K Wolfboro Falls, Sandstone. L 3_._ 3 Yawkey. H 4___. 2h @alifon, D 6_._-. Todi, 0). I@2- ee 175 Oldwick, F 5_--- 300 Dy secre cme 150 di) Sn-5 ------ 240 Nplate enes -- 350 Sandyville, G 6.. 250 Yolyn, K 5---_- — 623 Camden, I 4_--116, 309 Garfield, CG 10--19.381 [opgbranch,G11-_ isa Oradell, C 10.--. 894 NEW JERSEY-CONT’D Orange, D 9----33,268 Ormond, Ly Dene bet Usbornville, H 10 508 Ottens, N 6. 1,008 Overbrook, I 4.-- Oxford, or Oxford FKur., D 5----..2,040 Palatine, K 3---- Palisade, D 11--- PalLsades Park, Ol Palmyra, oe on die Pettestow, "B 6 100 Parkertown, K 9_ Park Ridge, B a 5 herd S$. Dennis, M oe NEW MEXICO 0 Admitted as a Ter- S. Pemberton, S. Plainfield, B S_ S. Seaville, M 6_- Vineland, L 4- Sparta, B 7------1,028 Spotswood, F 8_- Springfield, D 9--1,072 Springlake Beach, or Spneete. Admitted as a State, June 20, 1910, Springtown, 7 ria Staffordville, K a 52 Stanley, D8 Stanwick, I 5---- aes Steelmanville. L 7 Population, 360,850. Stephensburg, D5 Sterling Forest, B9 Stewartsville. D 4_ Stillwater, B Stirling, D 8. Stockholm, B 7_- Stockton, F 5_--~ Stoneharbor, Stoutsburg, F 6_- Stratford, J 5-_- Strathmere. M 7 Suceasunna, C 7_ Summit, D 8_---10, Sussex, B 7.2.--1.é Paterson, © 10-135. 875, oy County Key Pop. Paulsboro, J 3.4, 352 Peapack, D 7_---1,226 Pedricktown, J 2- Peermont, N 6_-- Peetzburg, C 10-- Pellettown, or Papakating, B 6 ja Penngrove, J 226, 060 E 11__ 21,550 K 15... 11,236 Dona Ana, R 6-16,548 Grant, P 2__-_ 21,939 Guadalupe, K12 015 Swartswood, B 5_ Swedesboro, J _3-1,838 Sykesville, H 7-- Tabernacle, I 6_- 500 Tabor, 0 S2.22.-- 1,500 phemerie: J 5---- Seouneiie. K 63 Pensauken, I 4--- Perrineville, G 8- Perth Amboy, i Petersburg, & Phillipsburg, a F 1. 13.915 7902 Quay, J 147 10, 444 Three Bridges, E 6 Tinton Falls, G 10 “ Toms River, I 9_-1.800 Towace, C7 Pittsgrove, K 3_- “15 " Pittstown, EH 5--. 15 H 11 22,867 Santa Fe, H 9 15,030 Socorro, M 4--- 14,061 P1027 13 K 9 9,731 F 14__ 16,680 J 5. 18,795 Plainsboro, G 7-. S51 Pleasant Mills. K 7 200 Pleasantrun, EB 6. 54 Pleasantville. L7_5,887 Pluckemin, BE 7-- 135 Pes eh a Town of Union. Townsbury, C 5_ Tranquility, C 6_ q -- 150 TRENTON, G6_119,289 i 0 Troyhills, C 6_--- Tuckahoe, M 9__-1,000 Polkville, C 4---- Pomerania, or Pomona, L 7--- Pompton Lakes, Turnersville, J 4- D925. 4.315 D 10_---20.651 Upper Macopin, BS 72 Upper Montclair. D9 Upper Saddle River, , C10 25 Pompton Plains, B9 Port Elizabeth. M5 Port Monmouth. ; Alamogordo, Aiherti) G214-22- Albuquerase, T7215, 157 300 Port Norris, M 4-1,500 Port Republic, K 8 340 Pottersville, D 6_ Princeton, F 7--~5,917 Princeton Jct.. G7 Prospect Park. Prospect Plains, A Prospertown, H 8 100 Quakertown, B 5. 250 Quarryville, A 7 175 Quinton, K 2_---1,307 B 9_--11.042 Ramsey, B 10_-~-2,090 Rancocas, H 5--- 3: Raritan, E 7--~-4. et! Readington, L 6- a Reaville, F aia Redbank, F 1 Repaupo, J 3. Richfield, C 9_--- Richland, L 5--- Richwood, J 3_-- Ridgefield, D 11-1,560 Ridgefield een Ridgewood, C 10-7, aN Riegelsville, E 4- panaoes. F 5. Vanderburg, G 9_ Vanhiseville, H 9 316 Vernon, ARS 200 Cc pions Villa Park, H 10- Vincentown, I 6- Vineland, L 4_---6,799 Waldwick, B 10_1,296 Wallington, C 10-5,715 Wallpack Cen., B 5 200 50 B 9_--2,916 Waretown, J 9_-- Warren Glen, Warren Paper Anton Chico, I 10 Arroyo Etonga, R9 r 12-71, 115 3 Warrenpoint, Warrenville, E 8_ Watchung, E 8_- Waterford Works. or Waterford. J6 500 . Waterloo, C 6_-- Waverly Park, D6 one Weehawken, Wenonah, J 4---- W. Caldwell. O 91.085 W. Cape May, 05 967 Ww. ts aha Black Lake, E 10 8 Black Rock, Blacktower, mc 15 C 10_.1,077 Riverside, H 5_--4,000 H 5_--2,341 Rivervale. BACs Roadstown, L 3-~ Robbinsville, or New Trenton, G7 125 Rochelle Park, c10 Rockaway, C 8_--2,665 Rocksburg, D 4-- Rocktown, F 5-- Rocky Hill, be er 7 Roosevelt, E 9--11,047 Roseland, D 9_--_ 609 1 ee ae 5.737 Roselle Park ~---5.4388 Rosemont, F 5-- Rosenhayn, L 4-- F 11_--1.658 Runnemede, Rutherford, D 10-9,497 Saddle River, B a) aa Sandbrook, Fr ear Schooleys Mtn., oe “159 Scotchplains, B81, sl Bloomfield. D 4— Westcreek, K aay: Blossburg. 2 12- Westend, G 11--- Westfield, E 9---9. 063 W. Ft. Lee. C11_1,100 W. Freehold, G 9 200 Ww. Hoboken.” W. Long Branch, W. Milford, B 8- Westmont, I 4-- W. New York. W. Norwood, C val = eS W. Orange, D 9-15.573 W.. Paterson, C 9-1 W. Pt. Pleasant. H10 Capitan, N 10__- ieee gg Ne reed 24 Carthage, M 7__- Casa Grande, H11 Cerro, D_ 9--- Westwood, C-10--2.587 Giocon, F 10- Weymouth, K vom Whippany, D8 Whitehill, or Fieldsboro, H 6 Whitehorse, G 6_ Whitehouse, E 6_ Whitehouse Sta- Chamberino, tere Chaperito, H Sea Girt, H 10_-- Sea Isle City, N 6 564 Seaside Belen Seaside ang 110 179 Chloride, O 4---- Cimarron, © 11-- Clapham, F_ 15_-- Clarkville, H 1-- Whitesville. H 9- Wildwood, O 6 _-2.790 Wildwood sa ; Williamstown, J5_1,500 Willowgrove, K 15 , D 10_-5,423 75 Sergeantsville. F5 ‘honest § bag C1 Shady Side, G 9 Sharptown, K Shiloh, L 3. Wintermute. B 5 16 Woodbine. M_ 6-_-1.406 Woodbridge, ne 4 133 Woodbury, J 4 Woodbury Heights. Woodcliff eee Wood Lynne, J 51,515 Woodmansie, Woodridge, D 10-1, 923 Woodstown, K 3-1. Woodsville, F 6_- Wortendyke, C 10_ 450 Wrightstown, H7-5.288 Wyckoff, C 10_-- 450 Yardville, G 7~-- Sicklerville, J 5_- Silver Lake, D 10 Silverton, H 10_- 9 Smiths Ldg., L 7 Smiths Mills, B 8 Somers Point. M7 3 Somerville, B 7--6.718 S. Amboy, F 9_--7,897 Southard, H_ 9__- Ss. eres, Costilla, D 10_-- Cubero, I 4 12_ Cumberland, 0 “12 50 NEW MEXICO DaleinG 1bs23. cx 50 gk son, D 12.._5,000 Dayton, a tea) 8S: Dedman, CSS Deming, R 4 ..3,212 DesMoines, D 14 200 Dexter, O 13 --. 333 Dilia, Dt ts 200 Dizon, F.924=-.. 20 Dodson, J 14---- 30 Dona Ana, R 7-- 748 Dorsey, D 12... 217 Dulce; DS Duran, K 10---- 150 E. Las Vegas, H 104,304 E. Vaughn, K 12 487 Pastview, K 7... 100 Elida, M 14_--- 3800 Elizabethtown,E10 300 Mi, P 10: ==... 200 El Rito. F 8... 644 mimyado. D: {o=2- 530! Emery Gap, € 14 25 Encino, K 10_--. 100 Endee, I 16_---- 150 Engle, O 6 ----. 70 Ensenada, D 7_- ) Espanola, G@ 8 -- 550 Estancia, J 8 ~~ 578 Eunice, Q 16 ---- 50 Fair View, O 4. 232 Farmington, D 3 728 Faywood, Q 3 -- 50 Fierro: P 3... 100 Floravista, D 3_ 236 Floyd; i 15 ..-. 20 Folsom, D 13 --- 386 Ft, Bayard, P 3 500 Ft. Stanton, N 10 200 Ft. Sumner, or Sunnyside, K 13 400 Ft. Sumner, K 12 777 Ft. Wingate, H 2 500 French, E 11 --- 200 Frisco, Ma seu. Oo Fruitland, D 3 ~ 450 Galisteo, or Twitchell, H 8 726 Gallegos, G 14-_ 75 Gallina, Gallup, Garcia, Gardiner, 96: Garita, I 12 --. 300 Gibson, H 2 --.. 400 ila 2 (2) soe cas 350 Glencoe, 0 10 --- 20 Glenwood, O 1-. 100 Glorieta, H 9 s-- 250 Golden, I 8 —.-~ 823 Grady, J 15.--<- 100 Grande, D 14 --- 20 Gran Quvarie, K9 20 Grants 1, '4e=2-—2 40 Guadalupita, F10 292 Guique, F 8 ---. 400 Hachita, S 3 ---. 500 Hagerman, O 13 476 Hanley, I 14... 25 Hanover, P $ --- Hatch, Q 6 - Haynes, F 5 - Heaton, Hermanas, $3 -- 40 Hermosa. O 4 -- 66 Hillsboro, P 5 ~~ 500 Hodges, E 9 ---- 200 Hollene, J 16 --- 25 Holloway, L 10 ~ 50 Hondo, N 11 --. 40 Hope, P12 =... 430 Hot Springs, 0 5 455 House, J 14 ---- 25 Hurlburt. M 9 ~~ 100 Isidore, I 13 --~ 200 Batetay sacl, Amboy Center, B Population, 10,385,227 Capital, Albany. County Key Pop. Pendleton, D 3_- H 16 186,106 Chm 2 Apulia Station, I 11 118,610 G Cattaraugus, 15 Picacho, O 11 --- Pinos Altos, P 3-1,118 Pinos Wells. K Arcade, H 6 Chautauqua,l4 115,348 Chenango H12 Trdaley on Hud- Portales, L 15 --1, “ag Cortland, H15 Porvenir, I 14 ~. G 6... 634,688 Puerto de Luna, 5 Putnam, F 4 --. Quemado, L 2---- qeneaeay D12 L 3 2,018, 336 Raton, D 12 ____5,544 Red River. D 10- Reserve. M 2 -_- F 8. 352,034 Montgomery i M6 126,120 L 3 2,284,103 F 13 182/833 inerae K 13___ Richardson, N 11 Rincon;Q 6 <2-= Ausable Chasm, B 16_2,399 Ausable Forks, . Flats. B 16_1,800 Averill Park, H17 450 Busti, J Ho 8____1,019 Byron, or By- es 2,585 ron Center, J 15. 500 Byron, or §. L 15 119/844 Otsego, G 13_ Putnam, K 16 Queens, L 4-- Richmond, M2 San Antonio, H 7 365 Ballston Spa, San Antonio, M 7 = Sandia. H 6 ---- Schenectady, San Ildefonso, or s Barre Center, Jose. is! d05= Marcial, N 61,018 Washington, F Santa Clara, Santa Domingo, H SANTA FE, G 8_7,236 BeaverDams, ----10,385,227 Santa Rosa, Sapello, G 10 Sawyer, I 3 --.. CITY OF NEW YORK boroughs as_ fol- 425 Silver City, P 3 2,662 M Jo, 256 New York Coun- ough of Ma an- Steins Pass, co - extensive Queens County, eco - extensive of Queens --469,042 L t=. co - extensive Bemis Heights, Terra, Sena ie G 16 Bemuspoint, I 4_ F 15 Benson Mines, Cc 18 900 bridge, Centerlisle, J 11- 9 144 Cen. Moriches, Bergen, F 7 ---. 576 KF 5 190 Centerport, L 6_- 1 “1,160 Cen. Village, Tolar, 1D. i3 Richmond Coun- sive with bor- ough of Rich- Benton wentehs Trampas, F 9_~-- Tres Piedras, Bethany, F 7 --_ 160 Bethlehem Cen- Ute Park, DB 10- Dost =1,557 Adams Basin, F7 274 Adams Center, Valencia, J 5---- Binghamton, I 11.66,.800 Ceres, J 6 . J 16 365 Chadwicks, Bishop Street,.D11 140 Chafee, H B16_2,129 Van Houten, Vaughan, K 10__ Vermejo Park, D Alabama Sta. ALBANY, H16 113,344 i F 17---4,683 Alburg, A 14___ Alden Center. G6 150 ‘Alder Creek, E13 150 Aldrich, B 13_-_ Black River. Wagon Mound, F 12 White-Oaks, 1} White Water,A3 Willard, K 8_-- Yesso, K 12__-- Blodgett Mills, re ak Alexandria eC ATlegany, I 6-1, 350 Bloomington, NEW YORK / oe 150 Bluepoint, 7 ---- 600 Bohemia, eed 180 “Bolivar, | ee 150 ~Bolton, 1 Sp 100 Bombay, wert done toe Bombay Jct. Boonville, Boquet, Essex, bp ae ly pale Be 500 Bowens Corners, eieetoeeae 18 it M 6-38,265 Bradford, G 15.33,524 Brainardsville. I 16 ~.13,032 Branchport, ae 394 Brandon. 7---1,182 Brandreth, LT .vi2 Brant, BH? "H 5_---1,867 Brasher Antwerp, C 12_.1,012 f J 11- 400 Breakabeen, 6 -. 200 Breesport, -- 150 Brentwood, Brewerton, 11 160 Brewster, L 8. 320 Briarcliff Manor, je isd 1,609 ES acim 200 Bridgehampton, C8 Je i hs ae ey 0) L 17__._ 198 Brighton, 14___ 319 Brightwaters, H 8 -. 463 Bristol, 3 I 4--. 430 Bristol H 4. 886 K 16. 750 Broadalbin, Brockport, M 2. 150 Brocton, Armonk, L 16--_ 265 Bronx, I 6_---. 300 Bronxville, I 15_-_ 780 Brookfield, J 15--- 300 Brook Haven, 4__._. 490 Brooklyn, Brookton, F 6-- 100 Brookview. eet LGc 2-1 844 G5 300 8___. 600 Brownville, 3 -..-2,015 Brushton, . J 15 ~~ 200 Buchanan, G 10_-386,192 Buffalo, G 5 F 13--1,350 Bundy Cross, H 12__1,548 Burdett. G 40_--. 416 Burke. Byron, : EY 16= 300 Cadosia, Bainbridge, I 12-1,259 Cairo, I 16 i M 6-_--2,596 Baldwinsville, Fr Ballston Lake, Caldwell, Caledonia, 10_3,685 Gallicoon, J 13_- Gallicoon Cen- G 16 200 ter, J 1 Calverton, ¥F 164,103 Cambridge, 16 -. 154 Camden, A 15_-. 400 Cameron, Bangor Sta., A1l5 400 Camillus, TAT 150 Campbell, Barker, F 6 ---. 431 Canaan, Barnard. F 8_-.. 15C Canajoharie, F 7 200 Canandaigua, J 16 400 Canaseraga, >, K 14 3800 Canastota, J 10_--_ 200 Candor. 7--18,541 Caneadea, Batchellerville, F 15 150 Cannonsville, Ae ee 4,795 Canton, Battenville, F 17 275 Cape Vincent, Bay Pond, B 15_ 150 CO Canisteo, M 7__- 800 Capron, , M 7_--4,000 Carlisle, , wl 6... 500, Carman, K 16_.10,996 Carmel, I 9 500 Caroga Lake, D12_ 800 Caroline Center, L 17-. 300 I Bedford Hills, L 16_1,000 Bedford Station, Cascade, D8 Cassadaga, Beekman, K 16 ~ 250 Cassville, Beekmantown, A Carroll, Carthage, 600 Castile, 13.. 150 Castleton. ae 900 Castorland, 11__ 178 Catharine, ? 11. 3826 Catlin. D 11_ 306 Cato, F G 5... 400 Caton, I ¢ Bellmore, M 6_-. 600 Catskill, Cattaraugus, age. H..8o soe 250 Caughdenoy, M 7... 614 Cayuga, . L 15_.. 350 Cayuga Heights, PAT so585021 Belmont Center Cayuta, B15 300 Cazengvia, 200 Cedar Hill. Cedarhurst, 100 Cedarvale, 297 Cedarville, G 6. 300 Celoron, Cementon, 17____1,480 Centerville, 15_---1,915 Centerville ‘ F 11 150 Central Bridge, G@ 15 _---2,158 Central Centralia, 72,129 Champion, Chatham, 150 Chaumont. J16 400 ri aah ya 14 350 Chazy, 6---. 150 Chazy ‘rake, A i6 Chenango Bridge, ap L9 600 Border City, Amawalk, L 16. 200 Borodino, G G 11_-.- 150 Boston, Bouckville, y Ee aa 100 Bovina Center,I14 Chestertown,D16 Chittenango or Bowmansville, Cc hitte nango Chitte ni igo St Bridgeport, a 200 Bridgewater, eyes 200 Brierhill, Broome Center, ov Cochecton Center, Coeymans Hollow, Blas east Burlington Coldspring, H 16 1,433 Coldspring Harbor, Burnthills, Columbiaville, I 16 Conewango’ Valley, Gonktingvine itp 16 Cette Bi n12.” Coopers on 1ins, Cooperstown, G1 42,7 725 Cooperstown June- Copake Falls, Garba -ttsville, 5 a ip G Comming: ig De Sin 820 Cornwall Landing, Cornwall on the He ease Coventry, or S. 16 150 Castlecreek, H 10--_-1.863 Cranberry Creek, Creek Locks, Emrick, G 16. Crittenden, G 6__ Crockett, G 10___ Cropseyville, G17 Croton on Hudson: Crownpoint Center, Cuddebackville, K Damascus, or a I 10_- ees 51.248 Central Park, M 6 Central Square, Fr Central Valley, 3 Ket Davenport, H 14_ Davenport Cen., H Champlain, C12 937 Chappaqua, 5..-1,401 Charleston, 16_ 350 Charlotte, = F 15. 527 Charlotteville,H14 ras 400 Charlton. Chateaugay, 150 Chateaugay Bloomingburg, K15 500 Lake, Bloomingdale, Delanson, G H 17-.2,710 B15 490 Chatham Cen. Bloomingdale Sta., H K 14 Deposit, pe rf eae 1943 Derby, G 5. “NEW YORK-CONT’D . Corinth, F 16. 200 Derrick, B 14-2-. 350 Fleischmauns, 114 525 Hannibal, F 10 40 c r ssena Sori ‘ Deruyter, G 1205 519 kleming, G 10__-1,031 Hannibal Cen., F10 350 envant her ae 600 ener Saree 200 eee aera 250 oe Ae Sia rit phi doe ot Osean eis pee as ey? 07 Hardenburg, J 14 784 Kerhonkson, J 15 350 Mattoon, or Nichols, J 10-.-. 554 Perth, F 15-7. 718 Rodman GD fot 900 A Davi b aee Vewittville, 1 4. 150 Florence, W 13.-- 251 Harford, H’11--_ 679 Killawog, H 11-- 300 Spragueville Nicholville, A 14 300 Peru,’ 1 ee ae Pane tbr eee teen Dexter, O 11-.-1,164 Klorida, L 15... 553 Evarford Mills, or Killbuck, 1 5... 250 Bee B12 200 Nile, 1 tie--u--- 200. Peruville, pom aT. Ao ee ee eee eee Diamond Point, B16 150 Bloyd, F 13...._ 702 Mills, H 11... 197 Kinderhook, 17 793 Matteawan, K 16_6,727 Peruville, H 10-_ 250 Romulus, G 10_-. 250 S. Fallsburg, or Dickinson, A "14-1,763 Flyeréek, G 15... 250 Harpursville, 112 450 King Kerry, H 10 320 Mattituck, L 821,500 Peterbore, G 120 ioe Ronkonkoma, Lo 7 j300 te Waleietees tan nme ay Dickinson yee 1.664 roads, G aes Harriettstown, Kings Bridge, K 3 160 Maybrook, K 15. 230 Phare a of ae 300 pee 9 1 Saree Sere , ATS 1 COS Moresthure, Mo 145 a1 B 15_4,716 ayfield, 1 x ‘ Btwis “iphia. Ola On COG nay ease , B 162,158 Dobbs Ferry M17 4,401 Forestport, B13. 388 Harriman, L 15-680 Kingston, J 15--20,688 Mayville, vi 1,207 Niverville, HIT. 359 Bhillipspert, K13s- th Roschoom, G71: SDOiE. Bitinoe I Lees olgeville, F ras orestville, | - 620 Harrison, M 16_-1,485 Kirkland, G 12.. 150 Maywood, or Sia: Norfolk, A 18--. 253 Phi pee is §. Horicon. D 16-1,582 WorinoaE 1a 2007 Works: Hee 3,200 Harrisville. G 13 "900 3 ; 8 ywood, : Yorfolls, --- #03 Philmont, I 17_--1,919 Rosendale, J 15. 555 §. Jamesport, L 8 : Dover Plains, J17 797 Ft. Ann, B 17... 388 Farrover, G 14_. 160 te plan 7 ee ote Home Beet op ont 13 400 ab temas Pee Phoenicia, I 15_- 354 Roseton, K 16---2,000 §, Laneiie H 10 500 & lownsville, I 13. 500 bt! Covington, Al4 836 Hartford, B 17-- 700 Knapp Creek, J 6 200 @'16.8,166 N. Argyle, F 17. 208 Plereeficld. G 142150 eee Be seta ee Mialbrook, 46 200 Dresden, H 9---- 295 It. Covington Hartland, F 6_-. 350 Knapps, or N. ae Mecklenburg. H 10400 -NoBangon, Gels Amat Diet an ee ee eee 1,194 §. New Berlin,H13 400 resden Sta., D1T 250 Gérters Aa [lee esr ae Hartiotilor Glen: Stockholm, A 18 300 Meco, F is 500. hes . eer one Piermont, M _16_-1,600 Rossler, G 6_---- 250 §S. Nyack, K 9_--1,799 erville, H10. 150 Ft. Edward, P17_3,871 _ side, F 10_---- 300 Knights, F15--. 300 Medford Station, _ N. Bag P 12. 350 pactmepont, B _18-1,908 Rotterdam, @ 164,198 Southold, K 91,500 Dryden, H 10---- 707 kt. Eunter, G 15,700 Hartsdale, M 16. 700 Knowlesville, F 6 321 Te OBO IN” Blochote TS) Boe Te es gee mmvotterdam. dc, S. Onondaga, G11 250 Duane, A 15_.__- 872 kt. Jackson, A 14°160 Hartwick, H 18. 600 Knox, H 15-.---1,174 Medina, F 6----.6,011 NaBloomfela, GY 142 Pisar tig G16 300 8. Otselic, H 12. 300 Duanesburg, @15_2,280° kt. Johnson. G 15 O80 Kastings, HO) 11. 800 Knoxboro. G 12-2 26) Madman MEE IBLS On PE ada eS ee 306 oe CE i eas 250 Round Lake, G16 800 Southport, I 9. 250 Dundee, 143 Pt. Miller, F 17. 300 Hastings Upon, 5 50g Sripplebush, J-15 200 Mellenville, 1 16. 564 Northbranch, J 13. 250 Pinebpsh ara 500 ier " ae sD 5 Wie a a rg eae x t. Montgomery, udson. a ; 3 eae ; ie ens -- x ’ oot outhwest Oswego, Durham, 27: - 1.16 215 Hauppauge, L 7 200 Lackawanna,J5-17,918 Melville. L G--. 200 NV Chatham Hie ise pte gal? 7 Qe-- 200 Buby. J 16. See 10. 320 Durhamville, F It. Plain, G@ 142,747 Haverstraw, L16_5,22@ Lacona, EH 11_--_ “461 Memphis, F 10-- 200 N. Chili, F 7 302 Pine Hill, I 15-_ 248 Ruralgrove, G@ 15 225 Spafford, G 11---1,130 3° Pt, Plain Station, plaverstraw, 116 -5.229- Lacona. & 11-—-; 461 Memphis, F 10-- 200 N. Chill. #7. 902 Pine Plains, 316:1,500 Riush, GS 300 Sparkills M 16-060 a. 155 —_ or Nelliston, G14.708 Hawthorne, L 16 350 Lagrangeville, or Meridale, H i4-. 150° NCollins, HG_1,158 Pitcher Gage” sop: ee eae Ge Sparrow Bush, K14 400 "G17 300 Fowlerville, @ 7-886 Etebron, F'17..-. 165 Lagrange, K 16 200 eae toc ioe Yate as “ee Shee H_12__- 150 Rushville, H 9--- 541 Spencer, I 10__-_ 661 r., FP 6. 315 Frankfort, F 13-24,198 Hecla Works, P12 300 Lake Colbey, B15 150 Merrick, M 6-... 520 N. Cuba, I 6 138 Pisengie-iy $7--1328 Russell, B 13_--- 400 Spencerport, F 7_ 926 ? G17 500 branklin, "I 13--. 476 Helena, A 14_-.- 150 Lake George, B16 630 Mexico, B 11--.-1,336 N. Elba, G_ 16-2-3,933 Plandome, Me ag Bee M 16 5,308 Split Rock, F 11 300 Ms ; 2.. 792. ranklin Fails, Hemlock. @ 8.2800 [Lake Greve, L 74, 400 eMiddieburg, HVAT ase (Nadirene Gate” aROPina te Meee : Bpragueville, or E. sree ag 950 }vanklin Sore to" Hempstead, 1 ,9-6.382 Lake Huntington, Middlefalis, F 17 420 N. Fair Haven,F10 300 Plattaburs, a 14110, 508 pa Saag Du 667 8 wakae td ae rans q , ranklin Sprs., enderson, E K i P . : prakers, Pe i, Aurora, 18 352 Uenderson Harbor, Lake Katrine, om au Middle Granville; re Te 300 scuricgerk Pra 5 Sag Harbor, 3 92,993 Springbrook, 6a 300 H. Avon, G Franklinton, H15 15% D11 200 Katrine, J 16__ 500 E17 700 N. Granville, 17 626 Pl J6 489 St. Bonaventure, Springglen, K 15_ 209 EB. Bethany, vanklinville, I 62,015‘ flenrietta, F 8_-_ 189 Lake Placid,B16 2,099 Middlegrove, F 16 250 N. Hannibal, or 3 Snee rey de T6 399 Springs, L 9---_- 339 : i Bloomfield, redonia, H 4__-6,051 Jlensonville, I 15 200 Lake Pleasant,E15 429 Middle Hoye, K16 300 | Wheelers, ©10_ 200 Pl ba 3 soc St: Huberts, 010-1,211 Spring Valley, Eastbranch, reehold, H 16-. 240 Herkimer, F tee Le 453 Lakeview, G 5... 500 Middle Island, L7 285 N Hebron, B 17_ 300 Bias Gg ee 8,590 St. James, L 17-350 L 16 3,818 u. Chatham, Se aa en enmitane Bs DH EeECe a Se orcs, ee eee eye ee lessis, © 12_-__ 240 St. Johnsville, Springville, Ht 5_2,331 1. Durham, iveeport, M 6_.-8,599 Zermon, B 13-7 622 Lakewood, I 4... 714 Middlesex, H 8.. 350 N. Hudson, © 16. 505 Sa aeern et G14.2,469 Spcingwater, H 8 ‘600 - \. Florence, E reetown Cors., Heuvelton, B 12_ 559 Lamont, H 7_---. 175 Middletown a N. Java, @ 6... 300 + Chautenaae St. Regis Falls, Staatsburg, J 16_ 500 “i. Greenbush, ; H11 589 Hewitville, B 13_ 259 Lancaster, G 6.-6,059 K 15.18,420 N: Lawrence, Ai4 500 Poland, aaah AA 008 Beatle eee or ~ H17_1,350 Ireeville, H 11. 303 Hewlett, M 6_-. 511 Langford, H 5_-. 218 Middleville, F 14 790 N. Manlius, G1i_. 150 Pomoi Re ae St. Remy, J 16-250 Stamford, H 14__ 947 W. Greenwich, F 17 '150 Fremont Center, Hicks, 1 12-__- 150 Lansing,’ H 10-.-.°200 Milford, H 18... 805 N.Norwich,cr ”. pompan Gare Salamanca, I 5--9,276 Standfordville, J16 400 i. Groveland, G7 20%, J 13-2168 Hicksville, M 6_2,500 Laona, H 4... 150 Millbrook, J°16-21,096 Galena, # 12-865 Pend Giddy) Wiives, Salem. F 17____- 1,083 Stanley, G 9____ 450 E. Guilford, or Prewsburg, I 4. 800 Highfalls, L 15. 574 Larchmont, or Millerton, J 17-. N. Patsutuy ©: 169ae Geecae pease 254 Salisbury, F 14.- 200 Starkey, H 9----1,662 New Berlin Friendship, I 71,026 Highland, K 16--1,570 © Larchmont Millport, "I'9-—77 400. N. Petersburg, G17’ 200 BoLdSyd G-qaz-- $00 Salisbury Center, Starkville, G 14 "200 Junction, I_12- _773'043 Highland'F’s, Manor, J 4__.-2,468 Mills, or Hartford NN. Pharstlia, 1 126000 Peciumiine Gus) ceehaee F14 300 Starlake, C 13-__ 200 .E. Hampton, L 9-2 51,998 L 16_2,588 LaSalle, F 5___-_ 3'813 Mills, H 11---. 197 Northport, L 6_-1,977 Pee G 10 175 Salisbury Mills, Steamburg, I 5__ oo E. Hartford, 869 Highland Mills, Lassellsville, Fld 300 Milton, K 16----1,200 N. River, D.15-- 170 Portaseyille, Hoy 206 E15, 300” Btccle aa ae E. Islip, N 15 500 Laurens, H'13___ 298 Mina, I 3-.-----1/021 N. Rose, or Rose, _ Port Boren ory. 490 Samonsville. F 15 330 Stephens Mills, HS 200 : b. Jewett, 200 Highmarket, B12 390 Lawrence, M 6--2,861 Minaville, G@ 15. 256 f F9°400 | Port Byrom Samonsville. J 15 199 Btephentown, H 170250 i. Kingston, J 16_ 200 Highview, K 15- 150 Lawrenceville, Ald 300 Minden, G 14-...4591 N. Russell, B13. 150 0 See Tia aan nepnenor B. Koy, H 7--—_- 341 Highwoods, I 16. 150 Lawyersville, G14 250 Mineola, M 6222.8,016 N.Salem, L, 17-. 200 Port Chester,, Uo gamdiake, H 17 400 _ ter, H 17_——__- ao li. Marion, K 9_- Hilburn, L 15-—1,112 Lebanon, G 12___ 175 Minerva, D 16_--1,012 N.Stockholm, or _ as 5 Sands Point. M 6 284 Sterling, ¥ 10---5 Sat I. Meredith, E14 i Hillsdale, I 17-_-. 500 Lebanon Springs, Mineville, © 17--1,844 | Knapps, A'13__ 300 Por M17 16,573 Sandusky, H 6-- 300 Sterling Sta.,F10 2,221 1). Morichest, L_S Gallupville, Hiltons fast ee 827 iT 550 Minisink’ K 14.- 300 N. Syteeuse, File B00) Doe Grane. 1 12- 600 Sandy Creek, E11 566 Stillwater: (@1g.0 ae2 ii. Nassau, G17. 200 Gansevoort, 02 Himrod, H9---. 310 Lee, F 12__.__.. 150 Minoa, G@ 11... 867 N. Tarrytown, kbp hee Sanherneld, G18 | 2260 huteile ia? (i. Northport, M17 300 Garbutt, F 7____ 224 Hinckley, F 13-_ 700 Lee Center, F 12_ 325 Mitchelville, K15 300 _ L 16 5,927 Por Terk Benita ones Stockbridge, G12 300 i. Oak F G_ 500 Garden Cy., M 6.2,420 Hindsburg, F 7. 200 Leeds, I 16.--.-- 300 Modeltown, or N. Tonawanda, eS AE a at 112 200 Stockport, I 16__ 700 Haston, F 17---. 200 Gardenviile, G@ 5. 700 Hinmansville,F 11 150 Leibhardt, J 15-. 200 Model City,F 5. 200 F’5.15,482 pelt Rwen. J 16-1211 Santa Clara,A14-1,053 Stockton, I 4___ 600 H. Onondaga, G1i 400 Gardiner, K 15-. 350 Hinsdale, 1 6... 200 Leicester, H 8... 279 Modena, K 15... 250 Northville, F 15-1190 Pert Hone Gtr oite sormac. A 16---3,156 Stone Ridge, J 15-225 H. Otto, H 5.---- 300 Garfield,’ H 17--. 400 Hoag Corners, H16 275 Leon, I 5_.----_- 250 Mohawk. G 14.202,019 WN. Western, Fis. 183 pont somes ee arena ake, Stonybrook, 1 7 844 aa 3g almyra, Fr 9. 250 Garnerville, or Hobart, H 14__-__ 587 Leonardsville, G13 350 Moira, -_ 600 Norwich H 128.268 Hort Jemersoa, B15_5,174 Stonycreek, BH 16_ 719 i. Park. J'16__- 200 Garnerville June. Hogansburg, A14 390 Leroy, G 7__-.-~ 4,203 Monroe, Norwood, A 13_-1'808 P L 72,156 Saratoga Springs, Stonypoint, L 16. 950 I. Patchogue, L7- 250 1,161,300 Holbrook, & 7. 201 Levant, I 4.-.--- 700 Monsey, M 16 300 Olive Branch, Tip 160: Eeccioe rae a iieee 161,625 Taylor, phe 2 (EO) Uduyviiley J 15. 600 Glenford, J 15--- 150 Hudson, I 16_--11,745 Liverpool, F 11--1,831 Morristown, B.12 489 Olive Bridge, J 1p. 200 Prrcn Hel, H15 250 Scio, TL 7--—--___ 800 ‘The Bronx, L 2 732,016 den, or Bden Glenham, K 16-- 800 Hudson Falls, Livingston, I 16. 245 Morrisville, G@ 12 497 Olmstedville, D 16 200 Ben % Scipioville, G 10_| 200 Thendara, D 13__ 201 Cae 4 ioe CE a G_.. 677 sek oa ae hen Livingston Manor, Morton Corners, Oneida, F i2 10 541 Procpese Paes 3 Scotia, @ 16 =---— 4. oun Theresa, C 12.___ 857 Eden Val., G rlenloch, ughsonville, K 16 J 141,00: 5 aie noe area ——— 5 cott GG Ales 0S Th a Udenville, Parish. G@ 9__-_ 515 Huguenot Pk., M2 450 Livingstonville, ” house, GY 7a. spa Monciae veies TiO 200 ice Scottsburg, 18.300 Theta a 200 Piertelats phe nce Ah 3 eS ae ure 7-- 400 ae H15 300 Mossyglen, I 9--. 200 Oneonto, H Ys 11,582 Suse ttt, S95 See F 7__. 784 Thornwood, L16_ 450 rbasttr slenpark, 2.66 Mme Eke 385 Livonia. G 8____ 743 Mottville., | Una o 42. OR aan criba, Ef 10--_-- 2,260 Ldmeston, _€ Glens I’s, BE 16_16,638 Humphrey, I 6-_ 150 Livonia Center, GS 300 Mouate lace Thad 300 Onentgee voney - 250 Pultneyville, F 9. 250 Seriba, or Lycom- Thousand tals 401 Edwards, B Glenside, or Hunter, I 15.--_ 683 Lobdell, or Russia, Mountainville, K15 450 4 Git 500 ote reaver Final Ea in) Ee Be Throopsville G10 984 OF: _Fartlot, F 10-_ 301 HuntersLand, H15 172 A116 258 Mt. Kisco, L 17_3,944 Onoville, J 5 600 Putnam, ae 17_-. 505 Sea Breeze. F 82,000 Thurman, FE 16 833 Re Glenville,” G 15__4,178 Huntington, “L. 66,200 Locke, I¥ 10__-.-1,07) Mt. Lebanon, H17.170 Ontario, F 8... 300 Pyrites, B 13---- 200 Seaford. M 6. 716 ‘Ticonderoga, D1t_2403 : Glen Wild, J 14-_ 160 Huntington Sta., Lockport, F 5 308 Mt. Morris, G 7_3,312 Ontario Center, FS 300 i Seaverton, B13. 200 Tioga Center, 1 10_ '300 Glenwood Lag., j L'6 800 Lockwood, I 10-. 190 Mt. Sinai, L 7. 275. Oppenheim, F'14-1,058 vane! Bridge or Selkirk, H 16---_ 290 Tilly Foster, or Elizabethtow ‘ z L6 350 Hurley, J 16_--_ 400 Locust Valley, LG 448 Mt. Temper, I 15 168 Oramel, H 7 108 Site ee on Sempronius, G11 594, ‘Tiny Foster ADO TR LOW jee oe ee Ot ee ee Lodi, H 10... 475 -Mt. Upton, H 18. 800. (Orgnedbure, MAG Geode Seneca Castle, G9 300°. Mines, K 17 oe eRe __ F15-22,075 — Luzon, J'14__-_ 500 Long Beach, N17 282 Mt. Vernon, J 4-42,726 Orchard Park, G6 800 W16 175 Seneca Falls, G 9-6,389 Tivoli, I 16__-___ Net aes Geka ne Aaa oe 200 Longeddy, J 18-- 700 Mt. Vision, 1 13-250 Orient, K 9... 808 Quanevilie f ve aay Sere ests fodder aes 50 Menburg, 3 x00 Ground, L 81,0 Furstville, H 161,793 Longlake, D 15_--1,100 Mumford. G 7_-.. 455 Oriskai GB etauket, L 7... 600 Tomkins Cove. Ellenburg Cen., Gorham, G 9_--_ 300 Hyde Park, J 16_ 700 Loomis, K 14 9 j2_ 7 aa 13-1, 101 Queens, M 6___466,811 Seward, G 14 ve } = ~ 4 ; ark, - y S, ---- 200 Munnsville, G 12. 877 Oriskany Falls, Pewales ---- 200 L.16_1,200 os A16 252 Goshen, K 15____2,843 Lordville, J 1 3 a Queensbury, Shandaken, I 15. 240 iMenburg Derr . ape Gouverneur, B12 4,144 Idlewild, or Corn- — - Lorraine, D ten 300 Nanuet, L.16_.-. 701 Orleans, G on ene 134 9 10-16,78) Bharon. G Agel, 75 iors, oes 250 enone, 7 AsiSgAGn Gtaveaet ak-F'08 shel Shs 15;4000 Eoudonrite ETE, Boo Navanoen, 3 15. 629 Onetne our Git ae aan Seareony 22 200 ee a Bang oR eres “a aS =~-1,019 Mion, F 13_--~- 169 Louisville, “A 131,55: Se Bea : avertown 7. 3. Sindy aes Geamamiente TAL MY Tadibenaence, TtArt Louies, 9 Li 'iga Nanowsbine, is an ™ TS" Stra age Ramil ip 09 Steltine Goaa °° Rumen GIG ie jcottville, T G6 950 Granby Cen., F10-2,038 Indian Falls, F 6 258 Lowvi le, D 12_--3,197 Nassau, 116... 655 Orwell, B SI eldrake, or Ovid Troupsburg, I 8 22! Ellington, I 4. 500 Gran@Gorge, 115 250 Indian Fields, Hie 16 ; ; = 655 Orwell, HB 1--_-1,029 | Randolph, I 5__ 1,310 Pe ee rH fe Set mrOree, “ a 8, 5 0 -Loyds, J 1622228 2 “f > Center, H 10-_ 200 Tr Pui aoe | cies ty Grand Isl., @ 5-. 914 Indian Lake, D15-1,049 Ludlowvilie, H 10 Dee eet UR eOO Lona. ees 783 Ransomvitie, F 5. ’500 Shelter Island, LD 400” Peakyille, J 13 202 EImhurst, OD Gree MT ote ghana Mills, P14 200 Luzerne. M@ 161,200 Naumburg, D 12 200 Ossining, 1 16-10,789 Rovere Pent Sngelghta, ie 9. Tront iver, A 15, 214 ou franville, =53,024. Inlet. Deliee 150 Luzon, or Hurley- Navarino, G 11__ 150 0 C417 SrBnus -1,200 Troy. G 16 12, Elmira, 1 9__-- Grassy Pt., L 16700 Interlaken, H 10 633 ville, J 1 i Sr eeer Ht 0. 188, ose Raymertown, G17 150 Sherburne, H 121.204 ‘Tendean, O) 4Gue ‘35 : a irassy Pt., 0 35 SF fis UR 500 Nellistoni, or Fort) » 0 i 5 erburne, H 121,104 Trudeau, © 16. Himira Eeights Gravesville, F 13 165 Inwood. M 3 1,999 iacemie ©) i i ide ll 9 sec hg Raymondville, A13 700 Sherid yoeu ae : aan ——-= ye » Or Plain Station, oO Cent eridan, H 4--_ 200 Trumansburg, 194.188 Greatbend, G 12 300 Tonia. Ser pae E10 ai swego Center, _. Readburn, J 13__ 200 Sherman, I 3 847 rimsford, I, 161,535 Great Neck, L 6 339 Ira, Lynbrook, M62224,371 Nelsonville, K 16 io. Otego, 18 ee ee Shermas recs) Truthvme. 3 17-200 ene ae 175 Great Neck Sta- Irona, 200 Lyndonville, F 6_ 738 Nesconset, L 8 250 Otisville, K 15-_ R 19-1,412 L16 428 Truxton, H 11___1.186 ismere, H 16. 300 tion, M 2.—__-. 201 Irondequoit, F 8. 200 Lyons, G 9$_____- 4,253 Neversink, J 14. 300 Otselic od creek. Hi 10. 499 Sherrill, F 12_-_1.761 Tuckahoe, J 4_—_8,509 Pmeryville, C18: 200 Great Vale nk B.. op devine, A PMN head a a EM oor oe 5_ 200 Otto, H 5 40 Redford, a 150 Shart ‘Tract Sn HO eon G U__-- “47 ae ' v- 200 Great Val., ay eh rving, H 4--____ 00 Lyons Falls, E 1: St UEC eee oa uaga, I 19... x ae Short Tract, I 7 510 : a Fiionoes’ Grits 308 Greece, B @°-7 3a) Hvingtom HG0.-a,tmp Eysdnder"b Gol 250 Newaik'vmiege OC Quek of 2-200 Rea Heak. 4 16. sar Simubone. Ete 335" Guaner Brlage han --- 202 Greene, yea LO! iT slachua, -1 16s. 750 I , SCO 1M ( aa ae ushan, F 17_-_ 500 : ear Gee CORE Maha ae 2,200 McConnellsville, New Baltinore: Wicoc sc eoentid dene aaa Boon ae ee Sidney, 1 toro ot? Tupper Lake ROK dicot 41.229'50 As aly, eee 208 B12 2 ‘ : oeaact ; --. 448 Sidney Center, or Padicott. T 219,500 Green Isl, @ 164,411 Ttalyhill, TH 9_-_ 165 MeDonough, 12 300 New Berlin, H13 1,070 Oatond, HF 157-~71.550 Remsenburg, M19 200 _ Maynard, I 18__ 400 Tapver bake hea Fpitatan a Taye Greenlawn, L 6-400 Ithea, H 10.----17,00¢ McGraw, H 111,032 New BerlmJe.,or | Oyster Bay, Ir 68,092 pear eee ee te Hatidass tion, or Faust, eaves = : rt, K 9--8,122 cLean, H 11_-. 400 E. Guilford, 112 15 3 = ilversprings; X rad ae Green Ridge, M 2__ 151 Jacksonville, H10_ 175 Macedon, F 9__-_ 526 Ne eae Pagebrook, 1 12. 959 Rensselaer Falls, Sinclairville, T 4 ‘514 ‘Turin, E 12 C14 300 i ae Miepacish ih : T1s2. B34 Jamaica, +e i-g--5.600 Macedon Center, D12-1.974 Painted Post, I 9-2,170 Rensselaervitl, plage arabe pote: 1,635 Turnwood, J 14 300 a : _ --1,08 amesport, L 8__ 341 F9 158 N d ati cite RCaTe ; aneateles Falls : = *sperance, Greenwood I... L15,150 Jamestown, T 438,917 Machias, H 6___- BOG. Newt: KIM BOG ete ee eee aaa ge dseee G10 501" 'Damasens, J 12. 17% Rares, 94.4 Ga Gases ena eee Jamesville, @ 11 "495 Macomb, B 12-_"1,245 New City, 16-_ 450 Palermo, E 11-_-1,281 ec tae 300 oer age ia 490 eorede Fark Lee Sat Fa ee rrove, Ht 7_-___- 52 Rigid al ola metas 55 Madalin, I 16____1,080 i BN tei ‘ 16. 3 Serahay Sat ‘ ESS ex OF Bed oa TUT, 250 Java yee H 6 150 Madison, G 12_- ‘265 Reweine, Ge uct | ary Banogl ame 480 Hexvitic Ta aon Riot Ceres tent Tyrone a5 a= 1, a Rtrate 3 rat nO Jay, EEG et) adrid, A 13.22 95 ‘ 5 7 yra, 9-2, 48 3 i emcee Rloani rp ee 1.791 Wee = Wat) pe pina riz0, 2 BE cutaenang ele da8 IeioP rho 8G Masel laaae 8 gaat hyp SMD Bimal @ sh<- Oe Bernoltien 114 Ie Rleninhe GH 990 Uoadite, x 1-467 Frans Milla, O92 451 “tem @ 4607. 218 emerson, Hi 141.304 A13 250 New Hamburg. Cors., C 11---- 200 Rhincheck | Re ae ee, Cee “ter: 2 SNS : 24 Mahopac, L 16... 40 K ebec 16_1, 207 Smithboro, J 10__ 250 rine aoe og Cuilford. H 12--- 400 Jericho, M 6... 450 Maine, T 11____-— 400 New Raa yale Cope se vet sae aon Rhinecliff, J 16-- 600 Smiths Basin, E17 250 Union, I tseeen 303 ‘ka ito 24 _. Jewett, I 15.2-. 200 Maiden Bridge, 15 260 Pars, Sq tay--7- 700 Richburg, 1 7__-- 351 Smithtown, TL 7 300 Union Center. 111 200 Spee 9 1). S82. Tapemaw oa tae eee jokaaneren Ht Sogn eae rm 1& 210 New Hartford. Parishville, B14 712 Richfeld Sprs ay ae ig canbe gia m7 Union gone: X14 200 P hirport, I it_-__4,626 Hagerman, or | ‘Johnson. ‘L 15... 909 By apes = ¥13-1.621 Parkers, D 12._. 9150 Sc ithvi ; nin Soe ANU a 2 ; 5 son. Ken son. I 16._.-—__ era : a s 3_1,288 Smithville, D 11_ 2 Faves, Bocoy 1g UPatchorier T8250 dehnonints, Wa. am ans! Piiaam- BAB ASUS Belt 20” Parma cE Tooioy 480 Ricnford, 1.1 dap Smithville ate. °° atone ETc 403 1 + fa age pra et ay Seapaaie, ohnson City,I 11_8,587 one, A 15____7.55 ; 6 : : = -1,: ; 2 r al ming J 14_ 403 Hailesboro, C 12. 178 Johnson Creek, F6 200 Miniatincce 5 4 she M 6-1,000 Patchogue, L 7_-4,031 Richmond, Nt 2115,959 Smyrna, H ie oot oe Be ee r ner@ville, FF G 300 Haines Falls, or Johnsonville, G17 550 Manchester, @ & 1418 reget ca ania Ibi das Mills, E16 250 Richmond Hill. Snyder, F 600 egitim a Pc le se) Mo_ 1091 Haines Cors., _,, Johnstown, F 15_10,908 Manhasset,’ T, 6_1,032 New Lisbon, #13 200 Pavition swiss 400 Ri en es ee 200 Urbana, H 8 8,096 Pirekearatise” rete cone gO PometOnne: 30.) HE Manton. He Th-o—T SEM New Pall dh anctday Bavana, He Hee—c,omt SOM ag ey ROIS Cotas 6 a8 Valet EG OO oe 3 ALO os ae 2 Manlius. hp ‘Ile eee, ; ‘ enter pogiike Sime... C14 200 Male Eddy, J 13_ 200 Jordanville, G 14 250 Mannsville, D th 568 Mawes: 77 hae eee i a aA: eichrilcs B, 18. 802 Sodus Point. F 9. 700 a ESO ee est Tavetteville. G11.) 524 Fall 0. yeas: f 9-—--- Manorkill, H 15_ 4 i 161.50 a ee Solon, H 11______ 541 [ Peits Mills 0 13 “100 Flee ates aa Junius, G 9-_--__ 908 Pre ea See 0 New Russia, Gian Pocodie eee on oe Mee! an eid Oi be 6 paler Falls, ar a3 eae < vl Sah PLS ee Marathon, BGE ‘ 1 Te AGMs B68 6 Binh ae ore ean e --- Feet ge Ab Wow @ booty pantry yao. ame Marcie WAL AS Meeting! © Baa, % SG Biota Tab) inte emmy Ue MS Fenra Bush. H 1¢ 250 Wamilton, G {2__1.505 atone L ing 96 Marcellus Falls. H116_3,015 Pelham Manor. ’ Ri i ' ‘ont ampfon, Lg 2,892 Valois. H 10_____ “200 7 <--1, atonah, ---1,400 3 50 N iverview, C 11_ 400 §. Amsterdam, or Vv: x ose ed > H ass pine Premier, i ee 300 Katrine, or 1. Margaretville a tee Norrie: nine aon Perri BK 41,%54 Rochester, F 8_295,750 Amsterdam, Varnes a aa ee se Findley... 1. 400 Hamlin, F 7----. 350 _ Katrine, § 16__ 500 Mariaville. @ 15_ 165 Newtonville, G16_ 250 Pendleton, Eee ee G1531,267 Varysburg. G 4 400 Fine. C13... 200 Hammond, B12 409 Keene, 0" 16_—_-- 1,828 Marilla, @ 6... 400 New Windsor, LIS 614 Penfidld 'P 8.0. 700 P16 230 §. Arevie. F 7. 280 Vermilion. P 11-- 900 ecg . ns : ar aa te ee ponte ee ieee Marion, F_9_-___ 800 New Woodstock Pennellville carl 350 Rocked $ fac 300 e iver ae 1116 500 Vernon. WF 12____ fay Ree NS sees: 2 : Keeséville. “1524 ; Soaiaee . , : y : -- 300 S Rloomfield. G9_ 200 “P12 © ree F 10 rid piemptaty BH 17__ 675 Kelleys, or Prince- pee Nat ee Pais Poaenet Ps ao a Penn Yan, H 9--4,517 Rockland Lake. s Pistol sect goe O64 vou ge F12 aia Fiche Widyo uk 18. ee -Fieuktnn’ Taco Take "Kea eee 850 Martinsville. 5 150 New York Mills, | perry. @ Ton dat Rockett Dake ome oe Bee Pe ea Pemanck, Ts tee es rive p 5 ~ Bigs . x! —pomems a 46 c Syne ioe bE % ‘ . Ga ». Five Cors.. Hi 19. 150 Hannawa Falls. : Kendall Mills, 7 330 ripe le a Beg ese Niagara Falls, 13_3,000 Bey ikl ge 7 159 Rock Stream. H9 200 peti at Wie tr sive vote: a oe or Q vshurg, 5. 271 Rockville Center, S. Cambridge, F17 200 Vestal Center. J 11 Vilagg, O 16._._- 201 B18 5 0 Kenmore, G 5--.3,160 Massena, A 18___5,993 5_50.760 Perrys Mills, A16 280 M 6_6,262 §S. Colton, B 14__ 250 Veteran, J 15. 400 a N, Y.-CONT’D Victor, G..S.-.-<< 945 Victory, F 10__-_1,316 Victory Mills, P16 "725 Wirgee ok 11-2. 200 Voorheesville, H16 614 Waddington, A 18_ 702 Wading River, L8 397 Walden, K 15_-_5,493 Wales Center, G 6_ "200 Wallace esc ee Wallkill, K 15-— 760 Walton, I 18_---3,598 Walworth or Pereyyille, F 9 450 Wampsville, F 12 276 pi tetera mS = 710 Wa e. ‘alls, Ppingem K 163,235 Warner, F 11.--- 500 arnert ioe. H14. 263 W arrensbur; ts 13 hese Warsaw, K 7--.-3, Warwick, L 15-_2,420 Washington Hol- low, J 16. Washington Mills, F13 pea Muktonyille, K 15 Wassaic, J 17_- Waterford, G 16-2, 637 Waterloo, G_ 9-_-3,8 Water Mill, L 9_ 300 Waterport, F 6_~ 320 Watertown, D11_31,285 Waterville, G 13_1,255 Watervliet, G16_16,073 Watkins, H 9__--2,785 Wattsflats. I 4. 400 Waverly, J 10_-_5,270 Wawarsing, J 15 200 Wayland, H 8__-1,790 Webb Mills, J 9- 200 Webster, F 8___-1,247 Weedsport, F 10_1,379 Wegatchie, C 12. 210 Wells, BH 15... 925 Wellsbridge, H13 200 Wellsburg, J 9-- 465 Wellsville, I 74,996 W. Almond, H 7 462 W. Berne. H 15_ 215 W. Bloomfield, G7 300 Westbury, M 6_- 350 Westbury, F 10-. 287 Westcamp, a 16_ W. Carthage,D12_1,666 W. Chazy, A 16_ 251 W. Coxsackie, “ H 500 W. Danby, I 10_. 300 . Waton, ._ 500 W. Edmeston, G 13 220 Westernville, F13 300 Westfalls, G 5__ 300 Westfield, I 4-___3,413 W. Ft. Ann, E 17 200 W. Fulton, H 15. 210 W. Granville Cor- ners, B 17_-... 300 W. Hampton, L 8 448 ' W. Hampton - Westmoreland, F12 Beach, L 8_--. 400 W. Haverstraw, L 16_2,018 W. Hebron, F 17_ 200 Westhersfield Springs, G 6. 200 W. Hurley, J 15. 300 Wekill, I: 15___. W. Milton, G 16_ W. Monroe, F 11 W. Nyack, L 16_ Weston, H 9_--. W. QGneonta, H 13 Westons Mills, or Westons, I 6__. 500 Westpoint, Ln 16_1, ac Westport, phe a W. Rush, alas 500 W. Salamanca, 15 530 wy: Sand Lake,H17 300 W. Saugerties, 4 4S 200 w. Sayville, M 71,000 W. Sparta, H 7__ 800 Ww. dae anal 17 380 W. Stockholm, A13 Westtown, L 15. 200 W. Union, I 7_.- 885 _W. Valley, H Gz. 465 Westville Cen., A 15_1,149 W. Walworth. 9 300 W. Webster, F 8. 210 W. Winfield. G13_ 725 Wevertown, D 16 225 Whallonsburg, C17 162 Wheeler, H 8_---1,006 Wheelers, or N. Hannibal. E 10 311 Whippleville, A 15 200 White Creek. F17 500 Whitehall, EH 17_5,2538 Whiteplains, M 16 19.287 Whiteport, J 16_ 200 Whitesboro, F13 3,038 White Sulphur Springs, J 14-_ 250 Whitesville, J 7 500 Whitfield, J 15_. 200 Whitney Point,I11 665~ Willard, or Willet. H 11 ~-- Williamson, F 9_ 685 650 Williamstown, £12954 - Williamsville, G5 ‘1: ane _ Willowemoc, _ Windham, gg Bie Ji4 250 Willowvale, F 13 500 Willsboro, B 17_ 1,629 Willseyville, I 10 2 Wilmington, B 16 Wilson, Willow, Windsor, Windsor Beach, or Claverhouse, re 8 Winthrop, eS Wolcott, F 9 _--1,186 Woleottsburg, Fé Wolcottsville, F6 Woodbourne, J14 Woodsburgh, M 6 Woodbury, L 6 Woodhull, I 8_-- Woodridge, K 14_ Woodstock, J 15_ 350 Worcester, H 141,200 Dv 12. F Wurtsboro, K15_ Wyoming, G 7__. 386 Yaphank, TL 8___3.151 ' Yonkers, J 3__100,176 Work: Gots os 500 ' Yorkville, F 13.1,512 Youngstown, F 5 539 Youngsville, J 14 275 Zurich, F 9----- 200 NO. CAROLINA First Settled at Chowan River, 1650. One of the Original Thirteen States. Area: Land, 48,740 _ sq. miles, Water, $3,686 sq. miles. Total, 52426 sq. miles. Population, Last Census, 2,559,123, Capital, Raleigh, COUNTIES, County Key Pop. Alamance, E 11_32,718 Alexander, DB 7_12,212 Alleghany, D 7 7,403 Anson, H 10__28,334 Ashe, 1 ‘Avery, 5 Beaufort, F 16_31, 024 Bertie, BH 16_--23,993 Bladen, I 13_-19, 761 Brunswick, J14-14,876 Buncombe, E 464,148 Burke, F 6_---23,297 Cabarrus, G 8__-33,730 Caldwell, BE 6_19,984 Camden, D 18__ 5,382 Carteret, H17-15,384 Caswell, D 11__15,759 Catawba, F 7__33,839 Chatham, F 11_23,814 Cherokee, G 1_15,242 Chowan, E 17--10,649 Clay, 4,646 Cleveland, G 6_ Columbus, G 13 30,124 Craven, G 16_-29,048 Cumberland, H 12_35,064 Currituck, D 18 7,268 Dare, E 19_-__ 5.115 Davidson, Davie, E Duplin, 14__30! 223. Durham, E_ 12_42'219° Edgecombe, E15 37,995 Forsyth, E 9__77,269 Franklin, EL 13_26,667 Gaston, G T_--51,242 Gates, D_ 17__-10,537 Graham, G 1___.4,872 Granville, D 13_26,846 Greene, G 15_-16,212 Guilford, E 10_79,272 Halifax, D 15_48,766 Harnett, G 12_28,313 Haywood, F 3_23,496 Henderson, G 4_18,248 Hertford, D 16_16,294 Hoke, G 11_-+--11,722 Hyde, F 18___- 8,386 Iredell, KF 18__37,956 Jackson, G 3__13,396 Johnston, F 13_48,998 Jones, H spat ,912 G 15_--29,555 Lincoln, F 7___17,862 McDowell, F 5-16.763 Macon, G Madison, Martin, E 16_ “20! 828 Mecklenburg,G8 80,695 Mitchell, E 5__11,278 Montgomery, G 10 14,607 Moore, G@ uu: 1) 383 Nash, E 14____41,061 New Hanover, J 14_40,620 Northampton, D 15_23,184 Onslow, H 15_-14,703 Orange, BE 12_-17,895 Pamlico, G 17__ 9,000 Pasquotank,D17 17,670 Pender, I 14__-14,788 Perquimans,D17 11,137 Person, D 12__18,973 Pitt, FW 15_---45,569 Polk, -G@ 4.2. 8,832 Randolph, F 10_30,856 Richmond, H10_25,567 Tobeson, I 12__54,674 a penal: Nowan, F 9 Rutherford, G6 31,426 Sampson, H 13_36,002 Scotland, H 11_15,600 Stanly, G 9_---27,429 Stokes, D 9 ~-20,575 Surry, D Swain, Translyvania,G4 9,303 Tyrrell, BE 18____4,849 Tnion, H 9_---36,029 Vance, -D 13-_--22,799 Wake, F 13_---75,155 Warren, D 14_-21,593 Washington,217 11,429 Watauga, D 6.13,477 ayne, G 14__43,640 Wilkes, E 7__--32,644 Wilson, F 4__-36,813 Yadkin, E 8__16,391 Yancey, EB 5_--15,093 Total ‘~-...2,559,123 TOWNS. Town Key Pop. Aaron, G24... . 65 Abbottsburg, 113 78 Aberdeen, G 11__ 858 Acme, J 14_____ 183 Advance, E 9___ 280 Ahoskie, D 16__1,429 Albemarle, G 9_2,691 Alexander, F 4. 60 Alexis, G 7. 92 Aliiance, G 17_- 50 Almond, G 2__- Altamahaw, © 11 250 Altamont, E 6_-. 50 Altapass, E 5--. 75 Andrews, G 1_--1,634 Angier, G 12_.__ 875 Ansonville, H 10 200 Apex, Aquadale, G Aquone, G@ Arapahoe, H 17- 27 Ararat, D 8 140 Archdale, BE 10__ 178 Arcola, D 14.-..- 68 Qsden:’ ¥-4. 55 1387 Arthur or Bell- arthur, F 15_. 104 Asbury, F 16_--. 50 Ascend, F_12_._.. 50 Ashboro, F 10___2,559 Asheville, F 4__28,504 Ashland, D 11__ 150 Askewvyille, BE 16 Atkinson, I 14___ Atlantic, H 8... Auburn, F_ 13_-. Aulander, D 16_- 808 Aurelian Sprs.,D15 57 Aurora, G 17... 524 Austin, F 13... 150 Autreyville, H 13 99 Avoca, 10-17 = 2 150 Avon) G19 = 475 Ayden, F 15____1,673 Aydlett, D 18___. 300 Azalea, Fo 5-22 100 Badin, Bailey, F ne rely Bakersville, DB Bald Mtn., B 5. 75 Balsam Grove, G3 150 Banks Creek, EB 5 50 Banners Elk, E6 264 Bareo, D 18....- 100 Barium Sprs., F8& 110 Barnard, F 4... 50 Barnardsville, F 4 50 Bartlett, 150 Bat Cave. C 5.. 50 Barks. ol yace a 274 Battleboro, F 15_ 309 Battleground B10 50 Bayboro, G 17__ 349 Bearcreek, F 11_ 250 Beargrass, E 16. 108 Beaufort, H 17_2,968 Beaver Creek, D7 50 Bee Log, EB 5__ 300 Bee Tree, E 4._ 200 Belcross, D 18__ 150 Beldon, D T__.. 100 Belgonia, Gt. 50 Belhaven, F 17_-1,816 Bellarthur, or Arthur, F 15 104 Belmont, G@ 7___2,941 Belvidere, D 17_. 100 Belwood, F 6__. 100 Benboland, DOCS Bennett, F 11___ 190 Benson, G 13___1,123 Benton Hts.. H 9. 324 Berea, D 13_____ 75 BessemerCity,G7 2,176 Bethania, E 9___ 105 Bethel oF 1152222 1g1T Beulah, be a aE | Beulaville, Ho 15_354 Big Laurel, E 4_ Biglick, G 9____ Big Ridge, G 3_ Biltmore, F 4___ Biscoe, G 10--_. 755 Biscoe. F 17____ 697 Bixbyeh, 925.27 75 Black Creek, F14 274 Black Mtn., F 5 531 Bladenboro, I 12 459 Blanch.) Dts _ 195 Blantyre, G 4... 50 Blowing Rock,E6 338 Bluemont, E 5__ 200 Blot? Wat 135 Boardman, I 12_ 828 Bobbitt, EH 13_-. 61 Bogue, H 16... 72 Bogue Banks,H17 72 Boiling Sprs., H6 50 Bolton, J 13____ €99 Bonlee, F 11-___ 178 Bonnerton, G 17 100 Bonsal, F 18_--_ 85 Boone, E 6_____ 374 Boonford, E 5_-_ 100 Boonville, D 8___ 162 Borum, D 18_____ 5 Bosley, D 17_-._ 100 Bostic: G .6. 0 206 Bowden, H 14.__ 418 Bowditch, E 5.__ 50 Bowmore, H 11 59 Bragg, G 10--.. 60 Brevard, G@ 4____1,658 Bridgeton, G 16_ 548 Bridgewater, F 16200 Brinkleyville, D14 82 Broadway, F 12_ 250 Brodie, D 14___ 69 Browns Sum, Ell 94 Brummett, E 5_. 50 Bryantown, D 15 97 Bryson City, F 2 gss2 Buchanan, D 12_ 50 Buffalo City, E 19 200 Butes,. 1.128 = 78 Buies Creek, G 12 291 Buladean, E 5. 50 Bullock, D 13. 50 Bunn, E 13. 150 Burgaw, ~1,040 Burgess, E 17_-. 50 Burlington, E 11_5,952 Burnsville, E 5. 207 Buxton, G 19_--_ 300 Bynum, F 12.-.. 150 Cabarrus. G 8___ 100 Cagles Mill, F 10 50 Cahaba. B 16___. 75 Calabash, K 13. [77 Caldwell Inst.,D12 50 Calypso, G 138_-_ 405 Cambro, G 12_-. 150 Camden, D 18_- 100 Cameron, G il1-- 241 anny 9-2 es 100 Canaan, D 17_-_- 100 Candor, G 10___. 267 Canetuck, I 14.-_ 50 Canton, F 4__~-2,584 Capelsie, G 10--. 350 Carbonton. F 11-- 50 Cardenas, F 138-. 50 Carmel, G 10... 15 Caroleen, G 6_--1,706 Carrboro, E 12_-1,129 Carthage, G 11__ 962 Mary, 2s se 645 Oasar.t i) 9-25 2= 300 Cash Corner, or Hollyville, G17 107 Cashiers, G 3... 15 Casida. O 6_---- 50 Castalia, B 14-_ 263 Catawba, F 7... 250 Catfish, F 7_-___- 50 Cedar Creek, H12 81 Catherine, Bs 15S it Cedarfalls, I 10 222 Cedar Grove, E12 100 Cedar Hill, H 10 50 Centerville, E 14 [8 Central Falls, F10 500 Cerro Gordo, J 12 262 Chadbourn, Chapanoke, Chapel Hill, E12 1.483 Charlotte, G 8_46,338 Cherry, BD 17_--. 99 Cherryfield, G 4. 200 Cherryville, EX 7_1,884 Chestnutridge, DB 8 100 Chicod. 50 Mhimneyrock, G@ 5 50 China Grove, F § 1,027 Chinquapin, He 15 295 Chocowinity, FIG 295 Chuckle, E 7---- 50 Gisco, 17-25 100 Claremont, F 7. 435 Clarendon, J 12. 185 Clarkton, I 10. 368 Clayton, F 13___1,423 Clear Run, H 14 58 Clemmons, B 9__ 50 Cleveland, F 8_. 366 Clevelana Mills,G6 400 Cliffside, G 6_.-1, 800 Clifton, _ D —-G.-.. 45 Clinton, H 13_-.-2,110 ClothorG@ "40 WG Clyde, F 3.. 3 Coats, Gl Coburns Store,G9 50 Cofield, D 16... 60 Coinjock, D 18__ 200 Colerain, EB 16_._ 215 Coleridge, F 11. 100 Colington, E 19__ 200 Collettsville, E 6 123 Columbia, E 18__ 738 Columbus, G 5_-_ 168 Como, D 16___.. 300 Concord, G 8____9,903 Conetoe, E 15_-. 160 Connellys Sprs,, F 6 500 Conover, F 7_--_ 681 Contentnea, G 15 246 Conway, D 16___ 294 Cooleemee, F 9_2,000 Cooper, G 18... 53 Copeland, D 8_. 100 Corapeake, D 17. 50 Corepoint, G 17__ 120 Cornelius, G 8___1,141 Corolla, D 9_.._ 100 Couneil,, Tel3...> ‘92 Courtney, E S__. 90 Cove City, G 16__ 258 Craggy, B 4--.. 50 Cranberry, E 5_. 400 Creedmoor, E 13_ 392 Creeksville, D 16 54 Cremo, Crescent, Creston, Creswell, Crisp, F Wis ay Crit, H, 12... Cronly, Cross, D 17__ Crouse, Crowells, D 15_-__ 99 Crumpler, D 7__. 100 Culberson, H 1. 190 Cullasaja, G 3__ 250 Cumberland, H12 80 Cumnock, F 12__ 200 Cunningham; D12 75 Currievyey «14352. 82 Currituck, D 18. 200 Dabney, D 18 .. 74 Dallas .G oFi 541 5 i Dalton; DG... Danbury, D 9___ 400 Davidson, F 8___1,156 Davidson River, 150 Dawisa ER V7) 500 Davistown, E 15 50 Dawson, E 15_-. 50 Daybrook, E 5_. 300 Deals, D 18__.._ 50 Dealville, B 7. 50 Deleos «Gy 13. 322 210 Dellwood, F 3___ 150 Democrat. F ee 9) Denton. F 9_____ 559 Denver, F 7_____ 243 Deppe, H 15-1. 125 Derita, -D 8... 100 Dewdrop, E 4... 8&6 Dillard, DPD» 9...) 50 Dillsboro, D 38__ 228 Dixie, (Gs S25... 50 Dobson, D 8..... 868 Dockery, D 7__.. 50 Doubler Shoal, G6 100 Dover, G 15_--. 670 Draper: He G2 ee Drexel, G6 9) Drumhill, D 17__ 100 Drywells, P14. 96 Dublin, 91 125-2= 99 Duk. {Dis 125 Dudley, G 14___ 240 DikestGeis 2. . 500 Drip, ¢G*93..: =. 2,805 Din, sBeTs se 150 Durants Neck.h18 150 Durham, BH 12_21, ae Dwight, DB 17___ Dysortville, F 6_ 50 Bagley ns S-...— 7 Eagle Nest, F 3 Faglerock, F 13_ Fagle Sprs:, G 11 IN at ibe C ToT, pe ae Earleys, D 16___ Fast Bend, E 9__ E. Durham, E 12_2,000 KE. Flat Rock, G 4 50 E. Kings Mtn..G7 Bastlake, B 19__ E. Laport, G 3_ 835 600 50 BK. Laurinburg. H11 541 E.Lumberton,112 1.011 East Monhbo, Spencer, Edenton, Edgemont, © 6__ Edmonds. D S___ Edneyville, G 5_ Edward, G 17__ Pfirds Mills. Efland, B 12. by CGR Ne Ee BS Eldorado, G 10__- Elhanan, Elisha, FB 18_.-.2 Elizabeth City, F1s 248 F 9_2,239 Be 2977 100 100 F 18_8,925 Elizabethtown, I13 835 Rikin, 2D “8-228 1,195 Elk Park, B 5_-. 452 Ellenboro, G 6_. 383 Biler.-H 10.5525 50 Ellerbe, H 10--. 4738 Mlitot, His. s— 100 Flm City, F 14__ 725 Elmer, H 5__---- 75 Elmgrove, F 12. 200 Elmwood, F 8__. 150 Elon College, E11 425 ead, X19 128 Embro, D 14____ 181 Endon, H 12__ 117 Enfield. BH 15_--1,848 Engelhard, F 18. 200 Enochville, BOE St Epsom, D 13.... 89 Erastus, D 3__-. 50 Eskota, BH 5--.. 200 Fesex, DD 7145) Re Enfola, I" 182° 50 Wpre,..D 17 seen 100 Rureka, F 14... 187 Euto, H.9_..-_.- Bi) Nva;. Wein oO Fveretts, BE I8_. 230 Fvergreen, IT 12. 129 Excelsior, J 18_. 1238 Por Rinff, J 19. 207 Fairfield, F 18___ 600 NORTH CAROLINA Fairmont, F 9... 482 Huntersville, G 8 833 Fairmout, I 12.1,000 Hurdle Mills, D12 150 Fairview, F 5.<. 125 Husk, D 6.-_.__ 50 Faison, H 14... 477 Faith, B' $2223 848 Icemorlee H 9_. 447 Fakon, G 12-... 200 Idalia, G@ 17___. 700 Falkland, F 15.. 198 Inanda, F 4_____ 150 Falling Oreek,G5 } Indian Trail, H 9 224 Wes, H 13--25— Ingold, H 14__.__ 8&6 Fallston, G 6_-_ Institute, G 15_. 66 Farmington, E 9 200 Ioda, G@ 10______ 100 Farmville, F 151,780 Iron Sta., G 7. 223 Mang. BY 140 7 99 Ivanhoe, I 1-._.. 186 Fayetteville, ° H.12. 60s Jackson, D 15_.. 579 Rerry, G6 3-3 Jackson Creek, Fieldsboro, G 15_ 117 F 10 50 Plat Rock, G 4. 300 Jacksonhill, F 9_ 150 Flatshoal, D 9-. 100 Jackson Sprs., Piya Se Tse 50 G11 200 Fletcher, G@ 5_.. 50 Jacksonville, H15 656 Floral College, Hii 161 Forbes, B® 5___... 50 Forest City, G 2 812 Forestville, BE 13 137 Morky a: O== oso 300 Ft. Barnwell,Gi6 114 Ft. Landing, E18 800 Fountain, F 15. 243 Four Oaks, G 138. 583 Francisco, D 9... 650 Braak, (2.6 - 5.25.75 Franklin, G 2___ 1773 Franklinton, E18 1,058 Franklinville, F10, "681 Fremont, F Tae 294 Friends, B 8... 100 Frisco, G@ 19._.. 250 Fullers, F 10_-.. 50 Fuquay Sprs.,F12 555 Galveston, B 12. 50 Garland, H 13__. 301 Garner, F .13___ 376 Garysburg, D 15. 263 Gaston, EH 5---. 100 Gastonia, G 7_12,817 Gateu. De Ii... 200 Gatesville, D 17 360 Gay iGhE sees 50 George, D 16. 55 Germanton, D 9_ 132 Gibson, H 10--_. 264 Gibsonville, E 11 1,302 Gilead, F 16_-.. 50 Gilkey, G 5 _-._. 200 Glade Valley, D 7 100 Glady,. Fi) 4.22055 - 58 Glass, $Gc 82. 80 Glen Alpine, F 6 346 Glen Ayre, E 5. -50 Glen Raven, E 11 350 Glenville, G 8_. 50 Glenwood, H 10-5. 132 Glover. F 14. 79 Godwin, G@ 13... 90 Gold Hill, F 9__ 261 Goldpoint, F 16-_ 130 Goldsboro, G 14_11,296 ie ih Goldston, Graingers, G 15__ Grandy, D 19 ___ Grange, G@ 5 ____ 100 Granite Falls,F61,101 Granite Quarry, ¥ 9 Grantsboro, G 17 Graphiteville, F 5 466 63 100 Grassy Creek, D 7 100 Green Mtn., E 5 Green Park, D 6 100 100 Greensboro, E10 19,861 Green Valley, D7 50 Greenville, I 15__5,772 Gregory, D 18 150 Grifin, DB 19 _ 200 Grifton, G@ 1 875 Grimesland, F 16 463 Grimshawes, H 8s 50 GroversoG) 2 F2e- =. 206) Guilford, B 10_- 125 Guilford College, E 10 200 Gute S11. 200 Gum Neck, F 181,000 Guyton, H 12_.. 125 Hadley, F_ 11--.. 100 Halifax, D 18__ 299 Hallsboro, G 13_ 145 Hallsville, H 14 54 Framilton, E 16_ 474 Hamlet, H_ 10__3,808 Hampton, G 6_. 175 Hamptonville, E8 109 Harbinger, E 19_ 500 Hardin Mills. G7 230 Farkers Island, H 17 600 Harlowe, H 17-_ 210 Harmony, D 8__. 200 eee Store, H 14 71 Harrelsville, D 17 130 hawniste GS-2) 650 Harrisburg, G 8 100 Hartmanys.D.59.—. 75 Harvard, © 5-... 50 Hassell, EH 16---- 85 Hasty, he 50 Hatteras, G 19__ 600 Havelock, - Hig = 62 Haw River, B® 111,200 Hayesville, H 1 257 Haywood, 141 Hazel) 285-252, 60 Hazelwood, 484 Heaton. HB 5--_- 100 Henderson, D 10_5,222 Hendersonville, G 4_3,720 Heno,, BH 12. 3..~ 100 Henrietta, E Sage Henry wise Henry River, F 6 250 Herrell, HB 5-_._. a Hartford, D 17_1,704 Hexlena, D 16___ Hickory, <¥" F....5; 076 Hiddenite, BE 7. 250 Higgins, DB 5... 50 Highfalls, F 11__ 150 Highlands, F 7_1,062 Highlands, H 38 313 High Point,E10 14.302 Highshoals, Hildebran, F_ 7. Hilliardson, FE 11 Hillsboro, Hobbsville, D 17_ Hobgood, BE 15__- Hobucken, Hoffman, H 11_- Hollister, D 15_ Hollyridge, H 15 Holly Sprs, F 12 Hollyville, or Cash Corner, G 17 Hominy, F 4__ Honey Fill, G 13 Frookerton, G@ 14_ Hooverhiil, Hope Mills, Hot Springs, E 4 Howard. D_ 6__- HAndson, F 6____- Trunters Bridge, H 12 F110 2 G_7-1,000 172 5a EH 12_-1,180 150 336 G 17-1,200 BRS Jalong, D 12 _ 300 James City, B 16 1,287 Jamestown, E10_ 150 Jamesyille, E 16. 389 wapany \Gr. tea 50 Jarvis. Al tS. a 100 Jarvisburg, D 19 500 Jason, G@ 15_____ 60 Jefferson, D toes oa6 Jerome, H 13____ 61 Jerry, Hise => 400 Jessama, F 16... 70 Jobns Sta., I 11 75 Jonesboro, G 12__ 886 Jonesville, D 8__. 787 Julian, E 10-____ 50 Juniper, F 18___ 200 Jupiter, F 4... 987 Kannapolis, G 8_7,000 Kapps Mill, D 8 75 Keelsville, by 15_ 85 Kelford, B 16__ 223 Kelly Ti taeaess 95 Kenansville, H14 302 Kenly, F fans 827 Kennebec, : sale PM 075 Kernersville, E10 1,219 Keyser soH) 19¥ 2) tis Kimesville, Hit. * 150 Ring; Dogs 225 Kingsdale, I 12_ 150 Kings Mtn., Bias Kinston, G 15__9,771 Kipling, G Toon 150 Kitchin, D 15_.__ 72 Kittrell, E 18___ 223 Kitty Hawk, E 19 350 Knap of Reeds, E 50 12 Knotts Island, D.18 800 Kona, 50 La Grange, D 15_1,399 Lake Comfort, F 18 300 Lake Landing,F18 300 Lake Toxaway, G3 100 Lakeview, G 11__ 100 Lake Waccamaw, J 13° 237 Landis; BF 9.._.< 972 DANG ee 80 Lanvale, J 14... 50 Lasker, D 16_.__ 196 Lattimore, G@ 6__ 262 Laurel, 5 14__.. 63 Laurel Hill, Hii 350 Laurinburg, H11 2,643 Lawndale, G 6 __ ie Leachville, F 16_. 151 Leaksville, D 101, 606 Leasburg, D 12__ 300 Leechville, F 17 250 Leggett, E 15... 118 Leicester, F 4._ 200 Lemon Springs, 1 60 Lenoir, BH 12____8,718 Lewara, H 10_.. 424 Lewiston, F 16_. 244 Lewisville, E 9. 60 Lexington, F 9__5,254 Liberty, E 11___ 636 Liledoun, E 7____ 100 Lilesville, H 10__ 440 Lillington, G 12_ 593 Billy, Dees == 100 Lincolnton, F 7_3, 390 Lindell, F 15_... 39 Linden, G@ 12 f Linville, BH (6... 25 Linville Walls, H6 50 Linwood, F 9__. 250 Littlefield, G 1h. . 54 Little River, G12 70 L. Switzerland, E 5 150 Littleton, D 14__1,010 Lockville, F 12. 60 Locust, G 9_-__= 95 Long Creek, I 14. 87 Long Island, F 7 200 Longview, F 7-.. 755 Lookout. G@ 2. 50 Loray, F 18__-.. 75 Eotta,; BD. 16.2.-— 50 Louisburg, BD 13_1,954 Lovill) D6... 100 Lowell,. G 7------1,151 Lowesville, G 8 150 Lucama, F 14___ 316 Lumber Bridge, 12 202 Lumberton, I 12_2,691 Lupton, H 18__. 75 Lyna, G §. <2 3 200 Lyons, Wo 12_2-_2 50 MeAdenville, G7_1,162 McCullers, F 13 70 MeDonalds, I 12. 1°90 McFarlan, H 10. 219 McGuire, D 7_-- 100 McNatt, 2122 68 Mackeys Ferry, 17 186 Macclesfield, F15 294 Macon, 14___. 149 Madge. G_ 8_-_-- 50 Madison, D 10__1,247 Maggie, F 3_--. 156 Magnetic City, E 5100 Magnolia, He 4__ 694 Maiden, F 7____1,266 Makelyville, E17 150 Malmo, J 14--__ . 74 Mamie, D 1S8.___ 500 Manchester, G 12 176 Manly, G 11.... 141 Mandale. F 11-_. _50 Manns THlar., E19 3800 Manson, D 14... 638 Manteo, E 19_--. 394 Maple, D 18____. 150 Maplehill, I 15-. &9 Mapleton, D 16... 99 Marhle, G 1.--.- 166 Margarettsville, D 15 147 Maribel, G 17. 54 Marietta, I 12___ : Marines, I 16_- Marion, F 6__ Marinosa, 1 ny Se Moarlthoraugh, Pah 1 Marshall. F Mars Hill, iu “42.. 304 Marshville, H 9_. Marston, H 10___ Mashoes, E 19___ Matthews, H S_ Maud. Maury, ae Maxton, I Re ae Mayodan, D 10__1 Maysville, H 16... Mayworth, G 7_: Mebane, BD nS Medlin, Meege, Melvin Fill, Menola, D 16____ Merchant Mills, Merritt, G Merry Hill, BE 17 Merry Oaks, Fy 12 1 a 397 86 351 140 118 Mesiec, @ Metal, G Mica, EH Micaville, Micro, F Middleburg, D 13 104 Middlesex, F 14. 697 Middle Swamp, I 13. 200 Middletown, F18 350 Midland, G 8__-_ 100 Millsboro, F 10-. 50 Mill Bridge, F 8 50 Millsaps, “G 1--= “60 Mill Spg, G: 6. 150 Mills River, G 4 60 Milton, D-11 -_ 375 Milwaukee, D 16 197 Mineola, F 16... 48 Mineral Spgs., H 8 84 Minthill, G@ 8___ 192 Mintonsv ille, D 17 100 Mocksville, E 9_1,146 Monbo. F 8. 150 Moncure, F 12__ 136 Monroe, H 9____4,084 Mon Swamp, E 18 200 Montezuma, E 6_ 167 Monticello, F 17. 50 Montreat, F 5. 75 Mooresboro, G 6_ Montrose, H 11__ Mooresville, F 8_4, 31° Morehead City, H_ 17_2.958 Morganton, F 6_2,867 Moriah,, D. 12_..—.” 50 Morrisville, F 12 166 Mortimer, E 6_-_. 88 Morven, H’ 9__._ 631 Moss Neck, 112. 53 Mountain Island, G 8 450 Mt. Airy, D 8__4,752 Mt. Bethel, E 7 100 Mt. Gilead, G 10 975 Mt. Gould, B17_ 50 Mt. Holly. G 8__1,160 Mt. Mitchell, E 5 100 Mt. Mourne, F 8 93 Mt. Olive, G 14 2,297 Mt. Pleasant, G9 770 Mt. Tabor, G 138_ 418 Mt. Vernon Springs, F 11. 50 Moxley, B 7.-. 50 Moyock, D 18__-_ 20) Moyton;. FY 15... 62 Mumford, D 17_- 50 Murfreesboro, D6 621 Murphy, G 1____1,314 Myatt Mills, F13 99 Naghead, E 19-_ 125 Nantahala, G 2.. 50 Naoma, EH 5_-__. 85 Nashville, B 14__ 939 Nazareth, F 13.. 50 Nealsville, F 5.-. 115 Nebo lr 62-525 243 Newbern, G 16__12,198 Newell. G 8__-. 100 Newhill, FP i42°—2) 111 New Holland, F18 100 Newhouse, G 6G. 75 Newland, E 5__-. 289 Newlife. EH 7_--. 100 Newlight, E 13__ 120 New London, G 9 228 Newport, H 17-. 404 Newsam, D 15... 61 Newsom, F 9. 50 Newton, F 7____3,021 Newton Grove,G13 125 Nicanor, D 17_.__ 50 Nixonton, D 18. 80 Norlina, D 14___ 673 Norman, H 10_-. 100 N. Charlotte, G8 1,500 N. Harlowe, H17 180 N. Lumberton.I12 367 N. Wilkeshoro, EB 7..2,363 Norton, G@ 3_... 50 Norwood, G 10__1,221 Oakboro, G 9_-. 282 Oak City, E 16. 397 Oak Hill, D 12. 50 Oak Ridge, BEB 10 161 Oakwoods, E 7--. 50 Ocracoke, G 19. 650 Okisko, D 18_-.. 150 Ola Ts G6. 5 Ola no. Old Fort, EB 5_- 31 Old Hundred, H 11 50 Old Sparta, F 15 182 Olds Iss 100 Oldtrap, D 18__. 3800 Oleeta,. G. 4.--5— 50 Olin, By, 82.22.22 200 Olive Branch, H9 100 Oregon, D 10_-.. 50 Ore Hill, F 11. 200 Oriental, F 19_. 607 OVI bl2 S| 86 Osgood, F 12__.. 100 Ostwalt, F 8.--. 50 Otay , Ds. 74 Pungo, F 17 600 Putnam, G 11 50 Quick, D Pires 50 Quitsna, EB 16. 64 Raeford, H 11__1,235 RALEIGH, F13 27,076 Ramseur, F 10__1,014 Randleman, F10 1,967 Ransoms Brdg., Ass AS Ransomville, G 17 150 Raynham, I 12. 74 Redbug, J 13_-__ 50 Redhill, E 5_-_. 100 Red Springs,H12 1,018 Reelsboro, G 16. 69 Reidsville, D 10 5,333 Relief, BE 5 -... 50 Rennert, H 12__ 292 Bene: Do Wo 100 Richfield, G 9__ 177 Richlands, BH 15 548 Rich Square, D15 475 Riddle, D 18____ 250 Ridgecrest, BE 4_ 200 Ridgeway, D 18_ 250 Ringwood, D 14 147 Ripple, D 7__-. 150 Ritchie, G@ 9. 50 Riverdale, H 16_ 8&8 Rives Chapel, FS 50 Roanoke Rapids, D 15_3,369 Roaring River, E 8 100 woark; > TP) GW . 50 Robbinsville, G 1 119 Roberdell, H 12 476 Robersonville, * 161,199 FUOGR ae ae G4 Rockford, D 8__ 7 Rockingham, H10 Rockwell, F 9__ Rocky Mt., 11512, Rocky Mt. Mills, BH 15 jee a 833 Rocky Pt., I 14 300 Rodanthe, F 19. 400 Rodhiss, E 6___. 835 Roduco, D 17_--_- 75 Roe, Bris. 2. 150 Rogers Store,E13. 70 Rolesville, EH 13 170 Ronda, B 8_---. 150 Roper, BH 17_---1,403 Roseboron, H 13. 749 Rosedale, D 17__ 156 Rosehill, He 14__ 516 Rosemary, D 15_1,400 Rosemead, D 16. 75 Rosman, G 527 Rougemont, D “12 200 Rowland, I 11_- 767 Roxboro, 3,2 Roxobel, ! Royal, G 17. 150 Royal Cotton Mills, F 13_. 442 Ruffin, D 11___-_ 250 Rural Hall, D 9 400 Rath; GG 22-9200 Rutherford Col- lege,, FE T.. 225 Rutherfordton, G 500 Saginaw, E 6... 300 St. Helena, I 14 250 St. Pauls, H 121,147 Salem, E 9 _____5,533 Salemburg, H 13_ 215 Salisbury, F 9_13,884 Salter Path, H17_ 549 Saluda, G 5--.. 285 Salvo, BH 19.-.2- 100 Samarcand, G 11_ 100 Sandy Ridge, D9 250 Sanford, IF 12__.2,977 Saratoga, F 15.. 136 Sarem, D 17_--. 100 Scotland Neck, F 15_2,061 Scranton, H 17_. 200 Seaboard, D 15_. 287 Seagrove, F 10_. 189 Sea Gull, D 18__. 150 Sealevel, HF 1 450 Selma, F 13_---1,601 Selwin, D 17---- 100 Sevensprs., G 14 208 Severn, D 16.-.. 284 Sevier, F §..—. 150 Shallotte, K 13_. 174 Sharpsburg, E 14 334 Shawboro, D 18_ 350 Shelby, G_6__--3,609 Sherwood, D 6. 100 Shiloh, D 18... 125 Shore, B 9--.... 308 Sidney, F 17_--. 150 Siler City, F 21-1,253 Siloam, D 9 _--_. 250 SEvo) Mudd 100 Skyland, F 4--.. 150 Sladesville, F 17 150 Sligo, . D ‘1&-s_. 100 Smithfield, F 13_1,895 Smokemount, F 2 100 Smyrna, FF 17_-_- Sneads Fy.. I 15 Snowden, D 18__ Snow Hill, G 15 Snvug Haven, J 14 7% Sound, FE 17_.-. 300 ovth TRittmore, jel 172 Ro. Cre G&G 17 26 Southern Pines, Gil 748 So. Mills, D 18. 3873 Southport, K 14_1,664 Southside, F 7. 200 Southshore, E 18 150 So. Wadesboro.. 2p3 So. Washington, I 14 2060 Sparta, D os Spencer, F Spindale, G Spoutsprings, G12 100 Spray, D 10_-__6,000 Spring Wope, EB 14-1,221 Spruce Pine, E 5 T17 ‘ iy Sey 600 1 ae hr ir 14 150 Stanfield, G 9_- 100 Stanley, G T7--.. 584 Stantonsburg, F14 424 pears (@ 10s 467 State Road. D 1 115 Statesville, F 8_7,895 Stecoah, Stedman, Stoneville, Stonewall, G Stony Pt., F D 13 Stovall, Stubbs, G 6_____ Stumpypoint, Sugar Grove, Sunbury, D 17___ 200 Supply, J 14____ j Swanquarter, G18 184 Swansboro, I 16_ 4206 Swepsonville, Ell 441 Swiss... Whee 0 Sycamore, b 19.= Sylva, G Tabor, J Taft, B oz Tamarack, D Tarboro, BD Taylorsville, Teacheys, Terrapin, D Thelma, D Thomas, H 13___ Thomasy ille, E 95,676 Tillery; D 16.25 Dap Topsy, D-Li2 2 tae Trenton, H 6 __ 448 Trinity, HB 10_.__ £00 Trivett, D 6__._ 100 Trontmans, F 8 342 Troy, G 10< 1,102 ry.on Gs ats 087 Tuckertown, G10 209 Tuckerdale, D 7 150 Tunis, ~ D8: 142 Turkey, H 14... 146 Turnersburg, E 8 100 Tuxedo, G 5._.. 100 Tyners-Do Li 500 Union, D 162552447 Union Mills, F 5 156 Unionville, H 9. 135 Valdese, F 6___1,000 Valmead, BE 6__. 400 Vancehoro, Cl 16_ 540 * Vandemere. G 17 308 Vage, Gia araAy Vaughan, D 14 273 Voss, Ga 273 Weed, WANs 189 Wade, G@ 13... 190 Wadesboro, H10 2,648 Wades Point, G 17 109 Wakefield. F 13_ 142 Wake Forest,E13 1,425 Walkertown, EB 9 400 Wallace, H 14. 648 Walnut Cove, D9 651 Walstonburg, B15 158 Wanchese, IE 19_1,000 Warbler, E 18. 140 Warren Plains, D 14 108 Warre rensville: DT 100 Warrenton, D 14 927 Warsaw, H 14__1,108 Washington, F16 6,166 Waterlily, D 18. 150 Watha.. I 14..= 18) Waxhaw, H 8_.. 1750 Waynesville, F3 1,942 Weaverville, F 4 606 Webbs, F 7_ =. 101 Weeksville, D 18 100 Weldon, D 15__-1,861 Wendell, EF 13_-1, Wentworth, D 10 250 W. Durham. H12 2,000 West End, G 11. 100 West Hickory, F 7.1,26% W. Jefferson, D7 400 W. Lumberton, I 12 231 W. Raleigh, F 13 114 Whaley, 1 ee 150 Whitakers, B ij. 723 Whitehall, @ 14 16! Whiteplains, D § 250 Whiteville, J 13_1.66' Whitnel, E 6___ 100 Whitney, G 9___1,502 Whittier, FE 2__: 261 Wildwood, H 17_ 200 Wilkesboro, rE 7 s14 vile, E12 101 D 17_- 102 Williams, E 9__ 109 Williamsboro,D14 169 Williamston.F16 1,806 Williston. H 17_ 270 Wilmington,314 33,272 Wilmot, G 4 _.. 100 Wilson, F 14___10.%12 Windsor, EF 16_1,210 Windy Gap, FB 7. 100 Vinfall, D 17_.. 288 Wingate, H 9__ 470 Winston- Salem, E 9__48,395 Winterville, F 15 650 Winton, D 16. 489 Wate re Tae Se 131 Wood, “Hi 14... “198 Woodard, E 17__ 300 Woodland, D 16__ 400 Woodleaf, F 9___ 9» Woodleigh, D 18 R09 Woodville, E 16. 2° Worthville, F 10 R47 Wrsocking, Ff 18. 800 Yadkin College,F9 210 Yadkinville, E & 447 Yanceyville, D 11 325 Yentesville, F 17 100 Youngsville, E13 370 Zehnion, EB 13. 958 Zephyr, D 8. 300 OHIO NORTH DAKOTA 5 Kime) a0 TOWNS, Brice, L 7------- 150 5 CORE OF Ae aes 1 gee 2 +R ¢ N ~ John, C1822. -460 ? Briceton, G 1---- 200 Covington, a NORTH DAKOTA tel 7 ist 308 re. totten. G ay 730 ree aay 100 St Joseph, gets By OHIO County Key Pop. Bridgeport, K ee pie: oe ecm rs writ Bowden. a ee ane G2 98 a, D 16------ 110 St. Thomas, D 20 509 ite, 4 jo Briggsdale, 1 BEBE, eS ace s0wes y20 150 }ortuna, C 2---- 198 Loma, Jaan nm ehces 4 5 2 Abbeyville, F 11- 16! Srestline, Hi S-_.4.318 vere Rowan, Sooo Ut Fi Bele (0 90-~ 0 Manuloe, FRc OH Banton TBS FBS re ectted at ence Mtn: att Britton © Sen, 438 Gregine;, te Admitted as a Ler- ock, M 12-. 216 Foxholm, F 8---- 200 Loraine, C 8----- Delay i ati Academia ------ ee mind pee Cridersville, 1 3- ‘ritory, March 2 Branttord, 1, 16- 200 taal TROON eee eet ae cis» Mametta ae, Ada, H 4-aneey bat Brine, 235. “309 ert Crooksvilie, M 103.312 1861. Brelen,. WW 10-~ 80) ee a 3 dden, P 18-_-_ 132 Sawyer, G 9_---- 241 Se tiavitied 1s1 Bristolville, F 14- 1.300 Groton. K S._--- 1 dmitted as a State, Bremetey ay oor en 16 t eee vale E 5 00 peeetert S vane 100 Admitted as a State, rime S ae fe Broadway. 3 joan = abe ees. irae ree a ca 3rinsmade, # 1 : Sey eae 20 8... 225 Scranton, ROGER , onde! > i 3 pda cia eo srisbrane, N 8-100 Fullerton; 0 17... “202 saree O20.) 38 Sentinel Butte, Li 292 April 30, 1802. factories Neo $55 Brookfield, ¥ 15. 900 Gaba, O 4.-=.—- 3 be Area: Brittin, M 11.-- (28 McCanna, G 19-- 100 Seroco, K 9 _---- 362 Adelphi, N 8---- 339 Rrookville, M 2..1.836 Cumberland, L 1 70,183 srocket, FF 17. 240 ; 46 S 418 Aden gy bas 5 i Curtice, E 5----- 350 LE ae a eels nn, D 15 25 Gackle, M 15---- 424 McClusky, I 11-- on Soret sia ea 321 Area: Adrian, G 6----- 150 Brooklyn Sar oer 605 Custar, I 4 316 ile srumbaneh; Di 16 one seeichatt, No or, H 4... 325 Sheldon, M 20... 32 i ost Ml) Bae oeee B00 : Ae eT uae 654 sq nape er) os 113 Palcebane 5 307. 300 Moray L172 299 Sherbrooke, I 19- hey Land, 40,7)0 sq. ae ie ieee 200 Bpook peek, aa ts S61 Cuyahoga Falls,” = ater, DO * Bucyrus, O 4---- lls Gales E> OF a ie Tak enzi 5 iT ee, : = 2 + ]2___208.435 Brookside = ; : ‘ 268 rdar 9_--- 50 McKenzie, L 11-- 150 Sherwood, - 4 f Akron, G 12_--208.433 miles. Buffalo, L 20--. 268 Gardar, D_1 SI wenn PERES ey B00 miles. ; ° Broughton. G 2.. 111 Cuyahoga Heights 739 tae “(SA td 50 Gardena, D 11-- 99 McLeod, or heyenne, 3 Albany, O 1) ---- 465 & Cc t, BE 5 589 ah 70,837 sq. Buffalo Sprs.. 03 50 Gar rat 2 S 20. 90 Shields, O 9----- 200 : eat Brownhelm, F 9-1.400 Cygnet, Hi 5-_--- ‘ eA 837 q ay + eg 112 Garisot, = he sor ee ee his" caverns 100 Water, 300 sq. Tee ee ve Brownhelm Sta- die Cynthiana, 0 6-. 153 at th urleigh, x a x aes E 4 6 se 57 ’ ——-—e 7 v tion, F 9---._- Population, 646,872. se onoken, L Me 8 = 37 pone tne oy algae ae. Simcoe, F 10_---- 100 miles. Perey hes 7 Pa cant teat 350 Dalton, H M4 aa Capital, Bismarck. Rosine Ge Rene - oor Mabdan: tds 10esate ee Sims, L F j= === = a Total, 41,040 sq. ieee eo. ae Be ae cauiel tae Danbury, E 8--.- 100 gurt, N 6 Bee Oe Ree Ode arta Pao 59 Skaar, I 1------- ; Alliance, H 15 iter, M5. 250 Danville. J 9---- 383 pe Gladstone, I. 5-- 200 Manfred, I 14--- 450 2’ ag 200 bigs 3 Alpha, M3 175 Buehpaltce, Meri sia Darhyeiien iene COUNTIES. \ 9 Gladys, E 2----- 70 Mannhaven, I 8-. 25 Solen, Alvada, G 6_ 150 Buckeye City. 53 D N 1. 230 c _ Buston, 1 Glasston, D 20--- 80 Manning, J 5.--- 100 Souris, C 11---- 269 population: Last Alvordion, D 2---, 277 Buckland, 1 2.-- 258 Darrtown, N 1-- 230 County Key Pop. , elie ra 1 *O8 Teecineee anon i33 Sostham, F 16-. 200 Census, 5,759,394. Amanda, M_8--—- 300 Buena Vista R 6 330 Dayton, M 3__-152,559 Adams, oO ‘ Caledonia, I 21-- 125 Glencoe, 3} ue DIN Manvel, hm aire 2 L 40% + ae mboy, C 1lo----- v P 4____. 160 Deavertown, M 10 214 ; 32 G 3 2 GI Soe 50 South Heart. L 5) Amelia. eP \BSeso 658 Buford, --- Bar ok Galion je 1.cess 132 Glenfield, J T65 Q Mapes, Bue py ‘ elia, ea i002. 300 Decatur, 0 11--. 297 G Calmar, BE 13---- 30 Glen Un. Bre ae aetna a i eae ee eee wnat Boron F Isic. 400 Deerfield, G18. 484 L 6 Calvin, D 16_--- 200 Glover, 0 18---- § 369 Meeatth, Niv21,318 Spring Brook, F 3 93 rel eae ‘200 Burgoon. F 6-_-. 208 Deer Park, T 5__ $24 Sottines au, pio “15,109 Cando, BH 15--_-1,111 polar Ve "38 plete 2____. 80 Squires, F 1----- 75 een Ye ----- 30 Burkettsville, J 1 218 Deersville, J 13_- 115 owen, 9 Fepoir cannon Bally Nae alee bs anes it an ie eee eee 27 farcres Amsterdam, J ii:1.271 Burlington, § 9. 300 Deflance, F sete et Santone OE 5 gb Tees S, =n-- 2 ady, D 2------ : 4 592 : = Burleigh, i220 "Hensel, D 19-10 Goodrien, 712" 406 Martin, Hf 12---- $58 Stampede, © S-- 18 Andersonvilie: N7 130 Berto city Hii 300 Delaware) Cass, Biaeasaos Camby, © Tn 0) Grae bo2.51 Mexbass, DG---- Mal Btanley, F 6.-—-- 59 County Key Pop. Auto oda to: 50 patler, 1 Pa itp Delsey. Dickey, 0. 17_-10,499 Carpio, BE 8_-_.- 214 Grand A oo Sint cede es 20-_-1, bs Stanton, J 8_---- 825 seen pone: lactr tee oe Bresville. 712..2.775 Delphos, H 2----5.745 Divide, D 3 ---~ 3'g03 Carrington, J 15-120 - and Har, ¥ 18 60 Medberry, N ifz 35 Starkweather, E16) 502 een ag on tnsonin, Kileah BOTs BanAUS, J feces. 250 Delta. | Oe Dunn LO ——— sare irson N Peas ag x . ‘ = : Prat = 4 ins, Piet 30 en, Sm pee c , : igs ee ee Eddy, H 16---- 6,493 Cartwright, & I 100 pies J 21 een coheed e ae = bee Stebbins - So aubtana Get loe meNaeT se aa an Gabler 1Geeeee Dennison co sg aeee 24 Emmons, ah pe ack Cashel, E Os) Bor a > be 112 MMeKiegck G 20.. 200 Steele. L 1 amy, a a cen MAG eltyT ig. = nen. Dadian ead 4 eee Dent, on. Beira? 180 oster 6_-- 6,108 Casselton, TL 21-1,538 Grano, D 8------ 2 nock, G 20-- Fincel Tae obie Ashtz ‘ >. ae ; estes 0150 : rebtiy erty. Me eae Boor VelieyEI aissa Gasrelton, 1, “""""185 Granville, F 10. 394 Melville, J 15--- 150 arene Be Dold Oa 540, Aetwere et gi oes T1522. 150 Derwent, L13--- 500 Grand Forks, Cavalier, D 19-- 819 Great Bend, O20 Dopamine Ye alert gles e Athens, 0 10. 50.430 rgaar te 11 Caldwell, M 12--1.706 Deshler, F 4-----1.514 are Soy 98795) maa ‘ 32 Green, D 8------ urleigh, I 11- ao : A xe mee gs, 1 Mtns FAN2 Cedars Qos ne-o= 50 Grin, 0 3-7-2 BO Mercer, 1/20--<- 230 SONU Ova ggg Auwlalze, T 3 20.027 Arcanum, 1 3 ---1.s11 Gulesonid. Lta-— 498 Deuaguat, 11 Og Vettiger, N 5 7,085 Center, K 9.2 ene en Ua ycatr ar rceriicn MeO m Dyk ce BY foes Arehbold, Be 4e3 Cambridge, L12-13,104 Dexter City, M12 212 idder, K 18.7798 Chaffee, L 20_-- 113 Grove, or June: 49 Seng aan eae eae mate Brown, @ 4.0 22,02l Sunn Camden, M 1---- 904 Diamond, G 14__ 150 TaMoule, N/17-11:584 Charbonnean, G2 100, tio Bes Ths ASO ee yee ae orer a ae 250 patie, N 1. 87,025 ATIpetOD Belk 200 Cameron, M 14-- 200 Dillonvale, 1K 15-1.643 eo Le q 72 ah se G isk ruelph, P 15---- ‘ vay, 3 teal - oe , 02, } , ms Hn; a ea 5 Tessa) ger en Sees J Pte 150 Guthrie, @ 11---- 100 Millarton, M 16. 100 Sutton, J 17----- 100 carroll, 118-. 15.942 Arlington Heights, ae pages ea 200 Da) ee 700 McHenry, x 4.9010 Christine, M 22- 200 Gwinmer, O 15_- 309 Milnor, N 20---- 680 gyold, D 19_----- 30 iM oO 02 280 Dodgeville, H 15. 200 McIntosh, O 14-9, Cr , i 8 398 Champaign, iAshiand ico 9.249 Re enele 1 3..9.544 Churchs Ferry, Milton, D 1 ---- § Seeetbriane Te oemeLO0 K 4 25,071 s ao ye Pee Canal Folio: Dodsonville sa aeat 0 Rrateas "I 9_-17,266 F 15 353 9 Mineral Springs, 3 30 Sydne M 16 50 80.728 reeks © 14.22. 082 H 12.1057" Dolla 225 28ean 200 Mercer, J 7--- 8,224 Clementsville.K17 200 Pague, P1 "25 Mi Ne RAs eo eee CLT ee emiegt Acting M 7..1.030 Cand Pewievives Donnelsvilie, T3166 al F 612,140 Cleveland, L 15- 341 Haley, P ¢ Mine w seen S64 Sykeston, I 14--- 367 Gjermont, P 3 28.291 ree aes 311 300 Dorset. Do isee = Merton. N 95-9562 Glide, D” 16---- 180 Halleon,” 30 Minto, FP 20--22- 602 Clinton, 0 4. 28.036 Athens, 0 10.---6,419 Canal Vinca Tol Dover ;Geniaes ie an Nale 10,362 Clvde, aeeeeS t E ‘ ; . “U--_-- rs 2 f, sees oe oe 972 4495 Gonl Harbor, 1 9 300 Hamar, #2 17___- Mohall, D 8__--- 65L ‘Tagus, F. 7------ 133 Columbiana. 3a, Atlanta, N 6---- bea Canfield, G 14--_ 806 B 101.754 pentane D 1915.177 Cogswell, O 19-- 445 Hamberg, H 14-- 100 Monango, O _17--- 238 Mrapnenihi seen Se H 14 «83.131 Attica, G ie eae Cannelville, M 10 389 Doylestown, G 11_1.037 Picted “PF 13_-- 9-283 Coleharbor, I 9- 250 Hamilton, D 20-- 200 Monterey, H 14_- om 1 Lob 285 Coshocton, Attica se gee i 450 Canton, H 13_-_87,091 Dresden, K 16_--1.434 Beet gey F 16__15,427 Colfax, N 22.--. 90 Hamlet, D 4-_.-- 75 Montpelier, Mi ee Taylor, 5----- 1 29.595 — abe Cartondaie, N78. .500\. Drills same 300 Searing M- 19-11,618 Colgan, C 2---- 85 Hampden, E_16_- 199 Mooreton, N 22-- ae Temple, E 4---- 2} Crawford, H 7 36.054 Atwater, I 14... 300 Carbonhill, N 9-- 550 Dublin, K 6_-__- 211 Renville, D 8.7776 Colgate, J 19---- 125 Hankinson, 0 221.477 Morango, O 17-- 231 Toot 12 150 : Augusta. J ta°> 259 Cardington, J 7--1.109 Dunbridge. B 5-. 340 Richland N 22-20,887 Columbus, C 4--- 332 Hanks, D 2_---- 215 Mose. I 17- 0 : H 81.800 Cuyahoga, Ga eel rosea is -- 20 Carey, H 6----.-2.488 Duncan Falls, L 11 250 Bolette,h : Concrete, D 18. 200 Hannaford. 3 ike a Mott, N 5 es mut ; e 11 pees Aurora Sta NOR iso cher be. M a 105 Dundas, 6 ore es d 0] Ac i annah, © 16---- «+ i ain, elen:, it T2o2a- ‘ ren Ke Dace 2.9 a arlton, Tee undee, 5 Bheelans Conway, F 19-- 18 Hansboro, © 14-- 218 Mt: Carmel, D 13 ae 549 Austinburg. D 14 300 Garitin. 1p gl0--- 348 Dunglen —______- sheridan. Cooperstown, 118 1,112 Harlow, F 14---- 50 Mowbray, Thorne. aaa Defiance, F 2- 24.5 Avaa i 1s ore! Carrollton, I 13_-2.192 Dunkirk, H 4. Seas M Cordelia, C ees 60 Harmon, ee es = sl Psi: ee Timmer, N 9---- 100 pejaware: K 7 26.013 Avon Lake, E 10 § Carthage, 0 2__-3.618 Dupont, G 2. Stark, L & Corinth, D 3 ---- a Syedtesee ne ylo, D 14------ Moga, I 422-2, 320 rie, F S---- 39.789 Bainbridge, 0 6. 862 Carthagena, J 1_ 200 ee 574 septs Ce mn. nerve, Kien Tokio. G 1622_-- 100 Fairfield, M 8 40.484 Bajrdstown, F_5_ 158 Cassella. J) 1,-—— 200 | Ca a 5 Se Courtenay, J 17-. 490 Hastings, M 18-- 125 Nanson, or Tolley; “Di To.ese 325 Payette, N 5 21.518 panes 11_ ne Castalia, F 8-2. 600 BW 12_27.292 Deets Crary, G 16. “307 Hatton, 1 20-—- (82 | Nansen. Ey 15-7, Tolng, H d7-_- 199 Franklin, L 7 288.951 Baltic, J 1i----- 20) Gastine, L 1----2 B. Columbus. 1, 71.328 Walsh Crete, 0 19-——-- 125 Havana, P. 9)-—/ 379 Napoleon, NAS ee Power City, 19 447 \paatan: eg Oo Aimer te pe enna EB, Fairfield. H 15 Ward. } Crocus, D a i hE Be eg ate apt ‘ee aRe Se 598 See ru 610 rietans 0 re 23.311 earhortan: G 12_18.811 Catawba a co 1D) fultonkans? ru Falta. Crosby; Cuide_-= == azelton, Sos » © 1dv_---- as 2 v ---- 6 Jallia, ee Psy Gacil alist) eae wa : reste Kr 19.- 349 Hazen, J 8------ 520 Nekoma, E Pues 189 Svea elpheie could pa . # 15.036 Barnesvilie, L 13_ 4.865 edarville, M 4.21,028 EB. Lewiston, H15 200 i ee ge ee aera Lik 100 Wicatoae a 185 Nesson, F eee, 2 : * Geauga, E 18 Barnhill, J 18... 513 Cedarville, 1028: B. Leni es rys Sprs., L e ; ee oes Nesson, === fs Was 7 19 9 : °: ih dlp Wake i 2 y. a Total _646,872 ee or Hebron, L 7----1,374 Newburg, D 10__ es Tunbridge, F 12_ a Greene, M 4- 31.221 Barer ye 2 ass ae Canter: oR: Se 150 KE. Linden. b fos 724 otal ------ \ ings, I 21 125 Heil. N 7------- 100 New England, M4 6 3 Turtle Lake, I 10 395 @yornsey, L 12 45.352 artlett, ees RoE Be By Livecpene Re Shut Heimdal, H 13-- 100 New Leipzig, N 7 373 poiey OQ 22 28 anititon, 0 1.403.078, nen eee 012 150 T 15-21.411 TOWNS. Hellwig, 0 15_-- 50 New Rockford, tt Moe Mal. ; hah cena 5. 38,394 aera nae es Centerburg, J 8-- 775 B. Orwell, B 14 704 os pe at Ae 10 get an 19 101 New Salem L 8. 711 AL aes 452 saat 4 ip 29.167 Batavia, P 3____ “1,088 Center Meher a rE. Faleue Oe ease Tow re . Dahlen, F 18 anton, —— s p Eee tie : -. 452 Hardin, ee . c are 5 as PON NOY ig one Delia tao), 40 Daeglen 3 Gee 49 Newville, E15... 26 Tnemwe 50 Harri 13. 19,625 Batemantown, J 8 200 Centerville, M 3. 192 BH. Rochester. 114 250 Abercrombie, N22 266 piongie oO 14_--_ 293 Hesper, G 14__-. 50 Niagara, G 19_-- 199 Union, B 18_---- 50 Harrison, J : Batesville, L 13_ ae Ceylon Beate 150 BE. Sparta, 1 12. 800 Absaraka, KK 20_ rw Davenport, M 21 214 Hettinger, P 5-- 817 Nicholson, O 19-- Ly Upham, B 11---- 196 Henry, F 3-- 23.362 Be hie 751 Chagrin Falls. BE. Springfield, J 14 315 Adams, E_1S---- 40% Dawson, L.13--- 293 Hickson. M 22--. 62 Niobe, D 6_----_ 16 Hightand, Pb, 27.610 (Bay VOM Se) 0 ee $15_2.237 Hastview. Lb 11. 606 eae Yiazey, K_18...- 293 Hillsboro, J 21__-1,183 Nome, M 19----- eet : Hocking, N 9 23,291 Beil ville. L 14. 555 Chambersburg.M3 164 E, Youngstown . 11.237 Deapolis, J 9---- 50 Hofflund, F 4---. 30 Noonan, © 2-—--- Bhp Valley City, "} 10. 16.965 Beamsville, K 1. 150 Chandlersville.L11 800 Eaton, M 1 3. mee. BO eee BOEonevtord: g 20_ boy veh t mic eee! Si ge aes 18_4,681 Holmes, I *, Sie Beasleys Fork. R5 150 Chapman, P 8-_- 150 ee or ae Deering, E 10__. 142 Hoople, B ae aus -Fargo, WK sl-- = r ik. G62 2= "88i) Huron, G Sou 3 = oe Chardon, EB 13__-1.566 gerton, ee, Alamo, D De Lamers, N20 00 Hope aie 699 No Minot, F 9c. 482 eal ee ; "$0 Jackson, .P. 8. 27.989 Heaverdat We Bot Charlest ag ees eee hc oe De Lamere, N 20 200 Hope, J _19------ ie : pene ag OR Se ai ee : : ; e Chatfield, nae DS don, se Alexander, Denbigh, F 11--_ 150 Horace. L 22---- 100 Northwood, H 20 935. yews, G@ 10___-_ 836 Jefferson, J 15 77.580 Se riela a Baer tt Chathaim, G 10__1.000 Tifort, Q 8- ee ge Denhoff. I 12_--- 318 Full, P 12__.--- 25 Nortonville, M16 100 (OVS | a lodt “Kuss. 1 O.2. So.580 n, ae Chauncey. N 0-c1278 Elba, M13 , ie ; 5 act F 10 475 Venturia, P 18__ . Belfast, P 5---- 200 Beas Derrick, E --- unter, wi---- #4 : ae - 2 : ‘ 28. 667 a 61 Cherry Valley, 5 25 aan cies Deslacs, F 8___- 188 Hydepark, © 19-- 30 Veseleyville, F 14 100 Lawrence, R 9 39.540 Bellbrook, Mt 3" 236 ers erie hems ete Almont Devils Lake, G15 5,140 Oakdale, Viking, H 14 50 Licking, K 8. 56.426 Bijjefontaine J 4.9.336 Chester Hill. Nil 427 Ellet, F 12 Alsen. Dickey, M_17_-- 190 Oakes, viking, HL 14. cee ae ee toa Peliefontaine.J 4-9.836 Chester Tie & 155 Bllawortn aoe ee Diknsone L074, 128 takeatet Heer ee cas Velart, By sbace eiota te ead, fee eee ‘Wt 12.1.050 Cheviot, U 3----4.103 « G14 ae Dodge, J_ 6----- 172 Ives, N 4------- Ce eo ee aa Voltaire, G 10--. 150 Lorain, F 10. 90612 5) aM /*-5-276 Chickasaw, J 2-- 214 Elmira, D 2_____ pepe Coe Dogden, H re 252 Saag aes ae BS aR O28 46° Lucas 8-55 275,721 eee a Chillicothe, O 7-15. oad ern iis Anamoose, ae LP a oT «ORT PEA D Tete ee oP EA ee i SPE eee : Aneta, H 18. 662 Donnybrook, & 7 321 Jamestown, 116.6,627 Olive, G 9_.-..-- 40 Madison, L 6- 19.662 Belmont, 1, 13 OR mwo Anselm. M 20--- 78 Dovon, @ 17---- 200 Janesburg, O 8. 25 Olmstead, D 15-- 82 a Gg 1 49 Mahoning, | Ba ery ete G11 175 Elyria, | Ante G9 22 gag Drake. HL 11--- Bey aca ppg) Ae pecker a0. Sone Wahpeton, N 22-3,069 Cee ae 4 Belpre, 0 12--_-1.817 Christiansbire 3 300 Enalewood, L 2 EET DROY NA, oS Sra 2 Drayton, HD 20_--- 637 Johnstown, F = £ ska, 1, 19---—- 30 A ae 2-3,069 \rarion, 1 6-- 42.00 E se Churchill, mes hie 4 BL, ADicah gr Dresden, D 1f-— DN Sina iw a a Te Orrin’ Gi3-72-7- 760 Walcott. M 21--. 250 rane @) 10.158 067 taco wiaee On woke Gindovilie: NT 7.049 Epwo Ro: Ardoch, brie ecole wee eb osephine or Se eg ee 2 . Sie oF O05 < ircleville. --%, Wor Ardock, F_20-- 169 DUC 5 6 247 ° Genin, G 14--. 50 Osgood, L 22.__- 35 Wales, C 16_-.-- faz Meigs, P 10.. 26.189 Pentomine 0 5-, 63) Claiborne, J 6--. 150 Urhart, F 11 Areusriile, Rv 31 soe Dunseith, B12 BTA Ind MAG ek ory, Boe io3 Walhalla, © 18-- 634 yyercer, 1 1-- 26.872 Pergholz, 1 i4-W1.215 Claridon, © 13__- 800 Eris, E 4 Argusville, Ke (21 200 Durbin, L 21_---- 60 Judson, I 9----- 200 Overly, D 12_-__-- 98 Walum, ps 8600 ITH on ae fe ee 30) Clarington, M14. Go7 Etna, L 8 300 Arther, Keto 100 DWight” WN) 22-9853 Warsaw, F 202? 63.470, ayy 48 po ean Bet ie cee 200 Clark, J Ti----- 300 Buclid. 12-8403 ene ane ! x . ci Monroe, 4 o 5 «Oo arksburg, ¥ 30 ._ Euchdyville 2 ee Arvilla,. Karlsruhe, G 11. 100 Page, K 20---..- 452 Warwick, H 1G__ 290 Ncitmomees Berlin Ce aha 5 Pa pepe G 9.. 300. Roreka & Osu 169 Ashley, , tashy, D T%.2225 100 Karnak, J 18---- 58 Painted Woods. Washburn, J 10 seg f4 Ties 508 EAE earl Chee Glackson, H 15. 140 Evansport, D 3.21/80 AG taatadees Wekelson, L 17--- 100 Kempton, H 19-- 200 Park River, te BH 10a, BEE Moreen ctl To Se ATO Bg rae Ghee’ Conte BG 500 Fairdeld, Mase Aylmer, .& 12--- 89 mekman, D ---- 64 Kenaston, B ¢--- 85 Parshall, G, 6--. 876 Wee 1 367” 310 stuskingum Bertha, R 7. 800 Clayton, L 2... 330 Wairmount, B 12- 800 she tea 350 wageley, N 18--- 803 Kenmare, D 7---1,446 Paulson. C 4-- par Ma og “55 LE 10 57.980 Bethany, O 2.2. 162 Clearport, N 8... 125 Fairport Harbor. Edinburg, FE 19-- 278 Kensal, J 16---- 415 Pekin, H 17__--- 197 Weiford, C 2... 150 ; of c Bethe eee eee) 340 Cleveland, B11_ 796, 841 D 13-4. 211 Edmore, E 17--. 501 Kermit, C 9 _---- 37 Pembina, C' 20... 802 ty Abe 198 Noble, M 12-- 17,849 Bethel, P-3-_.___1. Cleveland Helzits, . airviow UK Maa Bachelor, © 13-- 25 wamunds, J 15--- 125 Kidville, M 19--- 150 Penn, F’ 15------ Te Se ae ec we Ottawa Bee. sibs SER eens cishts 036 Farmeracle, Henman Soe. C 19_-_- 50 feeland, B 15--- 806 Kief. H 11----_- 307. Perth, D 14_---__ 218 Wellsburg, H 138. 250 Re Wwe che pees Claves” 01 1.454. Warne oa 200 Bi _G 18- 30 fipowoods, I 6-- 150 Killdeer, J 5_--- 512 Petersburg. G 18 367 westfield, P 12-. 50 Paulding, G re SAP “+ fis Clitton, Me Warmersville. Nea ego Eldridge, L 16--- 50 Kindred, M 21-- 334 Pettibone, K 13_- 250 Westhope, C 10-_ 439 Perry, M 10- 36.098 Biawell. apres 500 Clinton, H , Fayette, D 3. 926 Elgin, N 7------ 429 Kintyre, M 13_-- 100 Pillsbury, J it ae Wheatland. L 20 %500 Pickaway, M7 25.788 Bigprairie, I 10-. 200 Clyde, F 7-------3.099 Fayetteville, 0 4 349 EM eT AG ieee Peg neta red sWrasiotk i 8 ese eae 14.151 Bigsprings, J 5-. 350 Coalburg, 15-300 Feesburg. 0 4--- 150 RMott, IN “LoS - 59 ‘) (Palss2t2ce ‘ Sek, HD v= .-- = Y neelock; F 8-2 45: , eee ae ae 1.85 elicity salfour. 6 322 Hmbden, L20---- 38 Ronssberg, HH 10 100 Pitcairn, N 22--. 25 ; ne 247 Portage, G18 26.200 Birmingham, FS 800 Ooelknene eis 300 Fernbank, P 1--_ Sear a 95 Embde con rE 2 White Earth, E 5 247 Birmingham, K 12 150 Coal Run, Bantry, Kil. gap Emerado, G 20-.- 828 Kramer, D 10--- 122 Blaze, 8 (-7--- gar Whitman, F 17.. 100 Preble, M 1. 26.238 Biachleyville, 10 120 Coalton, Ea (0 Ree oer 200 ADT Y sal --- 525 Emerson, K 5--- 3) Krem, 8------- easant, <=-- € - ’ ae : - s § Coitsville, be 5 ndlay, Gees Fariow. bi. isp Emrick, 1145-50 Kulm, N i6_---- 725 Pleasant Lake,Pi8 71 wild Rice, L 22. 30 eee e Bak pi Baneet 190 Coltwates, J 11.531 Ritehville, G 8-137 farney, 2} rae a 7} rlin, J 90_-1,915 ortal, 2 pee 5 es hland, 55, : a. vemile. a” Bartlett, @ 17-- 98 Pnglevale, N19. 100 Portland. T 90... | 628 painter, Dit nas ee PETS tors ae at Colieze Gor, No 848 Flatrock. F 722. 350 Barton. Res us Enloe, M. 22_____ zon Lake Williams, we Powers Lake, E 5 251 Williston, F 2---4,178 HENS. Ce i 168 sElomaaae le College Hill, Tf 4_ 1.979 Fletcher. 1 ce 209) ae See 20-- 335 Epping, F 3. Kili 2 Willow City, F12_ 559 y> HY : : S ets Collins Pees 809 Floodwoo ne Battleview, D 5_ pe Epworth, F 200 Lakota, G 17_--. 959 xq Wilton. IK 1002.21,026 Scioto, (OQ) T=- 7 62.850 ee Sen 200 Collinsville, N 1- 200 Florida. F_3-___- 159 Foeeteoe D islacons ee fy oo Meare, N38 Lee ne eae meter © 17 521 Seneca, G G_- 43.176 Bloomingburg, N6 552 Colton, B 4-_-__- 125 Flushing, K 14_-1.026 Peaulieu, D 1S_-1,003 Esmond, G 13--. 343 Landa; © 10----- 205 Ransom, O 20--- 50 Wimbledon, K 17 521 Paelis ee Hlocmincasian gy 1d 185 Columbiana.H15-2.114 Folger, or Avon a achat (ier Ue Mencia ee 50 Langdon, D ree ee ig 2---n\s FER ANViiadapr; La tbsees 300) SOGIbias BER ee Bloomington, N 4 160 COLUMBUS, Station. E 10-_ 400 Belcourt, C 13-- 80 fWxpansion, I 8-- 75 Lankin, F 18---_ 334 Ray, BH 4----_- 563 Wine ME i o59 Stark, H 12-- 177.218 Pioomville. G@ 7. 645 L 7_237.031 Footville, D 15. 2n0 Pelfield Lanona, 1. 19---- 86 Reeder, Q 4----- aie ia hi PRR “go Summit, G 12. 286.065 Blue Bell. L 12. 190 Columbus Grove. Foraker. 1 4_--- O50 Pelfield, = Lansford, D 9_-- 337 Regent. N_5----- 262 Winona, 0 11... 60 ’ a ve Bln Greek © 6. 150 H 3-1.768 Forest, H 5_____ 1.142 Rellmont, I 2i-- 35 Fairdale, E 18--. 192 Yarimore, G 19--1,089 Reynolds, H 21-- 389 Wishek. 0 14...1,003 Trumbull, F 14 83.920 shee SS in '1s. 260° Commerctal Phos 220 UPt Tentings. He. 275 Renedict, H --- 195 Fairmount, O22 TOO” Park 46 6 30 Rhame, N 2_-__- 302 is an ae 42 Tuscarawas. Blain De ieiae etree tb = Bae 150 Ft. Loramie. K 3 472 Bentley. 0 s-cae Joo (relscte Larson, C 4_---- 114 Richardton, L 6. 626. Woburn, D 6-.-- J 12 63.578 Bokes Greck. JS 200 Concord, D 18... 300 Ft. Recovery. J 1 1.992 es ah aie eo ae atone, FAS eae aoe pane) ees oon Wolford, E 13--- 200 ? Bolivar, I 12---. 519 Condit, A 8_--__- 213 Foster, 0 2_-___ ood armies pte oe RAE 0 Lawton, F171. 227 Robinson, K 43” 225 ooaworth, K 14 297 Union, J 5... 20.018 Bolivar, { 15---- 38) Conevate ie Ia- 400 Fostoria. G 5u2--0.987 pee fp cmetagno ae \7ay Leal, K 17------ 86), Bock iake: De ee ne N ot 676Van Wert. H 128.210 (noteiay 13 557 Congress, H 10_. 123 Frankfort. eer aaa cee eT Rae ae ae {ih oROn aay EEE oes SL BEY i 8 12.075 Bowerston, J 13. 500 Conneaut, C_15__9.543 Franklin, N 3___- Berwick, F 12--- 165 Fillmore, F.13___ 150 TLefor, M_5------ 200 Rolette. D 13_--- 409 hg SS <-- Bowersville. N 4. 312 Connorville. K 15 350 Franklin Station. Bintord eee 393 ape 7 19 Wale 209 ss ste mers is8 ae ul 10 ue 130 York, F 14 400 Wares al emp ar Bowling Green. eeiheitg 5 oe phe Prabeveknte Be 607 inford, ---- 9895 Finley, I 19----_ dar Leith, N_8----_- DO RUSS. ta ge rar 3 Uitte anise shi : F5_5,788 Conover, K 3__-- azeysburg. y Birchwood, C 13 50 Flasher, N 9---- 287 YLeonard. M 20--- 175 Roseglen, iH 6_-- 50 youngtown, L 8S. 25 ota x 12 43.019 Braceville, F Poe 200 Continental, G 2_1.098 Fredericksburg, ee ey sre poet meen fe igre PRL eh a ere Ae a rpsilanti d. K 2.-.2.356 Gonvoy, H 1__--- 932 T 11 480 BISMARCK, 1.10 7,122 Flora, G 14---_- 65 Leyden, @-19.2.. 25° Roth. Ypsilanti, L 17-_ 100 wayne, H 11_ 41.346 prearen Foe ee eng eke. Peeper te Blabon, J 19---- 100 Fonda, D 12__-_- 32 Tidgerwood, 0 21-1,065 Rugby, F 12_ Williams, E 1 24.627 praarick. S 9.00. 250 Copley, G 11__-. 243 J 81.194 Blaisdell, I 7__ 105 Forbes, P 16_--- 293 Tignite, C 5 _ 214 Russell. ‘ r, > 5 2 : GeTies 200 Cornersburg, G 15 250 Freeport, K 12. 66 Blanchard, J 21 100 Fordville, F 19 320 Tincoln'Valley,112_ 60 Rutland. © 26-. 201 Zahl, H 2 se ee ede reat I) Saece oh). CornnkieN 10ogtees Uareemont. ke) foe aed Bonetraill, E 2- 58 Forest River, F 9. 226 Linton, 0 12__-_-1.011 Ryder, 7. =. 483 "Zap: J _ Tsassnene 257 Wyandot, H 6 19.481 ba eal Baas ben Gortland. Wid. Vso ee reann, ee ee 200 Poca ae is 8 rt Clan oe 2 08 renal a aE ia ion Zeeland, P 1s--- 22% ————> Rremen, M 9--.-1.134 Corwin. N eaiiio BIT Pot N77 Parse 400 peas Ft. Clark, Joe “ce Titehvilles M8) set ; ‘ 5.75 : 5 928 Coshocton, K 11-10. On, Seta Bottineau, D 11-1,172 Ft. Ransom, M 19 200 Lloyds Spur, F 8. 82 St. Anthony, M10 150 Zenith, L 3--_--- SOie late reso. 5.759.394 Brewster, I 12--. 92 s , Fultonham, L 10 825 Jacksonburgh, N 2 Jackson Center, Madisonville, F 55,193 Maguetic Springs, Jacksontownh, Jacksonville, Maholm, M 10___ Guarnetd, H Fae Garrettsville, Gates Mills, E 1 Geneva, D 14_---3. Ost Genoa, 7 Georgesville, L 6-30 Georgetown, V4 1,070 Germano, J 1l4--- © Germantown. M 2-1.527 Gettysburg, K 2_ 375 Geyer, J B.-..-.- Jettersouville, M i e Jelloway, I 9_--- Mansfield, H 9__2 fy Mapleheights, Jerry City, I » Mepleshade, Q 10 400 Maplewood, J 8. 15 Marathon, P 3___ Marbleeliff, L 2 Marblehead, E $_1.048 Jewett, J G ie Jonnsonyille, fe Johnstown, IK S-- Maria Stein, J 2 5v0 Marietta, N 12__15,140 I 622.227.8921 Mark Center, pS cielooge Gillespieville, O 38 201 Girard, G 15----- 6.556 Junction City, Glandort, G 3 --- Glencoe, L 14--- Glendale, O 2_---1. 259 Glenford, L Glenmout, 1 11-- Marshallville, H11 Kalida, G 3_..-- c 1 Kanauga, P 10_-_ Martinsburg, Martins Ferry, ¥ K 15_11.634 Martinsville. G 4 897 aed t K 6228, 635 Kelleys Isl., 'N 10 -3,140 Kellogsville, 200 " denhutten.J 12 Gaile : Massillon. 12 i. 428 Maumee, E 4____3, 195 Maximo, H 13... Mayfield, H12208 Maynard, K 14__ Mecca, F 15 Mechanicsburg, Kensington, H 14 400 x tid Sena 7.070 Kettlersville, J 2 Gresd Rapids, r4 Grand River, D 13 Grandview, N 14- Heights, L 7--1,185 So L §8_--1,440 K Mechanicstown, Killbuck, J 10--- Perry, ‘b79l22 Mt. Pleasant. K 14 Mt. Sterling, M Mt. Sterling, Mt. Surainit. U é Mt. Vernon. J 8__9.25 Mt Victory. Mt. Sect Hicksville, F Higginsport, Highland, O 6_-- Lape O 5_--4,356 Hockluisport ne 11 225 Hollansburg, L 1 Lower Salem. N12 138 peveevilles K 14. URES Pas Holloway, K 13__ Holmesville. I 10 tp ae Falls. G12 300 Murray, N 10_---1,493 Mutual, K 4 57 Nankin, H 8; Nashport, kK re Navarre, H 12-_-1.385 Negley,..El 15 255 Luckey, BD 5- Ludlow Falls, Houeckton, HW 5_-- Houston, K 2_--- Lykens, H 7 McArthur, O 8__-1.307 McClainville. L 14 200 McClure, F 3__-- McComb, G 4___-1,012 McConnelsville, M oR McCuneville. M 9 ¢ McCutchenville, Huntington, G 9_ 65 Huntsville. J 4_- Huron, B 8_----- 1.703 Huron prertion. Nevada, H 6 Neville, Q 3_-... New Albany. K 7 200 New “Seater New Antioch. N 4 192 Newark, L 9____2 New Athens. K 14 New Baltimore. Independence, McDonald, F 14__ Irondale, T in “1.136 MeGuffey, I 4___ 400 Macedonia, F 12_ Macksburg, M 12 Madeira, O 2____ Madison, ID 13___ Madisons Mills, G New Bavaria. New Bedford. J 11 New Berlin. II 12 Pa Ran New Bremen. jan on wo ae) g nd OHIO—-CONT’D New Butfalo, vi oe Newburg, 0} ea 2: 2.997 Newbury, Kk 1322 New burlington, N 4 375 New Burlington, > 9 ze New Carlisle. L Newcastle, J 10. re Newcomerstown. K 123.889 New Concord, L.11 889 New Cumberland. 113 New Dover, K G_ New Garden, H 14 200 New Hampshire, I New Haven. G@ 8 New Helland, N& New Knoxville. P2os New Lebanon, New Lexington, M 10-3,157 New London, G Oo: New Lyme, E 14 “400 New Madison, | Die hee New Martins- burg) SG) 2 New Mata- moras, N 14__ New Middle- Lown.» G, Loecs New More- Helire lL.) Suaic. New Paris, L 1 ~~ New Peter 'S- burg d-seees New Philadelphia, J 12_10,718 New Pittsburg. N 1025 New Plymoth, N 9... a Newport, J Newport, J 1 one Newport, N 13_. New Richmond. P 3.1,714 New Riegal, @ 6_ New Rumley.__-_ New Salem, L9 _ New Spring- field, Hi. 15... New Straits- ville; M’ 10__-_2.2 Newton F’s F’ 14_1, Newtonville, O 3_ Newtown, P 2___ New Vienna, O 4_ New Washing- toneH) 8.L255 New Waterford, H 15_- New Weston. Ney) ie ce Niles, F 15_- Nimisila, H 12_ Norman, K 9____ N. Baltimore, G 4__2.439 Northbend, O 1__ Benton, G 14_ N. North Bloom- field; BH 14-2. N. Bristol, F 14. 200 North Canton. North College- ERD ES TO egy Rope Seah Ue 104 North Creek, 3. N. Fairfield. G S8__ Northfield, F 12__ N. Georgetown, ba UE . Liberty. Q 5. BARBRA SREP e 4 Monroeville, 1B See oe N. Olmsted, BE 11---1,.419 North Randall. N. Ridgeville Fil H1i2 N. Royalton, Fil Oakfield, BD 14___ Oak Harbor, E 6_1.858 Oak Hill, O S__---1,394 Oakland, N 3 _-- 5 Oakley, P 2___._1.639 Oakwood, M 3_--1.473 Oakwood, G Oe gers : Oberlin, F Oceola, H Ogontz, Ir Ohio City, Okeana, O 1_--. Okolona, F 3_-~-- Olbers, N 10_--. Old Fort, F6.-. OTengs)'G'. Si. Olive Branch, P38 Olive Fur, Q 8_-- Olmstead, F’s F 10. Omega, P_T7-- Ontario, H 8__- Opperman ------ Orangeville, PB 1552 Orbiston, N 15--. Orient, .M O-.2.= IOErs, \Or Sa oo Orrville; H 11.224, 107 Orwell, E 14255 Osborn, Osgood, Osnaburg, H 132 Ostander, K 6___ Otsego, ‘Key 11m Ottawa, G 3___-2.167 00 Ottokee, B 3_--_ Ottoville, H 2___ Otway, Q 6__-. Owens. J 6_-.-- Owensville. P 3__ Oxford, N 1---2. 146 Painesville, D 13_7, eh Palestine, L 1___ Palmyra, G 13___ Palmyra, Station, Gil Pancoastburg, M 6 Pandora, H 4__- Raney, Gi Se Paradise Hill. ‘ ; ‘ ; City, K 1-4, on H +4. -10,308 9 4 Admitted as a Ter- May 2 Sandusky, 1 ille, s Admitted as a State, Bosweil, Santa Fe, J 3_- / Pawnee, G 10_-- . 16, 1907. Lowden, Pemt ille. F F 69,414 sq. Bragg: emberville. F 5 Peninsula, Upper Sandusky, Sawyerwood, B42 2.7,62 Saybrook, D a? Perrysville, 2 Ee Valley City, F 11_ Valley V vier. Bll 403 Population, Scienceville, 2,028 283. » Oklahoma, b “IS to Sciotoville, Q 722, 182 Van Wert, Hi278,100 Vaughnsville, Phillipsburg ilo, i ae oie Alfalfa, B §& Pickerington, Ver million, Laer Se 436 ay Piedmout, K 13__ Pigeon Run, I Bryan, N 15__- Shadyside, L 15_-3,084 Shaker Heights. Shanesville, I 11_ * 20 Plain City, K 6_-1.330 Gimeno ane Plainville, P 2__ Pleasant City, Sharon Cen., 4 Sharonville, "ainwric’ Pleasant Hill, Moet M 10.-1,918 Pleasant ae H_ 8_---5,578 Pleasantridge, f Walsut ee Gee arun - Suercitta J 13_ 377 M Wavakonata, I = 5,295 G 8___1,374 Point Isabell. | Q3 150 Warren, F 15__.27.050 Short ee K 14 200 oe Warrensville, Warsaw, J 10__ Warwick, H 1___ Washington, Cc. Pomeroy, P 10_ pee 24 Port Clinton, Fae 3 038 Port Homer, Silver Lake, Q 12 Port Jefferson, Washington. Smithville, H 11_ Waterford. N Ti Partamenth, QT 33,011 5 y 1d ille. is Port Washing- Port William, N4 Pottersburg, K Waynesburg, = ~ 42,765 Waynesfield, Powhatan Pt, Waynesville, South Amerherst, 2 ain, N21 ¢ ¥ 18 26, 404 ee es M 14 ry 7 Proctorville — S Bloomfield, Ss. Blooming- s. Charleston, M 5_--1,267 Euclid, © 151,605 Put-in-Bay, BS8_. * 19 GL.710 1 ity, L1i Bas D 12___ yiewage Quaker City, L138 Olive, M 12__ 3 3 Par Cairo, H 3.- Radenff, O 9 Cc aoe 36,536 RRR ny Webster, Q 8_ W. Carlisle, K 10 175 ) i orsvil Za, Dae tevillgn 4 Westchester, Payne, E ites 30,180 Pittsburg, J 17 5 Rh Western Star, Pottawatomie, G Sparta, J 8__. Ravenna, G 13___7.2 Pushmataha, Spencerville, Springboro, N 2__ Springdale, O 2__ 22 Springfield, L 4_60,840 Spring Valley, W. Farmington, Raymond, J 5 W. Jefferson, Sequoyah, H Hampton, L 3_ , Industry, H 13 Jackson, G 14, - Kingsville, )Rivaetes Lawrence, FE 12. 28st Ww, Lafayette, Lewisburg K 5 W. Lebanon Sta- Lima, ‘G15... Madison. D138 Sterling, G 11.__ Steubenville, Reinersville, : J 15_28,508 Washington,B17 2 i Osa Ss a eae Woodward, D W. Manchester, Tanah re Stewartville. L 14 Mansfield, J 5 Reynoldsburg, i « I Sah ve, Stockport, N 11__ wv Tier Oye ¥ Stone Creek, J 12 Stony ie E 5- Richmond, J 14_ N. Robinson, H 7_ i Westpark. 5 11_-8,581 . Richfield, Strasburg, 1 12-2 nh n Streetsboro, F 13_ Strongsville, F 11 North Star, J 10_ Norwalk, F 8____7, 379 Norwich. Ley ee Norwood, G Hwee: 966 Nova, G .9----. Novelty, BD Tse Richmond Dale, (0) gid Ocnad, OOL F Ridgeville Cor- | ye eae Oe Sugar Creek, I 12 Sugar Grove, Westview, F 11_- Ridgeway, 150 Westville, K 4___ Rio Grande, Q9- Ripley, Q 4 Risingsun, F 5__- Gr Sealy a Sullivan, G 10___ Summerfield, M 12 Summerford, Summit Sta.. Sunbury, K 7... White Cottage, oe ee H 13 Swanton, B 4 prick, E 15 = pe aye Williamsburg, Sylvania D 4 ___-1, 393 E Williamsfield, ~~ Williamsport, Rockyridge, 6_- Rocky River, Willoughby, D seis 34 Willshire, H 1 Wilnot, I 12 Tallmaige, G@ 12_ H 15__ 241 Taylorsville, P 4 Arapaho, Giecee Winham, F 13___ Windsor, E 14_-_ Winesburg, I 11_ tho Temperance- Terrace Park, 0 2 Thomastown. G 12 Thornville, L 9__ 30S Rosewood, K 4_- Withamsville, P 3 Woodington, K 1_ Rossford, E Woodlawn, O 2__ Rossmoyne, T eg Aylesworth, Mepaceaen: K 13. ie Tippecanoe City, H 10__8,204 mY L Worthington, K 7 705 ul § ys ifo52.150 Bigin~ “EE ocak hae 17_14,417 Elmer, L ? Rudolph, F 4__ Elmore, E 1° moenia,”, Mi 8-2-56= 9,740 N17 J 15___4,684 t Rushsylvania, J 5 Tremont City, L4 287 ¥ AE 15-5. Yellow Sprs., Borwyi, MM Trimble, N 10-_- Trinway, K 10___ Trotwood, M 2___ . K 15_-1,734 Terns Youngstown, Rotland, PF 10 G 15-132,358 Tuppers Plains, ro) Bt. Clairsville, Tuscarawas, J 12_ Zanesfield, J 5--- ‘Vwinsburg, F 12_ Zanesville, LL 10-29, 560 Vhrichsville, OKLAHOMA OKLAHOMA = Becks Sosy Boise ivy, Bokchito, Bokhoma, Kokoshe, Looley, Lt Loyiuton, Bradley, J Braman, Breckinridge, 43 8d. Briartown, Bridgeport, 70,057 ~=sq. Brinkman, Bristow, Britton, Broken Bow, N21-1 COUNTIES. Bromide, ) Brooken, Pop, Buck, J 13, 703 Buftalo, Burbank, Burlington, pee 14. ous Sushyhe ad, - 18,989 putin, $V By rom Cache, K Cadde, M 19,872 Calera, O 82,144 Calhoun, 3,48¢6 Calumet, ! 13 19,38) Calvin, J ‘16 ea SS 18,406 Camargo, 8 26,629 Cameron, Ti 8-167) Canadian, 9-_.._ 19,160 Caney, M Creek, E 16___ ‘62, 8 58 face © 21 13,83 Capitol Hill, “Hil-1, 361 BUG. 12 Capron, om 12,434 Carbon, J 18 Canton, E 62,840 Canute, H 37,500 Cardin, A 4 Carmen, Carnegie, Carney, F Carrier, > 5,836 % — 11.261 Carter, xx B 4... 7,623 Cashion, F 11 0. 19.397 Castle, si 15_ I 15__ 26,045 Catoosa, 22 143 Cement, NiO I7one Center,” A Johnston, M 14 20,125 Centra noma, 1 c B 18... 34,907 Centralia, Cestos, E wee F10 15,671 : Kiowa.» Tc fe: Chandler, 23,094 13,866 Cheeotah, Chelsea, Cherekee, Cheyenne, Chilocco, Choctaw. Choteau, 26 Civete (6913. =-a— L 13_- 13, 115 Claremore, 3 1 Cleveland, Clinton, 07 Okmulgee, G17 55,072 Cloud Chief, ; Coalgate, $075 aoiad Coalton, > Colbert. Coleman, } 570 Yollinsvill K 14 30,949 dncneisn 5 ~~” Colony. EH 3 46,028 Comanche, Commerce, M18 17,514 Gonnerville. Roger Mills, G 4 38 penn ag 18-- 17.605 Copan, B - 23.808 Cordell, I 21 26,786 Corn, H 10 24, 692 Cornish, } * Council Hill, 10,63 Cooperton, Coving ton, Coweta, “19 2 Cowlington, Coyle, F Craig, J 18. Crescent, 5 14 068 Cross, B 2,028,283 Crowder, Cushing, TOWNS, _» Custer, or Custer Pop. Cyril, J 9 O 15_--- 500 Dacoma, =5, 012 Dale. 13-_22ae 369 Darr ow. we i8-2 150 Dawsce, Deer Creek Delaware, Depew, F Devol, M Dewar, H Dewey, B Dighton, Dill. H 6 Dilworth, Dougherty, Douthat, J 17_. 855 Dover, B M 18..-1,842 Dow. J 10_-___--1,200 J 8---- 919 Drummond, 326 prenens ¥F 15_6, 460 G 12... 3200 Duke. K M 13-14,181 Duncan, L 10a Arnett, BE 3__ 404 5 Durant, N Eagle City, Eagletown, Autwite: BYiZ2. 168 Bar), M 132-22. Pea 1,071 Earlsboro, y pea 150 East Duke, N 14 800 Edmond, Eldorado, Elk City, El Reno. Enid. D Enterprise, Erick, I Erin Springs, Eufaula, Fairland, rAR ES "846 Fairmount, Fairview, Fallis, F @*1212=1,070 Broken Arrow, Chant, or Panther, I Chattanooga, Chickasha, | Cleo Springs, L_ 16_-3,009 Cumberland, Dillard, M 13__-~_ Douglas, or Onyx, Dustin, HH iv__ 30 Emet. M 15 Sepa oe H 1o_ " Fairfax, C 14__~-1, R42 Famer JR D 15. 257 Fargo, D 4- B 12_7,174 Faxon, L 7 Soon QBT> Way 0 Fe ese . I 11-- 842 Fillmore, or Rea, uo by RO ee OKLAHOMA—CONT’D OREGON : PENNSYLVANIA Fitzhugh, K 14.. i172 MeeArthur, G 4_ 300 Sand Springs, Dorena, J _6----- 100 Neverstil, B 5--- 100 Avalon, I 1 —---5,277 Casselman, K 3-242 Fletcher, 2 Madill, N 14____2,717 E 16_4,076 OREGON Dothan, or West Newberg, D G6__.2,566 PENNSYLVANIA Avella, I 1 ---. 500 Cassville, J 5_- 133 Foraker, 94 Manchester, N14_ 237 Sapulpa, 4s oe : Fork, M42... 80 aoe ese a ce 100 ree | Fie ee Castle aes 9.353 Vorgan, B 8 Mangum, J 4____3,405 Sasakwa, 15_-- 355 pp; baver,” Di Fsloaac 80 ew Pine Cr 1 300 3 yoca, -.+-4,95 non, 4 1----- 98 Foyil, Do 18..-20e 9 Manitou, L 6222. 335 Savanna, J 1722. 250 he fit RAH 4 Gd Bt Weain 3S. Bozccss 607 Newport, G 4... 580 First Settled at avon 1 9 __ 400 Catasauqua, H11 4,714 Ft. Cobb, Mannford, E 15-. 650 Sayre, 4--_-__ 1,703 sp MAE Sil. Drewsey, J 17--. 83 N. Bend, K 3----3,268 Philadelphia, 1652. ‘,vyondale, K 10 — 627 Catawissa, G 9_2,025 I't. Gibson, Mannsville, M 13 639 Schulter, G@ 17--_ 200 Admitted as a Ter- Dufur, D 10_---- 533 N. Fork (Dun- One of the Original Avondale, K 10-1,000 CEdt, ot (dseeee 1 p00 Pt. Sill, K 2, Maple, H 21---. 150 Scullin, L = 62 ritory, Aug. 14, Duncan, or North can) yD. Mee e285 Thirteen States, Avonmore, H 3 -1,242 Cementon, H 10_1,800 It. Towson, N 19 965 Maramec, D 14. 287 Seiling, BH 6-- 323 1848, : RE. Di lt N. Plains, C 6... 200 Hh 4 _ Center Hall, G 6 525 Ross; hie Osceeae 348 Marble City, G 21 344 Seminole, I 11 804. Admitted as @ State Dundee, B 6. N. Powder, E 18 613 @7C@: Baden, H 1 --- 895 Centerport, I .9-. 134 francis, J 14---- 911 Markham, = 15.. 60 Sentinel, I 5 123 * Fret Lj, 1859 * Durkee, G 19.<- N. Santiam, F 6. 290 Land, 44,832 sq. Baggaley, I_8---1,000 Center Valley,H11 527 Frederick, L 6---3,822 Marietta, N 13__.1,977 Seward, FP 11_--- 118 Fie ee Norway, L 3---. 100 miles. Bainbridge, J S-- S800 Centerville, J 24,793 Frisco, G@ 10--.-. 200 Marlow, K 10___2.276 Shamrock, F 15_.1,409 Area: Hagle Creek, D 7% 80. Nyssa, J+ 20-2522 563 Water 29 Bairdford, H 2-- 800 Centerville, D 2. 218 % Marshall, B11. 384 Sharon, D_5__--~ 50 Land, 95,007 sq. Basie Pt, K 3 128 ; eg ee 4 §4- Rakerton; HF 4-1,000 Central City, K3_1,051 ) Martha, K 5__--- _ Shattuck, D 3---1,36% Aen * Wastside, K 2.2. 453 Oak Grove, D 7-. 500 LAI Bild KK te ee 600 Centralia, G _9--2,336 Gaze, (DY 42 t oe S04) sand Raden Shawnee, uh 13_15,348 Wes. Who.) aden 50L Oakland, K 5... 516 Total, 45,126 sq. Bally, I 10----- 3887 Chalfont, I 11-- 317 Gans,, Hii 295 Waud. I 10022. Short, G 22_.--_- 200 Water, 1,092 sq. Elgin, D 18_--_- 1,043 Oakridge, miles. Bangor, G@ 11---5,402 Chalfont, -H_ 2_-1,044 Garber, D 11----1,446 May, © 4 Pay Shrewder, x S$... 806 miles. Elkhead, J 5---- 140 Odell, K 9. ‘ Banksville, H 2.1, aon Chambersb’g,K6 13,171 Garvin, N 20.-.. ‘292 sville. J 12 Sifoe, No deosss 2 143 Total. 96,699 sq, Elxhorn,_F 7---. 150° Olney, B_4 Population, 8,720,017. Barnes, D $---. 450 Chambersville, H3 600 3 Meads Nols ee 50 Skedee, D 14--_. 268 ica q- Bikton, J 4.--—_- 90 Ontario, I Capital, Harrisburg. Barnesboro, H 4-4,183 Chapman Quar.G11 228 Fear} Medford, B 11__-1, 050 Skiatook, D 17_-1,653 a Rimara,. Tess 200 Oregon City, 1) 75,686 (apne Veh 3 BRE 1,000 Charleroi, J 2 11,516 Geronimo, L 8--- 161 jfeeKrer,’ G 14 513 Slick, F 15 250 Population, 783,389. Elwood, E T---- 110 Orenco, D 6 ____- 335 COUNTIES, Bath Jct., G 111,401 Charmain, L_7-- 150 Glencoe, D_13--- 354 eno, D Snyder, i Capital, Salem Empire, K 3_--- 182 Ortley, C 10____- 95 Beach Haven, F 9 40) Cheltenham, J 11 400 Glenpool, BF 17--. 423 yreridian Sobol, M 19-.--- 500 3 ; Enterprise, D 19_1,895 7 County Key Pop, Beadling, I 1---- 700 Cherry Tree, D 2 555 Goliry, \O%92=s.= 287 “wrerrick, F 13 Southard, BE 8--- 171 Estacada, DW 7. 483 4 -., Beallsville, J 1 445 Cherry Val.. I 1 1,400 Goodwell, P 6_-- 225 jyiami, B 20_____6,802 8S. Coffeyville, A18 179 COUNTIES, Eugene, I 5-_--10,593 Adams, K 7--- 34,583 Bear Lake. C 2-- 241 Chester, K 41__58, 030 Gore. @ 20--<=-= 329 aiqway. L 16... 200 Soper, N- 18-t-2o z i as Allegheny, , Beaver, H 1---4,135 Chester Hill,F 5 823 Gotebo, I 6 Milburn. M 15... 496 Sparks, G 14 County Key Pop. Fairview, K 8--- 184 Parkdale, D 9___ H2-1,185,808 Beaverdale, I 4_2,500 ChestnutRdg.,K2 1,000 Gracemont, Mill Creek, M 15 620 Spencer, G 1 Baker, F 18_-- 17,929 Falls City, = Parkplace, D 7. 200 ee G3 75,568 Beaver Falls,G1 12,802 Chest Sprs., H 4 126 Grainola, Millerton, N 20... 150 Sperry, D. 17_--- Benton, G 5__- 13,744 Fernhill, Pedee, F 5 ----- se areata H are BeaverMdws,G10 1,709 Cheswick, H_ 2-~ 471 Grandfield, Minco, H 10 306 Spiro, I 21------1,162 Clackamas, D 7 37/698 Fernvale, Peel Ky 6 een ae jsreneoec J 4__ 38,277 Beaver Sprs., H7 450 Chickasaw, G 3 350 Granite, J Monroe, J 2 Springer, M 13-- 300 Gjatsop, A 4---23.030 Flora, B 19____- 50 Pendleton, C 16_-7, ag Sern u Papi G 854 Beayertown, H_7 525 Chicora, G@ _2---1,100 pe Saas N Moore, Hf 11 Stanley, L_18---- 200 (Columbia, C 6. 13,960 Florence, 317 Peoria, G 5_---_- 100- Blair, 1 5_-__— 128,334 Seaver Valley, F 9 500 Christiana, K 9_ 985 Grayson (Wilde at) Mooreland. F Staunton, M 11-- 200 (oos, K '2_____ 222857 Forest Grove,D 61,915 Perry, D 17_---- 300 Bradford, C 9_- 58,166 pecersviile, I10 250 Clairton, I 2_=-6,264 Gili tee ee 2938 Aoorewood, G 5. 350 Sterling, K 9_--- 265 Grook, H 11... 3424 Ft. Klamath, M 8 200 Philomath, G@ 5-. 591 Bucks, I 11_-_ 82,476 Beqford, K 4---2,330 Clarendon, © 3_. 928 Greenfie ld, G 8. 250 Morris, G@’ 17___-1,926 Sterrett, N 15-—- 703 Curry, N 2._.. 3/025 Ft. Stevens, A 4. 300 Phoenix, N 6_.., 159 Butler, G 2---- 77,270 Boech Cr.. F 6_ 584 Claridge, I 2--_-2,000 irove, C_21----- 869 Morrison, D 13_-. 353 Stigler, H 20----1,797 fegchutes, I 10 9,622 Fossil, FP 12-___- 519 Pilot Rock, D 16. 361 Cambria, H 4_-197,839 Beech Cliff, I 1 300 Clarington, B 3_ 400 Gnertie, fei == oe Mounds, F 16__-1,078 Stillwater, E 13-4,701 Douglas, K 5-. 21,332 Freewater, or Mil- Pine, iP 20ees- 2 1590 Cameron, D 5__ 6,297 pPeechview, I 1-1,500 Clarion, F 3--_+2,798 Guthrie, -F 1250°11,757 wountain Paric Stilwell, F 21--1,155 Gijiam. C12.. 3/960 tonSta., B 16. 664 Pineville, H 12--1,144 Carbon, G 10__ 62,565 Benefonte, G 6-3,996 Clarks Green,E10 350 Guymon, O 6_---1, 507 K6 334 Stonebluff, F 17- 300 Grant, H 16___ 5.496 Plainview, G 6-. 75 Center, G_6_--_ 44,304 Bene Vernon, J2 2,342 Clarks Sumt.H10 1,404 Mountain View, Stonewall, K 15- 622 frorney, K 16__ 3,992 Garden Home, D6 350 Pleasant Valley, Chester, K 10_-115,120 jelleville, H 6-- 400 Clarksville, Hi-. 234 = 17 917 Strang, D 19---- 500 Food River, D9 8.315 Gardiner, J_3_--- 391 1s 175 Clarion, F 3--- 36,170 Benevue, EH 10--8,198 Claysville, J 1--1,009 Faileyville, J 18_2,067 overs, L 18... 200 Stratford, J_13_- 904 Jackson, N 5.. 20.405 Garibaldi, D 4-. 200 -Plush, N 13-_--_ 125 Clearfield, F 5_103.236 Beljwood, H 5--2,629 Clearfiel a, a 5__-8,529 Trallett, B 15---- 279 \fuldrow, H 21.. 693 Stringtown, L 16_ 3€0 Jomerson, G 10 3.211 Gaston, D 6_-_-- 221 Portland, D 7_258,288 Clinton, F 6_-_ 33,555 jen Avon, I 1--2,198 Cleona, I 9----- 350 Hammond, G 5. 440 }futhall, B 11__.. 385 Strong City, G@ 4 350 Josephine, 0 4 7.655 Gates, F 7--_-_- 250 Port Orford, M 2 200 Columbia, F 9_ 48,349 pen Avon Hts.,11 130 Clifton Hts. ,K11 3,469 | Hanna, I 17_---= 460 \ose, K 21_.____ 150 Stroud, F 14----1,361 Jqamath, O 9_ 11.413 Gearhart, B 4 127 Powwatka, B 19_ 75 Crawford, D_1_ 60,667 jBendersville, K 7 356 Clintonville, F 2 329 Hanson, : 82 Muskogee, F 19-30,277 Stuart, J Mince 724 Take, O 12... 3,991 Gervais, E 6_--_ 268 Prairie City, G16 643 Cumberland, J7 58.578 Benezett, H 5--_ 400 Clymer, H 3_---2,867 li Mustang, H 11__ 165 Sugden, N 1 218 Pane. I 5 86,166 Gladstone, D_ 7--1,069 Prineville, H 111,144 Dauphin, I 8.--153.116 Benson, K 3---- 365 Coal Bluff, J_2- 500 Mutual, D G6_---_ i69 Sulphur, L 128, 667 Lincoln, 3, Glenada, I 3_--.- 100 Prosper, L 2_---- 250 Delaware, K 11_173,084 Pentleyville, J1 3,679 Coal Center, J 3 724 é ‘tshorne, Sumner, D 138---- 65 Linn, G 6 530 Glendale, M 5... 548 Elk, HB 422---- 34,981 Benton, F 9----- 696 Coaldale, J 5--. 300 askell, F Supply, © A---- 231 Malheur, J 19. 10:907 Goble. B_6-—=-- 117 Rainier, B 6----- 1,287 Erie, C 1. 158,536 Berlin, K 72--- 1,563 Coaldale, G 10_-6,336 Hastings, Narcissa, B 20. 200 Swink, N 19----- 169 Marion, F G__- 41ST Gold Beach, N 2. 300 Redmond, H 10-- 585 Fayette, K 2__188,104 porlinsville, G@ 11 400 Coalport, H_ 4-~-1,079 Haworth. Nardin. B 12.222 Morrow, D 14... 5.617 Gold Hill, N 5--- 422 Reed, H 4__-___- 100 Forest, D 3---- 7,477 Bernice, E 9---- 600 Coalridge, H_10_1,800 Ileadrick, Nash aC 10% ae Multnomah, D7 7273'898 Goldson, H 5---- 175 Reedsport, J 3-- 850 Franklin, K 6_ 62,275 Pernyille, I 9--- 802 Coatesville, K10 14,515 Tfealdton, Nashville, G 10_. Matt, My boeceae SDS eprom ae 14181 Goshen, I 6___-- 100 Reedville, D 6_-- 150 Fulton, K 5---- 9,617 Perrysburg, H 8 329 Cochranton, D_1 647 Heavener, Navina, F 11____ Tahlequah, KF 20= 2,271 Sherman, D 11 3.826 Grants Pass, N 5-3,151 Reuben, M 4 ---. 100 Greene, K T--- 30,804 Berwick, F 9_--12,181 Cogan House, B77 401 Helena, C ) Nerotown, W138 ak alala, Cc AS.—-- 197 Tillamook D4 &819 Grass Val.,_D 11- 3817 Richland, U9. 244 Huntingdon, 15 39,848 Berwyn, J 11__-1,000 Cokeburg, J 1--1,691 Helsel, I 12 525 Newkirk, B 13.2533 Talihina, K 20 690 Tiotina. co 16 25.946 Gresham, D 6_.-1,103 Rickreall, F 5... 100 Indiana, H 3-- 80,910 Bessemer, G 1--1,417 Cokeville, 1 3---. 674 Hendrix, O 15... 180 New Marshall, F12 434 Taloga, HB 6---- 365 tion Bh 18 16.636 Riddle, L 5_----. 268 Jefferson, F 3. 62,104 Bethany, D_11-- 106 College Hill, Hi 2,634 Hennessey, 2 10-1,319° Ninnekah. J 10. 450 Tamaha, 502 Wratiowa, D 19 9.778 HPaines, F_18_--. 503 Ritter, F 15_-... 80 Juniata, H 7_- 14,464 pothayres, J_11_ 350 Collegeville, J 11 681 Henryetta, 1 175,889 Nopte, I 12______ 497 Tatums, 309 Wasco, D 10... 13,648 Halfway, F 20-. 324 Riverton, L 3... 96 Lackawanna, a Bethlehem, B11 54,149 Qollier, K 2 -_--- 600 Hester, J 5-----— 80 Norge, J_10_---- 159 Tecumseh, I 13--1,429 (OS ton Dé 26376 Halsey, H 6... 339 Rogue River, N 5 211 W10-286,311 Betula, D 5----1,000 Collingdale, K11 3,834 Hickory, I 14-- 359 Norman, I 12____5,004 Temple, M_9---- 906 \occler 13. 2°791 Hamilton, F 1 Rolyat, J 12-__-. Lancaster, J 9-173,79T Beyer, H 3 ---- 500 Colona, H_1-_--1,003 Hill, 1 22 : ari 2 200 WN. Enid. D 10... 95 erlton, B Yamhill, © 6.. 20,529 Hamlet, C 4- Lawrence, G 1- 85,545 pigier, G 5---- 400 Columbia, K $_10,836 Hinton, H § N. Miami, A 20_. 483 Terral. N Hammond, A 4. Roseland, J 9---- 150 Lebanon, I 9__ 63,152 Biglerville, K 7- 539 Columbus, CG 2-- 312 Efitchcock, Noten el i. aad ono Texanna, jen eee 783,389 Harbor, O 2._--_ 0 Lehigh, H_10--148,101 Big Run, D 5--1,023 Colver, H_ 4----2,000 Hitchita, 8 Nowata, B 18__-4,435 Texhoma, : Hardman, E 14-- 193 St. Helens, C 6--2,220 Luzerne, F_9__390,991 Bira in Hand, J9 350 Colwyn, K 11_-1,859 Hobart, J 6- 2,93 Texola, I Harlan, G 4_.-.- St. Johns, © 6_-_4,872 Lycoming, HD 7 83,100 Birdsboro, 1 10--3,299 Commodore, H 3_ 400 Tiochatown, M 21 500 Thackervilles oO 13 S10 TOWNS. Harper, I 18__-- Jj St. Paul, E 6-_-__ 160 McKean, o 4... 48,934 Rishop, I 1-ss-5 500 Concordville, K10 400 ville, B 20 500 Oakhurst, B 17-. 150 Thomas, F 7----- 1,223 Harrisburg, H 5. 573 SALEM, F G__-17,679 Mercer, HB 1__- 93,788 Bismarck, I 9--- 575 Conemaugh, I 410,000 an, H_17_- 365 Oakland, M 14. 420 Tipton, L 5--——-- 727 Town Key Pop. Helix, © 16----- SON Santy wes ee 242 Mifflin, H 6--- 31,459 Bitumen, BE 6---1,000 Conestoga, K 9 600 Holdenville, 1 15 2,982 Garwood, F B... 204 Lishumingo, M14.1,871 adams, Ci 16..-. 198 Heppner, D 14-_-1,324 Scappoose, C 6_-- 200 Monroe. F 11__ 24,295 Black Lick, I 3-1,000 Confluence, K 3 1,031 Hollis, K 3------1,682 Oberlin, N 17__.. 200 Tonkawa, B 12--1,448 Airlie, F 5. 100 Hermiston, G 15- 655 Scholls, D 6_---- 150 Montgomery, Black Lick June- Conifer, F 3----1,200 Hollister, L Ochelata. C 17... 419 Trail, F 5-..---- 150 Albany, G 5 4,840 Hilgard, D_17--- 150 Scio, F 6_--_--- 300 J11-199,310 ~~ tion, I 3-------1,500 Conneaut Lk., D1 347 I¥omestead, Oil City, M 12___ 200 Tribbey, eto 360 Albee, E Hillsboro, D 6 _-.2,468 Scotts Mills, BH 4. 208 Montour, F 8_. 14,080 Blain, I 6_----L- 310 Conneautville, C1 969 Hominy, D Oilton, E15 Tryon, F 13----- 225 Algoma, Hillsdale, D 6--_ 100 Seaside, B 4_-_-~ 1,802 Northampton, ie Blain City, G 4~ 600 Connelsville, J2 13,804 Hooker. O 7 Okarche.@ 102 59 Tullahasse, I” 19 189 Aloha, D 6. Hoff,’ FV Wesssene 200 Shaniko, BE 11--. 124 G 11-153,506 Blair Sta., H 2 1,500 Conoquenessing, Howe, J. 22 Okay, F 19... 259 Tulsa, H Ts 78, 075 ‘Alpine, H 5- Hood River, € 9-8,195 Shedd, G 5------ 120 Northumberland, Blairsville, I 3-4,391 G1 430 Tfoyt, H 19------ Okeene, E 9_-._-1,084 ‘Tupelo, K 15---- 400 Alsea, H 4 Hoover, G 8.---. 125 Sheridan, B 3_-- 979 _ & 8.122.079 Blairsville Inter- Conrad. DUG aaa 360 Hughes, J_ 4 : Okemah, H 16-2162 ‘Tuscania, FP 20-- 248 Amity, EB Horton. H 4---- 100 Sherwood, D 6-- 320 Perry, I 7---.. 22,875 ~ section, I 3--- 400 Gonshohock’n,J11 8,491 Hugo, N 1 -6,368 OKLAHOMA, Tushka, L 16. 248 ‘Antelope, Hol Lake, B 18_- 300 Siletz, F 4-.-~-. 100 Philadelphia, Blakely, H_10_--6,564 Conway, H 1---1,858 Hulbert, & 30 ¥#11_91,295 ‘Tushkahoma, K19 200 Arago, L 3 52 Hubbard, BH 6--- Silver Lake, L 19 126 __ K 11-1,823,779 Blakeslee, F 10- 200 Conyngham, G 9_ 5 Hulen, L 9-—- 59 Okmulgee, G 17_17.430 Tuttle, H 10---- 590 Arlington, © 12-- 529 Hugo, N 4. Silverton, H 6_--2,251 Pike, H J1---- 6,818 Blanchard, F_6_-_ 700 Coopersburg, I I1_870 Hunter, Ci 11---- 443 6Oxtaha. @ 18... 335 Tyrone, N @----- 700 Ashland, O 6---_4,283 Hullt. F 6. 50 Sisters, H 9----- 150 Potter. C 6---- 21,089 Biandburg, H 5-1,800 Coplay, H 11----2,845 Hydro, G 8.----- 686 Olive Creek, HB 15 200 Astoria, A 4_---14,027 Huntington, H 19 666 Smithfield, F 5-- 142 Schuylkill, H 9_217,754 Blandon, I 10--- 508 Goral, I 3-_----— 700 Olnev ebibe 150 -' Athena, O 16_... 621 Sodaville, G 6_-- 72 Snyder, G_7--- 17,129 Pjoomfield, I 7 778 Coraopolis, H ate RSS Gree Gem Union, H 10----- 240 Aumsville, F 6-- 171 Imbler, D 18_--- 206 §. Houlton, C G_. 400 Somerset, K 3_ 82,112 Blooming Gr..E11_ 350 Cordelia, J 9---- Idabel, . Ni 2-2-3067 acces Lae 180 Aurora, Hl 6.---. 229 Independence, F5-1,143 Spray, F 13---_- 148 Sullivan, H 8. 9,520 Bloomsburg, G 97,819 Cornwall, J Sea 160. Illinois, @ 20---. 300 Oologah, D 18___ 277 Austin, G@ 16_--. 149 Ione, D 13_------ 439 Springbrook, D 6 200 Susquehanna, Blossburg, D_7~-2,033 Corry, C) 2------ 7,228 Indiahoma, K 7-- 195 Optima, 0 6-_-__ 990 Valliant, N20... 809 Ironside, H 18.-- 160 Springfield, I _6--1,855 C10 34,763 Biythedale, J 2. 800 Corsica, F 3---- 358 Indianola, I 17-- 415 Oyando, B 12.-. 161 Vanoss. J_13---- 500 Baker, F 18_---- 7,729 \ Stanfield, C 15--_ 278 Tioga, C 7_---- 37,118 Boiling Sprs., J7 900 Gorydon, © 4---- o Ingersoll, B 8_<~ 2189, ear yie nee a54 Vera, D_ 17_---- 209 Ballston, Ei 5--- 104 Jacksonville, N 6 489 Star, J 6-------_ 200 Union, @ 7-.-- 15,850 Bolivar, I 8---- 776 Coryville, © 5---_ Inola, B 18------ 498 Osage, D 15... 757 Werden, I 9----- 496 Bandon, L 2--_-- 1,440 Jefferson, F 6--. 417 Stayton, F 6----- 649 Venango, B 2. 59,184 Bonair, J 11-_-_- 400 Costello, D Br pane } Owasso, D 17-.. 379 Vian, G 20------ 1,176 Banks, D 5___--- 800 Jennings pense: D7 800 Sublimity, F 6-- 172 Warren, C 3_-- 40,024 Boston, tse 800 Goudersport, G 5-2,836 oa Vici, BH 5_-—-.- 425 Bay City, D 4. 511 Jewell, B 5----.- 358 Summer Lake, L11 80 Washington, Boswell, J 3--—-2,163 Coulters, I 2--. 500 Jay WD golensesen 216" poqen. Hold vee coo Vinita, C 19-_-__ 5,010 Beaver Creek, E 7 200 Jordan Valley, L20 355 Summerville, Di7 116 J 1_188,992 Bowmanstown. Courtdale, EB 10-- 600 Jefferson. B 10-- 322 panama. I 21___. 568 Vinson, J 3_----- 175 Beaver Hill, K 3 143 Joseph, D 19-_-- 770 Summit, G 4____- 5 Wayne, D 11_- 27,435 & 10_ 834 Courtney, J 2--_ 600 Jenks, B 17-----1,508 paoi, J 12_--- 263 Violet, J_14----- 291 Beaverton, D 6--_ 580 Junction City, H5 687 Sumpter, F_17_-- 219 Westmoreland, | Boyertown, I 10 3,189 Covington, D 7--- 450 Jennings, B 15-- 910 pope Hin. F 20_. 150 Vireton, J 18---- 200 Bend, H 9_--_-- 5,415 Sutherlin, K 5__ 515 1 3_273,568 Bracken I 4---- 400 Grabtree, I 3 ~-1,500 Jet, B § 370 pauls Valley, Big Eddy, C 10__ 500 Kent, HB 15_-----. 150 Sweet Home, G 6 175 Wyoming, H 9_ 14,101 Brackenridge,H2 4,987 Crafton, I 1---_5,954 Johnson, J_ - 230 kr 123,694 Black Rock, F 4. 100 Klamath Agency, York, K 8----- 144,521 Braddock, I 2--20,879 Cranesville, © 1_- 598 Jones, G 12--.--- 214 poayhuska, CG 15.6414 Wade. N 16__-_. 181 Blaine, D 4___-_- 150 MS 150 Tablerock, N 6--. 250 ————— fradenville, I3 1,010 Greasy, F 9----_ 500 Pawnee, D 14___.2.418 Wagoner, I’ 19--3,436 Blue River, H 7 100 Klamath Falls, Takilma, O 4._-- 100 Total__--. 8,720,017 Bradford, G 4---15,525 Creekside, H 3-_ 663 Peggs. BE 20____- 157 Wainwright, G18 254 Poardman, C 13_ 100 O Set Talont,.10% 622452 278 Bradford Wds.,H2 213 Creighton, Ht 2__ 600 Pensacola, D 19_ 150 Wakita, B 10_--_ 338 Bonanza, 0 10_.. 77 Knappa, A 5---- Tangent, G 6_--- 200 TOWNS. Bradys Bend, G2 500 Crenshaw, F 4-- 40% Peoria. A 21-_.. 196 Walters, L 9----3,032 Boring, “D 7__-_- 300 Telocaset, H 3 85 Branch, I 3----- 400 Cresson, I 4-__-2,170 Perkins, E 13... 608 Wanette, J _13--- 783 Bridal Veil, D 8_ 200 LaFayette, H 6__ 410 Tenmile, L 150 -Town Key Pop. Branchdale, H 9. 750 Cressona, H_ 9_--1,739 4_——— 6 Perry! Do 12a 3.154 Wann, A 17.---- 404 Bridge, L 3__---- 200 LaGrande, D 17_6,913 The Dalles, D “10_5,807 Abbotistown, K 8 334 Brandt, CG 10_-. 400 Cross Fork, E 6-_ 800 Kellyville, FF 16_- 500 Pershing, © 15... 891 Wapanucka, _115_1,038 Brogan, H 19_-_ 100 Laidlaw, D 7---- 160 Thurston, I 6---- 100 Ahington, J 11-. 800 Brentwood, H 2--1,695 Cross Roads, K 8 14+ Kemp, ‘0 15---- 13 Phillips, "tT, 16... 972 Wardville, K 16- 250 Brookings, O 2-. 500 Lakeside, J 3_-- 150 Tigard, DG 2 600 Ackermanville-___ 350 Breslau, F 10__2;000 Crumlynne, K 11 367 Kendrick, F 14-- 255 pier.’ A 21___-9,97¢ Warner, H 19--- 318 Brooks, H 6----- 114 Lakeview, O 12--1,139 /Tillamook, D 4_-1,964 ‘Agah, K 2_______ 500 Bressler, K 7--. 550 Cuddy, I 1--_--- 600 Kenefic, M 15-- 413 picamént, G@ 11. 213 Warwick, G 13-- 200 Brownsville, H 6 763 Lapine, J 9------ 150 Toledo, G 4_---- 678 Adamstown, J 9. 800 Bickerville, J 8. 200 Cumbola, H 9___ 367 Keokuk Falls, H14 169 pittshurg| K 17, 892 Washington, J 11 336- Buell, D 5------ 100 Lebanon, G 6----1,805 Tolo, N 6----.-- 150 Adelaide, J 2---- 500 Briar Creek, F 9 295 GCurlisville, F 3-- 153 Keota, I 20------ 494 Dieasant Valley, Washita, I 9_--- 173 Buena Vista, F 5 121 Leona, J 5------- 300 Trailfork, EK 13_. 100 Akron, J 2._-.-. 723 Bridgeport, J 11 4,680 Curtisville, H 8-- 800 Kerby, O 4 B12 249 Watonga, FP 8_--1,678 Bullrun, D 7_--- 100 Lexington, D 14. 264 Troutdale, D 7-- 191 Alba, D 8_ ~ 446 Bridgeton, K_9-- 510 Gurwensville, G4 2,973 Ketchum, Pocasset, 1.10... 300 Waukomis, D 10- 463 Burns, J 15-_--_. 904 Linnton, C_6----1,400 Tnalatin, D 6---- 234 ‘Alpion, 0 1--_--1,549 Bridgeville, K 8 3,092 Cynwyd, H 11--1,000 Keystone, Pollard. 0 21__.. 159 Watova, (1 18_--- 200 Butte Falls, Lostine, D 19_.-. 244 Turner, F 6-- 289 ‘Alburtis, H 10-. 795 Bridgewater,H1 1,340 : Kiefer, F Ponca City, B12.7,051 Watts, BE 21---- 396 Buxton, © 5 Lostine Station, Tygh Valley, B10 125 Ajdan, K 11--__- 1,136 Brinton, D 2---- 400 Dagus Mines, E 4 800 — Kildare, B 13__-_ Pondereek. C10. ‘965 Wourika, M_10-—3,20% D19 230 Alden, I 9_----- 1,000 Brisbin, G Daisytown, H 4. 414 Kingfisher, F_10-2,447 pDontotoc, T 14-. 299 Wayne, J 12---_ 429 Cake, G 18_--__- 00 Lyons, F 7_------ 120 Ukiah, HB 15----- 110 Alexandria, H 5- 440 Bristol, J 12_- Daisytown, J 2-- 500 Kingston, N 14__ 767 polar. tol. ano Waynoka, © 7__-1,500 Camas Valley, L4 100 Umatilla, C 14-- 890 Alicia, J 2--__-- 600 Broad Ford, J 2 500 Dale, H 4 --_--! 8,115 Kinta, Porter, F 18_____ 597 Weatherford, G7_1,929 Canby, WD 6_-__-- 852 McCormmach,©16 86 Empqna. K 4_-_ 120 Aliquippa, H 1--2,931 Broad Mtn., H 9 800 Daleville, E 11-_ 250 Kiowa, Porum. H 19... 533 Webbers Falls, Canyon City,G15 354 McCoy, C 5------ 86 Union, HB 18----- 1310) Allen, J Tasseee= 350 Broadtop, J 5-- 519 Dallas, HB 10_-__ 581 Knowles, Poteau. I 21 2.679 >, 219 480 Canyonville, L 5. 156 MeMinnville, 35_2,767 _ Allenport, J. 2---1,500 Brockwayville,4 2,369 Dallas City, C 4-35 Konawa, Prasue, H14a0-1 197, pyvelen. B20 696 Carlton, D 5-.-. 552 Mabel, H 6__---- 250 Vale, I 20-.----- 935 Allentown, H 11_78,890 Brodheadsville,G11 600 Dallastown, K 8_2,124 Kosoma, Preston. G@ 17... foo Weleetka, H 161,588 Cascade Locks, C8 350 Madras, G 10_--- 337 Veneta, I_5-.--- 100 “Allison, K 2-__-. 500 Brookston, D 4-- 500 Dalton, D 10____ 786 Krebs, Prue. D 15 i641 Welty, G 11---_- 200 Cazadero, BH 7_-- 150 Malheur, H 18_-_ 75 Verboort, D 5--- 150 Allison Park, H 2 820 Brookville, F 3_-3,272 Danielsville, G10 1,000~ Kremlin, € PryorD 19sees 1.7¢7 Wellston, G 13-- 650 Gedar Mill. C G_. 125 Mapleton, I 8--- 200 Verdure, G@ 5---- 100 Allport, G 5----_ 400 Broughton, D 2_2,000 Danville, G 8_---6,952 Kusa, H 17------ 1,069 prrecil, J 1.222928 W. Tulsa, HE 16 300 Centralpoint, N 6 582 Marcola, H 6---- 500 Vernonia, © 5_--- 142 ‘Altoona, I_5----60,381 Brownfield, K 21,500 Darby, K_11-_-7,922 - Purdy, K 11_-__ 200 Westville, B 21_- 956 Champion, J 6--- 100 Marial, M 3____- 100, -Viday H %eaas2—- 125 ‘Alverton, J 2---- 600 Brownstown, I 41,489 Darragh, J 2_---1,500 Putnam, F 6... 3190 Wetumka, I 16_-1,422 Chemawa. FE 6_-. 600 Marion, F 6_-_-- 113 Ambersons, J 6-450 Brownstown, J 9 725 Dauphin, I 8_-__ 598 Lahoma, 2 ie Dae Wewoka, I 15---1,520 Cherry Grove, D5 300 Marshfield, K 3__4,034 Waldport, G_3.-- 181 Ambler, J 11__--3,094 Brownesville, K2 2,502 Davidsville, J 4_ Lamar, I Wheatland, H 11 165 Clackamas, D 7-_ 100 Marshland, B 5-- 72 Wallowa, Ambridge, T¥ 1_12,730 Bruceton, D 2-- 500 Dawson, D 3_--. 956 Lambert, B § 30 Quapaw, A 20---1,391 Whitefield, I 19-350 Clatskanie, B 5--1,17L Maupin, E 10-_-_ 198 Wamic, Andalusia, J 12-- 800 Bruin, F 2--_-__ 720 Dayton, G 3_-__1,049 Lamont, B 1 o 14 15 burton, J: 19-2220. Clateop, Bi 4--- 176 Mayville, E 12-__ 105 Warren, © 6----- Anita, G Brunerville, J 9 500 Dean, EW 4_--___ 373 Langston, Ty I eg a ae +19 wildcat (Gray- Clittonema: we= 2 125 Meacham, D 16__ Warrendale, C 8_ 150 Annville. Bryn Athyn, J 11 392 Deanville, G 3. 100 Laverne, B Quinlan, Ci G-.-. 310 son), G 17_--. 298 Cloverdale, BE 4-_ 150 Medford. N 6 -~---5, Warrenton, B 4. 730 Ansonville, G 4. 300 Bryn Mawr. J 11 3,000 Deegan, G 3__ 400 Lawton, K 8_----8,930 Quinton, T 19---1,557 witiams, 1 2 499 Coburg, H 6____- 270 Medical Springs, Wasco, Distteecs’ 701) “Antrin, “Deion 1,500 Buena Vista, D 2 600 Deemston, J 499 Lebanon, N 13--- 250 illiams, I 22... Condon, BH 12___-1.127 B18 275 Waterloo, G 6--2 82 Apollo, H 2-_-_— 3,227 Bulger, I 1--2-- 1,200 DeLancey, G 4---1,000 Leedey, F 5 _--. 468 Willow, I 4----. 286 Cooston, K 3---. 102 Melrose, K 5---- 100 Watson, K Bee 200 Appewold, G@ 2_-_ 351 Burgettstown, Ii 1,990 Delaney, H 5-—-1,000 Le Flore, J_20--_. 300 Ralston, OC 14--. 703 Wilson, M 12---.2,286 Copperfield, F 20 155 Merlin, N 5------ 150. Wauna, B 5_-_--. 500 Ararat, C 10_--__ 500 Burnham, H’ 6--2.765 Delano, G 9----- 1,562 Lehigh, L 16_---1,898 Ramona, C 17--- 793 wirt. M 11 1.500 Coquille, L 3_---1,642 Merrill. O 9----- 237 Weaderburn. N 2.150 Areadia. G 4_----1,400 Burnside, G 4-_ 480 Delaware Water Lenapah, B 18_-_ 434 Randlett, M S__. 323 ‘Th ° Semaine Cornelius, D 5--. 494 Metolius, G 10-_ 94 Wellen. N 6----_ 150 Archbald, B 10__8,603 Burrows, D 4_-. 175 | Gap, G@ 11----- 373 Leon; “GN ages 216 Rankin, G@ 3___-_ 159 ©6Wister, J 21---- 586 Cornucopia, F 16. 350 Metzger, D 6__-_ 270 Wendling, H 6_- ae Adata,\ I 2--- 4232-400) Bute. Kh s2ceenes 1,200 Delmont, I. 2---- 500 Lexington, J 12-__ 950 Ravia, M 14----- 513 Witteville, I 21_. 175 Corvallis, G 6._.5,752 Middleton, D 6-_ 75 Westfall, I 18_-- Arden, ‘Ll. 222 0oe 400 Butler, G 2---23:778 Delta. LL. 9------ 858 Lincolnville, B 21 150 Reagan, L 14---- 160 wooaford, L12 150 Cottage Grove, 191,919 Mill City, F 7--1,200 Ww. Linn, D 7m, 688 Ardmore, K 11-10,000 Byrnedale, E 4. 600 Denglers, I 10. 785 Lindsay, J 11_--1,543. Redbird, W182. 396. ‘YCOCtONOs: S ia——- Cove, D 18_.-__- 399 Milton. B 17----- 1,747 West Fork (Do- Arendtsville, K 7 358 | Dents Run, E 5-1,195 Lockridge, G 11_- 230 Jed Fork, EB 16__ Woodville, N ae 443 Crabtree, G 6_---. 130 Milton Station, or than), M 4.--. 80 Argentine, F 2_- 500 Cairnbrook, J 4 550 Denver, J_9-----1,125 Locé,. Ina tee 300 Red Oak, J 20___ Woodward, © 5-_3,849 Crane. K 16____- 100 Freewater, B 16 664 Weston. C 16---. 595 Ariel, EB 11_----- 400 California, J 2_-2,480 Derry, I 3----. 2,889 Locust Grove, Redrock. GC 13__- a é soe Crawfordsville,H6 125 Milwaukie, D 71,172 Westport, B 5--. 400 Aristes, G@ 9_--__ 400 Callensburg, F 2 215 Desire, F 4------ 500 DeiG) Hsien ocdNl ee Wright, F 13---- 500 Creswell, I 6.--- 273 Mist, B 5------- 250 Ww. Salem, F 5--- 208 Armagh, I 3___-- 110 Callery, H’1---- 318 Dickerson Run, Tone Grove, M12 286 Renfrow, A 11--_ 182 Wright City, N21 500 Criterion. E 10__ 100 Mitchell, G 12-__ 224 Wheatland, E 6. 85 Arnold, H 2-_..-6,120 Calumet, J 3-_- 500 J 2 500 Lone Wolf, J 5-- 657 Rentiesville, G 18 253 Wyandotte, B 21 274 Culver, G 10____ 190 Mohawk, H 6---- 200 Wheeler. C 4_--- 150 Arnot, D 7_ _--2,500 Cambridge Sprs., Dickson, BD 5 ie 049 Longdale, BH 8__- 308 Ringling. M 11_-1.039 y,.,_.. z a Currinsville, D 7_ 150 Molalla, B 7---- 496 Whiteson, E 5_-- 100 Arona, J 2_- 549 i C 11,663 Dillsburg, J T-- Lookeba, H 8_--- 240 Ringwood, D 9.. 225 Wybark, F 19--- 200 Gushman, I 3.--. 150 Monitor, E 6-.-- 150 Whitney, G 16_. 97 Ashbourne, J 11 650 Cammal, © 7__- 700 Distant, Loveland, M 7--- 191 Ripley, B 14... 406 Wynne Wood, Monmouth. F 5_. 532 Wilbur, K 5 _---- 150 Ashland, G 9_---6,666 Camp Hill, J 8 1,636 Dixmont, ira Lovell, B® 11_--.. 220 Rocky. I 6 : K 12.2,200 Dallas, F 5.-_-_- 2,701 Monroe, H 5---- 191 Wilderville, N 4. 75 Ashley, F 10__--6,520 Canonsburg, J 110,632 Dixonyille, H 3_ "800 Lowrey, P 20_---. 260 Roff, K 14----_1.188 wynona, © 15.-2,749 Days Creek, L 5. 150 Monument, F 14. 147 Willamette, D 7_ 327 Ashville, H 4_-- 447 Canton, D’ 8____2'154 Donaldson, D 3__ 958 Tucien, D 12_... 400 Roland, H , 4 Dayton. EF 6_-_.. 448 Moro, D 11--...- 418 Willamina, BE 5. 247 Askam, F 10__-. 300 Carbondale, D10_18,640 Donohoe, I 3---. 25 Vueert, ods baa 200 Romulus. Dayville, G 14... 117 Mosier, GC 10_--. 259 Wilsonville, E 6-°200 Aspinwall, I_2__3,170 Cardington, Kil_ 400 Donora, J 2__--14,131 Tula. uel voce 200 Roosevelt, 362 Yale, B 14 2 Ole Doe ae ne 50 Mosquite, H 20-. 170 Woodburn, B 6__1,656 Aston Mills, K 11 400 Carlisle, J 7_--10,916 Dormont, J 3__-6,455 Luther, G@ 12_.--- GOL CRosedale, 2. 135.9 250 oes Seine es Deerhorn, H 6__- Mt. Angel, B 6_- 936 Woods, uy ca 80 Asylum, D 9_--_ 500 Carmichaels, K 2 481 Dorranceton, F10 6,334 Rosston, B 3___. 181 Yanush, K 19--- 175 DeerIsl.. B 6 Mulino, B 7.---- 200 Worden,-0 8_---- 75 Atglen, K 10---_ 650 Carnegie, I 1--11,51G Dorseyville, H 2 500 _ Rush Springs, K 10 768 Yeager, I 15---_- 286 Derry, F_5_---__ Multnomah, D 6_ 350 Wyeth, C 9----- -, 80 Athens, C 8_---__ 4,384 Carpenter- Dover, Ko-822225 525 McAlester, J 17-12,095 Ryan, Ohana 1.379 Yonkers, E 19 150 Detroit, F 8____- Myrtle Cr., TL 5. 385 i OTA ie Cee ae 1,000 town, I 3_---_ 500 Downington,K10 4.094 McComb, I 18.-- 281 ¢ Sa Mae gre Dexter.) 1..62-_2-5 5 Myrtle Pt., L 3-. 934 Yachats, H 3_-__. 100 Atleboro, J 12_-_ 500 Carrick, I 2-_-10,504 Doylestown, I 11 3.837 McCurtain, I _20-1,062 Yukon, G 11----1,016 Dinard, T. 5_--_- 9! Yamhill. D 5---- 366 Atwood, G 3_____ 168 Carrolltown Road, Dravosburg, I 2 2,204 MecLoud, H 18... 651 Salina, D 20.__.. 411 Dilley, D522 5 * Natron; 1 6.:-.. 7 Yankton, © 6---. 125 Auburn, D 10_--- 977 H 41,369 Drehersville. H 9 414 MeMan, M 11.--. 200 Sallisaw, H 21._.2,.255 _. , Donald, BE 6__ Necanicum, BE 4. 75 Yaquina, G 4._-__ 800 Audenried, G 9-- 500 Cartwright, BE 4-1,000 Drifton, G@ 10_--2.340 McMillan, N 18-. 150 Saltfork, C 11_-. 159 Zineville, A 21-1,200 Donna, H 6__ Nehalem, C 4.-. 192 Yoncalla, J 5-... 232 Austin, D 5---.. 1,556 Casandra, I 4--. 467 Uriftwood, E 5__ 478 4 ’ PENNSYLVANIA-—CONT’D Drums, F 10---- 900 Gaines, D 6.-.-- 839 Jorome, J 4.---1,000 Manorville, G 2. 5387 Newfoundland,Ell 900 Radnor, J 11__--8,000 Slatington, A aes 4,454 Heights, T 2..: Du Bois, F 4_--18,681 Galeton, D 6_--2,969 Jersey Mills, EF 7 400 Manown, J 2---- 500 N. Freedom, L 8 906 Railroad, K 8--_ 310 Sligo, H 2----. S01 V ing 1} on: Duboistown, F 7 756 Gallatin, K 2---1,000 Jersey Shore, F7 6,103 Mansfield, C 7-_-1,409 New Galilee, G1 475 Ralphton, J 3-2 450 Sl: Spa pi pat be Me Mer pear RHODE ISLAND Dudley, J 5----- 491 Gallitzin, I 4----3,580 Jessup, E 10----4,600 Mapleton Dep.,I6 802 N. Geneva, K 2. 400 Ralston, EH 8_--. 900 Smethport, ¢ 51,568 Van Ormer, H 4. 600 First § » Duke Center, C 5 600 Gap, K 9_-- 000 Joanna, J 10---- 500 MareusHook,KL 5,324 N. Hanover, I 10 504 Ramey, G 5_-_-- Does ucaithdaias J 52... 478 cVanport, 9 1c 8S ee ee Dunbar, K 2----1,607 Garrett, K 3--.- 859 Job, {1 2-_---_-- 400 Marguerite, I 38-_. 500 N. Holland, J 9--1,453 Ramsaytown, F 3 600 Smithfield, K 2. 940 Van Wert, H 7_.\ 450 Providence, 1638, Duncannon, [ 71,879 Gastonville, I 2- 500 Joffre. J 1----__ 500 Mariana, J 1_--1,124 Newhope, 1 12--1,093 Rankin Sta., 12 7,301 Smith Mill, H 5-- 600 Venetia, J 1--__- 500 One of the Original = Duncansville, 1 —. Gates, K 2 Johnetta, Ek 2___ 535 Marienville, E 3 400 New Kensing- Rathmel, F 4__-1,000 Smiths Fy., H 1 500 Verona, I 2____- Thirteen States. Dunlevy, J Gayesport, Johnsonburg, E4 5,400 Marietta, J 8---1,735 Rony ct. Deamon 11,987 Raven Run, G 9_ 500 Smithton, J 2-_ 790 Versailles, Area: Dunlo,. I 4.~----- Gazzam, G 4 : Johnstown, I 4 67,327 Marion Cen,. G 3 444 Newmanstown,I10° 612 Reading, I 10 107,784 Smock, K 2----1,000 Vestaburg, J ze 1,000 Land, 1,067 square >» Dunmore, E 10- 20; 250 Genesee, C. G---- 3 Jonestown, I 9_. 580 Marion Heights, N. Milford, C 10 644 Reamstown, J 9 838 Smoketown, J 9_ 250 Vintondale. I 4 “2'053 miles Dupont, E 10---4,576 Gettysburg, K 7 4,439 Josephine, 1 3_-3,000 G § 1,874 N. Oxford, K 7 949 Rebuck. H 8_--. 400 Smyser, K 8 --.- 365 / har Water, 181 square Duquesne, I 2---19,011 Gibraltar, 1 10-_ 400 Juniata, H 5_-__7,660 Marklesville, I 7 330 N. Philadelphia, Redhill, 1 11---_ 787 Snow Shoe, G 6_ 650 Walkers Mills, 11 500 miles ~ Duryea, E 10-- 17,776 Gilberton, G 9.-4,766 Juniataville, K 2 750 Mars, H 1--~--- 1,226 == H 9-2,537 Redington, H 11 354 Snydertown, G 6 321 Wall, I 2 2,426 Total, 1248 s - Dushore, HB 9.-- 776 Gilbertsville, I 10 ‘500 Marshallton, K10 500 Newport, I 7---1,972 Red Lion. K 8_-3,198 Somerset, K 3---3,121 Wallaceton, G5. 331 Sentleg ta te Gillespie, J. 2---1,000 Kane, D 4 Marsteller, I 7--1,000 Newry, I 5----- 397 Redman Mills, I 2 500 Sonman, I 4----- 600 Walnutport, H10-1,051 p miles. Eaglesville, F 6. 5€0 Girard, C I---- 1,242 Karthaus, Martin, K 2___-_ 1200 N. Salem, 1 3-- 671 Redmond, F 2-. 870 Souderton, I 11-23,125 Walston, G 3---.2,000 2 0PUlation, Last Earlston, J 5--- 1,200 Girardville, G 9-4,482 Kaylor, G@ : Martinsburg, I 5 921 Newton Hamil- Redstone, Je.,K2 1,800 8, Allentown, Waltersburg, K 2 500 Census, 604,897. EB. Bangor, G 11 942 Gladden, K_4---- 401 Keiser, G Marysville, I 8 1,877 _ ton, I 6----.-- AOO “Reedy Wily ceo5 700 H11_2,549 Wampum, G1__ ssz C@pital — Prov- E. Berlin, K 8--- 610 Gladwyne, J 11--1,200 Kelayres, G 9-_--1,500 Masontown, K 2. 525 Newtown, J 12-1,703 Rehrersburg, I 9 500 8. Bethlehem, Wanamie. F 9_..1.500 idence. Ws. Brady, G 2---1,531 Glassmere, J 4---1,200 Kellettville, D 8 800 Matamoras, E 121,535 N. Tripoli, H 10 500 Reiner City, H 5 500 HF 11 24,886 Warren, ( 3____14.272 W. Butler, G 2--- 500 Glassport, 1 2---6,959 Kennett Sq.,K10 2,898 Mauch Chunk, Newville, J 7---1,482 Rendham, EB 10-_ 500 S. Bethlehem, G3 485 Warrendale, H 1-1,000 COUNTIES, _ BE. Conemaugh, Gleasonton, E 6- 400 Kersey, E 4._-_ 800 G 10_8,666 N. Wilmington,F1 886 Renfrew, G 2_--_ 500 S. Brownsville,J2-4,675 Warrensville, E 8. 500 @ > H4_5,256 Glendon, H 11--. 715 Kingston, E 108,952 Mayburg, D 3_-_ 450 Nicholson, D 10- 842 Reno, BD 2___ S. Burgetts- Warrior Run, F 8-1,387 County Key Pop. E. Downington--3,000 GlenCampbell,G4 1,059 JKinzua, C 4_---~ 1,286 Mayfield, ‘D 10__3,832 Noblestown, I 1--1,002 Renovo, BE 6_--i town.¢ 16 1co3c5 876 Warriors Mark, Bristol. K 15_. 23.133 BW. Greenville, M0 1,620 Glenfield, H 1--2,156 Kittanning, G 2_7,153 Maytown, J 8 ___ 702 Norristown, J11 32,319 Renwick, K 11__ 400 S. Connellsville, H5 350 Kent. K 14__ 48.269 -B. Hickory, D 3 350 Glenyon, F 9---2,555 Knights, I 3_--- 500 Meadow Lds, J 1 2,000 Northampton, Republic, K 2_--1,000 K 2.2,196 Washington, J 1_21,480 Newport. L 15 24.893 BO pase eet Glen Olden, K11 1,944 Ucrive U2 i i 900 Meadville, D 1_14,568 H11-9,349 Reynoldsville,F4 4,116 S. Canonsburg, Washingtonboro 4 Providence, 11 1,561 Glen Richy, G 4 527 Knoxville, I 1-_7,201 Mechanicsb’g J7 4,688 Northampton Rhone, F 10__--1,667 I 1.1,697 K9 425 I 13._475.190 og Rec ohanort, Glen Rock, K 8-1,232 Knoxville, C 7--- 696 Mechinesville, H9 560 Hts., H 11_--3,791 Rices Ldg., K 1 883 S. Danville, G 8 429 Waterford, I 6-_ 744 Washington. I 2_-2,430 Glenside, J 11---1,800 Koppel, G 1---- 762 Media, K 11__-_4,109 N. Bellevernon. Richland. H 5--. 841 South Fork, I 4-4,289 Water Gap, G 11 446 M 13_. 24.932 E. Mauch Glenwillard, H 1 400 Kulpmont, G 6 _4,695 Medix Run, E 5 400 J 2.2,605 Richlandtown, 111 589 S. Greensburg,I2 2,188 Watsontown, F 8_2,153 Chunk, G 10--3,868 Globe Mills, G 8 350 Kushequa, D 4_ 350 Mehoopany, D 9 648 N. Bend, E 6_--_ 800 Riddlesburg, J 5 600 S. Heights, H 1 439 Waverly, E 10___ 500 pL Oba Ue rere eceak 604,397 Easton, H 11__-33,813 Goldsboro, K 8-- 477 Kutztown, H_ 10_2,684 Meiser, G S8__--- 350 N. Bessemer, I 2 500 Ridgeway, E 4-_6,037 S. Langhorne,J12 557 Waymart, D 11__ 507 TOWN E. Petersburg, J9 600 Gordon, H 9----1,078 Kylertown, G 5. 400 Mercer, F 1_-__- 1,932 N. Braddock,I2 14,928 Ridley Park,K11 2,313 S. Neweastle, Gl 920 Wayne, J 11___-- 2,750 s. B. Pittsburg, I 2 6,527 Gordonville, K 9 +400 Mercersburg, K6_ 1,663 N. Catasauka, Riegelsville, H11 610 S. Philipsburg,G5 505 Waynesboro, L 6_9,720 County Key Pop KH, Prospect, K 8 3827 Gottshalls, H 8- 500 La Belle, K 2--1,000 Merion Sta., J 11 600 B11 2.821% Billiton, 1° 222.5 600 S. Renovo, E 6_1,291 Waynesburg, K 1_3,332 Yt er “ . P BE. Rochester, H1 720 Gouldsboro, F 11 600 Laceyville, D 9_-_ 466 Mertztown, I 10_ 700 N. Charleroi, J2 1,931 Rimersburg, F 2 1,060 S. Sterling, E 11 350 Weatherly, G 10_2,356 Tire a S 16. 525 E. Springfield, Cl 352 Graceton, H 3.-- 700 Lackawaxen, E12 500 Meshoppen, D 10 608 N. Clairton, H2 1,270 Ringtown, G 9_- 785 8. Waverly, C 81,251 Weavers Old Stand, nt ee 1,150 r. Stroudsburg, | Grampian, G 4-_ 677 Lafayette HillJ11 500 Meyersdale, K 33,716 N. Bast, B_2---3,481 Riverside, G@ 8. 411 S. West, J 2----- 1,500 V2) S50 Carteton tay ee Gi 4,855 Grassflat. G 5---1,000 Laflin, BE 10_---_ 473 Middleburg, G 7 984-N. Girard, B 1_ 750 Rixford, © 4---- 500 Southwest Webster, J 2--__- 1,000 Aninoay< K 16-—-2,100 Eastyule, G “ites 429 Gratz. H 8_--- La Jose, G 4____ 354 Middleport. H' 9 984 N. Irin, I 2---- 908 Roaring Branch, Greensburg,I2 2,538 Wehrum, I 4-___ 600 epee WK 14_-1,290 « Bp, Vandergrifs, Grays Ldg., K + Lake Ariel, E 11 400 Middletown, E 4-5,920 N. Star, I 1---- 500 D 8 450 S. Williams- Weissport, G 10_ 683 rar a mde --~4.670 H’2 1.969 Great Bend. C 10 666 Lamberton, K 2. 600 Midland, H 1-_-5,452 N. Tonawanda,C9 753 Roaringereek, G9 700 — port, F 7--_-- ARAL Wellsboro, D: 7--3,452 Arnoig wills, Gad oe, BE, Washington, Green Castle, K6 2,271 Lampeter, K 9-- 400 Midway, I 1_-_-~ 886 Northumber- Roaring Spring, Spangler, H 4__3,085 Wellsburg, C 1-_ 400 ASHE ss tar H14 285 11,561 Greenlane, I 11- 332 Lancaster, J 9 53,150 Miffin, He 7-_-_- 965 _ land, G 8__-_-- 4,061 I 5 2.379 Spartansburg, C2450 Wernersville, 1 9. 797 Ashton IT d4ee 779 Boe B. Waynesburg, Greenock, I 2--- 750 Landenberg, K10 700 Mifflinburg, G 7 1,744 N. Wales, J 112,041 Robertsdale, J 5 1,203 Speers, J 1----- 455 Wesleyville, B 2_1,457 Nee HAS ass ae real K 1 886 Greensboro, K 2- 516 Landingville, H9 245 Mifflintown, H7 1,083 N. Warren, C 8 650 Robesonia, I 9--1,203 Springbero, C_1_ 542 W. Alexander, J1 416 Bauringts om z (le Bau Claire, F 2 837 Greensburg, I 2-15,033 Landisville. J 9- 600 Mifflinville. G 9 600 N. York. K 8 _-2,239 Robinson. I 3_-. 600 Spring City, J10 2.944 W. Apollo, H 2-__ 500 Block . ae di 15-3,897 Ebensburg, I 4--2,179 Green Tree, I 1 1,043 Landrus, D 7--. 450 Milesburg, G G6_-. 545 NorwoodSta.,K11 2,353 Rochester, H 1-6,957 Springdale, H_ 2-2,929 W. Berwick, F 9_5,512 Naw Shon h of Bbervale, G@ 10__ 567 Greenville, BE 1--8,101 Lanesboro, C 10- 805 Mildred, E 9_--. 700 Nowrytown, H3. 500 Rockdale, K_ 11-1,500 Springet, K S_-_ 400 W. Bridgewater, = i Outs Economy, H 1--- 900 Grindstone, J 2. 500 Langeloth, I 1- 500 Milford, E 12-_-_ 768 Noxen, E 9-_---- 1,000 Rockgrove, E 2-1,000 Spring Garden, 1 1_1,250 Bradford. M a 1,414 Eddystone, K 11-2,670 Grove City, F 14,944 Langhorne, J 121,067 Milburne, K 11-_ 419° Nuremberg, G 9- 700 Rockhill, J_G6_--- 500 I 2 1,100 W. Brownsville, Bridgeton, H 12. eto Mdan il. 9.22-2.- Gulf Mills, J 11- '800 Lansdale, J 11--4,728 Mill City, EB 10-_ 500 Rock Hill Fur- SpringGrove, R8 1,115 K 21,900 Bristol, K 15 41.375 Edenborn, K = ont Lansdowne, K11 4,797 Millersburg, HS 2,936 Oakbrook, I 10-500 nace, is i6s-22— 500 Starford, H 4-__ 400 W. Chester, K10_11.717 Bristol Kerry. K15 120 Edenburz, F 2-. 806 Hackett, J 1--- 500 Lanse, G 5_-__-- 500 Millersburg, I 10 634 Oakdale, I 1_---1,611 Rockland, F 2-- 516 Star June, J 2-3,000 W, Conshohocken, Burrillville "H12 8.606 Hdge Hill, J 11-_ 750 Halifax, T 8_--- 771 Lansford, G 10_-9,625 Millerstown, H 7 616 Oakland, C 10--1,120 Rock Ledge, J11 1,029 Starrucca, C 11 397 J 11_2,331 Canonchet. M 12. “124 Edgewood, J 2--3,181 Hallam; K 8-- 492 Laplume, D 10. 259 Millerstown, G 2 802 Oakland Jct., G 8 360 Rockville, I 8_- 509 State College,G6 2,405 W. Decatur, G 5_ 525 Carolina M 13. 645 Edgeworth, 1 2--1,373 Hallstead, C 10-1,261 Laporte, E 9_-__ 175 Millersville. K 91,500 Oakmont, H_ 2_-4,512 Rockwood. K_ 3_1,362 Stauffer, J 2--- 500 W. Easton, H 11_1,408 Centerdale, J 13.1 350) Edinboro, © le—~ 835 Hallton, BE 4-___ 500 Larimer, I 2_---1,500 Millerton, C 8_-. 450 Oak Ridge, F 3- 900 Rogersville, K 1 400 Steelton, J 8_-13,428 W. Elizabeth. I 2 890 Centerville, K 13, 3010 Pdinburg, F 1__. 350 Hamburg, H 10-2 ,764 Larksville, F 10-9,488 Millgrove, G 9.. 700 Oaks, J 1i--__-- 400 Rogerstown, K 3 835 Serling, E 11. 400 W. End, B 2____- 495 Central Falls. |” Racist 8. —- 509 Hammett, B 2--- 400 Latrobe, I 3----9,484 Mill Frall, F _6_-1,238 Oakview, K 11-- 500 Rohrerstown, J 9 600 Sterling Run, E5 411 W. Fairview, I 8_1,800 I 14 24,174 Wadwardsville,E10 9,027 Hannaston, I 3-- 800 Lattimer Mines, Millheim, G 7_-_ 515 Oberlin, J 8---- 550 Rolfe, E 4--~--- 400 Stevens, G G--- 385 Westfield, C 6-_-1,303 Charlestown. M13 159 Egypt, H 10_---1,000 Itanover, K 8__-8,664 GUiOcL Obl Mills. “Oy 6222S. 990 Ohio Pyle, K 3-. 499. Ronco, K 2-.-.- 1,000 Stewartstown, L8 718 Westgrove, K 10_1,152 Chepachet, I 12_-1,25; E Bhrenfeld, I 4-. 400 Ivarford, C 10--1,500 Laurel Run, F 10 774 Millsboro, IK 1_-1,500 Oil City, E_2--21,274 Roscoe. J. 2_---- 1,480 Stockdale. J 2-. 830 W. Hanover, I 8_ Conimicut. J 14-~ "320 micog 0 2... 308 Harleigh, H 10-_ 544 Lavelle. H 9 ---. 600 Millvale, I 2___-8,031 Old Forge, E10_12,237 Rose Bud. H 4-- 500 Stockertown, H 11 432 W. Hazelton,G10_5,854 Coventry. K 13.__5.670 Bldred, C 5.._-1,037 Harleysville, I 11 350 Lawrenceville, C7 508 Mill Village, C 2 247 Oley, I 10- 500 Rosedale, I 4_--- 419 Stoneboro, E 11,405 W. Hickory, D 3. 350 Cowesett. K 14__ 165 Wlderton, YF 3-. 261 Harmarville, H 2 772 Leacock, J 9---. 350 Millville, F 8_-_ 658 Oliver. K 2-____ 1,000 Rosemont, J_11--1,000 Stouchsburg, I 9 400 W. Homestead, Cranston. J 14_~29,407 © ‘Bilmsport, F 7-. 400 Harmony. G 1--_ 757 Lebanon, 1 9---24,643 Millwood, I 3--- 400 Olyphant, E (10-10,236 Roseto, G 11---1,634 Stoystown, J 3. 342 12_3,435 Crompton, K 13__2,219 Blizabeth, J 2.--2.703 HARRISBURG, Lebanon Inde- Milroy, H G6 -__-1,500 Oneida, G 2----1,000 Ross, H 2----_- 315 Straight, D 4-_. 300 W. Kittaning, G2 861 Davisville. K 14_ 416 Plizabethtown, J8S_3,319 J 8_75,917 pendent, I 9_-2,136 Milton, G S8_-___ 8.638 Onalinda, I 4---- 500 Rossiter, G 4____3,000 Strasburg, K 9_ 853 W. Land, I 1---_ 500 Diamond Hill. ‘# Hhizabethville,H8 1,236 Harrison Val., C6 600 Leckrone, K_ 2-_.500 Mina, D_ 5_____- 400 Orangeville, F 9- 417 Rosslyn Farms,H2 315 Strattonville, F 3 461 W. Leesport, I 10 419 H 14 285 Plkland, C 7----1,703 Harrisville, F 2- 359 Leechburg, HY 2_3,991 Miners Mills.f10 4.365 Orbisonio, J 6_-. 682 Rothsviille, S 9_ 5 Strausstown, I 9 400 W. Leisenring, East Greenwich, Elk Lick, L 3--. 900 Harwick, H 2_-- 800 Lees Cross Rds, Minersville. H 9 7.845 Orient, K 2--__- 1,600 Rotinsonville, J4 500 Strong, G 9 _--- 700 K 21,200 K 14 3.290 Plliottsville, K2 610 Hastings, Hr 4_-2,292 _ J 7 418 Minooka, E 10_-3,000 Orson, C 11-___- 585 Roulette. C_5---1,500 Stroudsburg,G11 5,278 W. Manayunk, E. Providence. Elisworth, J 1_-2,828 Hatboro, J 11__-1,102 Leesport, I 10_-- 436 Modena. K 9____ 600 Orviston, F 6-_- 500 Rouseville, B 2. 818 Sturgeon, I 1_--1,200 J 11_1,500 J 14 21.793 Elwood City, G1 8,958 Hatfield, I 11---- 830 Leesport Sta.,110 419 Mohnton, I 10_-1,649 Orwigsburg, H 9 1,985 Roxbury, J_ 6_--_ 808 Suedberg, H 9-. 504 W. Middlesex, Esmond, I Posts 537 Elmhurst, E 10. 361 Hauto. G 10----- 500 Leetsdale, H 1--2,311 Mollenauer, K 3__ 500 Osburn, H 1_ 358 Royalton, J 8_-1.156 Sugargrove, C 3 371 F1.1,349 Exeter. L 13-___1.033 Blmora. H 4. 500 Haverford. K 11 580 Lehighton, G 106,102 Monaca, H 1____3,838 Osceola, C 7 568 Royersford, J 10-3,278 Sugar Notch.F10 2,612 W. Milton, F 8._ 375 Viskeville, J 138,000 Elverson, J 10-_ 350 Hawk Run, G@ 5 600 Leisenring, K 2- 850 Monessen, J 218.179 Osceola Mills,G5 2,512 Ruffs Dale, J 2 500 Summer Hill, 14 890 W. Monessen, J 2 600 Forestdale. H 13_ 705 Bmavs, H -11..-4,370 Hawley, E 11_--1,939 Lemont Furnace, Monongahela. J2 8,688 Oshanter, ot) Rupert, G 9____- 500 Summerville, F3 1,199 W. Monterey, F 2 600 Foster. I 12______ 905 Emeigh H 4__.. 400 Hawthorn, F 3_- 665 K 21,100 Monroeton, D 9_ 405 Overbrook, K 11 400 Rural Valley, G 3 841 Summit Hill,G10 5,499 Westmont, I 4-_-1,976 Foster Center. J14_ 584 Emigsville J 8. 500 Hays, F 6_-_--- 2,231 Lemoyne, J 8---1,939 Mont Alto, K 6. 589 Overbrook, H 1-2,185 Russell, C 3---_- 412 Sunbury, G 8---15,721 W. Moreland City, Georgiaville. 113 1,304 Emlenton,. F 2-1,025 Hazel Dell. G 1- 1168 Lenni Mills, K 11 485 Montandon. G 8.. 600 Oxford, K 10---2,093 Russelton, H 2-2,000 Superior, I 3---- 500 12 G00 Glendale, H 13___ 464 Emporium E 5__3,.036 Hazel Hurst, D4 1,600 Lewisburg, G 8_-3,204 Mont Clare. J 10 650 Rutherford Hts.I8 400 Susquehanna,C10 3,764 Westmoor, E 10_ 400 Gloucester. I 12_1,389 Emeworth, H 122,165 Hazelkirk, J 2 500 Lewis Run, C 4- 665 Monterey. F 2 ‘450 Packerton, G 10-500 Rutledge, K 11- 111 Sutersville. J’ 2-914 W. Nanticoke. F9-1,500 Greene. K 12--__ 600 Endeavor, D 3--. 500 Hazleton, G 10 32,277 Lewistown, H 6_9,849 Montgomery. 311 1,798 Paint, J 4---__- 1,283 Swarthmore, K11 2,350 W. Newton, J 2-2,645 vstone. I 13_-1,700 English Cen.,B 7 700 Hegins, H S--- 400 Lewisville, C 6-- 526 Montoursville,FS 1,949 Palmerton, G 10, 7, By Sabbath Rest, H5 380 Swedeland, J 11 550 Westover, H 4--_ 712 443 es sville. H 121,800 Enhaut, J 8 ----- 450 Heidelberg, I 1-2,094 Library, I 1---- 601 Montrose, C 10_1.661 Palmyra, Sabinsville, C 6__ G00 Swissvale, I 2-10.908 W. Pittburg, G 1 500 Ho ee 14 1.800 Ma s00 Heilwood, H 4-2,000 Ligonier, 1,807 Moon Run, I 1__1.200 Palo Alto, Sabula:) W 4--_-— 1,300 Swoyersville,E10 6.876 W. Pittston, E 9_6,968 Tose ve 5 es 7 970 Enon Valley, G1 359 Hellam, K 8_--_ 472 Lilly, I 4-_-----2,346 Moores, K 11__--1,800 Paradise, Sackerstown, D 1 659 Sykesville, F 42,507 W\ Reading, I 10_2,921 Hopki bars Bi ieee Enterprise, D 2. 616 Hellertown, H11-3,008 Lima, K 11_---- 500 Moorheadville. B2 300 Pardoe, F 1_--__ 400 Sagamore, G 3_-2,000 W. Reynoldsville, Howard. J vias Ephrata, J 9----3,735 Helvetia, F 4--- 600 Limerick, J 10--- 400 Moosic, B 10__-_4,364 Parkers Ldg., F2 1,188 St. Benedict. H4 900 Tamaqua, G 10 12,363 F4 933 Hurhesdal iary Bs Equinunk C 11. 400 Hepburnville, E7 769 Lime Ridge, G 9 400 Morann, G 5_____ 1,000 Parkesburg, 10 2,548 St. Clair, DH 505 6,495 Tannersville, F11 400 W. Telford, I 11_ 921 Island Pash Kis 900 Redon 5 ~ 900 Herminie, J 2--- 800 Lincoln, J 9---- 450 Morea Colliery,G9 823 Parkside. K 11_ 374 St. Claire, I 2--5,640 Tarentum, H 2-8,925 Westview, H 1--2,797 Jamestown. “MIL Le 240 Erie, B 1_-----1 Herndon, H 8--- 650 Lincoln Place, 12 1,000 Morgan, I 3 Parnassus, H 2__3,816 St. Marys, E 4_-6.967 Tarrs, J 2---_-- 500 Westville. F 4---'500 Johnstown, J 14--6.8%5 Espy. G 9--- Herrick ‘Cen., D11 410 Lincoln Univer- Morris, G 6 ) Parryville. G 10 578 St. Nicholas, H9-1,200 Tatamy, H 11-_ 478 W. Winfield, G 2 500 Kingston, Mf 13.. 575 Esterly, 1 10 50 Hershey, I 8----2,000 -sity, K 10_--- 300 Morrisdale Mines Parsons, F 10.__5,628 St. Peters. J 10_ 500 Taylor FE 10_-_-9,876 Westwood, H 2_- 478 Yarfavette. L 14. 690 heaps, 2. -¥ 6,2 Hickman, I 1_-_ 500 Linden, F_T_---- 350 G 5 @n9 Patterson. I¥ 7-_ S885 St. Petersburg,F2 454 Taylorstown, J1- 400 W. Wyoming, Lakewood. J 14.. 975 Ivans City, Gl 1,548 Hickory, I 1-.-- 500 Lindsey, G 4----2,000 Morris Run, hy 2,300 Patterson Hts.,H1 459 St. Thomas, K 6 500 Telford, I 11--- 313 E10-1,9388 Lincoln. J 14 :) 543 erett, C4 __1.687 High Spire, J 8--2,031 Line Lexington, Morrisville, J 12_3,639 Patton, H 4----3,628 Salem, F_4_----- 850 Temple, I 10--__ 400 W. York, K 8__--: ,320 Tittle Compton. ee Wverson, J 51988 Hillsdale, G 4-_ 400 I 11 500 Morton, K ean Ho Paxtanewal S2-ooe sac asalua, Esse. 800 Templeton, G 3. 600 Wheatland, F 1__1,742 M 15 Pwingsville T¥ 2 350 Hills Grove, E 8 805 Linesville, D 1-1,015 Moscow, E 10_-_ 702 Peale; G 52-2 = 500 Salisbury Je., K3 951 Terrace, I_2---- 600 Whitacker, I 2--1,881 Lymansville. J14 ( Excelsior, G 91,600 Hokendauqua,H11 953 Linfield. J 10--- 400 Mountaindale, H5 350 Peckville, © 10--3.915 Salona, F_T_----- 400 Terrehill, J 9--. 840 White Deer Junc- Manville. H_ 14__4, 520 Exeter, [-10----4,176 Hollidays- Linglestown, I 8. 700 Mountaintop, F10 961 Pen Argyl, G11 4,096 Saltillo, J 6_.-- 418 Thomasville, K 8 410 _ tion, F 8_----= 350 Mapleville. H 13_ 546 Expedit, I 4.--.1,500 _ burg, I 5.-->2-4,071 Linhart, I 2---- 400 Mountainville,H11 600 Penbrook, J 8_-2,072 Saltsburg, I _3_-1,022 Thompsontown. White Haven, Meshanticut. J 14 700 Export, I 2 ~-9'596 Hollsopple, J 4__1,000 Linwood Sta.,K11 900 Mt. Alto, K’ 6-_ 589 Pencoyd, J 11---- 800 Sanatoga, J 10__ 350 H 7 306 4 F 10_ 1,402 Middletown. L 15 2,094 Eynon, 10----2,500 Holtwood, K 9--_ 500 Listie, J 4------ 500 Mt, Bethel, G 11 400 Penfield, F 4--__ 800 Sandy Lake, E 1 645 Thornburg, I_1_ 300 White Marsh, J11 300 Narragansett 4 ne Homer City, H 3_1,802 Lititz, J 9------3,680 Mt. Braddock,K2 1,000 Penn sd 0 oso 1,019 Sandy Ridge, G5 400 Thorn Hill, H 1 500 White Mills, D11_1,500 Pier. M 14_:.. 998 Factoryville, D 10 628 Homestead, I 2-20,452 Littlestown. L7 1,552 Mt. Carbon, H 9 331 Pennsburg, I_11_1.404 Sarver, H 2_--.- 1,120 Three Sprs, J 6- 345 Whitepine, Bi 7-- 500 Natick. K 13___5.480 Fairbanks, J 2-- 400 Homeville, H 2_ 500 Liverpool, H S8_- 586 Mt. Carmel, G9 17,469 Penns Sta., I 21,500 Saxonburg, H 2- 319 Throop, E_10--_-6,672 Whitney, J 3_--_ 880 Nyattpoint. J 14 eat ~ Pairchance, K 2-2,124 Honesdale, D 11-2,756 Llewellyn, H 9- 500 Mt. Holly Sprs., Perey, Ke eee 500 Saxton, J~5_---- 1,165 Tidioute. D 3_--1,068 Wickboro, G 2_--3,000 Newport, M15 30.25 Fairdale, © 10-. 400 Honey Brook, J10 585 Lloyd, D 7------ 800 J 7-1.109 Perkasie, I 11_-3,150 Sayre, C 8------ 8078) Tioga’ T=--—=== 368 Wiconisco, H 8_-2,900 New Shoreham. Fairfield, K 7 401 Hooversville, J 41,345 Lockhaven, F 78,557 Mt. Jackson, G 1 600 Perryopolis, J 2. 800 Scalp Level, J4_1,690 Tionesta, E 3o--- 642 Wiester. I 2---__ 350 or Block. O 13_1,038 Fairhaven, K 4. 600 Hop Bottom, D 10 349 Lock No. 4, J 2. 600 Mt. Jewett, D 4.1,494 Petersburg, F¥ 5. 691 Schaefferstown,I9 700 Titusville, D 2__-8,452 Wigton, G 5----- 400 Nooseneck. K 18 309 Fairhope kK 4... 565 Hopewell, J 5--- 516 Locustdale, G 9 1,000 Mt. Joy, J § ___2/192 Petiplia, F 2---- 370 Schuylkill Tobyhanna, F ‘102 610 Wilburton, G 9..1,000 N. Kingstown, S¥airmount City, Hopwood, K 2--- 800 Locust Gap, H 91,700 Mt. Lebanon, H 2 500 Philadelphia, Haven, H 9___5,487 Topton, I 10----_ 1,147 Wilcox, D 4_~--- LOST eee 2 K 14 3,397 Be ¥ 3 700 Horatio, G 3_---1,000 Long Branch, J2 345 Mt. Morris, Tis 828 at K11 1,823,779 Schwenkville, J11_ 337 Toughkenamon, Wilkes-Barre, N. Scituate, J 13 ic "060 Fairview. B 1 382 Hostetter, J 3_--_ 800 Lopez, E 9------ 1,200 Mt. Oliver, I 2--5,575 Philipsburg, G 5_3,900 Scottdale, J 2-_5,768 K10 500 F'10_73,833 N. Tiverton. K 15 2.275 Falls \Creek,F4_ 1, Hs Houston, J 1_--1,398 Lorane, I 10-_--- 812 Mt, Penn, I 10--1,370 Philipston, G 2_ 400 Scott Haven, J 2 700 Towanda, D 9____4,269 Wilkinsburg, 12_24,403 Norwood. J 14___ 920 alist eae 470 Houtzdale, G 5--1,504 Loretto, I 4----- 422 Mt. Pleasant, H5 5.862 Phoenixville.J10 10,484 Scott Haven Sta., Tower City, H 8_2,324 William Penn, J 11 450 Oakland. H 13___ 417 Farmersville, 39 365 Woward, G G_-- 621 Lost Creek, G 9-1,500 Mt. Sterling, K2 1,000 Picture Rocks,FS_ 526 I 2 500 Trafford, I 2----2:859 Williamsburg, _ Oaklawn. J 13-__ | 715 Parnell, F'4.--15,586 Hoytdale, G 1-- 400 Lowber, J’ 2---- "700 Mt. Union, I 6_-4,744 Pine Grove. K 31,778 Scranton, E 10.137,783 Trainer. Ki U1---L307 151,872 Pascoag. H °12_-3,670 ee Grove. 9 343. Hoytville, D 7-560 Loyalhanna, I 3- 900 Mountville, J 9- 757 Pitcairn, I 2---5.738 Seanor, J 4----- 60) Transfer, E 1--- 400 Williamsport, Pawtucket. T 14 64.248 Fayette City,J2 2,048 Hudson, F 10-.--2,000 Loyalsock, B 8... 817 Mt. Wolf, J 8.- 688 Pittock, I 1----1,508 Seek. @ 10---——- 658 Trappe, J_11-_-_ 412 F'7286,198, © 5 Ow tuxet (tit o.coe Fayetteville, K 6 600 Huffs Station, I 3 650 Ludlow, D 4_--_- 700 Mt. Zion, I 9---- 500 Pittsburgh, I 2_588,343 Seelyville, D 11_ 650 Trauger, J 3--—- 1,200 Williamstown, Peacedale, M 18- 1.500 Federal, I 1----1,000 Hughstown, W10-2,244 Lumber City. G 4 383 Moxham, I 4--_- Pittston, E 10_18,497 Seischoltzville, 110 406 Tredyffryn, J 11__ 400 H 82,878 Bitlipsdale, F Felton Figuee ee 344 Frughesville, F8 1,577 Lushbaugh, B 5-- 500 Moyer, J 2-- Be Plaingrove, F 1_ 655 Selinsgrove, G 8 1,937 Tremont, mn 9____2,015 Willock, I apes 500 Pei ae a iz emidhlens Guroser.450) ull D. 6--— 350 Luthersburg, F 4__ 364 Muncy, F 8_____2, Plains, F 10--_-1,200 Sellersville, I 11-1,739 Tresckow, G 9--- 500 Willow Grove, Ponting, fete ee Fern Glen, G 9. 500 Hulmeville, J_12 491 Luzerne, B 10--5,998 Muncy Valley, Pleasant’ Gap,GG 400 Seminole, G 3_--. 600 Treveskyn, T 1-- 600 J 11_2,000 eat Tae 450 Trevorton, G 8---1,500 Wilmerding, I 26,441 Portsmouth. L 15_ Fernwood, K 11. 800 Mummelstown.J8 2,654 Lykens, H 8__--2,880 Munhall, I 2__-6,418 Pleasant Unity. J3 625 Seneca. E : - “9 Sg ; = : nee 5 i g Potterhill. M_ 12 5 Hunlock Creek,F9 521 Lyndora, G 2---3.000 Munson, G 5---- 500 Pleasantville, D 2 652 Seven Valleys,K8 384 Trexlertown, H10 475 Wilmore, I 4---_ 438 is Kigart. 5) -7- o9 Huntingdon, 1'5 7,051 Lyons Sta.. I 10. 637 Mutual, J 2. 800 Plumsteadville, Seward. I 3.__-_ @57 . Tripoli, H 10_~.. 500° Wilson, I 2.._---8,243 PROVIDENCE. | rl etwood.. YT 101,652 Huntington Mills, Myerstown, I 9-_2,385 I 11 600 Sewickley, H 14.955 Trout Run, B 7--. 350 Winburne, G 5_--.1.500 pianmona L 13 BOT Biemington, F 6.1181 F 9 350 McAdoo, G 9----- 4,674 Plumville, G 3-588 Shaft. I 3-—_---- 1:600 Trov, D 8.1419 Windber. J 4_---9.462 RiverPoint. Kid 4.400 Florin a ae} ~"g09 Hyde Park, H 2. 743 Nanticoke, F 10 22,614 Plymouth, F 10_16,500 Shamokin, G 8_21,204 Trumbauersville, Windgap, G 11--1,133 Rockland. J ioe ah Flourtown. J 11.. 500 Hydenville, I 3_ 500 McAlisterville,H7 856 Nanty Glo, I 45,028 Plymouth Meet- Shamokin Dam, I 11 698 Windsor, K 8_---_ 854 gaunderstown. L14 400 Fogelsville, H 10 500 Hydetown, D 2. 336 McClellandton,K2 800 Narberth, K 11__3,704 ines J) 1 800 G 8 500 Tullytown, J 12-_ 572 Winton, E 10---7,583 Gcituate. J 133.000 Forbes Rd.. K “f 499 Hyndman, K 4--1,179 McConnells- Natrona, H 2---6,000 Pt. Marion, L 2.1.607 Shaner, I 2___-_ 350 Tunkhannock, Womelsdorf, I 9-1,331 gyatersville. H 132.100 & Ford “City iG 5,605 bore ie 6a 689 Nazareth, H 11_-4,288 Polk, E 2 ------- 2,662 Sharon, F 1__-21,747 D 10-1,736 Woodbury, J 5_-- 246 Smithfield. I 13°.3:199 Forest City, oe os Ickesburg, D 7_-- 408 MeConnells- Neffsville. J 9-. 440 Portage, Sharon Hill, K11_1.780 Tunnelhill, J 8... 619 Woodland, G 5_-. 700 § Kingstown, Ft. Hunter, I 8 Idamar, H 3---. 800 town, Be 350: Nelson.; Go To=--= 540 Pt. Allegany, “Gs 2.356 Sharpsburg, I 2_8,921 Turbotville, F 8_4.015 Woodlawn, H 1-12,495 M 135.181 Fortyfort, ‘E 10-3, se Idlewood, I 2.--_ 600 McDonald, I 1..22.751 Nescopeck, F 9-.1,638 Pt. Carbon, H 9 2,882 Sharpsville, E_1_4,674 Turtle Creek, 12 8,138 Woodville, T 1--- 500 s, portsmouth. a acter D. 10. "364 Imperial, T 1-_--_ 800 McIntyre, H 3_-- 700 Neshannock Falls, Pt. Clinton, H 9 474 Shartlesvle, I 9 600 Tuscarora, G 9_- 700 Woodward, G 7__ 400 T, 1% 750 Fountain | eee Indiana, H 3-..7,043 McKean, C 1---- 350 F 1 525 Pt. Kennedy,J11 1,000 Shawmut E 4-_ 500 Tyler, C 6-_----- 1,500 Wormleysburg, Js 866 § Scituate. J 13 500 RP 102,339 Industry, H 1__- 664 McKeesport, 12 46.781 Nesquehoning, Portland, G 11__ 545 Sheffield, D 3__1,500 Tylersport, I 11-- 354 Worthington, G 2 449 Stillwater. I 13_ 207 Srantainespré Ingram, I 1--___ 2,900 MeKees Rks.,I1_ 16,713 G 102,007 Pt. Matilda, G 5 348 Shenandoah, G9_24,726 Tyrone, H 5__--- 9,084 Wrightsville, K8_1,943 Summit. K 12___ 390 ountain Spre- 3 nop Inkerman, EB 10_- 500 McKinley, J 11- 750 New Albany, D 9 815 Pt. Perry, I_2--1,000 Sheppton, G 9--1,000 Wurtemberg. G 1-500 Thornton. J 14__-1.300 : el . =7g Instanter. D 4-- 400 McLeans, I 11--- 664 New Alexandria, Pt. Royal, H 7 558 Sherman Dale, 17, 450 Uledi, K 2------- 1,500 Wyalusing. D 9_- 628 Tiverton, K 15__3,8% ere Bono. bey irvona, G4 MeMabon, I 2--- 813 Ie nae PE eye on HR 400 Sicketians, (FO 2.280 Ulysses, ¢ 6... 900 Wyoming, B 10_-3,582 Vallev Falls, 114 5.500 ey nail Irwin, 1 2 MeSherrystown. | New Berlin, G8 460 Portvue, I 2----2.538 Shillington, 1 102,175 Union City, C 2_-3,850 Wyomissing, 110-2,062 Wakefield. M 13 2.700 Rroueiin. 1 2D. 9 Iselin, H 3 K'7 1,800 Newberrytown, JS 350 Pottstown, J 10 17.431 ShingleHouseC5 1,169 Uniondale, D 10-- 500 » opp Warren, J 15_--_7,841 Tanklin, E at Ivanhoe, J 2-2s- 500 McVeytown, I "5 480 New Bethlehem, Pottsville, H 9 21.876 Shippensburg.J6 4,372 Union Deposit, 18 475 Yardley. J 12----1.262 Warwick. J 4-13. ane cos 1 Macdonaldton,K4 1,000 F 3.1,662 Priceburg, E 10. 500 Shippensville. F3 452 Uniontown, K 215,692 Yatesboro, G 3_-2,000 Washington. K 12 70 Fredericksburg, oe Jacksonville, I 2 500 Macungie, H 10_ 768 New Bloomfield, Pricedale, J 2--1,000 Shiremantown, J8 635 Unionville, F 8_- 360 Yatesville, G a 709 W. Barrington. ; 19 619 James City, B-7 450 Madera, G 5----1,200 I 7. 762 Pringle, EH 10---1,960 Shoemakersville, Unionville, K 10. 509 Yeadon, K 11__--1,308 T 14 1.050 Frederickstown, Jamestown, H 4_ 500 Maderia Hill, G 4400 New Boston, G 9 635 Proctor, E 8__-- 350 I 10 502 United, J 3------ 500 Yeagertown, H 6- 2000 Westerly, M II_9.952 ; J 1 1,000 Jamestown, B 1. 818 Madison. J 2.-.- 354 N. Brighton, H1 9,361 Prompton, D 11- 220 Shrewsbury, L 8 568 Unity Station, I 2 500 ivees KrS2 255-65 535 W. Greenwich,K12 367 . Fredonia, DB 1--- 422 Jamison City. E9 500 Mahaffey, G 4-_ 801 Newburg, J 6... 375 Prospect, G 1_-_ 395 Siegfried, H 10_2,201 Universal, I 2--. 800 Yohoghany, I 2. 400 W. Greenwich Freeburg, H 8--- 540 Janney, J_ 12 700 MahanoyCityG9 15,599 N, Castle, G 1 44,938 Prospect Parks Silverbrook, G 10 400 Upland, K 11__.-2,486 York, K 8_---_- 47,512 — Center. K 12-_ 474 Freedom, H. 1--3,452 Jeanette, I 2---10,627 Mahanoy Plane, N. Columbia, G8 400 41 2,536 Silver Crk., H9 2,512 Up. Darby, K 11-500 Yorkana, K 8---_ 179 W. Kingston, or Freeland, G 10__6,666 Toansville, G 9_1,200 G 91,800 Newcomer, K 21,050 Bakontimaey: Simpson, D 11_-2.201 Up. Lehigh, F 10_ 650 York Haven, J_8- 779 Kingston Sta.. Freemansburg, Jeddo, G@ 10----- 364 Mainville, G 9--_ 600 N, Cumberland, G'4_10,311 Sinking Spr., I9 1,270 York Springs, J|7 287 _ 1 18 310 H11 1.203 Jefferson, K 2... 392 Maltby. BE 10___1.000 J 81,577 Puritan, I 4---. 450 Sinnamahoning, Valencia. H 2__-- 303 Youngstown, I 3. 426 W. Warwick, Freeport, H 2_-2,696 Jefferson, or Malvern, J 10__1.286 New Derry, I 8. 345 i 5 700 Valier, G 3_--.-- 350 Youngsville, © 31,611 i K 14 15,461 Friedensburg, #9 600 ' Codorus. K 8.2 514 Mammoth, J 3_-1.000 New Eagle, J 2_-1,572 Quakake, G_ 9_-- 500 Siverly, BD 2---1,616 Valley Camp, I 3 400 Youngwood, J 2_-2,275 Whiterock. M-11_ 550 Friedensburg, or Teffersonville, J 11374 Manchester, JS 716 Newell, J 2_---- 400 Quakertown, I 114,391 Six Mile Run,J5 800 Valley View, H 8 950 Yukon, J, 2------ 1,000 Wickford. LL 14 -1.050 Oley, I 10____ 514 Jenkintown, J 11 3.866 Manheim, J 9--2,712 New Pngland, I 2 450 Quarryville, K 9 823 Skippack, J 11__ 859 Vanderbilt, J 2_ = 1.185 ; a = Woonsocket. — mA Frugality, H 5_ 999 Jenners, J 3_---1,6837 Manoa, K 11--- 500 New Era, D 9-. 315 Qnentin, T 9_---- 575 Slatedale, He10- 700 Vandergrift, H 2_9,531 Zelienople. --1,87 H 13. 43,496 Fullerton, H 11 650 Jermyn, D 10---3,826° Manor, I 2----- 1,077 N. Florence, I 3 730 Quincy, K 6---- 500 Slate Run, E 6.4,014 Vandergrift Zieglerville, I 11- 400 Wyoming, L 12-. 303 SCUTH CAROLINA SOUTH DAKOTA TENNESSEE y llo, AG. 809 Heriot, BD 12.2 % Pelzer, © 5....-- 6,600 j Chamberlain, N10-1,303 Mitchell, R 11.._8,478 TOWNS. $0. CAROLINA pores C 8..-. 376 Hickory Grove, Pendleton, C 4-.-1,040 SOUTH DAKOTA Chancellor, U 12. 280 Mobridge, K 3___3,517 TENNESSEE Cartersville, H13 286 or Hickory, B9 301 Perry, G 9_---- 189 Chelsea, P 6__-__ 110 Monroe, T 11-.-_ 217 Town Key Pop Neate ttled at Catawba, B 10. 50 Highland, A 6_-- 200 Phoenix, EB 6_-_ 75 First Settled in Chester, U 10---. 500 Montrose, T 11_. 519 4 First se River, Cateechee, B 4. 550 nS Gb Bee 6 sh pie a 600 Pickens, B 4... 895 1859, Cheyenne Agency, Morristown, G@ 2. 269 First Settled at Ft. Adams, E 8_____ 672 A's hley MVCTs Cayce, F 10---. 746 Hodges, D 6.--.- 284 Piedmont, C 5_---3,600 Admitted Ter K5 100 Mt. Vernon, Q 11 661 Loudon. 1757 Adamsville, I 5. 459 1670. Cedarspring, B7. 150 Holly Hill, H12- 522 Pinewood, ------ 338 mitte fe ne ‘5 Caire City, T 12. 213 Murdo, or Murdo- oudon, . etna; Guise 180 One of the Original Central, C 4---- 898 Honea Path, D 5_1,900 Pinopolis, I 13_-_ 200 ritory, March 2, Qlaremont, R 3-_ 290 McKenzie, J 10 500 ; st * Alamo, @ 322.2. 720 Thirteen States. Chaplin, BE 9.--- 264 Huntersville, C6 250. Plains, C 12-___ 60 1861. Clark, S 6-22 S15 892 Admitted as a State, Alcoa, G 15_--__ 3.358 Chappells, B 7--- 207 Plantersville,G1>_ 75 Admitted as a State, Clear Lake, U 2. 835 June 1. 1796. Alexandria, G 10 510 Area: Charleston, J 13_67,957 Inman, A 6---- 694 Plum Branch, F6 169 Feb. 22, 1889, Colman, V 9_--_- ing. - Algood, F'11--.. 651 Land, 30,495 84. Cheraw, 0 '1_----- $3150 Inno, 0ew), Boee mee 236 Pomaria, Hi 92-288 7." "2 Colome, Allardt, E 122... 295 miles. Cherokee, A 7-- 56 Islandton, J 10. 50 Ponpon, K 12--___ 300 rea: Colton, U 10 ¢ New EPftington, U 2 Area: Allens Cr,, H 6. 707 Water 494 sq. Cherokee, Falls, A8 oo Tva; Dist e 962 Port Harrelson, a Land, 76,868 sq, Columbia, Q 3--- a, Newell, a6 c= 414 Almy, BE 13___.. 200 wiles. Chesnee, B 7.---- . G 16 150 miles, Conde, New Underwood, Land, 41,687 sq. Altamont, H 11_ 114 Chester, O 9_._-5 Sor Jackson, H 7---. 141 Port Royal, L11_- 333 Wat mW” gq, Corona. : : DQ 164 tae ‘AltojeH 1022 150 Total, 30,989 SQ. Chesterfield, C12 856 Jacksonboro,K 12 64 Pregnall, I 12---_ 100 GEST ay sts. SE Morice, amd eecs Nisland, B 7__--- 173 wes. Altonpaek, 1 We 8,020 miles. Chicora, H 18-- 50 James Island, Princeton, D 6. 207 miles. Cottonwood, G 10 121 Northville, P 5.. 372 ~ Anderson, I 10. 300 F ; Chure ay eae (3) K 18-2,000 Prosperity, D 8... 748 Total, 77,615 sq. Crandall, or Cran- Novak, or Bench Water, 3835, sq. r iste Population, 1,683,724. Church, G1 “ Lae One tame % i, R 100 ; : Antbras, B 14--_ 150 : ‘ -- Clarmont, F11-. 75 Jamison, G 10-. 60 miles. dell, 5_----- ; Nunda, U 9-_-_- 206 miles. Arcadia, E 18___ 206 Capital, Columbia. Clarks Hill, G6. 100 Jedburg, I 12__-. 107 Quick, C 13..--- 200 ; .an zyy -OFesbard, O 5-_-. 349 2 : Population, 636,547. ; ; Ardmore, I 8... 300 Claussen, EH 14__ 50 Jefferson, C 12.. 454 p ’ PY del Crocker, R 5---.. 150 Oacoma, N 10___ 224 Total, 42,022 sq. Arlington, H 2 494 COUNTIES, Clemons, Col- JohnsIsland, J 13.1,000 Rantowles, ~----_. 60 Capital, Pierre. Crooks, V 11-____ 125 Oelrichs, C 13_-_ 176 i] Arthur, W 162225200 jege; OO 45-=225 400 Johnsonville, F15 271 Reedy River Fac- Custer, B 10_____ 595 Oldham, T 8_____ 364 Mies. ‘Aahiand City Fs. 649 County Key Pop. Giifton, B 7----6,000 Johnston, F 7-.-1,101 POLY, (ON beneae 200 COUNTIES, ‘ Olivet, Seto 5-3 200 : ‘Ashbork, G %-. 600 Abbeville, E 5 27,139 Clinton, D 7_---~ 3,767 Jonesville, R 8_--1,209 Reevesville, 111. 200 Dallas, N a tate 105 per a N 5----- 120 Population, 2,337,885. Ashwood, H 7___- 20u Aiken, G 8... 45,574 ‘Clio, .: 14-252_-2 1,009 Jordan, G 12-_-. 300 Reidyille, B 6--- 231 County Key a) Dare ut es 600 Simpsonville, C6. 566 McPherson, N27, 705 St. Onge, A 7_-. 140 , ene Boyce, or East Union, C 8---- Early Branch, J10 160 Lowndesville,, E5 271 gjy Mile, B 4.. 134 Marshall, S 2-_ 9,596 Galena. B 8_--.. 59 Salem, T 10_____ 1,187 Gibson, F 3_4_ 43.388 Chattanooga, Williamsburg, Basley, B 5_---- 3,568 Lowryville, B9-_ 194 Smithville, _--.. 80 Meade, D 7___- 9,367 Gannvalley, 0 9-- 205 Scenic, B 10_____ 100 Giles, I 8_____ 30,948 K 18_5,000 G14 38,539 Wastover, F 11-_-_ 326 Lucknow, D 12__ 150 gnoaks 1 10 132 Mellette, K 11- 3,850 Garden City, S 6_ 294 Scotland, S 13_--1, ae Grai . F 15 13.369 Braden, H 2_____ 150 York, B 9---. 50,536 Wau Claire, ____- 2,566 Lugoff, B 11---- 150 Smyrna, A 8_-_-- 101 Miner, $ 9_---_ 8,560 Garretson, V 10-- 715 Selby, L 3_---___ eee bared, Bradford, EB 4-__ 507 ——-— Ebenezer, B 13_-1,199 Lumber, D 14__-- 500 Snelling, I 8.--. 137 Minnehaha, V11 42,490 Gary, V \6_s---.- 588 Seneca, N 5----- 364 Greene, F 17_-- 32.824 Bransford, B 9___ 175 Total_-.---1,683,724 Ebenezer, E 13_. 298 Luray, J 9---__- 174 Society, Hill,D 18 500 Moody, V 9-.-. 9,742 Gayville, U 14--- 305 Sherman, V 10-__ 206 Grundy, H 11. 9,753 Briceville, F 14_1,354 Eddy Lake, G16 75 Lydia, @ 13-_____ 268 South Lynchburg, 275 Pennington, © 9 12.720 Geddes, P 12-___ 695 Silver City, B 9-- 75 he F 16.15.0536 Brighton, M2. 295 Edgefield, F 7----1,865 Lynch, F 14_-__. 1,013 Sparjun, __---__ 400 Perkins, H'3___ 7,993 Gettysburg, I 5- 951 Sinai, U 8_--_-- 216 Hamblen, (15.056 Bristol, B 18____8.047 TOWNS, Edgmoor, B 10--. 112 Lynchburg, B13- 506 spartanburg,B7-22,638 Potter, L_5-_-_ 4382 Glenham, K 3. 135 Sioux Falls, E Hamilton, I 12_115.954 Brownsville. G 3_3.062 Hdisto iinet Spartanburg Je ~ 400 Roberts, U 3__ 16,514 Goodwin, U 6--__ 157 V (11-25,202 trancock, E 16 10.454 Brunswick. H. 2. 250 Town Key Pop. K 12_4,000 McBee. D 12_-_- 417 Springfield, @ 9-. 798 Sanborn, R 9_- 7,877 Greenwood, Q 14 300 Sisseton, U 3 _--1,431 3 ; Brush Creek, P'10_ 400 Abbeville, B 5----4,570 Whrhardt, I 10_. 495 McCellanville, T15 974 Starr, D 4 Shannon, HE 13_ 2,003 Gregory, N_ 13__-1,067 S. Shore. U 5--_. 305 Hardeman. I 8 22.278 Brashy sme Acton, F 11__-_- 75 ko, H 9-..-—.. 18g McOoll, © 14_____2,129 gteeaman, Spink, Q 6-_-__ 15,768 Grenville, T 3--- 250 §. Sioux Falls, Hardin, I 5-__ 17.291 See F 13 858 Adamsburg, B8-- 100 MBllenton, I 7... 385 McConnellsville, Stillwood, -.__-_- Stanley, I 8_-_ 2,908 Groton, R 4----__ tts V 11 195 Hawkins, E 17 22.918 Adams Run, K 12. 100 Elliott, B 13_____ 271 : B 9 247 Sbokesbridge,D11_2,121 Sully, L 7_____ 2,831 3 Spearfish, A 7_--1,254 : : Buena Vista. G 5 150 Aiken, G 8..__-_ 4,103 Blloree, G@ 11____ 925 McCormick, F 6-1,284 Stones, B 7... 50 Todd, J 12_-___ 2,734 Hamill, M 11-_- ae Spencer, S 10___ 637 Haywood, H 3_ 25.386 Bullsgap, F 17___1 -000 — Alcolu, F 12 3: Embree, H 10____ 150 Macbeth, H 13-__ 100 Storeville, D 5__ 60 Tripp, M_12--_ 11,970 Harrisburg, V 12 193 Springfield, S 14. 719 Henderson, G 5 18.436 Bumpus Mills. E6 24% AT lexi aeanicl Goes DON Tonaaete On eee 1,800 Madden, D 6_---- 150 Strother, D 9__. 53 Turner, U 12__ 14,871 Harrison, Q 12_- 103 Stickney, Q 11-_ 386 Heat: wen or 151 Buntyn, © I= 500 Allendale, I : Enterprise, K 12_2,000 Madison, ---_-_-_ 200 Summerton, @12_ 957 Union, V 14__- 11,099 Harrold, M_ 7__-- aoe. Stockholm,,;U/52-— 200 2enty. =aa— 2022) Burns) gee 200 Alston, EB 9_-____ 102 still, J 9. 1,303 Mallory, D 15-- | 61 Summerville, I 12-2,550 Walworth, L 4_ 8,447 Hartford, U 11-- 677 Strandburg, U 5. 169 Hickman, G 7. 16216 Burwood, G8... 150 Anderson, D 5--10,570 Ethel, K 12_-._ Manning, G 122,022 §ummit, F9_-. 89 Washabaugh, Hayti, 1 7------ 293 Stratford, Q 4... 397 Houston, F 6. 6.212 Butler, B 19____ 578 Annandale, ~-_-- 50 Bulonia, F 15_-- 50 Marietta, B 5__-- 100 Sumter, F_ 12____9,508 H 11 1, 166 Hard 9 553 Sturgis, B_5____-1,250 Humphreys, F 6 13,489 Butlers Landing. Anterville, D 5.-- 100 Eutawville, H12_ 285 Marion, B 15_---3,892 Swansea, G 10... 690 Li cae a he E12 I | 2 Sipaae ns Summit, U 4--__ 556 phreys, 482 Bll 150 Appleton, I 9-- 234 Exchange, K 13-. 300 Marlboro, -_____ 100 Switzer, B 7----- 109 Lankton, T 13. 15 Henry, T 6-—___ Jackson, F 11_ 14.955 he Arcadia’! eat 300 -_ ie E14 ae Sycamore, I 9.2. 11g Ziebach, H 5._- abs as es 10__- Mi Tabor, $ 14 8. Jotternemi daly ats Byrdstown, H 12_ 125 ‘della, B Pai 9... 95 artin ee ‘ erreid, L 2---. 460 Tea, V i2___ 5 : egethe ples Big rhea! oa ee Maryville, ~ =. 505 Tarboro, K 9---. 109 Total ese -636,547 Herrick, 0 13---- 422 Terry, A 8 Johnson, BE 13_ 12.236 Arial, Fairmont, BY. 100. May, =---i252-5- 200 Tatum, C 14_--_ lid : 3 ae © S a c35 Thomas, 'T 5 Knox, F 15_-..112,926 Cades, @ 4______ 161 Arkwright, ----- 500 Fair Play, C3_. 100 Maybinton, D8__ 100 axahaw, C li-. 70 OWNS. Ui City, B 10.2 308 aounder Hawk, G4 125 yo. wo 9.075 Gainsville, I 10. 194 Ashley, Je., J13 50 Fairview, C 6_. 50 Mayesville, F 12_ 839 ‘Taylors, B 6... 80 Ken a ay, ee ue Timber Lake, 14-555 : sapere pd Calhoun, H 13___ 29% Ashton, F 13. 50 Ferguson, H 12. 100 Meggett, K 121,000 Terry, A 5_____- 150 Town en pd ere hia Re Tr Beg Dolstoy, N 5----- 83 Lauderdale. G 2 21.494 Camden, F 5_____ 800 Auburn, D 18... 50 Fetteressa ______ 50 Meriwether, G7_ 100 The Farms, J 13. 150 Aberdeen, P 4_-14,537 Hitec cock, Q 7. es Toronto, V 7_ Lawrence, I 7_ 23,593 Campbellsville, H7 150 Auton ©) 4zo2ces 150 Fingerville, A 7. 300 Merritts Bridge, Tillman, L 9_-__ 100 Academy, O 12-- 65 ea eed A § 4. no Trent, V 10_--__ 29% Lewis, H 7 5.707 Caney Branch, F 17 150 Aynor, B 15.-.. 276 FitzHugh, __--__ 50 .,,% 8 100 Timmonsville,E13 1,860 Agar, L 6------- 75 Fosmer, 3-___ Tripp, R_13_--_- § . eaten Cannon Creek. H12 40% Florence, © 14--10,968 Messers, Bi 10-_- 60 Tindal, F 12.___ 100 AKaska, L 4-____ 114 Hot Springs, pete Troy, Ui basse * Lincoln, I 9_-- 25.786 Capleville, I 1_-_ 156 Babham, — ._.. 75 Folks Store _-.. 50 Midland Park,J13100 ‘irzah’ B 9_____ 169 Albee, Vv Donec 115 Houghton, Q 2--- 125 Tulare, Q 7 Loudon, G 4___ 16,275 Carlisle. E 6____ 150 Baldock, or Bel- Foreston, or Midway, H 10--- 138 ‘Townville, © 4-. 257 Fae 13__- og eevee Crees Ae Turton, R 5 3 McMinn, H 13. 25.133 Garters Creek. G8 150 doce h. Qeemene 80 _ Forreston, G 13 115 Millettville, I 8_- 125 qradesville, C11. 54 a ieee ee ne --7-1925 Twin Brooks, U5 141 aD Se Carthage, F'10_. 920 Bamberg, H 10_--2,210 Fork, D 15__--- 134 Modoc. G 6_-_-- 138 ‘Travellers Rest, Pe peer 576 Hudson, V 13____ 470 Tyndall, § 13---1405 MeNairy, I 4 18.350 Caryville, F 14.- 300 Brannockburn, H14 75 Forkshoals, C 6-. 360 Moncks Corner, B 5 300 eee pee 116 Humboldt, U 11- San : Macon, E 10. 14.922 Castalian Springs, Barnes, or Mose-, Forney, F 16. 50 ,113-- 309 Trenton, F 7. 271 see erst, R 2-___ 150 ere ae eS Utica, T) 1322-22 141 Madi 4 E9 150 ley, SHES ee 75 Fort Fremont, _ 75 Monetta, F 8---- 137 qwio, H 14_____ 149 ‘Andover, R 4-___ 442 Huron, 0 8_~_--- 1302 adison, G 4__ 43.824 5 Barnwell, I 9----1,903 Ft, Lawn, O10_- 231 Monticello, D 9__ 100 Troy, F 6___.._. 315 Atdmore, A 13___ 220 Vale, -Bi Toes 150 Marion, I 141. 17.402 Catoosa, F 18____ 259 Barton ee 50 Ft. Mill, B 10_1,946 Montmorenci, G8 100 Tucapau, B G-... 309 Ariington, U 8___1,011 Interior, G 10--- 70 Valley Springs, Marshall, H 8. 17.375 Cedar Hill, EB 8__ 700 Batesburg, F 8_-2,848 Ft. Motte, G 11. 464 Moore, B 7_____ 140 ATRIONE, Q12----15045 Iona, N 11--___- 100 Vii 374 2 seo Celina, E 11_____ 420 Batesville: Senos 150 Fountain Inn, C 6.1,100 Moseley, or Barnes, Timers ee 186 are M BS cag ae ppewioks c honk as Vayland, P (ae “it Maury, H S_-- 35.403 Centerville. G 7_ 88° Bath, Haye sseees 500 Fowler, G 14_-_ | 80 Pe > _ Toernion 8 cease GIES ee a eee ee yoblen, T 2----- 530 Meigs, H 13... 6.077 Chanel Hill, G 8.1,000 Battlecreek, © 2 50 Frogmore, L 11-. 100 Moultrieville, J14 511 ne on, Q ees 372 Iroquois, S 8_--- 651 Verdon, «B 4-=-== oe M H 14... 22.060 Charleston. H 13 400 Bayboro, E 16. 50 Furman, K 9_... 296 Mt. Carmel, F 5 228 Vance s Hato ee jo4 Astoria, V 7_--- 221 Isabel, H 4-_---_ 240 Vermilion, U 14_-2,f 590 Monroe, —- 22. Charlotte, F 7-__ 200 Bayboro Station, Mt. Croghan,B12 232 varnville, J 10-21.160 Aene! P 5------- 150 o7 viborg, U_13---- 618 Montgomery, E7 32,265 Chaska, E 14____ 100 E16 100 Gadsden, F 11__ 50 Mt. Pleasant.J14-1,575 Vaucluse, G 7___. 850 pees 13. savas M Fen og 527 ea Moore, H 9---. 4.491 Chattanooga, Beaufort, L-11__2,831 Gaffney, H 8=---5,065 Mountville, D 7-_ 220 Verdery, E 6... 180 oR. b Naat 12 wee 143 Mo I 13._ 13.985 L17_57.895 Beldoc, or Bal- Gaston, F. 10____ 113 Mullins, © 15____2,379 Ae eye ah ge Nee aS Vine Z iso cae mre dock, = 22a 80 Georgetown, H 15-4, 570> Murrells IntosG16. 200 oWagendno G O.-o, BOT. pas eerine du tae nate) eeataee Mate 341 Vine @ Toure 150 Obion, HE 3_--- 28.393 F10 224 Belton, C 5_-_--1,780 Gifford, J 9_--___ 63) Walhalla, B_ 3___2,068 Baltic v ‘10 iB) 297" Kaylor) Susee=o 150: Voleas-U aaa 600 Overton, F 12_ 17.617 Bennettsville,C14_3,197 Gilbert, F 9_____ 450. Nayy, Yard, -=-= 1,000 Walterboro, J 11_1.853 Bancroft, S 7... 141 K af b M 10. 341 V te Th aan 314 Pp, G6 Christiana. @ 9__ 150 Bessie, C_5.-__-_ 250 Gillisonville, R10 70 Neeses, G 10_-_ 289 Walton, D'9_____ 100 Bellefourche, A 7-1,616 Keystone, B 102 250 0 wl oo uOS Claieield. Hi tae Bethune, D 12. 299° Glendale, B 7-.- 800 Newberry, D 8___5,894 Wando, J 14__--- 250 Belvidere, I°10-. 150 Kidder 8 2c. ue? Wagner Q 19-_-1,23¢ Pickett, B12. 5,205 Clarksburg, G 5_ 296 Bingham, D 14-- 143 Glenn Sprs., B7 171 New Brookland, Ward, F 8.3. 234 Bemis, U 6.----- 57 Kimball, 0 11... 993 Wakonda, U i302 431 Polk, I 13---.. 14.943 Clarksville, B 7_8.110 Bishop, B 7_--. 50 Godbold, F 15-_ 204 ¥ S-2.500. Waring.) F 15-2) "62. Beresford, V 15.21, 519) thasestiee ae Ade one Wall, E''9 Satood ; aes ee Claybrook, G 4___ 150 Bre TA gt2-2.090 Goldville, D 7-204 Newmarket, 1 6 125 Warrenville, G7. 800 Bigstone, ‘V 4-2. 680 freee, Et en ee Oe eee Puta 11261 Olen acee Blacks, F 8--._ 50 Golightly, B 7. 300 Newport, B 9---- 100 wWateree, F'11__. 100 Bijou Hills, 0 11 100 By = Ward, V 9.222. 118 Rhea. H 12-__ 13,812 Cleveland, ‘I 13__6,522 Blacksburg, A 8_-1,512 Goose Creek, __ 50 New Prospect,--_ 100 Waterloo, D 6... 209 Black Hawk, C 9 100 Labolt, U 5 142 Warner, Q 4-___- 125 Roane, G 13 24,624 Clifton, H 5____- m1 Blackstock, © 9-- 206 Gourdin, H 13_-- 200 Newry. C 4______ 900 Waverly Mills, Blunt, L 7. 512 Lake Andes, @ 13 867 Wasta, E 9__._. 120 : S gon co, olifty, G 12-___- 729 Blackville, H 9--1,421 Govan, I 9__-_-_- ogee Hon. BAS ne H\16\ {75 Bonesteel. 0 13. 652 Lake Norden, 17 408 Watertown, T 6..9,400 Robertson, HB 8 25.621 Clinton, F 141.409 Blaney, WB 11_--_ 156 Gowensville, A6_ 100 Neyles, J 11____- tod Wedgefield, F 10 250 Bowdle, M 4_--- 818 L. Preston, T 8..1,008 Waubar, 4.2. 979 Rutherford, Q 9 33,059 Coal Creek. F 14.1.204 Blanton NM Ie seg. qrahamville, —.-, 100" Nienols, 10 16-7 481 _ Wellford, B.°6-_- 480 \ Bradley’ § B2-c ade stane, Qe hon oe eee 13,411 Qoalfield. |B ts 600 Bluffton, M 10-__ 480 Graniteville, @7_2,500 Ninety Six, E7_- 773 Wells. H 12... 100 Brandon, V_11--- 125 Wangford, R 3... 510 Webster. S 4.2221,800 Sr ae en Coalmont. ri 11-256 Blythewood, #10 100 Gray ‘Court, © 6 g18 Nixonville, F 17 60 Ww. Greenville.05 869 Brandt, "V'7=. 208 Lanl, Bis. 15 Ore) Wrote GO Bean Reduatehic, 11 5.63? Copia ae ee a50 Bolen, H 10----- 160 Great Falls, C'10-3,500 Norris, B 4------ 206 W. Marion, B15 50 Brentford, Q 5.2. 133 Lehanou M 5... 825 Wentworth, 0 9.360 Sevier, G 16-.. 29.384 Colina, B ti ara 420 Bonneau, H 13__- 100 Greeleyville, © 13 645 North, G 10______ 700 Westminster, 031,847 Bridgewater, T1L Lemmon, F 2-7--1.126 Wessington, P 8. 728 Shelby, I 1....209.016 College Grove. G8 250 Bonnet, —_- Green Pond, K 11 50 N. Augusta, H7-1,742 Ww. Union, @ 3__ 306 Bristol, § 4... : ~_--1.074 Wessington 5 Se oe aera Collierville, I 2_- 989 Bordeaux, F Greenville, B 6_23,127 N.Charleston. J13 695 Westville, D 11_. 123 Britton, § 2... = ‘ Springs, P 9__-1,618 Smith, F 10___ 17,184 Collinwood, I 6_. 698 Bostick, 'F 15. 62 Greenwood, 68,703 Norway, H 9---- 474 Whitehall, K liz 306 Broadland, Q 7--,'129 Lesterville, § 13. 281 Westover, J 11-- 100 Stewart, E 6.. 14.664 Columbia. H 8___5.526 Bowling Green, Greer, B 6_---_- 2,292 Whitepond, H 8-- 250 Brookings, U 88,924 Letcher, R 10--- 454 Westport, P 3.2. 65 gunli E 18. 36.259 Gomo. F 4---___ “+ or Bowlin. A9 50 Grover, I J1__. 76 Oakley Depot, Whiterock, E 9.88 Bruce, U 8_--_-- 342 Lily, 85 e187 ( Wetonka, 088. 2.09986. on ee - 36.259 Concord. G14 Bowman, H 11_-__ 733 Guess, B 12_--. 60 113 50 Whitmire, D 8__1,955 Bryant, T 7__._- 651 Littie Eagle, J 3- 400 Wheeler, P 13--. 50 Sumner, © 9_-. 27,708 Cookeville, F 11__ 2.05 Bowyer, H 12-_ 87 Gurley, E 16.--. 100 Oakway, 0 3.-__ 50 Wilkins, L 11_..3,000 Buffalo, B 3.022. 150 Loomis, R 10---- 100 White, V 8-_____ 594 Tipton, H 1_-_ 30,258 Cook Place. F12_ 450 Boykin, KB W-- 75 Olanta, F. 13---- 409 Wilksburg, C9-. 300 Buffalo Gap, C11 132 Lowry, M 4-..... 90 White Lake, P iil 610 } “To noe, Copper Hill, I_14_1,102 Bradley, B 6_-_-- 207 Hamburg, H 7-.. 484 Olar, I 9_------ 500 Williams, I 10__ 100 Burbank, V'14... 150 Lyons, U 10-2227 80 White River, K 11 353 T7ousdale, E 10 5.996 Cornersville. H 8 314 Branchville, H 10_1,804 Hamer, D 15__-- 150 Oldpoint, B 10__ 250 Williamston, © 522,323 Burke, N 13--___ Gls he hie White Rock, V 2_ 368 Unicoi, F 18___ 10.120 Cottagegrove. M4 210 Brandon, _-_--__ #20 Hammond, F 17- 60 Orangeburg, G 10_7,290 Willington, 'F-5. 272 Bushnell, V 8... 350 MoIntosh, H 2--- 727 Whitewood, B 72 889 Union F 15... 11,615 Gotula, H 10_____ 156 Brighton, K 9-__ 150 Hampton, J 10-- 706 Owings, C0 '6_... 165 Williston, H 9_. 854 Butler, § 4.____. 156 McLaughlin, J 2. 555 Willow Lake, 8 7 477 : eg i te Countyline, H 9___ 150 Brightsville, C14 100 Hand, F.17-___ 60 Wilson, or Wil- Madison, U 9_---4,144 Wilmot, U 4_---- Giz Van Buren, G11 2.624 Covington, H 2__3.414; Brookland, F 9--1,793 Hardeeville, L11 413 Pacolet, B 7... 398 _ sons, Mills,G18 100 Camp Crook, A 8 163 Maitland, A, 8. 75 Winfred, T 9_--. 328 Warren, G 10_. 17.306 Cowan, I 10_____ 624 Brunson, J 9---. 699 Harleyville, 112. 353 Pageland, B12... 521 Winsdor, H_8_. 103 Canastota, T 11. 594 Mansfield. P 4... 150 Winner, M 12-__2,000 Washington Crab Orchard, G12 300 Bryan: -osaes o~ 150 “Harmon, 922022" 150 Pages Mills, D16 330 Winnsboro, D 9--1,822 Canning, L 8.--. 75 Marion, or Marion Witten, L 12... 204 ‘ue 1s 34.052 Grandull, B 19.2" 150 Bucklick, D 10_. 400 Hartsville, D 13_3,624 Palmetto, E 14_ 75 Winona, B 14-___ 100 Canova, T 10_--_ 338 OOry: Ae aon 535 Wolsey, Q Soo... bE “09° Crawford, E 1128 300 Bucksville, G16 50 Haskell, F 16_. 100 Pamplico, B 14. 452 Woodford, G 10.. 144 Canton, V ESD 225 Marvin, U 4 173 Wood, K°11__-__ 200 Wayne, I 6..-- 12.877 Crossville, G 12. 948 Buffalo, —---__— 2,000 Hattieville, I 8. 50 Paris Island, ---- 300 Woodruff, C 7222,396 Carlyle, N 5 7222 100 Meckling, U 1 200 Woonsocket, Q 9-1,368 Weakley, F 4. 31,053 Culleoka, H 8. 334- Bullock Creek, B9 75 Hawthorne, H8_ 65 Parksville, F 6-. 245 Woodward, © 10. 396 Carpenter, R7_-. 90 Mellette, Q 507 Worthing, V 12-- 238 white, @ 11... 15.701 Cumberland City. Burton, L 11----~ 100 Healing, Sprs,,_ 60 Parler, G'11_____ 163 Carter, L’12_____ 105 Menno, § 12-_--- 918 ; Heath Sprs., C 11 505 Patrick, C 13---- 164 Yamassee, K 10. 323 Carthage, S 9... 667 Midland. I 9.22. 809 Yale. R 8---__-- 300 Williamson. G8 23.409 4 a ee 400 Cades. G 14____- 100 Hebron, CG 7__-__ 100 Paxville, _______ 185 Yorkville, B_9_-2.731 Castlewood, U 6. 582 Milbank, V 4__-.2.915 Yankton, T 14-_-5,024 wilson, F 9._. 26.241 Cumber an Furys Calhonn Fs., 5. 897 Helena. D 8_____ 435 Peak, B 9 -.-2__ 160 YongesIsland,K 13 200 Cavour, R 8__-__ 249" Millers, Ores eee 1,478 a, Bec 6_-____ 300 Camden, BE) 11___3,930 Hemingway, F 14 371 Pelham. B 6____ 300 Centerville, U: 131,104 Miranda, 0 6--__ 100 Zell, P 6-------- 50 — Oumberland Gan, Cameron, G 11_-. 524 Hendergonyille.J11 28h Pelion, F 9_____- 184 Zion, BW -1h.2..5 197 Central City, A 8 199 Missionhill, T 14 167 Zickrick, L 11--. 25 Total_____2.337,885 “B15 304 aes ‘TENNESSEE-CONT’D ont TEXAS - , Daisy, J 18.----- 370 Kingsport, I 175,692 Rexford, F 18... 151 5 928 ‘ Daley deer 16. 489 Kingston, G 13- 516 Rhea Sprs., G 13- 800 TEXAS ete, 25---— 18,236 Antelope, HH: 20-- 160 Buck, N 27-.,-.. 400 Corrigan, M 28.. 700 Eureka, K 25-04 1590 Dante, F 14----- 150 Kingston Spgs., 8 150 Rheatown, E 17- 132 Limestone, L 24 83,283 Apple Sprin ate V. Buc mae R 25-_ 200 Corsicana, K 25-11,356 Eustace, K 25_-. 500 ~ Danville, E 6_--- 159 Knoxville, 6 @ 15-77,818 Riceville H 18-- 500 First Settled at Lipscomb, A 16 3,684 cee MULE Pa ee orl geo, thar seen 7 Evedale, Os ae ee = i ae ‘ Richard Pai 0 he) deo vits aN 17 is » PB 22 -__- ane. CE 22------— fvansville, M 24. 100 Deyn r 12__. 400 Ridgedale. CL Tas 108 San Antonio, 1692. phe “ 21- Pyne pr Sacer) = 22____ 650 Buenavista, M 11 200 Cotton Gin, L 2-. 100 Evant, M 21--.-- 300 Dayton, H 12_---1.701 Ridgetop, E 8_-. 126 Admitted asa State, Lovin; ae od) Buffalo, M 25---. 510 Cottonwood, K 19 250 Evergreen, 0 27_ 200 Lafayette, E 10- 547 Loving, L 9_- 82 U 23-1,569 Buffalo CG Ket ( 7 7 Decatur, H 13--- 142 Lafolette, E 14.-3.056 Ridgley, F 2. 914 Dec. 29, 1840. Lubbock, H 18. 11,096 Arbala, I 25-.-.. 130 Buffalo Springs, Pe alles Sena ene « Uraet Slee Deer ae PY HOS 86 LaGrange; 1 3--. 248 Ripley, A ena 2.079 Area: Ey ie, L7G Aveadia.. Boe De 19K ee Sapa Everman, J 22-._ 125 echerd, ——— 1 Bloomery, Wes Ihe nace McCulloch, \ 11,020 Archer C: 2 3 < 26... 40 he be A Pe ‘ Deer Lodge, ape nt ee i 19 206 bn rs 1 12. 209 meer 262,398 sq. “reed M 23 82 921 real a a as 22 Balyenta *0 730 430 etwas ° aes ei anh ‘ pay Deermont, F 13-- 1 La V e, F 9_- 200 Roan Mtn.. F 19 300 miles, McMullen, T 2 O58 “aa. we ners ney, 25-_ 3 Pairlie, He 25----- ¢ Defeated. BF 10-> 180 'y5. —_ " Robbins, F 13. 400 Wat $498 “a rr pg 02 . : : Buna, O 29-----_ 500 Coutchman, L 24. 100 Fairy, L 21. 120 wrenceburg, ae ¥ er, 3S sq. adison, ban ad * Bunker Hill, O 29 150 Covington, K 23. 400 Fale xX If ; Delitoss: 1 ae tad. ach y pose eee the miles. Marion,’ I 29.- 10,886 Arneckeville, I 28/800 Burkburnett, F20_5,300 Crafton, if 21--- 104 Falfurrias W 3, 400 enimark, _ : = A ord, —— e Martin, os 146 Tnold, HR 24... cK or os ‘all rp wr 579 Fannine’ 3 23° Dixon Spring, F 10 250 Lenox, F 2-_--__ 50g Rogersville, B17-1,.402 Population, 4,663,228. Maverick, S 16 7,418 Ash, M 26--_--_- Burleson, J 22_-_ 241 rane dee ; Parent EF on Double Springs, F1L 145 Lewisburg, H §_-2,711 Rome, F 10 300 Gani ; Medina, R 19_ 11,679 Ashby, S 25___-- Burlington, N 23 400 Crestoni Sail ae 3 _ D 7 7 © . . 9 € Ty f re A , — 0 Dowel 5. oF 0 oe 283 Lexington, G 5_-1,792 peeres eS Seber aac Menard, N 17._ 3,162 Asherton, T _17_-1,: 300 Burnet, N 20_--_ 966 Crews, L 17 b Teens fremaen 5 Pomel 20 doo Hee t Wag 3G Hogoy, i to. couwsres, _—‘Midland. 12" 24ay Ashland, 12754-- 230 Burton, PF 24-"-— 400 Go a 100 va, eee tt Dysaies TU Cen We, Limestone Cove, Ruppertown, Mills, L 20... 9,019 Askew, I 26_---- 250 Byers, F 20__-_-- 600 iT Lime MAKI atm otans (On Drokes, F 18----- 150 f 48 200 Ruskin, F 7 County Key Pop. Mitchell, Kis. 7521 Aspermont, H 16 436 Bynuin, K 28°... 150 Grostetone Gil a0) Fartan b gate’ ae Ducktown. I 14--1.500 Linden, H 6 40 Russellville. F 16 200 Anderson, L 26 34,318 Montague, G21 22,200 Atascosa, R 19-- | 115 Fides oe. Mee her OD A ee mmm 200 D E 4--_ 30%, Livingston, EB 12_ Rutherf : 92 Andrews, K Ath Ken 2p: 58, Cross, N 25----_— 400 Farwell, B 10--__- 500, Ss Rae a te pin 1 dens Ar eng pod mAngeliaa, M Ae neaee woman bod 47 gad” Atlanta DT 29.1; ie re laa praia ee ah IE le ee oe a4 tna n ew, 9_ —— , « +08 ---- Jaddo, os. 800 yell, Rie 7 AY 7 1 9 Fs Durhamville. G 2 150 Tonsdale. F 15__22.301 ¢ Aransas, U 23. 2.064 Moore, B 13--. ‘571 Atlast, R 26__-_- 215 Caddo Mills, UG ty ee Paria Det me Dyer, F 3----~--1.250 Lookout Mountain. Archer, H 19-_ 5,254 Morris, I 28_-- 10,289 Attoyac, L 29... 125 Calallen, U_22--_ 300 Crown, S$ 19___-- 250 Fentress, Q 21-- 250 byersburg, F Li 623 St. Clair, F 16_-- 356 Armstrong, D14 2,816 Motley, F 15--- 4,107 Aubrey, H 23- Calaveras, R 20_ 100 Crowther, S 20-. 200 Ferris, J 24-_-___1,586 Loretto, I 7----- BOO) St. Elmo, slat Tace 800m scones, S 20-12, 702; “Nacogdoches, Augusta, L 27 Caldwell, 0 24.1,689 Crystal City, St721,100 Fielderéek, N19. 100 etd wae aoe St. Joseph, I 72 327 Austin, P 25__- 18,874 L 28 28,457 Austin, P 21__-34,876 Calhoun, J 24---- 150 Crystal Falis, 119 °100 Fields Store. 0 25 200 > a ae 105 Loudon, GS Ate 208 Bt eet dy ia aa¢ Bailey, F 11__ ‘517 Navarro, K 24_ 50,624 Austwell, I) 23.- 213 Call, N_29.----_- 1,000 Guero, R 23._.-3,671 Fife, M 18. 209 Rarsevilis, GeGe. 4000 Lovedale, 17. 200-Saltillo, H 5... aya pendere. O18. 200k) Newton, N 50. ioe pai ca ee te ae ee Gen do ‘945 Finlay, M 50.2. on kK. Chattanooga or Luray; G@ 42-.... 200 Santa Fe, G 7--- 269 parvior ' NORE Geetha mA et -----l, alver ---2,099 Cundiff. H 21__. 200 Flanagan, Boyce, K i8---4,720 Luttrell, F 15--- 500 Sardis, H 5----- 4ig Baylor, Nueces, U 22__ 22,807 vinger, 500 Oalvin;) P°S2Se0 250 Cunningham, H 26 400 Flat, M 22 Eastiuke, L 18.2. 250 Lynchburg, H 9. 363 Saulsbury, I 3--- 190 per F Ochiltree, A 15 2,331 Avoca. -- 250 Camden, M 28--- S00 Cushing, L,'27---1,200 Flatonia Pastlund, G 11-- 598 Lynville, H 8 552 Savannah, I 5. 168 nee 46,412 Oldham, C'11-_ 709 Axtell, L 23_____ 285 Cameron, N 23_-4,298 Cuthand, H 27--. 112 Fletcher, 6 Baton, F 3_----- 250 — : Sa Savannah, 1 5---- 958 Bexar, R 20--202,096 Orange, P 80 15,879 Azle, I 22.-----. 135 Camilla.’ N 97--_ ‘250 “ Flint, K 26 Klbridge. Fg... 150 / Scotts Hill, H 5. 123 Blanco, P 20--- 4,068 Palo Pinto, J 20 23,481 Campbell, I 26_-_ 583 Dacha, K 29____ 300 Florence N 22 Elizabethton, l9-2.749 Mew Scotts Hill, H 5- 176 Borden, J 14-__ 965 Panola, K 20-- 21,755 Baber, M 28.-.-- 200 Campbellton, $20 200 Daingerfield, 1 28 843 Floresville aiten 18 “O12 icEwen, F 6_--- 635 Saviortillss Gc1ke 776 Bosque, L 22-_ 18,032 Parker, I 21_-~ 23,382 Bagwell, G _27__- Camp San Saba, Dalby Springs,H28 2 Floyd, H 25 lktons 1 Sia. goo McKenzie, F 4---1.630 Eevance, I 10... 500 Bowie, H 20-2. 39,472 Parmer, H 11. 1,699 Raley. HP 28-55 | N18 175 Dale, P 22--__-- Floydada, 1 » ff 14- McLemoresville.F4 300 9 aot Brazoria, R 27_ 20,614 Pecos, O 11_--. 3,857 Baileyville, N 23 250 Canadian, B 16__2,187 Dalhart, A 12__2,676 Fluv: 2 Wmbreeville, & 18 300 MeMinnville.G10- vSld Shadeland. F. 13_ 205 rescs. 'N 95. D1'975. Polk. N 27 16°74 Baird, J 18 1,710 Candelaria, P 7_- "500 Dallardsville, 6 28 100 Bigs Me On f ees A ; eceeeem tity » Jd 1o------ J ‘ -- ardsville, yon, M 25 Bee hah MA he wiz 28 sumo Tes cog Bogen, © 8. fees Potter, O28 = 20710 Bad Badric HOG 1a Geter, My Mam—- Radler T2455 -tos.a7e Foard Oly ; > DEBE yey ee elena riscoe, -. 2,948 Presidio, -— 12,202 er, 7--2,767 Canton, 2 583 Dalw 23_ 32 F ¢ — 6 aa a Manchester. 1110-1114 Shawanee, B 15-, 200 Brooks, W 20-. 4,560 Rains. 1 26__-- 8,099 Balmorhea. N 9-—"'250 Canntillo, K 2 100 Dameite.” ‘ee 4 prea ee mi iutenes 110 260 Martin, B 4-~--_ 2,837 Sheen ii 1022 400 Brown, Li 19_-_ 21,682 Randall, D 13- 3,675 Bandera, Q 19___ 419 Canyon, D 13___-1,618 Danbury, Fe Eye orney ve em: ia pr ed 200 Martins Mills. I 6 200 Sit = ar a, Burleson, 0 24- 16.855 Reagan, M 138. 377 Bangs, L 19__-_- 709 Carbon, K 19____ 741 Danevang, Forreston, J 23-_ 400 io r ae Sagat Maryville, G 15_3,739 »!8nai4 oon 1s 441 Burnet, N 21__ 9.499 Real, P 17_--_ 1,461 Bankersmith, P19 225 Carbondale. H 28 400 Daniel. M Ft. Chadbourne, _ Pereeiasi 85.150 Micon 2 ' Slayden, F 7 158 Calncans 34. aitoo Reeves Mi 9-. 4457 Banauete, U 21-- 300 Carlisle, K 38-22 NOP, Date Te L16 100 » — son, 1, E> alhoun, T 24_ 4,700 Reeves, M 9--- 4,457 nquete, -- 300 Carlisle, K 28___ 500 Datura, L £ ; i 5 Byensville. H 12- 173 Maury City, G 3. 452 Smithville, G 10_ 687 Callahan, K 18 11844 Refugio, T 23- 4030 Bardwell, J 23__ 358 Carlisle. N 27--_ 500 Davila, N re Mekrvent *Ni7 330 Maxwell, I 9_---_ 150 Smoky Je., F 14- 200 Cameron, X 22_ 36.662 Roberts, B 15_ 1,469 Barksdale, Q 17- 200 Carlos, 0 25_____ 150 Davisville, Ft. Sa at ar Ss m Houston Mayland, F 12--. 164 Smyrna, G 9---—_ 463 Camp, I 27---_ 11.103 Robertson, N 24 27,933 Barry, K 24-_-__ 300 Carlsbad, L_15--_ 100 Dawson, ~ Q20 200 Farmington, H 8. 145 Maynardsville, F15 350 Sneedville. HB 16_ 200 Garson, O 14--- 3,078 Rockwall, I 24. 8,591 Barstow, L 9- 490 Carlton, L 21____ 250 Dayton, Ft. Stockton, N11_1,297 Fayetteville, I 9-3.629 Medina, G@ 4_---_ 358 Soddy, or Rath- Cansy ops se 30,041 Runnels, L 17_ 17,074 Bartlett, N 22__1,731 Carmel, N 10_--_ 750 Deanville, Ft. Worth, J22_106,482 erro si-——--—= 200 Medon, H 4_-____ 114 , burn, I 18--_-- 1.173 Gastro, B 12... 11948 Rusk, K 28. 31,689 Bartonville, I 23_ 300 Carmine, P 24___ 300 Dearborn. Fostoria, O aT 0 Pinger, H 4----- 350 Meeks, H 11_---- 3099 Somerville, H 21.106 Chambers, Q 28 4,162 Sabine, M 30__ 12,299 Bastrop, P 25__1,828 Carmona, N 27__ 200 DeBerry, Fouts, 0 28_~ 5 7 O 2 0 Finley, F 2_.---- 485 Memphis, I 1_-162.351 §- Carthage. F 10 750 Cherokee, L 27 37,633 San Augustine, Batesville, S 18__ 600 Caro, L 28______ 1,250 Decatur, Fowlerton, TP 19-2,000 aon Se oat he tear ae leet eae SER et Childress, E 16 10,938 ~, M29 13,737 Baten ee gor ae Gerd Decoy, L 0 Francitas, § 24__— nus Lic 5 iddleton, --. 821 Si Pitts » T11-2,35 ay, 1e___ 16,864 ¥ Ys A5 24 250 Deepwater, Q 27. 250 Franklin, N : Foresthill. I 2-.- 650 Milan, G 4_----- 2.057 Southside, BE 7-- 300 Cochran, H 11- 67 San Jacinto, 027 9,867 Bayside, T 2: 300 Carricitos, Y 22_ 300 Dekalb, G Bas 510 Frankston Nc 26_ 818 Ses Ridge. Be = ht Milligan, F 18... 300 poe e es Bis. 200 Coke: L ee 4,557 San Patricio, BEY eae ee 5 25--- aan Carrizo Ld bad am DeLeon, K 20__.3,302 Fredericksburg, __ Sosterville. G 9- ¢ fillington,“H 1-_ 657 5. Joleman, 18_ 18,865 2 11, ey, Q 25__- 54 Del Rio, ‘ 19.3 ~ fountain City. Fi5 500 Mitchell, © 9... 150 Spencer, G 11---- 210 Collin, H 24-.- 49,609 San Saba, N 19 Bee Beatriz, Y 21---2,000 Carrollton, I_23__ 573 Denison, 0 Beater Fredonia, N 19-173 Fountain Head, E9 169 Mitchellville, E 9 161 Spot, G 7----- -- 450 Collingsworth, Schleicher, N16 1.851 Beaukiss, 0 23-_ 140 Carson, G _25_--_ 150 Denning, L 29--_ 150 Freeport, R 27-_1,798 Fowikes, F 2---. 339 Model, E 6_----- 350 Spring City, G 13_1,001 D'10 9,154 Scurry, J 15--- 9,003 Beaumont, P 29_40,422 Carthage, K 29__1,366 Denton, H 23____7,.626 Freelsburg 24_ "300 5 9, . --1,626 g, P 24. 300 Foxbranch, © 16. 22% Mohawk, F 17--- 300 Springcreek, G 4__ 200 Colorado, Q 24__19,013 Shackelford, 118 4.969 Beckville, eta 400 Casa Piedra, P 8_ 100 Deport, H 26____ 821 Friendswood, Q27 135 Frankiin, G 8----3,123 Mont Eagle, H 21 60y Springfield, E 8__3.860 Comal, Q 21--_ 8,824 Shelby, L 29__ 27,464 eee Ne26-——— | 500 Cason, I 28______ 500 Desdemona, K 20-3,008 Friona, B 11_-___ 300 Freudsuip, G 3-. 487 Monterey, F 12_1,445 Spring Hill, G 8- 403 Comanche, L-20 25,748 Sherman, A_14- 1,473 eeville, T 21___3,063 Castroville, Q 19 679 Detroit, G 27---_1,500 Frisco, I 23_____ , Belcherville, @ 21 192 Catl : zs Seedievine. G 14 500 Montlake’ 1 2.2 225 Stanton, H 2. 600 Concho, M 17:_ 5.947 Smith, J 27... 46,769 Belcherville, @ 21 192 Cathrons Store, | ‘Devers. P 28---.. 200 Frosa, 1, 24__-__ 300 Mooresburg, F 16 200 Statesville. F 10- 150 Cooke, G 22___ 25,667 Somervell, K 21 3,563 ss PL 26S 300 i G25 150 Devine, R 19--__ 995 Frost. K 24.____ 913 Morticow i 10. 271. Stewart, F 6_-.-- 300 Coryell, M 21-- 20,601 Starr, X 20... 11,089 Bellevue. H 20-- 782 Cat Spring, P 24 300 Dewalt, Q 26-- 100 Fruitland, H 21-- 150 Gadsden, G 3---- 229 Morristown, F 16_5,875 Stokes, F 3__-.-- 100 Cottie, F 16_-. 6,901 Stephens, J 19_ 15,403 Boheme 24------_ 585 Catula, T 19-_-_1,058 Deweyville, O 30 500 Fruitvale, 1 25___ 150 fainénboro. Will. .35h« Moscow. I) 2_____ 314 Strathmore. I 7-_ 200 Crane, M 11_-_ _37 Sterling, L_15_ 1,053 Bae P _25---1,200 Cedar Bayou, Q 28 400 Dexter, G 23 .-= 300 Fulbright, H 27_ 500 Moshelma, F172. 500 Straw Plains. Fis 150 Crockett, 0.14. 1,500 Stonewall, 116 4,086 Bejott. M 275----_ 00 Cedar Creek, P22 400 D'FRanis, Fulshear, Q 26__- 250 Gallatin, H 9_---2.757 n, i S re Wits a “4 Belton, N 22 5,098 Cedar Hill, J 23_ 30 ialvi Gamat Go" oq Mountain City, 0) Sugartvee, G8.-- 200 Crosby, H M4-- Gus4 Sutton. 0,25.;- 1988 Benamota, Ni. 200 Cedar tlle, G21 400 Dibont\ Pov. 6 38 hp y) 24 8 - ‘ < rson, - 1 > Hh: See Bie alll ext 0, 2 “Garland, G 2.119 eg Fs Mieco V 20. 800 Cele, 0 22/__-_-- 200 Dickens, Gail, I 13-______ 600 SD esate: Q ¢ Sunbright, 325 2 Benavides, Mount. Vw., F15_1,436 unbright, F 13 214 Dallam, A 11 --__4,528 Tarrant, j 29 152/800 Benford. M 28... 250 Celeste, H 25 “Gassaway. G 10_ 156 = : . 4 a ae S Mb. Pleasant, H7-2.093 Surgoinsville, B17 200 Dallas, J_24--210,551 Taylor, K 17-- 24.081 Bon Franklin, H16 500 Celina, H 23 Gainesmoore, R26_ 2 Dickinson, 250 Gainesville, H 22_7,624 Smten, 4 Zoos 393 “aha 26 «Mulberry, I 9--.. 206 Sutherland, E-19 200 Dawson, J 13__ 4,309 Terrell, O 12-- 1,595 ae Dilley, S ee ectonn. He 12 100 Mulbetryzap, H16 202 Sweetwater. H13-1.072 Deaf Smith, Dll 3,747 Terry, I 12__-_ 2.236 ee eee) nee, Dilworth, Gallatin, K 27___ '150 * . 12. Munford, H 1 ggg Sylvia, F 7_-_--- 100 Delta, H 26___ 15,887 Throckmorton, enjamin, T¥ 17_ 400 Center, L 29-__ Dime Box, Galveston, R 28_44,255 mrernt,. Wy 122.2 -— 200 M ' aw D : os wath 18 gg Benton, R 19__-- 340 Center City, 1 Dimmitt, G 1 DY Y urfreesboro, G9_5,367 enton, H 23_~ 35,355 I 3,589 Rinteere gn K : i anado, R 24____ 716 Gibson, G 4----- oo DeWitt, R 23. 27/971 Titus, H 27-__ 18,128 Ben Wheeler, J 26 350 Center Point, F 1 600 Dinero, T Gano, 0 22..____ 150 cel yeaa ri MAfteh Of e 150 Dickens, H 15_ 5,876 Tom Green, L15 15,210 ca Be Fortes B20 Conteris M 26 750 Direct, G 25_____ 80 Garden City, L 13 300 Te hear ss z Dimmit, T 17-_ | Travis, 0 22_-_ 57,616 re, I 2l-- 200 Centralia. M27_- 150 Dirgin, J .28_.—__ 200 Gardendale. T 19 150 Glencliff, F 8---- 150 SEM rere) 118.942 ee fe ee 200 Tae “7D 4s Ras TET ee 1rgog Bertram, N 21-_ 400 Chandler, J 26_-_ 600 Dixieland 00 Garden Valiey Glenmary, F 13-_~ 500 8-118. Sanso; I 15-_K. 125 vy. Ds= -- 70,040 Bessmay, O 23_. 850 Channing, C 11 500 Dodd City. oar 9 : : Neshoba, I 1__-- 350 Tazewell. E 15-. 424 Duval, U 20__- Tyler, N 29---- 10.415 pettie, | il, P 25 6 seca ee : J 26 200 Golddust, G 1-. rs 200 Nawhern sR 1.76? Tazewell Stat.. 4 Eastland, K 19 Upshur, I 2 Es T 27--_-_ 400 Chapel FEill, 1 25 600 Dodge, N 2 peer Garland, I 20__-1,421 nla ae 1.000 Newcomb, E i4__ 500 B15 150 Ector, L 11--- Upton, M 12 Le eee arp ye Tar maces Et ty rig ae a OS etl ce Gordonsbure, M7 S0 ROMA. eT 16 ano Ellis. Kk’ 24 1 55700 Valverde. @ ii too, Big Sandy, J 27__ 658 Charleston, 1136 200 Donna Yds Garecnen ae eb Gordonsville. P10 278 New eton. Teller, BE 16__-_- 250 FP ~z-=, 35.700 8 Zandt, 726 30.734 Bie Spring, K 14-4,273 Charlotte, S 19-_ 600 Douie. M 2h. 200) Garwood, @ 294 Grand Junction. 13. 497 F10 290 Tellico Plains. aso, L 5--101,877 yan Zandt, 184 Big Wells, S 18__ 700 Cherokee, N 19-_ 250 Dorchester. H 2 5. aepii@arvin= 1 ons saee 3 u € 9.75: Erath, K 21___ 28.385 Victoria, S 23_ 18,271 ai 5 orchester, H 23 150 Garvin, I 22-___. Granville. F 10_. 227 Newport, G 16_--2.753 H 14_1.220 , 4 T1 Billington, L 24 200 Chester, N 28--- 300 Dotson, K 28---. 100 Gary, K 29 Graysville, H 12~ 786 New eee a Temperance Ba aha eee at $8186 Waller, P 352 10.292 Beaak yc a ay pea ae ewer Double "Bayou, Q29 250 Garza, I 23 500 e. i : : 5. 48,18 , -- 10,292 shop, Pa pas (BET cota, G 26____ y 5 opens bt an New River, B 13_ 300 Tennessee City. F7 175 Fayette, Q 24_- 29,965 Ward. M 9--.- 2,615 Bivins, 1 29_-__- 450 Childress, E ‘i6 5.008 ieaepe N Ae sia Gatenville, -piestomgt 3 Groseevilio. F 17.3.755 Newsoms Stat..F8 150 Thomastown, 11_ 391 FEisher. J 16--- 11,008 Washington, P25 26,614 Blackwell, K 16. 400° Chillicothe, F 181,351 povsessinl 2159 180 Gay. M29. ooo 400 poser ete: ee 2 New Tazewell. B15 150- ‘Thompsons Sta..G8 200 Floyd, F 14__-. 9,758 Webb, V 18--- 29,152 Bianco, P 20____ 700 Chilton, M 23 < OD Douglasville, H 29 450 Gay, M 29_______ 400 eet, wang, Nita. 12... 467 Tiptonville, © 21.05 Foard. F175. 3.187 Wharton, R25 24,288 Blanconia, T 92. 200 China, P 29._-__ 400 ciel a 100 Gonos, Qhamea o> Sy eee Nolensville. G 8 15 : me ort Bend, Q26 22,931 Wheeler, - 7.397 Bi Sees 47D a Spring, L 23 =n iar mee Geol gos NA Soe 3 pie x Re ee os saan. ° P4ec.- aa cadet ie egere rh Franklin, H 27 9,304 Wichita, G 19_ 72,911 Bleckscna. N30. 150 ringers ca ie e 350 bts Be = pee 15s Cad al N\ Perey COD “ “iy gages ow’ Normandy, H 251 : at aa Freestone, L 25 23.26 Wilbarger, F 18 15,112 pjeiblervil 24 00 is Cy ay ripping Springs, _ Georgetown, O 22-2,871 andy, 9. 250 ‘Tracy Cit'y, I 11__2,669 € ; eiblerville, P24 500 Chisholm, I 24-__ 250 3 ry G WwW 0 Frio, § 19_____ 9,296 Willacy, X 22. 3,500 * = ae P21 150 George est, T21 250 North Chatta- Trenton, F.3---_- 2.751 ; 7 eo) willi 99 49 Blessing, R 25--- 250 Chriesman, O° 24 200 Druso. M_27 250 Geronimo, Q 21__ 123 7a nooga, I 12----2,196 Trentville, F 15. 150 Gaines, J 11--- 1.018 Williamson, 022 42,934 Blocker, J 28---- 250 Christine, S 20__ 259 Hue ANE DOMED 100 b ; = RD Hal G G =y Wil R 21 17.289 4 . Dryburg, M 29___ 100 Gibtown, I 21_-_ 150 eregarran Ae ae Nunnelly, G 7--- 503 Trezevant, F 4__ 587 eee ik 27 one Rankin aoe ac at Bloom ates I 29. 436 eee: M 16- 200 Dublin. K 20 3.929 Giddings P 24___1,650 ‘ees eae g 4 Trimble, F 3--_-- a ---- (4,20: E a ae i: ooming Grove, Ibol6 = Qs21ees = 250 Duffau. K 21_... 100 Gilmer, J 27 ___ 2/265 Hamburg. 1 5--- 175 Troy, E 3-___- Gillespie, O 19-10,015 Wise, I 22---~ 23,363 K 24 898 Gircleville, 0 22. 150 au, K 21_ G » J 27_____ 8 - Hampshire, H 7- 200 Oakdale, F 13---1.552 Tullahoma, H i0-3.479 Glasscock, L 14 555 Wood. J 27---- 27.707 Bloomington, S23. 600 Cisco, J 19__----7,422 amen O teae Ginger, X25 = 408 Hamvioy, 20-- 9 Oakland, HE Roeniom, waten 180 GORI E 55 OS Yomne rage waded Bate’ cag. My CCRC LT Sm Bence, S78 20) Sr a ae pt Osa—s—— akville, I 2-==—= 1 z0nzales, 22 28,458 ’ Seep uegrove, 20. 250 Clairette, K 21 2 ee, G- ) tadew oT 7 Srerien, His 450 Sonny City. Fak, 1200 : Bee ion gts Seana IS. 2 OEE ies. TE ol doe Clarendon: D. 16-2400 reaps Es Eo Se Giaes er ommenene Harriman, G 14-4.019 Opion, F 3__---- 1.376 Unicoi, F 18_..-- 250 Grayson, G 24 74165 Zavalla, 8 17-- 3,108 Bluff, P 24 Clareno, W_18_-- 250 Dunlay, R 19... 163 Glazier, B 16____ 275 Harrison, K 19-- 200 Oliver Sprs.. P14. 777 Union City, B 3.-4.412 Gtese, J 28--- 16,767 Taaaon (Dlufl Dale: K 2 ) Clareville, T 21_- 400 Dunn, J 15--.--. 150 Glendale, M 26-_ 100 Harrogate, E 15- 200 Oneida, EB 13-___ 943 Unionville, G 9_- 176 Grimes, O 25__ 23,101 Total_--_-- 4,663,228 Blum, K 22 ¢ Clarksville, G 27-3,386 Durango M 23__ 200 Glenfawn, K 28 100 Hartsville, E 10-1,023 Only, G 6_---___ 300 a Guadalupe. Q 21 27,719 Bobville, O 25--- Clarkwood, U 22. 100 Duster. K 19... 300 Glenflora, R 25-_ 400 ee ae ee Ss gt te ee ES asia vor, ian ms Senet Sees elenwood, le Orch. Knob, 112-1,000 Vanleer, F_7----~ 1 eas , OR ata; --- 500 Clawson, M 28__- 250 Bagle For 3. 250 Glenwood, 5 Helmar, E 18_-_ 300 Orlinda, B 8__-__ 300 Victoria, K 16-2. 250 Hamilton, E21 14.676 Town Key Pop. Bolivar, H 22. 105 Clayton, K 28-200 Baglo Lake, Q252,017 Glidden, coe ye _ Henderson, H 4_1.181 Orme, I 11------ 522 Viola, H 10..... 183 Hansford, A 14 1,354 Abbie, I 17------ 200 Bomarton, H 18-- 600 Cleburne, K 22_12,820 Eagle Pass, T' 16_5,765 Glory, G 26 => Henning, @ 2... 495 wonore: "Heid 999 Hardeman, F 17 12,487 Abbott. L 23--.- 303 Bonham, BH’ 25_--6,008 Clemville, R 25__ 200 B. Bernard. Q 25 300 Gober, H 25 Henry,’ F 5.---= 230 Sie Hardin, O 28__ 15,983 Abernathy, G 13_ 300 Bonita, 200 Cleveland, O 27_-1, 000 Eastland, K 20__9,368 Godley, J 29 ~ Henryville, H 7 154 Palmer, H 11-_-. 500 Frarris, Pp 26--_186, 667 Abilene, J 17---10,274 Bonner, Clevenger, L 28-. 350 . Mayfield, M 301,100 Golden, I 26. Hickman, F 10-- 300 Palmyra, E 7---- 150 Waldensia, F 12_ 500 Harrison, J 29_ 43,565 Abram, Y 20---. 300 Bonney, Q 26---. 200 Clifton, L 22_--1,327 Bbony, M 19_---. 100 Goldsboro, K 17_. 100 © Hickory Val.. 1.8 300 Paris, F 5.-_-__. 4.730 Walnut Grove. 15 500 Hartley, B11-- 1109 Acme, F 17----- 500 Bonus, R 25_--_- 600 Climax, H 24 100 Eetor, H 25----- 454 Goldthwaite,M20_1,214 ; Highcliff, B14 300 Park, F 15.-.---5.126 Warner, @ 7----- 600 Elaskell, 1 i 14.193 Acton,, J. 22------ 150 Boonsville, I 21-- 200 Clint. L 300 Eddy 360 Goliad, S 22_____2'000 Hilham, E 11_-- 200 Pparrettsville. 17 200 Wartburg, Fi8-- 206 Hays. F 21.5. 15.920 Adkins, Q20---- 200 Booth. Q 20----- 300 Clinton, I 2% 150 Eden, } Gomez, H_12_-__ "100 Hill City, K 17__3.000 Parsons, G 5._-- 429 Wartrace. H 9_ 619 Hemphill, B 28 4,280 Adsul, N 30_---- 250 Boston, H 28---- 100 Ciyde, J 18 610 Bdgar, Gonzales, Q 23___3,128 peaheceeeeete Pet Cee riey FEN 1c 200s Watauce, 1 18. iho peenseteon. K20. 28,827 Aguilares, V_ 192 B00 Bevin. een Cornea ER, pak soy eakewood, I. 25. $20 Goodlett, F 17_— '100 Holladay, G $2. 17%. Pelham) H 10. 150 Watauga Val. E19 150 idalgo. ¥ 21- 88,110 Airline, Q 27---- 200 Bowls, Ff get----3:179 Cockrell Frill, J 24 459 Edhube, G 25---- 150 Goodnight, D 14 200 _ ’ Hollow Rock. F 5 193 Persia,’F 17----- 100 Watertown. F 10. 933 Hill, K 23... 43,332 Alamo, Y 21-.-- 500 Boyce, J. 23----- pe eee 150 Edinburg, N 21--1,406 Goose Creek, P27_1,000 Hornbeak. B 3--. 400 Petersburg. H 9. 560 Waverly, F 6-___1.054 Hockley, H 12. 137 Alanreed, D 15-- 300 Boyd, 122 epee 540 Coffeeville, I 28- 200 Edna, § 24----__ 1.700 Gordon, J 26_____ 655 Humboldt, G_3_-3.913 Petros, F 13__-_- 1.000 Waynesboro, H 6 750 Bot are ear ea piep tee mae Bracken, Q 20--- 105 Coldspring, 0° 27-600 Edom, J 26------ 200 Gordonville, G@ 23 150 Huntingdon, F 5-1.121 Philadelphia, G14 300 Weavers Store. £6 150 Hopkins, [26-- 38.704 Albany, J S.---1.500 Brackettville, Coleman, I, 13--2,868 Egan, J 23-—--—_ 150 Goree, H_ 18-__ 614 Huntiand, 1 9... 228 spbillippy, © 2.2. 150 Welch Stat., F 12 1sg- pouston. M 24.28.6001 ‘ Alcedo, M 28---- #00 5. R16-1,600 College Hill, H29- 100 El Campo, R 24-1,766 Gorman. L _20---8,200 Huntsville, BP 18- 300 Pickwick, I 5---. 350 Wellwood, G 3_-_ 200 bead d 98 a ba Aldine, P 26-..-- 150 Bradford, K_2G6_- 250 Collinsville, TH 23 837 Elderville. J _27- 150 Gouldbusk, L 18_ 100- ~ Pigeonforge, G15 200. Westmoreland. 9 357 mes mt sey pe Aldridge, -M 29. ee ie cappel ic LT Aine Colmesneil, N 29_ 700 Eldorado, N 16_. 300 Graford, { 20---_ 300 Pikeville, H 12. 488 Westpoint, I 7--- 31% yqutehinson Bld. 721 Aledo, J 23_----- 5 ie 4 Si esate ty Cologne, 8 23__-— 300 Eldridge, R24___ 200 Graham, I 20____2,544 ‘ Pine Flats. E 18. 200 Westport, G 5___ 172 ehinson, 21 Alexander, K 500 ranchville, N 23 400 Colony, Q 23_5-- 150 Electra, F 19__-_4.744 Granbury, J 21__1.364 pedian alles Bs ps Siwont Git 800 Ryne elute. FT. 440 La = ot ee 1600 Alfred, U 21- 300 punesows oy ee 807 Colorado, K 15--1,766 Elgin, 0 23_____ 1,630 GrandfalJs, L 11. 100 r , i c ats ou 8. F 7_ . ack, Leas 9,863. Alice, V. :21-— ,880 Brashear, 25-- 300 Colpitts, P S_--. 100 BEliasville, I 19 100 Grand Prairie, Tnman. K 16. 520 Be soe ie nk ea soy gacksom, 8 24... 11,244 ‘Alief, Q 26-~ 150 Brazoria, R 26--- 800 Colquitt, J 25. 100 Elkhart, L_26_---1,000 J 231,263 ron City, ras ee LS hs ee 2 < ee Jasper, N 80--- 15,569 Alien, J 24- $50 Brazos, J 20__.-- 100 Coltharps, M 27_ 150 Filkins, L 19_- 100 Grand Saline.J26_1,528 Isabella, I 14--. 500 Pleasantgrove, H 8 334 White Pine. F16__ 421 = i S46 ; : : co rh py sa ’ J 00 Sieasant Hill. Gi2 148 Whitesbure. F 16 400 Jeff Davis, N 8 1,445 Alleyton, Q 2: 250 Breckenridge,J19_1 846 Columbia, R 26__ 900 Ellinger, Q 24-_. 350 Grand View, K23_1,084 Ismond, I 15---- 150 Becket Vie tea Bnet were e} caees Jefferson, P 29 73,120 Alliance, I 25--- 150 Bremond, M 23--1000 Columbus, Q 24--1,700 Elmdale, J 18--_ 50 Granger, N 22___1,944 Portland, B 9 369 Whiteville, H 3. 749 Jim Hogg,W 20 1,914 Alma, K 24_---- 250 Brenham, P_25_-5.066 Comal, Q 20_---- 100 Elmendorf, R 21. 300 Grapeland, L 26_ 900 ™ Powell Stat.. F14 300 Whitewell, J 16_23.000 Jim Wells, V 21 6,587 Almeda, Q 26---- 250 Bridgeport, H 21-1.872 Comanche, L 20_-3.524 Elmina, N 26__-- 500 Grapevine, I28-_ 821 Jacksboro, F 14_ 638 pressmen’s Home Whittle S a Johnson, J 29- 37,286 Alpine, P 9----- 931 Briggs, N 21---- 500 Cometa, S 16_--_ 500 Bm Mott, L 23. 125 Grayburg, 0 28__1,406 Jackson, G 4-_.18.860 WN e-tkO e PES 15 200 Jones, J 17_--- 22,323 altair, Q 24----- 200 Bristol, J 25---- 350 Comfort, P_19_-__ 700 Plmo, J 25------ 850 Greenville, I 25_12.384 Jacksonville. F 8_3.000 Praeiact Stack 8 200 Wilder. F 12 200 Karnes, S$ 21-_ 19,049 Alta Loma, R 27- 550 een 2 fees ee 200 Commerce. H 26_3,842 El Paso, I) 3--77,560 Greenvine, P 24_ 100 pee 2 12 350 pulaski, I 8..-..2.780 Willette, E 10... 250 a ag moa ths et oe, oes egal 26__ pas ROnGy ie Seis = Elysian Mields,. Ae Greenwood, H 22 300 asper, Danes ee Se an ee ; ‘ sore tN . —— ste Fs ep 0 ax (eae ee » a £1------ ) Jomstock, nea | 29 300 Gregory, U 23__. 500 Jefferson. G 9...1.328 Puryear, B 5---- 325 Sa pat i ia Kenedy, W 22. 1.033 Alvarado, J 23--1,284 BEPRAGD, I 9-—- aan Concepcion, W 20 300 Emberson, G 26_ 150 Groesbeck, LL 24.1,522 Jefferson City. z Winthia Hi Aaee00 Kent, E> 152225-+3,335 SAlvin.” Q «272 1,519 Bees: Paes a Meal Concord, M 25_-- 150 Emhouse. K 24. 347 Groom, D 14___. 275 F16_1.414 k A ’ —<= Kerr, P 18---- 5,842 Alvord. HB 22_---1.576 ronte, L. 16__--- Concrete, R._23_-_ 100 Emory, I 26__--- 700 Grosvenor, L 18. 150 Rellico, B14 Lezg Quebeck, G 11--- 150 Winona. B 13---_ 350 Kimble. 0 18-- 3,581 Amarillo, © 13--15,494 Brookeland, M 29 800 Conroe, 0 26_---1,858 Emporia, M 28-_ 300 Groveton, M 27_-1,103 Johnson City, Witts Foundry.F16 250 King, H 16_-- 655 Ammannsville, Brookshire, Q 251,000 Cooks Point. 0 24 400 Encinal, U 18__-1,000 Gruene, Q 21____ 100 WP 48.12.44% Woodbury, G 10- 278 Kinney, 24 200 Brookston, G26__ 360 Cookville, H 28-_ 500 Engle, Q 23__-__ 100 Grulla, Y_ 20____ 500 VEER gan rok week eatand Mills. eh 260 _ Klebers. ¥ Amphion, S$ 20-- 126 Browndel, M 29- 500 Cooledge. 1, 24-880 English. G97 200 Guerra, W 19... 292 Jonesbon. “18. 815 © a et 5 ooldridge, -- 600 Knox. H 29: Anahuac, Q Brownfield, H_12_ 800 Cooper. H | 26__--2,563 Enloe. Guffey, P 29____1,000 3 andolph. H 1_-- 158 Worsham, E 9_-~ 150 Lamar, G 26_- 55.742 Anderson, 2 Brownsboro, K 26 160 Copeville, H 24-- 300 Ennis, CEG gS fie’. 5 Pe SD 700 Rathburn, or Wynneburg. E 1- 200 Lamb, F 12_--- 1.175 Andrews, (tb bit ae per. 11,791 -Coplen, J ‘27... 400 Eola. Gunter, H. 23__-_ 575 Soddy, I 18_--1.173 Lampasas. M20 8,800 Angleton, Brownwood, 1, 19-8,22% Coppell, I 23---__ 490 Era. F Gustine, K 20... 300 Kenton, F 3.__-- 804 Ravenscroft, G 11 509 LaSalle, T 19-- 4,821 Anna, H 24 Pruceville, IL 23. 600 Copperas Cove,M21 509 Fskota, Guthrie, G 16____ 300 Kerrville.. H 1--_ 220 Redboiling Sprs., Yorkville. F 3--. 300 Lavaca, R 24-- 28.964 Annona, H 27--- 750 Bryan, 0 24--_-6,307 Corpus Christi, Fstelline, B 16-. 3294 Kimmins, H 7_-- 300 E10 200 Yuma, G 5---<-. 200% Lee; O 235... 14,014 Anson, J 17----- 1,425 Bryson, I 20_---- 850 V 22.10,522 Eulogy, K 22.-_._ 600 Hagansport, H 2 150 . UTAH TEXAS—CONT’D te, P 27 100 ‘Troup, K UTAH Se dire 1.120 * X22 400 Sheldon, a(---- 1 nM oni = an DE A tae ORF CONG Vee ner on Raywouks 1 28 200 Shepherd, Q 2h 150 Trumbull, J 2322 Son Nal Gigs ee deterest, Pg 8 RNR Va aay Mea og, 8 Sunt A he aga ee RES GI EB nist settved at ogee SE, agerville, M 150 Kingsland, QO 20-2: his, U 22. 900 Olden. 19_-_-- SOG eee Me errs y, "1 26-100, druseo ie see . Halbert, L 29--- 300 Kingsville, V22 4,700 Mathi : I 27 100 Olive, O 29----- rye ae ee er ; vst Polets, |S 24 : ; ee > Y 13 ’ ae 26 . z “ Mi 164 Realitos, eases dd, M 15. 1 ot > City, Cease Valiev. Lrale Center, FE 129 Kinston, H 25-- 3820 ee Q 24. 150 Olney, H 19----1, 1 Branch, M26 600 Sherwoo 100 Tulip, G 25-. Sg ~ . Halesboro, H Ser 444 Kiomatia, G 27-_ 200 rg _ 300 Olton, F 12--.--- a2 Red 8.-- 200 Shield, L 18---- imaniea, J a . oA eee eEOO Ee Maud: Peo ny Redford, Q sy ‘snield. 2 100 views diallettsville, R24_ 00 Kirby, Q 20----- 100 Maud, | L 16- 100 Qmaha, H sigs ee I Oak, J 23-- 350 Shiner, Q Tunis, O ry ae 1858 Seed, | Hallsville, :. ae 2 rit Kirbyville, N 29.1, a4 Seer N tag Omen, K ee i 150 ee Rock, P 22- 300 Shiro, No oa eye 24 200 conavie in Hiamlity "1 165-1683 on ee 388 Serene Q 0 Onalaska, 30. i: 200e Redwater, LE on eg cee Blanca, ers Poe 150 Admitted as a Ter- ee "ht es amlin, 24- 175 Kirvin, 24ee as ah Le oe 400 Oran, I_ 20----- 9,212 Reedville, Q 20. 3 0 M5 B00 urlineton, 3, 10 a hammond, Ren ‘la 900 Kieburg, J_24--- 100 May, d, O 27 250 Orange, P 30_—--9, 200 Refugio, I 23--_ 933 0 Turnersville, L 2 itory, Sept. 9, Chester, — 2y Bare eg rs, ; 7 ; of 4s 21 2 gio, a F H,29--= 100) Cumersvis +6. 100 ri ; Chester, Handley, J 5 38. 300 Klondike, H 26. 400 Maynar LK 26. 417 Orange Grv:. Ul El 200 efu eee eee 0 Tumnerevilfe, : ne see 24. 15s Romfig 50 Sils 29 100RS ine, M20 100 kston, Hansford, A 4 "nei ae Mayoteld, 24- 153 Orangeville, H’25 1 ig, M 29_-. 750 Silsbee, Q 5G Turpentine, 1850. Olar ae 4. 200 Knicke 200 Maysfield, N = z 200 Rtemlis, M2 i e,@ 29--5- 150 3 100 : a Hauoe, bg 500 Git 08 Medicine MGW ES, 202 Decherd a 0 igae~ 250 Renner, I 23---. 200 Silver “BE 14__ 416 Turtle Bayou, 400 Clear 2.354 Hiatleton, J 38-2 g iher GG 200 Medina,” ‘ 250 Ore City, I 27-- 2 Shira H 17 150 Silverton, HE 14-_ 416 Tuscaloosa, H 27 F State K 9 ~--------- “310 ; tina Oe oop OF 5 Rhineland, i s. T 21. 125 250 Admitted as a ’ Clearfield, F 7-- 2 Harlingely ¥ ope eee S72 Mey rgel, H 19-- 500 Orphans Home, 23 200 I 22____ 400 Simmons, T SON Lye, Wl (ease Clear ( 244 ayes z 872 Megargel, J-- ot 23 2 Rhome, <== x . iy EL EZS eee lo hy Seat ee 12,085 Gieteland, 1) Oc. 2d Harlingen, Y 300 Kosse, M 24---_ S72 Megarge H 24. 253 aay honesboro, 1 27. 250 Simms, H 37 186 Tyler, J Paiteicieet ea 1 244 Harper, O 18--- 1,461 Kountze, 0 29-. 600 Melissa, < 100 Osage, M_22-.-- 142 Ihonesds gt Bt 230 sums, 2 H oe : “risbure, + 0 Melon, § 19.--- 100 Qsag < 23-. 400 Rice, K 24--_ 5 U, 22--2-1,05 : 92.2 #200 Coalville, G 9 ~ Hira 00 Krum, J i ‘Ga Ro Rea ree 300 Richardson, I 24 600 Sinton, K 19 500 Union, R 22. 115 oalville, D 7_- 500 Harrold, Boas BY --- Bo pear 23 300 Slaton, H ¢ Uvalde Ject., R Cove, 70 822-28 < 29__-1,000 Lacoste, j_--1,713 Mercedes, Y -3, Ovalo, Par pa tits emeerign ee ys Sin 500 Slat Lge == 1525 , Sate a insect 205---- 9 Tagen, P'38."'350 Mere i ee we ey ab tle cst il tgs oe at int ate Slayden, 300 27_ 300 miles. Coyote, OT 300 Hageg, eee ang eo etio.caone 236 Moridieg, L 2871,004 Ovi igs a1 ee aS Ae ea at ee Sinitey, Ie 22-22. 500 Valentine, 0 27- 100 pide peh ea! Hleamne, 24-2048 Pareria, ‘Y gl- 2G Merit, 3 24----_ 322 Owego, N 11---- 125 Ringgold, 1B -— 20Gr Binley Sere Ene Valeri teen 00 2,806 sq. Croydon, coos 5 at , ie rhe ie (ea : 4... 427 Rio Frio, Q— 2 ithfield, 1 23_- 15! fills, L22 855 Water, 2, ae ag 2m) Tas close, Wi 3 ab Kk Be ae ae ee Riogrande, Y 20-3,000 Smit 1 29. 300 Valley’ Mills, 100 Heath, U 12t2ee—— 3 a Gloria, W 21 100 Mer €. Sate oem kK 93._ 500 Smithland, rs heats Valleyspring N19 10 b Hebbronville,- wi9 ee eee eae Mettzon, carts 650 Paducah, ae fe oew 33 aioe Smithville, be Byaz0t Vales Ee hk i — Ke Poe... a eae . 17 Gee se iseals yrna, M 2 : Bus. u » Liege alte be Beet a as 8 Rice, ee Ganley, G10, 1S YES U ERA dey supp gn Sle a » 2022 a ee ‘s 3 2525-19 Riviera, sy Snyder v--- iia Gee te Devils Slide. F Helena, T 2 572 Lamar, T 23---- 125 Meyersville, S 22 "244 Palacios, S “26 11,039 Roanoke, I 22--. 400 ee fe r Vandalia, 20 100 iles evils 3 Dag 1305 = Hemphii i its Tamaseo,” G@ 25-300 Mia 4B iom71 fon Palestine, 1, 26 748 Roans Prairie, Socorro, 1, 3 801 Vandyke, L 2 7_ 600 ~ miles, Deweyville. 4.233 150 Hemphill, M 30-_ 500 Lamasco, G@ 25. 300 Miami, Gi 12225, 195 paimerind motes A oa ° 25 250 Belen yj B-o-- 801 Vandyke, Te, 20-- "0 eet as Hendon : ay, a say ree = 188 Midiotitan 796° ae Palmetto, % rit 400 Robert Lee, L 16 538 Sone $20. 100 yen Pa, aS 300 Population, 449,396. poe Re harree: 700 Henderson, “_~'200 Lamesa, eae Midway, N 26_- Palo Pinto, - 150 Robstown, U 22- So 80 ilie, Q 24.1,879 Van V oe 25 200 % Henly, P 21---_- 100 Lamkin, L 21-__ 175 pee Why 9 43 29-- 112 pajuxy, K 21--- 13 2 sete 635 Somerville, Q Togo Weentl oi ae ; a ae us 0 § Midyett, K J 987 Roby, J he o Ne Ree CI, . Bae i Heonetey a 212.568 at Ne Vigo leks, E21 BOO peat & pion 3 M18. 500 Sonora, 28_3,032 Vaughan, pital, ; A eee BOOT ent 24.1190 Mikeska, T 2 0 Pencnita, .¥ Bie 200 “Roeheties an lake, P 28-8, D1. ; Hereford, D11--1.096 Taneaster, J 24 "9: lam, L 30---- 100 panchita, ¥ \21- 200 Rochester, H 17 400 Sourlake, P 28--3,083 Vaughan, OG 5 City Echo City, G 9-- 150 Hereford, D | 11_— "150 Laneville, K 28- 234 Milam, 33 800 Pandora, R 21-. 2 sock Crusher, Li8 330 -§. Houston, Q 14 175 Velasco, R 26__ D0 B Iden, F 8______ 500 Hi Iburn, \M_ i0-- : 14 688 Rock Crusher, 323 Southland, EH 1 N en, + Hewitt, M 28... 150 Langtry, Q 13-- 125 oe rm, M_ 19-- 300 Panhandle, © 1 date, 0 28--2,323 Southla FIL 175 Velasco, a Bi Pas 8 ier H25 ‘anham, L 21- ped 28 Mi apes Bota 853 Panna Marie, S21 = ne 7 232. 150 S. Groveton, 23° 250 Venus, J UTA Elsinore N 7_--_ 843 ay ay EAR 8 he 1 i aS is Ett as ip ROR Be ott eevee ars . i a --1,635 Lapara, T “oT. 88 iller Grove, I 26 300 paradise, ats Kc. , N 29-_ 200 S. 20 150 Verona, Enoch, Q Hin, oie ba Pv 8 TS, 300 Millersview,'| M17 300 Parita Aa Ponte to Becker O 2608? Spanish Cp TR 25 100 vie COUNTIES, Eaborpete es idalgo, 16__- 688 La Pryor, t 22,710 Millett, S 19_-_ 3 Parita, “p 26 430 R cksprings, P 16 9 Spe Baia ye Ti iss 23-430 Enter si Higgins, A 16-—- 100 Laredo, V 13--22,7 Tne PL DELO Park Place, P 26 48 ocksprings, Dy han ee pore ad 2at Vickety, 123 cr Stag High Hill, Q 24- 200. LaReforma, Y 21 150 Millheim, 0 25 600 Park Sprs., H 24 (aN cone aati patthe Sngucipae ok Lt 30 Vistns Pages te ‘ . ee sales 98 2 uaRe ; “a 25_- é x : O 20 125 21 450 Escalante. Hitiendabl. “26. OR ace, a ahhanet) Millsap, J 21-__ 800 Pasadena, ~P 27 30 ee 24 250 Spicewood, 16. 300 View, Q lar 400 5 5.139 Eureka, J 6_-__- 3.608 Hillsbore, 23. “6.952 Lassater, 1, 28- Milton H 20---_ 150 Patterson, Q 25_ 150 Roda, [ 27___ 100 Spofford, R i 16-- 50. Village Mills,028 Beaver, P 5---~-5.15 fwell, K 10-5 298. . | 7 set, roa ane 0 Rear N30 Fe ae 1 TS vincent: fie Searoe nee Ewell, Bnet har iss Pode Mile: 0 28> 209 Dattonvilie. G36 100 Reeser N39. 200. Spring, Fe RE ee es screen) ee er he ee Hindes, 8 19_--_- a ye xo Milvid, K 28-_- 500 Paxton, Ke 20-22 0! Roganvi e, yo dose Spr. Greek, 25 Vincents 4a ae ee : . [ice he a ae Oe Oe a ee 1 Roaagtort, 2 108 Yas Oe ee De Seenaia RuoD Ee OGiseTiaarnint Minera, V 17__--1 Pearland 79 461 ey, K 19--- 135 Spring Soe Oo he APE eae eld, 1 -- 1B Hochheim, R 22_ 2¢ ake I 24 Minera, 5 183 p rsall, S 19--2,161 Romney, 500 Sprinkle, 100 Hatton Wairfeld do. West Lies...) Pa 1.625 Hatt Bp ene 300 Tometa, A 20-—- ans Muldoon, Fees a0 Pittsbure. I te 540 Salesville, 1 ce 300 Sea ae 0525 95S: S 00 n = ae ann a eee Hiden ay ve, 0/30. 100 Mulock. A 1 2 Placid,, M 18--- 1 Saltilio.- i. 27-=— 50 R 21 2 Westhoff, R 22__ eo, Wasl:ington, Helper, ies Ea Tone’ Grove ent) Veet separ nre 150 Plains, H era ben Samfordyce, Y 21 125 oy “ip Bas 130 Westminster, H 24 He TT eee _-6.764 Benda cs 400 an Md eam og! a Boy Munday. H 17__ 998 Plainview, F 1 “1.715 San Angelo, =y Swanville, M -- 100 Weston, H 24 __ SHA 2.097 Hene! a, R 7 250 Thdian Gay 120. 100 Lng. ene oe 100 se 28____ 100 Plano. 1. ere TOE M 15-10,050 Swany. 2053 400. Westphalia, M23 100 Wayne, P 6-----2. Henrieville, eesti Tndust ve ae Se Long Lane Togs 113 Satie “K 25. 500 Plantersville, 0 26 on San acne, ong Sweet _Home, R25 Westpoint, P 23 ie r, F 7---.48.463 Herriman. 5 10 _2.000 et ar ia Longworth, J i600 Murphys T 34-135 Pleseoutun, Seoeewens 2 20 161,379 Sweet Water, rest yUles = sia ae one ia Hier ate eee ee tntest heed Te i aN, 4-__ 100 Poetry, I 2h_---- 2 A Ate harton, R sae 5 iawatha, aay Longworth, 24____ 100 Poetry, 2 599 San Aug 2 ; a Westville ia | re tala, N 2 Once Shea ey. Myer Point, 1 25--__- 200), Sani eeu 1208 9. sei B28. Hlralha, 1M on iso 7 : 400 Point. L 2 u wift. L Wheatlan jo Park. E39 ae Loraine, | $77 450 Myrtle Spray 325 190 Ponoe & oh neo. San Benite, ¥22 Sho Svivan, G26 Wheeler, C16. oO otah eae 449.396 Holliday. Ht ¢ aeannene owa Park, -“) 9 r Sprs.,. J2é acter X 22} sylvan Bs : : £30 e Hbaas, V0- : Pollo. 3 PSA De ai Pays ee Wheelock, 0 y on Ira, J 14- pene Ebanos, Y20_1,000 hes,L28 3.546 Pollok, M een ae Sanderson, P Sylvester, J “16_ '300 White City, M 29 ee Honeyville, D 7 ap 4a treland, 1 ED ee ate, Sheena essa ae Polytechnic. I 22 4, dia, U 21 hite Deer, C 14 10 TOWNS. Hooper, 3) fear i Irene Tosoya Mog Soren ee ope 350 Pone, K_28_____ 400 San Diego, V 20-3,509 padmor, M 27-. 100 Whitehouse. K 97 351 Hoystville, G 9 — ae re tron Bra tt, M_23-----1,098 Nash, HW 29-—-—- FY fa. K 27. 1 0) 20-__. Taft, U 22 i k, H 25 125 Hunter, H 7_---— 500 Tous, “R 2in- ! 2 ey coo ee ; Sandy, : Re a Whiterock, € > ieondnacae h, Toaid: R ee: a Natalie R 19 500 Pontotce, 4 i a) San Po ae Pe) pohekhe Sai: Mae heelerphrye oy 1 “i oe Town Key Pop. Hun tine — ving nck, G 13-~4,051 : 0 £358 30 Poolville, a ee San Felipe. Q 2: . alco, on hitewrig - S s En Tabock 3 meet No on sg 900 Pt. piensa ad a San Gabriel. N ae ah Tally, eee { erties, ie eee Abraham, L 5---- 100 toe Tate Tuckenbach. Pid 50 Necessity, J 19. 200 Pt, Arthur. P2 28100 Sanger, H 231,204 maipa, : Whitsett, Ae lamsv’e, O 5. 100 Hyde Park, ie 2: - = - > 50 J ssity, vo « Siena 28 100 5 1) 100 P oO 29 SEECODMEA Tie Hyde Fark ess eee ee 300 tee 27 350 Pt. Bolivar, Q San Jose, R 20__ Tamina, 5 500 Whitt, I 22__- a 470 yr . - ae pe ee nee te oe Portland, U 22. 500 &: an, R 20__1.203 sparkingtonPr.,0O28 5 hita Falls, Alpine; Hl (82225) 47 5 ene Labor Be ate Nelsonville Pt. Lavaca, T 241.213 San Marcos, P21 4.527 Tarpley, Q is. 100 Wichi AO oth Alta, Ei eee 470 200 Tackeon. rs 100 See, OS eee eee Pt. ©O’Connor,T24 350 Ss Patricio, U22 315 arrant, J 22-- 125 Wildhurst, as 20 Zahl~ 4 rs n 50 «Tbapah, J 2 —--- = ae an ae ee 10) Nevada.” 1 Poe ee ace San Saba, M 20--2.011 Tatum, J 28_-.-_ 400 Wildhurst. o 132 137- Altony Demesese= 7q Indianola. K S$ ~~ 125 jardine, Bonne 493 Tund, 0) BBo=- Or Bee eee Peis Kee SameOnige BS AT2- e488 Cet een 3306 Wiles. J) 20... 200 tonah, H 11--- 176 strat Nn : 2-7 3) New Bader 25 Poston kort Si nta Anna, L1S 1,407 Teague, L 24---3,306 Willis, 0 27___-1.000 rican Fork, 1, 00 Jarrell, N QO 24.___ 300 New Baden, N P 25 100 Raa Cruz, V 20 °300 Tehuacana, TL 24 te Willow City. 019 175 asters bad 2.768 geidea ed ae 100 Taso H : Oe tee ee 1500 Now Biemes 5 Poteet, “R. 20-<__1, our Santa Maria, Z21 =a Temple, ebraee at Willis Pt.. Lh gerne A ree 7 100 Jonna nee Tl. 224 Tesfera 5 et nee 2 pel 97 12 Poth; Ry 21s. 25 Santo J: 2L2.5=— Tenaha, Son Mee Wilmer, J 24--- 2: nna nels -- oseph, ae = Fennin ‘ ee 409 Lytton Botts Pen mee ontans *T 35 869 Potosi. J Ce te pes Santo Tomas, U17 490 Tennessee ae 100 wiaotetly; M18. P80 Aurora, N 7 ae pee Pee 380 Je penal ee 2 sboro, G 24_ 45 S: n Ygnacio, 2 BL ate 8. 2 cones : = jet Me 2RSooo aD Pie ROOT MCE Ee oe eee 20. 159 San Ye 198 n, L 16-- 100 Wi r, P 23 400 Austin, : Tewe' PB oro and SCAM CRY aie Fare nee > 100 Pottsville. T, 20__ W 18 198 ‘Tennyson, L 349 Winchester, P 23 : 0 Toa i st 0 309 Mccoy, S257 450 Now Gi beers cs 27 150 Powell, K_ 25___- : 70h Saragosa, M 9_-- 200 ‘Terrell, J $55 it 480 Windom, H 2a-8 443 Avon, BE 8__- 2 HS 563 Tohnaon City, 33. 100 MeDeal Yo ae 130 Nenoastien’ T 19-1,452 Poyner, ieee 100 Saralvo, J | 500 Texas City, R 27 2,509 ne Bt P 93... 300 Axtell, M 7~---- 1% Ranshe 1b 2 tee = Gres _— c 2 200 Praha, 1 1, 94 Saratoga, O 28 1 ex "313 Winfree, OF ee ss x 8 ieee 282 ° Ch She lade a eG 22_2,.081 N. Fountain, Q12 P Sara 600 homa, A 13-. 31 K -1%_57° 200 Kanarraville. R 4 t St 150 MeKinney, 1 24-6, f 2 Ay ; Sarco, “T2245. 3 Texhoma, 00 Wingate, K 573 Pe: ee Metean. ¢ 15 am et Newtin, a orn prone View, o 34 oA Barita, OW. ae G00 ee eh Role 702 Winnie. BR pee “9, Hee Bacchus, H 7--- 200 Ler ey 7 22 809) foneshore, be Bi #50 Malan, B19) oth te aalom omens ae 129 -Saron, M 27-5. 600 smextine, BM (22 400. Winstone reg ere Eee Iworth. K 10 806 2 2 afl, 2h ew. s Praitieville. J. 26 rtartia, Q 26_ 150 The Grove, yinona, J 27--- 490 Kenilw ) Jonesboro, L 22__ 450 MeMal 200 New Salem. K 28 300 Prai D1 1.000 Sartartia, 6 "0 Me 2 100. Winsabo 0 ar iv. City Hee e Je seo £00 MeQuecney. 0 2 : © ‘ ay nore Saspamco, R 20 600 Theta, I 25---- finters, LL 17---1, = King. fe Gs US AS Ree cca me fo ea By) ison 12 A MRSS maw PST IE hee Joshua, W 27__ 300 Mabank, eet a ‘ server Preston, 94. 1h Sarees Ba dks coe an aanaWel at J Beaver i — Tourdanton, 20. tec ete Ge hace Ai i 36 400 Princeton, _1T24-_ 500 Scher R 20_-_ 300 Thompsons, Q 26 100 Wolfe City.) H25 1,859 s O82 7200 u§ 500 % el 100 Madisonville, S26-1,070 Nr Willard. N 27 509 Pritchett. 1, 27-- 200 Schroeder, S$ 23_ 350 mphorndale, O Ee Woodbine, G 23_- 100 Bicknell. —— Lakeshore, A 9 =. 265 ii Tuan Seng Hes Mattar @ ones es 50 Ah Aen G 25 150 Proctor, etek be ae Schulenbure. Q23 1,246 aieenton, rer yor tS Woodbury, m eee Aue Bey to H 7-2.676 pens == 300 = Jonetion, 6 103 agnolia, P36 i City 2 "0 So, s1-- + . i Thorp Sprs., diand, A anyon, : * i aa ae 300 Iictce. DPR 403 Magni pet Teor Ne ret eae aes H 20 109 Schumansville. 91 309 Qos. 272 = Wio0e 250 7 keview. H 6--- « st Se ae 93 Ba nek teat oe dlawn, J 29_ 2! fee TS adi ee " 3 Justin’ Th Bons abe Maen ON apy ree 4,080 Nixon, R 21____1,124 Prospect, H 20 343 Q T21 500 Woodlawn, 900 Blaine, 5 Lakeview, I 8--- 10 see popenee eeen oconi 22 Prosper, H 23__- vertner, N 22 500 Three Rivers, Jrow, O 29 3 5__ 875 Lakeview, 300 eae re 29 250 Nocona. G 21___1,42 patie ar Schwertner, ton, I18 686 Wood ; 100 Blanding. R 15-- 875 k, ‘Hgeases4e 300 7 : Malakor) 35. 3 : pedey te Rake RL land. G 20-.. 300 ‘Throckmorto Woods, K 20--—- Lark, 125 "oD ca : ¢ 25_ 300 Nolanville, M 22 15 24 150 Scotland, 4 ¥ : ° 2 500 LoD 1122100 i Gene ee = a fallard.” 121 a 9 ll J 29 100 Thurber, = Woodsboro, T 2 Blue Bell, Lasa 3 Kamey, S 24__<- 150 aN 21 100 Nome, P 28____ 1 = a4¢ Scottsville, J, 20-54 oods son a Ge fallard, H 21__ a 100 Purdon, K 24___ t K 18_-_ 150 Tiffin, J dson, © 19-2 Preece ve es 150 Latuda, a le See eae 22 488 Noonday, J 26__- ’ 9 100 Scranton, 25 F Woodson, 1,200 Bluff, Verkin, § 3---. 15 Malone, L 22___- A 9 443 Purley, I 27-—>- J 24... 950 Tilden, Hote eas 130 Eat ames 00 “Rai i _ Sg ae Pe 38, 100 Scurry, 5 K 29__-1,5 00 18 150 Boneta, I 11---- Layton, F T9.s221.15 787 Malta, H 28____ 2 Nha 25 662 Purves, K_ 21_--_ arog 37_ 100 Timpson, roodville, N. ver . Resnediye eer eee "6 21 100 Hernarnee st Sen pene oa sore necaeite om gil Fags cee aera i Waste Wells. M24 155 Bountiful, G 72.063 pine eae ae ome a : ee: E rth. 122 000 ~Pyote “=== axa ill J 24. &i ira, is ‘ rtham 4 25.1, Tae t e . Katy, "Q )26_. 22 e epee 100 N.Ft.Worth.122 10, J 4 Seasaviie J ira, HL 282—-— 0 Wo = : dig) Beastial ae ) 5.2, Mangum, K 19_- $20 364 » A .25-_.--1,800 Tivoli, 2 rorthing, R24 100 Bridgeport, 100 eet Keenan. "0,30 100 omeaus Hee aor N. Tobe. Ji 200 eer k ae ‘ Sebastian, W222 100 Roda. cr Qe ss Wrightsboro, p22 943 eee 47 225.282 epee: : e Mi é Tepe 1 é nh. 5_ 768 _ eesti Polar, j | Gy £ , —--d.<0 Lewis iz 5 Keller, P2322 350 Manshe 23 719 N. Zulch. N 25_ 400 Quanah, TF 4n9 Sebree, I 21_ rey oo Wylie, " 250 id, 9). 2 . am 23 - 250 Mansfield, J 23__ (e! a. 20 Quebec. O T_--- § 0 27.2. 200 Tolbert. 0 Ra ee eg ae is Manvel q ae 109 Novice kK Lee 0 aes) ae ie ee 300 Soawick, Jeelsae aps Ee aka it 34 Ba7 Yantis, i 753028 tae Burmester, H 6. 100 pe oe ae ee 9. 439 3 ; ara P 10 728 ROR Ge 8 om Bean, 3G: r Logan, | Dies = ; Rolie A 28W-1,000 Marathon’ Bd0- 80 Ntccertown, 133. ho Oninan: 1 3sc2. BR) Seano, No 2 77278.681 Tool, K 25 Yoakum, 21-150 Burrville, 0 7. 150 Loran, D7 9.489 : : hy -- ie i . Lynndyl, Kemah, Q 9f----.'200 Marte 020 639 Nursery, R 23-- 450 Ouinlan, oT 291 Seguin,, A 21_- 5 Ty 29255 Yorkcreek, Q 191.723 a Pats 27---. 200 Marble Falls, 02 3 Onintana, R £ Seite 6 oer 10 Toomey, Kereck, Q Zi 1M | hore ; 25-=--1,200 Marcelena, R 1-_ B53 0 k Grove, G97 200 Quitman 1627 201, 000 he nae SO i agers Mw dto York a Me rae - e ae n2t-2.013 Mangaret, 1G 35 Oak FAI, (P21. 300 pe ered NTN a Seminole, J 1i-_ 200 ‘Tordia, S Yturria, X 22-. 200 Cache Jr.. as =o Maeser, 1400 Kenedy pte ee ee Maret’ Ae 150 Oakland, "Q 24._ 250 00 Senate, I 20--__ 210 Ree 99. 300 : Caineville, O 8.2 35 Magna, H “7 970 Kennard MS 300 Maron Gazi nos Oakville, T 21__ 1.400 saaees x as ion pes enot eva oN Tovah ME 8.---1,200 Zapata, x 18...1.500 Calderpark, G 7 100 coh a badeed Jat. T6 400 ee : ae a5 an Oren. W172 al .'G 14,_---1.000° Seymour, e110 Tracy, N 300 Zephyr, Cannonville, Manila, G 12 Kentucky ‘Dn.H24 100 Maraue M_ 25-- 950 O’Brien. H 17___ 350 Rails. 21__- 100 Shafter, P 7___ 1 bbe o hi sy Zigzag. i ---. 100 Manila, G 2.412 = : r r ae: bow. K 21___ . k J12 200 Travis, i f nea es Manila, G12. 140 Kentucky Tn.H24 100 beke ce 25 150 Ochiltree, Rain Vv 20 100 Shafter Lake, J S07) rent. wd 16 ckloe 800) oZionsville’ : a0 | a FE. Charleston. J 3_ 390 files meal K6... 100 E. Charlotte. C 7 129 Anita Ae td. SA wa= 633 Ei Clarendon. 18 250 Milton, D 4----__ 63 E. Concord, K 6 i090 Missisauoi. G 1-- 150 BaGorinth,- 55 Sa esid! sete, De. -erae Gas EB. Craftsbury, #4 100, Monkton. C' 7---_ 412 E. Dorset. D 15-- 600 wee ee ors . , Base COO! Sareea ema ; “ AA Ee a Mee Montgomery, I 2 v0 G 17 275 Me ° pees By g Jenter. ioe Brslead B&O ounvuiten, B, Franklin. Bi. 145 G 77,125 E. Georgia. D 4.. 100 Moretown. I 7_- 363 E. Granville. F 9 144 Morgan, J 2----- 363 E. Hardwick. H 5 500 Morgan Center, J2 110 Easthaven. J 4-2. 140 Morristown. F 5S 500 E. Higheate. B 2- 380 Morrisville. G 51,707 E. Jamaica. F 16_ 100 Moscow. F 6_---- 126 E. Johnson. F 4._ 300 Mt. Holly, E 13 200 BE. Middlebury. D9 300 E. Monkton. D 7_ 100 E. Montpelier. G7 524 Newark. J 4---. 415 E. Peacham. I 7- 200 Newbury, J 8... 392 E. Poultney. C 12 300 Newbury Center. E. Randolph, G 9- 89 TS 400 E. Richford. G 1_ 300 Newfane, F 17_-- 122 E. Roxbury. F 8_- 200 Newhaven. C 8-- 500 FE. Rupert. O 16-- 100 Newhaven Mills. BE. Ryegate. J 7-- 250 DS 200 E. St. Johnsburg. ae couhan se A 2...4.976 IG 1h Yewport Center, E. Thetford. or H2 274 Thetford. I 10- 100 N. Bennington. E. Wallingford. 7 818 R182 375 Northboro, I 10_- 300 den. Go 4s-co-.= 400 N. Calais. G 6... 150 Eden Mills. G 4-- 351 N. Clarendon, D12 250 Elmore. G 5_---- 500 N. Danville. I 6__ 200 Enosburg Falls. N. Duxbury. E 6 100 WH 2_1.236 N. Enosburg, F12 150 Pssex Center. or N. Fairfax. D 3. 100 Essex. D 5_---- 314 N. Ferrisburg. C7 300 Essex Junction. cath Nebel: ts oe D 5-1. Northfield Falls, FS 200 N. Hartland. G12 150 Fairfax, D 4_---- 1.818 North Hero. C 3 496 Fairfield, E 3---- 730 N. Hydepark G 4 500 Fairhaven. C 12--2,182 N. Montpelier. G7 461 Fairlee, I 10. 388 N. Pomfret. G@ 11 100 Fayston, G 7_ N. Pownal. C 18 673 Felchville. G 13_. 236 N. Randolph. G9_ 175 Ferrisburg. C 7-._ 550 N. Sheldon, E 2_ 110 Fisk. B oy caer ee a oe E11 100 Fitzdale, Ky 4 - = 5 2 Shrewsbury. Fletcher Station. 0) 310 E4 487 N. Springfield. Florence, D 11_-- 200 G TS4 Forestdale. D 10_ 259 N. Thetford. I 10 268 Ft. Ethan Allen, Na ‘Lroyrey Ft 12h 072 i ma Ch Ae Ae Tunbridge. G10 500 Franklin, stop 68 N. Williston. D 5 500 N. Woleott. G 5 166 Norton Mills. K 2 479 Gallap- EK 52..-- aot Norwich, H 11_--1,052 Gassets. F 14---- 10 rene i slp es a yeorgia See SO Ore Oe 82 Os Georgia Plains. 03 150 Orleant 1 3 as 358 goes ide D4 100 Orwell, C 10----1,000 x . “@-------— Glover, I 4__ ee pale gry Panton, D 8__--- 345 Granby, K n_____ 182 Passumpsic. J 6 250 Grentisle. Cries G7ee Rewies O t4--2-) 238 Graniteville. G 81.097 Peacham, I 7---- 300 Granville. E 9_ 290 Perkinsville. G 14 600 Greenriver. F 18 300 A ioe me oe ma: 242 Greensboro. H 5.. 457 >, ‘tsHelc 11-__ | 402 Greensborobend Pittsford. D 11__2,470 r 5 399 Pittsford Mills. iar I D 11 400 Gouin Et oe 1806 Splainfields “H 7_= | 408 Guildhall. Lek 345 Pleasant Val. E4 100 Bavapan sta, 5. 10077, oesn. Fe 1S-— 200 SGiisiford, Weise 2 SZ ou ret. Teo UY ? Pompanoosuc. J11 150 Post Mills. H10 350 Halifax. F 18 295 Poultney. C 13___1.871 Hancock. E 1Onee 287 Pownal. © 18 Ha kevill E 7. 100 Erector. D 11 6 staal ae eo Proctorsville. F14 564 Hardwick. H_ 5--1.550 puytnamville. G6_. 100 Hartford. H 12__ 663 put G 17. c? Hartland. H 12-1.016 FUtney- sae! 82 E dorets, iz. 150 Cae ts a Quechee, G 12._ 300 Healdville. EH 13_ eartwellville. er rey late hehdolvh, F 9.-1.819 Highgate, D 2--_ 600 Randolph gS ona et a Raweonville. 16 100 Highgate Spregs. ‘ Saeauee 13_.- 100 Readsboro, E 18 735 icteric Deo ick, Richtord, . 1e_1.005 Holden. D 11 —— 904 Richmond. D 6___ 873 Holland J 2222. 299 Ripton. D 9-__--_ 461 Hubbardton. G 11 448 bcm E ae a Huntington. D 6 360 Rochester, EB 10-1,317 Huntington Dr a Center. E 7 300 Rockingham. G 15 100 Enters aes Se Roxbury, F 8_-__ 415 Hirde Hark, G5 38 Rovalton, 6 10--- Bt Vans = unert, eee a et ace teen yegate, I 7----- 5 So Cae Tinwn-e 5g, Ryegate. or a a a ne BE. Rvegate. J 7 200 Island Pond. J 3_1,837 Isle Lamotte. B 2 500 St. Albans, D 3.7,588 St. Albans.Bay. D2 200 Jacksonville. E 1S 221 St. Johnsbury, J6_7,164 Bamica: Mic ldesemet ago. CnneURty kha Jeffersonville. E 4 513 St. Johnsbury “ Jericho, D 5----- 100 vast. eta , Joh RF 7 681 Salisbury. D 10__ 693 ene aa) pandgate.. © 15-2) 401 Jonesville. H 6G. 226 Saxtons Rivers atane , . Searsburg. D_18_ 140 hake Ko 25 ee 125 Shaftsburvy. G 17 150 Lake Dunmore. Sharon. G_11-.--- 585 C10 GOO Sheffield. I 5.---- 691 Binghamville, E4 100 Bloomfield. L 3. 496 Bolton, E 6_----~ 275 Boltonville. I S__ 100 Bomoseen. © 12__ 139 Bondville. E 16__ 364 Bradford. I 9_--. 739 Braintree. F 9___ 460 Brandon, D 10_--1.631 Brattleboro. G 18_7.324 Bridgewater. F 12 302 Bridgewater Cor- Nem OF 122s 250 Bridport. B 9__-- 848 Brighton, K 4--_ 500 Bristol, D° 8.....1.251 Brookfield. G 9-. 512 Brookline. F 16__ 175 Brownington. I 3 200 Brownington Cen- Pers 1! Glen = ae 220 Brownsville. G 13 300 Burke. J 42.2252 150 Burlington. © 5_22.779 Cabot. -H- 6... sae 200 Cadys Falls. G 5- 300 Udiais, G 6-22 200 Cambridge. E 4-_ 293 Cambridge June- tion, “BE, 4..---. 190 Cambridgeport.G16 100 Canaan, L 1----. 335 Castleton. C 12_--1,106 Cavendish. F 14-- 552 Center, M225 100 Cen. Rutland. D 12 509 Centervale. J 6-- 300 Central Go ceess 100 Charlotte. C 7---1,050 Chelsea, G 9----- 1,074 Chester. F 15---- 657 Chester Dep.. F 15 700 Chippenhook. D13 100 Chittenden. BH 11. 742 Clarendon. D 18-- 100 Clarendon Sprs.. " D12 157 Shelburne, Sheldon, E Sheldon Spys., D2 Sherburne, ! 12. Shoreham, B 10_ Shoreham Center, G10 MW : C C..1, » o---- S. Albany, S. bBurre, S. Cabot. | S. Danville. S .Dorset. D 15_- S .Hero. © 4.... S. Lincoln. D 8__ S. Londonderry, B15 S._ Lunenburg. or Lunenbure. L G6 Newbury, I 9 Newfane. F 17 Northfield. F 8 Peacham, I Pomtret, Poultney, Randolph, Royalton, Ryegate. I 8 Shaftsbury, VAAL AAACN Ch TF AeA Starksboro, DS Strafford. H 10 Vernon. G 19_ » Walden. H 6_. Wallingford. D 18 - Wheelock. I 5 Whittingham, R19 - Windham, F16 . Woodbury, H 6 Woodstock, G 12 RLLLH ae Springfield, G 14_5,2 Stamford. D 18 Starksboro. D 7__ Stevens Mills, F 2 Stockbridge. F Stowe, B 5_----- Strafford. H 10_ Sudbury, C 10__- Sunderland. D Swanton. pe Taftsville. G 12. Talcott, D 6---_= Taleville; 1 10... Thetford, I 10--- Thetford. or BE. Thetford. 110 Thetford Center, H10 Tice, Tinmouth. D 1! Topsham, I 8_-__ Townline. B 9__-_ Townshend, F 16 Troy. H Tunbridge, G 10_ Tyson, F 13.... E 5_-- Underhill, Underhill Center. E 5 Union Village. H 11 Vergennes, © 8_- Vershire. H 9---- Victory, Kb=. 2.5 Waitsfield. © 7_-- Waits River. H 8 Walden. 097 200 SOU 309 450 450 561 561 105 150 93 803 500 328 200 200 100 100 100 100 100 aT 300 100 100 200 Me 1609 348 350 Wallingford, D13_1, 148 Wallispond, L 1 Wardsboro. E 16 Warren, E 8.--- Washington. G 8 Waterbury. Waterbury Cen- fanih Goce -s = Waterford, K G_- Waterville. @ 4__ Websterville. G 8 Wells. © Wells River. Wenlock. K W. Arlington, C16 W. Barnet. I 7-- W. Berkshire, E 2 W. Bolton. E 6_- W. Brattleboro. R18 Ww. Erivecwater: 412 : Brookfield. F9 . Burke. J 4. . Charleston, J2 . Cornwall C 9 . Danville. I 6 . Derby. . Dover. E 17-- . Dummerston. R17 W. Enosburg. F 2 W. Fairlee. H 10 Westfield. G@ 2_-_- Westford. D 4-_- W. Georgia. D 4_ W. Glover. H 13 W. Halifax. E 18 W. Hartford, H11 Westhaven. B 12_ W. Lincoln. D S_ W. Milton. C 4__ Westminster. G16 Westminster Station. G 16_- Westminster, Wiest.uG; 162.-= Westmore. J 3_- W. Newbury. I 9- Weston. EF 14____ W. Pawlet. C 14.1, W. Rupert. or Rupert. C 15___ Ws W. Salisbury, D 9 W. Topsham. H 8 W. Townsend. F16 0.1; Rutland. 112 3, 134 275 726 737 515 025 800 427 300 400 133 W. Woodstock. , Wevbridge. C S8_ 494 Wheelock. I 5--. 500 White River Jct. H 122.600 Whiting. C 10_-_ 348 Whitingham, E18 300 Whitingham Station. E 18. 100 Wilder, H 11_--- 400 Williamstown. + & 1.726 Williamsville. F17 400 Williston. D 6_.1,000 Williston Sta- tion. or N. Williston, D 5 676 Willonghby. I 4__ 190 Wilmington. B18 617 Windham, F 15_. 245 Windsor, H 13___3.061 Winooski, C 5---- 4,932 Wolcott. G 5z-. 900 Woodbury. H 6. 724 Woodford. D 18__ 187 Woodstock, G 12_1.252 Worcester. G 6. 584 VIRGINIA First Settled at Jamestown, 1607. One of the Original Thirteen States. Area: Land, 40,262 sq. miles. Water, 2,365 sq. niles. Total, 42,627 sq. miles. Population, 2,309,187. Capital, Richmond. COUNTIES. County Key Pop. Accomac, I 18_54,795 Albemarle, H 12 36,693 Alleghany, 1 8_21,496 Amelia, J 13_. 9,800 ArmLerst, I 10--19,771 Appomattox,J11 9,255 Arlington, F 15 34,100 Augusta, H 10_45,294 Bath, 279 -_ 6,389 Bedford, J 9_-~30,669 Bland, J 6---- 5,593 Botetourt, I 9_16,557 Brunswick, L13 21,025 Buchanan, J 4-15,441 Buckingham, 112 14,885 Campbell, J 10_-56,786 Caroline, I 15-15,954 Carroll, L 7~---21,283 Charles City,J15 4,793 Charlotte, K 11-17,540 Chesterfield,J14 20,496 Clarke, ar 13_- 7,165 Oraiz, “3 .8s-22~ , 100 Culpeper,. é 13_-18, "292 Cumberland, J12 9,111 Dickenson, J $_13,542 Dinwiddie, K14_-48,961 Elizabeth City, B 325,249 I 16_--- 8,542 Fairfax, F_ 14_-21,943 Fauquier, F 13-21,869 Floyd, K 8 _---- 13,115 Fluvanna, I 12_8,547 Franklin, K 926,283 Frederick, EB 12-19,344 Giles; deioo=-= 11,901 Gloucester, J 16_11,894 Goochland, I 13_ 8,863 Grayson, L 6 ---19,816 Greene, G 12--_ 6,369 Greenesville, L14_11,606 L 11-.41,374 I 14__-18,088 I 15_-190,639 Henry, L 9-_---20,238 Highland, G@ 9- 4,931 Isle of Wight, B 1_-14,433 James City, J16 6,158 King and Queen, I 16_ 9,161 King George,Gl4 5,762 King William, I 14 8,739 Laneaster, I 16_ 9,757 ee; Li 2east 22S 25,293 Loudoun, 3B 14--20.577 Louisa, H 13_--17,089 Essex, Halifax, Hranover, Henrico, Lunenburg, K12-15,260 Madison, G 12_ 9,595 Mathews, J 17_- 8,447 Mecklenburg, L 12_.31,208 Middlesex, J 16_ 8,157 Montgomery, J 8_~23,222 Nansemond, D1_29, 322 Nelson, I 11-_- ret New Kent, I 15_ 4,541 Norfolk, D3 aot 522 Northampton, J 18_-17,852 Nortbumber- land, H 16__.11,518 Nottoway, K13_14,161 Orange, G 12__13,320 Page, Ault Sa KR ir (0) Patrick, L S8__-16,850 Pittsylvania, L 10_-78,032 Powhatan, J 13 6,522 Prince Edward J 12_-14,767 Prince George J 14_-14,312 Anne, Ly 4__18,626 Prince William, F 14_-13,660 Pulaski, K 7£.-17,111 Rappahannock, F 12__ 8,070 Richmond, H 16 7.434 Roanoke, J 8---73.237 Rockbridge, I 9_-24,537 Rockingham, G 11_.35.922 Russell, K 4_-__26,786 Seott, K 3_-..24,776 Shenandoah,F12 20,808 Smyth, K 5_--.22,125 Southampton, Princess Spotsylvania. H 14_-16.455 Stafford. G 14. 8,104 Surry, K .805 Sussex, L 15__-_12.834 Tazewell, 5 .840 Warren, F 13 __8.852 Warwick, K 16_47.015 Washington, K4 39,105 Westmoreland, H 15_-10.240 Wise.) Kes. 22.3 46.500 J 217 Yorka. 16..... 8.046 Wotalpasc— 2,309,187 TOWNS. Town Key Pop. Abbias Ke Topas 125 Abingdon, L 4__2,532 Accomac, I 18__- V2 Accotink, F 15_. 100 Achilles, J 16. 100 Alberene, H 12_-_ 300 Alberta, L 13_-_ 200 AlGié. ei0. 1425.22 155 Aledioe kK: 8-2-5 111 Alexandria, F15 18.060 Alfredtown, K5_1.000 Alleghany Sta..1S8 190 Allisonia, K 7. 150 Almac Weg. ss 100 Almagro; TI. 10__- 900 Altavista, K_ 10_1.206 Alumridge, K 7 150 Amburg, I 17---. 150 VIRGINIA Amelia C. H.,J13 880 Dante, K 4.2... 800 Amherst, 11. 559 Danville, L 10.-21,539 Anchor, K 15... 200 Darbyville, K 2-. 100 Agdover, 2. soo Dare, K 16:.-...— 200 Appalachia, K 2_2,036 Davis Whf., I 18 100 Appomattox, J 11 200 Dayton, G L1l---. 482 Arlington, F 15.1,500 Deep Creek, D 8 JOU Ashburn, E 14--. 220 Delaplane, F 13. 100 Ashland, I 14-.1,299 Deltaville, I 17-. Tov Atlantic, H 18_-. 250 Denbigh, K 16__. 400 Aylett, d 5 Dendron, K 15--1,795 Azen, 5 Dewitt, K 14--_ 100 Dexter, K 4_.... 100 Bacons Castle,L15 150 Dillwyn, I 12__ 405 Ballston, F 15--1,200 Dinwiddie, K 14 105 Banner, K 3..-. 100 Dipsey, L 7... 146 Barboursville,H12 172 Disputanta, K 15 100 Barcroft, F 15-- 100 Dogue, G 15 100 Barhamsyille, J16 250 Dona, L 2 125 Barton Hts.,114 1,388 Doran, K 100 Basie City, H 11-2,212 Dorchester, K 2. 150 Baskerville, L 12 102 Downings, H 16_. 150 Bastian, K G--- 150 Drakes braneh, Battery Pk., B 1 250 Ik 11 660 Bayport, 1 16--- 150 Dranesyille, EB 14 150 Bealeton, I’ 1--- 250 Draper, K 7_-_. 150 Beaverdam Mills, _. Drewryville, L 15 100 H 14 350 Driver, C 9 aah 200 Bedford, J 10--3,243 Dryburg, L 11-. 100 Bedford Sprs.,J10 150 Dryden, L 11____ 100 Belle Haven, 1.18 3811 Dry Fork, L 10__ 119 Belspring, K T_~ 360 Dublin. K 7 Bentonville, F 12 400 Duffield, L ee 2 Berkley, C 3_----4,988 Dumfries, F 14__ 182 Bermuda 42 Dungannon, K 3_ 225 dred, 5---- 2 Dunnsville, eee Berryville, E 13_1,188 Dutton, J toon 100 Bickley Mill, K 3 408 Big Island, I 10 225 Hagle Rock, 1 9-. 500 Big StoneGap,K2_ 3,009 Farlehurst, I S_. 100 Birdsnest, J 18- 150 Warnest, A 3__. 600 Blackey, J 4---- 150 fk, Falls’ Church, Blacksburg, J 8-1,095 F 15__3.389 Blackstone, K 13-1,497 py, Lexineton 110 123 Blackwood, K 3-- 550 Radford, K 7_2,000 Blairs, J 15---- 250 fy Stone Gap,K2 383 Blakes, J 17---- 150 Rastview, K '8__ 200 Bland, K_ 6----- 300 Fastville, J 18. 332 Blankenship, L 2 249 Wastville Sta..J18 200 Bloxon, H 18__- 125 fasars HH I3 200 Bluemont, E_13- 200 painburg 568 Boissevain, J 5- 200 fom, @ 150 Bondtown, K 3-- 405 Peggieston 100 Bonsacks. J 9--- 19%) Piha L 3 470 Bowling Green, : 100 : H 14 463 miton, 905 Boyce, DB 18---- 3801 yliston, J 300 Boydton, L 12-_ 457 Piwood. L 150 Boykins, L 15--- 637 fmory, L 180 Branchville, L 15 148 Emporia, L. 14_-1.809 Brandy Sta., G13 201 poch F 17_... 100 Brentsville, F 14 120 Esmont 500 Brewster, K _3-_ 300 feserville, 8. 100 Bridgetown, J18_ 300 Ettricks. J 14 991 Bridgewater, G11 914 fyerets” sie Rese 109 Brightwood, G 12 250 fyington, J 10--. 100 Bristol, i ey Weer 24) Exmore,' I 18--. 100 Bristow, F 14---- 300 p Broadcreek, K 16 500 xf Broadway, Pil 1,412 Fairtex. rae au ween ety oe aoe Fairfax Sta., F15 100 Brook 1 is 593 Fairfield, H 10-175 Bene 352 Fairwood, L 200 Brownsburg, H 10 3825 Falls Church, rib at 659 Browntown, F 12 150 Falls Mills. J 16 125 Bruce. ls Ii 400 walmouth,. @ 142. "800 Brucetown, BE 13_ 338 Farmville, J 12.2,586 Buchanan, J 9--- 802 faverdale L 8... pe Buckhorn 16. 150" pores oe Buckingham, I 12 109 “ “Genterville, D3 250 Buckroe Beach, Hernaldsenke 3.2 125 Pecniieiia ho oso. Mieldale, 2. 92, 200 a J Daneman ; € 5 Buena Vista, I 16_3,911 Pinca leis J 9-_ 457 Buffalo Sta., 111300 wine K Burgess Store,H17 150 Flat Top, J Burkes Grdn, K 5 250 Fit A nas cs Burkeville, J 12 514 piova, kK’ : - 9 9 Ford, K 14 pe us Bion m0 Fordwick, H 10__ Cambrian, K 8... 662 Forest Dep., J 10 108 Cann Gharles.J17_2,517 Forestville, F 11- 176 ape Charles,J17_2,517 Roreevaion: F 1eato Cape Henry, K 17 200 FL. BI enn ae » Cappahosic, J 16 200 eas more. 8 100 Capron. Ueto 0 re Eins Pipes 304 Carlin, G 13.-.. 150 Wi Meyer, Ro15. re Carrsville, K 16 275 y¢ Moran: Hts. Fis’: psec te dp a ° 2 = Fortress | Mon- Castlewood, K 8 i rae BS 1,200 Catlett, F 14--. 150 rar el a Cave Spre.. J 8 150 aes Rate. K7 800 Cedar Bluff. pe 533 eae 2 70 Charlotte Ke 11 318 Franklin’ City,H19 200 Charlottesville Franktown, I 18 300 19 Fredericksburg, 12_10,688 15.882 Chase City, mH 21.646 —. poe caieee Chatham, 110-1006 Front Royal, Fid 1/408 eaten 7 eo2 so Fugates Hill, L 3'150 Cherrydale, F 15_2,200 - A Chester. J 14_-_ 201 peatnery aes eee Chestnut Yd.,L7 135 Gate City et "684 Chilhowie, K 5__ 572 Gent oA? 4g. Se OGN Chincoteague Boe Wa nee Sah island. Hi i8——LA18 Gilmerton, D 3__ 600 SoristienabwrSr7 agi Glade, Spr.) Ke 4 281 Chuckatuck, G 1 100 Gladeville, K 31,071 Churchland,/O 21,100. Glamorgan, K 3-150 Churehvitie, @ 11 ‘259 Glaser, T 10.5 3p Shean FagRG ore len Bein; “BOR. 150 Claremont, J 15_, 572 Glen Wilton. I'9 300 sete a ae Gloubester, J 16. 300 te on, J 11---- 100 Gioucester Pt.. J16 100 arksville, I, 12 726 Gocohland- aii 1 Saat04 Clayville, J 18__ 250 Condes 4 100.2 18d Clear Brook, E13 100 Gordonsville. H12 594 Clear Crk.. K 3. 100 Gosh AQ 154 Cleveland, K 4--_ 220 Gun tT aia 200 Gliftord sel ii ant 75 Gatton 72 16. 150 Clifton ree 7_6.164 Graham, J, Ge 2,752 =O, y - nd 3-2, word Ciiftontaes 14 (200 -CTabams Worgen. < Clinchburg, TL 4- 100 Gray 7, 44 200 Clinchfield, K 4- 500 Great Bridge, D3 200 Clinchport, L 2-_ 226 Gvaduhackvitiel r Clintwood, J 2. 460 cS H 19 500 Cre maa 200 Green Bay, K 11 115 se -5°- ing Greenville, H 10 359 Cloverdale. J 9-_ 100 Gressitt. J 16 300 Cobbs Creek, 117 200 Gicte y° 42°-7~ 400 Gy Steer rss (fen Groeten, K/10.2 1.600 ORE oe tes za Grimstead. J 17__ 300 Coles Ferry, K11 150 Grottoe Gu 492 Collierstown, I 9 400 qroowes 77 go 7-304 Colonial Bch.G15-1,003 Grito J 1g 222. 100 Columbia, I 13-.- 185 Que 47 Bop Coneord Depot, wynbn, 1 Li---— 7 J 11 160 . f 2 = Gatteded Wht; J16 100° HAckeueck, 1 18— 1250 Cooper, I 16---- 100 Fajles Mill, 1 3. 100 Copper Hill, K 8 100 Halifax. DL 11 411 Cornland, E 3--- 200 Hallieford. J 172. 250 Coulwood, K 4_-~ 275 a" or WE. (Ol = Halls Hill, F 15. 900 Courtland, L 15._ 379 FeallorGod AEA 150 Covesville, H 11_ 200 77° bafta lt EAN Ee ee : x RO amburg, F 12-. 105 Covington, I_ 9__5,623 : : te ae Hamilton, FP) 14._ 287 Craigsville, H 10° 150 H i Sia Crewe, G_ 13____2,097 {AMPUCD nents KON Cricket Hill. sit ue H B RG 138 Crittenden, B 2. 300 Hampton, aa Crockett, L 17. 200 Pexborvate) 18_ 350 Crozet, K 11---- 750 Harmony Vil. a Culpeper, G 13__1,819 116 150 Cumberland, J 12 100 Harpersville, K16 800 Harris Grove. Damascus, LL 4---1,599 : J 16 300 Dandy, J 16--.. 200 Harrisonburg,G11 5,875 Harts, H 16--.. 100 Hartsock, K #2. 100 Iravelock, H 16. 100 Hayes Store, J16 150 Haymarket, IF 14 135 Mazel, K $20 125 lle alys, tv 16, yee Hearing, D 4... 100 Heathsville, ly 16 200 Hebrop, K 13... 150 Hetlin, G 14____. 100 Herald’. K 3.3. Herbert, C 4_-__ Herndon, F 14 _ Hickory, E 3 2 Hicks Whf., J 17 Highland Park__ Hillsboro, E 18. 131 Hillsville, L 7. 500 Hiltons; L. 3.2... 100 Itollagay, H 18-. 100 Holland, L 16... 259 Holstein Mills,K5 500 Honaker, K 4... 755 Hopeton, L- 762: 00 Hopewell, J 1 ot Hopkins, 1 18___ Horntown, EH 19 200 Hot Sprs., H 91,000 Howardsville, [11 300 Hudgins, J 16___ 100 Bycs, Dy tien S117 Independence, L 6 186 Indian; K 5 125 Indian Rock, I 9 100 Iron Gate, I 9__ 699 Irvington, I 16__ 900 Islandford, G@ 11 250 Ivanhoe, K 5____ 600 EVOte IoC loess 448 Ivy Depot, H 12 150 Ivyview, L 11___ 100 James Store, J 16 100 Jamesville, I 18 250 Jarratt, det 150 Javea; 10255 252 Jeffersonton, F12 158 Jetersville, J 12 200 Jewell Ridge, K 5 500 wOneEse ist Pe 100 Jonesville, 228 Joplin, F 100 Jordan Mines, 1 8_ 100 Kasey, K 9.~..=_ 8300 Kecoughton, K17 1,198 Keezletown, G11_ 225 Keller'- PLishases 200 Kempsville, C 4. 200 Kenbridge, x 13_ 5438 Keokee, Keo: 25 500 Keysville, K 12. 493 Kilmarnoek, I 17 400 King & Queen ©. #H., I 15... .38 King George, G15 20 Kingsford, L 13__ 150 King William,115 50 Kinsale, 1 16____ 104 Kiptopeke, K 18. 100 Kiser, K 4__ 125 Konnaroc k, L 500 “pe Ppa Fs po ee 700 G12 710 Lacrosse, L 13__. 320 Lafayette, J 8_._. 122 Lamberts Point, C 3_2,900 Lancaster, I 16__ 206 hand wo 4) eee 100 Lanesville, I 15__ 102 Langley, EH 15... 107 Lantz Mills, F 12 109 Laurel, 10-2-- 5 250 Laurelgrove, L 10 250 Lawrenceville, L 13_1,439 Leatherwood, L 9 100 Lebanon, K 4____ 469 Leona Mines, L 100 Leehall, J 16_--__ 100 Lee Mont, I 18___ 200 Leesburg, E 14_-1,545 Lester Manor, 115 100 Lewinsville, B 15 100 Lexington, I 10_-2,870 Lignite, I 9_.-._ 218 Lincoln, E 14---- 200 Linden, E 18---_ 135 Link, BE 4-_..--. 100 Linville, G 11---. 235 Lithia, J: 9s2e = 100 Litwalton, I 16__ 100 Lively, I 16_---_ 100 Locustcreek, I 18 125 Locust Dale, G13 125 Locust Hill, I 16 100 Locust Lane, K 3 150 Locustyille, I 18_ 150 odleos 4225- soe 150 Londonbridge, C4 100 Loneoak, L 9_--- 150 Long Glade, G 11 100 Lorton, F 5 Lot, I 16 h Louisa, = 285 Lovettsville, D14 167 Lovingston, I 11_ 309 Lowmoor, I 9___-1,000 Lowry, ¥ 1) =e 100 Lunenburg, K 12_ 122 Luray; F2222,2~ 1,381 Lynchburg, J 10_30,070 Lynch Sta., K 10 100 Lynhams, I 16_-~ 200 Lynnhaven, C 4__ 300 McDowell, G 10__ 142 McGabeysville. Gill 400 McHolt, K 11-_-- 150 McKenney, K 14- 200 McLean, F 15_--. 150 Machipongo, J 18 100 Madison, G 12__. 425 Madison FHts., J 10_1,500 Magnet, K 16___ 100 Magnolia, D 1__. 10 Major, I: 105-=-== 100 Manakin, I 14--_ °150 Manassas, IF 14__1.205 Manchester, J 14_9,715 Mappsville, H 18 175 Marion, K 5--_-- 3.253 Markham, F 13_. 100 Marksville, F 12- 100 Marl I i6:=-=-2- 273 Marlboro, E 12. 125 Marshall, F 13__ 250 Martinsville, L9__4.075 Marysville, K 10_ 100 Maryus, J 16_--- 200 Massey, H 18__-_ 100 Massies Mill, I 11 175 Mathews, J 17--_ 335 Matoaca, J 14_-_ 600 Maurertown, E12? 100 Max Meadows, K 6 TA0 Meadowview, L 4 609 Meadowville, J 14_ 200 Meherrin, K 12_. 178 Meifa.. Fb) 182—_ 3 300 Menchville. A 1. 200 Mendota, TI. 8---. 258 Mentow, J 10__._. 1387 Merrimac. Mines 100 : WASHINGTON Pa VIRGINIA—CONT’D : 5.4-----1,000 ir Austen, E 11---- 300 Davy, H 5... pean ey i eer, 1,635 Decota, ‘ Dustesvelley) Ane och cena el oe 380 Palen, reas eeso)~=©6OW.AVIRGINIA avis &_ bevota. ; 500 Reids Ferry, D1l_ 100 WASHINGTON Chesaw, B 14---- 250 Kendall, B Boma ees peru, it 6. 76'393 Deepwalh, JS Messick, A EO 368 Remington, ¥ 13. ca Chewelah, D 171,288 Kenmore, F 7 ~ : one oe ‘ ire , Middle’ . 2 9gs ville, BH 4--. 2 Ohinook, K 8--.--€ ¢ F -l, a . atin, at 18 on Miaatone, 12 354 Rexburg H 162-2 100 First Settled at Gnristopher, G7. 200 Rent G4 22.382 Quilcene, F 5... 400 First Settled at Backus, K 3-200 Diana, J Middletown, B12 35 gn KAS ini ria, 1792 bay eee 150), Kenti-G f2---2-— i fee hone es O15 20 Diektin Midlothian, J 14- 362 an — Astoria, 2. Clallam, J_18..1,859 Kerriston, @ 8... 350 Quincey, Nein Rat ianeeeeEOe. Foch sail “8 2 500 Bitte. PST Milford, H 14_~- te EOS 171,677 Admitted as a Ter- pee gen: pen a eae zi ns ees Millenbeck. 1622 100 Ridgeway, L 9--- 320 ritory, seca A te oe oe Bear eere (erate 1 ge, Ry Barnabusy (i.-+ 200 ae oS . Mi , = ‘ie ees 53. H- T0--2; eld as! Ravensdale, cect 10 655 ola, ie 11 300 Rileyville, F >= Cle Elum, F 6... 300 7 : Bamnestown, J . Ser Ee an 400 Riner, = lactase cys Admitted oa Sines picrelena aT tee eee Yaad geae he ae aay reane, Re gorie ao June 20, 1868. opeehly i 18-2 200 Dorfee, @ ee 300 Mineral Ht 105 pineal ee say ee ee, ans Cloverland, 500 Kitsap, W6---.-- 200 Reardan, F 16-42) Barrackville. 220 Douglas, or Albert, : Miner, I'ij-c.-o- 407 Iver ile, dt rN Ce ae 3,027 Klaxta, B 15---- 300 “G6... 110) Areas Bass, G 14___-_- F12 800 Toanoke,."J9-2-50,8 Leen ye, FF, "300 "= 182 Redondo, G 6_. =~ 600 , Nbjuok, J 4i-—- 2M) Roanoke, a 95.0 Land, 66,896 84. Géliege Place, 115 800 Krupp, @ l4a2. doe Regents Park, WG. 300 Bayard, F 122 forg Dovener, Fr 9_--- 100 Monarat, v oe 135 Spee tee eae miles. Colton, J 18.-..- 382 Ikrupp, ae Renton, G. 7 ---- 3,301 Land, 24,022 sq. eckioy) “EL, 7224. 149 cee beta aL Soe Monash, ve ee ee eto 100 Water, 2,291 sq. bevels eet camer Lacamas, S Boner ter oe hag rs Pe S50 miles. Sys ere ieel 5 aac ioe Spee G es “150 Monee en aes gham, G11 105 miles. sonerete, D S$... 924 La Center, L5.. 167 ichland, K18-. 279 Beechwood. ¥ Dunloop, K 7... 500. Monterey, @ 9. S13 Rockymount, K 91,076 Total, 69127 $4. Connell J 1c, Bld La Conner, D 6. 516 Hichmond, IP 6-221,084 8 scree fat SUD samy oh ter tale 500 Montpelier 1 159 Rosslra ig alg “niles ConwayiD 6 100 Lakebar! iv 4. 300 Ridgefield, L B.. 620 Wafer, U8 eq. Bellton, P 9-22. 300. Durbin, T 11----- 423 Montross, TY 15-- 40 ound Hl, B13 359 eae - URW ee H 31,512 Lakebay, 1 5--- tape! 1 1G 150 Py Bellton, iS Re ae Hos Neha ae eaeyale Gi 1g Rebultiony 1 Soa a ia ce ee Baim in Moonlight, 90 209 Rd treat o 463 Capital, Olympia. Goubeville,' D6. t00 Lake Slevens, 17 400 Hobe, Wiel 100 Pola BRT eq. Rey aagamatee Eastsank, ee yore eae fhmere, 116-15 ied as ceview, H 6-. 170 Robe, B 7------_ + Bhs d, © 8__--4,773 ae Morattico, 1 16-. 200 Rushmere, K16-- 130 ! 7 100 Lakeview, H 6_. Roche Harbor, G5 300 4 Benwood, C $ Hast Sewell, K 7 200 Morison A 2 500 fustbure, 10--- 300 Covello, J 17----- 100 Lakewood, B7--- 100 Roche Harbor, _ 247 miles. Berkeley Springs, Eccles, bY. -2 1,000 I ae A 2____ 500 Rustburg, J 10__- UNTIES, Covington, G@ 7-- 10 TAG). 16s. Bockwater at 5. 2 ae Base S Mossing Fora, EUR peabeen . Sre 32 Y Creosote, evi S td Reuter 7 Cana) CLIE pees Se 436 1 463,"01, Berryburg, F 10_ 500 ee N8==a.bon Mey eek at 220 St. Charles, L 2. 400 County Key Pop. Cromwell, He sO ta een Gt Tho Rockport, D Bt. 208 Population, 1,408,701. Borat BY oot 208 ‘ndcertoneneee aw toi 263 St. K 74 Adams, H 7-_-- 9,62: a gon; .B6.-~—. 7 atha. — Be REST SH! ame Ea eh AaB Tec ba Sim Sas pg li 8 Se Capital, Charteaton, Bolt cde BS Blevogk Scotty ibe ores 5 i rs ile, ‘K 5___-2,248 Benton, J 13_- 10,903 ure D ae 175 Lawrence, B 7--- 1 Roslyn, H 9_____ 2,673 ; Beury, K 7_----- ht Egypt, 3> Aye 300 raat acheter sessed (ope teas oo See ra ee Chelan, EB 10-- 20,906 Gusick, 6_.--.. 350 Leavenworth, F10_1,791 Hoy, +H Goer 287 Beverly, G dl 42 abot ee BEd 16h eeena 18 eet lallam, D 10.- 11,368 Custer, B 6__---- Lebam, J 3------ tog Bustin; Wee = 1,128 - Big Chimney, @ 9 100 so Ganon eae Mulberry Island, Sangervilie, Gil 150 Clarke.’ M 6-22 32°80 18_-. 300 Leland, EB 5----- 125 Rusto — Big Creck, “H 4-450; torn cM yee Mulpeny Sater ase saran. Salt 450. Golumbie, iz 6,093 Dalkena, D 18--- 3 7 Lester, H 8_2-_-- 400 COUNTIES, Bigfour, © 8_____ 50) Eling, “Gall. oats I AT *'850" Sarah: Jigs =) Columbia, S 1 "vq Danville, B 15-—- 21 ae 724 Bigtour, 1 a a0 or : school, Lao goo, Gowiltz, 1 O55" St Damington, DS 350 Lind. "I 5--- 300 St.John, H 17--. 597 ngham, 500 Elk Lick, F 12-- 100 Maen Pt, Bd ebook, 1 Hoa sane las, F 12 9,392 pavenport, F 1601,112 Littlerock, 1 5--- ni, (GeBag se. 150 Black Betsy, @ 5 Dikridge, K 7--- 300 eS ee eee ee eo ee een eae | 576 Ba County Key Pop. pastarite 10,23) Eikwatst, 10> 3 Narrows, J %----1.141 Schuyler, 1 tee dg7_ ‘Evanklin, K 14_ 5,877 Deep iver, | Ti S22 560 s, B 12 San de Fuca, ley, G G_--_ 300 Ellamore, ee Nit woldieny’” Scottsville feo a grant. in a8. Tired Beer Babes, G5, 143 Toon bane, Bi 800 Seton. Hd Barhour. F 10- 18.029 Bina Gicek, (G2, fu Ellenboro, Baas 3a, Nat. Soldiers at Scottsy ‘ a xrant, deel? , eer Park Lopez, CC) §.----- scandia, i 6----- e5 Wis Desc” REAL keopeeaes 7 c x 809 tural Bridge, ne Rene aoe er: See = Deming, B Tasso i, EB 7 = Scotia, D 18_ Berkeley, rs a I 6_-_ 500 Elverton, see 3 alae 44,745 can Lowell, beck 5 15.319 Blue Jay, 0a, Secale Natural Bridge, Seddon, K 6 I Dennison, HB 18__ 1 Lyle, M 9-- Seabeck, Boone, J. 5-——=- Bolivar, F 17_--_ 585 “mm 300 19 100 Seven Mile Ford, Island, D 6_--. 5,489 Des Moines, q 6. 600 Lyle, ae Sentoldr rege es : a ) = raxton, H 9-- 23. mer, J 7__-_-1.000 “Station, 1 '10-; 100 sever, J 10.) 200 ing, @'7-_-7389;340 De rae Cor 400 Lynden, B 6 Sedro-Woolley; prove B 9. 16.527 Boone, KT a2 309 Eskdale, 1 7-----2,008 Stn $4 w Severn, J 16--.-- “ By aN Or (ea DOD ad mie, J bl Sl ¢ A . 5 Ss Soh ; Boone 3 xe dg 9 a8 Sewell Point TE 39 Kites, #6. gauge, Pee 1s op do. ee c Cabell, J. 4 05.146 Poviorlands 1 42,200 inal aa aaa 400 Nel voodsid nits 130 Shacklefords,” 1 16 ae Kittitas, WH 11_ need Doty, d) 420 eens 609 Mabton, K 2 net Ge ag Cabell, J 4. 65.748 ae mis Pee kg cae 2 Nest, -J -16-.----- 100 Sharps, H isles g95 Klickitat, M 9. Aaa Douglas, F 12_-_ 2 fs a oe Me rh sane Seudin: 2s Hee 7 / 10.208 Bowen, ta 200 ureka, a = New Baltimore, Shenandoah, G12 2 Lewis, ---- 86,840 Dryad; yh 4. -one 300 McMu ray, iS Sar Shelton cEL et oe =o op Bran f ic . se ies LiL Shipman, Pann 115 tases face P19 ater Nacsa 10 Machinne Botte 150 Silcott, J" 18 ING ‘+ Doddridge, F 9 11.976 Frecniee “eta 400 Sew canton 1 32 183 Stns, 2: 300 Okanosen, C42 17.004 Durham ty chabO Malas ty, OTe pos silver Gieck, Fibs loge Revere. KoTs! hdl Branebiand. G4. 500 Felrban ee ee oe erg 1 ‘ifie, J: j 6 6 n, ---1,005 Silver Rare ODN Cries MeN OS , id. 5 Fairmont, E 10-17. Neweastle, J 8. 702 Sinai, jiealbt sa) Pacific, J 2_--. 14,891 DuPont, H_ 6---- 600 Malde aplae 300. Silverdale 15 ores ‘i ag ea 1 a : j hae . 1_-1,181 Be 258 Malone, I 4- 1 mie 4 Penh Fairmont, B 10-1 New Church, H18 GUQ Smithfield, B 11,181 20) Oreille, Duvall ems 2 by, F_ 7_---- 160 Silverlake, IX 5__ Grant, F 18... 8,998 Brandonville, pil 67 Fal 10 at New Glasgow, L111 142 Snowville, K 7-2 300 D18 6,363 Maltby, 2 Sine; Shy 42es Bee 100 aap S mand : 140 Fairview. BD 40— New aay li- 106 Somerton, L 16__ é we Pierce. H 6_---144,127 pagie Gorge, G 8 100 Manette. Bre am Skagit, D > 50 Greenbrier. K9 aaa = ee oom Falling ot a an ober erie ser oy SH, Lb i3-ccto7t San Juan, O5 -"3e'3T8 Toston WF 9c. 366 Maple Falls, B 7. 200 Skamokawa, Ki. 399 Hampshire, B14 oon Bristol, F_9---—— 200 Faye 22) ie Newmarket, I _ “4 Pt dona a ed : 3._7.724 Skagit, D 6____ 33,3 Jaston, pres maa te Maple Valley, G7 2 Skamok r Sipe. aantock hae 1975 Bristol. FO. 20 tt as = 209 Newport, J T---- 200 § Wasbington, 7 Skamania, MT 2057 Bastsound, © 5.2 313 Marcus, C16_-- 551 Skykomish, F 9-- dy, @ 14..~" 9.601 Bmoklyn, D 9__. 124 Fayette 11 150 Newport, J 7---. 200 s, w ashington, Sno ish, E_7 67,690 Bastsound, GC 5_- 313 Ma ~ 6--- 400 Snohomish, BE 7__-2 980 Hardy, Sees Lets 128 peloverie 130 Newport News, 506 /igipenear: ki BL5 no, Rpokane. 1a aap noes arene marin, Ea ee odd! Soon bane Wy tae oee | Seareinen. 10s ie eee aera er Peirnin v10. 790 cig eet t : 6_- 21,605 Watonville, ae : 7__1,244 Soap Lake = H 6__ 18.65 E 11. 106 Fe is eHar Gli 200 Thurston, He ri i 5 200 Marysville, E 1,948 Jackson, Bruiceton, Finlow, K 7o=--- 200 New Riv. Dep., K7 500 Sperryyille, Ox 11 200 Thurston, H 5_ 22,366 Bdison, C 6_----- 200 Maxwelton, E 6-_ 100 S. Bend, J 3_____ 9 D iT 15.72 perch Greek, HR 300 Fi “Kf 200 News Fy., L i1-- 127 Springereck, G "Wahkiakum, K4 3,472 Bdmonds, F 6... oR. Mastown. 1.6 .a0. 0 200" BOE Elum, H9_ 587 Jefferson, B 17 15.72 Bui khannon, G10_3.785 Fireco, ke Ke ge, 250 Newsoms, L 15_- 130 Stanardsville, $12 350 Walla Waila, Hibe; SH! Yoon eee 200 Medical Lake, S- COLD ye GG. soe 600 Kanawha. I 7.119.650 Bu kor, 9 0 Greek, 7 0 Newtown, H 15- a 7 Gil 35 L16 27,539 Elberton, H 18_. 244 2.545 §. Prairie, H 7__ 215 : Fee Se ee 1 . 2 300 re i i 8 - 214 Stanley, F 12-_._ 449 Ly , H 7_-. 200 Gli : > -. 505 Lewis, 9 Butralo, Pepa toe onN . oe ee ueee 100 ised: H 11-10,623 Whatcom, C6 _ 50,600 as ree as 500 Melbourne, I 3__- 20) lieth d Soe SO incol -T'BEe Ag a7s ae eee za pincran Eo 3 Nokeaville; beh cae Stephens pana es 481 AA Aes Me eure Ellensburg, H mee ears, ay tg ao ree oe Pv peaeen oe parser 11 a0 fee 1 e Norfolk, © 3---115,77 o12 akima, pish a aaa! Ellisport, G 6____ er bo bao Seki ae aat oe = 41,006 % a7 Se Pent et I Re a Meskill, J) 4--_-- a 29 McDowell. M § Buritsville: ‘ Foley. K So-a-- , 200 North, J:.17==--<- * 500 Stevensville, I 15 100 Total 1,356,621 Elma, H 4_----~_ 1,253 Metaline, B 17. 116 Sprague, G 16... 8 S571 Bupisville, (91.088 0 . us N, Emporia, L.14-2,018 Stonega, K tals amas 1900, Eltopia, J_14_--. 200 Met line Falls,B17 153 Springdale, E 17. 184 Marion, B 10__ 54. Bonet ee 300 eae ‘ecene G00 N. River, G 11--- 100 Stony Creek, Endicott, I 17_-. 634 we a Falls, C16 350 Stanwood, D 6___ 704 Marshall. D 9__ 33.681 Burton, D8 oe Li 200 N. Tazewell, K 5- 626 Strasburg, E Entiat, E 11--_-- 250 Meyers ee 0 Starbuck, J 16_-. 524 yn ; 5-- 300 TE onan : Norton Korres 3,068 Strasburg Je, TOWNS. Enumclaw, 7--1,378 on - gece a6G ce eee th ee | 21.450 pede ES oy Port Det Ht Norvello, L 12_-. 150 Stuart, I 8_ = Ephrata, G 13--- 628 cue: Shen Sa. 400 Staliztrom > te ea ene Ata ES er: = ih Norwood, I 11--- 100 gusfolk, Del Town Key Pop. urea, K 15... 100 Siete D622 250 Stevenson,’ M72 848 Moree ee ee i, >, x see mie Nottoway, - 13- oe Surry, = A ‘ Aberdeen, 3__15, Ba ee Cat. 614 Milton ie dyieee S ae 484 Stillwater, a 7. 500 ee oe 26,364 Cabin Creek June- aM Frankfor Np HO Soo & ale ae wipes a Ae Be Mics nie ea a= 100 ces EK bo Breve, so erepeiohy greet en 492 Pence eae G7 100 Monongalia. D10. 33.618 gal 8 $62" reeman..Mi gale ae Nuttsfield, I 16-- 100 gyords Creek, K 4 200 Adelaide, F 7_--- ae fax, H 7 500 Moclipe: G 2-_-_ 150 Sultan, ie Serer es Monroe, L 9... 18.141 Caml ey. Brenan, P Boo 209 ; 5 er, ‘Adna, “J bo-3eh== 20 Fairfax, I 7--. £ se aioe me Eye aarp ao : : a ane ; soe SE i Ree ie OS tee 2 Pe 9 ee ee ee peer @ boa Oak Hall, H 18. 100 Tampico, J 16__- 962 Agnew, Hl 5.-__- 100 Fall City, Is. 479 Molson, B 13---- 200 Sunnyside, K 12-1809 Nicholas, J 8. 20. Camp, F 9.----- 200 en Oak Hill, L_9---- 231 Tangier, I ore ~~ Ahtanum, J 10_— 150 Farmington, teh th ene pe ere ee ree Nee =i Canueon ST G00 Ocenia View, Jt SAG Tappahannoc H15 422 NRPer Ee oe eta ay anG Nad lp ti 6.--1,000 Montborne, D q-- Ea Pendleton, H12 9.652 CapomSprs, F 15 150 Ganga: Geen 400 Beoanita oe Alderwood eS oe 0, H 3_-2, : 5 on Sprs, 15 1G Bence 409 Soka ac ia emia Rees 2 Be ee ee Tn eae Senin He Gm Samael, AO 4 Odd. 7----- my, 5 Bagh Algona, G 7_~~.- 2 a5 OM ae oe eee he Sees s Carbondale, Hi G- sole old Church, I 15. 100 Pemnerunmedilic: e Allyn.) Gobs2-e.2 189) Shire. DwiG eae 20 Mossyrock, J 6-. 150 Tanner, | G8 a or 906 - otneae: B= me oe eis 1.200 Oldtown, L 6---- 100 2 H18 200 “5; ira, BH 14... 450 Fisher, M 6_--_-_ a OSSY , -, 100 Taylor, G 7_ Preston, DB 11__ 27. aia De tOooene Gassaway, 9--1.5 Olinger, 3 rr meR 4 Theological age 400 ‘Aloh iigenne se ee rhage bey rag 275 Mt. i oan 3,341 Tekoa. u 18. iz Putnam, I 6- 17.531 Sor doreet Pe ties 200 gay Bridze 57 268 Omega, art ; 7 13. 275 Alpine, F 9_..... 3 Mt. Casey, “6. 35 cee Cit , J 11- 283 Telma, F iE ae ot Tee wha, © 10--- 200 db Onancoek, 181,074 pe alHidge, 110 146 Anacortes, 6.-5.384 Ft. Flagler, 6 350 Moxee City, J 11- 288 Delma, F 1 ae cab, 7 2480 Se hee oo Daley ieee Sea See ie Sr vend Anatone: K18_-— 220 Fee ety ane Pireh oe ET Randolph. woe Gedarésove, J.0-- 215 Genvardstown, Bid . Orange, 1G be. fino Pe 348 Annapolis, F 71,418 “Ft, Steilatoom, Naches rai Ouse es 250 Thornton, His Ritenie, F 7... 16.506 Cedary ie 85 18 Sita ae ee i Oriskany, 1822020920; incange ye 16 ne 1,200 Arlington, D_ 7_- CADE nel H6_1,100 Nagrom, H 8_--. 400 Thorp, i 1 Roane, H 7... 20.129 Genter Polit. 1 9 200 ee Gann k Pe sob Toms Brook, i oe toa yee ee gs 852: Foster, @ 622... vee Ree see ie ite ee (bination): ovaries atete aoe Centerville bs 155 cine ge Portsmouth, C 3_54,3 . folk, 31.635 Buckley, See E 7} ad, Ss : ~===8,962 ae 2 101 = : ie ath : 45 ave, Git 250 2 Hoodsport, G 4-- 100 Pataha, J 17 100 Alexander, H 10- Cornwallis. F 7_ Sas tae et ih Weserecane G11 250)- Bucoda,, 1 (52-232 442 Hoodsport, 6 100 Pateros, BH 12____ 412 Wellington, F 9_ 2 101 H Ob 150 Harman, G 12_-_ 160 Pounding Mili, K 2 100 Whaleyville, I. 16 400 Burley, G 6.222. Gut Haber: t 16 cy Paterson, L 12.2. 150 Wenatchee, G@ 11. 6,324 Algoma, M 6.--- 300 Costa, ile, G 5 200 Harpers Fy, © 17 713 Pounding MUL Kee lO} = Wihaleyys a J16 125 Burlington, C 6__1,560 Hoquiam, H 3_-10,058 a 7 wi 200 Westport, I 2-.-- BP 8__.._.. 130 Cottageville, 393 ile, F 71.0386 o= » Marsh, > 12: Springs, H 8 100 Pearson, F 6___-_ 200 Alma, — Cowen, I 9 ------ 93 Harrisv: Prices aa: Ne ee AD st. F 12 300 Burnett, H 7---- 200 Hot Springs, FE 861 White Bluffs, J 13 = yen, 300 ford, ae Buu-2 480. White Stone, 116. 3! ghton, F 7. 300 PeEl, J 4--.-.- 1 Whi aye oe 250 sville, I 9-- Hartfor ; Feri! AGO Jott AB AA HET IR Rett i Wei OF Ae oe Sad Sih eatcide es 2 ‘ 4 Thitmell, LL eae a ON Ge tulips, HF 3 2: Peshastin, F ne 1; antl : 6. 730 5 Rab cae ode a9 Prospect, J 12--. 161 bas ie G 14 100 Humptulips, é 200 Pilchuck.’ D 6... 800 Whitworth, @ 6. Aion Oreeeoe eae i M0 Hedgesele 5 #9 Pulaski, “K722225,282 Willeoxs Wharf Camano, D 6----- 100 Hunters, HD 16--_ 200 Pilchuck, 8__--. 100 Wickersham, O 7 100 Ai . Crawley, K 9__-- : ae aes 300 pete ce $5 “ox Wharf, 2 7 y 16_- 225 Plaza, G 18___< i ae are Mea zoo © ley, KC 9-—-- 300 Heights Pulaski, K 7_---5,282 Willcox Jib) A27"Camas, wt) (62a == 1,843 Huntsville, K Pleasant Beach__- 150 Wilbur, F 15_-_- Alvy, 2 0 Grese oT 400 Heliner, 1 4—--— 300 Pungoteague, 118 549 Se - Cape Horn, M 7-- 100 eas rts, B 5. 250 Wiley City, J 10- 100 Alvord, H 7_..-- Same one Gots == 150 tig, HT. 280 Pesce ea 13 oS boheme 16_2,462 Re ee = 1 oe bed Tiree’ 6S ees eS seetgane Witkecon, ee £03 Atos a a 8 Hea ss 2 Purvis, je eS b Tillis, K 7-_---. 100 Carlisle, ss pues) wae ae fe, = 6.52100 illapa, ies ; i 7 30 Hemphni, M6 Willis; Kate oeom ; BE 5 250 Inglewood, - 250 Portage, 51 Wilsoncreek; G 14 309 Anchor, H 5---_- Sln crowmiienenal ender 1) jen G Willis Wharf, J1S 209 Carlton, ot), Tone) Bed Ten a= jt Port Angeles, D 4_5,351 Wilsoncreel; ist ; pene eae oe Quantico, G 14__-1,000 Tily,. J 12 200 Carnation (Tolt), -p, lone, 7 Port Blakely, F 6_1,200 Winlock, J 5_-.. § ‘Avawalt eMgen ee: /M ff 300 Hendricks, "12. (22 icksburg, F 11- 100 Wily, J 12----__ iS G 7 535 Irondale, E 5_---1, or Pogtheh eBacte 4 Seyotal a = Quicksburg A ar Sie ute pocere Carson, M 7-_--- 250 Issaguah, G 7_-_ 791 Port Discovery, Bs 100 Winona.” eee Sena s--.000 gungra HO 300 ae eae a Radford, K 7_---4 627 Windso ock, J 14 700 Cashmere, \G 10_1,114 7218 200 Port Gamble, F 6 300 Woodinville, F 7_ 200" knated So Etec : Herbetton. 7 300 Ramble, L 11-__ 350 Winterpock, J 14 800 Castlerock, K'5.- "829 Johnson, J_18---- 200 Port Ludlow, B 5 205 Woodland, h 5... 521 Ame og va Hert ME 8 700 Haphine, H'10.-- 113 Woodbridge. P45 105 Cetin We eae: Cte eee Port Orchard, GG_1,393 Arnoldsburg, @ 7 150 Dain, @ 7------= 212 Higby, H 6_____- 150 Rapidan, @ 13.2. 200 Woodstock, F 12-1.580 Catlin, fe ee 200. Jovce, HS casi anh Pott Premera ‘ Cp ieee a Shep rs Hapoehannock, 77 55, Womble, 125. 109 Centralia, I 507,549 ee E 5_2,847 Yacolt, My 71. -18,589. “*F°¥Q Ao Uo ane degeele p J 5.21. $27 Hilltop, Ke7---22 761 Rappahannock. 14 120 Wylliesburg, & 12 150 Centralia, 1 5,--7.549 eakaee ips 1st Pott, Ga itn Yakima Siig BB Atroro, Ao = o Bee Ee oe Fig 998 Wothete’ N dy awe peti re brebie Wee ee ala 150 Athens, M 7_-_- sville, B16 225 Holden, K_5_---- LT einen ei 300 Wytheville, N 1_2,947 Chehalig: 1 54,368 Kamilche, a SS as ee Beatrice, 0 2--- 200 Yesler, F Riga = Darkest pT 25 Holga, i go- Sees é 2____ 896 Kapowsin, Las See a PER : Hed Fill. 1 az fee Se ees ae & iP, ee Karamin, C.15_--_ 100 Preston, G 7_____ 400 Zenith, G Reed Island, K 7_ 100 -- , —- seem 19 el, Pe SEs | illah, i Aurora, E 12_-.. 150 Davis, F 12_-.__-2,491 A9.1.213 Reedville, H 17 900 Zuni, K 16. 200 Chenois Creek, H 2 "100 Kelso,’ Ko 62-2255 1228 Fr oebstel M 6 00 Zillah, J 647 <= . e v2 0. Bw) a “ti, i Sa ' —— anv st woes W XOMLING . ice oe Baa- 150 WISCONSIN Barton, P 14... 500 Dunbar, IT 13---- 500 Jacksonport, K16 200 Neweassel, P 8-- 300 Schofield, K 9....1,049 WYOMING Glencoe, L + Horton, 12---- 233 Basco, S 10--_-- = 150 Durand, L 3-_---1.517 Janesville, S 11-18.293 New Diggins --- 350 Scott, P 14_-.-- 200 Glendo, G 1: pean A eoaes oie Bec Mite d tat eae dd rec oy Dykesville, L 14- 200 Le bea eae 3 tab sm ts are ane mere CP al Oe 250 Glenrock, I owesville. rirst settle a ayheld, g_—--1, effries, ---- 155 New Glarus, 9- 981 Seymore, M 13_--1,28 = tel } c Hubbardstown. 53 300 Green Bay, 1669, BaySettlement,114 386 Wagle, Tf 1----—— 394 Jennings, 1 11--- 200 New Holstein, Sharon, T 12_.__. 903 Virst Settled at Reaeot. > Mo; ¢ f lluger, M 6-----. 260 rdmit red Ter. Bear Creek, M 12 337 Eagle River, G10-1,454 Johnsburg, O 13_ 252 O 18-1,373 Shawano, L 12___3,544 Wind River. 1743. Granite Canon.Ki2 45 D Ilughestown, I 7 200 Admitted as a Er BeaverDam,Q 11-7,92 Eagleton, K 5--. 150 JohnsonCreek,R12 493 New Lisbon, 0 8. 994 Sheboygan, O 14-80,955 Admitted as a Ter- Green River, J 4_ 2. 140 ge umoco, I 7----- 200 ritory, April 20, Beechwood, P 13_ 150 Kastman, R 5---- 286 Johnstown, S 12- 175 New London,M12_4,667 Sheboygan, ritory, Jul 25, Grey Bull, B & 692 4 Hundred, D 9.--. 710 1836. Beetown, S 6---. 200 E. Pllsworth, L2 250 Juda, T i0_--_-- 291 New Munster, W2 200 Falls, P 14 --2,002 jen0 * ol ae ems anaes 250 Huntersville, J. 10 300 4 qmittedas a State, Beldenville, L 1- 125 ee One cea 50 Junction, or Junc- New Richmond, Shell Lake, H3. 920 — Grovont, D”3._.. “50 = Huntington. 13.50.1177 ““ygy 29, 18), Belgium, P 14--. 200 B. Troy, U tion City, L 9. 275 J1-2,248 Sherry, L 8... 250 Admitted asa State, Guernsey, H 12-~ 37/ -% Hurricane, I 5--. 666 - t , Bell Center, Q 6_ 210 Eau Claire, K 420,906 Jump River, H 5 200 New Rome, N 8__ 156 Sherwood, N 13. 125 July 10, 1890. Gunn, 1 4.____ = sta = Hutchinson. DB 10 200 Area: A Belleville, S 10_ 625 Eau Galle, L 3-_- 119 Juneau, Q 12_---1,159 Niagara, H 13_-1,946 Shiocton, M 12___ 503 Area: \oy Huttonsville, H11 265 Land, 55,256 Sq. Bellevue —--.-.__ 832 Eden, P 3_------ LiGk= : Norrie, K 10_--__ 200 Shopiere, T 11_-- 300 . Hampshire, D 12. 25 3 any Bae hu —adet BULN Grincetes Rect wang N Counter HHO) Siniogosd Bada Land, eras og. Haan 2 . eee gerton, Jn at a 3_5,951 N. Fond du e€.-2,15 1ullsburg, eos mi es. amsfork. H 1-. 72 Taeger, M 5----. 481 Pe 810 sq. Benton; 1) (--—= 874 Egg Harbor, J 15 150 Kekoskee, P 12. 188 N. Freedom, Q 9 621 Silverlake, T13-W3 300 Water 320 Hanna, I Go ae Independence, B11 300 : Berlin, O 11_-__- 4,400 Eland, or Bland Kelley, K 9----- 200 N. Hudson, M 1-586 Sinsinawa, T 5.. 170 ater, Si 84- Hartville, H 12. 138 Ingram Branch.H6 400 Total, 56,066 sq. Bigbend, P 2--__ 200 Jct., K 10.---_ 344 Kellnersville, Nl4 435 N. La Crosse, P5-7,000 Siren, H 2----___ 150 miles. Hatcreek, F 13_. 25 Institute, I 5-.-- an miles. Bigflats, N 9---_ 300 Elcho, I 10__-_-_ 500 Kendall, O 7_--- 506 North Lake, R 13 200 Sister Bay, J 16. 190 Total, 96.91; sq. sLOrmIOna; 3 i fi ’ --<= 4 “i awOOd ==... eva, les tSese 37 yas , 3. 70 -3, Solon Springs, F 3 250 ; orse Creek, oO dyydale, 1 8----- 236 Capital, Madison. Birnamwood, K10 651 Elkhart Lake, 014 527 Kewaunee, M 151,865 N. Menominee, K3 800 Somers, Li dees 250 Population, 194,402. Horton, © 7 : 5 Biron, M 8... 286 Elkhorn, V 1----1,991 Kiel, 0 14______- 1.599 Northport, M 11. 899 Somerset. Capital, Cheyenne, Howell, J a0 D 9 150 Blackereek, M 12 516 Elk Mound, K 4 857 Kilbourn, P 9_-_-_1,306 North Prairie, Fike peeas 406 ; Hudson, F 5- 977 peta TD 50 COUNTIES, Black Earth, R 9 464 Ellis, L 10---___ 125. Kimberly, N 13--1,382 _ $13-T1 263 Soperton, I 11----- 400 Hulett, B 12 100 Jane ews eee ers Black River Falls, Ellison Bay, J 16 150 Kingston, P 11-_ 204 Norwalk, O 7---- 531 S.Germantown,R3 300 COUNTIES, Hyattville, 19s ak: - 309 County Key Pop. Bie wait: B re on aaa si Seas rope ee : 8, is ee tne Couns EK P I = 3 altel ac °. 5 Imwood, eet Ge ohler ee f -7,598 unty Key op. +ron Mto., 112. 37 Jemand, I . a cree co) rae Air Blair, M 3222-5 657 Elroy, P 8------ 1,713 Oakfield, P 12_-__ 556 §, Range, E 3-_ 350 Albany, I 11 9.5 oa ae (2 ee oe ete ret Blanchardville. S9 653 Elton, J 11_---_- 250 Lac du Flambeau, Oakland, R 12_-_1,287 §. Wayne, T 9--- 290 Bighorn, © Go. 12 "103 Jackson, } 2_____ 307 Jesse, | | ae CHS --- She Bloom City, P 7- 150 Bmbarrass, L 12_ 296 G8 200 Oconomowoc, R1-3,301 Sparta, O 6_----- 4.466 Campbell, C 11 Jelm, K I0______ 9 Job, G “aaa Bayfield, ay 5- 17,201 Bloomer, J 4----1,648 Emerald Grove, La Crosse, 0°5--30,421 Oconto, K 14___-4,920 Spencer, L 8___- Carbon, I 9_ ‘ Jireh, G 12--_-_. T Jumping ay a A re rete: Bloomington, S 6 657 P11 150 LaFarge, P 7--. 788 Oconto Falls,K13-1,914 Spirit, ‘I 8 500 Convetax: File ; Gu 5038 uffalo, es 15, 4 Blueberry, E 4--. 150 Emmerton, K 4_. 400 Ladysmith, I 5_-3,581 Odanah, B 6_---- 2,100 Spoone, H 3 Crook. B 12 5 5s Kane, Junior, ee Burnett, & 73 171533 Blue Mounds, R9 187 Endeavor, P 10-- 400 L. Geneva, W 4_-2,632 Ogdensburg, M 11 237 Springfield, 50 Fremont. I 5. 11.820 Ronee a Ghlzgoen ed putes ung tog oud S0— ep EAN re, acts Chee 2 mm 8 Be Cevon, 06 O92 Gene bam BUM, § i : aR » Q T---.--- we Gaeoee 2D , E4 458 Olivet, L 2_---- glake, N10. 2 Springs, D 5 Pees is oo iso Clark. Ta Ta. tert Bonduel, L 12--- 504 Eureka, O 11---- 300 Lamartine. P 12. 150 Omro, N 12___--- 71,042 Spring Meadow, Sohlanne epee Kemmerer, I 2___1, B11 one KT 500 Columbia, Q10 30, Boscobel, R 6_---1,670 Evansville, S 102,209 Lancaster, S 6_--2,485 Onalaska, O 5_--1,066 S$ 42,100 Laramie, J- 13_ 20.699 Kendall, =f na EE pe Ral ea ae Bowler, K 11---_ 250 Excelsior, Q 6--. 200 Laney, L 13_-~-- 1,814 Oneida, M 14----2,200 Spring Prairie, T13 150 Lincoln, @ 2.- 12.497 Birby, D 6- Rien cys Creek, H6 200 An ate eae Boyceville, K 3. 400 Exeland, H 5---. 211 Lannon, R 3__-_- 450) Ontario, Pio 25 424 Spring Valley, K2 939 National Park aaa ar ee seas 4 Kenova 1 3-.---2.162 ‘2 K 15-0. «19'073 Boyd. K 5 Oostburg, P 14___ 497 Springville, P 6-187 Reservation. Korg K 1--__- 2. Kerens, G@ 1i--.. 150 pousias, B 3. 49:771 Erandon, P Fairchild, L 6 Oregon, S 10---—_ 871 Stanley, K 6_---2,577 Bo Me" A 8_-----__ 254 . a K 5.2. 688 (jcc 3. 38 O10 ee, sans pe Hajeeoar sue teh ede AG 10_ 5b: Pigs oop G oe 7a Natrona, F 9__ fabatgece . Keyser, BE 13----6.003 joan Claire, L5 35,745 Bri cea papers: Fairplay, T 7__-. jot <3 N Gres. = tar Prairie, - Niobrara. F138. Tanhee Fb 5 Keystone, M 6---1.839 Worence, G 12 3,602 Brish ; 5 Pairwater, P 11_ nKOsm, -- State Hospital, Park. C 4---__ Laramie, J 11_ ; ~~ 500 ’ ristol, W_3---. 300 jai) Creek, L 4__ Qspedn Is Guceeues 802 or Winnebago, Platte... 2. 7.42 wero sags —--6,301 Milayih K T_---- 730 PondduLas, | 4 Brodhead, T 10--1,600 Fall River Q 10. Otjen, T 4 300 _-N12-1,104 Sheridan, Adu. isis Lenore, EB 4——- Kimball, M 6_---1.428 Forest, H ot 91850 Brokawii2---—-en 493 Falun, H 2---__ Ottawa, T 1_____ 1,500 Stetsonville, K 7. 200° Sweetw ater, I 513,640 J, oD segs See Patter. H G2. 200 Hotest. HU 99850 Brooklyn, 8 10- 407 “Fayette, § Bw. 150 LE Owen, K 7--_--- 1,083 Steuben, R 6_--. 305 Uinta, G 2.____ 6.611 Lig’ it Kincaid, K 7.--- 300 Grae T 9.2. 21568 Brothertown, 013 150 fence, H 12-.... 159 Lima Center, $10 300 Oxford, O 9----- 416 Stevens Point, Washakie. D 7 3.106 Yj ng: oe H 13 ston, H 6... 2 a Raa, Syne) Bcowntown, LT 9_- 245 Oe eal aera 39 Lime Quarry, N14 125 M9-11,871 Weston. D 12. 4.681 74074, 4¢5----3-- : Kingston, GreenLake,O11 14,875 B le, P 12 209 Fennimore, R 6_-1,383 Ti nerid 8 256 i Lit. Medicine, H10 40 Kingwood, E 12--1.417 Jowa, R 8 1 Sse eee Ferryville, Q 5-. 203 [Limeridge, Q 8_- 25 x -,. Stiles, K 13----- a06 Lonetree, K 2 zi 500 ’ Se * rice. == eee 561 Linden, S 7---.-- Packwaukee, 010 250 Stinnett, G 4--__ 300 Total.-_._ 194,402 e, K 2-___ 150 _ Kistler, 1 4----- TronseGs So 2 025 10,261 ‘Brule. b ey hafieldG 72. 300 itt Mi3_2, Pal $12 685 A ---194.402 Lost Cabin, D7. 49 « Krafts, DB 5- Jackson, N 6. 17.746 rule. B 4-----.- 20 SFish Greek, 7d 162-200, 71ttle Qhute, Mt ot Palmyra, SRT Reet ota eee 275 Lostspring, F 12. 12: Kyle, M 6--- pe oad R 13 35 023 Bryant, J 11-2 250 Fisk, 0 12...... 150 Little Suamico, Pardeeville, P 10 878 Stockridge, N 13_ 387 Gueell. ee 21 Juneau, 0 8. 19.209 Eulalo, N 3---- 286 ambean, J 5--— 150 tivineston, Sere oO ee Pale, G 7-2-816 Stochholm, M2. 207 TOWNS, Lovell, A S———~-1,636 ' Ibe: : uncombe, 5 ; ge ivingston, == aris, T 14-_---_ toddard, --- 305 a : ig webct = Lanark, L 7---2- 500 Serpe or Oe oce Burlington, V 2_3,626 eden eeae 13_--1,870 Lodi, Q 9. Parrish, I 10_--. 200 Stone Lake, G@ 4. 250 Town Key Pop. ase Cs a7 Landgraff, M 6_- 300 i : Burnett, P 12... 200 " y Loganville, Q 8. 5 Patch Grove, S 6 177 Stoughton, S 10--5,101 Acme, A S_______ 156 site, fee 0 E LaCrosse, O 5 44,355 O 12_28,427 A Pp 1 = : D Landisburg, K 7- 300 Tafayette, T 8 26.002 Butternut, G 2. 618 Fontana, T 12--. 300 LOobrville peaey as 500 Stratford, L 3--_1,014 Afton, G 1_---__ 796 Macfarlane, G 12 50 Lane ee 12-- 103 Langlade, J 10 21.471 cadott, K 9. Rout Poocvilie, 10-00 85ke a eaten, tee aires Ua ea ic es GR etl oem a Aladdin, B18-. 100 Manville, G 12. 564 2 a bane ee a gee Se f 5 . ie ta » ’ ’ y, —— 3 BY ‘ Lawton, Kiger. 500 Lincoln, J 9---21,084 Calamine, § 8... 150 forest dct. N 13 250 Tone Rock, R 8- 458 _ can Lake, I 10- 300 K 15.4,553 Albin. J 14_____- 30 Marbleton, G 3__ 39 2 Manitowoc,N14 51,644 E orestville, L 15_ 250 : =9 Pelml ‘ ; = : U edicine Bow, Jae 210 Layopolis, G@ 8--- 175 Marathon, K 9 65'259 Calumetville, 013 300 Ft. Atkinson, $114,915 Long Lake, H 12. 150 elmline, H 13-- 300 Suamico, K 13_._. 300 Alcova, G 65 Meeteetse, C 5 3 Layland; DP ‘7---- 50 : 34. Cambria, P 11_-_ 679 poy, fee Nae Louisburg, T 7. 200 Pence, F 7__---- 409 Sullivan, R 1t-__ 320 Almy, J 1 400 no ae Marinette, J13 34,361 Fountain City, N4 880 . 5 = = Merna, F 2_ 50 eS Lazearville. B 9X ie Marquette, O10 10.443 eens ee ihe a pa Fox Lake Jct., perce 44 led 14_ . 250 Per ne RE 250 Ata: 1 oe 100 Midwest, G 401 = Leander, J 8----- \ ( ¥ —— oyal, » M 2_----- 555 Sun Prairie ,236 Arapahoe, 5U bro Leetown, © 17--- 150 Vilwaukeo, S4 029,083 Campbelisport,P13 730 franklin, Q Pat. 1.012 Lublin, J 3- Perkinstown, J7- 300 Superior, D 3--39/671 Arminto. H S.2. 30 Millbrook, J 10-40 > Leewood, H 6-.-. 15 corto K 14, 97:104 Camp Douglas, 0:7 471 Franksville $14 171 oeks ing SSeS Peshigo, K 18___1,440 Suring, K 12_ Arvada, B> 92.5 80 Milo. I 9. ecomric.. = 200 Oneida’ H 9.. 13,996 Canton, I 4---.~ 200 Frederic _. go2 Luxembourg, L 14 487 Pewaukee, S$ 2--. 800 Sussex, R 300 Atlantic Citv.G5 48 Monarch. Leon, "p's ae Outagamie, Mi2 55.113 peeEvllvaie, i on Fredonia, P 14... 750 eae hae a ge ee Loe oe 500 Symco, M 14.... 300 Auburn, I 1_____ 75 Mondell. k Lessie, Ozaukee, Q 14 16.335 ---- 800 freedom, M 12--. 200 Lynxville, Q 5.-. 25: aD, . Moneta. F 7 2 Lester vf 412 i Carter; I 12_2=—.. 250: ‘ ae cl fe Lyons, S 13.---_ 4007 Phlox, J 1022225 250 Baggs, K 7~-~..- 200 "ero » 42 ay Tewisbars, K o.1.202 bepim, L B-. (7.481 Cascade, P ii geo Eremont. N 11. S74 Pickett, O 12--__ 150 Taycheedah, 0 13 150 Banner, A S__-_ oS OMe ee ea ee en en eta.) Sa870 ee 200 eriesland, P 11. 250 Mactariand. B 10. 400. Finegrove, M 14.9200 Taylor, M 4---- 313 Barber. © 10--——. 100 Morgan, J 10---- 50 Tiger G 5... 60 Portage, M 9. 33/649 Cashton, P 6_-._ 753 Fulton, § 10 154 MADISON, R 10_38,378 Pine, River, Nii 200. Theresa} P 12.2.2 ‘381 Basin, G G.__..__ 1.088 ¥ Littleton, D 9--- 660 Price. “I 7... 181517 Castle Rock, R 7 150 sh ata °* Maiden Rock --- 293 Pine, River, J. 91,213 Thiensville, R4.. 334 Bertha, B 12_.-_ 27 Newcastle. D 13_1.003 ~Lizemores, I 7--- 5 Racine, U 4.2 78.961 Cassville, S 6__. 899 _, Magnolia, S 10-- 200 Pittsville, M S_. 504 Thorp, K 6___-_ 796 “Beulah. B 13____ Newfork. G 13_._ 50 Totally, H 6... or Eacine. | oz 13-28) Catawba, 1 7 200 Gagen, H 10_____ 150 Manawa, M 11-__ 727 Plain, Q 8____- $24 Three Lakes, H10 300 Big Horn, A Dr aNeier Git ee Lock Seven. 1 5. 168 Rocke p'y1 66150 Cazenovia, P S__ 488 Galesburg, L 12_ 150 Manchester, P 11 200 Plainfield. N 10_ 580 Tigerton, L 11-. 718 Big Muddy, F Oy ee ae Locust Lane. Reet 1 Bese PAG 403: Wl e Tete 379 Galesville, N 6 952 Manitowoc, N15_17,563 Plainville, P 9-__ 900 Tipler, ‘G 12____ 200 Bigpfney, G : Oakley, I 2__ 500 Logan, K 5 Saint Croix: K2 26106 Cedarburg, Q 141,738 Gays Mills, Q 6-- 652 Maplewood, L 15. 260 Platteville, S 74,353. Tisch Mills, M15 225 Bigtrails, D 8 Opals l- Beans 150 London, H_6----- Sau “e 30.549 Cedar Grove, P14 654 Genesee, T 2-____ 250 Marathon, K 9-__ 670 Plover, M 9--___ 316 Tomah, O 7_.---3.257 Bishop, F 9__ 25 Oron, or Orin 2 Longacre, J 7---. Gawsen. Hpes 18.043 Cénturiay 2. 35g Genoa, P 5-_-__. 275 Marblehead, P 13 275 Plum City, L 2__ 327 Tomahawk, I 9_2,898 Bittercreek. J! : Junct., G 11___ 160 Lorado, I 4__ Shawano, K 11 33'975 Charlesburg, O 13 300 meee Jct., W 2. 656 Marengo, BD 6__ 250 Plymouth, O 14_3,415 Pony, he Glace e 216 Black Buttes. J: 40 % Lory, “H 5------ OD et ctiogwan: Pd. 59.913 Chaseburg, P 5__ 300 jermania, ‘0 10__ 140 Marinette, J 16_13,610 Polar, I 10_--._ 200 Tornado, L 15--. 153 Bondurant. H 2__ 70 Painter, D 4.____ Lookout, J 8----- Ta oe 1so45 Clelsea, J 7----- 400 Germantown, R 3 205 Marion, L-11__-_ 875 Polley, J 6____-- 200 Trego, G 3_.---. 200 Bordeaux. I 12-_ 25 Parkman. , Lost City, G Wmempenioanr : Chetek, oI) 4-22 1 1,154 Gibbsville, P 14- 150 Markesan, P 11__ 959 Polonia, L 10_-_ 200 Trempealeau, N 5 536 Border, H 1_____ 80 Pavillion, Lost Creek. F 9-. 400 M 4 24.506 Chilton, N 13___-1,833 Gile, B 8--______ 451 Marquette, P 11_- 313 Portage, P 10__-5,582 Tripoli, I 8/_____ 350 Bosler, J 11 75 Penrose, Lost River. G 14- 200 yong, pg. 29'352 Chippewa Falls, Gillett, K 13--__ 785 Marshall, R 11__ 497 Port Edward, M 9 755 ‘Truesdell, W 4_-1,680 Boulder, : 30 Pilot. F 5___ ~ Lough, G7 ®% Vilas. G9... 5/649 m8 J5.9,130 Gilman, J 6_-_-- 522 Martell, K 2___ He Portland, ---_--- 250 Turtle Lake, 12. 600 Boyd, G 13 25 Pinebluff, d 1: Lowgap, 0 Walworth S12 29.397 Christie L 7_--- 150 Gilmanton, M 4-_ 250 Marshfield. L_8__7,394 Port Washing- Twin Bluffs, Q 7-150 Buckhorn. 40 Pinedale, umber, , : et 4 ay, M 6-____ °K, -- Mason, E 5. acum 5 or ing, 5. 25 uford, K ae 0 A 5 Lundale, I 4----- 500 pape isston. 18 25,713 Clayton, J 2_____ 504 Glenhaven, S 5_- 180 Mattoon, K 18___ 666 Potosi, T 6__-___ 501 Union Center, P 8. 170 Burlington, B 6__ 465 manent 3 f Lumberport, DB 9 900 Wouesha D> Clear Lake, J 2_ 689 Glenwood City,K2 779 Mauston, 0 2___-1,966 Pound, J 13______ 300 Union Grove, V3_ 729 Burns, J i; Seay 300 Powell, A 5. R13 42,619 Cleveland. O 18 150 Glidden, G 7_--- 600 Mayville, P 12___3.011 Poygen, N 11____ 700 Unity, K 7_---__ 405 Burntfork. K 34° Olifton,: 0. %..25— 200 Gordon, F 3___-_ 300 Mazomanie, R 9. 756 Poynette, Q 10__ 724 Byron, A 5------ 826 Quealy, I 2 524 ~ -MeAlpin, L 7-.-- 200 Waushars, Nii 16712 Hinton. or Clin. Gotham = —_-____- 350 Meadow Valley, Poy Sippi, N 11. 162 Valders, N 14-._ 220 ; ABET ¥ ‘ McDowell, M 6_-1.500 Winnebago. 012 63°874 ton Jct., T 14. 938 Grafton, Q 4_____ 898 N8 140 Prairie du Verona, R 10--__ 350 Cambria, D 18___ 675 Rairden, © 6_____ 75 , McMechen. © 8--3.356 wood M 8 34.643 Clintonville, L 11-3275 Grandmarsh, 0 9. 150 Medford, J 7---1,881 — Chien, R 5_-.3,537 Vesper, M 8__--- 260 Carbon, I 9______ 117 Ranchester. A 8. 147 McNeill, B 11--- 150 , = zi Clyman, Q 12_-__ 200- Grandyiew -~--.- 400 Medina, N 12_--_ 200 Prairie Du Victory, Q 5--.. 130 Careyhurst, F 11. 40 Rawlins, I S_____3.969 MeWhorter. B 8 200 otal 2,632,067 Cobb. R 7 230 Granton, L 7_-_- 334 Mellen, F 6___~~- 1.98" — Sac Quo-nase= 860) “Viola PwGo sees 858 Carneyville, or . Reliance, I 4____ 400 Mabie, G 11----- Te ae aes te eats pen ited SC Melrose, N.6.-.- 445 Prairle Farm. J'8 299 Viroqua, P 6.---2,574 Seine, AAS POO River. ii g Seat (ites lll, COT DY aL 708, Srauot, “1.6_..__ ina, Sake ray, } é Je oT. o- 9 iverside, cee i E21 158 TOWNS. Coleman, K 13__- Green Bay, M14-31,017 Menasha, N_12_-7.214 Prentice, T 7_--- Wabeno, I 12_--. 500 Carroll, B 8_____ 70 Riverton, Madison, J 6----- 604 Colfax, K 2__ Green Lake, 0 11 456 Menomonee Falls, Prescott, L 1... 892 Waldo, P 14___-. 250 Carter, J 2--_-__ 60 Robertson. Manin IE. Gen 200 Town Key Pop. Collins. Greenleaf, M 13_ 200 _ _R8_1,019 Princeton, 0 11_-1,275 Walworth, T 12-_ 757 Casper, F 9__-__ 11.447 Rock Riv., 1 10-_ 281 Maitland, J 5--.. 260 ~ * Coloma, 0 Greenstreet, M 14 300 Menomonie, K 3_5,104 Pulaski, L 13--. 718 Warrens, N 7_-. 250 Centennial, J 10- 200 Rock Sprs., J 4__6.436 Malden: 6.2.2 355 eee as ((= ae Ses ee 2,460 Cee aoe meee ey 14-2. ane a D 6__3,707 (eee 6__. a0 Hockynoint, A 11 30 be n, — ommonwea » Lie ercer, Ff §__ 2. ashington, Y, | ty t----- J toss, 1° 10--2.. 55 Man toc, 230 ind teatenn 6 Concord, R 13 oe 336 eae alia ee a, : rare pes rane ae Waterford q Wait ibe egies gs 12.18.8299 § Ii é es .4'00 5 . fae errillan, eS. 628 addison, Duet. 2o aterford, U 2__ 66 B15. Sen (Ec rigal & § eee ee 50 peg “gece 09-1119 Conover, G 10--- 200 Hales Cor., T 8-. 300 Merrimack, Q 9_. 270 Randolph, P 11_-1,188 Waterloo, R 12_-1,262 Chugwater, 1 12- 300 St. Joe, CG. 30 : Mannington, E 9_3.673 jee Sate ----- ret Cenreis. eee _ Pere. x = 250 Berton fF ees 198 Random Bake = Watertown, R 13.9.299 Eatmont. B 9-- 100 St, Stephens, > 6 TH CD ey eS oon alley, m, pie TE ae, ete | . o---— <0 1 ree 5 ee oS whi Artonge hr 113.2 150 Cooperstown, M 14 200 Hammond, K 2__ 368 Miffin, 3" a Me 0 Readstown, Q 6_ Me Waukesha. ’s peers he a 7 may Sampo, I oe i Marlinton, z 10_-1.177 wAipan; I, 10_.--= 112 Corliss) a. Se 564 Hancock, N 9___ 443 Mikana, H 4_-_.. 125 Redgranite, N 111,012 Waunakee, R 10_ 560 peers - 4_—-—___ 1,242 Saratoga, Fee » Marmet, ad : 0 eees ee Groniier. or ee Berton: Q ee Milladore, L 9___ 325 Reedaburg, P 8_2,997 vane M 11_2,839 porn Ee dhe i 25 arpleton, ign. S. 10225. creek, dasnak, artlane, ae Milltown, I 11--_ 440 eedsville, N 14. 571 aupun, P 12__4,440 r = 1eep) Mountain dana Algoma, L 15----1,911 Cornell, J 5_----1,337 Hartley, K 10--_ 290 Milton, $ 10_____ 834 Reeseville, Q 11. 423 Wausau, K 9__18,601 G0Wley. A 6----- ' : Marting, J 7 Allen wis 34 3. 150 Cornucopia, D 5_ 150 Haugen, I 8---- 426 Milton Jct.. S 10 833 Regina, K 11_- 150 Wausaukee, I 14_2,000 Ounbe tn a ~ Sheridan, A 8____9.175 Martinsbure, Allen Grove, T 12 300 CottageGrove,R10 250 Hawking o—oss-- = 523 Milwaukee, S 4_457,145 Rewey, S 7_____ 824 Wautoma, N 10__1,046 nd. “- Hae aur 3: 16.12.515 Allenton, Q 14--_ 250 Couderay, H 5_-- 300 Hawthorne, EB 3__ 350 Mindoro, N 5---- 200 Rhinelander,H10_6,654 Wauwatosa, S 45,818 pani el, F S oshoni, a meet ot Mera Beer Pcie Weems Po" a8 Brie, ea 1 BM Mason, G 5------ a, tiyitz, J 15... rd, ---1,302 innesota unction, ice Lake, I 1aa57 ayside, M 14___ 300 i - Pee Aer eer kT. Mason Town. F 11 831 Alma Center, M6 Cross Plains, R 9 350 Hazel Green, T 7 647 Q12°130 Richland Center, Webster, H 2___ 399 Lay N eT oe 42 §. Superior, I 5_ s Masseysville, I 6- 300 Almena, I 3 Cuban il 72S 1.175 Hazelhurst, H 9_ 375 Minocqua, H 9--- 470 Q 7-3,409 West Allis, S4 413,745 tiamondville. 1.2 72% tne B 13___ 100 Matewan, L 4... 851 Almond, N 10-__- Cudahy, T 4_---6.725 Heineman, 119--- 200 Minong. @ 3__--- 230 Richmond, $ 12_ 200 West Bend, P3_-3.378 Dicte A @. dam Qorinehill, H li 50 Meatoaka, M 7.2-. 647 Alois —-—.----_W~ 800 Cumberland, I 3-1,528 Herman, Q 12--_ 125 Mishicot, N 15-_. 450 Richwood, Q 12__-200 Westboro, J 7_--1,500 Dien ee Springvalley, K 1 25 Maxine, H 5--_-- 200 Alto, P 11-_--_-- 200 Cushing, I ‘1--- 250 Hersey,’ K’2___- 200 Modena, M 8_---- 200 Ridgeland, J 3... 175 Westby, P 6.--1.293 Pyrcuty, H 9-- 40 Story. BS Maybeury, M 6_-2.000 Altoona, L 4_____ 960 Hewitt, L 8_---- 275 Moeville, I 1---- 215 Ridgeway, R 8__- 428 W. DePere, M'13_4.292 Douglas, G11.222.294 Suomi 2 iMayo, I 4---_--- 150 Amberg, I 13_-__ 481 Dale, N 12______ 400 Highbridge. F 6. 250 Mondovi, L 4_---1.554 Rio, Q 10__-____ Bod eat felil Onl 08858" 1 heig 779 is =e 4s oa es oe Maysville, F13-- 150 Amery, J 2___--_ 1,203- Dallas, J 3__-_- 425 Highland, R 7_-_1,024 Monico, or Monico Ripon, O 11____-3.929 W. Milwaukee, Saree mae enc Mo 3 Meador. K 5---- 185 Amherst, M 10___ 588 Danbury, G 2---_ 300 Hika, 0 14_____- OTe Tele mee LOS aee 650 River Falls, K 12.273 7 3-R 15-2.101 - waen, H A=. 30° Buperioe I S.3 ~_1.034 Meadowbrook. D8 250 Amherst Jc., M10 192 Dane, Q 10__-_.- 316 Hilbert, or Hilbert Monroe, TT 9-25. 4.788 Robbins, H 11--_ 200 W. Salem, O 2__1,027 Egbert, K 13 100 , eee’ Meadow Creek. KS 250 eariet Ke? £052" 250 Darien: Pi 12s 389 JICtzeN AB. -4e— 614 Montello, 0 10_--1.112 Roberts, K 10____ 200 Weyauwega, Mii 938 fk. D2... 75 Ten Sleep cs Tee Meas) So 1p Abpilens Niciggnn Ravine gon -H0 Wilbore. Fea- 90 omucenS’'s A gle Gate” WHE BB weremanes 4 $88 Bika Toon”) Bee Soo 18 Metz, —-----== . , -19.56 ay ~ Pes a) (--- oD Fy pa 0 ¥ K e, agra neeler, ee ge '45) = ORD Ot nt ae Micco, I 4----_-_ 741 Arbor Vitae, G9-1,200 Deerfield, R_11_- 594 Hillsdale, J 3-__ 170 Montreal __--____ 500 Rockland, © 6. 164 Whitefish Bay, R4 882 }in0r pgl---777~ 1 Thermopolis, D 62.095 ~ Middlebourne. ES 929 Arcadia, N 4_--_1,418 Deer Park, J 2-- 233 Hines ----_--_-- 500 Morrisonville, Q10 200 Rockwood, N 14-_ 200 Whitehall, M 5_- 851 fmbar. D_ 126 tie re é K 11 75 aN Middle Fork. G 6 150 Arena, R 9_-_--- 354 De Forest, Q 10__ 493 Hingham, P 14-_ 300 Mosinee,-L 9--_-_ i16les Rome, et is 300 White Lake, J14 300 Emblem. 3 40 Torinnt Hise : Middleton: E 10- 500 ‘Argyle, S 9_____ 701 Delafield, S 1_--_ 261 Hixton, M 5__--- 300 Mt. Calvary, 0 10 350 Rosecrans, M 14. 200 Whitewater, §12_3.215 Encampment, K 9 23 ton. HH 13-1.901 Middleway. F 16. 232 Arkansaw, L 3--_._ 200 Delavan, T 11_--3.016 Holcombe. I 5_-_- 300 Mt. Hope, S 2_-_-_ 215 Rosendale, 0 12__ 305 Wild Rose, N10_ 576 Esterbrook, © 11_ “50 Ucross, B 9 = » Mill Creek. H 11 762 Arlington, ‘Q 10__ 150 Delton, P 9____~_ 200 Hollandale, S 8-_ 236 Mt. Horeb, R 3_-1,860 Rosholt, L 10-_-_ 448 Williams Bay,W5 436 Btna. F 1_______ BO stn os soe 35 prbyile, 2 ny eS gi ee fo ras Aen ean eae i Napa 0 bs pa Apter Pay ey aco Gla pe aN 9_. 413 wiles W (3---- 519 Evanston, J 1---3.479 Upton rot a nerva, J 5.---- ens,, R 8__-.. 9 e Pere, Ss eeLky oney Cree ukwonago, 2.566 Oyalton, M 11. 334 Vilson; sce. 25252 222 ome ; 3 bac Millwood, G 5--- 350 Atlanta ~---__--. 150 De Pere Station, Horicon, Q 12---2,134 Muscoda, R 7---- 903° Rozellville. L 8. 170 Wilton, O T_--- 519 Fairview. G1 200 Uva. Ht 12._. 40 Milton, I 4-~---- 1.02% Auburndale, L 8_ 384 M 13_4,292 Hortonville, M 12 960 Rudolph, M 9_.-_ 200 Windsor, R 10_-_ 160 Fontenelle. H 2.. 50 Vall a Minerva, J 5---- 400 Augusta, L 5----1,407 DeSoto, Q 16__.. 299 Houlton, K 1____ 400 Nashotah, S 1 200 Winegar, F 9 BOORRE Biden gd OUT100 0 Woes ned as 100 Moatsville. PF 11. 150 Avoca, R 7--_--- 432 Dexterville, M 8_. 354 Howards Grove, ; Nashville, I 11_-. 200 Sagole, M 13_____ 200 Winnebago, or _ Ft. Fred Steele. 8 a Van Tassel. G18 oe Mohawk, J 4---- 200 Diamond Bluff, L1 200 O14 175 National Home, St. Anna, O 18__ 250 State Hospital, Kt; Mackenzie, 4.8. 8002" i>... = Mona, ©, 92__..-- 300 Babcock, M S_--. 500 Dickeysville, T 7 250 Hudson, K 1_---3.014 S$ 42,100 St. Cloud, 0 13__ 367 N 12-1.100 Ft. Russell. K 121.000 Walcott. I 9 Monarch, J _6_--- 150 Badger Mills, K 4 200 Dodgeville, S S_-1.896 Humbird, M 6__- 500 Necedah, N 8_--_ 852 St. Croix Falls, 11 825 Winneconne, N11 745 Ft. Washakie. F550 Waltman. F 8... Monaville, I 4_-__ 200 Bagley, S 5---- 315 Dorchester, K 7_ 519 Hurley, E S_-__-3.188 Neenah, N 12__--7.171 St. Frances, 141,500 Winter, H_5___- 415 Fossil, I 1._.____ 30 Wamsutter. I 6__ 3 Monongah, B 10_-2,031 BaileysHarbor.J16 250 Dousman, S 1--- 235 Hustisford, Q 12_ 595 Neillsville, L 7-_2,160 St. Lawrence, Q13 200 Wisconsin Rapids, Fox Park. K 10. 150 Wheatland. H ea 326 Montana Mines.E10 450 Raldwin, K 2_-_-_ 666 Downing. K 3_-. 374 Hustler, 0 7---- 163 Nekimi, Q 12_ 908 St. Martin, S14. 250 _ M9-7.243 Frannie, A 5__-- 25 Willow. G 13____ 75 ioripamary, Dost Ranerott, M9. Brain Devices, 01 ore lindeond MA» 805 Nekooes Jet. ak: B bey ettee oe a BOO Withee, EO Bee ae i822 40 Wilson. D 1 200 ntgomery, ina, ancroft, pcoee oylestown, ndependence, ekoosa Je 85 alem. OW Sancue ttenberg, K 10 854 Freedom, F 1___. 450 Tis aster. D 4. > Montrose, G 11__ 129 Bangor, O 6 _---- 854 Dresser, I 1----- BOQ ao Mid Le 843. Nelson,” M .$8...-/ 285 -Salter.. Q 18_.-2. 150 Wonewoec, P 8___ 798 Frontier, or N. é Wing ives ee 150 Moore, F 11-_--- 150 Baraboo, Q 9_-__5,538 Druecker, Q 14_- 130 Iron Belt, F 7_--1.000 Nelsonville, M 10 187 Sauk City, Q9__1,162 Woodford, T 9___ 200 Kemmerer. I 21.500 Wolton. F- 8 ___ 6 Moorefield, B 14-__ 630 Rarnes —---_----- 300 Drummond, F 5-. §00 Iron Ridge, Q 12_ 287 Neosho, Q'1-__-- 206 Saukville, Q_14-_ 330 Woodman, R 6___ 188 Worland, © 6_---1. 295 Morgansville, F 8 300 Barneveld, R 9_-_ 289 Duckcreek, or Tron River, H 4__1,200.Neshkoro, O 10-. 396 Sawyer, K 15---. 300 Woodville, K 2. 298 Garland, B 5_--. 80 Wyman, H li... 50 Morgantown, Barnum, R 6.--. 150 Cormier, L 13_-1, bes Ironton; P. 825.22 ¥99 New Auburn, J 4 386 Scandinavia, M1_. 373 Wrightstown, M18 591 Garrett. H 11__. 2h any D 11_12.127 Barron, I 3.-.--1,623; Dueholm, I 2_7__ Itasca. Di S225 oe 300 New Butler, R 13 564 Schleisinger- — _ Wyeville, N 7_-- 800 Gebo, D 6__-____ 689 Yellowstone Park Morrisvale, H 5. 250 Rarronett, AH 8. 200 Duplainville, R13 iso Ives; 8) 14scceecn 250 Newburg, P 8--.. 400 villejoQ. 22ihsu 730 Wyocena, P 10__ 282 Gillette, © 11-.2.1,157 A2 Le As LOH re UZ Lives —_—_= ’ ‘ oe. ra FRNOLONIHSY pe NERO x YAMME Psd 4 ——— ee oe” DYNASIdY\ Ax \ t 1 | SHIIW 10 @IVOS OS6T OL O6ZT NOU 3qv970 HIVI 40 FSOTI FHL LV 3ZaHLAO JHL 40 NOILISOd SHL INIMOHS d VW 3 0112 058790376 INN % at 79, ozs BC Oa OIs}l Pie; 1 SHLVLS CaLINA 1J24 f Peet ee te Ae NOLLVINdOd JO UALNHO a) (Ny ny é “% NOLSATYVHOS 4s atts > ssl ea) ahi oe ae moe SINgsusyued ) ysungsyse|o ysunqs44!goy OF FON LOSING ESTA NEE PS appa Shihan enfin EE Sar ae ea emer