Suey” ne Ot THES Pe ihe “UNIVERSITY. lye ILLINOIS PROPOSAL, ‘CONTRACT, " SPECIF ICATIONS AND BOND FOR Se “NORTH SIDE , "SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS - DIVISION a Me CENTER, ILLINOIS | ae iy Issued ce fae : my a : a THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF : ae _ THE SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO : _ Room 700, 0 § South Michigan Ave, e Ae O20d0ne00000%2200R000050000000 peenese ae Sc Means: : 29 SRE ees SAD ae Nets ake dndbyeaekaneee 2200004%%%%9099909%99908 Sh" a 2) STP RPO oS Ae Reals Na eet a SONNE FANGS kc Seay Os PEMALMS | Us IEE oy SG, Sg AMARC DES oa ee ate re) Cie Stik Meh ds Nay cA any PaO, aes” pega aly ark SARIS UM RS hough > y One fey aes Ma gee i a PUR ai Se Anke RES art ae Ee : YA 2 rie Wat: hp AER SL , : * 1 ate Mo ee ke SOA Borda i: . ; Moet ‘ f [eree i FELIPE TE SEL SESSILIS SE [we Ste ae waren ee ee Fe omen RE: psursiss x sees & LIBRARY OF THE - PROPOSAL, CONTRACT, SPECIFICATIONS AND BOND FOR NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS DIVISION P PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE NILES CENTER, ILLINOIS Issued by THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO Room 700, 910 South Michigan Ave. Chicago, II]linois LAWRENCE F. KING EDWARD J. KELLY HECTOR A. BROUILLET HARRY E. WALLACE otifipB> 341 WEEB-LINN PRINTING COMPANY nee eee Se a ee oa aendin <6 ve Apne Sh eaes wesc pa ha wae ye he gemma teen 4° 2 y ie ae i NM , owe VES , THE SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO North Side Sewage Treatment Works, Division P. ERRATA SHEET. Page 33, make 5th line from bottom read “20 K. W. and 3% K. W. battery charging sets to”’ Page 136, last paragraph 5th line, make first word read “parts” in place of the word “pieces.” Page 142, make 12th line read “two sections shall be complete. Exposed’’ Page 205, make line 8 read “‘that is not men- tioned herein, but that is neces-”’ Page 260, make 38rd paragraph read ‘‘(A-76) Under Item 20 the Contractor shall furnish all materials for and shall do all glazing and all work collateral thereto, except glazing of sky- lights which shall be furnished and placed as specified under Section (A-63).” 9? Page 267, 2nd line from bottom insert “, (comma) after the 3rd word of line. Page 541, make lines 1, 18, 19 and 25 end with the words “‘motor panels’ in place of the words “‘motors.”’ Page 542, line 3, make the line end with the words “motor panels’ in place of the word ‘“‘motors.”’ Page 611, 2nd paragraph, make the 4th line end with the word “surety” in place of the word “safety.” "OR OKCD C4320 , 3 THE SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO. NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS, DIVISION P. To Contractors:— Sealed proposals, endorsed “PROPOSAL FOR NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS—DIVISION P” will be received by the Clerk of The Sanitary District of Chicago at the office of said Sanitary District, Room 700, 910 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, until 11 A. M. standard time, on Thursday, November 12, 1925, and will be opened publicly by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District at“a meeting to be held on that day or at the first meeting thereafter. The work for which tenders are invited consists of building the substructure and super- structure of the Pump and Blower House, which jis approximately 180 feet wide and 300 feet long, installing the major equipment, furnish- ing and installing auxiliary equipment for ysame and other specified miscellaneous work “collateral thereto. N The work is located near Howard, Avenue “band McCormick Road in Niles Center, Illinois, ~adjacent to the C. & N. W. Ry. | mi ~All bids must be made on blank forms of . proposal furnished by the Sanitary District, \ and shall be made in accordance with and con- form to all the terms and conditions set forth ~ in “Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders” attached thereto. 4 Specifications; form of proposal and a com- plete set of plans (approximately 3380 draw- ings) may be obtained at said office of said Sanitary District by paying the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100:00) for each complete set, said sum to become the pope ae of Be: Sanitary District. Sets of plans and specifications will also be on file at the said office, open for the inspection of prospective bidders who desire an oppor- tunity to see the nature and size of the work before paying for the plans. Persons request- ing portions of the complete set of plans for estimating purposes will be charged on a pro- rata basis. ie The Board of Trustees of said Sanitary Dis- trict reserves the right to reject any or all a ela THE Spe tale DISTRICT OF CHICAGO, biti ~ By Morris Eller, Chairmen of Its Committee on Finance. Attest: Harry E. Wallace, Clerk. Chicago, October 20, 1925. 5) REQUIREMENTS FOR BIDDING AND IN- STRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Bidders are required to submit their bids upon the following express conditions: All bids must be made upon blank forms of proposal furnished by the Sanitary District, and shall be made in accordance with and to conform to the terms and conditions set forth in “Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders” attached thereto; said proposal shall be enclosed in an envelope furnished by said District bearing only the printed endorse- ment, ‘‘Proposal for North Side Sewage Treat- ment Works, Division P.” . Bidders must carefully examine the entire site of the work and the adjacent premises, and the various means of approach to the site, and shall make all necessary investigations to inform themselves thoroughly as to the facili- ties for delivering, placing, and operating the necessary plant, and the facilities for deliver- ing and handling material at the site and to inform themselves thoroughly as to all the difficulties that may be involved in the comple- tion of all work under the attached contract in accordance with the specifications and the plans thereto attached. Bidders are also re- quired to examine all maps, plans, and data mentioned in the specifications, contract or pro- posal as being on file in the office of the Chief Engineer, for examination by bidders. No plea of ignorance of conditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of conditions or difficul- ties that may be encountered in the execution 6 of the work under this contract, as result of failure to make the necessary examinations and investigations, will be accepted as an excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all of the requirements of said contract, specifications and plans, or will be accepted as a basis for any claims whatsoever for extra compensation, or for an extension of time. - The following schedule of quantities, al- though stated with as much accuracy as is possible in advance, is approximate only and is assumed SOLELY for the purpose of com- paring bids. The quantities on which payments will be made to the Contractor are to be deter- mined by measurements of the work actually performed by the Contractor. as specified: in said contract. : The following quantities will be used in com- paring the proposals: Substructure. | Item No. Description Quantity ca Earthwork suieettsee pe tie bpsnnaenroye lump sum 2. Additional Excavation....1,000 cubic yards So, Ginder, Fill «oun 100 cubic yards By COODCT OLE a ays 20,000 cubic yards 5. Granolithic Surface...... 20,000 square feet 6. Reinforcing: Steel............ 2,000,000 pounds 7 SiphoniLiningsre ike eee lump sum 8. Sidewalk Lights..........0..000.. 330 square feet 9. Channel Gates ie eee ae Superstructure. Item No. Description Quantity 10. Structural Steel for Superstructure ............ sma ave Cay eee a hes tiie’ a ui | 2,600,000 pounds 11. Cast Steel for Superstructure .................... a eR en re ree Sen ree eee ee 50,000 pounds Architectural Work. Item No. Description Quantity Be OAV IS OMUYY EUs) Conse ah 1) bests ngesias Godesss lump sum 13. Cut Stone and Terra Cotta VE ad HORN RDP eral Ae a PRES a OEE lump sum 14. Marble Work, Tile Floors and WYER REIL LOUIE cc vce vate sctcunlals Socego mesn's lump sum 15. Metal Windows, Louvres and PROG U rer ihr is coeeacdgivesteds is cbkacuavons lump sum Be LT ORM M AVY OL Kosei. pF ceasvscrtacehessddele os lump sum Tie sheet Wletal WOrkK ics ccisescecess coves lump sum 18. Gypsum Roof Tile and Roof WACO PDYOOUNO Oi cactus adccrdtecces lump sum 19. Carpenter Work, Mill Work, Hardware and Lockerg............... lump sum eR LAL ZITA Mp orcev vei soe teleguead cerca ecu ia lump sum 21. 25. 24. o 6) PAINS ec nee on chaeee lump sum Metal Lath, Plastering and Sus- pended :Cellinggivacoe ean lump. sum Passenger Elevator Cab and Elevator Doors. eae lump sum Mechanical Plant Installation. Item No. Description Quantity 25. 26. reef Erection of all Blower Units furnished and delivered by the Sanitary District under another contract together with all mis- cellaneous accompanying ap- purtenances) sing ace eens lump sum Erection of the Main Pumping Units and Circulating Water Pumping Units to be furnished and delivered by the Sanitary District under other contracts, complete in place with all mis- cellaneous accompanying ap- purtenances 22s ie ea ae ee lump sum Erection of all Air Condition- ing Equipment furnished and delivered by the Sanitary Dis- trict under another contract, 28. 29. 30. ol. 32. 9 complete in place with all mis- cellaneous accompanying ap- BICC Si sei sas ca cs sek an ierskrdeses lump ‘Furnishing and installing all Low Pressure Air Mains and branches and all Blower Intake Furnishing and installing one (1) Fifteen and one (1) Thirty- five Ton Traveling Crane, and one (1) Fifteen Ton Electric Monorail Hoist and one (1) One Thousand Pound Air Mo- LOVE ORR eerie ec, tere delerterl oes lump Furnishing and installing Sew- age Screens with all apparatus AUTO VULTCN ANCES... 2)... ..7..sarecehs lump Furnishing and installing all necessary floor grating and non-slip floor plates.................0.. lump Furnishing and _ installing, Vacuum Priming Pumps, Sew- age Ejectors, Air Coolers for Blower Motors, Transformer Oil Pumps, Tanks and Purifier, Return Line Vacuum Heating Pumps, Storage Water Heater and miscellaneous auxiliary BVLUEHIN ON Given ee ry aipehtetiuee ety sum sum sum sum sum ay) OO D4. DoD. 56. oT. 10 Furnishing and installing all Air Intake Doors and Frames, Water Tight Doors and Frames for Air Conditioning Compart- ments, Air Relief Doors and Air Tunnel Doors and Frames...lump sum Furnishing and installing all General Piping, exclusive of Low Pressure Air Mains and Blower Intake Piping, complete with all appurtenances, Pipe Covering and Painting, includ- ing the furnishing and install- ing of all Motor Operated Gate Valves, Stop Gates, Sluice Gates and all apparatus per- taining thereto. nie lump sum Furnishing and installing the Heating and Ventilating Sys- tems complete with all equip- ment and appurtenances, pipe covering, insulation and paint- 1 Ay MOURA Det LIN bia LAME MEL ie. lump sum Furnishing and installing of all instruments and Meters, com- plete with all apparatus and AD PULTENANCES (ito ceca tte lump sum Furnishing and installing mis- cellaneous piping apparatus and appurtenances, including pipe covering and painting; and miscellaneous iron castings........ lump sum 11 38. Furnishing of all labor and _ materials for the painting of all equipment apparatus and BME ELETATICGS chisel cscs hacesspeeds lump sum Electrical Work Item No. Description Quantity BU eOLrical e W OLkuiesk les Gassuute sede lump sum Bidders must determine for themselves the quantities of work that will be required, by such means as they may prefer, and shall assume all risks as to variations in the quan- tities of the different classes of work actually performed under the contract. Bidders shall not at any time after the submission of this proposal, dispute or complain of the aforesaid schedule of quantities or assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the amount or the character of the work to be done, and shall not make any claims for damages, or for loss of profits or for an extension of time because of a difference between the approxi- mate quantities of the various classes of work assumed for comparison of bids, and the quan- tities of work actually performed. The attention of bidders is called to the re- quirements of the specifications necessitating the performance of work under. this contract without interference with the work to be per- formed at or about the same time by any other contractor. | | | The proposal of each bidder shall contain the guarantees required in the proposal forms and shall be accompanied by specifications 12 and drawings, or prints, of the equipment upon which the proposal of the bidder is based, in sufficient detail to allow the Engineer to form a comprehensive idea of the design, dimen- sions, and character of materials of the equip- ment offered. Such specifications and draw- ings shall be neatly bound in pamphlet form, the size of which shall preferably be approxi- mately eight and one-half (814) by eleven (11) inches. The proposal for Item 39, Electrical Work shall be accompanied by catalogues, blue prints and full detailed description, with the name of the manufacturer of the battery charging sets, storage battery, transformers, oil circuit breakers, switchboards, unit interlock control and other electrical equipment to be fur- nished. The efficiency of the battery charging sets and transformers and the rupturing ca- pacities of the oil circuit breakers shall be stated. The data sheets included in the pro- posal for Item 39 shall be carefully filled in with the information asked. PROPOSALS THAT CONTAIN ANY OMIS- SIONS, ERASURES, OR ALTERATIONS, OR THAT CONTAIN ADDITIONS OR ITEMS NOT CALLED FOR IN THE CONTRACT, SPECIFICATIONS AND PLANS, OR THAT CONTAIN IRREGULARITIES OF ANY KIND, WILL BE REJECTED AS INFORMAL. Proposals submitted without filling out, sub- scribing and swearing to attached affidavit may be rejected. Proposals which are deemed by the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District to be mani- 13 festly unbalanced will not be considered in awarding the contract. 3 No proposal will be accepted unless the bid- der submitting it shall furnish evidence satis- tactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sani- tary District of his experience and familiarity with work of the character specified and of his financial ability to successfully and properly prosecute the proposed work to completion within the specified time. When a firm submits a proposal, the indi- vidual names of all its members shall be writ- ten out and shall be signed in full, but the signers may, if they choose, describe them- selves in addition, as doing business under a firm name and style. When a corporation submits a proposal, the proposal must be signed in the name and under the seal of the corporation by a duly author- ized officer or agent of the corporation and his address given. Such agent must present legal evidence that he has lawful authority to sign said proposal and that the corporation has a legal existence. In the event that any corporation, organized and doing business un- der the laws of any foreign state, is the suc- cessful bidder, such corporation must present evidence before any contract is executed that it is authorized to do business in the State of Illinois. Each proposal shall be accompanied by a certified check, in the sum of TWO HUN- DRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00). All certified checks must be drawn on some re- sponsible bank doing business in the City of 14 Chicago, and shall be made payable to the order of the Clerk of the Sanitary District. Upon bidders submitting proposals they shall not withdraw or cancel such proposals, and all sums deposited with such proposals shall be held by said Sanitary District until all of the proposals submitted shall have been canvassed and a contract awarded, signed and bond furnished and approved. The bidder to whom the contract for said work is awarded shall, within ten (10) days after receiving notice of such award, execute a contract with said Sanitary District for the full and complete performance of all work specified therein, and shall also execute a bond for the faithful performance of such contract in the sum of fifty (50) per cent of the amount of the contract, with bondsmen whose financial standing is satisfactory to the Board of Trus- tees of said Sanitary District. In the event that said bidder fails or refuses to execute said contract and furnish said bond within said period of ten (10) days after receiving notice of such award, then the sum deposited by said bidder shall be retained by the Sanitary District as liquidated damages and not as a forfeiture, IT BEING NOW AGREED, that said sum is a fair estimate of the amount of damages that the Sanitary District will sustain in case said bidder fails to enter into a contract and furnish a bond as hereinafter provided. ‘Upon the ‘complete ‘execution ‘of said con- tract by the bidder after said ‘contract has been awarded,’ in accordance with‘all the terms bi and conditions hereinabove mentioned, and upon the approval of the bond on said con- tract by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, all of said sums deposited with pro- posals will be returned to the respective bid- ders. Accompanying the contract form are plans, which together with the specifications, show the work on which said proposals are to be made. Construction conditions may require that minor changes be made in the location and installation of the equipment to be furnished and other work to be performed hereunder, and the Contractor, when ordered by the En- gineer, shall make such adjustments and changes in said locations and work*as may be necessary without additional charge, provided such adjustments and changes do not unrea- sonably alter the character, quantity or cost of the work as a whole, and provided further that plans and specifications showing such ad- justments and changes are furnished the Con- tractor by the Sanitary District within a reason- able time before any work involving such ad- justments and changes is begun. THE PROPOSAL MUST NOT BE DE- TACHED HEREFROM OR FROM THE CON- TRACT by any bidder when submitting a pro- posal. The said Board of Trustees reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. 16 AUTHORITY FOR ATTACHED PROPOSAL. The following proposal is to be submitted in accordance with the advertisement for bids for the work which was authorized by order of the Board of Trustees of The Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago, passed October 1, 1925. Included in and made a part of said proposal are the attached contract form and specifica- tions and the contract plans accompanying same. This contract form, and the said plans and specifications contain corrections in lieu of or in addition to the printed matter orig- inally contained therein. All such corrections and additions are listed below and also shown on the face of the contract forms and specifi- cations and on the plans, and must be con- sidered by the bidder in making his proposal. COOH eee Eee EEE HEHEHE ETOH EEE HES EEE E SEES ESE OE HHH ESEESOEESES ESO EHH EEEOSEEES Poem emo eee eee eee ee EH EH EEE SEES ECHO EE EEE OE EEE EE TEESE ES ES EEE EEESEE EES EEOEHEEES SOPH eee eee HEHEHE EHH HEHE HEHE SEE HEHEHE SEES EEE TEESE EEE EE SHE ESSE SEES SEES HE OEESEES Poem eee meee eee eee EHH HEHEHE TELE LEST EERE HE SESE EOE EE SOTHO SES EEE EEE SEESECEEH DESEO HOES POO e meee meee He eH OEE eee HH EEE SHEE EEE ED EO EHEC E EEE HES HEE SELES EEO OEE EEE EEE DEH EES Pee e meee meee eee e ee ee eee EHE OCHS E ESSE SE ESS EEE EEHE SESE SEES ES OES SE EEEE SECO OSES EES Poem meee mere ee ee ere ese eH EHH EDEH EHO HEE SHEE EEO EES EOO TES EE ESE DED EH EH HO EE OHEEHOE POP m eee eee eH HEH ee EEE EET EEE SHEE ED EO HE EH OEE EE EEH ES EEHECEHEOEHEOS ERO HOHE SES EEEES SOSH OHH SETHE HETEH HEHEHE TEEHSEEEHEHHSHEHEEHHEHEHEHEEHHEHEHEHSHEHEHEEHHEECHSEESHEHHEEEHHHEEEEE POSSESSES OSES AE SEES HHS HHEHSHH HES SHEHSHSHHSESHHSHHHHHSHHSHSHEHHHHHSSHSOSHSHHS THRO HEHEOHOED POSH HR SEESESSHESHESHSSSHHSHSHSSHSTESSHEHSHSHSHSHHSHSSHSHHHOHHHSHSHHHSHSSHSSHSHSHTFHFHSHSHHOHHES Seeeoereeeeseeeeeern SCPC SSH ESESHESHSSESHHS SHES SHHHSTSSESHSHHSSHSHHHSSSSSHSHSSSHHOSHSHHSSHHHETSHHHHFHHTOHROSS PSOE THSHSSSHSHHSSETHSHSHSHHEHTHSSTHHSHHSHSHHHSSSHSHSHSHSHSSSHSHSHSSHSSSOSSHSHSSHOSHSSHSHSSTEHED PSH SHHHSHSHSHSHSHESHSHSSHTHEHSSSHEHSEFHSSSHHSSEHSHHSHSHSHHHSHOFHSHSHFSHSHFSTSEHSHHSHSHSSSHHHHSFTHHHHSBOCRHOED SESS SHH HHH HHSHSHHSTSEHHESSHTHSHEHHHHSHESHHHSHHSHSHHSHHTHSHTHHSEHSHHSHHSHEHHTSSTHTHHSTERORS "” SHER SSHESSHSEHHEHHSHSHHEHEHHHEHSSHHSHSHHSFFHHSHEHHHHHHHHHFHFHFHTHHHTHTEHEHTHHSTHHFHHHSEHBETTED SHHSHEHEHESHHSHSHHHEHHEHHSHHSSHSEHESHHSHHSHHHHHSHSSTHSHSHSEHSSSSSSSSHHSSHTHESHOHHSHBFHSHHHTES9E9S SRSSHSTHOSHSHEESHAEHSHHEHSSHSHSHHHT ST SSSHTHHSHSHHHSSHHSTSHHSSHTSHSHOSSHSSSHSHTSHHSHHHSHHHSTS2O99 SPSS THHHSHHEHESHHSETHEHHEHSSSHEHHHHTHHTSHSSHHSHSHHSHHHHHSHHHHSSHHHHSSHSSHFFHSHHSHH SFT HHOHSBH BORED eoeleee POCO PHSAOHHEOHAHATHATAHHHOHS HF HSS HSS OSS HS OTTTFOTTSHHFOHHHTI9HHB9O9SRE8 PSSSSHSSSHSHHSHSHSSHHSHSHHHHHSHSHESHSHHSSTSHFHSHHSHSSHOHSHHSHSHOHTHHSFHHFHSFHFFHHHFSSF HHS OHS HOESHOSD ‘ * . ©2020000000908089200006000299099808008320880889 SOF SASS SSHHHHESEHOESHSHESHHHHSSEHHSSHHSHHSHHHHSHSSSHHSSHSSSSEHSTOHHS SHH HSHHSHBHSOHOSHSSHSEEES SCPC STOPES SS ETEHEHHEEHEHEHH SHEE HEHEESSE e@evesesesreeseeoseeee @eeeeeoeeeeeeseeeee STH HE SET HESHHH SESH HEH HOHEEETEHHHEHESETHEHSHSESHEEEHHEHSHHEHETEEEHHEHOSHEHSEEHEEEEE ceereone SOTHO SHET HHH SEHHEEEHEHHE ESTE HESHEE OE HEHEHE SHHEHEHEHOHEHHH TEE EH HHH HEHEHE HHHHE HEH HEHEHE EE CHS HP ORES EEHOT HOSE HEHEHE OE SHEET HH OTHHEHHEHHTHS HEHE HSHSE HH HEHEHE HEHEHE FEE ETEHEHH EEE SSSSCHHHHEHSSESHHHHEHSHHHEHOSE SETHE HSHSHEHHHESTEHEEHHHHHHSHHHTSHEEHSHHHHETEHHOHHTHTEHEHEHOEHEE SOSH HSH SHEE HEHHEOHE EH HESEHEHHEHEHEHEHHTHEEEEETHEEEHHOHESESE HOSE THEHEHEOTHEH ETH SHE HSH EES SOSHSHHEH SESS HEHEEHSEHEHSHOEHEESHEHOSESHESHEEEHHSHOHEEESHOEH EHH HEHEHE EES EEHE HE OEHHHHEREEE eee ee Sees eee eSeSEFHHSeSEEOSHEOSEFEEHESEELESE eeeeerseeeseseseseeeseeeseesese TOSSES HESS ETH HO THEHESESHEEEHEEOHEHEHEEETEET OTHE HEEEHS OHH EHH HEHEHE HESESEEE TEETH EEEE SSS SOTSSHEHHET SHE HEHEHE SHEESHHEOTESHHEHHETSHEHSEEEEEHESEHSHSEEEHEEHESEESHEEEHEEEEEHHEEEES POSS H SHEESH HHEHESSEHEHHH HSE EHHHSOESHEHEHHHHSEEHESHEHTEHEESEHESEHHESESHEHEHEOHHT ETHER OE TES CHOHOSSHESEHEEESHESESEEHSHEHHEHEHSHEHHEHSHEHTHEHSHHEHEHESHEHOHEHEHEHSESHEHSHHEHTHEEHEHHOEHHTSEHEESHEEEHEE eeee oeeservreeeeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeseeeeeee SCHOHSHHSSHSSHSHESEHESSSHSSCHSHESSESHSSHSSSSHSSSEHSSESeee e Signed e@eeoesneeeeseees9880888080 eseeeeeeeoeseneese e@eaeeeeeeeod e Chief Engineer. (This proposal is not valid unless counter- signed above and no changes, corrections or additions other than those listed above will be considered as a part of this agreement.) 19 ~ PROPOSAL. For the Construction of the North Side Sewage _ Treatment Works—Division P, Pump and Blower House, in the Village of Niles Center, County of Cook, State of Illinois. | To the Honorable, the President and the Board - of Trustees of The Sanitary District of ‘Chi- cago: Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby certi........ tate... Bare. examined the specifications and form of contract and the accompanying plans for the CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS—DIVISION P, PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE—IN THE VILLAGE OF NILES CENTER, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS; and ha........ also examined the premises at and adjacent to the site of the proposed work, as therein described,. and the means of approach to the said site. The undersigned ha........ also examined the foregoing ‘‘Requirements for Bidding and In- structions to Bidders,” and propose........ to do all the work called for in said specifications and contract, and shown on said plans, and to furnish all materials, tools, labor, and all appliances and appurtenances necessary to the full completion of said work at the rate and prices for said work, as follows, to-wit: 20 SUBSTRUCTURE. -; -(1)° For the earthwork, complete, as spé- cified, the fe sum Of. seeeseeeeen secabedateasseeeaee SOSH SS HEHEHE EHEEEETHSSESHESHESHSHSEHSHEHESHSESSHOHSHHEHSSSHEHOHSHSESHEHSESESHSESHSOSHESEHEEOSSEESESE Cents ($..24> pith a Ste ny oe ye), “Fo or. ost ceadiiennl cearth.. excacuti complete, as specified, the sum Of...........ccccccce0ee tote teen cone wened Ce cccccce eet ».Dollars and evoee deveee Be veesecoveveececes Cents es phe aS ee: per cubic yard. ; “ 3) For. oe cinder fill, complete in place, as ‘specified, the sum of. 28 sooraeinclas dies lhaied PEAT ORE ANS tee by. Dollars ONG: i. niz).acteees see Cents ce Fidecds LéviAss Servoess dethe baat ) per sabic yard. nia itot"the” cbaesata’ capes in place, as specified, the SUM Of.....:........cssessesccese ‘astee BMT Mi Ben Se RED) wy! Dollars AM ic.n..ecssssncsessesersononans Cents (S20 ae ae eee .) per cubic yard. (5) ‘For the -granolithic surface, eanlee as specified. thersunrofih ek ae eee 21 per square foot. (6) For the reinforcing steel, complete, in place, as specified, the sum Of................ccccseceeees { wyoyrs ‘ per pound. | (7) Ror the siphon linings, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum of.................... LS ee eee Dollars Ait 5 aes tak eeee PPOTIUS hs eet Pree Aer ye (8). For the sidewalk lghts, complete, in place, as specified, the sum Of............ccssscooseeddcdace Bene Ss rec Dollars: ANG. .ceiisiiescsdsceeccteas eve Wola ey ie Aap see ) per square foot. (9) For the channel gates, complete, in place, as specified, thera Of ee, Biiek chert PY eee Oe es ULI OILATS TAT asics ctoceveccaeGekbda tenses ETAL Ce eee eats Seen ) each. SUPERSTRUCTURE. (10) For the structural steel for superstruc- ture, complete, in place, as specified, the sum SHRSSHH SEH HOSEHEEHHETEHSSEHEHEEHTEEEESHEHEAHE SHEE HOSEHOHHHHESSHHSHSHSHSHSHHHCHEHEHOHTHOHOTTSEE (11) For the cast steel for superstruc- ture, complete, in place, as specified, the sum ARCHITECTURAL WORK. (12) For the masonry, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum 2. Le Ose eae Dollars) and. 32....1..5....a0 eee Cents -($.4.056a).cn ee ee ). (13) For the cut stone and terra cotta work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump SESS EHESTHHHHHHESEHEHHSEHSEEEHSHEEHESEHHEHOHHATEHEHSEHHOSESHESHOHHESEHESESEEHOHOHEEEE Cents (3h eee } (14) For the marble work, tile floors and mastic floors, complete, in place, as specified, the lump BUM. Of; iiss eccbesecshasveowsecoe pe eee Sari hersecsonts (dts aie tpl Dollars: ands....idcccsuslcnese Cents (SoS ee ys 23 (15) For the metal windows, louvres and doors, complete, in place, as specified, the lump SOHO HHO HREHHSSHHOTHOSHHEHSHHOHHHEHEHHOHHEOSHHOHGHHOTHHHHHHOHHFFTHHHHHHHOHHHHHHHTHHHFGHHHHHDD Cents 1 (Si e028 een et he (16) For the iron work, complete, in place, as specified, CHE TTT SUMCOL vii ses cvscsscepersinanseane he See ae eae POOLEY AMG re sche sescetatern ces st, Lad ep aiciaee poate Rena }. (17 ) For the sheet metal work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum of............... Pa A Wel Sab RA REO PLAYA ADCs. iscussn coe cer eine takin BONG UD Si iirece cette ait accccesssoece he (18) For the gypsum roof tile and roof waterproofing, complete, in place, as specified, BPM NTO ei ody cao besa enaacsagtexsniveen das PRS SSCHTOTHHSSHHHOSESHSHSHHSHHOSHHSHTHHHASHSHHTHHSHHFHHSHFFSHSHHSHHSHHHFSHHTHFHHORHHHHSSHHHBHCOD CTS ila TOR iat, Auten mee van ). (19) For the carpenter work, millwork, hardware and lockers, complete, in place, as specified, the LUMP SUM Of..............c0ccecrecsscneeseees WAT HS Reins boo oo ae a ee Soscccecces es took Piel Arty: iieissegsioas jasecenne Cents (Brrr Sales toe Ge ean) 8 (20). For the glazing, complete, in place as specified, the lump: SUM Of............sccsceeesseseeeeeete ac Sees eee ces eee Dollars Bd etree Cents (B.. Ae Paar ae Oi ‘ (21) For the Sait complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum Of.............sseseseseeees HA Saeed eal Reema tse Cents (Beeseeesrecees ee Aes ). (22) Tee Ane earee Leth! plastering and suspended ceilings, complete, in place, as spe- cified, the lump sum Of....,...2.,.:..-1.s:-000) see Cee meme em eee H eH See HHH SESE CTE ROSE EE TOTES ES ESHOTOTESEESOHSOHHEHHE HEEL EHETEOOSESE (23) For the passenger elevator cab and elevator doors, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum of..3.3: UAC RS TOME A GEE es COP dere ae eee Ree he eee He TES ED OHOETHSOOHETEE SESE HEOEOTETOESEOESSESEH EE SOERELEEES EES Cents: $3. esiciccccccscecce: eS ). 20 -°(24) For the sanitary plumbing and pipe work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump OTE ve ates AN hed ne oon yet Oe eG ay GN Pe cera a tse TE GEES Se ae PPC TC ATIO Soleo deste dele ckocketivadess COCOEO GET 0 oi a ARR eo et ae ) .- Total of. Items’12:to .24 inclusive .................... we ceaeseezeae caaseesie latte Dollars: amd: i.c....cc0isecksoeseelecveeles ae rE Oe CONTS * CD. o cnn cccesecchnecnieicuse Je The work herein above specified under Items 12 to 24 inclusive includes substantially all the work to be performed under Architect- ural Work, however, if it is found necessary to perform: other work: of:.a minor. character to make said Architectural Work complete, then said Contractor shall perform such other- work as is incident to any of the appropriate items above stated without any extra charge therefor. MECHANICAL PLANT INSTALLATION. (25) For the erection of all blower units furnished and delivered by. the Sanitary Dis- trict under another contract together with all miscellaneous accompanying appurtenances, 26 complete, as specified, ready to run, for the TOIT ‘SUM OF eine cic cac denne s Shells eee PPO SST OOH EHHHHHSE SH HHOHH SEH HEHEHE HEHEHE HOTHHTEEHHEHOHHEHHSOHESHSESHOHHHHHHTEHEHHESSHOED SEP OSH SHH SESHHHHSTESHEHSESHSHSHSHESSHHSHSESHSSCEHSHHHSHESSHHHHHSHSHHOHSSHSHSHHESSEHSEHSHHSESE EDS Gents (S$. weer ees a (26) For the erection of the main pumping units and circulating water pumping units to be furnished and delivered by the Sanitary Dis- trict under other contracts, complete, in place, as specified, with all miscellaneous accompany- ing appurtenances, ready to run, for the lump Pe Pewee ese HOOT SELAH SET HOES SE EHHESEE HOO SHOT EHHSESOHESSEHE OH OLEH ESHEETS OEHO TEESE SOOTHES HEHEHE SHRHEHRESESSHEHSHESHHSHSSHESHESSHHESSESHHHHHSEHHEHESHSSHHSHHHSETHOHSHEHTHTHSEHHESESHEHEBED Cents (9 ee ee ee ee ie (27) For erection of all air conditioning equipment furnished and delivered by the Sani- tary District under another contract, complete, in place, as specified, with all miscellaneous accompanying appurtenances, for the lump SEHOHSSHSHEHESSHSHEHEHHEHSHEHHOHTESHHSHHSHEHHEHSHSSEHHESHESSEHEHSHESHHSSEHSHOHSHESSESHHEHSEOHHEOEHESSESES PHOS HSTHEHHESEHEHESHHEHSHHEHEHHOHTEHEHHSHHHEHEHEHEHHHHHHEHHHHOHHESHHOHHHOHEHHHETEHSOEHOOSOEHD Carita See ee A ee ). 27 (28) For furnishing and installing all low pressure air mains and branches and all blow- er intake piping, complete, as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump sum of .......... puekigesceietdadhdeesdeonenus PCAN eck ese scx trcatcdeoeeccsees Cents Per crit arta. ee ). (29) For furnishing and installing one (1) fifteen and one (1) thirty-five ton traveling crane, and one (1) fifteen ton electric mono- rail hoist and one (1) one thousand pound air motor hoist, complete, as specified, ready for operation, for the lum sum Of ................seeecceeeees AE ieee te PIO AES AD Gs cris eoreaen eat taeceeatt ORGS Cy yr cee doc esas ); (30) For furnishing and installing sewage screens with all apparatus and appurtenances as specified or shown on the plans, complete, as specified, ready for operation, for the lump SOAS HAETHSHSESHEHESEHESET HES EHTHOHHHSEETHHSHHHOHHSTESHHHOSSHEHHOHHSS SSE HSHSHHHOTROHROSOHEES SCTE HHO SSH SHHHEEEHHEHHOSHHEHRHHSETEHEEHHOHHSTHHSHHSHOSTHHHEHTHHETHTHHHHOTHHTH SSSR HG HH HOST OOS 28 -(81) | For furnishing and installing all nec- essary floor grating and -non-slip. floor. plates, complete, as specified, except: floor grating and floor plates in the screen chamber, which will be paid for under the lump sum specified for sewage screens, for the lump sum Of ................ Be ry ot UMS he Pe pes Dollars and savit i exvecee ee Cents (Dirseeseesensereteereseneesener ) e 4 (32) For furnishing and installing, vacuum priming pumps, ‘sewage. -ejectors, air coolers for blower motors, transformer oil pumps, tanks and purifier, return line vacuum heat- ing .pumps, storage water heater and miscel- laneous auxiliary equipment, complete, as specified or shown on the plans, ready for op- eration, for the lump sum of 4 ieaae a Uh Peueses dace fit BEAR Rs Dollars: andinal. ccc... eee Cente ($5.0. n ee ) (33) For furnishing and installing all air intake doors and frames, water-tight doors and frames for air conditioning compartments, air. relief doors and.air tunnel doors and frames, complete with all appurtenances, as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump CORO eee mma e eRe eee eH ED HSE ES ESE SHHE EOE SHH HSEH HEHE EES H ESTES HS OE ETO SOE SEE ESESEES Ee Oe ere eee tecbetecedescceseccoceccocccvessveeseseecens “ee er eeeersesweooneseseoe ‘@eseees » ONtB i (Oni cots ee steeen se oye (34) For furnishing and installing all gen- eral piping, exclusive of low pressure air mains and blower intake piping, complete with all appurtenances, pipe covering and painting, in- cluding the furnishing. and installing of all motor operated gate valves, stop gates, sluice gates and all apparatus pertaining thereto, complete, as: specified or shown on the plans, for the lump sum: ofan 2204.5 oul ani ee Ree SHS SHCHHH ESET HEHEHE SHE SHHHHHESHHSSHHHSHSTHHSHSHSTHOHSSSHSHEHSHHSSHHHSHHSHSH HHS HHTHSHOEHOTSSSOS | OP AERD Pa RTs eS PROUT ROA: Fo ao shoe iec sk cc tecs Cents (S.. edn git ying 1 EN Te ). (85) For furnishing and installing the heating and ventilating systems, complete, with all equipment, and appurtenances, pipe cover- ing, insulation and painting; as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump sum 7G Se oath be SOHC SHEESH STSHEEE SESE EEHSHEHHSHEHHHESESESHHEHEHSSSESHEHHOSSEHSHHOHSHHTHSSSHSSSHTHOHSHSTHEHSHED SHS eS SSH SSH SHH HSE ST HEH OHS HHS SHHHHEHSHH SESS HHS HHHEESHEHHHHHHHHHSHSHH HSH HOH SHETHESSHH OHH BES BO pole intl sara POT APS ON epee asks arises SEES ESEL dB ORCESS Bgl IIE AY pc Ro ). (36) For the furnishing and installing of all instruments and meters, complete with all apparatus and appurtenances, as specified or 30 SOSH SHHEHEHTHEEEEHHEEHEHSHESEHSHETHHSHSHEHEHHHTHEHHOETESHHSOHEEEHTEHSTHSEHEHHHSHSHHHHHHTHOHEEFS SHSSHSHHTHHHHSHHHESEHHHHSESHEHHOHSHHHOHHSHHCHSEEHSEHHHEEEHEHHOHETEHHOHOHHTHEHSOHSEHHEHOHOHHSOSES CONTA en sade ete He 37) For furnishing and installing miscel- laneous piping apparatus and appurtenances, including pipe covering and painting; and miscellaneous iron castings, complete, as speci- fied or shown on the plans, not heretofor classi- fied, for the lump sum of....J2...c2.... ee SOSH SHSSTHSHSHOSHETEHHHEEEEHESHHESETESOHESHEHHHETTESSEHREHSHHHETESHOSSHOHHESHESSHOHSESHHSOES SCTSOSHSHHOSSEHHEESHSESHTSHSHHEHTHSESHEHSHHHHESHEHSHHHEHHETHHSHHAESESHHOSHSSCSECHSHEHEHSHHHSEHEHTSEGS Cente Biv steerer ). (38) For furnishing of all labor and ma- terials for the painting of all equipment ap- paratus and appurtenances, complete, as speci- fied, for the lump SUM. OF ...2.....4...,00c0svecsevsavonsnsa COPS SEHESHOTHEHSHEHESH HEHEHE HHEHOHSSEHEHSHEEHESEHHHHEHSHHHHATHOEHEHSHESEHHHOEHSHOHHSHSESEHEEHSHHEE SOSCH HSE SHSHHSHSHTSSHEHHSHHEHHETEHHHSEHHHOHHESHEHOHHEHSHSTHSTETEHTESEEHSHSOHLEHYEHSHETEHEHHOEHFES COCO EHHES HHH EHE SEES HHEHHEHEEHEHEHOHGHHEHESHHHSHHEHHEHHHHEEHEETEEEHEEHEEHHTOHHEHOHHHHSEHOHHFEOSS SP STHHHH SHS HSER SSH HEHSHEHHEHHSHHEHSHHOHSHHHHSHSEHHOHHHHSHSHERHHTOHOROHHSSSHSHHHOSHESOSOS®D SHHSSSSHHHOH SHEESH HEFSHESSEHHSHSHHSHSHSHHOSHHHEHTHHHSHSHHSHHSHHHHHSHTSHST HR HHHH OSES HHOOTORE HHO OD Cents ($............0::ee ). The work herein above specified under Items 25 to 38 inclusive includes substantially all the work to be performed under Mechanical Plant installation, however, if it is found necessary to perform other work of a minor character to make said Mechanical Plant installation com- plete, then said Contractor shall perform such other work as is incident to any of the appro- priate items above stated without any extra charge therefor. ELECTRICAL WORK. (39) For the electrical work, complete, as specified, the lump sum Of ...............sc0ee0es Ae Ca SHSSHSSHESHSHHSESHETESTHESHHHSHESHSSESSHHHSHSHHHETSHHSHESHHHTSHHSSHSHSSHSSSSHOHPHHHHSHSHHRHHRHEDOS SRS SHSHESHHHSEHSHEHSHSHSSSHHHSHHHHSHHSHSHEHRHHSHFHOHHSHSHFTHHSHSHFEHSHHSHHTHSHSHSOHAGHSHGHOHHSHES PREM PON eo eric sh cua acces Rakes ). The undersigned further states that the grand total amount of this bid computed on the lump sums stated and unit prices extended for said approximate quantities stated in “‘Require- ments for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders” BRTACHEC HETEUG, 1S. cicscs esse gcce sec tenceckcscoecretsencevaceasers SOSH SOSHSHEHESHEHSEHSEHSHSHSSHSHSHSOHSSHSFHFFASTHSHFSHHSHHSHHHSSSSSHSHSHHHHHIHOROTHS HS OO® COTO CERSEH HEHEHE SHEHHEHSESESHHEESSEHHHESHSESHESHESHEHEHETEHHEHEHESSHEEHEOEHESHEHHOHEHEHEESES COHORTS HERETHSSHEHSETHSHESHEHSHSHSHESESESEHOESHSHHESEESHESSEESHEHEEHTEOHESEHROEOHESESHESESE POSSESS HHEHHESSSHEHSHESEHEESHESHHSESOEHHSHEHHSHETHEHHHSOHEHOHESHEHSHOSEHEHOHEHEEFOSHESHSCOHEHEEOE SOSH SH SSSHEEHSSHSHHHLHOSHS HEHEHE HHHESSHOHSOLEHSHEHESEHHSHHEHHOTESEHESOHOOHSSSOHEEEHHEEE CeCe eee eH e ESS eee HESS HEEL EH ESO SEOESOESEESOH SEES HE OSHS HEH OOAOTEE HOS SESSSESESES athe Se eoeeee vt Dollars and ast ett tatactasnesthss0eraae ama Cents. ($.......... chewed Gur Cie ee _ Said total sum is. subject to verification. by the Chief Engineer of the Sanitary District and the correct sum will be used in the comparison of bids. The bidder shall fill out all spaces in the following: pages of this proposal relating to kind of equipment to be furnished, maker and place of manufacture of said equipment. It-is- understood and agreed that the quan- tities mentioned in the “Requirements for Bid- ding and Instructions to Bidders” are only ap- proximate and are assumed SOLELY for the comparison of proposals and are not guaran- teed to be accurate statements or estimates of the quantities of the different classes of work that are to be performed under the contract, and if~ awarded the contract for the work therein mentioned, the undersigned will not make any claim for damages or for loss of profits or for an extension of time because of a difference between the quantities of the vari- ous classes of work assumed for comparison of bids and the quantities of work actually per- formed. 33 The undersigned hereby agrees that the equipment to be furnished hereunder will comply with the data and efficiencies herein- after specified to-wit: ELECTRICAL WORK. Battery Charging Sets. The total efficiencies of the Battery Charg- ing Sets at rated voltage and frequency will not be less than the following: 20 K. W. Battery 1% Load 34, Load Full Load ROR O TT Oe OM aa ey crc eee ed ak ee tes Shek The weight of the complete Battery Charg- ing Sets will be as follows: Complete 34K.W. Battery Charging Sets .......... pounds. ; W , The 20K.W. and 34, Battery Charging Sets to be furnished herewith will be manufactured by See ee eee eseeeeTFoOFeEesseeETESSESE OSES EEE SSSSHSSSHSSHHHSAHHEHSHHHSHHSHHHHSSHSHSHSHTHFHSSSH HHS HOHSHSSFHHHSSSHHSSHTHSHHFSFFHF HSH HPHHS DOO SSSSHESHSSHESHHSSEHSSSHSHSHHSHHHEHSSHHSHSHHHHHTHFHHTF HHS SHESHHRHFHHTHHHOHHFHSFTHTHH HT HHHHTTSESOS 34 100 K. V. A. Transformers. The efficiencies of the 100 K. V. A. Trans- formers will be not less than that specified in the following table: Per Cent Per Cent Efficiency at of load 100% P.F. 90%P.F 80% P.F. 100 yd cane teal Fe hoe tg ee Sn Fe eT Secasaesapansice iauadsn Err teee eee ae ten Ue nner earners. @eocesecesevecseen The regulation will be as specified in the following table: Per. Cent Per Cent Regulation at of load 100% P.F.. 90%P.F. 80%P.F. LO Qa oor eset (Mem Rrr Tr ahr ce hg OQ. ORAS ae ede Neen tua. one cen Following are the dimensions in inches and approximate net weight in pounds of each transformer: Heioht over. alliics. nweiteses ese eee inches Projected oorsarceacc eee inches Total weight... Ce eee ees pounds The current transformers to be furnished herewith will be: Voltage Make - ‘Type Style Cat. No. Peeiee e ee MeOus ge (Ce SATAY ick VAR oa Ra ec Bem econ Se TPQ Sah leat ee dil. xe aeeaaenene ta rer eP trh WEA jo titoeHtien Watt tS PM es Sramsiahe STEpe Ty Pt 2 RS ee adi ata EIDE. IOS i ce Ne a a Altes eae IMM eT iy eum here, ae eeereereeosesveese8 eereeseseeeeves e098 oeeseseesesseas® Seeteseressveeee eevee eeeesereeaese @eseeeeseses $$e88828 88 BeBe eO8 ..The potential transformers to be furnished herewith will be: Voltage Make Type Style Cat. No. POUOUP Ate eck ce he 36 The overload relays for the automatic opera- tion of the oil circuit breakers will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). SESH TESS SHEHE HEHEHE ESHESHEHHESHHHHEHHEOHEESSEEEEHEHEEEEEHOHEEETHESETOSHSEHESEOHEHEESHESES PSSST HH SHS EES SHETHTOHTSHHHESHHHEHSHEESESEHEHETOESEEHEEHOHSSEHHSEHESHHSHHTSSHEHSESHEECESEEESES SSH SHHSHEHHSHHHETEHSHHSHEHSE FES SHEHHHEEHESEHEHHEHHHHSSHEEESESEHTOHSOESEHEHEHEHETESESESEEOEEDE SCSSSESOSHEHEEHEHSHEHSHOEHHHHSHEHHSSHEEHOHEHESHEHESHEE HEHEHE HEHHTEHESHEHCTSEEHOTHESOH HE SEHEEEEDS The under voltage relays for the automatic operation of the oil circuit breakers will be (in- sert make, type, style, catalogue number). SRST AHTHSHESEHETESEHEHHEHSHHESHETHHESSHSHESTHEHSHHTHEHEHEHEHOSHSHESSHSHHOSHHOETEOHSEHHEHHSEEEHSEHEEESHEOS COSHH SHEHESEHESSHSHHSHHSHESEHOSEHESHEHESHSSHEHEHSSHOLEEHOHEHEHHOHHHEOHHSHEESSHHEHESTEHEETESEHEOHESHS PSSST SHSHOSSEESHHSEEHHESEHHHSHEHSHHSEHHSHHSHOHEHHOHHCHSHSHSESHEHSHESEHHHSHHSHEHESEESHTHHEHESEHEHHHHES PSST SEEETHSHSEHSSEHSHHEHHESHHHHHSHESHHHEHHTHEHEHSHEHHHEHHHESHHSHEHESEHHEHHRSHEHEHHHRHHHEHEHHEEE The 12,000, 6600, 440 and 110 volt bus bar supports and bushings, will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). COC P CHEE HHH HE OEE HEE OES ES EEE OO OE EO EHOEEOH OHO OES ES ESSE EES EU ESESEEE ESE SEE OOS ES®S COCR COCO HEHEHE EEE HE OEH EE EEE HOES OO EEE EES ES OEEESESESSEEESHS OH ESES ES EOEEHOOES®S Pee eee eee SERS EEO EHE HOHE SES OEO ESOS ES ESE DOSS HEESEO TET ESE SEES ESESES EES H ES EES ESOSE Cee dee eee e eee see ESE DEE HOE HOSES SHE O SESH ESESOE EES EO ETOCS OS OHEESHOES ESTOS OROO ORS SSSHSSSHEHSHSSHHLEHSSESHESHEHSHTESSHEHSHEHHSHHSSHEHSHSHSSSHESHESTHSEHHSHHSSSHEHEHESSSESESSEHOEEHOHES The motor distribution cabinets to be fur- nished herewith will be manufactured by ........ SSSOSSHHHOHEHEHHSHSEHHSHHEHHHEHETHHEHEHETEHEHETEHEETEHSHHEHHTHHHHHEHHHEHHESHTSHCOEEHESHHEHESOHE OF The lighting cabinets to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). SHSSOSHHHHSSHEEHSHHSHHHSHHSHHHSHHHOHHHGOHHHHHHHHHTEHSHHSHHHSSHESOEHHHSHSHOHOH EEO HOR OS ORES SHSSSHHHEHSHHSEHEHESEHSHHSHEEHHESHEHSEHEHOHSSHSHHEEEHESHEHTESHSESOHOHEHESHEHERH SHOE EOEETOHEOHSEES SHSHSHSSASHHHEHSHHSHHSHHHHHHEHHHSOHHHHHHHEHHETHTEHSHHHHOHSSHHHHHSHHHSHSHEHHOSSHESHHSESSASEE The lighting fixtures to be furnished here- with will be manufactured Dy ................cccseceeeees SOCSHSHHSHSHSHSHSHHHHSHHSSOHTHSSHSHHHSSESHESOHSSHSSHT HOSTESS OHHH OSH OHS OHZSSHE TTF CHET HES HHTOSEDD The main Switchboard, Relay Switchboard, Field Switch Switchboard, Battery Charging Switchboard, Motor Generator Switchboard and Lighting Switchboard, will be manufac- MRRP Lms SR ere eee ene tes AE ie cians pas ccciracouhoai on does ou cae SOP SSHHSSHHSHSHSSHEHSEHHSHHTHHSHSSHHHHHSHETOHEHHSHSHSSHHTHHTSHHHHHSH OHHH OHRHS SESH OHH OSESES The unit Interlocking Control will be manu- ESLER EB coo a RAT AN a at GR ey one nO eh ot ee SPRSSHSSHSHSHSSHTSHSHSSHSHSHHSFHTSHSHESFOHSSHHSSHSHHEHF PH HSSHSHSHSSHHHSESHHSHHHETSHHHEHHHHSHHEH TEED 38 -The Switchboard instruments and meters will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue, number). SHES HHH SHEE HEHEHE HEHEHE SESH HHETSHTEEHHEHSEEHE HEHEHE HEEEEETESEEHESHESHTHEEEEEHEEEE The Storage Battery to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). FOSS EHHEHEH HEHEHE HEHEHE EHHEHHSHEHEHEHELESEHEEHOHESHEEHEEHEHEHEHHETHHEHEHESEHEEHTESESEHESES SHO SHHHHHESHHH HH HETEHEHSHHESEHESEHEHSHESEHEHHEEHEHHHESHEHSESSHEETESTEHSHESHEHEHOHESEHEHEHEE DEES The Safety Switches to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). PEC OTHE ee oe eee meee EHH HH ERET TOO SHEHREROOEE HEHEHE SOHO ET EESEEERES ESE DESASEEES PORES OHHH HEHEHE SE HSE HEHE HEHE HLH HEEEE EE TEHEHEEHSHEESEHE EEE HEEEHEHESEEH OSES Pee OEMS H ESHEETS EEE EET EEE EHEHEEHH SESE HELTER HOEHEE HEE OE HEHEHE EERE DES EEOE SCCM H HEHEHE HH EEEHEEHEHEHEHEHESOHHEHEHETESEEE TH HOHE HEHEHE HEHE TEHHREHE RHE HHEOH SEED 39 The End Cell Switch to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). SECS SHEHTEE HEHEHE SHHEHHHEH SESE SHEESH SHEH ES HSESHHEEHHEHSHERO SHES EHH SEH EHH SESE H HEHEHE SSSR SOHHSSH SEE HHH HHHHHEHHEHRH HHO HHSHHES HH SHH SSH THEHRHHHSHSOHSHT HHH OH OSEHHEHSHHEHEHOHOHRHODD The Transformers to be furnished herewith shall be manufactured by ...................... ene a SCHHSTHHHESHHSH SHEESH HHHEEHHEHHOHHSHHHSHHHHHEHEHSHEHSHHHOHHHSHRHHSH OS HOH FORSHEE HHHHHBOO EHD Oil Circuit Breakers. The voltage rating and current carrying characteristics of the oil circuit breakers will be as follows: Rupturing capacity in R.M.S. amps. Continuous One-second at 6600, 440 current capacity in and 110 volts Type or carrying R.M.S. two (2) OCO Voltage Style capacity amperes Duty Cycle The electrically operated oil circuit breakers to be furnished herewith will be manufactured by Peeeeeerseosese esses oereees eoeereeeeee COTHHSHOHSHHHSHRHH SEHR OHEHHH HHH HEHE RTH OSD E SOHSSHSOHHHEEHEHEHTHHHSEHEHHHHEHEETHEEHEHSTEHTHESESHESSEHSESEHESESHEEHSEHESSEHESHESEHEHESEHEOEEHOEHEEEE SCSHSSHESHHSHHEHSEHEHEEHEHHSEHEHHHOSHHHEEEHSSOEHOEHHSHEHEHHESHEHEHEHEHOTEHHESHHSEHHHSOHEHEHESEHESE SSSSHSEHEHEHESEHSESSHHHHEHEHESHEHEHEHOHHHEHHEHSEEEHHEHEHOHHSHETSHSHSEHHHHEHHESHEOHEOHEEHEHDOEE The following plans, showing the work to be performed in accordance with the attached specifications, have been examined by the un- dersigned in preparing the foregoing proposal, to-wit: SUBSTRUCTURE, Sheet No. TITLE. C- 1. Location and Grading Plan. C- 2. Index Plan. C- 3. Plan at El. — 25.00. C- 4. Plan at El. — 22.00 and — 25.00. C- 5. Plan at El. — 4.15. C- 6. Plan at El. — 4.15 and — 5.50. C- 7. Pump Pit Details. C- 8. Footing Plan. C- 9. Footing Plan. C-10. Plan at El. — 4.15. C-11. Plan at El. + 4.00. C-12. Plan at El. + 4.00 and + 8.00. C-13. Plan at El. + 8.00. C-14. Plan at El. + 11.00 and + 8.00. C-15. C-16. C-17. C-18. C-19. C-20. C-21. C-22. C-23. C-24. C-25. C-26. C-27. C-28. C-29. C-30. C-31. C-32. C-33. C-34. C-35. C-36. C-37. 4] Planvat Ble 16.42. Plan at El. + 25.00. Plan at El. + 21.00 and + 25.00. Plan at El. + 25.00. Plan at El. + 25.00 and + 21.00. Column Bolts and Channel Gates. Details at Blower Unit. Longitudinal Section A-A. Longitudinal Section B-B. Longitudinal Section C-C. Longitudinal Section D-D. Longitudinal Section E-E. Longitudinal Section F-F. Longitudinal Section G-G. Longitudinal Section H-H. Longitudinal Section J-J. Longitudinal Section K-K. Longitudinal Section L-L.. Longitudinal Section M-M. Longitudinal Section N-N. Longitudinal Section P-P. Transverse Sections 1-1, 2-2 and 3-3. Transverse Sections 4-4 and 5-5. C-38. C-39. C-40. C-41. C-42. C-43. C-44. C-45. C-46. C-47. C-48. C-49. C-50. C-51. C-52. C-55. C-54. C-55. C-56. C-57. C-58. 42 Transverse Sections 6-6 and 7-7. Transverse Sections 8-8 and 9-9. Transverse Sections 10-10 and 11-11. Transverse Sections 12-12, 13-13 and 14-14. Transverse Sections 51-51, 52-52 and 57-57. Transverse Sections 53-53, 54-54, 55-55 and 56-56. Transverse Sections 58-58, 59-59 and 60-60. Transverse Sections 61-61, 62-62, 63-63 and 64-64. Siphon Details. Siphon Details. Siphon Details. Siphon Details. Column Schedule. Column Schedule. Stair Details. Stair Details. Miscellaneous Steel. Details at Steel Column Bases. Beam Schedule. Beam Schedule. Beam Schedule. SUPERSTRUCTURE. Sheet No. TITLE S- 1. Stress Diagrams—Roof Trusses and Miscellaneous. s- 2. Plate Girder Sections at Elevations + 40.0, + 57.0 and Roof. S- Column Schedule and Column Splices.. S- 4. Cross Section Through Pump and Blow- er Room. S- 5. Miscellaneous Cross Sections. S- 6. Cross Section Through Electric Switch- board Room and Lintel Details. S- 7. Framing.Plan at Elevation + 40.0. S- 8. Framing Plan at Elevation +4- 57.0. S- 9. Framing Plan at Roof.. S-10. Column Base Details. S-11. Column and Wind Bracing Details... 5-12. Reinforced Concrete Floor Slab De- tails at Elevation ALD), 5-13. Hemtorced Canerete Floor Slab Details at. Elevation + 57.0. S-14. Miscellaneous Floor Slab Details at Elevation. + 40.0. “ARCHITECTURAL WORK. Sheet No. PeerlEcie A- 1. East and West Elevations. A- 2. North and-South Elevations. 43 44 Floor Plan Below Elevation + 8’-0”. Floor Plan Below Elevation + 21’-0”.. Floor Plan at Elevation + 25’-0”. Floor Plan at Elevation + 40’-0”. Floor Plan at Elevation + 57’-0”. Roof Plan... Cross Section A-A. Cross Section B-B. Cross Section C-C. Cross Section D-D. Longitudinal Section E-E. Longitudinal Section F-F. Typical Wall Sections. Typical Wall Sections. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Cut Stone and Masonry Details. Stair and Railing Layouts. Stair and Railing Layouts. A-28. A-29. A-30. A-31. A-32. A-33. A-34. A-35. A-36. A-37. A-38. A-39. A-40. 45 Stair and Railing Layouts. Stair Railing and Fascia Details. Detail of Skylight over Pump and Blower Room. Detail of Skylight over Switchboard Room. Sheet Metal Details. Metal Window and Louvre Details. Door Details. Door Details. Door Details. Elevator Details. Toilet Room Layouts. Miscellaneous Details. Miscellaneous Details. MECHANICAL PLANT INSTALLATION. Sheet No. TITLE. M- 1. Plan at Elevation plus 25.00. M- 2. Sectional Plan at Elevation plus 20.00. M- 38. Cross Section. M- 4. Longitudinal Section. M- 5. Longitudinal Section. M- 6. Typical Blower Unit. M- 7. Typical Blower Motor Cooler. M-20. M-21. M-22. M-238. M-24. M-25. 46 General Arrangement of Blower Lubri- cating System. , Blower Lubricating System Details. Bigiar Lubricating System Details. Blower Lubricating System Details. Air Intake and Discharge Piping. Air Intake and Discharge Piping De- tails. Air Intake and Discharge Piping Sup- ports. Air Intake Nozzle. Floor Stand Supports for Blower Dis- charge Valves. | Typical 150 C. F. S. Pumping Unit Plan. : : Typical 150 C. F. S. Pumping Unit End Elevation. Typical 150 C. F. S. Pumping Unit Side Elevation. x Typical 100 C. F. S&S. Pumping Unit Plan. Typical 100 C. F. S. Pumping Unit End Elevation. | : . Typical 100 C. F. S. Pumping Unit Side Elevation. Intake Piping for Pumping Units. - Discharge Piping for Pumping Units. 42.-and 48-inch Valve Platforms. | M-26. M-27. M-28. M-29. M-30. M-381. M-82. M-33. M-34. M-35. M-36. M-37. M-38. M-39. M-40. M-41. M-42. M-43. M-44. M-45. 47 Typical 6-foot by 6-foot Stop Gate In- stallation. Vacuum Piping General Arrangement. Vacuum Piping Sectional Elevation. Water Seal Piping General Arrange- ment. Water Seal Piping Sectional Elevation. Floor Plates around 100 C. F. 8S. Pump- ing Unit. Floor Plates around 150 C. F. 8. Pump- ing Unit. Intake Channel Dewatering Piping. Miscellaneous Floor Plates. Service Water Lines Diagram. Service Water Lines to Toilet Fixtures. Transformer Oil Piping Plan. Transformer Oil Piping Elevation. Transformer Oil Piping Details. Transformer Oil Piping Details. Transformer Oil Piping Details. Instrument and Meter Installation. Instrument and Meter Installation. Instrument and Meter Installation; Flow Meters and Gauges. Instrument and Meter Installation; Thermometers. M-46. M-47. M-48. M-49. M-50. M-51. M-52. M-53. M-54. M-55. M-56. M-57. M-58. M-59. M-60. M-61. M-62. M-63. M-64. 48 Instrument and Meter Installation; Cross Sectional Elevation. Recording Instrument Boards. Indicating Instruments and Panels. Sewage Level Gauges, Details. Bench for Permanent Records. Sample of Permanent Record Chart. Sewage Screens ; General Arrangement. Sewage Screens; Typical Cross Sec- tional Elevation. Sewage Screens; Longitudinal Section. Sewage Screens; Plan of Hoisting Mechanism. Sewage Screens; Power Lifting Unit. Sewage Screens; Details. Sewage Screens; Details. Sewage Screens; Air Motor Hoist. General Arrangement of Air Condi- tioning Units. Typical Air Conditioning Unit, Sec- tions. Typical Air Conditioning Unit, Plan and Elevation. General Arrangement of Water Supply , Lines to Air Conditioning Units and Motor Coolers. General Arrangement of Circulating Pumps and Sewage Ejectors. M-66. M-67. M-68. M-69..: ‘M-70. M-71 ° es M72. M-73 ‘ = Mev. M,75 M-79. M-80. M-81. 49 Air Washer --Drains and. Circulating , Water Tank Piping. | Circulating Water Piping Details. High and Low Pressure Steam Lines to Air Conditioning Units. Vacuum Return Lines from Air Condi- tioning Units.. . Vacuum Pump Piping and High Pres- sure Steam Supply for Air Condition- ing Units. . Air Discharee. Door Dates Air Discharge Door Details... - Air Relief Door Details. Air Intake ones and ees and “Doors: for ‘Air Conditioning SHES ments. Air Tunnel Doors and Frames. .. Floor Grating. — ‘M-76. M-77. M78. Floor Grating. ‘Floor Grating for Air Intake. Direct Steam Fleatinoe Plan at eleva. tion plus 8.0 feet. - Direct Steam Heating; Plan at Eleva- tion plus 25.0 feet. Direct Steam Heeue Plan at Eleva- tion plus 40.0 feet. | Direct Steam Heating; Plan at Eleva- tion plus 57.0 feet. M-82. M-83. M-84. M-85. M-86. M-87. M-88. M-89. M-90. M-91. M-92. M-93. M-94. M-95. M-96. M-97. M-98. M-99. 20 Direct Steam Heating; Section A-A. Direct Steam Heating; Sections. Direct Steam Heating; Sections. Direct Steam Heating; Sections. Direct Steam Heating; Details. Direct Steam Heating; Details. General Arrangement of Indirect Heat- ing and Ventilating System. Indirect Heating and Ventilating Unit at Elevation plus 40.0 feet. General Arrangement of Indirect Heat- ing and Ventilating Systems at Eleva- tion plus 8.0 feet. Screen Chamber Ventilating System. Indirect Heating and Ventilating Sys- tem. Details of Unit at Elevation plus 40.0 feet. Indirect Heating and Ventilating Sys- tem. North Unit Elevation plus 8.0 feet. Indirect Heating and Ventilating Sys- tem. South Unit Elevation plus 8.0 feet. Floor Drainage System; General Plan. Floor Drainage System. Floor Drainage System. Floor Drainage System. Floor Drainage System. D1 M-100. Floor Drainage System. -M-101. Miscellaneous Drain Piping. M-102. Miscellaneous Drain Piping. Sheet No. E- 1. Main Wiring Diagram. E- 2. Main Wiring Diagram. E- 8. Main Wiring Diagram. f E- 4. Main Wiring Diagram. Ce E- 5. Main Wiring Diagram. E- 2, Main Wiring Diagram—Flow-meter. | One ay Main ‘Wiring Diagram. E- 8. 12000 V. Bus Structure—Electrical he sembly. E- 9. 12000 V. Bus Structur eramnarah Ely. and. Sec. E-10. 5000 K. V. A. Tranetornar Bank. E-11. 6600 V. Distribution Bus — Electrical Assembly. E-12. 6600 V. Distribution Bus Structure— Masonry. E-13. 6600 V. Distribution Sectional Plans. E-14. 6600 V. Start and Run—Bus Structure —Plan Electrical Assembly. E-15. ELECTRICAL WORK. PLANS Identified by sheet numbers, as titles do not correspnod with those on plans 6600 V. Start—Bus Structure—Elv. Electrical Assembly. 52 6600 V.. Run — Bus Structure — Elv: Electrical. Assembly. 6600. V. Start and Run— Bus Stee ture—Plan—Masonry. 6600 »V.::Start—Bus Structure—Elv. Masonry. 6600 V. Run—Bus Structure—Elv. Masonry. i 6600 V. Start in RinPlan Loca- tion of Slabs. tT 6600 V. Start and un Seen Tee tion of Slabs. 6600 V. Run—Bus ‘Structure No. oo Plan. Fh 6600 V. Start che. Run—Plan Loca- tion of Slabs. 12000 and 6600 ' V. Steel, Door and Slab Details. 1500 K. V. A. Transformer aig Auto Transformer Bus BUC ae ee sembly... .- Auto Transformer Details and Struc- ture. Auto Transformer Connections. 440 V. Bus Structure—Elec. Assembly. . *440 ae Bus Structure—Steel Assembly. 40 ne “Bus ‘Structure—Steel Details. | 300 K. V. A. Transformer Hae ree H-33. E-34. B-35. E-36. E87... E-38. H-39. E-40. E-41. B-42, B-43. B-44. E-45. E46. E-47. E-48. E-49. B-50. B-51. K-52. D3 300K. V.'A. Transformer Bank—Sec- tion. Switchboard Panels. 3 aetihaard Framework ena raed Relay Panels and Framework. §. -Field Switch Panels. and Framework. Conduit Plan N. and S. End i Elv. + 8, and + 57.. Conduit. Plan Elv. + 8. | Conduit Plan Elv.. + 21.-and + 40: N, and S. End. : Condit. Blan Ely. + aie Conduit Plan Ely. ce 40. Cond. in Floor. Conduit Plan EW. at AO. Cond. under ‘Floor. Conduit Plan—6600 Vv. Start ‘and Run Bus Structure. — Conduit Plan NW. Elv.—4.15 ‘Conduit Plan N. Center Elv.—4.15 Conduit Plan SW. Ely. oun 15 and 3 4, Conduit Plan S. Center Ely. er 15 and + 4. Conduit Plan NW. Elv. + 8. Conduit. Plan N. Center Elv. +. 8. Conduit Plan SW. and 8. oenter Ely. + 15. Conduit Details. E-53. E-54. E-55. H-56. E-57. E-58. E-59. E-60. B-61. E-62. E-63. E-64. E-65. E-66. E-67. E-68. E-69. E-70. E-71. E-72. E-73. E-74, a4 Conduit Plan NW. Elv. + 25. Conduit Plan N. Center Elv. + 25. Conduit Plan SW. and S. Center Elv. +. 25. Conduit Details. Conduit Plan NW. and N. Center Elv. ra: Conduit Details. Conduit Plan SW. Elv. + 40. Conduit, Cross Sections. Conduit, Details in Instrument Room. Conduit Box No. 1. Conduit Box No. 2. Conduit on South wall, El.—4.15 440 V. Power Cabinet Main Distribu- tion Cabinet and Cabinet No. 3. 440 V. Power Cabinets, Nos. 1, 2 and 4. Motor Connections P. and B. House and Tunnel. Motor Pit Details. Lighting Plans—SE. Elv.—4.15 Lighting Plans—SW. Elv.—4.15 Bus and Cable run under Elv. + 21. Bus and Cable run under Elv. + 21. Lighting Plans—S. End Elv.—5.5. Lighting Plans—Elv. -++ 8. K-75. K-76. K-77. E-78. E-79. B-80. B-81. E-82. E-83. B-84, E-85. E-86. E-87. E-88. H-89. £-90. E-91. K-92. E-93. E-94. H-95. ya) Lighting Plans—NE. and SE. Elv. + 8. and + 57. Lighting Plans—Elv. + 21. Lighting Plans—NE. and SE. Elv. + 21. and + 40. Lighting Plans—Elv. + 40. Lighting Plans—Elv. + 57. Lighting Plans—Sections. Lighting Plans—Sections. Lighting Plans—Wiring Diagram. Lighting Plans—Wiring Diagram. Lighting Plans—NW. Elv.—4.15. Lighting Plans—N. Center Elv.—4.15. Lighting Plans—W. Elv. + 8. and + 11. Lighting Plans—N. and S. Center Elv. + 8. and + 11. Lighting Plans—W. Elv. + 285. Lighting Plans—N. and S. Center Elv. + 25. Lighting Plans—W. Elv. + 40. Lighting Plans—N. and S. Center Elv. + 40. Lighting Plans—NW. Elv. -++ 57. Lighting Plans—N. Center Elv. -+ 57. Lighting Plans—SW. Elv. + 57. Lighting Plans—S .Center Elv. + 57. E-96. - h-97. B-98. K-99. E-100. E-101. E-102. “E-103. E-104. E-105. E-106. E-107. E-108. E-109. E-110. B-111. K-112. E-113. E-114., 06 Lighting Plans—W. Elv. + AT: Lighting Plans—N. and S. Center Ely. fonts vaste : Lighting Plans — Longitudinal Section, W. half. Lighting Plans — Longitudinal Section, N. and S. Center and Cross-sections. Lighting Plans—Wiring Diagram. Lighting Plans—Wiring Diagram. Ground Bus. Conduit Schedule. Conduit Schedule. Conduit Schedule. | Conduit Schedule. General Arrangement Plan Elv. + 8. General Arrangement Plan Elv. + 21. General Arrangement Plan Elv. + 40. Flow Meter and Lighting Panels. General Arrangement Plan, Cross Sec- tion. General Arrangement Plan, Longitudi- inal Section. Cable and Bus connections under Elv. HeoT Battery Room and Charging Set Room. TOT © In accordance with the requirements set forth in the attached ‘“‘Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders,” there is deposited here- with the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) which under the terms therein mentioned entitles.........c.cccssceeseeeeeeees WRC EN ean, routs vit os ve ee to Submit a proposal on said work, the said sum to be re- BRET LITO aye ee an PEI ceca sibs avin ckvedegie recuse upon the faithful performance of all the condi- tions set forth in the “ERIE ERSIEUS for ROIS and Instructions to Bidders.”’ The undersigned hereby accepts the invita- tion of said Sanitary District to submit a pro- posal on said work, on the express understand- ing that he will not cancel or withdraw this ‘pro- posal and that the Sanitary District will hold this proposal and the sum deposited herewith until all of the proposals submitted have been canvassed and a contract for said work has been awarded and signed and a bond fur- nished and approved. It is hereby agreed, in the event et the un- dersigned is awarded a contract for the work herein mentioned, and shall fail or refuse to ex- ecute a contract for said work and to furnish the specified bond within ten (10) days after the award of said contract to the undersigned, then in that case the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00), de- posited herewith, shall be retained by the Sani- tary District as liquidated damages and not as 08 a forfeiture, it being agreed that said sum of TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00) is the fair measure of the amount of damages that The Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago will sustain in case the under- signed shall fail or refuse to enter into the con- tract for said work and to furnish a bond as specified in said contract, if said contract is awarded to the undersigned. 59 N. B. This Affidavit must be executed. , AFFIDAVIT County of Cook, ne STATE OF ILLINOIS, ; SOSHSHTHESTEHESHHHSHHHSHSHSHHHSHSTHHHEHHHOHSHEHSHHHHOHHOHSTHHH TRF HSHSPHHHTHHHHHSSTEBRESEO SCOSHSHSSEHSHSSEHHEHHSHOHHSHSHESETHHHEHSHHEHSEHHSSHSHEHLOHSHEHHHOHHOSHOHFSHSHSHTHHHSHOHTHOHROSHOESS has done work for the following parties of the kind and approximate magnitude required un- der this contract: Party Kind of Work Total Amount Seeeevseesseeseoeseeeeee jg-§ SF © SFFSEFESSHHESFHHSHSEHHSS FFF FFF HTHTHHTHHHOTSEHSSEHEBSD SOeeeeF ee eeeseesesss2F2G jjj§§ e898 SOSH HFHSEHHSOHFTEH £99988 98 85 FH HSHT2S8HTE8 SOOO EEE RHROHOHT EHO EEEEEH =F OHHH HEHHBHEH ES HEHEHE H = =—=—. OHHH HTHHTHEHHHHHHHEEEOEE SeeeeereseeseseeesesesesS j§§é§=iCF FFF HHSTHEHHTFETSSFHSSS £9999 99989899898088880805 and thate® oe ee own or ha............. available for immediate use on the proposed work the SPOSOHTSSSTHHSHEEHHHSHHEHSHHSHHSSSEHHHSSHHHSTHHHHSHHHHHSHSHHSHHSHHSHSHHSHEHSHSSHHFETEHHEHSTHHHHETHTES SOHSHSOSTOH OS HHTHHHTSHEHT EHH HT SEH HSHEHHTHHHHHHHHEHTHHHHTHHHHTHFHTFHHH F888 THHTHHESTEOED SOSSHSHSOHSHHSHHHHSHHSHHHSHSHSHSHTHHHHHHSHHSTHTHSHEHHHHTHHHSHHFHFSHOSHFF HSH SH HSHSHHHFHHHOOHHSREHESES COSMOS COE OOHEEO FOTO OHSS OOOSOMOROCOOOECOEEOOCOEHCLOOLOOCO ODS OLOSOSOSEESEOEDOSEOOS PES HSSSOTSHSHHSHEH SHH HSSSSTHSHESHSHHOHSSEHHHHSSHHSHSSHHTHHHTSSTTHPHSTESSSHHTFHOHSEHOSED 60 He further says that**...i722.8..ccsdeceeees SIDR SSP hate not directly or indirectly entered into any combination, collusion, undertaking or agreement with any other bidder or bidders to maintain the price of any work covered by said proposal, or to prevent any bidder or bidders from bidding, or to induce any bidder or bidders to refrain from bidding on said work, and that said proposal so made is without ref- erence or regard to any other proposal or pro- posals, and without agreement, understanding or combination, either directly or indirectly, with any person or persons with reference to such, bidding in any way or manner ES ever. Subseribed and sworn to before me this......:....... ay Of. Aiitvesicesccserncse ee 1A. D, 1925. SHSSHHSSSHSHTHHESHEHSESHHSEOHHSHSHESHEHHEHHEOHESHEHSHEHOHHOHSELOHTHEHOHOHHOSEHOHESED Notary Pabie INSTRUCTIONS -*If.the bidder is a firm, the maker of the affi- davit shall insert “is a member of the. firm of eins sessed that said firm.” If the bidder is a corporation, insert “‘is an officer of............ POSH HEH SOE SEEH ETH SSEEHEHHEHHESHEHHHOHSHOHEHTHTEHEHEHSHSTSHOHSHHHEHHHEHHETHEHDHEHOHHOHESES HERES a corporation, and that said corporation.” **Insert “he,” ‘“‘said firm,” or “it,” as the case may be. 61 - RECEIPT TO BE EXECUTED UPON RE- TURN TO BIDDER OF THE AMOUNT DE- POSITED WITH PROPOSAL. ~~ 3 RECEIVED from The Sanitary District of Chicago the sum of TWO HUNDRED THOU- SAND DOLLARS ($200,000.00), deposited with the above proposal. ._. POSS HOSS SH EH HHSH HHS SETH OTSSSSSOSOF FES HHH OHS FOS ESHH SE SEHH OSTEO OR OSD Pewee wpe sea re wee TOC O OE ee ed OHSS SOO OSE TTDOLOL EROS Cre ee DED LDR008 62 THE SANITARY DISTRICT OF CHICAGO. CONTRACT AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS, DIVISION P, PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE. THIS AGREEMENT, Made and entered into thigh ine eee day. ofs...G3. nice , A. D. 1925, by and between The Sanitary Disties of - Chicago, a municipal corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of Illinois, party of the first part, herein- after designated the Sanitary District, and COCO O Pee eH ELLE ETH LE SEE SOOTHE EEE EEEE OOH SES ETO OHEEHE OES EH EET OES EDO HE ET EESOOOEEES OOS OC CE EEE EEE ESET EEO OE EO EO OEE E OO SEOE SOOO EEO OSHOEEL OSES OESHEEOOTOHO OOH OEES POC e See O Cee ETO LO EEE ESTEE ES ESCH EOE E EES HE OEE STO EEE ESOS ES HS ES OSH SEES SEDO OE SEEES PROP OC Oem SoH HOLES SHE EE OOS SEOEE SOOO OHS O OSES ESES ESE ESSE EH EEEEH SOE EL OLEH OE SEES COO ee eee OEE SOLE HO EEE EOE OE SES EOE OEE OEE E EOE E OE OS OHO ESOOESHEEEEE OOH EEE SEO GL EEEOS SRST SSHEHHHHSHSHHSHEFHESSESTAEHSSHHSHSHEHHHSSSEHTEHESHEHHEHEHSHSESHEEHEHEHHSHESHESHHSETHESSCEEHEEE SS Scu cid ea aclene ea aes ae ees cee elas party of the second part, hereinafter designated the Contractor. WITNESSETH: That the said Contractor has covenanted, contracted and agreed, and by these presents does covenant, contract and 63 agree with the said Sanitary District, for and in consideration of the payments to be made as provided for herein, to the Contractor by the said Sanitary District, and under the penalty expressed in the bond hereto attached, at his proper cost and expense to do all the work and furnish all materials, equipment, tools, labor ‘and all appliances and appurtenances called for by this agreement (free from all claims, liens and charges whatsoever either against the structures to be built hereunder or against moneys due the Contractor), in the manner and under the conditions hereinafter specified, that are necessary for the CONSTRUCTION OF THE NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS—DIVISION P—PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE, IN THE VILLAGE OF NILES CENTER, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS. The work done and materials and equipment furnished shall be strictly pursuant to and in conformity with the specifications and plans, said plans being the contract drawings which are signed, attached hereto, and made a part of this agreement. The said specifications and plans are intended to co-operate, and any work appearing upon the plans and not mentioned in the specifications, or mentioned in the speci- fications and not appearing upon the plans, shall be executed according to the true intent and meaning of the said specifications and plans, the same as though the said work was contained and described in both. The specifications and drawings furnished by the Contractor with his proposal and the addi- 64 tional drawings or prints and other: information to be furnished by the Contractor in accordance with Seetion 4. of the Specificatians are. ‘made. a part of this contract. | ‘2 5 DeRose of he number, and generally of the dJarge size, of the plans hereinbefore mentioned or specified, each of which itis recited is at- tached to and made.a part of this agreement, it is agreed. that, notwithstanding the recital of such attachment, all of said plans shall be bound together in a separate book, but each of them shall. be and remain a part of this agree- ‘ment as fully as if attached hereto in accord- ‘ance with: such recital. It is further covenanted and agreed that the work shall be executed under the direction and supervision of the Chief Engineer of the Sani- tary District, and his properly authorized agents, by whose’ measurements and. calcula- tions. the quantities and amounts (including extras) of. the several kinds of work performed under this contract shall be determined and on whose inspection all work shall be accepted or condemned. The said Chief Engineer or other Engineer designated by the Chief Engineer of said Sanitary District, shall have full power to reject or condemn all materials furnished or ‘work performed under this contract, which in his opinion do not conform to its spirit and to the terms and ‘conditions herein expressed. To prevent all disputes and litigation, it is further. agreed by and between the said Sani- tary. District and said. Contractor, that said En- 65 gineer shall determine all questions in relation to said work and the construction thereof, and he shall in all cases decide every question which may arise relative to the execution of the work under this contract on the part of the said Contractor, and his estimate and decision shall be final and conclusive on both parties hereto; and such estimate and decision in case any question may arise, shall be a condition pre- cedent to the right of said Contractor to receive any money or compensation for anything done or furnished under this contract. Wherever the words “Chief Engineer’ or “Engineer” are used herein they shall be under- stood to mean the Chief Engineer of the Sani- tary District, or other Engineer in charge of the work as designated by the Chief Engineer. Wherever the word “Contractor” is used, spelled with a capital ‘‘C,” it shall be under- stood to refer to the Contractor under this con- tract. Wherever the words “the work’’ are used herein, they shall be interpreted to mean the work to be performed hereunder, including all material, equipment, labor, tools, and all appli- ances and appurtenances, necessary to perform and complete everything specified or implied in the contract or shown on the plans, in full com- pliance with all the terms and conditions hereof. Wherever the word “section”’ is used herein, it shall be understood to refer to the entire sec- 66 tion of the specifications following the number. referred to in the parenthesis. - Wherever under the provisions hereof an order from the Engineer to the Contractor is required, such order shall be understood to mean a written order addressed to the Con- tractor and signed by the Chief Engineer of the Sanitary District. 67 NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREAT- MENT WORKS, DIVISION P, PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE. SPECIFICATIONS. GENERAL. Location of Work. (1) The Sanitary District of Chicago has now under construction what is known as The North Side Sewage Treatment Works, with adjuncts thereto, upon property owned by the Sanitary District situated immediately north of Howard Avenue and west of the North Shore Channel of the Sanitary District, in the Vil- lage of Niles Center, County of Cook, State of Illinois. The Pump and Blower House, with appurtenances, to be constructed under this contract is a building containing the pumps, blowers and other machinery and the electrical and other equipment required for pumping sewage to the treatment works from certain intercepting and collecting sewers that enter the easterly end of the Pump and Blower House, and for providing compressed air and electrical power of suitable voltage to the other parts of the treatment works. The Barb and Blower Houkou is to be ante east of the treatment works adjoining the north side of Howard Avenue between the tracks of the Chicago and North Western Railway May- fair Cut-off on the west and the new McCormick 68 Road, also being constructed by the Sanitary District, on the east. A subway under the rail- way tracks is to be built by the Sanitary Dis- trict for McCormick Road under another con- tract and will be located at a point approxi- mately 1,300 feet north of the Pump and Blower House as shown on Sheet C1 of the accompanying plans. Work Included. (2) The work included under this con- tract consists of furnishing all material, labor, tools and equipment necessary and constructing and completing the entire Pump and Blower House, furnishing and installing all machinery and mechanical, electrical and other equip- ment therein that is specified to be furnished and placed by the Contractor, installing all ma- chinery, devices, equipment and parts that are specified to be furnished by the Sanitary District or by other contractors and installed by the Contractor hereunder, and performing all other work shown on the accompanying plans or specified under the several items of work hereunder, all in accordance with such plans and these specifications and the terms and conditions of this contract and the orders of the Engineer hereunder. Contract Drawings. (3) The work under this contract includes all the work embraced by these specifications and the accompanying plans which are made a part hereof. In the event of any discrepancy between the plans and these specifications, the decision of the Engineer shall be final thereon. 69 The figured dimensions on the plans are to be taken as correct, but the Contractor is required in addition to carefully check all dimensions given on the accompanying plans and on all additional plans that are furnished by the Sanitary District, before ordering any material or beginning any work shown thereon. Should any errors be discovered, the Engineer’s atten- tion shall be called to the same and the proper corrections made. All notes on the plans shall be carefully observed by the Contractor, and are made a part of the contract. All elevations shown on the plans or herein specified are re- ferred to Chicago City Datum (C. C. D.) Additional plans furnished by the Sanitary District for the work hereunder shall be sub- ject to the same conditions as herein before specified for the plans accompanying this con- tract. Construction conditions may require that minor changes be made in the location and installation of the equipment to be furnished and other work to be performed hereunder, and the Contractor, when ordered by the En- gineer, shall make such adjustments and changes in said locations and work as may be necessary without additional charge, provided such adjustments and changes do not unrea- sonably alter the character, quantity or cost of the work as a whole, and provided further that plans and specifications showing such ad- justments and changes are furnished the Con- tractor by the Sanitary District within a reason- able time before any work involving such ad- justments and changes is begun. 70 Drawings and Information to be Furnished by the Contractor. (4) Within sixty (60) days after the ap- proval by the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary ‘District of the bond of the Contractor, the Con- ‘tractor shall submit to the Engineer, for ap- proval, general drawings or prints in duplicate of the equipment furnished under this contract and the foundations for same, together~ with all other information necessary to permit the ‘Engineer to inform himself of the design of the same and the character of the various mate- rials which the Contractor proposes to use. Under this head, detail shop and working plans, characteristics curves, technical data and information shall. be furnished by the Contractor. Such plans, details, data and in- formation shall include in part, as follows: FOR WORK UNDER ITEMS 7 AND 9. ~ Detail plans of Siphon Linings and Channel Gates. “FOR: WORK UNDER ITEMS ‘10 AND 11. ~ Detail aye plans of ik SREB steel and ‘steel iigetertace: : ‘ ‘FOR WORK UNDER ITEMS 12 TO 24, : INCLUSIVE. Cut Stone Work ee Metal Windows, Louvres and Doors All Iron work specified under Item 16 Inscription Tablets 71 Sheet Metal Work Sky Lights Roof Tiles Suspended Ceilings Elevator Cab and Doors Plumbing Diagram. FOR WORK UNDER ITEMS 25 to 38, INCLUSIVE. - Traveling Cranes Valves Stop Gates Floor Plates and Gratings Meters and Meter Instruments Motor Air Coolers Vacuum Priming Pumps Return Line Vacuum Pumps Transformer Oil Purifier Transformer Oil Pumps Transformer Oil Tanks Ventilation Fans Heating Equipment Large Steel Pipe Large Cast Iron Pipe Pressure Regulators Water Strainers 72 Machinery for Sewage Screens Electric Monorail Hoist Sewer Gates and Floor Stands Sewage Ejectors Storage Water Heater Air Hoist FOR WORK UNDER ITEM 39. All Switchboards—Shop Drawings All Switchboards—Wiring Diagram Unit Interlock Control—Shop Drawings Unit Interlock Control—Wiring Diagram Battery Charging Set—Detail blue prints Storage Battery—Detail blue prints End Cell Switch—Detail blue prints End Cell Switch—Wiring Diagram 6600-Volt Oil Circuit Breakers—Detail blue prints 440-Volt Oil Circuit Breakers—Detail blue prints 110-Volt Oil Circuit Breakers—Detail blue prints 100 K. V. A. Transformer—Detail blue prints For work under Items 1 and 2 the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval at least fifteen (15) days before commencing work thereon, a statement of the procedure, methods and equipment the Contractor pro- poses to employ on the work under these itemy The Contractor shall make such changes in the above drawings as may be found necessary upon inspection by the Engineer to make the same conform to the specifications and plans at his own expense, and revised drawings shall then be submitted in quadruplicate for ap- proval. Prior to the approval of any such draw- ings any work which the Contractor may do on the equipment covered by the same shall be at his own risk, as the Sanitary District will not be responsible for any expense incurred by the Contractor in changing equipment to make the same conform to the drawings as finally approved. The Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer a tabulated list of the minor equipment for which drawings may not be required, showing the name of the manufacturer and the catalog number and type of equipment proposed, to- gether with such prints, dimensions, specifica- tions, samples, or other data, as may be required to permit intelligent judgment of the accept- ability of the same. Upon approval of the above drawings, prints, lists, samples and other data, the same shall become a part of this contract, and the equip- ment furnished shall be in conformity with the same; provided, that the approval of the above drawings, prints, lists, specifications, samples or other data shall in no way release the Contractor from his responsibility for the proper fulfillment by any equipment, of the re- quirements of this contract and of the purpose 74 for which said equipment is installed, nor from his liability to replace the same should it prove defective. Force and Plant. (5) Attention is called to the fact that Divi- sion P, Pump and Blower House, to be con- structed hereunder is a necessary and important part of the North Side Sewage Treatment Works other parts of which are now under construc- tion by the Sanitary District under other con- tracts. The Sanitary District will therefore require that the work to be performed here- under shall be prosecuted with all speed, and with the least possible inconvenience to the public and to other contractors engaged on work for the Sanitary District. It is therefore understood and agreed that the largest possible force of men and maximum possible plant that can reasonably be employed shall be used on the work under this contract. The decision of the Engineer as to what is a reasonable force of men and a reasonable plant shall be final and binding upon both parties to this contract, and the Contractor shall increase his force or plant whenever the Engineer shall determine it is necessary for the progress re- quired for completion within the time herein specified and shall direct him in writing to do so. Co-operation with Other Contractors. (6) The attention of the Contractor is specifically called to the fact that there is now under contract the work of constructing Mc- Cormick Road and a subway in connection 75 therewith under the C. & N. W. Ry.; and also a contract for the construction of a 36-inch main drain from the main portion of the treat- ment plant across the site of the work here- under and the plans and specifications therefor will be shown said Contractor on request. The Contractor’s attention is also called to the fact that additional contracts will be awarded by the Sanitary District for the construction of various sewers, tunnels, conduits and other overhead and underground structures at and in the vicinity of the site of the work hereunder, details of which work will be given the Con- tractor on request. The Contractor hereunder shall arrange and conduct his work so as not to interfere with or damage said work and structures. As the work progresses, from time to time, other contracts will be let, for the work above described in this section which work will partly overlap on the site of, and will be carried on simultaneously with the work to be performed under this contract and will cause some in- terference therewith. The Contractor shall co- operate with other contractors by promptly f fur- nishing and placing such labor, material and equipment called for under this contract, or by removing materials or equipment from the loca- tions where stored, wherever necessary to in- sure against delay in the prosecution of other contracts, and shall so arrange his work as to cause a minimum of interference with the work of other contractors. 7 Wherever the terms “C. & N. W. Ry.” “*C. & N. W. Ry. Co.” or “The Railway Sig hae are mentioned herein they shall be understood 76 to mean the Chicago and North Western Rail- way or the Chicago and North Western Rail- way Company. Ground Elevations and Test Pits. (7) Elevations of the ground are shown on the plans hereto attached. These elevations are believed to be reasonably correct, but are not guaranteed to be absolutely so, and to- gether with any schedule of quantities, are pre- sented only as an approximation. Samples from test pits are on file in the Engineer’s office for the information of the Contractor, but are not guaranteed. The Contractor must satisfy him- self regarding the character and amounts of peat, clay, sand, quick-sand, gravel, glacial drift, rock and other material to be encoun- tered and work to be performed. Space for Material and Plant. (8) The Contractor shall have the use of space on unoccupied and unused property of the Sanitary District adjacent to or near the site of the work, for the storage of material and for plant and equipment, subject to the ap- proval of the Engineer. All other necessary storage facilities shall be provided by the Con- tractor. The Contractor shall not use or oc- cupy any property not owned or controlled by the Sanitary District without the consent of the owners or lessees of such property and shall assume all liability for and pay all costs, damages and expenses that may be due to or grow out of the use or occupation of such property by the Contractor. 17 The Contractor shall not occupy or use any space in McCormick Road or in the ditches or on the side slopes of the approaches to the subway under the C. & N. W. Ry., nor where any work on McCormick Road or the subway or approaches thereto or any other work of the Sanitary District is being performed, without the permission of the Engineer so to do and subject to all conditions and restrictions as he shall impose for such occupation or use. It is understood and agreed that whenever necessary to permit the performance of any work by the Sanitary District or other contrac- tors, or by the C. & N. W. Ry. Co., the Con- tractor hereunder shall move or remove, upon the order of the Engineer so to do, any mater- ial, equipment or plant that is located upon space required for the performance of such work. The Contractor shall receive no com- pensation for moving same if the Engineer shall decide that such material, equipment or plant is no longer required for the work hereunder, or if such material, equipment or plant has been placed in such locations without the ap- proval of the Engineer. Provisions for Delivery of Material and Equipment. (9) The Contractor shall provide and maintain all temporary roads, walks, switch tracks and other means of access to the site which may be necessary for performing the work herein specified. The Contractor shall not use McCormick Road at any time before it is opened for public traffic. Use of McCormick Road where opened for public traffic shall be subject 78 to all established regulations of the Sanitary District for such use and the requirements of the Engineer for the proper protection of the shoulders and of the edges of the pavement. All damages to McCormick Road that may occur due to or resulting in any way from the work under this contract shall be repaired by the Contractor in a manner scare: by ohe Engineer. . Except as hereinafter otherwise specified the Contractor shall provide -and. maintain or pay for the use of all switch tracks, sidings and other tracks and facilities required or used for delivery of material or equipment -to and ship; ment of same from the work hereunder. Switch Tracks and Sidings. (10) shall be removed by the Contractor. Hand-Mixing. (C56) Hand-mixing of small amounts only of concrete may be authorized by the Engi- neer in emergencies where a mixer is not rea- sonably or immediately available. When so authorized by the Engineer it shall be done on a water-tight platform. The cement and fine aggregate shall first be mixed dry until the whole is a uniform color. The water and coarse aggregate shall then be added and the entire mass turned at least four (4) times, or until the specified homogeneous mixture of the required consistency is obtained. Not more than one-half yard of concrete shall be mixed in any batch unless expressly permitted by the Engineer. Retempering. (C57) Concrete shall be mixed in such quantities that any batch can be placed in the work within 30 minutes after the time of mix- ing. The retempering of concrete or mortar which has partly hardened, that is, remixing with or without additional cement, aggregate or water, will not be permitted. 126 DEPOSITING CONCRETE General. (C58) Before beginning a run of concrete, all hardened concrete and foreign materials shall be removed from the inner surfaces of the mixing and conveying equipment. Before depositing concrete, all debris and loose material shall be removed from the space to be occupied by the concrete; forms shall be thoroughly wetted (except in freezing weather) or oiled as specified. Reinforcement shall be rigidly secured in position and ap- proved by the Engineer. The bottoms of forms of beams, girders and slabs shall be coated with mortar as hereinafter specified before concrete is placed therein. Under encased steel beams, concrete containing no large pieces of coarse aggregate shall be used. Handling. (C59) Concrete shall be handled from the mixer to the place of final deposit as rapidly as practicable by methods which prevent the separation or loss of any of the ingredients. It shall be deposited in the forms as nearly as practicable in its final position to avoid rehan- dling. It shall be so deposited as to maintain until the completion of the unit, a plastic sur- face approximately horizontal. Forms for walls, columns and other thin sections of con- siderable height shall be provided with open- ings, or other devices, that will permit the con- crete to be placed in a manner that will avoid accumulations of hardened concrete on the forms or metal reinforcement. Under no cir- 127 cumstances shall concrete that has partly hardened be deposited in the work. Chuting. (C60) When concrete is conveyed by chuting, the plant shall be of such size and design as to insure a practically continuous flow in the chute. The angle of the chute with the horizontal shall be such as to allow the concrete to flow without separation of the ingredients. The delivery end of the chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit. When the operation is intermittent, the spout shall discharge into a hopper. The chutes shall be flushed thoroughly with water before and after each run and the water used for this purpose shall be discharged outside the forms but not where it will cause softening of any material beneath the footings or upon which concrete is to be placed. Compacting. (C61) Concrete, during and immediately after depositing, shall be compacted thorough- ly by means of suitable tools. For thin walls or inaccessible portions of the forms, where rodding or forking is impracticable, the con- crete shall be assisted into place by tapping or hammering the forms opposite the freshly de- posited concrete and the concrete shall be worked thoroughly around the reinforcement, and around embedded fixtures, and into the corners of the forms. (See Surface Finish, Sections (C97) to (C104) inclusive.) 128 Removal of Water. (C62) In order to obtain clean and firm bearing surfaces all water and softened mate- rial shall be removed from excavations im- mediately before concrete is deposited. Con- crete shall not be deposited in water nor shall water be allowed to rise over the concrete until it has been hardened sufficiently to pre- vent injury thereto. Any flow or water into the excavation shall be diverted through proper side-drains to a sump, or shall be removed by other approved methods which will avoid washing the freshly deposited concrete. Water vent pipes and drains shall be filled by grout- ing, or other means approved by the Engineer, after the concrete has thoroughly hardened. Salts, Chemicals and Admixtures. (C63) Salts or chemicals shall not be added to concrete for any purpose whatsoever. The use of admixtures or integral waterproofing compounds will be permitted only subject to the approval of the Engineer and without ad- ditional charge therefor to the Sanitary Dis- trict. Depositing Continuously. (C64) Concrete shall be deposited contin- uously and as rapidly as practicable until the beam, slab, wall section or other unit of opera- tion, approved by the Engineer, is completed. Construction joints not provided for in the plans shall be made in accordance with the provisions of Sections (C90) to (C96) inclusive and subject to the approval of the Engineer. 129 Bonding. (C65) Before depositing new concrete on or against concrete which has set, the forms shall be retightened, the surface of the hardened concrete shall be roughened as re- quired by the Engineer and _ thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter and laitance. The new concrete placed in contact with hardened or partly hardened concrete, shall contain an excess of mortar to insure bond. To insure this excess mortar at the juncture of the hard- ened and the newly deposited concrete, the cleaned and saturated surfaces of the hard- ened concrete, including horizontal, vertical and inclined surfaces, shall first be slushed with a coating of neat cement grout or of mortar against which the new concrete shall be placed at once before the grout or mortar has attained its initial set. (See Joints, Sec- tions (C90) to (C96) inclusive.) Protecting Surfaces. (C66) The surfaces of concrete and mortar that will be exposed to the sun or to premature drying after placing shall be kept. constantly moist by sprinkling at frequent intervals. or by covering with moist burlap or canvas, or by other means equally effective, approved by the Engineer, for a period of seven (7) days after completion. Freshly finished surfaces not covered by forms shall be protected by supported canvas during rain storms and a sufficient quantity of canvas shall be kept ready for this purpose. 130 Reinforcement. (C67) Before placing concrete the rein- forcement bars in the slabs and beams and other sections shall be examined in detail and checked and all displacements corrected and all bars supported and wired so that movement will not occur during the deposit- ing of concrete around them. All bars shall be located as shown on the plans, provided that none shall be imbedded a clear distance of less than one diameter of the bar from the face of the concrete and not less than three- quarter (34) inch in slabs and one and one- half (116) inches in beams and girders. Setting Fixtures in Concrete. (C68) Before placing concrete all con- duits, frames, castings, hangers, anchors, bolts and other fixtures that are to be imbedded therein, shall be properly placed and _ sup- ported and all of same and all openings in floors and walls shall be checked for posi- tion, alignment and elevation. They shall be checked against displacement from time to time as the concrete is deposited thereafter and any displacements found at any time shall be corrected by the Contractor without additional charge therefor to the Sanitary District. Depositing Concrete Under Water. (C69) Under no conditions shall concrete be deposited in water nor shall water be al- lowed to rise upon freshly deposited concrete or upon concrete that has not sufficiently hard- 131 ened to avoid all possibility of damage thereby, as determined by the Engineer. Cofferdams and Sheeting. (C70) Cofferdams and sheeting shall be sufficiently tight to prevent the flow of water into the space in which the concrete is de- posited. Laitance. (C71) Great care shall be exercised to avoid the formation of laitance. On com- pleting a section of concrete, the laitance and all loose and unsound concrete shall be en- tirely removed before work is resumed. CONCRETING IN FREEZING WEATHER. Conditions for Concreting in Freezing Weather. (C72) Concrete work shall not be _ per- formed in freezing weather or when freezing weather is forcast by the U. S. Weather Bureau to occur within 36 hours, except with the express written permission of the Engineer and not unless special precautions and meas- ures are taken to heat the aggregates and the water used, or such of same as the Engi- neer may direct, and to protect the concrete after placing until it shall have so sufficiently set that it will not be damaged by freezing. Enclosures. (C73) If concrete work of material amount is to be performed in winter, it shall be en- closed above and below and on all! sides and 132 heated within the inclosure to temperatures that will permit the concrete to obtain proper set and will prevent any freezing. Temperature and Heating. (C74) Salts or chemicals shall not be used in concrete to retard freezing. The tempera- ture of the concrete when it is placed in the work shall not be less than fifty (50) degrees Fahrenheit and measures approved by the Engineer shall be taken to keep the concrete | well above freezing temperature until it has attained its final set. The frost shall be re- moved from all material with which the fresh concrete will be in contact when placed in the work. The methods of heating aggregates shall be such that they will be heated as uniformly as possible throughout. Aggregates contain- ing frozen lumps shall not be used. The de- gree or amount of heating of water and ag- gregates will depend upon temperature and weather conditions and shall be as the Engi- neer shall direct. Protecting after Placing. (C75) In case freezing weather occurs during the placing of concrete or before the concrete has acquired a sufficient set to prevent damage from freezing, the concrete must be immediately protected by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Engineer and the pro- tection or protective measures shall be main- tained until final set has’ been obtained, as determined by the Engineer. 133 Payment for Concreting in Freezing Weather. (C76) All material, labor and equipment employed to prevent or to protect against freezing and to remove all protections and equipment thereafter, shall be furnished by the Contractor without extra charge for same and no additional payment will be made there- for. All concrete and mortar damaged by freezing shall be removed and replaced with new concrete or mortar by the Contractor, without charge for either removing such dam- aged concrete or mortar or for replacing same with new material. ANCHORS, CONDUITS, PIPES AND FIXTURES Pipes, Castings, Ladders, Etc. (C77) Pipes, slants, conduits, hangers, anchors, castings, frames, ladder irons and similar parts shall be furnished and placed in the concrete where shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. They must be set and held in accurate line and elevation while the concrete is deposited and special care must be taken to make the concrete water- tight around them. If any of them are not properly or accurately located as directed by the Engineer they shall be removed and correctly placed without addi- tional cost therefor to the Sanitary District. If any of such parts are improperly or in- accurately placed they shall be removed with- out damage thereto and shall be correctly located and concrete placed around them, 134 without additional cost therefor to the Sani- tary District. Ladder irons shall be of double galvanized wrought iron formed as shown on the plans and placed in the faces of the concrete at the locations and in the manner shown on the plans. The Contractor shall receive for fur- nishing and placing such ladder irons shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer the unit price per pound herein specified to be paid for structural steel under Item 10 hereof, for twice the actual finished weight of the ladder irons that are so furnished and placed in the concrete. Templates. (C78) Anchor bolts and similar parts to be set in the concrete shall be _ placed in substantial templates, which shall be braced and supported in proper position and ‘elevation so that they cannot move during the placing of concrete around them. Such templates shall be furnished by the Contractor, shall be of rigid construction, accurately made and carefully checked for dimensions and lo- cation of holes in same, if possible by appli- cation to the structual steel, machinery, equip- ment or parts for which they are provided. In general, and wherever shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer, anchor bolts shall be set within pipes at their upper ends, so as to allow adjustment of position when the structural steel, machinery or equipment are placed upon them. 135 Checking Positions of Parts. (C79) Concrete shall not be placed around anchors, castings, iron frames or similar parts until their positions and clearings have been carefully checked by the Contractor. The positions shall also be similarly checked from time to time during the depositing of the con- erete and any displacement discovered shall be corrected by the Contractor in a manner approved by the Engineer without additional cost therefor to the Sanitary District. The pipes shall be plugged with cloth, waste or other material approved by the Engineer, to prevent the entrance of dirt or debris and they shall be fully cleaned out before filling with mortar. All such pipes shall be filled with mortar when so directed by the Engineer. Wall Anchors and Temporary Openings in Walls and Floors. (C80) All concrete walls which are to be faced with brick, as shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer, shall have wall anchors inserted in the concrete for holding the brick facing. Such anchors shall be of No. 20 gauge crimped galvanized ingot iron of the quality specified for siphon linings in Section (C137) hereof, and shall be 134 inches by 10 inches in size, set horizontally in the concrete wall so as_ to project four inches from its face and spaced 12 inches centers horizontally and 1514 inches vertically. The cost of furnishing and placing such wall anchors shall be covered by the price specified for concrete in Item 4, Concrete and no additional payment shall be made therefor to the Contractor. 136 Holes or recesses shall be left in walls and floors wherever shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer as necessary for any work to be performed under the contract. No addi- tional payment shall be made to the Contractor for providing such holes or openings or for filling same in a proper manner thereafter. Placing Materials and Parts Furnished by the Sanitary District. (C81) The Contractor shall place in the concrete work, at points and in positions di- rected by the Engineer, any additional ma- terial and parts furnished by the Sanitary District and ordered by the Engineer to be installed in the work. The Sanitary District, at its expense, will furnish such materials and parts and deliver same to the Contractor in the manner herein specified but the materials and parts shall be placed by the Contractor under and in accord- ance with the provisions of this contract. The Contractor shall inspect and make in- ventory of and accept and give receipts for all such materials and parts so delivered to him, shall set aside all defective or broken ‘ upon the measured lengths of the bars fur- 161 nished and placed in the work as shown on the detail plans or otherwise ordered by the En- gineer. Table 4—Weights per Lineal Foot of Rein- forcement Bars. Weight in Pounds per Lineal Foot of Bar. Size of Bar Round Square in Inches Bars Bar LAL aaa Starat ee Aas ee at ORM UL PRR etianr eg Bream Nay cide SEs Sel ch mph ray ee BAU OasS any ils: 10 pi ab ie Mi ce EO ag 0.67 0.85 OT IS COS MLMeT aE or Pe Ra LAO OE Tet nee SPINE UM ROO EY DUN IIER, SMe Oe Us Teenie dss Pete a he gen aN Mas Ai Vani aces PAN MS abe yy gL PDT GV tA icad eae inn Sh vasvades biseasens 2.67 3.40 MT eco ssh fe veki ye stole tp el acts tee 4.31 emir ert Lae ts hos cl Sonciea ie yids 5.32 Estimates of the weight of wire mesh for which the Contractor shall receive payment shall be based upon the unit weight of the wire mesh used and the measured sizes of the sheets of same placed in the work, as shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. No extra or customary measurements of lengths or weights of reinforcement bars or wire mesh shall be considered to the lengths 162 and weights determined by the Engineer in the manner hereinabove specified in fhis sec- tion. All measurements and _ calculations of weights of reinforcement bars and wire mesh shall be made by the Engineer and the Engi- neer’s determination of the weights and quan- tities of reinforcement bars and wire mesh for which the Contractor shall receive pay- ment, shall be final and conclusive. Payment. (C1383) The Contractor shall receive pay- ment for reinforcement bars and wire mesh ordered by the Engineer and furnished and used in the work at the unit price per pound specified in Item 6, Reinforcing Steel. Such ‘price shall cover all cost of furnishing, cutting, bending, storing, placing, supporting, cleaning and protecting reinforcement bars and wire mesh and all cost of all other work thereon as specified. No payment shall be made for any wire, clips, spacers or other fastenings or supports used for supporting, securing, spacing or splic- ing reinforcement bars or wire mesh, or for wire, bars, rods, bolts, spikes, nails or other metal used in constructing, supporting, tying or anchoring forms for concrete or used in falsework, staying, shoring or other temporary supports or work of the Contractor. Structural Steel shapes or fabricated structural steel if used for concrete reinforcement shall be paid for at the unit price per pound specified in Item .10, Structural’ Steel for Superstructure. 163 Payment for Reinforcing Steel Not Used. ' (C134) Reinforcement bars and wire mesh ordered by the Engineer and furnished by the Contractor but not used in the work and re- maining on hand in the possession of the Con- tractor after completion of all work under this contract, shall not be paid for under Item 6, Reinforcing Steel. For such reinforcement bars and wire mesh that are ordered by the Engi- neer and furnished by the Contractor, but with the Engineer’s approval or by his order, and not used in the work, the Contractor shall re- ceive the actual cost of furnishing and deliver- ing same at the work, as determined in the manner specified in the extra work clause of this contract, less the estimated value of same where stored by the Contractor. Such costs and values of such reinforcement bars and wire mesh shall be as determined by the Engi- neer.’ No payment shall be made to the Con- tractor for reinforcement bars and wire mesh left on hand that were not shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer or for’ any rein- forcement bars or wire mesh that were shown on the plans or ordered by the Engineer but were omitted from the work without the order, consent or approval of the Engineer. ITEM 7. SIPHON LININGS. Work Included. * (C185) Under Item 7, Siphon Linings, the Contractor shall furnish and install: complete as. specified all the work shown on Sheets C53, C54, C55 and C56 of the substructure plans and specified hereinunder, for the lining 164 of the two (2) siphons to be constructed in the substructure at the south-westerly corner of the building. Installation. (C136) The siphon linings shall be accu- rately and firmly held in place until the sur- rounding concrete has hardened, as determined by the Engineer, whereupon all supports shall be removed by the Contractor. Ingot Iron. (C137) All of the material shown on Sec- tion E of the plans of the lining and all of the plates and rivets-heads forming or showing on the interior surface of the siphon shall be composed of “‘Armco Ingot Iron” or other ingot iron approved by the Engineer as equal there- to in purity and quality. The ingot iron shall contain ninety-nine and eighty-four hundredths per cent (99.84%) of pure iron. All other elements, gasses or other impurities of any kind contained in the ingot iron shall be in- cluded in the remaining sixteen hundredths per cent (0.16%) allowed for impurities, re- gardless of any “‘Custom in the Trade” or so- called ‘“‘accepted practice.”’ Structural Steel. (C188) The structural steel and the fab- rication of same shall conform in every respect with the requirements specified for this ma- terial and work under Item 10, Structural Steel for Superstructure, of this contract. 165 Cast Iron. (C139) The cast iron in the Siphon Linings shall conform in every respect to the require- ments of “Standard Specifications for Gray Iron Castings, Serial Designation A48-18” of the American Society for Testing Materials. Payment. (C140) Payment for the work of furnish- ing, delivering and installing the Siphon Lin- ings, complete in place for the two siphons, including the ingot iron, structural steel, bolts and nuts, cast iron, and other parts as shown on the plans and as specified, will be made by the Sanitary District to the Contractor in the amount of the lumip sum hereinafter specified for Item 7, Siphon Linings. This amount so paid shall cover the cost of furnish- ing all labor, materials, tools, plant and ap- purtenances necessary to perform the work specified under Item 7, Siphon Linings except the concrete around the linings, which shall be paid for under Item 4, Concrete. ITEM 8 SIDEWALK LIGHTS. Work Included. (C141) Under Item 8, Sidewalk Lights, the Contractor shall furnish and install complete, as specified, the removable slab sidewalk lights called for on the plans, in front of the south- east corner of the building. Materials. (Ci42) The portland cement used shall be a reground cement of such fineness that ninety-five (95) per cent will pass through a 166 two hundred (200) mesh screen and that will in every other respect conform to the “Stan- dard Specifications for Portland Cement, Serial Designation C9-21” of the American Society for Testing Materials. Glass lenses in sidewalk lights shall be of the best grade for the purpose and such that the Engineer shall determine is not inferior to the glass in lenses manufactured for this pur- pose by Jeanette Glass Company of Jeanette, Pennsylvania or by L. E. Smith Glass Com- pany of Greenburg and Mount Pleasant, Penn- sylvania. The glass shall not turn pink or purple under exposure to the elements and each individual lens shall be tested under the ‘polariscope and only perfect pieces, free from internal stress and strain, shall be used. The. reinforcement steel shall meet the re- quirements of the “Standard Specifications for Billet Steel Concrete Reinforcement Bars, Serial Designation A15-14” of the American Society for Testing Materials. The cast iron shields for the glass lenses shall be of a good grade of cast iron most suitable. for the purpose for which they are used and shall be free of defects and true to diniensions. Dimensions. (C148) The slabs shall be at least two and one-half (214) inches thick and of the lateral dimensions necessary to accurately fit the openings shown on the plans, with proper space for calking compound. 167 The glass used shall be three and one-half (3144) inch square plain lens glass set in four (4) inch square cast iron shields, spaced not over 5 inches centers, each way, and sur- rounded by an approved elastic cement be- tween the glass and the castings. The con- crete shall be made of the specified reground cement with selected aggregate of fine granite screenings and clean sharp torpedo sand and shall be reinforced with twisted or deformed reinforcement bars or with I bars and re- inforcement bars, sufficiently to carry a load of 300 pounds per square foot of top surface, without excessive deflection or injury to the slabs, and the slabs when tested to destruction, shall be able to carry four times this specified load before failure. Setting. (C144) The slabs shall be set in place on a bed of cement mortar by the Contractor. All joints shall be caulked with fine oakum and filled with an approved asphaltic com- pound in such manner as to make the work ab- solutely water-tight. The Contractor shall fur- nish a written guarantee of the manufacturer to furnish all new lenses required to replace all lenses that may crack or fail within five (5) years after the sidewalk slabs have been placed in the work. Payment. (C145) The Contractor shall receive for sidewalk lights the unit price specified in Item 8, Sidewalk Lights, per square foot of top surface of slabs furnished and placed in the 168 work as specified. Only the actual area of the top surface of the slabs will be measured for payment. The unit price specified to be paid per square foot for Item 8, Sidewalk Lights, shall cover the cost of furnishing, placing and calking the sidewalk lights complete, as speci- fied, and the furnishing of all labor, materials tools, plant and appurtenances necessary in the performance of the work under this item, and the delivery to the Sanitary District of the specified guarantee of the Manufacturer. ITEM 9. CHANNEL GATES. Description. (C146) For the purpose of blocking of the discharge channels at their outlets at the south- west corner of the Pump and Blower House, provision is made for placing gates to slide up and down in grooves constructed in the concrete at the outlet ends of the channels. Two (2) channel gates shall be furnished by the Contractor, constructed of horizontal I beams with closely fitting timbers between them, making alternate timbers and I beams, the whole to be bolted together and provided with lifting eye-bolts, as shown on the plans and hereinafter specified. Timber. (C147) The timber to be used in channel gates shall be ‘‘Dense Southern Yellow Pine’’ as defined in “Standard Definitions of Terms 169 Relating to Structural Timber, Serial Designa- tion D 9-15” given in A. S. T. M. Standards of the American Society for Testing Materials. Timbers shall be of the grade known as ‘‘Select Structural Material’ adopted by the Southern Pine Association and printed in its latest “Southern Pine Manual” and restrictions for knots and other defects shall be as specified therein for beams. It shall be surfaced on all sides. Structural Steel. (C148) ThelI beams, bolts, nuts, washers and other steel shall conform to ‘“‘Standard Specifi- cations for Structural Steel for Bridges, Serial Designation A 7-24” of the American Society for Testing Materials and shall be of “Struc- tural Steel” grade. Workmanship. (C149) The timbers shall be accurately framed to fit the I beams so that when the bolts through them are tightened the gates shall be straight and free from warp and water tight. The framing and finish shall be workmanlike, the ends straight and smooth and the bearing edges shall be full and continuous and closely fit the bearing surface of the grooves. All contact surfaces of timber and steel and all other surfaces inaccessible after assembling, shall be thickly coated with red lead paste of the quality herein specified for painting struc- tural steel, when the parts are assembled for finally bolting together. Painting. (C150) Contact surfaces shall be coated with red lead paste before finally assembling as hereinbefore specified. After the gates are as- sembled and completed and their construction, workmanship and finish inspected and ap- proved by the Engineer the entire surfaces of the gates shall receive three (8) coats of the red lead paint herein specified for shop coat on structural steel. The paint used for priming coat on timber shall be thinned with turpen- tine as approved by the Engineer. Alternate coats shall be tinted with lamp black sufficient- ly to distinguish the coats and each coat shall be dry and hard when the succeeding coat is applied. The cleaning and painting of the gates and metal surfaces thereof shall otherwise con- form in all respects to the specifications herein for cleaning and painting structural steel fur- nished under this contract. Fitting Gates in Place. (C151) The Contractor shall place each fin- ished gate in each pair of grooves provided therefor in the concrete work, and shall move each of the gates up and down in each pair of grooves to test the fit and clearances. Each gate shall move freely without binding and shall fit closely to each of the bearing surfaces in the grooves. In case there are irregularities or roughness in the concrete bearing surfaces, or if their alignment is faulty so that full con- tact will not be obtained with a light pres- sure against the gate, such concrete bear- 171 ing surfaces shall be tooled, chipped or ground, without injury thereto, so that all gates will fit properly to all of the bearing surfaces as specified, with but a slight pressure against the gates, all as approved by the Engineer. Payment. (C152) For constructing and fitting each channel gate in place as shown on the plans and herein specified, the Contractor shall re- ceive for each channel gate the lump sum price specified in Item 9, Channel Gates. Such lump sum price shall cover all labor, material, tools and equipment necessary for furnishing each gate complete with metal fittings as specified and shown on the plans, for placing the gate in each of the grooves therefor and fitting it to all grooves, and for tooling, chipping, grind- ing or otherwise finishing the grooves to fit each gate, as specified. 172 SUPERSTRUCTURE Sections S-1 to S-35, inclusive, Items 10 and 11 and Sheets S-1 to S-14, inclusive, of the plans, apply in general to the Super- structure Work. However, the work spect- fied under said sections and on said sheets shall in no way be used as a basis for limiting the work to be done under any item of this contract. ITEM 10. STRUCTURAL STEEL FOR SUPERSTRUCTURE. ITEM 11. CAST STEEL FOR SUPER- STRUCTURE, Work Included. (S1) Drawings No. 81 to 811 inclusive of the plans show the structural steel portions of the superstructure of the building including roof framing, and roof trusses, framing for floors at elevations +40.0 and +57.0 C. C. D., steel lintels and spandrel beams, steel columns, cast steel column bases, rolled steel slabs and plates for column bases, and girder bear- ings, anchor bolts and anchorages, pipe sleeves for anchor bolts, wind bracing and all neces- sary field rivets and bolts. All structural metal work for the superstructure of the building as shown on drawings No. S1 to 811 inclusive of the plans shall be furnished, fabricated, de- livered and erected by the Contractor as here- in specified and called for on the plans. Under Item 10, Structural Steel for Super- structure, shall also be included angle frames 173 with anchors, to be placed in floors around openings to be covered with gratings, also shelf angles with anchors to be placed over openings through walls to carry the glazed brick wall facing, and also steel rails with fastenings on crane runway girders and under transformers in floor at elevation +21.0. Struc- tural steel and castings specified under Item 39, Electrical Work, shall be paid for under that item. | The Contractor shall drill all holes and make all connections in structural steel that are required at any time for connecting thereto any parts or work furnished under other items of this contract, without extra charge therefor to the Sanitary District. The plans show general details, certain typi- cal details and details of certain special connec- tions. Where stresses and main sections of members, without accompanying general de- tails, are shown on the plans the Contractor shall design connections and calculate the number of rivets required and perform other design work as required before preparing the shop plans. The allowable unit stresses and other specifications for design of structural parts shall be as hereinafter specified or re- quired by the Engineer. Plans. (S2) Drawings S81 to 811 of the plans show the amount and general character of the struc- tural metal for the superstructure to be fur- nished under this contract, but it is expressly understood and agreed that the details of any or all of said plans are subject to change and mod- ification and shall be changed and modified as 174 the Engineer may direct, without extra cost to the Sanitary District provided that the character of the work is not changed so as to ‘increase materially thereby the unit cost of same to the Contractor. In case such changes or modifications shall change the work so that the unit cost to the Contractor of such work is thereby reduced, then the Sanitary District shali receive credit in the amount of such re- duction in cost as determined by the Engineer in the manner herein specified. In case such changes materially increase the unit cost of the work such increased cost, as determined by the Engineer in the manner herein specified, shall be paid to the Con- tractor. All plans accompanying the contract or that are made for any part of the work hereunder shall be carefully checked by the Contractor before ordering material or beginning work and in case any errors are discovered the Engi- neer’s attention shall be called to same and corrections made as the Engineer may direct, after which the Contractor shall be responsible for all errors on any plans furnished by. the Contractor. Additional plans furnished by the Sanitary District, if any, shall be subject to the same conditions as the accompanying plans. The figured dimensions are to be followed wherever given except that, if found incorrect, they shall first be corrected as specified. All elevations shown on the plans or herein specified refer to Chicago City Datum (Indicated C..C. D. ). Detail Plans. (S3) All specified. or necessary general, de- tail and working plans, including complete shop plans of all structural and cast steel for the superstructure of the building required by the Engineer or necessary for the work under this contract, shall be made by or at the expense of the Contractor. All plans shall be made on the dull side of the best quality of tracing cloth. They shall have a uniform size of 26 inches by 40 inches, inside border lines, with a border margin of 11% inches on the left hand edge and of 14 inch on all other edges. Sheets not of standard dimensions will not be ac- cepted. Shop plans shall have noted on each sheet all requirements as to material, reaming, milling, planing, riveting, painting, and any special treatment to be given the work shown on each sheet, and also any other explanatory notes that are necessary for the proper under- standing of the work to be done in the shop in accordance with the specifications and contract drawings. The detail plans shall also contain all special erection notes pertaining to the parts shown on each sheet. The drawings of details shall be sufficient in views, dimensions, instructions and refer- ences so that duplicate parts for repairs can be ordered and made from the drawings by other shops at any time in the future. The Contractor shall prepare complete gen- eral erection plans showing all metal work to be placed, including structural steel, castings and anchor bolts, with all shop marks, dimensions and elevations shown that are necessary for guidance in the proper setting of same. 176 The general character and arrangement of the shop and working drawings shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer and before com- mencing such drawings the Contractor shall confer with the Engineer regarding the char- acter, scale, arrangement and completeness of such drawings. Approval of Plans. (S4) All plans made by the Contractor shall be submitted to the Engineer for his ap- proval. The plans will be examined by the Engineer and it is understood by the Contractor in submitting the plans, that a reasonable amount of time will be necessary for the exami- nation by the Engineer before they can be ap- proved by the Engineer or returned for cor- rection. Unless otherwise instructed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for examination four (4) prints of each drawing, and, as far as possible, all drawings of any particular part of the structure and of parts connecting therewith shall be submitted at the same time. After the plans have been examined as above mentioned, one (1) print of each drawing will be returned to the Contractor by the Engineer with his ap- proval thereon, or marked with notations of corrections and changes that may be required. All drawings not approved by the Engineer shall be corrected or revised by the Contractor as the Engineer shall direct and shall be re- submitted in the same _ routine as_ be- fore. No work shown on any drawings shall be commenced by the Contractor without the written consent of the En- Lik gineer until such drawings have been approved by. the Engineer as specified., No, alterations of any drawings shall be made. by the Con- tractor after they have been approved except by the written consent of the Engineer. ~ The Contractor shall furnish the Sanitary District, as requested, and without extra charge therefor, six (6) complete sets of prints of all drawings, as approved, for office files and for use in the field, of which two (2) complete sets shall be printed on cloth. Erection plans shall have all match marks shown thereon. After the fabrication of the metal work has been completed, the tracings of all drawings for any and all work hereunder, made by or for the Contractor, shall be corrected so as to show all work as actually completed and shall then become the property of the Sanitary Dis- trict, and shall be delivered: to the Sanitary District in good condition before final payment will be made for. the work, covered. 1 this contract. Fees chara. '(S5) Authorized representatives of the En- gineer shall have free access to all of the works of the Contractor where material for the work hereunder is manufactured or stored, for the purpose of examination and inspection of such material and work, as herein provided under the General Conditions ofthis contract.: Mill Orders. ne CG ing . (86). ‘The Contractor shall KENSATON to ae oiniear complete. copies. in triplicate. of all 178 mill or warehouse orders at the time such or- ders are given in addition to copies provided for the mill inspector and no material shall be rolled, nor work done, before the Engineer has been notified by the Contractor as to where orders have been placed. Such notifications shall be given in sufficient time to allow the Engineer to arrange for the inspection of such material or work. Tests. (S27) All structural steel and cast steel will be inspected by the Sanitary District at the mills or foundries at which it is rolled or cast. The Contractor shall fur- nish complete facilities for the inspection of all material and workmanship. Specimens for testing of material and also the necessary ma- chines and labor shall be furnished without charge when called for by the Engineer or by authorized inspectors. Inspectors will be em- ployed by the Sanitary District with full power to reject all material or work which does not in every way conform to the letter and spirit of the specifications. All test specimens shall fairly represent the material to be tested and shall not in any way be worked on to alter the quality before testing. , Extra Inspection. (S8) Should the preparation of the mate- rial be widely distributed to an unreasonable extent, the cost of extra inspection resulting therefrom shall be borne by the Contractor, the Engineer to be sole judge of what is to be deemed extra inspection. 179 Subsequent Rejection for Cause. (S9) The passing or acceptance of any ma- terial or work at the mills, foundries or shops shall not prevent its subsequent rejection for cause. If found defective after delivery or erection such material or work shall be re- placed by the Contractor, at his expense, when notified. Materials. (S10) All structural steel and rivet steel shall be manufactured by the open hearth pro- cess and shall conform in every other respect to the requirements of the “Standard Speci- fications for Structural Steel for Buildings, Serial Designation A9-24,” of the American Society for Testing Materials. Anchor bolts shall be of structural steel of the quality here- in specified. Stock material shall be used for any or all parts of the work hereunder for which mate- rial cannot be rolled so that the work can be completed within the time herein specified. In case the records of the chemical analyses and physical tests of such stock material are not — available, a reasonable and sufficient number of tests of the same to satisfy the Engineer as to its quality shall be furnished by the Con- tractor without additional charge therefor. The Contractor shall furnish a copy of the results of all chemical analyses and physical tests made on structural steel, and shall also notify the Engineer at least fifteen (15) days before tests are to be made so that an in- spector may be present while the tests are be- 180 ing performed. ‘If such inspection is not re- quired, the Engineer. will so notify the Con- tractor within eight (8) days after receipt of notice that. tests. are to be made. Oo ie s KA te 5 FE aot 3 5 iS) ug 2 q ga | 8 § 2 “pare a > os rt pe i w a ds} ne | iS) < a 2 Single 8000 10 5 La 28 1% 1 Single 16000 10 9 22 28 2 1 Duplex} 16000 10 9 22 28 2 The above specified duplex unit shall con- sist of two (2) separate pumping units and ene (1) common cast iron return’ tank mounted on a common cast iron base plate. Each pump of the duplex unit shall have a rated capacity as above specified. The pumping units shall be furnished and installed complete with all accessories includ- ing self cleaning strainer, water column, water 306 gauge, relief valve, separator, float switch, vacuum regulator and enclosed self starter. The unit shall be completely wired with all wires enclosed in metallic conduits. All elec- trical connections to the respective units shall be made and paid for under Item 39. MOTOR DRIVEN VACUUM PUMPS. General. (M23) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete with foundations, anchor bolts, etc., as shown on the plans, two (2) motor driven vacuum pumps of the Hytor type or equal. Each individual pump and motor shall be connected by means of a silent chain drive and the complete unit mounted on a common cast iron base plate. Each pump shall have a capacity of not less than three hundred eighty (380) cubic feet of air per minute at 12 inches of mercury vacuum and shall be capable of maintaining a vacuum of not less than twenty (20) inches of mercury at the pump suction nozzle. The casing shall be made of close grained cast iron, the internal chamber of which shall be of elliptical shape finished true to dimen- sions. The rotor shall be of cast iron with prop- erly curved blades reinforced by shrouds and shall be properly secured to a steel shaft of ample size. The shaft shall be supported by hardened steel ball-bearings, the housings for which shall 307 be of cast iron, supported from the pump cas- ing. Each bearing housing shall be supplied with a compression type grease cup of ample size. The silent chain shall be of a high grade make with hardened steel links, running on steel sprockets of proper diameter and width of face. The chain and sprockets shall be completely housed in a suitable oil tight sheet metal housing, provided with hand holes. All pump suction and discharge flanges shall be faced and drilled in accordance with the latest American standard pipe flange di- mensions. Motors shall be of the squirrel cage type of not less than twenty-five (25) horse power, designed to operate on alternating current of three (8) phase, sixty (60) cycles, four hun- dred forty (440) volts and shall have a guar- anteed temperature rise, not to exceed forty (40) degrees Centigrade while operating con- tinuously at full rated load. All motor control apparatus and wiring to motors shall be furnished, installed and paid for under Item 39. SLUICE GATES AND FLOOR STANDS. General. (M24) The Contractor shall furnish and install in the circulating water tanks two (2) 2-foot by 2-foot sluice gates complete with anchor bolts, hand operated rising stem floor stands and spindles. 308 Each gate shall be designed for an operat- ing head of not less than 15-feet of water measured above the horizontal center line of the gate. The resulting pressure from the above water head will be directed against the face of the gate, thus tending to force the plug away from the seat. The frame and plug shall be of a high grade cast iron. The frame shall be of a type suit- able for mounting in a concrete opening. The plug shall be cast in one (1) piece, properly machined and shall be reinforced by norizontal and vertical ribs. Both frame and plug shall be provided with bronze facing strips thoroughly hammered into dovetailed grooves and secured by means of brass screws spaced not more than 4 inches center to center. The facing strips shall be machined off to a true and smooth seating surface. The gate shall be provided with sufficient wedges on each side of the gate to insure proper seating of the plug and hold the same tight under pressure. F ised Stands. (M25) The floor stands shall be of cast iron of the rising stem type not less than 32 inches high, of neat and substantial pattern of ample size and strength to operate the gates. They shall be neatly finished. All stands shall be provided with bronze stems and lifting nuts and shall be equipped with ball or roller bearings and suitable means for lubrication. _An arrow shall be cast on the 309 hand wheel to indicate the direction of rota- tion in opening the gate. Suitable anchor or thru bolts shall be furnished for anchoring the stands down. MOTOR OPERATED GATE VALVES AND FLOOR STANDS. General. (M26) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall three (8) 42-inch, two (2) 48-inch and five (5) 24-inch motor operated gate valves of the rising stem type as shown on the plans. The 24-inch valves shall be provided with rising stem motorized floor stands. The valves shall be of the iron body bronze mounted double disc flanged type with parallel seats. The stud bolts and nuts of each stuffing box shall be of bronze. The stuffing boxes shall be pro- vided with bronze lined packing compressors and shall be arranged to be readily accessible for packing. The flanges shall conform to the American Standard for diameter and drilling and shall be finished to make a perfectly tight joint with a thin layer of packing. The seats in the valve body against which the gate closes shall be mounted with bronze rings threaded and screwed into the body. The dise or gate shall be of cast iron mount- ed with bronze rings which shall be thorough- ly rolled into machined dovetails after which the bearing surfaces shall be machined to a smooth finish. 310 The stem shall be of rolled or forged bronze with the collar made integral. The ultimate tensile strength of the stem metal shall be not less than 50,000 pounds per square inch, with an elastic limit of not less than one-half of the ultimate tensile strength. The 42-inch and 48-inch valves shall be de- signed for a working pressure of 25 pounds per square inch gauge pressure and shall be test- ed to a pressure of not less than 50 pounds per square inch gauge. , The yokes shall be of such design as will provide: a substantial mounting for the motor operating mechanism and oper- ating platform which shall be provided as shown on the plans. The 24-inch valves shall be designed for a working pressure of 30 pounds per square inch gauge and tested to a pressure of not less than 70 pounds per square inch gauge and shall be provided with extension stems for operation by means of a motorized floor stand as shown on the plans. | Motor Operating Unit. (M27) The motor shall be of the squirrel cage type of a standard make as approved by the Engineer, designed for operation on alter- nating current of three (3) phase, sixty (60) cycles, four hundred forty (440) volts and shall be equipped with greaseless type bear- ings. The limits of travel of the gate shall be gov- erned through the medium of a traveling nut limit switch, directly connected to the valve spindle. The traveling nut limit device and all 311 gears shall be totally enclosed in a common housing. The gears connecting the motor to the valve spindle shall be so designed that it will not be necessary to run the same in an oil bath. The unit shall be provided with a suitable lever device for throwing the gears out of con- tact instantly so that in case of failure of the electric power hand operation may be resort- ed to by a single throw of the lever. With each motor operated valve there shall be furnished a contactor panel of such design. that the closing and opening contactors will work back to back and be mechanically inter- locked. The entire contactor panel shall be to- tally enclosed within a water-proof steel cabi- net with a contactor panel hinged on one side so that it may be swung outward for inspection and repair. There also shall be furnished with each valve unit a control station of the push button type with indicating lamps with “open,” “shut,”’ and “stop” buttons plainly indicated. The valve operating units shall be designed with facilities for opening or closing the valve or to stop it in any position between open and closed. Indicating lamps shall show whether the gate is in “open”’ or ‘‘closed’’ position, and also when the gate is in intermediate position. The control unit shall embody an “in gear” light which shall indicate whether the unit is in motor or hand operative position. Any devi- ation from the motor operative position shall cause this light to be extinguished and shall also break the control circuit making the valve inoperative to the motor medium. The Contractor shall do all necessary drill- 312 ing for anchor bolts and shall furnish and place such anchor bolts as may be required for mounting the equipment. He shall also pro- vide such protection for the equipment as may be required against rust, corrosion, moisture, etc. Wiring. (M28) All motor control equipment fur- nished hereunder shall be installed under Item 39 together with all wiring to motors, contac- tor panels, push buttons, etc. HYDRAULICALLY OPERATED STOP GATES. Gencral. (M29) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall five (5) hydraulically operated 6-foot by 6-foot stop gates in the pump discharge chan- nels as shown on the plans, complete with an- chor bolts, hydraulic cylinders, spindles, guide brackets, guide bearings, etc. Each gate shall be designed for an operat- ing head of 33 feet of water measured above the center line of the opening. The resultant pressure from the above water head will be di- rected upon the back face of the gate, thus tending to force the plug against its seat. ~The frame and plug shall be of a high grade cast iron properly proportioned for an extreme fiber stress of not more than 3000 pounds per square inch at any point. The frame shall be of a type suitable for connecting to a flanged 313 wall pipe as shown on the plans, it shall be fin- ished smooth on the back and shall be of the same drilling as shown on the wall flange. The plug shall be cast in one piece of proper thickness and shall be heavily reinforced with vertical and horizontal ribs. The recess con- taining the spindle block shall be provided with sufficient additional ribs to insure proper distribution of all operating stresses. Each plug shall be provided with two (2) lifting hooks located on the top edge of the plug. Both frame and plug shall be provided with bronze facing strips thoroughly hammered into dovetailed grooves and secured by means of brass screws, spaced not more than 4 inches center to center. The facing strips shall be machined off to a true and smooth seating surface. Four (4) bronze wedges shall be provided on each side of the gate to insure proper seat- ing of the plug. Each wedge shall be provid- ed with 4 bronze adjusting screw and a bronze locknut. Spindles shall be of cold rolled steel cov- ered with bronze where passing thru stuffing boxes and shall be provided with necessary guide bearings and brackets as shown on the plans, the distance from the center line of spin- dle to the face of wall flange shall be 9 inches as shown on the plans. Each gate shall be pro- vided with an approved type of tell-tale de- vice, which will indicate the true position of the plug at all times. 314 Hydraulic Cylinders. (M30) The hydraulic cylinders shall be of ample diameter to lift and close the gates when water is admitted at a pressure of 20 pounds per square inch but shall safely with- stand and shall not jam the gate under a pres- sure of 75 pounds per square inch. Each cylin- der shall be tested in the maker’s shop to a hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. The cylinders shall be of a high grade cast iron fianged at both ends and shall be bored throughout their entire length, and shall be lined with high grade seamless drawn brass tubing which shall fit tightly inside the cast iron housings. The cylinder flanges shall be provided with male and female tennons ma- chined to a close fit one to another. Each cylinder shall be provided with a rigid cast iron base for anchoring the cylinder down and shall be of such type as will completely span the gate opening of 2414-inches as shown on the plans. The lower cylinder heads shall be provided with bronze lined stuffing boxes and bronze lined packing compressors. The stud bolts and nuts of each stuffing box shall also be of bronze. Each head shall be provided with tapped holes for 2-inch pipe, located as shown on the plans. The pistons shall be of cast iron with all out- er surfaces machined and shall be provided with cup leathers or other approved means of packing, which will be easily adjustable and insure against water leakage around the pis- tons. 315 BLOWER MOTOR AIR COOLERS. Number of Units and Ratings. (M31) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall seven (7) closed circuit air cooler units complete with sheet metal air ducts and acces- sories, one (1) unit shall be installed below each blower motor and shall be so designed as to fit within the space provided in the blow- er foundations, as shown on the plans. Three (3) cooler units one (1) each to be installed in connection with each 30,000 C. F. M. blower shall have a rated capacity for cool- ing 8200 cubic feet of air per minute from 150 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit when supplied with not more than 70 gallons of cooling water per minute at an inlet temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit. Four (4) cooler units one (1) each to be installed in connection with each 40,000 C. F. M. blower shall have a rated capacity for cooling 10500 cubic feet of air per minute from 150 to 104 degrees Fahrenheit when supplied with not more than 85 gallons of cool- ing water per minute at an inlet temperature of 72 degrees Fahrenheit. The air pressure drop thru coolers and ducts in all cases shall not exceed six-tenths (6/10) inches of water. The water pressure drop through the coolers shall be in no case exceed 10 pounds per square inch gauge pressure. Tube Bundles. (M382) The tube bundles shall be rigidly braced with structural steel members. At one 316 end of the cooler the tube sheets shall be con- nected to the structural frame work by means of bolts in such manner as will allow free movement due to tube expansion. The tubes shall be of No. 16 B.W.G. Admiralty metal, oval in shape with outside dimensions of 1 inch and 7/16 inches respectively. Each tube shall be wrapped helically with a thin copper fin, mounted on edge and securely tinned to the tube. The tube sheets shall be of a high grade muntz metal, into which the tubes shall be se- curely rolled. - Water Boxes. (M33) The water boxes shall be made of a close grained cast iron, so designed as to give even distribution of water and permit complete exposure of all tubes upon removal. Sheet Metal Ducts. (M384) All air ducts shall be built up of No. 16 B.W.G. galvanized sheet steel, thoroughly reinforced with galvanized steel angles and provided with the necessary manholes as shown on the plans. SEWAGE EJECTORS. General. (M385) The Contractor shall furnish, deliver and install complete with individual air com- pressors, check and gate valves, two (2) Hytor sewage ejector units or equal each having a ca- pacity of not less than 250-gallons per minute against a total dynamic head of 30-feet, ar- 317 ranged for automatic operation, by means of a float switch to be furnished with each unit. The ejector pot shall be made of close grained cast iron, not less than 1-inch in thick- ness, provided with suitable air tight manhole and cover, cast iron inlet and outlet check valves equipped with bronze seats and flap- pers, so designed that all internal parts may be removed without disturbing any pipe connec- tions to or from the ejector. All gate valves used in connection with the ejector unit shall be of cast iron body, bronze mounted, outside screw and yoke pattern. The air compressor shall have a capacity of not less than 250-cubic feet of free air per min- ute at 15-pounds per square inch gauge pres- sure and shall be arranged for direct connec- tion to a squirrel cage type motor of not less that 20-horse-power, designed for operation on alternating current of 440 volts, 3 phase, 60 cycles. The motor shall have a temperature rise not to exceed 40 degrees Centigrade when operating continuously at full rated load. The air compressor and motor shall be arranged for mounting on a common cast iron base plate. The automatic starting mechanism shall be so designed that foreign matter in suspension in the sewage will not interfere in any way with its operation. The float shall be of seam- less drawn bronze, nickle plated and shall be tested to a pressure of 150-pounds per square inch gauge pressure. The float switch shall be a 30-ampere, 440-volt type and of an approved make. All wiring to motors and float switches 318 shall be furnished, installed and paid for under Item 39. Painting. (M386) The ejectors shall receive one coat of shop paint before being exposed to the weather, and two (2) coats of a high grade as- phaltum paint in the field after erection. TRANSFORMER OIL PUMPS. (M37) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall as shown on the plans two (2) motor driven reversible type rotary oil pumps of an approved make. Each pump shall be direct connected to its motor by means of gears, and the combined unit mounted on a common cast iron base plate. The pump casings shall be of best quality cast iron. Bearings, shafts, gears and all mov- ing parts shall be made of material of highest quality for their intended uses. The gears shall be enclosed in an oil-tight cast iron hous- ing. Each pump shall have a rated capacity of twenty-five (25) gallons per minute against a total dynamic head of 25-feet. The size of suc- tion and discharge shall be 114-inches and the pump shall be so designed that the suction and discharge are reversible. The motor for each unit shall be of the squirrel cage type of proper horse power rat- ing based on a forty (40) degree Centigrade temperature rise designed to operate on 3- phase, 60-cycle, 440-volt alternating current. 319 Motor control equipment and electric wiring to the motor shall be furnished, installed and paid for under Item 39. TRANSFORMER OIL PURIFIER. (M38) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall one (1) motor-driven transformer oil puri- fier of an approved make as shown in the plans. The purifier shall be belt driven and the combined unit mounted on a common cast iron pedestal base. On the shaft receiving power from the motor by a 10-inch pulley shall be mounted a worm wheel which shall revolve at six hundred (600) revolutions per minute. This worm wheel shall mesh with a worm on a vertical shaft upon which shall be mounted the bowl of the purifier, which shall revolve six thousand (6000) revolutions per minute. The belt drive shall be equipped with an idler pulley and idler spring and shall be en- closed in a light removable metal housing. All materials shall be of the highest quality for their intended uses. The purifier shall be equipped with a sight feed lubricator from which all bearings shall be lubricated. The purifier shall have a rated capacity of fifteen hundred (1500) gallons of transformer oil per hour. The purifier shall have a dirt space of approximately two hundred sixty (260) cubic inches and the clarifier of approxi- mately five hundred forty (540) cubic inches. The motor shall be of the squirrel cage type based on a forty (40) degree Centigrade tem- 320 perature rise, of proper horse power rating and speed, designed to operate on 3-phase, 60- cycle, 440-volt alternating current. Motor control equipment and electric wir- ing to the motor shall be furnished, installed and paid for under Item 39. TRANSFORMER OIL TANKS. General. (M39) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete with structural steel supports, fittings and appurtenances, one (1) 5-feet by 5-feet by 10-feet transformer oil storage tank and one (1) 2-feet by 2-feet by 3-feet trans- former oil receiving tank as shown on plans and as specified herein. Transformer Oil Storage Tank. (M40) The transformer oil storage tank shall be made of not less than 14-inch high quality tank steel. The rivet spacing shall be such as is suitable for oil tight construction. All joints shall be caulked tight inside and outside. Countersunk rivets shall be used only where shown on plans. The tank shall be tested for oil tightness. Suitable steel angle stiffeners shall be used to give the tank strength and rigidity. - The tank shall be equipped with one (1) 18- inch diameter manhole with loose cover. Also an indicating depth gauge, actuated by means of a copper float within the tank and an 11- inch gauge glass near the bottom of the tank. A flange for 114-inch pipe drain shall be locat- ed on the tank bottom. 321 Transformer Oil Receiving Tank. (M41) The transformer oil receiving tank shall be made of not less than number four- teen (14) gauge sheet steel. The rivet spacing shall be suitable for oil tight construction and all joints shall be tightly caulked inside and out. Welded joints shall be used where shown on plans. The tank shall be tested for oil tight- ness. The top of the tank shall form a double hinged cover with steel lifting handles. A 1- inch vent hole shall be drilled in one cover. Two (2) 114-inch pipe flanges shall be mount- ed on the bottom of the tank as‘shown on the plans. Oil Tank Supports. (M42) The transformer oil storage tank support shall be built up of structural steel shapes and asbestos lumber to form an oven for heating transformer oil. The sides of the sup- ports shall be enclosed inside with 14-inch as- bestos lumber and the bottom shall be covered with 34-inch asbestos lumber. Two (2) 2-feet by 2-feet by 14-inch asbestos lumber doors shall be provided in one side of tank. The asbestos lumber shall be fastened to the frame by means of bolts. The sides and bottom shall be coated with hard surface asbestos plaster to give a perfectly tight enclosure. The transformer oil receiving tank support shall be built of structural shapes as shown. STORAGE WATER HEATER. General. (M48) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete one (1) combination steam and 322 gas water heater with vent stack, water stor- age tank, gas, steam and water piping and con- nections, valves, fittings, trimmings and all ap- purtenances necessary for the successful opera- tion of the water heater equipment as specified herein. Gas Water Heater. (M44) The gas water heater shall be of the combined automatic storage and heater type. The heater shall be of the multi-spiral coil type of construction with an exposed heat- ing surface of sufficient size to heat three hun- dred (300) gallons of water per hour one hun- dred ten (110) degrees Fahrenheit. The coils shall be made of number 18 seamless drawn copper tubing the ends of which shall be brought out through heater shell and terminate in a common manifold with union connections, any single coil being removable. Brazed joints and connections will not be permitted. An effi- cient and durable burner with adjustable air inlet openings, equipped with a properly ar- ranged pilot jet, rigidly mounted in heater shell shall be provided. The heater shall be supplied with a relief valve and_ suitable drains. The heater shall be constructed of heavy cast iron, with a sheet metal lining, providing a dead air insulation. The top of the heater shell shall be equipped with a collar to receive vent pipe which shall be made of heavy gal- vanized stove pipe iron, connected up to the vent opening provided in wall adjacent to water heater. The heater shall be mounted 323 on a neat substantial metal standard, suitably painted with two (2) coats of approved paint. Steam Water Heater. (M45) Steam water heating coils shall be provided in the water storage tank of sufficient surface to heat three hundred (300) gallons of water per hour one hundred ten (110) degrees Fahrenheit, with a gauge steam pressure of five (5) pounds per square inch. The coils shall be not less than one and one-quarter (1144,) inch heavy seamless drawn copper tubes with brazed joints provided with brass nipples and lock nuts. Water Storage Tank. (M46) The water storage tank shall be made of galvanized charcoal iron plate of three hundred (300) gallons capacity, support- ed in a horizontal position on a neat pipe frame well braced. The shell of the tank shall be not less than one-quarter (14) inch thick and the heads not less than five-sixteenths (5/16) inches thick. The tank shall be equipped with a nine (9) by fourteen (14) inch yoke style manhole suitably placed. All necessary flanges or fittings shall be supplied with tank. The tank shall be tested to a hy- drostatic pressure of two hundred (200) pounds per square inch and guaranteed to op- erate under a pressure of one hundred twenty- five (125) pounds per square inch. The tank shall be thoroughly insulated by a covering of 2-inch eighty-five (85) per cent magnesia block covered with eight (8) ounce canvass held se- curely in place by brass bands. The cold water 324 inlet shall be not less than two (2)-inches and the steam supply not less than 114-inches. Regulation. (M47) The water storage tank ‘shall be - equipped with an approved thermostatic mo- ment valve, properly mounted, and so designed that it will control the temperature of the water and supply of gas. The steam inlet shall be equipped with an approved steam regulator, properly mounted, and so designed that it will control the temperature of the ‘ water and supply of steam. The regulation shall be such that when the water in the storage tank reaches a temperature of one hundred fifty (150) degrees Fahrenheit the supply of heat will be throttled to maintain a temperature of one hundred fifty (150) de- grees Fahrenheit. The Contractor shall also furnish and in- stall on the water storage tank in a conspicu- ous location an approved thermometer grad- uated to read from sixty (60) degrees to two hundred twenty (220) degrees Fahrenheit. Painting. (M48) The entire water heating equip- ment shall be given two (2) coats of high grade paint, of an approved color as specified in Section (M12). THIRTY-FIVE TON TRAVELING CRANE, General. (M49) The Contractor shall furnish and erect, complete and ready for operation, one 325 (1) electrically operated three (3) motor trav- eling crane of thirty-five (35) tons rated capa- city with a span of seventy (70) feet, eleven (11) inches center to center of crane runway rails and a vertical hook travel of not less than sixty (60) feet, with all operations to be con- trolled from an operators’ cab suspended from the underside of the crane girders. Runway. (M50) The Contractor shall furnish and place the crane runway rails to support the crane, including all fastenings to the girders and shall submit all his clearances to the Engineer forapproval. Therunway rails shall be exactly parallel and horizontal and at the same level throughout and shall weigh not less than eighty (80) pounds per lineal yard. The rails shall be of the standard section most recently recommended by the American Society of Civil Engineers and of a quality specified for open hearth steel rails. The Contractor shall furnish and place steel chocks, where required, to limit the travel of the crane bridge and trolley. The crane runway rails and fastenings to the building girders shall be furnished and placed as specified under Item 10, and shall be paid for under Item 10. Design. (M51) The crane shall be capable of lift- ing and transporting in regular service a weight of thirty-five (35) tons. All parts of the crane shall be of the best standard grade, design, workmanship and material; and shall 326 be designed with a factor of safety throughout of not less than five (5) for all maximum stresses produced by raising, lowering or trans- porting of the maximum line load in any and all positions of hook. The crane shall be de- signed to fit into the space shown on the plans with ample clearance from the walls and roof trusses and with the specified clear height of crane hook from the blower room floor. Bridge. (M52) The bridge girders shall be of the built up box type section composed of two (2) web plates each and suitable top and bottom cover plates. The girders shall be of such depth and so spaced and stiffened to provide ample strength to withstand not only the direct load and impact, but also any tendency to dis- tortion due to the location of the load with re- spect to the bridge, the foot walk hereinafter specified and to the operation of the bridge, trolley or hoist under full load. Foot Walk. (M53) . One (1) 250 volt, 200 ampere, 2 pole, elec- trically operated carbon circuit breaker, with overload release and bell alarm contact. 542 One (1) 250 volt, 200 ampere, single throw, double pole, knife switch. Three (3) 700 H. P. Pump Motors, /’ One (1) 250 volt, 150 ampere, 2 pole, elec- trically operated carbon circuit breaker with overload release and bell alarm contact. One (1) 250 volt, 150 ampere, single throw, double pole, knife switch. Motor Generator Panels. The Contractor shall furnish and install the following equipment on each of the panels. Three (3) Motor Panels. One (1) 250 volt, 250 ampere, 2 pole, elec- trically operated carbon circuit breaker with overload release and bell alarm contact. One (1) 250 volt, 25 ampere, single throw, double pole, knife switch. Three (3) Generator Panels. One (1) 250 volt, 1500 ampere, 2 pole, elec- trically operated carbon circuit breakers with overload release and reverse power protection and bell alarm contact. One (1) 250 volt, 1500 ampere, single pole carbon circuit breaker with overload and re- verse power protection and bell alarm contact. One (1) 250 volt, 1500 ampere, single throw, double pole, knife switch. One (1) 250 volt, 1500 ampere, single throw, single pole, knife switch. 543 Switchboard Wiring. (E69) All instrument and control wiring: on the switchboard panels, except the Unit In- terlock Control wiring, shall consist of No. 12 B. & S. gauge, solid conductor, rubber cov- ered, double braid, flame proof covered wire. All wires shall be separated according to manufacturing standard spacing and shall be securely cleated to the panel by fibre cleats or run in fibre supports. Wires shall be kept in single layers so far as possible and shall bend at right angles when a change in direc- tion is made. The ends of all wires shall be fitted with a stamped or cast copper terminal of proper size sweated on to the wire. After sweating on terminals, the original insulation of the wire shall butt the shank of the termi- nal so that no taping will be necessary. All instrument or control wiring on the panel to be connected to instrument transformers, re- lays or oil circuit breakers remote from the panel, shall be carried to a suitable terminal board located near the bottom of the panel. All terminals shall be properly marked or numbered. All wiring to voltmeters or to the potential coils of wattmeters, watthour meters, power factor indicators and all other equip- ment shall be properly fused. Name Plates. (E70) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall fibre name plates for all switehes on the switchboard, on each oil circuit breaker com- partment, potential transformer compartment, each transformer of all transformer banks, starting compensator, rheostat, synchronous 544 motor and motor generator exciter set and on other miscellaneous electrical equipment as the Engineer may direct. The details of the word- ing or numbering of all name plates will be furnished by the Engineer. In addition, each oil circuit breaker, rheostat motor, voltmeter and ammeter control switches shall be marked with wording and directional arrows as: close trip, start run, raise lower, phase 1-2-3. The phase lettering A, B or C shall be sten- ciled on the door or wall of each phase of each bus, disconnect and oil circuit breaker com- partment. Exciter Bus Bars and Connections. (E71) On the rear of the motor generator and motor field switch panels the Contractor shall furnish and install the 125 volt, positive, negative and equalizer exciter bus bars, which shall consist of two (2) 4 by \% inch flat cop- per bus bars, supported on approved bus sup- ports. The individual bars of each bus shall be separated from each other by spacers made of the same size bar as the bus and properly clamped in place. | All connections from the exciter bus bars to switches, unless otherwise specified or shown on the plans, shall consist of copper bar of capacity equal to that of the switch to which connected. The cross section of the connect- ing bars shall be equivalent to one thousand (1,000) circular mils per ampere. Suitable clamps shall be used in making connection to bus bars. 545 All joints in bus bars shall be draw filed and tinned by Contractor to insure perfect con- tact and shall be secured by suitable clamps. The exciter bus connections between the motor generator panels and motor field switch panels shall consist of two (2) 2,000,000 C.M. single conductor, varnish cambric, lead cov- ered cables, run exposed and supported on approved cable supports. Instrument and Control Buses. (E72) The Contractor shall furnish and install on the switchboards and panels the following instrument and control buses: ““A” phase, 6600 volt Distribution Bus No. 1 potential, panels 18 to 25, inclusive. “C”’ phase, 6600 volt Distribution Bus No. 1 potential, panels 18 to 25, inclusive. “A” phase, 6600 volt Distribution Bus No. 2 potential, panels 18 to 25, inclusive. “C”? phase, 6600 volt Distribution Bus No. potential, panels 18 to 25, inclusive. “A”? phase, 12000 volt bus potential, Panels 26 to 27, inclusive. *“C”’ phase, 12000 volt bus potential, Panels 26 to 27, inclusive. bo Positive and Negative D.C. control bus, alarm relay bus, alarm relay release bus and ground bus, Panels 13 to 32, inclusive, and all relay and field switch panels. Two (2) eight (8) volt telephone talking bus, Panel 35. Two (2) fifteen (15) voit telephone ring- ing bus, Panel 35. 546 All the instrument and control buses, except the positive and negative D. C. control buses, shall consist of No. 12 B. & S. gauge, rub- ber covered, flame proof braid wire supported on the ends by means of approved supports. The Contractor shall provide intermediate supports wherever the Engineer may consider them necessary. The D.C. control bus shall consist of No. 8 B. & S. gauge, rubber cov- ered, flame proof braid wire supported, as specified above. Attention of the Contractor is calied to the fact that the rear of the meter panels of the main switchboard is exposed to view and all bus work, wiring and conduit work shall be done in an especially neat and careful manner. Any work which is not ap- proved by the Engineer as satisfactory shall be replaced immediately. On the rear of all the relay switchboard panels the Contractor shall furnish and install a positive and negative D. C. bus, which shall consist of No. 8 B. & S. gauge, rubber covered, flame proof braid wire and a relay bus which shall consist of a No. 12 B. & S. gauge, rubber covered, flame proof braid cable. These buses shall be supported at the ends and at interme- diate points by means of approved supports. The instrument and control buses on the control bench shall be located on the rear face of the front panel. Switchboard Trench Wiring. (E73) All wiring in the trench, below the control bench and relay panels, shall be in- stalled in flex steel or equal flexible conduit of 547 the proper size. Connections between the iron conduit and flexible conduit shall be made by means of approved couplings. In no case shall the Contractor install exposed wiring in the trench, except on the rear faces of the front and top panels of the control bench. 440 Volt Outgoing Feeders. (E74) The Contractor shall furnish and install all conduit and fittings for the 440 volt, feeder cables. All 440 volt feeder cables will be installed by the Sanitary District, except the two (2) feeders for the pump and blower house, which shall be fur- nished and installed by the Contractor. Each pump and blower house feeder shall be a three conductor, 750,000 C.M. varnish cambric, asbestos braid cable run exposed from the 440 volt bus compartment to a 440 volt feeder distribution cabinet, the location of which is shown on the plans. The cables shall be sup- ported by means of approved cable supports. 440 Volt Feeder and Motor Distribution Cabinets. (E75) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete one (1) Feeder Distribution Cabinet and four (4) Motor Distribution Cabi- nets. The feeder distribution cabinet shall be constructed of Number ten (10) gauge sheet steel riveted to the angle iron frame, as shown on the plans. On the front and rear of the cabinet there shall be provided sheet steel doors, which shall be equipped with spring 548 hinges, vault handle and standard cylinder lock. Inside of the cabinet there shall be mounted two genuine Monson slate or equal panels of a thickness determined by the En- gineer. The panels shall be fastened to the angle iron frame by means of standard one- half (1%) inch switchboard bolts and shall be furnished complete with fuse clips, bus bars, fuses, knife switches and other equipment. Motor distribution cabinets Nos. 1, 2 and 4 shall be of the flush mounting type and shall be of No. 10 gauge sheet steel, reinforced and welded together, as shown on the plans. On the front of the cabinet there shall be pro- vided sheet metal doors which shall be equipped with spring hinges, vault handle and standard cylinder lock. Inside of the cabi- nets shall be mounted genuine Monson slate or equal panels of a thickness determined by the Engineer, which shall be securely bolted to the cabinet by means of standard one-half (144) inch bolts and shall be furnished com- plete with fuses, fuse clips, bus bars and oth- er equipment. On the front of the bus bars in the cabi- net the Contractor shall furnish and install a one inch black slate or equal panel. This panel shall be used for protection purposes only and, shall be designed so that it will cover all live parts, except the fuses and fuse clips. Motor distribution cabinet No. 3. shall be of the floor mounted type and constructed as shown on the plans. The cabinet shall be constructed of No. ten (10) gauge sheet steel securely riveted to the angle iron frame by means of 5-16 inch rivets. On the front and 549 rear of the cabinet there shall be provided sheet steel doors equipped with vault handles, spring hinges and a standard cylinder lock. Inside of the cabinet there shall be mounted two (2) genuine Monson slate or equal panels of a thickness determined by the Engineer. The panels shall be fastened to the angle iron frame by means of standard one-half (44) inch switchboard bolts and shall be furnished complete with fuse clips, fuses, bus bars, and other equipment. 440 Volt Distribution Cabinet Feeders. (E76) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall all conduit, conduit fittings, pull boxes, hangers and any other material which may be required to complete the installation of the feeder cables from the feeder distribution cabi- net to the motor distribution cabinet. The feeder cables shall be run exposed as | shown on the plans and supported on approved type cable hangers. Each feeder cable to dis- tribution cabinets Nos. 3 and 4 shall be fire- proofed as specified in Section E-94. Auxiliary Motors. (E77) The 440 volt, 3 phase, 60 cycle, mo- ‘tor driven units listed below, including motors, float switches, push buttons and contactors, ex- cept as hereinafter specified, shall be furnished, delivered and erected under Items 25 to 38, in- clusive, of this contract. Under this Item 39 the Contractor shall furnish, deliver and install all starting switches, cabinets, contactor panels, push buttons, rheostats, relays, conduit, con- duit fittings, wire, cable, pull boxes, cutout 550 boxes, fuses, and any other material or equip- ment required to complete the installation. In addition, the Contractor shall connect up ready for operation all motors furnished under any item of this contract but not listed below. The Contractor shall fill all motor bearings with an approved grade of oil and provide suitable conduit fittings on all motor frames. All equipment and material furnished by the Con- tractor shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. ’ No. of Fuse Size Size of Description of Apparatus Units in Cabinet ee Amp. Sewage Ejector Motors...... 2 40 20 Heating. Fan? Motor..........; 1 20 10 Heating Fan Motor............ ve 30 15 Heating: Kan Motor:.......:.:. ni 15 71%, par Valve Motors. ius... 5 10 5 Air Line Valve Motors......14 10 5 42” and 48” Valve Motors.. 5 20 10 Heating Vacuum Return HUT D)) MLOLOE Grae: 1 6 2 Air Heater Vacuum Re- furor ump Moto. 7... 2 6 2 Vacuum Return Pump IED COTS hn ecce eRn 2 6 11% Oil Circulating Pump Motoren aii: 6. ei.) 2 6 11% Vacuum Pump Motors........ 2 40 20 1,000 Lb. Elevator Motor.. 1 10 5 12,000 Lb. Elevator Motor 1 80 50 551 2,500 Lb. Elevator Motor.. 1 40 25 Screen Wotorss ce. 4 25 11 Ventilating Fan Motor ...... 1 10 5 Transformer Oil Purifier MOLODi or ee } 10 5 Transformer Oil Pump Motors (koe eon ee 2 5 1 15 ton Stop Log Crane IM OUOL ee eee rien 1 30 15 35 ton Crane Motors FL OLSEO ahi eines aly 30 roOlleyaiowtrea ce 1) aL 10 BYid@e: vue ee 1) 20 Monorail: sMotor) ad 1 30 15 440 Volt Cabinet No. 1. (E78) The connections from motor distri- bution cabinet No. 1 to the motors shall be as follows: (A) One (1) 35 Ton Crane. The leads from the cabinet to the crane runway feeder shall be one, three conductor, No. 1, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered cable. In addition the Contractor shall furnish and install the crane runway feeder which shall consist of three, No. 0000, bare, hard drawn, circular, copper trolley wire sup- ported and anchored on an approved make of support. The details and method of support and anchorage shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. ; 552 (B) One (1) 2,500 Pound Passenger Elevator. The leads from the cabinet to the contactor panel in the elevator pent house shall be one three conductor, No. 6, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cable. The elevator complete and the connections from the eleva- tor contactor panel to the elevator will be furnished and installed by the Sanitary District under another contract. (C) Four (4) Screen Motors. The leads from the cabinet to the contactors and motor shall be one, three conductor, No. 8, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead cov- ered, cable. The contactor for the automatic control of each screen motor shall _ be furnished and _ installed under this’ item and shall consist of a three (38) pole, dou- ble throw, magnetically operated reversing switch with overload and undervoltage pro- tection. It shall be of rugged design and of proper size and capacity to carry the maximum current continuously to which it may be sub- jected while in operation. The contactor shall be constructed so that all parts can be easily inspected and parts subject to wear can be easily renewed. The complete contactor shall be located in an enclosed case and all parts completely immersed in oil to assure proper functioning in a damp and gas filled room. Under this item there shall be furnished and installed complete with each screen motor a travelling nut limit switch which shall auto- matically stop the motor. This switch shall be connected to the motor shaft by means of a chain sprocket or gears. It shall be self con- 553 tained and the internal elements must be easily adjusted and fitted with latches to retain the contacts securely in the open or closed position The internal switches shall be tripped and re- set by the traveling nut on the threaded shaft which is to be directly driven by the sprocket chain or gears. Reversing of the motors shall be controlied manually from the push button stations through the reversing contactors. There shall be furnished and installed under this item, two (2) push button stations with each screen motor. One station shall be pro- vided with three buttons marked “up,” “‘down’”’ and “‘stop,’’ the other station shall be provided with four buttons marked “up,” “down,” “stop” and “safe.’”’ The three button station shall be located at elevation minus 5.5 as shown on the plans, and shall be mounted in a vapor proof case of an approved design. The four button station shall be located at elevation plus 8.0 as shown on the plans and shall be mounted in an approved vaporproof case with a glass cover so that the button may be operated during an emergency. This case shall be provided with a lock and key so that the cover can be kept locked at all times. The four push button station shall be designed so that when the “safe’’ button is pressed the motor cannot be operated until the said “safe” button is reset. All connections between the contactors, limit switches and push button sta- tions shall be number ten, B. & S. gauge, var- nish cambric, lead covered, cables. (D) One (1) Heating Fan Motor. The connections from the distribution cabinet to the safety switch and heating fan motor, 554 located at Elevation plus 8.0, shall be three (3), number ten, °B. & S. gauge, varnish cam- bric, lead covered, cables. There shall be mounted at the motor, in the location shown on the plans, a thirty ampere, safety switch of an approved make. (E) One (1) Ventilating Fan Motor. The connections from the distribution cabinet to the safety switch and motor located at Elevation minus 4.0, shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. There shall be mounted at the motor, in the location shown on the plans, a thirty ampere, safety switch of an approved make. (F) One (1) Vacuum Return Pump. The connections from the distribution cabi- net to the float switch and motor, located on Elevation plus 8.0 shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The float switch for this motor will be furnished under Item 32, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. (G) One (1) 15 Ton Monorail. The connections from the cabinet to the Monorail trolley, located under the floor of Elevation plus 57.0 in the high tension trans- former room, shall be one, three conductor, number eight, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cable. In addition to the trolley feeder the Contractor shall furnish and install, under this item, the monorail trolley which shall consist of three number 0000, B. & S. 555 gauge, bare, hard drawn, circular, copper trol- ley wire supported and anchored by means of approved supports. The details, method of an- chorage and support shall be subject to the ap- proval of the Engineer. 440 Volt Cabinet No. 2. (E79) The connections from Motor Dis- tribution cabinet number two to the motors shall be as follows: (A) Two (2) Sewage Ejectors. The connections from the cabinet to the safety switch, float switch and motor shall be one, three conductor, number eight, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cable. The float switches for these motors will be fur- nished under Item 32 but same shall be in- stalled and connected up under this Item 39. The safety switch which shall be furnished, de- livered and installed under this Item 39 shall be thirty ampere capacity and of an approved make. (B) One (1) Heating Fan. The connections from the cabinet to the safety switch and motor, shall be three, num- ber ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. There shall be mounted at the motor, in the location shown on the plans, one, thirty ampere, safety switch of an ap- proved make. (C) Two (2) Transformer Oil Pumps. The connections from the cabinet to the 556 safety switch and motor shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead cov- ered, cables. There shall be mounted at each motor, in the location shown on the plans, one thirty ampere, safety switch of an approved make. (D) One (1) Transformer Oil Purifier. The connections from the cabinet to the safety switch and purifier motor, shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cam- bric, lead covered, cables. There shall be mounted in the location shown on the plans, one thirty ampere, safety switch of an ap- proved make. (E) One (1) Vacuum Return Pump. The connections from the cabinet to the float switch and motor shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The float switch for this motor will be furnished under Item 32, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. (F) One (1) 12,000 Ib. Freight Elevator. The connections from the cabinet to the con- tactor panel in the elevator pent house, shall be one, three conductor, number one, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cable. The elevator complete and the connections from the elevator contactor panel to the eleva- tor will be furnished and installed by the Sani- tary District under another contract. 557 (G) Five (5) 24 inch Valve Motors. The connections from the cabinet to the push buttons, contactors and motors shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The push buttons and contactors for these motors will be furnished under Item 34, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. 440 Volt Cabinet No. 3. (E80) The connections from motor dis- tribution cabinet number three to the motors shall be as follows: (A) Fourteen (14) Air Line Valve Motors. The connections from the cabinet to the contactors, push buttons and motors shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cam- bric, lead covered cables. The contactors and push buttons for these motors will be furnished by the Sanitary District under another contract but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. (B) Two (2) Lubricating Oil Circulating Pumps. The connections from the cabinet to the float switch and motors, shall be three, num- ber ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The float switches for these motors will be furnished by the Sanitary Dis- trict under another contract, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item oo: 558 (C) Two (2) Vacuum Return Pumps. The connections from the cabinet to the float switch and motor, shall be three, num- ber ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The float switches for these motors will be furnished under Item 382, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. (D) One (1) Heating Vacuum Return Pump. The connections from the cabinet to the float switch and motor shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cables. The float switch for this motor will be furnished under Item 32, but same shall be installed and connected up under this Item 39. (E) One (1) 1,000 lb. Freight Elevator. The connections from the cabinet to the con- tactor panel in the elevator pent house, shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered cables. The elevator complete and all connections from the eleva- tor contactor panel to the elevator will be furnished and installed by the Sanitary District under another contract. 440 Volt Cabinet No. 4. (E81) The connections from motor dis- tribution cabinet number four to the motors shall be as follows: 509 (A) One (1) 15 Ton Crane. The connections from the cabinet to the crane runway feeder shall be one, three con- ductor, number eight, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric cable. In addition to this feeder the Contractor shall furnish and install, under this Item 39, the crane runway feeder which shall consist of three, number 0000 bare, hard drawn, circular, copper trolley wire supported and anchored on approved supports. The detail method of anchorage and supports shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. (B) Two (2) Heating Fans. The connections from the cabinet to the safety switch and motors shall be one, three conductor, number eight, B. & S. gauge, var- nish cambric, lead covered cables. There shall be mounted at each motor, in the locations shown on the plans, one, thirty ampere safety switch, of an approved make. (C) Five (5) 42 and 48 inch Valve Motors. The connections from the cabinets to the push buttons, contactors and motors shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cam- bric, lead covered cables. The push buttons and contactors for these motors will be fur- nished under Item 34, but same shall be in- stalled and connected up under this Item 39. In addition to the above equipment, the Con- tractor shall furnish and install, under this Item 389, one, thirty ampere, two pole float switch of an approved make.. This float switch shall be mounted in the location as shown on the plans. 560 (D) Two (2) Vacuum Pumps. The connections from the cabinet to the con- tactors and motors shall be one, three con- ductor, number six, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered cable. The connections from the contactors to the push button stations shall be three, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered wires. The Con- tractor shall furnish and install, under this Item 39, two (2) automatic starting panels, with main ‘starting and running contactors, compensator, overload relays and undervoltage protection. These panels shall provide for starting the motor at reduced voltage and applying full voltage automatically, the overload relays shall be of the inverse-time-limit, adjustable type and the main contactor shall disconnect all three lines from the motor. There shall be mounted, in the locations shown on the plans, or as di- rected by the Engineer, a push button station consisting of two buttons marked “start’’ and “stop.” Two (2) 20 K. W. Battery Charging Sets. (E82) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete the two motor generator sets of the two unit, four bearing type, for charging the storage battery. The motor generator set shall be furnished complete with field rheostat, motor starter and all control equipment and material required to put the set in operation. The motor generator set shall consist of a twenty (20) kilowatt, 40 degree rise, self excited, shunt wound, D. C. generator, capable of delivering 160 volts and a 40 degree rise, three phase, sixty cycle, 440 volt, squirrel cage 561 induction motor of a size sufficient to drive the generator at its maximum overload capacity. The motor and generator shall be mounted ona common cast iron bed and shall be coupled to- gether by means of a flange coupling. All leads from the motor and generator shall be brought out of the respective machine to a terminal board mounted on the frame of the motor and generator. Gc) ep aN Eg 200 Amperes nhs CAS oy aire, oa te Oe a 200 Amperes 22 ial sayy a, criti Maia HR aR an 400 Amperes pee nCinanermmmant ey 2a eect tT 100 Amperes All lighting cabinets furnished and installed shall be of the three phase to two wire, steel, flush, sectional type, with protected bus bars and connections and provided with side wir- ing pockets. The mains will be brought in at the bottom of the cabinet and the circuits taken out at the top and bottom as shown on the plans. Circuits shall be provided with fused switches of the tumbler type and shall be properly named and numbered with name plates approved by the Engineer. The cabi- 569 nets shall be provided with a cover, equipped with spring hinges and vault handle. All switches installed in the station shall be of the tumbler type, fitted with brass or gal- vanized sheet metal covers as specified on the plans. All plug receptacles shall be of the medium screw base type, fitted with brass or galvanized steel covers as specified on the plans. The lighting work shall be of first class workmanship and completely equipped as specified, ready for operation. Conduit. (E90) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall all conduit, conduit fittings, pull boxes, nipples and other equipment required to com- plete the installation. Conduits shall be of the sizes shown on the plans or larger if necessary to accommodate the wires or cables to be in- stalled therein. All conduit installed shall be “X Duct” or equal and all conduit fittings shall be ‘‘Condu- let,” or ‘“‘Unilet’” or equal, thoroughly gal- vanized. The ends of all conduit shall be thoroughly reamed before installing, so that all burrs and rough edges are removed. Where conduits terminate a lock nut and bushing shall be in- stalled. Wherever conduits are installed for future use, a sufficient amount of threaded end shall be provided so that the conduit can be readily extended. A cap shall be provided on the ends of all conduits not in use. Wherever fibre conduits terminate in the motor pits or pass through floor or walls or 570 terminate above or under floor slabs they shall be packed with waste and sealed with tar to eliminate the possibility of any moisture en- tering the pipe. Fibre conduit shall be “‘Bermico”’ or equal. In no case shall the Contractor install con- duit with more than three (3) bends without providing a pull box or fitting. No smaller than 34, inch conduit shall be used unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall install, in the east wall of the building as shown on the plans, twenty-six (26) four (4) inch galvanized iron pipe nipples. The nipples shall be flush with the inside wall surface and shall extend thru the wall and 6 inches beyond the outer sur- face. The outer ends shall be threaded and covered with standard pipe caps. Inter-Phone System. (E91) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall a complete Inter-Phone system as herein- after specified. The system shall have a total of twenty-four stations, located as shown on the plans, and shall be Western Electric Company, System Number One or equal. All instruments furnished and installed shall be wired for full metallic selective ringing, se- lective talking service, thereby permitting any station to ring and talk to any other station in the system without disturbing the other sta- tions. The system shall be free from inductive disturbances and cross talk. ‘ 571 The Interphones shall be equipped with bells wound with black enamel wire to at least ten ohms resistance, thereby permitting effi- cient ringing over the entire length of line, ir- respective of the position of the battery in the system. The transmitters and receivers shall be of the high resistance type to permit uniform transmission throughout the system. The sum of their resistances in series shall be not less than one hundred and ten ohms. Each Interphone shall be equipped with a retardation coil of high impedance, and of at least one hundred ohms resistance to maintain a uniform battery supply to the transmission circuit. The following type of Interphones shall be furnished and installed. No. Kind Location 1 Desk Switchboard Room—Elev. -—-40.0. 1 Wall Receiving Room—Elev. +21.0. 2 Wall Pump Room—Elev. —4.0. 2 Wall Blower Room—Hlev. +25.0. Desk Chief Engineer’s Office—Elev. 25.0, = 1 Wall Circulating Water Pump Room— Blévi SO: 1. Wall Screen Chamber—Eley. —5.5: The wall phone located in the screen cham- ber shall be mounted in a sheet steel, weather- 572 proof case, with hinged cover, which case shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor under this Item 39. The remaining fifteen Inter- phones shall consist of ten wall phones and five desk phones and shall be delivered to the Engi- neer in suitable cases so that they can be stored for future use. The cable used for the stations, ringing and talking shall consist of the following sizes: One pair No. 22, B. & S. gauge, tinned copper wire for each station and one pair of No. 18, B. & S. gauge tinned copper wires for talking, also four or five spare pairs of No. 18 gauge wires. A three conductor, number ten, B. & S. gauge, varnish cambric, lead covered, cable shall be installed for the ringing circuits. The conductor insulation shall consist of a single wrapping of silk and a single wrapping - of cotton, the whole cable being impregnated with beeswax compound. All wires, except the spares, shall be twisted in pairs to prevent inductive disturbances and cross talk. Each pair shall be designated by means of different colored insulation. Approved type of cable terminals shall be furnished and installed on all junctions of the cable. No “T” tapping of the telephone circuits will be permitted. A cable terminal board shall be furnished and installed with each station, which shall be entirely impregnated with paraffine to re- sist any moisture which may settle on the terminals. The ringing and talking circuits shall be taken from the buses on the rear of the bench- board panel No. 35. These buses shall be 573 energized from the 500 ampere hour storage battery. Ground Connections. (E92) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall complete, the ground bus, ground plate, pipes, coke and connections as indicated on the plans and connect thereto all power trans- former cases, motor frames, starting compensa- tors, switchboard frames, distribution cabinets, steel oil circuit breaker bus compartment frames, oil circuit breakers, disconnecting switches, current and potential transformers, all pipe framework, lead sheath on cables, metal conduit, and other electrical equipment. All ground connections or leads located in the floor slabs or walls or passing through walls or floors shall be run in fibre conduit of the proper size. Wherever copper bus bar is used for ground leads it shall be one (1) % by 1 inch and wherever cable is used it shall be number 000 B. & S. gauge, bare, stranded cop- per wire. | A ground plate of copper 14 inch thick and 3 feet square shall be installed and buried in coke as shown on the plans and connected to the ground bus by 14 by 2 inch flat copper bus bar, installed in the proper size fibre con- duit. Around the ground plate the Contractor shall furnish and install eight 114, inch gal- vanized iron pipes, which shall be connected together and to the ground plate by means of a 2 by 14 inch flat copper bus bar. The cop- per ground plate and all bus bar connections, installed in the ground shall be coated on all sides and ends with at least 1/16 inch layer of tin. 574 Wire and Cable. (E93) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall all wire and cable required to complete the installation. No wire smaller than number ten B. & S. gauge shall be used, except for switchboard wiring, telephone wiring and light- ing circuits and fixtures. All wires larger than number six B. & S. gauge shall be stranded, unless otherwise specified. All wire and cable furnished and installed by the Contractor shall conform in all respects to the latest standardization rules of the A. I. KE. E., unless otherwise specified, and must meet with the approval of the Engineer. - Rubber covered, double braid wire, for 600 volts working pressure, shall be insulated with the standard thickness of 30 per cent pure Para Rubber compound. Lead covered, varnished cambric, cable and terminal insulation shall be as specified in the following table? Insula- Insula- tion for Working Size No. tion over Belt Term. Pressure of of each Insula- Lead Connec- Volts Cond. Cond. Cond. tion Sheath tions 12000 All 3 C732 6/32” ie” 127326 12000 v Ie ee Ac. 1B” 2 ig20 6600 ‘2 i 9/32” Ie’ 9/32” 6600 ai 3 5/32” 4/327 ye’ 9/32” 600 14 to 8 1 3/64” 8/64” 600 14 to 8 3 3/64” 1/64” 4/64” 600 6 to 2 1 Lii16% a/16" 600 6 to 0000 3 abe on 1/64” 5/64” 600 225,000 to 500,000 C.M. 1 SWAG S/3276 600 550,000 to 1,000,000 C.M. a 7/64” 7/64” 600 Over 1,000,000 C.M. 1 ER Ae AVS 2 600 Over 225,000 C.M. 38 POY UBS Se gL AR IK Whyte 600 14 to 4 1 1/16” 600 10 to 8 3 UGA 600 2 to 00 1 5/64” 600 6 to 8 3 SU Ra pie 600 225,000 to 350,000 C.M. 1 3/32" 600 2 to 000 3 7/64’ 600 400,000 to 1,000,000 1 7/64” 600 Over 1,000,000 1 ei, 600 Over 0000 3 1%” 575 All varnish cambric insulation shall be black varnish cambric tape. Insulation. (E94) Wherever there is a sufficient amount of ground clearance the Contractor will be per- mitted to reduce the insulation thickness speci- fied in the above table to a thickness approved by the Engineer. Where insulation is installed by hand, the copper shall be taped over with a varnished cambric tape, half lapped, using a thin layer of No. 1 Minerallac Compound or equal, between the layers of varnished cambric tape. The varnished cambric tape shall be so applied as to be firm, smooth and free from voids, air pockets or wrinkles. All hand wrapped insula- tion shall then be covered with one tape, half lapped, of asbestos material. The finished surface shall then be coated, with one applica- tion of a solution of sodium silicate and two (2) layers of an approved insulating flame proof paint, which shall present a smooth glossy sur- face. On all 440 and 110 volt buses and connec- tions the Contractor shall tape the copper bus bars with two tapes, half lapped, of oiled linen or muslin tape; then apply varnished cambric tape, half lapped, to form a three thirty- seconds (8/32) inch wall, using a thin layer of No. 1 Minerallac Compound, or equal, be- tween the layers of varnished cambric tape. The varnished cambric tape is then to be cov- ered with one tape half lapped, of an asbestos material. The taping shall be done so as to be firm, smooth, and free from wrinkles, voids or 576 air pockets. The finished surface shall then be coated with one application of a solution of sodium silicate and two (2) layers of an ap- proved insulating flame proof paint which shall present a smooth glossy surface. All 6,600 and 12,000 volt connections from the oil circuit breakers to the 8 inch partition wall shall be taped with varnished cambric tape half lapped to form an insulation thickness as specified in the ie el table for terminal connections. All 12,000 and 6,600 volt lead covered cables when run exposed shall be fireproofed. The fireproofing shall consist of an asbestos felted material with a backing of asbestos cloth; the tape to be 2 inches wide and 14 inch thick for cables 214 inches O. D. and under and 8 inches wide and 3/16 inches thick for larger cables. The tape shall be immersed in a refractory cement solution which is chemically neutral, and then wound spirally on the cable with butted joints. A second layer shall then be wound over the first layer with joints mid- way between joints of first layer. A layer of an asbestos composition paste shall then be applied by hand over the entire surface of the taping. All 440 and 110 volt lead covered cables where run exposed shall be covered with one tape half lapped of asbestos listing, taped, coated and painted as previously described in this section. All insulation at terminal lugs or connectors shall be built up to the required thickness and to form a smooth surface with gradual slope between various diameter conductors. o77 The varnished cambric tape used for in- sulating shall be made up of cotton cambric, woven closely and uniformly. The cambric shall have a uniform application of black varnish which when applied shall present a smooth surface which will show no signs of cracking or pulling while drawing the tape around the conductor. The dielectric strength of the tape shall not be less than one thousand (1,000) volts per mil thickness. No tape shall be used which has a greater width than one and one-half (114) inches. All asbestos tape used on connections shall contain and be made up of not less than ninety (90) per cent long fibre asbestos and shall be selvaged. This tape shall be not less than fifteen thousandths (.015) of an inch thick, and the width shall not be less than one and one-half (114) inches, except where narrower tape is necessary to make a smooth surface around connectors, lugs, and other parts. When installing lead covered cable the Con- tractor shall use all possible care not to cut or score the lead sheath. Under no circumstances shall any exposed lead covered cable be bent to a radius of less than twelve (12) times the diameter of the cable. Each length of cable furnished by the Con- tractor shall be able to withstand a voltage test for a period of five minutes of double the working voltage and full load at standard fre- quency, without .puncturing, overheating, or otherwise damaging the insulation or sheath. 578 Station Accessories. (E95) The Contractor shall furnish and in- stall the following station accessories: One (1) % inch thick rubber mat, 36 inches wide to be placed in front of the control bench of the main switchboard. This mat shall be of sufficient length so as to extend continuously from Panel No. 1 to Panel No. 46 inclusive, and shall be provided with a non-curling attachment at each end. Two (2) portable mats, 24 by 36 by % inches, with rope handles at each end. These mats shall be of the highest grade rubber and fabric construction, with corrugated surface and shall meet with the EM of the Engi- neer. Two (2) disconnecting switch sticks. One for the 12,000 and 6,600 volt bus rooms and one for the 440 volt bus room. These sticks shall be of suitable length and design to operate the disconnecting switches which have been furnished. Three (3) wooden tongs for removing poten- tial transformer fuses. One for the high ten- sion transformer bank room and two for the 12,000 and 6,600 volt bus room. The Contractor shall install hooks in the 12,- 000 and 6,600 volt and 440 volt bus rooms, suit- able for hanging the above specified, rubber mats, switch hooks and fuse tongs. The location of these hooks will be designated by the Engi- neer. Six (6) plugs with Hae for nhs with portable voltmeters. 579 Tank lifters for raising and lowering the tanks of the 12,000, 6,600, 440 and 110 volt oil circuit breakers. These tank lifters shall be made by the manufacturer of the oil circuit breakers to be installed and shall be designed so that the tanks can be easily removed for ex- amination. Four (4) soundproof telephone booths in the locations designated by the Engineer. One (1) Western Union Clock on the switch- board balcony, in a location approved by the Engineer. OPERATIONS AND TESTS. Shop Tests. (E96) These shop tests refer only to the apparatus and equipment furnished by the Contractor under Division P. Each battery charging set shall be erected complete in the shop and one unit shall be tested in the shop for efficiency, heating, input-output, insulation and operating characteristics. One of each size of transformer shall be tested in the shop, to determine the efficiency, regulation, ratio, heating, dielectric strength of insulation and insulation resistance. - Each Unit Interlock Control shall be erected complete in the shop and tested as the Engineer may direct. The test of the motor generator sets and transformers shall be in accordance with the latest issue of the Standardization Rules of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. 580 The efficiency shall be what is termed “Con- ventional Efficiency.” The temperature rise of the motors shall be determined by thermometer and resistance methods of the stator, and by the resistance method for the rotor, all temperature measure- ments and corrections being made in accord- ance with the above mentioned American In- stitute of Electrical Engineers’ rules. The oil circuit breakers shall be guaranteed to withstand the latest two (2) OCO duty cycle rating as recommended by the latest Standard- ization Rules of the A. I. E. E. and the N. E. L. A. and shall be guaranteed to withstand the high potential test recommended in the latest Standardization Rules of the A. I. E. E. Carbon copies of the actual shop tests of the battery charging sets and transformers, together with complete computations, curves and summary sheets shall be supplied to the Engineer on the completion of these tests. The Engineer may at his option witness the shop tests, Operation Tests. (E97) It is anticipated, but not guaranteed, that after the equipment included under this contract has been installed, the construction on other contracts will be sufficiently advanced to allow the operation of the station. In any case as soon as conditions will per- mit, the Sanitary District will place the equip- ment in operation to such an extent as it may deem necessary and it will continue to operate the same for at least sixty (60) calendar days. During this operative period, the Contractor 581 shall make such changes, betterments or re- placements in the equipment and work in- cluded in this contract as may be required to make same comply with the specifications and to replace any defective material. During the above period the Contractor shall be responsible for the functioning of the equip- ment, included in this contract and shall make no claim against the Sanitary District for any damages, to the said equipment, due to failure of its operation. Results of Tests. (E98) Should any equipment when tested fail to develop the guaranteed efficiency, or meet ail of the other performance guarantees, due to any weakness of construction or design, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, forth- with make all necessary changes, betterments or replacements in any equipment so that said equipment, when again tested, will meet the performance guarantees. If said Contractor fails or refuses to make said changes, improvements or betterments, or if said improved equipment when tested shall again fail to meet said guarantees, the Sanitary District, notwithstanding its owner- ship of work and material which have entered into the manufacture and installation of said equipment, shall have the option of rejecting said equipment or of accepting the same at such reduced price as may be agreed upon by the parties hereto. In case said Sanitary District exercises its option and rejects said equipment, then said Contractor hereby agrees to repay to the Sani- 582 tary District all sums of money paid to him on progress certificates or otherwise on account of the lump sum price herein specified, and upon the receipt of said sums of money, said Sani- tary District will execute and deliver to said Contractor a bill of sale of all its right, title and interest in and to said equipment; PRO- VIDED, however, that said equipment shall not be removed from the premises of the Sanitary District until said Sanitary District obtains from other sources other equipment to take the place of that rejected. Said Sanitary District hereby agrees to obtain said other equipment within a reasonable time, and said Contractor agrees that said Sanitary District may use the equip- ment furnished by him without rental or other charge until said other equipment is obtained. In the further event that the Sanitary Dis- trict exercises its option to accept said equip- ment at a reduced price and the parties here- to cannot agree upon the reduced price to be paid therefore, then the determination of said reduced price to be paid by the Sanitary Dis- trict to said Contractor, shall be submitted to a Board of Arbitrators and determined in the manner hereinafter specified. Said Board of Arbitrators shall consist of three competent Engineers, one of whom shall be chosen by said Sanitary District, another by said Contractor and the third shall be selected by the two so chosen. If either of the parties hereto neglects to name a person as its arbi- trator within ten days after being notified by the other party hereto so to do, or if the arbitrators chosen by the parties hereto cannot within ten days after they are chosen agree 583 upon the third arbitrator, then either party hereto may request any Judge of the Circuit Court of Cook County to name an arbitrator for the party so in default, or said third arbi- trator and said Judge is hereby given full power and authority to designate and name said arbitrators. The dicision of said Board of Arbitrators shall be final and binding upon the parties hereto. Each party shall compensate the arbitrator selected by it or appointed by the court on its behalf, and one-half of the compensation of the third arbitrator shall be paid by each of the parties hereto. Guarantee. (E99) Al! equipment furnished under these specifications under this item shall be guaran- teed free from mechanical or electrical defects in workmanship, design or materials, and the Contractor shall replace, without cost to the Sanitary District any part or parts of the equip- ment proving defective within one (1) year after the equipment has been placed in opera- tion. A maintenance bond for this purpose is specified under Article 34. Payment. (E100) The lump sum price specified un- der this Item 39 shall cover the cost of the guarantee specified in Section (E99) and of furnishing all labor, equipment, material, tools, plant and appurtenances necessary for the furnishing and installing of the equipment and work as described under this Item 39 and as Shown on the plans. No payment shall be made under any other item of this contract for any work specified under this Item 39. 584 GENERAL CONDITIONS. Sanitary District Law. Article 1. The said Contractor hereby agrees to carry on all the work provided for in this contract in strict conformity with the require- ments of the law under which The Sanitary District. of Chicago is organized, entitled ‘“‘An Act to create Sanitary Districts and to remove obstructions from the Desplaines and [llinois Rivers,” approved May 29th, 1889, in force July 1st, 1889, and all acts amendatory thereof and supplementary thereto. Village Ordinances. Art. 2. The said Contractor agrees to carry on all work provided for in this contract in strict conformity with the ordinances and rules passed by the Village of Niles Center or other municipalities covering the construction of said work, and to conform to all other regulations or ordinances of the Village of Niles Center or other municipalities and to obtain all permits and certificates required by said village or other municipalities without additional ex- pense to the Sanitary District. Omissions on Plans. Art. 8. The plans furnished form a part of these specifications, and any work shown there- on shall be executed the same as if mentioned herein. The work is to be made complete, and to the satisfaction of the Engineer, notwith- standing any minor omissions in the specifica- tions or plans. 585 Approximate Quantities. Art. 4. It is expressly understood and agreed by the parties hereto that the quantities of the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, which have been estimated as stated in the “Requirements for Bidding and Instructions to Bidders,” attached hereto, are only approxi- mate and are to be used solely for the pur- pose of comparing on a uniform basis, the pro- posals offered for the work under this contract and the Contractor further agrees that the Sanitary District will not be held responsible if any of said quantities shall be found incorrect; and said Contractor will not make any claim for damages or for loss of profits or for an exten- sion of time because of a difference between the quantities of the various classes of work as estimated and the work actually done. If any error, omission, or misstatement shall be discov- ered in the said estimated quantities, the same shall not invalidate this contract or release the Contractor from the execution and completion of the whole or any part of the work herein specified, within the time herein specified, to the satisfaction of the Engineer and in accord- ance with the specifications and the plans herein mentioned and for the prices herein agreed upon and fixed therefor, or excuse him from any of the obligations or liabilities here- under, or entitle him to any damages or com- pensation otherwise than may be provided for in this contract, except for such extra work as may be required, for the performance of which written orders must be given and received as herein specified. 586 Examination of Site. Art. 5. All bidders for the work under this contract are required before submitting pro- posals to examine the site of the work and ad- jacent premises, and the various means of ap- proach to the site, and to make all necessary investigations in order to inform themselves thoroughly as to the character and magnitude of all work involved in the complete execution of this contract; also as to the facilities of de- livering, handling and installing the construc- tion plant and other equipment and the con- ditions and the difficulties that will be en- countered in the performance of the work specified herein. No plea of ignorance of con- ditions that exist or that may hereafter exist, or of difficulties that will be encountered in the execution of the work hereunder, as a result of failure to make necessary examinations and investigations, will be accepted as a sufficient excuse for any failure or omission on the part of the Contractor to fulfill in every detail all the requirements of this contract, or will be ac- cepted as a basis for any claim whatsoever for extra compensation or for an extension of time. Interference. Art. 6. The Contractor shall so conduct the work that there shall be no interference with work which may be in progress by the Sanitary District or under contracts with other contractors. In case of dispute between the Contractor and other contractors em- ployed by the Sanitary District, the decision of the Chief Engineer shall be final and bind- ing on both parties hereto. 587 The Contractor shall at his own expense re- pair any damage to machinery, equipment, masonry, buildings or other property of the Sanitary District or work under construction by other contractors occasioned by the Contractor in the execution of this contract. The disposal of tools, material, machinery and other supplies and appurtenances during storage and erection on the property of the Sanitary District or other owners shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall assume all responsibility for the security and safety of everything he may have on the property of the Sanitary District or other owners. The Contractor will be permitted to establish and maintain at his own expense during the life of this contract, an office upon property of the Sanitary District. This office shall, however, be located and constructed as approved by the Engineer, Changes in Plans. Art. 7. The Sanitary District reserves the right to make any changes in the specifications and plans which may be deemed necessary either before or after beginning any work un- der this contract, without invalidating this con- tract; provided that if alterations are made, the general character of the work as a whole is not changed thereby. If such alterations increase the quantity of work to be done, where unit prices are speci- fied, such increase shall be paid for according to the quantity of work actually done at the > unit price specified under this contract for each 588 class of work performed. If such alterations diminish the quantity of work to be done, where unit prices are specified, they shall not con- stitute a claim for damages or for loss of profit on the work that may be dispensed with, and the said Sanitary District shall not be required to pay for work or material omitted. If such alterations increase the amount of work to be done, where lump sum prices are specified, such increase shall be paid for as an extra as provided in Articles 8 and 9. If such alterations or omissions diminish the amount of work to be done, where lump sum prices are specified, such alterations or omissions shall not constitute a claim for damages or for loss of profits on the work that may be dispensed with, and the Sanitary District shall not be required to pay for work or material omitted. The Con- tractor shall allow a credit for all such work or material omitted, the amount of the credit to be fixed by the Chief Engineer on the basis of the estimated cost of the labor and materials omitted. If such alterations, in the opinion of the Engi- neer, involve additional expense not covered by the unit prices herein specified, the Contractor shall be paid for such additional expense as determined by the Engineer, under the extra work clause of this contract. Extra Work. Art. 8. The Contractor shall perform only such extra work as the Engineer may order in writing; provided, however, that no extra work, the total price or cost of which is in 589 excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00), shall be performed by the Contractor unless the En- gineer is authorized to issue a written order therefor by the Board of Trustees of said Sani- tary District. Whenever work is required to be done which is not now contemplated or covered by the prices herein specified, the Engineer shall fix such prices for the work as he shall consider just and equitable, and the Contractor shall abide by such prices, provided he enters upon such work with a full knowledge of the prices so fixed by the Engineer, but if the Con- tractor declines to perform said work at the prices fixed by said Engineer, then the Sanitary District may contract with any person or per- sons for its performance the same as if this con- tract had never existed; and if extra work, or work not provided for in this contract is or- dered performed by the Engineer and is so per- formed by the Contractor before prices have been fixed for such work, then the Engineer shall estimate the same at such prices as he shall consider just and reasonable, and his deci- sion shall be final and binding upon both parties to this contract, and the said Contractor shall accept such prices in full satisfaction of all demands against the Sanitary District for said extra work; provided, that if extra work is of such a nature being so distinct from other work being done by the said Contractor, that | in the opinion of the Engineer the actual cost of the same can be determined, then the said Contractor shall receive and the Sanitary Dis- trict shall pay in full satisfaction for the same. the actual cost of the work as determined by the Engineer with fifteen (15) per cent added for superintendence, use of tools and profit, 590 provided that said fifteen (15) per cent shall not be added to any unit or lump sum price fixed by the Engineer for extra work performed by the Contractor. A statement of all claims for extra labor or material furnished by the Contractor or claims for damages, or for additional compensation from any cause, whatsoever, must be reported to the Engineer in writing at the time such labor or material is furnished, -such damages occur or such claims for additional compensa- tion arise, and such statement must also be presented to the Engineer and the Committee on Engineering of the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District in writing within ten (10) ‘days after the end of each month. Whenever so required, the Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer each day a signed statement of the extra labor and material furnished during that day. The written orders of the Engineer to the Contractor to perform any extra work therein mentioned and the written notices and state- ments of the work performed hereinabove and hereinafter required from said Contractor are conditions precedent to any recovery on the part of said Contractor for any extra work per- formed. Estimating Extra Work. Art. 9. In estimating the cost of extra work, the cost of material and equipment shall be the actual price paid for same delivered at the site of the work. The cost of labor shall be taken as the amount paid for same, as shown by the pay rolls of the Contractor, with cost of in- demnity insurance added when such can be 591. shown to have been paid. No charge for the cost of administration will be allowed except as covered by said allowance of fifteen (15) per cent for superintendence, use of tools and profit. The Contractor shall, when requested by the Chief Engineer, certify, by his affidavit, the correctness of the amounts paid for ma- terial, equipment and labor. It is further agreed that in all cases of ques- tion or dispute arising or growing out of this contract in any way regarding the cost or value of extras, variations, allowances, deductions or the amount of damages in any manner growing out of the violation of any of the provisions of this contract, the decision of the Engineer shall be final and binding on both parties hereto. - Supervision, Materials, Workmanship and Inspection. Art. 10. All work provided for under this contract shall be done under the direction and supervision of the Engineer and his properly authorized agents. All inspection of any and all material fur- nished for use in work to be performed under this contract shall be made at the site of the work after delivery of the material, except where otherwise herein provided. All equipment and materials of whatsover kind to be used in the work shall be subject to the inspection and approval of the Engineer and shall be subject to constant inspection be- fore acceptance. Any imperfect work that may be discovered before its final acceptance shall be corrected immediately, and any unsat- 592 isfactory materials used in the work or de- livered at the site shall be rejected and re- moved on the requirement of the Engineer. The inspection of any work shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his obligations to perform proper and satisfactory work, as herein speci- fied, and all equipment and materials and work, which, during the progress and before its final acceptance, may become damaged from any cause, or do not for any reason satisfy the requirements of these specifications, shall be removed and replaced by good and satisfactory equipment, materials and work without extra charge therefor. The Engineer and his assist- ants shali have at all times free access to every part of the work and at all places where equip- ment or material to be used in the work is manufactured or stored, and shall be allowed to examine any equipment or material fur- nished for use in the work under this contract. Progress Certificates. Art. 11. It is further expressly agreed that the granting of any progress certificate, or the payment of any moneys hereunder, shall not be construed as acceptance of the work covered thereby and _ shall in no way lessen the liability of the Contractor to replace defective equipment, material and work though the same may not have been detected at the time such certificate was given or acted upon. All progress certificates, being made merely upon approximate estimates, shall be subject to the correction of the final certificate. Cost of Work. Art. 12. All books and avaeiits kept by the Contractor in connection with this contract 593 shall be open to the inspection of the Chief Engineer of the Sanitary District or his prop- erly accredited representative. The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer reasonable facilities for obtaining such infor- mation as he may desire respecting the prog- ress and execution of the work and the charac- ter of the materials, including all information necessary to determine the cost of the work, such as the number of men employed, their pay, the time during which they have worked on the various classes of construction, the cost of repairs to machinery, and other information required by the Engineer. The Contractor shall, on request, furnish the Engineer with copies of expense bills for transportation charges of all machinery, material and supplies shipped to or from the work under this con- tract. Plant. Art. 18. The Contractor shall furnish all material and supplies, plant, staging and false- work, machinery, tools and implements, teams, cars and tracks; in fact, all material and appli- ances of every sort or kind that may be neces- sary for the full and complete carrying out of this contract, and shall furnish and maintain, subject to the approval of the Engineer, all necessary barricades, and other protections, lights and signs, necessary for the proper pro- tection of the public. He shall also furnish watchmen not only to protect the public, but to protect all materials, tools, machinery and equipment and all work performed by the Con- tractor until said work has been completed and 594 accepted by the Chief Engineer. The cost of all the above shall be covered by the amounts paid at the lump sums or unit prices herein specified, and no’ extra charge shall be made therefor. Night, Sunday and Holiday Work. Art. 14. Whenever the Contractor shall be permitted or directed to perform work at night, or Sundays or a holiday, or to vary the period of hours during which work is carried on each day, he shall give written notice to the Engi- neer so that proper inspection may be provided. Such work shall be done under the regulation to be furnished in writing by the Engineer, and no extra compensation shall be allowed there- for. Cleaning Work and Site. Art. 15. The Contractor shall keep the site of the work and adjacent premises as free from material, debris and rubbish as is practicable and shall remove same from any portions of the site, if, in the opinion of the Engineer, such ma- terial, debris or rubbish constitutes a nuisance or is objectionable in any way to the public. The Contractor further agrees to remove all machinery, materials, implements, barricades, staging, falsework, debris and rubbish con- nected with or caused by said work immedi- ately upon the completion of the same and to clean all structures and work constructed un- der this contract to the satisfaction of the En- gineer and to leave the premises in perfect condition in so far as affected by the work under this contract. | 595 Precautions. Art. 16. The Contractor shall take whatever precaution that may be necessary to render any portion of the work secure in every respect, or to decrease the liability of accidents from any cause, or to avoid contingencies which are liable to delay the completion of the work. The Contractor shall furnish and install, sub- ject to the approval of the Engineer, all neces- sary facilities to provide safe means of access to all points where work is being performed hereunder and make all necessary provisions to insure the safety of workmen and of engineers and inspectors during the performance of said work. The Contractor will be required to conduct his work so as not to obstruct or render dangerous public highways, bridges, railroads and navigable channels. Superintendence. ; Art. 17. The Contractor shall at all times have a competent foreman, superintendent or other representative on the work who shall have full authority to act for the Contractor and to receive and execute orders from the Engineer, who shall receive shipments of ma- terial to the Contractor, and who shall see that the work hereunder is properly co-ordinated with the work of other contractors and that the work under this contract is executed in accordance with the specifications and plans and the orders of the Engineer thereunder. The. Contractor shall furnish the necessary watchmen to protect all material, tools, and equipment and all work performed by the 596 Contractor until said work has been completed and accepted by the Engineer. Workmen. Art. 18. The Contractor shall employ com- petent foremen and laborers, and shall dis- charge, at the request of the Engineer, any in- competent or unfaithful men in his employ. None but men expert in their respective branches of work shall be employed where spe- cial skill is required. Sanitation. Art. 19. In accordance with the rules and. regulations for the guidance of Sanitary In- spector, etc., adopted by the Board of Trustees on July 31, 1913, page 997 of the Proceedings for 1913, the Contractor shall introduce and en- force among his employees such regulations in regard to cleanliness and the disposal of gar- bage and wastes, as shall conduce to their health, and tend to prevent the inception and spread of contagious and infectious disease among them, and shall take such means as the Engineer may direct to effectually prevent the creation of a nuisance on any part of the prop- erty of said Sanitary District or adjacent streets, or property. Necessary sanitary con- veniences for the use of the laborers on the work, properly secluded from public observa- tion, shall be constructed and maintained by the Contractor in such manner and at such points as shall be approved, and their use shall be strictly enforced. 597 Patents. Art. 20. It is further agreed that the Con- tractor shall indemnify, keep and save harmless said Sanitary District from all liabilities, judg- ments, costs, damages and expenses which may in any wise come against said Sanitary District, by reason of the use of any patented material, machinery, devises, equipment or processes fur- nished by the Contractor and used in the performance of the work under this con- tract, or by reason of the use of patented designs furnished by the Contractor and accepted by the Sanitary District except- ing only the siphon spillways located in the southwest corner of the building. In the event any claim, suit or action at law or in equity of any kind, whatsoever, is made or brought against said Sanitary District involving any such patents, then the Sanitary District shall have the right to retain from the money due and to become due said Contractor a suffi- cient amount of money to protect itself against loss in the same manner and upon the same conditions as hereinafter specified in the next following article of this contract. Damages. Art. 21. Said Contractor covenants and agrees to pay all damages for injury to real or personal property, or for any injury sustained by any person growing out of any act or deed of said Contractor, or of his employees, that is in the nature of a legal liability, and he hereby agrees to indemnify and save the Sanitary Dis- trict harmless against all suits and actions of every name and description brought against 598 said Sanitary District for, or on account of any such injuries to real or personal property, or injuries received or sustained by any person or persons, caused by said Contractor, his servants, agents or employees, in the execution of said work; or by or in consequence of any negli- gence in guarding the same; or by or on ac- count of any omission or act of said Contractor, his agents or employees; and the said Con- tractor further agrees that so much of the money due him under and by virtue of this con- tract, as shall be considered necessary by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District, may be retained by the Sanitary District to protect itself agains{ loss until such suit or claim for damages shall have been settled, and evidence to that effect shall have been furnished to the satisfaction of the said Board of Trustees. Employers’ Liability Act. Art. 22. The Contractor further agrees to insure to his employees or their beneficiaries and to the employees or the beneficiaries of any subcontractor employed by him on said work the necessary first aid, medical, surgical and hospital services, and the compensation pro- vided for in the Workmen’s Compensation Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois as amended and now in force. Said Contractor hereby further agrees to in- demnify, keep and save harmless said Sanitary District from all claims, judgments, awards and costs which may in any wise come against said Sanitary District by reason of any accidental injuries or death suffered by any of his em- ployees or the employees of any subcontractor 599 employed by him in and about the performance of the work under this contract. Such insurance shall be placed by said Con- tractor in a company or association authorized under the laws of the State of Illinois to insure the liability above specified or in lieu of such insurance said Contractor or subcontractor hereby agrees to guarantee his liability to pay the compensation provided for in said Acts as amended and now in force. Responsibility of Contractor. Art. 23. The Contractor shall be responsible for the entire work until completed and ac- cepted by the Sanitary District. The Con- tractor shall give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract and to the execution of the work. He shall keep the same under his control, and shall not sublet any part of it, ex- cept as hereinafter specified. The Sanitary District will not recognize any parties engaged on the work covered by this contract other than the Contractor and his employees. The Contractor shall not assign by power of attorney or otherwise any portion of the moneys that may become due through the per- formance of the work under this contract or any part thereof. Subletting Work. Art. 24. The Contractor shall not sublet any part of the work herein mentioned to any per- son or corporation that is not, in the opinion of the Engineer, competent, experienced and financially able to properly carry out and ex- 600 ecute the same, and in the event that said Con- tractor desires to sublet any part of the work he shall, prior to such subletting, submit to the Engineer a statement showing the character of the work and the party or parties to whom it is proposed to sublet the same, and his or their experience, financial ability and other qualifica- tions for properly carrying out and completing the same and the decision of the Engineer as to said qualifications, financial ability, experience and competency shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto. It is further understood and agreed that such subletting, or the ap- proval thereof by the Sanitary District or by the said Engineer, shall not directly or indi- rectly release or modify the responsibility of the Contractor for the satisfactory and entire completion of said work and each and every part and portion thereof, and that said Sani- tary District shall not be liable to any subcon- tractor for any lien on the structures to be built hereunder or claim on the moneys due the Con- tractor or any other lien, claim or damages whatsoever. In case any party or parties, to whom any work under this contract shall have been sublet, shall disregard the directions of the Engineer or his duly authorized representa- tives, or shall furnish any unsatisfactory work, or shall fail or refuse in any way to conform to any of the conditions of this contract, then in that case, upon the written order of the Engi- neer, the Contractor shall require said party or parties in default to discontinue work under this contract. Any defective work done by any such subcontractor shall be replaced by work which is satisfactory to the Engineer. 601 Liens. Art. 25. If at any time during the progress of said work the said Contractor shall fail or - neglect to pay for any labor performed, mate- rial furnished, or tools, machinery, appliances, fuel, provisions or supplies of any sort or kind used or consumed in, upon, or on account of said work for ten (10) days after payment for same shall have become due, then the said Sanitary District shall have the power to pay for such labor or for materials, tools, machin- ery, appliances, fuel, provisions, or supplies, and the amount so paid shall be retained out of the money due or to become due to said Con- tractor. The said Sanitary District may refuse to make payment hereinafter mentioned to the extent of such indebtedness until satisfactory evidence in writing has been furnished that said indebtedness has been discharged. In any — such case, said Sanitary District is hereby au- thorized and empowered by said Contractor to ascertain by the Engineer the amount due or owing from said Contractor to any laborer or laborers, or to any person or persons, or cor- poration, for labor, equipment, material, tools, machinery, appliances, fuel, provisions or sup- plies of any sort or kind consumed upon, in or on account of the work covered by this contract in such manner and upon such proofs as the said Engineer may deem sufficient. Co-operation. Art. 26. It is understood and agreed that all work shall be executed in such manner and in such order or procedure as will permit of the commencement and carrying on of work of the 602 Sanitary District and of other contractors with the least interference possible under a reason- able procedure whenever it is necessary or de- sirable to prosecute said work, either simul- taneously with the work under this contract or otherwise. To this end the Contractor shall co- operate with and assist the Sanitary District and other contractors in every reasonable way and shall interfere as little as possible with their work. The Contractor shall so arrange his work, plant and equipment that work of the Sanitary District and of other contractors for the Sanitary District shall not be made in- accessible at any time and can be performed without unnecessary or unreasonable expense on account of the work, plant or equipment of the Contractor, hereunder. The Contractor shall move, free of charge, his plant and equip- ment or any part of same whenever the Engi- neer shall consider it reasonable and necessary for the work of the Sanitary District or other contractors. The Contractor when requested by the Engineer shall also furnish the Sanitary District and other contractors with material and with the use of plant and equipment of the Contractor at reasonable rates therefor, when- ever, in the opinion of the Engineer, such use of such plant and equipment will not unreason- ably delay or interfere with the work under this contract. The Contractor shall not be entitled to any damages or to any anticipated profits on work dispensed with or to any extra compensation from the Sanitary District on account of any work performed by the Sanitary District, or other contractors, that is contemplated in these 603 specifications or on the plans or that is neces- sary for carying on or completing or that in any way affects the work under this contract, pro- vided that such work of the Sanitary District and other contractors, in the opinion of the Engineer, is performed in a proper and ex- peditious, or a necessary manner. The Engi- neer shall decide all questions between the Contractor and the Sanitary District or other contractors, and the order of carrying on the work shall always be subject to the Engineer’s direction and approval. His decision upon all questions relating to this contract shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto. In case the Contractor, by his own acts or the acts of any person or persons in his em- ploy, shall unnecessarily delay, in the opinion of the Engineer, the work of the Sanitary Dis- trict or other contractors by not properly co- operating with them, or affording them suffi- cient opportunity or facilities to perform work, as hereinbefore specified, the Contractor shall, in that case, pay all costs and expenses in- curred by such parties, due to any such de- lays, and hereby authorizes the Sanitary Dis- trict to deduct the amount of such costs and expenses from any moneys due or to become due under this contract. The Engineer shall decide the extent of such delay or delays and amount of such costs and expenses, and his de- cision shall be final and binding upon both parties to this contract. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall, however, relieve said Contractor from any liability or damages re- sulting to the Sanitary District on account of such delay or delays. 604 Time. Art. 27. The Contractor agrees to begin the work covered by this contract within thirty (30) days from the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees of said Sanitary District of the bond of said Contractor, and to prose- cute the same with all due diligence and to en- tirely complete the work on or before January 1, 1928. It is understood and agreed that TIME is the essence of this contract, and that a failure on the part of said Contractor to complete the work herein specified within the time specified will result in great loss and damage to said Sanitary District, and that on account of the peculiar nature of such loss or damage it is difficult, if not impossible, to accurately ascer- tain and definitely determine the amount thereof. Liquidated Damages. Art. 28. It is therefore covenanted and agreed that in case the said Contractor shall fail or neglect to complete the work herein specified on or before the date hereinbefore fixed for completion, the said Contractor shall and will pay the said Sanitary District the sum of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS ($350.00) for each and every day the Con- tractor shall be in default in the time of com- pletion of this contract. Said sum of THREE HUNDRED FIFTY DOL- LARS ($850.00) per day is hereby agreed upon, fixed and determined by the parties hereto as liquidated damages which said Sanitary Dis- 605 trict will suffer by reason of such defaults and not by way of a penalty. In case the said Con- tractor does not complete the work covered by this contract on or before the time specified herein for the completion of the said work, the Engineer shall decide the number of days the said Contractor is in default, and the decision of said Engineer shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto. It is further agreed that if said Sanitary Dis- trict shall accept any work or make any pay- ments under this contract after any such de- fault, such acceptance, payment or payments shall not in any respect constitute a waiver or modification of any of the provisions hereof, and particularly the provisions in regard to TIME and LIQUIDATED DAMAGES for de- lays. Extensions or Additions. Art. 29. In the event that any material alter- ations or additions are made as herein speci- fied, which, in the opinion of the Engineer, will require additional time for the execution of any work under this contract, then in that case the time of the completion of the work shall be extended by such a period of time as may be fixed by said Engineer, and his decision shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto, provided that in such case the Contrac- tor, within four (4) days after being notified in writing of such alterations or additions, shall request in writing an extension of time, but no extension of time shall be given for any minor alterations or additions, and the provi- sions of this article shall not otherwise alter, 606 change or invalidate the provisions of this con- tract with reference to LIQUIDATED DAM- AGES, and the said Contractor shall not be en- titled to any damages or compensation from the said Sanitary District on account of such additional time required for the execution of the work. Notice to Suspend Work. Art. 30. The Contractor shall delay or sus- pend the progress of the work, or any part thereof, whenever he shall be so required by written order of the Engineer, and for such pe- riods of time as the Engineer may order, pro- vided that in the event of such delay or delays or of such suspension or suspensions of the progress of the work or any part thereof, the time for the completion of the work so sus- pended or of work delayed by such suspen- sions, shall be extended for a period equivalent to the time lost by reason of such suspension or suspensions, but such order of the Engineer shall not otherwise modify or invalidate in any way any of the provisions of this contract, and said Contractor shall not be entitled to any damages or compensation except as mentioned in Article 31, from the Sanitary District on ac- count of such delay or delays, suspension or suspensions. Unavoidable Delay. Art. 31. Should the Contractor be obstruct- ed or delayed in the commencement, prosecu- tion or completion of any part of said work by any act or delay of the Sanitary District, or by any act or delay on the part of railroads in 607 furnishing cars or transporting any equipment, material or appurtenances for said work, or by riot, insurrection, war, pestilence, acts of public authorities, fire, lightning, earthquake, cyclone, floods, or through any default or de- lay of other parties under contract with said Sanitary District, or due to strikes, or to other causes, which causes of delay mentioned in this article (Art. 31), in the opinion of the Chief Engineer are entirely beyond the control of the Contractor, then the time herein fixed for the completion of the work so delayed shall be ex- tended for a period equivalent to the time lost be reason of any cause aforesaid, but no such allowance shall be made unless the Contractor notifies the Engineer before the fifth of each succeeding month of all delays occurring in the preceding month. It is further expressly agreed that said Con- tractor shall not be entitled to any damages or compensation from the said Sanitary Dis- trict on account of any delays resulting from any of the causes above specified in this ar- ticle (Art. 31), except compensation for wages for extra time for any necessary watchmen and for extra premiums of his bond, actually paid by said Contractor, on account of said addi- tional time so required to complete all work hereunder, due only to delays caused by the Sanitary District or by other parties under con- tract with said Sanitary District. The Chief Kingineer shall decide the number of days that said Contractor has been so delayed and his decision shall be final and binding upon both parties hereto. 608 Forfeiture of Contract. Art. 32. It is further agreed by and between the parties hereto that if said Contractor fails financially, or abandons this contract, or fails, refuses or neglects to fully complete said work within the time specified, or as extended under the terms of this contract, or if in the opinion of the Chief Engineer said work has been or is being delayed by said Contractor so that said work cannot be completed within the time specified, or as so extended, or if from any other cause, whatsoever, said Contractor is un- able to carry out the terms and conditions of this contract and complete said work, or if said Contractor shall sublet, in whole or in part, the work under this contract without the consent of the Sanitary District first had and obtained, then said Sanitary District may declare his contract forfeited either as to a portion of the same or the whole thereof. Upon the happening of any of the conditions hereinbefore in this section specified, the said Sanitary District shall have a lien upon all the materials, supplies, machinery, implements and tools of the Contractor for the purpose herein- after specified; and the said Sanitary District may thereupon immediately take possession of all said materials, supplies, machinery, imple- ments and tools, for the uses and purposes hereinafter set forth; thereupon the said Sani- tary District shall have the power to, and may at the cost of said Contractor, complete the said work by letting a new contract, and in completing the said work by contract, the said Sanitary District may use such materials, sup- plies, machinery, implements, tools and plant 609 as may be the property of said Contractor, and make the necessary repairs and replacements thereto. _ The cost of fully completing all the work provided for under any new contract shall in- clude the sum or sums of money paid by the Sanitary District to other contractors and all cost of repairs and replacements upon machin- ery, implements, tools and plant of the Con- tractor hereunder and also all sums of money paid for first aid, medical, surgical and hospi- tal services and compensation for accidental injuries or death suffered by the employes of any new contractor in the course of their em- ployment in completing said work under the Workmen’s Compensation Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, now in force. The cost and expense of fully completing said work as aforesaid, shall be charged to the Contractor and the amount of such cost or ex- pense so charged shall be deducted from and paid by the Sanitary District out of any moneys that may be due or may at any time thereafter become due to the said Contractor under and by virtue of this contract, as far as the same may suffice therefor. Should the amount remaining unpaid of the original contract price be insufficient to reim- burse the Sanitary District for fhe cost and expense of fully completing said work, then the Sanitary District may sell all materials, supplies, machinery, implements and tools ob- tained from the Contractor then on hand, at public sale on giving said Contractor twenty (20) days notice of the time and place of such 610 sale, and the net proceeds derived from the sale of said property at such sale shall be credited to said Contractor, and should the amount received from said sale be then insuffi- cient to pay such deficiency, the Contractor and his bondsmen shall be liable to pay the amount of said deficiency; and at any such sale of said property as provided hereunder, the Sanitary District may bid and become a purchaser of said property. It is further un- derstood and agreed that the terms and pro- visions of this Article 32 shall apply to and be binding upon any and all subcontractors of the original Contractor hereunder. Contractor’s Bond. Art. 33. The Contractor shall furnish a bond in the sum of fifty (50) per cent of the amount of this contract for the performance of the work under this contract, with good and suffi- cient sureties, the same to be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District, conditioned upon the faithful performance of all the terms and conditions of this contract; and should the sureties on said bond at any time fail financially, or be, in the opinion of the said Board of .Trustees, insufficient security for the penalty of said bond, then in that case the said Board of Trustees may, on giving ten (10) days notice thereof in writing, require said Contractor to furnish a new and addi- tional bond in place of the bond so having be- come insufficient, with such securities thereon as shall be satisfactory to the Board of Trus- tees of said Sanitary District. 611 Maintenance Bond. Art. 384. Architectural. The Contractor shall furnish a maintenance bond, as specified in section A69 with a good and sufficient surety thereon, the same to be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District for the faithful fulfillment of the requirements of said section. The Contractor shall also furnish a bond in the sum of five (5) per cent of the total amount of the sums paid under Items 12 to 24, inclusive, hereof, with a good and suffi- cient surety thereon, the same to be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District, for the faithful fulfillment of the requirements of this contract that he will for a period of one year from the date of the approval by the Board of Trustees of the final certificate as specified in Article 88 hereof make good at his own expense any defects which may de- velop in the work herein specified for said items during said period of one year. The exe- cution of the said maintenance bonds shall be a condition precedent to the final payment specified in Article 38. Mechanical. The Contractor shall furnish a bond in the sum of five (5) per cent of the total amount of the sums paid under Items 25 to 88, in- clusive, hereof, with a good and sufficient safety S$! thereon, the same to be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District for the faith- ful fulfillment of the requirements of this con- tract that he will for one year subsequent to com- pletion of the operating tests and the acceptance of the equipment included under said items make good, at his own expense any excessive wear to 612 any parts, any defects in or damages to any equipment included in this contract which may arise from the faulty materials, design, con- struction or installation or from the inability of any of the equipment to successfully perform all the work put upon it within the limits of these specifications. The execution of said bond shall be a condition precedent to the final payment specified in Article 38. Electrical. The Contractor shall furnish a bond in the amount of five (5) per cent of the sum paid under Item 39 hereof, with a good and sufficient surety thereon, the same to be satisfactory to the Board of Trustees of the Sanitary District for the faithful fulfillment of the requirements of this contract that he will for one year subse- quent to the completion of the operating tests and acceptance of the switchboard, conduits and wiring and miscellaneous appurtenances and the furnishing and erection of miscellane- ous equipment, make good at his own expense any excessive wear to any parts, any defects in or damages to any parts and defects in or dam- ages to any equipment, appurtenances, wiring, or other material furnished or work done under this contract which may arise from faulty ma- terials, design, construction, installation or from the inability of any of the equipment, appurtenances, wiring or other material fur- nished or work done to successfully perform all the work put upon it within the limits of these specifications. The execution of said bond shall be a condition precedent to the final payment specified in Article 38. 613 Progress. Art. 35. The Contractor hereby agrees that the progress of the work under this contract shall be such that, on the respective dates shown in the following tabulation, the total amount of work completed (expressed in per- centage, in value, of the whole of said work) will be not less than that shown in said tabu- lation: TABULATION SHOWING TOTAL AMOUNT OF WORK TO BE COMPLETED ON DATES SHOWN: Per cent Date Completed July eee LOS Geen AAR ARS Fae ore 30 January.) L927 4 eRe eee 60 June ck; DOR Pie ee eee poe 85 september 1) 1927 teen ae 95 The entire work is to be completed upon January 1, 1928. The value of the whole of said work shall be based on the approximate quantities of work set forth in the proposal of the Contractor hereto attached, at the unit and lump sum prices herein specified. If the rate of progress be such that the total amount of work accomplished by the Contrac- tor on any date mentioned in the foregoing tabulation is less than the amount therein specified to be completed on such date, then the Sanitary District may withhold the month- ly payment herein specified, until such time as the total amount of work performed by the Contractor shall equal the requirements of the work to be performed as hereinabove specified. 614 Prices. Art. 36. The said Contractor further agrees to accept the following prices as full compen- sation for furnishing all the labor, tools, mate- rials and appurtenances necessary to complete the work specified, and for doing all the work contemplated and specified in this contract, also for all loss or damage arising out of the nature of the work aforesaid or from the ac- tion of the elements or from any unforeseen obstruction or difficulties which may be en- countered in the prosecution of the same; and for all risks of every description connected with the work; and for well and faithfully completing the work, and the whole thereof, in full compliance with the plans and speci- fications, and the requirements of the Engineer under them, to-wit: SUBSTRUCTURE. (1) For the earthwork, complete, as speci- RPT Cy ALTES ESE STAI TI ed, Os setacs casccadeecadeosieastinns SOHC E HERE HEHEHE HHT HEHEHE EERE EHSS ESHEETS HSHHHEHEEHHTOTHHSHSHHHHSSFH TH HSHTTFEH TOD (2) For the additional earth excavation, complete, as specified, the sum Of ...............-.-000 SOOPER HHS HEHEHE HHH HHEEHHSHSHESHESEHRSHHHOHTHEHHSE HSH HHHSHSHHHHSHHHHSHHHHHH SHH HTS HTHORH EE cubic yard. (3) For the cinder fill, complete, in place, as specified, the SUM Of .....lo vis ecssescwesce terse) ogee See OU SAR AE ok Dollars and \.:.i)cc.cécccccseleenc sedan BS ME a aioe ery Ey segs ) per cubic yard. ~ (4) For the concrete, complete, in place, as specified, the Sum Of ..........ccleccoucceseecervessessenmaam SHH HEHEHE HSEHSHESHEHSCEHHHEHSEHE HEHEHE SHSEHESHEHESHHHESHSEHEHSSHSHOSHEHESESHSTESHESESEHOSEEE enact nen tuer eae ee ) per cubic yard. (5) For the granolithic surface, complete, as"Specified, the'sum ‘Of ii 4 a ee Cents Cee eee, au U ee ar ase BE ) per square foot. (6) For the reinforcing steel, complete, in place, as specified, the sum Of <........c.ecsscessdeceeum per pound. 616 (7) For the siphon linings, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum of .................. SOSH HEHEHE EHHEHHHEEHSHEHHEHESHSHHSHEHIHHSHTTHEHHSTHSHTSHTHSHHOSHHSHSHOEHHEHSHSBETHHSESHSEHBESE (8) For the sidewalk lights, complete, in place, as specified, the sum Of ...............ccecseeeseeee SCOPES EERE SHH HSH SEHSHHHEHHESEHEHEHESH SOS EHESHSHSHSSSHOSSOHFSHHHHFTHOHSHOHO SOS HHOTHBFR9OR square foot. (9) For the channel gates, complete, in PCG ASS DECINOG LNG SUNT OL coiiisceccconcccscocsess ohne UCR NLR, PEs AU Da PIOUEP AAT ice serdar veces APRA SES ASE Oe AR Ue ) each SUPERSTRUCTURE. (10) For the structural steel for superstruc- ture; complete, in place, as specified, the sum 617 Cine eto aceete ) per pound. (11) For the cast steel for superstructure, complete, in place, as specified, the sum of CRPPH ROHR eRe OEE HERE HEE EHH EHTS EEE HS EEE HEHEHE HEHEHE HEH HE EEE ESE ESHEETS OHHH ETH EHO ES De, Vel eh Cents (Si... 62 nee Der peas ARCHITECTURAL WORK. (12) For the masonry, complete, in place, as Specified, the lump) SUM/OE \\...:00),. iiss eu DIN leon ta Maas Dollars: and \....4<3).0 eee COR aT ue Maat oe ees tenet ye (13) For the cut stone and terra cotta work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum SHSHSHHHE HHH HHOSHEHHHSSHHEHSHHEHHSHHEHSHHEESHEHEHHESHEHHESESEHHOSHEHOTHEEHEOERESHEHE EEE OEHEED (cei fal NV frat ish lait ny 618 (14) For the marble work, tile floors and mastic floors, complete, in place, as specified, Pea OeSUTC OL rte ues te eileen a reas Ae COSTES HOH HEHEHE EHH ERE STH HE HSHSHOHHESHH HHT HSHEHSHEHHETHESHOHHSHTHHHTHHHHHSHTHSTHTETEHCSRSESOEEES ee EY, ‘ (15) For the metal windows, louvres and doors, complete, in place, as specified, the TDP SUITE LOR yess beech lege sncee FHS ret eee tper ers tay ere He SOSH HEHEHE SE SERHESEHHESHSEHSHHHSSHESHHHOSHEH EHF HSHHHTSHSSHHOHHHHHSHHSSHHHHHETHHRHHGHHHHBO AHS (16) For the iron work, complete, in place, Meee CCICC Ue UTM OISUMD OL) -oseccesadisbeactesenceusye De een, Dptlaravandyencsi. tence. (Cents Eo OY Ry eet RR AAA LO ye (17) For the sheet metal. work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump sum of .................. SOPH TREE HEE HEE EHRE SESH HSHEHESEHSEESHEHSEHESHHEHSSHESHSSSHSEHSSESSHESSHSTFTSHHHEEHEOH EOD 619 (18) For the gypsum roof tile and roof waterproofing, complete, in place, as specified, the lump SUM OF oe COSC HHHHSHEHEHHSSHEHTHSSHEHSEHESSHHHSHSHESEHSEESHSEHESHESHOHHSSHSHSHSHSHHSHESEHETHEHSHOSEHOETE (19) For the carpenter work, millwork, hardware and lockers, complete, in place, as specified, the lump Sum Of J... ee ROAR GOE G Ageae caf Dollars) and |. iisecesej ene STS RET NUMAN IPL GA Lo COR yl ) hardware and lockers, complete, in place, as specified, the lump Sumi Of5..siiescltossseesceeeee ee SSSSH HTS HF HHHHHTHSHEHHHHRHESHHSSETSHSHHSSHSEHHEHHOSSHHHSSHHOSSHSHEHSHESSSHHOSSHHSESOSHSECHESHSEFE ERE RAY Titer Sara pF ORES 2 ye 620 (21) For the painting, complete, in place, ee spacined. the lump sum of sce Bere ati ie, POLARS ATO oe ctcchs dics ccuviedece MC OTIS CaN cdf Aer OURS COU PN a ) (22) For the metal lath, plastering and sus- pended ceilings, complete, in place, as speci- Bree ORIN TVESUTI DU Vey cce ccs ee ec dl cceisccdasich coccssasis CRSA HSELEHHEETESSEHSHESEHSEHSHEHHHEHSHHHHSTSHHHSHSHHHHHHSHTHHHSSHHSH ST SSFSHETESHEHHO ROH SETHE fe EB SRA RR VGG vipacd ie Oe ye (23) For the passenger elevator cab and elevator doors, complete, in place, as specified, RP RPREITEC) COLT Larimer Va ee eer eh ee io avd eaks SOSH HH SESHEHOSHHOSHEHHHEHSEEESTHHHHSHHEHHHTHHESSHTHHSHHHHTHSSHHHTHEHHHERHHSHHHHOHHH EHH OS (24) For the sanitary plumbing and pipe work, complete, in place, as specified, the lump 621 SERRE HEHEHE EEE HEHEHE TEETH EEE SHEHEEESEHHEEHEHEEHE HEHEHE SSHEHEEESHOHEHSEHESHOHSEHEEEEHEOEHS The work herein above specified under Items (12) to (24) inclusive, includes substantially all the work to be performed under Architectural Work, however if it is found necessary to per- form other work of a minor character to make said Architectural Work complete then said Contractor shall perform such other work .as is incident to any of the appropriate items above stated without any extra charge there- for. MECHANICAL PLANT INSTALLATION (25). For the erection of all blower units furnished and delivered by the Sanitary Dis- trict under another contract together with all miscellaneous accompanying appurtenances, complete, as specified, ready to run, for the LOMD: SUM Of ees lice loons addy eae eee ee (26). For the erection of the main pumping units and circulating water pumping units to be furnished and delivered by the Sanitary 622 District under other contracts, complete, in place, with all miscellaneous accompanying ap- purtenances, ready to run, for the lump sum PME ane ee RAM iaccs liddvecddecdaleotasecsiecetyedevegcs 2 iach os RE OR gee Rep cd Meee A Dollars BE eee Ct cag) ees den aivehlus' dias Obes Gaba dae uurte Cents Ooi a ae TS BA ENR Oe ) (27). For erection of all air conditioning equipment furnished and delivered by the Sanitary District under another contract, com- plete, in place, as specified, with all miscellane- ous accompanying appurtenances, for the lump BUD eRe een te Hea a cis ciel (Sascaseaseaaeabes chenseees eae rey A RUG Voki edie Vals sccacdedsentevdes Dollars ee ae Ss Suave fe ohacsdeqesedes Cents (EAS Sail ene eas GS) eh ) (28). For furnishing and installing all low pressure air mains and branches and _ all blower intake piping, complete, as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump sum 623 (29). For furnishing and installing one (1) fifteen and one (1) thirty-five-ton traveling crane, and one (1) fifteen-ton electric monorail hoist and one (1) one thousand-pound air motor hoist, complete, as specified, ready for operation, for the lump sum ‘of! 02a eee WRAL Went ra rR DINE OUP. Sea Um Nb ye By, Dollars ATECL il Neu cee ewes UN a ae a Cents Ca te To VL es ha ieee aaa ) (30). For furnishing and installing sewage screens with all apparatus and appurtenances as specified or shown on the plans, complete, as specified, ready for operation, for the lump SUM OT. cis ees eiccs dae lgeieaddscs penn kes tev anty eat stan an Lclda's vbusteatde elise ids oe ROLLIN lees Wy aoa eRe ere Dollars QTC abril Wer, eke soled oto ua id agile h ek ae ee Cents ES INE Ghee UPR cea EOE MUR ROR RnR AIC ) (31). For furnishing and installing all necessary floor grating and non slip floor plates, complete, as specified, except floor grat- ing and floor plates in the screen chamber, which will be paid for under the lump sum specified for sewage screens, for the lump (Se). VRor eo furnishing’ vand.\installing, vacuum priming pumps, sewage ejectors, air coolers for blower motors, transformer oil pumps, tanks and purifier return line vacuum heating pumps, storage water heater and mis- cellaneous auxiliary equipment, complete, as specified or shown on the plans, ready for goeravon,, tor the lump, SUM “Of. bse Pee ee ret ewasvadealiee Dollars Safe gis fa Re Uh Cr ae ne Ade Fe BR Cents (33). For furnishing and installing all air intake doors and frames, water tight doors and frames for air conditioning compartments, air relief doors and air tunnel doors and frames, complete with all appurtenances, as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump 625 (34). For furnishing and installing all general piping, exclusive of low pressure air mains and blower intake piping, complete with all appurtenances, pipe covering and painting, including the furnishing and install- ing of all motor operated gate valves, stop gates, sluice gates and all apparatus pertain- ing thereto; complete, as specified or shown on the: plans, ‘for the lump sum of............;00eee SCOSHOSTSHOSHCSESHAHEHHSHHEEHTESESHSHEEHEEEEHEHTESOHEFEHSEHHEHEEHEESH STH HH EHHH TE HEHEHH HEHE HED (35). For furnishing and installing the heating and ventilating systems, complete, with all equipment, and appurtenances, pipe covering, insulation and painting; as speci- fied or shown on the plans, for the lump sum DET ek acinkesdacitn ale rr Ee Ve ON ai SUR 2 10S Ue Sak ae Dollars ATUL Urn ora e ACerS Uik. atts | ecu ad ae eae ne ee Cents AIR pe ue OO AI lh ent ee Oa ) (36). For the furnishing and _ installing of all instruments and meters, complete with all apparatus and appurtenances, as specified or shown on the plans, for the lump sum of SORE RE HEE HEE E HHH EHEEHTE HOHE HEE OSES HEEHE HEHEHE HEHEHE EHEHEHHEEHEHEHEHHEHTEHHEE HEHEHE (37). For furnishing and installing mis- cellaneous piping apparatus and appurte- nances, including pipe covering and painting; and miscellaneous iron castings, complete, as specified or shown on the plans, not here- tofore classified, for the lump sum olf................ ee CNET WLU Sy leetuekeastbocess nas Dollars Te Bar iach A SEO IG ok gp MAR a ne €ents (38). For furnishing of all labor and materials for the painting of all equipment apparatus and appurtenances, complete, as specified, for the lump sum Of.....................c00cee SORTS EHEHESEH HEHEHE SHETHHHEHHESHEHHEES HEHEHE EEHEEHOSHEHHSHEHHEHHHEHEE HEHEHE HEHESEE 627 The work herein above specified under Items (25) to (38) inclusive includes substantially all the work to be performed under Mechanical Plant Installation, however, if it is found neces- sary to perform cther work of a minor char- acter to make said Mechanical Plant Installa- tion complete, then said Contractor shall per- form such other work as is incident to any of the appropriate items above stated without any extra charge therefor. ELECTRICAL WORK. (39) For the electrical work complete as specified, the lump) SUMV OL sites cs.scsess coves eben Cem meee EHO EMRE RHEE HERE EEE EEE EEE HEHEHE EEE EE EEEHEEESHEESESHEHS EHH HEHEHE HEHE HHH The foregoing prices shall cover the cost of all machinery, plant and tools and all work and materials of whatsoever kind that shall be fur- nished or needed to complete the entire work in all details ready for the purposes for which it is intended. Said prices shall also cover all royalties for patents, and patented material appliances and processes used in the work de- scribed in the specifications and the cost of all bonds and guarantees herein specified to be furnished by the Contractor. Before final pay- ment is made, the Contractor shall furnish a 628: satisfactory guarantee against all claims on account of work performed, tools and plant employed, and material and labor furnished hereunder, and against all claims for patents, patented materials, appliances and processes used in or on account of the work under this contract. GUARANTEES. The Contractor hereby guarantees the effi- ciencies of the equipment hereinafter specified and agrees to furnish the make of equipment as hereinafter listed. Battery Charging Sets. The total efficiencies of the Battery Charg- ing Sets at rated voltage and frequency will not be less than the following: 20 K. W. Battery 14 Load 34, Load. Full Load LLP ESOSS RR CU TET O08 IRE SS CN eevee Gr Oe RR OL TNO The weight of the complete Battery Charg- ing Sets will be as follows: Complete 20 K. W. Battery Charging oa RCD Se ABEND RRE DE ALLE ge 0 UT a CO pounds The 20 K. W. and 3/, K. W. Battery Charg- ing Sets to be furnished herewith will be man- AE Ge RW hions cove ateatecdeons uh Id te Ona cr ey SHER ESOS EHTS HEEEH HEE EE HEHE SHS SEES HESES HOSTESS SHHTHHE HEHEHE SSS FS SHS SEH HEHEHE ETEOD 629 CHORE SHHEHE EHH SHEE EE HEH EH HOTEH SEES HE EEHE HEHEHE ESEEHEHHEESTHEOE HEHEHE EHEHOHHTHEEHE HERE OD 100 K. V. A. Transformers. The efficiencies of the 100 K. V. AY Trans- formers will be not less than that specified in the following table: Per Cent Per Cent Efficiency at of load 100% PF. 90% PE. 80% Pale LOO Gi moian wagieuearyecee. be esecuaage east tae ean TEU ORI ama d se csiie 2s i epatieny es sat to Mt ih an DO Pe bescoeheads (4) {enenautaae ey a ann The regulation will be as specified in the following table: Per Cent Per Cent Regulation at of load 100% P.F.. 90% PPO» 80% irae FO Oe ei cal ONG dies neat tly wel lee ud Sp swulnuloelce ole wit havo cete ana an eel aa BO ees sso caicte Oue ok ocean ee ta eaten ee Following are the dimensions in inches and approximate net weight in pounds of each transformer : Hee ver i alee icieccetamtiy tee eee teas inches Projected. Hoorr areas iiniaeie even: inches 630 MTT RE RAVEREC INU tener a cagts i s28 5 dn vl ds bene veyed eende pounds The current transformers to be furnished herewith will be: Voltage Make Type Style Cat. No. POR ior ies mmr t aN harry Ey Fa ee eeoreeeseeaven py MOUTIEEM) (00 Re TI aap a a nn eet eeeewoesesearen OM eye iii) ami ntaylt NOT ENT a I a Se ae BOO sem Se le: | CaN Gi Coneean een eee Se i iedieettce:) vevesecnsseiaen SC I Ly sscsdyyen)) aseadbuagsvesge HUD SO Sh eae ee PM iil scosseadedagece WO ok P(e ae ee RED Loh UA CIEL Ba T A100 Re OnLy mela OpOOg ER IIE lc A TORRE ONC SIS aS I ie Mee Ee The potential transformers to be furnished herewith will be: Voltage Make Type Style Cat. No. MRCS MRR Ee ER bs haz ental duis tiie de ravir Mae denestewnees 631 BATE E YD Maa cee Sah 15 50 RS HER oN aE eevee eeeeeee i jé§.s#eeeeeevereeese GOOG srs ake pete mee ees ee eeeeeseeseereseee GOOO ii a Mele ea ts is v lisse ats bya iets skeen GOOG Leen Mena i sot as Loh chases AAO meee eats cot ys cate la | BAO re Res We RE Cts CURE) AAD Ware AO UR NN eas eve ih er The overload relays for the automatic oper- ation of the oil circuit breakers will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). CHSSHSHHOSHHHOSHEHHETHOHOSHHOHETEHHEHSHOSHHOHSOHHESHOHESHSHHEHHHOHEHHHSHHHOHSHSHSHOOHHSHSSSHEHEEHHFH ES SOSSHHHSSHESESHHSHSHHHEESESESHEHSSEHOHEEHEHHSELETSOHHSHCSOHHEHSHLESHSSSHOHSOHOHSHOSEHEHESESHEEE SOHHESSHSSHEHSSHSEHSEHSHEESSOEETESOEHSHHEHSSSHOEHTESESSSESSHSHEHHOOHEHEHOHESHEOHAGESEHSSELEEEESE SHHSSSSEHHSHHSHHHSSHESHHOOHSHOHSHHHHSSHHHSHSESHEHEHHSHHHEHHHTHEHOHOHSSEHHESHOHSHHOHETESHSHSEHESELES The undervoltage relays for the automatic operation of the oil circuit breakers will be (in- sert make, type, style, catalogue number). SOHSHHTSHHSHOHHEHHHHSSHEHHSESHHSHSSHSSHHOEHSHHSHSHHSEHSEOEHOHSHOHSHHSSHOSHOHHHHSSHOHTESHOHROSSESESE SPSS HSSHHHSESHEESHEEHTEHHHHEHEHESHSSOHSHEHSHHHHHHSHSHHSHHSHHSHOSHOSEHEEHHOHHHOOHHEHESEOHESSEEEE SHHSHHHESEHSEHHEHSHTEHHSHHESHEHEHEHSEHHESHHOSHSHHOSHESHHHESEHEHSSESOHSHSSEHHSHHOSHOHOOSSHESELESELES SHOSHSHHHSHSHHHSHHEHHESHHEHHEHSHTHSHSHSHEHFOHSSTESSHHSHHSHEESHHSHEHHHESSHOHOHSEHEHSSOHEHSHOSHHESEESESE 632 The 12,000, 6600, 440 and 110 volt bus bar supports, bushings, and other parts, will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). The motor distribution cabinets to be fur- nished herewith will be manufactured by ........ POSSESS THSHSHOSHHHSHHSSHSSHOHSSHSSHHHSHHSSSSSHHHSTSHTHOHHHHSHSTSHEHFFSHSHHSOFSHSSSHSESEDO®D The lighting cabinets to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). The lighting fixtures to be furnished here- with will be manufactured eh aer reer eo reeeeeetr es rere: SPSS SHHH SEH HESS HSEHSHHHSHE SSH SHHH OHSS H HHH SHH HFHSHHHSHTHTHHSHSHSTHSSSHOHSHSHSHHHFHSORHOOOS 633 The Main Switchboard, Relay Switchboard, Field Switch Switchboard, Battery Charging Switchboard, Motor Generator Switchboard and Lighting Switchboard will be manufac- PUTO CTV tes ae Mae chains Suess donsodeuee renal antes nan PSSST SSEHEHSHSSHEHEHHHHHSHEEHSEHSTEHHESSHEHSEHHEEEHEHSSHEHOHHESHETSEHOHSHSHHEHSTSSHESSEESEEHEEEE SHSSHSESSSSHSHHEHSHESHESHESHSHSESHOSEHSHESHEHSHHTESHESHESESHESESHEHGESHSHESEHEHSHESEHSHESHESHEEHHHEET SOSA T TH SSSSHSSSSHOSEHHSHHSSSHHESSESSESESEHSHSEHHSHEHHESEHEHSHSHESHSHEHSSEHSCHOSHHEHCSSHOEETESSOEEE SHPHSHSSHHEHHSSSHSHHSHSSSEHHTHHHHSSHSHHHSHEHHHTHSHHHHHHHHSHSHHSHHTOHSHEHHOSESSHEHEHSOTESESOLESSE The Unit Interlock Control will be manufac- ELITE DY iy cs kes eekeiias bite od oes vce s'cced donee coh isiieutiezsean tea SHSSTTHSHSHHSHHSHSSEHHSHSHEHHSHSHHSHOHHTESESHHSHOHSSHSHEHEEHETHHSHOHEESHESHEHSSOHESESSEHSSCHSEHESES The Switchboard instruments and meters will be (insert make, type, style, catalogue number). SSSHSHHHHSHSEHHESEHHTEHHHSHESHHHEHEHSEHSHHOSHSHHEHEESTHESHOEHTOHSHHHEHEHSOSETOSHETEEHE EEE EHEESEEE POSSHSHOSSSSHOHSSSEHSHHHSHEHEHHHOSHEEHHHSETEHSSHEHHEEESHHOSHEHEHHSEHEOHEESEHESESEOSESEESHEEESES SHTHHSHHSHHHEHSHEHSHEHHTHEHSHHOHTFOSHHHHEHTSHOHHHHHHSHESHHSEHEHSHSHHELOSHSHESHEHHSHTSEESELESELEOEOEE 634 SORES ESE EEE HEHEHE ETE ESE SH HEHHEEHEHHHHEHEEHESHEHESEHTEHHEHTOSHOSOSSSHOOOHOSESHHGEL ES SHS SESE HEH ESE HTHHESHEHHETHEEHHHEHSHHEEHHEHTSHSSEHEHHHHHH HT HHHHEHSTISHTHTORSOEHESHSHEOE SSCS EE ETH SHEET SOHESHEHEHESHEHHOHHSTSHOSHESHHHEHTHESHTHSHSHTHHSHHHHHHHHROSHTSOTHEECHOSEEEE SSSR SHO OSHHESSEHHESHESHEEHHEHSSHSHGHSH HHS TE HSHSSHSHHSHSHHSSHHHSHSSTHHHHOHSHSTHHSHOHSHSETHTSTSSHSHHHES The Storage Battery to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). SSSSHHSSHSHSHHSHSSEHSHEHESSSEHTHTSESHOHSEHHHSHSSHOHEHHSOHSSSHHSSHSTHSHOTSHHHSSHSSHSSSSESSSHHSOSHRSEEEO SHS SSEHSESESSHEEHESHESEHHESSESHE SHEESH HEHSHESHSHHSHEHSHEHHSHSHHSHESSHHOHHFSHSHSHHSOSSHHTSHSHCHE SOSH HEHSHSHHHSHHHESETHHSSHSHHHSHSHEHSSHHHSSHSHHEHHSSHSHSHESHSFHTHHHHHHHHSFGOHSSSSSHRSTOROSRETSS SHS CHE OS STHHESSEHHSHEHSHETHSHESHESSEHTHSSHHHTSHHEHSHESHEHTESHSHHTHHOSHHSHOFTHESHHSSSFTHISVHTHORHRRLESE The Safety Switches to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number.) SHSHE SSE SHEESH SESE HHHEHE SHEESH SHEHTHSHSESESESSETESHHESESHSTHOSHTHTESHFHOTHSBSFSOTFESHRLEEEO SOSH SSHSHSHESES ET HESHEHHHHEHSHSSSTHSSSEHSSESHSFSHHHFSHSSHSHHHSHSSHHFSHSSFSSHFSSTESHSSHHLFHSHHHDES SHH SHEE EHS ESESHEHEHSHHEHSHHHEHSHHSSEHFHSHSHSHSHSHHSHHHOTHHHSHESHHSHHLHHHSHTHOHHTSHHFSSTOEHOHGHTOE SPHHSHOH HEHEHE HEH SHSSHHSHHHSHSHHHTEHSSHESHTHHTCHEHSOHSHSHTOHSSTHHHGFHHHHFFHSHSHHHHHSOHBSHSHSOOSD The End Cell switch to be furnished here- with will be (insert make, type, style, cata- logue number). PECTS ESET EE SEEESHHESHEE SHS HOSE ET EHEESHES HEHE STOO SOTHO SSS SSSA SH ROSS OTSSETSHESED 635 een er ee eee eee eee eee eee eGESeeeeeeeeeeeeeee SSHOSSEHSESSSHESHOHESSEHOESETESEFOEES eevee eneene SPSS EOHSHHEHESHESHSHEHSHHSEEHHSHSHHHHSHESHSHHSHHOSCHHOHSSSHHEHSHOHOSHHSOSHEEHTEESCHEEO The transformers to be furnished herewith will be manufactured by ............ vidastessxdcl conan ELD een e Noe aca aka Os we vsvehe vos pedeee tel eeaee Oil Circuit Breakers. The voltage rating and current carrying characteristics of the oil circuit breakers will be as follows:— Rupturing capacity in RMS. amps. at Continuous One second 6,590, 440 and current capacity 110 volts two Type or carrying in R.M.S. (2) OCO Duty Voltage Style capacity amperes Cycle SOCKS SH SHEESH RHHEHEESHSHEHSHOHHEHHEHTHHESHTH ESET OHHH EHSSETSHEEEHESEHEEHSHEHHEEEEEHEEEEEE SPOS HT ES SHEHHESHEEHSHEHSSHHEHHEHHHHHHESHEOSHE HH EHESHOEEHSEE SHS EHEHEEHOEHHEHHHHEHEHHEETEHHHEEEEES SHSSSOEHHSOSESSESSHSSEESHHHEHEEHESEHESHEHHEHHEESHEHESHESHESEOEHEEHHESHEEETOHEHESHEEEEEEEEE The electrically operated oil circuit breakers to be furnished herewith will be manufactured PSHE ESHER EH EEEHHEHHEHE HEHEHE HSHESESSEHHOHHHRHEHRHHHEHEHHE HEHEHE HEHEHE EHHE HORE EEE 636 SPSS SHSSHSHOHHOSESHTSHESESHEHESH STH HSESH SESH EHEESEHEETHESEEHEEETEEEES HES ESE ESOS EEO EEED SOS SS SHH SEHHTHE SHH SF ST HSHSEH ESTES THEHEEHESESETTHESEHHTEH HE EHHHH ESTHET ET ESET OEE HE OE OH EED SOPHO HH EE EHHT EHH SST SHS SHSHSHOHEHSEHHTHHHHE SEES HESESHES HEHEHE HESESTSEHHSEHHTSOH HEHE HEHE HES Progress Estimates. Art. 37. The said Sanitary District agrees to pay said Contractor the sums herein specified in monthly installments as the work progresses upon certificates signed by the Engineer, but said certificates, however, shall in no way les- sen the total and final responsibility of the Con- tractor. It is agreed that the amount to be paid from time to time shall in no case exceed EIGHTY-SEVEN AND ONE-HALF (8714) PER CENT of the value of the work properly performed under this contract, and that the remaining TWELVE AND ONE-HALF (1214) PER CENT shall be reserved by the said Sani- tary District as part security for the faithful performance hereof and shall not become due said Contractor until the expiration of thirty (30) days after the completion of said work and delivery of the final certificate of said Engineer, and after payment by said Con- tractor of all claims for labor and material fur- nished in the performance of work under this contract. For extra work performed under Articles 8 and 9, the full one hundred (100) per cent shall be paid. 637 To facilitate the proper estimate of work performed each month, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a balanced statement in detail showing the division of cost for each of the sub-items comprising each item for which lump sum prices are herein specified. Final Payment. Art. 38. The said Contractor further agrees that he shall not be entitled to demand or re- ceive final payment for any portion of the aforesaid work or materials, except in the man- ner set forth in this agreement, nor until all the stipulations, provisions and conditions herein- before mentioned are complied with, and the said Engineer shall have given his certificate to that effect; whereupon said Sanitary District will, at the expiration of thirty (380) days after such completion and delivery of such certifi- cates, pay, and it hereby binds itself to pay, the said Contractor in cash, the whole amount of money accruing to said Contractor under this contract, except such sum or sums of money as may have been already paid and as may be lawfully retained under any of the provisions of this contract herein set forth. If at any time it shall appear that the Sani- tary District has made any illegal or excess payments to said Contractor which may have been included in a progress estimate or in the final estimate of the Engineer, then said Con- tractor hereby agrees to repay on demand to the Sanitary District the amount or amounts so paid. 638 This agreement shall be binding upon the successors, heirs, legal representatives, admini- strators and executors of said Contractor. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, on the day and year first above mentioned, The Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago has caused these presents to be executed in duplicate by the Chairman of the Committee on Finance of its Board of Trus- tees, and to be duly attested, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and the part........ of RIP OCONGATIALE NB lifts pike tardies etislae (Vedeuaeeessedsss POS SSEHEHSHSS HE SSSEEHSH SHOES HSH SES OTSEHHSHSHSHHHEHHHEHHHSHHEHEHSHEH HT OSHTHHHHEHHE ESHER ESOT OED SHSSSSHOSHSHHSHSHSSHHSESTSAFHHOHSHSHSHSHTHTHHSHHOHSHERHSHHHEHSSSHT HES HHE HH EHEHHHHHHT ESO HHHH OH HBHOE SCSTSHOSHTSSSHHSHHHHHEHSSHHSHSHHSSHHESHSSHHTHTHSSHHSHHSSHHFHHH SHES HEHEHE HTHEHTHHET HH SEE HHOOOD SOSSSSHSHHTOT EH EHHHHSSES HOS HHHOSHSHHSHHHHHSSETHHHOHSH STF HEHEHE EST OTHH HEHEHE T EHH HEHHH OOD POSSESS HSETT SE SHOSHESHSSHSSHHESSSSFSHSSSEHSHSSSSHHSHSSHSSHSTSSTHSTHEHTHSHSTHETHTHHTOH FTTH HOBED Chairman of Its Committee on Finance. Attest: SOSH SEHSHHTHSHHHHOSSHHSHSHESEHS SS HSTFSHHSSHOHHSSHSHTSHTOS HF ESS ESS OS Attest: CTA ERM ERI a A Ws 1: . ei ~ + 7 A " ' COCO eee HHSC OTOH HEE SHOE OEE EOE HE LOCH EOE EHH EOE EE EEEL ES ESS Ee Secretary. 5 Approved Merkel ORS PROSTHESES HEHESEESHSOSEHHSHSHSHSEHSEHHESHESHSOHSSHHSHLESHEHHESHHSHHHEESEHES Assistant Chief Engineer. Fy a CHOCO Seo Reo SHOE ESEHE SELES OESOO SHOE EES OO EES EEOEHEOEHEEEE EHS Chief Engineer. Approved as to form: SOVOSSSHEHOSHSSSHEHHEHSHEHOHTSHSSHEHSESHSHHTSHSHOHESHTHFHCSSHHOHSEHSSEEHEHCHEHEHESEES Assistant Attorney. SSHSSCHSSHHSHSHSSHHEHSHHEHSSEHSHSEHHOHHHSHSHSHHOHSHSHHESSHHSEHESHSOHGSSHSESEBOD Attorney. 640 CONTRACTOR’S BOND. Know All Men By These Presents, That We ee ee ee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee ee ee ee ee PERCH HHO TEE H OEHHA HS HEE ES HEHEHE HE EEEE SHES ET ESE HEE EHH SEH EHH SHEE EEE HEEEEE EES POPC m eH O ERSTE HEHE SOHO SESE HE EH EEED ETT EHSEH OSES ESO SHS ESSE OS EO HOSE EEO H HETERO EEE POPC COSC HHH HEHEHE EHH EH EEE E ET ES HEE OH ESET ET OS OTHE DESH O GSH H ODE SS SE SSOE ROOTES CHOPPERS ETH OETESETOH ESET EE EE ESHEETS SOTHO H OSE SEO TOE EHH SEHH OSH OEE REDE DOS ETEED CHC EHS TEES EE OE EO OEE EE EEE EET EEEEHEE ESE EHH SOT OE SESH EH EE SESH H SEES ESELEO ODES POSS SET SSSSOSTESHSTEH HEHE HEHE HEE EHHEE HHH EHH HEHEHE HTS SETH HHETHOHHHE HEHEHE HET HHOHEEOED are held and firmly bound unto The Sanitary District of Chicago in the penal sum of.............. 1 a kill ag A ea PIG AVS MATION eA ise ctetcisetichesdeen. S475 SURE SEAR OSCE OBER OE eR Ona Cpe el ee) lawful money of the United States, for the pay- ment of which sum of money well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, execu- tors and administrators, successors and as- signs, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. 641 Sealed with our hands and seals and dated this)... ae GEVVOL ie a ta eee , A. D. 1926: THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLI- GATION IS SUCH, That whereas the above DOUG GT se eek ee ae dae ee SHORES HCE HEHE TET EHO EHEEEH EE EEE HEHEHE HEHEHE HEE HHH EE HEHEHE HH HSH HEHEHE HEHEHE HED CPCS EE SHEE HEEHEHEEHEHHE HEHEHE THESES HH OHEHESHHEEHEEHEHEEH HEHEHE HEHEHE EEE EEHEEEHE hae entered into a certain contract with The Sanitary District of Chicago, bearing date the 1925, for doing all the work and furnishing all the materials, tools, labor, appliances and ap- purtenances necessary for the CONSTRUC- TION OF THE NORTH SIDE SEWAGE TREATMENT WORKS—DIVISION P—PUMP AND BLOWER HOUSE, IN THE VILLAGE OF NILES CENTER, COUNTY OF COOK, STATE OF ILLINOIS, as specified in the fore- going contract, Now, 1f saids...c.oek laura eae ene shall in all respects well and truly keep and perform the'said contraction. news... part in accordance with the terms thereof, and specifi- cations therein contained, and the plans accom- panying the same, and in the time and manner 642 therein prescribed, and further shall protect, indemnify, keep and save harmless The Sani- tary District of Chicago against all liabilities, judgments, costs, damages, expenses, and at- torney’s fees, which may in any wise come against said The Sanitary District of Chicago in consequence of the awarding of such contract, or which may in any wise result from the care- Peeene ss) OF ME lLEGh Of SAIC elise tyih, ies ocala cueteradde BONE gale Iyah ecagee © agents, employees, or workmen, in any respect, whatsoever, or which may result on account of infringement of any patent by reason of the materials, machinery, processes, devices or apparatus used or furnished in the performance of said contract, and moreover shall pay to said The Sanitary District of Chi- cago any sum or sums of money determined by the Engineer to be due said The Sanitary Dis- trict of Chicago by reason of any failure or neglect in the performance of said contract, and shall pay all valid claims and demands whatsoever, including all valid claims and de- mands for first aid, medical, surgical and hos- pital services and for compensation for acciden- tal injuries or deaths, under the provisions of the Workmen’s Compensation Acts of the Gen- eral Assembly of the State of Illinois, as amended and now in force, which may accrue to each and every person who shall be em- ployed. by PALUCE PISS ARS Liste fede eae corkage ecad Maes Pete oeeeeseseeensssen peeseesnere POPES SHSHH SSS OEEEHEHEHEOSHEH HEE HEHEHEHEEE OE HEHEOEROD 643 CORPSE RHEE HEHEHE HEHEHE EHH HEHE HEHEHE HE EHEH HEE EEHHEHT HEHEHE HHHEE HEHEHE TEHHEHEHEHH EEE OE OMe subcontractor or subcontractors in or about the performance of said contract, or which shall accrue to the beneficiaries of any such person or persons and shall repay any il- legal or excess payments, then is this obligation to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. AND IT IS HEREBY EXPRESSLY UNDER- STOOD AND AGREED, and made a condition hereof, that any judgment rendered against said The Sanitary District of Chicago, as afore- said, in any suits for damages for injury to real or personal property, or for any injury sus- tained by any person growing out of any act OF AOIne OF BAL: iiss cdivdec ceesben ca daeenyyaneels Eee SOSH ESTOS HHH HEHEHE HEHEHE HEETTEHEHHETSESSOHEH HEE HTETHES HEH OES OESEESEEHEEEEEOHREOHEEE CHES OTE RH SETHE T EE HTHES HSE ESHEETS THES EE SHHHHEHEE HEHEHE EHH HEHEEEHEEHE HE EHEEHE ESTES OSES ESE EEE Pe) ee Cin RE Us Coe ee agents, employees or work- men in the premises, and also that any judg- ment of any court or award of any Board of Arbitrators or of the State Industrial Board of the State of Illinois rendered against the said The Sanitary District of Chicago in any suit or claim arising under said Workmen’s Compen- sation Acts of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, as amended and now in force, relating to compensation for accidental injuries or death suffered by his employees or the em- ployees of any subcontractor or subcontractors 644 in the course of their employment, when notice of the pendency of such suit, hearing or arbi- POCAUION SAB VG OCT SAIG. ook si eb ov ciecbes ony bed ll geen ae and shall be conclusive against each and all parties to this obligation, as to amount, liability and all other things pertaining thereto. SCHHOH HR HEESHESEHHEHE HEE SHS HEHEHE HEH EHHSHHTES HEH HEHEHE HEHEHE BOE POOH ee OHHH HH HERES HOEHHHE SHH SEH H THESES OHH HEHEHE EE HHEO HOHE REEDS SPE SHH EHH SHH HEHE THEFTS HSE HES E EE HHHHHEHHHHOH ST HOSES AHHH HHH H HD Attorney. VG rae iy ie ps ih wi 0112 069024914