The Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Lost nou RPOS HK ITS NEEDS LES OSSrBILITiIES A Memorial of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company TO’ THE Legislature of Maryland for the right to charge tolls on passengers carried through the canal, and also to complete the power to be a transportation company conferred upon it by the State of Delaware GON yRaNC ES Page 2.—List of Officers and Directors. Page 3.—Frontispiece. Tablet erected by the Company to commemorate the devoted services of the founders and builders of the canal. Page 4.—Diagram of Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Page 5.—Diagram of canals and other internal waterways on the North Atlantic Seaboard. Page 6.—Proposed Act to amend Charter of the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. Pages 7 to 9—Memorial to the Legislature of Maryland. Pages 10 to 15.—Extracts from original Charter of December 7, 1799, and from subsequent legislation. Page 15.—Act passed February 1, 1877, by the State of Delaware, giving transportation powers to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company. December 12, 1905. te ai ho OIM a ny 4 e : ery rh ba ne se fo HARSH OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company DIRECTORS R. DALE BENSON Hoop GILPIN ANDREW GRAY JoHN CADWALADER GEORGE HarRISON FISHER BERNARD GILPIN CHARLES CHAUNCEY Secretary and Treasurer CoLEMAN L. NICHOLSON £42 Genmal Ate St Plorvepath dh Gatte st ARCHIBALD R. MONTGOMERY Henry Pratr McKEAN EMLEN HUTCHINSON RICHARD VAUX BUCKLEY James LOGAN FISHER CHARLES CHAUNCEY SAVAGE Josern E. GILLINGHAM President FRANK L. NEALL ? ; 7 my) rf f i Gey? a if | CHOTIERRE (EA: BOR ry 0 ~ J) [6860 oipwelatl | An: be thaebATY Rl Va | , . fuer doen aN iy ‘ai if 8 ST Re | ¥en * Hi ee ae eT, A ta RL To si 4 het shee i ; i | | | . | as Bea a CNR sre, ns nie eit meen Hanae SAae) Seat or Va a Y i" | ) { re eed ie WA set “y , : trot PIAA 4 : hh) Gees 4 re Cut mT” . 4 0 matt Honea D, iNPMoOmEP TY ; P vik ¥ #4 ae @ Ay | f Tih, } ‘ a) RorL ee : : ch 4: ge J os nit WAR ee | ar iE acto Espana’ ant oh ; Wate Wy) Org) 8 big er igital oka a Ay tod | ‘ Mes A ile Av Sf 4 ; | ae mOnAOETONYS: vl ; ania “is 9 | : on ea Rhy i s a J » oe ; iad a 4 Dar) rs | ri r rf | F ge he Se ety : | 7 : iz , | ? i ; : it | Thal T, Pit “ns fay * nt r m ia i ° | My Oo Aas RG Ra i , f ¥ 7 ’ Rihig : , ) ; A $ wt Wa os Vie 4 Vs cn TABLET ERECTED BY THE Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company to commemorate the devoted services of the founders and The construction of this canal was begun on the 15th of April 1824 by Silas E. Weir, the Chairman of the first Committee of Works, whose zeal- ous and efficient services to the Com- pany terminated with his life on the 14th day of May 1828. He was suc- ceeded by Robert M. Lewis under whose active supervision the work was continued and finished. In its progress through the eastern level large sections of embankment sunk 100 feet below the adjoining sur- faee and the bottom of the excavation rose 40 feet above its natural posi- tion. On the deep cut more than 375,000 cubic yards of earth slipped from the regulated slopes of the sides and passed into the chamber of the canal. These and many other diffi- culties having been overcome, the water was introduced on the ath of July 1829 and the official accomplish- ment of this great national work was celebrated on the 17th of October of the same year at which time the navi- gation was opened. builders of the Canal This Tablet is erected by the Proprietors of the CHESAPEAKE & DELAWARE CANAL to commemorate its completion on the 17th of October 1829 and to stand as a testimonial of their gratitude tO) James C. Fisher, President and Thomas P. Cope, John K. Kane, Robert M. Lewis, Isaac C. Jones, Ambrose White and William Platt, Directors of the Company. Secretary & Treasurer, H. D. Gilpin Engineer in Chief, Benjamin Wright Engineer Resident, Daniel Livermore Superintendent, Caleb Newbold, Jr. (3) Length of Canal 1354 miles Width at water line 66 feet Width at bottom 36 feet Depth of water 10 feet Depth of excavation at Summit 76% feet Extreme width of section at surface 366 feet Excavation from deep cut 3,500,000 cubic yards Length of locks 100 feet Width of locks 22 feet Length of Summit Bridge 247 feet Height above bottom of canal go feet Total cost $2,250,000, of which $450, 000 was paid by United States, $100,000 by the State of Pennsyl- vania, $50,000 by the State of Mary- land, $25,000 by the State of Dela- ware, and the residue by citizens of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Dela- ware. ‘wou... Baw eanbaarot adt fo aaoivtee -betoval vale ‘a | > d . eS ast a ieee ge ie t Ipghd Si ta erept t : ’ p ne 4 es ches ; ; ; , bh 4 Pak L mit { . , Sa beh TE YorapuGyT Silt 7a brett ‘ : ol wo tS PRI235 he Mate Pat ¢ gt oe Bk § & bist al y Pat «lt { ¥ APE 3 Gear ate oF 4 Ties ‘ ‘ ‘, 4 af | a _ ‘ d : r ; i . : ; mite ahha an ee ; soy sb é e f te vs , of katie. : a } * ha a if + 546 biete Odes lo), ah ; . ( Jee. no8 2 Jus yaabowmo aditevms4 pia Se | ai i, Sivoo feign wih" We ; | yipy 4 uy ai | i> ote greinioy ee ‘nef 4 , RE APA Sh he ee juclviaer'l jraderf 3) “ont \ noiteureks ante sot i a "te oh ae peg. satier, wil 9 svodt tact te alool 1O DEY ) ged? exon Ag ) qed ot PO | His nA at ndol oqo) TL ayinad? pacts Aga to hn. 3 . ees wel 3) omsel gived .M tigded sabe ont to. enqola bydt nhige LSITED IO LOMO SVOGR TOR) eth onetltiW ban stl seqndrA at Yo 1 mba dated : SRN toh Me eR cite ce AL ee a we eae ; ~ermereie ot lw eat ¥ a fam eA 39 .! ed 2 Sa FOS LR J + Vf livkiaa ae “lt WY S'S ie s P ; z ‘ rs a“, ~~ x > eae bate bs fist iJ yd hind 247. OOG- ' rt » itis ie ace ee oe a ~ ba a Re 2388e i “el Oo 2 prolif “i | hah We sitcrng fare atl tl Ae, fi rani mal sik op UD GA el: le ip a adn sig! WES ' : ’ 1 ayoiriaT lalus€l sali S te4ntant Ney oe, —_ a os uct PodMiF ins 33 BAL FED F fe are St ip inti ey — SP ee eine i . * 7 Ui Od . : . Thatwwet chobal) pata a ; (j an : 3 MID, CON? pets PS! s oy ' a 79h s 4 Ld i aL) itobereaidin SyHe. a: oe i he a ie ‘ ae y a 4 eft ie) CHESAPEAKE BAY Chesapeake City Lock : DIAGRAM OF CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL 1% Miles from C. C, 43%, Miles from C, C. 6 Miles from C. C. 9 Miles from C. C, Delaware City Lock 1354 Miles from C. 0 -—— Maryland Pivot Bridge St. George’s Lock SN fr i rs —|—__;- Summit Bridge ——}—_|_ Railroad Bridge STATISTICS OF CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL Ghar tere peahertep ye Mary ANC 50 tiyneya0sc coon cq ssc gWO vie 6 adhe (oped Dee ebesne sans nays December 7, 1799 Work commenced on construction of main Canal.......c.ccssccsserscsssesesseess April 15, 1824 Canalfopeneumnmmia ea hOtlic.:ssuccces\scs0es veaveceah tp evowes: Rares egies aa eee October 17, 1829 Stock, $1,903,238.00 Cost of Canal | Ronde2 bb29+0.00f- 2 Se Se ee acs ontacen tases: $4,505,000 Total number of véssels passed through Canal since its opening............... 708,000 vessels Total tonnage of merchandise carried through Canal...............00. seeeeeeees 46,000,000 tons DELAWARE BAY y j > Matt opti iy OS snc? ealt #@oo.F ei syn w al ott ; i L 4 } @ ial ' : 1] y , ‘ a he ethan ¢ erty Awe wee Be Ree. ~~ 7 ‘<_ .. ee . | 4 Es are s => Bit 1-25 D #i i 27 +ale a » a * wen er, * ye . Efi ¥ 7 ‘ al . ’ De ee ne tere ed oa tae = DIAGRAM i Showing importence of Montreal f Lj ( Chesapeake and Delaware Canal 1 Se telaet | As a link in the chain of inland water- ways (natural and artificial) of the Atlantic Seaboard aor (LET Erie ‘ few em em ee Ke ew OM Be He TS TO Rm mem me nee eee é ‘ H ' ' t - ( ‘ ‘ A ‘ Nn as Pittsburgh Harrisburg Trentiebh Phil Iphi OS adelphiat Pus a fs wwe wore ee oe - oe Meee ere re aed Chesa peake Ciyy / j yy ‘s be fn Bal ; hs uaa’ SwWashinates (| . J « , nt af ie A AX Py re ae ) es a ‘ a \ be 2 & q RY Nar folk NORTH CAROLINA Washing fon Newhern ~~ © me a i ee .) i Ve Chan isin words i / MASBACHUS ES PR th EE SON sath ‘RKODE, ‘ier TESLANS* rds RTICUT | : CONNE PBS ve: s rT sa veal | were Ly onNork en- an Birdenices CHESAPEAKE & DELAWARE CANAL AST A NRL. OCEAN ERIE CANAL, Buffalo to Albany, N. Y.—Connecting the Great Lakes with Hudson River. CHAMPLAIN CANAL, Whitehall to Albany, N. Y.—Con- necting Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence with Hudson River. DELAWARE AND RARITAN CANAL, New Brunswick to Bordentown, N. J.—Connecting New York Harbor with Delaware River and Bay. CHESAPEAKE AND DELAWARE CANAL, Delaware City, Del., to Chesapeake City, Md.—Connecting Dela- ware Bay with Chesapeake Bay. ALBEMARLE AND CHESAPEAKE CANAL, Deep Creek near Norfolk to Roper City, Wa.—Connecting Chesapeake Bay with Albemarle Sound. LAKE DRUMMOND (Dismal Swamp) CANAL, Deep Creek near Norfolk, Va., to South Mills, N. C.—Connecting Chesapeake Bay with Albemarle Sound. Ee aaa ea, ee: lone pepekey a Na t ° my . ra vista basal te ninia ‘ont sn i , ) i ; ii) ae itt hve bre (wintant rab — ‘ : brYnodeue rhs iia alt ia’ } 5 i] \ THR { we ' J my + yeiety a al \ 7 \ \ 5 ‘ LEM, Wha . P Artrus | oe ee \ : N ‘een: Waele po’ k ‘ ne ‘be ‘ Pi Re PAPC PRY : Vy ‘ Me 7 he wl , ’ 4 _ ‘ a ve ; Agrees E ; oa ‘ y ‘ > a: hd ah Vy ieee later PS 7 A 4 “ ss ae ? f } rR! } s 4 » t J N37 : % : r ' ' - Z a Mod 7 ) ‘ 6 hie 4 ry f f -% « ‘ J % ~ , ae \ : % " j . i. 4 Ly ‘ 4 = ‘in y Sra? Sy, eS ot We sh Sita eee at a) ee A ¢ Greet ‘ meee ee and Aa euensl DOT aux’ eh nine ‘ ar # , UAL capes f Ne ats tee aie ; nl . J ; . - ‘ft ‘ \ “> \ ' ac ; er J \ ~ i 4 j / . ¢ { 4 + tyr) ~~ v yea a 4 f Cf 6 ' AS | ine AW AD DE 55 23 Viti donb unw adtat, jaar) NAY RIAA TAT Mal RO A le 1 . we ry wr : ms 6 he BAW ‘avin * paanol. a VW wiwétashio 6; 48S bas tovidl ayaweladl iw eg ~ “ ie - . eae bree hy | Veet. LATIAD BAW 4 ING IVA ahi ANVAS hE v * jk get ane oan GM, eS! Aleeteeed 9 of (dot! yxiD i if i is PL Tae Ma esieqeeeD Give wskt orew i, 4 y | \ ry gad mre TAY B BABIES SA} 3 49 it Ii taAlM } $1.7 ‘ a y x t% a get 5 , P remo D— aM og Pe mel isan Nin ss ea ewe face > UNO. e i ae die re a2 »A Supplement to the Act entitled “An Act to incorporate a company for the purpose of cutting and making a canal between the Chesapeake Bay and River Delaware or the waters thereof.’’ Section I Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland That it shall be lawful from and after the passage of this Act for the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company to demand and receive as toll in respect of each and every passenger carried through the canal in boats vessels or barges of any description whether owned by said company or by other proprietor or proprietors a sum not exceeding the sum of fifty cents (50c) and for children not over twelve years of age one-half the above sum. Sect. II And be it further enacted That for the greater dispatch of business it shall and may be lawful for the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company to commute for the charge of tolls on passengers merchandise or any kind of commodities or produce with any individual or companies upon such terms as may be agreed upon between the parties. Sect. III And be it further enacted That from and after the passage of this Act the said Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company shall have full power and authority to exercise and enjoy transportation powers and for that purpose to hold use possess and own steam and sail vessels barges or other craft and in addition thereto to hold occupy rent or own all such wharves docks stores storehouses and offices as may be necessary for the transaction of a transportation business by the said company. Sect. 1V That upon the acceptance by the said company of this Act to be signified to the Secretary of the State in writing under their corporate seal the same shall become a part of their charter. (6) Ne aa hide (ih: Nea 7 , a A ‘ . Pi: ey Bhs . . thy ERIE Tey TOR, BAe ee it 6. CCCARRY haus. Qeitino.) 10. 98 YTITG, ay im we ; a , “Oeted) amateur ots orn witag. avd ni bas “ei wh hat song ‘edocs a 2 ssenemeitiaipe hater ae sh : ; ny dy Ba | spenaty asl) hie a ' & r (ocer? q Lie : j ty, ft} Te % H yi ? f : f+ y 4 4 | J ey 4, \ , “ : 4 aoe Sadan OE) iD ? 9 ue ake eae ay , i ue Lene , > ne . me) MA RSELES: TOE SRE TOR. tear | Wg ORNS, sonny. ra 1 ‘ ti pe Pe plas , +. ¥ ss Py , th CO) RETO SW Me? “bine” Os pease) ut s so} edhe ad \ . ; ; hese vate ean he , i, Se ay a An ; te eta a i‘ SODA AOE Hrs Werke nae alot Te ayqad > oth a , a < 4 * 4 d 4 , PS OTS YO RU DIVE wie A os f : a. ms ae 7% i Wis Dire. arost: fo | ae aasbiuek Ye a pk | ae Creqrrol Be) wiawheiet) bow bets ete p= acai bigs of, 196 a 7 i tI. 1G BITOG ‘AIT. ¥o(aAg ates Aty P1TaERse of vihoddsun re ‘ ay y ALY a , Ya ON A Pte a gtn hoch i's a” At toh wipees a2 & base oe Bacto, bas ' Wikaed ipa) ie Beth i : ve me ' Ost tt Oo } *- ri Parte, Woy Pie 2 i ry ‘Wve im: f ‘= er zs ore ie iictrsinisa wy Z ib od ? vty yee op BP 70h eat 19 Yawgores), Bike oii ye ‘sonalqaooa out on ‘ t oa yk Ne fy Ci} Shea Chesapeake & Delaware Canal Co. OFFICE, 528 WALNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA, December 12, 1905. Memorial to the Honorable the Senate and House of Delegates of Maryland : In granting a charter to the CHESAPEAKE & DELAWARE CanaL Company, December 7, 1799, the Legislature of Maryland sought, primarily, the benefit to accrue to your state from a water highway, affording cheap competitive transportation to the persons and property of its citizens. In recognition of this object, the state itself became a stockholder in the company to the extent of 1625 shares. For 1000 of these, the state subscribed $50,000, and subsequently received 625 shares in stock dividends. On these 1625 shares, which it still holds, the State of Maryland, up to 1876, realized in cash dividends from the Canal Company, $34,562.50. | The high character and reputation of the men then and since identified with the building and operation of the canal was, and is, a guarantee that the beneficent purpose of this original legislation should be effectively carried out. Many of the best known names in your state have appeared on the roll of its officers, directors and stockholders. The government of the United States early recognized the strategic advantage of the canal as a link in some of the chief waterways of the country between the North and the South, and subscribed $450,000 to the capital stock of the Company. The wisdom of this action was demonstrated during the Civil War, when the transportation facilities of the railroads proved entirely inadequate, and the canal was able to render large and important service to the United States government by offering a medium for the carriage of urgently needed supplies, troops and munitions of war. Actual work on the construction of the main canal was begun on the 15th of April, 1824. Water was introduced on the ath of July, 1829, and the official accomplishment of this great state and national work was celebrated on the 17th of October of the same year, at which time the navigation was opened. Thus, the canal has now been in operation 76 years, and during that time there have been 708,000 passages of vessels through its waters, _ representing a magnificent total of 46,000,000 tons of merchandise carried. The business of the canal increased until the year 1872, which showed a tonnage of 1,318,000 tons. Since that time the business has decreased, the tonnage for the fiscal year 1905 was only 700,000 tons. The revenue has correspondingly declined, as the rate of tolls could not be increased to offset the diminished traffic. In this connection we cite: Tolls Authorized Under Charter, Tolis Imposed Chesapeake & Delaware Canal December 7, 1799 Tariff of {905 are Wueat, 4c. per bushel. Wueat, tc. per bushel. CoaL, 29c. per ton. Coat, 18c. per ton. LuMBER, 63c. per 1000 feet. LuMBER, 30c. per 1000 feet. Pic Iron, $1 per ton. Pic Iron, 20c. per ton. The present low tariff of tolls has naturally inured to the benefit of the public, but has aided in a serious decrease in the earning capacity of the canal, so that the Company has closed the year just past with a deficit of $2900, and during the last eleven years its earnings have not equaled its expenses and the interest on its bonds, the total deficit for that period having been $11,687.31. (7) Cy Led it : % q ; a) meee , : BS ' ae A ’ wn) : a ; en gnee AOL \ é 7 , 4 sof +i) : HI 2 * % Nas ‘ be re Ey ee vj Preece rey ein! ~ Fy chet fal cot ‘ par ¥ ie he Pe é i é € bicath zs “a pala) Cie Oi av its : igels Ob HobaMoqans ov vile id © % ‘s “4 ‘ H ‘ ; a rf . ‘ay ant 7 5 Monoat A ai} Ve SS Fit : : Tu ry, athe ak bag [ie te Be : s APnarte j ayei td Party oo) J el E ' 4 Y 7G WORTH SLES WOOT Is Si 4 mh a i, ‘ ' Le ie LE ae APSE ra a : |) : hak ates - og ha : ee ads Ney suewastew. (OL, 2 tt > ative af * 7 do Lert} rey Hae) : Wai i 2] oni c? [ss vf i ia ¥ i ; ae i ¥ * . % a ; : } a gh te) | Lig [bak svi le ee Poskord ee | > fitcoide SVT tt x * iS fat EAN tg Ps: td ; i > me Dad ny ie ete ey’ MAY ae % «ye oy a . rae ont % if " WV : t ‘e) ) rast net? he s mt) ~ en > fs apy ers {3 Leys Tb ae ee ROM COUP A RT yes) fe rd ee , a te ait | : utr ee Pek rg Ce Ge er A ea Atos sibtlps aa “07 teat eee? 2 PLE Ge | tS as tt its ou rity “satiate a I ' ¥ : . . .v ; io ti : ak sbuel 2 eeTT Ss ree oak Veolia ee | bana ie e ‘ ne ‘ i ho , ; ; yale 3 i Fr. 4 ~~ ty DRA od, ofht te P| th re ibe co fi bey fh - veep Ohh) thr 2k Ghats Sq? f : 4 r : fi iF fs Maid hy eka t. wpe Yor itty ad How, it ae (Hida deed ones 4 . t ey Fa f 1 ; ae f 3 a by ey AtG ry | ao Ode 4 Bie oo [Ay - Pine Let BOP HOY F Aen sae fn | Ee a ee ee oe seer t Pansat 260m A egieart’ atts smi x = Sei eg Py : P 4s iF "> oh e ‘t+ re | .. ah . } ‘ . 7? . * J } Ses “ ei Race Sy gah sia ayirhit igild $a ant z “eo : ‘ , 4 rt 4 az cad 7 , . A z 4 1 ane, COG,QOO dp 12 batt sp in others 1 Pee, ; wages Gi > ods 10 + fe hens amo Mt if J re f a ieee 0 BS : if ite EP RE sis aint ps a pen rent eee my sian hapa Miia Nie iad a Rae ON AN oese — i | ' re fm -eee at ath, “yy feda shiek oy op engl ae ie’ | oft rt TAD y “pone 1204 of af. aeoh ede. ray ade! aan C ie le op a" 9 +9 , : fX ‘ : of bonis (as hip ren Pe. i Seer seas og lanes 981 © NeHoeae ase jong « att ae be ‘ROVE ‘ nl jer & ff ts “ ait eo : 4d tol fioiked bad tess melt The bonded indebtedness of the Company calls for interest at the rate of five per cent., but since the year 1893 the Company has been unable to pay more than four per cent., and, as stated, even this reduced amount (which has been accepted by the courtesy of the bondholders) has not been fully earned. During all these years, the public has benefited largely by the operation of the canal; the stockholders since 1876 not at all. This state of things cannot, of course, continue indefinitely. Any business, whether controlled by an individual or a corporation, must, at least, earn its expenses or in time cease to be operated. As the Company has continued to render an important service to the public in the face of a decrease in tonnage and the low rate of tolls, which have resulted in an actual deficit extending over a period of many years, it naturally feels that it is unjust that it should be longer deprived of the right to receive any revenue from a large part of the important services it renders. ‘The Company has always believed that it was entitled to charge tolls for the transportation of passengers, and that if this right is not specially mentioned in its charter, it is, nevertheless, a logical deduction therefrom. It believes that this right can only be contested by private, selfish interests, who may desire a monopoly, and who might, otherwise, deprive the public of the opportunity for cheap local and through transportation which this waterway should assure them. A canal is a water turnpike. Its receipts are from tolls. It differs from the ordinary road turnpike in that the operation of its gates, and the maintenance of its way, are vastly more expensive. It also differs in that tolls are charged not on the vehicle and power, say the wagon and horse, as in land pikes, but on the commodities carried through; consequently, if part of the load is exempt from tolls while the service rendered by the canal remains the same, the tolls received are diminished in exact proportion to the amount so exempted, and this may be so great as to reduce the receipts of the canal below the cost of the service rendered, not only to the detriment of the canal, but an unjust discrimination against freighters, no part of whose cargo is exempt. Now, under our present limitation, this is exactly what takes place in the case of all passenger vessels that use the canal. = Is it either just or eguztadble that the Canal Company should longer be denied the right to make a reasonable toll charge on passenger traffic transported over its waterway? The demand for the right to charge a toll on passengers must appeal to the fair minded as all the more reasonable, from the fact that the passenger traffic of the chief transportation company using the canal frequently realizes for that company a larger net revenue per vessel than their vessels simultaneously carrying merchandise on freight. The Chesapeake & Delaware Canal shortens the distance between Baltimore and Philadelphia, say from 420 miles by the Bay and outside route, fo 110 miles through availing of medium of canal route. In other words, irrespective of unusual delays always liable to be encountered on the outside route, a steamer can cover the distance via canal in 14 hours, and via the outside route in not less than 4o hours. The stockholders of the Canal Company have received dividends in but eleven of the eighty-one years in which their money has been invested, and the holders of its loan have now to be contented with four per cent. interest. In asking your honorable bodies to grant us the right to charge toll for passengers carried through the canal, the Company feels that it is only seeking authority to do that to which it is justly entitled, and of which it has been deprived only by an unintentional oversight on the part of those who framed the original legislation, and who failed to specifically mention this particular feature. . The Company also asks in the bill presented that the State of Mary- land grant to it the same transportation powers which have already been granted to the Company by the State of Delaware in an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Dela- ware, approved February 1, 1877, a copy of which is attached to this Memorial. It is certainly to the interest of the State of Maryland to uphold the integrity and usefulness of the canal, in which it holds 1625 shares of stock. It is identified with its history and its prominent citizens. It is important to the public as affording cheap water-borne transportation facilities for the (8) sect a wl fess eter nD wis 4 io neat re ‘ be sh a4 Gira) trio 1d] Wet nBdAt STOR Geel OF SITRME” EP vik ail YaRGMO § fb ORY we Li vd + asidwi Joueme beowbasw, ay “RONe | . joe } put &bA fot pVebcie tive 5 hind yh itowe! for bart’ of} lo nokisiage of fowint “fattened bert sill sdk ime roy Hs gattudl oe) saidoa ae wos fo JOUMBD sar) ie sonte 2h? its Te 708 AxvB1 gat a @ hates (ieee: prs $e Akon MOSTOGT > 10 fiviliat ae ya DotowAce qortpatien anne yah i aybosinsit fe uigpeirgd St) OF Sens seri? ah 1 Sz ITIGSD wit mii tee Hoaqmb as aghast oF bet ritmoao eel ynatymod ; { P the: b doltw elon te tet. wol om Ane oyaono? i 9eRo" ; 7 Pai bh ey} tf | lo ti . i> oy. wt Hae ; , Yi iter tT). 489y gris me iO Bo eis Brave gail fod gnerrogiml acy tO aed OBE f mol Sufavet YAS * visoat oF Lgit oF Yo havitgab: “te sot allod agrads ot hoi enw i yeds boveiled, ayawls ese yoni be erpbaien 3 je SIs , ; ee rm ’ dyin aily tid hati bn 2 praysioe ai fei i satted asi ai ts moe ny ihigSs : ¢ . 3 : 7 ir iy in Tens Fhe BP dee 8 | let al pris ra, ‘noitat a by AD Ben! SLLE TD" “4 5 ’ P ad yino a8 deivmodo ont rly bas stosont . a 7 < aby al S Py , a : ; 7 i , HWY iar wus Pan 7 s¥n F i 4 P : , . " i A P - ; , AMA i : tery 4% (HOT Vl ih 2 ity Mow BTA aici f hon wits DU Yh , Bol les SOU NAHI oily fee ae vii ia (tO ieerton pes iow add vse Aad Das stulday sath tho fon bog dy arn ehlot 160 it fi ars otib B oste eh os He yBaswpoatod 70 oul: Hara ae romniad, at Ho ynd 282 iG bask ak as weet 49 antamot isiad oi rt bsrwshraas asivioa ont ative alles, enon 1afes axe ai bao! 8elh bar pon O¢ rapenie ot? of noliagerg I9Es2 bacdelnimib 9 oid avis 5a “ vile hua er es 9 alt woled lemeo ad) © i Nya9 ad 9, souh oy t Te denny 08 a ereidyion eaiegs noganinboe th renin 18 rad Agag srt 10 sriggatrseb eh an Uttam ed) PAL noi pyre Jeeng 10 wba. wor) AGRE al oye Be | ‘ | Assia ade get Isnt leony yo" eerie ia Ye \ geno orld fil ‘sanlq 4 ALS) . wry: Va bier etd | tact qeunol bisate yumymo frog) ont ds ss HOH YS 7) 8h «paaliian sit lw a Hoheer en vas Pyey ng ante Wes weer fio agin ilo I oleh ORGIES am © re | } ; Bs rs foe) FETE teen ket, +f he axe tN oh alt my y oety fis? teaarpwesd wed Pe yop off meth SIaGknoen k avon ar me i paunaven 44a 14 OL PRL ANC Pens LOL eB Hee" Bisupe + Terist ony gpk us et [ ” ; pixxpart bh tick* Merit aelaieitl avauehe Whe: OEE i} erst? 2 alba ao¥ vials o wih: ists ¢s 13 a MUS: | s} (3,3 ey | Lect. hi TESA if. { Wo! | Be ah De dP wrtind moines comin ops oh .atuot Shizipe bits Y8e Gry wae e fin § ost Ce yn eld lobelide | ; tue Leth av lo hep iin! od iuOarRS aye a5. % cil eye p ewels shh Dehra us thi 19 ovine ata ve Sed tin beri , gbietie: ar} eiv. bas eine: oh fit te ie: > ‘aiv aaratelb ot Bhs 409 TER eT | kab Ms a. ; j iat r ) ‘0 ie le j b above Hk : ‘ sil yonon 7) want hoatiw TH 2 TES ay 7 | Ji2> evi u. bis 0 494 snot at ¥ ; yates a atts au awd i ealbod " 1 sistas sono 0) rs avevac tol Hod og usia, OF J6gh-9 ch | 7 433 3 wd tl ryt VIO a ft? ; Aye Paice al t ait! pigst ' crises oD oes. re ao 6 | J ae Sdeieieve fknoitastiaint oa xd ylang bows ob nysd esa i doidwe to hos shal » | > SMI" Utaaiiipa2 oF haligt ot thy bite woltaleig: al hy nigive atl) be perk orl: a: sae, Yo o1aseamdt 36 1y baradecug Hib grid at eles oels qq OT ont yeth th ite, sida: nent tf set ¢ hag oai¢ ‘ sie. Ties 6) batasgry shal to, stage. Oa ay = slni shi Zi i yc » ot i, te etl products of its manufactories and the output of its mines and soil. If maintained and fostered now, it will naturally develop with the increasing demands of commerce for water transportation, and afford greater facilities in the future than it does at present. We think it is also the duty of the State to preserve this canal, which is one of its oldest wards : First. To afford its own citizens the advantages sought in previous legislation, which are being crippled by denying to the canal its natural right to obtain a revenue from all that it carries. Second. In the interest of the whole country to keep open, and in efficient condition for service, this important link between the waterways of the North and South. We respectfully submit, herewith, to your honorable bodies a draft of the legislation desired, and ask for it your most careful consideration and ultimate affirmative action. THE CHESAPEAKE & DELAWARE CANAL COMPANY, By Frank L. Neatu, President. Coteman L. Nicuotson, Secretary. (9) : ne ~ wae: } ; mh ae i oD Pct iy J bon bauissnien U” tioe bn potely ai ‘ op abi sivor: yhaw TOP sorontmoD to ahiwmsl qe adr tltiw-qokevob. | | Higaeny te eboh ash arand ooelt ni aahtiliost tie, sot #iito avo et roikw |anas sil). aaodsay. ut sare pe a nt wae “i doittve OR slergol auoivery wnt ia pauine pets anssitio. ave aati wa e | ists ls mow Sunever 8 nisido 03 Selgin lswige ait lensy ait 03 BR, w bol Goitbnos inaioiie oi bas wage qaad ot ye aug itis oly io jassatad tt al Hives bas dao oft le ayawtatew ail} apowiod anil jsriog mt ci i ye! ath To tinh 6 asibod aldsronorl He OF hiwored sien wie GEST ; tOoe Syitern hs oduan tl big nents iabianoo ere dear soy ai vote “ Bon Ele: VMAINOD JAMAD THAWAISO 2 sanz ane AeA Aisa ae wid hs a | : EXTRACTS FROM THE LAWS RELATIVE TO THE Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MARYLAND I. LAWS OF MARYLAND I. Act passeD 7 DECEMBER, 1799. ReEcoRDED Lip. I. G. NG 42 FOL, 254. An Act to incorporate a Company for the purpose of cutting and making a Canal between the River Delaware and the Chesapeake Bay. Wuereas, The opening of the communication between the bay of Chesapeake and the river Delaware by means of a canal will be attended with very beneficial effects to those parts of the State of Maryland that lie on the bay of Chesapeake and on the waters that empty themselves into the said bay as also to the agricultural interest thereof in general and many persons are willing to subscribe large sums of money to effect so useful a work and it being just and proper that they their heirs and assigns should be empowered to receive reasonable tolls forever as a compensation for the money advanced by them in carrying the work into execution and the risque they incur. Sect. II. Be zt enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland That it shall be lawful to open books for receiving and entering subscriptions to the amount of five hundred thousand dollars in shares of two hundred dollars each share for the cutting said canal and perfecting the navigation thereof under the management of Tobias Rudolph and William Alexander at Elkton in Cecil County Dr. William Matthews and Samuel Davis at the head of Sassafras in Kent County Richard Tilghman and William Barroll at Chester- town in Kent County Richard Tilghman Earle and James Clayland, junior at Centre- ville in Queen Ann’s County and James Earle, junior and Owen Kennard at Easton in Talbot County and under the management of such persons and at such places in Dela- ware and Pennsylvania as shall be appointed by acts of the Legislature of those states that the said books shall be opened on the first day of March eighteen hundred and shall con- tinue open for this purpose until the first day of March eighteen hundred and one and on the first day of May thereafter there shall be a general meeting of the subscribers at the town of Wilmington in the state of Delaware of which meeting notice shall be given by the said managers or any four of them in some of the Maryland Delaware and Pennsylvania newspapers at least thirty days before the said meeting Provided That if the same time of receiving subscriptions and of meeting shall not be appointed by all the said states then there shall be a meeting of the subscribers at the time by them appointed at the place aforesaid notice whereof to be given as aforesaid and the subscriptions made at the times and places appointed by the states of Delaware and Pennsylvania shall then be received and such meeting may and shall be continued from day to day till the business is finished and the acting managers at the time and place aforesaid shall lay before such of the sub- scribers as shall meet according to the said notice the books by them respectively kept containing the state of the said subscriptions and if one half of the capital sum aforesaid should upon examination appear not to have been subscribed then the said managers at the said meeting are empowered to take and receive subscriptions to make up the deficiency and a just and true list of all the subscribers with the sums subscribed by each shall be made out and returned by the said managers or any four or more of them under their hands to the General Court for the eastern and western shores of Maryland and the Supreme Courts of Delaware and Pennsylvania to be there kept and recorded and in case more than five hundred thousand dollars shall be subscribed then the same shall be reduced to that sum by the said managers or a majority of them by beginning at and striking off a share from the largest subscription or subscriptions and continuing to strike off a share from all subscriptions under the largest and above one share until the sum is reduced to the capital of five hundred thousand dollars or until a share is taken from all subscrip- tions above one share and lots shall be drawn between subscribers of equal sums to determine the numbers in which such subscribers shall stand on a list to be made for striking off as aforesaid and if the sum subscribed still exceeds the capital aforesaid then to strike off by the same rule until the sum subscribed is reduced to the capital aforesaid or all the subscriptions are reduced to one share and if there still be an excess then lots to be drawn to determine the subscribers who are to be excluded to reduce the subscriptions to (10) Maryland. 7 Dec. 1799. Preamble, General benefit of a canal induces many to subscribe, who are entitled to a compen- sation. Books may be opened for sub- scriptions to amount of $500,000, in shares of $200 each, under management of Tobias Rudolph and others, on ist March, 1800, to remain open one year; and on Ist May 1801 there shall be a general meeting of the subscribers, at Wilmington ; before which, the managers shall lay the subscription books and record the names of sub- scribers in Maryland, Dela- ware and Pennsylvania ; but if more than 500,000 dollars be subscribed, shares shall be struck off, Dior: ve HW et ibe AAEM i AE a vit oo ne yolhe Shae a, ie + “ae ean 4oeWat Aa ee | Ob ai cy eet seid AC Shao okt F ra et ESA Oe eet a Bears Li a a i Bes oc citi hate aa oe aout f ta say HaRUAya Yaad & es i i ona UPR RI OTIE Octet) th i, fat. pabiss Li sae “pe % halt Poems sits Abily es ‘+ | hes otk adr no: how Sibee We Ree iat ; leony ab folMor) Yaad lorintaarwe oat fF weth te ued bi as f Naas nimi opotur OT 2 Le oo Rie Ot sme to. gatae agen! adhepedtve! od pat its Ais ; id ti, . SOs 2 alias wim oye OF berty WK pie ott Labiorthe Ae Re foreg arisit ‘thot wel: ‘tedlt soqone bus Jenrt gett ited OS eet encssl “ei boonevbe yahom «dy vot Aclterranriog 8 ea-touprel afer a ) Ausoetd youd supehs ott Gia mem aoy4 blak row ond x hal atmo 4 gia iloost lshwels od tierle i ted? ‘wach WHHRLNS AW Lsvegtes tt AY gs bnichoninny Aesth, aL 1m Mehl isnt, pated babnod svt te andoww sett or enoinprmedaw fined bre guivisag aot a peraihe Iter ib hobatl, Lveaay dersté Aimecgetthits signal sende tone #rallob héabrmd owe tp dersihe mi pllob | nici” bits cholota sl avide' yt Ae ACTON TERE oth soba looidt eottagivan : Ys nis ort) to elvahl tour? Mig. awentinely: een wc. WHO Lo ai acosGE Je Slbind po gtedD de florid: msi bos gin bye baedoan” yin): Jo% nh cavlemene. | otis) a ceion) babhyst?) womst baw hed ‘gates etic Arneslondt “etre, itant 1g Wisniea tew OQ: Hise heiint Shee, pained feo babe: aia t ” “KOCL ft manele Aone te banstendcettcy doite te tonmiegscedt oitt.1 ay Dua AGB a | tlt notes adont te tiie lee I oly ty aia qd button es och Mate a ‘ ateirivid) ‘osha tor ug 2d, Pehes fete bevel toviigio: tol io! patiacatb ing, mei rota er) bine oi? as army ova gathseaes toa smth Woge whhiab bas 40h yne setipcinctyrg ies tonine ard bavwolla vd Hote wdivoediie anavo hn wocpang alate) Nada ded) Ys ythropee a m B). i RODE re a athe Sanit Monoe sobs oho pee bne restate, pi aulaaes tor bias roi Ab stow gor. ' fs ‘9 oe pyre ee Wis pe PliraiaTge on %. piel ails, jh tata 2am nad ihe epee 8 A mention, hanedey ak Sa Mey, rod wo itt 28 30g bint tet ot 4 ts i tenga. | ie aes Wada yah ea feet Cocwkamhs oe eK t ‘Ga jushiew bie od? 2dE) walang 54. wah. 4 eh Jiao ot-ghodun bas novo Het. syed, Nady, byldmiens tose tn: sctinefiiste B10 eiogesth nah dy bows, elatage rose ary of yr OS bine oth) Yo Veiled aa acm (RO toatoeh nm LA tn 4 of Bainaqo Tol euaaoor oath fsa godt #8 eokvevin vonkhon delaras arn ey) bras pobsol re spi route orGh fan cole Kyat dio bit “ashy moored HoiayiN nth od. palbnrey by : CNET 7 | rite. cow Bina oeeit ot cer ont) Bist galg, et “ypig ice Feet caring | sth pro Edie + fone bon: gaint yanoin: say to sly best Saline ites ook ap yorirainy Aaie mn 7 ot bg winks seb very, Ok vile, \yaths erkoraal ‘ebiten: aaltey. ‘bute aloe lt, bas Tor main a yeti bee (( DRacaiersuh sprsedsoe dale ae: awe aiok ‘datisaty ‘bine ‘sd, sabao. a quod fi Sun eo Me eyoytaligus Oat xebe alave® bp brake ‘ery vat K Denon’: ot ele bie pops a fue bs i ue ig wor wee oy. bee ae bina vi ‘ents 6 wanRrah bag ringait ; pedal! esad Panne iar Tike Aseocinend sith case ee sis lg ait cit bn -paibodaa, pe ete denies An Bt Ny to aga tracery Laon entyy, alt rasa tod elvis uals jqarrual bre. ab nies oi Yo lie toi bean) alder vad Vath nwitaiitelton aes bewolla ‘ed aad sqoskt Doin ¢ ARTS sy Svat}, bait ittrydtoly on ‘arodtoadie ad? jo Bailuoets Jartion sh: cost anseyth tia nf Nl a a Prive todd tena. yt munpom Ml the (jive: bing yoistreey a: yng at haod ie ig vernityelts esi a bite aneit sé tot ap > ean 16 ie ‘Saco: i wo ae ert ab x inociies ‘ale ne ‘wtov RG Ahan ohnctade roel BIR: gai te ATT) eet ee astih tins til aie igs ret fed Sr re a Hoke Wen Ee as? mn omih tno yt cere bn iaog Hod, sft Lasle sore dathee al bodierti paler ue sieb hen Jnpeinuacy ‘Jail wh wahig, rub B au Hevle arebue ividy, bodridedies gH) oth gary bas og sgh VER tert exe ection doh yalvigad HVA Rian yor Aa Date cin Rloek baelywkie oct hel tional adtnaty: erly 0 teaves orl to av igeet bay bitin oF Gore wdgats {anes Fativoh tiv guvind va ‘ _ ae dubs 1a » ali RIAD ‘sed ob beabes aloe sites Rein one fit}. oF mv enen ene Sonade vind) Isa gear yal) SN ee gnats de bites epee peer ie 2 FIR B10 ar | a ! . ta gatoolgoa to yale day de Aodhan, done Yo pee bre stawnloGl baalyrald wl Yo otros ai calnaonds 16 soir + galt Jud olga oy ps gaaly baa russ, ernie sty a wekyo Peri ailto etian Te aailqronsey ody, ate rt ; } ab baonwube od oy hetseaity daw 7 = in his life time but the said executor administrator or legatee shall have one whole year next after the day of the said death to make the payments required. Sect. VI. And to continue the succession of the said president and directors and to keep up the same number Ze z¢ enacted That from time to time upon the expiration of the said term for which the said president and directors were appointed the proprietors of the said company at the next general meeting shall either continue the said president and directors.or any of them or choose others in their stead and in case of the death removal resignation or incapacity of the president or any of the said directors may and shall in manner aforesaid elect any other person or persons to be president and directors in the room of him or them so dying removing or resigning or becoming incapable and may at any of their general meetings remove the president or any of the directors and appoint others for and during the remainder of the term for which such person or persons were at first to have acted. . Sect. VII. ni) 1O) Reirtgteot ne Gabe aie on A te a] ar fo The HA Seni ay AL SE Atiedn. ra Fo a ; ; i : ) ty ci‘ tol fiw) ont : Tob iinhay orit pncrob" | i ta Datos arog ; pte treeshinoiy weve telT Wanna ks ah tek as hy juvaxe sib off dor tober) ‘Teg 1) tisuo @ y ti crt) i Tr gas To ‘ahi si’ nk aah vs eh riscttig Cte yk yt TOD Were aie ey Ooh i cM 14, ype Yelowen wllop welh nada ¥ Avi ad vane wort 2 ti reer : Cie At’ 1 Rites de 3 ry) vet rat Waddie niet ‘na weet via fe ae Smbmah diay Rie 1 tae ot Nth ye Dr ehe sith mri SHY beds - FM) a " ihe athe ty . t baile hy NU rte stadt ith mobi ia fits i Ott Wit el AT EG Pits (rs Be eek? fa; i Pye ef cin ake 3 Tt ON OMBTOD, OF STR Ian time Here | St beer 7 war Hao rab pare gaat wp. Leis ato Me uy i pahiciedy: - ; } ‘ ayer mat is) SCOR ante) Ott bay tere a iB chy j ., m2 bree. Bnet . Oto wel? san ion nye 7) ritd byrne” Fw 7 Wet ati ier mel ver TO bo fxorkageiel -eearh alee Sy isp eva py eseesiont. yous rt WHio rere By ta th aT ith: ve TALE hepsi i » . ¢ UR VLC IRC MC) Tm eck! Oils shel nario We lind @ tira my TF ben ic We i ian be aM, i i’ ividghag state hollewaned les Sableno en ein sty 4 Hart AY y A Mac Ove ” Pee i) Pp RY } We: tant) rr sre Ee: bribe Reeds obetees is Eve te te 2 5. eee a ae tat . bet x . finn (Pe yoy iyid? ad oP ats. Yet ee reavl) | elegy oe He: i (es pas bid via fan7 iD beormedsgh Ch AAO Sone eo Gad Neh Saditore in yw OF ave Lae 7 . yoo reve oleh sue enh: site we nf qa: a ‘ies1 vi Pvt te tl eh ret “tliat-ene oT news yeah heh 4 ried demligiel ead STi ele whidy ‘ rie | at yalyeieied y hey vie! {Prey phe ett v4 ria he StH. tye} mrelbanit fre pried Of rary’ bOsI TSE | Oto, Tovtaheit teal serie de © we HA tig > Hep paate, 7 hyate sreti Geert e PH WUSS, RA trey ti 1 awe as adh #20 Fs Adeeb AO Toudsob offdo ba are Wea Seo ti ave | ey . 4 To fou ek woken to fea Withers asi He hee sik ohh ; weed yi 4 ee poe HV See bt aH KOEI ROA eC, ‘Ache Aaa ventgy: eepe } tak git ut ipod : wey Fee eveiertteyy a We iy ‘hep 7 re 1 fi Vilok, Tey Kis iinheny Pesont te érvrily aig, Jor ane ip eu hh Pay Rab foventegniarad &toundy orl OF aBRA nig ts ey teen fie. im dg i ; ie bones rise) oe hey AROSE ne yee “ule sta i + Gdn Notre ty ye tea oxtod yao aeotuelleys bidk sdeseorde Why hi ce HE eat Fa i? im ANE Hh om 1m om iytibar Nearest My best avis ha Se Sete bab Ab i ee ft baa olsa bir whe i) ee (eaepie iii hae gliest ota “evita (this io tote ofbyatyrd imoeyng iol tains bons of ) Olastole da hipeiyy i to sae: shy ge h shiney wh Lae Go aaa sit thnal ta woitited elt a ho oe Der ie uote een ale Ls ite nid “ a oh ava bits ys tee : ve a yay i Pt heya) ot ou rae in wo ait erin’ ad os ales duce whatsoever on payment of the toll imposed by this act and no toll or tax whatever for the use of the water of the said canal and the works thereon erected shall at any time hereafter be imposed by all or either of the said states. Sect. XII. And whereas it is necessary for the making the said canal and supplying the same with water that provision should be made for condemning a quantity of land for these purposes Le zt enacted That it shall and may be lawful for the said president and directors or a majority of them to purchase from the owners thereof any land through which the said canal is intended to pass or through which it may be necessary to supply water to the same and in case of disagreement or in case the owner thereof shall be a feme covert under age non compos or out of the state on application to any two justices of the county in which such land shall lie the said justices shall issue their warrant under their hands to the sheriff of their county to summon a jury of eighteen inhabitants of his county of property and reputation not related to the parties nor in any manner interested to meet on the land to be valued at a day to be expressed in the warrant not less than ten nor more than twenty days thereafter and the sheriff upon receiving the said warrant shall forthwith summon the said jury and when met shall administer an oath or affirmation as the case may require to every juryman that shall appear that he will faithfully and impartially value the land and all damages the owner thereof shall sustain by the cutting the canal through the said land according to the best of his skill and judgment and that in such valuation he will not favour any person nor any person aggrieve for hatred malice or ill-will and the inquisi- tion thereupon taken shall be signed by the sheriff and some twelve or more of the jury and returned by the sheriff to the clerk of his county to be by him recorded and upon every such valuation the jury are hereby directed to describe and ascertain the bounds of the land by them valued and their valuation shall be conclusive on all persons and shall be paid by the said president and directors to the owner of the land or his legal representative before they shall take possession of said land and on the payment thereof the said company shall be seized in fee of said land as if conveyed by the owner to them and their successors in fee by legal conveyance Provided nevertheless That if any farther damage shall arise to any proprietor of land in consequence of opening such canal or in erecting such works than had been before considered and valued it shall and may be lawful for such proprietor as often as any such new damage shall happen by application to and warrant from any two justices of the county where the lands lie to have such further damage valued by a jury in like manner and to receive and recover the same of the said president and directors but nothing herein shall be construed or taken to entitle the proprietor of any such land to recover compensation for any damages which may happen to any mills forges or other works or improvements which shall be begun or erected by such proprietor after such valuation unless the same damage is wilfully or maliciously done by the said president and directors or by some person by their authority. Sect. XIII. And be it enacted That the said president and directors or a majority of them are hereby authorized to agree with the proprietors for the purchase of a quantity of land not exceeding one acre at or near each of the said places of receipt of tolls aforesaid for the purpose of erecting necessary buildings and in case of disagreement or any of the disabilities aforesaid or the proprietor being out of the state then such land may be valued condemned and paid for as aforesaid for the purpose aforesaid and the said company shall upon payment of the valuation of the said land be seized thereof in fee simple as aforesaid. Sect. XIV. And be it enacted That it shall and may be lawful for every of the said proprietors to transfer his share or shares by deed executed before two witnesses and registered after proof of the execution thereof in the said company’s books and not other- wise except by devise which devise shall also be exhibited to the president and directors and registered in the said company’s books before the devise or devises shall be entitled to draw any part of the profits from the said tolls Provided That no transfer whatsoever shall be made except for one or more whole share or shares and not for part of such shares and that no share shall at any time be sold conveyed transferred or held in trust for the use and benefit or in the name of another whereby the said president and directors or proprietors of the said company or any of them shall or may be challenged or made to answer concerning any such trust but that every person appearing as aforesaid to be proprietor shall as to the others of the said company be to every intent taken absolutely as such but as between any trustee and the person for whose benefit any trust shall be created the common remedy may be pursued. Sect. XV. And be it enacted That if the said capital and the other aids already granted by this act shall prove insufficient it shall and may be lawful for the said company from time to time to increase the said capital by the addition of so many more whole shares as shall be judged necessary by the said proprietors or a majority of them holding at least five hundred shares present at any general meeting of the said company and the said president and directors or a majority of them are hereby empowered and required after giving at least one month’s previous notice thereof in some of the Maryland Delaware and Pennsylvania newspapers to open books at such place or places as shall be directed by said meeting for receiving and entering such additional subscriptions in which the proprietors of the said company for the time being shall and are hereby declared to have the preference . (13) Maryland. 7 Dee. 1799. The President and Directors may purchase land for the canal, but in case of disagree- ment, or the owner being incapable to sell or absent, they may apply to two justices, who shall have an inquest summoned to value the land and assess the damages, whose inquisition on being recorded, shall be final, and on paying the sum awarded, the company shall hold the lands in fee. And if further damage occur, it shall be valued in like manner, but no damages shall be allowed for works erected since the valuation. The President and Directors may purchase or condemn in the said form an acre for each toll house. The proprietors may transfer their share by dee or devise registered in the company’s books. But not less than a whole share shall be transferred, nor shall it be held in trust so as to make the company liable to any other than the trustee. A general meeting convened on due notice, may open books for receiving new subscriptions, ici 1 iW + ; nel 0 le om ” ) p it 4A 4oieviel e sel 20 ato vtuge dint vel apical Hof oils to Mnoretieg 0 ia aete ivie beets aoe) otovwe® stp bow lene ' (ite sh) YO Sephaw, OA 1 fadse wittite bigs oth ta: tod a tee Mie ql baseqinit 98 ~ veer ver Bie ; ; > Jets bine: ylee Srht OP geese) KEOE TRA Boe be ia. TER 4% NS i “ ; ; ie a ’ tinetin & dln reo aot eborm St btbeele moiervo'te Sack SO Reds HEN Oi anaes hs fo a bis ratot latvealsd vac baw tid a tad’ Weaciep is a mUBNICT a ee RT) ae 4 yaaeeck, fo, sy bees oust = iy 18 ' rita a id WO Te HW) Rove te ‘Rett yk wb vi tise ott oil lieds beyh tame dolite aby i ‘ ote t ghaice tea! 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Sect. XVI. And be it enacted That if the stockholders or the president and directors aforesaid should neglect or omit or be by an accident prevented from performing any act or thing on the particular day on which it shall be directed by this act to be done and per- formed such neglect or omission shall not be construed or taken in any manner to destroy or invalidate this charter but the said act may be done at the next convenient day. Sect. XVII. . qd bg sheer oF omise odd Yo senocdKs TaqaTg, otha da Yragiios bise to vgob ait ey | tt asOTOIN IV TOOK Yin JNeVaIG Gl eH Ox Intrbo bige HECTOR zagbind 3 orade ad apivaotp Lento bine Yo Hose, cd eb tes te he of ar gti: essibanias saci ci is piece, npg ae piper Dotbaut negityis tows 1G Gib eh ald vinot eBay ape 9 d ry ‘a, r s . ; ; ‘* ew ] r “1 h ; i ee (Spiue eRarae he ee ’ ait ye 5 “Lies i } Sint sok dh Aucheta th Shi aged) @1 cps e3A ce) LP ‘wol-yirinis iigsdD Ay sages i 400 ‘TRGQIOD H S\otehany of a wh Syalyiins ph ay, ot Ssh De) ag Rae etek olny sft goiromA, to! eodede hasiat lack testinua téw To send ‘it enivh Pree OF TafiRonad eaves oul 2s oF Tet fnuod vino id. 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(Copy of Maryland Bill, No. 180, deposited in and belonging to the office of the Court of Appeals for the Western Shore of Maryland.) An additional supplement to an Act, entitled, “An Act to iucorporate a company for the purpose of making and cutting a Canal between the River Delaware and the Chesapeake Bay.” Sect. III. And be it enacted, That for securing the more convenient and safe navi- gation of Broad and Back Creeks into which the said canal enters, it shall and may be lawful for the said President and Directors to enact from time to time such rules and regu- lations for the government of vessels navigating the same as may by them be judged necessary and proper for the purposes aforesaid, and to enforce conformity thereto in the manner herein before specified, Law passed by the State of Delaware giving transportation powers to the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company, which the present amendment is intended to complete by securing the sanction of the State of Maryland, Sect. I. Be tt enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Delaware in General Assembly met (two-thirds of each branch concurring therein) That from and after the passage of this act the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal Company shall have full power and authority to exercise and enjoy transportation powers, and for that purpose to hold use possess and own steam and sail vessels barges and other craft and in addition thereto to hold occupy rent or own all such wharves docks stores storehouses and offices as may be necessary for the transaction of a transportation business by the said Company. Passed at Dover, February 1, 1877. (15) Maryland. 14 March 1829. The President and Directors may make rules for the government of vessels navi- gating the cana!, and enforce conformity thereto, Delaware, 1 February 1877. Granting transportation pow- ers to the Canal Company by the State of Delaware. LIBRE RY OF THE meeEPerry 23 $2 TERI HM 12 105220476