19 3F* January 27, 1912 To the Public Service Commission, Second District, State of New York. Gentlemen: 1. In the following report we have included, for convenience as refer- ence, extracts from the Public Service Commissions Law and a brief account of the hearing held by your honorable body on September 7, 1910. EXTRACTS FROM PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONS LAW 2. ‘“‘Sec. 64. Appheation of article. This article shall apply to the manufacture and furnishing of gas for light, heat or power and the furnishing of natural gas for light, heat or power, and the generation, furnishing and transmission of electricity for hight, heat or power. Sec. 65. Safe and adequate service; just and reasonable charges; unjust discrimination; unreasonable preference. 1. Every gas corporation, every electrical corporation and every municipality shall furnish and provide such service, instrumentalities and facilities as shall be safe and adequate and in all respects just and reasonable. All charges made or demanded by any such gas corporation, electrical corporation or municipality for gas, electricity or any service rendered or to be rendered, shall be just and reasonable and not more than allowed by law or by order of the commission having jurisdiction. Every unjust or unreasonable charge made or demanded for gas, electricity or any such service, or in connection therewith, or in excess of that allowed by law or by the order of the commission is prohibited. 2. No gas corporation, electrical corporation or municipality shall directly or indirectly, by any special rate, rebate, drawback or other device or method, charge, demand, collect or receive from any person or corporation a greater or less compensation for gas or electricity or for any service rendered or to be rendered or in connection therewith, except as authorized in this chapter, than it charges, demands, collects or receives from any other person or corporation for doing a like and contemporaneous service with respect thereto under the same or substantially similar circumstances or conditions. 3. No gas corporation, electrical corporation or municipality shall make or grant any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person. corporation or locality, or to any particular description of service in any respect, whatsoever, or subject any particular person, corporation or locality or any particular description of service to any undue or unreasonable preju- dice or disadvantage in any respect whatsoever. See. 66. General powers of commissions in respect 1 to gas and electricity. Each commission shall within its jurisdiction: * 12. Have power to require every gas corporation, electrical corporation and municipality to file with the commission and to print and keep open to publie inspection schedules showing all rates and charges made, established or enforced or to be charged or enforeed, all forms of contract or agreement and all rules and regulations relating to rates, charges or service used or to 1 be used, and all general privileges and facilities granted or allowed by such gas corporation, electrical corporation or municipality; but this subdivision shall not apply to state, municipal or federal contracts. Unless the commission otherwise orders, no change shall be made in any rate or charge, or in any form of contract or agreement or any rule or regulation relating to any rate, charge or service, or in any general privilege or facility, which shall have been filed and published by a gas corporation, an electrical corporation or munici- pality in compliance with an order of the commission, except after thirty days’ notice to the commission and publication for thirty days as required by order of the commission, which shall plainly state the changes proposed to be made in the schedule then in force and the time when the change will go into effect. The commission, for good cause shown may allow changes without requiring the thirty days’ notice under such conditions as it may prescribe. No corporation or municipality shall charge, demand, collect or receive a greater or less or different compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered than the rates and charges applicable to such services as specified in its schedule filed and in effect at the time; nor shall any corpora- tion or municipality refund or remit in any manner or by any device any portion of the rates or charges so specified, nor to extend to any person or corporation any form of contract or agreement, or any rule or regulation, or any privilege or facility, except such as are regularly and uniformly extended to all persons and corporations under like circumstances. The commission shall have power to preseribe the form of every such schedule, and from time to time prescribe by order such changes in the form thereof as may be deemed wise. The commission shall also have power to establish such rules and regulations to carry into effect the provisions of this sub- division as it may deem necessary, and to modify or amend such rules or regulations from time to time.’’ 3. The obvious purposes of these sections are: a. To permit proper and reasonable discrimination by gas and electrical corporations and municipalities in the making of rates justified by special conditions and circumstances unusual so far as the general service is concerned; and to prevent such dis- crimination in rates or otherwise as shall be unjust to any one or all consumers or the public served. b. To enable the Commission, in its discretion, to require the filing and publishing of schedules of rates. c. To enable the Commission to prescribe the form of every schedule and, from time to time, such changes therein as it may deem wise, and d. To enable the Commission to establish such rules and regu- lations as it may deem necessary in this matter and to modify or amend the same from time to time. HEARING OF SEPTEMBER 7, 1910 4. At the session of the Public Service Commission, Second District, State of New York, held at the Capitol, Albany, N. Y., on July 7, 1910, the following resolution was adopted: ‘““RESOLVED, That a hearing be and the same is hereby appointed to be held at the Albany office of the Commission, the Capitol, on the 7th day of September, 1910, at 2 o’clock in the 2 afternoon, in the matter of entering a proposed order (1) requiring every gas corporation, electrical corporation and municipality to file with the Commission and print and keep open to public inspec- tion, schedules showing all rates and charges made, established or enforced, or to be charged or enforeed, all forms of contract or agreement and all rules and regulations relating to rates, charges or service used or to be used, and all general privileges and facilities granted or allowed by said gas corporation, electrical corporation or municipality; and (2) prescribing the form of every such schedule; and in the further matter of establishing rules and regulations to carry into effect the provisions of paragraph 12, section 66, of the Public Service Commissions Law. 5. h. 7 ” m 7 tee + > Y pa > > * = rid me . " « . . - . ; : ay “¢ “ott + : #5 - , wh <.¥ i ‘ i » ; he a “4 , s “ ~ « = - z a ae . . ‘ ' uJ . ; x a) 7 a ‘ } , iJ t re : - * a. J .- . "Aue * = a * he a is "Se * ‘ bd i F “J ~- #, » < ; P. S. C.—2 N. Y.—No. (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION OR MUNICIPALITY) ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 3 CLASSIFICATION OF SERVICE (or customer’s use) NUMBER RATE TABLE PAGE KIND OF SERVICE (or use) HEAT (OR FUEL) Date of issue Date effective——_— Pat 2 (MONTH DAY YEAR) MONTH DAY YEAR Boned. bys = : = es (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE, ADDRESS) 25 et og fang eat 4 beet # = “ . 4 . 5 or Ney ay ¢ ‘ mee °, < . ‘> > " . 7 \y , ae Re Se (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE, ADDRESS) 27 eens Ga tatiN ce Vico NOP ee (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION OR MUNICIPALITY) _ ORIGINAL SHEET No. 5 RATE TABLE NO. — 1. Guarantee, (The amount of guarantee, if any is required, and on what it is based.) (Under this heading to be stated the amount of the minimum charge, if any is required.) 2. The rate in cents for a unit of charge. 3. Discounts, if any are allowed, and how computed. 4. Allowances for prompt payment or penalty for delayed payment ot bills. 5. Character of service: whether 24-hour or limited until midnight, ete.; whether alternating current or direct current voltage, phase, fre- queney, ete. Service limited to certain hours of day, on-peak, off-peak, optional service, auxiliary service, break-down service. 6. Measurements; whether current is estimated or metered, and if so, how. 7. Rules and regulations; reference to be given by rule number to such rules and regulations as apply to this rate table. Date of issue SS) oe SS : Date effective eke Ore. n (MONTH DAY YEAR) MONTH DAY YEAR Issued by————- Dh ERE CECI ee ME 8 A ONE (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE, ADDRESS) 29 P. S. C.—2 N. Y.—NO. ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 6 (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION OR MUNICIPALITY) RULES AND REGULATIONS All the rules and regulations, which apply generally to contracts for furnishing gas or electricity for light, heat, and power, and all the company’s rules and regulations in any way relating to service rendered, together with any particular regulations relating to a special contract for service rendered. The committee recommends that under this head extracts of the law be shown. Date of issue Date effective ales LSS Sys Xd ca (MONTH DAY YEAR) MONTH DAY YEAR Issued by pate es bc ASEAN eS eee (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE, ADDRESS) 31 ee < eX ot 4 2 P. S. C.—2 N. Y.—NOo.___ (NAME OF ISSUING CORPORATION OR MUNICIPALITY) ORIGINAL SHEET NO. 7 DEFINITIONS AND EXPLANATIONS OF REFERENCE MARKS ate Ot Sucre eo) YS, : Date effective ar (MONTH DAY YEAR) MONTH DAY YEAR ASSUEU. Dy seten nt fs rh os Sie chee Ee Se foe ee (NAME OF OFFICER, TITLE, ADDRESS) 33 rh <= pp pt aa eu ee Saas 4 ms APPENDIX C Recommendations for Issuance and Filing of Schedules The form of schedules which we have recommended is given in Appendix B. Our recommendations for the issuance and the filing of schedules with the Commission and the posting for public inspection are as follows: a. That in the first instance the Commission have schedules prepared in blank form, furnishing to each corporation or munici- pality a necessary number of each of the sheets which collectively make schedules, as their necessities may require. b. That the Commission, in transmitting to these corporations and municipalities, enclose herewith full instructions for the con- struction and order of arrangement and filing of completed schedules. c. That the Commission in its instructions fix the time when such schedules are to take effect, also the time by which they must be filled in and returned to the Commission. d. That the instructions so to be issued by the Commission include directions fully explaining the manner in which changes may be made in schedules. When such change is to be made, either by amending the schedule by the issuance of new sheets to take the place of effective sheets, or by the addition of new sheets or by the issuance of a new schedule which is to supersede the schedule on file and in effect. Also instructions relating to the course to be pursued in case of change of ownership or operation of any gas or electrical corporation or municipality. e. In the form for schedules we have recommended that each sheet composing a complete schedule be issued as an original sheet to the particular schedule of which it is a part, and that each such sheet be consecutively numbered, commencing with number one for each schedule, and also that each sheet shall show the date of issue and effect. We further recommend that as occasion may arise requir- ing the rewriting of a sheet that this be done by showing on the top of the new sheet that it is ‘‘First Revised Sheet No. —’’ and that it cancels original sheet No. — of Schedule P. 8S. C—2 N. Y.— No. —, and that at the bottom of sheets show the dates of issue and effect. For example: If original Sheet No. 2 of Tariff P. 8S. C. —2 N. Y.—No. 1, is rewritten, the new sheet to be issued as First Revised Sheet No. 2, Cancelling Original Sheet No. 2 of Schedule P. S. C—2 N. Y—No. 1. If a further revision of the same sheet is later required, then such sheet is to be issued as Second Revised Sheet No. 2, Cancelling First Revised Sheet No. 2 of Schedule P. S..C.—2 N. Y.—No. 1. In ease a schedule required a sheet or sheets to be added, then such sheet or sheets to be issued bearing the same number as does the sheet or sheets which is or are to 35 precede such added sheet or sheets in the schedule with a letter affixed thereto. For instance, a new sheet added to follow Original Sheet No. 4 in Tariff P. S. C—2 N. Y—No. 1, would be issued as Original Sheet No. 4A to Tariff P. 8S. C—2 N. Y.—No 1. If two sheets, the second would be Original Sheet No. 4B to P. 8. C.— 2 N. Y.—No. 1, ete. f. That corporations or municipalities, when transmitting for filing, copies or schedules or amendments thereto, also copies of contracts with railroad corporations or with other gas or electrical corporations or their list of unexpired contracts, shall accompany each such schedule, amendment, contract or list with a letter of transmittal of form to be provided by the Commission. g. That if corporations or municipalities require an acknowl- edgment or receipt of any such schedule, contract or list trans- mitted for filing, duplicate letter of transmittal, together with postage sufficient to repay the mailing cost, or an addressed stamped envelope, be enclosed herewith. h. That every corporation or municipality shall post in a conspicuous place in its main office, and in each of its branch offices, a notice to the effect that copies of the schedule of rates applying in the territory are on file and that they may be inspected by any one desiring so to do. : We recommend that the Commission, in providing for this notice, make it plain that it refers only to schedules of rates for general service, but is not to apply to contracts with railroad corporations and other gas or electrical corporations or to the list of special contracts the terms of which are not ee *M il 2 f hat ” ‘ 4 ; t / t 4 if } w Ly i VTS aa ps) y } r