REVISED | RATES OF TOWAGE, id Adopted March 14, 1878, BY THE ow Boat Owners and Captains OF BALTINM ORE, if FOR TRANSPORTATION AND SERVICES i RENDERED BY SLEAM TUGS A WHEN THE RIVER AND BAY ARE FREE FROM ICE, ne 3 0112 061937907 PRINTED BY WILLIAM G. SToRCH, 226 E. Madison Street. “7 1é5r Q < i ~“\ “ és “> RATES OF TOWAGE. he pees Se bd» Rates for Towing and Winding Steamers. WINDING. aoe Wee Boat. Boats. Side Wheel Steamers. ....-.--+-eeceeee $2 50 |$ 5 00 Bay Propellers. ......++.+++esereeeetes 3 00 5 00 Coasting Steamers... .....+s-e-+ eee eees 5 00 6 00 t Ocean Steamers. ......-.-cesceeee cecee 10 00 | 15 00 j In Harpor. || QUARANTINE. ‘ TOWING. Ae Swe Wrenn Sreammes.| 07 | 77° || O° | ponte ue 9200 tonsto 400 tons....|$ 5 00/% 8 00 |/$ 6 00 |$ 9 00 1) 600 a 6 00) 9 00 7 00 | 10 00 ’ GOL.t. * 800 ‘* 7 00) 10.00}; 8 00 12 00 . g01 “ 1000 ‘ 8 00} 12 00; 9 00); 14 00 k r- ti200" 10 00) 15 00)| 11 00 | 16 00 | i 4201.“ * 1400 “ 11 00 | 16 00 12 00 | 18 00 | 2 | Rates of Towage and Docking of Barges, Scows and Tide Water Boats in Clear Water, in Harbor, Quarantine, Oil Wharf and Spring , Gardens. P E .. E Bee : 2 , a5 Harbor. g SET wiry ae a |2@S|e™e e a n 3 Doub. Deck Barges}..... $3 00. Wee. oe Barecat cs aoe ee. aoe | 2 00 $3 00/$4 00/35 00 Scows: | 1 00 light ) 1 to 160 tons. $3 50)? 1 50 loaded J 2 50 3 00) 5 00 161 «250 * | 4 00/] 3 Og emt |] 8 00| 4 00) 6 00 | 2 00 loaded Tidewater Boats : | Loaded.......| 4.00} 2 00 3 09) 4 00} 5 00 Liphiteics -aicun ae 1 50 glee dose ta Towing Vessels, &c., described below in Bal- timore Harbor in Clear Water. rs Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Barge ............. $5 00. Northern Central Railroad Barge................ 4 00 Floating Elevator. . . . ».0 + «ss «ssi ciantageeea eae 5 OGe Steam Holsters... 10. ...s95 ssa panes 1 00 Vile.Drivetacse ces «vis ban PPE bret ie 2 00 Ballast Spars (2)... ..'s = + sis, sessile a.) Oe For each additional Spar above two....... y eats 50 Piles (5)... oo. cps suoceae ou > 0 cen elena nanan 2 00 For each additional five Piles Charters for hour or day work shall begin and end at the place of charter, excepting charters by hour or day for the purpose of meeting vessels to be towed, which shall cease when the vessel to be towed is reached, and when the rates for towing shall begin. F} Rates of Towage and Docking Fore-and-Aft ’ Vessels in Clear Water, in Harbor, Quaran- tine, Oil Wharves and Spring Gardens. 4 oe ; TONNAGE OF One | Two| 8 | Two |B &@| Two be 6a = Beet, Eso VESSELS. Boat. | Boats. z Boats. a= Boats. 5 2 1to 15 tons.|$1 50/$2 00/$1 50/$3 00/$2 00/$3 00. $4 00 Dat Atlas 2 00! 3 00} 2 00) 4 00) 8 00) 5 00) 5 00 101° 160... “* 3 00) 4 00) 3 00) 4 00) 4 00) 6 00) 6 00 ibL*.250. * 4 00! 6 00} 4 00) 6 00! 5 00) 7 00} 7 00 4951“ 350“ 4 00} 7 00} 5 00) 8 00) 6 00; 8 00! 8 00 Bole 450 | ** 5 00) 8 00} 5 00) 9 00) 7 00) 9 00) 9 00 3451 “* 550 =~“ 5 00) 9 00; 6 00/10 00) 8 00/10 00.10 09 551 “* 650“ 6 00/10 00) 7 00/12 00) 9 00/12 0011 00 Mate RGOe * 7 00/11 00) 8 00)18 00/10 00/138 0012 00 751; B60: ** 8 00/13 00} 9 00/15 00)11 00)16 0013 00 S61." aie * 9 00/14 00/10 00/16 00/12 00/18 00.14 00 951 “1050 “ {10 00)15 00/11 00/17 00/18 00/19:°00.15 00 ——— —_ 6 Rates of Towage on Fore-and-Aft Vessels in BALLAST, in Clear Water. TONNAGE OF F -3 23 338 2& ea % 8 Ces | ace | =e) cna] se | eae VESSELS. 5". iE x E68 g g £8 E °9 1to 30 tons|$ 1 50/$ 3 00.$ 5 00/$ 6 00/$ 8 00/8 9 00. 31 ‘* 100 4 00| 6 00; 10 00) 12 00} 14 00) 16 00 101 ‘* 150 ‘ | 5 00) 8 00] 13 00) 15 00} 17 00} 19 00 151 ‘* 250 ‘* | 6 00) 10 00] 14 00| 16 00] 19 00) 22 00 251 ** 850 ‘ | 7 00} 11 00] 15 00} 18 00] 21 00} 24 00 351‘ 450 ‘ | 8 00} 12 00] 16 00| 20 00) 24 00} 26 00 451 ** 550 ‘ | 9 00} 13 00] 20 00| 23 00) 26 00; 28 00 551 ‘* 650 ‘ | 10 00) 15 00} 22 00| 25 00) 28 00| 31 00 651 ‘* 750 ‘ | 11 00] 18 00} 25 00) 29 00} 82 00) 35 00 751‘ 850 ‘* | 12 00) 21 00) 28 00] 32 00} 36 00} 39 00 851 ‘* 950 “ | 13 00) 24 00] 31 00] 36 00) 40 00} 43 00 951 ‘1050 ‘‘ | 15 00} 28 00| 35 00| 40 00) 45 00] 48 00 Rates of Towage on LOADED Fore-and-Aft Vessels, in Clear Water. TONNAGE OF VESSELS. 1to 30 tons O17 OO POLL nA 161,**.250 1" 251 ** 850 ‘ 351 ‘* 450 ‘ Aol m0 <' 551‘ 650 ‘ Go1sY e750 Ah 1OL, eapo0 4 x B51 ASO 35 951 ‘*-1050, -** ewes sees oveee Point, Point, 25 Miles. North 11 Miles. Sandy wos 10 00)16 00/20 00 12 00/20 00/23 00 14 00/21 00/25 00 15 00/23 00/28 00 17 00/27 00/32 00 20 00/80 00\/85 00 23 00/38 00/88 00 27 00/36 00\41 00 30 00/389 00/44 00 ’ Point Annapolis, 30 Miles. 33- Miles Thomas’ 8 00 15 00 24 00/26 00 27 00}: 29 00}: 32 00) 36 00/89 00 40 00/43 00 43 00\46 00 46 00/49 00 49 00/52 00 Coasters to take up the Rates of pi Vessels from Thomas’ Point on down the Bay. ] 7 Rates for Towing and Docking Ocean Steamers and Square-Rigged Vessels in Clear Water inside of Fort McHenry, Quarantine, Oil Wharves, Spring Gardens and Elevator No. . 38, on American Tonnage. I; "Beas ee 1 TONNAGE OF One Two -5 Two 528 Two VESSELS. Boat | Boats. FE Boats. = Boats : a Ts S 5 150 to 250 tons.|$ 4 00/$ 6 06)$ 5 00\$ 7 00/$ 6 00/$ 8 00 251 “* 350 * 5 00} 7 00) 6 00} 8 00; 8 00) 10 00 B51 ‘* 450 ‘* 6 00} 9 00; 7 00) 10 00} 9 00) 12 00 451 ‘* 550 * 7 00} 10 00) 8 00} 11 00; 10 00) 14 00 ag ** }6650 “ 8 00) 12 00) 9 00} 18 00) 11 90) 16 00 651 ‘6 750 ‘ 9 00} 13 00) 10 00| 14 00} 12 00; 18 00 ' 751 ** 850 ** | 10 00} 15 00; 11 00) 16 00} 13 00) 20 00 , 851 ** 950 “* | 11 00; 16 00; 12 00) 17 00} 14 00) 22 00 951 “1050 ‘* | 12 00) 18 00} 13 00) 19 00} 15 00) 23 00 A051 ‘1150 ‘* | 13 00) 19 00/ 14 00) 20 00] 16 00) 24 00 1151 ‘£1250 “ | 14 00) 21 00} 15 00} 22 00; 17 00} 25 00 Mye5t 1350 ‘‘ | 15 00} 22 00] 16 00} 23 00) 18 00| 27 00 9351 ‘1450 ‘* | 16 00} 24 00] 17 00] 25 00/ 19 00] 28 00 1451 ‘1550 ‘ | 17 00] 25 00} 18 00] 26 00| 20 00] 80 00 1551 *6 1650: *- | 18 00) 26 00) 19 00) 27 00} 21 00) 32 00- 1651 “1750 ‘* | 19 00) 27 00) 20 00) 28 00} 22 00; 34 00 1751 *£ 1850 ‘* | 20 00) 28 00} 24 00} 29 00} 23 00) 86 00 1851 ‘£1950 ‘* | 21 00} 29 00) 22 00; 30 00; 24 00) 38 00 1951 ‘* 2050 ‘* | 22 00) 30 00) 23 00) 31 00 25 00) 40 00 2051 “2151 ‘“* | 23 00] 31 00) 24 00! 32 00! 26 00) 42 00 2151 ‘6 2250 ‘* | 24 00} 32. 00} 25 00| 33 00) 27 00 44 00 R251 “2350 =“ | 25 00) 33 00 26 00) 34 00) 28 00, 46 00 Outward bound Square-Rigged Vessels towed to Quarantine for anchor- ~ age to pay Harbor Rates. > 8 RATES OF TOWAGE ON SQUARE Arriving or Leaving the Port TONNAGE OF —— VESSELS. 6 Miles. Fort Carroll, 11 Miles. North Point, 20 Miles. Craighill, 100 tons to 200 tons.|$ 7 |$11 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 1701 1801 1901 2001 2101 2201 46 500 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1500 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 Ge 8 10 11 12 18 12 14 16 18 20 80 85 90 $16 18 20 100 105 110 25 Miles. Sandy Point, Fe rh) oS 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 30 Miles. Annapolis, 100 105 110 115 120 Thomas’ Point, 33 Miles. | oo ie 8) ol m wm Oo Cw OO mw on & 53 98 108 108 113 118 123 42 Miles. Poplar Island, 100 105 110 115 120 125 150 a 52 Miles, | »s Island, | Sharp 137 These Rates do not include docking Vessels after anchoring sels considered in Ballast not exceeding So a RIGGED VESSELS IN BALLAST, Clear Water. of Baltimore, in 65 Miles. 72 Miles. 86 Miles. Cedar Point, Point-no Point, Cove Point, $ 53 $ 60 56 63 58 61 63 68 73 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 127 132 137 142 147 152 157 108 108 118 120 125 130 135 140 145 151 146 93 Miles. Point Lookout, $ 64 67 109 124 136 146 161 $ 104 Miles. Smith’s Point, Bluff Point, 70. $ 77 , 80) 73 75 78 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 137 142 147 152 157 162 167 117 Miles. 169 174 123 Miles. Windmill Point, Wolf Trap, Sg | oa) S 139 Miles. % 881g 92/8 99 91 93 96 98 103 108 118 118 128 128 133 138 143 148 155 160 165 70 175 180 185 ralf register tonnage laden with cargo. 159 Miles. 145 Miles. Old Point, New Point, Back River, 102 104 107 ‘109 114 95 97 oe Q ~I © — — oo wo e JF W QV 0 = vo i — ph pt bot Hm Co CoO JF 0 WS WO i — ae oo ites] Wes} = i 182 187 185} 192 190) 197 164 Miles. 177 Mile Cape Henry, frock. fo) or _e peach ras) 129 134 139 144 149 154 159 164 162) 169 177 182 187 192 197 202 207 195 202 wn arrival, nor pulling off in stream before departure. All Ves- RATES OF TOWAGE ON LOADED Arriving or Leaving the Port TONNAGE OF 201 301 401 501 601 701 801 901 1001 1101 1201 1301 1401 1501 1601 701 1801 1901 2001 2101 2201 VESSELS. 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1500 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 100 tons to 200 tons. 6 46 6 Miles. 11 Miles. Fort Carroll, North Point, Sandy Point, ead pred pak we wOoroe — fe ow 0 cor cw jt. CO Go 2 Cr Cc A i 0 Ja oe a Ww or i So t i S Jt =) o t omvw I OD YI Fe | S| ne a, 25 Miles. eo co Cor ic 105 120 135 150 165 180 195 210 30 Miles. . 33 Miles. Yhomas’ Point, Poplar Island, Annapolis, a> Aa 42 Miles 187 202 217 5| 282 “S Shar}’s Island | * 62 Miles? SF a 48 21 | 22) 24! These Rates not to include docking Vessel after anchorin © | bas SQUARE-RIGGED VESSELS of Baltimore in Clear Water. 65 Miles. Cedar Point, 72 Miles. 86 Miles. 93 Miles. 104 Miles. 117 Miles. Windmill Point, | 123 Miles. 139 Miles. 145 Miles. 159 Miles. 164 Miles. 177 Miles. Point-no-Point, Point Lookout, Cove Point, Smith’s Point, Bluff Point, New Point, Back River, Old Point, Wolf Trap, Cape Henry, xfo — fom) —_— afe = > ou of — — ow SK _— — on] aA peer ~) 50/8551 60 $ 68 $ 73.8 80 $ 88'¢ 92 3g 53| 58| 63| 71| 116) 119 58) 63| 68 76 81} 88| 96| 100) 109] 113) 121) 124 83| 68| 73, 81| 86) 93| 101| 105) 114, 118 126 129 68 73| 78| 86) 91) 98| 106| 110, 119| 128 131| 134 1 73| 78| 83) 91} 96] 103| 111] 115| 124) 128 136) 139] 1 78| 881 88 96) 101) 108| 116] 120) 129) 133) 141) 144) 15 85 881 93 101| 106] 118| 121] 195| 194\ 138) 146) 149 15 gg| 93| 98° 106! 111| 118] 126] 130| 139| 143) 151) 154) 162 98| 98) 108) 111] 116) 128 131 135| 144) 148, 156] 159 16 9g 103| 108 116, 121| 128] 136) 140] 149 153 161 164, 17 03] 108] 113| 121| 126] 188] 141] 145| 154) 158) 166) 169) 17 08! 118) 118! 126 131| 13s] 146| 150 159) 163) 171| 174, 18: 25] 180) 135, 143) 148) 155, 163] 167) 176) 180, 188 191 199 40| 145| 150! 158| 163| 170) 178| 182| 191| 195, 203| 206 214 55|160| 1651 173| 178| 185| 193| 197| 206| 210, 218 221 229 70|175| 180| 188) 193] 200 208] 212] 221| 225, 233 236 2 '5| 190| 195] 208| 208| 215 228] 227) 236) 240) 248 251 2 Q 2 J oo (oa) co ives} pare pias) CU ey a | nse ak om | GO ee ~J pk H CO CO & 7t won © i Iw vs '00| 205! 210] 218] 223] 230) 238] 245) 251) 255) 263) 266 f15| 220] 225] 283] 238] 245! 253! 260} 266] 270, 278 281 '30| 235} 240 248) 253! 260} 268) 275] 281] 285 293, 296 804 go 250| 255) 263) 268; 275) 283) 290 296] 300) 308) 311) 320 arrival, nor pulling off in stream before departure. J 12 i Rates for the Hire of Tow Boats in Clear Water not for the Purpose of Towing. | CAPACITY OF TUG PER Hour 10-inch: CyNnder van euanan | eee $3 00 12 and 14 inch. Cylinder? ....%.saee3 4 00 15 i A ee wide 4 00 16 ne ‘tose egies a 5 00 18 s as Re OPE ented 6 00 35. 00 20 * ile Maen ae Ts ca 7 00 45 00 22 as ky ls Se ee 8 00 55 00 Bg 24 TMM Rp er Ras 900 | 6000 @ 26 ce a le ae 1000 | 65 00" th 82 aa eee Re, A 1200 | 70 00% Allraft towing to be excluded from the above rates. ee -—________ At a meeting of the Tow Boat Capratns’ BENEFICTA AssocrATION, held March 14th, 1878, it was resolved thai the foregoing Schedule of Rates shall be put in force or April 1st, 1878, that they be strictly adhered to, and ibe no commission, discount or allowances be ade | CHARLES HERZOG, Sec’y. # ae im. §