REGULATION TO GOVERN THE OF PRESCRIBED BY THE ISSUE OF 1915 Effective on July 1, 1915 WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1915 1 2 tran tf Pig Th a rey : LieiiARy | DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS | CARRIERS BY PIPE LINES INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 20 OF THE ACT TO REGULATE COMMERCE (Th Gts THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION. CHarLEes C. McCuorp, of Kentucky. JuDSON C. CLEMENTS, of Georgia. Epear E. CrarKk, of lowa. JAMES S. Haruan, of Jllvnois. BattrHasaR H. Meyer, of Wisconsin. Henry C. Hatt, of Colorado. Winturop M. Daniets, of New Jersey. GrEoRGE B. MoGinty, Secretary. ae CONTENTS. RepeEMmUE, tale ClOLINIRMION Sane ca wees meee oe ee ae Cerone ta ay iu tae heey: By ere aR OE Se athe ae oe Roa gw a wie Soy ws wl kA es Seed Wg a es oe Ea DIM aC HOPIZO Ge ong «CRN. kere aes naa oy ia (Se ee BE ke Officer having supervision of destruction ...............000..2. 20sec ee neecees Written authority of officer having supervision of destruction ................ Pree meee OCCU UCHIOIN, © .c Th eee BOARS Ronee aren cictnee O eres Aa ie Siat Oly veersin as mete ihe Wika wwtgeeslart a ROE 4 PE (OL eR ED a nee ee ae ek , Miscellaneous........ ieee INS ate Ey Sh cw ae ele Gt ok ya Appendix Index... CO may erce ewewceeccerec cee ee ee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee ee ees eee esc e eee ee seeesseeeizecnoe eeceeoeeeeee eer eezeseeee2e2e2e22222282828222232 Fes eee eee eee see eee ees eeae eH SO At a General Session of the INTERSTATE COMMERCE COMMISSION, held at its office in Washington, D. C., on the 28th day of June, A. D. 1915. The matter of the determination of the operating, accounting, and financial papers, records, books, blanks, tickets, stubs, and docu- ments of carriers by pipe lines which may, after a reasonable time, be destroyed being under consideration, the following order was entered: It is ordered, That the Regulations to Govern the Destruction of Records of Carriers by Pipe Lines, Issue of 1915, a copy of which is now before this Commission, be, and they hereby are, approved; that a copy thereof duly authenticated by the Secretary of the Commis- sion be filed in its archives, and a second copy thereof, in like manner authenticated, be filed in the office of the Division of Carriers’ Accounts; and that each of said copies so authenticated and filed shall be deemed an original record thereof. It is further ordered, That the said Regulations be, and they hereby are, prescribed for the use of carriers by pipe lines, subject to the provisions of the Act to Regulate Commerce, as amended, in the destruction of their accounts, records, and memoranda; and that a copy of the said Regulations be sent to each and every such carrier and to each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier. It is further ordered, That each and every such carrier, and each and every receiver or operating trustee of any such carrier, be, and hereby is, permitted to destroy the accounts, records, and memoranda named or described in the said Regulations, after preserving the same for the periods of time respectively specified and upon complying with the requirements of the Regulations. It is further ordered, That all accounts, records, and memoranda of such carriers, other than those the destruction of which is permitted in the said Regulations, shall remain under the prohibition of destruc- tion contained in section 20 of the Act to Regulate Commerce, as amended: Provided, however, That in case any such carrier desires to destroy any accounts, records, or memoranda other than those here- inafter named it may petition the Commission to that effect, exhibit- ing a full and detailed description of the accounts, records, or mem- oranda in question, clearly explaining their character, their use, and their purpose; it being understood that any order entered by the Commission on any such petition shall, unless otherwise provided, be 5 6 DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS. limited in its force and effect to the particular carrier presenting such petition. It is further ordered, That the said Regulations to Govern the Destruction of Records of Carriers by Pipe Lines, Issue of 1915, shall become effective on July 1, 1915. By the Commission. [SEAL] GrorcE B. McGinty, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTE. The following extract from section 20 of the Act to Regulate Com- merce is here quoted for convenient reference thereto by carriers: Any person who shall willfully make any false entry in the accounts of any book of accounts or in any record or memoranda kept by a carrier, or who shall willfully destroy, mutilate, alter, or by any other means or device falsify the record of any such account, record, or memoranda, or who shall willfully neglect or fail to make full, true, and correct entries in such accounts, records, or memoranda of all facts and transactions appertaining to the carrier’s business, or shall keep any other accounts, records, or memoranda than those prescribed or approved by the Commission, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be subject, upon conviction in any court of the United States of competent jurisdiction, to a fine of not less than one thou- sand dollars nor more than five thousand dollars or imprisonment for a term not less than one year nor more than three years, or both such fine and imprisonment: Pro- vided, That the Commission may in its discretion issue orders specifying such oper- ating, accounting, or financial papers, records, books, blanks, tickets, stubs, or docu- ments of carriers which may, after a reasonable time, be destroyed, and prescribing the length of time such books, papers, or documents shall be preserved. The regulations set forth in this order pertain only to the accounts, records, and memoranda named or described herein. All accounts, records, and memoranda not indicated in the regulations remain under the prohibition of destruction contained in section 20 of the act. It is not intended that these regulations shall be interpreted as requiring that the records herein named shall be installed, when such records are not already kept by a carrier. 7 ey TR, re wees Saree ae t a Az, REGULATIONS TO GOVERN THE DESTRUCTION. OF RECORDS OF CARRIERS BY PIPE LINES, Destruction authorized. 1. Carriers may destroy the accounts, records, and memoranda named in paragraph 17 (other than those marked ‘“ permanently’’) at their option after having preserved them for the specified periods of time and upon complying with the requirements of these regula- tions. Officer having supervision of destruction. 2. Supervision of the destruction of accounts, records, and memo- randa shall be assigned to an officer appointed by the board of directors, or, if the carrier’s organization shall require it, to two officers so appointed. Such officer or officers may be given (a) general supervision of the destruction of all accounts, records, and memoranda the destruction of which is permitted by these regu- lations, or (6) authority over the destruction of such of these accounts, records, and memoranda as may be specified by the board of directors. A copy of the resolution of appointment shall be filed with the Commission before the destruction of any of the accounts, records, or memoranda involved. Pending action by the board of directors, an appointment by an executive committee, or by a similarly authorized committee of the board of directors, shall have the same effect as if made by the board of directors. 3. If the property of a carrier is in the hands of a receiver or oper- ating trustee, the officer or officers to have supervision of the de- struction of accounts, records, and memoranda shall be designated by the receiver or trustee. A copy of the order of the receiver or trustee designating such officer or officers shall be filed with the Com- mission before the destruction of any of the accounts, records, or memoranda involved. 4, In designating an officer to have general supervision of the destruction of accounts, records, and memoranda it would be prefer- able to designate by title only, rather than by name and title, and thus obviate the necessity of filing a new resolution each time a successor in the office is appointed. 87169 °—15——2 9 10 DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS. Written authority of officer having supervision of destruction. 5. When any accounts, records, or memoranda are to be destroyed, an officer having supervision of the destruction of accounts, records, or memoranda (as designated in compliance with paragraphs 2 and 3) shall issue a written authority naming the person or persons by whom the accounts, records, or memoranda are to be destroyed (except as provided for in paragraph 16). 6. The written authority (a) may be confined to certain accounts, records, and memoranda which have been retained for the periods of time specified in these regulations and which the carrier then desires to destroy, in which case it shall indicate— First. A list of the accounts, records, or memoranda to be destroyed, expressed either in form numbers or by descriptive titles; and, Second. The period or periods covered by the accounts, records, or memoranda the destruction of which is authorized. or (6) may be of continuing effect, applying to any or all the accounts, records, and memoranda named herein as the periods of retention of such accounts, records, or memoranda attain the limits specified herein. 7. Such written authority, or a certified copy thereof, shall be filed in the office of the issuing officer as a permanent part of the carrier’s records. It is not required at present that copies of the written authorities be filed with the Commission. Certificates of destruction. 8. The person or persons upon whom devolves the duty of the direct supervision of the destruction of the accounts, records, or memoranda under the authority referred to in paragraph 6, a, shall make cer- tificate (except as provided for in paragraphs 11 and 16) setting forth that the accounts, records, or memoranda listed in the said authority have been destroyed and that no other accounts, records, or memoranda than those so listed have been destroyed therewith. 9. If an authority as referred to in paragraph 6, 5, is given, a cer- tificate of destruction shall be made listing either by form numbers or descriptive titles the accounts, records, and memoranda destroyed, naming the period or periods covered by the accounts, records, or memoranda, and stating that no other accounts, records, or memo- randa than those so listed have been destroyed therewith. Either (a) a separate certificate shall be made each time any accounts, records, or memoranda are destroyed, or (6) cumulative certificates shall be made with entries each time any accounts, records, or memoranda are destroyed. 10. Certificates of destruction shall be forwarded promptly to the officer having supervision of the destruction of accounts, records, and DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS. 1l memoranda who issued the written authority and shall be retained in his office as a permanent part of the carrier’s records, In case cumulative certificates are made they shall be forwarded to such officer periodically, but at least once every six months. It is not required at present that copies of the certificates of destruction be filed with the Commission. 11. Certificates of destruction need not be made for accounts, records, and memoranda, the destruction of which, in the list in paragraph 17 hereof, is made optional with the carrier, but a written authority, either for specific records or of continuing effect (except as provided for in paragraph 16), shall be issued by the officer having supervision of the destruction of such accounts, records, and mem- oranda. Committee for destruction of certain records. 12. At the option of the carrier the board of directors may from time to time name a committee to destroy canceled stock certifi- cates, bonds, or other records covered by item 6 of paragraph 17 in lieu of delegating the authority for the destruction to an officer, as provided in paragraph 2. A copy of the resolution of the board of directors naming such committee shall be filed with the Commis- sion before the destruction of any of the records involved, and a cer- tificate of destruction shall be permanently retained by the carrier. Certificates of destruction giving full. descriptive reference to the documents destroyed shall be made by the person or persons appointed by the officer having supervision of the destruction of records or by this committee. When documents represent debt secured by mort- gage, the certificates of destruction shall also be authenticated by representatives of the trustees acting in conjunction with this com- mittee or shall have the trustees’ acceptance thereon. Method of destruction. 13. The precise method of the destruction of accounts, records, or memoranda is not prescribed. The Commission is not concerned with the method of destruction, whether by fire, sale, or otherwise, so long as the destruction is authorized and a certificate of destruction is filed as required by these regulations. 14. If the accounts, records, and memoranda are not actually destroyed by the carrier, but are disposed of by sale or otherwise, the certificate of destruction shall so state. Attention is called to section 15 of the Act to Regulate Commerce, which provides that a carrier shall not divulge to any person information concerning the business of a shipper or consignee which may be used to the detri- ment of such shipper or consignee. Responsibility for possible infringement of this provision of the law by disposing of its records by other than actual destruction would rest with the carrier. 12 DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS. Accidental destruction of accounts, records, and memoranda. 15. If any accounts, records, or memoranda are destroyed acci- dentally by fire, flood, or other casualty, a statement shall be pre- pared listing so far as may be possible the records destroyed and detailing the circumstances in connection with the fire or other casualty. This statement shall be authenticated by an officer or some responsible employee of the company and shall be filed with the officer having supervision of the destruction of accounts, records, and memoranda. collectible, 67a; of claims registers, 81. Initial lines; tenders of shipment by, 174; advices to, 177; receipts for shipment by, 180. Injuries, personal; receipts and releases, 24a; claims - records, 81, 82; reports of, 84. Me Ee of material and supplies, 104}; of tank- age, 288, 308); of boilers, 304; of oil, 308a. Instructions to superintendents, agents, and others, 324. Insurance records, 45. Interest; bond coupons, 4d, 6; bank statements, 320. Interests in oil, division of; orders for, 123; records of, 131. Interline settlements, 56, 172. Interstate Commerce Commission; carrier’s concur- rences with, 93; carrier’s reports to, 301. Inventories; of pipe-line property, 68a, 69; of mate- rials and supplies, 106; of telegraph and telephone property, 252. Investment. (See Property.) Invoices; for materials and supplies purchased, 1030; lists of, 108a, 282. Issue of securities, applications and authorities for, 10. Job records, 213. Job tickets, 65, 68¢, f. Journals; for stocks, 3a, d; of right of way and dam- ages, 26: general and auxiliary, 42; journal entries, 44, 253; of labor expenditures, 63; of material and supply expenditure, 66; of oil credits and debits, ~ 122, 171a; of oil receipts and deliveries, 15la; of field cashiers, 227; of telegraph and telephone department, 251, 253. Keys held by employees, 216. RECORDS. g5 Labor; expenditures in general, 63; time records, 65, 68e, f; expenditures on property, 68e, f. Land; title records, 21a; maps, 21a, 25; leases, 21); contracts and agreements, 21d. Leases; registers of, 8a; of company dwellings, 8d; miscellaneous, 8e; of lands, 216. Ledgers; of stocks, 3a; of registered bonds, 4a; of checks issued, 32c; general and auxiliary, 41a; of labor expenditures, 63; of material and supply expenditures, 66; of material and supply stock, 101; of oil credits and charges, 121, 171la; of oil receipts and deliveries, 1516; of telegraph and telephone department, 251, 253. Less-than-carload shipments, 2840. Letters. (See Correspondence.) Licenses; for pipe-line crossings, 22; license fee vouchers, 24a; for wire attachments, 256a; for pole rentals, 2560. Line books, 26. Linemen, telegraph and telephone, reports of, 259. Lists; of stockholders, 3h, of voting security holders, 5b; of vouchers mailed, 33d; of cashbook figures, 43b; of authorities for voucher payments, 62e of invoices, 103a. Lost oil, reports of, 219. Mailing dates of vouchers, 33d. Manufactured stock, 108. Maps; of lands acquired, 2la; of property owned, 25; diagrams for changes in, 217; of districts, 222; for engineering work, 321. Materials and supplies; expenditures in general, 66; sales of, 676, 102d, e, h, 221; pipe-line property expenditures, 68¢, f; stocks on hand, 71, 101; requisitions for, 77, 102/, 105c; purchases of, 102, 221; price records, 102b, 105d; scrap on hand, 1029; transportation bills, 102i; invoices, 103, 282; deliveries to carrier, 104a, 254, 286; inspection and testing, 104b; issues and releases, 104c, 105; inventories, 106; fuel, 107, 226; shop manu- factures, 108; abandonment s,221; bills of lading, 229. Meetings of corporation, minutes of, 1. Messages transmitted, 258. Meter records of gas purchased, 107e, f. Mileage, transportation; books purchased for em- ployees, 75; amounts used by employees, 214. Minute books of corporation meetings, 1. Miscellaneous records classified, 321-326. New lines; estimates and authorities, 73a, engineer- ing records, 321. Notebooks of stenographers, 326c. Notes canceled, 6. Notices; of subscriptions for securities, 3i, 4e; of tax assessments, 23; in suits against employees, 64b; of shipment of materials to carrier, 102c; of tender of shipment, 174. Offers for materials and supplies, 102d. Office furniture, inventory registers of, 69a. Oil; production accounts, 57a, 121; oil runs, 57a, 126, 127, 151a, 154, 201, 208, 210; shortage, 67b, 176, 177, 178; sales, 121, 122; divisions of interest, 123, 131; transfers of interest, 124, 125, 171; car ship- ments, 134; receipts of, 151a, 152, 171, 179, 180; de- liveries of, 151a, 171, 178, 179, 181, 207; pumping 34 of, 151a, b, 157, 208; over and short, 151a, b, 179; tank stocks, 152, 153, 156; refinery balances, 155; tenders of shipment, 178, 174; shipment records, 175, 177, 207; tank measurements, 218, 224; oil losses, 219; inspection, 288; statistical statements, 305. Oil engines, inventory registers of, 69a. Operations; contracts and agreements relating to, 21d; statistical reports of, 301. Operators’ copies of telegrams, 3260. Orders; for transfer of dividends, 3e, work orders, 65, 68e, f; for purchase of materials, 102a, 254; for shop manufacture of stock, 108a; for transfer of oil balances, 122, 125; for division of interest in oil, 123; for transfer of oil interest, 124; for refinery deliveries, 206; wage orders by employees, 215. Over and short records classified, Mahe 157, 179. Overtime tickets, 65. INDEX TO Pay; pay roll records, 61, 68e, f; distribution to accounts, 63; assignments, attachments, and garnishments, 64; wage orders by employees, 215. Pay checks; receipted, 6le; canceled, 61/; receipts for, 61h. Pension data, 3230. Personal injuries. (See Injuries.) Phonograph records, 326c. Pipe; inventory registers of, 69a; stock records, 71, 101c; field diagrams, 72. Pipe lines; contracts and agreements, 21d, 68d; crossing licenses and agreements, 22; maps, 25, 217, 222; property records, 68, 69, 70, 73; stringing ~ small lines, 213; break records, 219; scraper rec- ords, 228. Plans for engineering projects, 321. Poles; licenses for attachments and rentals, 256a, b- reports of wire attachments, 257. Policies for insurance, 450, c. Powers of attorney, 128. Premiums for insurance, 45a. Pressure records, 225. Price records, 102b, 105d. Probate records, 132. Producers; oil credits, 57a, 121, 123; oil runs, 57a, 121, 126, 127; sale and transfer deductions, 121; oil credit transfers, 121, 122, 125; division of interest, 123, 131; transfer of interest, 124; tank data, 130, 131, 205; well data, 1300); steam fur- nished by, 133, 208, 209; tank seals, 202; pumpings by, 208; gas purchased from, 226; steam coils placed with, 230. Production records classified, 121-134. Profiles for engineering projects, 321. Profit and loss accounts, statements of, 303a. Property; title papers, 21; maps of, 25, 217, 222: right-of-way records, 26; value of property, 68a; depreciation, 68); retirements, 68b, 221; replace- ments, 680; construction records, 62d, 68c, ¢, /; contracts and agreements affecting, 68d; inventory registers, 69; relocations, 70, 213, 217, 221; esti- mates and authorities for investment, 73; station registers, 74; purchases and sales, 221. Proxies from security holders, 5a. Pump stations; contracts and agreements affecting, 21d; maps showing, 25, 222; station registers, 74; pipe stocks at, 10lc; fuel for, 107a, 223; oil re- ceipts at, 1516, 152; tank gauge at, 224; electric- light plants at, 260. RECORDS. Pumping; contracts and agreements affecting, 214; steam purchased for, 133; records of, 151a, b, 157; orders for, 206; by producers, 208; line pres- sures, 225. Pumps; inventory registers of, 69a; working records of, 212; moving of, 213. Purchase orders for transfer of oil credits, 125. Purchases; of materials and supplies, 102; of gas, 107e, f, 226; of steam, 133; field reports on, 221, Quotations, requests for, 920. Railroad crossings, agreements for, 22b. : Rates; authorities for, 91; requests and receipts for, 92; concurrences in, 93; preparation data, 94. Readings of gas meters, 107/. Real estate records classified, 21-26. Receipt, record of; of funds, 33a; of pipe, 71; Ce) materials and supplies, 101b, 254b, 286; of orders for supplies, 102c; of oil, 151, 152, 171a, b, 179, 180. Receipts; for stock certificates, 39; for damage pay- ments, 24a; for papers filed for record, 24); for pay rolls and pay checks, 61h; for cash payments, 62c; for rate authorities, 92a; for material and supply deliveries to carrier, 103c; for materials and supplies issued, 105c; for oil received from shippers, 180; for oil delivered to consignees, 181; for keys held by employees, 216. Receiver’s certificates retired, 6. Reconstruction of telegraph and telephone lines, 251. Recoveries of insurance, 45a. Reduced rates, authorities for, 91c. Refineries; oil deliveries to, 151a, 206; tank gauge . tables, 153; oil balances, 155. Registered bonds, 4a, c. Registers; of stock transfers, 3d; of bonds, 4a; of es revenues, 58; of audited vouchers, 62a; of bills tm collectible, 67a; of inventoried property, 69a; of stations and station fuel, 74; of claims, 81: of tanks, 130, 205, 281. Regulating bodies; applications and authorities for security issues, 10; carrier’s concurrences in rates, 93; carrier’s reports, 301. Relay copies of telegrams, 3260. Releases; of damages, 24a; of attachments and gar- nishments, 64b; of materials and supplies, 104c. Relocations; reports on, 70, 221; of small lines and pumps, 213; diagrams of, 217. Remittance reports of superintendents and agents, 33¢. Renewals of contracts and agreements, 8a. Rental of poles, licenses for, 2560. Rents; vouchers for, 24a; payments of, 26; rents receivable, 46, 58. Repairs; of tanks, 287; of boilers, 304. Replacements of pipe-line property, 68b. ‘ Reports; by superintendents, 33c, 70, 71, 203; by agents, 33c, 203; by field cashiers, 35; by traveling accountants and auditors, 48; by gaugers, 220a, b; by telegraph and telephone linemen, 259; by tank inspectors, 288; to regulating bodies, 301; to stock- - holders, 302. Requests; for security allotments, 3i, 4e; for rag . authorities, 92. ~ Requisitions; for construction material used, 68¢, /; ~ for stationery, 77; for purchase of materials and » supplies, 102/; for issue of materials and Spplian”. 105c; for shop manufacture, 108a. . al 3 . @y tenders of shipment, INDEX TO Retired securities, 6. Retirements of pipe-line property, 680, 221. Returns for taxes, 23. Revenue; settlements, 56, 172; from storage, 57; from rents, telephone and telegraph, and miscel- laneous sources, 58; reports of, 3016; periodica. statements, 303b; estimates of, 309. (See also Collections.) Right of way; grants and franchises, 21c; contracts and agreements, 21d; records of, 26. Runs of oil; production credits, 57a, 121; in gaugers’ districts, 126, 127, 154, 201; receipts from, 151a; foremen’s runs, 208; gaugers’ runs, 210. Salaries. (See Pay.) Sales; of securities, 3f, 4c; of property, 68d, 221; of materials and supplies, 102d, e; of scrap, 102h, of oil, 121; proceeds from sale of securities, 301c. Schedules; for tax purposes, 23; of insurance, 45a. Scrap; reports of, 102g; authorities for sale of, 102h. Scraper records, 228. Seals on producers’ tanks, 202. Securities; stock issues, 3; bond issues, 4; lists of holders, 5b; retired, 6; owned, 7, 49; authorities for issue, 10; proceeds from sale of, 301c. Sediment in tanks, 288d. Service records of employees, 3230. Settlements; interline, 56, 172; with agents and others, 58. Shipments (miscellaneous); pipe shipments, 71; notices of shipments to carrier, 102c; tankage car shipments, 284, 286. Shipments (oil); by cars, 134; advices on, 171c; 173; initial shipment ” notices, 174; shipping order records, 175; com- _, pleted shipment notices, 177; reports of, 207. Shipping records classified, 171-181. ops; shop accounting, 47; material and supply balance sheets, 101b; orders for shop manufac- ture, 108a. Shortage; bills rendered for, 67b; reccrds of, 151, 176; advices of, 177; reports on, 178, 179. Signatures of stockholders, 3c. Slips; bank deposit and credit slips, 32d, e; time slips for labor, 65. - Special accountants’ reports, 48. . Specifications for engineering projects, 321. Stationery requisition books, 77. Stations. (See Pump stations.) Statistics records classified , 301-310. Steam apparatus; inventory registers of steam engines, 69a; steam coils placed in producers’ tanks, 230. Steam furnished by producers, 133, 208, 209. Stenographers’ records, 326c. Stock cards for inventory, 106d. Stockholders; meetings of, 1; signature cards, 3c; dividend transfers by, 3e; dividend lists of, 3h; carrier’s reports to, 302. Stocks, capital; records of, 3, 5, 6; authorities for issue, 10. Stocks, material. (See Materials and supplies.) Stocks, oil; station reports on, 152; gauge tables for, 153; records of, 156. - pceocks of tanks, seals for, 202. borage revenue, 57. Storekeepers; advices and requisitions from, 102/; #ists ofinvoices handled by, 103a. ap RECORDS. 35 Stores records classified, 101-108. Strapping reports, 218. Stream crossings by pipelines, licenses for, 22a. Street crossings by pipe lines, licenses for, 22a. Stringing small lines, 213. Stubs; of stock certificates, 3b; of bonds, 4b; of checks, 32c. Studies for engineering projects, 321, Subscription notices, 3i, 4e. Suits, notices of, 640. Superintendents; cash remittance reports, 33c; relocations reports, 70; pipe stock reports, 71; bills handled by, 203; tools assigned to, 204; instructions to, 324. Supplies. (See Materials and supplies.) Tabulating cards, 310. Tallies of messages transmitted, 258. Tankage records classified, 281-288. Tanks; inventory registers of, 69a; producers’ tank registers, 130a; number registers, 1300, 205; gauge records, 131, 153, 224; seals used on, 202; measure- ment records, 218; connections and disconnec- tions, 220; location maps, 222; steam coils records, 230; carrier’s tank register, 281; uncompleted tanks, 283; tank repairs, 287; inspection records, 288. Tarifis; copies of, 91a, b; requests and requisitions for, 92a; preparation data, 94. Taxes; assessments and appeals, 23; vouchers for payments, 24a. Telegrams; on fire damages, 45d; on over and short business, 151c; on handling of oil shipments, 171c; operators’ and relay copies, 326d. Telegraph records classified, 58, 251-260. Telephone service; contracts for, 8c; revenue from, 58; telephono records classified, 251-260. Temporary certificates retired, 6. Tenders of shipment; copies received, 173; notices of, 174. Testing; of materials and supplies, 1040; of em- ployees, 323a. Tickets; discharge tickets, 61e; time tickets, 6le, 68e, f; overtime and delayed-time tickets, 65; job tickets, 65, 68e, f; delivery tickets for materials and supplies, 103c; oil-run tickets, 127; receipt tickets for oil deliveries, 181. Time records of employees; time checks, 61e; time cards, 65; time books, 65, 68e, f; time tickets, 68e, f. Title papers for land, 21. Tools; assigned to district superintendents, 204; used in tankage work, 285. Tracers for correspondence, 326d. Traffic records classified, 91-94. Transfers; of stocks, 3d, f; of registered bonds, 4c; of funds, 31b, 32a; of agents’ accounts, 48; of oil credits, 121, 122, 125, 171b; of oil interests, 124. Transportation; collections, 51; revenues and settle- ments, 56; bills rendered for, 67). Traveling accountants’ and auditors’ reports, 48. Treasurer’s assets, verifications of, 49. Treasury records classified, 31-35. Treasury securities, 7. Trial balance sheets, 41c. Turnpike crossings, agreements for, 22b. 36 Unexpended appropriations, 50. Unissued bonds, 4f. Verifications of assets, 49. Voting lists and proxies, 5. Vouchers; for rents, license fees, and taxes paid, 24a; outstanding, 33); mailing lists, 33d; voucher records in general, 62. Wage certificates, 61e. Wage orders by employees, 215. Wages. (See Pay.) Water in tanks, 2884. ; ny gaugers’ reports By 220. tle certified copies of, 132," use of, 256c; reports of attachments, 257. Work orders, 65, 68¢, f. ‘ Work performed for others, bills for, 676. Working cash balancesin treasury, 3lc. Working funds; of agents, 34; of field cashiers} Working papers; for rate authorities, 94; for y tistics, 307. ALE 833