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IN WHICH ALL THE PROPOSITIONS IN THE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES INVENTED BY DR. WALLIS, RELATIVE TO THE SUMMATION OF INFINITE SERIES, AND, ALSO, THE PRINCIPLES OF THE DOCTRINE OF FLUXIONS ARE DEMONSTRATED TO BE FALSE; AND > THE NATURE OF INFINITESIMALS TS UNFOLDED. “RS Ha ar S Tee SS ee BY THOMAS TAYLOR. MIHI PARVA RURA, *PARCA NON MENDAX DEDIT, Ef MALIGNUM STERNERE VULGUS., HORAT, LONDON: PRINLED FOR THE AUT TZOR, AND TO BE HAD ONLY AT HIS HOUSE, NO. ©, MANOR-PLACE, WALWORTH. eee al ee Pe Se | 34 we JLT LMA PRAR BAR RAC | Tr val I HL { mee f oe > | | ee a ae, exbrrizotond SHT Wa BOM HE So ee BU TIATIVI TO DITEMBTIA MHT J 4) Oo & , , PRL KEG Gas ewe DNR 4 ite cS ae earn wernt % wor eie te ane, or ata ig ew apa A on ; + é ui ay a) af 4 { os S 4 : oe ioe 2 eee a. a ae i ; aS ie” = ts ia py A / f i a ri b ¢ ae a4 BLOTS EO AYAWEOOS RUE HO 2: \asionina ae es {Bashy Ba oF agradre snORwAETA fe eR ee: ery * ; PERG Os? > a Pe ts har ving tat 7 we i ome TA VaR YT 5 3 } a De & OTT EOGY YT Ol RTANMTERTIMIMAT £O MIT AR Ae, M a Lt) be eames me mm : ~ “ a eee ry eee a3 , a} 2° dpe gay Wate (eer Saar ico JOT? eh LOUD 044. me ‘ a, rege AYai2 TET ee "4 r 5: Nee Lae SR 1 EFS AN x foie ) a Pe Rie cee iss TO most readers by whom the present is considered as a very en- lightened age, it will doubtless appear monstrous to assert, that the ~oreatest of modern have been so far from adding any thing of import- ~ ance to the discoveries of ancient mathematicians, that some of their most splendid inventions are either wholly erroneous or remarkable _instances of the possibility of deducing true conclusions from unscien- - tific and false principles. Strange, however, as this assertion may ’ seem, the following elementary treatise demonstrates it to be true ; by showing that all the leading propositions of the Arithmetic of In- finites of Dr. Wallis are false, and that the Doctrine of Fluxions is a baseless fabric, and, in the language of the ingenious Bishop Berkley*, “* must be considered only as a presumption, as a knack, an art, or rather an artifice, but not a scientific demonstration.” If the following treatise, therefore, only detected the errors of some of the greatest modern, and vindicated the very scientific accuracy of * In his Analyst, p, 41. the , Pew Aa ws A BoE Gyts 82. 4 4 PREFACE, the ancient mathematicians, I should conceive that my time was by no means mispent in composing it; but as I presume it will also be found to unfold the nature of the mathematical infinite more satisfac- torily than it has hitherto been unfolded, I trust I shall obtain the commendation of the liberal and: the wise. As one of the principal discoveries in this treatise is, that in every infinite series of terms, whether integral or fractional, the last term mul- tiplied by the number of terms is equal to the sum of the scries, 1 rejoice to find as the result of this discovery, that it affords a most splendid instance of the absurdity which may attend reasoning by induction from parts to wholes, or from wholes to parts, when the wholes are themselves infinite. or this contributes to elucidate in no inean de- gree one of the most important dogmas 1 the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, to the promulgation of which philosophy I have devoted so considerable a part of my past life, and hope I shall be able to devote a the remainder. In short, it will be found from this treatise that the doctrine of infinite series, as cultivated by mathematicians of the present day, f not to be employed in accurate demonstrations, however useful it may be for practical purposes. For it is here demonstrated, that the frac- tions, from the expansion of which infinite series are produced, are not accurately to each other as one finite to another finite number. And it is likeywis> shown in a variety of instances, that an infinite series of an infinitely repeating decimal is less than an infinite series of the vulgar fraction of which the infinite repetends are the decimal, by the vulgar fraction itself, | Though PREFACE, es Though I am fully persuaded, however, that the propositions of this treatise, as they are founded on the most evident and indubitable prin- ciples, will stand the test of the most rigid scrutiny, yet from the treat- ment my labours have hitherto received by those who have undertaken to appreciate their merit, I well know that I am to expect gross mis- representation, and virulent abuse, whatever the hatred of envy can administer to the purposes of detraction, or the cunning of malignant sophistry can pervert. Butas the propagation of truth of the highest kind is the only aim of all my Jabours, accompanied with an earnest desire of benefitting through this mean my countrymen and all man- kind in the most important degree, I console myself amidst all the defamation which I have or may yet experience, with the consciousness of the integrity of my intention, and with the firm hope that at all times what I have written for the benefit of others will meet with the approbation of the wise and good.» For I have long since learnt from the school of Pythagoras, that the praise or reprehension of the stupid as alike ridiculous *. As some persons may object to my using the expression, the last term of an infinite series, as not only paradoxical, but a perfect solecism, I deem it necessary to observe, that nothing more is meant by this expression than that term of an infinite series which in whole numbers is the greatest, and in fractions the least, that can possibly exist in the series to which it belongs; which greatest or least term, as will be abundantly shown in the following treatise, can only be itself expressed * * Hyou mavtos avontou xs Tov emeuvoy Hab TOV Woyoy narayenasoy. DEMOPHILUS. viii PREFACE. by a fraction, which, when expanded, produces an infinite series. Those who are at all familiar with the Arithmetic of Infinites invented by Dr. Wallis, well know that the whole application of it depends on the admission of the last term of an infinite series. And the greatest term of an infinite series is frequently called by Dr. Wallis the last term”. I shall only add, that if the treatise of Aristotle on Indivisible Lines had been studied by the moderns as it deserves, their doctrine of fluxions and infinite series would not have been celebrated as it is at present, as will be immediately evident to those who understand that treatise and what is here delivered. * ae * Thus, too, Ward, in that part of his Young Mathematician’s Guide in which he treats of the Arithmetic of Infinites, uses the expression the last term in all his Lemmas respecting the summation of infinite series. THE THE ELEMENTS: OF THE PRO OA RUT IME TIT OF INFINITES, &e. vr *" a’ ne AE we i en ‘ed side “ : P ; ——_—_____—— ad infin. and an infinite series of I1—2 is infinitely small part of En 1—!}—1l—] —1—1, &c. P ; Fat 1—2—2—2-—2, kc. equal to ati . Thus, too, 1 —3 is the infinitesimal of er eri 1—4 fa and so of others. From hy Subtract I—1+1—1+1—1+1—1, &c. And the remainder is. +1—1I+ 1—1+1—I + I—1, &c. But by the second postulate the remainder added to what is subtracted is equal to the subtrahend. Hence the series 1—1+1—l1+1—1l, &c. added to 1—1+1—14+1—I, &c. is equal to 1. The series I—1+1—1+1—1, &c. is therefore equal to > and consequently I1—1 is an infinitesimal. For it cannot be 0, since an infinite series of 0, added to an infinite series of 0, can never be equal to I. In like manner, if from 1—I]—1+2—1—1+2—I1—1, &e. be subtracted 1—24+1+1—24+1+1—2+1, &c. the remainder is . 1—2+14+1—24+14+1-—2, &e. and therefore 1—2-+1 is an infinitesimal ; and so of the rest. Corot. 1. Hence such expressions as 1—l, 1—2+1, 1—2, &c. are neither quantities nor nothings, but they are something belonging to number, without being number ; just as a point which is the extremity of a line is something belonging to, without being a line. Coro. 6 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. Coro. 2. Hence, likewise, such expressions when they are considered as parts of infinite series, are not to be taken separate.from the terms by which they are expressed, viz. L—l1, for instance, is not to be considered as a subtraction of 1 from 1; for, in this case, it would be 0. Nor is 1-—2 to be considered as a subtraction of 2 from 1, since it would then be —i. But these expressions are always to be considered in connexion with the numbers by which they are formed. Coron. 3. Hence, the series which are called by modern mathematicians neutral and diverging series, are erroneously so called; for they are in reality converging’ series. PROP. II. { ae which There cannot be a greater number of terms in any infinite series than is equal to 1+1+4141, &c. ad infinitum. i For there is an uninterrupted continuity in the series 1-+1+1+1, &. and any addition which may be made to it, does not increase the number of terms, but the quantity of some term or terms. Thus, for instance, if 1 be added to —, the sum is 7, or 14+2+1+1+1+4+1, &c. the second term being by this mean increased, but no alteration being made in the number of terms. PROP, III. In the following infinite series, viz. 1+-24+3+4+45, &c. =, 1+4+9+ ‘ dean aI erg es 4-81-4256 + 695, &. = See &c, and I +-32 +943 + 1094 + 3125, &e. = SSS the last term of the first series will be 1+14+1-+1+1+41, &c. of the second series will be 14+3+5+749+11, &c. of the third series will be 14+-7419+37+61, &c. of the fourth series will be 14+15+65-+175+4 369, &e. THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &e. 7 &c. and of the fifth series will be 1+31+211+4-781 +2101, &c. the terms in each of these series being formed from the subtraction of the terms from each other in the infinite series of which these latter series are the last terms. The denominators, also, of the fractions, from the expansion of which these last terms are produced, are always less than the denominators of the fractions which express the sums of the series by one power. For 1+1+1+1+1, &c. ad infin. is evidently equal to the last term of the series 1+2+4+3+4+5, &c. ad infin. For the sum of 2 of these terms, begin- ning from the first term, viz. 1+1, is equal to the second term of the series 14243+4, &. The sum of 3 of the terms, beginning from the first term, viz. 1+1+1, is equal to 3, or the third term of the series. The sum of 4 of the terms, is equal to 4, or the fourth term of the series, and so on; and therefore the sum of the infinite series 1+1+1+1, &c. will be equal to the last term of the series 142+43+4, &c. In like manner | + 3 is equal to 4, the second term of the series 144+9+16, &. 1434-5 is equal to 9, the third term, and so on. And the same thing will be found to be true in the other series. It is also evident that the terms in the latter are formed from the subtraction of the terms from each other in the former series. Thus, 1+1+1-+1, &c. arises from the subtraction of 1 from 2, of 2 from 3, of 3 from4, &c.; and 1+3+5+7, &c. arises from the subtraction of 1 from 4, of 4 from 9, of 9 from 16, and so on; the first term 1 being except- ed. And the like may be shown in the other series. The fractions, likewise, from the expansion of which these last terms are Se are as follows: The fraction pak se equivalent to the first is ae kO the second i ea ae eet to the third is —— ene , to 14. 26406426-4 But the deno- tir é the fourth is Taree and to the fifth is TST EeTy minator of the fraction ——— the second a ie of the denominator of the is 2+17 fraction 3 the denominator of the fraction = , is the third power of 1—1, and the denominator of the fraction ts is only the second power of 1—}]. Thus, also, in the third series, the denominator l—4--6—4—1, is the fourth power of 1—1, but the denominator 1—3+3—I1, is only the third power of 1—1,; and so of the rest. Corot. If these series be supposed to begin from 0, then it is evident that the expressions, equivalent to their last terms, will be bo ao aaa O+ 8 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. l—1 o+!+11411+4+1 0+1+26+466426+1 e : Wa O—4-ET? MTS IO=TOFE=L An aos j 1s less than —— by —— 5 ily J é C4141. 1+1 Joax7 |S less than aecran bye = =1424+446+48+10, &c. and so of agree! PROP. IV. In each of the preceding series, whether it begins from O or from 1, the last term multiplied ty the number of terms, is equal to the sum of that series. For by Prop. Il. the number of terms in each of these series must be —. For there cannot be a greater number of terms, and the continuity in each of these series is uninterrupted. In the first of these series, therefore, beginning from 1, —x Wet Ya! 11 141 , 1 : in the second, —— x : 1 1 too). EY A PE i SL) in the third, Tas 14441 — 14441. 1 IfN4u41 — 11411441 1—3-+3—1 — 1-444 6—4+ 1” in the fourth, iAp 12544 Gasksbl 53 1—5+10—1045—1? 1+26+664+26+1 _ 142646642641 ; . and, in the fifth, Parte ena ae oe PO lS ae But if the series 1 of} — Of" 1 Ota OTT Ed begin from 0, it will be — x7, Serer aah ptiry Sepa et (ar aa , and so of the rest. Corou. [. Similar fractional expressions, also, whose denominators are the 6th, 7th, 8th, &c. powers of 1—1, will be found to possess the same property. Coron. 2. From this proposition, and the corollary to the preceding proposition, it follows that these series, when they begin from Q, are infinitely less than when they begin from 1. PROP. V. The following propositions in Dr. Wallis’s Arithmetic of Infinites are false, viz. “ Tf a series of numbers in arithmetical progression begin with. a cypher, and. the common difference be 1, if the last term be multiplied into the number of terms, the product will be double the sum of all the series. If THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 9 « Tfa series of squares, whose sides or roots are in arithmetical progression, beginning with a cypher, be infinitely continued, the last term being multiplied into the number of terms will be triple the sum of all the series. «Tf aseries of cubes, whose roots are in arithmetical progression, beginning with a cypher, be infinitely continued, the last term multiplied into the number of terms will be quadruple the sum of all the series, « If a-series of biquadrats, whose roots are in arithmetical progression, begin- ning with a cypher, be infinitely continued, the last term multiplied into the number of terms will be quintuple the sum of all the series.”’ For by the preceding proposition, the last term in each of these series multiplied by the number of terms is exactly equal to the sum of the series. Corot. Hence, as the whole of the Arithmetic of Infinites of Dr. Wallis is founded on the above false propositions, no part of that arithmetic is to be con- sidered as demonstrative ; and such conclusions in it, as may happen to be true, are not legitimately deduced. PROP. VI. The following propositions, also, in the Arithmetic of Infinites, are false. See the 84th and 85th pages of Dr. Wallis’s Treatise. “ Si series equalium serie primanorum respective muletetur (puta, si primus. terminus hujus a primo illius auferatur, secundus a secundo, &c.) residua erunt semissis totius: sin ita augeatur, aggregatorum serics erit exposite seriei equalium sesquialtera.” For the ereatest and last term of the series 0+-14-2-+-3-++4, &. = re is . . a. % : 1 equal to = which being multiplied by the number of terms, gives Te And if be taken from this, the remainder will be 0, and not = of the whole. 1 1—2+-1 ; Cc The 10 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c, The series also of the aggregates will be eae which to the series of the equals, 1 . ; ete will be double, and not sesq uialter. Again, “ Si series equalium mulctetur serie secundanorum, tertianorum, quar- tanorum, &c. residua erunt totius duo trientes, tres quadrantes, quatuor quin- tantes, &c. Sin ita augeatur, erunt aggregata ejusdem sesquitertium, sesqui- quartum, sesquiquintum, &c.” O+1+1 Ps aa? the last and greatest For in the series O+1+449+416, &. — is the number of terms; and 7 x aie = = the sum of the series of the greatest term. Then if ree be OFM senda 1 2-7 ic — term is O+1+1 b—343—1 taken from this sum, the remainder is 0, and not ; of the whole. O--1+44+1_ Thus, also, in the series O+1+4+8+27+64, &c. = tO aE the last and greatest term is Soe or BABE o+14+4+41 O+14+4+1 _OF14441_ = 1S equal to Tote saat Th 12446-4405 T-4-46- 441 is 0, and not 2 of the whole. PROP. VII. To demonstrate in various other series of whole numbers, that the last term multiplied by the number of terms is equal to the sum of the series. This is true in the series of terms in arithmetical progression, 14+-3+5+-7+9, &e,—=—t'.. For the last term will be equal to atl, or 14+-2424+24+2, &c. 1—2+1 the addition of the terms of this series Ope. 3, 5, 7,9, &e. And - xX 1 tt ay OF the sum of the series. ~ THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF I[NFINITES, &e. 1? a Thus, also, in the series 1-+-4+7+104+13, &c. = te TK, the number of terms is 1 . 142 =i 1+2_ pop and the last term iss—>. And —— Xe is equal tn ewe Again, in the series 1+3+6+410+15, &. = = iF series 14+-24+34+4+5, &e, = and the number of terms is — and — —-, the last term is the 1 1—-2+17 1-3+4+3-1° And in the series 1+6-+4-24+ 80, &. = = roi the last term is met (rence T—1 i and the number of terms | By icon is—s P-6--i225" 1 a and —— apm os PROP. VIII. In every series of terms in arithmetical or geometrical progression, or in any progression in which the terms mutually exceed each other, the last term is equal to the first term, added to the second term, diminished by the first ; added to the third term, diminished by the second ; added to the fourth term, diminished by the third; andso on. And if the number of terms be infinite, the last term is equal to the series multiplied by 1—1. Let the terms, whatever the series may be, be represented by a, b, c, d, e, then atb —~a+e—b+d—c+e—d=a -+-b—a +-c—b +d—e +e—d =e ° But if the number of terms be infinite, viz. if the series be a+-b+c+d+e+f+g, &c. ad infin. then this series multiplied by l—1, will be ) | c2 a+ 12 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMBTIC OF INFINITES, &c, atb+c+d+e+ft+g, &e. i-] a+b+c+d+e+f+g, we —a—b—c—d—e—f, &c. =a+b—a+c—b+d—c+e—d+f—e+g—f, &e. Cor. Hence, when the series is infinite, the last term of it will be equal to the series connected with a negation of itself. For by the first proposition of the 2d Book of Euclid, a+b+c+d+e+f+g, &c. multiplied by 1—1 is equal to axl—l+bx1l—1+cxl—l+dx1—1, &. = a~—a+b=-b+c-—-c+d—, the series 14-24+3+4-+5, &. must be the square of the series 1-+-1-+1+-1, &c.; for if itis not, the algebraic rules of subtraction and division are false, and also the common mode of multiplication ; and it is strange that any man in his senses, who understood the elements of arith- metic 14 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. metic and algebra, should make such an assertion. But lest some one should still pervicaciously contend that Dr. Cheyne is right, the following is a complete de- monstration of the contrary. To multiply 1+1+1+1, &c. by itself, is the same thing (by the 4th postulate) as to add this series to itself, L+1+1+1, &c. times, viz. it will be equal to stot &c. infinitely, or kn bag ae a But ee is 1 equal to 14+243+4+5, &c. or rather ae is equal to ees 1-1 =14243+44, &. This, however. is owiag to the wonderful nature of the infinite. That the infinite, indeed, has a power very different from the finite, was not unknown in some instances to Dr. Wallis, as is evident from the following observation made by him in his Arithmetica Infinitorum, p. 13], 132.“ Si series subsecundanorum aliquousque continueter, putaYO+Y14+72+Y3tyVity5t+y6, ipsius ratio ad maximum toties positum, puta 7/6, non videtur alias explicabilis VOLVIFV24-V34V44V5S4V6 OF 4-724-734-7247 54-76, &e. quam 7 6 vel CU ee Ome Verum si eadem series supponatur in infinitum continuanda, prodibit tandem ratio 2, vel 2 ad 3, aut | ad I3, ut dictum est prop, 53, 54. ipsa quidem infinitate (quod mirum videatur) irrationabilitatem destruente.”” Dr. Wallis, however, had no conception of the difference between the power of an infinite and a finite whole, in the way we have already explained. PROP. IX. Numbers connected together by an affirmative or negative sign are different from the same numbers when actually added together, or subtracted, and expressed by one number. | Thus 1+ 1 isnot the same as 2; for 1+1 subtracted from 2 leaves the infinite- simall—1. ‘Thus, too, 1+ 1+ subtracted from 3 leaves 2—1—1; 1+1+1+1 subtracted from 4, leaves 3—1—}-1, And farther still, 2+] is not the same as 142. For 2+1 subtracted from 3 leaves L—J, but 1+2 subtracted from 3 leaves THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 15 leaves 2—2, the double of 1—1. And, universally, a greater number preceding a less, and connected with it by an aflirmative sign, is greater than a less number preceding a greater, and connected with it by an affirmative sign. But as numbers connected together by an affirmative sign are together less than the same numbers when added and expressed by one number; on the contrary, numbers connected together by a negative sign, are together greater than the remainder when they are actually subtracted. Thus, 2—1 exceeds 1 by 1~1, just as 1+-1 is less than 2 by l—1. But 3—2 is still greater than2—1, because 3—2 is equal to | added to2—2, but 2—1 is equal to 1 added to l1—1. Again, 4—3 is still greater than 3—2, and so in other expressions of this kind. Also, oa = 241; and 3—1—1-—1, is equal 2—1—1 is equal to thrice 1—1; for to six times 1—1; for = == 3-+4-2+-]. Innumerable other instances will easily present themselves to the mathematical reader, in illustration of this proposition. Corot. Hence the reason is obvious why -+ Tag = 143464124244 48, Ke, is so much less than ——, = 24+448+16+32, &. For the difference between the two is the series 1 +-1+2+4-+8, &c. = —, the difference between os, and att, and so in an infinity of other ene Coron. 2, As — = 2+1, hence sai is equal to 3. For saaj=t - b> & ttt- gotde~en &.=ft+7 sts, &. = 7 Am1 =z PROP, X. Such expressions ae Ll.=—1,1..—-1L 1... =-I,1.... —1, &€. are respect- ively equal to the double, triple, quadruple, quintuple, &c. of 1-1. For 16 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &e; - For 1-+1 multiplied by 1 —1, is equal to 1. —1; 1-1] x1l+1+l=1.:-1; f-—1x1+14+1+l=1...—1; l-1lx1414+1+1+1=1....—1, &. PROP. XI. The sum of the arithmetical series of odd numbers 1+3+-54+7+9, &c. when the number of terms is infinite, is equal to the square of the number of terms re: det baci. 5 i) 141 multiplied by1+1. For this series is equal to iat 0 Take haba Corot. 1. Hence the series ]+3+45-++-'7, &c. isto the series 1+2+3-+4, &c, as 1+1 to 1, but not as 2 to l. Corot. 2. Hence, also, the assertion of modern mathematicians, that the sum of any number of terms of the arithmetical series of odd numbers, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, &c. is equal to the square of that number, is false. PROP. XII; The following proposition of Sturmius, in his Elements of the Mathematics, is false, when the number of terms is infinite, viz. “ If the first term of never so many continued proportionals be subtracted from the last, and the remainder divided ‘by the name of the ratio lessened by unity, the quotient will be equal to the sum of all except the last.” For, in the first place, in whole numbers, let the series of continued propor- tionals be, &c. the last term of this series will be equal to —, and the first term subtracted from this will give a a But this divided by the 1—1—142 name of the ratio lessened by unity, i.e. by 1, will still be ee The sum, however, of all the terms, except the last, will be me less by ~e or — 1—1—1+2 L1— and not Sturmius THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 17 Sturmius endeavours to prove the truth of this proposition in fractions, by tak. ing the series backward, and then reckoning a cypher or O for the first term. But this is not to be admitted, because the first term in this case (or in reality the last term) is not 0, but an infinitely small quantity, which in accurate arithmetical demonstrations is never to be taken for 0, as the following instances abundantly evince. Let the series of fractions be £+4+41, &c.==1. The last term of this Lit 2—1-2—2 , ; series is eae and if this be taken from +, the remainder is —————,, which di- 1 4—2 vided by 1 is by no means accurately equal to+. For it is equal to the series + = + ae eS &c. Thus, too, in the series $4+<+.2,, &c. = — the last term is — And if this be taken from 4, the remainder is a3 | which divided by the name of at 35d : eee But, according to the ratio lessened by unity, i.e. by 2, will give = Sturmius, the quotient should be accurately +. SCHOLIUM. The rambling and preeipitate genius of modern mathematicians, eager to arrive at some conclusion which may be applic .ble to practical purposes, neglects that rigid accuracy of demonstration, which may be called the impregnable fortress of the mathematical science, and for which the genius of ancient mathematicians was so pre-eminently distinguished. The following instance, however, will show in a strong point of view the ne- cessity of considering infinitely small quantities as different from 0. ae 1424344, &c. and oa = 143454749, &c. and 2 +4464 84 10, &c. The difference between 2 and 1+1 is 1—1 (by Prop. 9.), and 1 is to 1+] as 1424344, &. is to143+5+47, &. But 1 is to 2, as 1+243+4, D &C, 18 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. &c. is to 2+4+4+6+8, &. So that there is the same difference between the ratio of 1 to 1+1, and 1 to 2, as there is between 14+-24+3--4, &c. to 14+-34+5+7, &e. and 14+2+4+3+4+4, &. to 2+446+4+8, &. PROP. XIII. Distributed is not to collected number in the ratio of collected to collected finite number. Thus a--a is not to 3a as to 2to 3, nor as 4 to 6, nor as any one collected. to any other collected finite number. For a-+-ais to 3a as ste is to at or as aa a--a 3a ole to a eiaet or as 4 to awe acl &c. That is, as a+2a+2a+2a, &c. infinitely to 3a+3a+3a, &e. infinitely, or as a+3a+5a+7a, &c. to 3a+6a+9a+12a, &ce. or as ee &c. to 3a+9a+ 18a+30a, &c. But 2a to 3a, or 2 to 3, is as — to -— => OF a8 a3 to <7 or as eae to aE eS i.e. as 24+2+2, &. to 34+3+43, &c. or as 2+4+6+4+8, &c. to Van debS aul 3+64-9-+ 12, &c. or as 24+6+12-+20, &. to34+9418+430, &e. Y PROP. XIV. To demonstrate the errors of Waring and Ronayne. Waring endeavours to prove that Boe i is equal to 4 when p=1; and if this be admitted, it will follow that p—p raised to an infinite power, ie divided by L—p will, whenp= 1, be equal to 1+1+4+1+1+1, &c. ad infin. viz. ae = 1+1+1+1, &c. which is evidently absurd. But the division of Waring is by no means ac-

THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 19 an infinitesimal, which is quadruple of 1—p when p=1, (by Prop. 10). The division, therefore, is to be made as follows: l—p) p..- —p* (p+p*+p*+p* p—p +p’ st ak. +p* +p° nae p* +p* —p* sin ‘and ‘ And Ronayne in his Algebra, p. 456, asserts, “‘ That any finite quantity what- ever, added to or taken from an infinite one, does not increase or diminish the said infinite one. For *— is by division found to be = r+r+r+4+r, &e. r3 R é Arte e Cy. ee, ee r3 29 +— ; consequently —— + or — any finite number of r*’s 1s = —.” To prove the fallacy of this reasoning, it must be observed that — with r*7-+-r?-+r°-+1" pre- ceding it, is not the same as — when no r* precedes it; and the difference between them is as follows: rs r3 ane i x3 r3 a _—_ —, 1yl ———= ess ! ai epee Divide this by —-=— —> r3 r3 r3 r3 t—r. r—r ards cee. as ee APH l+r el. r3 r r—-r r—r r3 Wis; r3 rs I—r rr rs pe r3 rs rar r—r r3 rs aS r—E r3 r ror fr—r p 2 ; Viz; 29 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &e. p : r3 56d r3—rF : i] : viz. Since —- — —-= = 1’, it follows that—— . . . . —— = 4’. Fe Pf Yr—r Y¥=—r i r—r e — 3 mr. In other words =r frttr? +r’, PROP, XV. All the conclusions of Bernoulli in his treatise De Arte Conjectandi, respecting what he calls the 12th property of figurate numbers, are false, the first conclu- sion excepted, when the number of terms is infinite. Thus it is false, that the sum of the infinite series O+ 4424344, &c. is to the sum of an infinite series of terms equal to the last term of this series, as | to 9, as we have before shown in Prop. V. It is, also, false, that the sum of the infinite series 0+-0+1434+6+10, &c. is to the sum of an infinite series of terms equal to the last or greatest term, as 1 to 0+0-+41 3. For the sum of this series is seas ae the last or greatest term of the series . OF0+41 | joys 1 O+0+1_ O+F0+41 as Race and the number of terms is s—>- But >— x 74 =icoggci’ Thus, likewise, it is false, that the sum of the infinite series 0+0+0+4+1+4+4 10-++20, &c. is to the sum of an infinite series of terms equal to the last term, as O+04041 | OFO4+041 9a 1446-441? i—3--3e—Es® iu a 1 O-+0+0+41 0+0+0+1 4 er of terms is ——. naaiO EW Spe Si it Ak (Sd Te Sas the numb ean But isl Mae pace tee eee 1to4. For the sum of this series is the last term is In a similar manner all the other conclusions may be shown to be false,. when the number of terms is infinite. Thus, too, his conclusions concerning the squares, cubes, fourth powers, &c. of the natural numbers J, 2, 3, 4, &c: when continued to mfinity, are false. Thus, THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. a1 Thus, for instance, it is false, that the sum of all the squares 1, 4, 9, 16, 25, &c.. ad infinitum, is one third of the cube of the last or greatest term of this series, together with half the square of the said term, and a sixth part of the said term itself. For the last term of this series of squares is the infinite series 1 +3+-5+7, &c. the cube of which is 1+6+42-+-138, &c. But 3)14+6+42+138, &e. = ff 9 V4 TAG Ge And Lth f . The eh are ¢ Z+3+954 185, &e. And a < part of the said term is ‘ Dapipher nish Ge’ | 1+5242454652, &c. = the sum, which is by no means equal to 14+4+4+9+416, &. PROP. XVI. To demonstrate the eause of the error in the leading propositions of Dr. Wallis’s Arithmetic of Infinites, To demonstrate this, I shall take the instance adduced by him in square num- bers, as it will easily be seen that the absurdity with which this is attended will also attend all the other examples. His proposition is as follows: ‘ If a series of squares, whose sides or roots are: in arithmetical progression, beginning with a cypher, be infinitely continued, the last term being multiplied into the number of terms, will be triple the sum of the whole series.” That is, according to Dr. Wallis’s pretended proof by induction, ‘CATA pa 12737 12° eter atta Zo! u (094949497 36— 18-3" 18° (USF IGLIGT 1G FIG 780+ 8 aa 3 tae Me lb 293 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. In the first of these instances, it.is evident that 5, the sum of ‘the series, exceeds one-third of the last or greatest term, so many times repeated as is the number of terms in the series by I, i.e. by ¢; of 4+4+4. In the second in- stance, 14, the sum of the series, exceeds one-third of 36 by 2, which is equal to , of 94+949+9. And, in the third instance, 30 exceeds the one-third of 80 by the 4; part of 16+16+16+16+16, which is equal to 34. Hence, Dr. Wallis concludes, that since the excess above 4 continually decreases, if the series be infinitely continued, the excess will then become infinitely small, viz. in effect nothing. It is somewhat strange that so great a mathematician as Dr. Wallis undoubtedly was, should not have perceived that the <>; of 4+4+4, the +, of 949494449, and the 2, of 16+16 +16+16+16, viz. 1, 2, 34, are continually increasing quotients, though ,, 7';, and . continually decrease, and consequently that the sum of the series when continued to infinity, will exceed 4 of an infinite number of terms equal to the greatest, by a number infinitely great, Hence the excess of the sum of the series above 4 of the aggregate of an infinite number of terms equal to the greatest, when the series is infinitely continued, will be an infinite number ; and this excess, as we have before shown, added to 5 of the said aggregate, is exactly equal to the sum of the series. In finite terms, therefore, such decreasing fractions, as +z, 3's, 2;> &c. being con- sidered as parts of unity, at length end in a fraction, which is an infinitesimal; but in such infinite series as the above, they are no longer to be considered as parts of unity, and they end in a fraction which is indicative of an infinite series of whole numbers, PROP. XVII. To demonstrate the error of Dr. Wallis respecting the 10th Proposition of the treatise of Archimedes on Spiral Lines. Dr. Wallis in his Algebra, (p. 299) where he endeavours to defend the demon- strations (as he fancies them) by induction, employed by him in his Arithmetic of Infinites, THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF [NFINITES, &c, 23: Xnfinites, observes as follows: ‘‘If any think it necessary, or worth while, to make a solemn demonstration of each of those propositions in particular, I shall give an example in one out of Archimedes, which may be a pattern for any who please to imitate it in the rest. It shall be of that which concerns the collection (or aggte- gate) of the squares of numbers in arithmetical progression, beginning at 0, (as of 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, &c.) which I say is equal to 4 mil + 4,"". A third part of so many times the greatest square ; and, moreover, such a part of so many times the greatest, as is | of six times that number, wanting one. « And it is in substance the same with Archimedes, Prop. X. of Spiral Lines ; save that, as my series begins at 0, his begins at 1, or that which is the common excess of the progression, and what he applies particularly to lines, (as suiting his present occasion), I apply, indifferently, to any quantities in such arithmetical progression. * His proposition is this: Jf any number of straight lines be assigned equally ex- ceeding one another in continual progression, and the common excess equal to the least of them; and as many others-each of which are equal to the greatest of those: the squares of all these equals together, with one more such square, and a rectangle con= tained by that least and one equal to all those unequals first proposed ; are the triple of the squares of all those unequals first proposed, so proceeding by equal excessese Which I express thus : “‘ Suppose any number of arithmetically proportionals, a, b, c, d, &, whereof the greatest a, the least e, and this also the common excess, and the number of alln: Thenis, EF say, naa+aa, +e into a+b+c+d+e=3 into aa+bb-+ce, + dd,-+ ee.” In this citation, Dr. Wallis is egregiously mistaken in supposing that Archi- medes intended his proposition should apply to an infiuite series of terms, and, therefore, that it is in substance the same with the proposition of the Doctor. For Archimedes neither in this, nor in any other part of his works, employs ifinite seties 3 nor, indeed, do any of the great geometricians. of antiquity ever employ: either the infinitely great or the infinitely small, though the moderns, m order to support their false reasonings and hypotheses, fondly imagine that their method of 94 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. of demonstration, where the infinite is concerned, is the same with that whick was adopted by the ancients in finite quantities, though somewhat disguised. It is evident, however, that Archimedes did not intend his proposition should apply to an infinite series of terms; for he says, “ If any number of straight lines be assigned.” Butan infinite number of lines cannot be assigned, though an expression may be given equivalent to the swm of them. What follows is a demonstration that this proposition is not true when the number of terms is infinite. 1 yi ———,, n, or the number of terms is 1—2+1 1 ; 1 Oh 3) a areaia OF the greatest term, is also Tay > oF the least term, and which is also In the infinite series 1+2+43 +4, &. = aa. . 1 1 1 1 the common excess is 1. Hence —— x = =naa, and (peer eig 1-1 «1—2+4+1 +=«21-—3+4+3-—1 I 1 2—5-1:4—1 1 : B t ——__——_- —es SO l ———_—_ El ¥ j=3gs mE Toot 1—5+10—10+5—1 naa-+aa, and 1 x 1341 nto 1 1— 3-1 =34+7+4+124-18425, &c. But 3 into aa+bb-+cc+dd 2-544—-1 a+b4+-c+d+e, &. = petite pew ae = 3—14+426—24111—2 1—7+421 —354+35 —214+7—1 +ee, &c. = eer xo = ee — 3412497448475, &c. And, hence, 343 3—14426-24411-2 re pil Jee 0885 ole lt a ee alee This, also, added to PROP. XVIII. In the series 1—1+1—1+1-1, &c. ad infin. produced from the expansion of 1 IV And this last term, multiplied by the number of terms, will also be equal to the sum the last term is evidently 1—1; for all the terms are equal to each other. 1 1 and not —— teak Laie of the series; but then, in this series, the number of terms is viz. the number of terms is the half of = This x THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &¢. a | This will be at once evident, by arranging the one series under ‘the’ Pape: as below. “Leah Ba lot I I). — Le le ee: Life ea, th. tg42l, -.43hua se) ges Thea 1-1 xs=t ed NE PA, et Corox. Thus, also, the last term of the series Fey. +1—1.+1—1.+1-1., &c. produced from the expansién of 3 + is still irk but the number of ‘terms in this series is equal to —i or 4 of os and = ; x 1-1 is equal to etsy =—[—], +1-—1. +] —I, &c. and so of other similar expressions. PROP. XIX, Po : ~The difference between 1 + and wr OR a and the difference between 4 and ai i sat a when —— : Zap? and 4 are expanded before they are subtracted. For + 1 — $+35+54+7> &= at i a 5 Zhe os? &c. _ = And + . 1 — gtrstertas, &e tg ons 23 at ae Eo hen 1s . . peg | Cor. 1. In like manner the difference between £ and = is ae and between sand —— is = and so of others. £ Cor. 26 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE AREFHMETIC OF INFENITES; &c.. Cor. 2. Hence the fractions, from the expansion of which infinite series are. produced, are not accurately to each other, as one collected finite to another col-. lected finite number. PROP. XX. 1 Fae eae He Bel 32 4-a La a) infinite distributed number, so when not expanded, they will represent infinite As such expressions as &c. when expanded produce collected number. For infinite collected number can no otherwise subsist than causally, or accord-. ing to the infinite in. power, of which mode of subsistence these expressions. are: obvious images. PROP. XXL To demonstrate the difference between infinite series of distributed whole num- bers, and infinite collected numbers. 1. The difference between —— ; and 1+44+1+4+14+1, &c. is L For Nee 1—1 if1fiti+1, & _ 1-1 _ | eee SP i et cee ee I 142434445, &c. 1—1 2. The difference between -———— and bi acts: damemesce =, when ex- —2+% 1 To panded 141414141, &c. And the difference between ——-—— and 3-431 bea &e. Lael inate. when expanded, 14+2+3+44+5, &c. and so of others. Cor, THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITRS, &e. a7 Con. Hence the difference between en infinite series of whole numbers collected, and an infinite series of whole numbers distributed, is equal to the last term of the distributed series. Thus = is equal to the last term of the series jer, | i+l+14], &c.; a equal to the last term of the series 14+2+3+44+5, &ce.; and is evident from Prop. III. is equal to the last term of the ‘series 14+-3+6+410, &c. as 1—1 1+—3+3—1 PROP. XXIL. ‘Yo represent the difference ‘between —- and i, in infinite series of whole numbers. Let — and also + be multiplied by oy the product in the first instance will 1 “3-3-1 &c. the difference between the two series being 14+141+44., &c, And conse- quently — is to t as $4+44+24+15, &. is to 1+141+1+1, &. But if 2 b =5+4+2+44, &. and, in the second instance, will be 1 +1+1+1+1, = 16? Pa and also + be multiplied by a greater infinity, as by eee the product of == 14542", &. and of the latter will be the former will be Baten 2—5+4—1 142+3+4, &e. ae | 1 Coron. 1. In like manner the difference between —y and + between —— and 3, ‘and so on, may be shown ‘in infinite series of whole numbers: and thus, as Plato ‘says of justice in a republic, and in the human soul, we shall evidently see, as it ‘were, in large, what is not so obvious in small letters. Corot. 2. Every infinitely repeating decimal, therefore, is by mo means ac- scurately the same as the fraction of which it is the decimal. Thus, for instance, EB 2 z 98 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF: INFINITES, &ew 3» when resolved into a decimal, is ,6 666, &c. ad infinitum, and:this is equat to er 6 ha 6 10 * 100 * To00 T Too00r &° 20-2--18 50-3 | 1S; , But the difference between. +. and>— Sah csp be PROP. XXIII. To show the difference between infinite series of decimal fractions, and infinite series of the vulgar fractions, of which those decimal fractions are the decimals. 1. An infinite series of the decimal of +, is less than an infinite series of + by +, an infinitely small quantity excepted. For the decimal of + is equal to are and because the denominator 10—1 is greater than 9 by 1—1 (by Prop. IX.) the fraction — is less than $. But the difference between the two is sie and this mulunhed by a is equal to Si ers = a, == +, an infinitely small antite excepted, arising from 10—1 being greater than 9 by 1-1. 2. Again, an infinite series of the last term of the decimal of 4 is equal to 4.. The like is also true of an infinite series of the decimals of +, ~,, ¢,, and +4. =i +o tae &c. The last é . Rae: For the decimal of 518 ,dddd, &e. = ‘ Tab a Fdae? O—1 e . 3—3 e . 3-3 . term also of this series Tee and an infinite number of ony Om other words, 1 3-3. O95 5a : + js ,LIIIITI La Pree equal to Oni = 3" Thus, also, the decimal of > 1s , 1 1 1 1 ‘ eee l = YH i is —-— and ——~x &c Tr te T1000" &c. The last term of this series ae} rey 11 iy ae Again, ‘ THE ELEMENTS. OF THE TRUE’ ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES,. &c. 29, as 6 6 6 Again, the decimal of +; i Cg Rae MET &c. The 6 6 6 $0. ato aon = To ee 1 ae et bs last term is re > and = X71 = eI =, And: the decimal’ ota; is * nae ee as 1 05555 ee —— -}- —_ : is 2° —— 305555, &e ae ae = at ss &c. The last term an and aay X tos Jag T Cor. The last term of every infinitely repeating decimal will zither be — multiplied by some one of the numbers between | and 10, This is evident from the nature of decimals and the preceding. And if it should happen that the numerator of the last term is 0, then the first number preceding 0 may be lawfully considered as the numerator of the last term, because a cypher to the right hand makes no alteration in the value of a decimal. 3. Thus, also, an infinite series of the decimal of } is less than an infinite series of t a bY @. a 1 2 4 For the decimal of { is equal to =°,. =—-+.-—+4 —_ , BAS <4 3, xa Dpg a ind TBS &c, and the dif ; rn 3! EL oye OR ference between } and Fa solivte aca ae He =7°-**, and dividing by ;{, this pu Lo ack ig 3 To fraction will be equal to as and this multiplied by — is equal to £. 4, Thus, too, an infinite series of. the decimal of 1° is less than an infinite series. of sr by 34 1 2 3 nae Ok Tsang 75 Ex a —— ee a 19 + 100 &c. and the For the decimal of 13 is equal to Spee oP 81 84 difference between 44 and this is ae ELLE 5 oe supsseeis, and dividing by 24 — ths See a iohael i) (eal ted) /10—10 f this fraction will be equal to ae cis Soee ae = 8 = , and this multi- 81000 81000. To TO 81 ° plied by —— Is equal to 33. PROP. 30 ‘THE ELEMENTS ‘OF THE “TRUE ARITHMETIC OF TNFINIPES, Wc. PROP. XXIV. In an infinite series of terms, each term of the series, except the first term, is ‘by its position less than it would be in the place of the first term, by an infinite- simal ; and the value of ‘every-term of an infinite series, with respect to its value in the place of the first term, decreases in proportion to its distance from the first term. Let at+b+c+d+e+f, &c. be any infinite series whatever, then the value of b, which is in the second place from a, is to the value of it in the place of a, as b to O+b, or as b to. b, and the difference between the two is the infinitesimal b—b; for b minus 0+b = b=—b. In like mapvner’the value of the third term c in the third place froma, is to its -value in the place of a as c to0+0-+c, and the difference between the two is the anfinitesimal c . —c equal twice c~c. Thus, also, the value of d, with respect to its value at a, is the infinitesimal d.. —d, and so of the rest. As these in- finitesimals, also, increase, it is evident that the value of the terms decreases in proportion to their distance from the first term. Corot. Hence the terms of an infinite series, the first term excepted, are not -accurately to each other 4n the ratio of finite to finite number. ‘Thus, for instance, ‘the terms in the series 1++24+3-4+-4+-5, &e. are accurately as follow : 1 ‘0+2 0+0+3 ‘0+0+0+4 040+ 04+0+5, &. 14+-243+4+45, &e. But THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE AREPHMETIC OF INFINITES, &e. 3k But 0+-2 is less than 2: by 2—2, 0+0+43 is less than 3 by 3. ~3, 0404044 is lessthan 4 by 4.. —4, and 0+0+0+40+5 is less than5by 5...—5. Again, 2—2=1-1x2, 3.—3=1—1x3+3, 4..—-4=1—-1x44444, andd...—5 =1l-—-1x54+54+5+4+5. But 2 minus twice 1—1 is not accurately either to 1, or 2, or 3, or any term in this series, as one finite number to another. For it is, for F o+2 . : : instance, to 2 as 5 ie to , le. as the aggregate of the series 0-+-2+4 2 1-241 +6-+-8, &c. to the aggregate of the series 2+4+4+6+8, &c.;. the difference be- tween which aggregates is , or the aggregate of the infinite series 2-+-2+ 2—2 1—2+1 2+2, &c. And, ina similar manner, it will be found that 042 is not to any other number in this series (and therefore is not to any number) in the ratio of one finite number to another. The like conclusion, also, may easily be deduced respecting each of the other terms. So great is the power. of position in numbers in a continued series,. PROP. XXV. To show in a still stronger point of view the power of position in numbers in a. continued series. Conceive two infinite series, each consisting of the same terms, to be disposed according to two right. lines which are at right angles to each other, in the fol- towing manner : B 14+24+3+4+4+45+6; &. 2 Here 32 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, ‘&c. Here each term, except the first, in the series A, will exceed its corresponding term in the series B, by the difference noticed in the corollary to the preceding proposition. But if the terms of the two series consist of infinite aggregates, then the difference between. any two corresponding terms, instead of being the finite multiple of an infinitesimal, will be a certain number. Thus, for instance, let the two series be as follow: B toto tip & te] ° lel l=] Here the second term in the series A will exceed the second term in the series B by font = — = poate = 1. The third term in the series A will exceed the third term in the series B by — oo == i=” =—1+1]. The fourth term in the former’ will exceed the fourth term in the Jatter by _ — a Lee.’ an =1+1+4. Cor. 1. In these two ‘instances the series are disposed according to length and ‘breadth ; but if another ‘infinite series, consisting of the same terms, is disposed according to depth, ‘from the first term in each, then the difference between each term in that third series, and its corresponding term in the series B, wiil be double ‘of the difference between the same term in A, and the same term in B, as may be easily inferred. For the terms in the third series, or the series of depth, will ‘have the same relation to the terms in the series A, that the terms in the series A have te those in B. ‘Cor. THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 33 Coron. 2. If, also, the series A and B are transposed, so that B may be parallel to the former situation of A, and A may be in the former situation of Bb, then each term, except the first in the series B, will be greater than its correspond- ing term in the series A. PROP, XXVI. Proper or simple vulgar fractions are not quantities, but are media between such ‘expressions as |—], 1—2, &c. and unity; and unity is the principle of discrete quantity, but is also itself without quantity. For proper fractions, either when multiplied into themselves, or into each other, become diminished, aud whole numbers, when multiplied by them, are also diminished, which is a property contrary to that of discrete quantity or number. When a less proper fraction also divides a greater, the quotient is greater than the dividend ; and this is likewise the case when a proper fraction divides a whole number. Hence they are media between such expressions as 1—1, 1—2, &c. and. 1, For the expressions 1-1, 1—2, &c. are increased when added to, but diminished when multiplied into themselves, and the division of the greater by the less produces an infinite increase ; unity is increased when added to, but receives no increase when multiplied into itself, nor yet is diminished by such multiplica- tion ; and proper fractions are increased when added to, but diminished when mul-. tiplied into themselves, and the division of the greater by the less produces a finite increase, viz. the quotient becomes finitely greater than the dividend: But that unity properly so called is indivisible, and therefore is not number, is thus demonstrated by the Platonic Theo of Smyrna (in Arithmet. p. 23) : © Unity is terminating quantity, the principle and element of numbers, which remains un- diminished by the most immense multitude of subtractions, and being deprived of all number, continues firm and fixed, because it is impossible for division to pro- ceed beyond the bound of unity. Thus, if we separate any one corporeal sub- stance into parts, the one again becomes many ; and by subtracting the several parts we end in one part; and from this remaining part, again divided, arises multitude; and by taking away every part, we again arrive at one, So that one LN considered. 34 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, se considered as one, is incapable of diminution, and perfectly indivisible. On the contrary, every number is diminished by division, and is separated into parts less than itself; as the number 6 into 3 and 3, or into 4 and 2, or into 5and 1. But unity in sensible particulars, if divided, is diminished after the manner of body, and by division is distributed into parts less than itself; but it receives increase after the manner of number ; for, instead of the one, multitude is produced. In this sense, therefore, is unity indivisible ; for nothing is divided into parts greater than itself. But that which is cut into parts greater than the whole, and into parts equal to the whole, is divided as number. Thus, for instance, if any one sensible body is divided into six parts, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, these shall be equal to the whole; but by a section into 4 and 2, itis divided into parts greater than the whole, considered as one; for 4 and 2 considered as numbers, exceed unity, and the body was supposed to be one. Unity, therefore, is perfectly indivisible. But unity is called povxs, only or alone, either because it remains immoveable and does not desert itself, nor surpass the bounds of its nature (for it remains the same, however multiplied into itself through an infinite progression), or because it is placed separate and apart from the multityde of other numbers, it is de- nominated the monad or one.” PROP. XXVII. Negative quantities, which it would be more proper to denominate negations of quantity, agree with such expressions as 1—1, 1—2, &c. in this, that in multi- plying quantity (i.e. affirmative quantity, which is quantity properly so called), they produce the non-quantitive, or negations of quantity, but they differ from them in this, that when multiplied into themselves, or into each other, they pro- duce quantity properly so called. Thus, let —a and —b represent any negative quantities whatever, and +b any affirmative quantity whatever, then —ax-+bm-—ab. But —ax—-a=-+aa, and —ax —bo=-+ab. Cor, THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF [NFINITES, &c. 35. Cor. Hence, by this and the preceding proposition, between negative quantities and unity, there are two media, viz. such expressions as 1—1, 1—2, &c. and proper or simple vulgar fractions. GENERAL SCHOLIUM. I have clearly shown, in my Dissertation on Nullities and Diverging Series, that such expressions as | —1, 1—2+1, 1—2, &c. are infinitely small quantities, or rather non-quantitive quantities, as they are something belonging to quantity, without being quantity. Modern mathematicians, however, having had no con- ception of this very important truth, have falsely supposed that infinitely small quantities still remain quantities, so that the infinitely small parts of lines, super- ficies, and solids, are still lines, superficies, and solids. They have, likewise, presumed that the same opinion concerning infinitely small quantities was enter- tained by the ancients, and that this is sufficiently evident from their method of exhaustions. That the infinitely small parts, however, of quantity are not quantities, but non-quantitive, follows from the infinite divisibility of quantity, according to the true conception of such divisibility. For this infinite divisibility does not imply the possibility of an infinite number of parts existing in energy* at once in any finite * As modern mathematicians appear to be perfectly ignorant of the distinction between energy and eapacity, a distinction so much insisted on by Aristotle, and of such great importance both in philosophy and geometry, the following account of it is subjoined, from the Physics of Aristotle. A subsistence in capacity is one thing, aud capacity another. A subsistence, likewise, in energy is opposed to a subsist- ence in capacity, and energy to capacity. And capacity, indeed, is a perfect preparation of essence, and an unimpeded promptitude to energize, prolific of energy. But a subsistence in capacity is an aptitude imperfect with respect to that to which it is said to be in capacity, receiving a subsistence in energy from something else, and not deriving it from itself. And that is in energy which is now able to energize according to that which it is said to be: for a man is in energy, who now energizes according to the human form. But energy is opposed to power, and also energetic motion proceeding from power. ‘The - appellation, likewise, of a subsistence in capacity, is derived from capacity remaining within, unapparent, ¥2 being 86 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. finite quantity, but only the capability of any such quantity of receiving a greater number of divisions than any finite number that can be assigned ; the infinite here being surveyed in aptitude of essence alone, and being as it were the disposition of essence. But from energy the appellation of a subsistence in energy is derived, according to essence again surveyed as co- operating. The following account, also, of the infinite is extracted from the sth Chapter of the 3d Book of Aristotle’s Physics: “ That many absurdities will happen, if the infinite has not any subsistence whatever is evident; for of time there will be some beginning and end; magnitudes, also, will not be divisible into magnitude; and number will not be infinite. But this being determined, since it does not appear that either of these consequences can be admitted, on this account it is evident that the infinite in one respect is, and in another respect is not. But one thing is said to have a subsistence in capacity, and another in energy. And the infinite partly subsists by addition, and partly by ablation.. With respect to. magnitude, however, that it is not infinite in energy we have already said, but it is infinite by division ; for it is not difficult to subvert the hypothesis of indivisible lines. It remains, therefore, that the infinite is in capacity, [viz. in the division of magnitude]. That, however, which is infinite in capacity, is not to be assumed as that which will be infinite in energy, in the same manner as if this thing has the capacity of becoming a statue, it will be a statue. But since being is predicated in many ways, as a day zs, and a contest is, because another and another is always becoming to be, so also is the infinite: for in these there is both capacity and energy. For the Clympic games are, both because a contest may be effected, and because it is becoming to be. But the infinite is manifest differently in time, in men, and in the division of magnitudes. For, in short, the infinite thus subsists, because another and another part may always be assumed; and that which is assumed is always finite, but there is always another and another part. So that the infinite must not be considered as this particular thing, as for instance, aman, or a house; but as a day and a contest are said to subsist, (the being of which is not geuerated as a certain essence, but always consists in generation or corruption), which though they are finite, yet there is always another and another. This, however, happens in magnitudes, that remaining which was assumed ; but in men and time, these being corrupted, so as not to fail.” According to Aristotle, therefore, as Simplicius well observes, a subsistence in energy is twofold. For it is either as a whole, subsisting that which it is, as a mian or a house, or as that which has its being in Lecoming to be, viz. in passing into existence, as a'contest and a day; for we say that these are in energy when they are. A subsistence in capacity, therefore, is also twofuld, the one subsisting at once, as with reference to the whole. Thus we say that the brass is in capacity a statue, because at some time or other it passes into an actual statue, ‘the whole of which subsists at once. But the other division of a@ subsist- ence in capacity is that which has its being in Lecoming to Le. The infinite, therefore, which is in the division of magnitudes, is in capacity; not that magnitudes will ever at any time be divided to infinity, but that they always possess the capacity of being divided. For the division to infinity has not tlie infinite in energy, but in capacity; since the infinite subsists in the capacity of always being cut, and in the see- tien never failing. For that which is cut is always bounded, but because every part which is cut off is capable of being again cut, on this aceount the division proceeds to infinity. subsisting THE ‘ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 37 subsisting in capacity, and not in energy, and being nothing more than an inex- haustible capability of receiving division. But the moderns, following delusive imaginations, have founded their arithmetic of infinites (the leading propositions of which we have already shown to be false) on such hypotheses as the following : ‘That a superficies consists of an infinite series of lines, either straight or curved, according as the figure requires: and, that.a solid consists of an infinite series of planes or superficics, rectilinear or curvilinear; the lines being nothing more than infinitely narrow parallelograms, and the superficies having an infinitely small depth. And from such hypotheses it is sufficiently clear, that they conceived these lines and superficies to be infinitely numerous in energy, which, however, is indisputably false. It is true, indeed, as I haye shown in my Dissertation on Nullities, that all con- tinued quantity consists of infinite points, but then these points,’ as I have there observed, become the matter or recipient of continued quantity; or, in other words, infinite points are continued quantity in capacity. The erroneous conclusion of modern mathematicians, that an infinitesimal is still quantity, though infinitely small, appears to have arisen from ‘their employ- ing the symbol oo for the infinitely great, in their reasonings, instead of making 1 i 1 use of Pe es ro produces an infinite series. For had they done this, it would have been imme- diately evident that an infinitesimal is non-quantitive. Thus, if 1 be divided by 1 bet 1-2 or some other expression, which, when expanded, or any other expression which may be evolved into an infinite series, 1-241 sing: not evident if 1 is divided by o. For the quotient is 4, which merely denotes a fraction having unity for its numerator, and an infinite quantity for its de- it is evident that the quotient on or &c. is non-quantitive. But this is nominator. What Bougainville, therefore, says in the Preface to his Calculus Integralis, must by no means be admitted as a defence of the doctrine of fluxions. His words are, ‘ Calculus infinitesimalis Newtoni haudquaquam quantitates infinite parvas in natura dari postulat, sed eas tantummodo compendii causa, et majoris facilitatis | tanquam 38 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &¢. tanquam temporariam hypothesin sumet.” For, admitting that Newton assumed infinitely small quantities as a temporary hypothesis, for the sake of greater facility, and not as existing in nature; yet, since they are employed by him in continued quantity as quautities, 1. e. as still existing in the form of lines, super- ficies, &c. it is evident that he employs a false hypothesis, and which not only does not, but cannot exist in the nature of things. It is requisite, however, that all mathematical hypotheses should at least be possible, and that the admission of them should not be attended with an absurdity. Colson, in the Preface to his Commentary on Newton’s Fluxions, observes, that “ Newton supposes that quantity is infinitely divisible, or that it may (mentally at least) so far continually diminish, as at last, before it is totally extinguished, to arrive at quantities that may be called vanishing quantities, or which are infinitely little, and less than any assignable quantity.” And in p. 336, in order to remove the difficulty attending the explanation given in the doctrine of fluxions of moments, vanishing quantities, and infinitely little quantities, he observes, ‘‘ that the symbol - 0, which at first represents a finite and ordinary quantity, must be understood to diminish continually, and as it were by local motion ; till after some certain time it is quite exhausted, and terminates in mere nothing. This is surely a very inteili- gible notion. But to goon. Inits approach towards nothing, and just before it becomes absolute nothing, or is quite exhausted, it must necessarily pass through vanishing quantities of all proportions*. For it cannot pass from being an assign- able quantity to nothing at once; that were to proceed per saltum, and not con- tinually, which is contrary to the supposition. While it is an assignable quantity, though ever so little, it is not yet the exact truth in geometrical rigor, but only an approximation to it ; and to be accurately true, it must be less than any assign- able quantity whatever, that is, it must be a vanishing quantity. Therefore the conception of a moment, or vanishing quantity, must be admitted as a rational notion.’’ In these citations.there are two great errors, one, that a finite quantity (for in- stance a line) in becoming continually diminished, terminates at length in mere * Is not this making the finite quantity to run the gauntlet before it is exhausted ? nothing ;: THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. 39 nothing ; for it terminates in a point, which is very far from being nothing, but though not quantity is something belonging to quantity. The other error is, that this finite quantity, before it terminates in a point, must become a vanishing or infinitely little quantity. For we have demonstrated that an infinitely small part of a line is a point, which is non-quantitive, and there is nothing else in continued quantity which is infinitely small but this. Hence every part of a line, prior to its termination in a point, is still a line capable of infinite division, but is by no means infinitely small, either absolutely or relatively considered. For a part of a line, while such part is in the form of a line, is still quantity ; but an infinitely small part of a line is non-quantitive. Hence it is impossible for any two continued quantities to differ from each other by an infinitely small quantity. For as such an infinitesimal is nothing more than a point, and a point can neither be added to nor subtracted from either a line, a superficies, or a solid, it is impossible for continued quantities to differ from each other by an infinitesimal. The ingenious author, therefore, of the Analyst very properly asks, whether evanescent increments may not be called the ghosts of departed quantities. If, indeed, the logic of Aristotle had not been intirely neglected in both public and private schools, mathematicians would never have considered that theory as scientific which deduces true conclusions from false or dubious principles. They would not then have been ignorant, as they appear to have been, of the nature of scientific knowledge and demonstration, which are thus beautifully unfolded by Aristotle in Chap. If. Book I. of his Posterior Analytics. ‘“‘ We think (says he) that we know each thing simply, and not in a sophistical manner, from accident, when we think that we know the cause on account of which a thing is, that it is the cause of that thing, and that the thing cannot subsist otherwise, [ i.e. that it subsists necessarily]. It is evident, therefore, that scientific knowledge is a thing of this kind. For with respect to those who do not, and those who do possess scientific knowledge; the former fancy that they in this manner possess science, but the scientific possess it in reality. Hence it is impossible that a thing of which there is simply science should have a various subsistence. We also say that scien- tific knowledge is a knowledge obtained through demonstration. But I call de- monstration 40 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. monstration a scientific syllogism. And 1 call it scientific, according to which fronr possessing it, we know scientifically. If, therefore, to know scientifically is such a thing as we have asserted it to be, zt is also necessary that demonstrative science should be from things true, first, immediate, more known than, prior to, and the causes of the conclusion. Tor thus they will also be the proper principles of that which is demonstrated. For syllogism, indeed, will also be without these; but demon- stration will not be without them ; since it will not produce science.” Carnot, in his treatise on the theory of the Infinitesimal Calculus * endeavours to defend that theory, by showing how a compensation of errors takes place in the comparison of two erroneous equations; and Dr. Dickson, in one of the notes which accompany the translation of this treatise, observes, on this subject, as follows: ‘* This compensation of errors, the acute Dr. Berkeley, Bishop of Cloyne, in the: Analyst, published in 1734, laboured to magnify into a serious: objection against the differential calculus; not considering that errors which we may make as little as we please, will affect the truth as little as we please. Thus 1999999, &c. is not in rigid strictness equal to 2; but as by annexing 9’s, the error may soon be rendered incomprehensibly minute, no one can doubt that its ultimate ratio to 2 is a ratio of equality.”’ It is strange to: hear men who profess themselves the advocates of a science which is founded on the most indubitable principles, and secured as by an impreg- nable defence with the most rigid accuracy of demonstration, speaking of errors. which may be made as. little as we please, as of things of no consequence. An error, however, though it may be infinitely small, is not to be admitted in mathe-. matical demonstration ; for such an error as-we haye already shown, when multi- plied infinitely, may become equal to a. finite quantity. Thus, in the instance. adduced. by Dr. Dickson, 1°9999, &c.. though continued to infinity, will not be. accurately equal to 2; for, as we have shown,. an infinite series. of the decimal. of + is less than an infinite series of the vulgar fraction > by z.% Hence what. Nieuwentiit says in the Preface to his Analysis Infinitorum 1s certainly true with. respect to modern mathematicians and their inventions. His. words are, “ Nisi. enim divisibilia ac quanta quecunque infinities infinita. divisione in. nihilum abeant,. * See the translation of this treatise in the Philosophical Magazine. xX Ard compeqerntly ann ee dep of; Wa deerme +4999, Ge. pscth ha Gs4 haw aC ow infriads germ of 4 the 3 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. Al ac infinitesime pars infinitesima sit nihilo equalis, omnes hactenus mathematicos non immerito paralogismi reos egisse videtur Doct. Ciwerus, periitque in univer- sum geometricarum demonstrationum expiGaa ; ac magno lapsu corruent plurime, si non omnes, tum antiquorum, tum et hujus evi, quocunque etiam ilgenil acumine ac felicitate excogitate inventiones.”’ Tor unless it is granted to modera mathematicians that an infinitesimal is equivalent to 0, they will not only be guilty of paralogisms in their demonstrations, but most of their inventions will be over- thrown, This, however, as I have shown, does not apply to the ancient geome- tricians. What Carnot observes (p. 540) respecting an infinitesimal, appears to me to differ very little from perfect nonsense. ‘‘ When we neglect (says he) an infinitely small quantity, we do nothing more, properly speaking, than understand it; and do not suppose it to be nothing.” And a little after he speaks of putting equa tions mentally into a certain form, and mentions quantities, which have not been suppressed as nullities, but only wnderstood, in order to simplify calculation. Is it not strange that men who can thus write should have the confidence to call some of the most sublime doctrines of the Platonic theology unintelligible jargon? Carnot concludes with observing, “ That the opposers of the infinitesimal analysis will in vain object, that to admit errors as we do, by employing imperfect equa- ‘tions, is to ruin mathematical certainty. Shall we renounce the immense advan- tages this calculus affords, for fear of deviating for an instant from the rigorous procedure of elementary geometry ? Or shall we prefer a thorny foot-path, in which it is so difficult to avoid being bewildered, to the plain and easy road by which this analysis conducts us to discoveries?” To this it is easy to reply, that in such a science as the mathematics, no calculus, nor any method can afford real advantage, which deviates in the smallest degree from accuracy in the mode of its procedure; and that the path which leads to indubitable certainty, however thorny it may be, is in this science to be preferred to the most plain and easy road which leads to the most apparently splendid discoveries, if those discoveries are attended with the least portion of doubt. And dubious they must be in a greater or less degree, when the process by which they are deduced falls short of incontrovertible evideuce and truth. It is, therefore, impossible that any such things as infinitely small lines and parallelograms, or in one word surfaces, can either actually exist, or be conceived . G , to A2 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &e. to exist; for we have demonstrated that there are no other infinitel y small quan. tities in continued quantity than points. Hence the doctrine of diferentials, or infinitesimals, or fluxions, is founded ona false hypothesis, and exhibits a most remarkable instance of the possibility of educing true conclusions from false principles. This will be evident from the following instance, which is one of the foundations of this doctrine: The authors of it assert, that if one of two right lines standing perpendicularly on a right line, and parallel to each other, be supposed to move continually towards the other, before they coincide, the distance between them, or that portion of the line on which they stand, which is between them, will be an infinitesimal or fuxion. (See the Analytical Institutions of Donna Maria Agnesi, Vol. Il. p. 3.) From what has been said, however, it is evident that the part of a line which is intercepted by two other lines is a definite quantity, and not an infinitely small quantity. To which we may also add, that as infinitely small quantities are in continued quantity no other than points, there can be no such thing as infinitely small parallelograms which continue in the form of parallelograms ; for as they must be formed from an infinitely small line, multiplied by a given finite line, it is evident that by such multiplication nothing like a parallelogram would be produced ; since the multi- plication in reality would be that of a line by a point. And hence the doctrine of fluxions, like its vanishing quantities, is a baseless fabric. Nor does the method of exhaustions employed with so much advantage and elegance by the ancients imply, as it is pretended it does by Wallis and others, the existence of infinitely small quantities, which still continue quantities though inassignable. For when the ancients, in order to prove the equality of two given’ quantities to each other by the method of exhaustions, demonstrated, that if the one is greater or less than the other, it is greater or less by a quantity less than any assignable quantity, and therefore the one is equal to the other, it is evident that they considered an inassignable quantity as equivalent to something non- quantitive (such as a point is) and not as something which still possesses quantity, but is infinitely small. Hence they justly concluded in their reasonings about continued quantity, that if the difference between two magnitudes is demonstrated to be less than any assignable quantity, such difference is equivalent to nothing; for as such difference is in reality THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. AS reality nothing more than a point, and a point added to continued quantity pro- duces no difference whatever, it may justly be considered as nothing. This, how- ever, is not the case in discrete quantity or number; for as an infinitely smal! part of a number is something belonging to number, it can be added to it, and though non-quantitive, when infinitely increased in its connexion with number, it will cause the number with which it is connected to be also increased *. From what has been said, it likewise clearly follows that all the propositions in the Arithmetic of Infinites of Dr, Wallis, which are founded on the hypothesis that a point is analogous to 0, or a cy pher, are false. For a point is an infinitely small quantity, and is by no means 0. : We have before observed, that though the terms of one infinite series may be greater than the terms of another, yet the numler of terms in one infinite serics cannot be greater than the number of terms in another, when the continuity of the terms is not interrupted. : Hence it follows that the supposition of a polygon of an infinite number of sides is attended with a very great absurdity: for independent of the arguments by which Aristotle shows that the infinite in quantity exists only in capacity, and not in energy, if there could be such a thing as a Pee of an infinite number of sides, the number of these sides would be equal to; but each side of this polygon is the chord of an arch of the circle in which the polygon may be in- scribed. Each of the arches, therefore, being bisected which the chords of the polygon subtend, another polygon may be inscribed in the same circle, consisting of twice the number of sides of which the former polygon consists. But this is impossible; for it has been demonstrated that the number of sides cannot be ! [oa = i __,. greater than —~ * Aristotle demonstrates in his treatise on Indivisible Lines, that a point can neither be added toa line, nor taken from it per se, but only accidentally, viz. when a part of a line is taken from the whole, the points at the beginning and end of it are also taken away. a2 Should AA THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. Should it be objected that the half, third, fourth, fifth, &c. parts of —, i. €, 1 1 1 1 “lyse: ys: aig wa Cas ie Li pas &c. produce each of them an infinite number of terms, though less than os, and, therefore, there may be different polygons, each of which may consist of a greater or less infinite number of sides,—to this we reply, that if there could be a polygon of an infinite ‘number of sides, this } toa account of the uninterrupted continuity of the sides, whereas in the parts of infinite number must be that of ——, or the greatest number of sides possible, on 1 . . e e . 1 Toy the continuity of the series is every where uninterrupted. Thus - i= ¥.+1.+1..+1, &c. and Tl. tli. 41. $1 be. Hence, likewise, neither is it possible that a superficies (according to the hypo- theses of the Arithmetic of Infinites) can consist of an infinite number of infinitely narrow parallelograms, nor a solid of an infinite number of superficies having an infinitely small depth ; for the number of such parallelograms and superficies, since they touch each other, and are, therefore, in an uninterrupted series, must each of them be equal to = As these parallelograms, however, and superficies, are supposed to be still quantities, though infinitely little, it is possible to conceive others less than these, in consequence of the never-failing divisibility of quantity. There may, therefore, be a greater number of superficies than — which is ime possible. ) What Saunderson, therefore, observes in Vol. IT. p. 555, of his Elements of Algebra, is by no means to be admitted, for he thus writes: “So long as we reason upon wrong suppositions, we must never expect to arrive at truth; but the nearer Our suppositions are to truth, the nearer will be the conclusion; and if these suppositions be infinitely near the truth, the errors in the conclusion will be infinitely small; which being at last thrown out of the account, the conclusion will be the same as if we had proceeded upon principles accurately true.” And, again, in p. 560, “ At the beginning of my discourse upon this subject I took notice that infinitely small errors were sometimes unavoidable in computations founded. ~ THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. Ad founded upon wrong suppositions, and of these wrong suppositions I instanced in one only; but there are several others of the same stamp which mathematicians are sometimes obliged to make, and which at present I shall but just point at, having, I fear, been too prolix already: as when we suppose curve lines to con- sist of an infinite number of infinitely small straight ones, or curvilinear areas to consist of an infinite number of infinitely narrow parallelograms; when we sup- pose the curve surfaces of solids to be made up of an infinite number of infinitely narrow plain annuli, or their contents of an infinite number of infinitely thin lamine ; when we take the infinitely small increments of quantities that do not flow uniformly for their fluxions ; when in mechanical philosophy we suppose a continued force to be made up of an infinite number of infinitely small impulses, acting at infinitely small intervals of time, and so forth: these suppositions, I say, are rather infinitely near the truth than accurately true; and, therefore, in our reasoning upon them, we must not be surprised if we sometimes fall into infinitely small errors, which must, however, be quashed before we can arrive at sucha conclusion as accurate reasoning would naturally have led us to.” For the objection to such suppositions is not, that in reasoning upon them we must sometimes fall into infinitely small errors, but it is this, that they are utterly false, and without any foundation in the nature of things, The proud fabric, therefore, which modern mathematicians have raised on these suppositions 1s at once demolished by the demonstrations of this treatise. PROP. XXVIUII. Points placed after unity produce fractional expressions equal to fractions whose numerator is unity. Thus, for instance, 1. is equal to 5, 1..is equal to 4, 1... is equal to Z, and so on, the number of points being always less by one than the denominator of the fraction, which in conjunction with unity they express. j This 46 THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. This I demonstrate as follows: As 1+1 a +1, &c. infinitely is ‘to a —1.4+1.41.441., &c. infinitely, soisl tol. For l1.4+1.+1.4+1, &e. is obviously the half of 1+1+1+1, & ; and if 1.+1.+41., &c. be divided by 1+1+1+1, &c. the quotient must necessarily be J. After the same manner it may be demonstrated that 1.. is equal tot, 1... is equal to +, and that | connected with an infinite number of points is equal to an infinitely small fraction. It must here, however, be carefully observed, in order to obviate objections which may be made to this demonstration, that if unity in the series 1. +1.+41., &c. is considered separate from the point which denotes interval, then the num- “ber of terms in such a series will be but half the number of terms in the series 1+1+141, &. Butif unity is considered in conjunction with the point, so I as to be equivalent to 5, then because the two form one thing, or term, since there is a continued series of such terms, the number of the terms will be the same as that of the scries 1+141+41, &c. viz. it will be equal to a. The like observation must be made in the series }.. +1..+1.., &c. and in every other series composed of unities and points. For in this series, also, when 1 .. is considered as one term equal to 4, the number of terms in the series will be equal 1 0.57" And this, in fact, is similar to the assertion that in an infinite continued series of units, and an infinite continued series of tens, there is the same number of terms in the one series as in the other. 1 Dee ii 1 lle fom Thus Xx]. 7531. +1. 41. 4+1., &. and —X1,.=-5=1.. ed is ed 3g OUCe It may, also, be demonstrated as follows: That 1 .is equal to 4. Let 1 be 2 divided by 1. +3, and the quotient wilbe 1. -1.+1.—-1.41.—1.41. —| THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. AT —1., & But 1—1. is the infivitesimal of 4, as I have shown in the Disserta- tion on Nullities, &c. and 1. —1 is the double of 1—1; for I-1) 1.-1 gis and cousequently 1. —1. is the infinitesimal (24 aro ata Y el of 2, or, in other words, the series 1. —1. +1. —-1.+1.-—1., &. is equal to2. But if this be the case, the divisor 1.-+-1 is equal to 12 or 2; for 1 divided by 3 is equal to 7. And consequently 1. +1 is the same as$+1, and therefore 1. is equal to 5. bf Or it may be thus demonstrated, that 1. is equal to 3. — x 1. is equal to ae Aik ta liaphede: But ; j—1 ; is also equaltol. +1.+1., &c. Hence ; is equal to ae But I1—1 is the half of 1. —1, and therefore 1.=— 1. is the half of 1. Perhaps it may be said, that if 1. is equal to + othe series 1, —I.+1.—I.. +1.—1., &c. will be the same as £—1 Leta ed 5, &c. and, consequently, as i!—~1+1—1+1-], &c. is equal tot, £—F isk t—, &e. will be equal to 2 i. To this I reply, that as the Feet is 1.+1, the above series can never be 4—1444-—4, &c. since if it were 1. +1 must be-equal to 4, which is impossible. The terms, therefore, of this series do not consist of 1. less by 1. added to 1. less by 1., but they consist of 1. —1. infinitely repeated ; this expression being the infinitesimal of 2. PROP, XXIX. The difference between an infinite series of 1—1 distributed, and an infinite series of 1—1 collected, is 1, viz. the side exceeds fe former by +. For 1141-1411, &. ad infin. i yy X l-l= j=. The AS THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c, The difference, also, between an infinite series of 2—2 distributed, and an in- finite series of 2—2 collected, is 1. For 2—2+2-—2+2-—2, &. = ea but j 2—2 —— xX — —_ = 2, l—1 2-2 1—1 3 ra) nae : ss $3 WW. <= Thus ;7; = $3-3+3-3+3-3, &. = li, but 7 = 3.7, =4-444-4 +4—4, &. = 2, but [= 4, Corot. Hence it may be inferred universally, that in all such series the collect- ed is double of the distributed infinite. But in such series as 1} —1.4+1—1.+1—1., &c: = = woo and 1—1,.+1—1.. +1l—1.., &. = aaa the differ ence is as follows: eae 1—1.x a= ay 1 Levi fel orcs Pots Th88 To? iia ee ean ee But —— is equal to 1. a "is equal tol.. and aa aan is equal to 1... And we have shown that 1. is equal to 4, 1.. is equal to 4, and 1... to 4, and so of others. e ; e 1 e Again, $—14+4-—f4+4-—4, &c. is equal to oP but 1-2 X= is equal to 3-3 __ © or the double of —. | oe 242 Rpt Thus, also, io a cae &c. is equal ae but 3-3 X yz 1s equal rh aces 8 ey tos = 3 the double of sy Thus, also, an infinite series of 1—2 collected, is double of an infinite series of 1—2 distributed. For a collected infinite series of 1 —@2 is 5 x 1-2 = 1—l—]—1—J], &c. But a distributed infinite series of 1—2 is 1—-2+]—2+4 | THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. AY 1941-2 &e, — half of 1. —1. And -— er the double of — » because 1— I is the In like mamer 1-34+1-—3+1-3, &. = ; 1—3 TrleF ; is the alt of 1—~2-—-2-—2-—2, &e. Aud 1-441-441-4, &. => i—4 —- and so of others. —* is the half of LHS S3— 359. oes Scuotium. This, however, arises from the distributed series having: intervals when compared with the collected series. Thus in the distributed series 1—1+1 —1+1—1, &c. the infinite series of terms isl. + 1.+1.+1., &. Butin the collected series the infinite series of terms is 1+1+1+1, &. In other words, in the distributed series 1 is to be considered as one term, and —1 as another term; but in the collected series 1—1 is to be considered as one term. —2 , dads ait as ; will be equal to the , 1 And here, also, you may observe that Fae As Reamer gc amet 2 1-3 rot = = when evolved, ie AS = 48 will be the last term —4. i-l 1—5+44 2 =e ee ea will be the last term of = Sn last term of - eel 1 ; evolved, and _ of 5 evolved, and so of others. . In like manner the last term of the series 1 —2-+-] +-1—-2+1+1—2+1, &c. ad i-2-+1 . —2 _ = piv ie = 5 — x= — = : eh ono. —3+43 ~—o+3. —3+3 .—3+3., &c: In which it is eee that the first I of the in- finitely recurring infinitesimal 1—2+1 is always wanting in the evolution of the last term, the first 1—2 4-1 excepted. Thus, for instance, in the evolved series of the last term, 1—3 is —2 the second term of 1—2+1+1-—2-+1, &c. and —2 added to 3 is +1, the third term of | -2+1+1—2+1, &c. But then there is an interstice in the evolved series which denotes that the 4th term of 1—2+1!+1 H —2 infin. = & 50. THE ELEMENTS OF THE TRUE ARITHMETIC OF INFINITES, &c. i LOB 1, &c. is wanting. Afterwards, te ig —2 the 5th term, and —2-+3 is +1 the 6th term, and soon. And yet — is accurately the last term of 1—2-+1 ot. = Thus, also, if 1 be divided by 1 .. +] the quotient is 1..—-1..+-1..—1.. +1..—1..,&c.=%. For 1—1.. is the infinitesimal oft, ie. L~L.. +P 1..+1-1.., &€. is equal to}, andl.. —1.. is equal to thrice 1—1.., and consequently 1.. —1L..+1..—-1.., &c. is equal to3. But if this series is equal to 3, the divisor 1..+1 must be equal to 4+1=4, for 1 divided by A oe 2 +7 THE END. PRINTED BY R. WILKS, Ghaacery Lane, London. ‘ADDENDUM. Tn p. 40, at the fourth line from the bottom, after “ by 3’ insert, And consequently an infinite series of the decimal .9999, &c. will be less than an infinite series of 1 by 1, SEXAGESIMAL TABLE, EXCH TBYTING, AT SIG HGF, THE RESULT or ANY PROPORTION, WHERE THE TERMS DO NOT EXCEED SIXTY MINUTES, ALS O TABLES OF THE EQUATION or SECOND DIFFERENCE, AN D- TABLES For TURNING THE LOWER DENOMINATIONS. i O F 3 ENGLISH MONEY, WEIGHTS, anp 5 aes PNT, O SEXAG EST MALS oF THE HIGHER, AN: De Vo 1 C -E VERSA, | ANDY Sone | SEXAGESIMAL .TABLE rurneDdD tnro SECONDS | AS FAR AS THE 10.0. COLUMN; Being a very ufeful MILLESIMAL TABLE of. proportional Parts, Wil Toe (Aten OE PT Ss AND ESCA MPT, BS Ufeful: for Aftronomers, Mathematicians, Navigators, and Perfons in Trade, — Be MiAG@HAEH EE. TAY TL OR, | PUBLISHED BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSIONERS OF LONGITUDE. Be ON eo oN Printed by WiiLti1am RicHaRrpson, in the Strand, Printer, AUN DwesS-O'L D.« SY: C. Nourseg, in the Strand, and Mefl. Mounr and Pace, on Tower-Hill, Bookfellers to the fad CoMMISSIONERS: MDCCLXXX., { | BS Po Am INA TOL OwwNicy AN Dice US EB ied Stags: LAM: © pape 3 SEXAGESIMAL TABLE, &c. 7 HE parts of time, as well as thofe of a circle, being divided fexagefimally, a Table to facilitate fexagefimal proportions cannot but prove very ufeful to Aftronomers and Mathematicians, who are continually converfant in fuch calculations. On this account, with the Encouragement and under the Proteétion of the Honourable Boarp or Loneitupe, I have fcrupuloufly calculated the following Table, which exhibits at fight, in minutes, feconds, and tenths of a fecond, the fourth term in.any proportion, where the firft term is 60 minutes; and the fecond term, any number of minutes under 60 minutes ; and the third term, any number of minutes and feconds under 60 minutes. The third term is to be fought at the top of the table, and the minutes conftituting the fecond term on the fide ; anfwering to both, in the area.of the table, is the fourth term required.——-But if the fecond term confifts alfo.of minutes and feconds, then you mutt feek alfo, in the area of the table, for the number ftanding under the third term, and oppofite the number of feconds of the fecond term on the fide, and deprefs it to a denomination lower, viz. for minutes read feconds, and for feconds read thirds, and add it to the number found befere, which will give the fourth term required. In like manner, if the fecond term confifted of minutes, feconds, and thirds, the parts anfwering to the thirds might be found under the third term, and oppofite the num- ber of thirds of the fecond term on the fide, and depreffing the number of the table by two denominations, viz. for minutes reading thirds, and for feconds fourths. And the anfwer thus found would be true at every fixth column, where the number at the head of at is a multiple of fix feconds; that is, where the number .of feconds is 0”, 6”, 12”, 18", 24”, 30°, 36”, 42", 48", 54”; becaufe here the anfwer is true, without any farther decimals than are expreffed in the table. But, in the intermediate columns, the anfwer cannot be always true; becaufe the table does not exhibit the whole of the anfwer, but only to the neareft tenth. Univerfally the anfwer in the table will be true where-ever the product of the feconds at top above 0,6, or a multiple of 6, by the excefs of the minutes on the fide above 0,6, or a multiple of 6, is 6, or fome multiple of it. i at Ga ul SAE Se et eg e On aw eee) a or ee oh Me, Ae tie come aS Gee A Re? eer aE i oT ee ee ee ee SRY Fe Ra ET EEE ee Cea My OSE g Cds he r ed pry ove. - ~~ my? SPLAT Rg TS PRES at ah emcee -, " ’ i. a M ’ 7 - 4 4 Ph 2) i P : ae t E a ; 7 & od dad r ¥* eee i ; Tt may not be improper here to obferve, that if the numbers of the table had been fet down $n minutes, feconds, and thirds, inftead of minutes, feconds, and tenths of a fecond, they would have been all true, without any fraétion or lower denomination: but, for general ufe, the:table is more convenient in its prefent form. ~The fame accuracy however may be eafily obtainéd by a proper procefs, when three or more denominations are‘concerned. ‘Thus, any number may be eafily taken out of the table true to thirds, by adding to or fubtraGting from the neareft correct number, as many thirds as the number of minutes in the left-hand margin exprefies for every fecond of difference of the title at top from that of the correét numbet.. Thus; if I want to find the number anfwering to 17. 8”\at top and\43/ on the fide, ora) fourth proportional, of which 60’ is the firft term, 43 the fecond term, and 17’. 8" the third term, true to thirds by the help ‘of the table, I multiply 43’, the number in the left-hand margin, by 2", the excefs of 8” above 6, and add the product 86==1".26" to 12’.15",3== 12.15'.18", the number ftanding under 17’. 6", the neareft corre& column, and: oppofite 43’; the fum 12'.16".44"" is the number required true. to thirds. Or, if I want to find the number an{wering to 17',10'at top and 43'.on the fide, I. multiply.43°, the number in_the left-hand margin, by 2”, the defe&t of 10" from 12", and fubtraé the produa& 86"==1".26"" from 12/.19",6 ==12'.19'.36", the number ftanding under 17'.12" (the neareft correét column) and oppofite 43’, the remainder 12'.18".10" is the number required true to thirds. Or the thirds may be found rather eafier by the little table which I have added at the end of the tables, page 250, which exhibits at fight the thirds anfwering to the decimals in every column of the fexagefimal table. Thus, if I want to find the number anfwering to 17' .8" at top and 43’ on the fide, true to thirds, I look in the little table, page 250, in the column marked 8", and oppofite 43' I find 44", therefore the anfwer which 1s put 12'.16",7 in the table is acetrately 12'.£6'.44'". - There is a third method, {till eafier, of finding the thirds.’ Multiply the units of the: feconds at top by-the units of the minutes’on the ‘fide, the units of the product will be the units of the num-_ ber of thirds ; and the decimal of the table, turned into thirds, will eafily fhew what figure is to be prefixed'to it inthe place of ters. “If the units of the thirds are 7, 8,:or 9; and o ftands in the place of decimals, the thirds will be 57, 58, or 59, and the feconds ‘one fecond lefs’ than what is {hewn in the table. | 13 Example I. -To find the number anfwering 45 26'.38" at top, and 44" on the fide,’ true to thirds; } multiply 8 by ’7, ‘and the product is’ 56: whence 6 is the units of thé thirds. ~ Now," to find the tens, I look in ‘the table, and find the anfwer to be 207. 5r",8 20.51.48" 2) But, as. the true units of the thirds are 6 and not 8, it-is evident’the true anfwer will be 20% 51'.26", ~ Example H. To find the number anfwering to 38'.13" at top, and 46’ on the fide, true. to thirds; I multiply 3 by 6, and the produc is 18: whence 8 is the units of the thirds: Now, } to find the'tens, I look in the table, and find the anfwer to be 29'.18",0: but, as'the'true units . of the thirds are 8 and not 0, it is evident the true anlwer will be 29417'.58", It is eafy to fee, that by a reverfe operation a fourth proportional may bé found to three terms, of which one of the middle terms is 60’, and the other middle term and firtt téfm are any number of minutes and: feconds under 60’. Neither ‘is it neceflary that 60! fhould confti-’ tute one of the terms, but they may all confift of minutes and feconds. The principle: on’ which the folution of fuch cafes depends; is this, that any two numbers in the table, ftanding® in a horizontal line, are proportional to any other two numbers of the table, ‘ftanding likewile in a horizontal line, and in the fame, columns with the former numbers, | § ‘ee oe 5 SN Sa Ss 5 Sy 6 Hs: oe iM Wake aa Mea eS 2 Other. SC ee ae | ~ Other collateral ufes may be made of this table. Thus, proportions may be folved by it, where 5’, 10°, 12, 15°, 20, 24, 30, &c. ftand as one of the terms, inftead of 60’. The table may alfo be applied in proportions for numbers confifting of feveral degrees and- minutes, or hours and minutes, It may alfo be applied in calculating proportions, where the terms are neither parts of time nor parts of a circle, but any other numbers whatfoever, by only reducing the lower denominations to fexagefimals of the higher denominations, and afterwards reducing the fexagefimals contained in the anfwer to its proper value in the lower denominations. | I fcarcely need hint to computers, that, in order to profit as much as poflible by the ufe of this table, it is beft to collect together a feries of examples or proportions, in the courfe of their computations, and fo take them all out of this table at one time: the advantage of which their own experience will fully confirm. I have added three tables for finding the equation of fecond difference; the firft for correcting any aftronomical table whofe argument is fet down to every degree; the fecond for correéting the _ proportional part of the Moon’s longitude or latitude, found from the Nautical Ephemeris, to any given time of the day; and the third for interpolating the Moon’s diftance from the Sun and Stars, computed to noon and midnight, for every third hour; the latter being particularly ufeful to the computers of the Nautical Ephemeris. The correction given in the firft of thefe tables is neceflary to be ufed in very nice calculations, where the maximum of the equation amounts to more than two degrees, 1f we would not incur an error of more than a quarter of a fecond. It will therefore be very ufeful in calculating the equations of the centres of the orbits of the Moon, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn; and will give an additional accuracy to the calculations which the prefent improved ftate of Aftronomy feems todemand. I have alfo added a {mall table for rendering the general table true to thirds, as before mentioned; and a table of {quares, cubes, biquadrates, furfolids, and fquare cubes, of every minute from 1 to 60, ufeful for railing powers and extracting roots. I have alfo added tables for converting Englifh money, weights, and meafures into fexagefi- mals of one of the denominations, and the contrary, to facilitate the folution of queftions, by the help of the Sexagefimal table, where Englifh money, weights, and meafures are concerned. It is obvious, that the Sexagefimal table may be ufeful in making proportions,, where one of the middle terms is an abfolute number, by confidering that number as fo many feconds, and the number found in the area of the table turned into feconds, will be the anfwer required. To facilitate this ufe of the table the columns have been marked at the top not only in minutes and feconds, but alfo with the feconds equivalent to them; but it is rendered {till more ready by the Milefimal table of proportional parts, printed at the end of all the tables, being nothing more than the Sexagefimal table itfelf turned into feconds, as far as the thoufandth column. T have alfo added three tables for turning integral or fractional numbers into Sexagefimals, and ‘ vice verfa. The manner of ufing the Sexagefimal table, as well as the three tables of fecond difference, will clearly appear from the firft four following problems, accompanied with examples. Their ufe is alfo farther exemplified, in the other four problems, viz. 1ft, by their application to collateral calculations, where the arguments are made otherwife than for every degree or minute, &c.; 2d, to proportions confifting of feveral degrees, minutes, and feconds; 3d, to b computations Pas 3 Te > Pm xy | ~*~ Sita we >. ~- - © f ova J computations from the Nautical Ephemeris ; and, 4th, to a variety of cafes in which Logiftical Logarithms have hitherto been ufed. The tables of Englifh money, weights, and meafures, are alfo explained and illuftrated by examples ; as is’ alfo the Millefimal table of proportional parts. | I have only to add, that I took the fame care in correéting the prefs as in the conftru€tion of the tables, and hope they will be found as correét as any tables extant. I muft not conclude without acknowledging my obligations to the Reverend Doctor MASKELYNE, Aftronomer Royal, for the affiftance he favoured me with in the forming the precepts. Greenwics, March 15th, 1781. MICHAEL TAYE OR, { vu j pee Oo BOL E-M T° find a fourth proportional to three terms, of which the firft term is 60’, and the fecond and third any number of minutes and lower denominations under 60’. This problem may be divided into four principal cafes; firft, one of the middle terms may confift of minutes only, while the other confifts of minutes and feconds; or, 2dly, they may both confift of minutes and feconds; or, 3dly, they may both confift of minutes, feconds, and tenths of a fecond; or, 4thly, they may both confift of minutes, feconds, and thirds. Case I. When one of the middle terms is minutes only. Rute, Enter the table in the column which has the minutes and feconds conftituting one of the middle terms at top, and oppofite the number of minutes of the other middle term in the left-hand margin, the cor- refponding number in the area of the table will be the fourth term required. EXAMPLE. 60° : 3872): 464,22” 3 x, In column 46’.22” at top, and oppofite 38’ on the fide, we directly find by bare infpection the number 29’.21,9, the proportional part fought. Case II. When both the middle terms confift of minutes and feconds. Rute. Enter the table in the column which has the minutes and feconds conftituting the third term at top, and oppofite the number of minutes of the fecond term on the fide, as in Case I. the correfponding number in the area of the table will be the firft part of the anfwer. Again, enter the table in the fame column as. before, and oppofite the number of feconds of the fecond term on the fide, the correfponding number found in the area of the table, when depreffed one denomination lower, will be the fecond part of the anfwer, which. therefore added to the firft part of the anfwer, will give the fourth term required. Ex AM Pi Be 1460" 228499 3’ 94826" < we In column 37’.26” at top, and oppofite 28’ on the fide, we find the number 17’.28”,1, the firft part of the: anfwer. Again, in the fame column as before, and oppofite 43’ on the fide, we find the number 26’.49”,6,. which depreffed one denomination lower, becomes 26”.49’”,6, or 26”,8, the fecond part of the anfwer, which. added to the firft part gives 17’.54’,9=w. ? Case III. When both the middle terms confift of minutes, feconds, and tenths of a fecond. Ruve. Enter the table in the column of the third term (exclufive of the decimal) at top, and oppofite- the number of minutes of the fecond term on the fide, and you will find a number, which is to be corrected: by adding to it the product of the difference of this number and the number ftanding even with it in the next. column to the right by the decimal.of the third term, the fum will be the firft part of the anfwer corrected, “Then. enter the table in the fame column as before, and oppofite the number of feconds of the fecond term on the fide, . and you will find a number, which, depreffed one denomination lower, will be the fecond part of the anfwer. . Laftly, enter the table in the fame column as before, and oppofite the number of thirds equivalent to the. decimal of the fecond term on the fide, and you will find a number, which, deprefied two denominations. lower, will give you the third part of the anfwer. The fecond and third parts of the anfwer, added to the- firft part corrected, will give the fourth term required. N.B. 5. The correction of the firft part of the anfwer may be found at once expreffed in thirds, by mul-. tiplying the minutes of the fecond term by the decimal of the third term. N.B. 2. If the fecond term has a decimal annexed to it, and the third not, tranfpofe them, and. the anfwer: will come out rather eafier, in following the rule. Eexam Py Bol 60' 2594.38",4 2 2 40713" 71h In column 49/.13” at top, and oppofite 53’ on the fide, we find the number 43/.28”,5, or 437.28”.29”, which, corrected by adding to it 0”,9 x 0,7—=0%,6, or 53” x 0,7=37'y1, gives 437.2951, OF APO. Gals the firft part of the anfwer correGted. Again, in the fame column as before, and oppofite 38’, we find the num- ber 31’.10”,2, which, depreffed one denomination lower, becomes 31’.10%,2,. the fecond part of the anfwer. Laftly, and {till in the fame column, and oppofite 24’, we find the number 19’.41”,2, which, deprefled two denominations lower, becomes 19/”.41",2—=19",7, the third part of the anfwer. Hence the fum of thefe~ three parts of the anfwer added together give 44’. 0”,6=w. e ASB: f ovir g “Case IV. . When both the middle terms confit of minutes, feconds, and thirds. Rute. Enter the table with the minutes and feconds of the third term at top, and oppofite the minutes of the fecond term you will find the firft part of the anfwer, in minutes, feconds, and tenths; or, by the help of the dire€tions before given, in minutes, feconds, and thirds; and oppofite thé feconds of the fecond term, in like manner, you will find a number, which, lowered one denomination, will be the fecond part of the anfwer ; and oppofite the thirds of the fecond term you will find a number, which, lowered two denomina- tions, will be the third part of the anfwer. Now, enter the table in a column of minutes equal to the number of thirds of the third term, at top, and oppofite the minutes of the fecond term, you will find a number, which, lowered two denominations, will be the fourth part of the anfwer; and oppofite the feconds of the fecond term you will find a number, which, lowered three denominations, will be the fifth part of the anfwer; and oppofite the thirds of the fecond term you will find a number, which, lowered four denominations, will be the fixth part of the anfwer. ‘The fix parts of the anfwer added together give the fourth term required, ac- curately true. EX a Mipin eh) 604s 285 o Gass site 940s aes In column 46’.22”, oppofite 28’..is 217,387.16, the, firft part of the anfwer; oppofite 50’ is 38.38.20", which, lowered one denomination, is 38”.38’”.20%, the fecond part of the anfwer, and oppofite 43’ 18 33’.13”.46, which, lowered two denominations, is 33’”.13'%.46", the third part of the anfwer. Now, in column 34’. 0”, oppofite 28’ is 15’.52”, which, lowered two denominations, is 15’”.52", the fourth part of the anfwer; oppofite 50’ is 28’.20%, which, lowered three deneminations, is 28'.20°, the fifth part of the anfwer; and oppofite 43/ is 24’.22”, which lowered four denominations, is 24',22", the fixth part-of the anfwer. Thefe fix parts of the anfwer combined together give 22’.17/.43’’.54".30".22", the fourth term. required, exactly true. Re aE AM), aA sae if The anfwer might be found in like manner exattly true, although the middle terms of the proportion confifted each of any numbers of denominations whatfoever, by purfuing a fimilar method of finding the feveral parts of the anfwer, and by paying a careful attention to the true values or proper denominations of the fame. ee VE VE ee at Tn like manner cafes of proportion may be folved when the third term is an abfolute number, by only con- - fidering it as fo many feconds, and taking the fourth term of the proportion, or the refult turned into feconds as an abfolute number. This method is particularly ufeful in finding the proportional part of the difference of tables. E xe: v5 rg 60% tay ea97 vee dare 4 ares se ror e4 ye. Tega? LE Lh OO rg see O ger Ae aN, Here 4783” == 3600”- 1183” being greater than 3600” or 60’, it will be beft to divide this pro- portion into the-two following: / 9Q2/ 7 G/ oat gd Scene ger? : anes § = 50/50 , 5:00 2050;5.08 %. Fox apt Bolll., (606; 4976102 494523 25-9572, 0X 10. Mid 220", Sie TORO IGn. PRA Ora Bal des eile al gua dl: Ty O find a fourth proportional to three terms of which 60/ is one of the middle terms, and the other twe terms are any number of minutes and lower denominations under 60’. If 60’ be the fecond term, tranfpofe it and the third term, that 60’ may be always the third term. There are now two cafes of this problem; the firft term may be either greater than the fecond term, or lefs than the fame. The fecond cafe is eafily reduced to the firft cafe, as will be fhewn hereafter. Case J. admits of three rules, according as the firft and fecond terms confift of minutes and feconds only; or minutes, feconds, with tenths of a fecond; or minutes, feconds, and thirds. Rute I. When the firft and fecond terms confift of minutes-and feconds, In the column of the firft term feek for the fecond term, or the next leffer to it, and the number on the fide will be a number of minutes expreffing the firft part of the anfwer. ‘Take the excefs (if any) of the fecond term [ ix ] term above the next leffer number, and raife ita denomination higher, and feek for it or the next leffer num- ber to it in the fame column as before, and the number on the fide will be the number of feconds, for the fecond part of the anfwer. » If greater exa¢tnefs than the neareft fecond be neceflary, proceed in the fame man- ner, by looking for the overplus of the number with which you laft entered the table above the next lefler number raifed one denomination, in the fame column as before, and the number on the fide will be a num- ber of thirds, for the third part of the anfwer. The two or three parts of the anfwer added together will give the fourth term required. It is to be obferved, that the anfwer thus found will not be nearer the truth than half a tenth of a fecond, nor always fo near, unlefs the firft term ftands in one of the columns wnofe number of feconds is 0,6, or fome multiple of 6, or unlefs the product of the excefs of the feconds of the firft term above 0,6, or a multiple of 6, multiplied into the excefs of the minute on the fide (being the firft of the anfwer) above 0,6, or a multiple of 6, be 6, or fome multiple of it. But in thefe cafes the number in the table, or the firft part of the anfwer, will be exaét; and the error of the refult in other cafes may exceed half a tenth of a fecond, in the fame proportion as 60’ is greater than the firft term. But if the table be corrected by the directions before given in page iv. of the Explanation of the tables, the operation will be true to thirds. | Br xe Mir ee = 2b O OD ees 20. i 2x, Tranfpofing the middle terms the proportion becomes 38’.50” : 30’, 17 :: 60’: Entering the table in the column 38’.50” we look for the number 30’ .1”, or the neareft lefs to it 29/.46,/3, oppofite to which on the fide is 46’, the firft part of the anfwer, Again, looking in the fame column for 14/,42” (the excefs of 30% 1” above 29’.46”,3, raifed one denomination) or the neareft lefs to it, we find the number 14’.14%,3, oppofite to which ftands 22’, which, being depreffed to a denomination lower (becaufe the excefs was not 14’.42”, but 147.42°”) becomes 22”, the fecond part of the anfwer. Proceeding in the very fame manner by looking for 27’.42”, the excefs of 14’.42” above 14’.14”,3, raifed one denomination, we find the third part of the anfwer to be 43, or 0%,7. Hence x = 46’.22”,7. Rute Il... When the firft and fecond terms confit of minutes, feconds, and tenths, Enter the table in the column of the minutes and feconds of the firft term, and feck for the fecond term or the next lefs number to it, oppofite to which on the fide is a number of minutes, being the firft part of the anfwer. Multiply this number by the decimal of the firft term, and you will have a number of thirds to be added to the next lefs number to the fecond term ftanding in the table. Then take the excefs (if any) of the fecond term above the number juft found, and raife it toa denomination higher, and feek for it, or the next leffer number to it, in the fame column as before, and oppofite on the fide you will find a number of minutes, which, ‘lowered one denomination, will be a number of feconds, for the fecond part of the anfwer. Again, take the excefs (if any) of the number laft fought for, and the neareft lefs number to it (juft found) and raife it a denomination higher, and feek for it, or the next leffer number to it, in the fame column as be- fore, and oppofite on the fide you will find a number of minutes, which, lowered two denominations, - will be a number of thirds, which, converted into tenths of a fecond, will be the number of tenths of the third part of the anfwer. The three parts of the anfwer combined together will give the fourth term required. Fa Kohl MP EB. \4137. 26 137,243.5/-40 54.33 60° 2.2, In column 437.26” we look for the number 35/.41”,4, or the next lefler to it, 35’.28”,2 (oppofite which on the fide is 49’) to which, adding 49” x 0,7 = 34,3 = 0",6, gives 35’.28,8, the number ftanding under the firft term and oppolite 49’, the firft part of the anfwer. ‘Then taking the excefs of 35’.41%,4 above 35’.28”,8, and raifing it a denomination higher, we look for it, viz. 127.96”, or the next lefs number to it 12’.18”,6, in the fame column as before, oppofite which on the fide is 17’, which, lowered one denomina- tion, becomes 17’, the fecond part of the anfwer. Again, taking the excefs of 127.36” above 127.18”,6, and raifing it a denomination higher, we look for it, viz. 177.24”, or the next leffer number to it, 177.22”,4, in the fame column_as before, oppofite which is 24’, which, lowered two denominations, becomes 24” =0%,4, the third part of the anfwer. Hence thefe three parts of the anfwer joined together give 49’.17,4, the fourth term required, Rue Il. When the firft and fecond terms confift of minutes, feconds, and thirds, Enter the table in the column of the minutes and feconds of the firft term, and feek for the fecond term or the next lefler number to it, and on the fide you will finda number of minutes for the firft part of the anfwer. Corre& the number ftanding inthe area of the table which is next lefs than the fecond term, by the addition of the produét of the number of minutes on the fide, and the number of thirds of the firft term divided by 60/ (which may be found by the general table) and fubtract the fum from the fecond term, and pte Cc or Ex for the remainder raifed a denomination higher, or the next leffer number to it, in the fame column as before, and on the fide you will find a number of minutes which denote the number of feconds, being the fecond part of the anfwer. Correét the number laft found, ftanding in the area of the table, by the addition of the product of the number of minutes on the fide and the thirds of the firft term divided by 60’, and fubtraét the fum from the number laft fought for in the area of the table, and feek for the remainder, raifed a denomination higher, or the next leffer number to it, in the fame column as before, and oppofite on the fide you will find a number of minutes, which denote the thirds of the third part of the anfwer. Proceeding in like manner you may find any number of parts of the anfwer required at pleafure. : | EXAMPLE, 6/44 G2 tg out es * 6045 oF In column 35/’,44” we look for the number 27/.32”.19, or, the next lefler to it, 277.23’.44’”, oppofite to which on the fide we find 46’, the firft part of the anfwer. To 27’.23/.44’” add 40.38", the pro- duct of 46’, the number ftanding oppofite, and 53’”, the thirds of the firft term, divided by 60’, the fum is 27/.24/.24'".38™, which fubtracted from 27.32.19” (the fecond term) leaves 7”.54’’.22", which, raifed one denomination, 1s 77.54/22”. I feek for this in the fame column as before, and find 7’.44’.32’”, the next leffer number than it, ftanding oppofite 13’, whence 13” is the fecond part of the anfwer. To 7’.44”.32”” add 11°7,.29", the product of 13%, into 53’, divided by 60’, the fum is 7’.44”.43’”.29", which, fubtra¢ted from 7’.547.22, the number laft fought for in the. area of the table, leaves 9.38.31, which, raifed one deno- mination, is 9’.38/.31’”. I feek for this in the table in the fame column as before, and find 9/.31”,7, the next lefs number, and 16’ oppofite to it on the fide, whence 16” is the third part of the anfwer. Proceeding in the very fame manner we find the fucceflive parts of the anfwer, which being all combined together give the fourth term required 4.6’.13.16/”.10".59".23"".33°", &C. R E M A R K. The method of operation here ufed is fimilar to the common method of divifion. The firft term of the given proportion being taken for the divifor, and the fecond term multiplied into 60’ for the dividend ;_ it will follow, by conftruction of the table, that if the table be entered with the firft term at top, and the fecond term found in the column beneath it, the number of minutes {tanding oppofite on the fide will be the fourth term required, But, if the fecond term is not found exactly in the table, the next lefs tabular number than it will point out on the left-hand fide the minutes or firft part of the anfwer, and the tabular number fub- tracted from the fecond term will give a firft remainder, being a number of feconds and thirds, which, mul- tiplied into 60’, is to be corifidered as a new dividend, the divifor remaining the fame as before. This re-« mainder is to be fought for in the column of the firft term, as before, confidering the numbers therein con- tained as feconds and thirds inftead of minutes and feconds; the neareft lefs number than the remainder will point out a number of minutes on the fide, which are to be confidered as feconds, for the fecond part of the anfwer, becaufe the remainder or new dividend confifts of feconds and thirds inftead of minutes and feconds. The next lefs tabular number fubtracted from the firft remainder, will give a fecond remainder, be- ing a number of thirds and fourths, which, multiplied into 60’, is to be confidered as a new dividend, the divifor ftill remaining as before. The fecond remainder fought for in the fame column as before, or the next lefs number than it, confidering the numbers of the column as thirds and fourths inftead of minutes and feconds, will point out anumber of minutes on the fide, which are to be confidered as fo many thirds, for the third part of the anfwer, becaufe the fecond remainder confifts of thirds and fourths. In like manner the operation might be continued farther and farther at pleafure. | It fhould only be obferved, that if the anfwer be required true to thirds, the numbers taken out of the area of the table fhould be fet down exact to thirds in the firft operation; and, if the anfwer be required true to fourths, the number taken out of the area of the table in the fecond operation fhould be likewife fet down exact to three denominations; and fo on. Alfo, if the firft term has thirds annexed to it, we muft add to the next lefs number (in the table) than the fecond term, the produét of the faid number of thirds into the . minutes of the firft part of the anfwer, and fubtract the fum from the fecond term, for a firft remainder. In like manner, the fecond number taken out of the area of the table muft be corrected by the product of the fame number of thirds into the feconds, which conftitute the fecond part of the anfwer ; and {fo on. The method of finding the product of any two numbers of different denominations, will be made eafy by the following confiderations ; that as the product of any number of minutes on the fide into the number of minutes and feconds at the top of any column, is equal to the product of 60 minutes into the number of minutes and feconds in the area of the table, fo the product of any number of feconds taken on the fide into any number of minutes and feconds at the top of the column, is equal to 60 minutes multiplied into the number of feconds and thirds in the area of the table, or the numbers in the area of the table depreffed one denomination lower and the product of any number of thirds taken on the fide into any number of minutes and feconds at the top, is equal to the product of 60 minutes into, the number taken out of the area of the table, deprefied two [xi ] two denominations lower; and foon, In like manner, if the number at top be canfidered as degrees and minutes, or as feconds and thirds, inftead of minutes and feconds, the numbers in the area of the table mutt be raifed or lowered one denomination ; and fo on, The application of thefe remarks is fhewn in the following folutions of the three foregoing examples of this problem, actually performed after the common method of divilion, which fets the whole work in a clear and elegant light, altho’ no way differing from the method prefcribed in the rules, except that the feveral remainders are here kept in their proper denominations ; hence it appears, that the feveral parts of. the quotient, as they arife, belong to lower and lower denominations fucceflively, ‘Prosrem H. Case hl. Ruined. 38’.50 ) 20’. 1° X60, (46%.227.49'” 29 .46,3 x 60'==38".50” x 46’ iff Remainder 14,7 x 60’ monn 04:20. OLY 14. .14,3 X 60"==38/.50" x 22” 2d Remainder 27,7 x 60° snes tx OG" 27 560 X 60/==38’.50" x43". Rute IL. 43.267) 35/4144 X60" (49.17.24 35.28 48x 60’==43'.26",7 X 49° 1ft Remainder 12 ,6x 60% gE 2000, 42 .18,6 x 60’=—=43/.2657 X17” 2d Remainder 17,4 x 60’ many UOT eh Cie 17.22 X60°==43'.26",7 X24, | Rute II. 35/.44'7.53'”) 297.32", 19” x 60% (46. I oe 16”. 10", &c. 27.23 44 X60/==35/.44” %46 AD noon KOOL 5 7b 27.24.24) G0 OO = 36 AA B 2 AO aft Remainder 7.54.22" x 60/ 7 44 -32 X60’= 357.44" 4 11.29" X 60° 53” 73 7 44 143.29 X60’ 35/.447.53 X13" 2d Remainder 9.38.31" x 60/ pan pe uw 9 +31 5 Pia Fegesnnn x 16” 9 31 58 . 8 xX 60'= 35.44.53 x 16% 3d Remainder 6'.32".52"'x.60° | 5 +57 20 X60’ = 35/44" 2 ow 8 50" x 60/=53” ——— § +57 28 050 9X6 9544857” K1O% ath Remainder 35°.29%.10"" x 60% 2 =r hike i Case Il. f xu 4] Case II, When the firft term is lefs than the fecond. 1 ; Rvuce. Subtraé the fir term once or twice, &c. from the fecond term, till the remainder is lefs than the firft term; and make the following proportion, which now falls under Cafe I. As the firft term, is to the reniainder, fo is the third term, to a fourth term, which, increafed by the third term, or twice the third ferm, 8c. according as the firft term was fubtracted once or twice, 8c. from the fecond term, will give the anfwer required, , . . EXAMPLE L237 gage ce 60": &: : Subtracting 23.44”, the firft term, once from 37’.52”, the fecond term, the remainder is 14’. 8”, lefs than the firft term. Now fay, as 23/44 : 14%. 8”: : 60’ : y= 35'.43”,8, found by Cafe I. which increafed by 60’, the third term, gives 95’.43”,8= 1°.35.43,8 ==, the anfwer required. , Exampvre Il. 17/.93%,8 : 437-2554 : > 60’ : x. Subtracting 17’.33”,8, the firft term, twice from 43/.25,4, the fecond term, the remainder is 8’.17”,8, lefs than the firft term. Now fay, as 177.33”,8 : 8’.17”,8 : : 60’ : y= 28’.20%,6, by Cafe I. which increafed by 2x60’, or twice the third term, gives 148’.207,6 == 2°.28’.20%,6 =, the anfwer required. Examepre UI.) 2409260 at peace ra) ceo ew, Subtracting 14’.52”.26”, the firft term, thrice from 53’.41”.14’”, the remainder is 9’. 3.56, lefs than the firft term. Now fay, as 14/.52.26” : 9’. 37.56” : : 60° : y= 36'.34”. 10.50", &c. by Cafe lI. which increafed by 3x60’, or thrice the third term, gives 2167.34%.10.50", &c. or 3°.36’.34”.10.50", &c.= w% the anfwer required. Ris xB. tao air Aih RRL OES A In like manner, cafes of proportion may be folved when the firft and fecond terms are abfolute numbers, by only confidering them as fo many feconds. This method is ufeful in finding the minutes and feconds of an argument anfwering tothe excefs of any given number above the next lefs number in a table. EXAMPLE I. 384: 303,3:260°!%3 Or, 384% Cee ae TAO sia — 4723 Exampte II... 35723: 26108 :: 60°: 4; OB 572 3 BP 101,849 130018 citbO as een 49 ale Re da) ee VE eee T O find a fourth proportional to three terms, confifting each of any number of minutes and lower deno- minations under 60’. There are two cafes of this problem ; in the firft cafe the firft term is greater than one or both of the middle terms; in the fecond cafe the firft term is lefs than both the middle terms, - Cast I. When the firft term is greater than one or both of the middle terms. Ruve. Ifthe fecond term be greater than the third, tranfpofe them, that the fecond term may be always lefs than the third. Then fay, as the firft term is to the fecorid, fo is 60’, to a fourth term, which will be found by Problem II. And, as 60% is to the term juft found, fo is the third term of the original proportion, to the anfwer required, which will be found by Problem I. BxamMpce ld. 52726" : 496” : : 927.10" : #, Tranfpofe the two middle terms and the proportion will be 52°26": 92404 43'.16% : x. This will be refolved into ‘two ‘proportions ; 52.20) .5 2m Aer. F Sa tO. : 2, By Problem II. y will be found = 36/.48”.31, therefore the fecond proportion will ftand thus, Go! : 367.487.31" : : 43.267: w= 26/3256, by Problem I. EXAMPLE II. Bxampnur UL 477.32"\4. 9 90/097"%2 2:29" 9% Br ws Orage (iA 8232) Gg AOiis92%272 2x. This will be refolved into two proportions ; A732 ods 28 EOP Ve 20 ok Zt aie Oo 27 42, Macey EAS AD tu EXAM Pie Lae s 4022 16: Poe O16. 89 438 2 xs 1p EE oR OT EL A ERE Uy 0 ad Co GR IP Day, (85 $4 22; S8o ola me as 5: 60 + y= 40gw hug. lisigy gating’ 1 af. 19% 2" If the anfwer be required true to more denominations, y muft be found true to more denominations, and thence » may be found true to as many denominations as y was carried to. Case IJ. When the frit term is lefs than both the middle terms. Rute. Subtract the firft term once or twice, &c. from the fecond term, till the remainder is lefs than the firft term; and make the following proportion, which now falls under Cafe I. As the firft term is to the remainder, fo is the third term to a fourth, which increafed by the third term, or twice the third term, &c. according as the firft term was fubtraéted once or twice, &c. from the fecond term, will give the aniwer required. Bi xra MPL B15) 267.99" 390617 ii ae nO": Me Subtraéting 26’.39”, the firft term, once from 32/.17”, the fecond term, the remainder is 5’.38” lefs than the firft term. Now fay, as 26’.39” : 5’.38” 3: 60°: y= 12'.41/ 3:43/.167: z= 9’. 8%7, by Cafe I. which increafed by 43’.16”, or once the third term, gives 52’.24”,7 =, the anfwer required. Fae pee 1 141999502 907.10, 4 8 20.55 52s Me Subtracting 14’.33”,6, the firft term, twice from 39’.19”,4, the fecond term, the remainder is 10’.12”,2, which is lefs than the firft term. Then fay, as 14’.33,6: 107.12”,2 :: 60°: y= 42". 27,8 2:237.55°53 1 2=5 16.45”,8, by Cafe I. which increafed by 2 x 237.55”,3, or twice the third term = 47’.50”,6, gives 64.3674 = 1°.4,36,4 ==, the anfwer required. Rew. De WT 1 8294 ages 58! par AG hes, 4326 fat! Sy. Subtra@ting 18.27.19, the firft term, thrice from 58’.52%.46”, the fecond term, the remainder is 4/4 3'.30".49"", lefs than the firft term. . Now fay, as.187.277.19 : 3/.207.49°" 3: GO" :y=2 11.25.23" 3: 43'.26.41 : = 8'.16%.16”, by Cafe I. which increafed by 3 x 437.26%41'", or thrice the third term, = 130.20". 3, or 2°.10'.20”. 3/”, gives 2°.18/.36”.19”, the aniwer required. But tf the anfwer be required true to five denominations, find z by five operations, and it will be = 87.167.16’.25".49", which increafed by 3 x 43’.26”.41” = 2°.10'.20”. 3” gives 2°.18’.36.19/".25".49", true to the laft denomination. Ree ei Me ei eK, In like manner, cafes of proportion may be folved in abfolute numbers, by confidering them as fo many feconds. Exaupie I? 9146 a50623 1930't.%; Or, 93146” 3 19307 = 32",10%: * 60 3 36448".91 82800" tx 20.22" 0 —— £509" 56) ExampLe Il. 28524: 13896::19472:%3 2 Or, 2852744 : 13897,6 = 23’. 9,6 : : 60": 29/7.137.48% : 2 194792 25 = 15/.48”,6 = 948",6, whence * = 9486. ExamPpre III. 8736: 23594: : 14353 :%3 Or, '873%,6 : 2940754 ¢ 2 1435" 33 2 ro Subtracting the firft term twice from the fecond term, the remainder is 612”,2, which As lefs than the firft term, Then fay, as 873”,6 : 612,2 = 10’.12%,2:: 60°: 42”, 2 sore 14.3553 : 16 ie <8 mae Ve which increafed by 2 x 1435”,3 = 2870%,6, or twice the third term, gives 387654. = 355, whence x = 38764. d PROBLEM [ xiv >] | n Peek. Oy B. DagbaeM, IV; yo correct any Mathematical or Aftronomical table, or the Moon’s place, found by direct proportion from the Nautical Ephemeris, by the equation of fecond difference. Correct the proportional part found in the ulual manner, by the equation of fecond difference, according to the rule given 1n the title page of the firft table, or at the bottom of the fecond table of fecond difference, and proceed in other refpeéts in the afual manner. But if the reverfe of this operation be required, that is, to find the argument anfwering to any given number or equation, firft find the argument nearly by proportion, and then find the equation of fecond dif- ference, and apply it to the given number or equation in a contrary manner to what the rule directs, and find by proportion the argument anfwering thereto, which will be the anfwer required. Ux ME Bite uel What is the Logarithmic Sine of 0°.31/.27/? Take out the two preceding and the two following fines out of Surrwin’s Tables, and put them down in order, and take their firlt and fecond differences, and alfo the mean of the two fecond differences, the opera- tion will then ftand as follows : Logarithmic Mean of Sines ift Diff. } 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. O. 30 7.9408419 O41 7 .9550819 ee 4521 | 4382 Q. 32 7 .9688698 133636 4243 0-33 1 7-9822334 : slomddauny rem Uededdydo Re x. — Confidering the third term as fo many thirds, it will be found WT ie as 1 =—38'.19".59'" ; therefore fay,.as 60. : 2 38.17.59 3 w= 17.14". 5°” = 62045, the proportional part: then looking in the firft table of fecond difference for the equation anfwering to 4382 = 4000-+-382, we find oppofite 27 and under 100 the equation 12,4, therefore we muft take 496 (—=40x1 2,4) as anfwer- ing to 4000, and oppofite 27 and under 38 we find 4,7, therefore we muft take 47 as an{wering to 382, which added to 496 gives 543 the equation of fecond difference, which by the rule in the title page is to be added to the proportional part 62045, gives 62588, the proportional part corrected, and this added to the fine of 0°.31’, viZ. = 7.9550819, gives 7.9613407, the Logarithmic fine required, exactly true in all its places. Tex AM) Plrse nil, To find the arc whofe Logarithmic fine is 7.9613407. This being the reverfe of the laft Example, from the given Logarithmic fine 7. 9613407, fubtract the neareft lefs fine in the table 7.9550819 the fine of 0°.31’, and the remainder is 62588; then fay, as the firft dif- ference 137879 : the remainder 62588 : : 1379 : 626 nearly : : 22’.59”: 10’.26"::60%:27%. Then entering the firft table of fecond difference oppofite 27” and under the mean fecond difference 4382 we find 543, which is now to be applied in a contrary manner to what is given in the title page, or is to be fubtracted from 62588, then there will remain 62045. Now fay, as 137879 : 62045 : : 1379 : 620%,5:: 22.59” : 10’.20,5 2: 60” : 26.59/”,9, which added to 09.31’ gives 0°.31’.26’.59'",9, the arc required. N.B. The effect of the equation. of fecond difference is not equivalent to more than 1” at the Logarithmic fine of 8’, to half a fecond at the fine of 15’, and to = of a fecond at the fine of 1.1°6’. Therefore will generally be of little or no confequence when the arc is above 8’. EXAMPLE [ x ] Exampue If. What is the corre€t equation of Mercury’s orbit, in Dz ra Lanpe’s Aftron. to the anomaly 45.14°.27/.43” ? 7 Mean of Equations | 1ftDiff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. Yh 19.54. ae a ee bere 60’ : 29/.43” 2:15.22" : == 7’. 5,9 the proportional part — 4 ,4 the correction of 2d difference — 7. 1 ,5 the proportional part corrected 20°. 9 .45 ,0 Equation for 4°. 14° $ dns So Oe we Be ) 4.14 20. 9.45 4s") ¢ 34 ye 4 . 4 Anfwer 20. 2.43 55 EV. x A Mer Lg TV, What is the correct Logarithm of Mercury’s diftance from the Sun, to the given anomaly 6*. 19. 357.467 ? Mean of Logarithms | 1ft Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. eT ed oe 4.487844 Ay Gee 4.487870 85 56 542 ie 4.487952 P oe 4. 488087 135 60’ : 357.46” : : 82 : x = 48,9 the proportional part — 6,6 correction of 2d difference -++ 42,3 proportional part corrected 4.487870 Log. dift. for 65. 1° Anfwer 4.487912 BX A Mi pree ¥. Required Mercury’s correct Heliocentric Latitude, to the given argument of Latitude 3°. 2°.41'.17” ? Mean of Latitudes | 1ft Diff.| 2d Diff. | ad Diff. s0 9 / YZ 3-1 | 6.59.56 at y 3-2 | 6.59.45 | 8 é Oe 6.59.26 ae h Ess pital) f6cke8. tape Late 60%: 41.17% 23 19” : x= 131 the proportional part — o ,g correction of 2d difference — 12 ,2 proportional part corrected 6°.59'.45 30 Heliocentric Latitude for 35, 2° Anfwer 6 .59 .32 8 ExaMPLeE i weeny Exampeprte VI. What is the correét equation of the Moon’s centre in the Lunar Tables, not yet publifhed, now ufed for computing the Moon’s place in the Nautical Ephemeris, to the given anomaly 3:.15°.32%.14°? Mean of Equations rt Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. s @ OP R?. i) g.14 }[° 6.42. 33,9 Mel ids 3.15 | 6.11. 19,8 tae 72. // 3.16 | 6. 9.58.5 sr 8 7,0 7 3-17 6 i akg Bo . /L 22 1/4.21/,3 :¢ == 0.4347 the proportional part Go 214 — o ,g the correction of 2d difference — 0.42 ,8 proportional part corrected 6°.11.19 ,8 Equation for 35. 15° Anfwer 6.10.37 ,0 Ep XA MUP ALY Bae VEL In Dr. Masketyne’s Tables for computing the Moon’s apparent diftance from the Stars (not yet pub- lithed), it is required to find the correct quantity which correfponds to 12°.31’.52”, the difference of Longi- tude of the Moon and Pollux, the Moon’s Latitude being 5°.10’ South. Quant*.under Mean of Diff. Long.} Lat. 5°.10’S. | 1ft Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. Qe Se 11 Pe §.43 12 =H bah y 12 4 50 ued Gigs 1.46 Avge 12 A 22-0 GA Is. 1 1.532 14 4.18.50 60! + 31.52 2: 16.33” 1 #== 87.474 the proportional part +- 12 ,3 correction of 2d difference rar ES Ge — 8.59 ,7 proportional part corrected 4°.50 .24 ,0 the quantity oppofite 12° diff. Long. ed oe Anfwer 4.41.24 53 Feirxe AEM iP. Lee VY LLL Required the Moon’s Longitude March 2oth, 1780, at 8.42.53” apparent time, by the help of the Nautical Ephemeris. < Set down the two longitudes of the Moon, immediately preceding, and the two longitudes immediately following the given time in the Nautical Ephemeris, and take their firft and fecond differences, and the mean ef the fecond differences, and the operation will ftand as follows : D’s Longitudes by ! __ | Meanof the Nautical Ephem’. | 1{t Diff. 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. March 19th, Midnight § 21.34.14 ee oS. ae 2oth, Noon 5 DO Gah2 ae fbr 24 AO amb geee. 4 2oth, Midnight | 6. 6.29.14 b2 Sil tae-a0 Brae 21ft, Noon Men aa Then xvii J Then fay, as12® : 88.40%.59” :> 9¢2957.52' : w, or multiply by 5, _ then 60 : 43.634.25 2: 7.25.52 3 te | his proportion wi e€ reioived into the two followine ; This prop ill be refolved h following | GO: 42,24 125 Sssuae bk Polat as ees tee Bl Baw Ol gs DACE Wo Be onl, i op GGOit 4744. Soe aie SS ete le ee ee Ze TAT ST yt2z= 5.23.48 ,0 the proportional part. Now entering the fecond table of fecond difference, oppofite 8".43’ and under 3/.48”, you will find 22”,7, which added to the proportional part 5°.23’.48”,0, according to the rule, becaufe the firft difference is de+ creafing, gives 5°.24’.10,7, the proportional part eorrected, and this added to 5°.29°. 37.22”, the Moon’s longitude on the 2oth at noon, gives 6%. 4°.277.32”,7, the Moon’s true longitude:at the given time, and is as correct as the longitudes from which it is deduced. N..B. By a {mall moveable table, containing the three columns 5, 6, and 7 minutes of the Sexagefimal Table, the proportional part of the Moon’s longitude may always be found at one opening of the book, It may alfo be found by Problem VI. EH Gxa: nee Leu KS The Moon’s latitude is required at the fame time as above. »’s Latitudes by Mean of the Naut. Ephem. | 1ft Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. /4/ . . x / March rgth, Midnight | 4.31.31 N.| 7% ©” PF bese: 20th, Noon 4.10.59 beh eb 4. 8 AP 2oth, Midnight | 3.46.19 |o3°4° | 3.34 | 379% 21ft, Noon . ’ Dib 5 14 ; Sava as, 007 § 42".94" 950 3 5) OA AO at oe Or, as 60% : 43°.34%.25” :: 24.40 : #==17'.54”,8 the proportional’ part. Now entering the fecond table of fecond difference, oppofite 85.43” and under 3/51”, we find 23,0, which fubtracted from the proportional part 17’.54”,8, according to the rule, gives 17’.21”,8 the proportional part corrected, and this fubtracted from 4°.10’.59”, the Moon’s latitude the 2oth at noon, gives 3°.53’.277,2 the Moon’s true latitude at the time required. Koxca Mo? Pee XS Required the Moon’s diftance from « Arictis July 26th, 1780, at 15, 18, and 21 hours, by the help of , the third table of equation of fecond difference. Noon & Midn, | | Mean of Diftances ft Dif =| 2d Diff. | 2dDiffh 2 LE e//, July 26th, Noon Poi GPs Aes a0 Sills Mgye So Midnight 28 649 055° 55333 | oo. 21 eC = 6.13.34 e 17 6 335 27th, Noon Boe ah 2 6.08.20 | 14:4 Midnight Al. 38..4y : 15 Hours 18 Hours 21 Hours Dift, 26th, Midnight 28.49.55 | Dift. 26th, Midnight 28.49.55 | Dift. 26th, Midnight 28.49.55 Prop. part for 3h. ++ 1.33.23,5°| Prop. part for 6h.. -+ 3. 6.47 | Prop. part for gh. ++ 4.40.1055 Cor. of 2d diff. — 1.38,8 | Cor. of 2d diff. -— 2.11,7 | Cor. of 2d diff, 1.3858 2’s dift, a * at. 35h. = 30.21.39,7 | D’s dift,a # at 18h. = 31.54.30,3 | 3’s dift. deat 21 hy = 33.28.26,7 3 € EXAMPLE Oy f xviii ] Examepuse XE, Given four diftances of the Moon from a Star at noon and midnight, it is required to interpolate three diftances at the 3d, 6th, and gth hour of the firft or laft interval by the help of the third table of equation of fecond difference: as fuppote the diftances of the laft interval of the following ones. | )’s Diftance: Meanof 4 Aldebaran | 1ft Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. | 3d Diff. ee ee 1781, OG. 4th, Midnight 28.25.45 ie acer aay soos 5th, Noon (22.54.19) |. 14. - spe Sate, sth, Midnight | 17.36.59 a ne 32-34.) 4% 4% I sate Bras featec Soh elh gt 6th, Noon £2 2G Pitta k Cel iieed abt 15 Hours 18 Hours 21 Hours fc) ° 7 o ivy Prop. part for 3h, 1. II. 11,5 Prop. partfor 6h. 2. 22. 23 Prop partforgh. 3. 33. 3445 Cor. of 2d diff. -+- 3.55,1 | Cor. of 2ddifh + 5 - 13,5 | Cor. of 2d diff. —+- ae Prop. part cor, —- 1.15. 6,6} Prop. part corr, — 2.27. 36,5| Prop.partcor. — 3. 37. 29,6 Dift. sth, Midn. =.17.. 36.59 = | Dift. 5th, Midn. 17 936% 59 | Dift. sth, Midn. 17. 36. 59 Dift. corrected 16.21. 52,4 | Correct dil. Da® 15. 9. 22,5} Dift. correéted 13.59. 29,4 Cor. of 3d diih -++ 8,7 Cor. of ad dif. — 8,7 eee ee Correct dift. D4 y% 16.22. 1,1 «| Corre dit. Dax 13. 5Q + 20,9 . a OAM Pore, XII; On January 25th, 1780, the Moon’s longitude deduced from obfervation was 58.28°. 4/.37”: It is required to find the apparent time correfponding, by the help of the Nautical Ephemeris. D’s Longitudes by __ | Mean of the Nautical Ephem‘. ift Diff. 2d Diff. | 2d Diff, s ° Jan. 24th, Midnight Lee op 16. 55 ES 25th, Noon Siuppisg ga. | 2 else 1G. is ie asth, Midnight | 6. 4.45.18 y eee enh ees 26th, Noon 6441. 48555 PE eve 820 Ant, 5.28 1-4 37 Longitude obferved 5-27 .34 .34 Longitude Jan. 25th, Noon 0.30 . 3 Difference of Longitude. Therefore! 72.10% A448 ook em aceeit 2 tes ey OF 7 Ada” BOI spk 6 ne me of thele. 7 .10)54.40% 50 230 7p ws : Go ; 4.01% G32 $2) 1273 Fe 050.1 99”,8 5 . hence ¥ == 04.50’.13”,8, the time nearly. Now the correction of 2d difference correfponding to this time is 13,7 He . ti / gt at 2 To find the effect of this.in time fay, as 7°11". : 07.13% 7-€:-123ieiy Obas 7 EI 2 120-3 5 Ohne’ 7 2) y, “multiply by ¢, then. 35055) 32 80" :3° 041337: y= .6122"',0, which applied in a contrary manner to what the rule directs, or fubtracted from the time juft found, gives - - © - 05,507,138 —22”,9 = 0}.49'.50",9, the time more nearly. The correction of 2d difference anfwering to this time is 13”,6, and the effect of it in time is aL i whence - - - 0°.50%.13”,8 —22”,2=05.49'.5141, the time ftill nearer, which is now accurately true { to the neareft tenth of a fecond, becaufe the correction of 2d difference anfwering to this time is the very fame as that for the former time, Vide page xxiii. Exampte Il, | EXAMPLE EF xe} Examepnue AIL _ Qn March 2oth, 1780, let an obferved longitude of the Moan be 6%. 4°.237.32”,7: To find the apparent time af the obfervation. | Mean of ad Dif es or )’s Longitudes by | } the Nautical Ephems. ift Diff. ae ee. ee — ad Diff. March 1gth, Midnight EP 21. 34. 14 ie cased At goth, Noon R206 9b22 7+29- 8} 3.16 cies 20th, Midnight | 6. 6.29.14 Aig Fai? 5? DO 3:4 aft, Noon 6a 2),/50 £46 6g REINS Ee Se ON ys 6. 4.27 .32 ,7 Longitude obferved 5:29. 3 .22 ,0 Longitude March 20th, Noon 5.24 .10 47 Difference of Longitude. Therefore 17°.957.62% +. 5.2410 57 slap att sh or or hig oft Haba alg te aah oes OS Sar enn 7250-52 2 12" 22 524.107 2 ZS, multiply by 5, then 37-9 .20 : 60 2: 5.24.10 47 3 #5 = 87.43.2963 hence « = 85.43’.29,6, the time nearly. The correction of 2d difference anfwering to this time is 22,6, To find the’ effect of this in time fay, as 79.26’ : 0’.22%,6 :: 125 : y ones es is a oe Opie 7 ee by 5s, : Henig .tO ts O00 s |) 0.22, 30. 9 YO. 96. aka WIC fubtracted from the time firft found, gives 8".43’.29’,6 — 36”,5 = 8".42’.53”,1, the time more nearly. The correction of 2d difference anfwering to this-time is 22,7, and the effect of it in time is 367,65 whence - - - - - - - - = 8¥.43’.297,6 — 36,6 = 8".42”.53"0, the time required, exactly true to the neareft tenth of afecend. Vide page xvii Exampue VIII. Belt Atar: Pi eile ee Ve On the fame day the Moon’s latitude was 3°.53’.27”,2 N. what apparent time correfponds to it? ) ’s Latitudes by the “el Mean of Nautical Ephemeris. | rf{t Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. ee March roth, Midnight 413 ai a1 N. / e gee . h, Noon AbOM aera , yeaa), AOU see ~ 59 Talli fags 2oth, Midnight 946 M10 ie : 2.34 ; axft, Noon BES Y eat OS ey 1 fe 4.10.59 ,0 Latitude March 20th, Noon 3.53.27 52 Latitude oblerved 17.31 ,8 Difference of Latitude. Therefore 24/.40” ; 17/.31”,8 :: 12) gars, | eC f Se Ore edo? LT .gt Bose GoaE 42°.38 26 23 125 : E8731 .41°,2 5 hence x == 8',31’.41,2, the time nearly. The correction of the 2d difference anfwering to this time is 23,8 To find the effect of this in time fay, as 24’.407% : 23,8 :: 128 : y , id at a Ye 8 ac roa BAU pipe OF, aS 24.40 + 23 ,8 3: 60° 2 677.5356 13 12%: fom 11.34%75 hence y = 11/.34”,7, which applied in a contrary manner to what the rule directs, or added to the time juft found, gives - 8.317.412 + 11/.34,7 = 85.43.1549, the time more nearly, The correétion of 2d difference an{wering to this time is 22,9, and the effect of it in time is 11’. 8543 Boke | | A A 11’. 8”4 = 85.42’.49”,6, the time ftill nearer. whence 31.41 42 - | 24 pees Nha sable 38h 4 co The correction of 2d difference anfwering to this time 1s 23”,0, and the effect of it in time is 117.117,43 whence - - - 85.31/.41,2 - 31/.11,4 = 8.42’.52”,6, oF 84,427.53, the ime fought, accurately true to the neareft fecond. Vide page xvi. EXAMPLE IX. . EXAMPLE re . \ f xf Exawmp Given the angle of a Comet from its perihelion 165°.28’.34”, mean motion and diftance, by the help of Mr. BARKER'S general table of the parabola. Vide his Account of the Difcoveries concerning Comets. |; Anglefrom | Logarithm Meanof § Anglefrom | Logarithm Mean of Perihelion | mean motion | 1ft Diff. | 2d Diff. | 2d Diff. § Perihelion | Diftance rt Diff. | 2d Diff. | ed Diff. ad | 65.20 | 1.788 165.20 | 4.090322 - 165.20] 1.7880r5 | 165.25 | 4.097591 | vee 44 44 165.25 | 1.792938 “gin 27 28 165.30] 4. 104904 7333 44 165.30] 1.797888 aa 30 . Nice 4.112261 | 7397 165.35} 1.802868 ae : 3" 34" 1353) ee ent 19 5. ; 3.34” se SOG Ces a Chek : seat 7 or 5 Ge 34 £3 (GO" 47) dee Ragan 73% PRE ORE ur? 4 i LOO! 2 (Ae AR et Agha. 12,11" 3 5) hee BY eG GO ae BLO. LS 16,0. eect ea O enero. Hence the proportional part - - ™%==5216,6% Hence the proportional part - - y= 3531,0 Cor. of 2d diff. opp. 427.487 (== 37.34 x12) — 4,54 Cor. of 2d diff. opp. 42”.48” and under 28 —2,9 The proportional part corrected - - ~— 5212,1 | The proportional part corrected - - + 3528,1 Log. mean motion for 165°.25 - - 4.097591 § Log. diftance for 165°.25" - - - - 1.792938 Log. of the mean motion required - - 4.102803 | Logarithm diftance required - - - 1.796466 | ExawMp L £2. LE ew. What is the Square Cube, or fixth power of 31/.477.38/” ? Square Cube, Root | or 6th power rft Diff. ————— ee eee ee See z f 4 ae YSN SES, A g0:'| O<. 56.95. 0 ZU Nie Oa AO a de: th, G2. AN so ee. Ae ne Be Ht3 33/0439 8 wena ne oe G0? ABR RIA RE Ag tees TMG .24° 30a Bios ad Diff. See ite Ce Mean of ad Diff. 7/ 4/1 41 it is required to find the logarithm of its Bevin 197,17 5 the proportional part mos OFFAL —— II 42. cor. of. 2d diff. inet oo? 37=3 329 ue II .13 ,3 proportional part corrected . 8 .28 ,8 Square Cube for 31’ ee Anfwer 1.19 .42 41 The true Anfwer is 1.19 .41 .59'” nearly. PROBLEM [oxi ] ome OB, ae aie 6 XE. ‘To apply the SexaGEsIMAL TABLE to Tables computed for every $0, S2OG Dah TF 2, or 10, &c. Degrees, Minutes, &c. Boxva.mMop tie ol. Ré® QUIRED the reduétion of the ecliptic to the equator in Mayer’s Tables, publifhed by order of the Commiffioners of Longitude, the Sun’s longitude being 3%.12°.26%.11744. The reduction for the longitude 35.12°. 0’ is 1°. 2’.48”,6 Totes te Ons t. 57.145 the difference is 2.25 »9 Therefore 30° :-26"117,4. 2: 2.25'59'! #, or multiply ‘by: 2, then Gow 2-42.22 583 32°25 %.9 28. 2”. 4/54 the proportional, part added to 1°. 2.48 ,6 the reduction for 35.12°. 0° gives 1. 4.56 ,o the reduction required. .x a mop i 5. i. In the 51ft table of Dr. Masxetyne’s Tables for computing the apparent places, &c. publifhed together with the Greenwich Obfervations, by the Royal Society in 1774, what is the angle between the ecliptic and the parallel to the equator, when the Sun’s declination is 17°.52’.26” ? Oppofite the declination 17°.40’ the angle is 15°.41’.58” oppofite 18.0 - - - - is 15.18.46 the difference ts Boi 7E2 Theréfore:26’ : 12%26" jf: 29fs82'7¢, x,0r- muluply by 3, then 60 : 37.18 2: 23.12 : #== 14'.25” the proportional part fubt. from 15°.41.58 the angle for 17°.40° gives 15.27.33. the angle fought. HosxcaomM peal Bd lll. In the fame Table, required the angle to the given declination 19°.38’.47”. Here the difference of the angles for 19°.30’ and 19°.45’ of declination is 22.57; Therefore; 15’): 87.47% shi22'.597 gipxgcorimultiply by 4° then 60 : 35.8 3:22.57 : w== 13.26” the proportional part fubt. from 13°19. 4 the angle for 19°.30° ny gives 13. 5.38 the angle required. ExAMPLE IV. In Dr. Hatity’s Tables for finding the place of the Comet of 1531, 1607, and 1682, what is,the angle from th: perihelion anfwering to the excentric anomaly 11°.327.44"? The difference of the angles for 11°.24’ and 11°.36’ of excentric anomaly is 58’.24”5 Therefore 12’ :, 87.44” :: 58’.24” : », or multiply by5, _ then 60 : 43.40 :: 58.24 : ¥ == 42.30” the proportional part added to 75°.34.22 the angle for 11°.24’ gives 76.16.52 the angle fought. EXAMPLE [- xer=] ‘ ExamMpLie® V. In the 39d table of Dr. Masketyne’s Tables for computing the apparent places, 8c. it is required to find the reduction of the equator to the ecliptic, correfponding to the right afcenfion 6%. 2°.28’.19”. The difference of the reduétions for 68, 2°.20° and 6s. 2°.30" of right afcenfion is 53,9; Therefore 10’ : 8’.19” :: 53%,9 : *, or multiply by 6, then 60 : 49.54 2: 63 ,9 : *==44”,8 the proportional part added to 0°.12’.36 ,4 the reduction for 6%. 2°.20’ gives 0 .13.21 ,2 the reduction required. Bx aM) P’t ze. VI. Required in the Solar Tables of M. pe 1a Cariue (annexed to the firft volume of M. pz 1a Lanpe’s Aftronomy) the equation of the Sun’s orbit, to the mean anomaly 115.26°.44'.417 ? The difference of the equations for 11%,26°.40% and 115.26°.50" is 19,7 3 Dherefore'10(s 1)4°.41-«etxeg eget ay 0 OF MUIeIDLyY fay 0. then 60 : 28. 6 i: 19 ,7 : ¥==9%,2 the proportional part fubt. from 6’.34 ,8 the equation for 115.26°.40° pives 6.25 ,6 the equation required. N.B. When the Sun’s places are to be calculated for the Nautical Ephemeris, it will be beft to prepare. a feries containing at leaft thirty longitudes and mean anomalies; for then the thirty proportional parts for the equation of the centre may be always very eafily and readily found (as in the example above) in my Sexagefimal Table at one opening of the book, in page 1 or 2, and without the trouble of turn- ing over any of the leaves. Riuxsetime te VII. In the 51ft table of Dr, Masxetyne’s Tables for computing the apparent places, &c. what is the angle between the ecliptic and the parallel to the equator when the Sun’s declination is 20°.57’.23” ? The difference of the angles for 20°.50’ and 21°. 0” of declination is 19/.53”; Therefore 10" :'°'4’.23” 23 19'.53” ; x, or'multiply by 6, then 60 : 44.18 :: 19.53 : *==14'.41” the proportional part dabt. from 11°. 2.59 the angle for 209.50” gives 10 .48.18 the angle fought. BE xtorm =. VIL, In the 28th table of the fame work, what is the equation which anfwers to 2%.10°.38’.21” of right afcen- fion, and 30° of declination ? Oppofite 2°. 6° of right afcenfion, and under 30° of declination, the equation is 3%.19°.58’ Oppofite2.12 - - - - : - - = = = ~- ~ wince) =) CISA Oleg ae the difference is 10 .33 Therefore 6°: 4°.387 .21” ::)10°33’ : #, or multiply by 10, . then 60 \: 46.29. OOulseaiosras icin e ‘¢ / // ‘If if / x ; / V/ OF 60\))2 46° 237530 “est 133° tel = Bi. O's , hence ~ == §&°. 9’ the proportional part added to 3°.19 .58 theequ. opp. 2°, 6°of R gives 3.28. 7 the equation fought, PROBLEM i [ xxii J Pape 'O BEB .M «Vi. To apply the SexaGesiMaL TaBLe to Tables where the differences are feveral Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds. Exameprne ii. N the 4gth table of Dr. Maskenyne’s Tables for computing the apparent places, &c. what is the Longi- tude of the Nonagefimal correfponding to 271°.43’.37” of right afcenfion of the mid-heaven? The Longitude of the Nonagefimal for 271° is 9%. 2°.227.207 for 272 iSg. 4.44.30 the difference is 2.22.10 Therefore 60’ : 43'.37 2: 2°.22’.10” : x CBG Past Fat oth 228 nl, 2 Acar aig aGa aes hence # = 1°,43’.21” the proportional part added to 98. 2 .22.20 the Long. of the Nonag. for 271° ee eee gives 9.4. 5.41 the Longitude fought. . : Enea Mm poywien “iF In Dr. Hatrey’s Tables for finding the place of the Comet of 1531, 1607, and 1682, required the angle from the perihelion to the given excentric anomaly 1°. 87.467? The difference of the angles for 1°. 0’ and 1°.12’ is 1°.32’.42” ; Wherefore 12°28" 46° % 3! 4°.92' .42”. 3: #, ‘or multiply by 5, Shem OG) i= tt eee? YE? 99) 42h) hy OPiGON bs ohms 2)10.927 542" es Ral ais Ce ee ew 4 COlT I e ° , hence ¥—= 1°, a ges the proportional part added to 7 .45 .21 the angle for 1°. 0” gives 8 .53 . 4 the angle required. E,.x tained Peres siiL Required the Moon’s Longitude January 25th, 1780, at o'.49’.51”,1 apparent time, by the help of the Nautical Ephemeris. The Moon’s motion in Longitude in 12 hours is 7°.10°4.4”. Therefore 12% : 0%.49/ 51 41 2: 7°.10°.44” : », or multiply by 5, then 60 74. Q 15 95 f3 J +10 44 2 x ee kes Or 00 A O61 60' 45 33 710 44 SO 29.40 443 ; hence x = 0°.29/ .49”” ,4 the proportional part + 13 ,6 correction of 2d difference © 30 . 3,0 the proportional part corrected | added to 55.27 .34 .34 ,0 the Moon’strueLong.Jan.25th, Noon gives 5.28. 4 -37 0 the Moon’s true Longitude required, Vide page xvi. PROBLEM. [ xxiv ] PR O Bien “var To apply the SEXAGESIMAL TABLE to computations from the Nautical Ephemeris. Ev x a MPs 2a, R* QUIRED the Sun’s Longitude April rath, 1780, at 145.53’.16%. Sun’s Longitude April 12th, Noon, is 08.23°. 87.56” 13th, Noon,is°@ 24°. 7.35 the difference is - - 58.39 the motion in 24 hours; Therefore 245: 145 59 1G res 20 ie Orsoultiplysby. 2 then 60) t..97 :F9ei00 Yo: (58 395 or 60° : 94’ .137.10' 2: 58.39" : 4 == 36°29” the proportional pare added to 08.2 3°. 8.56 the Sun’s Long. April rath, Noon gives 0.23 45.19 the Sun’s Longitude required. Eooxta mM Pp te IT. What is the Sun’s Longitude December 27th, 1780, at 215.34’,.107? Here the Sun’s daily variation in Longitude is 1°. 17.13”; Therefore 24% : 215.34’.10% 3: 1% 4°.48": .%) or multiply by 23, thet00 S659) .65).25 cere 1. 11303 or 60° 3 Bxgg ag” sA0 14, PRAT Bee 55. hence * =o 65: < ’ ‘the proportional part added to 98. 6°.28 Ph the Sun’s Long. Dee. 27th, Noon is gives 9. 7.23 .15 the Sun’s Longitude fought. Boo amar er IT. What is the Sun’s Right Afcenfion in time January 2d, 1780, at 205.417.28” ? The Sun’s daily motion in Right Afcenfion in time is 4/.24,6 ; Therefore 245 : 208.1’ .28% 2: 4’.24%,6 : x, or multiply by 22, then, 605474: 51.45: AGuiea eee 2.0 or. 60° : 617.437.4072 2.4..24,56 3 —— | '3°s487,1 the proportional part added to 185.51 .22 A the Sun’s Right Afc. Jan. 2d, Noon gives Oris bho ihe Sun’s Right Afcenfion fought. Sex (4 Sep B SOE. | ¥ Required the Sun’s Declination March 29th, 1780, at 109.17’.46”. The Sun’s daily increafe in Declination is 237.15” ; Therefore 24 : 10.19’ .467 -+1--29%157<3 w, -or multiply by 2-, then'60 *: 25 .44a-2g ys 23.15 Bw or 60° 3 25'.44".25°" 22 23.1 e ew = 9.158. the proportional part added to 3°.43 .45 S. the Sun’s Decl. March 29th, Noon gives 3-53 43 S. the Sun’s Declination required. EXxXAMPL2@ [ xxv ] Pixia wm pao XN, What is the Equation of Time January 1ft, 1780, at 16" 44’.14? The daily difference of the Equation of Time is 28,4 ; Therefore 245 + 165.44’ .14% :: 2844 : x, or multiply by 22; then 60 2 4t -50435 3: RCE or 60% : 41°.50°.35° 2: 28 4 » «= 19”,8 the proportional part added to 3”.59 ,9 the Equ. of Time Jan. 1ft, Noon —_—_——-. gives 4 1g ,7 the Equation of Time fought. Box vaemab ice. VI: What is Mercury’s Heliocentric { cngitude March 23d, 1780, at 14°.38’.49? Helio. Long. Mar. 22d, Noon, is 2°. 6°, 2’ 25th, Noon, ts 2.24 .58 the difference is 18 .56 Therefore 725 RUC Laie iy be ne, Lec Opve de or | ly she : oO Boracay” oe 60’ : Qe i210 « s 18.56 . a 10°. G45 8 ; hence x = 10°.10’ the proportional part added to 2°. 6 . 2 the Helio. Long. March 22d, Noon gives 2.16 .12 the Heliocentric Longitude fought. Brixra Mop ee VI. What is Mercury’s Heliocentric Latitude June 14th, 1780, at 10'.257.93”? Helio. Lat. June 13th, Noon, is 1°14’ S. 16th, Noon, iso .59 N. the difference is 2 .13 h | DATS RES “s ; refore 72 vie SNiedk. FS sr The 7 marie 34 ae 53, av... & 4 fe 9/ // Life: AMR: (fo oe, Sian ees hope te 6. Oi I rAd s O .34 025 53 . © 0 Te 4 234 ee 2.13 ° iS ae 1. Sis ® hence « == 1°. 4’ the proportional part fubt. from 4 .r4 S. the Helio. Lat. June 13th, Noon ea ci ee gives 0.10 S, the Heliocentric Latitude fought. Pe Xo Ae hee th EN PLE: Required the Geocer tric Longitude of Venus April gth, 17$0, at 20%.257.41”. Geo. Long. April 7th, Noon, 1s 1.279. 4° rgth, Noon) s’2*) 461 the difference is 6.57 | ‘“ Therefore 144" > OBE 2A. Ad 226.57 3 & : Beisiee One. bere, 8 2511.41 2 Goes 28.30.42 0 1S OnGT ieee lb GS hence . == 3°.18’ the proportional part added to 15.27. 4 the Geo. Long. April 7th, Noon gives 2, 0.22 the Geocentric Longitude required. EXAMPLE [ xxvi } ExampLre IX, What is the Declination of Mars Oétober 29th, 1780, at 13%.43’.11% ? The Declination Ot. 25th, Noon, is 1°.33’ N. Nov. 1{t, Noon, iso .13 S. ee ee the difference is 1 .46 Therefore 1685 2 POOR Aa eld 2240, tox or 2°.48" 3 15.40.43", TE oe OO nam ene een 40, 62s a iG ara ae hence «== 1°. 9° the proportional part fubt. from 1 .33 N. the Decl. Oct. 25th, Noon et gives o .24.N, the Declination fought. Ex. 2 Mpa eee Required the Moon’s Longitude March 2zoth, 1780, at 8.427.532”. Vide the operation page xvi. Ex. VIII. ES ACM Boar shal ale The Moon’s Latitude is required at the fame time as above. Vide the operation page xvil. Ex. IX. Examepcre XIL What is the Moon’s Right Afcenfion July 2d, 1780, at 75.16/.51% ? The Moon’s motion in Right Afcenfion in 12 hours is 8°.10’; Therefore 125: 7'.16’.51% :: 8°.10° : x, or multiply by 5s, ! then'60":s o64og8.15 225; Breve oN . Or 60° + (s6°SS git te Rr tie. ma a ee gives 10g .31 the Moon’s Right Afcenfion fought. Exampre XIII. What is the Moon’s Declination Auguft goth, 1780, at g'.21’.44”? The Moon’s variation in Declination in 12 hours js o.20'% Therefore 12"; g*.21° 44” $3 39.20") sa, or multiply by 5; then Gollisc4O7.48) 40 ss oe tote Or GO: 465.45" a0" ie bebo are ame hence w == 2°.36° the proportional part fubt. from 9 .51 N. the Moon’s Decl. Aug. 30th, Noon ~ eee gives 7.15 N. the Mcon’s Declination fought, . N.B. The equation of fecond difference might be applied to thefe two la&t Examples, but it will never exceed 2° in Moon’s Right Afcenficn, or 4’ in Moon’s Declination. EXAMPLE [ xxvii. J] Exampsse. XIV, What is the Moon’s Semi-diameter September 4th, 1780, at 85.23’? The Moon’s variation in her Semi-diameter in 12 hours is 8”; Therefore 12" } 198290 2286) 3,-0r multiply, by? 5% then 60; Aida epg. 2 8 © 3 or 60’ : 41.5573: 8” : x= 6” the proportional part fubt. from 15.47 the Moon’s.Semi-diameter Sept. 4th, Noon. eives 15.41 the Moon’s Semi-diameter. required. ExiaM PLE. XV. The Moon’s. Horizontal Parallax is required at the fame time as above. The Moon’s variation in Horizontal Parallax in 12 hours is 27”; Therefore 60’ : 417.55” :: 27” : x == 19” the proportional part ‘ fubt. from 57’.54° the Moon’s Hor. Parallax Sept. 4th, Noon es gives. 57 35 the Moon’s Horizontal Parallax required. EO xACMiP Le OX VILL What is the Diftance of the Moon’s Center from Fomalhaut November 28th, 1780, at 7%.437.387? At 6 hours their diftance is 53°.23%. 7” Atg,hours - - - -.-18 51 .41 42 the difference is 1 .31.26 the variation of diftance in 3 hours ; Therefore 9* : 1°.43'.38% :: 1.31.26 i! 9 | or 3 Mat 4 43/638 =: 60 : 34/.32/.40/ 2s 7.317.267 Dis = Oy 6 I0K" : , hence # = 0°.52’ .39” the proportionak part fubt. from 53 .23.. 7° the diftance at 6 hours eee gives 52.30 .28 the diftance fought. Pox ala FP Ley VII. At what time on Dec. rsth, 1780, will the Diftancg of the Moon’s Center from Poilux be:3 [%F2 4g! At1s hours their diftance is 30°. 9/.38” Ati8 hours - 4 - - iS 31.55.44 ee ree em eee: the difference is 1.46. 6 the variation of diftance in 3 hours ; he enh yen Wherefore 19:46" | 6702 (1%. 3° B's BM 3 af J “4 / / CLP Pataey Roe ee A 7f BEE®: Ori’ 46 6s ag. B82 GO gh ndO oO ego sigs =U 47.. | * 3 hence x == 1'.47’. 1” the‘proportional part added to 15 . 0 . o time of the nearelt lefs dift, gives 15.47 . 1 the time required, « PROBLEM PR: OB ALM j [ xxvii Vill. To apply the SEXAGESIMAL TABLE to Cafes in which Tables of Logiftical Logarithms 43-14” OF 43 +14 49°37 OF 49 .37 we .28” or 55.28 79/.39/" or 38’. 49” 17. have hitherto been ufed. Ex aMeprug 1. 2.29” 58'.43” “ wos Bigs! AS ATT. EX AVM) PUL fA. Peer ke 2 i tGa ato Aes 2 25 649 PcAT aS Oi as Pe aeeont a 4.2 548 4A" 5 : hence ¥ == 2° 40.257 48.44. EisX) dP iawn LEE blog) ° 78'.34” ie : a q f sce 7 Tocliide 34 ¢ Sek eartheree MENG T2030 Le Hencee 47°. 12" 36°38 i nG € Examepure Iv. phate f Ho hIOS 226. o ida m8 “Ml, x” eee ea: id Wt WV Ab’ 22" 8 B25 547) ose RE oh Ole Ms ee eS ee e220 hence w—— 29.354 1 46.22". FE) i AM Pon Ee a AV. > 43°.517 1925 we 23/26. 51.15 = 1406,8 5416 EOxGA M Pola Big Vie Sia oe” 6438 : x Bits S427 eo 3600 yi 37° -22 3937 2 2838 EE Mee eye) aoa pe AE oe xyz = 66.49 .26 136 —=4009,443. | Px A MOP LP Bev it. 21 001 16°.29” x 2 BO... 21 6o 4 we 227.497.467.35% 3%, Ke. Exampere VII. > 60" Leda ais B75 Toe x Deere Sho cliee, “OO ou. een pen beae reese nA GY stats Henbe yoo. ae eee AGS ete Ex Aim? Boz: 1X, | > 60° carwash fe x | 1ST 4a fifo i aa tae 7 821 BOT AG 5 eck hence, py 559/29. 0977:217 20.4 6s neccen EXAMPLE: X. > 60° 23/4467 x 29° 2 Gen A6CR ee aes nate 38 teem. 2", 2 OY Aaa otherwife 520" 11.53” 60’ Ml Seto ics”, 2 20 emocee EX AMPL® { | max |] ExaMPLE XI. ee a . 60’ BY Ay 7 we Oar 32. 410": y 4 ee GO hype G8\ 08 2/5. BOY.G2) gOkC otherwite 46.20 .30 : 37.28 .30 60 we == 487.31.12’”.10".52", &c. as before. Examptre XII. 113’.19” 5 °9, 4 pial 20.2 Sia a Or 1 59. toumeazen oreo, +: 60 aA fon » 87.33", sary Cec. “hence ® = mf Si 3Re eA gL uenG. ExampurLe XIII. * 47.26 : 60” 24.79 x or 47 .26 2 ALG 60’ se A 58! al ACen 2”, Obs hence # = 3135,769 &c. EK xa mM Pp oR XLV: eae at : 60’ 4753 x” Or 33.45 VE 60° tee 220%, 81 5™.19%, Kc. hence == 8408,255 &c. Examprie XV. 2439 : 60° 1357 7 . or 2439 A224 7, 60’ Eo ame de pakty Mig AS Roa 4 28 By xa M Patt spe aVT, : 1478 5 OO, 3325 x or 1478 . Ogestene% 60’ a — 2! 14 A SrA 6’, Bey : &c. “hence # == 2°. 14.69 ".4. 16” 55", oc. ExameputueE XVII, REE sak oF 1 Mt 3469 % Wh tv v : | or 1°.20 37, + 257 49 60 w 49’. 1%.50%53".42", Orc. otherwife 48 3,7 346,9 608); u or 8%. 357 5°.46",9 60 x = 43/. 17.5077.53%.42", &c. as before. Examptre XVIII, BANS 4, ; 60" I ‘te A 4 VW 2 OP ea 260 ae ae? 5270 60 w= 54.23/7.197'".59%.40", SC otherwife | 548,55 49752 60° x , or 0. 877s 8’.172 60 ne == 54/.23/7.19/.59".40"5 &c. as before. E x A/M_P bb, XIX, : 5681 : 60° a 7097 ov | . or 1g 4bagg re ALS pe -: 60 . £ - a re 58.24", &ec. hence w== 19.14.57” «18.24%, &c, otherwife 568,1 70957 sor a Or Bape) 0411 240 7,7' 3); 60 is 14" 5718". 24", Orc. | "hence w = 1°. 14! 59" 18.24", &c. as before. h € EXAMPLE { =x } Ex aMmMPetLue XxX, 1’. 47 © or D 15/.58” ras G? st Tran{pofe the two middle terms a multiply be os then 15/.58” 2 B43” ty Lue = Owe or 15.58 PARE SHS 2: R60 mp fesse = 44° gE ST ALG” j VOLT * V 145 V9 oy eee hence # = sa ag’ af" 9 8 or 42.24’ .10” 31.18", &c, Digits aie ‘ Eclipfed. Eo ew MP Le OST: © or D 167.13” mee rc 28Uge Caer Tranfpofe the two middle t terms and multiply by ro, then 167.13” 2 OB See Bc ON BLO N or 16.13 2, oe Bes) Peis Gar 1 = 14,467 :48'".13". FOr 1075. SCC.. perc Meat 106° .48’ «13.19.10, S&C. Hae ‘ 10: or 10° 40° 49". Pe eis its Seca Exampure XXII. ‘3 af .27°0 sunt = ,62a13 ee Tranfpofe the two middle terms and multiply by IO, then 16.27” ae ee id air OO 2 10'# or 16.27 3.2.2 139° 2 60 : oa St 9040 ay AR Oba yee Pash aha 226° 4h .48" TO. 41) 5 Ck, 10 gr .22%41 34.49.58", &e. Digits Fclipfed. ExampLre XXIfl. 1° 14’.62”7 csv eee Tie sede | Pee é@ or 60° gO ea fe RST. are eae, oo OE Ey go". 29 Vad ee ence % en Ss eae G, ¢ E x’a mp tz XXIV- 24h ae ya Oe rs) WOE eLa1 6": oy ie Tranfpofe the two middle terms and multiply by 24, then 604 : 24" 120" A SLA yal AY eae |: or 60° S220 AC ee A SLA ms he = 110% 6 «Gee ano" HX yA MP LE SRR VG: 24k Sy AI 1 re roc te te we Tranfpofe the aay middle terms and nmultiply by 22 . then 60 Sid dAZoeRbs yo tule aan e seh tld / 7 uf x vw | vI or 60° 4 SR Ba sy ot RR RST OR aa xf | 3 49” pi” 48 45M, hence + = > ee view A abe 640”. 45". ExAMPL® fh J Exampyrne XXXVI, 49.2 28” : agh os 19. gi” ” Tranfpofe the two middle terms and multiply by 24, then 49°28"): 197151" ah: 60" ae Xe or 49 .28 2 19.51 oat. GO 5 Ot xX A = 24’, 4%.36.32".50", &e. ¥ uu. 24, 4” .36°1,92"".50", &c,,. SU ie icmeas » See reen-ee rperenEm / % - 4/ alt {fv vi 60 or a dS pee ao On se bn 27s TE oh DCC, hencew = Qa 1h0".37 "14%. fee. ExaMpre XXVIF. lia .4a, ae rte) Ly ae ’ 16 Sy ane Tran{pofe yom two middle terms Aes BCR by 24, then 1/.57/.44: GLO) 1 Os0 =. 22 GO PBA. O62! 87 14 53 fede. COuist a 00. sii 2 ete mr dG 241-40. 157 .b2".) cece Pet ALS ae AOL hd LO. ot Ocs Gi Seria bNN Th othe pO Ws 6.5 piv le & 60 / or ce Fem SAGAN, Qe .207 460" 5275 &c. Henceye == 166°. 30° (40.52 a oar. otherwife 687.52" SUMO ee sae Mira Bt ord 2 2K fe = 40°.23%46.57".12", &coas bef, Exampure XXVIII, 6’.2 ode mL GO RQ x Tranfpot the two middle terms and analy by 24, then 36’.25” 32640) sR OO? $ret Dae Me or 36.25, ou 2,12. . 307) cet ORY, pana 3 x ——— ral herd ro ee alee 5 Joa ptt x Oe is 2335 Sy eaMee tab tocar 60x60 = o. a W357, OCC, x 60° 2.30% or Fate ES, tees aegeas FZ Os ae OCC, hence = a7 25" 17” 26/1.) OtCx Oban gatas) 177.20) 5) CoG ExaMPLE XXIX, Me ak Pe TOAg Ne zea its 5 2 eats Phi ae OF 47 35 :. 28° .58 ene, NT Yareo BG shif Gece and 60 RO AE pS Rene p SOmag Te 2 enh LAL mas Gig 39! cf Bic. hence + == Gay! Pee Ets.) CCE ExAamMpye XXX. 29/43” ye oe te eer ole dae eh Pt ae be Ree or 29-43 oust eG eds soe.2 | OO gpa Peay age ad paeceey and 60 Mine anemia) Pd. TOCA hee OE ot kOe Ors hence == 365.16 . 2”.40,, &e. ExPLANATION [ eed 7 ExpLANATION and Use of the Tasues relative to ENGLISH MONEY, WEIGHTS, and MEASURES. 4 EVE calculation of proportions, where the terms are Sexagefimals, being fo much facilitated by the ufe 7 of the Sexagefimal table, may lead us to with for a fimilar method of calculating other proportions, where the terms are not Sexagefimals, by the help of the table. ‘This may be done by turning the terms into fexagefimal denominations, by a fuitable table, or by a rule, then making the proportion by the help of the Sexagefimal table, and reducing the refult from fexagefimals into the proper denominations by the reverfe ot the table before-mentioned, or arule. This work is rendered more eafy, becaufe moft divifions of quan- tities commonly ufed proceed by 3, 4, 10, 12, 20, which are aliquot parts of 60; thus 1 fhilling ==th 3% 5° 2 Biss I I I 15 1 “ al Pf eer ce ee or ths of a pound, 1 penny 545th or 4x ;5th or -Seoths of a pound, 4d or a farthing = gL, -1 ae Ms . 3 wo farthines = —/2_ L,., 3d or threefarthings = —%_ L.; and if pounds, be denominated minutes, 1” ‘dort gs= obey 4 t arthings Za ee be n p ; or = L. = 4d, and 1” = 4-d ord. Hence pounds being denominated minutes, and the firft fexagefimals of a pound feconds; and the fecond fexagefimals of a pound thirds; fhillings and pence may be turned into {exagefimais of a pound, and vice verfa, by the two following rules. To turn fhillings and pence into fexagefimals of a pound. | P Rw ie. Multiply che fhillings by 3 and you will have a correfpondent number of feconds; divide the pence by 4 and yor will have another number of feconds to be added to the former, and multiply the remainder of the pepse by 15 and you will have the thirds. Te this add for one farthing 33’”, for two farthings 74”, and for three farthings 114”, E.xX A.M P ‘Lz, Required to turn 71. 17s, 113d, into fexagefimals of a pound? 7a? So biel ; 3.4) 2” Remains 2 pence fae tf I 5 add 2” 45” 53" . iti 66° a Anfwen 9597.50 tra 76g 2507115) To turn fexagefimals of a pound into fhillings and pence, Reo wits Es L)ivide the feconds by 3, the quotient will be fhillings ; the remainder multiplied by 4 is pence; the thirds divided by 15 give pence, with fractions of a penny, EXAMPLE. Required to turn 7’.53.564” into pounds, fhillings, and pence? 753 56%” 15) 504” 3) . 3d, Remains 1112/7 = £d, “178. Remains 2” 4 (ed. 1130, Aniwer 7]. 17s, 114.4, If j [ xxxii | If we want to exprefs days, hours, and minutes, &c. in a fexagefimal manner, becaufe 1 day == 24 hours =+.x 60 h., multiply =4,ths into the number of the days, and you will have a fictitious denomination, each of which is equal to 60 hours: This fhould be denominated minutes, and the hours feconds, and the minutes thirds, &c. Thus to turn 365d. 6h. gm. into fexagefimals I multiply 365 by 4, the product is 146, therefore the expreffion becomes 146’. 6”. 9%. Or if I want to turng7d. 14h. 17m. into fexagefimals I multiply 97 by 4, the product is 38’,8 = 38%.48”, to which adding 14%.17’” we have 39’. 2”.17””. The proportion muft then be worked in the fexagefimal manner, and we muft reduce the minutes of the refult or 4th term to days, by dividing them by ;4,, that is, by adding a cipher to the minutes and dividing by 4, and we fhall have the days; thus to convert 39’. 2”.17’” into days, &c. I divide 39 by 74, or divide 390 by 4, the quotient is 97+days—= 97d. 12h. to which adding 2h. 17’ the fum is 97d. rgh. 17’. Or if I want to convert 89%.52”.50’” into days, &c. I divide 89 by =4, the quotient is 222! days = 222d. 12h. to which adding 52h. 50’ = 2d. 4h. 50’ the fum is 224d. 16h. 50’.. This method of converfion and reduction is fo very eafy as entirely to fupercede the ufe of tables made for the purpole, To exprefs inches in fexagefimals of a foot, becaufe 1 inch = 4,th or ths of a foot, multiply the inches by 5 and you will have the fexagefimals of a foot; thus 7f. rnin. = 7’+11”%x5 = 7.55”. If there be decimals.annexed to the inches, multiply the inches with the decimals by 5, and the whole numbers of the product will be feconds, and multiply the decimals of the produét by 60, and this produét will be thirds ; thus 7 f. 11,234 in. ==7’ + 117,234 X 5 = 7'.50%,87 = 7.56.10". On the contrary, to turn feconds and thirds into inches and decimals, turn the thirds into decimals. of a fecond, and annex them to the feconds of the number given, and divide the fum by 5, or multiply by 4, and you will have the inches with decimals of an inch. Thus 7/.56/.10% = 7/.56,17 =f, 4+ eee i = 7f. 11,234 in. But if inftead of decimals of an inch the next denomination lower be lines, as in French meafure, then, becaufe 1 line = =~ or ths of an 1 25 12X12 ox6o Ls contrary, to reduce thirds into lines, &e. divide them by 25 or multiply by +5. ths of a foot, multiply the lines by 25, and you will have thirds. On the Tint 5 5 or 3.x ths or = In like manner Troy weight may be reduced to fexagefimals, and 1 oz. will be found = 5”, 1dwt. = 15’; I gr. 375" . In this manner the tables were conftructed, whereby Englifh money, weights, and meafures may be-readily- turned into fexagefimals, and vice veria, as may be feen in the two following examples. To exprefs 571. 13s. 4d. 3,7319 q, in fexagefimals of a pound. In Table I. of Money. gs7l.--------------- is fee ee ata EGS. ie, eet Sioa weds 30” 4d.---------- ISGcws ie as mie” So is Seber ot BN 0 he ti iS-~--- -- LE) 525 Bg UTR: Heh fa har ol ‘gees cibieke Mabe: hay Saar pals pW SOS ets? Tks is: SS eke Se 2-2 s1125 gO0IL- - ~- = - iS pat — Mua oo Pep i- i 500375 S009 Ss ote tT et We -- - eee ee 003375 7]. 138 44. 9573194. ~~ =~ is - - ~~ 57'-407-13",994625 = 57-40-13 59-40. 39- { xxxiv ] To reduce 47’.53.49”.36'.15%.22" into pounds, Shillings, pence, farthings, and decimal parts of a farthing. 417.5 3.49'.36%.15".22". is = 47°53 -49°",60426 &c. In Table I. of Money. 7 -~--2+----- is -- - 47/1. } 53 ee - ee ee et eee is ---- - 175. 8d. 49°,60426 &c. 45) a ae ge 9) Sener 3d. 4,604 | BITS AG 27 he eek ene Sax 2 hols eames ae Das - Iq. 0,854. O,75- == -t- + - = - is--------- 0,2 31042 075 -------- IiS---+---+- - 302 302926 &c 302625------- 1Sj-te eS eam oe ote ,007 ,00301 ,003-------- Is ---+---e--- 30008 47.53/64... 36%.15".22" == 47'.53".49°",60426 &e. - - - - is - - - 47].17s.11d. 1,2278 q. 8c, In like manner weights and meafures are turned into fexagefimals, and vice verfa. Here follow Examples of proportions relative to Time, Englifh Money, Weights, and Meafures folved by the Sexagefimal Table. ra Ex A MEP LE ed: A perfon is indebted to A 571. 15s, toB 1081. 3s. 8d. to C 221. 10d, and to D 73]. but, at his ai ne effects are found to be worth no more than 1701], 148. how muft it be divided among his creditors ? jh ak ss i te 170.14. - =170.42 OF 2.50.42 5715: = 57 Aol Ob Tia 5 108. 3. 8 ==108.11 or 1.48.11 22. -.10 = 22. 24 or 0.22. 24 EMME ita Care acetal aah tel or 6 A’s A. 2OrE BL i aspen) roe 2.50.42 {is Share + 60 por. ai { D’s Now by Problem HI. Cafe I. thefe proportions will be refolved into the following ; Pe APL VEO LTLSLL NY Tip tss TED EEN oe Ware 13.16.37-41 ieee 4.20.68% : 1.48.11 6s 6g 2 9 24:52-19-37 PW: hla ieee rey Gh: Bais Me BAS St : [i425 Tone which multiplied ; si 4744-53-42 by 60, or raifed one denomination higher (becaufe the terms of the given proportion were depreffed one deno- riination lower) we fhall then have ; PAL Gy). xe ERE S| Ue z A’s 37-40.24.24 = 37.15. 5455 j A LY 7Oa540.12 == 70.15. 24.7 Ci Share = Tt hed 2 os T 45204) 1455 1)’s 47-44-53 42 = 47.14.1133 EXAMPLE : [ xxxv d Os 4 Monit II. If in 3 days x 3 hours 44 minutes there runs out of a veffel, kept conftantly full, a weight of water. 47 |b. 802, 13 dwt. 15 gr. Troy weight, how much will run out in 24,225, 36%? 6.) te on.) ee “mn, Ib, oz. dwt. gr, 3-13 47 “3 2.22.26 Satlazt 8 112° 116% 8 50x OF 5.25 A (ys 1 tOt 0 es Ah 2 0244. 2,0 2A tee This will be refolved into two proportions ; 25 Aye” s a 107.96" 3: Go": 49°. 22.48.48" 3: 494.4924 .9292 + w= 39°-16".35°,64 = 39 Ib, 302. 6 dwt. 9,02 gr, the anfwer, LSPA CME PALE” LLL. Three merchants, E, F, and G, freighted. a fhip with 346 pipes, 16 puncheons, and 20 hogfheads of wine, whereof E loaded 160 pipes, 5 puncheons, and 6 hogfheads; F 115 pipes, 4 puncheons, and 10 hogtheads and G the reft; in a ftorm the feamen were obliged to throw overboard 78 pipes, 4 puncheons, and 11 hogf- heads: how much muft each fuftain of the lofs ? pipes pun. hds, su Suu 78. 4.11 == 172,20 OF 2.52.20 160. 5. 6== 332.40 or 5.32.40 115. 4.10== 245.20 or 4. 5.20 7i- 7° 4155.20 or 235.20 Li tLe , as BN BYES ty 5+32-40 Ap Ab ALE E’s . 12.13.20 : <4; 5.20) 3: 2.52.20 :. Lofs + 60. 2.35.20 G’s Thefe proportions will be refolved into the following ; 4 4 WH é Bi REIL SS Me tie LER NS 4. 0a HL 5-32-40 / 27-13. 5:27 LO Uh Nel 78.10.35-59 : tie 12,1320 ? 94. 5.20¢ 2: 60 : 420. 4.21.49 @ 3: 2.52.20 : 457.39,12. - ewhich multiplied by 60, or 2.35.20 36,20, 32,°'3 raifed one denomination higher (becaufe the terms of the given proportions were depreffed one denomination lower) we fhall then have f Fa a wee hds. gal. pints tuns pip. pun. hds. gal. pints F’s 78.10. 35.59 == 78.10. 9,04 = 19. I. 0. 0.10. 9,04 F’s ? Share of the oh =} apse - == 57.40. 9,28 = 14. O% 1. 0,19. 9,28 G’s SOIBO12.0F ==. 35.914 05505 —— 19.00.00. 0, 924 5,08 19 RE CRP iC IE tL . ry . - ae 7 5 : . e , at . 2m, Flow many yards of matting, which is 2 feet 74 inches broad, will cover a floor which is 23 feet 54 in thes long and 15 feet 10 inches broad ? feet inch. feet inch. feet inch. 2. 74 Sailer oS 21 15.105 2 OF 2°.387.450° 3 > 237.27%.30 22 FSI IS 3 Ow This will be refolved into two proportions ; Shedd de ans ¢ 1 4 / Ar eK eee 2.38 45° 3 0°.239%.973'%: 60" : 84.5158. JM tt 155 a 15” + item 2 .20'.33'.55",03 hence * = 140'.33.55'",1 = 140 feet 6,78 inches = 46 yards, 2 feet, 6,78 inches, the an{wer, : EXAMPLE ie ss Tan Ex AMPLE V., How much fuperfine broad cloth may be bought for 151, 14s. 32d. of which 43 yards 1 hho 2 nails colt 561, 19s. 8id.e . L. & d. PS d. yds. qr. nls, 56.19 . 8£ + 15 «14 3+ r2 43. 1. 2 : . OF, 50-690 7°20" ¢ Ese 48 45 22 43'.22.30°" This will be refolved into two iD PRO OEMONS ; 56,.B9. oR BQ. Feb aed? ee a 5 10% ge a EOS Ae eo. tee 117.57°.37.51 = 11 yards, 3 quarters, 3 nails, 0,8 doh fir tuer. Ema Moe Le WE Required the fuperficial area of the wainfcoat of a room, whofe length is 27 feet 4,3 inches, and height 12 feet 10,9 inches. feet inches feet inches 2701453 X 12 .10,9 — » the area; or 297'.21/”.30/ x 12/.54”.30/” ee eee Li iy Iv AST 3 hence wiestisg 3 oa oor 0 ya 353 fq. f. 21,67 inch. or 39 {q. yds. 2 fq. f. 21,67 inch. the area required. Exampetre VI. A piece of ground, confifting of 46 acres, o roods, 25 perches, is to be divided among three perfons, H, I, and K, in proportion ‘to their eftates: now if H’s eftate be worth wel. 12S. 8d. a year, sag igs, 102d. and K’s 121. 9s. 7£d. what quantity of land muft each one have? A. R. Pe 4 HAE IV 46. 0.25 == 46. 9.22.30 L. s. d, // sf WW 25.12, SE = 25.38. 3.45 17. 5-105 = 17.17.4115 12.19. © = Halas ‘ 25.38. 3.45 Faatit as 1708 H’s Share 55-54+37-30 : diaz anase S (AO 2es gO 3H reer or Thefe proportions will be refolved into the following ; 0 ou UE Mts 3 fd Oe A. R. P. SATS TLS 25.38. 35 / 27. 30. 33° 52 PEL IIZ AY. F's Sh. = 21. 9-43-52 = 21. 0.2559 5554-375 2 91717-4150 2: 60 : 4 > 2: 460, 9.225: 13-55-50.46 K’s - - = = 10. 2.3457 Bi xsa MopoL E VILT. If in a ign 32" there runs out of a veffel, kept conftantly full, 53,146 cubic inches of a fluid, what will run out in 34.145.177? cubic inches 5 732 2 Bergh ar7’ oss Pear ty OF 9g 8 TE 17s ego err This will be refolved riot aN ES ; 2’, ri 122ag : id 26”. kas :: 60 : A0e3n 695 ghan 2: 150 4a von -x¥= ".14/.54,5 == 35,956 cubic inches, the anfwer. | EXAMPLES s6ath. { xxxvii J Exampetre IX)? Required the folid content of a wall whofe length is 55 feet 8 inches, its height 16 feet § inches, and thicknefs 2 feet 7 inches. feet inch, feet inch. feet inch. 55.8 X16.5 X 2.7 == «the folid content. Or 557.40 X 16.25" 2/.35% =p — = 0'.397.2077.48%.28" 205 hence x = 2360° 48.2 9", 20 or 2360 cub. feet 1396 inch. = 87 cub. yds. 11f. 1396 inch. the folid content required, ExAaAMPLE X, If a fervant’s wages by the year come to 71. 17s. 113.d. what do they come to for 137 days? days days L. s. ite BOG: a3 7a 7:17 » 2 # Strawia yy 2 237) Lc 3 e 7 ng 51 ix Goats 62) 2.090 ot 00s) 22.38" wo BOTs Sd Oba case 2. 672.19 4G 3 or 2]. 19s. 3d. 2,22q, the anfwer. ExamMPLe XI, What is the fimple intereft of 3452], 13s. 73d. for 37 years, 247 days, at 53,1. per cent. per annum ? L. L. d. L ee if ; 3452 - 13 ° he é “8 PED + 4 17 = 365 377 .247% = 13752" # Ud / Iv orgeg en te 3 ‘tay SEA TP | Manag tC 2 Lip Atl “7 Iv v w EEE ef pga Ba gars 1.407 st 6. git —0'.10”. 3”. 20", 8& 57’ 132 ek ie x 3'.49".12 gl =3 39 4g SIRE Cay 30 5 herciore 0 .1q.. te 20's) 200A td AGL AD IOR as S11" 15" fbr Ofna . 80120: 3090.49. 14".46'. 52.208 et, 00 22.1 40 Gn 25".49" 43%%,.806: e- W E dd tee aie ot Baa TIA a Ag E25 CoC. hence?4.<—= OF49- 1.01 447 ped de LO rg hOUCy or 6748]. 3s.11d. 0,73 q. nearly, the anfwer. Note, The fimple intereft for any number of days lefs than a year is found in the fame manner. Exampue XIf. Taking the tropical year to be 365%. 5%.48’.45”, what will the Sun’s mean motion be in 107%. 4°.22’,18”? 365%, 5% 48% 1457 > 107%. 4® 1227 108" te igGor =e boK Oe: we * - 7 ere .26°. 1548" 457% 2 0142.52" “igo 8" 60" “Goxe = BPO 2619" 52708 ones hence = Be akg 30 2267 617°) a. 8s ore: ala a eho oe. 22 «ge. 82", OCC, the anfwer. By Mayer’s Tables it comes out 3°.15'.38/037727 == 35.15°.38' 37” .42, ke EuAMPE.S [ xxxvill | “Examere XIill The mean diftances of the Earth and Venus from the Sun being ro0000 and 72333, and the fiderial revolution of the Earth 3654. 6". 9’, what is the fiderial revolution of Venus, derived from the known proportion, that the {quares of the periodic times are as the cubes cf the mean diftances of the planets from the Sun? Say, as 100000)° : 723 33)° :: 365% 6% of : x? Now 1000 £729,932: 1674S, MRO ee Therefore it will be 167.407}? : 12”. 37.203 :: But 16340", 2.52 oe. 3.20, and 365%. 6%. 9° = 2.26" 6% B's aeOcy).° ° 2 / lf ca 43/24 Therefore the proportion will be 6073 : 43/243 :: 60° : 227.42.26/".30" 33 WONG tL A Oe an. 2.26", 6. gh]? == 0. 5.85 dO" Whence extracting the fquare root, « = 1/,29/.52.49'%.43" or 224°.16%.49°-43, the fiderial revolution of Venus. The whole procefs of extracting the fquare root of 2”.14’”.38'.30” 1s as follows. e proce g q 4° +39 +3 OTe 1188 1620) (et ee —E——E IX ie 21 ad 88.90 (377 Ree ie We AQ ot Riek "97X24 pa x0 He ma Org Rete aate 1.30}? =| 2 16 at TWgo’ x2 sage) en gear 1.29753 =| 2 -14 .39 - 0-49 1.29.53” X2 = 2!.597.46” cia 30 49 (10" 2 .14 (29h igGh? ae 1’.29° 52°. 1’.29.52.50°)) = GOR x2= 2 £0 Aor = oe XIV. ExAMPLE (17° 1’ + 37° I .37 Tm 7 ESET 1 .g0 — 17° 1'.29”.52””.49".43" the root, multiply by 60, then 80’.527’.49°.49" —2249.16%.49'.43'% the fiderial revolution of Venus. The fiderial revolutions of the Earth and Venus being 365°. 6". 9’ and 2244.16.49’, neglecting the feconds, &c. which are here of no confequence, and calling the mean diftance of the Sun from the Earth 1000, what will be the mean diftance of Venus from the Sun? Say, as 365%. 6°. 9’ | : 234% 65.49) | ae or as m4 67g? the ne 89° .52.49°”] 1000; ra 16.40) 243 For convenience divide the roots of the firft and fecond terms by 3, then 487.42”. 3”? : But 48" .4272.97 iy 2h 29 ne ab theOt iets Sas Therefore the proportion will be 60°? LAO 1 Wel) i amare s, =r OG 20.18 Oe = 723.20 or 723,33, the mean diftance of Venus from the Sun. BO! 17 gE 20°F? t's) 160409) = xs : 36.64.40” : 26%64" 40 3+ 60! 222".42.25 ABP 32 Whence extracting the cube root, w= 12’. 3.207 The whole procefs of extracting the cube root of 0’.297.12’”. 6" is as follows. 0.2.9 112772 nO T2128 48 ey ela a 24 6" (3 jae NO ot Q 42 iv. 37? x 3= 7.15.96 2 .24 (20 ry re Aa 12’ + 3” 12. 3 .20the root — Ce VAM 72.3 .20°" OF 723,33, the mean diftance of Venus from the Sur. [rv xxxix? J To find the Cube of 12’, an | (To find the Cube of 12”. 3”.20” . 3 The pra of the cubes of 52" cae 13° is 7.49, fee p. 252, Theref, 60” rar oe 490 | Theref. 60” : 3” AZO" 2 7 49°" Te oroo 3 3" : ths 1” ; pelea oy mene Gr Oth: Tose no mema AQ 3F..)— 20,” ,E Cor. of 2d diff. opp. 3 ‘and under 75°" -- - — 1 8 Cor. of 2d diff. opp. 37.20% “and under 7 5/” — 2 ,0 Proportional part corrected - -------- 21 ,7{ Proportional part corrected eo eet ac added to the Cube for 12°- - ---~-- o’.28”.48 added.to the Cube for 12’ w= = <.-'-0..28”, 18 gives =~ ----- 2 - = - 12%. 3°83 =0.29.9 ,7EgIVes ~-- - = = 12% TP RALA, ey | ExA MP toe XY. If a Reflecting Telefcope of 6 feet 2 inches focal length, bear an aperture of 9,4 inches in diameter, and a magnifying power of 270 times, what aperture and magnifying power fhould be allowed to a Telefcope of 3 feet focal length, fuppofing the aperture and magnifying power to be in the ratio of the biquadrate root of the cubes of the lengths ; H Of. 2inc]2 : LeU Ree CT RTE yh 2 | . — -gqinclg : 36incl§ 2 37 inc 2 18 inc.l3 :: 60}$ : 297.117.2178 :: Gols : 67.54" 29° Ne 3? 60" : (Bt: BT ee Ts 9’. 24% woe 5 128,32!” = 5,48 inches the aperture :: 4.30% (—=270) : Sd 27k ay oa 15728 the mpg nisying power. , The whole procefs of ‘ttaaiie the Biquadrate root of 6’. 54l’.29/” is as follows. 6). 5a, 207 95° . 25 1t—| 6.56 .5@ 125" — 2" 35 PX 4 = 47'.387.20” BUT ev by 27 34 +58 58” 7 7\4 — Se ae a Bee re Us choad jen 34.57 . 2 the root. 34-58 PX 4. == 49.307. 10” 46.21 (58 BA 57 «2 Was 0 54 229 20 Root Biquadrate 1ft Diff. ad Diff. Mean of 2d Diff. ESS / 4 4/ 4th iv moe * Let L/4 ay er Obainee ek 4140-55 4 0 20. 35 G.. GO Tren oe vinta de ALA See hZ g0- 17. 46. 37 ge on 4/ t/t tit 2. 68,0 238,1 To find the Biquadrate of 34’.58” . To find the Biquadrate of 34’.57”. 2” 60" es 457-3 4 Pe a ‘/ t/t 6a" st 2" i; a 3 uw vr . ti} ww Oro 68's 4G g8'". he, Wek Se AAO 5 lor Gott a9 Mio Ett O45 38" i aces 4g )22), 40 re Qii7. 8 cco 1Vvt Cor. of 2d difference 6 200” t Mey ce g Correct. of od difference ( 200” n 4 ote : opp. 58” and under? 38 0,6 3 oF opp. 57”. 2”” and under? 38 Oo 59 5 +4 Proportional part corrected - - - - - 44. 3 . 5 {Proportional part corrected - -- - - - - PES Glan Fs added to the Biquadrate for 34” - - 6.11 .12 16 added to the Biquadrate for. 34’ - - - 6.11 .12 .16 gives ~------- 34.58’ * = 6.55 «15.21 |gives - - - - - = - - 34.57% 2°0¢= 6.54 .29 .20 ExaMPLg [ xl ] ExamMPpePue XVI, In 74212 mean eee how many days, hours, minutes, feconds, thirds, fourths, &c. fuppofing one mean lunation to be 29,125.44’. 37. 2’”.58".19".11"'.43°. 24.40.1912" 2 Lun. Lun. ts 74212 22 20%,12% 44 6.9%. 2 2OIQ ame 49" 24" AO 19%. I oes or ees ° 20'.36.52” 23 1 a8 4a os 2” Ao tQ hl. .43™.24" 4.0** 198". 125" : x or 60’ : 20'.367.52/” es 11’ 48.4.4". au. 2’ AOL." Il 6439 .24™ 40°! By Ue age © ha ai : 60 x 60 x 60 # 60 x 60 x 60 gm 4’. 3/4830, yee ow GOL RIS 7) eho g* 25" 05 UNM, 5 B*.2 7, SOX 0 gxve hence 4 = 876609" .40% 159.51 057" «58%. 8°25" 51 58% 29% cot gait or 21915247. 4 59% 151” 67°" «58%. 8% 25% 151°". 58"".29% xo" .24*' the an{wer. See Philof, Tranf, Vol. LV. Art. IX. p, 63. ExamMpPte XVII. In 6000 Julian years 24%. 45.59/.51”.57’’.58", how many mean lunations, fuppofing one mean lunation to be 29%.125.44’, 3%. 27582 6000 Julian years 24". a 59° bY". 57 Sg Lun. 23) 12h.44" 6 3% 2°58" : 2IQI52qN AN 1bO BM ABT aba REI EO 8 Ag ara 2" 58h: 876609’ .40%.59/%51.57" 258% 2: 60°: 3 ae Misiast se ‘ As 3 “30%. gn 40" BO BITS Soe ee 60° : 60x 60 # ¥ 11 a9”, Wi 60 X 60 ¥ = 20’ 30°. £2 tO IV oO” 2 ebay gant. 20 50", &zc. 4 hence#=s =: 74.212. 0%. 0°". 0.39" .297! .56°", &c, or 74212,0000025848 exc. focan lunations = 74212 mean lun. 67.35.42" the anfwer. The method of dividing 4’. 3.30”. 9'.40%.59"%51"".57°.58" by 11.48.44. 3. 2.58" is as follows, DA Nig x f W Me tv y I vi 1, 48 644.302". 59) 47.1 3".90". OT 40".G9) ST B7 58x OO NaOugon gan) Ole He. Oger teres 3.56.0..)- - SSS Se Se x 60" = 11'.48” 14.41 © ata SAT! SF ane botany oi 20° 0.59 .20------ X60 = +-------- 2°68" 3-56 .14 «41. 0.59 .20----- - % OO arb a 4B dnt 2.58" X FOr aft Remainder 7.157.28'.40%. 07.91.57" 58™ x 60% 7.4 48.----------- ey ed Tot OI 26.25.48 - -'- -(- 15 RiGo ss i= | aa a0 1.46 .48--- x60. -------- 2°.58 2 Fo 8 BinlA 2540-40 AR - - KOO F=21.48% 44a BL RB 36% 2d Remainder 10”.14"%.14%.10".45"% 9.58 xX 60° IO .13 .36---------- X 60% = 11'.48” 38 .10 30 dy Bs hey 2 x 60° = Noth we ae gat Bute € 2 34 .16 X60. --------- 2”.58%! cree ERs nD Cc NT SR AE (Creer cemeteries ET OSCE AS ES hee. A hatg iy chP, ELAR biog Say ahd ow) gr soOtcrg oak Benne A ie Seam | hata da Ter ees pee Rta 8 ag os t Ve SRS Vor MOT OT Tad dh - PES Fate $ Le “ae eb vs Ye PPR Maer eho Pe - : ry 43) + Lots ale , ene J hi Oo a? re i. beara P iy , « a anil oe > One Ohl Mm Lot th yt . SNe) i? 3 te eM Bo Pee Tee . erie Bea SE Ale 5 et rhe “Sica Ma pis be ah RAR gee ER ake OM a a a a ; ‘- 4 . A ki 4 ' “ay: vier: - . ; : it , o)h, 23% at l 0 > om Or ane re 6 Pes: x Sere Bich: 9 20 Fe ih Se kM eMitadieal f v4 hee , ; ae y : . ' dias Ulises bakes Tate ee spit, yc ste Or == Yar ae Sci he) Sets ree es oh <3) ye he nh a <= Ms kt ved, awa id ae fee See. Cen fat et and. ipacby iat fer’ Dio) S'S Re eatin | oo at bao I Geshe Sa9R dR DOD jz nie oy tun AR y) a0 ; p ead ¢ % " . acs mchyckeie: VAS tha Eke "Hass a | bo {sp t OG ; tity < uleukiy babs Yo, suit “00 bn il egaids to as PAN “peels is ee | py ak Se Rode St} ;-) = ri ( i z : ~ : Sy: x meses” > ie et ani. tg 4 i e \ ¥ a | Leet P SD ep TyS j eh an i - = N [ To face page xli. J ; Here follow Ex amPptes of Proportions where one of the Terms is Unity or One Minute, folved by the SEXAGESIMAL TABLE, rt, Where there is given the price of 1 or the integer, to find the price of a given number of things. Price of the whole Number of things Iefs than 60 Price of one BI --2e ee eee ee ----at ohiys. sd.2q. --- is=ogi’-------------- x 0':52,22/",30"X 6o== - 0'.27% 9°%.377.30" ------ - X 60-- = = = ee - 27, 33730" - - - ~~ -- 27]. 1s. 2d.2q- Ata we eS - Sm e ee ee ee at 11. 8s. 4d.3q. - - - Is == 42.515” ------------ 5025 11 LIB" 6056766 bd 10 a 45” = == == xX 60------ = - - - 59/.59”.10"".18".45"- - == - -- 591.198. 8d.2,754. ee ee Ree at 16l15s. 2d.ig. - - - is == 57'.36"------------ X 16.45.33. 45" 6016. 5%.20.24"% - - = -- ---- X 60----- - == - 965/.20%.24” -- -- - -=-- 965]. 6s. 9d.2,4q. 17 lb. 50z, 14dwts. ---- - - teem le Osseo sper 1. = See 8 700 8 G0 seat = tas Te = x. 3600 go XK 60 3.058" s19°".22°5. 730" - = - = = OC. ean = -- - 58’.19%.22. 7%.30"- - == --- 581. 6s. 5d.1,9q. © I4acr. 9TO. 5 per- ------ at. 21,198.1od. per acre: is ==14'.46.52°490" << Si + ie ose - xX 2'.38".30” -- X 60== 0.39” .2.49".41.15"%-- - - - xX 60----- - = --- 30. 2”.49".41".95"- - = --- 39) - F1id.1,25q, 46 yds. 3 qrs. onls. 0,47 inch. - - at 3).17s. 2d.. peryard is == 46.45’.47"----=----- x -9451%.90 = X60 =. 9”. 0”.24"".38' bao s0" = —- - - x 60------ = - - 180/.257.38.50."30"- - ==-- 180]. 8s. 6d.2,357q- Number of things between 60 and 3600 _—Price of one Price of the whole. 6G. ae err Se ee Gricgl.148.100.99,. = ~ -o eee 1 eee x 60-- = X 534444115" X Go 0653.44 4IISY = = - = > x 60x 60-- -= 3224.41.15 -- - - = - —= 3224l.135. gd. re atagelris.- 90.19. His = 21s Sar 7 te 24s 2X: 60-- = = X 48.33" 48 SARS COS 118 alga ag ts - c= 60K FOS ~= -- 4724.44.49". 5°15" - - = - 47241.148.11d.1,09q. 6432----- eee ee eee Feet et 5 A 0020 =o 60 Ke TG IG XK 60 SSO 2217 eh 7 0, OD Oe om ~~ 6622517" 45.28 age Hb ele 55,1 10.40,1250~ 24743. = -- --- - eee eee at - 18s.10d.3q. - - - is = 41%.14".18” #--- x 60--- xX = 56%41/.15"% 60=> 0'.387.57/”.41'%52".G2". 30" - - X 60. 60 - - - == -- 2339'.41".52%.52".30"= - == = 23371,138,11d.2,19. 2981 - -------+---*-e- at ---- 8d.iqg. --- is==49.41% ---- -- 60% = = Ka "4g" K 60S Op” .40 28 N18 4g" - - - X 60 X 60 - - -== = - 1027.287.18/".45"%- = ~ - = -- 102]. gs. 5d.1.q. 3523 ------------ ee at - - - - od.3q. - - - is == 58.49% ------ Mi 60— =X os sae ls 00 gO Ils OI 4G x 60 x 60- - -== --- II’. 07.33".45%- - - - = --- 11h - 2d.iq. 3567 lb. 10 02.14 dwts, 11,2 gr.of goldat 47l.11s, 6d. perlb. is = 50/.27.53'".99" -- x 60--- xX 49'.34.30'" - - X 60 = 47’. 239 hhds. 373 bar. 481 kil, of Lon- at 11 17s 10d er hhd ie / // M1 ly v 6 / ba LA / // dd r v vi VII Vvirr / // “1 799 fir. > gal, 6pts.2don Ale -17S.10d. p » 1S S213. LIQ 4II5” X OO-- - X 17,537.30 - = X GCo== 0/2438 .0%.44".31 52°30" & GO X 60 - - - = -- 1478". 0.44.31 52".30%— - N° of things between 3600 and 216000 Price of one 3600 eS epemine’ mien Ste SS SS ary eR te at 561.175. 8d.1q. rece is = re oe ee x 60 x 60 xX SOG yee SAR Se 60 rece HHO oss 245° -e© = = = @ = x 60 « 60 a 60 — 204783’.45” ee ee a 2047831.155. EL Sa lla i ala at 211. 5s. 7d.2q. - - - is 1.167.537.4321" - --X 60 X 60 X 21°.16".52'".20"%X co O27 110" Zi ae ee 30. = - ¥ 60 x 60 xX bo0= 98181'.457.22'”.30-- ~ = == 98181h45s. 1d.2q. 6g TSS nS ie a eR at- - 148. 8d.3q. - - - is == 20°49". 7” - - -- xX 60 X 60 X = 44%.11/.15"xX-60== 0.15/”.19/.65"20"93".45°"- - - x 60 x 60 X 60 == 5hIbs oOo ee a = 551951. 6s.10d.1. ae cubic feet 1457528 Niches —"< ~ at —o. = tod. 3q. p. c.f. is —= 59.50.32'”.50"".36" X 60 x 60 X - a are x 60= Oo. rg coe ee ee ee x 60 x 60 x 60 =Ss< 9649'.35".45.59".15" -=-s 96491.1138.11d.0,263q: Cc. Once &c. : 2d, Where there is given the price of a number of things, to find the price of the i ; price of the integer or 1. Number of things lefs than 60 Poreacihaawhole ae se = | paee ee on ee coft Lies sdaace fe 924 24 OA een ee Se ; ; : rice of one. # Se ae 37° - 60 => - 38'.33 Agee - - - - - - - = oe aan =~ - = 0.38%. 3345" - - - =~ - - ol.12s.10d.1¢, If Se ited a ee a co{t : ] YOS 8d 2 n iS as 59°.59”. TO" .18.A5° 475 : 59" ores efi RSS ee AD AR FS as ee = 6o= iy Wailea & MS gna -ee ee ke ee —60- ea ee ee ae ais Be aH gn eee th 8s. 4d.3q. Se eS . If 47 buth. 3 ——— gal. 6,6 pts coft 381.16s. 4d.3q. one Duss = 17 587.4015" Se ae eS a a eet ae — 60 = 48'.32.48, 42%, &c. 2s chase = 60 wo —... 0’.48”.32/.48", 42”, &e=— ae aEeee 2d.0,75q. Numb. of things bet. 60 and 3600 = Priceof the whole ine | é f ee ee eas. ane te D8 44 4 IS X60 : : a =; Price of one as Col gass era ot oS ee oS “> 60 = 53°.44'.41.15'" x60 -- = -- - 60-60 ~~ =~ = 59.44.4145" ~ = = - =~ - - 5 91.148.10d.9q. 3 z 6’,.22”". Pee el x 60 EL RRS: ea a eaten coft 3821. 1s. ad. - - - ONG Sees gee ON ee ee msO0 =. 59, 00g X bs oe ee 6960 + at oe PO eee Se Se oa eee ae : 38 1h hI 52-52". 90o-&00 7 : Bes Se Lip SY AE TA” AB SG + 60== - 56.41%.15” x 60 ------ — 6060 - - - == - - 0'.56.41.15%- - - - = - ~ - Ol.18s.10d.3q. / // ‘tt Iv If 1079 Ib. 1302, 2dr. - = - - -- 175, 34.3q, I eee ae | | ag 1079 1302 1edr = coft 581 off 3d 39 one 1b. is — 17.59.5133 45" x 60 Se Age seen ge & ere bo 3°.16.14.39 a &e. as 4 sae ae 60 +60 me es ve 3/01 6",14"".39" 8c. _ fee Bi ee 1d.0,33q. : fe ,. | , &c. 9”. 2/7.32™18".46". 30" - - - X 60 x G0 - - - == 1697427.327.18'".46™.30" - = 169742].108. 9d.1,00%q. 1478]. - 2d.3,875q. Price of the whole, f ist fj Use of th MILLESIMAL TABLE. Exampepre I. ET an obferved Diftance of the Moon from a Star be 38°.22’.17”, the Moon’s Altitude 20°. 9’, the Star’s Altitude 12°.27’, and the Moon’s horizontal Parallax 57’.24”, to find the true Diftance cleared ot the effects of Refraction and Parallax, by the help of the General Tables of Refraftion and Parallax, publifhed by.order of the Commiffioners of Longitude. Correcting Reduction | Logarithna Dift. 38° | D’sAlt.20° | #sAlt.12° | 6’+ 51” | + g20 In the General Table I find ford Dit. 38 >’s Alt. 20 #sAlt130 7 5+18 | +1033 Dit. 38 D’sAlt.21 | #sAlt.12 8+ 4 | + 851 Dilt. 39 D’sAlt.20 | #’sAlt.12 6+25 | + 962 | Star’s Alt. ’— 33” The change in the Reduction for 1° or 60’ increafe of} Mon’ Aie $i + 13 Diftance — 26 29! ve 33” fy Sai 42” Therefore (by the Sexagefimal Table) 60°: ¢ 9 b:: 41-13 Pp: 2 ui a2 — 26 — 10 The fum of thefe three proportional parts, with their proper figns, is - -------- — 41” which therefore applied to the firft found Reduction - -------------- +6’. 51” gives the true Reduction - -----+--+---------+---------- +6. 10 Star’s Alt. +- 113 The change in the correcting Logarithm for 1° or 60% increafe of ¢ Moon’s Alt. is¢ — 69 Diftance + 42 27° + 113 + 51 Therefore (by the Millefimal Table) 60% : 3 9 g ye = 630 : 3 — “a 22 + 42 Tt 15 The fum of thefe three proportional parts, with their proper figns, is - ----------+-- +. 56 which added to the firft found corre¢ting Logarithm --------+---+---+-------. +- 920 gives the true correcting Logarithm - - - ----+-----+--+-----------+--- +- 976 The excefs of the Moon’s horiz. Parallax 57’.24” above 53’. o” is 4’.24”, its parallactic Logar. - - 911 added to the correéting Logarithm juft now found-------------+--+--- ---- + 976 gives the parallactic Logarithm - - -------- eee eer errr rete ene ee - £1287 : The arc anfwering to which is the correction of Reduction - -++--+---+---- +. 28” this added to the true Reduction ------+-+----+-+-+2-----e-e- |. 6 . 10 gives the comedion of Dilkanteisiemi-ie ois eet ce + 6 . 38 which applied to the obferved Diftance- -------+-r--cerrccr ccc 38°, 22 . 17 gives the true Diftance cleared of Refraction and Parallax-+----++---*--- gocea2e.. 55° Yeh. }] Bien nore II. In Mayer’s Tables, publifhed by order of the Commiffioners of Longitude, what is the Logarithm oF the Sun’s Diftance from the Earth, to the given anomaly 25.279.41/.17” ? The difference of the Log. Diftances for 2'.27° and 25.28° is 127; Therefore 60’ : 41/17” :: 127 : » == 87 the proportional part fubt. from o . o00505 the Log. Diftance for 2:,.27° gives 0.000418 the Log. Diftance required. Pty A a Pode aL. What is the Logarithm of ey s Diftance from the Sun, in M. pz ra Lanpx’s Aftronomy, to the given anomaly 7°. 10°, 32'.44% The difference of the Log. Diftances for 75.10° and 75.11° is 15775 ‘Therefore 60% (2327.44 se rh09 2 x or60. : 32.44 %: 159.7 : + = 86,034+ hence « = 860,3 the proportional part — 2,1 the cor. of 2d difference 858 the proportional part corrected added to 4.524715 the Log. Diftance for 75.10° eases gives 4.525573 the Log. Diftance fought. ExamMpute IV. In SHERwin’s Tables, what is the Logarithmic Secant of 35°.15’.51” ? The difference of the Log. Secants for 35°. ae and 35°.16’ is 8933 Therefore 60” : 51” sc), Boeis hy or 60° : 51’ :: 893 : »= 759 the proportional part aby to 10. 0879685 the Log. Secant for 35° 15) gives 10.0880444 the Logarithmic Secant required. E.-X. A M-PoL BV. In the fame Tables, what is the Logarithmic Tangent of 7°.26’.497.16” ? The difference of the log. Tangents for 7°.26’ and 7°.27’ ts 98373 Therefore 60” : 497.16 :: 9837 : x or 60’ : 49/.16” :: 983,7 : 4.= 807,727 hence ¥ x = = 8077,3 the proportional part + 1,6 the cor. of 2d difference 8079 the proportional part corrected added to 9 11155072 the Log. Tangent for 7°.26’ gives 9.1163151 the Logarithmic Tangent fought. EXAMPLES f xii j - Examere VIL. In the fame Tables, what is the Logarithmic Sine of 5°.14’.38.357.43".17%.53"? The difference of the Log. Sines for 59.14’ and 5°.15’ is 137713 Therefore Got 28 ge Aare ies 13772 tlle This will be refolved into two proportions ; 60" : 38" 35" AQ AP UEZ 33013700 + YOO y = 83t2,6073930; &c. and 607): 480.96. Ag aan (>t a oe gee} 4R,0%1876, Occ. 100 y ++ 2 = ¥ = 8858,3 the proportional part ++ 5,0 cor. of 2d difference ee 8863 proportional part corrected added to 8 . 9600517 the Log. Sine for 5°.14’ gives 8. 9609380 the Logarithmic Sine required. . The operation of finding y = 88,12607330, &c. (by the Millefimal Table) is as follows.. In Column 137 Sexagefimals 38" 86,8 + 648 == B6u6 23 7999 Gases 1 re obo Oppofiteg 43” is 98,2 or G8 Ser ew ~ 7.98.17 pe 38,8 3842 = ----- 38.49. 53° 121,0 i 2s fyi ne amie: The fum of thefe Sexagefimals is 88. 1 = 88,12607330, &c:- Exampurte VIL. In Garpiner’s Tables, what is the Logarithmic Sine of 17°.14/.477.267 ? The difference of the Log. Sines for 17°.14’.40” and 17°.14’.50” 1s 679 ; penettiore. 107) re 26°" :: 679 : x, or multiply by 6, then 60° : . 44/ .36” 2: 679: == 505 the proportional part added to g . 4719499 the Log. Sine for 17°.14/.407 gives 9. 4720004 the Logarithmic Sine fought... ExampreE VIII In the fame Tables, what is.the Logarithmic Tangent of 4°.11/.387.22””.44" 2 The difference of the Log. Tangents for 4°.11’.30” and 4°.11’.40” 1s 2887; imeretore 10": 8” 120" 44" :: 2887 : x, or multiply by 6, TO OCH Gs eG: LO Goa PU Sy gee E22 RTE hence #:= 2419 the proportional part ' added to 8 . 8650399 the Log. Tangent for 4°.117.307 ee gives 8. 8652818 the Logarithmic Tangent required. The operation of finding =.= 241,9 (by the Millefimal Table) is as follows.. Under 288,7 Sexagefimals Sexagefimals 50" - €240 $2 9=2240 th 240.35 FD ©240:35- Oppofite 16” 196 76 Soba X07 = 7648 4 oo 76.59:12 (Or) 24 1h5 ti-b34 & 7 1524 22 115.28.48 ; * The fum of.thefe Sexagefimals is = 241,898 52+ Ex.AM-P LE: [ aliv x] ExamMeurueE IX, In Suerwin’s Tables, what is the arc whofe Logarithmic Secant is 10. 0880444? 10. 0879685 = Log, Secant of 35°.15/ 10 . 0880578 = Log. Secant of 35 .16 The diff. is 893, and the diff. between 10. 0879685 and 10. 0880444 is 7595 Therefore 893 : 759 £7) 60% |p teeta 17 added to 35°.15’. o gives 35°.15'.51” the arc fought. EO AMP LB) ae In the fame Tables, what is the arc whofe Logarithmic Tangent is 9. 1163151? 9 . 1155072 = Log. Tangent of 79.26’ g . 1164909 = Log. Tangent of 7 .27 The diff. is 9837, and the diff. between 9. 1155072 and 9. 1163151 is 8079; Therefore 9837 : 8079 2 OOS: |W , or 983,7: 8070 sei Oust Wres dO eO Gs added to 7°.26’. 0 . o gives 7°.26’.49”.16" the arc fought. Ex aemopn Bo XI. In the fame Tables, what is the arc whofe Logarithmic Sine is 8 . 96093 80 =k —? 8 . 9600517 = Log. Sine of 5°.14’ ° 8 . 9614288 = Log. Sine of 5 .15 ER ee SR Ee wel, seats : 24851. 27851 The diff. is 13771, andthediff. bet. 8.9600517 & 8..9609380——>~ is 886 — Therefore 13771 ; 8863,27851 :: 607% : y Of 137,71: 88,6327851 :: 60% : y= 387.35”, &c. whence the correction of 2d diff. (oppofite 387.35”, and under 44 the mean 2d diff.) is + 5,0, which is now to be applied with a contrary fign, or is to be fubtracted from 8863,27851, then there will remain 8858,27851. Now fay, as 13771 : 8858,27851 :: 607% : » OF) aS (197,71 2/88, 5829861022 .00 i Mizaie 396s 487 ae Hdded tO 4? oe 00) OL O20 we = 8863,27851; ne re ee orn SE gives §°.14".38”.9.5'.43"".17".53" the arc fought The operation of finding x = 387.35’”.43'%19".53"" (by the Millefimal Table) is as follows. Sexagefimals under 137,71 197,91) 80:..o4 . FS ha FA OB.hU 27 O51 M28. 2b 1 eae mea 4 SCE, 86. 46 oppofite 38 26°58 . 40s OK Fl = 20500 87°. 12.58. 498 ft Remainder 81. 59.13. 34 79-55 oppofite 35 yy yet aE O= 35% 71 = 24,85 ad Remainder 99 . 22.34.54 2d Re- 4 eho [ xv ] ed Remainder 99. 22.34.54 ;3 II oppofite 43. 30+ 31-6 48 = 43X71 = 30,53 08. 41.31.48 ee gd Remainder 41. 3. 6 38.49 oppofite 17 BP Ae heer 7 X59 Ve 2.07 fae DOV leetal a! ek? 4th Remainder 122. 1. 48 121%, 1 Foppofite ‘52 37 +37. 48 = 53 X571 = 37,63 T2636 «oye a 5th Remainder 23.10. 12 N.B. The refult in the two préceeding Examples is found in the very fame manner. Exampte XII. In GarpineEr’s Tables, what is the arc whofe Logarithmic Sine is 9. 4720004? 9 - 4719499 = Log. Sine of 17°.14’.407 9 - 4720178 = Log. Sine of 17 .14..50 The diff. is 679, and the diff. between 9 . 4719499 and 9 . 4720004 is 505 Therefore 679 : 505 :: 10%: «, or multiply by 6, PNCMOPM ewes Os whss GOel: 6 vi eaa ag! hence: xis a 260k added to 17°.14’.40 . Oo 17°.14'.47°.26” the arc fought. gives ExAMPLE XIII, In the fame Tables, what is the arc whofe Logarithmic Tangent is 8 . 8652818? 8 . 8650399 = Log. Tangent of 4°.11’.30” 8 . 8653286 = Log. Tangent of 4 .11 .40 The diff. is 2887, and the diff. between 8 . 8650399 and 8 . 8652818 is 2419; Therefore 2887 : 2419 +: 10°: «, or multiply by 6, then 2889: 2419 (3: 607): 6% OF 28815 241g) 260s OM =e GO Gag hence == 8 .22 .44 added ito. 4°,21.207.0.;. 0 gives 49. 11',38.22”.44"" the arc fought. 5 i | + Page 67, column 999s line 36, for 9.59.5 write. 9-59:4 sat in ise An a aa 194, GEAR ae 56, mest I oH ai : 3 - * ; 2 Ses Se py aes a Card _ ; 7" . 59 a = “wo al a . oe "* i ; 2k | diene je! SD hytot da beg RE beds NAL SPN CA ie at et: Ne ae ae i os 7 ‘ : ' q 1, (+ er ‘ * / a - t * t 7 . i 4 » ’ x ns s f 5 4 bd ~ ‘ . at ¥ ~ a Pd oy ~ 7 - Me = ‘, A, var cre ‘= Ld ~ . "era * ‘ : 2 cing by | 4 e™ <. of ri 4 ; ; * , 5 - ‘ + y vo ; ni aE r : ie. j 7 ee t ve 4 5 ity CRTOIF Fy Se eet ie * : " ‘ : . ” ? a? a te e, : : " ; , hi ; ' 7 6 r ‘a4 “ Riv adit 3 5 Oe Ke eee LE PENCIL) aM 09 OR 8h ea iey aise cereals ‘ qe aie % je ab i At ‘ = 4 FW ¥ ie an Mika” ai oe dj Ce art eye © ¢ % ; ' Se o F ~ »? a re <5 153 ae : - 4 . \ i r) He ‘ ‘ * he , ’ ‘ ‘ J ' . v 5 r t wy » “7 ‘ ¥ h. A PSEMAGESIMAL TAB Irg, Men Wp ik N Ge tA aS b G Her, IN MINUTES, SECONDS, anno TENTHS or a SECOND, Aiea he bool Ol: VANITY PR O.P O'R) TL ON, Where the First Term is 60 Minutes, The Seconp Texm any Number of Minutes under 60 Minutes, A ND The Turrp Term any Number of Minutes and Seconds under 60 Minutes. ee Se eT wT hy eer: MN oe Pe te ee eee a o Minute. read Soo Pera ABT Mits AMiule( Sy) aes | MES. = = A. ES. PML, oS iyo Fe rtemmnemand lmmmameiereateneentermeted henmmmpesnemeemmemenmene’ teteiemeemmmmenetemennmenedt leetemneshigemeeetetameted CO GrHO.0,8) O, 0,210.00 eeuoroe ty oO. 0,1) Ou Qed 04,0, 2170., O81. 8,2) 10.00, 2) 0.0.24 0. 1.05% ©. 0,0] 0. 0,1| 0. 0,1] 0. 0,1] 0. 0,2! 0. 0, 2| O. 0,2} 0. 0., 0,3] 0. 0,4] 0. 0,4] 0. ©,4] ©. 0,5] 9..0,5 G: 0,1) O..0,1/ 0. 0,2) 0. 0,2} 0. 6,9]. 0.'0,3 0. 0,410. 0.10, 5} 0.00, Of 0...0,6} 05.10, 7b.) 0571 0. .0,% Br ist} 0: Of8) 0. °0;21 01,02) Ou rOet O04 0. 0,5) 0. ©.:0,9| 0.1 0,7], ©. 0,8} 0,..9,9))02, 0,9). 0. 1,0 O. 0,1] 0. 0,2] 0. 0,3) 0. 0,3} 0..6,41 0. 0,5 ©. 0,010. O, 0,8] 0. 0,9] O. 1,0] O. I,1] ©. 1,2] 0. 1,3 Be OatlO:.D.) 0. 31 50, 0. 0,5| 0. 0,0, oO. 0,7} O. D1 Ts0) hind 2) O01, 2 Onn) 41 Ose ty O. OFT] @. .0,21,0: O. CeO 402 O97! O00, 010. OAT AOL at 0. 14 Ont OO 0. 0,3} 0. O. 020,71 0: 0,8. 0:,.0,g| 0. Ou)11, 3} O-T, $1 0...7,6 aie Bye] cater a> Or 0,300. O. O1.0,3)° 0. 0,9! Oonnks ty 20. One pOekt, TO. 18 O12, TOO ee 10 ©: 0,31 Os O. GgO.0)20-. 1,0) 0, 1,2] 0. ©.) 17 Qealsol (0. 250 (MAE ial Bree O. 0,4] ©. CWieeeo,0) O. 1,1] 0. 1,3 O. 4,01,0. 201-0. 942 o.. 2,6} @.. 2,8 12 0. 0,4] O. Me 1,0] ©. 1,2] 0. 1,4 0. .2,0] 9..2,21 0. 2,4 oO. 0.15250 ng 0. .0gA1 JO. Poe O. 1,31 0. 155 Os/1242) 0+ 2541 042,50 oO. Oa See 14 ‘sign e} 4 (ap De KO Pat ya)-4O- 1,4) .0..-256 0.42.53} 10-2501 01 «058 oO. 0. 3,5 5 Ot Os .O.5).0. Q2 pTsQH On 1y4\i O-. 1,5}. 0. 11,810. 3] 0.225510: 12,8 0. 3,0 O. 0. 2,8 56] 05° 0,3)" 0570, 5) 6: eueNad yor 1 | gO, 2501) O-/ 159] Os) 250160. 254 O422)9| 0.02.01 10..93,2 aur y heen ks >: 14} 0. 0,3] 0..0,0] 0. Oped Ose Ted h Ongl $7) 0: 2,Q100..9591/ 0020110. 2 901 Ou ST) SO 914 Q. 4,04 o. 18] 0. 0,3] 0. 0,6] 0. EI) OP A4S) Ou-1 50) 0.6251) O22, 4) 0,10, 7 (10059501 0.09) 910013,6 O42) oo. ATO} O- 0,3) 0...0,0 O58 721, 0,010) (On. Q) Os 2,2] 029255] 0.249) 093,21 10.113, 510. 3,8 Q ° 20 QO. 0,3} O. 0,7 ©. 1,3) QO. 1,7] OQ. 2,0) O. 2,3].0. 2,7! 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Fall 8 F755 FE: 1B] 5-11, 3} 5-117} 5-12,1) 5-12.55 26] 5-18,9] 5-19,4] 5.19,8 5-23,7| 5:24,1] 5-24,6] 5-25,0) 27) 5-312) 5-347] 5-321 7| 5-392} 5-366 5-3751] 5-37>5p 28] 5-435] 5-439] 5-444 5-48,6] 5-49,1] 5-495) 5-50,0}, 29] 5-55.71 5-50,2| 5-56,7 6.3, 5] 0.71, 5) 0.02, 0).0: pane 30] 6. 8,0] 6. 8,5] 6. 9,0 6.13,5| 6.14,0}] 6.14,5} 6.15,0 31| 6.20,3) 6.20,8] 6.21,3 6.26,0| 6.26,5] 6.27,0] 6.27,5 391 6.32, 5}. 6.33, 1) 6.32, 6.38,4| 6.38,9] 6.39,5] 6.40,0 33| 6-44,8] 6.45,4] 6.45,9 ,3| 6.50,91 6.51,4) 6.52,0} 6.52,5 134] 6-571] 6.57.6] 6.58,2 7- 353] 7- 3:9] 7-44] 7+ 5° 35|_7: 9:3) 7-9-9] 7-105 E 2] 7-15,8|_ 7-16,3] 7-16,9]_7-175} Bigs 21201 7.22501 39.22.8 -7-28,2} 7.28,8] 7.29,4] 7-30,0} S71 3319| -7-349515 71-3532 7-497! 7-41,3) 7-41,9| 7-425], 38]. 7-46,1) 7-46,8] 7.47.4 95] 7-531 7-537] 7-5454) 7-55:Ob 39| 7-584] 7-593] 7-5 4,9) 8. 5,6] 8. 6,2] 8. 6,9) 8. 7,5} 40) 8.10,7| 8.11,3] 8.1 ,3| 8.18,0} 8.18,7] 8.19,3] 8.20,0}: 41} 8.22,9| 8.23,6) 8.24 30 | ,8| 8.30,5] 8.31,1] 8.31,9] 8.32,5 142] 8.35,2) 8.35,9] 8.36 8.42,9) 8.43,6} 8.44,3] 8.45,0 14.31 8.47,5] 8.48,2| 8.48 6| 8.55.41 8.56,1| 8.56,8] 8.57,5 44| 8.59,7) 9- 0,5| 9- I 9: 753) 9. 8.5} 9- 9,3} 9-10,0 14:5} 9-12,0| 9.12,8 9-13 i ; Q-20,3] 9.21,0} 9.21,8] 9-22, 5] 46) 9-24,3 9-25,0] 9-25,8] 9.26,6] 9.27,3} 9-28,1] 9. 9-29,6] 9g. 9-32,7| 9-335} 9-34,2| 9-35.09]. 47| 9-39,5| 9-373] 9-38,1| 9-38,9| 9-39.7| 9-405 9-42,0 4| 9-452} 9-45,9] 9-46,7) 9-475] 48} 9-48,8} 9.49,6| 9.59,4|-9-§1,2] 9-52,0] 9-52,8 9-54,4, ; 9-570] 9-58,4] 9-59.2|10- 0,0 4Q)LO. 1,1|10. 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Sf ML. 0.12,6) 0. : 0.12,6] 0.1256, 0.12,7| 0.12,7| O.82,7| 0.12,97 0.25, 1} oO. é 0.25,2| 0.25,3 0.25.3] 0.25,3)0.25,4] 0.2554 0.3757] 0:3 ; 0.37,9] 0-37,9' 0.38,0) 0.38,0] 0.38,1| 0.38,1 0-53 5 : 0.50, 5| 0.50,5| 0.50,0] 0.50,7| 0.50,7| 0.50,8 Me at Dye By El Lp Aft Re Sy Bb hs (ey Bt ha Seat) Me (2d, 1.15,4| 1. ; ek ey eel 1.15,9] 1.16,0) 1.16,1| 1.16,2 1.28,0] 1. ; 1.28,3| 1.28,4' 1.28,6} 1.28,7] 1.28,8] 1.28,9 om Sy Contd ae : 1.40,9} 1.41,1| 1-41,2] 1.41,3] 1.41,5] 1-41,6 reget 1 - 1.5350] 1-53,7} 1-539] 1-54,0] 1-54,2| 1.54.3 7k iar es : ck Bh er Why) Se Ls Sy he Wy FE te ONOT Dy, Ti 2.18,1| 2.18,2| 2.18,4) 2.18,6) 2.18,8) 2.19,0 2.19,2 2.19, 3| 2.19,5} 2-19,7 2.30, 8) <2. ; 2. 31,4|) 2.3'1,0), 2.31, 01. 2.32,0] 2.32421. 2632.4 2-43,4) 2. 43,9) 2-44,0] 2.44.2} 2.44,5) 2-447) 2.44,0) 2.45,1 2.5550] 2. : 2.50;6| 2.5650] 2.57, 11. 2.57.31 2-§7,0.. 2.597,60 3- 8,5} 3. : : 3- 9,3] 3: 9,5]. 3- 9,8] 3-10,0] 3-10, 3! 3.10,5] 3. 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SJ|JM. S.|M. S.iM. S. M. S.|M. S.|M. S.|M S.|M. S.|M. S.|M. S.|.M.. S.|M. 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[ 85 } yl! | Q” 9” Io 14” Bie Pe 1269 | 1270 | 1271 | 1272 | 1273 | 1274 | 1275 S..JM. SM. SJM. S{M. S.JM. S.|.M. S.)M. SJM. S.JM. SM. SM. S. tA I 7 | I 2” | I ay eee | eS nee | ee | ere | ee | ne | RES | RS | | AA | RR, | ES O.21,1| O.21,1| O.21,1| O.21,1] 0.21,2] O.21,2| 0.21,2) 0.21,2} O.21,2} O.21,2) 0.21,3 0.42,2] 0.42,21 0.42,2] 0.42,3] 0.42,3] 0.42,3! 0.42,4] 0.42,4) 0.42,4) 0-42,5 0.4255 T. 3,3h 4) 3,3 th Bagh Th Bat HR Bs 1. 3,5) TL. 3,6] F. 3:6] 7. 3,97] 7. 3,7] 1. 38 = ao eS | SE, | Hs | | | ES | | a | ES | |S | A | AAA 2: 6,6] oe 6,74 ae 6,8} 23 6,g1 25 90) 2 9st] 2. 92) 2. 79) 2 7.4) 2. 75 Roe) _ oe Ww Ow i Ww HB N Ee cs COmT Gn UO S aN Ns fey) . Nt ae ‘oO ~ ie) ff so \O is) n Oo Oo od ee | en | ane | SEES | RE | ES, | | me | | | S | | nn ~ EN wo Ris Uo +s Io) 3 nr a 1S) i ~I yy Go S Oo in -B -B BGO Wu N O © ee | ee | ee a | cece | ees | eee | toner: | acs | | | OR | SS | A | Me — >} Ht tA Go DADOM Go Oo - Etat or a | eer | en |e, | ne re | ee | | ee, fe ee SE a |S | Se epee ee | peepee ee |e | | CS | | | RE | SR | es 9-12,§ 9. 9. \O SO Be oo ‘a0 Us . 6, 129, }28| 9-48,5| 9-48,9| 9-49,4 Qg|1O. 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Q;6/21.10, 4121-115, 1 21.11,9 2112,721- 13,4 21.14,2/21-1§,0/27.1.5,9|2T-16,5 4.712. 1.3.3,3)21.34,1121.34,9/21.35,6121.30,4) -41,7/21-41,0]21-42,7/27.43, 5/27 .4453 14822. 0,3/22. 1,6/22. 24/22. 23,9129. 4,0]22. 4,8)22. 556/22. 64/22. 7, 2102. 8,0/22. 88/22. 9,6]/22-1054/22.11,9)22-1250) 149/22.28,3/22.29,1/22.30,0 2.2..30,8/22.31,6122.32,4/22.33,912%.24,0/22. 24.0122.36 4122.96, 9122.37.23 22.38,1/22.38,9/22.39;8) {5° 22.558 22.5647 22.57,5/22.58, 3 22.59, 2/23- 0,0]23. 0;9/23. 157/23. 28/23. 3.3/2.3. 442|23- 5»23- 5:8123. 6547123. 7.5 951/23, 23,4123.2.4,9123.25,9/23.25,G123.20,812 3.27, 612 3.28,9)2 3.20, :3|2 3. 20,212 3. 31,0/2 9. 21,9 /2 3.32, 7/2 3-33,0/2 3. 34 4123-3553 152/23-50,9)23-5157|23:52,6/23.5 3,5)23. 54,312 3.55,2/2.3.56,11/23-50,9 23:517°8)23-58:? 23.59,5)24- O,4j/24. 153/24. 2,1/24- 350 153}24-18,4124.19,3/24.20,41a4.2 1,0124:2.1,9)24:2.2,612.4:2.3,9/2.4.24,0124.2:5,5124:26, 2104.94, 2194.98, 1124.20,0104:9:9,0/24-30;0] 154124.45,9124.40,8/24.47,7124.48,6 214.4955|24.. 60,41 2466 [,9]24.52,2/24.53, 1124. 54,0124.54,9|24-55,0124-50,7124.597,6]24-58,5 {55125-13,4)25-14,3)25-15.3/25.16,2/25.17,1/25.18,0/25.18,9]25.10,8)25-20,8]25,21, 7/25. 22,0)25-23,51/2.5-24,4)2 5-255, 3 25.2.6,3 56)25.40,9 25-41,0)2.5-42,8|25.43, 7125.44, 9/25.45,6/25.46,5)25.4°7, 5125-49, 4125-49, 3)2.5.50, 3/25-51,2/25.52,1|2.5.53,1/25-54,0 957\26. 8,5126. 9,4126.10,4)26.11,3/20.12,;3/26.13,2 26.14,2|26.1.6, 1 26.16, 1126.17,0126. 18,0)26.18,9)26.19,9|26.20,8/20.21,8 §8)26.36,0 26.36,9126.37,9|26.38,¢ Sat chs wi 26.4.1,8126.42,7/26.43,49126.44,7126.45,6|26.46,6|26.47,6126.48, 5|20-49,5 159127- 3:5127- 4,5/27- 595)27- 6,4}27. 7/4/27- 8.4127. 9,4127.10,4127. 11,4129. 12,312.13, 3127-14, 3127-115, 3]27-2O, 3/27 °1 795 60 27: 3150)27-32,0127-33.0127-34,0127.35,0127.36,012.7-37 /012.7-38,02.7-3950127 40501274 T,012'7:42,0}27 43,0127-4450|27-450 : 1673 | 1674 | 1675 | 1676 | 1677 eee eccn ete | cameras nes | | een | | eee eee ee | ee es | te S|M. 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St nyt 0.29,6) 0.29,6 0.29,6| 0.29,6| 0.29,7] 9-29,7] 0-29,7] 0-29,7| 0.29,7| 0-29,7| 0.29,8 0-59,1) 9-592 Q+5922) 9-59,3)- 29-5923) 9-59+3) 29-5924) 95924) 9-5924) 9-595] 9-595 1.28,9] 1.28,9] 1.29,0] 1-29,0] 1.29,1] 1.29,1| 1-29,2| 1-29,2) 1.29,3 1.58,5| 1-58,5|,1-58,6] 1-58,7] 1.58,7| 1.58,8] 1.58,9] 1-58,9] 1.59,0 1.28,6] 1.28,7 1.§8,1| 1.58,2 ee | Ce | ES Ses | AAs | Ste | Re | eee | AAR | Ay ene ere | eee ena | cate. | MOS a | CO 2.28,0| 2.28,1] 2.28,2! 2.28,3) 2.28,3] 2.28.4) 2.28,5] 2.28,6] 2.28,7| 2.28,8 2.57,2| 2+573) 2- 2.57,0| 2-57,7] 2-57,8| 2-57,9] 2-58,0] 2.58,1| 2.58,2] 2.58,3] 2-58,4| 2.58,5 3-26,7| 3.26,9] 3. 3-27,2| 3-29,9| 3.27,41 3.24.0] 3.27,7| 3.27.8] 3.27.0] 3-280) 3-28,1| 3.28,3 3-563] 3-564! 3-56,5 3-56,8) 3-59.90} 3-57,1| 3-572) 3-573] 3-575] 3-579] 3-57>7| 3:57/9) 3-58,0 |} 4.25,8! 4.26,0] 4.26,1 4.26,4] 4.26,6] 4.26,7| 4.26,9] 4.27,0] 4.27,2] 4.27,3] 4.27.5] 4-27,6] 4.27,8 4.5553} 4-555 4.56,0] 4.56,2] 4-56,3] 4-56,5} 4-56,7] 4-56,8 4:57:21 4:5793] 45755 1) 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2]15.20,7115.21,2)/15-21,7|15.22, 31." 15-49, 3]15-49,9/15-50,4115.50,9115-51,5]15-52,0/ 16.19,0]16.19,6/16.20, 1/16.20,7|16.2.1,2116.21,8] es a ER) SE | eS | OS | ee | ES |, | Se | SE eee | ne | ERR | | rn re SS mmrnery eee | ee cer ag | eee | es ae | a | ee eres | Re eee | ec ces | OS es | eres fT Se mmr earn ff etme a memes, 143/21. 9,2/21. 9,9,21-10;7/21.11,4/21.12,1/21.12,8/21.13,5/21.14,2121.15,0)21-15,7121.10,4 4.4|2.1.33,7/21.39,5,21-40,2/21.40,9]21.41,7/21-42,4)21.43,1/21.43,9121.44,6/21.45, 3121.46, 1121.46,8]2 1-47, 5123-48, 3/2 7.40, 0}- 23- 8,9|23- 9,6/23-10,4)23-11,2]23.12,0|2 3.12,8]2 3.1 3,6/23.14, 312 3.15, 123.1 5,923.10, 7/23-17,9)23-18,3). 23-38,4!2 3-39.22 3-40,0/23-40,8}23.41,6/23.42,4123.43,2)/23.4.4,0/23.44,8]23.45,6|23-46,4)23-47,2/23.48,0 24. 8,012.4. 8,8/24. 9,6/24.10,4|24.11,2/24.12,0)24.12,9124.1 2,7124.14, 5124.15, 3124.16,1/24.16,9/24.17,8 24-37,5|24-38, 3/24: 39,2|24-40,0124.40,8/2.4.41, 7124-42, 5124-43, 3124-44,2|24-4.5,0)24-45,8124.40, 7124-4755 25. 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B Sed oS ARS. 60% 1795} 1796 | 1797 | 467 | 47” 487 | 49” Ror, | Sie | ao 7 ger BAe 587 59° | 1786 | 1787 | 1788 | 1789 | 1790 | 1791 | 1792 | 1793 | 1794 | 1798 : 1799 | 1800 MIM. S.JM. S.|M. SM. S.|M. S.)M. |M. S.[M. 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S.JM. Ss [M.S M. 7 ey 0.31,3| t; 2,5) 1.33,8 2.) Syl 2.30, 3 aac 4.10,1 4.41,4 iG 17257 5-439 6.15,2 6.46, 5 7°2757 ES] 7/4979 [ 7 49931 74995] TAs OP CIOL SOS Oe 1 eee 8.20, 3] 8. 8.20,8 8.5951 9-234 here pebeceebinteasata aa eet | OS A, | RRR ae | | ONCE aad Oo Ve bh wb eH HO w Jn OO Duo 1S) Own tom eee cence | ER | | Ee | Eo | eR ee | RR | Ape | MNES wea | ene ees | ee m Oo ” Wow O.\nm Oo~r B - CO anes a 352 eee | ee ee | nes | SS | Es | | TS | TTL mere | ene ere reams | ecm seer | ee cece | ES | ee ere | ern | aan) RS | ES | | ne: | ere | cree ce ees ees | ene | ane 2.1|10.56,6|10.57,0|10.57,3 22\11.27,9|11.28,2)11.28,6/11.29,0]1 1-29, 3/11.29,7|11-30, 1 a a rrrencerse | eS | ea | ED | ON i RES | SEN | Arner | | RT | TS | | | TS | 26/1 3-32,9|13-3304|13-33,8|13-34,2/13-34)7|13-3551/13-35:5 2114. 4,214. 457/14. 5,1|14. 5,6)14. 6,0]14. 6,5114. 6,9 128]14.35,5|14-35,9|14-30,4114-30,9114-37,3]14-37,8|14-39, 3114.38, 7 | crc | eee es | ee 4393/1 7-11,8117.12,4)17.12,9 ee ee ee errs | cre} eee, | merece: | nee | entre | en nie Sans, Se ey Ses eens 4 41]21.21,9121.22,6/21.23,3 9D eee ree re | ce ec ne es | ern ay) oe Seen cies | eee ee mcnerceee fn eran ema | ame meena | -nmenet nnannaeniemettin 49}2.5-32, 112 50126. 3,3 EES | OTS SE | Cor erences | eens | meena: | ne nna: | Ene | eee | SSS ornare ee SS cee | ees | Es | nn | | NE | A | EY | LT a | ee ee 31 Minutes. ; [ r27 } | 351307 | 377-1. 387 | 39% | 40" | at | 42” [437 | 447 | 45” 1895 | 1896] 1897 | 1898 | 1899 | 1900 | 1901 | 1902 | 1903 | 1904 | 1905 SIM. 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O,1]10. 0,4/10. 0,7/10. 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Z,4/31- 4.4131. 5.4131. 6,4/31- 7,4)31- 83137. 9,3 31-10,3/31-11,3/31-12,3/31.13,3 60/3 1.31,0/31.32,0]31.33,0131.34,0131.35,0|31-36,0131.37,0]31-38,0131.39,0]31-49,0131.41,0/31.42,0/31.43,0131-44,0|31-45,0 Rt a [ 128 ] 31 Minutes. ee 46” Ay” 48” 49” 50” “tbe sot | LEK 54” Rie we eat | 1906 | 1907 | 1908 | 1909 | 1910 | 1911 1912 | 1912 | 1914 1915 | 1916 | 1917, Mj M.°S.|M. S.|M. S.|M. SJM. S.}M. SM. S.|M. S.|M. S.| M. S.|M. S|M. 8S eis | EE | | | S| AS | ay 0.31,8] 0.31,8! 0.31,8] 0.31,8 a rs | er eennae [Re een eee | comer een 0.31,9| 0.31,9] 0.31,9] ©.31,9! 0:31,9} 0.32,0 MOVE Goel 15 B50). TE BsO Te Sy Oh 1 Ca eagle gage ae 3:5] I. 3,8). 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[ 129 ] 1” 24 A’ | 4 of | 6% “.. a nan 9” 10” mi | ah V3" 14 Ly ~ | 1921 | 1922 | 1923 | 1924 | 1925 | 1926] 1927 | 1928 | 1929 | 1930 | 1931 | 1932 | 1933 | 1934 | 19235 M|M. S|/M. S.jM. S|M. S/M. S|M. S|M. SIM. S|M. S)M. S)M. S|M. SiM. S|M. 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(~133- f of MES AS. Meee S. | a | A | nrc | AALS ET ‘ ee 0.33,1} 0.33,1] 0.33,1] 0.33,1] 0.33,1] 0.33,1] 0.33,2} 0.33,2) 0.33,2 O.3 373) Ip' 6,91 6, i: 1.%O,2b 1, + 6,21! 1,6,2) 1.063] si. 6, 3) 1., 6,3) 1, ,6,4) “7. TOT Sil ees 1-392} 1.39,2f 1.39.3) 1-39;3]. 1-394] 1.39.4] 1-39)5] 1-395] 1-39,6 1.397] 1.39,% QE 22h 2/3259) 2.49, Sly 2K 2Al' 2,82, 6)4 2-825 6|02.92,0) 2.125710 2-1 2,9). 2- 2.12,9] 2.13.0 nS 2-45,3) 2-45,3] 2-45,4) 2-45,5] 2-45,0] 2.45,7| 2-45,8] 2-45,8] 2.45,9 2.46,2) 2.46,3 3-18, 3) 3-18,4] 2.18,5] 3.18,6) 3.18,7| 3.18,8] 3.18,9] 3.19,0] 3-10,1 3-19,4] 3-19,5 21 3-514} 3-515) 3-545] 3-5157) 3-51,8) 3-51,9] 3-521]. 3-5252} 3-5293 3-5256) 3-52.81}. 3) 4-24,4| 4.24,5} 4.24,7) 4.24,8 4.2459] 4-25)1| 4-25,2) 4.25,3) 4.25.5 4.25,9| 4.26,0 9) 45752} 45753] 4575 4.5736)° 4.5758) 457,59) 4-58,1] 4.58,2| 4-584] 4.58,5] 4.58,7 4-59,1] 4.5953 i1| 6. 3,2| 6. 3,4)°6. 3,6} 6. 3,7] 6- 3.9) 6 4,1] 6. 4,3] °6. 4,5] 6. 4,7] 6. 4,8] 6. 5,0 6. 6. 6,61 6.5, 12) 6.36,2] 6.36,4| 6.36,6| 6.36,8] 6.37,0] 6.37,2! 6.37,4| 6.37,6| 6.37,8] 6.38,0] 6.38,2] 6. 6.38,8] 6.30,0 13) 7+ 9,2] 7+ 9.4 7+ 927] 7+ 9:9] 7-10,]] 7+10,3} 7-10,5) 7.10,7] 7-11,0] 7-11,2) 7-11,41 7.1 7, BIOL nF Lous 14] 7-42,2| 7.42,5] 7-42,7] 7-42,9] 7-43.21 7-43,4] 7-43,6] 7-43,9| 7:44:11 7-44,3) 7-44,0| 7. 7°4593) 74555] 15| 8-15,3| 8.15,5 $.16,0) 8.16,3] 8.16, 5] 8.16,8] 8.17,0] 8.17,3) 8.17,5| 8.17,8] 3. 3.18, 5}. 3.18,8]) 16 8.49,6| 8.49,9] 8.50,1| 8.50,4] 8.50,7| 8.50,9] 38. 8.51,7]| 8.52,0]. Q-22,1} 9-224)" 9-22,7| 9-23,0] 9.23,3] 9-23,6] 9.23,81 9.24,1 9-25,0] 9-253} 9552) 9-555] 9-55,8} 9-551] 9-56,4) 9-557] 9-5750] 9-5753 58,2) 9-58,5 QO\TI. O,3}11. O,7|11. 2 $9 SbF Ue 27h TiS, OlLL. (2,3) E1-. 3,91bT. 4 0101. A SILT. AW LT. 5,0k ee es | NS | ES | | Ce 13.17,6/13.18,0}° 11 3.50,8/13.51,3 ee | ee | eS | ee | ee | RN | ee | RR | EE |S | RS | ER | RE | RS A ne | Ea 35,5}16.36,0]16. 36, 5116.37,0 16.375 : a | ees | eee | ae eee ae | ne eS cee | ences | emer ee neaes | eee eneemenrniee | ames. | renee eee fy ee | etc cee foe ne) | A een | NER meen | rr | were een |. eens | eens: | eR |e | eS | NE, | Le | | SN: | RRR | | | 19-58,4)19-57,0)),6}20.30, 3 OT HO Zl. eaahL, 2.1.36, 1|21.36,8 21. 2,2 | | | A |S | Ns | ED | RN: | nn |, | SR | Ee | AR nce: | RRR | SR: | SN 41|22.33,7|22-34,4122-35, 1122.35, 7122.36,4/22.37,1122-37,8/22.38, 5/22. 30,2|22. 30,8122.40, 5122.41, 2/2.2.41,9)22.42,0]22-43, 3} 4212.3. 06,7123. 7,4/23-.8,1123. 8,8]23. 9,5]23-10,2/23.10,9123.11,6 2.3-12,3123.3 3,0)23.13,7/23-14,4/23-15,1 2.3-15,0|23.10,51' 43|23-39>7|23-40,4|23-41,2|23-41,9|23.4.2,0123.43,3/23.44,0/23.44,712.3.4.5,5|23.40,2123.40,9|2 3-47, 0/2 3.48, 3/23.49,0123-49,8) 44}2.4.12,9)24.13,5)24.14,2)24-14,0]24.15,7/24-10,4)24.17,1124.17,9124.18,0)2.4.19, 3124.20, 1/2.4.20,8/24.21, 5/24-22, 3124.2 3,0], 45|24-45,8 2.4.46, 5|24.4.7,3124.48,0]24.48, 8}: 24-50,3 2.4.54,0/24.54,8/24.5 5. 5124.56, 3 . 46|2.5,18,8}25.19,5|25-20, 3125.21, 1125.21,8]25-22,6]25.23,412 5.24, 1|25.24,9|25-25,7125.20,4125.27,2125.28,012 5.28, 7125.29; 5] ° 47125-51,8)25.52,6]25-5 3,4125-54,1125-54,9)25-5 55 7|25-50,5125-5753]25-59,1125-58,9)25-59,0/26. 0,426. 1,2/26. 2,0)20. 2,81 43126.24,8126.2 5,6/20.26,4126.27,2126.28,0)26.28,8)26.29,6126. 30,4126. 31, 2120.32,0126.32,8126.33,6126.34,4126.35,2126.36,01: 49}26.57,8126.58,6)26.59,5]27+ 0,3]27- 1,1]27- 1,9127- 2,727. 3,512]. 4,4127- 95,2127. 6,0)27- 6,8)27. 7,6/27. 8.4127. 9,31, 50|27-30,8 2.7+3157|27-32>5|27+33>3|27-34:2|2 73590 2.7-35,0|27-30, 7127-37, 5127-39, 3127.39, 2127-40,0127-40,8127-41,7|27.42,5 51128. 3,9128. 4,7|28. 5,6128. 64128. 7,3128.- 8,1/28. 9,0/28.. 9,8)28.10,7/28.11,5|28.12,4128.1 3, 2/28.14,1128.14,9/28.15, 81: §2)28.36,9128.37,7128.38,6)28.39, 5 28.40, 3/28.41,2 28.4.2,1]28.42,9|28.43,8)28.44, 7128.45, 5|28.46, 428.47, 3128.48, 1128.49,0]. §3129- 9,9]29-10,8]29.11,7/29.12,5 29.13,4129-143 2.9-15,2|29.16,1 AS TORS -AT SOs aes 29.19,6)29.20, 5/29.21,3129.22, 3]7 54|29-4229|29-43,8|29-44,7129-45,0|29-40, 5/29-47,4129-48, 3129-4952129-50, 1)29.51,0/29.51,9 - $55130-15,9|30-16,8]30.17,3/30.18,7 30.19,0| a mm oi i | Re ee 29-52,8129.5 3,7129-54,6}29-5 5,5) 30.26,030.26,9 30.27,8]30.28,8}, 30.55, 2130+50,2/31.’ C1131. 1,1/91. 2,0f% DiS Oe PMO IO ALS O44 313.143.5935 32. §,0132. 6,6132. 735132» 8.542 32.38,3)32.39,8132.40,8122.41,8 2 2 x 4 33. 9,0)33.10,0|32.13,0 f 134 7] 33 Minutes, = ee SA | 19 [20 } 2k” 22) 32” 2.4" 25 1996 l'r997 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 $2002 | 2003 | 2004 2005 aM SIM. SiM. SM. S.{M. S.[M. SjM. SM. S{M. S|M. SM. S./M. |S. | te 35 2 im col at ae i ‘ | 9.33,4| 0.32,4] 0.3354} 1} 0.33,3| 0.33531 0.33,3| 02-3313] 0-33231 0-33r4} 0-334) 0-334) 0-33 oh! : : . 6,6] 1. 6,7} 1. 6,7f 1- 6,7] I. 0,8) -1. 6,8} I. 6,8 HA 38 Hoste Ase 0,0 aes Sioa se 1.40,2] 1.40,2] 1-49,3 a eae ia ae 2.1 3,3 2.1344 2.13,5 2.43,5| 2+43,6) 2-43,7 ‘ , 2.13, .13, -13; -F3; “tS, -T5) “TS; 7t3, “b> i ara a 2.40,6 tie 2.46,7| 2.40,8} 2.46,8) 2.40,9| 2-47,0] 2-475] 3} 247,41 2.4755 “6 3.19,6] 3.1957] 3-198] 3-19,9] 3:20,0] 3-201) 3-20,2] 3-20,3) 3-20,4) 3-20, 5 3-20,9] 3-21,0 7) 3-529} 3-53: 3-5391) 3-539 2 ott 22388 3-53:0 teen 3-538 cake 8} 4.26,1| 4.26,3] 4.26,4| 4.20,5) 4.26,7| 4.20,9) 4.20,9) 4-27,1) 4.27,2) 4- 793 9} 4-594} 4-590 4-597] 4-599] S- %O] S- 2) S- Or3] 5: 5 sie rk 10) 5:3207] S328) $:33:0) 5:33} 5:33:3) 5-335) S357 ¥3o— — SS Se es ee Bato Bal 11} 6. 5,9] 6. 6,1] 6. 6,3} 6. 6,5) 6. 6,7] ©. O,9) ©. 7,0) O- 7,2) O- 7,4) O- 7; , a 6.39,21 6.39,4| 6-39,6] 6-39,8) 6-40,0} 6.40,2} 6.40,4) 6.40,6] 6.40,8] 6.41,0 3} 7.12,5| 7-127) 7-12.90} 7-13,tb 7-13.3f 7-13,0F 7-43,8) 7-14,0} 7-14,2) 7614.4 . i a ol 4 6, 7-46.21 7-46.44 7-4057} 7-409) 74701 7-4734] 7-4756] .7-47:8 4 -40) 40,0} 7-40,21 7-40,47 7-40), BOOP 14 /> Se /s “47> J-4-/9 13 ban 8.19,3} 8.19,5} 8-19,8} 8.20,0} 8.20, 3} 8.20, 5} 8.20,8] 8.21,0] 8.21,3} | 8.22,3 8-22, 5 16} 8.§2,3| 8.52,5| 8.52,9] 8.531} 8.53.31 8-53,0F 8.53,9} 8-54,1] 8-§4,4) 8-547) 54,9] % 8.55,5} 8-55,71 8.56,0 17} 9.25,5| 9-25,8] 9-26,1| 9.26,4} 9-26,7} 9-270} 9-27,2} 9-2725} 9-27,8) 9.28, 1} 9-28,4) 9-28,7} 9-28,9] 9-29,21 9-29,5 13) 9.58.8 9.59, 9-50 ,4 9-59,7 10, 00/10. 0,3)/10. 0,6/10. 0,9}10. 1,210. 1,5}10. 1,8|10. 2,3}10. 2,4110. 2,7}10. 3,0} sig. sot | "NEO. 23, 24 2 4110.24, 0/10. 24, 3110.34, 6/50. 24, 9/10. 35, 2} 10.35,6)10.35,Q)10.36,2/10.36, 5 19 FO.32,1 EP Sat SALE ane TO. 33,3) FO- 33,7 °34 3453 : 34, 34,9 35> 35 3 9 20111 53/EI- 55 7)EI- 6,o;n1. 6,3)11. 6, 7)L1. TOIT. 7,3)EI- 7,711. 80/21. 8,311. 8,7}1I- 9,OFLT+ 9,3/21- 9,7/11-10,0} QI E1.38,6| 11.29, 0}1 1.39, 3/1 1.20, 7/1 1-40,0/8 £40, 4111.40, 7) EIL-AT, TEE. GE, AIEL-41,8)11.42,1 11.42, 6}11.42,8|11-43,2|1 1.43, 5 ps ites ee ES Se 12.13, 3}12.13,7/12-14,1/12-54,4 ae Te te 2.15,9}12.16, 3)12.16,6)12.17,0 2.3\ : ; a. .46, 47,1/12.47,4)1 2-47, 8]1 2.48, 211 2.48, 6)1 2-49, 0]12-49,4/1 2.49, 7/1 2-50, 1/12-50,5 23'1 2.45, 1/E2-45,5)12-45,9)12-40, 3/12-40,7)12.47,1)12.47,4/12-47 4 les caehes as canes ace eae 14-2459 14.5952 15-3155 iY US com OD i) 32 43)23-50,5|23-51,2 HANS 23,9124 2435 124.57,0|24.57,9 §3129-2391/29-24,0129.24,9/29-25,8 2.9-50r4/29-57> 3129-58, 2129-5951 55:32:297 30.30,6/30. 31, 5130.32,4 5631+ 2,9)31- 3,9)31- 4,8 § 7131-36, 2/31-37,2/31-38,1 53\32- 9,5132-10,4132-11,4 50'32-42, 7132-43, 7/32-4-4s7 33-17,9133-18,0133-1950 4 | ay 60:33.16,0 EG | SR | 29140. 4,7146. 62126. 5,7)16. 6,2}16. 6,7 | ae ea a 16.39,0}16.39,5|16-40,0}16.40, 5 16.41,0|16.41, 5|16.4.2,0}16.42,5)16-43,0)16-43,5 16.44,0,16.44,5|16.45,0] 3117-1153 17.11,9/17- £2, 3/17-12, 3/1 7-13,3}27-13,9)27-14,4/27-14,9}17-15,4427-15,9 re | RG | ee | TS SS | |S | TS re: | | A | | ec | rns | D1 . 3 30.19, 21eT. P 21.16,0 21. 659/31. 6,7/3T. 7,6/31- 3,5)31- 9,5131-10,4/31-11,3 3E-12, 3137-13, 2131-14, 1/31-15,1137-10, 31.39,1 ee 3 1.41,0 31.4349 31-42,09131-43,8 3.1-4.458]3 1-455 7131-4057 31-476 31.48,6/31-40, 5 32.13,3132-14, 3/32-1 5, 3132-10, 2132-1752 32.18,2}32.10, 1132.20, 1132. 21,,.1/32.2:2,0132-23, 0} 32-4557 3}13.53,8|13-54,211 3-5456|13-55,011 3-55,4{13- 55,9]! 3-50) 311 3-56,7/13-5751|13-5795 14.28, 8]1 4.29, 3114.29, 7|14.30, 1 14.30,6114.31,0} 1 §-33,8/3 5-343 tO. 7,2 eee me | rs | re | ne 17-47, 7117-48, 3)L7-48,8]1 7-49, 3]1 7-49.91 7-5 4117-50911 7-51,5|1 7-525 6)18.21,148.27,7/18.22,2)78.22, 8118.23, 3 18.2 3,9/18.24,4|18.25,0)18.25,5 18.57, 3|18.57,9)18-58,4|18.59,0 (oe ad RRS Sted pit rere | ce cnaioermaaag heel, | ateioneeinengege | ees | A S| ie ee era a ieee | PONE ategaes | Te aa. | ee ee eeee | See | eS | TC (wera ee ene | cana | | TT 28.59,4/29- 9,3/29- 1,1/29- 2,0 2.9.30,2|29-31,1129-32,9|29-32,9129-33, 7|29-34,6/29- 35.5) Saat va ee ed eS ee SS ee : ' Ae 4. blac. e¢ a2, ef 29, 6 Sh 32.40, 7132.47, 7|32-4850[32-49,0]32-50,6132-51,6/32-5 250}32- 53,0132. 54 5/32-555)32-5Y 23 20,0 33.21,0 33.22,0| 3.23, 013 3-24,0/33-25,0 33.26,0]33.27,0 33-28,0 33-29,0,33- 39,0 ee >. my Paleo 33 Minutes. ee on ilies te Yt S| air yy | 22 34” an | 326” oa | aBt | 39" | 40” | a) 42” 43” | 44” 45” 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021-| 2022 | 2023 | 2024 | 2025 JM. SIM. SIM. SJM. S.JM. S.[M. SJ)M. S.JM. S./M. S.jM. ,S.)M. S.|M. -S. 0.3357] 2-33)7| 9-33+7| 23397) 9-33)7| 9-3357 Ese TpSb. 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S.|M. S|M. S.|M. “ST . S|M. SM. SIM. SJM.-S.JM..S.)M, S.JM. 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Sada 21. ‘moon Mas so 9opteapriean tual aaga1a0h 1.4B,6121.49,2121.49,8|21.50,4121.51,0 '138)/22.20, 1|22.20,8122.21,4|22.22,0/22.22,7/22. 233 22..2.3,9]22.24,6)/22.2.5,2/22.2'5,8122.26, 5 3022-5 5.4122.56, 1|22.56,7|22.57,4|22.58,0122.58 Lrg aging’ Pees 0,6123. 2323: 9 40123. 30,7/23.31, 3123-32,0|23.32,7|23. 33.3123. 23.36,0123-3657 SCE fe CLS Cl CE aT A ARPES TUS i LTE ON MIE Ca eet boo nie LL 2H Seat Heat dae a 17, 4/21. Tae 21.51, 7121-52, 3121-52,0/21.5 3,5 22527, 112. 27, 7|22.28, 4/2.2.209,0 23: ei 32)23- 3+9/23 fi wD uo £S 12) He) wo uo PY my nN ue wo eS po ct eUE ES 41124. §,9|24. 6,6)24. 7,3124. 8,0/24. 8,7/24. Sidloa i6-dlog 16 fled ta nledae, dibdae tea t4 gee ee 42l24.47,2)24-41,9|24-42,0124.43,3|24-44,0124.44,7124-45.4 4}24.46, 1|24.46,8|24.47,5|24-48,2124-48,9|a4-49,6|24.50, 4124. 51,0 4.312.5-16,5|25-17,2/25-17,9|25-18,0)2 5-19, 3]25-20, 11/25-20,8/25.21, 5/2 §.22,2125.22,0)25.23,6/25-24,4/2§.25,1125.25,8126. i 4alas.51,7)25-52,5|25-53,2|25-53,9|25-54,7|25-55.4]25-56,1]25-56,9|25-57,612 45|26.27,0|26-27,8/20.28, 5126.29, 3]20. 30,0126. 30, 8)26.31, 5/26.32, 3126.33, ol26. 33,8 26. 34,5 26. -35,3)26. 36, O26. 36, Blo. 26.3745 5 46/27. 2,3127. A 27. 3,8127. 4,6/27. §,3)27. 6,1|27. 6,912.7. 7,612.7. 8,4127- 9,2127. 9,9]27+10, 7127-11, 5|27.12,2127.13,0 47/27 -37; 5127-38, 3]27-3951127-39,0|27+40,7|27-41,5/27-4.2,2|27-4.3,0)27-43,8)27-44,0/27.4.5,4]2 7-46,2)27-46,9|27.47,7|27.48,5 49128.12,8128.13,6/28.14,4/28.15,2/28.16,0/28. 16,8/28.17,6)28.18,4)28.19,2/28.20,0}28.20,8]28.21,6|28.29,4)/28. 23,2/28. 12.450 49 28.48, 1128.48,9 28.40,7128.50, 5128.51, 3128.52,2 apael ai pate 28.54,6/28.55,4128. 56, 2|28.57,1128.57,9128.58,7128.59,5 §2}29-23,3129.24,2 29.25,0|29.2.5,8)29-26, 7129.27, 5129.20, 3129.29, 2129. 30, 0)29.30, g 29-31,7|29-32) 5129-33) 3/29-34,2|29:35,0 51/29-58;0129:59,5|39- 0, 3/30. 1,2/30. 2,0/30. 399/30 Bee 4,6130. §,4/30. 6,3130. 7,1/30. 8,0]30. 8,830. 997/30. 10,3 52|39-3 39/39 34s7|30-35,6130- 36, 5130-37, 3/30.38,213 0-39,9|30-40,8|30-41,7|30.42,5]30-43.4130-44,3|30-45, 1130.46,¢ 53131 9,1j31-10,0/3T. 10,9) 31. lI poss 259/34. 13,6 tii ee of 15,3131. 16,2/31. 17,1 31. .18,0]31. 18,9/31. 19,7|31. 20,6) 31. 21,5 Salts 3t-45,9)31-46,2 131-4751131-48,0131.48, 31-49,8/31-50,7131-51,6131-52,5131-53,4131-54,3131.55,2|31.56,1131.57,0 55132-19,7)32-20,0]3 21, 5132.22,4132. 2.3, 3132-245 3132.25, 2/32.20, 1132.27,0/32-27,9132-28,8/32.20,8)32.30,7/32-31,0]32.32)5 5037 32.5449) 32-55,9.32-56,8132.5757132.58,7133-59,6/33 0,5 33+ 1,5133- 2.4133- 3:3133- 4.3/33- 5>2/33- 653/33. 7,133. 8,0 53)3 3-30,2)33-31,2)33-32, 1|33.33,1/33-34,133-35,0 0133-3599 33-36,9 33:37:833-38,8/33-39>7|33-40-7 33:41,6133 42.633.4355 B34 515/34 6,434. 754134. 84134. 03134 10, 3134-11,3134-12,2]34.13, 2\34-14,2/34.15,1 54.16.1507, 13418 34-49,6134..50,6134-5 51,6 3§-2.5,0|35-26,0|35-27,0 34-52,5/34-53>5 34-5405 35: 23,0 35-20.0 25.200 5! 34-47,0|34-48,6 35:2 3,035: -24,0 34-445 7134-4557 steed -20,0|35.21,0/3 59) SAO, NIA 8 Ys] 4 3442s 11 34-4.357 60/35-16,0)35-17,0]35-18,0)35.19,0 35 Minutes, | [ 143 ] 39” | 40” “/ | 4 Vf 44 144 | 4/ 49 2145 nN aN oe) ¥ CS |S TT | TS NE 7 2139 [2140 [214i | 20 M. 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Boe rr RR RR A tt menage liga’ h: beast ba36F | gor | 40” cee 3 SS er rn en te ee eS Ce 2251 | 2252 | 2253 | 2254 | 2255 | 2256 | 2267 | 2258 M. S./M. S|M. SiM. S|M. S|M. S|M. ——_—_— mm | mY | | ee 0-37,5| 0-37,6| 0-37,6) 9.37,6 0-3757) 9-3757| 9-37,8 PAS A TTS, Ih I-15, T) F.1g,2 T.15,4) 1-15,5) 1-15,5 1.52,0] 1.52,7| 1.52,47| 1-52,8 1559;21%-53,21-1.53,3 23,0) B-36,9) 12. 30,4) 2130.3 3-_757|_3-_7:8|_3- 7,8 eeu cs | | en | ne | nae | cen rn — | a | | | | A A CES EE Cen mca | orem 2259'| 2260 wu 3 \o 34591) 3-4522) 3-4553) 3:45.4 3-455 4.22,6) 4.22,7] 4.22,9| 4.23,0] 4.23,1 5+ 1} 5+ 0,31 5. 0,4] 5- 0,5] 5- 9,7 5+3757| 5-37:8| 5-38,0] §-38,1] 5-38,3 10} 6.15,2] 6.15,3 6.15,7| 6.15,8 It} 6.52,7 6.53,2| 6.53,4. 12] 7.30,2 7-30,8| 7-31,0 7-32.21 7-32.41 07 ie Dy 8. 8,4) 8. 8,6 8. 9,9] 8.10,1 14| 8.45,2 8.45,9] 8.46,2 2| 8.47,6] 8.47,8 15] 9-22,8 9-23,5| 9-23,8 SS rrr | ee |, | Sees | Ee | ee | ees | Ces, | | | Se | Rs | | Satna 10.40,6/10.40,9]10.41,2|10.41,5]10.41,9 11.18, 3]11.18,6]11.18,9]11.19,2|11-19,5 11.56,0]11.56,3/11.56,6)11.56,9|11.57,2 eee | ee, | ee | eee | En | eS eet | eee | ce | eee | eect ene | Ee | es | rs cee | ne fy ee ee nee ee | rece | ee fe ee | Se fe ee | ee ee. | el a | ee | ae ee | ccs | Se | eee | ee | es | | a | cre |e tr | re | —V—X—_ eee | res | Seems | eee | ee | eee: | meee | Oe | cee | Os | ee | ee | 23.16, 1]23.16,8 38)23-45,6/2 3.46, 312 3.46,912 3-47, 5|2 3-48, 2123-48, 8/2 3-49, 4/2 3.50, 1/23.50,7|(23.51,3 23-5455 2.5-38,9/2.5-39,6]25-40,2/25-40,9]25.41,6/25.42, 3125-43,0125.43,7|25-44,3/25-45,0|25-45,7/25-40,4125-47, 1}. 42)26.15,7|26.16,4)26.17, 1]26.17,8/20. 18, 5126. 19,2126. 19,9|20.20,6/26.2 1, 3126.22,0/26.22, 7/26.23,4/26.24,1/26.24,8 43126.53,2126.53,9/26.54,7/26.5 5,4/26.56, 1|26. 56,8126. 547, 5|26.58,2/26.59,0/26.59,7/27- 0,4|27- 1,1/27- 1,8]27- 2 44127 -30,7}27.31,5127-32,2127.32,0/27-33,7127-34,4127-35, 1127-35,0/27-30,6/27-37, 3127-38, 1/27-38,8 45/28. 8,3/28. 9,0128. 9,8}28-10, 5/28. 11, 3128-12,0/28.12,8]28.13, 5128.14, 3/28.15,0]28.15,8|28.16, 5 46|28.45,8/28.46,5|28.47, 3128.48, 128.48, 8|28.49,6 56,5 47|29-2 3, 3}29-24,1/29.24,0|29.25,6 29. oS 48}30. 0,8/30. 1,6/30. 2,4/30. 3,2/30. 4,0 -12,0 49130. 38, 3) 30.39, 1120. 40,0/30.40,8 30-49,8 59/3 1-15,9/31.16,7/31.17,5/31-18, 3 Rls Lig acta EERE EY) 51/31-53,4/31-54,2131.55, 1131-5549 ds ta 52132-30,9)/32.31,7132.32,6/32-33,5/32-34,3 32-41, 3)32-42,1)32-43,0 53133. 8.4133. 9)3133-10,2]33-11,0]33-11,9)33-12,8 33.19,0|33.20,8 5413 3-45-9]33-46,8133.47,7/33-48,6/33-49,5 | 3:58: 55|34-23,4134-24, 3134.25, 3 34-20,2134.27,1/34.28,0 34. 30,8134.31, 7134. 32,0134. 33,5] 34-34,4134-35,3 34-3553 55/35. 9,9135+ 1,9/35. 28:35 357/35- 4,7/35- 5,6/35- 65135. 7.5135: 8.4135. eDolk Waste) WRT Ie GEL Reis ns Rib 57|35-38+ 5135-39413 5-40,4 35-4153 35-42,3/35-43,2/35-44, 2135-45, 1135-40,3)35-47,0] 35-48,0]35-48,9135-49,9135-50,8)35-51,8 §8)30.16,0136.16,0136.17,9'36.18,9) 36. 19,8) 36.20, 8130.2.1,8) 36.22 36.2.4,7/36.2.5,6/36.26,6/36.27,6) 36.28, 5130.29, 5 §9/36-53, 5136-54, 5136-55,5 36.56.4 36.574 36-5Bs4)36-5904 : 137+ 263137+ 3:3.37+ 453137- 593137- 93)37- 753 60/37.31,0137.32,0 37:33,9,37-34-0137-35,0 0137.40,0137.41,0!127-42,0]3 37.44,0|3 7-45,0 | al Durin fos foo me OO ees BS | aries | | eS | ERS 16.21,9116-22,4116.22,8]16.23,2 16.59,7|17- 0,2|17- 0,6/17. 1,1 17-3755|17-37,9]17-38,4|17-38,9 re ene | ee re en rr EY ES me | [2266 | 2267 [2268 | 2269 | 2270 | 22771 [2272 7 “S|iM.- S.[M. 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I, 1-38, oy 2) 2 r}O A ) “53> WW Yo 37~ 9,2137-10,2)37-11,2137- LS |e | Ns | me | A RC | MPN } coemnian ae 25°51,2125-51,9]25-5255 312.0.2.9,0126.29, 7120.30, 4 6,1127. 6,8127.,7,6]27. 8.9 9727-42, 5]27-43,2)27-43,9127-4457127-45,4/27-4051 28.22, 5128.2 SS Ee pened Ce, ee Se ener | —mnerneneaeneetones | ——eneeserrs eet | S| | en | Ree.» | rman oes | nee es ee | ES | Ns | RR eR | Me ae 5-15,9]35-16,8)35.17,7135.18,7 39.31,4)36-32,4136.3344136.3.4,3 37:4752137-48,0137-49,0|37-50,0 38 Minutes. | [ 153 ] 1” | 2” [eat b & se 6 ae | 9” 9” 10” 11” vin’ S rn” tat | ie | 2281 | 2282 | 2283 | 2284 | 2285 aK | 2288 | 2289 | 2290 | 2291 | 2292 | 2293 | 2294 | 2295 z < S.|.M. SJM. SIM. SJM. S|M. S|M. S|JM. S.M. S.JM. S..M. SM. SM. SM. 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O,6}21. 1,2/2T. 1,7/21. 2,3 3.4/21.32,6/21.33,1/21-33,7/21.34, 3121-34,9)21.25, 412 1.36,0]21.36, 5127.37, 1/21.37,7|21-38,2/21.38,0121.30, 4/2 1-39,9]21.40, § 2.2.1 §,8|22-16,4]22.17,0}22.17,6/22.18,2122.18,8 mn | me | ee | an or | Mr ee | rN | ee | eect fer rie | rere tes | SRR ee | ou meee ewe | Sa | ee eee 37/2 3-26,6|23.27, 212 3.27,0]2 3.28, 5/2 3-29, 1123.29,7]2 3.30, 312.3. 30,9]23.31,6 38)24. 4,624. 5,3/24- 5,9124. 6,5/24. 7,2/24. 7,8]24. 8,4lo4. 9,1124. 9,7/24.10, 3]24.11,0]24.11,6)24.12,2/24.12,9]24.13,5 39124-4.2, 7124.43, 3|24-44,0124.4.4,6|24.45,3124.45,0124.40,012.4.47,2124.47,0/24.48, 5124-49, 2/2.4-49, 8124.50, 5124.51,1124.51,8 25-2.7,2]2.5-28,0/25.28,7|25-29, 312 5-30,0 cre | eee | mn | es nce: | re | re | nee | ee eee | etree | mee ween = | err | ees | eee a em | AR rt mn mm | fe | fe a re [em ne ee 46129. 8,8)29- 9,5]29-10,3/29.11,1]29-11,8]/29.12,6/29.1 3,4/29.14,1|29.14,9/29.15,7|29-16,4/29.17,2129.18,0/29.18,7|/29.19, 5 47}29-46,8)29-47,6]29-48, 4}29-49, 1129-49,9129-50,7}29-51,5|29-52,3|29- 53,1120. 5 3,8|29-5450129-5 5.4129: 50,2)20-5 7,0129.57,8 48]/30.2.4, 8130.2 5,6}30.26, 4] 30.27, 2130.28,0]30.28,8130.29, 6) 30. 30, 4130. 21, 2/30.32,0]30.32,8]30. 33,6] 30. 34,4130-35,2/30.36,0 QIZT. 2,8/31- 3,613. 4,5131- 5,3131- 60,1131. 69131. 7,7131. 8,5131- 9,4)31-10,2131-11,0/31.11,8/31.12,6/31-13,4131.14,3 Sarre: | eee | een ene | es a || re | en fe | eee amr | cane | Re = a ee | a | a | ee | 57/36. 7,036. 7,9136. 8 §8}36.4.5,0| 36-4 5 59137-2.3,0137-24,0137-25,0137-25,9|37-26,9137-27,9]37-28,9137-2959137- 39137-3159] 37-32,9137-3399137- 3458137: 3598/37 -36, 60}38. 1,0]38. 2, 38 Minutes. rei | 24” bi Aft Ts. 26” SS |, | ES EES | RE | EE: | OE SE EE | emcees | eee | teem | SEND | em | cen i] ee | rs | ene | ee | re, | |S |: A | Re | ER | ee: | emcee | erences | 0.38,5] 0.38,5 1.16,9 1.5594 23399 a | | | er | | en, | wee SS |S | S| |S | eS | A | Re | ec: | SS 11 7- 1,0) 7+ 1,3) 7- 1,5] 7+ 147] 7+ 149 12 7-394] 7-39-60] 7-39,8] 7-40,0] 7-40,2 ie 8.17,7| 8 17,9} 8.18,1] 8.18,3] 8.18,6 14 8.56,0) 8.56,2} 8.56.4] 8.56,7} 8.56,9 15 9-343) 9-345} 9-34,8] 9-35,0] 9-353 re fm | | ee eee fee ee eS | es | | | 16/10.12,3]10.12, 5/10.12,3]10.13, 1110.13, 3/10.13,0110.13,9/10.14,1/10.14,4|10.14,7 10.14,9)10-15,2|10.15,5/10-15,7|10.16,0 17]10.50, 5}10.50,8)10.51,1|10.51,4110.5 1, 7]10.52,0}10.52,2/10.52, 510.52, 8|10.53,1 10.53,4| 10-5 3,7110.53,0|10-54,2)10.54, 5 18/1 1.28, 8]11.29, 1]11.29,411 1.29, 7]/11.30,0]11.30, 3}11.30,6 11.30,Q)11.31,2/11.31,5/11-31,8/11-32,1]11.32,4)11.32,7|11-33,0 Ito, 9,3]12- 9,6]12. 9,9/12.10,2]12.10,6]12.10,9]12.11,2 Vo _—_ea——R—a—a————————————— S| re | | rene | eee | ee | ee | ener ey | ne eee | ee eee SS | | TES |S | S| NS |S | Ee, | es | ees | ~7137-40.7/37-4157 60}38.16,0]38.17,0]38.18,0]38.19,0138.20,0 38 Minutes, | 4-29 5. 8 | 5-46 ‘ 10] 0.25,2] 6.2513) 6.25,5| 6.2557] 6.25,8| 0.26,0] 0.26,2/ 6.26,3| 6.26,5] 0.26,7] 6.26,8) 6.27,0] 0.27.2] 6.27.3] 6.27.5 En 72-3,7|- 7: 7+ 6,3 Ber 742,21 9, 7°45,0 13} 8.20,7] 8. 3.23,8 14] 8.59,2| 8. 9. 12:5 151 _9-37,8) 9-38,0] 9.38,3 41,0] 9-41, 3 ioe oO to Oo (2) | 10.19,7 10.58, 5|10.58,8 11.37,2|11.37, 5) 12.15,9/12.16,3 _—_—— ee ee | | TO, 16]10.16, 3/10.16, 5]10.16,8}10.17,1/10.17, 3/10.17,6|10.17,9)10.18,1|10.18,4]10.18,7/10.18,9|10.19,2|10.19, 17|10.54,8]/10.55,1]10.55,4)10.55,6]10.55,9]10.56,2/10.56, 5/10. 56,8]10.57,1/10.57,3/10.57,0|10.57,9/10.58,2 19/1 1.33, 3/11.33,6/11.33,9]/11-34,2|11.34,5|11-34,8/11-35,1|11-35,4|11-35,7|1 1.36,0/11.36, 3111.36, 6/1 1-36,9 1Q}12.11,8/12.12,1]12.12,6]12.12,8/12.13,1/12.1 3,4 12.15,6 —| ee eee | | | | | ee | ee | - ——— |S | ee een eee ES | ES |S | rr ac rr | ree | ns | ae | en | ee 17-25,8]17.26,3 18. 4,5]18. 5,0 18.43,3118.43,8 nein | et smecenee ers | steerer teers | renee tee Sete, | eerie | Seana | As OE ce | ee a if | a | ca 44}28.14,7 45|28.5 3.3.28. §4,0|2 46/29.31,8 Bria 7- 13 48|30.48,8/30.49,6 4913-273 50/32. 5.8 51)32-44.4) ee eee om rr en | a rn | ee | | ee ee | re + | ee ee —~|- ee ee ee, eee | er) ~ ee fee ee eee OS | CTS | ee | ee | 36.44,0/36.45,0 36-459] 36-46,9 36.47,8 36.48,8 58 37-14,0/37-14,9/37-15,9/37.16,9/37- 17,813 7-18, 8)37-19,8]37.20,7/37-21,7/37-22.7|37-23,0 37-2416/37-25,6137-26,5137.27,5 59/37-52+5137-53:5 37-50s4]37-574137-58,4137-59,4/38- 4/38. 153138. 2,3/38. 3,338. 4,3/38. 5,3138. 6,3 60/38. 3 1,0}33.32.0 38. 35,0138. 36,0]38.37,0/38.38,0138.39,0/38.40,0]38.41,0 38.42,0|38.43,0 38.44,0138.45,0 ns [ 156 ] 38 Minutes. — tae i ar ne | 2326 | 2327 | 2328 | 2329 | 2330 | 2331 | 2332] 2333 | 2334 | 2335 | 2336 | 293 , } 5 S..M. S.JM...S.1M.°S.)M. .°S.1M. . S.1M. S.AM. SIM. SM. -S I 0.38,8) 0.38,8) 0.38,8] 0.38,9) 0.38,9] 0.38,9 0.38,9} 0.38,9 0.39,0 0.39,0| 0.39,0} 2 1.17,6) 1.17,6] 1.17,7] 1.17,7] 1-17,7| 1.17,8 1.17,8] 1.17,0] 1.17,9| 1. 1.18,0] 1.18,0 3 1.56,4] 1.56,5] 1.50,5] 1-56,6) 1.56,6] 1.56,7 1.56,8] 1.56,8] 1.56,9 1.57,0] 1.54,0 4 2+35>2| 2-353) 2-3553] 2-354) 2-355] 2-35, 2-3557| 2-3557| 235,08 2.35,0| 2.36,0 _5}_3:13:9)_3-33/9]_3-14,9]_3-14,1|_ 3-14,2]_3-1453) 3-14, 3) 3-144] 3-14,51 3.14,6 6 t cae EOL oahca al Cater Gs a1 A. BhnseIO, U4] 6:10, 3 9] 5-48,9] 5-4951 10} 6.27,7| 6.27,8 i) 7. 6,41 93 6.6 ras S6l a Set a. oo Vie pale 13] 8.24,0 15] 9-41,5] 9-41,8 16]/10.20,3 —_—_—_———_— ee | | ee ee ee | Ss | 12.19,7/12.20,1|12.20,4/12.20,7/12.21,0 12.58,7 Ch | | As | | Re | ee | ss eee ener ,9|16.1 3, 3)16. »4116.51,8/16.52, 3 oS |S | ES | | ees |, | Me | nr 3 »4/20. 6,9]20. 7,5120. 8,0]20. 85120. 9,0 »3]20-4.5,9]20.46,4120.46,9/20.4.7,5]20.48,0 3]21-24,8)21.25,4121.25,9/21.26,5]21.27,0 36|23-15,6)23.16,2}23.16,8/23.17,4/23.18,0]23.18,6|23.19,2|23-19,8123.20,4l23.21,0[23.21,6 37|2 3-544 3912 5-11,09]25.12,6 ERS SOr7]*5°5123)? 5:50}? 5-5 227|25-53,3|25-54,0|25:5457|25-5.523}2.5-50,0]2 23: 41126.29,4 44|28.25, 7128.26, 5128.27,2/28.27,9/28.28, 7128.29,4|28.30, 1 28.30,9 28.33,1128.33,8 Se | ES | EE | es | | Sena | ae 46}29.43,3|29-44,0|29.44,8/29.4.5,6 29.46, 3129-4.7,1|29.4.7,9|29.48,6)2.9.49,4 29-59 212.9: 59,9129-51, 7129-52, 5129-53, 2|29.54,0 47130.22,0 30.228 30.23,6 30.24,4130.25,2 30.26,0 30.20,7 39-2755 30.28,3 39-29, 1/30-29,9/30.30, 7/30. 31,4 39. 32,2130. 33,0 48131. 0,8131. 1,6 31. 2,4131. 3,2/31. 4,0131. 4,8/31. 5,6/31. 6,4131. 7,2 31. 8,0/31. 8,8/31. 9,6 31-10,4)31.11,2/31.12,0 4913 1-39,6|31-40,4/31-41,2/31.42,0)31.42,8131-43,7131.44,5]31-45, 3131.46, 1 31.46 §0}32.18, 3132.19,2132.20,0]32.20,8 33: 5)33- 14)33- 252/33- 3,1/33- 3,9/33- 4,8 ae | meneame | eames | weiner eeeseese nance? ———— re | ee tee 51/52-57>1/32-58,0)32. 58,832. 50,7 57133°35°9/33-39,7 53134-14,0|34-15,5)34.16,4]34.17, 3134.18, 2134.19, 1|34.19,9134-20,8 34-21,7/34.2.2,0)34.23.5/34.24,4 34-20, 1134.27,0 | 54/34-5 35: ie 35- 6,0 3533-483: 9-3.5P}35°3919)35+37+7/35:39 9135-39) 5135-404) 35-41, 3/35-4253]35-43,2]35-44,1135.45,0] 56130. 10,9)30-11,9 36.12,8 36.13,7|36.14,7136.15,6}36.16, 5| 36.17, 5|36.18,4 36.19, 3 36.20, 3 36.21,2136.22, 1136.23, 1126.24,0 5730-497 36-59>7|36-51,6) 36-52,6)36.53, 5136-54, §|36-55,4130-50,4]36-57,3/36-58,3'36.50,2/37- 0,2[37. 151137. 2,113 A eat ee ieee 130 37+3243 37-3393 37:34+3|37-352 37.30;2 37-37:2/37-38s1 37-3951|37-40, Dot, £92139" 02139 9,21 30-10, 2130. FT, 2130-122) 30,135 113 O.L7, 1 ; 60138.46,0 38.47,0}38.48,0]38.49,0) 38. 50 I98.61,0 38.52,013 50 39 Minutes. 64 ae Ove 9 bei 2342 | 2343 | 2344 | 2345 | 2346 Hae 2352 | 2353 | 2354 | 2355 M|M. S.|M. S.[M. S.|M. S.|M. .|.M. S.|JM. SM. S.|M. S|M. S.M. S.|JM. S.|M..S.JM. SJM. 8. —=— ee | Se ee | |S | |S | A SN | | I 0.39,0 0.39,0 0.39,1 9.39,1 0.39,1 0.39,1 0.39,1 0.39,2 0.39,2) 0.39,2 0.39,2 0. 39,2 0.39;2 0-39,5 2| 1.18,0] 1.18,1} 1.18,1] 1.18,1 1.18,2| 1.18,2] 1.18,3] 1.18,3] 1.18,3) 1.18,4] 1.18,4) 1-19,4] 1.13,5] 1.18,5 3) T-572U U-57s1) 1-57>2) 1-57,2 E5753) 02*S P24] FS 44. T5725 1.5756] 1-57,7| 1-57,7] 1-57,8 4| 2-36,1| 2.36,1| 2.36,2! 2.36,3 2.36,4| 2-36, 5} 2.36,5] 2.36,6 2.36,8] 2.36,0] 2-36,9|' 2.37,0 5|_3:-25,1] 3-152 3-15) 5|_3-15,6] 3-15,7] 3-158 a rs | ee ae es | ee eee | arent cmcranee | OS eee | MRE | Deere ec Mf 7s 10 A caeteeenetieiensineememenend’ tantnianaiienee ane Wlltemnemmmemenmammnmmndaaemenmee aetna reecennal taemenatematameaeeaee 6) 3-541 3:54531 3-544 3-54,0] 3-547] 3-548 3-5599| 33-5591 7] 4-332 4:33.41 4.3395 4-33>7| 4-338] 4.3359 4-34,2] 4-34,3 8} 5-12,1 Sit Ab St 28 5-12,8] 5-12,9] 5-13,1 5:13,3] 5-135 Q) 55152 5-5155]} 5-516 5+5159] 5-52s1] 5.5252 5-525} 5-527 1o| 6.30,2 6.30, 5}. 6.30,7 ( 6.31,0] 6.31,2] 6.31,3 6.31,7| 6.31,8 Til 7+ 9,2 FU GOR Te 7. QOL TABI TAGs 71955 7-10,8| 7.11,0 12| 7-48,2 7-48,6| 7-48,8! 7.49,0] 7-49,2] 7-49,4] 7-49,6] -7. 7-50,0] 7-50,2 13] 8.27,2 8.27,7| 3-27,9] 8.28,1] 8.28,3) 8.28,51 8.28,7 8.29,2| 8.29,4 14] 9- 6,2 9- 6,7] 9- 6,9] 9- 752] 9+ 74} 9- 726] 9- 7,9 9: 8,3] 9- 8,6 9531 9: 9.5 15|_ 9-453 9-45,8} 9-46,0} 9.45,3] 9-46, 5] _9-46,8] 9-47,0] 9. 9-47,5| 9-4758) 9: -48, 3] 9-45, 5] 9-48,6 rr: | ee | ES | S| | ES | | | |: | 7 & 70 15.40,8]15.4.1,2/15.41.6 15.42,0 Tye Bp) | | rcs | ene | en nen | ce | ef ee me | ee 27)17-3355]17-339]17-3454)17-34,8]17-35, 3117-355 7|17-3052)1 28)18.12,5]18.12,9]18.13,4/18.13,9/18.14, 3118.14,9/18.15, 3 TE | ne | LT 2,0.14,2120.14,9|20.15,2|20.15,7 | eee | eee | ee | A | ES | AA en | ERE ay SR ne | RN ce | ee 2.2.13,4/22.13,0122.14,5 29215246 2.2.5 9,2122.52,8 23.31,8123-32,4)23.33,0 24.11,0124.11,6]24.12, 3 136|23.24,0)2 2.25,212 3.2.5,8|23.26,4|23.27,0123.27,6 23.28,2,23-28,8 23.29,4|23-30,0 2.3.30,6/23-31,2 37/24 3,024. 452/24. 4,9)24. 5,5)24- 6, 1/24. 6,7/24. 7,3.24- 7,0/24. 3,6 38124.42,6124.43, 3 ; 392 5-21,7|2.5.22,3]25-23,0125.23,6/25-24, 3/2.5-24,9 25.2.5,6)25-20,2 2.5-26,9 —-440(26. 0,7/26. 71,3126. 2,0]26. 2,7]26. 3,3/26. 4,0126. 4,7,26- 5,3/26. 6,0/26. 5,2/26.45,8]26.46,5 EP aye PEAT 26.48,6)26.49, 3 27-20,4.27.27,1,9129.2955 » een | SS | AS | A AS S| a | eee eee ce | ES AS | eens | Soup snsnassees oe No oO e ws oO bo Co om 21 COM to ioe) “I (2) bo (oe) ~ (oe) 47139-33,8]30.34,6 48/31.12,8/31.12 §0/32-30, 8132.31, 7132-32, 5/32-3 3, 3132-34,2132-35,0132-3 5,8/32-30, 7132.37, 5132.38, 3132. ee ed a | a | | ee a | a es | ee | | a te | ee a ee —-—— = ner re | ns | | | | ee a ee re eee 36.25,9/36.26,8)36.27, 7/26.28,7/36.29,0/36.30, 5136.31, 5/36.32,4136.3 3, 3130.24, 3] 30.35, 2) 36-36, 1136.37, 1/36.38,0 57|37- 45°37: 49/37- 559|37+ 9,8)37- 758137- 8,7]37- 907)37-19,6)37-11,6137-2 2; 5137-1 3,5]37-14.4 3715.4] 7-16,3/37-17,3 58} 37-43>0137-43,9|37-44:9)37-45,9137-40,8/37-47,8)37-48,8]37-49,7/37-5057|37-5 15713752501 37-5 390 37-5450137-555]37-5Os5 59138. 22,0] 33.2 3,0 38.24,0138.24,9 38.25,9|38-26,9/38.27,9138.28,0]38.29,9] 38. 30,8/38.317,8 38.32,8 38. 33,8 38.34,8]33.35,8 39+ 2,0139+ 359139 4,0}39- 5,0/39. 6,0 39+ 7,0139- 8,0 39+ 9,0/39-10,0/39-11,0)39-12,0/39-13,0/39-14,0/39, 15-0 Re f 158 ] iat 39 Minutes. wm BY ND bp wo ad _— rr re | aS | ES | EE | RS | ey | 7130- 0,6]36. 1,5 es | re | re 35-23) 1/35-24,0)35-24,9135-25)8 35-20, 7135-2 7,0/35-28,5135-29,4135-3% 3:3 5-3152135-32, 1135-330} 36. 2,4136. 3,3:360. 4,3136- 5,2/30. 6,1136. 7,0]36. 7.9|36. 8,8136. 9,8]36.10,7/36.11,6/36.12, 5] CORRS RS RR | GE EE RE | SRR | ree eS: | 7| 3:5728] 3:57:9] 3:5850} 3-58,1] 3-582] 3-58,3} 3-594) 3-58,5 4.3956} 4.36,7] 4-39,9} 43750 4-373} 4374] 4.3750] 4.37.7) 4-37,8] 437,09] 4-38,0) 4-381] 4.38,3 5:16,1] 5.163] 5.16,4| 5.16,5 §-16,9] 5-1751] 5-172] 5-1753] 5+1755| 5-17,0| 5-17.71 5-17,9] 5-18,0 5-5597| 5-5598} 5:59,0} 5-591 5-556] 555057] 5-5659] 5-570] 5-572 5-5723] 5-5725] 9-575) 5-57,8 6-352} 6.35.3} 6-355] 93557 6.36,2| 6.36.3} 6.36, 5} 6-36,7] 6-36,8} 6.3750] 6-37,2| ©-37,3] 9-37,5 7-14,7| 7-14,9| 7-15,1] 7-15,2 7-15,8] 7-16,0] 7.16,2} 7.16,3) 7.16,5| 7-16,7] 7.16,9] 7-17,1] 7-17,3 75452) 7-544] 7-546) 7-548 7-554) 7-550) 7-558} 7-56,0] 7-562] 7-56,4}' 7-56,6}07-55,8) 7-57,0 8.33,7| 8.33,9] 8-34,2] 8.34,4] 8 8.35,0] 8.35,2] 8-35,5| 8.35,7) 8.25.9] 8.36,11 8.36,3] 8.36,5] 8. 9-1352| 9-135] 9-13,7| 9-1399 9-14,5] 9-14.59} 9-15,1] 9-15,3] 9-15,0] 9-15,8] 9-16,0} 9-16,3 9-52,8} 9-53,0]_9:53»3|_9:53>5 9-540} 9-5453] 9-54551 9-54,8] 9-550 9-553] _9-55.5|_ 9-559] _9-50,0 ao | rns | wt ee | nes enemies | ener nenees | rene ee | ES | S| as | | acne | AAs | Aran 16}10.32, 310.32, 5|10.32, 8110.33, 1/1033, 3110.3 3,0] 10.33,9]10.34,1/10.34, 4110.34, 7110.34.09 I7{TI.TI,S]01.02,1/01.12,4/21.12,O)11.12,O}11-13, 211-13, 5/11-13, 8/1114, 111.14, 3}11-14,0]11-14,O111.15,2/11.15, 511.15, 8) ISI. ST, 3U1.51,O/L 1.51, 9/1 1-52, 2)11.52, S|11.5259] 11-53, 111-5 3,4)01+5 3, 71E 1.54,0/1 1-54, 3111-54, 0111-54, 9/1 1-55, 2)11-55,5 I9}12-30,0/12.31, 1[1 2.31, 5/12.31,9/12.32, 1112.32, 4112.32, 7/1 2.3 2,011 2.33, 4112.33, 7/12-34,0]1 2-34, 3112.34,0112.34,9112.35,3 ————ee, |e ee —_—— | | ee | | EE | ES RE: | ne | | |S | NS, | re | ce | erm | ere | ED |.) | S| | 21-44, 1121.44,6|/21.45,2|21.4.5, 7121.46, 3/21-46,8121.47,4121.4.7,9121.48, 5|21-40,0|21-4.9,6]2 1-50, 121-50, 7/21-51,2/21.51,8 3412.2-23,0122.24, 1122-24, 7122.25, 3122.25,8122.26,4122.27,0/22.27, 5122.28, 1122.28, 7/22.29,2122.29,8122-30,4/22.30, 9/22. 31,5 3523+ 3,1}23- 3>7)23: 4:3123- 4,9/23- 5,4123- 6,023. 6,6/23- 7,2/23- 7.8123. 8,3 ee ed eee eee a ee 2,3-50,4/2 3-51, 0} 2.4.30, 1124.30,8 ne eres | es |e | Ss |S SS | | er | aE | | 39-19; 3/39-20, 1130.20, 8/30.21,6]30.22,4] 30.2 3, 1/30.23,9130.24,7|30.2.5,4130.26, 2/30-27,0130.27, 7|30-28, 5 4739-57, 3130-58, 1/30-58,9139-59,6131- 0,4/31+ 1,2131- 2,0/31. 2,8131. 3,6131. 4,3/131- §,1/32- 5,9/32- 6,7/31- 7,5131- 8,3 48)31.36,8/3 1.37,6/31-38, 4/3 1.30,2131-40,0131.40,8/31-4.1,0/31.42,4131.43,2]31-4450/31-44,9/31-45,0)31-46,4)31.47,213 4932.16, 3132.17, 1/3 2-18,0/3 2.18,8132.19,6132-20, 4|32.21,2/32.22, 0132.22, 9132.2 3, 7132.24, 5132.25, 3 32-26, 1/32.26,9/3 §0}32-55-8)32.50, 7132-57, 5/32-58, 3132-59. 2(33* 0:0133- 0,8 33- 5,0.33- 5-8133- 6,713 33-4252133-43,0133-43,9133-44)7/33-4520/33-40,4/33-47 34-2.1,8/34.22,7134.23,5134.24,4 34-25, 3134-20, 1134-27 35+ 352135 41/35- 5,0135- 559135. 6, 35-42,9/35-43,8/35-44,7135-45,0 35-40 cy | nr | TE eS EES | NEY | A ES | EE | EE | S| RR | TT | oe | RSET, 57/37-325|37-33>4/37-344|37-35>3:37-30,3]37-37>2137-3992 §3)33-12,0]38.12,6]38.13,9138.14,9138.15,8 90139. 2150}29- 32.9 39-35,0139-36.0139-37,9]39-38,0139-39,0139-40,0139-41,0139-42,9139-43,0139-44,0139-45, as 39-33:9139-34,0 [ 160 ] 39 Minutes. Ol 47” 487 a9” 50” RIy 52 53 _ [2386 [2387 | 2388 12389 | 2390 | 2391 | 2392 | 2393 M|M. S{M. S|M. S|M. S|M. SIM. S.|JM. SM. 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S.|M. SJM. S.M. S.|JM. SJM. S.)M. S.|M. SM. S)/M. S|M. S.|JM. S/M. S.JM. SJM. 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S.|M, S.j)M. S.[M; S.1M. S..M. S.jJM. S.jM.- S./M.. S.iM. ——aa | ree | ecees Semen | meets | eens | —eeemareecenee | ees | eeceenees | eee | A “1 0.41,31 0.41,3| 0.41,3 1.22,5] 1.22,6] 1.22,6 2:43 50|- 2..19;501 42-4359 2.4551]. 2.45,1} 2-45,2 3.26,3) 3.26,4] 3.26,5 4. 7,0) 4. 7,7] 4. 7,8 4-48,9] 4-49,0] 4-49,1 5+30,1] §.30,3] 5-30,4 8] §-30,9] 5-31,1 6.11,4} 6.11,6) 6.11,7 6.12,3) 6.12,5] 6 6.52,7] 6.52,8} 6.53,0] 6.53,2| 6.53.3] 6.53,5| 6.53,7| 6.53,8] 6. 6.5 y : : ‘ : | ee ee | 7°3399| 7°3451) 7:°343 8.15,2/ 8.15,4) 8.15,6| 8 9-377} 9-38,0] 9-38,2 SSS |S |S | | RE | noe | eee: | eae | SES | Sesame | ence | eo | SSRN O-41,4) 0-41, 1.22,8} 1.2258 2+ 4,1) 2- 4,2] 2. 4,2} 2. 4,3 : 2-45,5) 24555} 24556] 2.4557 3-26,6} 3.26,7| 3.26,8) 3.26,8] 3.26,9} 3. 5 : 4 d 27,4) 3.27,5} O-4 154) Od Tot i225 715 Uo2200 BU ND H 4:49,6] 4-49,7 -_ OM COT OO a) eee nes | f Ee | ans TT a eae | | | ee | es | Cee | eee | Sees | 1|37-57,0137-5759|37-58)8137-59,8]38_57138- 1,0/38. 2.5] 56/38-.30,9 38.3159 33.32,8 57 39-12,2 39-13,2 39-14,1 58139-53:5139-544139-5 5.4 {$9|49-34>7}49-35,7|40-39,7|40- 37,7140. 38, 7140. 39,7|40.40,0140.41,6|40.42,6 60}4.1.16,0 41.17,0 41.18,0]41.19,0 41.20,0}41.21,0141.22,0/41.23,0 41.24,01 41 Minutes. ft 167 4 LD _ MLDS LD ED (Ree a eee S./.M. SM. S. M. S$ ae f a | ce | cere reer meeree | eee cients | epee | renee ene nee | neers: | GES SNE | ME RE | Tee | ns | RE nt | MER 1.2354 Axe Sith 2x $52 2.46,8] 2.46,9 3-28, 5] 3-28,6 oe eee) + | oes Sere | eee 4-10,2] 4.10,3 4.5159] 4-52,0 5-336] 5-337 6.15,3]} 6.15,5 6.57,0] 6.57,2 eae es | emer ee ee | re | | | en ne | rr es | ee | ee | See 7-38,7] 7-389 8.20,4| 8.20,6| 8 9+ 2,1) 9- 253 9-44,0 1.23.4 en | nn | ee eee | ee ee | re cere | ee | eects | ae | | | em ce | eee | eres | ee | ER mie | Rees | ee na | EEN one e, | AMES | SRDAEEE Se ee | ieenesacece | eee me | rr | a ce | 16|1I. 43 oH # 5 1}. #8 14. 5 ee 53 II. 5,6/11. 5,9|11. ap Ge ord Ei.; 6,7|01.. 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S.JM. 1 NE Ms : ‘ oweee | comnmmnreener ere: || 4)37-39,3)37-37,2)37-38)1|3 §5|38-17>2|38.18, 1138. 19,0138. 19,9|38:20,8/38.21,8 Ne ee) ae ee 56138-58,9/38-59,9 57|39-49>7|39-41,7 58/49.22,5140.23,4 S94I- 4,2/41- 5,2 60)4.1-46,0/41.47,0 | | | | | A | | tee SS | | | | | | RR srimremenneen oe 39-42,0)39-43,6139-44,5|39-45, 5139-404 39-4724139-48, 3)39-49s3139-50,2)39-5152139-5251139- 53,4139. 54,0 40-24,4140.25,4)40.26, 3140.27, 3 40.28, 3]40.29,2140.30,2 40-31,2140.32,1140.33, 1140.34, 1 40.35,0/40. 36,0 41. 6;2]4r- 7,2/41. 8,2 41+ Q,2/47.10, 140.11, 1141.12, 1141.13, 1141.14, 1141.15, 1/41.16,0141.17,0|41.18,0 41.48,0 41-49,0141.50,0}41.51,0|41.52,0/41.53,0141.54,0]41.55,014 1.56,0|41.57,0 41.58,0!41.59,0 42.°0,0 6/33-34,4133-35,2/33-30,0] 34-1014)34-17,2 34.18,0 37-4751137-48,0] 38-29, 1]38. 30,0) $ 42 Minutes. | Raa 2534 Miao jh: l Wie) tos ee | ee ened SE Sr ae Fe ea ke en nt eer ee M. S|M. S|M. Si SM. S. IM. SM. SIM. 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Ss RIESE 11.23,2/11.23,5/11.23,7111.24,0 17|12. 2, B12. B,1]12- 3,4]12--3,6/12. 3,9/12. 4,2/12. 4,5]12. 4,8|12. 5,112. §,3|12- 5,0/12: 5,9)12.. 62/12. 6,5112. 6,8 18]12.4.5, 3] 1 2-4.5,6)12.45,9112-46,2)12.46, 5/12.46,8)12.47, 1|12.47,4112.47,7112.48,0]12.48, 311 2.48,6/12.48,9|12.49,2|12.40, 5 Aga ES IES Dealt gate Esse 13:2994)13:2917]13:390)13-30,4|13 "3017/13:31,0 13:31 -3lr3 331513 ‘31913-3213 PROT WAS PU RA ese oe Easy MR hal RD A, ed RL? LEP RMS Ag in re 2 oad AL RPE ca I AN 2h TA | Pe Meare dL ee? Sal ee oa GW Za [A | CS el a SO WP a pO A IA A AE WS AC 26 ars 8. 2 9 5. 26,3 78, 26,7 f. Ly) 78. 24,6 8. 28,0 +8. 28,5 78. 28,9 8. 129, 3 re 29,8 8. een 2178. 30, 6 73. ee 78. eis 27119. 8,0]19- 8,4]19. 8,9]19- 9,3]19- 9,8]19.10,2]19.10,7/19-11,1/19.11,6/19-12,0)19.12,5/19.12 29/19: 13,4/19.13,8]19.14,2 28 4 595 a +59, ‘ so 5412 ves ne 5293 io sab so $8411 9> sh 7 a oP: TQ. ee 7 Qs are 195 ne bai By i a 505 ot 57:0 2.0. ‘37° 20.3 31° 2) oe | SS Ap ATO DAGA Whe a 372 4,2)22. 4,7122. 5,3 24 6|22-4,4)22-46,0)22-47 52489 ee ae eh aie a? PS? ss a 8 NT Sth yO 8 SO? 7 I Se? 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Q,Of12- 9,3/12- 9,6]12. 9,9]12-10,2]12.10,4)12-10,7/12.11,0 15|10.4.1,5]10.4.1,9|10.42,0)10.42, 3/10.42, 5110.42,8/10.43,0 16|11.24,3|11.24, 6/11.24,8|11.25, 111 1.25, 3/1 1.25,6|11.25,9 14/12. MoOlLD. WT. BOlI2, ea. BST2. 8,12. bom 12.51,6 19|13-32,6/13-32,9]1 3-33,2]1 3-33,5]1 3-3329]13-34,2|13-34,5 | ees | ey | eR | SH. | SS | TS | ES a ee ree a ree | ee: | ae | EE | eS | eS |S | | | | | a | | ess | eect ee | ae | Se | SS | | eR | | S| SS |S | Ee ee, | Ee f a oo a cs | |S | | RS | SS |S | mm | rrr | ne | re | ere cee ere sus cre | ene eee | Greene | emcees | emo | eens | ene | te ene re | re | re | | Ss | ee ce | rs | | eS | nn a | | |S | |S | LS | | | See res | ete | ee | arenes | See | | | |S | | |S |S | ene » 157|49-37,7|40-38, 7140-39,6|40.40,6/40.41, 5140.42, 5|40-43,4}40-4.4,4|40.45,3140.46, 3140.47,2140.48, 2140.40, 1140.50, 1|40.51,0 5 8141-20, 5|41.21,4]41.22,4141.23, 4141.24, 3141-26, 3141-26, 3141-27,2|41-28, 2141.20, 2141.30, 1141.31, 1141-32,1141.33,0/41.34,0] © §9142- 352/42. 4,2142. §,2/42. 6,2|42. 7,2|42. 8,2142. 9,1}42-10,1|42.11, 1142.12, 1/42.13, 1142.14, 1142.15,0]42.10,0/42.17,0 60}42-46.0|42.47,0]42.48,0|42.49,0|42.50,0}42.51,0|42.52,0]42.53,0142-54,0]42.55,0 42.56,0142.57,0142-58,0142:59,0143. O,Of 43 Minutes. [173.4 Gia 3” 2587 [2588 2 et 4 7 x i +} VE emcee: | a eer, | —renmateremnes tine | eS | RESET RR a SN RE | TR RE 0.43,1| 0.43, 1 0.43,2] 0-43,2} 0.43,2| 0.43,2) 0-4.3,2} 0.43,2] 0.43, 4 1.26,2| 1.26,2 1.26,3} 1.26,3] 1.26,4] 1.26,4] 1.26,4} 1.26,5] 1.26,5 2. 9,3) 2- 9,3 2- 95) 2+ 95 2+§2,2| 2.52,3) 2-52,3] 2-524 2.52,0] 2.52,7 3-3513)_3°35>3}_3-35.4|_3-35>5 3-358) 3-358 emer erent Seat ato Or4-3s E] 0-43, 1 1.26,1| 1.26,1 | 2. 952} 2 2 3,2] 4.18,3] 4-18,4| 4.18,5} 4.18,6 4.18,9] 4.19,0 5: 5- 1,4) 5- 1,5] 5- 1,6] 5. 1,7 5: 2,1] 5- 2,2 54451) 5-4453] 5-444] 5-4405] 5-4457] 5-448 6.27,8] 6.27,9 oF Ova) + 7- LEO 6.2755] 6.27,6 +. 1Gibie. 1,7 8.36,2| B.36,4) 8.30,6/ 8.36,8) 8.37,01'8.37.2 8.38,2| 8.38,4| 8.38,6| 8.38,8] 8-39,0 ~9-19,2} 9-19,4) 9-19,7| 9-19;9) 9-20,1) 9-20,3 cr | a | | | SES |S | es | ee | me | ee | ENS | Se ciel ramenesrtinas ¥7\12.11,3)12.11,6)12-11,9]12-12,1]12.12,4)12.12,7)12.13,0/12.13, 3/1 2.13,6 12.13,8/12.14,1)12.14,4]12-14,7|12.15,0|12.15,3 ]18]12.54,3/12-54,6)12-54,9)12-55)2/12.5.5, 5)12-55,8/12-56, 1112.56,4}12.56, 7/1 2.5 7,011 2.57, 3112.5 7,0]12-57,G|12.58,2)12.58, 5 119]13-3753|13-37,0)13-38,0]1 3-38, 3] 13-38, 6) £3.38,9]1 3-39, 211 3-39,5]13-39,9]13-4052/1 3-40, 5/13.40,8/13-41,1/13.41,4/13.47, 8]. a ces) a | |S | S| A | | TT | sce mcmesey | 3] 35°54 2135-5 92O]35-5590135°59s 7135-5 755135° 59: 3135°5922|30- 00130. 0,8)36. 1,7/36- 2,5) 359 36.4057 36.41, 5|30-42,4 36.43,2136-44,1/36.44,9/36. On $1|30-33>9}30-34,7/30-35,0]30- 36,4] 36. 37, 3136-38, 1136.20,0130-39,8 §2137-16,9|37-17,7/37-1 850/37 + 195/37-20,3137-2152/37-22,1]37-2259137-23,913 7-24, 7/3 7-2595/3.7-20,4/37-275313 7-28) 1137 153137-59:9|38- 0,8/28- 1,7/38- 2,5/38. 3,4/38. 4,3138- 5,2/38. 6,1/38. 7,0138. 7,338. 87/38. 9,6/38.10,5)38.11,4}38. 454138-42,9|38.43,8138.44,7/38-45,6/38.46, 5/38-47,4138-48, 3138.49, 2/38. 50,1/28.51,0/38-51,9)38-52,8/38.53,7138-54,0138. 455|39-25,9|39-20,8)39-27,8|39-28,7|39-29,0)39-39, 5]39-31,4|39-32»3139-33»3]39-34, 239-35, 1/39-30-0/39-30,9)39-37,8)30- |4.0.20, 1140.21, 1140.22, 457 40.5 2,0|40.52,0140.53,0149.54,8140. 5 5,314.0.56, 7140.57, 7/4.0-58,6140.59,0141. 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S. 014393 26,9 2.10,8 3} 2-533 3-30,7 4-2.0,0 5: 353 5-46,7 6.30,0 1:1 558 2601 aa M, 0.4354. 1.26,7 2.10,1 2-534 3.36.8 4.201 5 BS 6.30,2 7:13,5 Nee cee ene ee tne | OE ect | ee 7-50,7 8.40,0 S| | SS |S 17/12.15,5]12-15,8/'2.16, 1152.16, '£8)12.58,812.59, 1|12.59,4|12.59, TQ|13.42,1/13-4.2,4|F3.42,7 7-50,9 22” 0.4354 126,79 2.10,1 2.5395 8.40,2] 8 ee | Bah | SIM. 8.| M. 1.26, 1.26,9 2.1053 2-$3>7 3:37} +5357 4.20, 5 820, 2.10, 31° 2. LS | AS | | Mie | cee sees | sent 0.43,41 0-434) 0:43,41 0.43.4] 8 1.26,8 0.43, 5] 0-43, 5], C54.3,5+ 0.43, 5h. * GS, 3) -9+58; 5). 8.44,8] 8.42,0}; 43 Minutes. _ | [ 175 ] Poa 27 | a3” [347 [357 (307 | 37” | 38” [397 | a0” [ae a2” | 4g” [4a | as” > | 2611 | 2612 | 2613 | 2014 | 2615.{ 2616 | 2617 | 2618 | 2619 | 2620 {| 2621 | 2622 | 2623 | 2624 2625 |MIM. S.[M.- SM. S.[M.- S.[M.- S|M. S|M..S|jM. S/M. S/M. S.M. S.[M. S.M. SJM. S]M. 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3143 0,3/43- 1.3 43-41,0,43-42,014 3-43,0143-44,0143-45,0 §7}41-20,5]41-21,4141.22,4141.23,2/41.24, 3141.25, 2147.26,2/4.1.27, 1141.28; 1141.29,0 58142. 4,0/42. 4,9142. 5,9142. 6,9142..7,8142. 8,8142. 9,8/42.10,7142.11,7/42.12,7, 59142-47,5|42-48, 5]42-49, 5|42-50,4|42.51,4/42.52,4142.5 3,4/42-54,4142-55,4142.50,3 60/43.31,0143.32,0143-33,0143-34,0/43-35,0143- 36,014 3.375014 3- 38,014 3- 39,014 3.40,0 2 hMr76a4 43 Minutes. a 46” | aq” 40” 49” | 50” | 51 | 52” 53” cia 55” 56" 577 58” 59” 60" } | | 2626 | 2627 | 2628 | 2629 | 2630 | 2631 | 2632 2633 | 2634 | 2635 ee 2640 § 2636 | 2637 S.}M. .S.)M. S.}M. S.;M. S.JM.. S.[M. §S..M: $.JM. SIM. .§ , rr | ent | eee ete | nee | eet | ornseeessctesteemes me | re re ee ee ee Q-43,9] 0.4359] 0-43,9] 0-43,9] 9-43,0] 0-43,9 0.44,0| 0.44,0 1.27,9| 1.2,7,7] 1.27,8] 1.27,9) 1.27,8] 1.27,9] 4. 1.28,0] 1.28,0 2.5156). 2.E1,6) 2. £1, 9)) 2/1959) 2.11,0h 211,83 @. 19,0)" 3-124,¢ 2-55,4] 2.5555] 2-555] 2-5550] 2.5557] 2.5557 2-559) 2-56,0 2 3-3993|_3-39,3}- 3-39>4|_3-39»5|_3-39,6| 3-397 3-39,9|_ 3-494 4.2.3,1] 4.2352} 4.23,3] 4.23,4] 4.23,5) 4.23,6 4:23,9} 4-24,0 5+ 7/9 5+ Fo $+ 7321 5+ 753) 5+ 7041 5+ 755) 5. 5: 7:9} 5- 8,0 5-528} §-59,9) 5-553] §-51,2] 5-51,3) 5-51,5 55159) 5-5250 6.34,7| 6.34,8] 6.35,0) 6.35,1| 6.35,3] 6.35.4 6.35.9} 0-36,0 7-18,5] 7.18,7| 7-18,8] 7.19,0] 7.19,2 7-193 7.19,8| 7.20,0 oa) 8. 2,41 8. 2,5] 8. 2,7) 8. 2,9] 8. 3,1) 8. Bie 8. 3,8] 8. 4,0 8.46,2| 8.46,4| 8.46,6| 8.46,8] 8.47,0] 8.47,2 3.47,8| 8.48,0 9-31,8 9:29,8) 9-31] 9-393} 9-395] 9-307] 9-329] 9-311 ee | eae |S | ES | | ees | eer {ences —— | weno armen. | tthe neee_aecee | mstasumeneenesnes OO | S| LS |e | ee | eS | ecg | STs fae eenee | mone Coen cans | seep ne A) seers neemel On | ne | nanan | ae TS | | | Se | 4)39-24; 3139.25,2139-26,7139.2.7,9/39.27,9 39.28,8]39.29,7|39-36,6|39-31,5/39-32+4139-3 3. 3139-3452] 39-35, 1/39.36,01 455)40-_752/40- 8,1140. 9,0]40. 9,9140.10,8]40.1 1,8}49-12,7|49-1 3,0/40.14,5|40-15,4|40.16, 3140.17, 3140.18, 2140.19, 1|40.20,0 ES | S| LS | scares | Seeisieeesenns | 7| 9-359} 9-36,1 8.51,2 9-355 —— | ee dees | | ee | ene cemnee | een | eee SS SS |S | ED | A | A ES | ES | mS 28/2.0.39,5120+30,9/20.40,4120.40,9 | 16 17” | 19” | 19” 20” 217 | 22” eo 24” "Tie 26” a7” 29” 29/7 20 2656 | 2657 | 2658 | 2659 | 2660] 2661 | 2662 | 2663 | 2664 | 2665 | 2666 | 2667 | 2668 | 2669 | 2670 SS LS SS |S | es | es | es | Ce | SE SS | eee | NT | Cae | Seen 20119.10,9/19.11,4|19.11,8 1Q.12,2/19-12,7|19.13,1/19.13,5119.14,0 2.7)19-55»2419-55s7|19-50, 1]19.56,6]19-57,0/19.57,5119-57,9|19-58,4 20.4.1, 3|20.41,8}20.42, 3]20.42,7 44 Minutes. |M. S.jiM. S{M. SJM. S.JM. S.1M. S.|M. S|JM. SIM. 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Od Mer. met | eee 0.4.4,8 M. S.|JM. S. AMS SMe SoM SSM. S.)M. S|M. SM. 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SS ee SS 17|12.4.1,0/12.41,3/12.41,6]12.41,9 18) 3-25,8/1 3.26, 111 3.26, 411 3.26,7/13.27,0|13.27, 3/13-27,0113.27,9|13-28,2 13.28, 5)13-28,811 3.29, 111 3.29,4}1 3.29, 711 3.30,0 19|14.10,6]14.10,9|14.11,2|14.11,5 2115-40, 1/15.40,5]15.40,8)15.41,2/15.41,5115.41,9)15-42,2/15.42,6]15-42,0115.43,2 2.2/16.24,9]16.25,2|16.25,6|16.26,0 16.26, 3116.26, 7|16.27,1/16.27,4116.27,8116.28,2/16.28, 5 16.28,9]16.29, 2116.29,6 16.30,0 23/17. 9,6|17.10,0 17.10,4l17.10,8 17.11,2/17.11,6/17.11,0)17.12,3|17-12,7|17.13,1 24/17-54,4117-5448/17-55,2/17-55,6/17-56,0]17-56,4|17-56,8}17-57,211 7-57,0|1 7.58,0|17.58,4117-58,8]17.59,2|17.59,6/18. 0,0 2.5|18.39,2|18.39,6]18.40,0|18.40,4|18.40,8|18.4.1, 3|18.41,7|18.42, 1118.42, 5 18.42,9 26/19-23,9|19.24,4 19-2458)19-25,2 19.25,7/19-26, 119-26, 5119.27,0]19.27,4|19.27,8 27/20. 8,7/20. 9,2/20. 9,6,20.10,1 2.0.10, §|20.11,0/20.11,4/20.11,9 28/20.53,5|20.5 3,9 20.54,4! 29}21.38,2/21.38,7|21.309,2121.39,7|21.40,2|21.40,7/21-41,1/21.41,6]21-42,1/21-42,6|21.4.3,1 21.43,6)21.44,0121.44, 30/22-23,0/22.23, 5|22.2.4,0;22.24,5/22.25,0]22.25,5|22.26,0122.26, 5|2.2.27,0|22.27, 6122.28,0/22.38 SS SS |S | See: | Se | ee | eter 31/23. 7,8|23- 8,3/23. 8,8)23. 9,3|23. 9,8/23-10,4|23.10,9123.11,4|23-11,9|23.12,4|23-12,9 23.13 19.28, 3119.28, 7119.20, 1 19.29,6]19.30,0 20.1 3,2/20.13,9/20.14,1/20.14,6)20. 15,0 34 Galati 25+23,2125.23,8)25.24,3125-24,9|25-25,5125-26,0)25.26,6]25.27,2/25.27, 7125.28, 212 5.28,9 2.5-29,4/2.5. 35|26. 6,8 SS | | | ES | A | es | | tee | | meneame: eens | ene | een BM AD alam aL ol Onn gn nan a OO ie 2 2 DS 32 SL |S | RS | NS | en: | eerie tents | Scene | nse een nemesis | nee nmmenstecne 7O Qn | a i 5 4149-17,4140.18, 3140.19, 2]40.20,1]40.21,0 40.21,0|40.22,8]40.23,7140.24,6/40.25,5140-26,4140.27, 3140.28.92 4.0.29,1140.30,0} ne | eee | eens | trees | enmeaasaicis| athenantanementeions S| | a | else ence | seeseeeemsmaense {sessment ascot 5442-3 797|42-3257/42-33,0/42.34,6142.35,5142.36,5142.37,4142.38,4142.30, 3142-40, 3142-41,2142.42,2149.43,1149.44,1142.46,0 58|43:16,5]43-17,4)43-18,4143.19,4|43.20,3143.21,3143.22,3143.23,2143.24,2143.26,2143.26,1149.97,1143.98 1143.29,0143.90,0 O44: Fe2144- 252144. 3.2144. 4.2144. 5.2144. 6,2144. 7,144. 841144. 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SM. 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SJM. S.1M. S.JM. S.;M. ne SalM: SINS S[M 8]. 3 0.46,4| 0.46,4] .0. 46, 4} 0-40,4| 0.46, 5} 0.46,5| 0.465] 0.46, 5, 1-32,7| 1-32)7| 1-32,0] 1-32,8) 1.32,8) 1.32,9] 1.32,9] 1.329 1.33,0} 1. 2.19,1] 2.19,1] 2. 2-19,2] 2-19,3} 2-19,3} 2.19,4} 2.19,4) 2:19,5 3+ SoA} 3- 555] 3-55) 3+ 5 3- 557} 3+ 5571 3- 5,8) 3- 5:91 3 5.6 | 3:522O)_3:5251] 3-52,2f 3.523] 3-52.31 3.52.4 4.38,4) 4-38,9 5-24,8} 5.24,9] 5-25,0] §.25,2 525531 5-25, 6.11,21 6.11,3] 6.11,5| 6.11,6 6.11,7] 6.11,9 6.57,6] 6.57.8] 6.57,9| 6.58,1] 6.58,2 6.58, 41 ,0} 7-44,0 7:4.458 8.29,7| 8.29,9] 8.30,0] 8.30,2 8.30,4 8} 9-16,0] 9.16,2] 9.16,4) 9.16,6 9.16,8 - I,Q/10. 2,1/10. 2,3110. 2,6/10. 2,8}r0. 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B,o]10. 7,1]10. 7, 3/10. 7, 5/10. 7,8) 14]10.51,2/£0.51, 5110.51, 7]10.5 1,Q}10.5 2, 2}10.52,4110.52,6]10.52,9)10.5 3, 1110.53, 310.5 3,610.53, 8)10.54,0]10.54, 3]10.54, 5 11.38,0]1 1.38, 3111.38, 5]1 1-38, 8/11. 39, 0111-39, 3/1 1-39, 5{1 1-39, 8]11-40,0]1 7-40, 3f1 1.40, 511-40, 6111.41, 0]11.41, 2} 30-19,4]30.20,0]30.20, 7130.21 - 6,¢ 41]31-47,2131-4.7,9131-48,6)31-49,2 4.2132-33,7132-34,4| 32-35, 1132-35583 5135-4, 5135-41, 3]35-42,1135-42,8135-43,0135:44,4135-45,1135-45,9135-46,7 6.27, 1/36.27,9/36.28, 6 6 6 : 5 8. 6,7/38. | 38.51, 7/38-$2»5|39-53, 338-5452 $1139-32.4|39-33>2|39-34+1139-34,9]39-35,8]39-36,6139-37,5|39-38; 3139-39»2139-40,0139-40,0| 39-41, 7139°4236139-4394]39-44,3 § 2/40. 18,9140.19,7]40.20,6)40-21,5|40.22, 3140.23, 2140.24, 1/40.24,0|40.25,8/40.26, 7140.27, 5140.28, 4140.29, 314.0. 30, 1140. 31,0 53/41. 5.4141. 6,3/41- 7.2/41. 80/41. 8,9141. 9,8141.10,7/41.11,6)41-12,5)41-13, 3141.14,2/41-15, 1141-16, 0]41.16,0/41.17,8 54 41-5 1,9 41°52,8 41.53,7 41.54,6 41-5555 41.56,4 41-5753 4.1.58,2 41.$9,1 42- 0,0 42. 0,9/42- 1,8 42. 257 42. 3,6 42. 455) 55142-38,4 ) 214 42 42-48, 5142-49,4142-50, 3142-51, 3 $7|44-11,5|44-12,4]44.13,4144-14, 3144-15, 3144.16, 2144.1 7,2|44-18, 1144.19, 1|44-20,0144.21,0144.21,9144.22,9144.23,8] 14-24,8 58}44-58,0)44-58,9144.59,9145- 9,9145- 1,8/45- 2,8]45. 3.8145. 4,7145- 5,7145- 6,7145- 7,6145- 8.6145. 9.6]45-10,5145-11,5 59)45:-445145-4.555/45-40,5]45-4754145-48,4145-40,4145.50,4145-51,4145-52,4145-5353145-5453]45-5 593/45:-50, 3145-5723]45-58: 3} 60146.31,0140.32,0146.33,0146-34,0146-35,0146-36,0140.37,0|46.38,0146.39,0|40.40,0/40.41,014-42,0140-43,0140-44.0140-45.0 Sree ry Te eee he Sk ee D . Oe Tar, hee A eo AS) Lee Wee ae Ee Ay Be ara ee ae Fy boatth ry : " ; Sey aaa vg rig Hi C tors ; yas ae > eee 46 Minutes. ee | | | | | See ae pee ne | | ee | ere: | eee | | eer | pees | ee | eens a | re | ee | eee eae ee | re | mes | eens | ee | ene | ere | cence | eee | es | Se | 14]10.54,7|10-55,0110.55,2|10-55,4]10.55,7|10.55,9]10.56, 1110.56, 4110. 56,6/10.56,8] 10,57, 1]10.57,3]10.57,5|10.57,8|10.58,0 15|T 1-41, 5/1 1-41, 9/1142, 0|11-42, 311-42, S|11.42, 8111.43, 0/1 1-43, 3}11-43,5/11-43,0/11.44,0111.44, 3]11-44.5|11-44, 0/1 1.4.5,0 16 12.29,6|12.29,9 3/1 3-15,6]13-15,9|13-10,2]1 3.16, 5/1 3.16,7 14.52, 1114.52,4114.52,7|14.53,C 1 §-3757|15-3850]1 5-38, 3]1 5-385 7]15-39,0|1 5-39, 3115-3957|15-40,0 SC anpEEaEEeennne ee | eee | ee | ef a Se a4 eS ee ee eee Se SS A ee eed a fe | | ee | ee | erm | ee | eee | cee ene | eee | eee fe 20.18, 1]20.18, 5|20-19,0/20.19,4120.109,8/20.20, 3|20.20, 7120.21, 1}20.21,6120.22,0 21. §,0]2%. 5,4]21- 5,9/21. 6,3)21. 6,8)21. 7,2121. 7,71/21. 8,1121. 8,6}21. 9,0 eee rc | rr fm fr | eee | eerie | meee | eee | cee ee | ne | | | | | ee | || | |W | | ee | | | | oe | eee | See | Se | ee | ee eee (eee Cn a A i } 32-51,9132-52,6 32+53+3]32-54,0 33-38,9133-39,613 3-403]33-41,¢ bs Ee Oe OF | IDND*? mr | rf i cr cr rf sf re ff mr rr | | ee | eee | ee | SC Se lS Le fol died 25 —_—,?"-|——_—_————— | ——_- | |. ee ——_—S= Se eee ee | ::?:. n n — Ef - | 59'45-5912146. 0,2 bo! Qu 46.10, 1|46.11,¢]46.12,0146. 13,0 1,0146.57,0]46.58 0146.59,0147.. 0, 46.55 0146.5 og owes | me . 4 as ios \ fe i ne r BR AOSY ey } 2 fei iy 47 Minutes. ce 1 89 7] wet tbs 2 ees, ot S4 ST, bSOL hh7 EOP RO (TRO Pare iF: Vg STE hee a8 J] 2821 | 2822. 3823 2824 |. 2825: 2826 "2887 2828 2829 | 2830] 2831 2833 2834 “2835, iM|M. S|M- SIM. SIM. S|M: S|M.. SIM. S|M. S|M. SjM. S|M._S. Me SJM. S.j)M..-S, 13] 0.470}. 0-4.7,0) 0-47,1]. 47,1] 4751 1} 0.4%, 1]. 0.47, 1-0.47,21- 0.4.7,21' 0.4752 0.47,2| 0.47,2] 0.47,3 }. 2) 1-34,0) 1-34,1) 1-34,1) 1.34,1) 1.34,2 2). 1.34,2) 1-34,3) 1.34,3! 1.34,3f 1.34.4 1.34,4) 1-34,5] 1-34,5 3) 2-21,1], 2-21,1] 2.21,2] 2.21,2] 2.21,3). 2-2 2.2, Ab S21 Bp 441, 5) S.20, 0b 2.29.6 pe in ar ai Oud ar Bw Be) 4) 3. 8,1) 3. 8,1) 3. 8,2] 3. 8,2) 3: 8,3 3: 8,51 3- 855] 3- 8,6) 3. 3,91 3. 8,7 3. 8,9] 3. 8,9] 3- 9,0 _5}_3:5521]_3-5592|_3-5553]_3-5.593 3-55: 5h 3: -55:61 3:55>7|_3-5598) 3-55.8)_ 3:55,9 3-56,1|_3-56,2) 3-56, 3 | 6] 4-42,1| 4-42,2] 4.42,3] 4.42.4) 4-42,5 4:42,7) 4.42,8]. 4.42,0) 4.43,0] 4.4351 4-433) 4-43,4] 4-43)5 7). 5-29,1] 5-29.21 5-29,4] 5:29)5} 5-290 529,81 §-29,0] 5-30,1] 5-30,2] 5-30,3 5-30, 5] 5-30,61° 5.30,8 8} 6.16,1] 6.16,3] 6.16,4] 6.16, 5] 6.16,7 6.16,9}. 6.17,1| 6.17,2) 6.19,3) 6.17,5 6.1759) 6.17,9] 6.18,0 9] 7+ 352] 7+ 3-3] 7+ 3:5} 7+ 361 7. 358 T+ 451) 7+ 452] 7. dodl 7+ 455] 7+ 457 7+ 5,01 7 5:11 7+ 553 TO|_7-50,2|_7-5%3}_ 7-505]. 7-5%7|_7-508!_7-5%9]_ 7-512] 7-513] 7-515] 7-$57| 7-518] 7-52.01 7-52,2]_7-52,3]_7-52s5 11} 8.37,2] 8-37,4] 8.37,6] 8-37,7] 8-37,9 8.38, 3] 8.38,5] 8.35,7] 8.38,8] 8.30,0 8.39,4| 8.39,6] 8.39, 8]. 12| 9-24,2] 9-24,4] 9-24,6].9.24,8} 9-25,0 9:25,4!. 9-25,6] 9.25,8] 9.26,0] 9.26,2 9.26,6} 9.26,8} 9.27,0f 13}10.11,2|10.11,4/10.11,7]10.11,9/10.12,1]10,12, 310.12, 610.12, 7{10.1 3,0/10.1 3,2 14/10.58,2 10.58, 5|10.58,7|10.58,9|0.59,2|10.59,4|10-59,0]10.59,9{ I. O,HII. O, ZIT. O,GII. O,BIIT. T,OJIT. 1,3)1T. 1,5 15|1 1-45, 3]11-45,5]11-45,9]11-46,0/1 1.46, 3111.46, 5111-46, 8]11-47, 0111.47, 3 11-47, 5{11-47,8]1 1.48,0|17.48, 911.48, 611 1.48,8) (a Seg Cte te hE i? ACE PA BIL OU | RLS Oa ee, MN ata Real 2 Sak RIT Sa baa SLI | ROI Belle RR ee Leia etre 1 O]12. 32, 3112-32, 5/12.32,8/1 2.33, I/F 2.33, 3112-3 3,612.33, 9}12-34,111 2.34, 4112.34, 7/12. 34,011 2.35, 2112.35, 6|12.35,7|12-30,0 17|13. 19. 311 3-19,6|13-19,9|13-20,1) 1 3-20,4|13.20,7|13.21,0]1 3.21, 3113.21,0|13 -2.1,9]13.22, 1/1 3.22,4/1 3.2.2,9/1 3.23011 3.23,3 18]1q. 60,3114. 6,6]14. 69114. 7,2114. 7.5114. 7,8]14. 8, 1114. 8.4114. 8,7|14. 9,014. 9,3]14- 9,6]14.’ 9,6]14-10, 2114.10, 5 Ig}1 4-5 3, 311 4-53,6(14-54,0114.54,3]14-54,0]14. 5459114-55,2114.55,5]14.55,9]14-50, 2114.56, 5]14.50,8)/14.57,1|14.57,4]14.5 7,0 f20]15-40,3]15-40,7]15-41,0/15-41, 3115-41, 7]15.42,0]1 5-42, 3115-42, 7115-43,0|15-43, 3115-43, 7|15-44,0]1 5-44, 3115-44, 7]15-45,0 {21|16.27,4|16.27,7|16.28, 1116.28, 4|16.28, 8) 16.29, 1116.29, 5/16.29,8)16.30, 2/16. 30, 5|16.30,9/16.31,2/16.31,6]16.31,9]10. 32, 3 422|17-14,4)17-14,7]/17-15,1/17-15,5/17-15,8]17-16,2)17.16,6)17.16,9}1 7,17, 3117.17, 711 7-10,011 7.18,4/1 7.18, 8117.19, 1117.19, 5 }23/18. 1,4]18. 1,8]18. 2,2)18. 2,5/18. 2,9/18. 3,3/18. 3,7/18. 4,7]18. 4.5118. 4,8]18. §,2/18. 5,618. 6,0}18. 6,4]18. 6,8 18.48,4|18.48,8]18.49, 2/18.49,6]18.50,0]18.50,4)18.50,8118.51,2)18.51,6]18. 52,0]18.52,4|18.52,9|18.53, 2118.53, 18.54,0 20.2 5,9}20.26, 3]/20.26,8]20.27,2/20.27,6)2 a7|at. 9.5|21. 9,9|21. 10,4)21- 10, 8)21. en nt oe ap 12,2)21. 12,621.13 241.13, 5}2 2.$121.56,5|21.56,9121.57,4121.57,9|21-58, Sie -§8,8]21.59, 3121-59, 7/22. 0,2 22.0, 4/22. ¥,1|29 22.) 2,129 9,5122.73;0 a 22. wn He 2.2. pee? i “445 22. ee 22. “45 42 a 9 22. “46, pi Birk 22. Fi 22. rs 8/22. ots ‘3 22 rue 22.49, 3|22-49,8|22.50, 3 + 2.4. = : ie +8, fo) i 38 wee i ae 19,6 os 20,1 24. 20, 0,6 79 21,124.21 3 ih 4232 F ree,7124.24,2124.24,6 32125+ 4) 5}25- 594}? 5 5,6)25. 6, 1125. 6,7/25- 7,2125- 7,7/25- 8.3125. 8,8]25. 9,3125- 9,9 2.§.10,9)25.11,6|25-12,0 33)2.5-5 1,0125-5251|25-52,7|25-5 35212 5-5 3s8)25-5453125-5459]25-55,4/25-50,012 5-50, 5]25-575 1125. 57,6/25-58,2(2 5-58, 7]25.5953 34126.38,6/20.30,1 aie -39,7|20.40, 326.40, 8}26.41,4126.42,0/26.42, 5126.43, 1126.43, 7126.44,2|26.4.4;8)]26.45,4|20.4.5,6126.46, 5 35127: 2.5,6)27.26,2|27.26,8)27-27,3)27-27, 9|27-28,5|27-2951]27-29)7|27-3% 3]27-308]27-31,4|27-32,0|27-32,0/27-33, 2127-3390 36 28.12,6]28.1 3, 2/28.13,8128.14,4128.15,0)28.15,6/28.16,2128.16,8)28.17, 1 18,0}28.18,6)28.19,2|28.19,8]28.20,4|28.21,0 37|28.59,6129. 0,2|29. 0,9/29- 1,5|29- 2,1}29- 2,7|29- 3,3]129- 3,9/29- 4,6]29. 5,2|29. 5,8129. 6,4/29. 4,c129. 7,6/29. 8,3 38)29-40,6)29-47,3}29-47,9|29-48, 529-49, 2]29-49,9)29- 50,4 29-5 19 1129-54)7)29-5243|29-5319)29- 5 356}29-54,2/29.54,9129-5 5,5 3930-335 7132-34» 3]39-35,0130-3 5+6139-36, 3]39-30,9|30-37; 6|30.38,2] 30.38,9|30. 39, 5|30-40,2130.40,5|30.41, 5130.42, 1130.42.8 4.0) 31-20, 7)31-21,3/31-22,0/31.22,7/3 1.23, 331-24,0/31.24,7 < 25, 5 3}31-26,0131.26, 7131.27, 3131.28,0]3 1.28, 7/ 31.29, 3]31-30,0 41]32 7,7)32+ 8,4|32+ 9,1)32- 9,7]32-10,4132-11,1/32-11,8)32.12, 5)32. 7352/32. 13,8/32.14, § 32-15,0/32.16,6}32.17,3 142 32-54,7|32-55,4|32-5,3)3 32.56,8]32-57,5132-58,2/32-59,9132-59,6/33. 0,3/33- 1,0133- 1,7/33- 2.4133. 3:3133- 3.89/33 45 143] 33-41, 7133-42,4|33-43.2133-43,913 3-44560[33-45;3)33-40,0)33-46, 7133-47, 5 33-48,2133-48,9133-49,613 3-50, 3133-51,0133-51,8 44}34-28, 7134-29, 5134-30,2 34. 30,9}34-31,7134-32,4134-3351)34-33:9134-34,9|34. 35,3134. 36,1 34-36, 34-37, 5134-38, 3) 34.39,0 45135-15,9135-16,5135-17.3135-18,0135- 78, 8135-195 5}35-20, 3135-21,0135-21,813 5.2.2, 5 233 24, 35-24,8135.25, 5135-20, 3 46) 36. 2, 3136. 355130. 4.3136. 5,1136. 5,8]36. 6,6136. 7,4136. 8.1136. 8,9/36. 9,7130.10, 4136.11, 2/36.12,0/36.12, 7136.1 3,5 4136.49, 8136.50,6136.5 1,4136.52, 1|36.52,9136.5 3,713.54, 5]36-55>3]36-56, 1130.56,8)36- 57,0136. 58,4136.59,2137. 0,0|37. 0,8 48)37.36,8137-37,6/37-38,4137-39) 2|37-437-40,8137-41,0)37-42,4)37-43,2137.44,0 37-4458 37:45,0137-46,4137-47,2137-48,0 49138.23,8138.24,6[38.2.5, 5138- 2.6, 3138.27, 1138.2 7,0] 38.28, 7138.29, 5139. 30,4138. 31,2138. 32 ,0}38. 32,8133. 3 3.6138. 34,4138. 5.3 50139-19,8/39-11,7139- £2, 5139-1 3-3139- 1 4.2)39.15,0]39-15,8}39-10 16, 7139-175 5|39- 18. 3130. 1; 2139.20,0139.20, 8136.21, 7139-22, 6 151139-57,9139-53,7139-59,0140. 0,4]40. 1,3]40. 21/40. 3,0]40- 3,840. 4,7140. 5,5149. 6,4/40. 7,2 ee 8,1]40. 8,¢]40. 9,8 5+149-44,6}49-45,7]}40-40,6} 40.47, 540-48, 3140-4952] 40. 50, 1)40.50,C}40. 51, 8140.52, 7149-5 3, 5/40.5444|40.55, 2140.56, 1140.57, 53141-31.0141-32,8141-33, 7141-34, 5/41-35-4[41-30,3]41-37,2141-38, 1141.39,0141-39,8]41-40,7141.41,0[41.42, 6[41.43,4141-44,3 §4}42.18,0142.19,8|42.20,7}42.21,6142.22, 5142. 2 3r4]42 245 3142-2 592/42. 2.6, 1}42.27,0142.27,0142. ae Ota a9, 7142 3056142. 34,5 55143: 5.943: 6.8 6.8143. 7:8}43- 8,7}43- 9,6 9,6}43-10, 5143-11,4143-12,3)43-1353M4.3-14,2143.15,1143 -10,¢}43-16,0/43. 1758(43:18, 50143-52914 3-53 S]43-54-5143-5 55 7143: 50>7143-57,6143-58,5143-59.5/44- O.4l44- 1.3114 2.3144. 3,2 $7144-40,0144-40,9144.41,glid-42,9144.43,8144.44, 7144-45, 7144 40,6144.47,0/14.48, 5144.49, 5144.50, 4 44:5154144.52, 3144.5 3,5 58145.27,0145-27,9]45-28,0)4 5-29,0145-30,8/45-31,9145-32,8145-33.7145-34,7145: 35,7145 3Or0145-37s6)45-38.C 45:30, 5]45.40. 5] 5¢146.14,0 .6.15,0146.16,0146.16, 0146.1 7,9]46. 18,0 40-19,9]40-20,9]: ,5.21,¢6146.2.2 $146.23, 46.24, § Hs SS LS 5 LIFT IC4S7. FALL. 1 6 .Of-.° POSHAT- 1,0147- 2,0147- 3,0147- 4,0147- 5.047: 6,0147- 75,2147: 8.0147. Q.C}4-7-1O0.Cf4-7.1 1,0f44.12,0 Bbb 10.13,4|10.13,6/10.13,8]10.14,0|10.14, 3}: 2.5|19-35,4]19-35,8}19- 30:3 19-36, 7|19- 3p 19-3755|19-3759 es 38, 3] 19-38, 8119.39, 2|19-39,6]19-40,0]19-40,4]19. ag 1eAnS | 44e Astl44. 5, 1144. Gat: bis oa 497 Minutes, . tied 3}: 38% [397 | 40% | ai” | 427 | 43% 45 2854 eb: 2856. 2857 2858: 2859 | 2860 | 2861 | 2862 | 2863 |2864 | 2865 | PD 1 M. $.|M,_ 7 S.[M. S.| M. SIM. S: M. Sli M. 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Oot. 7, 1/11. 7,311. 7,6)11. 7,8}11. 8,o]r1. 8, 3}17. 8.5 injec 11.52,8 11-53,O]1T-5 3, 3111-53. 5]11-53,9]11.54,0111.54, 3/1154, 5/11. 54,8] 11. 55 ,0]11-55,3]11-55.5]11-55,8]17- 11.56,0]11.56,3 56,3 - 176|12.40, 3 -40, 3112.40, 5 12.40,8|12.41,1|12.4T, 3[12.41,0|12-41,9|12.42,1|12.42,4 54] 12.42, 7|12-42,G6]12.43. 2]12.43, 5112-43, 7|112.44,0 17/13.27,8}13.28, 111 3.28,4]1 3.28, 0]13.28, 911 3.29, 2}1 3.29,5]1 3-29,8}1 3.30, 111 3.30, 311 3-30,0]1 3.30.9]! 3-31,2|13.3 1, 5]13.31,8 18]14-15,3114.15,6/14.15,9]14.16,2/14.16, 511.4.10,8114.17,1/14.17,4]14.17,7 14. 18.9|14.18,3]14-18,0|14-18.9[14.19,2114.19, 51 IQ/15- 2,8/15. 3,1/15- 3,5/15- 3,8115- 4.1115. 4.4175 4.7115. 5 Olf5+ 5.4]15. 5,7]15- 6,0/15. 6.3/15- 6,6]15. 69/15. 7,31 S999 3) 25-5957] 85-5 TOS 5.3} 45-9 157/145-5290) 5-5293/15-52 7|15.-53:¢}85-53 3115-53 7]15:54.0115-5453)5.54,7|15. 21|16.37,9}16. 38,2116. 38,6}16.38,9 16.30,3| -39,3|16. 39,6]10.40,0]16.40, 3}16.40,7|10.41,0}10.4.1,4]10.4 47] 16.42, 1116.42, 4110.42, 22117.25,4(17.25,7|17-26,1]1 7.26, 5{17-20,3]17.29, 2|17.27.0]17.27,9|1 7-28, 3117.2 29,7|17-29,0}17-29,4|17.29, 81 7.30,11 7-305 23/18.12,9]18.13,3]18.13,7/18.14,0]18.14,4]13.14,8119.15,2}18.15,6/18.16,0118.16, 3118.16, 7118.17, 1]: 3.17, 5118.17,9]18.18, 2 2.4119. 04/79. 0,819. 1,2|1g. 1,6/19. 2,0]19. 2,4]19. 2,8]19. 3,2/T9. 3,6)19: 4,c|19-.4,4119. 4,8]19- 52119. 5,6}19. 6,0 25|19-4759119-48,3]19.48,8)19-49,2/19-49,6]19-50,0/19-50,4]19-50,8}19-5 153 19-52,1|19-52, 5|19-52,9|19-5393|19-53,8 26|20-35,4120:35,9)20.36,3|20-36,]|20-37, al20.37,6)20.38,0]20. 38,5|20. 38,020.39, 3]20.39,5|20.40,2 2.0.406]/20.41, 1 1]20.41,5 2.9|21-23,0121.2.3,4]21.2 3,012 1.24, 3121.24, 8/21.25,2121.25,7/21.26,11/21.20,6/2 1.2 9,0|21.27,5121.27,9121-28,412 1-28, 8121.29, 3 28/22.10, 5/22.10,9]22.11,4/22.11,9]22.12,3/22.12,8/22.1 3, 3/22.1 3,7122.14,2/22.14, 7122.15, 1122.1 5,022.16, 1122.16, 5122.17,0}: 2.9}22.58,0)2.2.58,5/22.59,0)22-59,4122-59,9)23. 0,4/23- 0,9/23- 1,4/23- 1,9]23. 2,3123- 2,8/23. 3,3]23- 3,8123. 4,3)23- 4,8 30|23-45,5]23-4,0]23-49, 5123-47012 3-47-5]23-48,0|23-45, 5123-49,012 3-49, 5123-50,0123.50,5]23-51,0123-51,5]23-52,0|23- $295] 3124-3 3,0 24.3355 2.4.34, 1124.34,6124.35, 1/24. 24.35,0 2.4. 2.4.30;1 1]24. 30,6124.37, 2124.37, 7124.38, 2124.38, 7124. 39,2124.39,7124.40,3] 32(2.5-2055/25-21, 112 5.21,6]2 5.22, 1(25-22,7125.23,2125.23, 7125-24, 3125-24,8125.25, 212 5.25,0|25-26,4]2 5.20, 9125.27, 5125.28,0 32120. 8, 1126. 8.6)26. 9.2126. 9,7{26.10, 3126. 10,8/26.11,4]26.11,9]26.1 2, 5}26.13,0]26. a 14,1]26.14,7126.15,2)26.15,8}: 34]26.5 5,6|26.56,1]26.56, 7126. 57,3126, 57,8}26.58,4126. 59,126.59, 5)27- Ape, aie wack 1,8/27- 2,4 : 5]27-4391|27-43-7|2 7-44 3127-44.5|27-45>4|27-40,0]2.7-40,6]27-47.2127-47,8 i, a es ee ee ee 36 pots aoe 2, pede 28. oe 28.3 330 28. oe 28; i 28. ae 28.3 ‘35 4 8. gh ° 28.304 28-372 ole 28.384 a Q ‘ a Nm AE A Glee ale tegen 2). hols 41/32-28,2/32. 28, 9)32. 29,6 32. 30,213203 0,9132-31,0132-3253132-33,0[32-33,7|3234.3 32.35,0132 3557/32 eat sian 4.2)3 3-15,7 33-16,4 3 3-1751/33-17,8)33- 78, 5133195213 3-19,9133-20,613 3- Oe 33-22,0133-2257/33-23,4)33-2451 33-24,8]33-25,5 43134 3,2(34-. 3,9134- 4.7134. 5,4134- 0,1134, 6.8134. 7,5134- 8213 44134-59,7134+5 1551345252134 52,9134-5 357/34 oie tee ele ea egos eg Saco ed 58, 1134-58,8]34-5955 35. 9,33 45135: 33:3) 3.5-39,0]35-39-8)35-40, 5135-4 1 3135-4200135-42,8135-43; 5135-44 3135-45,0135-45-9)35-40.5 35-47.3]35-48e|35-48.8 46}30-25 836. 2.6, 5136.27, 3|30. 28, 1139.28, 8]20. 29,6]36. 30,4 36.31, 1136. -31,0/36.32 57139. 33.4 4|36. + 34,213 36.35,0136.35,7130-3 3137-14,1137-14.9137-15,0137-16,4137-17, 2)37-18,0/37-18,8)37-/9,0]37.20, 3137-21,1137-21,9]37-22,7137-23,5)37-24)3 38. 1,6/38. 2.4138. 3.2138. 14,0138. 4,8/38. 5,6135. 6,4/38. 7,2/38. 8.0 38. 88 38. 9,6 38.10,4 38.11,2/38.12,0 3138. ene 50,0138. 59,8 38.51.0438. 5244138. 53-2138, 54,0138-54, 38-55,7)38:55 3h 57-3)3 ae ees 58,9]38-59,8 3S 524.1. Anse Il CR) OU) 1: Pali. od lnameelh aealee coon 17, ‘shar, cue 29,5}8t 30,441. 21, 2141.22, 1 41.23, 53/4 SE 4 4r- aes Se abe peep 2842 B74 NW: 55142. rei Tala ae Dyes Pine 44.28,4 dha. sbeacoaaae dani lias laakeo a6 5.14,2|45. elanae.t lag-t9,01450,0]45. 19145-2058 145-2 1,8] 46. 1.8]40. 2,7146. 3,7)46. 457/49. 5.6146. 6,6)46. 7,6/46. 8.5146. 9.5 46.49,4146.50,4140.51,4| 46.52, 3146.53. 3146.54. 3|46.5 5, 3146-56, 3146.57.3 47:37,0147-38,0147 -39-0147-40,0147-4 0147 -42,0147-4.3.0k 7-440147-45 © 7145: B slag. “oaldsctovslag.tiea}iserastas. 13,2 $3145-5950}45.56,0145-5756)45-58.9145-59,0/46. 0,8 59149-4.3,5/49-44, 5] 49.45, 51 40. 46,4149.47.4|40.48,4 60147-31,0147-32,0147-33>0147-349147-35: 447-3050 AN aeBe ET 40" 47” 40" 49" 50” 5 od 2866 | 2867 | 2868 | 2869 | 2870 | 2871 M.) SAM. -S.)]M.° S.1M. S.JM. S.]M. -S, 0.4758] 0.47,8/ 0.47,8) 0.47,8) 0-47,5] 0.4.7,9 153555} 1.35,0] 1-35,6] 1-35,0) 1-35;7] 1°35,7 22,343) 2-23,4|. 2.2334] 2.23,5] 2-23,5] 2.23,6 B-T1,1].3-11,1] 3.11,2) 3-11,3) 3-11,3] 9.11,4 3-58,8} 3-58.91 3-595] 3-59+1] 3-592] 3-593 ma wo eM 4-468] 4.46.9] 4.47.0] 4.4751 5-345} 5-3457] 5-34)8] 5-35,0 .6.22,1)..6.22,3) 6.22,4] 6.22.5] 6.22, 71. 6.22,8 7+ 9:9) 7-10,1) 7-10,2) 7.10,4) 7.10,5) 7.10,7 10} 7-577] 7:57:8| 7:58:01 7-58521 7-5853]. 7-58; 5 8.45,41 8.45,6) 8.45,8! 8.46,0] 8.46,2] 8.46,4 2| 9-332] 9-33>4) 9-335] 9.33.8] 9-340] 9.3452 13/10.21,0}10.21,2}10.2 1,4]10.21,6]/10.21,8]10.22,1 Iqjil. 87/11. 9,O}11. 9,2/11. Q,4]1I- Q,7|11. 9,9 1511.56, 5]11-50,5/11.57, 0111.57, 3/11-57,5/11.57,8 rr rr rr | ee | en. Sees 4-40,6). 4.46,7 53494). 5-345 SO 667 GS re rr mr | ner | eens [rere | eta rr re | a er | meen ee ee Us NN N Oo om rr | es | eer | a nee | ee enti ee I 3 3 e 4-4 59 4-4.1,.3 5:2 6.1 wo G Oo W&W Go Un eG Noe “Iw ce | nr | ee ee 6 ee | ee | ea ice £ > oom -15,1|30-1,5,8 2,9/31- 3,6 +e Go Go Ls Yo Qo W YW hy, N s+ me OVO 0. | ee | eer | ene | eto fore 2 Ua G2 Ge » Un & Yo 19 4,0134-14,7134-15,4134.16, 1134.16,8134.17,6 x cP > OS A Sg SBF SES 1S) I — Ow a i) qY 2 On re | a | ee | fee 60)47.46,0],0 rrr | ces | ne | mc fe | —_ | - oO] ee | eee | eeetnre en | a en | are | et (nD Pe ane nr | | ee rn | rere | peers | cere enema | eee es | | Se | | A eee | cee | eee ee | 19-56, 7119-57, 1119-57, 5]19-5759|19-59,3119-58,5119. 59, 2|19-59,6)20. 0,0 oe ee | ee a ef en fe 20.44, 5120.45,0120.45, 4. 20.45,8 20.46, 3 20.4057 20.4751 20.4.7,6 20.48,0 »39,0/25.40, 2128.40, 8/28. 41,412 8.42,0]28.42,6128.43,3128.43,8 2724/29-28,0129.28,6)29.29,2|29.29,8129. 30, 5}29-31,1/29-31,7|29-32s3]29-3259|29-3335|29-3412|29-34,8]29- 35,4129. 36,0 30-10,4130.17,0130.1 7,730.18, 3/30. 18,9] 30.19,6]30.20,2]30.20,8]30.21, 5 30:2.2,'1130.22, 7] 30.23,4]30.24,0 O/3 E+ 452/31. 4,9)34- §,5]31- 6,2131. 6,8)31. 7,5/31- 81/31. 8,8/31. 9,4131-10,1]/31.10, 7131.1 1,4131.12,0 (59> 7131-5 15313 1-52,0/3 1-5 25 7131-5353131-54,O/31-54,9)31-5 5,3 SS dd ai TS La RR: atl Ocal | a Yad ic 32-42; 5132-43,2132-43,0]32-44,6/32-45, 3132.40,0132.46,6)32.47,2 -20,2/33-26,9133.27,6/33.28, 3133:29,0133.29,7133.30,4133-3 1,1 34-18, 3134.19,0 Se ere | eee | cee 3}43- 1,2143- 2,1143- 3,0143- 3,9143- 4.8143. 5,7143- 6,6/43- 7,5|43- 8.4143. 9,3143-10,2 55|43-4722|43-48; 1143-49,0143.49.9143.50,8143.51,9]4.3.52,7 43-5 3,0143-54, 5143-5 5-4143-50, 3143-57, 314 3-58,2 43-59: 1}44- 0,0 55144-34,9144-3 5,9144-36,8144.37, 7144.38, 7144.30,6144-40, 5144-41, 5144-42,4144-43.3144-44,3144-45,2144.40,1194-47,1'44.48,0} 57 45:2257145-23,7145-24,6145.25,6 45.26, 5 45-27,5145.28,4145-20,4|45-30,3]45-31,3]45-32, 2145.3 3,214 5.34, 1145.36, 3 45.36,0} 58 46.10,5140.11,4146.12,4 46.13,4146.14,3146.15, 3 46.16, 3}46.1 7,246.18, 2146.19, 2146.20, 1146.2 1, 1146.22, 1140.2 9,0146.24,0] © 50}46.58.2146.59,2147. 0,2147. 3,2 47- 252147. 3,2147- 451149- 551147- 6,147. 7,1147- 8.1147: 9,1147.10,0147-11,0 47:495°14-7-59,0]47-51,014:7-52,0]47-5 3,0 47-54,0 ts Oa ee 2872 12875 | 2876! 2877 2879 M. .S. SM. SIM. SIM. SJM. «SIM. -S. 0.47,9 0.47,9} 2-47,9|-0.48,0 0.48,0} 0.48,0 1.3557 1,3558| 1-3559] 1-35,9| 1.38,9] 1-36,0 2-2 350 2.23,8) 2.23,8] .2.23,9) 2.23,9] 2.24,0 3-11, 5 311,97] 3°1157] 3.11,0] 3.11,9) 3-11,9 3-593 3-59,5| 3-59,7|_3-59-8]_3-59;8) 3.59.9 44752 447,51 4:4750} 4.4757] 4.4758] 44759 5-351 -§+354] 5°35>5] $-3597| 5-359) 5°3595 6.22,9] © 6.2.3, 3). 6.23,5| 6.23,6} 6.23.7] 0.23.9 7.10,8 Met at 721105447. 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SIM. S.JM. S.|JM. S|M. SJM. SJM. S. 1} 0.48,0} 0.48,0] 0.48,1] 0.48,1] 0.48,1] 0.48,1] 0.48,1] 0.48,1] 0.48,2] 0.48,2] 0.48,2] 0.48,2] 0.48,2] 0.48,2] 0.48,3 2|-1.36,0) 1.36,1] 1.36,1] 1.36,1] 1.36,2] 1.36,2 1.36,2| 1.36,3] 1.36,3] 1-36,3] 1.36,4].1-36,4].1.36,4) 1.36,5| 1-36,5 3] 2-24,1) 2.24,1) 2.24,2] 2.24,2] 2.24,3] 2.24,31 2.24,4] 2.24,4| 2.24,5| 2-24,5] 2.24,6)°2.24,6] 2.24,7| 2-24,7| 2.24,8 4) 93-1251) 3:12,1) 3-12,2] 3.12,3] 3.12,3] 3-12,4] 3.12,5] 3-12,5] 3-12,6] 3-12,7| 3-12,7| 3-12,81-3-12,9) 3-12,9) 3-13,0 5] 4: 91].4- 0,2] 4. 0,3] 4. 0,3] 4. 0,4] 4. 0,5] 4. 0,6] 4. 0,7] 4. 0,8 ; ——eV rr | re | EE | | | |S | | eS | | A | | LL, T1| 8.48,2| 8.48,4] 8.48,6 8.48,7| 8.48,9} 8.49,1| 8.49,3] 8.49,5| 8.49,7) 8-49,8] 8.50,0] 8.50,2| 8.50,4| 8.50,6) 8.50,8 12} 9-30,2} 9-36,4] 9-36,6] 9-36,8) 9-3750) 9-37521 9-374} 9-3756] 9-37,8] 9-38,0} 9-38,2) 9-38,4] 9-38,6] 9-38,8) 9.39.0 13}10.24, 2110.24, 4110.2.4,7|10.24,9/10.25,1]10.25, 3110.25, 5/10.25,7/10.26,0]10.26, 2110.26, 4|10:26,6]10.26,8110.27,0]10.27,3 a | rr | | es | eer ene | ee | ee a a | ee | Se 8 | ce f ee ee | Vee | Sree ee | ee eee | pee a rmemeenee | “ommerenememmnemneire | eee, | ee | ee | ee | eee eee rr | pene | emcee | ee ees | meee: | ieee | meer ee ee | ee | ee | ee ee a | ee | ress | eee | ree | tee em | ee ee | ee | re ee | oe es | ee | | ee) ee | Se | rts | ee | ee | ne | ee | ee ee | ert ee | Coen | SN | Ore | em | ER | SR | eae | ere 36)/28.48,6)28.49,2)28.49,8]28.50, 4]28.51,0128.5 1,6/28.52,2128.52,8)/28.5 3,4128.54,0)28.54,6/28.55,2)28.55,8128.56, 4128.5 750 37|29-36,0)29.3752129-37,9]29-38, 5|29-39> 1129-39, 7|29-49, 3|29-40,9]29-41,6]29.42,2/29-42,8]29.43,4}29-44,0]29-44,6)29.45, 3 38]30.24,6/30.25, 3]30.25,0]30.26, 5130-27, 2|30.27,8] 30.28, 4) 30.29, 1] 30-29, 7/ 30.30, 3] 30-3 1,0] 30-3 1,6] 30. 32,2) 30. 32,0] 30.33, 5 mre | ae | ee ee ts | Sern | eee es | ren | ee fr | re | eens | Ee | en | ee 45/30. 0,8/36. 1,5/39- 2,3/36- 3,0/30- 3,8/36- 4,5]30-_ 5,3/36- 6,0/36- 6,8/36. 7,5/36- 8,3/36- 9,0/36- 9,8)36.10, 5/36.11,3 a | | a | eee | oe | ee | 46)36.48,8136.49, 5)36.50, 3]36.51,1/30-51,8]36.52,6/36. 53,4136. 54, 1130-54,9] 30-5 5,7130- 56,4) 36-5752] 36. 58,0130.58,7| 36.59, 5 47137-30,8/37-37,0)37-38,41 37-39, 1137-39,9|37-40 7137-4115/37-42,3|37-43> 1137-43,8137-44,6/37-45,4137-40,2137-47,0/37-47,8 - 148138.24,8)/38.25,6/38.26,4138.27,2/38.28,0/38.28,8/38.20,6138. 30,4/38. 31, 2/38. 32,0/38. 32,8138. 3 3,6)38. 34,4138. 35, 2) 38. 36,0 49]39-12,8)39.13,6/39-14,5)39-15,3]39-16, 1139: 16,9/39-17,7139- 18, 5/39: 19,4|39-20,2]39-21,0]39.21,8)39.22,6139.23,4139.24,3 50140. 0,8]40. 1,7]40. 2,5]40. 3,3140. 4,2140. 5,0]40. 5,8/40. 6,7/40. 7,5140. 8, 3140. 9,2/40.10,0/40.10,8]40.11,7]40.12, 6 Ccc 48 Minutes. 19” 2899 | 29c0 —_ ee eee- | | | a eee] | |] — - | I SS | |} S.{M. | | re | ee | eee | ee | ne | oe Se | EE | SS | | eee | eee | neneeeennsseria | ere eee ee me f | TS | — | | | S| ES | |S | | aS | a | me | E| 7 en a | cece | Se come | een ES | EE | ene | cet | Sees | AE ae | ene | eo eee | ee | oe, SS EE SS | | EE, | |S | S| Ae | ees | eens | eee: | een | 7|29-5614|29-5750129-57,6129-58,2/29-58,8]29-59,4|30- 0,1]30. 0,7]30- 1,3/3 1,9]30- 255/32 3:1/30 3,8 38/30-43,6130.44,3130.44,9130-45, 5130.40, 2)30-40,8)30-47,4 | rs | SR | | ee ee | ee me | re | He eens | eS fe | ne | ne ee | 41133- 952]33- 9.9133-10,0/33.11,2/33-11,9]33-12,0|33-13,3/33-14,0133-14, 7133-15, 3133: 10,0/33-16, 7)33- 42133-5757|33-58,4 34+ 0,5/34- 1,2/34- 1,9/34- 26/34. 3,3/34- 4,0/34- 457/34 5,4/34- © 34-49,8)34- 50, 5]34-5 1,213.4. 52,0134.52, 7134.5 3,4/34-54,1/34-54,8)34- Gn cs) Gn 2° _ Go ie wn = co cen cee | ere 1 | en ee ee | | | er rer | ec em | re a fe | ee ee | ee eee See (ae) en ee) a ne ee ed ened Red Cel ae nm | | | ees | cme | a | cre | a ec a | nme ne | ae | RR 158146-54,0146.54,9146.55,9146-56,9146.57,8/46.58,8146.59,8147- 0,7/47- 1747+ 207147- 3,6147- 4,0147- 5,0147- 0,5]47- Be 59)47-42,5}47-43,5147-4455147-45,4147-40,414.7-47,414.7-43,4147-49,4147-50,414.7-51,3147-52,3147-5 39347549 3147-550 3]47-593 Sree re mm | rr cr | ee | eee | pee | 2934 | 2935 | 2936 | 2937 | 2938 >|M. S.1M. SAM. SM. 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[197 7 ag RS Se ; 64% - wae gv” | | 2943 | 2944 | 2945 | 2946 | 2047 2949 | 2950 | 2951 | 2952 | 2953 | 2954 | 2955 | -----—_———| | —_—_—_——- | | SS I S| ES - ce I (ES TE eae EE, fee ae 2h are -|M. SjM. SjM. SM. SM. SM. S.1M. S.PM. S.)M. SM. S.1M. S.JM. 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SIM. §|M. SIM. SM. S.|M. SIM. SUM. S| Mi. S. MiSs, 1} 0:49,8] 0:49,8} -0.49,8| 0.49,8] 0.49,8| 0-49,91 0:49,9] 0*49,9] 49,9 0.50,0 2] 1.39,5] 1.39,6} 1.-39;6] 1-39,6] 1-39,7] 1-39,7| 1-39,7| 1539,8] 1:39, 1.3939 3} 2-29,3] 2.29,4| 2-29,4] 2.29,5] 2-29,5| 2-29,6) 2.29,0) 2-29,7) 2-29,7 2-29,9 4} 3-951] 3-19,1] 3-19,2) 3-193] 3-1953) 3-1954] 3-19,5] 3-19,5| 3:19,6 oe _5| 4. 8,8} 4. 8,9} 4- 9,0] 49,1] 4- 9,2] 4. 9,3] 4- 9,3|_4- 954] 4 95} 4. 9,01 4. O57) 4 4. 9,8 | 6} 4-58,6] 458,71 -4°58,8) 4°58,9) 4.59,0) 4-59,1| 459,21 4-59,3] 4-594 4-5958 5-484) 5-48, 5} 5-48,6) 5:48,7| 5.48.8] 9.49,0] 5.49.1] 5-49,2) 5-49, 5-49,8 8) 6.38,1) 6.38, 3) 6.38,4) 6.38,5] 6.38,7| 6.38,8} 6.38,9] 6.39,1| 6.39,2 6.39,7 9] 7-27,9] 7-28,1| 7-28,2) 7.2854) 7128,5) 7.287] 7.28,8] 7.29,0] 7-291 72957 10] 8.17,7] 8.17,8} 8.18,0] 8.18,2] 8.18, 3] 8.18.5] 8.18.7] 8.18 8} 8.19,0} M ; 3.10,7 11) 9. 7,41 9- 7,6] 9- 7,8 9. 8,0] 9. 8,2 g. 8,4 9. 8,5] 9- 8,7] 9+ 859] 9. 9,1] 9. 9,3/ 9- 9,5] 9- 9,6 12] 9-572) 9-57-41 9-576] 9-57,8] 9-58.90) 9-58,2] 9.58.4] 9-58,0] 9-58,8] 9.59, 9:59,21 9-59,4| 9:5956 (3)10.47,0)10.47,2)10:47.4/10-47.6/10.47,8]10.48, 1110.48, 3]10-48. 5]10.48,7|10.48,0110.49, 1|10.49,4|10.49,6] 10.40, 8] 10. 50,0 T4/11.30,7/11-37,0/11-37,2)11.37, 4111.37, 7/11-37,9)11-38, 1]11-38, 411 1. 38,0111. 38,8] 11.39, 1111.39, 3}11-30, 6|11.39,8|1 1.40, 0) 15{12-26, §)12-26,8/12.27,0/12.27,3]12.27,5|12.27,8]12.28,0]12-28, 3112.28, $]12.28,8]12.99,0|12.29, 3112.20, § 12.20,8]12.30,0 10)13.16, 3,143.16, 5]13-16,8)1 3.17, 1/1 3.17,3/13.17,6 13.1 7,9]13-18, 1113-18,4]13.18,7/13.18,9 13.19,2/13-19,5/13-19,7/13.20,0 1714. 06,0114. 6,3)14. 6,6)14. 6,9]14. 7,2114. 97,5114. 7,7]14. 8,0]14. 83/14. 8,6/14. 8,9]14. 9,2|14. 9,4]14- 9,7114.10,0 18}14.55,8 1gjT5-45,6 20116.35,3 rs ee | ene ees 21117-25,1 22)18.14,9 23119. 4,6 23) 10-5454, 25/20.44,2 120 i | | me | | cine ene. | ect | cee epee | cements ! | | RN | Ne | | nen | ee | See | Nee} Snes | ee | cece eae 21.33,9'21.34,4121.34,8 21.35,2/21.35,7121.36, 1121.36, 5121.3 7,0/21.37,4/21.37,8121.28, 2 21.38,7 21.39, 1|21.39,6]21.40,0}. peerage 22.24,6)22.25,1/22.25,5|22.26,0122.26,4122.26,0/22.27, 3122.27,8122.98,9 22.28, 7/22.29, 1|22.29,6]22.30,0] 3-355} 4. 3,2 4-53,0|24.53,5 24-5410)/24.54, 5124.5 5,0124.55,5|24.56,0124.56, 5124.5 7,0124.57,5124.58,0/24.58, 5 2.4.59;0124-59,5)/25- 9,0 re | rr | eee | eee anes | eee eee | erences ———————_—— J —————————— OO moN LW be O.\o Mn to Ww bb 31/25-42,8/25.43,3 25-439812.5.44,312.5.4458|25.45,4125.45,9|25-40,4|? 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Ne | [ 20r | ve QB” gt / a fe | | S| CF SS —_—— ef SS FS STS 3014 3015 renee | eeenmeenmeeerses | nese memset | smmneemmmmmnmmsens ert | | fe pf a AMS OSE oe 1.40, 5] 1.40,5 2.30,7| 2.30,8 320,09] 3-21,0 Ab, 2 40U5, 3 §> 1,4) §- 155 §- 5150] 5.5.1, 0) 6.41,9| 6.42,0 7°32 7-323 O22, 715,28, 5 cree | er | | ee | ee | ween | |e | ee | ne | RR | ee | | | een 11} :9-10,2] g.10,4] 9-10,6] 9-10,7] 9-19,9 Q-12,6) 9.12,8 3.2.0, 517 3.20) 51° 3.2.0,6 {12|10. 0,2|10. 0,410. 0,6]10. 0,8]10. I,o]10. 1,2/10. 1,4]10. 1,6)10. 1,8]10. 2,0]10. 2,2/10. 2,4/10. 2,610. 2,8]10. 3,0 ee | es | es | es | | ore) ee | es | eee | | EE | ee | ers | en | ee, | A | ee ee | 21:41, 3121.41, 7/21-42,2|21.42,6]21-43,0]21-4.3,5121.43,9/21.44,3]21.44,8/21.45,2/21-45,6]/2 1.46, 1121.46, 5 22:31,412.2.31,8/22+32, 3122-32, 7122.33, 2122.33,6122.34,1122.34,5122.35,0122.35,4122.35,9122. 36, 3/22. 36,8 2.3.26, 1123.26, 5/23.27,0 2.9|2.4.10,5|24.11,0|24-11,5/24.11,9]24-12,4124.12,9]24-1 3,4124.13,9/24.14,4/24.14,8/24.15, 3/24.15,8124.16,3124.16,8124.17,3 3025+ 955125. 1,0125+ 155125. 2,0125- 2,5125+ 3,0125- 3,5}25- 49/25. 455)25+ 5,0]25- 555125. 6,0]25- 6,5]25. 7,0|25. 795 31)25-50,5125-51,0125-51,6125.52, 1125-5 2,6]25.5 3, 1]25-53:9]25-5441125-54:7125-55,2|25-5597125-50,2125-50,7 25-5 7,8} 32126.40, 5|26.41,1126.41,6]/26.42, 1126.42, 7120.43, 2120.43, 7126.44, 3120.44,8/26.45,3120.45,9126.46,4/26.46,9 2.6.48,0 2.763252|27-32,8]27-33,3127-33,9127-34,4|27-3590}27-35>5|27-30» 1|27-30,6]27-3752 2.7-38,3 28.2.2, 3|28.22,8]28.2 3,4128.24,0128.24,5/28.25,1)28.25, 7128.26, 2)28.2.6,8)28.27,4128 28.28, 5 29.10,6/29.11,21/29-11,3]29.12, 3]29-12,9129-13,5/29-1451|29-14, 7129-15, 3129-15,8]29-16,4129.17,0|29-17,6]29. 29.18,8 30. 1,8]30. 2,4130- 3,0130- 3,61/30. 4,2130. 4,8/30. §,4/30. 6,0}30. 6,6130. 7,2/30. 7,8|30. 8,4130. 9,0 30:51, 2)32+51,9]30.52, 5132-5 351)39-5 39 7132-5 413]39-54,9132-5 510130. 56,2130.56,8)30.57,4]39- 58,0) 30.58,6130.59, 3 2131-43,9131.44,4131-45,1131-4.5,713 1-46, 3}31-47,0/31-47,6|31.48, 2/31.48,0/31.40, 5 32-3752/32-37,8)32-39, 5132-39, 1)32-39,8 4.16,8134.17,5134.18,2 35+ 7,9135+ 757/35: 8,4135- 9.1135- 9,8 5-572 35°59+3136- 0,0136. 0,8 36-49, 5136-50, 3]36.51,0 37-39:8/37-40, 5137-4153 a Va Sie pace va 38.27,7/38.28,4/38.29,2 39-1555 39-18,0]39.19,4 40¢ §,6140; 6,4/40. 7,214. 8,0]40: 8,840. 9,6 40.51,0140-6 2, 5140.53, 3140-54, 1/40.54,9140.5 5,7 42.56, 5140.57,4140.58,2]40.59,0140.59, 8/41. 0,6l41. 1,4/41. 2,2 41.45,8 41-46,7141.47,514.1-48, 3]41.49,2 i | ee | ee | ene | nee en Gs Ga 2 V2 39-20, 2139.21,0 ee | Se | ate Sb oe cee | ere e er re | ni | RS | | | A A | NE | mE | oreenneini | seneentenstntiees orem SO0150.. 1,0}50. 2,0]50s. 32,0150. 4,0150- 5,0]50- 0,0150- 7,° Lees F 202 T __50 Minutes. 16 | 7% | 88%" bag” 20” [2i” ) 22” | 24s est 27” | Ba ih _| 3°16 | 3017 | 3018 | 3019 | 3020 | 3021 | 3022 | 3023 | 3024 | 3025 | 3026 | 3027 | 3029} 303° M1M. S.1M. S.J/M. SIM. S.1M. SIM. SJM. 5S. M. S/M. ~S.)M. S.JM. S.|M. Ss S.)M. .S 9-553] 9-50;3) 0-50,4) 0.50;4] 0.50,4} 0.50,4} 0.50,4] 0-50,4) 0.50, 61 0.50, 61 0.50, 5] 0.50, 5 1.40,6]°1-40,7] 1.40,7] 1.40,7] 1.40,8} 1.40,8] 1.40,8] 1.40,9 1.40,9] 1.40,9] 1.41,0] 1.41,0} 2.31,0] 2.31,0] 2.31,1] 2.91,1 2.31,2) 2.31, 9) 2.39,3) 2.397,4 2.31,4) 2.31,5) 2.31, 57 3-21,3} 3-2153) 3-214) 3-21,5) 3-215) 3.21,6) 3.217) 3-21,7] 3.21,81 3.21,4 3-21,9] 3-22,0% 4.11,6 4.11,7 4.11,8 4.11,8 4.11,g 4.12,0 4.12,1 4.12,2 4-12, 3 4-12,3 5+ TQ) 5+ 250 5: 251) 5+ 2,2) 5+ 2.3) 5+ By} 5. 2,5) 5- 2,6) 5. 2,7] 5. 2,81 5. 2,0) 5. 3,0F 119] 5-520} 5-521 §-52,2) 5$-52,3} 5-52,5] 5.52,6) 5-52.71 5.528) 5.52,9] 5-530] §.53,2 5°53>3} 5°53>4) 5-535 5 1] 6.42,3| 6.42,4) 6.42,5} 6.42,7| 6.42,8) 6-42,9 6.43,1) 6.43,21 6.43.3 6-43,5 6-43,6| 6.43,7 6.43,9] 6-44, 0} 8.24,0] 8.24.2] 8.24, 3} 8.24,5 8.247] 8.24,8] 8.25.0 THY 9-E259) 9-131) 9-13.31 9-13,51) 9-1357] 9-13,9) 9-14,0] 9-14,2} 9-14,41 9.14,6] 9-14,8] 9.15,0} 9.15,1 9-158} 9-355 T2/TO. 3,2/10. 3.4110. 3,6]10. 3,8)10. 4,0]10. 4,2/10. 4,4]10. 4,6/10. 4,810. syojT. §,2/10. $54]10. 5,6/10. 5,810. 6,0 E3)F9-53)5]19-535 7/10 53,9110.54, 1110.54, 3) 10.54,6]10.54, 8110.5 §,0]/10.5 §,2/10.5 5,410.5 556 T0.'5 5,910.56, 1]10.56, 3/10.56, 5 1411-43, 7/1 T-44,O]11.44,2/11-44,4/1 1644, 7/11 644,9/11-45,1/11.45,4/11-4.5,6]11.45,8/11-46, 1 11.46, 3/1146, 5/11.46,811 1.47,0} 15|12-34,0]12.34, 3]12-34, 5112.34, 8]12.35,0]12.35,3/12.36,5 12.35,8]12.36,0 12.36,3 12.36, 511 2.36,8]12. 37,0 12.37, 9]12.37, 6} 16)1 3.24, 3113.24,.5]13.24,8]13.25,1/13-25, 311 3.25,6 13-25,9)13-26, 1/1 3-26,4]1 3.26, 7|13.26,9]13.27, 2113.27, 5113-27, 911 3.28,0| 17}14.14,5]14.14,8]14.15,1/14.15,4]14.15,7/14.16,0]14.16,2 14.16, 5/14.16,8)14.17,1|14.17,4114.17,9 14.17,9]14.18, 2114.18, 5 1815. 4,3/15- 5,115. salts. 57115. 6.0115. 6,3l15. 6,615. 6,911 5- 752/15. 7,5115- 7.8115. 8, 1115. 8,4lr5. 8, 7]15. 9,0 3 4.11,31 4.11,4] 4.11,5 —}|——— ne | ee ee | 26)21.46,9 ; 27|22.3752122.37,7122.38, 1|22.38,6122.30,0|22.30, 5 22.39,9|22-40,412.2.40,8/22.41, 3122.41, 7/29.49,9122.42,6 22-43, 1122-43, 5¢ Se | ce | ee | ee | See | ae ees SS | | eerie | peeeenmemeneinenees | eneemneecitnenenenesns 33}27-38,9]27-39,412 7.39, 0]2.7-4.0, 512.7.41,0127-41,6 27 -4.2,1/27-42,7127.43,2)27-43,8127-44, 3127.44,9/27-45,4127.40,0 27-46, 5} 28. 30,8 28.31, 3]28.31,9 28.32, 5|28.33,0 28.33,6/28.34,2 28.34;% 28.35, 3128.3559 28.36,4)28.37,0 29-19,9]29.20, 5129-21, 1129.21, 7129.22, 3129.22,8 29-2 3,4/29.24,0]20.24,6/20.25,2 29.25,8 29.26, 3 29.26,9 29-2751 39 40 41 4.2 es ns | ener | eee cy en passa | oat aes Oana fa nsf came ota 4.4139-51,7|30-52,5|30.53,2 38.3410/38.35,3138- 3, 1138.36, 9/38.37,6/38.38,4|38.39,2138.39,9138.40, 7138-41, 5|38.42, 2/38.43,0 #7 )39-2225)39-23, 3139-24, 1139-24,9}39-29, 7|39-26, 5|39-27,2|39.28,0139-28,8| 39.29, 6139.30,4139.3 1,2/39-3 1,9]39-32, 7139-3 3.5 40-13,0/40.14,4140.15,2140.16,0/40.16,8140.17,6/40.18,4 40.19, 2]4.0.20,0}40.20,8)40.21,6140.22, 4140.2 3,2140.2.4,0 41. 3,041. 4, 7/41. 5,141. 63/41. 7,2141. 8,041. 8,8]41. 09,6]41.10,4/41.11,2 41-12, 1141.12,9141.13,7141.14,5 41-5452/41.$ 5,041.5 5,8141-56, 7141.57, 5141.58, 3141.50,2|42. 0,0/42. 0,8142. 31,7142. 2,5/42- 3,3142. 452142. 5,0 CP fe ne aetna Sr me renee emacs Serta tt mesnescetintel a cage nae 4Ol41. 3,1 57|43-33>9)43-34>7/43-35,0143-30;5/43-3753143.38,2143-39, 1143-39,9143-40,8143.41, 7143-42, 5143-43,4143-44, 3143-45, 1149.40,0 5 3144-24, 1 48.39, 3]48.40,3148.41, 3148.42, 2|48.43, 2148.44, 2148.45, 1 48.46, 1148.47, 1148.48,0148.49,0) 49-295 7/49-3 7149-3 156149.3256149.33,6149.34,6149-35;6149.36,6149.37,5|49-38,5149-39,5| $0-20,0]50.21,0]50.22,0]50.2 3,0]50-2450}50.2 5,0/50.26;0|50.24,0}50.28,0 50.29,0150. 30,0} $9]49-2517|40-26,7149.27,9149.28,4 60}50.16,¢}50.17,0 50-18,0}50.10,0 OO il 2 I.41,1] 1:4.1,2] 1.41,2| 1.41,2] 1.41,3] 1.41,3 3 2.31,7] 2:31,8 2.31,8 2.31,9} 2.31,9] 2-32,0] 2.32,0) 2.32,1] 2.32,1] 2.32,2) 2.32,2] 2.32, 3} Al: 3-22,3] 3.2253] 3-22,4) 3.22,5} 3.22,5 3-22,6| 3.22.7] 3-22,7] 3:22,8] 3.22,0} 3.22,9] 3.23,0F 5 4.12,8) 4:12,0] 4:13,0} 4.13,1] 4:13,21 4.1 3,3 31 4:13,4] 4.13.51 4-13,6] 4.13,7] 4.13,8 } 6 5: 341 5- 355] 5+ 3,6] 5+ 3571 5- 3,81 5. 3,9 5+ 451] 5+ 4,2] 5: 453) 5 44) 5- 455 7. ; 5:54,0 8 44,4) 6.445) 6.44,7] 6.44,8] 6.44,9) 0.45,1] 6.45,2 6.45,5| 6.45,6] 6.45.7] 6-45,9] 6.46,0} 9} 7-347] 7-348] 7-35,0 7:3599] 7-353) 7-354] 7-359] 7-3557| 7-359 Oo} 7-362) 7-36,3] 7-365) 7-36,6) 7-36,8 to} 8.25,2] 8.25,3! 8.25,5] 8.25.7] 8.25,8] 8.26,0] 8.26,2] 8.26,3] 8.26,5 ,7| 8.26,8} 8.27,0] 8.27,2] 8.27,31 8.27,5 11] 9.15,7} 9:15,9| 9-16,1| 9-16,2] 9.16,4] 9.16,6] 9-16,8} 9.17,0] 9.17,2] 9-17,3] 9-17.51 9-1757] 9-17,9] 9-18, 11 9-18,3 12|10. 6,2{10. 6,4/10. 6,6]10. 6,8]10. 7,0}10. 7,2/10. 7,4]10. 7,6]10. 7,8]10. 8,oj10. 8,2]10. 8,4}10. 8,6]10. 8,8]10. 9,0 13410. 56, 7/10.56,9}10.57,2110.57,4|10.57,6}10.57,8}10.58,0]10.58,2|10.58,5]10.58,7)10.58, 9110.59, 1110.59, 3110.59, 5|10.59,8 x0 Minutes. “34” | 357 | 36” | 37” [ 38” | 39” 4 | 42” | RS Ee: shrine MIM. S|M.-5S|]M. S|M. S|M. S|M S|M. S|M. S.|M. nee | nee. | ES | RE | | | 14]11.47, 2111.47, 5|11.47,7|11-47,9111.48, 2111.48, 4111.48,6)11.48,9]11.49, 1/1 1-49, 3]1 1.409, 6]11.49,8]11.50,0]1 1.50, 2111.50, 6 ee wee || a | ce | ar ee | en | eee | ee eee 21/17-40,9)17.41,2/17.41,0/17.41,9}1 7-42, 3]17-42,0]17-43,011 7-43, 3117-43, 7/17-44,0]17.44,4117-44,7117-45,1/17-45,4)17-4.5,8) 22|18.31,4118.31, 718.32, 1/18.32,5|18.32, 8/18. 33,2118. 33,6118. 33,0]18.34, 3]18.3.4,7118.35,0)18.35,4]18.35,8118.36, 1118.36, of 2 3119.2 1,9}19.22, 3119.22, 7|19-23,0119.23,4]19.23,8119.24, 2119.24, 6]19.2 5,0)19.25, 3119-25, 7)19-26, 1119.26, §|19.26,9]19-27, 31 24120.12,4)20.12,8120. 13,2120. 1 3,6]20.14,0]20.14,4120.14, 8/20. 15,2120.15,6|20.16,0]20.16,4)20.16,8]20.17,2120.17,6|20.18,0F 25121. 29121. 3,3]21. 38/21. 4,2121. 4,6)21. 5,0]21. 5.4121. 5,8)21. 6,3121. 6,7/21. 7, 1/21. 7,5}21- « -8,3}21..8,8 27122.4.4,0)22-44,4/22.44,9]22.4.5,3]22-45, 8122.46, 2122.40, 7122.47, 1122.4.7,0122.48,0/22.48, 5 2.2.48,9122.4.9,4122.49,8/22.50,3 2812 3.34, 5123- 34,0123. 35,412 3-35;9/2 3-30,3]23-30,8)2 3.37, 3/23-37, 7123-38, 212 3. 38,712 3-39, 12 3-39,0/2 3.40, 1123.40, 512 3.41,0 29/24.25,0124.25,5/24.26;0/24.20, 4124.26, 0124.27, 4124.2 7,924.28, 4124.28, 9/24.29, 3124.29, 8/24. 30, 3124.30, 8124.31, 3124.31, 8} 30/2 5.15, 9/25-16,012 5.16, 5/25-17,0]2 5-17, 5|25-18,0125-18, 512 5.19,0]2 5.19, 5|25-20,0]25.20,5125-21,012 5.21, 512.5. eee | mens | ee | eens mee | Seren | ee | a ee ~ | ee | oe ee. | eee 24: 1,9]27- 2,4|27. 2,9 27-§2,0|27-53,1127-53,7|27-5 42 28.43,2|28.43,8128.44,4128.44,9128.45, 5 2 29-3 3,9|29-34,5129-35,1129-35,7|29-39: 3 36130.18,6] 30. 19; 2130. 19,8]30-20, 4/3.0.21,0]30.21,6/30.22, 2130.22, 8) 30.2 3,4/30.24,0}30.24,6)30.25,2)30.25,8130.26,4130.27,0 F131. 9, 1131. 9, 7431-10,4]31-11,0131.11,6)31.12, 2131.12, 8/31.13,4/31.1.4, 1131.14, 7131.15, 3 813 1.$9;6}32. 0, 3132. 0,9132. 1,5132. 2,2132. 2,8132. 23,4132. 4,1132. 4,7/32. 5,3132- 6, 3913 2- 50,2132: 50,8)32.51, 5132-52, 1132.52, 8132.5 3,4132-54,1132.54,7132.§ 5,4 32-66, 4 49}3 3-49, 7133-41, 3/3 3-42,0133-42,7|3 3-43, 3133-44,0133-44, 7133-45, 3}33-46, 01 33-4753 41134-31,2134-31,9134-32,0/34- 33,2134. 3 3,9134-34,0134-3 5, 3134- 30,0134. 36,7 34-38,0)34-38,7)34-39,4134-40, 1134.40, 42135-21713 5:22,4135.23,1135-23,8135.24,5135-25,2/35-25,9135-20,6/35.27, 3): 35:28, 713 5+29,4/35-30, 1/3 5-30,8'35.31,5 -143]30.12, 2] 36.12,9] 36. 1 3,7136.14,4436.1 5, 1136.15,81 36.16, 5130.17,2 36.18,0 30.19,4130.20, 1136.20, 8136.21, 5130.22, 3 44137- 2,9137+ 3,5)37- 452137- 459]37- 557137- 6,4137- 7,1137- 7,9137- 8,6) 3137-10, 1137-10, 8137.21, 5)37-12, 3137-13,0 31: 38. - 1,5138. 2,3/38. 3,0138. 46138.43,8/38.44, 5 8.50,7 139-41, 3139-42, 1130-42,0139'43> 7139-445 5139-45, 3 48140.2.4,8|40.25,6140.20,4|40.27;2]40.28, 0140.28, 8140.29, 6/40. 30, 4140. 31,2]40. 32,0140. 32,8140. 33,6140. 34,4140. 35,2140. 36,0 49|4.1-15, 3141-16, 1141.17,0}41.17,9/41.18,6]41.19,4141.20, 9147.2 1,0]41.21,9]41.22, 4141.23, 5141.24, 841.25,1/41.25,9141.26,8 8142. 67/42. 7,5142- 8.3142. 9,2/42-10,0]42.10,8]42.11, 7142.12,5142.1 3, 3142.14, 2142.1 §,0142.15,0/42.16, 7142.17, 5 en: ee nee §1/42.56,4]42.57,2/42.58, 1142-58,9142-59,0143. 06/43. 1,5149. 29143. 3,214.2. 4,0]43. 456143. 5,7 43: 6,6143. 7.4143. 8,3 52]43-40, 9143-475 7143-48,6143-49, 5]4.3-50, 3}43-5152}43-52,1143-52,9143-53,9/4.3.5457143: 55, 5143.50,4143-57,3]43-58,1143.59,0 214 4-40,0)44-40,9144.41,8144.42,7/44.43,0144.44, 6144.49, 3144.40;2144.47,1144.48,0144.48,0144.40, i ns ne ee ee fe he 60}50.31,0150-32,0]50. { 204 ] . 50° Minutes. — 53, est NSS [a SOk 1, 577 > | 3949 | 3047) 30487) 3049 | 3050] 205F | 2. 3253 | 3954 | 3055 | 3056 | 3057 | 3058 | 3059 | 3060 MA S|M.. SAM, . S(M. SJM. SIM. SIM: S|M. S.M,. S(M, SjdM, Ss. I 0.50,8}] 0.50,8 9.50,9] 0.50,9] 0.50, 0.50,9} 0.51,0] 0.51,0] 0.51,0] O.51,0 2 1.4136] 1,.41,6 1.41,0] 1.41,8] 1.41,8 1.41,9} 1-41,9] 1.41,9] 1.42,0] 1.42,0 3 ed MON EPS Sls 2.32,7| 23247) 2.32,8) 2.32,8) 2.32,9] 2.32,9] 2-33,0] 2.33,0 4 3:23>2] 3-233 3-23:5] 3:23:01 3-2357] 3-237] 3-23,8] 3-23,9| 3-23,9] 3-240 eS 4:14,0] 4.14, 1 3|_4:-1454) 4-14,5] 4.14,6] 4.147] 4.14,8! 4.14,8] 4.149 4.15,0]. 6 5: 4815. 4.9 3 5+ 5»5} 5+ 56) 5+ 557) 5- 5,8] 5- 5,9) 5- 6,0 7 5-5526) 5-557 56,8) 5-56,9). 5.5750 8 6.46,4| 6.46, 5 6.47,7] 6.47,9| 6.48,0 73792-73754 -3857| 7-3859| 7-39,0 8.26,0] 8.28,2 :29,7| 9-29,8] 8.30,¢ 9-18, 81° 9.19,0 wT eo -20,1| ,9.20,3] 9-20, 5) 9-20,6] 9.20,8] 9.21,0 TO. 9,2}10. 9,4/10. 9,6}10. 9, -LI,O}10.11,2}10.11,4}10.11,6]10.11,8|10,12,0 O,O]LI. 0,2]11. O,41f1. 0,6}11 Ty WL Leo Ty 3 1, 5/11. 1, 7]E1- 1,O|11. 2,1]11. 2,4/11. 2,6]11. 2,811. 3,0 T4/11.50,7/11.$1,O}1T.§1,2j11.51,4 11.51,7 LI.$1,Q}L1.52 15/12-41,5/12.41,8/12.42,0]12.42,2 3|12.44,5]12.44,8112.45,0 3-32,3]13-32>5]13.32,8)13-33 17/14.23,0/14.23,3114.23,6114.23,0|14.24,2 18/15:13,811 5.14, 111 5:14,4|15:14,7|15.16, TQ|16. 4,616. 4,9|16. §,2]16. 5,5/16. 5,816. 6, ,7|16. 9,0 20116.55,3}16.55, 7116. 0]16.59, 3/56.59,7117. ‘0,0 23119.27,6)19.28,0)19.28, 4}19.28,8119.29, 24|20.18,4120.18,8120.19,2/20.19,6 21. 9,2/21. 9,6/21 TA a br a ee 6/21350,9|22. 0,4122. 0,8/22.° 1,212 22.50, 7/22.51,2/22.5 3122-5459122.55,2/22.55,7 28)23.41,5123.41,9|23.42 2912.4-32,2124.32,7124:33 30/2.5.23,0125.23,5125.24 31/26.13,8)/26.14,3/26.14,8]26.1 5, 3} 32127. 4,5127- 551127. 5 33|27°5593127-559]27-50.4|27-5750 34/28:46,1/28.46,6|28.47,2128.47,8 35|29-36,8]29-37,4129.38,0/29. 38,6 ahlon oo Llom no nlow TO ODD | nn I SY ) | eee eT 0.27,6)30.28,2130.28,8/30.29,4|3 in Se glk 1s) Ge Ua ww 135}32. 9,1]32. 9,8|32.10,4132.11,0]32.11,4 32,12 9]32-599}33- ,5)33- 1,2133- 159133- 255133 32/33 3,8 33:5917)33-5 1 3133-52,0133-52) 7133-5393] 33-5450133 en ce a am lon Ole | nn | a a Se IO 44 37-1357 37+14,5137+15:2137-15,9137-10,7 37-17,4/37-18,1137-18,9137-19,6}37-20 37:21,8137-22,5137:23,3 3732450 45|39- 455139 _5,3138- 6,0)38. 6,8138. 7.5138. 8,3/28. 9,0138 3021550 48|40.36;8)40.347,6/40.38,4) 40. 39,2 ee | cert | eee | iene heer fn eee 2,2146.3 3,1146.34,0146.34,9|46.35,8146. QF nas | aommcceneeeemees, | enemas | ems eneeneeion | areneune Se | tne | eens | eereeemengec nena | me ceeeam eee Bt | aed , sr Minutese 5 paar se se [ 205 7 “ “ iy) “ 3 13 r4{ fers! MS. 2m - a | rs |) ree | |] 3070 | 3071 | 3072 | 3073 | 3074] 3075 mm ff nr rn rr a | JM. S.}.M. S.1M. S.IM. S.JM. S.JM. S.)M. SiiM. |S. O.51,2| O-51,2} O.51,2] 0.51,2| 0.51,2| 0.51,2} 0.51,3 1.42,3| 1.42,3] 3.42,3] 1-42,4] 1-42,4) 1.42,4) 1-42, 5] 1.42, 5 2.33,4| 2-335] 2-33,5| 2+33,0| 2-33,6] 2.33.7] 2-33,7] 2.33,8 372455 3:24,6 3:24971 3°2457 3+24,6 3°2499) 3°245G) 32550 4.15.7} 4.15,8| 4.15,8] 4.15,9] 4.16,0] 4.10,1) 4.16,2] 4.16,3 nn | er rr | a | | Se OO OOOO 5+ 9,81 5. 6,9] 5+ 7,9] 5+ 7st] 5+ 752) 5+ 793) Se 7 ; 5-579] 5-582] 5-582] 5-58,3] 5-58,4) 5-595) 5-58,6) 5.58,8 6.49,1| 6.49,2| 6.49,31 6-49,5| 0.49,6] 6.49,7]. 6-49,9] 0.50,0 7:40,2| 7-40,4) 7-40,5] 7-40,7| 7-40,8) 7-41,0) 7-41,1] 7.41,3 8.31,3] 8.31,5| 8.31,7| 8.31,8] 3.32,0] 8.3252] 8.32,3) 8.32.5 9-22,5] 9-22,7] 9-22,8] 9-23,0] 923,21 9-23,4] 9.23.6} 9.23,8 10.12,8|10.13,0}10.13,2110,13,4}10.1 3,6]10.13,8|10.14,0]10.14,2]10.14,4]10.14,6]10.14,8]10.15,0 IZ|II- 3,211. 3,4]0I- 3,7/1T. Z,Q]11- 4,111. 4.3/0. 4 5/11. 4,7|12- 5,0]11- §,2|11- 5,4/11. 5,0]11. 5,8)11. 6,oj11. 6,3 rr | ee |S | ES | ES rr a, | i | er | re | rene | ee | 16]13-30,3}1 3.36,5|13-30,8]13.3751]1 3.3753] £3-3750]13-3759]1 3-38, 1113.38,4]13-38, 7]! 3-38, 911 3-39,2)1 3-39 5]13-3957|13-40,0 17]14.27;3/14.27,0|14.27,9]14.28, 1]14.28,4114.28,7]14.29,0]1 4.29, 3/14.29,0|14.29,8]14.30, 1|14.30,4]14-30,7|14.31,0]14.31,3 18|15.18, 3115.18,6/15-18,9]15.19,2|15-19,5|15-19,8/15-20,1/15.20,4/15.20,7/15.21,0]1 5.21, 3/1 5.21,0]15.21,0|15.22,2115.22,6 1g9]{0. 9,3]16. 9,6}16.10,0]16.10, 3)16.10,6]16.10,9]16.11,2]16.11, 5]16.11,9]16.12,2|16.12,5116.12,8]16.13, 1/16.13,4/16.1 3,8 a rm a | ee mf mm | | rm | nf a | ee) ee fl a | | - ~ L SN oe ee | ee | ee rr: | eee cee | er re | ee nee | | tere ey | eee nee tre | meee tee | eer ee eee a eeeeteeeetament 5 ee ee oe aint | a | a | cee | te | ee | NS | A | | ee: | ae | | eee a res | Ss | ne | eS | ne | ee | eens | nS | S| | ES | eer | 8} 5:59,9] ©- 0,0) 6. 0,2) 6. 0,3) 6. 0,4] 6. 0,5 8 6.50, 3) 6.50,4] 6.50,51 6.50,7| 6.50,8] 6.50,9 6.51,2} 6.51,3] 6.51,51 6.51,6} 6.51,7| 6.51,9] 6.52,0 7:41,0) 7-41,7| 7-41,9] 7-42,0] 7-4252] 7-42,3 71-4256) 7-428) 7-4259) 7-43)1] 7-432] 7:43,4] 7-43)5 8.32,8} 8-3 3,0] 8.33.2] 8.33,31 8.33,5| 8.33,7] 8-33.81 8-34,0] 8.34,2] 8.34,31 8.34,5] 8.34,7] 8.34,8] 8.35,0 9-24, 1) 9-243! 9-2455] 9-2457| 9-24,9] 9-25,0] 9-25,21 9-25,4] 9-25,6] 9.25,8] 9-26,0] 9.26,1] 9-26,3] 9.26, 5 + 2thy ° 4,9 12]10.15,2)10.15,4/10.15,6/10.15,8)10.16,0]10.16,2/10.16,4}10.16,6]10.16,8]10.17,0]10.17,2/10.17,4]10.17,6]10.17,8|10.18,0 JUZi1. O,gjig. 6, 7/11. O,gUrI. 7,111. 7,311. 7,0/11. 7,8]11. B,ojra. B,alrr. B,4irz. 8,6|r1. B,o]11. g,1[II- 9,3/11- 9,5 T4{I1-57,7|17-58,0]11.58,2/11.§8,4)11.58, 7/11.58,9]4 1.59, 1111-59,4]11-59,6 11.59,8|12. O,1]12. 0,3/12. 0,5]12. 0,8712. I,0 —_——_—___—=—=—_—_—_=—=—_—_———— | | eee | ee | ee, | |e | ee | eee | ees | cee eens | See | Sete 17. §, 7117.) 6,019. 6,3 121117.56,6]17-57,011 7-5 753/17-5757[17-59,0117-58,411 7-587] 17-595 1117-59,4117-59, 0/18. 0, 1/18. 0,5]18. 0,8]18. 1,2118. 1,5) 2.2118.47,9]18.48, 2]18.48,6]18.49,0]18.40, 3]18.49, 7/18. 50, 1118. 50,4]18.50,8118.51,2/18.51,5|18.51,9|18.52, 3]18.52,6]18.53,0 2.3119. 39, 1119-39, 5|19-3959]19-40, 3]19.40,7|19-41,1119.41,4]19-41,8]19.42,2}19-42,6/19-43,0119-43,4/19-43,7|19-44,1]19.44,5 rrr | rr | + ree | ets | ees | ees | eS | | eee | enema | Somme | cence | 4149-36,4149.37,3/49-38, 3149-39, 3149-40r2149-4152|49:4252149.43; 11493445 1149-45, 1|49.40,0149.47 0 459|50-2457/50-25.7150.26, 7150.27, 7150.28, 7]50.29,7150- 30,6150. 31,6150-32,6150- 3 3,6}50:34,6]50.35,6150.36, 5150.347,5150-38, 5 60} 51.16,0)51.19,0]51-18,c151.10,015£.20,0]51.21,0]51:2.2,0}5 162 3,0]51424,0]51-25,0]51.26,0]51.27,0|5 1.28,0|51.20,015 1.30,0 31 Minutes, if x ee J b: 327 33” r 34" 36 "a dy : : . 42” 47 “44” 45’ 3092 | 3093 | 3094 | 3095] 3096 | 3097 | 3098 | 3099 | 3100] Z3IOT | 3102 | 3103 | 3104 | 3105" SIM. SjM. SAM. S. TS. IM. S1M. S|JM. SIM. 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SE plaiaraaiantgnges4 1.3 3,0131-33,0/31-34,2)31. “34,8/31-3.5,4131-36, -36,6 »2/31-37,8)31-38,4]/31-39,0 232 3 »3i ee See Gow O48 ie 2 WW 437132-23, 1132-2 3, 71322454) 32- 25l32. 25,6 32-26, 2/32.26,8132.27,4132.28, 1/32.28, 32-39, §|32-31,1 38)33-1 5,6133.16, 313 3-16,9)33-17, 5133-18, 2]33-18,8133-19,4/33-20, 1133.20, 7133. 21,3)33: es 2 3,2/33-23,9133-24,5 3 3 39/34 B 2134. 8,8)34- 9,§|34-10,1/34-10,8 Bae ¥ TAS 42425113461 257/34: 3:4134-14,0134-145) 4.16,0/34.16,6/34.17,3 40135-_%7/35- 153)35+ 210/35- 257/35+ 353)35- 4,0/35- $7135. 513135: 6,0]35- 6,7)35- 7,313.5: £1}35-53,2135+5 3:0135-5450135-5.59213.5-5.59913.5-50,613 42|36-45,7|36-40,4|36.47, 1130-47,8] 30.48, 5|30-49,2(30-4 4337 36.37-38.0)37 39,7137 49-4374 3137 41.8137-425 144138: soe. 31,5138: 32,2138. 32,138.33, 7/39-34,4138-3 9) 38- 36,6/38 37338. 39-25, 5139-26, 3]39-27,0139-2 A cee riod (dae 2 ect ede silt i eg Ce aaa Ke a AS NO a | Re ea ee 5s eer 9; 3/35+10,0 36. $1.3 Hae °0136. “52,7136. 53,4 seu sat 54.8136. |37-44,0137-44,7137-45.4137-40,1|37-4658137-47, 5137-483 38, 1138-38, 38-3915]38-40,3 en 59; 6 Jo / Sook o8 lar Go m 1 Gos 5140.21 at 7140-23414 io. lio. 16, 5140.17, 3140.18, 1/40.18,8]40. Snes ROA PH 2,0/41.14,60]41.15, 3141.16, 1 41. 47141. 83141. 9, 1/41. 9,9/41- 10,6(41.11,4141- 12,2|41.13,0141. 48/42. 0,8]42. 1,6142. 2,4142. 3,2/42. 4,0142. 4,8)42. 5.0142. 4142. 7,214.2 2142. 8,0]42. el 49\42- 53) Sa Deous 550142- 5§98)42. 5, 6142. pa races 59,0}42 De a: as ee Ee I DIO ot) oF ee ee a eee ee 45+32,6]45-3 3, 5145-345 3145-3552145-3051/45-30,9145-37,814.5-38, 714.5-39,5145-40,4145.41, 3145.42, 46.26,9]46.27,8'46.28,7/46.29,6/46 30, 5/40.31,3 Hak sp pea nc Ae 47-195 5/47-20;414.7-21, 3147-22, 2/47.23, 1147. 2a dft7-24,0}47-25,8 48.12, 1/48.12,0]4.8.1 3 9148. 14.8149.15,8148.16, 7148.17, 1 Sa Ps aa Be aes kf ad es ee aed ued ee Ri aR ee ae aed a NS pd aL) |stl4a. 44-3804 WiaG.2 52145-39,9145-31,7 53:40. 23,4140. 24,314.0.25,2/46.26, 0}. sul47-15.9147-16.8147.17, 7|47-18,6 5548. 83,4148. 9,348. 10,3 10, 2148.1 1,2 Ne 09,9149. 1.9149) 2849. 3.7 7149-5 3, 5149-5454149-55.4149-56,3 3hi50.40v0l50.46.9|50.47.9150-48.5 {eels 5f 38, 515 1.39, 5)51-40,5/52- she HOO 49. 4,7149. 5.61/49. 6,5149- 755/49- 98,4149. 9,3149-10,3149.11,2/49+3 2, 1149.13, 1149s TA 49.58, 2149.59,2/50. 0,1150. 1,150. 2,0/50. se 5°. 2,9)50 4,Q/50. 5,8/50. 6,8) 30-5 3,7)50-54,7]5+5 5,6)50-56,6150-57,050.58, 5150 - ce 49-5793 50.49,8]50.50,8/50.51,8}50.52,7 51-42 415 °° 43,4; 51. 44,4; 51. 455 4 §2.36,0]52.37,0|52-38,0 $44.05 41§ 144.753) 51-48, 315 1-49, 3) 51+ $0, 3151-51, 3/5 5253 $2+3930]52.40,0)52.4.1,0]52.42,0/ 52.4 3,0]52.44,0]52.4.5,0 52. 31: ols. 32,0]52-33,0|52-34,0]52-35,0 Ss eae Oh OP part. ba * ty POP bh Ba “me Sep A bi A *e de S)'e yo Uae: We te Ts 4 +; em Ce & | tae 77 a 2 55 ES TTD URSeche erate re NLR PURSE NEO AIEIT BUN sich. UST [Seer Seca eaanIen setae aoe | 3166 | 3167 | 3168 | 3169 | 3170 | 3171 | 3172 | 3 M|M. S.1M; S./M. SIM. SM; S.1M, S.| M. S.}M. S.{M. S.1M.: ¢S. SM. .S.jM. Ss. SIM. 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O13}37 ela, 1giat ma 2013 - 3,2/31- 3,8 131-570 37132-41,0132-42, 232-42 2,9132-43, 513 $s dasttgacae olaaiac. a3 145,9132+ Ab las. 47,2132. Pelaeabdazaoetieag.cee 52,3]. 138/33-34,0/33-35,3/33-35,9133- 30,5133-37,2133: 37:8]33-38,4133-3951 i133.39,7133-40, 3133-460133-41, 6/3 3-42, 2]33-42,9)33-4355 39|34-27>7|34-28, 3)34-29,0/34.29,6 34-3 3134-39134 £31,6134.32,2/ 34: 32,9134.335 5] 34-345 2134: 34, 9)34- 35, 5134-39, 1/34 36,8 40135-20,7|35-21,3135-22,0135:22, 7135-23, 313 5-24,013 5.24, 7135-25, 3135-20,0135- 20, 7135-27, 3]35-28;013 5-285 7[39- 29) 3135-300 41136.13,7136-14,4] 36.15, 1/36. ar fa 16,4 36.17, 113611 7,8136:18, s|36.19,2136.19,8/30.20,6136.21,2 2136.21,0136.22,6}36.2 3,3 4.2137. 6.7137. 7,4137- 8, 1137. 8,8137- 9, 5137-10, 2137-10,9]37-1 1,037.12, 3137-13,0137- 13,7137: ill 37-1 §,8)/37-10,5) 43/37-59,7/38- 0,4138. 1,2/38. 31,9138. 2,638. 3.3138. 4,0138. 4,7138. 5,5}38. 6,238. 69/38. 7,6133. 3,3138- 9,0/38. 9,8 44}38.52,7|38.53,5138-54,2138.54;9) 38.55.7138. 50.4138-575 1138. 57,9138.58,0138.59, 3139. 051139 830 113139" pea 39° a 4:5}39-45>5 so-tb 50-47: 339-4839-48 8139495 39:59+3139-51.0139-51,8 49-43, 4)40.44,1140.4.4,9 4741-31 8|4- 32,6141. 334/41. .34,1141.34,0141. 35,7141. 36, $141.37,3141.38, 1/41. 58.8lar. 5ou6l4t. “40,4l4-A T2141. 42, 0|41. 438 49}42.24,8)/42.25,6142.20,4142.27,2142.28,0142.28, 8142.20, 6142.30, 414.2. 31, 2/42. 32,0142. 30,8/42-33,6]42-34,4142.3 5,214.2. 36,0 ee a 20,3143 2K; 143-2 15914 3-22, 7143-2 3 SAS: 2454/43 3p aes 26,0143 36.8145.27 043.28.4145-29,3 5145; Zola. 4,7145- 5.0145 Gale 73145. 8,145. 9,045. gles 1o,7145.11,g]45-12,4145.13,2 tgtbtlty isola 15,8 152145-56,9145-57,7145-58,6/45-59,5/40. 0,3140. 17,2146. 21146. 2,9]46. 2,8146. 4,746. 5,5140. 6,4/46. 7,3146. 8,1146. 9,0 45 3}49.49,9]4. 50,8/46.51,7/46.52, 5146.5 3,4/46.54,3146.55,2)46. 56,1 46.57,0146.57,8146.58,7149.59,0147- 9.5147. 1,4l47- 2,3 54}4+7-42,9147-43,8)47-44,7/47-45,0147.40, 514.7-47,4)47-48, 3147-49, 2147-50, 1/47.51,014.7.51,9)47-5 259147: 53,7147: 540147-5 555 135}48. 35,0148.36,8}48.37,8148.38,7|48.39.6|48.40, 5|48.41, 4148.42, 3148.43.3148-44,9148.45,1|43.46,0148.40, 9148.4.7,8/48. 138 7 A Nes De NE hd | nt 2 OT i A tre | ue ee ree pee A AE a |£9:28:9]49-29,9]49-30-8/49-5 157/49: 3217149-33,0/49-3455149-3 5.5/49-3014)49-3753149-38)3}49-3902|49-40> 1140-41, 1/49-42,0. {57|5°-22,0]50-22,9)50-23,9/50.24,8}50.25,3)50.26,7/50.27,7|50.28,0) 50.29, 0150 30, 5159. 3 ¥, §150-3254150- 33,41 59.3.4,.3/50. 35.3 > 158ls1.15,0151. 159 §1.16,0]51.17,9151-18,8]5 .19,8)5 1.20,8151.21,7/51.22,7/51-2 3,715 124,015 1. 25,0)51- Lodl5r. 27,81§1.28, 5 $9152. ri ie 0/5 2.10,0152.10,6152.11,9152-12,0152.1 3,015 2-14,0152+15,9152-16,3)52.17,8152.18,3)52.19, 8152 20,8}¢2.21,3) Peals3- 1.0153. 2.0153 gels3- 4.0153. 5.0153. 60153. 7.0183. 8.0153. g.cleg-to.cl53.1 1 0453.12,0153-13.c154.14.0153.1 50 53. awh pI Hhh OF 73 - [ 214 ] vi Ra tne | 59 Minutes, Baier Fr eae “ 4 258 Ti2G 16” 34 I O77 19” 20% mA 17 2 Pigs 2 3 if = | 3196 | 3197 | 3198 | 2199 | 2200 | 3201 | 3202 | 3203 | 3204 | 320 3207 | 3208 | 3209 | 224% M|/M. 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LA eae ae gg eae bist lige, Se" esa ime soe sa use lise. ea eam 3220 | 3229 | 3230 | 3231 | 3232 | 3233 | 3234 | 3235 | 3236 | 3237 | 3238 | 32391 3240 5.|M. S.|M. .S.)M. S|/M. S./JM. S.)M, S.JM. S/M. SIM. SIM. S.1M. S.1M. 8. 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Q,1|52-10,1}52.11, 0152. 172,0 9915 **5202)52-5 32152-54021 52-5 912152. 5652152.57,2152-58,1/52-59,1153. 0,1/53- 1,1/53. 2,1153. 3,1 SP pisube elo re inal ¢ 015 3-45.015 2-47 .C|53-48.015,2,40,0153.50,0|52.61.0]52.52,0152-53.0]5 2. 64.0]52.55.0 ? 3-§6,0153-5750153-58-0153-59-0154. 5.8} ~ S 158]52-13,0)52-13,9152-14,9]52-15,9]52-16,8)52.17,8/52.18,8/52.19, 7] 52-20,7)5 221,715 2.22.6)52.23,0)52.24,6/5 2.25, 9152.26, 5 $9153: 7,9153- 8,0153- 9,9153- 9,9}53-10,9)53-11,9]53-12,9]53-13.9]53-14,9]53-15,8)53-10,8)53-17,8153-18,8153.19,8)53.20,8 fO0N54- 1,0/54- 2,0154- 3,154 4:0154- 5,0154- 60154. 7,0154- 90154. 9,0154-10,0154-11,0154.12,0154.13,0154.14,015 4-15.04 54 Minutes. ‘ At7 al: / tf 10 Th aan ed | 3252 | 3253 | 3254] 3255 ——_—————— | — | — | | i SS | | Ms. SS.) Mit SiMe SM. oS.) 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SMe S| Mee tS! PML? 8.) Meo S (Mie SMa Sti M. 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Mee ee ea 187 Lo isot 29 30 | 343 | 3437.1} 3438 | 3439 | 3440 3. 3450 | MIM. SM. SIM. SjM. S!M. 8. 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SMe 2SM. S.iM. S.)M. “SifM. S.)M. SMe SMe .S:1M. +°S.)Moe Si] Me S.IM. 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9-37-0] 9-372] 9-373] 9-37°5 en | ee | | em ee enemies cee eee | neeenemecmrnemes | mene en en: | me ee cee | a | re | | RRS Ma bY bP oe _ OO COm?t OD rs me | ee a | i | | | Ree ere | oennneemeemeen, | SRE reemnicmeesi | ee a ee cee | RR ee | ne a en | em | crn | Te 16}15.20, 3115.20, 5/15.20,8]15.21, 1/1 5-21, 3115-21,0/15.21,9|15.22,1/15.22,4|15.22,7115-22,0]/15.23,2|1 5-23, 5115.23, 7|15-24,0 17|16.17,8/16.18, 1|16.18,4}16.18,6)16.18,9|16.19,2]16.19, §]16.19,8]16.20, 1116.20, 3116.20,6116.20,9]16.21,2|16.21,5110.21,8 18]17.15;3|17-15,6)17.15,0]17-16,211 7.16, 5|17.16,8}17-17,1/17-17,4]17-17,7|17-18,0]1 7-18, 3117.18, 6}17.18,9|17-19,2|57-19,5] 19]18.12,8]18.13,1/18.13,5/18.13,8]18.14,1/18.14,4118.14,7)18.15,0/18.15,4|18.15,7]/18.16,0]18.16, 3118.16,6]18.16,9]18.17, 3 21/20. 7,9]20. 8,2120. 8,6]20. 89/20. 9,3]20. 22121. ,A/21..°5, 7121. 6,121. -6, 5121+. 6, 8121. 2.3122. 259/22. 3,3122. 3,7/22. 4,0122. 4,4/22. 2.4123..0,4123. 0,8123. 1,2/23. 1,6/23. 2,0]23. | | os | es | ee | ee te | cee ee | ee | ere ee ee | ee ee | ee er | enn | nna 31|29-43,0/29.43, 32)30.40, 5130.41, 33 31.38, 1/31.38, 31.39, 2131-30, 7131-40, 3131-40, 8/31-41,4 31.41,9}31-42,5}31.43,0 31.4.3,6/31-4.4, 1131-44, 7131.45, 2 31.45,9 34/32-35,6132.36, 1132.36, 7/32.37, 3132-3 7,9) 32°39,4|32-39,0132-30, 5132-40, 1132.40, 7132-41, 2/32.41,8132.42,4/32.42,9132.43,5 33-3397133-34> 313 3: 3459133°3594/33- 30,0] 33-30,013 3-3 752133: 371913 3-393] 33-399 33-39 5133-4 1133-40 7133-4153 36134. 30,6)34.31,2)34.31,8134-32,4134-33,0134-33,0/34.34,2/34.34,8134. 35,4134. 36,0134. 30,6134.37,2]/34.37,8134.38,4134. 39,0 3735-28, 1135-28, 7/35-294135-30,0135- 3013 5-3152135-31,8/35-32,4/3 5-33, 1135-33: 7135+34> 31359: 34:9/35-3595/35°3051/35-30,8 36.2.5,6130.26, 3136.26,9/36.27, 5130.28, 2] 36.28, 8/36.29,4/36.30, 1/30. 30, 7136.31, 3136-32,0130.3 2,0136.3 3, 2130.3 3,9)30.34, 5 39|37-23>2137-23,9137-245 5137-259 1137-2 599/37-202413 7-275113 7-275 7|37-28,4137+20,0137-292 7137+ 3% 3137-310137-31,0137-3253 40138.20, 7138.21, 3/39.22,0138.22,7|38.23, 3135-24,0)] 35.24, 7138.25, 3) 33-26,0138.26, 7/ 33.27, 3] 38.28, 0138.28, 7/38.29, 3] 33.30,0 41139.18,2/39.18,9|39.19,6139.20,2|39-20,9139-21,6): 40.16,4140.17,1]40.17,8]40.18,5140-19,2140.19,9]40.20,6140.21, 3140.22,0140.22,71/40.23,4/40.24, 1140.24,8140.25, 5 41.14,7/41.15,4|41-16, 1141.16, 8141.17, 5/4.1.18,2141.10,0/41.19,7141-20,4]41.21,1141.21,8/41.22,5141.23,2 44\42.10,7|42.11,5]42.12,2142.12,0|42-13,7|42.14,4]42.15,1|42.15,9142.16,6/42.17, 3142.18, 11/42.18,8)42.19, 5/42.20, 3/42.21,0 | ES | ES | | ES | A | RS | A | Ne | nS | NS, | ETE | er | ee ne | eR aca 46144. 5,844. 06,5144. 7,3144. 8,1/44. 8,8)44. 9,6)44.10,4/44.11, 1/44.11,9]44-12, 7144.1 3,4144.14,2144.1 5,0/44.15, 7144.16, 5 47145+ 353145- 451145- 459145- 56145. 6,414.5. 7.2145. 8,0/45- 8.8145. 9,0/45-10,3145.11,1145.11,0)45-12, 7145-13, 5/45-14,2 48146. 0,8146. 1,6/46. 2,4146. 3,2146. 4,0146. 4,8146. 5,6/46. 6,4140. 7,2146. 8,0146. 8,8/46. 9,6/40.10,4146.11,2146.12,0 49146.58, 3145.59, 1147- 0,0147. 0,8/47- 1,6/47. 2,4147- 3,2147- 4,0147- 4,9147- 5.7147- 6,5/47- 7,3/47- 8,1/47- 8,9/47- 9,8 §0147-5529147-50,7|47-57>5|47-5 9» 3}47° 592 48. 0,0/48. 0,8/48. 1,7148. 2,5/48. 3.3148. 4,2 48. 5,0/48. 5,8}48. 6,7148. 7,5 51148.53,4149.54,2/48.55, 1148.5 5,9148.50,8/48.57,6148.53, 5148.59, 3/49. 0,2)49- 1,0/49. 1,9149- 2.7149. 3,6/49- 4.4149. 5,3 52149-52,0]49-51,7149-521059-5 3,5)49-54 3}49-5 522149-50, 1149-50,9149-5758] 49-58, 7149-5955/50- 04/50. 1,3/50. 2,1150- 3,0 § 3159-48, 4150-49, 3]50-59, 2150-5 1,0} 59-5 159150. 5 2,8] 50-535 7150-5450] 50-5 5,5152- 58, 3/50-5752|50-58, 115 0.59,0)50.59, 9151. 0,8) 54|51-45,9]5 1-46, 8/5 1-47, 75 1-48,6)5 1-49, 5151-59415 1-51, 3)51-52,2)5 1-53, 1/5 1-54,0]51-54,9)51-55,8/51.50,7/51.57,0/5 1558, 5 § 5152-43415 2-44, 3152-45, 3152.40, 2152-47, 115 2-48, 0|52-48,9]52-49,8]52- 50,8152. 51,715 2-52,0152-5 3, 5/52-5444| 52-55, 3152-50, 21, a | | ES | SS | RS | | EE RS | EN, | ET | NE | eR | EE | a | ee | seen | eS 57154-38,5]54:39-4154-40,4/54-41,3154.42,3)54-43,2154.4.4,2/54-45,1154.40,1/54.47,015.4-48,0154.48,0/54.409,9154-59,8154.51,8 58155-39915 5-39,9]55-37>9155-3929]55-39:9]5 5-40,8155-41,815 5-425 7155-43: 7155-44 755-4516] 55-40,015 5-4 72015 5.48, 5]55-49,5 59150-33> 5}59-34,5|50+35>5|50-35,4) 50.37,.4150-38,4150.39,4150-40,4150.4.1,4150-42,3)56.43,3} 50.4.4, 3156-45, 3)50.46, 3/50.4.7, 5} 60157-31,9157+32,015 7:33:15 7-345 7°359915 7-3 92157-37015 7239, 015 7-395 7400015 7-4 10157-42501 57-4.3,0157-4-4,015 7-450}. 57 Minutes. | | TC | ENO | ences | eens | ene=apemeecenenee ene ee | a ns, 3467 | 3468 | 3469 | 3470 | 3471 | 3472 | 3473 | 3474 | 3475 | 3476 | 3477 | 3478 | 3479 | 3480 V,.6)3”D mn Ieee | | st 1M. SAM. SM. S.hM. S.1M. S —— lS | | | | net SS | | | A | Se | ances | erence 0.57,0; 0.57,8] 9.57,9] 0.57,9] 0.57,9 0.58,0] 0.58,0 1.5550] 1-55,7] +5557) 1-55.71 1-55,8 1.55,9] 1-55,9 2-53; 5) 2-535] 2-530] 2.53,6) 2-53,7 8) 2-539] 2.5359 3-513} 3-5153] 3-51,4] 3-51,5] 3-51,5 3-51,8) 3-51,9 Ss 4:49,1) 4-49,2] 4-49,3] 4.49,3] 4-49.4 _4-49,8] 4-49,8 5:49,9) 5-47,0) 5-475) 5-47.21 §-47,3 6.44,7| 6.44,8] 0.45,0| 6.45,1] 6.45,21 6 7-425] 77-4257) 7-42,8) 7-42,9] 7-43,1 8.40,4] 8.40,5] 8.40,7] 8.40,8] 8.41,0] 8 10 9:38,21 9-383] 9-385] 9-38,7} 9-38,8 11]10.35,4/10.35,0)10.35,8]10. 36,0110. 36, 2/10. 36, 4110.36, 6110.36, 7 10.36,9|10.37,1]10.37,3]10.37,5]10.37,6|10.37,8110.28,0 T2/11.33,2/11-33,4111.33,6/11.33,8]11.34,0l11.34,2l11.24,4]1r.34,6 11.34,8/11.35,0]11.35, 2] 12.32, 7/12.32,0112.33,1|12.33,4/12.32,6|12.33,8112.34,0 |... , |... 0 | | ae | A | | cc | ee | en | fe 16.22,6)16.22,9116.23,9116.23, 5116.23, 7|16.24,0|16.24, 3110.24,6]16.24,9|10.25,2 16.25,4116.25,7116.26,0 18}17.19,8]1 7.20, 1]17.20,4]17.20,7117-21,011 7-21, 3]17.21,6]17.21,9|17-22, 2/1 7.22,5 17.22,811 7.23, 111 7.23,4119.23,7117.24,0 19118.17,6/18.17,9|18.18, 2118.18, 6]18.18,8 13,19, 2/18.19,5]18.19,8]18.20, 1/18.20,4118.20,7118.21,1/18.21,4 18.21,7|18.22,0] 20}19-15,3|19-15,7)19-16,0]19.16, 3]19.16,7]19-17,0]19-17,3|19-17,7|19-18,0|19.18, 3 19-18, 7]19.19,0]19.19,3119-19,7119.20,0 —— | | eR | | eee | ner fem aa | eet 2 1/20.1 3, 1120.1 3,5]20.1 3,8/20.14,2}20.14, 5120.14,9]20.15,2]20.15,6/20.15,9/20.16,3|20.16,6 2.0.17,0]20.17, 3120.17, 7120.18,0 29+ 2,4125. 2,8/25. 32125. 3,725. 4.1125. 4,5/25. 56,0125. 5,4) - 0,6/26. 1,1]26. 31,5126. 2,0126. 2,4126. 2,9126. 3,3 ee | ene | ee [42+23>2142-23,0142.24,7142.25,4142.26,1142.26,0/42.27,6142.28, 3142.29, 1142.29,8 42.30, 5142.31, 3142.32,0 0 ol hee OS | S| | | Oe re 2 TD DS 48.15,0148.15,8]48.16, 7148.17, 5148.18, 2148.19,2148.20,0 49. 6,1149. 7,0149. 7,8]40. 8,7149- 9,5/49-10, 4149.11, 2!49.12,7 49-12.9/49-13,8)49.14,60]49-15,5149.16, 3149.17,2 49.18,0 9 5150: 753150. 8,2150. 9, 1150. 9,9/50.10, 8150. 50-13,4/50.14, 3)50.15,1150.16,0. + 1,0)5T. 25/51. 3.4151. 4,315. 52s | erent | iit ties i ease Ps nt a | cet nent aceite 21st. Qs. O,ons1. M Bist. (Bi7ist. ‘ SUEY, 4|51.12,2151.13,1151.14,0 si. * O,3/92- 1,2/52.°2,1/52. 3,0152. 3.9152. 4,8152. 5,7152-. 6,652 - 8.4152. 9, 3/52.10,2/52.11,1|52.12,0 55}92°57:2/5?-5°-1152-$9,0152-59,9153- 0,8)53. 1,8]53. 2.7153. 3-0/53- 4.5|53- 5.4153- 6,3153- 7.3153. 8.2153. 9,1153.10.0 5015 3-546]53-55>0153-56,8153.57,7153-58,7153-59,0154- 0,5|54- 145/54 24154 - 453154. 5.2154. 6,1)54. 7,1154. 8,0 57 $4-52-7 54:5357 54-54, 4.56,5 5457551545954 54-5914 55: %3 : vey 392155: 4,1)55- 5.1 55: 6,0 58155-555)55-5154155-52 5-5453135-55+3155-593]55-5722|55+5852155-59:2]56. 0,1156. 1,1|56. 2,1156. 32,0156. 4,0 59]50.48, 2156.49,0)55.50, 9.5 2,2}59.5 3,2/50.54, 1156-55, 1150.55, 1156.57, 1156.58, 1156.59, 1157. 0,0/57. 1,0)57. 2,0) 60)§7-40,0157-47.0}57-48,0157. 7: $2,945 72515457: $2,015 7.530015 754,015 7-5 559,57 -50.0157-57,0159.58,0]57.59,c]58. 0.0) 58 Minutes. 223° | Tr 1 2” ar at oa 6's F vik . 37 go 10” 11” 12” 127 14” 15 ~ 13481 | 3482 | 3483 | 3484 | 3485 | 3486 | 3487 | 3488 | 3489 | 2490 | 3491 | 3492 | 3493 | 3494 | 3495 | MIM. S.|M.S|M. S/M. S|M. S/M. S{M. SM. SIM. S.JM. S{M. S|M. S|M. S.JM. 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SIM. SM. S/M. S1M.. S.1M. JM. 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Ya OY Os at, Set eS a © © im a o fe} re - - §0-41,7150-42,7 2 O ie wu op = as rin - _— co Nos O* om oom ee a AR AR A, Oe CNS fcomens M2 Gos fe 41139-5932139-59,9|49- 04/40. 1,2140. 1,9140. 2,6/40.-3,3]40. 4,0]40.. 4,7]40. 5,3]40.°6,0]40. 6,7/40. 7,4/40. 8,1/40. 8,8 4.2140:57,7140. sf 4/4.0.59, 1]40. sala 41. 0,5/4T. 12141. 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We al Re GB ha Pa Pa eae —— | ——— sf a en een eeseneme leaned jmsanemmameneetl ween need Ce Sune Wen ke a rn ee ee | a fe | 5.{M. S.)M. , S.1M. —_— | | canaencnntiree | sunticrmmerceee | eeeeeniacesnaneree. | mweteenestieme at re forrest (Pe RCL | A | TER | ENR 3 595 0-59,9 0.5959] I+ 0,0] I. 0,0] 1. 0,0] I. 0,0 21 1-59,5 59 1.59, 1.59,9} 1+59,9| 1-59,9] 2. 0,0/"2. 0,0 3} 2. 59; 5997 259,85} 2-59,9} 2.59,9] 3. 0,0] 3. 0,0 4] 3-591 59 3-595 3-597} 3:59:58] 3-59,9] 3-59,9| 4. 0,0 5] 4: 4-59) 459.4 4:59,7|_4:59,9| 4.5958] 450,90] 5+ 0,0 6} 5 5-591 5-593 5-599] 5-597 5+5958] 5+59,9| 6. O,0 41 6.58,4 6.59,0 6.59, 6.595 5| 05957} 6-59;,8] 6.59,9] 7. 0,0 8] 7-58,1 7-58,8 7-591 7:59>5|: 75920] 7:5957] 7-59,9} 8. 0,0 9| 8-57;9 8.538,7 8.59,0 8.59.4} 9-59,6] 8-59,7) 8.59,9] 9. 0,0 ne | eer enens | merase a | eee 21/205 5,1120.55,5/20.55,8 2|20.570/29-57;9]20.58, 3120.58,6/20.59,0 2.0.59, 3120.59,7/21. 0,0 22/21.54,0121.55,2/21.55,6 21.57,1/21.57,4/21-57,8)21.58, 2121.68, sla1.58,9 21-59, 3]21.59,6]/22. o,0 24120, 2.2.56,6122.56,0/22.57,3/22-5757/22-58, 1122.58, 5 2.2.58,9122+59,2/22.59,6123. 0,0 2.4|23 012 3..56,0|2 3.56, 4/2 3.56,8]23.57,2123.57,0 23-58,0123.58,4123.58,8]23.59,2123.59,6]24. 0,0 25/24:54,2124.54,6/24.55,0124.565 24-56, 3124-56, 7|24-57,1|24-57)5|24-5759|24-58, 3/24.58,8 24:59» 2124.59,0}25. 0,0 26 Foe gota 2 3 SH 8/2 5:5.592125-5 51 7125-505 1125.50, 6125-57,0125-5 7,412 5-57, 8125.58, 3125-58, 2.5+59>1)25-59,6/26. 0,0 2.7|29-537|26.54,2/26.54,6|26.55, 1126.55, 5]26.56,0 26.56,4|26.56,0)20.57, 3126.57,8)26.58,2 26.58, 7}26.59,1|26.59,6|27. 0,0] 28127-53,5127-53,9127-54,4127-54,9 27-5593|27-55,8|27-56, 3127-50,7127-57,2127-57, 7127-5851 27-58,6127.59; 1]27.59,5|28. 0,0 29)29.53,2/28.53,7|28.54,2/28.54,7 28-5 5)2/28.55,7|28.56, 1/28.56,6|28,57,1/28.57,6 28.58, 1/28.58,6128.59,0]28.59,5]29. 0,0 LE | ee | es | ee | ee | ec | eee | mene nope 33-5453]33-5419133-55251/33-50,0133-50,0133.5752133.57,7/33.58,3133.58,9133.69,41 346. 0,0} 39135-51,135-52,2/35.52,8]35-53,4135.54,0]36.64,0135.66,2 35-55>8/35-5,4/35-57,013 : 37139-51,4|36.52,0]36.52,6]36.53,2 36.53,8/36.54, 5136.55, 1136-55, 7/30.56, 3 36.56,9]36.57, 5136.58, 2130. 58,8 36-59,4137. 0,0 38/37-51,1/37.51,8137.52,4137.53,0137.53,7 39138-50,9138.51,6/38.52, | es | mencnmeesresineens | jan -omupsceeesnuee ee, | ees | ccna | Seeeranenpeneuseee LS |: | NR | Se | ens 41/49. 50,4140. 51, 1140.51, 8140.52, 5140.53,2 40. 53,9140. 54, 5|40.55,2 40.55,0) 49.50,6140.57,3/40.58,0 40-58,6/40.59, 3141. 0,0 49141.50,2141.50,914.1.51,6/41.52,3/41.53,0 41-53,7/41-54,4141.55,1141.56,014.1.56,5141.57,9 41.5759141-58,6}41.59,3142. 0,0 43}42-59,0142.50,7142.51,4142.52,1142.62,8 42.53,6/42.54,3142.55,014.2.55,7 42.50,4142.57,1 42.57,9142-59,C142.59, 3143. 0,0 44143-49,7|43-50, §143.51,2 43:52 7|43-53,4)43-54,1/43-54,9143-55>6/43-50,3143-57,1143.57,8143-58,5143.59,3144. 0,0 FOIE AO Sd 5Or3|44 5 1o0l44-51,8]44-52, 5]4.4- 53,3144. 54,0144-54,8144-55, 5144-56,3144-57,0144.97,8144. 68,514.69, 9146, 0,0 45145-49,3}45-50,0145.50,8145°51,6145.52,3145.53, 1145.53,9145-54,0l4s.¢5,4 45-5952/45-50,9145.57,7145-58,5145-59,2140. 0,0 47}40.49,0146.49,8/46.50,6146.§1,4|40.52,2|40.53,0 46.53.7140.54,5140.55,314.56,1146.56,9146.57,7146.58,4146.59,2147. 0,0 48/47-48,8147.40,6147.50,4147.51,2147.52,0147.62,8 47-53,9/4.7-54,4147-5552147-50,0147.50,8]47.57,6147.58,4147.69,2148. 0,0 49|48-48,6148.49,4148.50,2148.51,0148. 51,814.52, 7148.53, 5148.¢4, 3148.56, 48.55-9148.56,7148.57,6148.58,4148.59,2149. 0,0 15°|49-48, 3149-49, 2|49-50,0149.50,8|49-51,7|49. 62,5 49-53+3149-542149-55,9149-55,9/49.56,7149-57,5149-58, 3|49-59,2|50. 0,0 I52 50-48, 1150.49,0 50-49,8 59-59 7}59-5155]50-52,4150.5 3, 2150.54, 1150. 54,6 59-55,8159.56,6150.57, 5 59-58, 3]50.59,2|51. 0,0 52/5 1-47+9151-48,7151-49,6)51.50,5]51-5153151.52,2[51.53, 1151-53,9151-54,8|51-55,7151.56,6 51-5724}51-58,3151-591152. 0,0 5 3152-4756152.48, 5]52.49,4 5 +50 3152-5152152.5251152-52,0152-53,8/52+5457/52-55,0152.56,5162.07,4 52.58,2)52.59,1153. 0,0 54]53°47-4)53-48,3153-49,2153-50,1153.51,0153.51,0153-52,8153-53,7153-54,015 3-55:5|53-0.4 53:57 3}53-58,2] 53-59, 1|54- 0,0 55|54:4707154-48,1154 49,0}54.49,9154.50,8]54.51,8 54-5723154-§8,2/54-59,1|55: 0,0 ; 55°572155-58,1155-59,1|50- 0,0 '158-55)59-5155]56-52,4150. 5 3.4150-54,3150.55,3150-56,2150.57,2156.¢8,1 $6.59,1|57- 0,0 57-434)57-49,4157-50,3157-51, 3157-52, 3157-5 352157-54s2157-55.2157-5651 57-5751157-5831157-59,0158- 0,0 58-48, 2 58.40,° 58.575 1158.58,0158.59, 0150. 39-48,9} 59.49, 59-57 20199-531499 54 559-55»°159-56:9}59-5750159-58,0159-59,0|00. 40,5157-47,4 58-46, 2158.47,2 10}59.46,01¢9:47.0 aed Sed 59-47 Fn Cow OS Lr fi ~ No) Per eeta montane meer nee CN ' R's eee para Walesa) OF THE EQUATION or SECOND DIFFERENCE, FOR CORRECTING tHe EQUATIONS PLANETARY MOTIONS. Enter the table with the fecond difference at top, and with the minute of.aroument on the fide, the correfponding number of the table is the correction required, This fubftracted from the proportional part of the firft difference (anfwering to the minutes and feconds of argument) if the firft difference is increaf- ing, but added if it is decreafing, gives the proportional part corrected; which properly applied to the equation of the next inferior degree of argument, gives the equation correct. N.B. In ftrictnefs, the table ought to be entered with the mean of the two fecond differences of the equation table; but in practice this nicety will feldom be of confequence: However, the attention to it is fo eafy, that it may be as well ufed as not. Ppp ‘was 1y jo “UryAT On~r COW” iS o 457 4,9} » ae 535 6,0} 6,1 $97 6,2 6,3 5:9 6,4) 6.5 6,1 6,6 6,7 12.0) 6,2 6,8 6,9 se 599 6,4 6,9| 751 22)7 6,0 6,5 1 7,11 752 123 6,1 6,6 9,21 7,3) 24. 6,2 6,7 72 744 426 6,4 8} 6,9, 751750 iy 6.4 se 7:5) 707 "0 6,5 8 7,0 7,6] 757 29 6,5 Q| 72° 7,5] 75% 30 6,5} ' 9} 750 75 7,8 doves: ren" Nh Gy = Go SO GS Gs Y IC CONT ON alittle a OO wh PN ND By el gt eee ~I nlc res bo ase 8)5 2 4,2) 4,3 4,5 4,6 wie ow oe | |] J - ff | ~ v me SO STO OO w > SS Ss COmT ONB & éy ) 020000 J » foo © oom I 0,6} 0,6 EAL eg 1,7) 1,7 Dal h Dot 2,6] 2,7 9 3:0} 361] 3,31 3,2 354 355] 35} 3.0} 3,6 359 399} 329 4:9) 4,0 3 453] 4:3) 441 455 4,8 4,9) 7] 4:7] 48) 491 49] 550 5,2 $20} 50O7 Sth 552 555} 5,6 5944 5-4. 555 5,6 599 6,0 507 528 6,3 6,4. 6,0} 6,1 6,6] 6,7 6,3} 6,4 6,9] 7,0 t S| ee Se ee) ae, pe eee jodeosie os ag bet BRETT pane) ee et AE Ea Bae mo nf ef ff ft | —— J 4/ 7 i | | | | | | —_ EC | | | I I I I | | ws v a » HO bo . — i) co onwrs SI o_O Ot CO MOST ST “I Os Se) | 797 8,4] 8,5 729 8,6 8,7) 8,0 8,7 8,9 8,2 1 8,9] 9,0 8,3 ie) 9,1 8,3 rere 8,4 Sie 8,5 8, 5 Second Difference. —— | ——— | ——_——_— | -___ |__|} -_- | ee ref em ee fn | ef | en fm a nf fm fe | | | | | I | FE | | | ————_ |] —— | —__—_ ef ee en ne fe ff — nn ff ES a mn ——— | | | | J SS] SEY OO ef fe _—_—— | | | |] | | fj | | SO et SS DOT | oo oS ee | ee ee | | | | | | | | | | TF — |_| ee] | FS EF CL ——<. | $$ |] ————— | —————— fj —___—_ | |] i a ff | | | — | ———— | | | —j ——<—— | ——_j| ———_——_ | 5,4 5,8 5,9] 0,0 52] 59} 5,7] 5,2] 5.2) 5,9] 6,0} 6,0) 6,1] 6,2] 6,3) 6,3 6,51 6,5} 6,6] 0,7) 6,7 6,31 6,4 6,8) 6,9] 7504 750 beh, Pod oi a 733 14) 7s ’ 92 737 729 ,0 735| 7,6 8,1 8,3} 8,4 7:9} 8,0 Se 8,7] 8,8 hy, ,2| 8,3 8,7] 8,81 8,91 9,01 9,11 9,21 9,31 9.41 9,5] 9,0 8,0 »5| 8,6 | 9,21 9,3} 9,4} 9.5 8,3 18 8,9 9,6 9,7] 9,8] 9,9]10,0]10, 1]10, 2/10, 3]10,4 10,5 8,5 7H 9,2 9,8]10,0]10, 1] 10, 2}T0, 3110, 4] 10, 5}10,6|10, 7]10,8 8,8 531 9.4 9,9]19,0} 10, 1110, 2/10, 2]10, 4 10,6 10,7|10,8/10,Qj/11,0]11,1 | | | ,6 . . Orn 5: “-*O _ Oo O = O ae pany 2 ie) _ e Ww “ — Oo bs _ Oo o> O ~I _ Oo co bom Oo \O _ Lomi O = Lol to pay _ ws Lol tm fs i Le | (Sal Powwyw ~y 9,9}10,0)10, 1110, 3}70, 4/10, 5}10,6)10, 8/10, 9/11, O}1 1, 1£1, 3}11, 4/11, 5/11,6)61,8]11,0/12,0]12,1 12,3}12,4 TT, S[11,0]12,1]12,2)12, 3|12,4 9,9]10,O}10, 110, 2}10,4)10, 5110, 6]10, 7/10, 9]11,0]11, 1/11, 2101, 4) £1, 6/11,6)11, 7/1 1,9]12,0]12,1/12,2/12,4 12, 5| 9-9|LO, Of 10, I] 10, 3}10,4] TO, 510,610, 8]10, 9/1 1,0]7 1, 1] 1, 3]01,4]11,5|11,6 A Tasue of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful in computing the Moon’s Place from the Nautical Ephemeris. Second Difference of the Moon’s Place. Apparent Time after Noon or o Minute. 1 Minute. 2 Minutes, 3” Midnight. oO” rot, 20 4 30" 40” 50” ao” lo” 20” 30” 40°" [ao fe} 7 H. M.! H. M. i PG, i Guegy 7 a BZ a RD i eT) GP, oo sv. . 7a 4 a 0,0] 0,0 0,0 O. 0,89 0,8] 0,9} 1,0 1,1} 1,28 1,2 oO. 1,59 1,6] 1,8] 1,9 2,2] 2,39 2,4) Q. 2,29 2,4) 2,6) 2,8 3,21 3,49 3,6 e 298 391) 354) 357 4:2) 4559 47 : 3,08 3,9] 452) 455 552] 5.58 5,8 I. 4,2 4,6 5:0 533} 537 6,1 6,5 9 I. 4,8 593] 557 6,1 6,6 7:01 7258 7:9 ai 5,48 5,9} 6,4] 6,91 7,4] 7,9] 8,49 8,9} I. 6,0} 6,6 7>1 77 8,2 8,3 9:3 9,8 I. 6,69 7,21 7,8] 8,4] 9,0] 9,6|10,2110,8 I. 71 7,8 8,4 9,1) 9,7]/10,4)11,0 11,6 2. 7,6 | 8,3 920} 9,7|10,4/11, 1/11, 8912, 5 2. 8,19 8,9] 9,6/10,4]11,1/11,8]12,6 13, 2. 8,69 9,4]10,2|11,0]11,4]12,6 13,3 2. 91H 9,9]10, 7/11, 5]12,4]13,2)14,081 4,8) 2. Q> 510,4|01,2]12,1113,0]13, 8114, 791 5,6 2. Q, 9910, 8/11, 7]12,6/1 3, 5114,4/15,3816,2 3. Q,4|TO, 341, 3112,2]1 3, 1/14, 115,011 5,0916,9 3: 9, 7]10, 7811, 7|12,6)1 3,6)14,6]15,5/16, 5817, 5 3. 20} 8. Q, O10, O}1 1,09 12,0/13,0)14,0115,0/16,0]17, 1118, 7 3. 301 8. 3 9, 3]10, 3111, 4812, 411 3,411.4, 5/15, 5116, 5/1 7,081 8,6 3. 40} 8. 6 Q,5[10, 6/11, 791 2,717 3,8)14,9 15,9|17,0]/18,098TO, If 3. 50] 8. 7,6} 8,7] 9,8]10,9112,091 3,0}14, 1]15,2 16, 3117,4]18, 5819,6] Ae 8, Q}10,0]1 1, 1/12, 281 3, 3114, 411 5,6 16, 7|17,8]18,0§20,0 4. 10 79] 9, 4]20, 2/11, 3/12, SHI 3,6]14, 7/1 5,911 7,0118, 1119, 3820,4 4. 20 8,1] 9,2/10,4]1 1, 5/12, 781 3,8]15,0116, 1117, 3 18, 5119,6920,8 4. 30 8,2) 9,4/10, 5111, 7/1 2,081.4, 1/1 5,2116,4 17,6118, 8119, 9921,1 4. 40 8,31 9,5 10, 7/1 1,11 3, 1914, 3115,4116,6]17,8}19,0]20,2 21,4) 4. §0| 8,41 9,6/10,8)12,0}1 3, 214,411 5,6]16,8118,0 19,2420, 4821,6 5. 8,5] 9, 7|10,9}12, 211 3.4814, 6] 5,811 7,0118,2]19,4}20, 792 1,9 6. : 6 9,8) 1,011 2, 3/13, 5814, 7|15,9117,2118,4] 19,6120, 8822, 1 5, F 6 Q,Qj1 1, 1}12, 317 3,681 4,8)16,0117, 3178, 5 19, 8|2 1,0922,2 ry 4 6 9 O)11,2112,411 3,791 4,9116, 1117, 4/18, 6/19, 9]23, 1 22,3 bs: : 6 TO,O}11,2}12, 5} 3,791 5,016, 2117, 4118, 91/19, 9]21,282.2,4 &- : 6, TO,O)11,2/22, 511 3,781 5,0)16, 2117, 6/18, 7/20,0]21, 2822, 5 b. 6, 10, Q}1T, 3/42, 5/1 3,891 5,0]16, 3117, 5178,8]20,0 21,2922, Enter. the table with the mean of the two fecond differences of the moon’s motion for twelve hours in the Nautical Ephemeris, whether in longitude or latitude, at the top, and with the apparent time after noon or midnight on the fide; the correfponding num. ber of the table is the correction required. This fubcraéted from the proportional part of the firft difference of the motion in twelve hours, if it is increaling, or added, if it is decreafing, gives the proportional part corrected; which properly applied to the moon’s longitude or latitude, at the noon or midnight preceding the given time, gives the moon’s longitude or latitude correct. [ 245 ] Continuation of the Tass of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful in scom- puting the Moon’s Place from the Nautical Ephemeris. “Apparent Time | Second Difference of the Moon’s Place. eas -{ after Noon or J 3 Minutes. 4 Minutes. 5 Minutes. Midnight. =f 9 207 }207 [407507 f 0” |1020%130%|40"| 50°F 0” |10%|20%|307140 | 50 Zar ara ead ee ae Ze ed DZ f 0,0] 0,0} 0,0} 0,0] 0,0] 0,0f 0,0} 0,0] 0,0] 0,0] 0,0 0,0} 0,0] . 5° 1,2) 1,5 1,6) 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,8 1,9 Oo. °. . 40h 2,4 ; 3,01 3,18 3,2} 3.4) 3,5 3,6} 3,3 Oo. - 30 3,6 4,4] 4,68 4,81 5,0] 5,21 5,4) 556 O. 208 4,9 3} 6,09 6,3) 56) 6,8) 7,1] 7,3 °. 10 5,8 7:44 7,8] 8,1] 8,4) 8,7] 9,0 Lt of 6,9 8,4) 8,89 9,21 9,5] 9.9]10,3/10, 7/1 11911, g]t1,9]12,2112,6]1 3,0]13,4 ——_—$— — | —$—$— |] ——_——_] —__--—_ So + = = et Ke ee tee ter aie eee ee eee ee eg Cee eS eee Se ey [————$——| = |§ --———. PI 2? -Psh-P 2OETO, 1120, 2121, 2122, 312.3,3124,4925, 5120, 5127,0|28,6]29, 7130,8831,8)32,9]34,0135,0] 36,1137, 1938, 2 10fr9,6}20, 7121, 712.2, 812 3,912.5,0926, 1127, 2)28, 3/29, 330,41 31,5932,6133, 7134, 9135,9|37,0138,0830, 1 _0420,0}21, 1]2252]23,312444)2.5,0426, 712758)28,9130,0131,1132,2533, 31345413 556) 30,713758]38,9§40,0 502.0, 4121, 5/22, 712 3, 8]24,9/26, 1927, 2128, 3120, 5/30,6)3 1,7122,0134,0135, 1136, 3137.4) 38, 5139,7140,8 4° 20,8 21,9 23,1 24,2 25, 26,5 2757 28,8 32,0 3151 3253 333513456 3558 36,9 38,1 39,2 40,4941,5 30921, 1122, 3123,4]24,6/25,8,27,0928, 1129, 3] 30, 513 1,613.2, 814,08 35,2130, 313755139, 7|/39,0141,0)42,2 2.0421,412.2, 612.3, 8}2.5,0/26, 1]27, 3828, 5129, 7130,9]32, 1/33, 31345593 5,0/3058]38,0139,2140,4/41,0)42,8 10]2.1,0/2.2,9]24, 1125, 3)26, 5127, 7428,9139, 113153132, 5133, 713449830 1137>3)38,513957140,9)42,1843,3 Of21,9]23, 1124, 3125, 5|29, 7}28, 0929, 2130,4131,0132,8134,0135, 2836, 5137>7139>91405 114.13 50422, 1]23, 3/24, 5125, 71275028, 2929,4130,6131,9133, 1134, 3135,6436,8]38,0]39, 2140, 514157142, 0144, 1 40422, 212 3, 5124, 712 5,9|27,2128,49 29, 6)30,0)32, 1133, 3]345035,8)37,0/38, 3139,5140,7/42,014 3284444) © + 30422, 3)23,6124,8)26, 1127, 3|28, 629,813 1,0132, 313 3,513418) 36,043 7,2)38,5139,7/41,0142, 21434144, + 20422,412.3,7124,0)26, 2127,4 28, 7§29,0)31,2132,4133,6134,9) 36, 1137,4}38,6139,9141, 1142,4143,6)4.4,9 - FON22, 5123, 7125,0126,2]2.7, 5 28,74 30,0131,2)32, 5/33, 71350130, 213 7,5138,7140,014.1,2/42, 5143, 794.5,0 0422, 5]23,8]25,0126, 3}27, 5 28,8530,0]31, 3)32, 5133,8135,0136,3937)5139,8140,0141,3142, 5143,8845,0, SESE ST SE STA | 90 90 90 90 90 90]. x : | DADRA Qqq [ 246 ] | | Continuation of the TaBLe of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful in com~ | puting the Moon’s Place trom the Nautical Ephemeris. Second Diiterence of the Moon’s Place. 6 Minutes. } _ 7 Minutes. 8 Minutes. » Apparent Time after Noon 4} or Midnight. § FO NN ean se nn | | —}—_—<$—<$— | |] ff ° ° —o— eee ee |] ©. TO}TI. 504 2,5) 2,5] 2,6) 2,7) 2,41 2,89 2,9] 2,0 3,0] 3,1 3,21 3,3] 3.4] 3,4] 3,5] 3,6} 3,6 ©. 20|TI. 40 5° 5511 553] 554) 5,58 557] 5:8] 5,0] 6,1 1 6,34 0,5] 6,6] 6,8) 6,9} 7,0} 7,2 753% O. Z011I. 30 7,4| 7,6 8,0] 8,29 8,4) 8,6] 8,8] 9,0] 9,2 9,48 9,5] 9,8]10,0]10,2]/10,4|10,6% 10,8} ©. 40]II. 20 9>7|10,0/10,2/T0, 5/10, 8§11, 0/11, 3/11, 5]11,8]12, 1/12, 3862, 611 2,913, 1 13,4113,6|13,0914,2 © SO|LI. 10911, 6/12,0]12, 3/12,6 12,9)13,2913,6/13,9114,2|14,6114,9|15,2815,5/15,8 16,2}16, 5/16, 9117; 1 17,4] TGROLEB A © §13:8/14, 1/14, 5/14,9]15,3}15,7916,0|16,4116,8|17,2117,6118.0 18,3]18,7|19,1}19, 5/19,9|20,2 415,8/16,2/16,7117, 1117,6|18,0918,4 18,9]19, 3119,7|20,2120, 6921, 1121, 5 21,9]22,4/22,8}2 3,3 §17,8/18, 3118,8]19,3]19,8]20, 2120, 7/21, 2 21,7|22,2/22,7|23,2923,7/24,2124,7125,2)25,7126,2826,7 §19,7|20,2|20,8]21,3 21,9)/2254423,0/23,5)24,1124,6)2 5,212 5,792, 3126,8]27, 3127.0 2.8,4129,0920, 5 + 2092, 5122, 112257123, 3/23,9124, 5§25, 112.5, 7/20, 3/26, 9127, 5128, 1928, 7129, 3129,9130, 5131, #131,7 32,3 + SO}TO. 10423, 3123,9/24,62.5,212 9,9126, 5§27,2127,8)28, 5129, 1129,8]30,4934, 1131,7|32,4}32,0 3371345393459 O}TO. _042.5,0125,7 26,4127, 1/27,8]28, 5429, 2129,9|30,6 31,3131,9132,0933, 3134,0134,7135,4136, 1 36,8 3795 ef ef RE Re be ey bo eee ee tn of {e) _ re) —— | | ———_——— YP Pp ppp bf 2) 29478 148,849, 7}50,6 3+ 10} 8. 50}35,0135,9130,9137,9138,9139,8940,8/41,9142, 7143, 7144,7145,0140,6|47,6148,6149, 5150, 6151, 5).52,4 3. 20} 8. 40436, 1/37,1138,1 3921/40, 1141, 1942, 1143, 1144,1145, 1146, 114.7, 1948, 1 49, 2/50, 2/51, 2152,2153,2954,2 3+ 30} 8. 30437,2138,2139, 3140, 3141, 3142,4943,4144,4145,5140 3: 40} 8. 20138,2)39,3140,3141,4142,4143, 594.4,6145,0/40, 7147 3-50} 8. 10}39,1140,2141, 3142,414 3, 514.4,6845, 7146, 71447,8148,9|50,0] 61, 19.52 4.0} 8. 0940,0141,1142,2143,3144,4145,6 46,7147,81489|50,0151, 1152.2] 53,3154,41 55,015, 7]57,8 4- 10) 7- 50840,8/41,9143,1144,2 4- 20) 7. 40941, 5142,7143,8145, 4. 30] 7- 30142,2143,4144,514.5,7146,9148,0949,2150,4151,6152,715 3.0155, 195 4: 49) 7- 20142,8144,0145,2146, 3147,5148,7949,9]51,1152,3153,515457155, 4- 59} 7- 10143,3144,5145,7146, | sol 7. bas dlasielabvclerala6 | 5. 10} 6. 50444,1145,4146,6147,8149,0]50, 3951, 5152,715359|5552150 5+ 20} 6. 40444,4145,7146, 9148, 1149,4150,6951,9153, 1154, 3155, 5- 30} © 30]44,7145,9147,2|48,4149,7/50,9952, 1/5 3,4154,0155,9157,1|58, 3159; 5. 40} 6. 20444,9146, 1147,4148,6149,8 5: 50} 6. 10)45,0146,2147, 5148, 7|50,0]51,2952, 5153,7155,0156,2 57551585 79009,0161,2|62, 5163, 7164,9166, 2)67,4 O} 6. 084. 5,0146, 3147, 5148,8]50,0]5 1.3952, 5153,8155-0156,315755|58,8160,016 1, 3162, 5|63,816 5.0166, 2 6745 Enter the table with the mean of the two fecond differences of the moon’s motion; for twelve hours in the Nautical Ephemeris, whether in longitude or latitude, at the top, and with the apparent time after noon. or midnight on the fide; the correfponding number of the table is. the correction required. This fubtracted from the proportional. part of the firft difference of the motion in twelve hours, if it is increafing, or added, if it is decreafing, gives the proportional part corrected ; which properly applied to the moon’s longitude or latitude, at the noon or mid« night preceding the given time, gives the moon’s longitude or latitude correct. [ 247 J Continuation of the Tarre of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful in com- puting the Moon’s Place from the Nautical Ephemeris. Second Difference of the Moon’s Place. - Apparent Time j 10 Minutes. 11 Minutes. after Noon 9 Minutes. or Midnight. 3 8,1) 8,2] 8,4) 8,5) 8,6) 8,59 8,9) 9,0] 9,2} 9,31 9.5] 96] 957 FIO, O/LT,O/L1,2/11,4]/11,6/11,8912,0)12,2/12,4)/12,6/12, 8/1 3,091 3,211 3,411 3,6/13,8114,0]14, 0814, 4 114,2/14,4]14,7|15,0|15,2115, 581 5,7|10,0|16, 3116, 5}16,8}1 7, 1917,3117,6/1 7,8] 18, 1118, 4118, 69 18,9 417,4/17,8/18, 1|18, 4] 18, 7/19, 1f19,4]19, 7/20,0120,4120, 7/2. 1,092 1, 3/21,6122,0122, 3122,6/22,0923,3 §20,6)21,0]21,4]21,8)/22,2]22, 592 2,912 3.3123, 7124, 1|24,4/24,8)2 5, 212.5,6126,0126,4|26, 7127, 1927,5 - IO|IO. 509 23,7/24,1/24,6]2 5,012 5,5125,9§26, 3126, 812 7,212 7,6128, 1128, 5129,0!29,4129,8]30, 3 30,713 1,2 31,6 « 20]10. 40926,7|/27,2/27, 7/28, 1/28, 6129, 1829, 6/30, 1130,6131,1/31,6/32, 1832,6133, 1/3 3,6/34, 1134,0135,1 35,6 - 3029, 5130, 11306131, 213 1, 7132, 3] 32,8/33,4)3 3,9) 34s 513550135) 51 30, 1/30,6/37,2/37,7/38, 3138, 8] 39,4 + 4O]1O. 20132, 3132,0133, 5134. 11345713 5s 33.529) 30> 513 75 1137>7/38s 3138591 3955140 1140, 7141, 3/41,9]42, 5943, 1 + $0110. 10434,9135,6]36,2136,9/37,5]38,2939,8)39, 5/40, 1140,8/41, 4142, 1142, 7/43,4144,0144, 7145, 346,01 46,6 9: 52939,914°, 7141,4142,2/42,9143,6)44,4145, 114 5,9146,6/47, 3148, 1148,8149,6150, 3151,0151,8]52, 5953,3 Q- 40942, 3143, 1143,9144,614.5,4146,2947,0147,8)48,6149, 3150, 115,99 51,7152,5] 53, 3154,0154,8/55,0956,4) 9: 30144, 5145>4}46,2147,0147,8148, 7949, 5150, 3]51,1/52,015 2,8/53,6954,4)5 5,3150,1150,9157,7/58,6159,4 9 9 PrORO QO mH O en on oe | Yo ie) _ @) iS) ie} 4 (e) - 20146, 7147, 5148,4149, 3150, 1151,09 51,9152, 71536] 54.415 55 3159,295 75015759158, 8]59,0/00, 5/61,4962, 2) - 10948, 7149,6/50, 5/5 1,4]5253]53,2954 11552015 999|59,8157,7158,6§ 59, 5)00,4/61, 3]62, 2/63, 1,64,0f64,9 | | ee | | | 5 | | | —_ | -——_ 1 ————_ wrprppp|s U9 & U9 9 O —_———— | | — — ———— ] — —— 8 ——_——_— | ———| 1 6. 30167,0168, 3169, 5170,8]7 2,017 32174. 517 5.717 7:0178,2179,4)80, 7]81,9,83,2/84,418 5, 7186,9188, 1]89, 4) 6. 20167, 3/68, 569,817 1,017.2, 317 3517459170, 1177, 3]78,5179,8]8 1,0 $2,2/8355 84, 7}86,0|87,2188, 5f89, 7}. 6. 10}67,4168, 7169,9}7 1,2}72,417 3, 7|74,9|79,217 7.4}78:7179:9/8 1,2182,4 83, 7184,9186,2/87,4/88, 7)89, 9) 6. off67, 5}68,8}70,0}7 1,317 2,517 36917 5-0|7 9, 317 755 78,8|80,0]81, 3[82, 5 83,8]8.5,0]86, 2 87, 5188,8} 90,0 [ays | A Taste of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful for interpolating the Moon’s Diftances from the Sun and Stars, at every 3rd hour between thole computed at Noon and Midnight, for the ufe of the Nautical Ephemeris. a Equ.ai! Equ. cet aor Equ.ay Equ shies Equ.at] Equ. rence 3&9 Mate HF ence [3 3&qU) at OHG ice [S&H atOHy cg (3 &oHfat OH a | 8 | |) OO OO Dennen einige em eng a ae an Serena | niente fl mes a SAH Rete | en | ret m= M: Sor tea M. Mi SALA OE 5 Bie G | ple: 0. OO, 0,010 6, OF18. Of1.41,3]2.15,0f24. 0}2.15,0]3. 0,0 ©. 10}0. 0,g}o 6. ,4)1-31, 3918. 10f1.42,2]2.16, 3924. 10]2.15,9]3- 1,3 O. 20,0. 1,9]0 6. - 9,4/1-32, 5918. 20]1.43,1/2.17, 5924. 20]2.16,9/3. 2,5 0. 3010. 2,8]0 6. BFS. 30/1.44,1/2.18, 8824. 30/2.17,8/3. 3,8 0. 40/0. 3,8]0 6. 11, 3}1-35,O918. 4011.45,0)2.20,0§24. 40]2.18,8}3. 5.0 O. §219- 4.710 6. ZHI8. 50/1.45,9/2-21, 3924. 50]2.19,713- 6,3]. 1. of0. 5,6}0 7. .13,1]1-37,5919- Of1.46,0]2.22,5925. 0/2.20,6/3. 7,5 1. solo. 6,610. 8,89 7. .14,1/1.38, 8919. 10]1.47,8/2.23,8925. 10/2.21,6]3. 8,8 I. 20]0. 7,5/0.10,08 7. .15,0]1-40,0919. 20/1.48,8/2.25,0925. 20/2.22,5]3.10,0 1. 30]0. 8,4/0.11,38 7- -15,9|1-41,3919- 3011-49, 7|2-26,3825. 30/2.23,413.11,3 1. 40/0. 9,4|0.12,59 7- .16,9]1-42,5919- 40|1-50,6)2.27,6925- 40]2.24,4/3.12,5 I. 50]0.10,3]0.13,89 7. .17,8]1-43,8819- 50]1.51,6]2-28,8925. 50]2.25,313.13,8 2. O|0.11,310.15,09 8. .18,8]1-45,0J20. O]1-52,5/2.30,0§26. 0}2.26,3/3.15,0 2. 1010.12,210.16,3§ 8. . TOl1.19,7|1-46, 3920. 10]1.53,4/2.31, 3820. 10]2.27,213.16, 32) 2. 20]0.13,1/0.17, 59 8. . 20|1.20,6]1.4.7,5920. 20]1-54,4/2.32, 5926. 20/2.28,113.17,5 2. 3010.14,1/0.18, 89 8. » 30}1.21,6]1.48, 8820. 3017.55, 3]2-33,0826. 30]2.20,1/3.18,8 2. 40|0.15,0]0.20,08 8. - 40]1.22, 6 1.50,0f20. 40/1.56,2]2.35,0826. 40]2.30,013.20,0 1 2. 50}0.15,9]0.21,3§ 8. + 5O}1.23,4) 1-51, 3920. S0lT.57,2/2.36, 3826. 5012. 30,9]3.21,2 3. 0]0.16,9]0.22,59 9- O}1-24,4|1-52,5§21- O]1-58,1]2.37,5927- 0}2-31,913.22, 5 3. 10]0.17,8]0.23,89 9- » 10}1.25,3}1-53,8821. 10}1.59,1|2-38,8827. 10/2.32,8)3.23,8 3. 20]0.18,8/0.25,0f 9. . 2011.26, 3]1.55,0821. 20|2. 0,0/2. 27. 2012.33,8]3.25,0 3. 30]0.19,7|0.26; 38 9. » 3011.27,2/1.50, 3821. 3012. 0,9]2-41,3927- 3012.34,713.26,3 3. 40}0.20,610.27,59 9- » 40}1.28,1]1.57,5821. 4012. 1,0]2.42,5827- 40]2.35,6]3.27, 51 3. §0/0.21,6]0.28,89 9. » §OlT.29, 111.58, 8821. 5012. 2,3/2-43,8927. 50)2.36,6/3.28,8 4. 010.22,6|0.30, 0910. O} 1.30,0]2. 0,0f22. 0]2. 3,812.45,0928. 0/2.37,5]/3.30,0 4. 10]0.23,4]0.31, 2910. : » FO}T.30,912. 1,322. 10}2. 4,7/2-46, 3928. 10/2.38,4]/3.31,3 4. 2010.24,410.32, 5910. » 20]1-31,9|2- 2,5§22- 2012. 5,6 28. 20/2.39,4] 3.32, 5 4. 3010.25, 3]0.33,5910. é . 30/1-32,8]2. 3,8922. 30/2. 6,6/2.48,8128. 30/2.40,313.33,8 4. 4010.26, 3] 0.35,0910. ; . 4O|1.33,8]2. 5,0922. 4012. 7,512.50,0928. 40)2.41,3]3-35,0 4. 50]0.27,210.36, 3410. td » GO}L.34,7|2- 6,3822. Sola. 8,412. 28. 50/2.42,2/3.36,3 5: 0/0.28,1]0.37, 5811 T. Of1.35,612. -7,5923- O12. 9,4]2-52,5929. 0/2.43,113.34,5 » Tol1.36,6]2. 88923. 10]2.10,312.53,8 » ‘20)1.37,5|2-10,0923. 2012.11,212.§5,0 + 30/1.38,4) 2.11, 3923. 30/2.12,2/2.56,2 » 40] 1.30,4|2-12,5§23. 40]2-13,1]2.57,5 - §O] 1-40, 3] 2.13,8923. 50]2.14,1/2.58,8 O} T-4.1,3]2-15,0924. Of2-15,0}3. 0,0 29. 10]2.44,113.38,8 29. 20}2.45,013.40,0 29- 3012-459] 3-41,3 29- 40}2.46;9] 3-42,5 29: 50]2-4758) 3-43,8 30. 0f2.48,8)3.45,0 50]0.32,8]0.43, 911. 0]0.33,8]0-4.5,0812- Fe UE EES ua O ee ae le A teeny oes eee Enter the table with the mean of the two fecond differences of the moon’s change of diftance from the fun or ftar in twelve hours, and fubtract the equation of fecond difference at 3, 6, or g hours from the quarter, half, or three quarters of the change of diftance in twelve hours, or add it to the fame, according as the change of diftance in twelve hours is increafing or decreafing; and you will have the moon’s change of diftance in 3, 6, or 9 hours corrected, which added to the moon’s diftance at the preceding twelve hours, or fubtracted from the fame, according as the diftance increafes or decreafes, will give the moon’s correct diftance at 3, 6, or g hours, [ 249 ] Continuation of the TABLE of the Equation of Second Difference, ufeful for inter- nest q polating the Moon’s Diftances from the Sun and Stars, at every 3rd hour between thofe computed at Noon and Midnight, for the ufe of the Nautical Ephemeris. Second | Diffe- Equ.at! Equ. § 3 &g H] at 6 Hj aM. S. 03-56, 3 5-15,0948. 30. 10]2.49, 713.46, 3836. - 10}3-575215-16, 3948. 30. 20]2.50,6]3.47, 5436. - 20/3.58,1/5.17, 5848. 30+ 30]2-51,6/3.48,8) + 40] 2.52,513-50,0436. 40) 3.26, 3/4.35,0942. 40/4. 20,0) + 501 3.27,214.36, 3942. 50/4. 0,915.21, 3948. 2 O} 3.28,114.37,5843- O14. 1,9]5-22, 5940. . 10] 3.29, 1/4-38,8943. 10/4. 2,8/5.23,8949. » 20] 3.30,0/4.40,0943. 20/4. 3,815.25,0949. 4. 457] 5-26, 3849. 4013-31,014-42,5943- 40/4- 31. 5012.59, 1/3-58,8937- 50) 3-32,8/4-43,384.3. sol4. 132+ _0]3- 0,0]4. 0,0938. 0] 3-33,8/4-45,0844- 0/4. 7,515-30,0950- 014-41,3 6.15,0850. 32. 1013. 0,9/4. 1,3838. 10/3-34,7/4.46,3844. Told. 8,415.31, 3950. 1014.42,216.16,3856. 10]5.15,9]7- 1,3 2. 20/3. 1,9]4- 2,5938. 20]3.35,0/4.4.7, 5944. 20]4. 9,4/5-32,5850- 20/4.43,116.17,5850. 20/5-16,9/7- 2,5 32+ 30]3- 2,8/4. 3,8938. 30/3.36,6/4.48,3144. 3014.10,3/5-33,3950- 3014.44,1]6.18,5956. 30/5.17,8]7. 3,8 32. 40/3. 3,8/4. 5,0838. 4013.37,5/4.50,0944. 40]4.11,3]5-35,0950- 4014.45,0]6.20,0956. 40]5.18,817. 5,0 32+ 5013+ 47/4 60,3838. §013-38,4/4.51,3844- 50]4.12,2/5-30, 3850. 50/4-45,9]0.21,3956. Sol5-19,717- 6,3 i 4-13,115-37,5851- 014.46,916.22,5957- 0} 5.20,6]7. eee ee ee, ee _—_—— - 10]3-45,0]5. 1.3940. 10]4.19,7]5-46, 3452. 7.16,3 - 20/3.46,91 5. 2,5146. 2014.20,6/5.47,5952- 20/4.54,416.32, 5958. 20/5.28,117.17,5 140. 30]3-47,8)5. 3,846. 30/4.21,6)5-48,8)52. 3014.55,3/6.33,8]58. 30) 5-29,1/7-18,8 34. 40] 3-15,0]4.20,0840. 40] 3.48,8) 5. 5,0846. 40]4.22,515-50,0952- 4014.56,316.35,0858. 40] 5.30,0]7.20,0 34+ $013-1559)4-21,3840- 50/3-49,7] 5- 6,3 40. 5914-23541 5-5 153852. 5014-5752 6.36,3 58. 5°} 5-39,9]7-21,3 35- 0}3-16,914.22,5841. 0/3.50,6]5- 7,5147- 014.24,415-52,5953- 0]4.58,116.37,5959- 35+ 10)3-17,8)4.23,8841. 10] 3.51,6/5. 8,8)47. 1014.25, 3)5-53,9853- 35- 2013.18,814.25,0941. 20]3.52,5|5-10,0947.. 20]4.26,3]5-55,0953- 20]5- 35+ 3013-1957/4-26,3841- 30] 3-53,415-11,3147- 3014-2752] 5-50,3953- 3015: 35+ 40] 3.20,6]4.27, 5841. 40] 3.54,4)5-12,5947. 40/4.28,115.57,5953- 4015. 35+ 50)3-21,6/4.28,88 41. 50/3.55,315-13,8]47- 5014-29,115-58,8953- 50] 5- 126. 0]3.22,5|4.30,0942. 013.56,315-15,0f48. 0]4.30,0|6. 0,0954. O15 Sfp 319 . me . [ 250 ] A Tasue exhibiting, at fight, the thirds anfwering to the uj ti “i it “ Mt 4“ VW “7 “i “ “ Mi il dl a ds W “ 4 4 i “ d/ wi “i it “ 21314) 5) 6) 7 | 8] 9 |rojrr) 12) 13\14] 15] 16|17]18] 19]20]21| 22/23] 24) 25] 26] 27) 28] 20/30 die AA A dn de Ae Le a Le Ade AL LL LL LL WAL LEA LA LL LA A AZ ZA A A 11/ ee | i |] | | | | | EY J |] |] _— — | | | py! —— — — —_— oe fe fe fj ee fC fe | | Ce | | 31 4) 5} S| 7) 8) gfrojr1)12)}13}14]75] 16117] 18} 19]20}a7 22}23|24125/26] 27/28] 29|30 6] 8] 10} 12} 14}16/18)20)22124]26|28} 30] 32| 34| 36] 38140] 42] 44] 46] 48] 50] 52] 04 56158] o 9] 12115] 18) 21)24)27 130/33] 361 39142145]48) 51/54/57] O| 3] 6) 9]12]15]18lor]24127/30 12|16}20124)28)32136|40144| 48] 52/56] of 4) 8]12]16]20|24| 28] 22 36/49] 44] 48] 52} 56] 0 15} 20125132135 |40145}50155}_O} 5129115} 20125 | 39] 351491451 50155] 0} 51101151201 25]}30 eo t——F—— | fF | fl | Of lf fF J | nae ae 18] 24] 30] 36142/48154) o| 6] 12 18]241 30] 36]42|48]54] o| 6/12/18] 24| 30136 21}28]35142149/56| 3]10]17] 241311381451 52159] 6|13|20]27134/41| 481551 2 9} 16}23]30 24132140148/50} 4]12}20]/28] 36]44]52| o| 8116]24132|40148| 56} 4}12 27)36)45] 54) 3)12|21)30139]48157) 6) 15}24}33i4a/sz| 0) 9]18]27|36/451541 3hi2l21]30 10]20]30}40} 50} Q}10}20)30)40) 50} ©] 10|20}30}40} 50} of 10]/20}30]40} 50] 0] 10}20] 30} 40} so] 0 T1fF1122/33]/44155| 6117/28/39} 50] 1112123134/45156| 7118 29149]/51] 2113124135146157]| 8} 19]30 30}48] 0] 12}24/36)48) of12]24] 36/48) of 12124} 36/48] of12}24/ 36] 48] 0] 12/24136]48] 0 39|52) 5}18} 31144157 |10}23] 36/49] 2/15|28]41)54) 7/20133}46] sol 12}25138{51| 4117/30 14914128] 42] 56] 10/24] 38)52) 6120)34148) 2116)30/44}58112|26140] 54 8}22)36{50] 41/18) 32] 46] o TSPTSIZO1451_ C1 25130145) C185 130145] ©) 75139145) 2/151301451 O11513°]45} 0115130145] Oo} 15}30 Qs co~3 OD co _ oO 16}16/32148] 4]20136}52} 8)24/40]56/12}28|44} of 16} 32/48] 4120136152] 8lo4lgo|56|12/28|qal o 17917134151] 8125/42] 59]16)33150) 7]24)41)58115}32)49] 6123/40]57{14131| 48 5|22.139|56} 13130 18418136] 54)12)30148) 6)24/42| 0/18) 36] 54112130/48) 6lo4}42| 0118136} 54] 42 30148} 6}24}42} 0 19919138] 57) 161 35154113/32151/ 1029/48) 7126145] 4123/42] 1|20]39]58] 17 36155114133] 52} 11/30} O;20}40) OF 29};40] O/20]}40] Of 20)/40] O}20/40] of 20/40} 0} 20} 40 O} 20/40} O} 20/40]: 0 —— i fF | — f— —— a | ee | | |] st | | 3124/45} 6)27)48]) 9} 30/52/12 33154] 15] 36157118] 39} of21442 3/24145| 6127148] g}30 | 6/28] so}12) 34) 56) 18)40} 2) 24146] 8} 30] 52] 14136158 )20/42| 4126/48] 10] 30154] 16} 38] o 9}32155}18]42]} 412715°)13136159]22145] 8131]54117/401 3|26|49112| 35|58|21| 44] 7130 oO 1540} 5130}55]20}45}10135} ©125]/50/15]40l 5} 30155|20145| 10135] 0125|50|15|40] 5|30 mm fm fm | SO Jf | —— — | — me — | — | — a —— | | | | 18} 44}10]36] 2/28154/20]46} 12/38} 4/30156]22/48|14140] 6] 32/58) 24| 50|16|42 8} 34} 0 2148/15/42) 9}36] 3/30/57/24)51)18/ 45112130] 6133] O27) 54/21148)15142| 9|36] 3)/30 24) 52120148) 16/44112/40} 3/36] 4/32) 0]28]56124152|20]48|16|44]12140|°8|36] 4}32] 0 Bp | |] sn a nn ee | ene ff | | | |] OS Lf | |] EY IC cere ee he meine cece ee mrs nn re cranes crete | terme) ees FE inteeceenee | ceeemendl | scapes | fequeeee bY (easter | aseenecs dees (fl emer [ates fees ee ey ees ote —|—— -|_-—-|— me Od — — — | —— | — — [SY] a | | | Sg nO mr Fr Fe is Fe rrr I rrr mY ra cree cre cs me | ee ene Bree fe Pee | Pee 54] 52]50]4814614.4| 42] 40] 38| 36] 34]32130]28| 26/24] 22|20 18{16}14}12}10] 8} 6}> 4] 2] © 5715) 551541531521 51150|49|48147146|45|44|43142141 [40| 39] 38] 37 | 36| 35| 341331 32| 33 [30 Gof Of Of Of Of of of of of of of of of of of of of o| of of o| of of of of of o| of ol ol o Sanne eres cammmmeamemeneeeee nee re ee eee ee, SE ee SS Ee See) a Eee Ba | N.B, If o ftands in the place of decimals in the Sexagefimal table, and the thirds taken out of this table are 57, 58, oF 59, ule one fecond lefs than what is fhewn in the Sexagefimal table. 42|43144/45|40147 [45149] 50151521 53154155 55159 eee me Oe ee en gs en ee ld eed ed ee CO OO Oe I Oe OO I I OI OO ee lin Rus» = mm | | | | i OI OO I OO O_O a Oe ee eee OO O.\O Cont D Oo OOO 60 DF O--O' -O O 0O~050 0-0: SSS = eee fee PS a eee Po fF g ee es | ff ff Ef —— | — — —] : . _—_ a ee OO |i | ee ae OO TS I NO | —— ~~ fj ff ff —— && “OS Ww -B & bp us O com? Or mmm mm ee eo ee I I SO 0 0.0 0.010-0-0.0-0l0 0000 0..0-0.0-0 0 O000 ——- O2OS05050 ee ef |] | | | | | I OO I | | | | |] | |] Lee aS MH Ow COO] O & Nb A 00.000lo0000 ee OO dd SO I I J — | — TO NK is me btw BD looooo [ 252 |] A Tasve of Squares, Cubes, Biquadrates, Surfolids, and Square Cubes. |Root.| Square. | Cube. ! | Biquadrate. | Surfolid. | Square Cube. bs panacicd Niel tale Aenea OSE als aan Wee Lo OM AS Suge es 7; / 7/ if // 4/7 / ¢/ 4/4 Iv og WU / // /// IV Vv Vi EC, ES LATE Os Se Ons OM inns ie 8.0 ene Ome NS Een Bei) O) > 2 iO oth, AO beree®, «) Bo OO mos. 6 J, Oa Oke OF ee: 1) 01s Bs 1,0 isk OC) i27r) 0. OME aot Vit Mons oO}. Oar wien, B00 om 10... He. URSLO. |, hss semen 6 (|e. pee Ol.) 0). aaee SM 0226 | Ole. 12.265 iD. soe eee LD RO ee G3.)' 0:12.53 OES OO” 3610 7 Fi * 1364) DB vob ere en o, \ ole oO. 0. O Wf 0 AG 100s AG adgal Dy ore Aan ies | te a Ol POR) sO OF. 4.180 Fede AS 2 Otay Weg eee oN, Salone Ob Oat Q ff is 22 | Og E29 4. DP. - OE AD 2th, Om Oh. }'D 4218/2 10°] ¥ 4340 (0%. 164 gosto. 22 3146 . 40 1019 tom Ob Dread 10] Bie oT [0 tee 40. A On dt ue ese Qh. 05. - 6 12.|.2.. 24 | Of. 28%. 484 0. .5%. 460. 26 1 01.1 ar. 2 Deere were 4 13 |.2 2801110 |, ab gad 1 Be eo neo eer Poiana OAT Di 285 3+ 16440 5. AB nD ho pes EO ty). OT O fy Dis ods 3+ 45 [0-56 - 15 D2. BAG £8 ho AS he Oy. 48 OTL oO, eats AvoI6Y 1.7 8 ETO OF. eR. Tok. ROY Oy ae REM) Ops be 2a Apit4Q) | 21.6204. OO Ol. ieee uhOe ut cO: ba Dies ihe: Ler Le Boi Sd 11 37). 12 AOR b2G te On aO 401. 8 OF Bee 7 Ole AT) 141 i. G4 FO Ou. 080 ls Wee tha [GOr; 1ia L. OY aR y Oi, 40) tie ei 20 Os das pOL GAD Ul soy TA Ost Sb We. 21 tao Ah. or iy Sen EAD OT PO Lio 0.) Oya BF Bie ig [eh ga. 28 bee ose adgy. ToemOr. 123) OY./s Beh a4. 3-140 (gt. 22 Ase. (17 Ad taal sos tage. Outi, EDs D+ 30) 4-3 1+050rp24 it. 32/.° 9 . 26 Hr OReobR. O. 14. 44 TO + 25 Pee 20 25. | Bas 4B i090. Belo, JA fs O .-18%.'50 ED AGI 14 8. 5go 56 Wey. 1015 156). TO dn Opeden ty epee ore ese) 2 i153 OKs! hl] ADs 127450 B72) oak eet tee. 0.29. 53 UB. | As | Oh. 5h hb 2d (Oh tao la ATO ete. Oe. 0.1. $992 110 Tas) | 1°|-6). 46) 190/473). 16). 28 aie Orne ®e 9: 458 neg D5 1012710) PaO By ae fio) Oa De. (604. Ov %§0>2, 15 TOS VT] Oa 10's git aael 367. easy lat peers & I 372.28 17 PAs] Ot Oe. OU dee eer thom. bdo, ac 1-220 G1 18:1 On TQ SO.) 574 nSh BQ 12m, VAN he Sele I> 69037439 TQ)» 10, }104- 155°.) 14/4, 0.) 2a 12 )5) 26! |. 84.330 it. CoQ pans 20028 [LT 54.2535 110, . 501.480. 120 IN a te 245215. 580 21. 36 ]12. 57 - 30) 7. 46 . 33. 361 4. 39 2-47 + 57 226 AQ I14 i 4. 13) 82. 401, 3b qi din Sih. 1ST, 3. Paha nso OM Fok he PEGS FT SOON sone ta aoe Oe OG Bi I52%. 10 2G) OT FLO, | 20 st S01O.. da om n aT Wea 47: \ 99) 1130 201.49 11911 140.. 40 Na te. 160.) Ore OULL aMeaee Sib sti 28 FV PEOWLG OAT ESeS ea yi ebb lp Ti hp Ou: SOLE O31 Oat 29 - 24 120 . 34. 48 14>. 24). 21. 36 [10 .° 5 Peek ge Tae BO. £4Qs [22 0.5.) 47 || Ese AQ LAOly|) 1) ME Ise 20 B51 57a ag 32. 16 23 - 39. 44 ]17. 21. 8. 16 12. 43 9+ 19+ 54 33-45 [25 - 18 - 45118. 59 - 3 - 45 [14 - 14 Io. 40. 43 52 10,12 2.116 }204% 43)}. Au. 176) ish.) 63 19) Git irene 30 . 49 J28 . 50. 23 |22.. 35. 28 Li fay a AT 24 rig tae 33°. 524-180, 604.3. 112 [040 Ba ge. 26519. 30 DS. 2h we 40 + 1 132. 40. 49 }26. 41.20. 1 [2r. 47 17. 48. 0 41 . 40 134.43 . 20 128. 56. 6. 40 [24 POLI ii jee 43-20 [B64 50.. 51:13). Ig 413 a1! fob. 37 22 Aare aA, 45+ 4/39 - 3-28 133.51. 0. 16 |29 . 20 25.25 - 30 46...49 |41.) 21.17 :|96 . 37 ..48.. 2 [32 .. 36 ai. PaGie 1 48 . 36 143 . 44. 24 139. 21 . 57 . 36 135. 25 SL iGIS Zu tA 50 + 25 |46 . 12 55 |42 + 21 - 50. 25 138 - 50 ies lek 52. 16 148. 46. 56 |45 . 31 . 48. 16 42. 29 56 139 - 39 - 42 54- 9 [51 - 20. 33 [48 . 52.13. 21 |46. 25 57 144- 6. 19 Meee Beit BS THE. LOWER: DENOMINATIONS O F Ditnt 8 s B Ga W lee Hel ele ne | MONEY, WEIGHTS, ann MEASURES, INTO S eR XPAG E STM ACLS: O-b DT H-oE:} HTGHER; ANID. VI CiE ) VE R'SiA: FOR REDUCING SEXAGESIMALS OF THE HIGHER DENOMINATIONS | oO THE LOWER DENOMINATIONS, [ 254 ] f. Or Money. it Lco1? To turn Money into : Sexagefimals of a Pound. ’ S —s 2 S 4 res 6 7 8 9 Io 4/ To turn Sexagelimals of a Pound into f Shillings, Pence, and Farthings. // s fd aS Ba 2 O.bo 3 ve} 4 I. 4 5 ARS 6 OM Ae) 7 2-4 oF Ae 8 oft Bs EO rope a Tif/2348 12 hae LO 13} 4- 4 14 4.8 15} 5-0 16) 5. 4 17 Cy ee 18 62.0 19 OF tA a0. (67. 8 oF ETT Tb 2.2 ab ey 23 7.83 24 8.0 a5] 8.4 | 26 8. 8 a7 9.10 281° 9. 4 29 OS go| 10.0 21 tol. 4 32} 10.8 $s) o1re7 6 24) ) 11. 4 35|_ 11. 8 367. 12 00 37; 12-4 38} 12.8 39 13-0 40] 13-4 41, 13°. 8 42, 14.0 43} 14.4 BA ATA eG 45] 15.0 46) 15.4 Pike ee are! 48} 16.0 49} 16.4 50] _ 16. 8 bi Re ee 52) 17 34 53} 17.8 54; 18-0 55} 18 . 4 SOIC S Eos yAlme) es 58} 19 - 4 59]')-19¢2 58 Sit HELLS i or eee Gneae Il. Of Troy Weight. 1fb =1'. To turn Troy Weight into Sexag. of a Pound. § To turn Sexagefimals of a Pound Troy Weight into Ounces, Pennyweights, and Grains. § I . dwe.iv| dwt. gr. I Oe elo. 72,6 2 O'S Tongan OO: 3,2 i 3 O12 Toe, ' 4.8 Ay 005 00.0) Reo ee Ot 5 pee ee! HS Str, | G0 6 1 ee Ol OP aas 7 ra 7} 0 1a) tees 8 Ir te : 8} o . 12,8 9 i.4.10> §$2oig on. rad IO 2.) Ox Too: 36,0 i II Ve AE I oO) rae Ped o a ase tel /O)). 0.8 13 2. 12-913] ©. 20,8 14). 2.16 G14) .0...22,4 ave 15}. 3+ O° fIs|it. 0,0 fe) ct 16 ah ea A 16 i baa | Mera n9 B58 119) (re ae +—-—————§ [18 299) T20b 18) tr) pee Gs BO 160) 8.45 pel BO] Sox oc Oye ; oe Wo] 4.. 42849 1552 48} 9.4.2. 84848 16,8} 49} 9.6.1. 449 18,4) 50/10. 0.0. Of50 I. 0,0} Ite EES I. 1,6 52}10. 3-0. 12852 pets hy gg110..\4. 2.48853 I. 4,0) 54410. 6.1. 4854 Ea! GA) g5|I1- 0.0. of 55 bh. 8,0} GOLIEMs (1G 1s. 10856) Ti. TF. 9,6] STL ies Zu Opn 12057] Ih» I. 11,25 SOLt i> 4b er on O/T; tt? ., 12,8 sojit. (6% t.. (4hso} i. 1. 14,4] 60} 12.510 . 0 of6o] 1.1. 16,0 Note. This weight is fo called, becaufe the apothecaries ufe it in compounding their medicines; but they buy and fell their drugs by avoirdupois weight. Apothecaries _ is the fame as Troy weight, having only fome diffcrent divifions, OZ. |v w\oz. dr. te. grefv7|dr. fcr. gr. I 4y" Mal Osdt & Bee BOL, &)OlT at.) MO} 2 | to 2) Oleg t: Of Fah al Olas Bp 3 seus 3, 0.4% 26 BF 310.0. 48) 4} 20 a) 2G ee wat 4) 0 2.9704] 5 | 25 _5| 1+0-+-0- Of sjo.o. 8,04 6 | 30 6) tite 1% 16 Gjo1. 0. 6,6) Pahss gi we 12%. ©7. {25 710% Oo . 17,2] 8 | 40 Sie 44 FB. 3,8] 810°. 04. 12,8] 9 | 45. 9] 1.6.21. 549 90.0. 14,4] 10 | 50 10] 2.0.0. Ofioj}o . o . 16,08 Ee) A Td] & itll. 4, AGN11( 0.4.0 . 17,01 12 | 60 12] 2+ 3.0. 12f12/0.0. 19,2] HraEBYy aD Igh 2 dbs oh Seonizio .()- 8] . 14) 23 6) D240 14gho wh. 2,49 Ree I5} 3+ O-«0..OffS}O.1-.~ 4,04 3 WEIS ¥ 10] Baill. £2) mOLlGbo. 1 J: z,6] 4 2 . 30,0 17} 3+3-0.- 1217/0. 1. 7,25 — Tet HA. OY. Ota a7 3.1) 8,0 2 3° 25 PP Bis Oh. Bee r4hig oii . 10,4 3 + 45:9 20) i410 bh. Oe FOLZOLO GIT 2 12,0 d- 4 + 22,5 foes raw, i 8 5. 0,0 21] 4.1.1. 16f21;0. 1. 13,6) Tetlte here 22 4 ; 3 >, ue 12922 Opesetl &. 15,2 gS a 2a) Asi 4). Qe wSbaato. 1. 16,81 {1 — + 12,5 GAY Abi Ge. He; BALQATO ol). 10,4 2 = + 25,0 25] 5-9-0 - Of2510.2. 0,0] 3 dae DOL Stell. 11s FOL20}0. 3-2." 2,6] gr. “a 24 eu 3h. O4s, T2027} 0462).. B,2] O81 Sib Ap. Oe AOL2Bl Orr 2). 488 20) Kis OR ais EAR2O/0..12 . 6,44 30| 6.0.0. ofgojo.2. 8,0} 341 Oe Il 1. 2OL3T|0. 2,. 6,68 Bat O05) 3h. Ok M2E32TO . 2 . 11,21 33} 6.4.2. 8433)0.2. 12,8) 94 6.516 6-1 + 2483410 0.2. 14,485 351 720 -0- 0735/0. 2 16,0§ 36, 7-1. 1. 16836 17,05 371 7-3-0 + 12437 19,2) 234 wesl4k 2%. 481398 0,8 391 Jos |O)- £.» 24030 2,45 40} 8 .j0 ..0.. -Off4o 4,0§ | [ 255 3 IV. Of Avoirdupois Weight. 1 th 1’. Toturn Avoirdupois Wt.{ into Sexag. of a Pound. ff To turn Sexagelimals of a lb. Avoir- dupois Wt. into Ounces and Dri ms. Cibo. & iF ON 0k. 18,528 3, 0 . 12,85] 4| x 1,0 sit. 53 | OFf1 19,0 7| 1. 13,868 4 Of 2. T2gTaeNs 2) ie cana re | LO} 2 TO oe fr} 2. 14,93 911 121 3- 3,2 § 131 3.- 7,458 I4| 2. 11,73 914 15) 4+ 0,0 firs 16, 4. 4,26816 17 8.53917 18 12,8 | 19 1,088 19 20 53 | 21 9,6 § 22 13,869 22 2 2,12423 24 6,4 25 10,8 26 14,939 26 2 3,2 | 28 7,45) 29 11,735 29 30 0,0 § 31 4,264 31 32 8,535 32 33 12,8 133 34 , 35 37 3,86 37 38 é 39 40 10,6 41 14,93 941 42. 397 43 7,49% 43 +4 11,739 44 45 0,0 § 46 4,26] 46 47 853947 48 12,8 §48 49 1,00) ha 5:3 45° >) 9,6 fst 52 13,869 52 53 2,12] 54)14 ua) 3 SIS AOC. Sate Note. By this weight are weighed all things of a courfe or drofly nature; fuch as grocery and chandlers wares, and all metals, except gold and filver. [ 256 | | V. Of Wine Meature. 1 Hogfhead =1’. ‘To turn Wine Meafure into Sexagetimals of a Hogfhead. VI. Genéral Standard of Ale& Beer Meaf. 1 Hogth.— 1’ ‘ Toturn Ale & Beer Meaf, To turn Sexagefimals of a Hogthead into Sexagef. of a Hogfh. into Gallons and Pints. To turn Sexagefimals of a Hogt- head into Gallons and Pints. 7/7 \Gal. Pints §7/ Goal Ue ye rs I SEO. 10,588 2) °2 2 Bie 2 \). 25,070 3} 3 3 3} 3 + 31,765 wey rt 4] 4 - 42,353 mel ae _S S| 5 - 52,941 Ot bu. 6 Ghz 9. 3,529 TT we 7 4) 8. 14,118 8} 8 8 1 81 9 . 24,706 91 9 9 Q|-10 . 35,294. To} 10 10 10}) TF 545,832 II{II II J12];12 72 1 Pipe or But 2 AS I Puncheon + 49,412 49. 0.0 . 10,588 - 52,941 39529 © SAE SS0 55 + 17,647 56 . 28,235 57 - 38,824 58 - 49,412 60. 0,0 tht wip 0024. . 17,647 - 26,471 Se eg - 44,118 - $2,941 1,765 . 10,588 » 19,412 - 28,235 ST a ‘Note. By thismeafure, wines, brandics, ‘dpirits, perry, cyder, mead, vinegar, _ oil, and honey are meafured. SESE ORE ne as a LS ee a Barrel = 40” | Note, The ale gallon x Kilde. = 20” | «ontains 382 anbis a Firkin = 10” | dnches. “Hew O1O0000 | ol O.o Om OD I 2 3 4 ies Vil. London Ale Meature. ‘i Hogthead =1’. | {To turn London Ale Meaf. To turn Sexagelimals of a Hogf- head iato Gallons and Pints. into Sexag. of a Hogfhead. —_—_—_—_—_———— 0,106 0,212 0,32 - 4 0,426 0,53 0,64 0,746 0,853 tae ro 736 aI} 1,272 12| 1,28 13| 1,386 § 14) 1,403 15] 1,6 16| 1,706 17] 1,81g 18] 1,92 Fig] 2,026 | 20} 2,12 p21] 2,24 22) 2,346 23} 22454 | 24] 2,56 25] 2,6 26) 2,773 27| 2,88 28} 2,986 oO cm lca iS) mal 41 45378 42] 4,48 00000 i) Rocks) Lol dS Gn OO cnt oO ~ =e & O = an @) - #7 \Gall, Pints. | Pints. f cl 77" 778 Pin.| 7” ttt ore, GBEtlo: & 2} 2.13.g42]0. 16, 3] 3.. 20.0] 310. 25,0 41 4. 26604]0. 33.2 _5|_5 - 333] S| o + 4% | 6} 6. 40,0 f 6] 0. 50,0 7| 7+ 466 47)0 - 58.3 8} 8.53278) 1. 66 10| It 6,8 oo — 0,1] — . 0,83 II haere 13,3 0,2 is 1, 1 12] 13 . 20,0 + 13} 14. 26,6 ay hy an 14} 15 - 33.2 0,5 i dae 15] 16 . 40,0 J—2 Para 0,6] — . 5,0 16 17 ° 46,6 0,7 be: 5,83 TRIS f 63,g 0,8] — To turn Sexagelimals of a Hog{- ‘To turn Beer Meaiure into Sexagefimals head into Gallons and Pints. of a Hogfhead. 32 35 3 3358 33 36 - 40,0 34] 37 - 46,6 35| 38 - 53.3 36] 40. 0,0 37| 41. 6,6 38] 42 - 133 39| 43 - 29,0 40] 44 . 26,6 41 45: 3358 42| 46 . 40,0 43) 47 - 46,6 § 441 48 . 53.3 | zd he ncimalce 46| 51. 6,6 ATS ADS 48] 53 . 20,0 49| 54 - 26,6 50] 55 + 33-3 51| 56 . 40,0 521 57 - 46,6 | 53) 58 - 53:3 54| 60. 0,0 1 Butof Ale or Beer == 2’. 0” zr Barrel - ~ - - 2 40 1 Kilderkin - -- = 20 1 Firkin - - - - = _ Io Note. The Ale or Beer gallon contains 282 cubic inches, Tete [ 28 | To turn Dry Meature § o.. 56,25) f I. 52,5 OF 2. YS ies ' 3+ 45.0 Bf or oboe 5 . 33,75 | 7+ 30,0 Pin. tH I 2 3 4. 514. 41,2 615 7 ro 0,5, — - 28,125 0,6) — . 33,75 OL 2+ 302375) 0,8 ‘ 45,0 0,9) — 50,6255 1Laft = 80% 1Wey = 4of§ TQuar. = 88 rComb =" 479 PReck to 167] 1 London Chal- 1 dron of Coals ~; = 30’.0”] 1 Bufhel Water- § mea | SE SRE ane Note. By this mea- fure all dry wares, fuch as corn, feeds, fruits, roots, fand, falt, coals,. oifters, mufcles, cock- les, &c, are meafured. The gallon dry mea- fure contains 2684 cu- bic inches. : into Sexag. ofa Buth. f [BR G9 W0.09 Ga 190 Go GO'US Ga |X. Of Dry Meafure. 1 Bufhel==1/] 77\Gal. Pints N Oo Cm nlc yb b&b po -& Go Yo Ga Lo [Uo ies) ONO CONF OIG Rw NS AnabPp(PAE ES ——| ————— Cd | CO Toturn sexag.otabulh.Dry} Meaf. into Gall. and Pints: § t///| Pints. § ~ ToturnLong M& into S. of a Foot. = saan: lach.l, nv ve se oO 0,6 |2. of 0,7 13 - 309 0,8 |4 .. OF 0,9 14 rn) 398 1,0 |5.: Of PLEO TTTE REA tLeague {| ==15840’ |} 1 Mile i 262005 1Furlong § = 660’ | I Pole = 164,54 I Fathom — Vs Note. 60 Nauti- cal or geographi- cal miles —.a de. gree, or 69% fta- tute miles nearly. Alfo .360. degrees, Or 25000 miles nearly, is the cir- cumference of the earth, , ® X. Of LongMeai. rFoot=1'.} Cong Meat, into Inch$§ 2H4T10, 1-2 56|11,256)0, 186} STITT,4EST/O,19 | 58\1 1,6) 58)0,1935 59)11,8).59]0,195) 6o}12,0R60l0,2 TY PW ES EPO iad 52 10,4552 0173] 53}10,655 3]0,1 768 | 54/10, 88 54/0,18 | 1 Ell Scotch — ¥, 2/ : 1 Ell Flem-{ ith ==0'.45"9 Waa A Aor GQ EUs | AwnwmMa ~ be _ * Qa : i ae we Xt. Of Cloth Meafure. 1 Yard= 17} rT, Toturn ClothM. 4 into S,ofaYardij ————— To turn Sexagefimals ot a Yard into Quarters, Nails, and Inches. Ne NEN eS | He OTO OWWW NbN hart ~OCO lO NN NY S&H Ovo Ww b Ea Ft OO) - 04544210, 4.2) 1,05}4310,43} - 1,65%4410,445 O10 145/004 54 . OWWW NIN YN Ne He - 0,6 46|0,46] - 1,2 [470,471 - 1,8 $480,483 - 0,1 594.910,49} Hp et 10-00 - 0,9 $5410,545 215 f55/10055% YN HY SH Oo Ww Ga. : Us [e) Ca ies) Gs W Us YW Lo |}! D] 2). hee os 56)0, 56) V 13) + 13° 45157 0557 BIZ) 3B). 1,05153)0, 588 913 - 3 + 1,65)5910,59} O14. 0 . 0,0 §60!0,6 — nt RR nl an ee NRG Ahmar 20°) ) XIN. Of Land Meature. 1 Acre1’. 4 (___Xil._ Of Superficial Meafure. “1 SquareFoot=="9 7) To turn Sexagefimals of an Acre into koods and Perches. te tea | fo turn bsexagel. of a square f . Yo turn Land Meaf. * . ra . 4 Foot into Squate Inches. ~§ FE Eta hoot Sa at eet | ‘Lo-turn- Superficial Meafure into Sexagefimals of a § H intoSex. of an Acresy > (an enero maar are ee | ef eee —— | ——_——_- § ——- ° om a | m UT Db Cr Ote SS fe) = % apo ale nH oO ¢ dy Nn — -—|-cqc li —— Oo Cn Go i O me - bo OM O OO cont OG NN Lal wo A wat N wm O 4 5 5: opis O18 ame 7» 7 jogs hae 8. Bh 9 - O.o OnT aD O.o CONT OD Oo bb Hb wR NH DO COONTININ DADOnMB BP Biot HN NHI eH ew OO | @Q @. Oo G! wn NN rf CONT ON SY as — GSO CO=TeON Gr as Us tS a O88 Do ds] no Oo Go. Go GO Yo A GW Go G UO 0; oN WNHHYNNPIND WP wl bb S PID w ee Mle SM me ee er eee OF O26 OO Oo Golo GO aS MI ON Gn GO Ne eA NIN eB WG IESG MI TEN ASSL EAN SOPOT Jt RSL at FB 9 GO Go O [GO UW Lo WW wo US wo to Oo fio v » A S)}ow-Bb vo G2 WW YO Yo Go — | —— ——____—. § ——_- | —_---—_——— |. 24 - 35}; 119 Ag - 35 BO W WO Y [OS Go Go Uo Yo j ¢//|Perches I} 0,04 if 9 0,08 f 3) O13 4] 0,17 |_5| OF f 61 026 7 L 7) 93r4 1° 8) 0; 29 9) O54 | H1O| a4 11| 0,48 TA) Os 55+ j LES 0,57 4 1141 0,62 | 15} 0,6 Ig] 0,84 20] oO, 21| 0,937 22.) 0,97 2.3 1,07 : 24) 1,00 DELL LTE ESS SETS PATEL LS 84) U5F 3435] D5) o:f36) 1,6 § 6 37 1,64 | ; 33 1,66 i 3G [E2573 49) 857 ~ Sx ae 7 _ 19) oe ee ee OOo Oc “CO o %e) Og x “I NO wb ~ Noe FO S02 ——— bd oN) OQ wn F oO NN SS ee ee: we ~y ht BO. Ry ® » ~ POD QDGvGn Bb |S WA D2 “OO \o QQ in oO YHNNHNIDHNHDN eu XIV. Of Solid Meafure. 1 Cubic Foot = 1’. To turn Solid Meafure into Sexagefimals of a Cubic Foot. Se eee SL ES | | . 7/1 // ‘11 // “// 4/ To) encase crass: | secant seem emcmemce | nen ae SRS |S ES | RES | TR RAL OATS. 1) pepe oO eo) art N : fi - 46,6 tay. 1,9 ‘Duy S1Qny , N = O | 2uy aiqng . 12) I » 43, I’. 4s$831i ..2¢,4161 . é ‘ - 48,75 13. - 9,583 2 : Hee 1. 6,6 a - 27,5 |I- 8 : é » 50,83 o. .15,0 3 - 47,9161 . 8375 It . 29,58,11 - : : 2 - 13,75 |3 410 . » 50,0 2 °) 2 jhe ) } | 2 710°. jo . : ; = 27,Q10R |s ais Slo . 16,6 : ts) : SLT A OnuIED ke a: gjo . - 39,5931 - 0,416|1 . 21,25 |1 . 42,083)2 . 3+ 5416/3 - 26,25 Ig ‘N.B. Every column begins with a Sexagefimal of an even 10 cubic inches, and increales downwards, {o the Sexagefimal of 40 cubic inches is 1’. 23,3, of 47, 1’. 37,918. To turn Sexagefimals of a Cubic Foot into Cubic Inches. 1000 | 0. 34. 43,3 //\ cub. inches] // }cub. inches 2000, 1. 9. 26,6 are 3000 | 1. 44. 10,0 2 4000 | 2.18. 53.2 3 5000 | 2. 53. 30,8 4 6000 | 3. 28. 20,0 5 Li We al Dc Ra a 6 8000 | 4. 37 - 46,6 7 9000 | §- 12. 30,0 8 10000 | §- 47 - 13.2 20000 |1I . 34. 26,6 30000 |17 . 21 . 40,0 40000 |23. 8. 53,3 50000 |28. 56. 6,6 60000 }34. 43 » 20,0 70000 |40. 30. 33, 80000 |46.17. 408 90000 |52. 5. 0,0 100000 157 . 52. 13,2 EE SEIT te KI SEE STEERS ETS 1728] 60. Jcub.in. WW 0,1 0,208 0,2 0,416 0,3 | 0,625 1 Cubic Yard = 29’ 0,4] 0,83 0,5 | 31,0418 0,6 1,25 0,7 1,4582 O, 1,6 0,9 1,875 A Deel deere Seo MitALT T ACB. Tt EB. | O F PROPORTIONAL PARTS, ADAPTED TO | SEXAGESIMAL PROPORTIONS, “EXHIBITING, AT SIGHT, | THE RESULT OF ANY PROPORTION, Where the First TERM is 60 Minutes, The SEconp Term any Number under 60 Minutes, AND The Tuirp Term any abfolute Number under 1000. LC) i ee wd figs ae 0 ee sa eee we ht ge [ 263 ] 9 fe Bosjo11 LAMPE SLO) | TEP 18 *b POP 20 98 EON: Oo 6,21; 1053] * 0,3) 0,3) .0;3] b,3}- 0,3 0,3} 0,3} 0,4) 0,51 0,5) 0,5} 0,6] 0,6] 0,6] 0,7 0,5! 0,5, 0,6 0,7| 0,8] 0,8] 0,9] 0,9] 1,0) 1,0 0,6] 0,7] 0,7 0,91. 1,0] 13,1) 51) 1,2) 1,3) 1,3 0,8) 0,8! 0,9 1y2] Bearers. 154} 7,5). 2,0) 157 | a 136) Sas) 9391" 2:0) Beal | 232) 2,3 ti Fo] 2,0} 251] 253] 2,41 2,51 2,91 1,2 1,3 1,5 9 ti my y 4 bs ae ds sas 2,1 23 ae up Ae i 10 1,5 t,7 1,0 2 ce 255 i st Fi ee - id bask Bete Ba ag Rd a 2 a 12 FO). 0) a A sa, 3,2 3.4, 3,6). 3; 4,0 353). 351° 3-7] BGP BH 4.3) 14 alba ies | 3s Sa] a kal al a 4 > > ee. 2 “ Os > 6 3 4.8 cof =o 5 25] | 20) 03] Te8|_ 2023] aS} Pe) 910] 33} 35) S| A 34s ae 16 2A,’ By 2,9 “) “£,0| 4,3 #5) eee 1G: . 3} 2 aa 4 cael he 18 2,7| 3,0] 353 4,2 4s 48 ype ogut 19 2:9) 32 35 454 igh 5> ry Ba ee mt eI lt A As eee ar 32{ 3251 399 4,9) 5,3] 5 4 2 ie Va & Bc. Tg vg a7 33 =e 6,9 7. 757 23 35 ai i Sof 5° e Pe eg 42.4) 3, 5 ? ’ ’ 9 8.4 *5 29) 23) 35) 2} ae _Socl_ Ss} Sot) 3] ll DA _ Dt Bg 26)" 3:9] 4:3] 458 65 9 ae ey 27 4,1) 4,5) 5° 3 z ’ "4 3 e 28 4,2] 4,7 51 3 7> aa 8.7 9, es { 29 4,4 4,8 553 i 793 85 9,0 9.5 10,6 4 Sade nga poe Peer tse ee De 931 9,8] 10,3 21 ’ ’ ? ’ > ’ 29 3h #7 5921 557 oe ps "5 9,8 9,6] 10,1] 10,7 ? es % He 77 8,3] 8,8] 9,4] 9,9] 10,5) 11,0 i > ae 7,91 8,5] 9,1] 9,6) 10,2] 10,8] 11,3 35 sj 3 a8 6.4 8,2] 8,8] 9,3] 9,9)-10,5] 11,h 11,7 35 Ee BAB Se er ers er ree ee 26 ; 6, 6,6 8,4, 9,0] 9,6] 10,2] 46,3) r1,4) 12,0 4? ve . 6,8 8,6 933 9,9 10,5! II,t! 11,7 12,3} 37 5° bi 7.0 8,9 Q,5| 10,1 10,8] 13,4] 12,0 13,7 3° is & 7,9 Q,1 9,8 10,4) 11,1) 11,7] 12,4] 13,0 39 $9 - ip 9.3 10.0] 10,7] 11,3] 12,0] 12,7) 13,3 ~ ; oe 58 75 9,6 10, 3| 10,9} 11,6) 12,3 13,5) 13,4 41 Fe et ¢ 9,8 10,5 11,2} 11,9} 12,6) 13,3] 14,0 +? a2 wa 7.9 10,0] 10,8} 11,5] 12,2; 12,9] 13,6) 14,3 43 ws - ae 10,3} 11,0} 12,7} 12,5} 13,2) 13,9] 1457 te 6.8 A 8,3 10,5] 11,3} 12,0} 12,8) 13,5) 14.3] 15,0 Seca he ae a od ees ger ey eas man el nee eos eee reer EE EPC Ts vs eC hae pelivald eg] taal spaeeee A Ls ts 8.8 11,2} 12,0] 12,8} 13,6] 14,4] 15,31 16,0 a ae 2 5 9,0 11,4} 12,3] 13,1) 1359} -1457 15:5 i 3 + ? ? . be : mt sci tol ata tal sel oo Gal alge Se antl a op ase ee % if FL ME Fs Leche ackn caer kavecepacucbots ¥ Ae 2 i 1 Bol Big ae va) 13,3] 14,1; 15,0 15,9] 16,8) 17.7 a3 ae en bn s 8.1 © 12,0 13,5] 14,4} 15,3} 16,2) 17,1] 18,0 54 3,6 41 6,31 7,2] 8,1] 9,0] 9,9] 10,8 12,8} 13,8} 14.7] 15,6] 16,5] 17,4! 18,2 55 357 5} 8541 753) 853} 9,2) O57 2,8] 13.0 | Std <6} 0,9 =. L EOb 6 8 3} 10,3 13,1] 14,0] 14,9 15,9) 16, 17,7| 18,7 56 357 »S} 7> 4 9 13,3] 14,3] 15,2] 16,2] 17,1 18,1 19,0 ie te 1 nr tes OE ee on 13,5 14,5 15,5) 16,4) 17,4] 18,4! 19,3 st Boy: 237) 0:8.7 Co: mag 8} 13,81 14,8] 15,91 16,9] 27,4| 18,7] 19,7 , <3 os BEY Bae a ip A el a a0 fo 18.0 I “ 20,0 60 oO} 7,0} 8,0} 9,0} 10,0} 11,0 14,0} 15,0} 10,0] 17,0 18, 9,9] 29, Go — |__| | | | | — | | Se cn mi a I | re Om OD tT O9u|4 a cob wx fh . » ~~ ——$—$ | — oe | | | SS | LL LL | ——— | | 10,0 —_—_—— | | | | S| SS | NT | SS LY LN S| eS SY onl oO - “% 10,4 10,8 1k? 11,6 ‘12,0 “aS | -——————— | -— ——————_, | | | - palin rca —— | ee | ef Nf | 4 Go Ga Gs Ud G |{*t No af Lo 12,4 12,8 43,2 13,6 14,0 -_ | | I | | | CO ST | ee ————— | ——— ~ Com +. Go OD & GW one) 14,4 14,8 15,2 15,6 16,0 | ef ee | Ef —————{~— | ——. | —_ | ——_—_—__ —_——— | — | i S| eS 16,4 16,8 Los 17,0 18,0 “ ~~ byw WK DN Mn -B& BW Ys Mo fb OOb ~ Pr) Pe SS eh Senet ps —— — | | ef [| | eS | oe | | 18,4 18,8 19,2 19,6 20,0 ~ ~) pW PN HN CONSID OD oO COW ON = ~ a, ef f ef ——__—__ -j————_— -_—_ | OO | | | i | Le FO LE nt, hao So—NI ON] G2 Nt Mm £2922 Dun Ste Mh Jt ns Gt a i 0» 32‘ 2S SS DAONnO 20,4 20,8 21,2 21,0 22,0 22,4 22,8 G2 WO N bb “0 OO - 3555} 36,4 36,1 a4; 36,7) 3757 37.4] 33,4 38,0] 39,0 23,6 24,0 01 29,0] : eile eu teem rose to 457 | 4Oe el asd A a ak ae pl YY OF, Ps7) 937 0,8 m9 2 1,4 1,4 1,4 1,5 1,8 a mal. 2,3, 2,2 2,3 2,8 my oSel 2301, 2.9 ~ 3) 5) 394) 3.5} 3,0 3,8 4,6 ae Dee 6) 4,1) 4,2] 4,3 4,6 595 7} 4:81 4,9) 5,0 594 6,4 8} 555{ 5,6} 557 6,1 7:3 g| 6,2} 6,3) 6,5 6,9 8,3 Bo, | G,8). 2.04. . Maat 4 9,2 It} 755} 77] 7:9 8,4 10,1 12] 8,2} 8,4! 8,6 9,2 T1,0 T3| 8,9) 91) 923 10,0 1,9 14] 9, 9,8} 10,0 10,7 12,8 15] 10,3] 10,5) 10,8 11,5 13,8 lb Ea. | FOL ROVO}. S252(2 Lt.s 12.8 14,7 E97). ¥1,G}. &1,9}, 3,2 13,0 15,6 18] 12,3]. 12,6]. 12,9 13,8 40,5 19} 13,0}. 13,3] 13,6 14,6 19,4 20] 13,7]. 14,0] 14,3 Bg,2 18,3 20,0 21) 14,4] 1459) 15,1 16,1 19,3 22) 15,0} 15,4} 15,8 16,9 20,2 23) 15,7) 16,1) 16,5 17,6 Aes 24! 16,4) 16,8) 14,2 18,4 22,0 25) 1751) 17,5] 17:9 19,2 2259 26} 17,8) 18,2] 18,6 19,9 23,8 27| 18,5} 18,9] 19,4 20,7 24,8 28] 19,1} 19,6) 20,1 aes 25.9 2g} 19,8] 20,3] 20,8 22,2 26,6 30] 20,5) 21,0] 21,5 23,0 24,6 iL 2h, 2) 21,71 29,9 23,8 28,4 32| 21,9] 22,4] 22,9 24,5 2.9,3 33} 22,0) 23,1) 23,7 25,3 30,3 34| 23,2] 23,8) 24,4 26,1 Ress 35|. 23,9] 24,5] 25,1 26,8 3251 36] 24,6] 25,2] 25,8 2.7,6 33:0 37) 2553} 25.9 26,5 28,4 33°9 38] 26,0] 26,6] 27,2 2.9,1 34,8 39| 26,7] 27,3) 28,0 29,9 35,8 40] 27,3) 28,0] 28,7 30,7 36,7 4.1). 28,0] 28,7] 29,4 3144 37,6 42) 28,7} 29,4] 30,1 32,2 38,5 a a a — EE aay a es eee ee eee eee eee ee ee Ce ee ee ee ee ns ee path Sy he eR ety (oe a a EE | A -————— |_| —— | | | | |] ——_——$—— | ————————_— | ————_— |__| ——_— x_ cqwqe | —_—_—_—|\—__|———|\——_——_—._ — | | | | | | i] 1,4 2] 2,5 ¢ 1 3] 4,1 F: iy ee .O ee 7 6} 8,1 : : at 9,9] 10,0 8} 10,8 ri Q| 12,2 ) . 138 10] 13,5 i 11] 14,9 18 12] 16,2 ne He 20,0 14] 18,9 23,4 15] 20,3 ie3 176] 21,6] 21,9 fe 5 ee 20,4) 20,7 Hine 28,1} 28,3 TQ) 2597 ied] 317 ions 31,4 31,7 See 33,9] 3393 apie 347] 359 23) 3151 303] 38.5 24) 3254 sib eee 39,6] 40,0 “31.35. | 41,3) 4157 ee ae 433 28) 37,8 40s) 29] 39>? 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BIS Decimals.. 4 ita a O.O CO~I BD Minute | * ,00000.00012.86008.23 ,00000.0002 §.72016.46 ,00000.00038.58024.6g, ,00000.00051.44.032.92 ,0Q000.00064. 30041.1 5: 300000.0007 7.16049.38° |. ,00000,00090.02057.61 | ,00000.00102.88065.84 ,00000.0011 §.740 ,00000.001 28.60082.30 | ",00000.00141.46090.57 3 500000.001,£4..32098.77 ,00000.00167.18106.96 ,00000.00180.04115.23 ,00000.00192.90123-46 ,00000.00205.76131.69 ,00900.00218.62139.92 ,00000.0023¥.48 ,00000.002,4.4.341 56.38 ,09000.00257.20164.61 ",00000.002.70.06172. 84 |. 500000.00292.92181.07 | _| ,09000.0029 5.78189.30 ,00000.00308.64197.53 |. ,00000.00321.50205.76 | ,00000.00334.36213.99 |: 100000.0034.7.2 ,00000.00360.082 30.45 500000.0037 2.942, 38.68 300000.90385.80246.91 | ~,00000.00398.66255.14 | ,20000.00411.52263.37 ,00000. »00000.004.37.24279.84 ,00000.9004.50.10288.06 ,00000.00482.9 ,00000.0047 5. $2204. 53 ,00000.9004.88.68312.76 | s90000-.00501.54.320.99 . 00000.90514.40329.21 ,00000.00527.26337.45 ,00000.90540.12 345.68 ,00000.005 52.9835 3.91 ,00000.00565.84362.14 | ,00000.00578.403 ,00000.00591.56378.60 ,00000.00604.42 386.83 ,00000.006 1 7.28395. 0b _ ,0Q000.006 30.14403.29 . ,00000.00643.00411.52 | ,00000.00655.86419.75 -,00000.00668.724247.98 ,00000.0068 1. 58430. 21 ,00000.0060 4. ,00000.00707.304.52.67 ,00000.00720-16460.91 ,00000:007 3 | 00000.00745.88477.37 » ,00000.007 58.74485.58 3.02469.14 | ,00000.007 #1.60493.82 | N.B. 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(06246 439 - 21 .36* : 4 eet ego, 699736"! pean em 39°57 aa ee eS a 2.2, GOr OF oo ae: von A TABLE to turn whole Numbers into SexacrsIMats, ‘and the contrar Number 777600000 , 1555200000 2332800000 3110400000 3888000000 4665600000 5443200000 . 6220800000 6998400000 7776000000 8553600000 9331200000 10108800000 10886400000 11664000000 12441600000 13219200000 13996800000 14774400000 1§552000000 16329600000 17107200000 17884800000 18662400000 19440000000 20217600000 20995200000 21772800000 22550400000 23328000000 2.4.105000000 2.488 3200000 25660800000 26438400000 2.7216000000 27993000000 28771200000 29548800000 30326400000, 31104000000 31881600000 | 32659200000 , 33436800000 34214400000 © 34992000000 35769600000 30547200060 37324800000 38102400000 38880000000 39657600000 40435200000 41212800000 41990400000 42768000000 v Iv | W1 h Se eee BP aed | ae Number Number _ Number | I 3600} 1] 216000] 1] 12960000] 1- 2 7200} 2] 432000] 21] 25920000} 2: 3] 10800] 2 648000 | 3] 38880060] 3 4 14400 | 4| *864000}] 4] 51840000] 4 5 | 18000 | 5} 3080000} 5 | 64800000 | -5 6 | 21600] 6 | 1296000] 6]| 77760000 | 6 7 | 25200 | 4 | 1512000 | 27.1 .gopacq0d 4) -4 8 | 28800] g | 1728000] 8 | 103680000} 8 m) 1) 7g2400> |" "9 1944000 | g | 116640000 | g° Io | 36000 | 10 | 2160000 | 10 | 129600000 | 10 39600 | 11} 2376000 | 11 | 142560000 | 11 43200 | 12 | 2592000 | 12 | 155520000 | 12 46800 | 13 | 2808000 | 13 | 168480000 | 13 50400 | 14 | 3024000 | 14 | 181440000 }-,14. 54000 | 15 | 3240000 | 15 | 194400000-| 15 57600 | 16 | 3456000 | 16 | 207360000:} 16 61200 | 17 | 3672000 | 17 | 220320000 | 17 64800 | 18 3888000 | 18 | 233280000 | 18 68400 | 19 | 4104000 | 19 | 246240000 | 19 72000 | 20 | 4320000 | 20 | 259200000 | 20 75600 | 21 | 4536000 | 21 | 272160000 | 21 79200 | 22 | 4752000 | 22 | 285120000 | 22 82800 | 23 | 4968000 | 23 | 298080000 | 23 86400 | 24 | 5184000 | 24 | 311040000 | 24 90000 | 25 | 5400000 | 25 | 324000000 | 25_ 93600 | 26 | 5616000 | 26 | 336960000 | 26 97200 | 27 | 5832000 | 27-| 349920000 | 27 100800 | 28 | 6048000 | 28 | 362880000 | 28 104400 | 29 | 6264000 | 29 | 375840000 | 29 108000 | 30 | 6480000 | 30 | 388800000 | go “I11600 | 31 | 6696000 401760000 | 31 115200 | 32 | 6912000 414720000 | 32 118800 | 33 | 7128000 427680000 | 33 122400 | 34 | 7344000 440640000 | 34 126000 | 35 | 7560000 453600000 | 35 129600 | 36 | 7776000 466560000 | 36 133200 | 37 | 7992000 479520000 | 37 136800 | 38 | 8208000 492480000 | 38 140400 | 39 | 8424000 505440000 | 39 j 144000 | 40 | 8640000 518400000 | 40 147600 | 41 | 8856000 531300000 | 41 151200 | 42 | 9072000 544320000 | 42 154800 | 43 | 9288000 557280000 | 43 158400 | 44. | 9504000 570240000'] 44 162000 | 45 | 9720000 583200000 165600 | 46 | 9936000 §96160000 169200 | 47 | 10152000 609120000 | 47 172800 | 48 | 10368000 622080000 | 48 176400 | 49 | 10584000 635040000 | 49 180000 } 50 | 10800000 648000000 | 50 183600 | 51 | 11016000 660960000 | 51 187200 | 52 | 11232000 673920000 | 52 190800 | 53 | 11448000 686880000 | 53 + 194400 | 54 | 11664000 699840000 | 54 198000 | 55 | 11880000 712800000 | §5 201600 | 56 | 12096000 725760000 205200 | 57 | 12312000 738720000 | 57 208800 | 58 | 12528000 751680000 | 58 212400 | eq | 12744000 764640000 | 59 315 Ye a eth a wv si of the foregoing TY Apu ee Exampue I, Required to turn 33847653912 into Sexagefimals. 33847653912 Oppofite satseee baad is 43° or 43! 410853912 Oppofite 401760000 is 31’ or 31” eb seh Oppofite 9072000 is 42” or 42” 21912 Oppofite 21600 is 6” or 6” 312 Oppofite 289 Sie or 5 12 is 12” or 12”! 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