_ SEPTEMBER, 1924 ; “Light through Literature’’ Catalogue of Books in the “‘Moon’”’ Type for the Blind also | Revised Braille, American Braille New York Point and Line Letter Belonging to THE PENNSYLVANIA HOME TEACHING SOCIETY AND FREE CIRCULATING LIBRARY FOR THE BLIND “ 617 WITHERSPOON BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, PA. THE PIONEER HOME TEACHING SOCIETY IN AMERICA L. WEBSTER FOX, M.D.,LL.D., President ELLIS A. GIMBEL, REV. LLEWELLYN N. CALEY, D.D., Vice-Presidents JOHN J. WILKINSON, Treasurer, 505 Chestnut St., Phila., Pa. ISABEL W. KENNEDY, Secretary, 617 Witherspoon Bldg., Phila., Pa. HE blind of Pennsylvania are taught in their own homes free of charge, "Toy the Home Teachers employed by this Society. Books selected from this catalogue will be loaned, free of charge, to any blind reader in the United States unable to borrow books from a nearer library, to be returned as soon as read, but may be kept one month and will be exchanged for others. Embossed books loaned are sent and returned by mail free of postage, by per- mission of the United States Government. ' Applications for loans of embossed books should be made to JOHN ASH- | HURST, Librarian, The Free Library of Philadelphia, Department for the Blind,. / 1305 Locust Street, Philadelphia, Pa., where the Library of the Pennsylvania Home Teaching Society for the Blind is deposited for free circulation. Readers living in the western counties of Pennsylvania should apply for their embossed books to The Department for the Blind, The Carnegie Library, Pitts- burgh, Pa., where books belonging to this Society are deposited for their use. Books may be renewed upon notice to the Department for the Blind of the library from which they are borrowed. | In returning books wrap each volume separately in stout paper lined with / newspaper and tie securely. ‘ A package label for return of books by mail, free of postage, will be found in the back of each book. Send to the library prompt notice of change of address. 39,596 embossed books were circulated from the Society’s two libraries during 1923. Of these, 29,099 were in Moon type. Gifts of embossed books in all types will be gratefully acknowledged by the Secretary, who should be notified when gifts are sent. Embossed alphabets, first lessons, catalogues of books, and every information concerning the Pennsylvania Home Teaching Society and Free Circulating Li- brary for the Blind and its operations, can be obtained from MRS. ISABEL W. KENNEDY, Secretary, 617 Witherspoon Bldg., 1319 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. INFORMATION FOR PURCHASERS ON PAGE 12 j i i : x : et - : ee Sa ! - ie For illustration of Revised Braille see page 23. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE RE MM ©) TE STC eo Fe AGE PaaS 4. ae “MOON” TYPE FOR THE BLIND. “Catalogue of Books in the “Moon” Type for the Blind ALPHABETS, INSTRUCTION BOOKS, ETC. Alphabet and T.ord’s Prayer, ade Spelling lessons 1 and 2, wide lines First lesson book, wide lines First lesson book (new series) wide lines WIDE LINE READERS FOR BEGINNERS No. 1—King Bruce and the Spider . No. 2—Lady Clare No. 3—Heroic Daughter No. 4—Archangel . . No. 5—King George’s Message, No- vember 11th, 1918 , No. 6—Land and Sea Breezes(Maury) No. 7—The Balaclava Charge, Octo- ber, 25, 1854 (W. H. Russell) . No. 8—Evidences of a Design in ie. ation (J. M’Cosh) Saxon England (W. F. @ollies Le D. ) Short Quotations, Compiled by the California State Library Short Quotations (new series) Life of Christ in Scripture Words, in wide lines, 3 vols., 7 et: Ler ann pee THE BIBLE Old Testament. (43 volumes) Genesis, 2 vols., Exodus, 2 vols., Leviticus, 2 vols., Numbers, 2 vols., ‘Deuteronomy, 2 vols., Sah eee! i ANS Se ee aa 6 cg SS A ee a Ruth (see below — Ruth to Lamenta- tions). 1 Samuel, 2 vols., 2 Samuel, 2 vols., Migkiges Pols, See ee Jeremiah, 3 Vols, .-. 42 eae Lamentations (see above—Ruth to Lamentations). gerekiel. 9 -Volss |) fees: ces Daniel, 223235). a eee 3 Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, | I } Micah, ) in I vol., Se, eee Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, in I vol., New Testament (15 volumes) St. Matthew, 2 vols., Sls 2s a ae St. Luke, 2 vols., St. John, 2 vols., ah) tae oe Acts of the Apostles, 2 vols., Romans; “(eal 5 ee ee \ iit) Vol,, 1 Corinthians, 2 Corinthians, fr 50488 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “MOON” TYPE FOR THE BLIND. New Testament—continued Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, I Thessalonians. 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Titus, Philemon, in I vol., Hebrews, James, tPeter, 2 Peter 1 John, 2 John, | 3 John, Jude, J in I vol., Revelation, Chapters and Psalms. 1 Kings, chap. 18, 2 Kings, chap. 4, 2 Kings, chap. 5, : Psalms 205-25, 90, 116 and 121, Psalms 32, 51, 130 and 143, Psalms 34, 86, and 96, Psalms 40, 42 and 84, Psalms 91, 139 and a Psalm 119, Proverbs, chap. g, Isaiah, is gic ei aad 49, 1 fay chap. 40, and Psalm 85, Isaiah 53, Psalms 19, 23 and 125, . Isaiah 55, Psalms 27 and 103, Sermon on the Mount, : St. Mark, ae II om 12 (smaller type) Ty aa ive Ones St. Luke, chap. 1, chap. 2, St. Luke, chap. 11, . chap. rs and Ephesians, chap. 2, a chap. 18, chap. 24, = St. John, separate chapters, 1to2t. . Note that chap. 1, 3, ¥4, 15,0e¢.ama 17 are in wide lines for beginners. Acts, chaps. I and 2, chap. 9/2 Romans, chaps. 5 and 6, chap.\8)) ae 1 Corinthians, chap. ae 2 Corinthians, chaps. 5 and 6, , Hebrews, chaps. li and 72, I Peter, chaps. 1 and 2, 7 A@ eae Revelation, chaps. I to 5 Smae type), Revelation, chaps. 21 ih 22 (wide lines). ' BIOGRAPHY Albert, Prince Consort of Great Bri- tain. Eat years of H. R. H. the lates Edward VIL. eines at Teeheki Britain’s King and ‘Queen; Passing of the Great King. By Thomas Paul, 3 vols., yee hey *Bramah, Joseph *Brown, John, Bunyan, John, Burbank, Luther. Be WSS. Harwood, *Carey, William; Dr. Adam Clarke; St, Polycarp, Last Hours of; Cran- mer, Last Hours of, *Octimpue Chiistonned 3 vols *Cook,:Captain,:2 vols, 9) | oan Eliza and Harriett Pollard, *Davis, Johan and William Eade, *Davy, Sir Humphrey and Dr. Jenner, **Dole, Nathan Haskell. Famous Com- posers:— Vol. t—Giovanni Pierluigi da Pa- lestrina; Henry Purcell . 2—Johann Sebastian Bach; Gioachino Rossini, *” 3—George Frederick Handel; Mikhail Ivanovitch Glinka. ” 4—Christoph Willibald Gluck; Franz Joseph Haydn, Fawcett, Henry. By Winifred Holt, Francis AiAscint By James Adderley. 3 vols., *Franklin, Benjamin, Pp ‘vols. “5 Fry, Mrs. Elizabeth, Garfield, James Ahtarns aoth Prose dent of U. 5.2 volsss Garibaldi, 3 vols, Gilbert, Mie a vols Sage ; Gladuranes William Ewart 2 voles ; ce *Small size volumes. CATALOSUE OF BOOKS IN THE “‘MOON”’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. Biography—continued *Gordon, General Charles George, Memoir of, a lecture by Sir J. Wat- Lf 3 2 a a re Grant, Ulysses S., 18th’ President of by Owen Wister, 2 vols., . *Grey, Lady |p 3.1) = Ce ae eee rem Seenme ney, .,D.D., ... . . Gypson, Mrs., Last Hours of, from a eee *Hall, ne Vine, and William Wed- lock, A Havelock, General Sir H., Havergal, Miss Frances R., Hawkes, Clarence. Hitting the Dark i |. Lamb, Charles. By Masson, Flora, Lincoln, Abraham, 16th President of Mas). 2 ‘vols. LOM) lS Sak a *Livingstone, David, 6 vols., |. Lowther, Sir C. H., Bart. With illus- trations, » sc eihon tha: a ean re Meemeraviartin, 4 vols, :..... . Mary, Queen of Scots. Elizabeth et ek oe mvraaclay. Elenry; 4.2.2 4s McKinley, William, 25th President of U. S. Memorial Address by Hon. Tonnerlay, Ge i Ces 1 a ee Moon, William, LL.D. Labors for the Blind, ST Cg Ne I a Moorehead, Rev. R., D.D. With illustration, AY lac ae SS es *Murray, Rev. Alexander, Robert Bloomfield, Nicholas Bacon and ee LOIS a Se) 2 ee ke Nansen, Fridtjof, 2 vols., *Nelson, Horatio, Viscount, *Newton, Sir Isaac, Sir William Her- schell and J; Ferguson the Astrono- MET) Ie ee Re eke ae eee *Peel Family, The *Petersthe Greath 9 lenge ee *Prince and the Prayer, = tt ite Victoria, Life and Reign of Queen, Our Gracious Queen, Queen’s Journal:— First Visit to Scotland, Sc see Life in the Highlands, 2 vols., : Visit to Blair Athole and West. Tour, *Quorm, Daniel, 4 vols.,_. Roberts, Lord. By Violet Brooke- Hunt, GoVOIS.S i we ase Ee. cae Roosevelt, Theodore. By Herman Macedo, Jaa. «ae eee Roosevelt, Theodore. Theodore Roose velt’s letters to his children. Ed. by Joseph -Bucklin Bishop, 1920.. Ss) Cig ge Ave. en 2 Spurgeon, Rev. C. H., 2 vols., *Stephenson, George * and Robert Ste phensorieue \i , seroyal Reader, No. 5, 8 vols. *Public School Primer, and Reading Books)j1rand: 2,0). eae *Small size volumes. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “‘MOON”’ ESSAYS and MISCELLA! Church, Samuel Harden. The Amer- ican Verdict on the War (1915) . *Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Resa sation’ An Essay, 2-vols., ..% *Eulogy on the ae and The Perce: s Prayer,‘ ~. *Fallows, A. K, Mental Hygiene i in Everyday Living The Point of View A Talk on Rete Ainsworth, Harrison. Boscobel, or The Royal Oak, A Tale of the Year 1651. 10 vols., Ainsworth, Harrison, Oo vingdean Grange 8 vols., *Alden, R. N. Why the Chimes Rang, Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw, Andrews, Mary R. S.— The Bishop’s Silence, . The Counsel Assigned, *Crowned with Glory and Hones i The Diamond Brooches, *A Messenger, *The Perfect Tribute, . The Three Things, Through the Ivory Gate, *The Witnesses, *Atkinson, Eleanor. Story, 2 vols., Auten, H., V.C. Q Boat Adventures, 4 vols., Bacheller, Irving. Clearing, 6 vols., Baden-Powell, Sir Robert ventures as a Spy, 2 vols., Barclay, Frances L.— The Mistress of Shenstone, 4 vols., The Rosary, 7 vols., The Wheels of Time, Beach, Rex. Touchine Bill Hyde. 7 ” Running Elk, » Bell, J. J. The Whalers, 3 vols., . . Bennett, Arnold. The Log of the Velsa,“3:-vols.723) ses ee Besant, W. and Rice J. The Golden Butterfly, 11 vols., +. ae a eee 5: ith Melee. abet late Mea Lincoln’s Love «Yn RE Tevay ue ke ae Me ew oy, BD Se OC er et Note eet ea The Lichen in he a et) Fee sy ie) ee Te TYPE FOR THE BLIND. HOUS Hodges, |.cigh Mitchell. Worth of Service, «+ . ..:%.) 7 eee *How to Bese, By Grace Dawson, . Jordan, \\m. George. The Crown of Individuality, 2 vols..9) 2) eee Keller, Helen. Optimism, “Mortis, JT. | Whee My Coins Have Taug ht Me, .. 415.2 Pearson, Sir Arthur. Victory Over Blindness, 5 vols., . =, 230 *Wood, Walter. Life Savers of the Goodwin Sands). 05 0 ae FICTION. Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Web otf oe ©) wl IO eR Ge ieee aoe Steel, 6 vols., Brown, John. Rab and His Friends, . Bryant, M. Christopher Hibbault. Roadmaker, 7 vols: 2) Buchanan, Robert. God and the Man, 47 vols.,- «5+ oo, Seen Buckrose, J. E. The Tale of/ Mr. Tubbs, 4 vols., Bullen, Frank T. The Log of a Sea- waif, 7 vols., *Bunner, H. C. The Nice People, Burnett, Frances Hodgson The Dawn of a Tomorrow, Little Lord Fauntleroy, 5 My Robin, Butler, E. P. Pigs is viae , By an Unknown Disciple, 3 vols., . . Candler, E. Mantle of the East, 4 vols. Carey, Rosa N. Wee Wifie, 9 vols., . Castle, A. and E. French Nan, 3 vols. Connor, Ralph. /Sky Pilot, The, 2 vols, . 9... ji: Craik, Mrs. D. (Mulock).— John Halifax, Gentleman, 8 vols., Noble Life, A, 3 vols., Crake, Rev. A. D. The Rival Heirs, Pe ee em eee ere sce or vols., . a a vols., fe Cre C. M. Pilate Gave Sen- tence, 6 vols, 4. 0 [nn Crocker, B. M. Miss Balmaine’s Past, 6 vols., Cross, Anthony (Fditor). Own Stories, 3 vols., Cullum, Ridgwell. Wild, 4 vols., Lincoln’s The Brooding *Small size volumes. 6 _ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “‘“MOON”’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. FICTION—continued Davis, Richard Harding— he Bar Sinister PER OMSe fo In the Fog, 2 vols., *Deland, Margaret— Good for the Soul, 2 vols., from Old Chester Tales, Pb te Ue) So ae ee ei es Le Sige ie A a The Unexpectedness of Mr. Hor- Bceitielasp2vols,, °. .*. . . *Where the Laborers Are Few, Se kk Dell, Ethel M.— The Tidal Wave, and other Stories, V. 1. The Tidal Wave, 2. The Tidal-Wave (con.)—The Magic Circle, 3. The Looker On—The Second Fiddle, 4. The Woman of His Dream, . s. The ReturnGame, ... . The Way of an Eagle, 7 vols., . . Dickens, Charles— ‘The Chimes, 2 vols., A Christmas Carol, 2 vols., The Cricket on the Hearth, 2 vols,. David Copperfield, 23 vols., A Message from the Sea, Seven Poor Travellers, A Tale of Two Cities, 8 vols., . . The Wreck of the Golden Mary, . Dickens and Others— Dr. Marigold’s Prescriptions, 8 vols. Doyle, Sir A. Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, 6 vols., . . ‘Dugmore, Sir A. Radclyffe. Romance of the Beaver,2 vols... ... . Eliot, George. Silas Marner, 5 vols., Empey, Sergt. Arthur Guy. Over the Top, or From the Fire Step, 2 vols., Ewing J. Hy. Jackanapes, Fitchett— Deeds that Won the Empire, 6 vols., A Pawn in the Game, 6 vols.,-. . Fletcher, J. S. The Middle Temple Murder, 5 vols., Fox, John, Tr. The Little meee of Kingdom Come, 6 vols., _. Freeman, Mrs. Mary E. (Wilkins). *Revolt mi Mother; The,. ... - . *Scent of the iets: The, ee Gibbon, Perceval. The Adventures of Miss ery. 5 it oad ea os Goldsmith, Oliver. The Vicar of Seamenenioevols: . . ww ke Ce ee eee) CT ead ee eS eh Ce a a hier s . 8 Syl AD 9 Ey es a ee, TO | Vs Some ah veneite | Ve te. ce Serle) +e Grayson, David. The Friendly Rogiea Wols:,”) =. ceearae ars aa Hardy, Thos. Under the Greenwood Tree, 4 vols., Harland, Henry. Snuff Box, 4 vols., Harte, Bret— Brown of Calaveras, A Boy’s Dog.—Sidewalkings.—The right eye of the Commander.— The Iliad of Sandy Bar, Luck of Roaring Camp. —Notes by Flood and Field, M’liss. —Highwater Mark, 2. The’ Outcasts of Poker Flat.— Miggles.—Tennessee’s Partner.. A Passage in the Life of Mr. John Oakhurst—How Santa Claus Came to Simpson’s Bar.,. . . . The Rose of Tuolumne.—Jinny With the Entrees., The Twins of Table Mountain, Hay, Ian.— The First "The Cardinal’s Hundred Thousand. RIS oO sa ning epee eee Happy-Go-Lucky. 5 vols., Henry, O. The Four Million. 4 vole, Vol. 1. Tobin’s Tale-—The Gift of the Magi.—A Cosmopoli- tan in a Cafe.—Between Rounds.—The Skylight Room.—A Service of Love “« 2. The Coming Out of Maggie. —Man About Town.— The Cop and the Anthem. —An Adjustment of Na- ture.—Memoirs of a Yel- low Dog.—The Love phil- tre of Ikey Schoenstein. —Mammon and the Ar- cher. 3. Springtime a la Carte.—The Green Door.—From the Cabby’s Seat—An Un- finished Story.—The Cal- iph.—Cupid and_ the Clock.—Sisters of the Golden Circle, : “4. The Romance of a Busy Broker.—After Twenty Years.—Lost on Dress Parade.—By Courier.— The Furnished Room.— The Brief Debut of Tildy. *Herrick, Robert. The Master of the Tnmnetvolss Ga eee ee ee ae ee eet eC «ec *Small size volumes. 7 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE ‘‘MOON”’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. FICTION—Continued. The Prisoner of Shite 7 gee we) Gems eo. feig ie Hope, Anthony. Zenda, 4 vols., Howells, W. D. Sleeping Car, The, Hugo, Victor. The Good Bishop (from Les Miserables), 2 vols., . . King, Basil. The Wild Olive, 6 vols., Kipling and Balestier. The Naulahka, 6 vols., Kipling, Rudyard. The Jungle Book, 4 vols., *Knight, William Allen, Song of our Syrian Guest, The, Lloyd, Gladys. An Englishwoman’s Adventures in the German Lines, 2 vols., ‘London, Jack. Call of the Wild, The, 2 vols., Island Tales, 4 vols., Love of Life, etc., 4 vols.,_ . Tales of the Fish "Patrol, o) vols., Lorimer, George H. Letters er a Self-Made Merchant to his Son, 3 vols., Lowreen Lieut.-Col. Pillar to Post, 7 vols., Lyall, David. The 5. Volsigy se Lee = ee ee Lyall, Edna— Autobiography of a Slander, 2 vols. In the Golden Days, 6 vols., To Right the Wrong, 9 vols. Maartens,M. The Sin of Toost Aveling, 77: VOls.. "aco ce ee ee Marryatt, Capt. Children of the New Forest, 7 vols., Mason, A. E. W. The Four Feathers, gi vols, $5 Milne, A. A.— Not That It Matters, 3 vols., The Red House Mystery, 4 vols., Mitchell, S. Weir, M.D. Far in the Forest, 5 vols., Mitford, Mary Russell. Selected Stories from “Our Village,” 3 vols., Hannah Bint. Cousin Mary. Ellen. A Village Beau. Caroline Cleve- land. The Vicar’s Maid. The Old Gipsy. Little Rachel. The Young Gipsy. Grace Neville. Olive Hath- away., Montgomery, Florence. stood, 3 vols., ee ee Veen ok Ce hoe me Um eR SZ) ae} ee te eerie a ate Piety tw as we Wins ane ee ts se Dak fe. Shel persis ee Mea} jo Era)” =38%, le Bete a, ca) eceler ae ee he. SPOT 8 Carne: Stone oy ke) must Jide f oe) ce OM ge RO eT ai A eee tn eet Cle «ee, ae LD eam wre wo Sa re ee Vee ees eae ee. | fees Misunder- ee. ee gel. wee L wer tm aie Morley, Charles. Teufel, the Terrier, 2 vols., *Mundell. 4 vols., O’Brien, Lieut.’ Pat. Hun, 4 vols., Oppenheim, E. P. The Great Imper- sonation, 5 vols.,- 2) =) ae Orczy, Baroness. I Will Repay, 4 vols. *Page, Thomas Nelson.— The Christmas Peace, 2 vols... *The Shepherd Who Watched by Night, Palmer, Frederick. My Year of the Great War, 9 vols., *Phelps, E. S. Jonathan and David, Porter, Eleanor H. Pollyanna, 4 vols. Post, Melville Davisson.— The Baron Starkheim, etc.,. . The Girl from Galacia, etc., . . The Great Legend, etc., The Miller of Ostend, etc., The Mystery of the Blue Villa, etc. Lord Winton’s Adventure, etc., Princess Mary’s Gift Book, 4 vols, : Vol. 1.—A Holiday in Bed, by J. M. Barrie. The Spy, by G. A Birmingham.. Charlie the Cox, by Hall Caine. Canada’s Word, by Ralph Connor. Bimbashi Joyce, by A. Conan Doyle. The Ant Lion, by J.H. Fabre, vol. 2. An Angel of God, by Ellen Thornycroft Fowler. A Model Soldier, by Charles Garvice. The Land of Let’s Pretend, by Lady Sybil Grant. Magepa the Buck, by H. Rider Haggard. Vol. 3—True Spartan Hearts, by Beatrice Harraden. Big Steam- ers, by Rudyard- Kipling. A True Story from Camp, by the Bishop of London. The Ebony Box, by A. E. W. Mason. A Spell for a Fairy, by Alfred Noyes. Out of the Jaws of Death, a Pimpernel Story, by Baroness Orczy, vol. 4. What Can a Little Chap Do? by John Oxenham. Altogether Different, by W. Petridge. The Escape, by Annie S. Swan. Fleur de Lis, by Kate Douglas Wiggin. Reed, Myrtle. A Spinner in the sun, 5 vols., Stories ‘of the Lifeboat, Outwitting the PIC A eR ie Ce GE See MC °. ye St eee Ce i MeO CY KP *Small size volumes. 8 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “MOON” TYPE FOR THE BLIND. a eee FICTION—continued Rice, Mrs. Alice C. (Hegan). Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch, 2 vols. *Richards, Laura E. Melody, 4 vols. Roberts, Morley. The Madonna of the Beechwood, also The Ace of Hearts, and The Man Who Lost Piomrienesss.2..V0ls,, . . .. . Roe, Rev. E. P. Barriers Burned PUMA COMOIS Ek ks Scott, Sir Walter. Ivanhoe, 8 vols., ‘ee ts Renitwortht 9 vole Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, 4 vols.. Sheehan, Rev. D. D. Luke Delmege, 13 vols., + tpt LAS ee eae Stacpoole, SH deVere— The Beach of Dreams, 5 vols., . . Corporal Jacques of the perce Legion, 2 vols., ee? Stevenson, Robert Louis.— Kidnapped, BOMOISI Ra OR ace. +! % New Arabian Nights, 7 vols., Vol. 1. The Suicide Club, oe 2. The Suicide Clas (con).— The Adventure of the Hansom Cab., 3.-4. The Rajah’s EQisemond: 5. The Pavilion on the Link . 6. The Pavilion on the Tank. (Con.)—A_ Lodging for thewNighic. 2 i. @5.. 7. The Sire de Maletroit’s door. Providence and the Gui- CEES co BB Da EO | rene gee Treasure Island: 5 vols., *Stockton, Frank R: _ His Wife's Deceased Sister, and A Piece of S/W POE | Ao ie es a *Three Remarkable Diamonds,. . . Traffail (C. W. Dawson). Carry On, SENOS Ali a ae Stand By; Naval Sketches and Stories. o: vols:a eee, eee The Aeune Sub. Our Happy Home. Bloodless Surgery. Bunting. The Lost Sheep. The Naval Menager- ies. The Pirates. A Minor Af- fair. The Fog. The Traitors. Potvin of the Puffin. *Twain, Mark.— A Dee si Tale,: hea steer e The Stolen White Elephant, : Van Dyke, Henry, D. D. The Story of the Other Wise Man, 2 vols., Vaux, Patrick. Sea Patrols, 2 vols., Waller, Mary E. The Woodcarver of ’Lympus, 5 VOLS a. ty a ee Walpole, Hugh. Jeremy, 6 vols., Weyman, Stanley.— The House of the Wolf, 4 vols., . . Under the Red Robe, 4 *vols., ee White, Stewart Edward. The Cabin, 4 vols., i EM ena eS > *Wiggin, Kate Douglas. The Bird’s Christmas Carol, 2 vols., Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm, 5 VONSS Lites. cca tele, Wega le ae Wildes O. REVOIS. Ns Son yea ee ee *Wilking M. E.— The Revolt of Mother) oar The Scent of the Roses, . . .. . *Williamson, A. M. Sandy and the Creninisiey ol de Se ioe ne a Wilson, A. J. E. St. Elmo, 12 vols., . Wister, Owen. Padre Ignacio, Wood, Mrs. Henry. East Lynne, S VOlSR os, ee ieee eae a ee Woodruff, Helen S. The Lady of the Tighthouses: % -9ce ee Yonge, Charlotte. The Dove in the Eagles ANest15: 701s... at eee HISTORY AND TRAVEL. Argentina: a Field for U. S. Exploi- tation. By Roger W. Babson, 1915 *Boardman, Mabel T. An Audience with the Dowager Empress of ee es es Belgium, the Innocent Bystander. By Wm. Joseph Showalter, 1915, . Bullen, F. F. he Cruise of the Cachalot, ai) Sop Sa *Carnegie, "Andrew. A visit to the oy ES A ae ane Charles, Mrs. Rundle. Sketches o Christian Life in England in the Olden Time: Alfred, the Deliverer, vol. 1 . . Alfred, the King, vol. 2, . . Lights and Shadows of Early Dayne vols 3, 4b geet es *Clark, Rev. Francis E., D.D. Russia in the Grip of Winter, eee he et Constantinople and Sancta Sophia. By Edwin A. Grosvenor, ; *Small size volumes. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “‘MOON’’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. HISTORY AND TRAVEL—continued The Constitution of the United States; The Declaration of Independence; Lincoln’s Gettysburg Speech; Wash- ington’s Farewell Address; The National Flag; The Monroe Doc- trinesgek. 5 ee ee ee Dodds. Fifty Years’ Struggle of the Scottish Covenanters, 6 vols., . . Drummond. Tropical Africa, 2 vols., Fiske. History of the United States, 6. Vols: aeeihe etre ate aie eee From the War Path to the Plow. By Franklin K. Lane, Secretary of the I ntetior =<. fo) Se: 2s eee ae The France of Today. By Major General A. W. Greely, 1915, . . . The German Nation. (No autho given), 1915: 5. acaemiaeertcs,) Hague, Arnold. The Yellowstone National Park, and The Grand Canyon of Arizona, by J. W. Powell, Lodge and Roosevelt. Hero Tales from American History, in 4 vols., Lytton, Lord. Harold, the Last of the Saxon Kings, 11 vole eb Mackenzie. History of Scotland, 7 VOI. 3 o08o) en eae ee *Millard, Bailey. Salmon Fishing in Pacific Waters, e See 54, 80.4 Le Be, eae te Moon, William, LL.D., ed— Ancient Britons, .«, 4 =p Ancient History: Greece, 4 vols., . Ancient History: Rome, 4 vols., . Ancient History, § vols.,: Vol. 1, Egypt, So Seneee Vol. 2. Assyria and Babylonia, Vol. 3. The Persian Empire, . Vol. 4. The East under Greek and Roman Rule,. Vol. 5. The African Nations, *Earliest Discovery of America ‘by Norsemén, A.D.,°686)). 2a History of England, 72 vols. ee Outlines of the History of Scotland, Saxon Heptarchy, 3 vols... . . . Siege of Rome in 1849, .... . *Moon, Robert C., M.D. The First Mess of Tea on Nantucket Island, 735, . «0: ) oe Pollard, A.F. The History of England (A Study of Political Evolution), 4 volsi,. . «2. *Spanish Armada,-) = Venice. By Karl Stieler, 1915,-. . Watkins. With Kitchener’s Army, 3 vols., _. 2 1. Spe a ee The Wonderland of California. By Herman Whitaker, 2 vols., 1915, Washington: Its Beginning, its Growth and its Future. By William Howard Taft, formerly President of the United States, 1915,. . = MAGAZINES, NEWSPAPERS, ETC. Moon Magazine (Monthly)— Calendar. Church with a Text for “The Moon,” a weekly newspaper Every Day, .° 73gne ee mt Calendar. Notable Events and containing world news in condensed Phasessof:theuwl ae form,: 1 7-65 Rear eee Calendar. Pocket, Ree OCCUPATIONS *Rug Pattern, Nos. 1 and2,. . *Shoemending for the Blind, by A. Siddall: Sarees: Gh en eee *String Bags, Instruction for making on Circular Knitting Frames, POETRY, DRAMA, ETC. *Aytoun. Lays of the Scottish Cava- hers, & Volseeetaeein De ee cee Burns, Robert, Poems— Edited by William Wallace, LL.D. to vols. ee rea % Poems (selections), vol. 1, *Cotter’s Saturday Night, The Stranger at the Manse. The Father’s Message to his Blind Child. Bright and Sunny. The All-sufficient God, etc., . *Byron, Lord. The Prisoner of Chillon *Small size volumes. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “‘MOON”’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. POETRY, DRAMA, ETC.—continued *Hemans, Mrs. F. D. B. Poems, vol. 1 As You Like It. The Longfellow, H. W.— Two Gentlemen of Ver- Pepeeese I ws ey “i ODay WAP a pete oe ie Wiles Standishs 7. ws. et 3. ea ones ore: Cym- . aline. ing-Lear... . eee ts Cares wo, Macbeth, All's Ui hee Tales of a Wayside Inn, 2: vols.;-. ike ace ene Martin, F. (Compiler) — “5. Comedy of Errors. Measure Four Centuries of Poetry, VOL Ty. for Measure. Twelfth Prose and Poetry for Recitation, INIGHE SF ereats Dercies es OMRIPOEROEr “ 6. Timon of Athens. Romeo Milton, John. Paradise Lost, Book 1, A and Juliet. Hamlet, . . Palgrave, Francis T. Golden Trea- 7 sate Pericles, Prince of MOURN e CS Lees. tk kt Chi ae ha ay ai ares Scott, Sir Walter— Beene? asa ehon: hee Lady of the Lake, 2 vols... . . . y 1 Th ‘C rs cA i ication Reardmane? yois, 2 5. eae oming of Arthur, Shakespeare, W.— OE 6 a The Holy Grail, Baecrerny 2 Vols, 0 =. Merchant of Venice, ...... In Memoriam, D Volsi? “beets Launcelot and Elaine, SNE ae MereeOons. VOLE Go. Gs) Paden me tempest ee ea Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles Van Dyke, H ae ae Ae and Mary Lamb, 1920, . . . Air; Toiling of Felix; Vera; Music, Vol. 1. The Tempest. A Mtn. eWhitier— mer Night’s Dream. The Beierions, Vol. 18 Syeo Saye Winters Tale: . *. Snowbound, RE Parte he tele “2. Much Ado About Netian *Willis. Poems (selections), HYMNS. Small volumes. Beeiidten Stlymns .. <2... .0 ss | Hymns, Selections of Well-known... Sankey’s Hymns (selections), 2 vols. RELIGION. Blackwood, Sir A. Forgiveness, Life au suena ea saree Brenda iory, 3 vols... tk ake. ary Jones and her Bible, *Bottome, Mrs. The Story of the Miller, Rev. J. R., D.D.— romp Path,. 6 oe ea ithe: Laantans bouch.wier ae oy cn Bunyan, John. Pilgrim’s Progress, ae yas of et Hes our Own Cross the Best, . . ideran, vols., I, 2 and 3, .-. Moon, Wm. LL. D. Biblical Diction- Christ isgaeandb, . Aly RUGRVOIS! ara iow mes. Sno: 7 oy ae eee hs a ieee Morning and Evening Prayers and *Collects Litany, Ltn he, ge ee Fe cau ae 9 0 ha SNE aa Murray, Rev. Andrew. Abide in Fpistles in Liturgy, 2 vols., Chetieiicio’ —. cee aed *Faith Healing, vol. 1, . . . se i Prayers Before and After Communion, Hamilton, F. J. The Best Book of A Prayer Book Psalms, 3 vols., . + and How i Came to Us; °... . The Roman Catholic Catechism (the *F{e Diedf for,Me (wide ich: Xavier Free Publication Society *Holy Communion (English), . . . for the Blind, 1916), 2 vols., *Small size volumes. TE CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE ““MOON”’ TYPE FOR THE BLIND. RELIGION—continued Scotch Metrical Psalms, 4 vols., . . Scotch Paraphrases, Cae oUt ee NG, RS *Shorter Catechism, -) 797. Spurgeon, Rev. C. H. John Plough- man’s Talk, 3 vols., Cee ety tem CP Ack NS SCIENCE. *Ball. vols., *Barometer, The, *Farly English Iron Manufacture, *Kuclid (complete); 2-vols.s°.... anes Dugmore, Sir A. Radclyffe. Ro- mance of the Beaver, 2 vols., . . *Induction Coil and Atlantic Tele- graph, *Iron and Civilization, *Iron Smelting by Pit Coal, *Lockyer. Astronomy (science primer) Macmillan, Hugh, D.D. Bible Tea- chings in Nature, § vois., Moon, Wm. LL iD: Astronomy, Natural History, 8 vols., Vol. 1. 3. Animals, Hundred Million of Suns, 2 ao aS er. ee gk eese Bowe, be NETS el aes a a Se aN ec ee es ee DR ie) oc eS) et) a Oe « Ae et aveuinly ae) Bs! ye? ver TAS 6. Serpents, 7. Bees, “8. Ants, Beetles, *Murray, Sir John, Ke Explor- ing the Ocean’s Floor, *Procter. Lectures: Vol. 1, On the Sun, ““ 2. Comets and Meteors, . . “‘ 3. Birth and Death of Worlds, *Ranson, Capt. J: B., R. N. R. The Triumph of Wireless, . .. .. . *Swedish and Botallack Mines, and Thunderstorms, etc., by Smiles, . *Uses of Difficulty, *Volcanic Eruptions, Volcanoes Under Water and Earthquakes, *Wonders of Light and Coal, : *Wonders of the Magnet Bae Digess © i ey Brees ia 3 PE REC Te ce a Teer ere Wes oa ie ee ee atom ““ 4. Water Animals, 5. Great Birds, tion, em . Oo), CG Se my me ety *Small size volumes. INFORMATION FOR PURCHASERS All the books of the Sacred Scriptures can be obtained of the American Bible Society (Atlantic Agency), 7th and Walnut Sts., Philadelphia, or from the American Bible Society, Bible House, Astor Place, New York. Price lists on application. As no duplicate copies of embossed books other than the Bible are kept for SALE in the United States, all orders for general literature should be sent direct to HENRY STAINSBY, ESQ., Secretary, Moon Society Branch, National Institute for the Blind, 224-8 Great Portland St., London, W., England. Orders for Magazines, Christmas Cards, Books and Calendars intended for Christmas gifts should be sent not later than October 1st. The Moon Monthly Magazine— Annual Subscription, including postage, .. . re 2.s ‘“‘The Moon’? Weekly Newspaper 2.50 Calendars, including postage— Scripture Text for every day . $1.50 Notable Events 1.00 12 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND Revised Braille BEGINNER’S BOOKS Becinviers Primer, . 4.5)... - Beginners First Reader, rm OLAGUtS). oe The Beacon Primer, 2 vols., Andrews, Mary Shipman,— The Courage of the Commonplace, A Good Samaritan, . The Perfect Tribute to Abraham TCO ts : His Soul goes Marching On, ar Bacheller, Irving. A Man "for the Ages, 6 vols.,. Baldwin, James— Fifty Famous Stories Retold, 2 Wo Rg ho ee eee : The Story of Siegfried, 3 vols., or Bangs, J. K. A Little Book of Christ- oh, | Se Barrie, Sir James M. Courage, .. Bennett, Arnold & Knoblock E. Milestones, 3 vols.,.., Bercovicl, Conrad. Merchants, “Sup- plement to Aug. 1924, Interallied DUAPING S 2 ile foe ee Brown, Alice. Country Neighbours, gift from Am. Bro. of Free Reading, PONV ONS: ee kT. Browne, Brancis. The Wonderful Chair and the Tales it Told, 2 vols. Cabot, Richard Clarke. What Men Live (ier = bog Ba) SGReme pe eis eerie Cobb, Irvin S. Speaking of Operations Coe, Fanny E. Heroes of Everyday iter acvyols., --~. Connelly, Vanes B. A Fisherman of Costla with, Between Shipmates,. Conrad, ioscoh. The Secret Sharer, from, T'wixt Land and Sea., , Davis, hard Harding— The Boy Scout and Other Stories, . The Consul, The Deserter,. Diver, Maud. Grade 264: vols:, Doyle, Bir A. hae The Reigate Puzzle, Silver Blaze): . Dumas, Alexandre. The Three Mus- meter iatiG YOIs;, 4.1... 9+ - “ug yee te Bracies of American Life and Adventure, 2 vols., . . Farnol, Jeffery. The Honourable Mr. Tawnish, avols., - ohare cee © ol i us rae Pe Captain Desnond: Witueees ais) ae ie ~ Lindsay, Maud. The Beacon, First Reader, 3 vols., The Beacon, Second Reader, 3 vols.,. The Crawfish and the Miller, . é FICTION Ferber, Edna— chats; Marriage... acca, ee The Frog and the Puddle, 1 Vol... Fisher, Mrs. Dorothea Frances (Can- field). The Heyday of the Blood, from Hillsboro People, ..... Gatlin, Dana. The Full Measure of Devotion, Oe aaa Glass, Montague. Object, Matrimony Hansum, Knut. Growth of the Soil, 5 vols., CFEACE 2,00, $2 ane eer Harte, Bret— How Santa Claus Came to Simp- Son 6 Bats. aoc ee Ree The Luck of Roaring Camp, . . . The Outcasts of Poker Flat, . . . Hawkes, Clarence. The Good Fight, Henry, O.— Madam Bo-Peep of the Ranches, Tr. VOL hee ot, 0g ee Seven Selected Stories, ..... Shoes . . The Moment of Victory, I vol., Eines.) ack. — The Blue Streak, I vol., . The One Man Log, I vol., Hubbard, Elbert. A Mecaues to Garcia, eae reed ok. eran) Rabere ‘Kerr. Dec Ce Diamonds. ii se ai) oa eee Kilbourhe, C. ede Baby Kangaroo and Lilly Lamb, Baby Monkey and the Wily Wolf,. Baby Ostrich and Mr. Wise Owl, Kipling, Rudyard— William the Conqueror from “The Day's Work® eee, a ae The Brushwood Boy, 1 ‘vol., The Maltese Cat, in Grade 2. 1 vol. Laughlin, Clara E. Everybody’s Bonesome tan, 1 sean =a eee Leupp, Francis E. A Day with Father Mother Stories, EVOL Si Rie Ge” nwa ets Peet anne London, Jack. Love of Life, Mabie, Hamilton W. Selections from INorse.s tones, “Piney ences Mason, A. E. W. The Four Feathers, Grade 2 2, 4 vols., CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND FICTION—continued Miscellaneous Selections from various Authors: Mulock, Miss. The Little Prince,. O’Brien, Fr. Mystic Isles of the South B Seas, Grade 9,6 Volsaiae Ouida, Psued of "Ramee, Louis de la., A Dog of Flanders, Page, Thomas Nelson. of the Guns, Parker, Mary M. Jolly Monologues,. Parkman, Mary R. Heroes of Today, 2 vols., Parry, Helen. A String of Sapphires, (Edited by), . Peple, Edward. A Night Out, Poe, Edgar Allen.— A Descent into the Maelstrom, The Purloined Letter, The Masque of the Red Death, TVG a a Porter, Mrs. Eleanor H. The Tangled Threads, 2 vols., Prouty, Olive Higgins., : Rice, Mrs. Alice C. H. Phoebe,. Rinehart, Mary Roberts. Love Stor- ies, 3 vols., Lame © 4: peer eae” 0 ws ce) ee ek eal Ow O le . The Burial oy a ge Ie es ee ete, | ell ae. ee S Prd Beek eee ee a Short Stories— Soaked in Seaweed, by Stephen Leacock; Zenobia’s Infidelity, by H. C. Bunnce; Capt. Tristam’s Shipbuilding, by Robert Wade; Pigs is Pigs, by Butler, 1 vol., . Staples, Arthur Gray. Just Talk on Common Themes, Gift from Am. Bro. of Free Reading, Stockton, Frank R.— A Borrowed Month,: 723333 The Casting Away of Mr. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine, 2 vols.; 29s A Tale of Negative Gravity, . . . Stockton, Frank R. and Others. Old Pipes and the Dryad, etc., Twain, Mark. The %30,000 Bediert The "Danger of Lying in Bed, 1 vol. Verne, Jules. Twenty Thoustee Leagues Under the Sea, 4 vols.,.: . Victor, Corporal. The Soul of a Sol- dier followed by Saving the “Pop- guns from the Boche, Whittier, John Greenleaf. The Hero, eo / nt ee eee ee ee me Te Ruskin, John. The King of the Gold- Wiggin, Kate Douglas. Timothy’s en River, Pere a Se rk le Oe Quest;'2 vols:,. "> (a Schmid, Canon. The Rosebush, . Willsie, Honore. The Enchanted Schwab, Charles M. Succeeding with What You Have, : Canyon, a novel of the Grand Can- yon and Arizona Desert, 8 vols., . FRENCH The following French and English books of fiction are a gift from the Permanent Blind Relief War Fund, New York Abrégé Orthographique Frangais, French Contracted Braille Anet, Claude. 1 vol., Annunzio, ‘Ga Volupté, 4 vols., L’ Amour en Russie, L’Enfant ‘de Arene, Paul. Jean-des-Figues, 2 vols., Armandy, Andre. Rapa-Nui, 3 vols., a aa Barclay, Florence. Le Rosaire, 3 vols., Barres, Maurice. Un jardin sur l/Oronte,- 1 -volyaeiee Barthou, Louis. Mirabeau, 4 vols. Baucq, Philippe. Journal de ma Captivité, 1 vol., Benoit, Pierre. L’ Atlantide, 2 vols. Dans les Orangers, 1 vol., | Halgan, Cyprien. 14 Chantepleure, Guy. La tis SIVOle ab se Conrad, Joseph. Typhon, 1 vol., Forbin, Victor. Les Fiancées du Soliel, 2-Vols., France, Anatole. 2 vols. > France, Anatole. Thais, 2 vols., a Gaudy, Georges. Le Chemin des Dames en Feu, i vol.,. . Germain, J. & Faye S. Un Fils de France: Le General Laperrine, 2 vols., | Le Lys Rouge, Le tragique Amour de Mme. de Pradun, 2 vols., CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND FRENCH—Continued Ibanez, Blasco. Kessel, J.— La Steppe Rouge, 1 vol. L’Equipage, 2 vols., ees La Fayette, Mme de. La Princes- se de Cléves, 2 vols., Lenotre, Georges. Vielles maisons, Vieux Papiers, 8 vols., Lentilhac, Eugene. Vergniaud, 2 vols., ake Level, Maurice. L’Tle sans Nom, 2 vols., : ae Loti, Pierre— Aziyadé, 2 vols., Les Désenchantées, 5) vols., Madelin, Louis. Danton, 4 vols.,. Murger, Henri. Scénes ‘de la vie de Bohéme, 3 vols.,_ . Rhais, Elissa. La Fille des Pachas, 2 vols., ; Saint-Sorny. Pasca ou le Désert enchanté, 2 vols., . Sand, Georges. La Mare au diable, 1 vol., Shultz, Yvonne. Les nuits de fer, 2 vols., Stendhal, de. Nott: 6yolsy25 eee ee ee Stevenson, R. L. L’Ile au Trésor, 2 vols: °. . Py Taillandier, Mme. St. Rene. Ma- dame de Maintenon, 3 vols.,. Vogue, Vte E. M. de. Le Maitre de la Mer, 4 vols., . Voisins, G. de. Le Bar de la Four- che, 2 vols., . Waleffe, M. de. La Reine Taia ou le Peplos vert, 2 vols.,. . . White, Stewart Ed. Terres de silence, 2 vols.,. . ee f Pare et Fils, 2 vols., “Le Rouge et le ENGLISH—Revised Braille, Grade 2 Barrett, Charles R. Short Story Writing, BEvOisa a Diver, Maud. Captain Desmond, We. 4vols., « Hamsun, Knut. Growth of the Soil, 5 vols., Ce rer bbe Kipling—Rudyard The Brushwood Boy, 1 vol., The Maltese Cat, 1 vol., Mason, A. E. W. Feathers, 4 vols., . O’Brien, F. Mystic Isles 5 the South Seas, 6 vols., : English Revised Braille Grade 1 14 Dumas, Alexandre. The Three Musketeers, 10 vols., The Four The above books in English will also be found under Fiction. BIOGRAPHY Stachey, Lytton. Florence Nightin- gale, from Eminent Victorians, . . The End of General Gordon, orn: Pominent: Victorians: 4 af-o ee Stories of Great Men and Deeds, selected from Various Authors, GEOGRAPHY Allen,— Asia, China and the Chinese from, | Geog. and Industrial Studies, . The New Europe, 4 vols., . . South America, Chile & "Equador, from Geog. and Industrial Studies Asia, India & Ceylon, from Gore. and Industrial Studies, Carpenter, Frank G. Around a World with the Children, an intro- ductory: Geogranhy cule eee HISTORY AND CIVIL GOVERNMENT Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence, on Seeneeeo Cushitig,':.-. ., . Manual. of Parliamentary Practice, by auther'S) Cushing saa oe ee PERIODICALS Catholic Review (Monthly) Inter-Allied Braille Magazine (Mon- ~thly) Commencing with July, 1924 | Matilda Ziegler Magazine, (Monthly) CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE ““BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND VOCATIONAL Brooding and Rearing Chicks, by J. C. Graham & Fred H. Cockell, Lessons on Massage, by Margaret D. Palmern3: vols es pene Massage, by Nellie Elizabeth Mac- Afee, R. M. Poultry Keeping, by Harry R. Lewis, B. Seug vols a 2". Ye? Meio mre Short Story Writing | by Chas. R. Bar- rett, Grade 2, 2 vols. System of Physiological Therapeutics, by S. S. Cohen, Principals, Methods & Therapeutics of Massage, a John K. Mitchell, bound in 1 vol., RELIGION AND ETHICS The Book of Psalms, 2 vols., Gospel of St. Mark, Gospel of. St. Jounin ee ee ee **Collects, Epistles and Gospels, and the Service of Holy Communion, from The Service of Holy Com- munion, from the Book of Common Prayerso vols. 20s ee ene | eee **The Protestant Episcopal Church, in the United States of America. Thomas F. Gailor, S.T.D., The Imitation of Christ. A’ Kémpis,'2-vols..\5 a eee ee **The Litany or General Supplication from the Book of Common Prayer, Thomas Frequent and Daily Communion, by Rev. Joseph M. Dommell (Catholic) What is Benediction, by Rev. F. M. de Zulueta (Catholic), What the Catholic Church is and What She Teaches, by Ernest W. Heull,... . . . An Explanation of the Prayers and Ceremonies, by Abbe F. Hallet,. . The Faith of Our Fathers, by James, Cardinal Gibbons, 3 vols., (Cath- lic), -: San Celestino, by John a 2 vols. (Catholic), Blavatsky, H. P. The Voice of the Silence, Crane, Dr. Frank. If You Are Up Against It, Go Around, Miller, Rev. J. R., D.D. Your Own Cross the Best and The Human Touch. Gift of Miss Margaret Elder, 1-4... =. == Spicer|William Ambrose. The Hand that Intervenes, 5 vols., Walton, George E. Calm Yourself, SCIENCE Radio Mastery of the Ether, by Wil- liams, 2 vols. Gift from Am. Brother- hood of Free Reading for the Blind ** Gifts from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church. NOTE:—All Catholic books are gifts from The Xavier Free Publication Society fer the Blind, New York. 16 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “AMERICAN BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND — oa SsSsSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSsSsSSsssSSSssSssssssssSse American Braille RELIGION AND ETHICS Bible— Old Testament, 14 vols., (Contrac- SCE AS le ene ace Old Testament, Psalms (Inter- pointed), 2 vols., New Testament, 5 vols. 5 (Contrac- PS a i eae New Testament, St. Matthew, New Testament, St. Mark,. New Testament, St. Luke, New Testament, St. John, Book of Common Prayer, Offices from) the.) eee ee Hymnal of the P. E. Church (words only), 3 vols., As Man Thinketh, SEE Gh Dae Comegys. A Primer of Ethics, Dewey. Ethics, His Glorious Appearance, .... . Ministry of Healing, 5 vols., . Our Day in the Light of Prophesy, Sev ls, een aoe Ae a ee Safety, Certainty and Enjoyment,. oi es VE. sina pe ee oe a er ad) Beare a! CATHOLIC BOOKS Gift from The Xavier Free Publication Society for the Blind Faith of Our Fathers, 3 vols., Manual of Prayers "and Devotions, beeiageimnen. ke Full Catechism of the Catholic Re- ligion, by Deharbe, 2 vols., Marzio’s Crucifix, by Crawford, Percy Wynn, 2 vols. , by Finn, The Following of Christ, 2 vols., Manual of Church History, 2 vols. ae The Catholic Review,. oh eA The Protestant Reformation, . The Question Box, 3 vols., ; The King’s Achievement, 3 vols.,. . Essentials of American History, 2 vols Denes of the} Kaih; 4 7) oe, 4 =e Wings for the Weary, . Acts, Romans, ep onnthians Toni (inka has hee Titus, Apocalypse, UNCLASSIFIED Addison. The Sir Roger de Saat Papers ee VOSS Se A Little Matter of Real Estate,. eMC MOMMIES OG: . on. ris Gln a aes Allen, Library Work for the Blind. . PuGMMEReLATIANTIC oi: 2. ww Wey aes Among the Rockies . . American Tropics,. ae Andersen. Selections from Hans Andersen’s Fairy Tales, Andrews.— The Bishop’s Silence, The Little Revenge, The Perfect Tribute, Arnold, Schrab & Rustun, . At Home in the Forest, Bacheller, Irving. Keeping Up with Lizzie, 2 vols., Bacon. Selections from Essays, . Baldwin— Bee Tree and other Stories, . Old Stories of the East, 4 vols., Story of Abraham Lincoln,. . . Bartholomew. Relation of Paycho- logy to Music, 2 vols. Beals. Law of Financial Success, Bell. Farmer’s Bulletin: Poultry Management, Con) RO Oe Wiese er 6} Bellamy and Goodwir.— Holidays and Holy Days, Loyalty and Heroism, Bits of Bird Life, . . Bjornson. How ‘the Cliff Was Clads Book of Stories, Busher, Kate Langley. The Man in Lonely, band ~3evols.. vn eee Bourget. Monsieur Viple’s Brother,. Brown. The Christmas Angel, Burbank. The Training of the Human PEt noe oa 5 ae ee Burnett, Francis Hodgson— Dawn of a Tomorrow, 2 vols.,. Land of the Blue Flower,. Business Letters, . . Byron. Mazeppa, with The Prisoner of Chillon, . Care and Use of the ‘Teeth, 3s Carroll, Lewis. Through the Looking Glass, 3 vols., Chapman. Dr. Howe, Rui eit Chester. Skeezicks Elopes, Chodski. Myths of the Slavs, Clarke. John Whopper, the News- bOVa) Geiss hot ae ee eee Collection of Poems, Cooke. The Deacon’s Week,. et = Ro ow) Pee Cy GC Serie ch rc 2 g~ enh sh ps a ee eS Oe 17 CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN: THE ‘‘AMERICAN BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND UNCLASSIFIED—continued Curtisa’ My, Chateaux, gees: * Dickens Reading, Cutter. | Comprehensive Anatomy, Physiology & Hygiene, 2 vols., Daring Deeds; 2 vols.;.. 9). 3s Daudet. Mr. Segiun’s Goat, 5 The Pope’s Mule, Davis, Richard H.— The Consul and the Nature Faker, Eleanore Cuvee? 2) 3c eet. = os Her.First Appearance, .. .. . Stories for, BOVs. om tee etek. Great Tri-Club Tennis Tourna- eater R eS Uda io art Davison. How I Sent My Aunt to Baltimore,~ 24 eee «et Deland— Good: forthe Soul semen) coe At the Stuffed Animal House, The Promises of Dorothea, Where the Laborers Are Few,. Dickens.— Great Expectations, 12 vols., . Oliver ‘Twisty:. (aes eae Pickwick Papers 3. ee Dodge. Hans Brinker, 3 vols., Dole. The American Citizen, 2 vols.,. Doyle. Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle,. Boscombe Valley Mystery, Man With a Twisted Lip, Naval Treaty) Geos me tee Red-Headed League, . 7.42. Resident: Patient? 4-4 naan ene Edgeworth. Murad, the Unlucky,. Edwards. The 4.15 "Express, Ses Eggleston. The Redemptioner, Eleanor Cuyler. Eliot, George, pseud. Silas Marner, 2 volsi,. “oS ee {eee Hayes. The Denver Express, .. Henry. Ransom of Red Chief and Other Stories,.°.. . - 4) ee Herrick. Master of the Inn; sae Heyse. L’Arrabiata, .) eee A Hilltop on the Marne ee eee Hubbard, Elbert. Get Out or Get In Line, 0°. 2 jee Hugo, Victor. Story of the Good Bish- op, 2 vols., <.. 2. 2) a Hutchinson. Colds and How to Catch Them, In Alaska, . =. 2 3 42 ee In New England, . . 5) eee In the Southwest, . . . 2) [ae Keller, Helen— Story of My Life, 2 vols.,. ie The World I Live In, 4 parts,. Kelly. A Little Matter of Real Estate, Kingsley. Water Babies, 2 vols.,. Kipling, The Brushwood Boy. Cap- tain ¢ Courageous, 4 volsq.) ae Her Majesty’s Servants, . ie The House Sutgeon, “7 3 ae Kitchener's Mob, ..” 35 7a Trisler. Four Weeks in the Trenches, LaSizeranne. The Blind, as Seen Through Blind Eyes, 2 vols. a Laughlin, Clara A. Everybody’s s Lonesome, . .°~. . < jaa Lee. Uncle William, 3 Vols ae Leupp, Francis E. "A Day With Ps ther, . 0)... ..) , Life a the Sea, - .. . .. =a Little. Lady of the Decoration, 2 vols. Locke, Wm. Jr. A Christmas Mystery, Longfellow— The Golden Legend, 3 vols., King Robert of Sicily, ©. 2 tae Paul Reveré’s Ride,’)>). < . sae Lytton, Lord. Lucile, 6 vols.,. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN THE “AMERICAN BRAILLE” TYPE FOR THE BLIND UNCLASSIFIED—continued Macaulay, Jord. Clive, 2 vols.,. Essay on John Milton, Mademoiselle, Miss. McKeever. The Cigarette Boy,. . Mackey. An Incident of Gettysburg, Mannix.— Sir Francis Joseph SON aay Henry Fawcett, : Martin. Human. 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