ee ne) “yt ' 4 to 39, 65/4: Gul 32 Bulletin No. 12 July 1, 1920. M. M. LEIGHTON COMMON VEALTH OF PENNSYLVANTA DEPARTMENT OF INTORVAL APPAIRS James IT. Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist an ——— anne GAS WELLS ON POLLOCK RUN, WESTMORELAND COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA BY J. French Robinson About one mile west of West Newton along Pollock Run in the southvest corner of “les tmore lané County wells are being érilleé for gas end when the writer visited the field a aye 1920 three wells near the mouth and several more farther up Pollock Run had been com- pleted. Gas has been found in the Big Injun sand at a depth of about 1250 feet. Twenty or twenty-five wells are either drilling or heve been drilled along this stream within 1$ miles of its mouth. The roc: pressure in the field was nearly 500 pounds per square inch and cur- ing the latter art of May one well had an open flow of 7 3/4 millio: cubic feet ner day. A month later this same well is producing about 100,000 cubic feet of gas per @uy. Another well produced 3 million cubic feet of gas daily the! first of June, and was producing 3/4 million eubic feet of gas on the 15th of June. Several wells did not find cas in paying quantity in the Big Injun send, and are driliing to the Speeehley sand which shovld be encovntered at a depth of about Oh a ks abit, uth ‘ Brea ’ “et taf i) idle a A y my eth Re < MSc fd oe Ur A, ets) ; at vs CMAN a tn aged + be} a 53300 feet, Drilling in the Pollock Run district is on the southeast flenk or side and where the rocks are some 60 feet lower than on the crest of the Bellevernon anticline. The axis of this anticline passes about $ mile east of ijebster, + mile east of Salem Church, and a A _Stosses Monongarela River about mile west of the mouth of Pollock Run, ,The flank dips southeast abovt 100 feet to the mile, -) =.) ree 1 Witwer. ya BRANA 2 : ie ee Leary ts Bhi pal) ; th