» Reading for Pleasure and Profit A list of certain books which young people find entertaining; being chiefly books which older readers enjoyed when they were young All that Mankind has done, thought, gained or been; it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of Books. They are the chosen possessions of men. va Carlyle—Heroes and Hero Worship. Fourth Revision Published by the Public Library For High School Students and other Readers Newark, N. J. 1926 Note of Explanation This list has grown out of actual experience in suggesting books to young people. It is not a list of the world’s greatest books: rather, it is a list of the books which the young men and women in high schools, especially in the Barringer High School of Newark, N. J., have found attractive and have read with pleasure and profit. Certain instructors in this school compiled it several years ago. Before its first printing, in 1908, it was revised by its chief compiler, Miss Margaret Coult, in conference with Miss Sara C. Van de Carr and Miss Marjary L. Gilson of the Public Library. In 1911 and again in 1913 this list was revised and rearranged by Miss Coult. The division into eight parts has been made for convenience in suggesting books to pupils from fourteen to eighteen years of age in the several high school grades. All the books in the list are in the High School Library and also in the Public Library, the more popular ones being duplicated many times. The titles most often called for are also in some of the branches. Books marked H are recommended by the History Department, either as being valuable history or as helping to create the background . of historic events, or build up the impression of an historic character. H marking an entire section indicates that all items of that section are recommended. In the same way, § marks books recommended by the Science Department. John Cotton Dana. Public Library, Newark, N. J. 1926. Fourth and revised edition by its chief compiler, Miss Margaret Coult in conference with Miss Marguerite Kirk of the Public Library. June 1926. I26 a orp, | | x Reading for Pleasure and Profit First Year — First Half In Connection with the Odyssey H mie: Gmiaremeartomer CA new telling ye . 2.4 6c<. so6 sles ce kiekaia macs Colum The Wonder Book (Never old)............ by yaeee aren hah coe hes Hawthorne The Heroes’ (The geds help heroic youth)..........c..ccccees Kingsley The Story of the Golden Age (Greek beginnings)............ Baldwin The Age of Fable (Many myths)..... Beira ar dre en as ce an Cesena Bulfinch Classic Myths in English Literature (As the poets use these)..Gayley Three.Greek Children (Athens and Sparta) ..:...........0dee00% Church POP iam CPU LGPOLG ) fiers co bic ies Gd adic ae Qa wdlaiee games Snedeker riage vierorrwr maldmis: (Greek glory) olive caededecdlmeccne ahenn Davis mretaswand tigsrown (Greek life) ih oe... lect wewuwaceeeae Snedeker Greekrand svoman' Mytholosy (Well told) oo. .co. ccs ee ese eee Tatlock Mayme OuAtiiens *(3oG0° Bs Co. Very clear) ivi. .c feces eae wees Davis TIOLOUCORMIe CA. SOOG SLOTY “CELE? 25.50 Bic cs ka afale cll w 6 ova wislna solale euliare White CUMUreneur tne Ta whe (GCC AZAIT) feces cee cece cba eeeauae Buckley Pit ieencent Athens: (Greek life). 5... ek eens pone Tucker The Perilous Seat (The oracle of Apollo)...............2..05- Snedeker The Book of the Ancient Greeks (How they lived).............. Mills Hero Stories of Other Lands Frithjof and’ Beowulf (Norwegian and Anglo-Saxon).......... Ragozin The Story of King Arthur and His Noble Knights (Very noble) .Macleod Story of King Arthur and His Knights (By a story-teller BRR TC UTUTO-TIZICGT? }ig:. shes sie vious «isk ales Sida Ce ce Aa ea ee ca ule, Pyle Pern learor (thew har NOFt |) CINGPSG) i'..a'c:.'s:s.< oe oboiewerede a aise ae iers Riis @aesrory ot noland (Old French hero) 006. 6.3. bbe hs Baldwin H The Story of Siegfried (Old German hero)................ Baldwin H faeetiuecoL Ireland's Son’) (Very. Celtic)... . 0.05... sesame Colum H muemisinind. o1. the. Mighty (€Celtic, TOO)... 5.6 cece sek becca nee Colum The Wizard of ‘the North (Strange tales) .........0.0.c000088 Fillmore feorrapeandsnustum,. (A father and sOn) ioc sries MAG 6 os sels ees Arnold Siories. 01 Persian Heroes (The Far Hast) ... cease cece c band Buxton H POvearierucsit OL! VATIOUS SOTTS 6 se ok cee els cule mee ees ween Hale H Peer uiayemeroes® (FeEroes, (00). fio ste acc ik nelse ee dedee ree St. Nicholas PoreGre ior lhe: Mar NOt). oy cia os eins he cle wleue vals bole French Stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers of France EME CHITMR TCL OIORY Mrey ee oe de Aloe vole a ea wees Be He ad eto Rs Church H inernoy euinine Arthur (Arthur again) .025 2.0. ee nes Lanier H ( 04991 4 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Adventures by Land and Sea Treasure Island.(Romance of an island) -.é.ca.....es bese se Stevenson The Great Quest (Strange experiences and narrow escapes).Hawes H The Dark Frigate (A sea story)............. Rs ore. Pantnctcte te ate Hawes Robinson Crusoe (A story that lives)........... ccc cece ceees Defoe S The Swiss Family Robinson (They do wonders)............-- Wyss S The Jungle Book (The wolf-boy and his friends)............ Kipling §S Second Jungle Book (More of the jungle-folk).............. Kipling §$ The Young Trailers (Vigorous young Westerners)........... Altsheler Boots and Saddles (Custer and the Indians)................ Custer H Hnoch Arden: (A ‘modern: Ulysses ).3ics co os oo. chetele sa sues hclenne Tennyson Story-telling Ballads (All the better for being old).............. Olcott Captains Courageous (A “smart” boy gets a lesson)........... Kipling Mr. Midshipman Easy (Famous sSea-sStory).........cceccceeees Marryat Careers of Danger and Daring (Modern heroes)............... Moffett Young People of Various Sorts Little Women (Every girl should fead it)............e.eeceeeee Alcott Dab Kinzer. CAM Vecbow yee on ea ae cee eee eee meer, Geet ee a een Stoddard Adventures of Billy Topsail (A young seaman)................ Duncan Betty Leicester (A New England summer)...............eeee0- Jewett Nelly’s Silver Mine (A “good-luck mine’’).............-.cee0. Jackson Jim Davis (Devonshire coast and smugglers).............+2- Masefield The Boy and the Baron (Robber barons—Germany—crusades) . Knapp H The Prince and the Peasant (The French Revolution)....Martineau H Otto of the Silver Hand (Robber barons—Germany, again)....Pyle H Gabriel and the Hour Book (Louis XII Gave it to Lady Anne).Stein H H H When a Cobbler Ruled a King (French Revolution)........ Seaman Jacqueline of the Carrier Pigeons (Siege of Leyden)...... Seaman The Varmint’ (Lawrenceville; school) av eae ee eee Johnson A Son ‘of Columbus (Hhrom ia new angle) .i.4 oes eee eee ee Seawell Hoosier School Boy (About 1850—Indiana)................ Eggleston The Boy Emigrants (Western adventure, ’49).............. Brooks H Polly’ Trotter, Patriot (The Revolution) ou)uueennice eee eee Knipe Lob-Lie-by-the-Fire (Was it a brownie?) ...........ccecccccccees Ewing Daddy Darwin’s Dove-cote (Tumbler pigeons)...............0-. Ewing Kak CA; copper EsSkimo*boyorce . ok ca een oes ae, Stefansson Real People Worth Knowing Girlhood Stories of Famous Women (We should know TIVO, skein esd ince oe os oi Cre eens elas vie sa talcel Sie ote ae are ee en nce eee Cather Boy’s Life of Roosevelt (Worthy of the subject).......... Hagedorn Life and Adventures of Buffalo Bill (An interesting man)....Cody Heroines Every Child Should Know (Well worth knowing) ..Mabie Through College on Nothing a Year (Could you do it, too?)....Paine Tio FIRST YEAR—FIRST HALF 5 Heroines of Service (More true heroines)................ Parkman H Boy Scouts’ Life of Lincoln (All should know this great TUR ID) Wihae s'est NES Me ae Slade Wilal othe patie Beatties 9 ..Tarbell S H Adrift on an Ice-Pan (Wonderful courage)................ Grenfell S When I Was Your Age (Familiar and friendly).............. Richards Bible Narratives, Particularly the Stories of Abraham, Moses and Joseph (Learn to know these great people well) The Story of the Past H DUOry Ob Mankind VOVWill'tell yousmuchs } ee ae sate cietiicty & ote ars Van Loon Boys’ Parkman (Colonial history—French, Indian, English) ..Parkman DOV Sa OrAkGwCA sO L SOatOm i. vitamin ra wieieiy yore els 6 Oiteta A eee eeu Bacon ihe Books of) Mnglarid’ (Very readable)... cess ae ete ec eke ee oles Dark An Island Story (Easy to read and very pleasant)............ Marshall AUe DOY ssrroissart, (A oelenttul nistorian ). 2%. oss wean + cee Lanier Boy Kings and Girl Queens (Boys and girls acting strange EON AMA ltd Genk tied Sion of eh apr ta Sie Mae lst eae ae Ale, PAR DORM Wl SH a AAU Marshall The Book of the Ancient World (How ancient peoples Lvpde ay Dias “LOAGTEOKS lor mit, Malus dante aaa craig tre itate Mills The World We Live In S Tales of Nature’s Wonderland (Monsters and wonders)...... Hornaday Story-Book of Science (Famous French scientists).............. Fabre The First Day ‘of.Man :(Primitive: man)... 3 oe ae via k Kummer H Biography of a Grizzly (Wahb of Yellowstone Park)............ Seton Wild Animals I Have Known (You will learn to know RUSESYIT OO) ities Mra oes he Shey ahs wkd ee anaes lake Vay ope inn arueel Gua '2) gac tuner chem Seton The Land We Live In (“Waste not; want not’’).................. Price Northward Ho! (The Far North and its people) Stefansson and Schwartz Up the Mazuruni for Diamonds (South American adventure) ..La Varre Strange Adventures of a Pebble (Story of the Harth’s TALI PME Lek ee A Sate ALIS ee ate sahah Giet oc atia ule erecta tiie eae @ Hawksworth David Goes Voyaging (A boy’s experience on the Arcturus)....Putnam Poetry A Musical Instrument (The great god Pan).............. EK. Browning Parting of Hector and Andromache (Paraphrase of a PaINOUMADONTIONY OL. LOCVLIGRO.) ion) lane sicle cue sts otitante ate E. Browning DeNOne Cn esirst 1OVe. OL Pagis) eo tie cae iyo aw. dale ifetarele + erates Tennyson THIVHRCSN UA TICLE OU YSSEY Voie ay crisis s+ va sale cathe ole an cadet chem Tennyson MIL GLOSS IDALOTS): | UGG? a SDOLL ye ties eine aut arabe oe eats Tennyson On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer (The magic of a book) . Keats friepons.oL Cydinpe (The best elit) ool. ss .ckc sores Svcs welwiaelie « Gosse Golden Numbers (Something for everyone)..............s5008. Wiggin 6 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT . Nonsense Anthology (A litwée nonsense now and then).......... Wells Rainbow Gold (Found at the end of the bow)................ Teasdale Andromeda (Beautiful story, beautifully told)...... aereeren eotat er Kingsley Translation of the Homeric Hymn. The Myth of Demeter and Persephone (In Pater’s Greek Studies)................ Pater Balaustion’s Adventure (Poetry iS power)............e..e08: Browning Twenty-third Psalm (The Shepherd Psalm)..................02. Bible First Year -—— Second Half In Connection with American Literature American luiterary Masters c(h xcellent) scaus ois snresiekins >) ocean Vincent American Lands and Letters (Writers and places)............ Mitchell Autebiography: (Common sensen ite! hia te nals aoe bees bere Franklin H Last of the Mohicans (Indians of Central New York)........ Cooper H The Spy Min ‘the, Revolution aces. eas waac eee et nes Bruck Cooper H The. Pathfinder, CErontier sitio) nec. se cow eee eae leee oeleres Cooper H The Deerslayer (Moré fronwerdifeii aos es as ec ae Cooper H Uncle Tom’s Cabin (A book that influenced history)........ Stowe H Ramona: Cor thet] nara yin ou nee eee Aa tat eee eee Jackson H Our Old Home (Pleasing pictures of England).............. Hawthorne The Sketch Book (American narratives) (A legend-maker)....Irving The ‘Oregon Trail (Avereat adventure) 4070) oe eee s Parkman H The Man; Without.a ‘Country *( Patricuisit) Wi een eee ee eee e Hale H study. of Hawthorne’ (Sympathetic yy 4 wie cies ess eon tne te Lathrop Literary Friends and Acquaintances (His were interesting) ...Howells The Land of Evangeline (The poem and the place).......... Thomson Interesting Young People Story of Jack Ballister’s Fortunes (Kidnapped, Virginia—1719)..Pyle An Old Fashioned Girl (Would there were more of them)....... Alcott A Jolly Fellowship (By an amusing writer).................8- Stockton Phaeton: Rogers (A Joly Dov) Se cian Ao eee elation Johnson Two Little Confederates (The Civil War)........... espe pak pater pate Page Understood: Betsy CWhat-avbracing loni¢d gid Jueves ee eee Canfield What Happened to Inger Johanne (A Norwegian girlhood) .Zwilgmeyer The Pool of Stars (Helpful friendship, and mystery)............ Meigs The Secret Garden (What nature will do).................. Burnett S _ Hmmeline (The battle of Gettysburg)... asses ee Singmaster H Boy at Gettysburg (Story of a great battle)............ Singmaster H Hmmy ou COuaint «little eirl)) 22 se ec ieeeeee eens eee eee Martin The; Young. Lucretia, (New England tollcs) iia, ven valle oes Freeman The Liost, Prince! (Tt might? be: fruekin eee eee ee ee Burnett Castle: Blair (Much praised. (by: Ruskin ec wi eee eee eae Shaw Tom Brown’s School Days (English school-boys).............. Hughes FIRST YEAR—SECOND HALF 7 Gore (itslian schoolboys) paveuicdeids leas ween RP eRe chan pee gt De Amicis BreehaDaysy CA testi Pol nt io iris el ls eae ee ee King PMene Benton. (High Schock hoya we cas she eee ees Heyliger Stories of Other Days H scoulsh Chijels: GC’ Great, unhappy: Wallace’) 2 wees aeeria Mere Porter The Dove in the EHagle’s Nest (Robber barons—Germany)...... Yonge Don Quixote (Trans. by Judge Parry) (A never-grow-old)..Cervantes Master Simon’s Garden (From old England to New England)..Meigs The Perfect Tribute (Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address).......... Andrews The Chaucer Story Book (By a master story-teller)......:..... Tappan Tales from Shakespeare (Told by a brother and sister)........ Lamb The-Grisisa (The Civily War). ..«. at 5! Rr ar te et ee De Churchill The, Crossing: CLewis and. ‘Clark expedition)... «00% 3. 0s se. 2. Churchill Westward Ho! (To America! The Spanish Main! The PAOT SAUL (hen Ment ees Re Oe eee re ge hed ae the oe eet | eae Kingsley Soldier Rigdale (How he sailed in the Mayflower and how POVSCUVEC GV LOB os CATIOGS Ty get ste wie ace nie aig wie aid 6.5 ante the oie a det oe del tes HDD S's Mestn Hyae Cyvlonmouth’s' ReEbelliom), ck cc cos oie cS w eke Masefield The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood (An immortal story)...... Pyle A Tale of Two Cities (The French Revolution)................ Dickens Tales of Adventure Theaviveterious island, (sea MYStery)). oi .% cee deleen eee Slew te Verne §S Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Sea (Is itasubmarine?).Verne S The Cruise of the Cachalot (“Deep sea wonder and mystery”) Bullen S Piet neers Urder-Aand Mutiny!) 6 ccs S45 ese ie ho lone eld ee ates Hawes Tiewreeatlenacoon, (o0uth, Searislands) oo) .«.. 6% 6... 6d els chads ee Gen ewes White iheemMountainis CAnd*the mountains, too) >..77 sores ek woke White Hunters of the Great North (By one who Knows).......... Stefansson WHat parwitvoaw in the Ship Baegle.. oi... Coe ees cee Darwin Strange Adventures of a Grain of Dust (The story of the el Me es 5s i Sere NOE ace Pec ale Ooi es oP e eee onrdes Hawksworth Two Years Before the Mast (Sea-life)........0...0¢.e0ccececewe Dana PSA) Cope) eo Md ae ee AAA a OR, ee RRS AME OE ee tet oe ee tee py a ) Fabre Interesting History H Phempook or Hrance (Romantic, and stirring) 2.2.22... ee.2 sss « Dark Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World (From Marathon to Deri eats Pe Oe dy kN ies elated SE ast wis dl ata Whelg W ghar a areata mes Creasy Buried Cities (Pompeii, Olympia; Mycaenae) .........20. 0.0006 00 Hall In the Days of Queen Elizabeth (Very pleasant history)........ Tappan The Boy’s Book of Pirates (From those that captured Caesarito.John Avery). ....0..4; RU OR ES Jt Merc ree Pe On a ae ee Gilbert Poetry Pmrerorotca Ct OCs OF DEPOCS) +9. eeee eon ee French A Wonder Book of Old Romance (Old romantic stories)........ Darton The Book of Romance (Stories of King Arthur, Roland, etc.)....Lang The Prince and the Pauper (The son of Henry VIII and Tom Canty.) octave v traatetetee te ate niet eee ictine etiaic ate piefecay Ate Clemens Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc (Saint Joan, again)....Clemens Unknown to History (Mary, Queen of Scots).:................ Yonge The Caged Lion (James of Scotland and Henry V of England)..Yonge Merrylips (Cromwellis / ware) 1 i. eos cere eles ees ciate alee ck ae oe Dix Lorna Doone (A romance of Hxmoor).............sccceeeee Blackmore Kidnapped (David Balfour’s adventures with Alan Breck)..Stevenson Everyday Things in England, v. 1 (1066-1499) (Excellent)....Quennell In the Days of the Guild (Fragments of mediaeval life)...... Lamprey Stories of Character—Good to Read with Silas Marner Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (The double nature of man)...... Stevenson David: Copperfield: (Dickens tiavorite ic cece ce eee Dickens Nicholas Nickleby (A novel with a purpose).............e000- Dickens The. Pickwick Papersi( hun! amie soi hoe ee einer eee Dickens Guy Mannering (Smugglers, gypsies, gentlemen, and others)....Scott The Magnificent Ambersons (Pride and a fall)............ Tarkington Seventeen (Growing Up )i sick «weiss cake sions ieee een cro eects Tarkington Penrod: CBoy natures ea. aa wit see ce cas ee ee tne eee eee Tarkington Cranford: .(Old-tame trentility)) 2,020). pei erae hee ee ee Gaskell Widow O’Callaghan’s Boys (A story of brave struggle)....... Zollinger Daphne’ (An autumn 'pastoral/in Italy) ¢.9., oem eeeeie st as Sherwood Ay Happy. Boy. Cldyllie) ak toes se dork tien ere eee ee een Bjornsen Four Feathers :( Was ut cowardice?) i335 (3.4 ae eee eee ee Mason Little Schoolmaster Mark (The influence of a life)........ Shorthouse The Mill on the Floss (Conflicts without and within)............ Eliot Scenes of Clerical Life (From personal observation)............ Eliot Dear Enemy (Not very serious, but engaging)................ Webster Daisy Miller (Is shea typical American?)<2 0... 2050205. + se see James The Lady of the’ Decoration (Attractive) 202.22. eee ee ee Little Sentimental Tommy .(A curious! type)e.. i.e eae ini Cee ee ee Barrie The Honorable Peter Stirling (Progress of an ideal statesman).Ford H The Gentleman from Indiana (High-minded politics)....Tarkington H Short Stories, Various in Type Mystery ‘Tales. (Wellselected )../2. 7-4. S55 see siete oh hte Smith Stories for Boys (By one who knew)..........cccccccccccccceees Davis The Boy Scout’s Book of Stories (A famous collection)...... Mathiews Kipling Boy Stories (A vigorous story-teller)............ee000: Kipling Gallagher and Other Stories (Out of experience)................ Davis Old Chester Tales (Quiet town life—Pennsylvania)............ Deland Lady or the Tiger, and other stories (A problem)............ Stockton SECOND YEAR—SECOND HALF 13 WH IIOMEVILIC SSLOPIOS #( FLGALINTIC) , ies iis via cue Ricla aake Bivelnne es cin tale Crane Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (The prince of detectives)...... Doyle Smith College Stories (For girls, particularly)................ Daskam Princeton Stories (For boys, particularly)................... Williams SOLES OAT CIOVETSACOLIOS) bos vcs leas o's en's ¢ ach Ceara ees Bunner The Rose and the Ring (Delightful fun)................... Thackeray A Child’s Journey with Dickens (Excellent model for a POCSODALSALIALEVC o6o col he dhe’ oa! Sa o's Che's s c's, et A Pee a eeaee Wiggin Richard Doubledick (Well worth reading).................... Dickens Lristieray us CH UE OR CHATACLEYr ) . c/a 3 oc hele se Cu Oae alee ee eeonen Barlow Thersiierr lower (Delicate). 6 ofeeie sc ec ce tcdeeeebetine ces Van Dyke Melscavelorstueayoune Coumulating iis ca. Pe eos eteeioe 8 a5 care Tolstoy Short Story Masterpieces, French (Well selected)............ Esenwein Collections Raw Material (New England—France)..................0:- Canfield Americans All (Phases of American life)............. Heydrick H Short Stories for Class Reading (Davis, Canfield & PES eve mttiee tea ab Jk SR EAD IP Sore eA RR PU A Boas and Hahn Little Citizens (School children, East Side, New York).......... Kelly People Worth Knowing Life of Walter Scott (Abridged) (One of the great biog- ee eh Naar) MEER Base > oor Sls bw tere otk a alae WW oie bate Als «G8 Sieh eee nipis Lockhart Journal of Sir Walter Scott (It reveals the man) Home Fires in France (From experience—War record)...... Canfield H In the Days of Scott (The man and his background)............ Jenks Bible Narratives, Particularly the Stories of Ruth and Esther (Stories of devotion) The World We Live In PEIRCE TEV PRE TOU ire chee ghis Cee lala eh oe eax ale sete oes, cin arabe aed meme Sia Brown The Lookout Man (All about. steamships) .............002200000- Bone You are the Hope of the World (It makes you think)...... Hagedorn H EOLA M ES DLC OL mertis ties hye bale eibte sais 18! cla clin d p:'st'e cdl wal eraterer as ahaa elo stalls’ és Fabre Interesting History H Milestones of Progress—Book One (Brief—satisfactory)......... Dunn In the Days of Alfred the Great (Entertaining).............. Tappan In the Days of William, the Conqueror (This, too).......... Tappan In the Days of Queen Victoria (And this).................... Tappan The Boy Whaleman (New Bedford whaling)................+. Tucker Poetry Sherwood (A, Robin. Hood poem) 5.1.5... sce ek we ewe ae ors ote Noyes H Poieawoie soip (A fine Ballad) ooo. ic sie cnieals aciac slate as Rossetti H 14 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT The Legend Beautiful (To minister, not to be ministered ep Ree OORT Nath a C2 Os oe Mee Ue OL Longfellow Frier Jerome’s Beautiful Book (“Sick and ye visited Me’’)....Aldrich An Old: Castle. (Charming #pleture yi. at os: havo. sae one Aldrich H The Rhyme of the Duchess May (A story of devotion)...... Browning The Lady of the Lake (A romance of the Trossachs)........ Scott MEL Marmion (CA gallawtrsborys) ata oie saree clin see ago eben eee Scott H Mnidi and Geraint (CWifelyedevolion) \. coe... sss cso Tennyson H Lancelot and Elaine (“Elaine the fair, Elaine the lovable’’).Tennyson H The Lady of Shalott (A spell wrought in words)............ Tennyson Sir iGalahad (Phe ideg i skrieiit yeaa c se cee. < ea ae meee eee eee Tennyson H Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead (Grief and service) ..Tennyson Ninety-first Psalm) (Thetreftuse) ae ar aacaicoe uae tates ae ee Bible Third Year — First Half Samuel Johnson and His Friends Life of Johnson (Abridged) (One of the great biographies) .Boswell H Dr. Johnson—a Play (The Real People).................0-. Newton H Dr. Johnson and Fanny Burney (Ed. by Arblay)............ Tinker H Oliver Goldsmith ({Deliehtiul) ccpek ccs aeel eee ea ke ere Irving H The Jessamy Bride (Happy side of Goldsmith’s life)............ Moore The Vicar of Wakefield (Known the world around)......... Goldsmith The Deserted Village (Almost as widely known)............ Goldsmith Beau. Brummel (So. passes the elory yous aie ie eee ae Fitch 3a English Humorists (Swift, Addison, Steele, and Goldsmith) Thackeray H More Essays Clive-(He gains India: for; hneland) 2s scene eo ee eee Macaulay H Warren Hastings (He holds India for England).......... Macaulay H Madame’ D’Arblay (Fanny Burney) 2. oeeee eee. oe. Macaulay H Chatham (The Elder Pitt, great Whig statesman)........ Macaulay H> Essay on Life and Writings of Addison (As Macaulay saw ibe 060 Maa ry RE Rr ORE PITS Le hentaiy ts 55.37. Sand PR RRS Macaulay Sketch Book (English Essays) (English life as Irving Sa welt} ee PERO ic 6 late chee he Seo ete eee eircom eee, te te ee Irving Nil Nisi ‘Bonum: (On Macanlay and urvine seek esse. ee Thackeray Bits of Travel (Delightful records, by an interesting woman)..Jackson Bits-of Travel. at/home (Just \A8/£00d) &,eereue ss bein. eee Jackson Bunker Hill. Orahion. (Patriotie ratory tan ee eet es eee Webster H Reply to Hayne (Typical of Webster)... .0i.ces ose ess ee Webster H Farewell Address’ (Parting advice). eee eee ee. Washington H Inland Voyage (Through the water-ways of Belgium in a CATO} ra Pos Cea SAre cy RA Dee eee eee ae ee: rete ne Stevenson THIRD YEAR—FIRST HALF 15 In the Wilderness (Wise and amusing)’..........00ece000¢6 Warner’ 'S My Summer inva: Garden (Genital) fun)... iy ao eee Warner (5 Lamb's Letters. (As significant.as his essays) ....0.0.se.c000.00. Lamb‘ Editorials in Periodicals such as the “Outlook,” “Nation,” ) “Scribner” ' Modern Essays and. Stories .(Good things, here)... ..../...5..0..5. Law’ Fisherman’s Luck (For all who love the sport).......... Van Dyke’ S| Metin eer UNIS SLOG) J 5 Sind hes Cee i he eal ae. Van Dyke §S ° Novels, Carrying on the Interest of the Second Year Study The Master of Ballantrae (Story of two brothers, one all Cri ier emt tee Oa LP Sieh da honss eynve oo APPR POG rs ES eae po Stevenson A Gentleman of France (Henry of Navarre).............. Weyman H The House of the Wolf (The massacre of St. Bartholomew).Weyman H The Romance of Dollard (The French in Canada)...... Catherwood H Pride and Prejudice (Sensible, wise, and witty).............. Austen Pendennis (People as Thackeray saw them)............... Thackeray Henry Esmond (A great historical novel—Anne and et romm Ny epee mins oe eres alae ke ei allaiaia ala OM alate cha BOA Thackeray H Uarda (Egypt in its glory)............ Bate ATEN © ot RePE Ee ;..,..Hibers: H The Little Minister (Human, delightful, heart-warming)........ Barrie PCIe EURteaI SUN LY LTVCIE Joc cas aateleie, a, eis aie 0% wale de he elebele Kipling S H Passe tiwose CTlime, of Charlemagne) ..... 6... ek ec cee eae we Hardy H Momeieur iweaucaire (Very, gallant) «2 osu. de selec cee nals s Tarkington Hueh Wynne (American Revolution) ..........608. cbc eens Mitchell H The Virginian (Best type of Western cow-boy).............. Wister H fucrearolinian Chevoliutionary WaAr)i.u s6 6 oak sews we ele a ls Sabatini H nea mie ke CINGCONSITUCTION days) 20.0. els cae ds ce ele weeee hems Page H The Scarlet Cockerel (French in America—Expedition of MN hs ye MP eE ee Pe, oles chains Sy cay: de ek di Sh eke op a. Ae ANd aes, = Sublette H Hoosier Schoolmaster (Lawless days in Indiana)........ Eggleston H John Halifax, Gentleman (Appropriate title)................... Craik Anne (A fine story, with an absorbing detective incident)....Woolson Onraviutial eriend (A, mystery to unravel)... on 3. cence yearns Dickens eiemetoeine. of Navarre (Henry 1V' of France) . i004. 2e Jala Runkle Barchester, Towers’ (Study of English life)... .....05 oes .c eee Trollope Dre mee mC rvil Wal StOTy ska Seale See ka ce areea gees Cable H The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come (Civil War— ERE OU Y WOM rs fos Ge Poo ols, hoe oe aloe o's: asi ol Noe at SPATS ec op eaten Serre Fox H Green Mansions (Romance in Venezuela)...........ecceeeeeees Hudson Short Stories Mineescolce Dave (Old New Orleans) 205i. i ie cess ate Cable H POEC Neu ITeinige (1 Ne WaT TIMES i... fase setae ba dle ae aca ade, Ute Biota ls Page H The Outcasts of Poker Flat (Forty-niners).................. Harte H ire wenicwon Loaring Camp (This, als0) .40.45 008 doce oe eae wee Harte 16 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT A New England Nun (Village life—New England)............ Freeman A Humble Romance (Village life—New England)............ Freeman Hillsboro People (Vermont types) .......csccccssstecsvcccccos Canfield Country of the Pointed Firs (Maine sea-coast types)............ Jewett Ties Four Million (New YOrkcCiry) soc ens ale 4 + 6 ais eoiee aise 2 ene O. Henry . The Voice of the City (New York, t00)..........cccccesceces O. Henry Old Chester Tales (A quiet Pennsylvania town)................ Deland Madness of Philip (A kindergarten type)...............cc008 Daskam Sagas of the Sea (Sea stories from American writers).......... French People Worth Knowing Life of Robert Louis Stevenson (His “great task of happiness’) .Overton John Burroughs (An out-of-doors man)............cceeeeeee Barrus §S Napoleon (Brief—interesting) ...........cc cece cece cence Johnston H Daniel Boone and the Wilderness Road (The way to the SW EOSE)) | 05s) a) ouatet Wikia hte Grete mle aed eee Sn Sn CURE MPR ea ta yrLNy Goat oe Bruce S H The Alcotts as I Knew Them (An intimate study)............ Gowing Twenty Years at Hull House (Settlement work)............ Addams H Life of Mary Lyon (Beginner of Holyoke College)........ Gilchrist H story of a Bad Boy (Noteso' Dad) arene see eee aes os ciate Aldrich Life of Phillips Brooks (A good and great man)................ Allen Men I Have Known (Tennyson, Browning, etc.)................ Farrar Yesterdays with Authors (Dickens, Thackeray, etc.)............ Fields Story of My Boyhood and Youth (From Scotland to Wis- CONSIN oii. ei FEES CEG FOE PE are ne ere epee Muir S H Bible Narratives, Particularly the Stories of David, Jonathan, Absalom The World We Live In S Some Chemical Problems of Today (Interesting in subject matter and “in style). 2 pwn ae cee eee eae ese eects hie Duncan The Chemistry of Commerce (So, too, this).................00. Duncan The Last Secrets (Final mysteries of exploration)............ Buchan Readings in Science (Beginnings, development, the future)....Lesters Interesting History H The Growth of the French Nation (Excellent brief history)....Adams Side Lights on American History (Civil War to Spanish War)....Elson Boys’ Motley (Persistent courage) en oe ie ek ale sls ieee Banks The Conquest of Mexico (A romantic story)........ ae 0) eaacsels Prescott The Conquest of Peru (A: romantic story) 2) eo. os ds we ee em Prescott Father Marquette (French exploration).................. Thwaites H Montcalm and Wolfe (French and English in Canada)....Parkman H Poetry Naseby (Cromwell’s great battle)................ccceeees Macaulay H Ivry,. Henry of Navarre) oosceve eee eee ae Macaulay Ms | THIRD YEAR—SECOND HALF 17 Commemoration Ode (Harvard men who fell in the Civil Ny ae EEE Gas pc oe a aie alae ait wieme tala: @ dua di Cae hal arate ae laf Lowell H Ode on the Death of the Duke of Wellington (A noble Le We era teres Gos daa pa ek coe any OF2 kod bl wid alah eerene me meets & Tennyson Morituri Salutamus (For the 50th anniversary of his class ESS WU NECD SLE Wace ot Bile faica'e Jolin ks Golo s lal e-ehe asia gb a's Sali aaah oid MIRREN atone fo Longfellow The Prisoner of Chillon (Dedicated to Liberty)................ Byron The Celestial Surgeon (A prayer for right living).......... Stevenson ACME LOR AMO A PUNO SDALIAG Ye cle gc. a.dee ccs.s0h a ocala di debe Sle erwieiate edie us Stevenson The Golden Treasury (Revised edition) (A famous anthology).Palgrave RS PIT Me G CEM erate eee Oo cpt excel wat dk g's go. & ol ow Uids w dhe it OP Housman Paalmneorty-siee Gnelure and strength). sé cet eee ae pee Bible Third Year — Second Half Historical Background of Burke’s Conciliation H The American Revolution, v. 1, pages 1-115 (An authori- eR RMR CFR VE IN Der eee olan vat iaDtig or ah kate: Cie) 4: pi ale, ow, oo: a oles oie. aleke’ wiacctetelay aed Fiske The Deeper Significance of the Boston Tea Party (A sig- AD ar re CLL Vie ere a ee che Graal o Rie so aap! e o!a vm atm lerlale rade esata ae Fiske Thomas Hutchinson, the Last Royal Governor of Massa- TTT Ot As a NN ES alot cia) gs coos a sce & 400,81 ob. 4 eiene 8 eke see She Mratete aueiaet Fiske The American Revolution, Part 1, chaps. 1-7 (An English- ety es Pee Oe Ae ea ota cia eee a's ls 5% ele in'daelal's oe Sopa, « Sealers Trevelyan Novels Carrying on the Interest of the Second Year Study Richard Carvel (American Revolution—Burke, etc.)...... Churchill H To Have and to Hold (The Jamestown colony)............ Johnston H Prisonera-ot-riope, (Colonial romance) . 25.6 sc eee ules « Johnston H et mC MNCLI TD SLT SS AMM het tes hct ater at Site alle a) o's: cnsl'sne oaks bela aisle”, ete eles Johnston H The Newcomes (“Thank God! A gentleman’’).............. Thackeray Les Miserables (Jean Valjean, one of the great creations)....Hugo H Ninety-three (The French Revolution).............. 2.02200. Hugo H Pilaiiepeded! marnest, And NODE). aleve. decd dc a civ c's o's wl ale nine cw staves Eliot The Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell (A picture PEL ACC ILOINIC LILES Pil orer elise ales voce airs onaace ta a lelanleinte alittata vaHe soit Manning SU VEEL CE GSLI MEd WOMLATL \aiie a ais cts oo5'el bac le does Behe Wie ot et ora ar aka abe Bronté vemrsOU Lit LAVIPaA (ELOTCOICY ):. 0 bc els so bin Sisld€ tudes Mare 1s arp auae eis Canfield The Household of Sir Thomas More (Close view of a great WPLTE VO ee eR Se Soret alg. WE OR eee ein a Ne Vie Since ees eians wares Manning H The Binding of the Strong (John Milton and his friends)....Mason H Romola (Florence in the time of Savonarola).................. Eliot John Bodewin’s Testimony (Mining life in Arkansas).......... Foote The: wea Horse Claim (Mining in Colorado) ...0 066. pooh. ne es Foote In the Valley (Revolution—Mohawk Valley)..............5... Frederic 18 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Y Seats of the Mighty’ (Frencitin Cangda)*...... 20.0 sean ese Parker Louisiana (A: dangerous experiment). ....2...5..2...50%555%06 Burnett That Lass O’ Lowries (Humble English working people)...... Burnett A Fair Barbarian (And the effect she produced on some HNnZlish Peoples ss. Sh aeeete re eee wits G2 oe Sala yp faleval CANE ene Me Burnett Jane’ Hyre: (One: of the great books). i... .5.5.50 2400.2 ee Bronte Prince: Otto CAsTroOMmantic Meurey mas: cad cs Gen. ceee ee eee Stevenson The Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine (Wirimisigal)? Wis GU eee mire i Nei, cca, Nomare at elena iar eng ah eae Stockton The Late* Mra Null. (Surpretiie)i cot aa vleta ee ee cata heme are Stockton An Amazing Interlude (Story of the great war).......... Rinehart H The: Moonstone’ (The thefiierltavjewel) i... i 6 ek eee Collins The White Queen (Saint-Lovwis of France) :....6..2...%.+«0m Davis H Short Stories Marjorie Daw and Other People (Surprising).................. Aldrich The Merry Men and Other Tales (Will o’ the Mill, Mark- DSL) acs ss ere nas ete eee ee ee rete ee EE SNCs, at Sma aa Stevenson The New Arabian Nights (The Sire de Malétroit’s Door, ) PFOVIGENCE. ANUILN ERG ITAL weECa) ers een aus eta keaton erie Stevenson Emma McChesney and Co. (A modern type—a “live wire’’)..... Ferber Roast Beef Medium (Bugimess types )iccis oaks oils sc bo ou ube Ferber Short, Stories (Of-everydg yee) ca sae eat ee tee oa Hurst Long Exile and Other Stories (Various phases of Tolstoy’s WOK) a ose Ra alg ee tote te Weta: Cat antes Re tos ees ee nes a oe ee ge ee Tolstoy Plain Tales: from thes Hille Gindiages a0. ace ee ere ee Kipling The Day's Work: (Moresindiajcrentat. eee eee ee Selene Kipling Some Experiences of an Irish R. M. (Wit and humor) Somerville and Ross A: Window in. PRrums = (Scotch ty pes )i. ere cue sc es 6 oe tent eee Barrie Children, of the Ghetto (Jewishaiite ese. eee ec ee Les Zangwill H Atlantic Narratives, Ist and 2d series (Galsworthy, Sherwood, etc.) French Short Stories (Balzac, Daudet, etc.)............ Schweikert H Russian Short Stories (Tolstoy, Pushkin, ete.).......... Schweikert H The World We Live In My Lady of the Chinese Courtyard (A pleasing picture)........ Cooper Gondola Days, (An artist an Venice) aA eee ee ee bs we Fo Hy Smite Afootin England). oc Roser ew cece er Cet scifi te oh parece Hudson Interesting History H The Romance of Australia (Romance of Empire series).......... Lang The Romance of South Africa (Romance of Empire series)..... Colvin The Romance of New Zealand (Romance of Empire series)....Horsley The Land of the Golden Trade (Romance of Empire series)...... Lang THIRD YEAR—SECOND HALF 19 People Worth Knowing Margaret Ogilvy (Study of his mother)............. ccc eee ees Barrie The Life of Charlotte Bronté (Of absorbing interest).......... Gaskell Mary Slessor of Calabar (A Scotch girl’s work in Nigeria) .Livingstone The Journal of Countess Krasinska (A romantic life)............ H My Home on the Field of Honor (The war in northern EP LGCC) Mmm en aera e aret cd Gite cic cat ahs avant Whale ote usbeaeine eye ta meta te Huard H A Hilltop on the Marne (Another account)..............6. Aldrich H Introduction to the Study of Milton (Collected autobio- TATE CH MATIC CET LAL Mamie ieos oe oii stais atl a twigel c6.s 5) elle a lalete acl bless sietarare Chestnut Pe RNIGNMWHO Mage LUOTINALION Ay ov stave sive + os 0) o teats es euelete tyre ay Sparks CIAITOOLI EL OLE ile oH ETOLSEN } ois so wia > Mic lciecs ois dies win eue.e einer giata ...Masefield With Lawrence in Arabia (What one man did)................ Thomas MUOueeOriraltsmeCrvily War LCEAGCYS), (66 os «4 Sais cede w ome gina s Bradford Confederate Portraits (Civil War leaders).............-e.200-- Bradford HODGE te LeCaUATSYINDACIELIC DOFtralL) Suis <> cs ais, dusle ore ates Celene ueienes Page Poetry DIraKGnray Oreo ye OL Tallin ad Al EDIC) . 6c sass vs cad bre a eiaeames Noyes H The Song of Roland (A new translation) ...............0008. Bacon H Watchers of the Sky (From Copernicus to Herschel)...... Noyes S H Tales of the Mermaid Tavern (Shakespeare’s friends)....Noyes S H Sonnets from Longfellow; Dante’s Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso; Chaucer; Milton; Shakespeare. The Book of the Sonnet (Essay and anthology)..............+40.8:. Hunt Iphigenia and Agamemnon (Classic reserve)............eeeee. Landor McAndrew’s Hymn (The hymn of the “liner’s” engineer)...... Kipling Shakespeare’s Sonnets, Nos. 29, 33, 73, 98, 116 (“With this key Shakespeare unlocked his heart’’) PICs DOOKMPOL PMOGErT IV CTSG ys. cinw.o doo Sia as sieleidis! ole ain p eiele suo Stevenson Magic Carpet (“To bear you lands away”)...........seseee- Richards Poermsspy ailuittie Girl, CELUG POCtry )). sie < 44 alee nee ealsits ae gest Conkling Poems of New Jersey (Interesting collection)............ Musgrove H Psalms Nos. 24, 46, 51, 90, 91, 95, 103, 121, 126, 150 (Noble poetry) . Bible 24 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Fourth Year — Second Half General Survey of English Literature (from 1750) English Lands, Letters and Kings (from 1750) (Literature and its backgrounds of time and place).............. Mitchell H English Poets (from 1750) (With critical essays).............. Ward English Prose (from 1750) (With critical essays).............. Craik English Literature for Boys and Girls (from 1750) CALLA CLIVE) Oo ooo Sine etsy eo oreo tte wileceteln's © cain he oles emer gt anemens Marshall Literature and Life, Book IV (A treasure-house)...... Greenlaw-Mills Lives of Great English Writers (New, excellent).Hinchman & Gummere The Facts and Backgrounds of Literature (Much information).Reynolds Study of the Types of Literature (Helpful)............c.-eceecces Rich New Voices (Present-day literature) ........cccccecccccees Wilkinson The Poetry of Tennyson (Helpful)............. cece ccccces ..Van Dyke Tennyson (A sympathetic study) : i... sin nesccvusccee es chic tees Brooke in’ the eDays! Of: SCOU ses cas owes’ sete ors te, bosaves Pie eis ole ee ere tenia eee Jenks Novels, Continuing Second and Third Year Reading Joseph Vance (A notable book)............. ccc ccc cc cscs De Morgan Somehow Good (Encouraging) .......... cece cecccceccecee De Morgan Jeremy (CA: LItLIEIDOY )icecatiitres apie eter ale ciel laterite s/s ichete ote etre eeu Walpole The Divine Fire (Genius)..... Ris vale AToLh SR aueveck a et ate ature Mle enerceta ee Sinclair Under the Greenwood (Trees ims nioc a ccttae-c cisterna as late nie ehe caine Hardy Far from the Madding Crowd (Tragic comedy of English PUPAL SNPS ais osevc loon el arerd ararehete nepresene ttertaapenet atone athe ant rae ce te ene Hardy The Return of the Native (A story of a Wessex heath)........ Hardy The Lady of the Aroostook (New England types).............. Howells Indian Summer (A belated romance).............cccccccecce Howells The Rise of Silas Lapham (Clearly drawn characters)........ Howells The House of Mirth (New York society life)................. Wharton Croaton (Raleigh’s lost colony of Roanoke).............. Johnston H The Fortunes: of Garin (Knightly) e005 csc eee ee oc ee Johnston H One: of Ours (The late war pices ces es eit ce tise as weiee ere Cather H Buried Alive (A shy painter escapes lion-hunters) ............ Bennett Lewis Rand (“He shall save his soul alive”’).............. Johnston H Vanity Fair (One of the great novels).............2ceceeees Thackeray The Marble Fawn (How the fawn got a soul).............. Hawthorne Wit, Wisdom and Feeling (Essays, etc.) Corrected Impressions (In pairs—an early and a later im- DIESSION) | Sa ee sale = ole Pie we nid ede a eae eee eee eee Saintsbury Sesame and Lilies (King’s treasures and Queen’s gardens)....Ruskin Biographia Literaria (Wordsworth and others).............. Coleridge Confessions of an English Opium Eater (Fascinating)....De Quincey FOURTH YEAR—SECOND HALF 25 Heroes and Hero-Worship (Inspiring)............... .»--.-Carlyle H Obiter Dicta, Series I and II (Wise and witty)....... Gia arene ee Birrell _ River uduine tC bemiul in Style) os exes vee ole tele wie aie elated woe leis Morley All Things Considered (Challenging)....................-. Chesterton Wick CUM AVIEERLOL LUN Jame pinata S aisle, bose 6 Gla 0. Gastlewiey wks wwe cis whe eles 14 Story of a Bad Boy .2....00.%% 16 Allen, Life of Phillips Brooks.... 16 Altsheler, Young Trailers ........ 4 Andrews, Perfect Tribute ........ 7 Arnold, Essay on Milton ........ 19 Essays in Criticism ......... 25 Self-Dependence ............. 27 Sohrab and Rustum ........, 3 Tristram and Iseult ......... 27 Atkinson, Greyfriars Bobby ...... 1 Atlantic Monthly, Essays and Essay Writing ..0..0./2.% 25 Atlantic Narratives, lst and 2nd SATIOS uli. a seat ohne ane 18 Austen, Pride and Prejudice ..... 15 Avant, Present Day Essays ...... 22 Bacon, Boys’ Drake ............. 5 Song of Roland. sss eieces 23 Baker, Modern American Plays .. 21 Baldwin, Story of Roland ........ a Story of Siegfried ........... 3 Story of the Golden Age .... 3 Ball. Star and eee wee eal it Banke? Boys «Motley vice... ees ce 16 Barlow; Virishvilady lls Cees cee 13 Barrie, Admirable Crichton ...... 21 Little }Ministera vcs... yeu 15 Margaret Ogiyyic icc. cob ee 19 Quality Sireetur so aise ee re 10 Sentimental Tommy ......... 12 Window in Thrums ......... 18 Barrington, The Ladies ......... 22 Barrus, John Burroughs ........ 16 Bartlett, Last Voyage of the Warluk se ee eaters 5 23 Bates, English Religious Drama.. 20 Talks on Writing English, Series I and II Baynes, Polaris of Authors Beebe, Jungle Days ............. 26 Beer, Stephen Crane ............ 10 Belasco, The Return of Peter Grimm oy eee eee 21 Benét, Poems for Youth ......... 9 Bennett, A., Buried Alive........ 24 Literary Taste, How to Form > DS RL Wiehe mE DS 2, 5 22 Bennett, John, Master Skylark .. 9 Benson, From a College Window 25 Beveridge, Young Man and the "Worlds. cid. ce tana aes 22, 26 Bible, Selections 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 23, 27 Birrell, Obitar Dicta, Series I and LD... yeah eae eae 25 Bjornsen, Happy Boy ........... 12 Black, Judith Shakespeare ...... 10 Blackmore, Lorna Doone ........ 12 Boas, Short Stories for Class Reading 63 ose .clesae eae 13 Boissier, Cicero and His Friends 9 Bok, A Dutch Boy Fifty Years After eco ercerene cee nae 8 Bone, Lookout Man ............. 13 Borup, A Tenderfoot With Peary 8 Boswell, Life of Johnson ........ 14 Boynton, London in English Literature) 3.45 ..¥.o.)) gee Bradford, Confederate Portraits .. 23 Union, Portraits... 7.4... 50n 23 Brady, True Andrew Jackson .... 22 Brassey, Around the World in the Yacht “Sunbeam” ....... 8 Briggs, College Girls ............ 26 Bronté, Jane Byre .........0«se.8 18 Shirley ooh Wea ews ok eee 17 Brooke, History of Early English Literattire. iolj..22 Doe 20 Tennyson. 3. 23s ake 24 Brooks, Boy Emigrants .......... 4 Brower, Story Lives of Master Musicians .iiic..is sei e eee 8 Brown, A. F., Boyhood of Edward — MeDowell 8 04 ees Rey eta Brown, D. (V.), Child of th Orient. iio. 8 cee Gale 13 Brown, John, Rab and His Friends 7 Browning, Elizabeth B., A Musical Instrument *)2. 50 Gee 5 Parting of Hector and Andro- Mache 2i.%)..2 (vn eee ee 5 Sonnets from the Portuguese. 27 Browning, Robert, Andrea del SATLO eis 4 aren ie emer eae 26 Balaustions’ Adventure ...... 6 INDEX OF AUTHORS 29 Ra bile ben sZrAk eee wwea s+ Rhyme of the Duchess May.. Saul oes ee eee eee eee eee ee eee 6 @ Bruce, Daniel Boone and the Wil- derness Road Bryant, To a Waterfowl Buchan, Last Secrets Buckley, Children of the Dawn .. Bulfinch, Age of Fable .......... Bullen, Cruise of the Cachalot .. Bulwer, Last Days of Pompeii ... Private Life of the Romans... UATE TIE Pe ae eo es hccierate sae Bunner, Short Sixes Burnett, Lost Prince MCOLOU GALUON ocis © « cnisleleles ¥ That Lass O’Lowries The One I Knew Best of All.. TD OREDSS POLE Se echt otal ag fate) a! cca allae lat eee NN" Gi pid © 57h a 6729 0p F: 4 R Oheed a Buxton, Stories of Persian Heroes Byron, Prisoner of Chillon Cable, Dr. Sevier Old Creole Days ............ Calderon, Life a Dream .......... Canfield, Letters to Young Men .. Canfield, D. F., Bent Twig Hillsboro People Home Fires in France Raw Material Understood Betsy Carlyle, J. W., Letters of Jane Welsh Carlyle Carlyle, Thomas, Heroes and Hero- Worship Reminiscences .............- Cather, Girlhood Stories of Famous Women One of Ours Catherwood, Romance of Dollard.. Story of Tonty Center, Worker and His Work ... Cervantes, Don Quixote Charnwood, Lincoln Cheney, Life and Letters of Louise Alcott Chesterton, All Things Considered Lepanto DW ATAGHULY DOS is cleig is oce' Fk ersieé Chestnut, A Diary from Dixie ... SUEMIE CLUS OLICTULS (Rls oe wake ch's ois. doo od ee Roman Life in the Days of eeeoer eer eee ee ore er ee eee eoeereeer eee eee eereveve8 eoteese ee ee ees ee eeoereeee oeoeeeo eee ee ae ceeeoeoeevser ee eee eee oer eee eee ee eeoeveeere ee ere ee ee @ eooevoeeerees eee eee 2 8 @ eeoeveveeree es eee ceoceererer eee eee eee ee ICEL OMe eer) a 08 ele c6 6 ib Stories of Charlemagne and the Twelve Peers of rT Pee Odea eis 2 tele: bode rss, she 4 eltels Three Greek Children Churchill, Crisis ooer eevee s ee ee eee “1 t 09 The: Crossings. sc i). (4) a see ae 7 Richards Carvelgc. i) eaten 17 Clark, Will Shakespeare’s Little Tad) Ries cawisa ceene see 10 Clemens, Personal Recollections of JOANPOL ATG. see eee 12 Prince and the Pauper ...... 12 Cody, Life and Adventures of Builalo -Bilbircsaacen eee 4 Coffman, A Book of Modern Plays 21 Cohen, One-Act Plays ........... 10 Coleridge, Biographia Literaria .. 24 Collins “Moonstone 0.8 yeu kee 18 Colson & Chittenden, Children’s TGtlers cero cmiei aretvereaane 8 Colum, Children’s Homer ........ 3 Island of the Mighty ........ 3 King of Ireland’s Son ....... 3 Colvin, Romance of South Africa.. 18 Selections from Landor ...... 25 Conkling, Poems by a Little Girl 23 Conrad, Typhoon Converse, Long Will Cooper, A. C., Poems of To-day .. 27 Cooper, E., My Lady of the Chinese Gourtyvard (a vacant ee 18 Cooper, J. F., Deerslayer ........ 6 Last of the Mohicans ........ 6 Path finder), 35 vee eae 6 The: Spy) osc fiw eee cate 6 Corbin, Which College for the Boy 26 Corneilie).» Horace (cee ee eae 20 Corson, Introduction to the Study Of Millon ti peor 19 Couch, Oxford Book of English VOIrse a (et Wievdice nae perenne 19 Crane, Whilomville Stories ...... 13 Craik, D. M., John Halifax, Gentle- MAD Wok lait ko aah teens 15 Craik, H., English Prose ........ 20, 24 Crawford, A Roman Singer ...... 22 Creasy, Fifteen Decisive Battles of the WoOrld Weise eee ae 11 Custer, Boots and Saddles ....... 4 Dana, Two Years Before the Mast 11 Dark, Book of England .......... 5 Book of Francesc. ue oes 11 Darton, Wonder Book of Old ROmanCe ie 7 aaa ae 12 Darrow, Masters of Science and TnVentionew) Sosedos welders Darwin, What Darwin Saw in the SHIP. BEazler soe seee ee 11 Daskam, Madness of Philip ...... 16 Smith College Stories ....... 13 Davis, R. H., Gallagher and Other Stories «. 4. ha:. an sae oe 12 Stories for Boyar sass vaencecis 12 30 Davis, W. S., A Day in Old Athens Friend of Caesar Victor of Salamis Wiiite Queene iio osce ac series De Amicis, Cuore Defoe, Journal of the Plague Year Robinson Crusoe Deland, Old Chester Tales De Mille, Poetry of America Three English Comedies .. De Morgan, Joseph Vance Somehow Good De Quincey, Confessions of an English Opium Eater .... Flight of a Tartar Tribe .... Dickens, David Copperfield Nicholas Nickleby Our Mutual Friend Pickwick Papers........s5 os. Richard Doubledick Tale of Two Cities.......... Dickinson, Chief Contemporary Dramatists Dix, Alison’s Lad and Other Mar- tial Interludes Merrylips Soldier Rigdale Dixon, Human Side of Plants.... Doyle, Adventures of Sherlock Holmes? ose ee teas ee Micah Clarke White Company Drayton, Agincourt Drinkwater, Abraham Lincoln .. Du Chaillu, Land of the Long Night Stories of the Gorilla Country Dumas, Forty-five Guardsmen ... Duncan, Norman, Adventures of Billy Topsail Dr. Grenfell’s Parish Duncan, R. K., Chemistry of Com- eecevoeoereeree eee oecereceereeer eee eee oecee eee ee eee eeoeveee eoceweoeeve eee eeceeceveev ee coceeoee eee e@ eecececeer eer ee eee ee eee oer eee eee eo ee ore eer ere eee ee eee oe eo eceow ee eee ee esoereveeeeee eee se ooceceeee ee eee ee ee eee eeceoewec eee eee eseeeeee Merce ii ae. ee eee ee Some Chemical Problems of TOA oe tine eee Dunn, Milestones of Progress— BookiOnei ester: eee ee Dunsany, Gods of the Mountains.. Golden Doom Night at an Inn Tents of the Arabs cere eee eee Du Puy, Uncle Sam’s Modern Miracles occ kee ee Eastman, Indian Boyhood ........ HKebers, SUardas vor ioc wees eee Egan, Everybody’s Saint Francis . Eggleston, Hoosier School Boy .. Hoosier Schoolmaster eooeoereee 3 9 3 18 7 25 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Hliot, Adam Bede... vo... sss sence 17 Daniel Deronda “.:). 2... eee 22 Middlemarch® (23.2.2. os. eee 21 Mill on the Floss... .5 370.000 12 Romola >} 22 eee eee 17 Scenes of Clerical Life ...... 12 Elson, Side Lights on American - History’ .25 00 eee eee 16 Emerson, American Scholar ...... 22 Manners. <2 23.2 oie ee eee 22 Esenwein, Short Story Master- Pieces oo. le sivee os See ee 13 BWuripides, Alcestis ............3. 20 TOVCLYINAN bs oecck ois, Ss eee akon ee 21 Ewing, Daddy Darwin’s Dove- Cotes ouiis d5)i eee eee 4 Lob-Lie-by-the-Fire .......... 4 Fabre, Field, Forest and Farm .. 11 Life of a Caterpillar ..i.-02 8 Life sof auPly: 2. che eee it Life ofa) Spider“. .).. eee 13 Secret of Everyday Things .. 8 Story-Book of Science ...... 5 Farrar, Darkness and Dawn ..... 9 Men I Have Known ........ 16 Ferber, Emma McChesney & Co... 18 Roast Beef Medium ......... 18 Ferrero, Women of the Caesars .. 26 Fields, Yesterdays with Authors . 16 Fillmore, Wizard of the North ... 3 Findley, Chemistry in the Service of) Mens, 2 Os eee 26 Fiske, American Revolution, v. I. 17 Deeper Significance of the Boston (Tea Party ....0).35 025.6 oe ae eee 9 Hymn to the Night.......... 19 Legend Beautiful............ 14 Morituri Salutamus.......... 17 Tales of a Wayside Inn...... 9 Lovell, Stories in Stone from the Romans Forum.) occas 9 Lowell, Commemoration Ode..... 17 Elizabethan Dramatists...... 20 Bssay on Chaucer ;,......44% 20 Hssay on Dante ............. 20 Tablewfor (Critics: -c.ceee ae 9 Vision of Sir Launfal........ 9 Lucas, Gentlest Art............. 25 SeCcOnGds.POSt. . oss sy eae 25 Mabie, Heroines Every Child puould) Know s).5. ste 4 Macanlay,’ Chatham, 3. :.../):.eauee 14 Clive ae aa)ien: S26 oc we cen ene 14 Essay on Life and Writings of ACGISON | 0). oak ae 14 TV T Yi e ees ia Saag aa ee 16 Lays of Ancient Rome...... 9 Madame D’Arblay........... 14 N&SCDY10. 6 ke oc oe eee eee 16 Warren Hastings............ 14 Macbean, Story of Pet Marjorie.. 22 Mackaye, Gettysburg............. 10 Jeanne D'Arc. ss2 ae 10 Macleod, Story of King Arthur and His Noble Knights...... 3 INDEX OF AUTHORS 33 Maeterlinck, The Blue Bird...... Manning, Household of Sir Thomas More Maiden and Married Life of Marys Powells Uied ieee ces Marden, Choosing a Career...... Marett, Anthropology............ Marryat, Mr. Midshipman Easy... Marshall, Boy Kings and Girl Queens English Literature for Boys oeoeereeveee eee eee eee @ e@eeveeee ee eee eee ese SndyLGirl Sai. wae cae slt 20, AT Islands StOTy. = ie beeen ses Martin, G. M., Emmy Lou........ Martin, M. E., Friendly Stars.... Martineau, Prince and the Peasant Masefield, Gallipoli............... CAT AV Uy tals w pistes ce 8. IMArUne PIV ORi esac ite ees s Philintheek ng Meo sven: ks Pompey the Great............ Mason, A. E. W., Four Feathers. . Mason, C. A., Binding of the PUUT OF essa aliane wlateth n'y: « Mathiews, Boy Scouts’ Book of RS LOT TORRE temtenoke eats lata Boe ee Meigs, Master Simon’s Garden.... POOLE OT MSLALE (i chielaietele sl «| oiele 3 Melville.) TyDGG. si. ee so dies Merrill, Contemporary Verse..... Mills, Book of the Ancient Greeks Book of the Ancient World... Milton, Robert Louis Stevenson... Milton, John, Samson Agonistes... Mitchell, D. G., American Lands BIG OGLLOTS ca id eee alle 6 English Lands, Letters and TER oe mee at, uty 9 20, Mitchell, S. W., Hugh Wynne..... Moffett, Careers of Danger and Daring Moliére, The Learned Ladies.... The Shopkeeper Turned Gen- tleman Moody, Great Divide............. Moore, Jessamy Bride........... Moorhouse, Ring of Words....... IVE CODE RRULEC) PITA tects ote dt cll iors ab up bie os Morley, C. D., 44 Essays......... Modern Essays Modern Essays, Second Series Parnassus on Wheels........ Pe ETUC LIT ey bie aie wie Morley, F. V., Dora Wordsworth, PACT HOOK Go sic aiaelsial kisses > Moses, Paul Revere.............. IMAP ae LICK OCT sy oe ely aie wie sbi es ceeere es eee ee eee ee eo © eoeoste eee eee es eeee e oeoeet eee eee eee 24 Story of My Boyhood and Youth Murfree, Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains............ Musgrove, Poems of New Jersey.. 23 Neilson, Facts About Shakespeare 10 oeoeoereeer eee eee eee ee Newton, Dr. Johnson—a Play.... 14 Nicolay, Boy’s Life of Abraham Lincolnmeyetwaes ceraeen 8 Nordhoff, The Pear] Lagoon...... 7 Noyes, i Drakeou ie wis eres 23 The Highwayman............ 9 Sherwoods is ewee aus tieite 10, 13 Tales of the Mermaid Tavern 23 Watchers of the Sky......... 23 Olcott, Story-telling Ballads...... 4 Oliphant, Maker of Dreams...... 10 Oman, Seven Roman Statesmen.. 9 O’Neill, The Emperor Jones...... 21 Osborne, Men of the Old Stone ABS i hates ererecmt ake 23 Overton, Life of Robert Louis SlOVENSONT Heist es oer Page, In Ole Virginia............ 15 Red (Rock sii ee ce aes 15 Robert: Be seen eto uas sk ated 23 Two Little Confederates..... 6 Paine, Through College on Noth- Ing Ae Gare oy inane es Palgrave, Golden Treasury....... 17 Palmer, Life of Alice Freeman Palmer wire een 22 Self-Cultivation in English.... 22 Why Go to College?......... 26 Parker, C. S., An American Idyll. 25 Parker, G., Power and the Glory. 22 Right ‘of Way vce eet 21 Seats of the Mighty.......... 18 Parker, N.)-. Disraelil. 2202 21 Parkman, Francis, Boys’ Parkman 5 Montcalm and Wolfe......... 16 Orevon Trail soy: .waeieceeaee 6 Parkman, M. R., Heroines of Servy- TOG i. alec tench: Re roe aa Pater, Appreciations............. 25 Translation of the Homeric EE ON TVSR eR ie ater coe 6 Peabody, The Piper. 2.42%... 10 Pence, Essays by Present-Day IWTItOT Sik sy ae ate uh eter es 25 Phillips, J. C., Romance of Modern Chemistry ta. esa 23 Phillips, Stephen, Herod......... 21 Marpessa nar strpos eee 27 ULV SREB ete Oh eb aigae dc 5 Plutarch, Lives of Caesar, Brutus, Antony, Pompey, Cicero.. 9 34 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT Porter, Scottish Chiefs........... Prescott, Conquest of Mexico..... Conquest of Peru............ Price, Land We Live In.......... Pupin, From Immigrant to In- VYOn tors eo oe See R Putnam, David Goes Voyaging... Pyle; ‘Men of: Iron <.°3,). cs oe ees Merry Adventures of Robin FOO Was Pe ee ae Otto of the Silver Hand...... Story of Jack Ballister’s For- CHIMES leis e oiclS eye's Shekels glare Story of King Arthur and His Knights Ott ee ee ee Quennell, History of Everyday Things in England. v. 2 12, 20 New Stone, Bronze and Early Tron “Ages sie eae ere Old Stone Age...............- Quick, Vandermark’s Folly....... Racine o Athahah scm ese eee Phaedra i. pe eee eee Ragozin, Frithjof and Beowulf... Read) “Drifting: 2) ce. eee eee ee Reade, Cloister and the Hearth... Put Yourself in His Place... Reisenberg, Under Sail........... Repplier, In Our Convent Days... Happy Half-Century....... Aer VATia eres Moe a lee iatacie = seine Reynolds, Facts and Backgrounds On Literature se. ie ee Rich, Study of the Types of Lit- Oralure ss oe Kees ee 20 Richards, G. M., High Tide....... Magic? Carpetssiaay - tiie Richards, L. E., Florence Nightin- Paley wen ee on ees When I Was Your Age....... Riis, Hero Tales of the Far North Rinehart, Amazing Interlude..... Ripley, Social Life in Old New OTlGansin ih. serene cee Rittenhouse, Little Book of Modern MOPS. ths 5 Suid Seances Roberts, Heart of the Ancient Woods cae are Rolfe, Shakespeare, the Boy...... Roosevelt, African Game Trails... Hero Tales of American His- TORY pa ba ou OEE eee eres Letters to His Children...... Stories of the Great West.... Roseberry, Napoleon, the Last Phaseaey i Paka ease White ‘Shipso.c. os. Sone eee 13 Rostand, Chanticler.............. 21 Cyrano de Bergerac.......... 21 Li Aigion 9.2.23 visa ee 4 eee 20 Runkle, Helmet of Navarre...... 15 Ruskin, .Praeterita, Cl. cae 25 Sesame and Lillies.......... 24 Russell, Wreck of the Grosvenor. . rg Sabatini, Carolinian:(. 42.2 +. eee 15 St. Nicholas, Everyday Heroes.... 3 Saintsbury, Corrected Impressions 24 Sanchez, Life of Mrs. Stevenson... 26 Schiller, The Death of Wallen- stein eee aw ee ee 20 Maria Stuartseit i. sac 20 The Piccolomini........,.. 20% 20 William: Tell... .G20.409 . ee 20 Schultz, In the Great Apache FMorest «cscs > ssc cae eon 7 Schweikert, French Short Stories. 18 Russian Short Stories........ 18 Scott, Guy Mannering........... 12 Journal of Sir Walter Scott.. 13 Kenilworth: (ovis. o.Gige Gene eee 11 Lady of the Lake............ 14 Marmion: 47aciiss «sees eee 14 Talisman G02 22.0- oe eee 11 Seaman, Jacqueline of the Carrier PISCONS. 4s s cae eee eee 4 When a Cobbler Ruled a King 4 Seawell, Son of Columbus........ 4 Seton, Biography of a Grizzly.... 5 Wild Animals I Have Known. 5 Shakespeare, As You Like It..... 10 Comedy of) Errors... .... een 10 Goriolanus ii Sh oe. «ee eee eee 10 Pramieto tis ss sata les ee eee 21 Hark! Hark! The Lark...... 19 Frenry (Vii. fet se te ae eee 10 Henry SV 6.0.2 eee ee 10 King sear in 5 i sss cae ee eae 21 Merchant of Venice.......... 10 Genel ss ve es Reet eee ee 21 Romeo and Juliet............ 10 Sonnete 6.4% 605. Oh, eee 23 TOMDPEBE CES y saa acta ie aimee 21 Shaw, F. L., Castle Blair......... 6 Shaw, G. B., Androcles and the Lion EY estes es aes be ee 21 Caesar and Cleopatra........ 21 Candida lich. races oe 21 Captain Brassbound’s Conver- SAliOn * esac ce eelee ee ee 21 Devils Disciple >. 255. s8% 21 Pyemalion's +2. sai ae ee 21 You Never Can Tell......... 21 Shelley,.To a Skylark............ 19 ee RS INDEX OF AUTHORS PM APEAAN TEE es ial cirete de oravenete Sheridan, The Rivals............ School tor. scandal. 17M Gy. Sherwood, Daphne. yo... 6.0. ees Shorthouse, Little Schoolmaster IEE ech tet seats ert cre ONY aod Sienkiewicz, In Desert and Wilder- TI ORS We a oe ae de ceri narslle tele axa Sinclair, Singmaster, Boy at Gettysburg... Emmeline Smith, C. A., O. Henry Biography Smith, E. S., Mystery Tales...... Smith, F. H., Gondola Days...... Snedeker, Perilous Seat.......... AMGASDALUAI oR rte ela eaeve ae Theras and His Town........ Somerville, Some Experiences of AM hisha ree w Ve oie eee Sonnets from Longfellow; Dante’s Inferno; Purgatorio; Par- adiso; Chaucer; Milton; Shakespeare Saphaclée (eA ntigsonesy, 3. 0.5. Sparks, Men Who Made the Na- tion Sperlin, Studies in English World Literature Stanley, How I Found Livingstone -Stebbin, Some Masterpieces of Patina eoetrys waa). aeues Stein, Gabriel and the Hour Book Stefansson, Hunters of the Great North ers eer eee eee eee ee eee ee ee © 6 0: 0. @ © 6 sa 8 }) 6 « © 4! 0. @ je: eoerere eee ee ene eee eevee a eee ere eee ee eee eceer eee eee eee eee ee Stevenson, B. E., Home Book of Modern Verse. iii. so... Home Book of Verse........ Stevenson, R. L., Black Arrow... Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde..... Celestial Surgeon............ PIANO VOVALS ire So hle a oxtos 5 els Kidnapped Master of Ballantrae........ Memories and Portraits...... Merry Men and Other Tales.. New Arabian Nights......... ETINGO POLLED neil, cietelere oes! icneiells Requiem Ticonderoga mredsure Islandwicoe et. oe os ET Ug Po) a do ge ad Virginibus Puerisque......... Stewart, Letters of a Woman Homesteader Stockton, Buccaneers and Pirates D Pome Teele 6 OFS e 'é. etie ve Ol? Our’ COMStiAer woe seers ste Casting Away of Mrs. Lecks and Mrs. Aleshine...... JOLY POC LLO WS Tapes i ore «cue alas Lady or the Tiger... a4. . Tater MreeNil eh oii alee oe Stoddard, Dab -Kinzeroy yo... 025. Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin........ Strachey, Queen Victoria......... Stuck, Ten Thousand Miles With aatDosSledsiun. euly vai gas Sublette, Scarlet Cockerel........ Synge, J. M., Riders to the Sea... Synge, M. B., Book of Discovery.. Tappan, Chaucer Story Book..... In the Days of Alfred the Great In the Days of Queen Eliza- beth In the Days of Queen Victoria In the Days of William, the Conqueror Story of Our Constitution.... When Knights Were Bold.... Tarbell, Boy Scouts’ Life of Lin- GOLD sey Ae Ren ero ee Tarkington, Gentleman from In- Giana tay Uwe ea 2 Pian: Magnificent Ambersons...... Monsieur Beaucaire.......... BONTOCWH seen ci stoi tee eh eed MC VENTER Van eye eueluie aan Tatlock, Greek and Roman Myth- ology Teasdale, Rainbow Gold......... Tenison, Life of Louise Imogene Guile Wal, oe sate ai ae Tennyson, Alfred Lord Tennyson Crossing ithe Bary 2.4 eos. Break! Break! ee cee ee eee eee ee ee eve eet ee eee eee seve ey BnochweArgen sa. fe 5cs toon as Home They Brought Her War- MOTH ICAL NN iia deen IG VISAGE ONIN eee. nse ol: Ladya ory Shalotuay oe vert. Lancelot and Elaine......... Lotosae Materste awa oo. us wee Ode on the Death of the Duke Of Wellin stoma en oes Oenone Princess Revenge Sir (ee tad dane ecm cata NEL VERS OREN oe cate a racer ke ates TLCTUUNG)) Paid weber 2 hota on tecene 4 Velie) ete e 66 (& C1'S)e, 0). 8 (HOO e106) % eee ce ee eres eee se ee eee oot ee ees ee re reeves ee @ {4 CANN 36 READING FOR PLEASURE AND PROFIT ( . Thackeray, Chronicle of the Drum 19 | Warner, In the Wilderness....... English Humorists........... 14 My Summer in a Garden..... Henry, ss mon: et Wictaheiees 15 | Washington, B. T., Up From Slav- INGWCODIES AEE. Rotel ch ate iy Shes eters 17 OLY a i ce ee Se ee Nilo Nisi Bonum ii. 6.00. seer 14 | Washington, George, Farewell Ad- PONGENNIS eee oa eee 15 GTESS i. ee Rose andthe ‘Rings. J2).%7 .0i 13 | Weaver, Vocations for Girls...... MADTEY eh had slic en eraeeer, oneee a pare 24 | Webster, Daniel, Bunker Hill Ora- Thaxter, Letters of Celia Thaxter 26 yy AAODL OU whee 0, cree Thomas, C. S., Atlantic Book of Reply to Hayne. ...4.0..208 Junior Played owes 10 | Webster, Jean, Dear Enemy...... Thomas, L., With Lawrence in Wells, Nonsense Anthology...... ATED Tal Sie Cea neh, eek 23 | Weyman, Gentleman of France... Thomson, J. A., Outline of Science 23 House of the Wolf........... Science Old and New........ 26 | Wharton, House of Mirth........ Thomson, J. E., Land of Evange- White, J. S.; Herodotusy, 9/20 MIN re oro cl Miah emt a Eee 6 | White, S. E., Conjuror’s House... Thwaites, Father Marquette...... 16 Blazed Train ci ee eee Tinker, Dr. Johnson and Fanny Daniel Boone... Jone eee BUrney ees Modena 14 Forest!) cdi ee ae ae Tolstoy, Long Exile and Other Forty-niners! 22) Ly eee SLOTIOS 2) Hest oe eee Basi 18 Goldie so Tolstoy. for ‘the ) Young.s30).).'<). 13 Land of Foot-Prints.......... Tomlinson, Story of General Mountains. odd Pad as WOR OR BAL ave WARING, rb hn ca 8 | Whitehead, Standard Bearer...... Towne, A Little Book Shop..... 19 | Wiggin, Child’s Journey With Trevelyan, American Revolution. Dickens $))7 50/6 ae i Ge a ane aS EY PAE No Ly. Golden Numbers............. Trollope, Barchester Towers..... 15 My Garden of Memory....... Tucker, G. F., Boy Whaleman.... 13 | Wilkinson, Contemporary Poetry.. Tucker, T. G., Life in Ancient New Voleés. ii. 2c) Aiea CHET Be ue lid Cieg 3 | Williams, Princeton Stories...... Untermeyer, This Singing World. 9 | Winchester, An Old Castle........ i Modern American and British A Group of English Essayists 22§ POGUE Vis oh why ela t wiclulatata 27 |} Wister, ‘Virginiany 30. ah eee ‘ Vallery-Radot, Life of Pasteur.... 26 | Woolson, Anne..... belchdta aa tea Ree 15% Van Dyke, Blue Flower.......... 13 | Wordsworth, Daffodils........... 19 Fisherman’s Luck............ 15 | ‘Wright, From School Through Little: Rivers Usa cee a as 15 College. fog. She ae 26 Poetry of Tennyson......... 24 | Wyss, Swiss Family Robinson.... . Van Loon, Story of Mankind..... 5 | Yeats, The Land of Heart’s De- i Verne, Mysterious Island......... 7 SITS sie Eid GAR eee 21% Twenty Thousand Leagues Yonge, ‘Caged: Lion. : 1.00.3 Nae 12 ¢ Under ‘the Sean. vee 8 7 Dove in the EHagle’s Nest.... Vincent, American Literary Mas- Unknown to History......... 123 [ek cM Ay aes EE eo Pee Sila A 6 | Young, Alaska Days With John f Wallace, D., Lure of the Labrador MUA is) este, kigiataid eterna Sanat a ea WBE Cs PUNCTURE RRR ES 8 | Zangwill, Children of the Ghetto. 18 gigi Wallace, G. L., Ben Hur......... 9 | Zollinger, Widow O’Callaghan’s ait Walpole, Jeremy oun gee ie on au 24 BOYS sel. ni eee 124 Walton, Complete Angler........ 25 | Zwilgmeyer, What Happened to ; Ward; Bnglish’ Poets yids), ver 20, 24 Inger ‘Johanne; e0 ae