‘MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. BOTANY. Vote; No. 1; November 1, 1904, A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA, 1805--1905: COLLECTORS, | HERBARIA AND BIBLIOGRAPHY. BY J. W. BLANKINSHIP, Pu. D., PROFESSOR OF BOTANY. BOZEMAN, MONTANA. PUBLISHED BY THE COLLEGE FOUR TIMES A YEAR. ANNOUNCEMENT. These Science Studies of the Montana Agricultural College are in- tended to afford a medium for the publication of papers dealing es- pecially with pure science and general education, and are co-ordinate with the bulletins of the Agricultural Experiment Station, which ™ consider the subject of science only in its economic aspect. The two phases of pure and applied science are so closely interwoven that any careful work in one usually necessitates the accumulation of more or less data in the other, for the publication of which these two parallel series are necessary. Avant Courier Publishing Company, Bozeman, Montana, Libr“ y | eae DE Ane , : a UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS > aa FE Marshall. f THE BITTERROOT (LEWISIA REDIVIVA, PURSH). THE STATE FLOWER OF MONTANA. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Val. tiaNare: November I, 1904, Application has been made for entrance as 2d class matter at Bozeman, Mont. postoffice. CEN TRY ot Der ANTOCAT. D XPLORA TION IN MONTANA. Collectors, Herbaria and Bibliography. BY J. W. BLANKINSHIP. PREFACE. In the study of the flora of a region it is very desirable, and indeed necessary for scientific accuracy, to know what collections have been previously made in that region, where these are deposited and what publications based upon them have been issued, so as to determine range of species, consult types and avoid unnecessary duplication, - while having at hand the conclusions of previous botanists in the case of the many doubtful forms found in a flora relatively new and unworked. The present paper is an attempted summation of the first century of botanical effort in Méntana and, while the lists published can hardly claim to be complete and errors of reference perhaps unavoidable at a point remote from the larger botanical “libraries, it is hoped that the data here assembled may prove ejof value to’others concerned with the botany of this region and “encourage the study of one of the most interesting and eats floras 2 in the United States It appears that four out of the ten collections made previous to “1862 went to Europe along with the publication of the species ° contained and that all the others, for the first three quarters of the N century, remained in the Eastern United States, but, since 1880, a large part of the collections made have remained, in duplicate at least, in this state, principally at the Agricultural College, Bozeman. These latter now include the private herbaria of R. S. Williams, W. T. Shaw, Mrs. E. W. Scheuber, Peter Koch, Mrs. I. M. Kennedy, j. W. Blankinship, F. A. Spragg, Mrs. J. E. Light and the World’s Fair Collection of 1893, and duplicates of the collections made by F. D. Kelsey, E. N. Brandegee, Mrs. G. R. Finlay, Mrs. H. F. Henshall, Rydberg & Bessey, L. M. Umbach, M. J.’ Elrod,;-W. W. Jones % 4 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGH SCIENCE STUDIES. and others, so that hereafter no one can hope to do special work in the flora of this state without having previously consulted these iccal herbaria, which increase in size and value every year. Owing to the fact that all the early collections made in Montana are found in the Eastern herbaria under the names of other states, as the word “Montana” was not applied to this region till 1864, it will be found helpful for other students of our flora at these herbaria to know the names by which it was called previous to that date. MONTANA. WEST OF CONTINENTAL DIVIDE.|EAST OF CONTINENTAL DIVIDE. Oregon Country, 1790-1846. Louisiana (France) till 1762. (In dispute between Great Britian | Louisiana (Spain), 1762-1800. and the United States). Province of Louisiana (France), 1800-3. | District of Louisiana (U. 8.), 1808-5. Territory of Louisiana, 1805-12. Oregon Country, (U. S.), 1846-48. Territory of Missouri, 1812-21. Territory of Oregon, 1848-53. |The Indian Country or Northwest Ter- | yritory, or specially the “Mandan | District,” (1849), 1821-54. Territory of Nebraska, 1854-61. Territory of Washington, 1853-1863. | Territory of Dakota, 1861-1863. Territory of Idaho, 1863-1864. Territory of Montana, 1864-1889. State of Montana, 1889—. It is intented to include, as far as practicable, the names of all those who have made botanical collections of any importance within the present bounds of Montana, to indicate the routes they pursued, as an aid in the determination of “type localities,” to specify the place where their collections are now deposited, as far as known, and to mention the title and place of publication of all works dealing wholly or largely with the flora of this state. As far as known, notice is made of all collections numbering 100 or more specimens, deposited in some accessible herbarium, or which may be of special interest from their early date or from reference to them in botanical publications, following the order of historical sequence up to 1905. It is hoped that any errors or omissions found will be communicated to the author and in particular it is desired to know the place of deposit of all Montana collections not here noted or information of other publications based upon them. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, Bozeman, Montana, Nov. 1, 1904. A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 5 I.—BOTANICAL COLLECTIONS MADE IN MONTANA. Meriwether Lewis of the Lewis and Clark expedition, made the first collections within the present state of Montana. The route of this expedition was up the Missouri, Jefferson and Beaver- head rivers, down the Bitterroot and across through the Lolo Pass (Apr.*28 to Sept. 3} 1805), returning (the Lewis party) by way of the Big Blackfoot, the Lewis & Clark pass, down Sun river, up the Marias to its head-waters and down the Missouri (June 29 to Aug. 7, 1806), all the Montana specimens except one or two being cal- lected on the return. Some 33 of the specimens brought back were from Montana and of these about two-thirds were new to science. These were published in Pursh’s “Flora” and enumerated again by Meehan (Proc. Acad. Phila. Jan. 1898: 12-49), while the collection itself is in the herbarium of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences. [Thomas Nuttall seems never to have been within the bounds of the present state of Montana, although authors have mistakenly referred many of his specimens collected in Wyoming and Idaho to this state. He ascended the Missouri river with John Bradbury in 1810 as far as the eastern part of Mercer county, North Dakota* and accompanied the Wyeth Second Expedition** of 1834-6, which passed far south and west of this state. ] David Douglas, an English horticulturist and botanical explorer, may possibly have reached the extreme western limits of the state about 1826, though his own account (Comp. Bot. Mag. 2: 82-177 and ‘lrans. Hort. Soc. London, 7: 513):does not make this at all certain. Alexander Philipp Maximilian, Prince of Neuweid, travelled ap the Missouri River as far as the Gate of the Mountains, 1832-34, the botany of the expedition, published as an appendix to his “Travels’,*** being elaborated by Nees von Essenbeck. *Bradbury’s Travels in the Interior of America, 1809-1811. Early Western ‘Travels by R. G. Thwaites. Cleveland, O. 1904. **Townsend, J. K.: “Narrative of a Journey Across the Rocky Mountains to the Columbia River and a Visit to the Sandwich Islands, Chili, Etc., with a scientific appendix.” Philadelphia. 1839. ***Reise in das innere Nordamerica in den Jahren 1832-1834, 2 vols. Coblenz, 1841. French edition, Paris, 1843; English edition, London, 1848. 624 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Nathaniel J. Wyeth, a Boston fur-trader, on his return from his first expedition, appears to have ascended the Clark’s Fork (called by him the Flathead) to its junction with the Missoula, thence up that stream and the Bitter Root through the Big Hole Basin to the Salmon ‘River in Idaho and eastward to the Big Horn River, following down this and the Yellowstone to the Missouri (April to August, 1833).* His collections were described by Nuttall and are in the Academy of Sciences at Philadelphia, a duplicate set being at the New York Botanical Garden. Charles A. Geyer, a German botanist, collected in Montana in 1844. His route appears to have been up the Clark’s Fork to the Flathead mission and from there up the Bitter Root and down the Jefferson and Yellowstone in the path Clark marked out. His plants were taken to Europe, determined by Hooker, and distribut- ed to various herbaria, Kew or the British Museum and the Gray Herbarium securing the more important sets. Geyer himself gives a general account of the country (London Jour. Bot. vols. 4 and 5) and Hooker describes his plants (London Jour. Bot. vol. 6 and Hooker's Jour. Bot. vols. 3, 5, 7 and 8). T. A. Culbertson in 1850 collected along the Missouri as far as the mouth of Milk River, but principally about the mouth of the Yellowstone.** His collection is probably in Porter’s private herbari- um and more or less of his specimens in the older herbaria. The re- sults of his work were published by T. C. Porter (5th Ann. Rep. Smith Inst. pp. 133-136). J. G. Cooper, a physician attached to the Stevens Expedition of 1853-4, appears to have made collections in the state from Ft. Ben- ton to Helena and westward, though they appear to have been few and fragmentary. Sets of these plants are at the Gray Herbarium, the New York Botanical Garden and the National Museum. He issued a single paper on the trees of the state (Am. Nat. 3 :405-422. 1870). ; *“The Correspondence and Journals of Captain Nathaniel J. Wyeth, 1831-36” in “Sources of the History of Oregon,’ Vol. 1, Pts. 3-6. Eugene, Ore., 1899. Oregon Historical Society. **Culbertson, T. A. “Journal of an expedition to the Manvaises Terres and the Upper Missouri in 1850.” A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 7 F. V. Hayden, the geologist of the “Hayden Survey”, collected somewhat in botany on the Lower Yellowstone and the Big Horn in 1853-4, and with the Warren Expedition of 1855-57, which ascended the Yellowstone to the mouth of the Big Horn and thence across to Ft. Benton. He also made collections with the Raynolds Expedition of 1860, which ascended to the headwaters of the Mis- sourt and the Yellowstone. The plants of this latter expedi- tion were determined and the results published by Dr. George Engelmann (Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. 12: 182-212. Phila. 1862), which is largely a reprint from a previous paper by Hayden (Rep. Sec. War for 1858. 2:726-747). George Suckley, a physician, who accompanied the Stevens Ex- pedition of 1853-4, collected along the Missouri and Milk rivers as far as Ft. Benton, his plants being determined and: the results publisied by UreGtray (Pac. Ry. ourv..12,..Pty 2* 40-494 1860). His type collection is probably at the Gray Herbarium with duplicates at the National Herbarium, Washington, and the New York Botani- cal Garden. John Pearsall accompanied the Mullan Expedition of 1858-62, which followed the route up the Prickly Pear from Ft. Benton to Helena and thence westward along the line now marked by the Northern Pacific railway and the Coeur d’Alene branch into Idaho. He probably collected fewer than a hundred specimens in the state andy these appear toxbe now in the Gray Herb. and the N.- YY. Bot. Garden. David Lyall, an English Naturalist of the North American Bound- ary Commission (“Oregon Boundary Commission”), collected. a number of species in 1861, in northwestern Montana or near the Canadian line, then being established, west of the Continental Di- vide. His type collection is at Kew, but a number of his speci- mens are at the Gray Herb. He published his results in London in 1863 (Jour. Linnzan Soc. 7: 124-144). Winslow J. Howard seems to have collected somewhat in the “Rocky Mountains of Montana’ about 1866, as a number of his specimens are found in the Gray Herbarium and at least one species (Omphalodes Howardu, Gray) was named for him. Robert Adams and G. N. Allen were here with the Hayden Survey § MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. in 1871, collecting along the Upper Yellowstone, Gallatin, Madison and Jefferson rivers, their plants being determined and results pub- lished by Porter in the Hayden Survey for 1871 (pp. 477-498). Their collections are with the Porter Herbarium at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa. and a duplicate set at the N. Y. Bot. Gard. John M. Coulter, now Professor of Botany in the University of Chicago and whose “Manual of Rocky Mountain Botany” still re- mains our text-book on the flora of the state, was here with the Hayden Survey in 1872-3, but collected only along the Upper Yel- lowstone and mainly within the present limits of the Park. His determinations appear in the Hayden Survey for 1873 (pp. 747-792), while his specimens are probably in the National Herbarium at Washington and at the University of Chicago. J. A. Allen, Naturalist of the North Pacific Railroad Expedition of 1873, ascended the Yellowstone to Pompey’s Pillar, thence across. to and down the Musselshell to the Big Bend and back down the Yellowstone. His plants were determined by Dr. George Vasey and a set is doubtless in the National Herbarium. He published his report, which contains a considerable list of Montana species, in Boston (Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 17: 70-86. 1874). C. C. Parry accompanied the Jones Expedition to the Yellowstone Park in 1873 and some of his collections are probably from the Up- the Yellowstone in Montana. All his private herbarium extant. is at the Iowa State University, lowa City, lowa, but there are duplicate sets in the older herbaria. His “Botanical Observations” was published (Amer. Nat. 8: 9, 102, 175, 211, with a reprint) at Salem, Mass. in 1874. Elliott Coues, then connected with the army as surgeon and nat- uralist on the United States Northern Boundary Commission, in conjunction with the Canadian naturalist, George M. Dawson made collections along the northern boundary of the state in 1874, the species being determined and published by Chickering (Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Survey, 4: 801-830. Washington, 1878). V. Havard, an army surgeon, took part in a reconnoissance in 1877 up the Yellowstone to Pompey’s Pillar and thence northward across the Musselshell and Judith Basin to the Missouri and again, in 1879, up the Missouri and Milk rivers to Ft. Assinniboine and on A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 9 to Great Falls. A report of his collections was published in Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers, U. S. A. for 1878, App. QQ, pp. 1681-1687, and in that for 1880, App. SS, pp. 1-20. His collections shctild be in the National Herbarium and there appears to be a set at the Gray Herbarium. Sereno Watson of the Gray Herbarium made a trip into ivestern Montana in 1880, collecting data in regard to the forestry of the re- ‘gion for the 1oth census. His route was from Garrison to Dillon and westward throught the Big Hole Basin and down the Bitter Root to Missoula and out by way of the Lo Lo pass. He made a con- siderable collection, now at the Gray Herbarium, while his report is published by Sargent (1oth Census. 9: 564-5€6. Washington, 7884). Robert S. Williams, while engaged in other business, made ex- tensive collections extending over some 19 years (1880-1899), in- cluding Lichens and Mosses, as well as flowering plants. His plants came mainly from the Little Belt and Highwood mountains, Great Falls (1880-1891), Columbia Falls and adjacent Rockies (1892- 99) and Teton county (1897). His private collection is at the Montana Agricultural College, Bozeman, Montana, but duplicate sets of his plants have been distributed at the Nat. Herb., N. Y. Bot. Gard., Gray Herb., Mo. Bot. Gard., Univ. of Mont., and other her- baria, and he has published several papers dealing with our flora. Frank Tweedy, a topographer in the U. S. Geological Survey, while working in southern Montana and the Yellowstone Park, made extensive collections in this state, which are mainly in his private herbarium at Washington, with partial sets at the N. Y. Bot. Gard., Coll. of Pharmacy, N. Y., Nat. Herb., Gray Herb., and at Mont. Agr. Coll. He collected during the years 1881-2 and 1886-91 within the Crow Reservation and the counties of Carbon, Sweet Grass, Park, Gallatin, Madison, Beaver Head, Silver Bow, and Jet- ferson. He published a Flora of the Yellowstone National Park (Washington 1886). William M. Canby, a banker of Wilmington, Del., was here in 1882-83 with the Northern Transcontinental Survey along with Charles S. Sargent, who was studying the forestry of the state. The collections of the former are now at the College of Pharmacy, New York City and those of the latter at the Arnold Arboretum, 10 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Jamaica Plains, Mass., of which he is Director. Their route extended from Helena to the Flathead Agency, past the Flathead Lake and up the N. Fk. of the Flathead River, over the Cutbank Pass and back over the Lewis and Clark Pass. F. W. Anderson, son of an English minister of Great Falls, col- lected about Great Falls, Ft. Benton, Little Belt and Highwood Mountains, Helena and Sheridan (1883-88). Most of his personal collections are in the herbarium of the College of Montana at Deer Lodge, but his Fungi and Algae appear to have been secured by the New York Botanical Garden with the herbarium of J. B. Ellis. He published a number of papers on the flora of the state, mainly on the Fungi and Algae in connection with Kelsey. E. W. Hilgard, now Director of the California Agricultural Ex- periment Station at Berkeley, was engaged in making a soil survey of the state in 1883 in connection with the Northern Transcontinen- tal Survey and collected a series of plants in the plains region, chief- ly along the Milk river, Judith Basin, Musselshell and the Yellow- stone, but most of this collection was destroyed by fire, the remain- der being at the University of California. J. B. Leiberg, while in the service of the Northern Pacific Railway in the interest of tree-culture, made collections as far west as Glen- dive and later published his notes on the botany of the region (Bot. Gaz. 9: 103-107, 126-129. 1884). He also worked up the forestry of - the Bitter Root Forest Reserve in 1898 in the employ of the U. S. Geological Survey which published his report (19th Ann. Rep. U. Se. Geol” Surv.’ 5: 2534282): J. S. Newberry collected along the Northern Pacific Railway in 1884, publishing a brief note on the botany (Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 3: 242-270. 1884). : F. Lamson Scribner was here in 1883 with the Northern Transcon- tinental Survey under W. M. Canby and devoted his attention par- ticularly to studying the grasses. He made collections at Lima, Dillon, Garrison, Helena and Bozeman and made a trip from Town- send to White Sulphur Springs, Monarch and Ft. Benton. . His own private collection was destroyed by fire but there is a duplicate set at the College of Pharmacy, New York. He published a paper \ A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 11 on the agricultural grasses of the state (4th and 5th Proc. Soc. Prom. Agr. Science, pp) 87-93. Newburg, N. Y. 1885). A. B. Seymour, now connected with the Cryptogamic Herbarium of Harvard University, made a trip through the state in 1884 along the line of the Northern Pacific Railway collecting parasitic fungi. He stopped at Billings, Livingston, Bozeman, Helena, and Thomp- son Falls. Sets of this collection are in his private herbarium, at the Univ. of Illinois, in whose interest he made the excursion, and at Harvard University. A list of the plants collected was published in Boston in 1889 (Proc. Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. 4: 182-191). F. D. Kelsey, a Congregational minister at Helena, took up botany as a recreation and did much to arouse interest in this science over the state. He collected mainly in Lewis and Clarke, but also in Deer Lodge, Ravalli and Jefferson counties and as_ far east as Bil- ‘lings, his work extending from 1885 to 1892. It was under his di- rection that the World’s Fair collection of 1893 was made and this is now in the herb. of Mont. Agr. College, but all his private her- barium is at Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, where he was _ pro- fessor of botany after leaving Montana. In conjunction with An- derson he published a number of papers on the flora. W. T. Shaw made a small collection of plants about Bozeman in 1892 and previously at Deer Lodge; these are now in the herb. Montana Agricultural College. F. W. Traphagen, while connected with the College of Montana at Deer Lodge was largely instrumental in building up the herbarium of that institution. His collections (1887-1890) were mainiy from that vicinity and are deposited with that institution, a duplicate set being at the N. Y. Bot. Garden. Mrs. Emma W. Scheuber of Livingston (Miss Emma j. Ware), then a teacher, collected in Deer Lodge county and on the Big Blackfoot, at Philipsburg, Beartown, Granite (1888-1892) and later about Livingston. She donated her collections to the Agricultural College, Bozeman. Georg Dieck of Zoeschen bei Merseburg, Germany, collected in Central Montana (Deer Lodge) in August, 1888 the plants being de- termined and results published by J. Freyn (Deutsch Bot. Monats. 12 * MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. 8: 73-79, 176-182. 1891). Collection here apparently unimportant. Peter Koch, a banker of Bozersan made extensive collections in Gallatin county (1888-1894) ans atcut Cooke City and the Granite Range (1897 and 1899). He donated his entire collection to the Mon- tana Agricultural College. M. A. Carleton, now connected with the Department of Agricul- ture at Washington, took part in the Garfield University (now Friend’s University at Wichita, Kansas) Expedition, which was in Montana in August, 1889, collecting along the Oregon Short Line, at Helena and the Gate of the Mountains, the chief set of plants remain- ing at that institution, but duplicates are in his private herbarium at Washington and at the University of Chicago. The plants were named by Prof. J. M. Coulter and the results published by Carleton (Kans. Acad. Sci. 13: 50-57. Topeka, 1893). Relatively few species: are from Montana. Mrs. Irene M. Kennedy of Columbia Falls made collections about Belt and Great Falls (1884-89), in the Flathead region (1892-1900), and at Midvale and Columbia Falls (1890-1898) and has donated them to the Agricultural College, Bozeman. J. W. Blankinship, Professor of Botany in Montana Agricultural College, collected on the Big Horn river near Custer Station in 1890 and later over nearly every part of the state (1898-1904), fiowering plants mainly, but also largely of parasitic fungi and other Cryptogams. The collections are in the Agricultural College, Boze- man and a number of papers chiefly of an economic nature, have’ been published. Various sets of this collection have been distri- buted to the principal herbaria. F. N. Notestein, who succeeded Dr. Traphagen at the College of Montana, did more or less collecting in the vicinity of Deer Lodge (1890-1895) and his specimens are with that institution. Mrs. Mary L. Alderson, collected about Bozeman (1889-92) and later about Bald Butte, where she now resides. A part of her collection is in the herbarium Montana Agricultural College. E. N. Brandegee, now President of the State Board of Horticul- ture, has a large private herbarium, mainly from Lewis and Clark county (1892-1900) with duplicates in the herb. Mont. Agr. Coll. t A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 13 Mrs. G. R. Finlay of Bozeman has done more or less botanical _ work in that vicinity (1893-1903) and donated many specimens to the Montana Agricultural College. Mrs. Laura A. Fitch made collections about Sheridan and Virginia City (1892?) some of which are at the Mont. Agr. Coll., but her pri- vate herbarium is at the Univ. of Mont., Missoula. J. H. Sandberg, assisted by D. T. MacDougal and A. A. Heller, made a small collection 6f plants at Thompson Falls, Bonner and Glendive in 1892 (Cont. U.S. Nat. Herb. 3: 204-287. Washington, 1895) for the National Herbarium and Dr. MacDougal collected about Flathead Lake, the Mission Mountains and McDonald Lake in the summer of I9o01, the specimens going to the N. Y. Bot. Gard. Mrs. J. E. Light sent a collection of nearly 100 specimens collec- ted in 1892 in Custer county to the World’s Fair collection of 1903. These are at the Montana Agricultural College. The Montana Ladies’ World’s Fair Collection of 1893 was made up by the ladies all over the state, for besides Mrs. Scheuber (Miss Emma Ware), Mrs. . Alderson, Mrs. Finlay, Mrs. Fitch, Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Light, already mentioned, there were also Mrs. Jennie Moore of Butte, Mrs. Ida Christie of Silver Bow Co., Mrs. McNulty of Madison Co., Mrs. E. Muth of Lewis and Clark Co., Mrs. Hodgeman and others who took part in the work. This collection is now a part of the herbarium of the Montana Agricultural College. P. A. Rydberg, now Curator of the herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, was here with C. L. Shear in 1895 in the employ of the Division of Agrostology at Washington, collecting mainly for- age plants. Their route was from Dillon, to Deer Lodge, Helena, Bozeman and return.. Their plants are in the Div. of Agrost. at Washington and the N. Y. Bot. Garden. Dr. Rydberg returned un- der the same auspices in 1896 accompanied by J. H. Flodman of Wahoo, Neb. and collected from Bozeman, the Spanish Peaks and Bridger Range, to Monarch and the Judith Basin, returning along the Crazy Mountains to Livingston. Their collections were dis- tributed as before. The next summer Dr. Rydberg returned in the interest of the New York Botanical Garden and had as his assis- tant this time E. A. Bessey of the University of Nebraska. Their route extended from Bozeman via the Spanish Peaks, and the Mad- ison Valley to the Park and return by way of the Yellowstone. The 14 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. type collections are at the N. Y. Bot. Gard., but duplicates have been widely distributed, the Gray Herb. and the Mont. Agr. College, among others, receiving sets. Based mainly upon these collections Dr. Rydberg issued his “Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park” (New York, 1900) and numerous other papers on our flora. H. S. Jennings, Professor of Botany in the Montana Agricultur- al College, made a.small collection about Bozeman in 1897 and this is in the herbarium of this institution. E. V. Wilcox made collections in the Absaroka Mountains in 1897 and in various parts of the state in 1900, for the Department of Ag- riculture at Washington and these specimens are in the Nat. Herb. and Dept. of Agr. at Washington and in the N. Y. Bot. Gard. David Griffiths in the empioy of the Division of Agrostology at Washington and T. A. Williams, Professor of Botany at the Agr. Coll. of S. Dakota made a tour through the state in 1898, stopping at Billings, Red Lodge, Missoula and the Bitter Root Valley. Dr. Griffiths came again in 1890 with E. F. Lange, a teacher of Superior Neb., stopping at Billings, Selish, Flathead Lake and various points along the Great Northern to Great Falls. The collections are in hes Ss. Nat ater: Mrs. Hester F. Henshall has done more or less collecting about Mt. Bridger and the U. S. Fish Station near Bozeman (1898-1903) -and many of her specimens are in the herbarium of the Montana Agricultural College. H. B. Ayres, worked up the forestry of the Flathead Forest Re- serve in 1898 and that of the Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve in 1899 for the Geological Survey, which published his reports (2oth Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 5: 245-316. and 21st. 5: 27-80.) Aven Nelson, Professor of Botany in the University of Wyoming and Elias Nelson, his assistant, collected across the southern part of Madison County from Monida to the Park in 1899 and their col- lections are at that institution and variously distributed. Wyatt W. Jones, Burle J. Jones, Jacob Vogel, E. J. S. Moore and Amy M. Cooke, students in the Mont. Agr. College, made important A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 15 collections in various parts of Gallatin county (1900-1903) and sets of their specimens are in the herbarium of that institution. Frank A. Spragg, while preparing his thesis in botany at the Mont. Agr. College, collected in 1900-and Igo1 in Fergus county and re- gion adjacent, largely grasses, which are in the herbarittm of the college. H. C. Cowles, Professor of Botany in the University of Chicago, with some 19 students spent some time collecting along the Great Northern Railway and at McDonald and Flathead Lakes in August, 1901, the chief set of the specimens going to the University of Chi- cago. L. M. Umbach, Professor of Biology at Northwestern College, Naperville, Ill., made large and important collections in Montana in 1901 and 1903, principally in the Lake McDonald region, and at ' Big Fork and Midvale. His collections are at that institution, but there are duplicate sets at the N. Y. Bot. Gard. and Mont. Agr. Coll. M. J. Elrod, Professor of Biology at the University of Montana, and some of his students collected about Missoula and the Flathead Lake region (1899-1904), their collections going to the University of Montana with duplicates at Mont. Agr. Coll. and the N. Y. Pot. Gard. Wilson P. Harris of Brooklyn, N. Y., collected Lichens and Mosses in western Montana, principally about Missoula and the Flathead Lake, in the summer of I9g01 under the auspices of the New York Botanical Garden. The Lichens were determined by Prof. Bruce Fink and Mrs. Isaac Harris and the Mosses by Mrs. Elizabeth G. Britton. Sets of this collection are at the New York Botanical Ger- den, the University of Montana and in the herbaria of Mr. Harris and his mother, while the results of his work appear in Bull. No. 19, Univ. of Mont., Missoula, 1904. Harry N. Whitford with others from the University of Chicago worked in the same locality in 1902, paying particular attention to forestry. T. J. Fitzpatrick of Iowa City, Iowa also made an extensive bo- tanical collection in the Mission Mountains and Flathead Lake region in 1902. 1€ MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. ' Millie M. Smith, a teacher from Forsyth and Arthur Lehman from Lewistown also collected there in 1904. Besides those in this list who have collected in Montana, there are doubtless many others whose names rightly belong here. A few. of these names whose collections I have not been able to place are as follows: Swallow, “in the high mountains of Montana;’ R. W. Springer, 1882; E. Douglas, Helena, 1894. Any information relating to the collections made by these and by others not here listed will be gratefully received. II.—BIBLIOGRAPHY. The following list is intended to include all publications dealing wholly or in large part with the botany of the state of Montana, arranged alphabetically by authors, with brief notes as to their nature and importance. _ Allen, J. A. “Notes on tne natural history of portions of Mon- tana and Dakota.” : Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 17: 1-61.. Bos- ton, 1874. An annotated list of the plants collected by the expedi- tion, arranged by orders. Anderson, F. W. ‘Pastoral Resources of Montana.” Rep. Com. Agr. 1888: 311-324. Washington, 1889. A sketch of the general physical features of the state, its climate, agriculture and botany with an enumeration of some 55 of the chief forage grasses. Anderson, F. W. “Brief Notes on a few common fungi of Monta- na.’ Jour. Mycol. 5: 30-32. Washington, 1889. Notes on 14 of the more common leaf-fungi of the state. Anderson F. W. “Supplementary notes.” Jour Mycol. 5: 82-84. 1889. Brief notes on 53 species of the fungi of Helena, Mont. Anderson, F. W. “A preliminary list of the Erysiphez of Monta- na.” Jour. Mycol. 5: 188-194. 1889. Mentions 13 species with their hosts and distribution. N Anderson, F. W. “The fruit of Rrbes aureum, Pursh”’. Bot. Gaz. 14: 289. Crawfordsville, Ind., 1889. A mere note on variation in color. ; A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 17 Anderson, F. W. “A new Fomes from Northern Montana.” Bot, Gaz. 16: 114. 1891. Describes and figures F. Ellisianus, Anders. on Shepherdia. Anderson, F. W., and F. D. Kelsey. “Common and conspicuous alge of Montana.” Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 18: 137-146. New York. 1891. Notes on some 62 species, four of which are described as new. PrAnderscn wee VV oce- |... Bilis. Ayres she B. the Flathead Forest Reserve.” 20th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 5: 245-316. “Washington, 1900. Contains an exhaustive treatment of the economic forestry of that section with a detailed description of the whole region. Ayres, H. B. “Lewis and Clark Forest Reserve, Montana’. 21st Ann. Rep. U.S. Geol. Surv. 5: 27-80.. Washington 1900. A valuable paper on the forestry and topography of this region. Blankinship, J. W. “Weeds of Montana”. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 30: 1-70. Bozeman, Mont., tg90r. An enumeration of the weeds of the state with a general discussion of the subject. Blankinship, J. W. “Report of the botanist”. Bull. Mont. Agr. Exp. Station. 32: 38-44. 1902.; Ann. Rep. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. 9: 68-79. 1903, and 10:64-68. 1904. Contains many short papers on the economic botany of the state. Blankinship, J. W. “Shade Trees and Ornamental Vines of Mon- tana.” Ann. Rep. Mont. Farmers’ Institutes, 1:202-216,; Helena, 1902. An enumeration of the species commonly used for this pur- pose in the State. Blankinship, J. W. “Poisonous Plants of Montana”. Ann. Sess. N. W. Woolgrowers’ Assoc. 5: 49- 54. Helena, 1902. A preliminary discussion of the subject. Blankinship, J. W. “The Loco and Some other Poisonous Plants cf Montana’. Bull. Mont. Agr. Exp. Sta. 45: 73-104. 1903. A gen- eral report of the five chief groups of plants poisonous to stock in the state with a special study of the loco question with means for avoidance and eradication. Canby, W. M. “Erigeron Tweedyi, n. sp.” Bot. Gaz. 13:17. 1888. Carleton, M. A. “List of plants collected by the Garfield Univer- 18 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. sity Expedition of 1889.” Trans. Kans. Acad. Sci. 13: 50-57. ‘o- peka, 1893. Gives a list of the species collected, a number of which are from Montana. ; Chesnut, V. K. “Some poisonous plants of the northern stock ranges.” Yearbook U. S. Dept. Agr. 1900: 305-324. Washington, 1900. A general discussion of the subject, including conditions in Montana. Chesnut, V. K. and E. V. Wilcox. “The stock-poisoning plants of (Montana:’? Bull.) Div. “Bot),cU. S, Depts Agr, 2611-150, 100m An extended account largely experimental, of the plants known or suspected of being poisonous in the state. Chickering, J. W. “Catalogue of Phaenogamous and Vascular Cryptogamous plants collected during the summer of 1873 and 1874 in Dakota and Montana along the 49th Parallel by Dr. Elliott Coues. U. S. A.: with which are incorporated those collected in the same region at the same time by Mr. George M. Dawson.” Bull. U. S. Geol. and Geogr. Surv. 4: 801-830. Washington, 1878. A list of species by orders with localities and dates. Cooper, J. G. “The sylva of Montana.” Am. Nat. 3: 405-422. i870. An enumeration of the trees of the state with their distribit- tion through the two biological regions. Coulter, J. M. and others. “A catalogue of plants collected in 1872 in portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.” Hayden Surv. 1872: 747-792. (Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. 6:747-792). Washington, 1873. Contains a general description of the botany of this region with an ordinal enumeration of the species and localities, those of Montana being from the region adjacent to the Park. Coulter, J. M. “Manual of the botany of the Rocky Mountain Re- gion.” New York and Chicago. 1885. This is still the only man- ual available for the systematic study of the flora of the state. Coulter, J. M. and E. M. Fisher. “New and Noteworthy North American Plants.” Bot. Gaz. 18: 299-303. 1893. Several new Montana species described. ; Douglas, David. “A sketch of a journey to the northwestern parts of the continent of North America, during the years 1824, 5, 6, & 7.” A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. aN Hooker’s Comp. to Bot. Mag. 2: 82-177. London, 1836. Contains many botanical notes, particularly relating to economic betany. Eaton, D. C. “An undescribed Heuchera from Montana.” Bot. Gaz. 15: 62. 1890. Describes H. Williamsu, Eaton. Ellis, J. B. and B. T. Galloway. “New western fungi.” Jour. Mycol. 5: 65-68. 1889. Describes 12 new species from Montana and one is given in the paper following. Ellis, J. B. and B. M. Everhart. “Notes on a species of Coprinus . from Montana.” The Microscope, 10: 129-131. Trenton, N. J., 1890. Description of C. sclerotigenus, E. & E. Ellis, J. B. and F. W. Anderson. “New species of Montana Fungi.” Bot. Gaz. 16: 45-49, 85-86. 1891. Describes 12 new species. Elrod, M. J. “A biological reconnoissance at Flathead Lake.” Sull. University Mont. 10: 1-182. Missoula, Ment., 1902. Pp. 126- 129 and 147-149 are devoted to the botany of the region. Engelmann, George. “Plants collected during the exploration of the Upper Missouri by F. V. Hayden in £853.” Trans. Am. Phil. Soc: 12 (n s.): 182-212. Phila. 1862. An annotated list of species, partly from Montana. Mainly*a reprint from a similar paper by Hayden in Rep. Sec. War. for 1858, 2: 726-747. Everhart, B. M.~Sée J.B. Elis: Fisher, E. M. See J. M.Coulter. Freyn, J. “Ranunculaceae aus dem westlichen Nordamerika, ge- sammielt in Auftrage Dr. Dieck’s-Zoschen.” Deutsche Bot. Monats. 8: 73-79, 176-182. Review in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 18: 98, 99. 1891. A number of the species mentioned are frem Montana. Galloway, B. T. See J. B. Ellis. Geyer, Chas. A. “Notes on the vegetation and general character of the Missouri and Oregon territories, made during a botanical journey from the state of Missouri, across the South Pass of the Rocky Mountains to the Pacific during the years 1843 and 1844. London Jour. Bot. 4: 479-492, 653-662, (1845); 5: 22-41, 198-208, 285-310, 509-524 (1846). See W. J. Hooker. i 20 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Gray, Asa. “Catalogue of the plants collected east of the Rocky Mountains.” Pacif. Surv. 12, Pt. 2: 40-49. Washington, LED An anno- tated list of species, partly from Montana. Griffiths, David. “Some northwestern Erysiphaceae”. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29: 190-301. 1902. Refers to a few Montana species. Harris, W P. & C. W. “Lichens and Mosses of Montana.” Bull. Univ. Mont. 19: 308-330. 1904. An enumeration of 67 species of Lichens and 37 species of Mosses with 7 plates. Harvey, P. F. “Climate and diseases of northern Dakota and Montana.” Published originally in the Medical Record,. the notes pertaining to the botany of the region are republished in Bot. Gaz. 4: 171, 172. 1879. Notes in the main are unimportant from the botan- ical standpoint. Havard, V. “Botanical outlines of the country marched over by the Seventh United States Cavalry during the summer of 1877.” Ann. Rep. Chief of Engineers, U. S. A., App. OQ: 1878: 1681-1687. Havard, V. “List of the plants found on the plains of western Dakota and eastern Montana during the summer of 1877 and spring ot, 1879.” Anm. Rep. Chief of Engineers, UU S.8\. eA DD ome eam 1-20. Washington, 1880. Gives a general description of the region and a list of the species collected. Hayden, F. V. “Plants collected during the exploration of the Upper. Missouri by E.°V. Hayden “Rep, Seca Wartiors16s5c.e. 720-747. An annotated list of species, partly from Montana, de- termined by, Engelmann (Trans, Amer. siPhil.0¢c.> 12:4 io2-2ug 1862). Holzinger, J. M. “A new Hypnum-from Montana.” Bryologist, 43012, *-Brooklyngn.7¥ 4° 1QOL: Hooker, W. J. “Catalogue of Mr. Geyer’s collection of plants gathered in the Upper Missouri, the Oregon Territory, and the in- tervening portion of the Rocky Mountains.” London Jour, Bot. 6: 65-79, 200-256 (1847); Hooker’s Jour. Bot. 3: 287-300 (1851); 5: 257-205 (1853); 7: 371-378 (1855); 8: 16-19 (1856).- A list of the species collected with notes; many new species described. it / A CENTURY OF BOTANICAL EXPLORATION IN MONTANA. 21 Kelsey, F. D. “Study of Montana Erysipheae.” Bot. Gaz. 14: 285-288. 1889. Notes on nine species, one new. Kelsey, F. D. “Notes onthe Fungi of Helena, Montana.” Jour Mycol. 5: 80-82. 1889. A list of 74 parasitic species with their hosts. Kelseyan Dit FW. Anderson, Sc.D.” Bot:Gazo77 2 78-81. 1892. Kelsey, F. D. See F. W. Anderson. Leiberg, John B. “Notes on the flora of W. Dakota and E. Montana adjacent to the Northern Pacific Railroad.” Bot. Gaz. 9: 103-107; 126-129. 1884. An article descriptive of the country and climate with many botanical notes of interest. Leiberg, John: B. Bitterroot’ Forest: Reserve”.. 19th Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 5: 253-282. Washington, 1899. Treatment mainly economic and statistical, but contains much botanical information. Lyall, David. “Account of the botanical collections made by David Lyall, Surgeon and Naturalist to the North American Bound- ary Commission”. Jour. Linnaean. Soc. 7: 124-144. London, 1863. Divides the region into “districts” and devotes considerable space to forestry. Meehan, Thos. “The plants of the Lewis and Clark Expedition across the continent, 1804-1806”. Proc. Acad. Sci. Phila. Jan. 1898: 12-49. pif 7 7 F +s eee Pe <) te? oy. ‘ " ‘ 37 ea f > ‘ e408) a ee Ye i ars Pd ‘ he a 7 enw “4 = PN See ee ee % Pay oad ‘= ‘ ri aa ‘ Ms by % eek s ered Sa: 7 ‘ Q . 1 - f gs : ba . i ee B . ted! ; her. 2 Nn) - 4 i se SR: by F ‘ fad ™ fs UN aie rei rare) Gaal tk, REA eae Te ye UN Ree ae dens Tape 2 oes a ea ’ A oy : +My =) 2 I } Wy aa tie ys se ae * \ OLS § 6, & ahs ’ ah «ey ES } Soe ye © eV eka ey 4 ae ee Lt ey 1 Fe eae So . ‘ a “f ake per ee, Sead ht - : f oS was ae V wis oo F ; Pe TTS be slr s t/t e Oa Pile & ROR s re } - ~ = i é ners § ie ae a. ; VOL. 1. FEBRUARY, 1905. NO. 2. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. BOTANY. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA: ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS. By J. W. BLANKINSHIP, PH. D., PLATES I-VI. BOZEMAN, MONTANA. PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY THE COLLEGE, NEW SPECIES AND VARIETIES DESCRIBED. Ammannia alcalina, page 87. Lupinus axillaris, p. 76. Arabis Kochii, p. 57. Lupinus Jonesii, p. 79. Arenaria lateriflora tenuicaulis, p. 51 Lupinus Rydbergii, p. 78. Astragalus adsurgens albifolius, p. 71 Petasites dentata, p. 102. Astragalus adsurgens pauperculus,p.72. Physaria macrantha, p. 60. Astragalus amphidoxus, p. 72. Ranunculus Flammula varians, p. 56. Astragalus divergens, p. 73. Ribes camporum, p. 63. Bupleurum purpureum, p. 89. Sagittaria arifolia tenuor, p. 40. Carum montanum, p. 91. Sagittaria paniculata, p. 40. Draba oligosperma microcarpa, p. 59. Salix Fernaldii, p. 46. Eriogonum ovalifolium depressum, p. 49 Saxifraga Greenei, p. 65, Impatiens ecalcarata, p. 84. Sedum subalpinum, p. 61. Linum rigidum tenerrimum, p. 85. Viola praemorsa altior, p. 83. Lupinus aphronorus, p. 76. Zygadenus alpinus, p. 44. e re PLATES. I. Saxifraga Greenei, Blankinship; p. 67. Impatiens ecalcarata, Blankinship; p. 67. Il. Astragalus divergens Blankinship; p. 75. Ill. Bupleurum purpureum, Blankinship; p. 90. IV. Carum montanum, Blankinship; p. 92. 7. Crepis nana, Richardson; p. 105. VI. Sagittaria paniculata, Blankinship; p. 106. AVANT COURIER PRINT. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Vol le Nose: BOTANY. Plates I-VI. Issued April 25, 1905. Application has been made for entrance as 2d class matter at Bozeman, Mont. postoffice. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA: : ADDITIONS ANDYCORRECTIONS. BY J. W. BLANKINSHIP. ee ae PREEACE. The botanist in the American agricultural college must treat his subject, both in his teaching and in his scientific research, from two standpoints, that of pure science and that of its economic application, and no successful achievement can be hoped for in the latter without a toundation in the larger data and wider knowledge of a more extensive study of the subject in its general phases.’ The basis of any accurate workin pure or applied botany is a good herbarium and technical li- brary as well as a general knowledge of the physical, agricultural and biological features of the region considered, and these collections and library are the more necessary at a point remote from other scientific institutions. Hence special effort has been made by the Montana Agricultural College to build up a good herbarium of both the Phanerogams and Cryptogams of the state and to secure a good botanical library for their more accurate study, while the greater part of our collections have either been named by specialists or taken to the Gray Herbarium or the New York Botanical Garden for iden- ‘tification. Based largely upon these collections, Rydberg issued his “Cata- logue of the Flora of Montana and the Yellowstone National Park” (1900), the only complete enumeration of our species ever attempted, ‘but since its publication many new species have been described from this state, while the extensive collections brought together in the her- barium of the Montana Agricultural College, including in part at least nearly every private collection recently made in the state, afford many times the number of specimens heretofore available for the study of the flora of this region, thus enabling a number of errors, due to paucity of material, to be corrected, and extending by several bundred the number of species indigenous to the flora of the state or recently introduced within its bounds. In the present list, with a few exceptions, no attempt has been 36 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. made to pass upon the validity of the various new species recently described from this state, as the idea of the limitation of species must and ever will remain, in large part, a matter of individual judgment, dependent upon the data at hand, the experience of the botanist, and the relative closeness with which he desires to draw specific lines in the case of the many intergrading species or the larger polymorphic forms. The recent tendency toward the more critical study of species and their consequent segregation should be encouraged, as the basis for a better knowledge of our flora; the more critical recon- struction of species, based upon a wider knowledge of specific varia- tion and the physical and biological factors of isolation tending to differentiate them in their respective habitats, must be left mainly tc the botanist of the future, working with larger collections and aid- ed by the accumulated knowledge of the present explorers. Yet, there are certain causes of error in this recent tendency toward sep- aration that may easily be avoided and the most important of these is the failure to recognize the contluence of related species. Forms. intermediate in character between two other well marked species, are probably mere intergrades or hybrids between these species, particularly, if these forms be few and occur only at points of contact between them and such forms are neither species nor vari- eties, as frequently described. Then, single aberrant specimens. confined to one or few localities in a well-explored flora, can hardly be. more than evanescent’ sports, .soon « to. be --swanmip- ed by cross breeding, unless such variation affect the organs ot reproduction, or give it peculiar strength to resist untoward in- fluences; a “mutation” form, according to De Vries. On the other hand, we may be greatly aided in our judgment of a species by rembering that, aside from their difference of char- acter, upon which the botanist usually basis his judgment, there will also be found some factor of isolation tending to prevent the free intercrossing of the two species, for sexual sterility between closely related species appears to be far more rare than commonly supposed. ‘This factor of isolation may be difference in range, or altitudinal dis- tribution, due to climatic or geographical barriers; difference in hab- itat, due to adaption to different physical and chemical conditions of growth; or it may be adaption to different methods of fertilization, to different times of blooming or to some peculiar habit of growth. Cross-sterility doubtless does exist in many cases, but can not be re- lied upon at all in botany as a criterion of species; it is indicated by an absence of these intergrading forms or hybrids and, usually, by SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 37 niarked difference of character between the species. This taxono- nuic-ecological branch of botanical science is destined to yield much of interest in the future and prove of the greatest aid in systematic discrimination, when this critical reconstruction of species becomes of more inportance. This is the more necessary, because by far the greater number of species have been described from'a few fragmentary specimens, called the “type,’ which may perchance occur anywhere in the wide gamut of the variation of the species, owing to accident of dis- covery, and very frequently this type and description is thus far removed from the normal type of the species represented by the vast majority of the individuals composing it, while the works on system- atic botany continue to describe this bibliographical “type” long after material has accumulated for more accurate description. The tendency of recent authors to thus fix upon a type for their species, when material is at hand from which to draw a wider description, is unfortunate, unless they are sure the type selected fairly repre- ~ sents the normal of the species. In the present paper the species I have described as new are suffi- ciently distinct in character to be readily recognized and there ap- pears to be some factor of isolation tending to differentiate them from the nearest related species, while the intergrading forms appear to be relatively few, and I have described as varieties those forms less distinct in character, not having any marked factor of isolation and with more numerous forms connecting them with the dominant species. I wish here to thank the management of the Gray Herbarium at Cambridge, Mass. for the facilities for comparison and bibliographical reference so kindly placed at my disposal in this work and the many, local botanists of Montana, whose contributions have materially aid- ed in elucidating the many knotty questions of specific variation and distribution. It is hoped that these studies may render possip!e the publication of a practical manual of the botany of the state for the use of the high school student and others interested in our native flora, as the delight of the study of our native plants is greatly marred and the labor vastly increased by the poor facilities for determination now at hand. 38 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. CRDINAL LIST OF SPECIES NEW OR WRONGLY RE- FERRED TO MONTANA. Bad In the following list the genera and species are arranged alphabet- ically under the orders, which follow the Engler and Prantl sequence. Species new to the state are given in full-face type; those wrongly referred to Montana in /talics. | Species given on the identification cf some botanist other than the author have the name of that author- ity in parentheses after the author of the species. © The specimens. cited under each species are in the herbarium of Montana Agricul-. tural College, unless some other is given, or the localities are quoted from publication, and are collections made by the author, unless the name of some other collector is given. Species introduced in Mon- tana are starred (*). An index to the bibliographical references. will be found on pages 26-29 of the preceding number. CONIFER. Abies amabilis, Forbes; Rydberg, Flora, 12. 1 find no evidence that this species occurs in Montana, or in fact east of the Cascade Mountains in Washington and Oregon. Abies grandis, Lindl. White Fir; Silver Fir. Frequent in the forests west of the Continental Divide in Montana. Granite Canyon, near Missoula, Aug. 5, 1880, S. Watson (Gray Herb.) ; Columbia Falls, Aug. 4, 1892, R. S. Williams. See also: Sargent, Sylva, 12: 118; Ayres, 21st Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 5:41; 20th, Ann. Rep. (Geol, Surv, 5:9 248, 2855320; eiberg, 16bme 5: 268. Juniperus communis Canadensis, Loud. A low upright or spreading juniper, 6-12 dm, high with longer (10-15 mm.) leaves than the prostrate alpine form (var. montana, Ait.). Apparently more frequent in the mountains than the smaller variety. | Bozeman, June, 1902, Peter Koch; Belton, July 27, 1900; Phil- ipsburg, Sept: 30, 1902, G. T. Bramble, and many other localities. Juniperus occidentalis, Hook.; Rydberg, Flora, 13. Though careful search has been made in nearly every part of the state, there is yet no evidence that it is found here. If it occurs, it will probably be in the mountains adjacent to Idaho in the Bitter Root region. Common on dry hillsides in adjacent Idaho. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 39 Juniperus Virginiana, L. Red Cedar. As far as the charac- ters serve to distinguish, the eastern J. Vuirginiana seems to be fairly common in the mountainous parts of the state in the damper situations, as well as on the dry exposed rocks. It has the spire- . shaped habit, annually maturing fruit and slender, elongated branch- lets of that species, while the darker, blue-green, often glaucus color of its foliage distinguishes it at sight from the widely spread- ing habit and yellow-green foliage of the species common on the dry plains (J. scopulorum, Sargent). The fruit of the first is prevail- ingly ellipsoid, that of the second usually somewhat bilobed by the enclosed divergent seeds. Apparently intergrading forms occur. Bozeman, Oct. 8, 1900, E. J. S. Moore; Leonia, Sept. 14, 1900; Kalispell, Sept. 9, 1899; Homestake, June 22, 1902. Larix Lyallii, Parl. Mountain Larch. Two small areas near the head of the South Fork of the Flathead River and along the higher peaks of the Bitter Root Mountains. 21st Ann. Rep. U. S. Geol. Surv. 5: 41; 20th Ann. Rep. 5:248, 249, 335; 336 (Ayres). Piceas alba. Uink,.; «P. Canadensis, B.S. PR. Common: im “the forests west of the Divide. Called here “White Spruce’. Essex, Aue. 21, 1896, R. 9S. Willams, 1085; Kalispell,, Sept: 9, 1899; Belton, Aug. 19, 1902; St. Ignatius, Sept. 7, 1899. Pinus contorta, Dougl.; Rydberg, Flora, 10. There is no evi- dence that the true P. contorta occurs in Montana and it is doubtful, if the typical form is found east of the Cascade Mountains. Tsuga heterophylla, Sargent; 7. Mertensiana, Carriere. Com- mon in the forests west of the Divide. Called here “Hemlock”. Columbia Falls, Oct. 27, 1894, R. S. Williams; MacDonald Lake, Auer sr 1802) Root OW illiamss "Belton, Aug, 19,. 1962) White Pine, Sept. 8, 1904. Tsuga Mertensiana, Sargent; T. Pattoniana, Seneclauze. Sev- eral smiall areas have been noted on the higher mountains west of the Divide. 20th Ann. Rep: U. S. Geol. Surv. 5: 355. (Bitter Root Mts.); 21st Ann. Rep. 5: 40 (Beaver Cr. east of McDonald Peak) ; Sargent, Silva, 12: 79 (Divide between Thompson and’ Little Bitter Root Creeks, H. B: Ayres, 1893). NATARIACI AL. Potamogeton filiformis, Pers. Gravelly Range Lake, Lewis & Clark Co., Aug. 1902, Owen Byrnes, No. 40. 40 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGH SCIENCE STUDIES. Ruppia occidentalis, Wats. Gravelly Range Lake, Lewis & Clark Co., Aug. 1902, Owen Byrnes, No. 309. ALISMACE. * Sagittaria arifolia tenuor, n. var. Scapes equaling the rather short peduncled leaves, which have the median lobes narrow and acute and basal narrow and spreading. Phyllodia not infrequent; otherwise like the type. This might be mistaken for S. latifolia c of Smith, except for the short, erect beaks to the akenes. Flathead river, July 20 and 23, 1900; Flathead lake, Aug. 1897, M. J. Elrod; Three Forks, Aug. 24, 1903. Sagittaria latifolia, Willd.; Rydberg, Flora, 19. It is still doubt- ful if this species occurs in the state and no specimens appear yet to have been collected within our limits, those so referred being the next, which is difficult to separate from it except in mature fruit. Sagittaria paniculata, n. sp. Large, 2-6 dm. high, growing in shallow water, roots tuberous; leaves thick, 10-18 cm. long, ovate with spreading basal lobes, equai- ing the median in length, latter gradually narrowed to an acute apex; petioles stout, exceeding the scapes: inflorescence verticillate- paniculate, 3-4 lower whorls pistillate; bracts scarious, ovate-lance- olate, 10-20 mm. long; peduncles 5-10 mm. long; flowers 18-22 mm. in diameter, filaments equaling or shorter than the anthers: fruiting heads 10-15 mm. in diameter; akene obovate-cuneate, 2.5-3 mm. long, beak minute, erect or~ slightly retrorse. [PLAT# VI] S. arifolia, Nutt. differs from this in its smaller size (1-2 dm. high), smaller, thin leaves (5-10 cm. long), abruptly rounded to an obtuse apex with basal lobes shorter than the median, its slender petioles shorter than the scapes, its racemose inflorescence with shorter (5-10 mm.) bracts, its smaller (7-10 mm. diam.) fruiting heads and smaller (2 mm.) akenes. In general habit it approaches more nearly S. latifolia, Willd., but differs from it in the shorter beak to the akene and’ short filaments, which are similar to arifolia with which it intergrades. It is not a hybrid between the two, for Jatifolia is not known in this region. Found throughout the plains region of the state. Box Elder Cr., Valley Co., July 14, 1900; Three Forks, Aug. 24, 1903; Wibaux, Aug. 15, 1903; Miles City, Aug. 16, 1903; Bozeman, Aug. 31, 1898. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 4] GRAMINEZ:. Andropogon provincialis, Lam. In swales anl lowlands in the extreme eastern part of the state. Wibaux, Atg.°15; 1903; Upper Little Big rece River, Jule 53; 1890; Crow Agency, July 14, 1901; Miles city, Aug. 16, 1903. Aristida fasciculata Hookeri, Trin. & Rupr. Beal, Grasses of N. Am. 2:207. “Montana, Scribner, 83.” Aristida longiseta robusta, Merrill. Square Butte, Meagher Co., July, 16, 1901, F. A. Spragg; No. 422. Bouteloua curtipendula, Torr. Swales and lowlands in the extreme eastern part of the state. Arden, July 15, 1900; Wibaux, Aug. 15, 1903; Big Horn River, Aug. 10, 1890; Forsyth, July 24, Igor. Bromus Aleutensis, Trin. Rydberg, Flora, 61. Not four in Montana. See B. marginatus below. Bromis inermis, L. Smooth Brome Grass. Now generally cultivated in the state and often escaped. East Helena, 1904, W. Passavant; Bozeman, 1902. Bromus marginatus, Nees. B. Aleutensis, Rydb., Flora, 6r. Common in mountain meadows. Shear, BullNoe, 23-Dive Across, Uo Depts Agr esa Bromus marginatus latior, Shear, |. c., p. 55 with references ) under “Wyoming”. Bromus marginatus seminundus, Shear, |. c. with references. Bromus polyanthus, Scribn., Bull. Div. Agros., U. S. Dept. Agr. 23:56 with references. Bromus Richardsoni pallidus, Shear, |. c. 34. *Bromus tectorum, L. Not infrequent as a weed by roadsides and in waste places. Missoula, Aug. ’98, H. C. B. Colvill; Columbia Falls, Sept. 9, 1899. Bromus vulgaris, Shear, l. c. 44. *Bulbilis dactyloides, Raf. Becoming established in the low plains eastward and called the “Little Buffalo Grass” to distinguish it from the “Buffalo Grass” (Boutelowa oligostachya, Torr.). Intro- duced from eastward. Wibaux, July 9, 1901; Forsyth, July 24, 1901; Miles City, Aug. 16, 1903. 42 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. *Cenchrus tribuloides, L. Columbia Falls, Mrs. J. J. Kennedy. Doubtless introduced. Elymus Virginicus submuticus, Hook. —(F. L. Scribner). Bozeman, Aug. 11, 1898. In low thickets. Hordeum caespitosum, Scribn. In wet places, common. Bozeman, Aug. 11,°1898; Denton, July 19, 1901, F.-A‘ Sptage. Hordeum pusillum, Nutt. Forsyth, June 29, 1898; Great Falls, July 9, 1891, R. 5. Williams; Billings, June 1898, F. W. Traphagen; Arrow Cr.,- Meagher Co., July 4) 1968, BoAY Spragg: *Panicum nitidum, Lam. Columbia Falls, Mrs. J. J. Kennedy. *Panicum sanguinale, L. ‘“‘Crab-grass.”’ Sparingly introduced. Bozeman, Sept. 25, 1900. In.lawns. Panicum virgatum, L. Umbach, 105: . Cerastium arvense angustifolium, Fenzl. A form with rigid narrow, fascicled leaves collected by IF. A. Spragg, near Lewistown, July 26, 1901, seems best referable here. Cerastium arvense oblongifolium, Hollick & Britton, Bull. Torr. Bot, Club, 14: 47, t/632/-Montana, Scribner poyn, Ploray1-i23o: *Cerastium vulgatum, L. A weed common in many places west of the Divide. Kalispell, July 21, 1900; Troy, July 25, 1900; Col- imbia Falls, July 20, 1900. Borax, Wuyist I1, 1901; Thompsom Iwis, August 8, :901. Lychnis montana, Wats. In alpine and subalpine situations. Horsefly Pass, Crazy Mts., 8200 ft., July 20, 1902; Mt. Hyalite, Io,- (0041) AMOI 1007, Sagina nivalis, Fries. Found near melting snow at Maynard’s Camp, head of Cottonwood Cr., Tobacco Root Range, gooo ft... Aue LTO; 1902. Silene Antirrhina vaccarifolia, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 37:407. “Big’ Horn ‘River, 1891, Fy Tweedy. - Silene Douglasii viscida, Robinson. Camp below Speri:y Glaci- er, 6140 ft., Sept. 1, 1903; Black Butte, Tobacco Root Range, 10,- ooo ft., Aug. 11, 1902; Cut-bank Canyon, Teton Co., July 27, 1897, Kk. S. Walliams; Head of Butcher-knife Cr., Little Belt Mts., 7800 ftyoANS. 14, Too, Paws Sprape cos: *Silene noctiflora, L. An occasional weed in gardens and waste places. Bozeman, 1808, 1904. Silene Suksdorfii, Robinson. Black Butte , Tobacco Root Range; 10,000 it., Aug. 11, 1902. *Spergula arvensis, L. A weed in grain fields, rare. Bozeman, July, 1808. Spergularia salina, J]. & C. Presl. Common in alkali flats, Bow- doin Lake, Malta, Aug. 25, 1903; Billings, June 30, 1903. Stellaria borealis, Bigelow. Plains, June 6, 1902; Middle Cr. Canyon, July 30, 1902. The variety corallina, Fenzl. seems far more common than the type in this state. *Stellaria graminea, L. A weed which should be found fre- quently in door yards and waste places. Helena, E. N. Brandegee. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 53 *Stellaria media, Cyrill. Not infrequent as a weed in door- yards and lawns in the larger towns. Plains, Aug. 7, 1901; Helena, Aug. 12, 1898, E. N. Brandegee; Bozeman, Aug. 18, 1808. RANUNCULACEZ. Anemone Canadensis, L. In low woodlands along the Missouri River. Culbertson, July 11, 1904, and region adjacent. Anemone Drummondii, Wats.? “Rocky Mts. Summits at 8000 ft. Lat. 49 degrees N.” Dr. Lyall, 1861 in Gray Herb. I am inclined to refer this specimen to A. Tetonensis, Porter, as in my opinion this and all other specimens of Drummondu from the Rocky Mountains are the former species. The two appear to intergrade westward, but Drummondi is properly a species of the Coast Range and southward. Anemone lithophylla, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29: 152. “Little Belt Mountains 9 miles from Barker, ‘1896, J. H. Flodman, 459.” Anemone globosa, Nutt. is A. multifida, Poir. I am unable to | see that the Montana form of this species differs essentially in pube- scence or other character from the South American forms of the type, so that Nuttall’s globosa seems quite untenable, even as a variety. ; Aquilegia formosa, Rydberg, Flora, 155. All the specimens from Montana referred to this are probably the red-sepaled form of A. flavescens, Wats., which is common in the mountains along with the form with yellow sepals; its long curved spurs and yellow or pinkish sepals separate it from formosa with straight spurs and deep carmine red or scarlet sepals. The latter species appears not to be within our limits. Clematis Scottii, Porter (Rydberg, Flora, 160) is C. Wyethii,, Nutt. below. Clematis Wyethii, Nutt., Jour. Acad. Phila. 7: 6. Rydberg says it is “common in Montana.” (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:155), but it is not commonly separated from Douglasii and is doubtfully distinct. Delphinium bicolor Montanense, Rydberg, Flora, 157. Is not “glandular pilose,” but viscid pubescent and is in part at least the early spring form of D. Menziesii, DC., and in part apparently an in- tergrade between D. bicolor, Nutt. and Mensiesii, both of which are 54 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES, common in the state and appear to intergrade in many localities. A subalpine form of Menzicsit, erowing in loose limestone shingle on Mt. Bridger (8500 ft.), has long ligneous roots like bicolor, but other- wise agrees well with Menzies. Delphinium diversicolor, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29 :149. “Rattlesnake Creek, Beaverhead Co., 1887, F. Tweedy, 34.” Delphinium elongatum, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:148. Nearest D. glaucum, Wats. “Lima, 1895, Rydberg.” Delphinium — glaucescens, Rydberg and var. mutiticaule, Ryd- beng, » Hlofay 157: These appear) too be’ *a “form “of Daioce- dentale, Wats. (D. — scopulorum subalpinum, Gray), tending apparently toward D. — scopuloriwm, Gray in its small flowers, pubescent ovaries and more dissected leaves. D. occidentale, \Wats. is not “glandular,” but viscid pubescent along the inflores- cence and Nelson’s form of subalpinwm differs from Watson's type of occidentale, chiefly in the smaller size and larger, deep-blue sepals, Watson’s type of occidentale being a larger, branching plant with paler flowers, evidently tending toward D. glaucum, Wats. None of the specimens under the variety subalpinwn in the Gray Herbarium have glandular pubescence. Delphinium Nuttallii, Gray. In alpine and subalpine situations. Camp below Sperry Glacier, 6000 ft., Sept. 1, 1903; Little St. Mary's Lakes, Sept. 1, 1903, L. M. Umbach; Hall’s Peak, Mission Range, July 20, ig02, M. J. Elrod; Plains, June 6, 1902. Delphinium occidentale, Wats. See D. glaucescens, Rydberg above. Delphinium pauciflorum, Nutt. Common on dry wooded upland , benches along the lower Clark’s Fork. Plains and Thompson Falls, June 27, 1902. Delphinium pauciflorum depauperatum, Gray. In alpine situ- ations. Mary Baker Lake, Sperry Glacier, 8000 ft., Aug. 22, 1901, L. M. Umbach. I am inclined to regard this as a variety of D. Nut- fallii, Gray, as it more nearly approaches it in habitat and will proba-_ bly be found to intergrade with it. In this state, at least, D. pauct- florum, Nutt. is a species of the lower forests westward and appar- ently occurs nowhere in this immediate vicinity, yet in the finely dis- sected leaves and small follicles the variety more nearly resembles pauciflorum with which it has been placed. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 55, Myosurus apetalus, Gray. In the bed of a dry-pond. Gardiner, July 4, 1899. Ranunculus acriformis, Gray. Monida, June 26, 1902; Coppero- polis, Meagher Co., July 23, 1902; Sunset, June 17,1896, Mrs E. W. Scheuber. Ranunculus alpeophilus, A. Nelson is R. mamoenus, Greene. Ryd- berg (Flora, 164) seems to have taken a form near his own stzvicola for Nelson’s species. : Ranunculus cardiophyllus, Rydberg, Flora, 165, is R. imamoenus, Greene. Ranunculus circinatus, Sibth. In ditches and slow streams, fre- quent. Gallatin River, July 27, 1898; Big Coulee Cr., Sweet Gruss Cor miine tearao2.» broadwater, Helena, June ta, 1893,78. IN: Brandegee. Ranunculus Cymbalaria alpinus, Hook. Near the Continental Divide, Empire, Aug. 1902, Owen Byrnes. Ranunculus ellipticus, Greene. See R. glaberrimus below. Ranunculus eremogenes, Greene. The characters given by fects eeitytiican = As) 121). sior this’. species, will,” hold cGiieligws wellt--for: Buropean- and Asiatic “specimens “at re sceleraius, 1... and even the rank, fleshy, fistulus, large- flowered form, which he regards as the typical European sceleratus, occurs occasionally here in situations which preclude its introduc- tion. All our specimens come under R. sceleratus, L. Ranunculus Flammula intermedius, Hook. In wet places, in- frequent)’ Fiathead=Lake, July 23, 1900;' Belton Aug.) 10, "1902; Columbia Falls, June 25, 1894, R. S. Williams; Thompson Falls, Aug. 6, 1901; Midvale, July 1, 1903, L. M. Umbach. in Ranunculus Flammula varians, n. var. Sienis we fOriM,.ekO<2O. ach. long, creeping rand ="root- ine oldt wites nodes, cleaves -6vate, rarely, oval, (5-12 mimy dong, on petioles “nearly twice that “length; petals 4° “mm. Jong: otherwise as in R. Flammuila reptans, Gray, from which it differs main- ly in its ovate leaves. Crow Creek, Mission Mts., Aug., 1897, M. J. Elrod, 234. A similar but larger form with leaves t-2 cm. long and 8-12 mm. wide, collected in wet places at Lake McDonald, Aug. 30, 1903, appears to be the same verging toward the variety imtermedi- “us, Hook. 56 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Ranunculus glaberrimus, Hook., Fl. Bor. Am. 1: 12; R. ellip- ticus, Greene, Pittonia, 2:10; Rydberg, Flora, 163. It is very prob- able that two species are included in Hooker’s description of KR. glaberrimus, or have been classified as such, but there is no reason for the separation and renaming the one with entire basal leaves, for this is clearly the form Hooker made most prominent in his descrip- tion and represented in his figure (T. V.). If any renaming is done, it should be the one with trilobed basal and entire cauline leaves, which is not found in Montana. The common spring buttercup here is the R. ellipticus, Greene, which is therefore a synonym for R. glaberrimus, Hook. Ranunculus Helleri, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29: 150. Soperry Glacier 1901, 1b 2k Vreeland. t110, ” : Ranunculus Macounii Oreganus, »Davis; Rk. Oreganus, Howell. A smoothish, thin-leaved form of Macouni with smaller flowers and heads, in swales about Lake MacDonald, Aug. 29, 1903, L. M. Umbach; 772: Ranunculus Montanensis, Rydberg, Flora, 166. This appears to be a rank, large-flowered form of R. acriformis, Gray. Ranunculus orthorhynchus platyphyllus, Gray; R. maximus, Greene. Borax, Missoula Co., Aug. 8, 1901, also in Yellowstone ani Ranunculus saxicola, Rydberg, Flora, 164. A form of R. Eschscholtzu, Schlecht., tending somewhat in leaf form toward R. eximius, Greene, but having pubescent akenes. Ranunculus sceleratus, L.; R. eremogenes, Greene, Common in ® wet places. Thalictrum polycarpum, Wats. Said in the Synoptical Flora (1:16) to “extend apparently to Montana.” What evidence Dr. Gray had for this statement is uncertain, for there is nothing in the Gray Herbarium to support it and recent collections seem to show that the species ranges little eastward from the Coast Range. BERBERIDACE/. Berberis Aquifolium, Rydberg, Flora, 170, is the next species. Berberis repens, Lindl. Rydberg (Flora, 170) decides that the names of these two species of western Berberis have been transposed on the ground that Pursh’s figure of Aquifolium (Flora Am. Sept. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 57 219) is B. repens, Lindl., except the detailed drawing of one leaflet, Which has the more acute apex and fewer and larger serrations of the true Aqufolium of the Pacific Coast. The figure perhaps repre- sents parts of two species, but the botanist must go, as a final re- sort, not to the figure and description, but to the plants from which they are drawn. Lindley (Bot. Reg. t. 1176) clearly distinguishes the two species and says that the plants of Menzies in the Bank- sian Herbarium were the types from which the figure and descrip- tion of Pursh were taken and that these are B. Aquifolium—not his B. repens, but thinks that probably those of the Lewis ‘collection were the latter. The plants of the Lewis and Clark Expedition have recently been gone over at the Gray Herbarium by Robinson and Greenman (Proc. Acad. Phila. 1898: 12-49) and thev say (p. 48) ° the Lambert Herbarium specimens from this collection are Aquifoli- wn: ~ Pursh in his description of Agquifolium calls the leaves “nitida,” which is true only of Aquifolium. B. repens has normally but 3-5 leaflets, B. Aquifoliwn has 7-11; Pursh’s figure represents seven leaflets and the type locality is the Great Rapids (Dalles) of the Columbia, where Aquifoliwum occurs and not repens, so there is not sufficient ground for changing Lindley’s interpre- tation. CRUCIFERAE. *Alyssum calycinum, L. A rare weed here. U. S. Fish Sta- tion, Bozeman, May 30, 1902, Mrs. H. F Henshall. Arabis arcuata subvillosa, Wats. Meadows at Midvale, July “a t003, LM. Umbach, 263; Mt. Bridger,-8500 it.) July 11; 1903; Bozeman, June 28, 1899. Arabis Kochii, n. sp. : Annual or biennial, 2-4 dm. high, finely stellate pubescent below, glabrous above, except the peduncles and calyx, stem usually simple and erect: radical leaves oblanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, entire, rarely somewhat denticulate; cauline linear-lanceolate or oblanceo- late, entire, more or less sagittate at base: flowers becoming reflex- ed; petals purplish, 4-6 mm. long, twice the length of the sepals: pods straight, rarely somewhat arcuate, 444 cm. long, I-1% mm. wide, valves I-nerved below, narrowed above to the sessile stigma: peduncles abruptly reflexed and mostly appressed, seeds in one row, orbicular, narrowly winged, as broad as the valves; cotyledons accumbent. 58 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Near A. Holboelii, Hornem., with which it is commonly confused, but differs from this in being lower and more slender, stems glabrous above, less sagittate cauline leaves, pods about half as long and wide and more appressed and seeds in one row. From A. arcuata subvillosa, Wats. it is separated by its lower, more slender habit and its smaller, appressed, straight pods. In appearance it closely resembles 4. evtlis, Nelson (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 26:123), but differs in its sagit- tate cauline leaves, narrower pods and winged seeds. Frequent in dry rocky glades in the mountains from 5-7000 ft., while the larger wide-fruited 4. Holboelii belongs to the plains and lower valleys. Named for Peter Koch of Bozeman, Mont., who so long collected industriously the flora of this region and gave his work to advance the cause of science. Plains, Missoula Co., June 6, 1902; Lower Canyon of the Gallatin River, 5500 ft., July 5, 1898; Lower Basin of the Gallatin, 6000 ft., July 6, 1898; Bridger Canyon, 5000 ft., July 20, 1898; Lombard, June L,.£Q01. Barbarea stricta, Andrz. [lowers smaller and a paler yellow, fruiting raceme strict, separating it from: B. vulgaris arcuata, Fries, which also occurs here, but less frequently. Spring Hill, July 3, 1903, Amy M. Cooke; Evaro, June 8, 1902; Yellowstone, E. N. Brandegee. *Brassica campestris, L. A frequent weed in old fields and waste places. Bozeman, July 22, 1898; Craig, July 29, 1900; Sales- ville, Sept. 2, 1802, Wie lashaw. *Brassica juncea, Cosson. American forms of D. incana, L., are split off under this name; dis-~ tinguished by its more narrow, pubescent pods. Draba Fladnizensis, Wulf. The following seems best placed here: Divide Mt., Teton Co., July 16, 1897, R. S. Williams. Draba oligosperma microcarpa, n. var. Differs from oligosperma in its smaller (2 mm. long, instead of 3-4 mm.), more orbicular and often more pubescent pods and smaller flowers, and from D. andina, Nelson, in its smaller pods, longer (4-6 mm.) and narrower leaves and racemose inflorescence. One of the confluent glacialis group to which it is desirable to call attention. Black Butte, Tobacco Root Range, 10,000 ft., Aug. II, 1902; - Dewey, June 24, 1902; Horsefly Pass, Crazy Mts., 8200 ft., July 20, 1902. Draba saximontana, A. Nelson. “Monida, Madison Co., June 16, 1899, A. & E. Nelson.” *Eruca sativa, Lam. Resembles Brassica alba, Boiss. Our speci-— mens appear to be 2-3 feet high and nearly glabrous, but the fruit is glabrous and wider (6 mm.) than is normal with the species. Not before reported as a weed in America. Collected in the vicinity of Kalispell, Sept. 9, 1898, by Dr. E. V. Wilcox. *Hesperis matronalis, L. Occasionally escaped from ornamen- tal cultivation. Bozeman, 1891, W. T. Shaw; 1808. Lepidium pubicarpum, A. Nelson, Bot. Gaz. 30:189. Distin- guished from L. apetalum, Willd. by its much lower, branching habit and by being puberulent throughout, even to the pods. Dwelle’s, Upper Madison River, July 30, 1899, A. & E. Nelson; Bozeman, July 2, 1808. 60 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Lesquerella Ludoviciana, Wats. Petals frequently purplish. Wibaux, May 25, 1902; Great Falls, June 9, 1885, R. S. Williams; Martinsdale, May 26, 1880, R. S. Williams. . *Nasturtium Armoracia, Fries. A not infrequent escape from cultivation, Helena, July 9, 1900; Bozeman, Aug., 1901. Physaria macrantha, n. sp. 5-8 cm. high with a long, deeply penetrating root: petals 10-14 mm., long, bright yellow: fruit didymous and much inflated, often large, 10-14 mm. diameter. In dry stony subalpine localities, 7-go00 ft. altitude, and appears to intergrade with P. didymocarpa, Gray, which grows at lower elevations and has smaller (7-8 mm.) and paler colored petals and smaller (7-10 mm.) fruit. Hills near Granite Butte, Sept., 1902, Owen Byrnes; Midvale, July 9, 1903, L. M. Umbach; Mt. Bridger, 8500 ft., July 11, 1903; Dewey, June 24, 1902. Sisymbrium decumbens, (Rydb.); Schoenocrambe decumbens, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 31:409. Separated from S. linifolium, Nutt. “Melrose, 1895, Rydberg, 2671; Sheridan, 1895, L. A. Fitch.” *Sisymbrium altissimum, L. The “Tumbling Mustard” is be- coming a common and troublesome weed in many sections of the state. Great Falls, July 10, 1900; La Salle, June 24, 1901, W. F. Jel- lison; Belgrade, Oct. 20, 1904; Missoula, June 5, 1892. Sisymbrium canescens, Nutt. In the eastern plains, frequent. Great Falls, R. S. Williams, May 24, 1885; Custer Station, May 30, 1890; .Forsyth,. June “29, 618085 Fergus Coxajuly soperoola ten, _Spragg. Sisymbrium incisum Californicum, (T. & G.) ; Sophia Californica, Rydberg, Bull. Torr: Bot. Club, 29:238. Dewey, Beaverhead Co.,; June 24, 1902. Sisymbrium viscosum, (Rydb); Sophia viscosa, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:238. Distinguished from S. imciswm, Engelm. by its viscid pubescence throughout and narrower siliques. Deep Cr. Canyon, Big Belt Mts., Aug. 14, 1899. Smelowskia Americana, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:2309. The American forms of S..calycma, C. A. Meyer are separated under this name. Thelypodium Nuttallii, Wats.? Some two feet high with SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 61 branching inflorescence. Has the leaves and general habit of Nuttal- lu, but the flowers are smaller, with petals about 6 mm. long and apparently white. Hallett’s Ranch, Helena, Aug. 15, 1892, E. N. Brandegee. CRASS ULACE AL. Sedum frigidum, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 28:283. The American forms of S. Rhodiola, DC. (S. rosewm, Scop.) are thus sep- arated as a distinct species. Sedum subalpinum, n. sp. Perennial, 5-10 cm. high, glabrous, except the leaves, branching from the base: leaves terete, sometimes flattened, 4-7 mm. long, usu- ally densely pulverulent under a lens, mainly aggregated in basal rosettes: cymes contracted, 2-4 cm. in diameter: petals 5 mm. long, equalling the short, thick, erect follicles: bracts, sepals and petals often purplish. Rocky ledges in alpine and subalpine situations, sooo feet and upwards, passing below into S. stenopetalum. Colorado and Oregon, northward in the mountains. S. stenopetalum, Pursh, is distiguished from this species by its greater size (10-18 cm.), fewer basal rosettes: leaves 8-12 cm. long: cymes diffuse and divisions divergent, 4-8 cm. in diameter: petals 8 mm. long, equalling the erect, slender follicles, and it is found in the lower mountains from 3-8000 feet. The smaller size, more abun- dant basal rosettes, smaller leaves, cymes, flowers and fruit and higher altitude readily separate subalpinum from this species, though the two appear to have been confounded in most herbaria. Sperry Glacier, 8000 ft., Sept. 1, 1903; Beef Straight, Jefferson Cogs) une 30.81002, MimHyalite, Gallatin” Co., 10,000 ft. -Atign 1; 1902; Horsefly Pass, Crazy Mts., 8200 ft., July 20, 1902; Mt. Bridg- er, 8500 it., July 11, 1903; Monida, 7000 ft., June 26, 1902. PaPPy RACE AY. Argemone alba, Lesteb. _ Apparently native in the eastern plains. Custer Station, June 23, 1890; Forsyth, July 24, 1901; Mey- Eta (Coz, Papaver nudicaule arcticum, Elkan.; Rydberg, Flora, 475. Is P. pygmaeum below. Papaver pygmaeum, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 29:159; P. nudicaule arcticum, Rydberg, Flora, 475. Also at Sperry Glacier, Sept? fl, ‘1903, S000.) {t: 62 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. SAXIFRAGACE/. Heuchera alpina, n. comb., H. cylindrica alpina, Wats. Horse- fly Pass,’Crazy Mts., 8200 ft., July 20, 1902; Monida, June 26, 1902. Heuchera saxicola, E. Nelson, Bot. Gaz, 30:118. Separates our Montana form commonly referred to H. ovalifolia, Nutt. as the ‘ above species, which is characterized as ‘“‘villous and viscid glandu- lar’ and ovalifolia proper as “wholly destitute of villous hairs.” Tor- vey & Gray (Fl. N: Ams 17581) seemstoshave used the-latter term to distinguish this species from H. cylindrica, Dougl., previously described and it is not at all evident that he did not mean our species. Leptarrhena amplexifolia, R. Br. Mountain sides, Holzinger Basin, Sperry Glacier, Aug. 22, 1901, Lk: M. Umbach, 356: Mitella stauropetala, Piper, Frythea, 7:161. Differs from WM. trifida, Graham in being larger throughout, raceme secund, petals twice the length of the sepals and divided half down into three hliform divergent lobes; trifida having relatively few flowers, petals scarcely exserted and very shortly lobed. Close to M. violacea, Rydb., of which it may be the normal form, but differs from it in its larger size, more numerous flowers and petals trifid into long, filiform, ai- varicate segments. In leaf and pubescence they seem identical and in fruit can only be distinguished by size. Petals often a beautiful violet. Evaro, June 8, 1902, low wet places; Mt. Hyalite, 8000 it., AMS ie O02! Parnassia Kotzebuei, C. & S. In bogs at the outlet of the Lower Basin of the Gallatin River, July 7, 1898. 3-15 cm. high, staminodia 5 and. fairly.typical of the species. Not heretofore found south of the British boundary. Ribes aureum chrysococcum, Rydberg, Flora, 204. There is no basis for separating the yellow-fruited forms of R. aureum from the black-fruited ones, as variation in fruit-coloration is not infrequent. There are red and white fruited forms of Actaca arguta, Nutt., red and yellow fruited forms of Shepherdia argentea, Nutt. and S. Cana- densis, Nutt., as well as red and black fruited Prunus demissa, Walp. In regard to the yellow, red and black fruit of Ribes awreum see Bot. Gaz. 14:289 and 15:24. Yellow appears to be the normal color of the fruit here. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 63 Ribes camporum, n. sp. Infra-axillary spines 1-3, short; more or less prickly and densely canesceht on the younger branches: leaves usually smail, 1-2 cm. long, deeply 3-5 lobed, lobes deeply and often acutely incised, cor- date or truncate at base, thick, densely canescent with short hairs, cspecially below when young, veins impressed above, salient be- neath; petioles about the length of the blade, lanate: peduncles short, 1-2 flowered; pedicels and calyx glabrous: bracts and bud scales glabrous and ciliate: fowers 8-10 mm. long; calyx-tube cylin- dric, about the length, or a trifle longer than the lobes, greenish- white or somewhat purplish: petals spatulate or oboval, about half the length of the calyx lobes; stamens equaling the petals: fruit glabrous, apparently red when ripe, 6-8 mm. diameter. A shrub 6-12 dm. high on dry cliffs and broken uplands throughout the plains region east of the mountains. Apparently R. Cynosbati, Mx. var. y of Hooker (Fl. Bor. Am. 1 :230) and R. oxycanthoides, L. var. y of Torrey & Gray (Fl. N. Am. 1:546), but all the specimens consulted seem to show the calyx, pedicels and fruit glabrous, though there may be variation in this rcspest. Certainly different from FR. setosum, Lindl., which has larger, thinner, nearly glabrous, crenately dentate leaves, much less conspicuous veining, longer pedicels and calyx-tube nearly twice longer than its lobes. RR. sctosum is a shrub of the lowland thickets, while FR. camporum is found on the dry upland cliffs. It is also very differ- ent from R. saxrosum, Hook., which has larger, glabrous leaves, 4-6 flowered peduncles, larger flowers, fewer prickles and the pubescence wholly lacking; the range of the latter also is west of the Continental Divide. R. camporum appears to extend from the Saskatchewan southward to Colorado in the plains east of the mountains. Big Horn River, 7 miles south of Custer Station, May 3, 1890, No. 9; Glasgow, July 17, 1900 (in fruit) ; Wibaux, May 25, 1902. Ribes echinatum, Lindl.; Rydberg, Flora, 202. It does not seem possible to separate the western form of (R. /acustre, Poir, from the eastern one, as the characters given do not hold. Ribes Hudsonianum, Richards. All Montana specimens so re- ferred are R. petiolare, Dougl., which has larger leaves, longer race- mes and glabrous calyx. Hudsonianum is more northern and appar- ently does not reach our limits. Ribes lacustre, Poir. includes R. echinatwm, Lindl. See above. 64 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Ribes lentum, Coville & Rose, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15 :26-29 (F. V. Coville) ; R. lacustre molle, Gray. In subalpine situations. Head of Cottonwood Cr., Tobacco Root Range, gooo ft., Aug. II,,.1902; Single-shot Mts., Téton Co., 7000 ft.; July 4, 1897, RS. Williams. Ribes leptanthum, Gray. A small rigid-branched, spiny shrub, 2-3 ft. high, in dry rocky places, 6000-8500 ft. altitude in the moun- tains east of the Divide. R. saximontanum, E. Nelson (Bot. Gaz. 30:119)? Rocky Canyon, Bozeman, May 26, 1900, 6000 [t.; Horsefly Pass, Crazy Mts.) July 20/902, 8000, it.; -Wilder, July) o,q1807, eR s: Williams. | Ribes leucoderme, Heller, seems the same as R. irrigiwwmn, Doug]. Ribes longiflorum, Nutt. in Fraser's Catalogue. See Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 15:23... The yellow-flowered currant of. the Mis- souriand its tributaries in the plains haslonger (16 mm.) flowers and the lobes of the leaves acute and straight margined (KR. longi- florum, Nutt.), while the mountain form has shorter (11 mm.) flow- ers, the lobes of the leaves obtuse and incurved toward the apex (R. aureum, Pursh). Wibaux, May 25, 1902; Box Elder Cr., Valley Co., July 14,1900; Fergus Co.,.Aug.,2, 1901, HA, Sprago, Ribes Purpusi, Koehne, (ined?). (F. V. Coville). An unarmed shrub with whitish bark and.thin glabrous leaves; lowers 2 or 3 in axillary, usually drooping, racemes; calyx tuhe campanulate, greenish or rarely purplish, with lobes equaling or longer than the tube; petals white, half shorter than the lobes of the calyx; stamens exserted and calyx lobes reflexed on maturity; fruit black, naked. Along shady streams. Limekiln Canyon, Bozeman, June 18, 1900; Middle Cr. Canyon, July 31, 1902; Flathead-Brackett Cr. Divide, July 16, 19¢2.° Saxifraga austromontana, Wiegand, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27: asc; S. cognata, E. Nelson; Bot. Gaz. 30:118. Our Rocky Mountain species of S. bronchialis, L.. has been separated as the above, but an ex- amination of any considerable number of Siberian and East Asia specimens will show their great variability and relative approxima- tion to the American forms in leaf and flower, so that separation is questionable. Saxifraga caespitosa minima, n. n.; S. moschata forma compacta, SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 65 Mert. & Koch; S. acaulis, Gaud. . The small, condensed, more crespi- tose form of S. caespitosa, L., 1-3 cm. high and 1-2 fiowered, in al- pine situations. | Single-shot Mountain, Teton Co., 7000 it., July 4, 1897, R. S.. Williams; Mt. Hyalite, 10,000 ft., Aug. I, 1902; Mt. Henry, Teton Co,, [uner2er1003, 0... Umbach Saxifraga Columbiana, Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27: 393. One of the segregates of S. integrifolia, Hook., characterized by hav- ing narrow, obovate-oblong petals, shorter than the calyx lobes and calyx-tube adnate to the ovary, which is immersed in a lobed disk. Bozeman, May, 1887, Peter Koch; Mt. Bridger, May 16, I9o1; Plains, June 6, 1902; Thompson Falls, June 7, 1902; Columbia Falls, June 7, 1893, R. S. Williams. Saxifraga exarata, Vill. Much more lax than S., caespitosa, L. and the basal leaves are not aggregated, as in that species; flowering stems weak and ascending, In the spray of the falls with S. debilis, Engelm., Middle Cr., Gallatin Co., July 7, 1901, W. W. Jones; same Jocality, July 30, 1902. es Saxifraga integrifoha, Hook. By the splitting up of this com- posite species the true integrifolia is not found in Montana, but is native further west. See Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 7:79 and small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 23 :366: & Saxifraga Greenei, n. sp. S. nivalis of most authors, as to the Rocky Mountain species. Apparently annual or biennial from a short, fibrous-rooted caudex ; acaulescent: leaves ovate to ovate-elliptical, coreaceous, crenately serrate, 15-20 mm. long by about two-thirds as wide, usually with some rusty tomentum beneath, obtuse at apex and narrowed abrupt- ly into a winged, often ciliate petiole of about the length of the blade; scape about to (3-16) cm. high, densely glandular-pabert- lent above; flowers nearly sessile in dense terminal heads, bracts linear, scarcely equaling the glabrous calyx: calyx short-turbi- nate, the tube about as long as the ovate erect acute or obtuse seg- ments, and adherent to ovary; petals elliptical or oboval, narrowed to a sessile base, 2 mm. long, twice the length of the caivx segnients, white, lateral nerves rarely confluent above: carpels widely diver- gent above on maturity, deep purple: bracts and calyx segments usually purplish. 66 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. The true S. mvalis, L. is a species of the Arctic regions and is readily separated from this species of the Rocky Mountains by its glabrate, canescent or sparse purple-glandular pubescence; its wider, more rounded, thinner serrate-dentate leaf-blades; wider calyx-tube and shorter petals. The nearest relative of S. Greenei in the Rockies- is S. rhomboidea, Greene (Pittonia, 3:343), which is a much larger plant with interruptedly spicate inflorescence, longer (4 mm.) petals, more viscid pubescence and found in lower situations (3-8000 feel) Mt. Hyalite, Aug. 1, 1902, 10,000 ft.; Black Butte, Tobacco Root Range, Aug. II, 1902, 10,000 ft.; Dewey, June 24, 1902, gooo ft.; Flat- top Mountain, Teton Co., July 5, 1897, 7ooo ft., R. S. Williams; Red Lodge, June, 1899, J. M. Kay; Old Hollowtop, near Pony, July g, 1897, Rydberg & Bessey, 4267; Lake Plateau, Aug. 1, 1897, Peter Koch. In alpine and subalpine situations throughout the Rocky Moun- tain region, passing in lower situations into S. rhomboidea and proba- bly in’ the extreme north into’S. mvalis, [PLATE JT, Atand Bit Saxifraga nivalis, Rydberg, Flora, 194, and other authors as to the Rocky Mountain specimeis. Ali specituens se named tron: this region must be divided between S. rhomboidea, Greene, and the smaller S. Greenet above. The true S. nivalis is confined to the Arc- tic regions. Saxifraga Marshallii, Greene, Pittonia, 1: 159. SS. occidentalis, Wats., Proc. Amer. Acad. 23:264, in part; S. saximontana, E. Nel- son, Erythea, 7:168; S. Idahoensis, Piper, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27; 3294. A careful study of this group convinces me that these are all one species. Small (Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 23:362) would limit S. occidentalis, Wats. to the specimens cited from Vancouver Island, which have larger petals (4 mm. long), sepals nearly always erect even in fruit, glabrous stems and leaves rufous-tomentous beneath and marked by Watson “n. sp.,’ although in publication he first cited the Rocky Mountain specimens of Drummond, which are identical with those here considered and previously described by Greene as S. Marshallii. Nelson and Piper appear to have in mind only the form with purple-glandular pubescent stem, nearly glabrous leaves and small flowers. Our species appears to vary considerably in the size of the petals (1%4-3 mm.) and hight of the plants (1-3 dm.), but none appear to have the “oval green spot on each side of the midnerve toward the base” of the petals, mentioned by SAXIFRAGA GREENE!, BLANKINSHIP. A. Plant natural size. B, Flower X 5. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 67 PLATE. IMPATIENS: ECALCARATA, BLANKINSHIP.. C. Leaf natural size. D. Flower X 2. 68 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Greene. It differs from S. Californica, Greene (Pittonia. 1:286) im its usually smaller size and flowers, its glabrous leaves and cymose, instead of racemose, inflorescence. From S. reflexa, Hooi.., wita which it is usually confused, it is separated by its purple-glandular (not hoary) pubescence and pure white, instead of orange-spotted petals. The reflexed sepals, glandular (not viscid) pubescence and peduncled flowers at once distinguish it from S. Virgimiensis, Michx. Upper Sand Coulee, May 30, 1888, R. S. Williams, 700; Missoula, 4500 it., June 7, 1897, M. J. Elrod; Bozeman, May 30, 1901, W. W. Jones; Spanish Creek, 1901, Jacob Vogel; Mt. Hyalite, 10,000 , it., Aug. 1, 1902; Sperry Glacier, 6-8000 ft., Sept. 1, 1902; in the latter situation growing with S. Notkana, Moc. Saxifraga Sierrz, Small, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 23 :36C; Coville, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 7:78., Like S. rhomboidea, Greene, but the calyx-tube is shorter, petals equaling the calyx-lobes and the leaves. are wider. From S. Columbiana, Piper, it is distinguished by its sepals often erect in anthesis, calyx-tube more adherent below, pe- tals wider, leaves wider and abrupt at base and inflorescence long, branching and divergent below. Bridger Canyon, Bozeman, May 16, 1898, Mrs. R. M. Wilcox; Sedan, June 11, 1901, B. Jones. Saxifraga Oregana, Howell, Erythea, 3:34. Related to the :ast but much larger (6-12dm.) with long (3-20cm.), lanceolate to oblong, nearly entire leaves and petals twice the length of the calyx- lobes. Missoula, May 11, 1897, M. J. Elrod, 54. Saxifraga reflexa, Rydberg, Flora, 193, is S. Marshallii, (ireene, though none examined have the orange-spotted petals mentioned by him. Saxifraga rhomboidea, Greene, Pittonia, 3:343; S. reflexa, Small, Ball Worr, Bot. Club, 23:367. One of ghetsegrecates or S. nivalis, characterized by its larger size (2-5 dm. high), stems densely glandular puberulent or somewhat viscid-pubescent, long- turbinate calyx-tnbe, large (4 nun. long), conspicuors white petals, twice as long as the lobes of the calyx, and flowers in glomerate cymes. Common in the lower mountains of the state. - Bozeman, May 26, 1901; Canyon of the Gallatin, July 5, 1898; spanish Creek, May 30, 1901, Jacob Vogel; Mt. Hyalite, Ang. 1. 1902; Bozeman, May 26, 1901; Canyon of the Gallatin, July 5, 1808. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 69 Saxifraga Rydbergii, Small; Rydberg, Flora, 194. Mt. Brid- ger, Bozeman, May 3, 1903, Faith Jackson; Mt. Hyalite, 10,000 ft., AUs 11S 2 Saxifraga .comosa, .Britton; SS. stellaris comosa, Poir. With S. Notkana, Moc. and apparently intergrading with that species. Sperry Glacier, 6000 ft., Sept. 1, 1903. ROSACEZE. Amelanchier Cusickii, Fernald. Leaves serrate from near the base, glabrous when young; petals 2 cm. long. West of the Divide. Missoula, May, 1897, M. J. Elrod, 40; Plains, June 6, 1902. Cercocarpus parvifolius, Nutt.; Rydberg, Flora, 222. Though common southward in Wyoming, there is no evidence that it has ever been found in this state. Crataegus flabellata, Rydberg, and C. macracantha, Rydberg, Flora, 228. All Montana specimens referred to these species aprear to be C. Piperi, Britton; neither of the two species mentioned appear to -cross the plains. Crategus Piperi, Britton, Torreya, 1:33. See C. fladeiiata above. Geum macrophyllum, Willd. Mountains, infrequent. Rumsey, July 15, 1892, F. D. Kelsey; Spanish Basin, June 22, 1£97, Rydberg & Bessey, 4406; Bozeman, June 28, 1899; Upper Madison Kiver., - July 16, 1899; Kalispell, Aug. 27, 1903; Swan Lake, June, 1902, M. J. Elrod. Ivesia alpicola, Rydberg; Howell, Fl. N. W. Aw. 1:182; H. Gordon alpicola, Rydberg, Mon., Pot. 152. Mt. Bridger, go0o ft., June 26, 1890. Potentilla filipes, Rydberg, Bull. Bot. Club, 28: 174. “Bridger Mts., 1896, J. H. Flodman.” Potentilla fissa, Nutt.; Rydberg, Mon. Pot. 198. Rather fre- quent in the mountains on dry cliffs. Rocky Canyon, Bozeman, May 25, 1900, B. Jones; Spring Hill, July 3, 1903, Amy M. Cooke; Plains, June 6, 1902. Potentilla glandulosa monticola, (Rydberg), Mon. Pot. 199. Pree Selsey tool. Potentilla Nicollettii, Sheldon. Great Falls, July 10, 1900. 70 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Potentilla nivea Altiaca, Rydberg, Mon. Pot..86. Flat-top Mtn., Teton Co., 7000 ft., July 5, 1897, R. S. Williams. Potentilla Norvegica, L. This narrow-leaved, rugose fruited form seems more common here than the villous, wider-leaved P. Monspeliensis, L. Bozeman, Sept. 22, 1897; Kalispell, Sept. 8, 1899; Billings, June 30, 1903. Potentilla Pennsylvanica strigosa, Pursh. Eastern plains main- ly. Rocky Canyon, Bozeman, May 26, 1900; Big Coulee Cr., Sweet Grass Co., June 15, 1901; Wibaux, July 9, 1901; Stanford, July 5, igo1, F. A. Spragg, 217; N. Boulder, Jéfferson Co., Juné 25, 1800; taterty.s Potentilla rhomboidea, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 23 :248. Ridge above Bannock, 7000 ft., July 19, 1880, S. Watson, 114 (Gray Herb.). *Poterium annua, Nutt. In waste places, well established at Arlee, TAG 25) al OOLs Prunus emarginata, Rydberg, Flora, 477, is PP. trichopetala, (Greene) below. Prunus trichopetala, (Greene) ; Cerasus trichopetala, Greene, Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 1905; Prunus emarginata, Rydberg. Columbia Falls, May 28, and Aug. 20, 1894, R. S. Williams, 1005. Prunus Virginiana, L. Various authors have referred this species to Montana by including in it P. demissa, Walp. and this is even followed by Sargent (Sylva, 4:42), though he enumerates the chief points: of distinction. The two are perfectly distinct as species and need never be confused even in the herbarium. P. demissa is a shrub or small tree, rarely attaining a diameter of 5, inches, the young twigs are usually more slender, the leaves are smaller, thicker, paler beneath, less acuminate and with the tips of the teeth normally somewhat incurved and the fruit is smaller (16 mm.), sweet and edible when ripe, though slightly bitterish and astringent. The latter is the common “choke cherry” in Montana, but the true P. Virginiana occurs in some localities west of the Divide as a good-sized tree 8-10 inches in diameter. The twigs are thicker and it has larger, thinner more acuminate leaves, with straight or salient teeth, and larger fruit. Columbia Falls, Sept. 6, 1892, R. S. Williams ; Plains, June 6, 1902. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA, 71 Rosa acicularis, Lindl. Not infrequent along streams in the mountains. Fruit large with prominent neck and edible. Columbia Falls, Sept. 9, 1899; St. Ignatius, Sept. 7, 1899; Leonia, Sept. 16, 1900; Kalispell, Sept. 8, 1899; Mystic Lake, Aug. 1, 1898: — Bridger Canyon, Bozeman, July 20, 1898; Lower Basin of the Galla- tin, July 8, 1808. Rosa blanda, Rydberg, Flora, 477 and others, as to western speci- mens. The true R. blanda, Ait. appears not to extend westward as far as Montana (Crepin, Bot. Gaz. 22:12); the western form usually re- ferred to that species is R. Nutkana, Pres]. Rosa pisocarpa, Gray. Not rare in the mountains. Mt. Brid- ger, Aug. 23, 1898; Columbia Falls, July 20, 1900; Flathead Lake, . July 23, 1900; Kalispell, Aug. 27, 1903; Belton, Aug. 19, 1902; Gar- rison, Sept. 4, 1899. Spiraea Douglas, Rydberg, Flora; 206, is S. Menziesu, Hook. The tomentulose S. Douglasii seems not to extend eastward to our limits. Spirzea Menziesii, Hook; S. Douglasi Menziesi, Presl. Fre- quent in the western part of the state. Troy, July 25, 1900; Libby Creek, July 26, 1900; Lolo Cr. Canyon, S. Watson, Aug. 19, 1880, No. 99 (Gray Herb.) ; White Pine, Sept. -8, 1904. LEGUMINOS/. Astragalus aculeatus, A. Nelson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 26:10; Rydberg, Flora, 249. The wisdom of separating the red-flowered forms of A. tegetarius, Wats. from the ones with the flowers “‘ochro- leucus, the keel purplish” of Colorado, is doubtful, judging from a comparison of the types of both, as such slight variation in color is rarely sufficient basis for founding a species. _Astragalus adsurgens albifolius, n. var. Larger than the type; leaves canescent with a white sericeous pubescence, like that of A. terminalis, Wats.; petals white or cream- colored, or possibly purplish when young; calyx and fruit white, somewhat lanate with short hairs; otherwise like the type. | Field on 7-mile road, Helena, July 19, 1898, E. N. Brandegee; Alhambra, July 24, 1898, E. N. Brandegee; Canyon Ferry, June 22, 1898, E. N. Brandegee. “1 bo MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Astragalus adsurgens pauperculus, n. var. 15 cm. high or less, spike 1-2 cm. long, flowers about 12 mm. and legume about 6 mm. long. This is the other extreme from variety. robustior, Hook., much smaller than the normal form in hight, leaf, flower and fruit. On dry, gravelly ridges. Billings, July 7, 1902; Garfield Peak, Wyo., July 24, 1894, A. Nel- son, 646. Intermediate forms have been found at Bozeman and Big Timber. Astragalus adsurgens robustior, Hook. This ranker, nearly erect form with less nigrescent calyx is not rare in the plains east- ward. Melville, July 21, 1901. Astragalus amphidoxus, n. sp. Perennial, cespitose ‘rom a long, thick taproot: branches In Pitireme description of the latter the radical leaves are said to be “oblongis acutis sagitatis integerrimis, lobis obtusis,’ which cannot apply to the common Rocky Mountain species with broadly ovate-hastate, repand-dentate radical leaves meant by Gray. T. sayittata of Pursh is from Hudson’s Bay. M. L. Fernald of the Gray Herbarium first noted this species as distinct from that described by Pursh, but I do not find it elsewhere distinguished. Petasites sagittata, Rydberg, Flora, 484 and authors, as to the Rocky Mountain species, is P: dentata above. Pyrrocoma Howell, Rydberg, Flora, 382 is Aplopappus inte grifolius pumilus. Rudbeckia ampla, A. Nelson, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 28:234. Appears to include all the Rocky Mountain R. lacimata, L. Rudbeckia laciniata, Rydberg, Flora, 416, is the last. Senecio alpicola, Rydberg, Flora, 447, is S. saxosus, Klatt. (J. M. Greenman). = Senecio altus, Rydberg, Flora, 443, is ‘. sphaerocephalus, Greene. (J. M. Greenman). | Senecio atriapiculatus, Rydberg, Flora, 442; apparently identical with S. Hookeri, Torr. & Gray. (J. M. Greeman). Senecio Balsamitae, Rydberg, Flora, 446 is S. flavovirens, Rydberg. Senecio debilis, Nutt.;° S. nephrophyllus, Rydberg, 446? (J. M. Greenman). Fair Grounds, Helena, July 23, 1898, E. N. Brandegee; Big Blackfoot River, July 13, 1883, W. M. Canby. SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. 103 Senecio exaltatus, Nutt. (J. M. Greenman). Thompson Falls, June 7, 1902. Senecio flavovirens, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27:181, is the western form of S. Balsanutae, Muhl. and includes all Montana ' species referred to the latter (Flora, 446). Senecio Hookeri, Torr. & Gray. Apparently. Rydberg’s S. atriapiculatus. Senecio integerrimus, Nutt. (J. M. Greenman). Between Bozeman and Belgrade, May 29, 1898, collector doubtful. Senecio lugens, Richardson. (J. M. Greenman). Lower Basin of the Gallatin, July 8, 1808. Senecio nephrophyllus, Rydberg, Flora, 446; apparently S. debilis, Nutt. (J. M. Greenman). Senecio ovinus, Greene, Pittonia, 4:110. (J. M. Greenman). Sperry Glacier, 8000 ft., Sept. 1, 1903; Mt. Hyalite, 10,000 {t., Aug. 1, 1902; McDonald’s Peak, Mission Range, July 19, 1893, W. M. Canby. Senecio saxosus, Klatt.; S. petraeus, Klatt.;S. petrocallis, Greene ; S. alpicola, Rydberg, Flora, 447. (J. M. Greenman). Black Butte, Tobacco Root Range, 10,000 ft., Aug. II, 1902. Northernmost range yet reported. Senecio sphaerocephalus, Greene, Pittonia, 3:106; S. altus, Rydb. (J. M. Greenman), Brackett-Flathead Cr. Divide, 7000 ft., June 26, 1902. , Solidago multiradiata scopulorum, Gray. Mountain near Stanton Lake, 7000 ft., Aug. 1, 1894, R. S. Williams; mountain near Nyack, gooo ft., Aug. 25, 1902, M. J. Elrod. *Sonchus arvensis, L. Imported from the East with shrubbery. Bozeman, July 30, 1904. Apparently not maturing seed here. *Sonchus oleraceus, L. Much more rare than S. asper, Vill. Prickly, Pear Canyon, July 28, 1887, R. S. Williams; Bozeman, July 30, 1894. Stenotus Andersoniit, Rydberg, Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 27:615. See Aplopappus Andersonu before. “Belt Mts., 1886, F. W. Anderson, 3561.” Shia if alg Teor itnon eterophy im, Greene. : Se ae Plains, June 6, 1902. = Pacific Coastey +3 . ra "ae 5 -*Xanthium spinosum, ae . Well sostablignad as a. pede | 3 Fi sheep camp east of Victor, Bitter Root Valley, R. Parkhurst, Sept BRE | 5» 1900. pb sotahyy, brought i in by phege 3 from aes Pacific Coast. d bs = ’ i - . ae \ } . c x ' a : \ ’ y é A% 5 > ad ‘ 5 i j . / ~ , ‘? { ie > 4 . ’ t a i) = ” 7 « , , , 7 i \ vA ‘ x / , ” ho . t s \ ~ ‘ , et Me : “ ie NX < \ , ‘ ~ 7 R i} ? ; + ‘ ‘ 4 . Vis zi 1" + i fia. D oy SUPPLEMENT TO THE FLORA OF MONTANA. ee Beye = = ~ 5 SESSSQ = — = e=7 = & =, = z ~~ Z Se = Fee — / Z, : a < a = — 8 SS —_ iF seas — CREPIS NANA, RICHARDSON. D. Mature fruit X 7. Gu BlowerexX,3! A. Plant natural size. Bb. Single head XK 2 106 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. y PLATE VI. :. Drawing by Miss E. A, DuHamel, SAGITTARIA PANICULATA, BLANKINSHIP. A. Plant about half size. Cc. Stamen X 5. Flower natural size. ; D. Akene X 7. 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F mS ay: Od ; ; | = fe ; ter - 7 rey f \ rues é ‘ - > + ¥ er E 4 § ee all / ' Pes . Core. es Mite ‘ Tor ees tes! . eae v yo 7 7 PN ui bi ee i =) \ : é a “vy ahd i ij i ‘ F oth ts . = 5 i ‘ elas i ya, +4 ; f = paw : Bsr Soren 4 A 4k ‘ OR. -y View d iS ! a v on, ' e . E Pee ete AY {- ms ie } F j th mr ’ wT ° : / \ , wad j oa rs ¥i a ' 8 a = ; ~ FPe ry ue aroha Pe a Was 5 te walle ’ +. < 7 a on DY Sa ears Sh Sorte af ne i A her ‘- ’ , 7 iz ? hii * 7 ‘ 4 ! se B : f ey ¥ é ’ 4 Dy bid e se ye AW ty A Se Py meee eo oor ae af Phen stsu he PS eke ee Oe MS gue, 1 ey ee aw | 7 ns ih Z : aye ORS SY err a7 ‘. “—s ’ VOL. 1. MAY, 1905. NO. 3. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCES LUDIES. BOTANY. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. BY J. W. BLANKINSHIP, ann HESTER F. HENSHALL.,. Frontispiece: The Bitter-root. BOZEMAN, MONTANA. PUBLISHED QUARFERLY BY THE COLLEGE. gots NOTICE. 05. SO eet I WOULD REGARD 1T AS A FAVOR, IF THE READER WOULD CALL MY ATTENTION TO ALL ERRORS AND OMISSIONS IN THE FOLLOWING _, LISTS, AS IT IS DESIRED TO SECURE AS MANY AS POSSIBLE OF THE COMMON NAMES OF OUR NATIVE MONTANA PLANTS, AS WELL AS INFORMATION IN REGARD TO THEIR USES AND ADAPTABILITY TO PURPOSES OF ORNAMENTAL CULTIVATION, FOR USE IN FUTURE PUBLICATIONS. J. W. BLANKINSHIP. AVANT COURIER PRINT. MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Vol. 1, No. By BOTANY. Issued May 6, 1905. Application has been made for entrance as 2d class matter at Bozeman, Mont. postoffice. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. By J. W. BLANKINSHIP ann HESTER F. HENSHALL. abe TK Feb sesee PREFACE. Bol eee The present list of the popular plant names of some of the more common or striking plants of Montana has been gradually brought together by noting down the names heard in,common use through- out the state and is intended to supply a want not met by. any of the text books dealing with our flora and to.give aid and encourage- tnent to the amateur and student of our native flowers and trees, for whom the scientific names may be hard to remember. No at- tempt has been made by the authors to invent names for the de- serving, but unnamed beauties, which bloom about us, nor have we gone to books to find the names elsewhere in use for any particular species; we only try to portray faithfully the names originated or applied in local usage, though many of these have been simply transferred from similar or related plants in other regions and have thus become established among us. “The question is often asked, “Why are these hard scientific names necessary?’ By reference to the list of common names in the in- dex following it will be seen that the same common name is often applied to two or more very different species in different parts of the state and to still other species in other countries or states, so that any discussion of our flowers by their common names would scarce- lv be understood outside of the limited locality where the paper was written, while it is intended to have only one scientific name, ex- pressed in Latin, for each species in every language and in all coun- tries and thus secure accuracy of expression otherwise unattainable. Hence it is that, while common names’ may be very helpful in the local study of a flora, they cannot supply the place of their Latin equivalents in papers intended for general circulation. We would now remind you of the fact that only a small propor- tion of our flowers have yet received common names and that you have just as much right to christen them as any one else, while the chances are that the name you apply, if found eminently appropri- ate and frequently mentioned, is apt to become permanently estab- lished and even to displace another less characteristic. The common names of plants aptly portray the genius of a peo- ple. They express disgust at unwarranted intrusions and disagree- able dispositions and flout before us the appearance of the ugly and misshapen. They advertise their evils habits and warn us against their unknown dangers. Some plants harp upon the fact that they furnish food for this or that animal, or have an unfortunate habit of lying in wait and poisoning some unsuspecting herbivore, never thinking that from the point of view of the plant it is acting strict- iy in self-defence. We also find their good qualities often mention- ed, as well as their various and peculiar habits of growth or seed- dissemination, while their friendship for their late friends and ad- mirers, the noble Red Man, and: often even their Indian names, yet cling to them in our popular nomenclature, as a badge of honor and a well-earned recognition of their former services. But it is from their relationships and resemblances, real or imagined, that the yreater number of popular names are derived and it is a common habit of an immigrant people to christen the strange plants of their new homes with the names of the loved flowers of their former land and to keep up the old names of the weeds that follow in their tootsteps. Yet, the genius of a people finds its most natural ex- pression in the new names given to these new species which bloom around them and it is here that we see the comic, the poetic, the in- dignant hatred, the love and the wild, free happisess of childhood and the country home so often displayed, and we can trace in these names the love of beauty and grace, the boundless admiration and the deepest appreciation of the human heart for the purity, simpli- city and elegance of these gentle flowers of Nature, so lavishly dis- played before us, toscharm our minds and hearts away from the ceaseless toil and the evil passions of this social edifice we have built about us—to give us rest and inspire us with higher, purer and nobler aims than those we now attempt. For convenience of reference two alphabetical lists are given, one of the common names with their scientific equivalents, the other of the scientific names followed by their corresponding common names. Valuable assistance in compiling the present work has been render- ed by Mrs. E. W. Scheuber of Livingston, Mrs. M. L. Alderson of Bald Butte, Mrs. R. R. Finlay, Amy M. Cooke and Wyatt W. Jones of Bozeman, and the many students of botany at the Montana Agri- cultural College, who have each year contributed to extend the list of names here given. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. TZ COMMON NAMES. Aconite; Aconitum Columbianum, Nutt. Adder’s-tongue; Erythronium grandiflorum, Pursh. Alder; Alnus tenuifolia, Nutt. ‘Alfalfa Dodder; Cuscuta Fpithymum, Murr. Alfilaria; Erodium cicutsrium, L’Her. Alkali-grass; Distichlis spicata, Greene. Alpine Fir; Abies lasiocarpa, Nutt. Alpine Pine; Pinus albicaulis, Nutt. Arrow-leaf; Balsamorrhiza sagittata, Nutt.; Sagittaria arifolia, Nutt. Artichoke; Carum Gairdneri, Gray; Helianthus Maximiliani, Schrad. Ash-leaved Maple; Negundo aceroides, \loench. Aspen Poplar; Populus tremuloides, Michx. Atabasco Lily; Calochortus species. Baby Blue-eyes; Pentstemon acuminatus, Dougl. Badgers; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Balm; Balm of Gilead; Populus balsamifera, L. Balsam; Balsam Fir; Abies lasiocarpa, Nutt. Baneberry; Actza spicata, L. and A. rubra, Willd. Barberry; Berberis repens, Lindl. Pazzle-weed; Iva axillaris, Pursh. Bearberry; Lonicera involucrata, Banks. Bear-grass; Xerophyllum tenax, Nutt.; X. Douglasii, Wats. Bee Flower; Cleome integrifolia, T. & G. Beggar-ticks; Echinosperum floribundum and other species. Bell-flower; Campanula rotundifolia, L. Big-root; Balsamorrhiza sagittata, Nutt. Ipomoea leptophylla, Torr. Bindweed; Polygonum Convolvulus, L. Bird-bills; Geranium Carolinianum, L. and G. Bicknellii, Britton. ; Dodecatheon conjugens, Greene and other species. Birdseed; Lepidium apetalum, Willd. Biscuit-root; Lomatium cous, C. & R. and other species. Bitter-root; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Rlack Currant; Ribes Americanum, Mill. Blackeyed Susan; Gaillardia aristata, Pursh.; Rudbeckia laciniata, L. Black Haw; Cratzgus Douglasii, Lindl. slack Moss; Alectoria Fremontii, Tuckerm. Black Mustard; Brassica nigra, Koch: Biack Pine; Pinus scopulorum, Lemmon. Bladder-pod; Physaria didymocarpa, Gray. 118 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Blanket-flower; Gaillardia aristata, Pursh. Blazing-star; Liatris punctata, Hook. Flue Anemone; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Blue Bean; Lupinus species. Blue Camas; Camassia esculenta, Lindl. Blue-bells; Mertensia oblongifolia, Don.; Campanula rotundifolia, lL. Blue Clematis; Clematis Columbiana, T. & G. 4 Blue Columbine; Aquilegia czrulea, James. Blue-eyed Grass; Sisyrinchium species. Blue Flag; Iris Missouriensis, Nutt. Blue Flax; Linum Lewisii, Pursh. Blue-joint; Blue-stem; Agropyron occidentale, Scribn. Blue Larkspur; Delphinum Menziesii, DC. & D. bicolor, Nutt. Blue Lupine; Lupinus leucopyllus, Dougl. and other species. Blue Pea; Blue-weed; Lupinus species. Blue Sage; Artemisia cana, Pursh. Blue Tulip; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Blue Violet, Viola adunca, Smith. Box-Elder; Negundo aceroides, Moench. Brake Fern; Pteris aquilina, L. Bread-root; Psoralea esculenta, Pursh. Brown-cup Mariposa Lily; Calochortus Gunnisoni, Wats. Brown Lily; Fritillaria atropurpurea, Nutt. Buckbush; Symphoricarpus species. Buchthorn; Neillia malvacea, Greene. Buftelo-berry ; Shepherdia argentea, Nutt. Buifalo-grass; Bouteloua oligostachya, Torr.; Bulbilis dactyloides, Reads Buffalo Pea; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. Oxytropis Lamberti, Pursh. Buffalo Rye; Elymus condensatus, Presl. Bull-berry ; Shepherdia argentea, Nutt. Bull-grass; Eleocharis palustris, L. Bull Pine; Pinus scopulorum, Lemmon. Bull Thistle; Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. | Bulrush; Equisetum arvense, L.; Scirpus .lacustris occidentalis, Wats,; Typha latifolia, L. Bunch-grass; Agropyron divergens, Nees. Festuca ovina, L. Burdock; Arctium Lappa, L. Bur Ragweed; Franseria Hookeriana, Nutt. Bur-reed; Sparganium species. | COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS, 119 Bush Honeysuckle; Lonicera Utahensis, Wats. Buttercup; Ranunculus glaberrimus, Hook. and other species. Butterfly Lily; Calochortus species. Butterfly Weed; Gaura coccinea, Nutt.; Asclepias speciosa, Torr. Cactus; Opuntia species. Calipso; Calipso borealis, Salisb. Cainas; Camassia esculenta, Lindl. Canada Thistle; Cnicus arvensis, Hoffm. Cancer-root; Aphyllon faciculatum, Gray. Cane-grass; Phragmites communis, Trin. ‘Canoe Birch; Betula papyrifera, Marsh. Careless Weed; Iva xanthiifolia, Nutt.; Amaranthus retroflexus, L. Carpet-weed; Euphorbia glytosperma, Engelm. Catnip; Nepeta cataria, L. Cat’s-eye; Anemone pateaxs Nuttalliana, Gray. Cat-tail; Cat-tail Flag; Typha latifolia, L. Cedar; Thuja plicata, Don.; Juniperus scopulorum, Sarg. Cheat; Chess; Bromus racemosus, L. & B. secalinus, L. Chickweed; Cerastium vulgatum, L.; Stellaria media, Smith. Chinese Lettuce; Lacttuca Scariola ©. Choke Cherry; Prunus demissa, Walp. Clarkia; Clarkia pulchella, Pursh. Cockle; Saponaria Vaccaria, L. Coltsfoot; Petasites sagittata, Gray. Columbine; Aquilegia. Ccmfrey; Symphytum officinale, L. Compass Plant; Lactuca Scariola, L. Cone-flower; Lepachys Columnaris, T. & G.; Rudbeckia laciniata,L. Coral-vine; Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich. Cotton-weed; Lactuca pulchella, DC.; Epilobium paniculatum, Nutt. Cous; Cous-root; Lomatium cous, C.& R.; L. montanum, C. & R. and other species: Cowbane; Cicuta occidentalis, Greene. Cow Cabbage; Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Cow Cockle; Saponaria Vaccaria, L. Cow Parsnip; Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Cowslip; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Crane’s-bill; Geranium Carolinianum, L. and other species. Crocus; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Cucklebur; Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Pursh; Xanthium Canadense, Mill. 120 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Currant; Ribes species. Cushion Cactus; Mamillaria vivipara, Haw. Daisy; Townsendia Parryi, Eaton. Dandelion; Taraxacum officinale, Weber. Deadly Nightshade; Solanum nigrum, L. Death Camas; Zygadenus venenosus, Wats. Devil’s Darning-needles; Stipa comata, F. & R.; S. spartea, Trin. Devil’s Walking-stick; Fatsia horrida, Benth. & Hook. Diamond Willow; Salix Mackenziana, Barratt. Dock; Rumex crispus, L.; R. salicifolius, Weimm. Dodder; Cuscuta. 3 Dog Fennel; Anthemis Cotula, DC. Dog-tooth Violet; Erythronium grandiflorum, Pursh. Douglas Fir; Pseudotsuga mucronata, Sudw. Douglasia; Douglasia montana; Gray and other species. Dragonhead; Dracocephalum parviflorum, Nutt. Elder; Elderberry; Sambucus glauca, Nutt. Elecampane; Balsamorrhiza sagittata, Nutt. Elephant’s Head; Pedicularis Groenlandica, Retz. Elm; Ulmus Americanus, L. Engelmann’s Spruce; Picea Engelmanni, Engelm. Evening Primrose; Cénothera cespitosa, Nutt.; OE. pinnatifida, Nutt: Fairy Pinks; Orthocarpus tenuifolius, Benth. False Flax; Camelina sativa, Crantz. False Solomon’s Seal; Smilacina species. Field Draba; Draba nemorosa, L. Field Mustard; Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. Fir; Abies; Pseudotsuga. Fireweed; Epilobium angustifolium, L.; Erigeron Canadense, L. Fishweed; Potamogeton species. Five-finger; Potentilla, Flowering Sage; Bigelovia graveolens, Gray. Flowering Spurge; Euphorbia marginata, Pursh. Forgetmenot; Myosotis alpestris, Schmidt. Foxtail; Hordeum jubatum, L. Frog-sprouts; Equisetum levigatum, A. Br. Frost Grape; Vitis vulpina, L. Garlic; Allium species. Golden Aster; Aplopappus acaulis glabratus, Eaton; Chrysopsis vil- losa, Nutt. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 121 Golden Daisy; Chrysopsis villosa, Nutt. Golden Rod; Solidago species. Goosegrass; Polygonum aviculare, L. Grama Grass; Bouteloua oligostachya, Torr. Graisse de Boeuf; Shepherdia argentea, Nutt. Grass Cactus; Yucca angustifolia, Pursh. Greasewood; Bigelovia graveolens, Gray; Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Torr: Green Ash; Fraxinus viridis, Michx. Green Dogfennel; Matricaria discoidea, DC. Ground Cherry; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker.; Solanum triflorum, ‘Nutt. Ground Hemlock; Taxus brevifolia, Nutt. Ground-nut; Claytonia multicaulis, Nelson. Ground Plums; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. Ground Vervain; Verbena bracteosa, Michx. , Grouse-berry; Vaccinum scoparium, Leiberg. Gumweed; Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal. Harebell; Campanula rotundifolia, L. Headache-weed; Clematis Douglasii, Hook. Hedge Mustard; Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. Hemlock; Tsuga heterophylla, Sarg. Henbane; Hyoscyamus niger, L. Honey Clover; Melilotus alba, Lam. Hop-vine; Humulus Lupulus, L. Horehound; Marrubium vulgare, L. Horsemint; Monarda scabra, Beck. Horsetail; Equisetum arvense, L. Horseweed; Ambrosia trifida, L.; Iva xanthiifolia, Nutt.; Erigeron Canadensis, L. Houndstongue; Cynoglossum officinale, L. Huckleberry; Vaccinium mebranaceum, Dougl. indian Hemp; Apocynum androsemifolium, L.; A. cannabinum, L. Indian Millet; Eriocoma cuspidata, Nutt. Indian Pea; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. Indian Pink; Castilleia; Cleome integrifolia, T. & G, Indian Turnip; Psoralea esculenta, Pursh. Ironweed; Artemisia biennis, Willd.; Epilobium angustifolium, L. jJacob’s Ladder; Polemonium czruleum, Gray. Jerusalem Oak; Chenopodium Botrys, L. Joint-weed; Equisetum levigatum, A. Br. 122 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Jonny-jump-ups; Dodecatheon conjugens, Greene and Viola adun- ca, Smith. Juneberry; Amelanchier alnifolia, Nutt.; Symphoricarpus occiden- talis, Hook. Juniper; Juniperus Sabina procumbens, -Pursh. Kalispell; Heuchera glabella, T. & G. ; Kinnikinink; Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spreng.; Cornus stolonuera, Michx. Knotgrass; Polygonum aviculare, L.; P. littorale, Link. Kitten-tails; Synthyris rubra, Benth. Lady-slipper; Cypripedium. Lamb’s-quarter; Chenopodium album, L. Larb; Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spreng. Larkspur; Delphinium. x.eopard Lily; Fritillaria atropurpurea, Nutt. Lion’s-beard; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray; Clematis Doug- lasii, Hook. Little Buffalo-grass; Bulbilis dactyloides, Raf. Little Sugar Pine; Pinus monticola, Dougl. Lobelia; Zygadenus species. Loco-weed; Loco; Oxytropis Lamberti, Pursh and other species. — Lodgepole Pine; Pinus Murrayana, Murr. Love-vine; Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich. Maple; Acer. Maple-leaved Goosefoot; Chenopodium hybridum, L. Marigold; Actinella acaulis, Nutt. Mariposa Lily; Calochortus species. Mayflower; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Mayweed; Anthemis Cotula, DC. Meadow-sweet; Galium boreale, L. Milfoil; Achillea lanulosa, Nutt. Milkweed; Asclepias speciosa, Torr.; Lactuca pulchella, DC. ‘Missoula Pine; Pinus ponderosa, Dougl. Monkshood; Aconitum Columbianum, Nutt. Montana Edelweiss; Gentiana frigida, Haenke. Moose-grass; Xerophyllum tenax, Nutt. : Moss Phlox; Phlox Hoodii, Rich. ve Moss Pink; Phlox Hoodii, Rich. Moss Rose; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Moth Mullein; Verbascum Blattaria, L. Mountain Alder; Alnus sinuata, Rydb. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. Mountain Ash; Pyrus sambucifolia. C. & S. Mountain Birch; Betula microphylla, Bunge. Mountain Clover; Trifolium species. Mountain Laurel; Ceanothus velutinus, Dougl. 123 Mountain Lily; Calochortus Nuttalli, T. & G.; Lilium montanuns, Nelson. Mountain Mahogany; Cercocarpus ledifolius, Nutt. Mountain Maple; Acer glabrum, Torr. Mountain Pink; Douglasia species. Mountain Primrose; Oenothera czspitosa, Nutt. Mountain Thistle; Cnicus eriocephalus, Gray. Mountain Timothy; Phleum alpinum, L. Mullein; Verbascum Thapsus, L. Narrow-leaved Cottonwood; Populus angustifolia, James. Nettle; Urtica gracilis, Ait. Nigger-head; Rudbeckia occidentalis, Nutt. Nut Pine; Pinus albicaulis, Engelm.; P. flexilis, James. Oak-leaved Goosefoot; Chenopodium glaucum, L. Old-man; Artemisia frigida, Willd. Old-man Graybeard; Cnicus eriocephalus, Gray. Old-man’s Whiskers; Geum triflorum, Pursh (in fruit); Clematis Douglasii, Hook. in fruit. Oregon Grape; Berberis repens, Lindl. Ox-eye Daisy; Chrysanthemum Leucanthemun, L. Paint-brush; Castilleia. Paint-cup; Castilleia species. Paper Birch; Betula papyrifera, Marsh. Partridgeberry ; Symphoricarpus species. Pennycress; Thlaspi arvense, L. Pepper-grass; Lepidium apetalum, Willd. Pig’s-feet; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. in bloom. Pigweed; Amaranthus retroflexus, L.; Chenopodium album, L. Pigweed Pursely; Amaranthus blitoides, Wats. Pin Clover; Erodium cicutarium, L’ Her. Pine-grass; Xerophyllum tenax, Nutt. & X. Douglasii, Wats. Pink Violet; Viola Canadensis, L. Pitch Pine; Pinus albicaulis, Engelm. Piantain; Plantago Asiatica, L.; P. major, L. Pcison Oak; Rhus Toxicodendron, L.; R. Rydbergii, Smati. Pomme Blanche; Pomme de Prairie; Psoralea esculenta, Pursli. Porcupine Grass; Stipa comata, F. & R.; S. spartea, ‘Trin. 124 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Poverty-weed; Iva axillaris, Pursh; Monolepis chenopodioides, Moq. Prairie Apples; Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. Prairie Bean; Thermopsis rhombifolia, Nutt. Prairie Star; Tellima parviflora, Hook. Prickly. Lettuce; Lactuca Scariola, UW Purple Heather; Bryanthus empetriformis, Gray. Prickly Pear; Opuntia polyacantha platycarpa, Coult. and over species. Prince’s Pine; Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. Quaker Bonnet; Lupinus species. Quaking Asp; Populus tremuloides, Michx. Rabbit-weed; Bigelovia graveolens, Gray. Racine amare; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Ragweed; Ambrosia artemisizefolia, L.; Erigeron Canadensis, L. Rayless Dogfennel; Matricaria discoidea, DC. Rattlesnake-weed; [¢chinacea angustifolia, DC. Rattleweed; Astragalus frigidus Americanus, Gray with dry fruit. Red Cedar; Juniperus scopulorum, Sarg. and J. Virginiana, L. Red Columbine; Aquilegia flavescens, Wats. . Red-cup Mariposa Lily; Calochortus Nuttallii, T & G. Red Fir; Pseudotsuga mucronata, Sudw. Red Haw; Cratzgus coccinea, L. Red-head Louisa; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Red Huckleberry; Vaccinnum scoparium, Leiberg. Red Loco; Oxytropis Blankinshipii, (Nelson). Red Monkey-flower; Mimulus Lewisii, Pursh. Red Willow; Cornus stolonifera, Michx. Reed Grass; Phragmites communis, Trin. Ribgrass; Plantago Patagonica gnaphalioides, Gray. River Cottonwood; Populus deltoides, Marsh. (Eastern plains.) Rock-rose; CGfnothera czspitosa, Nutt. Rockweed; Balsamorrhiza sagittata, Nutt. Rosinweed; Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal.; Madia glomerata, Hook. Rush; Equisetum levigatum, A. Br. Russian Thistle; Salsola Kali Tragus, Moq. Rye-grass; Agropyron tenerum, Vasey; Elymus condensatus, Presl. Sage-brush; Artemisia tridentata, Nutt.; A. cana, Pursh and other species. Salmonberry; Rubus Nutkanus, Moc. Salsify; Tragopogon_porrifolius, L. Saltgrass; Distichlis spicata, Greene. St COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 12 Salt Sage; Iva axillaris, Pursh. Sand Lily; Mentzelia ornata, T. & G. and M. levicaulis, T. & G. Sand Puffs; Abronia micrantha, Chois. and other species. Sand Rose; CEnothera cespitosa, Nutt.; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Sarsaparilla; Apocynum androsemifolium, L.; Aralia nudicaulis, L. Sarvice-berry; Amelanchier alnifolia, Nutt. Scorpion-weed; Phacelia leucophylla, Torr. Scotch Thistle; Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. Scrub Pine; Pinus scopulorum, Lemmon. Sedge; Carex species. Sego Lily; Calochortus species. Shadberry; Amelanchier alnifolia, Nutt.; Rubus Nutkanus, Moc. Shepherd’s Purse; Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench. Shoe-stfings; Oxytropis Blankinshipit (Nelson) and other species. Shooting-stars ; Dodecatheon conjugens, Greene and other species. Shrub: Maple; Acer glabrum, Torr. Silkweed; Asclepias speciosa, Torr. -Silver-bush; Elzagnus argentea, Pursh. Silver Plant; Eriogonum ovalifolium, Nutt. Skeleton-weed; Lygodesmia juncea, Don. Skunkweed; Polemonium czruleum, Gray. Slough Grass; Beckmannia eruczformis, Host.; Carex-species; Hor. deum jubatum, L. Small Bunch-grass; Festuca ovina, L. Snake-root; Steironema ciliatum, Raf. Snapdragon; Mimulus Langsdorfi, Don. Snow-on-the-mountains; Euphorbia marginata, Pursh. Soap-root; Soapweed; Yucca angustifolia, Pursh. Sour Greens; Rumex venosus, Pursh. Sow-thistle; Sonchus asper, Vill. Spanish Bayonet; Yucca angustifolia, Pursh. Spatlum; Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Spear-grass; Stipa comata, F. & R.; S. spartea, Trin. Spider Plant; Cleome integrifolia, T. & G. Spotted-cup Lily; [Fritillaria atropurpurea, Nutt. Spring Beauty; Claytonia lanceolata, Pursh & C. multicaulis, Nel- son. Spring Daisy; Townsendia Parryi, Eaton. Spring Lily; Leucocrinum montanum,, Nutt. Spruce; Picea species. Spurry; Spergula arvensis, L. ‘ 426 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Squaw Cabbage; Montia parvifolia, Howell. Squaw Feather; Castilleia. Squaw Lettuce; Montia asarifolia, Howell. Squaw-root; Carum Gairdneri, Gray. Squirrel-tail Grass; Hordeum jubatum, L. Stagberry; Symphoricarpus species. Star-flower; Tellima parviflora, Hook. Star of Bethlehem; Leucocrinum, montanum, Nutt. Star-strikers; Erythronium grandiflorum, Pursh. Sticktights; Echinospermum species. Sticky Currant; Ribes cereum, Dougl. Strawberry Pig-weed; Chenopodium capitatum, Wats. Stinging Nettle; Urtica gracilis, Ait, Stinkweed; Cleome integrifolia, T. & ees Solanum triflorum, Nutt. Sulphur Plant; Eriogonum subalpinum, eens Sunflower; Helianthus annuus, L. and other species. Swamp Birch; Betula microphylla, Bunge. 3 Swamp Potato; Sagittaria arifolia, Nutt. | Swamp Sego; Camassia esculenta, Lindl. Swan Potato; Sagittaria arifolia, Nutt. Sweet Alyssum; Thlaspi alpestre, L. . Sweet-Clover; Melilotus alba, Lam.; Trifolium Rydbergii, Greene — Sweetgrass; Glyceria fluitans, R. Br. and G. aquatica, Smith. Sweet Sage; Artemisia frigida, Willd. Sweet Sumac: Rhus trilobata, Nutt. Sweet William; Phlox longifolia, Nutt. Syringa; Philadelphus Lewisii, Pursh. Tall Larkspur; Delphinium glaucum, Wats. Tall Ragweed; Ambrosia trifida, L. Tall Rye-grass; Elymus condensatus, Presl. Tall White Primrose; Cénothera albicaulis, Nutt. Tamarack; Larix occidentalis, Nutt. Tansy Mustard; Sisymbrium incisum, Engelm.; S. canescens, Nutt. Tarweed; Madia glomerata, Hook. Tickle-grass; Panicum capillare, L. Tickseed; Echinospermum species. Tiger Lily; Fritillaria atropurpurea, Nutt. Tobacco-root; Valeriana edulis, Nutt. Tongue-grass; Lepidium apetalum, Willd. Trailing Juniper; Juniperus Sabina procumbens, Pursh. Traveler’s Joy; Clematis ligusticifolia, Nutt. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS, 127 Tree Moss; Alectoria Fremontii, Tuckern. (black) ; Bazzania trilo- bata, (yellow), Gray. Tule; Scirpus lacustris occidentalis, Wats. Tumble-grass; Panicum capillare, L. Tumbleweed; Amaranthus albus, L. Tumbling Mustard; Sisymbrium altissimum, L.. Turkey’s Beard; Xerophyllum tenax, Nutt. and X. Douglasii, Wats. Twinberry; Lonicera Utahensis, Wats. Umbrella Plant; Eriogonum subalpinum, Greene. Velvet-leaf Sunflower; Balsamorrhiza sagittata, Nutt. Venus’ Slipper; Calipso borealis, Salisb. Virginia Creeper; Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Virgin’s Bower; Clematis lingusticifolia, Nutt. Wappatoo; Sagittaria arifolia, Nutt. Water Birch; Betula microphylla, Bunge. Water Hemlock; Cicuta occidentalis,.Greene. Water-leaf; Hydrophyllum capitatum, Dougl. Water Lily; Nuphar species and Sagittaria species. Water Parsnip; Cicuta occidentalis, Greene. White Birch; Betula papyrifera, Marsh. White Cedar; Thuja plicata, Don. White Clematis; Clematis ligusticifolia, Nutt. White Fir; Abies grandis, Lindl. White Lady Slipper; Cypripedium montanum, Doug. - White Larkspur; Delphinium glaucum, Wats. raciean White Loco; See Loco. White Melilot; Melilotus alba, Lam. : White Pine; Pinus flexilis, James; P. monticola, Dougl. ae White Sage; Artemisia Ludoviciana, Nutt. White Spruce; Picea alba, Link. White Sunflower; Wyethia helianthoides, Nutt. White Violet; Viola Canadensis, L. White Water-lily; Sagittaria species. Wide-leaved Cottonwood; Populus deltoides, Marsh. Wild Arnica; Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal. Wild Artichoke; Helianthus Maximiliani, Schrad. Wild Asparagus; Lygodesmia juncea, Don.; Equisetum levigatum, AY eo Bf: Wild Baby’s-Breath; Gayophytum cesium, Nutt. Wild Begonia; Rumex venosus, Pursh. Wild Buckwheat; Polygonum Convolvulus, L. 128 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE SYUDIKES. Wild Candytuft; Arabis Nuttallii, Robins. Wild Clematis ; Clematis ligusticifolia, Nutt. Wild Clover; Trifolium species. Wild Cucumber, Echinocystis lobata, T. & G. Wild Currant; Ribes species. Wild Flag; Iris Missouriensis, Nutt. Wild Fleur de Lis; Iris Missouriensis, Nutt. Wild Garlic; Allium species. Wild Ginseng; Aralia nudicaulis, L. Wild Gooseberry; Ribes setosum, Lindl. Wild Grape; Vitis vulpina, L. Wild Heliotrope; Phacelia Menziesii, Torr. Wild Hollyhock; Malvastrum coccineum, Gray. Wild Honeysuckle; Lonicera ciliosa, Poir. Wild Hop; Humulus Lupulus, L. Wild Hyacinth; Brodiza Douglasi, Wats. Wild Hydrangea; Rumex venosus, Pursh. Wild Lettuce; Lactuca pulchella, DC. Wild Lily; Lilium montanum, Nelson. Wild Lily of the Valley; Smilacina species. Wild Liquorice; Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Pursh. Wild Mint; Mentha Canadensis, L. Wild Morning-glory; Convolvulus Sepium, L. Wild Mustard; Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. Wild Oats; Avena fatua, L. Wild Onion; Allium species. Wild Parsley; Lomatium montanum, C. & R. Wild Parsnip; Leptotznia multifida, Nutt. and other Umbilifers. Wild Pea; Vicia Americana, Muhl.; Lupinus flexuosus, Lindl. Wild Peppermint; Mentha Canadensis, L. Wild Phlox; Phlox longifolia, Nutt. Wild Plum; Prunus Americana,, Marsh. Wild Potato; Solanum triflorum, Nutt. Wild Red Geranium; Geranium incisum, Nutt. Wild Red Raspberry; Rubus strigosus, Muichx. Wild Rice; Eriocoma cuspidata, Nutt. Wild Rose; Rosa species. Wild Rye; Elymus Canadensis, L. Wild Sarsaparilla; Aralia nudicaulis, L. Wild Strawberry; Fragaria species. Wild Sunflower; Helianthus annuus, L. and other species. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 129 Wild Syringa; Philadelphus Lewisii, Pursh. Wild Tansy; Achillea lanulosa, Nutt. Wild Thistle; Cnicus undulatus, Nutt. Wild Tomato; Solanum triflorum, Nutt. Wild Tuberose; Leucocrinum montanum, Nutt, Wild Turnip; Brassica campestris, L. Wild White Geranium; Geranium Richardsonii, F. & T. Willow; Salix species. Willow Herb; Epilobium angustifolium, L. Windflower; Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Wintergreen; Pyrola uliginosa, Torr. Wire-grass; Eleocharis palustris, L.; Juncus Balticus, Willd. and other species. Wolfsbane; Aconitum Columbianum, Nutt. Wormwood; Artemisia biennis, Willd. Yamp; Carum Gairdneri, Gray. Yardgrass; Polygonum aviculare, L. Yarrow; Achillea lanulosa, Nutt. Yellow-bell; Fritillaria pudica, Spreng. Yellow Columbine; Aquilegia flavescens, Wats. Yellow-Currant; Ribes aureum; Pursh. Yellow Daisy; Chrysopsis villosa, Nutt. Yellow Flax; Linum rigidum, Pursh. Yellow Lady Slipper; Cypripedium parviflorum, Salisb. Yellow Melilot; Melilotus officinalis, Willd. Yellow Monkey-flower; Mimulus Langsdorfii, Donn. Yellow Pea; Thermopsis rhombifolia, Nutt. Yellow Pine; Pinus ponderosa, Dougl. Yellow Primrose; CEnothera muricata, L. (O. strigosa, Rydb.). Yellow Rose; Potentilla fruticosa, L. Yellow Sage; Bigelovia graveolens, Gray. Yellow Snapdragon; Thermopsis montana, Nutt. Yellow Thistle; Sonchus asper. Vill. Yellow Tree-moss; Bazzania trilobata, S. F. Gray. Yellow Violet; Viola praemorsa, Dougl. Yellow Water-lily; Nuphar advena, Ait. & N. polysepalum, Engelm, — Yew; Taxus brevifolia, Nutt. 130 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. ; ; } SCIENTIFIC NAMES. y Species starred (*) are introduced and are mostly weeds. Abiés grandis, Lindl. White Fir. ; Abies lasiocarpa, Nutt. Balsam; Balsam Fir; Alpine Fir. Abronia micrantha, Chois. and other species. Sand Puffs. Acer glabrum, Torr. Mountain Maple; Shrub Maple. Achillea lanulosa, Nutt. Milfoil; Wild Tansy; Yarrow. Aconitum Columbianum, Nutt. Monkshood; Wolfsbane; Aconite. Actzea spicata, L. and A. rubra, Willd. Baneberry. ; Actinella acaulis, Nutt. Marigold. Agropyron divergens, Nees. Bunch-grass. Agropyron occidentale, Scribn. & spp. Blue-joint; Blue-stem. Agropyron tenerum, Vasey. Rye-grass. Alectoria Fremontii, Tuckerm. Black Moss; Tree Moss (on Con- ifers). Allium Sibericum, L. & spp. Wild Onion; Wild Garlic; Garlic. Alnus sinuata, Rydb. Moutain Alder. Alnus tenuifolia, Nutt. Alder. Amaranthus albus, L. Tumble-weed, from its tumbling habit in the winter. Ameranthus blitoides, Wats. Pursely; Pigweed Pursely, from its resemblance to the Eastern Purslane (Portulaca oleracea). *Amaranthus retroflexus, L. Pigweed; Careless-weed. “Ambrosia artemisiefolia, L. Ragweed. “Ambrosia trifida, L. Tall Ragweed; Horse-weed. Amelanchier alnifolia, Nutt. Sarvice-berry; Juneberry; Shad- berry. Ampelopsis quinquefolia, Michx. Virginia Creeper. Anemone patens Nuttalliana, Gray. Cowslip; Wind Flower; Cat’s Eye; Blue Tulip; Blue Anemone; Badgers (when peeping through the ground in early spring); Lion’s Beard (from its feathery fruit). *Anthemis Cotula, DC. Mayweed; Dog Fennel. Aphyllon fasciculatum, Gray. Cancer Root ( a reputed remedy for this disease). Aplopappus acaulis glabratus, Eaton. Golden Aster. Apocynum androsemifolium, L. Sarsaparilla. Apocynum cannabinum, L. and A. androsemifolium, L. Indian Hemp. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 131 Aquilegia czrulea, James. Blue Columbine. Aquilegia flavescens, Wats. Yellow Columbine; Red Columbine. Arabis Nuttallii, Robins. Wild Candytuft. Aralia nudicaulis, L. Wild Ginseng; Wild Sarsaparilla. “Arctium Lappa, L. Burdock. Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi, Spreng. Larb (L’herb); Kinnikinink. “Artemisia biennis, Willd. Ironweed; Wormwood. Artemisia cana, Pursh. Blue Sage. Artemisia frigida, Willd. Sweet Sage; Old Man. Artemisia tridentata, Nutt. and A. cana, Pursh. Sage-brush. Artemisia Ludoviciana, Nutt. White Sage. Asclepias speciosa, Torr. Milkweed; Silkweed; Butterfly Weed. Astragalus caryocarpus, Ker. Ground Plums; Prairie Apples; In- dian Pea; Buffalo Pea; Ground Cherry; Pig’s-feet (when in bloom). , Astragalus frigidus Americanus, Gray. Rattleweed (from the dry fruit). ; *Avena fatua, L. Wild Oats. Balsamourrhiza sagittata, Nutt. Big Root; Velvet-leaf Sunflower; Arrow-leaf; Rockweed. ; Bazzania trilobata, S. I. Gray. Yellow Tree Moss (on Conifers). Berberis repens, Lindl. Oregon Grape; Barberry. Betula microphylla, Bunge. Mountain or Swamp Birch; Water Birch. Betula papyrifera, Marsh. White Birch; Paper or Canoe Birch. Beckmannia eruceformis, Host. Slough Grass. _ Bigelovia graveolens, Gray. Greasewood; Yellow Sage; Flowering Sage; Rabbit Weed. Bouteloua oligostachya, Torr. Buffalo-grass; Grama-grass. *Brassica campestris, L. - Wild Turnip.) *Brassica nigra, Ioch. -Black Mustard. “Brassica Sinapistrum, Boiss. Wild Mustard; Field Mustard. Brodiza Douglasii, Wats. Wild Hyacinth. “Bromus racemosus, L. and B. secalinus, L. Cheat; Chess. Bryanthus empetriformis, Gray. Purple Heather. Calochortus apiculatus, Baker and other species. Atabasco Lily; Sego Lily; Mariposa Lily; Butterfly Lily. Calochortus Gunnisoni, Wats. Brown-cup Mariposa Lily. Calochortus Nuttallii, Torr. & Gray. Red-cup Mariposa Lily; Mountain Lily. Calypso borealis, Salisb. Calipso; Venus’ Slipper. 132 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Camassia esculenta, Lindl. Camas; Swamp Sego; Blue Camas. *Camelina sativa, Crantz. False Flax. Campanula rotundifolia, L. Blue-bells; Harebell; Bell-flower. *Capsella Bursa-pastoris, Moench. Shepherd’s Purse. Carex species. Sedge; Sloug-grass. Carum Gairdneri, Gray. Squaw-root; Yamp (Ind.); Artichoke. Castilleia spp. Painted-cup; Squaw Feather; Indian Pink; Paint Brush. Ceanothus velutinus, Dougl. Mountain Laurel. *Cerastium vulgatum, L. Chickweed. Cercocarpus ledifolius, Nutt. Mountain Mahogany. Chenopodium album, L. Lamb’s quarter; Pigweed. *Chenopodium Botrys, L. Jerusalem Oak. “Chenopodium capitatum, Wats. Strawberry Pigweed. Chenopodium glaucum, L. Oak-leaved Goosefoot. “Chenopodium hybridum, L. Maple-leaved Goosefoot. Chimaphila umbellata, Nutt. Prince's Pine. *Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, L. Oxe-eye Daisy. Chrysopsis villosa, Nutt. Golden Aster; Golden Daisy; Yellow Daisy. , a Cicuta occidentalis, Greene. Water Hemlock; Water Parsnip; Cow- bane. Clarkia pulchella, Pursh. Clarkia. Claytonia lanceolata, Pursh. and C. multicaulis, Nelson. Spring Beauty ; Ground-nut. Clematis Columbiana, Torr. & Gray. Blue Clematis. Clematis ligusticifolia, Nutt. Virgin's Bower; White Clematis; Traveler’s Joy; Wild Clematis. Clematis Douglasii, Hook. Lion’s Beard; Headache-weed; Old- man’s Whiskers. Cleome integrifolia, Torr. & Gray. Indian Pink; Stinkweed; Bee Flower; Spider Plant. Cnicus arvensis, Hoffm. Canada Thistle. Cnicus eriocephalus, Gray. Mountain Thistle; Old-man Graybeard, *Cnicus lanceolatus, Willd. Scotch Thistle; Bull Thistle. Cnicus undulatus, Nutt. Wild Thistle. Convolvulus Sepium, L. Wild Morning Glory. Cornus stolonifera, Michx. Red Willow; Kinnikinink, Crateegus coccinea, L. Red Haw. Crategus Douglasii, Lindl. Black Haw. Cuscuta arvensis, Beyrich. Love-vines; Coral-vines. | COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 133 *Cuscuta Epithymum, Murr. Alfalfa Dodder. *vynoglossum officinale, L. Hound’s-tongue. Cypripedium montanum, Dougl. White Lady’s Slipper. Cypripedium parviflorum, Salisb. Yellow Lady’s Slipper. Delphinium glaucum, Wats. Tall Larkspur; White Larkspur. Delphinium Menziesii, DC. and D. bicolor, Nutt. Blue Larkspur. Distichlis spicata, Greene. Alkali Grass; Salt-grass. Dodecatheon conjugens, Greene and other species. Shooting-stars; Bird-bills. Douglasia montana, Gray. Douglasia; Mountain Pink. Draba nemorosa, L. Field Draba. Dracocephalum parviflorum, Nutt. Dragonhead. Echinacea angustifolia, DC. Rattlesnake Weed. *Echinocystis lobata, Torr. & Gray. Wild Cucumber. Echinospermum floribundum, Lehm. and other spp. Beggar Ticks; Stick-tights ; Tickweed. Eleagnus argentea, Pursh. Silver-bush. Eleocharis palustris, L. Waire-grass; Bull-grass. Elymus Canadensis, L. Wald Rye. Elymus condensatus, Presl. Rye-grass; Tall Rye-grass; Buffalo Rye. . Epilobium angustifolium, L. Ironweed; Fireweed; Willow Herb. Epilobium paniculatum, Nutt. Cottonweed. Equisetum arvense, L. Horsetail; Bulrush. Equisetum levigatum, A. Br. Wild Asparagus; Joint-weed; Frog- sprouts; Rush. *Erigeron Canadensis, L. Ragweed; Fireweed: Horsewe2.'. Eriocoma cuspidata, Nutt. Wild Rice; Indian Millet. Eriogonum subalpinum, Greene. Sulphur Plant; Umbrella Plant (with other species). : Eriogonum ovalifolium, Nutt. Silver Plant (A supposed indication of silver ores in the rocks beneath). *Erodium circutarium, L’Her. Alfillaria; Pin Clover. Erythronium grandiflorum, Pursh. Star-strikers; Dog-tooth Vio- let; Adders-tongue. Euphorbia glyptosperma, Engelm. Carpet-weed. *Euphorbia marginata, Pursh. Flowering Spurge; Snow on the Mountains. Fatsia horrida, Benth & Hook. Devil’s Walking-stick. Festuca ovina, L. Bunch Grass; Small Bunch-grass. Fragaria spp. Wald Strawberry. 134 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Franseria Hookeriana, Nutt. Bur Ragweed. Fraxinus viridis, Michx.. Green Ash. Fritillaria atropurpurea, Nutt. Tiger Lily; Leopard Lily; Spotted Cup Lily; Brown Lily. Fritillaria pudica, Spreng. Yellow-Bell. Gaillardia aristata, Pursh. Blackeyed Susan; Blanket-flower ; Gaillardia. Galium boreale, L. Meadow-sweet. Gaura coccinea, Nutt. Butterfly Weed. Gayophytum caesium, Nutt. Wild Baby’s-Breath. Gentiana frigida, Haenke. Montana Edelweiss. Geranium Carolinianum, L. and G. Bicknellii, Britton. Crane’s " Bill; Bird-Bills. Geranium incisum, Nutt. Wild Red Geranium. Geranium Richardsonii, Fisch. & Trautv. Wild White Geranium. Geum triflorum, Pursh. Old-man’s Whiskers (when in fruit). Glyceria fluitans, R. Br. & G. aquatica, Smith. Sweet-grass. Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Pursh. Wild Liquorice; Cucklebur. Grindelia squarrosa, Dunal. Rosin-weed; Wild Arnica; Gum-weed. Helianthus annuus, L. and other spp. Sunflower; Wild Sunflower. Helianthus Maximiliani, Schrad. Wild Artichoke. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Cow Parsnip: Cow Cabbage. Heuchera glabella, T. & G. Kalispell. Hordeum jubatum, L. Foxtail; Squirrel-tail Grass; Slough-grass. Humulus Lupulus, L. Wild Hop; Hop-vine. Hydrophyllum capitatum, Dougl. Water-leaf. Ipomeea leptophylla, Torr. Big Root. Iris Missouriensis, Nutt. Blue Flag; Wild Flag; Wild Fleur de Mis; Iva axillaris, Pursh. Bazzle-weed; Salt Sage; Poverty weed. Iva xanthiifolia, Nutt. Careless Weed; Horseweed. juncus Balticus, Willd. and spp. Wire-grass. Juniperus scopulorum, Sarg. Red Cedar. Juniperus communis alpina, Gaud. and J. Sabina procumbens, Pursh. Juniper; Trailing Juniper. Lactuca pulchella, DC. Milkweed; Wild Lettuce ; Cotton-weed. Lactuca Scariola, L. Prickly Lettuce; Chinese Lettuce; Compass- Plant. Larix occidentalis, Nutt. Tamarack. Lepachys columnaris, Torr. & Gray. Cone-flower. Lepidium apetalum, Willd. Bird-seed; Tongue-grass; Pepper-grass. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. 13 Ol Leptotenia multifida, Nutt. Wild Parsnip. Leucocrinum montanum, Nutt. Spring Lily; Wild Tuberose; Star of Bethlehem. Lewisia rediviva, Pursh. Bitter-root; Red-head Louisa; Racine amare (Fr.); Spatlum (Ind.). Liatris punctata, Hook. Blazing Star. Lilium montanum, Nelson. Mountain Lily. Linum Lewisii, Pursh. Blue Flax. Linum rigidum, Pursh. Yellow Flax. Lithospermum angustifolium, Michx. Indian Paint. Lomatium ambiguum, Coult & Rose, L. cous, C. & R. (andy Ey montanum, C. & R.?). Cous; Cous Root; Biscuit Root; Wild Parsley. Lonicera ciliosa, Poir. Wild Honeysuckle. Lonicera involucrata, Banks. Bearberry. Lonicera Utahensis, Wats. Bush Honeysuckle; Twinberry. Lupinus leucophyllus, Dougl. and other species. Blue Lupine; Wild Pea; Prairie Bean; Blue Bean; Quaker Bonnet; Blue Pea; Plue-weed. Lygodesmia juncea, Don. Wild Asparagus; Skeleton Weed. *Madia filipes, Gray. Little Tarweed. Madia glomerata, Hook. Tarweed; Rosin-weed. Malvastrum coccineum, Gray. Wald Hollyhock. Mamillaria vivipara, Haw. Cushion Cactus. *Marrubium vulgare, L. Horehound. Matricaria discoidea, DC. Green or Rayless Dogfennel. *Melilotus alba, Lam.* Sweet or Honey Clover; White Melilot. *Melilotus officinalis, Willd. Yellow Melilot. _ Mentha Canadensis, L. Wild Mint; Wild Peppermint. Mentzelia ornata, T.& G. Sand Lily. Mertensia oblongifolia, Don. and other spp. _Blue-Bells: Mimulus Langsdorfii, Donn. Snapdragon ; Yellow Monkey-Flower. Mimulus Lewisii, Pursh. Red Monkey-Flower. Monolepis chenopodioides, Moq. Poverty Weed. Montia asarifolia, Howell. Squaw Lettuce. Montia parviflora, Howell. Squaw Cabbage. Myosotis alpestris, Schmidt. Forgetmenot. Neillia malvacea, Greene. Buckthorn. Negundo aceroides, Moench. Box Elder; Ash-leaved Maple. *Nepeta cataria, L. Catnip. Nuphar advena, Ait. and N. polysepalum, Engelm. Yellow Water 136 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. ate . (E£nothera albicaulis, Nutt. Tall White Primrose. (Enothera cespitosa, Nutt. Evening Primrose; Mountain Prim- rose;. Rock Rose. CEnothera muricata, L. (O. strigosa, Rydb.). Yellow Primrose. (Enothera pinnatifida, Nutt. Evening Primrose. Grthocarpus tenuifolius, Benth. Fairy Pinks. Opuntia polyacantha platycarpa, Coult. Prickly Pear; Cactus. Oryzopsis. See Eriocoma. Oxytropis Blankinshipii, (Nelson). Red Loco; Shoe-strings. Oxytropis Lambertii, Pursh. Loco-weed; White Loco; Buffalo Pea. “Panicum capillare, L. Tumble-grass; Tickle-grass. | Pedicular#s Groenlandica, Retz. Elephant’s Head. Pentstemon acuminatus, Dougl. Baby Blue-eyes; Mayflower. Petasites sagittata, Gray. Coltsfoot. . Peucedanum. See Lomatium, Phacelia leucophylla, Torr. Scorpion Weed. Phacelia Menziesii, Torr. Wild Heliotrope. Philadelphus Lewisii, Pursh. Wild Syringa. Phleum alpinum, L. Mountain Timothy. Phlox Hoodii, Rich. Moss Pink; Moss Phlox. Phlox longifolia, Nutt. Sweet William. Phragmites communis, Trin. Cane Grass; Reed Grass: Physaria didymocarpa, Gray. Bladder Pod. Picea alba, Link. White Spruce. Picea Engelmanni, Engelm. Engelmann’s Spruce. Pinus albicaulis, Engelm. Nut Pine; Pitch Pine; Alpine Pine. Pinus flexilis, James. White Pine; Nut Pine. Pinus monticola, Dougl. White Uae: Little Sugar Pine. Pinus Murrayana, Murr. Lodgepole Pine. Pinus ponderosa, Dougl. Yellow Pine; Missoula Pine. Pinus scopulorum, Lemmon. Bull Pine; Black Pine; Scrub Pine. Plantago Asiatica, L. and *P. major, L. Plantain. Plantago Patagonica gnaphalioides, Gray. Ribgrass. Polemonium ceruleum, Gray. Jacob’s Ladder; Skunkweed. . Polygonum Convolvulus, L. Wild Buckwheat; Bindweed. Populus angustifolia, James. Narrow-leaved Cottonwood. Populus balsamifera, L. Balm of Gilead; Balm. Populus deltoides, Marsh. Wide-leaved or River Cottonwood. Populus tremuloides, Michx. Quaking Asp; Aspen Poplar. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS, 137 og Potamogeton spp. Fishweed. Pteris aquilina, L. Brake Fern. Potentilla spp. Five-finger. - Potentilla fruticosa, L. Yellow Rose. Prunus Americana, Marsh. Wild Plum. Prunus demissa, Walp. Choke Cherry. Pyrola uliginosa, Torr. Wintergreen. Pseudotsuga mucronata, Sudw. Red Fir; Douglas Fir. Psoralea esculenta, Pursh. Indian Turnip; Bread-root; Pomme Blanche or Pomme de Prairie (French Voyageur). FPyrus sambucifolia, Cham. & Schl. Mountain Ash. Ranunculus spp. Buttercup. Ribes Americanum, ill. Black Currant. Ribes aureum, Pursh. Yellow Currant. Ribes cereum, Dougl. and R. viscosissimum, Pursh. Sticky or Vis- cid Currant. 4 . Ribes setosum, Lindl. Wald Gooseberry. Rhus Rydbergii, Small and R. Toxicodendron, L. Poison Oak. Rhus trilobata, Nutt. Sweet Sumac. Rosa spp. Wild Rose. Rubus Nutkanus, Moc. Salmonberry ; Shadberry. Rubus strigosus, Michx. Wild Red Raspberry. Rudbeckia laciniata, L. “Black-eyed Susan; Cone-flower; Nigger- head. | Rudbeckia occidentalis, Nutt. Nigger-head. *Rumex crispus, L. and R. salicifolius, Weinm, Dock. Rumex venosus, Pursh. Sour Greens; Wild Begonia; Wild Hvy- drangea. Sagittaria arifolia, Nutt. Arrow-leaf; White Water Lily; Swan or Swamp Potato; Wappatoo (Ind.). Salix spp. Willow. Salix Mackenziana, Barratt. Diamond Willow. Salsola Kali Tragus, Moq. Russian Thistle. Sambucus glauca, Nutt. Elder; Elderberry. Saponaria Vaccaria, L. Cockle; Cow Cockle. Sarcobatus vermiculatus, Torr. Greasewood. Scirpus lacustris occidentalis, Wats. Bulrush; Tule. ; Shepherdia argentea, Nutt. Buffalo Berry; Bull-berry; Graisse de Boeuf (Fr.). *Sisymbrium altissimum, L. Tumbling Mustard. 138 MONTANA AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE SCIENCE STUDIES. Sisymbrium incisum, Engelm. and S. canescens, Nutt. Tansy Mus- tard. Sisymbrium officinale, Scop. Hedge Mustard. Sisyrinchium spp. Blue-eyed Grass. Smilacina spp. False Solomon’s Seal; Wild Lily of the Valley. Solanum nigrum, L. Deadly Nightshade: Solanum triflorum, Nutt. Stinkweed; Wild: Potato; Wild Tomato; Ground Cherry. *“Sonchus asper, Vill. Yellow Thistle; Sow-thistle. Sparganium spp. Bur-reed. *Spergula arvensis, L. Spurry. Steironema ciliatum, Raf. Snake-root. *Stellaria media, Smith. Chickweed. Stipa comata, F. & R. and S. spartea, Trin. Spear Grass; Porcupine Grass; Devil's Darning-needles. Symphoricarpus occidentalis, Hook. June Berry; Buckbush; Stag- berry; Partridge-berry. : *Symphytum officinale, L. Comfrey. Synthyris rubra, Benth. Kitten-tails. Taraxacum officinale, Weber. Dandelion. Taxus brevifolia, Nutt. Ground Hemlock; Yew. Tellima parvifiora, Hook. Star-flower; Prairie Star. Thermopsis montana, Nutt. Yellow Snapdragon, Thermopsis rhombifolia, Nutt. Prairie Bean; Yellow Pea. Thlaspi alpestre, L. Sweet Alyssum. “Thlaspi arvense, L. Pennycress. Thuja plicata, Don. White Cedar; Cedar. Townsendia Parryi, Eaton. Spring Daisy; Daisy. *“Tragopogon porrifolius, L. Salsify; Oyster Plant. Trifolium Rydbergii, Greene. Sweet Clover. Trifolium spp. Wild Clover, Mountain Clover. Trillium ovatum, Pursh. Trillium; Wake Robin. Tsuga heterophylla, Sargent. Hemlock. Typha latifolia, L. Cat-tail; Cat-tail Flag; Bulrush. Ulmus Americana, L. . Elm; White Elm. *Urtica gracilis, Ait. Nettle; Stinging Nettle. Vaccinium membranaceum, Dougl. Huckleberry. Vaccinium .scoparium, Leiberg. Red Huckleberry; Grouse-berry. Valeriana edulis, Nutt. Tobacco Root. *Verbascum Blattaria, L. Moth Mullein. *“Verbascum Thapsus, L. Mullein. COMMON NAMES OF MONTANA PLANTS. : 139 Verbena bracteosa, Michx. Ground Vervain. Vicia Americana, Muhl. Wild Pea. Viola adunca, Smith. Blue Violet; Common Blue Violet. Viola Canadensis, L. White or Pink Violet. Viola cognata, Greene. Mountain Violet. Viola premorsa, Dougl. Yellow Violet; Common Yellow Violet. Vitis vulpina, L. Wild Grape; Frost Grape. Wyethia helianthoides, Nutt. White Sunflower. Xanthium Canadense, Mill. Cucklebur. Xerophyllum tenax, Nutt. and X. Douglasii, Wats. Bear-grass; Moose Grass; Turkey’s Beard; Pine Grass. Yue.a angustifolia, Pursh. Soaproot; Soapweed; Spanish Bay- onetion Crass. Cactus. Zygadenus venosus, Wats. Death Camas; Lobelia. ees eat opp ited aD a Ti : Vi ieton a) ee 2 2 ‘ SPP We 3 es ae eel kh i, oS aT ; : ; 7 4.3 ; . y by rs LE, & vis +h . 4 ny ed 7 Ly 4 c te ° : 5 a ‘ ; ive fo Eee eae alates ye