7 Vi, q a i | ae i ‘lh i ile Wy He ie as ie i ai) Ne 4 Wii a if | . = s uy AE ) ui! Hf ‘ t ve Le Na ss bo) a : I Hi i ; ea ; 4 | af I i; i } HS). ei I ae fh ae 7 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Ode ERY Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library 10r iW JD L161—H41 : Beis (HMB Rowe ‘ a wwe wer de aE EA RET CST y {" i q i B } EDITED BY; W. A. COPINGER, PTs) Bus AL ER SIAs, OF THE MIDDLE TEMPLE, BARRISTER- i al AT-LAW, PROFESSOR OF LAW IN ree Oh THE OWENS COLLEGE AND : VICTORIA UNIVERSITY, AND PRESIDENT OF THE BIBLIOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. eo « o %e PRIVATELY PRINTED . AT THE 2 7 Ve Priory Press, i S¢, Manchester. ee | i} jit : 1895. ry} ———__——___ BES PT TT ESE TTP ESE PT TLL ELT TET Oe rE ON THE AUTHORSHIP OF THE FIRST HUNDRED NUMBERS OF THE “EDINBURGH REVIEW,” BY W. A. COPINGER. rn i ») ‘ ; 7 a ERY INTRODUCTORY NOTE. HE celebrated Review which has occupied so impertant a place in the literature of the mineteenth century was originated by three young men of ability, who were members of the Speculative Society in Edinburgh in 1802. They were Francis Jerrrey, SypNey SMITH, and Henry Broucuam. Their literary’ inti- macy led to the establishment of the “‘Edinburgh Review.” Mr. Smrrn’s account of the origin of the Review is this:—‘*One day we happened to ‘meet in the eighth or ninth storey or flat [it was the third] in Buccleuch Place, the elevated residence of the then Mr. Jerrrey. I proposed ‘that we should get up a Review, and this was -acceded to with acclamation. I was appointed editor, and remained long enough in Edinburgh p° edit the first number of the ‘Edinburgh peeview.” The motto I proposed was: “ Tenui ne? b vi INTRODUCTORY NOTE. smusam meditamur avend, * We cultivate literature upon a little oatmeal.” But this was too near the truth to be admitted, and so we took our present grave motto from PuBLIus SyRus, of whom none of us had, I am sure, reada single line ; and so began what has since turned out to be a very important and able journal.” After the issue of the first three numbers the editorship was undertaken by FRancis Jerrrey, who held the post from July 1803 to June 1829, when he withdrew from its manage- ment, which then passed into the hands of Macvey Napier. JEFFREY in 1834 succeeded Lord Craicit in the Court of Session, which position gave him the honorary title of Lord JEFFREY. The Review was a success from the first, and in the space of six years the circulation had increased from 780 to about 9,000. In 1813 the numbers printed were between 12,000 and 13,000. To appreciate aright the value of the ‘Edinburgh Review” we must bear in mind the state of the times and the usual \char- acter of the periodical literature of the day. The Catholics were unemancipated; the Cor. INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Vil prsaeon and Test Acts were unrepealed; the slave trade was tolerated, prisoners tried for their lives could have no counsel; the principles of Political Economy were little understood ; theft was punishable with death, and the criminal laws generally were in a most deplorable state. Then the time was favourable for such a venture, a time when the passion for discussion was at its height, and particularly the discussion of those prin- ciples which stood involved in the fall of old systems brought about by the French Revolution. The periodicals of the day were but repositories of miscellanies relating to art, poetry, and literary gossip—any reviews were of a meagre description, and true literary criticism was iulmost unknown. Suddenly this “« Edinburgh ‘Review ” appeared, bounding into the arena, Ss it has been expressed, ‘“ without the ountenance of birth or station, without the Inprimatur of the Universities or literary ‘lubs. Its avowed mission was to erect a -igher standard of merit, and secure a bolder pd a purer taste in literature and to apply i principles and the maxims of truth i humanity to politics, aiming to be the -\ Vill INTRODUCTORY NOTE. manual of the scholar, the monitor of the statesman.” The learning and independent spirit of the journal were new, and it is hardly an exaggeration to say it changed the current of national thought. Under the editorship of the greatest critic of the age and one of the most eminent writers Scotland has ever pro- duced, the ‘*Edinburgh Review’’ occupied an unique position in the world of letters. Some of the ablest writers of the day were no doubt engaged in contributing to support the reputation of this Review. J#FFREY’s contri- | butions to the Review extended over half a century, and are said to have amounted to 200 articles. At the urgent request of some of his friends he designated these in December 1840 to Lord CocxBuRN, but evidently was not able then to identify all he had written. In 1843, a selec- tion of his contributions appeared in 4 volumes, London, 8vo, but this collection contains only 79 articles, classified as follow: I. General Lite- rature and Literary Biography, 10 articles. II. History and Historical Memoirs, 10 articles. ' III. Poetry, 22 articles. IV. Philosophy of the INTRODUCTORY NOTE. 1X (ind, Metaphysics and Jurisprudence, 6 articles. V. Novels, Tales and Prose works of Fiction, 8 articles. VI. General Politics, 6 articles. VII. Miscellanies, 17 articles. The larger portion of Jerrrey’s contributions are still, therefore, uncollected, and many of them are of considerable value. His first article was the opening article of No. 1, ‘Mounier sur la Révolution de France,” ‘and his Jast in the January number, 1848, ‘Watt or Cavendish.” Jrrrrey almost always himself reviewed the works of Sir WaLTErR Scott as they came forth; in fact, the larger portion of the notices of the poetical publications receive ‘notice from hishand. He caused great offence \by his severe criticism of Scort’s “ Marmion” ‘n the April number of 1808, a remarkable iotice in many ways, and not less remarkable is evidence of the independence of the editor, | onsidering that ConsTaBLze was the pub- fisher of the Review as well as of the poem. ;he last number which Jzrrrey solely edited vas No. 97, the ninety-eighth, the number for june 1829 being partly edited by him and partly Vv his successor Mr. Macvey Napier, Lord | :FFREY having gone to England before finishing x INTRODUCTORY NOTE. it. The ninety-ninth number, that for October, 1829, was the first wholly edited by Mr. Napier. Henry Broucuam, afterwards Lord Brouc- Ham, Lord Chancellor, one of the founders of the Review, was undoubtedly one of the most eminent men of this century. His remarkable attainments, marvellous versatility and excep- tional power of work are fully evidenced by his contributions to the early numbers of the Review. He has three articles in the first number, and as many as seven in the second number, five in the third, and a like number in the fourth. Scientific, philosophical and political subjects, are usually those with which he deals, but scarcely any theme is foreign to his touch, and we frequently find him reviewing books of travels, poetry, and miscellaneous literature. In the July number for 1804 he enters the classic arena and furnishes an interesting article o «Latin Synonymes" in a review of Dr. Hin’ work, ‘\’ The Rev. SYDNEY SMITH, with whom, as we have seen, the idea of the Review originated, was one of the most versatile of writers and was a constant contributor. In the first number he had no less than ninearticles, in the INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Xi mnd four, and in the third six. One of his jst interesting articles is in the June number ‘ 1826 on the ‘‘ Hamiltonian System for iching Languages.” His article on the tholic Question in the number for March, 27, is one of his best. His knowledge of 2land and her condition was great, as may be on by his fine article on that country in 2 number for November, 1820. Francis Horner was distinguished for his owledge of political economy and finance. Is views on the currency, which he sub- quently embodied in the Report of the Bullion mmmittee, will be found in the first number of 2 Review in his notice of THorNTON on the per credit of Great Britain. He has no less an five articles in the first number. Tuomas Brown, one of the most eminent of odern metaphysicians, who took his doctor's gree in 1803, and, in 1810, became the col- wgue of Ducatp Stewart in the chair of oral Philosophy in the University of Edin- ‘rgh, is best known by his great work, ‘‘Ob- “vations on the Nature and Tendency of t- Howe’s Doctrine concerning the Relations ‘Cause and Effect,” the first edition of which x11 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. appeared in 1804. Sir James MackinTost declares that this is the finest model of discus sion in Mental Philosophy since BERKELEY anc Hume, with this superiority over the latter that its aim is not that of a sceptic, but that o a philosopher who seeks to enlarge knowledge His “ Philosophy of the Human Mind,” whicl appeared after his decease in Edinburgh in 1820 4 vols. 8vo, has been highly esteemed. H« wrote an important notice of ViLter’s philo sophy of Kanr in conjunction with the edito: Jerrrey, and also of ‘‘ BELSHAW’S Philosophy of the Mind,” in the second number of the Review. | Mr. ALEXANDER HAMILTON was a great au thority on oriental literature, and became Pro fessor of Sanskrit in the East India College a Haileybury. In a review of Wirxin’s Sanskri Grammar in the January number for 1809 h is seen to the greatest advantage. Dr. Joun THomson was a medical man Wil beginning life as a surgeon, obtained an exter sive practice as a physician, and occupied t chair of Pathology in the college of ot al He was a contributor to the earlier number: having two articles in the first number, but I INTRODUCTORY NOTE, 1rd ceased to write for the Review after the sixth aumber. PETER ExLmstey, one of the best Greek scho- ars of his day, contributes as early as 1808, urnishing an article in the July number of that rear on “‘ Heyné, Homert Carmina,” and writes gain in the October number of the same year m Professor ScHWEIGHORNSER’s edition of ‘Athenzi Naucratite Deipnosophistarum libri uindecim.” In the October number 1809 nd the January number 1810, he reviews that art of SAMUEL BuTLEr’s elaborate edition of fEschylus,” which contains the Prometheus nd the Suppliants, and in the November num- er 1810 writes a notice on BLooMFiELpD's Pyo- etheus Vinctus. His ablest and best contribu- on, however, is to the November number for 311, a review of Porson’s edition of the Hecuba of Euripides.” The notice of ‘UTLER’S edition of Aéschylus in the February amber for 1812 is also most probably by ‘LMSLEY. | Sir WALTER Scott begins to contribute in e fifth number, October, 1808, having in it two ‘ticles—one on “ Amandis de Gaul,” and an- her on Srppaup’s “Chronicle of Scottish X1V INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Poetry from the thirteenth century to the unio} of the Crowns.” Further, in the January numbe 1804, he writes on Gopwin’s “ Life of Geoffre: Chaucer,” in the April number 1804 on Ex is’ “Specimens of the Early English Poets,” an CHaTTERTON’s “ Works by Southey and Cottle. In the January number 1805 he reviews Frols SART’s Chronicles, and in the April number 180 Gopwin’s “ Fleetwood, or the New Man « Feeling.” In the July number 1805 he write on Hupson and Donat’s “New Practice « Cookery,” and on the “ Poetical Works of Jame Macpherson.” In the October number 1805 I has a notice of Ton’s edition of the ‘* Works: Edmund Spencer;” and in the January numb of 1806 of Extis’s ‘“‘ Specimens of Early Me rical Romances.” In the October number, 180 he writes on HERBERT’S “Miscellaneous Poetry From 1806 to 1818 he does not appear to ha written’ anything for the Review, but in t) June number of 1818 he contributes a mc entertaining article on ‘‘ Woman; or Pour | Contre; a tale by the Author of Bertram,” et Professor Joun Prayrair contributes thiy articles, beginning in the January number 1€ with an article of great interest on ‘‘ Analyti . INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XV Istitutions,” reviewing Donna AGNESI’s work 1 this subject. His more important articles e the review of the ‘‘ Traité de Mécanique Sleste ” by La P ace in the January number 108 ; of VINCE on ‘¢ Gravitation’’ in the Oc- ber number 1806; his paper on the “ System the World” by La Prace in the January timber 1810; and on the ‘ Essai _philoso- ique sur les Probabilités” by La Prace in e September number 1814. The most inter- ting article is probably the account of Steam agines in the January number for 1809. GeEoRGE ELtis, the author of ‘‘ Specimens the Early English Poets,” and ‘Specimens of irly English Romance” in meter, a work of asiderable merit, which passed through many itions, appears first in July, 1804, when he views ‘‘Sir Tristem: a Medical Romance of 2 Thirteenth Century, edited from the Auch- ck M.S. by Walter Scott, Esq.” Dr. JoHN ALLEN, the author of the “ Inquiry o the Rise and Growth of the Royal Prero- rive in England,’ 1880, appears first in tober, 1804, in the ninth number. His con- dutions are mostly on subjects connected with : British Constitution, and with French and . { . ‘, XV1 INTRODUCTORY NOTE. } Spanish history. His principal articles are! the ‘‘ Regency Question,” May, 1811, “ Anni Parliaments and Universal Suffrage,’ in t] March number, 1817; ‘‘ Review of the Antiqu ties of the Anglo-Saxon Church, by tue Re John Lingard,” in the October number, 181 ‘‘Review of Lingard’s History of England in the April number, 1825; and the ‘‘ Histo of the Persecutions endured by the Protestar of the South of France,” in the October numb 1821. The most learned and valuable pap« are, no doubt, that on the Constitution of P. liament in the June number for 1816, and tl on the *‘ History of English Legislature,”’ in 1 March number, 1821. This latter article written in review of the ‘* Report from the Lor. Committee appointed to search the Journals the House, Rolls of Parliament, and other J cords and Documents, for all matters touch the Dignity of a Peer of the Realm,” &c., and is a most able exposition of the rise ( development of our institutions for the adm| stration of justice. The second editor, Macvsy Napier, becomes a contributor in January, 1805, w | he writes in the tenth number on the “‘ Or INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XVIi Ideas and the necessary Co-operation of al] e Intellectual Powers towards their Forma- mn,’ in a Review of DrcGEranpo, “De la snération des Connoissances.” His articles ring the editorship of Lord Jerrrey are nat portant, but there is dne of considerable inte- it, namely, the review of the ‘State Papers d Letters” of Sir Ratpu Sapier, Knight- nmneret, edited by ArTHUR CLIFFORD, with memoir of the Life of Sir Ratpu Sap.eEr, 1 historical notes by WaLtEeR Scott; which deared in the August number, 1810, Art. X. ‘The well-known historian Hattam con- yutes for the first time in April, 1805, to the venth number, on ‘The History of France n the time of its Conquest by Clovis, a.p. iN by ALEXANDER Ranken, D.D. Again in uary, 1806, he reviews ‘“‘An Analytical ey into the Principles of Taste,” by ‘HARD PayNE KNIGHT. In the sixteenth aber he has a paper on “ Sir J. Throck- ton on the Catholic Questions,” containing ie interesting facts relating to Ireland. In twenty-fifth number he reviews most ably TT’s edition of the Works of Dryden, sug- ing in plain terms that in the reviewer's B KVill INTRODUCTORY NOTE. opinion Scort might have been better engaged ‘There is no man living, probably,” says he ‘¢who could have written ‘Marmion,’ but hov many hundreds might have put together thi edition of Dryden !” Tuomas CAMPBELL, the Poet, first appeat in the January number, 1808, where he review Hove's ‘“‘Exodus,” an epic poem, in thirtee books. In the following number he writes c STocKDALE’s “‘ Lectures on the truly Emines English Poets.” Mattuus begins to contribute in July, 180 when he writes an article on the state of Irelan mainly in reviewing NEWENHAM’S ‘¢ Statisti and Historical Inquiry into the Progress a1 Magnitude of the Population of Ireland.” I practically continues the same subject in t! April number, 1809, in a notice of anot work of the same author on the ‘ Natur Political, and Commercial Circumstances Ireland.” To the number for February, 18; he contributes an excellent article on | “ Depreciation of Paper Currency,” followed} in the number for August of the same yj with a paper on the “ Bullion Question.” are not able to identify any article as from INTRODUCTORY NOTE. X1X during the next ten years, but in the aber for July, 1821, he furnished a paper on ‘‘Power of Increase in the numbers of nkind,” in a notice of Goopwin’s answer JaLTHUS’s own treatise on the subject. ‘Professor Les tis first contributes in October, 9. In the number for May, 1811, he has an iresting paper on the ‘“‘ History of Arith- lic,” dealing with the oldest form of notation, tin July, 1812, he contributes a valuable cle on the ‘‘ History of the Barometer.” In ‘November number, 1814, he has an interest- 'paper on ‘‘ Humboldt’s Researches con- ning the Institutions and Monuments of the tient inhabitants of America ;” and inthe June ber, 1818, he reviews the same author’s lersonal Narrative of Travels to the Equin- a Regions of the New Continent during the -s 1799-1804.” One of his most important ributions is on ‘“‘ Polar Ice and a North-west age,” in the June number for 1818. Sir James Macxintosu contributes for the time in the July number, 1812, reviewing EFIELD’s account of Ireland, Statistical, and itical ; and also DuGALD STEWART’s account ! boy born blind and deaf. He becomes a xX INTRODUCTORY NOTE. frequent contributor, subsequently reviewing it the forty-first number ‘‘Coxe’s Memoirs o the Kings of Spain of the House of Bourbon t the death of Charles III. in 1788”; and inth July number, 1818, he writes a curious articl on Madame de Staél’s ‘‘ Réflexions sur 1 Suicide.” In the October number, 1813, h reviews the same authoress’s account ¢ Germany. Inthe February number, 1815, h has an important article on the condition c France at that time. He considered th prospects of the world then to be particular] gloomy. He contributes to the June numbe: in the same year, an article on Modern Histor reviewing WraxaLv’s Historical Memoirs a other works. Probably the most importa and best of his contributions is that in tl September number, 1816, when he reviews a paper of 64 pages “The General Vi of the Progress of Metaphysical, Ethical, a Political Philosophy since the revival of Letth: in Europe,” by DuGaLp STEWART, prefixed, the Supplement of the Encyclopedia Brit nica. This review is contained in a pa: on 47 pages in the October number, 18 “The well worn subject of the indentity of Juntf INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Nei s treated in the November number of 1807 ina eview of ‘The Identity of Junius with a dis- inguished living character established.” Lond., 816; and ‘A Supplement to Junius identified, onsisting of fac-similes of handwriting, and other llustrations,” Lond., 1807. In the June number, 826, he takes another problem of the literary vorld, writing on ‘“‘ Who wrote Icon Basilike 2” “his is a review of Worpswortu’s work, and F an article of great interest. _ Ww: Hazuirt became a contributor in 1814, ind his first article in the November number is ia ‘‘Dunlop’s History of Fiction.” In the ‘ebruary number, 1816, he reviews ‘“ Schlegel’s ectures on Dramatic Literature translated om the German by John Black,” and in the lecember number, 1818, ‘Letters from the ‘on. ‘Horace Walpole to George Montague, om 1736 to 1770.” In the August number, 320, he writes the review of ‘‘ Memoirs of the ife of Sir Joshua Reynolds.” One of his best ipers is on the ‘Periodical Press” in the ‘ay number for 1823. In the eightieth number, jat for July, 1824, he has a criticism on ‘“ mney lorgan’ s Life and Times” and “Salvator Rosa id the “* Posthumous Poems of Percy By sain Xxil INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Shelley,” and in the ninety-ninth number, tha for October, 1829, a notice of ‘‘ Flaxman’ Lectures on Sculpture.” In the January num ber, 1880, appears his interesting notice o ‘«‘ Wilson’s Memoirs of the Life and Times o Daniel Defoe.” J. R. M‘Cuttocu is a frequent contributor beginning with an article on ‘ Ricardo’ Principles of Political Economy and Taxation, in the number for June, 1818, and reviewin: subsequently in the number for July, 181¢ Cray’s “ Free Trade essential to the Welfare Great Britain,” &c.; in the number for August 1820, “«A Plan for the Commutation of Tithes, and in the number for March, 1821, an articl on the ‘Opinions of Messrs. Say, Sismond and Malthus, on the Effects of Machinery an Accumulations.”’ Also in the number for Jur 1$22, he has an article on various publicati on the state of Ireland. In 1824, in the num] for March, appeared from the same hand important article on the ‘ Accumulation |] Capital and its Effects on Exchangea " Value,” and in the following number an arti ‘ on the “ Law of Entail.” In February, 18: | he contributed an article on Banking, INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XXill 1 the Timber Trade; and in June, 1827, he views together three works connected with the dustry of Lancashire, viz., the article Cotton Manufacture,” in the Supplement to e Encyclopedia Britannica; ‘‘ A Compen- ous History of the Cotton Manufactures by ichard Guest”; and ‘Baines’ History, azetteer, Directory, &c., of Lancashire.” 1 October, 1827, he writes some remarks 1 the financial situation of Great Britain, 1d an important article in the number r January, 1828, on the ‘Influence and peration of National Debts and Taxes.” One his most interesting articles is that in the ay number, 1628, on ‘‘The Progress and ate of Pauperism in England since the reign Queen Elizabeth.” Mr. M‘Curttocy con- dered he had a kind of vested interest in the eview so far as the articles on Political sonomy were concerned, and upon the Editor serting in the hundredth number an article y° SpxinG Rice on Peccuio’s “ Storia della conomia in Italia,” he wrote a strong letter of monstrance to Mr. Napier. WUILBERFORCE tributes an article on the ‘‘Slave Trade,’’ to e October number for 1804, and Sir SamMuEL va ~~ . i bs XXIV INTRODUCTORY NOTE. RoMILEY writes on “ Codification and Public Instruction,” in the November number for 1817. Dr. THomas CHALMERS supplies an article in March, 1817, on the ‘‘ Causes and Cure of Pauperism,” of which the Editor, JEFFrReEy, thought so highly, that he desired to have another article from the same writer, defending, explaining, and carrying into practical illustra- tion the same principles.. We find him again contributing to the February number of 1818, where he reviews the ‘‘ Report from the Select Committee on the Poor Laws,” and he writes also a portion of the eleventh article, in the same number, on the “‘ Report on the Manage-— ment of the Poor of Glasgow,” by James Ewinc. In May, 1820, on the “ State and Prospects of Manufactures,” he has an article on CLELAND’S 5 ‘Rise and Progress of the City of Glas j gow.” : Dr. ARNOLD appears as a contributor “a September, 1826, when he writes an article on” the Church. Sir Francis PatcGravez furnishes i in’ the February number, 1822, a learned and most valuable article on the ‘ Courts of the. Ancient Common Law, the Leet, the Shire, Parliament.’ In this article he deals with the early Constitu- INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XXV tion of the Isle of Man, a subject involved in great obscurity. In February, 1823, we first meet the name of Henry Tuomas Lord Cocxpurn, a Scottish Judge, best known for his ‘ Life and Cor- respondence of Lord Jzrrrey,’” Lond., 1852, 2 vols. 8vo. He contributes an article on the ‘Courts of Law in Scotland,” and the next year, in the seventy-eighth number, he reviews Ritcuikz’s *‘ Essays on Constitutional Law and the Forms of Process.” In January, 1825, he has an article on the ‘ Administration of Criminal Justice in Scotland,” and in the August number for 1825, on the ‘“ Office of Public Prosecutor.” In the number for Feb- ruary, 1826, he reviews IrviNne’s ‘‘ Considera- tions on the Expediency of the Laws of Entail in Scotland,” and in the number for June, 1827, deals with “ Moral Statistics of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland, and the System of Parochial Schools.” Empson begins to contribute in 1828, fur- nishing for ‘he May number egal article on “Literary Property,” dealing with the well- known cases of Dr. WotcotT, SourHry, Byron, and Laurence. One of his ablest articles XXVl INTRODUCTORY NOTE. is that on the “ Alien Law of England,” in the April number, 1825. In May, 1828, he reviews PuiLurpp’s ‘State Trials,” and in December, 1828, deals with Betuam’s “ Rationale of Judicial Evidence.” In the March number for 1829, he has an exhaustive paper entitled “‘ The Last of the Catholic Question: Its Principle, History and Effects.” His most interesting con- tribution is that to the January number, 1830, on ‘‘ Providential and Prophetical Histories,’ a paper extending to 57 pages. | In August, 1825, we first find a contribution from the historian Macautay. The subject is ‘‘Joannis Multoni, Angli, de Doctrina Christiana libri duo Posthumi, translated by Sumner.” His next article is February, 1826, ‘* Thoughts on the Advancement of Academical Education in England.” In March, 1827, he has two articles, one on the Works of Macuiavr1, and_ the other on papers relating to captured negroes: ‘“‘ Memorie Venete di Giovanni Ga liccoli, prete, per la nuova Coliezione di doc i menti per servire alla Storia Veneziana,” is th subject of his next article in the ninety-fir number, and in January, 1828, he reviews the Poetical Works of Joun Drypen. One of his INTRODUCTORY NOTE. XXVli most interesting notices is that in September, 1828, where he reviews Hatyiam’s “ Constitu- tional History of England.” In March, 1829, he has a notice of Mixt’s “« Essays on Govern- ment, Jurisprudence, the Liberty of the Press, Prisons and Prison Discipline, Colonies, the Law of Nations and Education.” In October, 1829, he has a paper on “ Utilitarian Theory of Government,” and the “ Greatest Happiness Principle,’ and in the hundredth number one on SouTHEY’s ‘Sir Thomas More; or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society.” CARLYLE seems to have first contributed in July, 1827, an article on “ Doering’s Jean Paul Frederick Richter’s Life, with a sketch of his Works.” In the October number, of the same year, he wrote the review on “ Horn’s Poetry and Oratory of the Germans, from Luther’s Time to the Present,’ and on the same author’s “Outhnes for the History and Criticism of Polite Literature in Germany during the years 1780-1819.” In the December number for 182 ; he reviews Locknart’s ‘Life of Robert ’and in the June number for 1829 he contributes the notice onthree works: 1. “* Anti- Cipation or an Hundred Years Hence.” . «, The Burns,’ XXVlil INTRODUCTORY NOTE. Rise, Progress, and Present State of Public Opinion in Great Britain.” 38. “The Last Days, or Discourses on these our Times,” etc., by the Rev. Epwarp [RvING. In 1827 THomas Moore contributes an article to the October number on ‘‘ The Private Theatre of Kilkenny, with introductory obser- vations on other Private Theatres in Ireland, before it was opened.” | Dr. WuareELy, in the September number, 1828, reviews SENIoR’s “‘ Introductory Lecture on Political Economy,” and to the October number for 1829, Sir W. HamILTon contributes a paper on ‘“‘ Cousin’s Cours de Philosophie.” Weeks ay Tut Priory, MANCHESTER, Ist November, 1895. XXL NOTE. INTRODUCTORY Se ge Mind | ‘uosdwy "YSOJUTHOV IN "USOJUTYOR JA ‘Koryo f *Kaayol “ARNO IN ‘uosdwqy oie AU, eos ce eco (79 °°? sosed 9), eve eee eve 6g ct i ve 90] IejOg 69 puryduq jo AIOjsIp] S,presury 9 QOUSPIAW jo seuorjenN s,weyjog eg §©=s- Aydosoytyg Jo MIA S.IVMIIS Ys ee A purjog jo suoijjieg 99 cc ae 89 “= “"proppuery ATA fo Saye PL ‘MT [eUOINATYsUOZD s,wey]ePT Me] woTTy Asojousiyg 68 ‘ON —!: MOTO} sv manag ysmquipy oy} jo sioquinu poipunyq jsiy oy} uy ‘spremdn pue sosed Qg¢ jo sapoie AjUIM} O1e OIOY} INTRODUCTORY NOTE. ZXX *pIOjMLID ‘Aoiyof “OUMOIGE ‘uosdwy ‘haayof *QALIZICg ai Eo LO ‘uosduly] ‘Koryo ‘uosduly aoe ee eos Le .F4 eee be 4é Lg *** soped g@ ee 2 tn a a ee ee eee a eons uawysysuq jO UOT}EXeT, uerpuy GIN}LIQIW'T L] INS [Qe}S Op ‘pry vee "ss §saIg JuStUUIBAOL) steee = somydApso101 Fy ose cee = vVoOLIouyy ee ne eee s0yURrAy ‘+ pue[suq jo synod juemuy ais = = + DURIOIT seeeee uUdT}SONG) S1[OUIeD) 9UL “**JEMS JO SHIOMA SOTIO}SIFT jeoryoydoig pue jetuepraoig 26 “TY “GL 68 "86 "g9 ‘GL “68 "LE “6g ‘OOT éé 6é é¢ 46 (= 4 é 46 té yy THE “EDINBURGH REVIEW.” Ni ne an “Gdinhurgh Rebiets.” | re No. I, October, 1802. Art. [. Jeffrey. eae Rev. Sydney Smith. WM BBE Rev. Sydney Smith. Rae bY. Alex. Hamilton. Cae Sydney Smith. Ban V1: Sydney Smith. iW LL. Francis Horner. meaty 1k. Jeffrey. Pie Luk Sydney Smith. Pe Sydney Smith. D4 8 Francis Horner. Paes 1: F. A. Murray. ~ ha eda Jeffrey. Pel Vi F. Horner. ee V J. A. Murray. roa. Sydney Smith. nex V IT, Thomas Brown. » XVIII. Sydney Smith. - UE aEEEEEEEEEEN! a ee 2 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Art. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. AXV. XXVI. Jeffrey. Sydney Smith. F. Horner. Jeffrey. Brougham. Brougham and S. Smith. F. Horner. Jeffrey. XXVIII. Brougham. XXVIII. Dr. John Thomson. XXIX. Dr. John Thomson. No. I], January, 1803. Jeffrey and Dr. Thos. Brown Alex. Hamilton and Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Alex. Hamilton. Morehead. Sydney Smith. J. A. Murray. Jeffrey. Brougham. Sydney Smith. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 3 Art. XI. Stoddart. Piet 80 Brougham and Ivory. PND GG Alex. Hamilton. iis LV. Brougham and Jeffrey. ave. Vi Brougham. SMUT RL F. Horner. » XVII. Brougham. » XVIII. Brougham. wr Lk Dr. John Thomson. esd OMe Dr. John Thomson. DiS ey Dr. Thomas Brown. , XXII. J. A. Murray and Sydney Smith. , XXII. Brougham. ee ee rT No. II, April, 1803. Art... Jeffrey. Eee Sydney Smith. Cogs Percival. Began L Vow Sydney Smith. aN, Jeffrey. rt Nts Sydney Smith. BVI. T. Brown. rev L Ld. Brougham. A AL 4 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Art. IX. Brougham. He. Brougham. Bana a F. Horner. tesa A. Murray. ety: Brougham. et Ui Sydney Smith. Pues Nie Reece. a Og is Reece. » &VII. Sydney Saimth: 4 VIII, | Pereivan hola tN aan T. Brown. py, Brougham. He) 40. Jeffrey. » ALI. | Sydney Scie. jl eS LDS) Pemteeae » XXIV. Stevenson and Wright. PF iael P SD a Stevenson. 3 SAVI.. Broughaan 5» SAVIL.’ Thos.“ Chomeon: XXVIII. Dr. John Thomson. No. IY, July, 1803. Art. 1. Jeffrey. Peas Sydney Smith. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW, 5 Art. III. ee LM Poel Via na UAE yang 3 Naa wT JOE BD, UR, BSBA bt Pee LI; aN LAL Rukia OX: Li Vig re MONTE PA MALTS Pentax X; Batt Oe XS 5 POS G | | | mY Art. I. | Pav ll. ig Qe oe a. | Peter Elmsley. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Brougham. Stevenson. Brougham and Jeffrey. Gregory Watt. Sydney Smith. F. Horner. Brougham. Dr. John Thomson. Sydney Smith. Brougham. F. Horner. Brougham. Thos. Thomson. Jeffrey. No. Y, October, 18038. Brougham. Jeffrey. Gregory Watt. Jeffrey. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Jeffrey (not in Jeffrey's own list). Stevenson. Thos. Thomson. Sir Walter Scott. Jeffrey. Peter Elmsley. Sir Walter Scott. F. Horner. Brougham. No. WI, January, 1804. Art. V. He ie Na 8. eee i Asal a ! Pree ah ue MOLE ev TT: Art t: SUN De by eke ENN ie aes Vi. Pani. Oe ay Be XI. Pay Ss Ph NG eI Jeffrey. Jeffrey. Gregory Watt. Stevenson. Brougham. Jeffrey. Sydney Smith. Sydney Smith. Thos. Thomson. Brougham. Professor John Playfair. f nn a ee nea col THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. “a Art. XV. A. Murray. TEL OE & Sir Walter Scott » AVWII. Brougham. » XVIII. Dr. John Thomson. Fees & Brougham. Tru. J. A. Murray. No. VII, April, 1804. Nie WL LE Brougham, Art. I, Jeffrey. mare VI Jeffrey. Tih LN: Dr. Duncan jun. eae we Sir Walter Scott. 5 A&VII. Sir Walter Scott. » A&VIII. Thos. Thomson. No. VIII, July, 1804. Atte lL Professor John Playfair. yg Jeffrey. aed i Jeffrey. A J. Soch. | eM Jeffrey (not in his own list). a eter a 5 Soe 8 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Arte UX. F. Horner (wrongly attri- buted to Brougham). AIR, Stewart. ‘ane, © is Brougham. ene 4 ta Ot Brougham. ARC p Pa ANS George Ellis. ea Jeffrey and Brougham (but not in Jeffrey’s own list). Dd pe Nise Brougham. ite RGN Ley Jeflrey. No. IX, October, 1804. Art, Il. Jeffrey. | PIG Hedderwick (wrongly attri- | buted to Allen). eattgs (oN Brougham. ue VL! Brougham. erage ie Brougham. | | ATEN John Allen. ONE John Allen. eM F. Horner. hy ee SN F, Horner. NRT Wilberforce. AUER BR Ee ce THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 9 No. X, January, 18085. Arte, L. Jeffrey. SLA OE Professor Murray. Ee Macvey Napier (his first article). wee rN be Jeffrey. SR WANA Sir Walter Scott. pee Professor John Playfair. hy ls Sir Walter Scott. Va @ & Bi Jeffrey. By LY Jeffrey. » XVII. Professor Murray. mee VIIL. Jeffrey. No. XI, April, 1805. ae Jeffrey. ABE Brougham. Tl O68 Brougham. Sag Jeffrey (but not in his own list). ea WL Brougham. mae VLEL. Brougham. ee 0G Jeffrey. 10 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Art. XV. Sir Walter Scott. yy MOVIL. Hallam, » A&VIII. Hedderwick. | f t | | ' | | | | | No. XII, July, 1808. a Act. 1: Sir W. Drummond, Lord | Aberdeen and Jeffrey. : Th a Brougham. te Wi Malcolm Laing. Pa WG Be Brougham. ead WP a Sir Walter Scott. say nae W. Herbert. | ania: Os Brougham. ye OE We M. Napier. ed ey i oh ek Sir Walter Scott. | No. Xill, October, 1805. Art. I. Jeffrey. SNe Brougham. OE Sir Wm. Drummond. PERL Muirhead of Glasgow. oo WALL F, Horner. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Art. VIII. TEU, © fyty ads meow LS: el aetae. @ iad es V's No. ALY, January, 1808. Art. I. em fi Pret RET: in Oe | o) V. my, Vi. | ie WAI. Bs. VIII. | 73 X. ais) XI. Bie ;, XII. | No. Art. I. Fee ee a rae a cee ee ee a ee a ST ae ae ee ee ea eet Ee Jeffrey. F. Horner. M. Napier. Jeffrey. F. Horner. Sir Walter Scott. Brougham. Brougham. Hallam. Shillimore. M. Laing. Jeffrey. Sir Walter Scott. Jeffrey. Brougham. Ld. Aberdeen. Brougham. F. Horner. Thos. Thomson. AY, April, 1806. Jeffrey. ee OS De SN es 11 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. VILE, Jeffrey. IX. M. Napier. XI, Jeffrey. XII. Jeffrey. AAT, Jeffrey. XV. Brougham. XVI. Jeffrey. No. XVI, July, 1806. sian Geo. Ellis. IT. Brougham. EET. Sir W. Drummond and Jos. Walker. IV. Jeffrey. VI. Hallam. Nid Jeffrey. Vit Brougham. bare Jeffrey. XI. John Allen. Ohh. Sir Walter Scott. DET, Jeffrey. XVII. Professor John Playfair. AVIM. Jetirey: NG RIS) Te ete A ental eh pra eer THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 138 No. XVII, October, 1806. Arte 1. Jeffrey. pgp ies Professor John Playfair. HLL. Jeffrey. ay Ms Jeffrey. VI: Alex. Hamilton. » IX. Jeffrey. rite John Allen. ea Sydney Smith. EPS FOF W. Herbert (usually attri- buted to Sir Walter Scott and Jeffrey). peep a ais A. Hamilton. Fa ONS Sir Walter Scott. Bay oY I's Jeffrey. No. XYIII, January, 1807. Art. I. Brougham. pe lee Alex. Hamilton. mei i. Brougham. aoa age Brougham. eV Jeffrey. a a ArOVILE Professor John Playfair. Faieeues John Allen. RA). o8 RAGS Jeffrey. 14 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. J { j No. XIX, April, 1807. Art, 1. Jeffrey. | BNE Jeffrey. Sse WD M. Napier. yi bee Jeffrey. . hath a 8 a oe Brougham. sy Ne We Jeffrey. | Sew Jeffrey. No. XX, July, 1807. EN Jeffrey. ga G Brougham. — | cM Sydney Smith. | soa v gO Sydney Smith, | 5) Y Brougham. | ee Dah) Jeffrey. | EON le John Allen, | : VU EY. Brougham. | ene O Be Alex. Hamilton. | » AIII. , Brougham. | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 15 No, XXI, October, 1807. Art. i, Brougham. ae We, Sydney Smith. SUC E Brougham. ripe ag 89 8 Jeffrey. Pied NLL Professor John Playfair. | » XIII. Jeffrey, | SALVE Jeffrey. | Cy aud aks Jeffrey (but not in his own list). No. AXII, January, 1808, Art. I. Professor John Playfair. | wo TV, Brougham. | mot, Sydney Smith. | tw 1, Thos. Campbell. ba MEET, Jeffrey. i. @ 7B Professor John Playfair. Hail Sea. Brougham. | | No. XXIII, April, 1808. | Art. I. Jeffrey. | THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. =a Gf Alex. Hamilton. by. Thos. Campbell. VII. Professor John Playfair. VIll. Jeffrey. rx. Sydney Smith. NIT, Brougham. No. XXIV, July, 1808. uh i Jeffrey. Ii, Professor John Playfair. 18 ip Brougham. IV. T. R. Malthus. ¥. Coleridge. VI. Musgrave. Vit" jetirey. IX. Gooch. pd i Brougham. mA. Jeffrey. XIII. Mc. Kormick. No. XXV, October, 1808. ed Jeffrey. Il. Sydney Smith. IV. Jeffrey. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 17 Sydney Smith. Alex. Hamilton. Professor John Playfair. Hallam. Jeffrey. M. Napier. Musgrave. Jeffrey (wrongly attributed to Brougham). No. XXVI, January, 1809. IX. XIII. Jeffrey. Milner, assisted by General Miranda. Professor John Playfair. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Alex. Hamilton. Brougham. Welsh. Alex. Hamilton. No. XXVII, April, 1809. Art. I. Jeffrey. D a a a te SO Sern THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. mil. Sydney Smith. VII. Jeffrey. IX. Jettrey. als Sydney Smith. MII. T. R. Malthus. No. XXVIII, July, 1809. ey Jeffrey. ae Sydney Smith. Nat Jeffrey. VITI. M. Napier. xt Payne Knight. MATT. Sydney Smith. No. XXIX, October, 1809. A Professor John Playfair. bbe Jeffrey. Les Sydney Smith. Ve John Allen. Va Jeffrey. | IX. Professor Leslie (his yee | article). ? seth Peter Elmsley. ce etc et ipa hr ene anne i ah re penne seni npeteeen pehinhnnSeninaASReamesnveti—stincaenaienianae THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 19 Art. XI. Jeffrey. ONES, SB A F. Horner (his last article). No. XXX, January, 1810. DATE LLE Jeffrey. ius Sydney Smith. Roan Uae Peter Elmsley. yhhavs Jeffrey. ASMA S be Sir W. Drummond. en Webs Brougham and Jeffrey. aE Go, @ Professor John Playfair. BD, Professor Leslie. Say, @ M. Napier. See a Bue Jeffrey. hte ee Vs Jeffrey. No. XAXI, April, 1810. Art. I. Jeffrey. BLAS Jeffrey. Fe a te John Allen. Mite? Brougham. Sih V lake Playfair, Sydney Smith, and Payne Knight. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. IVE: Brougham. R, Jeffrey. XxX. Professor Leslie. No. XXXII, August, 1810. a ie Jeffrey. il. Payne Knight. LYE: Sydney Smith. IV. Brougham. VII. Sydney Smith. Pe Brougham. x. M. Napier. b-GUE Jeffrey. No. XXXIII, November, 1810. ou Jeffrey. Vili. Brougham. LG: Jeffrey. X. Peter Elmsley. No. XXXIV, February, 1811. ie Jeffrey. tt. Jeffrey. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 21 Art: Ve Sere Leb EAS Ls T. R. Malthus. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. No. XXXV, May, 1844. Jeffrey. John Allen. Professor John Playfair. Brougham. Bloomfield. Professor Leslie. Professor John Playfair. Brougham. No. XXXVI, August, 1811. a eek Pane Ls eee V2 oe tae A ATA GO ral: Hn eS Art. I. SU i wean ff ed Bae pe. PAST Jeffrey. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Sir W. Drummond and Brougham. T. R. Malthus. Jeffrey. ea De Brougham. iN Es Jeffrey. » VIII. Professor John Playfair. FOND Os Jeffrey. peso x1. Peter Elmsley. { | | No. XXXIX, July, 1842. Jala deg be jeffrey. Sy vieke Brougham. Pa Be Professor John Playfair. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. XXXWVII, November, 1811. Brougham. Peter Elmsley. Jeffrey. Brougham. John Allen. Brougham. Professor John Playfair. No. XXXVI, February, 1812. Jeffrey. Brougham. steiner <_< ia me 4 i ie. ry x { : : wet i ee *h Se bi THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. rays At. Vile Jeffrey. ey & eats Brougham. Var. S Professor Leslie. nS. Jefirey. Ley GUY Brougham. No. XL, November, 1812. ATES Ts Jeflrey. ner @ Jeffrey. > dds Sydney Smith. eo day a Jeffrey. orl Wig Sir James Mackintosh. ae APTLY Professor John Playfair. J TREES Brougham. Se fet Jeffrey. DAE ND, GG A Sir James Mackintosh. tty ts Jeffrey. eyed Professor John Playfair. nll Fh he Sydney Smith. No. XLI, February, 1843. Oheay LiL ieee Sir James Mackintosh. 94 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. XLII, July, 1813. Art. 1. Jeffrey. Say: EE Jeffrey. Ae WO Professor John Playfair. ey ELE. Sir James Mackintosh. ayvigakte Jeffrey. No. XLIII, October, 1813. Bees LT, Sir James Mackintosh. CORD 48 John Allen. eet hy, te Professor Leslie. Baa John Allen. No. XLIY, January, 1844. ASCE, Jeffrey (but not in his own | | ens FB Sir James Mackintosh. list). | No. XLV, April, 1814. ay ai Jeffrey. pw bs Sydney Smith. 9 LX, Jeffrey. | ES AE ee fae BE a a ne THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 25 No. XLYI, September, 1814. Keke III. Vill. IX. Jeffrey. Professor John Playfair. Thomas Moore. Jeffrey. No. XLVII, November, 1814. Jeffrey. Hazlitt. Thomas Moore. James Cleghorn. Professor Leslie. Jeffrey. Jeffrey. Brougham. Jeffrey. No. XLYIII, February, 1815. obs iY, Jeffrey. Hazlitt. Dr. Murray. Jeffrey. Sir James Mackintosh. | 26 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. XLIX, June, 1845. Art. I. Jeffrey. agitate Hazlitt. PO Professor Leslie. eae Gy Al aN Sir James Mackintosh. San Dr. John Gordon. No. lL, October, 1815. Art. PLL: John Allen. rena Ley Jeffrey. | bars bt BS Sir James Mackintosh. Wa Gs Sir James Mackintosh. Ere 0 Sir James Mackintosh. | : No. Li, February, 1816. Arid, Jeffrey. | Arey BS ay Professor John Playfair. Miia Gh 1c Hazlitt. an a Professor John Playfair. No. LII, dune, 1816. Atl, John Allen. a ee THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 27 Art. V1. Sir James Mackintosh. Pi WR Es Jeffrey. Pca’ Jeffrey. pee Jeffrey (erroneously attri- buted to Hazlitt). No. LIT, September, 1816. 7.44 eee Jeffrey. ee Professor John Playfair. Wat a OO Sir James Mackintosh. Aste I. Jeffrey. eee bee John Allen. Ae Ugo Foscolo. No. LY, March, 1817. Art. i): Dr. Thomas Chalmers. haat Professor John Playfair. eS the John Allen [? Sir James No. LIV, December, 1816. Mackintosh]. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Mp ig Ble Jeffrey. IX. Jeffrey. No. LVI, August, 1817. nie bs Jeffrey. Vit Jeffrey. Wit. Jeffrey. IX. Jeffrey. X. Jeffrey’-(erroneously~attri- buted-te Hazlitt). No. LYII, November, 1817. my Ee Jeffrey. Mi Sir James Mackintosh. X. Sir Samuel Romilly. No. LYIII, February, 1818. ae Dr. Thomas Chalmers. it. Jeffrey. VII. Jeffrey. IX. Ugo Foscolo. be Jeffrey. a), Half by Dr. Chalmers. Base a THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 29 No. LIX, June, 1818. Art. I. Professor Leslie. + UTA J. R. M‘Culloch. sth 6 Professor Wilson. aren s John Allen. AhGes De Sir Walter Scott. No. LX, September, 1818. Art. I. Jeffrey. iets i & Ugo Foscolo. Mea Le, Leonard Horner. VS Chevenix. San AF: Professor John Playfair. Ae AD. @ Jeffrey. STA ee Andrew Rutherford, after- wards Lord Rutherford. No. LXI, December, 1818. Art. I. W. Coulson. nag Wie Sydney Smith. ae Loe Re M‘Culloch. Spe Hazlitt. ‘THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Vv. John Allen. VI. Sydney Smith. Vil. Brougham. WILY, Sir James Mackintosh. By, Morehead. No. LXII, March, 1819. Wad Sydney Smith. NG Jeffrey. VIil. Crawford. Xi Andrew Rutherford. XI, Jeffrey. No. LXIXM, July, 1819. eas Sydney Smith. LE. J. R. MCoteeh: Vhs Jeffrey. VEE; Jeffrey. No. LXIY, October, 1819. anus Jeffrey. 171, Sydney Smith. ae are ne THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 31 Vis Chevenix. VI. Sydney Smith. LAGE D. Constable. XI. Colonel Torrens. XIII. Brougham. No. LXY, January, 1820. hs Jeffrey. Il. J. R. M‘Culloch. lit. Sydney Smith. LV. Leonard Horner. Wi Sydney Smith. VIl. D. Buchannan. VITl. Jeffrey. IX. J. R. M‘Culloch. re Brougham. No. LXVI, May, 1820. sey: Jeffrey. tii. J. R. M‘Culloch. ic Dr. Thos. Chalmers. Me Jeffrey. VIII. Leonard Horner. 32 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. LXVII, August, 1820. Chevenix. J. R..MCulloch; Hazlitt. Jeffrey. Brougham. Jeffrey. Jeffrey. No. LXVIII, November, 1820. Sir Daniel Sandford. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Chevenix. Sir T. N. Talford. Jeffrey. Sir James Mackintosh. No. LXIX, March, 1821. cae Ni, John Allen. Sydney Smith. J. R. M‘Culloch. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. mrt. Vide ? X, Sydney Smith. Chevenix. No. LXX, July, 1821. Jeffrey. Sydney Smith. T. R. Malthus. Colonel Napier. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Brougham. J. R. M‘Culloch. Sir James Mackintosh. No. LXXI, October, 1821. Sir James Mackintosh. Jeffrey. Jeffrey. ra) oO Brougham and Williams. Sydney Smith. John Allen. Sir James Mackintosh. E 3 Art. Se Le eS a a a RTE 2 aN i aT. Na NAL VET: VII. vid oF PLT. VI. VII. VIII. itt, VI. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. LXXII, February, 1822. Sir F. Palgrave. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. J. R. M‘Culloch. Brougham and Williams. J. R. M‘Culloch. No. LXXIII, June, 1822. Sir James Mackintosh. J. R. M‘Culloch. J. R. M‘Culloch. Colonel Napier. Brougham. Jeffrey. No. LXXIV, November, 1822. ee Jeffrey. | Jeffrey. Jeffrey. Sydney Smith. Jeffrey. Sir James Mackintosh. ee Art. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 55 No. LXXY, February, 1823. 1, Andrew Rutherford. If. Jeffrey. V. [Brougham] claimed by Jeffrey. Vil. W. Coulson. xX. J. R. M‘Culloch. XI. Henry Cockburn, §after- wards Lord Cockburn. XII. J. R. M‘Culloch. No. LXXVI, May, 1828. oe Empson. IV. Hazlitt. VIII. Basil Hall. XI. J. R. M‘Culloch. No. LXXYVII, October, 1823. Sh J. R. M‘Culloch. II. Sydney Smith. VI. J. R. M‘Culloch. IX. Jeffrey. =a il Art. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. No. LXXVIII, January, 1824. iT, Sydney Smith. ItT, J. R. M‘Culloch. LV; Jeffrey. Me Henry Cockburn. vile G. Moir. WIIE. J. R. M‘Culloch. ix; Leonard Horner. No. LXXIX, March, 1824. af J. R. M‘Culloch. ie Jeffrey. No. LXXX, July, 1824. ay Jeffrey. ALT: Hazlitt. IV. J. R. M‘Culloch. ve Dr. Thomas Browne. Va, J. R. M‘Culloch. VII. Sydney Smith. VIIl. G. Moir. LX Jeffrey. x Hazlitt. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 37 No. LXXXI, October, 1824. PoLL Jeffrey. Eh. Webi VL loch. MiLiz Sydney Smith. VIII. Hodgskin. No. LAXXH, January, 1825. Ah Jeffrey. II. Jeffrey (but not in his own list). V; J. R. M‘Culloch. Vag J. Williams. WELT: Henry Cockburn. X. J. R. M‘Culloch. No. LXXXIII, April, 1825. wut John Allen. IV. Lmpson. No. UXXXTY, August, 1828. J. R. M‘Culloch. i Ei: T. B. Macaulay (afterwards Lord Macaulay). a pa a ER 38 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Aro Ae Sydney Smith. aU ANA Henry Cockburn. Nea a Be Jeffrey. No. LXXXY, November, 18285. Arty t: Jeffrey (but not in his own list). GL Jeffrey. ert aie J. R. M‘Culloch, | Ryne RAN J. R. M‘Culloch. EA a G. Moir. sy Wek Le Sir Henry Parnell and J. R. M‘Culloch. Petes Viale Ibs Dr. Browne. Aviiis Dei Spring Rice. | No. LXXXYI, February, 1826. parte ts J. R. M‘Culloch. » Il. Sydney Smith. Peas I et Ks T. B. Macaulay. ReNENA YE T J. R. M‘Culloch. ma as CNC be Sydney Smith. Mar Gh Henry Cockburn. ANID SSR Sir Henry Parnell. a ee H : THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 39 No. LXXXYVilI, June, 1826. ArtiiLe Sir James Mackintosh. ae iahtihs Sydney Smith. pit bans J. R. M‘Culloch. Ae John Allen. No. LXXXVIII, September, 1826. Art.I. Jeffrey. “peti J. R. M‘Culloch. peer) Tdi Sir James Mackintosh. LD Vis Brougham. POOL BS « Brougham. “pee Oya Dr. Arnold. Wo. LXXXIX, December, 1826. AKT. De Jeffrey. Wns a J. R. M‘Culloch. ede i Be Sydney Smith. SL vs Dr. Browne. ae WIS J. R. M‘Cullock. No. XC, March, 1827. Art. I. T. B. Macaulay. a a eet a lbh ae a a tte ee cel ae THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. IV. age J. R. M‘Culloch. T. B. Macaulay. Sydney Smith. J. R. M‘Culloch. Dr. Browne. . XCI, June, 1827. J. R. M‘Culloch, Jeffrey. T. B. Macaulay. Henry Cockburn. Thomas Carlyle. No. XCII, October, 1827. Vit. No. XCHI, January, 1828. By ee TV. Brougham. Thomas Carlyle. Thomas Moore. J. Ri. Maoh: Jeftrey. T. B. Macaulay. J. R. M‘Culloch. Sydney Smith. Soe ee ee ag mara a aes aan ae ea a a THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. au Wile Brougham. Wit. ys Crawford. No. XCIY, May, 1828. ae Empson, Tl, J. R. M‘Culloch. V. Jeffrey. Vil. Dr. Connolly. IX. W. Stevenson. No. XCY, September, 1828. 14 bs Jeffrey. ate J. R. M‘Culloch. a0 Jeffrey. iV: T. J. Hogg. ar J. R. M‘Culloch. VI. T. B. Macaulay. VII. Dr. Whateley. No. XCYI, December, 1828. nt Thomas Carlyle. Il. Jeffrey. iil. T. J. Hogg. 41 42 f THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. Arto by; J. R. M‘Culloch. eh Ai we J. R. M‘Culloch, APRN a Empson., | | | No. XCVII, March, 1829. | | ARCS L, J. R. M‘Culloch. ever Ui Brougham. ews Murray. Mine" Brougham. Da A T. B. Macaulay. On p hy ee Empson. No. XCWIII, June, 1829. Hairy ay OR T. B. Macaulay. nee i J. R. M‘Culloch. Sh 0 ARR Uy ee Foe Duis J. R. M‘Culloch. ae J. Ro M'Culloen: pa Wade Thomas Carlyle. any ia Gel es Edwin Atherstone. aie a Empson. emcee ea, SL EN COLE GN A LC A THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. 43 No. XCIX, October, 1829. | | Art. I. Brougham. | Ate Jeffrey. Mtge ey J. R. M‘Culloch. EG Jeffrey. erat Wee T. J. Hogg. setenv is T. B. Macaulay. UPTO eg 8 Hazlitt. gia Wie Daniel Ellis. ate 9B Murray. ie teens Brougham. DT eds Sir William Hamilton. Baik UD Brougham. ane. @ 0 te Hazlitt. Rite Vi. Dr. Thomas Thomson of Glasgow. Paaian Va Brougham, | No. C, January, 1830. Art, 1. Empson. Comet 96 Spring: Rice. ‘Sak df MMs Murray. te ee eS aE 44 THE EDINBURGH REVIEW. ALLY, Tu J. Hoge: ridin Hazlitt. pe Wi J. R. M‘Culloch. AAACN A Io Empson. 29 VELL. Hi R. M‘Culloch. eked 4 Dr. Browne. PUD ah Sir Daniel Sandford. CAD Ge T. B. Macaulay. = = a ne th ee ei Ld Pe ty DX ABERDEEN, Lorpv.—XII. 1, XIV. 9. Briere, SOHN. 1A. 9, 103) XVI AL; 2471 8 Og, el ER DEE, >, Gs 08 Be 2, DORE OND, ©, amr: Sena >, @, Gy eM ee ULL eee Le Bs ea OL Vee cee Get TULA Bs al dpe aed PG, Sie Ute WG Panay Br 139.0, 0.4 9) 0 Rae ARNOLD, Dr.—LXXXIll. 9. ATHERSTONE, Epwin.—XCVIII. 8. BLOOMFIELD.—XXXYV. 6. BROUGHAM, Henry.—lI. 28, 24, 27; PIAA Loh, Odo tLe Bio: 13790; 26 3: bV.6,.8)/125:17;,19 53V:. PaaS VY 612.17, 19 2 Vins) hy 12, 15, 16; IX. 5, 7, 8; XI. 2, 4, 6, 8; iy ee Be lien Alb XP VT! $e | i INDEX. | BrouGHaM, HENRY.— 8,10; XV..15; XViBeee pov 3,53 XIX. 18 5 Ae ae XXII. 1,63 XXII. 4, ee Oa XXIV. 8,11; XXViw XXXI. 5, 8: XXIV OA ee _8; XXXV.5,9; XXXVI.9; XXXVII. 1, B; 8: XXKVELL Oat Be 8,12: XL. 8: XLVIE Oe LXV. 113°) LXV Bee LXXI.6: LXX1 ee LXXV. (11. 52); LX XMM XCIL 1; XCTU. 6s XCIX. 1) 10; 71s BROWN,’ Tuomas. ay ee PLL. teal. BROWNE, Dr.—LXXX. 5; LXXXV.8; LXXXIX. 4; XC; 1250 BUCHANNON, D.-EAYVa CAMPBELL, Tuomas. (230 eg io) XXIII. 4. CARLYLE, Tuomas.—XCI. 7; XCII. 2; ACVIL1s XCVITT ge ELL INDEX. | 49 CHALMERS, Tuomas.—LV.1; LVIII. i ad ui boat A Bae CHEVENIX.—LX.5; LXIII.5; LXVII. Pew VELL 73 LX TX. 10: CLEGHORN, James.—XLVILI. 5. COCKBURN, Henry. — LXXV. 11; LXXVIII.5; LXXXII. 8; LXXXIV. GYR A VI. 8s SCI. 4. COLERIDGE.—XXIV. 5. CONNOLLY, Dr.—XCIV. 7. CONSTABLE, D.—LXIV. 7. COULSON, W.—LXXV. 7. CRAWFORD..LVII. 8; XCIII. 7. DRUMMOND, Sir W._XII. 1; XIII. 5; RMS X XG; XXXVI DUNCAN, Dr.—VII. 9. ELLIS, Daniet.—XCIX. 8. ELLIS, Georce.—VIII. 14; XVI. 1. PVESON DEAS ViE ts BXAXITI.. 43 MEV Huse OVA Hos SGML 9" ROMS Ord) Bis ES ee ea eee a nas ee ee ee ee iaeetnliseinen as ommoeneereian! A ta a cp NT 50° INDEX. ELMSLEY, -Perer: IV 6. ye, XXXIII.10; XXXVII.8; XXXVIII. Us FOSCOLO, Uco.—LIV. 03 EV att 8 Li GOOCH.—_XXIV. 9. GORDON, Dr.—XLIX. 16. HALL, Basit._LXXVI. 8. HALLAM..XE. 17; XIV. 95 OV 6; DOW: oh HAMILTON, Atex._I. 4; H. 4, 18; XVII. 6,14; XVHI. 2; XXIII. 2; XXV.6; XXVE.6, BGs HAMILTON, Sir W._XCIX. 11. HAZLITT. —_ XLVH. 8; XLVIII. 2; XLIX.. 2; LA. &: Gee a 4: LXXVI. 4; ee lon MCEX. 9) de HEDDERWICK._IX. 4; XE. 18. HERBERT, W.—XII. 10; XVII. 18. HODGSKIN.—LXXXI. 8. SS Gielen srt tennessee INDEX. 51 PMG ewe ti A OV IS Ss XCVITI 83 PLES POT tae HORNER, Francis.—lI. 7, 11, 14, 21, 25; PRG eel eb 41, 18 Vi 172 Mie bX. 14) 15> XIITS-75-10,. 18; Renee PCA TX. 18, HORNER, Legonarp. — LXVI.. 8; EXKVILES 40. JEFFREY, Lorp.—I. 1, 8, 18, 19, 22, BG ue yo, 145 Toa 5) 21 93 DW ago, 21: VV. 84,05, 3B) VI, 1: Gebaiy tt. 4, 63 NIL: 25:4.:6).15, 17; Peewee enh, 6125945 18 5 TT 5: beeen ale le XIIT 1612 (XIV. 6. Uae Oe 21,712, 18, 165° XVI. 4, WO me eos Villy 1, 13) 16). 9) 16; PuWcL ube ; XIX 156) 12, 14, 15: WX O74; XX; 8,18, 14; 193 XXII. hsp eo) © UE SS IED SB OOaR hierar sem WO led ON LAs XV Labs Dock LL, LUGE Es), 94 9 ie ho PSY BS Beg asp A pusenyy 45D; 00) At) ee Spy ONL TP KOCK TTT Ty'9s 52 INDEX. XXXIV.1,2, 11; XXNV 1,6,12; XXXVib 4 6, 10; XXXIX; 1) 7 dy ees 10; XLI..1: XLU Tei 12; XLV. 1,9; XUVi2 0 1,8,9;11;. XLV ie U4; Ley Lil, ae ee LIV, 1: EV, Se ee 10; LVIl, 1 Vie i 1,°9; LXIl: 4,47) 3b ee LXIV. 2; BXV.1, 8h 2G: LXVII. 6, S820: bX Ville ta. LXX) 1, 9; {LXKI. Si ae LXXIT. 18: (LXXTV ee LXXVv 2, O23 LXXVIM. 4; LXXPe toe 1,9: LXXXh Ste | | | Jerrrey, Lorp.— LXXXIV! Tp Ee es LXXXVIIL. 1: LXXRIR 2: XCIL. %2 XCIVi Net ay ear ae XCVI. 2: XCIXe2 KNIGHT, Payne: -—— XMVan 10) SNK TT Be ————_—— INDEX. 53 LAING, Matcotn.—XII. 4. LESLIE, Proressor.—X XIX. 9; XXX. AGO 10 YOR VT OK ER, IO ee le AL VT ALEX. 4 Cixi: MAGCHIIDAY «) 1... Bi LX XXLV.: 3: ee Vay oe 4G 6s RCI Ss MC ead SCV.16;)°XCVIL WT: MOREL. ti KCI, 65 C, 11. NMiCUDLOGH,: J. RA-LIX, 25°C X1,'3} ities Sr AVS Oe UR VE, 3: Prev iie Ss TAKIN .6; GX. 11; XX. 68; UXXITIT 8 LXXV. 10/12) LXXVIL1IL; LXXVIT. 1. 6; POO MIN. o,.5) UNA LN hs XX., Gout os EE AXRXIT. 765. 10; Dees Like Lo RLV. 8d TS BORMAN 45) LX VI 8 5 Po MOC V IDL eS VERA 2S Bes RMA XC AeA CUL GX CITT: 8: XCIV.29XCV. 2,5; XCVI. 4, 7; XCVIE 1: XCVITI. 2, 4,55: XCIX. tiny OF oon 2 MACKINTOSH, Sir JAMES. XE) 10K XLI. 8; XLII. 8; Xie, 12; ALVIUI. 14; XUTR ee 10, 12; Lil. 6; Li 6 eae LXI. 8; LXVII. 12) via 12: LXXI.. 1,103) 10.¢ UXXXVII. 13 L XX i M‘KORMICK._XXIV. 18. MALTHUS, Rev. Ts Rae XXVII. 12;. XXXIV) 5 ee 2000 XX Gs MILNER-MIRANDA._XXVI. 2. MOIR, Gro.-LXXVIIL. G2 toa a: TRON Gs MOORE, Tuomas._XLVI.8; XLVII. 4; MC Te 4: MOREHEAD._II. 5: LXI. 10. MUIRHEAD._XIII. 6. MURRAY.—XCVII. 6; XCIX. 9: C3. MURRAY, A._III. 12: VI. 15. MURRAY, Dr.—_XLVIIL 4. 54 INDEX. INDEX. 55 MURRAY, (j)A:—1) "12,15; 17. 7°22; VI. 20.4 MURRAY, Proressor.—X. 2, 17. MUSGRAVE.—XXIV. 6; XXV. 11. NAPIER, Cort.—LXXIII. 6. NAPIER, Macvsy. — X. 4; XII. 14; rei Vs ONL OS AX V. 10% Mow beGe KAN Ld KROEXIT. 10, PALGRAVE, Sir Francis.—LXXII. 1. PARNELL, Sir Henry._LXXXVI. 10; IA. 1. BPEBGCIVAL.._LI1, 3, 18. PLAYFAIR, Proressor Joun.—VI. 18; VY? BE Si Godt 9 Bad ob GV Ds hy AS ONG bd EY, SUA Be 8 Sa eG ae ap, @, a 8 AS RUPE YJ De OSV. 2s AX VAT RXV, PEACE We Ei NS ee LE XXXV.38,8; XXXVII.9; XXXVIII. Ber ele GF lees lob n Lh: Si, ocd LB AYad Gates ga Bal YG Fy Wt i Be a Beg ba TeV 2) TG; 56 INDEX, REECE._III. 15, 16. ROMILLY, Sir SamueL.—LVII. 10. RUTHERFORD, Anprew.—LX. 11; BX 1Og LAA SANDFORD, Sir Daniet.—_LXVIII. 1: C240, SCOTT, Str WALTER._vV 10, 16> -ViE- 16; VII. 10, 17; Xe ie es XII, 9, 153: XID ieee XVI. 12; XVIL. 152 SHILLIMORE.—XIV. 38. SMITH, .Sypney.—I. 2, 6; 6,°9,, 10, 16. 18, 20, 24; Tl. 2) 6) eos ae. sat 2, 4, 6, 14, 17, 22; TV. 2.4) te. 14: VI. 7,9; XVID Te ee XXI.4; XXII. 5; XX Se 2,55 XXXVI. 45 RVI XXVIII. 5,18; XXIX.3; XXX. 8: XXXII. 7; XXXII 9s ea oe AL. 8; XLI.-43 XE ee 6; LXII.2; LXIih 2; i oe LXV. 38,5; LXVUIO2 sie 6 7 Ne ee ee en | ao ae - ee Co pe tap a arpa ige re pn cae ea e ey aa rp eaeere ee eis ORI a eT, Tit ~~] INDEX. 5 SMITH, SYDNEY.— Poon Wap nes Ta Xs 6: 10a: @.0 SEL Ext XV IL. 23 Rey. 9° TEXKX TS LXXXKI. 7; LKXXIV. 4; LXX>% ay Fh Te ESOS VIL: (2's Epouoaix oS XC KCI A: SOCH, J.—VIII. 5. SPRINGIRIGE GX XVi9; Cr 2! STEVENSON, W.-— III. 25; IV. 7; Vet. 22 OSC LV 8. STEWART.—VIII. 10. ETODDART.1T. 11 | TALFORD, Sir T. N.—LXVIII. 10. THOMSON, Joun.—I. 28, 29; I. 19, 20; Pier Vv. tov 1S. THOMSON, Tuomas.—IlII. 27; IV. 20; MeiGesVierl: Vii: THOMSON, Tuomas, or GLascow. — XCIX, 14. | | | | TORRENS, Cot.—LNIV. 11. WALKER, Jos.—XVI. 3. AD TS Grecory.—IV. 95: Viie. *IEBLSH.-XXVI @ WHATELY, Dr.~XCV. 7. ‘ g 58 INDEX. WILBERFORCEA-Ix aia: WILLIAMS, J.—LXXI. 6; LXXII. 7; LXXXM ee WILSON,’ Proressor.—IX, 8. § =~ a aN a — : t ri he pa Feat oa oe UR PRIORY PRESS, MANCHESTER, 1895. he € at wey I os ame a 1h Suni anne a 2 ee é 7 wie) tay 7 I 7 q ) uy Pept ; f wy, ; , pe age Ae ; Z EK oi it \ f 5 r u 4 iy RAS } Aer HI Me Maree oleae Yast a! : M ; i ‘ £9 ¢ 4 amy , Sree y 4 - ; pat. } : J : ‘ 5, Gi: : Bes oh ‘ ; } 3 ig ‘ 3 7 3 f ar, a : W: > ‘ 3 7 ‘ ¥ \ ty 4 t og: 7 y A ei’ * as , A 18m Raeeu eG F . rE SUraacteuny zB + ‘ " z ‘ ¢ <2 ary ee I i * : Fatt aor 19928 eas r 2 . yy } bof : é ; : sate : ; K sm . i 7 im a 4 erpepserpep enter, t 5 z . i iy 3 es u t C08 tenetnn oo Vp A ea SRQEES pert ee Ny . ; 54d i onckeoy reNe90% \ , Sy j ‘ GE SGveuseeeae : ‘ ; 1 t he y ( Sab asoans? d i : stone seng ate deve i Perevemad ores rey vs ei stab gepre eae ses ? i ; Eeieersudvocte RUPP RRES CP UL a eee a Ne PRES N ATA) CRAP RESTA RS TO Te EE Pivtevavini AeA eas EG te Ee COO OOn nr EAU: ot Levi Cakteteacee toe DOPE OEV ORDER Veh aah per i ae enes TO COLOURS on nny hig : BA FAR KapD RMEESSETULUDESLOREDY 090.094 EEE ae a ey / bees hie | Side be ad Lead ea NS t PUUVOUPUREAHOV ANT UREA EN ESOE VED Re CUBANO NOhECLRNA EDMOND REDRYY hoarse uae RE BERG roe CULE OE UE EMESIS NERC RA REO ER AAR ace e LSA PERFEPRTEOKS SSO) /UFUAHERPLAD Dy RRS ROUL EASY OUENEAES HOU EDITS SE SAIE Piaice LC Orr irr) iV oSAReRTs Orr uNs ea ev Ts FEAL EIN D> ViVE DLT ‘ mish tek AOD CUR OU CUT acne. LC CO Oot ie ng att Hatt LDU Ce ey ee VebVesessexiNSD TLD EVI EDE Li} PERORESEN URTV Var ewe TUT cua } OPP aA Vs Be ee Biv PEN aS aloe a INT Ox RE er Me ia Sherer patra Pie EER 2 Hireeirn: LICE ROE Ce gE a Pe ane EER $ HOE ATE AV sans sve vaeekseever hier eure Ph it) : exwieeni iy NGA EN AEG) i OUUUL LCs He OTe na recur cennr rls Viuteae EUAESS OVA Leva TV ETE e aR tee ‘y Wrethy FARIS IA CCE CEN Veo Keandies aus Vegan ARAL UUUOLE RANE 14 were POAT LOOPS CURE ee Tey at ta ivtrgadaeeasaesy TUE UC EE EERE LT |) Kise PeEPERERs ar er exbyety SPOEASAPEV ES eV se NO anYrun@u ni bei ViRRCuNv LDN SE SY THEY Wavy) ct) et Ae teheve, eeubbes LEVON RAE Pe Te ALUEST PUREST DES ea tt , " KEVA DEY Dortcsit ui ¥ipay! Ty TTL APY SOVIETS LOCETE CLL ARYA TO PTLD Bite ike ; nr Aven, lds SOO CunUC enn Re Sr ay it PLN EN Ln rebeornyy bt LA Pe PAC Ong er AA Rr teatee teste vehee a Pe Vegienkeny RUA EDD UA SERSD PDD NY APY ES aD) RMRY oVas Md Whee | Batt ROTH ie PhP E EE Ome D VeMLARERPRORRRF HBR ALIN NS MoaKER UROL RSI eee) gh SURG Le ‘ine WELPLPUEAVOFEXN UI VI RPE SR EADS TERRES DOA) AAC ANA Pane PER Tt UD AUHCLRHSHVAFYVEMIESD AN KAESPSDVAAU HOD EASA PILAR PAE RAEN HEY rey iy Ov LE) PDIP ERPROAOPRESREAD) AVANTE LIO) Av ERS UO DOTA COVER TREE Ty te AUC CEXELPRERUMADVERMYEXELVS) FURNES OVE LT eho eat Pree ean ee eA Ae AAS SAA OLS ; mai PS UATEP AY OATES EASESAEKNISE US) 0 VALTER ERER GTA ORLANDO te UC terive ee COE tase Cree eae PUT ETE LT ASN PM POMUACOU EMP t rare ne WAAR OC Cul he Lag SRPUADPAL SST) PARAS y here AR en rear KeRv OES EPC H OAS hURY Rh eRbeD PPieeervas nen BPP ERED ee NUS VEEP EN EER DEES eT STDS FETE AERA: PALI REVVIAWE SS TT eri rore uae tekesy WALA AW ADEE ULIA TEAS Se TPE RE PA HTS) SATRP REDE LOE OE er eCbt nt cen iots (, 74 yy SPRL pate Cube Re id ehtyptoee i ALOU STUDD GCC a ar eas pura Re | Pe Meek ry Grass SO VAEN Lays Frey eee CAV OOUUOUUCG UDUUUU UCC ones i ¥ Met Sit ca A ts ress BTV RY ODE ERD A LTS HALT EAT TORE DEEPLY AYE ¥ Ly Lit it Peay heii ey ct Pave WED») : f HPO date i ve ‘ 4 1 rede fees aw URrsvenenivee SREP RKEV SOR ERD OV OER AY Det Oy pany One totrk KeeNUCEVeEKi Vibe RE eeNDy Ave yPREy STAT Eek dit re, eR AR ivi DERE Ee, se aero stint at bevuer ASAGSNVT AVS COA NY Leena bey Peedrawenevenveee 2 PRCRORCR TD Vy Fe Ppp eRe ey ene VEMRUENO SIRT Heras raeN Ys va Pay aa Pay PR REE pe as Sela : ¥*e Pye a ay USERRA Er te rp eeeers VEER NEY eR Brat? 1 PAU (PRES Cheap ray 149) AED ¥ : MM rh a 0 TON RERO tye a OCS aE On , PARE CRA CED E PERE ARPAPEDOD ATT Ree Cy y SPEAR REY Ore , ALLAN RA Ealiy , t vase sit TRS a septa ms be Evigraxsis rH i ¥ ie ) Vt ee re ee : PROPER RU EP RTT ATE i Hin au re t? ‘ FSH EERE EAM Pay sienrve ia : Fe rt EU nS TURD ROY kanye ty SRR EEL Teh rt *. ic ’ i OR TCHSH SIT TET Ite nat CU AAR AR LCT) " RAP EvORFTR) Kea ives OU SECR Mey Rus eT he i Fy: a UPD) Ee ONES NTR ¥) REGRESS a eh uh st cee SE et a) 2 eanan Widntohs Lenten ee Le) Sana LA) A ee es eae -URBANA UMENEAAA 87679 2 o < - = ie ie) > = a c wi r= = =) ——————— SSSSsssss— ——— ————————— ——————— ——_—— a —————— ————$— | ——______} 3 0112 0525