SARS GC RAN \\ AK — A RAS \\ NA \<« S Yi s \\ . \ \\\\ AK WY << \\ AS \\ NS \ \ RK _ Wg a AS bt PRP RN ins OD \ \\ LYLE ZA, AS eh. 2 ns ee! ee LEILA ES OOOO. , te Se Sire, A AeA Ae LIBRARY oF University of [llinois. : Books are not to be taken from the Library Room. - Gee Pa BaD Gee Qae Pee Pa Pe Pe Pee Paa Pee ALUGELD HALL STACKS The person charging this materia] is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—O-1096 a " eh _, ‘ Dab re “ Wi fis if i ARY \ =f ff SS cL IN’ A= » “ILLUSTRATED, Wataloguc and e (ist {p ® or ; 35 | HYDRAULIC «+ MACHINERY, WAGON MAKERS’ AND BLACKSMITHS’ TOOLS, BUTCHERS’ TOOLS, ENSILAGE AND FEED CQdTTERKS, ETC. MANUFACTURED BY~» SILVER & DEMING MEG. Co. RES RAN aheak A 7 : SALEM, OHIO, U. S. A., 8 ) Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1888, by WILLIAM L. DEMING, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. ae sh —* “1 6 OFFICE OF THE DEMING COMPANY, Salem, Ohio, September rst, 1897. Since this Catalogue was wssued an important change has taken place in the business of this company. Our facilities have been greatly increased and many improvements have been effected, both in the construction of our Pumps and in the machinery, tools, and appliances for making them. We invite attention to the new Pumps, etc., shown on supplementary pages 1601 to 160 X, and con- fidently believe we have in them the best articles of the kind yet produced. The change in our business referred to, ts best explained by the following copy of a circular letter issued August 15th, 1890: THE SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY will, from and after this date, be known as THE* DEMING sGOMPRAIN N= _ ft will retain the original charter, and occupy the same plant as | heretofore. | The trade of this Company has increased to such an extent as to render expedient a division of the business. A new company, separate and distinct from T; he Deming Company, and known as The Silver Manufacturing Company, has been organized, ~emd adequate works have been erected in thts city, where will be continued the exclusive manufacture and sale of the following lines of goods formerly made by The Silver & Deming Manufacturing Company, viz: Fnsilage and lodder Cutters, Blacksmiths Drills, Carriage Makers and Butchers’ Tools, and Saw Gummers. Orders for the goods above enumerated, should hereafter be addressed lo The Silver Manufacturing Company, Salem, Ohio. The facilities of The Deming Company have by this change been materially increased, ana their entire attention will hereafter be devoted to the manufacture and sale of Pumps and auxtlary lines. All orders for Pumps, Hydraulic Machinery, Well Supplies, Ftc., and all correspondence relating to the settlement of accounts, or matters now pending with The Silver & Deming Manufacturing Company, should be addressed to The Deming Company. THE DEMING COMPANY, WM, L. DEMING, Secretary. Salem, Ohio, August 15th, 189go. TDD a i A, R, SILVER, President. LIB RARY JOHN DEMING, I/ice-President. k WW, F, DEMING, Sec. and Gen. Manager. F a WILLIAM SILIVER, Treasurer. NOR IST E. W, SILVER, Superintendent. = ee ahve he LiBMING MPs: La. ESTABLISHED 1/854, SALEM, Ohio, January 1, 1489, IN PRESENTING this Edition of our GENERAL CATALOGUE, we desire ta call attention to the many valuable additions and improvements recently made to the various and extensive lines of goods manufactured by us, WITH THE AID UF EXPERIENCED MECHANICS and the latest Improved Machinery, and by careful attention to every detail in the manufacture of our goods, we are enabled to produce them in the best possible manner, IN THIS CATALOGUE we have included several new features of convenience for the use of customers in ordering goods, On the following pages will be found an adequate TRKLEGRAPHICL CIPHER COUE; also, RULES and TABLES relating to Hydraulics, which are particularly useful to the Pump Dealer, EVERY COMPLETE ARTICLE MANUFACTURED by us is given a “Cipher” word or name appended to the PRICE LIST, which, in connection with the “CIPHER CODE,” will enable customers to place TELEGRAPHIL URUERS for immediate shipment, with the. use of but few words; thus avoiding the expense of lengthy telegrams, ON THE LAST PAGES of this book we have added a complete list of Regains to all articles of our manufacture; also, an ALPHAHRETICAL CLASSIFIEV INDEX, and an INUEX to the FIGURES used in designating our goods. WE SHALL ALWAYS ENUEAVOR to maintain gur ESTABLISHED REPUTA- TION for fair dealing, and we hope that by promptness in shipments and careful attention to the wants of our customers, tao merit a continuance of the patronage so liberally bestowed upon us in the past, | ery respectfully, SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING CO. NEW YORK, N. Y. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, CHICAGO, ILL. FORT WORTH, TEX. KANSAS CITY,Md, LONQUN, ENGLANU, Agencies and \ Branch Warehouses, / 6 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ‘PELEGRAPH CrP Ete ie Oly For the accommodation of customers, who may wish to order by telegraph, we append the below Cipher Code, the utility of which it is unnecessary for us to enlarge upon; it will often save considerable expense in telegraphic correspondence. Nearly every article of our manufacture, aside from being designated by a Figure and Muméer, is given a Cipher word or name, by which it may be ordered by telegraph. In connection with the Cipher Code, this will be founda ~ great convenience. DIRECTIONS FOR CIPHER CORRESPONDENCE. In writing Cipher telegraphic messages, great care should be exercised. Each Cipher word should begin with a capital letter; all t’s should be crossed, and all i’s dotted, and the greatest precision in penmanship should be main- tained throughout. Where a blank space (. . . ) occurs in a sentence (of the Code), the word to supply the place of the blank space should follow the Cipher word expressing such sentence, and if more than one blank space(. . . ) occurs, the supplying words should follow in their order after the Cipher word. The following is our Cable Address: “SILVER,” Salem, Ohio. Cole EV REVO CASS Oe Saye CONCERNING GOODS IN STOCK. Pabulum —WHave you in stock ? We can ship part of the goods ordered y Pageant —{ PP 8 Packet |_—How soon could you furnish ? at once; balance... . . : Have you in stock, and could you shi . We have none in stock, but could DOV Oe ire it i ; wi is aeete —{ furnish, : We have none in stock, but could furnish in a few days. Pas : Pye ayite —{ We have none of the goods you order Paddling —-How soon could you ship if ordered at once? | Pojy ful — { ‘ in stock. Paddle —We have in stock. See We have no. . . .in stock, but will Padlock —We have in stock, and could ship at once. bagi z ship other goods promptly. Pagan —We have in stock and will ship at once. Palace |—Shall we ship what we have in stock? CONCERNING ORDERS AND SHIPMENTS. Palatial —Can you ship? Pb hades Enter our order for. . . specifications Palatine —When can you ship? aetghte 2 am for which follow by mail. Palaver —Have you shipped? Passivord 3 PQ uot ship our order of . . . until Paleness —When will you ship? further advised by us. Palisade+,—When will you ship our order of . . . . ? | oc ae {i} you can ship at once advise us by Passion Advise us by telegraph when you can telegraph. ship our order. Pope { If you cannot ship within the time men- Passover —WHave you shipped our orderof. . , . .? tioned, advise us by telegraph. Passport — ‘tages soon can you complete our order Parry ee Ship what you have in stock, and let Seed balance follow soon as possible. poy & DEMING Se ood NS COMPANY. 7 Pastured —Ship when you can fill the order eae Pedestal _ {Tor Hess: on order of . . . at 1o per Pathetic + —Ship immediately by freight. cent above value. Pathos |—Ship immediately by express. Pathless _—Ship soon as possible, the cheapest way. Peevish —We will ship. Paternal —Ship by rail. Pegged —We will make a shipment. Pathway —Ship by river. Pegging —We will ship your order. Patriot —Ship by steamer. ye ae { We will complete your order of . . . in Patrol —Ship by sailing vessel. about . Patronage—Ship by fast freight. Pelican —We could probably “Aa , Patron |—Ship by cheapest route. Pelting —We cannot ship fora week or two. Pauline —Ship by quickest route. Penalty —We have shipped your order of . . Pauper —Ship by rail to. - via cheapest toute, po) 57. Your telegram was received after goods Pausing —Ship by rail to. . via quickest route. : had been shipped. P Ship by rail to San Francisco via . Penitent fw ee Sntered your order of |. avement — Wie and will ship soon as possible. Be Ship by rail to . . obtaining lowest Aescad Uh —Please send explicit shipping instructions. avilion through rate. Penning —Rate of freightto Pawned —Ship by steamer via Liverpool. Pap ccose ¢ We cannot obtain al de rate of f freight Pawning —Ship by . . via . : mnt Ot ea Wek ; Peacock —Ship by steamer to Landen Hirece et te ae Ogee Gin One as Peaceful —Ship by steamer to London via Liverpool. ECU y es Be ay Peakish —Ship by steamer to. Gavia Min cowacek Le baie pg rs te ce Our order of . . . not yet received. — PEP TES Tg un ON ASW Cole ecasans —{ Send tracer for shipment at once. Perjure —In about a week. Pebble In shipping give preference over all others _ 1g Ta —The ats of next.week. TOR OFCED OF okra). : | Lerspire —The middle of next week. joe Have you shipped us By: -onour | Persist —The last of next week. order of . . s+ + s+? | Perturo —In about two weeks. We are in much need of . . on order Perusal —In about three weeks. Peccary -| SE if not already shipped, | Pitt 7! Wake tae a k when will you ship? | Pervade n about four weeks. Pedal —What is the lowest rate of freight to. . .? Sor Vomermen eo eet tos Ce Gem Tenens pia Make lowest possible contract of freight Pewter —Your letter was aeoere cd in ime; to destination. Phalanx —Your letter was not received in time. Peddler Insure goods on order of . . . at actual — A eid a —Your telegram was received in ae value. | Pharisee —Your telegram was not received in time, CONCERNING CLASSES OF GOODS. Pianist —Pitcher Spout Pumps. | Piguant —Double-acting Horizontal Force Pumps. Picking —Cistern Pumps. Piracy —Hydraulic Rams. Picnic —Set-length Lift Pumps. Pirate | —Repairs for Pumps. Pifferer —Set-length Force Pumps. Pitiless | —F¥itted with Brass Valve Seats. Pigeon | —Hand and House Force Pumps. Pittance —Fitted with Inside Attachments. Pigment —Deep Well Pump Standards. Placard —Fitted with Metallic Valves. Pigmy | —Wind Mill Pump Standards. Placid —Fitted with Hose Attachments. Pilgrim —Anti-freezing Three-way Wind Mill Pumps. Plague —Fitted for Lead Pipe. Pillage Polished Iron Cylinders, or Working Sec- Planet —Fitted for Iron Pipe. tions. Planish —Fitted for Lead and Iron Pipe. Pillow Brass-lined Iron Cylinders, or Working — P/astey | —Without Brass Soldering Tubes. f Sections, } , | Plate —With Cock on Spout. Pimple —Cast Brass Cylinders, or Working Sections, Plated | —With Double Discharge Air Chamber. Pinching —Brass Tube Cylinders, or Working Sections. | j With . . Feet of Hose and Discharge Pinnacle —Rotary Force Pumps. sen = Nozzle. 8 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Platen Platonic Platoon Platter Plaudit Plausible — *§ “ 3 «“ “ Pledge Pledging Plenteous Plentiful Pleonasm Pliable Plhiant Plodder Plotting Plover Plowing Plowboy Plowman Plucked Plucky Plucking Plumage Plumed Plunging Plural Pluralize Plurality Polishing Polar Polite Politics Political Pollard Pollen Pollution Polyglot Pompous Pomposity — Ponderous — Pontard Pontiff Pontoon —Fitted for 1 inch Suction Pipe. a fa 73 66 1% * e “ce 2 ce ce 6é 2% “c “é — Plausive -—Fitted for 1 inch Discharge Pipe. th Phastrrar. 5 i Aaa EAR Ook “ 6 Playful — * el ia ce ‘“ Pi Playing — 8 “ 9 “é ‘ ‘“ Pleading (——) 0 hee “ “ Pleader — * Feats “< 6 ‘6 CONCERNING QUOTATIONS AND TERMS. —At what price can you furnish ? furnish ? —Give us your lowest quotation on, . —lIs your offer of . . still good ? —Will you hold the quotation open? —How long will you hold the quotation open ? f§ Will you give us the option of aoe es. your offer on or before. ; How soon and at what price can you | —{ We quote you, expecting immediate Ee | by telegraph . : We quote you, expecting sininehiate ty a by mail. —In answer to your telegram, we quote. —We quote on your specifications . : We quote you for immediate acceptance, as follows: — 5 percent discount from list. eee 7% “cc ‘cc ‘“ “6 “ce au 10o ““ 66 66 ‘“ 66 ete 12% (73 6“ ‘“c “ ““ Sols 15 “ &¢ 6“ ‘“ 66 ree 20 66 7; 66 6s 66 ee 25 66 ‘6 6“ ‘“ 66 — /20.and., To sate a) FS i s £752 30 6é “c ““ 6 ‘é ee 25 and Io 66 ‘6 “ec “6 ““ mee 33% 66 6c 66 73 (73 as 35 ‘ «6 ‘6 “<“ “c wee. 35 and 5 “6 ‘“ ““ 73 ““ = 40 ““ “6 “ec “ 3 54 40 and 5 (73 “é ‘é ‘6 66 ie 45 66 66 66 ‘6 66 =<) 40 and 1G, 55) L ae cs =— 50 “6 ‘6 66 ““c 73 a, 50 and 5 ‘< ‘6 éc 7 “6 55 “ce ee “e “ce “c“ 55 and 5 6“ ‘sé 6c “ ‘ss 55 and Io ‘“c ““ ‘““ 66 “é aie 60 (73 “6 66 “é ‘““ 60and 5 « « 62% 73 ‘cc (73 ‘é 6 Popcorn -—- 60and 7% per cent discount from list. Popular — 6o0andi1o “ ¢ « ‘. ‘< | Populate — G5 ee Heer Tae ‘“ ‘ ‘ Porcupine —60,loand 5 ‘“ 6 Porosity — 6624 « “ “ “s ‘“ Porpoise — O65and 5 “ & ‘ “ & Portico —60,loandIo “ « “ ‘“ “ Portrait — 67% “ “ &< ‘s ‘“ | Possessor — 65and 7%“ « “s “ é“ | Posterior — 65andio “ « “ & ‘“ Potash oa gee Od “ “ & “ | Pounding — 7oand 5 “ « “e “ “ Poverty — yoand 7%“ *& és ‘“ “ Powder — 7Orand 1G) wer’ “ “< ‘ ‘“ Powerful — oandi2y¥ « “ “6 “ “ Powerless — 7oand1I5 “ “ “ “ Practice — ‘pee as rT “ “ if reiie:” —— 7 band 35° 5 trea ‘ “ “ Prayer — 75andio “« ¢« “ és “ _ Praying —We accept your order at prices named. | Preached —{we Prefixed —Terms: cannot accept your order at prices named. Preacher —This quotation is for immediate acceptance. _ Preaching —We cannot hold this quotation open. All open quotations on Pumps are with- | Predicate — | drawn. We cannot sell the goods at that price | Predict — now; our quotation was for imme- diate acceptance. Predicted —Terms: Cash with the order. Preface —Terms: Cash on receipt of invoice. Prefatory —Terms: Cash on receipt of goods. Prefix —Terms: Sight draft with bill lading. 30 days, net. Prejudice —Terms: 60 days, net. Cte Pe Terms: 30 days, less one per cent dis- | count for cash in 10 days. Premium —£ terms: 60 days, less two per cent dis- count for cash in Io days. Preside —¥F. O. B. Cars. Pretend —Freight allowance, . . . cents per 100 lbs. rine te ee us by telegraph, at our expense, standing and credit of . et: SILVER & DEMING >Viaihs Clase belie COMPANY, 9 —$—$$ 4 Information Concerning Pumps. For the benefit of those interested we offer below a few suggestions and Rules, applicable to Pumps, concerning Capacity, Speed and Power required in operating, etc., etc. Theoretically, water can be raised vertically by suction, about 33 feet; but since it is impossible to obtain a perfect vacuum, 25 to 28 feet is about as great a vertical distance as we would recommend a Pump (the Cylinder or Working Barrel), to be placed above the water, to insure its successful operation. The Necessary Parts of a Pump are: the Cylinder, the Plunger (and its valve), the Check Valve (lower valve of Cylinder), the Suction Pipe, and the Piston or Connecting Rod. In order that the Pump work properly, all these parts should be in perfect condition; the Cylinder should be true, the Plunger should fit the Cylinder accurately, and both the Plunger Valve and Check Valve (lower valve of Cylinder) should seat Square and tight. Every part of the Cylinder should be air-tight, particularly all parts below the Plunger. For ready reference we give, on page 11, a Table of Diameters of Pump Cylinders, showing capacity per stroke in gallons, with different lengths of stroke; also, a Table giving the Diameters (identical with diameter of Cylinder), and Areas of Circles up to 24 inches. Also on page 10 some very useful formulas for obtaining Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, etc. On pages 12 and 13 are arranged complete tables showing the Power required in pumping to various elevations, and amount of water discharged per minute. CAPACITY ._1. compute the capacity of any Single-acting Pump apply the following Rule :—Square the diameter (in inches) of the Cylinder, multiply this by .7854, and the result (which is the area of the circle of Cylinder) by the length of stroke in inches. This gives the capacity in cubic inches per stroke (or revolution). Multiply this by the number of strokes per minute, and divide the product by 231 (the number of cubic inches in a gallon of water), and the result will be the capacity or amount of water the Pump will discharge per minute. A Double-acting Pump does duty at the forward and backward motion of the Piston-rod, and has double the capacity of a Single-acting Pump. POWER. —To compute the Power required to raise a given amount of water per minute, to a certain height, apply the following Rule :—Multiply the number of gallons the Pump discharges per minute, by 8.355 (the weight in aodnds of one gallon of water), and the product by the total number of feet the water is to be elevated above the supply. The result is the power required, in foot-pounds; divide this by 33,000 (the number of foot- pounds of one horse-power) and you have the Horse-power necessary to do the work. About 20 per cent must be added to this to compensate for friction, slip of valves, etc. The power of five men, is equivalent to one horse-power. Steam Engines, with the usual rated horse-power, will do more than that number of horses. SPEED._1o compute the the number of strokes per minute, necessary to discharge a given quantity of water (the diameter of Cylinder, and length of stroke being known), apply the following Rule :—Divide the amount of water to be discharged (in gallons) per minute, by the capacity (in gallons) per stroke (see table on page 11 or rule for capacity above), and you have the number of strokes per minute, necessary to do the work. It may be well to note that the piston of a Power Pump should travel at a speed not greater than 100 feet per minute. Remember that a Double- acting eras would run at half the speed of a Single-acting Pump to do the same amount of work. SPEED OF PULLEYS._in calculating either the speed or capacity of a Power Pump operated by Pulleys, the diameter and speed of either the Driving or the Driven Pulley must be known; and either the diameter or the speed of the other Pulley must be known, when the required diameter, or the required speed (as the case may be), can readily be determined by the following Rules: First.—The diameter and speed (revolutions per minute) of the Driven Pulley, also the speed of the Driving Pulley being known, required the diameter of the Driving Pulley:—Multiply the revolutions of the Driven Pulley by its diameter and divide the product by the revolutions of the Driving Pulley, and the quotient is the required diameter of the Driving Pulley. SECOND.—The diameter and speed of the Driving Pulley, also the speed of the Driven Pulley being known, required the diameter of the Driven Pulley :—-Multiply the revolutions of the Driving Pulley by its diameter, and divide the product by the revolutions of the Driven Pulley, and the quotient is the required diameter of the Driven Pulley. IN ANY CASE, the diameter of the Driving Pulley multiplied by its revolutions equals the diam- eter of the Driven Pulley multiplied by its revolutions; and thus any three of the quantities being known the other may readily be determined. In other words; using Profortion or the ‘*‘ RULE OF THREE:” The speed of the Driving Pulley is to the diameter of the Driven Pulley, as the speed of the Driven Pulley is to the diameter of the Driving Pulley. THE POWER TRANSMITTED from one Pulley to another is in inverse ratio to the change of SPEED, #.c., if the SPEED is decreased the POWER is increased in the same ratio, and vice versa. The same-rule applies to GEARING. This is theoretical, since friction causes a loss in the power transmitted. IO’ SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Figures and Formulas. The areas of circles are to each other as the squares of their respective diameters. In other words, doub- ling the Diameter of a Pipe or Cylinder increases its capacity (area of circle) four times. Every foot of height in a column of water represents .434 pounds pressure to the square inch ; in common prac- tice however, it is estimated that every foot in height represents one half pound pressure to the square inch. A cubic inch of water weighs .03617 lbs. A cubic foot of water weighs 62.46 lbs. A gallon of water weighs 8.355 lbs. A gallon of water contains 231 cubic inches. A cubic foot of water contains 1728 cubic inches. A cubic foot of water contains 7: od ice Sire VALUABLE FORMULAS. —From the foregoing rules and equivalents, may be deduced the following Concise Formulas for computing the Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps. Let D = Diameter of Pump Cylinder in inches. S = Length of stroke in inches. N = Number of strokes per minute. Q = Quantity of water raised per minute in gallons. H = Height in feet, water is elevated from surface; or height of a column of water. Then D? x.7854 = The area of a circle (of Cylinder) of a given diameter. D2 SxX.7854 —= Capacity of Pump per stroke in cubic inches. 2 nt = Capacity of Pump per stroke in gallons. 2 a Capacity of Pump per stroke in cubic feet. I 2 Sx. 8.3 5 aes es BE) Capacity of Pump per stroke in pounds of water. D? Sx.7854 N = Capacity of Pump per minute in cubic inches. D2 Sx.7854 N : : , am eed tL Capacity of Pump per minute in gallons (=Q). 3 2 m a yy = Capacity of Pump per minute in cubic feet. SELSC 8,3 ¢ : 5 he: eae i Horse Power required to elevate a given quantity of water per minute to a certain height. o> HX .434 = Pounds pressure (per square inch) of a column of water. Pounds pressure at a point in a Pipe or Cylinder, “‘H” being the vertical dis- D? x .7854X(HX.434) = tance (in feet) to surface of water from said point, and D the Diameter of HT Cylinder or Pipe (in inches) at said point. D? § . aca aed Q _. __ § Number of strokes per minute necessary to raise a given quantity asthe Lor wee: S4.00947 5-45 of water in gallons. 231 Table BROMO Water and Coal Required for Steam Power. Bue gl | Water ; *Coal } iba | Water lee ae i | ; *ComBUSTION « OF ‘Coat IN Borer Furnaces. | per hour, perhour. || per hour. perhour. | - DOind Berton Bese Gallons. Pounds. | et Gallons. Pounds. | Kind of Boiler. (per 2a" at of en Sa 20 20 | 60 220 240 Cornish Boilers, lowest rate 4 = | 38 94 Ae sh es | Cornish Boilers, usual rate, =————10 : ZO! 72 80 ‘| 100 | 405 400 Factory Boilers, usual rate 1oto 18 74 i I ses RAN ‘; a re ee | Bae | fee fe ed | Marine Boilers, usual rate 14 to 26 40 | 145 | 160 | 200 725 800 | Locomotive Boilers SO 1802 554. 1200 || 250 |, 900. 1000 |(with Blast Pipe), usual rate 60 to 130 *Note that it cake 2 ¥ pounds of wood to aa the Resting capacity of one Said Bs eae coal. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TABLE SHOWING AMOUNT OF WATER Discharged per Stroke by a Single-Acting Pump, THE DIAMETER OF CYLINDER AND LENGTH OF STROKE BEING KNOWN, THERE IS ALSO APPENDED A Lable of Diameters and Areas ‘of Circles; THE DIAMETERS OF CIRCLES AND CYLINDERS BEING IDENTICAL. | DIAMETERS AND LENGTH OF STROKE IN INCHES, WITH CAPACITY 9 cnciss, PER STROKE IN GALLONS. Diameter of Pump Cylinder in inches Diameter of Circle | (Pump Cylinder) __ inches. Area of Circle | (Pump Cylinder) square inches. 734 | HY NYPD Sole yee 7 8 IO INCHES, | .0068 nan .0136| .0170| .0204| .0238| .0272) .0340| .o: Gallons. || 0106 | .0159| .0212| .0266] .0319 10972)" OAZ5.) 0531 Lig .O153 | .0229} .0306| .0382} .0459| .0535| .0612| .0765 .0208 | .0312| .0416| .0521| .0625 .Q729| .0833) .1041 .0272| .0408| .0544| .0680| .0816 .0952| .1088| .1360 544 be OS TO 1.0058, 6 0600). T0339) .1205|) 1977) 172i 0425 | .0637]| .0850| .1062| .1275 .1487| .1700| .2125 LOST AME O771 (223025 | 7.1255), .1543 s1800)" (20571 4.2571 .0612| .0918| .1224| .1530| .1836| .2142| .2448] .3060 .O719 |..1078| .1438) .1795|) .2156] . .2515| ~.2875|. .3504 .0833 | .1249| .1666| .2082) .2499| .29015]} .3332| .4165 COST Lr ldas PC EOIA 2303). 207.1 -3350| .3828] .4785 pIOGo kOe fo 2E7O 1 i227 20)... 2204 b” ©. 3808) 43521) 1.5440 L377 Ve 2O005 | 27544 5442|" 4031 4819) .5508| .6885 .1700 | .2550| .3400| .4250| .5100; .5950| .6800| .8500 .2057| .3085| .4114| .5142| .6171| .7199| .8228) 1.0285 .2448 | .3672| .4896| .6120) .7344 8568} .9792| 1.2240 -3332| .4998| .6664| .8330| .9996| 1.1662] 1.3328] 1.6660 .4352| .6528| .8704 | 1.0880] 1.3056| 1.5232] 1.7408] 2.1760 .5508 | .8262 |1.1016 | 1.3770] 1.6524] 1.9278] 2.2032] 2.7540 .6800 |1.0200 |1.3600 | 1.7000] 2.0400| 2.3800] 2.7200] 3.4000 .9792 |1.4688 |1.9584 | 2.4480] 2.9376) 3.4272| 3.9168) 4.8960 1.5300 |2.2950 |3.0600 | 3.8250} 4.5960 5.3550} 6.1200) 7.6500 2.2032 |3.3048 |4.4064 | 5.5080] 6.6096 7.7112| 8.8128)11.0160 |13.2192 2.7200 |4.0800 |5.4400 6.8000} 8.1600 9.5200) 10.8800 13.6000 | 16.3200 3-9168 |5.8752 |7.8336 | 9.7920|/11.7504 | 13.7088] 15.6672 19.5840 123.5008 RMN me Ne nS Ra! Xd WAN IN nh Ft ROX ROK AN iN I I I I 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 — = Se I 5 = 4 s ae — > ; - COUN OW ON DAUIMNP PWWWWNNDND Se iS) oO |S | > The capacities in gallons given in the foregoing table, are fora Single-acting Pump, making one complete stroke (or revolution). The capacity of a Double-acting Pump is double that of a Single-acting Pump, with the same diameter of Cylinder and length of stroke. TO OBTAIN THE CAPACITY of a Pump with diameter of Cylinder given in the table, but with a longer stroke than 12 inches (the longest stroke given in table), add or multiply the capacity to represent the required length of stroke. For instance: The capacity of a Cylinder with an 18 inch stroke would be the same as that (having the same diameter) of a 12 inch stroke Cylinder, added to the capacity of a 6 inch stroke Cylinder; or the same result may be obtained by multiplying the capacity of a Cylinder with 6 inch stroke by 3. To obtain the amount of water dis- charged per minute, multiply the capacity per stroke by the number of strokes per minute. Rules and Formulas for computing problems in Hydraulies will be found on pages 9 and Io, Te SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TABLE SHOWING AMOUNT OF WATER Discharged per Minute at Different Elevations, AND POWER REQUIRED TO OPERATE THE PUMP. (1-8 to 8 Horse Power. ) Power required for pumping, and gallons of water raised per minute. hes talatab tae bos 4% HP.) rH P, | 2H. P. } 3 HP. 4H. F. SHLP: 16 HsPo) oH: Pee ops v ¢| e | . | Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. | Gallons, Gallons. | Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. Gallons, Gallons. | Gallons. | Gallons. 1/312.50 | 625 ‘1250 1875 2500 5000 17500 10000 ae Bees 17500 20000 2/156.25 | 312.50 | 625 | 987.5 |1250 |2500 13750 | 5000 | 6250 _ 1/7500 8750 ‘10000 3/104.16 | 208.33 | 416.66 | 625 | 833.33 | 1666.66 |2500 mea 2 4166.66 5000 = | 5833.33 6666.66 4| 78.125} 156.25 | 312.5 | 468.75 | 625 1250 11875 2500 13125 13750 4375 5000 5| 62.5 125 Atom, (ach i- | 500 |1000 |1500 |2000 (2500 (3000 {3500 |4000 6 52.166 104.166 208.33 | 312.5 | 416.66 | 833.33 |1250 | 1666.66 2083.33 2500 2916.66 |3333-33 7| 44.66 | 89.28 | 178.50 | 267.8 | 357.1 714.2 |1071.428|1428.57 |1785.714/2142.857|2500 |28%7.143 8 39.06 78.125| 156.25 | 234.375| 312.5 | 625 O23 755 sai 2eO 1562.5 |1875 2187.5 |2500 Q| 34.625} 60.44 | 138.875) 208.33 | 277-75 | 555.5 | 833.33 |III.II 1388.38 1606.66 1944.44 |2222.72 10}.,31,.25 | 62.50. | "125 19725) 1.250 (US 50G. Ui oh O re OOO. MONT 250 mr mmL Loa 1750 2000 ES) 20,7 51041 66 | Baio an zs | 166.66 | 333.33 | 500 | 666.666; 833.33 |1000 we 666) 1333.33 20015-6261) 329.25 62.5 03°75 Les 250 375 _ 500 | 625 | 750 875 1000 25] 12.5 25 50 75 100 200 300 +~=+| 400 500 ~——- 600 | 700 ~| 800 30} 10.375, 20.8 41.66 | 62.5 | 83.33 | 166.656) 250 | 333-33 | 416.666) 500 | 583-33 | 666.666 35| 8.875) 17.8 35-7 | 53-5 | 71-4 | 142.8 | 214.25 | 285.714] 357.143) 428.57 | 500 | 571.43 AV 77.75 15/0251) 31.25 1 3940,075) Oe. Saks SIS7.5uLie25O) Jigs t2. om | 375 | 437-5. | 500 AS NGO.S75 ULSI S75) Or Re VC AT00. 15 G;5 111.11 | 166.666) 222.22 | 277.77 | | 333-33 | 444.44 ROL Les 12.5 25 ayes 50 100 150 200 Fe 1° 250 hoa) 300 2 ale 2h OF oe we S51 ih O2Sh 2533 22.7 34.166 45.4 gI 136,33] 181.8! |°227.273).272.730)- 310.10 42903.04 60} 5.125| 10.4 20.83 ||) (31,250 Al .OOsy Meo. s ener oe 166.666, 208.33 | 250 =|: 291.666) 333.33 we re CO oe) of) | 65 4.75 9.6 19.23 | 28.8 | 38.5 | 76.875] 115.33 | 153-846] 192.308] 230.77 | 269.08 307.7 TOU ASF Cae .G 17.8 20.75 1. 2250 71.428) 107.125| 142.857| 178.57 | 214. 285, 250 Tanah aeg Voir t 25M o.4 2 16.66 | 25 33 33 | 66.666) 100 133-33 | 166.666) 200 | 233.33 | 266.666 80} 3.875 7.8 15.625, 23.4 31.25 62:5 Pa 203,75) Wei25 | 156.25 | 187.5 | 218.75 | 250 4 ee 7-33 | T47 ) fy22.. | 264s | SSB ey ee8ras 4195 7.645) 0144.06 1170.4 2Os CoM neta 90| 3.375 6.9 13.875} 20.8 | '29:75 |" 55 $65) 083.33 | FEI.LT) | 138,86 4.100.000) 104cA4 9 uooee 5) 3 3235 6.5 13.166) 19.6 26.33 52.625, 78.9 105.263, 131.579 157.89 | 184.44 | 210.53 100} 3.135 6.25 125 18.75 25 50 75 LOG E25 150 Let _ 200 150; 2.08 4.16 8.33 12.5 16.666 33.33 50 66.666, 83.33 | 100 | 116.666) 133.33 200} 1.5 3-125 6.25 9.375 12.5 25 | 37-5 50 pg 00,5 aclnae 75 87.5 100 250) 1.25 a5 5 Weave LO | Wee ea 40-0) sO LOO. ice 70a Mie 300! 1.04 2.083} 4.166} 6.25 8.33.1 e160 _000lme25 33.3%.) 41-00) a) GO 58.33 | 66.666 350} 0.875) 1.75 3-5 5-3 7 | 14.25 | 21.428) 28.57 | 35.714, 42-86] 50 57-143 400} 0.75 1 Sit 25 4.6 6.25 125 1.75 25 | 31-25 | 37-5 43-75 50 450 0.666 1.33 a7 4.1 Le eels pire hj HA 16.606) «22:22 |) G27577 5133593 bigs oo aaa Ad 500 0,625 1.25 BLE rine ff et | OL LG 2) ie Monee |. 30 35 40 600 0.5 1.04 2.083)... 3.125) °° 4.166). "Sega e st 255 5 1S TO .OGb|0 20s tales | eee tater ates 7Oo| 0.428; 0.875) 1.75 2.6 aan 7.142| 10.7 14:286) 17-857) 82149 ee een eae 7 BOOK 0.9751: a 0-75 an mie 223 6 25 0:375| >. 12.5 Lh O25 io 7 5oleegt.o75 a 26 900! 0.333 O.06" 9) Fret 233 2 | 2.666 RS eo. saa CP Tet ys 13.88 16.666 19.44 | 22.22 1000 0.3 0.625) 1.25 1.875) 2 42.8 aN OR CMEIBEL tte be tr uve ae Foo The above table may be used to advantage where the Horse Power is given, and it is required to know the amount of water per minute the Pump will force to a certain height; also where the height the water is to be raised and the amount of water needed per minute, are known, the required Horse Power may be ascer- tained approximately by referring to the elevation (as given in table), and then to the number of gallons nearest the number required, and the Horse Power at the top of the column containing this number, will be the approximate Horse Power required to pump the water. The power required for pumping water, may be ascertained by application of the Rules for Capacity and Power,onpage 9. Valuable information and formulas for computing problems in Hydraulics, will be found on page Io. Elevation | Gallons. 1 22500 2 11250 ai720° 4 5625 5/4500 6 3750 7 3214.29 8 2812.5 g 2500 10 2250 15 1500 20 1125 25 900 400 450 500 600 700 800 goo! 1000. Tol. Gallons. 1666.666 1250 1000 833.33. 714.29 625 555-55 500 | 454.455) 416.666 384 62 357-143 se ee) 312.5 294 12 27777 263 16 250 166 666 125 100 83.33 71.43 62.5 55-55 50 41 666 35-71 | 31.25 27-77 | 25 | SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TABLE SHOWING AMOUNT OF WATER Discharged per Minute at Different Elevations, AND POWER REQUIRED TO OPERATE THE PUMP. (9g to 20 Horse Power.) rT Et. P: Gallons, 27500 13750 9166.66 6875 5500 4583.33 3928.57 3437-5 3955-55 2750 1833.33 1375 II0o 916.666 vk | 687.5 611.11 550 500 458.33 423.08 392.86 366.666 343-75 323-53 395-55 290.53 275 183.33 137-5 110 91.666 78.57 68.75 Grol 55 45.83 39.285 34-375 39.55 _ 27-5 for pumping, and gallons of water raised per minute. 12H. Po Gallons. 30000 15000 10000 7500 6000 5000 4285.71 3750 iRise be fs) 3000 2000 1500 1200 1000 857-143 Wir 4; tiaeee 15 H. P. FO) Penk. ye BO ie fe tcl lag ee Tor EE. 20 H. P. do ar) SS" = Gallons. Gallons. Gallons. | Gallons. | Gallons, Gallons. Gallons. | Gallons. 32500 35000 37500 16250 17500. 18750 1083 3.33 11666.66 12500 7000 8750 9375 6500 7000 7500 5416.66 5833.33 6250 4642.86 5000 5357.143) 4062.5 4375 4687.5 3611.11 3888.88 4166.666 3250 SCRE 15° 2166.66 2333.33'2500 1675 1750 = 1875 1300 1400 1500 | 1083.33 1166.66 1250 928.28 1000 1071.43 812.5 875 = 937.5 722.22, 777.77 833-33 650 700 750 590.91 636.36 681.82 | 541.66 583.33 625 500 538.46 576.92 464.28 500 535-71 433-33, 466.66 500 406.25 437.5 468.75 382.35| 411.76) 441.18 361.11 388.88 416.666 342.1 368.42 394.74 325 350 375 216.66} 233.33} 250 162.5 175 187.5 130 140 150 108.33, 116.66; 125 ' 92.86 100 107.143 81.25 87.5. 93-75 72.22, 77.77 83.33 65 70 75 54.16 Rang3\) O25 46.43, 50 53-57 40.62) 43.75 46.875 36.11; 38.88) 41.666 32.5 35 37:5 40000 42500 45000 20000 21250 22500 13333-33 14166.66 15000 I0000 )=—s:« 10625 ~— 11250 8000 8500 9000 6666.66 7083.33 7500 5714.28 6071.43 6428.57 HOO 5312.5 5625 4444.44 4722.22 5000 4000 4250 4500 2666.66) 2833.33 3000 2000 2125 |2250 1600 1700 1800 1333-33, 1416.66|1500 1142.86 1214.28)1285.71 1000 1062.5 1125 888.88 944.44 1000 800 850 goo 727 2704 772/73) OLS,18 666.66 708.33 750 615.38, 653.85 692.31 571.43, 607.14) 642.86 533-33| 56666) 600 500 31.25) 502.5 479.59| 500 529.41 444.44, 472.22, 500 421.05 447.36 473.68 400 425 450 266.66} 283.33) 300 200 2125 gh 160 170 180 133.33| 141.66) 150 114 28} 121.43) 128.57 100 106.25} 112.5 88.88 94.44 100 80 85 go 66.66 70.83) 75 57.14 60.71 64.285 50 §3-12|. 5625 44.44. 47.22 50 40 42.5 45 47500 23750 15833.33 11875 9500 7916.66 6785.71 5937°5 5277-77 4750 3166.66 2375 1900 1583.33 1357-14 1187 5 1055-55 950 863.64 791.66 Laois 678.57 633-33 593-75 558.82 527-77 500 475 316.66 237-5 190 158.33 Basrat 118.75 105.55 95 79 16 67.86 59 37 52.77 47-5 50000 25000 16666.66 12500 10000 8333.33 7142.86 6250 5555-55 | 5000 3333-33 2500 2000 1666.66 1428.57 1250 EL ET 1000 909.9 833.33 769.23 714.28 666.66 625 588.23 555-55 526 31 500 333-33 250 200 166.66 The above table may be used to advantage where the Horse Power is given, and it is required to know the amount of water per minute the Pump will force to a certain height ; also where the height the water is to be raised and the amount of water needed per minute, are known, the required Horse Power may be ascertained approximately by referring to the elevation (as given in table), and then to the number of gallons nearest the number required, and the Horse Power at the top of the column containing this number, will be the approximate Horse Power required to pump the water. The power required for pumping water may be ascertained by application of the Rules for Capacity and Power on pageg. Valuable information and formulas for computing problems in Hydraulics, will be found on page Io. 14 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. General Classification of Pumps. Our line of Iron and Brass Pumps comprises all the leading styles of Hand and Power Lift and Force Pumps, both Single and Double-acting, also Rotary Pumps for various purposes, and all styles of Cylinders or Working Barrels. We manufacture the most extensive line of Wind Mill Pumps and Cylinders in the United States, and our reputation for quality in all classes of goods made by us, is second to none. Every complete article of our manufacture is designated by a Figure and Number or size, and in ordering, it is only necessary to mention the Figure and Number or size. Below we give a general classification of Pumps, with the purposes for which they are adapted, and the Figyres by which they are known. The page containing description and list may be found by reference to the Index to Figures or to the Alphabetical Classified Index, which are given on the last pages of this catalogue. CISTERN PUMPS ARE that class of Lift Pumps adapted for Cisterns or Shallow Wells ; but most commonly used in houses for pumping cistern water. This class of Pumps includes what are usually termed Pitcher Spout Pumps, as well as the regular styles of Cistern Pumps. The Cylinder is in the stock of Pump, and, therefore, these Pumps will not give satisfactory results located more than about 25 feet above the water. They are designated as *Figs. 118, 11g, 120, 121, 122, 123 Cistern Pumps; and *Figs. 125, 126, and 129 Pitcher Spout Pumps. HOUSE FORCE PUMPS ARE generally used in houses for supplying a tank with cistern water for use in the bath room. Under this head may also be included the Pumps usually called Hand Force Pumps (as well as those termed ‘‘ House Force Pumps” in the catalogue), and a few other Pumps adapted for the purpose men- tioned. These Pumps are much used on plumbing jobs—they should be located within 25 feet of the water, vertically. The Pumps included in this class are designated as *Figs. 430, 431, 502, 503, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 530, 531, 534, and 535 Hand Force Pumps; and *Figs. 520, 521, 522, 524, 526, 541, 542, 543, 545, 546, 556, 558, 559, and 612 House Force Pumps ; and *Figs. 607 and 608 Horizontal Double-acting Force Pumps. SHALLOW WELL PUMPS ARE usually denoted as Set-length Lift and Force Pumps. We also include Southern Well Pumps, with Cylinder in the stock, in this class. The Cylinder ot Set-length Pumps should not be placed more than 28 feet above the water. The Lift Pumps, in this class, are designated as *Figs. 117, 130, 200, 201, 202, 203, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, and 225; and the Force Pumps, as *Figs. 219, 220, 221, 223, 226, 250, 275, 422, 442, and 450. WELL PUMP STAN DAR DS INCLUDE both Lift and Force Pump Standards for Shallow and Deep Wells. They are adapted for various depths of wells, and are listed without Cylinders or Working Barrels. The Lift Pump Standards are *Figs. 224 and 228 for Shallow Wells, and *Figs. 227, 230, and 232 for Deep Wells. The Force Pump Standards are *Figs. 229 and 239 for Shallow Wells, and *Figs. 231, 233, 584, and 586 for Deep Wells. WIND MILL PUMPS COMPRISE Lift and Force Standards, and Anti-freezing Three-way Pumps, which are all = listed without Cylinder, and have Wind-mill Top with handle or lever for hand use. The Wind Mill Lift Pump Standards and Working Heads are *Figs. 397, 399, 400, 401, 403, 419, and 426. “The Wind Mill Force Pump Standards and Working Heads are *Figs. 404, 405, 406, 407, 411, 413, 417, 418, 427, 428, 432 and 436. Anti-freezing Three-way Force Pumps are *Figs. 410, 415, and 416. Stuffing-box Heads *Figs. 446, 447, 448 and 449; and Syphon Pumps, Figs. 320 and 321, are also included in this class. POWER FORCE PUMPS. IN this class of Force Pumps may be included *Figs. 500, 501, 480, 481, 486, 487, a= 603, 605, 613, and 625, with Pitman or Rod attachment; and * Figs. 543, 583, 585,590 and 604 with Pulleys. They areused in Factories, Creameries, Quarries, Breweries, and for Irrigating, Fire Protection, and for many other purposes. They should be located within about 25 feet of the water. This class also includes Deep Well Working Heads *Figs. 433, 435, 436, and Steam Pump Head *Fig. 438; also *Figs. 584 and 586. They are listed without Cylinder, which can be placed in any part of the Well. DOUBLE-ACTING FORCE PUMPS. SOME Pumps in this class are included in other classes, but as our line of these Pumpsis large, we give them a separate classifi- cation. ‘‘Peerless’’ Double-acting Pumps for Shallow and Deep Wells are *Figs. 250, 251, 450, and 451. Vertical Pumps with Cylinder in stock are *Figs. 480, 481, 486, 487, 541, 542, 543, and Horizontal Pumps are *Figs. 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, and 608; these Pumps should be placed within 25 feet of the water. ROTARY FORCE PUMPS. WE make a complete line of Hand and Power Rotary Pumps. Those for Hand are —— - designated as *Figs. 573, 574, 575, 576, 578, and 579 (for hand or power), and those for Power are *Figs. 577, 594, and 595. These Pumps are positive as Suction and Force Pumps, and throw a constant stream which makes them very desirable for Fire Protection, and for use in Chemical Works and Factories of various kinds, They should not be placed more than 20 to 25 feet above the water. * Description and prices may be found by referring to the Alphabetical Classified Index or the Index to Figures. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 15 MISCELLANEOUS PUMPS. IN addition to the classes of Pumps enumerated above, we manufacture Centrif- ugal Pumps, Air Compression Pumps, Boiler Feed Pumps, Gas Fitters’ and Plumbers’ Test Pumps, Fire Protection and Garden Force Pumps, Ship Deck Pumps, etc prices of which may be found by referring to the Alphabetical Classified Index. CYLINDERS OR WORKING BARRELS. [NVEPENDENT Pump Cylinders for Well and Wind Mill Pump Standards and Working Heads, we make in a great variety of styles and sizes adaptable for all kinds of Wells and for various purposes. Iron Cylinders are *Figs. 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 316; they are also made in Cast Brass. Brass-lined Iron Cylinders are *Figs. 308, 309, and 310. Brass Tube Cylinders are *Figs. 312 and 322. Artesian Well Cylinders, *Figs. 314 and 324; and Deep Well Cylinder, Fig. 315, are also made of Brass. Tubular Well Cylinders are *Figs. 323 and 346. In connection with the description of Cylinders on page 77, we give a table showing the outside diameters of all Cylinders used in Open and Drilled Wells, This will facilitate the choice of Cylinder for Drilled Wells since the sige Pipe or Casing it wiil go in, can be determined at a glance. PRICES of the various auxiliaries and attachments for Pumps, such as Strainers, Check Valves PUMP F , Foot Valves, Float Valves, Goose-necks, Wind Mill Connections, Rod Couplings, Handle. ., description and Balls, etc., may be found by reference to the Alphabetical Classified Index. THE HYDRAULIC RAM ! MAY be used for so many purposes, and will operate under such a variety of conditions, that we refer to the description and price list; also to the Table showing various specifications for locating and operating the Hydraulic Ram, on pages 162 and 163. WELLS OF VARIOUS KINDS. THE many different geological strata under the surface of the ground have made it necessary to reach the water channels by different methods. Where an underground water channel occurs in gravel, say 15 to 25 feet below the surface, with no intervening obstructions, and as layers’ of stone, boulders, etc., the Driven Well may be used; and on account of its cheapness, its use has become quite extensive. With Driven Wells, our Set-length Pumps are generally used in connection witha Drive Well Point on the end of the suction pipe. The Open or Dug Well may be made either where the water channels are shallow or deep; and any style of Pump may be used, depending on the depth of well or distance to the water. See Directions for ordering and Table of Approximate sizes of Cylinders in various Depths of Wells. The Drilled Well is most in vogue where the water channels are very deep or below several strata of hard rock. Usually the well is walled with Iron Pipe or well Casing, down to the rock. Any of our Well or Wind Mill Pump Standards may be used in connection with an independent Cylinder of an outside diameter that will go in the well. This may be determined by reference to the table showing outside diameter of Cylinders given on page 77. Artesian Wells, strictly speaking, are Driven, Drilled, or Tubular Wells, wherefrom the water flows above the surface of the ground; but the Drilled Wells, wherein an abundance of water raises within, say 25 feet of surface, are now also termed Artesian Wells ; and even Deep Wells where the water is lower, but inexhaustible in its supply, are generally termed Artesian Wells. TUBULAR WELLS ARE constructed with Iron Pipe or Casing for the walls of the well, and the Cylinder is either a part PRE OLE ms of the same, or it is set down in the well in a secure position, with a Strainer Well Point below, so that the Bice and Lower Valve can easily be removed for repairs. The ‘‘ Eureka’’ Tubular Well Cylinder is the best thing of the kind ever invented ; it is illustrated and described on pages 86 and 87. IN ORDERING WELL or Wind Mill Pumps fitted up ready ta set in the well, we should know the distance from the surface of the ground (or platform for the Pump) to the bottom of the well, also the average depth of water in the well at different seasons of the year. If it is a Drilled Well, the diameter of Pipe or Casing should be known. Large sizes of Suction and Discharge Pipe are desirable, because the friction of water in the Pipes is reduced. The velocity of a given amount of water discharged through a Pipe of a certain diameter is less than through a smaller Pipe. WHEN NECESSARY FOR a Well Pump Cylinder to be place. above the water (as well as in the case of Pumps 7 Ee with Cylinder in the stock), it is ox 2n desirable to place a Foot Valve or Strainer on the end of the Suction Pipe. The Foot Valve checks the water and prevents its flowing back, so that everything being in work- ing order, the Pump will seldom need priming. The table below may be useful in deciding the size Cylinder to use for Well or Wind Mill Pumps in wells of different depth; also the sizes of Suction and Discharge Pipe for Cylinders of certain diameter. *Description and prices may be found by referring to the Alphabetical Classified Index or the Index to Figures. APPROXIMATE SIZES OF CYLINDERS Prey yveroie tics wor Vein TOUS DE PDE (FOR HAND AND WIND MILL PUMPS.) Diameter of Cylinder in Inches (this size or fess) .... + Mae ge te 4 3% 3 24 2X & Diameter of Suction and Discharge Pipe (this size or greater). . . . | 2 1% 1 1 1 Il Depth of Well in feet (this depth or Zess) . AY eG ae ee eG 50 75 100 150 | 200 Sy. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Revolving Top Cistern Pump. EASTERN STYLE. WITH BOLTED BASE, BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER. FIG. 120. oy The above cut represents Fig. 120, a Cistern Pump with Bolted Base, Bored and Polished Cylinder. The Fulcrum or Bearer (top of Pump) will revolve, so that the Lever or Handle may be used in any desired position. The Plunger is attached to the rod by a hinged joint, so that the Cylinder is always worn smooth, on account of the Plunger having a direct vertical motion in the Cylinder. Pumps of this class (with the Cylinder in the stock) will operate where the water is not over thirty feet below the Pump; and the horizontal distance to the water does not materially affect its working; though in any case a Foot Valve on the end of suction pipe is advantageous. Freezing may be prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height, which trips the valves and allows the water to flow back after pumping. Figs. 120 and 121 for Export Trade are in great demand, since they are light, compact and durable. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cyl. | + Fitted For | Stroke. | Weight. BRASS CYL. Cipher. Price Cipher. Price an eee Cipher: in. Pipe.| 4inch. | 15 lbs. |Abacus $3.50 Abdominal | $ 5.50 Abject eA DDECY 4.00 Aberrant | 6.00 |Abjectly 24 ‘Abbot 4.50 Aberration ——_7.00 Abjectness 27 Abbreviate 5.00 |Abeyance | 8.00 Abjured | 35 Abdicate 5.50 Abhorrent — 10.00 Ablution 47 Abdication 650 Abiding == 13.00 Abnegate ‘Abdomen _‘8.00 | Ability | Abnormal AmB Ob = 4 * All Brass except Lever, Bearer and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Revolving Top Cistern Pump. EASTERN STYLE. WITH SCREWED BASE, BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER. FIG. 121. he all Sh » a se j SREEVIOS | This Pump is similar to Fig. 120, shown on the preceding page. It difters, however, in the construction of the base, which is screwed to the stock or cylinder, whereas in Fig. 120 the base is bolted to the cylinder. In all other respects these Pumps are identical. As before stated, Pumps of this class (with the working barrel or cylinder in stock of Pump) are not adapted for raising water practically over thirty feet vertical distance. To prevent freezing, trip the valves by raising the lever to its extreme height. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. RON. | SarGV la / * BRASS. No. Size Cyl.| + Fitted For | Stroke. | Weight. = ed a pec eae Pain Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. | Price. is |3.- in. 0S inch | : Abandon — $3.50 | Abettor $ 5.50 | Abridge $ 7.75 am Os St Abash | 4.00 | Abhor 6.00 | Abroach | 8.75 rif « | | Abate 4.50 Aboard 7.00 | Abrupt 10.50 1y “ | | Abating 5.00 | Abode 8.00 Abscond 14.00 1% “ | Abbess — §.50 | Abolish 10.00 | Abstain 17.00 1% “ | | Abbey | 6.50 | Abortive 13.00 Absurd 21.00 aie / _ Abduct _ 8.00 | Abound 18.00 | Abuse 27.00 { Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, American or Foreign, but always for American Pipe, as listed, unless other- wise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. 18 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Revolvinge, Cop -Ciste rime WESTERN STYLE. WITH BOLTED BASE, BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER FIG. 123. \\ \Y \ aon = T- Se FSET This Pump is in general construction like Fig. 120, but differs from the latter in the connection of the plunger and rod; also in the base and coupling for pipe. The valve seat and pipe coupling are combined in the shape of a flanged cast-brass Tube, the bottom of which is threaded for iron pipe coupling; this tube is also used for soldering to lead pipe, when the latter is used. Fig. 123 is taller than our Eastern styles of Cistern Pumps. It is substantial in every respect. Being the standard style of Cistern Pump in the Western trade, its sale is very extensive. To prevent freezing, trip the valves by raising the lever to its extreme height. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No.| Size Cyl. + Fitted For Stroke. Soe ok aie rhe ¢ oe | Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. _ 0} 2 inch. |1 inch Pipe. 6inch. | Accent $3.50 | Adamant $ 5.50 | Admiral $ 7.75 eS BG Te Bi yrs 4 Obiats Acclaim 4.00 Adder 6.00 | Admire Lie S75 S hkete | wt 1y . Gos Accord 4.50 Addling 7.00 | Admix 10.50 RN ves, af }1y « i Ome Acquaint 5.00 | Adept 8.00 | Adore 14.00 Ad 43 zs ry * fs Opis Acquitted 5.50 | Adjourn 10.00 | Adorning 17.00 TW et Que Line He G7 Acute 6.50 Adjunct 13.00 | Adrift 21.00 eee aa rg es Gyan Adage 8.00 Adjure 18.00 | Advent 27.00 { Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Revolving Lop Cistern: Pump. WESTERN STYLE. WITH BRACKETS, BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER. FIG. 119. 19 The above cut represents a Cistern Pump with wall brackets, by means of which it can be placed in positions where a Pump with base could not be used. This Pump is sinfilar to Fig. 123 in the construction of its working parts. To prevent freezing, trip the valves by raising the lever to its extreme height. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. eS _— SS a gra ao SS FEF cE SINE ES Se EE eee _nahieie No.| Size Cyl. {+ Fitted For | Stroke. we oe ee . Sete ichinead * | Cipher. eee NCE, Cipher. | __ Price. 5 Cipher, | Price. ‘ Oo} 2 inch. |1_ in. Pipe. | 6 inch. Alar »3. $3.50 Affright | $ 5.50 Aground | $ 7.75 1|,2y Pe LR ae «a Affable | 4.00 A foot | . 6.00 Alarmed | 8.75 2 | 24% «6 Oe RE ae Rk ae Affect | 4-50 Afresh be 06 Album | 10.50 ch eet a oD CAC ee ae Afhance | 5.00 Agate | (8.00 | Alcove | 14.00 ee one eats 4) Os Afthant 5.50 Aghast 10.00 | Alight | 17.00 an bh! Bigntace oats) =e Affirm 6.50 Agility 13.00 Alotted | 21.00 fis ang 3g. <8 Pra ett cde 38 Affray he 3.00 Agony 18.00 Alotting | 27.00 + Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. 20 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Revolving Top Cistern! una: WESTERN STYLE. WITH BOLTED BASE, BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER. FIG. 118. YN Ti | wp I! The above cut represents a style of Pump similar in construction and adaptability to Figs. 120 and 123. It is made with a broad, low base and, like Fig. 123, is taller than the Eastern style Cistern Pumps. In the couplings for lead and iron pipe it is like Fig. 120; and in other respects, except in the shape of its base, it is like Fig, 123. To prevent freezing, trip the valves by raising the lever to its extreme height. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. “rouse” Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No Size Cyl. + Fitted For Stroke. | tee tS shaee eo ete = Fe | Cipher Price Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. Oo | 2. inch Pe St. Hepes OU inch, | Allude $3.50 Alum $ 5.50 | Amour $ 7.75 my orag*)5 I Suites Ones | Alluding 4.00 | Amass 6.00 | Amorous 8.75 2 424e0 #6 A SE i ets | 6 « _ Almanac 4.50 | Amber 7.00 | Amusing | 10.50 By ars. SS le Sek a e's be og | Almond | Ambush 8.00 | Anagram | 14.00 4 | 3 Be DEL FS enn iby oes | Aloud 5.50 Amend 10.00 | Anchor 17.00 eb ee TMA ue eee mr oe: 68 _ Alpine 6.50 | Amid 13.00 | Angling 21.00 a ae ks Sati YS a aes sy Ot | Altar 8.00 | Amity 18.00 | Anguish 27.00 + Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 21 Revolving Top Cistern Pump. ; EASTERN STYLE. WITH BOLTED BASE, DOUBLE ROD, AND PISTON QUIDE. FIG. 122. ———) | i =, Ril Fig. 122 represents a style of Cistern Pump in which all working parts are constructed in the most perfect manner. The double rod and piston guide gives a direct vertical motion to the plunger, so that it works perfectly true in the cylinder. In general construction, this Pump is similar to Fig. 120. This Pump is furnished with metallic fitted valves for pumping hot liquids, etc., if desired, at extra net prices given below. To prevent freezing, trip the valves by raising the lever to its extreme height. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and with Brass Valve Seat. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Bhat IRON. BRASS CYL. * BRASS. j i ie Fitted F troke. > 2 : MS ee See! Wha ad hc 2 | Cipher. Brices.)} Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I 2% in, Dati Pipe, 5in. | Angular $4.50 | Annoy | $6.50 Anvil $9.50 2 2 « if ROS ee Biss Animal 5.00 Anoint 7.50 | Apace 12.25 @ 28g. * 8 Oe es 6% | Annexed 550 | Anthem 8.50 Apex 15.50 4 phn Bag IO sos y igh Animate 6.25 | Antics | 10.75 | Aping 19.25 5 i Seles a apne | Ankle 7 50 Anthony 14.00 | Apollo 24.50 A geal Barta ae ag 3.« | Announce | goo Antler 19.00 | Apostle 34.50 + Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, American or Foreign, but always for American Pipe, as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. Prices of Metallic Valves for Cistern Pumps. No. 0, . $1.25 net extra. | Noogeeeeue eno Hare? fates, to PERS NEL. extra: No. I, We Ths ae N 0, Geen ety hk Raat rans tao. 2g No. 2, . Tesi" | NOR te er weit tere ee eras ES Aes tee No. 3, Ota os 22 SILVER & DEMING Weleda! DaibelO COMPANY. Molasses or Hot Migiuiic Fup: WITH METALLIC FITTED VALVES. FIG. 140. This cut represents Fig. 140, a pump with metallic fitted valves and piston-rod guide, which features insure its perfect working, and adapt it for pumping molasses, oils, hot water, or any hot liquids or syrups. The Brass Pumps of this style are made entirely of that metal in those parts which come in contact with the liquid. When used for hot water or other hot liquid, the Pump should be placed as near to it as possible to prevent destruction of the vacuum by the steam or vapor. Fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. ON * BRASS. No. Size Cyl. + Fitted For | —_——— — - = | Cipher. Price: Cipher. Price, 7 ae 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. | Apparel 12.00 Apron | 20,00 5 24 ah oe s | Appeach 15.00 Arabian 25.00 6 BIBS css Oy OE et Append 17 00 Arbor 30.00 7 4 x 2 at | Applause 21 00 Arcade 36.00 Dey) RecA SG BSE OE ale th Apple 25.00 Ardent hee. 00 + Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, American -or Foreign, but always for American Pipe, as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * All Brass except Lever, Bearer, and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IVE EIS) WOES DD Close-Spout Pitcher Pump. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND CUT-OFF BASE. FIG. 129. The above cut represents, Fig. 129, our Pitcher Pump, with close spout, which, in some localities, is preferred for cistern use to the other styles of Pitcher Spout Pumps—aillustrated and described on the following pages. This Pump has a projection on spout for holding a bucket while pumping. It is constructed with Revolving Top, so that it may be used either right or left handed, and is arranged with couplings for either Iron or Lead Pipe. This Pump is always furnished with Brass Valve Seat. To prevent freezing, trip the valves, by raising the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. meee _| BRASS-LINED CYL. rae No.| Size Cyl. Fitted For Stroke. | . _ BRASS CYL. Cipher. |__Price. | Cipher. Price. gl sacs 9 eh, Cipher. i Price. 1 in. Pipe. | 4 inch. | Argentic $4.25 | Artistic $6.50 | Asleep is 7.00 1s 66 Fapiges Arming 4.75 | Ashamed | 7-25 | Aspect 10.00 14 “ 0 Ge Armory 5-25 | Ashore 8.00 | Assail | 12.00 Lage 4%‘ Arsenal 5:75 | Aside | 9,00 | Assault 14.00 24 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IMPROVED Close=Top:; Pitemen+ Spetiaieas Tia: WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND CUT-OFF BASE. FIG. 125. The above illustration represents our Improved Pitcher Spout Pump with Close Top, a style that is in universal favor for house use, where a cheap and substantial Cistern Pump is wanted. The cylinders are bored perfectly true and highly polished. The suction pipe attachment is arranged by a projecting hub at the bottom of the base, on which is screwed a coupling nut, threaded for gas pipe; through this a brass soldering tube is introduced for connecting to lead pipe, if desired. All parts are made to exact gauges; so that repairs will always fit. To prevent freezing, trip valves by raising lever to its extreme height. ; Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Noid tisizs Cyt aaerieeaiteer ca IRON. | BRASS-LINED CYL. BRASS CYL. ae Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price: Cipher. Price. I) 2% inch. |f inch pipée.| 4: inch? Assay | $4.25 Astound $6.50 Attract $ 7.00 23 er ED t tess "dy Assayed =| 4.75 Astray 725 Audit 10.00 Bhi be S 1% a A oes Assent 5.25 Asunder 8.00 Auditor 12.00 414 i whee peas! A ea Assign | 5.75 Atoning 9.00 Augment 14.00 ee OB eee x Be pie Assuage | 6.25 Attain 10.00 Auntless 16.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 25 RIN et a ee et Opa om: aitcher: Speumt Pump. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND CUT-OFF BASE. FIG. 126. The Pump represented by the above cut, is exactly the same as Fig, 125, except in the construction of the top or bearer, which in Fig. 126 is open, so that the water flows up and out the spout in full view. If desired, the rod may be uncoupled and the plunger drawn out without removing the bearer and lever. The greater part of our trade on this class of Pumps is for Fig. 125, but in some localities Fig. 126 is preferred. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. All parts made to gauges, so that repairs will always fit. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. IRON. | BRASS-LINED CYL. BRASS CYL. Se Site Salk al asain Por etroke. | Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. “Cipher. Price. : (ee 20S JERE ee een | eee SS Si / VE Yetta Fd Pr I 2% inch. | 1 in. Pipe.| 4 in. Author — $4.25 Avenging | § 6.50 Award $ 7.00 2 3 a | oF > ae. Avail 4.75 Avowed pee Awarded 10.00 3 3% “ epee Sr terae ) ~ Avaunt 5.25 Avowal §.00 Awful 12.00 4 4 << Plage o abate) Avenge 5.75 Awake 9.00 Awkward | 14.00 5 Mg | 2 “6 “6 5 a Avenged | , 6.25 Awaken | 10.00 Awning 16.00 26 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti-Freezing Cistern lmmbinacitioy sizeramme H i WITH WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENCTH., mm | i = N\ | meee pay The Pump illustrated herewith is the same as Cistern Pump Fig. 121, with the plunger and valves omitted, and a set-length pipe connecting to a cylinder, or working barrel below. ‘This arrangement renders the Pump a i desirable one for owt-door use, in cisterns and shallow wells, where frost would effect the ordinary Cistern Pump. It is also adapted for deeper | wells than the latter, on account of the set-length pipe, which can be i lengthened still more if desired. To prevent freezing, a small hole is ‘made about three feet below the base, just above the cylinder, which allows the water to flow back from stock of Pump. i We fit these Pumps with bolted cylinders at same list prices, when so ordered. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder. Fitted For Stroke. Cipher. | Price. I 24 ge I inch gio: 6 inch. Babble $6.00 2 2% 1Y Ome Babel | 6.50 3 | iY Ga Tey wigs m BO Backing 7.00 4 3 “6 I Y/ a3 66 6 «6 Baffled 7.50 5 ct! fas Lieve as “ Gri" Baffling 8.00 6 | eS 2 ie ee Gre! ' Baking 9.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, = — mmm Sy SANE JERS cylinder. water. No “I Anti-Freezing WITH WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENCTH. FIG. 130. Pitcher Spout aim p. The annexed cut represents Fig. 130, a Pitcher Spout Pump with the cylinder below the frost line. set-length pipe and independent cylinder or working barrel. This L 4 Pump is similar in construction and adaptability to Fig. 117, and like it, is rendered’ anti-freezing by a drip-hole in the pipe just above the Fig. 130 may be used in wells or cisterns over twenty-eight feet deep, by lowering the cylinder to a convenient distance from the The set-length pipe is about three feet in length, which sets We fit these Pumps with bolted cylinders at same list prices, when so ordered. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Size. Cyl. Hs pach. 3 Pumps, pages 9 to 12. se Sizes and Prices. Fitted For Stroke. | Cipher. Price 11 inch Pipe. 6 inch. Balder | $6.75 Loren. aS hee Bane 2449.75 CL Slane oy Gane Bandit 8.75 2 ie fe hte 6 “. | Bantam 9.50 28 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti-Freezing Cistern and Well FIG. 203—Tight-Top. Pumps. FIG. 201—Open-Top. WITH CAST-IRON SET-LENCTH. + Li. (ll ZZ = _— These Pumps represent our Cistern and Well Pumps with cast-iron set-length, suitable for cis-, terns or wells not over thirty feet deep. The \ inside diameter of the set-length pipe is enough jj] larger than the diameter of the cylinder to admit HW) of the Plunger being drawn up through the stock V of pump by detaching the handle and bearer. This facilitates the work of repairing the plunger, and with Drop Bucket lower valve (which we furnish when ordered), all repairing of valves can be done without removing the Pump. Figs.201 and 203 are the same in construction, except that the former is arranged with open top, and the latter with tight top. A drip hole in set-length pipe allows water to flow back and prevents freezing. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder. | "Fitted For Stroke. ‘. ts ee Sates a ; if Big: au | Cipher. to Eriee, Cipher. Ps; Price, LO Oe inch aoe a meth ee tents O liter Bantered | $7.50 Barren $8.25 Bir wh wi 30 te ical ly sae nate G ges Barbered | 8.00 Basely 8.75 Che Beek as LAE pee lem 2 SY sae Barbing 8.50 Baseness 9.25 Pishue ee 5 Le Hae ek ad Os Ws Baronet | 9.00 Basement eee ee * With Drop Bucket lower valve, add $2.00 to list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 29 TIN Ra TD Anti-Freezing Well Pumps. FIG. 202—Tight-Top. WITH WROUCGHT-IRON SET-LENCTH. FIG. 200—Open-Top. The Pumps illustrated on this page have been long and favorably known in most parts of the country. They are adapted to wells not over thirty feet in depth, and they are rendered anti-freezing by a drip hole in the set-length pipe directly above the cylinder, about three feet below base of Pump. When the cylinder is lowered to within fifteen or twenty feet of the water, these Pumps will do good service in wells forty to fifty feet deep. The Tight Top Pump, Fig. 202, is preferred in some cases on account of the direct vertical motion of the piston-rod; and that no stones or dirt can be thrown into it, which might prevent its working. These Pumps are equally adapted for open and driven wells. Always furnished with raised sand valve seat. Repairs will always fit. Length of stroke six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fitted For. | Fig. 200. Fig. 202. | Cipher. | Price. |*Standard Cipher. | Price. *Standard 2Y inch|1 in. Pipe|Bashful | $7.00 | $4.00 (Beadle ($7.75 | $4.75 .| Size Cyl. I | £ YE eee eae ‘Basin 7.50 | 4.00 |Beamed 8.25 4.75 Him 3 |234 “ |1} *¢ |Basting | 8.00 |} 4.50 |Beaming! 8.75 | 5.25 ——- 4 13 OeE UL ‘Batter 8.50 | 5.00 |Bearded | 9.25 | 5.75 . g CA 3 Ite \Batting | 9.00 | 5.50 |Beastly | 9.75 | 6.25 * The “ Standard”’ means complete parts of Pump above, and including the base. The “Cipher” applies only to the complete Pump. | wit SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IMP ROW) Anti-Freezing Well Pumps. WITH OPEN-TOP. SET-LENGTH, PIPE CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT. FIG. 212—Heavy Standard. FIG. 211—Medium Standard. (eee | | rN FIG. 210—Light Standard “ai sai Q) . 4 any 12.75 Blacking | 13.25 8 | 4 ¥ 7 ee is WOU ne, cat. | 5 SORE en ee 23 Blame 15 00 32 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DM Pi Osea Anti-Freezing Well Pumps. WITH TIGHT-TOP. SET-LENGTH PIPE CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT, FIG. 215—Heavy Standard. FIG. 214—Medium Standard. FIG. 2138—Light Standard, Zn Description and lists of these Pumps will be found on the next page. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. COND ree ET Amti-PFreezing Well Pumps. SET-LENGTH PIPE CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT, FIGS, 213, 214, and 215. The Pumps, Figs. 213, 214, and 215, represented by cuts on the preceding page, are similar to Figs. 210, 211, and 212, respectively; the only difference being that the former are constructed with tight tops, which give a direct vertical motion to the piston-rod and prevent foreign substances from getting into the working parts through the top of Pump. In many sections of the country, these are preferred to the open-top style of Pump. The bases being cast solid on the stock and the set-length pipe connecting under the spout renders these Pumps more substantial, with less liability to damage by frost than the Pumps with bolted or screwed base. These Pumps are adapted to open or driven wells. They are always furnished with raised sand valve seat to lower valve. Length of stroke, six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices.—With Iron Cylinders. SIZES AND FITTINGS. Fig. 213. Fig. 214. Fig. 215. Height, 47 in. Base to Top. Height, 48 in. Base to Top. | Height, 50 in Base to Top. Size Cylinder. Fitted For - Cipher. Pree: Cipher. Prices Cipher. Price. 21 inch. i ipe. Blamed Bo Mfebe 8) ta > Sane eae eS os A Blameless 8.75 Blended Bi OL2 Bs ae ea Vag as 234 Blaming 9.00 Blender 9.50 Bloated $ 10.00 3 Blarney 9.25 Blighted 9.75 Bloomed 10.25 3% / Bleeding 9.50 Blighting 10.00 Bloomer 10.50 3% eee ear idn =). els \blstered 10.50 | Blooming 11.00 4 : Blotched 12.25 COUR WH | Z Sizes and Prices.—With Brass-Lined Cylinders. SIZES AND FITTINGS. Fig. 213. Fig. 214. Fig. 215. Height, 47 in. Base to Top. Height, 48 in. Base to Top. | Height, soin, Base to Top. No.| Size Cylinder. - Fitted For ———— ————— Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. 2 inch. ‘ Pieoemich Pipe. Blouse $10.75 Saale s Wh la) a0 Bags 1s « | Blowing 11.00 Bluffed $ 11.50 rere 4 Blockade 11.25 Bluffer 11.75 | Blunted : Blocking 11.75 Bluffing 12.25 | Blunting Bluebird; 12:25 Blunder 12.75 | Bluntly Ae ak, OEE eve Blundering 13.50 | Bluster OTe aed. ku Duster ng COOMA W NH & SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SS ey ee Anti-Freezing Wind Mill Pumps. FIG. 423—Heavy Standard. SET-LENGTH PIPE CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT, FIG. 421—Medium Standard. FIG. 420 —Light Standard. wai Description and lists of these Pumps will be found on the next page. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 35 SPECIAL Anti-Freezing Wind Mill Pumps. SET-LENGTH PIPE CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT. a FIGS. 420, 421, and 423. The Pumps illustrated on the preceding page correspond with Figs 213, 214, and 215 respectively, both in dimensions and adaptability; the difference being in the construction of the tops and handles. In addition to adapting these Pumps for use with Wind Mill, this top gives, as in the preceding series of Pumps, a vertical motion to the piston-rod, preventing an uneven action of the plunger in the cylinder, The flat rod of these Pumps fits the top tightly; and the same may be said of them in this respect, as is said of Figs. 213, 214, and 215, 2. e., dirt and stones or other foreign substances cannot be thrown into the Pump to prevent its working. These Pumps are made anti-freezing in the same way as are the preceding two series of Well Pumps. Repairs will always fit. Length of stroke, six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices.—With Iron Cylinders. SIZES AND FITTINGS. Fig. 420, Fig. 421. Fig. 423. 2 Height, 44 in. Base to Height, 45 in. Base to Height, 47 in. Base to No. Sioa Oviinden Fitted For Top Guide. Top ates Top Guide. Cipher. Price, Cipher, Lee rice: Cipher. | ©. Price. I 24 inch. I inch Pipe. Boarded BETS Ween dy etsy? Late 8 ie 2 BOP Cate 1 Ske Boarding 9.00 Hoatewalttt he 6,9: 50. eteragear oats ee tire 3 Baim < eet ete Boasted 9.25 Bobbin 9.75 Bobtail $10.25 4 3 TY oe A em Boastful 9.50 Bobbinet 10.00 Bobtailed | 10.50 5 356 OY EY ech Si Boating 9.75 Bobbing 10.25 Bobwhite | 10.75 6 pig 8 I sbi ie Beg re Vile}: Gab eet RO WOLIG 10.75 Bocking | = 11.25 8 4 iy 2 a at Ms, hey rete teas Bodeful | 12.50 Sizes and Prices.—With Brass-Lined Cylinders. SIZES AND FITTINGS. | Fig. 420. Fig. 42. Fig. 423. Height, 44 in. Base to Height, 45 in. Base to Height, 47 in. Base to No. Size Cylinder, Fitted For yt, prstaurde, BOSS ast aia “5 ii 2eP sais Cipher. Price. | Cipher. Price: Cipher. Price. I 24 inch. I inch Pipe. Bodice PIL.OO. Paar ene ale 3. Rida ater Ef 2 B34 AO i PRE east rain SS Bodiless | 11.25 SCM, ACRE Lets, Leena seh lial a tw ala <5 3 barat Pa AR eA Bodily 11.50 Bogus | 12.00 Bollard | $12.50 4 3 Ee Pores s cans Bodkin 12.00 Boiling | 12.50 Bolster 13.00 5 x fea eager a) Bogele 12.50 Bolden | _—_13.00 Bolter 13.50 6 Cy i ALL ya ee ae ae .| Boldly esas Bolting 14.25 8 4 “ 2 “6 .. (ORR ee Mee ice cree Bombard 16.00 36 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Tei KX GaN are Anti-Freezing Well Pumps. ° FIG. 216—Open-Top. FIG. 217—Tight-Top. WITH WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENGTH CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT. . The demand for a light and durable Anti-freezing Pump for use in wells of ordinary depth, and that could be sold at a reasonable price, has induced us to produce Figs. 216 and 217, represented by the cuts on this page. They are light in weight, simple and substantial in construction ; possessing every feature necessary to make a serviceable Pump. The stock or standard is solid, which allows the pipe connection to be made under the spout, thus preventing liability to damage by frost. The only difference between Figs. 216 and 217 is in the construction of their tops, the one being an open and the other a tight top Pump; the latter style of top gives a direct vertical motion to the piston-rod and makes it impossible for children to throw stones and sticks intothe Pump. These Pumps are adapted for both open and driven wells. Always furnished with raised sand valve seat. Length of stroke, six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. Size Cylinder. | Fitted For eer a aaah 2 ig | Cipher. Price. Cipher Price: I 2% inc | 1 inch pipe. Bombast $7.25 Bondage $8.00 2 235 At Nee 3 Ves SAO Bombazine 7.50 Bonded 8.25 3 2a Tignes pe 0 (Et Bombyx 7.75 Bonding 8.50 4 3 “ ign: BY Oe ae at Bonair 8.00 Bondsman 8.75 Fig. 216, Standard, Complete, $5.00. Fig. 217, Standard, Complete, $5.75. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Sle ee Cr AT Anti-Freezing Well Pumps. FIG. 209—Tight-Top. FIG. 20S—Open-Top. oe SS WITH WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENGTH CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT. The Pumps illustrated herewith, are the same in every part with the exception of their tops; Fig. 208 having an open, and Fig. 209 atight top. The advantage of Fig. 209 over 208, is that in the former a direct vertical motion is given to the plunger, which causes it to work smoothly in the cylinder; also, the tight top prevents foreign substances from getting into the working parts of the Pump. These Pumps have a large, broad base, ¢ cast solid to the stock, and the set-length pipe . is connected under the spout. They are strong and heavy, and are very desirable for use on driven wells, particularly in cold climates. The water is delivered to the spout in a few strokes of the lever, and recedes quickly through the drip-hole, which is drilled just above the cylinder. A sand valve seat is pro- vided for the lower valve of cylinder. Repairs for these Pumps, as for all of our make, will always fit. Length of stroke, six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. 5 SS = AZ Z 5 '&, , y Sizes and Prices. .| Size Cyl. | Fitted For peer | Sate Gipners |) Price: Cipher. Price. 2 | 2% in. | 1 in. Pipe.| Boneless | $8.75 Booby $9.50 Si 2sge oF eae ein bonesets,\ |! 6.00 Bookish | 9.75 Ate ee ple saree). Bontire 9.25 Bookless 10.00 5 | 34% “ |1&% “* ** | Boniform | 9.50 | Bookworm] 10.25 Os sate: =| bless ar: | Bonnet 1000 | Boomed 10.75 Boaters 2)’ ehnb. Bonny 11.25 Booming 12.00 Fig. 208, Standard, Complete, $6.50. Fig. 209, Standard, Complete, $7.25. Seed 38 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY Anti-Freezing Well Force Pumps. WITH WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENCTH. AIR CHAMBER IN STOCK. FIG. 220—Bolted Base. The Force Pumps shown on this page are similar in general construction. They differ, however, in the standard and set-length pipe connection, Fig. 219 having solid base and standard with spout cast to the stock, while Fig. 220 has bolted base and bolted spout. The former has the set-length pipe screwed into the stock just under the spout, which delivers the water to the spout quickly and prevents liability to damage by frost. The set-length pipe of Fig. 220 is attached at the base. The air chamber in each of these Pumps is formed by an enlargement at the top of the stock. The piston-rod in these Pumps has a direct vertical motion, working through a brass stuf- : fing-box. When either Fig. 219 or 220 is used asa f@ Lift Pump, the thumb-screw should be unscrewed to DY admit air to the air chamber. When used with hose for forcing water, the thumb-screw should be tightened to confine and compress the air. Both these Pumps have a hose coupling on the spout. As listed with three foot set-length, these Pumps are adapted for wells about twenty-eight feet deep, but with the cylinder lowered into, or within fifteen or twenty feet of the water, they will do very satis- factory work in wells fifty to sixty feet deep. The drip-hole is about three feet below the base of Pump, which allows the water to recede and thus prevents freezing. Repairs for our Pumps will always fit. The length of strokein Figs. 219 and 220 is six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | ig. ; i : No. | Size Cyl. Fitted For auties | che | Cipher. Prices) )+Cipher: Price. 3 | .23¢ inch. |1¥Y inch Pipe.| Boorish | $12.50 Booty $13.00 a ee | ii ry «* | Booser 12.50 Bopeep 13.00 Bilin nad Maree Tris «< | Boozy 13.00 Boracic 13.50 Gal rate ors 11% “ «“ | Booting 13:50 1 Borax 14.00 Fig. 219, Standard, Complete, $9.00. Fig. 220, Standard, Complete, $19.00. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 39 Anti-Freezing Well Force Pumps. WITH WROUCGHT-IRON SET-LENGTH. AIR CHAMBER ON SPOUT, FIG. 223—Solid Base. FIG. 221—Screwed Base. The Pumps illustrated on this page are similar in most respects. They differ prin- cipally in the construction of the stock or standard; Fig. 223 having the stock and base cast solid together, with set-length pipe screwed into the stock under the spout; while the base of Fig. 221 is screwed to the stock, and set-length pipe is attached at the base. These Pumps have gained great popularity for use about gardens, yards and stables, and when located near the house are quite efficient for protection against fire. A spout hose coupling is attached to each of these Pumps. When usedas alift Pump only, the cap on air chamber should be unscrewed. As listed these Pumps are adapted to wells about twenty-eight feet deep, but when the cylinder is lowered to from fifteen to twenty feet above the water, they may be used to advantage in wells from sixty to seventy feet deep. To pre- vent freezing, the drip-hole is made in pipe about three feet below base of Pump. Repairs for our Pumps will always fit. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. | | Length of stroke, six inches. | Sizes and Prices. *Fig. 223. Fig. 221. Gan | ramet No. | Size Cyl. | Fitted For |_ . —— Nom Cipher. Price, Ciphers wy wie Brice, in 3 | 23 inch | 1% in. Pipe} Border | $1400 | Borough | $15.00 ‘im 4 | 3 a | igen. # Borderer | 14.00] Borrowed | 15.00 —— oP Re ae hee me Oar ee sordman | 14.50 | Bosom eee S08%°) i , 6 3% Sh) Ee fi |. Boreal 15.00 | Bossage 16.00 nina Pa ; a : —s *Fig. 223, with cock on spout, $2.50, extra list. Fig. 223, Standard, Complete, $10.00. Fig. 221, Standard, Complete, $11.00. 40 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti-Freezing Well Force Pumps. WITH WIND-MILL TOP. WROUGHT-IRON SET-LENGTH CONNECTED UNDER SPOUT. FIG. 422—Plain Spout. FIG. 442—Cock Spout. The Force Pumps illustrated on this page, are the same as Fig. 413 and Fig, 417, with the addition of a set-length pipe and cylinder. The wind-mill top gives a direct vertical motion to the plunger, thus wearing the cylinder evenly and smoothly, on which account these Pumps are often preferred to Set-length Pumps with the ordinary tops. These Pumps are provided with a brass hose coupling, and back outlet, also with brass stuffing- box and brass thumb screw in the air chamber. When used as Lift Pumps, the brass thumb screw should be. loosened. ‘The set-length pipe in these Pumps is connected under the spout, which prevents liability to damage by frost, and makes them very desirable for cold climates. These Pumps have the usual drip-hole to allow the water to escape after pumping. Fig. 442 having cock spout and back out- let, is very desirable as a tank Pump, as the water can be either discharged at the spout or forced into a tank. Wind-mill Slides are not furnished with these Pumps unless especially ordered, Length of stroke, six inches. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. 422. Fig. 442. | Hl poze Cys Fitted For . || Cipher. Price: Cipher. Price: 2% in. | 1Y in. Pipe.| Botanic $13.00 | Bothnian $15.50 “e — 234 st ly « Botanist 13.00| Bottled 15.50 ), ih et wy“ « Botanize 13.50} Bottling 16.00 = i f 3 Y “ Ut tt Botargo 14.00 | Bottom 16.50 ti a CE ee Tas terete Bothnic 14.50} Bouillon 17.00 RUMMY Tt Ww! lh 7 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 41 Southern Cistern and Well Pumps. WITH WORKING BARREL IN THE STOCK. FIG. 225—Lift Pump. FIG. 226—Force Pump, The Pumps herewith illustrated are adapted for cistern use in cold climates; and in warm climates they may be used also in shallow wells, where the base of Pump can be located not over twenty-five feet above the surface of the water. The working barrel is in the stock of Pump, and, in this respect, these Pumps are similar to Figs. 121, 123, etc The stocks or standards, however, are much taller, and in every way they are substantially constructed. The working barrels of these Pumps are bored true and highly polished. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. The lever or handle may be placed in any position for pumping, the same as our Set-length and Cistern Pumps. Length of stroke, six inches. ; Fig. 226 is provided with coupling on the spout for attaching one-inch hose. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. i *BR io No. Size Cylinder. | Fitted For be! Bad £C Fig. pis Fa ioe re ae as | Cipher. | Price. _ Cipher. es a 4 Ze inco. | 14 inch Pipe. Bouncer $8.50 Boundary | $13.00 5 ay fa toes Bouncing | 9.00 | Bounder / 14.00 42 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY THE “PEREBRLESS” Double=-Acting Force Pump. (PATENTED. ) FOR SHALLOW AND DEEP WELLS. FIGS. 250 and 251. In the construction of the ‘ Peerless’? Double-Acting Force Pump we have combined the good qualities of the Standard style of Well Force Pump with the particular features of a Double-Acting Pump. It works with great ease, discharges a continuous stream of water, and dispenses with the stuff- ing-box. In Fig. 250, the Shallow Well Pump, the two cylinders (one above the other) are contained in the same cylinder shell. In Fig. 251, the Deep Well Pump, the cylinders are divided. The “‘ PEERLFsSS”’ PuMP is handsome in design and substantial in con- struction ; it is anti-freezing and can be used in a cistern, or well of any kind. A hose coupling is attached to the spout, making it valuable as a Fire Pump, and for use about stables, gardens, greenhouses, etc. Always furnished with brass valve seats. Fig. 250 is adapted for wells thirty feet deep; it has. brass-tube upper cylinder,‘ and brass-lined lower cylinder. Fig. 251 is adapted for wells up to 100 feet deep, and is always furnished with brass- tube lower cylinder, with inside attachments, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 251, No, 2, can be used in three inch drilled wells. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12, | Sizes and Prices. The above cut represents Fig. 250, and the below cut shows the divided cylinders of Fig. 251 (for deep wells) with ° wo a bo ! Fig. 250. Fig. 251. a No.| Size Cyl. | Fitted For. Stroke. | For Shallow Wells. For Deep Wells. n | is ¥. i) Cipher. / Price. Cipher. Price: cant . | . . | . re si 20). 2 ins in. Piped Os | pene a hee Bouquet | $17.00 & An 3 hina a bight | 6 « Bountiful | $15.00 | Bourbon } 19.00 zi Oo) 392 | SSA ake st bed 5% Bounty | 1700. N85 Peta ee ee elas ee SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 43 Abi SS Gi eb, ee IceRILESS ” Double-Acting Force Pump. FIG. 450. [ (CEE =I ua =! || | | mm y" The above cut represents Fig. 450, and the below cut shows the divided cylinders of Fig. 451 (for deep wells) with same standard as Fig. 450. WITH WIND-MILL TOP. FOR SHALLOW AND DEEP WELLS, FIGS. 450 and 451. The annexed cuts represent the “‘ Peerless’? Double-Acting Force Pumps, Figs. 450 and 451, with wind-mill top. In all respects, except the top, these Pumps are the same as Figs. 250 and 251, illustrated and described on preceding page; they are adapted for the same purposes, and have the additional advantage of the wind-mill top, to which, if desired, the attachment may be made to a Wind Mill. A suction pipe strainer and hose coupling are furnished with every “Peerless” Pump, Figs. 250, 251, 450, and 451. These pumps are always furnished with brass valve seats. Fig. 450 is adapted for wells thirty feet deep; Fig. 451 is adapted for wells up to 100 feet deep, and is always furnished with brass-tube lower cylinder with inside attachments, unless ordered with brass-lined cylinder. Fig, 451, No. 2, can be used in three inch drilled wells. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. 450. Fig. 451. Size Cyl. Fitted For Stroke. For Shallow Wells. | For Deep Wells. | ——— = Cipher. Price. .| ‘Cipher: Price. = — —| — AT, 21a. 1g in. Pipes Oecd beets baleen. Bovine | $18.00 66 ae ht AS 6 « | Bourgeois | $16 00! Bowlder}| 20.00 Paar rag. St Gore | Bournless | 18.00}. . SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Southern Well Force Pump. WITH FLY-WHEEL AND CRANKS. \\ = = — eS uN aN = ‘| This Pump is the same as Fig. 226, with fly-wheel and two cranks, an arrangement which adapts it to be worked by either one or two men. Fig. 275 is a very desirable Pump for fire protection, as well as for general use about the house or garden. When so ordered, we can furnish this Pump (standard and top) for use in deep wells (without the plunger and lower valve) in connection with our independent cylinders, listed on pages 78 to 81. As listed below, Fig. 275 is adapted for wells about twenty-five feet deep. Repairs for this Pump, as for all others of our make, will always fit. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | No. Size Cylinder. | Fitted For | Length of Stroke. | Cipher. ee a ae | | roe inch. 1% inch Pipe. | 6 inches. Bounding 5 TORS as | Oa Bounteous Standard less plunger and valves for deep wells, same list price. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. EVE dea eke LD Lagu Jim tiaayere Siaiseokekshae ky PIPE CONNECTION UNDER SPOUT, FIG. 224-—Open-Top. FIG. 228—Tight-Top. il fm yy =) sa i The illustrations above, Figs. 224 and 228, represent Well Pump Standards, suitable for wells from thirty to seventy feet deep—the larger sizes, Nos. 4 and 5, being best adapted for the deeper wells. These standards have solid base and are threaded for pipe under the spout; they are the same as standards complete of Figs. 210, 211 and 212; and 213, 214, and 215. To prevent freezing a small drip-hole should be drilled in pipe about three feet below base of the Pump. Our independent cylinders or working barrels, Figs. 300, 302, 303, 308, 309, or 312, listed on pages 78 to 81, may be used with these standards. These Pump Standards are deserving of an extensive sale. They are, in themselves, a complete line of Lift Standards for wells up to seventy feet deep. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | *Fitted For | Length of Stroke. Fig. 224. ee aie een . Bbeighityy fo. Cipher |__Price. Height. | Cipher. Die 3 1 1n. pipe. | 6 inches. 44 inches Bracelet $5.50 47 inches| Braggart $6.25 4 I yA 6s 6 “é 45 66 | Bracing 6.00 | 438 “6 Braided 6.75 5 I % ; } 6 o 47 hd Brackish 6.50 | 50 «6 Braiding 7.25 *Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, when so ordered. 46 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. BBE ANA 0 oad Sy @ 0 t S Force Pump Standards. PIPE CONNECTION UNDER SPOUT. FIG. 239. The above cuts show our Well Force Pump Standards with solid base, Figs. 229 and 239, which are the same as standards complete of Figs. 219 and 223 respectively. These standards are used in connection with cylinders, ' Figs. 300, 302, 303, 308, 309, or 312, listed on pages 78 to 81, and are adapted for wells from thirty to seventy feet deep. The solid base with pipe connection under spout makes these Pumps less liable to freeze than if constructed with bolted base and pipe connection at the base. To prevent freezing, the pipe should be provided with a drip-hole three feet below the base to allow the water to run back after pumping. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. ay ; 2 ; ah Standard | *Fitted For. | Length of Stroke. iS ! Fig. 202 Complete yeu : 2 Height. | Cipher. Price. Height. ; 1% in. pipe. | 6 inches. | 48% in. | Brained | $9.00 49 in. *Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, when so ordered. Fig. 239. | Cipher. Price: | Brainless $10.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 47 Special Well Pump Standard. PIPE CONNECTION UNDER SPOUT. The above cut represents our Well Pump Standard, Fig. 227, which can be effectively used in wells up to seven- ty-five feet in depth. We do not consider this style of Pump a Shallow Well Pump, notwithstanding it has been generally known to the trade as such, This Pump is substantially constructed, has a strong brace, and a long, heavy lever. The suction pipe is screwed into the stock just below the spout, which lessens liability to damage by frost. The cylinders adapted for this Stand- ard are Figs. 302, 304, 305, 309, 310, and 312, listed on pages 78 to 81, Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Size and Price. Fig. 227. * Fitted For Stroke. Height. Cipher, rae ian aM Standard Complete, 1 inch Pipe. 8 inches. 43 inches. Brakeman *Fitted for 1,114, or 2 inch pipe when so ordered. 48 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IMPROVED Deep Well Pump Standard. WITH TIGHT-TOP ROD GUIDE. FIG. 230. The cut on this page represents a style of Deep Well Pump Standard that is favorably known in various sections of the United States. In localities where the wells are necessarily from 50 to 150 feet deep, this is considered the Standard Pump. When used for open wells, Fig. 302, 304, 310 or 312 cylinder should be used, and in drilled wells, Fig. 305 or 312 (14 or 16 inches long, with inside attachments) should be used in connection with Fig. 230 Standard. These cylinders are listed on pages 78 to 81. This Pump is made in two sections with pipe flange bolted between, which makes it convenient for setting in a deep well. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Size and Price. Fig. 230. * Fitted For Stroke. Height. Cipher. Standard Complete.| 1% in. Pipe. 7 inches. 51% inches. Bramble *Fitted for 114, 2, or 24% inch pipe, when so ordered. Extra pipe flanges, 50 cents each. Price. $10.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DIME RESIOTVaE ID Meewevvecll horce Pump Standard. WITH AIR CHAMBER ON SPOUT, FIG. 231. This Pump is constructed in the same way as Fig. 230 on the preceding page, with the addition of an Air Chamber and a Stuffing-box, which are necessary to make it a Force Pump. Fig. 231 may be used in any well to which Fig. 230 is adapted. These Pumps are so well known as to need no particular description. They are used in connection with Cylinders, Figs. 302, 304, 305, 309, 310, 312, and 322. These Cylinders are listed on pages 78 to 81. Asin other well Pumps, a drip-hole to prevent freezing should be drilled in the pipe three or four feet below the base of Pump. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Size and Price. Fig. 231. * Fitted For Stroke, Height. Cipher. Standard Complete. 1% inch pipe. — 7 inches. | 51% inches. | Branched *Fitted for 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, when’so ordered. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 50 Deep Well Mitt tina ps Staincliciines EXTRA HEAVY. FIG. 232. Z Yj TACEUETAT gue The above illustration represents our Extra Heavy Lift Pump Standard for very deep wells. It differs from Fig. 230 in that it is much heavier, has two braces for support, and a revolving top so the lever can be placed in any position required. The suction pipe, as in Fig. 230, screws into a flange between the bottom and top sections. The lever is long and is balanced to facilitate pumping when used in deep wells. This is a very desirable Pump for use in public places where constant and rough handling may be anticipated. As a Town Pump and for use in parks, schoolhouse yards, etc., it has no equal. To make anti-freezing, drill a small hole in suction pipe about three feet below the base. Our Deep Well Cylinders, Figs. 304, 305, 310, 312 and 322, areadapted to this Standard. Cylinders will be found on pages 78 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Size and Price. Fig. 232. * Fitted For Stroke. Standard Complete. 1% inch pipe. 7 inches. 55 inches. Branching * Fitted for 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, when so ordered. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Deep Well Force Pump Standard. EXTRA HEAVY. FIG. 233. FIG. 234. BRAKE. Fig. 233 is similar to Fig. 232, except that it has the Air Chamber and Stuffing-box necessary to make it a Force Pump. It may also be arranged with Brake and Wood Levers (Fig. 234) so that two or more men can operate it for fire protection or other purposes where a constant stream of water is desired. Cylinders, Figs. 304, 305, 310, 312, and 322, are adapted to this Pump Standard, same as to Fig. 232. To make anti-freezing, drill a small hole in suction pipe about three feet below the base. With Brake and Wood Levers it is designated as Fig. 234. Cylinders will be found on pages 78 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | Fig. 233. | Standard | * Fitted For Stroke. Height. | z | | oe | Cipher. Price, Complete. ; | 1% inch pipe. ay inches. | 55 inches. | Branchless | $20.00 *Fitted for 14%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, when so ordered. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. +Fig, 234 is the same as Fig. 233, substituting the Brake and Wood Levers for the Handle. 52 SILVER-& DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Deep Well Force Pump Standard. WITH CRANK FLY-WHEEL. FOR HAND USE. FIG. 584. ee The above cut represents a Deep Well Force Pump Standard, arranged with Crank Fly-wheel, and Pitman with Rod Guide. The Stuffing-box is in the base; to this also the Standard is securely bolted. At the top of Standard is the crank shaft journal, on one side being the crank fly-wheel, and on the other the face-plate and pitman. When used for forcing water a distance the spout is replaced by a flange, threaded for the discharge pipe. The Cylinders to be used in connection with Fig. 584, are Figs. 302, 303, 304, 305, 309, 310, 312, and 322. Description and lists of Cylinders, on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. *Fitted For Stroke. Fly-Wheel. Discharge. | Cipher. Price. EN 1% inch pipe. 6 inches. | 36inches. | Plain Spout or Flange. Brasier | $39.00 © 2 YS sel a 0 eee | 36 x 4% in. 4 He) rh Brassy | 41.00 *Fitted for 11%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always for 1% inch, unless otherwise ordered. Nos. 1 and 2 always fitted with Plain Spout unless Flange is especially ordered. Flange threaded same as suction, unless otherwise ordered. N. B. No. 2 is same as No. I with Pulley Fly-wheel for power, similar to Fig. 586, on next page. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 53 Deep Well Force Pump Standard. WITH GEARING AND PULLEY FLY-WHEEL. FIG. 586. The Pump Standard illustrated herewith is adapted to elevating water from very deep wells and to a great height, by either hand or power. The Fly-wheel is made heavy and broad so that a belt can be attached for running by power, and a handle is also connected for operating by hand. ‘The gearing is arranged to increase the power three to one. In elevating water, or conveying to a great distance, a Pipe Flange is used, and is furnished instead of the spout when ordered. The Cylinders to be used in connection with this Standard, are Figs. 304, 305, 310, 312, and 322, on pages 79 to 81. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. x... No. *Fitted For | Stroke. | Pulley Fly-Wheel. Discharge. Cipher. Price. 1 | 1% inch pipe. | 7 inches. | 36 X 4% inches. | Plain Spout or Flange. Bravado $ 65.00 yl op Ge | > able tages me Lege ee he By With Air Chamber. Bravely | 68.00 OE OS ES Alt ily Dake | abi sig. eS Air Chamber and Cock. Braving | 70.00 *Fitted for 1%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always for 1% inch, unless otherwise ordered. N. B. Nos. 2 and 3 are the same as No, I, except that No. 2 has Air Chamber, and No. 3 Air Chamber and Cock on Spout. The cut shows No. I with Spout. No. 1 is always furnished with Spout unless ordered with Flange. 54 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Punoap Heads: FIG. 397.—Wood Pump Top. FIG. 399.—With Brackets. iy —— SF Y < Lea! x 19 (=) yi ES The above cuts represent different styles of Wind Mill Pump Heads. Fig. 397 is adapted for attaching to the top of Wood Pump for the convenience of persons who already have a well with Wood Pump and wish to place a Wind Mill over it. Fig. 397 is provided with Forked Coupling for attaching to Wood Rod. Fig. 399 (as well as Fig. 397) is adapted for either hand or Wind Milluse. It can be fastened to a wall or post in places where an ordinary Wind Mill Pump Standard could not be located. We recommend Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 322, for use with Fig. 399. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. * Fitted For Stroke. Cipher. | Price. i 307 Wood Pump Top. 6 inches. Dabbed $ 5.00 399 | 1% inch pipe. ee AL Dabble 5.50 * Fig. 399 is fitted for 1, 11%, or 1% inch pipe, but always for 1% inch, unless otherwise ordered, SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 55 MiG NEE) Litt Purp Standard. FIG. 400. — ail The above illustration represents accurately our Fig. 400, a Wind Mill Lift Pump Standard, that has been long and favorably known to the trade. We make two sizes of this Standard, Nos. 4 and 5, and the latter is furnished with either six or ten inch stroke. The pipe is screwed to the Standard under the spout, which lessens the liability to damage by frost. In the suction pipe a small vent or drip-hole should be made about three feet below the base to allow the water to flow back after pumping. Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 322, are best adapted for use in connection with these Standards. Description and lists of Cylinders on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE. No. *Fitted For | Height. Cipher. | Price. *Fitted For | Height. Cipher, Seay 4 Be, in. pipe. | 44 inches. Dactyl p70 eS Pa eee + SSE ae te ae 5s |\iKy« « oe GR. Daffodil 8.00 2. tn. Fine, 50 inches. | Dagger $9.50 *Fitted for 1, 1%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. These Standards furnished with Forked Rod Coupling, when fitted for 2 inch pipe for Tubular Wells. 56 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Lift Pump Standards. FIG. 403. No. 4.—Medium. No. 3.—Light. The above Pump Standards, as may be seen, are adapted to either hand or Wind Mill purposes. We have com- bined in these Standards every good quality necessary to make a perfect Pump. They are strong and substantial, and symmetrical in design. They are made, as are all of our Wind Mill Pumps, with close top, so the Piston-rod always works in line with the Plunger. The pipe screws into the stock under the spout, which prevents liability to serious damage by frost. A drip-hole should be drilled in the suction pipe about three feet below the base. We recom- mend particularly Figs. 312 and 322 Brass Tube Cylinders to be used in connection with these Standards. Cylinders or Working Barrels are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE. *Fitted For Height. Cipher. Prices *Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price, 1% inch pipe. | 44 inches. Dahlia bar Ae ob ge RE Oe ME eee es LMR ty ted Oe gad wid AS eae Dainty 7.50 2 inch epipe. 49 inches. | Damnable $ 9.00 1 ee tnanas A pee Pied Damask 8.00 Bast ST 9 Ot ee Damnation 9.50 *Fitted for 1, 114%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Furnished with Forked Rod Coupling when fitted for 2 inch pipe for Tubular Wells. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 57 Wind Mill Lift Pump Standard. WITH ADJUSTABLE STROKE. FIG. 419. J = > = it} \ N \\ AY, \ | i , \\ \ Wh cm \\\a) ¥ ee ee | mT A’) 2 1 \ ete ia? \\ — = = Wao) TOUTE) The cut on this page represents a Wind Mill Pump Standard with Adjustable Stroke. The Standard is the same as Fig. 403; Nos. 4 and 5 corresponding with the sizes by these numbers in Fig. 419. The stroke is adjustable from six to seven, eight, and ten inches in length by changing the position of the two pins connecting the fulcrum and link with the lever. This Pump is always fitted for two inch pipe with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells, unless otherwise ordered. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. ] *Fitted For Height. We? Stroke. Cipher. Frice. 4 | 2 inch pipe. 49 inches. | 6, 7, 8, and Io in. Damper | $ 9.50 5 | Ay 0 Cpe MAL | 6. 7, 8, and 10 in. Dampish | 10.00 *Fitted for 1, 14%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always for 2 inch, unless otherwise ordered. For Tubular Wells, Cylinders and Valves on pages 86 and 87 may be used. Figs. 312 and 322, on page 81, are best adapted for this Standard in open or drilled wells. 58 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Lift Pump Standard. FOR TUBULAR AND DEEP WELLS. FIG. 401. , SINIVIEG 23) WETS ODL HINI —— \ > be AWS “RGUSONIAL BAN le oO ; aS This Pump Standard is made in two sections with flange between threaded for Iron Pipe, from 1 inch to 2% inch, as ordered. Being made in this way, Fig. 401 can be handled with facility in placing it on Tubular and other deep wells; the bottom section can be set, the flange attached to the pipe, and then the top section bolted on. It can be used for any kind of Deep Well, the same as our regular Deep Well Pump Standards. We recommend Figs. 312 and 322 Brass Tube Cylinders, for use with Fig. 401, in Open or Drilled Wells. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87, Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. Piegaor e) WITH SIX INCH STROKE. _ | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. eee ERE BER NTRS pe hae ed eR eS ey Ae PE ESS le hh el ete UI pee te ee ile ome i Bel Se a ea Standard | “Fitted For | Height. | Cipher. | Price. | * Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price. Complete. | 11% inch pipe. | 46 inches. | Damson | $1000 2inch pipe. |50inches.| Dancer | $ 11.50 | *Fitted for 14%, 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. This Standard with 10 inch stroke for 2 inch pipe furnished with Forked Wood-rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ce AL A ot eee NV YS Mecm Vell, Lift Pump. Standanrc. WITH WIND-MILL TOP. FIG. 426. in | The above cut represents our Deep Well Lift Pump Standard, Fig. 426, with Wind-mill Top. It is the same in construction as Fig. 232, with the exception of the Top, and may be worked either by hand or by Wind-mill power. These Pumps may be used in wells over 200 feet deep, their construction adapting them for the deepest wells. The same Cylinders are adapted for Fig. 426 as for Figs. 232 and 233; viz.: Figs. 304, 305, 310, 312 and 322. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. 426. | WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. Standard | *Fitted For | Height. | Cipher. | Price. | *Fitted For | Height. | Cipher. | Price. Complete. | yy inch pipe. | 55 inches. Deadish | $17.00 | 2 inch pipe. | 59 inches. | Deafen | $18.50 | * Fitted for 14%, 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. 60 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Sie EO Gay Wind Mill Force Pump Standards. FIG. 413.—Plain Spout. FIG. 417.—Cock Spout. The Force Pump Standards illustrated above are the same in every part except the spout. As shown by the cuts, Fig. 413 has a plain spout, while that of Fig. 417 is provided with a cock. Both of these Standards have back outlet for convenience in forcing water into a tank. The pipe connection is made just below the spout which lessens liability to damage by frost. When fitted for two inch pipe they are adapted for Tubular Wells, and are furnished with Forked Wood-rod Coupling. Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 322, are best adapted for these Standards in open or drilled wells. Cylimders or Working Barrels are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. 2 WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. ig. - * Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price: | * Fitted For Height. | Cipher. Price. 413 | 1% inch pipe. | 46 inches. | Dander | § 10.00 | 2 inch pipe. | 50 inches. | Dandy $ 11.50 Teh aN ER el 4oaee Danger 12.50 Ze Mey BOS Wah er anele 14.00 * Fitted for 114%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. These Pumps with Io inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, are furnished with Forked Wood-rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 61 Wind Mill Force Pump Standards. FIG. 418.—Plain Spout. FIG. 428.—Cock Spout. The above cuts represent Figs. 418 and 428, Wind Mill Force Pump Standards, which differ only in the style of spout. These Standards are tall and well proportioned, the spout is over twenty inches above the base, admitting discharge of water direct into the house tank, which makes it a desirable Pump for use in some localities, particularly in the West. When fitted for two inch pipe they are adapted for Tubular Wells, and are furnished with Forked Wood- rod Coupling. Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 322, are best adapted for these Standards in open or drilled wells. Cylinders or Working Barrels are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. . * Fitted For Height. | Cipher. | Prices * Fitted: Wer,’ |‘ Height?)-/}. > Cipher) Price. 418 1% inch pipe. 47 inches. | Dapper $ 10.00 2 inch pipe. | 51 inches. | Dappled ay 11.50 428 | uy « é< 47. / Daring |} + 12.50 | 2 ny Cate BS ke | Darkness | 14.00 * Fitted for 11/, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. These Pumps, with ro inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, are furnished with Forked Wood-rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. 62 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Force Pump Standard: WITH BACK OUTLET. FIG. 404. The Pump Standard represented by the above cut is made heavy and strong for deep wells. Located behind the spout is an outlet for convenience in forcing water into a tank. The suction pipe connection is under the spout, which prevents liability to destructive action of the frost. This Pump is equally well adapted for hand or Wind-mill use. It is made anti-freezing in the usual way, by a drip-hole in pipe below base of Pump. The Cylinders best suited for this Standard are Figs. 308, 309, 310, 312 and 322, shown on pages 80 and 81. Figs. 312 and 322, Brass Tube Cylinders, we especially recommend. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. = | WITH SIX INCH STROKE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE. oO. * Fitted For Height. Cipher. | Price; * Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price. 4 |1¥ in. pipe.| 47 inches. Darling | $ 12.00 2 in. pipe. 51 inches. Dastard 13.50 PY i tak har abe Ke de Darted | 13.00 2 BES Nits 5S 0 as Dative 14.50 * Fitted for 1,14%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 404, with Io inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, is furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 63 Wing Mill itorce Pump Standard, WITH BACK OUTLET AND COCK SPOUT. FIG. 411. The above cut represents accurately Fig. 411, Force Pump Standard, with the Cock on Spout and Back Outlet, This Standard is particularly adapted for forcing water into an elevated Tank. In all respects, except in construction of the spout, this Pump is the same as Fig. 404 on the preceding page. We recommend especially Figs. 312 and 322, Brass Tube Cylinders for use with Fig. 411 in open or drilled wells. All our Wind Mill Pump Standards are made anti-freezing by drilling a drip-hole about three feet below the base or platform. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12, Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH. TEN INCH STROKE, No. *Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price. *Fitted For Height. Cipher. be pe TICe. 4 | 1% in. pipe.| 47 inches. Dauber $ 14.50 2 in. pipe. 51 inches. Daunted | $ 16.00 a ae ean a 49 * Daubery 15.50. *.|- oor Bat a Dauntless | 17,00 * Fitted for 1,114, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Pumps with 10 inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. 64 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Force Pump Standard. WITH AIR CHAMBER ON SPOUT. FIG. 405. | FERGUSON ALBAN The above cut represents a Force Pump Standard possessing all the features necessary to a perfect Wind Mill Pump. It has an outlet on top of the Air Chamber for discharging to a tank, and has a hose coupling on the spout. The Stock is threaded for pipe just below the spout. We recommend Figs. 308, 309, 310, 312 and 322 (listed on pages 80 and 81) to be used with this Standard for open or drilled wells. We also furnish Fig. 405 with Cock on Spout at $2.50, extra list, as below. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE. ADJUSTABLE STROKE. Fig. 405. = sh Ss f *Fitted For. Cipher. Price. | *Fitted For.| Cipher. |Price, 4 *Fitted For Cipher. | Price. Standard Complete. 1{ inch pipe. Dauphin $13.00 |2 inch pipe.) Daylight ($14.50|2 inch pipe.| Dazzle ($15.50 With Cock onSpout.|14% “ ‘| Dawdle | 15.50 |2 “ < | Daytime | 17.00|/2 * | Dazzling | 18.00 *Fitted for 1, 11%, 1%, or 2 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 405 with Io inch and adjustable stroke for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. The Adjustable Stroke Pumps are adapted for 6, 8, or Io inch stroke, SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING SON EON 65 Wind Mill Force Pump Standard IN TWO SECTIONS. FLANGED UNDER SPOUT. FIG. 406. The above cut represents Fig. 406, which in general construction resembles Fig. 405 Standard. It is built in two sections, with pipe flange connecting them just below the spout. This Pump Standard is similar to Fig. gor, in this respect. For Drilled and Open Wells Figs. 308, 309, 310, 312 and 322 Cylinders, on pages 80 and 81, are best adapted for use in connection with Fig, 406. Tubular Well Cylinders and Valves on pages 86 and 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. pizeor and eee: WITH SIX INCH ST ROKE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE. Fig. 406. : =—_ * Fitted For Height. | Cipher. Price. * Fitted For | Height. Cipher. ap Price. Standard Complete. 1% in. pipe. | 49 inches. | Deacon | 13.50 | 2 inch pipe. 53 inches. Deaden lg $ 15.00 With Cock on Spout Bags eh bit? 49 ‘| Deaconry | 16.00 oye" CR BR (Ts ee Deadening | 17.50 * Fitted for 1%, 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, but always as listed, anlees otherwise ordered. Fig. 406, with Io inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. Extra Flanges, 50 cents each. 66 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Wind Mill Force Pump Standard. WITH COCK SPOUT, AND FLANGED BASE. FIG. 407. AEAGUSON Fig. 407 represents a Pump similar in general construction and appearance to Fig. 406, the difference being in the Air Chamber and location of the Flange for pipe, which, in Fig. 407, is just above the base. It also has an upward and back outlet or discharge, and a cock on the spout. It can be attached to pipe up to three inches, which especially adapts it to large size Tubular or Artesian Wells. When placed in Open or Drilled Wells, we recommend Figs. 312 and 322, Brass Tube Cylinders, to be used in connection with this Standard. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. Fig 407. - = * Fitted For Height. | Cipher. | Price. * Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price. Standard Complete. | 1% in. pipe. | 49 inches. | Deanery | $16.00 | 2 inch pipe. | 53 inches.| Deanship | $ 17.50 * Fitted for 14%, 114, 2, 2%, or 3 inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 407, with 10 inch stroke for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. Extra Flanges, 50 cents each. SILVER & DEMING wdiedaacdicne Leeda LS Stik EXTRA HEAVY Dee pvVveh Force Pump Standard. | WITH WIND-MILL TOP, FIG. 427. ] i) Fig. 427 is similar to Fig. 426, having the addition of Air Chamber and Stuffing-box, necessary to make it a Force Pump. It is the same as Fig. 233, with Wind-mill Top. The double Braces make the Standards of this style very desirable for wells over 200 feet deep. Fig. 427 is heavy, strong, and durable, being equally well adapted for hand or Wind Mill use. Cylinders, Figs. 304, 305, 310, 312 and 322, may be used in connection with these Standards. Description and lists of Cylinders on pages 77710/87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX Ine of ROERE. WITH TEN INCH STROKE Fig. 427. -—- —_—— es PAR tes 3h PD TI & 487 *Fitted For Height. Cipher. Price. *Fitted For Ti ‘Height. Cipher. Price. | ¢ Standard $21.00 | 2 in. pipe.| 59 inches. | Dealing | $22.50 Complete. 1% in. pipe. | 55 inches. Deafness * Fitted for i, 1%, 2, or 2% inch pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Extra Pipe Flanges, 50 cents each. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti=-Freezing Wind Mill FOreoc auc: WITH IMPROVED VERTICAL DISTRIBUTING VALVE. FIG. 410. This Pump has been perfected to meet the requirements of the principal Wind Mill manufacturers in the United States, for a better Wind Mill Force Pump with a Three-way Valve, than had heretofore been produced. It has become the leading Anti-freezing Three-way Pump, and is accepted by Wind Mill manufacturers and dealers generally as the best 7hree-way Wind Mill Force Pump on the market. It has won its repu- tation on its merits, is the original Pump of its class, and has been in use for several years without a successful rival. The Union Elbow Coupling for connecting to the under- -ground discharge pipe, is of brass, and can be turned to suit the direction of the pipe. The Air Chamber Pipe is two inches in diameter, which insures ease of operation and a steady flow of water. The hose coupling on the spout also adds to the convenience of this Pump. Fig. 410 is constructed to admit of withdrawal of the Plunger when used on Tubular Wells. In Open or Drilled Wells we recommend the use of Figs. 312 and 322 Brass Tube Cylinders, in connection with Fig. 410. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. WITH ADJUSTABLE STROKE, * Fitted For Cipher. | Price. * Fitted For Cipher. Price. * Fitted For Cipher. Price. Complete, | 1% in. S. P. | Sins i OE ig \ | Bopericut sera ase Deel pert: | $18.00] J «Dp. Debasing | $19.50, | «pp. 7 |Debatable | $ 20.50 * Fitted for 1, 14%, 1%, 2, 2%, or 3 inch suction pipe, and 3/, 1, 1%, 1%, or 2 inch discharge pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Fig. 410, Io inch and adjustable stroke for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling for Tubular Wells. Fitted for 2% or 3 inch pipe, $1.00 extra list. Extra Pipe Flanges, $1.00 each. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti=-Freezing Wind Mill HOrce: tnnap: WITH IMPROVED VERTICAL DISTRIBUTING VALVE, FIG. 415. The annexed cut represents our new Anti-freezing Three-way Wind Mill Force Pump, Fig. 415. The construction of this Pump is the same as that of Fig, 410. It has been placed on the market to meet an increasing demand for a lighter and cheaper Pump of its class, and for all ordinary work it will be found quite efficient. The main difference between this Pump and Fig. 410 is in the lighter weight of the former, and in the size of Air Chamber Pipe, which is 1% inch instead of 2 inches, as in Fig, 410. When Fig. 415 is used on Tubular Wells the Plunger may be withdrawn the same as in Fig. 4ro. In Open or Drilled Wells, Figs. 312 and 322 are the most suitable Cylinders for this Pump. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. * Fitted For Cipher. Price. * Fitted For Cipher. | Price. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. teas i WITH TEN INCH STROKE. __ 1 inch suction pipe. } | lx “ discharge “ f. Debenture | $18.50 “e Debility pea 7.50 Debauch $ 17.00 Debilitate 16.00 2 inch suction pipe. Ty or discharve .* “ce T416 + Fig. 416 is the same as Fig. 415, except that 114 inch pipe is used for Air Chamber instead of 1% inch; and it is not arranged to draw out Plunger in Tubular Wells. * Fitted for 1,14%, 1%, or 2 inch suction pipe, and 3,1, or 114 inch discharge pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Ten inch stroke Pumps, for 2 inch pipe, furnished with Forked Rod Coupling, for Tubular Wells. Extra Flanges, for Fig. 415 or 416, $ each. 70 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Deep Well Working Heads. WITH FLANGED BASE. FIG. 432—With Wind-Mill Top. FIG. 4383—With Pitman for Power. ail AAD ut Mit +h Thy SSS “eece Gitscaan ono. The above Force Pump Working Heads are the same in general construction. Fig. 432 is arranged for Wind Mill or hand use, and Fig. 433 has, instead of a Wind Mill attachment, a Pitman, adapting it for any kind of power. These Working Heads may be used in connection with a Cylinder, in places where a large Standard would be impracticable. Cylinders, Figs. 304, 305, 309, 312, 322, 314, and 315, are adapted for this Working Head. Cylinders or Working Barrels are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. A Flange is placed between the Base and the Air Chamber, and may be threaded for any size suction pipe up to three inches. Forked Couplings for connecting to Wood Rods are furnished at an additional cost as given below. These Pumps are always fitted for % inch rod, unless otherwise ordered, but can be fitted for 3g or y inch gas pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Keauined Power, and Seeed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. WITH SIX INCH STROKE. | WITH TEN INCH STROKE. Fig. * Suction Fitted For *Discharge Fitted For Cipher | Price. Cipher. Price. 432 1% inch Pipe: 1% inch pipe. | Debonair $13.00 Decade $14.50 433 reut ed ieee oa wae Debutant 15.00 Decadence 16.50 * Fitted for 1,1%,11%, 2, 2%, or 3 inch suction or discharge pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Forked Rod Coupling for connecting to Wood Rod, furnished at $1.50 extra list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 71 ‘Texas Deep Well Working Head. WITH DOUBLE ROD GUIDE, AND POWER ATTACHMENT. FIG. 436. The annexed cut represents a new style of Working Head, which is especially adapted to the deep wells of Texas and other parts of the west. Our Artesian Well Cylinders, Figs. 314 and 324, and Deep Well Cyl- inders, Fig. 315, are well adapted for use in connection with this Working Head. Fig. 436 may be used with Wind Mill or other power, the double Rod Guide always keeping the Piston in line; the power attachment is hinged and arranged to fit the Wood Rod of Wind Mill. A Stuffing-box adapts this Working Head for forcing water, the discharge being made below bya Tee in the suction pipe. An Air Chamber may be constructed of pipe on the discharge, if desired. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. 436. * Fitted For | Length of Stroke. Cipher. Price. | Complete. 3 inch pipe. | 16 inches. “Decalogue | ‘$ 15.00 * Fitted for 2, 214, or 3 inch suction pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. 72 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DN Ea oy Mine and Deep Well Pump Head. WITH PITMAN, FOR POWER. FIG. 435. (| This Force Pump Working Head is especially adapted for use in Hl] il i Mines, and Artesian or Deep Wells. | The suction pipe is attached to a flange in the base and the dis- charge pipe toa flange on the side of the Air Chamber. Artesian Well Brass Cylinders, Figs. 314 and 324, and metallic-fitted Brass Tube Cylin- der, Fig. 315, are best adapted for use in connection with these Working Heads. Cornish Mine Pump Cylinder, Fig. 345, may also be used with Fig. 435, in mines or wells not over 100 to 150 feet deep. We make two sizes of this Working Head, designated as Nos. I and 2; the former | having ten inch and sixteen inch stroke; and the latter, sixteen, twenty- four, and thirty inch stroke, as ordered. These Pump Heads will be fitted for 54, 3f, %, or I inch rod, or 3%, %, or 3 inch pipe for Piston-rod, but No. 2 is always fitted SS with 1,4, inch rod for 3 inch pipe; and No. 1 with % inch rod, for ¥ inch pipe, unless otherwise ordered. Description and lists of Cylinders on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | * Suction, Fitted For * Discharge, Fitted For Length of Stroke. Cipher. Price. I 1 inch pipe. 1 inch pipe. Io inches. Deceit $ 30.00 I aL a Tass 2 Tome Deceitful 35-00 2 3 as ef 3 oh Toy os Deceive 70.00 2 3 ~ ¥e 3 4 a6 2A ass Decency 90.00 2 3 y ss a os x otek ody - Decent 100.00 * No. 1 Working Head can be fitted for any size suction and discharge pipe up to and including 3 inch; and No. 2 can be fitted for suction pipe up to and including 6 inch, with discharge pipe up to and including 4inch. They will be fitted as Listed, unless otherwise ordered. SILVER & pw edetgess PUA ear mnt | COMPANY, Deep Well SlectiM erat pr wy Orik< imo" Flieack f ‘nt iM x UMUC [=== vif HAH UAMNUUOUUCEETTT 111/17 ws - ~ PUATILLTL any point desired. of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. Diameter Steam Cylinder. | Length of Stroke. Diameter of Pump Cy linder. | 3 5 inches. | 24 inches. 2Y, to 4 inches. 6 8 “<“ 36 rT: 4 to 6 ‘“ 8 fs a Et aie oh &. (to Soe FIG. 438, } feet from the surface of the ground. to advantage. This Pump is made in four sizes; shortened to suit the length of Cylinder. a Hi WITH DIRECT-ACTING PISTON-ROD. BY. This Direct Acting Vertical Steam Pump is adapted for pumping from Deep Drilled Wells, or from Artesian Wells, fe lik where the water does not rise higher than twenty-five or thirty It will pump from wells 1,000 feet (or more) in depth, and will deliver the water to We recommend Figs. 314 and 324, Artesian Well Brass Cyl- inders, as best adapted for use in connection with this Steam Pump Head. Mine Pump Cylinder, Fig. 345, may also be used the entire Working Head being constructed to swing on its base for con- venience in repairing. The stroke is adjustable and can be Description and Lists of Cylinders on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed . Deeiisous Decimal Decipher SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IMPROVED Wind Mill Stuffing-Box Heads. WITH BRASS-CASED ROD. FIG. 446. FIG. 447. FIG. 448. FIG. 449. Tm i wy iu E 1 ) ul The above cuts represent different styles of Stuffing-box Heads for Wind Mili use. They may be used in shal- low or deep wells, where it is not considered necessary to invest in a Force Pump Standard. These Stuffing-box Heads are made of iron (except Fig. 449, which is all brass) with the gland of brass, and brass-cased rod. All have a Rod Coupling at lower end of rod, and, if ordered, Figs. 448 and 449 are fitted with coupling on both ends of the rod. Figs. 446 and 447 have Wind Mill attachment at top and have a discharge connection above the suction. The discharge from Figs. 448 and 449 is made by a Tee attached to the suction pipe below. These Heads may be used on tubular wells, and in open or drilled wells. In the latter case, Brass Tube Cylinders, Figs. 312 and 322, are best adapted. Cylinders are described and listed on pages 77 to 87. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. *Fitted For Stroke. Cipher. Price. 446 1% inch pipe. 10 inches. Decamp $6 00 447 east = 10-7 Decanter 6.00 448 1058" Decapitate 3.00 449 . 167°" Decayed 4.00 *Fitted for, 1,114, 114, or 2 inch suction pipe, but always for 1 inch, unless otherwise ordered. Figs. 446 and 447 can be fitted for any of these four sizes of discharge pipe, but will always be fitted with same size discharge as suction pipe, unless otherwise ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 75 Syphon Force Pump. WITH SUBMERGED CYLINDER. FIG. 320. LSE TIT nT HN aos The above cuts represent our improved Syphon Pump, in which the Cylinder or Working Barrel is always immersed. ‘This is accomplished by the suction pipe entering above the lower valve. The Pump is thus always primed, and is not liable to get out of working order. It has a Brass Plunger, and the Cylinder is either Arass- lined, or all Brass, as ordered. This Pump is adapted for use in places where it can be located within twenty-five feet of the water. The horizontal distance, if not too great, does not effect the working of this Pump; it is, there- fore, often used to advantage for pumping from streams, springs, lakes, etc., a distance away from the Pump. The Piston-rod is arranged for power, and a Forked Coupling, for attaching to the Wind Mill Wood Rod, is furnished, when so ordered. The cuts show a view of the Pump complete; also a sectional view displaying the Cylinder and working parts. The small cut represents the Coupling for Wind Mill Rod. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. BRASS-LINEDCYLINDER.| BRASS CYLINDER. No. | Size Cylinder. | *Suction Pipe. |*Discharge Pipe| Stroke... |_———————————_—_ Cipher. Price. Cipher, Price. 1 | 2% inch. 1% inch, 1% inch. | 8% in. | Decker $25.00 | Declivity | $28.00 2 3 C 14 * Line 84 « Declaim 25.25 Decoction 28.25 3 c+ eal 2 a 2 ug 8% “ | Declaimer 27.25 | Decolor 32.25 4 4 f 2 Z 2 ee Toes Declared 30.50 Decompose 35-50 5 5 2% * ae aes a RL Declension 50.00 | Decorate 58.00 6 6 _ Fict 8 m : 10 6 *_—s'|-:« Declinable 64.00 | Decorum 74.00 * Fitted for other size suction or discharge pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Forked Coupling for Wind Mill Rod, $1.50 extra list. Larger sizes Syphon Pumps made to order. 76 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. SY phon Horcerttimere: WITH WIND-MILL TOP. FIG. 321. Fig. 321 is precisely the same as Fig. 320 in the construction of its working parts; the difference being the addition of a Wind-mill Top with handle, which adapts this Pump both for Wind Mill and hand use. It is always furnished with Connecting Slide for attaching to the Wood Rod of Wind Mill. Being the same in general construction, Fig. 321 will work under the same conditions as Fig. 320. We furnish a Goose Neck Spout with Fig. 321, when so ordered, at additional price given below. This Spout is shown in cut detached from the Pump. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. BRASS CYLINDER. No.| Size Cylinder. | *Suction Pipe. |*Discharge Pipe; Stroke. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I ie nce 1% inch. 1% inch. 8% in. Decrease $ 28.50 Deeply $ 31.50 2 | 1347 48 ieee onc we) Decrepit 28.75 Deface 31.75 3 | 31 se 2 6 2 a 8 * Decried 31.00 Defame 36.00 4 | 4 2 se 2 = IO" ee Dedicate 37.50 Default 42.50 5 4 a 2 tere Zi 6 | 10. a8 Deduced 55 00 Defeated 63.00 6 6 £s 3 zs 3 Es 10 Seas Deeded 70.00 Defending 80.00 * Fitted for other sizes suction and discharge pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. Larger sizes Syphon Pumps made to order. Goose Neck Spout for Fig. 321, Nos. 1 to 4 furnished at $1.00 extra list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 77 Cylinders o« Working Barrels. The Cylinder or working section of a Pump is that part which does the actual work of pumping; and if the Cylinder is in any way defective the Pump will not work with any degree of certainty. Every other part of a Pump may be in perfect order, and the defective Cylinder will render the Pump comparatively worthless. We manufacture a full line of Cylinders of different styles and for various purposes. These are illustrated and listed on the next ten pages. In our factory we take especial pains in the construction of Cylinders. All parts being made to exact gauges, repairs will always fit, and the parts will go together accurately. To insure this, a careful inspection of all Cylinders is made before they are shipped from the factory. Our Iron and Cast Brass Cylinders are all bored out perfectly true, and are highly polished. The Brass Tube Cylinders are made of heavy seamless Brass Tubing, with Iron or Brass attachments; and for accuracy in construction and ease of operation, they cannot be excelled. Our Brass-lined Cylinders are made similar to the Iron Cylinders, the shell being bored out smoothly, and enough to insert a lining of Brass Tubing of the proper inside diameter. The lining is forced in and swaged to position. These Cylinders possess the smoothness of the Brass Tube Cylinders, and are not so likely to become injured by external pressure or sudden jars. The lists on the following pages give the sizes of pipe the Cylinders are fitted for; but if other sizes of pipe are to be used we can generally fit the Cylinder attachments to suit; however, we recommend the Cylinders to be fitted as listed, since practical usage has demonstrated them to be best adapted for sizes of pipe as given in the lists. The following are the necessary parts of a Cylinder or Working Barrel, viz.: Body or Shell, Top Attach- ment, Bottom Attachment, Plunger (Cage, Poppet Valve, Follower, and Leather Packing), and the Lower Valve. In order that the Pump operate properly these parts must be in perfect condition, and the joints of the Cylinder should be air-tight. Plungers for Cylinders. The various styles of Plungers used in our Cylinders are shown by cuts next to those of the Cylinders. *©4°? Plunger is all iron, with leather packing; it is used in Figs. 300, 301, and 308. ‘*B” Plunger is constructed with Brass Cage and Valve with leather packing, and has water-grooved Iron Follower 2 inches long; it is used in Figs. 302, 303, 309; and Figs, 312 and 322, 14 inches long. “¢©? Plunger has a Brass Cage and Valve, and leather packing, with water-grooved Iron Follower 5 inches long. It is used in Figs. 304, 305, 316; and Figs. 312 and 322, 16, 18, and 20 inches long. ‘“*F” Plunger is all Brass; it has leather packing, and the Follower is turned to fit the Cylinder perfectly. It is used in Figs. 312 and 322, 10 and 12 inches long. “$(t°? Plunger is the same as “‘A” Plunger, with flat rod for attaching to the rod of Wood Pump. It is used in Fig. 318. ‘¢H ” Plunger (not shown by a cut) is a solid Piston Plunger, with double-cupped leather packing. It is used in Double-acting Cylinder Fig. 319, and in our Double-acting Pumps. For Open Wells, we recommend Figs, 300, 301, 302, 304, 308, 309, 310, 312, 314, 324, 316, and 319; and for Drilled Wells, we recommend Figs. 303, 305, 322, and 315. The Cylinders above referred to, listed on the following pages, are used in connection with Pump Standards and Working Heads shown on the preceding pages. For the convenience of those who are ordering Cylinders, and desire to know the outside diameters, we append the table below. Table Showing Outside Diameter of Cylinders. | | INSIDE DIAMETER IN INCHES. 1%|1%|13%| 2 2H 2% | 3 13% 3% | 334 4 14% 47 | 4% 5 15%| 6 OUTSIDE DIAMETERS, | / } Figs: 300, 302, and 304. 5.0.40 6 2 w]e} ef 913 534 4% |44|44)--|5M)--|6 |- - 17). - 1734 Figs. 303 and 305 .......- . «J+ |+-|+ +|23413 |34|3%4/334\4 |4¥4|- -|434]- -1534|- - (534 - - 1634 Figs. 308, 309,and 310... . . . .|--|--|++|3 1344/1334 |4 |44/4)4|4|- -|54/-- 16 |- - 174) - - 1734 Fig.312 07%." - Se ee we fee fee ts “123413 131413541334 14 lah] - - 1434) > - 1534) - - | |7 Biciat: Coane ee ret eat. braze 24 |2%4 234 |3 34131413 AU. - 14%! 53% - |63% Fig.315. « OD eke al an a hew mas toed Ke zal BAA has Fc, acad FP ood Pat Dl PP bam Pad bel GON “ST Pacey or ates ORE heed ad 1334} . OS hl dana (SK ee vlad taba: Mig etO a. em tea N ee Min ean. ih | sh - éyleuloylowileulaul aish ai, oe eee ORM ee ee ee et | le a Alaa) oe I lon Law fiw | Fig. 319 . eee eo en PARC Te i Te Clo Lee Ceo ee Rater aad Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. IMPROVED SHALLOW WELL PumpCylinderssWorking Barrels FIG. 300. ih Cylinders Figs. 300 and 301, FIG. 301. FIG. 302. with ‘‘A” Plunger. Stroke. Size. | *Fitted for IRON. Cipher. Price. BRASS BODY. FIG. 303. fi BRASS BODY AND G PLUNGER ALL BRASS. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. 2..*10 21x10 sf 21%%x10 23x10 | 3. xI0 34x10 Bae at da ph ea a inch. Cabal Cabalist Cabalize Caballer Cabaret Cabas Cabbage Cabin $3.75 4.00 4.35 4.70 5.00 5-30 5.60 6.50 Cabinet Cabob Caboose Cabriolet Cachet Cackle Cackling Cactus 7 50 8.00 875 9.50 10.50 11.50 14.00 orem $ 8.00 8.25 8.75 9-75 10.50 11.50 12.50 15.00 Cadaver Caddis Caddy Cadence Cadet Cadger Cadmium Cafe Caftre Cahoot Caique Cairn Caisson Cajeput Cajole Calade N. B.—The Cipher words apply to Fig. 300; when Fig, 301 is wanted, add the word ‘‘Bolted”’ to the Cipher word. Cylinders Figs. 302 and 3093, with ‘‘B” Plunger. *Fitted for IRON. BRASS BODY. BRASS BODY AND PLUNGER. ALL BRASS. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. ‘Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. 2 i Ke 24x12 | 24x12 | 23¢x12 | Ch 4 e2 Uxi2 | 3x12 Asm 2 24 OE 274 X14 hs aos 4X14 3 X14 34x14 32X14 | 4 xI4 44x14 5 x14 Pree cao UR Gere $ 5.50 5-75 6.00 6.50 7.00 Calamine Calamist Calamite Calamity Calamus Calash 7 50 Calcar 8.00 Calciform 9.25 Calcify 6.00 Calcinate 6.25 Calcine 6.50 Calcite 7.00 Calcium 7.50 Calculate 8.00 Calculus 8.50 Calefy 10.00 Calendar 12.50 Calenture | 14.25 | Calico | Called | Callous | Calmer | Calmly | Calomel Caliber Calibrate $10.00 10.50 11.50 L175 [2.75 14 00 15.50 21.50 10.25 11.25 T1:75 12.50 13.50 15.00 16.50 23.75 26.00 29.00 Caliph Calque Calker Calliope Caloric Calorific Calotype Calumny Calvinism Calvish | Camped | Candy | Cane $11.00 11.50 I2 50 13.25 14.25 15.00 17.50 24.00 I1.50 12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.75 19.00 27.00 31.00 35-00 Calyon Calyx Cameo Camera Camp Camping Campus Canal Canard Canary Canaster Cancer Candid Candidate Candor | Canvas Caned Cannibal Cannon Canny Canoe Canyon Canonize Cantilever Canteen Canter $12.50 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.25 17.50 20.00 27.00 13.00 14.00 14.50 15-75 16.75 18.25 21.50 29.50 34.00 39.00 Capable Capital Capon Capper Capsicum Capsize Capsule The above Canes words apply to Fig. 302; when Fig. 303 (which has inside attachments) is wanted, add the word “Inside” to the Cipher word. Brass Body and all Brass Cylinders are made of Cast Brass. * Fitted for other sizes of Pipe when so ordered, but we recommend the use of Pipe according to the sizes as listed. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. N. B.—Outside diameters of all styles and sizes of Cylinders are given on page 77. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 79 Dives Se Nek) Orr WT ECT PumpCylinderse Working Barrels FOR OPEN AND DRILLED WELLS. FIG. 304.—Outside Attachments FIG. 305.—Inside Attachments FOR OPEN WELLS. FOR DRILLED WELLS. Cylinders Figs. 304 and 305, with ‘‘C”’”’ Plunger. . A ih IRON. BRASS BOD (Ati meee pete ete. ALL BRASS. Size. +Stroke. Rice. : Cipher. Prices Cipher. Prices Cipher. Price radi ecerice. EG SEO LO ICUS Lee ACH Wek sci hs La Carcass $10.50 | Carouser | $ | Casino | $13.50 13x16 |1Io0 “ reat a ae Mae Cardinal 10.50 | Carpenter | 12.00 | Casket 13.50 ZUXID rox t e Captain 6.00 | Career 10.50 | Carpentry | 12.00 | Casque 13.50 2YUx16|)10 “ 14 < Captious 6.50 | Careful 12.00 | Carpet 13.50 | Cassia 15.00 2%x16 |Io * Lye @ Captive 7.00 | Careless 12.50 | Carrion 14.00 | Cassock 15.00 23x16 | Io *“ 1y “ Capuchin 7.50 | Cargo 13.00 | Carrot 14.50 | Castanet 16.25 Sexier TO. % Ly Capulet 8.00 | Caribou 14.00 | Cartilage 15.50 | Caster | 17.50 34x16 |I0 “« ry « Caramel §.50 | Carmine 16.00 | Cartoon 18.00 | Castigate | 20.00 314%4x16 | 10 “ Lig itt Carat 9.00 | Carnage 18.50 | Cartridge | | Castilian | 23.50 aa erG ropes fai Carbine 10.50 | Carnal 26.00 | Carver 29.00 | Castle | 32.50 434x16 |I0 * Ne Carbon 13.00 | Carnival | 30.00 | Carving 35.00 | Casual | 40.00 Reh Laren ich 100,60 See nea Thi! 4.0 at Coherent / 110.00 Io * ms Toe 5.1 . Coinage" + | > eR OD 1h Ga Tae Ue 6.19509 | Colander | 135,cO 10 * 6 « 20 * 6.8 Collation 150.00 *We can fit these Cylinders for other sizes of Pipe when especially ordered; but we recommend them to be fitted as listed. 86 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 376-A. re lt) FIG. 376-B.—Chapman Valves, New Palen Ties Showing ‘‘Eureka”’ Cylinder as Furnished.— FIG. 323. Wrought-iron Tubular Well Cylinder.—FIG. 346. The “‘ Eureka” Tubular Well Cylinder, showing Cylinder in Well or Pipe. FIG. 635. Malleable Wood-rod Coupling. Dog Coupling—FIG. 323. Artesian Well Wrought-iron Wood-rod Coupling.—FIG. 636. Artesian Well Plunger Valve—FIG. 374-A. n =H ct oD <2 — T oO oo ia} > te o 3 ° + 3 c fa] ae o 4 dit Fon Tainted 17.00 Teacher | 18.50 3 : Be ek Talent 27.50 Tedious 29.50 4 ‘ Br vcs Tarnish 50.00 Temerity 56.00 ee pk fa Tartness 70.00 Tempest 78.00 Wrought=-Iron ‘Tubular Well Cylinder. FIG. 346. d . BORED AND POLISHED CYLINDER. BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. Size (for Pipe). Length a ee a aes . 2 Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. 2 inch. 48 inches Temporal | $10.00 Tendency $15 00 235s Ae ee Tenable be aa ha,00 Tenderly 20.00 < 48 is Tenacity | 20.00 Terrible 30.00 Fig. 346 Cylinders are provided with Stee/ Shoe. N. B.—Strainer Well Points are listed on pages 176 and 177. Chapman’s Tubular Well Valves. FIGS. 375 and 376. DIAMETER, IN INCHES, OF CYLINDER OR PIPE. Pees 2 ji 3 Figs. 375 A and 375 B—Chapman’s Standard Pattern Tube Well Valves (with Gutta) | F A Percha Ball Valves), per set 2 \ ae tec ‘ane 2 Figs. 376 A and 376 B—Chapman’s New Pattern Tube Well Valves (with 3 Brass ia Peas ees Valves), per set. . : ret f Figs. 375 B or 376 B—Check Valves only, each : 3.50 | 5.25 7.00 Figs, 375 A or 376 A—Plunger Valves only, each . | 2.50 | 375 | 5.00 Gh Anzh aval Aaa VV oll Valves. FIG. 374. Diam. | Price Price Price Diam. Price Price Price Cylinder. Plunger-A. (Lower Valve-B., perset. | Cylinder. | Plunger-A. ‘Lower Valve-B. per set. 1% inch. $ 5.00 $ 2.25 $9326 t 5337 inch. $ | $14.00 $39.00 134 6.25 2.75 9.00 44% 30.00 LN EGLOO 48.00 nage). 7,00 5.25 12.25 Aa4 es 42.00 | 22.00 64.00 25501 8.50 8.00 16.75 Bag. i$ 40.00 26.00 72.00 a ae 15.00 12.50 27.50 | Tubular and Artesian Well Rod Couplings. Fig. | Couplings adapted for Malleable. | Galvanized. oh __ Wrought- Iron. 635 |Tubular Well Wood Rod (1 inch) ‘ 40 cts. per pair. | 60 cts. per pair. 636 | Oil or Artesian Well wed Rod (1% in.) set $1.75 pe per pair. 88 Cues SiGe Rane FIG. 331.—Foot Valve. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. FIG. 328.—Foot Valve. eff Sizes and Prices. Rin homes FIG SIZES IN INCHES. % eee 1 1% 2 2% 3 a) 4 5 6 8 10 Fig 331 Sdalley Ges $1.75|$2.00|$2.25|$2.50,$3.00/$3.50/$4.50/6 . |g AD os: [Be et Ree may Fg 39050 i, eee 1475) 2.006.225) 2.50) 2.00) "2.SOieA SOlpeme sy a chiar ieee od Iron oe EBS)" 2.5OM D7 5) 2.26) 276i aia ice ae : : ae Fig. Adem semen ; aot 1.50! MVPS es28) 2.75) aes) e425 ee : Ay : Brass ong) 7a chee he LOT 5h 3.5012 4725x5001 0 OO} 700 Cie Cah wate A 23ers hs Fic. 228 J [ron 1.25] 1.25] 1.50| 1.75} 2.25] 2.75] 4.00} 7.50) 10.00| 13 00] 24.00] 40.00] 72.00 3 {Galvanized 1.50) 1.50 1.75) 2.25) 2.75) 3.25) 4.50) 9.00 12.00) I5 00) 30.00 60.00) 120.00 Fig. 325 . 1.50] 1.75] 2.00] 2.50] 3.00] 4.25]. . fast pasa AES #: otion, Lk hae aR amen ean ip e320 200 Far se LJ25) 1e25) Gh ROM ae tine, 2h 27 4.00 7.50 10.00) 13.00] 24.00; 40.00, 72.00 Fig. 326 1,00] 1.25] 1.50] 2.00; 2.75}. .-|---le eel e+e] eee tere dee ed Pup peabisctuiGes, FIG. 396. FIG. 359. Wind Mill Connection. Guide Pipe Coupling. rine Weight.| 234 | 4% | 6 8 | 12% , —— ~“""|Price. |$0.30 |$0.45 |Bo 60 |$0.80 |$1.25 Size. ify | 14 2 2% 3 Fig. 359.|— Price. |$0.75 |$1.00 |$1.25 |$2.00 |$2.75 Fitted for Rod. 346). | ele hene pe xete Threads to inch. 14 12 . 14x12 £18834 aexind perth $ § . : alleable, per tb./$ 0.40 0.40 0.40 FIG. 634.—Rod Coupling. Galvanized, « | .60 | 60 |) .60 { /— "(7 Brass, as 1.00 1.00 1.00 Fig. 396.; Wind Mill Connecting Slide, each, 50 cts. FIG. 336. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. MDiUCuoOm strainers. FIG. 338. FIG. 339. Sizes and Prices. 89 FIG. 340. SIZEVINSINGHES: z 14% 1% 2 3 3% 4 Ie 6 7 Plain, . . . . |$0.70 |$0.75 |f0.90 [$1.15 |$1.25 |8 . . I$ $ $ . . if Fig. 336, for Pipe, Galvanized . . .90 £95 ios Jol. dOwn-E GO i ee a i! : . PASI 3 .40 .50 ie sare Fig. 338, for Pipe, Gauze Covered oO .80 , ; BOM «0 ; .50 .60 Fig. 339, for Pipe, Gauze Covered .80 90 a a WG NR: ha? § Viailivy «og 29) e. SO . 60 FO 0021-1 315 W040 ot Fig. 340, for Pipe, Gauze Covered . 80 SOOT ESOG Webs 2h) best. heed Sa oc ene aor ee oa Dinteme ne sey PerSOrie 2 00%}r) 704) lL oornT 225i) 1175, | 2. So.40g, aes oc: | co Fig. 341, for Pipe, 4 Galvanized . .| _80 £90468) OO) Bl25-) D7 hse. $0.4 gr caulae kos. 7a. | 7 co Plain face. .50 , OS TSO UES GO thre 0 aoe een eee Ve oct Tae Fig. 337, for Hose, + Galvanized . SOON PS PR bet eo eT sO0 ae Brass} otcya" 59 Pea 2e75. 1 3250.) 5.00 Wind Mill Tank Valves. FIG. 351. FIG. 354. FIG. 350. Sizes and Prices. SIZES IN INCHES, of Pipe for which they are fitted. % | I 1 14 Fig. 350, Float Valve, each... $0.80--7 $0.80 $iz00' | § Fig. 351, Float Valve,each ...... Sen 80 I.00 : Fig. 352, Tank Outlet Valve, each . . . 80 | . 80 1,00 P25 Fig. 353, Tank Check Valve, each . ; 75 | 75 .9O 1,00 Fig. 354, Vertical Float Valve, each. . : 1,00 | 1.00 1.25 go SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Force Purp Air Gihanmper— FOR HAND AND HOUSE FORCE PUMPS. FIG. 370. FIG. 371. FIG. 372. These cuts represent Air Chambers with different forms of discharge, which are used on our various styles of © Hand and House Force Pumps, including Figs. 500 to 512, andFigs. 520, 521, 522,and 526. We furnishthem with the holes drilled so they may be bolted, without extra fitting, to any of the Pumps to which they are suited. They are always fitted with four holes in the flange, unless otherwise ordered. Fitted for 14%, 11%, or 2 inch discharge; but always for 1% inch, unless otherwise specified. PRICES. Cipher. Price. | Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. Fig. 370. Sea Bigs 372i. Fig.) 372. 8: 37 Consonant $2.00 | 8. 37 Consort | $2.00 8: 37 Conspire $2.50 yk sete Forces Pat psCocls The annexed cut represents Fig. 360, a Cock used in connection with several styles of our Hand Force, Well and Wind Mill Pumps. It has an Iron Case and Brass Plug, and is fitted with right and left hand coupling nut. Sizes and Prices. No.| Size Cylinder Suited For |. Fitted for Hose Coupling. Cipher. | Price. r2 inch 1073 Yoinch; i minehs Constable $ 2.00 203 we Ow <é tee Constitute 2.50 Goose-Necks for Hose. FIG. 361.—For Side Discharge. FIG. 362.—For Upward Discharge. The Fig. 361 Goose-Necks, are suited to any of our Hand and House Force Pumps with Air Chamber, as shown above. They are fitted for hose coupling and the Air Chamber has coupling-nut for attaching to discharge of Pump. The Fig. 362 Goose-Necks, are threaded on both ends, and are used mostly with Wind Mill Force Pumps. Sizes and Prices. Size. _ Fitted for Hose | Fig. 361. | Fig. 362, without Hose Coupling. | _ Fig. 362, with Hose Coupling. | Coupling. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. of Ga 34 inch. ME Ree 3 ee eee Competent $ 0.60 Compliment $ 0.90 I I a Compassion $ 0.40 Compiler .60 Component 1526 174 ve) Marah Compatible .50 Complacent .80 Composer 1.50 1% TZ hte Compeer .60 Complex .gO Comprehend 1.80 2 2 ch Pie AoE eek coh th ae ee Complexity 1.00 Compulsion 2.50 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. gI Special Power Force Pumps, ON PLANK. FIG. 500. WITH PITMAN, FOR POWER. FIG. 501. 1\\¥ Wy | 1\\\\\ as fie = S HTT Tine CT \\ AEA LCcE eR A me Be ee oe BR : mi | TTT mM FERGUSON, ERGUSON, The Pumps illustrated above are for Power or Wind Mill use. As listed they are arranged with pitman for any kind of power. When used in connection with a Wind Mill it is preferable to have the Forked Rod Coupling’ (as shown in cut) to which the Wood Rod of the Wind Mill is attached, Where water must be forced to a great height, we recommend Fig. 501, with Air Chamber, since that is an assistance to the working of the Pump. These Pumps, to give satisfactory results, should not be placed more than twenty-five feet above the water. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Size Suction and FIGURE 500. FIGURE sor. : Ne. Cylinder. Discharge Stroke, Iron. Brass. Iron. | ae __ Brass. DN aac Cipher. | Price. Cipher. | Price. Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. Price. I |2 inch.| I inch pipe.| 7 inch. | Empire $7.50 | Empty | $16.00/ Emulate | $ 9.00| Emulsion $18.00 2|2% “ |1y% “« « |7 =“ |Emporium} 800] Emptier | 18.00/ Emulation} 9.50/ Enacted 20.00 213 OE De orow pot Sule Vass Empress 8.50 Rmptiengl 20.00; Emulator 1000) Enactor 22.00 Forked Rod Coupling for Wind Mill attachment, as shown in cut, $1.50 extra list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Cylinder, Improved Hand Force Pump, OWN “SAS The Force Pump represented by the above cut is a style that is well known to the trade. Working Barrel is in the stock of the Pump. table lever; and has a stuffing-box which gives it the power of forcing water. Pump for hand use, this style of Pump is provided with Air Chamber, etc., as shown on page 90, and illustrated in This Pump is made with Brass Valve Seat and coupling below the base fitted To prevent freezing Figs. 504 to 512, on pages 94 to 102. for both Lead and Iron Pipe. 4 TD FIG. 502. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. It is provided with a substantial base, a brass piston-rod, and adjus- All parts are made to exact guages, and repairs will always fit. the lever should be raised to its extreme height, which trips the valves and allows the water to escape from the The Pump should be located a vertical distance from the water, not over twenty-five feet. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. To facilitate its operation as a Force mPWN »| Z Size Cyl. errs 24% 66 ¢é 3 3% 6é 4 “ Suction and Dis- charge Fitted for BRASS CYL. OCD) IRON. Cipher, Price. Cipher. Price. | Eager $ 8.00 Earthen $ 13.50 Eagerly 9.50 | Earthly 14.00 Earldom 11.00 | Earthquake| 15.00 Earnest 17.00 Earthwork 24.00 Earnestly 18.00 | Easel 30.00 * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum and Base. * BRASS. we Cipher. Price. Easiness | $19.50 Easter 21.00 Eatable 32 00 Ebonize 38.00 Ebony 47.00 The Cylinder or ‘toe usin & sshitebhaltes ‘Senesticasebotrhatael COMRNEY 93 Maeived Hand Force Pump, ONa PLANCK. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD, FIG. 508. We show above a cut representing Fig. 503, a Force Pavnin similar in every respect to" Fig. 502, described on the preceding page, except in the matter of the brackets attaching it to a plank, and in the flange at the bottom of the Cylinder, which adapt this Pump for attaching to the wall. It is arranged for both Lead and Iron Pipe, has a Brass Valve Seat, and is in every way well constructed. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. In locating this Pump, it should not be placed more than twenty-five feet vertically from the water, Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. : Suction and Dis- IRON. BRASS CYL. *BRASS. No. Size Cyl. : Stroke. = — charge Fitted for Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. I 2 inch. | 1% inch pipe. 6 inch. | Ebrious $ 8.00 | Echo | $13.50 | Eclectic | $19.50 2| 2% « 1 6 « Ebulition 9.50 | Echoed | 14.00 | Ecliptic 21.00 3 . Hes. ‘i ee ch 64s Eccentric 11.00 Echoing | 15.00 | Economic | 32.00 4 alee ne, | + eae Ecclesiast | 17.00 | Echoless 24.00 | Economy | 38.00 5 ws 2 8 ve ee Echinus 18.00 | Eclat | 30.00 | Ecstasy 47.00 *The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum and Base. 94 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Improved "Hand al oreevtimam ON BASE. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. UPWARD DISCHARCE. FIG. 504. The above cut represents a Hand Force Pump, similar to Fig. 502, with the addition of an Air Chamber with upward discharge. Fig. 504 is arranged for both Lead and Iron Pipe. In all its working parts it is the same as Fig. 502 and 503. Freezing may be prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height. The Cylinder of the Pump should not be more than twenty-five feet vertically from the water. This Pump is very convenient for tank use, and is largely used by plumbers, as are also Figs. 505, 506, 507, 508, and 509, on following pages. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Suction and Dis- | IRON. BRASS CYL. * BRASS. No.|. Size Cyl. : Stroke. | : charge Fitted for | _ Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. oe PER. I | 2. inch. | 1¥% inch pipe. | 6 inch | Ecstatic $ $8.50 | Edging $ 14.00 | Editor $ 19.50 BA ide od > eee iG Guin, Belay 10.00 | Edible 15.00 | Editress 22.00 a) 3 as Gag ae a 6 « | Eden 12.00 | Edict 16.00 | Educate 33-00 Aost Aaae SS 156 0 ae ee 8 < | Edgeless 18.00 | Edifice 26.00 | Educe 40.00 B at * 2 pie 8 <* | Edgewise 21.00 | Edify 32.00 Eduction 49.00 * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 95 Improved Hand Force Pump, OOD oy LN ES WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. UPWARD DISCHARGE. FIG. 505. Fig. 505, illustrated above, is similar to Fig. 504, in its essential parts; the difference being in the plank to which the Pump is fastened by means of a pair of brackets. The flange at bottom of the Cylinder takes place of the base in Fig. 504, and holds the suction pipe coupling, which is arranged for both Lead and Iron Pipe, as in Fig. 504. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. The Pump should not be located more than twenty- five feet above the water to insure its successful operation. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. Suction and Dis- ee IRON... BRASS CYL. <... | * BRASS. | Stroke. | shee AS : wee DBRS sake ss ab spharge Fitted fOr | | Cipher, | Price. Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. Price. . | I inch pipe. | 6 inch. | Effable | $ 8.50 | Efflate | $ 14.00 | Effused $ 19.50 ge eal Geer OM ieifated.. | 1.00 pe nmnUx | 15.00 | Effusion 22.00 | Coben Effectual | 12.00 | Effort 16.00 | Eggnog 33.00 8 | Effervesce | 18.00 | Effulge 26.00 | Eglantine 40.00 8 | Effigy | 21.00 | Effuse | 32.00 | Egotism 49.00 The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. 96 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, ON fSrASScE. WITH AIR. CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. FIG. 506. This Pump is precisely the same as Fig. 504, with the addition ot a side discharge on the Air Chamber. The advantage over the preceding Pumps of this class is in the ability to arrange Fig. 506 for discharging upward into a tank or in another direction through the side discharge; a brass service cock being used to shut off the water from either discharge when using the other. Freezing is prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height, which trips the valves and allows the water to flow back from the working barrel. The Pump should not be located over twenty- five feet above the water. Arranged for both Lead and Iron Pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. ’ Sizes and Prices. d Suction and Dis- | IRON. BRASS CYL. * BRASS. No. Size Cyl. é Stroke. | » charge Fitted for Cipher. Price. Cipher. | _ Price. Cipher. Price, I | 2 inch. | 1¥Y inch pipe. | 6 inch. | Egotist $ 10.00 | Eject $ 15.00 | Elapse $ 20.50 ob ee Se a tae i A ees Egotize 11.00 | Ejection 16.00 | Elastic 22.50 ce ge . Lee 1° J oe Egregious 13.00 | Elaborate 18.00 | Elate .- 33.50 Nip ie 9 Pie hee Sue Egress 19.00 | Elaine 27.00 | Elated 41.00 oe 4 2 se c oe Egyptian 21.00 | Eland 33.00 | Elation 50.00 * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, ON PLANK. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. DOUBLE DISCHARGE, FIG. 507. G\\\\\\| / \| | N | \ | Hii] 1] Ii} WT Hi MI ) Fig. 507, represented by the above engraving, is similar to Fig. 506, and is adapted to the same conditions in pumping. It dispenses, however, with the base, for which a flange is substituted, and to this the Lead and Iron Pipe coupling is attached. It is secured to a plank by means of brackets. This style of Pump is preferable to a Pump with base, where it is convenient to attach it to a wall or post, as it thus occupies a comparatively small space. Fig. 507 is like Fig. 505, with the addition of a side discharge on the Air Chamber. To prevent action of the frost, raise the lever to its extreme height. These Pumps will not raise water vertically by suction more than about twenty-five feet. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | at ; : | ; | p 3 iF l ao : . | Size Cylinder. Suction and Discharge | Stroke. IRON. BRASS CYLINDER. | __ *BRASS. _ in" Fitted for : Cipher. Price. y Cipher. : Price. | Cipher. Price. 6 inch. | Elder $10.00 | Electing | $15.00 | Elegance | $20.50 Giatrs Elderly | 11.00 | Election 16.00 | Elegant 22.50 6 _ Eldest 13.00 | Elective 18.00 | Elegist 33.50 8 | Elect 19.00 | Elector 27.00 | Elegy 41.00 8 Elected 21.00 | Electoral | 33.00 | Element 50.00 IY a Pipe; ‘ ‘ * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, ON BASE. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. UPWARD DISCHARGE AND COCK SPOUT, FIG. 508. m7 iter ij if / \\ ¢ h The Pump illustrated above is the same as Fig. 506, with a cock spout on the side discharge. Fig. 508 is adapted for use under the same conditions as Figs. 506 and 507, and will be found even more convenient than those Pumps. The spout of Fig. 508 is threaded for hose coupling, which makes it very convenient for fire protection, and other purposes for which such a Pump may be used. For tank use, Figs. 508 and 509 are in greater demand than any other of our Hand Force Pumps. | Freezing is prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | BRASS CYLINDER. _*BRASS. | if Cipher. I inch. 1% inch pipe. | 6inch.| Elfin | $11.00 | Elided | $16.50 | Elite $22.00 2 oars eo ise ih Bets Elfish | 12.50 | Eliding | 18.00 | Elixir | 23.50 owe % Elicit | 14.50 | Eligible | 19.50 | Ellipses 35.00 ae 5 No. tren Cylinder. Suction and Discharge | Siralce: | Fitted for IRON. Cipher. Price. Price: Cipherae We ebces | Elicited | 21.50 | Eliminate | 29.50. Elliptic 43.50 | Elide 22.50 | Elision | 35.50 | Elongate | 52.50 * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Piolo vec; brated Force, Pup, QUIN OFAN, WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. UPWARD DISCHARGE AND COCK SPOUT, FIG. 509. if Fig. 509, illustrated by the above cut, is similar to Fig. 507, having a spout with cock in place of the side discharge, which adapts it for using hose. It differs only from Fig. 508 by being placed on a plank instead of having a base. It has,incommon with all the Hand Force Pumps of this class, a Brass Valve Seat and coupling for both Lead and Iron Pipe. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | BRASS CYLINDER. | IRON. * BRASS. No. | Size Cylinder. | Suction and Discharge | Stroke. : He Cet th 4 Fitted for Cipher. Price. | Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. 6 inch. Elope $11.00 | Elude $16.50 | Emaciated | $22.00 2 at Elopement| 12.50 | Eluding 18.00 Emanate 23.50 Eloquence | 14.50 | Elusive 19.50 | Embale | 35.00 Eloquent 21.50 | Elusory 29.50 | Embalm 43.50 Elucidate 22.50 | Elysian 35.50 | Embargo | 52.50 *The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base, 100 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, OUNGe Soe WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. WITH SPOUT AND TIGHT CAP. FIG. 510. This Pump is similar to Fig. 508, in that it is provided with a spout threaded for hose coupling on side discharge ; the spout, however, is without a stop cock, as in Fig. 508; and a tight cap is placed on the upward discharge. If desirable to use the upward discharge, the spout can be removed and the cap placed on side discharge. This Pump is adapted for both Lead and Iron Pipe, and is provided with Brass Valve Seat. To prevent freezing, the lever should be raised to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. . : # No. | Size Cylinder,| Suction and Discharge | gtroke. | IRON. BRASS CYLINDER. | BRASS. ; Fitted for Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. 1 | 2 inch. | 1% inch pipe. 6inch.| Embark | $ 9.50 | Ember $14.00 | Embody | $21.00 2 2% « bape es G pre Embarrass | 10.00 | Embezzle 15.00 | Embolden| 22.00 3 3 te py kee = # Bo: Embassy 12.00 | Emblaze 16.00 | Emboss 33.00 4 3% * > ae 6 ee Embed 18.00 | Emblazon 25.00 | Embossed | 40.00 5 Ars wietee “ = es Embellish | 20.50 | Emblem 32.00 | Embrace 49.00 * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, ON PLAN K. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD, WITH SPOUT AND TIGHT CAP. FIG. 511. | | i | Fig. 511, represented by the above cut, is similar in its essential parts to Fig. 510. It is placed ona plank so that it can be fastened to the wall or toa post. In Fig. 511, the base (as in Fig. 510) is replaced by a flange, bolted to the stock or Cylinder of Pump; this retains the Brass Valve Seat and Lead or Iron Pipe coupling. This Pump should not be placed more than twenty-five feet above the water. Freezing is prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Size Cylinder. | Suction and Discharge | Stroke, |——— OAADY _BRASS CYLINDER. | c BRASS. _ : Fitted for i ecipher, “| Price, Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. | Price. 2 inch. If inch pipe. I \/ ‘“ ‘“ 21 6“ Ya ‘6 6inch.| Emerald | $ 9.50 | Eminence | $14.00 | Emit | $21.00 6 “ | Emerge | 10.00 | Eminent | 15.00 | Emitted | 22.00 6 | Emergency} 12.00 | Eminently | 16.00 | Emollient | 33.00 Ba | Emigrant 18.00 | Emissary | 25.00 | Emotion 40.00 | 49.00 8 Emigrated | 20.50 | Emission & 3% ‘6 4 “c * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. | 32.00 | Empanel 102 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Anti-Freezing Hand Force Pump. WITH SET-LENGTH PIPE AND INDEPENDENT CYLINDER. UPWARD DISCHARGE AND COCK SPOUT. iwi i | ( FIG. 512. The Pump represented by the annexed cut is constructed from the Hand Force Pump, Fig. 508, the plunger and valves being omitted and the piston-rod being connected to that of an inde- pendent Cylinder, attached to set-length pipe three i feet below the base. The Pump is thus rendered \ anti-freezing by drip-hole above Cylinder, and I; may be placed out doors wherever an ordinary i Set-length Force Pump is adaptable. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12, Hi | — ‘ mm : ; rm Sizes and Prices. No. f Size Cylinder. : Suction ‘Fitted For i Discharge Fitted For i ‘Stroke. Cipher. | Price. 2 2% inch. b 1apsinch pipes ie ae enh pipe. 6 inch. | Emphasis | $16.00 e. | 3 « Fig Tafmeatg ge ast Fee ce ae @ | Grek Emphatic 18.00 4 | 3% ‘“ | ly 6 rT | 1 6 6 | 6 «6 | Emperor 24.00 Fig. 512, with 4 inch Cylinder, made to order. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 103 LON EY Wa SOO ETN Peess Mitt - and orce Pumps, OD ER ALM: ES, WITH RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED LEVER. FIG, 558. FIG. 556. FIG. 559. FIG. 557. The cuts on this page represent our ‘‘ New York” Brass Lift and Force Pumps, Figs. 556, 558, and 559, and Extra Frame Fig. 557, to be used in operating the Pump from a story above. These Pumps are used in cities where the pressure from the water works is not sufficient to carry the water to the upper stories of large buildings. When used for this purpose the Pump should be placed within twenty or twenty-five feet of the water, and the connecting- rod continued to the story above and there attached to the working-rod of Fig. 557, thence the rod can be continued to the next story above, where another Extra Frame (Fig. 557) can be located, and so on to the top story of the highest building; and thus one Pump can be made to supply water to the different stories, These Pumps are set on a swivel attached to an ornamental /ron Frame, and can be placed at any desired angle; they can be used to advan- tage as House Force Pumps for supplying bath rooms, etc., and are often preferred for this purpose on account of their compactness and tasteful design. The Pump with Air Chamber, Fig. 559, is also used in greenhouses and orchards for throwing a spray of chemically prepared water to exterminate insects on plants or fruit trees. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Fig. Size Cylinder. * Suction Fitted For | -# Discharge Fitted For | Cipher. f Price. ig. che Aaa oF i NS Rae | 556 2 inch. | 1 inch lead pipe. 3{ inch lead pipe. | Exceed $ 15.00 558 a Teen a a Fo AE ae Be ceeded 12.00 559 2.8 La Tandiee os «“ he ae. i! « pe Exceeding 16.00 557 Extra Frame and Brake.... . ade gs aa ae | Excel 5.00 *Fitted for Lead Pipe, unless otherwise ordered. When ordered, we can fit them for either Iron Pipe or Hose. The connecting rods are threaded for 4 inch gas pipe. 104 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Special Hamd orce Warn: ON BASE. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. FIG. 530. The above cut represents one of a series of Hand Force Pumps differing somewhat in construction from the preceding styles, Figs. 502 to 511. We make this style of Hand Force Pump both on base and plank and with simply a discharge funnel, or with Air Chamber having double discharge, as shown in cuts of Figs. 530, 531, 534, and 535, on this and the following pages. These Pumps are compact and light in weight, and are therefore desirable for export trade, as size and weight are important factors in the cost of American goods in foreign markets. These Pumps have check valve in the discharge funnel, also Brass Valve Seat and are provided with Lead and Iron Pipe coupling below the base. . All parts are made to gauges, and repairs will always fit. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | No. | Size Cylinder.{#Suction and Discharge | Stroke. IRON. BRASS CYLINDER. * BRASS. | Fitted for | | Cipher, Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price, — o | 2 inch. | 1 inchpipe.. | 5 inch.| Enamor | $ 800 | Enchant | $11.50 | Encompass| $17.00 I Bag aks 2 ih en ca Enamored.| 8.75 | Enchanted | 12.00 | Encore 17.50 2 2128 ey ds 6 ‘* | Encamp | 9.50 | Enchanting] 14.00 | Encroach 21.00 3 23 Tots Last 6 ‘ | Encaustic | 10.00 | Encircle 14.50 | Encumber | 28.00 A> hi.8 Une Di eS aretiee 2 6 “ | Enchain | 11.00 | Encomium| 15.00 | Endanger | 32.00 } Fitted for other sizes of American or foreign Pipe, but always for American Pipe, as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * Brass Pumps are all Brass, Except Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 105 special Hand Force Pump, ON: PLANE. WITH ADJUSTABLE LEVER, AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. FIG. 531. = 1 I Keusy, N Fig. 531, represented by the above cut, differs from Fig. 530 in the substitution of the plank and attachment screwed to the bottom of the Cylinder, in place of the base which is bolted to the stock or Cylinder in Fig. 530. This Pump has Brass Valve Seat and coupling for Lead or Iron Pipe. All parts are made exact so that repairs will always fit. Freezing is prevented in the usual way of raising the lever to its extreme height. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. IRON, _| BRASS CYLINDER. *BRASS. _ No. | Size Cylinder, TSuction and Discharge! Stroke, —— — Fitted for | Cipher. | Price. Cipher. _|... Price. Cipher. Price, o | 2 inch. I inch pipe. 5 inch. | Endear $ 8.00 | Endow | $11.50 | Enemy $17.00 I 2uy « LEP ASo So8 5 ‘ |Endeared | 8.75 | Endower | 12.00 | Energy 17.50 2 PAL Ang. Taree Git 6 “ | Endeavor | 9.50 | Endowment) 14.00 | Energize 21.00 3 234 *§ Eoraeee 4 te ras Ending | 10,00 | Endurance) 14.50 | Enervate 28.00 4 is ta llc 1” ea ol Bee 6 “ |Endless | 11.00 | Endwise | 15.00 | Enforce 32.00 + Fitted for other sizes of American or foreign Pipe, but always for American Pipe, as ‘listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum and Base. 106 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Special Hand Force Pump, ON BASE. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD, DOUBLE DISCHARGE. FIG. 534. Fig. 534 is the same in construction as Fig, 530, with the addition of an Air Chamber with upward and side discharge. It has a base bolted to the Cylinder, and is provided with Brass Valve Seat and coupling for both Lead and Iron Suction Pipe. Figs. 534 and 535 are both useful for forcing water into a tank from which the house supply is drawn. Repairs will always fit, as all parts are made to exact gauges. Freezing is prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height. . Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder, (Suction and Discharge | Stroke. | pessoal ese OTE eae Fitted for yt Cipher. “ay Prices) Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. oO 2 winch; I inch pipe. | 5 inch. Engage $ 9.00 | Engross $12.50 | Enhancing | $18.00 I 2 «6 Eee at 5 “ |Engaging 9.75 | Engrossed 14.00 | Enigma 21.00 2 2 Ds 6 “ Engagement, 11.00 | Engulf 15.00 | Enigmatic | 22.00 3] 234 «6 i boone yin: Go as Engender 12.00 | Engulfing 16.00 | Enjoin 29.00 4 CDiGks 1 ee 6 “ |Engorge 13.00 | Enhance 17.00 | Enjoined 33.00 { Fitted for other sizes of American or foreign Pipe, but always for American Pipe, as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 107 Special Hand Force ES thin. ON PLANK. WITH AIR CHAMBER, ADJUSTABLE LEVER AND BRASS PISTON-ROD. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. wi i TTT i TT | | UDA i Laevsyy, HHH The above cut represents Fig. 535, a Hand Force Pump on plank, which, in its essential working parts and adaptability, is similar to Fig. 534, illustrated and described on the preceding page. It differs from Fig. 534, however, in having a plank instead of a base; thus allowing it to be placed against the wall, where it will occupy but little space. The suction coupling is arranged for both Lead and Iron Pipe. All parts of these Pumps are made so that repairs will always fit. To prevent freezing, raise the lever to its extreme height. These Pumps should not be placed more than twenty-five feet above the water. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder, fSuction and Discharge | Stroke. | Sir mead NE ees ODO UNIS - low reahcl. 32 oe Ree ah vn Fitted for | Cipher. Price. | Cipher. | Price. | _ Cipher. | Price. fe) 2 inch. I inch pipe. | 5 inch. | Enjoy $ 9.00 | Enlisted | $12.50 | Enormity | $18.00 I 218 I is Sel yy a Enjoyable 9.75 | Enliven 14.00 | Enormous | 21.00 2 Ee Lapeer ss 6 ‘ | Enjoyment | 11.00 | Enmity | 15.00 | Enough 22.00 3 23g" 158 Ber 4 FE | 6 “ | Enlighten 12.00 | Ennoble 16.00 | Enquirer 29.00 4 ye eal hE a pn 38°?) Enlist 13.00 | Ennui 17.00 | Enrage 33.00 + Fitted for other sizes of American or Foreign Pipe, but always for American Pipe as listed, unless otherwise ordered. *The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Improved Hand Force Pump, “ON BASE. WITH WIND-MILL TOP, AIR CHAMBER AND COCK SPOUT. FIG. 430. The Pump represented by the above engraving, may be used in connection with a Wind Mill, or wherever power can be applied. It is also arranged for hand, which in many cases will be found convenient. The Cylinder, as in our other Hand Force Pumps, is in the stock of the Pump, which makes it a desirable Pump for out-door use in warm climates; when used in cold climates, freezing may be prevented by raising the lever to its extreme height, which trips the valves and allows the water to escape from the Cylinder. Fig. 430 has Brass Valve Seat, brass cased piston-rod, coupling for iron suction pipe, and spout threaded for hose coupling. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. Size Cylinder. fSuction and Discharge | Stroke. IRON. BRASS CYLINDER. * BRASS. Fitted for Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. 6 inch. | Enrapture | $13.50 | Enrobing | $19.00 | Enshrine | $24.50 Rs VY ae " Enrich 15.50 | Enrolled 20.50 | Enshroud | 36.00 3% * Enriched 23.00 | Ensconce 31.00 | Ensign 45.00 ere ES Enrobe 24.00 | Ensemble | 37.00 | Enslave 54.00 { Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 109 Improved Hand Force Pump, @OINeee DANCE, WITH WIND-MILL TOP, AIR CHAMBER AND COCK SPOUT, FIG. 431. The above cut represents Fig. 431, a Pump identical with Fig. 430, on the opposite page, both in adaptation and construction, except that it is made with Bracke/s instead of Base, and is fastened to a plank which is always furnished with the Pump, unless ordered without. The Plank is not shown in the cut. The Cylinder being in the stock of Pump makes it necessary to trip the valves by raising the lever to its full height, in order to prevent freezing. All the essential parts of Fig. 431 are the same as Fig. 430. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. . . | ay R atad v My | * Seiten ae) ecco ona. Dicctaree oy ep aien TRON oe BRASS CYLINDER BRASS. Fitted for ayy |." Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. | Price. 2 2¥% inch. 1 inch pipe. 6 inch. | Enslavin $13.50 | Entailed $19.00 | Entertainer | $24.50 4 pip g s le 9 | = ; 3 3 bm | Sioa ed oe: Ensnare | 15.50 | Entailing | 20.50 | Enthsuiast | 36.00 4 3% * Cd Te oy } Ensue | 23.00 | Entangle | 31.00 | Entice 45.00 ke e 2 SAL Pa | Entail | 24.00 | Entertain | 37.00 | Enticing | 54.00 { Fitted for other sizes of Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Air Chamber, Lever, Fulcrum and Base. 110 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ‘THE TORRENETY Double-Acting Force Pum, ON BASE. WITH WIND-MILL TOP, AIR CHAMBER AND COCK SPOUT, FIG. 480. — =e STOTT Ti The above cut represents our new Double-acting Force Pump on Base, the “Torrent,” arranged to operate by hand or attach to Wind Mill or other power. The peculiar construction and arrangement of the valves and water ways make it the easiest working Double-acting Pump on the market, and its lifting capacity is the greatest of any Pump we manufacture. The Valves and Seats are made of Brass. The Valves can be removed and replaced by simply detaching the Face Plate of the Valve Case. This Pump is especially adapted for Wind Mill, Factory, or Railroad use. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder,| Suction and Discharge | Stroke. pie ball hee ey LIN es | * BRASS. EEE oe fade Fel ogg! a | Cipherp | J Price | Cipher 01 Price. | (Cipher. Price. 2 | 21% inch. 1 inch pipe. | 6 inch. / Entire | $25.00 Entitle $40.00 | Entity $50.00 rte) ee Sa a 1 tg ee 6 “ | Entirely | 30.00 | Entitled 45.00 | Entomb 60.00 * In the Brass Pumps, all parts, coming in contact with the liquid, are made entirely of Brass. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. III Sat Chew be FOND! Double-Acting Force Pump, yee Ee) Le SAINTS, WITH WIND-MILL TOP, AIR CHAMBER AND COCK SPOUT. FIG. 481. The cut on this page represents the ‘“‘’ Torrent’? Double-acting Force Pump with brackets, attached to a plank. In mechanical construction the working parts are identical with Fig. 480 on the preceding page. As in all our Pumps, parts are made to exact gauges so that repairs will always fit. Both Figs. 480 and 481 have drip-cocks for draining the Pump to prevent freezing. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder. Suction and Discharge / Tern ee eae TRON. | BRASS CYLINDER. | _ * BRASS. es | Rh le Peer tee ters ot ; Cipher. Price, | Cipher: (| Price: Cipher. | Price. © 2 | 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. 6 inch. | Entomic $25.00 | Entrails $40.00 | Entrap $50.00 od ge “s Dee cpl «‘ | Entomical | 30.00 | Entrance 45.00 | Entrapped | 60.00 * In the Brass Pumps, all parts, coming in contact with the liquid, are made entirely of Brass. T12 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TE ee Geis bona Double=-Acting Force Pump. FOR FACTORY, WAREHOUSE AND RAILROAD USE. In its working parts this Pump is similar to the “ Torrent”? Pumps, Figs. 480 and 481, illustrated and described on the two preceding pages. Fig. 486 however, is larger and is arranged with brakes or levers for operating by hand with two or four men if necessary. When so ordered it is arranged with Forked Rod (for Wind Mill or other Power) for attaching to the end of brake or lever socket. The Valves of this Pump are made of brass, and are so ar- ranged that they can be easily taken out and replaced by simply removing the Face Plate of Valve Box. The Piston- rod is made of bronze metal, and drip-cocks are provided to drain the Pump and prevent freezing. This Pump is a model of convenience and mechanical workmanship, and has no superior for fire protection, and other purposes for which it is adapted. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. Size Cylinder. | Suction and Discharge Sepoire Capacity per |_ Me IRON. 7 i BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. | Fitted for ‘| Revolution. Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. 2 | 2% inch. | I 4 inch pipe. | 8 inch. | yy gallon. Entreat | $45.00 Entwisted $50.00 | és 66 rT | 7: | / ‘ j | E iat 61.00 ae teas 2 | 8 | sas Wi Entwine | 55-00 nunciate ‘ 6/4 Se py a Oe PR ose ee Entwist | 6500 Envelope 72.00 Forked Rod Coupling for Wind Mill Connection, $2.50 extra list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. AME OS, Double-Acting Force Pump. “TORRENT ’’ WITH PITMAN FOR POWER. FOR FACTORY, WAREHOUSE AND RAILROAD USE. FIG. 487. arranged for power by the substitution of a Pitman for the Hand Brakes. Fig. 487, is the same in construction precisely as Fig. 486, shown on the opposite page, except that it is All the essential working parts are the same as in Fig. 486, and an additional description is unnecessary, can be obtained, and a steady supply of water is needed. The Speed this Pump should run is about forty to sixty revolutions per minute; this of course would vary according to the height the water is forced. This Pump is an excellent one for use in factories, or wherever power Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. \Size Cylinder. Suction and Discharge | Stroke, | Capacity per | faa be omer CN LINES : Fitted for Revolution, Cipher, Price. | _ Cipher. Price. 2 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. 8 inch. | \% gallon. | Enviable | $45.00 | Envoy $50.00 4 3 ve 2 nh oh i paee Envious 55.00 | Eolian 61.00 6 4 = ae 58 gs 5 iia Environed | 65.00 Epaulet Forked Rod Coupling for Wind Mill Connection, $2.50 extra list. 72.00 114 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. LINE EER ee House Force Pump, GNC Ty AVINGIAS: RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED. WITHOUT AIR CHAMBER. | all \. Hl | UITTIIT ee FIG. 520. The cut on this page represents a Force Pump which we recommend particularly for house use, in plumbing jobs, etc. Fig. 520 has a brass piston-rod with pitman and guide. ‘The lever is furnished for either right or left hand, but is always arranged right handed, unless otherwise ordered. ‘These Pumps are made with brass suction coupling for Lead or Iron Pipe; they are mounted on a handsome plank, and present a fine appearance. Fig. 520 can be used where the water is not over twenty-five feet below the Pump Cylinder. In forcing water a long distance, or to a considerable height, Figs. 521, 522 and 524 are preferable, as the Air Chamber assists the working of the Pump. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder, |f5uction_ and Discharge | Stroke. rR: Jes ele) Gud i hea am : Fitted for Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I 2 inch. I inch pipe. 7 inch. | Ephemeral | $14.00 | Epigraph | $18.00 | Episcopacy $26.00 2 22m" FOAL eee HS. ihe: Epidemic 15.00 | Epilepsy 20.00 | Episcopal 30.00 4 3 ¥ eae 1 BL Epidemy 16.50 | Epileptic 22.00 | Episode 35.00 5 ch Gap: Lecter ty i aes Epigene 20.00 | Epilogue 25.00 | Epistle 40.00 6 tects Te aS aes pelea Epigram 22.00 | Epiphany 3200 | Epistolize 47.00 7 Fitted for other sizes Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum, Rod Guide and Discharge Funnel. Furnished with Metallic Valves for pumping hot water-when so ordered, at an additional cost. Furnished without plank at $1.00 less list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 115 i (= if Me EF Oy om 1 — SF LSS = hi ead "UAT Ti | Ne DNs ROE ID House Force Pump, ON PLANK. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED. WITH AIR CHAMBER. UPWARD DISCHARCE. FIG. 521. Fig. 521 is the same in construction as Fig. 520, with the addition of an Air Chamber with upward discharge. In forcing to a great height, the Air Chamber is an advantage, as it assists the working of the Pump, and causes the discharge of a steady and continuous stream of water, relieving the Pump of any sudden strain or concussion. Fig. 521 is a popular style of Pump for house plumbing jobs, where a discharge to the tank only is necessary.. This Pump, the same as Fig. 520, is furnished with Brass Valve Seat, and fitted for both Lead and Iron Pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. ‘* BRASS. No. | Size Cylinder,|/fSuction and Discharge | Stroke Bee Renee te Spee eee os A ; Fitted for Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. | Cipher. Price. ¥ 2. -anch, I inch pipe. 7 inch. | Epithet $16.00 | Equable $21.00 | Equation | $28.00 2 2% « pate 7 Epitome 17.00 | Equal 23.00 Equator | 32.00 4 Nie, a oper, ib yt ha Epitomist 18.50 | Equality 25.00 | Equatorial | 37.00 ee Wb Ge Rhee eS Y Recheeg Epitomize 23.00 | Equalize 28.00 | Equestrian 43.00 6 3% “ a ol) P eae Epizootic 25.00 | Equate | 35.00 | Equiform 50.00 + Fitted for other sizes Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum, Rod Guide and Air Chamber. Brass Air Chamber furnished for additional cost of material only. Furnished with Metallic Valves for pumping hot water, when so Furnished without plank at $1.00 less list. ordered, at an additional cost. 116 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. UNDE ISON Ee ID House Force Pump, ON PLANK, RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED. WITH AIR CHAMBER. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. ee FIG. 522. Fig. 522 is the same in construction as Fig. 521, with the addition of a side discharge on the Air Chamber, This Pump is adapted to the same purposes as those on the two preceding pages, and what is said of Fig. 521 as a House Force Pump is also true of this Pump. Where both an upward and a side discharge are required, this Force Pump will be found a very desirable one. It has Brass Valve Seat and brass coupling below the base for both Iron and Lead Pipe, the same as Figs. 520 and 521. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, \\ \\ and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. bak ; +Suction and Discharge | IRON. BRASS CYLINDER. | * BRASS. No. | Size Cylinder. Stroke. | Es Fitted for | Cipher. | Price. Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. Sid einen 1 inch pipe. 7 inch. | Equinox | $16.75 | Equipoise | $21.75 | Equivocal | $28.75 2 25 et 1 Pept ot ein Ween 17.75 | Equitable 2375 | Eradicate 32.75 We hae ss 1 « o- (all Fak Equipped 19.50 | Equitably 26.00 | Erase 38.00 5 a ih GY S ae Equipage 24.00 Equity 29.00 | Erased 44.00 6 3 Jesus cas hy 7 © | Equipment! 26.00 | Equivocate| 36.00 | Erasion 51.00 + Fitted for other size Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise specified. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass except Lever, Fulcrum, Rod Guide and Air Chamber. Brass Air Chamber furnished for additional cost of material only. Furnished with Metallic Valves for Bumping hot water, when so ordered, at an additional cost. Fig, 522, without plank, $1.00 less list. 4 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. \ 7 Sy ©) NI 117 IMEI CON “Ea 1 House Force Pump, ON POA K- RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED. WITH AIR CHAMBER. UPWARD DISCHARGE AND COCK SPOUT. FIG. 524. The cut on this page represents a Pump in all respects the same as Fig. 522, with the exception that a Cock Spout is substituted for the side discharge tube. An advantage in =I) | Wu | 7} Sym "ml! Ui? this Pump over Figs. 521 and 522, is that the water in the tank may be drawn direct therefrom by means of the Cock, I and when using the Cock Spout for pumping direct, the upward discharge may be cut off by a service cock above the Air Chamber. | Furnished with Brass Valve Seat and brass coupling below the base for both Lead and Iron Pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pump, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | : : e ‘ No. | Size Cylinder, /fSuction and Discharge | Stroke, | ASIEN, | i SS bp Atsrea ees en es Re J Pentre Acne ce ere Fitted for | Cipher. _| Price. Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. Price. ; em Ke : y ass = Fee Eee ae ngae > Tee nce I inch pipe. 7 inch. | Erect | $18.50 | Ermine | $23.50 | Erudite 33.00 2 | 2% * Lege “ Ta en Erected 19.50 | Erotic | 25.50 | Erudition | 37.00 oe ee 4, | eee oe a Bag Erection | 21,00 Errand | 27.50 | Eruption | 42.00 5 rE te | 1% * se “i ah Erector | 25.50 | Errantry | 30.50 | Eruptive 48.00 6 Ye iy ry «“ " eoP he Ergot | 27.50 | Erratic 37-50 | Escalop 55.cO + Fitted for other size Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise specified. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass, except Lever, Fulcrum, Rod Guide, Air Chamber and Cock. Furnished with Metallic Valves for pumping hot water, when so ordered, at an additional cost. Brass Air Chamber and Brass Cock furnished, when ordered, at an additional cost. Fig. 524, without plank, $1.00 less list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. DOUBLE=ACTING House Force Pump, ON PLANK. RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED. WITHOUT AIR CHAMBER. FIG. 541. The annexed cut represents Fig. 541, a Double-acting Suction and Force Pump without Air Chamber. It is mounted on a plank and has a Reversible Lever and Fulcrum, so that it can be changed from Right to Left Hand or vice versa. This Pump is Double-acting and discharges at both strokes of the piston. It therefore has double the capacity of a Single-acting Pump of the same diameter Cylinder and length of stroke. It is an excellent Pump for use where a continuous stream of water is required. Fig. 542, shown on the next page, is, on account of having an Air Chamber, better adapted for forcing the water to a great distance. In ordering Pump with Metallic Valves by telegraph, the Cipher word for the complete Pump should be written (for Iron or Brass Cylinder) then the Cipher word for Metallic Valves. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. tSucti d Disch IRON BRASS CYLINDER FOR TRC NOR 3 : uction and Discharge : c : FOR IRON OR Size Cylinder Fitted for Stroke. BRASS CYLINDER. ‘e Cipher. Price: Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. Net extra 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. inch. | Escapade | $14.00 | Esquire $24.00 | Estrange | $1.75 CS Bike a le ars Eschew 17.00 | Essayist 29.00 | Etcher 2.25 3 1% Escort 21.00 | Essence 40.00 | Etching 3.00 3% 2 Escritoire | 25.00 | Establish | 6950 | Eternal 4.25 | 4 4% : } Fitted for other sizes Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * The Metallic Valves are necessary where the Pump is used for hot water. The prices given for Metallic Valves are net extra over net price of either the Iron or Brass Cylinder Pumps. Fig. 541, without plank, $1.00 less list. 2 Espionage | 37.00 | Esteem 94.00 | Eternity. 6.00 2% Espousal 50.00 | Esteemed | 136.00 | Ethereal 8.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 11g DOUBLE=-ACTING Flouse Force Pump, COST sie Lae IN EX; RIGHT OR LEFT HANDED, WITH AIR CHAMBER. DOUBLE DISCHARGE. FIG. 542. The cut on this page is an accurate representation of Fig. 542, a Double- acting Force Pump, which is the same as Fig. 541, on the preceding page, with double discharge Air Chamber added. The Air Chamber is an assist- ance in working the Pump, where the water is forced through hose or toa great distance. Brass Cylinder Pumps will be furnished with Brass Air Chambers when especially ordered, at a price to cover the additional cost of the material only. | The Metallic Valves are necessary where the Pump is to be used for hot water. In ordering Pump with Metallic Valves by telegraph, the Cipher word for the complete Pump should be written (for Iron or Brass Cylinder), then the = Ln | Cipher word for Metallic Valves. ua mt Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. *METALLIC VALVES r ype Suction and Discharge IRON. BRASS [CYLINDER. FOR IRON OR No. | Size Cylinder. Fitted for Stroke. ___| BRASS CYLINDER. Cipher. Price Cipher. Price Cipher. |Net extra, I 214 inch. 1 inch pipe. 7 inch. | Etherize $16.00 | Etymology |$ 26.00 |Euphonic $1.75 $e I hig es v fi Ethical 19.00 | Eucharist 31.00 |European 2.25 3 3 Lice x 4 9 De Ethics 23.50 | Euchre 42.00 |Euterpe 3.00 a chee BG 2 2. *y Mig Ethnology | 28.50 | Eulogize 300 |Euterpean 4.25 Ghia dA if a a a Toni Etiquette | Eulogy 98.00 |Evacuate 6.00 aan ee ome 2 3e, ut + say Etruscan | 5500 | Euphony 141.00 |Evade 8.00 + Fitted for other sizes of Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * Prices given for Metallic Valves are net extra, over net price of either Iron or Brass Cylinder Pumps. Fig. 542, without side discharge on Air Chamber, at same price. Without plank, $1.00 less list. 120 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. House Force Pump, ON PP LAANTE, WITH AIR CHAMBER, FLY-WHEEL AND CRANK. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. FIG. 526. The annexed cut represents a House Force Pump on plank, similar to Fig. 521, with Pitman and Crank- shaft with Fly-wheel and two Handles, so that it can be operated by two or four men, as desired. This. Pump will be found very convenient for raising large quantities of water to a tank located at a considerable height. It is also a very efficient Fire Pump. All Brass Air Chamber furnished when ordered. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. WT Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder, fSuction and Discharge | Stroke. | Capacity per IRON. * BRASS. | Fitted for Revolution. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I 2 nehsi}i I inch pipe. 6 inch. | .082 gallon.) | Evading $36.00 Evaporate $45.00 2 DV FRM GAZ RSet aes 6 Zone Evangelic 38.00 Evasion 48,00 4 3 ‘chia LARS tee 6.46 184 “ | . Evangelical 40.00 Evasive 56.00 5 Sites Tes tt Lois oo 21 Ggee Evangelist 42.00 Evening 70.00 6 Bis Dae ly | Oy a RO eas Evangelize 45.00 Evenly 85.00 + Fitted for other size Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise specified. * The Brass Pumps are all Brass except Air Chamber, Rod Guide, Pitman, Fly-wheel, Cranks, etc., furnished with Metallic Valves for pumping hot water, at an additional net cost as given in list on next page. Iron Cock with Brass Plug, $2.50 extra list. All Brass Cock, $5.00 extra list. With Tight and Loose Pulleys, $5.00 extra list. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. L221 Double-Acting Force Pump, ON PLANK. WITH TIGHT AND LOOSE PULLEYS FOR POWER, DOUBLE DISCHARGE, ~~) ——— FIG. 543. The annexed cut represents a Double-acting Suction and Force Pump on plank, with Tight and Loose Pulleys for Power. Fig. 543 is the same as Fig, 542, with Pulleys and Crank-shaft in place of the Lever or Handle. This Pump will be found a very useful one where power can be applied. In ordering Fig. 543, state the quantity of water to be raised per minute or hour; the size and speed 6f the driving pulley, and we will then fit the Pump with pulleys of the proper size. Brass Cylinder Pumps will be furnished with Brass Air Chamber when especially ordered, at price of the additional cost of material only. The Metallic Valves are necessary where the Pump is used for hot water. In ordering Pump with Metallic Valves by telegraph, the Cipher word for complete Pump should be written (for Iron or Brass Cylinder), then the Cipher word for Metallic Valves. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. 7 a oj Vans : z 3 ee aes | HSnction and Discharge | IRON. | BRASS CYLINDER. SOR TRON Of “a No. | Size Cylinder. Fitted for Stroke. | BRASS CYLINDER. | Cipher. | Price. ; Cipher. lo Prices, | i Cipher. — 3! Net extra, I | 2¥% inch. | 1 inch pipe. 7 inch. | Event $39.00 | Evidence 5 58.00 Evoke | $1.75 pe ee Oe Pe ea nt ti Paes Eventful 41.00 Evident 61.00 | Evoking | 2.25 2. 3 . es ae }.7 . | Eventual 45.00 Evidently 75.00 | Evolute | 3.00 Ay ersten 6 2 ss as Pye Everglade | 51.00 | Evil 94.00 Evolution | 4.25 5 4 se 2 - as | 7 | Evergreen | 63/00 | Evilly | 119.00 | Evolve 6.00 hal ee ae ee eS is | 7 “ | Evermore | 80.00 | Evitable | 160.00 | Evolving 8.00 “i Fitted for other sizes of Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise ordered. * Prices for Metallic Valves are net extra over net price of Pumps. Iron Cock with Brass Plug, $2.50 extra list. All Brass Cock, $5.00 extra list. With Fly-wheel and Handles, like Fig. 526, same price. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ‘Two-Cylinder Force Pump, ON PLANK. WITH AIR AND VACUUM CHAMBERS, PISTON-ROD GUIDE AND WROUCGHT-IRON LEVERS. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. RSS FIG. 545. The Pump shown on this page is constructed from two Single- acting Pumps, joined at top and bottom by flange joints, with one suction and two discharge openings. The two discharges enter into an Air Chamber, to which is attached the regular discharge pipe. The suction opening enters a Vacuum Chamber between the Cylin- ders, to which the suction water-ways branch on either side to enter the Cylinders. A check valve is placed between the suction pipe and the Vacuum Chambers to prevent the escape of the water while pumping, and to keep the valves of each Cylinder submerged. This prevents the necessity of priming the Pump as often as would other- wise be required; however a cap is attached to the top of Vacuum Chamber for convenience in priming when it becomes necessary. Plugs or drip-cocks are provided for draining the Pump of water to prevent freezing. The effect of this Two-Cylinder Pump is the same as though it were Double-acting; and for use in Factories, Warehouses, Railroad Stations, etc., to force water into a tank, there is nothing more efficient. Two Wrought-iron Levers, with Wood Handle at one end, are furnished so that two or more men can work the Pump at once. The plank the Pump is attached to, is made in pieces mortised together, so that warping is impossible. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. = lll Sizes and Prices. Suction and Discharge Cink el IRON. BRASS CYLINDERS. Size Cylinder. : ‘bey Fitted for Cipher. Cipher. Price. 2 inch. 1 inch pipe. | 7 inch. Exact Exactly $50.00 1% ¢£ a Exacted Exactness 60.00 2 4 H | Exacting Exactor 85.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 123 ‘Two-Cylinder Force Pump, ONUe Es La AeIN PS, WITH AIR AND VACUUM CHAMBERS, PISTON-ROD*¥QUIDE, FLY-WHEEL AND HANDLES. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. DEM, ey S S o SALEM, OHIO. \) iM Minn 1m FIG. 546. The cut on this page represents a Two-Cylin- der Force Pump, the working parts of which are identical with Fig. 545, shown on the preceding page. For the levers, however, are substituted a Crank-shaft with Pitmans, Fly-wheel and two Han- dles, so that two or four men can operate the Pump. Fig. 546 can be used for any purpose to which ; \ ; Fig. 545 is adapted. The plank is made like that Y . 4 Ma of Fig. 545, so it will not warp. The diameter of ) le Fly-wheel is twenty-four inches. St i Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. ’ oS Sizes and Prices. ay ce . ‘ : i ieee. . ad ; 5 2 oh we Ee a ERS. No.’ Size Cylinder 5 ake bat fea Boe Abin BRON, BRASS eb tae Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. _ I 2 inch. 11¢ inch pipe. 7 inch. Examine $55.00 Exasperate $70.00 2 2% “ Dbaga AES Wi.8 6 gar 4 Examining 60.00 Excavate 80.00 4 K Sebo: 2 aA pblces iy oF Example Pn 7 5.00 Excavation 100.00 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TH OPA A GON: ‘Twro-Cylinder Brass Force \ “ FOR HOUSE, SHIP, AND FACTORY USE. UPWARD DISCHARCE. FIG. 612. The accompanying illustration represents a Two-Cylinder Pump, which is practically the same as a Double-acting Pump. The Cylinders, Air Chamber, Piston-Rods, and all other working parts of the Pump are made of Brass. As may be seen by examination of the cut, the lever is worked horizontally, the Cylinders being vertical and working alternately. This Pump, for house use, can be placed under the sink, out of the way; and in many sections of the country it is a favorite Pump for domestic purposes. To prevent freezing, drip-cocks are provided, so that water can be drained off in cold weather, when the Pump is not in use. We make three sizes of the ‘Paragon’? Pump, as listed below. | Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | s Capacity Cipher. Price, per revolution. | | *Suction Fitted For Discharge Fitted For | | - | | 1% inch pipe. inch pipe. .2 gallon. Excelled $25.00 ane Excelling 35.00 a Exception 60.00 _* Fitted for either Lead or Iron Pipe, as ordered. Fitted for other sizes Suction and Discharge Pipe, but always as listed, unless otherwise specified. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 125 Piney A Ar NER” Double-Acting Brass Force Pump. WITH AIR CHAMBER AND ADJUSTABLE LEVER. DOUBLE DISCHARCE. FIG. 607. The cut on this page represents Fig. 607, our ‘“* Acme’”’ Double-acting Brass Force Pump. It is what its name indicates, the height of perfection, both in construction and design. Fig. 607 is particularly useful as a House Force Pump, Deck Pump, Fire Pump, and for other purposes to which a Pump of this class is adapted. It has an upward and side discharge on the Air Chamber, and is all Brass except the Base, Lever and Link. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. Size Cylinder, * Suction Fitted For * Discharge Fitted For Stroke | Cipher. | Price. I 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. I inch pipe. | 4 inch. Fabricate $30.00 2 2 i | PONE Ls 1y «“ 4, Fs Na | Fabulous | 35.00 * Fitted for other sizes Suction and Discharge Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe or Hose, but always for Iron Pipe and Hose, as listed, unless otherwise ordered. 126 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. ST EIsBy bs CePA ee Double-Acting Force Pump. WITH AIR CHAMBER AND ADJUSTABLE LEVER. SIDE DISCHARCE. The above cut represents our ‘‘ Climax” Double-acting Horizontal Force Pump. It is constructed of Iron, with Leather Valves; and is neat, compact and substantial. It can be used as a House Force Pump, Deck Pump, Fire Pump, and for a variety of other purposes. The ‘‘ Climax”? Pumps are furnished with suction and discharge fitted for Iron Pipe and Hose. When-so ordered, we fit them for Lead Pipe. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices, No. Size Cylinder. * Suction Fitted For | * Discharge Fitted For | Stroke. | Cipher. Price, I 2% inch. 1 inch pipe. | I inch pipe. | _ 4 inch. Fable $16.00 2 3 «“ Foe : | ey Baky W Ao ues Fabric 18.00 * Fitted for other sizes Suction and Discharge Iron Pipe, Lead Pipe or Hose, but always as listed for Iron Pipe and Hose, unless otherwise ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 127 THE “TRIUMPH” Double-Acting Force Pump. WITH AIR-CHAMBER, BRASS-LINED CYLINDER AND ADJUSTABLE LEVER. FIG. 601. g = x v3 BIS a pa This Pump is extensively used in Factories, Warehouses, Vessels, etc., for general purposes and for fire protection. As a Boiler Test Pump, Fig. 601 will also do excellent service. It is mounted on a plank, and is always fitted for both Iron Pipe and Hose, unless especially ordered for Lead Pipe. All sizes of this Pump are fitted with Metallic Valves, but when especially so ordered, Nos. 1 and 2 Pumps are fitted with Leather Valves. Brass plugs or drip-cocks are provided at each end of the bed plate, for letting the water out of the Cylinder, to prevent freezing; also, a similar plug is attached to side of Cylinder, for priming the Pump when necessary. A malleable wrench, fitting all nuts and couplings, is furnished with each Pump. The Upper Valves may be reached by unscrewing the brass nuts and lifting off the Air Chamber. The Lower Valves may then be reached by lifting off the Cylinder, or body of the Pump. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cyl. * Suction Fitted For |* Discharge Fitted For Stroke. oan en: Cipher. Price. Cipher. | Price. I | 2% inch. 1% inch pipe. I inch pipe. |4¥%inch.| Facade | $ | Facing | $75.00 2| 3 “ yy « I “ “6 4% “ Facetious 27.00 Faction 75.00 3 | 4 + LAG M. “oha Eee ae 4% * Facial 28.00 Faculty 90.00 ie ee “ 2 ‘<6 ‘<6 4 ie Facility 42.00 Fading 110.00 * Fitted for both Iron Pipe and Hose, as listed, but will be fitted for Lead Pipe, when so ordered. 128 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE “TRITIUM Pe Double=-Acting Force Pump. WITH AIR CHAMBER, BRASS-LINED CYLINDER, AND DOUBLE LEVERS. FIG. 602. The cut on this page represents our “ Triumph” Double-acting Force Pump, similar to Fig, 601, with two Levers. This Pump will be found a very useful one in Factories, Vessels, Warehouses and other places where large quantities of water are to be elevated. The Cylinder is Brass-lined; and the Valves, Valve Seats Piston-rod, Plunger and other parts coming in contact with the water, are made of Bronze. The levers can be disconnected, so that it can be worked by one lever if preferred. Provided with drip-cocks for priming and to prevent freezing Furnished with malleable wrench for taking the Pump apart. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. weTRONGe | BRASS. No. |Size Cylinder. * Suction | * Discharge Stroke. i Fitted for | Fitted for Cipher. Price. | . Cipher. Price, 4 5 inch. 2 inch pipe. I % inch pipe. 5 inch, Fagging | $45.00 | Failing | $125.00 5 oa 2% iy 2 me 5 eha Fagot 50.00 | Fainted 175.00 * Fitted for both Iron Pipe and Hose, as listed, but will be fitted for Lead Pipe when so ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. Mette loe Label baa Ee Eta Double-Acting Force Pump. FOR HAND OR POWER. WITH AIR CHAMBER AND BRASS:LINED CYLINDER. FIG. 605. Fig. 605, represented by the above cut, is our “* Triumph ”’ Horizontal Double-acting Force Pump, arranged with both Lever for hand, and Pitman with guide, for power. This Pump is constructed in the same manner as Fig. 601, with the addition of double Piston-rod with power attachment at one end, and Lever for hand at the other. Itisa very efficient Pump for either hand or power. Being a combined hand and power Pump its utility will be apparent. The speed this Pump should be run is about fifty revolutions per minute. A malleable wrench furnished with each Pump. Rule aid Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. | *Suction Fitted | * Discharge Fitted er oe IRON, | | BRASS. ' ‘=f for Be Whe ae wey ‘Cipher | Price. | Cipher. | 2% inch. | 1¥ inch pipe. inch pipe. 4% inch. | Faintly | $35.00 | Faithful | ‘6 wee “6 “6 Ait | Faintness | 40.00 | Faithless Size Cyl. 4% | Fairing | 45.00 | Falcon 5 : | Fairy | 55.00 | Fallacy | * Fitted for both Iron Pipe and Hose as listed, but will be fitted for Lead Pipe when so ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. THE “TRIUMPH” Double-Acting Force Pump. FOR POWER. WITH AIR CHAMBER AND BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. FIG. 608. FaMuUT THN UTHTATTINT ai iii, vere ene recs ene CERGUSONALBANY, The annexed cut represents Fig. 603, our “‘ Triumph”’ Double-Acting Force Pump arranged for power. It is mounted on plank, with Rod Guide and Pitman for attaching to Crank Pin or Face Plate. This Pump, like Fig. 605, is made with Brass-lined Cylinder; the Valves, Valve Seats, Piston-rod, Plunger and other parts coming in contact with the water being made of Bronze Metal. For use in Railroad Stations, Factories, Breweries, Distiller- ies, etc., this Pump will be found very efficient and reliable. The speed for this Pump is about fifty revolutions per minute. Drip-cocks and primer on each Pump. Always furnished with malleable wrench. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder. * Suction Fitted *Discharge Fitted Stroke, IRON. BRASS. i for for | Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I 2% inch. 1 inch pipe. I inch pipe. | 4% inch. | Fallible | $30.00 | Familiar $80.00 2 3 ‘s Bk ae TA eh es 43g 8 Falsetto 30.00 | Family 80.00 3 4 £ Tota TO ae hate Falsify 32.00 | Famish 95.00 4 5 3 2 asia Ae DY eee 5 as Falter 50.00 | Fanatic 120.00 5 6 At PERS ie OS 2 es | 5 sf Falling 55.00 Fantasy 170.00 * Fitted for Iron Pipe and Hose as listed, but will be fitted for Lead Pipe if so ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 131 TES) “ar RITINP He Double=-Acting Force Pump. COMBINED WITH HORSE POWER. WITH AIR CHAMBER AND BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. FIG. 6158. mn nl TNT Me U py (i TINA The cut on this page represents Fig. 613, a Horse Power and Pump combined. The Pump is similar to Fig. 603, and the Pitman is attached to a Horse Power, making the entire apparatus a desirable arrangement for pumping from shallow wells or streams, for irrigating and other purposes, where steam power is too expensive or not easily accessible. The working parts of the Pump are the same as Figs. 601, 602 and 603, z. ¢., the Cylinder is Brass-lined, the Plunger, Piston-rod, Valves, and Valve Seats are Brass. The Pump and Horse Power are attached to a substantial iron platform. Drip-cocks are provided for draining the Pump to prevent freezing. Malleable wrench furnished with each of these Pumps. This Pump should be run at a speed of about fifty to eighty revolutions per minute. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages g to 12. Sizes and Prices. IRON. BRASS. No. | Size Cyl. Suction Fitted Discharge Fitted | cates | 7 a for for oe Cipher. £ Price. _ Cipher. Price. 3 4 inch. | 1% inch pipe. | 1¥ inch pipe. 4% inch. | Fancier | $150.00, Fantastic | $215.00 4/1 5 el ag Ee ae ae * res “ Fanciful | 175.00) Farcical 250.00 Bb on. * ates Soe Ltrs, 5 ile: x 5 Fi Fandango 190.00 | Farewell 300.00 * Fitted for Iron Pipe and Hose, unless ordered for Lead Pipe. 132 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. STR ET eRe, Ley a eee Double-Acting Force Pump. ON IRON FRAME. WITH AIR CHAMBER, BRASS-LINED CYLINDER, AND PULLEYS FOR POWER. FIG. 604. The above cut represents Fig, 604, the ‘ Triumph” Double-acting Force Pump, arranged on a heavy iron frame for power, with Tight and Loose Pulleys, Crank Pin and Cross Head. This arrangement makes the most compact and substantial Pump of its class; and we can give it an unqualified recommendation for pumping water, oil, fermented or acetous liquors; also for Fire Protection, or for any purpose where a continuous and powerful stream is required. This Pump is well adapted for the use of manufacturers in pumping into an elevated tank, or wherever the Pump has to work against a heavy pressure. In Fig. 604, all parts are constructed in the most substantial manner and of the best material; the Crank Pin is made of cast-steel, the Cylinder is brass-lined, the Valves and Valve Seats, Piston-rod and bearing block of the Crank Pin are made of Bronze or Gun Metal. This Pump is guaranteed to work against a pressure of one hundred pounds to the square inch. The proper speed is about fifty revolutions per minute, though it may be run as high as eighty revolutions per minute; depending on the height it must pump, or the pressure it is working against. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. BRASS. IRON. No. | Size.Cyl, | *Suction Fitted |* Discharge Fitted Stroke. | Pulleys. ll | for for | Cipher. | Price. | Cipher. Price. 2 | 3 inch. | 1 inch pipe. | 1 inchpipe. | 4% inch. | 18x4 Fatal | $70.00 | Fathom | $120.00 LOS Py aa ent ee petal Wee Sige yt hereon pi Geo OP) eb Be dey a Fatality | 75.00 | Fatigue 135.00 Extra for Cranks to work by hand, $2.00 net. * Fitted for Iron Pipe and Hose as listed, but fitted for Lead Pipe, when so ordered. SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. 133 Privinriobi Ieretection Fire Piamp. ON PORTABLE PLATFORM, WITH DOUBLE LEVERS AND BRASS-LINED CYLINDER. FIG. 606. AMRROSRURE WANG SO - ‘2 SSS QRONANTE S+ The above cut represents our “ Triumph” Protection Fire Pump mounted on a Truck convenient for use about Factories, Warehouses, etc. This is without doubt the most effectual apparatus of the kind ever offered for sale. It can easily be drawn by one or two men; the fifth wheel to the front axle making it possible to turn short corners with facility. When arranged with several feet of Suction Hose and the Discharge Hose necessary, it is quite as efficient as the more expensive Hand Fire Engines in general use for Village Fire Protection. The small cost of this Pump makes it possible to have several of them conveniently located at different points. They can be readily got to a fire, and can be placed anywhere that water is obtainable, and, if necessary, inside of a house. One man can operate this Pump, and from two to six men can work on the brakes at once, if desirable. For large warehouses, factories, public institutions and villages, where a cheap and effective system of Fire Pro- tection is desired, the “ Triumph” Fire Pump has no superior. As in our “ Triumph”? Pumps for other purposes the Cylinder of Fig. 606 is brass-lined, and the Valves, Valve Seats, Plunger and Piston-rod are brass or bronze metal. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. | Size Cylinder. *Suction Fitted | * Discharge Fitted | stroke, |——__— IRON. wee | BRASS. for for Cipher. | Price. Cipher. | __ Price. 4 5 inch, 2 inch hose. | 1% inch hose. | 5 inch.|} Favor | $70 00 | Fealty. | $150.00 5 cheats oR ESS Nigar a a NI ed A te | 75.00 | Fearful. | 200.00 * Always fitted for Hose unless especially ordered for Iron or Lead Pipe. For price lists of Hose Brass Goods and Hose, see pages 171 and 172. 134 SILVER & DEMING MANUFACTURING COMPANY. TOM Eee a) ‘Two-Cylinder Force Pump. WITH WOOD LEVERS. FIG. 615. The above cut represents Fig. 615, a Two-cylinder Force Pump, which has been long and favorably known as a very efficient Fire Pump for use about Factories, Warehouses, Railroad Stations and other places where fire protection is required. This Pump is also in great favor as a Deck Pump on lake and river vessels. The Air Chamber of this Pump is large, which, in connection with the double Cylinders, causes the discharge of a continuous stream of water. To prevent freezing, raise the levers alternately to their extreme height, which trips the valves and allows the water to flow back. Rules and Tables for Capacity, Required Power, and Speed of Pumps, pages 9 to 12. Sizes and Prices. No. Size Cyhindera Suction Fitted Discharge Fitted | Hi Capacity per | ie TRONS S BRASS CYL. | for for Revolution. Cipher. Price. Cipher. Price. I | 2¥% inch. | 2 inch pipe.| 1% in. hose.| 6inch.| .25 gal. | Feasible |$ 38.00 | Federal $ 60.00 2 Peg 2h DP he MACON 1 Ue cere 6546 F3, cxts Feasted 40.00 | Federate 65.00