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A charge is made on all overdue books. — __University of Illinois Library rE? 9 4 Nov 19 nic she vr Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign! a Be wR SS ES O F a. 7 ) | O F Art NUMBERS, FROM 1 TO 101000; | Thee eel? O18 ie EAVES Por PONG Go oAND ~ LT A NG EON .TS | Lt .O- RV ERY . “SECOND ortTHE QUADRANT. BYW MICHAEL TAYLOR, AUTHOR OF THE SEXAGESIMAL TABLE. — WITH A PREFACE AND PRECEPTS Aan ta TION AND USE OF THE SAME, f By NEVIL MASKELYNE, ER, s ASPRONOMER ROYAL. ay INOW A Gp ON D ON: PRINTED By CHRISTOPHER BuckTON, GREAT PULTENEY STREET; SOLD BY FRANCIS WINGRAVE, BooKsELLER, Successor TO MR. NoOuURSE IN THE STRAND. M DCC XCII, (£9 2. hel AGLIS LO Tue RIGHT HONORABLE AND HONORABLE THE COMMISSIONERS OF LONGITUDE, IN WHOSE SERVICE THE DECEASED AUTHOR WAS EMPLOYED FOR FIFTEEN YEARS AS COMPUTER: OF THE NAUTICAL ALMANAC AND IN OTHER SERVICES, BY WHOSE BOUNTY HE WAS ENABLED TO COMPLETE AND PRINT THESE LOGARITHMIC TABLES MORE EXTENSIVE AND ACCURATE THAN ANY EXTANT; AND TO WHOM HE, AS IN DUTY AND GRATITUDE BOUND, HAD HE LIVED, INTENDED TO HAVE DEDICATED THEM, THIS VALUABLE WORK IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED BY THEIR & MOST OBEDIENT AND DEVOTED, HUMBLE SERVANT, NEVIL MASKELYNE, ASTRONOMER ROYAL. 6G 0% it Guitars 160 4 5 ; » 7 4 f: ee int; dash, Len 3,108 Sib aH Z . ae ae ye fs bi pee i death 2 ‘ei Ts i | r PS ck awe bee 2 ’ le ’ J * ee . - re Sat) Ls hIM as aie ae seh . Dah ih Maa Se St ney cart ae | S T Senimmo CRAB Me Royo. HIS MAJESTY KING GEORGE III. His RoryaL HiGHNEss GEORGE, PRINCE or WALES. Her Royal Highnefs Madame ELISABETH of France. His Moft Serene Highnefs the REIGNING DUKE of Saxe-Gotha. His Moft Serene Highnefs the REIGNING DUKE of Saxe-Weimar. His Moft Serene Highnefs GODFREY, the REIGNING DUKE of Bouillon. His Excellency Prince REZZONICO, Roman Senator, F.R.S. As Tu E Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm. The Royal Naval Academy, Copenhagen. The Imperial Academy of Sciences, Peter/burg. The Royal Academy of Sciences, Palermo. The Royal Irifh Academy, Dublin. ‘The Univerfity of Aberdeen See nae caine: Mr. John Adams, M€ajler of the Free Grammar School, and Teacher of Mathematics, at Edmonton, Middlefex. Mr. George Adams, Mathematical Infirument-maker, Fleet- fireet, London. Sir Edmund Affleck, Bart. Rear Admiral of the Red. Philip Affleck, E/7. Rear Admiral of the Blue. William Affleck, E/q. Captain in the Royal Navy. The Univerfity of St. Andrew’s,—2 Books. Mr. Henry Andrews, Roy/lon, Hertfordfbire. Lord Ankerville, Ove of the Lords of Seffion in Scotland. Mr, Benjamin Appleyard, Book/eller, Wimpele-fireet, Caven- difh-{quare.—2 Books. Mr. John Arnold, /Vatchmaker, Bank-freet, Londen. The Rev. Gilbert Aftin, AZ R. I. 4. Dublin. ~The Duke of Atholl, F. R. S. Mr. John Atkinfon, of Zemple Sowerby. George Atwood, E/y. F. RS, Alex. Aubert, E/q. FR. S. and F248. Philip d’Auvergne, E/q. F. R. §. Captain in the Royal Navy. B. Mr. William Baldwin, J/ingtom Sir Jofeph Banks, Bart. Prefident R. S. and F. 4. 8. Mr. Bardenfleth, Lieutenant in the Dani/h Navy. Sir Robert Barker, Bart. F. R.S. M. Theophile Barrois, Book/eller, Paris. ——6 Books. Mr. William Bayly, Head Majter of the Royal Academy, Port/mouth. The Rev. Dan. Auguftus Beaufort, Dudbiin. Mark Beaufoy, £/7. Richard Beft, jun. E/g. Greenwich. Thomas Birch, E/y. Bond-ftreet, London. Captain Alex..Black, Calcutta, Ea/t- Indies. Mr. George Black, Agent and Accomptant, Princes-fircet, Bank of England. Mr. Richard Blanchard, /Yalworth, Surry. Mr. Thomas Blunt, AZathematical Inflrument-maker to His Mayefty, Cornhill, London. M. Bolton, E/7. Engineer, Birmingham, F.R. S. Mr. D. Bolton, New Bond-/ireet, London. Mr. John Bonnycaftle, Aa/ter of Algebra, in the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Mr. Robert Boon, of St. Fabu’s College, Cambridge. Mr. D. C, Boyer. ——2 Books, b William Ex Ts) Ty OnF William Boys, E/y. Fr A. 8. Sandwich, Kent. The Rev. Thomas Brand. Mr. John Bradley, Purfer of the Stately, in the Royal Navy. Mr. Thomas Bradley, Worcefter. Daniel Braithwaite, E/y. F.R.S. and F. 4. 8. General Pof- Office, London. The Earl of Breadalbane, F. R. 8. The Rev. John Brinkley, AZ 4. Profeffor of Afironomy, Dublin. John Browne, E/g. jun. Cannon’s Leigh, Devonfhire. Charles Brown, E/y. AZ D. Newca/tle upon Tyne. Tfaac Hawkins Browne, E/y. F.R.S. Count Bruhl, F. R. 8. Mr. Thomas Bugge, Royal Profeffor of Afironomy in the Uni- verfity of Copenhagen.—3 Books. Captain James Bull, Grantham Packet. Meffrs. Burborrow and Woolfton, Adderbury, Oxfordfbire. Sir William Chaloner Burnaby, Bart. Captain in the Royal Navy. The Earl of Bute, K. G.—2 Books. James Strode Butt, Efq. Newington, Surry. George Buxton, JZ D, F. R. S. Greenwich. Captain John Boulderfon, of His Majc/ty’s Packet Halifax. Captain Jofeph Boulderfon, of the Marquis of Lanfdown, Eaft India Service. C. Lieut. Colonel William Calderwood, F. R. §. Mr. Callet, Paris. Public Library at Cambridge. Caius College, Cambridge. John Campbell, E/y. F. RS. Vice- Admiral of the Red. His Excellency Marquis del Campo, Ambaffador and Mi- nifter Plenipotentiary from his Catholic Majefty——1 2, Books, The Right Hon. Lord Carysfort, K.S.P. F. R.S. The Rev. Mr. Catton, B.D. Fellow of St. Fobn’s College, Cambridge. M. le Compte de Caffini, Direéfor of the Royal Obfervatory, at Paris. Henry Cavendifh, E/y. F. R.S. and F. A. S. M. le Marquis de Chabert; F. R. S. Chef d’Efcadre des Ar- mées, Navales, 8c.—6 Books. Clare Hall Library, Cambridge. ‘The Rt. Hon. Lady Dowager Clive, Oakly Park, Shrop/hire, Mr. Thomas Cock. The Univerfity of Copenhagen. Mr. Philip Le Coq, of the Royal Navy. The Rey. Mr. William Crackelt, AZ 4. Vicar of Nurficad and Tfield, Kent. Henry Crathorn, E/y. Mr. John Crofley, late Afjifiant at the Royal Obfervatory, Grevnwich. SUBS: GeRel Balenes: Mr. Benedi&t Chapman, Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge, and Affifiant at the Royal Obfervatory, Greenwich. D. Mr. Ifaac Dalby. Admiral Darby. The Bifhop of St. Davia’s, F. R. S. The Rev. David Davies, Reétor of Barkham, Berkfhire. Lieut. William Dawes, of His Maje/ty’s Marine Corps. William Deane, E/g. £. LZ. D. Dublin. Mr. James Debret, Book/eller, Piccadilly. Edward Dodwell, E/g. Upper Moulfey. Mr. Peter Dollond, Optician, St. Paul's Churchyard, Londotts The Right Hon. Henry Dundas, Zrea/furer of the Navy. Captain James Dundas, of the Earl Fitz William Eaf? Indiaman. The Rev. Philip Duval, D. D. Canon 9f Windfor, F. R. 8. Meffrs. Duveleuz and Co. AZerchants, -London.—2 Books. Mr. Dwyer, Ma/fier of the Boarding School at Stanmore. James Drummond, //g.—2 Books. E Mr. Thomas Earnfhaw, Watchmaker, High Holborn. - Mrs. Mary Edwards, Ludlow, Shrop/bire. The Ele€tor of Saxony’s Library. The Eleétor Palatine’s Library. ‘The Electoral Palatine Library, at AZanherm. John Elliot, E/q. Fa R.S. Rear Admiral of the Red. John Elliot, E/7. Binfield, Berk/fhire. Mr. Peter Elmfly, Book/feller, Strand.——6 Books. Sir Henry C. Englefield, Bart. F. R.S. and FA. S. Mr. I. F. Efcola, A@erchant, Token-houfe Yard. Eton College. Edward Everard, E/q. Lynn Regis, Norfolk. Lieut. James S. Ewart, of the Eajt India Company’ s Service. Exeter College, Oxford. The Univerftty of Edinburgh.——2 Books. F. Mr. James Farquharfon, of the Ea/? India Company. James Fergufon, E/q. of Pitfour, F. R. 8. Edinburgh. The Hon. Seymour Finch, Captain in the Royal Navy. The Hon. Thomas Fitzmaurice, Llewing Hall, Denbighfhire. B. Fountaine, E/q. Narford, Norfaik. The Hon. John Forbes, Admiral of the Fleet. Dr. Michael Franzini, Regius Profeffor, at Lifbon.—2, Books. Mr. James Frazer, Aafter in the Royal Navy. John Freeman, E/g. Chute Lodge, Hamp/hire. Mr. John Fryer, Land Surveyor, Newcaftle upon Tynes The Chevalier de Freire, Chargé des Affaires de Portugal. G. John Gell, E/q. Captain in the Royal Navy. Henry Gerner, Commodore in the. Rayal Navy, at Copenhagen Mr. —— LIST OF SUBSCRIBERS. Mr. Michael Geufs, Profeffar of Mathematics in the Univer Sity of Copenhagen. Mr. George Gilpin, Houfekeeper to the Royal Society, Somers Set Place. Davies Giddy, E/g. MA. of Pembr oke College, Oxford. Univerfity of Gla/eow.——2 Books. Mr. Wm. Gooch, B. 4 Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. Henry Goodwyn, E/y. Blackheath, Kent. * The Duke of Gordon, KT. FR.S. Colonel Gordon, Commandant of the Dutch Troops at the Cape of Good Hope. The Hon. John Levefon Gower, Rear Admiral of the Blue, and one of the Lords Commiffioners of the Admiralty. Richard Hall Gower, E/q.—2 Books. The Rev. Edward Gregory, 4. AZ Reéfor of Langar, Not- tingham/hire. Meffrs. Gregory and Wright, Opticians, Leadendall- ~ftreet, London. H. Edward Finch Hatton, E/q. F. R. . The Rev. James Archibald Hamilton, D..D. Fellow of the Royal Irifh Academy, Robert Hamilton, E/q. in the Service of the Eaft Ladia Company. Mr. Harrifon. M. Abbe Maximilianus Hell, Zmperial and Royal Aftronomer, Vienna, and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris. The Rev. John Hellins, AZ 4. Vicar of Potter's Pury, Northamptonfbire. William Heberden, AAD. F. R. S. and F. #4. S. The Hon. Lord Henderland, one of the Lords of Seffion and Fufticiary, in Scotland. Jofeph Henry, E/y, Dublin. —2 Books. William Herfchel, Z.Z..D. and F. RS. George Hibbert, E/7. The Rev. Malachy Hitchins, AZ4. Vicar of St. Hilary and Gwinear in. Cornwell. | The Rev. Thomas Martin Hitchins, AZ 4. Vicar of Cot- terfiock, Northamptonfhires The Rev Thomas Hornfby, D. D. F. R. S. Savilian Pro- feffor of Aftronomy, Oxford. Earl Howe. Charles Hoare, E/7. Jofeph Huddart, E/7. F. R. S.—2 Books. Sir Edward Hughes, K. B. Vice Admiral of the White. The Rev. Mr. Hulton, Caius College, Cambridge. Mr. Thomas Humphries, Navy. Mr. John Hurft, Surveyor, Grey’s-Jun-Lane, Holborn, London. John Ibbetfon, E/y. FLR.S. and F. 4.8. Secretary to the Admiralty. Richard Ingram, E/7. J. | The Rey. Cyril Jackfon, D.D. Dean of Chrif? Church, Oxford, F. RS. Sir John Jervis, K. B. RearAdmiral of the Blue. Jefus College, Cambridge. St. John’s College, Cambridge. The Rev. Thomas Jones, AL 4, Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. Mr. William Jones, Optician, Holborn,——3 Books. Mr. William Johnfon. K. Mr. Frederick Kanmacher, Apothecaries Hall, London, Mr. Ebenezer Kemp, Cornhill, London. The Bifhop of Killala. The King’s Library. The King of Denmark’s Library. Mr. Thomas King, Book/éller, New Bond Street. The Earl of Kinnoul Mr. William Auguftus Kirby. Sir Frederic Knuht, Bart, Lieutenant in ihe Royal Navy, at Copenhagen. Mr. Kotochoubey. L. M. V’Abbe de Lambre, AZember of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Paris, and F. R. 8. M. de la Lande, Afronomer Royal of the Academy of Sciences, Regius Profeffor of Mathematics, and Cenfor Royal at Paris, and F. R.S. &e. ec. &c,——3, Books. M. le Chevalier Marfilio T.andriani, Patricien Milanois, de P Ordre Militaire de Saint Etienne, Profeffeur Royal de Phy- Sique experimentale, a Milan. Sir Henry George Liddel Bart. Ravenfworth Caftle, Dur- bam. Mr. Jofeph Lindley, late Affiftant at the Royal Obfervatory, Greenwich,——4 Books. Mr. George Lodge, Alafter of the Si a? School at Li in= ton, Cambridge/hire John Longfield, 14. D. Cork, Ireland. The Right Hon. Lord Lovaine. Mr. Paul Léwenorn, Captain m the Royal Navy, at Copen- hagen.—2 Books. Mr. Gavin Lowe. John Luard, E/7. Staples-Inn, Holborn. Count Eb LS'T iO F) Savubs-ci RI BR's, Count Lucchefe, Miniffer Plenipotentiary from his Sicilian Majéfiy. Mr. Collin Lumont, Teacher of the Mathematics, Greenoch. ' Mr. Charles Lous, Profeffor of Mathematics, i in the Univerfity of Copenhagen. His Excellency the Marquis de la Luzerne, Ambaffador Extraordinary from his Moft Chriftian Majefty. ; M. The Earl of Macclesfield, L. Z. D. and F. R. S. The Right Hon. James Stuart Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland.——3 Books. Francis Maferes, E/q. Curfitor Baron of the Exchequer, F. R. S. The Rev. Andrew Mackey, J. 4. Superintendant of the Obfervatory at Aberdeen. The Right Hon. Lord Macleod. The Univerfity of Manheim. Mr. George Margetts, Vatch-maker, Author of Horary and Longitude Tables for finding the Latitude and Longitude at Sea. The Duke of Niarthansuet K.G. F. R. 8.—2 Books. John Marley, E/q. of Dunjfton, near Newca/flle upon Tyne. Js. Vs. Martin and Son, The Rev. Nevil Mafkelyne, D. D. FR. S. Aftronomer Royal.—3 Books. Mr. Allan Mafterton, Edinburgh. J. H. de Magellan, F. R. S. thea of other Academies. Dr. Man. Thea: Coelho da Cofta Maya, Profeffor of Ma- thematics, in the Univerfity of Coimbra. Mr. Peter May. Captain Mendoza, Spanifh Ray eae Books. Alexander Menzies, E/q. One of the principal Clerks of Seffit in Scotland. The Rev, Mr. Metcalfe, Fellow of Chrijt College, Cambridge. Sir Charles Middleton, Bart. Comptroller of the Royal Navy. The Rey. Ifaac Milner, D. D. F. R.S. Prefident of Queen's College, Cambridge. Mr. William Milns, A/after of Salvadore Houfe Academy, at Tooting, Surry. ‘The Rev. John Michel, B.D: F. R.S. M. le Monnier, fen. F. R.S. Royal Profeffar of Philofophy, and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, at Paris.— 2 Books. M. le Monnier, jun. M.D. FL RS. Firft Piece to the King, Royal Profeffjor of Botany, and Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, at Paris —2 Books. Mr. Jofhnua.Moore, Cambridge. Mr. John Hamilton Moore, Teacher of Navigation, London. Mr. William Morgan, F..R.S. Auary to the Society for Equitable Affurances, Black Friars Bridge. M. de Morveau, Avocat Général honeraire au Parliament. de : Bourgogne, and Membre de ? Academte Royale des Sciences, a Paris. Lieutenant Mudge, of the Royal Artillery. Lord Mulgrave, VY. P. R. 8. and F. A. S.—2 Books. The Rev. Richard Murray, D. D. Profeffir of Mathematics — and Vice-Provoft of Trinity College, Dublin. The Britifh Mufeum. Sir William Mufgrave, Bart. V. P. R. S. and F. 4.8. Truft.. Britifh Mufeum. Mr. John Murray, Book/eller, Fleet-/treet.——3 Books, N. The Right Hon. Lord Napier. Sir James Napier, Kut. F. R. S. and F. AS. Captain Neale. Mr. George Nichol, Book/eller, Pall Mall.—2 Books. The Duke of Northumberland, K.G. and F.R.S.——2, Books. O. The Royal Obfervatory, in the Univerfity of Coimbrae The Royal Obfervatory, at Milan. The Obfervatory, of Trinity College, Dublin.—2 Books. The Obfervatory, of Armagh. Robert Oliphant, E/y. Deputy Poft-Ma/fier General of Scotland. Mr. Barnabas Oriani, ProfefJor of Affronomy at Milan, The Board of Ordinance. —10 Books. P. . Sir Hugh Pallifer, Bart. Governor of Greenwich Ho/pital. * Sir Harry Parker, Bart. Secretary tothe Board of Longitude. The Rev. Thomas Parkinfon, AZ. 4. Fellow of Chri/t Col- lege, Cambridge, F. R.S. John Pafley, E/g. Sun Court, Threadneedle Street, London. Thomas Pafley, E/g. Captain in the Royal Navy. Mr. Thomas Tilfon Peacock, Barntick, County Clare, Ireland. Mr. George Pepys, at the City Surveyor’s Office, Guildhall, London. William Petrie, E/g. Fort St. George. Francis Perigal, jun. £/q. Pembroke Hall, Cambridge. The Rev. Jofeph Piazzi, C. R. Aftronomer Royal, at Paler- m9, Sicily. The Rev. John Playfair, D.D. and F. R.S. Edinburgh, and Profeffir of Mathematics in that Univerfity. The Rev. James Playfair, D. D. Hiftoriographer for Scotland, to his Royal Highne/s the Prince of Wales, F. Ru S. Edinburgh. Sir George Pocock, K. B. Count Potofki, Envoy Extraordinary to the Court of Sweden. The Rev. Dr. Poftlethwait, Mafter of Trinity College, Cambridge: The Rev. George Powel, Fellow of Balial College, Oxford. John Pratt, E/g. Braok-ftreet, London. Lieutenant Colonel Robert Pringle, F. R. S. The Provoft and Magiftrates of the Town of Perth. Mr. Purrier, Enfield. Mr. John Pym, of Little Wymoudley, Hortfordphire. Mr. List OF SUBS CRIBER s. Reo Mr. J. Ramfden, Optician, London, F. R.S. The Duke of Richmond, K.G. Fi R. §.—+2 Books. _ John Robinfon, E/q. Sion Hill, Middlefex. The Rev. Abraham Robertfon, AZ 4. Chaplain of Chrift Church, Oxford. Captain Thomas Robertfon, of the Bufibridge Eaft Indiaman. Mr. John Robifon, F. Re S. Edinburgh, and Profeffar of - Natural Philofophy in that Univerfity. Dr, Jofeph Moneira da Rocha, Profeffir of Aftronomy in the Univerfity of Coimbra. Major General William Roy, FR. S. and F. AS. David Rofs, E/q. Secretary to the Pof Of ice, at Edinburgh, The Duke of Roxburghe, K. . Lord Rodney, A. B. The Lords of the Admiralty of Ruffia.—6 Books. Ss. - The Earl of Sandwich: Le LaD. Mr. George Sanderfon, Zeacher of the Mathematics, London. M. Bochart de Saron, Prefident of Parliamént, and Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences, at Paris. Mr. J. Sewell, Book/feller, Cornhill.—8 Books. The Rev. Anthony Shepherd, D. D.and FR. S.Plumian - Profeffar of Aftronomy, Cambridge. Sir George Shuckburgh, Bart. #. R. S. and F. AS. Sidney College, Cambridge. Mr. Thomas Sikes, B. 4. of Pembroke College, Oxford. The Rev. Robert Small, D. D. Dundee, F. R. S. Edinburgh. Mr. Henry Smedley. - John Smith, AZ D, Savilian Profeffor of Comins, Oxford, The Rev. John Smith, D. D. Lowndes’s Profeffor of Aftro- nomy, Cambridge. Mr. John Sniadecki, Profeffor of Afironomy in the University of Cracow. The Royal Society, yan Mathematical Society, Spitalfields. Thomas Sotheby, E/y. Captain in the Royal Navy. William Sotheby, E/g. of Bevis Mount, Southampton. Earl Spencer. Mr. John Stancliffe, Authematical Inftrument-maker, Little St. Mary-le-bone Street, Cavendif/h Square. Earl Stanhope, BRS. Gabriel Steward, E/g. Payma/ter if the Marines, Weymouth, Dorfetfhire. Sir Peter Frederic Suhm, Bart. Chamberlain of Sash Sir George Staunton, Barz. F. R. S. Philip Stephens, £/7. F. R. §. Secretary to the Admiralty. a Mr. Thonias Taylor, Colby, Weftmoreland, Father of the Author. John Napier Henry Briggs Michael Taylor, Sen of the Author. Mr. Michael Taylor, Bleaturn. Nathaniel Taylor, Eaf? Lane, Greenwich. William Tennant, E/7. Afton Hall, Staffordfbire. Meffts. Thellufon, and Co. Merchants, London. Trinity College, Cambridge. Trinity College, Dublin ss Meflrs. J. and E. Troughton, Mathematical Infirument- ‘makers, Fleet-ftreet, London. Mr. Trudaine, Paris. ‘The Archbifhop of Tuam. U. The Rev. Honey Uther, .D.D.\ FOR. S. and M. RVI. A. Andrews’s Profeffor of Aftronomy, and § enor Fellow of Tri- nity College, Dublin. ME M. le Baron de Vay, Capitain du Corps des Ingenicurs de fa Majcfié ? Empereur Roy. Dr. Franc. Xavier da Veyga, Profeffir of Mathematics in the Unmiverfity of Coimbra. . M. le Prefident de Verly, Dyon. The Rev. Mr. Vince, JZ. 4. F. RS. Cambridge. W. Mr. William Wales, #. R.S. Mafter of the Royal Mathema- tical School in Chrift Hopital. Mr. John Wales, Wakefield, York/hire. The Rev. William Walford, AZ A. Fellow of Caius College, Cambridge. Mr. William Walker, Ledturer in Aftronomy. Mr. John Walker, Kendal, /Vc/tmoreland. Mr. Michael Taylor Walker, Colby, /Ve/tmoreland. Nicholas Walton, Eq. Sen, of Farnacres, near Ravenfwarih Cafile, Durham. Nicholas Walton, E/g. jun, of Farnacres, near Kavenle worth Caftle, Durham. Edward Waring, 44. D. F. R.S. Lucafian Profeffir of Ma- thematics, Cambridge. John Walfh, E/g. F. R. S. and F. A. S. Mr. John Whitehead, Rai/beck. Mr. Luke White, Dublin. Mr. Samuel Whyte, Principal of the Engh/h Grammar School, Dublin. e William LIST OF SUBS CRY BERS. William Langton Williams, E/g. Coroner for the County of Kent. James Williams, E/g. Bedford-[quare. Major Williams, of the Royal Artillery. Mr. H. Wilfon, juz. of Paradife Row, Rotherithe. Dr. Alexander Wilfon, Profeffar of Aftronomy in the Univer= Sity of Glafgow, and FR. S. Edinburgh. Captain Leftock Wilfon, of the Vanjfittart Eaft Indiaman. Mr. Winterfield, Chamberlain and Commodore in the Royal Navy, at Copenhagen. Windfor College. Mr. George Witchell, F. R. S. Mr. Peter Wleugel, Commodore in the Royal Navy, at Co- penhagen. The Rey. Francis Wollafton, L. L. B. and F. R. S. The Rev. Mr. Woods, 4, 4. St. Fobn’s College, Cambridge. * Mr. Thomas Woolfton, Adderbury, Oxford/hire. Count Woronzow, Envoy Extraordinary, and Muinifier Ple- nipotentiary from the Emprefs of Ruffia, Fc. ——2 Books« Thomas Wright, E/g. Surveyor General of the Iftand bf St. _Fobn’s, North America. al Mr. Young, of Gungroy, near Pooles , Sir George Young, Kut. F. R. S. Captain in the Royal Navy. The Rev. Matthew Young, D.D. Profeffor of Natural Philofophy, and Fellow of Trinity College, Dublin. : Ze Francis de Zach, L, L. - Afr onomer to the Duke of Size Gotha, PREFACE, 1:2 GARITHMS area fet of artificial numbers, which have been calculated, and put in tables, to facilitate arithmetical calculations. They were invented by the learned and never-enough renowned ‘Fobn Napier, Baron of Merchifton, in Scotland, and publifhed by himin 1614. By their means the tedious operations of multiplication and divifion of numbers, raifing powers, and extracting roots, have been reduced to the addition and fubtraction of their correfpondent logarithms, multiplying them by the index of the power, or dividing by the index of the root. The improvements made by Tycho Brabe, the noble Dane, both in the theory and praétice of aftronomy; together with the determination of the true motions of the planets from his obfervations by his illuftrious pupil Kepler, had greatly enlarged the bounds of this fcience, and feemed to demand a more eafy and expeditious method of calculating obfervations rendered capable of fo much exaétnefs, and leading to fuch important difcoveries. Baron Napier was probably acquainted with thefe improvements in fcience before his invention of logarithms, and {timulated thereby in the purfuit of fo ufeful a compendium of aftronomical calculation. However that may be, he applied himfelf to the fearch of this defideratum, which he happily difcovered, without any hint or communication from any one elfe, no lefs to his own honour, than the benefit of aftronomy, and every branch of mathematics. The table publifhed by Baron Napier, confifted of natural and logarithmic fines, co-fines, and tangents, and was principally defigned for the folution of f{pheric triangles, (in the doétrine of which, as well as of plane trigonometry, he was a confummate mafter) but which he fhewed might be occafionally ufed to find the logarithms of numbers, though not with equal facility as the fines and tangents. The logarithms, which he introduced, have been fometimes called Naperian, from their author, but more generally hyperbolic, becaufe they were afterwards fhewn to be meafured by the areas of the hyper- bola contained between the curve afymtote and its ordinates; though fince it has been fhewn that every {pecies of logarithms may be expreffed by hyperbolic fpaces. They have alfo fometimes been called natural logarithms, becaufe they are what naturally arife in the folution of mathematical queftions. ‘Their fcale is determined. from hence, that the logarithm of a number which exceeds unity by an inde- finitely {mall quantity is equal to that quantity; whence the logarithm of ro comes out 2.302585, &c. This BR ee On nee This interefting difcovery was immediately taken up by the illuftrious Heary Briggs, the frft Profef- for of Geometry at Grefham College, and afterwards Savilian Profeflor of Aftronomy at Oxford, who recommended the prefent fcale of logarithms, as better adapted to the decimal fcale of arithmetic; in which the logarithm of 1 being 0, as it fhould be in every fcale of logarithms, the log. of the ratio of 10 to 1is1, that of 100 to1 is 2, that of 1000 to1 is 3, and fo on. This alteration was explained by Mr. Briggs in his public lectures at Oxford, and alfo communicated by him to Baron Napier, who entirely approved of it, faying at the fame time, that he alfo had thought of it. Mr. Briggs, indeed, in imitation of Baron Napier’s trigonometrical table, in which the logarithm of the fine increafes affirmatively as the fine itfelf decreafes from unity, had made the logarithm of numbers lefs than unity affirmative, and of thofe greater than unity negative. Baron Napier faid he thought it more expedient, making o, as befcrey the logarithm of unity, to make 100000 the logarithm of the radius, which was in fact only changing the ficns of the logarithms propofed by Mr. Briggs, with which alteration Mr. Briggs acquiefced, and accord-= ingly fet immediately about computing ample tables of logarithms to 14 places of figures, befides the index, and in about 8 years, a fhort time for fo great a work, completed and publithed thofe of 30 chiliads of numbers. He alfo computed a table of logarithmic fines and tangents of arcs to every centefm of a degree of the quadrant, likewife to 14 places of figures, befides the index, which were printed under the care of Adrian Vilacq, at Gouda, in Holland; and the author in the mean time dying, publifhed by Henry Gellibrand, Profeffor of Aftronomy at Gretham College, under the title of Zrigonometria Britannica. Adrian Viacqcompleted Briggs’s Table of Logarithms of Numbers by adding 70,000 numbers to the — 30,000 which Briggs had computed, and alfo computed the logarithmic fines and tangents for every 10 feconds of the quadrant, both thefe tables being carried only to 1o decimal places in the logarithms, whereas Briggs’s logarithms went to 14 decimal places. But even a lefs number of decimal places, viz. that of 7 places, has been fince thought fufficient for moft purpofes, and particularly for aftronomical calcu- lations; and may ftill be thought fo, notwith{tanding the improved accuracy of inftruments and the modes of obferving; fince they are capable of determining the place of a heavenly body from obfervation, as far as depends on the tables, to a tenth of a fecond, while the beft obfervations are liable to an error of 5 feconds or more. Thus we are indebted to Napier, Briggs, and Viacq, for their ingenious inventions and induftrious labours in providing us with our prefent logarithmic tables, as to the fubftance; fome improvements in the form and difpofition of them only having been introduced by later authors. Gardmer’s Tables of Logarithms of Numbers and Logarithms of Sines and Tangents for every ten feconds of the quadrant, which are the moft complete tables publithed fince Viacq’s, are confefledly taken from Viacq’s, only abridged to 7 places of decimals. The trouble of making proportion for the intermediate feconds, or computing equations of 2d and 3d differences, &c. where the differences are very irregular, has alone been complained of. | To obviate thefe difficulties, the late Mr. M. Tay/or undertook this laborious work of computing the logarith- mic fines and tangents to every fecond of the quadrant, by interpolating V/acq’s logarithmic fines and tangents, | whereby Be eiege co! 2 TR whereby he obtained a table to every fecond, confifting of ten decimal places of figures, as /Jacq’s did, which he then abridged to only 7 decimal places befides the index, taking particular care to make the laft figure true to the neareft unit over or under, a circumftance that will be found very conducive to exaétnefs in fuch cafes where an unit in the laft place is of confequence, and where feveral logarithms are added together. Nor did the author ufe lefs care and diligence in fupervifing the prefs and correéting its errors. He generally examined 3 and fometimes 4 fucceflive proofs with the help of an affiftant, one reading while the other hearkened. The firft proof he compared with his manufcript, attending chiefly to the 2, 3 or 4 laft figures, according as the differences rendered neceffary ; and further Sardine the index and 3 or 4 or 5 firft decimal figures himfelf fingly. He alfo compared the 2d proof, as to the 2, 3 or 4 laft figures, and again as to the two laft, with the manufcript; then at every 36’ with Brigg’s Trigonometria Britan- nica; and laftly to every to” with Viacq’s and Gardiner’s Tables. He further took the differences of the two laft figures of the fucceflive numbers by infpection. He examined the tangents and their correfponding cotangents by trying whether their fum every where came out 103 and, if any difference appeared, detected where the error lay, whether in the tangents or cotangents, by the differences. By this method, and with this care, the 3d proof was generally rendered correét to the author’s mind; if not another, and another were taken, till the prefs was found correct; and the fheet was then worked off. The table of logarithms of numbers was compared in the printing with the beft tables of logarithms, and particularly with thofe of Dr. Hutton’s Mathematical Tables. The five laft pages of the table of logarithmic fines and tangents were all that remained unfinifhed at the prefs when the author died. Thefe I examined carefully myfelf in the fame manner as the author had the reft of the work. Only I examined the tangents and cotangents, by trying whether the fum of the correfponding figures in every place, beginning from the left, made 9g, except the laft fignificant figures to the right which fhould make 10; which comes to the fame thing with the author's method. Having been informed by the author, a fhort time before his death, that he had difcovered fome errata in the tables, which he intended to correét in all the copies of the impreflion, by erafing the faulty ficures and putting in the right ones with a printer’s type and ink, I caufed diligent featch to be made for them among his papers, which were at laft happily found. To render the work complete, thofe which affected only a {mall part of the fignature, which was the cafe of the greater number, have been corrected fince in all the books, in the manner propofed by the author; but, as it is poffible that fome miftakes might be made in correcting the copies, I have fet down thofe errata at the end of the precepts for the ufe of the tables, that the curious calculator might be enabled to examine his book by them. It appeared too arduous an undertaking to correct the books for thofe errata which affected the whole or a large part of the impreffion; although the author, out of his great regard for the credit and fuccefs of his work, intended to have done fo; thefe errata, therefore, are inferted at the end of the tables. On the fame page are added fome numbers, with their logarithms, which may be frequently wanted in calculation. d | 1 Shall NG CRS ae Se I {hall now give an account of the principal contents of the Precepts. I have firft given an explanation of the general nature and properties of logarithms, in a manner that appeared to me the moft fimple and eafy of conception. In explaining the ufe of the logarithmic tables, I have had my eye both on Gardiner’s Precepts to his quarto book of logarithms, and Mr. Call/er’s improved explanation of them annexed to his elegant oétavo edition of the fame, entitled, Tables Portatifs de Gardiner. Gardiner’s Explanation is undoubt- edly too abftraéted and concife for the generality of perfons who are likely tomake ufe of fuch tables. Mr. Calle?’s Explanation is much preferable for common ufe, being more diffufe, and expreffed in common language without fymbols. I have taken freely from both, at the fame time adapting the explanation to the peculiar form of thefe tables, and inferting various improvements of my own, all of which it would be too tedious to particularife, and will beft appear by comparing thefe precepts with the others. I will, however, mention the principal of them In page 17, I have pointed out the proper method of taking out the logarithmic fine of an arc between gor and 180° or between 270° and 360°, directly, without taking the complement of the arc; and in like manner in page 21 to find the arc dire&tly from its logarithm. In page 17 will be found eafy and accurate rules to find the logarithmic fine or tangent of a fmall arc, or the logarithmic cofine or cotangent of one near 90°; and in like manner will be found in page 22 rules to find a {mall arc from its logarithmic fine or tangent, or an arc near go” from its logarithmic cofine or cotangent, where by the common rule it would have been neceffary to have applied equations of fecond and perhaps higher differences, which would have been attended with confiderable trouble to the calculator. In page 28 and 29 are given two new rules for finding the logarithm of a décimal fraétion, one to be ufed with negative indices and the other with affir- mative ones by adding ro to the index. I have taken the fubftance of the rule of proportion from Mr. Callet, which is much clearer thanas it ftands in Gardiner’s precepts. The rule for the combination and arbitration of exchange is chiefly taken from Dr. Hutton’s arithmetic. Mr. fones’s 20 cafes of compound intereft, and 5 others following, and that in article 10, which are all given in Gardiner, and 5 others by Mr. Callet, are here computed by a new method, by firft finding certain arcs from the things given, and thence comput- ing the things required by theorems equivalent to but much more fimple than the ufual expreffions for the fame, and better adapted to logarithmic calculation. I have chofen here, as well as in fome other places, to give the rules and theorems themfelves in algebraic language, rather than as applied to logarith- mic calculation, that the reader might fee more clearly the ground and reafon of what he is about; after which he will be at no lofs to make the calculation by logarithms. : General properties of plane triangles, right-angled fpheric triangles, oblique-angled fpheric triangles, and rectilateral {pheric triangles, or having one of the fides equal to 90°, are prefixed to the refpective folutions of the fame; as well to explain the reafon of the folutions, as to give the reader information which may be ufeful to him on other occafions. 1 have given tables of the folutions of the feveral cafes of plane and fpheric triangles by analogies, and with reference to fchemes, in the ufual manner, and added rules to point out whether the things found are greater or lefs than go’, and not left it to the reader to fupply fo neceffary a part of the folution from his own confideration and contemplation of the {cheme and the general doctrine of triangles, as has been cuftomary -with trigonometrical writers, which might often take up much time, and fometimes occafion miftakes. A diftinct table of folutions of the cafes te ae is eS AS SR OME. cafes of a rectilateral fpheric triangle is here given, which has not, that I know of, been done beforey being analogous to the table of cafes of a right-angled fpheric triangle, of which this reétilateral triangle is the f{upplemental one. Not content with giving the folutions of {pheric triangles by analogies, I have given them over again in another manner, direétly adapted to practice, by thefe tables of logarithmic fines and tangents to every fecond of the quadrant. I had two views in this, firft to render the calculation more ready and eafy, and fecondly to introduce fome new improvements, in order to make the calculation univerfally accurate in all cafes, whereas the common rules frequently fail, which however is a circumftance not generally adverted to, nor hitherto much taken notice of. The failure of the common rules fometimes arifes from the fmallnefs or even vanifhing of the diffe- rence of the logarithmic fines for a difference of a fecond in the arc near the end of the quadrant, or of the cofine near the beginning of it; and fometimes from a contrary caufe the largenefs of the difference of the logarithms. To obviate the error in finding an are arifing from the fmallnefs of the logarithmic difference of its fine or cofine, a new and accurate rule has been laid down to be made ufe of in that cafe. The error arifing from the largenefs of the logarithmic difference happens only when the firft arc is not computed to a {mall enough fraétion of a fecond to deduce the fine or cofine of the fame arc with accuracy in the fecond operation; this error will be prevented by finding the arc with at leaft as many decimal places ofa fecond as the logarithmic difference ite places. But there is another method recommended to be purfued in this cafe, attended with fuperior advantages, namely, to derive the fine or cofine, or their arithmetical complement, for the ufe of the fecond operation, from the tangent or cotangent of the firft arc, which is already found, and the cofine of the fame, if the fine fhould be ufed by the common rule, or the fine if the cofine fhould be ufed by the common rule, taken out of the table, whofe logarithmic difference will be {maller than that of the fine or cofine required by the common rule, and confequently eafier taken out of the table. The advantage attending thefe methods is fo great, that if proportion be made for the differences the refult will be obtained true in moft cafes within a tenth of a fecond, and in any cafe the error will not be greater than what might arife from that of a tenth of a fecond in any of the data; and in moft praétical cafes, if the exaétnefs of only a fecond or a fecond and half be required, the making any proportions at all for the differences may be difpenfed with, and the logarithms may be taken out at fight to the neareft fecond of the arc, and the arc to the neareft fecond from the logarithm, which will much fimplify and fhorten the calculation. Next follow the folutions of fifteen ufeful problems. The fecond and third of thefe, which are to find the logarithm of the fum or difference of two numbers, whofe logarithms are given, are taken from Mr. Cagnol’s ufeful treatife of plane and fpheric trigonometry. The following problems, from the third to the eighth, are folved according to the fame principles. The eighth and ninth problems are fubfervient to the folution of the eleventh problem or of cubic equations. The ninth contains the folution of a famous problem, that of finding any power of an impoffible binomial in terms of another impoffible bino- mial, pS RRR a aA Ge Oe mial, which I have derived from the analogy of the circle to the equilateral hyperbola. There is fome- thing of this kind propofed and partly executed by Mr. De Moivre, at the end of Sanderfon’s Algebra. His extraction of the cubic root of an impoffible binomial is juft and complete, but not fo fimple as what is ~ here given. His rule for extracting any root out of any given power of an impoffible binomial gives rightly the poffible part of the binomial required, but leaves the impoffible part undetermined. The thirteenth and fourteenth problems will, I hope, be found of confiderable ufe in practical aftro- nomy, being more clear and precife than any rules I have feen for the fame purpofe, and at the fame time capable of giving the refult true to a fecond or little more, in the cafe of the planets or zodiacal itars, by only taking out the logarithms for the neareft fecond of an arc, and the arc to the neareft fecond anfwering to the logarithms. The fifteenth or laft problem, to clear the obferved diftance of the moon from the fun, or a fixed ftar, of the effeéts of refraétion and parallax, is one of the moft important in practical navigation, on account of its great ufe in finding the longitude at fea. Its folution here given is new, and preferable to Dunthorne’s improved, contained in the fecond edition of the Requifite Tables ufed with the Nautical Ephemeris. Befides thefe tables of logarithmic fines and tangents, it requires only the tables of refraétion and of the fun’s parallax, or the firft andthird of the Requifite Tables. It will be fufficient to take out the logarithmic fines and tangents as they ftand in the table oppofite the arc, taken to the neareft fecond, and the arc to the neareft fecond anfwering to the logarithm, which will make the calculation very eafy. NEWVWILY MAS RLY Na GREENWICH, Fanuary 14th, 1793. Pee PE OANA: PE Te OeNe an p- USK O Fi THO’ POGARTTHMIECG. TABLES: Tu E nature and properties of Logarithms may be eafily explained, in the following manner : Let 1:1 pe:1+e|* : 1 +3 &c. indefinitely continued be a geometrical progreflion beginning from unity, in which the common ratio is 1:14 6, and ¢ is indefinitely fmall3 or the ratio 1:1 +e is indefinitely near to that of equality. It is evident that fome term or other of the progreffion will be equal to, or coincide with each term of the feries of natural numbers, 15 25 35 4, &c. as well as to every other intermediate mixt number confifting of a whole number with a decimal annexed. The products of the given quantity e multiplied by the indices of the feveral terms of the geometric feries are called the hyperbolic logarithms of the numbers to which the terms themfelves are equal. Thus ex 1 =e is the hyperbolic logarithm of the number 1 + e ==1 + e}' whofe index is 13 e X 2 == 2€ 1s the hyperbolic logarithm of the number 1 + e|” whofe index is 23 and, generally, e x n = ne is thehyperbolic logarithm of 1+)” whofe index is n; ande X 0 or o isthe hyperbolic logarithm of 1 =r + e|° whofe index is o. Hence the hyperbolic logarithms being proportional to the indices of the powers muft have fimilar properties; And as. cae xX r+el? =F el ; folog. I +e\|’ + log. 1 +e\’ = log. iI+e’= de . i Ee 3 pe ‘; fo log. 1 + el’ —log. 1 + e]} = log. 1 + el* = 2e I +e]? r+el = 1+e\**? =j ; fo 3X log.1 + + él? = logs rp elf == 9x 2x B= Ge 46'*; -{otleg2i-F elt —log.1 peli = 2 xec2e 3 el™yx 7+el2? = elm+n; folog.1 +el™ +log.1 te" =log.1 +el™+79 = M+n Xe a: r+en ———.m—n m ere a tl eee ; folog.1 +e) —log.1 +e" == log. I m—nXe fi \m (2 wp es Ie en BCG. where it is evident, when the indices-become negative, the terms of the progreflion will exprefs numbers lefs than unity; and their logarithms, like their indices, will become negative alfo. As the produéts of the given quantity e, multiplied by the indices of the terms of the progreffion, are the hyperbolic logarithms of the terms, and have properties fimilar to thofe of the indices; fo if thefe logarithms be multiplied by any given quantity v, they will have fimilar properties to what they had before, or become logarithms of a new fcale; which, as v is variable at pleafure, admits of infinite variety. Ifv be taken = 0,4342945 &c. then 054342945, &c. x € X into the indices of the terms of the geometric progreffion before given, will be the common or Briggian logarithms of the terms, and the logarithm of 1+ e, which exceeds 1 by the indefinitely {mall quantity e, will be equal to 0, 4342945 &c. X e5 and the logarithm of 10 will come out equal to unity; which renders this fcale the moft convenient for common ufe, as being beft adapted to our decimal {cale of arithmetic, and has been the reafon for the adoption of it in preference to the hyperbolic logarithms firft invented by Baron NAPIER. The quantity e being indefinitely {mall, n muft be indefinitely great, to make 1+ e\” exceed unity by a finite difference, or to reprefent any of the natural numbers greater than unity. But this expreflion may be transformed into another, which contains only finite quantities. Thus puttingn = quantity, we fhall have 1 + ze = — where misa finite m m Ye r+el® =1+elel =a, putting the given quantity 1 + ele =a. It may be y pralae that the Bara +e! is that whofe Me oe one ga is== — Xe= 1. Its a hetres ar &c. == 2, 7182818 &c. whofe ratio to unity has been called by Mr. Bate the modula ratio, becaufe its logarithm taken in any fyftem is the modulus of that fyftem. Thus 1 + ale =a is the number whofe hyperbolic logarithm is ne= x € =m, or common logarithm equal to vm. This might alfo be deduced from the general properties of logarithms. For, in every {cale, the logarithm of b" =m x logarithm of b; and therefore if b be taken equal to the number whofe logarithm of that fcale is equal to unity, the logarithm of b" will be equal tom. Hence, if b reprefent the number 27182818 8c. above-mentioned, whofe hyperbolic logarithm is equal to unity, the hyperbolic logarithm of b™ will be equal tom. And if b reprefent 10, the number whofe Briggian or common logarithm is unity, the logarithm of b™ or 10" will bem; that is, the common logarithm of any number is the index of that power of 10, which is equal to the number. Thus, the logarithm of ro or 10" is 13 that of 100 = To! js 2; that of ro000 = PRO: O, 30103200 10° is 3; the logarithm of 2 = 10! ee Fos. 4016300 ; the 1, 3010300 , ‘ =e) logarithm of 20 = 1o! is 1. 3010300; and if any number be = 10) its logan will be + n. Hence ae ae Hence, the terms of the decimal feries of numbers 3 2 I 1°) —T. —2 —3 @-2240'3 10's 10);, fos fol; to} a0! OF 10005 1003 105 143 O15 0,013 0,001 have their logarithms refpectively +335.+25 +83. 03-13 —2; —3 The logarithm of any intermediate number, between any two neareft terms of the feries above, confifts of the exponent of the fecond of the two terms, which may be either pofitive or negative, and a decimal fraction, which is always pofitive, unlefs otherwife declared. Thus the logarithm of 756, which lies Sie 2 6 between 1000 or 10! and 100 or 10! is 2 + 0.8785218 or 2. 8785218, The logarithm of 0, 0756 which lies between 0,1 or 10! and 0,01 or 10! is— 2 + 0. 8758218, And generally the logarithm of a number n Ssing-= J ck a lying between Tol andio) is +n+ A, where A is a decimal fraction. The exponent n is called the index or characteriftic of the logarithm of a, and is always a whole affirmative or negative number, or zero, and fhews the diftance of the firft fignificant figure of the number a from the place of units, either above or below it. - The negative index of a logarithm, whofe decimal part is pofitive, as ufual, is beft diftinguifhed by the negative fign placed above the index; thus the logarithm — n + A will be expreffed by n +A; and the logarithm — 2 + 0. 8785218 will be expreffed by 2.87852183 and if this diftinlion be well obferved, the negative fign prefixed to the index may then be ufed to fignify the whole logarithm, both index and decimal part to be negative, as in the logarithm — 1.1214782 which is the fame as the former only reduced to this form, as will be fhewn below. The characteriftics of the logarithms being thus eafily determined, upon fimple infpection of the num- bers whofe logarithm are fought, are not exprefled inthefe Tables. The decimal fraction, or other part of the logarithm (which is what thefe Tables exhibit) is always affirmative. Neverthelefs, when the index is negative, if any one chufes to make the whole logarithm of one kind, that is wholly negative, which may fometimes be ufeful, efpecially in raifing powers, it is eafily done, by adding an affirmative unit to the negative index (which is the fame thing as leffening the negative index by a unit), and inftead of the decimal part putting down its arithmetical complement. Thus the logarithm of 0,0756 being — 2+ 0. 8785218, = 2. 8785218, if + 1 be added to its index — 2, and the arithmetical complement of the decimal part be taken = 1 — 0. 8785218 = 0.1214782y will become — 1. 1214782, which is wholly negative. The arithmetical complement is eafily found, by fubtraéting each figure feparately from 9g, only fubtracting the laft fignificant figure from 10, and putting down the remainders in order. Generally, if the logarithm be —n + A, =n+A, make the new index = ease 1, and the new decimal fraction or complement of A=—1+A, and both the index and decimal fraétion will be negative, to which prefix the common fign of negation, and you have the logarithm of a wholly negative =—n + 1—1 + Ae (n —1I+1 AS But fs Shs But it is more generally ufeful to put thefe logarithms of decimal fra¢tions under a pofitive form, by borrowing 10 to the index, or in fome cafes 100 or 1090; which is done by only fubftituting for the index its arithmetical complement to 10 or 100, &c, as the cafe may require. ‘Thus, inftead of 2.8785218 we may take 8,8785218 or 98,8785218 or 998,8785218 &c. We muft remember, however, to fubtracét the 10 borrowed in the place of the index from the refulting logarithm, at the end of any operation where fuch transformed logarithm is employed ; and, if the refulting index {hould then belefs than 10, to put the firft fignificant figure of the correfponding natural number as much below the place of units as the refulting index wants of 10. Thus, if the refulting logarithm fhould be 13. 7951846, diminifh its index by 10, the remainder 3, 7951846 will be the proper logarithm, whofe natural number is 62403 but if the refulting logarithm be 7. 7951846, whofe index is lefs than 10 by 3, the natural number will be 0, 00624, whofe firft fignificant figure 6-is depreffed 3 places below the place of units. Becaufe multiplying or dividing any number by 10,100, 1000, &c. only adds 1, 2, 3, &c. to the index of its logarithm, or diminifhes it as much; therefore the decimal part of the logarithm is not varied by fhifting the decimal point or comma of any given number, the index only fuffering an increafe by as many units as the point is fhifted to the right, or a diminution by as many. units as the point is fhifted to the left. It is, from this property of the common logarithms, that one table of them, carried up fuppofe to 100000 natural numbers, with their correfpondent logarithms to 7 decimal places of figures, will exprefs the logarithms of any numbers ad infinitum true to the fame number of decimal places, by only varying the index, and thereby becomes in effeét an infinite table, which renders thefe logarithms fo valuable; which is not the cafe of the hyperbolic logarithms, where multiplication or divifion by 10, 100, 1000, &c. cannot be performed without adding or fubtraéting the hyperbolic logarithms of thofe numbers. Thus, if the number 54321 be varied, by changing the pofition of the decimal point, the index of the correfponding logarithm will vary accordingly, the decimal part continuing the fame, as follows: : Logarithms of Numbers. Logarithms. Decimal Fraétions borrowing Io. 54321 543251 5435 21 54 321 554321 O, 54321 005 54321 0, 0054321 0, 00054321 - 7349678 - 7349678 7349678 - 7349678 7349678 - 7349678 - 7349678 - 7349678 - 7349678 4. 3 2 I O. T 2 3 4 9- 7349678 8. 7349678 7+ 7349678 6. 7349678 the Pe The PROPERTIES of LOGARITHMS Ler a, by c, &&c. be any numbers; and L.a; Lb; L.c, &c. their Logarithms ; and Li sassL bi Lic, &c. the complements of their logarithms to zero, or = 0 — L.a; o— L.b; o—L.c, refpectively, which follows from the fuppofition that L’a +L.a=L.1 =o #£Then 1LatLb=Laxb=—L.abs L: 2 +: L. sits Lo 3. % p= Las beat Lb tine bb. d = Loa tb & c Kdt L. 4 bedi L3t+lb.54+L74+Li01=L.3X%5x*7xX1=L.1155. 2L.—- —La—Lb=La+Lb. Lg=bhy3g~bs35 = i34+Ll.3: Liles —b.aso— LaLa Le=Li—L3 =o—L.3=L*.3. m Lt a5 n n : Tl m 3 Lia atin ba; Li. & == 4 Lh. aj Lia caer t 4 — L3 =9L.3; Leg” = 41.3; big oe L | S28 gt a ES enemy veg ea Bae aks ae, pera oye ae teats 9 a™ b"c | ‘ é Ly Geren Oe eS Leo—vLep—xLq—zLr=milia + iLib+teLic +vLip +x Ligtzir me es eT =—41L3+9L5+2L.7—6L.12+-8L.13 —1o LL ig4e4Le3+qL.§ +2L.74+6 EE eatin ae L122 +81. 13 + 10 Li 143 The complement to zero, or fimply the complement of a number, is what muft be added to the number to produce zero. Although the complement of a number, and what is called its arithmetical complement; come to the fame thing in practice, when properly underftood, we ought not to confound one with the other. | The arithmetical complement of a number, 1s what we mutt add to a number to produce not zero, but an unit of a certain places generally one higher than that of the firft fignificant place of the number, when it is a whole number or a fraétion; but when it is a fraction, the practice is to take its complement to unity. b For For Example: The arithmetical complement of 769 is 1000 — 769 or 231 Its complement to zero - - - is o— 769 or 231. — 1000 The arithmetical complement of 76,943 is 100 — 76,943 oF 23,057 Its complement to zero - - - is Oo— 76,943 OF 23,057 — 100 The arithmetical complement of 0, 76943 is I —0, 76943 or 0, 23057 Its complement to zero : : - is o—0, 76943 OF 0, 23057 — I When two numbers are complements of one another, the numbers to which they correfpond are reciprocals of one another; that is, the ratio of the firft to unity is the inverfe or reciprocal of the ratio of the fecond to unity. Thus 7 and ¥are reciprocal, becaufe +: 1 is inverfely or reciprocally as 7:1. IfL.a+L.b =o= Lt, we fhall haveab=1, and b zeae Whence we fee that the logarithm of a number is equal to that of its reciprocal, but with a contrary fign; and that the logarithm of the reciprocal of a number is the complement of its logarithm. It may therefore be often convenient, inftead of a logarithm, to make ufe of its complement, which may be readily found: thus, Increafe the index by 1; that is, if it is pofitive, augment it by a pofitive unit, and if it is negative, diminifh it by a negative unit; then change its fign, and put down what each of the following figures of the decimal part wants of 9, only what the laft fignificant figure wants of 103 but, if the decimal part is equal to nothing, only change the fign of the index. See the following Examfles : L.8 = 0.9030900. Li or L’. 8 = — 1. 0969100. 0969100 = 9. 0969100 == — 0. 9030900 L. 8000 = 3.9030900. L/. 8000 = — 4. 0969100. 0969100 == 6. 0969100 = — 3. 9030900 LL. 1000 = 3.0000000. L/. 1000 = — 3.0000000. 0000000 = 7.0090000 = — 3.°©000000 LL. 54321=4. 7349678. Li’. 54321 = — 5. 2650322. 2650322 == 5.2650322 = — 4, 7349678 The arithmetical complement of any number is eafily found, by writing down what each of its figures wants of 9, except of the laft fignificant figure to the right, whofe difference from 10 is to be fet down. The complement of a number being equal to the number with a contrary fign, it follows, that the com- plement of the logarithm of a decimal fraétion becomes the negative logarithm of this fraétion, or of any vulgar fraction equal to it. | EXPLANATION of the TABLE of LOGARITHMS of NUMBERS. ‘Turs Table confifts of two parts, or two tables; both of which together contain the decimal part of the logarithms of all numbers, from 1 to 100999. The firft, or particular table, and which occupies the two firft pages, contains the decimal part of the logarithm of the numbers from 1 to 12603; and the fecond, or general table (which is much more extenfive, and occupies the remaining pages) contains the decimal part of the logarithm of numbers, from 10000 to 100999. The logarithmic decimal, affigned to hie to the firft 1260 numbers, in the beginning of the table, and to. the numbers, from 100000 to 100999, at the end of the table, confifts of eight places of figures; but in the reft, or intermediate and greater part of the table, only of feven places of figures. In the firft two pages, or firft table, the natural numbers aré contained in the columns marked N (the initial of Natural), and the logarithmic decimal in the adjacent column, marked Logar. (for Logarithms), and anfwering to the number preceding it in the fame ho- rizontal line. Inthe fecond, or general table, the four firft figures of the natural numbers, from 10000 to 100000, are contained in the column marked N at the top, and the fifth figure (including the cypher as one), at the top and bottom of the ten following columns. The logarithmic decimal of all thefe numbers is inferted in the faid ten columns, intitled 0, 1, 2, 3, &c. both at top and bottom, viz. the three firft figures in the beginning of the fecond column, and the four laft figures on the right hand fide of the fame column adjoining to the three firft figures, and in the other nine columns intitled 1, 2, 3, &c. Thisis to be underftood with refpect to the numbers from 10000 to 1000003 but from 100000 to 100999 the logarithmic decimal confifts of eight places, as before-mentioned; the four firft figures of which, being common to all the columns, are contained in the beginning of the fecond column, and the four laft figures on the right hand fide of the fecond column and in the nine following columns. This being what is called a table of double entry, is entered with the four or five firft figures of the natural number in the firft column, and the fifth or fixth figure at the top or bottom of one of the ten following columns; at the common meeting of the vertical and horizontal lines the four laft decimals of the logarithm will _ be found, to which muft be prefixed the three or four firft figures from the beginning of the fecond column. The three or four firft logarithmic figures continuing the fame, for feveral lines together, it has been ufual to fet them down only once in the tables, namely; where they firft begin to take place in the fecond column; they are therefore to be underftood as if they had been repeated, or the beginning of the fecond column filled up with them, till a new fet of three or four firft figures, greater by one than the former, takes place; or, which comes to the fame thing, the three or four Artft loga- rithmic figures, if not found againft the given number, will be the firft that occur above, except in part of the line immediately preceding a new fet of three or four firft figures, where the four laft firures begin with a cypher, or any lefs figure than the laft four in the fecond column, in which cafe the three or four firft figures are to be taken from the beginning of the fecond column in the line immediately below. The index to the logarithms has been omitted, as being eafily fupplied, and better fo than if it had been inferted in the table, being equal to the diftance of the higheft figure of the natural number from the place of units, and pofitive if to the left, negative if tothe right. It will therefore vary according 4s the number, if not all integral, is divided by the decimal point or comma, into integers and decimals; whereas the decimal part of the logarithm depends only on the figures of which the number is compofed, confidered all together as an integer. Otherwife, the logarithmic decimal contained in the table truly expreffes Bou @ expreffes the logarithm of the natural number, fuppofing its firft or higheft figure to occupy the place of units, and the remaining figures to be decimals. Thus the logarithm of 9,83 is 0. 99255352, found in the table oppofite 983; and the logarithm of 1, 0194 is 0.0083446, ftanding in the table oppofite 10194. So that inftead of putting an index to the logarithm in the table, we fhould rather put a decimal point or comma to the natural number, to feparate its firft figure from the reft. But both diftinétions are unneceffary. If the natural number, whofe logarithm is required, confifts of more than five places of figures, a pro- — portional addition muft be made to the logarithm contained in the table; therefore immediately after the logarithms are placed {mall tables of proportional parts of the difference of the logarithms, anfwering to the figures 1, 2, 3, &c. in the fixth place of the natural number, or +'s 1’) 1%, &c. of the difference. The number at the head of the column fignifies the difference of two fucceffive logarithms in the table, and is placed to anfwer as near as poflible to the logarithms to which it belongs in the fame horizontal line. To find what particular {mall table fhould be made ufe of, the difference of the fucceflive logarithms may be taken, or it may be fuflicient to take only their difference in the place of units, for the other figures of the difference will immediately appear at the head of the {mall table by the fide. USE 6 the "TABLE “ot TOCARIT Hs Pe RVOu B ade pit I, To find the Logarithm of any given Number by the Tables. Ler the firft fignificant figure of the number occupy whatever place it will, in the firft inftance confider the number as an integer, remembering only that the proper index is to be affigned to the logarithm, after its decimal part {hall have been found, in the manner before-mentioned. CASE I. Ifthe number does not exceed 1260, look for it in one of the columns marked N in one of the two firft pages, or firft Table, its logarithmic decimal to eight places of figures is even with it in the adjacent _ column marked Logar. ‘Thus the logarithmic decimal of the number 1023 is 100987563» and the logarithm of 1023 is 3. 00987563, and that of 102)3 is 2.00987563. CASE II. Ifthe given number is between 1000 and 10100, look for it in the firft column of the reft of the table, or general table, after the two firft pages, and in the adjacent column marked 9, you will find its logarithmic decimal, the three or four firft figures of which, when not ftanding even in a line with the given number, muft be taken from the firft which occur above. From 1000 to 10000 the logarithmic » decimal confifts of feven places of figures, but from 10000 to 10099 it confifts of eight places. Thus the logarithm of 4627 is 3+ 66529955 ; and that of 46, 27 is 1. 6652995, and that of 100, 76 is 2.00328816. CASE bacdy J CASE II, Ifthe number is between 10000 and 100000, or consists of five places of significant figures, look for the first four figures in the column marked N, and the fifth figure at the top or bottom of one of _the ten following columns ; then in this column, and even with the four first figures of the number, you will . find the four last figures of the logarithm ; and you will find its three first figures, at the beginning of the second column, either even with the first four figures of the number, or the first which occur above ; except in part of the line, immediately preceding a new set of the first three figures, where the four last figures begin with a cypher, or any less figure than the last four in the second column, and then the three first figures are to be taken from the beginning of the second column in the line below. Thus the logarithm of 546,74 is 2. 7377808, and that of 73, 284 is 1. 8650092. If the number was between 100000 and 101000, its logarithm might be found in like manner ;-thus the logarithm of 1005, 93 is 3. 00256776, and that of 10, 0767 is 1. 00331833. , CASE IV. Ifthe number is between 100000 and 1000000, or consists of six significant figures, seek for the logarithmic decimal answering to the first five figures, take the difference of the logarithms, with which enter one of the small tables of proportional parts at top, and with the sixth figure of the given number on the side; the correspondent proportional part added to the logarithmic decimal belonging to the five first figures of the number will be the logarithmic decimal of the given number. Example: Let the logarithm of 67832, 3 be required. The logarithmic decimal of 67832, or the five first figures is 8314346, the difference between which and the next greater logarithm in the table is 64; the column so intitled, even with 3, the sixth figure of the number, gives the proportional part 19, which added to the logarithmic decimal .8314346 gives .8314365, therefore the true logarithm of 67832, 3 is 4. 8314365. If the number was greater than 1000000-and less than 1010000, its logarithm would be found in the same manner. Example; Let the logarithm of 1008, 764 be required. The logarithmic decimal of 100876 is .00378785, the logarithmic difference is 431, with which entering the small table on the side even with 4 the last figure of the number, I find 172, which I add to .00378785 and_ supplying the index, I have 3. 00378957 the true logarithmic decimal of 1008,764. CASE V.. If the number consists of sever or eight significant figures, seek for the lo garithmic decimal answering to the first five figures, and with the logarithmic difference at the top of one of the small tables, and with the sixth, seventh, and eight figures of the number on the side, take out successively the proportional parts; the first proportional part, with one-tenth of the seeond, and one-hundredth of the third, added to the logarithmic decimal before found, will give the logarithmic decimal! of the given number. Otherwise, and rather more exactly, multiply the logarithmic difference by the figures following the first five figures, considering them as a decimal fraction; the proper product, that is, what remains after as many figures are cut off to the right as there were figures in the decimal _ multiplier, will be the proper proportional part to be added to the logarithmic decimal answering to the first five figures. Example: Let’ the logarithmic decimal of 276358, 49 be required. The logarithmic decimal of 27635, or the five first figures, is by the table .4414595, the difference between which and the next greater logarithm in the table is 157. The column so ) intitled entered with 8, 4, 9, viz. the c sixth, [107] sixth, seventh, and eight figures of the number successively on the side, gives 126, 63, and 141 but only the tenth of the second proportional part is to be taken, viz. 6, 3, and one-hundredth of the third proportional part, or 1,41; therefore 126 and 6,3 and 1,41 added to .4414595 and the index being supplied, gives 5-4414729 the logarithm of 276358, 49. Otherwise, multiply the logarithmic difference 157 by .849, the sixth, seventh, and eighth figures of the number considered decimally, the product will be 133, 293, from which reject the three last figures because there were three in the multiplicator, the remainder 133 will be the true proportional part, which added to .4414595 and the index being supplied, gives 5.4114728 the true logarithmic deeimal of 27635849, and more correct than that found by the table of proportional parts, from which it however differs only by 1 in defect. CASE VI. Ifthe number is a fraction, subtract the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator, the remainder will be the logarithmic of the number required ; where, it is evident, the index of a proper fraction will be negative. Or, if you should chuse to avoid negative indices, subtract the logarithm of the denominator of a proper fraction from the logarithm of the numerator increased by 10 in place of the index, the remainder will be the logarithm of the fraction, under a positive form. uth i If a mixed number be given, consisting of an integer and a fraction, reduce the mixed number to an improper fraction, and subtract the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator, the remainder will be the logarithm of the mixed number. Ifthe proper fraction, impreper fraction, or mixed number-be easily convertible into a terminating decimal, convert it so, and take its logarithm. Eaamples: 1. Let the vulgar fraction, whose logarithm is sought, be .. From 0. 3010300 or the loga- rithm of 2, subtract 0. 4771213 or the logarithm of 3, the remainder 1. 8239087 is the logarithm of the fraction, whose index is negative. Or adding 10 to the index of the logarithm of the numerator, from 10. 8010300 subtract 0.4771213. the remainder 9,.8239087 is the logarithm of the fraction under a positive form. 2. Required the logarithm of 3+? ‘This turned into an improper fraction becomes, 13 855 t+, From the logarithm of 355 which is 2. 55022835 subtracting that of 113 which js 2. 05307844, the difference is 0.49714991 the logarithm required. 3. The logarithm of + or 0, 2 is TL 3010300 or 9. 3010300. ‘The logarithm of ? = 0,75 is 1. 87506126 or 9.87506126. The logarithm of 3 = 0, 875 — is 1. 94200805 or 9.94200805. Whe CASK VIL. Ifthe given number is a decimal fraction, seek for its logarithm as if it was a whole number, and apply the proper characteristic to it. «amples: The logarithm of 0, 76134 is 1.8815786 or 9. 8815786. ‘ihe logarithm of 0, 076134 is 2. 8815786 or 8. 8815786. The logarithm of 0, 0076134 is. 3.8815786 or 7. 8815786. CASH VIil. If the given number consists of a finite part and an infinite recurring series, consider the finite part together with the first recurring period as an integer, from which subtract the finite part taken as an integer by itself; add the logarithm of the remainder to the arithmetical complement of a the Page ae the logarithm of as many nines as the recurring period has figures ( waich may be found on the page at the end of the logarithmic Sines and Tangents) and subtract 10 from the index, and you will have the logarithm required, in case the finite part is an integer; but if the finite part be not an integer, increase or diminish the index so found as muchas the decimal point or comma falls to the right or left of the last. figure of the finite part; orelse settle the index, as usual, with reference to the position of the decimal point or comma in the given number, that is equal to the distance of its first figure from the place of units, positive if it falls to the left, negative if it fall to the right. Haample: Let the logarithm of the-number 320676, 7 &c. be required, where the infinite recurring series is distinguished from the finite — part by points placed over its figures. I consider the finite part 320 with the first recurring period. 67 or 32067 as an integer, from which I subtract the finite part 320 taken as an integer by itself ; the remainder . is 31747, whose logarithm 4. 5017027 I add to the arithmetical complement of the logarithm of 99 or two nines, because there are two figures in the recurring period, viz. to 8. 0043648, (see the ‘able at the end of the logarithmic Sines and Tangents) and I subtract 10 from the index, the remainder 2. 5060675 is the logarithm of 320, 6767 &c. or the finite part taken as an integer with the recurring series adjoining as a decimal: But the given number was 320676, 7 &c. whose decimal comma falls to the right of the last figure of the finite part of 320 by three’places of figures: therefore I add 3 tu the index, and the true logarithm of 320676, 7 &c. will be 5. 5060675; or the index is determined at once to be 5, as being one less than the number of figures contained in the integer 320676, which is part of the given number. Pa Re Oa La Be MG a clio To find the Natural Number that answers to any givoen Logarithm. N EG LECT the consideration of the index in the first instance, and ‘find the natural number as an integer answering to the decimal part of the logarithm:sought for in the table: then divide the number so found properly by the decimal point or comma, that the first or highest figure may be at the distance from the place of units which is shewn by the index, and to the left if the index be positive, and to the right if the index be negative, adding cyphers to the right or prefixing them to the left, if necessary. CASEI. Ifthe natural number be wanted true only to three places of figures, look in the first or particular table contained in the two first pages, and in the column marked Logar, for the nearest logarithm over or under to that given: even with this in the preceding column marked N you will find the natural number required. Eaample: ‘The natural number to three places of figures, answering to the logarithm 1. 94117836 will be found: immediately, without regarding the index, to be 873, but on account of the index | it must be taken 87, 3. Had the index been 3, it must be taken 8730; with the index 2,it must be 873; with the index 0, it must be 8,73; with the index — 1, it must be 0,873; with the index — 2, it must be 0, 0873. } CASE [oe os 7 CASE IIL. If the natural number be wanted true only to four places of figures, seek in the column intitled 0 of the general. Table for the logarithm nearest to the given logarithm over or under; in the first column adjoining, intitled N, you will have the four figures of the natural number required, which you must divide properly, according to the index, into integers and decimals « Kxample.: The natural number to four places of figures, answering to the logarithm 2.3194713, found immediately, is 2088 ; but, paying due regard to the index 2, is 208, 8. CASE Il. If the natural number be wanted true only to five places of fipwres, seek in the Bes Table for the logarithm nearest to the given logarithm over or under; even with this in the first column, intitled N, you will find the four first figures of the number; and at the top of the column where the logarithm was found you will find the fifth or last figure of the number. Havample: The natural number to five places of figures answering to the logarithm --- 2.8712012 is 0,074336. The — natural number answering to the logarithm 2, 8170183 is 656,17, the four last figures of the logarithm being found in the line above that where the three first figures 817 are found, because the four last figures are less than those in the column intitled 0 in the same line. CASE. IV. If the natural number be wanted true to six, seven, or eight places of Bares seek in the general Table for the next less logarithm than that given, and you will have the first four figures of the natural number even in the same line in the first column, intitled N, and the fifth figure at the top or bottem of the column where the logarithm was found nearly. ‘I’o find the following figure or figures of the natural number, subtract’ the logarithm found in the table from the logarithm given, and seek the remainder in the right hand column of the proper table of proportional parts, or the next _ less number, if it be not found exactly, the corresponding number 1 in the left hand column will be the sixth tigure of the natural number. come If more places of figures be required, from the remainder above aaihoned subtract the next less number, in the right hand column of the table of pr@portional parts, for a second remainder, to which affix 0, and seek for it in the right hand columm of proportional parts, or the next less number, if it be not found exactly; the corresponding number in the left hand column will be the seventh figure of the natural number. In like manner an eighth figure may be found, if _ necessary ; that is, if such exactness be requisite, and the last remainder was not found exactly ia the table of proportional parts. Otherwise, and rather more exactly, especially if eight places ef figures are wanted, in order to find the figures additional to the first five, add as many cyphers to the first remainder above-mentioned as you want additional figures, and divide the sum by the difference of the two | successive logarithms in the table, the quotient will be the figures required to be added to the five figures of the natural number found before. Haample: What is the natural number whose logarithm is 5. 4414728? The next less logarithmic decimal in the table is 4414595 answering to the natural number 27635 ; subtract this logarithmic decimal from that given, the remainder is 133: subtract also the given logarithm from the next following it in the table, the difference is 157. In the column of proportional parts, on the side, intitled 157, seek the next less number to 133 which is 126, to which the number answering -” [ 3] anfwering in the left column is 8, the fixth figure of the natural number. From the remainder 133 fubtract the number 126, found ‘in the table, for a fecond remainder, which is 7, but with o affixed to it is 70; the neareft number to this in the table of proportional parts is 63, to which the number anfwering in the left column is 4, the feventh figure of the natural number. Subtraé 635 the number found in the table, from 70; for a third remainder, which is 7, but with o affixed to it is 70, the neareft number to which in the table of proportional parts is 63; the number anfwering to this in the left column is 4, the eighth figure of the natural number; therefore the firft five figures of the natural number being 27635, and the fixth, feventh, and eighth figures being 8, 4, 4, the natural number is 27635844; Otherwife, add three cyphers to 133, the difference of the given loga- rithm and the next lefs logarithm in the table, and divide the refulting number 133000 by 157, the difference of the two fucceffive logarithms in the table, the quotient is 847 for the three figures to be added to 276353 therefore the natural number is 27635847; but becaufe the index of the given loga- rithm is 5 it will be 276358,47, and more exact than that found by the table of proportional parts, from which however it differs only by 3 in excefs. It is however to be obferved that the natural number cannot be obtained entirely accurate to eight places of figures, becaufe the logarithms in the table are carried only to 7 places of figures. CASE V. Ifthe given logarithm is entirely negative, feek.for it in the tables, as if it was pofitive, and make its correfponding number the denominator of a fraétion whofe numerator is unity. ‘Thus if the logarithm was — 4.37242 = log. 8”, 75 — log. 206264”,8, and wholly negative, the natural number will be ee which expreffes the ratio of the femidiameter of the earth to its mean diftance from the fun. CASE VI. If the logarithm has a negative characteriftic, the decimal part being pofitive, find the corref{pondent number as ufual, and place its firft fignificant figure as many places below the place of units as is expreffed by its negative index. Thus the logarithm — 5.62758, or rather 5. 62758, borrowing 10 to the index to put it in a form entirely pofitive, or the logarithmic fine of 8”, 7 sy the fun’s mean horizontal parallax, has the natural number 42421 an{wering to it; but becaufe the index is either — 5 or 5 with 10 borrowed, the natural number will be 0,000042421, which is to unity, as the femi- diameter of the earth, to the mean diftance of the fun. . THE Er oX oP AUN. od NG AN ga OF. THE SAB Le yas LOGARITHMIC SINES ann TANGENTS TO EVERY SECOND OF THE QUADRANT. ALTHOUGH the tables are intitled Sines and Tangents, &c. yet artificial or logarithmic fines and tangents, &c. are to be underftood. The logarithmic fines and tangents of arcs, and the loga~ rithmic fines and tangents of their complements, called logarithmic co-fines and co-tangents, being often wanted in the fame calculation, it has long been the practice to place them altogether in the fame page, or at leaft at the fame opening of the book. ‘The fame method has been ufed in the arrangement of thefe tables. The degrees are put at the top and bottom of the page, and the minutes at the head and foot of the feveral columns; except the firft and laft, in which the feconds are placed. The left hand page contains the logarithmic fines and co-fines, and the right hand page contains the logarithmic tangents and co-tangents, as expreffed by the titles put at the top and bottom of the four departments or particular tables of fines, co-fines, tangents and co-tangents. The degrees placed at the top of the page, with the minutes placed at the top of the column, and the feconds in the left hand margin, exprefs the arc whofe L. fine or tangent, &c. is contained in the correfpondent part of the area of the table under the title fine, tangent, &c. and the degrees placed at the bottom of the page, with the minhtes at the bottom of the column, and the feconds in the right hand margin, exprefs the arc whofe fine or tangent, &c. is contained in the correfpondent part of the area of the table above the title fines, tangents, &c. The degrees, minutes, and feconds, read off by entering the table at top and bottom, are comple- ments of one another; thofe read off from the top being lefs than 45°, and thofe read off from the bottom being greater tl-an 45°. In order to reduce the table into moderate bounds, it was thought neceffary to place at the head of each column, and immediately under the title of minutes, the index, or the index and one, two, or three firft decimal figures of the logarithm, which were common to the whole or at leaft part of the column, and to put the remaining figures in the area of the table beneath; by which contrivance the fize of the table has been reduced to near half what it would have been if the logarithms had been printed at full length. It muft however be carefully obferved, that the initial figures at the top of the column are common to the whole column, only when the initial figures in the next column to the right continue the fame; but if they vary from the former by a unit, then the initial figures at the top of the firlt aay See firft column are common only to fo much of the column as reaches from the top to the place where the numbers in the column, after increafing up to 99, &c. decreafe immediately to 00, &c. or, vice versdy after decreafing to oo immediately increafe to 99, &c. and, below this place, the initial figures common to the reft of the column are thofe which ftand at the head of the next column to the right. The table has been fo arranged that there fhall never occur more than one fuch change in any column, except in the column of fines intitled 7° 4’ where two fuch changes are found. A ftrong full-point, of the fize of thofe printed at the end of the title Deg. at the top and bottom of every page, may be added to their books, by the curious, at the place where the change occurs, or over the index preceding the initial decimals at the top of the fame column, or in both places, either with a pen or a printer’s type and ink, which will facilitate the ufe of the table; but without that, by only taking a little care, the logarithm may be readily taken out without any danger of miftake, ~ bs CR WO a RN eon -- To find the logarithmic Sine, Co-Sine, Tangent, or Co-Tangent, of any given Arc. Ir the given arc be under 45°, enter the table, with the degree at top of the page, in the department intitled fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, which ever you want, and with the minute at the head of one of the columns, and with the feconds in the left hand margin: even with the feconds, under the given minute, you will find the four or more laft figures of the logarithmic fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, under its refpective title. But if the given arc be greater than 45°, enter the table with the degree at the bottom of the page, in the proper department of fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, and with the minute at the bottom of one of the columns, and with the feconds in the right hand margin ; even with the feconds, over the given minute, you will find the four or more laft figures of the logarithmic fine, tangent, co-fine, or co-tangent, above its refpective title. In either cafe you will find the index, or index with initial figures of the decimal, at the top of the column of minutes ; except the initial figures vary by unity at the head of the next column to the right, and at the fame time the number found in the area of the table falls below the place where the numbers of the column, after increafing to 99, &c. decreafe immediately to 003 or, vice versd, after decreafing to oo, &c. immediately increafe to 995 &c. and then you are to take the index, or index and initial decimals, from the head of the next column to the right. Prefix the initial figures thus found to thofe taken out of the area of the table, and the logarithmic fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, will be complete. Otherwife ; if the numbers of the column of given minutes do not any where increafe up to 99, &c. _ and decreafe immediately to 00, &c. or do not ahy where decreafe to oo, &c. and increafe immediately to 99. &c. or if the given feconds indicate the laftfigures of the decimal as lying above fuch place of change, take and prefix the initial figures from the top of the column: but if the given feconds indicate the laft ficures of the decimal as lying below fuch place of change, take and prefix the initial figures from the head of LP of the next column to the right, which in fuch cafe will always differ by unity from thofe at the head of the given column of minutes. | Example 1. The logarithmic fine of 22° 35’ 25” is 9. 5844880, the four firft figures of hh are taken from the head of the column intitled 35’, and the four laft in the fame column in the area of the table even with 25”. Example 2. The logarithmic fine of 22° 37’ 4” is 9. 5849887, the four firft figures of which are taken from the head of the column intitled 37’, and the four laft in the fame column in the area of the table even with 4”. Here the initial figures change by unity, viz. from 9.584 in this column to 9.585 in the next column to the right; but the line of 4” being above the place where the change of the numbers happens from increafing to decreafing, the initial figures are ftill to be taken from the column of given minutes. Example 3. The logarithmic fine of 22° 37’ 12” is 9. 5850291, whereof the four laft figures are taken from the area of the table in the column intitled 37’ and even with 12”; but becaufe the initial fgures vary by unity from 9.584 in this column to 9.585 in the next to the right, and at the fame time the line of 12” falls below the place where the change of the numbers in the column happens from increafing to decreafing, the initial figures 9-585 are taken from the head of the next column to the right, viz. that of 38’. Example 4. The logarithmic co-fine of 32° 55’ 10” is 9.9239873. Example 5. The logarithmic fine of 67° 39’ 40” is 9.9661192. Example 6. The logarithmic fine of 67° 37’ 30” is 9.9660066. Example 7. The logarithmic fine of 67° 37’ 20” is 9.9659979. Example 8. The logarithmic co-tangent of 53° 23/ 20” is 9.8709692. Example g. The logarithmic co-tangent of 53° 23’ 10” is 9.87101 32. If the given arc has decimals of a fecond, or a vulgar fraétion of a fecond annexed to it, and the utmoft ex- aétnefs be required in the calculation, take the difference of the logarithms of the next lefs and next greater arcs, and multiply it by the vulgar or decimal fraGtion; the produét added to the logarithmic fine or tan- gent or co-ar. of co-fine, or fubtracted from the logarithmic co-fine, co-tangent, or co-ar. of fine of the next lefs arc, will give the logarithmic fine, tangent, co-ar. of co-fine, co-fine, co-tangent, or co-ar. of fine, of the given arc. Example 1. The logarithmic fine of 22° 35” 25’, 47 1s 9. 5844880 + 51 x 547 = 9. 5844880 + 24 = 9. 5844904, where 51 is the difference of the logarithmic fines of 22 35’ 25”, and 22” 35’ 26” the next lefs and next greater arcs. Example2. The logarithmic co-tangent of 84° 54’ 12”, 632 is 8.9503112— 238 X, 632 = 8. 9503112 — 150 = 8. 9502962, where 238 is the difference of the logarithmic co-tangents wl ar of 84° 54/12” and’ 84° 54°13. Example 3. The logarithmic tangent of 3° 28’ 13 = 8. 7827731 + 349 * T= 8 7827731 + 128 = 8. 7827859. Example 4. The co-ar. of log. pat of 41° 7’ 26%, 37 is == co-ar. of log. co-fine of 41° 7’ 26” +, 37 x 19 = 0. 1230382 4 7 = 0, 1230389. The proportional part of the difference for the fraétion of a fecond may alfo be applied always additively, as well in the cafe of a logarithmic fine, tangent, or co-ar. of .co-fine, which increafe with the arcs, as of a loga- rithmic co-fine, co-tangent, or co-ar. of fine, which decreafe as the arcs increafe ; by adding the product of the difference multiplied by the fraétion of a fecond in the firft cafe to the log. fine, tangent, or co-ar. of co-fine of next lefs arc; and by adding the product of the difference multiplied by the complement of [by of the fraction Of a fecond to unity, in the fecond cafe, to the log. co-fine, co-tangent, or co-ar. of fine of the next greater arc. The firft or more fimple cafe has been illuftrated by fome of the examples above. The following examples will illuftrate the latter cafe. Example 1. The logarithmic co-tangent of 84° 54 12” 5632 is = log. co-tangent of 84° 54/13” 4 238 x 1 — 5632 = 8.9502874 + 238 x 5368 = 8.9502874 + 88 = 8.9502962 the fame as found above by the other or common method. Example 2. The co-ar. of log. fine of 32° 49’ 4” 557 is == co-ar. log. fine 32° 49° 5” +5 43 X 33 = 0.2660223 + 14 ==) 0,.20602 37% . Hitherto the given arc has been fuppofed to be lefs than go’; but if it be greater, and between go’ and 180’, take its f{upplement to 180°; if between 180° and 270°, diminifh it by 180°; if between 270° and 360°, take its complement to 360°; and take the logarithmic fines and tangents as before. Otherwife, for log. fine or tangent of an arc between go® and 180°, or 270° and 360°, take out log. co-fine or log. co-tangent of excefs of arc above go’ or 270°; for log. co-fine or log. co-tangent of an arc above go® or 270° take out log. fine or log. tangent of excefs of arc above go or 270°. But for the log. fine and log. tangent, &c. of an arc between 180° and 270° take the log. fine and log. tangent, &c. of the excefs of the arc above 180°. Thus the log. fine or log. tangent of 120° 27’ 36” or 300° 27’ 36” is to be taken as the log. co-fine or log. co-tangent of 30° 27’ 36”, and the log. co-fine or log. co-tangent of 120° 27’ 36” or 300° 27’ 36” as log. fine or log. tangent of 30° 27’ 36’, and the log. fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, of 220° 18’ 14” is to be taken as the log. fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent, of 40° 18’14’".. This method faves the trouble of taking the complement of the arc. If the fucceffive differences of the logarithmic fines and tangents, & the table are irregular, or rather if the fecond difference exceeds three or four units, the logarithm cannot be had true to the neareft unit without allowing an equation of fecond difference, and fometimes third differences, &c. This happens to the logarithmic fines and tangents of arcs under 20’, or of co-fines and co-tangents of arcs above 89° 40’, or within 20’ of go. In this cafe, the following rules will determine them accurately and readily without the trouble of equations of differences of various orders. To the logarithm of the arc reduced into feconds with the decimal annexed, add the conftant quantity 4.6855749, and from the fum fubtraét one-third of the arithmetical complement of the log. ¢o-fine, the remainder will be the logarithmic fine of the given arc. The rule to find the tangent of a fmall arc is this: To the conftant logarithtn 4.6855749 add the logarithm of the given arc reduced into feconds with the decimals annexed, and two-thirds of the arithmetical complement of the log. co-fine; the fum is the tangent of the given arc. The fame fub- tracted from 20 will give the co-tangent of the fame arc, or the tangent of an arc greater than 89° 40’. The tangent of fuch an arc greater than 89° 40’ may be alfo found directly, by fubtra€ting the fum of the logarithm of the feconds contained in the complement of the arc to go%, and two thirds of the arithmetical complement of the co-fine, from the conftant quantity 15.3144251. € Example t98 Example 1. The log. fine of 10’ 12”, 624 or 612,624 is = 4. 6855749 + log. of 612, 624 — } co-ar. of 10’ 12” = 4. 6855749 +2. 7871940 —6=7. 4727683. Example 2. The log.tangent of the fame arc is 4. 6855749 + 2. 7871940 + 13 = 7.4727702. Example 3. The log. co-tangent of the fame arc is = 20 — 7.4727702 = 12. 5272298. Otherwife the log. tangent of 89° 49’ 475 376 which wants 10’.12”, 624 of go? is = 15. 3144251 — log. 612,624 — % co-ar. co-fine 10’ 13” = 15. 3144251 — 2.7871940 —6 = 12. 5272305, the fame as by the other method. . For greater exactnefs regard may be had to the eighth decimal figure of the logarithm of the feconds in the arc, in finding the proportional part, and alfo in finding one third or two thirds of the arithmetical comple- ment of the log. co-fine, and then the conftant logarithm to eight places to be ufed will be 4. 68557487, which is the arithmetical complement of the logarithm of 206264, 806 the number of feconds in an arc equal to the radius of a circle; finally reject the eighth decimal figure, only if it exceeds five, increafe the feventh decimal figure by unity. Example: The log. fine of 8’ 17’, 426 or 497, 42 is = 4. 68557487 + 2. 69672848 — 43 = 7. 38230292, or rejecting the laft figure = 7. 3823029. Thefe rules for computing the fines and tangents of {mall arcs extend to 2° without producing an error of more than 7 ofa unit in the feventh place, and to 2°; without producing an error of more than ! ofa unit, at. 4° the error is only 2,3 and is always in defeét, and for all lefs arcs fenfibly proportional to the fourth power of the arc or even its fine. | Although thefe tables exhibit only the logarithms of the fines, co-fines, tangents, and co-tangents, yet we may by them find the logarithms of the fecants, co-fecants, verfed-fines, and co-verfed-fines. To the complement arithmetical of the log. co-fine or fine add 10. 0000000, and you will have the log. fecant or co-fecant. ‘To double the log. fine of half the arc add o. 3010300 and rejeé&t 10. 0000000 from the fum, and you will have the logarithm of the verfed-fine. To double the log. fine of half the comple- ment of the arc add o. 3010300, reject 10. 0000000 from the fum, and you will have the logarithm of the co-verfed-fine. PY RAS Oo Bs, SEs II. To find the Arc anfwering to a given logarithmic Sine, Co-Sine, Tangent, or Co-T angent. S § S' S' & I F a logarithmic fine or co-fine be given, enter the table on the left hand page; but if a logarithmic tangent or co-tangent be given, enter the table on the right hand page; feek in fome column, having the given index, or index and initial figures at top, the remaining figures, but above the place of fudden change of the feries of numbers as to increafe or decreafe, if fuch change occurs; and if you cannot find them fo circumftanced, go to the next column to the left, where the initial figures at top vary by unity, and you will find them below the place of change in that column. Then if the title of fine, co-fine, &c. which ee ae | which ever be concerned, ftands at the top of the page, the degrees will be alfo found at the top of the page, the minutes at the top of the column where the final figures were found, and the feconds even with the final figures in the left hand margin; but if the title of fine, co-fine, 8cc. ftands at the bottom of the page, the degree will alfo be found at the bottom of the page, the minutes at the bottom of the column in which the final figures were found, and the feconds even with the final figures in the right hand margin. Otherwife feek for the final figures between the two places in the area of the table where the changes > happen in two diftiné& columns, one being immediately to the left of the firft column which has the given initial figures at its head, the other being the laft to the right which has the given initial figures at its head. Example 1. The are is required whofe log. fine is 9. 5844880. Ienter the table on the left hand page, and find the initial figures 9.584 at top of the feveral columns and the remaining figures, 4880 underneath -in one of thefe columns; and, becaufe a log. fine was given, and the title fine ftands at the top of this department which contains the given logarithm, I write out 22 degrees from the top of the department, 35’ from the head of the column where the final figures were found, and 25” from the left hand margin even with the final figures. Therefore 22° 35’ 25” is the arc required. There was no change of the initial figures in the columns of minutes in this example, as there was no change of them from this column to the next to the right. Example 2. The arc is required whofe log. fine is 9. 5849887? I find, on the left hand page, in a column having the initial figures 9.584 at top, the remaining figures 9887 beneath, but above the place of fudden change of the feries of numbers as to increafing or decreafing. And as a log. fine was given, and the title fine ftands at the top of the page, I take 22° from the top of the page, 37’ from the top of the column where the final figures were found and 4” from the left hand margin ftanding even with the final figures. Therefore 22° 37’ 4” 1s the arc required. Ewample 3. The arc is required whofe log. fine is 9. 5850291? I feek on the left hand page in the columns having the initial figures 9. 585 at top for the final figures o291 but cannot find them, except in the laft column to the right hand fo intitled, and there below the place of change ; therefore I ga to the firft column to the left of all thefe having 9.585 at their head till I come to that which varies from them by unity and intitled 9.584, and here I find the given final figures 0291, but below the place of change, as it ought to be. And, becaufe the title fine is found at top, I take out 22° from the top, 37° from the head of the column where the final figures were found, and 12” from the left hand margin even with the final figures. Therefore 22° 37’ 12” is the arc required. Example 4. What is the arc whofe log. co-fine is 9-9239873? Seeking in the columns belonging to the fines and co-fines under the head 9.923 I can no where find the final figures 9873 except in one column below the place of change; therefore I goto the firft column to the left, whofe initial figures vary from thefe by unity, that is to fay, whofe initial figures are 9.924, and I find the given final figures 9873 below the place of change, as it ought to be. And becaufe a log. co-fine was given, and the title co-fine ftands at the top of this department, I take out the degree from the top, viz. 32°, and 55° from the head of the column in which the final figures were found, and 10” from the left hand margin even with the final figures. Therefore the arc required is 32°55” 10”. Example [ 20 | Example 5. What is the arc whofe log. aes is 99661192? I find, on the left hand page, in the column having g. 966 at the head, the final figures 1192 beneathe And as the title fine ftands at the bottom of the department, I take out 67° at bottom, 39’ from the bottom of the column containing the final figures, and 40” from the right hand margin even with the final figures. Therefore the atc required is 67° 39’ 40%. Example 6. What is the arc whofe log. fine is g.g660066? I-find on the left hand page, in one of the columns having 9.966 at top, the remaining figures 0066 beneath, but above the place of change; therefore the arc required is 67°, ftanding at the bottom by the fide of the title. fine, with 37’ ftanding at the bottom of the column containing the final figures, and 30” ftanding in the right hand margin even with the final figures. Example 7. What is the arc whofe log. fine is 9. 9659979 ? I cannot find on the left hand page the final figures 9979 in any column having 9.965 at the head, and above the place of change; therefore I go to the firft column to the left hand of thefe whofe initial figures at top vary from thefe by unity, viz. to that intitled 9.966 in which I find the final figures 9979 below the place of change, as it ought to be; and, as the title fine ftands at the bottom of the page, I look there for the degree 67°, and alfo for 37’ at the bottom of the column containing the final figures, and 20” in the right hand margin even with the final figures. Therefore the arc required is 67° 37’ 20”. Example 8. What is the arc whofe log. co-tangent is 9.8709692? I find on the right hand page in a column having 9.870 at the head, the remaining figures 9692, which are above the place of change; and as the title co-tangent ftands at the bottom of the page, I take out the degree at the bottom by the fide of the title, viz. 53°; the minutes at the bottom of the column containing the final figures, viz. 23.3 and the feconds in the right hand margin even with the final figures, viz. 20”. Example 9. What is the arc whofe logarithmic co-tangent is 9.8710132? I feek in the right hand page in the columns having 9.871 at the head for the remaining figures 01 32, but cannot find them except in one column below the place of change ; therefore I go to the firft column to the left whofe initial figures vary from thefe by unity, viz. 9.870 and there I find the given final figures 0132, below the place of change as it ought to be. And as the title co-tangent ftands at the bottom of the page, I take out 53° at the bottom by the fide of the title, and 23° from the bottom of the column of the final figures, and 10” from the right hand margin even with the final figures. If the given logarithm is not to be found in the table, make ufe of that which approaches neareft to it over or under, and find its correfpondent arc, which will be the required arc true to half a fecond. But if you want the arc more accurately, or as accurately as the tables are capable of giving it, take the difference of the given logarithm and the next lefs of the fame kind in the table, if the given logarithm be a fine or tangent; or take the difference of the given logarithm and the next greater of the fame kind in the table, if the given logarithm be a co-fine or co-tangent; that is, take the difference between the given logarithm and that logarithm of the two of the fame kind in the table, one greater and the other lefs than the given logarithm, which lies neareft to the given title of fine, or co-fine, &c. at the top or bottom of the page, for the numerator of a fraétion; and take the difference of the two logarithms in the table, one of which is next lefs and the other next greater than the given logarithm for the denomi- nator [ 21 | nator of the fraction; and you will have the fraction of a fecond to be added to the arc anfwering to that logarithm of the two in the table, one lefs and the other greater than the given logarithm, which is neareft to the given title. This vulgar fraction of a fecond may be converted into a decimal, if required, by dividing the numerator by the denominator. Ewxample1. What is the arc whofe logarithmic fine is 9- 5844896 ? I look among the fines and find 9. 5844880 the next lefs, and 9. 5844931 the next greater fine in the table; .I take the difference between 9. 5844880 which lies neareft to the title of fine at the top of the page, and 9. 5844896 the given logarithm, which is 16, for the numerator of the fraction. I alfo take the difference of the two logarithms in the table, which is 51, for the denominator of the fraction. The arc an{wering to the log. fine 9. 5844880, that neareft to the title, is 22° 35” 25’: therefore the arc required is 22° 35” 25” a = 22° 35’ 25, 313, &c. Example 2, What is the arc whofe log. co- tangent is 9.8710096? I look among the co-tangents and find the next greater and next lefs co-tangents to be 9. 8710132 and 9. 8710088. I take the difference between the firft 9.8710132, which lies neareft to the title co-tangent and 9. 8710096 the given co-tangent, which is 36 for the numerator of a fraction. I alfo take the difference of the two logarithms in the table, which is 44 for the denominator of the fraction. Therefore the fraction is x, and as the arc anfwering to the log. co-tangent 9. $7101 32, which is neareft to the title, is 53° 23’ 10”, the arcrequired is 53° 23° 10" ha aaih of — 53° 23° 10, 818, &«c. Hitherto the required arc has been fuppofed to be under go; but if it fhould be greater, find the arc as before, viz. lefs than go°; and ifthe required are fhould be between go° and 180°, take the fupplement of the arc found to 180°; if between 180° and 270° take the fum of 180° and the arc found ; if between 270° and 360° take the complenient of the are found to 360%, and you will have the required arc. Other- wife, if the required arc fhould be between go® and 180°, or between 270° and 360°, to avoid the trouble of taking the fupplement of the refult to 180°, or the complement of the refult to 360°, confider the log. fine or tangent of an arc as the log. co-fine or log co-tangent of another arc; and confider the log. co-fine or log. co-tangent of an arc as the log. fine or log. tangent of another arc, which being found in the tables accordingly, and added to go® or 270°, will give the arc required. Thus an arc between 180° and Z7Q™IS ee 180° + arc found anfwering to a given log. fine, co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent : and an arc between go” and 180°, or 270° and 360° = go’ or 270° + arc whofe log. co-fine = given log. fine; or whofe log. fine = given log. co-fine, or whofe log. co-tangent = given log. tangent, or whofe log. tangent — given log. co-tangent. If the fucceffive differences of the logarithmic fines and tangents, 8cc. in the table are. irregular, or rather if the fecond difference exceeds three or four units, the arc cannot be had true to the utmoft accuracy as to the fractional part of a fecond by the ufual method, unlefs an allowance be made on account _ of thofe differences, and perhaps alfo of third and fourth differences, &c. This happens when the log. fine, tangent, or co-tangent of an arc under 20’, or the log. co-fine, tangent, or co-tangent of an arc above 89° 40’, or within 20’ of go are given. In thefe cafes the following rules will determine the arc accurately and readily, without the trouble of computing the effect arifing from the differences of various orders. ‘The rule to find the arc from the fin f is Eee od is this: Tothe given logarithmic fine of a fmall arc add the conftant logarithm 5. 3144251, and 3 of co-ar. of log. co-fine; and fubtra&t 10 from the index of the fum, and you will have the logarithm of the number of feconds with the decimal fraction of the given arc. The rule to find the arc from the tangent is this ¢ To the log. tangent of a fmall arc add the conftant logarithm 5.3144251, and from the fum fubtra& 2 of co-ar of log. co-fine, and fubtract 10 from the index, and you will have the logarithm of the number of feconds with the decimal fraction of the given arc. If the co-tangent of an arc under 20’, or tangent of an arc above 89° 40’ were given, take the complement of the co-tangent of the {mall arc or of the tangent of the large arc to 20.00, &c. and you will have the tangent of a fmall arc under 20’; from which find the arc as before, which will be that whofe co-tangent was given; or its complement to go? will be that whofe tangent was given. The log. co-fine of an arc above 89 40" being = log. fine of an arc under 20’, confider it as a log. fine, and find the arc by the rule given above; its complement to go will be the arc required. The log. co-tangent of an arc above 89° 40’ being = log. tangent of an arc under 20%, find this {mall arc by the rule above: its complement to go’ will be the arc required. Example 1. What is the arc whofe log. fine is = 7. 4727683 ? Anfwer : 7.4727683 + 5.3144251 + 0.0000006 — 10,00, &c. = 2.7871940 the logarithm of the required arc, which is therefore = 612, 624 = 10' 12”,624. Example 2. What is the arc whofe log. tangent is 7. 5228031? Anfwer 7. 5228031 + 5. 3144251 — 0, 0000016 — 10.00, Src. = 2.8372266, the logarithm of the required arc; which is therefore = 687”, 427 = 11’ 27”, 427. Example 3. What is the arc, greater than 89° 40’, whofe log. co-fine is 7. 4727683? This logarithm will be the fine of a {mall arc under 20’, which has been found in example 1 = 10’ 12”,624. Therefore its come plement or 89° 49’ 475 376 is the arc required. Example 4. What is the arc, lefs than 20’, whofe log. co- tangent = 12. 4771969? Anfwer: The complement of 12. 4771969 to 20. 00, &c. = 7. 5228031 is the tangent of a fmall arc under 20’, which has been found in example 2. = 11’ 27”, 427. Example 5. What is the arc greater than 89° 40’ whofe tangent = 12. 4771969. Anfwer: The complement of 12. 4771969 to 20. 00, &c. = 7. 5228031 the tangent of an arc under 20’, which has been found in example 2. = 11’ 27, 4273 its complement to go = 89° 48’ 325 573 is the arc required. Example 6. What is the arc, ereater than 89° 40’, whofe log. co-tangent = 7. 5228031. Anfwer: 7. 5228031 is the tangent of an arc under 20’, which has been found in example 2. = 11’ 27’, 4273 its complement to 90° = 89° 48’ 32”, 573 is the arc required. If the logarithmic fecant or co-fecant were given, tofind the arc by thefe tables; fubtract 10 from theindex, the complement of the remainder is the log. co-fine or fine of the arc.. If the logarithmic verfed-fine or co-verfed-fine were given to find the arc; add 9. 6989700 to the log. verfed-fine, half the fum will be the log. fine of half the arc. Add 9.6989700 to the log. co-verfed-fine, half the fum will be the log. fine of half the complement of the arc. } : It may be proper to remark here that the radius of the quadrant is unity, and the fines, co-fines, tan- gents, 8c. are reckoned in decimal parts of the fame. The fines and co-fines are lefs than the radius, and fo are the tangents of arcs under 45°; their numerical values are then fractions, properly {peaking, and the | characteriftics Fae characteriftics of their logarithms fhould be negative; and the logarithm of the radius fhould be nothing: But the tangents of arcs greater than 45°, and the fecants and co-fecants are greater than the radius, and confequently their logarithms are affirmative. To put the logarithms in the table under a form wholly pofitive, 10 has been borrowed or added to all the characteriftics, and the logarithm of the radius has _ been made so. But we muft remember at the end of any addition, to repay the ten or tens borrowed in the place of the index, by fubtraéting as many tens from the index of the refult as there were logarithms of fines, co-fines, 8c. which entered into the calculation, if the refult be the logarithm of 4 tiumber ; and if fo many tens cannot be fubtraéted, to fubtraét a number of tens lefs by one than the number of the log. fines, &c. which entered the calculation, and the refult will be the logarithm of a decimal fra&tion: but if the refult be a log. fine, co-fine, tangent, &c. the number of tens fubtraéted from the index mutt be lefs by one than the number of log. fines, co-fines, 8c. which entered the calculation ; except, however, that no diminution is to be made to the index, on account of the arithmetical complement of a log. fine or log. co-fine, that may enter the calculation, which is a proper and affirmative logarithm. Ofte “AD D-hT T_OsN oof. LOG A.R1-T.HM-S. | F the logarithms are all affirmative, or all negative, add them together in the fame manner as other decimal numbers, and prefix the common fign to the fum. Thus + 2. 47712135 =1677815133 + 4.0791812 = + 8. 3344538: | 0, _ 2. If the logarithms are fome affirmative and fome negative, take the difference between the fums of the affirmative and negative, and prefix the fign of the greater. Thus + 3.6989700; — 7. 6532125; + 2.47712133 — 4+ 5686362 = — 12. 2218487 + 6. 1760913 = 6.0457574. | 3- If the indices only of the logarithms are all negative: add thewaffirmative parts of the logarithms together; the fum of the indices, diminifhed by what is carried from the affirmative parts, if any, will be a negative index. Thus 1+ 69897003 2+95424253 4a 8239087 = 5. 4771212. 4. If the indices have different figns, the decimal parts being all affirmative: add the affirmative parts of the logarithms together, and what is carried (if any) add to the affirmative indices; then the difference of the affirmative and negative indices, with the fign of the greater, will be the index of the fum of the logarithms. Thus the fum of 3.69897003 7: 34678753 1-47712133 5+4313638 = 7. 9542426. 5. If fome of the logarithms are negative, or fome have the index only negative, the fum of the loga- rithms may be alfo found thus: fubftitute for the negative logarithm its arithmetical complement ; or for the negative index, where that only is negative, fubftitute its arithmetical complement; and add the loga- rithms thus transformed to the affirmative logarithms, and from the fum fubtraé as many tens in the place of the index, as arithmetical complements were taken, if poflible, and you will have the proper loga- -tbisp fum; but if the index of the fum immediately found be lefs than fo many tens as have been directed [ 24 | directed to be fubtraéted, fubtract one ten lefs, that is fubtraét fo many tens as arithmetical complements were taken, wanting one; the remainder will be the logarithm of the fum, which will be a decimal fragtion, whofe firft fignificant figure will be fo many places to the right of unity as the index wants of ro. Thus the fum of 3. 69897003 7. 34678755 147712133 —4. 56863623 = 3. 6989700 + 3. 3467875 + 1. 4771213 + 54313638 —20 =13. 9542426 — 205 or becaufe 20 the index to be fubtracted is greater than 13 the index of the fum, fubtract 10 lefs, and the fum will be 3. 9542426, the logarithm of the decimal fragtion ,ooo000go00002, whofe firft fignificant figure lies to— 3 = feven places of figures to the right of, or below, the place of units. SUBTRACTION ofl OG AR bet yrs 1. W HEN the logarithms are both affirmative, or both’ negative; or the one affirmative and the other negative, change the fign of the fubtrahend, then proceed as in addition. 2. When only the indices are both or either of them negative, fubtraét the affirmative part of the fubtrahend from that of the minuend, as ufual; and if one is borrowed from the index place add + 1 to the index of the fubtrahend, then change its fign, and do as in addition. Thus 3. 1549020 fubtraéted from 749788107 leaves the remainder a 8239087; : 34 6989760 fubtraéted from 4. 6532125 leaves 2-95424253 4.6989700 fubtraéted from 2. 2218487 leaves 7 i 52287873 4.9542425 fubtraéted from 6. 6532125 leaves 9. 6989700. 3. Otherwife, make ufe of this one rule comprehending both cafes. If the minuend and fubtrahend are both affirmative logarithms, take the latter from the former, borrowing 10, if neceflary; remembering, that if 10 was borrowed the remainder will be the logarithm of a decimal fraftion. But if one or both logarithms are negative, or have the index only negative, fubftitute for the negative logarithm its arithmetical complement; or for the negative index, if that only was negative, fubftitute its arithmetical complement; and further, if the index of one of the logarithms was pofitive, increafe it by ro. Now take the fubtrahend from the minuend, both being thus altered, borrowing 10, if neceffary ; remember- ing that if 10 was borrowed, the remainder will be the logarithm of a decimal fraction. Thus 1.9542425 taken from 5.1303338 leaves 3.1760913. 4. 1867431 taken from 2. 0643564 leaves 7.8776133 the logarithm of a decimal fraction, becaufe 10 was borrowed to make the fubtration. To fubtraét — 3. 1760913 from — 6. 0211893, take their arithmetical complements 6. 8239087 and 3. 9788107, and fubtraéct the firft from the fecond, the remainder is 7.1549020, the logarithm of a decimal fraétion, becaufe 10 was borrowed. To fubtraét — 3. 1760913 from 7. 9788107, take the arithmetical complement of the firft, and the arithmetical complement of the index of the fecond, and affix the decimal part of the logarithm toit, and you will have 6. 8239087 and 3.9788107, the firft of which fubtraéted from the fecond leaves 7.1549020, the logarithm of a decimal fra¢tion, becaufe 10 was borrowed. To fubtract ee Subtract 3. 1549020 from 7. 9788107. The arithmetical complements of the indices being taken, and ful- ftituted in their place, give the logarithms 7. 1549020 and 3. 9788107, the firft of which taken from the fecond leaves 6.8$239087, the logarithm of adecimal fraétion becaufe 10 was borrowed. To fubtraét _ 3.0457575 from o. 5228788 ; fubftitute for the index — 3 its arithmetical complement, and add 10 to the index of the other logarithm, and we fhall have 7..0457575 and 10. §228788, the firft of which taken from the fecond leaves 3. 4771213. To fubtract 4. 6989700 from 2. 22184873 take the arithmetical complement of the negative index, and add 10 to the index of the other logarithm, and we fhall have 14. 6989700 and 8. 2218487, the firft of which taken from the fecond leaves 3. 5228787, the logarithm of a decimal fraction, becaufe 10 was borrowed to make the fubtraétion. MULTIPLICATION and DIVISIONof LOGARITHMS. Is I F the logarithm, which is to be multiplied or divided, is wholly affirmative or negative, multiply or divide it by the given number, and prefix the fign of the given logarithm to the produé or quotient. Thus the logarithm + 2. 3010300 multiplicd by 4 gives the product = + 9. 2041 200, The logarithm — 2.7781 512 multiplied by 3 gives the product — 8. 3344536. The logarithm g. 2041200 divided by 4 gives the quotient + 2.3010300. The logarithm — 8. 3344536 divided by 3 gives the quotient = 2077815126 2. If the index of the logarithm, which is to be multiplied, is negative, its decimal part being affirmative; and the multiplicator be a whole number, multiply the decimal part of the logarithm by the multiplicator, and fubtraét what is carried over to the place of units from the produét of the negative index by the multiplicator, the remainder will be the negative index of the product, to which affix the decimal part of the product. } To divide a logarithm in the fame circumftances, by any whole number, if the negative index contains or meafures the given number or divifor an exact number of times, divide the negative index by the given divifor for a new negative index, and the decimal part of the logarithm by the fame for a new decimal part. But if the negative index does not meafure or contain the given divifor an exact number of times, increafe the negative index by the leaft number that will make the index a multiple of the divifor, and prefix the fame number to the decimal part of the index, and divide the increated index by the divifor for a new negative index, and the increafed decimal part by the fame divifor for a new decimal part. Otherwife multiply or divide the complement of the given logarithm, which will be affirmative, by the given multiplicator or divifor; the complement of the product or quotient will be the product or quo- tient required. - & Thus [i@6 J Thus the produét of the logarithm 2. 6989700 by 5 is = 7.49485003; the quotient of 9. 9030972 divided by 3 is = 3--3010324. The quotient of 5-7958828 divided by 4 is = 2.9489707. Or the comple- ment of the fame logarithm 5.7958828 is 4. 2041172 which divided by 4 gives .1.0510293, whofe comple- ment is 2.9489707, the fame as found before by the other method. Otherwife: To multiply the logarithm of a decimal fraction by any whole number, let the logarithm be put under an affirmative form, by adding 10 to the negative index, and multiply it by the given number, and diminith the index by the produét of the number leffened by unity multiplied into 10, and you will have the required produé under a pofitive form, with 10 borrowed to the index. And to divide the logarithm of a decimal fraction by a whole number, let the logarithm be put under an affirmative form, by adding the produét of 10 by the given divifor, and dividing the fum by the divifor, you will . have the required quotient, under a pofitive form, with 10 borrowed to the index. Thus to multiply the logarithm 2. 6989700 by 5, adding 10 to the negative index, the logarithm becomes 8.6989700, which multiplied by 5 gives 43.4948500, from which fubtraéting 40 == the product of ro into 4 (the given multiplicator leffened by unity) leaves 3.4948500, the logarithm required, with 1o borrowed to the index. To divide the logarithm 7. 4948500 by 53 adding 50 (the produé of 10’by the given divifor 5) to the negative index 7, the logarithm becomes 43.4948500, which divided by 5 gives 8.6989700, the required quotient under a pofitive form, with ro borrowed to the index. 3. If the multiplicator of the logarithm 1s a fraétion, either proper or improper (as =), the index of the logarithm being negative, and the decimal part affirmative, as before; add the denominator (n) or fome multiple of it (pn) to the negative index of the logarithm (—r), fo as to make the f{um (n —r or pn—r) either o or a pofitive number, and affix the decimal part of the logarithm to it, and multiply the whole by the given fraction, and from the index of the product fubtraét the numerator of the fraction, or the numerator multiplied into the number by which the denominator was multiplied before (m or p m), and you will have the produét required. To divide a logarithm by a fraétion is the fame thing as to multiply it by the reciprocal of that fraction, which is produced by changing the numerator and denomi- nator for one another, and therefore requires no particular directions. Example 1. To multiply the loga- rithm 1.9175502 by 33 The denominator 2 added to the negative index 1 makes the logarithm become 1.9175502, which multiplied by the fraction = gives 2. 8763253, from which fubtraéting the numerator 3 the refult is 1.8763253, the product required. Example 2. To multiply the logarithm 4. 6346587 by the fraction 4 Becaufe the denominator 3, taken abfolutely, is lefs than the negative index 4, I multiply the denominator by 2, which makes 6, which I add to the negative index 45 and the logarithm will become 2. 6346587, which I multiply by the fraction — > the produét IS 1. 7564.3915 tebe which I fubtract 4, the product of the numerator by 2 (becaufe the denominator was multiplied by 2) which leaves 3. 7564391, the product required. Otherwife, l @7 | Otherwife, to multiply the logarithm of a decimal fraction by any vulgar fraction, proper, or improper ; let the logarithm be put under an affirmative form, by adding 10 to the negative index, and multiply it by the numerator of the fraction, and add or fubtraét the product of the differencé of the numerator and denominator by 10, according as the fraétion 1s proper or improper, and divide the fum or difference by the denominator of the fraction, and you will have the logarithm required in an affirmative form, or with to borrowéd to the index. Thus to find the produét of the logarithm 1. $76 3253 by = add 10 to the negative index 1, which puts the logarithm under a form wholly affirmative, and makes it 9.876325 3; this multiply by the numerator 2, which gives 19. 7526506, to which, becaufe the fraétion is proper, add 30 (the product of 3, the difference of the numerator and denominator, by 10), the fum will be 49. 7526506, which divided by the denominator 5 gives the quotient 9.9505301, the logarithm required under a form wholly affirmative, in which to is borrowed to the index. Alfo to multiply the logarithm 1. 9505301 by 4, which is an improper fraction; add 10 to the negative index 1, makes the logarithm 9. 9505301; wholly affirmative; which multiplied by the numerator 5 gives 49. 7526505, from which fubtracting 30 (the product of the difference of the numerator and denominator by 10) becaufe the fraétion is improper, leaves 19.7526506, which divided by the denominator 2 gives the quotient 9. 8763253, the logarithm required under a pofitive form with ro borrowed to the index. Various Rules and Problems, wherein fome of the Ufes of Logarithms are fhewn. Rhee RYU al of” (Pek Orr, OORT TON: Ts E anfwer will be obtained by finding a dividend compofed of factors, which are fome of the given terms; and a divifor compofed of faétors, which are the reft of the given terms. The quotient will be the term required. Seek among the terms, which enter into the queftion, that which is of the fame kind with the unknown term, which call the homologous term. Call thofe terms which have a relation to the unknown term, its correlatives ; and thofe which havea relation to the homologous term, its correlatives. The dividend will be compofed of thofe correlatives of the unknown term, which have a direét ratio to it, that is to fay, which make the unknown term increafe or decreafe, as they increafe or decreafe themfelves ; of the homo- Jogous term; and.of thofe correlatives of the homologous term, which bear an inverfe ratio to the fame, that is to fay, which make the homologous term decreafe or increafe as they themfelves increafe or de- creafe. And the divifor will be compofed of thofe correlatives of the unknown term, which bear an inverfe ratio to it; and of thofe correlatives of the homologous term which bear a direét ratio to it. This rule is fo general as to comprehend all cafes that come under the common rules of proportion ; whether direét or inverfe ; whether fingle or any how compounded. Example L 28 J Example i. If 280/. ferve 120 men for 32 weeks, how much will ferve 360 men for 48 weeks? Anfwer, 1260/. . : The unknown term, or term fought, is a fum of money or a number of pounds. Therefore 280/, is the homologous term, whofe correlatives are 120 men, and 32 weeks; andthe correlatives of the un- known term are 360 men, and 48 weeks. Now the correlatives of the. unknown term have both a dire&t ratio to it, for there muft be fo many more pounds, as there are more men to be fupported, and as they are to be fupported for alonger time. Therefore 360, 48, and 280 willbe the factors of the dividend. Alfo the correlatives of the homologous term have both a direét ratio to it; therefore 120, -and 32 will be the factors of the divifor; and the quotient will give the anfwer = * = = 1260/. As will appear by adding together the logarithms of 360, 48, and 280, and the arithmetical complements of the logarithms of 120 and 32, and fubtracting 20, on account of the two arithmetical complements, from the fum; which will give 245563025 + 1.6812412 42. 4471580 + 7. 9208188 + 8.4948500 — 20 = 3. 1003705 = log. of 1260, the number of pounds required. _ Example 2. What is the intereft of 2750/. for 292 days at 4} per cent. per annum? Anfwer, 99/. If rood. in 365 days bring an intereft of 4, 54. what intereft will 2750/. bring in 292 days? The unknown term is an intereft, therefore the homologous term is 4,5/. whofe correlatives are 100/. and 365 days. The correlatives of the unknown term are 2750/. and 292 days, which both bear a direét ratio to it, becaufe the intereft will be fo much greater, as the fum put to intereft is greater, and as the time for which it is lent is greater. For the fame reafon, the correlatives of the homologous term bear a direct ratio to it. Therefore the term required = aesren =99/. By logarithms, 3. 43933269 + 2. 46538285 4 0. 65321251 + 8. 00000000 + 7+ 43770714 — 20 = 1.99563519 = log. of 99, the number of pounds required. Example 3. If 248 men, in 53 days, of 11 ‘hours each, dig a trench 2323 yards long, 32 wide, and 2! deep, in how many days, of g hours, will 24 men dig atrench 3373 yards long, 53 wide, and 33 deep? Anfwer, 231 days. The unknown term is a number of days, the homologous term is then 53 or 5y¢ days. The correlatives of the unknown term are 24 men; 9 hours; 337,5 yards; 5,6 yards; and 3>5 yards. The correlatives of 5, 5 days, the homologous term, are 248 men; 11 hours; 232, 5 yards; 39666, &c. yards; and 2, 333, &c. yards. Of the correlatives of the unknown term, the dimenfions of the ditch beara direct ratio toit, becaufe the time taken to make the trench will be fo much greater, as the trench is longer, wider, and deeper: on the other hand the men, and hours bear an inverfe ratio to the unknown term, becaufe the time will be fo much lefs or greater, as more or fewer men are employed, and thefe men work more hours a day. Therefore 337255 5965 and 3,5 will be factors of the dividend; and gy and 24 will be faétors of the divifor. Alfo the homologous term 5,5 will, as it always is, be a ‘factor of the dividend. Now its correlatives 248 men, and 11 hours (the length of their day) bear an inverfe ratio to the time taken to make their trench; whilft the dimenfions of the trench 2 325 5 yards; 3-666; [ @ 7 3, 666, &c. yards$ and 2, 333, &c. yards bear a dire&t ratio to it. Therefore 248 and 11 will be factors of the dividend, and 232, 5 yards, 3, 666, &c. yards, and 2, 333, &c. yards will be factors of the divifor. : , 96% 3,5%5,5°X248 X11 ‘ Hence the term required == 2325%#°%395*5:5 M740 X0F 4 logarithms 2. 8 +0.7481880 ato GR GH) egbice,, 231 days. By log 2+ 5282738 -+ 0674 + 0. 5440680 + 0..7403627 + 2. 3944517 + 160413927 + 9.0457575 + 8.6197888 + 7.6335770 + 9- 4357286 + 9. 6320232 — 50 = 2. 3636120 = log. of 231, the number of days required. Were Cru bet CR. en Ny ED 15th © Ai Digatle 2) OR RULE for the COMBINATION and ARBITRATION of EXCHANGE. I F the courfe of exchange be given between one place and a fecond, between the fecond and a third, between the third and a fourth, &c. &c. and money be fuppofed to be remitted in a circuitous way from the firft place to the laft; the arbitration of exchange is the method of computing, from thefe data, the rate of exchange from the firft place to the laft; or of finding, either what quantity of money of the laft place will be equivalent to a given fum of the firft place; or what quantity of money of the firft place will be equivalent to a given fum of the laft place. 1. Diftinguifh the given rates or prices in the circular courfe, into antecedents and confequents; and place the antecedents in one column, and confequents in another on the right, fronting one another by way of equation. And, in this diftribution into antecedents and confequents, each confequent muft be of the fame kind with the next antecedent, and the firft antecedent of the fame kind with the laft confequent, which muft be the fum whofe value in exchange is required. 2. Multiply the antecedents continually together for a divifor, and the confequents continually for a dividend; the quotient of the produéts will be the fum required in exchange. Example 1. If London would remit 1oool. fterling to Spain, firft by way of Holland, thence to France, thence to Venice, and thence to Spain; the exchange from London to Holland being 35s. per 1; thence to France at 58d. per crown; thence to Venice at 100 crowns per 60 ducats; and thence to Spain at 360 maravedies per ducat; how many piaftres will it produce in Spain ? Antecedents. Confequents. i]. fterling = 358. or 420d. Flemifh. 58d. Flemith = I crown. 100 crowns = 60 ducats. 1 ducat = 360 maravedies. 272 maravedies I plaftre. 1000]. fterling. ? h Then I How many piaftres a eee 420 X 60 X 360 X 1000 . Then —oxrooxaja = 575% 507 piaftres. By logarithms 2. 6232493 + 1.7781512 + 2.5563025 + 3.0000000 + 8.2365720 +4 8. 0000000 + 7. 5654311 — 30 = 3. 7597061 the log. of 5750,507. Therefore the produce in Spain will be 5750, 507 piaftres. Example 2. If London would remit by the way of Holland, thence to France, thence to Venice, and - thence to Spain, the value of 5000 piaftres, in Englifh pounds fterling, the courfe of exchange being as in example 1. I defire to know how many pounds fterling muft be remitted to pay the sooo piaftres? Antecedents. Confequents. 1 piaftre = 272 maravedies. 360 maravedies = 1 ducat Venice. 60 ducats = roo crowns French. 1crown = 58d. 358. or 420d. = 1]. fterling. How many pounds fterling = 5000 piaftres? Then 22*12%58 X50 __ 860, 48861. fterling. 360 x 60 x 420 By logarithms 2.4345689 + 2.0000000 + 1.7634280 + 3.6989700 + 7.4436975 + 8.2218487 + 7. 3767507 — 30 = 2.93926385 = log. of 869,4885. Therefore London muft remit 869, 48851. fterling. Of «GO saMyPrOeGiNaD yy cL aN aie Reo: Let a be an annuity, or fum which will become due, or be payable repeatedly, at feveral equal inter- vals of time to n number of times. Let the rate of compound intereft be that of 1 to 1 +4, where r is the gain of 11. in one time. Let p be the prefent value of the faid annuities, or the principal money which would purchafe them; and m the amount or future value of the fame annuities at the end of n times, or what they will produce at the end of the n times, if continually put out to compound intereft as faft as they become due. The amount m will be equal to the fum of the terms of the geometrical progreffion, a;a.i40!a. a.tqr| —«t TH? taeTHiteeeeaet oi '=——————?; and the principal p will be equal to the fum of the terms a a a. baleen = - t=“: by means of which two equations, any f this other feries) —— : ==; :=— of this other feries, can? epee ee eae three of thefe five terms a, n, r, m, p being given, the two others are found, as fhewn in the following table. To facilitate the calculations by the table of logarithmic fines and tangents; putr=t*, Aor eer [ 3: @ m dy P, Ny ry t, we may find the fifth. n m ec. Ti 1+t=fec,A= Vv =. Put alfo 1 +1" = fec*, B= fec?, A" = T- as Mel Mea = t’, B, and r+ry —t 2 Bs ee ee BS 2 A 2 ee m — C2 a i+r° gy Bee Put = s*, Ove = c*C. ~ Put =t*) Diet + lec"; #l0rs ut! x a eo bat, E ee adie x t?, B = fec’, E REQUIRED. reek L.a—L.a—pr 2 L.fec, C—20 L.i+r en L.a--mr—L..a bay 20 fec, D—20 Lyi+r L.i-+r P wate Suk Maret ~t*—= x 5*,B rxi-+r\ r = mrXco-t?, B __L.m-L.p __ Emp Mer era: =) Pitted; E20 ae — = —m Xt*, A xico-t*, B va i--r Bt ora 2 oe 17 Given a, n, p, required m and r? 19 Given a, m,n; required p and r? and = X co-t?, AXs?, B—1 =o and ~ x cot, AXt*,B—-1=0 1Ghain ac Affume different values of A and Affume different values of A and thence find the correfponding values thence find the correfpondent values of B till the expreffion is =o Then of B till the expreffion is —o Then m= p X fec*, Band 1-+r = fec”, A Poa 675.5 and’ s-r =) fec* 7A ° ° “i : ° f eS ‘ pr x r--r ‘ 3 2. Ifthe annuity commence t times hence; let n = time of continuance. Put *“““*— = s’*, F, We fhall have the five following formule, by which having given any four of the five quantities CASE] GIVEN Bek .@ Uy J RE. D- axa ee Pace — I |ayMyryst )* exter" x rer orxrtry pexirl x ir)’ prxitr]' 2h Py Byte Ope par, ee Laqr —1—L.14ri*°—Ler+L.a—L.p Leate2Ls, B—L.r—L.p Beil ae aS ey ae Oe es 3 |asPoMsty| = Litt Eons ai oes pk Se AE 4 ay P> 5 fo == eee = 2. fec, F L.i+r L.i+r 1+1|" S pr >t nie A A : 5 |p, nyt Requiredr? o= [%X 1+r\" x —is= + Xt’, A X fee* A! X co-fec?, B—1 r-rl"—1 Affume different values of A, and thence find the correfponding values of B, till the expreffion is —o ‘Theni +r = fec?, A ee ee nn er sam cued siEsIISunERIS mT ER SS AE SOE ISITE EDs iGO, STS I IES 3.. Let p be the prefent worth of an eftate in fee-fimple, whofe annual rent is a, at the rate or gain ron il. per an. : Then a=pr. 4. Let n be the number of years purchafe that will buy an eftate in fee-fimple, at the rate or gain r on 1]. per an. 2 2 Then n = —3 andr =; | s. If aneftate in fee-fimple, whofe annual rent is a, to commence t times hence, is worth p ready- money; at the rater on 1]. per an. Any three of the terms a, p,r,t being given, to determine the fourth. : Given a, r,t; p= eae Given p, t,t; a=opr x 1r4z° La—Lp—L.r Loe+r Given ayp,r3 t= Given a, p, t; to find r? * x7Fnt—1=0 Affume different values of r till the expreffion is = o 6. What fum p at compound intereft, in the time N amounts to M, and in the time n amounts to m? __ NU.m—nL.M L. ‘Ue N=—n 7. If the fum p, at compound intereft, in the time n amounts to ms; what will be the amount M of that fumpinthetimeN? L,.M= Niche ne 8. If L.-35 8. If the fum p, at compound intereft, in n years amounts to m: in what time N will that fum p amount nx L.M—L.p toM? N=- parr) | 9. If the fums B, C, D, E are to be paid b, c, d, e years (or {paces of time) hence; to find the time + when the fum p = B + C + D + E may be paid without detriment to either party, at a given rate r B C D E j > ta- Lep-L. ———~ ~ beh > a Mee A compound intereft Tee tae Pega? Se FSF TOES Fe EET ee ee LT et ae sa ee oh 10. If the fum a is to be paid; at each payment; for h feveral payments; to find thetimet, when the whole fum na may be paid all together, at a given rate r of compound intereft ? A hid —Loa+rn—1+4+Lei+-rynt+hL.n}+Lir — b.n+L.r—2 xLs,B a Li-+r Ler +r If the debtor wifhed to pay a fum m greater or fmaller than nay but greater than p; there would be Re ek le ea De ee eee ee ie ee eee oy Lei-+r Li-+r If the debtor fhould fix the time, at which he would pay his money, to be at the end of the given time ty, and the fum m be required which he ought to pay at this epoch, we {hall have L.m=tl. r+ Lat. ppp ei — nL. pr — Lr oa X Lge + Lia+2LeB 11. Let p be a principal money, which fhould bring in pr annually, at the rate of r for 1]. per an.; a, a fum greater or fmaller than pr; which we will fuppofe to be paid by the debtor to the creditor at the end of each year$ m! the fum to which, if the debtor paid nothing, the principal with intereft upon intereft would amount at the end of n years; m” the amount of the fuma paid annually, at the end of the fame number of years; and m the fum in which the debtor will be indebted to the creditor at the ; : n end of n years. It is evident that we fhall have m = m’—m”: butm=p xr+n"3 and m’—**1t'1 —a, we fhall then have m = p Xi+r a See by means of which, any four of thefe five quantities » bs a 2 2 ° ay P) Ny m, r being given we may find the fifth, as in the following table. Put [> x t*,B=t*, G; and put 7 : P baleen eae alas Faso us A B * 141) =i x fec.*, B= fec.2, H, Ones See b= 67) Hy 2 1 +7) —i=t’,H. If — and = pr a a oe i . mr are greater than 1, put “ = fec*, K, or — =c*, K; and — = fec*, L, or p= cy L. But if r , mr = pr i: and & are lefs than 1, put — == 8°, Myand > =s*, N. CASE [-g4 J CASE! GIVEN R EE, OQYUsIpR- SE. D. 1+r\—1 a I | ayPyNyt| M=p X r41\"—aX——_~—_ = PP XK rt" — TF Xt? B < aS a 2 |am,nyr pica eee hat trees =m X c?;B + —s*; Bim x'c*; Bix-fee*, G Ir] Xr Se oo ile a a a M,N) ppT}.a = 7h sm x __ ™mxt?, 3 Pat) 1r\"— 1 pee eB, ;—a—L. pr—a jack TONE side al ae p.-caadl, Use 4. ay My, Pot Required n? i aE ee om a a Co ee 2xL.t,K—L. wi BA shee Lou+r a © —_ Lea—mr—L.a—pr mr pr OF ST ge a ee ee SL, Mee L.rtr Li+rfr N.B. mr and pr mutt be both at the fame time greater or lefs thana; elfe the problem will be impoffible. ————— =a a t73B 5) NP Ve OE Eh ke eee 2 — : 5 |4p»n,m| To find r: — X 1+ Soe Tem ie Scag al x fec*, B m X t?, A Affume different values of A, and thence the correfpondent values of B by the equation 7 +1)" = fec?, A\" = fec’, B, till the equation above is == 0, then 1-+-r = fcc ora, Olt 1g ls —tI If the fum a, inftead of being paid annually by the debtor, was on the contrary lent to the fame debtor at the end of each year, we fhould only have to make a negative, or to change the figns of each of the terms in which it enters in the foregoing table. For cafe 4, put —-=t*, P, and + =t’, Q. Le eee Lee ee Then n= Lemr+a—L.prta —_ a a spe: — 2xL.c, Q—-L.c, P Lei+r ee L.i+r L.i4r GENERAL PROPERTIES of PLANE TRIANGLES. 1. ar HE fum of the three angles is equal to two right angles. 2. The greater fide is oppofed to the greater angle, and the lefs fide to the lefs angle. 3- The fum of any two fides is greater than the third; and the difference of any two fides is lefs than the third. 4. The [85] 4. The triangle is equilateral, ifofcelar, or fcalene, according as it has its three angles all equal, or two of them equal, or all three unequal; and vice ver/it. 5. The angles oppofite the two leaft fides ate acute. 6. The obtufe angle, if there is one, for there cannot be more, muft be oppofite the greateft fide. 7. Of the two fegments intercepted between the perpendicular to the bafe and the two angles at the bafe, the greateft fegment lies next to the greateft fide, and the leaft fegment next to the leaft fide. 8. The greateft angle at the bafe lies next the leaft fide, and leaft fegment; and the leaft angle at the bafe lies next the greateft fide, and greate{t fegment. g. If the angles at the bafe are both acute, the perpendicular falls within the triangle; but if one of them is obtufe the perpendicular falls without the triangle on the fide of the obtufe angle. 10. If both the fegments of the bafe are lefs than the bafe, or both the fegments of the vertical angle lefs than the vertical angle, the perpendicular falls within the triangle; but if either of the fegments of the bafe is greater than the bafe, or either of the fegments of the vertical angle is greater than the vertical angle, the perpendicular falls without the triangle. The SOLUTIONS of the CASES of RIGHT-ANGLED PLANE :TRIANGLES. GIVEN |REQUIRED |CASE SOM Ie Uae te PL O Ne* 8. Cc Hyp. AC, and} One leg BC I Rad: s, A:: Hyp. AC: leg BC the angles. A B Hypotenufe The angles 2, AC: BC:: rad: s, A; whofe complement is the angle C. When BC is nearly equal to AC, AC and one leg or Ais near 90°, and AC and BC are given to more than feven places of figures, or their difference BC EC to two or more places of figures, ufe one of thefe tworules. s,;iC—= cai ort? C= AC—BC 4/ ACLEC? and complement of C = A. Otherleg AB| 3 Let the angles be found by cafe 2, and then the required leg AB by cafe 1. Or AB = AC x cA=AC xs,C. Otherwife, AB = 4f AC—BCxAC+BC The angles Hyp. AC 4 s, A:rad:: leg BC: hyp. AC andone leg BC} Otherleg AB} 5 s Ar BCs: 5 C PAB. Guy rad:'t, C's BC: AB The two legs The angles 6 AB: BC:: rad: t, A; whofe complement is the angle C. ABA. BC AB and BC Hyp. AC 7 Let the angles be found by cafe6; and then hypotenufe AC by cafe 4. Or AC Seg oe 1 Cc; 8, Ufe the firft or fecond value of AC, according as A is under or over 45°. The bo B64 The SOLUTIONS of the CASES of OBLIQUE PLANE TRIANGLES. GIVEN |REQUIRED CASE SUO. LL) Ua O Noe —_ ‘ Cc The angles |~ Either of the] 1 s,B: AC::s, A: BC and one fide AC| other fides, BC : deh A E B DA E D ie Two fides Theotheran-| 2 AC:s, B:: BC:s, A; which added to B, and the fum fubtraéted from 180° gives the other AC, BC, and | gles Aand ACB angle ACB. an angle B op- Atecee 3 Let the angle ACB be found by the preceding cafe ; then it will bes, B: AC:: s, ACB: AB. pofite one of Ae If BC is lefs than AC, A is acute; and, A, ACB, and AB have each one value only ; them AC otherwife they have each two values. Two fides | The other 4 AB, AC, and | angles B and an included an-| ACB gle A ————S Sum of AB and AC: their diff. :: t, fum of ACB and B: t,2 their diff. which added to, and fubtraéted from their $ fum, gives the two angles. Otherwife; lefs fide AC: greater fide AB:: rad: t, of anangle. And rad: t, excefs of this angle above 45° :: t, compl. 3 A: t, of an angle ; which added to, and fubtraéted from, the compl. 3 A, gives the two angles ACB and B, whereof the greater will be oppofed to the greater fide and the lefs to the lefs fide. Let the angles be found by the laft cafe, then BC by cafe 1. Otherwife put IA ~ s, SAV! AC Ex AG VABXAC =t,z ‘Lhen BC = AE eee eee ae erry the firft or fecond CZ $5Z of thefe two values of BC, according asz is lefs or greater than 45°. The other 5 fide BC Tet fall a perpendicular CD, upon the bafe AB, oppofite the required angle A, or B. Then AB:fumof AC and BC :: their diff.: 2 DE or twice dift. of perpendicular from middle of the bafe. Thenif AC, the fide next to A, is greater thanthe other fide BC, take AE+ED = AD, with which and AC the angle A will be found by cafe 2 of right-angled triangles. Orif B, the angle next thelefs fide BC be required, take ED ~ EB = DB; with which and BC theangle B will be found in like manner; and if ED is greater than EB the perpendicular falls without the triangle, and the angle B is obtufe. If A and B be both required; after finding A, fay; BD: AD::t,A:t,B. Or after finding B, fay; AD: BD:: t, B:t, A. Whence the third angle C will be alfo given. Otherwife, s, A = Jf 2 (BC+AB—AC) x3 (BC-AB~AC) ~All the three| An angle 6 fides. fuppofe Aor B ABxAC Or; - = - GFA = of £(ABEAC+BC) x3 (AB+AC—BC) AB x AC GENERAL PROPERTIES of SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 1. The greater fide is oppofed to the greater angle, and the lefs fide to the lefs angle. 2. The fum of any two fides is greater than the third, and the difference of any two fides is lefs than the third. 3. The ¢ * [P87 | 3. The difference of any two fides is lefs than 180°, and their fum lefs than 360°, 4. The fum Of the three fides is lefs than 360% 5. The fum of the three angles is greater than 180°, and lefs than 540°. 6. The external angle is lefs than the fum of the two internal and oppofite angles, but not by fo much as 360°. 7. According as the fum of any two fides is greater, or lefs than, or equal to 180°, the fum of their two oppofite angles is alfo greater, or lefs than, or equal to 180°; or half the fum of any two fides is of the fame kind with half the fum of their two oppofite angles. 8. There may be drawn two perpendiculars from the vertical angle to the bafe, one being the con- tinuation of the other to 180°, and which cut the bafe in two points 180° afunder, whether meafured along the bafe or along the perpendiculars. | g. If any point be affumed in the bafe, as for inftance, either extremity of it, or the middle of it, the neareft perpendicular to it will be within go° of it; and the furtheft perpendicular from it will be more than go? from it, but lefs than 180% 10. Only one perpendicular can fall within the triangle, but both of them may fall without it. 11. The perpendicular oppofite to or fubtending one of the angles at the bafe may at the fame time be neareft to, that is, within go° of both angles at the bafe; or it may be the neareft to only one angle at the bafe, and the other perpendicular neareft to the other angle-at the bafe. 12. Ifthe two angles at the bafe are of the fame kind, or if the bafe is greater than its firft fegment, or the vertical angle is greater than its firftfegment, one of the perpendiculars let fall from the vertical angle on the bafe falls within the triangle; otherwife both the perpendiculars fall without it. 13. If the fide, from the end of which the perpendiculars are let fall on the bafe, and the contiguous angle at the bafe be like, the neareft perpendicular will fall oppofite to or will fubtend the angle at the bafe, and the furtheft perpendicular will be oppofite to or fubtend the external angle at the bafe. But if the fide and angle are unlike, the neareft perpendicular will fubtend the external angle at the bafe, and the furtheft perpendicular will fubtend the angle at the bafe. 14. According as any two fides are of the fame, or different kind, the fezments of the third fide are alfo of the fame or different kind, and the fegments of the vertical angle are likewife of the fame or different kind. 15. A fpheric triangle is equilateral, ifofcelar, or fcalene, according as it has its three angles all equal, or two of them equal, or all three unequal; and the contrary. 16. If from the three angles, as poles, there be defcribed upon the furface of the {phere three arches of a great circle, forming by their interfection a new fpheric triangle, the angles taken in either triangle, and their oppofite fides in the other, will be fupplements of each other. 17. A fide and its oppofite angle, and alfo another fide or angle being given, the kinds of the other parts are doubtful. k GENERAL 5" GENERAL PROPERTIES of RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERIC TRIANGLES. a5 Tue angles at the hypotenufe and their oppofite fides are of the fame kind. 2. The hypotenufe is lefs or greater than a quadrant, according as the fides are of the fame or different ae alfo, according as the angles at the hypotenufe are of the fame or different kind; and the contrary: . Ifthe hypotenufe be of go’, one at leaft of the fides will be the fame. hy the three fides are each of 90°, the three angles will be the fame; and the contrary. s. Every fide lefs than go’ is fmaller than the hypotenufe; and every fide greater than 90° is greater thatt the hypotenufe. . 6. An oblique angle, if acute, can never be {maller; nor, if obtufe, larger, than its oppofite fide. 7. The difference of the two oblique angles is lefs ;-and their fum greater than go”. TABLE of SOLUTIONS of the CASES of RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERIC TRIANGLES. GIVEN /|CASE;/REQUIRED 8 OCD aio aN ne The hypote-| , deen Radius:i0, AC ys: it, A: skcotyiC ¥ nufe AC and > Vhe adjacent | Radius : c, A :: t, AC: t, AB lex AB ; eee ai one ahgle A ‘The oppofite Sue hhe <9 % 3 leg BC Radius : S, AC #28, 5A" + 5, 1BC* FN ie The hypote- 4 leg BC other c, AB : Radius:: ¢, AC : c BC nufe AC and The oppofite s, AC : Radius:: s AB*: 5 ( Ox one leg A ‘The adjacent } = aera 6 sales t, AC: t, AB :: Radius : c, One leg AB The oth Ak te ; ne leg fb 4 & BC other “| ‘Radius 2s, AB =:'t,,A* "+ +, BG* and the adja-| 9 The oppofite | pagius : 5, A ::'¢, AB¥ : c. C# angle C md ry tie ae cent angle A The hypote- oD Be ee : nufe AG c, As Radius-st, ABs £146 ae arene eo ea pnt angle tits Toe divs >1s, AB-=<>cot, BC*s cot, A* 10 pofe A andBe at = AL ge Radius’; ¢,AB 3: -¢, BO S-eenC spare 12 Ra as t, A 2 cot, C ': Radius; cake A and “ : ie 13 a eg EP SA + c,/C* s:, Radiusi: te Aine ies BS ee See St a a a a= gs Sn eS eS SE -eesteateeethcutianastetasnece- One leg BC 4 fi other t, A :t, BC :: Radius : s, AB, doubtful. d th - j 4 serene 15 igre c, BG placed in like manner, fignifies that the firft is greater than the fecond. The charaéter ~ placed between two quantities denotes the difference of the quantities, whether the firft or fecond be the greatett.) GIVEN |CASE;/REQUIRED Sy Ee Oegl) by ON 8s SS es s A D 5 Aone D Let fall the perpendicular CD from the unknown angle C which is not required, upon One of the the oppofite fide AB I other angles R:c,A: t, AC: t, AD or> 90° as A and AC are like or unlike. Evo. tides AB~ AD = BD. AB, AC s, BD: s, AD :: t, A : t, B like or unlike A as AD is < or > AB. apmnetaced Let fall the perpendicular CD from one of the angles not given, C, upon the oppofite angle A The third oe : pe Ric A Ste AG St, AD < or > go° as Aand AC are like or unlike. x fide BC AB ~ AD = BD AD: +c; BD: « ACs 6, BC . ae ag e ee ae un ie } < or > go° as Aand BD are like or unlike. BS AEs Let fall the perpendicular CD from the end C of given fide AC, which is next to the : required fide BC, upon the oppofite fide AB. r 3 other fides R:c, AC ::t, A: cot. ACD < or > 90° as AC and A are like or unlike. Two angles ae ACB -~ ACD = BCD. A, ACB c, BCD: c, ACD: t; AC: t, BC < or SS go? as A and BCD are like or unlike. and. interme- Let fall the perpendicular CD from one of the given angles, C, upon the oppofite fide AB. The third R:c, AC ::t, A: cot, ACD < or >g0° as AC and A are like or unlike. diate fide AC A. ACB ~ ACD = BCD angle B s, ACD: s, BCD ::c, A: c, B RG. +c. BC 3t,.BCD sept like or unlike A as ACD is < or > ACB. ; rns -it SOLUTIONS All the three fides AB AC BC All the three angles A GUY EN | CASE Bale Alas One of the angles as One of the fides AC. or BC t a J SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERICGC TRIANGLES continued. SUA ee Ss Ay Dp 3B Let fall ts One ae CD from one of the angles not eh C, upon the jess fide AB; bifeét AB in E, and let AC be > AB. R*:t, ZAC + BC x t, AC — BC: cot, 3 AB: t, Z = ED < 90°, being diftance of neareft perpendicular from E the middle of the bafe AB. There are four cafes of this problem ; 1. Fig. 1. 3 AC + BC < 90°, and ZS 4 AB; AD =Z+# AB, and BD=Z — } AB; andthe perpendicular falls without the triangle on the fide B. 2. Fig. 2,4 AC + BC < 90°, and Z<1AB; AD= AB + Z, and BD = § AB — Z, and the perpendicular falls falls within the triangle. 3. Fig. 3. $ AC + BCS 90°, and Z< AB; AD = 3 AB — Z, andBD=1AB+4Z, and the Berpantat ae falls within the triangle. 4. Fig. 4. $ AC + BC S 90°, and ZS 1AB; AD =Z-— # AB, and BD =Z+2 AB, and the perpendicular falls without the triangle on the fide A. Then t, AC: t, AD::Ric, A f, BCs t, BU eR sito The kinds of A and B in the four feveral cafes will be as follows ; 1 A is like and B is unlike BC 2 A and B are both like BC 3 A and B are both like AC 4 A is unlike, and B is like AC C Cc Cc | aay Any Ay 4\ | AFS D DB AD ¥ B D AF 8 FE Let fall the perpendicular CD from an angle C not oppofite the required fide AC or BC, upon the oppofite fide AB; and let an arc CF be drawn within the triangle bifecting the vertical ees ACB, and let B be a A; and confequently AC > BC: R*2t, FAS BX 4, BoA: 4 ACB: t, Zor FCD < 90, b eing contained between the arc CF and the neareft cea nich to it CD. There are four cafes of this problem; 1. Fig 1 $A +B < go, andZSfACB; ACD =Z +! ACB, and BCD = Z —3 ACB, and the perpendicular & falls without the triangle on the fide B. a Pigg ZALB < 90°, andZ< 4 ACB; ACD =} ACB + Z, and BCD = 3 ACB— Z, and the perpendicular falls within the triangle. 3. Fig. 3. A+B 90°, and Z << £ ACB; ACD|= # ACB — Z, and BCD= 3 ACB+Z, and the perpendicular falls within the triangle. 4. Fig. 4. § A+ BS 90°, andZ S 4 ACB; ACD = Z — 3 ACB, and BCD = Z+ 3 ACB, and the perpendicular falls without the triangle on the fide A. Then R*: cot; Ax cot, ACD Rese R?'; cot, B x cot, BCD :: R: ¢c, BC The kinds of AC and BC in the four feveral cafes will be as follow ; 1. AC is Cor > 90° as A and ACD are likeor unlike. BC is like A and unlike B. 2. ACis I or > 90° as Aand ACD are like or unlike. Bis like A and B. 3. AC is like Aand B. BC is < or > 90°, as Band BCD are like or unlike. 4. AC is unlike A and like B. BC is < or > go” as B and BCD are like or unlike aa eae ee ae ae arene mr TTT) ETRE SOLUTIONS [ean ) SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES continued. GIVEN |CASE |JREQUIRED SO Ue Uae tienen 0 5: » ; 4 Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C The angle | contained between the given fides AC, BC, upon the oppofite fide AB. oppofite the i ; ; - ital he a eae 7} other given s, BC : s, AC:: s, A: s, B doubtful whether < or > 90°.. The kind of B however may for fide the moft part be determined by this propofition, the fum of the given fides AC, BC, and the Two fides AC eed of their eg i Meg ine B, lie both on the fame fide of 180°, that is, are both lefs or oth greater than 100 at the tame time. nes OO a a a From the required angle ACB let fall the perpendicular CD upon the oppofite fide AB. BC, The angle R:c, AC ::t, A : cot, ACD < or go°as AC and A are like or unlike. gate bare es ; ie ity sae 3 Ws ae be, BCD 3 90 if one of, or all the three terms ACD, AC, BC, 3 containe e- are go ; otherwile go. , t th SW A 8 avemdales ACD + BCD = ACB doubtful on account of the ambiguity of the figns: which uncertainty AGS may however be for the moift part obviated by one of the two following rules; if the fum of the oppofite one of BC, fegments ACD, BCD be > 180°, take their difference, if the fecond fegment BCD be greater ; than the firft fegment ACD, take their fum for the angle ACB. them ———_} ——— Ea doe nS 7a es ne ob ER ca Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C contained between the two given fides AC, BC iis BC, upon the oppofite or required fide AB. 2 The third Rone A. teh Cir ty A < on o> 9p as A and AC arelike or unlike. 9 3 es oe 2 Cy BC 3c, AD: c BD > 99 if one of, or all the three terms AD, BC, AC, are > 90°; ide otherwile < go. AD + BD = AB doubtful; but may for the moft part be determined by one of thefe two 5 : y BC rules. Ifthe fum of the feements AD, BD is greater than 180’, take their difference ; but if the fecond fegment BD is greater than the firft fegment AD, take their fum for the fide AB. Cc c Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C not given upon the oppofite fide AB ‘Fhe “ide ‘ BC . : AD hae ne | ro eyeing the s, B:s, A::s, AC: s, BC doubtful whether Cor 90°, but may however for the moft Two angles CENCE gIVCR part be determined from this confideration, that the fum of the given angles 4, B, and the fum ; angle of their oppofite fides AC, BC, lie both on the fame fide of 180°. If this rule is not fufficient, ASB A or no other means are given to determine the kind of BC in this problem, it will be impoffible to determine the value of the other parts of the triangle by the folutions of the two following and a fide problems. = AC , Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C not given upon the oppolite or required fide The fide AB. oppofite one AB R:c,Axzt, AC: t, AD< or > 90° as A and AC-are like or unlike. included be- t, B; t, A::s, AD: s, BD doubtful whether < or > go’. of them Il tween the AD + BD = AB doubtful on account of the ambiguity of the figns, as well as of BD, but given angles may often be determined by one of thefe tworules. If the fum of the fegments.AD, BD, be B - A,B: greater than 180° take their difference. If the fecond fegment BD be greater than the firft AD take their fum for AB. cy a re n,n Let fall the perpendicular CD from the required angle ACB upon the oppofite Gide AB. The third R:c, AC::t, A: cot, ACD < or > 90° as AC and A are like or unlike. c, A:cB::s, ACD: s, BCD doubtful whether Cor S go’. : 12 angle ACD =+ BCD = ACB doubtful on account of the ambiguity of the figns, as well asof BCD, © but may often be determined by one of thefe two rules. If the fum of the fegments ACD, BCD be > 180°, take their difference; if the fecond fegment BCD be > then the firft ACD, take their fum, for ACB. ACB , | in She GENERAL [4] GENERAL PROPERTIES of 2 RECTILATERAL SPHERIC TRIANGLE, or having one Side equal to 90°. Call the arch equal to go> the quadrant, and call its oppofite angle the hypotenufal angle, and call the other fides and angles fimply fides and angles. r. The angles at the quadrant and their oppofite fides are of the fame kind. 2. The hypotenufal angle is greater or lefs than 90°, according as the angles at the quadrant are of the fame or different kind; alfo according as the fides are of the fame or different kind. 3. If the hypotenufal angle be of 90°; one at leaft of the angles at the quadrant will be fo, and its eppofite fide the fame. 4. If the three fides are each of, go’, the three angles will be the fame, and the contrary. s. Every angle lefs than go° is lefs than the hypotenufal angle, and every angle greater than 9g0°is greater than the hypotenufal angle. : ' 6. An acute angle cannot be greater, nor an obtufe angle Jefs than its oppofite fides 7. The difference of the two fides is lefs than 90° and their fum lefs than 270°. The SOLUTIONS ofa RECTILATERAL SPHERIC TRIANGLE, or having one fide equal to go’. GIVEN {casE] REQUIRED S ROsABAMs aM ONO URE: Hypotenufal I eye angle | Radius ; s, hyp. angle C :: s, AC*: s, Be wh B angle C, and 2. helene angle | Radius: ¢, AC :: t, hyp. angle C:t, A Qy one fide AC 3 | Other fide BC | Radius: c, hyp. angle C :: t, AC: cot, BC A c Hypotenufal The otherangle| c, A : Radius ::c, hyp. angle C: c, B B angle C, and The oppofite | s, hyp. angle C : Radius :: s, A* : s, BC* fide BC Adjacent fide AC} t, hyp. angle C: t, A :: Radius: c, AC Oo nw Ff one angle A One angle A, 7 .| Theotherangle | Radius: s, A::t, AC*: t, B* B and adjacent 8 The oppofite | Radius +s, AC :: c, A*: ¢, BC* * fide BC fide AC. 9 | Thehyp.ang.C] c, AC: Radius:: t, A: t, hyp. angle C Both angles, 10 Hyp. angle C | Radius: c, A ::¢, B: ¢, hyp. angle C | A fide fuppofe A, and B II AC s, ‘A: Radius :: t, B¥: t, AC* Both fides AC, | 12 An angle s, AC: c, BC* = Rading cic; A* fuppofe A and BC 13 | Hyp. angle C | t, AC: cot, BC :: Radius ‘ c, hyp. angle C One fide AC, 14 The other t, AC, t, B +: Radius : s, A, doubtful. angle A and oppofite 15 | Adj. fide BC | c, B: Radius :c, AC: s, BC, doubtful. angle B 16 | Hyp. angle C } s, AC: s, B :: Radius: s, hyp. angle C, doubtful. TO I RE M:) ARK: The fide AB of the fpheric triangle ABC is equal to a quadrant, or go degrees. The two quantities whether ares or angles, marked with afterifcs in the fame analogy are both of the fame kind, that is both at the fame time lefs or both at the fame time greater than go’. The three laft cafes are doubtful, fince it cannot be determined by the things given alone whether A; BC, and C be lefs or greater than go° each. In the remaining cafes, if the two given quantities, whether arcs or angles, which occur in the previous terms of the fame analogy, are both of the fame kind, the laft term or anfwer required will be above go°s but if they are of different kinds, the laft term will be under go’. TABLE [ #43 ] TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of CASES of RIGHT-ANGLED SPHERICGC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS, GIVEN |CASE| REQUIRED os Hypotenufe AC, 2 Other angle C 2 Contig. lez AB and one angle A Hypotenufe 4 | Otherleg. BC AC, 5 | Oppofite angle and one leg C AB 6 | Contig.angle A One leg 4... Other. leg BC ie Oppofite angl ' t andcontig. angle : ak rel Shel A . 9g |HypotenufeAC Both legs, IO An angle A AB and BC 11 |HypotenufeAC 12 |HypotenufeAC |. Both angles, A and C : 13 A leg AB 14 | Otherleg AB One leg BC, gad dpdotite 15 | Contig. angleC angle A 16 |HypotenufeAC QUALITY ot 3. | Oppofite leg BC { | { { { Things REQUIRED extr. mean mean extr. extn mean mean extr. extr. mean extr. mean extr. mean a Sia Ge tn Ge Poet) Oe. C c, AC +t, A —10 = cot, C t, AC +c, A~1o =t, AB s, AC +s, A*—10 = s, BC* AC Ae a B extr. c, 10—Cc, ; t, AC + GA -10=f, AB 1 c, AC +t, AB—s, AB } =C, BC like A c, AC+ ro—c, AB = 1c, BC tw EACHAB Yt FACHAB _ ype 2 s, AB*+10—s, AG == 3, C* t, 4 AC +AB+cot, AC—AB t : = = t, Z like AB; and 2 Z—go° = C t, AB+cot, AC~-1ro=c, A ~ACZAB+2 =s, AC+AB : : =t, 3A s, AB+cot, BC* —10 = cot, A* cot, A+cot, C~1o=c, AC c, A+C+20—c, An C S REC HaoHG AS CL EAC. Thent, AC +c A+10=t, ABlike C t, BC + cot, A~1o =s, AB< or > 90 2 s, AB-+t, A* —10 =+t, BC* G AB* 3, A—10 = c, C*, é Anis / extr. ce, A+10—c, BC s, AB +t,A+10=t, BC { ak c, A+t,BC—s, BC as t, AB +10—c, A=t, AC s, C like AB. c, AB+c, BC—10 = c, AC s, AB+cot, BC—10 = cot, A tases ee mean s, BC-++-10o—s, A } = s, AC 2 c, C*+t1o~s, A = c, AB* 2 — Find C by cafe 15, or AC by cafe 16, and rather the furtheft from go® then c, C+ro—s, Aorc, AC+10—c, BC =c, AB ne eM: ~wASBe Otherwife, Se ec, A4+-1o—c, BC = go rer 90° Find AB by cafe 14, or AC by cafe 16, and rather the furtheft from go®; Then c, AB+s, A—1o ort, BC-+cot, AC—10 =c, C t, 2A+BC ot, LA— BC bo ; a ty y < go°; and C = 2 y—g6, or 270—2y =t, X < go°®; and AB = 2X—go® r270°—-2X Otherwile, ; 2 s, BC+10—s, A =s, AC < or >go? Find AB by cafe 14, or C by eafe 15, and rather the furtheft from go®. Thenc, AB+c, BC—10 =c, AC; or t, BC4+10—c, C = t, AC t, 2 A+BC +cot, + A—BC 2 Otherwife, = t, Z << 90°; and AC =2 Z— go°or 270°—-2Z REMARKS [ <4 i REMARKS necefary to explain the US E of the above TAB L E. 1. By fine, cofine, tangent, cotangent, are here meant the logarithmic fine, cofine, tangent and cotangent; 2. If any arc is nearer o° or 180°than go* that is < 45° or > 135% it is called an extreme arc; and if it is nearer 90° than o° or 180°, that is between 45° and 135° it is called a mean atc. 3. The two quantities, whether arcs or angles, marked with afterifcs in the fame equation; are both of . the fame kind, that is, both at the fame time lefs, or both at the fame time greater than 90% The three laft cafes are doubtful, fince it cannot be determined from the things given, alone, whether AB, C, and AC are lefs or greater than go° each. Inthe remaining cafes, if the two things given, whether arcs or angles, sare of the fame kind, the thing required will be << 90°; but if they are of different kinds, it will be> go. The grounds of the folutions of the foregoing table, fo far as they differ from thofe of page 38, are as follow: This table is taken from that page, but adapted to logarithms, for the convenience of the Computer. The additions are defigned to render the refults accurate in all cafes; whereas the common rules would _ often introduce errors, on account of the limitation of the logarithms to feven decimal places of figures. _ The term required, when it comes out by a tangent or cotangent by the common rule, as in cafes 5, 2, 7, 9g) 10, will be obtained accurately, viz. within of a fecond, when the arc found is near 45°, and nearer when it is either lefs or greater, becaufe the difference of the logarithmic tangents and cotangents for the difference of one fecond of the arc is 42 at an arc of 45°, and larger in every other part of the quadrant, till at o° or go°it becomes indefinitely great; and an error of half an unit may arife in each of the three logarithms concerned in the calculations, and no more, becaufe thefe tables have been ftudioufly made exact to the neareft unit in the laft place. The anfwer will be exact likewife by the common rule when it comes out by the fine of an extreme arc, or by the cofine of a mean arc, becaufe the difference of the logarithms for one fecond of the arc is large; but will be lefs and lefs accurate as the arc given by its fine approaches go’, or the arc given by its cofine approaches 0° or 180°, becaufe the logarithmic difference grows lefs and lefs, and at laft vanifhes. When the arc given by its fine is diftant 4° from go°, or given by its cofine is diflant 4° from o° or 180°, the error may amount to one fecond, and in proportion as the arc is nearer thofe points the error will be.greater, being inverfely as that diftance. Therefore in thefe cafes, in order to obtain the like exaétnefs as where the anfwer comes out by a tangent or cotangent, or by the fine of a {mall arc or the cofine of a large one, in the foregoing folutions, recourfe has been had to other folutions, which conftitute the additions made to table page 38, befides the reducing it to logarithmic calculation. ‘Thefe new folutions introduced here, to be ufed inftead of the common ones where they fail, proceed on thefe grounds; to find from the things given the tangent or cotangent of fome other part of the triangle, and confequently its arc exact, and then from that and one of the two original things given to find the arc required by a fine if the common rule gave it by a cofine, or by a cofine if it gave it by a fine, and confequently exact, becaufe when the logarithmic difference belonging to the fine is {mall, that belonging to the correfponding cofine will be large, and the contrary. 5; Moreover, | 45 4 Moreover, where two operations are pointed out in the table, there is ufed in the fecond the fine or cofine of the fame arc whofe tangent or cotangent was given by the firft operation; to find which exact from the logarithmic tables, it would be neceffary, where the logarithmic difference is large (as in the fines of {mall arcs or cofines of large ones) to find the arc previoufly from its tangent to a minute part of a fecond, either by a vulgar, or decimal fraction, or a fexagefimal of a lower denomination. To prevent this trouble, without leffening the exactnefs, the logarithmic fine of an extreme arc A is taken =L.t,A+L.c,) A~1oor=L.c; A+10—L. cot, A$ or the log. cofine of a mean arc A is taken =L.s,A+10—L.t,A or= L. 8) A+L cot; A— 10, where the tangent or cotangent of A is already given by the firft operation, and the finding the fine or cofine will be very eafy, becaufe the logarithmic difference will be fmall. In this way it will be fufficient to bring out the arc in the firft operation to of a fecond. There is another great advantage arifing from this method, that if the refult is required exaét only within the limit of a fecond, which is moft commonly the cafey the logarithms may then be taken out correfpondent to the arcs and the arcs correfpondent to the logarithms, directly from the tables by infpeGtion, without making any proportion for the logarithmic differences or odd parts of a fecond, which is the part of the work that gives moft trouble in calculations, and is mo{t obnoxious to error. Some of the new folutions are given by a peculiar rule, by one operation, the anfwer coming out by a tangent, and confequently exact in all cafesy whether the fimple rule fails or not. TABLE Fa ee TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS. GIVEN |CASE} REQUIRED Sad RR WY ed See iY ; c e Let fall the perpendicular CD from the unknown angle ‘Ancle 2 C which is not required, upon the oppofite fide AB GF worktes | 8 ; t,AC+c,A—10=t,AD< or >90°as ACand Aarelikeor untike. oppofite one AB ~ AD = BD. N he p BA fextr t, AD-+c, AD + t,A+éo-ar.s, BD—20] . pi, ss, . AB, of the given |, mean 3} AD st t,WA) oe coe Pies } = t, B like or unlike A as ADis AB. REMARK. B comes out liable to error when BC is fmall or near 180°, which however is fides AC not to be confidered as material in practice, bécaufe a like error will arife from a {mall error i AC any of the things given AB, AC, A. ? : Let fall the perpendicular CD from one of the angles not given, as C, upon the oppofite fide AB er laos t, AC +e A—10=t, AD < or > 90° as AC and A are like or unlike: and includ¢ AB AD = BD extr. co-ar.¢, AD +c, BD +c, AC — 10 } = ARE ee Ube ens te ea t, AD it count AD er c, BD Shep AC no fr BC go°as Aand BDare like or unlike. REMARK. BC when {mall will not come out exact from this rule by the tables, but the error will not exceed a fmall fraction of a fecond, as low as te COP es, the leaft; diftance of fide BC the moon from the fixt ftars fet down in the Nautical Almanac. It may howeverbe found very A, : exact by either of the two following folutions. i Otherwife, 2dly._ Find the angle B by cafe 1, and thence BC as follows: extr. co-ar.c, B +t, BD Si S Meee St Bo eee sgh dey one Nes ele tyB Lae s,B+t, BD j= t, BC < or > go®as A and BD are like or unlike. Remark. BC will come out always exact if proportion be made for differences, and within 1% without making any proportion, although the angle B may err much more when BC is fmall, as abovementioned, which however will not affeét BC more than here mentioned. Otherwife, gdly. s,zA-+co-ar.s, AB~ AC +is, AB +4 s, AC—10 =t,Z extr. co-ar.c, Z +s, 3 AB AC 7 — 5, BC meant, Z + co-ar.s,Z +s, 2 AB~ AC 7 Remark. By making proportion of the differences, this rule will be exact to 2” if BC. does : sheet) @ cea : * not exceed go”. Without any proportioning it will be exact to a fecond, if BC is fmall; and not err more than 2” even when BC is 90°. angle The third Let fall the perpendicular CD from the en required fide BC, upon the oppofite fide AB. One of the t, A Hf GAC 7" 10 = cot, ACD 90°, as A and AC are like or unlike. ~~! — 3 other fides hei door es alee c BCD—16 | ‘ : ie par cot, ACD +s,ACD +t, AC+co-ar. c BCD — 20 i =t,BC go’as Aand BCD are like or unlike. A, ACB BC Remark. BE€ comes out liable to error when B is {mall or near 180°, which however is not to be confidered as material in praétice, becaufe a like error will arife from a fmall error in any of the things given A, ACB, and AC. d C ofthe given fide AC, which is next the Two angles and the fide Let fall the perpendicular CD from one of the given angles, as C, upon the oppofite fide AB t, A+c, AC—10=cot, ACD go’, as A and AC are like or unlike. AC ACB ~ ACD = BCD The other extr. cot, ACD +co-ar.c, ACD+s,BCD4+c;A—20] pi, . . ' e othe ACD pete ae s, ACD-+45, BCD 46,40 is 7 = ¢; B hike or unlike Aas ACD is ACB. _ Remark. B will not come out exaét by this rule when {mal] ; when = 7° the error how- between them angle B ill not exceed a fecond : d : ever will not exceed a fecond. It may however be found very exaé by either of the two following folutions, Otherwife, adly. Find the fegment BCD and the fide BC by cafe 3. extr. c, BC + t, BCD~—10 Li : Seite AD: BC \ kon Enid t, BC to20 +s, BC-+t, BCD=20 } = cot, B like or unlike Aas ACD is ACB. REMARK. BC will come out always exactif proportion be made for differences. But with- out any proportioning it will never err more than 12”, although BC previoufly found may err much more when B is fmall, as abovementioned, which however will not affect B more than here mentioned. Otherwife, gdly. s, LAC + co-ar.c, KA FO+ 28,A+ts;C—190=t,z Pee et OP ae Ly ap meanc, tA +C +t, Z + co-ar.s,z — ro k= be Remark. By making proportion of the differences, this rule will be exact ta 1”; if B does not exceed go”, “But without any proportioning it will be exadt toa fecond if B is {mall, and within two fecondsifit is near go°. ? TABLE GIVEN |CASE Py ok MeN All the three One of the fides angles as AB 5 A AC ae i BC B i oe ‘ TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS continued. BE Cee ke ove Let fall A cna CD from one oe the angles not required, as C, upon the oppofite fide AB; bifeé&t AB in E, and let AC be > AB. t,iAC + BC +t, } AC—BC + cot, $ AB—20=t, Z=ED < 90°, being diftance of neareft perpendicular from E middle of the bafe AB. There are four cafes of this problem ; EE sh A ae 1AC + BC < 90°, and ZS 4 AB; AD =Z+4 AB, and BD=Z—E£ AB; and the perpendicular falls without the triangle on the fide B. 2. Fig. 2. AC + BC < 90°, and Z 90°,andZ>1AB; AD =Z — j AB, and BD=Z +3 AB, and the beat pis falls without the cone on the fide A. Then Peed MCAD | "AD + cot, AC —~10=c,A extrs s, AC — AC — AD +20— Sy AC+AD ; (i f Mean t, BD Lb cots BC — 10, Cs B Lextr. s, BC — BD +20— 5s, BC+ BD 2 a =, IB 2 The kind of A and B in the four feveral cafes is as follows 3 1 A is like and B is unlike BC 2 A and B are both like BC 3 A and B aré both like AC 4 A is unlike, and B is like AC Otherwife, 2d Solution. Put the fum of the fides = S s,25—AC +s, £S — AB + co-ar. 3, AC + co-ar. 8, AB 1A z z : Ta ani In worps; Take half the fum of the three fides, and its difference ftom each of the fides containing the required angle. To the logarithmic fines of the faid differences add the arithmetical complements of the logarithmic fines of the containing fides. Half the fum of thefe four logarithms will be the logarithmic fine of half the required angle. Remark. This rule fails when the required angle A is near 180°; butis proper to be ufed when A is under 90°. When Ais greater than go°, ufe the following rule: Otherwife, 3d Solution. Let $ reprefent the fum of the fides, as in the preceding folution, s, S$ -+s, £5 — BC + co-ar. s, AC + co-ar. s, AB ph A oe OS 9 2 In worps ; Add together the logarithmic fines of half the fum of the three fides, and oft the faid £fum leffened by the fide oppofite the required angle A, and the arithmetical complements of the logarithmic fines of the containing fides. Half the fum of thefe four logarithms will be the logarithmic cofine of half the required angle. Remark. This rule fails when A is near 0°, but is proper to be ufed when A is between 90” and 180°; as the preceding rule is fitteft to be ufed when A is under 90° TABLE [8 tis TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS continued. GIVEN |CASE]/ REQUIRED aa es et All the three angles A 6 B SS One of the fides AC or BC Dr ee Ce). Nov G, c | Cc fe C Fig. 1 Fig. 2 ZN Fig. 3 ( : Fig. 4 as AFR D é EF bp B ANI B ; D ALB Let fall the perpendicular CD from an angle C not oppofite the required fide AC or BC, upon the oppofite fide AB; and let an are CF be drawn withjn the triangle bife@ting the vertical angle ACB, and let Bbe > Ay, and confequently AC < BC. ' t, ;A+B+t,7B—A+t,ACB—20=t, Z or FCD < go® being the angle contained between the arc CF and the neareft perpendicular CD. There are four cafes of this problem; 1, Fig. 1.3 A+ B< go°, andZ 455 ACB; ACD = Z-+ 5 ACB, and BCD = Z —£ ACB, and the perpendicular CD falls without the triangle on the fide B. 2. Figs 2.5 A+B > 90°, andZ 3 ACB; ACD = 3 ACB + Z, andBCD = ? ACB-_-Z, and the perpendicular CD falls within the triangle. 3. Fig. 3. 3 A+B go”, and Z < 4 ACB; ACD = § ACB — Z, and BCD= 3 ACB+Z, and the perpendicular CD falls within the triangle. ; 4. Fig. 4 3 A+B >9g0°,andZ > § ACB; ACD = Z — 2 ACB, andBCD = Z+ Z ACB, and the perpendicular CD falls without the triangle on the fide A. ‘Then Mean cot, A + cot ACD — 190 = c, AC AC |extr, c, A+ ACD + 20—c, A~ ACD : a ee hae = ft, AC 2 BC Mean cot. B + cot, BCD — 10 =c, BC extre ¢, B+ BCD+20—c, B ~ BCD £2 BC eee rey i Le = The kind of AC and BC in the four feveral cafes will be as follows; 1. AC is Cor > go°as A and ACD are likeor unlike. BC is like A . a B. 2. ACis <.or >90°as Aand ACD are like or unlike. BCis like A and B. 3. AC is like Aand B. BC is < or > 90°, as Band BCD are like or unlike. 4. AC is unlike A and liké B. BC is < or & go° as Band BCD are like or unlike. Otherwife, 2d Solution. Put the fum of the angles = § c¢7S+c¢,75—B + co-ar. s, A+ co-ar. s, C i =s, AC In worps. Add together the logarithmic cofines of half the fum of the three angles, and of the faid half fum leffened by the angle B oppofite the required fide AC, and the arithmetical complements of the logarithmic fines of the other two angles A, C. Half the fum of thefe four logarithms will be the logarithmic fine of half the required fide AC. Remark. This rule fails when the required fide AC is near 180°, but is proper to be ufed when AC is under go* When AC is greater than go°, ufe the following rule; Otherwife, 3d Solution. Let S reprefent the fum of the angles, as in the preceding folution. oFS—A +e,£S —C + co-ar. s, A - co-ar. 5, C = =ctAC In worps. Take half the fum of the three angles, and its differences from each of the angles adjoining to the required fide. ‘To the logarithmic cofines of the faid differences add the arithmetical complements of the logarithmic fines of the adjoining angles. Half the fum of thefe four logarithms will be the logarithmic cofine of half the required fide. Remark. This rule fails, when the required fide AC is near 0°, but is proper to be ufed when AC is above go®, as the preceding rule is fitteft to be ufed when AC is under go’ Ponies panespreeenaipteesi sites nner stints ter tS SSS SRS SSSR SESE TABLE [| 4 J] TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS continued. GIVEN |CASE) REQUIRED 8. LU Lion 6 5. ‘ ¢ ic The angle Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C contained between the given fides. AC, BC, upon the : oppofite fide AB: A $B: UE 4 B mean. With AC and A find CD by cafe gd, right-angled {pherics, and with CD and BC find B by cafe 8, do. go’. fide ~| The kind of B may however, for the moft part, be determined by this propofition. a oppofite the »{ mes s, AC-+s, A+:co-ar. s, Big ats s, B yo? other given The fum of the given fides AC, BC, and the fum of their oppolite angles A and B lie both o AC on the fame fide of 180°, that is, will both be lefs or both greater than 180° at the fame time. Two fides AC, From the required angle ACB let fall the perpendicular CID upon the oppofite fide AB. c, AC +t, A—10=cct, ACD 90°, as AC and A are like or unlike. BC, ACD j extr. c, ACD + t, AC + cot, BC —20 mean, cot, ACD + s, ACD + t, AC + cot, BC — 30 three terms ACD, AC, BC are 90°; otherwife 180° take their difference; if the fecond fegment BCD is greater than the firft fegment ACD take their fum for the angle ACB. } c, BCD > 90°, if one of, or all the The included and an angle of them ' “a : BC Let fall the perpendicular CD front the angle C contained between the two given fides AC, BC, upon the oppofite or required fide AB. t, AC +c,A—10=t, AD < or > 90° as AC and A are like or unlike. The third extr.c, AD + c, BC + co-ar. c, AC t od Bt aa} | mean a0 —t, AD +s, AD +c, BC + co-ar.c, AC— 20 § — c, BD > go*, if one of, or all 9 fide three terms AD; BC, AC, are > 90°; otherwife < 90°. This value of BD will be'near enough the truth unlefs it be near o° or 180% In that cafe with AC, and A find CD by cafe 3 of right-angled {pheric triangles, and with BC and CD find BD by cafe 4 do. i AD+ BD = AB, doubtful on account of the ambiguity of the figns, but may for the moft part be determined by one of thefe two rules. If the fum of the fegments AD, BD is greater than 180°, take their difference ; but ifthe fecond fegment BD is greater than the firft fegment AD, take their fum for the fide AB: AB [ god TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of OBLIQUE SPHERIC TRIANGLES by LOGARITHMS continued. GIVEN CASE| REQUIRED ' SO LU TeOuNe Se Sa SEEDY | BU rat. -S. OS - : The hale Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C not ; given upon the oppofite fide AB. BC & Z KES oppofite the extr.s,A-+s, AC+co-ar.s, B~1o=s, BC 90% . BC { mean. With AC and A find CD by cafe 3 right-angled {pherics; and with CD and B find BC by Io ; cafe 16do.< or > 90% other given Tw 1 The kind of BC however may for the moft part be determined by this propofition ; the fum Sails ctia mse f the gi les A, B and the fui of their oppofite fides AC, BC lie botli on the fame fide of the given angles A, t of their oppofite fides AC, . A of 180°. If this rule is not fufficient, or no other means are given to determine the kind ot BC in this problem, it will be impoflible to determiiie the value of the other parts of the triangle A, B, by the folutions of the two following problems. Let fall the perpendicular CD from the angle C not given upon the oppofite or required and a fide The fde fide AB. ; | : c, A+ t, AC — to=t, AD < or 5 govas A and AC are like or unlike. AB mean, s, AD +t, A-+ cot, B — 20 7 : : Nal Neaeaes Nei Sopa a ee teu hie ty AD ys sata A +- cot, B — 30 isi cd BP ees er II Ak tH This value of BD will be near enough the trith unlefs it be near go’ In that cafe, with * ee 3 AC and A find CD by café 3 right-angled {pherics, and with CD and B find BD by cafe 14 do. given angles AD =+ BD = AB doubtful, on account of the uncertainty of the figns as well as of BD, but oppofite one A, B. may often be determined by one of thefe two rules. If the fum of the fegments AD, BD be greater than 180° take their difference. If the fecond fegment BD be greater than the firft AD take their fum for AB. of them Let fall the perpendicular CD from the required angle ACB upon the oppofite fide AB. c, AC+t, A—10=cot, ACD X or > go°as AC and A are like or unlike. B. mean. s,; ACD +c, B + co-ars ce, A— to Uk Ee The third ACD penn 20—cot, ACD +c, ACD +c, B+ cosar.c, A at = 8; BUD < or > 90° 12 angle This value of BCD will be near enough the truth unlefs it falls near go Tn that cafe with AC and A find CD by cafe 3 of right-~angled {pherics, and with CD and B find BCD by cafe 15 do. < or 90% ACD + BCD = ACB doubtful, on account of the ambiguity of the figns, as well as of BCD; but may often be determined by one of thefetworules. Ifthe fum ofthe fegments ACD, BCD > 180°, take their difference: if the fecond fegment BCD be greater than the firft ACD take their fum for ACB. ACB REMARKS rot | #2 << REMARKS on the foregoing SOLUTIONS. The foregoing folutions are contrived to produce accuraté reftlts in all cafes, that is liable to no greater errors than what might arife from an error of + of a fecond in the things given, whereas the rules commonly given by trigonometrical writers are frequently fubjeét to confiderable errors. The principles of thefe folutions are the fame with thofe of right-angled fpheric triangles, which have been explained in the remarks following them. | It may be ufeful however to thew the reafon of the prefent folutions independent of thofe explanations, although it may appear partly a repetition of what has been mentioned before. The errors occuring in the ufe of the common rules have two fources; the one an inaccurate way of taking out the logarithmic fine of cofirte of the firft arc; when the tabular difference is large$ the other the uncertainty of the required arc found from its fine or cofine; when the tabular difference is fmall. In moft of the foregoing folutions the firft fegment of the bafe or vertical angle, found by the firft opera- tion, comes out either by a tangent or a cotangent, and therefore may bé obtained to the exaétnefs of a {mall fraction of a fecond by thefe tables of logarithmic fines and tangents; which go to feven decimal places of figures, even where the logarithmic difference is {malleft, as at 45°, where 42 anfwers to one fecond. In the fecond operation the logarithmic fine or cofine of the fame arc or angle is made ufe of$ and as the difference of the fines of {mall arcs and cofines of large ones is confiderable, it will be neceflary, where fuch are concerned, previoufly to compute the firft fegment from its tangent or cotangent to a minute part of a fecond, in order to get its logarithmic fine or cofine true to the neareft unit in the laft place. In fad, if decimals are ufed, as many fhould be taken as the logarithmic difference of the fine or cofine has places. Thus in this cafe two operations are required; each attended with fome trouble; to fave which and ftill preferve the requifite exactnefs, the following method is ufed in the foregoing folutions. Let A reprefent the firft arc ot fegmenit, whofe logarithmic tangent or cotangent is given by the firft operation. Find the value of A from the table with the fractional part of a fecond expreffed by a vulgar fraction, having the difference between the given logarithm and that of the next lefs value of A in the table for its numerator, and the difference of the next lefs and greater logarithms in the table for its denominator 3 or by a decimal fraction carried to a fufficient number of places. Then if the logarithmic tangent of A is given by the firft operation you are in the fecond operation for log: fine of an extreme arc A or one nearer 0° or 180° than go to ufe L. t, A +L. cy A— 103 and for log. cofine of a mean arc A or one nearer go° than o° or 180° to ufe L. fine, A + 10 —L.t, A. Butif log. cotangent of A be given, then for log: fine of an extreme arc A to ufe L.c, A + 10 —L. cot, A; or for log: cofine of a mean arc A toufe L.s, A + L. cot, A— io: where no more logarithms are required to be looked out than by the common rule, becaufe log. tangent of A orlog. cotangent of A are already given by the firft operation. The logarithmic fine of a mean arc, or logarith- mic cofine of an extreme arc is however {till to be ufed in the fecond operation agreeable to the common rule. | This & [ pe t Axo, A vc, Ax Rad, __% AX Rad. 8, A x cot, A | Rads cot; A? and BS “ikem t, A Pe Rad. 2 and on this confideration that where the logarithmic difference of the fines is large that of the cofines is This method is founded on thefe theorems;s, A = imal, and the contrary. Hence the logarithmic fines or cofines ufed according to this method in the fecond operation will be readily taken out on account of the {mallnefs of the differences and frequently even by infpection; and the difficulty is obviated which might occur by the common method when the firft ferment is near 0°, or 180°, or go°; and thofe cafes are rendered the eafieft which before were moft embar- rafling. In like manner it may be expedient generally in trigonometrical calculations to find the fine of a {mall angle or cofine of a large one from its tangent or cotangent, when they fhould happen to be given by a preceding operation. This method does not indeed increafe the accuracy of the refult; but prevents the danger of miftakes, and leffens the labour of calculation by fubftituting the proportioning fmaller dif= ferences inftead of larger ones. The other error which may arife from the ufe of the common rules, and which liappens when the required arc comes out by a fine or cofine, and the tabular logarithmic difference for one fecond of the arc is {mall, can be obviated no other way than by having reeourfe to fome other rule, which fhall bring out the arc by a fine if the common rule gave it by a cofine, or by a cofine if it gave it by a fine; or in either cafe by a tangent or cotangent. This method therefore has been adopted in thefe cafes. Thus by the ufe of thefe feveral methods, varying from the common rules as often as occafion requires, the Pee folutions have been rendered fufficiently accurate for the niceft praétice in all cafes. Thefe improved folutions have moreover this very great advantage attending them, peculiar to them- felves as applied to thefe tables of logarithmic fines and tangents to every fecond of the quadrant, that they give the refult true to the exactnefs of a fecond or very little more, in the moft ufual cafes, by only taking. out the logarithm anfwering to the neareft fecond of the arc, or the neareft arc to the logarithm, by infpec- tion, in the tables, without making any proportion for the logarithmic differences, or taking any account of the fractional parts of a fecond; which confiderably leffens the labour of computation, and at the fame time entirely obviates the danger of miftakes in thofe operations. In extraordinary cafes, fuch as where one the fides of the triangle is {mall, the refult indeed will not always come out fo exact; but the error, even when apparently confiderable, will be of no confequence in praétice, fince it will be no more than what might arife from an alteration of a fecond in any of the things given. TABLE Cen TABLE of ACCURATE SOLUTIONS of a RECTILATERAL SPHERIC TRIANGLE, or having one fide equal to go’, by LOGARITHMS. QUALITY GIVEN |CASE}REQUIRED] of Things REQUIRED Hypotenufal 1 | Other fide BC ies - alae angle'C, 2 Adj. angle A Bahl icagner and one fide AC 3 |OppofiteangleB} Jf oe L mean Hypotenufal dal Guceansle i {2 fein angle C, yt 5 | Oppofite fide BC v Feb and one angle | wean A 6 | Adjacent fide AC] ' {ee extr. One angle 7 Other angle B eure he 8 [OrpofitefideBc} {me { and adjacent fide } . Sere AC pT HypotecangleC} . -; =, + Poth angles, mo. tA GidefuppofeAC] ~~) a A and B 11 | Hypote. angle C { een, extr. 12 | Hypote.angle C { maken Both fides, pers AC and BC ; 13 |Anangle fuppofe { mean A extr. 14 } [he other angle { extr. One fide A mean AC, and oppofite 15 Adj. fide BC ee ? mean angle B mean 16 | Hypote. angle C pat weeny | See ser Stems | s, Aw C+20-s, A+C s, A+cot, B* —10 = cot, AC* SCA ee TO. N, » c,C +t, AC —10=cot, BC t,C-+c,AC—10o=t, A s,C s, AC*—10 = s, B* tr. c, C —cA : t,C-+c,AC—i1o=t, A beat 2 Seria Al = c, B like AC ec, C-+4+10—c,A=c, B ee ee cot, IB 2 Ss, Atd-1o-—s,.G=-s, BOY cot, ZzA~WC +t, 3 A+C : ; =t, Z like A; and 2 Z—go0° = BC cot, C-+t, A—10 =c, AC Zz cot, AC 2 s,A+t, AC*—10 =t, B* c, A¥-+s, AC—10 = c, BC* aA : extr. ¢ —c, B 5 s,A-+t,AC—10=t, B fae c, ACTEBLe BI = 8, BC like A t, A+:10—c, AC =t, C c, A+c,B—i0=—c,C : ee extr. s, B+cot, AC—c, AC s, A+ cot, B—10 =cot, AC ae a SeAars Ae } nie cot, AC+cot, BC —10 =c, C c, AC+BC+20—c, BC ~ AC 2 c, BC*+10—s, AC =c, A* c, AC+BC + 20—c, AC ~ BC 2 = cot, -€ = cot, } Cthent, C +c, AC—10 = t, A like BC t, B + cot, AC—10 =s, A go Find BC by cafe 15, or C by cafe 16, and rather the furtheft from go°; then c, BC-+10— s, AC, orc, C+io—c, B=c, A. Otherwife, s, B+AC+20—s, B~AC = t,Xgo° Find A by cafe 14, or C by cafe 16, and rather the furtheft from go°; thenc, A+s, AC—10 or t, B+cot, C—1o=c, BC Otherwife, cot, 2 B+AC+cot. }B~ AC = t, Y <0, and BC = 2 Y—go% or 270°~2 ¥ 2 s, B+10—s, AC =s, C < or >g0° Find A by cafe 14, or BC by cafe 15, and rather the furtheft from 90° $ thenc, A+c, B—io=c, G, ort, B+10—c, BC=t, C. Otherwife, t, 2 B+AC+cot, IB~AC 2 = t, Z 2 = 4/ axXy I—Syt= Vf aXe, z By logarithms. Put peer a ean cay syz Then af ea a—b=iLl.a+L.cyz—10. 2 VIII. The logarithms of a and b being given, to find the logarithm of a + a and the lo- garithm of a+bla + a—bls, and alfo the logarithm of a+ b= —a—bl*? rzjn =t,u. Then Sra? BASE Es a XC, za : x b Solution. Put = 8,23 and t,45°— 4 m m m m aoe Ree NE 2S eee bcs pes X cot, u, ora Xe, iF x tpu. Hencea page oe X cof Et U; anda +Dla + a—be =aXc, ee taitects ae and. act oblate = aX, BV X 2 x Coty 2 By logarithms. Put L.b+10—L. ee. and xX L.t, 45°>—Fz2=L.t, u. Then Latbs=—XLatl.g z4let, 45°42 —20 wand L. a bie ae \7=—— x La+L cy, Z—10 +1424 10—L. Sy 2 Us And Latbl—a—be=—XLatligz—iot+l.24L.cot)2u—to IX. The eee. Nee ie IX. The logarithms of a and b being given, to find the power of the impoffible binominal a + 4/ — b* whofe index is pe that is, to indat/ — b’] by another impoflible binomjal; and thence the value of at —bl> ah a —./ — b'|‘=» Which ts always poffible, whether a or b be greateft ? Solutions Put S =it,z. «Then at fp = a -Eb*)rn x Ge Hyer Hence a+y—b\r +a—/—b’ vat bin ZG, aa X fey7), X20, — a, z= bx colec, zz X20) ~ 23 where the firft or fecond of thefe two laft expreffions is to be ufed according as z is an extreme or mean arcs or rather, becaufe — is not only the tangent of z, but alfo of 2 + 360°, z + 720° &c. therefore the factor in the anfwer will have feveral values, viz. 2 Cc, =. PAD a os a x ua 2.C5 “= x Z + 720° &c. the num- ber of which, ifm and n be whole numbers, and the fraction — ~ be i in its leaft terms, will be equal to the denominator n3_ otherwife infinite. | By logarithms. Put be io—L.a=L.t,z. Thenl.a+/—b’ ee a—/ —b le — x L. a+i0 — 2+L. c, z ip it ha a x L.b+10— L. 3, 242+L. C, = Z— 10; where the firft or fecond pcre is to be ufed, according as z isan extreme or mean arc. Moreover by taking fucceflively, L.g— . SAN Barge = 781.1960 5. Ls c, — — Z -+ 720° cc. There will arife feveral diftiné anfwers to the queftion, agreeable to the remark above. X. Fo find the roots of a quadratic equation, when poffible? There are four forms of quadratic equations. Thefe with their folutions are civen as follow : / [ok 5 px go ee t=t,z. Theniftx=+ x t,z x cot,4z3 and adx=—+ XtZXt, 42 2.x° + px—q=o| The roots of the fecond form are negatives of thofe of the firft. 0k o- px4+qg=0 4 = 7, Then rftx= + xs,z Xcot,iz; andadx=+ x 5,2 xt, Ez 4.%" + px+q=o0]| The roots of the fourth form are negatives of thofe of the fhifd: The roots of the firft and fecond forms are always poflible. Thofe of the third and fourth forms are alfo poffible if races is not greater than unity; otherwife they are impoffible. By Peet aes Form fe LL. 2) £ . q t+ yo = Lape ie iz. Phen Li. ft. x, pofitive = L, a +L, t, z+ L. cot,.% z — 20; and'L. 2d. x, negative: = -L. Lat, t,z + L.t,3.2— 20. . Forin 2d. Its roots will be negatives of thofe of the firft form. Form 3d. L.2+41.q +10—L.p=L.s,z. Then L. 1ft. x, pofitive 1.75 vette cot, £z— 205 and L. 2d. x, pofitive, = L. Ae szZ+L.t,i z— 20.° : Form 4th. Its roots are negatives of thofe of the third form. IfL.2+2L.q + 10—L. p comes out greater than ay the roots of the third and fourth Stine are impof_ible. wa en XI. Solution. fae | XI. Solution of Cubic Equations. The following method is adapted to a Cubic Equation, wanting the fecond term} therefore, if the ‘Equation has the fecond term, it muft be firft taken away in the ufual manner. There are four forms of Cubic Equations wanting the fecond term, whofe roots, according to known rules, equivalent to Cardan’s, are as follow: owepr—qee - - x= Jae yETE Jaa vETE ad x tpxeqee - - x= JoS+VETE JS, VEE SHNG LL Siren, saa. Ok i 1 X= Ce ae Aine XP ry A ae H x= fave eae ee ‘The roots of the firft and fecond forms are negatives of each other; and thofe of the third and fourth are alfo negatives of each other. The firft and fecond forms have only root each. The third and fourth ¥ forms have alfo only root each, when the quadratic furd JV —F is poflible; but have three roots each - when that furd is impoffible. The roots of all the four rit may, in all cafes, be eafily computed as follows : Forms iff and 2d. Put + « Ey = t,z; and Jt, 45-41 = tpue Then x=+ e X cot. 2 uy where the upper fign belongs to re firft form, and the lower fign to the fecond form. Forms 3d and 4th. Put = X Py if < unity, elfe its reciprocal +-x aff = Cy Z Cafe ff. = x2} —tz=t,u. Thenx = +V 2 x cofec, 2 u; where the upper fign i to the third form, and the lower fign to the fourth form. Cafe 2d. =X ay > unity. x has 3 values, in each form; viz. x = eV ie Xx Cy = = $V 2 “yes GO! = 7 V “xc, sie es ; where the upper figns belong to the third form, Me the eae figns to the fourth form. Cie By logarithms. Forms 1 and2d. L.>+10—3 XL.2=L.t, 23 and eeAS AER oot Lines u Then L.x =iL. + + L. cot, 2u— 103 and x will be affirmative in the firft form, and negative in the fecond form. Forms 3d and 4th, > XL. 2 4+ 10—L, + being lefs than 10 ( which is cafe 1ft) or L. > + 10-4 y L. = being lefs than 10 (which is cafe 2d) =L.¢, 2 Cafe yf. eb 4e—t2F2_T.t,u. ThenL.x=iL.47 + 40—L,s, 2s and x will be affirmative 3 in the third form, and negative in the fourth form. P Cafe [ac SR. Cafe 2d. x has three values. 1ftLhtx=i bh. * +L. ¢; - o- 10, dL. ¢x=il. 241. c, Go-— 2, y ; 3 gd L.- x= EL. +1.c, 607+ ——103 where the upper figns belong to the third form, and the lower figns to the fourth form; that is the firft value of x in the 3d form is pofitive, and its 2d and 3d values negative; and the firft value of x in the fourth form is negative, and its 2d and 3d values affirmative. XII. The altitudes of the barometer at two ftations, with the heights of Fahrenheit’s thermometer at- tached to the barometer, and the heights of two thermometers of the fame kind, expofed to the air but fheltered from the fun at the two ftations, being given, to find the perpendicular altitude of one ftation above the other? Put B for the obferved height of the barometer at the lower ftation, and b for that at the upper ftation, D for the difference of height of Fahrenheit’s thermometer attached to the barometer at the two ftations, and F for the mean of the two heights of Fahrenheit’s thermometer expofed freely for a few minutes to the open air, in the fhade, at the two ftations. The altitude of the upper ftation above the lower, in Eng- lith fathoms, will be expreffed as follows, according to the refpective obfervations of M. de Luc, the late General Roy, and Sir George Shuckburgh, in which the upper fign — is to be ufed when the thermometer attached to the barometer is higheft at the lower {tation (which is moft ufual) and the lower fign + when it is loweft at the lower ftation. M.deLuc - ~- - L.B—L.b 0,452 D x oe Fo 40° X 0, 00223 General Roy - - - L.B—L.b#0,468D x1 ar Sys? X 0, 00245 Sir George Shuckburgh L.B—L.b Fo0,440D x 1+F — Fo 32° x 0, 00243 Mean of the two lat - [.B =L.b =O, 464D x 1 + F— 32° x 0,00244 The obfervations of General Roy and Sir George Shuckburgh having been made with barometers. and thermometers conftructed and accurately divided by Mr. Ramfden, and with the detatched thermo- meters never expofed to the fun, appear to me clearly to deferve the preference above thofe of M. de Luc, who however, it muft be acknowledged, has done great fervice to fcience by his ingenious labors bp) confiderable improvements on this fubje¢t, as well as by exciting by his example the two other accurate obfervers to inftitute fimilar obfervations to his own, and with fuperior advantages in point of infant ments, in fome meafure to furpafs himfelf. Ihave therefore, after the fymbolical rules, fuited to the experiments of all the three obfervers, fet down a fourth rule, by taking a mean of the rules of the two latter obfervers. I fhall now fet down the fame in common seh ips in order to render the calculation more generally practicable. Take the difference of the tabular logarithms of the obferved heights of the barometer at the twa ~ ftations, confidering the four firft figures, exclufive of the index, as whole numbers, and the remaining figures oS ; figures to the right as decimals, and fubtraét or add 4s," of the difference of altitude of Fahrenheit’s thermometer attached to the barometer at the two ftations, according as it was higheft at the lower or upper ftation; thus you will have the height of the upper ftation above the lower in Englith fathoms, nearly ; to be corrected as follows: Multiply the height found nearly by the difference between the mean of the two altitudes of Fahrenheit’s thermometer expofed to the air at the two ftations and 32° and by the decimal fraction 0,00244 5 the produc will be the correction of the approximate height, which added to or fubtraéted from the fame, according as the mean of the two altitudes of Fahrenheit’s thermo- meter expofed to the air was higher or lower than 32”, will give the true height of the upper ftation above the lower in Englifh fathoms; which multiplied by fix, will give the true height in Englith feet. XIII. The right afcenfion and declination of a celeftial object, together with the obliquity of the ecliptic, being given, to find its longitude and latitude ? Put L. t, decl. +10 —L.s, R=L.t, A; N. North or S. South, as declination is. Call O the obli- quity of the ecliptic in fix firft figns of a, S. or South; and in laft fix figns N. North. A +0, found according to their figns, as in algebra, = B. Extr. co-ar..L:c, A+ L.c, B + Lit, R—Yo° - SO ay ee she es L. t, long. of the fame kind as a, unlefs B be more than go’, in which cafe the quantity found of the fame kind as a fubtraéted from 12 figns will give the longitude. Otherwife, long. will be of the fame kind, or in the fame quadrant of the circle as m is, unlefs B exceeds 90’, which can only happea when & is in 2d femi-circle. Then, if R be in 3d quadrant, or from 6° to 9°, longitude will be in 2d quadrant, or from 3° to 6, and the operation will give L. cot. excefs of long. above 3%. Or if & be in 4th quadrant, or from 9° to 12°, longitude will be in 1ft quadrant; and the operation will give L. t, long. under 3°, or in 1f{t quadrant. Mean L. s, long. + L. t,.B— 10 g. iid spe Extr. L. t, Jong. + Luc, long. + L.t, B—20 J = L. t, lat. of fame name as B. eee X1V. The longitude and Jatitude of a celeftial object, with the obliquity of the ecliptic, being given, ‘to find its right afcenfion and declinatien? Put L. t, lat. + 19 —L. s, long. = L.t, A; N or S as latitude is. Call O the obliquity of the ecliptic, in firft 6° of long. N.and in laft 6,8. A + O, found according to their figns or names, as in algebra, = B. L.cp AtL.c, B4L.t, Long -10. - - -Y _ Hs LMeanL. Aoar lis MAL. 6 BLL. t, Long a0 ee beh As of fame kind as long. unlefs B be more than go’, in which cafe the quantity found of fame kind as long. fubtracted from 12° will give R.——Otherwife, i» will be of the fame kind, or in the fame quadrant of the circle as the long. is, unlefs [eo unlefs B exceeds 90°", which can only happen when long. is in 1ft femi-circle. Then if long. be in 1ft quadrant, & will be in 4th quadrant; and the operation will give log. cot, excefs of R above g:. Or if long. be in 2d quadrant, a will-be in 3d quadrant, and the operation will give L.t, excefs of R above 6. Mean L.'s, 2-0. t," B10 + + em 4 RI , = Lair De amon. ds eh ane Lae Bowaosat see declin. of fame name as B. N. B. The longitude and latitude of a planet or zodiacal ftar found by Problem XIII. and its tight afcenfion and declination found by Problem XIV. will be true to a fecond or a very little more in all cafes, by only taking out the logarithms for the neareft fecond, and the neareft fecond anfwering to the logarithms, without proportioning for the differences of the logarithms, or for odd parts of a fecond; and although the error in a ftar’s computed longitude or right afcenfion may be augmented to many feconds, if the latitude or declination be confiderable, yet as this error is meafured upon the ftar’s parallel of latitude or parallel of declination, which grows fmaller and fmaller as the latitude or declination increafes, the real error of the computed place of the {tar upon the furface of the {phere will-not be greater in this cafe than the other, that is not above a fecond or a little more. Now as the right afcenfion and declination of a ftar or planet given by the beft inftruments, and by the moft accurate obfervations, namely thofe on the meridian, can- not be depended upon nearer than five feconds, and oftentimes not nearer than twice that quantity, it may feem fuperfluous to pufh the calculations to a greater exactnefs than this of a fecond or a fecond and half, which may be attained by this eafy and compendious method of taking out the figures by fight from thefe Tables of Logarithmic Sines and Tangents to every Second of the quadrant, which will much abridge the labor of a very important part of aftronomical calculation, and thereby excite Aftronomers to diligence as well in making as reducing their obfervations. See the principles of this compendious practice explained page 51 and 52 of thefe Precepts. XV. The moon’s obferved diftance from a {tar or the fun, with the altitudes of both, and the moon’s horizontal parallax being given, to find their correct diftance cleared of refraction and parallax ? i{t. Tothe log-fine of the moon’s horizontal parallax add the log-cofine of the moon’s apparent altitude, ufing five decimal places of the logarithms; the fum, abating 10 from the index, is the log-fine of the moon’s parallax in altitude, from which fubtract the moon’s refraétion taken with the moon’s apparent altitude out of Table I. ( Requifite Tables ) and you will have the correétion of the moon’s altitude. Add this to the moon’s apparent altitude, and you will have the moon’s true altitude. Alfo with the ftar’s apparent altitude take the ftar’s refraction out of Table I. which fubtraé& from the ftar’s apparent altitude, and you will have the ftar’s true altitude. But if the moon’s diftance was obferved from. the fun, with the fun’s apparent altitude take the refraction out of Table I. and his parallax out of Table III, [ 61 ] III. and take the difference, and fubtraét it from the fun’s apparent altitude, and you will have the fun’s true altitude. Take the difference of the true altitudes of the moon and ftar, or moon and fun, and the difference of their apparent altitudes. edly. Take half the fum and half the difference of the apparent diftance and difference of the - apparent altitudes. 3dly. To the log-fines of the above half fum and half difference add the log-cofines of the true altitudes, and the arithmetical complements of the log-cofines of the apparent altitudes; and take half the fum.. 4thly. From this half fum take the log-fine of half the difference of the true altitudes, and look for the remainder among the tangents, and take out the corref{ponding log-cofine, without taking out the arc, which is unneceffary. sthly. Subtract the Gia log-cofine from the log-fine of half the difference of the true altitudes increafed by 16 inthe index; the remainder will be the log-fine of half the true diftance. q EXAMPLE EF, f 6] Xe A Ee I. Suppofe the apparent altitude of the ftar to be 24° 48’, that of the moon’s centte 12° 30, and the apparent diftance of the ftar from the moon’s centre 51° 28’ 35”, and the moon’s horizontal parallax 56’15'’. Required the true diftance of the ftar from the moon’s centre; cleared of refraction and parallax? > ’s apparent altitude }’s horizontal parallax ° )’s parallax in altitude )’s refraction from Requi CorreCtion of )’s altitude )’s apparent altitude )’s true altitude %’s apparent altitude Refracgtion from Table I. %’s true altitude p’s true altitude Difference of true altitudes of %’s apparent altitude ) ’s apparent altitude Difference of apparent altitudes of ) and Apparent diftance Sum Difference Half fum Half difference ) ’s apparent altitude > ’s true altitude - = *’s apparent altitude %’s true altitude (plat Heys liner helene Half difference of true altitudes Half true diftance True diftance ~ fite "Tables Te Pee 12.30, © Log-cofine - -~ - = = — fe - - 9.98958 56.15 -Log-fine - - = - - = - - - - - earaee 54.55 Log-fime 3 - = - + 4 2 3 oF £2 eee es Bizog4t — 4.13 “ey “Pr 50+ 42 12. 3, © 13. 20. 42 24.48. 0 — 2 3 de 45°57 13. 20. 4.2 s ITs 256 15, 4-28. © 12.30. O 12.18. 0 51. 286 35 63. 46. 35 aos 35 Loe ft 31-53-17 > Log-hne* =e 5) tian y= 2 = s+ - - - = 9.9228488 19-35-17 Log-fine - - - + - itor ta . Bach Ssnearss 12.30. O Co-ar. log-cofine - - + - - - - - - 0,0104185 13.20.42 Log-cofine - - - - - -) == - = = 9.98811T9 24.48. 0 Co-ar. log-cofine - - - = Gene | habe - - = 0.0420206 24045. 59 Log-coine = - - + = -- - - - 99580990 2) 39- 2468743 5:42. 37% Log-fine - += - += - pei ee Log-tangent ofan arc = - Correfpondent log-cofine 25-34-54: Log-fine - - - = = - 74 : 51. 9949 - 8. 9978159 -.10, 6256212 © - 9+ 3625337 9: 6352822 EXAMPLE Ds a ee Dee Bi [ 63 He. Let the apparent altitude of the moon’s centre be 5° 17’, that of the fun $4° 7’, and their apparent diftance go® 21’ 13”, and the moon’s horizontal parallax 61’ 48''5 required fun and moon? )’s horizontal parallax }’s apparent altitude - )’s parallax in altitude = - = - - - )’s refraction from Table I. oot og Correction of )’s altitude ee a - e D’s apparent altitude - )’s true altitude = @’s apparent altitude’ - ve =- = = - - Difference of refraGtion and parallax - - - @’strue altitude - - D’strue altitude - - = - on - - - Difference of true altitudes of © and p 5 .©’s apparent altitude - D’s apparentaltitude. ~ Difference of apparent altitudes of © «Apparent diftance - Sum Ns Difference Bay Half fum ah Half difference - )’s apparent altitude )’struealtitude | ©’s apparent altitude ©’s true altitude bos be Rl ey & - = - ~~ - - yee fe Tomy Be ag | ~ - = - - - - - treet cet be tick ite talon ee te Te’ Mee ton coor > , Cheek Half difference of true altitudes of © and p Half true diftance - - True diflance - - + © = & = = = 8q. 29. 13 ERRATA Page 4 line 2 for borrowing read adding. a ee ee ee Page 4 line 5 for borrowed read added. Page 4o line 4 Page 47 line 4 g for let AC be > AB read let AC be > BC, EAT wy Hi I 1.48 Rte Ie 1.32 — 9.28 98. 50° QO. 21.13 169. 11.13 11.31.13 84 35+ 30 5+ 45> 36 Se I7e e) 6. Q 4 84° 4 84. 6.55 38. 58. 55 Log-fine ‘Log-cofine Log-fine Log-fine Log-fine - Co-ar. log-cofine Log-cofine Co-ar. log-cofine Log-cofine Log-fine - - Log-tangent of an are ~ Correfponding log-cofine 44. 44. 364 Log-fine 2 Page 40 line 3 from bottom, for the firft B, read BC, t “sit Feat pe eek Se it tt) re oS Lt+y 6 4 her yl the true diftance of the - = - ~- ~ ~ 8.25469 +9. 99815 8. 25234 9. 9980635 Q. 0O15684 ©. 0018490 9> 9974924 0. 9892626 9. 0108395 2)38. 9990751 19+ 4995375 9: 7987027 PaaS gE *# 6 b pg 25? 1 eb sepo eR a et See AR or? Me ae os Bad Tae 9. 7008348 9: 9511707 9: 8475320 in this Explanation and Ufe of the Logarithmic Tables. ones [ ed EB": UR Sa ea ea ae Of the LOGARITHMIC TABLES, which affect only Part of ae Impreffion of the Sheet, and have been corrected by the Printer fince the Impreffion, except any may have efcaped Correction through Inadyertence. LOGARITHMS or NUMBERS, Signature, E No. 31340—90 in the logarithm correéted with the pen. LOGARITHMIC S IE S, &c. A Sine and tangent ef ° Se infert infinite negative, : T Co-fine of 7. 8 2 for 0249 read. 62492 . Aes te Cocfine of 7 8 3. for 0246 read ees in about er copies: tee Sine of 81 30 5 read 85° 30/ 3// in about 120 copies. Dd _ Co-fine of It 7 34 for'7697 read 7597 Co-fine of Il 12 39 for 6330 read 6329 Ee Co-fine of II 35 10 for 9991.9594 read 9991. 0594 in about one quires Tangent of 31 44 13 for 5674 read 5673 en ask 8 —— Co-tangent of 1 44 13 for 4326 read 4327 g doubtful whether a few copies aré erroneous or Ae Kk Tangent of 14 -I0 A rule under 10! at top of page, in one fheet. Oo Tangent of 16 0 3° for 7" read 3/1 Pp Co-tangent of 16 24 34 for 9220 read 9219 Cottingent of 16 24 59 for 7296 read 9277 : in about half of the impreffion, &q Tangent df 16 49 Oo for 43 read 480 in about § quires, = ECo=fne of 17 19 4 for 8126 read 8526 in 10 or 15 quires. —— Co-tangentof t7 13 50 for 4471 read 4475 3 —— Co-tangent of 17 13 51 for 4405 read 4401 : only in one copy. Ss Tangent of 18 20 0 for 6361 read 6351. — Sine of 18 27 for Zz read as Vy Sine of 20 15 48 for 4968 read 4969 in 18 impreffions,’ z Sine of 69 29 read69 2g in about 25 impreffions, Bbb Co-tangent of 2% 39 18 for 1770 read 1670. Co-tangent of 2I 39 49 for 9867 read 9767. Co-tangent of 21 44 1 for 3322 read 4322. —— Tangent of 21 39 49 fe 0133 read 0233. Ddd_ Sine of 67 Pd read 67° 29! Fff Errors of fignature, in : copies. 4th page, for fine read cofine and for cofine read fine, in 3 copies. in about roy impreffionsy Ggeg Tangent of 24 10 25 for 1152 read 1151 Ii: Co-fine of 25. § 10 for 9708 read 9707 in nine copies, Rrvr Tangent of 28 46 59 for 8546 read 86462. : ee Sine of 29 3 19 for 3262 read abst in about $d of impreffions Trt | Tangent of 29 49 17 for 3070 read 3071 2. as Tangent of 29 52 18 for 901 read ell Beis i noe Tangent of 30 13 38 for 4079 read 4078 Co-tangent of ~ 39 13 38 for 5921 read 5922 g sok oa hic atc! Zzxzx The fignature wanting in about half the impreffion, Co-tangent of 32 «I «51 for 6929 read 6909 in 3 OF 4 copies. Co-tangent of 32 «59 Top of column for 178 read 187 in one copy.’ 4M Sine of 38 15 £7 for 7020 read 8020 in about 4d of impreffion, va iy + AL ‘ - . . ° \ * ’ : ~ F a fain ad . % ; . &, <~ Se , = . ' faa - - +. \ P a rol ve ‘ v Ty ty pine ; i ¥ eye ; mie ANE 6 ah. Yt ene crim o EY ON bn Ne Sin MA SE mile ve amy * . ee : ‘eme-eatees pa : 48 t} - ‘ S 2 ee » ' a 5 | appa - x - “* : halng 1% * ‘ “er y) ' ' ‘ = 4 “J i ‘ 4 e A ae - ’ - : J ase Me a . - a * L GAR IP HM § THE : 3 O F ¥ - % + . a . ety 6A . N} Logar. ~ 1]50000000 2130103000 3/477 12125 4/60205999 5169897000 6/7781 5125 7|84.509804 8190308999 9195424251 10}00000000 11104139269 12]07918125 73175394395 14|14612804 15]1 7609126 16/20411998 17|23044892 18256527251 19|27875360 20]30103000 2132221929 22)34242268}] 23/36172784 24138021124 26/41497335 27143136376 23144715803 29|46239800 3947712125 31149136169 32/50514998 33)51851394 34/53147892 35/$4400804 36 37 38 s6820172] 57978360 39|59106461 40/60205999 41/61278386 42|62324929 143/63346846 44164345208 14.5/05321251 46/6627 5783 14.7/672090786 48)/68124124 49|69019608 50|69897000 si7o7s7ox8) 152)7160033 53/724 27587 154173239376] 55174036269 156/74818803 57175587486 58\76342799 §9|77085201 60/7781 5125 61178532984 62|79239169 63179934055 64/8061 7997 65|81291336 66)81954394 67|82607480 68/832 50891 69/8 3884909 70184509804 55630250 /% N. 73 74 bebe 82 83 84 85 86 7 88 89 go gi Qg2 93 94 (oe: * 96 97 98 99 IOI 102 104 106 107 109 bw st II2 113|05 307844 I14 115/06 069784 116 117 LIQ 120 122 123 126 126 127 128 129 130 Dox 132 133 134 IO0]OO0 O00000 103/01 283722 105/02 118930 108]03 342376 110/04 139269 118jo7 188201 124/09 342169 691001 394335 135 136 194 138 BS ROS3 B07 Logar. 185 125835 71 72 793259 86 332286 923172 87 506126 081359 649073 209460 762709 308999 848502 gi 38138. 907809 92 427929 eos 93 449945 951925 94 448267 939001 95 424251 904139 96 378783 848295 97 312785 772301 98. 227123 . 677173 99 122608 563519 4SAAB 860017 793334 530587 938378 742650 532298 921802 690485 44.5799 818586 554696 gi8125 121/08 278537 635983 ggosit 10. 037056 380372 7229971 Ir 058971 (PES, 12057393 385164 710480 353891 672057 987909 13Q)14 301480 140 612804 N.| Logar. T4114 921911 142/15 228834 143] §33604 144 245i 9 146 147 148 149 150 172 173 174|24 212 213 215 216 214 230 172784 234 235 4 916608 211/32 428246 mi4i33 C4137) 210! 219/34 044411 2 30227) 2 N.| Logar. 633586 837960 243846 44.5375 645973 845649 242268 635297 830486 024802 218262 410844 602586 793485 983548 361198 548798 735592 921586 37 106786 Gieletos 474835 657696 839790 O21124 201704 381537 560627 738983 093511 269695 445168 619935 250] 794001 967372 140054 312052 483372 654018 823997 993312 41 161971 329976 497335 664051 830129 995575 4142 160393 324587 488164 651126 813479 975228 270). 1363476 296929 4.56890 - 616265 775089 __933269 44, 44 090908 247977 ~ 404480 560420 715803 N. Logar. 281\,.4e 282 203 284 285 286 287 288 290 291 2.92 295 204 295 296 ao 298 209 3oe 301 302 35 324 395 306 rpet 308 39 aie 311 312 B23 ue 31 316 a2 7 318 329 320 321 322 373 B25 325 326 Eleld 328 329 [33°] 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 [345 346 347 348 289146 349 35° 70632 id enalts cule 178644 331834 484486 47 129171), 275645 421626 567119 712125 §56650 48 000694 144263 287358 ___ 429984 572143 713838 855072 995848 49136169 276039 415459 554434 692965 831055 968708 50 .105926 242712 379068 514998 650503 785587 920262 51 054501 188336 321760 454775 587384 719599 851394 982799 §2 113808 244423 374647 504481 633928 762990 891670 §3 919970 147892 275438 402611 529412) 655844 yo toes go7610 54 032947 157924. 282543 406804 N.| Logar. 351154 530712 352] 654266 353) 77747! 354) 900326 355|55 022835 356 145000 357) 266822 358] 388303 359 as 360 9 361 760720 362 870857 363} 990663 364156 110138 365 2.29286 366 348109 367 466606 368 584782 309} 702637 Bie 937391 37 4\57 Ob4204 373, 170883 374 287160 375} 403127 376] 518784 377 034135 378} 749180 379) 863921 380} 978360 381/58 092498 382] 206336 383} = 319877 384) 433122 385] __ 580073 386} 658730 387) 771097 388 883173 389] 994960 399/59 106461 391 217676 392| 328607 393) 439255 3941 549622] 390} 769519 397) 879051 398} 988307 399/62 097290 BOO) eE 5909 401) 314437 402] 422605 403} 30505 404) 638137 405}___745502 406} 852603 497) 959441 408/61 066016 409); 172331 410} 278386 qi 384182 412] 489722 413} §95005 414i 2 709034 415} 804810 416} 909333 417162 013606 418] 9117628 41g] 221402 324929 420 | N.| Logar. 421|62 428210 422] 531245 423} 034037 424) 730586 425| 838893 426} g40g60 427163 042788 428] 144377 429] 245729 43° a 431 432 433 434 435! 436] 437 438 439 ws a ii 441 469 471 472 473 474 475 442 443) 640373 444} 738297 A5| 2.838 446) 933486 447/05 03075 448 127801 449} 224634 450) 321251 451 452), 513843 453 09820 454) 705585 455 801140 456 eta 457| 991620 458/66 086548 459 181269 [460] 275783 461] 370093 462} 464198 463} 558099 464 51798 465) 745295 466} 838592 467/ 931688 468167 02 ATs Mest a hase $42 N. 491/69 108149 Logar. 492 1g6510 493] 284692 4941 372695 495 460520 490} 548168 497} 635639 498} 722934 499] 810055 500 _ 897000 sot} 983773 502/70 070372 503] 156799 504 peso 595} 329138 506 415052 507] 500796 508} = 586371 509} = 671778 510}. 757018 511] 842090 §12| 9269967 54B)72 Ol1737 $14) 096312 StS 180723 516} 264970 517] 349054 518} 432976 519} 516736 520 600334 $25) 2 -O8ars2 522}, 767050 523] . 850169 $24) 933129 $25]72 915930 526} 998574 527, 181062 528 263392 529] 345567 530] 427587 531 509452 532} $9113 $33] » 672721 534, 754126 535|___ 835378 536} 916479 537| 997429 538/73 078228 539) 158877 540} 239376 541 543 544 345} _ 546 547 548 549 558 551 552 553 554 555) 556 557 558 559 560 319727 399929 479983 559890 719264 798733 878056 957234 74 036269 115160 193908 272513 350976 __ 429298 507479 585520 663420 F4AL181 818603 639650 615 561/74 896286 562} 973632 050839 127910 204845 281643 * 358306 434834 511227 587486 663611 739603 815462 891189 966784 117581 192784 267856 30|__ 342799 417613 492298 566855 641285 715587] 789762] 863810} 937733 589177 0415208 959649 603/78 031731 604} ° "958071 617/79 028516 618} o985488 169065 Y 447 N.| Logar. 631/890 02936 632 71708 633/801 40371 634/802 08926 635] __77373 636)803 45712 O4 1 636) 82008 639'805 50086 640)806 17997 641 85803 642,807 53503 _ 643/808 21097 644] 88587 645/809 55971 646/810 23252 90428 648811 57501 1649812 24470 650]__-97 336 651813 58099 652|\814 24760 653 91318 654i815 57775 655/816 24130 656| 90384 657/817. 56537 658/818 22589 659] 88541 Bee 8304 661/820 20146 85799 §1353 eel 16808 665 82165 666/823 47423 667'824 12583 77646 825 42612 826 07480 671 72252 827 36927 828 01506 65990 675/829 30377 94670 e865 22969 86977 $32 so8gi E4701 78437 '834 42070 05610 685) 69057 836 32412 95074 58844 838 21922 690; 84909 839 47805 10609 | 73323 35947 : 98480 op bas 60924 97843 23278 98 85542 6991844 47718 700/845, 0984 N. 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( Circumference of a circle to diameter unity ) 3,14159265 < Surface of a fphere to diameter unity - - - - 04971499 | Area of a circle to radius unity - - - 3 6, 7853982 Area of a circle to diameter unity re) ee - s s = 9: 8950899 0, 5235988 Solid content of a {phere to diameter unity ~ - - ‘t g+ 7189996 4, 1887902 Solid content of a {phere to radius unity = - - - eS 0. 6220886 57°s2957795 Arc equal to the radius~., - «- - = a Bh a 1. 7581226 206264"58 Arc equal tothe radius = - ~ - - - = = be 3144251 2, 30258509 Hyperbolic logarithm of Io - - - = - - “ 0. 3622149 365% 5% 48’. 48" = 31556928" Tropical year | 365%. 65, 9’. 17” Beh ee as Sidereal year = = 8 - = ° = Je 99911 16 1°. 23'¢ 55” = Preceflion of Equinoxes in 100 years. < 109°, 61545 Pafiage of a Comet of perihel. diftance unity from perih. to Jatus rectum 2. 0398718 8”, 75 Mean horizontal parallax of the Sun - - ~ - - = 0. 9420 487" Time taken by light to come from the Sun in his mean diftance ~ 2. 6875 20” Maximum of aberration of a Star in longitude ~ - - - I. 3010 9’,55 Maximum of nutation of Earth’s axis in folftitial colure ~ - 0. 9800 7411 Maximum of nutation of Earth’s axis in equino¢tial colure - 0. 8519 Co-ar. of Log. of 9 eines Via MC cy 99 ‘i Fi = a - a 2 - 8. 0043648 | 999 a + ns 53 ra ” = 7+ 0004345 9999 a i * - P, = ng - 6. 0000434 29999 a i i ae EL - “ 5+ 0000043 999999 a * * . 8 - - = 4. 0000004. 9999999 = 10000000 nearly = - « = oe 3s 0000000 st In the TABLES of: th®LOGARITHMS of NUMBERS. Stenature ~ EF At the top of 4th ‘page Number 3800 F Number 38962 Log. 6413 read 6412 K. Number 59419: Log. 6253 read 9253 Log. 589 read §79 in fome copies. In the TABLES of th LOGARITHMIC SINES and TANGENTS to every Second of the Quadrant. Signature er eee M . Co-Sine 4.18.12 for 87740 read 87739 in fome of the copies ; N Co-Tangent 4.29. 38 for 46084 read 46085 Ff Co-Sine 12.29. 39 for 50912 read 5913 Gg Co-Tangent 12.23.40 for 0461 read 0462 Zit .Co-Sine 18.41.34 for 4648 read 4649 . 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