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If such sense be not common, so much the worse, not merely for wives, but for husbands as well,”’—Spectator. ‘¢ Mr. Higginson looks at all sides, and in doing so says some of the wisest and best things about women we have read anywhere ; Physiology, Temperament, The Home Society, Education, Employment, Suffrage, Objections to Suffrage, form the main divisions of the books, and each of these is sub-divided into short, bright chapters, which sparkle with a quiet and effective humour.”’ —Literary Churchman. «A truly and thoroughly radical work.” — Zruth. ‘- A bright and sensible book.” — Westminster Review. **Tt should be read by all men.” —Pictorial World. “Mr. Higginson is one of the highest essayists of America, He writes with great clearness ; he studies self-restraint and a trace of that cosmopolitanism which the more recent school of American men of letters affect, His essays are original, felicitous, suggestive, and should be read.” —Lritish Quarterly. ‘‘Tt bristles with anecdotes, allusions and quotations, It isa kind of prose compendium to Tennyson’s ‘ Princess,’ arriving at the same conclusion.” — Graphic, ad TO . My Little Daughter Margaret. + , J io ty Ly ‘ ‘ - oy ai a5 ‘eo P a ! : - tf 4 . : o = -f ‘ ‘ re. , i > 4 & fo % . ; 7 can , re 1 fa \ - a uf — ' * * 4 J y + ; a. ks > b> ae y to? 7 sal ; v. . Ve, * a. * s . - 7 ve 7 , 2 hee: we , a ase i - ; i ; Pe ‘ § % = ’ f i ; : 3A S = 4 n 5 yyy”, : ; ~ he’ e- * Edy a : is | ’ Fa c f é ve ha " ; me ot i : 4 ee . < = > - he ' > “4 oe Ade iv ) f 4 ; Be - . 4 Tae ‘ 2 1 t “ @ wo ; y 5 , hie r ): ‘a ’ r * if ; ~ . : ~ a . r fe xf * 1 m wk, are 5 ‘ 2 » 4 , : 4 Le me #4") we acre ahs 7 : ml. od . A