Bulletin No. 79 OUTON: july 17, 1923. M. M. LEIGH iV" C | 39,684: COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA Gur 79 ae Ce . DEPARTMENT OF FORESTS AND WATERS R. Y. Stuart, Secretary TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGIC SURVEY G. H. Ashley, State Geologist. eee TIDIOUTE OIL POOL, WARREN COUNTY, PA, By Meredith E#. Johnson ntroduction. A preliminary report (Mimeograph Bulletin 51) on’an oil pool in the Queen sand near Tidioute, was issued in September, 1922, At that time only 12 wells had been drilled to the Queen sand and the pool had not been defined, Since then an intensive drilling campaign has not only ontilined the pool, but also has proved the absence of oil in paving quantities in the Queen sand for several miles in every direc- tion. The present report describes the Tidioute pool in detail and discusses the results of wild-cat drilling in the vicinity of the pool, Fig. 1 shows the oil pools developed in the vicinity of Tidioute, The town of Tidioute is on the banks of Allegheny River in the southwest corner of Warren County. It has a population of about 1200 people, most of whom are interested in some branch of the oil industr: The town is about one hour's drive by automobile from Warren, the county seat, a city cf 14,000 people. The country around Tidicute is sparsely populated. This is due in part to the rugged topography. The river flows through a rather narrow valley between hill slopes too steep and rocky for farming. Most of the higher hills rise 600 feet or more above the level of the river. The tops of the hills are comparatively flat and all the farming is done on the hilltops or in the valley bottoms, The region is well drained by Allegheny River and its many small tributaries. A branch of the Pennsylvania Railroad passes through Tidioute and connects with main lines both to the north and south, There is’ * approximately two miles of improved road within the borough limits, but all other roads in Tidioute and the surrounding country are dirt > Purl A426, } 5 =a ve aa | ee 4 ‘ ‘ ei nt ii Piven D SVs "4 Ms \ : o ¥ ie ‘ ‘ * ae ‘ My ay ACA ITE ONL \} 0 5S gaa tae } ' \ f f N fr ah 2 ie 44 ity % E a r vy G 4s ies Ae: oh ¥ Nees Ree in 4 SH > ita rity vel. Le VEL a Fi ; Ns a Boy Rag0Ct » ef | 5 cane HOFFMAN Wo y\ oe 34 port 7 Lise sea AS Ate ” \ H i 3Y Cth: ej ’ Mea a d' 2 ENWNINGS arnt Tran Ke yhie t ¢ i , - / ‘ ie by ‘ ; P : ¢ . - he” a we at. we eS ee He Siethtlors = * SE ee a Es “Se a vi Scale , |! “| Ariles, v4 LEGEND . ? Hay IBED te BE Property lines SEE Oi) and das pool > gy Ae Mee ay ae / Rink mom ee a be roads. In fair weather the latter offer no obstacies to vehicular transportation, but after a heavy rain, roads in the valleys are muddy and slippery and sometimes impassible, The oil pool in the Queen sand at Tidioute - hereafter referred to as the Queen sand pool - is more or less élliptical in form, the long axis having 4 northeast-southwest trend. The northeast end of the pool is about two miles southeast of Tidioute, and the southwest end not quite 3% miles due south, All supplies for drilling, etc., are brought to the field by motor truck or heavy wagons, Circumstances beyond the writer's control demanded that field work for this report be completed in one week, Since many elevations had to be obtained, this necessitated the use of a barometer rather than some more accurate instrument, No adequate base map was avail- able upon which locations covld be made and the only known bench- marks against which the barometer could be checked were in Tidioute, Several miles from the oil pool, As &@ consequence the structure as worked out is not as reliable as the writer would desire, If the results given in this report do not check with later and more detailed heer is to be hoped that the aforementioned handicaps will be recalled, Stratigraphy. The stratigraphic section exposed near Tidioute extends from the lower part of the Pottsville conglomerate down to a horizon just below the sandstone named the Second sand by oil men years ago. ‘The Venango group of oil sands (including the Second sand) has in recent years been placed by most geologists who have made a study of the strata in northwestern Pennsylvania or southwestern New York, in the transitional beds between the Chemung and Pocono forma- tions. The name Catskill has been applied to these beds towards the east and although there is here no trace of the red color so typical of the Catskill elsewhere, it will‘be assumed that the lowest strata exposed near Tidiovte are Catskill, until detailed paleontologic studies either verify or disprove the assumption. Fig. 2 illustrates and describes the rocks exposed near Tidioute, Most of the wells in the Tidioute Queen sand pool start in the Pocono formation; some of the lower ones undoubtedly start in the Catskill, A few wells outside of the pool started in the Pottsville conglonerate.s Knowledge of the rocks below the Second oil sand is based upon the records of wells drilled for oil or gas, and upon a study of the rocks outcropping in nearby regions, The Venango group of 0i1 sands usually includes one other sand, the Third sand, in addition to those shown in fig. 2. Occasionally a Stray or the Fourth sand is recorded in drill-hole records. Below these ’sands there are usually one er two red beds, separated by drab Shale, and then about 350 feet of Chemung "pink rock," The so-called “pink rock" of the drillers, is really brown and purplish shale and constitutes the top of the Chemung formation. The lower part of the Chemung iS Sandier and includes all of the oil sands from the Venango nm Os Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from. | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates — https://archive.org/details/tidiouteoilpoolw00john__0 FIG. 2. SECTION OF ROCKS EXPOSED NEAR TIDIOUTE Formation & > vA % ad ‘ A : ; ‘s IS+ dvige, Povtsvi lle (Ofean) conglamerate ~smali white rounded quartz pebbles and fray to a to F | eerie white Quartz graing SamlSanely yellow shale & — 2 mee} QO. S t3) rv) y ‘ ) a | Thin-bedded sandstone flaggy. Light yellovs to orab- colored Shalzs \ ‘ \ £4 Firsr ost cand of Vananga €o.- fine to mediv0y grained, crossbedded, yellow sandstene ~ y at &0 Shale A ra v —— VU aa. 4s : % i 2 O 25 PE 24) Seeond oll sand, Crosshedded, MaSSIvE Sandstrane heads, fing grain ed, Yellows WHCARCE OVS ——Gray and brown shales > thes, group down to the Cooper and Bradford sands, the lowest of which nay be of Portage age, Well records show that these sands (the Warren group) are very irregular and local in their occurrence, however, and in some wells almost the entire group is missing, Only a few wells have penetrated the Portage formation, but these indicate that it is shalier here than is usual, structure. The rocks outcropping in the Tidioute region have in general @ monoclinal structure, dipping gently to the south. From dips observed in the field, however, it is believed that there are local rolls in the structure which possibly are reflected in the deeper beds. Since it is a well-known fact that the structure of a deeply buried sandstone may be quite different from that of the rocks at the surface, it was thought better to plot the structure of the’ Queen sand than to determine the detailed structure at the surface, In order to do this all available records of wells driiled near Tidioute were obtained and the elevations of the tops of the wells determined. Fig, 3 represents the structure of the top of the Queen Sand as drawn from the well data, It will be noticed that all the best wells in the Queen sand pool are located on @ nose in the structure which rises rapidly from the’ Southwest. On the other hand; if the structure as drawn is correct, and the sand is not too tight, it is difficult to see why wells drilled to the Queen sand on the tro domes indicated were dry. Such results cast doubt upon the efficacy of a structure map based upon barometric elevations. A convergence sheet, showing-’the interval at cvery well between the Third sand and the Queen sand, was constructed in the hope that additional lignt might be thrown on the reasons why oil accumuleted only in the narrow belt shown in fig. 3. This sheet, fig. 4, is shown on page 7. An indication of the northeast-southwest trend cf the line of deposition in the ancient sea in which the Queen sand was laid down, is shown along the southeast boundary of the White Oil Corporation's lease. ‘The long axis of the pool parallels that trend and it may well be that differences in the size and arrangement of material deposited at that time, to a large extent control the location of the Oil pool, Another point that is brought out very well is that the differ- ence in interval between the Third sand and the Queen sand, had practically no effect on the location of the yool. Before disposing of the subject of structure, it should be mentioned that there is an erosional unconformity at the base of the Pottsville conglomerate. It has been determined that previous to Pottsville time, the region was tilted from north to south. Erosion followed and the Pottsville conglomerate was deposited on success- ively younger beds from north to south. Since nearly all the wells in the Tidioute field start below the base of the Pottsville the may ke wet eneeet: ss “Poitier oniae, ane p Lanter Ok ereute: | raarte ei t . tHe siete LA eek ee “iy Hecin coe wkney ae Th: ateoe Wi od Sitter anv tee ee wentowtte tantbodd ‘ Li PS Pets Ne Pood ei ws " ta Cn OROREE: bk ET ght BP Dent nk Pod ton ane Us beady eA WAY a) “aust 08 pte. wale the “ine os ; te Soe OR DOM ee ae dx out: Lene Oat HO See ORS PETES ie ep ha GOS BH ba ate foe sat ee OA. POE Oe VorT wd SHawods Aye ae oun n baton uit Su IS Gal 5h ar aS RO achantad af het soak | ra tak qe ft eee ek la ee EO ee eee ape heed, Bas Pe aro Bide ee E ean Le i CMD. whe RO reo eo eee aes ie Bae Reon ae uf atch oe ow , aa Myt i 1 ill TA a. oe a ee er fhe Pyle ee aa Oe rest m ‘a ‘ : eT, rg ( ,! AY re apn) me i r Uk ea me nu, \ Fi} ry yey oy ot C Pepa , ‘ , fi es i oe ety ¥ woe be Try 7 tt re. ~ 7. PRS bee 9 dy Se rte Pity *~ Ro Ny . AY anh re g aowe | Re ahs Phe de es Hi: ‘tom. ad P ree @ i aiid vy L } % bs Dw ft ; + he de ee poy hie Ai met tet 4 4 ¥ hes - 98 * (t & syne have ‘a atu , oa Be RMR dot ie tr 2 a sty rye et hi Pee PRR aR RR A OP heh) Pie ae tT vou 7 ne is a) Wine ; in * } J bf ‘\ Oh Li * j a a f i rf. at wee eka apravwntiane:® ee Mbey ° ie lahat TU fe poe 7 - ¢ par ES 4 } Le ie: Teh 2 Os ES ; ‘ ; 2 O04 } h ee sh ed y ahh t # 4 " { } ‘ : Kia } 5 Ae > oP ee a> BP batt A ky id Aig PW Bieta fi oles ae ; pe ae wih me dae PL Oe Ae a ae j ae rey Oe: GBR IE A Bors Lode aoc ht meh DRY. a Ka ah Ce | q eect AMD Mee MODS VE se | Pin ee: i pe wed Crh pt ie neh Nae rags por vr esas ro oreo ee EO ae 2 ah RO URED Times 64 1S) ie sth: ors wit hs aes va ae es Bek te a wee ed Oe eR Rit, Cee ae | ene EX af gitol oh { a Hi 4) vee i Aa aon Hie We Oe py ae j 1 eeeonl) art. Lom mae: TRG O4 Ae Cg OAR BS rane ‘tah ‘met S Rely. Te Kida eae eae TAH ORE OA Fal fi tngog. beri ‘ ‘ A . , y 4 y ‘ ‘4 ‘ verry i 4 ~ err i ey Sree eee OA BO BRR. Bert okey wages ad, Lary reef ae: Pe! MB Oe WEE pin PORERD. aid vk s*, » hte yr f ait OO i BR Rare N gon LO ee at foot due att X90 iewonih ‘ott ew aie YO Ghuid Me 2 Linco NO OUST Leaoenes Hie) Be ewedy Tad TS MD RIS EE BRE Sess D WENE ST OD revs mnt He 9 Barend Atte Hekhoiw .ccor ga eee dying Beka Lat envy: ge iging: acid 5 Be nsvnniie mo Baten em mene ert aOk yOney did breazot it wi nnat event hae |, Hd OR ona 10 ey od « oe te goa « any, woke ? p Oba A a ‘) ‘, ee AG rm FIG. 3. STRUCTURE CONTOUR MAP OF QUEEN SALUD IN VICINITY OF TIDIOUTE, WARREN COUNTY, PENN. Pa SBD Lebha ™m Sra ~ ' Sa, ff. so WES*t AzxEars ~ aN SP ANIC LOL = Ay ae --, Rrabierant talents at Nae ; ae > Dry hole @ School 3¢ Gas well & Church 0 Off ao8 Queen sand oil pool ge a ai \ Cantours ontop of Queen sand. Contour interval (Nf. Datum is mean sea-level. ‘ ahh vib nine ‘ FIG. 4. CONVDRGENCE SHEET FOR THTRD AND QUEEN SANDS. gt Pg aed ik iy ei ie RUT aN fe Se " ~' x 4776 +778 “HUNTER TRACT ne , / a ; . . CLINGE? OlL AND GAS CC. . ts 7 , Pas f % Pr es : \I WAL Smet ae) ie er: me Figures denote imtervals between top of Third sand and top of Queen sand. Sin Lines connecting points of same interval shown thus / Messin Sn x BASE Selby dk hd she et Kabab humilis MT Nr Sey ee Toe era tet AN AR NE tlm comet aleD hahl S e ', igh tr fy avery j 1 Lay. ‘ ; uf effect of this unconformity upon drilling operations is small. Those operators who Start their wells at a horizon above the base of the Pottsville, however, must realize that they will have to drill deeper and deeper as the drill is moved south in order to strike the same ia although the wells may all start at the same stratigraphic orizon, History of development.’ Commercial quantities of oil have been found in four, possibly five, different sands in the vicinity of Tidioute, These are, in descending order, the Second, Stray or Stray Third, Third, Fourth and Queen sands. Oil was first found in the Third sand in a well drilled on Tidioute Island in the winter of 1860. Since that time wells have been drilled in all directions from Tidioute and several good-sized pools developed (see fig. 1). The small Second sand pool, shown at the junction of Kirchener Run with Tidioute Creek, was developed many years ago and is now abandoned, About a dozen wells were drilled, averaging about 85 feet in depth. The oil obtained was a very high-grade lubricating oil and commanded a good price, Unfortunately all the wells were small producers and the pool played out after a few years. Practically nothing could be learned about the small Fourth sand pool one mile west of Tidioute, At the time it was visited there wes no one about and none of the wells were being pumped. However, tanks at some of the wells and rods connecting them to a pumping station would indicate that some wells at least are still in operation. Although local operators believe this to be a Fourth sand pool and it has been mapped as such, it is probable that the Stray sand was here called the Third, and the Third sand, Fourth; so that in reality the oil is coming from the Third sand, In 1866 oi1 was discovered in the Stray sand in tells drilled along Dennis Run. ‘Wells near Fagundus discovered oil in the same sand. The oil produced was much darker than that oodtained in the Third sand and was called "black oil." The pools were very closely drilled and quickly declined in production. At the time the wells were drilled, the oil was thought to be coming from the Third sand, Fortunately this was not the case and when in 1869 a well owner in’ cleaning out his well drilled deeper, he found green oil in 4 sand, the Third, a short distance below the Stray. This led to a new drill- ing campaign and the whole field was worked over again. Many of the Third sand wells are still being pumped at the present time. South of Tidioute local operators are still obtaining oil from some of the old wells drilled on the Economy tract. The Third sand pool here in part overlaps the new Queen sand pool. Little is known of the two small Third sand pools shown to the north and northwest of Tidioute. The one to the northwest is now abandoned. Oil in small quantities is still being pumped from wells in the other, One other small pool in the Third sand was developed some years ago just south of present operations in the Queen sand pool. The ay ae hs RE py is i: oy ae yt : , A f aK > . ? Ore Ay 1 i x % ; 0 , q er hat sae Ps : ‘ , ima edi be + ops en ae d #e ee as | Aa 9 GSP ys 1 mt vee 4 , FP . oe F oe 5 . a y i nb . drones tik ore ih OD ay A Se Mc ne te a i oe woe ey. Re aR ee Fo VED Sa ORGS By Nae ee fer ie, , i es bs 7 Pio «th ho + ES } " its : ; a” 2 vy . ren at5) bite. SO. | . z b ; ‘ . rt Se oy . u 4h Swit a i é Ph Ee a, ik fi te Set is > ae aa S re - eae fart ow 6 oe a tr ad , ’ , . . a £ ba oo wt phere : hes vy tba tyke af a ws eh e341 ty RY a eS y ra ay he § a OE he he ace teP: Can, ore Maen eT of Foris bi Tk ‘ may ae ae i c oP oe , , ae wo 4 , . 4 i ply ’ w dy He ‘hy hy By wh Ht ‘o ly ort ug ' re) at 4 ma +" a o 4 as vy ree.) ' De OC AY ar on t ag: i : LF ae MPa CTS rol % ee on SOR vo ao. i elk sath og) Senators BSye, Lobq bene oreoe 5 : es - a - ‘ , sagt ; OP a Bl of i a Bo ¥ : s a Sy oe ‘ { Cae Gh. he Hy SOOT tee ees eo PRA NU ee? Bega hg eile ‘ | tae da Redd tie Wy oan ; ae ‘$i ip ia ial ae eg gow We ore RY ay a Ale wea Te ‘ toto iy. Pet de Oey 4 , Pen hi Fs "Tags Diner ak ; ' : Bey 6 gh any, ful 4 . ae | % ey es a) igi aw any iF aM hk if fy bn we et Win ae vA Re a Fe RE ay ae ae okt eae oan Melee ee a Ky LAOS COR ok: oy vs be mal m7 Uae We ae ae AN a , om at Oke : as Mine | ee BLT Oar Gwe. by Le we aig ‘ - inh Pies Dis Po ys ¢ ‘ae m ee ey Pe ae ts sid ; - } ws) i Ja a ra | ry ot aN t (ites ty : . Fa 4 oa 4 read ne way : has dente Fy ER Tua Bias A. a KN a ner aut y : : Me i eae Ss had { } . ; % ent ij vA ag ae, A a ay 7 "aM 0] ’ vo ig a VRE i iit Mi Af pie at Si oi NANA T RNC iy Toh ae 1 ia 4 sarees | a Fs Bt ae LS Pe HE Yura ena. ice MM. eed aS OT OR SeeSRe 20 Mb ? Peiory S mat RR As ang RENAN OT WA) RRR Ah P via F g" 4 rf myhns Brig’ ve , I ee WS dal, Ab hy ore 4% | oth Win ve wae Sind, ? ren To Aah ec genet a: A SUMET KK EPO UEOD Seen s nk ber i de. kl pe a A gt ae ho FA o ; , . F ey ame fy di ath 9 i PME Mea yy) mists Phe ee be ee ed bore | rats) ies es ae f : \' Puy Yen Me Ae x mW aun Vallis VEL ‘ ; ¥ ‘ t ee! + WAY aie | ‘ ba Cool 4 ” Fi gor ih See A » "h " 4 . Fa \ 3 a ' # eae ie BOF ry vie st i ey 4 Cig eA ' Pa pad a mr a: {bee % SY, EAR Tah a yt flea dela ig a oS | de eg v9) si wea i sleugimaee OTR Boe wir ai i) WEF ad ees a) An? : teu are ae i 4 ‘ay ’ Ns take Rey any, D Wa 1 My ‘ ‘ih Pn ‘i e r . Bei rat) ie geile gts Syyyt pels. Se eee: ey His me: CLOT “ j py ite ae FT Bn tee ye ‘ t wale " ‘ pares ” f Wea i i ere kyne j yet it ate : 4 *% i te a ay wll Vial al At rac alae Rea ORS nh dil b ViernO oes 2 hii ‘big: pena Na, ( AD va sb ‘ A ai a id an aa eat , r fa ‘Le ty i) Fe i ila RR ee ’ by ANUS Me ts i ; ' ‘ ss a Witla MM te, Wide uhh ue TR Cues aint: WM) Mes Be cs eae Sg ee ee Coa Goi oa Ser v 1 } ¥) me may : ra 4 Ay we ap.'e \ fenatpat Ane bo a + me 7 5 is "tue : ‘ ' ‘ o i " ny Wave et fA ) } fea tan Wee 1 dee Hy ARS rate Ny hac tag sa 8 1) LS AiteShayt 2M ar Se / ii wey ‘Sea Mt did iid ‘ A AMN TS AN Uy a au oh is a ie Ws za z De, of ; Ni We ag my win wi ail A Mt ‘Oe iy f H ‘my ‘i ; wha Sus i lh ae ‘y ih Lies M ev Ach yey A si ry pene ows at incr i i Hey he ih Aa e Mtr i - lit vial nt of aN Batting van Py uA hia OF Aa ot ee © le a iaegges z i “ne ds ey ey ‘ pin pee hh i 5 ir tas ga) Pe i By. ih I 0 * wy diy ; ' (i Avi be APO RDS OREN? Te) vtat we ad) ens ; vA ( i hilt TR) J a an ’ ‘ mis ty ny VA sa ca My 5 HE dale ee) ae Bi bit Ge ay bee OS EGE ae'0 beat bd ts. btciatnaoaaiad: Oot oak maine) daca ¢ dupe enh Be GO EAE Bae Re ove a mt , wie Enid ie Se ht WR by oy t ad avy Ke fou ERIN . ar Py , , i Mi be eat wavntt He Ly MMO Rie” TMM aley Be RA Sie ; 7 ie ay 1 tl ek He yf BE Re Me ed he d ial é 1 eae edad! °.) ‘Bae at ws a / - ® f \ " cy et 4 By 7 Fen Hp il iby, 4 re hg Vee bi . t } 1 Ay ) ih OL 0 A , iF ¥ ; it is re" : “hiv a 2 ° we t n'y sth: see’ o 5 £ >! re 7 i 4 h ne rye A a ed 4 ret aes fA ey 1 te ta DA A MES EG 3 OA EN | 2 UTR PE Bia aa eT gts. pe ee ws yw ; o ° ibe ACH Ae aed wea se de at , Hi et “4 POO TEM 7 MeN Ty es at yennyen ah 0 ky A veh ie Ayia me ci ye ie A Ga RI RR IR haa Sine j cask! iy 4 wie | phe eRe meee ele eel) Gb: Se hc De he Binatn, BE A A). a NER Be Hh wai : mene. re 4h ee ' ‘ Ate au sikh ae nwsieys Wis a BP geen sti i J ays i 4. , ; ‘ ¥ ase Mi () ay AO ; a Mme 8 ay ve Hy ee A a bar A me ! 4 \ A All yi Mea y Fenrted (V9 aaah pity 7 dy Hie he 1S oe a.” we ‘hy it Ve i it Pra i Te uf " Ae wen’ gifew mou? Dogs = a a = = —= = as oe ——e ris ~ iA. © ; l wane wht Hes hy i wok “aye is! ee thy ‘bane amu si a! Tale ant Lorie, erie ano pate: i @ re, , Nh ties i ‘Ate oa ine wells were all small and never caused any excitement». Most of them are Still being pumped. Near the junction of Queen Creek with Bast Hickory Creek a fair sized gas pool was developed a number of years ago in the Queen sand, The sand is nearly 100 feet thick there and the wells proved to have good staying qualities, About the same time a small oil pool was discovered in the Queen sand just north of the gas belt. The wells came in with initial flows of 2,000 bbls. or more, but quickly dropped off, and in a short time the production was so small that all wells were abandoned, Present development - Queen sand pool, The discovery well in this pool was drilled into the sand and commenced flowing April 20, 1922. The initial flow was only 20 bbls., but deepening increased the flow to 120 bbls. in 24 hrs. The latter production was sufficient to attract other operators to the field and development has proceeded rapidly from that time until recently, In May, 1923 the pool was outlined by dry holes and light producers in almost every direction, Particularly is this so to the northeast and southwest, The Noe 8 well of F, C. Proper et al. on the Hoffman tract sounded the death knell to hopes that the pool would extend southwest into Forest County; whereas the Kapp and Brocklehurst well on the property formerly owned by Merkle and located about two miles southeast of Tidioute definitely defined the northeast end of the pool, In all about 235 wells have been put dow in the vicinity of Tidioute in the attempt to find a commercial supply of oil in the Queen sand. Of this number some 180 have obtained oil in sufficient quantities to make it worth while to connect the wells with a pipe-line. In previous reports a small amount of data was given concerning the depths to the various sands, their thicknesses, etc, The follow- ing records are given to supplement that data: (1) Dry hole on Clifton farm, Deerfield twp., 14 mi. NNW of Tidioute. Drilled by McGovern & Allen and completed in winter of i922, Blevation at well mouth (barometric) - - = 1285 oy Br 0 ES Eg bo a aT a an aR I B25 a Queen sand (salt water) - ----+--*+7-+-+-+-° 1085-1086 (2) Wo. 8 well on Hoffman lease, F, C. Proper owner, located at SW end of pool on west side of river, about 3 miles S. of Tidioute, Drilled in April, 1923. Dry hole. Elevation at well mouth (barometric) - - - 1458 Casing -"- ----7+-+-++-+-+e777 77 7 7 7 tooo No Pirst, Second or Third sand Queen sand - - - = -- = -+-- 5 = es es =e =e = 4305-1314 a O88 egy 5 be eRe ee oh ‘a gr Ys pis 4 by aoe ae B a ry? 8 nah re Bt 0 .* ani ay oh \ ae sg BB coo WORD 2 ae bee ct a3 DOvO'’S NS A AD i Wit. Need sa + \ aso Par be et «:) KN Hig SA Malbec :vnh Ave Assy Ma Wid aha bet 4S iy } at i Mi es ait ig Py ii Hnpnia ie Hie dw ro , ah A nm wl ; anny yA 4 ) 4 ! i, it \' l M CR aT LO Ne hy 8 lage ee ai % yet ie tan a SY at y ea het gh pales. ° ite Ria. fake vey yan ny f ¢ pats 5 ae f ‘ . Aw YA eh “i he “ bY) ae A ipa es TS, wea one hens ; Atay 1 oe hy Ae | wae aa ‘ ‘ it ‘yy nN yf t, «ith ’ a he wy Raa Na ‘“ Pa. heath y we i j * ity yes hee ek! Bis ae Hae boule 4 \ 4 " ay ds Pian rae ena | ys i ah: Ay : i a 44 ‘ 4 iy 2 or} ws uf ‘ he + we \ nat any A sso m 3 Adee a i Ge an A, Ns Se ‘ t tie , ais sa a ¥ no Web y ABV a, ‘Ey k rey Bhs rbd DYE } Shy i , ai PALS 7) 4 = av, AW 4 ‘, re a » 4 é , fn St ne fe Hebi: *» Ae wh > a iu ‘ a) i 4 ‘ i ‘ t ey ee 4 A a) ae aoa y ni . siete BA WAGED) arti PabaNTANh ore) GIR PNR) A EE A 5 ; j i Pane, O10) a Ne Piet yt shah ‘i aN ly hah : % 4 . , y i Gala wt chum iin pert) Nie, ine : ry ) ; ; my Ip NMEA A INI aM Naat: SRP Ori ri i‘ mt re He a Ia ual MeN! nl Nt ahi ‘ , a Ai i j yi Oath . . a, Pave ; j DN Pan Neng , 4 “KN! ey " th,\ Pera 4. git ea Da Co RG eis: AeA AGN ERI Ry ite OR (it h a Ni st on BOE TES AO a eri eon pliant! i RARE | Mahe ea eee enn 4 WN Ay tue rey ; ; ‘ ‘ f Re n te Se Mt ; Ri vj ath A " 7 1 +4 ien + ae ay Kl te ee pee t ‘ , ’ 4 $ Ny ry | rs } ¥ “y a | ; 1 PY ¥ \ / ¢ ' | 5 @ ‘ ‘ ita iy " ae Se ey ips ff 4) ‘es & ie ‘ OO : “ Pur ‘ ‘ } if ¢ Oi) ; Fi yes : Pras A i eo RR od ae Lae Ch ial ald d A ‘ \ z : ‘ ORAL |) ; ; rn Sul) Ux MN 4 Q i . i us WE ae . ARIS i ARE ase he Boy MRR RAEN A le Me IO MUR CS a ue ie pea a ‘ Sit hay eye Far! ' * Nake ray hig | Be t @ y a) « sh oe ” ay 5 m { 3) tte bey) : ‘- ih Bi uy wl - j Fa ante ht ( - Aets ' 4 CUP Nabe raat it LE LPNS \ ! : ; ( rel Pies A j ¢ pay f oj 7 : M yt 9 ; Se es tore f etd | acta ele One et Ai Re dee 1 i hay i f ’ hi ae! . “3 f 5 ary fit M ‘ ) | iG h sp my a 1 y : ity ; Gaal cll Ray } Y iin) i ah ACORN a ; re od 4 i | ote deel low, A ie i ‘ ‘ ‘ Nl: yin e i ne ah au wt al My WAC LOL ae ! ee eid Nei (3) No, 1 well on Davidson lease, Bencdum-Trees owner, located in Si¥ corner of warrant 5204, Limestone twp., and about 3 miles Si of Tidioute. Drilled in 1922, Dry hole, Elevation at well mouth (barometric) - - 1700 GN ee me to 19 Casing - - -- <= -+--+ = 2-5 +2-+755+-- i" BO Pivsp eara =e a ee 458-526 Second sand - -~-----+-+-7+7+-+--+-+2-- 516-544 Shell - -- = -- ss - = es =e we ew ee 555- pI SG aaa epee a a on me eee 702-707 Pink rock - ----+-+-+7+-+7--+"-4-0 828-1202 Chemung sand - ~ -~-~~-=-+-=-+-+-+-+- 5 1202-1215 First Warren sand ~ - - - =~ - - - - = = = 1260-1545 Pebble shell (Queen sand) - - ----- - 14.60- (4) United Natural Gas Co, well #3095 on Wheeler & Co. property, warrant 5209, Hickory twp., Forest Co.; about 59 mi, SE of Tidioute, Completed in July, 1918, Elevation at well mouth - - - - +--+ = 1421,52 Conductor - =~ «= «8 =u em ew mw mw te BO Casing AM RRB TE on aia RI a gh Ae OO "0 ZL Slate and shells - - -= == «= © sm w= mw ow 30-246 White sand (fresh water) ---7--+-+-+--- 246-300 Red rook = = ~ =< s+ 25 wee we we ee ee 300-325 Second Sand - - ~-«----+-++e+-+--+e- 5 325-532 Slate --+-----+--++-+-+--5-++-+---- 332-365 Stray sand - -----7+--+-++-+-+-+-- 365-370 OE al ga Sai og a SOU SHY OSE ae a ae a ne 370-462 Third sand (salt water) -------+-- 462-469 Red rock - -----*+ +--+ = 354-255 - 469-487 LS BRS UAE ERAN OS re a an ee ee -~ = 487-507 nen LUC = eee ee ee Re 507 ~547 PLETE ee he ee Po) cea A SY CRU Ee 547-618 Pink rock =~ == - ~-- = =-=5==--* =": 618-950 SLaGe = wm we ee ee eee em 950-1047 Gray sand - ~ ---+-+7+-+-+++-+-+-+-+-+-- 1047-1072 Slate and shells - ---+--=-+-+-e2e8e--5 1072-1192 Queen sand Gags ------ eo -e-e - = 1192-1281 2 ee eee as ee San om ON _— -— = = 1281-1314 Total depth - - ---+-- --+-+-+-+-- 1314 (5) . Hague Oil Co, well No. 1 on Bayon proverty, Limestone twp., 14 mi. S of Tidioute. Completed in 1922. Dry hole, Blevation at well mouth (barometric) - - 1130 Third San@ --- - = = -<«-+-+-+--*+-+-+s5 +86 152- Queen shells - - - «= --= = =--+-++-+-+4s- = 900- Queen pay sand - - - = -=-=-+-+-+54-++--5 920- Sand - ~--2+ = +--+ - 5-5 5-5 -+---+-+-+-- 1033-1035 acat rh hat f te Lar a Ci. al mn rb aS te Whee a SES } at nat nt yt ree 4 Po yt ROS Be, +8! 80 Lane caer) Ls iu ol shi of Hooke thaw ,o0 640 taeda Ps ne eee on i eS iat bik hav ee 4 an — get ine ae thaw! 9 oe at pk toe. a 1 4 = ’ . i” , - haa sjasihin ig et | il a Bete OSH a4 ard ‘groans o a0 hor iter: Te pac i (sataw ceort re Ree go ake aie a fF Ree. ee hie thn OB eI Pee ee ae nN Be oor ~ ng - - 5 : ee ae “ehd ost par base nh caeeae net hetew aoou® is wel wie ci ai ame a a” me eem koa) S ere. SRG i) ¥ dois ope 00 ck i y de potatoe ; heel en o gueny ane i» van Ce (6) Charles Carnahan's No. 3 well (discovery well) on Mrs. Clara Siegins property, Limestone twp., 24 mi. S. of Tidioute. Completed April 20, 1922. Rlevation at well mouth = - = - --- = 1190 Third sand + - - ---—5= -=+=-+-s2+-+e+-e+- 221 = 229 Fourth sand, show of oil - ----+-+ e+e - 265 - 279 Queen pay sand Oil--+-+---+-- ~- - - 990 -1002 (7) Clinger 011 & Gas Co's. #3 well on Cartney property, + mile NE of discovery well, Completed in spring of 1923, Small oil well. Blevation at well mouth (barometric) + - 1250 Conductor - - - = += © 32 © ee ee mee ewe to 12 Oasing - 6g" ----+-+--++----7 2-57 " R11 Queen sand (3! white ‘sand (5° slate O41 «3 = os 1064-1075 (3% white sand (8) Clinger 011 & Gas Co's, #2 Hunter, 2 3/4 mi. SSu of Tidioute, well completed in July, 1922. Initial production - 700 bbls. Elevation at well mouth - ~ - - - = = + 1293 Conductor - «+ -« = 5+ © s+ ss een een to 65 Casing = 8" -~ « + = - ily 2 a ae, Tae ea OL n 185 Dy eS Se ee ee ae ee " 406 Third sand -~ --« + <= © www wn meen S29 =» BAD Pink rock - =~ ~-+ + +5 -*«# 2==--+--+- 515 = 850 Stray sand «-«-«-. + +--+ 22+ 222+ =e 8538 - 865 i: TED Tans ae hat Pe kg Sen! ae aes ao i 1000 -1020 Queen sand (Pay sand 11054-11143) - - - 1050 -11394 Total depth - - - - <- - - ~ 11394 (9) White O11 Corp, well #25 on Irvine property, Dale Run; Lime- stone twp, Complicted July 6, 1922. Initial production, 30 bbls. Elevation at well mouth - - ----- = L175 Second sand - - -=----++#-e+-*+-+--++-- te DRIP SANG 8 ei ee ie ee 201 - 214 Fourth sand - - ----=+=-+-+s4-+-4+%47 55 254 - 256 Pape TOO we wae SO ee 260 - 730 Warren sand - - ~-=+=-+--+-+-++2-+-54++-+-6 790 = 810 Queen sand - -- = - ++ =-+-+-+-8- 942 -1031 Pay sand + --=-+----+-+"*+-+-+--- 083 - 991 “i net . w i i ste Ebon eh at "at ty Os #3 c Pr if ‘aes "4 mit Ha Ny | y ‘a We +P) ae ao CESS Se yr ie EN nt ‘iaciee ie " aad | ne an 4s a | M tee e. eee Ports Ae aad Vw wrod a tng El ta os . re om vt 4) \e ne Ae » oh - roe ei pes th he eee in. ey WE \ na i fi i hf il RANGE EEE POs weet oy aoe pee. Beno se 1 eat \ aod 4 ee A CR see ER Pape bap 8 Oui nt. ¥ ded 7 ra e, mit \ iby an w al ant 7" , ‘Pr et MY 3 “te y 7 Y ’ ‘ G ft o- si. a ” Sy we nal vhs » = ae Ys cdl “~ pn Led y Oi ‘ } ehh " } all AW ie * rd n ” an ws om ” ei ee al “a nal ait b t Pas " “ oat « * we ~ afi " ~ = le oa mn bs ” ov a a ae an ae “~ + be sed "= eat ™ 4 iter ey ~~ Wwe ie a) hd ie. Ol +e WOR Ne ~ Nore ae ie bt a MAE iP Re SIRE 2 ARI OME Im sl Oargas . we af ioe me ves ern ” ae woe 4 - , * | Baw cbpee t whOOEE Kieu KANG) | See ‘ vied La Ne TN re sa iad ade a Pri a He “od Larok . mn ‘ By ve te PS f - p ; Ab | es ae LAM, ath Ol ena i wf wey AVG nes xtew ei ; f) ate oy We aie wu i ie ah bom whi ; f Ps a aM ean é ait % a ea el RS al teow ty Ay » pene my , ‘ | dee} ae Nae f wy Aunt FANG i o/s ae ~—" ay & > yeply * ue Ve} ail Faihie Pa it we Hays | DY a ae Pi) ¢ ie aia ee an a hae ie remem Wie re, vy fa va Fa t y } : a The . OT RON RR ARR SIRE Ie FR jm Se ae ae ECR Ge ae Cae a Ovy ~~ ao ~ ” Sad or! ee ee ek Bh ll ; HOLY SRR mm CA Ramee nd tee ‘ Bae dd laa oP ae an ee eee ha ae a (10) White Oi1 Corp. well #39 on Irvine property, # mile NE of well #25. Completed January 4, 1923, Initial production 32 (11) (12) 23 bbls. Blevation at well mouth - - - - - - - ? Yellow mud <~« - - --+---7- --+-+-+e- 5 ~ Sand and crevices - ~- +--+ --+-+--° 14 Slate - = -=-7---+ -~- 7. -=*+ 7 - ee 2 Shells ---+-+-e+7-7-277 72-7 = = 55 Slate - --=--e%%7-7- —_ == ee 75 Hare sand - =-- ---= == - -- --- 100 Slate -- - - +--+ 7+ +--+ - =e = = 125 Sand - - = - s+ *= +--+ 58s = =e = ee 250 Slate --—-=— = = -= = wee wen enn 274 Second sand ---=--+=-+-*-+--+-- 255 Slate --- =~-+-5- = +--+ 47--- 560 Halt sand + eee we ee ee 390 OES ee ae neared dca tee aa eae a 404 Third sand (Third Stray) ------ 485 Slate -----+-- == == = = = & 4.98 Fourth sand (Third) ----+--+-+--- 525 Slate -=- 2 -+- == 2 == fia lids pa) a i 545 Pink rock --+-*+-++-7+s- ee eee 650 Hard gand - -( = = + wine me em ee 1005 Slate ---*+ <6 ees e=— eee enn eo 1020 Hard sand - -~ - = = =e = +e an = = = 1115 Slate -=-*#-j| --=- = +--+ 2+ + --- 1145 Queen sand (pay) - - - ------ -~ - 1258 Total depth - - - ffi a Sh a Si eee ie 1266 as es KS | fH ~w OC O1 Clinger Oil & Gas Co. well #1 on Cracky- os ve ; . 5 q De a Ge fH te “ Ue ad mA aA 1 a ” “ieee, ie i ihwae } SLES i et?’ en f 4 ; , Re H i j | thw ¥ be pa a " " ‘ we ; ane ni y} Wl * * 1 es oe oD i ts ie 8 7 Fi wa ve an ‘ ’ : 7 } r , Uo CSE ag set es ae Sk ait a RE AES kee eh a aya emt aA ’ . iN " ‘Meath al i ‘ ‘ Tee ae le eT aet | % de: , rf : ‘ F ee ; dk: ‘ 7 , ~ + a wn oo ~~ “« “ he -~ aad ward big? ) (& f , nl a | ‘ Fig’ n LaF: 7 ees) a RUDE Nor Eat 5 | ee Me ee aaa By p. 4 ait 4 af , C ark at y \ . “ vv wh je re “ * ~, ‘ : 4 ay i me pote z a (zs ay - oa ~ me ae ” h, \y x ti fi : ati Leu en hem " ; eat yb 4 hile . a i r, > ~, 7" fn ts { as ap ~ ; 4 on rahe pee ua | Ge ‘ ! : f : : y , ‘ ‘ Le be j ‘ie \ ’ 7 hd 4 4 1 Ral in do we ’ j + by 4 : | os Teri | The sl ui Me be Wi 18% The Ge eae Rm Fi SMe Pm ‘MOLT 4 ey ae a 6 en a on oA cla Fike han tN tee AN eee ve A nde wet es ome ‘7 yee ee a lla . : hes 1) Lak a ‘a6 ae j fie 7 The le ay, ce i. waren: a) o> r , \y aes V¢ pi do Ab - " e = rt on Was me ~~ - ~ bad : ; 7 uN 1 “e og SA * ay 4 wv 1. ’ ba ‘ re : on ro we aly fe a a ad - 16 it eae : . . j Piatt - % 4 Wi y / thay ' j t } ie) Soe TS ae ig ; P; oh ¢ o 4 ‘ ae i ‘if. ¥ ‘ ‘ i, EI 1 oe . . Ve ale av ¥ y By ; , BUPA N 1s | . a eee Ae ei pwr ee Bieun de ; Ya ABE NUE DANE NICE Loam: bo igrbaagh Ade A on ; od ey ‘ rth $ , ae. E a i vie % . - ° -~ om o a) = ** Lf ais Fi i vil fai bee DS «adit.