ye S 39.68 /4: gue 25 oe Ra rRINUWTN Bulletin No. 25. Mf. 'M. LEIGH Panvary obo Lee). - COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA HPARTMENT OF INPERNAD AFPATRS James F. jJoodward, Secretary ) B AU OP TOPOG RAPHIC aND GEOLOGIC.:L SURVEY gaat Hs Ashtle y,. State Geologist ee ee re eee a COAL RESERVES IN GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Introduction, In connection with the “Introduction to the Bituminouc Coal Fields of Pennsy lvania" now being prepared for ase amet on by the Geological Survey of Pennsylva ania , coal reserves of the bituminous fields are being computed by Mr, John fT. Reese, In order to render This information available at once without waiting for nee uncertain Gave of the publication of the report, an abs stract of Mr. Reese's Saeures for Greene County is given herewith, All of thie information Pesci y available at this time has been usec in the computation, which tTOllowec the methods used by the Lard Classification Board of the Worted States Geological Survey:‘in its valuation of the public coal dands. The results are given by beds for each tovmship. For some beas and for some areas the data are abundant and the resuits entirely reliable, For other beds and areas tre data are meager and the results Peogect tO revision as additional data are obtained. Washington coal is ha d from measur ments of the outcrop in the eastern port of the county and from its occurrence in Vest Virginia on the south and west, wow DO im ‘ - ¢ . ’ a ri se : ', f ed Tee i a By Se ahs vie is aA BE RA SS i hes pan. This coal is mined for local domestie use throug shout the. area where it outcrops. The bed is badly broken by partings, is very ashe is “mined only because of local convenience, and until necessity aemande Will not be utilized much more extensively than now. 040 £26" Lat a ~ (2 tn aaq‘e ee = o> 333 a = ; os ee : GL8* Bee otoce oO ergs 28 po, 80S Lehr Se hese oe ot eae ; G ; = Ost’ Es a ao ore. — 36 Aone $ VES KO SH a 990° g .96G va 9% Sadat 6 ; OLE Vet eG 7G ort 0926 682 008/229 (63 C00 09g 8T G40) S94" 9E 00S" ZIL'¢ 094‘ L78' ie pus OLD SS Se ate 00 78 Seo! GSa‘vIt a ae 06S eee 007‘ 90¢‘0¢ GAT La‘ T9T OGL RGR‘ LL OLT‘ 906 ee ULTYUCLT 5 pa = = : TLq0 | 00? ‘OST 6¢ 000/ 00'S! Pee a pxuund git ee : $ 000° 226' Ty Oe ee : 194 SUTt v a oS a eae FCUTYS —f re O94 SL¥‘90T Tepe) = Lous Ta eee ; STNG Sou att occa ze C. 4.2 08 sued oi x Of. SUVeth. Ut. £ ee TIO TOS <~o eS *O * ———$—$_________-- Ue 309 ST Q319 A000 — OT ngqs49 Td Gt = 04 a= TTORTyp2 “ eae) eas WIG ~ Lo YAOW es ar na ’ | fT ete he) i \* { . \ Agha sa Gea Coal Reserves in Greene County, in short tons. mete ee es ne ce eee ne + es ee ew eee Bea Original deposit Mined out Recoverable ea ee ne a Pitts>urgh 3.919 485,600 39,420,000 2,831,453 J aa, ww oP Si oO Sewickley 1,393,407 ,000 er OC Lyd hee oD 000 270,000 1,647,858 950 Vashington 865 , 880 , O00 100 , O00 ¥359', 148), 850 Freeport 1,594 ,080 ,000 ~--- 677 484,000 es Total 10, 330,094,600 42 490,000 7 011,399,400 ee eres a nc = en en A A I a The table on page 5 gives the estimateé recoverable tonnaze by beds and townships. The figures heave been given 25 computed. It should however be distinctly understood thet while the acreage of €ach of the beds has been accurately computed, the reliability of the everage thickness of the coals usec in the computation of tonnage de- creases for the several becs given from left to right and for the- TOWNShivos from east to west or from nortreast to southwest, Thus, Wiile the ficures for the Pittsburgh bed are conservative and probably reliable, the figures for the Freeport coz1l may be much too small or many times too large, Detailee tablés of the coal reserves in each township have been prepared and will apvear in printed form in the report now being written on the bituminous coal fields of the State. They can be con- sulted in the office of the Survey; or figures for a single township Will be sent on request. , R - a i iA 7 ee { oe | 1 La « beat» * id 4 A Wie Y i ue yl A ae nye “a s7 Pah ini) wranyn ce fl yi Ash ¥ i Pee Mt