ij | STATE OF ILLINOIS~— Board of Administration.| | RULES AND REGULATIONS | th Revised June 1, 1913, : for the government of the : Zigrin State Hospital, Kankakee State Hospital, Jacksonville State Hospital, - Anna State Hospital, | Watertown State Hospital, |. Peoria State Hospital, Chester State Hospital, Chicago State Hospital, Alton State Hospital, Psychopathic Institute, Lincoln State School and Colony, } OFFICE OF THE BOARD State Capitol, Springfield. STATE OF ILLINOIS Board of Administration. RULES AND REGULATIONS Revised June 1, 1913, for the government of the Elgin State Hospital, Kankakee State Hospital, Jacksonville State Hospital, Anna State Hospital, Watertown State Hospital, Peoria State Hospital, Chester State Hospital, Chicago State Hospital, Alton State Hospital, Psychopathic Institute, Lincoln State School and Colony, Under the control of the Board of Administration. OFFICE OF THE BOARD State Capitol, Springfield. SPRINGFIELD: ILLINOIS STATE JOURNAL CO., STATE PRINTERS 1913 ees . Pe Li - ay us . ag ra he s? mt iv PLY, oP oe AS A ele DO har WP f ae RS fe val Pea Pa ne , rial ie oF 5 Ale on o cae v j : i, “ ie na 4 teu . / Me mes A aha a7 wt > A Cr, F af, : aie i ? ‘ Pay Tier . 7 ‘ “ ' rau, / > . jet r , 4 \0 -* CUON pr wt? WEPART Mcwy STATE OF ILLINOIS BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION. ———— FRED J. KERN, President. B. R. Burroucus, Secretary. FRANK D. Wuirep, Fiscal Supervisor. FRANK P. Norpury, M. D., Alienist. KJ THomaAs O’ConNorR. aay 9 eT Kankakee State Hospital, Hospital, Illinois. < ' Elgin State Hospital, Elgin, Illinois. .>dacKsonville State Hospital, Jacksonville, Illinois. Anna State Hospital, Anna, Illinois. Watertown State Hospital, Watertown, Illinois. Peoria State Hospital, Peoria, Illinois. Chester State Hospital, Menard, Illinois. ie y Chicago State Hospital, Dunning, Illinois. Alton State Hospital, Alton, Illinois. Psychopathic Institute, Kankakee, Illinois. at Lincoln State School and Colony, Lincoln, Illinois. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates A fe https //archive.org/details/rulesregulationsOOilli_6 RULES AND REGULATIONS. (Revised June 1, 1913.) The activities of these institutions shall be divided into the following departments: The Medical Service. The Nursing Service. The Business Administration. The Mechanical Department. The Farm. The Garden. Tue MEDICAL SERVICE. The Medical Service shall consist of the superin- tendent, the assistant superintendent, physicians, assistant physicians, medical internes, dentist, dental interne, pharmacists, stenographers for the medical service, and clinical clerk. THE NURSING SERVICE. The Nursing Service shall consist of a chief nurse, supervising nurses, charge nurses, nurses, pupil nurses, attendants and hydrotherapist. Tue BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION. The Business Administration shall consist of the following divisions: The Accounting Department. The. Store. The Industrial Service. The Domestic Service. The Culinary Service. The Driving Department. The Accounting Department shall consist of a chief clerk and necessary assistants. The Store shall consist of a storekeeper and neces- sary assistants. The Industrial Service shall consist of an indus- trial teacher, a shop foreman, and necessary assist- ants for each. . The Domestic Service shall consist of a head house- keeper, a head laundryman and a head seamstress, and necessary assistants for each. The Culinary Department shall consist of a dieti- tian, a pasteurizer, head cooks, cooks and necessary assistants. : The Driving Department shall consist of a coach- man. THE MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT. The Mechanical Department shall consist of the following: A chief engineer, assistant engineer, engineers, boiler maker, steamfitter, plumber, elec- trician, firemen, engineer’s helpers, a head mason, masons, plasterers, laborers, a head carpenter, car- penters, a head painter, painters, a blacksmith and a tinner. THE FARM DEPARTMENT. The Farm Department shall consist of a head farmer, a dairyman, a poultryman and necessary assistants for each. THE GARDEN DEPARTMENT. The Garden Department shall consist of a head gardener, a florist and necessary assistants for each. THE SUPERINTENDENT. The superintendent shall be the chief medical and executive officer of the institution, and, subject to the Board of Administration, shall exercise entire official control over the subordinate officers and employees in the service. He shall have the general superintendence of the buildings, grounds, farm and garden, together with all stock, machinery, furniture, fixtures and equipment of every nature belonging to the institution. It shall. be his special duty to see that all officers and employees are energetic, punctual and exact in _ the faithful performance of their several duties. He shall have entire control of the medical, moral and dietetic treatment of the patients. It shall be his duty to visit the wards sufficiently often fully to inform himself as to their condition and to assure himself that his directions concerning the care and treatment of the patients are being faithfully executed. He shall cause to be made, in the manner prescribed by the Board of Administration, a full and complete history of the admission, examination, classification and treatment of each patient com- mitted to the institution. It shall be his duty to see each newly admitted case within five days follow- ing admission and to have note of such visit entered in the staff meeting record and in the clinical record of the patient. He shall be charged with the respon- sibility of determining when patients are sufficiently recovered to warrant their parole or discharge. He shall have power to parole and to extend the parole of patients from time to time as may be provided for by law or by rule of the Board of Administration, and to discharge patients when in his judgment their condition warrants such discharge. The superintendent is charged with the carrying on of all correspondence of every nature concerning the institution’s administration and pertaining to patients, and it shall be his duty to delegate such portions of this correspondence to the assistant super- intendent, members of the medical staff and chief elerk as in his judgment will best serve the interests of promptness, thoroughness and unfailing courtesy. It shall be his duty to require subordinates who assume any portion of the ccrrespondence, to answer fully and promptly every inquiry, and to have the letters in answer to inquiries concerning patients couched in the most courteous and respectful lan- . guage. The official correspondence of the institution shall be written upon the letter-head of the institu- tion, form of which shall be furnished by the Board of Administration, and shall, as far as possible, be signed in person by the superintendent. When authority to sign his name to letters is delegated to a subordinate officer, such letters shall be submitted to him for his personal inspection before they are mailed. — He shall have charge of the inmates’ trust fund; shall accept deposits, giving his receipt therefor; and shall disburse the funds thus deposited in the man- ner and for the purpose requested by the friend or relative of the patient who makes such deposit, pro- vided such disbursements shall not be made for any purpose prejudicial to the best interests of the patient or that does not have his full approval. He shall cause to be kept a set of books in the manner and form prescribed by the Board of Administration that will readily show such receipts and disburse- ments, with the balance on hand at the close of any day’s business. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to co- Operate with the State Psychopathic Institute in the matter of instruction of the members of the medical staff, of case examinations and of case record keep- ing, to whatever extent is required by the Psycho- pathic Institute and approved by the Board of Ad- ministration. It shall be his duty to conduct a school of instruc- tion for attendants and a training school for nurses in the manner and form prescribed by the Board of Administration. He shall be charged with the duty of a full and complete inspection of the accounting department, the store, the laundry, the sewing room, the shops, the kitchens, the mechanical department, the farm and garden, and their equipment, and to confer with, advise and direct the heads of all departments of the institution in carrying out the directions of the Board of Administration and the institution policies. All of the property of the institution being under the direct care and custody of the superintendent, ‘it shall be his duty to arrange in such manner as may be prescribed by the Board of Administration for the interchange of farm, garden and industrial , products with other institutions. When, in the judg- ment of the superintendent, it becomes advisable to sell any live stock, produce, condemned implements, or any of the property or equipment belonging to the institution, he shali make written application to the Board of Administration for permission to make such sale, and upon their approval, shall sell in such manner as may be prescribed by the board. When the consummation of such sale is delegated to the head of any department, the superintendent shall issue to such person a written permit to make the sale, giving full description of whatever is to be sold. After the sale has been completed, the person authorized to make the same shall endorse upon the back of the superintendent’s permit the date of sale, full name and address of the purchaser, items sold with price obtained, and his own signature, and shall file the permit so endorsed with the chief clerk, together with the funds received in settlement. It shall be the duty of the superintendent to have prepared at the close of each day’s business, a de- tailed report of movement of population, and trans- mit same to the Board of Administration, as provided for by the rules of the board, and to include therewith carbon copies of all requisitions for sup- plies issued by the storekeeper during the day’s business; also carbon copies of all orders for sup- plies, and carbon copy of any general or special order which he may have issued during the day. To facilitate uniformity in, making up the daily report, the following order in reporting events will be observed (General Order No. 62): Report of Unusual EHvents— 1. Accidents to the plant. 2. Accidents to employees. 3. Presence of epidemic disease, (Name the disease and number of cases.) Movement of Population; Admissions; Discharges— 1. By parole. 2. By escape. 3. By death. 4.» By court order. 5. By order of the Board of Administration. 6. By the superintendent. 7. By any other form of discharge. Seclusion and restraint in accordance with special orders No. 170. Seclusion; Seclusion and Restraint; Restraint— Pa90'p 10 Movement of Officers— 1. Managing officer, present or absent. 2. Assistant superintendent, present or absent. 3. Other officers absent from duty. 4, Other officers on sick leave. Note—When present, managing officers must per- sonally sign the daily reports in ink. When these rules and regulations become effective, it shall be the duty of the superintendent to place in the hands of every employee then in the service, or who. shall enter the service thereafter, and take receipt therefor, copy of a booklet which shall be provided by the Board of Administration for the guidance and direction of employees in their con- duct and in their relations toward patients and to require all employees to follow strictly the rules therein set forth. Being charged with the general supervision of all of the employees, it shall be the duty of the superin- tendent to require each and every employee to give all of his time to the service of the institution, and he shall forbid and prevent employees from engaging in work of any naturé for private purposes. It shall be the special duty of the superintendent to see that each and every person who visits the institution for any purpose shall promptly receive the attention, courtesy and consideration that is his due from each and every employee with whom such visitor has to do; and so to conduct the institution and its affairs that all branches of its activities where they come in contact with its patrons and the general public shall be such as will in every way commend the institution to the public. Tne ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT. The assistant superintendent shall be the second ranking officer of the institution, and shall be, as his title indicates, an assistant to the superintendent in carrying out the details of the administration. During the temporary absence or illness of the super- intendent, he shall succeed to the active manage- ment and have all the rights and powers of the superintendent. His engagement is for service prac- tically continuous, and he shall be on active duty & 11 from 8:00 a. m. to 6:00 p. m. of each day. Subject to the approval of the superintendent, he shall have entire charge of the medical service. It shall be his duty to divide the service into suitable assign- ments for the various members of the medical staff, taking into account that recently admitted patients and those in the infirmaries and hospital wards re- quire a larger degree of attention, and the number of patients assigned to the various members of the medical staff shall be in suitable proportion to the requirements of the patients. Assignments in the various departments of the medical service of the institution may be changed from time to time at the discretion of the assistant superintendent with the approval of the superintendent. Subject to the approval of the superintendent, he shall regularly detail the stenographers in the med- ical service to their duties, having in view that the correspondence shall be promptly answered and that case examinations and case record keeping shall always be kept up to date. He is charged with the inspection and direction of the entire system of records pertaining to patients, and it shall be his duty to require the clinical clerk to keep these rec- ords in such manner and form as may be prescribed by the superintendent. He shall have immediate charge of all drugs, medicines, medical and surgical supplies, and shall aid and direct the pharmacist in the execution of the duties of that position. It shall be his special duty closely to supervise the issuing of alcoholic liquors from the pharmacy and to see that none are used for purposes other than those of a medical agent. He shall receive all patients who are admitted to the institutions and shall have direct charge of all the official records concerning the admission, de- tention, death or discharge of patients; and it shall be his duty to see that these entries are properly and promptly made and that each day’s business is completely entered at the close of the day. In receiving female patients from officers or other per- sons, he shall see that the requirements of the law for the proper attendance of female patients are carried out in every instance. It shall be his duty to report immediately to the superintendent every 12 case of accident, injury or serious illness of patients that comes to his attention. Illness of officers or employees which renders them unfit for duty shall be promptly reported by him to the superintendent. He shall visit the hospital wards or buildings for the physically sick at least once in each twenty-four hours and shall make such other visits to all of the wards of the institution as time will allow to famil- iarize himself with the condition of each patient and to know personally, as far as possible, all of the patients of the institution. He shall have immediate charge of the school of instruction for attendants and of the training school for nurses, and, under the direction of the superin- tendent, shall carry out all of the plans for this branch of the service, and shall require that proper records of attendance and class work be faithfully kept. His relation to the management is of such a nature that he should at all times keep in touch with the policies of the administration and use his best efforts to carry them out, and to this end, in so far as his other duties allow, he shall, by personal inspection, endeavor to familiarize himself with the condition of the physical property, the mechanical equipment, the farm and gardens, and all of the activities of the institution, that he may be better enabled to administer the affairs during any tem- porary absence of the superintendent. PHYSICIANS. All physicians shall have equal rank in the service and shall be charged with the responsibility for the immediate care of the patients assigned to them from time to time by the assistant superintendent under the approval of the superintendent, and for the carrying out in detail of all of the policies of the superintendent or his assistant, together with their special directions for the care and treatment of patients in the application of all remedial agents in use by the medical service of the institution. Their engagement is for a service practically continuous, and they shall be required to be on active duty from 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. of each day and shall be subject to call whenever their services may be re- quired at any other hour of the day or night. — af ~~ 13 It shall be their duty to visit each ward assigned to their care at least twice during the day and to spend -in the wards under their immediate control as many of the remaining hours of active duty as may be taken from the other duties of their position. The visitation of wards is to be of such a degree of thoroughness as will enable the physician to know at all times that he has accurate knowledge concern- ing the mental state and physical condition of every patient under his care. Whenever it becomes neces- sary to administer to any patient food or medicine coercively, it shall be done only at the specific direc- tion of the medical officer in charge, and then only in his immediate presence. In addition to the visi- tation to patients, it is required that they shall give constant attention to the cleanliness, order and ventilation of the wards under their care, and they shall require the charge nurses to report promptly to the proper department needed repairs of any nature.