MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT A SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES PUBLISHED DURING THE LAST DECADE roe TO BE FOUND IN THE LINGOLN LIBRARY SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS JANUARY, 1913 SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS AND MAGAZINE ARTICLES ON MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT General Questions of Municipal Adminis- tration. Baldwin. Retirement employees. 1911. v. 38, p. 6-14. systems for municipal Annals American Academy. Beard. American city government. 1912. 352-B368 — Municipal functions. 1911. (In his American government and politics. p. 603-6.) 342.73-B368a Bruere. New city government. 1912. 352-B889n Decker. Proposed municipal administration code for New Jersey cities. 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 204-12. Also 352- A512 Deming. Government of American cities; a study of municipal organization and of the relation of the city to the state. 1909. 352-D38 Fairlie. Local and villages. government 1906. in counties, towns 352-F 172 Problems of city government from the administrative point of view. 1906. Annals American Alcademy. v. 27, p. 132-54. Fesler. Relation of civic and commercial or- ganizations to municipal government. 1911. American City. v..5;. p. 274-9: Goodnow. Municipal government. 1909. 352-G65m The British city; the 1907. 352-H85b -_—_———The city, the hope of democracy... 1905. 352-H85 Howe. democracy. beginnings of Jones. American municipal services from the standpoint of the entrepreneur. 1906. Annals American Academy. v. 28, p. 371-84. Lindsay and O’Higgins. The beast. 1910, 352-L75 Merriam. Investigation as a means of securing administrative efficiency. 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 281-303. Also 352-A512 Milwaukee (Wis.) Bureau of economy and ef-- ficiency. Bulletin No. 1. Plans and methods. 1911. 352pam Munro. Government of American cities. 1912. 352-M96qa ee Government of European cities. 1909. 352-M96ge Rowe. Problems of city government. 1908. 352-R878 Steffens. Shame of cities. 1904. 352-S817 Welton. Problem of securing efficiency in mu- -nicipal labor. 1912. Annals American Acad- emy. v. 41, p. 103-14. -Also 352-A5i2 Wilcox. The American city; a problem in democracy. 1904. 352-W656 Great cities in America, ineir problems and their government. 1910. 352-W66g Commission Form of Government. Beard, ed. Loose leaf digest of short ballot charters. 1911. 352-B368 Bradford. Commission government in Ameri- can cities. 1911. 352-B799c History and undefriying principles of commission government. 1911. Annals American Academy. v. 38, p. 673-81. Eruere. Commission government. 1912. (in his New city government. p. 16-99.) 352-B889n 3 F louima ae ae | A A PY oak ve 5 gy ep CS =p3m Carpenter. ih kas 862-70. Cooper. 1911. 853-61. Donnelly. Securing’ efficient administration under the commission plan, 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 218-35. Also 352-A512 government in [Illinois Annals American Academy. v. Defects of commission government. Annals American Academy. v. 38, p. Objections to commission government. Annals American Academy. v. 38, p. Fairlie. Commission cities. 1911. 38, p. 748-56. Gardner. Initiative and referendum in commis- Sion cities. 1911. Annals American Academy. We of; PD. &23~32. Hamilton. Dethronement of the city boss. 1910. 352-H218 (Ed. 3, 1912, entitled Government by com- mission.) Holly. Defects and limitations of the commis- sion plan. 1911. Annals American Academy. ¥, 38, p, 871-6. Munro. City government by commission. 1912. (In his Government of American cities. p. 294-321.) 352-M96ga Murdoch. Participating commission plan of government. 1912. American City. v. 6, p. 471-6. Robbins. Selected articles on the commission phan of municipal government. 1909. (De- baters’ hand series.) 352- R632 Ryan. Real problem of commission government. 1912. Popular Science Monthly. Vee vaaie. bl 275-83. Civil Service. Bradford. Municipal civil service. 1911. (In his Commission government in American cities. p. 262-70.) 352-B799c Catherwood. Efficiency in city government; an account of the new development of civil ser- vice in Chicago. 1911. World Today. v. 20, p. 327-382. Chicago (Ill.) Bureau of public efficiency, Re- port on Civil service commission. 1911. 352pam Fuld. Efficiency records in the civil service of New York City. 1911. American City. v. 4, p. 115-8. Goodwin. Civil service provisions in commis- sion charters. 1911. Annals American Acad- emy. v. 38, p. 808-15. Foode. Civil service reform in municipalities. 1911. American City. v. 4, p. 20-2. Municipal Ownership and Franchise. Beard. Franchises and public utilities. Mu- nicipal ownership, 1912. (In his American city government. p. 190-242.) 352-B368 Cleveland. Municipal ownership as a form of governmental control. 1806. Annals Ameri- can Academy. v. 28, p. 359-80, Howe. Municipal ownership. 1906. (In his The city, the hope of democracy. p. 113-57.) 352-H85 Johnson. Public regulation of street railway transportation. 1907. Annals: American Academy. v. 29, p. 275-91. King. Regulation of municipal utilities. 1912, 352- K52r Morgan and Bullock, comp. Selected list of articles on municipal ownership. 1911. (De- baters’ handbook series.) *352-M843 National Civic Federation. Commission. Public Ownership Municipal and private operation of public utilities. 1907. 3 v. 352-N277 Porter. Dangers of municipal ownership. 1907. 352-P384 Relation of the American municipalities to the gas and electric light service; a symposium. 1906. Annals American Academy. v. 2%, p. 200-33. ; Rowe. Municipal ownership. 1908. (In his Problems of city government. p. 271-340.) 352- R878 —Municipal ownership and operation of street railways in Germany. 1905. Annajs American Academy. v. 27, p. 37-65. Wilcox. Franchise provisions in charters and statutes. 1911. can Academy. v. 38, p. 783-97. commission Annals Ameri- Municipal Finance and Budget Making. Beard. Raising and spending the city’s money. 1912. (In his American city government. p. 129-58.) 352- B368 Bruere. Accounting and reporting methods, Budget making. 1912. (In his New city gov- ernment. p. 125-204.) 352-B889n Bullock. Selected readings in public finance. 1906. 336-B933 Chicago (Ill.) Bureau of Public Efficiency. Re- port on Special assessment accounting sys- tem. 1911. 352pam — Report on methods of preparing and ad- ministering the budget of Cook County, IIl. 1911. 352pam Clowes. a Wr bere ee 9 86-93. Efficiency in water revenue collection. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. Also 352-A512 Fisher. cities. 41, ep: Efficiency in the fiscal 1912. Annals 71-8. Also operations of American Academy. v. 352-A512 Goodnow. Financial administration. 1909. (In his Municipal government, p. 361-77.) 352-G65m its needs and re- (In his Regulation of public 264-75.) 352-K52r King. Uniform accounting; sults. 1942. utilities. p. Handbook of t_eonhauser. municipal account- ing. 1912. 658- L584 Mero. Municipal accounting methods. 1910. American City. v. 2, p. 277-81. Municipal indebtedness; a symposium, 1905. Annals American Academy. v. 25, p. 615-35. New York City. Bureau of Municipal Research. “New York City’s department of finance; being a report on present methods, with sug- gestions for reorganization. Part 1. 1908. 352pam Powers.‘ Rucget provisions in commission gov- erned cities. '°1911. Annals American Acad- emy. v. 38, p. 798-807. Efficiency through accounting. American Academy. v. 41, p. 352-A512 Prendergast. 1912. Annals 43-57. Also Pultz. Economy and efficiency in the depart- ment of water supply, gas and electricity of New York City. 1912. Annals American Academy. ‘v. 41, p. 78-85. Also 352-A512 Sands. Efficiency’ in budget making. 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 1388-50. Also E 352-A512 1909. Sayles. Budget and the citizen. Outlook. v. $2, p. 1048-59. Taussig. Results obtainable through reorgan- ization of accounting methods. 1912. Annals American .Academy. Vv. 41, p. 57-63. Also 352-A512 Terrell. Issue of American City. v. municipal bonds. 191.1; 4, p. 56-60. Walten. Application to a municipality of mod- ern methods of accounting and_ reporting. 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 64-69. Also 352-A512 Williams. 1°09. Municipal auditing and accounting. American City. v. 1, p. 106-09. Taxation, Cleveland’s method of tax assessment. 1910. American City. v. 38, p. 292. Fairlie. Report of the taxation and revenue system of Illinois. 1910. 336.2-F172 Fels. Taxation of land values in American and foreign .cities. °1910.. “American City.) 1a. 227-29, Harrison. Getting down to tax in Pittsburgh. 1911. Survey. v. 26, 476-9. Howe. Municipal taxation in German and American cities. v. 49, p. 488-91. 1911. Scribner’s Magazine. Kales and Liessmann, comp. Tax laws and judicial decisions of the state of Illinois. 1909. 347-K14 Taxation in American 1906. 155-72. Wilcox. debt. 401.) cities; a symposium. Annals American Academy. v. 28, p. Municipal 1906. revenues and municipal (In his American city. p. 341- 352-W66 Public Works. Connell. Standardization of specifications for public works. 1912. Annals American Acad- emy. v. 41, p. 127-38. Also 352-A512 Water Supply. Armstrong. Municipal water purification plant of Grand Rapids, Mich. 1911. American City. V.°5,°p. “217-21, Chicago (Ill.) Bureau of Public Efficiency. Re- port on electrolysis of water pipes of the City of Chicago. 1911. 352pam lilinois Water Survey. Chemical and biological survey of the waters of Illinois. 1909. 543.3-1 29ws Hansen, Obligation of waterworks superintend- ents with respect to the sanitary quality of public water supplies. 1911. American City. v. 4, p. 106-8. Koester. Water supply and civic fountains. 1913. ~American City, v.38, p.73-13: Lipman. Bacteria in water. 1908. (In his Bacteria in relation to country life. p. 56- 102.) 589.9-L764 Mason. Drinking water and disease. Purifi- cation of water. 1911. (In Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 33-90.) 614-B315 Potter. An important water works rate and ap- praigal investigation. 1913, American City. vv. S. p.. 65573, Relation of the municipality to the water supply; a symposium. 1907. Annals American Acad- Biya ive 30,. pe 557-92. Water supply. 1909. ing, plumbing, and 206.) Whipple. TSi1. (In Cyclopaedia of heat- sanitation. v. 3, p. 67- 628-C99 Clean water aS a municipal asset. American City. v. 4, p. 161-5. Sewage and Refuse Disposal. Baskerville. Sanitation and the city. 1911. (In his Municipal chemistry. p. 1-20.) 614-B315 Mebus. 1910. Sanitary sewerage and sewage disposal. Mmorican City Vio 3,0 Dx 167-7 Morse. Disposition of the city’s waste. 1910. American City. v. 2, p. 119-22, 177-80, 223-27, 271-74, v. 8, p. 36-40, 84-88. 1909. (In Cyclopaedia of plumbing and sanitation. Miter dey 3 628-C99 Sewers and drains. heating, 233-380.) Very. Waste disposal by utilization, cremation, incineration and destruction. 1G alae (In Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 252-76.) 614-B315 Winslow. Disposal of city sewage. 1911. (In Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 276-800.) 614-B315 Wyld. Modern methods of municipal refuse disposal. 1911, American City. Vel Spl Dp. 205-9. Streets. Byrne. Treatise on highway construction. 1902. 625-B399 Chicago (lll.) Bureau of Public Efficiency. Re- port on Bureau of Streets, 1911. 352pam ———Report on repairing asphalt pavements. 1911. 352pam Cushman. Streets and _ their construction. Modern road construction. 1911. (In Basker- ville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 193-209.) 614-B315 Elliott. New street lighting. City. Vv. 2, p.' 254-68. 1910. American Erwin. Streets from the landscape point of view. -1911. American City. v. 4, p. 76-77. Eshleman. Modern street lighting. 1912. American City. v. 6, p. 510-17. Goodrich. Efficiency in highway administration with special reference to pavements. 1912. Annals American Academy. v. 41, p. 115-27. Also 352-A512 Marony. Decorative street lighting, 1912. American City. v. 6, p. 423-25. Municipal paving; a symposium. 1907. Annals American Academy. v. 29, p. 559-600. Page. Roads, paths and bridges, 1912. 625.7-P132 Prevention of dust on city and suburban roads. 1912. American City... v.. 6, p. 587-93. Richardson. Science in the service of highway construction. 1912. Popular Science Month- ty. — N80) pee 326-37. Spalding. Text-book on roads and pavements, 1912, 625-S734 Very. Modern methods of street cleaning. 1912. American City. v. 7, p. 484-9. Local Improvement. Activities of civic organizations for municipal improvement in the United States; a sympos- ium. 1905. Annals American Academy. v. 25, p. 359-401. , Best species of trees for city streets; from city foresters. 1912, v. 6, p. 565-69. opinions American City. Goodnow. Local improvements. 1909. (In his Municipal government. p. 325-60.) 352-G65m Lake. The billboard nuisance. 1910. Ameri- can City. v. 3, p. 219-24, McFarland. Relation of the commission form of government to public improvements. eh ge American City. v. 5, p. 36-9. Peck. Cincinnati’s new billboard regulations. 1910. American City. v. 2, p. 11-14. Phillips. City tree planting. 1910. American CityR Vi 3S): py 1281-35; 178-33; Robinson. Modern civic art. 1909. 352.5-R65 Solotaroff. City’s duty to its trees. 1911. American City. v. 4, p. 181-4, 166-8. Municipal control of shade trees. 1912. American City. v. 6, p. 489-90. Woodruff. To boycott the bilboard; the right of the citizen to an unposted landscape, 1908. Craftsman. v. 13, p. 433-8. Parks and Playgrounds. 1912. (In his p. 324-56.) 352-B368 Beard. Municipal recreation. American city government, Parks, gardens and playgrounds. 1911. Municipal chemistry. p. 614-B315 Britton. (In Baskerville, ed. 497-503.) Chicago (Ill.) ‘Bureau of Public Efficiency. Re- port on park governments of ‘Chicago; an in- quiry into their organization and method of administration, 1911. 352pam Crawford. Development of park systems in American cities. 1905. Annals American Accademy. v. 25, p. 218-34. 331.8-M567 —Current development of municipal recre- ation. 1911. American City. v. 4, p. 181-84. Mero. American playgrounds. 1908. 1910. p. 149-83.) (In his Wider use 379.1-P462 L909; Perry. Playgrounds. of the school plant. (In his 352.5- R65 Robinson. Parks and parkways. Modern civic art. p. 807-54.) Veiller. districts. Warden. Vacation playgrounds. (in| National Society for the Study of Education. Tenth ‘yearbook. Part 1. 1911. p. 22-33.) 379.1-N277 Social value of playgrounds in crowded 1907. ‘Charities. v. 18, p. 507-10. Smoke Prevention. Economy and smoke prevention. 1910. Engin- eering Magazine. v. 40, p. 506-12. Franklin. Can smoke be prevented? 1912. Cassier’s Magazine. v. 42, p. 258-62. Kershaw. Smoke abatement. 1912, Nine- teenth century. v. 70, p. 1162-77. Owens. Standards for smoke prevention. 1911. Engineering Magazine. v. 42, p. 279-82. Parsons. The smoke problem. 1911. (In Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 322- ave 614-B315 in Boston. 1911. New 44, p. 126-30. Smoke law that works England Magazine. v. Wilson. Cure for the smoke evil. 1911. Gan “Gity. Vite 4 op. 72638 =7) Ameri- Fire Department. Breneman. Combustibles and explosives and their relation to fire risk in cities. 1911. (In eT Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry. p. 396-416.) 614-B315 Bruere. Protection from fire. 1912. (In his New city government. p,. 293-303.) 352-B889n Croker. Fire prevention. 1912. 614.84-C943f Jenks. (The) fireman. 1911. 614.84-J53 McKeon. Fire prevention. 1912. 614.84-M1572 O’Reilly. Fire fighting, 1911. 614.84 - O66f How to become a fireman. 1912. 614.84-O66h Police Department. Bruere. Protection of persons and_ prop- erty. 1912. In his New city government. p. 263-92.) 352-B889n Fuld. Police administration; a critical study of police organization in the United States and abroad. 1909. 352-F96 Goodnow. Police administration. 1909. (In his Municipal government. p. 234-87.) 352-G65m O’Reilly. How to become a patrolman. 1911. 352.5-O66 Sylvester. Police system. 1907. National Con- ~ ference of Charities and Corrections. Pro- ceedings. p. 109-12. City Prison. Dooley. Treatment of jail cases. 1907. Na- tional Conference of Charities and Correc- tion. Proceedings. p. 112-20. Dawson. German tramp prison. 1907. Fort- nightly Review. v. 87, p. 282-91. Imprisonment of men for non-payment of fines. 1911-12, Survey. v. (27, p.'1022, -v. 28.9 p. soau: Justice and the jail. 1909. Outlook. 543-44, 551-54, VW S279 Lewis. Jails of New York State. V¥.L22)7 pi-Vel-Os. 1909. Survey. Model jail under salaried management. 1905. Annals American Academy. v. 25, p. 204-06. Setting the criminal straight. 191 World’s Work. v.21; p. 14254255. Public Health. Allen. Health needs and civie action. ip ot Annals American Aicademy. v. 387, p. 247-56. Baker. Vy er. 15-16; Sanitary survey. 1913. American City. Community health building by means of 1912. American City. v. 6, p. Ball. inspection, 483-85. Baskerville, ed. Municipal chemistry; a series of thirty lectures by experts on the applica- tion of the principles of chemistry to the city. 1911. 614-B315 Beard. Guarding the health of the people. 1912. (In his American city government p. 261- 87.) 352-B368 Bruere. Protection of life and health. Repre- sentative health organizations and work. 1912. (in his New city government. p. 314-34, 401- 15.) 352-B889n Burnham. London’s method of controlling diphtheria in schools. 1910. American City. P ve Bo 117-18: Chapin. Sources and modes of infection. 1910. 614.4-C463 Dutton. Sanitary control of public eating and drinking places—its regulation by law. 1912. Scientific American. v. 74, p. 403. Evans. Legal powers of health departments, requirements and limitations of police power laws. 1912. American City. v. 7, p. 121-5. Efficiency and economy in 1911. American City. Evans and Drake. municipal health work. v. 4, p. 82-85. Fischer. Visiting nursing as an economic fac- tor. 1905. National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. p. 263-73. Palmer. ‘Shortcomings of municipal health ad- ministration. 1911. American City. v. 5, p. 64-8. Survey and the smaller city. 1911. World To-day. v. 21, p. 828-32. Park. Proper per capita ‘cost of a health de- partment. 1311: American ‘City. Weak De 210-12. 1912. 614.32-R813 Struggle against preventable diseases, typhoid and tuberculosis; a symposium. 1907. An- nals American A'cademy. v. 29, p. 184-203. Resenau. The milk question. Wallace. Opportunities of public health offi- cials. 1909. National Conference of Chari- ties and Correction: Proceedings. p. 182-92. Waters. Visiting nursing in the United States. 1969. 362-W329 ————Programme of housing reform. Housing Reform. Adams. City awake—Detroit. 1911. v. 26, p. 666-71. Survey. Barker. tion. 585-604. Greatest social problem and its solu- 1910. Nineteenth century. VemOcee 8D), Beard. Tenement house reform. 1912. American city government. p. 287-311.) 352-B368 (In his Breckinridge and Abbott. Chicago housing problem, 1910. American Journal Sociology. v. 16, p. 289-308, v. 17, p. 1-34, 145-76. Brush. Congestion problem. 1911. 199-207. Certain aspects Philadelphia. Hill Academy. in cities and the housing Review of Reviews. v. 43, p. of the housing problem in Report prepared by the Octavia Association. 1902. Annals American v.20, p. 111-20; Comstock. Chicago housing conditions; the problem of the negro. 1912. American Jour- nal of Sociology. v. 18, p. 241-57. DeForest. Tenement house regulation—The Reason for it—Its proper limitations. 1902. Annals American Academy. v. 20, p. 838-95. Ihlder. Work of a housing committee. 1912. 331.83pam 1902. 123-36. in Boston. Vi oeOy: Dp. Paine. Housing conditions Annals American Academy. Housing conditions in Jersey City. Annals American Academy. v. 20, p. Sayles. 1902. 139-49. Strong. What kind of homes? how a chamber of commerce has helped solve the housing problem, 1912: American City. v. 6, p. 630-5. Symposium on housing reform. can City. v. 8, p. 17-34. 1913. Ameri- Veiller. tical use in American cities. Housing reform; a handbook for prac- 1910. 331.83-V427 1912: 331.83pam White. experience aS an owner. Sun-lighted tenements; thirty-five years 1912. 331.83pam Public School Administration. Bardeen. Paid board of education in New York. 1911. Educational Review. v. 42, p. 322-4. City school administration. 1911. Survey. Vv. 26, p. 115-6. Educational organizations and progress in American cities; a symposium. 1905. Annals American Academy. «v. 25, p. 157-88. Eminent authority in support of right prin- ciples; question of paying school board mem- bers. 1911. Outlook. v,. 98, p. 560-1. administration. 1909. 307-24.) 352-G65m Goodnow. Educational (In his Municipal government. p. Grenfell. and the citizen’s duty toward it. tional Education Association. p. 994-1000.) Constitution of the ideal school board 1909. (Na- Proceedings, Horn. City schools under the commission form of government. 1909. Educational Review. VM. 37, p. 362-74. x Schaeffer. tional 1902. Taxation for school purposes. Education Association. p. 314-23.) (Na- Proceedings. For references to books on school management and curriculum, consult the “Selected list of books on education and related subjects in the Lincoln Library.” September, 1912. Public Library Administration. Bostwick. The American public library. 1910. 027.4-B74 a Ze HAN 2460139 Canfield. Basis of taxation for public libraries 1906. Library Journal. v.31, p.°c36=40, Dana. Relation of the library to the city. 1912 American City. v. 7, p. 314-7. Fiaines. Effect of civil service methods upo library efficiency. 1906. Library Journal. v 31, p. 699-704. Jennings. Municipal civil service methods as affecting libraries, chiae Library Journal. v. 36, p. 399-406. Ranck. Municipal legislative reference librar- ies; should they be maintained as a part of the public library of a city or as an independ- ent department or organization. 1909. “jG brary Journal. v. 34, p. 345-54. Thempson. Budget for the library. 1911. Pub lic Libraries. v. 16, p. 430. Tyler. Effect of the commission plan of gov ernment on public libraries. 1911. Public Libraries. v. 16, p. 281-84. Wadlin. tion; 1906. Public library as a municipal institu from an administrative standpoint Library Journal. v. 31, p. 30-34, Wellman. 1911 Public Libraries. Library as an_ investment. v. 16, p. 277-80.