University of DPennspfoania i SEAT | | FUNDAMENTAL REGIONS FOR CERTAIN — ae ce FINITE GROUPS IN ae : ‘ A THESIS fae "PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN- /> PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR _ THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY PACERS ey ee HENRY FERRIS PRICE __ Ae Reprinted from " . AmEricaN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS | . o, i Nol SSN d oe January, 1918 -Mathe matics : “Department Rate) . . 4 . Ce r x 3 f ; i : “f 2 z vies. ¥ ¢ 4 7 # he ; } University of Pennspfoania FUNDAMENTAL REGIONS FOR CERTAIN FINITE GROUPS IN S4 A THESIS PRESENTED TO THE FACULTY OF THE GRADUATE SCHOOL IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY BY HENRY FERRIS PRICE Reprinted from AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS Vob aA. No. oJ January, 1918 Fundamental Regions for Certain Finite Groups in Sa. By Henry F. Price. One of the most interesting results of the study of transformations is what Klein has termed the “fundamental region.” A fundamental region for a group of transformations is a system of points which contains one and only one point of every conjugate set. Fundamental regions in the complex plane have been studied for some time and are well known. Klein®* and his followers have developed the subject to a considerable extent. There is a close relationship between this subject and the elliptic modular functions and the reduction of quadratic forms. The fundamental regions for groups in more than one complex variable have not been studied much. However, J. W. Young,f in a recent paper, obtained such regions for cyclic groups in two complex variables. In this paper will be considered fundamental regions for certain finite groups in two complex variables. The octahedral and icosahedral groups will be dealt with. The fundamental regions for these groups in the real plane can be readily determined and found to be triangles bounded by the axes of reflections. In the case of the complex plane the problem is solved by using Hermitian forms which meet the real plane in the sides of these triangles. The problem will be solved completely in the case of the octahedral group: In the case of the icosahedral group it will be solved except for the points which reduce one or more of the Hermitian forms to zero. The writer wishes to express his appreciation of the assistance and encouragement given him by Dr. H. H. Mitchell, of the University of Pennsyl- vania, in the preparation of this paper. The ternary collineation group G,, can be generated by the following three operations: E,[—&,, &, &], Eel&,&, &] and E3[&,, &, &]. It permutes the points of the real plane. As it contains nine operations of order 2, there are nine reflections. As the group is simply isomorphic with the symmetric group on four letters, it is evident that these reflections are in * Felix Klein, “ Elliptischen Modulfunktionen, Vol. I, pp. 183-207. 7+ J. W. Young, “ Fundamental Regions for Cyclical Groups of Linear Fractional Transformations on Two Complex Variables,” Bull. Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. XVII, p. 340. 19 Oe 18 Maize. ty Prick: Fundamental Regions for Certain Finite Groups in S,. 109 two conjugate sets. The axes of the reflections, &:=+&,, &=+8, Ro=+th, £,=0, &,=0 and &,=0, divide the plane into twenty-four triangles. Any point in one of these triangles can be transformed, by a suitably chosen operation of the group, into a point in any other triangle. Any triangle is then a fundamental region in the plane for the group G,,. The group permutes the complex points of the plane also. If we consider the totality of points in the plane, complex as well as real, as real points in four-space, we may ask the question whether fundamental regions exist in S, for the group under consideration. If one does exist it must contain one triangle, and only one, of the real plane. The fixed points of the transforma- tions would lie on the boundaries of such a fundamental region. Es e nat) g Consider the Hermitian forms £,,—£.6, and £616: in which > =2+tu 4&3 and bs =y-+iv. Under the G,, we have two conjugate sets of three forms Es a (1) BE—£8,, (4) Be +E, (2) ake —Esks and (5) EE +E Es, (3) E.f—E,E,, (6) EE, +Ese,. It is evident that there is at least one relation between the forms, i. e., (1) + (2) + (3) =0. If we consider the portion of S,in which the signs of (1), (38), (4), (5) and (6) are all + and make use of the relation (1)+(2)+(3)=0, we see that the sign of (2) is determined as —. This region will be written [+—+,-+-+-+] where the signs of the six forms are written in order. We shall next consider into how many such regions S, is divided by the six Hermitian forms. The forms (1), (2) and (3) are conjugate under G,,, and because of the relation (1)+(2)+(3)=0 admit at most six arrangements of sign. The forms (4), (5) and (6) are also conjugate under G,,, and admit at most eight arrangements of sign. There are therefore forty-eight possible choices of sign for (1), (2)....(6). But the eight arrangements divide into two complete conjugate sets of four under G,, according as the number of + signs is odd or even. For one of such four choices for the forms (4), (5), (6), the six arrangements of sign for (1), (2), (8) all are conjugate, e. g., the +-+-+ choice is unaltered by the group G, of permutations of the variables, and the G, permutes all arrangements for (1), (2), (8). 110 Price: Fundamental Regions for Certain Finite Groups in S,. Hence the forty-eight possible choices of sign or possible regions in S, divide into two conjugate sets of twenty-four each, and two of these regions, one from each set, constitute a fundamental region in S, for Gy. The region [+—+, +++] belongs to one of the sets. By changing the sign of (5) to — we obtain a region [+—+, +—+] of the other set. Taking these two regions together we obtain T=[+—-+,-+2+] which is a fundamental region in S, for the group Gy, except for the points which reduce one or more of the Hermitian forms to zero. If we consider the points which reduce one or more of the forms to zero we are dealing with what we may call the “boundaries” of the fundamental regions. By placing the six forms in LT equal to zero singly, in pairs, in groups of three, etc., in all possible ways, and discarding those which are conjugates of others, it is found that there are twenty-three sets of points which are sections of I’s boundaries and which should be taken in the fundamental region for the group. I can be defined completely, therefore, by the sets of points: [+—+, +++], [+—+,+0+], [0—+,+++], [+—0,++4],. [+—-+4+, 0+4], [+—+,++0], [0—-+,+0+], [+—0,+0+], [+—+4+, 00 0], [+—+,0+0], [0—+,0++], [+—0,++0], [000,++4], [+—+,00+], [0—+,00+], [+—0,00+], [000, +0 +}, [+—+,+00], [0—+,+00], [+—0,0+0], [000, 00+}, [o—-, DESO, [ane 0S 0s0 nN eT The ternary collineation group G,, furnishes a more complex fundamental region in S, than G,, does. by the three operations: E,[&, ee E,] ; El, oecas arg be and i= E,—ake-+(a+1)é, Bs4 beak + (atl) estés, "A Es= (a+1)8:+8.—abs, eal a where «= sen Es oe a fond This group permutes the points of the real plane. operations of order 2, there are fifteen axes of reflections. It is well known that this group can be generated As it contains fifteen These lines divide * H. H. Mitchell, “ Determination of the Ordinary and Modular Ternary Linear Groupe,” Trans.- Amer. Math. Soc., Vol. XII, No. 2, p. 223. Price: Fundamental Regions for Certain Finite Groups in S,. 111 the plane into sixty triangles. The intersections of these fixed lines are real fixed points of three classes; first, the points left invariant under the fifteen subgroups of order 4; second, the points invariant under the ten subgroups of order 6; and third, the points invariant under the six subgroups of order 10. Each of the sixty triangles into which the plane is divided by the fifteen fixed lines has for its vertices one of each of the three classes of fixed points. Kach of the sixty triangles is a fundamental region in the plane. The group also permutes the complex points of the plane. Just as in the case of the G,, we can consider the totality of real and complex points in the plane as real points in S, and seek a fundamental region for the group Gg in the higher space. Consider the Hermitian form 2£,£,+22,¢,. Under G,, there is a single set of fifteen forms conjugate to 22,£,+2,¢,, which can be expressed in terms of six forms: Fi\= (a —1)& 2+ (a +2) E,— (2a+1) Ff +328, +328, Fy= (a +2)&8,—(2a+1)&.f.+ (a —1)bs6s—3856:—386,, F,=—(2a+1)&:6,+ (a —1)£,£,+ (a +2) £f,+3£.8,+326, Fy=—(2a+1) EE, + (a —1)E Eo + (a +2)Esbs—3EE.—3bobs, Ps= (a +2) £,2,— (2a +1) Ff, + (a —1)&6,+38,6,+386,, Po= (a —1)£,2,4 (a +2) fof ,— (2a+1) Ff,—3,,—38 £5. The fifteen forms conjugate to 28,6+22,¢, are F,—=—F,,=—F,—F,.- There are twenty relations between these forms F',,+F;,+/,,=0. It is found that the Hermitian forms F,, F'5,, F'y., 3, and F'5, meet the rea] plane in the sides of the triangle whose sides are x+ay—a’=0, 7=0 and y=0. For any point which lies in this triangle, the signs of F,, and F;, are both —, while those of F,,, F',, and F's. are all +. Taking F,, and F';, as negative and the other three forms as positive, and making use of the twenty relations between the forms, it is seen that the signs of the remaining ten forms are determined. Therefore, none of these ten forms can cross the region in S, which is determined by the five forms under consideration. Since for this region F;>F,>F;>F,>F,>F., it can be written [345216]. Under Gg the region [345216] has sixty conjugate regions. These meet the real plane in distinct triangles, the fundamental regions, for the group, in the plane. 112. Price: Fundamental Regions for Certain Finite Groups in S,. The question arises into how many such regions is S, divided by the forms F’;,? ‘ For any point in S, not on an F’;, the values of the Ff’, are all distinct, and, since these six values admit at most seven hundred and twenty permutations, the forms F’;,, have at most seven hundred and twenty arrangements of sign. Under G,, the seven hundred and twenty of the F; divide into twelve conjugate sets of sixty each, and if one value system is taken from each set we obtain a fundamental region. As an example of such a funda- mental region we give the twelve value systems determined by the inequalities F,>F,>F,, Fs>Fs, F;>F.>F, and F,>F,. Notwo of these are conjugates under G,, and therefore they comprise a fundamental region in S, for the group, except for the points which reduce one or more of the F',, to zero. ve ‘Gaylord Bros. Makers Syracuse, N. Y, PAT. JAN. 21, 1908 i | mtn 017041903