SUPPLEMENT TO THE Fourth Catalogue of Books POU sot Wel sere ~~ OLE LO NOSSO DSP DOGS DODD ODD I DOGO I DID DID ODED SP SLIDES DESO DIE SD SD SD SDE. SO ID ODO SG OG OOD SOS OBO OS OS OBO SISOS COBO SOSOSOSE URBANA FREE LIBRARY Ct hier ee Gf) eo bk. eae URBANA, ILLINOIS 1905 %, ‘ 3 CATALOGU EF URBANA FREE LIBRARY SUPPLEMENT 1905 bei HISTORY AND TRAVELS ANCIENT AND UNIVERSAL HISTORY. Arnold, Howard P., Historic Side Lights,909 Ar6 Broughton, Willis, History of Ancient PGOpPleS... «tem eats eee 901 B66 Duruy, Victor, Ancient History of the East, History of the Greeks, History of the Romans,901 D936 Crane, Stephen, Great Battles of the orld’ eee Victor, A General History of the WV OPAC eka eee ote ees Re et eset 909 D936w Fitchett, Deeds that Won the Empire... .909 F55 Henty,G. A.. Famous Battles of the 19th Centur 909 H39 Sanderson, Edgar, History of the World 909 Sa54 Willson,M., Ancient and Modern History,909 W69 coe ec eee eee ee eee ee oe oe eee ee Magnus, Lady, Jewish Portraits....... 922 M27 Maspiro, G., Life in Ancient Egypt and Assyria. seers ee mse alam iteeta eels 952 M382 Edersheim. Rev., The Temple.. .923 Ed24 Peters, Madison C., Justice to the Jews.933 P444 Davids, aw. Rhys, Buddhist India... .934 D282 Oldenberg, O., Ancient India.......... 934 OI14 . Barry, William, Papal Monarchy (590- 105) pei Rrea rs Ac te eee aie 5G 937 B278 Crawford. HOM; Ava Roma... <22-8 937 C856 Duruy, cre History of the Middle NOS ese Ok ak oy Seana 940.3 D934 Schaff, Philip, The Renassiance.... .940 6 Sch12 Duruy, Victor. His‘ ory of Modern Times,940.7D934 Wittenmyer, Mrs. Amie, The Women of the Reformrationic oat eee 940.7 W618 FOREIGN HISTORY. Joy, James Richard, Twenty Centuries ‘“ OLibuglish History tose soe ae ee 942 J84 Keightley, T., History of England... ..942 K244 Story, A. T., Building of the British Fim pire, 2 -VOlNe carscdy cnc ewan os 942 St62 Larwood, J., Story of the London Parks,942.1 L32 Mittoun, Francis. Dicken’s London.. .942.1 M642 Stanley, A. T., Westminster Abbey... .642.] St2 Timbs, J., Romance of London, 2 vol. .942.1 T48 Edwards, Owen L., Wales............ 942.9 Ed9 Brandes, George, Poland, a Study of the Land, People and Literature... .943 8 B752 MacDonald, John F., Paris of the ‘Parisiangs. 0s oa ethe ar oe 944 M142 A* Woman’s, Paris.......2.....5) sue 944 P214 Law, William John, The Alps of Hanni- balizises t275. 2 sn eee 944.94 L41 Kennan, George, Tragedy of Pelee. . .972.98 K36 Blashfield, Edwin H., Italian Cities, 2 Miller, William, Medieval Rome..... 945.6 M616 eee Clara C., Naples and its Envi- «i Path dee 3 DISD» Bian ene 945.7 C59 Latimer, E. W., Spain in the 19th Cen- tULy ovae ce Seber. ee ae 946 L35 Morris, nes Historical Tales—S pan- ASE LG shite 67F Aen tpiaee ete = ehchere eee 946 M83 Biddle, A. J. Drexel, The Land of the Wine, Maderia Island, 2 vols..... 946.98 B47 _ Beveridge, Albert J.. The Russian Ad- VANCO oa asa ea eee 947 B464 Verestchagin, Alexander, At Home and in War, 1853-1881 947 V584 Wolley, Clive Phillips, Savage Svanetia, coe ero ec eos ee eee ee 2 VOLS ceo oR ee 947 9 W834 Motley, J. L.. Rise of the Dutch Repub- lie;: Sovols..23c ves eer eee 949.2 M8dr Palmer, F., Going to War in Greece.. .9495 P18 Van Berger, R., Story of China........ 951 B274 Colquhaun, A. R., China in Transform: AtiON . ¢wsws «led nee cea tee 951 C67 Douglas, Robert K., China............ 951 D742 Scidmore, Be RK. China the Longlived Empire oi. 2's ean teers 1h 951 Sci2 Wildman, Rounseville, China’s Open DOOr s.. 25:5 Se eis oe I ee 951 W644 Hamilton, Angus, Korea............. 951.9 H18 HISTORY AND TRAVELS Brinkley, Capt. F., Japan, Its History, Arts and Literature,(12 vols) vols1-6,952 B772 Japan, its His‘ory, Arts and Literature, Pictorial and Applied Arts, vol. 7. Japan, its History, Arts and Literature, Keramic Art, vol. 8. China, its History, Arts and Literature, Keramie Art, vol. 9 China, its History, Arts and Literature, vols. 10, 11 and 12 Van Bergen, R., The Story of Japan... Chrichton, Andrew, History of Arabia, BON HA Mya) cys fies ie n & 2) 000) ede's "853 C864 902 V27 Hedin, Swen, Through Asia, 2 voles: 95a Hane | Hogarth, David George, The Penetra- “tion of PAO is Bivins ES ce ei? oe 953 H672 Poole, Stanley L., Medieval India 712- 1764 + DEC ARED Corn ee roe 954 P78 Scidmore, Eliza R. Winter India...... 954 Sci3l Benjamin. S. G.. Storv of Persia........ 955 B43 Stevens, G. W., From Capetown to Lady- SUNG. nt ie ee er 960 S:31 Hillegas, Howara, Oom Paul’s People,960.2 H552 Fenn, G Manville, The Khedive’s (Usa oM Ae Oe al ee 862 F361 Montbard, G, Land of the Sphinx.....962 M.76 Ball, C. B. Reynolds, City of the Caliphs,962 2 B21 Bonsal, Stephen, Jr., Morocco. As It Is..964 B64 Kingsley. M. H , Travels in West Africa,.966 K6 Davis, Richard Harding, With Both Ar- fics mm ooutle a (rita. es see. ob 967 D298 Pringle, M. A., A Journey in East Africa.967 P886 Glave, K. J., In Savage Africa........ 967.2 G464 Schreiner, Olive, South African Ques- NOVI ge Ae ae a Sere 968 Sch7 Stanley, Henry M., Africa, Its Past and EC TG TEER CE A OMS, ofan Oe RE gS a 968 St2 Butterworth. H , South America.......:980 B98 Carpenter, Frank G., South America. .980 C222 Curtis, William, Between the Andes and PRCMOGeRTA: eects 2. es 980 C94 Adams, W. H. D.. Thutios the Incas and City BiMtUORUh {Byer old ees 2 985 Ad1 Lydston, G. Frank, Panama and the SSE EC pone oe | ARS be eS nee fee 986 L982 Worcester, Dean C., The Philippine Is- LAOS, a aay 22d We hat. 25% oi-o 991.4 W886 Younghusband, a. J., The Philippines and Round About.-.........0..+. 991 4 Yo8 Forbes, Anna, Insulinde.............. 992 F744 Tregarthen, Grenville, Story of Austra- PER Eko oot Si nteleiees «hata ey Care 993 T71 Carpenter, Frank T., Australasia, Our Colonies and Other Islands of the ee a eich 3 ene Cee 994 C126 Carpenter, E. J.. America in Hawaii. .996 9 C224 FOREIGN TRAVELS. Arnold, Sir Edwin, Wandering Words. .910 Ar6 Kipling, R., From Sea to Sea, 2 vols... .910 K62 Barrows, John W.,A World Pilgrimage,910.4 B274 Brassey, Lady, In the Trades, the Trop- ics and the Roaring Forties...... 910.4 B73t De Amicis, Edmondo, Oa Blus Waters,910.4 D341 Hill, Frederic Stanhops, Twenty Years GUA SSa reed, Metal ko nle Sidals axlteiae 910.4 H55 James Henry, Portraits of Places...... 910.4 J23 Loomis, Eben J.. An Eclipse Party in Taf Na Vel Ha Pia a ERP AUER YE, OMe Pe 910.4 L874 Slocum, Joshua, Voyage of the Liber- SLB za) Sudan. hele oleae = Meeadan fit 910.4 S15 Slocum, Capt. Joshua, Sailing Alone Atoundther World... 2. se cy ens 910.4 Sl5s Stevinson, Mrs. M. J., From Saranac to the Marquasas and Beyond...... 910.4 St47 Verne, Jules, The Exploration of the ADOT LCN sempre te natant. ct cer ia rane 910.4 V6 Barrows,John H.,A World Pilgrimage,910.8 B272 Brehm. Alfred E. Wild Life and Scenes POMC aN Ve LANG 5: oe ava 3 a's eee es 910.8 B745 Burroughs, John, Far and Near...... 910.8 B934 Davis, R. H., A Year from a Reporter’s OLS BOOK. Deverell i Tees ee 910.8 D297 Chapio, E.L, Experiences of a Little REA V OUST cri, wimeriets cinte oes «= pints Se ae 910.9 C362 Lent. William B., Gypsying Beyond the Sacer ar raeirn oS seb bea Bare 9109 L542 Lumis, Charles F.. Spanish Pioneers. .910.9 L97 Thwaites, Reuben G, Rocky Mountain LOT ALONE 44: afn ac Sp '< ear aeaccentene 910.9 T424 McLeod, W.,-Geography of Palestine.913 3 M22 Allen, Grant, The European Town... .914 AL52 Byers, S. H. M., Twenty Years in OTOP ei at te cred, aero Als oe 944 B994 Guild, Curtis, Briton and Muscovites. .914 G944 Guild, Curtis, Abroad Again.......... 914 G94a Maggregor, J, Voyage” in the ‘Rob LOY, gerne Sane wipe th ee ah ao ese pst ot con See 914 M17v Serrano, Mary J., Highways of Europe.913 Se64 Stevenson, R. L., An Island Voyage... .914 St47 Pennell, J..Our Journey to the Heb- HIAGS Fao bawerce donde vanddndeeedh 914 1 P28 Tozier, Josephine,Among English Inns914.2T669 Johnson, Virginia F, The. World’s Shing ecm asi. 6 ahah eee ae 914.5 J63 James, H.. A Little Tour in France... .914.7 J28 Stevenson, R. L., Travels with a Donkey TES. CAV ODTIOS ire:6-or. sicrctctere ce © © 914 46 St47 POUMSON ek Ways ONG. 6.2% Jada Nees 914.51 J63 Ober, F. A., Rambles in Sunny Spain.914.6 Ob2 Abbott,Capt.James, Narratives of a Jour- ney from Heraut to Khiva, Moscow and Strhetersbures 2aes: saad «ee 914.7 Ab2 Hapgood, Isabel F., Russian Rambles,914.7 H216 Griffis, William E., The American in PT GIDE oes ek onl Naa o on oi Daas 914.92 G87 sonOu Clifton, The Isle of Sham- ROHS epi eek oa boaters shee hanice s+ A 914.15 J686 AIEL, S., Under the Dragon Flag..... 915.1 Ald Hornoday, Wm..T., Two “Years in the Jungle, India, Ceylon, Malay and BORGO, 30 aa Hc bee vie aes EOS 915.4 H786 4 HISTORY AND TRAVELS Hunter, Sir William, The Thackerays in TAGs. Oyo rae ec eoieeee nts 915.4 H786 Karageorgevitch, B., Enchanted India,915.4 K148 Nameh, Safar, Persian Pictures....... 915.5 N15 peje John,, Beautiful, Land (Pales- HG) ern thane Meee 915.69 F954 Bookwalter J. W., Siberia and Central ASIA 2% Wits eh Oe Onis ele ee 915 7 B642 Underwood, L. H., Korea........... 9159 Un21 Acker, Finley, Pen Sketches......... 916.2 Ac52 Finck, H. T., Spain and Morocco..... 916.4 F49 Kingsley, Mary H., Travels in West AtVica sc i\. .25..treep ee ees oie es 916.7 D6 UNITED STATES HISTORY. Jones, George, Ancient America........ 970 J71 Brooks, Elbridge S., Story of the Amer- ICABLINGIAN sie ie Beers om 970.1 B79 Ellis, Edward, Indian Wars of the U.S.,970.1 El5 Fletcher, Alice C., Indian Story and eta) EY at ca em MERA ICE Bae SRC AE 970.1 F634 Humfreeville, J. Lee, Twenty Years Among our Savage Indians....... 970.1 H88 American and Hudson Bay Company’s Perritories: ey ws «= tees See eee 971.2 Am3 Cooper, @;,.Our Country. 20..0 5 0528.18.) 973 C78 Eggleston, Edward, Beginners of a Na- bHOM SEs ee, Case Ai ee eee es 973 Eg3b Eggleston, Edward, Transit of Civiliza- tion from England toAmericainthe — Lith (Century. :o.0 ee easy yee 973 Eg3t Higginson, Young Folks’ History of the U.S Roosevelt, T., and H. C. Lodge., Hero Tales from American History..... 973 R676 Sparkes, Edwin E., Men Who Made the ING GIOMSL Se eles ume ert ee wanes se 973 Sp26 Thorpe, Francis N., History of American Peoples. Fes sca eels bone see aoe 973 T591 Anderson, Rasmus B., America Not Dis- covered by Columbus........... 973.1 An22 ee hee James, Discovery of Old North- AORTA Bae oy sales alee ate iene 973.1 B19 Pao Stephen D., Prehistoric America, AEVOIRU Rustin a's Souris Reaeh mee cuetne Sane 973.1 P45 Brooks, Geraldine, Dames and Daugh- ters of Colonial Days............. 973.2 B79 Earle, A. M., Customs and Fashions in Old New England.............. 973.2 Ea7e Earle, A. M., Dairy of Anna Green Wins- LO Wieseie sc oo vue tenet Racyt a eens Sete os Ne 973.2 EaTd Earle, a M., Home Life in Colonial Day gt yo Sayeee etal te re ea ees 973.2 Ea7h Earle, A. M., Stage-Coach and Tavern Da ysis crs kbd Ae siete eoename ane 973 2 Ha7s Field, Beard. Colonial Tavern...... 973.2 F456 Smith, Helen C., Thirteen Colonies. ..973 2 Sm5 Lodge, Henry Cabot, Story of the Revo- lution 2 sic. Ssas 6 cleans o 5 Se ', 3973.3 L82 Trescot, William H., Diplomacy of the Revolution...» .+d.0%.+ 55.5 - eran 973.3 T726 Baldwin, James, Conquest of the Old Northwest... ..cs shes bean «> oR 973 5:B19 Hatch, William H., War of 1812......973.5 H28 Alphabetical List of Battles......... 973.7 Al62 Dodd, Seymour, Song of Rappahan- MOCK o sisic ee Sie teak x ee 973.7 D662 Fiske, John, Mississippi Valley in the Civil | Wari...) ren bees oe ena Be F54 Kirkland, Frazar, Anecdotes of the Re- bellion, Funny and Pathetic...... 973.7 K73 Pittenger, William, Great Locomotive Chase, (Andrews’ Railroad Raid). .973.7 P684 Tourgee, Albion W.. The Veteran and His-Pipe. 2.4 See eee 973 7 T645 Bandelier, ie F , Gilded Man.......... 972 B194 Biart, Lucian, The Aztecs, Their History Manners and Customs............. 972 B47 Conkling, Howard, Mexico and the Mex- ICANS 0,000 c's vove oa ite et Ss 972 C764 Ballou, M. M., Equatorial America... .972 8 B2I Scherzer, Dr. Car], Central America, Nic- arena, Honduras and San Salva- ; saclida Oh tasiile Tyee alapee al ek an ae 972.8 Sch2 Fiske, See K , West Indies.......... 972.9 F54 Bangs, John Ke Uncle Sam, Trustee.972.91 B22 Abbott, W. J, Blue Jackets of 98... .972.91 Ab2 Davis, R. isis ‘Cuban and Porto Rican Campaign As ease re coe he renee 972.91. D297 Davis, R. H., Cuba in War Times. .972 91 E297i Draper, Andrew S., The Rescue of wives! te ial Stoney th ata ts) 972.91 D791 Hall, Tork Fun and Fighting of the Rough Riders ..32%) gape 972.91 H14 Halstead, Murat, Story of Cuba, Cause, Crisis and Destiny............. 972.91 H164 Marshal], Edward, Rough Riders in Camp and Battlefield........... 972.91 M35 Morris, C., War with Spain.......... 972.91 M83 Otis, James, The Boys of 98......... 972.91 Ot4 Roosevelt, T., The Rough Riders... ..972.91 R67 Rowan, A., Island of Cuba........... 972.91 R78 Russell, Henry B, Our War with Spain and the Philipinos............... O72. 91RoL White, T., Our War with Spain...... 972.91 W58 Fiske, John, Dutch and Quaker Colonies in America, 2 Voli. 2... 2... aoeee 974 F54d © Sanborn, Frank, New Hampshire...... 974.2 Sad Brooks, Adams, Emancipation of Massa- chusétisic senza. Rene 974.4 B79 HISTORY AND TRAVELS Griffis, William E, Pilgrims in their Homes, England, Holland and GMC A ct MER Sieh on ld esac eke > 974 4 G874 Maubbaro.,Geo. Av Lenox... 22s ...05. 974.4 H526 Moore, N , Pilgrims and Puritans..... 974.4 M78 Moore, N., From Colony to Common- MEERA TNS ESS oso gS Ue & neo 974.46 M78 Brownell, W. N., Newport............ 974.5 B81 Hazard, Caroline, Narragansett Friends’ Meeting i in the 18th Century...... 974.5 H33 Griffis, William E., Pathfinders of the Revolution. . .974.7 G 87 Campbell, Helen, Darkness and Da ay- MOST MI Ac di glc/srs scx ch se. d +4, 974.71 C15 Janvier, Thomas A, In Old New ee, et ice O74, 71 J258 Ran Edgar M., Chronicles of Tarry- town and Sleepy Hollows ens. a. 974.72 B13 Bacon, Edgar M, Chronicles of Tarry- town and Sleepy Hollow......... 974.72 B13 Repplier, Agnes, Philadelphia, Place POE EER ea 974 8 R29 Fiske, John, Old Virginia and Her IER HDOTES A VOIS cele aie eck ee aos = 5 975 F54 Kercheval, Samuel, History of the Val- ley of Virg ima eee ne. 975 K451 Mackall, Sally. S., Early Days of Wash- ington Pear de Galera ieee ohh sas 975 M118 Merrick, Caroline E , Old Times in Dixie SLECD Saran erate f Cara, sis nsa ears ean 0 975 M554 Page, T. N., Social Life in Old Virginia Before the: Wareicels ci cebsecwes 975 Kendall, George W., South Western Prairies from Texas to Santa Fe, POISE Mister ive dp eence Ganek ss $ 976.4 K33 Baldwin, James, Conquest of the Old CCM OBL catty Ac cia tess a ansauiea.ces 2 oT BLO Birkbeck, Morris, Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to Terri- POT VOC! LLU CIS sree ec ccce ce, «tio syy ine ace 977 B53 Mathews, Alfred, Ohio and her Western PGROEU Oy Mt tee aia ope cine 9.40 ooh < Moore, Charles, The Northwest Under Three Fl Howells, Wm. ‘Dean, Stories of Ohio.977.1 H838 Nichelson, Meredith, The Hoosiers... .977.2 N52 Birkbeck, Morris, Letters from Illinois, BOUL Dy, Lee Beis Sistah ys «Ss pigieom o'ean %s 977.3 B53L Butterfield, C. W., Conquest of Wabash and Tilinois Towne, LPP Is Oeics 977.3 B98 Harris, N. Dwight, History of Negro Ser- vitude in Illinois, 1719 1864....... 977.3 H24 Transactions Illinois State Historical SE Ae oo: a re 977.3 H624 Illinois Historical Society Report..977.3 H624-2 James, E. J., Territorial Records of ERIN ONS: ce caterae e AE ofl Estehei ns « wp 979.38 H624-3 Or Illinois State Historical Society, 4th Reporteccs.. . Heese) a eee eo ee ee 920 B432 Coffin, Charles H., American Masters of Paine oor ag ee oe aes oe he ote 920 C118 Coffin, L., Reminiscences: .............-920 C65 Darby, John F, Recollections of Prom- inent People Ae My Mier ay 5 he ee oe 920 D24 Dawson, W.F.. Makers of Modern Prose,929 D322 DePuy, W.H., Threescore Years and Be- VOU); Seek be eee ee ee 920 D444 Dodge, Theodore A., Great Captains... .920 D66 Edwards, H. Sutherland, The Prima Donna, 2 vols. vis. es. eee 920 Ed92 Farrar, Rev. F..W ; Men I Have Known.920 F24 Gilder, J L. and J.B., Authors at Home 920 G382 Griswold, Hallie T., Recent Authors... .920 G874 Hale, Edward Everett, Memories ‘of a Hundred Yeats..3:..2.s-20.00. 920 H13 Halsey, Francis W, Authors of Our Daysivns: tates aoe ae Bese aoe Ore ene 920 H168 Halsey, Francis W., Women Authors of Our Days sina ce cto eine ae wee 920 H1i68w Harsha, David, Orators and Statesmen. .920 H25 Healy, Be Painters of the Italian Re. fidissancest) 11 ke 920 H348 Higginson, T. W., Contemporaries. .... 920 H534 Nicoll, H., Great Movements and Those Who Achieved Them..............- 920 N54 Lighton, Wm. R,, Meriwether Lewis and Wins; Clarke Sac at ee ete 920 L592 Macarthur, James, Bookman, Literary Year-book “189827452505 s xs ee 920 M122 Pryer, Mrs. Roger, Reminiscences of Peace and War, co. tence Sere eee 920 P954 Robins, Edwin, Jr., Echoes of the Play- OUSO as. 5> Ree Be en ee eee 920 R55 Sanderson, Edgar, Hero Patriots of the Nineteenth Century............... 920 Sabdl Sichel, Edith, Women and Men of the French Renaissance.............-. 920 Sil4 Spofford, A. R, Life of Historic Charac- ters and Famous Events, 12 Vol... .920 Sp6 Trollope, T. A. & F. E., Homes a nd Haunts of Italian Poets, 2 Vol..... 920 T741 Wallace, Lady, Distinguished Musi- CLANS eins hou eee Oe ee ee ee 920 W154 Ward, Mary Alden, Prophets of the 19th Century ii. Roses. Soe nee 920 W21 BIOGRAPHY Adams, Charles, F.., Life; by Charles F, Adams, SGA sR ial oe te Rane Ad14 Alcott, Louisa May, Life, Letters and Journals by Ednah D. Cheney........ ALll Alexander, First of Russia, Historical Memoirs by Madame Gouffer........ AL22 Allen, Ethan, Lifs, by Charles W. Brown..AL5b Angelo, Michael, Life; by Herman Grimm, 2 Vol Bale age necks Mente We eae An41 Arnold, Benedict, The Real; by Charles Burr Todd Arnold, Mathew, Life; by G. W. E. Russell. Ar62 Austen, Jane, Life; by Herries Pollock....An7p Bacon, Francis. Life; by R. W. Church..... B13 Ballou, Adin, Autobiography. ............. B21 Barnuin, seer Giles or cain ee care ee. B26L Bates, Joseph, Life; by James White....... B31 Becket, Thomas Life; by Robert A. Thompson 3.656255 250 02505. eee B35t Beecher, Henry Ward, Life; by Lyman Abbott. 222 23:02 acts alee eae ies B39Ab Bismarck, Life; by Moritz Busch, 2 Vol... .B54b Black: Hawk; ‘Life. 05.2.0 ta? eae one B562 Boone, Daniel, Life; by Reuben G. Thwaites............ pola sishe's 0 ee ahs ame B642t Bridgman, Laura, Life; by Maude Howe. .. B762 Browning, Robert, Life; by Mrs. Suther- land Orne. ses east ss on tee ele B820 Burke, Edmund, Life; by John Morley... .B918 Burr, Aaron, The True; by Charles Burr Todd. 2.4625 Ges ate ote B94t Chandler, Zachariah, Memorial Addresses. .C162 Carlyle, Fraude and: by David Wilson....C19w Carnegie, Andrew, Life: by Barnard Al GerSON .... ee eee cece cen eee e enone C214 » BIOGRAPHY 7 Cartwright, Peter, Autobiography......... C244 Castelar, Don Emilo, Life; by D. Hannay..C276 Chambers, J., E.; by Wm. E. Griffis....... C358 Charlemagne, Life; by H. W. Carless ee eite. 3h ea ree er rere 378 Chase, Salmon P., Life; by Albert B. OES ARI or CORSA ee Ct aoe C384 Clay, ase DEAR OS 0 «BG os! optte ¢ aNe% es C5Tob Cody, Wm. F., Adventures of Buffalo Bill. .C642 Cody, W. F., Last of the Great Scouts, by Helen C. Wetmore........... 0.005 C642¢ Durer, Life; by M. F. Sweetser............ D931 Dyer, Mary, Quaker Martyr; by Horatia OD DTOOMEE Ty hogy hy os (eo vies to0ee ok D984 Edison, Eiseinyentionse 6-05. ts egtves- Ed41 Eliot, George, Life; by George W. Cooke..EL4 Eliot, George, Life; by Stephen Leslie....EL4e Field, Kate, Life; by Lillian Whiting...... F454 Forrest, General, Life; by J. Harvey EUG Meese nae ad of Youd ss ad 4 gd Fi71 Franklin, Many-sided, by Paul L. Ford... .F85f George, Henry, Life; by Henry George, Jr.G291 Gladstone, Wm. E., Life; by F. W. Gun- SRR rire Aerotek Se 6.0 ni daeindt + G45¢ Goethe, Life; by G. E. Lewes.............. G55l Greeley, Horace,Life; by William A. Linn. .G811 Hanks, Nancy, Life; by C. H. Hitchcock...H196 Hawthorne, N. Life; by Henry James, Jr..H31j Holley, Sallie, A Life for Liberty, Anti DLSePry. LWOLIGLS sa 05eh cols Ae tee stvad 3 sete H73 Howe, Julia Ward, Reminiscences, 1819- Oe 2th OE CoA eae gee CREE a H834 Hubbard, Gurdon S., Incidents and Events in Life, by Henry E. Ham- RNR ee Sen aes va Saas H863 Hume, Francis, The Day of His Youth; by IGA MSTO WIN eae Mh Os . Guar aet t < ok H882 Irving, Washington, Life; by P. M. Irv- ernst: VOL aap eric td ork bdo ae Rliote Salling y eas Ir8i vefrerson, Joseph, Life... 2. icc ee casa J36 Jeanne D’Arc, Days of, by M. H.Cather- RL de ll ROSIE 2 see a OP J57c¢ Kipling, A Ken of; by Will M. Clements... .K62 LeMoyne, Jean Baptiste. Life; by G. King. . L54 Leo, XIII, Pope, Life; by Justin McCarthy. L55 Li Hung Chang, Life; by S. Douglas....... L62 Lincoln, Abraham, ae by Carl Schurz. .L63Se NMR CRM eee 3). Pa sro piele a ava acl se: oe, 09+ 63fi Lincoln, Abraham, Life; by Ida M. Tar- bell, COS Mere ac Vids. ateeae cn 9 es L63ta Livermore, Mary A., Story of My Life...... L75 Lowe, William M., Memorial Addresses... .L952 Macauley, Life; by J. Cotter Morison..... “M129 Meade, General, Life; by Isaac R. Pen- SLY DAOHOM teeect of. te het ogame a 3 M464 Melancthon, Philip, Life; by David J. Dean,M48 Nansen, Fridtjof, Life and Explorations, Veber ELM Ue ALE cai ae © cletereie 4 ae whet N158 Napolean, First, Life; by John Holland GTC tt Gudea Jai ane aie eg i Nl6r Napoleon’s Letters to Josephus, 1796- Tolae DFerLONny Ua Giese. J... < sears Ni6ha Navarre, Henry of; by P. F. Willert....... N226 Oldfield, Nance, The Palmy Days of; by Edward Robins............++-++- OL14 Parker, Theodore, Preacher and Re- former; by John White Chadwick. ....P224 Parkman, Francis, Life; by Henry Dwight, Sedewicks?*:...3 7ewened gatas P23 Penn, William, Life; by W. H. Dixon...... P38d Pitt, William, Life; by Walford Davis Green P684 Plant, see Bradley, Life; by G. H. Vihelomatetdcdes Gece natta aes: P69 has” the Third, Memoirs, by John H. fesse Caw benn ite. ale. sine etaiete praia aie R386 Riis, Jacob A., Making of an American....R498 Roosevelt, Theodore, The Citizen, by PAGO A mes tard Baal & os steeds iinie ate R672 Sands, B. F., From Reefer to Rear-Admiral.Sa5 Savonarola, Life; by William Clark......... Sa9 Schiller, Life; by PP POLING ; <.5-c,tamenene sete < Sch3s Schuyler, Gen. Philip, Life; by Bayard FUGKOIIDS ne re nae Fie hs os cea oe ae Sch9 Seward,Wm Henry, Life; by T. K. Lothrop, Se5l Sheridan, Philip H., Fighting Phil; by P.C Hadley LP ee ee eee Sbhb5h Stevens, Thaddeus, Life; by Samuel W. ME CAS anaes so Guat ova atavie Bis Means a eke St422 Stevenson, Robert Lewis, Life; by L Caper Cormilordeanc.. Ricerca. ters We St454 Stevensoniana, by J. A. Hammerton..... St454 Sumner, Charles, Life by Moorfield Storey. .Su6s Talmage, T. DeWitt, His Lifeand Work....T14h Tennyson, His Home and Friends, by OE Vignes Sole eee ele oats een ee T254 Tennyson, Alfred, Life;by Sir Alfred Lyal, T254L Tolstoy, the Man; by Edward A. Steiner... T582 Tolstoy and his Message, by Ernest H. © O83 Dy ma iste ican dig. hye inl Ue char vieiavs he oe T582c Tucker, youth Randolph, Life; by Capt. Faroe CoM Robheligs sal eee se T794 America’s God father,(Amerigo Vespucci) by V. M. Tohued divide tans adie! ame : V63 Victoria, LifesbyJ. A. Adams icv. se. dds V664 Victoria, Queen, Life; by Richard R. HOliniagh, preeee ston Sek Oe ear e cee oecctats Sek V664h Victoria, Under the Queen, by Henry UIGRIG Valea youre ae aaa + sociale athe n te V664t Voltaire, Life; by S. G. Tallentyre, 2 vol....V88 Washington the Soldier, by Henry Car- PIM MFOM ere oe att ja ks 3c'e.0 see Ae aes W2i7ca Washington, George, True; by Paul L. HOG caer Ree a cene cere) kad lela tte W2i7f Washington, Mary, Life; by Marion Harland. ctei/cs candeads aa ere ada: 272h Washington, Mother of, and Her Times, by Mrs. Roger A. Pryor............ W272p Washington, Booker T., Up from Slavery. W274 Wellington, Life; by George Hooperzsy. W46h Whitman, Marcus, Life; by William A. MGwWi yaar detrds <6 cate ads Hae ees W594. Wolfe, Life; by A. G. Bradley............ W834 Wyclif, John, Life; by Lewis Sergeant..... W97 Youmans, Edward ‘Livingston, Life; by POREMIOIR AGU reta, Wrest Fe a foe ete ees Y74 Sy BIOGRAPHY MAGAZINES. Century Magazine................... Vol. 52-62 Harper's: Magazine). /./.h).. 25+ eon ee Vol 92-97 Scribner’s Magazine..........-... 25) Vol. 22-29 St. Nicholas’ Magazine............... Vol. 22-28 Review of Reviews....:............. Vol. 15-24 REFERENCE. Bechton, John H., A Dictionary of Myth- ORGS YL a ors 15d 5 codes han hE ee R. B382 Chase, Edithe, and W. E. P. French, Book-ot) Toasts sg ee es oe Cae R. C382 Darby, W., Brooke's Universal Gazetteer. .R. D24 Foster, Elon, Cyclopeedia of Poetry 2 vol. R. F81 Johnson, Rossiter, and H. B. Browne, Notable Americans, 10 vol........... R. J63 Mackey, Mary, Pronunciation of 10,000 Propers. Names bin yc. ea ieee R. M19 Smith, Benjamin, Century Atlas of the World American Statesmen Series, 30 vol.. Southgate, Henry, Many Thoughts ‘of. Maay Minds2 vol icc 2 po peed oooes, R. So8 Wibo's) Wibe: STSEG SPER Orie Ser eae. R W62 Who’s Who-in America................ R. W62a Wood, K., Quotations for Occasions....R. W8 Watson, J. F., Poetical Quotations...... R. W33 Baker, Ernest A., Guide to Best Fic- ton oe see ea a eee eens COR R. 025 B17 Nicholson, J. B., Art of Book Binding,R, 025 N518 Richardson, Ernest C., Classification, Theoretical and Practical........ 025.4 R59 Ridpath, John C., Universal History, BOL ie od, ae eee R. 025.5 R482 Snow, Marshall S., Six Thousand Years of ‘History, 10 VOL! Bue vey ase 4 R. 025 5 Sn60 White, Trumbull, The World’s Prog- R. 025.5 W58 Boal, John H., Things Worth Know- Gal ogre EN tnneae. Ss Ie katara, 1 Meer R. 028 B354 Koopman, H. L., Mastery of Books. .R. 028 K834 Peet, Louis H , Who’ sthe Author?...R. 028 P34 Powers, George W., Important Events, R. 028 P872 Harper, Encyclopedia U. S. His- tory 10) vols ate aoe cme R. 031 H232 Newman, S. M., American Encyclopedia, History and Biography........ R. 031 N462 Warner, Charles D., Library, Best Lit- Orature, SO Voli ia a clelenion ieee woe bene R. W24 Dictionary of Shakesperian Quotations,R. 403 Shl Lawson, Thomas, and Thompson Win- field, History of America’s Cup. .R. 797 L44 Literature of All Nations and All Ages, MO VON te ULE eh ES Nien eae R. 800 L71 Reed, Thomas B., Modern Eloquence, 1O Vols s i Aeoteed Cee onset are R. 808 R25 World’s History and Its Makers, 10 VOL. bi. incl are doe Na skeen ee R. 900 H626 rabble G., Flags of the U.S.. +929 E08 PHILOSOPHY. Simms, J., Physiognomy............¢- 138 -Sm44 Compayre, Gabriel, Psychology, Applied to Hducation(y): eos os es ee 150 C745 Fletcher, H., Happiness.............%0. 150 F63h Halleck, Ruben P., Psychology and Psychic Cultures) Ueto So als eae 150 H156 Harris, W. T., Psychologic, Foundations of Educationy../) cs sesso ae 150 H24 James, William, Psychology, 2 vol..... 150 J231 James, William, Talks to Teachers on Psychology oh are SE ta ee 150 J231¢ Spencer, Herbert, Principles of Psych- ology, 2 vo Sully, J., Dalles of Psychology....... 150 Su5 Sully, James, Handbook of Psychology,150 Su5h Evans. William L., Memory Training. .154 Evl Miles, Eustace A., How to Remember. .154 M594 Meyer, F. B., Lovers Alway........... 157 M574 Buckley. A., Moral Teachings of Science,170 B851 Evans, E. P.. Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology ss So::a) neuer 170.7 Ev16 Addams, Jane, Democracy and Social Bthicsi@ nee 171 Ad2 Hudson, Thompson J., Divine Ped- ‘igree Of Manse ee 171 H864-1 Hudson, Thompson J., Lawof Men- . tal (Medieiness rs eso. auss 171 H864-2 b) of the Souls .scssiscses25233 171 H864-3 Ingram, J. K., Practical Morals......... 171 1n4 Spencer, Herbert, Factors of Organic Evolution... 28 te ses earns 171 Sp3 Spencer, Herbert, Facts and Comments,170 Sp3f Hilty, Garl, Happiness... 5.05.2 e906 171 H564 Addams, Jane, Democracy and Social BCLS. 21. 5551s 5s inte to ints o'o losale o'ate teint tales 177 Ad2 Dacus, J. A., Battling with the Demon, . or the Progress of Temperance... .178 D116 Palmer, C. L.. Inebriety, Source, Preven- tion and Cure... ........ essen eeeee 178 P18 RELIGION. Fiske, John, Through Nature to God...204 F54 Phillips, Samuel, Testimony of Reason. .204 P53 Wood, Henry, Symphony of Life. css 204 W85-1 Wood, Henry, God’s Image in Mane sce Coa hee pens coe 204 W85-2 McCabe, J. D. Cross and Crown, History of Protestant Religion.......:..- 209 M118 Spalding, J. L, Religion, Agnosticism and Hdtication ioc. spews 211 Sp6 Jones, E. Griffith, Ascent Through CHTIBE og PV. ee ee ioteihe. sioinapnsee ieee 213 J23 Burroughs, John, Light of Day........ 215 B934 RELIGION AND MISCELLANEOUS oo Bradford, Columbus, Birth a New CVS a © eg ale oe 218 B72 Hudson, T., Scientific Demonstration of Peete: AlO eer es 2 > bac Sorass Aa kis 3 4 218 H66 Whiting Lilian, The World Beautiful, IML. cSREMME a ginins cae sev ces ey 3: 218 W58-1 Whiting, Lilian, The World Beautiful, 3D he ci CR Sl eae 218 W58-1 Whiting, Lilian, The World Beautiful, Volo. eae GakcuhE eR eee 218 W58 1 Whiting, Lilian, After Death......... 218 W58-2 Drysdale, A. H., Early Bible Songs... .220 D846 Edersheim, Alfred, Jesus, the Messiah. .232 Ed24 MeContiely ..D., Christsas.cct.s.. 056i 232 M134 Day, E. E., Seeking the Kingdom...... 234 D33 Abbott, Lyman, The Other Room...... 236 Ab24 Unknown Country, Concerning Pun- ishment After Death.......... 237 Un4 Weir, John F., Human Destiny,....... 237 W434 Gordon, George A, New Epoch of Li oa. RS aro He GS ea 238 G654 Bellows, H., Re-statements of the Chris- MIGEREIGCITINON, 2 eo cat. ale has ess 239 B41 Cushman, Herbert E , Truth in Christian SES A re oe ie ea 239 C956 Smith, Orland J., Balance, the Funda- PEIDOUe Y GEM eat 3 «bik wmskiete oes 239 Smb5 Hooker, LeRoy, Enoch, the Philistine.. Houghton, Louise S., Antipas, Son of JOUER 2) alee! IR Sa in oR eae 244 H81 Jennings, Mary E., Asa of Bethlehem.. .244 J44 Mudge, James, Honey from Many Hives, 244 M884 Nazareth or Tarsus?.. .244 N236 Wilson. Anna May, Days of Mohammed, 244 W694 Griffis, W. E., Sunny Memories... 250 G952 Moody, Dwight. L., Echoes from the Pul- .244 A716 pit and Platform of MOIR. bafta ss 252 Mi7e Simons, M., Holding the Fort, Moody & SES NSCIC Ee eters eae a en 252 Sid Watson, John, Church Folks... ee 262.00 Abbot, F. L, Faith Built on Reason. ..289 Ab24 Peters, M. C,, The Jew as a Patriot... .296 P442 MYTHOLOGY AND FOLK-LORE. Bunce, John Thackeray, Fairy Tales... .291 B88 Drake, Samuel A., Myths and Fables of AOA Y oer oe aie os satetea 6.6 oe 291 D788 _ Mabie, Ee nilton W , Norse Stories Re- in wee et cP EEL ais. 291 M118 Wagner, D. W., Asgard and the Gods. .s293 W122 Skinner, Charles M., Myths and Legends of Our Own Land, Dr Ohunk oes PS OkSS Sawyer, W.C., Teutonic Legends......398 Sw94 Spalding, J. EE. Aphorisms and Reflec- Otis a Ele bese ee AE See me 398 Sp6 Franklin, Benjamin, Poor Richard’s TAS TE aT pet ES So yee 9 a Pag 398.9 F85 Rote William A., Scandanavian Folk- POL Gost never se cee «0 oe eRG Renee 398 C844 Stanley f M., My Dark Companions... .398 St2 PHILOSOPHY. Strong, C. A..Why the Mind Has a Body,13! St8 Thorndike, Edward, Human Nature Club,131 T39 Wells, H. G., War of the Worlds...... 131 W462 Hoffman, Prof., Later Magic.......... 133 H672 Zancig, Prof., Twentieth Century Guide tos Palmistry oscect ss iteteaes ee 133 Z12 Hudson, Thompson J., Law of Psychic GnOmens Hrs Hees. Gea ae eee 134 H66 Quackenbos, John D., Hypnotism in Mental and Moral Culture......... 134 Q2 MISCELLANEOUS. King. James M., Facing the Twentieth Century. Our Country, Its Power BU Oh iloa y vre cree ee ote cae eee 320.8 K58 Morris, Henry C., History of Coloniza- TION ELTOl so. ae teen Caos Dees ee 325 3 M83 Blake. W. C., History of Slavery and Slavecbrada cee se oe os ex ob ew cots 326 B58 Page, Thomas N,, The Negro........... 326 P14 Foster, John W., American Yer eaae in the Groene POR MIEROL Kidd, B , Control of the Tropics... (327 K532 Brown, Charles W., Debater’s Manual. ..028 B81 Lee, Urquhart, Parliamentary Lessons. .328 L51 Jones, Edward D., Economic Crises.... .330 J71 Betts, Lillian W., Leaven in a Great City jones eee. Sapete ad ise a oi 531 B468 Ciltdab Nicholas P., Methods of Indus- [Tials baaCGs eoiia baaee eee EL: 331 G42 Carnegie, Andrew, Gospel of Wealth. .331 C216 Fletcher, Horace, That Last Waif or POCA CUSTANtiNneis ws cate cet ie 6 ee 331 F63 Gladden, W., Social Facts and Forces. .331 G45s Hand, J. E., Good Citizenship Essays. .331 H19 London, Jack, People of the Abyss... .331 L842 Riis, Jacob A., Battle with the Slum... .331 R44b Robinson, H. H., Loom and Spindle... .331 R56 Van Vorst, Mrs. J, Woman Who Toils.331 V374 Hepburn, A. Barton, Coinage and Cur- rency in the TO GES tl a pp oebys lake Abbott, Lyman, Rights of Man.. oe tt 333 Ab24 George, Henry. Land Question ........ 333 G296 Cleveland, F. A , Funds and Their Uses,336 C586 Young. John P., Protection and Progress,337 Y82 Development of Harvesting Machinery,338 4 M114 Woolsey, T. S., America’s Foreign PGliayaeetins arias o do ae ee avialete 3 341 01 W88 peso Eieratio W., Government and Se NEARS PT ett ate Bek ae 42 Sa92 Bartlett, William H., Facts I Ought to Know About the Government of My (Ore Fi) ts a SEE ee RE ae eae ere 342 B284 Fiske, Amos K., The Modern Bank... .347.7 F54 Ford, Paul L., Great Words from Great Americans....... Wiens Go tees ee OUeL CO 10 SCIENCE Roosevelt, T., American Ideals, Social ANG CP OMtIGAl oie cgetratevee cscs ote aleeeretiel 351 R674 Reid, Whitelaw, Problems of Expansion,353 R27 McClure, A. K., Our Presidents, and How We Make Them.......... 353.08 M136 Morris, Charles, The Nation’s Navy...353 7 M83 Wyndham, H., Queen’s Service....... .355 W99 Mahan, T., Influence of Sea Power Upon History, Li83 so eae 359 M274 Reports of Red Cross..............-. 361 R244 Sanborn, A. F., Moody’s Lodging House, 361Sa5 Baldwin, James M , Mental Development in the Child and the Race.......... 370 B19 Horne, Herman H., Philosophy of Edu- cation C600 2). Coe eee 370 H782 LIBRARY OF INFORMATION. Glodd, Edward, Alphabet............ 8370. In82 1 Imndsay: B-Anmimalliifens.. seca: 370 In32-2 Waterhouse, P. Leslie, Building...... 370 I1n82 3 Wilkinson, Frederick, Cotton Plant..3870 In32 4 Rawlings, Gertrude B. , Books.. ..310 1n82 5 Martin, Edward A., Coal, A Piece Of..370 In32-6 Seeley, EG. Earth in Past Ages....370 1n32 7 Chambers, George F.. Kiclipses.. .... _ B70 1n82-8 Anderson, Robert C., Extinct Civiliza- tions"of. the Wastes gsc. na6 sce 370 In32 9 Anderson, Robert E., Extinct Civiliza- tions of the West......c....--- 370 In32 10 Archibald, Douglas, Earth’s Atmos phere Lg caster ately Ris Uattedn Grete nee tase 370 In382-11 Munroe, John, Electricity...... ion eo OmnagelZ he eae Joseph, Geographical Discov- Ch PAE a oes A 370 1n32-13 Conn, H. W., Story of Germ Life... .370 In32 14 Conn, H. Ww. Living Machine....... 370 In32-15 Baldwin, James M., The Mind ..-.-..370 In82-16 Cronest, Frederick J., Music........3870 In82 17 Story, Alfred T., Photography...... 370 In32 18 Allen, Grant, Plants, The........... 370 In82-19 Clodd, Edward, Primitive Man...... 870 In82-20 Hickson, Sidney J., Seas, The........370 In32-21 Chambers, George F., Stars......... 870 In32 22 Chambers, George F., Solar System .370 In32 23 Wilson, Beckles, Rapid Transit......370 1n32-24 Edgar, William G., Grain of Wheat.370 In82 25 Jordan, David Starr, Voice of the Scholar,370 J76 Washington, Booker T., Working with the shang! Jj 2200 gee cane W27 Daboie Patterson, Fireside Child Study,3872 D852 Harrison, Elizabeth, Up Through Child- hood vtvcsc es eee 872 H86 Harrison, Elizabeth, A Study of Child INALUGOS.. 2 hades come ea aes a etneee es 372 H24 Hubbell, G., Up Through Childhood. .872 H862 Mosher, Martha B., Child Culture in the LOIN Fe. Fi kas sidan eee eee 372 M856 Sully, James, Children’s Ways......... 372 Subde Wiggins, Kate D., Froebel’s Gifts......3872 W63 Canfield, James H , College Student. ..378 C166 Black, Hugb, Practice of Self-Culture.374 B564 Ktiquette for Americans................ 395 Et4 Everett, Marshall E., Etiquette of To- Day cect jo oes Sarees ee 395 Ev26 Dreccais: William, Helps for Ambitious GiFls? oct. hoes eo eer eee 396 D848 Humpbry, Mrs., A Word to Women... .896 H886 Owens, W. D., Success in ‘Lifes’. . ee 896 Ow2 Sangster, Margaret E.,Winsome Woman- hood oj aba ese lee sce ce ae os oe 396 Sa52 SCIENCE. Williams, Henry S, 19th Century Sclen¢@—. .. 9.0 veh amie Tee 504 W67 Bal}; Sir Robert, Star “Landae -.0 se 523 B21 Essays. in “Astronomy... .22 2 .eseeees 523 G792 Proctor, B. A., Easy Star Lessons..... 523 P94 6 Webster, George Sidney, Friendly Year, The 23 sus aks eee eee 529.1 W28 Kimball, A,, Physical Properties of GAS@S iy. this ate ne 583 K56p moc Philip, Electricity for Every- 0X0)8 hy eR RR Siac ig ln: 587 Atb4* Cushing, H. C. Jr, Standard Wiring. Electric Light and Power......... 587 C952 Homans, James E., A, B, C, of the Tele- pPhonG.<.cnw sd cross eee eee 587 H75 Houston, Edwin J., Electricity and Magnetism vc io Sc on so oe eae 587 H817 Houston, Edwin J., Dynamo Electric Machinery). cso eee 587 817-2 Hopkins, William J., Telephone, The. .537 H772 Iles, George, Flame, ’Blectricity and the ‘Camerayis iio ses en eee eee 537 IL3 Munro, H. E. Story of Electricity......537 M92 St. John, Thomas M., How Two Boys Made Their Own Electrical Appara- {US gle oe Ske cee ee 537 St24 Trowbridge, Jobr, What is Electricity?.537 T74 Tunzelman, G. W. De, Wireless Tele- graphy 5387 T894 Hadley, i. K., Practical Exercises in Magnetism ‘and Electricity...... 538.3 H3846 Woodhull, John F., Simple Experi- ments for the School Room....... 542 W858 | NATURAL SCIENCE. Hoffman, Frederick L., Race Traits and Tendencies of the American Negro.572 H676 eoceereeo eee ee es eee eee ee Boe Buel, J.-W ,-story of Man. <5 /-.2 meee 573 B864 Morris, Charles, Man and His An- cestor.. .575 M834 Patten, Simon N.. Heredity and Social Progress... vib ae eo eae oe eee 575 P274 Pemberton, Henry, Path of Evolution. .575 P368 Going, Maud, (EK. M. Hardinge), With the: Wild, Flowers... 4°. ©..nmeeeee 580 G562 Keeler, Harriet L, Our Northern Shrubsws io. seca e soe sees eee eee 582 K246 USEFUL AND FINE ARTS ; 11 Ward, John J., Minute Marvels of Na- Petes. OE Unk. ave. 590 W21 Buckner, E. D., Immorality of Animals, i hares 2 hon eee ret cee 591 BS54 Hulbert, William D., Forest Neigh- Fore: ee eee 591 H866 Enock, F., Flashlights on Nature...... 595 En42 Kinsley, J., (Edited by) Natural His- tory of Lower Invertebrates........596 K62 Abbott, Charles, Days Out of Doors. ..598 Ab24 Beard, James C, Curious Homes and LHR GTIAMUBST AG ot beng eee ote + 598 B38 Blanchan, Neltje, Bird Neighbors....... 598 B59 Chapman, Frank M., Birds of Eastern INOPUOMPATNOTICN. 90. os s-3 eles eee amie: 598 C366 Long, William J., School of the Woods. .598 L&85 Miller OltyesT., Bird Ways.0......... 598 M616 Musgrave, M.,. Birds and Butterflies. ...598 M97 Parkhurst, H. E., Bird’s Calendar, PN cea Pe certs ies care a 8 oe cs £98 2 P226 Cassell, Natural History, Vol. 1 and pe amar a ao seis 4 os os oa cinece 599 C275 USEFUL AND FINE ARTS. Byrn, Edward W, Progress of Inven- tion in 19th Century Ba ee, Se 608 B996 Wilson, Dr. Andrew, Brain and Bosy Nervous System in Social] Life. ....612 W69 Gardner, John, Longevity.............- 613 G17 Johnson, Amy, SOD CLIVE Peers 613 19 J62 Health Report of State Board of Michi- PATRIOT LOGO 1.2 de ele wn eis na ce) ose 614 M54 Eddy, Mary. B. G. Science and EPS es oe ee 615.8 Ed91 Parmele, M. P., Christian Science....6158 P214 Ticeeec. AW... Am Wells, «4% 6 e258 ves 6158 Ps48 Wolcott, P. ©, What is Christian SEIBNGCAGE ae nak es o's ents < 615.85 W8&3 Colburn, Zerah, Locomotive Engine, LON eee Rene neers Erect ae eae 1 C67 Frith, Henry, Triumphs of Modern Engineering a UAE Ee oe oC 621 F91 Beard, G. M., Eating and Drinking..... 641 B38 Myers, Amie E. Home Dressmaking...646 M.99 Story, A. T., Wireless Telegraphy...... 654 St64 Field, H. Mi, tony of the Atlantic ye Telegrap ive ; .654.5 F45 Wilson, Beckioa, “story ~ of. ‘Rapid (EEN oe ee 656 W69 Montague, Gilbert H, Rise and Pro gress of Standard Oil Ogre. ee, 665 M764 Japp, Alexander H., Days with Indus- PA ULIW Sere Wei cath cs pw soley wivate,ss 670 J276 Bridge, James H., History of Carnegie Steel Co... sss eeeee ee eee nee t eee 2 Bi62 facture mel Bane te RRS CREE ee Ro ae 677 Si3 Cockerell, Douglas, Bookbinding and Bitea oti Bodkd sc lain canoe ans 685 C644 | Noyes, Carleton, Enjoyment of Art...... 707 N87 Hurl], Estelle M., Jean Francois Mil- le xt Ue ly x Ce oc ee 709 H934 1 Hurl, Estelle H., Raphael.......... 709 H934-2 Hurl), Estelle H, Rembrant........ 709 H934-3 Jameson, Mrs., Legends of Madonna Represented in Fine Art..........709 J234 | Von Reber, Franz, History of Ancient Arte: .709 V89 Singleton, Esther, Romantic Castles and Palacheon Wether oo 728.3 Si62 Haines, Flora, A Keramic Study........ 738 H12 Moore, N. Hudson, Old China Book....738 M78 Sparkes, John C., Potters, Their Arts ANGI TALUB. ybcroney. « wet tahe thet