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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MAR 2111973 OCT 0 9 7002 L161—0O-1096_ | =] INQ Say SS SQ BEING A BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY, COMPLETE AND AUTHENTIC, OF THE MEN OF NOTE SUBSTANTIAL ACHIEVEMENT IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND VOLUME I. EDITED BY JOHN WILLIAM SIDDALL PUBLISHED BY HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN, LIMITED ® TERRITORY OF HAWAII ; 1917 COPYRIGHT, 1917 HAWAII | HONOLULU, A) Sal ee Fel fo 920,0969 —a public considerably wider than the bounds of the ‘Territory — its editors and publishers have a two- fold purpose. First, the book is a standard reference work, compre- hensive, complete and authoritative. It is a publication compiled with a care and a system of collecting information which in- sures its accuracy and insures also that justice is done to its subject. It is a reference volume presenting biographically pertinent facts about the men of Hawaii who lead in their respective fields. In general these fields are the business or commercial, the professional, the educational, the religious and the scientific — covering all activities which in Hawaii have brought its men to the front as potent and constructive factors in their communities. Secondly, the book is a series of milestones of achieve- ments. It has been truly said that the progress of any gener- ation, of any century, of any country, of any nation may be measured by the biographies of its men. In Hawaii this is true today as in ancient Greece, medieval Rome, modern France, or England, or the mainland United States. Hawaii is a modern American community with its roots far back in the past. Here the primitive life of Polynesia has been moulded and modified by the influx of many races, bloods and languages. Here the zeal for public service, for moral en- lightenment, of the New England churchman has brought a missionary influence which nearly a century back paved the way for the outside world of trade and commerce, of educa- tion, of latter-day customs, manners and facilities. ‘The mission ships of the ’20’s of the last century pioneered a pathway across the Pacific followed by the whalers of restless industry, and later the steamers of many nations cleaved the summer seas on their way to and from the island ports. With varying ex- periences, Hawai developed industrially under a monarchical form of government, with the new populations — American, English, German, French and the like — fusing into the very blood of the country. Industrially and socially, the progress of Hawaii has been amazing. In less than a century it has leaped from a more than medieval obscurity and isolation into an intensively or- ganized, modernly-equipped American commonwealth, the most nearly self-governing of all territories, with cities and towns, every public utility, a high degree of popular education, an active part as an integral member of the American political family. Its raw sugar industry — the backbone of commerce —1s the world’s model in efficiency of production. It is a community of schools, churches, homes, factories, agriculture, street cars, electric lights, chambers of commerce and boards of trade, up-to-date newspapers, paved roads, great hotels — in fact, it is a twentieth century American community. Here social service and intelligent philanthropy go hand in hand with highly organized industry. The traditions of unselfish usefulness brought with the earliest white residents re- main, translated into terms of a later era. The most striking political development of this present generation — the transition from a monarchy to an American territory — has been also the most striking period of growth in widely varied forms of social service. The men whose portraits and biographies make up this book are the men whose activities and influence have brought about this great and permanent change in the Hawaii of the past fifty years. Some of them — many of them — are sons of Hawau, born in the Islands, perhaps with fathers and grand- fathers born here. Others have come from elsewhere, adding new blood, adding energy and ideas. ‘‘Kamaaina”’ or “‘malihini’”—oldtimer or newcomer—each is doing his part in the Hawaii of today. RILEY H. ALLEN HE BIOGRAPHIES HEREIN ARE OF THE MEN WHO LEAD IN THE VARIOUS FIELDS OF USEFUL ENDEAVOR IN THE TERRITORY OF HAWAII, AND WHO HAVE LENT THEIR FORCE OR CAPITAL, OR BOTH IN THE UP-BUILDING OF THIS NEW AMERICAN COMMUNITY. ts WY eg i ah \ gy HS) Gy ee ij \ th Z gy seh 1 RS rh need GP Oe CUNY OS) —r TMX us HS Rad GP GS wy Cex SANFORD BALLARD DOLE ‘“THE GRAND OLD MAN OF HAWAII’ ANDERSON, A COMPLETE AND COMPREHENSIVE REFERENCE LIB RARY OF PROMINENT PERSONAGES OF HAWAII ALEXANDER, ARTHUR CHAMBERS, civil engineer and surveyor, Hono- lulu; born in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii, Aug. 22, 1863; son of William De Witt and Abigail C. (Baldwin) Alexander; grandson of William Patterson Alexander, mis- sionary to Hawaiian Islands, 1832; educated at Oahu College (Hono- lulu), Yale University, Ph. B. 1888, Ph. D. 1895; married Mary Eliza- beth Hillebrand, daughter of Her- man Hillebrand of Honolulu, in Oswego, New York, August 18, 1891; five children: William P., Helen C., Arthur D., Hermann H. and Mary D. Instructor in physics, University of California, 1895-1901; surveyor and civil engineer, Hono- lulu, since 1901; formed partner- ship, Baldwin & Alexander, 1907. Trustee of Oahu College, Hono- lulu, since 1910; member Hawaiian Board of Missions since 1913, vice- president, 1914; Deacon of Cen- tral Union Church, Honolulu, 1912-. Member of Hawaiian Missionary Children’s Society (Pres. 1901-), Honolulu Social Science Assn., and University Club, Honolulu. ROBBINS BATTELL, lawyer, Honslulu; born Matawan, New Jersey, June 15, 1877; son of Rev. James M. and Elizabeth (Rob- bins) Anderson; father was a Pres- byterian minister and educator, be- ing professor at Williams College which gave him honorary degree D.D.; mother a descendant of William Bradford, governor of Ply- mouth colony. Married Mary Mor- ris, daughter of Federal Judge Mor- ris, formerly of Virginia, now of Duluth, Minn., Nov. 1, 1910; two daughters, Elizabeth and Jean. Edu- cated Yale College, B. A. degree, 1899; Harvard Law School, degree LL. B., 1903. Began professional ca- reer in law office of Hatch & Ballou, Honolulu, Oct., 1903; now member law firm of Frear, Prosser, Anderson & Marx. Is director of Hawaiian Trust Co. Ltd., and number of sugar, rubber, coconut and other business corporations; has held many offices in philanthropic and semi-public or- ganizations and clubs. Member and president University Club, treasurer Yale Alumni Association, director Y.M.C.A., warden St. Andrew’s Ca- thedral Parish, member local coun- cil of American Bar Association, cor- responding secretary for Hawaii for Harvard Law School Alumni, and member Oahu Country and Outrig- ger Canoe Clubs. ANDREWS, ROBERT WILSON, me- chanical engineer (retired), Hono- lulu: born in Honolulu, June §8, 1837; son of Lorrin and Mary (Wil- son) Andrews; married Rosina Schrank, February 22, 1874, at San Francisco, and Maria Sheeley, Sep- tember 30, 1886, at Oakland, Cal.; three children: James Marshall, Rob- ert Standard, and Carl Bowers; des- cendant of William Andrews, of England, who emigrated to America in 1638, and settled at New Haven, Conn.; grandson of Samuel An- drews, who in 1805 made the then perilous journey from Connecticut to Ohio; son of Lorrin Andrews, a preacher of the gospel, author, edu- cator, judge of the superior court of Hawaii, and secretary of the King’s 12 MEN OF HAWAII H. P. AGEE ROBERT W. ANDREWS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 13 Privy Council. Educated first at the Royal School and Punahou School, Honolulu, and then attend- ed Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, graduating with the degree of B.S. in 1862. Started work in ma- chine shops in Boston, Providence and Cincinnati, 1858-1860; returned to Hawaii in 1863 and engaged in many branches of mechanical and marine engineering in the Hawaii- an Islands and in California; sugar mill engineer at Wailuku, Kohala, Pahala, Papaikou, Hamakuapoko and Ewa at various dates between 1864 and 1894. ACHI, WILLIAM CHARLES, lawyer, Honolulu; born at Kohala, Hawaii, Dec. 16, 1858; son of Lum and Kin- ilau (Lualoa) Achi; great great- grandson of Puou, one of the warri- ors of King Kamehameha I; edu- cated Hilo Boarding School, Semin- ary at Lahainaluna, Maui; Oahu College, Honolulu, 1882; married Mary Kelii in Honolulu, June 24, 1898; one son, William Charles, Jr. Studied law in the office of William R. Castle, Honolulu, and was ad- mitted to the bar of the courts of Hawaii, Feb., 1887; elected Repre- sentative to the Legislature of the Republic of Hawaii, 1897; elected Councilor of State at the session of Legislature, 1898; after the annexa- tion of Hawaii to U. S. was elected one of first Senators to new Terri- torial Legislature; re-elected Sena- tor, Nov., 1902; was a delegate to Municipal Charter Convention and made strong fight for modern city charter for Honolulu, 1916. Elected an Alternate to the Republican Na- tional Convention in Chicago, 1916. Member of Puuhonua Association, Honolulu Ad Club and Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu. ADAMS, WILLIAM DENNETT, music, Honolulu; born April 27, 1874, at Haverhill, Mass.; son of James E. and Minnie L. (Ayer) Adams; mar- ried Susanna Cook, in Honolulu, March 13, 1908; educated in public and private schools of Haverhill, Mass.; commenced career in piano business, Boston, Mass., 1892; en- tered into dramatic work, 1894; vis- ited Honolulu with the Janet Wal- dorf Shakespearian Company, 1899; re-entered music business with Berg- strom Music Co., Ltd., Honolulu, of which corporation he is president. Was manager of the old Hawaiian Opera House, 1900-1917; has been instrumental in publishing a large quantity of Hawaiian music and stood sponsor for many dramatic art- ists of world fame who have visited the Territory of Hawaii. Member Oahu Country Club, Commercial Club, Rotary Club, Ad Club, and Hawaii Promotion Committee. AFONG, ALBERT FAYERWEATHER, stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Feb. 23, 1877; son of Chun and Julia Hope (Fayer- weather) Afong; educated, govern- ment school, Oahu College (Hono- lulu), Harvard College, A. B. 1903; married Anna Elizabeth Whiting of Davenport, Iowa, May 2, 1906; four children: Elizabeth, Mary, Kather- ine and Julia. Clerk, California Feed Co. (Honolulu), 1898-1899; with Waterhouse Trust Co., 1904-1905; engaged in stock and bond business alone, Honolulu, 1906-1915; became associated with Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., Honolulu, and its secretary Feb. 1, 1915. Member and ex-presi- dent Honolulu Stock and Bond Ex- change; member Chamber of Com- merce, University Club, Oahu Coun- try Club, Hawaii Polo & Racing As- sociation. AGEE, HAMILTON POPE, director Experiment Station of Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, Hono- lulu: born December 9, 1884, at Memphis, Tenn., son of George W. and Elizabeth (Worthen) Agee; is descendant of Matthew Agé, a French Huguenot who settled in Maryland during the 18th century; married Fannie Heaslip Lea in New Orleans, La., June 11, 1911; one child: Anne Worthen. Educated in the schools of Little Rock, Ark., and Memphis, Tenn., and the Louisiana State University, being graduated with degree B. S., in 1904, and en- tering a professional career with the Louisiana Sugar Experiment Sta- tion; was with Cuban and Porto Rican sugar factories in 1907-1908; asst. director in charge Louisiana Sugar Experiment Station, 1909; agriculturist, Hawaiian Sugar Plant- ers’ Association Experiment Sta- tion, 1911-1913; director of that Ex- periment Station since 1913. Mem- ber University Club, Oahu Country Club and Pacific Club. Al, CHUNG K., merchant, Honolulu; born at Saisan, Kwong Tung, Chi- na, Nov. 26, 1865; son of Chung 14 MEN OF HAWAII REV. A. AKANA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 15 Cho (C. Ako) and Chang Shee; educated at Iolani College, Hono- lulu, 1879-1881; father was one of the first capitalists in Honolulu among the Chinese race; married Seu Shee in Honolulu, 1895; chil- dren, H. L. Chung, Anna N., Bessie W., Clara W., Dora W., Henry K., Samuel, David and Hsther. Began business in Honolulu, dry goods and tailoring, under firm name Chung K. Ai & Co., 1883-86; 1887, clerk in Hon. James I. Dowsett’s store, Honolulu, until his death June 13, 1898; in business for himself as importing merchant, also organized a company for boring wells for plantation irrigation, 1895; with as- sociates he started the City Mill Co., Ltd., Honolulu, of which he has been treasurer and manager since 1899. Was President of Chi- nese Hospital, President of Chinese United Society, four years; has served on federal and Territorial grand juries; member of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Ad Club and the Hawaiian Board. AIKEN, GEORGE SMYTHE, dentist, Wailuku, Maui; born at Virginia City, Nev., Feb. 8, 1879; son of Perley Johnson and _ Julia O. (Smythe) Aiken; direct descend- ant of John Howland who came to America on ‘Mayflower,’ and of Geo. Ross of Revolutionary fame, aide on Washington’s staff and brother-in-law of, Betsy Ross of flag fame; educated Oahu College, Honolulu, Polytechnic High School, San Francisco, University of Cali- fornia Dental Dept. 1901; married Emily Elizabeth Rossberg in Hono- lulu, March 14, 1917. Practised dentistry on Island of Maui since 1901, giving special attention to Or- thodontia (regulating and straight- ening of teeth); has made consid- erable Koa furniture and novelties in his own shop, which is quite complete. AIKEN, WORTH OSBUN, banker, Pa- ia, Maui, T. H.; born at Robbinsville, N. C., April 24, 1873; son of Perley Johnson and Julia Orilla (Smythe) Aiken; direct descendant of John Howland, passenger on “Mayflower,” and Geo. Ross, of Revolutionary War fame, aide on Washington’s staff and brother-in-law of Betsy Ross, of U. S. flag fame; educated, Oakland High School (Cal.); married Helen M. Chamberlain, granddaughter of Levi Chamberlain, early Hawaiian missionary, at La Crosse, Wis., Apr. 8, 1896; three children: Bertram Smythe, Martha Osbun, Malcolm Chamberlain. Came to Hawaii and taught school at Wailuku, Maui, 1891; station agent, Wailuku depot, 1891-92; postmaster Kahului and agent for steamer ‘“Waimanalo,” 1892-93; bookkeeper, Haleakala Ranch, Makawao, 1893-95; deputy Tax Assessor & Collector, district of Makawao, 1893-1904; port surveyor, Kahului, 1895; collector of customs, Kahului, 1904-12; sub-agent, public lands, fourth district, since 1896; opened First Nat. Bank of Paia, 1913, as assistant cashier; cashier Paia branch, Bank of Maui, Ltd. (succes- sor), since May, 1917. Owns and operates pineapple plantation, Maka- wao district; chairman, Makawao Road Board, 1899-1904; commission- er of public instruction, 1909-13; Maui member, Hawaii Promotion Committee since 1915. Member Maui Chamber of Commerce, Hono- lulu Ad Club, Masons, Knights of Pythias. AIU, EUGENE K.,, attorney-at-law and real estate dealer, Honolulu; born at Kailua (Hawaii), Kingdom of Ha- waii, January 15, 1881; son of Lau Sung Iu and Victoria Piimauna; married Mary Kainuwaiaoao (de- ceased) in Honolulu, July 15, 1908; three children—Eugene K. Jr., Margaret, and Mary. Educated in public school Kailua, Hawaii. Was clerk Kona Trading Co., Kailua, 1898-1901; salesman Aiea Plantation Store, Aiea (Oahu), February, 1902- May, 1904; clerk District Court of Honolulu. June, 1904- Sept., 1910; practised law since Sept., 1910. Mem- ber House of Representatives, 1915- 1916. Member Hawaii Chapter No. 1, Order of Kamehameha. AKANA, AKAIKO, minister of the gospel, Honolulu; born at Kaihu- wai, Waialua, Island of Oahu, T. H., Dec. 24,. 1884; son of Chun and Harriet Kahema Akana; edu- cated, Waialua Public School, Ka- mehameha School for Boys (Hon- olulu), 1899-1903, diploma, Normal School (Honolulu), 1903-1904, dip- loma, Hartford School of Religi- ous Pedagogy (Hartford, Conn.), 1906-1911, degree B. R. P., Hart- ford Theological Seminary (Hart- ford, Conn.), 1906-1911, diploma; served under the Home Mission 16 MEN OF HAWAII CHUNG K. Al W. C. ACHI AKINA, ARTHUR ATAI, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 17 Board of Mass., summers 1910 and 1911; became a member and an officer of, and served under the Board of the Hawaiian Evangelical Association of the Territory of Hawaii, Nov., 1911; started Young People’s League of Honolulu, Feb. 4, 1912, and is general superintend- ent; ordained into the Christian Ministry May 28, 1912; elected President of the Christian Endeav- or Assn. of Hawaii July, 1912, and shortly after was given charge of the young people’s work of the Ter- ritory of Hawaii by the Hawaiian Board; one of the organizers of the Hawaiian Protective Assn. of Ha- waii and secretary June, 1913-16; elected Trustee of the United So- ciety of Christian Endeavor of the World, Boston, Mass., June, 1913; organized Hawaiian Savings & Loan Assn., Ltd., and became President July 17, 1917. Started Hawaiian Mercantile Co. and became president July 23, 1917. In research work, he completed “An Inductive Study of the Effects of Tobacco on Hu- man Life,’ Hartford, May 29, 1911. Member of the Hartford Theol. Seminary and of the Hartford School of Religious Pedagogy Al- umni Assns., Hartford Ministerial Assn., Kamehameha Alumni Assn., Chinese Student’s Alliance of Ha- waii and Hawaiian Board. AKAU, GEORGE HIGGINS, merchant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Nov. 9, 1884; son of James A. and Emelia K. (Higgins) Akau; high school edu- cation; married Caroline de Silva in Honolulu, June 15, 1910; two chil- dren: George and Eleanor. Clerk and salesman in the store of E. N. Holmes, Hilo, for 12 years; became manager of the Peoples Store, Hilo. commis- sion merchant, Kohala, Hawaii; born at Kohala Oct. 6, 1886; son of Goo Chin and Maiaka (Kalua) Akina; educated in public school, Mills Institute, 1900, and St. Louis College, 1907; married Norah Lei- aloha Keawe at Kohala, Hawaii, Nov. 16, 1913; one son: Arthur Atai. Was office assistant in the plantation department of Bishop & Co., bankers, Honolulu, 1907-08; bookkeeper at the Hawi Mill & Plantation Co.’s store, Kohala, Ha- waii, 1908-11; asst. bookkeeper and private secretary in the main of- fice of the plantation having the 2 ALEXANDER, management of the Hawi Garage; manager of the plantation’s stores at Hawi, Hoea, and Puakea, Ha- waii; resigned to go into business alone, March, 1917; elected County Supervisor, Hawaii County, 1917-19. Served Co. I, Inf., 2nd Regt. H. N. G., two years with honorable discharge. Member Kilauea Lodge, Masons, Scotish Rite bodies, and Mystic Shrine. AKO, JAMES, supervisor, County of Hawaii, Kailua, Hawaii; born at Kailua, North Kona, Hawaii, Aug. 11, 1882; son of Chew Chong and Lehela Kailiuaua Pahee; educated in the public schools and the Royal School, Honolulu; married Margar- et K. Ahana of Kaloko, N. Kona, Hawaii, Dec. 22, 1902; children: Philip A. and Josephine K. Began as clerk in John Kaelemakule’s store and sub-agent of public lands, 3rd Land District, Kailua, N. Kona, Hawaii; appointed Deputy Tax As- sessor and Collector, North Kona District, Jan. 1905-1915; asst. post- master, Kailua, 1905-1910; clerk, Third Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, 1910-12; elected Supervisor from the second representative dis- trict, County of Hawaii, 1915-17; reelected 1917-19. Member of the Seaside Club, Kamehameha Lodge and Forresters. ALEXANDER, FRANK ALVAN, plan- tation manager, Eleele, Kauai; born in California, Oct. 31, 1869; son of James McKinney and Mary E. (Webster) Alexander; educated Oakland grammar and high schools, Yale Scientific School and Univer- sity of California; married Pearl E. Swan of Buffalo, New York, at Paia, Maui, June 29th, 1905. Be- gan career in San Francisco but soon afterwards returned to the islands and started as luna at the Haiku Sugar Co., Maui; had charge of Kaluanui division of Haiku Sugar Co.; was later head luna and then head luna of the Paia Sugar Co.; became assistant man- ager Maui Agriculture Co. and for a number of years has been man- ager McBryde Sugar Co., Eleele, Kauai. Member lodge Maui A. F. & A.M. No. 984, G. L. 5, Omega Chap- ter of Reta Theta Pi Fraternity. KENNETH, portrait photographer, Honolulu; born in London, Eng., March 3, 1887; son of Alexander Fyfe and Alice (Austin) 18 Alexander; educated at Bedford Modern School, Bedford, England; not married; student of Art, London Polytechnic, 1903; New York School of Art, 1904; student of photography with Vandyke, London Court, pho- tographer; with H. H:; Pierce, pho- tographer, Boston, Mass., 1905-1907; with “Histed,’”’ New York famous photographer, 1908-09; operated stu- dio alone, Seattle, Wash., 1910-14; studio in Honolulu since. Mason. ALLEN, RILEY HARRIS, newspaper- man, Honolulu; born at Canton, Texas, April 30, 1884; son of Riley Harris and Anna (Beck) Allen; di- rectly related to Richard Stockton, signer of Declaration of Independ- ence, also to Commodore Stockton; male ancestors both sides fought in all American wars since and in- cluding Revolution; educated, gram- mar school, Kentucky and Seattle, Wash., Seattle High School; Uni- versity of Washington, two years, graduated from University of Chi- cago, 1905, Ph.B., Lit.; married Suz- anne McArdle in Seattle, Wash., Sept. 6, 1910. Began regular newspaper work with the Seattle Post-Intelligencer for only few weeks, 1905; joined reportorial staff, Honolulu Evening Bulletin, Honolulu, T. H.; returned same year to Seattle and joined staff of Post-Intelligencer, Jan. 1, 1906; edi- tor Washington Magazine (month- ly), 1907-08; newspaper work, Post- Intelligencer, 1908-10; city editor Evening Bulletin, Honolulu, and on amalgamation of Bulletin and Ha- waiian Star, July 1, 1912, became editor of Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Is a short story writer, being con- tributor to Collier’s, McClure’s, Sat- urday Evening Post, and others. Member Honolulu Ad Club, Rotary Club and Beta Theta Pi (College fraternity). ALOYSIUS, FATHER (Father Louis), Hilo, Hawaii; was born at Hoff van Delft (Netherlands), March 17, 1865; studied for the Priesthood at Avranches and Sarzeau (France) and Louvain, Belgium. Entered the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts at Louvain, April, 1895; came to Hawaii, Oct., 1898; was ordained to the Priesthood March 19, 1899; became an American citizen Aug. 3, 1904, and is living with the orphan MEN OF HAWAII and dependent boys at Father Louis’ Boys’ Home in Hilo. ALULI, NOA WEBSTER, lawyer, Hon- Olulu; born at Wailuku, Maui Co., Hawaii, Dec. 1, 1880; son of John Thomas and Sarai (Kepoikai) Alu- li. Educated Wailuku Government School, St. Louis College (Honolu- lu), University of Michigan, LL.B., 1901; married Emma Akamu in Hilo, Hawaii, Dec. 23, 1910; two children, Alai Kaouiokalani and Aima Neaulani. Practised law in Maui County; deputy county at- torney, County of Maui, 1905-1910; practised law in Honolulu since 1911. AMBROSE, JOSEPH M., deputy Asses- sor and Collector, Lahaina, Maui, T. H.; born at Haiku, Maui, Feb. 11, 1882; son of Manuel M. and Maria (Oliveira) Ambrose; public school education; married Maria Derego in Wailuku, Maui, June 8, 1912; two children, Ieonida and Ieo Marion. Began as plantation laborer and later manager Maui Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Ltd., Kahului branch; manager Paia branch, Maui Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Ltd., 1911-14; appointed deputy Assessor and Col- lector, District of Lahaina, Island of Molokai and Island of Lanai, T. H., Jan. 1, 1915. First Lieut. and Adj. 2nd Battalion, 3rd Infantry, National Guard of Hawaii. Member of Maui Chamber of Commerce and Maui County Fair & Racing Assn. ANDERSON, ROBERT W., dental sur- geon, Honolulu; born November 12, 1857, in New York City, New York; son of Robert and Mary (Willis) Anderson; married Susan Alice Young in Honolulu July 11, 1893; three children — Francis Ketcham (by former marriage), Robert Alex- ander, Mary Ruth, and Robert Wil- lis (deceased). Educated at Plain- field, New Jersey, and Philadelphia Dental College, graduate 1883, de- gree D. D. S. Began professional career in Plainfield, New Jersey, in 1883, and practised there until 1889; removed to Honolulu in 1889 and has practised dental surgery since. ANDRADE, FRANK, lawyer, Honolu- lu; born on the Island of Madeira, Sept. 5, 1878; son of Louis and Mary (Jardin) Andrade; educated in the public schools of Honolulu’ and Stanford University (California). Married Mary Howland at Honolulu, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 19 Oct. 11, 1902. Studied law and was admitted to bar of California, 1900; began practising law in San Fran- cisco in association with C. M. Fick- ert; returned to Honolulu continu- ing in the practise of law. Served in Territorial Legislature, being chairman judiciary committee both sessions, 1903 and 1905; was district magistrate of Honolulu, four years; Deputy Attorney-General of Hawaii, representing the Territory in the fire claims court; Deputy City and County Attorney in the prosecutions of cases in the district court of Hon- olulu, two years; member first land board. Director Honolulu Dairy- men’s Association, manager Kaneohe Ranch; manager Heeia Agriculture Co. Is a Mason and member Uni- versity Club (Honolulu). ANDREWS, ARTHUR LYNN, college professor, Honolulu; born at Mc- Lean, N. Y., July 16, 1871; son of Isaac Chapman and Martha Eva (Townley) Andrews; educated Itha- ca High School, Ithaca, N. Y., Cor- nell University, B. L. 1893, M. L. 1895, Ph. D. 1902; Harvard (summer 1916); married Harriet Sabrina Cou- sens at Biddeford, Me., June 30, 1903. Reader in English, 1895-96; assistant in English, 1896-97, 1898- 1901; instructor in English, 1901-07, 1908-10; president’s secretary and university publisher, 1907-08, all at Cornell. Professor of English, Col- lege of Hawaii, 1910-]7; secretary of the college, 1917. Summer of 1907, traveled in Europe, particular- ly in Scotland and Engjand, visiting places having literary associations. Editor, “Specimens of Discourse,” New York, Henry Holt & Co., 1905. Member Cornell Club of Hawaii (president 1913-16, 1917), Men’s League, Manoa Club, Honolulu Ad Club, National Education Assn., National Council of Teachers of English, Educational Committee, Honolulu Y. M. C. A., Rotary Club. ANDREWS, CARL BOWERS, civil en- gineer, Honolulu; born at Pahala, Kau, Island of Hawaii, April 17, 1879; son of Robert Wilson and Ros- ina (Schrank) Andrews; educated, Punahsu Prep. and Acad. (Honolu- lu), Rose Polytechnic Institute (Ter- re Haute, Ind.), B. S. 1908, M. S. 1909, C. E. 1917; printer’s appren- tice and printer, Honolulu, 1893-96; engraver, 1896-97; photographer, 1897-1900; photo-engraver with Ha- waiian Gazette Co., 1900-1904; at- tended College, 1904-08; became as- sociated with Baldwin & Alexander, civil engineers, Honolulu, Septem- ber, 1908-June, 1909; assistant Coun- ty Engineer, Maui County, June-Dec., 1909; chief engineer, Oahu Railway & Land Co. since 1909. Associate member American Soc. of C. E.; member, American Soc. for Testing Materials; member, Amer. Railway Engineering Assn.; chairman, Ha- waiian Engineering Assn., 1916-17. ANDREWS, LORRIN, lawyer, Hono- lulu; born in New York City July 29, 1872; son of William and Adele (Oscanyan) Andrews; educated public schools of New Jersey, New York University, A. B. 1891, LL. B. 1893; married Caroline Eckberg in Honolulu April 12, 1910; one child by former wife, Lorrin, Jr. Prac- tised law New York City, 1893-99; member N. Y. Assembly, 17th Dist., 1896; Republican leader 17th Dist., 1894-99; chairman campaign com- mittee for Mayor Low, independent ticket, 1898; removed to Honolulu, 1899; chairman, Board of Registra- tion, Oahu, 1900-02; Atty. Gen., Ter- ritory of Hawaii, 1903-05; chair- man, Republican County Comm., 1904-05; investigated American boy- cott in China for San Francisco Merchants’ Assn., 1905; practised law in China, 1905-08; practised in Reno, Nev., 1908-09, and was chair- man Rep. County Comm. conduct- ing presidential campaign. Chair- man Civil Service Comm., Honolu- lu, 1914-17; chairman Republican Territorial Comm., 1915; Represen- tative Territorial Legislature, 1917; practised law in Honolulu’ since 1909. Is a 32nd deg. Mason, and an Elk. Member Phoenix Lodge. ANDRUS, GEORGE ALANSON, sec- retary Army and Navy Y. M. C. A, Honolulu; born at Saybrook, Ohio, May 28, 1885; son of Grandville O. and Kate L. (Jeffers) Andrus; edu- cated at Oberlin College, Ohio, graduated 1912, A. B.; married Bernice Louise Wood at Amherst, Ohio, Aug. 8, 1916; one daughter, Katherine Jane. Teacher of music and mathematics at the Kamehame- ha School for Boys, Honolulu, 1912- 16; associate secretary of the Y.. M. C. A., Honolulu, 1916-17; assist- ant secretary of Army and Navy Y. M. C. A., Honolulu, since 1917. Organizer and director of the Apollo 20 MEN OF HAWAII RILEY H. ALLEN REV. WILLIAM AULT ARAKAWA, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 21 Club of Honolulu, and director of the Kamehameha Boys’ Glee Club for four years. Tenor soloist at the Central Union Church, Hono- lulu. Was member of Coast Ar- tillery, H. N. G. Member executive committee of Anti-Saloon League. ANGUS, GEORGE HIBBARD, mer- chant, Honolulu; born at Amherst, Nova Scotia, March 7, 1874; son of John Morris and Sara (West) Angus; educated at Punahou Pre- paratory School and Oahu College, Honolulu; married Elizabeth Grace in Honolulu, June 17, 1903; two children: Jean Elizabeth and Don- ald. Began in the employ of Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Honolulu, be- fore and after school hours until on completing studies December, 1891, then worked up to the man- ager of the hardware department; director T. H. Davies & Co. since 1917; president Mid-Pacific Car- nival, Ltd., during 1917 and 1918; member Hawaiian Promotion Com- mittee. Commissioned Captain, Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps, Quartermas- ter Dept., June 4, 1917. Member Pacific Club, Hawaii Polo & Rac- ing Assn., Myrtle Boat Club, Oahu Country Club (president 1915), Commercial Club (president 1914), Elks (Exalted Ruler 1905), Aloha Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. (Poten- tate 1914). FUTOSHI, civil engi- neer, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Kula, Maui, Hawaii, April 9, 1891; son of Kohei and Chiyo (Masaki) Ara- kawa; educated Hilo High School and Leland Stanford Junior Uni- versity, A. B. 1914; civil engineer and architect, Hilo, Hawaii, since 1915. Organizer of the Japanese- American Citizens’ Association of Hawaii, the first of its kind to be started in the United States and encourages Hawaiian born Japan- ese to become true American citi- zens, president of this organization since 1915. ARLEDGE, ARTHUR EDWARD, civil engineer, Honolulu; born Nov. 28, 1878, at Vosburg, Miss.; son of John Manning and Mary Elizabeth (Rish- er) Arledge; married Clara Bingham Sutherland, March 20, 1912, in Hon- olulu; two children—Arthur Edward Jr., and May Annette; descendant of Isaac D. Arledge, who fought with distinction in Civil War. Received ARMSTRONG, early education in public schools of Mississippi and graduated from high school of Poplarville, Miss., gradu- ated in civil engineering from Uni- versity of Mississippi, 1903; began professional career with Louisville & Nashville railroad; U. S. Engi- neer’s office on improvements to the Mississippi river, 1904-07; U. S. Lighthouse service 1907 to date, and at present inspector of 19th district (Hawaii). Is an associate member American Society of Civil Engineers. ARMITAGE, HARRY, stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born in Auck- land, N. Z., Dec. 16, 1856; son of James Taylor and Hannah (Randall) Armitage; educated at St. John’s College, Auckland, N. Z., and Nelson College, Nelson, N. Z.; married Em- ma Leialoha Spitz in Honolulu, June 28, 1905. Clerk to Alfred Buckland & Sons, auctioneers and wool brok- ers, Auckland, N. Z., 1868-1870; sales- man, A. S. Cleghorn & Co., Honolulu and adjacent islands, 1871-1880; mining prospector, Idaho and Utah, 1880-82; returned to Hawaii as over- seer and manager of sugar planta- tion, Honokaa, Hawaii; removed to New Zealand for short time engaged in the hat business, selling out in 1886; connected with Jas. F. Mor- gan, auctioneer, Honolulu, 1887-96; entered stock and bond brokerage, being the only broker in Honolulu until organization of Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange, 1898, serving in official capacity at different times; incorporated brokerage business in January, 1912, with H. C. Carter and S. A. Walker, retiring as silent part- ner until 1915. Was member Hono- lulu Rifles, 1871. Member K. of P., B. P. O. Elks, 32nd Degree Mason. FRANK HOPKINS, assistant treasurer, Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Honolulu; born at Wailuku, Island of Maui, Sept. 27, 1874; son of Goodale and. Lucia (Peck) Arm- strong; educated at Oahu College, Honolulu; married Hildegarde Eaton in Honolulu, April 18, 1913. Became associated with the firm of Castle « Cooke, Ltd., upon finishing school and has served in different capaci- ties until made assistant treasurer of the corporation, June 16, 1909. Member of Oahu Country Club, Ha- waiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Honoiulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Honolulu Commandery No. 1, K. T., Aloha Temple, Mystic Shrine. MEN OF HAWAIL 22 CHARLES H. ATHERTON ASHFORD, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 23 CLARENCE WILDER, jurist, Honolulu; born at _ Port Hope, Ontario, Feb. 24, 1857; son of James and Harriet Newell (Wil- der) Ashford; descendant from Unit- ed Empire Loyalists, paternal side, and from American Revolutionary officers on maternal side; remote ancestress, Mary Wiider, who with her two sons, John and Thomas, came over on the Mayflower; edu- cated in public and high schools of native town and graduated from Law Dept. of University of Michi- gan, degree LL.B., 1880; married Jennie E. Robertson of Honolulu, Nov. 5, 1883; three children, Stan- ley H., Huron K., and Marguerite K. After brief practise in Lansing, Mich., and California, located in Honolulu in 1883; admitted to bar, Territory of Hawaii, practising con- tinuously, except a period of seven years following the insurrection of 1895, he went into political exile and practised law in San Francisco. Was Attorney General of Hawaii, under the Monarchy during reign of King Kalakaua, 1887-1890; member of Honolulu Rifles, being Capt. Co. D same period; appointed First Judge of First Circuit Court, District of Hawaii, July 14, 1914. Member of University and Country Clubs and Masonic orders of Honolulu. ASHLEY, WILLIAM GEORGE, busi- ness man, Honolulu; born San Jose, Santa Clara County, Cal., March 29, 1855; son of John and Hannah Shel- don (Smith) Ashley; married Kittie Elizabeth Torbert in Honolulu, De- cember 238, 1882; six children—lIsa- bel Hannah, W. George, John Le- land, Catherine Margaret, Dorothy Marian, Anna Shaw. Educated in schools of San Jose, was graduated from San Jose High School. Began career as secretary San Jose Woolen Mills, 1875-77; followed mining in Nevada, Idaho and California, 1877- 81; with B. F. Dillingham & Co. (Honolulu), 1881-83; associated with Grove Ranch Plantation, Maui, 1884- 87; secretary Board of Health (Ha- waii) 1887-1889; secretary and sup- erintendent Oahu Railway & Land Co., 1889-93; with Bishop & Co., Bankers, 1898-1901; Honolulu Plan- tation, 1901-07; E. O. Hall & Son, 1907-11; Schuman Carriage Co. since 1911. Was member advisory com- mittee, provisional government of Hawaii, 1893; quartermaster and ATHERTON, captain National Guard of Hawaii, 1895-1900; marshal at the time of the overthrow of the monarchy; reg- istrar of public accounts, Hawaiian Treasury, 1893-98. Past Grand Chan- cellor Mystic Lodge No. 1, K. P.; Past Grand Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F.; Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M; Honolulu Commandery No. 1, K. T.; Honolulu Consistory, A. A. S. R.; Aloha Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S.; ‘Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B, Ps Ov. CHARLES HENRY, businessman, Honolulu; born July 12, 1867, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Joseph Ballard and Juliette Montague (Cooke) Ather- ton; educated at Punahou School (Honolulu), Oakland High School (Oakland, Cal.), Oberlin College (Ohio), 1887; married Minnie Mer- riam of La Grange, Ohio, Dec. 24, 1887; children: three daughters— Violet, Juliette, Laura. Began busi- ness career as buyer in the firm of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, 1887, ad- vancing to assistant cashier, assist- ant treasurer and since then has been treasurer. Is president of Hus- tace-Peck Co., Ltd.; first vice-presi- dent Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd.; vice-president Young’ Bros, Ltd. (boat builders); vice-president, HE. O. Hall & Son, Ltd.; treasurer, Ewa, Waialua and Kohala plantations; di- rector in the Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., Oahu Railway & Land Co., Ltd., Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., Ltd., and many other enterprises. Is _ inter- ested in philanthropic and educa- tional work, being a trustee of the Central Union Church, president of Library of Hawaii, a director of the Y. M. C. A. Member of the Commer- cial, Pacific, Country, University, Outrigger Canoe, Healani Boat and Beretania Tennis Clubs of Honolulu. Republican. ATHERTON, FRANK COOKE, finan- cier, Honolulu; born July 1, 1877, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Joseph Ballard and Juliette Montague (Cooke) Atherton; edu- cated at Punahou school and Oahu College (Honolulu), Wesleyan Uni- versity (Conn.), 1896; married El- eanore Alice Simpson of New York State, July 19, 1901; children: Mar- jory E., Joseph Ballard, Alexander S. Began business career as clerk, Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., Honolulu, 24 MEN OF HAWAII FRANK C. ATHERTON ATKINSON, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 25 1897, advancing to receiving teller, paying teller, and was assistant cashier and secretary in 1904, re- signing on account of health; secre- tary and manager, Sugar Factors Company, 1906-09; secretary, J. B. Atherton Estate, Ltd., since 1910; is vice-president, Castle & Cooke, Ltd.; second vice-president Cham- ber of Commerce; secretary, Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.; president, Honolu- lu Star-Bulletin, Ltd.; treasurer, Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., and di- rector in many corporations. Devotes much attention to philanthropic and educational work of Hawaii, being president of the Y. M. C. A., treas- urer Mid-Pacific Institute, trustee Oahu College. Member of the Ha- waiian Board, member of the inter- national committee of the Y. M. C. A.; member of Oahu Country Club, Pacific Club, Commercial Club, Uni- versity Club. Enthusiastic hibiscus grower. Republican. ATKINS, REMUS HENRY, farmer, Kohala, Hawaii; born in County Cork, Ireland, March 11, 1840; son of Stephen Hastings and Mary An (Green) Atkins; educated in Toron- to, Canada; married Alice Wight of N. Kohala, Hawaii, June 29, 1870; four children: James Wight, Mary An Jane (deceased), Eliza Yates, and Frank Fitzgerald. Was a farmer as a boy in Tasmania and British Columbia; mined in Australia at Forrest Creek and Bendigo; came to Honolulu, 1856; father bought the land of Kealakeakua, Hawaii, 1857, presumably from the chief, Kapakea. Manager of the Halawa Plantation, Kohala, Hawaii, 1874-1885; district magistrate, North Kohala, Hawaii, since 1885. ALATAU LEONARD CHARLES, attorney-at-law, Honolu- lu; born Sept. 12, 1871, in Hono- lulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Alatau T. and Annie E. (Humble) Atkinson. Educated in schools of Honolulu, St. Albion College, and University of Michigan, being grad- uated there with degree LL. B. in 1898. Began professional career as Assistant Attorney-General, Terri- tory of Hawaii, 1898-9; was Secre- tary of Hawaii, 1903-07; private prac- tice since 1907; associated with the firm of Thompson & Cathcart (Hon- Olulu), Member of Pacific Club. ATKINSON, ROBERT WITLAM, dredging contractor, Honolulu; born March 11, 1877, in Honolulu, King- dom of Hawaii; son of Alatau T. and Annie Elizabeth (Humble) At- kinson; married Helen Gertrude Kitchen at Murray Hill, New Jersey, Jan. 9, 1907. Educated Fort Street School, Honolulu, Harvard graduate, 1902. Began business career in sur- vey department of Territory of Ha- waii, 1893; with Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 1898, and B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., since 1900; with Walter Dil- lingham organized Hawaiian Dredg- ing Co. of Honolulu, of which he is manager. Member University Club, Hawaii Polo & Racing Association, Oahu Country Club. AULT, WILLIAM, Priest of the Epis- copal Church, Honolulu; born in . England, March 5, 1871; son of Charles and Ann (Smith) Ault; ear- ly education mostly private, S. Boni- face College, 1897; married Eliza- ’ beth Mary Caroline Hayselden of Lahaina, Island of Maui, Jan. 24, 1901; children: Ralph W., Norman C., Marguerite E., Kenneth C., Mary C. Ordained Deacon by Bishop Willis, 1897; ord. Priest by Bishop Willis, 1899; teacher, Iolani Col- lege, Honolulu, three months, 1899; missionary for entire Island of Maui, 1898-1901; Priest in charge of West Maui, headquarters at Wailuku, 1901- 1910; inducted into the Cancn’s Stall of “Iolani,” St. Andrew’s Cathedral, 1901; Vicar of St. Andrew’s Cathed- ral, 1910; president, Council of Ad- vice, Missionary District of Hono- lulu, 1916-1917. AUSTIN, HERBERT ASHFORD ROB- ERTSON, civil engineer, Honolulu; Horn Jane. tie 1890-7 avseilo, T. H:: son of Herbert Clark and Marian (Robertson) Austin; grandson of Stafford L. Austin, Lieut-Governor of Island of Hawaii, 1856-57, under Princess Ruth, and circuit judge of Island of Hawaii, 1857-62 and 1886-96; educated in Hilo and Hon- olulu grammar schools, Oahu Col- lege, 1909, and Cornell University, C. E., 19138. Began _ professional career as assistant engineer with Hawaii Loan Fund Commission, Aug.-Dec., 1913; junior engineer with U. S. Geological Survey, water resources branch, Hawaii district, hydraulics and hydrometric work since Dec., 1913; sergeant in Ist Separate Co., Hawaiian Engineers, MEN OF HAWAII 26 BAKER DAVID K. DR. RICHARD G. AYER BAILEY. C.-T. F. ARRAKAWA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 27 N. G. H. Member Hawaiian Engi- neering Assn., sec. and treas. Cor- nell Club of Hawaii. AYER, RICHARD GILBERT, physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born in Haverhill, Essex County, Mass., De- cember 27, 1867; son of Richard Gilbert and Katherine (Hall) Ayer, his father being a shoe manufac- turer of Haverhill; married Blanche Estelle Westcott Sept. 15, 1896, at Albany, N. Y.; one child, Mildred Florence. Educated private schools at Haverhill, Tilton Academy, Til- ton, N. H., Phillips Andover, And- over, Mass., Harvard University and Harvard Medical School, M. D., 1891; began professional career in Massa- chusetts General Hospital, Cam- bridge, Mass., spent 14 years in hos- pital and private practise in Mexico; private practise in Honolulu, Feb., 1914-July, 1915, when he was ap- pointed emergency hospital surgeon and surgeon for the Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co. Member of a number of college clubs and the Medical Society of Hawaii. BAILEY, CHARLES THOMAS, civil engineer, Honolulu; born at Greens- boro, Vt., April 25, 1883; son of Her- bert Hamilton and Jane (Patterson) Bailey; educated Craftsbury Acad- emy (N. Craftsbury, Vt.) and Uni- versity of Vermont, B.S. in Civil Engineering, 1908; married Grace Gilmore in San Francisco, Cal., April 17, 1915; one child, Clifford Herbert. Instrument man on grade separation work at Detroit with the Michigan Central Railway, 1909-10; Junior Engineer of Water Resources Branch of U. S. Geological Survey, Newport, Ky., 1910-12; Assistant Engineer Water Resources Branch of U. S. Geological Survey with headquarters at Honolulu, 1912-17; Chief Hydrographer and Engineer, Division of Hydrography, Depart- ment of Public Lands, Honolulu since Oct, 22, 1917. Was honorably discharged from Hawaiian National Guard, May, 1917. Member Beta Sigma Chapter of Sigma Nu H'ra- ternity. BAILEY, JACOB S., merchant, Hon- olulu; born at Sutton, St. Edmunds, Lincolnshire, England, July 3, 1862; son of John Bennett and Mary Ann BAKER, (Stennett) Bailey; educated at St. Edmunds Endowed School and at Royal College of Surgeons (dis- qualified on account of defective eyes); married Maria Rees (de- ceased) of Milford Haven, South Wales, Eng., 1881; children: James Stennett (deceased), Elsie (Mrs. Wm. Bell), Henry Bennett (Pres. and Mgr. Honolulu Wire Bed Co.), Frederick Cole and Alice Maud; married Maud Herbert, Nov. 1, 1916. Became established in the furniture business in Honolulu, 1895; is large stockholder in the Honolulu Wire Bed Co. and the Bailey Furniture Co., Honolulu. Manager of the Honolulu Auction Rooms. Member of the Hawaiian Engineering Assn. ALBERT SHERBURNE, minister of the gospel, Kealakekua, Hawaii; born at South Dennis, Mas- sachusetts, Dec. 15, 1871; son of Moses and Ruth Bangs (Nickerson) Baker; descendant of Francis Ba- ker, who came to Boston in the “Planter,” 1635, from Great St. Al- bans, Herefordshire, Eng., settling in what is now Dennis, Mass.; edu- cated, grammar school, South Den- nis, Mass., High School, Gloucester, Mass., Amherst, B. A. 1894, Am- herst, M. A. 1899, Harvard M. D. 1899, Yale, B. D. 1904; married Har- riet Anne Austin, Honolulu, May 21, 1906; one child, Ruth Caroline. Private study traveling in Egypt, Palestine, Greece and Italy, 1894- 95; traveled in United States, 1900- 01; missionary and agent of the Ha- waiian Board at Kona and Kau, Ha- waii, since 1904. Member of Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. BAKER, DAVID K., lawyer, Napoopoo, Hawaii; elected Senator from Ha- waii to Territorial Legislature, 1912. BALCH, JOHN ADRIAN, treasurer Mutual Telephone Company, Hono- lulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 6, 1876; son of Daniel Web- ster and Nellie Dingle (Holmes) Balch; married Helen Bae Skelly, at San Francisco, Cal., May 11, 1909; two children, Margaret Adri- enne and John Bernard. Educated in public schools and Boy’s High School of San Francisco; com- menced business career with the Texas Consolidated Mine, Shasta County, Cal., June 10, 1893, under his father, a prominent mining 28 MEN OF HAWAII FRANK F. BALDWIN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 29 engineer who settled in California in 1850, having rounded the horn before the mast; has had a varied experience in mining and smelting in California, Mexico, Arizona and Washington; supt. of the wireless dept. of the Mutual Telephone Co. of Honolulu since July, 1907. Member Pacific Club, Honolulu, Western Star Lodge No. 2, F. & A. M., Shasta, Cal., Shasta Chapter No. 9, F. & A. M., Redding, Cal., Red Bluff Commandery No. 17, K. T., Red Bluff, Cal., Islam Tem- ple, A. A. O. N. M. S. of San Francisco. BALDWIN, BENJAMIN D., _ planta- tion manager, Makaweli, Kauai; born at Kohala, Hawaii, April 12, 1868; son of David D. and Lois M. (Baldwin) Baldwin; attended Fort Street school and Punahou Pre- paratory School, Honolulu; mar- ried Louise Voss. Began as luna with the Haiku Sugar Co., Maui, later as head luna, Jan. 1, 1889- April .20, 1901; assistant manager Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., Maui, 1901-1903; manager of the Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, Kauai, since 1903. Liquor Com- missioner, Island of Kauai, since 1914. Is Major, 3rd Battalion, 4th Regt., Hawaiian National Guard. Member Oahu Country Club, Hono- lulu. BALDWIN, CHARLES WICKLIFFE, educator, Honolulu; born Dec. 20, 1860, at Lahaina, Island of Maui, Hawaiian Islands; son of David Dwight and Lois (Gregory) Bald- win; married Olive Elvira Steele July 28, 1909, at Los Altos, Cal.; two children, Olive Lowe _ and Charles Morris; descendant of Joseph Baldwin, one of the earliest settlers of Milford, Mass., who came to America from England in 1639; grandfather, Rev. Dwight Baldwin, M. D., was member of the fourth missionary company that came to the Hawaiian Islands. Ed- ucated in the public schools of New Haven, Conn., Mrs. S. E. Bishop’s private school at Lahaina- luna, Maui, Punahou Preparatory School and Oahu College. Began business career as shipping clerk for Pacific Navigation Co., 1884; clerk Honolulu police court, 1885; commenced teaching in 1892 as principal of Haiku school, Maui; principal Kaupakulua school, 1896; normal inspector third circuit, 1900- 1905; normal inspector first circuit, 1905-1908; principal Kauluwela school, Honolulu, 1908-09; principal Kaahumanu school, Honolulu, since 1909. Author of a geography of the Hawaiian Islands; president Makawao Teachers Circle, 1897-99; Maui Teachers Association, 1899; Territorial Teachers Association, 1901, 1908 and 1909; member Hon- Oolulu Lodge, F. & A. M. BALDWIN, DOUGLAS ELMER, head luna, Hawaiian Sugar Co., Maka- weli, Kauai, T. H.; born at Kalu- hanui, Maui, T. H., January 5, 1894; son of Benjamin Douglas and Lou- ise Theressa (Voss) Baldwin; edu- cated by private instruction and Punahou School, Honolulu, 1913; married Ruth Carolyn Johnston of San Francisco, September 8, 1915, one child, Benjamin Harry. Began business career as loading luna, Hawaiian Sugar Co., 19138; after advancements from time to time, became head luna of the Hawaiian Sugar Co. Was first to be mar- ried of the third generation of the Baldwin family in Hawaii, the lit- tle son being the first of the fourth generation. Served two months as lieutenant, Quartermaster Division, Kauai Battalion, H. N. G. BALDWIN, ERDMANN DWIGHT, civil engineer, Honolulu; born Lahaina, Maui (Kingdom of Hawaii), Dec. 9, 1859; son of David Dwight and Lois Gregory (Morris) Baldwin; descendant of Joseph Baldwin, of Cholesburg, County of Bucks, Eng- land, one of the earliest settlers around Milford, Conn. (16389); pa- ternal grandfather, Rev. Dwight Baldwin, M. D., one of earliest missionaries to Hawaiian Islands. Married Nellie Virginia Curtis in Hilo, Hawaii, Nov. 28, 1892; two children, Dwight Vanatta, Jessie Curtis. Educated at Punahou School (Honolulu), Williston Sem- inary (Easthampton, Mass.), and Yale, class of 1889, Sheffield. Be- gan career with Hawaiian govern- ment survey, 1879-1886; attended at Williston and Yale, 1886-88; with government survey in charge prim- ary triangulation, Island of Hawaii, 1889-92; in charge at Hilo, 1892-1907; Puna Survey and Hilo city works during this time; retired from gov- 30 MEN OF HAWAII HARRY A. BALDWIN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 31 ernment service to form firm Bald- win & Alexander (Honolulu), civil engineers and surveyors, in 1907. Is close student of volcanic action and Hawaiian land shells. BALDWIN, FRANK FOWLER, sugar planter, Puunene, Maui, T. H.; born on the Island of Maui, Hawaiian Islands, March 30, 1878; son of Henry Perrine and Emily (Alexan- der) Baldwin; grandson of early missionaries to the islands who came around the Horn; educated at the Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Conn., 1896, and Yale (Sheffield) class of 799 S., leaving in 1898; mar- ried Harriet Kittredge of Oakland, Cal., April 26, 1900; children, Ed- ward H. K., Asa Fred and Law- rence Alexander. Began career in the sugar cane industry on the Paia Plantation, Maui, August, 1898; became division head luna on the Puunene Plantation, Feb., 1902, and later assistant manager; made manager at Puunene, 1906; at father’s death, 1911, became presi- dent of the Hawn. Commercial & Sugar Co., Ltd., and of the Kahu- lui R. R. Co., Puunene, Maui. Pres- ident of the Maui Chamber of Com- merce, 1911-16; directing manager of Henry P. Baldwin, Ltd. Mem- ber Oahu Country, Pacific, Uni- versity and Commercial Clubs of Honolulu, President Hawaii Polo & Racing Association and Maui County Fair & Racing Assn. Re- publican. BALDWIN, HARRY ALEXANDER, sugar planter, Paia, Maui, T. H.; born at Paliuli, Maui (Kingdom of Hawaii), Jan. 12, 1871; son of Hen- ry Perrine and Emily (Alexander) Baldwin; both grandfathers and grandmothers were early mission- aries to Hawaii; educated in gram- mar schools of San _ Francisco, Oahu College in Honolulu, Massa- chusetts Institute of Technology; married Ethel Frances Smith in Honolulu, July 19, 1897; one daugh- ter: Frances Hobron. Began in the employ of Haiku Sugar Co., Maui, as timekeeper, 1895; man- ager of the Haiku Sugar Co., 1897- 1904; manager of Maui Agricul- tural Co. (a co-partnership of Hai- ku Sugar Co., the Paia Plantation Co. and other land owning corpora- tions) since 1904. Was a director and since 1912 has been President of the Maui Agriculture Co., the BALDWIN, Baldwin National Bank, the Hale- akala Ranch Co., Maui Telephone Co., and Maui Publishing Co. Sen- ator from Maui to Territorial Leg- islature, sessions 1913, 1915, and 1917. Chairman Republican Coun- ty Committee since 1912; Colonel of 38rd Regt., N. G. H., 1916. Mem- ber of Pacific, University, Coun- try, Merchant and Tuna Clubs of Honolulu, Transportation and Bo- hemian Clubs of San Francisco. BALDWIN, SAMUEL ALEXANDER, rancher, Makawao, Maui, T. H.; born at Haiku, Maui, August 30, 1885; son of Henry Perrine and Emily Whitney (Alexander) Bald- win; grandparents were among early missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands; educated Oahu College (Honolulu), Oakland High School (Oakland, Cal.), St. Paul’s School (Concord, N. H.), and Yale, A. B. 1908; married Kathrine Smith in Honolulu, May 10, 1909; children: Helen Gray, Richard Hobron and Barbara Ethel. Entered the offices of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu, September, 1908-Febru- ary, 1915; cattle ranching at Maka- wao, Maui, T. H., since 1915. WILLIAM ATWATER, manager Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., Ltd., Haiku, Maui; born at Kohala, Hawaii, July 20, 1869; son of David Dwight and Lois Gregory (Morris) Baldwin; educated Col- lege of Oahu (Honolulu), Phillip’s Andover Academy, Yale, 1892 §S; married Mina Prime in Milwaukee, Wis., July 24, 1902; two children: Frances and William Prime. Be- gan career in various departments of the Hawaiian Sugar Co., Maka- weli, Kauai, T. H., for eight years; manager Waimea Sugar Mill Co., Waimea, Kauai, 1900; manager Kahuku Plantation Co., Kahuku, Oahu, 1901; manager Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, Kauai, 1902; manager Haiku Fruit & Packing Co. since 1904, president since 1912. Captain Co. H, 3rd Regt., N. G. H., 1916-17. Member Hono- lulu Ad Club, University Club (Honolulu), Maui Chamber of Com- merce, Maui County Fair & Racing Assn., Puunene Athletic Club, Paia Tennis Club and Haiku Farmers’ Association. BALDWIN, WILLIAM DWIGHT, physician, Haiku, Maui Co., T. H.; born at Paia, Maui, Oct. 25, 1873; 32 MEN OF HAWAII W. A. BALDWIN CHARLES W. BALDWIN W. 0. BARNHART E. D. BALDWIN BALLOU, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 33 son of Henry Perrine and Emily (Alexander) Baldwin; both grand- fathers and grandmothers were missionaries to Hawaii; educated Haiku Institute (Maui), Oakland High School, Oakland, Cal. Yale College 1897, Johns Hopkins Medi- cal School, M. D. 1901; married Abby Holbrook of Mass., in New York March 30, 1904; three chil- dren: Dwight H., Charlotte and Virginia. Interne, St. Luke’s Hos- pital Medical Service, New York, 1902-03; externe, Obstetrical Serv- ice, New York Lying Hospital, 1903-04; practising physician, Hon- Olulu, T. H., 1904-1913; farming, Haiku, Maui, since 1914. Was a member Territorial Board of Health and has been connected with sev- eral charitable organizations. BALLENTYNE, CLINTON GRAHAM, manager Honolulu Rapid Transit and Land Co., Honolulu: born March 24, 1854, at Brampton, Canada; son of John and Sarah (Graham) Bal- lentyne; married April 4, 1889, Mary Maud Hartnagel, at Victoria, B. C.; five children: Irma Henrietta (Mrs. Clifford W. White), Marie Leon- tine, Gustave Clinton, Maud Thelma, and Rhoda Redon; educated in pri- mary and high schools of Brampton, and graduated from British Ameri- can Commercial College, Toronto; studied law for two years; ap- pointed to a clerkship in Depart- ment of Secretary of State at Otta- wa, Canada, 1873-82, when he re- signed to seek a larger field; en- gaged in general agency business at Winnipeg 1882-84, and at Victoria, B. C., 1884-94; manager Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1896-98; manager Hono- lulu Rapid Transit and Land Co., 1898 to date; first chairman Board of Liquor Commissioners for Oahu; originated and superintended the construction of Honolulu’s present street railway system, 1895; intro- duced first bill in Territorial legis- lature providing franchise for elec- tric street railway system; member Oahu Country Club, Hawaiian En- gineering Association. HOWARD MALCOLM, Managing editor “Facts About Su- gar,” New York City; born June = 1866, at Providence, R. I.; son of Oren Aldrich and Charlotte Hitch- cock (Miller) Ballou; married Hel. en May Farr (died March 1, 1917) 3 in Littleton, N. H., Aug. 26, 1893; two children, Florence Farr and Charlotte Marita. Educated, Dwight Grammar School (Boston) to 1881, English High School (Boston) 1881- 84, Harvard University, A. B. 1892. Began career as teacher Louisville (Kentucky) Manual Training High School; Wakefield (Mass.) High School; Frye Private School (Bos- ton); Ballou & Hobigand Prepara- tory School (Boston); Professor of: Physics, College of Hawaii (Hon- Olulu), 1910-1915, Statistician Ala- meda Sugar Co., Alvarado, Cal., 1915-16, “Facts About Sugar” since 1916. Was associate editor Mid- Pacific Magazine (Honolulu) from inception to 1916. Was secretary Progressive Party of Hawaii 1914. Member University Club, Honolulu. BALLOU, SIDNEY MILLER, lawyer, Washington, D. C.; born in Provi- dence, R. I., Oct. 24, 1870; son of Oren Aldrich and Charlotte Hitch- cock (Miller) Ballou; educated Dwight Grammar School and Eng- lish High School, Boston; Harvard College, Harvard Law School, A. B. 1893, A. M. 1899; married Tho- rice M. Duke of Louisville, Ky., Dec. 21, 1895; second marriage to Lucia Burnett of Los Angeles, July 27, 1907; one daughter: Barbara Ballou. Admitted to bar in Hono- lulu, 1895; member law firms of Kinney & Ballou; Kinney, Ballou & McClanahan; Hatch & Ballou; Ballou & Marx; Ballou, Marx, Pros- ser & Anderson; attorney for the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Assn. since 1911. Was Associate Justice, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1907-09; compiled Civil and Penal Laws of Hawaii, 1897. Author of various pamphlets on scientific, naval, legal and economic subjects: e. g.—The Eye of the Storm, Theory of Cold Waves, Appeals and Exceptions in the Courts of Hawaii, Notes on the Testimony Before the Hardwick Committee, The Sugar Tariff and the Consumer, The Proposed Con- sumption Tax on Sugar, Comparisons of Naval Strength, Compulsory Mili- tary Training and _ Service, ete. Member University (Pres. 1907-11), - Country and Outrigger Clubs (Hon- olulu), Metropolitan and Chevy Chase Clubs (Washington), Harvard Club, Army and Navy Club (Wash- ington), Navy League (Honorary Vice-Pres.), Capital City Chess Club. 34 MEN OF BARNES, KENNETH BIGHAM, sec- retary Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born Aug. 9, 1885, in Gettysburg, Adams County, Pa.; son of William Smith and Mary Agnes (Bigham) Barnes; married Carolyn Louise Sheffield, daughter of Rev. D. Z. Sheffield of Peking, China, at Honolulu June 20, 1911; one child, William Sheffield; edu- cated in public schools Kearney, Neb., Madison, Ind., Council Bluffs, Iowa, Princeton University, A. B. 1906; taught school, Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy, San Rafael, Cal., 1906-09; associated with Hawaiian Pineapple Co., Ltd., of Honolulu in June, 1909, secretary and treasurer 1911-1916, secretary since 1916; de- scendant of John Barnes of County Armagh, Ireland, who settled in Mercer County, Pa., in 1800. Mem- ber University Club, Outrigger Club. BARNHART, WILLIAM ORIVILLE, ice merchant, Honolulu; born in Pittsburg, Pa., July 23, 1860; son of George Washington and Sabina Catherine (Oriville) Barnhart; com- mon school education; married Flor- ence Mary Giles of Honolulu, Oct. 29, 1892; two sons: George H. W. and Oriville Arthur. Started ranching in California, 1873; employed in railroad shops, Sacramento, Cal., 1880-84; came to Hawaii and located at Spreckelsville, Maui, as engineer in the mill, 1884; removed to Hono- lulu as engineer on the O. R. & L. Co., 1890-94; served in the Honolulu _ Fire Department six years; formed co-partnership in the express busi- ness (People’s Express), later with- drawing and conducted business alone. Established and is sole own- er of the Barnhart Ice Co., Honolulu, since 1905. Member of Oahu Coun- try Club, K. of P., Charter member and holds honorary degree; Ad Club and Chamber of Commerce. BARTER, CLARENCE E., cannery su- perintendent, Haiku, Maui; born at Hermon, N. Y., May 5, 1882; son ot Charles A. and Ella (Martin) Bar- ter; St. Lawrence University, Can- ton, N. Y., B.S. 1906; married Mae Martin at Haiku, Maui County, T. H., March 31, 1917; Vice-Principal and Science Teacher, Franklyn Academy, Malone, N. Y., 1906-10; Science Teacher, Oahu College, Ho- nolulu, 1910-12; Assistant Superin- BATTEN, GROVER A,, HAWAII tendent Hawaiian Pinapple Compa- ny’s Cannery, Honolulu, 1912-15; Su- perintendent of Cannery, Haiku Fruit & Packing Co., Haiku, Maui, T. H. since 1915. Served four years in ‘Co. K, lst Reg. New York National Guard. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Chi Zeta Sigma Fraternities; Ma- son, Odd Fellow. Member of Maui Chamber of Commerce. physician, Honolulu; born Oct. 22, 1884, at Clarksburg, Harrison County, W. Va.; son of John M. and Sally (Robinson) Batten; married Fannie Lee Brown at Charlestown (W. Va.), Nov. 16, 1915; one child, Grover Herbert. Educated’ at Clarksburg High School, Washing- ton and Lee University, degree A. B. 1908; Johns Hopkins Uni- versity (Baltimore), degree M. D. 1914. Became associated in pri- vate practise with Drs. George Herbert and St. D. G. Walters, Hon- olulu, in 1916, after several months in private practise. Member Na- tional Guard of Hawaii, rank ist Lieut.; member Board of Medical Examiners 1916. Member John Hopkins Club, Medical Society of Hawaii, American Medical Associ- ation. BEADLE, IRWIN HUBBARD, secre- tary, Trent Trust Company, Ltd., Honolulu; born Aug. 26, 1878, at Oswego, N. Y.; son of G. N. and Melissa (Hubbard) Beadle (the original American G. N. Beadle having settled in Connecticut at a date prior to the Revolutionary War). Married Grace Moore of Hudson Falls, N. Y., in Honolulu Oct. 25, 1900; two children, Irwin and Jack. Educated in _ public schools and State Normal School at Oswego, graduated 1897. Be- gan career as teacher at Kame- hameha School for Boys, Honolulu, 1899-1903; employee Insular Gov- ernment of Porto Rico 1903-04; with California Gas & Electric Co., 1904-05; secretary Trent Trust Co., Ltd., since 1905, being one of its incorporators. Member Com- mercial, Rotary and Honolulu Ad Clubs. BEAMER, PETER CARL, merchant, 'Hilo, Hawaii; born in Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 17, 1871; son of Peter and Elizabeth (Rice) Beamer; com- BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 35 mon school education; married ‘' Helen Desha in Hilo, 1910; chil- dren: Milton, Francis, Harriet and Peter Carl, Jr. Went to Califor- nia and remained three years; re- turned to Indiana and took up cycl- ing, then made a trip across U. S. and Old Mexico on bike, taking 14 months; returned to New York and started from there on a 3-year trip on bicycle around the world; rode across the U. S. and came to Ha- waii (1899); attempted to climb the Mauna Loa Mountain and got lost, finally landing in Hilo and decided to locate there; became es- tablished in the hardware business. Is President of the Hilo Gas Co., Vice-President of the Peoples’ Bank and Director of the Security Trust Co. Is a member of the Park Commission. BEAVEN, JOHN ASHMAN, business- man, Honolulu; born at Oswego, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1869; son of John Hort and Rebecca (Ashman) Bea- ven; educated in public schools of New York and Connecticut and two years at Sheffield Scientific School; married Alice Margaret Keliher of Minneapolis, Minn., in Honolulu April 18, 1911. Traveled through Africa, India and Europe, 1887-90. Newspaper work, New York Evening Telegram, 1890-92; New York Recorder, 1892-93; New York World, 1893-95; New York American, 1895-98; Milford (Conn.) Citizen, 1899-1905; business in Chi- na and Japan, 1905-07; San Francis- co, Cal., 1907-10. Business in Hon- Olulu 1910 to date; general man- ager American-Hawaiian Paper Co., Ltd., Honolulu, since July, 1915. Was President, Milford (Conn). Board of Trade, 1900-05; vice-pres., Connecticut Editorial Association, 1900-05; vice-pres., Connecticut State Board of Trade, 1903-05. Member of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Ad Club, Rotary Club, secretary Outrigger Canoe Club, 1912-17; Masons and B. P. O. Elks. BEERS, WILLIAM HENRY, lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Honolulu, November 2, 1877; son of Henry A. and Caroline (Kamakauahoa) Beers; educated in Royal School (Honolulu), public school (Maka- pala, Kohala), Kamehameha school (Honolulu), graduated 1895, nor- mal dept. 1896, and University of Michigan law dept., 1908, degree B. L.; married Maude Olive Han- sen at Olaa, Puna, Dec. 19, 1902; children, William H., Jr., Lorrin H. (deceased), Frederick Douglas and Naoma. Began career teach- ing at Honokaa public school, 1896- 97; teacher Hilo Boarding School, 1898-1902; clerk and_ interpreter, Dist. Court, S. Hilo, 1902-1906; at- tended University of Michigan 1906- 08; interpreter House of Repre- sentatives, Territory of Hawaii, session of 1909; appointed county attorney, County of Hawaii, Oct., 1909, and elected to the same office 1910-12,15-17. Resigned from Board of Prison Inspectors, Fourth Judici- al Circuit, 1906. Lieut., N. G. H., Co. D. Member Hermitage Club, University of Michigan (charter member); Kamehameha lodge and Ancient Order of Foresters. BEISSEL, JAMES COLUMBAN, Cath- olic Priest, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Aachen, Germany, April 2, 1854; son of Peter and Mary Gertrud (Keusch) Beissel; educated in Gymnasium of Aachen, Germany, 1874. Emigrated to Belgium to avoid becoming a soldier although a candidate for the Priesthood; prepared for the Priesthood at the Congregation of the Sacred Hearts, Louvain, Belgium, and at the Uni- versity of Louvain. Came to Hono- lulu and joined the Catholic Mis- sion Staff, 1879. Was naturalized an American citizen, Sept. 3, 1902. BELSER, JOHN JULIUS, drayman and contractor, Honolulu; born in Indianapolis, Indiana, March 19, 1876; son of Julius Henry and Eliz- abeth Marie (Fevrier) Belser; mar- ried Eva M. Jenkins, of Honolulu, Oct. 22, 1902; two children, Mar- ‘guerite Helen and Bernice May, Educated in San Francisco, gradu- ating from Lowell High School, 1894; began career in the contracting business, San Francisco, with Wil- liams & Belser as superintendent, 1894; supt. Vincent & Belser, San Francisco, 1899 to 1901; came to Honolulu, formed partnership, Lord & Belser, 1901-07; secretary and treasurer Honolulu Construction & Draying Co., 1908-1912, and president and manager since 1912. Manager of Waianae Lime Co. and Peerless Preserving Paint Co., since 1907; introduced to Hawaii largest dipper dredger west of Mississippi River in 1906, and later introduced larg- MEN OF HAWAII CAPT. HENRY BERGER H. BEERS WM. J. ASHMAN BEAVEN JAMES BICKNELL BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 37 est modern rock crushing plant. Member, F. & A. M. (Past Master), Scottish Rite and York Rite bodies, Elks, I. O. O. F., Aloha Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Commercial Club (governor 1916-17), Rotary Club(gov- ernor, 1916-17), Honolulu Automo- bile Club (governor, 1916-17), Ad Club, Chamber of Commerce, Oahu Country Club and Hawaiian Engi- neering Association. BENZ, RUDOLPH WILLIAM, pbhy- sician and surgeon, Honolulu; born April 26, 1886, at Sydney, N. S. W., Australia; son of William and Car- oline Matilda (Heaton) Benz; mar- ried Viola Pearl Mitchell, Aug. 5, 1911, at Pittsburg, Pa.; two chil- dren, Jac and Helen; primary edu- cation received in schools of Syd- ney, Sydney Technical College 1902- 1905, University of Pittsburg 1906- 1910, degree M. D.; entered Reine- mann Maternity Hospital as _ resi- dent in 1909, resident Alleghany General Hospital 1910-1911, private practise in Honolulu, associated with Dr. C. B. Cooper, since Feb., 1912; naturalized 1912. Member medical staff Queen’s Hospital 1912; Children’s Hospital 1913-14; Queen’s Hospital, 1915; surgeon Queen’s hospital Aug., 1916-Feb., 1917; asst. surgeon O. R. & L. Co. 1912; physician to children’s non- leprous homes, 1915; surgeon Oahu prison 1916; member and secretary Board of Medical Examiners since May, 1914; president of board since Oct., 1915; commissioned Captain Medical Corps National Guard of Hawaii Dec., 1912; appointed Major Nov. 38, 1916; member University Club, B. P. O. E., Medical Society of Honolulu, Association of Mili- tary surgeons. BERGER, HENRY, bandmaster, Hon- Olulu; born Aug. 4, 1844, in Ber- lin, Germany; son of William and Augurte (Dehne) Berger; married Rose Margaret Clark of New Zea- land in Honolulu, Feb., 1899; one child, Lehua Margaret. Educated in public schools of Coswig, Duchy of Anhalt, Germany, studied music in Treuenbrietzen, attended con- servatory of military music in Ber- lin three years. Entered military service (Germany) in 1862, in 2nd Life Guards, Berlin, as musician and participated in.war with Den- mark 1864, Austria 1866, France 1870-71; by request of King Ka- mehameha V was ordered from Berlin to Honolulu by the Minister of War to introduce European mu- sic in Hawaii. Upon arrival in Hawaii no Hawaiian music was in print; immediately arranged to write and print Hawaiian music for voice, piano, band and orches- tra; leader of Royal Hawaiian Band 42 years, pensioned in 1915. Was officer in King Kamehameha’s Guard, on Governor’s staff, Na- tional Guard of Hawaii, 1893 to 1913. Singing teacher in public schools, music teacher industrial schools and organist at Kawaiahao church for many years. Member Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E., Sons of Hermann and number of musical societies in the United States and Europe. Made several concert tours of the United States with Royal Hawaiian Band, is composer of Hawaii’s national air “Hawaii Ponoi,’ and is a natural- ized citizen of U. S. BERNDT, EMIL ADOLPH, merchant, Honolulu; born in Bremen, Ger- many, May 3, 1878; son of Jacob Adolph and Wilhelmina Sophia Fredericke (Kunst) Bartuschka, be- ing adopted (1882) by E. Louis Berndt upon mother’s second mar- riage; arrived in Hawaii when not quite 5 years old; educated at the St. Louis College, Honolulu (prim- ary and high school), graduating June, 1895; married Lili Pfeil in San Francisco, Cal., Dec. 8, 1904. Began career in the business de- partment of the Hawaiian Star, Honolulu, advancing to eirculation manager and later to cashier and assistant manager; director of Ha- waiian Star, 1900; became _ vice- president and general manager of W. W. Dimond & Co., Ltd., china, glass, silver and houseware merch- ants, Honolulu, 1903. Director in Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd.; Secretary of Honolulu Star-Bulletin since the amalgamation of Hawaiian Star and Evening Bulletin, July 1, 1912; director in Home Insurance Co., Honolulu. Was Secretary of Har- bor Board, 1913-15; chairman Re- publican party, 1916-18. Director of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, 1914-18; chairman of the Hawaiian Promotion Committee, 1914-18. 38 MEN OF HAWAII EMIL A. BERNDT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 39 BETTENCOURT, JOSEPH F., JR.,, Kealia, Kauai, T. H.; born at Ka- paa, Kauai, Dec. 13, 1885; son of Jose F. and Maria (Gomes) Bet- tencourt; educated in public school and St. Louis College, Honolulu; married Rosie Mladinch of Kapaa, Kauai, Jan. 21, 1912; two children: Myra F., Edward A. Taught school, Kapaa, 1908-09; entered the Makee Sugar Co. of Kauai as stenographer and timekeeper, 1909-14, and book- keeper since 1914. Served twice as one of Judges of Election, dis- trict of Kawaihau, Kauai, and since notary public, Fifth Judicial Cir- cuit; appointed commissioner, Bd. of Registration (U. S. selective draft), July, 1917; supervisor, dis- trict of Kawaihau, 1917-19. Was Set. Co. F, 4th Infantry, N. G. H. Member of St. Antonio Society of Honolulu. BEVINS, ELMER RUSSELL, lawyer, Wailuku, Maui; born in Omaha, Neb., Aug. 4, 1881; son of Andrew and Alice (Warner) Bevins; married Ethel Phoebe Taylor at Hamakua- poko, Maui County, T. H., April 2, 1908; three daughters, Alice Emily, Mildred Ethel and Barbara June. Admitted to practise law before Su- preme Court, State of Nebraska, June 11, 1903; admitted to bar, State of Nevada, May 1, 1905; admit- ted to practise law in courts, Terri- tory of Hawaii, May 22, 1912; elect- ed County Attorney for the County of Maui, T. H., July 1, 1915-17; re- elected July 1, 1917-19. BIERBACH, OTTO A., pharmacist, Honolulu; born Oct. 17, 1867, in Milwaukee, Wis.; son of Otto and (Herbst) Bierbach, father being a native of Germany; married Laura Augusta Heilborn at Astoria, Ore., March 12, 1895; one child, Gretchen Heilborn. Educated in public and high schools, Milwaukee and Madi- son, Wisi; commercial course in Madison Business College, Univer- sity of Wisconsin, Ph. G. 1887; fol- lowed profession in native state, Washington, Oregon and California until 1897; came to Honolulu, and connected with several drug enter- prises until 1904; bought an inter- est in Chambers Drug Co., Ltd., of which he is president and man- ager and largest stockholder; was interested in the theatrical busi-’ ness for a time, also the fishing —_— boat industry; awarded gold medal in Portland, Ore., by Oregon State Pharmaceutical Assn. for best orig- inal essay on the analysis of dis- infectants, 1891; hospital steward lst Regiment Oregon Militia. Mem- ber Merchants Association of Hon- olulu (secretary 1913, vice-president 1914); vice-president Rotary Club 1915-17; member Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce, Ad Club, Pa- cific Lodge, and Masonic orders. BICKNELL, JAMES, City and County Auditor, Honolulu; born at Kohala, Hawaii, May 26, 1869; son of James and Ellen M. (Bond) Bicknell; de- scendant of early missionaries to Hawaii, grandfather and grandmoth- er coming around the Horn in 1841 and mother having been born at Ko- hala, Hawaii, has never been away from the islands; educated Puna- hou school, Oahu College, Heald’s Business College, San Francisco, Cal., 1889-1890; married Aimee I. Gibble in Honolulu, June 28, 1906; one child: Doreen Aimee. Began in the services of T. G. Thrum in Hon- olulu, later working at Fanning Isl- and until 1893; in the employ of Henry Davis, Honolulu, 1893-6; em- ployed in different capacities U. S. Customs Service, Honolulu, 1896- 1900; elected county auditor, County of Oahu, T. H., 1905-06; on amalga- mation of City of Honolulu with County of Oahu was elected City and County Auditor of Honolulu, 1907, and has been re-elected each suc- ceeding term since. Served in Na- tional Guard, 1887-88; joined Mount- ed Reserves, 1893. Member of Com- mercial Club, Ad Club of Honolulu, Odd Fellows Lodge, K. of P., Phoenix Lodge. Is a Republican. BICKNELL, HENRY, dentist, Hono- lulu; born Feb. 28, 1875, at Ha- makua, Hawaii; son of James and Ellen (Bond) Bicknell; (father was a minister in Hawaii, died 1892); received education at Punahou School (Honolulu), degree of A. B. at Oberlin College (Ohio), 1897, and Degree of D. D. S. at Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1900. Mar- ried Nina H. Cooper of Honolulu Oct. 15, 1906. Has practised his pro- fession in Honolulu since 1901. BISHOP, EBEN FAXON, merchant, Honolulu; born Oct. 27, 1863, at Naperville, Ill.; son of Linus Dewey and Frances (Hulbert) Bishop; MEN OF HAWAII 40 E. FAXON BISHOP BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 41 father was attorney-at-law, also Major 9th Illinois Cavalry 1861-64; married Annie Smith Walker, daughter of John S. Walker of Honolulu, July 21, 1891, no chil- dren; educated in public schools of New York State. Began busi- ness career with C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Honolulu, the oldest Ameri- can commercial institution west of the Rocky Mountains, having been founded in 1826, as a junior clerk, 1883; was appointed secretary in 1891, secretary-treasurer in 1895, and president in 1909. Is president of the Mutual Telephone Co., hav- ing been elected to that office in 1907 and has remained constantly at the head of the corporation; president Hawaiian Sugar Plant- ers’ Assn., two terms; president Sugar Factors Co., two terms, and is president of a number of sugar plantation corporations; was elect- ed a member of the Senate of the Territory of Hawaii in 1904; elect- ed president of that body in 1907; was president Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, 1912-13; held a first lieutenancy in Co. B, Honolulu Rifles, and participated in the rev- Olution of June 30, 1887. BLACKMAN, LEOPOLD G., educat- or, Honolulu; born July 4, 1874, at Cheltenham, England; son of Thomas and Harriet (Sutherland) Blackman; married Edith Purvis Aug. 2, 1902, at Honolulu; edu- eated in English private school, associate of St. Nicholas College, Lancing, Eng.; commenced teach- ing as instructor at Ardingly Col- lege, Eng., 1894-1900; head master Iolani School, Honolulu, 1900-01; principal Honolulu Military Acad- emy since 1911; assistant at Bishop Museum 1901-09; founder of Hono- lulu Military Academy which has grown to large proportions in past few years; Commissioner of Pub- lic Instruction 1914; president Ter- ritorial Teachers’ Association 1916- 17; Captain Quartermaster Corps, National Guard of Hawaii. BLAIR, JESSE CHESTER,: manager of Island Electric Co., Wailuku, Maui, T. H.; born in Buffalo, N. Y., May 22, 1886; son of James B. and Elizabeth (Genner) Blair; public and high school education, Buffalo, N. Y., University of California, B.S. 1914. Began in shops and testing department of Buffalo Gasolene Mo- tor Co., 1905-07; with father, who represented Buffalo Gasolene Motor Co. in San Francisco, Cal., 1907-09; attended University of California, 1909-14. Assistant in the Depart- ment of Physics, University of Cal- ifornia, 1914-15; superintendent of the Island Electric Co., Ltd., Maui, T. H., 1915-16, and manager since. Member K. of P., Aloha Lodge No. 3, Wailuku, Maui. BLAKE, FRANK €E., treasurer and manager of the Hawaiian Electric Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born at New- buryport, Mass., Nov. 26, 1869; son of Ira F. H. and Clara (Piper) Blake; educated in the _ public schools of Mass.; married Gertrude Johnson at Newburyport, Mass., Nov. 23, 1893; children, Kathryne; Charlotte, Gertrude. Began _ busi- ness career with the Towell Manu- facturing Co., Newburyport, Mass., remaining in their employ until 1899; removed to Honolulu, T. H., and entered the employ of the Ha- waiian Electric Co.; appointed manager of the Hawaiian Electric Co., May, 1913, and was _ elected treasurer of the corporation in 1917. Trustee for the Library of Hawaii; director of the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce; member of the Ter- ritorial Food Commission, 1917. Member of the Commercial Club, the Country Club, the Rotary Club and Hawaiian Engineering Assn. BLAKE, HENRY, lawyer, Koloa, Ka- uai; born at Koloa, Kauai, July 31, 1874; son of Alva and Kanohi (Kua- alu) Blake; educated at Hilo Board- ing School, 1884-91, Kamehameha School, Honolulu, 1891-93; married Margarette Miller, at Koloa, Kauai, November 20, 1902; five children, Eleanor, Emma, Juliette, Bernard and Hartwell. Was teacher at Re- formatory School, Honolulu, 1893-94; Deputy Tax Assessor and Collector, Koloa, Kauai, 1894-1904; superinten- dent Koloa Water Works, 1900-1912; Deputy Sheriff, Koloa, since 1906. BLODGETT, HARRY HOAGLAND, physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born at Ida Grove, Ia., Sept. 18, 1882; son of Oscar Grove and Mary Viola (Hoagland) Blodgett; educated In- adianola (Ia.) High School, Simpson College (Ia.) 2 years; Rush Medical College, Chicago, Ill. M.D. 1907; married Esther Lyons in Chicago, 42 MEN OF HAWAII DR. BENJ. D. BOND BOEYNAEMS, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 43 Ill. November 4, 1908; one son, Harry Lyons. Interne St. Joseph Hospital, Chicago, 1907-08; Surgeon Burlington R. R., Omaha, Neb., 1909- 10; Surgeon, U. S. Army, 1911-Jan., 1917; practice of Medicine and Sur- gery in Honolulu since January, 1917: Was with troops in Vera Cruz (Mex.) and Galveston (Tex.), and for seven months was located throughout Mexico, Washington, D. C., and South Dakota. Member Alpha Kappa Kappa Medical Fra- ternity and Sigma Nu Literary Col- lege Fraternity. BOCKUS, CHARLES GERALD, broker, Honolulu; born at Ganano- que, Canada, Nov. 10, 1861; son of Charles Nelson and Harriet (Sills) Bockus; educated at Gananoque High School, Canada; married Edna Scoby in Honolulu, Aug. 17, 1904; four children: Charles W., Geraldine E., Nelson Sills and Marcia B. Came to Hawaii Oct. 25, 1899; was busi- ness manager of the Evening Bulle- tin, Honolulu, for 10 years; engaged in the brokerage business. since; member Knights Templar, Mystic Shrine, P. M. Lodge le Progres de l’ Oceanie F. & A. M., Commercial Club, Country Club, Honolulu. BODEL, JOHN KNOX, clergyman, Hilo, Hawaii, T. H.; born at Mid- dletown, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1877; son of Charles Samuel and Adelia (Nixon) Bodel. Educated in the public schools of Middletown, N. Y., Church Divinity School of the Pa- cific, San Francisco, Cal.; married Eleanor Chester Putnam, Salt Lake City, Utah, Aug. 29, 1906; children: John K., Eleanor A., Mynarda C. Began career as clerk in the St. Mark’s Hospital, Grand Rapids, Mich.; clerk, Smith Drug Co., Salt Lake City, Utah, 1895-1898; city reporter, Bradstreets Merc. Agcy., Salt Lake City, 1900-01; clerk in Auditor’s office, Rio Grande R. R. Co., Salt Lake City, 1898-1900; Minister,-’ Episcopal Church since 1906. Mason. LIBERT HUBERT JOHN LOUIS, Roman Catholic Bishop, Honolulu; born in Antwerp, Belgium, August 18, 1857; son of John and Leopoldina (Van Opstal) Boeynaems; educated in Jesuit Col- lege (Antwerp), Seminary (Mech- lin), and Scolasticate (Louvain); or- dained to priesthood in Louvain, BOOTH, September 11, 1881; arrived in Ho- nolulu, Nov. 29, 1881; as mission- ary priest to Island of Kauai in January, 1882; in charge of district from Lihue to Hanalei to 1886, then took charge of district from Lihue to Mana; in 1895 transferred to Wai- luku, Maui; appointed pro-vicar De- cember, 1902; consecrated Bishop of Zeugma, July 25, 1903, by Arch- bishop Montgomery in San Fran- cisco, Cal.; vicar apostolic of Ha- waii since that date. BOND, BENJAMIN DAVIS, physician and surgeon, Kohala, Hawaii; born at Kohala, Jan. 21, 1853; son of Elias and Ellen Mariner (Howell) Bond; educated at Punahou School (Honolulu), Phillips Exeter Acad- emy, Amherst College, B. A. 1879, A. M. 1883, Medical College, Uni- versity of Michigan, 1882, M. D.; married Emma Mary Renton at Ko- hala, Hawaii, Sept. 5, 1889; chil- dren, B. Howell, Alice Renton, Ken- neth Davis, James Douglas. Post graduate work in New York follow- ing graduation from University of Michigan; practised medicine at Kohala, Hawaii, since 1883; resi- dent Government Physician at Ko- hala; acting Assistant Surgeon, U. S. Public Health Service, Mahuko- na, Hawaii. Member American Medical Association, Medical So- ciety of Hawaii, Sons of American Revolution. BONESTEEL, CHARLES HART- WELL, U. S. Army Officer, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Fort Sidney, Neb., April 9, 1885; son of Charles Hart- well and Mary (Greene) Bonesteel; both father and grandfather were graduates of West Point in 1876 and 1853 respectively; educated at the Plattsburg (N. Y.) High School and the U. S. Military Academy, graduating from the latter Feb. 14, 1908; married Caroline S. Hudson in Plattsburg, N. Y., Dec. 29, 1908; children: Charles H., Jr., and El- eanor Mead. Served as 2nd Lieut., 12th U. S. Infantry, until Nov. 11, 1914; ist Lieut. 12th Infantry, U. S. Army, until May 15, 1917, at which time was made Captain of Infantry. ROBERT 8B., commission merchant, Honolulu; born Dec. 10, 1877, in Kerry County, Ireland; son of Robert B. and Margaret (Case- man) Booth; married Lani Ward in Honolulu, March 25, 190/, no issue. DR. A, C. BRALY MEN OF HAWAII HENRY BLAKE BOTTOMLEY, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 45 Educated in public school and Christian Brothers school at Cahir- civeen, County Kerry, Ireland; be- gan business career in Dublin, 1895; with Macfarlane & Co., Hon- Olulu, 1897-1903; Fred Waldron, 1903-12; Fred Waldron, Ltd., of which concern he has been a stock- holder and treasurer since 1912. Member and former director Mer- chants Assn., Chamber of Com- merce, Oahu Country Club, Com- mercial Club, Honolulu Automobile Club; member Industrial Accident Board; an enthusiastic follower of sport, especially golf, tennis, fish- ing and shooting. BOTELHO, MANUEL SILVA, _law- yer and notary public, Honokaa, Hawaii; born at Azores, Portugal, Sept. 10, 1878; son of Joaquin J. S. and Mary Fragoso (Mello) Bo- telho; educated in Danville, In- diana, Central Normal College, 1905 B. S., 1906 LL. B.; married Mary Branco at Laupahoehoe, Ha- waii, April 23, 1910; four children: Edmond, David, Thelma and Wil- liam. Asst. Manager of Paauilo Store, Hawaii, 1907-09; admitted to practise in the District Courts of Territory of Hawaii and has prac- tised law at Honokaa since. Sec- ond District Magistrate, Hamakua, since 1911. Member, Masonic Lodge, K. of P., and Seaside Club of Hilo, Hawaii. ALLEN WILLIAM THOMPSON, banker, Honolulu; born in Glasgow, Scotland, June 15, 1873; son of James Thompson and Anna (Heap) Bottomley and grand- nephew of Lord Kelvin; married Lily Grace Jordan March 17, 1903, in Honolulu; one child, Francis Kelvin. Educated Bloxham gram- mar school, Oxfordshire, and Glas- gow University. Began business career in the office of McClelland, Ker & Co., chartered accountants, Glasgow, in 1892; passed final ex- amination, becoming a _ chartered accountant, in 1898; came to Hon- Olulu Jan., 1900, and organized the accountant department of Bishop & Co., afterwards incorporated under the name of Audit Co. of Hawaii, Ltd.; became partner in the bank- ing house of Bishop & Co., 1905. Was president Sugar Factors Co., Ltd., 1915; president of Hawaiian Sugar Planters Association, 1916. Member Pacific, University, Oahu Country, Commercial and Hawaii Polo & Racing Clubs of Honolulu. BOTTS, EBERT JACKSON, lawyer, Honolulu; born Feb. 12, 1889, at Richmond, Mo.; son of Andrew Jackson and Pauline Lina (Ballin- ger) Botts, a descendant of Rich- ard Botts, one of the early settlers of Virginia; married Sybil Alice Murray in San Francisco, Dec. 27, 1916. Educated in schools of Los Angeles, University of Southern California (Los Angeles). Admitted to bar, 1911; attended University of California, Berkeley, Cal. Prac- tised law in San Francisco after being admitted to bar in 1911 and in Honolulu since 1915. Organized and placed in operation the Pur- chasing Bureau, City and County of Honolulu. Member University Club, Honolulu; Oahu Country Club, Ha- waii Bar Association. BOWDISH, AUSTIN CRAIG, clergy- man, Paia, Maui, T. H.; born at Eddytown, N. Y., Dec. 15, 1869; son of Samuel Brown and Martha Amelia (Steere) Bowdish; edu- cated in public schools of Rye and Manchester, N. H., Kittery, Me., Le Grand, Ta., Chadron Academy (Chadron, Neb.), Yankton College, M. A. 1897, Chicago Theological Seminary, B. D. 1901, Hartford Theological Seminary, S. TT. M. 1912; married Julia Thompson Kimball of Portland, Mich., Aug. 20, 1901. Congregational Church, Sibley, Ia., May, 1901-May, 1904; Mitchell, S. D., May, 1904-May, 710; Somersville, Conn., Oct., 1910-June, 712; Makawao Union Church, Paia, Maui, since Sept., 1912. Was as- sistant principal, high school, Craw- ford, Neb., 1898-99. Member of A. F. & A. M. Resurgam Lodge No. 31, Mitchell, S. D.. (Junior Warden 1912, Chaplain 1907-09). BOWEN, WILLIAM ALFRED, re- tired businessman, Honolulu; born March 17, 1853, at York, Medina County, Ohio; son of Caleb A. and Mary Jerusha (Castle) Bowen; ed- ucated at Oberlin High School (Ob- erlin, Ohio), Oberlin College, B. A. 1878; married Emma Viola Ken- nedy in Brunswick, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1885; two children, William S. and Mary Elizabeth Z. (deceased). En- tered firm of Castle & Cooke, Hon- olulu, July, 1878; became one of 46 MEN OF HAWAII W. A. BOWEN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 47 the partners, 1888; treasurer, Cas- tle & Cooke, Ltd., from date of in- corporation to 1906; second vice- president, 1906-16, and one of its directors since. Was a Commis- sioner of Education, Ter. of Haw., and Auditing Commr. and Public School Fund Commr. Was Presi- dent of Y. M. C. A. of Honolulu for one year. Member of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce; at one time its representative on Hawn. Promotion Comm. and chairman of the Committee. BOWMAN, DONALD SCOTT, Chief Sanitary Inspector, Territorial Board of Health, Hilo, Hawaii, T. H.; born of Scotch-Irish ancestry, May 2, 1878, at Bucyrus, Ohio; son of Wil- liam Moffett and Sally (Hamilton) Bowman. Educated, public school, Bucyrus, Ohio; high school, Boston, Mass.; special courses and lectures at various institutions, embracing bacteriology, hygiene, sanitation and sanitary engineering. Married Eliz- abeth K. Yates, Oct. 29, 1911, at Hon- Olulu, T. H.; children: Clifford H., Donald S., Maile M., Nina H., Wright B., J. Pierre, F. Moffett, Donna E., Waldo M., Lani P. Delegate to the fifteenth International Congress on Hygiene and Demography, Wash- ington, D. C., 1912, appointed by Governor Frear; delegate to the conference of State and Territori- al health officials held with U. S. Public Health Service at Wash- ington, appointed by Governor L. E. Pinkham to represent’ Territory, 1913-16. Chairman, Board of Park Commissioners since 1915; secre- tary, Board of Trustees, Hilo Hos- pital, since August, 1915; member, Board of Trustees Kona Hospital since 1915; trustee Board of Trade 1916-17. Served in U. S. Regular Army, 1896-98; Indian Service Ari- zona and Cuban Service as enlisted man; appointed Major, National Guard, October, 1915. Mason, Scot- tish Rite, Elk and member Sons of Revolution. BOYER, FRANK ORVILLE, practical steam and electrical engineer, Hon- olulu; born Feb. 28, 1882, at Bot- kins, Ohio; son of William Harvey and Mary Angeline (Elliott) Boyer; educated at Botkins High School, special course (business) Ada Col- lege, Ada, Ohio; married Anita I. Phillips in Honolulu, June 16, 1910; one child, Frank Orville, Jr. Be- gan career as apprentice in shops of American Well Works, Aurora, Ill.; came to Hawaii 1900 and en- gaged in artesian well drilling un- til 1902; assistant in engine room of Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., Ltd., Honolulu, 1902-1908; as- sistant manager Hawaiian depart- ment of the Dearborn Chemical Co., 1908-1909; manager since 1909. Appointed July 1, 1915, for three years a member of the Industrial Accident Board, City and County of Honolulu. Member of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Commercial and Country Clubs of Honolulu, B. P. O. E. No. 616, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Honolulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Honolulu Commandery No. 1, K. T., and Alo- ha Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. BRALY, ALBERT CLIFFORD, dentist, Honolulu, T. H.: born in Lewisburg, Tenn., Nov. 18, 1882; son of William Albert and Mary Isabel (White) Braly; educated at Webb’s Prepara- tory School, Bill Bunkle, Tenn., and Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn.; married Kathryn Davis in Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 7, 1904; two children, Sarah Isabel and Walker Davis. Was bookkeeper, Cumberland Telephone Co., from 1902 to 1904, entered Dental Department, Vander- bilt University, 1905; was assistant demonstrator and bookkeeper to Registrar during senior year; dem- onstrator in charge of Clinic (1908- 10); assistant to chair of Prosthetic Dentistry and teacher of Prosthetic (Technic) 1910-14; came to Hawaii 1916, practising on Kauai for three months; to Honolulu December of same year. Member National Dental Assn., Tennessee Dental Assn., Nashville Society of Stomatology. BRALY, GEORGE ALEXANDER, den- tal surgeon, Honolulu; born at Lew- isburg, Tenn., Aug. 13, 1889; son of William Albert and Mary (White) Braly; educated, Howard Grammar School, Fogg High School, Mont- gomery Bell Academy and Vander- bilt University, all in Nashville, Tenn., degree D. D. S. Vanderbilt University May 25, 1913; married Hazel L. Benson in Honolulu June 27, 1916; one child, Mary Jane. Began the practise of dentistry in Honolulu in association with Dr. P. F. Frear (deceased), Sept. 22, 1913; practised alone since death 48 MEN OF HAWAII E. Cc. L. BRECHT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 49 of Dr. Frear, June, 1915. Member of University Club and Dental So- ciety of Hawaii (sec’y and treas. 1914-15-16). BRANDT, THORVALD, banker, Wai- mea, Kauai, T. H.; born in Christi- ania, Norway, Dec. 23, 1861; son of K. C. H. and Birgitte (Gruner) Brandt; private schools in Christi- ania and graduate of the Christi- ania Commercial Business College, Norway; married Claire E. Borron in Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1905. Came to Honolulu, 1885, and was book- keeper on the Kekaha Plantation, Kauai, 1885-87; became connected with the C. B. Hofgaard & Co. as a clerk in 1887 and later as man- ager; when the company was in- corporated became manager until 1905; manager, Bishop & Co. Bank, Waimea branch, since it was estab- lished in 1911. Treasurer of C. B. Hofgaard & Co.; President, Wai- mea Stables Ltd. since 1901; Trus- tee, Waimea Foreign Church; Trus- tee of Waimea Hospital; President, Kauai Y. M. C. A., 1916-18; County Supervisor, Kauai County, 1905-07, 1915-17, 1917-19; School Commis: sioner, 1913-15. Was deputy Tax Collector 10 years and member of local Road Board for number of years. BRECHT, ERNEST CARL LOUIS, agriculturist, Lahaina, Maui, T. H.; born at Reinstorf, Germany, June 6, 1885; son of Ernest and Helene (Barckhausen) Brecht; high school education, Hanover, Germany; en- gaged in beet sugar factory, Ger- many, 1902-05, with the Pioneer Mill Co., Lahaina, Maui, since 1905, as field overseer, 1905-06; time- keeper, 1907; head irrigation over- seer, 1908 and 1909; division over- seer of the Kaanapali division of the Pioneer Mill Co.’s_ plantation. Is an enthusiast in horse and cattle raising and a promoter of baseball and horse races. Member of the Maui County Fair & Racing Assn. and the Maui Chamber or Com- merce. Father, manager of Tagus Ranch, Cal., died 1910. Mother, sister of Louis Barckhausen, died 1905. BRECKONS, ROBERT W., lawyer, Honolulu; born at Kewanee, IIl., Dec. 16, 1866; son of Edward R. and Mary (Allison) Breckons; edu- cated in public schools of Pennsyl- 4 vania, Georgetown Univ., Washing- ton, D. C., LL.B. 1890; married Frances E. Harrison at Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 5, 1893; one daughter, Evelyn Allison. Admitted to the bar, Wyoming, 1890; asst. county and prosecuting attorney, Laramie Co., Wyo., 1892-94; county atty., Laramie Co., 1896-98; member of Wyoming Legislature, 1900; ap- pointed U. S. Dist. Atty., District of Hawaii, Jan. 2, 1902-Dec. 15, 1913; private practise of law in Honolulu since. Was delegate to Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; was alter- nate delegate to the Republican National Convention from Hawaii, Chicago, 1904; is a Republican Na- tional Committeeman from the Territory of Hawaii. Member of Pacific, Oahu Country, University, Commercial and Ad Clubs of Hono- lulu, member of Hawaii Bar As- sociation, Knight Templar, 32nd de- gree Mason, Shriner. BRIGHAM, WILLIAM TUFTS, museum director, Honolulu; born in Boston, May 24, 1841; son of Will- iam and Margaret (Brooks) Brig- ham; educated Harvard University, 1862, degree A. B., A. M., 1865; (re- ceived Hon. Sc. D., Columbia Uni- versity, 1905); explored Botany Hawaiian Islands, 1864-5; instruc- tor Oahu College, 1864-5; admitted to Mass. bar 1867; instructor in bot- any at Harvard University, 1868-9; while on Boston school board in- augurated system of art instruction in public schools, also the Sargent method of anthropometry now in general use in colleges; director of the Bishop Museum of Ethnology, Honolulu, since 1888. Hon. Fellow Royal Anthropology Institute of Great Britain and Ireland; fellow Imperial Academy Sciences, St. Petersburg, American Academy Arts and Sciences, A. A. A. S. Author of Cast Catalogue of Antique Sculp- ture; Guatemala, the Land of the Quetzal; Volcanic Manifestations in New England; Hawaiian Feather- work; Index to the Islands of the Pacific Ocean; Stone Implements of Ancient Hawaiians; Mats and Bas- kets of Hawaiians; Ancient Ha- waiian House; History of Kilauea and Mauna Loa Hawaiian Volca- noes; Ka Hana Kapa (Bark-cloth making). Appointed by Hawaiian government commissioner to. the BROWN, 50 MEN OF Centennial Exhibition at Philadel- phia, 1876; instructor of botany at Oahu College, Honolulu, 1864-5. BROWN, ARTHUR MORGAN, lawyer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Honolulu, August 16, 1867; son of Jacob and Cordelia Hastings (Dennis) Brown; educated at Punahou and Boston University Law School, 1891; mar- ried May Kathleen Atkinson, in Ho- nolulu August 17, 1897; one child, Arthur M., Jr. Began practise otf law, July, 1891; Marshal, Provisional Government; Marshal, Republic of Hawaii; High Sheriff, Territory of Hawaii, 1898-1906; City and County Attorney of city and county of Ho- nolulu since September, 1916. Mem- ber of B. P. O. E. Lodge, No. 616; Oahu Country, Honolulu Polo and Racing and Pacific Clubs; Honolulu Lodge, No. 409, F. & A. M. CHARLES AUGUSTUS, capitalist, retired, Honolulu; born June 25, 1856, at Worcester, Mass.; son of George A. and Mary H. (Longley) Brown; married Irene Kahalelaukoa Ii in Honolulu, Sept. 30, 1886; children, George Ii, Francis Hyde Ii, Bernice Ii (deceased). Re- ceived education in public schools of Worcester, Mass.; left home at an early age and sailed around the Horn to San Francisco on the “Paul Revere’; came to Hawaii March 12, 1877, during the early days of King Kalakaua’s reign; was bookkeeper on several of the leading plantations for a few years; entered the employ of the banking house of Bishop & Co., remaining there in different capacities for about nine years; since 1887 has been interested and instrumental in the organizing of large business and plantation interests; in 1897 organized the John Ii Estate, now one of the largest estates in Ha- wali, of which he was treasurer and manager until 1916. Member Pacific Club and Lodge No. 409, By & AloM: BROWN, EDWARD HERRICK, book- seller, Honolulu; born May 14, 1864, at Andover, Massachusetts; son of Thaddeus Howe and Lydia W. (Herrick) Brown; descendant of William Brown of Scotland, who located at Billerica, Massachusetts, in 1668. Married Elsie Gilbert at Andover, Mass., June 26, 1890; five HAWAII children, Ralph P., Herrick C., Gor- don D., Gilbert H., Donald S. Edu- cated in New Haven, Mass. Begun career as publisher “The Home- stead Monthly” in Minneapolis, Minn., 1883; with Pilgrim Press, Boston, 1886; manager wholesale department, in charge Chicago branch 1893; fruit grower, Moun- tain View, Cal., 1900; removed to Honolulu, 1906, and entered book business; incorporated 1908, sold out 1911; on Island of Maui, 1911- 1915; book business in Honolulu since 1915. Member Congregational Clubs (Chicago and Boston), Com- mercial, Outrigger Canoe, Ad Clubs (Honolulu), Honolulu Y. M. C. A. BROWN, GEORGE ALBERT, mer- chant, Honolulu; born in New York City, May 16, 1869; son of George W. and Louise (Isaacs) Brown; received education in the primary and grammar schools of New York City and Denver, Colo.; married Minnie Armstrong of Ouray, Col., June 9, 1892. Began with the C. S. Morey Mercantile Co., in Den- ver, Col., 1882-1904; store manager of the Regal Shoe Co., at Oakland, Cal., and Chicago, IIl., 1904-1909; manager of Hawaii Shoe Co. (Re- gal Shoe Store) at Honolulu since 1910. Has been a follower of mu- sic as a singer since a boy and was a charter member of the Mus- ical Art Society of Chicago under the leadership of Clarence Dicken- son, now very prominent in musi- eal circles. Member of ist Co., C. A. C., N. G. H., and is a Royal Arch degree Mason. BROWN, GEORGE II, business man, Honolulu; born in Honolulu Oct. 19, 1887; son of Charles Augustus and Irene Kahalelaukoa (li) Brown; descendant of John Lyons who set- tled in Shirley, Mass., in 1642, coming from England on _ bark Hopewell, and Hon. John Ii, Chief Justice of Supreme Court of Ha- waii; educated, Honolulu’. High School and Oahu College (Hono- lulu), Phillips Exeter Academy (Ex- eter, N. H.), and Burdett Busi- ness College (Boston, Mass.); mar- ried Julia Davis Long White in Boston, Mass., June 3, 1913; one son: George Ii, Jr. Began _ busi- ness career with the Old Colony Trust Co., Boston, 1912-16; appoint- ed manager and treasurer of the John Ii Estate, Ltd., Honolulu, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 51 Jan. 1, 1917. Received Military Training at the Plattsburg Mili- tary Training Camp, Plattsburg, N. Y., June, 1916. Member of Pa- cific, Oahu Country (charter mem- ber) and Hawaii Polo & Racing Clubs of Honolulu. BROWN, JACOB FOSTER, civil en- gineer, Honolulu; born at New Bedford, Mass., July 9, 1854; son of Jacob and Cordelia Hastings (Dennis) Brown; attended Punahou School (Honolulu) four years, In- stitute of Technology (Boston, Mass.), 1874-77; married Sarah Em- ily King of Honolulu, Jan. 18, 1881; children: Gertrude K. (Hum- phries), Kenneth F., Alice Cor- delia. Assistant in Government Survey Office, Honolulu, 1875-95; land commissioner, Nov., 1895-May, i901; member and secretary, Board of Public Lands since June 8, 1910; manager Hawaiian Abstract & Title Co., Honolulu. Was identified as director or performer in numerous amateur theatrical and musical per- formances in Honolulu, 1881-95. Father was engaged in various government services in Honolulu, 1860-81, and in construction first Nuuanu pipe line water supply in Honolulu. BROWN, RAYMOND C., secretary, Honolulu; born at Cambridge, Ohio, Jan. 7, 1867; son of Joshua K. and Annie E. (Tingle) Brown; edu- cated in public schools of Colum- bus and Cambridge (Ohio) and Business College of Columbus, Ohio; married Grace E. O’Harra, June 16, 1891, in Columbus, Ohio; two children, Helen (Mrs. Stephen W. Hanna, Columbus, Ohio), and Arthur R. Commission clerk with J. B. Foraker when he was gov- ernor of Ohio; statistician under J. S. Robinson, Secretary of State, 1887-1891; statistician, Covenant Mutual Insurance Co. of Illinois, 1891-1901; inspector in charge of immigration at Honolulu, T. H., 1906-1912; spent two years in Eu- rope recruiting laborers for Ha- waii; secretary of the Honolulu Chamber of Commerce since 1914. Took up the study of telegraphy when a boy and still retains a fair working knowledge. Member of the Oahu Country Club, Elks Club, Outrigger Club, and the Chamber of Commerce. BROWN, SAMUEL RITTY, physician and surgeon, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Shelburne, Canada, July 14, 1882; son of George W. and Charlotte (Fisher) Brown; educated, Dalhou- sie University, Halifax, Canada, M. D., C. M. 1908; married Ida Beverly in Boston, Mass., Feb. 28, 1916. Resident Physician and Sur- geon at the Victoria General Hos- pital in Halifax, Canada, 1908-09; came to Hawaiian Islands and prac- tised on plantations until 1915; traveled throughout America and London, Eng., visiting hospitals, 1915-16; practised in Hilo since. Member of the Canadian Medical Assn. and is a Shriner. BRYAN, WILLIAM ALANSON, zoo- logist, Honolulu, T. H.; born near New Sharon, Iowa, Dec. 23, 1875; son of William A. and Catherine M. (Pearson) Bryan; educated Iowa State College, B. S., 1896; married Ruth M. Goss, of Windom, Minn., June 20, 1900; married Elizabeth Jane Letson of Buffalo, N. Y., March 16, 1909. Assistant, Department ol Zoology, Iowa State College, 1893; on expedition to Big Stone Lake, 1894; specia] lecturer, mus. methods, Univ. Minn., Indiana Univ., Univ. ‘Chicago, Purdue Univ., lowa College and Drake Univ., 1895-97; assistant curator, Department Ornithology, Field Columbian Museum, 1898-99; appointed Representative U. S. De- partment of Agriculture to investi- gate fauna of Hawaii, 1899; traveled in Europe and America studying, 1900; curator, Bishop Museum Ethn- ology and Natural History, 1900-07; organizer and _ president, Pacific Scientific Institute, 1907; Prof. of Zoology, College of Hawaii, since 1909. Author, Key to Birds of Ha- waiian Group, 1901; Natural History of Hawaii, 1915; monograph on Marcus Island and various scientific papers. Member American Ornith- ologists’ Union; Cooper Ornitholog- ica] Club; American Fisheries Soc., American Mus. Assn.; vice-president Hawaiian Historical Society; mem- ber 4th International. Ornithological Congress. BUCHHOLTZ, A., merchant, Koloa, Kauai, T. H.; born in Germany, Oct. 12, 1854; son of Otto and Francisca (Miske) Buchholtz; edu- cated in Germany; married Adof- 52 MEN OF HAWAII R. BUCHLY G. F. BUSH CARL S. CARLSMITH A. M. CABRINHA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 53 phine Ulrich at Pahala, Hawaii, Nov. 138, 1883; three children: Otto, Else and Arthur. Came to Hawaii in 1880 and entered the mercantile business at Pahala, remaining there 11 years; removed to Kipahulu, Maui, for 10 years; manager of Koloa Plantation Store 16 years. BUCHLY, RUDOLF, banker, Hono- lulu: born April 14, 1878, in Lan- cashire, England, son of Rudolf (of Switzerland) and Annie Edson (Peacock) Buchly; married Lucin- da Noble Butler, granddaughter of General Rodman. in Berkeley, Cal., April 23, 1906; two children; Martha Ann and Margaret R. Educated in England and entered upon business career with the Bank of British North America (San _ Francisco) April, 1896; became a resident of Hawaii in September, 1906; secre- tary ove CC; Peacock & Co. Ltd., 1906-1907; vice-president, 1907-1909; president, 1909-15; since May 1, 1915, cashier First National Bank of Hawaii and also First American Savings & Trust Co., of Hawaii, Ltd., director Mutual Building & Loan Society of Hawaii, Ltd., treas- urer Honolulu Symphony Society and Associated Charities of Hawaii. Member Pacific Club, Oahu Country Club, Masons, Knights Templar, Shrine, Chiefs of Hawaii. Is de- voted to music, being amateur vio- linist and owner of several old Cremonas. BURGESS, PAUL STEERE, chemist. Honolulu; born March 17, 1885, at Providence, R. I.; son of Gideon A. and Emma (Steere) Burgess; mar- ried Frances Dougan at Berkeley, California, April 30, 1914; de. scendant of old New England fam- ily established in America during colonial days; grandfather, Albert W. Burgess, served a number of terms in Rhode Island legislature. Educated in schools of Toledo, O., Rhode Island State College, B. S., 1909; University of Illinois, M. S., 1910; commenced professional ca- reer as asst. chemist University of Illinois Experiment Station, 1910; asst. chemist Ill. Agricultural Expt. Sta., 1910-11; instructor of chemis- try and bacteriology same institu- tion, 1911-12; asst. professor of soil chemistry and _ bacteriology, Uni- versity of California, 1912-15; chem- ist Hawaiian Sugar Planters Ex- BUSH, periment Station, Honolulu, since 1915. Author of “Soil Bacteriology Laboratory Manual,’ and many ar- ticles on scientific subjects. Mem- ber Urbana Lodge No. 157, F. & A. M., Phi Lamda Upsilon, Alpha Chi Sigma and Sigma Xi fraterni- ties, American Assn. for the Ad- vancement of Science, American Soc. of Agronomy, Soc. of Ameri- can Bacteriologists, American Chem- ical Society. BURNETTE, PATRICK HENRY, no- tary public and conveyancer, Hono- lulu; born January 17, 1868, at Davis, Yolo Co., California; son of James Garnett and Margaret Eliz- abeth (Reid) Burnette; married Ida Catherine Dower in Honolulu, Jan. 18, 1896; two children, Made- line C. and Henry G. Educated in public schools of California, special business course private tutor, Oak- land (Cal.). Began career in 1889 with father in stock farm in Fres- no Co., Cal.; arrived in Hawaii July 13, 1893, and enlisted in Hawaiian Army August, 1893-1895; customs house service, 1895-97; entered real estate and stock brokerage business in Honolulu and has continued in this vocation since 1897. Served six years in Regulars and National Guard of Hawaii. Purchased priv- ilege of sending first wireless over local system. GAVIEN FRED, hardware merchant, Honolulu; born at Joliet, Ill., Nov. 1, 1865; son of Hiram Fred and Josephine (Young) Bush; educated in the public schools of Oakland, Cal.; married Clara T. Sparrowe of San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 22, 1890; children: Gavien A., Hiram §S., Albert S., Le Roy C. and Gavien Fred, Jr. Entered the hard- ware business Jan. 1, 1880. Was director and vice-president, Merch- ants’ Association, Honolulu; direc- tor, Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce, 1915; member of the Com- mercial Club (governor and presi- dent, 1915). BUTTOLPH, GUY H., stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born June 8, 1869, in Cleveland, Ohio; son of Levi and Jennie E. (Wright) But- tles (the name Buttolph was cor- rupted to Buttles, but in the pres- ent generation was changed back to original spelling); descendant of Thomas Buttolph of Raynham, Eng- 54 MEN OF HAWAII A. N. CAMPBELL CABRINHA, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 55 land, who came to Boston, Mass., in 1635; Boston was named after Boston, Norfolk Co., England, this town originally called Botolph’s Town, named after Buttolph, leav- ing out one “t,” later shortened to Bos-ton; the old club in Boston, Mass., is called Botolph’s Club, af- ter this name. Educated at Kenyon Military Academy, graduate Kenyon College, Gambier, Ohio, 1892, de- grees B. A. and M. A. Mining engineer in Ecuador, 1898-1903; fol- lowed mining engineering in Mex- ico three years and in Colorado One year; came to Honolulu 1910 entering into the stock and bond business, associated with William Williamson. Was director Mid-Pa- cific Carnival, Honolulu, 1917. Mem- ber Knight Templar and Shrine, University and Country’ Clubs, Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu. C ANTONIO M.,_ mer- chant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in San Miguel, March 10, 1880; son of Joao M. and Marie (da Gloria) Cabrinha; common school educa- tion; married Philomena Fraga in Honolulu, February 17, 1911. Be- gan in plantation work and later embarked in the grocery business; established own business in Hilo, Hawaii, in 1905. Elected super- visor for the county of Hawaii in 1915 and re-elected in 1917. Mem- ber of Lusitana and San Antonio societies; president of Hilo Portu- guese Saving and Investment Co. and its organizer; member Y. M. I., Moose lodge and Foresters. CALDWELL, JOHN WORDE, civil engineer, Honolulu; born Oct. 18, 1882, at Sanford, Orange County, Florida; son of Frank Hawkins and Nellie Georgia (Worde) Cald- well; married Sadie E. Waldron Feb. 26, 1906, at Goldsboro, N. C.; no children. Educated, public schools to 1896, Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla., Florida Agricultural & Mechanical College to 1899; began professional career with Eddie Electric Co., New York, 1899; was supt. of the Florida Electric Co., as- sociated with U. S. Engineering Department and in public office in Hawaii from 1912-1914; road over- seer in 1912; superintendent Pub- lic Works, Chairman Board of Har- bor Commissioners; member four Loan Fund Commissions, Territory of Hawaii, 1913-1914; vice-president Child & Caldwell, Ltd., sales fact- ors, since 1914; Captain 1st Sep. Co., Hawaiian Engineers, N. G.; associate member Am. Soc. of C. Hee ae ae ene VOLE FP. ig, Assn. of the South, Commercial Club, Country Club, Outrigger Club. CAMARA, JOAQUIM M., attorney-at- law and notary, Honolulu; born Feb. 3, 1866, in Funchal, Island of | Madeira; son of Joaquim M. and Cigudinia J osanGe se ye. ans ) Camara; married Mary C. Cunha in Hono- lulu Feb. 26, 1890; three children: Bernice (Mrs. Daniel G. Webber), Adeline, Constance (Mrs. Cecil G. Benny), Jeannette (Mrs. John F. Ness). Educated in primary grades in Funchal and public schools of Honolulu. Member Honolulu Rifles 1887-89, comd. 2nd Lieut., 1st Lieut. and Captain. Joined Provisional Government forces Feb. 11, 1893. ComdCantaine and —...... «+ ; now member National Guard, rank of Major, Chief of Ordnance. Was Portuguese interpreter, First Circuit Courts (Honolulu), 1898, and 1908- 13. Has practised law since 1909. Member San Martinho Benefit So- ciety, secretary one term, president two terms. CAMERON, FRANK BRUCE, superin- tendent Fred Baldwin Memorial Home, Paia, Maui, T. H.; born at Moncton, N. B., Feb. 29, 1880; son of Daniel Alexander and Nellie (Gollan) Cameron; educated public school (Moncton, N. B.), Mount Herman Boys School (Mt. Her- man, Mass.); married Alice Vivien Durling at Arlington, Mass., Oct. 5, 1910; three children: Faith Bar- bara, Ruth Alice, Bruce Sanford. Began in the operating dept. of the B. & M. R. R., 1897-1908; clerk in law office of Hayes, Sleeper & Brownell, Boston, Mass., 1908-11; superintendent Fred Baldwin Mem- orial Home, Paia, Maui, T. H., since 1911. Was manager of first Maui County Fair, Nov. 30, Dec. 1-2, 1916. Member of Maui Chamber of Commerce, Maui County Fair & Racing Asso. - (chairman racing committee and a director), presi- dent Makawao Choral Club, com- mitteeman of extension work of the Alexander House Settlement, MEN OF HAWAII 56 DANIEL H. CASE A. L, CASTLE B. CAMPBELL H. - CATHCART J. CAMPBELL, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 57 Wailuku, Maui. Member I. O. O. F. Lodge 197. CAMPBELL, ALBERT NEWTON, fi- nancier, Honolulu; born at Dayton, Nev., Oct. 1, 1868; son of James L. and Mary Jane (Atkins) Campbell; educated Methodist College, Napa, California, and Stockton Business and Normal Institute, Stockton, Cal.; married Josephine de Larti- gue in Honolulu, July 3, 1907; two children, Albert Newton and Valk- yrie. Instructor Stockton Business College, Stockton, Cal., 1893-95; traveling salesman, Wiester & Co., San Francisco, 1895-98; instructor Oahu College, 1898-99; cashier for W. R. Castle of Honolulu, 1899-1902; treasurer Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Honolulu, since 1902. Is treas- urer Honolulu Gas Co.; director in Bank of Honolulu; director and vice- president Hawaii Consolidated Rail- way Co., and director of many other corporations in Honolulu. Member Elks, Chiefs of Hawaii, Commercial Club, Country Club and Hawaiian Polo and Racing Association. HARRY BARTLETT, business agent, Experiment Sta- One oe As Honolulu: born Rock Island, Rock Isl. County, IIl., Aug. 6, 1876; son of William Henry (Chief examiner Chicago public schools) and Nellie Hayward (Bart- lett) Campbell; education, Geneseo High School, Geneseo, Ill.; B. S. course at University of Chicago 3% years; married Nov., 1903, in New- chwang, China, to Vera Alfredivna Genke, daughter of Alfred Genke who was gen. mgr. of St. Peters- burg street railways; two children, Irene Evelyn, Richard William. Of- fice manager, commission business, Port Arthur, China, 1898-1902; head bookkeeper, Russo-Chinese Bank, Newchwang, China, 1904; owner of Newchwang telephone system, New- chwang, 1904; in real estate busi- ness alone, San Francisco, Cal., 1906; chief clerk, general offices of Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., San Francisco, Cal., 1911; business agent, Experiment Station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Associa- tion, Honolulu, since Aug., 1912. Member, B. P. O. E. and Outrigger Canoe Club (treasurer, now presi- dent). CAMPBELL, WILLIAM H. C., vice- president Volcano Stables & Trans- portation Co., Hilo, Hawaii; born in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 25, 1862; son of Alexander and Margaret Campbell; educated in the schools of Honolulu and Heald’s Business College, San Francisco, Cal.; mar- ried Florence M. K. Smith of Wai- luku, Maui, T. H., Dec. 27, 1899; children: William H., Edward, Ju- lia K., Alex. James, Florence M. Kk, Colin. C:; John M. Began career on plantation, Island of Maui, filling different capacities from a luna to manager; removed to Island .of Hawaii to start the Puna Sugar Co., 1900; gave up plantation work to take the vice- presidency of the Volcano Stables & Transportation Co., Ltd., Hilo, 1912. Member and past master ot Kilauea Lodge, F. & A. M., member and past exalted ruler of the Hilo Lodge B. P. O. Elks. CANNON, FRANK QUAYLE, business- man, Honolulu; born, Ogden, Utah, September 27, 1884; son of Frank J. and Martha A. (Brown) Cannon; father was first U. S. Senator from Utah; grandfather, George Q. Can- non, was Congressman from Utah and first Mormon Missionary to Ha- waii; eaucated University of Utah; married Glenn Douglas in Ogden, Utah, October 22, 1907, two children, Martha Lucile and Frances. Served apprenticeship in electric depart- ment of Utah Light and Power Co., while attending college; traveled in Europe, 1903-06; miner and en- gineer Utah Copper Co., 1907-08; su- perintendent J. P. O’Neill Construc- tion Co., Ogden, Utah, 1909-10; com- mercial representative, Denver Gas & Electric Light Co., 1911-14; sales manager, Honolulu Gas Co., 1914; manager Honolulu Gas Co., 1916. CAPPS, LEWIS EDWIN, optometrist and optician, Honolulu; born 1869 at Mt. Pulaski, Illinois; son of Charles R. and Elizabeth (Lushbaugh) Capps; married 1890, Mary Phillips at Youngstown, Ohio; two children, Robert Waldron and Margaret; des- cendant of John Capps of London, Eng., who located in Springfield, Ill., in 1840, and who was the friend and neighbor of Abraham Lincoln and sent four sons to the Civil War; educated in schools of Mt. Pulaski, and graduated from Chicago Opthal- 58 MEN OF HAWAII GEORGE R. CARTER BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 59 mic College; started professional work in Peoria, Ill., 1893-97, in Se- attle, 1898-03, and established Se- attle Optical Co. of which was presl- dent and manager, 1903-16, moved to Honolulu, Jan. 1916, to manage optical department Wall & Dougher- ty; organized and was member of first state board of examiners in optometry in Washington, 1910-13, member advisory board National Association of Optometrists; seven years service Illinois National Guard as 2nd Lieutenant and lst Lieuten- ant; member Blue Lodge F. and A. M., Royal Arch K. of P., and Com- mercial and Rotary clubs. CARDEN, WILLIAM THOMAS, law- yer, Honolulu; born March 3, 1888, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of John Joseph and Anna Di- ane (Woodard) Carden; married Florence Gavin Cassidy in Hono- lulu, March 23, 1916; one child: Florence. Educated, Honolulu High School, University of California, B. L. 1911, Harvard Law School, LL, Beto ls. Began professional career with Thompson & Milverton, attorneys, Honolulu, 1914-15; ap- pointed Deputy City and County Attorney, Honolulu, August, 1915. Appointed Commissioner Public Utilities Commission, Territory of Hawaii, August, 1916. Resigned as Deputy City and County Attorney June 23, 1917. Appointed Chairman Public Utilities Commission June 23, 1917. Member Commercial Club, University Club, I. O. O. F., Hawaii Bar Association, Automobile Club, Rotary Club, Beretania Tennis Club, CARLSMITH, CARL SCHURZ, law- yer, Hilo, Hawaii; born September 4, 1870, at Cambridge, Vermont; son of Edward Charles and Marilla (Derby) Smith; (name changed to Carlsmith Jan. 1, 1911, according to act of Legislature); educated pub- lic schools (San Jose, Cal.), Univer- sity of California, 1887-1889, Stan- ford University, 1891-93, A.B., North- western University, LL.B., 1896; married Nelle Wood, December 2, 1897, in Atlantic, Iowa; children, Leonard Eldon, Margaret Estelle, Carl Wendell, Merrill Lawrence. Be- gan professional career as librarian, Chicago Law Institute, 1895-97; came to Honolulu December 27, 1897; practised law in Hilo, Hawaii, since 1898. Circuit Judge 3rd. and 4th Circuits, 1898; Representative 1st District, Legislature, 1905. Mem- ber Author’s Club (London), Univer- sity Club (Honolulu), Sons Ameri- can Revolution, D. K. E. Fraternity, American Association for Advance- ment of Science, Academy of Politi- cal Science. CARTER, GEORGE _ ROBERT, ex-governor Territory of Hawaii, retired, Honolulu; born in Hono- lulu, Dec. 28, 1866; son of His Excellency, Henry A. P. Carter (a senior partner in firm C. Brewer & Co., Hawaiian Minister to Wash- ington, D. C.), and Sybil Augusta (Judd) Carter; American ancestry dates back to 1640, Rev. Thomas Carter settled in Woburn, Mass.; married Helen Strong of New York, April 19, 1892; children: Elizabeth, Phoebe, George Rob- ert, Jr. Educated, Fort Street School (Honolulu), Phillips Acad- emy (Andover, Mass.), Yale Uni- versity, 1888, S. Began business career with Seattle National Bank, 1889; cashier C. Brewer & Co., Honoiulu, 1895; manager Hawaiian Trust Co., 1898; manager Hawaiian Fertilizer Co., 1900. Director, Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., and Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd.; identified in the reorganization of Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd. Was Senator from Oahu, 1901; Secre- tary of Territory of Hawaii, 1902, and Governor of Territory of Ha- waii, 1903-1907; collecting and per- fecting a private Hawaiian library since. Member Pacific and Uni- versity Clubs, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Assoc., Hawaiian Histori- cal Soc., Social Science Assoc., Hawaiian Mission Children’s Soc., Navy League of U. S., Navy Re- lief Soc., Nat'l] Assoc. Advance. ment of Colored People, Nat’l As- sociation Prevention Tuberculosis, Yale clubs of N. Y. and Boston, St. Anthony clubs of N. Y. and Boston, Tennis & Racquet Club of Boston, Delta Phi Fraternity, India House, N. Y., New Eng. His- torical Genealogical Soc. CARTWRIGHT, BRUCE, estates and insurance, Honolulu; born Nov. 18, 1853, in Honolulu; son of Alexan- der Joy and Eliza Ann Gerrit (Van Wie) Cartwright; married Mary Louise Wells, 1881, at Oakland, Cal.; two children: Bruce, Jr., and Kathleen De Witt. Descendant of 60 MEN OF HAWAII GEORGE P. CASTLE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 61 Edward Cartwright, mariner, who settled in Boston 1662 and moved to Nantucket 1676; father, Captain Alexander Joy Cartwright, was blockade runner in war of 1812, was captured by the British and served nine months on a _ prison ship at St. Johns, Newfoundland. Educated, Punahou College (Hon- Olulu), St. Augustine Military Acad- emy (Benicia, Cal.), University of Vermont; started business career with father in 1866 and succeeded to business on his death in 1892; connected with many corporations and business ventures; consul of Peru for Territory of Hawaii, 1892- 1911; member Pacific and Commer- cial Clubs, Society of California Pioneers, and Sigma Phi fraternity. CARTWRIGHT, BRUCE, JR., estates and insurance, Honolulu; born Jan. 22, 1882, in Honolulu, son of Bruce and Mary (Wells) Cartwright; mar- ried Caroline Julia Fredericka Claire Williams, June 1, 1911, in Honolulu; three children: Bruce III (deceased), William Edward, Coleman. Educated, Punahou, Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy, Bel- mont Military Academy (Cal.), Philips Andover Academy, Yale Sheffield Scientific School, Ph.B. Entered business as clerk Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., later drill foreman and subinspector of dredg- ing at Pearl Harbor; joined busi- ness of Bruce Cartwright, 1911; member Territorial Land Board, secretary and trustee Queen’s Hos- pital, treasurer Hawaiian Historical Society. Member Chiefs of Hawaii, Pacific and Oahu Country Clubs; author of several papers on stamps. volcanology and historical subjects; enthusiastic follower of hunting, fishing and tennis. CARVALHO, VIRGINIO AUGUSTO, pedagogue, Papaikou, Hawaii; born at Ponta Delgada, Azores, April 24, 1873; son of Manuel Joaquim de and Jacintha Candida (Furtado) Carval- ho; arrived in Honolulu on board the British bark “Suffick,”’ Aug. 24, 1881. Educated at St. Mary’s School, Hilo, graduated from Honolulu Nor- mal Training School. Married Maria dos Anjos Bento, Feb. 20, 1898, in Hilo, Hawaii; seven children: Anna J., Virginio A., Reginald S., Albert T., Herman J., Raymond F., Ray- mond Godfrey. Principal of Haka- lau School, April 24, 1893-Dec. 1, CASE, 1895; principal of the Honomu School, Dec. 1, 1895-June 30, 1918; supervising principal for the dis- tricts of Hilo and Puna, Sept. 1, 1913- Aug. 31, 1914; principal of Papaikou School (the largest country school in County of Hawaii), since Sept. 1, 1914. Member of S. B. L. de Ha- waii, Concelho Don Manuel II, No. 19, R. A. B. A. M. (its first presi- dent), Francis Council No. 573, Young Men’s Institute. DANIEL HEBARD, lawyer, Wailuku, Maui; born in Leaven- worth, Kansas, February 10, 1864; son of Adrial Hebard and Heien Augusta (Kiff) Case; father was pioneer attorney of Kansas; edu- cated at Washburn College; Ober- lin College; Northwestern Univer- sity (Law Department), and gradu- ated from Garfield University of Kansas (Law Department); mar- ried Kathryn May Merriam at Ober- lin, Ohio, September 2, 1890; three children, Adrial Hebard, Cleo Anita and Laura Althea. After graduation. practised law in father’s office, To- peka, Kan., also serving as court re- porter; entered law office of Kin- ney and Ballou, Honolulu, 1896, also serving as official Court Reporter; opened law offices Wailuku, Maui 1903; has been County Attorney of Maui for several terms; is a director of Bank of Maui, Ltd., Maui Publish- ing Co., Ltd., Maui Drygoods and Grocery Co., Ltd.; Secretary Maui Chamber of Commerce; Director and Secretary Maui Co. Fair and Racing Assn.; Member University Club; Lodge Maui, A. F. & A. M. No. 984: Iao Lodge of Perfection; Hale- akala Chapter of Rose Croix; Pa- cific Lodge of Kadosh; Shriner; member Aloha Lodge K. P.; Topeka Lodge No. 11, A. O. U. W. CASE, LEONARD NEWTON, compar- ative pathologist, bacteriologist and veterinary sanitarian, Honolulu, T. H.; born at Norwich, Conn., Feb. 18, 1881; son of Charles Henry and Alice M. (Newton) Case; educated Nor- wich Free Academy, 1901; Cornell University Veterinary College, 1908, degree Doctor of Veterinary Medi- cine; unmarried; studied under Prof. Veraonus A. Moore, one of the lead- ing comparative pathologists in U. S., graduating from university with highest scholarship honors, 1907 and 1908; assistant territorial veteri- narian, under Dr. V. A. Norgaard, 62 MEN OF HAWAII W. R. CASTLE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 63 Territory of Hawaii, since 1908. As expert laboratory diagnostician took charge of the tuberculosis eradica- tion work; originated the intrapal- pebial tuberculine test for determin- ing the presence of tuberculosis in animals, which has proved very suc- cessful in work in the territory; ori- ginated intradermal mallein test for the detection of glanders among horse stock, which test was found successful by Dr. Norgaard in eradi- cating glanders from Waipio valley, Hawaii. Member Cornell club of Hawaii, Oahu Country club and Uni- versity club of Honolulu, Seaside club of Hilo. CASTLE, ALFRED LOWREY, attor- ney-at-law, Honolulu; born in Hon- olulu, March 18, 1884; son of William Richards and Ida Bea- trice (Lowrey) Castle; married Ethelinda Schaefer, daughter of F. A. Schaefer of Honolulu, December 8, 1908; children: Alfred Lowrey, Jr., Gwendolyn and William Don- ald. Educated, Oahu College, Hotch- kiss School (Conn.), Harvard Uni- versity, A. B. 1906, Harvard Law School, LL.B. 1908; entered law practise with Castle & Withing- ton (Honolulu) 1908; director, Alex- ander & Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., Hono- lulu Gas Co., Ltd., Henry Water- house Trust Co., Hawaiian Pine- apple Co., Ltd., Kahului Railroad. Member Territorial Legislature 1911, Senate 1915-1917, being chair- man judiciary committee in each session; member liquor license commission for Oahu three times, chairman 1913-14; member Digam- ma Club, Hasty Pudding Club, In- stitute of 1770, D. K. E. and Thayer Law Club of Harvard, University Club, Harvard Club, Beretania Ten- nis Club, Polo Racing Association of Honolulu, president Hawaiian Tennis Association, winning singles championship 1908, 1910, 1911; doubles 1911, 1916. Was pitcher on Varsity baseball team at Har- vard. CASTLE, GEORGE PARMELE, re- tired, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, April 29, 1851; son of Samuel North- rop and Mary (Tenney) Castle; fa- ther came to Honolulu, 1836, as financial agent for A. B. C. F. M. of Boston and advisor to the early kings; educated at Punahou School (Honolulu), Ann Arbor, Michigan, High School, one year at Michigan University, one year at Detroit Medi- cal School, Detroit, Mich.; married Ida Mary Tenney in Hilo, Hawaii, Oct. 17, 1879; three children, Dor- othy, Mary H., Margaret Tenney (Mrs. A. M. Tozzer). Began as clerk in firm of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, 1875; acquired an interest in the business, 1882, which later incorporated, 1894; vice-president Castle & Cooke, Ltd., until death of J. B. Atherton, April, 1903; became president, 1903, and retired in favor of E. D. Tenney, 1916; served sev- eral years as director First National Bank of Honolulu and First Ameri- can Savings & Trust Co. of Hono- lulu; vice-president Castle & Cooke, Ltd., since 1916. Is a director Ewa Plantation, Waialua Plantation, Ho- nolulh Rapid Transit & Land Co., S. N. Castle Estate, Ltd. Was a member of Honolulu Rifles during early days of the revolt; elected member of Advisory Council of the Republic of Hawaii, January 16, 1895. Trustee Children’s Hospital, Mid-Pacific Institute, Hawaiian Board of Missions, Hilo Boarding School. Member Commercial and Pacific Clubs, Odd Fellows, and a Trustee of Mary Castle Trust. CASTLE, HAROLD KAINALU LONG, business man, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands, July 3, 1886; son of James B. and Julia (White) Castle; earliest American ancestors came over on Mayflower in 1620, among them being William Bradford, first governor of Massa- chusetts, and Elder Brewster, a very noted man; married Alice H. Hedemann, Feb. 16, 1910, in Hono- lulu; three children: Virginia Frothingham, James Christian and Alice Churchill. Educated, Puna- hou school, Oahu College, Harvard University (two years); began bus- iness career in the employ of Cali- fornia & Hawaiian Sugar Refining Co., at their refinery at Crockett, Cal., 1906-1907; with Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. (Honolulu), in differ- ent capacities for several years; entered business with his father as business manager and part own- er in his various enterprises; di- rector, Hawaiian Development Co., Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Castle Estate Ltd., and many other corporations. MEN OF Member, Oahu Country, University and Hawaii Polo and Racing Clubs. Is a fond follower aquatic sports, surfing, polo and big game hunting. CASTLE, WILLIAM RICHARDS, law- yer, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, March 19, 1849; son of Samuel Northrup and Mary Ann (Tenney) Castle; the earliest American an- cestor was Henry Castle who prob- ably landed in Virginia about 1636 from England, later removing to Connecticut 1659; the first Castle coming to Hawaii was S. N. Castle who arrived in 1837 as financial agent for American Board of Com- missioners for Foreign Missions; educated Oahu College, Honolulu, Oberlin College, Ohio, Harvard Law School, Columbia Law School with degree LL.B. 1873 (Hon. degree A. M. Oberlin College, 1887); married Ida Beatrice Lowrey of Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 12, 1875; children, Wil- liam R., Alfred L. and Beatrice. Practised Jaw in New York 1874-76; returning to Hawaii was appointed Attorney General Kingdom of Ha- waii, February-November, 1876; member Legislature of Hawaii 1878, 1886, 87, ’88, being President 1887- 1888; Annexation Commissioner, Hawaii to U. S., 1893; Hawaiian Minister resident in Washington, D. C., 1895; president Board of Ed- ucation, Republic of Hawaii, 1896; president and attorney of Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd., S. N. Castle Estate, Kona Tobacco Co. and officer or director in many _ corporations; member law firm, Castle & With- ington, Trustee Oahu College, 1881; member Hawaiian Bar Association, American Bar Association, National Municipal League, National Eco- nomic League, University and Har- vard Clubs of Hawaii, American Academy of Political and Social Science. CATHCART, JOHN W., attorney-at- law, Honolulu; born Oct. 31, 1860, in St. Paul, Minn.; son of Alexan- der H. and Rebecca (Marshall) Cathcart; married Mary Hemphill in San Francisco, Cal., June 6, 1891. Educated in the public schools of St. Paul. Read law in the office of Cushman K. Davis, attorney, in St. Paul, Minn., and later was ad- mitted to the bar; located in Hono- lulu Sept., 1898; practised law in Honolulu since 1898; City and CHALMERS, HAWAII County Attorney, Honolulu, Janu- ary, 1909-August, 1915; retiring to private practise, member of law firm Thompson & Cathcart. CHALMERS, GEORGE, agriculturist, Waimanalo, Oahu, T. H.; born at Netherley, Kincardineshire County, Scotland, July 26, 1858; son of Jos- eph and Elizabeth (Jamieson) Chal- mers; educated Cookney Public School, Kincardineshire, Scotland; married Mary Ann Duncan (de- ceased) at Hilo, Hawaii, Oct. 1885; second married Jessie Ann Thom- son in Aberdeen, Scotland, Sept. 1902; eight children, George, Mary, William, Bella, Joseph, Robert, Thomas, Florence. Began farming career in Scotland before coming to the Hawaiian Islands; became head overseer for Hilo Sugar Co., 1883-1893; manager of Waimanalo Sugar Co., Waimanalo, Oahu, since 1893. CHALMERS, JOHN, plantation man- ager, Hana, Maui, T. H.; korn in Scotland, Sept. 17, 1860; son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Jamieson) Chalmers; educated at Cookney School, County of Kincardineshire, Scotland; married Agnes Cushnie, in Scotland, Oct. 26, 1891; three children: Elsie J., Joseph and Ag- nes K. Chalmers. Worked on farm 1877-1883; came to Hawaii, 1884; worked at Waiakea 3 months, Lau- pahoehoe 9 months; Hakalau and Honohina, 1885-92; Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, Kauai, 1893; Wai- manalo Sugar Co., 1904; has since been with Hana Plantation, now known as Kaeleku Sugar Co., as manager. WILLIAM GEORGE, contractor, Honolulu; born June 10, 1874, in Ottawa, Canada; son of Andrew and Isabella Jane (Wil- son) Chalmers; married Lillie Read in New Westminster, B. C., April 22, 1896; three children: Grace I. V., Doris Lillian, Gladys Alexan- dra. Educated, Carleton Place High School (Ontario), Hunting- don (Quebec) Academy. Superin- tendent of construction, Imperial Bank of Canada (Vancouver, B. C.), 1896; 15 years superintendent of construction U. S. Army; settled in Honolulu, December, 1905, and superintended construction Fort Shafter for the contractors; one of CHAMBERLAIN, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 65 incorporators Pacific Engineering Co., Ltd. (Honolulu), Nov. 13, 1909; built McKinley High School, 1908; superintended construction of num- ber of larger buildings in Hono- lulu. Member Commercial Club, Hawaiian Engineering Association, Ke Ota O27 O.2F. WILLIAM WAR- REN, financier, Honolulu; born Feb. 13, 1873, in Honolulu; son of Warren and Celia P. (Wright) Chamberlain; married Clio Newton Feb. 21, 1906, in Honolulu; three children: Warren L., Clio O. Al- bethia M.; descendant of William Chamberlain who settled in Wo- burn (Mass.), in 1648; Levi Cham- berlain, grandfather, was secular secretary American Board of For- eign Missions in Hawaii, 1823-1849; educated, Punahou Preparatory School, Oahu College (Honolulu), Bryant and Stratton’s Business Col- lege (Chicago); became associated with Hawaiian Gazette Co., 1895; W. W. Dimond & Co., 1897; Hono- lulu Postoffice 1898; Bank of Ha- waii 1899; Kahului R. R. Co., 1899; Paia Plantation Co., 1900; W. O. Smith 1900; with W. O. Smith was organizer of Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., 1911; director Oahu Railway & Land Co. since 1915; Benson, Smith & Co. since 1913; served Co. B, Honolulu Rifles, in revolu- tion 1895-97; 2nd Lieut. Mounted Reserve prior to annexation; mem- ber Commercial Club, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Historical Society, Hawaiian Mis- sion Children’s Society. CHILLINGWORTH, CHARLES FRED- ERICK, lawyer and senator, Hono- *ulu; born on the island of Hawaii February 17, 1877; son of Samuel F. and Elizabeth (Lindsay) Chilling- worth; educated at Miss Green’s pri- vate school, island of Maui; Puna- hou school, Honolulu; married Vic- toria Stratemeyer of Honolulu De- cember 24, 1898. Studied law in father’s office on the island of Maui, 1892, and was admitted to bar, 1897; deputy marshal, Republic of Hawaii, at Honolulu, 1896, and in 1904 be- came deputy high sheriff of the Ter- ritory of Hawaii; senator from Oahu to the territorial legislature each session since 1906, serving as presi- dent of the Senate 1915 and 1917 ses- sions; takes an active interest in 4) baseball, serving as president of the Hawaiian Baseball League for past six years. Member Masonic Lodge, Order of Chiefs of Hawaii, Commer- cial club and Ad club of Honolulu. CHILLINGWORTH, WILLIAM 6S. court reporter, Wailuku, Maui; born at Makawao, Maui, May 21, 1885; son of Samuel] Francis and Elizabeth K. (Lindsay) Chillingworth; educat- ed grammar school, Wailuku, and McKinley High School, Honolulu; married R. Hilda Robertson in Ho- nolulu, April 29, 1909; three chil- dren, Kaiulani W., Selden K., Wil- liam R. Stenographer in Department of Public Instruction, 1905-07; in of- fice of Supreme Court, Territory of Hawaii, 1907-08; Office Deputy U. 8S. Marshal, Honolulu, 1908-09; employ- ed by Kahului Railroad Co., Maui, 1909-10; shorthand reporter Circuit Court, 2nd Circuit, Territory of Ha- wali, since 1910, Has served fourteen years in National Guard of Hawaii, enlisting as a private and advancing thru the ranks to ist Lieut. 1908. July 1, 1917, was made Adj. 2nd Bat- talion, 2nd Reg. Was a member of the Rifle Teams from Hawaii to Camp Perry, 1907 and 1908. Is an accomplished artist and instructor on the Mandolin and other stringed instruments. Member and director of old Diamond Head Athletic club; member of Myrtle Boat club, rowed No. 4 winning Freshman Crew, 1905. CHU GEM, merchant, Honolulu; was born in China, Kwong Quong, Dis- trict of Sing Ning, Oct. 3, 1853; son of Quong Mow and Wong See (mother’s name); journeyed to San Francisco at age of 17 and entered employ in tea store of his uncle; attended school in San Francisco and at expiration of five years re- turned to China with his father; attended school in the city of Sun Ning for three years; married Ho See in Honolulu, Nov., 1886; chil- dren: Chu Sui Ping, Chu Sui Wai, Mrs. Y. K. You, Mrs. Wun Mon Tong, Chu See Sem, Chu See Ming, Chu See Hon, Chu See Ting, Chu See Chung, and Chu See Keing. Came to Honolulu from China in 1886 and entered into partnership with Chu Quong Tang in the mer- cantile and importing business; two large stores of this partnership were destroyed in fire of 1886, leaving them with $15,000 insur- 66 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES F. CHILLINGWORTH ' W. S. CHILLINGWORTH W. G CHALMERS CHU GEM CLARK, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 67 ance money to pay $150,000 obli- gations in Hong Kong, San Fran- cisco and Honolulu; through suc- cessful management the indebted- ness was cleared in less than ten years. Was president of the United Chinese Society serving nine terms; president of See Yup Benevolent Society since its organization; is president of Chinese Merchants As- sociation; trustee of the Wah Mun Chinese School. CLARK, ALBERT BARNES, banker, Honolulu; born in Chicago, Ill., Jan. 25, 1884; son of Albert Barnes and Sara Jane (Hamlin) Clark; descen- dant of Hon. Hannibal Hamlin, vice- President of United States with Lincoln; educated at University of Wisconsin and University of Illinois, A.B., 1907. Began business career with Koolau Railway, 1907-1908; Bank of Hawaii from 1908 to date; assistant cashier since 1915; 2nd Lieut. Machine Gun Co., National Guard of Hawaii. Member F. & A. M.; Country, Outrigger and Bere- tania Tennis Clubs; Kappa Sigma fraternity. Appointed to Reserve Officers’ Training Camp, Schofield Barracks, Aug. 27, 1917. WILLIAM ALEXANDER, rancher, Paia, Maui; born in North Kona, Hawaii, April 7, 1885; son of George and Kathryn (Lane) Clark; educated St. Louis College, Hono- lulu; married Mary Vincent at Paia, Maui, July 25, 1908; children, Agnes Kathryn, Maelvin Alexander and Harriet Eunice. Started as book- keeper for the Maui Agricultural, Co., Paia, Maui, 1901-1912; manager of the Grove ranch, Paia, Maui, since 1912. Is a Shriner, member of the Aloha Temple; member of the Maui Lodge, No. 984, A. F. & A. M. CLARKE, JOHN KIRKWOOD, man- ager Hind, Rolph & Co., Honolulu; born December 4, 1882, in Hono- lulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Thos. Kirkwood and Annie (Horn- blower) Clarke; married Caroline Crewes in Honolulu, Oct. 2, 1912; two children, John Kirkwood, Ruth Caroline. Educated, Old Fort Street School, Honolulu High School. Be- san career aS newsboy, carrying Evening Bulletin; with Theo. H. Davies & Co., 1896-1900; Hind, Rolph & Co., Oct. 1, 1900, as clerk; appointed manager May 1, 1910; treasurer Honolulu Drug Co., Ltd. Member Commercial Club (treas- urer 1916, Board of Governors 1917), Chamber of Commerce, Ha- waiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Honolulu Chapter No. 1, Honolulu Commandery No. 1, Aloha Temple AACA OO Ne MB: CLEMONS, CHARLES FREDERIC, lawyer, Honolulu; born in Man- chester, Vt., Oct. 9, 1871; son of Dr. Seneca S. and Anna _ (Dan- forth) Clemons; educated public schools, Academy (Saxton’s River, Vt.), Yale, B. A. 1895, spec. honors in natural and physical science; an editor of the Yale Daily News; Yale Law School and National University Law School (Washing- ton, D. C.); chairman Yale Law Journal, 1897-98; married Virginia Armstrong Patten of Butte, Mont., Sept. 10, 1902; admitted to bar, Connecticut, 1898; practised law in Burlington, Vt., 1900, and Butte, Mont., 1900-1902; practised law in Honolulu since March, 1902, being associated with Judge Austin. Whit- ing, 1902-04; Thompson & Clemons and later Thompson, Clemons & Wilder, 1904-11; admitted to U. S. Supreme Court 1907. Appointed Judge U. S. District Court, Dist. of Hawaii, 1911, from which re- signed Jan. 15, 1917. Associated with Hon. E. M. Watson in practise of law, in firm of Watson & Clem- ons, Honolulu. Member of Com- mission to Revise Laws of Hawaii, 1913-15, and secretary of similar commission, 1903-05; Chancellor of Protestant Episcopal Church of Ha- waii, 1907-11, and for some years member of board of directors; for several years secretary of Bar As- sociation of Hawaii; director Hono- lulu Y. M. C. A. since 1914; mem- ber of University and Country Clubs. COALE, WILLIS BRANSON, clergy- man, Lahaina, Maui, T. H.; born at Holder, IIll., Nov. 10, 1885; son of Arthur and Laura (Branson) Coale; descendant of old Quaker stock; educated McLean Co., IIll., public schools; Bloomington and Peoria, Ill., High Schools; Bradley Poly- technic Inst.; Oberlin College, B.A., 1912; Oberlin Graduate School of Theology, B.D., 1915; married Grace Woodford in Peoria, Ill., August 2, 1915. Was assistant, Peoria Public 68 MEN OF HAWAII JOEL C. COHEN COCKCROFT, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 69 Library, 1905; taught public schools, Tazewell Co., Ill., 1907-10; Pastor St. Onge, Hermosa and Keyston, S. D., summer of 1914; missionary of Ha- waiian Board, Lahaina, Maui, 1915; appointed pastor of Kalihi Union Church, Honolulu, Dec. 1, 1917. A member Phi Beta Kappa fraternity. COCKBURN, JAMES LOWRIE, bank- er, Honolulu; born Feb. 1, 1876, at Dalkeith, Scotland; son of Thos. and Janet (Lowrie) Cockburn; married Eliza Victoria King Mar. 26, 1907; sat Victoria, B. C.> one child, Ranald Lowrie. Educated, Edinburgh Institution, Edinburgh, Scotland; entered business with Edinburgh branch of Union Assur- ance Society of London; with Bish- op & Co. of Honolulu since 1899 and became partner in firm 1912; director Bishop Trust Co., Ltd., Audit Co. of Hawaii, Ltd., QOlaa Sugar Co., Ltd., Bishop Insurance Agency. Member, Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, Pa- cific Club, British Club, Oahu Coun- try Club. FRANK NUTTALL, Episcopal minister, Lahaina, Maui; born in Shawforth, Lancashire, Eng., July 10, 1868; son of Walter and Eliza (Nuttall) Cockcroft; ed- ucated State University of Wyom- ing, 1893-94; General Theological Seminary, New York City, 1894-97; married Julia L. Walcott at Jack- son, Mich., Sept. 9, 1903; two chil- dren: Ruth W. and John W. Was Rector of Trinity Church, Lander, Wyo., 1897-99; assistant minister, Zion and St. Timothy, New York City, 1899-1903; Rector of Christ Church, Henrietta, Mich., 1903-05; St. Paul’s Church, Hamilton, Mont., 1905-11; All Saints’ Church, Red- ding, Cal., 1911-15; Missionary of Holy Innocents’ Church, Lahaina, Maui, since 1915; member of Red- ding Lodge No. 254, F. & A. M.; Shasta Chapter No. 9, R. A. M.; Redding Commandery No. 50, K. T.; Islam Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., San Francisco; Redding Lodge No; 107332 Bl P7.03 -H:; COHEN, JOEL C., theatrical and amusement financier, Honolulu; born at Buffalo, N. Y., June 12, 1862; son of Charles and Clementine (Von Lichtenstein) Cohen; educated in the public and high schools of Ber- lin, Wisconsin, graduating 1879; married Ethel M. Ruth of California in 1895. Spent several years travel- ing throughout Europe following graduation from high school; en- tered in the commercial field and was prominent in Republican poli- tics in Northern Wisconsin, and la- ter removed to Hawaii in 1898 at the time of the raising of the Stars and Stripes, the annexation to the United States as a Territory. Be- came interested in professional the- atricals in Honolulu and started the Orpheum theatre which was des- troyed by fire in 1913. Organized and is president of the Consolidated Amusement Co., Ltd., Honolulu, which controls directly or indirectly almost every theatre in the Terri- tory. Was elected Representative to the Territorial Legislature, 1909; candidate for Mayor of Honolulu, 1915 and 1917, being defeated in both elections. Member of Commercial, Rotary, and Ad Clubs of Honolulu; member of B. P. O. Elks, Phoenix Lodge, Eagles and Honolulu Cham- ber of Commerce. COKE, JAMES LESLIE, jurist, Hon- Olulu; born Aug. 31, 1875,.at Mans- field, Coos County, Oregon; son of John Stephen and Mary E. (Moore) Coke; descendant of Richard Cocke, Devonshire, England, who located in Henrico County, Virginia, about 1632; paternal great-grandfather, William Cocke, officer in Revolu- tionary War, member United States Senate from Tennessee when that state organized, succeeded in 1797 by Andrew Jackson, again = ap- pointed 1799 serving to 1805, buried on banks of Tombigbee river, Mis- sissippi, under tombstone erected by that state. Married Effie B. Riley in Honolulu, March 11, 1913; three children, by former marri- age: Philip L., Dixie C., James H. Educated, Oregon and California; commenced practise of law in partnership with John S. Coke, Marshfield, Ore., 1896. Elected County Attorney, County of Maui (Hawaii), Nov. 8, 1908; to Terri- torial Senate Nov. 5, 1912-Jan. 23, 1916; appointed Third Judge, First Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, Mar. 23, 1916; appointed by Pres- ident Wilson as Justice of Supreme Court, Territory of Hawaii, Jan. 8, 1917. Member B. P. O. E. No. 616, Honolulu (P. E. R.), 32nd degree Mason, Shriner. 70 MEN OF HAWAII H, D. CORBETT GEO. M. COLLINS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 71 COLE, LEO L., JR., lawyer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Macon, Miss., Feb. 26, i893; son of Leo L. and Susie (Carr) Cole; educated Vanderbilt Univer- sity, B.A., 1915, LL.B., 1917.. Came to Honolulu Sept. 26, 1917, entering law office of Thompson & Cathcart, Oct. 1, 1917. Member of Phi Beta Kappa, (honorary literary); Phi Del- ta Phi (honorary legal), and Sigma Chi fraternities; member University Club, Honolulu. COLLINS, ARTHUR W., civil engi- neer, Paia, Maui, T. H.; born at Fort Fairfield, Maine, November 19, 1883; son of Henry C. and Elizabeth (Slocomb) Collins; educated Uni- versity of Maine, B.S., 1905; married Ethel Kittredge in Boston, Mass., October 30, 1909; two. children, Mary Kittredge and Harriet Patri- cia. Was with Santa Fe R. R., 1905; Western Pacific R. R., 1906; engi- neer for Maui Agricultural Co., Paia, 1906-10; has been engineer Maui Agricultural Co. and Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co. since 1910; also engineer for Kahului R. R. since 1910; Major in National Guard of Hawaii; member of Uni- versity and Hawaii Polo and Racing Clubs. COLLINS, GEORGE MILES, engi- neer, Honolulu; born May 16, 1889, at Los Gatos, Cal.; son of Oliver and Sophie C. (Lyon) Collins; edu- cated in grammar and high schools Los Gatos, Cal., University of Cali- fornia, B. S., College of Mining, May, 1911; #=married Geraldine Frances Neumann of San Francisco in Salt Lake City, October 17, 1912. Began professional career with Utah Copper Co., Garfield, Utah, June-September, 1911; American Smelting & Refining Co., Septem- ber, 1911-March, 1913; assistant Engineer Waiahole Water Co. Ltd., (Honolulu), April, 1913-January, 1914; assistant engineer City and County of Honolulu, January, 1914- January, 1916; engineer City and County of Honolulu since January 1, 1916. CONKLING, DAVID LLOYD, news- paperman, Honolulu; born April 29, 1876, in San Francisco, California; son of David and Anna _ Mar- tin (Hawkins) Conkling. Educat- ed, St. Ignatius College, Lincoln Grammar School and Commercial High School (San Francisco). Be- gan business career with San Fran- cisco Law Library as assistant lib- rarian Dec. 1, 1895; joined staff of Bulletin (Honolulu), Nov. 1, 1897; with Honolulu. Republican 1900; Bulletin 1900-1903; Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Jan., 1903- Oct. 30, 1905; H. Hackfeld & Co., Kailua, Hawaii, Nov. 1, 1905-Nov. 30, 1906; Chief Clerk Executive De- partment Territory of Hawaii Dec. 1, 1906-June 30, 1909; Treasurer, Territory of Hawaii July 1, 1909- Oct. 30, 1914, elected Treasurer City and County of Honolulu Ncv., 1914, re-elected 1917. Was instru- mental in organizing Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange, 1900, and was first secretary. Member Healani Boat Club, Pacific Club, Elk, Mason. COOK, MANUEL KANINOA, terri- torial official, Honolulu, T. H.; born at Puna, Hawaii, April 29, 1872; educated St. Mary’s School, Hilo, and St. Louis College, Honoluiu; married Annie Mailoki Kupihea, in Honolulu, April 4, 1895; no children. Entered law office of Paul Neu- mann, Honolulu, on leaving school, 1893-95; entered Department of in- terior (Republic of Hawaii) under Minister J. A. King’, 1895-97; in Treasury Department, 1897, and was transferred to Auditing Department 1898; joined force of Departmeut of Interior, 1898, name of which was changed to Department of Public Works on annexation; Chief Clerk Department of Public Works, Terri- tory of Hawaii. Member N. G. H., 1893-95; was in revolution of 1895- 96. Member Hawaii Chapter No. 1, Order of Kamehameha. COOKE, AMOS FRANCIS, real estate, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1851; son of Amos Starr and Juliette (Montague) Cooke, early missionaries to Hawaiian Islands; educated Oahu College (Honolulu) and University of Michigan; mar- ried Lilanet Lidgate in Hilo, Hawaii, November 6, 1879; two daughters, Margaret Montague and Juliette An- nis (Melanphy). Started in firm of Castle & Cooke, Honolulu, 1875; manager Pacific Navigation Co., 1878-1887, island coasting and in for- eign trade to South Sea Islands; started and organized Hawaiian Fer- tilizer Co. of Honolulu, 1889, and 72 MEN OF HAWAII A. F. COOKE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 73 selling out in 1898; purchased prop- erty of Bruce Cartwright in Palolo Valley, Oahu, and organized Palolo Land & Improvement Co., Ltd., in 1899; has conducted a general real estate business in Honolulu since. Served in the Citizens’ and National Guards under the Provisional Gov- ernment and Republic of Hawaii, 1893-1899. Member of the sons of the American Revolution. COOKE, CLARENCE HYDE, banker, Honolulu: was born in Honolulu, April 17, 1876, the son of Charles M. and Anna (Rice) Cooke; mar- ried Lily Love, daughter of Robert Love of Honolulu, August 11, 1898; children: Dorothea, Martha Ana, Clarence junior, Harrison, Alice and Robert; graduate of Punahou Col- lege, 1894, and Yale (did not grad- uate); began business career in Honolulu with Hawaiian Safe De- posit and Trust Co., Ltd., 1897; Bank of Hawaii, Jan. 1, 1898; presi- dent of the Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., since 1909; has been identified with Hawaiian industries and is an of- ficer or director of the Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., the Hawaiian Elec- tric Co., Ltd., Ewa Plantation, Wai- alua Plantation, Charles M. Cooke, Ltd., C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Lihue Plantation Co., Wailuku Sugar Co., and a number of other enterprises. Was a member of the 1913, 1915 and 1917 sessions of the Territorial leg- islature and accomplished good re- sults on the Financial Committee of the lower house. Member of the Pacific, University and Country clubs of Honolulu. COOKE, CHARLES MONTAGUE, JR., zoologist, Honolulu; was born in Honolulu Dec. 20, 1874; son of Charles Montague and Anna’ Char- lotte (Rice) Cooke; educated in Honolulu and Yale University, grad- uating with degree A. B. 1897 and receiving the Ph. D. degree 1901; married EKliza Lefferts of Flatbush, N. Y., April 25, 1901. Curator Pul- monata, Bishop Museum, Hono- lulu since 1902. Member Washing- ton Academy of Sciences, Malacol- ogical Society of London and mem- ber of the University Club of Hon- Olulu. Republican. COOKE, GEORGE PAUL, rancher, Kaunakakai, Molokai; born in Ho- nolulu, T. H., December 2, 1881; son of Charles Montague and Anna Charlotte (Rice) Cooke; both par- ents children of missionaries to Ha- waiian Islands; educated at Yale University, B.A., 1905; married Sophie Boyd Judd, daughter of late Chief Justice A. F. Judd, in Hono- lulu, April 4, 1906; five children, Dora, George Paul, Jr., Francis Judd, Thomas Hastings, Stephen Montague. Stock and bond clerk, Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., 1905-08; bookkeeper American Sugar Co., Ltd., and Molokai Ranch, April, 1908, to December, 1908; manager A. S. Co., Ltd., & Molokai Ranch since 1908. Representative for Maui County to Territorial Legisla- ture, 1911-13; Senator from Maui County, 1917-19. Member Y. M. C. A., Maui Chamber of Commerce, Maui Aid Assn., Queen’s Hospital Corporation, Hawaiian Board, Uni- versity and Commercial Clubs, presi- dent Hawaii Tuna Club, 1917. COOKE, JOSEPH PLATT, sugar fac- tor, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Hono- lulu, December 15, 1870; son of Jos- eph Platt and Harriet Emilita (Wil- der) Cooke; parents were among early missionaries to Hawaiian Isl- ands; educated Oakland High school (Cal.), Phillips Academy (Andover, Mass.), Yale University, B.A., 1894; married Maud M. Baldwin at Haiku, Maui, July 18, 1895; six children, Platt, Emily, Henry, Douglas, Fred and Maud. Started in business with the firm of Alexander & Baldwin, San Francisco, Dec. 1, 1894; the firm consisted of H. P. Baldwin, S. T. Alexander, W. M. Alexander and J. P. Cooke as partners; removed to Honolulu, 1897, to establish the Ho- nolulu branch of the firm; on the in- corporation of the firm, Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., July 1, 1900, be- came treasurer and manager of the Honolulu branch; after the death of H. P. Baldwin in 1911, was elected President of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. Is an officer and director in the Maui Agricultural Co., Haiku Sugar Co., Paia Plantation, Hawai- ian Sugar Co., McBryde Sugar Co., Kahuku Plantation Co., Kahului Railroad Co., and Kauai Railway 74 MEN OF HAWAII J.P. COOKE COOKE, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 75 Co. Served as President, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, 1913, and President of the Sugar Factors Company, Ltd., 1910-11. Member of Pacific Club, University Club, Com- mercial Club and Country Club (Ho- nolulu). RICHARD ALEXANDER, treasurer, Charles M. Cooke, Ltd., Honolulu; born Jan. 24, 1884, in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands; son of Charles M. and Anna Charlotte (Rice) Cooke; married Dagmar Sorenson in Honolulu, Nov. 12, 1907; three children: Anna Karen, Alice Montague, Richard Alexander, Jr. Educated, Oahu College (Hon- olulu), Hotchkiss School (Conn.), Yale University, B. A. 1906. Began business career with C. Brewer & Co., Ltd. (Honolulu), Oct. 1, 1906; Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., 1907; Chas. M. Cooke, Ltd., 1909; became as- sociated with Hawaiian Electric Co.; (Ltd -18i3: Member’ Board Liquor License Commissioners since 1916; member Board of Trustees, Mid-Pacific Institute; member Oahu Country Club, University Club (Honolulu). COOMBS, WALTER ROLAND, ac- countant, Honolulu, T. H.; born at Bedford, Iowa, December 8, 1880; son of Lafe and Addie (Wilson) Coombs; graduated from High School May 31, 1897; married Gene- vra E. V. Hooyer, in Honolulu, July 26, 1906. In employ of Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., since 1904; came to Ho- nolulu first on way to Philippines as State Volunteer, 1899; returning to Honolulu 1901; Chairman G. O. P. of Honolulu, 1914-15-16; member of Commercial and Country Clubs; Hawaiian Historical Society; Past Master of and present Registrar of Scottish Rite Bodies of Honolulu; 32° Knight Commander Court of Honor, Knight Templar; Shriner. COOPER, CHARLES BRYANT, physi- cian and surgeon, Honolulu; born at Babylon, New York, Nov. 19, 1864; son of Rev. Chas. White and Fran- ces (Duyckinck) Cooper; descend- ant of the great philanthropist, Peter Cooper, founder of Cooper Institute, New York City, and related to James Fennimore Cooper, the novelist. Educated at Wallkill Academy (Mid- dletown, N. Y.); Williston Semin- ary (Easthampton, Mass.); Univer- sity of Missouri Medical Dept., M.D. 1889. Married Katherine Christie McGrew, daughter of John S. Mc- Grew, in Honolulu, March 24, 1897. Practising physician and surgeon, Butte, Montana, 1889-91; removed to Honolulu, 1891. Member Territorial Board of Health, 1900-05; as _ presi- dent of the board in 1904, inaugu- rated the plan for establishing a Federal Experiment Hospital in Hawaii for furthering the research work for a cure of leprosy; appeared before the Public Health Service Convention, Washington, D. C., with the plan which resulted in an ap- propriation by Congress of $100,000 for equipment and $50,000 annually for maintenance. Commissioner of Public Health, 1904; ex-member Board of Medical Examiners; chair- man Board of Industrial Schools; commissioner Insanity Commission; chief surgeon, Oahu Railway and Land Co. Regimental surgeon under Provisional Government, 1893; for Republic of Hawaii, 1895-98; com- missioned Surgeon General with rank of Lieut. Colonel, National Guard of Hawaii; completed course in the first class of the Field Ser- vice Schools for Medical Officers, Ft. Leavenworth, Kan., 1912. Mem- ber of Pacific, University (ex-presi- dent), Oahu Country, Oahu Polo and Racing, Rotary and Ad Clubs of Honolulu; Fellow American Medi- cal Assn.; member and ex-president Hawaiian Medical Society; member of Assn. of Pacific Coast R. R. Sur- geons; P. I. P. of Aloha Temple, Knights Templar; 1st Exalted Ruler B. P. O. E. 616. COOPER, HENRY ERNEST, lawyer, Pearl City, Oahu, T. H.; born at New Albany, Ind., Aug. 28, 1857; son of William Giles Cooper; educated common schools of Boston; LL.B., Boston University, 1878; - married Mary E. Porter, of San Diego, Cal., Oct. 2, 1883. Admitted to bar, Suf- folk Co., Mass., 1878; came to Hono- lulu, 1890; chairman committee of safety, Hawaiian Revolution, Jan. 14-17, 1893; on Jan. 17, 1893, read proclamation abrogating monarchial government in Hawaiian Islands and establishing provisional govern- ment; member Advisory Council, Provisional Government, Jan.-Mar, 1893; Judge Circuit Court, 1st Cir- cuit, Hawaiian Islands, 1893-95; minister of foreign affairs, 1895-99; 76 MEN OF HAWAII DR. C. B, COOPER BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 17 acting President Republic of Ha- waii, Jan. 9-Mar. 1898; Minister of Public Instruction, June 1896-Mar. 1899; Attorney General Hawaii from March 1899 to June, 1900; minister of the interior ad interim, 4 terms; minister of finance ad interim, three terms; president Board of Health, March 1899 to Jan. 5, 1900; appoint- ed first secretary, Hawaiian Terri- tory, June 14, 1900; retired; Republi- can. OOPER, WILLIAM JONATHAN, journalist, Wailuku, Maui; born in Cochranton, Pa., March 22, 1876; son of William Humes and HEliza- beth (Sisson) Cooper; educated at University of W. Va.; married Lucy C. Vrooman, M. D., in Hono- lulu, Aug. 3, 1907; no children. Re- porter on “Sentinel,” Parkersburg, W. Va., from 1895 until enlisted with lst W. Va. Volunteers, 1898; went with Miles’ expedition to Por- to Rico and mustered out, 1899; went to college until 1901; associ- ated with father in lumber busi- ness; went to Beaumont, Tex., 1904, with oil well supply concern; be- came reporter on San _ Francisco Chronicle, 1906; came to Honolulu as reporter on the Star, 1907; was assistant to H. P. Wood, Promo- tion Committee, 1908, and repre- sented committee at A.-Y.-P. Expo- sition, Seattle, 1909; reporter on Honolulu Star, 1910-12; took home- stead near Haiku, Maui, 1912; ap- pointed manager Maui Pub. Co., Ltd., and editor Maui News, 1914; ap- pointed member of Industrial Ac- cident Board for Maui County to serve until 1912; member of Hono- lulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E.; Aloha Lodge No. 3, K. P., Wailu- ku; Sigma Chi fraternity. Taking course in Reserve Officers’ Train- ing Camp, Schofield Barracks, at present writing. CORBETT, HENRY D., postmaster, Hilo; born June 7, 1857, at Sum- ter, Sumter Co., S. C.; son of Jas. N. and Agnes (White) Corbett; married Abby Jewell Roberts, June 3, 1902, at Tucson, Ariz.; no chil- dren; descended on mother’s side from the famous Hale family of New England, a _ great-great-uncle being Nathan Hale; paternal grand- father came to Charleston, S. C., in 1823, from Ireland, founding the American branch of the family. Educated, South Carolina public schools, Eastman’s Business Col- lege (Poughkeepsie). Entered busi- hess in 1873 and followed mercan- tile lines in New York, San Fran- cisco, and the Southwest, except four years in postal service during Cleveland’s administration; came to Hawaii from Arizona in 1906; appointed postmaster Hilo June 13, 1913, and has mercantile interests, being vice-president Wall-Nichols Co., Ltd., 1906-1917; Member I. O. O. F.; raises chickens as a pastime. CORREA, SYLVESTER PHILIP, sen- ator, Honolulu; born Sept. 12, 1876, at Honolulu; son of Manuel Gon- salves and Anna (Kamio) Correa; married Caroline Speckmann May 22, 1902, at Honolulu; five chil- dren: Bernice, Caroline, Sylvester, Lawrence and Wilhelmina. Edu- cated, public schools, Royal School (Honolulu) and Waimea School (Kauai); entered business as ap- prentice printer 1893 and employed by various Honolulu publishers and printers; linotype operator since 1897; foreman composing room of Hawaiian Gazette Co.; elected to House of Representatives Territor- ial Legislature from Fifth District 1907, 1909, 1911, and from Third Senatorial District 1917; member Honolulu Civil Service Commission 1915-16; member San Antonio So- ciety, Royal School Alumni Associ- ation, Court Camoes, A. O. F. COSTA, ANTONE FRANCIS, - post- master, Wailuku, Maui; born in Ko- hala, Hawaii, April 2, 1886; son of Manuel and Emilia (Nevis) Costa; educated at St. Ann School, Kohala; married Laura Lewis in Wailuku, Maui, May 4, 1912. Began business career as store clerk, Kohala Sugar Co.’s store; afterward timekeeper, Kohala Plantation; office assistant, Metropolitan Meat Market, Hono- lulu; bookkeeper at Puunene Store, Kahului, Maui; assistant postmaster at Wailuku, Maui, 1913, holding of- fice ever since. Member Maui Chamber of Commerce, Maui County Fair and Racing Association, Maui Boosting Club, Honolulu Y. M. C. A., Sociedade de St. Antonio. COYNE, ARTHUR, merchant, Hono- lulu; born March 21, 1867, at Lon- don, Ontario, Canada; son of Thos. 78 MEN OF HAWAII A. M. CRISTY E. C. S. CRABBE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 79 G. and Elizabeth (Peel) Coyne; married Sarah Amelia Perrin (de- ceased) at Honolulu; grandfather founded American branch of Coyne family, coming from London in 1812; maternal side originally came from Belfast, Ireland. Educated, schools of London, Ont.; began business career with furniture man- ufacturing concern, London, Ont.; entered Canadian army, 1884, 32nd Huron Volunteers, serving through Riel rebellion of 1885; came to Honolulu 1889, and re-entered fur- niture business with J. Hopp & Co., again taking up military service at the outbreak of the Hawaiian Rev- olution of 1893; commissioned Ist Lieut. in Co. E, Hawaiian Regu- lars, Jan. 31, 1893, under Provision- al Government, promoted Captain 1896, retiring in that grade 1898; re-entered service in National Guard of Hawaii as Captain, Ist Inf., in 1903, appointed Lieut.-Col. 1907, and Colonel 1913, and retired on own request May 9, 1914; holds certificate of eligibility as Colonel, U. S. Volunteers, dated April 25, 1916; entered business for him- self 1899; president Coyne Furni- ture Co. CRABBE, EDWARD CLINTON SIM- MONS, broker, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Palisade, Nev., Aug. 30, 1882; son of Clarence Linden and Emma Longstreet (Rich) Crabbe; great- grandson of Capt. John Meek, or- ganizer of the first Masonic Lodge in the Hawaiian Islands, the first meeting held in the garret of his home in Honolulu; ' great-grand- mother Crabbe was one of first three white women to come to the Hawaiian islands; educated Punahou School, St. Louis College, Honolulu High School, Oahu College to 1902; married L. Agnes McNamara of San Francisco April 25, 1907; two sons, Clarence L. and Edward C. 8S. Clerk, Tax Office, Honolulu, 1903, cashier 1904; clerk to Dep. High Sheriff Wm. T. Rawlins, Honolulu, 1904-5; clerk to County Sheriff J. S. Kala- kiela, Honolulu, 1906; salesman, National Realty Co., Oakland, Cal., 1906-07; salesman, Harold Havens Co., Berkeley Branch of Realty Syndicate, Oakland, Cal., 1907-11; mer. Libby, McNeill & Libby, pine- apple plantation, Ahuimanu, Oahu, T. H., 1912-13; deputy license in- spector, County of Honolulu, 1918- CRAIG, 14; Deputy Collector and Gauger, U. S. Internal Revenue, Honolulu, 1915; division deputy collector in charge U. S. Int. Rev., Hilo, Ha- waii, 1915-16; stock and _ bond broker and financial agent, Hilo, since 1916. Member Berkeley Elks, Cherros Club (Oakland), Hilo Yacht Club, Seaside Club, Hilo. JOHN HENRY, architect and buiider, Honolulu; born April 28, 1864, in Toronto, Canada; son of John (well known in early days of the Dominion) and Annie (Chris- tie) Craig; married Annie Cox June 2, 1884, at Hamilton, Canada; two children: Edna May (Knudsen) and Nina Grace (McCorriston). Edu- cated, Central Grammar _ School (Toronto), Collegiate Institute of Hamilton; entered business in Los Angeles, Cal., 1886; removed to Honolulu, 1889; has designed and constructed many of MHonolulu’s large business blocks, schools and residences; holds interests in sgsev- eral plantations; former member Board of Immigration and Board of License Commissioners; mem- ber Masonic order. CRAWFORD, WILLIAM HENRY, merchant and lawyer, Honolulu; born Jan. 21, 1876, in Honolulu; married Hattie Keanu Nov. 25, 1907, in Honolulu; two children: William H. Jr. and Annie Leinaala. * Educated, Damon school, St. Louis College (Honolulu); entered busi- ness career with Hon. W. C. Achi and Hon. J. W. Cathcart; a stu- dent of the Chinese language, and official Chinese interpreter for the Territorial Courts for 10 years, and also for fire claim court; admitted to practise law in District Courts of Territory; with Hon. Chas, F. Chillingworth until 1913; elected to Territorial Legislature as rep- resentative from Fifth District 1915; member Chinese Masonic Lodge (secretary 1910-14), Court Lunalilo No. 6600, and Kaala Lodge, K. of P. A _ baseball en- thusiast. CRISTY, ALBERT MOSES, lawyer, Honolulu; born at Hudson, Ohio, Feb. 13, 1889; son of Rev. Albert Barnes and Mary Wilhelmina (Lins- ley) Cristy; educated at Brown University, A. B. 1909; Brown Glee Club, 1906-09; diver Brown swim- ming team, 1908-09; Harvard Law CROCKETT, MEN OF School, LL.B. cum laude, 1914; as- soc. editor Harvard Law Review, 1913-14; married Jessamine J. Bow- man of Chicago, in Honolulu, Sep- tember 28, 1915; daughter: Carol Linsley Cristy. Began practise of law with Frear, Prosser, Anderson & Marx, 1914; appointed First Dep- uty City and County Attorney for Honolulu, 1915; re-appointed, 1917; taught mathematics and mechanical drawing in Williston Seminary, Easthampton, Mass., 1909-11. Mem- ber of Phi Beta Kappa and Phi Gamma Delta fraternities. WILLIAM FRANCIS, lawyer, Wailuku, Maui, T. H.; born at Wytheville, Va., July 12, 1860; son of Samuel and Lydia (Brown) Crockett; educated in public school, Wytheville, Va.; Centenary Bibli- cal Institute, Baltimore, Md.; Uni- versity of Michigan, Law School, LL.B. 1888; married Annie V. Ry- der Dec. 24, 1890, at Washington, D. C.; children: Wendell Francis, Grace Crockett. In practise of law, Montgomery, Ala., 1888-1900; lec- turer on commercial law for B. T. Washington, 1889; state agent for Southern Cotton States Exposition, Atlanta, Ga., 1895; assistant, pas- senger dept., So. Pac. Company, Ala- bama, 1900; came to Hawaii with large party of laborers, Jan., 1901; employed by Hawaiian Commercial and Sugar Co., 1901-03; located on Maui in practise of law, 1903; has served on Board of Registration, as District Magistrate of Wailuku, as deputy County Attorney. Member of House of Representatives, T. H., 1915 session. CROWELL, WILLIAM OLIN, deputy sheriff, Waimea, Kauai; born in Honolulu, Feb. 20, 1873; son of John W. and Julia (Palaile) Crow- ell; educated public school, Waimea, Kauai, Iolani College, Honolulu, 1887-9; Kamehameha school, 1889- 91; married Kalei Kamauoha in Ho- nolulu, May 9, 1900; children, Julia, George, Lily, Joseph, Elsie. Taught as assistant in public school, Wai- mea, Kauai, 1892-1894; registrar of Kamehameha school, 1894-95; prin- cipal of Hilea public school, Kau, Hawaii, 1895-98; clerk to the deputy high sheriff, 1898-1900; deputy sher- iff of Koloa, Kauai, 1900-2; deputy sheriff of Waimea, Kauai, since 1902. HAWAII Established Waimea Electric Light Plant and Waimea Garage, 1912. Commissioned captain National Guard of Hawaii, 1915; retired 1917, Member of Kauai Chamber of Com- merce. CURRY, GEORGE §., lawyer, Hono- lulu; born Jan. 17, 1878, in Wash- ington, D. C.; son of Samuel T. and Amanda (Kemble) Curry; mar- ried Gertrude E. M. Thomsen in Philadelphia, Pa., Aug. 4, 1904; two children: Dorothy and Ruth. Edu- cated in public schools and busi- ness colleges of Philadelphia. In- spector, U. S. Immigration Service, Honolulu, 1905-10; practised law, Honolulu, since 1910; referee in bankruptcy, 1912-1914; U. S. Com- missioner, Dist of Hawaii, since 1914. Member Le Progres de I’ Oceanie, F. & A. M. (past master), Oahu Country Club, Commercial Club, Outrigger Canoe Club. CYKLER, EMIL FRANK, civil engi- neer, Honolulu; born at San Jose, Cal., April 30, 1890; son of Emanuel and Theresa (Pircher) Cykler; edu- cated primary and high schools of San Jose, Cal., University of Cali- fornia, C.E., 1910; married Beatrice Elizabeth Freuler of Berkeley, Cal., September 30, 1913; one child, John Freuler. Began professional career with H. J. Brunnier, prominent con- sulting engineer of San Francisco, and was associated with him in a number of large projects, notable among which were the U. S. Farm Lands Co., at Chowchilla, Cal., a 206,000-acre project, the Sharon Farms Co., Sharon, Cal., a 30,000- acre project, Shredded Wheat fac- tory, Oakland, Cal., Santa Cruz wharf, a 2800-foot structure, San Francisco Civic Center Library, a $1,000,000 structure and some $4,000- 000 worth of buildings, bridges, etc. Came to Honolulu September, 1915, as chief engineer, Lord-Young Engi- neering Co., Ltd. Member Theta Xi Fraternity, U. of C., being the founder of this chapter; honorary fraternities for scholarship, Tau Beta Pi and Sigma Xi; Union League, University and Rotary Clubs of San Francisco; Commercial Club, Honolulu; American Society of Civil Engineers; has contributed a num- ber of articles to engineering maga- zines. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 81 D DAMON, FREDERICK BECKWITH, banker, Honolulu; born April 21, 1878, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Ha- waii; son of Edward Chenery and Cornelia (Beckwith) Damon; de- scendant of John Damon, Kent, England, who settled in Scituate, Mass., in 1629, and John Mosely, Lancashire, England, who settled at Dorchester, Mass., 1631. Paternal grandfather, Rev. Samuel Chenery Damon, D. D., was chaplain Sea- men’s Chapel, Honolulu, 1841-82, editor “The Friend,’ 1843-82. Mar- ried Julia Dwight Lawrence of She- boygan, Wis., in Honolulu, January 8, 1908, two children, Edward Law- rence and Dorothy. Educated in schools of Honolulu, attended Oahu College (Honolulu). Begun _ busi- ness career in Honolulu postoffice in 1894; with Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., August, 1898; elected secretary and assistant cashier January 26, 1905, cashier January 13, 1909. Member Commercial Club, Oahu Country Club, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M., Aloha Temple A. A. O. N. M. S. DAMON, SAMUEL MILLS, banker, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, March 13, 1845; son of Rev. Samuel Chen- ery and Julia Sherman (Mills) Da- mon; married Harriet M. Baldwin in Honolulu, September 5, 1872, four children, Samuel Edward, Mary M., Henry F., Douglas W. Descendant of John Damon of Reading, England, who settled in Reading, Mass., in 1632; Rev. Sam- uel Chenery Damon was one of the pioneer missionaries to Hawaii, be- ing chaplain of the Seamen’s In- stitute 1841-1882, founder and editor of “The Friend,” 1843-1885. Received education at Punahou Preparatory school and Punahou Academy (Honolulu); became as- sociated with Charles R. Bishop in the banking business in 1870; ad- mitted to partnership Bishop & Co. 1881. Appointed member privy council, Kingdom of Hawaii, by King Kalakaua, August 12, 1884; minister of Finance, July 22, 1889- June 17, 1890, May 29, 1893-July 20, 1897, August 12, 1897-November 13, 1899, December 21, 1899-June 14, 1900; minister of interior, ad interim, April 28, 1899-June 13, 1899, May 18, 1900-June 14, 1900; 6 DA SILVA, EVANGELINO, member of advisory council of Re- public of Hawaii under President Dole. Member Society Beaux Arts, Paris; Royal Society of Arts, Lon- don; Hawaiian Historical Society; Pacific Club (Honolulu); decorated with order Golden Treasure, Japan; Knight Order Christ, Portugal; Vic- toria Jubilee medal; owner cele- brated Moanalua Gardens, near Honolulu. DANEL, WILLIAM W., dental sur- geon, Honolulu; born at Freeport, Illinois, April 29, 1865; son of Sam- uel A. and Phoebe (Ferguson) Danel; educated public schools of Illinois, University of Pennsylvania Dental College, graduating 1886, de- gree D.D.S.; married Ella Higgins of Montreal, Canada, in Honolulu, Dec. 9, 1903; no children. Located in Washington Ter. in 1888 and was one of founders of Washington Den- tal Society; spent several years traveling throughout Europe with three years practise of Dental Sur- gery in Belfast and Southern Eu- rope. Was one of first to make a demonstration in London dental clinics of crown and bridge work in 1893 (at that time new branches of denistry). Traveled extensively in Mexico and Japan and practised tour years in the Orient; practising den- tist in Honolulu since 1911. Member of Alumni University of Pennsyl- vania; Outrigger Canoe Club; Hono- lulu Automobile Club; Hawaii Tuna Club; is a 32nd degree Scotish Rite Mason. Is an enthusiastic amateur photographer and owns. large col- lection of camera pictures taken in all parts of Europe. Spent some time on Dewey’s fleet in Manila Bay in 1898 doing dental work. attorney and captain of police, Hilo; born Sept. 28, 1871, at San Miguel, Azores; son of Jose J. and Maria (Cunha) da Silva; unmarried;came to Hawaii as a boy and educated in common schools of the territory; worked on several plantations after leaving school; clerk in a Hilo store 1888; member Royal Hawaiian band 1893-4; police officer Hilo 1894; bailiff 4th circuit court Hilo 1896; captain of police Hilo 1908; licensed to practise law district courts of territory 1910; farmer and cane grower for several years past in addition to official po- sition; representative in territorial 82 MEN OF HAWAII DR. W. W. DANEL BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 83 legislature from ist district 1913, 1915, 1917; member Sociedade Lusi- tana Beneficente de Hawaii. DAVIES, THEOPHILUS CLIVE, sugar factor, Honolulu: born September 28, 1871, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii, son of Theophilus Harris and Mary Elen (Cocking) Davies; married Edith Marion Fox, in Wim- bledon (England), July 12, 1898; five children: Muriel, Gwendolen, Lorna, Harold, Geoffrey. Educated in St. Alban’s College (Honolulu) to 18286, Uppingham School (England) to 1899 and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, being graduated in 1894 with degree S. B.; Theo. H. Davies (Elder) settled in Honolulu in 1857, associated with firm of Janion, Green & Co., and later took over the business, now Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd. Became associated with father’s firm upon entering business career and is at present a director of that institution. Address: resi- dences, Graidaide (Honolulu) and Hawkley Hurst (Hampshire, Eng- Jand): business. Kaahumanu Street (Honolulu), 2 George Street, Man- sion House (London, England). DAVIS, CHARLES S., lawyer, Hono- lulu; born at St. John, N. B., Nov. 8, 1889; son of George A. and Eliza- beth (Crawford) Davis; educated at Punahou Preparatory, Oahu College (Honolulu); Cornell, Harvard and Leland Stanford Junior’ universi- ties, A.B. and J.D. Practising law in Honolulu; appointed Deputy City and County Attorney, Hono- lulu, 1917. Member Elks, University Club, Myrtle Boat Club, Outrigger Canoe Club. DAVIS, GEORGE ANTHONY, lawyer, Honolulu; born June 3, 1858, in Bos- ton, Mass.; son of David T. and Elizabeth Davis; married Sarah Elizabeth Crawford in St. John, N. B., September, 1887; one child, Charles Skinner Davis, A. B., J. D.; educated Boston University Law School, degree LL. B., 1879; . Shef- field Academy (New Brunswick). Harvard Law School 1876-77; stud- ied law under Hon. William Pugs- ley, D. C. L., former minister of pub- lic works, Dominion of Canada, and Melville M. Bigelow at _ Boston, Mass.; practised in Honolulu; dis- trict magistrate, Honolulu, 1903; acting circuit judge 1900; United States commissioner, District of Hawaii, 1907-1916; private practise since. Member F. & A. M., Mystic Shrine, 32 degree (Honolulu Consis- tory), B. P.O. E. No 616 (Honolulu), K. P., Chiefs of Hawaii (one of founders and presiding Chief Aho Kicko for life). DAVIS, SAMUEL HENRY, clerk in Holy Orders, Kona, Hawaii; born April 27, 1838, at Eastcombes, Glou- cestershire; son of Samuel and Ann (Eddles) Davis; educated in village schools and Warminster Mission College, Wilts; married Carolina Hannah Frances Thomas, June, 1870, at Frenchay, Bristol. Ordained deacon at Edinburgh, Trinity Sunday, 1868; joined University Mission to Central Africa, retiring in 1870; came to Hawaii with Bishop Willis in 1872 and appointed to Christ Church, Kona, Hawaii; ordained priest and sent to Lahaina, Maui, 1876, his wife taking charge of St. Cross School; returned to Kona, Ha- waii, 1879, later opened a boarding school for Hawaiian girls, 1880; re- tired from the parsonage on the ar- rival of Bishop Restarick. DEAN, ARTHUR LYMAN, president College of Hawaii, Honolulu; born October 1, 1878, at Southwick, Hampden county, Mass.; son of William Kendrick and Nellie May (Rogers) Dean, descendant of Puri- tan stock that settled at Plymouth in 1637; married Leora Elvena Parmelee at New Haven, Conn., August 11, 1904, three children, Sylvia, Lyman Arnold and Pierson Goddard. Educated at Dedham (Mass.) High School to 1896, Har- vard 1896-1900, A. B., Yale 1900- 1902, Ph. D.; begun professional career at Sheffield Scientific School of Yale, September, 1902- 1907; expert, in charge wood chem- istry U. S. Forest service, 1905- 07; in charge chemical laboratory A. D. Little (Boston), 1907-08; asst. professor Industrial Chemistry Sheffield Scientific School, 1908- 1914; president College of Hawaii since 1914; during 1904-05 was re- search assistant Carnegie Institu- tion of Washington. Chosen ex- ecutive officer of Territorial Food Comm., 1917. Member University Club (Honolulu), Graduates Club (New Haven), Sigma Xi_ (presi- dent Yale Chapter, 1913-14), Kappa MEN OF HAWAII 84 STEPHEN L. DESHA, SR. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 85 Gamma Chi (Harvard), Phi Sigma Kappa (Yale), Fellow American Assn. Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, So- ciety of Chemical Industry, Hawn Chemists’ Assn., Hawn Engineer- ing Assn. DE BOLT, JOHN THOMAS, lawyer, Honolulu; born at McKinney, Col- lin county, Texas, December 19, 1857; son of Barnabus Dexter and Mary (Cole) De Bolt; married Lily B. Wilson in Honolulu, December 22, 1904; one child, John Thomas, Jr. Educated in primary schools, studied high school and scientific course while working on farm, teaching school and keeping books; studied law in office of O. Jacobs, ex-chief justice of Washington ter- ritory, Seattle, in 1884; admitted to bar 1887; practised law in Seattle, 1887-1896; located in Honolulu to practise law, 1896; appointed first judge First Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, September 27, 1902; as- sociate justice Supreme Court, T. H., January, 1911-March, 1914; pri- vate practise since. DE FREEST, SAMUEL, custom house broker and attorney, Honolulu; born Oct. 28, 1868, at North Greenbush, N. Y.; son of Isaac Henry and Cath- erine (Van Allen) De Freest; mar- ried May 8, 1901, Addie Helene Far- mer, at Honolulu; three children, Katherine I., Grace H. and Elizabeth M.; ancestors on both sides of fam- ily came to America from Holland in 1800; educated in preparatory schools of De Freestville, N. Y., and at Union Classical Institute and Union College, Schenectady, N. Y. Commenced business career as trav- eling salesman and in 1900 became customs broker and attorney at Ho- nolulu, Member Oahu Country, Com- mercial, Rotary and Outrigger clubs, Masonic and Elks lodges, Chamber of Commerce of Honolulu. DESHA, JOHN ROLLIN, Washing- ton, D. C.; born at Napoopoo, S. Kona District, Hawaii, Jan. 22, 1887, a descendant of the Desha family of Kentucky; son of Stephen Langhern and Mary Kaakopua (Ke- kumano) Desha; educated at the Kamehameha School and Oahu College (Honolulu), Harvard Uni- versity, A. B. 1912, attending Geo. Washington University, Law Dept.; married Agnes Ready at Medford, Mass.; two children: Evelyn and Jacqueline. Has been private sec- retary to the Hon. J. K. Kalani- anaole, delegate to U. S. Congress from the Territory of Hawaii since 1912. Conducted the Congressional Party to Hawaii, which included more than 125 people, in 1915. Member of the Delta Upsilon Frat. (Harvard), Harvard Club of Wash- ington, D. C., Harvard Varsity Club and Chiefs of Hawaii. DESHA, STEPHEN LANGHERN, Sr., clergyman, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Lahaina, Island of Maui, Hawaii, July 11, 1859, descendant of the noted Desha family of Kentucky; son of John Rollin Langhern and Eliza (Brewer) Desha; educated in the Hawaiian Schools, Royal School and North Pacific Institute, Honolulu; married Mary K. Keku- mano at Napoopoo, S. Kona, Ha- waii, Dec. 31, 1884; three children: Stephen L. Jr., John R. and Eliza- beth Desha (Brown). Pastor of Na- poopoo Church, 1884-89; pastor of Haili Church of Hilo, Hawaii, 1889. Was supervisor of the County of Hawaii when the County Govern- ment was inaugurated, 1905; elect- ed to the third Board of Supervis- ors, 1909. Editor and _ business manager Hawaiian newspaper “Ka Hoku o Hawaii,’ since 1907; delegate from Hawaii to the sec- ond International Congregational Council, Boston, Mass., Sept. 20- 29, 1899; elected to the Senate, Territory of Hawaii, 1913-17. Is a Hawaiian orator and authority on Hawaiian legends; has always been a staunch Republican, having campaigned with Republican lead- ers. Member of the Kamehameha, Kauikeaouli and Hawaii Ponoi Lodges, Chiefs of Hawaii. DESHA, STEPHEN LANGHERN, Jr., lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Na- poopoo, S. Kona Dist., Hawaii, Nov. 26, 1885; son of Stephen Langhern and Mary Kaakopua (Kekumano) Desha and descendant of the Desha family of Kentucky; educated Ka- mehameha School and Oahu Col- lege, Honolulu, George Washing- ton University, Law Dept. B. L. 1916. Following graduation from Oahu College taught in the public schools of Hawaii, 1906-10; was clerk in the district court, Hilo, 1910-13, before attending the Uni- versity. Practising law in Hilo MEN OF HAWAII 86 E. N. DEYO SAMUEL DE FREEST . R. DESHA J. STEPHEN DESHA, Jr. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 87 since 1916. Is secretary to the Chairman and Executive Officer of the County of Hawaii. Republican, DEYO, EUGENE NELSON, mer- chant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in King- ston, N. Y., March 7, 1869; son of Alexander Elting and Lucinda A. (Matson) Deyo; married Esther V. Du Bois, Dec. 26, 1894, in King- ston, N. Y., one child, Albert D. B. Educated public schools of Rond- out, N. Y., Kingston Academy, Kingston, N. Y., Valparaiso Busi- ness Institute, Valparaiso, Indiana, 1889; instructor at Spencer’s Busi- ness College, Kingston, 1890; chief steward on passenger steamer “Wm. F. Romer’ of Romer & ‘Tremper line, N. Y., 1891-1893; member of firm Henkel & Deyo, shoe dealers, Kingston, N. Y., 1894- 1899; manager of Pepeekeo stores and postmaster, Pepeekeo, Hawaii, 1900-1908; manager Hilo branch of the Honolulu stationery house, Wall-Nichols Co. Ltd., 1909-1910; asst. manager of E. H. Moses store, Hilo, 1911-1916; secty. and treas. Moses Stationery Co., Ltd., since 1916. Was secy.-treas. Board of Trade, Hilo, 1910-1916; has been member of N. G. H., Co. D, Reg. Hawn. Inf. since 1915 and is now Battalion Adjutant with rank of Ist Lieut. Is vice-pres. Board of Trade of Hilo; chaplain Hawaii Chapter No. 1, Order of Eastern Star; di- rector Hilo Basketball League, di- rector Hilo Baseball League, secy. Seaside Club, member’ Kilauea Lodge No. 330, F. and A. M.; Be- nevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Hilo Yacht Club. DIAS JOAO PAULINO, accountant, Honolulu; born in Funchal, Ma- deira, June 22, 1866; son of Joao and Marie Carolina (Freitas) Dias; educated in common schools. of Funchal, Madeira; married Car- mina I. Silva in Honolulu, Oahu, October 10, 1891; four children, Lydia, Clothilde, Alzira, Carmina Theodoro. Came to Honolulu shortly after leaving school, Aug- ust, 1883; salesman in Honolulu, 1883-1893; cashier of the Lusitana Society of Honolulu since 1898. Member Knights of fPythias, Lusi- tana Society, Court Camoes No. 8110, A. O. F., San Martinho So- ciety and A’Patria Society; was chief ranger Camoes and its finan- cial secretary for eight years. DICKEY, CHARLES HENRY, lawyer, Honolulu; born August 12, 1842, at Ottawa, La Salle County, Illinois; son of Theophilus Lyle and Juliet (Evans) Dickey; descendant of John Dickey of Ulster (Ireland), who settled in Virginia about 1746, also of James Henry Dickey, pio- neer Presbyterian minister (1830- 1850), who was pastor of churcu at- tended by President Lincoln; mar- ried Anne Elizabeth Alexander in Indianapolis, Indiana, May 29, 1867; five children, Lyle Alexander, Chas. William, Herbert Wallace, Grace Graydon, Belle. Educated in public, private and higher educational in- stitutions of Illinois, Ohio and Ken- tucky, and commenced business career as telegraph operator and R.R. agent at Whitehall (lIll.), in 1866 for the Illinois, Wisconsin & Iowa. Followed various callings un- til 1901 when admitted to the bar; has followed this profession since. Established first commercial tele- graph line in Hawaii in 1875; in- troduced telephones into Hawaii, 1879. Is author Income Tax. Law of Hawaii, Juvenile delinquent parole law, both 1900; parole of prisoner law, 1902; assessor second division, 1887-1897; member legislature, 1886 and 1890; senate, 1902-04; alternate delegate of Republican Convention (Chicago) 1908; 2nd Lieut., Co. B, 4th Illinois Cavalry, 1863-64; parti- cipated in number of engagements, wounded at Champion Hills. Presi- dent Mission Children’s Society, 1902; treasurer Anti-Saloon League, 1900-16; treasurer Civic Federation, 1902-1914; president Civic Feder- ation, 1914-16; president Sons of American Revolution, 1911; com- mander George W. De Long Post, G. A. R., 1902; director Associated Charities, 1912-14; president Holo Ala E Walking Club, 1904-16. Made world tour 1910-11. DICKEY, LYLE ALEXANDER, judge, Lihue, Kauai; born at Whitehall, Ill., March 26, 1868; son of Charles Henry and Anne Elizabeth (Alex- ander) Dickey; grandson of Col, T. Lyle Dickey, chief justice Supreme Court of Illinois, and of Rev. Will- iam P. Alexander, an early mission- ary to the Hawaiian Islands; re- ceived A.B. degree at Yale, 1891; student at Yale Law School, 1891- 2; received LL. B. Chicago College of Law, 1894. Unmarried. Practised 88 MEN OF HAWAII B. F. DILLINGHAM BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 89 law in Chicago, 1893-95; in Hono- lulu, 1895-1912; appointed by Pres- dent Taft, judge of the Circuit Court, 5th Circuit, County of Kauai, Territory of Hawaii, July 13, 1912-; Republican. Congregationalist. Mem- ber American Bar Assn., Bar Assn. of Hawaii, Hawaiian Historical So- ciety, Sons of American Revolution, University Club of Honolulu, Ha- waiian Mission Children’s Society. DILLINGHAM, BENJAMIN FRANK- LIN, capitalist, retired, Honolulu; born at West Brewster, Mass., Sept. 4, 1844; son of Benjamin Clark and Lydia Sears (Howes) Dillingham; educated in the schools of his native state and settled in Hawaii, 1865; married Emma Louise, daughter of Rev. Lowell Smith, D.D., of Hono- lulu, April 26, 1869; children, Wal- ter F., Harold G., Mary (Mrs. W. F. Frear), Marion (Mrs. J. P. Erd- man), besides two sons died in in- fancy. Began career as clerk with H. Dimond & Son, Honolulu, 1865 to 1869; organized the Dillingham Company, successors to H. Dimond & Son, incorporating the company as Pacific Hardware Co., Ltd., in 1884, being its president until dis- solution, 1906; pioneer in railroad building on Island of Oahu, organiz- ing the Oahu Railway and Land Co., 1888; general manager O. R & L. Co., 1888-1915, president since 1903; organizer and president Hilo Railroad Co. (now Hilo Consolidated Railroad Co.) on Island of Hawaii, 1910. Promoted the organization of the following sugar plantations: Ewa, Kahuku, Oahu, Waialua, Olaa, and McBryde; president of The B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., through which many enterprises have been launched. Member of Pacific Club, Oahu Country Club, Mason, Shrine, Et O.4Oar: DILLINGHAM, FRANK THOMPSON, college professor, Honolulu; born February 11, 1878, in Honolulu, Ha- waii; son of Charles Thomas and Sarah Louise (Thompson) Dilling- ham, descendant of John Dilling- ham, England, who settled in Brew- ster, Massachusetts, about 1690. Married Martha Emily MacElwain, May 23, 1902, at Durham, New Brunswick, Canada, one child, Elea- nor F. Educated public schools, Worcester, Mass., Worcester Poly- technic Institute, B. S., 1901, Yale University, M. A., 1916, Harvard, no degree. Began i professional career at Bussy Institute of Har- vard University 1901, as assistant in chemistry until 1905, instructor agricultural chemistry, 1905-1908; assistant chemist Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Assn. Experimental Sta- tion (Honolulu), 1908-1909; profes- sor of chemistry, College of Ha- waii since 1909. Has contributed miscellaneous papers to various scientific publications, specializing in agricultural and _ physiological chemistry. Member American Chemical Society, National Geo- graphic Society, Harvard Club of Hawaii, Hawaiian Chemists’ Assn., Outrigger Canoe Club, Manoa Im- provement Club, Men’s League Cen- tral Union Church, Y. M. C. A,, Honolulu. DILLINGHAM, HAROLD GARFIELD, : i ' promoter) railway official and financier, Hono- lulu; born in Honolulu, Oct. 9, 1881; son of Benjamin Franklin (railroad and Emma Louise (Smith) Dillingham; grandsou of Rev. Lowell Smith, American Mis- sionary to Hawaiian Islands; eau- cated at Punahou Preparatory and Oahu College (Honolulu), Oakland High School (Cal.), Harvard Univer- sity, A.B., 1904 (captain ’varsity crew 1904); married Margaret Bay- ard Smith, daughter of Bayard Thornton Smith of San Francisco, Cal., Feb. 24, 1908; children, Walter Hyde, Harold Garfield, Jr., John Henley. Began business career in Honolulu with Oahu Railway & Land Co., Nov., 1904; cashier O. R. & L. Co., Nov., 1904-Aug., 1909; asst. treasurer since Aug., 1909, director since May 19, 1913; asst. treasurer of B. F. Dillingham Co. since Aug., 1909, and director since Dec. 22, 1906. Is vice-president and direc- tor of McBryde Sugar Co., Kauai Railway Co., Kauai Electric Co. and Kauai Fruit & Land Co. Director of Army National Bank of Schofield Barracks. Director Honolulu Y. M. C. A. Was director-general Hono- lulu Floral Parade, 1910. First Lieutenant ist Co., C. A. C., N. G. .; resigned when company was dis- banded to accept commission of captain, Q. M. Section, Officers’ Re- serve Corps, U. S. A. Clubs: Har- vard of N. Y., Varsity Club and Owl Club (Cambridge, Mass.), Institute of 1770, D. K. E. of Harvard, Hasty Pudding Club, Hawaii Polo & Racing, University, Oahu Country. 90 MEN OF HAWAII WALTER F. DILLINGHAM BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 91 DILLINGHAM, WALTER FRANCIS, railroad official and financier, Ho- nolulu; born in Honolulu, April 5, 1875; son of Benjamin Franklin and Emma Louise (Smith) Dillingham; grandson of Rev. Lowell Smith, American missionary to Hawaiian Islands; educated Punahou School (Honolulu), Newton High Schoo! (Mass.) and Harvard University; married Louise Olga Gaylord in Florence, Italy, May 2, 1910; two children, Lowell Smith and Benja- min Franklin II. Clerk in office of Oahu R. & L. Co., 1893-8; Harvard, 1898-1900; manager Dowsett Co., Ltd., Honolulu, 1900-02; organized Hawaiian Dredging Co., Ltd., 1902, manager and treasurer since; han- dled work of opening and develop- ing Hilo, Kahului, Honolulu and Pearl Harbors and as joint contrac- tor the building of Pearl Harbor Dry Dock; elected treasurer of O. R. & L. Co. and B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., 1904; financial director and assistant to president of these companies. Trustee Oahu College, Mills College (Cal.), Honolulu Mili- tary Academy, Palama Settlement Association, Associated Charities, Leahi Home, Honolulu City Planning Comm. Director Bank of Hawaii Ltd., Guardian Trust Co., Olaa Su- gar Co., Oahu Sugar Co., Puna Su- gar Co., California Feed Co., Waia- hole Water Co., Woodlawn Dairy and Stock Co.; member Conserva- tion Commission; member Board of Health during epidemic of cholera plague and chairman of committee on mosquito campaign; member of company of Sharpshooters; captain of Mounted Reserve under Republic of Hawaii: captain Officers’ Re. serve, Quartermaster Dept., U. S. A. Clubs: Harvard of New York, In- dia House (N. Y.), Bohemian (S. F.), San Mateo Polo, Hawaii Polo & Racing, Pacific, University, Com- mercial and Oahu Country. DODGE, ROWLAND B., minister of the Gospel, Wailuku, Maui; born at Westboro, Worcester Co., Mass., Oct. 10, 1877; son of Rev. John E. and Emma Jane (Backus) Dodge; educated Worcester High School, Amherst College, B.A., 1901, Hart- ford Theological Seminary, B.D., 1905, one semester Marburg Univer- sity, Germany; married Alice Sin- clair in Honolulu, July 26, 1906; chil- dren: Isabelle, Sinclair, Ruth Back- us, Robert Craig. Pastor Wailuku Union Church since Nov. 1, 1905; agent Hawaiian Board of Missions since August 25, 1905; Secretary- Treas. Maui Aid Assn. since Sept. 1, 1905; on editorial board of the “Friend”; co-translator Zahn’s In- troduction New Testament; author of pamphlets dealing with mission- ary work in Hawaii; correspondent for newspapers and periodicals pub- blished in the States. Member of National Council and spoke for Ha- waii at New Haven meeting, 1915; chairman Arts and Crafts of First Maui County Fair, 1916. Member Alpha Delta Phi (Amherst), Maui Lodge Masons, No. 984. DOLE, CHARLES SUMNER, lawyer, Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born in Hono- lulu, Kingdom of Hawaii, on Oct. 25, 1873; son of George Hathaway and Clara Maria (Rowell) Dole; an- cestors came to America in 1639; grandfather, Daniel Dole, was first principal of Punahou Academy, Ho- nolulu; educated at Punahou Acad- emy, Honolulu; Riverside High School, Riverside, Cal.; Stanford University, class of 18699; passed California State bar examination, 1901; returned to Hawaii and was associated with firm of Kinney, Bal- lou & McClanahan, 1901-1903; con- tinued legal practise in 1905, in Ho- nolulu, and in Lihue, Kauai, since 1906 to date; has specialized mainly in “Water Rights” and “Estates”; 1st District Magistrate, County of Kauai, 1907-16; Editor and Manager, “The Garden Island” (weekly paper, published at Lihue) 1909-10; Chair- man Tax Appeal Court, 4th Taxa- tion Division, Territory of Hawaii, 1910-1917; Sergeant Co. K, 2nd In- fantry, N. G. H.; member Beta The- ta Pi and Phi Delta Phi fraternities; Stanford Union, and Alumni Asso- ciation, Stanford University; Kauai Historical Society; Bar Association of Hawaii; Geographical] Society of America. DOLE, JAMES D., Pres. and Mer. Ha- waiian Pineapple Co., Ltd., Hono- lulu; born Sept. 27, 1877, in Boston, Mass.; son of Charles Fletcher and Frances (Drummond) Dole; mar- ried Belle Dickey of Boston, Nov. 22, 1906; children, Richard Alexan- der, James Drummond, Jr., Eliza- beth, Charles Herbert, Barbara. Descendant of Richard Dole, of Eng- 92 MEN OF HAWAII HAROLD G. DILLINGHAM JOHN DREW CHAS. F. DRAKE CHARLES S. DOLE D BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 93 land, who settled at Old Newbury, Mass., founding the American branch of the family, which took a prominent part in the Revolution- ary War, both grandfathers, James Drummond and Nathan Dole, were prominent Congregational clergy- men, latter being secretary of Ameri- can Board of Foreign Missions; re- ceived early education in private and public grammar schools of Ja- maica Plain, Boston, Roxbury Latin School, Boston, and graduated from Harvard with degree of A.B., 1899; arrived in Honolulu Nov. 16, 1899, and Dec. 4, 1901, incorporated the Hawaiian Pineapple Co., of which concern he is president and general manager; instrumental in develop- ing the pineapple industry of the Is- lands and identified with its growth which is illustrated by fact that in 1903 output of business was 1800 cases, while in 1916 pack amounted to 789,698 cases. Former member Territorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry; appointed Chairman Territorial Food Commission, 1917. Member’ University, Commercial, Oahu Country, Rotary, Harvard and Ad clubs. OLE, SANFORD BALLARD, Ex- Governor of the Territory of Ha- waii; born in Honolulu, April 23, 1844; son of Daniel and Emily (Ballard) Dole (American mission- aries); married Anna P. Cate, of Castine, Me., May 19, 1873. Edu- cated at Oahu College, Hawaii, and Williams College, Mass.; studied law in Boston; admitted to the bar there; engaged in practise in Hono- lulu; member legislature, 1884 and 1886; a leader in reform movement of 1887; associate justice of Su- preme Court, 1887-1893; placed at head of provisional government, 1893; was President Republic of Hawaii, 1894-1900. When President Cleveland, Dec., 1893, through Min- ister Willis, demanded that he should relinquish to Queen Liliu- okalani her constitutional authority, he replied, denying Cleveland’s right to interfere; was strong advocate of annexation of Hawaii to U. S., and in January, 1898, visited U. S. in that behalf; governor of Territory of Hawaii, 1900-1903; U. S. district judge, Territory of Hawaii district, 1903-1916; appointed by President DOUGHERTY, McKinley member commission to recommend to Congress legislation concerning Hawaiian Islands. JAMES DONAHUE, merchant, Honolulu; born Feb. 21, 1880, at San Rafael, Marin County, Cal.; son of P. E. and Anna (Mar- tin) Dougherty; married Sara Rob- ertson in Honolulu, Sept. 23, 1903, one child, Sara Dorothea. Attend- ed grammar _ school, San Pablo (Cal.) until July, 1889; worked for Payot, Upham & Co. (San Fran- cisco), 1890-1893; Pacific Coast Savings Society, 1893-1888; U.. S. Customs Service, 1898-1900; cadet on S. S. Ventura, leaving ship at Honolulu, February 21, 1901; U. S. Internal Revenue office, Honolulu, 1901; David Lawrence & OCo,, Bishop & Co., and H. F. Wichman during 1902, remaining with latter firm until 1912; with A. F. Wall established firm of Wall & Dough- erty, 1912, one of the leading jew- elry stores of Hawaii. Past Ex- alted and Past District Deputy Grand Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E. 616, Honolulu; major N. G. H., and A. D. C. to governor of Hawaii; com- manded Machine Gun Co. at strike at Lahaina, 1906; Director-General Mid-Pacific Carnival, 1914 and 1915; member Elks, Masons, Shrine, Pacific Club, Commercial Club, Oahu Country Club, Healani Boat Club, Hui Nalu Club, Aero Club of Hawaii, Hawaii Polo and Racing Club, Chamber of Com- merce, Honolulu Golf Club. DOWSETT, DAVID AIKANAKA, real estate broker, Honolulu; born Jan- Uaryeeseeis io, in Honolulu, 4) H.; son of James Isaac and Annie (Ragsdale) Dowsett; married Hazel Barbara Bailey of San Jose, Cal., September 21, 1912. Educated At- kinson’s and Fort Street Schools, Honolulu, St. Mathew’s Military Academy and Heald’s Business Col- lege (California), Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass., Yale Law School, 1904. Began business career with his father in Honolulu; clerk Ha- waiian Trust Co. Ltd., 1900-1901; treasurer The Dowsett Co. Ltd., 1905-1907; engaged in real estate business in Honolulu, 1908-1915; secretary, treasurer and manager of Territorial Investment Co. Ltd., 1915-1916; secretary, treasurer and manager of The Dowsett Co. Ltd., 94 MEN OF HAWAII ROBERT DUBBIN A. A. DURANT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 95 1916 to date. Member Honolulu Ad Club, Oahu Country and University Clubs of Honolulu. Republican. DRAKE, CHARLES F., insurance, Honolulu; born at Sommerville, Mass., May 13, 1881; son of Jere- miah H. and Jane A. C. (Cook) Drake; educated grammar, high and Marine Training Schools of Boston, Mass.; married Marion L. Greene in Honolulu, May 29, 1914; one son, Joseph A. Traveling salesman in the lumbver business, 190+-12; travel- ing salesman for E. O. Hall and Son, Honolulu, 1912-14; followed life insurance since 1914 and is con- nected with H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Honolulu. Member B. P. O. Elks No. 616, Honolulu; Republican. DRANGA, THEODORE AUGUSTUS, merchant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Wisconsin, December 21, 1867; son of Nielse Gabriel Olanson and Emily (Ogden) Dranga; educated in public schools of San Diego, Cal.; married Carrie Helen Thomas in Oakland, Cal., December 16, 1895, one child, Theodore Thomas Dranga. Began as apprentice in the plumbing business, 1884, and followed that vocation continually until 1915; came to Hawaii from California in 1900, locating in Hilo, 1901; since 1915 has been in merchandise business. Member of PSOSOeh. NKewoter. WwW.) O:-W. an Lae Oars NE. DREW, JOHN H., assistant secretary, Castle & Cooke, Ltd., and in charge of steamship and shipping office, Honolulu; born Aug. 21, 1869, at Farmingdale, Me.; son of John H. and Louise (Lancaster) Drew; mar- ried Annie Blanche Williamson of Boston, Mass., at Honolulu Nov. 10, 1897. Father was for many years commander of clipper ships plying between New York and San Fran- cisco, in later years gained fame as writer of marine stories under pen name of Kennebecker. Edu- cated in Gardner, Me., graduating from Gardner High School, 1885; began business career on sailing ship Sea Witch, making one voy- age of a year’s duration, from New York to the Orient and Philippines; entered shoe business in Boston, Mass., later removing to San Fran- cisco and becoming affiliated with shipping department of Welch & Co.; came to Honolulu, Nov., 1896, and entered the employ of Castle & Cooke, Ltd. Member Commercial and Oahu Country Clubs (Honolu- lu), Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., Excelsior Lodge I. O. O. F. DUBBIN, ROBERT, in command Sal- vation Army operations Hawaiian Territory; born in Lancashire, Eng- land, May 24, 1862; son of Myers and Martha (Entwistle) Dubbin; edu- cated in schools of lJancashire, England. and International Training College of the Salvation Army, Lon- don, England; married Lily Thorne in London, Eng., August 18, 1890; joined the Salvation Army in 1897, graduated from the Salvation Army International Training College in 1883, served as an officer in this or- ganization in England from 1883- 1893, five years of which were spent in London. Principal of the Salva- tion Army Training College in Co- penhagen, Denmark, from 1893 to 1896; transferred to the United States in 1896, since which date has held leading positions in the Salva- tion Army in New York City, Chi- cago, Cleveland, Kansas City, San Francisco, Seattle and other points; was appointed to Hawaii in Septem- ber of 1916. DUTTON, JOSEPH (formerly Ira B.), Lay Brother, Kalawao, Molokai, T. H.; born in Stowe, Vermont, April 27, 1843; son of Ezra and Abigail (Barnes) Dutton; educated at Milton Academy, Janesville, Wisconsin. Be- gan carrer in printing office; worked in bookbindery and _ book- store; served in U. S. Volunteers during Civil War, 1861-65; employed in cemeterial operations, gathering Federal dead, 1865-67; clerk L. & N. R. R., 1867-73; was appointed In- vestigating Agent, War Dept., in Kentucky and Tennessee, 1875-83; was also U. S. Commissioner, U. S. Court, Memphis, Tenn., during same period; became converted to Catho- licism and went into retreat with Trappist Monks, Gethsemane Abbey, Kentucky, 1884-85; while in New Orleans was told of the leper settle- ment at Molokai, to which he came that year, 1886; has been there since, nursing those afflicted with leprosy. DURANT, ALBERT ALLIN, master machinist, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Ashley, Luzern Co., Pennsylvania, 96 MEN OF HAWAII DAVID K. EWALIKO BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 97 September 29, 1872; son of Francis Alex and Nancy Elizabeth (Waters) Durant; educated at Metcalf (Can- ada) High School; married Amanda Christine Danielson in Honolulu, March 1, 1902; three children, Chad- wick Wharton, Bertha Ellen and Elbridge Aliine. Began business career in father’s pump factory, 1886, as timekeeper, left as master machinist 1892; engineer in bridge and building department Southern Pacific R. R. 1892-1900; arrived in Honolulu 1900; engineer with O. R. & L. Co.; master machinist, Hono- lulu Fire Dept., 1901; promoted and became manager Durant-Irvine Co., 1914. Member Oceanic Lodge No. 371, F. & A. M., Excelsior Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F., Ad Club, Commercial Club, Rotary Club and Hawaiian En- gineering Association. E ECKART, CHARLES FRANKLIN, manager Olaa Sugar Co., Ltd., Olaa, Hawaii; born June 18, 1875, at Marysville, Cal.; son of William Roberts and Harriet Louise (Gor- ham) Eckart; educated in public schools in San Francisco, Cal., and University of California, degree M.S., 1905; married Edith Morgan Clay, March 1, 1904, in Honolulu, Hawaii; children, Charles Gorham, Robert Carlisle and Thomas Gordon. Began professional career as chem- ist for the Paauhau Sugar Plantation Co., 1895; chemist experiment Sta- tion of Hawaii Sugar Planters’ Asso- ciation, 1896-1900; director agricul- tural and chemistry Exp. Station, H. S. P. A., 1901-1908; general director experiment station of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, J909- 1918; manager Olaa Sugar Co., Lid., since 1913. Regent of College of Hawaii short term during organiza- tion. Member of Pacific Club, Ha- waiian Chemist Association, Hawai- ian Engineering Association, Fellow American Geographical Society, Gamma Eta Kappa, Sigma _ Chi, Skull and Keys fraternities, Fellow American Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. EDINGS, WILLIAM SEABROOK, law- yer and jurist, Wailuku, Maui; born in Charleston, S. C.; son of John Evans and Josephine (Seabrook) Edings; circuit judge, third circuit 7 EHRHORN, court, Territory of Hawaii; circuit judge, second circuit, Territory of Hawaii. EFFINGER, JOHN, merchant, Hono- lulu; born April 1, 1861, at Peru, Miami County, Indiana; son of Robert Patterson and Frances Ann (Barbour) Effinger; married Alice Foster Flanders in Portland, Ore., June 17, 1887; five children: Dor- othy, Eleanor, Caroline Louise, Alice and George Flanders. Edu- cated in Peru (Indiana), and But- ler University (Indiana), 1882; set- tled in Portland, Ore., 1883, and engaged in the transfer and ex- press business; in the mercantile business in Portland, 1883-1892; settled in Honolulu in 1892, ac- countant with Lewis & Co., Ltd., until 1910, then entered business aione; is owner Merchants Ex- change Shipping News Service; Guide Publishing Co.; Hawaii & South Seas Curio Co.; concessions Alexander Young and Moana hotels (Honolulu). Was Commissioner from Hawaii to P. P. I. E., San Francisco, 1915; member Hawaii Milk Commission; U. S. Federal Court Jury Commissioner; treasur- er Democratic Territorial Commit- tee since 1902; served National Guard, Co. K, ist Reg. Oregon, 1882-1886, and N. G. of Hawaii 1893-97; member Sigma Chi Fra- ternity, Society Sons of American Revolution, Hawaii Alumni Chapter Sigma Chi, Associated Charities. Clubs: Oahu Country, Commercial, Hawaii Yacht, St. Andrews, League of Democratic. EDWARD MACFAR:- LANE, entomologist, Honolulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 24, 1862; son of Adolphus and Louisa Maria (Macfarlane) Ehrhorn; educated Hamburg, Germany, 1871-8; Gren- chen, Switzerland, 1878-9; Brighton (Eng.) College 1879-80; special stu- dent entomology, Stanford Univer- sity, 1891; unmarried. Asst. ento- mologist and deputy quarantine offi- cer State Board Horticulture, Cal., 1890-91; county entomologist and horticulture commr., Santa Clara County, Cal., 1892-09; 1st deputy state commr. horticulture and horti- cultural quarantine officer, Cal., 1904-09; supt, entomology of Board of Agriculture and Forestry of Ha- waii since October 1, 1909. Chief of 98 MEN OF HAWAII DR. J. H, FARRELL H. GOODING FIELD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 99 Division of Plant Inspection, Board of Agriculture and Forestry, 1916; collaborator Federal Horticulture Board, Washington, D. C.; agent for Territorial Board of Health. Mem- ber Association Economic Entomolo- gists, Entomology Society of Amer- ica, Hawaiian Entomology Society, Academy of Natural Sciences of Cal- ifornia; Fellow A. A. A. S., member Commercial Club, Elks, Masons, Shriners, ELLIOT, HAROLD BEATY, veterin- ary surgeon, Hilo; born in Man- chester, England, July 8, 1872; son of John and Margaret (Beaty) El- liot; educated at King William’s College, Isle of Man, at Grosvenor College, Carlisle, and graduated, Edinburgh, 1894, member of Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Came to Hawaii and established practise of veterinary surgery in 1895. President three terms, Hilo Board of Trade, 1911-13; chairman, Hawaii County Fair, 1916; chair- man, Hawaii County Investigation Commission, 1913-14; chairman, Industrial Accident Board of County of Hawaii since its organization; member of Territorial Board of Vet- erinary Examiners, 1911-; deputy Territorial Veterinarian, 1908-. Is a director of Hilo Library. Natural- ized American citizen, 1906. EMERSON, JOSEPH SWIFT, civil engineer and_ surveyor, retired, Honolulu; born July 13, 1843, at Lahainaluna, county of Maui, Ha- waiian Islands; son of Rev. John S. and Ursula (Newell) Emerson; married Dorothea Lamb Feb. 17, 1898, in Honolulu; one child, Oliver Hudleston Emerson; descendant of Michael Emerson, of Lincoln, Eng- land, who came to America 1650 and settled at Rowley, Essex Co., Mass., and of Samuel Emerson, a delegate to the Constitutional Con- vention, 1778. Educated, Punahou school (Honolulu), Massachusetts Institute of Technology, S. B. 1874. Began professional career in New- ton, Mass.; returned to Honolulu in Hawaiian Government survey, 1877-1903, with the exception of six months’ European trip; sur- veyor for court of land registra- tion, 1903; retired on account of ill health shortly afterwards. Author of various papers on Hawn. anti- quarian matters; member Nat. Geo- graphic Soc. of America, Polynesi- an Soc. of New Zealand, Social Sci- ence Assn. of Honolulu, Hawn. His- torical Soc., Hawn. Mission Chil- dren’s Society; owner of a famous collection of land and sea _ shells gathered in Hawaii, Switzerland, and other countries, many of which were collected personally. ERDMAN, JOHN PINNEY, minister of the gospel, Honolulu: born Dec. 6, 1874, at Morristown, New Jersey; son of Rev. Albert and Sarah (Pinney) Erdman; married Aug. 10, 1904, Marion Eleanor Dillingham at Honolulu; four children: Harold Randolph, Emma Louise, Dorothy and Jean Marion. Father was pas- tor of South Street Presbyterian Church at Morristown for 38 years, and was a veteran of the Civil War; paternal grandfather, Rev. John Book Pinney, D.D., was a missionary to West Africa, and served as Acting Governor of Liberia in the 70’s. Re- ceived primary education in the pub- lic schools of Morristown and grad- uated. from Princeton University with degree of B.A. in 1896; gradu- ated from McCormick Theological Seminary, 1899; ordained to minis- try, 1899; came to Honolulu and was in charge at Palama chapel, assistant pastor Central Union Church, 1900-02; was a missionary of the Presbyterian Church in Ja- pan from 1903 to 1907; agent on Oahu for Hawaiian Board, 1907-12; superintendent of the Hawaiian De- partment of the Board from 1912 to present time; member University and Oahu Country clubs. EWALIKO, DAVID KAALANAOLA, warden, S. Hilo jail, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Puueo, Hilo, Hawaii, Sept. 29, 1875; son of John and Kaan- aana (Kualii) Ewaliko; grandfather was great philosopher during reign of Kamehameha I; educated, St. Mary’s School, Hilo, and Oahu Col- lege, Honolulu; married Julia Ka- haunani Long at Wailuku, Maui, T. H., June 11, 1912; one child: Mar- guerita. Delegate to Democratic Convention, Baltimore, 1908; chief clerk to County Clerk, County of Hawaii, six years; elected chair- man of Board of Supervisors, Coun- ty of Hawaii, 1913; delegate to In- ternational Longshoremen’s Assn., Seattle, Wash., 1912; appointed by American Federation of Labor dis- 100 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES J. FALK BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 101 trict organizer for Territory of Ha- waii, 1913; appointed Warden for the County of Hawaii jail, 1915; appointed member of the Industrial Accident Board, Hawaii County, July, 1915; appointed by Gov. Pink- ham member of the Board of Ap- praisers, First Land District, Isl- and of Hawaii. Member of Anci- ent Order of Foresters, Seaside Club, People’s Club, Editor the “Life of Hawaii,’ Hawaiian news- paper published in Hilo, Hawaii. EWART, GEORGE ROBERT, Jr., plantation manager, Waimea, Ka- uai; born in Sacramento, Cal., Nov. 17, 1875; son of George R. and La- vinia (Downing) Ewart; educated at Punahon School (Honolulu), McGill University, Montreal, Canada, B.Sc., 1900; married Elizabeth Lindsay in Waimea, Kauai, July 25, 1904; three children, Edith Elizabeth, George Robert and Alexander Lind- say. Began career with Kilauea Su- gar Plantation Co., 1900-03; civil engineer with Department of Public Works, Territory of Hawaii, 1903- 04; head luna, Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, Kauai, 1904-06; manager, Gay & Robinson’s Sugar Plantation, Makaweli, 1906-12; civil engineer- ing, mostly for Kekaha Sugar Co., 1912-14; manager Waimea Sugar Mill Co., Waimea, Kauai, since 1914. Associate member Canadian Society of Civil Engineers. F FALK, CHARLES JACOB, secretary and treasurer Union Feed Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born February 22, 1862, in Chicago, Ill.; son of Philip and Ernestine (Cohn) Falk; married Juanita Hassinger, May 17, 1897, in San Francisco, Cal.; one son, Charles Adair Philip; educated in public schools of Chicago and San Francisco and attended Hastings Law School, San Francisco; began career in San Francisco law office of David H. Regensburger; manu- facturing business, Chicago, 1878- 82; bookkeeper Halawa Sugar Co., 1882-87; manager, Hawaii Railway Co,. 1887-98; member Honolulu Stock Exchange, 1898-02; cashier Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co., 1902-09; secretary and_ treasurer, Union Feed Co. since 1909; secre- tary and treasurer, Libby, McNeill & Libby, Honolulu, 1910-16; consu- lar agent for the United States at Mahukona, Hawaii, 1895-98. Mem- ber Hawaiian lodge No. 21, F & A. M., Chamber of Commerce, Hawaii Polo and Racing Club, Aero Club and Oahu Country Club. FARRELL, JOHN H., physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born Oct. 4, 1882, in Winthrop, Buchanan coun- ty, lowa; son of Thomas and Mary (Hogan) Farrell; educated, Win- throp (la.) High School, University | of Iowa, College of Pharmacy, 1902, i University of Iowa 1903, University of Illinois, degree M. D., 1907; Chi- cago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College, post graduate, 1910; began professional career in Roosevelt Hospital (Chicago), 1906-07; mu- nicipal hospital (Chicago); prac- tised at Wailuku, Maui (Territory of Hawaii), 1907-11; removed to Honolulu, Feb. 1, 1911, and special- ized in treatment of eye, ear, nose and throat. Member Sigma Phi Epsilon, B. P. O. E., Honolulu lodge No. 616. FARRINGTON, WALLACE RIDER, newspaper '_ publisher, Honoluiu; barn at Orono, Maine, May 3, 1871; son of Joseph Rider and Ellen HE. (Holyoke) Farrington; educated public schools, Bridgton Academy (Me.), Brewer High School (Me.) and University of Maine, B.S. 1891; married Catherine McAlpine Crane of San Francisco, Cal., in Honolulu, Oct. 26, 1896; three children, Joseph Rider, Ruth and Frances Crane. Started as reporter and later night editor on Bangor Daily News, Ban- gor, Me., 1891; reporter Kennebec Jcurnal, Augusta, Me.; assistant editor on publications of Phelps Publishing Co., Springfield, Mass., 1892-93: managing editor and one of founders, Rockland (Me.) Daily Star; managing editor Pacific Com- mercial Advertiser and President Hawaiian Gazette Co., Honolulu, 1894-96; managing editor Evening Bulletin and President Bulletin Pub- lishing Co., Honolulu, 1898-1912; on amalgamation of Evening Bulletin and Hawaiian Star, July 1, 1912, became Vice-President and General Business Manager, Honolulu Star- Bulletin, Ltd. Was President Hono- lulu Merchants Association, 1913-14 and instrumental in the consolida- tion with the reorganized Chamber | | 4 | | 102 MEN OF HAWAII WALLACE R. FARRINGTON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 103 of Commerce; Vice-President Cham- ber of Commerce of Honolulu, 1914- 15. Chairman Board of Regents, Col- lege of Hawaii, reappointed May, 1917; member War Relief Commit- tee, 1915-17; member Advisory Com- mittee Honolulu Red Cross Chapter; member Citizenship Committee Y. M. C. A. Was one of organizers of Republican Party in Hawaii, 1898, following annexation, and served on Republican Territorial Committee, 1906-7; was active in inaugurating legislation for the establishment of the College of Hawaii and securing its acceptance by the Federal Gov- ernment under the endowment for colleges of agriculture and mechanic arts (the first college in Hawaii to confer collegiate degrees); served on Territorial Board of Education two terms and was chairman of Ter- ritorial School Fund Commission, 1909-11. Author “Review of the Revolt of 1895” (appendix to Alex- ander’s History of Hawaiian Revo- lutions). Member of Commercial Club; President Honolulu Ad Club; President Honolulu Automobile Club; member Rotary Club; Past Master, Lodge le Progres de 1|’Ocean- ie, F. & A. M. FAYE, HANS PETER, plantation man- ager, Kekaha, Kauai; born in Dram- men, Norway, Oct. 20, 1859; son of Hans Peter and Ida Constance (Knudsen) Faye; descendant of French family who settled in Nor- way about 1690; educated in schools of Drammen, Norway; married Mar- garet Lindsay of Kauai, December 21, 1893; eight children, Isabel Bon- nar, Hans Peter, Anton Lindsay, Ida, Margaret, Eyvind, Alan, Alexander. Began business career 1875 as clerk and bookkeeper in paper and pulp factory, Norway; came to Hawaii 1880 to learn sugar business; started as field hand, later became luna Paia, Maui; removed to Kauai to take charge of cane planting for Gay & Robinson at Hanapepe, 1882; be- gan well boring at Mana, 1884; be- came cane planter, firm of H. P. Faye & Co.; interests of that district consolidated as Kekaha Sugar Co., 1898, and was made manager. Mem: ber Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M.; Pacific and Commercial clubs. Vice president Kekaha Sugar Co, and president Waimea Sugar Mill Co. FERN, JOSEPH JAMES, mayor, Hono- lulu, T. H.; born at Kohala, Hawaii, Sept. 25, 1872; son of James and Kaipo Fern; self taught; married present wife, Emma Silver, in Honolulu, Au- gust, 1910; fourteen children by two previous wives, first (Julia Natua) Julia and James; second (Sheba Alapai) Joseph J., Jr., Mary K., Nancy, George, Kaipo, Elizabeth, Marion, Mary, Keo, Santa Clara, Henry, Esta. Started to work for Union Mill Plantation, Kohala, as luna, 1885; came to Honolulu with Tramway Co., 1892; shipping master Wilder Steamship Co., 1894, going to Inter-Island S. N. Co. in like ca- pacity when they consolidated; elected supervisor county of Oahu, 1907; elected mayor of city and county of Honolulu, 1909, 1911 and 1918; city and county jailer, Avis: elected mayor of Honolulu 1917. Member of Kamehameha Lodge, Foresters, Phoenix, Kauikeaouli, Ha- waiian Relief and Saving Society. FERNANDES, FRANK FLORENCIO, insurance clerk and notary public, Honolulu; born Nov. 7, 1878, at Calheta, Island of Madeira; son of Manuel and Maria (Ferreira) Fernandes; married Lily Josephine Kahikoululei Hutchison, March 24, 1904, in Honolulu; three children: Leonor Hazel Imilani, Rosamond Kahi-ko-ululei, and Ernest Hutchi- son. Educated, Royal School, Honolulu, 1887 to 1896; entered employ of Senator Cecil Brown as law clerk 1897, and has been continuously in employ of Cecil Brown and H. M. von Holt, in capacity of law, fire insurance and real estate clerk since. Member of Commission for the adjudica- tion and payment of claims for property destroyed by order of the Board of Health of Honolulu dur- ing yellow fever preventive cam- paign in 1911-12; served as dele- gate to County and Territorial Re- publican Conventions four terms; county committeeman during two campaigns and Territorial central committeeman once; interested in botany, and is duthority on tropi- cal plants and orchids. FIDDES, JAMES HALL, accountant, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Aberdeen, Scotland, March 22, 1877; son of James and Jane (Hall) Fiddes; edu- cated at Robert Gordon’s College, MEN OF HAWAII 104 FAYE He P. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 105 Aberdeen, Scotland; married Mary A. Titcomb in Honolulu, January 30, 1902; no children. On graduating from Commercial School of said College was cashier and bookkeeper, Dunn and Craigen, Advocates, Aber- deen, 1893 to 1899; came to Hawaii early in 1899; bookkeeper Pacific Hardware Co., Honolulu, from 1899 to 1906; chief accountant, B. F. Dillingham Co. and the Oahu R. & L. Co., Honolulu, from 1906-17; sec- retary and treasurer, Young Broth- ers, Ltd., Honolulu, since 1913. Was foreman Territorial Grand Jury, 1915. Past president Waialae, Ka- imuki and Palolo Imp. Club; past president Haw. Assn. Footbali League; past chief Honolulu Scot- tish Thistle Club; was for ten years secretary Honolulu Cricket Club; exalted ruler Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B P. O. E.; captain general Honolulu Comdry. No. 1, Knights Templar; trustee, Harmony Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F.; charter member Oahu Country Club; Hawn. Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.; St. George’s Chapter No. 21, Aberdeen; Harmony Lodge No. 3, I. O. O. F.; Polynesia Encampment No. 1, I. O. O. F. FIELD, HARRY GOODING, Fellow, As- sociated Accountants and Statisti- cians, Honolulu; born in Plymouth, England, Nov. 18, 1866; son of W. G. Gooding and Edith (May) Field; ea- ucated at King’s College, London; University of London, England; Co- lumbia University, New York City; married Nella Josephine Garnett in New York City, 1903; spent three years on Panama Canal Zone during period of organization with Panama Canal Commission as chief account- ant and supervisor of accounts, de- partments of engineering and con- struction and labor, quarters and subsistence; after post graduate studies in law and economics at Co- lumbia University specialized in corporation and cost accounting; member of Field, Hardy & Co., ef- ficiency engineers; retained as Financial Expert and Investigator for Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Hilo Board of Trade; auditor Hawaii County In- vestigation Commission; auditor Public Utilities Commission, 1917; Fellow Central Association of Ac- countants, England, and Bachelor of Laws; member Games and Fisher- ies Commission, Territory of Ha- . Andrew waii; member Rotary, Ad, Commer- cial, Hawaii Tuna clubs and Hawaii- an Engineering Association, Light Tackle club, Catalina, Cal., and American Civic association. FILLER, RICHARD WALTHER, rail- road superintendent, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Weissenfels, Saxony, Ger- many, September 27, 1864; son of Emil Frederic and Hulda (Von Wachter) Filler; educated at Gym- nasium, Zeitz, Germany; married Anna Julia Lachner, in Seattle, Wash., August 9, 1887; four chil- dren, Herbert, Harold, Hertha, Hes- ter. Came to United States, 1880; went to sea, 1880; settled in Seattle, Wash., 1886, as bookkeeper; came to Honolulu 1894, entering employ of Oahu Railway & Land Co.; cashier, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., 1898-99; superintendent Kahului R. R. Co., Maui, 1899-1907; superinten- dent of the Port of Salina Cruz, Mexico, 1907; superintendent, Hilo R. R. Co., 1908; general superinten- dent, Hilo R. R., 1914; reappointed general superintendent, Hawaii Con- solidated Railway, Ltd., 1916, at, which time reorganization took place. Member B. P. O. E. and K. of P. FISHER, JOSEPH HENRY, business man, Honolulu; born San Francis- co, Cal., Aug. 22, 1857; son of Hen- ry EK. and Julia (Dinet) Fisher; educated public schools and gradu- ated from Heald’s Business College, San Francisco; married Nettie P. (deceased) in Honolulu, Dec. 8, 1885; one daughter, Irene (Mrs. Geo. F. Renton, Jr.). Began as clerk in brokerage houses of San Francisco; accepted position as bookkeeper with Bishop & Co. bank in Honolulu, 1883-1899; con- ducted stock brokerage and insur- ance business in, Honolulu, 1900-02; appointed auditor of the Territory of Hawaii, Dec. 6, 1902-1917; re-en- tered stock brokerage, real estate and insurance business in associa- tion with brother, Will E. Fisher, Honolulu, Sept. 1917; has been treasurer of Mutual Investment Co., Ltd., of Honolulu since its or- ganization, Feb. 16, 1912; was lieu- tenant Ist Regiment, National Guard of Cal., 1882-83; organized Honolulu Rifles, 1883; served thru various commissioned grades of 106 MEN OF HAWAII JOSEPH J. FERN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 107 National Guard of Hawaii, retiring ' with rank of colonel, 1899; reap- pointed lieutenant-colonel and pay- master general on staff of Gov. W. F. Frear, retiring in 1914. Member of Commercial, Elks, Hawaii Tuna and Ad Clubs of Honolulu. FITTS, CHARLES TABOR, educator, Honolulu; born May 38, 1882, at Reading, Mass.; son of Edward Pay- son and Caroline (Tabor) Fitts; married Ada May Stephens, Aug. 3, 1910, in Brooklyn, N. Y.; two chil- dren, Charles Edward and Frank Stephens; descendant of Robert Fitts, of England, who settled in Plymouth Colony, Mass., about 1650, descendant of Daniel Webster; pre- pared for college at Mansfield, Mass., high school, and graduated from Amherst with degree of A.B., 1904; vice-principal Hackettstown, N. J., high school 1904-05; teacher of latin Oahu College, 1905-07; prin- cipal, Punahou Preparatory School since 1907. Member Theta Delta ‘Chi fraternity. FLEMING, JOHN LUNDIE, broker, Honolulu; born in Scotland, June 26, 1876; son of James Wilson and Ef- fie (Lundie) Fleming; educated pub- lic schools and Punahou = school, Honolulu; married M. Adele Mor- gan of Honolulu, Sept. 2, 1908; two children, Margaret Effie and James Morgan. Began in different capac- ities on the Paia plantation, Maui, 1894-1899; entered employ Alexan- der & Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu, serv- ing in various capacities, 1899-1910; associated with the late James F. Morgan (father-in-law), 1911 and on his death in 1912 formed the brok- erage corporation, James F. Morgan Co., Ltd., Honolulu, with A. H. Rice; now president Jas. F. Morgan Co., Ltd. Is treasurer and director San Carlos Milling Co., Ltd.; secretary- treasurer and director Hawaiian Su- inatra Plantation, Ltd.; director Selama-Dindings Plantations, Ltd. President Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange, 1916, and part 1917; was a member of the Citizens’ Guard, 1897; Republican. Member Cham- ber of Commerce of Honolulu, Pa- cific Club (treasurer and member board of governors), Country Club (charter member), Hawaiian His- torical Society, Honolulu Polo and Racing Assn., Kawainui Club. FORBES, CHARLES ROBERT, civil engineer, Honolulu; born in Edin- FORBES, burgh, Scotland, Feb. 14, 1877; son of Charles Robert Murray and Christina Fordyce (Nicoll) Forbes; educated at Cooper Institute and Columbia University; married Kate Marcia McGoggy in Minneapolis, Minn., August 14, 1909; two chil- dren, Mildred Florence and Marcia Evelyn. Superintendent of Con- struction, Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, 1899-1902; Chief Engineer, Mendell Construction Co., 1902-04; Engineering and Signal Service, U. S. A., 1904-07; Consult- ing Engineer, 1907-10; Supt. and Mer., Hurley-Mason Co., Portland, Ore., 1910-12; Supt. of Construction and Engineer U. S. Naval Station, Pearl Harbor, T. H., 1912-15; Supt. of Public Works, Territory of Ha- waii since 1915; chairman, Board of Harbor Commissioners; Chairman Public Utilities Commission; Chair- man Oahu Loan Fund Commission; member Hawaii and Maui Loan Fund Commission; member Hono- lulu Water Commission; member Board of Disposal; Chairman Recla- mation Committee; member Oahu Road Commission; Captain Engi- neers, N. G. H.; Major, U. S. R. Signal Corps, active service, 1917. Has written articles on Water Fil- tration and Purification, Franchises of Public Service Corporations, Prison Reform, and Municipal Gov- ernment. Member A. F. & A. M., No. 409, Honolulu; 32° Mason, Scottish Rite Bodies; Knight Templar; Aloha Temple, Mystic Shrine; Commer- cial, Rotary, Ad and University Clubs; Hawaiian Society of Engi- neers; Chiefs of Hawaii; Geographi- cal Society; Municipal Research Club and Masonic Club of San Francisco. DAVID McH., plantation manager, Waiakea, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Scotland, July 21, 1863; son of Alexander and Mary (McHattie) Forbes; educated in common schools and night school, Scotland; married Cassie Lougher at Waiakea, Hilo, August 7, 1895; five children, Blod- wen F., Merlyn M, Allister M., Dy- frig M., Betty F. Started work in private estate nurseries of Moray, Scotland, 1879; forests of same estate, 1882; nurseries of Dixon & Co., Edinburgh, 1883; Foreman For- ester, estate of Fletchers Saltonhall, 108 MEN OF HAWAII R. W. FILLER CHARLES T. FITTS J. H. FISHER J. L. FLEMING BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 109 1885; came to Kukuihaele, Hawaii, 1887, for H. W. Purvis; when plan- tation was transferred to Pacific Sugar Mill Co., went with that con- cern as timekeeper; became head luna and succeeded Von Mergersen as manager, 1894; returned to Scot- land, 1910, returning to Hawaii, at Waiakea in 1912. Was member of Hamakua Roadboard; served as 1st Lieut. in army of Provisional Gov- ernment. Is 32° Mason, B. P. O. E.; member of Royal Arboricultural Society of Scotland. FORBES, WILLIAM JOSEPH, book- keeper and notary public, Hono- lulu; born Oct. 8, 1866, in Hono- lulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Rev. Anderson O. and Maria J. (Chamberlain) Forbes; married Kate D. Watson at Paia, Maui (Hawaii), June 27, 1901; five chil- dren: Theodore Watson, Fred- erick Blatchford, Marion Cham- berlain, Frances Alicia, Katherine Wilhelmina. Educated, Oahu Col- lege (Honolulu), graduated, 1888. Began career in law office of Wil- liam O. Smith (Honolulu), 1889- 1910; since 1910 with J. B. Ather- ton Estate, Ltd. For 12 years (1889-1901) associated with mother in management Lunalilo Home (Honolulu). Charter member So- ciety Sons of American Revolution, treasurer for ten years. FORD, ALEXANDER HUME, editor, Honolulu; born April 3, 1868, in Florence, S. C.; son of Frederick Withrop and Mary Mazic (Hume) Ford, descendant of Frederick Ford of London who settled in Carolina about 1668 with Royal Charter from King James lI to a large tract of land, arriving in Charles- ton with shipioad of white serv- ants. Father was large rice planter and owner of a thousand slaves at time of Civil War. Educated, Charleston (S. C.) High School and Porter University. Began _ profes- sional career with Charleston News and Courier, 1885; associated with Patrick and John C. Calhoun, Wall Street, N. Y., 1886; wrote and pro- duced plays in New York 1893 and 1900-1902; with New York dailies 1891-93; Chicago Daily News 1894- 1895; editor Irrigation Age and Homeseekers’ Journal, Chicago; made tours of world beginning in 1899, for leading American and English magazines; located in Honolulu 1907, publisher Mid-Pa- cific magazine and organized the Pan-Pacific movement. Has made a scientific study of races border- ing on Pacific, through branches of Pan-Pacific Union. FOREST, ROBERT THOMAS, real estate and insurance broker, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Kirriemuir, Scot- land, Oct. 11, 1866; son of Robert and Mary (Fraser) Forrest; edu- cated at Webster’s Seminary (Kir- riemuir), Dundee High School and Madras College, (St. Andrews, Scot- land), graduated, 1884; married Alexandra Stewart at Grove Ranch, Maui, T, H., Dec. 31. 1891; children, Margaret S. (Mrs. Lind- say), Mary L. and Catherine L. Studied law in private law office, Scotland, 1884-1889; came to Ha- waii April, 1890, and was employed on plantations until June, 1911; tax assessor of the Island of Hawaii, 1911-14; entered in the real estate and brokerage business, Hilo, Ha- waii, 1914. Member of Kilauea Lodge, No. 330, F. & A. M. FOSTER, WILLIAM ROBSON, harbor master, Honolulu; born March 5, 1868, in Liverpool, England; son of Thomas Yates and Ellen (Appleton) Foster; married Christine Maud Stevenson in Honolulu, Dec. 24, 1899, one child, Herbert Robson. Educated, Mount Pleasanton Insti- tute, Liverpool, England. Followed the sea from 1879 to 1898 in all ca- pacities, from boy to master. Left R. M. I, Monowai in Honolulu, 1898; appointed Harbor Master, October 1, 1911. Member Harmony Lodge, No. 3, I. O. O. F. (Honolulu), chair- man Board of Trustees; member Healani Boat Club. Naturalized American citizen in San Francisco, 1892. RANKLIN, CORNELL SIDNEY, lawyer, Honolulu; born at Colum- bus, Lowndes Co., Miss., April 1, 1892; son of Cornell Samuel and Mary Wyckoff (Taylor) Franklin; great-grandson of Governor Taylor of South Carolina and great-great- grandson of Col. Thomas Taylor who served with distinction under Sumter. Educated, Franklin Acad- emy, Columbus, Miss., 1909, Uni- versity of Mississippi, B. A. 19138, and LL.B. 1914; began the _ prac- 110 “MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES R. FORBES BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 111 tise of law in Honolulu Oct., 1914; appointed Deputy Attorney General, Territory of Hawaii, 1917. Is a Democrat and a member of the Phi Delta Theta Fraternity. FRAZIER, CHARLES RUSSELL, manager of the Charles R. Frazier Co., general advertising, Honolulu; born March 24, 1879, at Blue Lake, Humboldt Co., Cal.; son of Albert Anderson and Elizabeth (Clark) Frazier; married Fannie Letitia Os- born in Honolulu, Sept. 30, 1903; four children: Elizabeth, Charles Russell, Jr., Thomas Osborn, Rich- ard Maurice. Educated, grammar schools and Aydelotte’s Business College, Oakland, Cal. Began bus- iness career with Bergstrom Music Co., Ltd., Honolulu 1898-1900; es- tablished advertising agency in Honolulu 1900; pioneer in general advertising in the Territory of Ha- waii. Captain of Infantry, National Guard of Hawaii; member Officers’ Reserve Corps, N. G. H., since Jan. 1917. Member Shrine; Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E.; Com- mercial, Oahu Country and Honolu- lu Ad Clubs, being one of organiz- ers and first vice-president of latter organization. FREAR, WALTER FRANCIS, ex-gov- ernor of Hawaii, lawyer, Honolulu; born in Grass Valley, Cal., Oct. 29, 1863; son of Walter and Fannie E. (Foster) Frear; descendant of Hugues Frere, a French Huguenot who emigrated from Flanders in 1676, to New York and was one of twelve founders of New Paltz in that state; educated Oahu College (Honolulu) 1881, A. B. Yale, 1885, LL. B. Yale Law School 1899 (awarded Jewell prize for best ex- amination at graduation), conferred with honorary degree LL. D. Yale 1910; married, Aug. 1, 1893, Mary Dillingham (A.B. Weliesley College, author and composer of “The Cocoa Palm” and other songs, daughter of Benjamin F. Dillingham, pioneer railroad builder in Hawaii); two daughters, Virginia and Margaret. Instructor of Greek, Mathematics and Political Economy in Oahu College, Honolulu, 1886-88; second judge, first circuit, Kingdom of Hawaii, January 1, 1893; 2nd asso- ciate justice Supreme Court, Pro- visional Government, Hawaii, March 7, 1893; 1st associate justice Su- preme Court, Republic of Hawaii, Jan. 6, 1896; member Hawaiian commission to recommend to Con- gress legislation concerning Ha- waii, Aug. 1898; chief justice Su- preme Court, Territory of Hawaii, June 14, 1900-Aug. 15, 1907; chair- man Code Commission, 1903-5; gov- ernor Territory of Hawaii, 1907-13. Chairman of Hawaiian delegation to National Republican Convention 1912. Member Hawaiian Historical Society and Honolulu Social Science Association. Is prominently iden- tified with many civic and general welfare organizations and move- ments. Author of “The Evolution of the Hawaiian Judiciary,’ “The Development of Hawaiian Statute Law.” FREEMAN, WILLIAM KELLEN, master mariner, Honolulu; born at True, Cape Cod, Mass., December 29, 1853; son of John and Eliza (Godfrey) Freeman; educated in schools of Rockland, Maine; married Emily Toomey, in Honolulu; went to sea 1867, coasting from Rockland, Maine, to Boston and New York; deep water sailing, 1872; U.S. light- house service, New Orleans, 1872; made four voyages around the world, settling in Hawaii, 1882; mate on James Makee, 1882; Cap- tain in service of Inter-Island S. N. Co., since 1883, present ship being Flagship “Mauna Kea.” Member I. O. O. F. and B. P. O. E. FRENCH, GEORGE K., lawyer, Ho- nolulu; born Washington, D. C., June 18, 1867; son of Edmund F. and Margaret B. French; educated common schools, Washington, D. C. University of Georgetown, 1883-5; instructor in Latin, Greek and French, and director physical cul- ture, Shortlidge’s prep. school, Me- dia, Pa., 1885-6; University of Georgetown, law dept., LL. B. 1889; married Stella Myddleton-Short of Putney-on-Thames, London, Eng., June 4, 1903. Admitted to Sup. Court Dist. of Col., May, 1889; to U. S. Sup. Court, May, 1892; offi- cial French translator International Marine Conference under auspices of Dept. of State, Washington, D. C. 1889; junior member law firm of which Benjamin F. Butler was head 1891-93; prosecuting attorney Dist. of Col. during same period; geo- MEN OF HAWAII 112 DAVID M. FORBES . J. FORBES FORREST Root: CORNELL S. FRANKLIN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 113 graphical work in Ashanti, Daho- mey, Liberia, Sierra Leone and French Senegal, 1895-7; accompani- ed Major Armitage’s column to So- kolo, in the Great Bend region of the Niger; served in British army under Sir Francis Scott, as chief of scouts attached to native levies or- ganized and commanded by Major Robert S. S. Baden-Powell, in the fifth Ashanti campaign; returned to America, lectured and published results of travel and research, 1897; practised in San Francisco with D. M. Delmas, 1897-9, and delivered course of eighteen lectures on Af- rican ethnology at Cal. Academy of Sciences; accompanied North Alas- ka expeditionary force, under Col. P. H. Ray, 8th U. S. Infantry, as chief of scouts, leaving San Fran- cisco, June, 1899, wintering at Fort Egbert, America’s “farthest north” military station; explored and mapped that section of Alaska and aided in maintaining law and order on Yukon before courts were es- tablished. Made foot trip from Fort Egbert, on Arctic Circle, to Valdez, on Prince William Sound, 1902, with one companion, distance of 490 miles, through unexplored country; left Alaska, 1903, and located at Nogales, Ariz., on Mexican border, and resumed practise of law and founded daily newspaper, giving that part of Arizona its first A. P. news service; member of Arizona delegation to Washington, D. C., 1905-6, successfully opposing ad- ministration’s measure for joint- statehood with New Mexico; owned and operated Cochran copper mine, Ray Dist., Arizona, 1909-14; located in Honolulu, May 1915, with Thompson and Cathcart, and prac- tised alone since Dec., 1916. Elect- ed, 1899, Fellow of Royal Geograph- ical Society. G GAGE, CHESTER BRITTON, sales en- gineer, Honolulu, T. H.; born New York City, Feb. 5, 1886; son of Jas. and Mary C. (Hill) Gage; educated public schools and studied engineer- ing at various night schools and with private tutor; married Estella Barnes in Honolulu, April 28, 1914. Assistant to John G. Van Horne, C. E., on surveys, New York City, and on construction work, including first New York subway, 1901-04; ex- 8 ploration work on Florida Keys, Everglades and in Gulf of Mexico in connection with proposed Florida East Coast Railway, 1904-05; rail- road surveys in Georgia, Alabama and N. Carolina, 1906; went to Porto Rico to make railroad surveys for American Tobacco Co., later going to St. Thomas, D. W. I1., France and England, 1906-07; railroad construc- tion work in coal mines, Tennessee, and on St. Louis Southwestern Ry. in Texas, 1907; construction work on Ferrocarril Interoceanico (Inter- oceanic Ry.), Southern Mexico, 1908; railroad construction work for Argentine Northeastern Ry., 1200 miles inland on Paraguay and Brazilian frontiers, 1909-10; while in South America was'7 temporarily drafted into Argentine army, worked short time for New Haven R. R.; entered employ of Gregg Co., mfrs. of plantation railway materials, 1911, to take charge of Central American sales; came to Hawaii in- stead as branch manager, 1912; was made Asst. Genl. Sales Mer. of con- cern, 1916, at headquarters; entered employ of Magor Car Corp. of New York as Orient and Hawaii repre- sentative, 1917. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, Ha- waiian Engineering Assn., Ad and Rotary Clubs and Y. M. C. A, GALT, JOHN RANDOLPH, financier, Honolulu; born June 5, 1867, at Newburg, N. Y.; son of John and Evelyn (Roberts) Galt; married Agnes Carter in Honolulu, May 17, 1892; two children, John and Carter. Educated in public schools and Sig- lar’s Preparatory School (Newburg), Yale University (Academic) grad- uated 1889. Began business career with Galt Bros. & Co., Seattle, Washington, 1890; correspondent with Pope Manufacturing Co., Hart- ford, Connecticut, 1896-1899; became secretary 1899; manager and treas- urer Hawaiian Trust Co., Honolulu, 1903; director C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., and Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd.; was Hawaiian Consul at Seattle, Wash., 1893-96; is president Palama Settle- ment, Honolulu; president Asso- ciated Charities of Hawaii; member Yale Club (New York), University Club (New York), Graduate Club (New Haven, Ct.), University Club, Pacific Club, Oahu Country Club, Commercial Club (Honolulu). 114 MEN OF HAWAII WALTER F. FREAR BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 115 GAMALIELSON, JOHN EDWARD, farmer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Torp parish, Sweden, Jan. 15, 1863; son of Gamaliel Howardson and Anna Maria Swenson (Hus) Dalhgren (name discarded in favor of Gama- lie.son); received education in cum- mon schools of Torp, Sweden, busi- ness and conveyancing law from Sprague Correspondence Law School, completed mechanical-elec- trical engineering course, American School of Correspondence, 1907. Served four years apprenticeship on private farm institution, 1879- 1883; assistant manager of large farm to 1884; assistant manager of a business house and farm for one year in Torp; served two years in Swedish army; came to Hawaii 1888; gang overseer, one year and section overseer six years for the Spreckelsville plantation on Maui; entered into contracting, and coffee and cane planting in Hilo, 1898- 1910; since then engaged in poultry and dairy farming. Is marketing agent and secretary for Glenwood Creamery Co., a cooperating or- ganization of farmers, and a collab- orator with the U. S. Agricultural Department. GARCIA, J., banker and accountant, Wailuku, Maui, T. H.; born in Wailuku, Jan. 26, 1884; son of Joaquin and Mary do (Rego) Gar: cia. Educated, St. Louis College (Honolulu), 1900; married Minnie Reis, July 21, 1904, in Wailuku; children: Irene, Cyrilla, Carmen. Began business career as_ clerk, Kahului Railroad Co., 1900-04, clerk, First Nat’] Bank of Wailuku, 1904-08; asst. cashier, First Nat’l Bank of Wailuku, 1908-16; cashier, First Nat’l Bank of Wailuku, 1916- 17; cashier, Bank of Maui, Ltd., since consolidation of First Nat’] Bank of Wailuku, Lahaina Nat’l Bank and First Nat’l Bank of Paia, May, 1917. Secretary-treas- urer and managing director, Maui Dry Goods & Grocery Co., Ltd.; president, Pioneer Hotel Co., Ltd.; president, Iao Stables Co., Ltd.; sec’y-treas., Young Men’s Saving Society, Ltd.; sec’y-treas., Moura & Co., Ltd. Vice-consul for Spain for the Island of Maui. Member of Loyal Order of Moose, Ancient Order of Foresters. GARTLEY, ALONZO, vice-president and director C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born Oct. 14, 1869, at Cedar Falls, Iowa; son of Robert and Jennie M. (Floyd) Gartley; married Ada Jones, daughter of P. C. Jones (Honolulu) in _ Boston, Mass., June 12, 1894; children, Eleanor, Ruth, Richard Hall, Alonzo Jr. Educated at United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, grad- uate 1890, and followed that calling for two years on the U. S. S. Char- leston at San Francisco and Pensa- cola, commanded Pennsylvania Na- val Reserve 1897 to 1900, became associated with Cramp Shipyard, Philadelphia, in 1892; commissioned Lieutenant U. S. Navy during Span- ish-American war (1898); command- ed converted yachts, U. S. S. Aileen and Sylph; was gas engineer with United Gas Improvement Co. of Philadelphia, 1892-1900; located in Hawaii in 1900 as manager Hawai- ian Electric Co., 1900-1910; consult- ing engineer and director C. Brewer & Co., since 1910; 1908, member first Conservation Convention to Washington from Hawaii. Has creditably filled a number of public positions in Hawaii. Member Com- mercial, University, Country and Pacific clubs, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, American Society Electrical Engineers, Ameri- can Gas Institute, University Club (Philadelphia). GASPAR, LUIZ RODRIGUES, physi- cian, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Ma- deira, Portugal, April 16, 1874; son of Luiz Rodrigues and Maria Amelia (Pestana) Gaspar; educat- ed at Madeira Medical School and Brussels University, Belgium, 1897; married Maria Isabel Rodri- gues in Madeira, July 17, 1902; one child, Luiz Alfredo Gaspar. Practised medicine at Funchal, Madeira, 1897-1907; made a trip to Hawaii, 1907; traveled through Europe, 1908, resuming practise in Madeira; came to Hawaii in 1909 with family as ship’s surgeon of S. S. Willesden; has_ practised medicine in Honolulu since. Was acting consul for Portugal in Honolulu, 1914. Member Eagles, Lusitana Society, Sao Martinho Society and A’Patria Society, all of Honolulu. 116 MEN OF HAWAII J. GARCIA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY GAYNOR, WILLIAM FRANCIS, insur- ance, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Lex- ington, Ky., Feb. 28, 1885; son of Thomas Francis and Joanna (Jo- sephine) Gaynor; educated public schools of Brooklyn and New York city; married May Thomas in Hono- lulu, Oct, 8, 1913; two children, Mary Josephine and William Thomas. Con- nected with home office of National Surety Co., New York, 1903-11; in- surance department, Hawaiian Trust Co., Honolulu, 1911-15; with insur- ance department, B. F. Dillingham Co., since 1915. GEDGE, NORMAN EDWARD, second vice-president and assistant man- ager Inter-Island S. N. Co., Hono- lulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 2, 1864; son of George and Isabella (McCulloch) Gedge; grand- son of Admiral John Gedge of Brit- ish Navy; educated in the public schools of San Francisco; married Helen Caroline Smith in Honolulu, five children, Vernon M., Faxon B., Emily E., Norman E., jr., and G. Donald. Entered employ of Inter- Island S. N. Co., May 1, 1883; be- came secretary 1896; treasurer and secretary 1899; treasurer, secretary and assistant manager 1916; 2nd vice-president and assistant man- ager 1917; 1st vice-president Cham- ber of Commerce, 1917. Captain O. R. C., U. S. Army, Quartermaster’s Department. Member of Pacific and Commercial Clubs. Past Master Honorary, Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M.; Past Commander-in- Chief Honolulu Consistory A. & A. S. R., Past High Chief Honolulu Chapter R. A. M.; Past Eminent Commander Honolulu Commandery K, T.; 33 Honorary and Deputy of the Supreme Council for Hawaii. GIBB, JAMES, sugar plantation man- ager, Aiea, Oahu, T. H.; was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, October 11, 1865; son of James and Jane (David- son) Gibb; common school educa- tion in Scotland; married Jemima Hutcheon, Dec. 7, 1889, at Hilo, Ha- waii; children, James Albert, Ed- win H., Edith L., Alex. Gordon, Florence C. Came to Hawaiian islands and started to work for Mr. Scott at Wainaku, Hilo; employed with the Hilo Sugar Co. as section and head overseer, March 1888-1901; became manager of the Paauhau j 117 plantation, 1901-1909; has been manager of the Honolulu plantation, Aiea, Oahu, T. H., since 1909. Mem- ber of Pacific and Oanu Country Clubs. GIBSON, THOMAS HERBERT, edu- cator, Honolulu; born March 239, 1856, at Russell, Canada; son of John and Marianne (Kelley) Gibson; married Sept. 25, 1885, Ada Taner, at Lihue, Kauai; three children, Francis De Witt, Murial Letitia, and Juliet Agnes; descendant of John Gibson of Castle Blaney, Ireland; educated in the public schools of Ontario, Canada, Metcalf High School, Trinity College of Toronto, and Cooper Medical College, San Francisco. Began teaching in Upper Canada College and was connected with following institutions: principal of Comanche, San Andreas and Tur- lock schools, California, 1870-82, Waimea _ school, Kauai, 1884-97, deputy inspector general of schools 1897, traveling normal instructor 1898 to 1900, inspector general 1900- 01, superintendent Boys’ Industrial School 1901-10, inspector general 1910-18, superintendent of public in- struction 1913-14, principal Liliuo- kalani school, 1915, to date; chair- man board of election at Waimea, 1887 to 1897; captain Citizens’ Guard, Waimea, 1895-97; member of Honolulu Lodge, F. & A. M., Hono- lulu Chapter, No. 1, R. A. M., Ha- waiian Historical Society, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Honolulu Ad Club. GIFFARD, HAROLD BRICKWOOD, stock and bond broker, Honolulu: born October 27, 1884, in Honolulu; son of Walter M. and Mattie Peter (Brickwood) Giffard; educated at Oahu College, Honolulu; marred Julia Mills Damon at Honolulu, No- vember 28, 1908, one child, Walter Damon Giffard. Entered real estate department of Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., in 1905, soon afterward taking charge of brokerage depart- ment; in 1910 entered into partner- ship with W. P. Roth doing general brokerage business under firm name of Giffard & Roth. In 1915 joined with H. R. Macfarlane, the firm do- ing business as Giffard & Macfar- lane. Served as vice-president and president of Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange. Member Pacitic, MEN OF HAWAII 118 JOHN R. GALT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 119 Commercial and Oahu Country Clubs and is a Mason. GIFFARD, WALTER LE MONTAIS, retired capitalist, Honolulu; born May 27, 1856, Island of Jersey, Great Britain; son of John and Elizabeth (Bisson) Giffard; descendant of John Giffard, Island of Jersey, G. B., born 1475; married Martha Petre Brickwood of Honolulu, June 30, 1881; three children, Walter Dudoit (by former marriage), Jane and Harold B.; educated in Island of Jersey; began career with Sir John Coode, C.E., Island of Jersey, as assistant cashier; came to Honolulu, Oct. 24, 1875, as assistant bookkeep- er for John T. Waterhouse; Jan. 1877 to 1909 connected with William G. Irwin & Co., first as cashier until the company incorporated then as secretary and treasurer, later vice- president and manager of that cor- poration also officer and director of twelve corporations for which Wm. G. Irwin & Co. were agents until its dissolution. During monarchy was acting Chancellor of French Lega- tion, three years; acting French Commissioner and Consul Generai, one year; acting Commissioner and Consul General for Portugal, three months; member of Privy Council at time of overthrow of monarchy; 1903-1907 chairman of Hawaiian Sugar Planters Experimental Station committee; served as_ co-trustee with W. G. Irwin representing W. G. Irwin & Co., (until its dissolu- tion) on the Board of Trustees of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Asso- ciation; 1903 organized the Ento- mological division of the H. S. P. A. experimental station and the Board of Agriculture; 1903-1917 served as Commissioner, and three times Pres- ident of Board of Agriculture and Forestry since its organization 1903; member Hawaiian Entomological So- ciety serving as one of its organiz- ers 1905, and as President 1908; served as Secretary and Treasurer Kapiolani Park Association, later as a commissioner of Kapiolani Park under the Territory; enthusiast in Horticulture and Forestry; member of Pacific and Oahu Country Clubs, Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M., (treasurer 1886-1898); member and served as President, 1906-7, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce; Shriner; Fellow Entomological Society of London, Fellow American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, member American Association of Economic Entomologists, member Entomological Society of America, member Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, GIGNOUX, ALEXIS J., merchant, Ho- nolulu; born July 22, 1876, at St. Louis, Mo.; son of Alexis and rlar- riet (Lawlor) Gignoux; married Jeanette A. Pierce, Feb. 10, 1904, in Honolulu, one child, Alexa Jeane; grandfather was Claude Gignoux, of France, who settled in New York; educated in private schools of St. Louis, St. Louis University, and St. Louis College of Pharmacy; entered pharmaceutical profession in St. Louis, 1892; vice-president Benson-Smith & Co., Lia., of Ho- nolulu, 1902-14, manager Hollister Drug Co., since 1914; president Mer- chants’ Association of Honolulu, 1914; member Pharmacy Board and Public Utilities Commission; mem- ber Honolulu Commercial Club. GOMEZ, JOSE, postmaster and mer- chant, Hanapepe, Kauai; born Ma- deira, Portugal, March 24, 1877; son of John and Joaquina Gomez; edu- eated in grammar school at Lihue, Kauai; married Helen Nunes at Li- hue, Kauai, Aug. 5, 1900; six chil- dren, Jose, Jr., Mary, John, Francis, Glory and Antone. Was a laborer on Lihue plantation, Lihue, Kauai, 1882-1900; became clerk in store of J. I. Silva, Eleele, Kauai, 1900, and became assistant manager. Estab- lished Hanapepe store and Gomez garage in 1907 in stock company with four others, two years later bought them out, has made _ good progress ever since; has been post- master Hanapepe since 1914. Mem- ber Kauai Chamber of Commerce, San Antonio, San Martinho and Lusitana societies of Honolulu. GOO KIM FOOK, merchant, Honolulu, Taek epoIn near. Canton, China; came to Honoiulu in 1876 and was employed in a store in Honolulu as collector and soon afterward ac- quired an interest in the business; was in the mercantile business on Kauai for some time; in 1894 re- turned to China remaining there for three years; on returning to Hono- lulu was engaged in various cap- 120 MEN OF HAWAII 4, WALTER M. GIFFARD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 121 acities and in 1899 established the Kong Sang Yuen store which has since gone out of business. Is vice- president and trustee of the United Chinese Societies; vice-chairman of the Chinese Merchants’ Association of Honolulu; is largely interested in philanthropic and educational move- ments and is treasurer of the Wah Mun School (a Chinese educational] institution). Has two sons, Goo Wah Choy and Goo Wah Bin. GOODALE, WILLIAM W., plantation manager, Waialua, Oahu, T. H.; born in Honolulu, July 19, 1857; son of Warren and Ellen Rebecca (Whitmore) Goodale; educated at Marlborough, Mass., in public and high schools; married Emma March Whitney in Honolulu, Octo- ber 7, 1884; two children, Cath- erine Warren and Holbrook March. Began in various capacities on the sugar plantation of the Hawaiian Agricultural Co. at Pahala, Hawaii, June, 1878; manager Onomea Plan- tation, 1884-1898, and was _ instru- mental in the consolidation of the Onomea, Papaikou and Paukaa plantations into the present Ono- mea Sugar Co. Ltd.; manager Wai- alua Sugar Plantation, Waialua, Oahu, since 1898. Took an active part in the construction of the Wa- hiawa dam, having been identified with the Wahiawa Water Co. Ltd., since 1901. Charter member of Kilauea Lodge, F. & A. M., Hilo; member Pacific Club since 1894; member of Oahu Country Club and Social Science Assn. of Honolulu. Is a Knight Templar and Odd Fel- low. GOODHUE, EDWARD SOLON, physi- cian, author, Honolulu; born Atha- baskaville, P. Q., Canada, Sept, 29, 1861; son of James and Mariam (Emerson) Goodhue; education: St. Francis College (McGill Univ.), East Farnhow High School, Rush Medical College, Chicago, M. D., 1892; hon. A. Ma 1910;-hon:. LL. 2D, -1912;; mar- ried Lulu Mae Rosser, Chicago, May 25, 1889; son and daughter, Marion S., Dorothy M, Practised at River- side, Cal., 1892-95; appointed gov’t physician Hawaii, 1895; medical su- perintendent Koloa Government Hos- pital; attending surgeon Malulani and Eleele hospitals; delegate Inter- national Congress on Inebriety, Lon- don, 1909; appointed by President Taft delegate to International Con- gress on Leprosy, Norway, 1909, and as special representative of Hawaii by governor, same congress; delegate Medico-Legal Congress, Brussels, 1909; was acting assistant surgeon U. S. Public Health and Marine Hos- pital Service, 1900-4. Author of “Verses from the Valley,” 1887; “Out of the Pigeon Holes,” 1899; “Beneath Hawaiian Palms’ and Stars,” 1900; “Hawaii First,” 1902; “Within Hawaiian Reefs,’ 1907; ‘Songs of the Western Sea,” 1911; “The Adequate Care and Punish- ment of Defectives and the Insane,” first and second editions, 1913; “About the Climate of Hawaii,” 1914; also many articles on scien- tific and medical subjects. Member American Medical Assn., Hawaiian Medical society, Hawaiian Historical society, Authors’ club (London), Medico-Legal Society of New York, Aerial League of America, National Security League, International Long- fellow society, Masonic order; con- sul for Hawaii, Lincoln Highway association, 1912-1917; American As- sociation for Advancement of Sci- ence, GOODNESS, GUY STANLEY, lawyer and rancher, Makena, Maui; born in Kahului, Maui, March 16, 1878; son of William and Corea (Kaha- wai) Goodness; educated at St. Louis and Oahu colleges, Honolulu; married Helen Ako in Wailuku, Maui, April 8, 1897. On leaving school in 1897 became captain of po- lice, Wailuku; worked on sugar plantation 1901-1903; second district magistrate of Makawao, Maui, 1903- 07; district magistrate of Makawao 1907-1916; took up ranching 1916. Member of K. P., A. O. O. F. and is a Moose. GRACE, HOWARD LIONEL, attorney at law, Honolulu; born April 18, 1893, in Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands; son of John and Sarah Jane (Gillog- ley) Grace; received education at St. Louis College, Honolulu, gra- date 1910 Creighton University, Omaha, Neb., and Georgetown Uni- versity, Washington, D. C., degree LL.B. 1915. Admitted to the bar of the Territory of Hawaii, October 1915; associated with R. W. Breck- ons, lawyer, since that date. Ap- pointed Referee in Bankruptcy MEN OF HAWAII THOMAS H. GIBSON GAYNOR WILLIAM F. oe : GIFFARD HAROLD B. JOHN S. GRACE GREENWELL, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 123 Court, August 20, 1916. Member of Oahu Country, University, Myrtle Boat and Outrigger Canoe Clubs of Honolulu, and Bar Association of Hawaii. Republican. GRACE, JOHN S., purchasing agent B. F. Dillingham Co.; born Hono- lulu March 14, 1886; son of John C. and Sarah Jane (Gillogley) Grace; educated at St. Louis College, Hono- lulu. Entered employ of McBryde Plantation as assistant bookkeeper in 1903; was assistant bookkeeper for Olaa Plantation 1907-10; became purchasing agent for B. F. Dilling- ham Co. in 1910. Has had manage- ment of all polo tournaments since 1910; also managed racing meets for 1916-17. Member B. P. O. E. and Hawaii Polo & Racing Club. WILLIAM HENRY, cattle rancher, Kealakekua, Island of Hawaii, T. H.; born at Kalukalu, Hawaii, June 7, 1869; son of Henry N. and Elizabeth C. (Hall) Green- well; education received from pri- vate tutor; married Maud Annandah Bryson Johnstone in Christ Church, Kona, Hawaii, Dec. 31, 1907; four children, Henry Alan, Jack Bryson, Elizabeth Ahia and Maud M. Man- ager of the H. N. Greenwell Estate, Island of Hawaii. GRIFFITHS, ARTHUR FLOYD, edu- cator, Honolulu; born Sept. 16, 1878, at Richville, N. Y.; son of Thomas Philip and Mary (Davies) Griffiths; descendant of Ebenezer Griffiths of Wales, who came to Richville, N. Y., in 1855; educated Richville Union school, St. Lawrence University, Ph. B., 1897, and A. M., 1899; Harvard University, A. B., 1899; principal Richville Union school 1897-98; prin- cipal Shepard Evening school, Cam- bridge, Mass., 1898-99; master St. George’s school, Newport, R. I., 1899- 02; married Helen Alsy Clemence at Worcester, Mass., June 26, 1901; one daughter, Eleanor. President Oahu College, Hawaii, since 1902. Posi- tions formerly held: Director for Ha- waii of National Education Associ- ation; chairman of committee on streets, parks and public works, and president of Honolulu Civic Federa- tion; secretary Armstrong Memorial committee; secretary Harvard club of Hawaii; chairman Board of Indus- trial Schools, Territory of Hawaii. Author of “The Chinese in Hawaii,” in a series of Clark University lec- tures on China and the Far East; “The Japanese Race Question in Ha- waii’” (a pamphlet). Member Beta Theta Pi, Phi Beta Kappa, F. & A. M., University club, National Educa- tion Assn., Harvard Teachers’ Assn., Social Science Assn. GUILD, JOHN, secretary Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Honolulu; born May 11, 1869, in Edinburgh, Scotland; son of James (a merchant of Edinburgh) and Mary (Scott) Guild; marrie. Mary Knox in West Indies, Aug. 20, 1891; four children, Dorothy, Mar- jorie, Douglas Scott and Winifred; Educated in High School, Edinburgh, Scotland; after leaving school went to join relatives interested in the cane sugar industry in the West Indies; came to Hawaii 1897, and for short time employed on Maka- weli plantation; joined Alexander & Baldwin then a co-partnership (in- corporated 1900), now secretary of Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., and of all the companies they represent; has had quite a share in the devel- opment of the concern, being with it almost from its start until the pres- ent time; has been for many years director and treasurer of the Protes- tant Episcopal Church in Hawaii; was President “Boy Scouts’, resign- ing 1917, but still actively interested in Boy Scouting. Member of Pacific, Country, Commercial Clubs and Ho- nolulu Chamber of Commerce. GULICK, JOHN THOMAS, missionary, scientist, sociologist, Honolulu; born March 18, 1832, at Waimea, Kauai; son of Peter Johnson Gulick, who was born in Freehold, N. J., 1797, and Fanny (Thomas) Gulick; mar- ried Sept. 3, 1864, Emily De la Cour at Hong Kong, China, died 1875 without issue, remarried May 31, 1880, Frances A. Stevens, at Osaka, Japan, two children, Addison and Louise (Gulick) Whitaker, four grandchildren; descendant of Hend- rik Gulick who came from Holland, 1653, and settled in New York; re- ceived early education at Punahou and in preparatory department New York University, graduated from Williams College 1859, and studied at Union Theological Seminary 1859- 61, received degree of Ph. D. from Adelbert College of Western Reserve University, 1889, and Sc. D. from 124 MEN OF HAWAII JOSE GOMEZ BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 125 Oberlin College 1905; missionary of the American Board in China from 1864 to 1875, and in Japan from 1875 to 1899; from 1900 until 1905 resided in Oberlin, Ohio, and there complet- ed scientific publications; a deep student of evolution and the inti- mate friend of Darwin, Romanes and other leaders in this field; author of “Hvolution, Racial and Habitudinal,” published 1905 by the Carnegie In- stitute, one of the standard works on this subject; been a wide con- tributor to scientific journals, but for the past twenty years his chief interest has been in social problems and the solution of the same by the cooperation of workers, and the world-wide federation of nations. GULICK, ORRAMEL HINCKLEY, missionary of the gospel, Honolulu: born in Honolulu, Kingdom of Ha- waii, October 7, 1830, son of Peter Johnson and Fanny Hinckley (Thomas) Gulick; married Ann Eliza Clark in Honolulu, May 19, 1855. Educated at Punahou School, Honolulu, and embarked on busi- ness career with Alvah Kittredge Clark in Honolulu about 1850; fol- lowed the sea, 1855 for several years, running schooners among islands of Hawaiian group; 1857 officer of first Morning Star, visited Marquesas and Micronesia and Ta- hiti; ordained in 1862 and settled as missionary pastor at Kau, Ha- waii, at Waialua, Oahu, in 1865 to conduct boarding school for Hawa- jian girls until 1870; appointed mis- sionary to Japan by American Board of Missions, completing 22 years missionary service in that country in 1893; in missionary field work of Hawaiian Board of Missions in Ter- ritory of Hawaii since 1894. Clerk of House of Representatives, under monarchy, 1850-60. GURNEY, A. S. LE BARON, banker, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Middleboro, Mass., Feb. 24, 1866; son of Marcus Albert and Ellen Minerva (Bright- man) Gurney; educated in public schools of Fall River, Mass.; mar- ried Henrietta Gifford Stanton in New Bedford, Mass., April 22, 1891; one child, Abram le Baron Gurney. Began career with Haskell & Tripp, New Bedford, Mass., 1883; arrived in Hawaij 1899; employed by L. Tur- ner Co., Ltd., 1901; clerk Fourth Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, HAGENS, J. 1904; manager Hilo branch banking house of Bishop & Co, since 1916. GURREY, ALFRED RICHARD,. art dealer, Honolulu; born in Kansas, Dec. 21, 1874; son of Alfred Richard and Margaret (McSherry) Gurrey; educated University of California, 1908; married Caroline Haskins, daughter of Charles Dudley Haskins of Oakland, Cal., in Honolulu, June 11, 1904; two children, Gwendolyn and Richard. Civil and mining en- gineering, seven years California, four and a half years Honolulu; es- tablished Gurrey’s, Ltd., Honolulu, art crafts shop, 1903. Member of University club of Honolulu. H F. CARL, merchant, Honolulu: born May 16, 1870, in Bremen, Germany, son of D. A. and Agnes (Pflueger) Hagens; married Eliza K. Hugo, at Honolulu, July 15, 1895, no issue; arrived at Hono- lulu February 23, 1887, on the bark C. R. Bishop, and commenced business career as sugar house clerk at Lihue Plantation, being connected with several plantations until 1894, 1894 to 1902 bookkeeper Pacific Guano and Fertilizer Co., and man- ager of that concern 1902 to 1918, vice-president H. Hackfeld & Co., January 1, 1914, to date; member Pacific, Oahu Country, and Commer- cial clubs, Honolulu, and Bohemian and Olympic clubs of San Fran- cisco. HALL, HENRY, District Magistrate, Honokaa, Hawaii; born in North Kona, Hawaii, September 16, 1850; son of Charles and Hannah (Rice) Hall; married Mary Ann Bright, November 27, 1870, at North Kona, Hawaii; educated in common schools, North Kona, Hawaii. Car- penter trade until 1879; luna, Ku- kuihaele Plantation, 1879-1885; but- cher since 1885. Appointed District ‘Magistrate at Hamakua, Sept., 1900, by Hon. S. B. Dole. His father was one of the early settlers in Kona, Hawaii, 1832, and was _ pio- neer coffee planter in Kona. HALL, ROBERT, plantation manager, Niulii, Hawaii; born in _ Peters- borough, Northamptonshire, Eng- land; son of Edward Josias and Eliza (Lodan) Hall; educated com- MEN OF HAWAII 126 JOHN GUILD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 127 mon school. Went with father and family to Montserrat, West Indies, 1862; was appointed overseer at Sugar Grove Plantation, getting fac- tory and field experience, 1862-70; made manager of Elberton Sugar Plantation, 1870; later becoming manager of Elberton Lime Planta- tion as successor to father; came to Hawaii, 1878, reaching Kohala same year, to accept position of sugar-boiler of Niulii Plantation; later became manager of this plan- tation. HALL, WILLIAM GARVIE, engineer, Honolulu; born March 3, 1874, at Summerside, Prince Edward Isl- and, Canada; son of Thomas and Cathrine (McRae) Hall; married Alice Templeton in Honolulu, Nov. 28, 1901; three children, Donald T. Cathrine McRae, Mary Ellen; edu- cated in public schools, Summer- side, Prince Edward Island, Can- ada, 1891. Began career with Bath Iron Works, Bath (Maine) in 1891; settled in Honolulu in 1898 and as- sociated with Catton, Neill & Co., until 1916, first as machinist with gradual advancement until the presidency and management was reached prior to retirement; be- Came assistant manager Honolulu Iron Works in July, 1916, and man- ager January 1, 1917. Member of Pacific, Commercial and Outrigger Clubs; Chamber of Commerce; American Society of Mechanical En- gineers. HALSEY, RICHARD LENOX, Inspec- tor U. S. Immigration Service and attorney at law, Honolulu; born Aug. 5, 1856, at Ithaca, N. Y.; son of Wm. and Eliza (Gosman) Halsey; mar- ried Stella Duffield Nov. 29, 1883, in Chicago, Ill.; three children: Stella D., Richard L. (deceased), and Chas. Abbott; descendant of Thomas Hal- sey, of London, Eng., who came to Lynn, Mass., in 1637, and soon after founded South Hampton, Long Isl- and, the first English town in New York; an ancestor, Silas Halsey, was chairman of the committee of safety for South Hampton at the breaking out of the Revolution; an- cestors have held state and national office from time to time; members were high Masons and played prom- inent parts during the anti-Masonic excitement. Educated in _ public schools of Ithaca, Princeton Univer- sity, A. B. 1878, Columbia Univer- sity LL. B. 1880, Chicago University B. S. 1883, University of California A. M. 1901. Practised law in Chi- cago and later taught in the govern- ment schools in Japan; missionary work in Japan, minister in U. S. Baptist church; last pastorate First Baptist Church, Berkeley, Cal., 1899- 1903; U. S. Immigration Service at Honolulu since 1903. Member Com- mercial, Ad, Princeton and Univer- sity of California clubs, and Sons of the American Revolution. HAMRICK, ANDREW MARTIN, meteorologist, U. S. Weather Bu- reau, Honolulu; born Aug. 30, 1883, at St. Elmo, Fayette Co., Ill.; son of Charles and Jennie (Kramer) Hamrick; descendant of Lloyd Hamrick of England, who settled near Jamestown (Va.) in 1720; married Florence EK, Mylin, in Los Angeles (Cai.), June 11, 1914. Edu- cated in public schools, St. Elmo (1ll.), Knox Co. (Ohio), and War- rensburg (Mo.); attended night school and took special courses along meteorological lines in U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C.; became associated with U. S. Weather Bureau Service in Hanni- bal, Mo., July, 1902-Nov., 1903; Cairo (Ill.), Dec. 1903-Apr. 1904; Taylor (Texas), July 1904-Nov. 1906; Washington (D.C.), Nov. 1906- July 1907; Mt. Weather (Va.), Aug. 1907-Oct. 1907; Washington (D.C.), Nov., 1907-Nov. 1913; Los Angeles (Cal.), Dec. 1913-Mar. 1915; Port- land (Ore.), April 1915-July 1915; Honolulu (T. H.), since Aug. 1915. In charge of Weather Bureau work in Territory of Hawaii; was en- gaged in aerial research work at Mt. Weather Observatory (Va.), 1907, in River and Flood work, Washington (D. C.), six years; special frost investigation in South- ern Cal.; in “fire-wind” forecast- ing problems in Pacific Northwest, 1915; author of several articles on meteorological phenomena; is edi- tor of Hawaiian ciimatological bul- letins, etc.; member of Masons, Y. M. C. A., Aero Club. of Hawaii, Honolulu Golf Club. HAPAI, ARCHIBALD A., county clerk, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Waiamae, Oahu, Sept. 11, 1883; son of Akong Gee and Sarah (Kaina) Hapai; edu- cated at the Government schools, Hilo boarding school, Kamehameha MEN OF HAWAII 128 GULICK ORRAMEL H JOHN T. GULICK DR. L. R. GASPAR GOO KIM FOOK BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 129 school (Honolulu), Oahu College (Honolulu) commercial dept.; mar- ried Hattie K. Purdy in Hilo, Ha- waii, July 14, 1907; children: Sarah L., Harriet K., Archibald I., Paul K., Ishma M., Charles L., William K. Began as clerk and stenographer, sheriff’s office, Hilo, under L. A. Andrews and J. C. Searle, 1903-05; clerk to County Attorney Charles Williams, Hawaii County, 1905-08; clerk to County Clerk John K. Kai, 1909-10; defeated in election for county clerk, 1910; clerk and stenog- rapher, Hilo Mercantile Co., Ltd., 1910-11; asst. bookkeeper, Pahoa Lumber Mill, Puna, Hawaii, later stenographer and asst. supt., 1912-13; clerk and stenographer to Sheriff Samuel K. Pua, Hilo, 1913-15; elected county clerk, Hawaii County, 1915- 1917; re-elected 1917. Member regis- tration committee, Hawaii, 1917; member Ancient Order of Foresters, (C. R. Jan. 1916-June 1916), member of Seaside Club. HAPAI, HENRY CHASE, Registrar of Public Accounts, Territory of Ha- waii, Honolulu; born April 21, 1873, in Hilo, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of George W. A. (district magistrate at Hilo and for 36 years in the gov- ernment service), and Harriet Re- becca (Sniffen) Hapai; descendant of Benjamin Henry Sniffen (English descent) who located in the King- dom of Hawaii from Pennsylvania in 1846; married Alice Keonaona Wilson in Honolulu Nov. 14, 1908; three children: Alice Keonaona, Irene Iehu, Henry Chase, Jr. Edu- cated in Hilo foreign school, Oahu College (Honolulu), graduated 1893. Has been in government service (formerly in Finance Dept. now Ter- ritorial Treasury) since Jan. 14, 1894; assistant clerk to 1897; book- keeper to 1901; first with Provision- al Government, then Republic of Hawaii, now Territory of Hawaii; Registrar of Public Accounts since May 1, 1901; Deputy Insurance Com- missioner since July 1, 1909; ex- officio Bank Examiner since April 15, 1913; Deputy Fire Marshal since April 23, 1917. Is acting treasurer of Territory in absence of treasurer Member Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Honolulu Lodge of Perfection No. 1, A. & A. S. R., Honolulu Consistory No. 1, Aloha Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S. 9 HARVEY, HARDY, FREDERICK W., educator, Makawao, Maui, T. H.; born of early New England ancestry, Jan. 23, 1859, in Boston, Mass.; son of Geo. Dana Boardman and Olive (An- drews) Hardy; educated in gram- mar and high schools, Malden, Mas- sachusetts, Harvard A. B. cum laude, 1881; married Lillian Hitchcock Ai- ken, Dec. 23, 1896, at Paia, Maui. 'T. H.; one child: Hollis Aiken. Came to Hawaiian Islands on ac- count of health, 1882; appointed vice-principal, Wailuku school, Sep- tember, 1883; instructor, Lahaina- luna Seminary, 1884-88; became principal of Makawao School, 1888. Chairman, Board of Registration and Examiners, together with Hon. C. H. Dickey and Hon. J. W. Kalua, visited every town and village on islands of Maui, Lanai, Molokai, registering voters and granting citi- zenship to supporters of Provisional Government, July-August, 1894; president, Makawao Precinct Repub- lican Club since annexation of Ter- ritory. Member of Harvard Club of Hawaii and trustee of Maunaolu Seminary. HARRISON, FREDERICK, contractor, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Snenton, Nottingham, England, November 9, 1859; son of Samuel and Sarah Ann (Parker) Harrison; public and high school education; married Hmma Victoria Nott, in Honolulu, January 29, 1885; children, Mrs. Emma Vic- toria Payne, Mrs. Selena Margaret Gonsalves, Wilfred Ernest, Ethel, Elsie Muriel, Irene Elizabeth. Came to Hawaii 1877, engaging in erec- tion of sugar mills, setting boilers on many plantations throughout the Islands; built first furnaces for burning wet trash; has erected many of the largest residences and business buildings in Honolulu and throughout Hawaii; was member Honolulu Rifles during the Wilcox and Gibson revolutions; was ar- rested and exiled from Hawaii dur- ing overthrow of Monarchy, 1895- 97, aS a supposed Royalist. Was assistant foreman, Pacific Hose Co. Member F. & A. M., 32d degree; Le Progres Lodge No. 371; Past Chan- cellor Mystic Lodge, K. of P.; Presi- dent British Club since 1914; Chair- man executive, British Recruiting Commission, 1917. FREDERICK ESTA- BROOK, civil engineer, Honolulu; born Nov. 28, 1871, in San Francisco, 130 MEN OF HAWAII BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 131 Cal.; son of Edward Erwin and Geor- giana (Hstabrook) Harvey; educat- ed schools otf San Francisco and Stanford University, C. E. 1898; mar- ried Bina Cannell in Salt Lake City, Utah, March 13, 1898; children, Ethel Georgina and Harold Freder- ick. Began career in mines in Utah, 1898-1899; accompanied U. S. navy survey, Guam and Midway isl- ands, 1900; in employ of Hawaii Territorial Government, survey de- partment, 1900-1910; Territorial Board Public Works 1910-1913; since then has been in private practise. Member Hawaiian Engineering as- sociation; Mason. HATCH, FRANCIS MARCH, lawyer (retired), Honolulu; born June 7, 1852, at Portsmouth, Rockingham, N. H.; son of Albert Reytor and Margaret Rooksby (Harris) Hatch; married Alice Hawes in San Fran- cisco, Oct. 31, 1888; children: Har- riet and Alexander Gilchrist. Edu- cated, public schools of Portsmouth, N. H.; Bowdoin College, degree B. A. 1873; began professional career in Portsmouth in the law office of his father; commenced law prac- tise in Honolulu in 1878 and retir- ing in 1911. Has been prominently identified with the civic life of Hono- lulu. Was diplomatic representa- tive of the Republic of Hawaii at Washington four years prior to and at the time of annexation; was ap- pointed a member of the Board of Supervisors, City and County of Honolulu, June, 1916, to fill a vacan- cy; proved himself a valuable mem- ber of the board with a keen knowl- edge of municipal finances. HAYWARD, HARRY S., Honolulu; born in Pomona, California, Sept. 5, 1882; son of Frank Edward and Elizabeth (Morton) Hayward; mar- ried Lillian Hall, at Independence, Cal., April 13, 1907; one child, Ne- vada klizabeth; engaged in business in San Francisco, 1903; mining in Nevada and California, 1906-1908; newspaper and publishing business, Alberta, Canada, 1908; with Hawai- ian Star Newspaper Association and Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Ltd., since 1910 as superintendent; commission- er for Hawaii, Boy Scouts of Ameri- ca, 1912-1917; member of Rotary, Ad, Commercial and Honolulu’ Golf Clubs, No, 616, B. P. O. E., Lodge Le Progres, F. & A. M. HEDEMANN, CHRISTIAN JACOB, mechanical engineer, Honolulu, New York and Havana, Cuba; born in Flemsborg, Denmark (now Ger- many), May 25, 1852; son of Chris- tian August Ferdinand (eminent physician and ranking surgeon in the Danish army) and Caroline Amalie (Cloos) Hedemann; mar- ried Meta Marie Magdalena Nis- sen, Oct. 27, 1877, in Copenhagen; seven children: Ferdinand Fred- erick Oscar, Johannes Christian, Carl Steen Kalani, Howard, Ed- mund, Erling Wilhelm and Alice Henriette Sophia (Mrs. H. K. Cas- tle). Educated in primary school, Nestved, Denmark, Herlufsholm Latin Academy, passed the exam- ination as ‘first class’? marine engi- neer, Polytechnic College in Copen- hagen and served the regulation apprenticeship in a machine shop; designer in office of Burmeister & Wain, Copenhagen, 1874-78; award- ed medal by Mechanic’s Guild of Copenhagen; arrived in Honolulu 1878; factory manager and engi- neer, Hana Plantation, Island of Maui, 1878-84; entered service of Honolulu Iron Works as draughts- man and superintendent, 1884-90; assistant manager to 1896; man- ager to Jan. 1, 1917; since then third vice-president and _ technical director Honolulu Iron Works Co. Was naturalized American citizen, 1903; appointed Consul of Den- mark, 1909; decorated “Knight of Dannebrog” by the King of Den- mark, March, 1917. Member of American Soc. of Mech. Enegrs., German Sugar Technicker’s Assn., Engrs. Club of N. Y., honorary member Hawn. Engineering Assn., Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Assn., American Scandinavian Foundation of N. Y., Society for the Advance- ment of Scandinavian Study; Pa- cific Club, Country Club and Engi- neering Societies Club of Honolulu. HEDEMANN, FERDINAND F., phys- ician, Honolulu; born Nov. 2, 1879, at Hana, Maui, Hawaii; son of Christian J. and Meta (Nissen) Hedemann; married Dorothy Hart- well, June 3, 1914, in Honolulu; no issue. Educated, Punahou Prepara- tory School and Oahu College, Hon- olulu; Harvard College, graduated 1903, Columbia University, M. D. 1907, studied abroad at the Uni- versity of Vienna; commenced 132 MEN OF HAWAII HARRY S. HAYWARD A. A. HAPAI BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 133 practise in Honolulu, 1909, associ- ated with Drs. Waterhouse, Judd and Baldwin, specialist in internal medicine and the diseases of chil- dren; member Board of Pharmacy, Board of Health Civil Service Ex- aminers, and formerly visiting phys- ician Queen’s and Children’s hos- pitals. Member University, Pacific, Oahu Country, Harvard, Hawaii Tuna, Hawaii Polo & Racing Clubs, Hawaiian Historical Society, and vice-president Hawaiian Medical Society. HEEN, WILLIAM H., lawyer, Hono- lulu; born March 11, 1883, at Olo- walu, Maui, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of H. A. and Mary (Meheula) Heen; married Mercy K. Akau at Hilo, Hawaii, Aug. 26, 1911; chil- dren, Dorothy and John by former wife, and William, Jr., and Curtis by present wife. Educated Iolani School (Honolulu) 1890-95; Oahu College (Honolulu) 1896-1902; Uni- versity of California 1902-04; ad- mitted to bar, Territory of Hawaii, Jan. 16, 1905. Deputy County At- torney, County of Hawaii, Dec. 1, 1909, to Oct. 31, 1915; Deputy At- torney General, Territory of Ha- waii, Nov. 1, 1915-17; appointed third judge First Circuit Court, Territory of Hawaii, by President Wilson Feb. 14, 1917. President Heen Estate, Ltd, Was active in prosecution of “graft” cases, Coun- ty of Hawaii, in 1913. HEISER, CHARLES G. Jr., broker, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Chicago, Ill., January 29, 1884; son of Chas. G. and Fannie Kellogg (Schmidt) Heiser; educated in public schools of Alameda, Cal.; married Cecil Margaret Watkins, in Los Gatos, Cal., September 21, 1909; one child, Barbara. On leaving school began work in office of Shaw & Douglas, mining brokers; entered employ of J. Barth & Co., stock brokers, in 1908; came to Honolulu, 1910, as Trent Trust Co.’s representative on Honolulu Stock and Bond Exchange and Treasurer and Assistant Man- ager of Trent Trust Co. Was mem- ber of C. A. C., N. G. H., until dis- charged, 1917; member Board of Governors, Commercial Club; mem- ber Country, Rotary, Ad and Out- rigger Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Y. M. C..A., and Fk. & A. M. HEMENWAY, CHARLES REED, law- yer, Honolulu; born June 12, 1875, in Manchester, Bennington Co., Vt.; son of Lewis Hunt and Maria (Reed) Hemenway; married Jane Munson Colburn in Manchester Center, Vt., July 25, 1901; one child, Charles Reed, Jr. Descend- ant of Ralph Hemenway of York- shire, England, who settled in Rox- bury, Mass., 1632-34. Educated Burr & Burton Seminary (Manches- ter, Vt.), Yale College, degree A. B., 1897. Began practise of law in Honolulu Sept., 1901; since June 15, 1915, associated with Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd. (Honolulu), as general counsel and member exec- utive staff. Admitted to bar of Hawaii May 11, 1901; to United States District Court Nov. 1, 1901; United States Supreme Court Oct. 12, 1908. Attorney General of Ha- waii, 1907-1910. Regent College of Hawaii since Oct. 6, 1910. Trustee Leahi Home since Jan., 1916. Mem- ber Bar Association of Hawaii (president Nov. 4, 1914-July 21, 1915); University Club (president March, 1913-March, 1914); Oahu Country Club, Social Science As- sociation. ENDERSON, JAMES, plantation manager, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, January 11, 1876; son of John and Ann (Ogston) Henderson; educated in Aberdeen- shire, Scotland; married Lydia Lei Macy in Hilo, Hawaii, October 28, 1909; two children, Lei and James. Came to Hawaii in 1900 and took a position as blacksmith at Wainaku, remaining in that capacity six years; team luna at Hakalau, 1906-10; head luna, Hawaii Mill Co., 1910-1912; appointed: manager, Hawaii Mill Co., to succeed W. H. C. Campbell, re- signed, October 1, 1912; purchased the Hawaii Mill Co. from its owners, H. Hackfeld and Co., Ltd., Septem- ber, 1915, and has since been the owner and general manager. Was appointed member of the Fair Com- mission of Hawaii, June 26, 1917, for a term of four years; appointed Chief Registrar, 8th precinct, lst Representative District, July 21, 1917; member of the Hawaiian Pro- motion Committee for the Island of Hawaii since June 13, 1917. Mem- ber and Exalted Ruler B. P. O. Elks, No. 759, Hilo; 32d degree Ma- son; Shriner. 134 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES R. HEMENWAY BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 135 HENRIQUES, EDGAR, capitalist, Hon- olulu; born in New York City, Aug. 15, 1865; son of Dr. A. J. and Eliza- beth (Cohen) Henriques; educated in the public schools of New York City; married Lucy Kalanikiekie Davis, of Honolulu, June 10, 1898; no issue. At age of twenty entered in road contracting business in New York; came to Hawaii 1896, since engaging in the buying and selling of real estate and as trustee for several estates; president Hawaiian Copra Co., Ltd., since 1907. Has been a collector of Hawaiian curios and compiler of unwritten historical facts relative to the ancient Hawaii. Member of National Geographic So- ciety, Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce, trustee Queen’s Hospital As- sociation, trustee Chiefs of Hawaii, chairman Kamehameha Day celebra- tion committee, and charter member of Oahu Country Club. HERBERT, GEORGE, physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born Jan. 4, 1859, at Aleypore, India; son of Charles (General in British Army) and Sophie Geraldine Herbert; married Kate Lee Makee, daughter of Capt. James Makee (deceased), June 14, 1880, at Ulupalakua, Maui, T. H. Educated Wellington College, Eng- land; London University, College and Hospital 1884, member of Royal College of Surgeons, London and College of Physicians, Edinburgh; has practised his profession in Ho- nolulu since 1885; was a Govern- ment physician for a number of years; superintendent, Oahu Insane Asylum 1893-1901; chairman of the Board ot Medical Examiners 1905- 1916; enjoys large general practise with two associates. Member Pa- cific, University and Country Clubs, Honolulu Council No. 1 Chiefs of Hawaii and Hawaiian Territorial Medical Association. I GH, CLIFFORD BELL, dentist) Honolulu; born April 29, 1870, in Chatham, Kent County, Canada; son of Peter and Angaline (Banning) High; married Lucy Roth in Hono- lulu Dee. 17, 1904. Educated at Chat- ham Collegiate Institute, Philadel- phia Dental College, graduated 1892. Occupied various positions in New York and Philadelphia in connection with profession 1892-1896; practised dentistry in Honolulu since 1896. Member Board of Dental Examiners (holding all offices at various times), charter member B. P. O. E. No. 616 (Honolulu), Mason, Knight Templar, Shriner, member Pacific Club, one of founders and original directors Oahu Country Club, Den- tal Society of Hawaii (holding all offices), Hawaii Polo & Racing Club. HILL, SAMUEL THOMPSON, engi- neer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Abbeville, South Carolina, August 24, 1882; son of John Livingston and Lulah (Riley) Hill; ancestors fought in every American war since the Revolution; educated at Clem- son College (A. & M. of S. Caro- lina), electrical and mechanical en- gineering, 1904; married Ruth Eliza- beth Hilen at Auburn, Washington, July 5, 1918; one child, Ruth Caro- lina. Electrical machinist, U. S. Naval Station, Port Royal, S. C., 1904-05; testing dept., Western Electric Co., Chicago, Ill, 1905; engineering dept., Western Electric Co., New York City, 1906-07; elec- trical engineer, Charleston Navy Yard, S. Carolina, 1908-12; master electrician, Pearl Harbor Navy Yard, Oahu, T. H., 1912-18; mana- ger, Oahu Ice & Electric Co., Hono- lulu, since 1914. Was Secretary, Charleston Branch, National Assn. Master Workmen of America, 1912. Enlisted N. G. HH: CLA. C., 1916, private, sergeant, ist lieut., cap- tain, now in reserve. Member Com- mercial and Honolulu Ad Clubs. HIND, JOHN, sugar planter and plant- ation manager, Hawi, Hawaii; born August 2, 1858, in Jarrow-on-Tyne, England; son of Robert Robson and Mary (Urwin) Hind; received com- mon school education; married Ella Renton (deceased) in Brooklyn, N. Y., 1885; married Alice Renton in Kohala, Hawaii, 1889; children, Rob- ert Renton, John Henry, Oswald Arthur, Muriel, James Urwin; has been manager Hawi Mill and Planta- tion Co., Ltd., since 1884; is presi- dent of the following corporations, Hawi Mill and Plantation Co., Ltd., Kohala Ditch Co., Hawaii Railway Co., (Mahukona), Kohala Telephone Co., Kehena Ditch Co., Captain Cook Coffee Co., Hind Plantation Co., and Hind Steel and Wire Works of New Jersey; member of Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. A. M., Commercial, Oahu Country and Pacific Clubs of Hono- lulu. 136 MEN OF HAWAII JAMES HENDERSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 137 HIND, JOHN HENRY, superinten- dent, Hawi, Hawaii; born in Ko- hala, Hawaii, June 20, 1890; son of John and Alice M. (Renton) Hind; educated at Punahou Acad- emy, Honolulu; married Gladys L. Grose at Montpelier, Ohio., Nov. 12, 1913; two children, John Henry, Jr., George Wilson. Began business career as assistant superintendent Hawi Mill and Plantation Co., 1910; became superintendent of the Hawi Mill and Plantation Co., 1916. Mem- Der fF. «A. M. and B. P. O..Elks. HIND, ROBERT, rancher, Kamuela, Hawaii; born in Honolulu, Jan. 7, 1865; son of Robert Robson and Mary (Urwin) Hind; educated in public schools of Kohala, Hawaii, and Trinity School, San Francisco; mar- ried Hannah Pierce Low, in Hono- lulu, April 26, 1892; five children, Robert Leighton, Margaret Martha, Mona Clematina, Emma, Robson Urwin. Started business career as stock luna, Hawi Plantation, Ko- hala, Hawaii, 1886; took charge of Puuwaawaa Ranch, Hawaii, 1904; present owner of same; _ elected Territorial Senator, 1916; member Pacific, Oahu Country and Com- mercial Clubs of Honolulu; Bo- hemian Club, San Francisco. HIND, ROBERT RENTON, consulting sugar house engineer, Honolulu; born December 7, 1885, at Kohala, Hawaii; son of John and Ella (Ren- ton) Hind; ancestry comes from Newcastle-on-Tyne on paternal side and from Nova Scotia on maternal side; Robert Robson Hind, grand- father, located in Kohala in early - °70’s and was member of House of Nobles in late ’80’s; married Eleanor Estell Jones at San Rafael, Cal., Feb. 12, 1908; children: John Dwight, Edith Dana, Alice Renton. Educated at Mt. Tamalpais Military Academy, San Rafael, Cal., and Leland Stan- ford University; machinist appren- ticeship at Risdon Iron and Locomo- tive Works, San Francisco; chief engineer Hawi Mill and Plantation Co., Ltd., Kohala, Hawaii, 1908-12; chief mill engineer of Ewa Planta- tion Co., Oahu, 1912-1915; consulting sugar house engineer, Honolulu Iron Works Co., 1915-16; appointed con- sulting sugar house engineer for H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., 1917. Made bagasse paper investigation in 1916 HITCHCOCK, for four Honolulu sugar plantation agencies; author of “Heat Conserva- tion in Cane Sugar Factories,” pub- lished, 1917. Member Pacific, Oahu Country and Commercial Clubs, Hilo Lodge, No. 759, B. P. O. E., Kilauea Lodge, No. 330, F. & A. M., Ameri- can Society Mechanical Engineers, Hawaiian Chemists’ Association, Ho- nolulu Rotary Club, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, and Honolulu Chamber of Commerce; chairman Hawaiian Engineering Association 1914-1915. CHARLES'7 HENRY, geologist, Honolulu: born Aug. 23, 1836, at Amherst, Mass., son of Ed- ward (late president Amherst Col- lege) and Orra (White) Hitchcock; married Martha Bliss Barrows (de- ceased), June 19, 1861, at Andover, Mass; married Malvina Barrows Sept. 4, 1894; five children: Arthur C., Maria P., Edward W., Martha B., Aline L. Educated, Williston (Mass.) Seminary, Amherst College, 1856-59, degree A. M.; student Yale Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary, Royal School of Mines (London), degree Ph. D., LaFayette, 1870, LL.D., Amherst, 1896. Lec- turer zoology, Amherst, 1854-64, non- resident Prof. Geology and Miner- alogy, LaFayette, 1866-76; Prof. ge- ology and mineralogy, Dartmouth, 1868-1908; emeritus Prof. since 1908; assistant state geologist, Vermont, 1857-61; state geologist, Maine, 1861- 62, New Hampshire, 1868-78; Prof. of geology Virginia Agricultural and Mechanical College, 1880; natural history, Williams College, 1881; lec- turer geology, Mt. Holyoke College, 1870-96. Headed expedition occupy- ing Mt. Washington, N. H., in win- ter 1870-71 (the first high mountain observatory in U. S.); best known as compiler of several geological maps of United States and for re- searches in ichnology, geology of the crystalline schists and glacial ge- ology. Came to Hawaii first in 1883, then in 1886 and spent the year 1898- 99. finally came to live in 1908, build- ing his own house, where he now resides. Mem. Int’l Geological Con- gress, 1877; fellow A. A. A. S. (v.-pres. 1883-4); a founder of Geo- logical Society of America, (v.-pres. 1896-7); American Philosophical So- ciety; Hon. Mem. University Club (Honolulu). Author (with Edward 138 MEN OF HAWAII J. HENRY HIND CAPT. SAMUEL T. HILL BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 139 Hitchcock) ‘Elementary Geology,” 1861; “Mt. Washington in Winter,” 1871; “Report on Geology of New Hampshire (3 vol.), 1873-8; state publication; Geological Map of the United States, 1881; “Hawaii and its Volcanoes, 1909; also 150 other titles in reports, pamphlets, ete., on ge- ology. Now engaged in the study of geology of Oahu. HITCHCOCK, CHARLES H. W.,, real estate, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, Sept. 4, 1868; son of David Howard and Almeda E. (Widger) Hitchcock; educated in_ private schools of Hawaii; married Margaret Murphy, Hilo, May 16, 1901; descen- dant of first missionaries on island of Molokai; entered business as op- erator in Telephone Co., Hilo, later in charge of telephone office at Ho- nokaa; clerk and assistant bookkeep- er in general store in Hilo; Deputy Clerk and later Clerk of Fourth Cir- cuit Court, Hilo; Deputy Tax Asses- sor, Hamakua and later at Hilo; was with Hilo Railroad on construction work from 1910 to 1912; took charge Real Estate Department, First Trust Co. of Hilo, Ltd., 1917. HITCHCOCK, DAVID HOWARD, land- scape painter, Honolulu; born May 15, 1861, in Hilo, Hawaii; son of David Howard and Almeda (Widger) Hitchcock; married Hester Judd Dickson, June 16, 1898, in Honolulu, three children, Howard Harvey, Joshua Dickson and Helen; descen- dant of Matthias Hitchcock of Wilt- shire, Eng., who settled in Boston in 1635; grandson of H. R. Hitchcock, who came to Hawaii in 1831 as a missionary and taught among the natives on Molokai. Educated Puna- hou Academy (Honolulu), Oberlin College, Oberlin, O.; studied art at the National Academy of Design, N. Y., and Julienne Academy, Paris; studied under Virgil Williams in San Francisco School of Art 1885-6. Has painted a number of historically correct volcano pictures for the Bishop museum, Honolulu, and many pictures of Hawaiian scenes are to be found in public and private collections in the United States, England and Germany; exhibitor in Paris salon 1893, Alaska-Yukon ex- position 1907, etc. Gold medal win- ner; for several years president Ki- lohana Art League; member Salma- HJORTH, gundi Club, New York, Oahu Coun- try Club, University Club, Commer- cial Club, Chamber of Commerce, le Progres Lodge F & A. M. HITCHCOCK, HARVEY REXFORD, SR., rancher, Pukoo, Molokai; born in Honolulu, August 17, 1864; son of Edward Griffith and Mary Ten- ney (Castle) Hitchcock; grandson of H. R. Hitchcock, first missionary on Molokai; educated at Punahou School (Honolulu) and Oberlin Col- lege) (Ohio); married Hannah Mey- er, at Kalae, Molokai, February 18, 1891; two children, Harvey Rexford Randolph Howard, Jr., William Charles; married Eliza Hennessey, June 10, 1918; three children, Ed. ward James, Hannah Eliza, George Keelen. Began career with what is now Onomea Sugar Co., Hawaii; in draying business, Honolulu, 1889; moved to Molokai, 1891; Deputy Sheriff, Molokai, 1898; Deputy Mar- shall, 1895; resumed ranching 1899. JOHAN LUDVIG VILt HELM, District Magistrate, Lihue, Kauai; born in Aalborg, Denmark, September 4, 1868; son of Jacob Peter and Louise Vilhelmina Jan- sen Tjaden (van Rosendaal) Hjorth; educated in private schools, busi- ness college, Royal Naval Cadet School and_ private navigation school in Denmark; married Mary Louise May in Lihue, Kauai, Feb- ruary 15, 1902; five children, John Thomas, Eric Edward MHijalmer, Christian Herbert Alexander, Fran- cis, Gwendolyn. Went to sea, 1884- 18938; bookkeeper, Kekaha Planta- tion, 1893-97; Chief Officer, Inter- Island vessels, 1897-1900; book- keeper, Hanamaulu Plantation, 1900- 11; foreman and agent, Hawaiian Dredging Co. at Honolulu) and Castner, 1911; clerk, Quartermas- ter’s Department, Schofield Bar- racks, 1912-13; bookkeeper, Nawili- wili Garage, and Wharfinger, Na- wiliwili, 1914-17; District Magis- trate, for two-year term, Lihue, Sept. 1, 1916; bookkeeper, Kapaia Store, 1917. First Lieutenant, Of- ficers’ Reserve Corps, N. G. H., since 1917. Member Hawaiian Lodge No. zl, Ky -& Aw M., Harmony Lodge Now 3, 1 0.70. F. HOBBY, WILLIAM RICHARD, civil engineer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Iowa City, Iowa, February 24, 1880; 146 MEN OF HAWAII JOHN HIND BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 141 son of Dr. C. M. and Mary L. (Par- ker) Hobby; educated University of Iowa, 1905; married Linnie E. Coon in Des Moines, Iowa, June 14, 1911; two children, Ruth Annis and Will- iam Mead Hobby. Entered employ of Steen & Hobby, engineers and surveyors, Las Cruces, N. M., on leaving college, 1905-06; engineer with Cuba Eastern R. R., Guanta- namo, Cuba, 1906-07; engineer, Cen- tral division, Isthmian Canal Com- mission, 1907-14; entered employ of Department of Public Works, Terri- tory of Hawaii, engaged in reclama- tion work in Hilo, 1914-16; trans- ferred to Honolulu, 1916; has been acting superintendent of public works, Territory of Hawaii, since June, 1917; was sergeant ist Sep. Co. Engineers, N. G. H., until dis- charged, 1917. Member Sojourners’ Lodge, A. F. & A, M.; Canal Zone Chapter; No. 1,,R. A. M.; Canal Zone Council, No. 1, R. & S. M. HODGINS, ARTHUR GORDON, phys- ician and surgeon, Honolulu; born Jan. 10, 1876, in Lucan, Ontario, Canada; son of William A. and An- nie (Webb) Hodgins; married Eli- nor Porter in Denver, Colo., Nov. 3, 1911; two children: Arthur Gordon, Jr., William Porter. Educated in Lucan High School, Toronto Univer- sity Medical College, M. D. 1896. Began practise in Oil Springs, On- tario, Canada, 1896-1899; removed to Honolulu, Hawaii, 1899; practis- ing physician and surgeon since. Member University Club, Pacific Club, Oahu Country Club, Past Po- tentate Mystic Shrine Aloha Tem- ple (1912), past president Hawaiian Territorial Medical Society (1907). HOFGAARD, CHRISTOPHER BLOM, postmaster and district magistrate, Waimea, Kauai, T. H.; born Oct. 3, 1859, at Skien, Norway; son of Ger- hard Didrik (Skien) and Dikka (Blom) Hofgaard; educated in high school and at business college; mar- ried Marie Mahlum in Waimea, No- vember 14, 1889; children, Gertrude, Gerhard, Esther and Didrik. Was clerk in Christiania, Norway, from 1875 to 1879; went to business col- lege 1879 to 1881; left Norway 1881, arriving in Hawaii January, 1882; clerked in C. H. Dickey’s stores on Maui; went to Kauai in 1885, found- ing the firm of C. B. Hofgaard & Co., withdrew from active manage- HOFMANN, ment in 1897; has been president of company since incorporation. Is treasurer of Waimea Stables, Presi- dent of Board of Trustees of Wai- mea Foreign Church; treasurer of Waimea Hawaiian Church including its Sunday School and Christian) Endeavor. Is Postmaster and Dis- trict Magistrate for Waimea. Is member Kauai Chamber of Com- merce, Masons, Knights of Pythias and Eastern Star. KARL REINHARDT, physician, Pahala, Hawaii; born in Skassa, Saxony, Germany, June 6, 1869; son of Friedrich August Ernst and Mathilde (Germann) Hofmann; educated at Royal Gymnasium, Meissen; University of Leipsig, M. D., 1894; married Elizabeth Brun- nemann of Meissen, Germany, in Ho- nolulu, Oct. 15, 1901; four children, Mathilda L., Barbara K., Horst Reinhard, Brigitte K.; was assistant at surgical clinic, Dresden, Saxony, 1895; physician, North German Lloyd, 1898-99; physician, Oahu Sugar Co., Waipahu, Oahu, 1900; physician, Makee Sugar Co., Kealia, Kauai, 1906; physician, Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Pahala, 1916; has been government physician in dis- tricts of residence, Ewa, Oahu; Ka- waihau, Kauai; Kau, Hawaii. HOLLINGER, BENJAMIN, supervisor, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, April 15, 1889; son of Thomas Hollinger; educated in schools of Honolulu; married Louise Bushnell of Hono- lulu, September 1, 1910; children, Louise Mae and Ben, Jr. On leav- ing school entered the employ oft the contracting firm of Lord and Belser, Honolulu, which in 1908 in- corporated as Honolulu Construction and Draying Co., Ltd.; elected mem- ber Board of Supervisors for the City and County of Honolulu, 1914- 17; re-elected 1917; chairman Parks, playgrounds, Schools and _ Public Buildings Committee; member of ‘committee on Finance and Public Expenditures. Was instrumental in establishing the first zoo in the City of Honolulu and responsible for the first children’s playground, of which there are now many. Member of Healani Boat Club, Rotary Club, Honolulu Ad Club, Order of Chiefs of Hawaii, Elks, Young Men’s In- stitute, Chamber of Commerce of 142 MEN OF HAWAII BEN HOLLINGER C. B. HOFGAARD CHARLES H, HITCHCOCK HOLLMANN, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 143 Honolulu, and the Order of Fores- ters. Takes an active interest in general sports and is one of the officials in all the big swimming matches, ball games, boat races, etc. HARRY TRIEBNER, physician, Honolulu; born in Phila- delphia, Pa., Dec. 13, 1878; son of Harry and Mary (Thomas) Holl- man; educated at Temple Univer- sity, Phila., and Medico-Chirurgical College, M. D., 1898; married Amelia Duncalfe, at Richmond, Kentucky, 1900; was instructor in Pathology and Bacteriology, Medico-Chi. Coll., 1898-1906; Physician to Bureau of Health, Philadelphia, 1903-06; visit- ing Ear, Nose and Throat Surgeon, Philadelphia General Hospital, 1905- 06; assistant Medical Superinten- dent Leper Settlement, 1906-07; U. S. Leprosy Investigation Station, 1907; in charge Leprosy Investiga- tion Station, 1917; was among first scientists to grow organism that causes leprosy; first to cultivate germ that causes disease known as “Rat Leprosy”; has writen many articles on Leprosy, published by U. S. P. H. Service; member Medical Corps Hawaii National Guard; Past District Deputy Grand Sire, I. O. O. F. for Hawaii; Past Grand, Harmony Lodge, I. O. O. F.; Past Chief Pa- triarch, Polynesian Encampment, I. O. O. F.; Past Worthy Patron, Lei Aloha Chapter, O. E. S.; member Aloha Temple, 32nd degree Mason. HOLSTEIN, HENRY LINCOLN, attor- ney at law, Kohala; born June 14, 1865, in Honolulu, son of Herman Augustus Frederick and Nahina (Ke- kuni) Holstein; married Margaret K. Kahookano, at Kohala, Hawaii, Feb. 4, 1885, one daughter, Maile. Father came from Denmark to Hawaii in 1850; educated in the English Grammar School of Wailu- ku, and Royal School, Honolulu; ad- mitted to the bar, 1887 and has since prictised at Kohala, Hawaii; for past 12 years has been cane planter in addition to professional work; elected to Hawaiian senate 1896-98, member House of Represen- tatives 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, and Speaker of the House since 1907; chairman Republican Territorial Convention, 1902, 1904, 1910; Republican National Commit- teeman, 1910-12; member Kameha- meha Lodge and Kaiukeaouli Lodge. Residence, Kohala, Hawaii, T. H. HONS, FERDINAND HENRY, mana- ger ship chandlery, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Bremerhaven, Germany, November 28, 1879; son of George and Helene (Siebe) Hons; educated at high school, Geestemuende, Ger- many, 1894; married Marie H. Chil- lingworth in Honolulu, July 8, 1907; one child Ferdinand C. Hons. On graduating from school served three years apprenticeship in Hamburg, Germany; came to Hawaii, 1898, entering employ of Kahului Rail- road Co. as station agent at Wai- luku, served same company success- ively as timekeeper, ass’t. book- keeper, bookkeeper, general freight and passenger agent, finally becom- ing manager of Kahului R. R.’s mer- chandise Dept.; came to Honolulu, 1909, as manager of ship chandlery department of Inter-Island Steam Nav. Co. Member Rotary and Oahu Country Clubs; Lodge Maui, A. F. & A. M., No. 984; G. L. S., Aloha Temple, K. of P.; Aloha Lodge No. Simi te) ee OUPO eNO, 616° on Board of Governors, Commercial Club, was Secretary, Treasurer and Auditor three years. HOOGS, WILLIAM HENRY, contrac- tor, Honolulu; born Nov. 2, 1861, in San Francisco, Cal.; son of William Henry and Agnes (Lan- ders) Hoogs; married Alice Love in Honolulu, Nov. 28, 1887; eleven children: Frank, Willie, Fanny, Cyril, Alice, Stella, Lucile, James, Albert, Richard and Robert. Edu- cated, common schools (San Fran- cisco). Began work as contractor in San Francisco; removed to Hon. Ohilgeen:... and has followed _ the contracting business in Hawaii since. Member of first Territorial Legislature after following the sev- eral changes from Kingdom _ to Provisional Government to Republic of the Hawaiian Islands. Member of Citizens Guard, quartermaster with rank of Captain. Member Knights Templar, Knights Pythias, B. P. O. E., Honolulu Lodge No. 616, Hawaiian Engineering Ass’n. HOPPER, KENNETH C., newspaper manager, Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born April 22, 1880, in Mendocino county, Cal.; son of John T. and Helen (Griffitts) Hopper; married Ger- MEN OF HAWAII 144 ROBERT HORNER HORNER, HORNER, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 145 trude Keeney in Guadalupe, Cal., July 2, 1900; children, Thelma, Ken- neth and Glenn. Became manager “Los Alamos Central’, weekly news- paper in Santa Barbara county, Cal., in 1899; founded Guadalupe “Moon”, Santa Barbara county, Cal., selling it in 1901; came to Honolulu and en- tered employ of Hawaiian Gazette Co., Ltd., in mechanical department, 1901-09; removed to Island of Kauai in 1910, soon afterward becoming manager of the Garden Island Pub- lishing Co., Ltd. Is a Captain in N. G. H.; Past Noble Grand Excel- sior Lodge, No. 1, I. O. O. F., Hono- lulu. ALBERT, agriculturist, Honolulu; born in Alameda County, Cal., Aug. 7, 1863; son of John Mears and Elizabeth (Imlay) Hor- ner; common school education; married Florence Winter in Hono- lulu, Jan. 20, 1891, three sons: AIl- bert, William Foster, John Mears. Came to Hawaiian Islands with pa- rents, 1879; engaged with father in cultivation of sugar cane at Spreck- elsville, Island of Maui, until 1882, then started the Kukaiau Planta- tion, district of Hamakua, Island of Hawaii, engaged in different capaci- ties on the plantation and as general manager to 1911; one of organizers, Hawaiian Canneries Co., Ltd. (or- ganized 1913), and president and general manager since organization; inventor of number of agricultural implements for cultivation of sugar cane in general use throughout the world, including a wire rope trans- portation system for transporting cane from fields to mill in use on several Hawaiian plantations. Elect- ed to Hawaiian Legislature, sessions 1890 and 1892; has held many public appointive positions of trust during the monarchial, provisional and re- publican governments, the latter of which being chairman Hawaiian Loan Fund Commission, disbursing $600,000 fund. Commissioned Cap- tain Officers Reserve Corps, Quar- termaster Section, U. S. Army, June 1, 1917. Member of Masonic order, B. P. O. Elks, Pacific and Country Clubs and Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. ROBERT, businessman, Honolulu; born at Alameda, Cal., Sept. 11, 1866; son of John Mears and Elizabeth (Imlay) Horner; father was one of the early pioneers 10 to California during the gold rush there and one of the first agricultu- rists of that State, later becoming prominent in the cultivation of su- gar cane in Hawaii; educated pri- vately and in the public schools of California and Punahou ' School (Honoluiu); married Amy Adele Blacon of Alameda, Cal., 1897. Be- gan career in the cultivation of su- gar cane with father, developing the extensive Horner ranch interests on the Island of Hawaii; became stock- holder in several of the largest and successful sugar plantations in the Territory of Hawaii; removed to Honolulu in 1912 and in 1914 was elected a member of the Board of Supervisors for the City and County of Honolulu; during the term as su- pervisor was chairman of Police Committee, member of water and sewer committee and the play- grounds committee. Member of the Commercial Club, B. P, O. Elks and the Honolulu Ad Club. Is an en- thusiast on horse-racing. HUBER, SEBA CORMANY, lawyer, Honolulu; born Jan. 29, 1871, at Esh- col, Perry County, Pa.; son of Ben- jamin Grove and Naomi Jane (Cor- many) Huber; married Cora A. Bird- sell June 29, 1905, at Tama, Iowa; no children. Educated in _ public schools, Lebanan Valley College, Annville, Pa., degree B. S. 1892; principal Tama (Iowa) High School, 1892-93; superintendent of schools, Tama, 1893-96; member firm Willett & Huber, attorneys of Tama, 1896- 1900; practised alone 1901-1916; ap- pointed U. S. District Attorney, Ter- ritory of Hawaii, 1916. Was Mayor of Tama (Iowa) four years; prose- cuting attorney Tama County six years. Is past Chancellor Comman- der K. of P.; Past Worshipful Mas- ter A. F. & A. M.; member I. O. O. F. HUGHES, JOHN ALOYSIUS, master car builder, Honolulu; born in Ire- land, Oct. 25, 1860; son of William (Cal. pioneer) and Annie (Collins) Hughes; educated common school and was taught navigation by J. P. Holland, inventor of the submarine, who then was a Christian Brother; married Katie Matthews, April, 1888, in San Francisco; four chil- dren, Wm. Charles, John Gerald, Irene Kathleen and Jerome O’Neill. Started work in 18738, as apprentice to boat and ship building; made first voyage to sea, 1879, Liverpool to MEN OF HAWAII HUBER S. C. ALBERT HORNER HARRY IRWIN IAUKEA Cc. P. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 147 Burmah; made subsequent voyages as carpenter, first, second and third officer on steam and sailing ships to East Indies, Australia, North and South America; arrived in San Francisco, 1889, quit the sea and secured position with San Francis- co Bridge Co., then the largest rail- road contractors on Pacific Coast; later was one of their foremen, building wharves, bridges, cars and steam shovels; engaged by Mr. Ben- jamin F. Dillingham for the Oahu Railway in August, 1889; has built and designed cars for the Oahu and Hilo railroads. Member Territor- ial Legislature, 1907; served in Citi- zens Guard during revolution. Trustee Palama Settlement. Mem- ber Commercial and Ad Clubs, Young Men’s Institute (Catholic so- ciety, of which one of organizers), Elks, and Chiefs of Hawaii. HUMPHREY, GEORGE ROSSMAN, business man, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Middleburgh, N. Y., March 3, 1884; son of Vivian Arlington and Clara Belle (Stahl) Humphrey; educated in the grammar and high schools of San Francisco, Cal.; married Reta Wallace Cousens in Honolulu, T. H., June 30, 1913; children: George Ross- man, Jr., Richard Wilmot. Began business career as junior clerk (1899) with the Hartford Fire Ins. Co., San Francisco, Cal., remaining with the firm until the San Fran- cisco fire, 1906; assisted adjusters on the fire losses, 18 months; special agent, London Assurance Corp., San Francisco and vicinity, eight months; special agent covering additional ter- ritory, Northern Assurance Co.; en- gaged by the von Hamm-Young Co., Honolulu, to organize an underwrit- ing department, Oct., 1908; manager of the insurance dept. until 1912; oc- cupied various capacities in the auto- mobile dept., 1912-17; became man- ager of the Hilo branch of the von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd., 1917. Was a volunteer in the citizen’s guard at the time of the San Francisco fire. His grandfather was Judge Philip Couchman Humphrey of New York and veteran of the Civil War. HUSTACE, FRANK, retired, Hono- lulu; born Aug. 25, 1862, at Maka- wao, Maui, Kingdom of Hawaii: son of Charles and Louise Frances (Bolles) Hustace; married Mellie Elizabeth Ward in Honolulu, Sept. HUTCHISON, 29, 1886; five children: Frank Ward, Thomas Foster, Curtis Ward, Chas. Henry, Harold Perry. Educated in Honolulu; began business career in 1877, in employ of Dickson Photo Gallery, Honolulu; became associ- ated with C. P. Ward in draying bus- iness, 1879; purchased business in 1883 following death of Mr. Ward, was variously known as: Frank Hus- tace; Hustace & Robertson; Hus- tace, Robertson & Hitchcock; Hus- tace & Co.; Hustace & Co., Ltd.; Hustace-Peck Co., Ltd.; retired in June, 1916; member Honolulu Stock Exchange 1900-1903; chief engineer Honolulu Fire Department, inaugu- rated paid department 1893 at over- throw of monarchy. Member ist Co. Sharpshooters in 1895; member Mystic Lodge K. of P.; Society of Mayflower Descendants, State of New York. ROBERT ALLAN, plantation manager, Papaaloa, Ha- waii; born in Edinburgh, Scotland, September 13, 1872; son of James and Margaret (Steuart) Hutchi- son; educated at Royal High School Edinburgh, N. B.; married Jean Clapperton in Honolulu, October 17, 1910. Entered business in Scot- land, 1890-94; came to Hawaii, 1894. Miember Lodge No. 330, F. & A. M. IAUKEA, CURTIS PIEHU, Secretary of Hawaii and managing trustee and treasurer Liliuokalani Trust, Honolulu; born Dec. 13, 1855, at Waimea, Hawaii; son of J. W. and Lahapa (Nalanipo) Iaukea; married Charlotte Kahaloipua Hanksin in Honolulu, 1877; two children: Fred- erick Hanks Nalaniahi, Lorna Ka- hilipuaokalani. Educated at Iolani College (Honolulu). Was reared by uncle, attendant of King Kamehame- ha IV, was protege of king, also of Kamehameha V and King Kalakaua, attached to royal household of king- dom until overthrow of monarchy in 1893. Chief Secretary of Foreign Affairs 1880; special envoy to Cor- onation of Czar of Russia 1883; vis- ited courts of Europe as Envoy Ex- traordinary and Minister Plenipo- tentiary, thence to India and Japan; in latter country made labor agree- ment with Kingdom of Hawaii; Col- lector General of Customs 1884; Chamberlain and Crown Land Agent and Commissioner, 1886; in charge 148 MEN OF HAWAII P. CUSHMAN JONES BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 149 royal party to Queen Victoria’s ju- bilee, 1887; to London with Embassy from Republic of Hawaii to Diamond Jubilee Queen Victoria, 1897; ac- companied President and Mrs. Dole to Washington, as secretary and at- tache, 1898; elected tax assessor for County of Oahu, 1904; elected Coun- ty Sheriff, 1906; elected Territorial Senator, 1912; appointed Secretary, Territory of Hawaii, 1917. Decora- tions: Grand Cross and Cordon of St. Stanislaus (conferred by Em- peror of Russia, 1883), Officer of French Legion of Honor (conferred by President Grevy), Grand Offi- cer’s Cross of the Crown of Italy, Grand Cross and Ribbon Order of Takovo (Servia), Jubilee Medal of Queen Victoria (1887 and _ 1897), Grand Officer of Rising Sun of Jap- an, Knight Commander of Swedish Order of St. Olaf, nearly all of Ha- waiian orders and decorations insti- tuted in Hawaii by King Kalakaua. IRWIN, HARRY, lawyer, Honolulu; born at Shelburne, Shelburne Coun- ty, Nova Scotia, Dec. 21, 1874; son of Robert Gore and Isabelle (Arch- er) Irwin; married Ruth Guard of Hilo, Hawaii, Aug., 19, 1907; two children, Ruth Guard and Frederick Gore. Educated in grammar, high and normal schools of Nova Scotia, Boston University Law School and Dalhousie University, Halifax, N. S., LL. B., 1898. Admitted to the bar in Hawaii, July, 1904; practised in Hilo as Andrews & Irwin, later an- nulling the partnership but continu- ing practise alone until June, 1916; removed to Honolulu to form part- nership with late Judge Humph- reys, 1916; appointed First District Magistrate, Honolulu, 1917. - Was volunteer in “Strathcona Horse” in South African War, 1899-1901, being discharged as sergeant; was delegate to Democratic National Committee at Baltimore, 1912; can- didate of Democratic party for county attorney, County of Hawaii, 1908 and 1910; member National Press Club, Washington, D. C., Uni- versity Club, Honolulu. ISENBERG, HANS, Pastor and Presi- dent Lihue Plantation Co., Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born Oct. 5, 1855, in Meine, Hanover, Germany; son of D. and Dorothea (Strauch) Isen- berg; married Dorothea Rice in Bremen, Germany, Sept. 1, 1883. Educated in village school by pri- JACKSON, vate lessons and in high school; at- tended gymnasium at Celle, Han- over, from 1870-75 and graduated with honors; attended University of Leipzig for one year and University of Goettingen for two and a halt years thereafter; served one. year in German army while at Goettin- gen; passed first examination for the ministry, 1879; was a tutor for One year and then entered the fa- mous institute for theologians at Loccum for two and one-half years ministry. After passing final exami- nations with honors, accepted a call to a Lutheran church at St. Andreasberg, in the Harz Mountains, October 1882. Visited the Hawaiian Islands, October 1886, and in April 1887 accepted the pastorate of the Evangelical Lutheran church at Li- hue, Kauai. On the death of brother, Paul Isenberg, became pres- ident of Lihue and of Koloa Planta- tions. IVERS, RICHARD, vice-president and secretary of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., June 23, 1865; son of Richard and Ellen (Mullins) Ivers; educated in the grammar and high school of San Francisco. Married Gertrude May Scott of Honolulu, September, 1901. Director of C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Bank of Honolulu, Ltd., Hono- lulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., Olo- walu Co., Wailuku Sugar Co., Wai- manalo Sugar Co., Hilo Sugar Co., Onomea Sugar Co., and San Carlos Milling Co. Member of Pacific Uni- on Club of San Francisco, the Pa- cific, Country, Commercial and Ha- waii Polo & Racing Clubs of Hono- lulu. J ARTHUR FLOURNOY, physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born at West Point, Troup County, Ga., Oct. 28, 1878; son of Arthur Ophelius and Alice (Zachry) Jack- son, his grandfather being Major Wyche Sanford Jackson; married Margaret Christy Tupper, Nov. 20, 1914, in Honolulu; two children, Al- ice Rebecca and Margaret Christy. Educated West Point (Ga.) public and high school, Alabama Polytech- nic Inst., B. S. 1901, M. S. 1902; med- ical student University of North Car- olina, 1905-07, and University of Pa. 1907-09; M. D. University of Pa., 150 MEN OF HAWAII DR. A. F. JACKSON WM. P. JARRETT ROBERT A, JORDAN JORGEN JORGENSEN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 151 1912; certificate in Tropical Medi- cine and Hygiene. Interne Phila- delphia General Hospital, Oct., 1909- April, 1911; resident physician Pa. State Sanatorium for Tuberculosis, Feb.-May, 1912; resident physician Queen’s Hospital, Honolulu, July, 1912-Jan., 1914; private practise in Honolulu since. Was visiting phy- sician to Queen’s Hospital and visit- ing surgeon 1915; physician to Pa- lama Settlement, Mid-Pacific Insti- tute, Castle Home and Lanakila Hale. Is a fellow of American Medi- cal Assn. and American Assn. for the Advancement of Science, mem- ber Honolulu Cham. of Com. and Ad Club, director Y. M. C. A., Medi- cal Society of Hawaii (treasurer, 1916-17), Public Questions Club, and is a Mason. JAGGAR, THOMAS AUGUSTUS, ge- ologist, Volcano House, Hawaii; born in Philadelphia, Penn., Jan. 24, 1871; son of Thomas Augustus (P. E. Bishop) and Anna Luisa (Lawrence) Jaggar; educated Har- vard, A.B., 1893, A.M., 1894, Ph.D., 1897; studied in Munich and Hei- delberg Universities. Instructor ge- ology, 1895-1903; asst. professor, 1903-06, Harvard; professor and head department of geology, Mass. Institute of Technology since 1904. Assistant geologist, U. S. Geol. Sur- vey, 1898-1904, in charge of work in South Dakota, Arizona and Mas- sachusetts; conducted volcano ex- peditions to Martinique, 1902, Ve- suvius, 1906, Aleutian Islands, 1907, Hawaii and Japan, 1909, Costa Rica, 1910; established volcano experi- ment station, Hawaii, 1911; direc- tor Hawaiian Volcano Observatory. Fellow American Academy Arts and Sciences, Geological Society’ of America. Contributor to reports U. S. Geological Survey and to scientific journals. JARRETT, WILLIAM PAUL, high sheriff of Hawaii, Honolulu; born Aug. 22, 1877; son of William H. and Emma (Stevens) Jarrett; mar- ried Mary H. K. Clark in Honolulu; three children, Emma, Jane and Wil- liam. Educated at St. Louis Col- lege, Honolulu; deputy sheriff of Honolulu for one term of two years; sheriff City and County of Honolulu for three terms or six years; high sheriff of the Territory of Hawaii since June 1, 1914. JOHNSON, JOHNSON, HENRY STUART, civil engineer, Honolulu; born in New- buryport, Mass., April 8, 1875; son of Harrison Gray and Henriett (Pea- body) Johnson; married Zoe Lucile Watkins, Oct. 4, 1904, in Kingman, Ariz.; no issue. Education, gram- mar and high schools, Denver, Colo., studied engineering under Geo. A. Laird, member American Inst. of M. E., and J. P. Rohrer, member American Society of C. E. Began professional career in mine develop- ing in Colorado 1896-99; asst. engi- neer in charge of construction, Hon- olulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., 1905-06; asst. engineer construction of plant and distributing system for Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd., 1906-07; asst. engineer Koolau R. R. Co., Oahu, 1907; asst. city and county engineer of Honolulu, 1907-08; juni- or engineer U. S. Army engineers in charge of construction Diamond Head 12-inch mortar battery, 1908- 11; engineer of construction and maintenance of way, Honolulu R. T. & L. Co., 1911-12; engineer Loan Fund Commission of Oahu in charge of highway construction of belt road, 1913-17; now engineer of construc- tion and maintenance of way, H. R. T. & L. Co. Officer of 1st Regi- ment Hawaiian Infantry National Guard, 1916-17; member American Soc. of Civil Engineers, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21 F. & A. M., and Com- mercial Club (past governor). JOHNSON, MERLE M., jeweler, Hon- Olulu; born Feb. 11, 1879, at Wilton, Muscatine County, Iowa; son of Wil- bur H. and Fanny (McNaghton) Johnson; married Ada Williamson in San Francisco Sept. 6, 1910. Be- came associated with firm of H. F. Wichman & Co., manufacturing jew- elers (Honolulu) in 1897 and has re- mained with that firm since that time, being elected president H. F. Wichman & Co., Ltd., Jan., 1916. Member Territorial Board of Immi- gration, Labor and Statistics; mem- ber National Guard of Hawaii, hav- ing joined in 1897, present rank Major. Member K. P. (Chancellor Commander, 1906), Oceanic Lodge F. & A. M. (Master, 1908), 32nd de- gree Mason; member Mystic Shrine, Healani Yacht & Boat Club, Hono- lulu Commercial Club, Pacific Club, Rotary Club, Oahu Country Club. SAMUEL IGNATIEFF, Brigadier General, Adjutant Gen- 152 MEN OF HAWAII GEN. SAMUEL I. JOHNSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 153 eral and Chief of Staff, National Guard of Hawaii, Honolulu, T. H.; born in a Cossack cavalry camp in province of the Cossacks of the Don, Russia, Dec. 4, 1873; son of Ivan and Tatayana (Lebedeff) Igna- tieff; the name of Ignatieff is well known in Russian military and poli- tical circles; educated in military school for Cossack officers; later transferred to national naval school; married Pearl Olive Cameron of California in Honolulu, 1903; one child, Ivan. Left Russia in 1890; traveled in almost every country in Europe, South America and the Orient; served in the army of the Argentine Republic and was severely wounded in the head during one of the numerous revolutions there; came to Hawaii in 1892 as second officer on sailing vessel R. P. Rithet; was active in revolution of 1893; began service as private in regular forces of Provisional Government and Republic of Hawaii; commis- sioned second lieutenant, 1897; after annexation, when the local army be- came National Guard of Hawaii, was made captain of famous Company “FF,” and later became Colonel of the lst Regiment, 1906. Appointed by Governor Pinkham, Adjutant Gen- eral of the National Guard of Ha- waii, 1915; has increased the Guard from one to four regiments, compris- ing nearly 5,000 men; commissioned Brigadier General by President Wil- son, Aug., 1916; the second appoint- ment of its kind in United States. JOHNSTON, JAMES, sugar planter, Ookala, Hawaii; born July 25, 1882, in Aberdeen, Scotland; son of Rob- ert and Isabella (Walker) Johns- ton; married Jeannie A. T.: Milne, Oct. 138, 1914, in Honolulu; one child, Edwin Milne. Common school edu- cation. Followed farming for seven years; became interested in the sugar industry at Ookala, Hawaii, in 1903 and since 1913 has been man- ager of the Kaiwiki Sugar Co., Ltd. Is a Mason. JONES, PETER CUSHMAN, retired, Honolulu; born December 10, 1837, in Boston, Mass., son of Peter Cush- man and Jane McIntosh (Baldwin) Jones; married May 12, 1862, Cor- nelia Hall, in Honolulu, three chil- dren, Edwin Austin, (deceased 1898), Ada (Mrs. A. Gartley), Alice (Mrs. A. Lewis, Jr.); descendant of Thos. Dudley and Simon Bradstreet, who came to America in 1630 from Eng- land, both Dudley and Bradstreet were governors of Massavhusetts, and both helped to organize the First Congregational Church of Boston of which Rev. John Cotton was pastor, 1634; educated at Bremmer School, Boston Latin School and Bakers School, all of Boston; entered busi- ness with George A. Whiting, (father of Judge W. A. Whiting of Honolulu) a metal merchant of Boston, 1852; came around Cape Horn to Honolulu, 1857, and entered business with Bar- num W. Field; with Capt. B. F. Snow, 1859; clerk Wilcox & Rich- ards, 1860; partner C. L. Richards & Co.; member firm of C. Brewer & Co., 1870 to 1900; incorporated 1883 and made first president; one of the founders and first president Bank of Hawaii, 1897-98; connected with many plantations owned by C. Brew- er & Co. from 1870 to 1890; Minister of Finance under George N. Wilcox cabinet, 1891-92, and served short time in first cabinet of President Dole of the Revolution; member Fort Street Church, April 1860 to 1887 when consolidated with Bethel Church under name of Central Union. JORDAN, ROBERT ALFRED, busi- nessman, Honolulu; born Iuton, Bed- fordshire, Eng., Aug. 23, 1842; son of Gustavus and Hannah (Waller) Jordan; grandson of Rev. John Jor- dan, one of John Wesley’s ministers; early ancestors came over with William the Conqueror and settled in Cornell, England; the ancestral home is named ‘The Jordans”; edu- cated in grammar school, Bridport, Dorsetshire; married Marie C. C. Rode, daughter of one of the early missionaries, at Nundah, Queens- land, May 15, 1861; five children, Lily G., Maud E., Sidney R., Victoria R., Arthur E. Went to Queensland in 1861, pastoral pursuits, after which for several years managed the largest boot factory and importing business in the southern hemisphere (Brisbane), 1872-1889, building three factories, the last a five story build- ing; removed to Honolulu in 1896 and has since been established in general business. Was appointed justice of the peace in Queensland for several years. Has taken an ac- tive leading part in cricket in Hono- 154 MEN OF HAWAII ALBERT F. JUDD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 155 lulu for many years and is an en- thusiast in all outdoor sports; mem- ber Masonic order, JORGENSEN, JORGEN, civil and hy- draulic engineer, Honolulu; born in Denmark, Sept. 12, 1866; son of Jorgen and Mette (Jorgensen) Jor- gensen; educated in Latin School of Myborg, University of Copenhagen and the Danish Army School for Officers, graduating 1888, with com- mission of lieutenant and serving one year; married Hyla Brand Coon- ley in San Francisco, December 12, 1916. Began in engineering work in the United States, 1889; commis- sioned Major of Engineers, O. R. C., U. Sea. tine) 19, 19175; joined Volunteer Engineering Corps, U. S. Army, during Spanish - American War; came to Hawaii and engaged in engineering work on the great irrigation aqueducts of Koolau on the Island of Maui, and Kohala, Isl- and of Hawaii; chief engineer on upper and lower Hamakua Ditches on Hawaii; contracted to build Waia- hole Tunnel, an aqueduct of great importance to Honolulu, in 1914, and one of the greatest engineering feats accomplished in the Territory of Hawaii—believed made speed record for boring rock. Was a member of the Water Commission of the City and County of Honolulu; has traveled extensively in United States and Europe and spent some time study- ing the famous tunneling systems in the Swiss Alps. Member of Hono- lulu Chamber of Commerce, Pacific, Commercial, Country and Honolulu Ad Clubs, Shriners and Elks. JUDD, ALBERT FRANCIS, lawyer and trust officer, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Dec. 20, 1874; son of Al- bert Francis (Supreme Court Jus- tice Honolulu, 1874-1900) and Agnes Hall (Boyd) Judd; grandson of G. P. Judd, M. D., medical missionary to Hawaii, 1828, and adviser to King Kamehameha III, 1842-53. Educat- ed, Oahu College (Honolulu), 1892; Yale College, B. A. 1897; Yale Law School, LL. B. 1900. Married Made- line Perry Hartwell in Honolulu, July 21, 1899; three children: Ber- nice, Dorothy, Albert Francis. Prac- tised law in Honolulu, 1899-1914; first vice-president, Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., (Honolulu) since 1914; trustee under the will of Bernice P. Bishop, the endowment of the Ka- mehameha School and trustee of the Bernice P. Bishop Museum and Charles R. Bishop Trust since 1908; served as U. S. Commissioner of U. S. District Court of Hawaii; police magistrate of Honolulu; member of Commission compiling laws of Ha- waii, 1905; went to Manila for Ha- waiian Sugar Planters’ Assn, to gain consent of Philippine Govt. to Fili- pino emigration to Hawaii and brought first Ilocano laborers to Ha- waii, 1906; trustee, Oahu College since 1901, secretary until 1916. Member of Hawaiian Senate from Oahu and chairman judiciary com- mittee, sessions 1911 and 1913. Vol- unteered services under Territorial Board of Health as district inspector cholera epidemic, 1895, bubonic plague, being captain in charge 900 quarantine guards, 1900, and mem- ber citizens’ yellow fever mosquito committee, 1911; served in revolu- tionary army which abrogated mon- archy in Hawaii, enlisting before overthrow was accomplished, Jan. 17, 1893. Captain Quartermaster’s section, Officers Reserve Corps, U. S. Army. Member, Social Science Club, University Club (past presi- dent), University Club (Manila), Oahu Country Club, Hawaii Polo & Racing Club, B. P. O. E. 616 (first secretary). JUDD, CHARLES SHELDON, forest- er, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii, July 11, 1881; son of Albert Francis (Chief Justice Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1881- 1900) and Agnes Hall (Boyd) Judd; grandson of G. P. Judd, M. D., mis- sionary to Hawaii and aid to King Kamehameha III in establishing sub- stantial government; educated, Pun- ahou Preparatory School and Oahu College (Honolulu), Yale University, A. B. 1905, Yale Forest School, M. F. 1907; married Louise Luquiens of New Haven, Conn., June 11, 1910; one child, Emma. Became associat- ed with U. S. Forest Service in Wy- oming, California, and Washington, July, 1907-Dec., 1908; assistant chief of silviculture, U. S. F. S., Portland, Ore., Dec., 1908-Jan., 1910; assistant district forester, Portland, Oregon, 1910-11; Commissioner of Public Lands and President, Board of Agri- culture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii, July, 1911-Jan., 1915; super- intendent of forestry and executive officer Board of Agriculture and For- estry, T. H., since Jan., 1915. Was messenger Citizens Guard, revolu- tion 1895, trooper Mounted Reserve, Republic of Hawaii, 1898. Member of Elihu Club (Yale), Alpha Delta 156 MEN OF HAWAII REV. HENRY P. JUDD DAVID K. KALAUOKALANI JOHN W. KALUA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 157 Phi and Sigma Xi fraternities, Yale Forest Club (president 1906), Soci- ety American Foresters, University Club (Honolulu). Has contributed largely to scientific periodicals. JUDD, HENRY PRATT, minister of the gospel, Honolulu; born March 15, 1880, in Rensselaer, Rensselaer County, New York; son of Albert Francis (Chief Justice of Hawaii, 1881-1900), and Agnes Hall (Boyd) Judd; married Martha S. Case in Los Angeles, Cal., Nov. 3, 1909; two children, David Stuart and Frank Case; descendant of Thomas Judd, of Yorkshire, England, who settled in Cambridge, Mass., 1634, and grandson of Dr. Gerrit P. Judd, prominent in the early government of Hawaii, and adviser to Kameha- meha III. Educated at Punahou Preparatory School (Honolulu), 1886-1893, Oahu College (Hono- lulu) 1893-1897; Yale University, A. B. 1901, Auburn Theological Sem- inary (New York), 1906. Pastor at Allanstand, N. C., 1906-1908; Super- intendent of Sunday Schools, Ha- waii, 1908-1910; pastor Kahului Uni- on Church (Maui), 1910-1913; Super- intendent of Sunday Schools, Hono- lulu, since 1913; acting secretary of Hawaiian Board of Missions, 1915- 1916; secretary since. Member Sons of American Revolution, Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu Ad and Outrigger Clubs. JUDD, JAMES ROBERT, surgeon, Ho- nolulu; born May 20, 1876, in Hono- lulu, T. H.; son of Albert Francis and Agnes Hall (Boyd) Judd; grand- son of Dr. G. P. Judd, well known in the history of Hawaii; educated at Oahu College, Yale University, B. A., 1897; Columbia University, M. D., 1901; married Louise Marshall in San Francisco, Feb. 29, 1908; one child, James Robert, Jr. Served as interne New York Hospital, New York City; took special course New York Post Graduate Medical School 1902-1903; returned to Honolulu, Oc- tober 1903, to practise. Is a contri- butor of numerous articles to sur- gical journals; ex-member Board of Health; ex-member Territorial Board of Examiners; ex-trustee Honolulu School for Boys. Was a surgical as- sistant of Red Cross, Spanish-Ameri- can war 1898; surgeon American Am- bulance, France, July 1915-October 1916; chief surgeon Juilly Hospital, France, November, 1915-July, 1916. Member of University, Country and Hawaii Polo and Racing Clubs; Ha- waiian Territorial Medical Society, American Medical Association and a Fellow American College of Sur- geons. JUDD, LAWRENCE McCULLY, mer- chant, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, March 20, 1887; son of Albert Francis and Agnes Hall (Boyd) Judd; married Flor- ence Hackett, daughter of John B. Hackett of Honolulu, March 6, 1909; children: Helen Florence, Agnes Elizabeth II and Sophie Janet. Ed- ucated Punahou Preparatory School, graduated Oahu College (Honolulu) 1905, Hotchkiss School and Univer- sity of Pennsylvania, 1909. Began business career with the Carnegie Steel Co., Pittsburg, Pa.; salesman for Whiting Paper Co., New York, 1906-1909; buyer, Alexander & Bald- win, Honolulu, 1909-1914; manager, Grocery Department, Theo. H. Dav- ies & Co., Ltd., Honolulu, since 1914. Was treasurer, Republican County Committee and member Executive Committee of the Republican party; Major ist Hawn. Inf., N. G., com- manding the machine gun company and detailed Aide de Camp to the Brigadier General, commanding the lst Brigade, N. G H. Member Com- mercial Club (president 1916), and Shriner. JUDD, ROBERT AUGUSTINE, edu- cator, Maui; born in Bethlehem, Conn., April 7, 1895; son of Leverett Pierce and Caroline Bird (Hart) Judd; educated at Clark University, Mass., and Indiana University; des- cendants on both sides of members of Hooker emigration party, also descendant of Governor Bradford, first governor of Massachusetts. En- gaged in citizenship work, Island of Maui. THe since July 15, 1917. K KAAI, ERNEST K., musician, Hono- lulu, T. H., born in Honolulu, Janu- ary 7, 1881; son of Simon _ and Becky (Kekoa) Kaai; educated at Kamehameha school, Honolulu high school and Punahou school of Honolulu; married Amy Hoolai Sheldon in Honolulu, February 4, 1903; two children, Thelma and Ernest K., Jr. Began si profes- sional career on graduating from 158 MEN OF HAWAII ERNEST KAAI KALAUOKALANI, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 159 school, 1900, singing and playing; is entirely self taught in music; has been teaching music _ since 1902; engaged in manufacture of ukuleles and in publishing of mu- sic and correspondence lessons since 1917; trained most of the foremost musical organizations that spread the fame of Hawaiian music throughout the world. Has _ writ- ten a “History of Hawaii’s Music” that is recognized as an authority. KAI, JOHN K., politician, Hilo, Ha- waii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, April 14, 1878; son of John and Kanealo- ha Kai; educated at the St. Mary’s school, Hilo, until 14 years of age; married Annie Akamu in Hilo, Ha- waii, December 22, 1903; children, Ernest, Akamu, John, Paul, Albert and Buster. Started with father in transportation business, Hilo, 1892- 1902; deputy county clerk, County of Hawaii, 1905-1907, and county clerk, 1908-15; was campaign man- ager for the Republican party in Hilo, 1908; was territorial and county committeeman of Republi- can party, County of Hawaii, 1908; one of originators of Hawaii Na- tional Guard in Hilo, 1907; real es- tate business, 1910-1915; establish- ed automobile garage business, Hilo 1916, selling out one year later to Schuman Carriage Co. Ltd.; owner and manager of largest automobile service in Hilo. Member of A. O. O. F. No. 1854, Kamehameha Lodge, member of Hilo Board of Trade. DAVID KEOLA, city official, Honolulu; born in Ho- nolulu, Hawaii, Jan. 31, 1874; son of David and Hattie (Mahoe) Kalauo- kalani; married Sarah Pokini, daughter of William Pokini, in Ho- nolulu, Nov. 28, 1899; educated: in Territory of Hawaii, having attended the primary schools at Kaluaaha, island of Molokai, from 1884-1886; St. Louis College, Honolulu, 1887-92; Oahu College, 1897; attended the National University, Washington, D. C., taking a law course; was appoint- ed private secretary to Robert W. Wilcox, delegate from Hawaii to the 56th and 57th Congresses, in 1900- 01-02; elected clerk to Territorial House of Representatives during the 1905 session; elected county clerk of Oahu 1905 and 1907, at which time the city and county government was consolidated; re-elected in 1909, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917; was appointed by Governor Lucius E. Pinkham a member of the Naval Militia Board of Hawaii, May, 1915, for a four-year term. Is clerk of the Honolulu Civil Service Commission. Member St. Louis College Alumni association, Punahou Alumni association, Kame- hameha Lodge, Lunalilo Lodge, Chiefs of Hawaii; Puea association, Puuhonua association; has always been identified with the Republican party and has been active in the councils of that party. KANEAKUA, JOHN MAHIAI, lawyer, Lihue, Kauai; born at Honuaula, Maui, T. H., Oct. 9, 1860; son of Alexander and Kanuha (Kaialiilii) Miller; educated at Royal School, Honolulu, 1877; married Esther Ka- makolu, at Kapaa, Kauai, July 5, 1903; two adopted children, Esther Nuihaku, James Neenee. Studied law with Judge Edward Preston and acted as clerk, 1877; admitted to practise of law, Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1884; practised law in Ho- nolulu i884; removed to _ Lihue. Kauai, 1903. Appointed Clerk of Kauai County, 1906, has held this of- fice by election ever since; was one of the committee of 21 which pre- sented memorial to Mr. Blount, Cleveland’s representative for rein- statement of Queen Liliuokalani to throne, 1893. Served as volunteer in Queen’s Own (Volunteer Com- pany) 1886, made First Lieutenant same organization, serving until 1887. Member Kamehameha Order; Oiwi Association; Kauai Chamber of Commerce. KAUHANE, SAMUEL, rancher and chairman Board of Supervisors, County of Hawaii, T. H.; born in Kau, Hawaii, November 16, 1868; son of James and Annie (Manohea- lii) Kauhane; educated at Hilo Boarding School and Kamehameha School (Honolulu); married Emma Ululani Martin in Hilo, Hawaii, April 19, 1916; six children, Naomi, Violet, Sam, Jr., Ginger, Honey and Ruth (by first marriage). Follow- ing graduation from school was in the blacksmithing department of the Honolulu Iron Works for 6 months; attended Industrial School on Kauai, six months; on father’s election to Hawaiian Senate in 1894, assisted 160 MEN OF HAWAII SAMUEL KAUHANE MEN OF HAWAII 161 him for several months; managed the Waiohinu Agriculture and Graz- ing Co., Kau, Hawaii, 1893-1908; elected Supervisor, Kau _ District, County of Hawaii, 1909; re-elected 1911-13-15-17; chairman Board of Supervisors since 1915. Member of Hawaii Loan Fund Commission. Mason. KELEKOLIO, BERNARD HENRY, stenographer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Honolulu, Hawaii, Feb. 12, 1882; son of Henry Koitu and Mary Nawelu; educated at Hanapepe _— school, Kauai, and St. Louis College, Hono- lulu; married Hannah Wailani in Hilo, Hawaii, January 11, 1911. On leaving school became assistant edi- tor to|James Kanewanui and David L. A-i of “Ka Nupepa Kuokoa,” Ha- waiian weekly, Honolulu; appointed messenger to secretary’s office by Hon. George R. Carter, 1903-04; pro- moted to clerk and stenographer 1904-07; became stenographer in of- fice of A. L. C. Atkinson 1907-08; clerk and stenographer in Volcano Stables and Transportation Co., Hilo, Hawaii, 1908-1911; clerk and stenographer county attorney’s de- partment, Hilo, Hawaii, 1911-1915; appointed deputy clerk, Fourth Cir- cuit Court, Hilo, Hawaii, Jan. 1, 1916; resigned May 31, 1916, became clerk and stenographer in law office of James W. Russell, Hilo. Served as representative in Territorial Legislature, session of 1917. Served three years in N. G. H., Honolulu. Member, Sub-chief Ranger and Re- cording Secretary Court Mauna Kea, No. 8854, A. O. F. Appointed Au- gust 31, 1917, clerk, Hg. 2d Regt., Hawaiian Infantry, N. G., and Regtl. Set. Maj., Hilo, Hawaii. KELLER, CARL, physician and sur- geon, Honolulu; born May 5, 1865, at Coblenz on the Rhine, Germany; son of Anton and Catharina (Nick- ening) Keller; married Mary Bryant at Honolulu, Dec. 23, 1916. Educated in Germany until 12 years of age, France and Belgium from 12 to 17, University of Rome (Italy) 1889-91, University of Freiburg (Switzer- land) 1891-94, St. Louis (Missouri) University, 1908-12; ordained Cath- olic Priest in St. Louis (Mo.) dio- cese, 1894. Engaged in wine busi- ness 1882-85, German army 1885-86, wine business (New York) 1886-89; pastor Elston, Mo., 1894-1900, Kra- 11 KENNEDY, kow, Mo., 1900-08, Centaur, Mo., 1908-12, physician and surgeon; Mo- lokai; T. H:; Nov.-3; 1912; to Mar. 1, 1913; Island of Kauai, March 1, 1913-June 1, 1914; Honolulu since June, 1914. Volunteer in Empress Augusta Guard Regiment, 1885; dis- charged as petty officer, 1886; in- spector military hospital, 1888; left priesthood in 1912 account adher- ence to modernism. Member Pacific Club, Phoenix Lodge, Hermansoehne Lodge (Honolulu), American Medi- cal Assn. KEMP, SAMUEL B., lawyer, Hono- lulu; born Dec. 26, 1871, at Austin, Texas; son of James B. and Eliza S. (Woodward) Kemp; married May S. Hope, Dec. 30, 1904, at Caldwell, Texas; one daughter. Educated public schools of Texas, Agricultural and Mechanical College of Texas (College Station, Texas), University of Texas, LL. B. 1900. Began prac- tise of law at Austin, Texas, 1900; Judge, Coke County, Texas, 1914-15; arrived in Honolulu in 1916 ag as- sistant U. S. Attorney, serving until March 20, 1917; appointed Circuit Judge, First Circuit, Territory of Hawaii. JAMES ALEXANDER, steamship official and financier, Ho- nolulu; born in Scotland, November 28, 1852; son of James and Jessie (Clark) Kennedy. Received com- mon school education in Scotland. Married Minnie C. Kirkland in Ho- nolulu, November 9, 1881; three chil- dren, James Derwent, Stanley Car- michael and Jessie Kirkland. On leaving school, went to work in Kerriemuir, Scotland, at the age of 15; removed to Edinburgh in 1870; came to the United States in 1874, settling in San Francisco; came to Honolulu 1880, and was for 20 years associated with the Honolulu Iron Works; became interested in inter- island navigation and is president and general manager, Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co. KEOLA, JAMES NAHANU KAOAO- KALANI, lawyer, Wailuku, Maui; born in Wahiawa, Koloa, Kauai, November 27, 1864; son of Dang Pan and Ellen Kahailiopua (Dair- um) Keola; descendant of a line of Maui warriors on mother’s side, father having been a pioneer Chi- nese merchant; educated in public schools, Royal School, taught at 162 MEN OF HAWAII DR. CARL KELLER BERNARD H. KELEKOLIO J. M. KANEAKUA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 163 Iolani College, 1881; Oahu College class of 1892, all of Honolulu; mar- ried Lilly Keliikauila Kapaehaole (deceased) at MHalawa, Molokai, May 4, 1893; two children, Mrs. E. D. Wilmington, Violet K.; married Rita Alana, at Makawao, Maui, 1904; one child, Adele Keola. Re- porter on Pacific Commercial Ad- vertiser, Honolulu, 1882; on Bulle- tin, 1883-86; on Advertiser again 1887-94; clerk Territorial House of Representatives, Republic of Ha- waii, 1895-98 sessions; conducted grocery store in Honolulu, 1897; clerk Crown Lands office, 1894; in general postoffice, 1894-95; ap- pointed clerk 2nd Circuit Court, Maui, 1898-1901; Maui correspond- ent Bulletin, 1898-1912; deputy tax assessor, Wailuku, 1900-14; clerk county engineering dept., Maui, 1915; Deputy auditor, 1916; clerk senate educational comm., session 1917. Was quartermaster and lieu- tenant, Queen’s Own Guards, 1885- 88; sergeant Co. G, Honolulu, 1892- 99, and captain Co. I, Wailuku, 1900- 02, N. G. H. Member Maui chamber of commerce; president, Wailuku Improvement Assn., 1910; executive board Maui Racing Assn., Royal School and Oahu College Alumni, treasurer, C. E. of Maui. KERR, HARRY LIVINGSTON, archi- tect, Honolulu; born at Port Ewen, New York, Sept. 11, 1863; son of William Henry (marine architect) and Mary (Tronson) Kerr; educat- ed Kingston Academy, New York, and private architectural school; married Jennie B. Paris in San Francisco, Sept. 15, 1891; three children: Harold Livingston, Cath- erine Lewers and Eleanor Irving. Practising architect in California, 1887-90; in Washington State two years; in Portland, Ore., 1892-1898; since then practised architecture in Honolulu. Member of Commercial, Rotary, Engineer’s Clubs of Hono- lulu, and Chamber of Commerce. KILBOURNE, EDWIN DEARBORN, physician, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Elgin, Ill., June 6, 1877; son of Ed- win A. and Louise (Kilbourne) Kil- bourne; educated Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School, M. D., 1899; U. S. Army Medical School, 1903; married Alberta I. Marshall in Chi- cago, Ill.. June 8, 1890; three chil- dren, Janet Louise, Kathryn and Ed- win Dearborn, Jr. Clinical instruct- or in Pediatrics, Northwestern Uni- versity Medical School, 1901-02; bac- teriologist, Chicago Health Depart- ment, 1899-1902; 1st Lieut. U. S. Army Medical Corps, 1902-07; captain U. S. Army Medical Corps, 1907-14; member U.S. Army Board for Study of Tropical Diseases, Manila, P. L., 1909-10; resigned from army 1914 to practise profession in Honolulu; has been attending physician and sur- geon to Queen’s Hospital and is now attending surgeon Kauikeolani Chil- dren’s Hospital; was president Med- ical Society of Hawaii, 1915-16. Au- thor of various articles on tropical and military medicine. Member Ter- ritorial Board of Medical Examiners, 1915; major N. G. H., 1914-15. Mem- ber University and Hawaii Polo and Racing clubs; Nu Sigma Nu (Zeta Chapter), Medical Society of Hawaii and Association of Military Surgeons of U. S. KIMBALL, CLIFFORD, hotel man, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Newton, Mass., January 29, 1875; son of George F. and Ellen C. (Pulsifer) Kimball; educated in schools of Newton, Mass.; married Juliet M. King in Honolulu, December 1, 1902; two children, George Pulsi- fer and Richard King. Began busi- ness career in wholesale paper business, Boston, Mass.; was salesman for leather concern, Bos- ton; came to Hawaii and was em- ployed by Wilder & Co. in lumber department; manager Haleiwa Ho- tel, Oahu, 1909-17; lessee and man- ager Halekulani Hotel, Waikiki, since 1917. Member Oahu Coun- try, Honolulu Ad and _ Honolulu Automobile clubs. KINNEY, HENRY WALSWORTH, Su- perintendent of Public Instruction, Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu; born at Wailuku, Maui, July 15, 1879; son of Henry A. and Selma R. (Sch- andorff) Kinney; descendant of William Walsworth, England, who located at Fisher’s Island (Conn.) in 1689. Married Helen Kalolowahi- lani Kahaleahu in Honolulu April 2, 1904; three children—Charles Bishop Kekuanaoa K., Miriam Kahakaukoi K., Henry W. K. K. Educated large- ly in Denmark preparatory schools and University of Copenhagen; re- ceived degree Magister Artium; post-graduate course English and Pedagogy, University of California. 164 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES H. KLUEGEL BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 165 Commenced career with Republic of Hawaii as principal Kaapahu school, 1898-99; Kahuku school, 1899; Su- perintendent Public Instruction, Ter- ritory of Hawaii, since 1914; has spent a number of years as a news- paperman in Hawaii. Author, “The Island of Hawaii’ (1914). Member University, Outrigger, Healani Boat and Ad Clubs of Honolulu. KIRCHHOFF, FREDERICK GEORGE, civil engineer, Honolulu; born in Ho- nokaa, Hawaii, March 21, 1881; son of Mathias and Kalena (Wilhelm) Kirchhoff; educated at University of California, B.S., 1908; married Berenice H. Kelley at Berkeley, Cal., May 4, 1914. Employed by Terri- torial Department of Public Works, 1899-1904, rodman to Assistant Engi- neer; after leaving college, drafts- man with Southern Pacific Com- pany, Portland, Ore., 1908-09; inspec- tor on construction for John Galen Howard, architect, Berkeley, Cal.; draftsman and transitman, Daniels & Osmont, San Francisco, 1909-10; inspector construction Agricultural Hall, U. of C., Berkeley, 1911; as- sistant engineer, Dept. Public Works, Terr. Hawaii, 1911-14; transferred to City and County of Honolulu, Water- works Dept., 1914; appointed Gen- eral Manager of the Waterworks and Sewer Dept., 1917. Member ist Co. C. A. C., N. G. H., 1916-17. Mem- ber Hawaiian Engineering Associa- tion, University of California Club. KLUEGEL, CHARLES HENRY, civil engineer, Honolulu; born February 27, 1847, at Newburgh, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio; son of Ferdinand and Charlotte (Ehinger) Kluegel; edu- cated at Cleveland high school and at Union college, Schenectady, N. Y., C. E., 1867; married Mary Tay- lor in San Rafael, Cal., June 24, 1874; four children, George Taylor, Harry Allardt, May Thurston, Alice Bunker. Began professional career as draughtsman, U. S. surveyor general’s office, San Francisco, 1867; engineer on large number of enterprises through California, Washington and Mexico, 1868-1888; came to Hawaii 1888, associated with B. F. Dillingham; chief engi- neer, O. R. & L. Co. and Hilo R. R. Co., 1888-1907 and 1909-1918; assis- tant superintendent public works, Hawaii, 1907-09; inspecting and consulting engineer, Waiahole Water Co. Ltd., 1913-1916. Member Technical Society of the Pacific Coast; American Society of Civil Engineers, Hawaiian Engineering association, American Association for the Advancement of Science; Honolulu Commercial and Ad clubs. KNUDSEN, AUGUSTUS FRANCIS, sugar planter, Kekaha, Kauai; born at Kekaha, Kauai, May 28, 1869; son of Valdemar and Annie (Sinclair) Knudsen; grandson of Capt. Fran- cis Sinclair, R. N., and Knud’ Knud- sen, President of Norway, 1814-1818; educated in grammar school, Auck- land, N. Z.; Vienna, Austria; Berlin, Germany; Chauncey Hall, Boston; Mass. Inst. of Technology, 1892; married Margaret Laura Russell, at Stockton, California, August 17, 1898; one child, Ruth. Was man- ager of Knudsen Estate, 1892-1900; Forest and Fire Warden, Kauai, 1900; with Hydrographic Survey, 1909-10; Dean of Krotona Institute, Los Angeles, Cal., 1913-17. Repre sented Hawaii at Irrigation Con- gress, 1909-10, and at Conservation Congress, 1909-10; National Lectur- er on Psychology-Theosophical So- ciety, 1900-17; Chairman Territor- ial and Federal Commission, A.-Y.-P. Exposition, Seattle, 1908-09. Mem- ber Kauai Road Board, 1902-04; Kauai County Supervisor, 1906-08. Member University Club, Honolulu; Celtic Club, Los Angeles, Cal.; Theosophical Society. KNUDSEN, ERIC ALFRED, rancher, Kekaha, Kauai; born at Waiawa, Kauai, July 29, 1872; son of Valde- mar and Annie McHutcheson (Sin- clair) Knudsen; educated at Ma- son’s School, Auckland, N. Z., Vien- na, Austria; Berlin, Germany; Chauncey Hall, Boston, Mass.; Har- vard College, 1894; graduated from law school 1897; married Cecilie Alexandra L’Orange at Christiania, Norway, September 18, 1905; three children, Alexandra Lilikoi, Valde- mar l’Orange, Anne Cecilie. Enter- ed law office of John Murray Mar- shall, 1897; admitted to Massachus- etts bar, 1898; returned to Hawaii, 1900; admitted to bar but did not practise; became manager of Knudsen Bros. ranch; vice speaker territorial legislature, 1903; speak- er, 1905; senator from Kauai, 1907- 09; chairman of judiciary commit- tee, president of Senate, 1911-13 MEN OF HAWAII 166 A. F. KNUDSEN CLIFFORD KIMBALL KNUDSEN ERIC A. KIRCHHOFF F. G. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 167 sessions; school commissioner for Kauai since 1915. Member Choate Chapter, Phi Delta Phi; University, Pacific, Oahu Country, Waimea Lit- erary clubs; Bar association. KOHATSU, YUKIHIDE, physician and surgeon, Paia, Maui; born at Okina- wa, Japan, Nov. 20, 1887; son of Kotoku and Kana (Aragusaku) Ko- hatsu; graduated from Kumamoto Medical College, Japan, 1910; mar- ried Aki Yamanonchi in Honolulu, March 26, 1917. Interne, Omura Hospital, Fukuoka, Japan, for six months of 1910; one year at the Nagayo Hospital in Tokyo, Japan, 1911; practised in Okinawa, Japan, 1912-1916; practised at Waipahu, Oahu, 1916-1917; removed to Paia, Maui, and practised there since March, 1917. Member of American Association and Japanese Doctors’ Association of Wailuku, Maui. KONNO, TOMEKICHI, manager Kona Development Co., Ltd., Holualoa, Hawaii, T. H.; born at Iwate-ken, Japan, Dec. 24, 1878; educated at Northeast Mission School, Sendai; graduated from Technical College, Yokyo; appointed civil engineer at ‘Yamagata Prefectural Office follow- ing graduation; came to Hawaii, / 1901; surveyor, studied sugar busi- ness at the same time; Laupahoe- hoe Sugar Co., Hawaii 15 years; purchased Kona Development Co., Ltd., and West Hawaii Railroad Co., Ltd., 1915, of which is president and manager, KOPKE, ERNST, Honolulu; born Jan. 7, 1854, Verden, Hanover, Germany; son of Georg and Gretchen (Winter) Kopke; common school education, Germany; private lessons in Eng- lish. Emigrated to America, arriv- ing in New York May 21, 1870, reaching Honolulu in 1871; spent eleven months on Lihue plantation; entered Honolulu Iron Works Co. as apprentice machinist 1872; contin- ued studies in English, mathe- matics and drawing in Honolulu; studied technology at Free _ Insti- tute of Technology, Worcester, Mass., Frankenberg, Saxony and Rheydt, Rhine Province, Germany, 1877-80. Returning to the islands 1880, became chief engineer Lihue plantation, Kauai, in charge of Lihue and Hanamaulu mills. Married Mary Jane Hines August 21, 1882; children, Gretchen, Ernst Wilhelm, Bernice, Ida, Bertha and Esther. Contracted to furnish water for irri- gation by pumping for Kekaha plantation; first engineer of Ewa Plantation Co., Oahu, installing first large unit of irrigation pumps, irri- gation system and artesian well sys- tem in Hawaii, 1889-1890; superin- tendent of shops, Honolulu Iron Works Co., 1895; laid out enlarged irrigation system for Kahuku plan- tation 1897; laid out irrigation system for Pioneer plantation, 1897-1898; erected pumping plants on Oahu plantation 1899; erected new Hono- lulu Iron Works Co.’s shops in Ka- kaako, 1900, remaining with this con- cern as mechanical and sugar house engineer since. Patentee of wax ex- tractor, poi machine and clarifying centrifugal. Was member of Hono- lulu. Rifles and Citizens’ Guard. President Engineering club; past president Hawaiian Engineering as- sociation; member American Soci- ety Mechanical Engineers, Indepen- dent Order of Odd Fellows, Hawaii- an Mill Engineers. KRAUSS, FREDERICK G., agricultur- ist, Haiku, Maui; born in San Fran- cisco, ‘Cal., May 6, 1870; son of Frederick Herman and Johannah (Kindervater) Krauss; educated at Stanford University, 1894; Univer- sity of California, 1901; married Elizabeth Hilmer, at Petaluma, Cal., October 20, 1897; four children, Dorothea H., Beatrice H., Frederick H., Noel H. Superintendent of Seed Growing, Sunset Seed and Plant Co., Menlo Park, Cal., 1899; in charge of field experiments, instructor in plant propagation, University California, 1901; Agricultural Instructor, Ka- mehameha Schools, Honolulu, 1906; Agronomist Hawaii Agricultural Ex- periment Station, 1912; Professor Agronomy, College of Hawaii, 1915; Superintendent Agricultural Exten- sion, U.S. Dept. Agriculture, Haiku, Maui. Owner New Era Homestead Farms, Haiku, Maui, also Acting County Agricultural Agent for Maui, 1917. Was commissioned by U. S. Dept. Agriculture to investigate rice and cotton industries of Japan and China, 1909; appointed seed collector for Territorial Board of Agriculture and Forestry while on this commis- sion. Writer of many agricultural bulletins and articles; specialty, breeding of field crops, especially 168 MEN OF HAWAII ROBERT LEWERS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 169 legumes. Member Territorial Milk Commission; Chairman Tax Appeal Court for Second Judicial Circuit. Fellow American Association Ad- vancement of Science; American So- ciety of Agronomy; Amer. Soc. Farm Management. KUNEWA, JOSEPH HEWAHEWA, tax assessor, Wailuku, Maui; born in Honolulu, T. H., September 8, 1876; educated at St. Louis College, Honolulu, 1895. On leaving school became clerk in office of registrar of conveyances, 1896-97; clerk Oahu prison, 1897-98; assistant bookKeep- er, Honolulu Plantation, 1898-1903; deputy assessor, Ewa and Waianae districts, Ist taxation division, 1903- 08; tax assessor, 2nd division, Maui etc., since 1908. be LANE, JOHN CAREY, ex-mayor of Honolulu; born in Makao, Oahu, T. H., July 23, 1872; son of William Carey and Kahoailimoku (Nuhi) Lane; educated in school conduct- ed by Judge Edward Hore at Hau- ula, Oahu, and St. Louis’ College, Honolulu. Began career with In- ter-Island Steam Navigation Co., Honolulu, as ship’s purser, 1889-90; clerk, road dept. under Hawaiian monarchy, 1890-93; was confined for several months under charge of treason against provisional gov- ernment, 1893; engaged in farming near Henolulu, 1893-1900; re-en- tered employ of Inter-Island S. N. Co. 1900; candidate for mayor of Honolulu, being defeated by seven votes, 1908; candidate for mayor- alty and again defeated by 52 votes 1910; elected mayor of Hono- lulu by overwhelming majority, 1914-16. Was senator’ Territorial Legislature, 1905-07 sessions and introduced bill establishing city and county government for Hono- lulu and the municipal act giving Honolulu its first charter; was spe- cial delegate to Republican na- tional convention, Chicago, 1908; and with associates was _ instru- mental in increasing Hawaii’s con- vention delegates from two to six, although these were reduced to previous number at 1912 conven- tion through opposition of Roose- velt forces. Member Ter. Board of Health, 1904-05; member Hono- lulu Ad Club, Chiefs of Hawaii, Order of Kamehameha, Court Lun- alilo No. 6600, A. O. F., Daughters and Sons of Warriors of Hawaii. LANGE, ROBERT FREDERIC, mer- chant, Honolulu; born Sept. 30, 1868, in Tilsit, East Prussia; son of Aug- ust Frederich and Emilie (Kasche- ike) Lange; married Alys Maud Danford in Honolulu, June 21, 1900; three children: Nora Emilie, Elfrida Kate, Anna Geraldina. Educated at Real Gymnasium (Tilsit); com- menced business career with Wil- liam Makrocki (Tilsit), 1880-82; Manasse Werner (Posen, Germany), 1883; G. London (Hamburg, Ger- many), 1884; A. W. Jones (Wans- beck, Germany), 1885; Cassius M. Paine (Milwaukee, Wis.), 1885-86; L. Bartlett & Son (Milwaukee), 1886-89; Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co. (Honolulu), since 1889; manager, Hoffschlaeger Co., Ltd., Honolulu, since incorporation. Was Belgium vice-consul for Hawaii, 1899-1915. Member Pacific Club, Commercial Club, Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., National Arts Club (New York), Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce. LANZ, JOHANNES JUSTUS WIL- HELM, merchant, Honolulu; born April 8, 1861, at Biebrich on the Rhine, Germany; son of Friederich Wilhelm and Bertha (Hess) Lanz; father was first Burgomaster of the City of Wiesbaden; married Ger- trude Elizabeth Widemann, in Hono- lulu, Nov. 18, 1896; two children: Bertha Emilie Luise and Hedwig Gertrude Elizabeth. Attended the gymnasium at Wiesbaden, 1870-1878. Served apprenticeship at Mannheim on the Rhine until 1881; with large wholesale house in London, Eng., for 15 months; accepted a clerkship with F. A. Schaefer & Co., Honolulu, in 1882, later becoming a partner of that concern. Was appointed by President Diaz of Mexico honorary consul for Honolulu, June, 1903. Member of the Pacific Club (Hono- lulu). LARIMER, ARTHUR €E., Executive Secretary Y. M. C. A., Honolulu; born Sept. 22, 1886, at Cedar Rapids, Iowa; son of George and Margaret Stibbs (Flattery) Larimer; married Eva Lorinda Pitts at Alton, Iowa, June 20, 1916; graduated from Coe (Iowa) Academy, 1902; from Coe College 1906 with degree B. S.; A. B. degree from University of Iowa 1907; became associated with Y. M. C. A. MEN OF HAWAII 170 ALEXANDER LINDSAY, JR. JOHN C. LANE DR. FRANCIS W. LEONG LEE CHU BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY ital in native state August, 1908; came to Honolulu to assume duties of educational and membership secre- tary Y. M. C. A., August 25, 1909; secretary men’s department July 10, 1918, to Feb. 29, 1916; executive secretary since March 1, 1916. Col- lected $144,000 for new Honolulu Y. M. C. A. with loss of less than half of 1%, world’s record; engi- neered campaign for 500 new mem- bers in single day and 100 men in 100 minutes; superintendent Centrai Union Church bible school; member standing committee Central Union Church; member executive commit- tee, Anti-Saloon League. Clubs: Honolulu Ad, Outrigger Canoe, Com- mercial; member National Geo- graphical Society, American Acad- emy of Political and Social Science. Enthusiastic in athletics. LARNACH, ALEXANDER D., lawyer, Honolulu; born May 2, 1872, in Eng- land; son of William and Margaret Blair (Deuchar) Larnach; married Inez Perry in Honolulu, December 25, 1895; one child, Donald W. P. Early education and training in England, graduated from Stanford University (California), 1907, de- gree LL. B. Came to Hawaii in 1889 and entered the employ of T. H. Davies & Co., later with W. W. Dimond & Co., as a salesman until 1904; studied law in Stanford Uni- versity, 1904-07; appointed Deputy Attorney General, Territory of Ha- waii, 1908; entered private practise of law, 1909; appointed second dis- trict magistrate of City and County of Honolulu, 1911. Is a Mason and member of Phi Delta Phi Fraternity and Order of Coif at Stanford. LARRISON, GEORGE K., hydraulic engineer, Honolulu; born Aug. 20, 1876, in Lincoln, Logan Co., Ill.; son of Winfield Scott and Rose E. (Kirk- patrick) Larrison; married Martha Warner Lacey, Oct. 10, 1906, at Manila, P. I.; no children. Educated primary schools of Illinois, Havana (I.) High School University of Illinois, 1901; instrument man and asst. engr. with ’Frisco R. R. in Okla- homa and Texas, 1901-1905; engaged in railway and hydraulic work (Philippines) April, 1905-Mar. 1908; assistant to Chief Irrigation Engi- neer for Bureau Public Works, Ma- nila, 1908-1911; Jan.-Aug. 1912, asst. engr. U. S. G. S., Washington, D. C.; District Engineer, U. S. G. S. and Superintendent of Hydrography for Territory of Hawaii, also chairman Territorial Water Commission since Aug., 1912. Was 2nd Lieut., Taylor’s Provisional Regiment Infantry (lll.) 1898; is captain, commanding two companies Hawaiian Coast Artillery, National Guard. Member American Society of Civil Engineers, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Hon. Univer- sity Club, Aero Club of Hawaii, Vol- cano Research Assn., Outrigger Club. LARSEN, L. DAVID, agriculturist, Honolulu; born Sept. 18, 1886, in Stockholm, Sweden; son of Emil and Marie (Freeman) Larsen; married Katharine Wood of California, Mar. 31, 1917; came to America in 1892; attended grammar school at Peek- skill, N. Y., and Bridgeport, Conn.; attended Bridgeport high school; graduated Massachusetts Agricultu- ral College at Amherst, Mass., in 1908, degree B. S.; joined Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Experiment Station, Honolulu, 1908, as plant pathologist; joined agricultural department of same institution 1915 and appointed chief agriculturist 1916; special research work pertaining to prac- tises that may increase yield and decrease cost of production on sugar plantations of Hawaii. Member Kappa Sigma fraternity, Phi Kappa Phi society, Hawaiian Chemists’ As- sociation, and Commercial Club of Honolulu. LEE CHU, lumber merchant, Hono- lulu; born at Macao, China, Feb. 7, 1869; son of Lee Wai Nim and Ching See; common school educa- tion; married Chum See in China, April 27, 1890; children, Chuck Sun, Hun, Mew Kee and Meu Lan. Came to Honolulu with father in 1883 and attended school until the age of 18; employed by Tuck Lung Chung un- til the age of 22; embarked in business alone, carpentering and contracting until 1896; organized the Oahu Lumber and Building Co., becoming its president and mana- ger; was the first Chinese in Ho- nolulu to venture into the lumber business. LENNOX, WILLIAM, businessman, Hana, Maui; born in Bannockburn, Scotland, September 26, 1879; son of Adam and Stewart (Robertson) Lennox; educated Craigs’ school, 172 MEN OF HAWAII A. LEWIS, Jr. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 173 Stirling, Scotland; married Janet Stewart McLean, at Eleele, Kauai, October 18, 1907; one child, Mary Stewart Robertson; manager gen- eral store, Hana, Maui. LEWERS, ROBERT, merchant, Hono- lulu; born in New York City, N. Y., March 15, 1836; son of William and Mary (Lowe) Lewers; common school education; married Catherine R. Carter in Honolulu, July 16, 1867; two children, William Henry and Harriet Layman. Came to Ho- nolulu from around the Horn in the ship Raduga in 1856; started in Honolulu as a carpenter; entered employ of Lewers and _ Dickson, lumber merchants, in 1860; was taken into the firm with late C. M. Cooke in 1877, which later changed its name to Lewers & Cooke; to- gether with F. J. Lowrey, pur- chased the entire business of Lew- ers & Cooke in 1894, and which is at the present time grown to great proportions, dealing in lumber, hardware, paints and oils, etc., both wholesale and retail. Is a member of the Hawaiian Lodge of F. & A. M. and the Excelsior Lodge of LrG2O7 Fr: LEWIS, ABRAHAM, JR., banker, Hon- olulu; born in California, July 14, 1873; son of Abraham and Arzelia (Martin) Lewis; A. B. Stanford Uni- versity, 1895; LL.B. Hastings Col- lege of Law, 1897; married Alice Hall Jones, daughter of P. C Jones, of Honolulu, April 26, 1896; children: Marion, Dudley, and Elizabeth. Ear- liest paternal ancestor settled in Schenectady, N. Y.; materal grand- father was prominently identified with the Mexican war and held rank of Captain, both parents arriving in California prior to 1847. Following graduation from Hastings, affiliated with Chickering, Thomas & Gregory of San Francisco; came to Honolulu and became member of law firm of Smith & Lewis; is vice-president, manager and director of Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., director Henry May & Co., Ltd., trustee Tom May Estate, director Audit Company of Hawaii, Ltd., and Hawaii Consolidated Rail- way, Ltd. Has been identified with public activities as follows: Presi- dent Board of Trustees, Library of Hawaii; chairman Advisory Land Law Commission; trustee Chamber of Commerce, Honolulu; chairman Joint Legislative Committee of LEONG, Planters’ Association and Chamber of Commerce; Trustee Honolulu School for Boys. Member Phi Delta Phi, Zeta Psi, Social Science Club, Honolulu, Past Eminent Commander Honolulu Commandery Knights Templar, Past Master Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Pacific Club, University Club and Oahu Country Club. FRANCIS WONG, physi- cian, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Honolulu, August 9, 1881; son of Wong and Hattie (Achong) Leong; educated at St. Louis’ College, Honolulu, St. Mary’s College (B. S.), Dayton, O., St. Louis Univer- sity (M. D.), St. Louis, Mo. Mar- ried Annie K. Hall in Honolulu, August 30, 1905; three children, Francis Edwin, Marguerite Thelma and Mary Leong. On graduating from university, 1908, came to Ha- waii; has been practising in Hono- lulu since that date. Is _ acting physician for Longshoremen’s Union, Honolulu. Member’ Court Lunalilo, A. O. F., American Medi- cal Assn., Hawaiian Medical Assn. LINDSAY, ALEXANDER, JR., lawyer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Fifeshire, Scotland, October 29, 1871; son or Alexander and Isabel (Bonnar) Lindsay; educated in public schools of Hawaii and University of Michi- gan, LL.B., 1902; married Fanny Louise Young in Vicksburg, Mich., Sept. 13, 1906; two children, Betty and Richard. Began _ professional career in Honolulu, practising law 1902-03; appointed District Magis- trate, Honolulu, 1903-05; appointed Judge of Circuit Court, 1905-10; re- sumed private practise, firm of Judd and Lindsay, 1910; Attorney General, Territory of Hawaii, 1910- 13; resumed private practise 1913; partnership with E. A. Mott-Smith since 1917. Member Phi Delta Phi fraternity and University Club of Honolulu. LINDSAY, DAVID COLVILLE, banker, Kahului, Maui; born in Kirriemuir, Scotland, June 23) 1870; son oof James and Betsy (Colville) Lindsay; educated in common schools and pri- vate seminary, Scotland; married Clara Fowler Gregory, Paia, Maui, 1895; four children, Olive Douglas, Dorothy Colville, Elizabeth Clare, Ruth Charlotte; married Esther 174 MEN OF HAWAII ROBERT M. LINDSAY GEORGE LOWSON JOHN H. LODENKAMPER LINDSAY, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 175 Linsley Shepherd, North Haven, Conn., 1917; spent six years in large mercantile establishment, Scotland; came to Hawaii, 1890, employed on Paia Plantation; appointed manager 1900 after amalgamation of Paia Plantation and Haiku Sugar Co., 1906, organized and became man- ager of Baldwin National Bank, Ka- hului, Maui; President of Nahiku Rubber Co., Ltd.; Vice-President and Managing Director, Maui Tele- phone Co.; Director, Maui Soda and Ice Works, Ltd.; member Liquor License Commission, County of Maui; Chairman of Lahainaluna School Commission; member Board of Public Instruction, Territory ot Hawaii; Treasurer Maui ‘County Fair Association; Deputy Collector Customs, Kahului; U. S. Immigra- tion Inspector for Maui. Was three years in 42nd Royal Highlanders, Scotland; Lt.-Col. 3rd Regt. N.G.H.; Trustee Chamber of Commerce; Member, Commercial Club, Hono- lulu; K. of P.; Royal Society of Arts, England,; 32° Mason and Shriner. JAMES, farmer, Haiku, Maui, born at Westkilbride, Ayr- shire, Scotland, October 2, 1861; son of Walter and Margaret (Rae) Lindsay; educated in the _ public schools of Scotland; unmarried; was farming, ranching and nurseryman in Scotland for ten years; went to El Paso, Texas, in 1896, and later remove’ to Los Angeles, Cal.; then went into the fruit business in Santa Clara County, Cal., until 1897; came to Hawaiian Islands and started to grow trees at Haiku, Maui; at the present time has one of the largest farms on the islands. Member of Chamber of Commerce of Maui, Haiku Farmers’ Assn., Swine Breeders Assn,, Maui. LINDSAY, ROBERT M., wharf super- intendent Hilo, Hawaii; born in Scotland, Oct. 1, 1884; son of Robert and Margaret Lindsay; educated in Scotland; married Margaret Stew- art Forrest in Hilo, Hawaii, April 4, 1914; one child, Margaret Alexan- dra. Captain Co. A, 2nd Regiment, N. G. H.; Worshipful Master, Kila- uea Lodge, No. 330, F. & A. M.; Past Chancellor, K. of P.; member British Club (Honolulu), and Burns Club (Hilo). LODENKAMPER, LLOYD, ALBERT EDWARD, stock broker, Honolulu; born in Hono- lulu, March 24, 1879; son of Thomas Alfred and Catherine (Steward) Lloyd; educated at St. Louis Col- lege and Oahu College, Honolulu; unmarried. Began career in offices of Metropolitan Meat Co., Honolulu, 1896-1902; associated with Allen & Robinson, Honolulu, 1902-11; public accountant, Honolulu, 1911-15; cashier Honolulu Brewing and Malt- ing Co., 1915-17; stock broker and representing C. A. Stoneham & Co. of New York in Honolulu _§ since 1917. Was chief clerk, Senate, ses- sion of 1915, Territorial Legislature. JOHN HENRY, educator and lawyer, Pepeekeo, Ha- waii; born in St. Louis, Mo., April 24, 1864; son of Ferdinand M. and Anne Cathryn (Potts) Lodenkam- per; education, St. Louis University (St. Louis, Mo.), 1876-83, Normal course at Florissant, Mo., 1883-1887: mathematics, science and _ philoso- phy (Woodstock, Maryland), 1887- 1890; moral and dogma _ (Wood- stock, Maryland), 1895-98, A. B., A. M., Ph. D., D. D.; married Judith Genevieve Mitchener (descendant of Anthony Wayne of Revolutionary fame), in Manila, P. I., Dec. 27, 1912, children, John Henry Saxon and Judith Eileen. Professor of Latin, Greek, mathematics, history and Belles Lettres, at St. Mary’s College (Kan.), 1890-94; professor same subjects and German, Mar- quette College, Milwaukee, Wis., 1894-95 and 1898-99; professor of Latin, Greek, ancient history, rhetoric and oratory, Ignatius Col- lege, Chicago, IIl., 1900-1903; taught academics, St. Louis University, 1903-04; taught academics (one year) and was professor of senior commercial and philosophy (three years), - Latin, Greek, history and Belles Lettres (three years) at St. Mary’s ‘College (Kans.) 1904-12. Was faculty editor of several col- lege journals, The Dial, St. Mary’s, Kans., twelve years; The Fleur de Lys, St. Louis University, one year; founder and first faculty’ editor, Ignatius Collegian, Chicago. Came to Hawaii, 1913, and is principal of Pepeekeo School, Hawaii, and has been admitted to practise law in the District Courts of the Territory. 176 MEN OF HAWAII F. J. LOWREY BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 177 Made a tour of the world, all im- portant cities, 1912-13; is an orator, writer of verse, speaks and writes Latin and German fluently. LOGAN, DANIEL, journalist, Hono- lulu; born Nov. 29, 1852, at Hard- wood Hill, County of Pictou, Nova Scotia; son of John Fraser and Hannah (McKay) Logan; married Annie Lyle at Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia, May 17, 1877; five chil- dren: James Lyle, Marion B. (Mrs. P. G Cox), Annie B., Ida McKay (twins), Eola Jessie L. Educated in common school located on father’s farm. Began career in New Glas- gow, Nova Scotia, April 24, 1867, as apprentice on “Eastern Chronicle,” later became foreman and assistant editor, severing connection 1875, re- turning Jan. 1, 1877, as editor and proprietor; joined staff “Daily Wit- ness,” Montreal, 1880, as head proof- reader, editorial writer, special re- porter, etc.; settled in Honolulu in 1884; has been associated with the various publications of Honolulu since that date in various capacities, from reporter to owner; librarian, Honolulu) Star-Bulletin; member Board of Supervisors City and Coun- ty of Honolulu, 1909-10 and 1915-17. Has contributed largely to literature of Hawaii, as follows: Handbook of Hawaii (for the government), 1898; Volcanoes of Hawaii, 1900; Hawaii, Its People, Etc.; History of Hawaii. Also regular and_ special contributor to many U. S. and for- eign newspapers and_ periodicals. Member Odd _ Fellows, Honolulu Scottish Thistle Club, Honolulu Press Club. LOOFBOUROW, LEON L., clergy- man, Honolulu, T. H.; born in At- lantic, Cass Co., Iowa, December 5, 1877; son of Charles Franklin and Hannah (Hodgkins) Loofbour- ow; educated Leland Stanford Uni- versity, A. B., 1902; Boston Univer- sity school of theology, S. T. B,, 1905; post graduate study, 1906; College of the Pacific, A. M., 1913; married Anna Robertson Hart of Annapolis, Nova Scotia, April 30, 1907; two children, Robert L. and Elizabeth Ke- 8, Ordained _ at Springfield, Mass., 1904; pastor Winthrop church (Cong’l), Boston, 1904-1906; Eighth Avenue (M. E.), Oakland, Cal., 1906-1911; College Park (M. E.), San Jose, Cal., 1911- 1913; First Methodist, Petaluma, 12 LOWREY, Cal., 1913-15; First Methodist, Ho- nolulu, 1915; has contributed ar- ticles to various magazines and journals. Member Phi Beta Kappa, Stanford, and Beth Resh Mem, the only Hebrew letter fraternity, Bos- ton. Descendant of William Spoon- er of Colchester, Essex, England, who settled in Plymouth, Mass., 1637. LOOMIS, CHARLES FRANCIS, Y. M. C. A. secretary, Eleele, Kauai, T. H.; born in Minneapolis, Minn., Oct. 26, 1887; son of Albert S. and Alice M. (Forward) Loomis; edu- cated public schools, St. Louis; Washington University, St. Louis; Manual Training school; Univer- sity of Missouri, B. S. in Ed. 1911; married Alice E. Richardson in Honolulu, July 31, 1912; three children, Herbert R., Alice Nevius. John Forward; secretary of boys’ work, Honolulu Y. M. C. A., July, 1911-May, 1916; county secretary, Kauai Y. M. C. A. since May, 1916. Came to Honolulu to start boys’ work in new Y. M. C. A. building, Oct. 1911; organized and was prin- cipal of the first Boys’ Vacation school of Honolulu; has organized clubs and night schools on various plantations of Kauai. Member of Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity, Kauai Chamber of Commerce. LOWREY, ALAN J., Honolulu; born in Honolulu, January 15, 1890; son of Frederick Jewett and Cherilla (Storrs) Lowrey; educated at Puna- hou Academy, Honolulu; Harvard University, A. B., 1913. Began with the firm of Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., lumber and hardware merchants, Honolulu, 1913-1917; with H. Water- house Trust Co., Ltd., since March 1, 1917. Was captain in National Guard of Hawaii and resigned to study for Army Reserve examina- tions. Is cadet commander of the aviation class in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, October, 1917. Member Hawaiian Polo and Racing Assn., Pacific Tennis Club, Oahu Country Club. FREDERICK DWIGHT, merchant, Honolulu; born June 6, 1885, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Ha- waii; son of Frederick Jewett and Cherilla (Storrs) Lowrey; married Leila Parsons in Santa Rosa, Cal., Feb. 15, 1911; three children: Fred- erick Parsons, John Jewett, Dwight. 178 MEN OF HAWAII H. L. LYON NORMAN K. LYMAN LOWREY, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 179 Educated Punahou School (Honolu- lu), 1894-1903, Harvard 1904-07, de- gree A. B. 1908. Began business career with Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., hardware and lumber merchants, Honolulu; sec’y, Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. Member Liquor License Com- mission, Oahu, 1912, chairman 1914- 16. Member University Club (Hon- olulu), Oahu Country Club. FREDERICK JEWETT, merchant, Honolulu; born Oct. 1%, 1858, at Pittsfield, Berkshire Co., Mass.; son of Frederick Canfield and Alice L. (Moore) Lowrey; de- scendant of long line of military officers of the War of Revolution, including Col. Samuel Canfield, Captains Daniel Jewett, Abijah Moore and Joseph Higley; edu- cated in public schools of Pitts- field, Mass., and California, and business college; married Cherilla L. Storrs in Honolulu, Jan. 17, 1884; four children: Frederick Dwight, Sherwood Moore, Helen Storrs (deceased), Alan Jewett. Began business career in San Francisco, Cal., and in Honolulu with Lewers & Dickson, in 1879; later with Lewers & Cooke, hard- ware and lumber merchants; be- came president of Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., when incorporated Jan. 1, 1901; president of Oahu Sugar Co., Ltd.; president of Waiahole Water Co., Ltd.; vice-president, Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd. Was chairman, Board of Prison Inspectors; member, Board of Health during plague ep- idemic; sergeant and later cap- tain, Citizens’ Guard; ex-president, Queen’s Hospital; president, Oahu Cemetery Assn.; president. Ha- waiian Board; president, Trustees Central Union Church; trustee and ex-president, Y. M. C. A.; mem- ber and ex-president, Social Sci- ence Assn.; trustee and ex-presi- dent, Cham. of Com. Member Pa- cific, Commercial and Country Clubs. LOWREY, SHERWOOD MOORE, treasurer, Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., Honolulu; born Feb. 11, 1887, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of Frederick Jewett and Cherilla Lillian (Storrs) Lowrey; married Ida Kopke in Honolulu, Nov. 14. 1911; two children: Jane, Robert Sherwood. Educated Punahou Pre- paratory School (Honolulu), Oahu College, Hotchkiss, 1906; Har- vard 1906-1907, Bryant & Stratton’s Commercial School (Boston) 1907- 1908. Entered employ of Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., Aug., 1908, as bill clerk; cashier in charge stocks and bonds, Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., Nov., 1911- Feb., 1915; treasurer, Lewers & Cooke, Ltd., since Feb., 1915. Mes- senger in Citizens’ Guard during revolution 1895; member Hawaiian National Guard since Nov., 1914, rank of Captain. Treasurer Mid- Pacific Carnival 1915, secretary 1916. Member Fox Club (Cam- bridge, Mass.), Oahu Country Club, Commercial Club (Honolulu). LOWSON, GEORGE, banker, Hilo, Ha- waii; born at Kirriemuir, Scotland, Feb. 16, 1887; son of George and Helen (Boagg) Lowson; educated, grammar school of native town and graduate of Webster’s Seminary, Scotland. Apprenticed to law under Scottish lawyer, Kirriemuir, Scot- land, 1903-07; entered the law firm of Macandrew, Wright & Murray, writers to the Signet, in Edinburgh, Scotland, 1907-10. Came to Hawaii, 1910, and immediately became iden- tified with the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., Hilo, Hawaii; appointed man- ager of the Kohala branch of the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., 1914, and soon after was appointed assistant cashier in the main office, Hilo. Was naturalized an American citi- zen in 1915. Served in Royal Field Artillery, Edinburgh Territorials. Member of Hilo Lodge B. P. O. E. No. 759. LUCAS, JOHN, contractor, Honolulu; born Nov. 10, 1857, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii; son of George and Sarah (Williams) Lucas; mar- ried Lydy E. Foster in Honolulu, Feb. 3, 1885; two children: Sarah EK. and Harry F. Educated Fort Street School (Honolulu) 1865-73, College of Oahu 1873-74. Served with father as carpenter from 1874 to time of his death, 1892; followed general contracting and _ milling since; formed Honolulu Planing Mill, Ltd., and elected president and manager in 1911. Member first board of supervisors, County of Oahu, 1905-1907; member first Board of Liquor License Commissioners (Oahu). Member Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Knights Templar, Shrine, Honolulu Lodge NGw olor cB or Oe tO. Oo F', Chiefs of Hawaii. 180 MEN OF HAWAII R. A. LUCAS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 181 LUCAS, RAYMOND 4,., retired, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hartford, Conn., May 30, 1866; son of Philip and Anna (Martin) Lucas; educated in public schools of Hartford; mar- ried in Kohala, Hawaii, May 7, 1888; three children, Lucille, Anna and Raymond P. Left home, 1880, on whaling expedition, returning from which he shipped to East Indies 1881-84; on returning to New York, shipped around Cape Horn to San Francisco, 1884; work- ed in San Francisco, 1884-86; came to Hawaii and worked on Kohala Plantation, 1886-89; sugar boiler at Hawi Mill, 1889-91, during which time he erected first wire landing on Hawaii; employed at Kukuihaele, 1892-95; at Honomu Plantation, 1895-98; entered real estate busi- ness in Hilo, 1898; erected fish markets at Waiakea for Japanese Fishing Co. Member Tax Appeal Board, South Hilo; Hilo Lodge, No. 159) B2P-O0° EK, LUFKIN, CHARLES DEXTER, bank. er, Wailuku, Island of Maui; born at Shelbyville, Ill., Oct. 28, 1863; son of Charles Dexter and Lucia Russell (Smith) Lufkin; educated State Normal University, Normal, Ill.; graduated from Shattuck Mil- itary Academy, Faribault, Minn., 1884; married Julia Helen Gilmore in Faribault, Minn.; one child, Frank Addison. Began career in shoe business, Faribault, Minn.; removed to Elk Point, §S. Dak., and employed by Citizens Bank, 1889-98; removed to Honolulu as Supt. of Money Order System of Island Post Offices, later became associated with First American Bank of Hawaii, Lid.; organized First National Bank of Wailuku, 1901, the Lahaina Nat’l Bank, 1906, the First Bank of Paia, 19138, serv- ing as manager and cashier of these banks; amalgamated same banks into the Bank of Maui, Ltd., with branches at Lahaina and Paia, May 1, 1917, vice-president and manager of Bank of Maui, Ltd. Member of B. P. O. Elks, Masons, Shrine and Knights of Pythias. Republican. LUFKIN, FRANK N., banker, Lahaina, Island of Maui, Hawaii; born April 13, 1860, at Shelbyville, Ill.; son of Charles Dexter and Lucia Russell (Smith) Lufkin; educated in high school, Illinois State Normal at Nor- mal, Ill., 1880, University of Michi- gan, degree B. A. 1884; entered the real estate and loan business at Olathe, Kas., 1886-1892; with the Mexican Central Railway and other transportation companies in Mexico City, 1892-1900; secretary and treas- urer, Mexican-American S. S. Co., New Orleans, 1900-1905; division auditor, United Fruit Co., in Costa Rica and Guatemala, C. A., 1905-1915; cashier, Lahaina branch, Bank of Maui, Ltd., since 1916. LYDECKER, ROBERT COLFAX, li- brarian Public Archives, Honolulu, born April 9, 1857, in New York City; son of John Ryer and Eliza- beth Salter (Ward) Lydecker; edu- cated in ward schools of New York City and College of City of New York. Began business career as assistant secretary to Hon. Thomas L. James, postmaster of New York, 1875-1880; clerk U. S. Engineers Of- fice, Chicago, 1880-1882; recorder, U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, 1882-1885; on voyage in bark Annie Stafford of Nova Scotia to India and return, as passenger for health, 1885-1886; in mercantile line, New York, 1887-1895; visited Honolulu, arriving August 6, 1896, with Oahu Railway & Land Co., as clerk, book- Keeper and general freight agent, 1896-1899; returned to New York in 1899; joined “Honolulu Come Back Club,” with E. O. Hall & Son and Theo. H. Davies & Co., 1899-1902; territorial meteorologist, 1903-1904; Librarian Public Archives’ since May 11, 1905. Member Holland So- ciety of New York City, Hawaiian Historical Society; was charter member Honolulu Commercial Club; member Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Honolulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Honolulu Commandery No. 1, K. T., Aloha Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. Elks. LYDGATE, JOHN MORTIMER, min- ister, Lihue, Kauai; born in Canada, December 12, 1854; son of William and Ann (Blezard) Lydgate; edu- cated at Punahou; Toronto Univer- sity; Free Church College, Edin- burgh, Scotland; Berlin University, Germany, B.A., M.A.; Yale, B.D.; married Helen Elwell in Honolulu Jan. 11, 1898; four children, John Mortimer, Homer, Percy, William Anthony. Was first assistant on MEN OF HAWAII 182 HENRY J. K. LYMAN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 183 Government Survey, 1869; indepen- dent surveyor, 1873-1875; manager Laupahoehoe Sugar Co., 1880-88; in charge of church, State of Washing- ton, 1891-94; Pastor Lihue Union Church and Koloa Church and agent of Hawaiian Board, 1896 to date. Was managing director, McBryde Sugar Co., for several years. Is edi- tor of ‘Garden Island.” LYMAN, FREDERICK SWARTZ, sur- veyor, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, July 25, 1837; son of David Belden and Sarah (Joiner) Lyman; both parents early missionaries to Hawaii, being founders of Hilo Boarding School, 1836; educated at Oahu College, Honolulu, 1850-60; married Isabella Chamberlain, in Honolulu, February 16, 1861; six children, Ellen Goodale, Frederick Snowden, Francis Anderson, Levi Chamberlain, Ernest Everts, Esther Rosalie. Was Government Land Surveyor, Hilo, Puna and Kau, from 1854-62; independent surveyor, 1862- 1914; stock farmer, Kau, 1860-68; District Judge, Kau, 1867-68; moved to Hilo, 1868; Circuit Judge East Hawaii, 1869-93; appointed secre- tary to Princess Likelike Cleghorn, Governess of Hawaii, 1879, holding post under successive governors until 1888; Commissoner of Boun- daries for Hawaii several years. Elected Delegate to Constitutional Convention, Republic of Hawaii, 1894; member of Senate, Republic of Hawaii, 1895-96-97-98. Trustee Hilo Boarding School since 1868; trustee, First Foreign Church, Hilo, since 1870; member Good Templars Lodge, Blue Ribbon Society, Hawai- ian Historical Society, Hilo Board of Trade; was President Hilo & Ha- waii Telephone Co., 1882-95; Presi- dent Hilo Elec. Light Co., 1894-1901; Hawaiian Translator. LYMAN, HENRY J. K., planter, Ka- poho, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, December 18, 1872; son of Rufus A. and Rebecca A. (Brickwood) Ly- man; a grandson of David B. and Sarah Joiner Lyman, missionaries to these islands, 1831; educated at Oberlin College, A. B. 1894; Cor- nell University (special agriculture) 1892-93; married Frances Holland Thompson, Honolulu, Sept. 5, 1917; deputy tax assessor and collector, Puna district, Hawaii, 1896-1915; supervisor, Hawaii county, 1912-15; cane planter since 1907; postmas- ter at Kapoho, Hawaii, since 1912; member road board 1896-1908; mem- ber board of registration 1898; member board of fence commission- ers 1917; delegate to Republican convention, Chicago, 1916. Member Seaside club of Hilo; Oahu Coun- try club, Honolulu; Hilo board of trade; Hawaii publicity commis- sion, Hilo Yacht club. LYMAN, NORMAN KALANILEHUA, Territorial Representative, Hilo, T. H.; born in Hilo, Hawaii, March 28, 1879; son of Rufus A. and Re- becca A. (Brickwood) Lyman; grand- parents were missionaries and foun- ders of present Hilo Boarding School; educated in Hilo and Hono- kaa public schools and Punahou; married Emmeline K. Brown in Hilo, January 24, 1903; no children. On leaving school, went to Puna, Hawaii, 1893; bookkeeper, A. G. Cur- tis, commission merchant, Hilo, 1897; has been clerk to sheriff of Hawaii, road overseer, South Hilo, timekeeper, Hawaiian Mahogany Co., and Supervisor from Puna dis- trict two terms; elected Represen- tative to ‘Territorial legislature three terms from 1911-17; was one of the pioneer advocates of concrete roads in Hawaii. First Lieut., N. G. H. Member A, O. F. LYMER, WILLIAM BARKER, lawyer, Honolulu; born Aug. 22, 1882, at Clarinda, Page County, Iowa; son of Richard Henry and Sarah (Bag- nall) Lymer; married California Lu- cas, Aug. 6, 1913, at Honolulu; no children; received primary educa- tion in graded schools and academy at College Springs, Iowa, graduate Amity College (Iowa) with degree A. B. Harvard University Law School in 1907, degree LL.B.; _ be- gan career as practising attorney in Colorado in 1908; came to Honolulu, 1909, and practised with law firm, Kinney, Ballou, Prosser & Ander- son; deputy attorney-general Terri- tory of Hawaii, Jan. 1910-Oct., 1910; district magistrate, Honolulu, Oct., 1910-May, 1911; special attorney to Board of Health during yellow fever scare at salary of $750 a month from . August to December, 1912; assistant county attorney, Honolulu, April, 1915-Aug., 1915; private practise since. Has represented many of the largest interests of Territory and MEN OF HAWAII 184 M. McCHESNEY J. JAMES S. McCANDLESS DR. J. T. McDONALD CAPT. J. R. MACAULAY BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 185 performed praiseworthy work on be- half of the Territory while in attor- ney-general’s office, representing Board of Health and on the bench. Member University Club, Harvard Club of Hawaii, Hawaiian Historical Society, Aero Club of Hawaii. Is widely read and close student o Napoleonia. LYON, HAROLD LLOYD, botanist and plant pathologist, Honolulu; born October 14, 1879, at Hastings, Minn.; son of William Henry and Mary (McCarriel) Lyon; descend- ant through both parents of old colonial families; graduated from Hastings High Schooi, 1896; re- ceived B. S. degree from University of Minnesota, 1900, M. S. degree 1901, Ph. D. degree 1903. Married Maude Fletcher in Minneapolis, Minn., July 19, 1905. Instructor in botany at University of Minnesota 1900-1905, was assistant professor of botany at same institution 1905- 1907; assistant pathologist at exper- iment station of H. S. P. A., Hono- lulu, 1907-09; head pathologist at same station since 1909, being en- gaged in the investigation and con- trol of cane diseases; has been in charge of field and laboratory in- vestigations of problems relating to the pineapple industry since 1914. Has published numerous papers in various scientific journals dealing with researches in plant pathology, plant embryology and evolution of plants. Fellow American Associa- tion for the Advancement of Science, member of the American Genetic Association. Ne McCARTHY, CHARLES JAMES, Treasurer Territory of Hawaii, Honolulu; born August 4, 1861, in Boston, Mass.; son of Charles and Joana (McCarthy) McCarthy; mar- ried Margaret Teresa Morgan in Honolulu, January 16, 1889; _ five children, Eileen, Louise, Pearl, Vir- ginia, Margaret. Educated gram- mar and high schools of San Fran- cisco and became associated with a wholesale fruit house in that city, 1881; sent to Honolulu to represent the firm, March 11, 1881; has been in various lines of business in Hono- lulu since that time, being appoint- ed Treasurer of the Territory of McCANDLESS, Hawaii October 31, 1914. Member House of Nobles, Kingdom of Ha- waii, 1890; secretary Legislature, 1892; Senator Territorial Legisla- ture, 1907-11; Treasurer City and County of Honolulu, 1912-1914, Was captain Honolulu Rifles 1888, and Captain, major and _.lieutenant- colonel National Guard of Hawaii, resigning in October, 1902. Member board of harbor commissioners, Ter- ritony of Hawaii since July 1, 1911. Member Knights of Pythias, past deputy supreme chancellor; I. O. O. F., past grand; Fraternal Order Eagles, past president; B. P. O. E., past exalted ruler. JOHN ANDREW, financier, Honolulu; born in Pennsylvania, June 11, 1853; son of Thomas M. and Eliza (Newman,y McCandless; public school educa- tion; married Ella Thompson of Parkersburg, W. V., September 4, 1877. Went to Honolulu, 1881, and engaged in drilling for artesian wells; later made extensive invest- ments; member McCandless Bros.; vice-president Lahaina Land Co.; director Pioneer Mill Co., Oahu Su- gar Co., etc. Was member of coni- mittee of 13 that revolutionized the monarchy, 1893; member Provision- al Government during its entire ex- istence; member Senate, 1894-8; first superintendent of public works under territorial government; Re- publican. Mason. Member of Com mercial and Country clubs. McCANDLESS, JAMES SUTTON, financier, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Indiana, Indiana Co., Pennsylvania, September 20, 1860; son of Thomas McCartney and Elizabeth Ann (New- man) McCandless; descendant of pioneer settlers of western Pennsyl- vania; educated in public schools of Indiana Co., Penna., and Volcano, W. Va.; married Lillian Fredrica Hargear of New York City, Nov. 7, 1910; no children. Began business career with father in West Virginia oil fields, learning to drill wells; was in Leadville, Colo., 1879-1880; went to San Francisco, Cal., Novem- ber, 1880, later coming to Honolulu on S. S. City of New York, Decem- ber, 1880; in following year 1881 on arrival of brothers John A, and Lin- coln L. McCandless, formed firm of McCandless Bros., artesian well drill- 186 MEN OF HAWAII LINCOLN L. McCANDLESS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 187 ers; since then have drilled over 600 wells, making it possible to op- erate Ewa, Oahu, Kahuku and Wai- alua plantations; on guarantee of McCandless Bros. to find water in sufficient quantity for irrigation pur- poses, Ewa Plantation was organ- ized; this being first plantation in Hawaii to install pumping plants for irrigation purposes from artesian wells. Was corporal of Sharpshoot- ers Company under provisional gov- ernment and Republic of Hawaii. Member Pacific, Commercial, Out- rigger Canoe and Country clubs of Honolulu and Bohemian and Union League clubs of San Francis- co, Cal. Member all Masonic orders, both York and Scottish Rite and An- cient Arabic Order Nobles of Mystic Shrine for North America. Has crossed Pacific Ocean between San Francisco and Honolulu 67 times; made one round trip across Atlantic Ocean, 1900-01, McCANDLESS, LINCOLN L., rancher, Honolulu; born in Indiana, Pennsyl- vania, September 18, 1859; son of Thomas McCartney and Elizabeth (Newman) McCandless; descendant of pioneer settlers of western Penn- sylvania before the Revolutionary war; educated in public schools of West Virginia; married Elizabeth Janet Cartwright of New York, May 24, 1904; one daughter, Elizabeth Loy. Went to Leadville, Colo., at the age of 20 to prospect; came to Ha- waii in 1882 to join brothers, John A. and James S., as McCandless Bros., in artesian well drilling; since then they have drilled over 600 wells in the Hawaiian Islands, making it pos- sible for the starting of many enter- prises, particularly rice and sugar plantations, many wells of which were drilled by them on the guaran- tee that water could be had in abundance. Was elected to the Leg- islature in 1898 for two years and again in 1902-1906; was candidate for Delegate to Congress in 1908, 10, 12, 14 and 1916, the latter year advo- cated making Honolulu a free port. Member of the Commercial Club and the Honolulu Ad Club. McCHESNEY, JESSE MILO, mer- chant, Honolulu; born March §8, 1860, in Marion county, Missouri; son of Robert Watson and Martha Jane (Davis) McChesney; married Alice M. Clark, April 6, 1892, in McCORRISTON, McDONALD, Honolulu; three children, Ruth Florence; Martha Louise and Lil- lian; great great grandfather came from Scotland, 1732, and settled in New York state; father’ served through the Civil War in 36th lowa Infantry, afterwards edited and published Batesville Republican (Arkansas), during reconstruction period, 1868-72; received early edu- cation in public schools of Bates- ville, Arkansas; entered newspaper office of father and served five years at printing trade; 1878 at- tended Arkansas State University; assistant postmaster of home town, 1879-1882; came to Honolulu, 18838, taking position with firm of M. W. McChesney & Sons, grocers; in 1906 established present firm, McChes- ney Coffee Co.; member Knights of Pythias, C. C. 1891; was presi- dent Civic Federation of Honolulu, 1913-14. ROBERT, banker, Honolulu; born July 24, 1884, in Honolulu; son of Daniel and Jane (Joonson) McCorriston, unmarried; received education at St. Louis Col- lege, Honolulu, graduating 1901. En- tered employ of Bank of Hawaii January, 19v1, and later became as- sistant cashier of that institution. Member Oahu Country, Hawaii Polo and Racing, Outrigger and Healani Boat clubs. JONATHAN~ TITUS, physician, Honolulu; born in Cam- bridge, Province of New Brunswick, Canada, May 4, 18538; son of Lewis and Martha (Titus) McDonald. Edu- cated public schools, New Bruns- wick, Kent’s Hill, Maine; Colby College (Maine), degree A. B. 1880; Cooper Medical College (now medi- ca] department Stanford University, Cal.), degree M. D. 1884; post-grad- uate studies, lectures and clinics, New York and London, 1892-93; Colby College, degree A. M. 1895. Married Clara Rebecca Hutchins in San Francisco, November 27, 1887. Practised profession in San Fran- cisco 1886-1900; pathologist to Board of Health, Territory of Ha- wali, 1901-1910; visiting physician Queen’s Hospital (Honolulu) since 1904; private practise in Honolulu. Member San Francisco Medical So- ciety, 1887-1900; Medical Society of California, 1888-1900; Fellow Ameri- 188 MEN OF HAWAII T. MACHIDA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 189 can Medica] Association since 1888; Medical Society of Hawaii since 1900. MacADAM, DAVID HASTINGS, post- master, Honolulu, born in St. Louis, Mo., April 9, 1879; son of David Hastings and Mary Evans (Smith) MacAdam; educated at St. Louis High School (St. Louis, Mo.), Wash- ington University and St. Louis School of Fine Arts. Married Adah Cecilia Ellis in New York City, May 29, 1911, one child, David Hastings, Jr. Served as reporter on St. Louis papers, newspaper correspondent at Washington for St. Louis Republic, magazine writer and in the postot- fice department at Washington; ap- pointed postmaster ot Honoluiu, April 15, 1917. MACAULAY, JOHN RODERICK, master mariner and pilot, Hono- lulu; born Feb. 4, 1854, at Storno- way, Scotland; son of John and Margaret (Mackenzie) Macaulay; married Jane Hill, Oct. 10, 1881, at Liverpool, Eng.; six children, An- nie Laurie, Jean Hill, John Robert, Jessie Rogers, Eloise Ethel, Aulay Donald. Educated grammar schools and attended school of navigation, making first voyage in ship ‘“Tam- erlane,” engaged in China tea trade, 1868; arrived Honolulu 1883, as chief officer American ship ‘Paul Revere” and entered service of Inter-Island Steam Navigation Co., 1883-1893; service of Hawaiian gov- ernment since 1893; in several re- sponsible capacities, and pilot for Honolulu since April, 1893; in 1893 sailed as chief officer of S. S. Clau- dine with Hawaiian Commissioners negotiating for annexation to United States; commander of Ha- waiian revenue cutter ‘Lehua,” 1895; is proud possessor of a letter signed by J. B. Castle, collector- general of customs and dated July 9, 1895, in which the highest en- comiums of praise for fidelity and faithfulness as a public servant are contained; this at the time the Lehua was withdrawn as a revenue cutter and transferred to the In- terior Department. Agent and surveyor for American Bureau of Shipping, and Surveyor for Bureau Veritas in Marine; life member Ma- MACDONALD, sonic lodge Ayr St. Paul, of Scot- land. MacCAUGHEY, VAUGHAN, college professor, Honolulu; born July 7, 1887, at Huron, South Dakota; son of William Frank and Matilda (Vaughan) MacCaughey; educated Cornell University, B. S. A. 1908, advanced work University of Chi- cago, 1916; married Janet Harriet Brooker of Newburgh, N. Y., in Honolulu, November 21, 1909, three children, Hamilton, Matilda, Horace Vaughan. Student assistant, De- partment of Entomology (Cornell), 1905-1908; teacher natural sciences, Honolulu Normal, 1908-10; assistant professor botany and horticulture, College of Hawaii, 1910-13; profes- sor of botany, College of Hawaii since 1913; principal, Mills School, Mid-Pacific Institute. Teacher nat- ural history and field biology, Chau- tauqua Institution Summer Schools, 1906-07, 1914-15,17, visiting profes- sor University of California summer session, 1911; Cornell University, summer session, 1912; made trans- continental tour, lecturing on Ha- waiian Archipelago, summers 1912, 1914, 1915, 1916. Prominent in local religious work. Author number scientific works. Fellow American Association for the Advancement of Science; life member’ National Geographic Society; member Sigma Xi; member University Club (Hono- lulu). CLARENCE ALEX- ANDER, educator, Lahaina, Maui; born in Sherbrooke, Nova _ Scotia, Canada, October 4, 1862; son of John Angus and Hannah (Clarke) MacDonald; educated at Cornell University, M. E., 1896; married Margaret R. Burton at Waialua, Oahu, August 31, 1901; one child, James Angus MacDonald. Taught shop work in Clarkson School of Technology, Potsdam, New York, 1896; came to Kamehameha School, 1897, taught shop work, mechanical and architectural drawing; prin- cipal of Lahainaluna School, Maui, since 1903. MACFARLANE, HENRY RICHARD, stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born March 23, 1876, in Honolulu; son of Henry Richard and Emma (Widemann) Macfarlane; educated MEN OF HAWAII BENJAMIN L, MARX MALCOLM MACINTYRE DR. H. V. MURRAY JOHN A. MAGUIRE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 191 Fort Street School and St. Albans College, Honolulu; married Mary Lowrie Dunn, in Honolulu, Decem- ber 6, 1906, one daughter, Jean Mary. Entered business 1903 as cashier Union Feed Co.; treasurer Macfarlane & Co., 1907-10; cashier Libby, McNeill & Libby of Hono- lulu, 1912-14; partnership in brok- erage firm of Giffard and Macfar- lane since 1915; member Pacific, Oahu Country, Commercial and Oahu Polo clubs. MACHIDA, TOMOZO, druggist, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Yamagu Chi Ring, Japan, Feb. 19, 1872; son of Torahei and Tika (Shigii) Machida; educated in the regular school in Japan for eight years; married Sen Sakumoto in Hilo, Hawaii, Aug., 1899; children: Tomoichi, Moto, George and Ioshizo. Began in the drug business in Japan at the age of 18; served in the Japan- ese army (cavalry) for three years of Japan-China war; following the war came to Hawaii and established a drug business, and today is pro- prietor of four stores: one in Hono- lulu, one in Hilo and two on the island of Maui. Assisted in the es- tablishing of the T. K. K. line to Hawaiian Islands; was sergeant in Japan-Russia war, leaving Hawaii for 27 months. Member Hilo Board of Trade and President of Japanese Merchants’ Association. MACINTYRE, MALCOLM, life insur- ance, Honolulu; born in Peebles- shire, Scotland, June 15, 1879; son of Malcolm ‘Taylor and Jane (Young) Macintyre. Educated at the Bonnington Park High School, Peebles, Scotland; married Flor- ence Hall, daughter of W.-W. Hall, in Honolulu, March 10, 1908, chil- dren, Cornelia, Jean Elizabeth, and Margery. Served apprenticeship in Bank of Scotland, Peebles, Scot- land; came to Honolulu, 1900; in charge of savings bank dept. of Bishop & Co. one year; entered in- surance department of Bishop & Co. which later incorporated as Bishop Insurance Agency, Ltd., be- ing secretary and treasurer of this agency until August, 1911; manager of Sun Life Assurance Co. of Can- ada since establishment of branch office in Honolulu, formerly repre- sented for fifteen years in Hawaii by Bishop & Co., the territory in- cludes Fijian Islands. Represented MAGUIRE, MAHLUM, interests of W. W. Hall in firm of EK. O. Hall & Son, Ltd., as auditor and director, 1909-1910. Member of Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, Automobile and Manoa _ Im- provement clubs, and is a Mason. JOHN AVERY, — stock rancher, Kailua, Hawaii; born at Hamakua, Hawaii, December 18, 1848; son of Charles and (Hiilawe) Maguire; common education; mar- ried twice. Began hustling at the age of ten, after his father’s death, herding sheep and shooting wild cattle for hides on the slopes of Mauna Kea, Island of Hawaii; later worked for the Waimea Grazing Co., then spent eight months in the Honolulu Iron Works but could not stand the work; returned to Hawaii as foreman of the Puuhue Ranch, being then a part of the Waimea Grazing Co. In 1873 began cane planting with James Woods; on death of Mr. Woods (1883), was ap- pointed manager of Puuhue Ranch by the trustees of the James Woods estate; bought Huehue Ranch, 1888, and made it his home in 1897; bought Kahua Ranch Co.,_ 1890, selling it to J. F. Woods, 1898. Was Representative to the Hawaiian Legislature from Kohala, 1887-1888. Member of Commercial Club and Kilauea Lodge. ERLING EGEDE, mer- chant, Waimea, Kauai, T. H., born in Lillehammer, Norway, June 10, 1879, son of Halvor and Minde (Oer- bech) Mahlum. Spent three years in the schools in Norway and at private school on Kauai, attended Fort Street School, Honolulu, for one year, graduated from Los An- geles Business College and Stock- ton Business College, Stockton, Cal. Arrived in Hawaii in 1889; after graduating from business’ colleges taught one year in Polytechnic Busi- ness College, Oakland, Cal. Accept- ed a position for one year in San Francisco and one year later re- turned to Kauai, entering employ of C..B. Hofgaard & Co. Ltd. of Waimea, and in January, 1906, be- came manager. MAPLES, WILLIAM LINEAS, pbhysi- cian, Puunene, Maui; was born at Sevierville, Tenn., March 31, 1869; sou of Edward and Martha Jane (Runions) Maples; was graduated 192 MEN OF HAWAII C. E. MASER DR. W. L. MAPLES BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 193 —~from high school, Knoxville, Tenn., June 8, 1888, awarded Dodson medal for excellence in oratory: Howard University, Washington, D. C., M. D., 1892; married Sadie W. Fulford at Beaufort, N. C., December 21, 1901; two children, Bessie and Gladys. Taught school, High School, Knoxville, Tenn., 1888-89; clerk, copyist, Pension Office, Washing- ton, 1890-91; practised medicine, Knoxville, 1892-1901; came to Ha- waii, employed in hospital of H. C. & S. Co., Puunene, 1901; druggist, Wailuku, 1902; in employ H. C. & S. Co. since 1902. Was chief ser- geant, Hospital Corps, 8d N. C. Regt. during Spanish-American war. MARCIEL, JOSEPH VIEIRA, rancher, Kaupo, Maui; born at Kahikinui, Maui, November 10, 1883; son of Antone Vieira and Rose (Kailikea) Marciel; educated at St. Louis Col- lege; married Josephine Kealoha Akiona at Kipahulu, June 21, 1907; six children, Edward, Rosaline, Ray- mond, Francis, Christina, Wilhel- mina. Has been rancher and farmer at Kaupo, Maui, since leaving school. MARINER, HENRY BREWSTER, trust officer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Oakland, Cal., Nov. 18, 1877; son of Silas Henry Winthrop and Lucy Adelaide (Parrott) Mariner; edu- cated in the Oakland High School, graduating May, 1894; married Flor- ence Lillian Black in Oakland, Cal., Sept. 18, 1902. Began business career as clerk with the North British and Mercantile Insurance Co., San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1894-1903; manager of the insurance dept. of the Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd., Honolulu, T. H., 1903-11; manager and treasurer of the First Trust Co. of Hilo, Ltd., since 1911. Is secretary of the Hilo Electric Light Co., Ltd., treasurer and manager of the Hawaiian Insur- ance & Guaranty Co., Ltd., treasurer of the Hilo Yacht Club, and auditor of the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd. Has been treasurer of the Hilo Public Library and chairman of trustees of the Hilo hospital since 1912. Mem- ber of Ancient and Honorable Order of Blue Goose (Spokane, Washing- ton, Lodge); Fire Underwriters’ As- sociation of the Pacific (San Fran- cisco, Cal.); Pacific Club (Honolu- lu); Hilo Lodge No. 759, B. P. O. E.; Honolulu branch, Sons of the Ameri- can Revolution. 13 MARQUEZ, CHARLES NICHOLAS, merchant, Honolulu; born Nov. 8, 1881, at Kau, Hawaii; son of F. D. A. Marquez; married Lena Rose- warne, Feb. 7, 1909, at Honolulu; one child, Charles N., Jr.; educated at St. Louis College, Honolulu, Royal School, Honolulu High School, and Heald’s Business Col- lege, San Francisco. Entered busi- ness in employ of Oahu Railroad & Land Co., Honolulu, and then served successively with Robert Grieve Printing Co., C. J. Hutchins, and the Bank of Hawaii, Ltd.; president of Office Supply Co., Ltd., of Honolulu since 1909. Member’ Territorial Legislature, 1917. Member Com- mercial and Oahu Country clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Royal Arch Masons, Honolulu Chapter No. 1, Senior Warden Honolulu Com- mandery No. 1, Knights Templar, Aloha Temple, Nobles of the Mystic Shrine and charter member Order of Kamehameha. MARX, BENJAMIN LODGE, lawyer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in San Fran- cisco, Cal., June 20, 1870; son of David and Margaret W. (Houston) Marx; married Mary Eloise Castle, daughter of Alfred Castle, oldest son of Samuel Northrup Castle, in Hon- olulu, November 28, 1900; one child: Benjamin Lodge Marx, Jr. Private secretary to President Sanford B. Dole and secretary Executive Coun- cil of Republic of Hawaii, 1894-98; secretary of commission to draft Organic Act, 1898; admitted to bar 1899, and formed partnership with Francis M. Hatch, same year; has practised law ever since under vari- ous partnerships; member of firm of Frear, Prosser, Anderson and Marx. Prominent in musical circles of Hon- olulu, being president of Honolulu Symphony Society; author of ar- ticle on Origin of Hawaiian Music, printed in Thrum’s Annual. Mem- ber of Company B, National Guard, during revolution of 1895 and mem- ber of Mounted Reserve. Is a mem- ber of Pacific, Commercial, Hawaii Polo & Racing, Oahu Country Clubs, Beretania and Neighborhood Tennis Clubs, Hawaiian Historical Society, Honolulu Bar Association, Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M. 194 MEN OF HAWAII DR. F. L. MORONG DR. V. MITAMURA COL. H. H. MOREHEAD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 195 MASER, CARL ERNST, auditor, Li- hue, Kauai; born in Freudenstadt, Wurttemberg, Germany, January 19, 1871; son of Carl Friedrich and member Maui County Fair and Rac- ing Assn. MEAD, ROYAL D., director, bureau of Wilhelmine (Bernhard) Maser; edu- cated in Seminary, Nagold, Wurt- temberg, Germany, 1891; married Dora Bomke at Lihue, Kauai, April 23, 1898; three children, Erna, Hilda, Mariechen. Taught school, Hochberg, Wurttemberg, 1891; taught at Reform School, Ellener- hof, Bremen, Germany, 1893; came to Lihue, Kauai, 1895, as teacher in Lihue German School; made Audi- tor, County of Kauai, 1910. Auditor Lihue Ice & Electric Co., 1915; Kauai Telephone Co., 1916; Garden Island Publishing Co., 1917. Was captain Co. A, 4th Regt., N. G. H., 1915-16; major, same Regt. 1916-17. MATHESON, RODERICK O., journal- ist, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Sim- coe, Ontario, Canada, June 21, 1876; son of Thomas Grey and Charlotte (Osborn) Matheson; educated in Parkdale Collegiate Institute and Ontario College of Pharmacy; mar- ried Ida Walker in Nelson, B. C., August 15, 1899; two. children, Walker Grey and Charles Roderick. Was a pharmacist three years after leaving college; owner and editor of various weekly publications in British Columbia and _ Alberta, namely The Silvertonian, Frank Sentinel and Raymond Chronicle; has been editor of Pacific Commer- cial Advertiser, Honolulu, since 1910. MATHEWS, LESLIE ROGERS, social worker, Wailuku, Maui; born in Baltimore, Maryland, January 25, 1889; son of John EF. and Jennie H. (Slaymaker) Mathews; educated at Sunbury, Pa. High School, Ealti- more Medical College, International Young Men’s Christian Association College, Springfield, Mass., B. H., 1915; married Helen Storrs Ham. mond in Hampton, Conn., June 30, 1915; one child, Burr. Was di- rector Boys’ Club, Old Lyme, Conn., assistant secretary Franklin Co. (Mass.), Y. M. C. A.; head worker, Alexander House Settlement, Wai- luku, Maui, since. Was chairman Wailuku District Relief Committee, 1916; commissioner Maui County Boy Scouts of America, director Children’s Gardens department, METZGER, labor, H. S. P. A., Honolulu, T. H.; born in Oakland, Cal., February 29, 1876; son of Thaddeus Wood and Mary Rebecca (Honn) Mead; edu- cated at Cogswell Polytechnic, San Francisco, Cal., and Hastings Law College, Univ. of California; mar- ried Mabel Browning Chamberlain, in Berkeley, Cal., May 7, 1898; one child, Mabel Carolyn Mead. Began career as law clerk in office of Bishop and Wheeler, San Fran- cisco; admitted to practise of law, Supreme Court of California, 1897; came to Honolulu, 1897; practised law in Honolulu until 1908; assist- ant secretary and treasurer Ha- waiian Sugar Planters Association, 1902-1908; appointed director Bu- reau of Labor and. Statistics, H. S. P. A., 1908. Appointed captain O, R. C., U. S. A. 1917. Member Uni- versity Club, Honolulu. MEDEIROS, JOSEPH P., merchant, Honolulu; born Waialua, Oahu, Kingdom of Hawaii, July 10, 1883; son of John A. and Concicao (Sal- gada) Medeiros. Educated at St. Louis College (Honolulu) 6 years, and 1 year County School. Married Helen Gueirra Feb. 17, 1916. Com- menced business career at Waialua in 1904 and was engaged in a gen- eral merchandise business in that town until 1912 when he purchased large store of L. B. Kerr, Honolulu. Is proprietor Waialua Wine Co. and President and Manager Ideal Cloth- ing Co., Honolulu. Established wholesale liquor business at Wai- alua with capital of $2000 and paid $10,000 for the Kerr holdings in Dec., 1912; incorporated the _ busi- ness under name Ideal Clothing Co. for $15,000 and increased capital stock to $25,000 in 1915. Member Chamber of Commerce (Honolulu), Phoenix Lodge, Court Camoes and Santa Antonio Society. Address: Santa Antonio Society. DELBERT EVERNER, civil and mining engineer and law- yer, Hilo; born in Ozawkie, Jeffer- son County, Kansas, March 4, 1875; son of Eli W. and Marguerette Minor (Jones) Metzger; married Alice Marion Weight, June 29, 1911, 196 MEN OF HAWAII | AORTA RETO J. R. MYERS DR. ROBERT S. NORRIS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 197 at Hilo, Hawaii, two children, Jef- ferson Eli and Doris Marguerette. Educated in public and _ private schools, one year at Washburn Col- lege, Topeka, Kansas, summer and correspondence courses in law and engineering and unfinished senior year Indiana Law School; real es- tate and ‘grain business, 1895; editor weekly newspaper and jus- tice of peace at Meriden, Kans., 1896-7; newspaper reporter, Denver, Colo., 1898; came to Hawaii and em- ployed by L. E. Pinkham in artesian well drilling, 1899; accountant Oahu R. R. & L. Co., 1903-04; super- intendent Hilo Railroad Co., 1904- 1908; contracted to construct break- water at Hilo Harbor for United States, completed 1919; Hawaiian manager for Breakwater Co. (Ohio Corp.), 1912-13; studied law, 1914; mining in Oregon and Montana, 1915-16; appointed district magis- trate at Hilo, Hawaii, May 14, 1917. President Board of Trade of Hilo, 1914; senator, Territory of Hawaii Legislature, 1913 and 1915 sessions; one of organizers of Democratic party in Hawaii, 1900. Was a vol- unteer in Spanish-American war in Co. I, 2d Reg. U. S. Vol. Engnrs. Is a 82d degree Mason and Shriner and Past Exalted Ruler, Hilo lodge, B. P. O. Elks. MILNOR, GUY C., physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born at War- rensville, Pa., Jan. 31, 1887; son of Dr. M. T. and Ada (Champion) Milnor; descendant of Robert Champion, an early settler in Read- ing, Pa.; educated at Albright Col- lege, Myerstown, B. S. 1910; Uni- versity of Pa., M. D. 1914; married Nell Poersel in Seattle, Wash., Jan. - 5, 1916. Practised medicine in Hon- Olulu since Jan., 1916, in associa- tion with Dr. G. F. Straub. Mem- ber of the Oahu Country Club, and the Hawaiian Medical Society (sec- retary 1917). MITAMURA, VITARO, physician, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Tokio, Japan, February 14, 1882; son of Toshiyuki and Kei (Matsuyama) Mitamura; father was surgeon-gen- eral of Japanese navy; educated in Tokio grammar school, Tokio; cen- tral grammar school, McKinley High School (Honolulu), University of Michigan, M. D., 1909; married Chozu Harada in Honolulu, April 4, 1914; two children, Yoshinaga Robert and Toshiro Alexander Mita- mura. On graduation from college, was on surgical staff at university, 1909-12; came to Honolulu and has practised here since 1912; is on staff of Japanese Hospital, Hono- lulu. Member Japanese Medical Assn., Mochizuki Club, Cosmopoli- tan Club of University of Michigan, Hawaiian Medical Association. MOIR, JOHN TROUP, sugar planta- tion manager, Papaikou, Hawaii; born in Kincardineshire, Scotland, December 21, 1859; son of Francis and Julia (Troup) Moir; educated in common country school; married Louisa Silver, July 20, 1889, in Hilo, Hawaii, children: Frances Julia, Louisa Agnes, John Troup, Wm. W. Goodale, and Hector McDonald. Began at an early age working on a farm, then spent five years on a railroad in Scotland; worked on his father’s farm, 1880-1887; left Glas- gow for Hawaii in 1888 and located in Hilo; spent fourteen months as luna for Waiakea Mill Co.; team luna for Hilo Sugar Co., 1889-1891; luna, section overseer and head overseer for Onomea Sugar Co., 1891-1896; manager of Honomu Sugar Co., 1896-1898; manager otf Onomea Sugar Co. since November, 1898. Was chairman Hilo Road. Board, 1904-05; chairman Board of Liquor Com. since 1907; a commis- sioner of public instruction, 1909- 1913; supervisor from Hilo district, County of Hawaii, and served as chairman of the first board of su- pervisors, 1905-1907. Is an Elk, pastmaster of Masonic Blue Lodge, Shriner and member of Scottish Rite bodies, K. C. C. H. MONSARRAT, MARCUS DOUGLAS, surveyor, Honolulu; born March 29, 1857, at Honolulu; son of Mar- cus Cumming and Elizabeth Jane ( Dowsett ) Monsarrat; married Florence Ellen Luce, at Honolulu, June 1, 1882 (divorced), three chil- dren, Kathleen Douglas, Mildred Myrtle (deceased), and Ethel] Flor- ence; father was one of Hawaii’s early settlers and was collector of customs for the Port of Honolulu for many years; educated at Oahu College, 1866-70 and 1872-73, and at St. Albans, 1870-71; first business 198 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES H. W. NORTON A. M. NOWELL MANUEL NUNES A. A. AKINA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 199 venture in employ of James Dow- sett, and from 1873 to 1877 in the government survey; since 1877 in private practise, at present asso- ciated with Fred E. Harvey and George F. Wright; during long and active career has personally sur- veyed a large portion of the Ha- waiian Islands, from 1902 to date commissioner of boundaries for first and second judicial circuits, crown surveyor from 1878 to time of taking over crown lands by pres- ent government. MONSARRAT, JAMES MELVILLE, lawyer, Honolulu; born June 13, 1854, in Honolulu, Kingdom of Ha- waii; son of Marcus Cumming and Elizabeth Jane (Dowsett) Monsar- rat; married Carrie Capitola Tuttle in Honolulu, February 11, 1907. Edu- cated, Episcopal Grammar _ school (Honolulu), Oahu College (Hono- lulu), Kilkenny College (Ireland), 1871, private tuition in French lan- guage (Brussels, Belgium), MHar- vard University Law School, class of 1878, LL.B. In office of Ely ana Smith, New York City, 1878-1879. Admitted to bar of Supreme Court, Hawaiian Islands, August 22, 1879, practised law in Honolulu; admitted to bar District Court United States August 13, 1900; appointed District Magistrate of Honolulu, May 8, 1911, serving until 1917. Author of Auto- ists’ Blue Book (1916), drew will of Queen Dowager Emma Kaleleona- lani, also that of Princess Likelike, both admitted to probate, former contested by Prince Albert Kunuia- kea without success. Secretary Leg- islative Assembly, session of 1880. Was deputy attorney general under W. Claude Jones, Attorney General 1880. Examiner of titles for the Court of Land Registration; mem- ber Pacific, Oahu Country, Outrig- ger Canoe and Aero Clubs, Harvard Club of Hawaii, Harvard Law School Association, Hawaiian Lodge No, 21, F. & A. M., master 1886- 1887, and assisted in conferring Mark Master’s degree on King Kalakaua at Iolani Palace, now Capitol building, in 1887. MOORE, EDWIN CLOSE, home- steader, Haiku, Maui; born in Phil- adelphia, Pa., November 30, 1883; son of Joseph Chew and Josephine Bickham (Close) Moore; educated in Manual Training High School and University of Pennsylvania; married Mary Caldwell McCarron in Philadelphia, May 18, 1911; three children, Wade Caldwell, Benjamin Joseph, Ethel Mary. Entered dairy business near Puuladelphia, 1908; manager of estate in Maryland, 1910; orchardist, Maryland, 1911; orchard- ist Front Royal Remount Depot, U. S. A., Va., 1912; came to Hawaii, 1918; principal Kaneohe School; organized and acted as agent for Kula Farmers’ Co-Operative Assn., 1914; extension work, U. S. Agri- cultural Experiment Station, 1915; took over Haiku homestead, 1917. Secretary Haiku Farmers’ Associa- tion, 1917. MORAGNE, JOSEPH HUGHES, civil engineer, Lihue, Kauai, T. H., born near Gadsden, Alabama, December 28, 1865; son of William Bull and Mary Annah (Hoke) Moragne; de scendant on father’s side of French Huguenot stock, on mother’s of the Hoke and Abernathy families; edu- cated at State Normal School, Jack- sonville, Ala., and Alabama Agri- cultural and Mechanical College, Auburn, Ala.; married Mary Chal- mers at Honohina, Hawaii, Febru- ary 9, 1903; three children, Jose- phine, William and Catherine. Was employed on railroad location and construction for C. R. R. & Banking Co. of Georgia, and N. C. & St. L. Ry. in Alabama, Georgia and Ten- nessee, 1888-92; miscellaneous R. R. location, 1892-94; engineering and map work, Idaho, 1894-96; County Engineer, Nez Perce Co., Idaho, 1896-98; came to Hawaii, 1898, worked for Ter. Survey Dept. on Island of Hawaii until 1901; em- pioyed by Public Works and Sur- vey Depts. of Territory, 1901-1906; has been county engineer and road supervisor of Kauai County since 1907. Member 2nd Regt. U. S. V. Engineers, 1898; member 4th Regt. N. G. H., 1916-17. Member’ Hilo Lodge No. 759, B. P. O. E. MOREHEAD, HARRY HAMILTON, pharmacist, Hilo, Hawaii; born in San Francisco, Cal., August 26, 1879; son of Samuel and Anna Morehead; educated in grammar school, San Francisco, Berkeley High School, 1898. Joined U. S. Army, 1898, and served in _ the 200 MEN OF HAWAII WALTER P. NAQUIN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 201 Philippines, being honorably dis- charged in 1899. Married Bertha Almeda Loebenstein in Hilo, Ha- waii, February 4, 1905. Began pro- fessional career in the drug busi- ness, Amador County, Cal., 1899- 1901; removed to Porterville, Cal., in the drug business there until 1903; came to Hawaii and located in Hilo with the Hilo Drug Co., Jan. ' 1904; became manager of Hilo Drug Co. 1907; established the Hawaii Drug Co., Hilo, 1912. Has been in- terested in the Hawaii Realty Co. since 1917. Member of the Soard of Pharmacy, Territory of Hawaii; is Col. 2nd Reg. Hawaii National Guard. Member of Aloha Temple, Shrine, 32d degree Mason, Kilauea Lodge No. 330, F. & A. M.; B. P. O. E., Hilo No. 759; Moose No. 880. MORGAN, JAMES ALBERT, physi- cian and surgeon, Honolulu; born Aug. 16, 1877, at Newton, Mass.; son of Charles Hardy and Eunice (Davis) Morgan; married Elsie Edna Johnson at Media, Penn., Dec. 20, 1911, one child, James Albert, Jr.; descendant of Robert Norman Morgan of Glenmorganshire, Wales, who settled at Salem, Mass., 1635; educated at Little Blue School, Farmington, Me., Allen’s English and Classical School, West Newton, Mass., Cambridge Latin School, Cambridge, Mass., Phillips Exeter Academy, Temple University, medi- cal dept., degree of M. D., 1910; resident physician Philadelphia General Hospital, 1910-11; in gen- eral practise to June, 1913; came to Honolulu, June, 1913, and specialized in ophthalmology and oto-laryngol- ogy. Visiting ophthalmologist and oto-laryngologist to Queen’s and Children’s hospitals, Mid-Pacific In- stitute, Castle Home and Lunalilo Home; first lieutenant Medical Re- serve Corps, U. S. Army since 1911; member University and Oahu Coun- try clubs, American Medical So- ciety, American Academy of Oph- thalmology and Oto-Laryngology, American Society for the Advance- ment of Science, Massachusetts So- ciety of Mayflower Descendants, F. and A, M. MORONG, FREDERIC- LINCOLN, physician, Honolulu, T. H.; born in San Francisco, Cal., June 5, 1877; son of Captain John Campbell and Myra E. (Lincoln) Morong; educat- ed University of Washington (three years), and medical dept. Univer- sity of California, M. D., 1901; mar- ried Elizabeth A. Hannigan in San Francisco, November 26, 1902; two children, Frederic Lincoln and Myra EK. Descendant of old colonial stock, French on father’s side, English on mother’s. Served one year in Ger- man hospital, San Francisco, after graduation, 1901-02; practised medi- cine in San Francisco, 1902-06; lost everything in San Francisco fire and came to Honolulu; received ap- pointment (temporary) as A. A. Surgeon, Public Health Service, 1906; physician at Kahuku Planta- tion, 1907-10; has been practising in Honolulu since that date. Is staff physician Queen’s Hospital; was captain Medical Corps, N. G. H., 1912-15. Member Americal Medical Assn.; Medical Society of Hawaii; Naval Order, U. S. Red Men; For- esters. MOROI, ROKURO, Consul General of Japan, Honolulu; born in Saitama- Ken, Japan, January 9, 1872, fifth son of Sen-ei Moroi. Was graduat- ed from Law College Tokio Imperial University, July 10, 1896; passed the Higher Civil Service Examina- tion, December, 1896, passed the Diplomatic Service Examination, April, 1899; appointed Eleve Con- sul, May, 1899, and dispatched to Shanghai, Soochow and _ London successively: appointed Consul at Antwerp, June, 1901, and secretary to the Foreign Office, August, 1896; member of Committee for Investi- gation of Treaties Revision, May, 1908; chairman of the Preparatory Committee for Treaties Revision; Chief of Second Section of Com- mercial Affairs Bureau; first Em- bassy secretary at Berlin, March, 1912; member Committee of Inter- national Conference of San _ Fran- cisco Exposition, August, 1912; Charge d’Affaires ad interim to Belgium, November, 1913; chief of the section of Correspondence oft Foreign Office, June, 1914; Consul General at Honolulu, February 18, 1916. Decorated with the Third Order of Merit. Married Ayako, second daughter of Ichiro Shidzu- tani of Ehime-Ken (deceased). Two sons, named Tadaichi, Joji. 202 MEN OF HAWAII DR. LEONARD N. CASE JOHN D. PARIS C. H. OLSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 203 MOURA, MANUEL JULIUS, mer- chant, Wailuku, Maui Co., T. H., born in Funchal, Madeira, July 12, 1878; son of Antonio Joao and Maria Sylvina Caires (Moura); educated at Bishop School, Hono- lulu, Paia School and Puunene School, Maui; married Maria Vin- cent in Wailuku, Maui, July 30, 1898, three children, Nettie, George and Irene. Became assistant mill engineer of Pioneer Mill, Lahaina, and was thereafter successively as- sistant mill engineer, Puunene, as- sistant pump engineer, Puunene, chief pump engineer, Kihei, master mechanic, Puunene machine _ shop, and finally manager Moura & Co., Wailuku. Is vice-president Maui Dry Goods and Grocery Co., vice- president Iao Stables Co. Ltd., vice- president Young Men’s Savings As- sociation and President Moura & Co., Ltd., Wailuku, Maui. Is a mem- ber Court Valley Island No. 9239, A. O. F. (P. C. R.), Wailuku Lodge No. 875, L. O. O. M. (P. D.), Aloha Lodge No. 3, K. of P., Maui Cham- ber of Commerce, is secretary Maui Wine Co, Ltd., Wailuku. MURRAY, HARRY VICARS, _physi- cian, Honolulu; born June 5, 1867, at Scotsburn, N. S.; son of Angus and Jane (McKay) Murray; mar- ried Rose Cunha at Honolulu, June 5, 1905, two children, Harvey Clar- ence Douglas and Richard (died in infancy); descendant of Walter Murray of Sutherlandshire, Scot- land, who settled in Pictou, Nova Scotia, 1773; educated in high school and Pictou Academy, and later attended Dalhousie College, Halifax, N. S., graduated University of New York, 1891; came to Hono- lulu, 1894, and commenced practise of profession; physician to Queen’s hospital; lecturer oon Materia Medica, Queen’s Hospital Training School, and Kaukeolani Children’s Hospital. President University Club, 1916-17; member and former president Medical Society of Ha- waii; member Pacific, Oahu Coun- try, and Hawaii Yacht Clubs. MYERS, JACKSON RANDOLPH, plantation manager, Kilauea, Kauai; born at Windsor, Sonoma Co., Cal., Feb. 18, 1869; son of Jackson R. and Jane E. (Earley) Myers; de- scendant of early Dutch stock, New York, 1701; educated at Berkeley Gymnasium; married in Honolulu, Clara F. Dekum of Portland, Ore., June 10, 1900. Came to Hawaii 1889 to build roads for kingdom; built first road in North Kona; road building on Makaweli Plantation, Kauai, 1891. Later became _ sugar boiler for same _ plantation; later became head luna, Lihue Planta- tion; in charge Koloa division, Mc- Bryde Plantation, 1899; manager Hamoa Plantation, 1909; manager Maui Sugar Co., Huelo, Maui, 1903; manager Kilauea Plantation Co. since 1908. Member Board Liquor Commissioners, Kauai, from 1914; 32d degree Mason. MYERS, ZENO K., Insurance, Hono- lulu, T. H.; born in Camptonville, Cal., June 1, 1859; son of Benjamin K. and Harriet (Kelley) Myers; educated at University of Oregon; married Mary A. Lowden in Hono- lulu, March 21, 1886: Was superin- tendent, money order system, Post- office, Hawaii, during monarchy; cashier and _ associate manager North British and Merc. Ins. Co.; secretary and associate manager, Hawaiian Trust Co., Ltd.; organizer and manager, First Trust Co., Hilo, Hawaii; organizer and manager, Home Insurance Co. of Hawaii, Ltd., since 1910. Chairman Promotion Committee. Past Chancellor and Master of Exc, Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P., member Commercial, Ro- tary and Oahu Country Clubs. N NAQUIN, WALTER PIERRE, planta- tion manager, Honokaa, Hawaii; born in Thibodaux, La Fourche Par, Louisiana, August 22, 1883; son of Lovincy and Mary (Lasseigne) Na- quin; father’s family settled in Louisiana, 1775; educated at Louisi- ana State University, B. S., 1907; Audubon Sugar School, New Or- leans, La.; married Ethe] Ambrosia Keating in Honolulu, October 6, 1915; one child, Walter Pierre, Jr. Was chemist Audubon Sugar School, 1907-08; field chemist and agriculturist, Olaa Sugar Co., Ha- waii, 1908-11; assistant agricultur- ist, H. S. P. A. Experiment Station, Honolulu, 1911-14; agriculturist, H. S. P. A., 1914-16; manager Honokaa Sugar Co., Pacific Sugar Mill Co., 204 and superintendent Hawaiian Irri- gation Co. since 1916. NORRIS, ROBERT STEWART, sugar technologist, Honolulu; born Jan. 19, 1869, at Belleville, Wis.; son of William C. and Elizabeth (Norris) Norris; married Mildred Lewis at Santa Barbara, Cal., July 1, 1908, three children, Elizabeth, Barbara and Robert Stewart, Jr. Educated in schools of Topeka, Kans., and Los Angeles, Cal., graduated B. S. Uni- versity of California, 1892, and Ph. D. Johns Hopkins, 1897. Food ex- pert U. S. Department of Agricul- ture, 1897-98; instructor in chemis- try, University of California, 1898- 99; chemist and _ superintendent Union Sugar Co., 1899-07; with Ha- waiian Sugar Planters’ Association at experiment station, Honolulu, since 1907, first as chemist and later . as sugar technologist; has conduct- ed research work in organic chem- istry and sugar technology; inventor Norris Bagasse Digester, now in ex- tensive use. Member California Chapter Sigma Xi, American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical So- ciety, Hawaiian Engineering Asso- ciation, Hawaiian Chemists’ Asso- ciation, sec. 1910-11 and pres. 19i11- 12. NORTON, CHARLES H. W., insur- ance, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Waterloo, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1872; son of Ernest V. and Caroline (Bacon) Norton; educated primary schools, Boston, Mass., and Bishop’s_ Col- lege School, Lennoxville, Prov- ince of Quebec, Canada; married Emily Ada Cross in Honolulu, April 5, 1915. After two vears with Jac- card Jewelry Co., Kansas City, Mo., came to Honolulu, 1894; employed in money order dept., Honolulu postoffice under republic of Ha- waii, 1894-96; secretary Honolulu Dairymen’s Assn., 1896-97; private secretary for B. F. Dillingham, Honolulu, 1897-1901; life insurance business with C. J. Hutchins, Hon- Olulu, 1906-08; appointed train- master’s clerk, Southern Pacific R. R. in Mexico (West Coast Lines), remaining there until line was completed from Guaymas to Guad- alajara; returning to Honolulu, en- gaged in advertising work with Honolulu newspapers until 1915; manager of life insurance depart- ment B. F. Dillingham Co. Ltd., MEN OF HAWAII Honolulu, since 1915. Member Citizens’ Guard of Honolulu, 1894, serving through revolution of 1895 as first lieutenant, in Mounted Re-. serve until 1900. Member Ha- waiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., B. P. O. E., Honolulu Lodge No. 616. NOTT, BERT S., gas engineer expert and salesman, Honolulu Iron Works, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, April 9, 1888; son of James Nott, Jr.; high school education; started with the Hawaiian Development Co.,. until 1906; has been connected with the Honolulu Iron Works since 1906, starting in the capacity of a receiv- ing clerk. Is proprietor and man- ager of the Honolulu Salt Works, manufacturers of rock salt. Member of the Machine Gun Co. of N. G. H., Member of Myrtle Boat Club, K. O. P. lodge, McKinley High School Alumni Assn. NOWELL, ALLEN MARCH, sugar factor, Honolulu; born in Cam- bridge, Mass., January 18, 1875; son of Joseph S. and Mary Davis (Allen) Nowell; educated at Winchester (Mass.) High School, Massachusetts Agricultural College (Amherst) and Harvard University. Married Ruth Moore Taplin in Honolulu, February 38, 1899, three children, Nelson Taplin, Elizabeth Hastings and Jackson March. Commenced business career with Metropolitan Park Commission, Boston, Sept., 1896; settled in Hawaii, April, 1898; overseer Onomea Sugar Co., April 1898, to Nov., 1898; bookkeeper Ha- waiian Agricultural Co., Dec., 1898, to Oct., 1900; liquidating clerk Cus- tom House, Honolulu, Nov., 1900, to July, 1901; head bookkeeper Waia- lua Agricultural Co. Aug. 1902; man- ager Wahiawa Water Co. Ltd., Sept. 1906, to May, 1907; bookkeeper Wai- luku Sugar Co., May, 1908, to Nov., 1909; secretary and manager Sugar Factors Co., Ltd., since Dec. 1, 1909. Member University Club, (treasurer past five years), Oahu Country Club, Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Assn. NUNES, MANUEL, ukulele inventor and manufacturer, Honolulu; born June 14, 1843, in Funchal, Madeira Islands (Portugal); son of Richard A. and Mary Augusta Antone (Gomes) Nunes; married (1st) Ma- clina Augusta Menezes (deceased), BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 205 February 7, 1864, children, Mary. Manuel, Leonard, August; married (2nd) Isabel Augusta Patrice (de- ceased), March 5, 1879, children, John, Mary Julius, George Antone. Educated in primary and high school of Funchal and settled in Honolulu in 1879, at which time he invented and introduced the ukulele into the Kingdom of Hawaii, since becoming the leading manufacturer of ukuleles in Honolulu, distributing them in different parts of the United States. Founder and member Lusi- tana Society. O OLIVER, RICHARD N., businessman, Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born in the district of Kau, Island of Hawaii, April 24, 1886; son of Richard and Hoopii Oliver; educated at Puna- hou and Kamehameha _ Schools, Honolulu; Los Angeles’ Business College (Cal.), 1909; married Kath- ryn Kreidler at Waimea, Kauai, Aug. 4, 1918. Began as clerk with J. Hopp & Co., Honolulu; book- keeper, Waimea Wine Co., and later manager of Waimea Wine Co., Ltd., Waimea, Kauai; agent for Schuman Carriage Co. of Honolulu on Kauai; at present manager of the Na- wiliwili Garage, Lihue, Kauai. Is Capt. of Infantry, 3rd Regt., N. G. H., commanding Co. K. OLSON, CLARENCE H., lawyer, Hon- olulu; born at Venango, Kas., April 19, 1882; son of Henry H. and Amelia (Nelson) Olson; educated Marguerite High School, Marguer- ite, Kas.; Bethany College, Lines- burg, Kas., A. B. 1900; post-gradu- ate work, Yale; Harvard Law School, LL.B., 1904; married Bella B. Lewin in San Luis Obispo, Cal., Oct. 3, 1915. Lecturer of admiralty law at Harvard University Law Schocl, 1904-05; practised law in Honolulu since 1905; was for two years in the law offices of Smith & Lewis: thereafter as a partner in the law firm of Holmes & Stanley, later Holmes, Stanley & Olson and at present Holmes & Olson; was Deputy County Attorney for the City and County of Honolulu; is a member of the Commission for the Territory of Hawaii to pro- mote uniformity of legislation in the U. S. Member of the Pacific, University, Commercial and Coun- try Clubs of Honolulu. PACHECO, OSORIO, TRISTAN EDMUND M., lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hono- lulu, May 5, 1890; son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. M. Osorio; educated at Central Normal College, Danville, Ind., A. B., 1909; Indiana University, LL.B., 1911; unmarried. Is attor- ney of record; district magistrate, North Hilo, from 1912; United States Commissioner since 1916. Director in The People’s Bank, Ltd., Hilo, Hawaii; Security Trust Co., Ltd.; The Homesteaders’ Protective Assn. of Hawaii, Ltd. Member of K. of P., Hilo Lodge, C. C.; Mauna Kea Lodge, A. O. F., Chief Ranger. OTSUKA, N. KUMAO, editor, Wai- luku, Maui; born in Marugame City, Japan, March 21, 1865; son of Mu- kakusai and Kayo (Saito) Otsuka; descendant of Samurai _ family, father having been governor of Ma- rugame Province, Japan; educated in Japanese government _ school, Osaka College and Tokyo Imperial University; unmarried; has adopted one son, Masashi. Came to _ the United States, 1890, traveling; ar- rived in Honolulu, 1900; served as interpreter, U. S. Immigration Bu- reau, 1901-1903; removed to Wai- luku, Maui, 1905, and has since been official Japanese court interpreter; started “The Maui Record,” a Japa- nese newspaper in Wailuku, 1916. Member Maui Chamber of Com- merce. P MANUEL CAETANO, senator, Honolulu; born Nov. 27, 1874, at Ponta Delgada, St. Michael, Azores; son of Jose Caetano and Inez Candida (Mattos) Pacheco; married Julia Freitas in Honolulu, March 23, 1895; three _ children, Agnes, Joseph, Wilhelmina. Edu- cated at Waialua, Oahu, Catholic school. Came to Hawaii 1883, and worked in cane fields during school vacations; foreman bookbinding dept. Honolulu Star-Bulletin. Was supervisor, City and County of Hon- Olulu, 1913-14; Senator Territorial Legislature, 1917-1921. Served as private Co. C, N. G. H., 1893-95, dis- charged after serving in suppression of rebellion against Republic of Ha- waii. Chairman Honolulu Charter Convention, Sept.-Nov., 1915; chair- man Democratic Territorial Central Committee, 1912-1915; delegate Bal- 206 MEN OF HAWAII L. TENNEY PECK PARIS, JOHN BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY timore convention, 1914, and _ St. Louis, 1916. Member Court Camoes No. 8110, A. O. F.,, past. chief ranger, delegate to subsidiary High Court Conventions, San Francisco, 1902 and 1904, deputy high chief ranger, trustee subsidiary high court, Pacific Coast jurisdiction, A. O. F., 1902 and 1904. Organized Camoes Circle No. 240, Companions of the Forest, in 1905. Installed Mauna Kea Circle No. 252, C. O. F. (Hilo, Hawaii), in 1907; presi- dent San Antonio Portuguese Be- nevolent Society of Hawaii, October 1904-1906, and 1910-13-15. PARIS, EDWIN HALL, merchant, Honolulu; born March 2, 1873, at Waiehu, Maui, Territory of Hawaii; son of Thomas Hudson and Cath- erine (Lewers) Paris; married Mar- garet Marie Schmidt in Honolulu, June 2, 1898, five children, Marion Ellen, Edwin lLewers, Margaret Ruth, Irvine Hamilton and Robert Henry; descendant of French Hu- guenots; educated in schools. of California and Commercial College, San Diego, Cal., graduated 1891, special post-graduate course one year and passed entrance examina- tions for Cal. State University; en- tered employ of E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd., Honolulu, April 1, 1891, be- came member of board of directors as auditor in 1896, secretary and auditor 1898, treasurer and man- ager since 1906. Was member Citi- zens’ Guard in 1895 and_ special mounted patrol of Citizens’ Guard; secretary and director Honolulu Merchants’ Assn. several years; also Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce; president and_= secretary Commercial Club, past master Hon- olulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., and trustee five years; trustee three years B. P. O. E. No. 616. DAVIS, ranchman, Kealakekua, Hawaii; born in Kaa- ualoa, Kona, Hawaii, March 30, 1854; son of John Davis and Mary (Carpenter) Paris; father served for many years as missionary in these islands; educated at home and Oahu College, Honolulu, 1870- 74; married Hannah Kalikolama Johnson at Kainaliu, North Kona, Hawaii, August, 1880; five chil- dren, John Davis, James’ Robert, William Johnson, Mary Evangeline, Ethel Violet. On leaving school 207 took charge of father’s lands and cattle, 1874; purchased ranch 1880; elected to Territorial Legis- lature, 1887; member Reform Party; manager Haleakala Ranch, Maui, 1889; returned to Kona, Hawaii, 1890; elected representative to leg- islature, 1898; Territorial senator, 1901-1903-1905; vice president of senate, 1903-05. PARSONS, CHARLES FRANCIS, law- PATTEN, | yer, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Mankato, Minn., Jan. 18, 1872; son of S. de Witt and Frances Howell (White) Parsons; grandson of Hon. Albert S. White, U. S. Senator from Indi- ana (1839-45), and U. S. District Judge, 1864; great-grandson of Thos. Mann Randolph, the third of that name of Tuckahoe Manor, Vir- ginia; educated at Mankato High School and University of Michigan, law dept., LL.B. 1893. Clerk, War Dept., Washington, 1890-91; prac- tised law, firm of Parsons & Wede- kind, San Diego, Cal., 1894-95; prac- tised law alone in Los Angeles, Cal., 1895-98; removed to Hilo, Hawaii, 1898. District Magistrate, North Hilo, Hawaii, 1899-1900; member law firm of Smith & Parsons, Hilo, 1900- 1904; appointed by President Roose- velt to succeed Hon. Gilbert F. Lit- tle as Judge of the Circuit Court, Fourth Circuit, Territory of Hawaii, June, 1904; reappointed, serving 12 years. Was Commissioner of Boun- daries, Fourth Judicial Circuit; mem- ber Board of Trustees, Hilo Public Library; member of University, Out- rigger Clubs (Honolulu), Hawaiian Society, S.A.R., Am. Academy Polit- ical and Social Science, Am. Bar Assn. and National Council, National Economic League. Republican. HAROLD VAUGHAN, banker, Hilo, Hawaii, born at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada, Jan. 21, 1867; son of William Har- ris and Eleanor (Saunders) Pat- ten; common school education in Yarmouth, Nova Scotia; married Caroline Austin Macy at Hakalau, Hawaii, July 15, 1893; children, Eleanor and Gilbert. Clerk and bookkeeper, Hilea Plantation, Kau, Hawaii, 1887-91; bookkeeper, Ha- kalau Plantation Co., 1891-1906; became connected with the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., 1906; cashier of the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., since 1906; is secretary of the First Trust Co. of Hilo, Ltd., and the MEN OF HAWAII 208 PETERSON lis D. PARSONS CHARLES F. POOR FRANK C. PHILLIPS PETER T. PECK, LEVI TENNEY, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 209 Hawaiian Insurance & Guaranty Co., Ltd.; is treasurer of the Ha- waii Telephone Co., and the Hilo Electric Light Co., Ltd. Is a 32nd degree Mason and an EIk. banker and street railway president, Honolulu; born in Brooklyn, New York, Feb. 25, 1860; son of Alfred Phineas (member old Trinity Church Quar- tette Choir, New York City before Civil War), and Harriet Newell (Tenney) Peck; great-grandson of Capt. Phineas Peck of Norwich, Conn., in battle of Saratoga, etc., in Revolutionary War, and is descend- ant of Henry Peck of original New Haven colony; educated private and public schools, Brocklyn, N. Y., Northwestern College, Watertown, Wis., graduate of high school, Mil- waukee, Wis., class of 1879; mar- ried Elizabeth Locke (of Glens Falls, N. Y.) at Merchantville, N. J., Feb. 14, 1901, one son, Newton Tenney. Taught in Milwaukee high and public schools, 1879-80; teacher German-English Academy and Ger- man-American Normal College, Mil- waukee, 1881-82; employed in rail- road land business, Chicago, 1882-89; as manager Kenova Assn., estab- lished, named and developed the town of Kenova, W. Va., 1889-1901; located in Honolulu in 1901, as treas- urer, S. N. Castle Estate, Ltd., and of the Rapid Transit System; pres- ident Honolulu Rapid Transit & Land Co. since 1904; cashier First Nat. Bank of Hawaii, 1905, later vice-president, and since 1915 _ its president; president First American Savings & Trust Co.; director and auditor Castle & Cooke, Ltd.; di- rector Hawaiian Fibre Co.- Was city councilman, Kenova, W. Va.; mem- ber board of health, Wayne Co., W. Va.; member Hawaiian Tax Com- mission, etc. Is Republican; served as chairman W. Va. Dist. Judicial Convention, as member 4th Dist. W. Va. Congressional committee, as master of Masonic Lodge, Kenova, and as president Century Literary Club (Ironton, Ohio). Member of ‘Pacific, Commercial, Country and Social Science clubs of Honolulu, chairman Seamen’s Institute Com., Episcopalian warden and treasurer St. Andrew’s Cathedral parish; dele- gate to general convention, Rich- mond, 1907. 14 PENHALLOW, PEMBERTON, CYRIL EUGENE, en- tomologist, Honolulu; born August 12, 1886, in Los Angeles, Cal.; son of William Samuel and Elizabeth (Hampton) Pemberton; married Una Craig at San Rafael, Cal., June 19, 1911, one child, Virginia. Edu- cated in Los Angeles and San Fran- cisco, was graduated from Stanford University, May, 1911, degree A. B.; entered service of U. S. Bureau of Entomology in Tulare County (Cal.) citrus district, July 1, 1911, as ex- pert and agent for the bureau, ap- pointment changed July 1, 1912, to scientific assistant and has served under that title since in California citrus districts, Washington, D. C., and in Hawaii; has made close in- vestigations citrus fruit insects, 1911-1912, Mediterranean fruit fly, 19138-1916, fruit and melon fly, 1916- 1917, and parasites for fruit fly; ap- pointed in charge fruit fly investiga- tions in Hawaii, January, 1916. Member American Association of Economic Entomologists, vice-presi- dent Hawaiian Entomological So- ciety. HENRY BALCH, plantation manager, Wailuku, Ma- ui; born in San Francisco, Cal., December 2, 1877; son of De Blois Pearce and Eliza Otis (Turner) Penhallow; educated at Mt. Tamal- pais Military Academy (Cal.), Stan- ford University; married Marion Reynolds in Honolulu, February 24, 1903; four children, David Pearce, Richard, Chadsey, Charles Folsom. Entered office of C. Brewer & Co., Honolulu, on leaving college, 1899- 1901; assistant cashier, Hawaiian Trust Co., 1901-02; bookkeeper Wai- luku Sugar Co., Wailuku, Maui, 1902-05; overseer 1905-07; assistant manager, 1907-08; manager Wailu- ku Sugar Co., since 1908. Was senator from Maui 1913-15 sessions of Territorial Legislature. Mem- ber University, Oahu Country and Honolulu Ad _ Clubs; Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.; Hono- lulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M.; Maui Chamber of Commerce and Hawai- ian Chapter, Sons of American Revolution. PERKINS, ROSCOE WILEY, .photog- rapher, Honolulu, T. H.; born in San Francisco, Cal., January 20, 1878; son of Charles Bottrel and Clara (Fawcett) Perkins; educated at Polytechnic High School, San 210 MEN OF HAWAII LUCIUS E. PINKHAM BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 211 Francisco. Entered business with Goodall, Perkins & Co., steamship agents, San Francisco, 1895-1900; came to Honolulu, entering employ Vincent & Belser, contractors, 1900- 1901; photographer since 1901. Member N. G. H. 1914 and 1915. Member Commercial, Oahu Country, Rotary and Outrigger clubs; past master Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M.; member Honolulu Com- mandery No. 1, K. T.; Honolulu Consistory No. 1, and Aloha Tem- ple, A. A. O. N. M. S. PERRY, ANTONIO, lawyer, Honolulu; born Jan. 5, 1871, at Honolulu; son of Jason and Anna _ (Henriques) Perry: married Eugenia May Van- derburgh, at San francisco, Jan. 9, 1912, two children, Eugenia Jacque- line and Gail Antonia; father came to Honolulu in 1861 from Fayal, Azores, and was Portuguese consul at Honolulu for many years; edu- cated at old Fort Street school, St. Alban’s College, and Punahou Col- lege; entered office of A. S. Hart- well, 1891, and admitted to bar, 1893; district magistrate for Hono- lulu 1894-96; circuit judge first cir- cuit, 1896-1900; associate justice su- preme court, 1900-04 and 1909-14. Member Oahu Country club, Ha- waiian Historical Society, Bar Asso- ciation of Hawaii, Y. M. C. A. PESSOA, AGNELO LOPES da CUNHA, Consul General of Portu- gal, Honolulu; born March 15, 1883, at Lisbon, Portugal; son of Fran- cisco Lopes da Cunha Pessoa and Julia Augusta (Taborda) Pessoa; married Emilia Augusta Soares de Lacerda da Silva Pereira in Lisbon, May 18, 1914; one child, Francisco Pedro da Cunha Pessoa. Father is prominent army physician and di- rector of army hospital, Lisbon. Was educated at Curso Superior de Let- ras, Lisbon, being graduated 1906. Commenced professional career as officer in the custom house (Lis- bon), July 2, 1908, appointed consul of Portugal in Mondariz, Spain, July 11, 1911, officer of the foreign of- fice (third secretary of legation), August 21, 1911, secretary of Portu- guese embassy (Rio de _ Janeiro, Brazil), August 3, 1912; Consul Gen- eral of Portugal in Hawaii since May 9, 1914; was sheriff in Alem- tejo (Portugal), in 1906. PETERS, EMIL CORNELIUS, lawyer, Honolulu, T. H., born in San Fran- cisco, California, December 15, 1877; son of Julius Albert and Marie A. (Hilderbrandt) Peters. Received education at Stanford University, 1895-1897; Hasting’s College of Law, 1897-1900; LL. D. University of Cal- ifornia, 1900. Admitted to practise State of California, April 29, 1899. Married Mary Mapuana Smith, Sep- tember 20, 1904, in Honolulu; three children, Mapuana S., Emil C. Jr., and Elsa H. Associated with Den- son, Oatman and Denson, attorneys, San Francisco; arrived in Honolulu October 21, 1900; admitted to the bar, Territory of Hawaii, November 22, 1900; deputy Attorney General, February 1, 1903, to November 21, 1905; Attorney General of Hawaii, November 21, 1905, to August 15, 1907; Judge Advocate General Na- tional Guard of Hawaii, November 21, 1905, to April 17, 1914. Member of Commercial Club, University and Oahu Country Clubs; B. P. O. E. and A. F. & A. M. PETERSON, DAVID LOUIS, customs broker, Honolulu; born Feb. 20, 1878, at Koleakea, Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; son of Icabod Bartlett and Henrietta Copeland (Austin) Peter- son; married Harriet Hiilani Jones at Honolulu, Sept. 28, 1904; five children, David Reuben, Melville Ulualoha, King George Koni, Rich- ard Kanoelani, and Moana Audrey; descendant of “Silver-Head” Thomas Clark, an English pilgrim, who took part in the original land- ing at Plymouth Rock; educated Fort Street school, and St. Louis College, Honolulu; entered business with firm of Wall, Nichols Co., 1896-99, with McBryde plantation, 1899-1900, with Hind, Rolph & Co., 1901-05, and with Harry Johnson, customs broker, 1905-07; in busi- ness for self since July, 1912; mem- ber Outrigger Canoe Club. PETRIE, THOMAS HERBERT, busi- nessman, Honolulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., July 24, 1876; son of Adam and Clara (Sutton) Petrie; educated in Honolulu grade and high schools; married Eva MacGre- gor in San Rafael, Cal., December 12, 1910. Entered employ of Castle & Cooke, Ltd., Honolulu, February 13, 1893, and was appointed secre- tary of the corporation, December 212 MEN OF HAWAII WM. F. POGUE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 213 27, 1906. Member Territorial House of Representatives, 1917. Served in National Guard, 1893-1899, winning rromotion from private to captain in that time. Member Commercial and Oahu Country clubs; Excelsior Lodge No. 1, I. O. O. F.; Honolulu bodies, Ancient and Accepted Scot- tish Rite Masonry, 32d degree; Aloha Temple, A. A. O. M. S.; past master and treasurer, Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M.; master of Kadosh, Honolulu Consistory No. 1, Ay AS, Sait: PHILLIPS, PETER T., agent, Inter- Island Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Hilo, Hawaii; born at Belize, Brit- ish Honduras, July 18, 1875; son of John and Margaret Hunter (Tait) Phillips; educated in the Boys’ High School, Tauranga, New Zealand; married Florence Edna Rickard in Hilo, Hawaii, March 26, 1908, one child, Margaret Cecile. Began ca- reer with Macky-Logan Steen & Co., wholesale dry goods, Auckland, N. Z., 1890-94; came to Hawaiian Islands 1894, and entered employ of Hawaiian Sugar Co., Makaweli, 1894-1895; with Theo. H. Davies & Co., Honolulu, 1895-99; in the em- ploy of the Wilder S. S. Co. until merged with the Inter-Island Steam Nav. Co., Honolulu, July 1905. Purser and freight clerk on various steamers until 1908; purser of the S. S. Mauna Kea, 1908-1916; ap- pointed agent in Hilo for the Inter- Island Steam Nav. Co. Ltd., Dec., 1916. Member of Knights of Pyth- ias, Shrine, Knights Templar, Aloha Temple, A. A. O. N. M. S., Commer- cial Club (Honolulu), Hilo Yacht and Seaside clubs (Hilo). PINKHAM, LUCIUS EUGENE, Gov- ernor Territory of Hawaii; born September 19, 1850, at Chicopee Falls, Mass.; son of Lucius Moulton and Caroline Smith (Fiske) Pink- ham; earliest paternal American ancestors settled in New Hamp- shire, and are reputed to have owned the site of the city of Dover, N. H.; educated high school, Hart- ford, Conn.; was prepared for Yale when result of accident debarred for over four years from student and _ physical activities except studies conducted privately; un- married. Began business career in April, 1873; engaged heavily in grain business both in West and East; later was largely instru- mental in the development of coal and material handling machinery; in 1891 came to Honolulu for three years; in 1898 returned to Honolulu and engaged in mercantile and other enterprises, retiring in 1903. Ter- ritorial finances induced Governor Carter to appoint him in 1904 presi- dent Territorial Board of Health. Held position two terms, was active in betterment of the surroundings of the lepers at Molokai Settlement and other institutions connected with lepers; handled bubonic plague and cholera most successfully and economically; these facts made known probably led to appointment as governor of Territory of Hawaii by President Wilson, confirmed in December, 1913; spent 1909-1913 in Far East and in travel in Europe, Siberia, Asia, Japan, America and Philippines, noting their problems, particularly the betterment and widening of opportunities of the Filipinos. As governor has’ been aggressive for improvements and efficiency; has secured a notable civic center for Honolulu, and has in progress other improvements of decided moment, both in that city and other islands. Has given to Hawaii a national guard that, avail- able men considered, is several hundred per cent larger than any in the United States. Member of Pacific, Country, Commercial clubs, Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E. PLANKINTON, JOHN C., electrical engineer, Hilo, Hawaii; born Octo- ber 30, 1889, at Athena, county of Umatilla, Ore.; son of Alfred Walker and Susan May (Wise) Plankinton; married Elizabeth Nunns_ Clark, June 8, 1916, in New York City, one child, John Clark. Educated public and high school at Dallas, Ore., Ore- gon State College, degree B. S. in electrical engineering. Began pro- fessional career with General Elec- tric Co., Schenectady, N. Y., in Aug- ust, 1910; electrical engineer with same company at San _ Francisco, 1911-1913; electrical engineer with Catton, Neill & Co., Honolulu, 1913- 1916; manager Hilo Electric Light Company since 1916. PLEASANT, ELLIS EUGENE, clergy- man, Kahului, Maui; born at Rob- inson, Ill., Jan. 19, 1876; son of George Washington and Elizabeth Maria (Stiles) Pleasant; educated 214 MEN OF Union Christian College (Ind.) 1900; Oberlin Theological College, A. B. 1906; Union Theological Col- lege, B. D. 1907; married Frances Rebecca Gibson of Grove City, Pa., Dec. 21, 1909. Taught in high school, Palestine, I1l., 1900-03; be- came pastor of First Congregation- al Church, Takota, N. D., 1907-1909; pastor of the First Congregational Church, Ballantine, Mont., 1909-15; during same period proved up on an irrigated homestead on _ the Huntley Irrigation Project; removed to Kahului, Island of Maui, T. H., December, 1915. POGUE, WILLIAM FAWCETT, irri- gation expert, Haiku, Maui; born at Lahainaluna, Lahaina, Maui, Jan- uary 12, 1856; son of John Fawcett and Maria Kapule (Whitney) Pogue; father a missionary to Ha- waii, mother first white girl born in Hawaii; educated at Oahu Col- lege, Honolulu, and Marietta Col- lege, Ohio, 1879; married Emma Victoria Saffery, at Wailuku, Maui, May 2, 1880; fourteen children, Ed- mond §S., William F., John F., Sam W., Hervy W., C. Coville, Marie E., Charles A., May L., Ruth E., Henry B., Fred McC., J. Pauahi, F. Ka- haunani. Began business career at Paliuli, Maui, with H. P. Baldwin and S. T. Alexander; head overseer, Haiku Sugar Ca; manager Rose ranch, Ulupalakua; manager Halea- kala Ranch Co.; manager Kihei Plan- tation Co.; superintendent Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co.’s ditches in Koolau district; manager East Maui Irrigation Co.; also interested in general ranching with late S. G. Wilder at Keauhou, Hawaii. Mem- ber Territorial Legislature, 1888; chairman Board of Supervisors, county of Maui, 1908-12; chairman Maui Loan Fund Commission from 1911. Postmaster at Huelo, Maui, 1906-13; member Constitutional Convention, Republic Hawaii; chair- man Maui County Farm and Sani- tarium since 1910. POINDEXTER, JOSEPH BOYD, law- yer. Honolulu; born at Canyon City, Ore., Apri: 14, 1869; son of Thomas W. and Margaret (Pipkin) Poindex- ter; educated public schools of Montana, Ohio Wesleyan Univer- sity, Washington University (St. Louis, Mo.), LL.B. 1892; married Margaret Conger at Dillon, Mon., April 22, 1897, cuildren, Everton G., POOR, HAWAII Helen. Admitted to bar, Montana, Dec. 5, 1892; practised law at Dil- lon, Montana; elected county attor- ney, Beaverhead county, Mont. (three terms), Jan. 1897-Jan. 1903; judge district court of Fifth Judi- cial Dist. of Montana (court of gen- eral jurisdiction), 1909-1915; ap- pointed attorney general of Montana June 1, 1915-Jan. 1, 1917; appointed by President Wilson U. S. district judge, Territory of Hawaii, qualify- ing May 14, 1917. Is 32d degree Mason, Shriner and Elk. POND, PERCY MARTYN, real estate and stock farmer, Honolulu; born in Medina, Ohio, Feb. 2, 1870; son of Chauncey N. Pond, D. D., and Harriet P. (Perkins) Pond; mar- ried Edith O. Eldredge, November 26, 1900, in Chicago, I1l., children, Eldredge B. and Richard C. Edu- cated in schools of Chicago, Berea, Ohio, and Oberlin, Ohio, graduate of Oberlin College, degree A. B., 1892; studied one year later in O. T. S., Oberlin; came to Hawaii 1896 and became a luna on the Ewa Plantation until March, 1897; with Castle & Cooke, Ltd., as_ store cashier, 1897-1898; in real estate business, McClellan & Pond, selling new residential section, College Hills, 1900-1903; with Waterhouse Trust Co., 1903-1904; conducted a dairy business, the Pond Dairy, 1904-11; filled and opened Beach- walk Tract, beginning the opening of Waikiki back from the beach, 1911-13; bought and opened up Royal Grove Tract, 1914; started Kemoo Farms, 1914; pioneered the pure milk campaign in Honolulu, voluntarily testing cows for tuber- culosis and clearing herd of diseased animals. Is president of Smoot & Steinhauser, Honolulu. FRANK CHANEY, govern- ment official, Honolulu, T. H., born in Bath, Maine, February 1, 1874; son of Frank Hooper and Elizabeth Sewall (Chaney) Poor; educated in public schools of San Francisco and Honolulu; married Louisa Anna Thompson in Honolulu, June 11, 1893; three children, Clarence Hag- lund, Ebed Murphy, Martha Eleanor Leinaala Poor. Entered employ of Inter-Island S. N. Co., assistant to port purser, 1889-92; purser on S. S. Iwalani, Mikahala, W. G. Hall, 1892-94; employed by Wilder Steam- ship Co., purser of Hawaii and other BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 215 ships including Kinau, 1894-98; was assigned to shore duty in charge of freight and passenger departments and as assistant manager of ship chandlery dept.; when Inter-Island and Wilder Steamship Cos. consoli- dated was again in charge of pas- senger and freight depts., was also assistant to vice-president during this time, 1898-1906; unanimously elected secretary Honolulu Harbor No. 54, Amer. Assn. Masters, Mates and Pilots, 1906-1913; assistant supt. Terr. Marketing Div., 1913; appointed chief clerk Board of Har- bor Commissioners, 1913. Charter member American League, member Citizens’ Guard during 1895, mem- ber Harmony Lodge No. 3, and Poly- nesia Encampment, both I. O. O. F. POTTER, GEORGE CLINTON, banker, Honolulu; born in Oakland, Cal., August 30, 1862; son of George Clinton (civil engineer, being city and county engineer of San Francis- co in 1866) and Almena Cutter (Cheever) Potter; American ances- try dates back to Nathaniel Potter of England who landed and settled at Aquidneck, R. I., in 1632; mar- ried Edith Irmgard Macfarlane in Honolulu, April 16, 1906. Education, Oakland schools to 1876, Emerson In- stitute, Washington, D. C. (Young’s), to 1880. Began business career in Hawaiian Islands, cane planting, with Makee Sugar Co., Kauai, to 1887; with Waihee Sugar Co., Maui, to 1889; secretary Board of Health 1889-92; assistant secretary Board of Education 1892-1893; secretary For- eign Office, Republic of Hawaii, 1893- 1900; secretary Hawaiian Commis- sion to Paris Exposition 1900; asso- ciated with Claus Spreckels & Co., Honolulu, 1901; with Bank of Hono- lulu, Ltd., 1910 (successors to Claus Spreckels & Co.). Was ist Lieut. Honolulu Rifles, 1889, Ordnance Offi- cer General Staff N. G. H. and A. D. C. to President Dole to date of an- nexation, 1900, with rank of major; Scoutmaster B. S. of A. Troop I, Ho- nolulu, since 1911. Member of Pa- cific, Oahu Country, Hawaii Polo and Racing Clubs, Honolulu Lodge F. & A. M., director Y. M. C. A., trustee Queen’s Hospital, director Prot. Ep- iscopal Church. POTTER, GURDON, physician, Pepee- keo, Hawaii; born in Buffalo, N. Y., February 19, 1876; son of Edward Eells and Harriet L. (Grant) Pot- PRATT, JAMES WILLIAM, ter; father was a commodore in U. S. Navy; educated at Episcopal Academy and Forsyth School of Philadelphia and University of Pennsylvania, Mo7?-D. < married Frances L. Moir, at Hilo, Hawaii, March 31, 1917. Began practise of medicine at Belvedere, IIll., practised in Hawaii since 1913. PRATT, JOSEPH GEORGE, attorney at law, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Rock- ford, Ill., May 24, 1856; son of Rob- ert and Jane (Upstone) Pratt; mar- ried Sila Persis Brown, daughter of Hon. Albert F. Brown, January 1, 1885, in Stillman Valley, [1l., chil- dren, Eunice C., Josephine C., Sila J., Robert C., and Joseph George, Jr. Educated high school Rockford, Ill.; graduated Arnold’s' Business Academy, 1874; graduated from pre- paratory department, Beloit College, Wis., 1876, leaving college 1878. Studied law in office of William W. Corlett (then delegate to Congress) in Cheyenne, Wyo.; admitted to bar, Supreme Court of Wyoming, February 28, 1880; appointed town lot and land agent at Cheyenne for Union Pacific R. R., 1879-1885; en- gaged in cattle business, 1885 to 1893, and gold mining in Wyoming and Colorado, 1893-1898; came to Hawaii, locating in Hilo with real estate firm Bruce Waring & Co., 1898. Moved to Honolulu Aug. 15, 1899; served on fire claims commis- sion, 1902; represented Chamber of Commerce and Merchants’ Associa- tion of Honolulu and Territory of Hawaii in securing appropriation from Congress at Washington, D. C., to pay fire claims losses, for ex- penses of territory in suppression of epidemic of bubonic plague in 1899- 1900, April, 1903; postmaster of Honolulu in 1905-1914. Was admitted to Supreme Court, Republic of Ha- waii, 1898, and to Supreme Court of U. S., 1902. Member of Lodge le Progres de l’Oceanie, F. & A. M., Knights Templar, Aloha Temple, A. A. O. M. M. S. Returned to Hilo June 20, as cashier and manager of the People’s Bank, Ltd. realty dealer, Honolulu; born Dec. 9, 1861, in Greenbush, N. Y.; son of Horace C. and Susan M. (McCue) Pratt; married Ellen M. Torbert in Hono- lulu, December 2, 1895; three chil- dren, Susan Adelaide, James Wil- liam, Jr., Linton Torbert. Educated MEN OF HAWAII 216 QUINN CLEMENT K. QUINN EDWARD W. RATH JAMES A. JOSEPH PRITCHARD PRITCHARD, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 217 in public schools of Rotterdam, N. Y., and Oakland, Cal. Began busi- ness career with Western Union Telegraph Company (Oakland), 1878-81; California Electric Works, 1881-84; settled in Honolulu as su- perintendent Mutual Telephone Company, 1884-93; military depart- ment, provisional government, 1893- 95; assistant superintendent Hono- lulu Water Works, 1895-1901; asses- sor and tax collector (county of Oahu) 1901-1903; commissioner of public lands, 1903-1909; real estate business since 1909. Captain Co. A, Honolulu Rifles during revolt of 1887, commissioned captain and adjutant Ist Regt. N. G. H., Sept. 1893, aide on staff of President Dole, rank of major, 1895, retired 1909 with rank lieutenant-colonel. Mem- ber Commercial, Oahu Country, Elks clubs, K. C. C. H. of Scottish Rite. JOSEPH, telephone service, Honokaa, Hawaii; born Ma- sham Twp., Ottawa, Canada, April 10, 1860; son of James and Eliza (Stinson) Pritchard; educated in public schools of Canada; married Margaret Morrison in Vancouver, B. C., May 11, 1894 (deceased) ; three children, Arthur, Jean and Margaret. Began business career with Canadian Pacific R. R., con- structing telegraph, 1886-1889: Bell Telephone Co., San Francisco, 1888- 1889; Mutual Telephone Co., Hono- lulu, 1890-1895; Kona-Kau Telephone Co., 1895-1900; manager Hamakua and South Kohala Tel. Co., 1900-13; on consolidation Hawaii Telephone Cos. became superintendent Hama- kua branch. School agent, Kau, 1897-1900; on registration board, 1904; agent board of health; land ranger. Member Hawaii Board Super- visors, 1913-15; member B. P. O. E. No. 759; Kilauea Lodge No. 330, F. & A. M.; Maile Lodge No. 4, Hono- kaa, K. of P.; vice-grand, Excelsior Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., 1895: P..C. P. P. Polynesian Encampment, 1893. PROSSER, MASON FAY, lawyer, Ho- nolulu, T, H.; born in Buffalo, New York, April 17, 1868; son of Henry Wilbur and Anna (Fay) Prosser; educated public and high schools of Brooklyn, New York, and Columbia Law School, New York City; mar- ried Blanche Thatcher in Los An- geles, Cal., April 21, 1902; no chil- dren. Admitted to bar in New York February 14, 1890; admitted to bar in Hawaii, May 31, 1898; thereafter assistant attorney general and dep- uty attorney general, Territory of Hawaii; in September 1907 com- menced practise of law in Honolulu as partner of W. A. Kinney, B. L. Marx and R. B. Anderson; at pres- ent is a member of firm of Frear, Prosser, Anderson and Marx, Was assistant Attorney General, 1905; deputy Attorney General, 1906-1907, Commissioner of Public Instruction, 1909; Republican. Is a member of University, Oahu Country and Ha- waii Racing and Polo Clubs; B. P. O. E., and Hawaiian Historical So- ciety. PUA, SAMUEL K., sheriff, Hawaii county, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hono- lulu, Hawaiian Islands, Oct. 27, 1867; son of David William and Mary (Nahakuelua) Pua; educated in the Royal School, Honolulu; married Adelaide K. Wiltse in Honolulu, Dec. 25, 1889; one child: Ruby K. Began career as a compositor on news- paper, Honolulu; being against the Provisional Government at the time of the overthrow of the Monarchy, was arrested with others, including Queen Liliuokalani, for high treason; went to farming on the Parker Ranch, Hawaii, 1898-1905; studied law and was admitted to District Courts of Hawaii, 1901; elected County Clerk, West Hawaii County, served 14 days, the county act be- ing held unconstitutional by Supreme Court; practised law at Kona, Ha- waii, 1903-05; elected County Clerk of Hawaii County, 1905-08; elected sheriff, Hawaii County, Nov., 1908, and re-elected each election since. Was elected to House of Represen- tatives from Fifth District, 1892, serving until the overthrow of Mon- archy. Member of Kamehameha Lodge, Kauikeaouli Lodge, Hawaii Ponoi and Court Mauna Kea, Ancient Order of Foresters. PUTMAN, FRANK L., physician and surgeon, Lihue, Kauai; born in Co- lusa, Cal., October 7, 1873, son of F. M. and Martha Jane (Alexander) Putman; graduated University of California medical department, 1902; married Violet Damon in Honolulu, November 23, 1909. Came to Hawaii in 1903; was a major in Medical Corps, 4th Regt. N. G. H., is a major in Medical Officers’ Re- serve Corps, U. S. Army. Fellow 218 MEN OF HAWAII E. A. R. ROSS J. W. ROBERTSON QUARLES, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 219 American College of Surgeons; Fel- low American Medical Association. Q RALPH PETTY, jurist, Honolulu; born June 10, 1855, at Benton, Marshal county, Kentucky; son of James M. and Nancy Jane (Petty) Quarles; married Ida May Strow in Benton, Ky., November 23, 1881; five children, Lucy (de- ceased), Mrs. Calhoun Ancrum, Mrs. Helen Claycomb, Ralph P., Jr., Dor- othy. Attended public schools of Kentucky, graduated from Paducah High School with degree B. S., in 1876; commenced practise of law in Paducah in 1878; associate justice Supreme Court of Idaho, Jan. 1897- Jan. 1901; chief justice same court Jan. 1901-Jan. 1903, associate justice Supreme Court of Hawaii since April, 1914. Member Odd _ Fellows, represented Idaho Grand Lodge at Sovereign Grand Lodge, Toronto, 1906, member Honolulu Ad Club. QUINN, CLEMENT KAREL, jurist, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Elkader, Iowa, Nov. 20, 1877; son of Robert and Sarah (Carroll) Quinn; common and high school education, Elkader, Iowa; married Lulu McWayne_ in Honolulu, T. H., March 29, 1911; five children, Irma, Muriel, Edwina, Lawrence and Mary. Began pro- fessional career as assistant clerk, First Circuit Court, Honolulu, T. H.; studied law under Hon. W. J. Rob- inson six years; admitted to prac- tise law before the Supreme Court of the Territory of Hawaii, June 1, 1908; admitted to U. S. District Courts, District of Hawaii, June 1, 1908; practised law in Honolulu, 1908-1916; appointed judge Circuit Court, Fourth Judicial Circuit, Ter- ritory of Hawaii, by President Wood- row Wilson, April 4, 1916. Is a Democrat and youngest of fourteen children. QUINN, EDWARD WILLIAM, plumb- ing, Honolulu; born October 15, 1866, in Benicia, Solano County, Cal- ifornia; son of Nathaniel Prince and Honora (Ryan) Quinn; married Elsie Marie Beck of Copenhagen, Denmark, June 1, 1902, in Honolulu. Educated public schools of Benicia. Began business career as apprentice plumber in San Francisco, January, 1882, and has followed this business since that time, locating in Hono- lulu in 1900 and immediately enter- ing business as a master plumber. Has taken active part in politics; Republican. Was town trustee, Benicia, 1888-1890; member House of Representatives, Territory of Ha- waii, 1905-1907 (1905 session, father of Sunday law, allowing outdoor ath- letic sports on Sunday); senator Territory of Hawaii, sessions 1909, 1911, 1915, 1917. Member Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E., Hono- lulu Commercial Club. R RATH, JAMES ARTHUR, settlement worker, Honolulu; born December 21, 1870, in Hyderabad, India; son of James and Elizabeth (Baker) Rath; married Ragna Katherine Helsher, October 15, 1904, at Con- cord, Mass.; five children, James A. Jr., Ragna Hilizabeth, Henry Vincent, Margaret Evelyn and Robert Hel- sher; educeted military and private schools of India, graduate of Y. M. C. A. College, Springfield, Mass., degree B. H. June 1904; was member revenue police, India, 1888-1892; commissariat, Transport and Supply Department, British Army until 1900; assistant secretary Y. M. C. A., Bombay, in 1901; student 1901- 1904; took up present work in 1905, reorganizing the Palama Mission, Honolulu, and converting it into the Palama Settlement; established or- ganized District Nursing in Hono- lulu; is member Civic Federation, Anti-Vice committee, Men’s League and other civic organizations. Mem- ber Country Club, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., A. & A. Scottish Rite of F. & A. M., Public Question Club. Maternal and paternal grand- parents served in British Army in Indian Mutiny of 1857, father was surgeon in British army, served in Afghan and Burma campaigns. RAWLINS, WILLIAM THOMAS, law- yer, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Sept. 4, 1877; son of Thomas W. and Marian S. (Evans) Rawlins; educated at Oahu College (Hono- lulu) class of 1898; Yale University LL.B. 1901; married Jane S. Som- ers at Bridgeport, Conn., March 19, 1902; one daughter: Elizabeth French. Practised law in Honolulu since Aug. 8, 1901; referee in bank- ruptcy, 1901-04; Deputy High Sher- iff, Territory of Hawaii, 1904-05; 220 MEN OF HAWAII WILLIAM HYDE RICE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY Second District Magistrate, Hono- lulu, 1904; Hawaiian Commissioner to Jamestown Exposition, Va., 1907; Assistant U. S. District Attorney for Hawaii, 1907-12; Representa- tive to Territorial House of Repre- sentatives. and chairman on Judici- ary Committee session of 1907 and 1915. Member’ University, Country and Yale Clubs of Hono- lulu; Hawaiian Historical Society; past master Hawaiian Lodge 21, F. & A. M.; Hawaiian Consistory, Aloha Temple Mystic Shrine; Chiefs ot Hawaii; President Hawaiian As- sociation A. A. U. RAYMOND, GEORGE STANLEY, edu- cator, Maui; born October 8, 1887, at Cambridge, Mass.; son of Charles F. and Addie (Stanley) Raymond, unmarried; descended from English stock; received early education in grammar schools of Cambridge, Mass., and later attended Rindge Technical School, and Tufts College; entered government service for the War Department at Watertown Ar- senal, later taught in public schools of Cambridge, Mass.; teacher Ter- ritorial Normal School, Honolulu, 1910-11; supervising principal Laha- ina, Molokai and Lanai_ districts 1911-13, inspector general of schools 1913-1917; supervising principal of schools on Maui, 1917. Served in Massachusetts Volunteer Militia 1904-07; National Guard of Hawaii, 1913-17. Member University Club, Y. M. C. A., and Omicron Delta Frat- ernity. RENTON, GEORGE FULLERTON, sugar plantation manager, Ewa, Oahu, T. H.; was born at Utsalady, State of Washington, May 16, 1863; son of James and Mary (Brennan) Renton; educated at St. Alban’s School and Oahu College, Honolulu; married Kate Lewis, daughter of James E. Lewis of Madison, Ind.; children, George F. Jr., James Lewis and Allen West. Began career in the Union Mill Co. under direction of his father, Kohala, Hawaii, June 1, 1878; manager of the Kohala Su- gar Co., May 1894, to December 1, 1898; manager of the Ewa Plantation Co., Ewa, Oahu, since 1898. Has been a manager in the sugar busi- ness since 1885. Appointed member of Exemption Board, 5th District, Hawaii Draft for National Army. Member of the Pacific, Oahu Coun- try Clubs, Chamber of Commerce of | \ 221 Honolulu; chairman, Honolulu Branch, National Security League, and is a Shriner and Knight Tem- plar. RESTARICK, HENRY BOND, bishop of the American Episcopal church, Honolulu; born December 26, 1854, at Holcomb, England; son of Edwin and Amelia (Webb) Restarick; mar- ried May L. Baker, June 28, 1882, at Council Bluffs, Iowa; three children, Constance, Arthur Edwin and Mar- garet Frances; educated in King James School, Bridgewater, England, and graduated from Griswold Col- lege, Davenport, Ia., 1882; received degree of D. D., 1903, Kings Col- lege, Nova Scotia. Rector of St. Paul’s, San Diego, Cal., 1882-1902; consecrated bishop of Honolulu, 1902; occupied many ecclesiastical positions in California prior to com- ing to Hawaiian Islands, and was delegate to the General Convention 1892-1901. Member Social Science Association. RICE, ARTHUR HYDE, broker, Hono- lulu, T. H.; born in Lihue, Kauai, July 25, 1878; son of William Hyde and Mary (Waterhouse) Rice; edu- cated at Punahou (Honolulu) Mt. Ta- malpais Military Academy, Stanford University; married Elizabeth Smith Forrest in Oakland, Cal., May 25, 1905; two children, Harriet Elizabeth and Arthur Hyde. Was overseer on Kealia Plantation on leaving school, 1900; timekeeper, Koloa Plantation, 1901-02; bookkeeper, Lihue Ranch, 1902-12; treasurer, County of Kauai, 1905-12; formed brokerage corpora- tion of Jas. F. Morgan Co., Ltd., with J. T. Fleming in 1912, of which he is now treasurer. Secretary, San Carlos Milling Co.; vice-president, Hawaiian Sumatra Plantation Co.; director, Waterhouse Investment Co. Is president, Board of Agriculture and Forestry. Member Pacific, Uni- versity, Commercial and Oahu Coun- try Clubs; Hawaii Polo and Racing Association; Hui Nalu and Chamber of Commerce. RICE, CHARLES ATWOOD, planter and rancher, Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born September 12, 1876;. son of Wm. Hyde and Mary (Waterhouse) Rice; educated at Oahu College and Heald’s Business College, (S. F.). Married Grace King in Honolulu, June 20, 1899; two children, Edith Josephine and Juliet Atwood Rice. 222 MEN OF HAWAII AUBREY ROBINSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 223 Is manager of Lihue Ranch, a stock ranch and sugar plantation; presi- dent of Lihue Ice & Electric Power Co. and Kauai Honey Co., direc- tor of Waterhouse Investment Co., and Waterhouse Realty Co. Was a member of House of Represent- atives, Territorial Legislature 1905- 07-09-11; Territorial Senate, 1913-17; delegate to Republican National Convention, Chicago, 1912; member Republican National Committee, 1912-1916. Member of Pacific Club and Chiefs of Hawaii. Is captain of Kauai Polo team and is a keen sportsman. RICE, HAROLD W., rancher, Paia, Maui, T. H.; born at Waikiki, Ho- nolulu, November 10, 1883; son of William Hyde and Mary (Water- house) Rice; educated in Honolulu High School; Lawrenceville Acad- emy (Lawrenceville, N. J.); Prince- ton University (one year), business college, San Francisco (one year); married Charlotte M. Baldwin, at Spreckelsville, Maui, December 7, 1907; two children, Charlotte Emily and Harold Frederick. Began career with Koloa Plantation, 1904; after 3 months at business college was employed by H. C. & S. Co., 1906- 07; division luna, Maui Agricultural Co., 1907-09; assistant manager, 1909-16; purchased the Cornwell Ranch, 1916, and has managed this since that date. Was Lieutenant and Captain of Machine Gun Co., 3rd Regt., N. G. H., one year. Mem- ber Pacific, Hawaii Polo and Racing, Oahu Country and Honolulu. Ad Clubs; Maui Chamber of Commerce and Commercial Club, Honolulu. RICE, MILTON, physician, Hilo, Ha- waii; born in Washington Co., Wis- consin, February 24, 1864; son of Philip and Elizabeth (Gross) Rice; educated at Hahnemann Medical College, Phila.; Hering Medical College, Chicago, Ill., M. D., 1895, Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College, 1913; married Laura Cone, at Merion, Iowa, June 11, 1885; four children, Mildred, Paul, Frederick and Robert. Entered practise at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, 1895-1899; came to Hawaii, practising at Hilo, 1899- 1905; in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1905-13; Hilo, Hawaii, since 1913. Has written many medical papers for Medical Journals. Member Medical Examining Board, State of Wisconsin, 1912-1913. President RICE, Board Trustees, Hilo Public Lib- rary; member American Institution of Homeopathy. WILLIAM HENRY, county sheriff, Kauai, T. H.; born at Li- hue, Kauai, June 24, 1874; son of William Hyde and Mary (Water- house) Rice; educated in the pub- lic schools of Colorado Springs, Colo., and Oahu College, Honolulu; married Mary Agnes Girvin in Hon- olulu, June 8, 1897; children: Wil- liam Harrison, Paul Girvin, Rich- ard Hans, Mary Dorothea Isenberg, Helen Flora. Manager of Lihue Ranch, 1894-97; owner Lihue Hotel since 1894; manager Lihue Livery Stables, 1897-1903; Deputy Sheriff of Kauai County, April 2, 1900- June 30, 1905; elected Sheriff, County of Kauai, July 1, 1905; re- elected each succeeding term since; chairman Selective Draft Commit- tee for County of Kauai, 1917; member Republican Central Commit- tee, 1904-12; member of Kauai Re- publican County Committee, 1912- 1916; member of Hawaii Promotion Committee since 1916. Member of Hawaiian Historical Society and Kauai Historical Society, Kauai Chamber of Commerce and Hawaii- an Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M. RICE, WILLIAM HYDE, rancher and sugar planter, Lihue, Kauai; born in Honolulu, July 23, 1846; son of William Harrison and Mary (Hyde) Rice, her father, Joseph Hyde, be- ing one of the first missionaries to the Indians near Buffalo, U. S. A.; educated at boarding school of Rev. Daniel Dole, at Koloa, Kauai, and Oahu College, Honolulu, attended Braton’s College, Oakland, Cal., 1863-64; married Mary Waterhouse in Honolulu, October 17, 1872, chil- dren are Wm. Henry, Charles At- wood, Mary E. (now Mrs. W. H. Scott), Anna C. (Mrs. Ralph L. Wil- cox), Harold Waterhouse, Philip L., Emily (Mrs. Dr. L. L. Sexton) and Arthur H. Rice. Was manager of the ranch of Lihue Plantation under Mr. Paul Isenberg, 1867-69, and is now owner; was president of Ho- nolulu Stock Yards Co., 1900-1905; has been a director of Lihue Plan- tation since 1900. Was youngest member of the House of Represent- atives under King Kamehameha V, from 1870-72; was also a member 1882-84; served as Senator from 1886-90; was one of the 13 commit- MEN OF HAWAII 224 ROLPH SAMUEL S. ROBINSON a J. ROSE OTTO W. WILLIAM TATE ROBINSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 225 teemen who waited on King Kala- kaua, giving him 24 hours to sign the constitution; was appointed Governor of Kauai by Queen Liliu- okalani and served until after the revolution of 1893. Favorite recre- ation, is wild cattle hunting. RICHARDS, THEODORE, treasurer Hawaiian Board of Missions, Hono- lulu; born March 29, 1869, at Mont- clair, New Jersey, son of, Joseph H. and Frances (Baker) Richards; mar- ried Mary C. Atherton, June 29, 1892, at Honolulu; four children, Ruth,- Joseph Atherton, Herbert M. and Mary Theodora; educated Adelphi Academy, Brooklyn, Wesleyan Uni- versity A. B. 1888, M. A. 1892, Col- umbia Law School one year, 1889. Taught in Kamehameha School, Ho- nolulu, 1889-93; principal Kameha- meha School for Boys 1894-99; field secretary Hawaiian Board 1899-00; treasurer Hawaiian Board since 1900; promoter and first president Boys’ Clubs of Honolulu; first presi- dent Anti-Saloon League; publisher of “The Friend,’ “Ka MHoaloha,” “Yau Bo,” and “Ang Abyan’; com- piled and edited book of songs ‘‘Leo Hoonani’”’; founded Honolulu Bible Training School 1906; first treasurer Mid-Pacific Institute and_ trustee since organization; past secretary Social Science Club. RIPLEY, CLINTON BRIGGS, archi- tect, Honolulu; born February 3, 1849, in Peru, Oxford county, Maine; son of James and Syrena (Briggs) Ripley; married Loda M. Rose at Chattanooga, Tenn., October 31, 1873; six children, James _ Porter, Edward Fickett, Bliss Clark, Lilla May, Iwalani Syrena, Gertrude Ku- lamanu. Educated in public and high schools, private instruction in drawing and architecture. Began professional career in Chattanooga (Tenn.) in 1871 with Wm. K. Rip- ley, as Ripley & Co., later removed to Nashville, Tenn., then to Los An- geles in 1875 until 1890, to Honolulu since 1890, excepting five years in Manila, P. I, and four in Oakland, Cal.; was Commissioner of Patents for Provisional government of Ha- waii; commissioned Captain in Citi- zens’ Guard during revolution and overthrow of monarchy; member F. & A. M. RIVENBURGH, BERTRAM GARDE- NIER, land commissioner, Honolulu; born May 5, 1874, at Chatham, Col- 15 umbia County, New York; son of Philip W. and Mary (Clark) Riven- burgh; married Eleanor MacLennan, daughter of the late Dr. Donald Mac- Lennan, in San F'rancisco, March 29, 1906; one child, Bertram Gardenier, junior; educated primary and High schools of Chatham, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute and George Washington University; traveled ex- tensively in the South Seas before locating in Hawaii; was secretary to the Mayor of Honolulu 1909-13; superintendent Kapiolani Park (Ho- nolulu) 1913-1915; Commissioner to the Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, during 1915; appointed Commissioner Pub- lic Lands, Territory of Hawaii, March 4, 1916. Member University Club, Honolulu. ROBERTSON, ALEXANDER GEORGE MORISON, jurist, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, September 3, 1867; son of George Morison and Sarah (Hum- phreys) Robertson; educated priv- ate school, Honolulu, public schools, Oakland, Cal., public school, Hono- lulu, degree LL. B. cum laude, Yale University, 1893; married Ululani McQuaid, of Honolulu, May 29, 1907. Admitted to bar by Supreme Court of Hawaii, July 14, 1893, Supreme Court of U. S., February 20, 1899, U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, October 31, 1902. Was cap- tain Co. B, Honolulu Rifles, 1890; delegate to Hawaiian Constitutional convention, 1894; on Governor Dole’s staff, rank of Captain and Judge Advocate Hawaiian Military Commission for trial of state pris- oners, 1895; deputy attorney gen- eral, Republic of Hawaii, 1895; mem- ber House of Representatives, (Ha- waii) 1896, 1898, House of Repre- sentatives, Territory of Hawaii, 1901; appointed U. S. district judge, Territory of Hawaii, January 25, 1910; appointed chief justice Su- preme Court, T. H., March 7, 1911; reappointed April 4, 1916; Delegate Republican National Convention, Chicago, 1904-08; Hawaiian member Republican National Committee, 1904-1910. President Bar Associa- tion of Hawaii, 1904-5. Member of Pacific and Commercial Clubs of Honolulu. ROBERTSON, JAMES W., business- man, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, December 12, 1852; son of George M. and Sarah S. (Humphreys) Rob- ertson; educated in various private 226 MEN OF HAWAII ee er PRR Re Say e-« THEODORE RICHARDS BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 227 schools, including the “high school” of Rev. Daniel Dole at Koloa, Kauai, during 1860-61, Punahou School 1865- -1867, Honolulu; married Rose Cleg- horn, daughter of A. S. Cleghorn, July 20, 1876, who died February 27, 1911. Left Honolulu for St. Johns, New Brunswick, February, 1868, via San Francisco, Isthmus of Panama, New York and Boston; went into office of uncle as clerk; shipped be- fore the mast cn board of ship “Jane Fish” July, 1869, bound for Liver- pool; returned to St. Johns, remain- ing until December, 1869, when he went to sea for two years’ voyage, visiting Pensacola, Fla., Buenos Ayres, Montevideo, Valparaiso, Mex- illones, Bolivia, Antwerp, Belgium, Hartlepool, England, arriving New York June, 1871; returned to Hon- olulu September, 1871; entered em- ploy of A. S. Cleghorn as custom house and shipping clerk October, 1871; went into stationery and book business with Harvey E. Whitney in 1878; became Tax Collector for the district of Koolaupoko, Oahu, in 1881; started the “Daily Bulletin,” 1882; in 1883 closed out his business and went into the freight clerking business; in 1886 went into the Cus- tom House storekeeper’s depart- ment as assistant clerk; appointed chief clerk in Bureau of Waterworks, January, 1887; in October of same year was appointed bookkeeper in office of His Majesty’s Chamberlain; was commissioned Vice Chamberlain of Royal Household in October, 1888, becoming Acting Chamberlain that December; on accession of Queen Liliuokalani became Chamberlain of Royal Household, February, 1891; in March was made a member of the staff of the Governor of Oahu, with the rank of Major; appointed a mem- ber of the Privy Council of State, April, 1892; remained in service of the queen, without pay, until the fact of her non-restoration was de- cided and the Republic of Hawaii was recognized; went into the freight clerking and custom house business in 1894; purser on Inter- Island steamer 1894-1895; entered employ of C. Brewer & Co., 1895, with whom he has remained in vari- ous capacities since. Was the re- cipient of various decorations dur ing the term of his service under the Monarchy. Member of the “Hawaii- an Guard” 1876-79. Member of B. P. O. E., and Chiefs of Hawaii. ROBINSON, ROBINSON, ROBINSON, AUBREY, planter, Maka- weli, Kauai; born in Canterbury, N. Z., October 17, 1853; son of Charles Barrington and Helen (Sinclair) Robinson; educated at home and at the Boston (Mass.) Law _ School; married Alice Gay, June 1885; five children, Sinclair, Aylmer Francis, Selwyn Aubrey, Eleanor and Lester Beauclerk. Admitted to the bar in the eastern law courts, 1875; after- ward travelled extensively in Europe and the Orient; on returning to Ha- waii, in 1880 with his cousin Francis Gay formed the copartnership of Gay and Robinson; in 1889 with Sir William Renny Watson of Scotland, organized present sugar plantation at Makaweli whereby Hawaiian Sugar Co. cultivates under lease from Gay and Robinson about 6000 acres of land, which together with 2000 acres cultivated by Gay and _ Robinson, forms the Maxkaweli Sugar .:.anta- tion; to effect this water for irriga- tion was brought from headwaters of Olokele and Koula Valleys, this being one of the greatest engineer- ing achievements in the Hawaiian Islands; owns exclusively the island of Niihau where much attention is aevoted to raising of pure-bred sheep and cattle, some of the finest strains of Merino sheep and shorthorn cat- tle being imported from the United States, Australia and New Zealand;in 1884 imported pure-bred Arab horses from Arabia, whose descendants are still raised on Niihau and Ma- kaweli. Has always taken an active interest in church and missionary work both in Hawaii and abroad. AYLMER FRANCIS, rancher, Makaweli, Kauai; born at Makaweli, Kauai, May 6, 1888; son of Aubrey and Alice (Gay) Robin- son. Was educated at St. Matthews Military School, Burlingame, Califor- nia, and Harvard University, A. B., 1910. On returning to Hawaii, com- menced work with Waipahu Planta- tion (Oahu Sugar Co.) 1911; became manager of the Gay and Robinson ranch at Makaweli, 1912, and a part- ner in the firm of Gay and Robinson, 1917. JAMES LAWRENCE PREVER, business agent, Honolulu; born September 22, 1880, in Hono- lulu; son of Mark Prever and So- phia Louise (Campbell) Robinson; married Lilia May Ripley in Hono- lulu, February 26, 1907. Educated MEN OF HAWAII NI VICTOR C. SCHOENBERG ROSE CHARLES H. SCHMIDT A. M. JOSEPH SCHWARTZ BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 229 at Punahou Preparatory School and Oahu College (Honolulu), graduate of latter institution with class of 1901. Began business career with father in his private office in 1901; treasurer Hawaiian Fibre Co., since 19138; trustee Estate James Robinson since April 1915. Member Commer- cial Club, Queen’s Hospital Associa- tion, Hawaiian Volcano Research As- sociation, Honolulu Ad Club. ROBINSON, SELWYN AUBREY, agri- culturist, Makaweli, Kauai, T. H.; was born at Makaweli, Kauai, Au- gust 14, 1892; son of Aubrey and Alice (Gay) Robinson. Received education at Berkeley High School, Berkeley, Cal., Volkmann’s School, Boston, Mass., and Harvard Univ- ersity, A. B. 1916. Entered business as bookkeeper, Gay and Robinson, Makaweli, 1916, becoming assistant manager of Gay and Robinson at Makaweli, and manager of the island of Niihau, 1917. ROBINSON, SINCLAIR, sugar planter, Makaweli, Kauai; born in Makaweli, Kauai, May 1, 1886; son of Aubrey and Alice (Gay) Robinson. Edu- cated St. Matthews Military school, Burlingame, Cal., and Harvard Uni- versity, A, B. 1910; married Ethel I. Glade in California, August 8, 1917. Entered business with Oahu Sugar Co., 1911; became manager of Gay and Robinson Sugar Plantation, Ma- kaweli, 1912; was made partner in firm of Gay and Robinson, 1917. ROBINSON, WILLIAM JOSEPH, law- yer, Honolulu; born March 9, 1868, in Cleveland, Cuyahoga county, Ohio; son of Charles Henry and Mary Ellen (Robertson) Robinson; married Mary Rebekah Morss, No- vember 7, 1900, in Honolulu, three children: Isabel Morss, William Joseph, Paul Robert. Educated, Brothers of St. Mary, (Cleveland), 1874-1875, grammar, St. Ignatius’ College (San Francisco) 1879-1882; began career with Estee & Boalt (San Francisco) 1882-89, as clerk and student with J. C. Martin, Oak- land (Cal.) 1889-98; admitted to bar January 13, 1891; member firm Mar- tin & Robinson (Oakland) 1898; Robinson & Miller (Oakland) 1898- 00; U. S. Commissioner U. 8. District Court, Hawaii, 1900-02; Circuit Judge 1st Circuit, Hawaii, 1902-14; practised law in Honolulu, 1915 and 1916, then made manager Law & Abstract De- partment Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Ho- nolulu; member B. P.O. E. 616, Ha- waiian Tribe No. 1, Imp’d O. R. M., Damien Council No, 563, Y. M. I. ROBINSON, WILLIAM TATE, Wai- luku, Maui; born in Honolulu, Sep- tember 24, 1867; son of George Thomas and Hannah (Previer) Rob- inson; educated at St. Alban’s, Fort Street, and Punahou schools, Hono- lulu; married Ellen Ferreira, at Wailuku, Maui, June 25, 1891; eleven children, Eva, Hannah, An- son, Oriet, Naomi, Alma, Lawrence, William, Wilhelmina, Ululani, Ar- nett. Left school 1882, worked in Honolulu business houses as clerk; clerk to tax assessor, Maui, 1889; appointed deputy tax assessor, Wai- luku district, 1889-1900; tax asses- sor, second Taxation Division, 1900- 1908. Member Territorial Senate, sessions of 1909-11, 1915-17. RODIEK, GEORG F., vice-president, H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born February 17, 1871, in Alte- nesch, Oldenburg, Germany, son of F. Rodiek and Cecilie Rodiek; mar- ried Pauline Elizabeth Neumann in Honolulu, August 25, 1902, six chil- dren, Julita, Cecilie, Ynez, Paula, George Jr., Eva Anita. Educated at Bremen, Germany, graduated in 1887. Began business career with Ed. Barckhausen & Co., tobacco merchants, Bremen, Germany, ar- riving in Honolulu, May 26, 1891, and becoming associated with H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., in the capacity of clerk; opened Hilo branch of this firm in 1897 remaining as manager until 1900, made director of com- pany in 1900, vice-president in 1913. President Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association December 5, 1916. Nat- uralized American citizen, Novem- ber 30, 1912. Member Pacific Club, Commercial Club, Oahu Country Club, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, and Mystic Shrine. Appointed consul in Honolulu for Germany, September 27, 1918, (German consulate closed February 7, 1917); Sweden, June 5, 1907. ROGERS, WILLIAM GIBSON, pbhysi- cian, Honolulu; born in Greenfield, Ohio, February 14, 1864; son of Thomas Dixon and Jane Elizabeth (Beatty) Rogers; great grandson of William Rogers one of first settlers west of Ohio River in 1790; married Janet Smalley, September 18, 1889, 230 MEN OF HAWAII FREDERICK A, SCHAEFER BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 231 in Greenfield, Ohio, no issue; edu- cated at district school, Salem Acad- emy, Pulte Medical College, Cincin- nati, Ohio, degree M. D. 1891. Be- gan practise of medicine at Wash- ington, Ohio, 1891-93; at Greenfield, Ohio, 1893-99; special course in Royal Ophthalmic and Central Lon- don (ear, nose and throat) London 1899-1900; began practise of eye, ear, nose and throat in Honolulu, Novem- ber, 1900; post graduate course Man- hatian, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, Hospital, N. Y. 1904; post graduate course in Post Graduate Hospital, N. Y., and eye, ear, nose and throat in Vienna 1909-10; post graduate course Chicago Polyclinic Hospital 1916. Member University, and Oahu Coun- try Clubs, Hawaiian Medical Society (Sec. & treas. of latter 1908-09, Pres. 1910-11), . ROLPH, SAMUEL SMITH, lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Fargo, North Dakota, November 28, 1886; son of Rollin Thomas and Ella (McClan- athan) Rolph; educated at Cornell University, A. B., 1908; Cornell Uni- versity Law School, LL. B., 1910; married Carol Low, in Honolulu, September 4, 1915; one child, Sam- uel Smith Jr. Was admitted to bar, New York, 1910; admitted to bar Hawaii, practising in Kealakekua and Hilo, Hawaii, 1910-1912; assist- ant cashier, First Bank of Hilo, 1912-1915; resumed practise of law, Hilo, 1915. Deputy County Attor- ney, Hawaii County, from 1915. Member F. & A. M.; Past Exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E. ROSE, CHARLES HENRY, Sheriff, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, No- vember 4, 1873; son of Charles Henry and Mary A. (Sylva) Rose; educated privately and attended Catholic school at Ahuimanu, Oahu, afterward going to St. Louis Col- lege, Honolulu; married Rosie M. Senna of Kohala, Hawaii, January 12, 1899. On leaving school in 1889 entered employ of Wilder Steam- ship Company as an office boy; be- came passenger agent of this com- pany, holding this position after the company’s consolidation with the Inter-Island Steam Navigation Com- pany; was appointed chief clerk of the police department of the County of Oahu, now City and County of Honolulu, by Sheriff Curtis P. Iau- kea in 1907; elected deputy sheriff in 1908 and re-elected for two suc- ROSE, ceeding terms; appointed sheriff in 1914 to fill out the unexpired term of Sheriff Wm. P. Jarrett who was advanced to high sheriff of the Ter- ritory of Hawaii; elected to con- tinue in this office and that of chief of police shortly after the appoint- ment; at the last election in June, 1917, was re-elected to same office. Js a Democrat; president of the St. Louis College Alumni Association; member Court Lunalilo No. 6600, A. O. F.; Phoenix lodge, Order of Ka- mehameha, Chiefs of Hawaii, and Ad Club. OTTO WILLIAM, waster plumber, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, Feb. 14, 1873; son of William Leonard and Kanaina (Ka- umu) Rose; educated in schools of Hilo; married Harriet Blanche McGuire in Hilo, Feb. 6, 1898; four children: Leonard, Blanche, Elenore and Anna Rose. On leav- ing school learned tinning, copper- smithing and plumbing trades with father, 1891; on his father’s death took over the business and has been established at the same place since that date. Is a member of Republican County and Territorial Central Committees. Was one of the founders of the National Guard in Hilo and served two years as a private. Member Hilo Yacht & Boat Club and Knights of Kamehameha. ROSS, ERNEST ALBERT RODERICK, business man, Honolulu; born Au- gust 24, 1875, in Honolulu; son of George James and Henrietta Ella (Smith) Ross; married Bernice Adele Woodall Kopke in Honolulu, January 16, 1905; one child, Ernest Alexander. Educated Punahou Pre- paratory School (Honolulu) until 1890, Oahu College (Honolulu) grad- uated June 21, 1894; entered employ of Oahue Reh. Co. July 12 1894: C. Brewer & Co., Ltd., Honolulu, Janu- ary 1, 1895, as shipping clerk, book- keeper; director and treasurer since August 28, 1912; secretary and di- rector Hawaiian Agricultural Co., Onomea, Pepeekeo and Honomu Sugar companies; Kuhua, Moaula and Paukaa Agricultural companies. Member Manoa Tennis Club (presi- dent 1915-1916), Outrigger Club, Chamber of Commerce, Y. M. C. A. ROSS, HARVEY LEE, physician and surgeon, Kealakekua, South Kona, Hawaii; born November 12, 1880, at 232 MEN OF HAWAII nee ks ANTHONY Y. SETO DR. A. N. SINCLAIR BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 233 Mayfield, California; son of Joseph Louis and Louise (Bacon) Ross; married Ethel Ada Rickard at Lau- pahoehoe, Hawaii, May 2, 1897, one child, Alexander Treloar. Educated in Macomb (Illinois) High School, 1898, Cooper Medical School, San Francisco, M. D., 1903; interne Lane Hospital, San Francisco, 1903; in- terne French Hospital, San Fran- cisco, 1905; government physician South Kohala district, Hawaii, 1906- 1911; surgeon S. S. Wilhelmina, 1911-1912; government physician South Kona district, Hawaii, 1912- 1917. Superintendent Kona Hos- pital since 1913; is Major Medical Corps. N. G. H. Member Territorial Medical Society, Association of Mili- tary Surgeons of the U. S., charter member of Upsilon chapter, Nu Sigma Nu fraternity. Is a direct descendant of Richard Henry Lee, author of the resolution in con- gress, June 7, 1776, declaring that the colonies should be free and in- dependent states, paving the way for the Declaration of Independence adopted twenty-seven days later. Grandfather was Harvey Lee Ross, an early and noted pioneer of IlIli- nois and an intimate friend of Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Jack- son. ROSS, HOMER L., attorney at law, Hilo, Hawaii; born in East Liver- pool, Ohio, Oct. 4, 1867; son of Lach- lin and Mary (McPherson) Ross; educated Iowa State University, graduated 1897 with degree LL.B.; married Lotta M. Richards in Indi- anola, Iowa, Dec. 24, 1900; children: Margaret M. and Homer R. Prac- tised law in Indianola, Iowa, 1897- 1902; removed to Hilo, Hawaii, prac- tising law since 1902. Is a Mason. ROUMANIS, JOHN PETER, hotel man- ager Hilo, Hawaii; born in Greece, May 17, 1872; son of Peter C. and Veneta (Camarinos) Roumanis; high school education in Sparta, Greece; went to New York, 1893; employed in the candy business at Elmira, N. Y., 1895-1900; came to Hawaiian Islands and was employed by Geo. Andrews in fruit business, Honolu- lu, 1900-1903; employed by George Lycurgus, Union Grill, Honolulu, un- til 1913; became manager of the Hilo Hotel, Hilo, Hawaii, in 1913. Member of the Hilo Board of Trade; member of Knights of Pythias. RUSSELL, JAMES WARD, lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in New York City, N. Y., April 12, 1882; son of John Laurence and Frances (Ward) Russell; educated at Albany (N. Y.) High School, Union University and Albany Law School, LL.B. 1905; married Eunice Cothren Pratt in Honolulu, May 29, 1914; one child: James Ward Russell, Jr. Prac- tised law in New York, 1905-11; came to Hawaii, 1912, becoming as- sociated with firm of Thompson, Wilder, Watson & Lymer, Hono- lulu, 1913; removed to Hilo, Ha- waii, 1913, and has practised law in that city since. Helped organ- ize People’s Bank, Hilo, 1916, and Security Trust Co., Hilo, 1917; is a director in both institutions; is president Hilo Gas Co., incorpor- ated 1917; is president Post-Herald, Ltd., publishers of afternoon news- paper. Member Delta Chi Frater- nity, Honolulu University and Hilo Yacht Clubs. Ss SAIKI, TAKAICHI, RUPERT, assist- ant bank cashier, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hiroshima, Japan, Feb. 28, 1886; son of Seikichi and Masa (Oya- ma) Saiki; educated in Hilo, Hawaii, until 18 years of age; married Mary Hilo, Dec. 25, 1906; chil- dren: Emogene, Katsuto, Eva, Kiyo- ko, Chieko, Rupert. Began banking career with the First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., 1902, later becoming assistant cashier, which position he now holds. Is treasurer of the Hilo Rice Mill Co., Ltd.; member of the Hilo Board of Trade and the Hilo Japanese Merchants Association. SANBORN, WALTER FOSS, cattle rancher, Hanalei, Kauai; born at Hyde Park, Mass., August 30, 1877; son of John William B. and Mary Jane (Foss) Sanborn; educated High School, Hyde Park, and Burdette Business College in Boston; married Lena Deverill at Hanalei, Kauai, Sep- tember 27, 1906; four children, Helen, John W., Percy D., Walter F. Jr. Played professional baseball 1898-1901; luna on McBryde Planta- tion, 1901-1904; employed in Public Works Department, Territory of Hawaii, 1904-05; made manager Princeville Plantation 1905; became director in Princeville Plantation Co., Hanalei Land Co., Kalihikai Land Co., 1916. Member F. & A. M., No. 409, and B. P. O. E. No. 616. 234 MEN OF HAWAII WALTER I. SEYMOUR, M. O. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 235 SANTOS, MANUEL G., editor, Hono- lulu; born in Georgetown, British Guiana, September 23, 1871; son of Manuel G. and Maria Augusta (Frei- tas) Santos; educated in _ private school and high school and Eccle- siastical Seminary, Funchal, Madei- ra; married Eliza B. Vieira in Jack- sonville, Ill., November 13, 1891; three children, Henry V., Frederick G., Alice Elizabeth. Came to the United States on leaving school, 1889, entered business career; came to Hawaii, 1900, bookkeeper and later administrator and manager of Serrao estate, Hilo; entered Evangelical Ministry, 1904, was ordained and took pastorate Hilo Portuguese Evan- gelical Church, 1906-13; became edi- tor of O Luso, Portuguese weekly newspaper, published in Honolulu, 1913. Member Portuguese Mutual Society, San Marinho M, Soc., Lusi- tana Soc. and I. O. O. F. SAWYER, FRANK EVERETT, phys- ician, Puunene, Maui; born in San Francisco, Cal., October 11, 1874; son of Ebenezer Davis and Lavinia (Trowbridge) Sawyer; educated at University of California, A. B. 1896; Cooper Medical College, M. D. 1900; married Flora N. MacSwain in San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 1, 1912; two children: Frank Elliott and Cora Winifred. Was interne at St. Luke’s Hospital, San Francisco, 1900-01; interne, San Francisco Em- ergency Hospital, 1901-02; assist- ant in Medical Clinic, Medical De- partment., University of California, in children’s clinic of Cooper Medi- cal College and in surgical clinic of San Francisco Polyclinic, 1902-03; resident physician Queen’s Hospit- al, Honolulu, 1903-06; physician and surgeon, Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., Puunene, Maui, since 1906. Member University Club of Honolulu, Omega Upsilon Phi, Med- ical Fraternity; Hawaiian Medical Association; American Medical As- sociation. SAYRES, ST. CLAIR BAILEY, secre- tary and general manager Honolulu Brewing & Malting Co.; born March 28, 1869, in Wilmington, Ohio; son of Lyman Davis and Phoebe (Bailey) Sayres; married Lidie West in Ho- nolulu, October 5, 1898, five chil- dren: Robert Bailey, Corwin Davis, Margaret, Elizabeth, Frank Major. High School education, Wilmington, Ohio. Began in dry goods store of his father’s for three years; intro- duced the “Irwin Auger Bit” through- out west and Pacific coast states, in 1890; later salesman in Seattle Dry Goods firm to 1896; came to Hono- lulu entering the commission busi- ness dealing in Centennial Mill flour, feed, grain, box shook, butter, etc., and representing the Seattle Brew- ing and Malting Co.; General Man- ager Honolulu Brewing and Malting Co., Ltd., since May 1, 1915. Mem- ber Elks, Commercial Club. SCHAEFER, FREDERICK AUGUST, merchant, Honolulu; bern in Brem- en, Germany, August 19, 18386, and educated in the commercial school of that city; married Elizabeth Rob- ertson in Honolulu, April 29, 1879; seven children, four girls and three boys. Left Bremen in May, 1857, arriving in Honolulu, November 14, 1857, after a perilous journey around Cape Horn to assume posi- tion as clerk in the firm of Melchers & Co., importers, commission mer- chants, owners of whalers, etc. Made several voyages as supercargo to Petropavisky and Nicolaefsk on the Amur river and to Japan for Mel- chers & Co., and on July 1, 1867, established the firm of F. A. Schae- fer & Co., sugar factors, successors to Melchers & Co. Has been prom- inent in semi-public life for many years, being trustee of Queen’s Hos- pital forty years (1867-1907), presi- dent Hawaiian Board of Fire Under- writers for 27 years; trustee Hono- lulu Sailors’ Home Society, presi- dent Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce; president Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association; treasurer Ha- waiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.; consul for Italy for 46 years (1869- 1915); acting consul Austria-Hun- gary 10 years (1894-1914), being dean of the consular corps for many years under the monarchy, pro- visional government, the republic and the territory. Is retired from these various activities. SCHAEFER, GUSTAV EDMUND, sec- retary F. A. Schaefer & Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born January 19, 1888, in Honolulu; son of Frederick August and Elizabeth (Robertson) Schaefer; married August 27, 1909, Lydia Brown Gibbons, in San Francisco; two daughters, Lydia Macy and Barbara Corinne; received early education in private and grammar schools of Ho- nolulu, one and one-half years at 236 MEN OF HAWAII ROBERT W. SHINGLE SCHMIDT, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 237 Lawrenceville, N. J., and six months business course at Throop Institute, Pasadena, Cal. Entered employ of F. A. Schaefer & Co. 1907 of which firm is now secretary. Captain of Infantry, Officers Reserve Corps, U. S. Army, former Captain 1st Infan- try, National Guard of Hawaii. Mem- ber Pacific, Oahu Country, Myrtle Boat, and Aero Clubs. AUGUST MALUHIA, sugar chemist, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Honolulu, December 5, 1888; son of Henry William and Mary Ann (Weight) Schmidt; educated Hono- lulu High School, 1902-06. Chemist Ewa plantation, Oahu, 1906-13; chemist Waiakea Mill, Hilo, Hawaii, since 1913. Member Hilo Yacht club. SCHNACK, FERDINAND JOHN HEN- RY, lawyer, Honolulu; born Decem- ber 16, 18838, in Honolulu; son of John Henry and Dora (Brandt) Schnack; married Mary Medora Pearson in Oakland, California, Au- gust 26, 1916; one son (infant) George Ferdinand. Educated at St. Louis College (Honolulu) to 1898, Progymnasium, Nienburg, Germany, to 1900, Oahu College (Honolulu) graduate, 1904, Stanford University A. B. 1908, University of Chicago Law School, J. D. 1910, also Univers- ity of California and Columbia. Be- gan practise of profession in office of E. C. Peters, Honolulu, July, 1910; opened office for practise of law, May 1, 1913; published “The Aloha Guide,” the standard handbook of Honolulu and the Hawaiian Islands, March, 1915. Member’ Honolulu lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., (senior warden) Scottish Rite, Bar Associa- tion of Hawaii, Hawaiian Historical Society, member Myrtle Boat Club, President, 1915, 1916, 1917. SCHNACK, JOHN HENRY, real es- tate dealer, Honolulu; born May 3, 1853, at Lohbarbeck, near Itzehoe, Schleswig-Holstein, (then a Danish province); son of Peter and Kath- erine (Henning) Schnack; married Dora Brandt in Honolulu, January 22, 1883; two children: Ferdinand J. H. and Adolph G. C. Educated in common schools and Gymnasium, Itzehoe, Germany. Was apprenticed as merchant in Hamburg, Germany, settling in Honolulu, 1882, and en- tering the realty business in 1896. Is a world-traveler and _ linguist, SCHOENBERG, SCHWALLIE, SCHWARTZ, speaking English, German, French, Spanish, Dutch. VICTOR COTTA, banking, Wailuku, Maui, T. H.; born of Norwegian stock, Dec. 5, 1885, at Bergen, Norway; son of Fredrik Christian Torp and Edle Margarete (Holm-Brock) Schoenberg; educated at Hambro School and Hambro Col- lege, Bergen, Norway; married Jen- nie Wilhelmina Hansen of Wailuku, Maui, July 28, 1910; one son, Erling. Emigrated to Hawaii by way of Eng- land, Egypt, Siam to Hongkong, China, as sailor, remaining in Hong- kong until June, 1906; proceeded to Hawaii as third mate on Norwegian S. S.; employed in mill at Makaweli, Kauai; removed to Waimea, Kauai, later, acting postmaster temporarily; bookkeeper, H. Hackfeld & Co., Ltd., Lahaina branch, Maui, T. H., 1907- 1909; assistant cashier and resident manager Lahaina National Bank, La- haina, 1909-1916; appointed clerk of the Circuit Court, Second Circuit, Wailuku, Maui, by Judge W. S. Edings, appointed Second Lieut. Co. B, Third Reg., N. G. H. Member Aloha Lodge No. 2, Knights of Pyth- ias; member of Maui Chamber of Commerce. WILLIAM A., physi- cian and surgeon, Honolulu; born November 22, 1866, at Rushville, Brown County, Ohio; son of John Jacob and Mary (Kreaner) Schwal- lie; married Matilda E. Wills at Pa- hala, Hawaii, November 18, 1901, five children, Leonie, Cornelius, Noelani, Hortense and Wilhelmina. Educated Russelville High school, Central Normal College, Danville, Ind., 1883-5, Medical College of Ohio, M. D., 1889; physician to Columbus State Hospital for the Insane, at Columbus, Ohio, 1890-97; practised in San Francisco, 1897-98; came to Honolulu, 1898; deputy assessor, island of Hawaii, 1904-13; enlisted in the Hospital Corps during the war with Spain and reached grade of sergeant; superintendent of the Oahu Insane Asylum. Member United Spanish War Veterans, de- partment surgeon of U. S. W. V., Department of Hawaii; Elks. JOSEPH, wholesale jeweler, Honolulu; born at Santa Cruz, Cal., October 4, 1867; son of Louis and Rebecca (Steen) Schwartz; married Ida Letter Janu- ary 16, 1894, at Oakland, Cal.; two MEN OF HAWAII 238 SILVA J. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 239 children, Henrietta Louise and Jose- phine Lilia. Educated public schools (Santa Cruz, Cal.), Chestnutwood’s Business College, Santa Cruz, 1885. Founded firm of L. Schwartz & Son, drygoods, Santa Cruz, March, 1887, sold out in 1893; president of S. C. Butchers’ Union, Santa Cruz, 1893; retiring in spring of 1899; arrived in Honolulu, April 12, 1899; established Jos. Schwartz, April 1, 1901, incor- porated Jos. Schwartz, Ltd., whole- sale jewelers, Jan. 24, 1912. While in Santa Cruz was director The Bank of Santa Cruz County, Santa Cruz Bank of Savings and Loan, Grover & Co., lumber, Popular Tele- phone Co., member of firm Schwartz & Buckley. Member Masonic lodge, Shrine, San Francisco Commercial club, Honolulu Commercial club, Oahu Country club. SCOTT, MARION McCARRELL, edu- cator, Honolulu, born Faquier, Vir- ginia, August 21, 1843; son of John and Margaret (McCarrell) Scott; grandfather, Frank Scott, served seven years in Revolutionary war; educated Urania College, Kentucky, and University of Virginia. En- gaged by the Japanese government in the educational department, 1871- 1881; organized the first Normal School in Japan preparatory to start- ing a system of public schools in that empire; was decorated by the Meiji emperor with the Order of the Rising Sun of the fourth class for his work in Japan; just before the death of the emperor had con- ferred on him a second decoration of a higher degree, said to be the last one to which he put his signed manual, since then has been prin- cipal of the old Honolulu, now Mc- Kinley High Schook Contributed many papers to various journals and to the Social Science Club of Hono- lulu regarding Japan and the Japa- nese. Author of “Judicial Control of the Legislature.” Member of University and Social Science clubs of Honolulu. SEARBY, WILLIAM, engineer, Puune- ne, Maui; born in Bath, England, January 17, 1872; son of George and Elizabeth (Atkinson) Searby; edu- cated at Dulwich College, England; married Cara Marinda Sawyer in San Francisco, Cal., November 5, 1892; one child, Margaret Lavinia. Began career with Alameda Sugar Co., Ala- meda, Cal., 1890-97; head foreman, Union Sugar Co., Santa Barbara, Cal., 1897-1900; head sugar boiler, Hawai- ian Commercial & Sugar Co., Puu- nene, Maui, 1900-1907; superintendent of manufacture and machinery since 1907. Invented Multiple Effect Eva- porator, 1910; cane shredding ma- chine and process of milling, 1914; cane shredding machine and pro- cess of diffusion, 1915; cane leveller, 1917; conducted first demonstration in Hawaii, proving commercial white sugar could be made by use of small quantities of vegetable charcoal with- out conventional methods, 1915. Mem- ber American Soc. Mechanical En- gineers, American Chemical Society, Hawaiian Engineers Assn., Hawai- ian Chemists Assn., Honolulu Ad Club, director Puunene Athletic Club, Maui Chamber of Commerce, trustee Alexander House Settlement Assn., trustee Maui Library Assn., Maui County Fair and Racing Assn., trus- tee since 1912; Lodge, Maui No. 984, A. F. & A. M., Iao Lodge Perfection, Haleakala Chapter Rose Croix, Ho- nolulu Consistory No. 1, Shriner, Ho- olulu. SEDGWICK, THOMAS FARRINGTON, agricultural and industrial chemist, Honolulu; born at Stockton, Cal., May 12, 1873; son of Thomas Sedg- wick, Jr., and Albina Ann (Farring- ton) Sedgwick; grandfather, Thom- as Sedgwick, came to America from Bolton, England, settling in New York State in 1812; primary educa- tion received at home, with special instruction at Institution for Deaf and Blind, Berkeley, Cal., attended Boone’s Academy, Berkeley, for a short time preparatory to college and graduated from University of California, 1896, degree, B. S.; mar- ried Grace Darrow in Honolulu, daughter of Lew E. Darrow of James- town, N. Y., June 24, 1901; one child, Thomas Darrow. Began in U. S. Agricultural Experiment Station, Pomona, Cal., 1896; started agricul- tural department, Kamehameha Man- val School, Honolulu, 1898; special agent U. S. Agr. Expt. station, T. H., Honolulu, 1901; sugar expert, W. R. Grace & Co., plantation at Cartavio, Peru, 1903-6; organized and directed Sugar Expt. Station for Peruvian Government at Lima, Peru, 1906-08; technical work, chiefly for Depart- ment of Public Works, Territory of Hawaii. since 1909. Has written papers on agriculture and industrial subjects. Appointed by Spanish gov- ernment, Honorary Vice-Consul for HAWAII MEN OF 240 W. O. SMITH ARTHUR G. SMITH SOKABE S, E. Q. SMITH SEXTON, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 241 Spain in Honolulu, July, 1913; act- ing Consul for Spain in Honolulu, 1914-1915. Member Chi Phi Fratern- ity and Honolulu Lodge, No. 409, F. & A. M, SETO, ANTHONY YUEN, lawyer, Honolulu; born at Hanapepe, Kau- ai, Hawaii, November 18, 1890; son of Chung Sing and Char _ (Shee) Seto; educated in public schools of Hanapepe and Mills School, Hono- lulu; San Rafael High School, San Rafael, Cal., 1908-10; Cass Technical High School, Detroit, Mich. 1910- 11; University of Michigan, Depart- ment of Arts and Science, 1911-13; Detroit College of Law, 1913-16, LL. B. Admitted to Supreme Court of Hawaii, November 8, 1916; associ- ated in practise with George K. French and Hoon Wo Wong. Is the first Chinese to be admitted to Supreme Court of Hawaii. Member of Union Louge of Strict Observance No. 3, F. ana A. M., Detroit, Mich.; second Chinese to be admitted to Masonic order in Michigan. Mem- ber of officers’ training camp, U. S. Army, at Schofield Barracks, Oahu (October, 1917). LEO LLOYD, physician Hilo, Hawaii; born in _ Indianola, Iowa, December 23, 1879; son of Traverse Miller and Mary Matilda (Hill) Sexton; educated University Washington, Seattle, 1904-06; Univer- sity of California, M, D., 1907; mar- ried Emily Dorothea Rice, in Lihue, Kauai, October 26, 1910; two chil- dren, Leo Lloyd Jr., Harold Miller. Interne, Southern Pacific R. R. Hos- pital, Sacramento, Cal., 1907; interne and later Resident Physician, Queen’s Hospital, Honolulu, 1908- 09; Head Anti-Tuberculosis Bureau, T. H., 1909; appointed Acting Assistant Surgeon U. S. P. H. S., Honolulu, appointed Pathologist and Bacterio- logist, Board of Health; entered priv- ate practise at Hilo, Hawaii, 1910. Is acting assistant surgeon, U. S. P. H. service; Territorial Government Physician; Physician Puumaile Home for Care and Treatment Pul- monary Tuberculosis. Major, Med- ical Corps, N. G@ H. Member Ha- waiian Medical Society, F. & A. M., Shriner. SEYMOUR, WALTER IRVING, op- tometrist and optician, Honolulu; born in Dale County, Wisconsin, September 20, 1868; son of Irving 16 Agustos and Sarah (Camp) Sey- mour; ancestors on both sides fought in the Revolutionary War; educated Chicago College of Op- thamology, graduating 1891 as Master of Optics; married Corle Hodges Crane in Honolulu, July 1917. Practised Opthamology in Omaha, Neb., 1893-1900; traveled abroad in interest of profession until 1903; practised in Los Angeles, Cal., 1903-1907. From 1907 to 1912 devoted time to inventions of pro- cesses of optical glass making, and new methods of producing the famous Invisible Bi-focal lens now known as “Kryptoks.” Came to Ho- nolulu in 1912, and in 1913 and 1914 visited Australia and New Zealand, promoting and exploiting these two justly notable aids to the human vision. In 1917 was appointed by Governor Pinkham, a member of the first Territorial Board of Optom- etry. Is now owner of the largest optical institution in Hawaii, pur- chased from H. F. Wichman in 1912, which has on file many thousand records extending back 24 years. SHIMAMOTO, CHARLES C., mer- chant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Yuda- mura, Oshima, Japan, August 11, 1878; son of Saushiro and Yoshi (Kawabata) Shimamoto; educated in grammar schools of San Fran- cisco, Cal.; married Mura Fujita in Hilo, Hawaii, September 1903; three children, Tadaichi, Toshiko, Chuji. On leaving school, began career as an agricultural contractor, 1896- 1900; came to Hilo, Hawaii, open- ing up restaurant, 1900-5; founded Mauna Kea Liquor House of which he is sole proprietor, 1905. Has been interpreter in Fourth Circuit Court since 1901; is president, Hilo Sake Brewery; treasurer, Hawaii Fishing Co.; treasurer, Hawaii Garage, Ltd. Member Hilo Board of Trade; Japanese Merchants As- sociation; People’s and Seaside Clubs. SHINGLE, ROBERT WITT, financier, | Honolulu; born Cheyenne, Wyo., Aug. 10, 1876; son of John K. Shingle. Received education in the public schools of Cheyenne; married Muri- el Campbell, daughter of James Campbell, one of Hawaii’s business pioneers, in Honolulu in 1907. On leaving school entered editorial de- 242 MEN OF HAWAII E. 1. SPALDING ARTHUR H. RICE FREDERICK E. STEERE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 243 partment of the Cheyenne Tribune, of which his father was publisher; became state house and railroad re- porter on the Denver (Colo.) Repub- lican, 1893-96; came to Honolulu as city editor of Hawaiian Star, 1896; appointed by President Dole of the then Renublic of Hawaii as represen- tative of Hawaii at Trans-Mississippi Exposition, Omaha, Neb.; on return- ing from Omaha joined the reportori- al staff of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, serving a few months; entered the employ of the firm of Henry Waterhouse & Co., Ltd., and when organized as the Henry Water- house Trust Co., became its secre- tary; on the death of Mr. Water- house was elected president. Elect- ed to Territorial House of Repre- sentatives from the fourth district, 1909, and was chairman of committee on agriculture, forestry and immi- gration and was also member of finance committee; was elected Treasurer of the City and County of Honolulu in 1911 for a term of two years; June 2, 1915, Mayor Lane ap- pointed him Supervisor for Honolulu to succeed Jas. C. Quinn, deceased, in which position he served until March 17, 1916, when he resigned; was elected Territorial Senator to represent fourth and fifth districts in November, 1916, for a term of four years. Member of Pacific, Com- mercial, Oahu Country, Outrigger, © Ad and Hawaii Polo & Racing Clubs, Peebeens, fy Fo & A. Mi. K.+P. and Chiefs of Hawaii. Plays polo and is a game fisherman. SHIPMAN, OLIVER TAYLOR, tax as- sessor, Third Taxation Division, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Waiohinu, Kau district, Hawaii, Dec. 15, 1857; son of William Cornelius and Jane (Stobie) Shipman; educated, Knox Academy, Galesburg, IIl.,; Williston Seminary, East Hampton, Mass.; Amherst College, A. B. 1879. Mar- ried Hannah Naeole, at Kau, Hawaii, Nov. 5, 1893; children: John, Frank and Jane; married Mary K. Lo, May 7, 1908. Attended St. Louis Law School, Sept., 1879-Jan., 1881; man- ager of lumber business, Hilo, Ha- waii, 1881-85; started and is still owner of cattle ranch, Kau, Hawaii, 1885; deputy Tax Assessor, District of Kau, Hawaii, 1889-93; County Supervisor, County of Hawaii, July 1, 1905-Jan. 1, 1911; Tax Assessor, Third Division, since Dec. 15, 1914. Member of Seaside Club, People’s Club, and B. P. O. E. SILVA, JOHN IGNACIO, merchant, Eleele, Kauai; born at Ponta Delga- da, San Miguel, Azores, Portugal, Oc- tober 15, 1868; son of Jose Ignacio and Angelica de J. (Gomes) Silva; educated in schools of Laupahoehoe and Y. M. C. C. of St. Louis College; married Maria Martins Goaveia at Eleele, Kauai, December 5, 1903. Be- gan business career as clerk in store of P. A. Dias, Kapaau, Kohala, Ha- waii, 1885-86; clerk, A. Enos & Co., Wailuku, Maui, 1887-90; salesman, Gonsalves & Co., on Island of Maui, 1890-938; travelling photographer, Gonsalves and Silva, Honolulu, 1893- 94; established business of Frias & Silva, Eleele, 1894; bought out part- ner, Jos. Frias, 1896. Postmaster, Eleele, Kauai, since 1906. Repre- sentative Terr. Legislature, 1907-08. Treasurer Kauai Chamber of Com- merce, member Portuguese Mutual Benevolent Society, St. Antonio Soc., SILVA, MANUEL ENOS, undertaker and embalmer, Honolulu; born April 20, 1863, at sea between the Islands of Maui and Oahu, Hawaiian Islands; son of Manuel and Malie (Kuahine) Silva; married Annie Amoy Achuck of Honolulu, April 10, 1884, thirteen children, seven living: Odelia Orden- stein, Ellen Markham, Henry, Louis, Ernest, Dolly, May. Educated Ahuli- manu, 1869-71, Hilo Boarding School to 1879. bhegan business career in harness-making business and follow- ed various lines until 1905 when the business of Mrs. E. C, Will- iams, undertaking and embalm- ing, was purchased. President Long- shoremen’s Aid Association, treas- urer and manager Relief and Burial Association, member San Antonio So- ciety, Phoenix, Moose, Order of Ka- mehameha, Court Camoes, Oiwi So- ciety, Kauikeaouli Lodge. Ordained minister in Hoomana Naauao Church 1901. SINCLAIR, ARCHIBALD NEIL, physi- cian, Honolulu; born January 20, 1871, in New York City, N. Y.; son of Archibald and Mary (McInnes) Sinclair, who located in New York from Glasgow, Scotland, in 1869; married Flora Margaret Perry at Honolulu, January 1, 1900, one child, Miriam Elinor. Educated Oahu College (Honolulu), 1889; Glasgow University, M. B. and C. M., 1894; commenced professional 244 MEN OF HAWAII M. de F. SPINOLA BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 245 career in Yaxley, England, Novem- ber, 1894-March, 1897; city physi- cian, Honolulu, March 1, 1901- March, 1908; bacteriologist and pathologist, Board of Health, Ter- ritory of Hawaii, November 1, 1910- July, 1916; director anti-tuberculo- sis bureau; acting asst. surgeon, United States public health service, 1901-1917; 1917 medical superinten- dent Leahi Home (tubercular, Hono- lulu) since March 1, 1902. Is spe- cialist on tuberculosis. Charter member American Association of Immunologists (limited to 100 mem- bers chosen for original work in immunology). Member’ McKinley Lodge No. 8, K. of P. (district dep- uty supreme chancellor, 1900-1904), Hawaiian Lodge No. 1, A. F. & A. M.; University club, Hawaii Ter- ritorial Medical Society, American Medical association; has contribut- ed a number of valuable scientific and medical articles to leading med- ical journals. SMITH, ARTHUR G., lawyer, Hono- lulu, T. H.; born at Tenant’s Har- bor, Maine, January 3, 1882; son of James W. and Annie Smith; edu- cated at Colby College, Waterville, Me., 1900-02; Harvard University A. B. 1905, Harvard Law School, B. L. 1908; married Helen Chase Fessen- den, in Boston, Mass., April 28, 1910. On leaving law school, enter- ed law offices of Myers & Brooks, Boston, 1908-10; with Kinney, Bal- lou, Prosser & Anderson, Honolulu, six months of 1910; appointed Dep- uty Attorney General, T. H., No- vember 1910. Member ist Co., C. A. C., N. G. H., one year. Member Oahu Country, University, Outrig- ger Canoe Clubs, American Society for Psychological Research, Y. M. C. A., Vestryman, St. Andrew’s Cathe- dral; member Board of Directors, Protestant Episcopal Church in Ha- waiian Islands, Chancellor of Diocese. SMITH, GEORGE WATERMAN, pres- ident and manager, Benson, Smith & Co., Honolulu; born in Detroit, Mich., July 31, 1859; son of Rev. Thos. W. and Ellen A. (Waterman) Smith; common school education; married Nellie E. Richardson in Honolulu, Sept. 14, 1882; two sons, Clement George and Albert Brodie. Commenced work in drug business, Chicago, Ill., 1872; removed to San Francisco, Cal., and worked in drug store, 1873; came to Honolulu and entered employ of Hollister & Co. (old firm) Nov., 1880; established drug business, Benson, Smith & Co., Oct. 14, 1883, incorporated, 1898. Was Fire Commissioner, Honolulu, 1893-94; served National Guard of Hawaii, 1893-1895; member Council State, Republic of Hawaii, 1895 and 1896; member Board of Education, 1896; member Board of Health, 1898- 1900, 1900-02; trustee Queen’s Hos- pital since 1895; secretary Queen’s Hospital, 1897-1915, and president since 1915; chairman Board of Sup- ervisors, 1905-07; president Hono- lulu Merchants Assn., 1904-09; pres- ident Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce, 1916-17; commissioned Cap- tain, Quartermaster Section, U. S. Army Reserve Corps, July 11, 1917. Member of Commercial Club (presi- dent 1906-1907), Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., Scottish Rite Bodies, Masonic KC. C.H. SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY, lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in New Haven, Conn., Feb. 20, 1866; son of William C. and Minerva A. (Monson) Smith; educated Dickenson Academy, Deer- field, Mass., Amherst, A. B. 1890, A. M. 1898; married Elvira M. Rich- ardson in Hilo, Hawaii, March 1, 1904. Editor of the Hilo Tribune and Hawaii Herald, Hilo, Hawaii, 1897-1902. Studied law in a private law office Hilo, Hawaii, and ad- mitted to practise in the Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1902; practised law in Hilo, later going to Columbia University, taking special law course, 1904-1906; admitted to Su- preme Court of United States, 1909. Author of a monograph on Polynes- ian languages, published 1893; has been a commissioner of public in- struction since 1912. Member of American Bar Association, Bar As- sociation of 4th Circuit, University Club (Honolulu), Hilo Yacht Club, Knights of Pythias, Phi Delta Theta, Phi Beta Kappa. SMITH, WILLIAM OWEN, lawyer, Honolulu; born August 4, 1848, at Koloa, Island of Kauai, Hawaiian Islands; son of James William and Melicent (Knapp) Smith; married Mary Abbey Hobron, March 23, 18/6, at Honolulu, five children: Clarence Hobron, Ethel Frances, Pauline Melicent, Anna Kathrine, Lorrin Knapp. Educated, Rev. D. Dole’s school, Koloa, Punahou school and Massachusetts Agricultural Col- MEN OF HAWAII 246 WADE WARREN THAYER JAMES STEINER FERRY JOSEPH S. SPICER HARRY E., BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 247 lege; commenced professional career in law offices of Judge Alfred S. Hartwell; served as sheriff of Kauai 1870; sheriff of Maui 1872; appoint- ed attorney general and president board of health, 1893-1899; served 20 years intermittently in Hawaiian Legislature, 1878-1912; president Guardian Trust Co., Ltd., of Hono- lulu; Sec, and Treas., H. S. P. Assn. Member Pacific, University and Oahu Country clubs of Honolulu, and Metropolitan club of Washington, D. OF SMOOT, PERRY MYERS, automo- bile dealer, Honolulu; born April 22, 1882, in Washington, D. C.; son of Benjamin S. and Mary G. (Moore) Smoot; married Mary C. Henry in Washington, D. C., Nov. 29, 1905; four children: Christy K., Richard Henry, John van Der Poole, Robert Moore. Educated public schools (Washington, D. C.), and Coiumbian Wniversity; entered em- ploy American Bicycle Co. as sales- man, 1899; Pope Manufacturing Co., 1901, General Electric Co. (New York), 1902, National Electric Sup- ply Co. (Washington, D. C.), 1904, Angier Auto Supply Co. (Boston) 1905, Gocdyear Tire & Rubber Co., 1907, Mitchell Auto Co., as man- ager, 1908, Chancellor & Lyons Co., Pacific Coast salesman, 1912, As- sociated Garage (Honolulu), 1912, Schuman Carriage Co. (Honolulu), manager auto supply and tire de- partments, 1913-1916, Smoot & Steinhauser, Ltd. (Honolulu), in- corporated January, 1916, elected president. Was member Naval Mi- litia nine and one-half years, five years commissioned officer; First Lieutenant National Guard of Ha: waii two years. Member Ad Club, Commercial Club, Rotary Club, Out- rigger Canoe Club, Oceanic Lodge F. & A. M. SOKABE, SHIRO, minister, Honomu, Hawaii; born in Fukuoka, Japan, June 26, 1865; son of Michie and Yone (Sakamoto) Sokabe; descen- dant of ancient Samurai family; re- ceived education at Doshisha The- ological College, 1887-91; married Shika Chono, at Kyoto, Japan, May 23, 1897. On leaving college, preach- ed two places in Japan, 1891-94; came to Honomu, Hawaii, 1897, starting boarding school soon after- ward for training of Japanese youths in American ideals. SOPER, JOHN FREDERICK, mer- chant, Honolulu; born in Vallejo, Cal., July 4, 1872; son of John Har- ris and Mary W. (Wundenberg) Soper; not married; received educa- tion at Punahou, St. Alban’s College and public schools; began business career with Bishop & Co., bankers, Honolulu, in 1889; removed to San Francisco in 1893 and in 1894 re- ceived commission as vice and dep- uty consul general of Hawaii at San Francisco, Mr. Chas. T. Wilder be- ing consul general under provisional government; resigned and returned to Honolulu to become manager of Hawaiian News Co. Ltd., 1897. Mem- ber Commercial club, Chamber of Commerce, Myrtle Boat Club, and chairman of registration committee of Hawaiian Association A. A. U. since formation of organization in Honolulu. SOPER, JOHN HARRIS, merchant, Honolulu; born Nov. 17, 1846, in Plymouth, Devonshire, England; son of Thomas Harris and Mary (Kipling) Soper; descendant of Joseph Kipling, British officer in French and Indian War; married Mary Elizabeth Wundenberg at Val- lejo, Cal., Sept. 18, 1871; five chil- dren: John Frederick, William Harris, Josephine Mary, Blanche Ethel, Ruth Constance. Educated public schools, Chicago, 1852-57, Normal University, Bloomington, Ill., 1857-61; arrived San Francisco, via Panama, July 4, 1861, Honolulu 1886 and acquired business of J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.; incorporated as Hawaiian News Co., Aug. 1, 1891, being its president since. Commander-in-chief military forces of Provisional Government, Jan. 17, 1893; Adjutant General and Chief of Staff 1894-1907; Brigadier- General National Guard of Hawaii, by authority of War Department, re- tiring April 2, 1907; Marshal of Kingdom of Hawaii 1884-86 and 1888-90. Is honorary vice-president Societe des Sauveteurs du Dernier Adieu, Nov. 12, 1894, received dip- loma and decoration Croix Rosette. Member Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, KF. & A. M., since 1885, Master 1894. SPALDING, EDWARD IRWIN, banker, Honolulu; born June 3, 1854, in Ho- nolulu; son of Josiah Chapman and Elizabeth (Irwin) Spalding; married Marie Kahler Long in Oakland, Cali- 248 MEN OF HAWAII CHARLES H. SWAIN SPENCER, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 249 fornia, June 7, 1880; six children, Irwin, Raymond, Edith, Ethel, Alice, Helen. Educated Brewster’s school (Honolulu), Salem (Mass.) Gram- mar and High Schools. Began busi- ness career with Salem (Mass.) five cents bank; pay-clerk U. S. N., Mare Island (Cal.) 1872-78; U. S. Flagship Pensacola 1878-1879; purchasing pay officer, San Francisco, 1880-1884; as- sistant bookkeeper W. G. Irwin & Co. (Honolulu) 1884; cashier Claus Spreckels & Co., Honolulu, 1885- 1910; president Bank of Honolulu, Ltd., since 1910. Trustee Hawaiian Irrigation Co., Ltd., Honolulu Gas Co., Ltd:; director Hilo Sugar Co., Olowalu Co., Waimanalo Co.; trustee Hawaiian Lodge No, 21, F. & A. M.; trustee Scottish Rite Masons, Mas- ter Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, High Priest Honolulu Royal Arch Chapter, 32 degree mason, Knight Templar, Aloha Shrine A. A. O. N. M.S. Presi- dent Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce 1912, president Oahu Country Club 1916-17, vice-president Pacific Club. SPALDING, WALTER TALBOT, civil engineer and contractor, Honolulu; born December 6, 1887, in Minneap- olis, Minn.; son of Abel Walter and Anna Mary (Talbot) Spalding; de- scendant of Edward Spalding, who settled in Jamestown, Va., in 1620, from Spalding, Lincolnshire, Eng- land; educated Minneapolis and Seattle schools, University of Wash- ington, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Began architectural work in New York City and later became permanently associated with father in Spalding Construction Co., Portland, Ore., In 1911; came _ to Honolulu in April, 1912, with con- tract for U. S. Marine Barracks and quarters at Pearl Harbor Naval Sta- tion; is in charge Hawaiian branch of Spalding Construction Co., offices of which are now located in Hono- lulu and San Francisco. Associate member American Society Civil En- gineers, Architectural Society M. I. T., Technology Club of New York, University Club (Honolulu), Com- mercial, Outrigger Canoe and Oahu Country Clubs of Honolulu. SAMUEL MAHUKA, county auditor, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Waimea, Hawaii, July 18, 1875; son of Ashford and Puakalehua (Auwae) Spencer; educated at Ka- mehameha Schools, Honolulu, 1893; STAINBACK, married Alice Kinimaka in Hono- lulu, July 5, 1895; four children, Jeanette, Harry, Alice and Edith Spencer. Began business career as clerk in Territory Land Office, Ho- nolulu, 1893-95; deputy sheriff, Wai- mea, Hawaii, 1895-97; bookkeeper, H. Waterhouse Trust Co., Honolulu, 1897-02; bookkeeper, Parker Ranch, Waimea, Hawaii, 1902-12; deputy county clerk, County of Hawaii, 1912-14; deputy auditor, County of Hawaii, 1914-15; has been auditor since 1915. Is a notary public and was admitted to practise law in Dis- trict Court. Member F. & A. M.; A. O. F. SPICER, HARRY €E., businessman, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Fenton, Mich., Aug. 28, 1878; son of Thomas J. and Sarah Louise (Roberts) Spi- cer; educated in public and high schools of Manistee, Mich. On leav- ing school went to work for book and stationery store Manistee, Mich., 1893-98; served through Spanish- American War, 1898-1899; employed by J. W. Slater, home furnisher, Traverse City, Mich., 1899-1902; ap- pointed manager and buyer for J. Wilhelm, Traverse City, 1903; man- ager and buyer, Boston Store, Trav- erse City, 1903-05; manager and buy- er carpet department Kilpatrick Fur- niture Co., Denver, Colo., 1906; with Copper Queen Con. Mining Co., Douglas, Ariz., 1906-10; became man- ager J. Hopp & Co., furniture, Hon- Olulu, T. H., 1910. Member 34th Reg- iment Michigan N. G., during Span- ish-American War. Member B. P. O. E., Oahu Country, Commercial and Ad Clubs, Chamber of Com- merce. SPINOLA, MICHAEL de F., attorney- at-law and financial agent, Hilo, Hawaii; born and raised in Hilo, Hawaii; educated in the _ public schools and the Catholic Boys’ School in Hilo. After leaving school was for four years a teacher on Ha- waii; started in with the First Bank of Hilo as bookkeeper, later becom- ing assistant cashier; then became associated with Hon. W. S. Wise in the real estate business and general financial agency, in Hilo. INGRAM MACKLIN, lawyer, Honolulu; born May 12, 1883, at Somerville, Tenn.; son of Charles Ashley and Laura (Blake- ley) Stainback; married Hazel I. 250 MEN OF HAWAII EDWARD D. TENNEY STANLEY, WILLIAM L,, STEERE, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 251 Caldwell in Illinois in 1910; one child, Ingram Macklin Junior; de- scendant of Virginia family that settled in America prior to the Revolution; father was prominent lawyer and active in Democratic politics in Tennessee for many years. Educated in public and pri- vate schools of Somerville and Bellbuckle, Tenn.; A. B. Princeton 1907, cum laude, special honors in department of politics and econom- ics; J. D. University of Chicago 1912, cum laude. Entered profes- sional career with law firm of Holmes, Stanley & Olson (Hono- lulu), 1912; attorney general Terri- tory of Hawaii since April, 1914. Major, and judge advocate general, National Guard of Hawaii. Mem- ber Outrigger Canoe Club, Oahu Country Club; member Territorial Board of Health, chairman Com- mittee of Examiners for admission to bar. lawyer, Honolulu; born in Dublin, Ireland, March 5, 1872; son of James Charles and Katharine (Lucas) Stanley; married Juanita Danford, October 20, 1896, in Honolulu, children, Chas. Desmond, Eileen, Dermot and Brian Henry. Educated at Dover College (Dover, Eng.), Rathmires School (Dublin), Trinity College (Dublin), and there attended Arts’ and Laws school, 1889-1893. Studied law in office of A. S. Hartwell, Honolulu, May, 1893-March, 1895, admitted to practise in Supreme Court, 1895; partnership Hartwell, Thurston and Stanley, 1895-1896; partnership Thurston and Stanley, 1896-1897; judge Circuit Court, Oct. 1897-July, 1900; associated in partnership with Henry Holmes, first as Holmes and Stanley and later as Holmes, Stan- ley and Olson, 1900-1915; as Stan- ley and Wilder until 1916, practise alone since. Member Pacific, Uni- versity and Country clubs, past master Honolulu lodge F. & A. M., past commander Templar Degree, Aloha Shrine and Chiefs of Hawaii. FREDERICK EUGENE, real estate, Honolulu; born in Prov- idence, R. I., August 16, 1872; son of Hardin and Almira Melissa (Wil- bur) Steere; descendant of John Steere of Ockley, England, who lo- cated in Rhode Island in 1659; mar- ried Charlotte Doyle Iles in Prov- idence, October 17, 1898, two chil- dren, Charlotte Elizabeth and Fred- erick Eugene, Jr. Educated pri- mary schools, Johnston, R. 1., and Brown University, graduated 1894; entered employ Mutual Life Insur- ance Co. of N. Y., 1894; settled in Honolulu 1898, in employ of Lewers & Cooke, 1902-1903; Allen & Robin- son during 1903 and becoming agso- ciated with Waterhouse Trust Co. in 1903, remaining with this com- pany since in charge of realty de- partment. Member Industrial Ac- cident Board (Oahu) and Board of Appraisers (Oahu); member and one of founders of University club, charter member Country club, mem- ber Commercial club. STEINER, JAMES, real estate, Hono- lulu, T. H., born in Mirschikau, Pil- sen, Austria, July 24, 1860; son of Benedict and Ester (Schwarzkopf) Steiner; educated at State High school, Pilsen, Bohemia, Austria; married Rosa Schwarz in Prague, Austria, October 20, 1889; four chil- dren, Harry, Lionel, Walter and Ernest Steiner. Entered business at Frankfort-on-Main. Germany, 1876, receiving good business train- ing; came to United States, 1881, making short stay in New Yerk and St. Louis; came to Hawaii via San Francisco, 1882, entering employ of H. J. Hart, confectioner and caterer, with whom he soon became part- ner; became managing partner of business on death of Mr. Hart, 1888; retired from Hart & Co., 1899, found- ing Island Curio Co.; retired from this business 1914 to devote his time to management of his property hold- ings and island investments. Be- came American citizen 1900. Mem- ber Honolulu Lodge No. 409. F. & A. M., Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. P., and Chamber of Commerce. STEWART, BURT C., government offi- cial, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Batavia, N. Y., March 8, 1874; son or Willard Nelson and Mary Margaret (Klock) Stewart; educated at Union School and Gloversville Business College, both Gloversville, N. Y.; married Ke- ola Kama in Hilo, February 17, 1910. Began career as legal stenographer in Gloversville, N. Y., until 1904; en- listed in 8th U. S. Cavalry, service in Philippines, 1904-07; stenographer, chief clerk, Philippine Ry., 1907-08; public stenographer, Manila, 1908; arrived Honolulu, 1908; filled various MEN OF HAWAII 252 THOMAS WILL P. STOW, STRAUCH, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 253 positions as stenographer; clerk in Tax Office, Hilo, since 1915. STONE, WILLIAM JAMES, business- man, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Ypsi- lanti, Mich., December 17, 1867; son of Eli and Ellen (Vanderpool) Stone; uescendant on pot. sides of Coloniat families; educated in Ypsilanti Hign School; married Melinda A. Canario in Hilo, Hawaii, February 18, 1903; one child, Wiuiam Vanderpool. Was a registered Pharmacist, Ypsilanti, Mich., 1889-1894; travelling salesman, 1894-96; entered drug business, Ypsi- lanti, 1896-97; came to Hilo, as regist- tered Pharmacist 1897-1902; in soda water business and cattle ranching from 1902. Was appointed member Tax Appeal Court, Fourth Circuit, 1915-16-17; member N. G. Mich., 1888- 91; exalted Ruler, B. P. O. E., Hilo Lodge No. 759. CHARLES LETHBRIDGE, physician, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Chislehurst, Kent, England, Novem- ber 9, 1856; son of Tnomas Brouga- ton and Lucy Anne (Furbor) Stow; educated at Tonbridge School and King’s College, London; member Royal College of Surgeons, England, 1882, and Royal College of Physi- cians, Edinburgh, 1883; great-nephew of Captain Chas. Broughton, (C. B.), R. N., who accompanied Vancouver on his first visit to Hawaii and after- wards, 1796, as commader of H. M. S. “Providence” made the first sur- vey of Honolulu Harbor; House Sur- geon, Leeds General Infirmary, Eng- land, 1883; surgeon, Peninsular & Oriental S. N. Co., 1884-86; surgeon Palmerston & Pine Creek R. R., S. Australia, 1886-88; Assistant Healtu & Government Surgeon, Port Darwin, Australia, 1889; arrived in Hawaii, 1889; Government Physician, Maka- wao, Maui, 1890; Government Physi- cian, Hilo, 1902; County Physician, Hilo, 1910; member Kilauea Lodge No. 330, F. & A. M.; Hilo Lodge No. 759, B. P. O. E.; Hawaiian Medical Association. PAUL ERNST RICH- ARD, real estate and _ financial agent, Honolulu; born in Buxte- hude, Hanover, Germany, Jan. 15, 1864; son of Ernst August and Wil- helmina (Biedenweg) Strauch; edu- cated at the Lyceum, Hanover, Germany; married Fanny Markham in Honolulu, Aug. 11, 1891; three children: Wilhelmina, Alexandrina SUTTON, EDWIN WHITE, and Paul. Began business career with August Bucking & Co., whole- sale woolen merchants, Hanover; thereafter took up the manufacture of beet sugar; arrived in Honolulu Feb. 24, 1886, became associated with the raising and manufacturing of sugar cane; introduced the brush water-coolers in Hawaii, which solved the cooling of condensed water at that time; since 1899 has been interested in real estate busi- ness. Became a voter in Hawaii in 1887 and an American citizen in 1899. Is a member of executive committee of the Civic Federation. Is a student along philosophical lines. SUPE, GUSTAVUS DIETRICH, depu- ty tax assessor, Hilo, Hawaii; born at Blumfield, Mich., June 8, 1866; son of Charles Dietricn and Caro- line (Rademacher) Supe; father came from Germany in 1850 and lo- cated in Blumfield and was prom- inent in political and business cir- cles there; eaucated in district school, Blumfield, Mich., grammar and high schools Bay City, Mich.; married Maggie Kama in Hilo, Ha- waii, July 5, 1907; children: Jessie, Gustavus, Margaret and Lena. Be- ' gan with father in wholesale gro- cery business, Bay City, Mich., 1885- 88; removed to Sault Marie, Mich., in grocery business, 1888-96; came to the Hawaiian Islands and started a coffee plantation at Olaa, Island of Hawaii; later sold out to Olaa Sugar Co., 1899; started sugar cane plantation, selling out to Japanese, 1913; taught school at Kalapana, Ha- waii, 1913-15; deputy tax assessor for the district of South Hilo, Ha- waii, 1915. Was Road Supervisor for Puna District, County of Ha- waii, 1905-06; elected supervisor, Puna District, 1907-08. lawyer, Honolulu; born in Hartford, Mich., Sept. 15, 1882; son of Warner P. Sutton, consul general to Mexico, secretary Pan-American Conference and Lois May (Andrus) Sutton; married Alice Benton Carpenter in Cleveland, Ohio, August 12, 1908; children: Edwin White, Jr., Richard Carpenter. Educated Military acad- emy, Oberlin academy, University of Michigan, graduate 1904, law depart- ment, degree LL.B. Practised law in Honolulu, August 1906; deputy attorney general of Hawaiian Terri- MEN OF HAWAII 254 JAMES T. TAYLOR CHARLES H. THURSTON HENRY VAN GIESON CAPT. W. A. TODD BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 255 tory, 1908-1912; associated with law firm, Smith, Warren and Hemen- way, 1912-1913; member law firm Smith, Warren, Hemenway and Sut- ton, 1913-14; member law firm Smith, Warren and Sutton, 1914-17; became manager and vice-president Bishop Trust Co. Ltd., Feb. 15, 1917. Member coast artillery, N. G. H. 1st Co. (Sgt.) 1916-17; trustee Hilo Boarding School, 1917. Member of Oahu Country club (director 1912, president 1916), University club (secretary 1912-14), Bar Association of Hawaii (secretary 1912-16, treas- urer 1916), Hawaii Polo and Racing Club and Chamber of Commerce. SWAIN, CHARLES HENRY, public official, lawyer, school _ teacher, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Hilo, Hawaii, Dec. 4, 1874; son of Lewis Emerson and Jenny (Kahikaua) Swain; edu- cated at the Hilo Foreign, Hilo Union and St. Mary’s schools, Hilo, Hawaii; married Louisa Upchurch, in Hilo, Hawaii, Sept. 4, 1891; children: Jenny K., Charles H., Rose A. (Mrs. G. J. Matthias), Lewis Emerson, Louisa K. (Mrs. G. Hay), and James Upchurch. Worked on plantations and taught school, 1890-1906; clerk district court, Hilo, 1906-1911; County Treasurer of the County of Hawaii since 1911. Was _ licensed to prac- tise law in the district court 1909, and commissioned second district magistrate in South Hilo, 1909-11; commissioned temporary magistrate during 1916. President Hilo Teach- ers’ Union, 1904-06; delegate to Republican Conventions held in Hilo and acted as interpreter; was principal of St. Joseph’s School, Kohala, Pohakupuka School, North Hilo, and Laupahoehoe School, N. Hilo. Member Ancient Order of Foresters, Independent Order of Foresters, Young Men’s Institute, Hui Owi o na Hawaii, Hui Hawaii Ponoi, Kamehameha Order; Seaside Club, People’s Club, Holy Name Society and Hilo Board of Trade. Great-grandfather signed the Dec- laration of Independence. SWEZEY, OTTO HERMAN, entomolo- gist, Honolulu; born June 7, 1869, in Rockford, Illinois; son of Adoniram Judson and Malinda (Bruner) Swe- zey; married Mary Hypatia Walsh in Cleveland, Ohio, July 20, 1904; one child, Joseph A. Educated Rockford High School and Lake Forest College, A. B. 1896; Northwestern University, NS So 1897, Began professional career as teacher in Northwestern University 1897-1902; Ohio State Uni- versity 1902-03; Nursery and Or- chard Inspector Ohio State Board of Agriculture, 1903-04; Entomologist, Experiment Station Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, Honolulu, since 1904. Honorary Curator of En- tomology Bishop Museum, Honolulu, since 1907. Special lines of investi- gation, the life history studies of Lepidoptera and economic insects; insect parasitism and its application to economic entomology. Member Ohio State Academy of Science, Sig- ma Xi; Scientific Society, American Society for the Advancement of Sci- ence, American Association of Econ- omic Entomologists, Hawaiian En- tomological Society. SYLVA, FRANK CURTIS, government official, Wailuku, Maui, born at Wai- kapu, Maui, May 26, 1886; son of Frank and Ellen (Curtis) Sylva; edu- cated Kamehameha Schools, Hono- lulu; married Christina Eckart, at Wailuku, Maui, September 16, 1912; three children, Irene, Frank Curtis and Olga. Entered employ of Wai- luku Sugar Co., Waikapu, Maui (1908- 1911) as Luna; on police force, Wai- luku, 1911-14; appointed Inspector of Weights and Measures, and Clerk to Sheriff, Wailuku, Maui, 1914. Was Private, Hospital Corps, N.G.H., Ser- geant, Co. D, and Second Lieutenant Co. A, Third Inf., N. G. H. Member AiO. F: “ TAYLOR, ALBERT P., newspaperman, Honolulu; born December 18, 1872, at St. Louis, Mo.; son of George A. A. and Mellissa (Pierce) Taylor; married, November 3, 1902, Emma Metcalf Davison, at Honolulu, no is- sue; educated in public schools of Leadville, Colorado, and graduated 1891 from St. Marks’ Episcopal school, Salt Lake City; commenced business career in offices of Union Pacific railroad and in 1893 was with field party that surveyed line of Salt Lake-Los Angeles route; assistant secretary Silver Party convention at St. Louis, 1896; assistant secretary Silver Party committee at Washing- ton during McKinley-Bryan cam- paign; went to Cuba in’ 1896 and in 1897; returned to Washington to 256 MEN OF HAWAII FRANK E. THOMPSON BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 257 position with patent attorney office; secretary to L. A. Thurston of Ho- nolulu of the Hawaiian Annexation committee at Washington, and in August, 1898, came to Honolulu as clerk to Judge Frear of the sen- atorial commission; reportorial staft of Honolulu Commercial Advertiser, 1899-1913, and appointed special agt. of the Hawaii Promotion Committee at San Francisco, 19138; appointed secretary-director Hawaii Promotion Committee, Honolulu 1915; was clerk Circuit Court of Hawaii, 1898- 1899; chief of detectives of Hono- lulu, 1907-08; organized Denhalter Rifles at Salt Lake City, 1889, and in November 1896 went to Cuba holding commission from Cuban junta in New York to join Cuban forces against the Spanish, arrested and held prisoner in Havana, and later ordered deported but release secured through U. S. Consul Gen- eral. Made bicycle trip across Roc- kies in 1895, Salt Lake City to Lead- ville, Colo., for League of American Wheelmen for Transcontinental route. Member Commercial Club, Aero Club, Rotary Club, Ad Club, all Honolulu. TAYLOR, JAMES TOWNSEND, con- sulting civil engineer, Honolulu; born in Waiaha, Kona, Hawaii, March 19, 1859; son of Rev. Townsend Elijah and Persis Goodale (Thurston) Tay- lor; married Ethel May Webster, Oc- tober 31, 1894, Los Angeles, Cal.; one son, Thurston W.; educated Golden Gate Academy, Washington College and U. of Cal. Started with South Pac. Coast R. R., 1877-79; in state en- gineer department, 1880-81; assistant engineer, So. Pac. R. R., 1881-82; en- gineer Pomona Land and Water Co. 1883; private practise Pomona, Cal., 1886; city engineer Pomona, 1887-88; public and private’ practise in Southern California, 1888-1896; con- sulting engineer, Eddy, New Mex- ico, 1896-98; chief engineer Honolulu Sugar Co., and consulting. engineer Kekaha Sugar Co., 1898-99; sur- vey soundings and dredging of outer harbor, Honolulu, Depart- ment of Public Works, 1903-04; preliminary surveys, location and construction of Waihee Canal, Maui, (cap. 45,000,000 gal. 24 hrs., total cost $180,000) 1904-07; engineer Nuuanu Dam and Nuuanu Pipe line, depart- ment of public works, 1907-08; pre- liminary surveys Kahua Irrigation 17 System, Hawaii, 1909; location and construction of Kahua Ditch, (cap. 50,000,000 gal. 24 hrs), 1910; con- sulting engineer Hawaii Railway, Ltd., relocation 20 miles, 1911; en- gineer Hilo R. R., Hawaii, location Ookala to Paauilo (6 miles), Waiakea to U.S. breakwater, Kuhio Bay, Kau- leau extension, Puna (2 miles), 1912- 13; consulting engineer Kewalo Rec- lamation suit, circuit court, T. H., 1914; surveys and soundings of Pu- naluu Harbor, Oahu, and maps ot Punaluu and Kahana _ Harbors, Oahu, for aid to navigation, 1914- 15; preliminary surveys and investi- gations and report of the available water supply for the City of Hono- lulu, Honolulu Water Commission, 1916; drainage system and road im- provement, Makiki, Honolulu, 1917. Was delegate to International En- gineering Congress, S F., Cal., and to Pan-American Rd. Congress, Oak- land, Cal., 1915. Member Amer. Soc. of C. E., Hawaiian Engineering Association, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, life member Cousins Society, Honolulu, and I, O. O. F., Pomona, Cal., Lodge No. 246. TENNEY, EDWARD DAVIES, mer- chant, Honolulu; born in Plainfield, N. Y., Jan. 26, 1859; son of Lucian Pomeroy and Mary Elizabeth (Dav- ies) Tenney; educated in the pub- lic schools of New York and Wis- consin; married Rose Williams Makee of Honolulu, March 5, 1889; two children: Wilhelmina and Ver- non Edward. Arrived in Honolulu, June 26, 1887, and worked three years on sugar plantations, Island of Hawaii; entered employ of Cas- tle & Cooke, Dec. 6, 1880; became partner in firm, 1889; was made secretary and director of the con- cern when incorporated, 1895; vice- president and manager of Castle & Cooke, Ltd., 1903-1916; president and manager of the firm since 1916. Has been a factor in the develop- ment of the sugar industry of Ha- waii; served as_ president, two terms, and is a trustee of Hawaii- an Sugar Planters’ Association; director of Sugar Factors, Co., Ltd., serving as its president two terms. Was president of Honolulu Cham- ber of Commerce, 1904-05; member of Advisory Council during reign of the Provisional Government of Hawaii. Is an officer and director of Ewa Plantation Co., Waialua 258 MEN OF Agricultural Co. ‘std, Kohala Sugar Co., Apokaa Sugar Co., Ltd., The Bank of Hawaii, Ltd., Ha- waiian Trust Co., Ltd., Honolulu Iron Works Co., Hawaiian Fertil- izer Co., Ltd., and others of lesser importance. Member Pacific, Com- mercial and Oahu Country Clubs of Honolulu and the Pacific Union of San Francisco. THAYER, WADE WARREN, lawyer, Honolulu; born September 15, 1873, at Jackson, Jackson County, Michi- gan; son of Leonard HK. and Fannie (Fletcher) Thayer; married, June 30, 1908, Rhoda Green, in Honolulu; two children, both deceased; des- cendant of Thomas Thayer, of Braintree, Essex County, England, who settled in Braintree, Mass., in 1630, and founded a family that played a prominent part in early American history. Prepared for col- lege in the public schools of Fort Wayne, Ind., and at Howe school, Howe, Ind., entering Hobart College in 1891, graduated University of Michigan, degree of A. B. 1895; LL. B. 1896; newspaper work: in Salt Lake City, San Francisco and Honolulu, 1896-October, 1900; practised law in Honolulu since; connected with various business in- terests being secretary and treas- urer, Consolidated Soda Works, 1905- 1916; secretary Thayer Piano Co. since 1910; attorney general of Ha- waii, 1912-1914, and secretary of Ha- waii, 1914-1917; published “A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of Hawaii,” June, 1916; author of many stories of Hawaiian life published in various periodicals. Member Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M., Hawaiian Historical So- ciety, American Bar Assn., Hawai- ian Bar Association, University, Oahu Country and Outrigger clubs, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. THOMAS, WILLIAM PERMAR, manu- facturer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in New Castle, Penna., June 11, 1880; son of William B. and Mary M. (Permar) Thomas; educated at Los Angeles High School; married at Long Beach, Cal., March 22, 1915, Theodora Jayne (deceased). Came to Hawaii, September 14, 1898; was manager Hawaiian Fruit and Plant Co., 1904-08; secretary and treas- urer, The Thomas Pineapple Co., 1908-15; has been president and manager of The Thomas Pineapple THOMPSON, HAWAII Co., Honolulu, since 1915. Treas- urer of Hawaiian Pineapple Packers Association, since organization; di- rector National Canners Association, Washington, D. C., since 1915; mem- ber Public Utilities Commission since June 1917. Member Oahu Country, Commercial, Outrigger and Ad Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Hawaiian Volcano Research Associ- ation, Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A,M. Member Bd. Home Missions and Church Extension of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church for the Ter- ritory of Hawaii. FRANK EDWARD, lawyer, Honolulu; born in Duluth, . Minn., Aug. 16, 1875; son of Cap- tain William A. and Caroline A. Thompson; educated public schools of Minnesota; Chicago College of Law, 1895-98; married Alice Roth of Honolulu, June 20th, 1910. En- listed as volunteer in Spanish- American War, 1898, serving to the end of the war; admitted to prac- tise law in Territory of Hawaii, 1900; formed law partnership with the late Judge A. S. Humphreys; was head of the law firm, Thomp- son and Clemons, Honolulu, which was later succeeded by Thompson and Cathcart, the leading corpora- tion law partnership in the Terri- tory of Hawaii. Captain U. S. Officers’ Reserve Corps; member of the Pacific, Commercial, Oahu Country, Hawaii Polo & Racing and Ad Clubs of Honolulu. District Deputy, B. P. O. Elks; Past Mas- ter, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.; Shriner; member Honolulu Chamber of Commerce and member and twice president of Bar Associ- ation of Hawaii. THOMPSON, JAMES WESLEY, law- yer, Kailua, Hawaii, born in Water- \town, Tenn., November 14, 1864; son of William Dillard and Parmelia (Murray) Thompson; educated at Masonic Normal School, Alexandria, Tenn., B. S., 1889; Southern Law ~School, Nashville, Tenn.; married in Nashville, Worked his Leona May Denton, Tenn., April 20, 1909. | way through school, beginning prac- tise of law in Nashville, Tenn., 1894; was Assistant Attorney General for County of Davidson, Tennessee, 1905, also from 1908-10; served as special Judge in Tennessee Courts; came to Hawaii, 1914, serving as Assistant U. S. District Attorney until 1915; prac- BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 259 tised law until appointed Judge of Third Circuit Court, Territory of Ha- waii, 1916. Was Grand Treasurer of Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., Tennessee, 1909-14; was supreme _ president, Knights & Ladies of America, 1905- 06. Member I. O. O. F., Knights of Pythias, Order of Sailors, North Am- erican Union, Foresters. THRUM, DAVID F., merchant, Hon- Olulu; born in Honolulu under the Kingdom of Hawaii, March 26, 1872; son of Thomas G. and Anna L. (Brown) Thrum; father an author and historian of note especi- ally as relating to Hawaiian Isl- ands and for many years publisher of Thrum’s Annual; educated at Punahou School, Honolulu; married Martha §S. Colburn in Cincinnati, Ohio, July 26, 1899; one child: Margaret E. Began business career with father, Thos. G. Thrum, in 1888; became manager Thrum’s, Ltd., 1913. THRUM, THOMAS GEORGE, book- seller, publisher and _ researcher, Honolulu; born May 27, 1842, New- castle, N. S. W., Australia; son of Thomas Augustine and Elizabeth W. (McPhail) Thrum; great-grand- son of John Thrum, who was with Captain Cook on discovering the continent of Australia; married Anna Laura Brown in San Fran- cisco, Jan. 11, 1865; four children, Geo. Ernest A. (deceased), F. Wm., David F., and Ella L. Educated in Australia and Honolulu, followed by a commercial and navigation course; began business career in the store of John T. Waterhouse, 1855; went to sea on a whaler, 1856; clerk in store in Honolulu and Hilo, 1859-1867; spent _ five years in sugar industry on Kohala Plantation, Hawaii; succeeded Black and Auld in the stationery and news business, 1870; later en- gaging in printing and _ binding; publisher “Saturday Press,” 1881- 1886; with J. J. Williams launched “Paradise of the Pacific,” 1888; since 1875 publisher Hawaiian An- nual; was registrar of conveyan- ces, 1888-1904; in 1913 incorporated Thrum’s, Ltd., of which he is vice- president. Since 1904 has spent in research work, touring the four principal islands locating ancient heiaus and heiau sites, listing 494; has been engaged in revising and editing for the Bishop Museum the THURSTON, valuable “Fornander Collection” of Hawaiian folk lore; has recently completed a work on “Ancient Ha- waiian Mythology,” the first com- plete treatment of the subject, and listing over 400 gods and goddess- es of the race; published, 1907, “Hawaiian Folk Tales,” “Stories of the Menehunes,” and the “Brownies of Hawaii.” Member of Excelsior Lodge, I. O. O. F., charter member Hawaiian Historical Society; was one of six organizers of Honolulu Library and Reading Rooms Associ- ation in 1879. CHARLES HENRY, Chief Engineer Honolulu Fire Dept., Honolulu; born Nov. 21, 1870, at Yarmouth, Nova Scotia; son of William and Laliah (Corning) Thurston; married Helen Catherine Kahanuulani Meek, June 28, 1899; four children: Elizabeth Kilohana, Paul Josiah, Lucy Puniwai, Clara Catherine; descendant of Robert Thurston of Yarmouth who was a soldier in a British regiment dur- ing the Revolutionary War, and who in 1784 settled with other loy- alists at Shelburne, Nova Scotia; educated in Yarmouth Seminary; followed the sea for several years, holding various positions on _ sail- ing vessels and steamers, entered Customs Service at Honolulu and in 1897 entered Honolulu Fire De- partment; chief engineer’ since June 15, 1901. Member Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P., Oceanic Lodge No. 371, F. and A. M., Hono- lulu Chapter No. 1, R. A. M., Hono- lulu Commandery No. 1, K. T.,; Aloha Temple, A. A. UO. N. M. S. TODD, WILLIAM ALFRED, harness maker, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Keala- kekua, S. Kona, Hawaii, October 1, 1856; son of Alfred Alexander and Ellen (Woods) Todd; educated in public schools of Hawaii; married Sarah Cook, in Kealakekua, June 25, 1877; nine children, William J., Eva Ellen, Thomas Alfred, George Leilehua, James Blain, Sarah Susan, John Cook, Elven Raymond, Oliver Clarence. Learned tanning busi- ness, harness and saddle making with F. S. Lyman, Hilo, 1873-76; in tanning business with father in S. Kona, 1876-79; went to Honolulu as carpenter with George Lucas, 1879-81; returned to Hilo as man- ager of tannery for F. S. Lyman in 260 MEN OF HAWAII RICHARD H. TRENT TRENT, TRUSLOW, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 261 1881; later carpenter for C. R. Bla- cow for six years; foreman, harness and saddle business of B. F. Schoen, for 12 years; engaged in harness business for himself since. Was chairman, Board of Supervisors, Ha- waii County, 1907-08; member Board of Supervisors, Hawaii County, 1915 to 1918. Has been member Hilo Fire Dept. since 1889, chief of same since 1915. RICHARD HENDERSON, president and manager Trent Trust Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born Septem- ber 14, 1867, in Somerville, Fayette County, Tenn.; son of William Clough and Mary Virgin (Bonner) Trent; married, January 2, 1890, Mattie Burke Thomas at Memphis, Tenn.; attended primary schools until twelve years of age then enter- ed office of Somerville Falcon, week- ly newspaper, as “devil,” being fore- man of office at age of 14; followed the printing trade for several years, becoming a bookkeeper in 1885 in Memphis; took up residence in Ho- nolulu in 1901 and worked as a printer on the Evening Bulletin; bookkeeper and treasurer, 1901-1904 for Henry Waterhouse & Co., and Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., 1904- 1907; organized Trent Trust Co,, Ltd., in 1907 with paid in capital of $50,- 000, paid in capital at present time $100,000, undivided profits $73,000 with aggregate resources of $590,- 000; corporation is publisher of TrenTrusTics, a financial journal much in demand by investors and others interested in Hawaiian in- dustries and securities; was first treasurer of County of Oahu and twice re-elected, serving three terms Irom 1905-1910; is a Democrat in politics and prominent in party cir- cles; president Honolulu Y. M. C. A., 1908-1915, member Territorial Board of Public Lands, 1910-1914. Member Commercial Club, 32nd degree mason, member Shrine, I. O. O. F. and K. P.; is owner of only private zoo in Territory which is always open to public. HERBERT AUSTIN, banker, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Johnson City, Tenn., March 4, 1890; son of W. A. and Maud Taylor (Austin) Truslow; educated Red- lands (Cal.) High School; married Nora Isabelle Bryson Johnstone, at Kealakekua, Hawaii, Aug. 19, 1915; one child: Herbert Austin. Became bookkeeper, Parker Ranch, Kamu- ela, Hawaii, 1911-12; accountant, The Breakwater Co., Hilo, Ha- waii, 1912-13; cashier, Kona Branch, First Bank of Hilo, Ltd., at Keala- kekua, 1913-17; cashier, The Peo- ple’s Bank, Ltd., Hilo, 1917, also treasurer and manager, Security Trust Co., Ltd., Hilo; treasurer, Hilo Gas Co., Ltd.; treasurer, Plantation Securities Co., Ltd. Was postmaster, Kealakekua, Hawaii, 1914-17; member, Industrial Acci- dent Board, Island of Hawaii, 1915- 20. Member Co. H, 2nd Inf., N. G. H., 1915-16. Member Hilo Lodge No. 759, B. P. O. E., Hilo Yacht Club, Hilo Board of Trade, Kona Improvement Club, Oahu Country Club; treasurer, Hilo Tennis Club; treasurer, Hilo Chapter American Red Cross Soc. V VALENTINE, ALEXANDER, planta- tion manager, Olowalu, Maui; born in Garvock, Kincardine, Scotland, April 6, 1866; son of James and Forbes (Peter) Valentine; educated at Peterculter Public School near Aberdeen, Scotland; married Mar- garet J. Davidson in San Francisco, Cal., November 24, 1911; one child, Alexander D. Valentine. On leaving school worked on farm under his father, 1881-91, being practically in charge for last five years; came to Hawaii, 1891, worked as luna with Hilo Sugar Co., 1891, becoming divi- sion luna, 1899; appointed head luna of same plantation, 1901; became manager of Olowalu Plantation in 1915. Is member of F. & A. M. and B. P. O. E. lodges in Hilo, Hawaii. VAN GIESON, HENRY, deputy clerk, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Hanalei, Kauai, March 15, 1880; son of John Henry and Caroline (Phillips) Van Gieson; educated at Royal School, Honolulu; married Florence Clark in Honolulu, seven children, Sarah Kealaonaona, David, Nancy Kahi- wahia, Marguerite, Ebenezer, Coit Hobron, Cecilia and Alfred Henry Ryan. Clerk in marshal’s office, Republic of Hawaii, 1898; clerk, high sheriff’s office, Ter. of Ha- waii, 1898-1905; in insurance and commission business with J. A. Gil- man, 1905-07; chief clerk in city and county clerk’s office, 1908-10; appointed deputy city and county 262 MEN OF HAWAII HORACE W. VAUGHAN L. M. VETLESEN J. K. WAIAMAU WILLIAM WATERHOUSE VAN VALKENBURG, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 263 clerk, Honolulu, 1910. Member N. G. H. since 1900, commissioned cap- tain Q. M. C. 19138. Member Eagles, Honolulu Order No. 146, trustee Court Lunalilo No. 6600, A. O. F., financial and recording secretary and director, Royal School Alumni. VAN SCHAYK, FATHER JUSTIN, Catholic Priest, Wailuku, Maui, born in Uden, Holland, March 165, 1877; son of Thomas and Maria (van den Akker) van Schayk; edu- cated at College of the Fathers of The Holy Cross and University of Louvain, Belgium. Came to Hono- lulu, 1908, being sent to Makawao, Maui, same year; transferred to Wailuku, Maui, 1912. ALBERT WEBER, railroad official, Honolu- lu; born in La Crosse, Wisconsin, July 20, 1868; son of James Tay- lor and Elizabeth (Wells) Van Val- kenburg; the Van Valkenburg fam- ily having emigrated from Holland about 1615; married Mary Frances Paty in Honolulu, September 21, 1894; one child, John Paty. Edu- cated in La Crosse, Wis.; entered railroad business as office boy for chief engineer C. B. & Co., in La Crosse, 1885; followed that and general lines until 1890; bookkeep- er with various wholesale houses and sugar plantations; became as- sociated with B. F. Dillingham Co., Ltd., as secretary and director in 1899; retaining this office he also assumed that of secretary and di- rector of the Oahu Railway & Land Co. (Dillingham enterprise) in 1900; is also secretary and director Olaa and Puna sugar companies; became president and - managing director, Kunia Development Co., Ltd., July 19, 1909. Member Com- mercial Club, Oahu Country Club, Ad Club. VAUGHAN, HORACE WORTH, law- yer and judge U. S. District Court, Honolulu; was born near Jefferson, Marion county, Texas, December 2, 1867; son of George T. and Tippah (Lary) Vaughan; married Pearl Lockett in Cass County, Texas, No- vember 21, 1888; three children, Aileen, Robert Louis and Jean; descendant of John Vaughan who left England and settled at James- town (Va.) in 1685. Educated in common schools of Linden, Cass county, Texas and studied law in father’s office; taught school for a short period, began practise of law at Texarkana, Texas, in 1886; ap- pointed City Attorney, Texarkana, 1890, elected in 1891, re-elected 1893 and again in 1895; elected County Atty., Bowie County, Texas, 1898, re-elected in 1900, 1902 and 1904; elected District Attorney for seven counties in northeastern Texas in 1906, re-elected in 1908; elected to Texas State Senate 1910 and to 63rd Congress in 1912; moved to Honolulu September 21, 1915, as Assistant U. S. Attorney for Hawaii, appointed U. S. Attor- ney for Hawaii, December 1915 and U. S. District Judge April 4, 1916. Member Scottish Rite Masons, 32d degree, Shrine, B. P. O. E. No. 616. VETLESEN, LOVE MOLLER, cash- ier .Mutual Telephone Co., Ltd., Honolulu; born, August 10, 1861, in Porsgrund, Norway; son of John Anton and Marianne Henriette Wil- helmina (Flood) Vetlesen; father prominent physician, mother’s father wealthy merchant and ship- owner of Porsgrund. Married Lucy Talula Gibson Hayselden at Laha- ina, Maui, November 7, 1899; two children, Walter M., Anton Frec- eric. Educated in Civic School, Porsgrund, graduated June, 1876. Began business career as_ clerk with M. C. Schnitler, Christiania, Norway, 1876-1880; emigrated to Hawaii, 1880, arriving, via Cape Horn, May 13, 1881; employed on plantations two years, with J. W. Girvin, Wailuku, Maui; bookkeeper and salesman, November 1, 1883; bookkeeper Kahului Store to May 1894; manager same until October 1894; manager Hawaiian Hardware Co., (Honolulu), 1896-1899; pay- master and bookkeeper Maunalei Plantation, Lanai, May 1899-June 1901; Mutual Telephone Co., since 1904. Commissioner Agriculture, Maui, 1890-94; Deputy Collector of Customs, Lahaina, November 1901- July 1903; Postmaster, Lanai 1899- 01; acting consular agent, U. S., Kahului, 1891-94; consul for Nor- way appointed December 19, 1913. Member Oahu Liquor License Com- mission appointed May 14, 1914. Member Pacific Club (Honolulu), secretary Maui Polo and Racing Association 1887-94, director Ha- 264 MEN OF waii Yacht Club, acting treasurer Hawaii Tuna Club, master Hawai- ian Lodge F. & A. M., 1910, High Priest Honolulu Chapter R. A. M., 1912, Eminent Commander K. T., Honolulu Commandery 1917, mem- ber National Geographic Society. American- Scandinavian Founda- tion. VETLESEN, VETLE ARNBIORN, editor and publisher, Wailuku, Isl- and of Maui; born in Porsgrund, Norway, November 24, 1869; son of Johan Anton and Marian Henrietta Wilhelmina (Flood) Vetlesen; edu- cation, first private tuition, then Porsgrund College, graduated 1885, post graduate course in English, French, German and Latin at Chris- tiania; married Hilda Walker, daugh- ter of Rev. H. J. Walker of Sydney, Aus., in Honolulu, July 19, 1906; two children, Vivian and Valma. _ Be- came clerk in leading stationery store in Christiana, 1885-1889; ac- cepted clerkship in the Spreckelsville store on Maui, 1889; chief clerk, Ha- waiian Commercial and Sugar Co.’s Kahului store, 1890-95; established general store in partnership with late Edward Hoffmann, Wailuku, 1895; appointed postmaster of Wai luku by President Roosevelt, 1902, reappointed 1906; established and is editor and publisher, Wailuku Times, since November 2, 1911. Mem- ber of U. S. Navy League, Maui Chamber of Commerce, and Maui County Fair and Racing Association. VILLIERS, J. CHARLES, clergyman, Wailuku, Maui, born in Edinburgh, Scotland, July 10, 1859; son of John C. and Mary (Lashbrook) Villiers; educated at Trinity College and Christ Church schools, Curbar Col- lege, Union Theological School, B. A., 1886, all in England; resident licentiate Yale Divinity School; mar- ried Henrietta Georgina Newman, at Stratford-on-Avon, England, July 14, 1885; four children, Mrs. Henrietta May Crabbe, Charles Haydn, Ralph Newman and Olive Marian. Ordain- ed, Congregational Ministry, Foles- hill Parish, Coventry, England, 1886- 1890; assistant minister at Strat- ford-on-Avon, 1883-86, while pursu- ing Theological studies; accepted call to Ottawa, Kansas, 1890-95, West Boylston and Worcester, Mass., 1895- 97; Old Lyme, Conn., 1897-1906; be- came Priest of Episcopal Church, Kingston, Canada, 1906-08; Casper, HAWAII Wyoming, 1908-13, during which time he was Dean of Convocation and associate editor of Wyoming Churchman; came to Church of Good Shepherd, Wailuku, Maui, 19138. Chaplain Maui Lodge No. 984, F. & A. M., Grand Lodge of Scotland. VINCENT, ENOS, lawyer, Wailuku, Island of Maui; born in Portugal, September 28, 1880; son of Manuel and Inez (Gonsalves) Vincent; educated in common _ schools. of Hawaii, graduated Honolulu Nor- mal School, 1898, taught in public schools until 1900, graduated from Central Normal College, Law De- partment, Danville, Ind. degree LL.B.; married Marie Grove in Wailuku, Maui, November 27, 1910, children, Kenneth Grove and Alma Kathryn. Admitted to practise law in state of Indiana, 1903; in Territory of Hawaii, April, 1904; appointed Deputy County Attorney of County of Maui, January 1908, serving until June 1915; private practise since 1915. Was appoint- ed vice-consul of Portugal, district of Maui, April 1915. Member of the Chamber of Commerce of Maui and the K. of P. Lodge. VON DAMM, BERTRAM, insurance man, Honolulu; born September 19, 1878; on father’s estate Dziubiel- len, East Prussia; son of Kurd and Marie (Neumann) von Damn, fath- er being an army officer and one of a long line tracing descent back to 12th century; married April 19, 1904, Minette Seal, daughter of Walter Seal of Honolulu, at Helm- stedt, Germany; two children, Al- bert and Helene. Educated in Gymnasia (Colleges) at lLoetzen and Helmstedt (Germany) being graduated from the College of Wal- fenbuttel in 1895 in which year he entered the employ of H. Hack- feld & Co., Honolulu, as office boy; promoted to shipping clerk in 1889; insurance clerk in 1903 and is now head of that department and a pro- minent factor in the business life of his firm and of the Territory of Hawaii. Was vice-president of the Board of Fire Underwriters in 1913-14 and 1915-17; was chairman Republican County Committee in 1912; member and treasurer Ha- waii Promotion Committee 1908-12, chairman Tax Appeal Court 1913. Member Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M., Knights Templar, Shrine, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 265 Pacific Club, Oahu Countrv Club, Outrigger Club, Hermann’s' Sons, and has been prominent in a num- ber of benevolent and charitable organizations. Has taken no part in public matters since making a trip to Europe in 1914-15, except- ing membership on the 1916 Mid- Pacific Carnival Directorate. VON HAMM, CONRAD CARL, mer- chant, Honolulu; born July 24, 1870, at Bremen, Germany; son of Z. B. C. and Rosalie (Meinecke) von Hamm; married June 30, 1898, Ida Bernice Young, at Honolulu, two daughters, Constance and Ro- salie Ruth; received school educa- tion at Bremen, Germany, graduat- ing 1885 from Realschule, Bre- men, at head of class with certifi- cate of one year’s voluntary mili- tary service; began _ business career with Bremer Filiale der Deutschen Bank of Bremen, 1885- 90; with Ed. Hoffschlaeger & Co. of Honolulu, 1890-1899; when or- ganized the von Hamm-Young Co., Ltd.; since 1901 connected with directorate of Alexander Young Building Co., and since 1903 with that of Territorial Hotel Co. and Hawaiian Hotel, Ltd.; director and treasurer Merchants’ Association of Honolulu for several terms. Member Chamber of Commerce and Pacific, Commercial, Oahu Country, Hawaii Polo and Racing clubs. VON HOLT, HEINRICH MARTENS, business man, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, Kingdom of Hawaii (T. H.), September 15, 1863; son of Hermann J. F. and Alice (Brown) von Holt; educated at St. Alban’s College and Royal School, Hono- lulu, Bishop Scott Academy, Port- land, Oregon; married Ida E. Knud- sen in Cambridge, Mass., Decem- ber 8, 1889, five children, Mary Elizabeth, Hermann Valdemar, Hilda Karen, Alexander Ronald Ka- mehameha, and Katharine Annie. Began business career in office of Cecil Brown, Honolulu, insurance and general real estate; vice-presi- dent and in charge of ranch de- partment of Oahu Railroad & Land Co. since its organization; vice- president First National Bank of Honolulu; Trustee of the Campbell, Knudsen, Dreier and other estates. Was member of Board of Educa- tion, and Board of Agriculture & Forestry; consul for Netherlands. Was chairman of Central Commit tee of Reform Party during provi- sional government and was a mem- ber of the old Honolulu Rifles and the Citizens Guard. Member of Oahu Country, Commercial and Pacific Clubs of Honolulu. VON TEMPSKY, LOUIS, cattleman, Makawao, Maui; born in Glasgow, Scotland, February 14, 1858; son of Gustav Ferdinand and Emily Ross (Bell) von Tempsky; educated at Auckland College, New Zealand; married Amy D. Wodehouse, in Honolulu, March 30, 1891; four children, Armine, Gwendolen, Lor- na, Errol. On leaving school, join- ed staff of Bank of New Zealand. 1873; transferred to Napier Branch 1877, becoming cashier, 1878; came to Hawaii, 1879, starting to work for Ulupalakua Ranch, Maui; in partnership with brother, purchased ranch at Kula, Maui, 1884; man- aging it until 1897; bought Bur- chardt’s Dairy in Makawoa, 1897- 98; manager of Haleakala Ranch since 1898. Elected to House of Nobles and served session 1890. Served five years in New Zealand volunteers. W WADMAN, JOHN WEBSTER, min- ister of the gospel, Honolulu; born June 24, 1857, on Prince Edward Island, Canada; son of Henry G. and Catherine (Webster) Wadman; married June 12, 1884, Mame Hunt- ress of Michigan, at New Bruns- wick, Canada; five children, Flora B., Mamie H., Gemma W., Norma M., Marguerite F. The Wadmans — were among the first English set- tlers of Prince Edward Island, Can- ada, and were for the most part gov- ernment officers; earliest American ancestor on maternal side was Clar- ence O’Reilly of Providence, R. L., a wealthy merchant. The subject of this sketch received early educa- tion in schools of Charlottetown, P. EK. I., and graduated from Mt. Alli- son University, N. B., 1879; later attended Harvard, and received de- gree of D. D. from Willamette Uni- versity, Salem, Ore., in 1908; in the ministry of the Methodist Church of Canada, 1879 to 1889, and mission- ary in Japan, 1889 to 1904; publicity agent and superintendent Method- ist Episcopal Mission in Hawaii, 266 MEN OF HAWAII FRED L. WALDRON WAIAMAU, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 267 1904 to 1914; superintendent Anti- Saloon League of Hawaii since 1914; while in Japan translated sev- eral educational and religious works into language of that country. Is 32d deg. Mason, Past Master Hono- lulu Lodge No. 409; member Odd Feliows and Past Noble Grand of that order; is now in Washington, D. C., promoting Congressional amendment for prohibition of liquor traffic in Hawaii; as a student has specialized in history, philesophy and biography. WADSWORTH, RALPH AMBROSE, manufacturer, Wailuku, Maui, T. H.; born at Hiram, Me., Feb. 2, 1861; son of Samuel D. and Sara A. (Warren) Wadsworth; educated in the public schools and Bridg- ton High School, Maine; married Isabel Corvalho in Hilo, Hawaii, May 5, 1892; cnildren, David S., Alfred R., Winnifred A. Engaged on the Onomea Plantation, Hawaii, 1886-1887; removed to Maui, 1893; president and manager of Maui Soda and Ice Works, Ltd., since. Director in the Bank of Maui, Ltd., and Home Insurance Co. Member of Maui Loan Fund Commission; president Maui Chamber of Com- merce; vice president Maui County Fair and Racing Assn. Member of Aloha Lodge, K. of P., Wailuku; Ossifee Valley Lodge No. 54, I. O. O. F., Cornish, Me. JOHN KEANU, archi- tect, Honolulu; born April 28, 1872, Honolulu (Kingdom of Hawaii); son of Rev. John Waiamau and Poipe; married December 30, 1897, Emma Kaimilaui Lyons of Hana, Maui, at Kalaupapa, Molokai; four children, John, Timothy, Benjamin and Annie. Educated primary schools of Honolulu, 1880-1887; Ka- mehameha Schools, : 1887-1891; _ be- gan professional career in 1891 in office of C. B. Ripley, architect, Honolulu; draughtsman, 1891-1893; dispenser for Board of Health, 1894; hospital overseer, 1895-1896; school teacher, 1896-1898; assistant superintendent Molokai leper set- tlement, 1899-1910; draughtsman, 1911-1914; opened office for private practise of architecture. Was cap- tain of police, 1900; sheriff County of Kalawao in 1909. Member Mod- ern Order of Phoenix, Honolulu Lodge and Kamehameha Alumni Assn. WALDEN, LIONEL, artist, Honolulu; born May 22, 1861, in Norwich, Conn.; son of Rev. Treadwell Wal- den and HKlizabeth (Law) Walden; unmarried; descendant in Walden branch from Lord Howard de Wal- den, and on the maternal side from the earl of Chatham, William Pitt, Benjamin Lee and William H. Law; education: Chaney Hall School, Bos- ton, Mass., and later was a pupil of Carolus Duran, in Paris; exhibited first in Paris Salon of 1877; recipi- ent of many honors in art among which are Second Class medal at Crystal Palace, London, 1894; hon- orable mention Paris Salon 1897; silver medal Paris Exposition 1900; third class gold medal Paris salon 1903; silver medal and gold com- memorative medal St. Louis Exposi- tion, 1904; silver medal Panama- Pacific Exposition, 1915; several pic- tures have been purchased by the French and British governments for national galleries and museums. Member advisory committee and jury for paintings from France for St. Louis Exposition; member ad- visory committee for Europe for the Panama-Pacific Exposition; member Societe International de Peinture et Sculpture, Paris; Paris Society of American Painters; National In- stitute of Arts and Letters; Cheva- lier, Legion of Honor of France, 1910. WALDRON, FREDERICK LINCOLN, commission and shipping merchant, Honolulu; born March 25, 1865, in London, England; son of James and Alice (Crowder) Waldron; married Sarah Elizabeth Sharpe in Honolu- lu, December 2, 1896; three chil- dren, Stanley, Redvers and step- daughter Mrs. F. M. Barrere. Edu- cated in public schools of London, leaving for United States April 1880, spending six years ranching in Kansas, then in merchantile business in Butte, Montana; arrived in Honolulu, 1893, entering employ of Theo. H. Davies & Co.; estab- lished in business on own account, February 6, 1902, incorporated un- der name of Fred L. Waldron, Ltd, January 2, 1912, as principal share- holder; is president and manager of corporation which represents a number of shipping and mercantile firms, United States and foreign. Is president Pacific Development Co., Director First National Bank of 268 MEN OF HAWAII DR. JAMES T. WAYSON H. E. WESCOTT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 269 Hawaii. Was delegate to Commer- cial Commission of Pacific Coast Chambers of Commerce visiting China 1910; made world tour 1913- 14, visiting mainland of United States, Europe, Egypt, India, Cey- lon, Australia and New Zealand; in 1910 visited Australia, New Guinea, Caroline Islands, Philippines, China and Japan. Was president Hono- lulu Commercial Club; president Merchants’ Association two years, chairman, Hawaii Promotion Com- mittee two years, president Hono- lulu Chamber of Commerce 1915- 1916. Member Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M., Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P. O. E.; Honolulu Con- sistory No. 1, Aloha Temple A. A. O. N. M. S.; Oahu Country, Pacific, and Commercial clubs. WALDRON, JOHN WILLIAM, busi- nessman, Honolulu; born August 2, 1873, at Bidford, England; son of George and Louisa (Squire) Wald- ron; married January 4, 1910, Else Grace Sophia Schaefer in Honolulu; three children, Dorothy Mary Ka- hului (by a previous marriage), Frederick and Else Elizabeth; edu- cated in England at Long Marston Grammar school, and Stratford col- lege, Fellow of the Charter institute of Secretaries, London. Began busi- ness career with C. H. Waterman, F. 8. A. A. F.C, S. S., Leamington, England; with Empire Tobacco Co. of Canada 1895-97; came to Hono- lulu 1897 and entered employ of Kahului Railroad Co., Maui, 1897- 99; with F. A. Schaefer & Co. since 1899. Secretary and director Ho- nokaa Sugar Co.; president Hawai- ian Irrigation Co., Ltd.; secretary, treasurer and _ director August Dreier, Ltd.; appointed consul of Chile in Honolulu 1912; director Sugar Factors Co., Ltd., and Inter- Island Steam Navigation Co.; mem- ber Board of Prison Inspectors of 1st Judicial Circuit; former trustee Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. Member Pacific, Oahu Country and Outrigger clubs; Masonic lodges Hawaiian No. 21 and Kamehameha Lodge of Perfection No. 1, Honolulu Consistory No. 1; Hawaiian His- torical Society; Volcano Research Association; Hawaiian. Sugar Plant- ers’ Association. Is enthusiastic voleanologist; has valuable collec- tion of Hawaiian literature. WALKER, WALKER, HERBERT SAMUEL, pro- fessor sugar technology, College of Hawaii, Honolulu; born in Jack- sonville, Ill, May 14, 1878; re- ceived degree A. B., University of Chicago, 1901; spent two years specializing in chemistry, Mass. In- stitute of Technology. Member Elks, Rotary Club, Hawaiian Engi- neering Society, Hawaiian Chem- ists (Pres.) Association, American Chemists’ Association. ROBERT CLEMENT, banker, Honolulu; born Langton, Duns, Scotland, August 21, 1884; son of Rev. Johnstone and Mabel (Gray) Walker; married Margaret Waterhouse in Honolulu, March 28, 1916; one child, Helen Johnstone. Received education George Wat- son’s College, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1894-1901; entered office of J. Wyllie Guild Scott, chartered ac- countants,. Glasgow, 1901; studied law Glasgow University, 1904-06; admitted to membership Institute of Accountants and _ Actuaries, Scotland, in 1911 with degree C. A. (Scotland). Joined staff of Audit Company of Hawaii, Honolulu, June 28, 1912; appointed secretary of Audit Company of Hawaii, March 1, 1914, and its joint manager and secretary, January 1, 1916; joint manager and secretary of the new corporation, Audit Company of Ha- waii, Ltd., March 1, 1916; associat- ed with Bishop & Co., Ltd., bank- ers, since Jan. 1, 1917, Member of University Club (secretary, 1917), Oahu Country club and Institute of Accountants and Actuaries, Scot- land. WALKER SAMUEL ALLEN, stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born in Honolulu, H. T., December 10, 1879; son of John Smith and Jane (McIntyre) Walker; married Laura Stephen in Honolulu, December 7, 1915. Attended Fort street school and four years at Oahu College; took position with C. Brewer & Co. Ltd., sugar factors and com- mission merchants, remaining with this firm fifteen years; entered the brokerage business in 1913; served three years in the National Guard of Hawaii. Member of Pacific, Oahu Country and Healani Yacht & Boat Clubs; Elk, Mason, Knight Templar. WALL, ARTHUR FREDERICK, mer- chant, Honolulu; born October 28, 270 MEN OF HAWAII JOHN WATERHOUSE BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 271 1870, at Santa Barbara, Cal.; son of Charles J. and Elizabeth Ann (Mil- ler) Wall; married Harriet Lewers in Honolulu, October 28, 1901; two children, Catherine Lewers, Robert Lewers. Educated in public schools of Eureka, Cal., and Honolulu. Be- gan business with H. F. Wichman, jeweler, Honolulu, as apprentice in 1887, retiring as manager after 25 years service to organize firm of Wall & Dougherty, April 1, 1912; now president of latter jewelry firm. Was director-generai Mid- Pacific Carnival, 1910 and 1911; member Hawaii Promotion Com- mittee, 1915-1916-1917; member Honolulu City Planning Commission, 1915-16 and 1916-17. Member Com- mercial Club, Pacific Club, Hawaii Polo and Racing Association, Oahu Country Club, Hawaiian Lodge No. 21, F. & A. M.; Honolulu Com- mandery No. 1, Honolulu Con- sistory No. 1; is commander Hono- lulu Council of Kadosh; member Aloha Temple Mystic Shrine, Myrtle Boat Club. WALL, WILLIAM ALBERT, civil engineer and surveyor, Honolulu; born November 16, 1867, at Red Bluff, Tahama County, California; son of Charles John and Elizabeth (Miller) Wall; married Christiana Morrison at Eureka, California, June 22, 1892; one child, Elizabeth. Educated Oakland (Cal.) High school, Eureka (California) High school; special course under Pro- fessor W. D. Alexander at Hono- lulu, 1881-1887. Began practise of profession in Hawaiian government survey department, 1881-92; prac- tising alone since in general plan- tation bridge, railroad and hydrau- lic work. Engineered all prelimin- ary surveys and the final locations of the main tunnel and the tunnels from Waiahole to Kahana for Wai- ahole Water Company in 1912 and 1913; served as City and County Engineer (Honolulu), July, 1913- January, 1914. Member Oahu Coun- try Club, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Commercial Club, K. of P. WALLACE, ROBERT, retired plant- er, Kealakekua, Hawaii; born in Fife, Scotland, Nov. 5, 1857; son of James and Agnes (Farmer) Wallace; educated at Madras Col- lege, St. Andrews; married Ethel WALLER, Abud at Uttoxeter, Staffordshire, England, April 14, 1886; two chil- dren: Evelyn Violet and Nancy Rhona. Arrived in Hawaii 1880, engaging in sugar industry; man- ager and part owner, Puehuehu Plantation Co., Kohala, 1884-98; coffee planter, South Kona, 1898, until 1911, when he retired. GILBERT JOHNSON, merchant, Honolulu; born at Stack- house, near Settle, Yorkshire, Eng- land, November 9, 1859; son of William and Ellen (King) Waller; educated at Giggleswick (York- shire) Grammar _ school; married Annie Holmes in Newcastle-on- Tyne, England, September 2, 1883; six children, Henrietta (Mrs. J. H. Mills), Ruth M. (Mrs. J. H. Clay), Christina, Gilbert, Jr., Ester K., and Beatrice B. Began _ business career in Honolulu in meat = and provision business, 1884; treasurer and manager of Hawaii Meat Co. Ltd.,. since organized. Director Trent Trust Co., Honolulu, since 1907. Has been prominent in Dem- ocratic politics in Hawaii, being nominee for Hawaiian senate in 1904-1906-1910; chairman Hawaii National Democratic Committee in Baltimore, 1912; Democratic Na- tional Committeeman from Hawaii, four years; member’ Board of Prison Inspectors, 1906-10; candi- date for governorship of Hawaii, 1913; commissioner Board of Health since 1916. Member of Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Anti-Saloon League, Civic Federa- tion and Ministerial Union and has always been prominently iden- tified with the Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints since 1891. WALSH, JOHN JOSEPH, merchant, Kahuiui, Maui; born at West New- ton, Mass., Jan. 9, 1876; son of John Joseph and Hannah (Mur- phy) Walsh; educated in public and high schools, San Francisco, Cal.; married Mary Elizabeth Eric- son at Makawao, Maui, Dec. 25, 1898; children: Hileen Emily, Ed- ward Andrew, Helen. Bookkeeper in mercantile business, San Fran- cisco, for five years; came to Ha- waiian Islands in 1898 and em- ployed as bookkeeper by Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co., 1898-1902; district sales manager for British- American Tobacco Co., China, 1902- 1907; has been manager of the OF HAWAII MEN 272 WATT GEORGE C. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY . 273 mercantile stores of the Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. at Kahu- lui, Maui, since 1907. Representa- tive from 38rd Rep. Dist., Territorial Legislature, 1917; drector of Maui Soda Works; was captain Co. K, 3rd Reg., N. G. H., 1915-1916. Mem- ber of Masons and K. of P. WALTERS, ST. DAVID GYNLAIS, physician and surgeon, Honolulu; born March 1, 1856, at Ystradgyn- lais, Brecknockshire, South Wales; son of Thomas and Caroline (Rees) Walters; married Severina Lucy Herbert (deceased) in Honolulu January 30, 1895. Educated Glou- cester and Hereford Cathedral Shools 1864-74, St. John’s College (Cambridge) 1874-79, degree B. A. (honors) .also 15.-R. ‘C2. PocL. R..C. S., L. M. Edinburgh. Began pro- fessional career in association with Dr. J. Kellett Smith, Liverpool, England, 1881; senior resident med- ical officer Brownlow Hill Hospital (Liverpool) 1881; house _ surgeon. Stanley Hospital (Liverpool) 1881; surgeon S. S. Monarch 1882; Gov- ernment physician, Lihue, Kauai, T. H., 1882-97; medical superinten- dent Oahu Insane Asylum 1902 and in, private practise in Honolulu. Honorary physician and surgeon Queen’s Hospital (Honolulu) since 1900, and of Kauikeolani Children’s Hospital since its foundation. Au- thor “The Examination of the Heart and Exact Science’; was first to discover beri-beri in Ha- waiian Islands (1882) also dengue (1902). Member Bohemian Club (San Francisco) 1899, Pacific Club (Honolulu) 1899, Charter member University Club (Honolulu), char- ter member Oahu Country Club (Honolulu), elected Fellow of Am- erican Medical Association 1916, president Pacific Club 1917. WARREN, LOUIS J., lawyer, Hono- lulu; born in San Francisco, Cal., June 9, 1887; son of John B. and Caroline M. (Schafer) Warren; educated public schools of San Francisco, studied law in offices of Edward J. Pringle, San Fran- cisco, Cal.; took state bar examina- tion June 9, 1900, and admitted to the bar: married Sara B. Hynon in Philadelphia, Pa., September 22, 1909, one daughter, Winifred Louise. Practised law in Honolulu since 1900 and is now a member 18 of the firm of Smith, Warren and Whitney. Has been instrumental in the framing of various laws of public interest including liquor law, laws affecting the insane, frontage and street improvement laws, and others; chairman of Territorial Board of Insanity Commissioners since June, 1910. Member Commer- cial and Country Clubs, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce, Bar Asso- ciation of Hawaii. Has been a member of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters’ Association, and its as- sistant secretary and _ treasurer since 1905. WATANABE, JUNZO, lawyer, Hono- IU. rl.;. DOTnwin Japan, May 9, 1881; son of Koshuku and Yoshi Watanabe; educated Fifth College, Kumamoto, Japan, 1904, Imperial University, Kyoto, Japan, 1908. (Master of Law degree); married Isoko in Tokyo, Japan, December 14, 1912; one child, Kajiko. Be- gan career in employ of Yokohama Specie Bank, Yokohama, Japan, 1909; transferred to Tokyo branch of same, 1912; came to Honolulu as assistant manager of Honolulu branch of Yokohama Specie Bank, 1914-17; opened office for practise of law, Honolulu, 1917, specializing in Japanese law. Is member com- mittee to compile Japanese reader for use in schools of Hawaii. Is frequent contributor to newspapers and magazines in Tokyo and Hono- lulu. Member of University Asso- ciation, Japan. WATERHOUSE, ALBERT, business- man, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Hon- olulu, Nov. 17, 1879; son of Henry and Julia (Dimond) Waterhouse; educated at Punahou School, Hon- olulu and preparatory school, Law- renceville, N. J.; married Gretchen Kopke in Honolulu. Began as clerk with the Henry Waterhouse Trust Co., Honolulu, 1900-1907; in as- sociation with H. T: Hazelden and J. O. Young, organized and is pres- ident of The Waterhouse Co., Ltd., of Honolulu, financial agents and manufacturers’ agents, rubber fact- ors and general insurance. Mem- ber of the Oahu Country and Com- mercial clubs, Honolulu Chamber of Commerce. WATERHOUSE, JOHN, treasurer Alexander & Baldwin, Ltd., Hono- lulu; born in Honolulu, November 274 MEN OF HAWAII REV. W. D. WESTERVELT BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 275 20, 1873; son of John Thomas, Jr. and Elizabeth B. (Pinder) Water- house; educated at Punahou School, Honolulu, to 1892; Princeton, A. B., 1896; married Martha M. Alexander, in Oakland, Cal., Feb. 6, 1900; chil- dren, Pattie, Elizabeth, John T., Wallace A., Richard §S., Alexander C., and Montague B. With J. T. Waterhouse in mercantile business, 1896-99; Bishop and Co., bankers, Honolulu, 1899-1901; connected with the firm of Alexander & Baldwin, Limited, Honolulu, since 1901. Mem- ber of the Territorial Food Commis- sion, 1917. Member of Pacific, Com- mercial, Country and University clubs of Honolulu. WATERHOUSE, WILLIAM, retired, Honolulu, T. H., and Pasadena, Cal.; born in Honolulu, Aug. 21, 1852; son of John Thomas and Eleanor (Dick- erson) Waterhouse; educated private schools Honolulu and Koloa, Kauai; married Melicent P. Smith (daugh- ter of Rev. James W. Smith, M. D.), Feb. 24, 1876, at Koloa, Kauai; nine children: Melicent, Madeline, Edith, Herbert, Laurene, Paul, Glenn and Robert. In 1869 went to England in sailing vessel around the Horn, at- tending school for one year; fall of 1870 returned to islands, entering father’s business; fall of 1874 made trip to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, remain- ing there several months looking up business prospects; went to Southern California, returning to Honolulu in latter part of 1875; went again to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, entering the wholesale and retail furniture busi- ness; after a number of years enter- ed the hotel business; removed to Pasadena, Cal., 1895; elected. Mayor of Pasadena, 1905, on People’s Tick- et; during this administration the municipal electric lighting system of Pasadena was established, one of the most important political accom- plishments of any administration of the city. Since retiring from busi- ness has taken great deal of inter- est in evangelical work. WATSON, EDWARD MINOR, lawyer, Honolulu; born December 20, 1874, at Holly Springs, Marshall county, Mississippi; son of Edward Minor and Lillie Perrin (Moore) Watson; descendant of James Watson of Scotland who located in Charles County, Virginia in 1750, as King’s Surveyor; paternal grandfather member Confederate States Senate from Mississippi and for many years Circuit Judge, Holly Springs, Mississippi; married Louise Emily Bradley at Visalia, California, June 1, 1905; two children, Virginia Bradley, Lillie Moore. Educated Public Schools, Holly Springs, (Miss.), and Washington (D. C.); A. & M. College of Mississippi, Uni- versity of Mississippi, LL. B., 1897. Began professional career as partner of Hon. W. V. Sullivan (then United States Senator from Mississippi) at Oxford, Miss.; re- moved to Honolulu in 1901 and en- tered practise of law; now associat- ed with Hon. C. F. Clemons. Mem- ber of Commission that formed the County Act of Hawaii in 1904; As- sociate Justice Supreme Court of Hawaii March 19, 1914; retired De- cember 15, 1916 to private practise. Member D. K. E. fraternity, Univer- sity Club, Oahu Country Club. WATT, GEORGE C., plantation man- ager, Kohala, Hawaii; born in Scot- land, October 18, 1870; son of Geo. and Elizabeth (Cruickshank) Watt; common school education; married Grace Porter in Hilo, Ha- waii, Jan. 24, 1897; one daughter, Elizabeth L. Raised in Scotland as an agriculturist and came to Ha- waii in 1892; employed in various capacities by the Waiakea Mill Co., Hilo, 1892-98; overseer for the Wai- luku Agriculture Co., Ltd., Kawai- loa, 1899-1906; became manager of the Kohala Sugar Co., Ltd., Ko- hala, Hawaii, July, 1906. Was dis- trict forester in Kohala district for many years. WAYSON, JAMES THOMAS, phys- ician, Honolulu; born June 16, 1870, in Port Townsend, Jefferson Coun- ty, Washington; son of James Thos. and Mary (Riley) Wayson; married Della Walcott Sheedy in Honolulu, Nov. 25, 1897; two children: India sWalcott and Eleanor H.; descend- ed from Colonial stock, paternal ancestors having settled in Mary- land prior to the Revolution; father, Engineer Captain in Coast Guard service, was chief engineer of the “Abraham Lincoln,” the first steam revenue cutter to round the Horn, and was present at the raising of the American flag on Alaskan soil. Educated University of California,. M. D. 1891; house physician, Port- land hospital, 1892; served in Rev- 276 MEN OF HAWAII JAMES WEBSTER JOHN M. WESTGATE CHARLES WILCOX HAROLD H. WONG / WEAVER, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 277 enue Cutter service as surgeon for a cruise in Alaskan waters; came to Honolulu Nov. 25, 1894, and served at various times as medical superintendent, Kalihi hospital; medical superintendent for lepers; captain and surgeon, National Guard of Hawaii; president Terri- torial Medical Society, and at pres- ent time is City and County Phys- ician, Honolulu. Has specialized in study of leprosy, and served as health officer during the plague. Member Elks, Masons, Odd Fellows, American Medical Assn., Territorial Medical Assn., Geographic Society. PHILIP LIMAIKAUKI, lawyer, Honolulu; born April 10, 1868, in Paris, France; son _ of Philip Liscum and Helen (Arm- strong) Weaver; father was Amer- ican, resident of San Francisco, in Europe on business, mother daugh- ter of Richard Armstrong who was one of early missionaries to Ha- waii, (1830) and prominent in civic and religions affairs of Island King- dom; educated primary schools of San Francisco, University of Cali- fornia, B. P. 1891, Hastings College of Law; married Agnes Cary of San Francisco in Honolulu May 23, 1899; two children, Mary Claire, Ida Eleanor. Admitted to practise in Supreme Court of California 1895; followed profession in San _ Fran- cisco and later in Honolulu 1897; associated with W. R. Castle 1897- 1903; assistant to Attorney-General of Territory of Hawaii; wrote Land Registration Act, pursuaded legis- lature to adopt same and was judge of Land Court, resigning to private practise after seven years; first deputy county attorney, City and County of Honolulu 1912-1913. Trus- tee Library of Hawaii since organi- zation, secretary 1915-16. Member Commercial Club, Ad Club, Y. M. C. A., Outrigger Canoe Club (ex- president), first president Hawai- ian Poultry Association. Frequent contributor to various publications, Associated with Overland Monthly 1903. WEBSTER, ALBERT MAXFIELD, merchant, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Manchester, N. H., June 26, 1881; son of Harry Elbridge and Lillian (Chase) Webster; common school education in Manchester, N. H.; married Clare F. De Cew in Hono- WEBSTER, lulu, T. H., June 23, 1902; children: Maxfield Elbridge, Irma Clare, Dor- othy De Cew, Ruth, and Nina Billie. Clerk in the Post Office Dept. at Honolulu, June, 1898-Feb., 1901; in the U. S. Internal Revenue Dept. at Honolulu, Feb., 1901-Feb., 1905; clerk in freight accounts dept. Southern Pacific Company, San Francisco, Cal. June, 1905-June, 1908; confidential clerk to F. J. Cross in Chicago, June, 1908-Dec., 1908; manager Cross Hardware Co., Monticello, Iowa, Jan., 1909-Sept., 1910; bookkeeper, Waialua Store, Waialua, Oahu, T. H., Oct., 1910- March, 1912; salesman, Theo. H. Davies & Co., Ltd., Hilo, Hawaii, March, 1912-March, 1916; vice-presi- dent, Moses Stationery Co., Ltd., since April, 1916. Member of Co. “B,” N. G. H., 1898-1909. Member Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A. M. ERNEST CHARLES, president Kamehameha _ Schools, Honolulu; born June 19, 1883, at Litchfield, Conn.; son of Wilbur Fiske and Jennie (Wooster) Web- ster; married June 17, 1908, Mari- on Rawling Mix, at New Haven, Conn.; three children, Winifred Wakeman, Benjamin Jepson, Mari- on Pauahi. Educated grammar schools of Litchfield, Conn., and High School of Litchfield and Tor- rington, Conn.; Yale University 1904, Ph. B.; 1906 C. E.; began professional career as assistant to A. B. Hill, consulting engineer, New Haven, in 1905 and remained in that position until 1907; em- ployed by New York Contracting Co. on Pennsylvania Terminal and with Consolidated Railway Co. of New Haven as assistant engineer and later as engineer of mainte- nance of way, 1907-1914; came to Honolulu to accept presidency of Kamehameha Schools, 1914. Mem- ber University and Commercial clubs; associate member American Society of Civil Engineers. WEBSTER, JAMES, plantation man- ager, Pepeekeo, Hawaii; born in Garioch, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, February 7, 1857; son of James and Barbara (Neil) Webster; common school education; married Mary Ann Patterson, at Waiakea, Hilo, Hawaii, November 2, 1895; four children, J. Neil Patterson, Mary Louisa, Christina Janet, John J. MEN OF HAWAII 278 A. S. WILCOX WESCOTT, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 279 Grace. Managed farm at home, 18 years; came to Hawaii, 1893; field luna, 1893; team luna, 1894-95, Ono- mea Plantation; head luna, Paukaa, 1896-1900; head luna, Papaikou, 1900-04; has managed Pepeekeo Plantation, Hawaii, since 1904. Has been one of the pioneers in the conservation of crop residues. HERBERT EDWARD, purchasing agent, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 9, 1878; son of Earl A. and Elva (Edgar) Wescott; educated at Uni- versity of Minnesota, 1890 (1 year); special course, Railroad Engineer- ing and Construction, University of Chicago, 1904-05; married Pearl Nash, in Los Angeles, Cal., Jan. 1, 1908; three children: Richard Her- bert, Donal Pali, Marian Rosalind. Was messenger, Transportation De- partment, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R., at Minneapolis, 1888; chief clerk, Supt. Motive Power, Great Northern, 1895-99; paymaster and storekeeper, Baltimore & Ohio, Grafton, W. Va., 1899-1902; pur- chasing agent, N. Y. Air Brake Co., N. Y., 1902-03; inspector materials, Erie R. R., New York, 1903-04; head of Statistical Dept., Chicago, Ao aL Gece Pe KR. oR travelling auditor, fuel supervisor, Los An- geles, A. T. & S. F. R. R., 1904-10; auditor, American Petroleum Co., Los Angeles, 1911-13; chief clerk and paymaster, Waiahole Water Works, Waiahole, Oahu, 1913-14; Pahoa Lumber Mill, Pahoa, Ha- waii, 1914-15; special auditor and purchasing agent, City and County of Honolulu, 1915-17. Enlisted N. G. H.,3Cos*D, 1916; appointed to Officers’ Training Camp, Schofield Barracke: 19175 «Bo P.O Bs Fo & A. M., Blue Lodge. WESTERVELT, WILLIAM DRAKE, retired minister, Honolulu; born in Oberlin, Ohio, Dec. 26, 1849; son of William Andrew and Lydia Hayes (Drake) Westervelt; descen- dant of Lubbert van Westervelt, who landed in New Amsterdam May 24, 1662; on maternal side connec- ted with General Wolfe, Sir Francis Drake and President Hayes; mar- ried Louise Clark, daughter of Rev. George Clark, Oberlin, Ohio (de- ceased), and Caroline D. Castle at Honolulu, July 7, 1905; one child, Andrew Castle; educated public schools of Iowa and Illinois; Ober- lin College (Ohio), B. D. 1871, B. A. 1874; spent one year, 1873-1874, at Yale. Pastor Morristown, N. Y., 1876-79; Manitou, Colo., 1879-82; Denver, Colo., 1882-89; Hawaii, 1889-92; Chicago, 1892-99; Hawaii, 1899. Has contributed numerous articles to various religious and secular papers; is authority on Ha- waiian legends and has translated a number of works into Hawaiian; author: Legends of Old Honolulu, Legends of Gods and Ghosts, Ha- waiian Legends of Volcanoes, Leg- ends of Maui—A Demi-God of Poly- nesia, Around the Poi Bowl, etc. president and chairman Prohibition party, Colorado 1884-86; chaplain Colorado legislature, 1887; first superintendent Christian Endeavor Societies in Colorado, 1882-1889. Member Buckeye Club, Hawaiian Historical Society, Anti - Saloon League, U. S. Association of Min- eralogists, National Historical So- ciety, Polynesian Society of New Zealand, Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce, Nat’l Geographical Society, Hawaiian Board of Foreign Mis- sions, Society for Advancement of Science. WESTGATE, JOHN MINTON, §sci- entific agriculturist, Honolulu; born Feb. 17, 1878, in Kingston, Ulster County, New York; son of Hollis Smith and Clara (Minton) West- gate; married July 20, 1905, Inez Wheeler, at Sacramento, Cal.; two children: Philip John and Mark Wheeler; descendant of Francis Cooke, who landed at Plymouth, Mass., 1620; educated country schools of Kansas; Kansas Aegri- cultural College, B. S. 1897, M. S. 1899; post graduate course Univer- sity of Chicago 1901-03. Assistant botanist, Kansas Agricultural Col- lege, and Kansas Experimental Sta- tion; scientific assistant U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, engaged in sand and soil binding work, later agronomist in charge of alfalfa and clover investigations. Secretary and treasurer of the Glenwood In- vestment Co., 1913; came to Hono- lulu January, 1915, to take charge of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station. Has carried on extensive scientfiic research and investigations in soils and _ seed production of forage crops; and is the inventor of a device to arrest 280 MEN OF HAWAII G. N. WILCOX BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 281 the movement of shifting sand dunes; secretary and program man- ager Agronomic Seminar of U. S. Department of Agriculture, Wash- ington, 1905. WHITE, DAVID WILLIS KELIIOKA- MOKU, minister, Lahaina, Maui; born in Honokawai, Kaanapali, Maui, January 9, 1860; son of Hen- ry and Kaaihue (Kahoohanohano- okalani) White; educated Lahaina- luna Seminary, 1885; married Har- riette Namai at Waikele, Ewa, Oahu, December 25, 1887; two chil- dren, David Keliiokamoku and Sarah; 2nd marriage to Sarah Ka- lanui at Paauhau, Hawaii. Chief carpenter on leaving school 1885- 1903; pastor of Lanai Hale, Island of Lanai, 1903-05, of which he was the builder; pastor of Kaanapali, Olowalu, Honokahua and Lanai Hale churches. Has been Sanitarv Fish and Food Inspector for La- haina District since 1913; president of Lahaina Republican Club; presi- dent Lahainaluna Alumni and mem- ber of the Maui Aid Association. WHITE, EDWIN OSCAR, merchant, Honolulu; born May 6, 1863, in Santa Cruz, Cal.; son of William and Sophie (Hall) White; married (first) Ella Louise Street, October 28, 1884; one child, Clifford F., (second) Anna Caroline Austin; two children, Henry Austin and Austin Hall; educated in govern- ment schools of Kingdom of Ha- waii, Northampton (Mass.) High School and Barnard’s Business Col- lege (San Francisco), graduated 1880. Associated with E. O. Hall & Son, Ltd., Honolulu, since July 1, 1880, now president of corpora- tion which was established in the hardware business by E. O. Hall in 1850 and incorporated in 1881. Was captain in Co. B, National Guard of Hawaii, 1890-99, then retired; major and A. D. C. to Governor Dole; enlisted in 1916 in 1st Co., Hawaiian Coast Artillery, N. G. Member Pacific Lodge A. F. & A. M., (Master in 1902). WHITEHEAD, ORLANDO JOHN, mer- chant, Wailuku, Maui; born in Fort Dodge, Iowa, September 25, 1873; son of Benjamin and Elizabeth (Smith) Whitehead; educated in schools of North Platte, Nebraska; married Renee Virginia Speck in Honolulu, March 25, 1900; three children, Ruth Leialoha, Sadie Alice and William Francis Whitehead. Was stockman throughout western states for many years; came to Ho- nolulu, 1894; luna, Ewa Plantation, 1894-95; in Hawaiian Army, 1894-97; with People’s Ice & Electric Co., which afterward became Hawaiian Ice & Electric Co., 1897-1903; Hono- lulu Rapid Transit & Land Co., 1903- 04; Deputy Warden, Oahu Peniten- tiary, 1904-09; went to Maui to go into sewing machine business for himself, 1909. Entered Hawaiian Army as private, served through all grades of service, retiring as Major, 1894-1917. Member Lodge Maui, A. F. & A. M. No. 984; Haleakala Chapter Rose Croix No. 8, A. A. S. B.; Past District Deputy, A. O. F., Court Valley Island, No. 9239; Past Dictator L. O. O. M., Wailuku Lodge, No. 875; Past Chancellor, Mystic Lodge No. 2, K. of P.; mem- ber Harmony Chapter Eastern Star, No. 4, Honolulu, Honolulu Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters. WHITNEY, JOHN MORGAN, dentist, Honolulu: born October 1, 1835, at Marlboro, Virginia; son of Moses Allis and Ananda (Morgan) Whit- ney; descendant of John Whitney of Whitney on the Wye, Wales, who settled in Watertown, Massachu- setts, June 4, 1635; also Samuel Whitney (grandfather), captain in Revolutionary War; married Mary Sophronia Rice in Oberlin, Ohio, August 5, 1869. Three children: Mary Louise, William Lacke, and Ada Rice. Educated in primary lines at Strongville, Ohio, Oberlin (Ohio) College, Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, graduated March 1, 1868; Sterling Medical College (Columbus, Ohio) March 1, 1874. Located in Honolulu’. September, 1869, and has practised dentistry in that city since that time with the exception of 1874-76 spent in Cleve- land, Ohio. Has prepared a number of valuable papers on dentistry, in- cluding one read before the Dental Congress, World’s Columbian Ex- position (Chicago, 1893). For forty years deacon of Central Union Church. Charter member Honolulu Social Science Association, Histori- cal Society of Hawaii. Claims the distinction of being the first gradu- ate dentist to operate in Honolulu. 282 MEN OF HAWAII DR. J. M. WHITNEY JAMES L. YOUNG BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 283 WHITNEY, WILLIAM L., lawyer, Ho- nolulu; born February 8, 1876, in Cleveland, Ohio; son of John M. and Mary S. (Rice) Whitney; mar- ried Saida Mae Sutton at Sauga- tuck, Michigan, June 6, 1901; edu- cated Punahou Preparatory School, Oahu College (Honolulu); Oberlin College, 1898 degree A. B.; Colum- bia University, 1901, degree of LL. B. Began professional career in office of W. R. Castle, Honolulu, 1901; District Magistrate (Honolu- lu; First Deputy Attorney General Territory of Hawaii; Circuit Judge, First Circuit April 16, 1909-Febru- ary 15, 1917 (resigned); Judge Juvenile Court 1909-17; judge Land Court 1911-1917. Was first chairman Library of Hawaii; is vice-president Whitney & Marsh, Ltd. Member University Club, Oa- hu Country Club, Hawaii Polo and Racing Club, Social Science Asso- ciation. WICHMAN, HENRY F., manufactur- ing and retail jeweler, Honolulu; born in Hanover, Germany, Feb. 25, 1866; son of John Henry and Chris- tine Dorothea (Sievers) Wichman; father was a merchant in New York, coming from Germany 1868; married Hattie Louise Work in Oakland, Cal., Feb. 20, 1890 (deceased March 27, 1906); three children: Frederick, Eloise, Stephanie; married Anna Mae Stoever, Sept. 12, 1910. Edu- cated at St. Marks, Brooklyn, N. Y.; began in jewelry business in Hono- lulu, 1887, in partnership with J. E. Gomes, under firm name of “Gomes & Wichman’”’; one year later bought out J. E. Gomes and became sole owner; June 30, 1903, incorporated the firm of H. F. Wichman & Co., Ltd., of which he is president; ap- pointed by Hawaiian Government commissioner to the Columbian Ex- position in Chicago 1892; served in Honolulu Rifles and Lieut., Co. D. WILCOX, ALBERT SPENCER, re- tired planter, Lihue, Kauai; born at Hilo, Hawaii, May 24, 1844; son of Abner and Lucy Eliza (Hart) Wilcox; educated at home and at Punahou, Honolulu; married Emma Kauikeolani Napoleon in Honolulu, June 7, 1898. Was manager of Li- hue Plantation, Kauai; started sug- ar plantation at Waipa, Kauai, which was discontinued a few years later; afterward took cane _ con- tracts from Princeville Plantation; WILCOX, WILCOX, raised sugar cane for Hanamaulu Mill 1877-98; has resided at Kilo- hana, Lihue, Kauai, since 1898, de- voting time to stock raising. Presi- dent C. Brewer Estate, Ltd.; direc- tor, Inter-Island Steam Nav. Co., Kekaha Sugar Co., Lihue Planta- tion Co., Waianae Co., Home In- surance Co., Honolulu, Selama- Dindings Plantations, Ltd. Was member House of Representatives, Kingdom of Hawaii, for two years, 1891-92. Member of Pacific, Ad and Oahu Country Clubs, Chamber of Commerce, Honolulu. CHARLES, accountant, Wailuku, Maui; born near Ulupala- kua, Maui, December 13, 1862; son of William Slocum and Kalua Wil- cox; educated Haleakala Boys’ Boarding School, Makawao, Maui; descendant on father’s. side of pioneers who settled in Rhode Isl- and 1637 and 1660; mother descen- dant of Hawaiian Chiefs; married Eleanor Milnor Halstead in Ulu- palakua, Maui, August 1885; nine children, Robert, William, Lucy, Charles, Eleanor, Mabel, Johanna Niau, Phoebe, Sally. School in- structor, 1880-90; elected secretary of Territorial Legislature, 1890; secretary Board of Health, 1891- 1901; clerk Public Works Depart- ment, 1901-03; elected County Au- ditor of Maui County, 1905, has held this office since; was editor and manager Maui News, Wailuku, summer of 1910. Delegate Repub- lican Convention, Honolulu, 1900; secretary Republican County Com- mittee since 1907; alternate to Na- tional Republican Convention, Chi- cago, 1912. Member N. G. H., 1895- 1903; captain Co. G, when retired. WILCOX, G. N., sugar planter and capitalist, Lihue, Kauai. Unmarried. Born in Hilo, Hawaii, August 15th, 1839; son of Abner and Lucy E. (Hart) Wilcox; both father and mother came to Hawaii in 1837 as missionaries. Educated at Puna- hou Preparatory, Honolulu, and Shef- field Scientific School, New Haven, Conn. Began growing sugar at Hanalei, Kauai, in 1863 and at Grove Farm, Lihue, Kauai, in 1864, and eventually became owner. JOHN, merchant, Hana, Maui., T. H.; born in Wailuku, Maui, December 2, 1867; son of William and Kalae (Mahi) Wilcox; educated in 284 MEN OF HAWAII GERRIT P. WILDER BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 285 public schools and Royal School, Ho- nolulu; married Paakaula Mahiana, in Hamoa, Hana, Maui, February 3, 1911; three children (adopted), Paul, Sam and John. On leaving school, worked on ranch at Makawao, Maui, 1881-86; kept billiard hall and butch- er shop in Wailuku, 1886-89; teamster on plantation, 1889-95; was team luna on Mokae Plantation, Hana, Hilo Sugar Co., Kamalo Plantation on Molokai and Koloa Plantation on Kauai between 1895-1911; became clerk in Hamoa Store, Hana, Maui, 1911; at present is store keeper at same place and farmer. Was with Police Department in 1912. Member Territorial Legislature, session of 1913. WILDER, CHARLES THOMAS, tax as- sessor, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Ge- neva, Ill, July 12, 1866; son of William Chauncey and Eliza (Scott) Wilder; educated in public schools, Honolulu, and at Miami University, Oxford, Ohio; married Grace Burr in New York City, July 10, 1900; one child, Charles Burr Wilder. On re- turning to Honolulu, entered employ of Wilder & Co., 1885-93; was Ha- waiian Consul-General at San Fran- cisco, Cal., 1893-1900; engaged in saw- mill business in Oregon, 1902-03; In- come Tax Deputy Assessor, Hono- lulu, 1904-08; Tax Assessor for ist Taxation Division, Hawaii, since 1908. Was member Honolulu Rifles, 1885-93. Member Pacific, Commer- cial and Oahu Country Clubs of Ho- nolulu. WILDER, GERRIT PARMILE, horti- culturist, Honolulu; born Novem- ber 5, 1863, in Honolulu (Kingdom of Hawaii); son of Samuel Gardner and Elizabeth Kinau (Judd) Wilder. (Maternal grandparent, Gerrit P. Judd, M. D., was for many years prominent in the official affairs of the Kingdom of Hawaii being: President Treasury Board 1842, Re- corder, Monarchy, 1842; Minister Foreign Affairs 1843, Minister In- terior 1845, Minister Finance 1846- 1853, resigned; Noble in legislature of Kingdom 1848, 1845, 1852, 1853, Representative 1858. Samuel Gard- ner Wilder likewise was prominent in financial and _ official circles, founder. and president Wilder’s S. S. Co., first steamship company in Islands, promoter and builder of Hawaii Railway Co., Mahukona and Kohala, Island of Hawaii; builder first marine railway, Honolulu, for government in 1881, member Board of Health 1873, Board of Immigra- tion 1874, Board of Health 1876, Min- ister Interior 1880, pres. Board of Health 1878, Representative in Leg- islature of 1868; Noble from 1874 to 1887; president of Legislature.) Married Lillian Kimball in Oakland, California, November 7, 1887. Edu- cated Atkinson Valley School (Ho- nolulu) 1879, Oahu College (Hono- lulu) 1879-80, Boston, Massachusetts, 1881. Began business career with Kahului R. R, Co., Kahului, Maui, being its superintendent, 1884- 96, president 1896-98; president The Estate S. G. Wilder, Ltd., since 1898. Is author “Fruits of the Ha- waiian Islands,” specialist in raising fine varieties of mangoes and avo- cados and in hybridizing and raising new varieties hibiscus flowers. Member Board of Agriculture and Forestry, Territory of Hawaii, 1906. House of Representatives, 1917 ses- sion; member Machine Gun Com- pany, N. G. H.; Pacific Club, Ha- waiian Lodge F. & A. M.; Fellow Royal Society of Arts (London); first president Hawaii Tuna Club; director Honolulu Chamber of Com- merce 1915. Is enthusiast in in- troduction into Hawaii of useful and ornamental trees, plants and flow- ers from all tropical countries. WILDER, JAMES AUSTIN, artist and “planter,” Honolulu; born in Hono- lulu, May 27, 1868; son of Hon. Samuel G. (Prime Minister under King Kalakaua, steamship and rail- road promoter, and greatly beloved by Hawaiians) and Elizabeth Kinau (Judd) Wilder; educated at Puna- hou, private tutor, Stones (Boston), San Mateo, two years, and Belmont, two years (Cal.), Harvard Academic and Law, 1893-1896; married Sara Harnden in Alameda, Cal., Septem- ber 12, 1899; two children, James Harnden and Kinau Wilder. Studied art under Jean Paul Laurens and Benjamin Constant, Paris, 1898- 1905; painted many portraits of Honolulu people; became interested in Boy Scout movement in 1911; author of “Pine Tree System of Scouting’? and drill book, “The Grail,” film picture and play, 1917. Was director Wilder & Co.; Special Field Commissioner, Boy Scouts of America, 1915-17. Was corporal, Co. MEN OF HAWAII 286 WILDER SAMUEL G. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 287 I, 3rd Batt., B. U. T. C., Plattsburg, 1915; member Training Camps Assn., 1915-17. Member Pacific, University, Country, Commercial and ‘“‘Quatz Arts” clubs, Honolulu; Harvard and Players clubs, New York; Harvard Club, Boston; Fly Club, Cambridge; Yokohama Club, Japan; Royal Geographical Society, Royal Society of Arts and Com- merce. WILDER, SAMUEL GARDNER, sec- retary Hawaiian Trust Company, Ltd., Honolulu; born January 12, 1866, at Kualoa, Oahu (Kingdom of Hawaii); son of Samuel Gardner and Elizabeth Kinau (Judd) Wilder; married Molly Alatau Atkinson in Honolulu July 20, 1896; four chil- dren, Helen Kinau, Samuel Gardner, Alatau T., Peggy. Educated School of Martha Chamberlain to 1875, St. Albans, 1877, Mr. Beckwith’s school 1878, Punahou School 1879-1880 (all Honolulu), under tutor (Boston) 1881. (For genealogy see Gerrit Parmile Wilder.) Began business career with Wilder Steamship Co., in 1885, and became president and manager of Wilder & Co., Ltd., soon after death of W. C. Wilder, and seven years after sold out to Lewers & Cooke, Ltd. Estate of S. G. Wilder 1894, Hawaiian ‘rust Co., Ltd.,_ since 1914. Member House of Represent- atives at time of Annexation (1897). Member Honolulu Rifles (sergeant) during Monarchy. Member Com- mercial Club, charter member Oahu Country Club. Is credited with bringing toe first Italian honey bees into the Hawaiian Islands in 1880. WILLIAMS, ROBERT DAY, college president, Honolulu; born July 23, 1881, at Marblehead, Mass.; son of Rev. John Healy and Annie Fran- ces (Day) Williams; descendent of Richard Williams of Gloustershire, England, who settled in Tauton, Mass., 1636, and who was a brother of Roger Williams; married Jessie Hays, September 2, 1910, in Los Angeles, Cal.; two children, Rich- ard Hays and Douglas Hale; re- ceived primary education in Kan- sas City, Mo., and Redlands, Cal., graduated Redlands high school 1899, Pomona college, B. S. 1908, University of California 1904, Yale University M. A. 1907, and Ph. D. Yale 1909; instructor in biology WILSON, Pomona college (Cal.) 1904-06 and assistant professor of philosophy in the same institution 1909; assis- tant professor of philosophy and psychology 1910-11; professor of psychology and education 1911- 15; principal Mills school, Ho- nolulu 1915-16. Interested in psychological research and author of ‘“A qualative study of re- action movements,” published by University of Chicago; has lectured extensively on educational and re- ligious topics. Member Hawaiian Board, Anti-Saloon League, Asso- ciated Charities, Advisory Commit- tee Central Union, Church, Public Questions Club, Outrigger Club, Y. M. C. A., American Association for Advancement of Science, Yale Club, Ad Club, trustee Fort St. Chinese Church. WILLIAMSON, WILLIAM, stock and bond broker, Honolulu; born April 29, 1874, at Manchester, New Hampshire; son of John Elliott and Mary (Collins) Williamson; mar- ried Ada Tree Rhodes, November 16, 1910, in Honolulu; one child, Ellen Tree; father came from Glasgow, Scotland to America in 1865; received early education in the public schools of Manchester, N. H., and graduated from Williams college with degree of A. B. 1896, completed post graduate course at Williams 1897; teacher Kenyon Military Academy 1897-99, and at Oahu College 1899-01; traveling salesman for von Hamm-Young Co. of Honolulu 1901-1906. Member Honolulu. Stock and Bond Ex- change since 1906; president Kipa- hulu Sugar Co.; appointed trustee Bishop Estate, June 1916; commis- sioner of public instruction 1907-08; member House of Representatives, Territory of Hawaii, 1911-13, and re-elected 1915-17. Member Hawaii County Investigation Commission 1913-15; member University and Oahu Country clubs. JAMES ALEXANDER, educator, Lahaina, Maui, T. H.; born at Spring Hill, Kansas, Jan- uary 26, 1880; son of Robert Ran- kin and Louisa (Hensy) Wilson; educated public schools, Kansas; Park Academy, Parkville, Mo., Park College, A. B. 1907; married 288 MEN OF HAWAII A. A. YOUNG WISHARD, BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 289 Julia Estelle Stevenson, Aug. 23, / 1910, Savannah, Mo.; children, Carol S. and Robert S. career in different capacities with the Armour Packing Co., Jones Dry Goods Co., Burnham-Hanna-Mun- ger’s Wholesale Dry Gauods Co., all of Kansas City, Mo.; teacher at Lahainaluna, Maui, T. H., in charge of mathematics department and yarious lines of manual work, in- cluding carpentry and agriculture since 1907. WISE, WILLIAM SEABURN, lawyer, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Indiana, June aU, 1889.-.80n. Of) Parkér L, and Frances (Seaburn) Wise; educa- tion, high school and University of Michigan, Law Department, LL. B., 1879;. married Hmma_ Frances Dukes at Kendalville, Ind., June 1880; four children, Nellie E., Mabel E., John J. and William S. Jr. Practised law, Nebraska 1880- 1890; Riverside Co., Cal., 1890- 1896; judge District Court, South — Hilo, Territory of Hawaii, Decem- ber 1910-May 1917; practised law in Hilo, Hawaii, since November 1896. Is a Mason, Knight of Pyth- ias, Royal Arcanum and Moose: HENRY DICKERSON, bookkeeper, Lihue, Kauai, T. H.; born in Danville, Ind., June. 16, 1866; son of John Oliver and Mary (Fisher) Wishard; educated in high school and Central Normal College at Danville, Ind.; married Elizabeth Agnes Winstead, June 2, 1891, at Cincinnati, Ohio; two chil- dren, Leslie Winstead and Blanche Nellie Wishard. Taught school four years; employed on ranch of W. H. Rice, Kauai, 13 years; book- keeper The Lihue Plantation Co., Ltd., 15 years. Chairman Board of Supervisors, Kauai County, July 1, 1905; beginning of county gov- ernment to date. Member of K. P., F. & A. M.;.Sons of American Revolution. WITHINGTON, DAVID LITTLE, law- yer, Honolulu; born February 2, 1854, at Newbury, Massachusetts; son of Nathan Noyes and Elizabeth (Little) Withington; married Sarah BE. Curtis, July 6, 1880 (died July 2, 1884); married Marietta Dennett Paul, San Diego, Cal., February 2, 1887. Educated Harvard, degree A. B. 1874, Boston University, degree Began Uniformity of Newburyport, (Mass.) . LL. B. 1876. : Admitted to bar 1876; practised in Boston (Mass.): and Newburyport (Mass.) 1876-86; San Diego, (Cal.) 1886-1893; Honolulu, since 1903; member of firm Castle & Withington, Honolulu. Captain Co. A, 8th regiment, Mass. Mili- tia 1876-9; member California Sen- ate 1895-9; member Commission. on Legislation (Cal.) 1897-1901; same Hawaii 1910-15. Member American Bar Association (general council); president Bar Association, Hawaii, 1910-12; dele- gate Universal Congress Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904; ex- president Civic Federation, San Diego. WONG, HAROLD HOON-WO, lawyer, Honolulu, T. H.; born in Honolulu, July 10, 1891; son of Sam and Yuen (Shee) Wong; educated at Mills School, Honolulu, 1902-07; graduat- ed Kaahumanu School, 1908; grad- uated McKinley High School, 1912; attended College of Social Science, University of California, 1912-13; graduated Northwestern University Law School, LL.B., 1916. Chief as- sistant to R. R. Obenckain, counsel for Legal Aid Society of Chicago, July, 1916, to December, 1916; ad- mitted to practise law in all courts of Illinois, Octcber, 1915; admitted to practise in all courts of Hawaii. July, 1917; at present associated ‘in practise of law with George K. French and Anthony Y. Seto. Mem. ber of Order of Coif, honorary legal fraternity, being first Chinese elect- ed to Order; President Chinese Stu- dents’ Alliance of Hawaii, 1917-1918; member of Ad Club of Honolulu. WOOD, EDGAR, educator, Honolu- lu; born Sept. 16, 1861, at Parrs- boro, Nova Scotia; son of Alexan- der Blair and Jane (Fullerton) Wood; married Emma McLean at Sherbrooke, N. S., July 29, 1896; _ no children; descendant of Capt. Benjamin Wood, who came to New . York from Halifax, Eng., in 1760; educated in the public schools of Nova Scotia, Amherst Academy, N. S., Truro Normal School, N. S. (Diploma 1885), Acadia College, N. §S., Cornell University (A. B. 1895), University of Mount Alli- son, New Brunswick (A. M. 1899 Science), Teachers’ College Colum- bia University (Diploma 1914), Co- lumbia University (A. M. 1914 Ea- ucation). Principal high school 290 YOUNG. 1895-96, Litchfield, Conn.; . teacher Honolulu. High School principal Territorial Normal and Training School 1897 to date. Offi- cer of Y. M. C. A., Civic Federa- tion, Anti-Saloon League, Humane Society, Loan Fund Commission. Member University Club, Tawse Club (New York), Phi Delta Kappa (Columbia University), Masons, Historical Society, National Geo- graphic Society, National Society for Promotion of Industrial Educa- tion, National Educational Assn.; specializes in field work in geology as a recreation. WRIGHT, GEORGE FREDERICK, surveyor, Honolulu; born in Hono- lulu (Kingdom of Hawaii), April 23, 1881; son of William Wilson and Annie (Marshall) Wright; married May Martha Lycett in Honolulu, Sept. 11, 1905; one child: Marshall H. Educated Old Fort Street School (Honolulu), and Honolulu High School, class of 1898. Began business and profes- sional career with the Government Survey Department, June, 1898, leaving this service to enter busi- ness for himself Aug. 1, 1909. Has been instrumental in preparing a number of surveys for the Terri- torial Land Court and _ retracing numerous old Hawaiian land boun- daries; was appointed Assistant Engineer and Surveyor for the Land Court Oct. 9, 1909, and still holds this commission. ry ARCHIBALD ALFRED, merchant, Honolulu; born in Hono- lulu (Kingdom of Hawaii), Novem- ber 20, 1872; son of Alexander and Ruth (Pearce) Young; father prominent in business affairs of Hawaii for many years, being man- ager Honolulu. Iron Works 34 years; married Maude Mary Gil- let of Detroit, Mich., in Honolulu, June 18, 1902; three children, Alice Pauline, Archibald Alfred, Nelson Gillet. Educated Punahou preparatory school, Honolulu, pub- lic schools, Oakland, Cal., Night College, Glasgow, Scotland; served as apprentice in marine engineer- ing with Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Co. Ltd., on the Clyde, Scotland, 1892-1897; one of the or- 1896-97; YOUNG, MEN OF HAWAII ganizers of the von Hamm-Young Co. Ltd., Honolulu, 1898, in asso- ciation with late Alexander Young, and president of that company since 1910. Is president of The Alexander Young’ Estate, Ltd., Alexander Young Building Co. Ltd., Territorial Hotel Co. Ltd, Ha- waiian Hotel, Ltd., and vice-presi- dent Waiakea Mill Co., Ltd. The Von Hamm-Young Co. Ltd., is pio- neer in automobile industry in Ha- waii and agents for leading manu- facturers. Member Pacific Club, Commercial Club, Oahu Country Club, Honolulu Lodge No. 616, B. P70, -E. JAMES LENDERMAN, civil engineer and architect, Hono- lulu; born July 11, 1867, at Cali- fornia, Ky.; son of William L. and Appoline (Maddox) Young; married Valley Roe, November 11, 1889, at Hamilton, Ohio; two children, Gor- don See and Donn Dwyer; educated in grammar schools of California, Ky., and high school, Newport, Ky., Cleremont Academy (University of Kentucky), University of Lebanon, Ohio, 1888. Started as a rodman with C. & O. railway, 1828, and was connected with railroad construc- tion work in various capacities until 1894; consulting engineer, Cin- cinnati, O., 1894-99, assistant en- gineer, U. S. Army Engineers and Quartermaster Dept., 1899, 11 years in states; in contracting business, 1910-1915; consulting engineer and contractor since. Member F. and A. M., Elks, Western Society of Engineers, American Society of En- gineers and Contractors. YOUNG, WILLIAM EDWARD, broker, Honolulu; born in San Di- ego, Cal., April 24, 1875; son of John Nelson and Annie (Gray) Young; educated San Diego high school and Claremont College (Cal.); married Alice May Blacow in Honolulu, Sept. 6, 1905; three children, Helen, Muriel and William G. Managed father’s busines; came to Hawaii 1900; started towing business as Young Bros., 1900-12; financial agent since 1912; Hawaiian agent for Hardy Bay Coal Co. since May, 1917. Member Honolulu Lodge No. 409, F. & A. M.; president Amer. re Masters, Mates and Pilots, 1910. BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE LIBRARY 291 ADDENDA ~ Received too late to be inserted in the regular order in the body of the book. PERRY, JOSEPH SOUZA, lawyer, ilo,’ Hawaii; born in Furnas, St. ‘Miguel, Azores, June 11, 1876; son ‘of, Yactush” and. Maria J. (Souza) Ferry; educated in public schools of ‘Hawaii and Santa Clara College, ‘Santa Clara, Cal.; married Mary Pereira Aguiar at Olaa, Hawaii, De- ‘cember 16,, 1900; seven children, “George, Lucy, Celesheria, Casherina, ‘Cecilia and Angelira. Came to Hilo, Hawaii, with parents, 1882, removing to, Santa: Clara, Cal.,:1892; returned to Hawaii, 1896; was: employed’ by ‘Hawaii Board of Registration, 1897; teacher at St: Raphael’s School, Ko- loa; -Kauai, 1897-99; entered office ‘of Portuguese Consul-General, A. C. Canavarro, Honolulu, as private sec- retary, 1899; came to Hilo as sales- man for L. B. Kerr, 1900; became clerk: Olaa Store, Keaau, Hawaii, same year; read law at Lennon & ‘LeBlond’s office, Hilo, together with “correspondence course, 1901; read law with Samuel K. Kaeo on Kauai and was admitted to practise of law »pefore ‘all courts of Territory, 1904; admitted to practise in Federal Court, 1905; went to Hilo, Hawaii, 1905; appointed temporary District Magistrate, Puna, Hawaii, 1910; ap- pointment made permanent same ‘yéar: Is proprietor Ferryville Store, ~“Olaa; is sugar cane planter and “gtock ‘raiser. Member Hilo Lodge ‘No. ''825,°L. O.° O.-M.; Council No. 252, Y. M. 1.3; vice-president Olaa Athletic Club. . HORNER, ALBERT, JR., cannery ‘superintendent, Kapaa, Kauai, T. H.; born Oct. 28, 1891, at Kukaiau, Ha- ~waii; son of Albert and Florence (Winter) Horner; educated at St. Matthews Military Academy, and -Cornell University; at Cornell was prominent in musical circles, direct- ‘ing.and composing; initiated into fruit canning with California Can- “meries Co. for a season after leaving college; Superintendent Hawaiian Canneries Co., Ltd., and manager of their Kauai cannery at Kapaa, Kauai, since 1914. Is a member of Univer- _sity Club, Honolulu; Kauai Cham- ber of Commerce; Chi Phi Fratern- ity, Quill & Dagger, and other clubs KALANIANAOLE, KENNEDY, at Cornell. Is a keen hunter and musician. JONAH KUHIO, Hawaiian delegate to Congress, was born at Koloa, Island of Kauai, Ha- waii, March 26, 1871, the son of High Chief D. Kahalepouli and Princess Kekaulike, cousin to the late King Kalakaua and Queen Lili- uokalani, monarchs of the then Kingdom. of.Hawaii, and nephew of Queen Kapiolani, consort of Kala- kaua. He was created Prince by royal proclamation in 1884. The Prince was educated in Honolulu, the United States and England. and married Elizabeth Kahanu, daugh- ter of a chief of the island of Maui, October 8, 1896. Was employed in the office of minister of the interior, and in the custom house under the monarchy. Has been delegate from Hawaii to Washington, 58th to 65th Congresses (1903 to 1917). Member of Chiefs of Hawaii, Order of »Ka- mehameha, Court Lunalilo, Commer- cial Club, Country Club, Oahu Polo and Racing Club, Pacific Club, and is a Republican. CHARLES'- CLARKE, sugar planter, Hilo, Hawaii; born in Kirrimuir, Scotland, December 28, 1848; son of James and Janet (Clarke) Kennedy; grammar schoo! i education in Scotland; married Laura Imogen Vestal in Hilo, Ha- waii, November 18, 1907: two. chil- dren by former marriage, Ronald C., and Bruce C. Left school at the age of 12 years to serve apprentice- ship in ,engineering near Dundee, Scotland; remaining there for. five years, then went to East Canada and worked on the Grand Trunk Rail- way for one and one-half years; went to California, remaining in San Francisco from 1870 to 1877; came to Honolulu in 1877. and worked in the Honolulu Iron Works for two years; erected the Waikea Mill in Hilo and was manager of the company for 37 years; now re- tired. Is president of the First Bank of Hilo, president of First Trust Co. of Hilo, president of Hilo Elec- tric “Light Co.,- etc. REPRINT PERMISSION HIS BOOK, while a duly copyrighted work, is de- signed to be of the utmost ser- vice and value for reference. Therefore, permission is hereby granted to any established daily newspaper or periodical, for use in any regular issue thereof, for news purposes, all or any part of any sketch or any portrait herein, if proper credit is given “Men of Hawaii” Honolulu Star-Bulletin, Limited. GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX This index groups by County and postoffice addresses all sketches and _ portraits book, making it easy to find the names for any particular section or locality. Photo Sketch HAWAII Hawi Hind, John, sugar planter.:.............. 140 Hind, John Henry, mill supt............. 138 Hilo Akau, George H., merchant................ Aloysius, Father (Father Louis).... ss Arakawa, Futoshi, civil engineer.... 26 Beamer, Peter C., merchant.............. Beers, William H., lawyer................ 36 Beissel, James C., priest-................. 3 Bodel, John K., clergyman Rare ie baa Bonesteel, Charles _H., U. S. Army OTMITCE ee ee ete ee Ae tne Bowman, Donald S., sanitary in- spector Boece Browm, Samuel RB. “physician... a Cabrinha, Antonio N., merchant...... 52 Campbell, William H. C., business- man Carlsmith, Carl S., lawyer................ 52 Corbett, Henry D., postmaster.......... 70 Crabbe, Edward C. §&., broker.......... 78 Da Silva, Evangelino, lawyer.......... ies Destia ww JO0N © Ri oste ione see 86 Desha, Stephen L., Sr., clergyman... 84 Desha, Stephen L., Jr., lawyer........ 86 Deyo, Eugene N., merchant.............. 86 Dranga, Theodore A., merchant...... Elliot, Harold B., vet. surgeon.....:.. -... Ewaliko, David K., warden.............. 96 Ferry, Joseph S., Filler, Richard W., railway supt.... 108 Forbes, David McH., plantation mgr. 112 Forrest, Robert T., broker................ 112 Gamalielson, John E., . Gurney, A. 8S. LeBaron, banker........ Hapai, Archibald A., county clerk.. 132 Henderson, James, plantation mgr. 136 Hitchcock, Charles H. W., real estate Humphrey, Geo. R., businessman.... Jaggar, Thomas A., geologist............ ai, John kK... politician=.42 aoa Kauhane, Samuel, supervisor.......... 160 Kelekolio, Bernard H., stenogra- pher Kennedy, Charles C., retired planter Lindsay, Robert M., wharf supt..... 174 Lowson, George, banker...................... 174 Lucas, Raymond A., retired.............. 180 Lyman, Frederick S., surveyor........ Suet Lyman, Norman K., contractoyr...... 178 Machida, Tomozc, druggist.............. 188 Mariner, Henry D., trust officer...... Metzger, Delbert E., civil engineer... -... Morehead, Harry H., pharmacist.... 194 Osorio, Tristan E. M., lawyer.......... fe Parsons, Charles F., lawyer.............. 208 Patten, Harold V., banket.............. oi PAU pS eb CLOT Lap sete ree ee 208 Plankinton, John C., elec. engr....... Eratt.Joseph® G.,7 lawyer...220.-4-.. PiaseSamuel Kee Sherif. csceee tess aie Quinn, Clement K., jurist.................. 216 Rice, Milton, physician Rolph, Samuel Sala WYOP, Geers 224 Rose, Otto W., plaster piumber........ 224 Ross, Homer L., ae. Roumanis, John P., hotel manager.. Russell, James W., lawyevV.............-.- Saiki, Takaichi R., banker.............. na Schmidt, August M., chemist.......... 228 Sexton, Leo L., physician..:............... Ree Shimamoto, Charles C., merchant.... 232 Shipman, Oliver T., tax assessor... Smith; William. Hy, -lawyer:-.:-.-%-.— in the Photo Sketch Spencer, Samuel M., county auditor .... Spinola, M. de F., financial agent.... 244 Stewart, Bert C., gov. official = Stone, William J., businessman Stow, Charles L., physician.............. Supe, Gustavus D., deputy tax as- SOSSO Rr ees oe A +e Swain, Charles H., lawyer................ 248 Todd, William A., harness maker 254 Truslow, Herbert A., banker Wise, William Ss ‘lawyer Pose. Se ae Holualoa Konno, T., mgr. Kona Dev. Co......... 164 Honokaa Botelho, Manuel S., lawyer.............. Hall, Henry, district magistrate...... Naquin, Walter P., plantation mgr... 200 ; Pritchard, Joseph, mgr. tel. co......... 216 Honomu SOkaADes ) SHITO sem inister ee 240 Kailua A KOnr aIMes = SUDELVISOD 5 eee Maguire, John -A., ranchet................ 190 Thompson, James W., ee Kamuela Hind we Robertaaranenerss ce. ee Kapoho Lyman, Henry J. K., planter............ 182 Kealakekua Baker, Albert S., Davis, Samuel H., clk. Holy orders Greenwell, Wm. H., ranchev.............. ache Paris moOnna Le PAne heres eee 202 Ross, Harvey L., physician.............. pee Wallace, Robert, retired planter...... BINISter eee Kohala Akina, Arthur A., comn. merchant... 198 Atkins, Remus H., farmer................ cee Bond, Benj) D> physician... 42 Holstein, Henry L., lawyer............ tent Watt, George C., plantation megr.. _ 272 Napoopoo Baker, David K., Niulii Hall, Robert. plantstion manager... Olaa Kekart, Charles F., plantation mgr. 94 Ookala Johnston, James, Pahala Hofmann, Karl R., physician.......... Papaaloa Hutchison, Robert, plantation mgr. Papaikou Carvalho, Virginio A., pedagogue.. Moir, John T., plantation manager Peneekeo Lodenkamper, John H., Potter, Webster, lawyeh ee 26 sugar planter...... educator.... 174 Gurdon, physician................ aoe James, plantation meg?V..... 276 KAUAI Eleele Alexander, Frank A., plantation piinaver ee. er es Loomis, Charles F., secretary Y. M. GyEAS 249 249 251 253 253 253 255 259 261 277 289 167 277 17 177 243 ii GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX Photo Sketch Hanalei Sanborn, Walter F., Hanapepe Gomez, Jose, Kapaa Horner, Albert, Jr., Kealia Bettencourt, Joseph F., Jr................. Kekaha Faye, Hans P., plantation mgv....... 104 Knudsen, Augustus F., sugar planter 166 cattle rancher merehant: 22:3 124 cannery supt... Knudsen, Eric A., rancher................ 166 Kilauea Myers, Jackson R., plantation mgr... 196 Koloa Blake, Henry, lawyers. ee 44 Buchholtz, 2A... menrchante- oa a Lihue Dickey, dayle “A°, judges. 2.2. Se asm Dole, Charles §., lawyer.................. 92 Hjorth, Johan L. V., dist. magis- Wiley Ate ee ee a eee Hopper, Kenneth C., newspaperman Isenberg, Hans, pastor .....................- Kameakua, John M., lawyer.............. 162 Lydgate, John M., minister.............. Age Maser, Carl Sh aratlal tora ese ses 192 Moragne, Joseph H., civil engineer .... Oliver, Richard N., businessman.... Putman, Frank L., physician............ Rice, Charles’ -A.. -ranchers- 28 Rice, William Henry, sheriff............ eee Rice, William Hyde, ranchev............ 220 Wilcox, Albert S., retired planter 278 Wilcox, G. N.. sugar planter... 280 Wisehard, Henry D., accountant.... .... Makaweli Baldwin, Benj. D., plantation mgr. Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Robinson, Sinclair, Waimea Aubrey: \planter::.02 2.8 222 Aylmer F., sees Selwyn A., agriculturist sugar planter... Crowell, Wm. O., dep. Ewart, George R., Jr., e. MAN GO CT pene ao ee Baas oon! Hofgaard, Christopher B., district MACISUTA LC see ee ee ee 142 Malhum, Erling E., MAUI Haiku Baldwin, William A., mer. company Baidwin, William D., physician...... Barter, Clarence E., cannery supt... Krauss, Fred G., agriculturist.......... Lindsay, James, farmer...................... Moore, Edwin C., homesteadev........ Pogue, William F., irrigation ex- DOVE Weare ete ar eee ein eee 212 Hana Chalmers, John, plantation megv....... Lennox, Wm., businessman............ Wilcox, John merchanty 22s. Kahului Lindsay, David €., banker... Pleasant, Ellis E., elergyman............ Walsh, John J., merchant................ Kaupo Marciel, Joseph V., Lahaina Ambrose, Joseph M., dep. assessor... .... Brecht, Ernest C. L., agriculturist.. 48 Coale, Willis B., clergyman............ nae Cockroft, Frank N., Lufkin, Frank N., MacDonald, Clarence A. Wilson, James A., packing FanCnelrec ws sae 233 119 291 Photo Sketch Makawao Baldwin, Sam A., ranchet.............2.... Hardy, Fred W., educator............:..... Von Tempsky, Louis, cattleman...... Makena Goodness, Guy S., lawyev.................. Olowalu Valentine, Alex., plantation mgr, Paia Aiken, Worth O., banker.........2..002..... Picads Baldwin, Harry A., sugar planter.... 30 Bowdish, Austin C., clergyman...... Cameron, Frank B., supt. Mem. Home © .2.2...2.. 33 2 eee Clark, Wm: -A., rancher... 3.2052 sie Collins, Arthur W., civil engineer.... 70 Kohatsu, .Y., physician... 2.2 Be Rice, Harold W., ranchev.................. 218 Puunene Baldwin, Frank F., sugar planter..... 28 Maples, William L., physician........ 192 Sawyer, Frank E., physician............ ee Searby, William, engineer.... Wailuku Aiken, George S., dentist.....000000000... Bevins, Elmer R., lawyev.................. ett Blair, J. Chester, mgr. Elec. Co..... 44 Case, Daniel H., lawyer...........2........ 56 Chillingworth, William S., court reporter... nob 66 Cooper, William J., journalist.......... die Costa, Antone, postmaster.................. 78 Crockeit, William F., lawyer............ gee? Dodge, Rowland B., minister............ Edings, William S., jurist.............2...: ce Garcia,.J., -banker:...30) 2 ee 116 Judd, Robert A., educator.................. ee Keola, James N. K., Kunewa, Joseph H., tax assessor.. Lufkin, ‘Charles D., banker Peep ee Moura, Manuel iss merchant............ 196 Otsuka, N. Kumao, editor.................. Penhallow, Henry, B., platnation mana ver... Raymond, George S., educator.......... Robinson, William T., tax assessor.. 234 Schoenberg, Victor C.,, banker.......... 228 Sylva, Frank C..,: gov. official Se te Van Schayk, Father Justin, priest Vetlesen, Vetle A., editor and pub. Villiers, J. Charles, clergyman........ Vincent, Enos, lawyevr..................0.. Wadsworth, Ralph A., mfrv.............:. Whitehead, Orlando J., merchant.... Wilcox, Charles, MOLOKAI Kalawao Dutton, Joseph. Lay Brother............ Kaunakakai Cooke, George P., Pukoo Hitchcock, Harvey R., ranchevr........ OAHU plantation megr...:....... rancher 4 Aiea Gibb, James, Ewa Renton, George F., plantation mgr... Honolulu Achi, William C., lawyer.................. 16 Adams, William D., music................ Afong, Albert F., broker..........2.:..... Agee, Hamilton. P., director, H. S. Pi DG os ood eek CRS ay 12 Ai, Chung K., merchant.................... 16 Aiu, Eugene K., La WYOL® 23 ee Sie Akana, Akaiko, minister /i. st) 14 Alexander, Arthur C., engineet........ 12 Alexander, Kenneth, photographer Allen, Riley H., newspaperman........ 20 accountant......2.:... PAT 6 ei Photo Sketch PAAUINAS NOG Wi. b sb WY OLace. cere. - coke aces Anderson, Robbins B., lawyer.......... Anderson, Robert W., dentist.......... Andrade, Frank, lawyer....:............... Andrews, Arthur L., professor........ Andrews, Carl B., civil engineer.... Andrews, Lorrin, lawyer .................. Andrews, Robert W., mech. engr... Andrus, George A., sec. Army & INGVY: oe CI AS ee Fs wee! Angus, George H., merchant............ Arledge, Arthur E., civil engineer Armitage, Harry, brokev.................. Armstrong, Frank H., asst. treas. Castle’ & Cooke, -Litd.:.:......2.....- Ashford, Clarence W., jurist............ Ashley, William G., businessman.. Atherton, Charles H., businessman Atherton, Frank C., financier.......... Atkinson, A. L. C., lawyev.............. Atkinson, Robert W., contractor.... Ault, William, clergyman.................. Austin, H. A. R., civil engineer...... Ayer, Richard G., physician............ Bailey, Charles T., civil engineer.... Bailey, Jacob S., merchant............ Balch, John A., .treas: Tel. Co...:... Baldwin, Charles W., educator...... Baldwin, Erdman D, civil engineer Ballentyne, C G., railway manager Ballou, Howard M., editor.............. Ballou, Sidney M., lawyev.............. Barnes, Kenneth B., businessman.. Barnhart, William O., merchant.... Batten, Grover A., physician............ Beadle, Irwin H., real estate............ Beaven, J. Ashman, businessman.... Belser, John J., drayage contr....... BenZ a ie VV... DUYSIClAN 2. e--=- Berger, Henry, bandmastet.............. Berndt, Emil A., merchant.............. Bicknell, James, city official............ Bicknell, Henry, dentist.................... Bierbach, Otto A., pharmacist.......... Bishop, E. Faxon, merchant............ Blackman, Leopold G., educator.... Blake, Frank E., businessman........ Blodgett, Harry H., physician........ Bockus, Charles G., brokev.............. Boeynaems, Libert H. J. L., bishop Booth, Robert B., comn. merchant Bottomley, Allen W. T., banker... Botts, Ebert J., lawyevr...........:........ Bowen, W. A., Boyer, Frank 0., elec. engt.....-...-... ‘Braly,* Albert C., dentist:...:..2...2... Braly, George A., dentist.........4...... Breckons, Robert W., lawyer............ Brigham, William T., scientist........ Brown, Arthur M., lawyev.............. Brown, Charles A., capitalist.......... Brown, Edward H., merchant.......... Brown, George A., merchant............ Brown, George Ii, businessman...... Brown, Jacob F., civil engineer... Brown, Raymond C., secretary........ Bryan, William A., zoologist............ Buchly, Rudolf, banker Burgess, Paul S., chemist................ Burnette, Patrick H., notary public Bush, Gavien F., hardware mett..... weuttolph,: Guy H., ‘proker®:....=...._. Caldwell, John W., civil engineer.... Camara, Joaquim M., lawyer.......... Campbell, Albert N., financier........ Campbell, Harry B., business agent Cannon, Frank Q., businessman...... Capps, Lewis E., optometrist.......... Carden, William T., Carter, George R., ex-governor...... Cartwright, Bruce, insurance Cartwright, Bruce, Jr., estates........ GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 12 16 32 32 32 46 44 44 52 52 Case, Leonard N., veterinary surg. 20 Castle, Alfred L., Castle, George P., AAW Elie retired, = iii Photo Sketch Castle, Harold K. L., businessman Castle, William R., lawyer.............. 62 Cathcart, John W., lawyev-.............- 56 Chalmers, William G., contractor.... 66 Chamberlain, William W., financier .... Chillingworth, Charles F., lawyer... 66 Chu, Gem, merchant se ee 66 Clark, Albert B., banker.................. Clarke, John K., businessman........ oe Clemons, Charles F., lawyer............ 70 Cockburn, James L., banker —_ Cohen, Joel C., theatrical manager 68 Coke, James L., lawyev...............:.... Cole 2 eo, Le. ir elawyer......2 ze Collins, George M., engineer............ 70 Conkling, David L., newspaperman Cook, Manuel K., territorial official Cooke, Clarence H., banker.............. aps. Cooke, Amos F., real estate............ 72 Cooke, C. Montague, zoologist........ = a Cooke, Joseph P., sugar factor........ 74 Cooke, Richard A., businessman.... Coombs, Walter R., accountant...... “e Cooper, Charles B., physician........ 76 Cooper, Henry E., = Correa, Sylvester P., senator Coyne, Arthur, merchant.................. bins Craigs JOHN WH: woUllder 2s. 78 Crawford, Wm. H., merchant.......... Ts Cristy, Albert M., lawyer................ 78 Curry, George S., lawyer.................. Cykler, Emil F., civil engineer........ Damon, Fred B., banket.................... Damon, Samuel M., banket............... Hemenway, Charles R., lawyer........ 134 Henriques, Edgar, capitalist............ ...... Herbert, George; physician.............. 138 High, Clifford B., dentist pe Hill, Samuel T., engineer.................. 138 Hind, R. Renton, cons. sugar house engineers: 2.5 ee ees eee 142 Hitchcock, Charles H., geologist...... 142 Hitchcock, D. Howard, ATES Ui ee ae Hobby, William R., civil engineer.. ...... Hodgins, Arthur G., physician........ -..... Hollinger, Ben., supervisor.............. 142 Hollmann, Harry T., physician........ ...... Hons, Ferdinand H., manager ship chandlery Hoogs, William H., contractor........ ...... Horner, Albert, agriculturist............ 146 Horner, Robert, businessman............ 144 Huber, Seba C., lawyer................-... 146 Hughes, John A., master car builders. 0er ee ee ee asc een omens Hustace; oErank “retiréd33.....2.-) -=--- Iaukea, Curtis P., secretary terv..... 146 Irwin, Harry, Wawy eres ee LG Ivers, Richard, businessman............... ...... Jackson, Arthur F., physician........ 150 Jarrett, William P., high sheriff...... 150 Johnson, Henry S., civil engineer.... ...... Johnson, Merle M., jeweler.............. ...... Johnson, Samuel I., adjutant gen... 152 Jones, Peter Cushman, retired........ 148 Jordan, Robert A., businessman.... 150 Jorgensen, Jorgen, civil engineer.... 150 Judd, Albert F., lawyer.................... 154 Judd, Charles S., forester................ 156 Judd, Henry Platt, minister............ 156 Judge James Re SULECON =a Judd, Lawrence M., merchant.......... ...... Kaai, Ernest K., musician................ 1528 Kalanianaole, J. Kuhio, delegate to CONETESS 2st ee eee eee Kalauokalani, David K., city official 156 Kalua, John. W., 1 Keller, Carl, Kemp, Samuel Ae ane MESS Sahat Kerr, Harry L., architect... 164 Kilbourne, Edwin D., physician...... 164 Kimball, Clifford, hotel man............ 166 Kinney, Henry W., supt. of schools ...... Kirchhoff, Frederick G., civil engr. 166 Kluegel, Charles H., civil engineer 164 Kopke, Ernst, engineer ........:...--.....25 i... Lane, John Carey, ex-mayot............ -170 Lange, Robert F., merchant............ ...... ite NG 1417 117 Photo Sketch Lanz, Johannes J. W., merchant...... ...... Larimer, Arthur E., secretary Y. M. €. A. eee Larnach, Alexander D., lawyer...... ...... Larrison, George K., hyd. engr Larsen, ie David, agriculturist Lee Chu, lumber merchant... ee 170 Lewers, Robert, merchant................ 168 Lewis, Abraham, Jr., banker............ 472 Leong, Francis W., physician........ 170 Lindsay, Alexander, Jr., lawyer.... 170 Lloyd, Albert E., broker. PE sf 174 Logan, Daniel, journalist i re Loofbourow, Leon L., clergyman...... Lowrey, Allen J., businessman........ Lowrey, Frederick D., merchant...... Lowrey, Frederick J., merchant...... 176 Lowrey, Sherwood M., businessman Lucas, John, contractor <3 178 Lydecker, Robert C., librarian........ 4s Lymer, Wm. B., lawyer: .....0e 178 Lyon, Harold’ L., botanist 22). 178 McCarthy, Charles J., Jerr. Treas. McCandless, John A., financier........ McCandless, Lincoln L., rancher.... 186 McChesney, Jesse M., merchant........ 184 McCorriston, Robert, banker=22—5 McDonald, Jonathan T., physician 184 MacAdam, David H.., postmaster... i Macaulay, John R., master mariner 184 MacCaughey, Vaughan, college pro- fessor. (2323s eS eee Macfarlane, Henry R., brokev.......... Macintyre, Malcolm, insurance...... 190 Marquez, Charles N., merchant...... Marx, Benjamin L., lawyers 190 Matheson, Roderick O., jorunalist Mead, Royal D., director bureau of: labor. 2n2-4...42) 194 Medeiros, Joseph P., merchant........ 192 Milnor, Guy C., physician.............. oe Mitamura, V., physician... 194 Monsarrat, Marcus D., surveyor.... .... Monsarrat, James M., lawyet.......... 192 Morgan, James A., physician............ 196 Morong, Frederick L., physician.... 194 Moroi, Rokuro, Japanese Consul.... Murray, Harry V., physician............ 190 Myers, Zeno K., insurance... ot Norris, Robert S., sugar technolo- Gist. A ee eee 196 Norton, Charles H. W., insurance 198 Nott, Bert S., gas engineer............ Nowell, Allen M., Nunes, Manuel, ukulele inventor.... 198 Olson, Clarence H., lawyer.............. 202 Pacheco, Manuel C., senator............ ics Paris, Edwin H., merchant................ me Peck, L. Tenney, banker.................. 206 Pemberton, Cyril E., entomologist .... Perkins, Roscoe W., photographer Perry, Antonio, lawyer..:...-........-.- Pessoa, A. L. da C., consul of Portugal! 2.5.45...) Peters, Emil C., lawyer...............- Sige Peterson, David L., brokev............ 208 Petrie, Thomas H., businessman..... Poindexter, Joseph B., HES Pond, Percy M., real estate.......... 218 Poor, Frenk C., Gov. official........ 208 Potter, George C., banker................ Sone Pratt, James W., realty dealer.......:.. Prosser, Mason F., lawyev.............- Quarles, Ralph P., jurist................ Bee Quinn, Edward W., plumbet............ 216 Rath, James A., settlement worker 216 Rawlins, William T., lawyer.......... Restarick, Henry B., bishop............ eee Rice, Arthur H., broker..:................. 242 Richards, Theodore, treas. Hawai- fan “Board, bak eas eee 226 Ripley, Clinton B., ae sugar factor........ 198 169 217 219 221 225 225 Photo Sketch Rivenburgh, Bertram G., land com- MmISsiOneriy per ee ee 8 eee Robertson, Alex. G. M., jurist Robertson, J. W., businessman........ Robinson, James L. P., business agt Robinson, William J., lawyer............ Rodiek es GOT’). Wises Ao on Rogers, Wm. G., physician.............. Rose, Charles H., sheriff .................. Ross, E. A. R., businessman.......... Santos, Manuel G., Sayers, St. C. B., manufacturev.... Schaefer, Frederick A., merchant.... Schaefer, Gustav E., merchant........ Schnack, Ferdinand J. H., lawyer Schnack, John H., real estate_....... Schwallie, Wm. hos physician.......... Schwartz, Joseph, wholesale jeweler Scott, Marion Me, educatonin2-..22: Sedgwick, Thomas F., chemist........ Seto, Anthony Y., lawyer Te ee Seymour, Walter I., optometrist.... Shingle, Robert W., financier............ Silva, Manuel E., ‘undertaker jaya Sinclair, A. N., physician ey Klee Smith, Arthur G., lawyer...:.......... RSTORCUE ee as Qh tenes ene eee cals Sree ae Smith, Geo. W., merchant.............. Sinith,. Wm... O. lawyer:....-.-<.-:....2 Smoot, Perry M., merchant............ Soper, John F., merchant................ Soper ohn H.. merchant.... 2.2... Spalding, Edward I., banker............ Spalding, Walter T., civil engineer Spicer, Harry E., merchant.............. Stainback, Ingram M., Atty. Gen Stanley «Wm. «Li, olawyer2..... Steere, Frederick E., real estate...-.. Steiner, James, real estate............ Strauch, Paul E. R., financial agt Sutton, Edwin W., lawyev................ Swezey, Otto H., entomologist........ Taylor, Albert P., newspaperman Taylor, James T., cons. civil engr. Tenney, Edward D., merchant........ Thayer, Wade Warren, lawyev........ Thomas, Will P., manufacturer...... Thompson, Frank E., lawyer............ Thrum, David F., merchant............ Thrum, Thomas G., researchev........ Thurston, Charles H., fire engineer Trent, Richard H., financier............ Van Gieson, Henry, deputy coun- Liye OIG | Ae aren ee eed ie eer GEOGRAPHICAL INDEX 218 224 230 228 232 240 242 242 246 242 246 225 225 225 227 229 229 229 231 231 235 235 235 235 237 237 237 237 239 239 341 241 241 243 243 245 245 245 247 247 247 247 249 249 249 251 251 251 253 253 255 255 257 257 258 258 258 259 259 259 261 261 V Photo Sketch Van Valkenburg, Albert W., rail- TOAdenOrnGialige- ee ee ee Vaughan, Horace W., jurist............ 262 Vetlesen, L. M., businessman.......... 262 Von Damm, Bertram, insurance.... Von Hamm, C. C., merchant.............: Von Holt, H. M., businessman.......... Wadman, John W., Waiamau, John K.. Wialden, Lionel, “artiste--2..........- Waldron, Fred L., comn. merchant.. 266 Waldron, John W., businessman...... 268 Walker, Herbert S., coll. professor.. Walker, Robert C., banker.............. Walker, Samuel A., broker................ Wall, Arthur F., merchant................ an Wall, William A., civil engineer...... 268 Waller, Gilbert J., merchant............ ce Walters, St. D. G., physician............ Warren eLOUls) J.) La WY Ciee reeseteeene Watanabe, Junzo, lawyer.................. Waterhouse, Albert, businessman... .... Waterhouse, John, businessman...... 270 Waterhouse, William ........................ 262 Watson, Edward M., lawyet.............. cist Wayson, James T., physician............ 268 Weaver, Philip Ls lawyer... Gms Webster, Ernest C., educator.......... Wescott, Hid Ne ae E., pur. agent...... 268 Westervelt, W. D., retired Be EE ot =. 274 Westgate, John ae agriculturist.... 276 White, Edwin O., merchant eee 282 Whitney, John M., dentist-............... 282 Whitney, Wm. L., "lawyer Pap ae BRS Wichman, Henry F., merchant...... Wilder, Charles ‘T., tax assessor...... Beet Wilder, Gerrit P., horticulturist...... 284 Wilders James” A... artist... = at Wilder, Samuel G., financier............ 286 Williams, Robert D., college prof..... ae Williamson, William, broker............ Withington, Davil L., ai, Won? Harold Hs lawyer... =- 276 Wood, Edgar, educator...................... 282 Wright, George F., surveyor.............. os Young, Archibald A., merchant...... 288 Young, James L., civil engineet...... 282 Young, William E., brokev................ a Waialua Goodale, W. W., plantation mgr.... Waimanalo Chalmers, George., plantation mgr... 263 263 263 264 265 265 265 267 267 267 269 269 269 269 269 271 271 273 273 273 273 273 275 275 275 277 277 279 279 279 281 281 283 283 285 285 285 287 287 287 289 289 289 290 290 290 290 121 64 -URBANA UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Mt 112 118946968 | | | | | | | 30 lh