"REVISED ORDINANCES te Gil Y OF PAXTON * ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY cAUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 2, 1906 ing this material is re- brary from before the The person charg sponsible for ‘ts return to the li which it was withdrawn on OT Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. ARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBR L161— O-1096 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Re Pe oc a a oc a oc oe ac a co ic ic ee ee a ac ac ac oc Pc ac ac ac a a a a ic Pc a at AR oc a Pc afc oc oP ofc oc of a REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PAXTON ILLINOIS PUBLISHED BY cAUTHORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL APRIL 2, 1906 Revised and Arranged by H. E. DUFFIELD, M™. L. McQUISTON and ®. L. SCHNEIDER EASTERN ILLINOIS REGISTER Legal and Commercial Printing Paxton, Illinois pt a a a oo a ic i Ac Sc ic a i ic i i ac a a a oa i on i Pc ic ic ic a a i a a a Pe a ac le A i a ac a a a a a a Pe a a oP fe al oP ie oe oc oc fc oh oP oe oP am ag Gee eee ee ee 2 ee 2 Se eS eS! 2 ee 2 ee ee 8 ee ee ee 8 8 8 8 Se ee ee 8 8 eS ee eS ee 8 ee ee ee ee 8 ee ee ee ee vad a a a a Be AULA Wt Lae eee GIUALETE CO Orca Ay TS = at, L7 a mF & Ae y \ AY ' ’ , t i . . . 1 7] ’ ’ c i $ A _ ' Me + Seo ‘a ‘ 1 wa Fe 4 -% tf, u . f ; ab, ’ — { , * a : = ¢ 4 ee ea ae , h ‘ : ‘o ia a ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ; * ‘ . 7 , > vi ra! ; ‘ t v ' Peu a ; - ‘ > ' € A } a , ? hy ad i ’ “ a8. Sts
WuHereas, It is expedient that the general ordinances of the
said City of Paxton should be consolidated, revised and arranged
in appropriate chapters and sections, and that an index to the
whole should be made; therefore,
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Paxton in Man-
ner Following—That ts to Say:
by ae CHAPTER I. te
Be Section.
Q 1. How laid out.
\O 2. Penalty.
> be 3. When lands may be platted in different manner.
% 4. Plat to be approved by City Council.
SEC. 1. How Laid Out. Any additions which may be made to the
city or any lands adjoining to or within the same which may be laid out)
= into lots oz blocks shall be so laid out, surveyed and platted that the blocks
_ or other subdivisions shall conform to the regular blocks of the original town
\ or with the regular blocks of the additions composing the original town or
adjoining such lands or additions proposed to be laid out, and the streets and
alleys shail correspond and conform to the previously established streets
and alleys with which they connect and shall continue the same. The plat
thereof shall be submitted to the city council for approval or rejection.
SEC. 2. Penalty. Any surveyor or other person who shall survey or
plat any addition to the city or any lands adjoining or within the same into
blocks or other subdivisions with the streets, alleys or blocks laid out con-
trary to the preceding section, or any owner of any such lands or additions,
or agent of such owner causing the same to be done shall be subject to a
penalty of not less than one hundred dollars, and such owner or his agent
shall be subject to an additional penalty of not less than fifty dollars for
each lot sold by him.
SEC, 3. When Lands May Be Platted in Different Manner. When any
person may wish to lay out or plat any additions or lands adjoining or within.
the city in any other manner than is here prescribed he shall apply to the
city council designating the manner in which he proposes to lay out and plat
such additions or lands, and upon the approval thereof by the City Council
such lands or additions may be laid out and platted and shall not be deemed
a violation thereof.
SEC. 4. Plat to Be Approved by the City Council. If the city coun-
cil shall approve any map or plat of any addition or subdivision submitted to
it as herein provided, a certificate of such approval must be endorsed upon
said map or plat, signed by the mayor and attested by the City Clerk with
Section. j
1. Animals shall not run at large.
Impounding. M
3. Manner of trial and procedure.
4. Proceedings against unknown owners,
5. Trial, Execution, Ete.
6. Fees. ‘
7. Geese or ducks.
8. Horses to be securely haltered.
9. All animals must be securely fastened.
10. Dogs must be muzzled.
11. Who shall be considered keeper or owner of dogs.
12.) "Dorwlax. ,
13. City Marshal to collect taxes and keep register.
14. Dogs shall be killed.
15. Dangerous dogs.
SEC. 1. Animals Shall Not Run At Large. No animal of the species
of cattle, horse, mule, sheep, Swine, goat, goose or duck shall be allowed to
run at large or shall be herded or staked upon any street or alley or upon
any unenclosed lot or place without the consent of the person having control
of such lot or place, nor shall any of such animals be left standing without
being securely fastened or guarded, or allowed to stand or be driven upon
any sidewalk except when driven on any public or private crossing within the
corporate limits of the city of Paxton, and no person driving or leading any
of said animals along any street or alley in said city shall allow any of said
‘animals to go upon any yard lawn, enclosed lot or upon that part of the street
Which may be parked out.
Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined
not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offense,
SEC. 2. Impounding. The City Marshal shall and any other person
may take up and impound all such animals found running at large in the City
of Paxton, and the City Marshal shall receive any such animal taken up by
any other person and impound the same in the City Pound, and in case such
animal running at large is impounded by any person other than the city
marshal, such person shall immediately notify the city marshal of such im-
pounding, and the city marshal shall provide suitable sustenance for each ani-
mal impounded under the provisions of this ordinance.
SEC. 3. Manner of Trial and Proceedings. When any impounded ani-
mal is not redeemed within twenty-four hours after the same is impounded,
the City Marshal shall forthwith make complaint before a police magistrate or
some justice of the peace against the owner or possessor of such animal, if
known and thereupon a summons shall be issued as in other cases for the
violation of ordinances of said city, and upon return of such summons or the
defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the magistrate to inquire
whether the defendant has been guilty of permitting such animal to be at
large, contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, and if the defendant be
found guilty judgment shall be rendered against him for the penalty, the im-
pounding fee and cost of sustenance herein prescribed and the cost of suit,
and an order shall be entered that the animal shall be sold to satisfy said judg-
ment in case the same shall not be paid forthwith.
SEC. 4. Proceedings Against Unknown Owners. In every case in which
the owner or owners of every such animal or animals is unknown to, and
cannot upon diligent inquiry be ascertained by the officer so confining the
same, it shall be the duty of such officer to make and file with the police
magistrate of said city or any justice of the peace of said county an affidavit
as aforesaid, further setting forth that the owner or owners of such animal
or animals cannot be ascertained, and thereupon such magistrate or justice
of the peace shall issue a Summons in the usual form against such unknown
owner or owners under the style of “unknown owner or owners of the fol-
lowing described animal (as the case may be), to-wit: (Describing the same),
“which summons shall be returnable the same as other summons in Civil cases
and said justice or magistrate shall thereupon issue and cause to be posted
in three public places in said city, a nctice setving forth the filing of said
affidavits the issuing of said summons, ard the time of the return of same;
and that unless the defendant or defendants in such summons then appear
and defend such suit, judgment will be rendered against him or them and
the property so taken up will be sold to satisfy the same, which notices shall
be posted up at least five days prior to the return day of such summons.
SEC. 5. Trial, Execution, Etc. The justice or police magistrate issuing
such notice shall enter the case upon his docket as follows: “City of Paxton
vs. the Unknown Owners of (here describe animals), and upon the day set
for trial and the return of the notice executed as above set forth, like pro-
ceedings shall be had as in the case of personal service or appearance, pro-
vided that where the owner or owners are unknown and served by notice only
no general execution shall issue upon said judgment against defendant, but
the execution shall be special and against the animal or animals impounded.
SEC. 6. Fees, There shall be allowed the city marshal of said city the
following fees for services under the provisions of this ordinance. For tak-
ing up animals and putting them in the pound as follows: For each hog
twenty-five cents, for each goat, goose or sheep, ten cents. For all other ani-
mals, fifty cents.
For providing feed and sustenance for impounded animals the following
fees shall be allowed for each day or part of day. For each hog, sheep or
goat twenty-five ents. For each goose or duck ten cents. For all other ani-
mals fifty cents.
For the serving of summons or the giving of notice such fees shall be
allowed the marshal as are provided by law for the service of Summons or
giving of notice by constables.
For selling any impounded animal under order of sale rendered by any
police magistrate or justice of the peace, the following fees shall be allowed:
For selling hogs sheep and goats twenty-five cents. For selling geese
and ducks ten cents each. For selling all other animals fifty cents each.
The police magistrate or justice of the peace shall be allowed in all
cases under this ordinance the same fees for docketing suits, issuing process
of all kinds and for other services rendered, such fees as are now provided by
Statute in civil cases for like services, to be taxed and collected as now pro-
vided by ordinance or statute.
SEC. 7. Geese or Ducks. All sections of this ordinance wherein geese
or ducks are not specifically mentioned, shall be construed to apply to the
taking up and impounding of geese and ducks as well as other animals.
SEC. 8. Horses to be Securely Haltered. It shall be unlawful for any
person to drive mules or horses through the streets or alleys of the city of
Paxton, unless they are securely haltered, and controlled and led or driven by
some person having charge thereof.
Any person violating this section shall be fined not less than three dol-
lars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. |
SEC. 9. All animals must be Securely Fastened. No animal shall be
left standing upon any street or alley in said city unless securely fastened. No
animal shall be so fastened that the rope or other fastening may extend across
or interfere with the travel upon any street or sidewalk. No animal shall be
hitched to any tree or fence in said city without the permission of the owner
SEC, 10. Dogs Must Be Muzzeled. No animal of the dog species shall
run at large within the limits of the city of Paxton between the first day of
June and the first day of October of each year unless securely muzzeled with
wire muzzles.
The owner or keeper of such dog violating the provisions of this sec-
tion shall be fined not less than two dollars nor more than ten ‘dollars for
each offense.
SEC. 11. Who Shall Be Considered Keeper or Owner of Dog. Any dog
that is allowed to stop at or be around any residence or any place of business
shall be considered as being kept by the person having control of such place
of business.
SEC. 12. Dog Tax Two Dollars Per Annum. Every person owning
possessing, keeping or harboring any dog within the limits of the city of Pax-
ton shall within fifteen days after the first day of June in each year, or within
fifteen days after having first come into possession or control of any dog within
said city, upon which a city tax has not been paid, shall pay to the city marshal
a tax or fee of two dollars for each dog so owned, possessed, kept or harbored
by him, and shall cause such dog to be registered in the office of the city mar-
shal for taxation.
Any person who shall violate the provisions of this section shall be fined
not less than three dollars nor more than ten dollars for each offense.
SEC. 13. City Marshal To Collect Taxes and Keep Register. It shall
be the duty of the city marshal to collect all dog taxes or fees and to issue re-
ceipts therefor and he shall also keep a correct record of all such taxes col-
lected and shall register each dog upon which tax shall be paid, in a register
provided for that purpose, giving a brief description of the dog, the name of
the owner and date upon which tax was paid.
SEC. 14. Dogs Shall be Killed. The city marshal is hereby authorized
and empowered and it is hereby made his duty to shoot, kill and destroy all
such dogs that may be found running at large in said city in violation of the
provisions of this ordinance, and all dogs upon which the tax or license fee
has not been paid, provided, that the mayor may appoint some person to as-
sist or act in said marshal’s place in enforcing the provisions of this ordi-
SEC. 15. Dangercus Dogs. Any owner or keeper of a vicious or dan-
gerous dog or bitch, who shall permit the same to run at large, to the danger,
annoyance or damage of any person within the City of Paxton, shall be
deemed guilty of a nuisance, and shall be subject to a penalty of not less than
three dollars, and not exceeding one hundred dollars; and upon such con-
viction the City Marshal or any policeman shall destroy, or cause such dog
or bitch to be destroyed. ;
SEC.:1. The boundaries of the corporate limits of the City of Paxton
shall be as follows, viz:
“All the territory included within the following limits, to-wit: Com-
mencing at the Northwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of the Northeast
Quarter of Section Seven (7), Town Twenty-three (23), Range Ten (10)
East of the Third Principal Meridian; thence East to the Northeast corner
of the Southwest Quarter (SW) of the Northeast Quarter (NEY) of Sec-
tion Hight (8), Town Twenty-three (23), Range Ten (10) Hast of the Third
Principal Meridian; thence South to the Southeast corner of the Northwest
Quarter (NW%) of the Southeast Quarter (SE) of Section Seventeen (17),
Town Twenty-three (23), Range Ten (10), thence West to the Southwest
corner of the Northwest Quarter (NW%) of the Southeast Quarter (SH)
of Section Highteen(18), Town Twenty-three (23), Range Ten (10) Hast of
the Third Principal Meridian; thence north to the place of beginning.”—Ses-
sion Laws of 1869, Vol. 4, p. 350.
Section. SNS tee
1. Membership. of pie
2. Orders executed by marshal or police.—Duties. ' é
3. Temporary hospitals.
4. May provide medical attendance.
5. Physician to report contagious diseases.
6. Quarantine.
7. Penalty for refusal to comply with orders.
8. Unlawful for person having contagious diseases to be upon the
9. Selling diseased meat.
10. Adulterated milk and provisions, penalty.
11. Sale of poisons by druggists—penalty.
12. Animals shall be drawn when slaughtered.
SEC. 1. Membership, At the first regular meeting of the City Council
in each fiscal year, or as soon thereafter as the same can be done, the Mayor,
by and with the advice and approval of the City Council, shall appoint a repu-
table physician of the City of Paxton as a member of the Board of Health of
said. city, and said physician so appointed, together with the Mayor and the
Health Committee shall constitute the Board of Health of said City of Paxton,
and the Mayor shall be chairman thereof; or in the absence or inability of the
Mayor to act as Chairman, then the chairman of the Health Committee shall
be chairman of the Board of Health.
SEC. 2.. Orders Executed by Marshal or Police—Duties. The orders
of said Board of Health shall be signed by the Mayor or presiding member
who shall cause the same to be executed by the Marshal or any police officer of
said City. Said Board shall exercise a general supervision over the health
of the City and shall make diligent inquiry into all matters affecting the same.
They shall cause all nuisances to be abated or removed which they deem pre-
judicial or obnoxious to the public health or comfort, and may make such san-
itary regulations as they may deem necessary or expedient to prevent the in-
troduction or spreading of any contagious, malignant, infectious or pestilen-
tial disease.
SEC. 3. Temporary Hospitals, They shall submit to the City Council
a system of quarantine whenever in the Board of Health’s opinion it is neces-
sary. The Board of Health may, when the sanitary condition or the perserva-
tion of the public health of said City shall render it necessary, establish such
temporary hospitals and provide such necessaries therefor, as the public exi-
gency may require.
Said Board shall be authorized to employ nurses and assistants for such
hospital or hospitals as may be deemed necessary, and shall see that all per-
sons so employed by them faithfully perform their several duties.
SEC. 4. May Provide Medical Attendance, Etc. The Board of Health
may cause any person within the city having any contagious, infectious, or
pestilential disease, to be removed to some safe and proper place, either with-
in or without the corporate limits of said City, where danger from contagion
will be avoided, and shall provide suitable medical and other attendance for
such person at his own expense, if he is able to pay for same, and if not, at
the expense of the City; but if by law it falls upon the County of Ford or any
municipality to provide for the nursing and medical aid of such person, and
said County or municipality fails or neglects so to do, the Board of Health
may supply the same at the expense of the City, and if necessary, suit to re-
cover such outlay shall be brought in the name of the City against said County
or municipality.
If any such person, being a resident of the City, shall refuse to be re-
moved as above required, or if his condition be such in the opinion of his at-
tending physician, that removal would be attended with danger to his life,
then such measures shall be taken by the Board as may be deemed most ad-
visable to prevent the spreading of the disease or pestilence.
SEC. 5. Physicians to Report Contagious Diseases. Every physician
of the City of Paxton who shall have any patient or patients therein sick with
any contagious, infectious or pestilential disease, shall forthwith make report.
thereof in writing to the Mayor or Board of Health, stating the name and loca-
tion of such patient, together with the name and character of the disease.
Every physician who shall fail or refuse to comply with the provisions
of this section, shall be liable to a fine of not less than Three ($3.00) Dollars
nor more than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars.
SEC. 6. Quarantine. It shall be the duty of the Board of Health upon
receiving such notices, to take such measures as are authorized by law to
protect the health of the inhabitants of said City, and for that purpose they
may order any house, building or other premises to be cleaned and disinfected,
closed or quarantined, or may prohibit any person from leaving the prem-
ises or visiting the same, and may make any and all regulations as it shall
deem meet and proper for the purpose of preventing the contagion or infec-
tion of any disease.
SEC. 7. Penalty for Refusal to Comply with Orders of the Board. Any
person who shall hinder or resist the Board of Health, or any member thereof,
or any sanitary policeman in the discharge of their duties, or who shall wil-
fully neglect or refuse to comply with the orders or regulations of said Board
of Health duly made in the discharge of its duties, shall be subject to a pen-
alty of not less than Three (3.00) Dollars nor more than Two Hundred ($200)
SEC. 8 Unlawful for Persons Having Contagious Diseases to be Upon
the Streets, Etc. It shall be unlawful for any person having any contagious,
infectious or pestilential disease to go about or upon any street or to be in
any public place in the said City of Paxton while in a condition to communi-
cate such disease to another, and it shall be unlawful for any person to bring
into said City of Paxton any person having such contagious, infectious or pes-
tilential disease or to bring into said City any clothing, bedding or other ar-
ticle or thing infected with such disease and any person who shall violate any
provision of this section shall be fined not less than Three ($3.00) Dollars
nor more than Tyenty-five ($25.00) Dollars.
SEC. 9. Selling Diseased Flesh, Fish or Fowl—Penalty. Any person
who shall sell, expose or offer for sale, within the city, any sick or diseas-
ed animal, poultry or fish; or the flesh of any diseased animal, fowl or fish;
‘or any tainted or spoiled meat, or unsound or unwholesome provisions what-
ever, to be used or eaten for human food, shall, upon conviction, be fined not
less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars in each case; and the
city marshal or any police or health officer, may seize, take and destroy any
such meat, food or drink, so exposed or offered for sale.
SEC. 10. Adulterated Milk—Bread and Provisions—Penalty. Any per-
son who shall, within the city, sell, expose or offer for sale, any milk adulter-
ated with water, chalk or other substance, or milk from diseased cows; or
any adulterated and unwholesome bread, butter, lard, cheese, or other provis-
_lons, or any decayed and unwholesome vegetables, for human food, shall, upon
conviction, be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dol-
lars for each and every such offense. It shall be the duty of all police officers,
and of the health officer, to strictly enforce the provisions of this and the pre-
ceding section; and for that purpose they shall have power and authority to
enter all places where any of said mentioned articles of food or drink may be
sold or offered for sale, and to take samples thereof, and cause the same to be
analyzed or otherwise satisfactorily tested. .
SEC. 11. Sale of Poisons by Druggists—Penalty. Any druggist, phar-
maceutist or other person who shall, in said city, by himself, clerk or servant,
sell or deliver any arsenic, strychnine, corrosive sublimate, prussic acid, or
other substance or liquid commonly recognized as a deadly poison, without
having the name of the drug, and the word “poison” plainly printed or written
upon a label attached to the bottle, box or package containing the same;or who
shall deliver any of said poisons to any person under the age of fifteen years,
or to any person without satisfying himself that such poison is to be used for
a legitimate purpose, shall, in each and every case, be subject to a penalty
of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars; PROVIDED,
that nothing in this section contained shall apply to the sale or delivery of
any of said poisons as a medicine, upon the prescription of any reputable phy-
SEC. 12. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation,
within the limits of the city of Paxton to sell, offer or expose for sale, any
animal, used for food purposes, refrigerated or otherwise, which has not
been properly drawn and prepared by removing the viscera (bowels-entrails)
at the time of slaughter. |
Any person, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of
this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convicticn
thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.
1. Meetings of council.
2. Standing committees.
3. Duty of committees.
4. Of finance.
5. Of streets and alleys.
6. Of sewerage and drainage.
7. Of health.
8. Of fire, water and electric lights.
9. Of ordinance and printing.
10, Of City Property.
11. Of License.
12. Contracts not authorized by Council forbidden.
13. Order of Business.
SEC. 1. Meetings of Council. A regular meeting of the city councn
shall be held on the first Monday evening of each month during the year.
Special meetings may be called by the mayor, or by any three members of
the council, whenever in his or their discretion, it may be deemed necessary ;,
in which event it shall be the duty of the city marshal to cause each member
of the council to be personally served with a notice of such special meeting,
or by leaving a copy thereof at his usual place of business or residence. Said
notice shall state the object of such meeting, and no business shall be trans-
acted at any special meeting except such as is stated in said notice.
SEC. 2. Standing Committees. It shall be the duty of the mayor, at the
beginning of each year for which members of the city council are elected,
to appoint the following named standing committees, the first named member
of each committee to be the chairman thereof, and each committee to consist
of not less than three members, viz:
First—Committee on Finance.
Second—Committee on Streets and Alleys.
Third—Committee on Sewerage and Drainage. i i
Fourth—Committee on Health. .
Fifth—Committee on Fire, Water and Electric Lights. feat
Sixth—Committee on Ordinance and Printing.
Seventh—Committee on City Property.
EHighth—Committee on License. —
Ninth—Committee on Parks.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the standing committees to keep a close
watch over'the affairs of their respective departments, and to promptly in-
vestigate and report in writing upon all matters referred to them by the
council; and perform such other duties as may be from time to time assigned
SEC. 4. The committee on finance shall have charge of all matters
pertaining to the financial condition of the city, audit and examine the treas-
urer’s report; receive estimates from the other committees for annual appro-
priations, and prepare and present the annual appropriation ordinance, and
shall report to the council, at each regular meeting thereof, the amount of
expenditures made in each regular meeting thereof, the amount of expendi-
tures made in each department of appropriations, and the balance unexpended,
SEC. 5. The Committee on streets and alleys shall have charge of and
direct all improvements on the public thoroughfares, the opening, laying out,
widening, extending anc vacating the same, and of keeping the same ina
proper and safe condition. ;
SEC. 6. Sewerage and Drainage. The committee on sewerage and
drainage shall have charge of all matters pertaining to sewers and drains.
SEC. 7. Health. The health committee shall have charge and super-
vision of all matters pertaining to the health and sanitary conditions of the
city and shall be members of the board of health.
SEC. 8. Fire, Water and Electric Light. The committee on fire, water
and electric lights shall have general supervision over the fire department,
water supply of the city, and all improvements and machinery belonging
thereto and of the lighting of all streets and public places of the city.
SEC. 9. Ordinance and Printing. The committee on ordinance and
printing shall have charge of all matters pertaining to the printing and pub-
lication of ordinances, reports, ete., and the furnishing of stationery and
blanks to the different officers and departments of the city, and the making
of contracts pertaining to the same.
SEC, 10. City Property Committee. The City Property committee
shall have charge of all buildings and grounds, belonging to or occupied by
the city, and the preservation, repair and improvement of the same.
SEC. 11. License. The committee on license shall investigate all
applications for license for dram shops, billiard and pool halls and bowling
alleys together with the bonds therefor, and shall examine the sufficiency
of such bonds and the sureties thereon, and particularly in regard to the
qualifications of applicants, as prescribed by the ordinance, and the fitness
and propriety of the place where the business is to be carried on.
SEC. 12. Contracts not Authorized by the City Council Forbidden. No
committee of the city council, nor any member of said council, or other
officer of said city, shall expend or contract for the expenditure of any money
belonging to the said city, or incur any liability on the part of the city for the
improvement of any street, sidewalk, alley, building or other property belonging
to or under the control of said city, unless authorized so to do by ordinance
or resolution of the city council.
SEC. 13. Order of Business. The order of business at all regular
meetings:-of the city council shall be as follows: /
1. Reading of minutes of preceding regular and special meetings.
Report of standing committees.
Report of special committees.
Report of officers.
Presentation of claims and accounts.
Ordinances, petitions and communications to the council.
Unfinished business. |
. Miscellaneous business.
Where no special rules of order have been adopted by the city council
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all its proceedings.
a eS
1. Elective Officers.
2. Appointive Officers.
3. Mayor’s Bond.
4, Shall sign commissions.
5. Preside at meetings of council.
6. Supervise conduct of officers.
7. Grant Licenses.
8. Sign contracts.
9. Appoint appointive officers.
10. Call citizens to enforce law.
11. Supervision of police.
12. Other Duties.
SEC. 1. Elective Officers. The elective officers of the said City of Pax-
ton shall be: A mayor, Hight Aldermen, a City Clerk, a City Attorney, a City
Treasurer and a Police Magistrate.
SEC. 2. Appointive Officers. There is hereby created the offices of
a City Marshal, a Night Policeman, a Superintendent of Streets, a Health
Officer, a Public Engineer, and a City Collector. Said officers are to be appoint-
ed by the Mayor with the approval of the City Council, and each officer shall
hold his office for the term of one year unless removed and until his successor
shall ke appointed and qualified.
SEC. 3. The Mayor of the City of Paxton, shall, before entering upon the
duties of his office, execute a bond to the said City of Paxton in the penal sum
of Three Thousand Dollars-with such surities as the City Council shall approve,
conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the office and ac-
cording to the Statute in such case made and provided.
SEC. 4. Shall sign commission. The mayor shall sign all commis-
sions, licenses and permits granted by authority of the City Council, except
as otherwise provided, and such other acts and deeds as by law or ordinance
may require his official signature.
SEC. 5. Preside at Meetings of Council. The Mayor shall preside at
all meetings of the City Council, preserve order and direct the general course
of business.
SEC. 6. Supervise Conduct of Officers, Etc. The Mayor shall supervise
the conduct of all officers of the corporation, inquire into all reasonable com-
plaints made against them or any of them, and cause all their neglects or
violations of official duty to be promptly corrected or reported to the proper
tribunal for trial and punishment. He shall have power, whenever he may
deem it necessary, to require of any of the officers of said City, to exhibit all
their official books and papers in any wise pertaining to the affairs of their
said office and to the City.
SEC. 7. Grant Licenses. The Mayor shall grant licenses for the pur-
poses authorized by this ordinance to all persons duly qualified according to
ordinance, as he may deem proper, unless the City Council shall otherwise des-
ignate and provide, and he may revoke the same for cause.
SEC. 8. Sign Contracts. The Mayor shall sign all contracts author-
ized to be entered into by the City. Council, and shall see that the same
are faithfully performed. |
SEC. 9. Appoint Appointive Officers—Fill Vacancies. The Mayor shall
appoint, by and with the advise and consent of the City Council, all officers
of said City whose appointment is not otherwise provided for by law; and
whenever a vacancy shall occur in any office, which by law or ordinance he is
empowered and required to fill, he shall, within thirty days after the happen-
ing of such vacancy, communicate to the City Council the name of his appoin-
tee to such office for their approval.
SEC. 10. Call Citizens to Enforce law. The Mayor is authorized to call
upon any male inhabitant of said City, above the age of eighteen years, to
aid in enforcing the laws of this state or the ordinances of said City.
SEC. 11. Supervision of Police. The Mayor shall exercise general su-
pervision over all Police officers and shall remove any police officer who shall
fail to properly perform his duties, reporting the fact of such removal, and his
reasons therefor, to the City Council at its next regular meeting thereafter.
SEC. 12. Other Duties. In addition to the above and foregoing, and to
the duties imposed upon him by the Statutes of the state of Illinois, the Mayor
shall perform all such other duties, pertaining to his office as are or may be
required of him by the ordinances of said City.
1. Bond.
2. Office hours.
3. Attend meetings—Keep Journal, Issue notices.
4. Deliver papers etc. to committees.
5. Prepare licenses, commissions, etc.
6. Record Ordinances.
7. Preserve books, papers, etc.
8. Collect money due city.
9. Report to council each meeting.
10. May appoint deputies.
11. Keep record of bonds.
12. Other duties.
SEC. 1. City Clerk—Bond. The City Clerk, before he enters upon the
duties of his offices, shall execute a bond, payable to the City of Paxton in
Ford County, Illinois, in the penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars, conditioned
that he shall faithfully perform the duties of his office, pay over all moneys
received by him in his official capacity, and, at the expiration of his term of
office turn over to his successor all books, papers and other property belong-
ing to said city.
SEC. 2. Office Hours. The Office of the City Clerk shall be at the
City Hall, and he shall keep his said office open for at least two hours each
day for three preceeding (Sundays excepted) and two days succeeding each
regular City Council meeting.
SEC. 3. Attend Meetings, Keep Journal, Issue Notices Etc. The City
Clerk shall attend all meetings of the City Council and shall keep in a suitable
book to be styled the “Record of the City Council,” a full, complete and faith-
ful record of its proceedings. He shall issue and cause to be served upon the
aldermen, notices of all special meetings of the City Council.
SEC. 4. Deliver Papers, Etc., to Committees, and Other Papers to Prop-
er Officers. Said Clerk shall, without delay upon the adjournment of the City
Council, deliver to the several committees of that body, and to the officers
of the corporation, all petitions, communications, reports, resolutions, orders,
claims and other papers referred to such committees or officers by the City
Council. He shall also, without delay, deliver to the Mayor all ordinances
or resolutions, in his charge, which may require to be approved or otherwise
acted upon by the Mayor.
SEC. 5. Shall prepare licenses, commissions, etc.—attest same with
seal. Said clerk shall prepare all commissions, licenses, permits and other
official documents required to be issued by him, under the laws of the State
of Illinois and the ordinances of the City and shall attest the same with the
corporate seal; and he shall in like manner, attest all deeds for the sale of
real estate owned and conveyed by the City. He shall keep a record, in a
suitable book, of each license or permit granted, showing the date and expir-
ation, to whom and for what purpose the same is granted, the fee paid for the
same and location of the place of business for which such license or permit
is issued. ,
SEC. 6. Record Ordinances. He shall record, in a book to be kept for
that purpose, all ordinances passed by the City Council, and at the foot of
the record of each ordinance so recorded shall make a memorandum of the
date of the passage of such ordinance and also of the publication of such
ordinance if it has been published.
He shall also keep a complete index in such record book of all ordi-
nances recorded by him, and when any such ordinance is repealed he shall
note such fact, in red ink, on the margin of the record page opposite each
section so repealed, together with the record page of the repealing ordinance.
SEC. 7. Preserve books, papers, etc. To carefully preserve in the
vault in the City Building all books, records and papers belonging to the City -
and all bills upon which money has been or may be paid by the City.
SEC. 8 Collect 'money due City. To collect all moneys due the
City for licenses, permits and water rates.
SEC. 9. Report to Council each Meeting. To make a report to the
City Council at their first regular meeting in each month, of all business
done by him in his official capacity during the preceeding month.
SEC. 10. May Appoint Deputies. He may, when necessary, and upon
being authorized by the City Council, appoint a deputy, who, during the
temporary absence or disability of the Clerk, shall be empowered to yerform
all duties of the City Clerk. Provided, however, the City Clerk shall be liable.
and responsible for the acts of such appointee.
SEC. 11. Records of bonds issued by City. Said clare shall keep in
his office, in a book or books kept expressly for that purpose, a.correct list of
all the outstanding bonds of the City, showing the number and amount of
each, for and to whom the said bonds of the City are issued; and when
any City Bonds are purchased or paid, or cancelled, said book or books
shall show the fact and in his annual report he shall describe, particularly,
the bonds sold during the year, and the terms of sale, with each and every
item of expense thereof.
SEC. 12. Other duties. In addition to the foregoing duties, the City
Clerk shall perform all such other or further duties, pertaining to his office,
and the ordinances of the City of Paxton.
Moneys and accounts. How kept.
Paying out money.
Report to City Council.
Special funds.
Warrants lost or destroyed.
City money kept separate from private.
Report delinquent officers to Clerk.
Books of accounts. How kept.
Annual Report.
Other duties.
SEC. 1 Bond of. The City Treasurer shall, before entering upon the
duties of his office, execute a bond to the City of Paxton, Ford County,
Illinois, in a penal sum not less than the amount of the estimated City
tax and the special assessments for the current year, with at least two
good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the City Council, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties of the office, and the payment
of all moneys received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said city.
SEC. 2. Moneys and accounts. How kept. Said Treasurer shall receive all
moneys belonging to the corporation, and shall keep a separate account of
each fund of the corporation, and the debits and credits belonging thereto. He
shall give to every person paying money into the City Treasury a receipt
therefor, specifying the date of payment, and upon what account paid; and he
shall file copies of such receipts with the City Clerk at the date of his
monthly reports.
SEC. 3 Paying Out Money. Said treasurer shall pay all money ex-
pended by said City only on the presentation of orders properly executed.
SEC. 4. Report to the City Council. .Said Treasurer shall make a re-
port to the City Council, at their regular meeting in every month, showing all
business done by him in his official capacity, and file the same in the office
of the City Clerk on the first day of each month, said report to include a
statement showing; the amount on hand at the beginning of the month
for which said report is made, and the amount of each of the respective
funds; the amount received during said month, from what source, from whom
received, the date of receipt and in which fund placed; the amount paid out,
to whose order, date of payment and from which fund paid; the amount
of each of the respective funds, and the total amount on hand at the expira-
tion of each month.
SEC. 5. Special Funds. He shall keep as a special fund all moneys
received by him on any special assessment or on any special tax to be ap-
plied to the payment of the improvement for which the assessment or special
tax was levied, and such money shall be used for no other purpose what-
ever, unless to reimburse the City for money expended for such improvement.
SEC 6. Warrants lost or Destroyed. When any City Warrants shall
be lost or destroyed, so that it cannot be presented to the treasurer for
payment by the person entitled thereto, such person shall apply by petition
to the City Council for relief, and the Council may order the Clerk to issue
a duplicate warrant to the person so entitled to payment upon his filing an
affidavit to the loss or destruction of the original, and giving bond or security
to the City to refund the amount of such warrant, and pay all costs, in case the
original or lost warrant should be presented, and said City be compelled to
pay the same.
SEC. 7. City Money kept Separate from Private Money. Said treasurer
shall keep all moneys belonging to the corporation in his hands separate
and distinct from his own moneys, and he is hereby expressly prohibited
from using, either directly or indirectly the corporation money or warrants
in his custody and keeping, for his own use and benefit, or that of any other
person or persons whomsoever; and any violation of this section shall sub-
ject him to removal from office by the City Cuncil.
SEC. 8. Report Delinquent Officer to Clerk. It shall be the duty of
the treasurer to report to the City Clerk ,whose duty it shall be to imme-
diately report to the City Council, any officer authorized to receive money
for the use of the City who may fail to make a return of the moneys re-
ceived by him at the time required by the Statute of this state or by the or-
dinances of said City.
SEC. 9. Books and Accounts—How Kept. Said treasurer shall keep
his books and accounts in such manner as to show with entire accuracy all
moneys received and disbursed by him for the City stating from whom
and on what account received, and to whom and on what account paid out,
and in such way that said books and accounts may be readily investigated and
understood; and the same together with all files and papers of his said
office, shall be at all times open to examination by the mg or the Finance
Committee of the City Council.
SEC. 10. Annual Report. Said treasurer shall, annually, before the
Ist day of May of each year, make out and file with the City Clerk a full and
detailed account of all receipts and expenditures of the corporation as shown
by his books, and of all his transactions as such treasurer during the preced-
ing year and he shall, in such report, show the state of the City Treasury at
the close of such year, which report the Clerk shall cause to be published with-
out delay, and present the same to the City Council.
SEC. 11. Other Duties. And to perform such other duties as may be
enjoined on him by the Statutes of this State and the ordinances of the City of
Who eligible.
Prosecute and defend suits.
Advise on matters of law.
Collect fines and judgments.
Prosecute violations of ordinances.
Shall not prosecute malicious complaints.
May appeal from justice court.
Monthly report.
May appoint attorney to act in his absence.
Other duties.
FS SOLO EY SP Ce 09 pe tet
bE et
SEC. 1. Who Eligible. No person shall be eligible to the office of City
Attorney unless he be a licensed Attorney of this state.
SEC. 2. Bond. The City Attorney shall, before entering upon the duties
of his office, execute a bond with security, payable to the City of Paxton in
Ford County, Illinois, in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars, conditioned
for the faithful performance of the duties of the said office and to pay all
moneys collected by him on behalf of the City to the City Treasurer, said bond
and surety to be approved by the City Council.
SEC. 3 Prosecute and Defend All Cases—Clerk to furnish Copies of
Papers, Etc. Said Attorney shall prosecute or defend; on behalf of the City, in
all cases in which the interests of the corporation are involved; and the City
Clerk shall furnish him with certified copies of any ordinance, bond or other
papers, in his keeping, necessary to be filed or used in any suit or proceedings.
SEC. 4. Advise on Matters of Law. He shall, when required, advise
the City Council or any City Officer in all matters of law in which the inter-
ests of the corporation are involved, and he shall draw such ordinances, bonds
and contracts, or examine and approve the same, as may be r:yuired of him
by the Mayor, the City Council or any Committee thereof, or any of the officers
of said City.
SEC. 5. Collect Fines and Judgments. He shall cause execution to be
issued upon all judgments recovered in favor of said City and see to their
prompt collection.
SEC. 6. . Prosecute Violation of Ordinances. He is hereby charged with
the prosecution of all actions for violations of the ordinances of said City and
with the conducting of all proceedings of any litigation on behalf or against
said City or an appeal therefrom. He shall institute and prosecute an action in
every case where there has been a violation of a City Ordinance when instruct-
ed to do so by the Mayor, the City Council , or the chief officer of any depart-
ment of the City government; or upon the complaint of any other person, when
in his judgment, the Public interests shall require that the same be prosecuted.
SEC. 7. Shail Not Prosecute Malicious Complaints. He shall not be re-
quired to prosecute any suit or action arising under the ordinances of the City,
when, upon investigation of the same, he shall become satisfied that the com-
plaint was instituted maliciously or vexatiously, and without probable cause;
and he shal] be authorized to discontinue any such suit or proceeding on such
terms as may seem to him just and equitable.
SEC. 8. May Appeal from Justices’ Court. An appeal may be taken by
the City Attorney from the judgment of any police magistrate or justice of the
peace, to the County or Circuit Court of Ford County, Illinois, in any case
where such judgment has been given against the City, when, in his opinion,
the public interest may require it; but no appeal or writ of error shall be taken
by said Attorney, on behalf of the Corporation, to any higher Court, unless the
same shall be authorized by the Mayor or directed by the City Council.
SEC. 9. Monthly report. Said Attorney shall make a report in writing
to the City Council, at their regular meeting in each month, showing all busi-
ness done by him, in his official capacity, during the preceeding month.
SEC. 10. May Appoint Attorney to Act in His Absence. In case of the
temporary absence or inability of the City Attorney to attend to the duties of
his office, he may, with the approval of the Mayor, appoint or employ some
competent Attorney to act in his place. But the City of Paxton shall not be
liable for any compensation to such attorney without an agreement with the
Mayor or the City Council.
SEC. 11. Other Duties. Said Attorney shall perform such other duties
as may be enjoined upon him by the statutes of this State or the ordinances of
the City of Paxton.
Section. Se
1. Appointment.
2. Make plans, surveys, grades, etc.
3. Designate grade and fix boundaries.
4. Keep records of office.
> Vyas
SEC. 1. Appointment. There shall be appointed annually by the mayor,
with the approval of the city council, a public engineer. Such appointment
shall be made at the first regular meeting in May of each year or as soon
thereafter as is practicable. The said engineer shall, before entering upon
the duties of his office, take and subscribe to the oath of office similar to that
taken by other city officers.
SEC. 2. To make Plans, Surveys, Grades, Etc. The public engineer
shall, when required by the mayor, the city council or any of its committees,
make out plans, estimates and specifications for any public work which may —
be ordered or proposed by the city council. He _ shall, under the ~
direction of the proper committee, also superintend the construction of all
public work. He shall, when required by the city council, make surveys
of the grades or boundaries of streets, alleys or sewers, and prepare plats and
profiles thereof and report the same to the city council for their approval.
SEC. 3. Designates Grades and Fix Boundaries. Said engineer shall
designate by proper lines and stakes, the grade for all sidewalks for persons
desiring to build the same and shall upon request of the city council, locate
and fix all street, alley and lot boundary lines where the same are not fixed
or are unknown. |
SEC. 4. The said engineer shall preserve in his office all records and
_ plans of survey and all books, papers and writings pertaining to his office. He
shall make out and keep a diagram or plat of all the grades, sewers and drains
and boundaries of streets and alleys established by the city council, correct-
ing the same when any grade shall be changed, and adding thereto when any
new grade, sewer, drain or boundary shall be established, and he shall record
in a suitable book the profiles and notes of all surveys of grades, sewers,
drains and boundaries established, and shall preserve the original papers
relating thereto, and shall otherwise keep a systematic record of all the
transactions pertaining to the department, which records shall be une prop-
erty of the city of Paxton.
Oath, Bond. Wenae 8
Superintend improvements and repairs. ,
Repair sidewalks.
Keep snow and ice and etc., from sidewalks.
Cut weeds.
Brand tools.
Receive prisoners.
Keep list of tools and time of persons employed.
Make complaint.
11. Monthly report.
12. Water supply.
13. Other duties.
SE Oo ae ie en oS es
SEC. 1. Oath—Bond. The Superintendent of Streets of said City,
shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, take and sign the oath pre-
scribed by law for City Officers and shall execute a bond to the City of Pax-
ton in the penal sum of One Thousand Dollars with such sureties as the City
Council shall approve, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties
of his office and the payment of all moneys that may be received by him ac- |
cording to law and the ordinances of said City.
SEC. 2. Superintend Improvements and Repairs. He shall superintend
all improvements and repairs ordered by the City Council or the Committee on
Streets and Alleys.
SEC. 3. Repair Sidewalks. To repair all sidewalks, where the needed
repairs are slight and a new sidewalk is not required, and to keep the same in
good condition and repair.
SEC. 4. Keep Snow, Ice and Mud from Sidewalks. To Keep, as far as
practicable, all crossings on streets and alleys free from mud, ice or snow;and
to remove, when necessary, the snow from sidewalks and to keep the same at
all time in good condition for travel.
SEC. 5. Cut Weeds. To cut down and destroy, on or before the first
day of August of each year, all Jimson weeds, cockleburrs, ragweeds, birdocks
or other weeds growing upon the streets and alleys of said City.
SEC. 6. Brand Tools. To brand all tools belonging to the City, used
on the streets and alleys, and to see that the same are returned to the tool
house each night. And he shall be responsible for the same.
SEC. 7. Oversee. To oversee and direct all persons in the employ of
the City, at work on the streets and alleys.
SEC. 8 Receive Prisoners. To receive from the City Marshall such
persons confined in the Calaboose as may be required to labor; to return them
to the City Marshal at the City Tool House, and to have charge and control of
them during their hours of Jabor. He shall cause such persons to faithfully
and diligently labor while under his control, and for the purpose of preventing
their escape he is hereby clothed with Police power. He is hereby authorized
to use all necessary means to prevent the escape of such persons while under
his control.
SEC. 9. List of Tools—Time of Persons Employed. He shall keep a
full and correct list of all tools, implements and other property in-his charge,
belonging to said City, and a complete account of the time of all persons em-
ployed under his supervision.
SEC. 10. Make Complaint. To see that all ordinances of said City in
regard to streets, alleys, sidewalks or crossings are enforced, and to make
complaint against any person violating the same. To exercise a watchful care
over the town wells, watering troughs, city pumps, hydrants, and water pipes,
and should the same leak or burst or become unclean or out of repair, to at
once notify the fire and water committee of such fact, and shall, under the
direction of such committee, proceed at once to clean or repair the same, and
shall have such assistance as such committee shall deem necessary.
SEC. 11. Monthly Report. To make report to the City Council on the
first Monday of each month, showing all business done by him in his official
capacity during the preceding month. Said report shall include a statement
showing the names of all persons employed under him, the time worked, the
ae and locality of labor performed and amount due each person for such
SEC. 12. Water Supply. To see that there is no unnecessary waste of
the City Water Supply.
SEC. 13. Other Duties. To faithfully perform such other duties as may
be prescribed by ordinance, or by any resolution, or order passed by the City
Council, or by the laws of the State of Illinois.
to Bond:
2. Monthly report.
3. Justices, Magistrates—Payment of fines to Treasurer.
SEC. 1.. Bond. The Police Magistrate shall, before entering upon the
duties of his office, execute a bond with security, payable to the City of Paxton
in the penal sum of Two Thousand Dollars, conditioned according to the Stat-
ute of the State of Illinois in such case made and provided, to be approved by
the City Council.
SEC. 2. Monthly Report. It shall be the duty of the Police Magis-
trate of said City to file in the office of the City Clerk, on the first day of each
month, a complete and corect report of all business done by him in his official
capacity, relating to said City, during the preceeding month. Said report shall
show the amount of fines assessed, amount of fines collected, amount paid
over to him and the maner in which each and every case to which the said
City is a party, is disposed of.
SEC. 3. Justice’s—Magistrates—Payment of Fines to City. It shall be
unlawful for any justice of the peace, police magistrate, or other officer with-
in the said City to retain any fine, or any part thereof, but all fines shall be
paid by said officers within thirty days of the collection thereof, into the City
Treasury in cash. And in no case shall any fine or any part thereof, be held or
retained by such officer in liquidation to any fees due from the City to any
such officer. And any officer of the City of Paxton failing or refusing to pay
into the City Treasury any of the moneys as above set forth shall upon con-
viction be fined not less than one Dollar nor more than two Hundred Dollars
and their said office shall be declared vacant by the City Council.
1. Term of office. ;
2. When and how appointed. vas
3. Bond.
4. Management and control. .
5. Duties.
6. Execute process.
t. Arrest.
8. Attend meetings of City Council.
9. Collect Dog tax.
10. Examine Buildings. ; ‘eg ae i
11. Abate cause. }
12. Keeper of calaboose. eek ise :
13. Powers of constable. ‘TD
14. Deliver prisoners to Superintendent of streets.
15. Hours of duty.
16. To remain in City.
17. Cause for discharge.
18. To make monthly report.
19. Keep record of his office.
SEC. 1. Term of Office. The City Marshal of said City shall be the chief
of the police department, and shall hold his office for the term of one year and
until his successor shall be appointed and qualified.
SEC. 2. When and How Appointed. The City Marshal shall be appoint-
ed by the Mayor, by and with the advice and consent of the City Council on
the first Monday in May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be.
SEC. 3. Bond. He shall, before entering upon the duties of his office,
execute a bond to the City of Paxton, in Ford County, Illinois, in the penal
sum of One Thousand Dollars with such surities as the City Council shall ap-
prove, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and
the payment of all moneys that may be received by him according to law and
the ordinances of said City.
SEC. 4. Management and Control. He shall, in subordination to the
Mayor, have the full management and control of the police department, and
all regulations and orders therof shall be promulgated through him. All sub-
ordinate officers and members of the police department shall be subject to
such rules and regulations as shall, from time to time, be prescribed by said
Marshal with the concurrence of the Mayor.
SEC. 5. Duties. He shall devote his entire time to the discharge of the
duties of his office and shall be charged with the preservation of the peace,
order, safety and cleanliness of the City, and with the duty of protecting the
rights of person and property, and enforcing of all ordinances of the City
SEC. 6. Execute Process. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to
execute all processes, issued by the police magistrate or any justice of the
peace, in any case, suit, or proceeding wherein the City is plaintiff or defen-
SEC. 7. Arrest. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to arrest, with
or without warrant, any or all persons who may be found in the act of violat-
ing, or may reasonably be expected of having violated, any of the ordinances
of said City, or any criminal or misdemeanor law of the State of Illinois and
immediately take them before the proper tribunal for trial; provided, that in
case any person so arrested under the provisions hereof is too much intoxicat-
ed, or in case for any reason it should be impracticable to proceed with the
trial of any such person so arrested it shall be lawful for the Marshal to con-
fine such person or persons in the City Calaboose or County Jail until such
drunken person shall become sober, or it shall become practicable for such
case to be tried.
SEC. 8. Attend Meetings of City Council. It shall be the duty of the
City Marshal to attend all meetings of the City Council and prepare the Coun-
cil Chamber in which the meeting is to be held.
SEC. 9: Collect Dog Tax. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to
collect all dog taxes imposed by said City of Paxton.
SEC. 10. Examine Buildings. It shall be the duty of the City Mar-
shal to examine, under the direction of the Mayor or Committee on Fire and
Water, every house, store, shop or other building or premises and all places
used for the keeping and storing of ashes, chips and any and all other com-
bustible materials. Z
SEC. 11. Abate Cause. It shall be the duty of the City Marshal to re-
move or abate any cause from which danger by fire may be apprehended at
the cost of the party whose duty it may be to remove or abate the same.
SEC. 12. Keeper of Calabocse. The City Marshal shall be the keeper
or custodian and shall have the care and control of the City Calaboose and of
all persons confined therein, and shall report to the Committee on City prop-
erty any needed repairs on the Calaboose.
SEC. 13. Powers of Constable. The City Marshall, for the purpose
of executing his duties of office shall possess the power and authority as Con-
stable of Common law, under the Statutes of the State of Illinois.
SEC. 14. Deliver Prisoners to Superintendent of Streets. The City Mar-
shal shall deliver to the Superintendent of Streets, at the City Tool House,
each work day at seven o’clock a. m., all persons confined in the Calaboose
who may be required to labor, and return such persons thereto at noon. He
shall again deliver to such superintendent all such persons at one o’clock p. m.,
and return them again to the Calaboose at six o’clock p. m.
SEC. 15. Hours of Duty. The City Marshal] shall be on duty from
seven o’clock a. m. to seven o’clock p. m., of each day and such other times as
the Mayor shall direct; or, in case the Mayor shall be absent from the City,
such times as may be directed by any three of the Aldermen.
SEC. 16. To Remain in the City. The City Marshal shall at no time
absent himself from the City without the Consent of the Mayor, or in case of
the Mayor’s absence any three of the aldermen.
SEC. 17. Cause for Discharge. It shall be a sufficient cause for the
removal and discharge of such City Marshal if he shall use any abusive, ob-
scene, violent, or profane language towards any City officer and upon his con-
viction, before any Court having jurisdiction, of a violation of any ordinance
of this City, he shall be at once removed from his office by the Mayor, who
shall report such removal with the reasons therefor, to the Council at its next
SEC. 18. To Make Monthly Report. The City Marshal shall, on the
first Monday in each month, make a written report to the City Council, showing
‘the Number of Arrests made by the Police force during the preceeding month,
the name of each person arrested, the Policeman making the arrest, the offense
charged, the Magistrate before whom tried, the disposition of the case, the
amount of fine imposed, if any and the amount of fine collected if any. He
shall also report the names of persons in the Calaboose if any.
SEC. 19. Keep Record of His Office. The City Marshal shall keep a
Record Book properly indexed, of the Police Department, and of all persons
arrested or committed by the Police, showing the time and place of each arrest,
the offense for which the same was made, the Magistrate or Court before whom
such person was tried, and the disposition of each case.
Section. _
1. Appointment.
2. Duties.
3. Mayor to appoint.
4. Commission.
SEC. 1. Appointment. There is hereby created the office of night
policeman. The term of said office shall be for one year. The said night police-
man shall be appointed by the mayor by and with the advice and consent of
the city council. :
SEC. 2. Duties. The said night policeman shall be on duty regularly
from seven o’clock p. m, to seven a. m. of each day, during which time he
shall devote his entire time and attention to the discharge of the duties of
his office according to the ordinances of the city, and the rules and regula-
tions of the police department. He shall to the best of his ability, preserve
order, quiet and peace throughout the city, and enforce all the ordinances
of the city. He shall report to the mayor and the city marshal all persons Known
or suspected to be gamblers, receivers of stolen goods, thieves, burglars or
disorderly persons, and also all unlawful or disorderly houses or places
within said city, coming to his knowledge, as well as all violations of the laws
of the state or the ordinances of the city, reported to him, or of which he may
be cognizant; and when it shall come to the knowledge of such policeman
that any city ordinance has been violated he shall forthwith cause a complaint
to be made before a police magistrate or justice of the peace within the city,
and the proper witnesses to be subpoened and evidence procured for the
successful prosecution of the offender.
SEC. 3. Mayor to Appoint. The Mayor may appoint, at any time when
in his judgment it may be necessary, such number of special policemen as
may be required. Special policemen shall not be appointed for a longer time
than thirty days at one time, and shall receive as compensation the sum of
One and Fifty one-hundredths Dollars for each days’ service.
SEC. 4. Commission All policemen appointed under this ordinance
shall be commissioned by the. Mayor and shall, before entering upon the
duties of his said office, take and subscribe to the usual oath of Office.
Section. :
Pay special taxes to Treasurer.
Make return of delinquent taxes.
Keep book of account.
a ig Coe AF
SEC. 1. Appointment. There is hereby created the office of city col-
lector of special taxes and special assessments. The term of said officer
shall be for one year and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified.
The said collector of special taxes and special assessments shall be appointed
annually by the mayor by and with ibe consent and advice of the city council.
SEC. 2. Bond of Collector. Said collector shall, before he enters upon
the duties of his office take and subscribe the oath prescribed by law for city
officers and shall execute a bond to the city of Paxton in the penal sum of
five thousand dollars with such sureties as the city council shall approve,
conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such collector and
the payment of all moneys received by him according to law and the ordi-
nances’ of said city.
SEC. 3. Duties. It shall be the duty of said collector to collect all
special taxes and special assessments which are or may be levied or assessed
by virtue of any ordinance of said city for the making of any local improve-
ment, and he is hereby authorized and instructed to receive and receipt to
any person or persons against whose property special assessments or taxes
are levied, as aforesaid, the amount of his or their tax or special assesments
less such discount as is or may hereafter be authorized by contract for mak-
ing such improvement, and the laws governing the same.
SEC. 4. To Pay all Specia! Taxes to Treasurer. Said collector shall
pay over to the city treasurer all moneys collected by him as fast as the
same shall be received, taking the treasurer’s receipt therefor. He shall at
the end of each fiscal year make out and file with the city clerk a full state-
ment of all moneys collected by him during the preceding fiscal year in the
manner as is required by law.
SEC. 5. Make Return of Delinquent Taxes. It shall be the duty of
the city collector on or before the tenth day of March each, year, to make a
report or reports in writing to the county collector of Ford county or other
officer authorized by the general revenue laws of this state to apply for
judgment and sell lands for taxes due the county and state, showing all the
lands, town lots and real property on which he shall have been unable to col-
lect said special taxes or special assessments due and unpaid thereon, which
report or reports shall be accompanied by the oath of said collector, that the
‘list or lists are a correct return and report of the lands, town lots and real
property on which the said special taxes or special assessments levied by
authority of the city of Paxton remain due and unpaid, that he is unable to
collect the same or any part thereof and that he had given the notice or
notices required by law. .
SEC, 6. To Keep Books of Account. Said collector shall under the
direction of the finance committee, keep books of account which shall show
all receipts and moneys collected by him, and other matters pertaining to. his
Office, such books and accounts to be kept in a clear and methodical manner.
SEC. 1 The fiscal year of the City of Paxton Illinois, shall commence
on the first day of May and close on the 30th day of April of each year.
Section. [i See
Creation. :
Mayor and Chief to supervise.
Mayor may remove members.
Appointment of Chief and Assistant.
Vath and Bond.
Chief and Assistant at head of department.
Chief to keep record. | , ris
Absence of Chief, Assistant shall act. eo WE aaa
Members to wear uniform. 4 oth Bate
10. No person to use apparatus. | Bis ge:
11. Members may arrest. se
12. Resisting or obstructing members. as
13. Compensation. Eola
14. Free use of City Water. aa ee
15. Repair to scene of fire upon alarm given.
16. No minor shall be member.
17 May remove apparatus from City.
ERS ec neal tah oe Be
SEC. 1. That there is hereby established a Fire Department of the City
of Paxton, and it shall embrace a chief, assistant chief, and not less than ten
nor more than twenty members organized and to be organized by permission
of the City Council.
SEC. 2. The Mayor in conjunction with the Chief shall have and exer-
cise a general supervision of the Fire Department and property. And shall
make such rules and regulations for the government of the Department, con-
sistent herewith, as shall be necessary for its efficient organization and
SEC. 3. The Mayor may for cause remove any member of the Depart-
ment subject however to an appeal to the Council, except the Chief and As-
sistant Chief.
SEC. 4. The office of Chief and Assistant Chief of the Fire Department
of the City of Paxton is hereby created. The said Chief and Assistant Chief
shall be appointed or elected by the members of the said fire department in
manner as provided in the regular constitution and by-laws enacted by the said
fire department and shall hold their respective offices for a term as provided
.in said constitution and by-laws, provided that the said appointment or
election of tne said Chief and Assistant Chief as. aforesaid shall be subject
to the approval of the Mayor and City Council of said City.
SEC. 5. They shall, each before entering upon the duties of his office
be sworn to the oath required of other City officers, and execute a bond to
the City, in the penal sum of $500.00 with sureites to be approved by theMayor,
conditioned for the faithful performance of their duties.
SEC. 6. The chief and in his absence the Assistant chief shall be at
the head of the Fire Department, and shall act under the _ direction
of the Mayor, and _ shall have full command and control over’ such
department, and the members thereof. He _ shall have the care and
custody of all fire apparatus belonging to the Department and shall attend in
person, take command of the organization, and see that the several members
perform their respective duties at any and all Fires within the City of Paxton.
With the assent of the Mayor and any two aldermen, he may order the tearing
down or destruction and removal of any building or buildings deemed neces-
sary to check the progress of any fire.
SEC. 7. Said chief shall cause to be kept in some suitable book a com-
plete and accurate record of all the transactions of the Fire Department and
Fires within said City, and of all property belonging to the same and shall
annually make a written report to the City Council.
SEC. 8. In case of the temporary absence or disability of the Chief
the Assistant Chief shall exercise the power and perform the duties of the said
Chief and on the expiration of his office the Chief shall deliver to his successor
all property and appurtenances belonging to such department or appertaining
to his office.
SEC. 9. Each member of the Fire Department while on duty when prac-
ticable, shall, wear an appropriate badge to be furnished him by
the City, and upon any member ceasing to be connected with said Fire De-
partment the said Badge shall be returned to the Chief.
SEC. 10. No person without the consent of the Chief and the sanction
of the Mayor shall use any apparatus belonging to the Fire Department for
any private purpose whatsoever under a penalty of not less than three nor more
than twenty-five dollars.
SEC. 11. Any member of the Fire Department of the City during the
progress of any fire, may arrest any person found stealing any property or
wilfully injuring or breaking any Fire apparatus or hose or resisting or ob-
structing any member of the Fire Department in discharge of his duty, or
otherwise conducting himself in a riotous or disorderly manner. And such
offender shall be retained in custody until he can be brought before the
proper Magistrate, when upon conviction of any such offense, he shall be fined
not less than three nor more than One Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 12. Any person who shall wilfully resist, obstruct, or hinder
any member of the Fire Department in the performance of his duty at any
Fire or shall wilfully or maliciously injure, break or deface any Hydrant,
hose, hose cart or Fire apparatus shall, upon conviction, be fined in either
case not less than three Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 13. Compensation. The City of Paxton shall pay to the fire de-
partment organized under this ordinance the sum of Two Hundred Dollars
per annum as compensation to the members thereof for services rendered.
Said sum of two hundred dollars shall be payable semi-annually, one hundred
dollars on the first Monday of May and one hundred dollars on the first Mon-
day of November of each year. Said sums are to be paid by, orders drawn on
the proper fund in the City treasury, payable to the Chief of said department
and to be appropriated to the use and benefit of the members of said fire de-
partment as the majority of the members thereof may direct. As further
compensation, all regular and active members of said fire department shall
be exempt from any poll taxes or street labor for the same during such mem-
SEC. 14. Free use of City Water. That active members of the Paxton
fire department, not exceeding twelve in number, shall be allowed: the use
of one City Water hydrant or faucet for domestic purposes only, the member
or members so taking is to bear all expense of intsalling the same.
The chief of said department shall on the first day of each quarter,
make out his certificate countersigned by the secretary of said fire depart-
ment, of the names of the members desiring to avail themselves of the pro-
visions of this ordinance, which certificate shall state that the member des-
ignated will use the water only for purposes herein prescribed, that he is
an active member of said fire department in good standing. Said certificate
thus executed shall be received by the City Clerk, in full payment from
said member for the water rate for the current quarter.
Any member failing to present said certificate to the City Clerk within
ten days after the first day of each quarter, or who shall use the water for
any other purpose than herein designated, or permit others to use the same,
or allow any waste thereof, shall be denied the privileges of this ordinance. .
Provided that each such taker shall at all times be subject to the rules reg-
ulations and general water ordinances of the City of Paxton.
SEC. 15. Upon any alarm of fire within said City the said Fire Com
pany under command of the proper officer shall as speedily as possible repair
to the place of the fire with their appropriate apparatus and there work and
manage the same under the direction of the officer in command. Upon such
alarm given each member shall repair immediately to his fire apparatus.
SEC. 16. No person shall be a member of any such company who is
under the age of twenty-one years unless he shall first file the written consent
of his parent or guardian in the office of the City Clerk.
SEC. 17. It shall be lawful for the Chief, by and with the consent
of the Mayor, or in his absence of the chairman of the Fire and Water Com-
mittee, upon receiving any call for assistance in extinguishing any fire that
may occur without the Corporate limits of the City of Paxton, to remove
to the location of such fire any part of the fire apparatus belonging to said
fire department, provided that there shall always be retained at the regular
fire station sufficient of said apparatus to insure protection against any
fire that may at any time occur within said City.
Fire Limits.
Manner of construction.
Prohibits recovering of frame buildings.
Prohibits removal of buildings.
City Council may remove old buildings.
City Marshall to inspect buildings.
Penalty for failure to abate.
eS ee Ce
SEC. 1. Fire Limits. That all that portion of the City of Paxton
bounded on the North by Holmes street, on the east by Railroad avenue, on
the South by Center street and on the west by Taft street. shall be known as
and shall constitute the Fire limits of the city of Paxton.
SEC. 2. When Wooden Buildings May be Constructed. No wooden
building shall be erected or placed or repaired within the fire limits of the
City of Paxton, without permission first had and obtained from the City Coun-
cil, Any application for such permission shall be made in writing to the City
Council and shall state the location of said building, its size, height and the
use for which it is to be used, and where repairs are to be made shall state
particularly the kind and extent of such repairs. Such application shall be
referred to the Committee on Fire Water and Electric Lights and shall be pub-
lished by such committee, one week in some paper published in the City of
Paxton. No action shall be taken upon such application until the next regular
meeting of the City Council.
SEC. 3. Manner of Construction. No wooden or frame building or
- gtructure of any kind or description shall be erected or placed within that por-
tion of the fire limits of the City of Paxton lying between the alley running
North and South through same west of Market street, and the main track
of the Illinois Central Railroad Company. And all buildings which shall or
may be hereafter erected or placed within said last mentioned boundaries
shall have outside or party walls not less than one foot in thickness, provided
that buildings one story in height, adjoining other buildings having out side-
walls of brick or stone, and where such walls are not used as party walls, may
be built with walls not less than eight inches in thickness; provided further
that the City Council may for good reasons shown, grant to any person
applying therefor a permit to erect or place a ware house, store room, coal
house or other out buildings to be used for storage purpose only in the rear of
any business building now erected, or which may be erected hereafter within
said last mentioned boundaries, which said ware house, store room, coal house
or other out building may be constructed of wood and shall not be more than
twelve feet in height from foundation thereof, and shall have the outside walls
veneered with brick or covered with iron or other fire proof material,and shall
also have a fire proof roof. And provided further the City Council may grant
permission to persons erecting two story buildings to construct the front wall
of the second story thereof of wood and cover the same with iron.
SEC. 4. Prohibits Recovering of Frame Buildings. It shall be unlawful
for any person or persons, company or corporation to cover or re-
cover any building now erected or hereafter to be erected within the said fire
limits of the city of Paxton excepting buildings used exclusively as dwellings
with any shingles, boards planks or other combustible material whatever,
but all such buildings shall in all cases be covered with metal, tile, slate or
some other equally good fire proof material.
SEC. 5. Prohibits Removal of Buildings. No wooden. building or part
of any building within the fire limits of the City of Paxton, except buildings
used exclusively as dwellings, shall be enlarged nor shall any wooden build-
ing be removed to any place within said fire limits of the City of Paxton,
nor shall any wooden building within the said fire limits be removed to any
other place within the same. .
SEC. 6. City Council may remove old Buildings. That the said City
Council may direct that any and all buildings within said fire limits of the
City of Paxton, when same shall have been damaged by fire, decay or other-
wise to the extent of fifty per cent of their value shall be torn down or re-
moved; and for the purpose of ascertaining such damage by fire, decay or
otherwise, the Mayor of the said City of Paxton by and with the consent of
the City Council, upon the application of any free holder or of any member
of the said City Council of said City of Paxton, shall appoint three disinterest-
ed persons who are residents of the said City of Paxton, as commissioners
to estimate the damage by fire, decay or otherwise, of any buildings within
the fire limits of the said City of Paxton, so alleged or charged in such ap-
plication, to have been damaged by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent
of fifty per cent of the value thereof, and such commissioners shall thereupon
make an estimate of damage to such building by fire, decay or otherwise, and
make report thereof in writing to the City Council, which said report shall
be filed with the City Clerk at least ten days before the date of the regular
meeting of the said City Council at which action thereupon is taken. And
the said City Clerk shall give at least five days’ notice to the owner or own-
ers of such building in writing that the report of said commissioners has been
filed in his office and that action will be had thereon at the
‘next regular meeting of the said City Council at which time and place such
owner may appear and show cause why such report should not be approved
by the said City Council. If the said report of said commissioners shall be
approved, and any such building shall be so found to have been damaged
by fire, decay or otherwise, to the extent of fifty per cent of the value, the
City Council shall thereupon direct: That such building shall be removed
or torn down within such time as the said City Council shall then and there
direct, and the City Clerk shall serve notice of such action, of the City
Council, upon the owner or agent of such building by delivering such notice
to him in person or by depositing the same in the Postoffice, properly stamped
and directed to his last known postoffice address, in and by which notice the
said owner of such building shall be notified that he has been ordered and
directed to tear down and remove such building out of the fire limits of the
said City, within the time prescribed by such action of the City Council.
SEC. 7. Nuisance. Every building or part thereof which shall be erect-
ed or placed or repaired, enlarged or removed in violation of the preceeding
sections of this ordinance and every building which is allowed to remain or
stand within the fire limits of the City of Paxton, in violation of Section 6
of this ordinance is hereby declared to be a nuisance, and shall be abated by
the City Council.
SEC. 8. Penakty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions
of this ordinance either as owner, agent, contractor or laborer in the erection,
placing, removing, repairing or enlarging of any building or who shall as
owner neglect or refuse to tear down or remove any building which has been
ordered torn down or removed as provided for by Section 6 of this ordinance
shall, upon conviction, thereof be fined not less than ten Dollars nor more than
two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 9. City Marshal to Inspect Buildings. The city marshal shall,
when ordered by the Mayor or fire and water committee, carefully inspect
and examine any and all buildings or premises within said city, and cause
all defective chimneys, flues, . stoves, stovepipes, furnaces, ash houses or other
places in which fire may be used or kept, and which he may deem unsafe or
dangerous from any cause, to be immediately repaired, abated or placed in a
safe condition.
The city marsha] or the fire and water committee shall have authority ©
to enter any and all buildings and premises within said city for the purpose
of making such inspection and examination, and he or they shall notify the
‘owner of such defective property to immediately repair, abate or cause the
same to be placed in a safe condition. That in case the owner or occupant
of such building or premises shall neglect or refuse so to do, he or they shall
without delay, cause the same to be done.
SEC. 10. Penalty. In case the owner or occupant of any building or
he Ree ie ae) IN ee Saree ee RD Ue ieee
premises, after being notified as provided in section 9 of this ordinance, shall
fail to comply with the terms of such notice, such owner or occupant shall
be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each
offense, and shall also be liable to the City of Paxton for all necessary ex-
penses incurred in causing such building or premises to be placed in safe
condition; the same to be recovered in an action of debt before any court
having jurisdiction.
1. Licenses.
2. Co-partnership under one license.
3. Amount of license fees.
4. When due and payable.
5. Penalty for violation.
6. Itinerant merchants.
7. Application in writing.
8. License fee.
9. Penalty for violation.
10. Subject to ordinance of city.
11. Terms defined.
12. How issued.
13. Where Mayor declines to issue.
14. No longer term than one year.
15. Not transferable without consent.
16. To be kept in place of business.
17. In case of death.
18. City Clerk to keep record.
19. Clerk to notify of expiration.
20. Fees paid before delivery.
21. Cigarettes.
22. Not to sell tobacco to minors.
SEC. 1. Licenses. It shall be unlawful for any person to be engaged in
or carry on any business, occupation or pursuit hereinafter mentioned in this
chapter,within the limits of the City of Paxton, without first having obtained a
license therefor in the manner hereinafter provided. .
SEC, 2. Co-Partnership under one License. Any number of persons
doing business in co-parinership, at any one place, shall be required to pay
but one license fee therefor: PROVIDED, that if more than one kind of bus-
iness or pursuit hereinafter mentioned, shall be conducted or carried on by
the same person or firm at the same time, a separate license fee shall be
paid for each, according to the rate prescribed.
SEC. 3. Amount of License Fee. There shall be taxed and collected
of and from the persons engaged in or carrying on the different branches of
business, occupation or pursuits hereinafter in this section mentioned, res-
pectively, license fees at the rates following, to-wit:
First. General auctioneers shall pay a license fee of ten ($10.00) Dol-
lars per annum or three ($3.00) Dollars per day.
Second. Ball or pin alley or bowling alley keepers shall pay seventy-
five ($75.00) dollars per annum.
Third. Billiards, bagatelle, pool, pin-pool, pigeon hole, and like table
keepers or proprietors shall pay a license fee of one hundred ($100.00) dol-
lars per annum.
Fourth. Exhibitors of natural or artificial curiosities, not herein other-
wise provided for, shall pay a license fee at the rate of ten ($10.00) dollars
per day.
Fifth. There shall be taxed and collected of and from persons engaged
in or carrying on the business of peddling the sum of three ($3.00) per day.
Sixth. Insurance agents or brokers, representing corporations, com-
panies or associations not incorporated under the Laws of the State of Illi-
nois, engaged in the business of effecting fire insurance in the City of Paxton,
shall pay to the City Treasurer, the sum of Two Dollars upon the One Hundred
Dollars of the net receipts of his or their agency in the said City of Paxton,
and at that rate upon the amount of all premiums which, during the year end-
ing on every first day of July, shall have been received for any insurance
effected or agreed to be effected in said City, by or with any such corporation,
companies, or essociations: PROVIDED, that the moneys arising from such
tax or license rates shall be applied to the maintenance and support of the Fire
Department of said City.
Seventh. Keepers of fruit, candy, popcorn, peanut, or lemonade stands
on the sidewalk, shall pay a license fee of five ($5.00) Dollars per week or one
i$1.00) per day.
Highth. Keepers of shooting galleries or places for target shooting
shall pay a license fee of five ($5.00) Dollars per month.
Ninth. Proprietors or managers of circular swings, merry-go-rounds,
flying dutchman, or other similar device not otherwise provided for, shall pay
- for license for the first day five ($5.00) Dollars and two ($2.00) dollars for each
day thereafter.
Tenth. Proprietors or managers of circuses and menageries or other
like shows, shall pay twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for each day. Side shows,
with any circus, shall pay ten ($10.00) dollars for each side show.
| Eleventh. Proprietors or managers of wild west shows, shall pay a
license fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per day, and any other show under
canvas shall pay a license fee of five ($5.00) dollars per day.
Twelfth. Proprietors or keepers of roller skating halls, shall pay a
license fee of five ($5.00) dollars per month.
Thirteenth. Fortune tellers, palmists, clairvoyants shall pay a license
fee of ($20.00) per week, no license to be issued for less than one week.
Fourteenth. Any person, company or corporation desiring, either by
himself, itself, agent, or servant, to engage in or carry on the business of the
sale of cigarettes, cigarette paper, cigarette tobacco, or any article pertaining
thereto, shall pay the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars per annum as a
license fee to engage in or carry on the sale of any one or all of the above
mentioned articles. .
Fifteenth. Any person, persons, company or corporation who shall re-
ceive by carload lots, or in other bulk, quantity or quantities, fruits, vege-
tables, and other farm produce, and who shall sell farm produce at retail,
and who shall sell, barter or dispose of the same from the cars or in retail
quantities taken from the original consignment, shall first procure a license
therefor and shall pay for such license the sum of ten ($10.00) dollars.
Sixteenth. Proprietors or managers of theaters, operas, minstrels, con-
certs, dramatic readings, lecturers, panoramas, tableaux and other shows or
amusements not otherwise provided for, shall pay for license the sum of five
($5.00) dollars per night: PROVIDED, that proprietors or leasees of opera.
houses or theatres may pay a license fee of thirty ($30.00) dollars per annum,
in lieu of all separate license fees for shows or amusements given in such
opera house or theater during the period of such licnse, and PROVIDED
FURTHER, that no license fee shall be taxed or collected for any such show
or entertainment given exclusively for charitable, educational or benevolent
SEC. 4. License Fees—When due and payable. All license fees, un-
less otherwise provided by ordinance, shall become due and payable on the
first day of May in each and every year, or upon the commencing of any bus-
iness or occupation upon which such license fee is imposed by ordinance. In
all cases the license fee shall be reckoned for an entire year, except such
licenses as are reckoned and payable by the day or week, or-month, as imposed
by ordinance.
SEC. 5. Penalty for Violation. Whoever shall engage in, or carry on
any business, occupation or pursuit, required to be licensed under the pro-
visions of this article, or by any ordinance of the City of Paxton, without hav-
ing first obtained such license, shall, where no other penalty is provided, upon
conviction, be fined not less than three ($3.00) dollars nor more than two
hundred ($200.00) dollars, and to a like further fine for each day, after the
first conviction, that he shall continue any such business or occupation without
obtaining such license.
SEC. 6. Itinerant Merchants. It shall not be lawful for any intinerant
merchant or transient vendor of merchandise, either by himself or as agent
or clerk for another, to set up, maintain or carry on, or aid or assist in setting
up, maintaining or carrying on within the City of Paxton, any temporary store
or establishment for the sale or disposition by auction or otherwise, of any
stock of goods, wares or merchandise without having first obtained a license
for so doing, as hereinafter provided. -
SEC. 7. Application in Writing. Any itinerant merchant or transient
vendor; or other like person, wishing to set up, maintain or carry on such
temporary store or establishment, shall make written application therefor,
to the Mayor, stating the nature and amount of such stock or lot of goods,
wares or merchandise, the place to be occupied by him, and the time he wishes
to continue such establishment or business, and upon the payment by such
person into the City Treasury of the license fee hereinafter specified, the City
Clerk may issue to said person a license in due form for the time and place
mentioned in said application, which license shall be senes by.Mayor and
attested by the clerk.
SEC. 8. License Fees. Any person applying for a Tees as required
in section six of this ordinance shall pay a license fee of five ($5.00) dollars
for one day, ten ($10.00) dollars for one week, twenty-five ($25.00) dollars for
one month, and seventy-five ($75.00) dollars for three months: PROVIDED,
that uo iicense shall be granted under the provisions of this ordinance for a
longer period than three months without renewal.
SEC. 9. Penalty for Violation. Whoever shall violate any of the pro-
visions or requirements of the foregoing sections in relation to intinerant
merchants or transient vendors of merchandise shall, upon conviction, be fined
in any sum not less than five ($5.00) dollars nor more than two hundred
($200.00) dollars.
SEC. 10. Subject to Ordinauces of City. All persons who may be licens-
ed under this ordinance shall be subject to and goverened by all general and
special ordinances of said City o. Paxton, now in force or that may hereafter
be passed and in force in relatii a to any such licenses or the business con-
nected therewith.
SEC. 11. Terms Defined, fhe terms “itinerant merchant and transient
vendor of merchandise” as used herein, shall be construed to mean any per-
son or persons not permanently \vansacting business within the City, or whose
stock in trade shall not have becn legally assessed for taxation in the annual
assessment of other property in said City of Paxton, for State, County and
City purposes.
SEC. 12. How Issued. Auy person desiring a license for any purpose,
under the ordinances of said City, shall make written application therefor
to the Mayor, stating his name, the purpose for which the license is desired,
for what length of time, and the place where his business or occupation is to
be carried on; and when a bond is required to be filed before being licensed,
he shall name his proposed sureties on the bond in his application. If theMayor
shall grant the application, he shall so endorse the same, together with the
amount of license fee fixed by ordinance in the case. Upon the filing of the
application so endorsed with the City Clerk, and the presentation to him of a
receipt from the City Treasurer showing payment of the sum so specified and
required, or the payment to said City Clerk of such sum in lieu of the payment
to the City Treasurer, and upon filing the proper bond if bond is provided for
such license, approved by the Mayor the City Clerk shall issue to the appli-
cant a license for the purpose and time therein specified.
SEC. 13. Where Mayor Declines to Issue. The Mayor shall receive all
applications for licenses and may grant the same in all cases upon the terms
and conditions specified by ordinance. But if, in any case, he shall decline
to grant an application for license for any purpose, or for the transfer of a
license, he shall communicate such application to the City Council at the next
ensuing regular or adjourned meeting thereof for its action thereon.
SEC. 14. No longer term than one year. No license shall be granted
for a longer term than one year, and all licenses, unless otherwise provided
by ordinance, shall expire on the last day of April next following their issue.
Every license shall be signed by the Mayor, attested by the City Clerk under
the corporate seal, and countersigned and registered by the City Clerk; and
no license shall be valid until signed and countersigned as aforesaid, nor shall
any person be deemed to be licensed until the same shall have been issued to
him in due form.
SEC. 15. Not Transferable without Consent—Authorized for one location
only. No license shall be assignable or transferable nor shall any person be
authorized to do business or act under such license but the person to whom
it is granted, or at any other place than that specified therein without the
consent of the Mayor and City Council to be certified thereon by the Clerk;
nor shall any license authorize any person to act under it at more than one
place at the same time, or at any other time than is therein specified. Who-
ever shall violate any provision of this section shall be deemed to be acting
without license, and shall be subject to the same penalty as is prescribed for
person doing business without license. 7
SEC. 16. To be kept in place of business. Every person to whom a
license may be issued, under any ordinance of the City of Paxton, shall forth-
with place and keep the same conspicuously posted in his office or place of
business; and any person failing or neglecting to so place and keep his license
shall incur a penalty of not less than three Dollars nor more than twenty-
five dollars.
SEC. 17. In case of Death. In case of death of any person licensed
under any ordinance of said City, before the time limited in his license shall
have expired, his copartner (if any he has) or his legal representative may
continue to act under such license for the unexpired term thereof, subject,
however, to the conditions imposed upon the person to whom the same was
originally issued. |
SEC. 18. City Clerk to Keep Record. The City Clerk shall keep a li-
ense record, in which he shall enter the name of each person licensed, for
what business or purpose licensed, the place of his business, date of license,
nuluber of the same, the amount paid for each, and the time of the expiration
thereof. He shali, at the first regular meeting of the City Council in each
month, report to the City Council in writing, the number of licenses issued
during the preceding month, to whom issued, the amount received by the City
for each license, and the location of the persons licensed; and he shall annual-
ly at the close of each fiscal year, make out and submit to the City Council a
full and complete abstract of all licenses issued during the preceeding year,
with the amounts received by the City of Paxton for each license.
SEC. 19. City Clerk to Notify of Expiration. It shall be the duty of
the City Clerk, by notice in writing, to give notice to all persons whose licens-
es have expired, or who, by any ordinance of the City Council, are required to
procure a license for their business, trade or occupation, and are acting with-
out a license. The notice may be served by the City Marshall or any Police
SEC. 20. Fees Paid—Before Delivery. No license shall be delivered to
any person applying therefor until all fees due from him thereon are paid;
and no person shall be considered as licensed, although. his license may
have been issued until such payment and actual delivery of the same.
SEC. 21. No person, or persons, firm or corporation shall sell or keep
for sale within the corporate limits of the City of Paxton, any cigarette or
cigarettes, without having first obtained a license therefor from the City
Clerk of said city under a penalty of not less than twenty-five Dollars for each
offense. e
SEC. 22. No person or persons, firm or corporation within the corpor-
ate limits of the city of Paxton, shall sell, buy for, or furnish any cigar, cig-
arette, or tobacco in any form to any minor under the age of sixteen years,
unless upon the written order of his parent or guardian. Any person or per-,
sons, firm or corporation upon conviction of violating any of the provisions of
this section of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more
than One Hundred Dollars for each offense.
Section. .
Unlawful to sell.
Mayor and City Council to grant license.
Bond to people and to city required.
Application for license.
Clerk to issue.
Person refused license not to be interested in dramshop.
Selling on Sunday forbidden.
Duty of Police Officers.
License may be revoked.
10. Dramshop open at what hours.
11. Must keep orderly -house.
12. Drinking to excess—Gaming forbidden.
18. License suspended upon conviction.
14. Employment of minors—Selling to intoxicated person.
15. Minors forbidden in saloon.
16. Selling to habitual drunkard forbidden.
17. License not transferable.
18. Shifts or devices forbidden.
19. Windows kept so interior of room may be seen.
20. No person shall give or sell to minor or drunkard.
Oe ne ae ee eid
SEC. 1. Unlawful to Sell. No person shall, within the City of Paxton,
by himself, his agent, his servant or clerk or otherwise, sell barter, exchange,
deliver or. in any way dispose of for money or gain or any thing of value
or anything intended to represent value, any vinous, fermented, spiritous,
malt, mixed or other intoxicating liquors which last named terms shall in-
clude and embrace within its meaning what is known as hard cider, in any
quantity whatever, to be carried away from the place of delivery or to be
drank upon the premises, or in or upon any adjacent room, yard, building
or premises or place of public resort, without a license therefor in accordance
with the requirements hereof, under a penalty of not less than twenty-five
dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 2. Mayor and City Council to Grant License. The mayor by and
with the consent of the city council, may grant license to such person or
persons as may apply therefor to him in writing, to retail intoxicating, malt,
vinous, mixed or fermented liquor, in any quantity less than one gallon, upon
such person or persons paying into the city treasury a sum at the rate of twelve
hundred dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance, and entering into
bonds in the manner required in the following section of this ordinance: Pro-
vided, That no license shall be granted under the provisions of this ordinance
to any minor or non-resident of the city, or to any person or persons who keep
or operate a restaurant or eating room in connection with their place of bus-
iness, nor any person or persons whose place of business where said liquors ©
are to be retailed has any door or openings connecting it with any restaurant
or eating room. In case any person or persons after having been granted a
license in accordance with the provisions of this chapter of this ordinance,
shall keep, have or operate a restaurant or eating room in connection there-
with, or shall connect his place of business by any door or opening with any .
restaurant or eating room, the mayor shall immediately revoke said license
so granted to such person or persons.
SEC. 3. Bond to People and to City Required. Before a license shall
be granted to keep a dramshop for the sale of intoxicating malt, vinous, mixed
or fermented liquors under the provisions hereof, the person or persons apply-
ing for such license shall execute a bond in the penal sum of three thousand
dollars, payable to the People of the State of Illinois, with at least two good
and sufficient sureties freeholders in the county in which the license is to be
granted, to be approved by the mayor and city council, conditioned that the
person to whom such license is granted shall pay to all persons all damages
that they may sustain, either in person or property or means of support by
reason of the person so obtaining any such license selling or giving away
intoxicating liquors, as required by law. And such persons shall also execute
a bond to the city of Paxton, in the sum of one thousand dollars liquidated
damages, signed by at least two freeholders of the County, each to the value,
over and above their homestead exemptions, of at least the penalty of the bond
as sureties, to be approved by the City Council, and conditioned that the
person to whom such license is granted shall obey and observe all laws and
ordinances now in force or such as may hereafter be in force regulating and
governing keepers of dramshops. And any breach of its conditions shall work
a forfeiture of the whole penalty thereof, the amount of which shall be recovy-
ered before any court having jurisdiction.
SEC. 4. Application for License. Any person desiring a license under
the ordinances of the city to keep a dramshop for selling intoxicating, malt,
vinous, mixed or fermented liquors in any quantity, shall make a written ap-
plication to the mayor, stating the length of time for which he desires such
license, the place where his business is to be carried on, and the names of the
persons who will become his sureites on the bonds required by ordinance. And
upon filing of such application, it shall be the duty of the mayor to receive
and present the same at the next meeting of the city council, and the city
council, may in its discretion grant the same upon the terms and conditions
specified by law and the ordinances of the city. If the application be granted,
the mayor shall endorse the grant thereof on such application together with
the amount taxed for such license.
SEC. 5. Clerk to Issue. Upon the filing of the application so indorsed
as aforesaid in the city clerk’s office, together with the bonds aforesaid, condi-
tioned as aforesaid with such securities and approval as aforesaid and the
approval thereof by the city council endorsed thereon, and upon paying to
the city clerk the amount required for such license, a license to retail intoxi-
cating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors at the place named in the
application, shall be issued to such applicant in the general form and manner
prescribed by the ordinance of said city for other license.
SEC. 6. Person Refused License not to be Interested in Dramshop. No
one who shall be refused license shall become or be directly or indirectly
interested as clerk,agent,servant or otherwise in the operation of any dramshop
within the city. And if upon the application of any person for a license to
keep a dramshop as aforesaid, it shall appear to the mayor and he shall be sat-
isfied that such application is made for the benefit of any other person who
is not entitled to a license under the provisions of this ordinance, he shall
refuse to grant the same.
SEC. 7. Selling on Sunday Forbidden. No keeper of a dramshop
licensed under the provisions hereof to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous,
mixed or fermented liquors, shall, on Sundays, keep open or suffer or permit
to be kept open any part of his place of business, nor shall on Sunday in any
manner sell or deliver any intoxicating,malt,vinous,mixed or fermented liquors
. or suffer or permit any such liquor to be used or drank at his place of busi-
iness, or in any place adjacent thereto under his control, under a penalty
of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for
each offense.
. SEC. 8. Duty of Police Officers. The city marshal and policemen shall
see that the provisions hereof are strictly observed and enforced and shall
prosecute all violations of the same, and any person may make complaint of
any violation, before the police magistrate and have the offender prosecuted
as in other cases, and it shall be the duty of the city marshal and all police-
men to arrest or cause to be arrested and prosecuted without delay all persons
who may be found intoxicated or riotous in any public place.
SEC. 9. License May be Revoked. Any keeper of a dramshop licensed
under the ordinances of this city, who shall permit lewd women, prostitutes,
vagrants, mendicants, common drunkards or minors to loiter about or remain
in his said dramshop or in any place connected therewith or under his control;
or if any such dramshop keeper, shall violate any of the provisions of the or-
dinances of this city for the government or regulation of dramshops, his
license may be revoked by the city council for any of the causes aforesaid.
And it shall not in any case be necessary that he shall have first been pro«
ecuted or convicted therefor before such revocation. Provided, that in case
of such revocation, such keeper shall be repaid the license aioe if any, ad-
vanced on the unexpired term of his license.
SEC. 10. Dramshop Open at What Hours. No keeper of a dramshop
shall keep open or suffer to be kept open his place of business, or sell any
liquor therein, or therefrom, or suffer any person not belonging thereto Or»
connected therewith, to remain in any part thereof, before the hour of five
o’clock in the morning, or after the hour of ten o’clock and thirty minutes sharp
in the evening of each day. Any person violating this section or any part
thereof, shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred
dollars for each offense.
SEC. 11. Must Keep Orderly House. No keeper of a dramshop licensed
under the provisions hereof to retail intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fer-
mented liquors, shall suffer any violent, tumultuous, offensive or disorderly
conduct or obscene, profane or unseemly language, quarreling, fighting or other
disturbance in or about his place of business, or in any place adjacent thereto
under his control, to the annoyance, disturbance or vexation of others, under
a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for
each offense.
SEC. 12. Drinking to Excess—Gaming Forbidden. No keeper of a
dramshop, licensed under the provisions hereof to retail intoxicating, malt,
vinous, mixed or fermented liquors as aforesaid, shall, by himself, his clerk
or servant, suffer or permit any person to drink to excess on his premises,
nor shall suffer or permit any species of gaming in any part thereof, or in any
place adjacent thereto under his control, under a penalty of not less than ten
dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 13. License Suspended upon Conviction. Whenever: any person
licensed to keep a dramshop, as aforesaid, shall be convicted of violating any
ordinance of the city concerning, regulating or governing. keepers of dram
shops or retailers of liquors, the license of such keeper shall stand suspended
from the date of such conviction during and until all fines and penalties
thereby imposed and costs thereto pertaining shall be fully paid and satisfied
or until an appeal therefrom is regularly taken and perfected. And when-
ever any person licensed under the ordinances of this city to retail intoxicat-
ing, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors as aforesaid shall have been
convicted a second time before any court of competent jurisdiction of violat-
ing any of the provisions of the ordinances of this city concerning, regulating
or governing the keeping of such dram shops, the license of any such person
so convicted shall stand suspended until such judgment of conviction shall have
been duly reversed or set aside and upon final confirmation of such judgment,
in addition to the penalties thereby imposed, the holder of any license granted
under this ordinance, when so convicted, shall forfeit such license and all fees
advanced therefor to the city and shall thereafter be wholly disqualified for
holding any further license under this ordinance and the city council shall
not thereafter grant to any such person any further license for such purpose.
SEC. 14. Employment of Minors—Selling to Intoxicated Person. No
keeper of a dramshop licensed under the provisions hereof, to sell intoxicating,
malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, shall employ any minor as a servant
or clerk in his business, nor shall sell, give or deliver any intoxicating, malt,
vinous, mixed or fermented liquors to any minor or intoxicated person, nor
shall harbor or entice, or suffer any intoxicated person or minor to remain
or loiter in or about his place of business, under a penalty of not less than ten
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense. .
SEC. 15. Minor Forbidden in Saloon. Any minor who shall loiter or
idle in any saloon or place where any intoxicatig liquors are sold, or shall play
at any game or drink any intoxicating liquor therein, shall for either offense be
fined not less than three dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each
SEC. 16. Selling to Habitual Drunkard Forbidden. No keeper of a dram-
shop licensed under the provisions hereof, shall sell give or deliver any in-
toxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors to any habitual drunkard
or any habitually intoxicated person, after having been notified by the parents
or other relative or person interested, that he is an habitual drunkard or hab-
itually intoxicated person, and requesting such retailer or other person, not to
sell give or deliver him any such liquors under a penalty of not less than twenty
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 17. License not Transferable. No license granted under the or-
dinances of this city for the sale of intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fer-
mented liquors shall be assignable or transferable, nor shall any person be
authorized to do business or to act under such license but the person to whom
it is granted, or at any other place than the place specified therein without
the consent of the Mayor with the approval of the city council. Whoever shall
violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed as acting without a
license and be subject to the same penalties as is prescribed for acting without
a license.
SEC. 18. Shifts or Devices Forbidden. The giving away of intoxicating,
malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors or any other device or shift
to evade the provisions or requirements of this chapter of this ordinance are
hereby declared to be within the meaning and intent and shall be deemed
violations hereof.
SEC. 19. Windows Kept so Interior of Dram Shop May be Seen. Every
keeper of a dram shop shall, during the times when by law or the ordinances
of the city his place of business is required to be kept closed, so arrange his
‘windows and screens as to, enable persons on the street to have sufficient
view of the interior of such dram shop, to enable them to determine whether
such place is being kept closed according to law. Any keeper of such dram
shop failing to comply with the provisions of this section shall be fined not less
‘than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 20. No Person Shall Give or Sell to Minor or Drunkard. It shall
be unlawful for any person within the city of Paxton, to sell, deliver or give
away to or in any manner, either as agent or otherwise procure for any
minor under the age of twenty-one years or any habitual drunkard or any
habitually intoxicated person or any person when intoxicated any intoxicating,
malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors, under a penalty of not less than ten
dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
Section. | Me ere
Assault and Battery. ee
Disturbing the Peace. oy Sd
Challenge to fight—Profane Language. ee
Unlawful assemblies. Let ae aes
Owners of property not to permit. !
Disturbing religious or public meetings. we ope
Funeral procession. Pear a el hy
Throwing stones, ete., in public places.
Climbing on vehicles, etc.
Carrying or flourishing dangerous weapons. ie
11. Drunkenness. Me eat
12. Language and conduct.
13. Mashing. .
14. Indecent exposure. . a4 lisa (holy Mane
15. Obscene Publications. . Et
16. Lewd plays and performances. |
17. Cock fighting, etc.
18. Gaming House. Meee
19. Inmates of gaming house.
20. Gaming in public streets.
21. Lottery prohibited.
22. House of illfame.
23. Owner of premises not to permit use for bawdy house.
24. Inmates of bawdy house.
25. Enticing females to enter.
26. Cruelty to animals.
27. Obstructing officers.
28. Expectorating.
29. Penalty. vi todd
30. Malicious destruction of property. el 2.)
31. _Defacing or injuring trees, fences, etc.
32. Disturbing peace on Sundays.
33. Disturbing religious worship.
34. Vagrants, prostitutes.
35. Loafing or loitering.
36. Pilfering.
37. Bringing paupers into City.
38. Jumping on trains.
SO 9 TID ore Go OP
SEC. 1. Assault—Assault and Battery. Whoever shall commit an as-
sault or an assault and battery, upon the person of another, or shall be guilty
of an affray, within the limits of the City of Paxton, shall, upon conviction, be
fined not less than three dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 2. Disturbing the Peace. Whoever shall disturb the peace of the
City or the quiet of any private family or person therein, by loud or unusual
noises, or by violent and tumultuous carriage, or by shouting, cursing, quarrel-
ing, challenging to fight or fighting, or any other disorderly conduct, shall,
upon conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hund-
red Dollars.
SEC. 3. Challenge to Fight—Profane Language. If any person shall,
within said City, challenge another or others to fight, or shall threaten or tra-
duce another, or shall use any profane, obscene or offensive language, or in-
dulge in any conduct towards another or others tending to provoke a disturb-
ance or breach of the peace, the person so offending shall, upon conviction,
be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for
each offense.
SEC. 4. Assemblies for Unlawful Purposes. Any two or more persons
who shall, within the City, assemble together for any unlawful purpose, or who,
being assembled, shall act in concert to do an unlawful act against the prop-
erty of the City, or to the person or property of another, or against the peace
or to the terror of citizens or other persons, or who shall make any movement
or preparation therefor shall, upon conviction, be severally subject to a fine of
not less than three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 5. Owners of Premises Shall Not Permit Unlawful As-
semblies. Whoever shall Knowingly or wilfully suffer or permit any assem-
blies for the purpose of committing any unlawful act or breach of the peace, or
any riotous, offensive or disorderly conduct in or upon any premises owned or
occupied by him or under his control within said City shall, on conviction, be
fined not less than Five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 6. Disturbing Religious Worship—Public Meetings. Whoever
shall, in said City, interrupt or disturb any congregation or assembly met for
the purpose of religious worship, or for any lawful purpose, by making any
loud or unusual noise, or by rude and indecent behavior, or by obscene dis-
course or conduct shall, on conviction, be fined not less than three Dollars
nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 7. Funeral Procession. Whoever shall wilfully interrupt or dis-
turb any funeral procession, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than Three
Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 8. Throwing Stones, Etc., In Public Places. No person shall pur-
posely, carelessly, recklessly or heedlessly cast or throw any stone, brick, clod
or other missile from or into any public place, or at any house or person, within
the City, under a penalty, in each case, of not less than One Dollar nor more
than One Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 9. Climbing on Vehicles While in Motion. Whoever shall climb
upon or into any wagon, carriage, buggy, cart, sleigh, sled or other vehicle
while the same may be in motion or attach another sled or other vehicle to
any such vehicle, without the consent of the owner or driver thereof, shall,upon
conviction, be fined not less than One Dollar nor more than Twenty-five Dol-
SEC. 10. Carrying or Flourishirg Concealed Dangerous Weapons. Who-
ever shall, within said City, wear or carry concealed about his person any
pistol, revolver, slung-shot, metallic knuckles bowie knives, dirk, razor, black-
jack, or other dangerous or deadly weapons; or whoever shall display or flour-
ish any such weapon in a boisterous or threatening manner, shall, upon
conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred
Dollars for each offense, provided, that the provisions of this section shall not
be held to apply to any policeman, constable or other peace officer, while in
the discharge of his duty, nor to any person summoned by any such officer to
aid him in making an arrest or in preserving the peace.
SEC. 11. Drunkenness. Whoever shall be in a state of intoxication or
drunkenness in any public place, or place open to public view within the City
of Paxton, or in any private house or place, to the annoyance of any person,
shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two
Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 12. Language and Conduct. Whoever shall use any profane or
obscene language in any public place in said City, loud enough to be heard
by any persons passing thereby or when any boy, girl or woman may be
sufficiently near to hear the same; or shall be guilty of any disorderly conduct
or behavior, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor
more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC 13. Whoever shall accost or force his attentions upon any
lady against her will, or shall conduct himself in the manner commonly
known as “mashing” upon any street or in any public place in the City of Pax-
ton, shall upon conviction be fined not less than Three dollars or more than
Fifty Dollars for each offense.
SEC. 14. Indecent Exposure of Person—Dress, Etc. Whoever shall, in
said City, make any indecent exposure of his or her person, or shall appear
in any public place, or place exposed to public view, in clothing not belonging
to his or her sex, or in an indecent or lude dress or in a state of nudity, or
shall be guilty of any other indecent or lude act shall, upon conviction, be
fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 15. Obscene Publications—Drawing Pictures, Etc. Whoever shall
bring or cause to be brought into said city for the purpose of sale or exmfiibi-
tion or shall keep, sell, offer or expose for sale, or shall give away or offer to
give away or have in his possession with or without intent to sell or give away,
any obscene and indecent book, pamphlet, paper, drawing, lithograph, engrav- |
ing, daguerreotype, photograph, model, cast, instrument or article of indecent
or immoral use or shall advertise the same for sale or write or cause to be
written, or print or cause to be printed, any circular, hand bill, card, book,
pamphlet, advertisement or notice of any kind, or shall give information. orally,
stating when, how, or of whom, or by what means the said indecent or ob-
scene articles or things hereinbefore mentioned can be purchased or other-
wise obtained, or shal] manufacture, draw and expose, or draw with intent t@
sell, or to have sold, or print any such articles, shall, upon conviction be fined
not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars,
SEC.16. Lewd Plays and Performances. Whoever shall exhibit or per-
form, or assist in exhibiting or performing in said city any obscene, inde-
cent or lewd play or other such representation, or shall knowingly permit
the same to be exhibited or performed in any building owned or controlled
by him, shall, upon conviction, in each case, be fined not less than three
Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 17. Cock Fighting, Dogs or other Creatures. Whoever shall keep
or use, or in any way be connected with or interested in the management
of or shall receive money for the admission of any person to any place kept
or used for the purpose of fighting or baiting any cock, dog, bull or other
creature, and every person who shall engage, encourage, aid or assist therein,
or who shall permit or suffer any place to be so used, and every person
who shall visit such place so used or shall be found therein shall be fined not
less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 18. Gambling House. Whoever shall, within the City of Paxton,
set up, keep, maintain or support any gambling house or room, or place used
for the practice of gaming or playing for money, property or other thing
of value or shall knowingly permit any building or premises owned or con-
trolled by him to be used for such purpose, shall, upon conviction, be fined
not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 19. Inmates of gaming house. Whoever shall, within the City of
Paxton, be an inmate of any gaming house or room within said City, or shall
be in any way connected therewith or shall frequent or visit the same, or
be found therein; or whoever shall, within the City, play for any money or
other valuable thing at any game with cards, dice, billiards, pool, wheel of
fortune, or any other instrument or device whatsoever; or whoever shall be
upon any such game when played by others, shall, on conviction, be fined not
less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 20. Gaming in Public Streets. Whoever shall, within the limits
of the City of Paxton, set up or expose in any of the streets, avenues or any
other public places, any table, wheel of fortune or device of any kind what-
soever, upon or by which any game of chance or hazzard can be played or shall
play at or upon any such table or device shall, upon conviction, be fined not
less than three dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 21. Lottery Prohibited. Whoever shall, within said City, set un,
run or maintain any lottery, or shall sell or dispose of for gain any ticket,
chance or share in any lottery, or shall sell or attempt to dispose of any article
of property dependant upon any chance, by dice, lot, numbers, or other
device, or shall promote or be in any way connected with any such lottery or
such game of chance; or whoever shall knowingly permit any such lottery,
business or enterprise, to be carried on in any building or premises owned
or controlled by him, shall, on conviction, be fined not less than three nor more
than Two Hundred Dollars. .
SEC. 22. Houses of Ill Fame or Assignation. Whoever shall within
the City of Paxton, or within three miles of the outer boundaries of said
City, keep or maintain, directly or indirectly, any bawdy or disorderly house,
house of ill fame or of assignation, or place for the practice of adultery,
- shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more than Two
Hundred Dollars for each offense.
SEC. 23. Owner of Premises not to Permit use for Bawdy House.
Whoever shall, within said City, or within three miles of the outer bounda-
ries of said City, knowingly lease, let or permit any building or premises,
owned by him or under his control, to be used in whole or in part as a bawdy
house, or house of assignation, or place for the practice of adultery, shall,
upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty dollars nor more than Two
Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 24. Inmates of a Bawdy House. Whoever shall, within said
City of Paxton, or within three miles of the outer boundaries thereof, be an
inmate or an occupant of, or shall frequent or be found in any Bawdy House
or House of Assignation, or place used for the practice of adultery, shall,
on conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hun-
dred Dollars.
SEC. 25. Enticing Females to Enter. Whoever shall, within said City
entice, influence or persuade any female to enter or frequnt any Bawdy
House, House of Ill Fame or of assignation or place used for the practice
of adultery shall, upon conviction be fined not less than Twenty-Five Dol-
lars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 26. Cruelty to Animals. Whoever shall, within said City, inhu-
manly, unnecessarily, or cruelly beat, injure or otherwise abuse any dumb
animal or overload any horse or other animal or animals, or cruelly work
old and infirm animals or fail to provide any animal in his charge with
proper food, drink and shelter or in any manner or wise whatsoever shall
cause any animal needless and useless suffering, shall, upon conviction be
fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 27. Obstructing Officers. Whoever within said City, shall, wil-
fully resist, any officer, or person legally authorized in the discharge of his.
duty or shall aid, abet or encourage any such resistance, hindering or ob-
structing; and whoever shall in any manner aid in the escape from any jail
or calaboose of any person committed thereto; or whoever shall supply or
attempt to supply any person so committed with any weapon or with any
intoxicating liquor; or whoever shall hold any communication or conversa-
tion with any person confined in the Calaboose except by the consent of and
in the presence of the City Marshal shall, upon conviction be fined not less
than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars: Provided any regu-
lar practicing attorney at law of this State may see and consult with such
prisoner if he is the Attorney for such prisoner.
SEC. 28. Prohibiting Expectorating or spitting upon public walks and in
public buildings, etc. No person within the corporate limits of said city of Pax-
ton, shall spit or expectorate upon the floor of nor upon or against the
floor of any Public Building or any approach or entrance thereto; nor upon
against or in any car, cab, carriage or other vehicle, when in use for the
carrying of passengers; nor upon or against any Public Walk or Public or
private way for foot passengers, nor upon or against the floor of any other
part of any church, school house, passenger depot, Public Hall, Court House
or Court Room, nor upon or against the floor or other part of any store, shop,
office, dwelling tenement, or other private room or dwelling, or building
against the consent of the owner, agent or occupant thereof, nor on or about
the doorway, stairway or approach to any Public or private place.
SEC. 29. Any person found guilty of violating any of the terms: and
provisions of this chapter where no other penalty is provided, shall be fined
not less than One Dollar and not more than two Hundred Dollars for the first
offense, and not less than Three Dollars or more than Two Hundred Dollars
for each succeeding offense.
SEC. 30. Malicious or Negligent Destruction of Property. Whoever
shall willfully, maliciously or negligently break, deface, injure or destroy
any property of the State, County or City, or any private property, shall, on
conviction, be fined not less than Five Dollars nor more than Two Hundred
SEC. 31. Defacing or Injuring Trees, Fences, Gates, Etc. Whoever shall,
within said City, cut, injure, remove or destroy any fruit, ornamental or shade
tree, or the boxing around the same, or any fence, railing gate, post or sign,
upon any Public Ground, sidewalk or private premises against the consent
of the owner or occupant thereof, or who shall trespass upon any premises
or Public Grounds, or injure, take away or destroy any tree, shrub, fruit,
plant, vegetable, or other thing which may be therein for ornament or util-
ity, shall on conviction be fined not less than One Dollar nor more than
Two Hundred Dollars for each and every offense.
SEC. 32. Disturbing Peace. Whoever shall, within said City, disturb
the peace and good order of society by labor, (works-of necessity and charity
excepted), or by amusement or diversion on Sunday shall, upon conviction,
be fined not less than One Dollar nor more than two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 33. Disturbing Religous Worship. Whoever shall, on Sunday,
purposely or heedlessly interrupt any congregation met for religious purpose
or any lawful assembly, within said City, shall, for each offense, on convic-
tion, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than Two Hundred
SEC. 34. Vagrant Defined—Prostitute, Etc. Any person able to work
and maintain himself or herself in some lawful calling, not having visible
means of support, who shall live idly without employment, and without any
fixed place of abode, or shall stroll about the streets begging from house to
‘house, or frequent drinking saloons or shall otherwise lead an idle or pro-
fligate life; or any person upon whom shall be found any instrument or device
for picking locks, pockets, or for the commission of burglary, or other device
used by cheats and swindlers, without being able to give a good account of
his or her possession of the same, or any person who shall trespass upon pri-
vate premises in the night time, or habitually sleep in out houses, stables,
lumber yards, R. R. depots:or cars; or any prostitute, bawd or lude woman,
or inmate of a bawdy house or house of ill fame, who shall be wandering
about the streets, plying her vocation; and all habitual night walkers, or
persons loitering or strolling about the streets of the City at late and unusual
hours of the night, without being able to give a good and satisfactory ac-
- count for so doing; and all lude, wanton and licentious persons in speech
or behavior; common railers and brawlers, shall be deemed vagrants within
the meaning of this section, and shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than
One Dollar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars for each offense.
SEC. 35. Loafing or Loitering. Whoever shall, in said City, be found
loafing or loitering at the corners of streets, or in the vicinity of any place
of amusement, hotel, hallway, stairway, or other business place or private
premises; or in and about the depot or depot platform unless such person
shall have lawful business at such depot or depot platform, and shall refuse
to disperse or vacate such place when requested to do so by any person in
possession of any portion of the premises, who is annoyed or aggrieved there-
by or by any police officer, shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than One
Dollar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 36. Pilfering. Whoever shall, within the City of Paxton, unlaw-
fully take and carry away any personal property or thing of value belonging
to another, from any store, shop, house, vehicle, or any place where such
thing may lawfully be with intent to deprive the owner thereof of his prop-
erty therein, shall be fined not less than three dollars nor more than one
hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 37. Bringing Paupers in City. Whoever shall, knowingly send,
bring or leave any pauper in the City of Paxton, such pauper not belonging
thereto, or shall aid the same, or shall supply with means or assist any such
pauper, or person likely to become a pauper to come into or remain in the
City, in order that he or she may become a charge upon the corporation, shall,
upon conviction, be fined not less than Three Dollars nor more than One
Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 38. Jumping on Trains. No person, either minor or adult shall,
within said City of Paxton climb, jump, stand upon, step, cling to, or in any
way attach himself to any locomotive, engine or car, either standing or in
motion upon any part of the track or side track or Y, of any R. R., unless
in so doing he shall be acting in compliance of law, or by permission, under
the lawful rules and regulations of the Corporation then owning and man-
aging such Railroad. .
Section. ie eae em
When premises nuisance—notice.
Manure heaps—offensive matter in streets.
Storing gun powder, kerosene, etc.
Offensive cellar, vault, drain, etc.
Dead animals.
Slaugtering prohibited.
Unsafe or insecure buildings.
Keeping jackass within fire limits.
Breeding mare, etc.
SS ee Oe Oe
SEC, 1. When Premises-a Nuisance—Notice. Any building or prem-
ises, or part thereof, within the City of Paxton, which may be nauseous or
offensive to any person or family, or to persons passing along any street or
alley near there, or which may be in such condition as to be detrimental or
Barb wire. a Ck ees oe
injurious to the Public health or comfort, shall be deemed a nuisance; and
any owner, occupant or agent of such premises who shall neglect or refuse
to abate such nuisance, after notice to do so by the Health officers or any
member of the Police force, shall be subject to a fine not less than one Dol-
lar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars, and to a further fine of One Dollar
for each day after the first conviction that he shall fail to abate such nui-
SEC. 2. Manure Heaps—Offensive Matter in the Streets, Etc. Who-
ever shall suffer to accumulate on any premises owned or controlled by him
any heap or stack of manure so as to emit noxious, disagreeable or offensive
smells to the annoyance of any person; or whoever shall place any such ma-
nure or the contents of any privy vault or other offensive matter, in or upon
any street, alley, Public grounds or unenclosed grounds shall be deemed guilty
of a nuisance, unless such person shall remove the same within forty-eight
hours after being notified by the City Marshal or police officer so to do.
SEC. 3. Storing gun powder, kerosene, etc. The keeping or storing
of gunpowder to exceed five pounds at any one time or place except in tin
cans or cases, or of more than fifty pounds in any manner; and the storing
of more than 50 gallons of kerosene or gasoline except in a building entirely
disconnected from any other building, or in any manner of more than four
barrels at any one time or place, in said City, within 100 feet of any residence
or business building is hereby deelared to be a nuisance.
SEC. 4. Offensive Cellar, Vault, Drain, Etc. Whoever shall suffer or
permit any cellar, vault, drain, pool, privy, grounds or premises controlled
by them to become from any cause nauseous, foul or offensive or injurious
to the Public Health shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance.
SEC. 5. Dead Animals. Whoever shall suffer the carcass of any dead
animal, which at its death was controlled by him, to remain unburied in said
City for more than twenty-four hours after death shall be guilty of a nui-
sance. And no animal of the species of horse, cow, sheep, dog or swine shall
be buried in said City, except by permission of some member of the health
SEC. 6. Slaughtering Prohibited—Permits. The slaughtering of any
animal of the cattle, sheep or swine species, or the rendering of any tallow
or lard within said City is hereby declared a nuisance. Provided, This section
shall not apply to the slaughtering of any animal or the rendering of any
tallow or lard for private use or consumption; Provided further, That per-
mits for the slaughtering of such animals may be issued by the Mayor or
Health committee.
SEC. 7. Unsafe or Insecure Buildings. Whoeves shall erect or main-
tain any unsafe or insecure building or structure, within the said City, shall
be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and any owner or person controlling such
Building or structure, allowing the same to remain in suca condition, after
being notified that the same is unsafe or insecure, by the City Marshall, shall
be deemed guilty of a separate offense under this section each day that he
shall allow the same to so remain.
SEC. 8. Barb Wire. Whoever shall erect or maintain any barb wire fence
within three feet of any public side walk in said city shall be deemed guilty
of a nuisance; and for each day the owner or person controiling the property
on which the said barb wire fence is located, after being notified by the City
Marshal to remove the same, shall allow the same to remain in violation of
this ordinance, such owner or person controlling the same, shall be deemed
guilty of a separate offense under this section.
SEC. 9. Keeping Jackass within fire limits. Whoever shall keep,main-
tain or stand any Jackass within the fire limits of said City shall be deemed
guilty of a nuisance. ,
‘SEC. 10. Breeding Mares, Etc. The covering or breeding of any mare
by any stallion or jackass within fifty feet of any public street in said city is
hereby declared a nuisance.
SEC. 11. Any person violating any of the provisions of Section One to
Ten inclusive of the foregoing ordinance on nuisances above enumerated shall
be fined not less than three Dollars nor more than Two Hudred Dollars, And
any person who shall fail to remove or abate any such nuisance after being
notified by the City Marshal so to do, within twenty-four hours after being
so notified, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more
than twenty-five dollars for each offense.
Section. ’
1. No person shall keep without license.
Rooms to be closed Sundays.
No person under age of eighteen to play.
Shall keep orderly house.
Shall forfeit license for second violation.
Keep rooms open for inspection.
OT 99 bo
SEC. 1. No Person Shall Keep Without License. No person shall
keep within the City of Paxton any pool and billiard, bagatelle or pigeon hole
table or any ball or ten pin alley to be used or played upon by others for hire
or gain, without first having obtained a license therefor, under a penalty of
not less than fifty dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each and
every offense. The fees to be paid for such license are to be those fixed by
the license ordinance of the City of Paxton.
SEC. 2. Rooms to be Closed Sundays. All billiard and pool rooms and 2
ten pin alleys within said City shall be closed on Sundays and on week days
they shall be closed by ten o’clock and thirty minutes in the evening of each
day and shall be kept closed until five o’clock in the morning of the following
Any person violating any one or more of the provisions of this section
shall for each offense be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than two
hundred dollars.
‘+ ;
SEC. 3, No Person Under Age of Eighteen to Play. No keeper of any
pool or billiard room or ten pin alley within the City of Paxton shall permit
any person under the age of eighteen years to play at any game upon any
table or alley kept by him, nor shall he permit any such person to frequent
his place of business or loiter or remain therein unless upon the written con-
sent of the parent or guardian of such person, nor suffer or permit any rio-
tious or disorderly conduct on his premises. For any violation of any of the
provisions of this section, the person so violating the same shall be fined not
less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each and every
Provided, that if the parent or guardian of any minor shall give to the
keeper of any pool room, billiard room or ten pin alley written notice not to
allow such minor to play at billiard, pool, bagatelle, pigeon hole or ten pins
in such room or alley in his place of business, then it shall be unlawful for any
such keeper to allow any such minor to play at any such game in his place of
business, and for every violation of this provision such keeper shall be fined
not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars.
SEC. 4. Shall Keep Orderly House. Any and all persons keeping a
pool room, billiard room or ten pin alley within said city, shall keep an orderly
and well governed house or place of business, and such keeper shall not permit
any fighting, quarreling, loud, profane or vulgar talking or other disturbance
of the peace in or about his place of business, nor allow any intoxicated per-
son to remain in or about such place of business, nor allow the exhibiting,
drinking, selling, giving away, treating with or the taking of orders for any
spiritous, malt vinous or intoxicating liquors, nor shall the proprietor or pro-
prietors, or any employee in such place of business be in a state of intoxica-
tion or engage in the exhibition, drinking, giving away, selling, treating with
or the taking of orders for any spiritous, malt, vinous, or intoxicating liquors,
nor shall such liquors be kept, stored or allowed to remain in or upon the
premises controlled by any keeper of such pool room, billiard room or ten pin
alley, nor shall the proprietor or proprietors or any employee or visitor in
any such place of business, play at cards or with dice, or with any other device
commonly used in games of chance for money or other valuable consideration,
and any person found guilty of violating any one or more of the provisions of
this section shall be fined not less than five dollars and not more than two
hundred dollars for each and every offense.
SEC. 5. Shall forfeit License for Second Violation. Any person who
shall keep a pool room, billiard room, ten pin alley, bagatelle or pigeon hole
table in said city under the provisions of this ordinance and who shall have
obtained a license under this ordinance, who shall have been convicted for a
second time of the violation of any of the provisions of any of the sections of
this chapter shall upon such conviction, in addition to the penalty imposed
for the first violation, forfeit his license and all fees paid therefor to the |
SEC. 6. Keep Rooms Open for Inspection. It shall be the duty and
shall be obligatory upon the keeper of any pool room, billiard room, bagatelle
or pigeon hole table or ten pin alley in said city, to allow any police officer or
any other city officer, absolute freedom at any time, to enter his place of busi-
ness for the purpose of inspecting the conditions existing therein, and any
person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be fined not less
than five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense.
1. Every able bodied citizen work streets.
2. Superintendent of streets to give notice.
3. Penalty for failure to work.
SEC. 1. That every able bodied male inhabitant of said city (except
those exempt by law from poll tax), above the age of twenty-one years and
under the age of fifty, shall be required to labor on the streets and alieys of
said city, under the direction of the Superintendent of Streets, two days in
each and every year; PROVIDED, That such labor may be commuted at
seventy-five cents per day; in which case the commutation money shall be paid
to the Superintendent of Streets, who shall give a receipt for the same.
SEC. 2. That the Superintendent of Streets, shall, between the first
day of June and the first day of September, of each year, serve written notice
upon each person so liable for street labor; which notice shall specify where
he shall report for labor, what implement he shall bring, and the time when
he shall so report; which time shall not be less than three nor more than ten
days from the time of the service of such notice.
SEC. 3. Any person who shall fail to pay such commutation money
within the time specified in said notice, or shall fail to report for work ac-
cording to the terms of such notice, or shall fail to diligently work under the
orders of the Superintendent of Streets the time required, shal] be liable to
a fine of three dollars for each day’s failure. PROVIDED, The person may
appear by substitute, who shall be an able-bodied man, acceptable to the Sup-
erintendent of Streets.
1. Court may commit to calaboose.
2. Person committed may be compelled to work.
3. Person escaping may be rearrested.
SEC. 1. That any court, trying any person for violating any ordinance
of said city and imposing a fine or penalty on said person for violating the same
shall enter, as a part of his judgment in the cause, that said defendant shall
stand committed to the calaboose of said city, until such fine or penalty and
all costs shall be fully paid, or otherwise lawfully discharged. And if any
person shall fail to pay said fine or penalty entered against him, together
with all costs, the court imposing such fine or penalty shall issue an order or
mittimus committing such person to the calaboose until such fine or penalty,
together with all costs, shall be fully paid, or otherwise lawfully discharged.
PROVIDED, That no imprisonment shall be for a longer term than six months
for any one offense.
SEC. 2. That every person, so committed under section one of this
ordinance may be compelled, under the direction of the Superintendent of
Streets, or other officer of said city, to work at such work as his or her
strength will permit, not exceeding ten hours in any one day. And for each
ten hours the person shall diligently and faithfully work, they shall be allowed
a credit of fifty cents on such fine or penalty and costs.
Such persons shall be returned to the calaboose at noon and at night,
by the officer having them in charge. The officer having them in charge shall
upon demand give such person a statement, showing the time he has worked;
and upon the same being presented to the court imposing such fine or penalty,
the court shall enter a credit on said fine or penalty and costs of fifty cents for
each ten hours so worked. Every person committed to the calaboose who
shall fail to work as aforesaid shall receive a credit upon such fine or penalty
and costs, of twenty-five cents for every twenty-four hours he shall remain in
said calaboose.
SEC. 3. If any person while at labor or out of the calaboose for that
purpose, shall escape before his fine or penalty and all costs, are fully paid
or worked out, or without having remained in the calaboose the length of the
time required by this ordinance, he or she may be arrested and caused to work
or serve out the remainder of the fine or penalty imposed and all costs.
i. Speed of cars.
Cars obstructing street.
Locomotive whistles.
Railroad crossings and bridges.
City may build crossings and recover cost.
Flagman, gates, etc.
Lights on the cars at night.
See Ae se
SEC. 1. Speed of Cars. No railway company, railrvad engineer, rail-
road conductor or other person shall run any locomotive, freight or passenger
car, or any trains of cars upon or along any railroad track, side track or
switch within the corporate limits of the City of Paxton at a greater rate of
speed than ten miles an hour. .
SEC, 2. Cars Obstructing Street. No railroad company, railroad en-
gineer, train conductor or other person shall cause or allow any locomotive,
car or cars, or train of cars, to stop in or remain upon any street or railroad
crossing within said city in such manner as to obstruct or hinder the free
and safe passage over such crossings for teams and foot passengers for a
longer period than ten minutes.
SEC. 3. Locomotive Whistles. No railroad company, locomotive en-
gineer or fireman shall cause or allow the whistle of any locomotive engine
to be sounded within the coroporate limits of said city, except necessary
crossing and brake signals, and such as may be absolutely necessary to pre-
vent injury to persons or other casualty or accident.
SEC. 4. Railroad Crossings and Bridges. All railroad companies whose
tracks and right of way now or may hereafter enter or pass through the
corporate limits of said City, shall respectively construct, repair and maintain
good, safe and sufficient culverts, crossings and bridges, with good and easy
approaches thereto to the full width of their respective right of ways on all
public alleys, streets, sidewalks and highways where their respective tracks
or right of way pass along, across or over any alley, street or highway
within said city.
SEC. 5. City May Build Crossing and Recover Cost. In the case of
the failure or refusal of any railroad company to construct or ‘repair any
crossing, culvert or bridge within fifteen days after being duly notified so to
do, the city council may order such crossing, culvert or bridge to be constructed
or repaired, as may be needed, at the expense of the city, and such company
shall be liable to the city, in an action of debt, for the cost thereof.
SEC. 6. Flagman, Gates, Etc. Any railroad company, corporation or
person operating any line of railway, whose track or tracks cross any of the
following named streets in said city of Paxton, viz: Market, Holmes, State,
Pells, or Center streets, shall station, keep and maintain at its own expense,
at each of the intersections of its track or tracks with any of the above
named streets, a reliable and competent flagman, or any such railroad com-
pany or person so operating, may in lieu of such flagman erect, maintain and
operate at its own expense at each of the intersections of its track or tracks
with the above named streets, on either side of its track or tracks, gates of
the style and kind usually erected by railroads at street crossings in cities
and cause the same to be lowered upon the approach of any car, train or loco-
motive and raised again upon the passing of such car, train or locomotive.
Such railroad company or person so operating shall also cause to be erected
at each of the intersections of its track or tracks with any of the above named
streets, an electric bell which it shall cause to be rung upon the approach of
any car, train or locomotive to within six hundred feet from such intersection
and to cease again upon the passing of any such car, train or locomotive. The
said flagman shall be on duty or the said gates shall be operated from seven
o’clock A. M. to ten o’clock P. M. of each day.
And it is further ordained that the City Council may require any rail-
road company or person so operating within said city to provide flagman or
gates and bells as above described at any of the intersections of its track
or tracks with any other of the streets of said city, by adopting a resolution
to that effect, stating the time when the said flagman, gates and bells shall
be provided. The Mayor of said City shall within ten days from the passage
of such resolution, cause to be served upon such railroad company or person
named therein, a certified copy thereof, leaving the same with any agent,
officer or employee of said company.’
Any railroad company or person so operating who shall violate any of
the provisions of this section, or who shall fail or refuse to comply with any
such resolution within the time specified therein shall be fined not less than
twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars and shall be subject
to a like penalty for each and every ten days after the expiration of the time
so fixed for the compliance therewith.
SEC. 7. Lights on Cars at Night. Every locomotive engine, railroad
car or train of cars running in the night-time on any railroad track in said
city shali have and keep, while so running, a conspicuous light on the forward
end of such locomotive, car or train of cars, If such engine, car or train of
cars be backing, it shall have a conspicuous light in the rear car or engine,
so as to show the direction said engine or car is moving.
SEC. 8. Penalty. Any railroad company or person, who shall of them-
selves or by their agents or employees, violate or fail to observe any of the
foregoing provisions of this chapter, or any agent, engineer, conductor or other
employee of any such railroad company, who shall violate or fail to observe
the same, shall for each violation or failure to observe the same, where no
other penalty is provided, be fined in a sum not less than three dollars nor more
than two hundred dollars.
1. Sidewalks along paved streets.
2. Unlawful to ride on sidewalk without license.
3. City clerk to issue.
4. -Conditions of license.
SEC. 1. Sidewalks along Paved Streets. That it shall be unlawful for
any person to ride any bicycle or tricycle upon any sidewalk within the cor-
porate limits of the City of Paxton that lies within, parallel with and along
any street the roadway of which is paved.
SEC. 2. Unlawful to Ride Sidewalk without License. That is shall be
unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle or tricycle upon any sidewalk within
the corporate limits of the City of Paxton without first having obtained a
license to do so; provided, any person who shall obtain such license as herein-
after specified, shall have lawful right to ride a bicycle or tricycle upon any
sidewalk within said City, excepting upon those sidewalks lying along paved
streets as mentioned in section one of this ordinance, subject however to the
provisions and restrictions of this ordinance and the conditions of such
SEC. 3. City Clerk to Issue. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to
issue such license to any person applying therefor, upon the payment by each
such applicant into the city treasury of the sum of $2.00. The said license shall
be issued for the term of one year, dating from January list to January list
of each year, and shall have printed on the face mtu a section four of this
SEC. 4. Conditions of License—Penalty. Any person who shall ride
a bicycle or tricycle upon any sidewalk within said City of Paxton, under
and by authority of any license granted under this ordinance, shall not so
ride upon any sidewalk lying within, parallel and along any street the roadway
of which is paved, nor shall any such person so ride at a greater rate of speed
than six miles an hour, nor shall any such person so ride upon any sidewalk
at any other time than during hours of daylight. Each person so riding under
any such license shall, upon meeting or passing any pedestrian who may be
using the same sidewalk, dismount from his machine until such pedestrian
is safely passed. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this
ordinance shall for the first offense be fined not less than three dollars nor
more than ten dollars, and for the second offense shall be fined a like sum
as for the first offense and shall in addition thereto forfeit to the City his
license granted under this ordinance.
Section. Pee 2
1. Mayor’s salary. Silt
2. Compensation of Aldermen.
3. City Clerk’s salary.
4. City Attorney’s salary.
5. City Treasurer’s salary. j
6. Street Superintendent’s salary.
7. City Marshal’s salary.
8. Salary of night policeman.
9. Compensation of city collector.
10. Compensation of Public Engineer.
SEC. 1. Mayor’s Salary. Tne mayor of the City of Paxton shall receive
an annua] salary of one hundred and fifty dollars payable in a install-
SEC. 2. Compensation of Aldermen. The aldermen of said city shall —
each receive for his services the sum of three dollars per night for each
meeting of the council actually attended by him, payable monthly.
SEC. 3. City Clerk’s Salary. The City Clerk shall receive an annual
salary of three hundred dollars payable in monthly installments. .
SEC. 4. City Attorney’s Salary. The city attorney shall receive an
annual salary of three hundred dollars payable in monthly installments, and
all reasonable charges for expenses, when required to be outside the city on
business pertaining to the duties of his office.
SEC. 5. City Treasurer’s Salary. The city treasurer shall receive an
annual salary of fifty dollars.
SEC. 6. Street Superintendent’s Salary. The superintendent of streets
ef said City shall receive a salary of forty-five dollars per month payable
SEC. 7. City Marshal’s Salary. The city marshal shall receive a salary
of forty-five dollars per month, payable monthly, which shall be in full com-
pensation for all fees or charges for services rendered said City.
SEC. 8. Salary of Night Policeman. The night policeman shall receive
a salary of forty-five dollars per month payable monthly.
SEC. 9. Compensation of City Collector. The city collector of special
taxes shall receive as compensation for all services rendered, one per cent
on all special taxes collected and paid into the city treasury by him.
SEC. 10. Compensation of Public Engineer. The public engineer shall
receive as compensation for his services such sum or sums as shall be de-
termined from time to time by the city council.
Engineer to keep maps.
Manner of connecting with.
Application for connection.
No person shall open or uncover catch basin,
Drains connected with cess pools.
No person shall throw obstructive matter in sewer.
Fe age sen
SEC. 1. Engineer to keep maps: It shall be the duty of the City Engin-
eer to keep in his office a map or maps upon which shall be platted and shown
all public drains and sewers built, owned or controlled by the said City,
showing the location of the different drains, sewers and overflows and their
dimensions, openings, inlets, catch basins and connections.
SEC. 2. Manner of Connecting with: The drainage of all private prop-
erty into the public sewers or drains shall be effected by lateral sewers, pipes
or house drains made of the best quality of vitrified earthenware pipe, true in
form and strong in material, and laid strictly in accordance with the direc-
tions as hereinafter provided. Before any connection shall be made with any
such public sewer or drain, the owner or party in control of the property to
be drained shall make application as hereinafter provided to the street sup-
erintendent of said city for permission to tap any such public sewer or drain,
and all such connection shall be made in strict accordance with the terms of
the permission so granted by said street superintendent for such purpose. Any
person who shall construct or use or cause to be constructed or used, any
drain, cesspool or water closet pipe in a different manner from that ordered
by the said street superintendent, or in violation of the City ordinances in
relation thereto, shall be subject to a fine of not less than three dollars nor
more than fifty dollars for each offense, which said fine shall be recoverable
against the person or persons so constructing or using said sewer, drain or
pipe, or their employers, and the owner of the premises in which said work
is constructed or used, shall be deemed and considered as authorizing such -
construction or use and liable to such penalty.
SEC. 3. Application for Connecting with Sewer. Any person desiring
to make any connection with any such public sewer or drain shall first make
a written application to said street superintendent for permission so to do, in
which application such person shall state where such connection is to be made
and the purpose for which the same is to be used. And all such work shall
be done subject to the inspection and approval of said street superintendent.
It shall be the duty of the street superintendent to grant written per-
mits to persons who may desire to so connect with any such sewer or drain
when such person shall have fully complied with the conditions of this ordi-
nance. He shall prescribe the mode of piercing or opening the sewer or
drains, and the form, size and material of the connections to be made there-
with. |
SEC. 4. No Person shall open or uncover catch basin, etc. ,No person
shall uncover for any purpose any public sewer or drain, or open any manhole
or catch basin, unless and except under the supervision and direction of the
street superintendent, nor shall any person do or cause to be done any injury
of any kind, or in any manner interfere or tamper with any man-hole, catch
basin, outlet pipe or any other appliance or part of said sewer or drains.
Any person violating this section or any part thereof, shall be subject
to a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for
each offense.
SEC. 5. Drains Connected with Cess pools, Etc. No sewer, tile pipe
or drain of any character which is directly or indirectly connected with any
cess pool, privy vault, water closet, or other depository for decayed, foul or
putrid matter, or which shall extend at a distance less than two feet from the
wall of any such cess pool, privy vault, water closet or other such depository
so as to permit any solid substance or matter from such cess pool, privy vault, 7
water closet or other such depository to be discharged into such sewer or
drain, shall be in any manner, directly or indirectly, connected with or be
permitted to empty into any public sewer or drain built, owned or controlled
by the said City of Paxton.
‘Any person who shall use, construct or maintain or who shall cause to
be used, constructed or maintained any sewer or drain contrary to the pro-
visions of this section shall be fined not less than three dollars nor more than
one hunderd dollars for each offense, and the owner of the premises upon which
any sewer or drain is used, constructed or maintained in violation of this
section, shall be deemed and considered as authorizing such use, construction
or maintainance and shall be liable to the penalty therefor.
SEC. 6. No Person shall throw obstructive matter in sewer. No person
shall be permitted to place, throw or in any manner deposit in any sewer, tile,
drain, pipe, catch basin or other receptacle which is in any manner, directly
or indirectly connected with any public sewer or drain owned or controlled
by the said City of Paxton, any butcher’s offal, garbage, dead animal or other
obstructive matter or material. Any person violating any of the provisions
of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three hoatay nor
more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 8. Penalty. Any person violating any part of this ordinance, or
causing the same to be done, where no other penalty is prescribed, shall, for
every such violation, be subject to a penalty of not less than one dollar, nor
more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
Sidewalks to be brick, stone, cement, etc.
Width and grade of sidewalks.
Laying walks contrary to grade.
Sidewalks to be uniform and in line.
Sidewalks out of line or grade, a nuisance.
Old and unsafe sidewalks, a nuisance.
Cellar ways, etc., in sidewalks forbidden.
Entrance to areaways, openings, etc.
Merchandise, signs, etc.
11. Delivering or receiving goods on sidewalks.
12. Hitching teams so as to obstruct.
13. Gates opening outward.
14. Obstructions to sidewalks.
15. Specifications.
SEC. 1. Sidewalks to be of Brick, Stone, Cement, Etc. All sidewalks
hereafter laid or contsructed in said City shall be made of good, sound stone,
brick, cement, or such other material as may be prescribed by ordinance or
approved by the city council. All said sidewalks shall be constructed upon
a good and sufficient base of sand or gravel or other substance approved by
‘the city council and shall be constructed under the direct supervision of the
street superintendent and subject to the approval of the street and alley com-
mittee of said city. Any person who shal] construct, lay or relay any side-
walk, of any material other than brick, stone, cement or other material pre-
scribed by ordinance, without the consent of the city council first had and ob-
tained, or shall lay or construct such work or sidewalk with an inferior or
unsuitable quality of material, shall be fined not less than five dollars, nor more
than one hundred dollars and such sidewalk, constructed in violation hereof,
shall be deemed a nuisance, and may be taken up or removed by the street
SEC. 2. Width and grade of Sidewalks. All sidewalks hereafter to be
constructed within said city of Paxton shall be laid or constructed to the —
grade established by the city therefore. Where no grade has been established,
the sidewalk shall be laid or constructed to such grade as may be fixed by
the city engineer. All persons desiring to build a sidewalk in front of their
premises shall first apply to the city engineer for the grade for the same;
and it is hereby made the duty of such city engineer, to designate by proper
lines and stakes, for all persons desiring to build sidewalks, the grade estab-
lished for such street or sidewalk, and if there be no such grade established
by the city council, then he shall designate and fix a temporary grade for
the purpose aforesaid.
SEC. 3. Laying Walks Contrary to Grade. If any person shall build
or assist in building any sidewalk where no grade has been established, with-
out first obtaining a grade therefor from the city engineer, or contrary to any
grade which may be fixed by said engineer, or shall build or assist in building
sidewalk contrary to any grade which may have been or may be established
by the city council, or contrary to any of the provisions of this chapter, or
contrary to any ordinance hereafter passed, providing for any walk, he shall in
either case, be subject to a penalty of five dollars for each offense, and to
a penalty of one dollar for each day he shall fail to remove or reconstruct the
same, after notice from the city engineer or other officer of the city to remove
or reconstruct the same.
SEC. 4. Sidewalks to be uniform and in line. All sidewalks hereafter
laid or constructed in this city upon any one side of any street shall be laid
and constructed of uniform width, and in a uniform line the whole length
of such side of the street. Any person desiring to build a sidewalk or pave-
ment in front of his premises, where there is no ordinance locating and fixing
line of the same, shall apply to the city engineer for the proper location and-
line of such sidewalk; and it shall be the duty of such engineer, upon such
application, to locate for such person such proposed sidewalk.
SEC. 5. Sidewalks out of line or Grade—a Nuisance. Any sidewalk
that may be hereafter laid or constructed, which shall be constructed con-
trary to any grade established by the city council, or contrary to any grade
fixed by the city engineer, or which shall be constructed or located contrary
to the lines or width prescribed therefor by any ordinance of the city, or con-
trary to the line or width prescribed therefor by the city engineer, are
nereby declared to be a nuisance, and the said city engineer is hereby author-
ized to remove or take up the same.
SEC. 6. Old and Unsafe Sidewalks, a Nuisance. Whenever any side-
walk shall become dilapidated, and out of repair to such an extent as to be
dangerous or unsafe for the passage of persons walking over the same, and
to such an extent that the same cannot be economically repaired, then such
sidewalk shall be considered a nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the street
superintendent to take up or remove the same.
SEC, 7. Cellar ways, Etc., in Sidewalks Forbidden. No cellar-ways,
window openings or the approaches thereto, shall ih whole or in part be built,-
erected or maintained in or upon any sidewalk, street or alley of said city,
or on any part thereof without permission of the City Council] first had; and
any person who shall violate this section shall be subject to a penalty of not
less than three dollars and not exceeding two hundred dollars, and to a like
penalty for each day. he may suffer or permit such obstructions or encroach-
ments in or upon the sidewalks, streets or alleys fronting or adjoining his
premises after being duly notified to remove the same.
SEC. 8. Entrance to Area-Ways, Openings, Etc. When entrances to
areas and basements are constructed outside the inner line of a sidewalk and
on the premises abutting thereto, such entrances, stairs or steps shall be
securely protected by sufficient iron railings, and no open space next to any
building shall be allowed except the same is securely protected by iron rail-
ings or covered with suitable iron gratings at all times except when in actual
use in the daytime. Any person constructing or maintaining any such area-
way, opening o1 entrance contrary to the provisions of this section, either as
owner or occupant of said premises, shall be subject to a fine of not less than
three dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for each offense, and shall
be further subject to a like penalty for each twenty-four hours the same is
allowed to so remain after being convicted of a violation hereof.
SEC. 9. Awnings. All awnings in said city of Paxton shall be covered
with cloth, leather or other light and pliable substance, and shall be securely
attached to the building or buildings and properly supported without posts,
the frame work of which shall be elevated at least eight feet at the lowest
point thereof above the sidewalk, and shall not project over the sidewalk to
exceed three fourths of the width thereof, and no such awning shall be con-
structed or repaired either wholly or in part of wood; and any person who
shall erect any awning contrary to the provisions hereof, or refuse or neglect
forthwith to remove any awning erected contrary to the provisions hereof,
shall be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars and not to exceed
one hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 10. Merchandise, Signs, Etc. No clothing, goods, wares, merchan-
dise, signs, boxes or other article or thing whatever shall be placed in front
of any store, shop, office, or other place in said city, on or above the sidewalk,
or in or upon any alley, so as to occupy more than three feet next to the
buildings or premises on such sidewalk or alley or of the space above the
sidewalk or alley. And all signs, articles or other things that may be hung
out or placed above the sidewalk, shall be so placed or hung that the lowest
part of such articles or things shall be at least seven feet and six inches
above the top of the sidewalk; nor shall any owner or occupant of any lot
or premises lease the space aforesaid, or permit or allow the same to be used
or occupied except for uis own business; nor shall such space be used for
selling any article or thing whatever. Any person who shall violate the pro-
visions of this section shall be liable to a penalty of five dollars for every
forty-eight hours the same shall remain after being requested to remove the
same by any officer of the city.
SEC. 11. Delivering or Receiving Goods on Sidewalks, No person or
persons receiving or delivering goods, wares or merchandise in said city shall
place or keep upon, or suffer to be placed or kept upon, any sidewalk in said
city any goods, wares or merchandise which he or they may be receiving or
delivering, without leaving a passage way clear upon each sidewalk where
such goods may be, at least four feet wide, for the use of foot passengers;
and no person receiving or delivering such goods. shall suffer the ‘same to be
or remain on such sidewalk (subject nevertheless to tue forégoing restrict-
ions) for a longer period than twelve hours. Any person violating any of
the provisions of this section shall forfeit and pay to said city a sum not less
than three dollars, nor more than ten dollars for each offense.
SEC. 12. Hitching Teams so as to Obstruct Sidewalks. Whoever shall
fasten or leave any team or beast of burden in such a manner as that the
team, the vehicle, the animal, the harness or anything belonging thereto,
shall be an obstruction to the sidewalk, shall be subject to a penalty of not
less than one dollar and not exceeding ten dollars in each case.
SEC. 13. Gates Opening Outward. All gates opening upon any public
street shall be so constructed as that no part of such gate shall swing over
or above the street or sidewalk upon which it opens, unless such gate be so
constructed or hung that it is self shutting; and whoever shall erect, keep
or maintain any gate in violation of this section shall be deemed guilty of a
nuisance and be fined not exceeding ten dollars.
SEC. 14. Obstructions to Sidewalks. The owner or occupant of any
premises within said city shail, at all times, keep the sidewalk along such
premises open, safe and passable for foot passengers passing over the same.
For each failure so to do or for any obstruction or injury to such sidewalk
not specially designated and otherwise provided for in this chapter, such
owner or occupant shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars
and not more than one hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 15. Specifications for Cement Sidewalk. All public cement side-
walks hereafter constructed within the said City of Paxton shall be made
to conform substantially to the following specifications, viz:
Size: No public walk shall be made less than four feet in width.
Grades and Line: The sidewalks shall be laid to grades and line
as given by the City Engineer.
Materials—Cement: The cement used for concrete and mortar shall
be the best quality of Portland cement.
Gravel: The gravel used for concrete shall be clean, sharp and
free from clay or loam. i ;
Sand: The sand used for concrete or mortar shall be clean, sharp,
and free from loam, clay or vegetable matter.
The sand used for the finishing or wearing coat shall be thoroughly
Stone: The stone used for concrete base shall be limestone crushed
to pass a 1-inch ring. |
Stone screenings if used for the wearing coat shall be granite or quartz
screenings perfectly free from dust, and of the sizes that will pass a sieve
having 1%, inch meshes.
Foundation: The foundation shall be excavated or filled to the depth
of 8 inches below the top of the finished sidewalk, and the sub-grade formed
parallel to the surface of the walk. If the walk is brought to sub-grade by
filling, the material used for said purpose shall be spread in layers not to
exceed 3 inches in thickness and thoroughly tamped.
Upon the sub-grade shall be spread a layer of clean, coarse sand or
fine gravel.or cinders to the depth of 4 inches which layer shall be thoroughly
consolidated by tamping or rolling.
If cinders are used for said layer great care shall be taken in tamping,
to break up the larger clinkers and work the finer material in around the
coarser pieces.
Forms: The edge of the walk shall be marked by a 2-inch by 4-inch
scantling securely staked in position with its top face in the plane of the
top of the finished walk. These scantlings shall be blocked up so as accu-
rately to maintain the longitudinal grade of the walk, and shall be so se-
curely staked that they will not be crowded out by the tamping of the
Concrete Base: The base shall consist of a layer of concrete 3 inches
_ For gravel concrete the proportions shall be one part of Portland cement
and seven parts of clean, sharp gravel. Stone concrete shall be composed of
one part Portland cement, 3 parts sand and 6 parts of unscrened broken lime-
stone; the stone crushed to pass a 1-inch ring.
Mixing of Concrete—Gravel Concrete: The gravel and cement shall
be thoroughly mixed dry, and then water will be added in the proper pro-
portion and the mass be turned and thoroughly mixed until each particle of
gravel is completely covered with mortar. The concrete thus prepared will
be immediately placed in the work. It shall be spread and thoroughly com-
pacted by ramming until moisture appears on the surface.
Stone Concrete: The sand and cement shall be thoroughly mixed dry
and then made into a mortar of the proper consistency. Broken stone
free from dirt and drenched with water but containing no loose water in the
heap, shall then be added to the mortar in the given proportions. The con-
crete will then be turned and mixed until each piece of stone is completely
covered with mortar. The concrete thus prepared shall be immediately plac-
ed in the work. It shall be spread and thoroughly compacted by ramming
until free mortar appears on the surface.
All mixing by hand shall be done on suitable platforms.
Machines for the mixing of the concrete may be used if working sat-
isfactorily. In tamping the concrete, particular care shall be taken that the
same is well consolidated along the outer edges and showing well filled
voids, after the forms are removed. The upper surface of the concrete base
shall be made exactly parallel to the top of the finished walk.
Joints: The Concrete base shall be formed in separate blocks, 4 to 5
feet square. This may be accomplished by inserting transverse partitions be-
tween the side forms and then construct the walk in alternate blocks or
by cutting through the concrete base before it is set, leaving the so-formed
space open. When the width of the walk requires the division of the walk
into more than one row of blocks the joints shall be made to meet and be
continuous across the entire width of the walk.
Wearing Coat: The wearing or finishing coat for sidewalks shall be
composed of 1 part by bulk of Portland cement and 2 parts of perfectly
clean and sharp, coarse sand. Granite or quartz screenings that will pass a
sieve having 1% inch meshes may take the place of the sand if used in the
same proportion.
The thickness of the wearing coat shall be 1 inch.
The same brand of cement shall be used for concrete base and wearing
The cement and sand or screenings shall be thoroughly mixed dry to
a uniform color and then sufficient water shall be added and the mass well
mixed into a mortar.
This mortar is to be applied to the concrete base before the same
has begun to set in order that the two layers may firmly unite. The mortar
shall be brought to a uniform thickness by drawing a template, cut to the
proper shape, longitudinally along the top of the forms.
When the cement in the wearing coat begins to set, it is to be rubbed
smooth and hard with a trowel, sufficient pressure being employed to force
the top and bottom layers into close contact and particular care must be taken
to consolidate the edges of the blocks.
In doing this work much care must also be taken in guarding against
depressions in the surface. No depressions in the surface exceeding % of
an inch will be allowed and should any depressions of greater depth be found
on any part of the work such part will be rejected. While completing the
troweling, the wearing coat shall be separated into blocks to correspond ex-
actly with the blocks made in the concrete base. The joints and edges to
be properly rubbed down and finished smoothly. |
Protection of Work: After the wearing surface has been finished the
walk must be protected from the direct rays of the sun and from strong
winds by covering with canvas, straw. or other suitable material for at least
24 hours after completion. If the weather is dry and the walk exposed to
the sun, the work shall be kept moist by sprinkling.
The forms shall not be removed until the cement has set so hard that
there is no danger of injuring the edge of the walk in removing them.
In closing work at night, the concrete as well as finishing coat shall
be finished up to a joint.
No patching of defective blocks after the cement has begun to set will
be allowed.
Temperature: No Concrete walk shall be laid when the temperature
at any time during the day or night falls below thirty-two (32) degrees
Transverse Slope: Cement walks built along the side of streets shall
have a transverse slope towards the street of 4% inch per foot from the inner
edge to the center line of the walk, and % inch per foot from the center line
to the outer edge of the walk.
Cement walks built in public parks shall have a crown of % inch
per foot of half width of walk.
Cement Crossings: Cement walks across driveways, alleys or improy-
ed streets shall have a foundation of cinders, sand or gravel to a depth of
4 inches. The concrete base shall be made of 1 part by bulk of best Portland
cement and 5 parts of clean sharp gravel. The thickness of the base to be
6 inches.
If broken stone is used for the concrete it shall consist of 1 part by
bulk of best Portland cement, 2 parts of clean sharp sand and 4 parts of un-
screened broken stone crushed to pass a 1l-inch ring. The thickness of this
base to be six (6) inches. :
The wearing coat for crossings shall consist of 1 part by bulk of Port-
land cement and 1% parts of clean sharp, coarse sand. Quartz or Granite
screenings may take the place of the sand. The thickness of the wearing
coat shall be 2 inches. Crossings shall have a width of 5 feet, the first 6 inches
on each side having the top surface inclined outwards at a slope of % inch
to the inch.
Surface of Crossing: The surface of the crossing shall be roughened
or finished with V shaped grooves 1 inch wide and % inch deep running 4
inches apart along the crossing.
Section. 4
1. Not to be excavated without permit. 1 hos gas
2. How excavation to -be filled, etc.,—penalty.
3. Excavation left open—Penalty.
4. Removing earth without permit—Penalty. |
5. Building, ete., encroaching upon street.
6. Contractor not to obstruct without permit.
7. Contractor to give bond to pay damages.
8. Building encroaching not to be repaired.
9. Building encroaching upon notice—Cast.
10. Building not to be moved along street without permit.
lis cBond:
12. No obstruction allowed.—Penalty.
3. Liability for damages.
14. Obstructing crossings.
15. When street obstructed by teams—Penalty.
16. Alleys and gutters to be kept clean.
17. Leaving cellar door open, ete.
18. Obstructing street with fuel, ete.
19. Throwing ashes, etc., in streets.
20. Throwing paper in streets.
21. Permit to open paved street—How refilled.
22. Hauling stones, etc., through street. |
23. Superintendent to remove obstructions. 7s she
24. Speed for driving in streets. .
25. Leaving animals unhitched. pies
26. Automobiles, ete., shall stop.
27. Brick pavements crossed by engines, planked.
28. Width of tires.
29. Drivers meeting turn to right.
30. Balls, kites, and baloons prohibited.
31. Games, exhibits on streets and sidewalks.
32. Public buildings,—Doors to open outward.
33. Parades,—Permits may be granted.
34. Permit may be refused.
35. Penalty for violation.
SEC. 1. Not to Be Excavated Without Permit. Penalty. No person
not authorized by city council or by ordinance shall make ‘any excavations
in any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or public ground within the city of Pax-
ton without first having obtained the permission of the mayor or superintend-
ent of streets, and in case of an excavation in any paved street, avenue or
alley such permission shall be in writing.
Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall upon conviction
be fined not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense,
provided, that this section shall not apply to any person making an excavation
for the purpose of connecting any private drain or sewer with any public
sewer or of connecting any private drain or sewer with any public sewer or
of connecting any privte water main with a public water main under a written
permit from the superintendent of streets or other proper officer.
SEC, 2. Excavations to be Filled up. How. Injuries to be Repaired
and Penalty. Any person making or causing to be made any excavation or
ditch for any purpose in any street, avenue alley or sidewalk, shall without
any unnecessary delay cause the same to be filled up to the proper level of
such street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, and shall from time to time, if necessary
repair the same until the earth is completely settled, and the surface thereof
conforms to the proper level or grade. Any person taking up or removing
any paved or planked street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, or any bridge or cul-
vert, for any purpose, or negligently breaking or injuring the same, shall,
without delay, cause such paved or planked street, avenue, alley or sidewalk,
or bridge or culvert, to be repaired and placed in the same condition as
before the breaking or injuring thereof. Whoever shall violate or fail to
comply with the requiremnts of this section shall incur a penalty, in each
case, of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and
the superintendent of streets shall forthwith cause such filling up or repairs
to be made and completed, and the cost and expense thereof may be collected
of the person whose duty it was to do the same, and recovered by a sep-
arate suit in the name of the city.
SEC. 3. Excavation Left Open—Penailty. Any contractor for any pub-
lic work or any other officer or person making any excavation in any street,
avenue, alley or sidewalk of the city, who shall leave the same open and
unprotected by red lights and otherwise, in the night time, so as to endanger
the safety of persons or animals passing thereby, shall be liable to a fine of
not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for every such
SEC. 4. Removing Earth, Etc. Without Permit—Penalty. Whoever
shall, for any purpose, dig, remove or carry away any earth, gravel or sod,
from any street, avenue, alley or public ground, without the express per-
‘mission of the city council, or of the street and alley committee thereof, shall
forfeit and pay a penalty of one dollar for each and every load so removed
or carried away; and any officer of the city who shall use, sell or dispose
of any earth, gravel or sod from any street, avenue, alley or public ground,
for his own private gain or benefit, shall be subject to a penalty of not less
than Twenty-five Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars for each offense.
SEC. 5. Building, Etc. Enroaching Upon Street. No person shall
make or cause to be made any building, enclosure, bridge or arched way ex-
tending upon, over or across any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk. within said _
city, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dol
lars for each offense, and a further penalty of five dollars for every day that
he shall allow such building, enclosure, bridge or arched way to remain after
being notified to remove the same by the street superintendent or city
SEC. 6. Contractor Not to Obstruct Without Permit. Penalty. No
contractor, builder or other person shall encumber or obstruct any street,
alley or sidewalk in the city with building or other like materials, without
a written permit from the city council, mayor or other proper officer therefor;
nor shall except in case of necessity and for a short time encumber or obstruct
more than one-third of any street or alley or one-half of any sidewalk, nor shall
such obstruction continue in any case longer than may be necessary in the
diligent erection of such building, or the prompt execution of the work. Who-
ever shall violate any of the provisions of this statute shall be subject to a
fine of not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars, and to a further
fine of three dollars for each day after the first conviction-that he shall con-
tinue in such violation.
SEC. 7. Contractors to Give Bond to Pay Damages For, Etc. Penalty.
Any owner or agent of any real estate, or any contractor or builder, who may
be about to commence the erection of any building or the alteration or im-
provement of any building in front of or abutting upon any street or avenue
of the city and when the construction, alteration or improvement of any such
building will interfere or be likely to interfere with the free passage through
or over the street, avenue or sidewalk by reason of any excavation in or near
the street or sidewalk, or by placing in and upon the same of any building
material shall, before commencing any such work, execute an indemnifying
bond to said city in such reasonable sum, and with surety or sureties, as may
be fixed by the mayor, to answer and pay all damages for any injury that
may result to persons or property from any such interference with or ob-
struction of such street or sidewalk. Any owner, contractor or builder who
shall violate or fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall, upon
conviction, be fined not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars.
SEC. 8. Building, Etc. Enroaching on Street, Etc. Not to be Re-
paired, Etc. Penalty. No building, fence, fixture or other erection or inclo-
sure heretofore erected or built, and enroaching in whole or in part upon any
street, avenue, alley or sidewalk of the city, shall be repaired or rebuilt, under
a penalty to the offender of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hund-
red dollars.
SEC. 9. Building encroaching on Street, Etc. To be Removed thir-
ty Days After Notice at Cost of Owner. The owner of any building or of any
inclosure heretofore erected or built, an encroaching in whole or in part
upon any street, ayenue, alley or sidewalk within the city, who shall not re-
move the same within thirty days after being notified in writing to do so by
the street superintendent or the city engineer, shall be subject to a fine of
not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars, and to a further
fine of ten dollars for every day after the first conviction, that he shall fail
or refuse to comply with such notice, and the city council may order and direct
the city marshal to take down and reméve such obstruction or encroachment
upon any street, avenue or alley, and the cost and expense of such taking
down and removal may be collected by suit in the name of the corporation,
against the person or persons causing or erecting such encroachment or ob-
SEC. 10. Building Not to Be Removed Along Street, Etc. Without
Permit. Penalty. No person shall remove or cause to be removed, any build-
ing through or along any street, avenue or alley in the city, without a written
permit from the superintendent of streets therefor, nor shall, in removing
such building unnecessarily encumber or obstruct any street, avenue or alley,
nor for a longer time than may be necessary in the prompt and diligent
removal thereof, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense, and a fur-
ther penalty of five dollars for every day that such building shall unnecessarily
remain upon any street, avenue or alley.
SEC. 11. Bond. It shall be the duty of the mayor, city council or
street superintendent before granting the permit to remove any building
along any street or alley of said city, to require a bond to be given to the
city of Paxton by the person receiving such permit, in such sum as shall be
sufficient, conditioned that the person receiving such permit shall repair all
damage which may be done to any street, alley or sidewalk, or which may
result to any private party in any manner whatsoever by reason of said
SEC. 12. No Obstruction Allowed, Except, Etc. Penalty. Whoever
shall place, throw or leave cause to be placed, thrown or left, any obstruction
or incumbrance in or upon any street, avenue or alley, except as authorized
by ordinance, shall be liable to a fine of not less than three dollars nor more
than twenty dollars, and to a further fine of one dollar for every two hours
that he shall not remove such obstruction or incumbrance after being noti-
fied to do so by the superintendent of streets or any member of the police force.
SEC. 13. Liability for Damages. Any person who shall place or leave
or cause to be placed or left, any encroaciment, obstruction or encumbrance
in or upon any street, avenue, alley or sidewalk, shall, in all cases, be liable
to the city and to private persons for all injury or damages arising therefrom.
SEC. 14. Obstructing Crossing—Penalty. Whoever shall obstruct any
street or alley crossing by unnecessarily stopping thereon with any team,
animal or vehicle, so as to inconvenience or incommode persons passing or
crossing the same, shall incur a penalty of not exceeding five dollars for each
SEC. 15. When Street, Etc., Obstructed by Teams, Etc.—Penalty. When
any street, avenue or alley shall be obstructed by a press of teams, vehicles,
animals or persons, the mayor or city marshal, or any police officer of the
city, may give such orders and directions as shall be deemed necessary to
abate the obstruction; and whoever shall neglect or refuse to obey such or-
ders or directions shall be subject to a penalty of not exceeding three dol-
SEC. 16. Alleys and Gutters to be Kept Clean—Penalty. It shall be
the duty of every person owning any lot or parcel of land adjoining any public
or private alley in said city, to keep the same clean and in an inoffensive con-
dition, and also to keep the gutter in front of the premises owned or occupied
by him, under his control, free from filth or other offensive matter that may
prevent the flow of water therein. Any person failing or neglecting to comply
with any provision of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not ex-
ceeding five dollars for each offense.
SEC. 17. Leaving Open Cellar Door, Etc.,—Penalty. Whoever shall
leave open, or permit to be left open, any cellar door, basement entrance,
vault, cistern, well, ditch, or other like pit or hole, on or adjoining any street,
avenue, alley or sidewalk, within said city, without securing or protecting
the same so as not to endanger the safety of persons or animals passing
thereby from falling therein, shall be subject to a fine of not less than five
dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense and shall also be liable
for all damages or injuries to persons or property arising from any such neg-
lect, and for any damages that may be recovered against the city in conse-
quence thereof. ‘
SEC. 18. Obstructing Street, Etc., With Fuel, Etc.—Penalty. No per-
son shall obstruct or encumber any street, avenue or alley of the city with any
merchandise, fuel or other articles longer than may be necessary in the dili-
gent removal of the same, under a penalty of two dollars for each offense,
and a further penalty of one dollar for every two hours that he shall permit
such merchandise, fuel or other articles to remain after being notified to re-
move the same by the superintendent of streets or any member of the police
force. ;
SEC. 19. Throwing Ashes, Etc. in streets, Etc.—Penalty. No person
shall throw, place or leave, or cause or permit to be thrown, placed or left
any ashes, dirt, filth or rubbish in or upon any street, avenue, alley or side-
walk in said city, in front of or adjoining any building or premises owned or
occupied by him, or subject to his control, under a penalty of not less than
two dollars nor more than ten dollars in each case; and a further penalty
of one dollar for every two hours that such person shall permit such ashes,
dirt, filth or rubbish to remain, after notice to remove the same by the su-
perintendent of streets, the health officer or any policeman.
SEC. 20. Throwing Paper in Street, Etc—Penalty. No person shall
throw, place, leave or cause to be thrown, placed or left in or upon any street, |
avenue, alley or sidewalk of said city, any paper or card, handbill, dodger,
advertisement, notice or waste paper, under a penalty of not less than one
dollar nor more than ten dollars for each offense.
SEC. 21. Permit to open Paved St.—How opening to be Refilled—Penalty
No permit shall be granted by the Mayor or other city officer, as.provided by
ordinance, to any person, persons or company, to open any paved or improved
street or alley within said city, unless the party applying therefor shall have
first deposited with the city treasurer a sum of money not less than twenty
dollars or sufficient to cover the cost of replacing said opening in as good
condition as before being made. Every such opening shall be refilled or re-
placed by the city, and the actual cost and expense thereof shall be borne
and paid by the person, persons or company for whom the same was made.
Any violation or failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section
shall subject the offender to a fine of. not less than fifty nor more than one
hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 22. Hauling Stones, Etc. Through the Streets—Restriction—
Penalty. Any person or persons who shall be engaged in hauling or drawing
stone, mortar, ice, earth, ashes, manure, shavings, garbage or rubbish in or
through the streets or avenues of said city shall draw or carry the same in
tight boxes or dump beds or barrels and when drawing or carrying any of
the aforesaid articles in case the same fall into the street or be scattered
in any street or alley, shall cause the same to be forthwith taken up and re-
moved, and for any violation of any of the provisions of this section, he or
they shall incur a penalty of not less than one dollar nor more than ten
dollars for each offese; Provided that in hauling dimension stone and ice no
tight box shall be required.
SEC. 23. Street Obstructions, Etc. The superintendent of streets is
duly authorized and it is made his duty to order any article or thing whatso-
ever,which may encumber or obstruct any street, alley, sidewalk or other pub-
lic place in said city, to be removed; if such article or thing shall not be re-
moved within twenty-four hours after such order shall have been made and
given to the person in charge thereof, or to the person who caused the same,
as the case may be, or if the person in charge thereof cannot readily be
found, or if no person be in charge thereof, the superintendent of streets
shall cause the same to be removed to some suitable place; and the owner
of any such article or thing so removed, or the person causing the same, as
the case may be, shall pay to said city all the costs and expenses of such
SEC, 24. Speed for Driving. No person shall run, race, ride or drive
any horse, mule or other animal, or team or automobile or horseless carriage
on any street or alley in the city of Paxton at a greater rate of speed than
ten miles per hour, nor shall any person heedlessly ride or drive any such
animal, team, automobile or horseless carriage so that the same or any ve-
hicle thereto attached shall come into collision with any other animal or ve-
hicle, or shall strike any person upon any street or alley in ,said city.
Any person guilty of the violation of any of the provisions of this
statute shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three dollars nor more
than ten dollars for each offense.
SEC. 25, Leaving Animals Unhitched. Whoever shall within said City
leave any horse or mule, or any team attached to any vehicle, in any street,
alley, or other unenclosed place, without the same being securely fastened or
guarded shall, upon conviction be fined not less than three dollars nor more
than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 26. Automobiles, Etc. shall stop. Whenever any horse or team
driven or ridden by any person upon any street or alley within the city of
Paxton, is about to become frightened by the approach of any automobile,
motorcycle or other conveyance of similar type, it shall be the duty of the
person driving or conducting such automobile, motorcycle or conveyance, to
cause the same and all machinery thereof to come to a full stop until such
horse or horses or team shall] have. passed, and the driver of such automobile,
motorcycle or conveyance shall render all aid necessary by leading such horse
or team safely past such vehicle, and the person who shall fail or neglect to
comply with the provisions of this section shal] be liable to a fine of not less
than five dollars nor more than ane hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 27. Brick Pavements Crossed by Engines must be Planked. No
person shall by himself, his agent or servant drive any traction or portable
steam engine upon, along or across any brick pavement or along or across
or upon any sidewalk crossing within the corporate limits of the city of Pax-
ton without using four strong, sound, hard wood planks each to be not less
than twelve feet long, one foot wide and two inches thick, two of said planks
to be kept constantly under the wheel of said engine while being driven along
or across or upon any pavement, sidewalk or crossing. Any person who
shall fail to comply with the provisions of this section shall be liable to a fine
of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-five dollars for each offense.
SEC. 28. Width of Tires. No person shall by himself, agent or servant
haul or drive any loaded vehicle along or across any paved street within the
corporate limits of the City of Paxton, unless the tires of the wheels of such
vehicle shall equal one inch in width for each ton of such load. Any person
who shall violate the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than
five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 29. Drivers Meeting, Turn to Right. In all cases of persons
driving vehicles by animal power or mechanical power and meeting each other
in such vehicles in any street or alley of this city, each person so meeting
shall turn his vehicle to the right of the center of the street, so that each
may pass the other without interference or accident. Any person failing to
comply with the requirements of this section shall, upon conviction be fined
not less than One Dollar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 30. Ball, Kites, and Baloon Prohibited. Whoever shall in said City
play any kind of ball or raise or fly any kite or balloon upon Market street
in said City between Holmes and Center Street, shall, upon conviction, be
fined not less than One Dollar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 31. Games, Exhibits, on Streets and Sidewalks. No person shall,
within said City, engage in any game, sport or amusement, or exhibit any
animal or machine or do any thing else in the streets or upon the sidewalks
of said City which will have a tendency to frighten horses or interfere with
teams and vehicles or persons passing along the streets or sidewalks, under
a penalty of not less than One Dollar nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 32. Public Buildings—Doors to Open Outward. All Public Build-
ings in process of erection at the time of taking effect of this ordinance or
hereafter to be erected or constructed in said City, which may or shall be used
for churches, school houses, opera houses, theatres, lecture rooms, town
halls, hotels, or for any purpose whereby a collection of people may be assem-
bled together for religious worship, amusement, instruction, or otherwise, shall
be so built and constructed that all doors leading from the main hall or
audience room where said collection of people may be assembled, or from
the principal room which may be used for any of the purposes aforesaid
shall be swung upon their hinges as to open outward, and that all means of
egress for the public from the main hall or principal room, and from the
building, shall be by means of doors which shall open outward therefrom.
Any owner, agent or trustee of any such building, who shall fail or refuse
to comply with the requirements of this section shall, upon conviction, be
fined not less than Fifty Dollars nor more than Two Hundred Dollars.
SEC. 33. Parades—Permits may be Granted. It shall be unlawful for
any circus or theatrical organization, to parade or march in upon or along
the streets or sidewalks of said City at any time of the day or night, without
first having obtained the consent of the Mayor or in case of his absence from
the City, from the acting Mayor or any three of the aldermen, a permit in
writing for the same, which permit shall designate in and upon what streets
the parade may pass, and the nature and character of the procession.
SEC. 34. Permit may be Refused. The official or officials to whom
application is made shall have power to issue or refuse to issue such permits
as he may deem proper for the best interests of the City.
SEC. 35. Penalty for Violation. Each and every person being in any
such parade, for which no permit has been given shall, on conviction, be fined
not less than One Dollar nor more than Twenty-Five Dollars.
Section. . i
Water rates.
Meter rates.
May be sold to be hauled.
Permission must be obtained to use water,
Pipes must be kept in repair.
Water takers forbidden to supply others.
Hours for sprinkling.
Sprinkling rules.
Additional charges for sprinkling.
Payment of rates.
Water to be turned off if dues not paid.
12. Connections with mains.
lg scat: Ofs:
14. Penalty.
15. Marshal and City Clerk to enforce rules.
16. Special rates.
bb jet
2 0 Sr Pe be
SEC. 1. Water Rate. The following rates per annum shall be charged
for the use of city water in the city of Paxton. The minimum rate for any
person using city water, whether measured by meter or otherwise, shall be
six dollars.
NE PCG oo aa s areicla ss id's evs sees eee de tee tap ee pea ie ale $6 00
MOCEOTE TT LICTELGUIE CLAUCOE: soiree oh cide a ware etctes giatelislerd $2 00
Bakeries, Special ”
Rare Pere CTE: CHGIT 5 gcse once o5te 8 5 ainie eevee ww alain s 0 ema sale wee ems $8 00
TAT LAETOLI IT eas ake is ates are'k garden ies em 0 « $2 00
PMPRLOCHN GS SE UDIIG: ONO LUD. Go... aes cave eee ores eeeetnseccuce $10 090
Ba TTL IO CILD ote aie choke ats sretel ral ee fas ares nite $7 00
SemEM EL ITIP CL VELUGI ls hls ors ais nc diya winks we sles cp cele wielwlee bya pie e Kielewe $4 00
RINE PRR E OCS LE OTIS cal o. che set callie" s Minsw oe iniec oy og winselg Wie tle wha © sue eles $6 00
NN Fg ba a 0k Fikes nh @ Sigh cia win eh mine aie.e 80,8 10 ye Hs $6 00
ParUINne Ouse, DCT TOO ........ cece cscewecenesaseeseene dence $1 00
mMmrIrate in be lOSS Loalle. oes e ee cocs out e een eee. $8 00
RETR TINECES LCITIOUOE cos 5's, cgi ie Shae aN SR Al ve Biot sere wie a we ele tn we $6 00
Cigar manufactories, five workmen or I€SS...........+eeeeeeeees $6 00
Pose LALO GW OLR T taate e ine Seta ss ayccn aise Cees 50
ro ee a it dren ald aed vee daleiars Gees bce meae e $6 00
Fountain Spittoons, special
Drug Stores 0 6s 8 ea A reese ew aie ss oa ees $6 00
Fountains, Special .
Halls and Theaters, Special
Hotels, Special
Laundries, Special
Livery Stables, Special
Meat Markets, Special
Green House, Special.
Offices. or Sleeping Rooms 2.0... vs0..0s ses ess os os og seen $6 00
Printing Offices with steam PpowePr............cisceccwnnecrovsece $15 00
Printing Offices without steam power. .........s0s. > osetlan tenia $6 00
Residences, private, one hydrant... .. 2... 24... sce cs os eee $6 00
For each additional hydrant not otherwise provid-
Cd FOr ec 0 SS As Oa shoe tt $2 00
Sprinkling lawns, gardens and streets, for first 50 feet.......... $5 00
Each’ additional front f00t.o... .. .a = (see $ 05.
Provided for the sprinkling of streets along corner lots frontage
shail be charged on each street.
Restaurants, Minimtim=. 2.0. 600.0 600. 5. wee bee $8 00
Maximum © oh isis dec seh cle ue See ‘5 SB Wee $30 00
Sanne MINMTMUM 60d os vn ese pb ws Wine Sie es a ink ints ooh Sse en $10 00
Maximum (oo Sees sis kone eis yo tena $20 00
Stores; occ s ee'e Dyess Se wlbvele Sin SiFieed a ey Glide g's Ge keel ¥ ollie «an $6 00
Steam Engines, Special
Soda Fountains 0.05.5 die ca cis hee wie Se alc aw $5 00
Urinals, Special
Water. Closets, Public, per bowl... . ..')< va stne sls aeons Ge $10 00
Water Closets, Private,’ per: DOW)INAGa Sukie desc far heen ee See ot SaMOO
No application shall be received from any person or persons desiring
water for less than one year.
SEC. 2. Meter Rates. The following rates shall be paid by persons
taking city water who use meters.
When the monthly consumption is less than 5,000 gallons, abe
cents per thousand gallons.
When the monthly consumption exceeds 5,000 salons and less than
20,000 gallons, twenty cents per thousand gallons.
When the monthly consumption is more than 20,000 gallons, fifteen
cents per thousand gallons.
SEC. 3. Water may be sold to be hauled in the city for two cents per
barrel. To be used outside the city 2% cents per barrel.
SEC, 4. Permission must be obtained to use water. No person shall
take any water from any public or private hydrant, street, washer, house, —
pipe, fountain, cistern, street reservoir or. fountain basin which shall have
been filled in whole or in part from the city water works, except by permis-
sion of the Committee on Fire, Water and Electric Lights, or shall in any
way use or take any water for private use which is furnished by city water
works, unless such person shall first pay for same and receive a permit from
said Committee so to do.
SEC. 5. Pipes must be kept in Repair. Persons taking water must
keep their service pipe connected with main or supply pipes, and all fixtures
connected therewith in good repair, and protected from frost at their own
expense, and must prevent all unnecessary waste of water.
SEC. 6. Water takers forbidden to supply others. Water takers will
not be allowed to supply others with water except by special permit from
the Fire, Water and Electric Light Committee of said City and if found doing
so without a permit, the supply will be stopped and the water rent paid for-
feited in addition to other penalties imposed.
SEC. 7. Hours for Sprinkling. Sprinkling streets, sidewalks and lots
is restricted to two hours per day, and such sprinkling shall be done at no
other ‘time than between the hours of five o’clock P. M. and eight o’clock
P. M. of each day, unless otherwise provided for by special contract in writ-
ing with the Fire, Water, and. Electric Light Committee.
SEC. 8. Sprinkling Rules. In sprinkling streets and sidewalks, each
water taker shall confine himself to the front of his premises and one-half of
the width of the street in front thereof, unless a special contract is made to
use more water.
Hose larger than three-fourths inch will not be permitted to be used
for such purposes except by special contract.
Sprinkling without a nozzle or with an opening greater than one-fourth
inch is strictly forbidden.
SEC. 9. Additional charges for excessive sprinkling. The regular
water rule for street, sidewalk and lot sprinkling is based upon such use only
for dust laying and sprinkling purposes fairly applied, and any excessive or
unreasonable use of water for such purpose is prohibited.
No hose or hydrant shall be used when out of order, or suffered to run
when not in use.
SEC. 10. Payment of Rates. All water rates, except where water is
taken temporarily, shall be paid quarterly in advance, on the first days of
June, September, December and March of each year. Meter rates shall be
paid quarterly on the above days. All water rates shall be collected by the
City Clerk; Provided, that ay discount of ten per cent shall be allowed upon
all water rates maturing quarterly, if the same shall be paid on or before the
tenth day of the month in which the same becomes due.
SEC. 11. Water to be turned off if dues are not paid. If any person
shall neglect to pay water rates when due, or shall use or permit any use of
water not authorized by this ordinance, or suffer or cause any waste of the
water supply, the Mayor or the Fire, Water and Electric Light Committee
may cause the water to be immediately turned off, and the same shall not
again be turned on until all unpaid rates, and damages, if any, shall be paid,
together with the further sum of One Dollar ($1.00) for turning on and off
the water.
SEC. 12. Connections with mains, All connections with water mains
shall be made by such persons only as may be designated by the Mayor, or
Fire, Water and Electric Light Committee, and oniy upon the written per-
mission of said Committee, and no person shall turn on the water to any
premises except by direction of some member of said Committee.
SEC. 13. Cut offs. All water takers shall provide at their expense
suitable cut offs, satisfactory to the Fire, Water and Electric Light Committee,
and cause same to be placed in the street at the curb in front of his premises,
so that the water may be shut off from said premises when desired by such
Such cut off must be protected by a box leading from the same to the
surface of the ground with an iron cover, on which is marked the word
“Water”, the whole to be subject to approval of said Committee.
SEC. 14, Penalty. Any person violating any of the foregoing rules or
regulations in relation to water, shall be fined not less than three nor more
than ten dollars.
SEC. 15. Marshal and City Clerk to enforce rules. It is hereby made
the duty of the city marshal, superintendent of streets and city clerk to see
that the above rules and regulations are faithfully observed, and to make a
complaint against: any person violating the same.
SEC. 16. Special Rates. If any water is supplied by the city, and the
rate to be paid for the same is not herein definitely established, the Fire,
Water, and Electric Light Committee shall fix the rate.
WARDS. acs Ken
Section. . ;
1. Four Wards.
First Ward. Hy. bs
Second Ward. | | s
Third Ward. ;
Fourth Ward. ae
Two Aldermen in each ward. ke:
Election of aldermen. :
Repealing Section.
Passed and adopted August 7th, 1893.
Entitled An Ordinance creating Four Wards in the City of Paxton, fixing
their respective numbers, limits, boundaries and area, providing that
there shall be two aldermen in each ward, and providing for the elec-
tion of one alderman in the First Ward, one alderman in the Second
Ward, and one alderman in the Third Ward and Two aldermen in the
Fourth Ward, and repealing all other ordinances in relation to wards
in conflict with this ordinance.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Paxton:
SEC. 1. There shall be four wards in the City of Paxton.
SEC. 2, The first ward of the City of Paxton shall be all that portion
of said city north of the Center Line of Center Street and East of the Main
track of the Illinois Central Railroad extending within said lines to the
present city limits on the north and east. -
SEC. 3. The Second Ward of the City of Paxton shall be all that por-
tion of said City North of the Center Line of Pells Street and West of the
Main track of the Illinois Central Railroad extending within said lines to the
present city limits on north and west.
SEC. 4. The Third Ward of the City of Paxton shall be all that por-
tion of said city South of the center line of Pells Street and west of the main
track of the Illinois Central Railroad, extending within said lines to the
present city limits, on the south and west.
SEC.5, The Fourth Ward of the City of Paxton shall be all that portion
of said City South of the center line of Center Street and East of the main
track of the Illinois Central Railroad extending within said lines to the
present city limits on the south and east.
SEC. 6. There shall be two aldermen in each ward of the City of
SEC. 7. There shall be elected at the next annual-City Election occur-
ing after the passage of this ordinance, in the then First Ward, one alderman
for the term of two years, in the then Second Ward, one alderman for the
term of two years, in the then Third Ward, one alderman for the term of
two years, in the then Third Ward, one alderman for the term of two years,
and in the then Fourth Ward one alderman for the term of one year and
one alderman for the term of two years.
SEC. 8. All ordinances, parts of ordinances, or amendments to ordi-
nances in conflict with this ordinance, be and the same are hereby repealed.
Passed and adopted this 4th day of Feb. A. D. 1901.
Approved, W. T. PATTON, Mayor pro tem.
Attest: D. C. Swanson, City Clerk.
Deposited in my office this 5th day of Feb. A. D. 1901.
D. C. Swanson, City Clerk.
1. General penalty.
2. Repealing Clause—Proviso.
3. Time of Taking Effect.
SEC. 1 General Penalty. Any person, company or corporation violat-
ing any of the foregoing provisions of this ordinance, where no other fine or
penalty is provided for the breach thereof, shall be subject to a fine not less
than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense.
SEC. 2 Repealing Clause—Proviso. All public or general ordinances
or parts thereof, not included within this ordinance, are hereby repealed, so
far as they contravene: or conflict with the provisions of this ordinance:
PROVIDED, That no right, debt, obligation or liability accrued or incurred,
or any fine, penalty or forfeiture imposed or assessed, or any suit or action
instituted and pending under any such ordinance, shall be released, discharged
or annulled, or in any wise affected by such repeal; but the same may be pros-
ecuted, recovered, completed and enjoyed in the same manner, and as fully
in all respects, as if such ordinances, or parts thereof, had remained in full
force and effect.
SEC. 3. Time of Taking Effect, Etc. That the foregoing ordinance,
and all of its provisions herein, shall constitute and be denominated the
revised ordinances of the City of Paxton, and shall be printed and published
in book form, to be styled “Revised Ordinances of the City of Paxton, Illinois”
and the division into chapters and sections of said ordinance is hereby rati-
fied and confirmed, and the same shall upon publication as aforesaid be prop-
erly indexed; and this ordinance shall, when the certificate of the mayor and
the city clerk, under the corporate seal of the city shall have been affixed
thereto and when the same shall have been publishd as required by law, be
in full force and effect, and shall be received in all courts and places of judicial
investigation without further proof.
SEC. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after
its passage, approval and due publication.
Passed this 5th day of March, A. D. 1906.
Approved this 5th day of March, A. D. 1906.
A. J. LAURENCE, Mayor.
I, Edward M. Grayson, city clerk of the City of Paxton, Ford County,
Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing ordinance entitled, “An ordinance
for revising and consolidating the general ordinances of the City of Paxton,
in the County of Ford and State of Illinois,’ was passed and adopted by the
city council of said city, at a regular meeting thereof, on the 5th day’ of
March A. D. 1906; that the same was duly signed and approved by the
mayor of said city, and was duly deposited in the office of the City Clerk of
said city on the 5th day of March, A. D. 1906; that the foregoing is a true
and correct copy of said ordinance, and that the same is printed and published
in book or pamphlet form under the direction and by the authority of the
city council of said city.
In witness whereof, I hereto set my hand and affix the seal of the said
City of Paxton this 5th day of March A. D. 1906.
City of Paxton EDWARD M. GRAYSON,
Ford County, Ill. City Clerk.
Granting permission to erect telephone poles and suspend wires thereon
in the streets and alleys of the City of Paxton, for the purpose of supplying
telephone service to the citizens thereof, and prescribing the places for
erecting said poles.
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Paxton:
SEC. 1. That permission is hereby granted to C. H. Langford of said
City to erect telephone poles and suspend wires thereon in the streets and
alleys of the City of Paxton, subject to the foliowing limitations and under
the following regulations and to provide a central office or exchange for the
purpose of supplying a telephone service for such of the citizens of the City
of Paxton as shall desire to erect private telephones or avail themselves of
the use of such telephone exchange service.
SEC. 2. Said poles shall be erected in the streets of said City only in
cases where it is impracticable to reach the premises desired by using the
alleys of said City, and when so erected in the alleys they shall be placed
close to the edge of the same and when erected in the streets they shall
be close to the sidewalk line of the same. And in all cases said poles shall
be erected and said wires suspended under the supervision of the Committee
on Streets and alleys of the said City of Paxton, and no poles shall be placed
in any of said streets or alleys until their locations thereof shall have been
specifically designated by said Committee on Streets and Alleys.
SEC. 3. Nothing in this ordinance shall be constructed as granting to said
Langford any franchise in said streets and alleys or any exclusive right to
erect telephone poles therein, nor shall the granting of this permission in any
manner prevent or restrain the City Council of said City of Paxton from
granting like permission to any other person, company or corporation, nor
from requiring the change of location, or the entire removal of any of said poles
or wires from any of said streets or alleys wherever they shall in any manner
interfere with the proper use of said streets and alleys, or they shall deem
it for the best interest of said city so to do.
Passed and adopted April 2nd, 1894. F, E. BONNEY, Mayor,
Attest: David C. Swanson, City Clerk.
Deposited in my office this 2nd day of April 1894.
David C. Swanson, City Clerk.
The above ordinance appears of record on pages 360 and 3861 of the
original Ordinance Record Book of the City of Paxton,
On the margin of page 360 of the record of above ordinance appears
the following:
For value received the within permit and all right, title and interest
of the Paxton Electric Co., in and to the same is hereby transferred and
assigned to the Central Telephone and Telegraph Co. of Paxton, Ills.
Paxton, Illinois, June 5th, 1902.
The Paxton Electric Co.
By C. H. Langford, Pres.
On the margin of page 361 of the record of the above ordinance ap-
pears the following: |
For value received I hereby assign, transfer and set over to the Pax-
ton Electric Company of Paxton, IIl., all my right, title and interest in and
to the within Franchise or license. Paxton, Ill. Sept 21st, 1900.
C. H. Langford. (SEAL).
Providing for the appointment of an Inspector of Electric Light and
power current, prescribing his duties and fixing his compensation.
Be it Ordained by the City Council of the City of Paxton:
SEC. That the officer of Inspector of Electric Light and Power Cur-
rent is hereby established.
SEC, 2. The said Inspector shall be appointed by the Mayor with the
approval of the City Council.
SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the said Inspector to provide himself
with a standard watt meter, capable of measuring correctly the quantity of
electric current used by any consumer of such in the City of Paxton, and when
called upon by any such consumer, he shall at once make an examination
and test as to the correctness of registry of the electric meter or meters in-
stalled in the premises of such consumer and report thereon, both to the
consumer and to the person, persons, firm or corporation supplying electric
current registered by such meter or meters.
He shall have such other duties as may be determined upon from time
to time by the City Council of the City of Paxton.
SEC. 4. The said Inspector shall derive all compensation for his ser-
vices from fees. He may charge and collect the sum of One Dollar ($1.00)
for each examination, test and report upon each meter; should the meter
tested prove to be registering within 2 per cent. of correct or should it register
a less amount than actually consumed, then the fee for such test shall be paid
by the consumer; should it appear that the meter tested registers more than
2 per cent. above the actual amount consumed, then and in that case the
person, persons, firm or corporation supplying such electric current, shall
pay the said fee.
The Inspector may refuse to make any examination or test until his fee
is paid, but he shall return all fees collected from the injured party as soon
as the same is determined.
Passed and adopted this 4th day of February 1901.
W. T. PATTON, Mayor pro tem.
Attest: D. C. Swanson, City Clerk.
Deposited in my office this 5th day of Feb. 1901.
D. C. Swanson, City Clerk.
Granting license to C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns to erect,
operate and maintain electric lights within the corporate limits of the City
of Paxton. :
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Paxton:
SEC. 1 That license is hereby granted to C. H. Langford, his succes-
sors or assigns to erect, operate and maintain electric lights within the cor-
porate limits of the city of Paxton, to erect the necessary poles and suspend
the necessary wires in the streets, alleys and such grounds as the City of
Paxton controls.
SEC. 2. Said poles shall be erected and said wires suspended under
the direction of the Street Superintendent of said City or of its committee
on Streets and Alleys so as not to unnecessarily interfere with the use of said
streets, alleys and public grounds.
SEC.3. The electric light plant, hereinbefore contemplated shall be
installed and ready for furnishing light to consumers, on or before, one year
from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance, otherwise, the license
granted by this ordinance shall be revoked and considered of none effect and
void; but the said C, H. Langford, his successors or assigns shall have the
right to extend said electric light plant as hereinbefore provided at their
SEC. 4. The duration of time for which this license is granted is twen-
ty-five (25) years from the date of the taking effect of this ordinance.
SEC. 5. Should the City of Paxton at any future time grant license to
any other person, persons, or corporations, to erect, operate and maintain
electric lights, cr should the said City at any future time, elect to run an
electric light plant of its own, he, they or it shall have the privilege of
using the poles erected by the said C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns,
for the suspension of his, their or its electric light wires upon the payment
of a reasonable rental to the said C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns,
said rental to be determined as follows:
The said C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns, shall select one
person, the Finance Committee of the City of Paxton shall select another
person, and if these two, so selected shall be unable to agree upon a fair ren-
tal, then the said two shall select another person, whose decision shall be
final; or the said City, person, persons, or corporations, by paying a pro rate
share of the cost of installing said poles, shall own absolutely a correspond-
ing interest in the same.
SEC. 6. It is further provided that in granting this license the said
City only guarantees and grants the use of its streets, alleys and grounds
for the uses of said electric light plant, as hereinbefore provided, and does
not grant the use of the same for any purpose that may cause damage to
person or property, but the said C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns,
shall furnish a bond to the said City of Paxton in the penal sum of Five
Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, conditional, that the said C. H. Langford, his.
successors or assigns, shall save the said City harmless from any claim for
damages that may arise by reason of damage to any person or property,
through or by means of said electric light plant; said bond shall be given
before construction commences on said electric light plant.. —|
Passed.and adopted August 18, 1890. ¥d
IRA®B; BLACKSTOCK, Mayor pro tem. 5
Attest: —H. H. Kerr,, City Clerk. ae =) g.i2 le ere br oS
. Deposited in my office, Aug. 18, 1890.
H. H. Kerr, ‘City ‘Clerk.
Accepted by me this 18th day of August, 1890.
Lehi y & Langford.
‘On page 244 following this ordinance, “appears the following:
_ Paxton, Ills., Sept. 21, 1900.
For value received I hereby assign, transfer, and set over to The Pax-;
ton Electric Company of Paxton, Illinois, all my right, title and interest in,
and to the foregoing franchise or license recorded in this record on pages
241, 242 and 243, Cs H. Langford. . (SEAL)
Amending an Ordinance entitled granting license, to C. H. Langford,
his successors, or assigns to erect, operate and maintain lectric lights within;
the corporate limits of the City or Paxton, passed and adopted by. the, City:
Council of the City of Paxton, August 18th, 1890, a Ng anys
Be it ordained by the City Council.of the City of Paxton... - ~ 31
That an ordinance entitled an Ordinance granting license to C. H. Lang-
ford, his successors or assigns, to erect, operate and maintain electric lights
within the: corporate limits of the City of Paxton passed and adopted by the’
City Council of the City of Paxton, August 18th, 1890, be and the same is
hereby amended: by striking out all of ‘the letters, words and figures ‘of?
Section 4 of said ordinance and in lieu-thereof inserting the. following: e
In consideration of the furnishing to the’ City of Paxton by the ‘said
C. H. Langford, his successors or assigns without: charge‘ during the