Anited Braper filisstons Abroad During the Week April 5cb-12th 1903 ee | Che American Bible Society AS widespread interests in mission lands. tts colporteurs and missionary corre- ‘spondents are at work in Mexico, Cuba, Puerto { Rico, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, _ Brazil, Bolivia, Ecwador, Chili, Peru, Argen- ‘tina, Japan, Korea, Siam, Laos, Micronesia, the Philippines, Egypt, Africa, Arabia, Syria, Turkey in Asia, Turkey in Europe, Bulgaria, ‘Italy, Spain, France, Switzerland, Germany, . Scandinavia, and in other countries and lands. Its agents and colporteurs are subject to weari- ‘some journeys, to encounters with heathenism, unbelief, and imperfect faiths. They are fre- quently face to face with enemies, and often have ‘to endure months and months of isolation. They ineed the constant prayers of all God’s people throughout this land. t : A Week of Pravper for Flisstons Abroad April 5th to 12th, 1903 HE Tenth Annual Conference of the Officers and Members of the For- eign Missions Boards in the United States - and Canada, meeting in New York City in January, 1903, decided to ask all Christian people in the United States and Canada to join in a week of special prayer for ’ the non-Christian world, for the men and women who are giving their lives to mis- -_ sionary work, and for the wider recogni- tion by Christians everywhere of the duty -= and privilege of sharing more fully in the great task of world evangelization. The period selected for this year, April 5th to 12th, both inclusive, is that which “commemorates the Redeeming Death and PO Glorious Resurrection of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. It will be apparent to everyone how ap- propriate it is to use these days for offer- ing prayers and gifts, that the message of love revealed in the Incarnation of Our Lord, and the message of Life revealed in - His Resurrection, may be fully proclaimed throughout the world for which He died. The following suggestions for the ob- -servance of the week are _ respectfully offered to ministers and people; it being understood that it is the principle, rather than the particular method which it is im- portant to emphasize, and that the latter ; 31265 should be modified to meet local condi- tions, as may be thought best. — 1. Wy Congregations In congregations having a daily service during the appointed week, it is suggested that special prayer for missions be offered as a part of the service ; and that where- ever practicable mention be made each day in sermons, addresses and interces- sions of one or more of the topics included in the Common Daily Prayer and the Prayer Cycle suggested on pages 5, 6, and 7 of this leaflet. In congregations having occasional serv- ices during the appointed week this plan may be modified as the conditions require. 2. Wy Andibiouals It is hoped that all persons receiving a copy of this leaflet will share in this week of common prayer for the extension of Christ’s Kingdom :. (1) By following in connection with their daily private devotions the cycle on pages 6 and 7, or any adaptation of it that may seem desirable ; (2) By endeavoring to pause for a mo- ment at noon each day of the week to offer prayer for missions and missionaries throughout the world. 3. parlor Meetings By joining with a few friends, in the home of one of them, on one or more evenings of the week for united prayer for missions and missionaries. 4 @ ( Common Maily Prayer oy For a realization of the need of the non- Christian world, its helplessness, tts matertal- tsm, lust, and superstition ; the tnadequacy of tts religions ; tts spiritual hopelessness. For political righteousness and stability ; for religious liberty and peace. For missionaries, that they may be pre- served tn body and spirit,and may have greater access to the hearts of the people. For the establishment of native churches and Christian homes, and for the elevation of woman. For more consecration and sacrifice ; for a full surrender to the Lordship of Christ ; for a truer conception of the Mission of the Church. For the evangelization of the whole world and the establishment of the Kingdom of Christ. i “That they might know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent,” # prayer Cycle i . The Empires of Eastern Asia, Japan, China, Korea, Thibet and Siam. for friendship and the decay of distrust ; Jor continued progress ; for openness of mind and heart on the part of Confu- ctanist, Buddhist and Hindu toward the Gospel. . Central and Western Asia, India, Af- ghanistan, Persia, Turkey, Arabia. For religious liberty ; for the elevation of woman ; for freedom from famine ; for the conversion of Mohammedans. . The Continent of Africa. For the ex- tinction of the slave trade and the liquor traffic ; for peace ; for the evangeliza- tion of the Soudan, and all unreached tribes. . The Countries at our doors, Mexico and Central and South America. For the spread of purity of doctrine and of life ; for the unreached Indians ; for political righteousness and stability. 5. The Islands of the Sea, the Philippines, Hawaii, Cuba, Puerto Rico, the South Seas, Madagascar. For the purifica- 6 prayer Cycle *- tion of American influence from all vice and trreligton ; for confidence and serv- tce ; for justice and peace ; for the end of slavery and impurity, and the conquest of Christianity. 6. The Evangelization of the World. For missionaries ; for the Native Churches ; for all inguirers and cate- chumens ; for greater fatth in God, for the establishment everywhere of Chris- tian homes and the Christian Church, and the preaching of the Gospel to every creature, 7. The Church at Home. For ministers and people ; for forgiveness for leth- argy and indifference. 8. The Church at Home. Jor more prayer and more faith in God's desire to hear and answer prayer ; for more love and obedience. i: “Pray ye the Lord of the harvest to send forth laborers.” “Say, Thy kingdom come.” 7 prayer and felissions * RAYER is essentially active and ex- pansive. If we pray for the attain- ment of an object, we shall work for it also. If we learn to say, not with the lips only, but with the heart and the un- derstanding, “Thy Kingdom come:” if we intensify our prayers by due reflec- tion on the vastness and variety of the work for which we pray; if we take pains to gain a detailed knowledge of some part of the whole mission field; then we shall soon speak one to another of that which burns within us. Zeal will kindle zeal, where before silence chilled it; and devotion will pass into deed. Brooke Foss WESTCOTT. oy FEEL sure that, as long as we look on prayer chiefly as the means of maintaining our own Christian life, we shall not know fully what it is meant to be. But when we learn to regard it as the highest part of the work entrusted to us, the root and strength of all other work, we shall see that there is nothing that we so need to study and practice as the art of praying aright): 70%) 7714s only when the Church gives herself up to this holy work of intercession that we can expect the power of Christ to mani- fest itself in her behalf. * * * With 8 disciples full of faith in Himself, and bold in prayer to ask great things, Christ can conquer the world. “Lord, teach us to pray.” ANDREW Murray. * ] F all true believers on earth could only unite, not in repeating the words merely, but in uttering from the heart, and laying it as a daily burden on the heart, the first petition of Our Lord’s Prayer, “ Thy Kingdom Come,” the na- tions would be shaken, and the King- dom of God would begin to advance with mighty strides towards universal triumph. James M. THopurn. 1 N January, 1793, after hearing the ac- count of Mr. Thomas, a medical of- ficer just returned from India, Mr. Fuller said, “ We saw there was a gold mine in India, but it seemed almost as deep as the center of the earth. Who will ven- ture to explore it? ‘I will go down,’ said Mr. Carey, ‘but remember that you must hold the ropes.’ We solemnly en- gaged to do so; nor while we live shall we desert him.” Prayers i NASMUCH as this leaflet is to be L used by the Christians of many com- munions in our land, and for the help of such as may desire it, the following prayers are suggested : ! ks GOD, who hast made of one blood | all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the whole earth, and didst send Thy blessed Son to preach peace to them that are far off and to them that are nigh; Grant that all men everywhere may seek after Thee and find Thee. Bring the nations into Thy fold, and add the heathen to Thine inheritanee. And we pray Thee shortly to accomplish the number of Thine elect, and to hasten Thy kingdom; through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. “ke ATHER of mercies, forgive, we pray Thee, our unbelief, and so en- large our hearts and enkindle our zeal that we may frequently desire the salva- tion of all men, and may with ready dil- igence labor in the extension of Thy kingdom; for His sake who gave Him- self for the life of the world, Thy Son our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen. 10 LMIGHTY and everlasting God, who dost govern all things in heaven and earth, we commend to Thy fatherly care all whom Thou hast called to take part in the missionary work of Thy Church. Watch over them, we be- seech Thee, for good; defend them from all dangers both of body and soul, from the pestilence that walketh in darkness and the sickness that destroyeth at the noonday; give Thine Angels charge con- cerning them, and let Thy Holy Spirit rule in their hearts, and prosper all their work to the glory of Thy Holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *k GOD, the Father of our Lord Je- sus Christ, our only Saviour, the Prince of Peace; Give us grace seriously to lay to heart the great dangers we are in by our unhappy divisions. Takeaway all hatred and prejudice, and whatsoever else may hinder us from godly union and concord: that as there is but one Body and one Spirit, and one hope of our calling, one Lord, one Faith, one Baptism, one God and Father of us all, so we may henceforth be all of one heart and of one soul, united in one holy bond of truth and peace, of faith and charity, and may with one mind and one mouth glorify Thee; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. ii ww_«_ FF American Wible Society Bible House, Astor Place New York | oy Copies of this leaflet may be obtained without cost from the Corresponding Secreta- ries, Bible House, Astor Place, New York.