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University of Illinois Library # \ ce p . ‘ ' C) Py z . pan ca re * j a) Ay’ a at > gh : 4 ; * 3 , 4 . =: 2 * ba . 2 Seer “ “ . ~ of v . ‘ * le * 2p ANS: \* ' a qe - id - a / a ft A ‘ »/ wy ia f : hh. i 7 ‘ Ch Ww é , a .. ‘ * hd _ @ Ms! * - * . 7? 7 Fy > a bor cS SS gees re ie tS yi oy, tk oie “a” Z Mig oy Pus g ** sg Bia * t . 7 , e Sy tre ett x ES ORD i} 7 Ge . ee SE , A wy, 5 Pe ax) oa) - & S a4 % 7 156 . L161—H41 A wae oe el 4 J aia ar ere ss - . 2, 2 “ J . ‘es << * "eins beh (xm eae - ie ny * ae YR SP WS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/treatiseonanalytoOhyme Slats ha Ree wh os: ' eT i Neer: ‘ “gare ake cee Pia J : : "ps A TREATISE ON ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THREE DIMENSIONS, CONTAINING THE THEORY OF CURVE SURFACES, AND OF CURVES OF DOUBLE CURVATURE. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF STUDENTS IN THE UNIVERSITY. malin By JOHN HYMERS, ALM. FELLOW OF ST. JOHN’s COLLEGE: oa i] >* “ CAMBRIDGE: Printed by J. Smitu, Printer to the University ; FOR J. & J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; AND C. J. G. & F. RIVINGTON, LONDON. M.DCCC.XXX. ich abi! Koes eh Degen Leh STIR ERO ADVERTISEMENT. As there is no separate Treatise upon Geometry of Three Dimensions in the English language, and as in those books where it is introduced as a part of the Differential Calculus, but a small and insufficient space is allotted to it, the Author hopes that the one now offered to the public may be found useful in supplying the deficiency. The Work, being de- signed principally for the use of Students in the University, is divided into Propositions, the most important of which are illustrated by Examples ; but compression has every where been attended to, as far as strictness of demonstration would permit. With a view also to the convenience of the reader, the easier propositions have been made to precede the more difficult; and a very copious Table of Contents has been pre- fixed, which exhibits at once the substance and extent of the Work. Those who wish to prosecute the higher parts of the subject, must have recourse to the works of Euler, Monge, and Dupin, especially the Application de Analyse a la Geometrie of Monge, from which a portion of the matter of this publication is extracted. St. Jonn’s COLLEGE, March, 1830. ERRATA. Line last line, for axis read axes. 5 from bottom, for Z= read z=. last line, for cc’ read 1. 15, for mx—y read mx -+-y. 6 from bottom, for y= fa read z=fax. c?e? 8, for «=—e? read pm ae 1 and 3 from bottom, for M read M’. 11, for Mread M’. 7 from bottom, for —«?(a?+ b?) read — x?(c?-+ 62). last line, for da + By+Cz=D read Aax+ Bby+Ccz=D. 5 from bottom, for (4) @-2 read ( Ye z)’. 13, for (z,— 2)” read (z,—2z)z”. 10, for Art. 43 read Art. 48. | £7 COS? « : 8? COS? x THN Sie ara 6 from bottom, for SECTION . I. On THE PLANE AND STRAIGHT LINE. &RT. SO. . ExpLANATION of three rectangular co-ordinates, and of the equation to a SULLAC Oss, Por gis ca ae aihis Pte eae a Ty on iN . To find the distance of a point from the origin, both when the co-ordinates are rectangular, and oblique; also the distance be- tween two given points. Hence the equation to the surface of a SPUClOa ls wpatat a's tes < a RUSE ee wks amcaadan «0 a Palaeie wae: . To find the equation to a plane, either from considering it as the locus of a point which is equidistant from two given points, or as cenerated by a straight line which moves parallel to itself, along a straloht: lirte S1VEM, 1D) POSTON. + yw 2 sid qarscomes qiste's HG + oid . To find the equations to a straight line in space. Hence the equa- tion of condition for the intersection of two given straight lines. . To find the conditions that a straight line and plane may be pa- FHISIOr COMCIGENE tat Grote wea ed pein tosis « ae Be te Bs td ere To find the seatiionee that a straight line and plane may be per- pendicular to one another. Through a given point to draw a straight line perpendicular to a plane. ..........-.0...024. . To find the angles which a given straight line makes with the axes ; or, which a given plane makes with the co-ordinate planes. knowing their equations, or the angles which they respectively PAGE 1b. . To find the angle between two given straight lines, either from’ make with the axes. Hence the condition that they may be at. right angles. Re eS Chee mnae oe care etl dcavestol eaeap bal Ghost hoetnt Dix ie a me cia . To find the angle between two given planes, and the condition that they may be at right angles. ........ 02.00.30. eeeees To find the angle between a straight line and a plane. ........ a (oa) il CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 11. To find the distance of a point: from a plane... ......-+..006- 10 12. To find the distance of a point froma line. .......... Hig in YEA 13. To find the equations to a straight line which cuts perpendicu- larlypeach ofstwogivempetuGbe dines soe eS... ee oe ee BO 14, To determine the shortest distance between two given straight lines, and to find an expression for its length. The same geo- FILCUTICHUIVORB MMR RL 2's pee cients seta sw wena, 11 eoeeresneeever ee ee # © meee SECTION II, - ON THE ORTHOGONAL PROJECTION OF AREAS, AND EQUATIONS TO SURFACES. 15. ‘The projection of an area upon any plane, is equal to the area multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to that plane. ....... 14 16. The square of any plane figure, is equal to the sum of the squares of its projections on three co-ordinate rectangular planes. The pyramid whose vertex is the origin, and base any plane figure, is equal to the three pyramids whose common vertex is any point in the plane of the figure, and bases its three projections. Hence the equation to the plane which passes through three given points. Given the lengths of three conterminous edges of a triangular pyramid which are mutually at right angles, to find its base, height, and the inclinations of its faces,.............+...0.. tb. 17. To find the sum of the projections of any number of areas upon RC LVET DING. i, Wik) sean oe A ASI | ahaa ea aN A 16 18. To determine the plane of a maximum projection. ‘The sum of the projections on any other plane, varies as the cosine of its in- clination to the plane of maximum projection. .............. ib. 19. To find the equations to the surfaces of an oblique cone, and an oblique cylinder, on circular bases. .., 2.22 ..00seeeeeeeeees 18 20. To find the equation to any surface of revolution about one of the cb-ordinateiaxes: 40... 020.020.0904 tee Geen ore te tN BER 2b. 21. To find the equations to the ellipsoid, and elliptic paraboloid. .. 19 22. Examples of finding equations to surfaces from their geometrical LES IULIOIL ty ay 5s onde | eh CH Re io. | ce oe 20 CONTENTS. ill ART. PAGE I. Ifa straight line have three given points in three fixed planes, the locus of any other point in it is a surface of the SOMME SCRT Auld toed uke ret ot? citi a (ks cite adie Bis eas aerate ey IT. Two points move uniformly in straight lines, to find the equation to the surface described by the line which joins them. 21 III. ‘Two planes are drawn through two given straight lines, so as to be always perpendicular to one, another, to find the equation to the surface described hy their intersection. ..... 22 IV. ‘To find the locus of a point which is equidistant from two straight lines given in space. .......... Agee apres s. 2b. V. To find the equation to the surface described by a straight line which always meets three fixed straight lines. The same surface might be generated by a straight line con- stantly passing through three different straight lines. ...... 23 23. To find the equations and forms of the three surfaces of the second order that have a center, ..s..10. -.0000s0 bebe gia), PR: 24. To find the equations and forms of the two surfaces of the second order that have not a center. These are particular ‘cases of the POLICY «evs ete! 9 94 sity atin sii ele inlbla vis Vakekiniierttes eis SYSTEM ss ee SECTION III. On Tancent Pianes, NorMarts, VOLUMES, AND AREAS OF SURFACES, AND TANGENTS, AND NorMAL PLANES, &c, OF Curves oF DouBLE CURVATURE. 25. To draw a tangent plane to a curve surface. To find its inclina- tions to the co-ordinate planes, and the volume of the pyramid which it forms with them; also the length of the perpendicular dropped upon it from the origin... 20.55 24,5« omelette. sige OO 26. Ata given point of a curve surface, to find the line of greatest inclination, and the curve traced on the surface to which it is always a tangent. Ex. To find the curve of greatest inclination Of Cheer aCe, OF CUO IPSOI 7's 0,0 ofa says vi aidie als, ea eg stetde boc 27. To draw anormal to a curve surface. It is the longest or short- est line that can be drawn from any point in itself to the surface. 34 28. To find the length of the normal, intercepted between the surface _ and the co-ordinate planes, and the points where it meets them, 35 iv CONTENTS. ART. PAGE 29, Examples of drawing tangent planes, and normals to surfaces... 35 I. ‘To draw a tangent plane to an ellipsoid.........-.-- 20. II. To find the length and the locus of the extremity of the perpendicular, dropped from the center of an ellipsoid upon its TANSEML PADS Bir eUNY POWER LL pial, ieee cipete ei plae\s lnaly 6 oe 36 Ill. If three tangent yee to an ellipsoid are mutually at right angles, their point of intersection will trace out a sphere concentric with the ellipsoid. In the case of parabo- loids, the locus is a plane.......... Bye ine eta stot et aBeLsda. sik 37 “IV. Jf three planes, eutally at Ae angles, eactly ‘touch the perimeter of a plane curve of the second order, to find the locus of their point of intersection. ........++,+.. 39 V. The sum of the squares of the reciprocals of any three semi-diameters of an ellipsoid, mutually at right angles, is equal to the sum of the squares of the reciprocals of the BOIMI-B KER. CHG Ste TESS ASS byte ne sian sees Mclelelele wae el setye ) 40 VI. _ If two concentric surfaces of the second order have the same foci for their principal sections, they will intersect had CTRL TIPNbengies, eet waar ee eth a tc e ee cis Mirtle pee” ) 2Up VII. To draw a normal -to an ellipsoid. If normals are drawn from the points in which any plane cuts the ellipsoid, to find the locus of the points in which they meet the plane Be ee a Te Bia Nicos fe he,» eatehos swat dep MEd VIII. ‘To draw a tangent plane to the surface whose equa- tion is Va 4+ y+ Vz=Va. The portions of the axes intercepted between the origin and tangent plane have their BUM CONSTANG, cic o's sip sp es vm Ore opie Swe o preje'g ge spt wien) 42 30. ‘To define a curve of double curvature, and shew how its equa- tiGDS ere Ou. pevelsastte weenie ee aa 31. To find the equations to the tangent line of a curve of double CUrValUres 2S 0e. S 32. To draw a normal plane to a curve of double curvature. ...... 76, 33. To find the equations to the line of intersection of two consecu- tive normal planes, and the equation to the osculating plane.... 45 34, Examples of finding equations to curves of double curvature, and drawing their tangents, normal planes, &c. ..........0+-24- 46 ART. 4 ox ts: N CONTENTS. I. A sphere being pierced by a cylinder, to find the equations to the curve of intersection, and to draw a tangent line, nor- mal plane, and osculating plane to it. : II. ‘To find the equations to the helix, .............. III. -To find the equations to the path of a point moving uniforrily along a great circle of a sphere which revolves uni- formly about a diameter; and the area included between the path, and a great circle perpendicular to that diameter. .... IV. To find the equations to the Screw of Archimedes. . To find the differential coefficients of the volume, and curvilinear surface of any figure bounded by planes parallel to the co-ordinate planes, and a curve surface whose equation is known. In some cases it is convenient to express the differential of the volume by polar co-ordinates. To find the differential coefficients of the volume and surface of a wedge contained by the plane of za, a plane parallel to’ zy, and a a through the axis of z, and by a given curve surface. ........4.6. cee ezeeeefeeeesee epee eeosa eve . To find the differential coefficient of the arc of a curve of double CUT VAUUEOs. aia ec ote<.x eoeeeorvr esc eeee ee ee eee weerewmeseerteseeeesgese . Application of the formulz for volumes and surfaces to examples. I. ‘To find the volume and surface of any portion of a sphere. II. To find the volume of any wedge of an ellipsoid inter- cepted by two planes: passing through the axis.’ IIf. To find the surface of an ellipsoid which differs little from a, sphiereeparacense id. duie ik Wek MA. PN SMR APS IV. . ig ieswasiars'niels di’ »:+ eye ble mie 146 $9. Examples:of the two last articles, 9... si5...22 00.0 500.305.. 147 I. To find the equation to the envelope of all right cones Of a Constant volume. <.ssc ace eee sees Veen bene 5 OY 2b. II. If the center of a sphere describe a plane curve, to find the equation to the annular surface which envelopes it INVEVETY POSIUON. +. eee. pat eer tee ee ree sa cee 148 III. Supposing the vertex of a right cone to describe a curve in the plane of ay, and its axis to be always perpen- dicular to that plane, to find the equation to the envelope... 149 ART. 90. Ol. 92. CONTENTS. If the differential equation to the envelope be known, the equa- tions to the characteristic may be deduced from it. .......... Every partial differential equation of the first order, may be considered as belonging to the envelope of surfaces represented by F(a, ¥,2,@,p~a)=0. Hence the use of the characteristic in the integration of partial differential equations. ............ Ex. I. To integrate the general linear equation of the first order ceoeeevr eee eee eeeeeeaeeeeveoe eevee ee eee eee eee eee eee II. To integrate the equation Pp-+ Qq=0. ......... III. To find the equation to the surface which cuts at right angles all surfaces comprised in the same total differ- ential equation. » Ai! c Th * . » ‘ ‘ Wale wera, Aneta Aa é é , P - ie : > ra hijo ye ' Ss c 1. ’ ‘ 7 4 <) a yf 4 ¥ . i Ve n “ A ‘ ; is | a ae ‘ ; wie | @ { ; iwi ; : bi ys pene» le Tey. Ua OM. hae wpe TARR Ce ST 1 ae ni? ae To a eg : ‘ 4 ry : Py sa x j Mes vid | Tt ’ - "5 ‘ 5 . * 2 i ~~ » i. oad é al ‘ 4 j ‘ a! 4 hi » 5 7 Pt) hae: hye SOF Waban ol Ob tie. 0 PA, ee a 4 he 10 Ny ie = ere ae el Deed Ae ee Ak a, mM. we , it iv . 5 - an % " re. r oy) ; i ll hie Pat Mila i 40% TT AR, eo I Md : e :! a » vA J i 4 4 ‘a A? 2 . ij : A - a. “ph - hy : . AL =¥ ~ 7 . i me i eis fy » ibrar: es Queeis g ad ae Eye el < hea. i ee | , ¥ iy? 9 ; 33 % ” ? F ; as “ rd n r é on i ¢s i bat ' a 7 J a) ¥ ‘ rtd ; : eo ed Wise ls. a 8 et via Post DFG y .{ x bea, Sie. Gare ty ry of he eee fae lah PIO is) ha ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF a SE THREE DIMENSIONS. | ¢ 5 fy SECTION I. ON THE PLANE, AND STRAIGHT LINE: 1. Iw order to determine the position of a point in space, some fixed point is taken for the origin of the co-ordinates, and through it are drawn three fixed planes at right angles to one another, which are called the co-ordinate planes; and their in- tersections are called the axes of the co-ordinates. ‘Then the distance of a point from each of the co-ordinate planes being given, it is manifest that its position is completely determined. Thus the pomt A (fig. 1.) being the origin of the co-ordinates, AB is called the axis of x, AC the axis of y, AD the axis of z3 also the plane CAB is called the plane of xy, BAD the plane of xz, and CAD the plane of yz. The co-ordinates of the point M are ABor EM=2, BN or FM=y, and MN=z; and if a given equation exist between these three quantities, and their values be always taken so as to satisfy it, the different positions of M thus determined will all lie in a curve surface, whose nature is defined by the equation, and which may be traced out*. * Since the co-ordinates x, y, z, are measured from the point 4 along the lines 4x, Ay, Az, if any co-ordinate be measured in the contrary direction, it will be negative. Thus, if a point be situated below the plane of xy, its co-ordinate parallel to Az will be —z; and A the 2 If in the equation to a surface we make x constant and =ON=c, (fig. 3.) we obtain the equation to the plane curve PQ, which is the intersection of a plane, drawn parallel to that of yz at a distance (c) from it, with the surface; and by making r, Y, 2, separately =Q, we find the equations to the plane curves AC, AB, BC, formed by the intersections of the surface with the co-ordinate planes, which are called its traces on those planes. As many real values as z has for given values of 2 and y, so many sheets will the surface have; if z is impossible, there is no point in the surface corresponding to those values. 2. Since (fig. 1.) AN*= AB’ + BN’, and AM*=AN*°+ NM’, ye Ree Ai +y°+2° the distance of the point M from the origin. Also if AM=r, and a, $B, y, be the angles which AM makes with the axes of x, y, z, respectively, then « =r cosa, y=rcosP, z=rcosy, *, r =r’ cos*a+r cos B+r° cos ¥, or cos’a-+cos’ B+ cos’ y=]. Suppose wv’, 7’, z’ the co-ordinates of a second point. Then if the origin be removed to the first point, the co-ordinates of the second point will be v’'—x, y'—y, z —2z; and therefore its distance from the new origin, that is, the distance between the two points = 4/ (2° — 2)’ +(y —y)? +(2 — 2)”. Hence also, since all its points are equidistant from the center, the equation to a spherical surface whose radius is (7) the co-ordinates of a point situated in the compartment 2’y'z’, will all be negative. In some cases it is requisite to take the co-ordinate planes, not rectangular, but inclined at given angles to one another. Thus, (fig. 2.) if «Ay, zAx, zAy, be three planes intersecting in the lines Ax, Ay, Az, and MN, NB be drawn respectively parallel to Az, dy; AB, BN, NM are the three co-ordinates of the point M referred to the oblique axes Az, Ay, Az. 3 and the co-ordinates of its center x’, y’, 2’, is(w— a’) +(y—y')? +(z—- z')? =r’, which becomes x” + y + z° =r, when the center is taken for the origin. If the co-ordinates are oblique (fig. 2.) let 2rAy=y, ZvAz=a, LyAz=f, and let AB=z, BN (parallel to Ay)=y, NM (parallel to Az) =z, be co-ordinates of the point M; “. P =AN?+NM’?+2AN. NM coszAN; but AN’=2°+y'?+22ry cosy, and AN cos zAN=An=Am+mn=zx cosa+y cos f, hak Bm be perpendicular to Az; *. P=ae ty? +2°4+ ry cosy +2xz cosa +2yz cos B, which gives the distance of a point from the origin, and also the equation to a sphere whose radius is (7), 3. To find the equation to a plane. Der. A plane is a series of points, of which each is equi- distant from two given points. Let one of the points A (fig. 4.) be the origin, and let 2’, y’, 2’ be the co-ordinates of the other point M; and let P be a point in the plane whose co-ordinates are w, y, 25 * APP =x? +y? +27, and PM*=(2' —2)*+(y' -— yy) +(2’— 2); and these by the definition are equal, pyr ter=(al—axyt+(y—yy +(e 2) or by reduction 2(ra! + yy +22))=2"? +y? +2", the equation to the plane, which is of the form z=Ax+By+C. Hence every equation of the Ist order involving three variables is that to a plane. Cor. 1. AM is manifestly perpendicular to the plane, and is bisected in the point Q in which it meets the plane. Let therefore AQ=6, and let the angles which it makes with the axis of x, y, z be a, B, y, 4 then x’ =2d cosa, y'=205 cos B, z'=20 cos ¥; , 40 (4 cosa+y cos B +2 cos y)=40, or x cos a+y cos B+ cos y=, another form of the equation to a plane. Cor. 2. Ifa, b, ¢ be the parts of the axes of x, y, Z, in- tercepted between the origin and the plane, a= sec a, b=6 sec B, c=6 sec ry, and therefore the equation to the plane may also be Ty 4 Bz put under this form, —- +> + -=1. ST ATS vars Cor. 3. We may also define a plane as generated by a ‘straight line, which moves in a direction parallel to itself, along a straight line given in position. Let AB (fig. 5.) in the plane of xz be the line to which the generating line PQ is always parallel, and AC in yz the line along which it moves. Let z=Ax+C be the equation to AB, and z= By+C be the equation to AC, where C=O4A; then PQ being parallel to 4B, we have PN=A,MN + QM, but QM=B.MO+ OA, .. PN=A,.MN+B,MO+0OA; or z=Ax+ By +C, the equation to the plane. AB, AC, are called the traces of the plane on the co-ordinate planes of rz, yz. Hence we perceive the meaning of the con- stants in the equation z= Ax+ By+C, for C is OA the part of the axis of z intercepted between the plane and the origin, and A and B are the tangents of the angles of inclination of the traces AB, AC, to the axes of x and y. If AC be parallel to OM, B=0; in this case the plane is perpendicular to that of rz, and its equation is z=Axr+C, the same as that to its trace 4B. If the axes are oblique, let 4zOr=a, 4zOy= 8; and let the inclinations of AB, AC to the axis of z be respectively d and @; then in the same manner as above, it may be shewn that sin (a—@) sik sin(B—9) | sin @ sin 0 Hence the equation to the plane always preserves the same form. the equation to the plane is z =a 5 4, To find the equations to a straight line in space. A straight line is the intersection of two planes, and con- sequently is given, when the equations to any two planes which contain it are given. For the sake of simplicity, to represent a straight line we employ the planes drawn through it perpendicular to the planes of xz, yz; and the equations to these planes are called the equations to the straight line. Thus let NC, BQ, (fig. 6,) be the intersections with the co-ordinate planes xz, yz, of planes drawn through any line MP respectively perpendicular to them. Then NC, QB, are called the projections of the line MP; and the equations to the planes, MN, MQ, or, which is the same thing, to the pro- jections NC, QB, are the equations to the line MP, which are consequently of the form r=az--a, y=bz+f. It is easily seen that a and # are the co-ordinates AN, NP, of the point P, in which the straight line meets the plane of xy, and a, 0b, are the tangents of the angles which its projections NC and QB make with the axis of z. By eliminating z we find ay— bx =a8—ba, which is the equation to the projection on the plane of ry. When the co-ordinates are oblique, the equations to a straight line will manifestly retain the same form. Cor. Ife=azta r=adzt+a , , y=bz+PB y=0z2+h two lines which intersect, then these four equations must be satisfied by the same values of x, y, z, namely, by the co-ordinates of the point of their intersection. Hence eliminating 2, y, z, we find the equation of condition for the intersection of two straight lines (a -a)(O- b= (B' — B)(a’ — a) =0. When this is satisfied, the co-ordinates of the point of intersec-— tion are the values of x, y, z, given by the above equations. be the equations to 5. Given the equations to a straight line and plane, to find the conditions, that they may coincide, or be parallel to. one another. 6 Let z= Ar+By+C be the equation to the plane, a=az+a, y=bz +f the equations to the straight line ; Substituting az+a for 2, and bz+ for y, in the first, | 7(Aa+ Bb—1)+ Aa+ BB+C=0, and since this equation must be true for all values of z, “,4a+Bb=1, Aat+BB+C=0, are the required equations of condition. If the plane and straight line are parallel, then a plane and straight line drawn through the origin respectively parallel to them, coincide; therefore the above equations must be satisfied when we suppose, a, (9, C, to vanish. Hence the remaining equation of condition is Aa+ Bb—1=0. 6. Given the equations to a straight line and plane, to find the conditions that they may be at right angles to one another. Let the straight line OP, (fig. 7,) be a perpendicular from the origin on the plane ABC; from P draw PN perpendicular to AOB, and join ON, then ON is the projection of OP. Also OC, PN, being parallel, are in the same plane, and therefore the lines CP, ON being produced will meet in Q; then the plane COQ is perpendicular to both the planes AOB, CAB, and therefore AB, the intersection of the two latter planes, is perpendicular to COQ (Euclid XI. 19); and AQis at right angles both to OQ and CQ. Hence when a straight line is perpen- dicular to a plane, the trace of the plane and the projection of the line on any one of the co-ordinate planes, are at right angles. Also the Z CQO measures the inclination of the plane to that of xy, and is eqnal to 4 COP which the perpendicular makes with the axis of z. Now let 2=Ax+ By +C be the equation to the plane, r=az-+a, y=bz +, the equations to the line. Then the trace of the plane on rz has for its equation z=Ar+C, and this is perpendicular to the projection of the line on rz, Sate oe te A ee whose equation is z =~ — ~;therefore— +1=0. Similarly the a a a 7 straight lines whose equations are z= By+C and y=bz +, B are at right angles, and therefore b +1=0. Hence d+a=0, B+b=0, are the required conditions. Cor. Hence we may draw a straight line perpendicular to a plane through a given point. Let 2’, y’, 2’ be the co-ordinates of the given point, r=az+ta, y=bz+ 3, the equations to the line; therefore 2’ =az’+a, y =bz' +B, and therefore eliminating a and B, x — «’ =a(z — 2’) y—y =b(z—2'). But the line being perpendicular to the plane whose equation is z=Ar+By+C, a=—A, b=—B, therefore x —a' + A(z—2/)=0, y—y'+ B(z—2z)=0, are the required equations. 7- Given the equations to a straight line, to find the angles which it makes with the axes; also to find the angles of inclination of a plane, whose equation is given, to the co-ordinate planes. Let r=az+a, y=bz+f be the equations to the given line. Through the origin draw a line CA, (fig. 8,) parallel to it, then the equations to CA are r=az, y=bz. Let a, 8, yy, be the angles which CA makes with the axes of x, y, 2; also let CA=1, and x, y, z be co-ordinates to the point A, then r=cosa, y=cosP, z=cosy. But AC°=2°+y' +2’, 1 or 1 =(g" + b° + 1)2*, ere Le J/1+a?+o°’ 1 B Or G e COS SY SS —— cos b=) ———_— ,—, - J ita +e?’ Jitaet a Jitete cosa=>= 5 Next let z= Axr+ By+C be the equation to a plane pér- pendicular to CA. Then y, (, a are the inclinations of this plane to the planes of ry, xz, yz, respectively; alscoa= — A, b= — B, Att: Os iy + cosa= 5.0089 = — nf 1+ +B? J 1+ A? + B 1 iy Wiha death Be: 8. Given the angles which two straight lines make with the axes, to find the angle which lines parallel to them through the origin include. Let CA (fig. 8.) make with the axes of x, y, z angles a, 8, y;, and CB make with them angles a’, (3, y’; take CA=1, and let z, y, z be co-ordinates of A, then r=cosa, y=cos[, z=cos yy; similarly let CB=1, and 2’, y’, z’ be co-ordinates of B, then «’ =cosa’, y' =cosP', 2’=cosy. Join A Beand lett 2 ACR= C, AB ec. then 2 cos C=1°+ 1 —°?=2 — f(x—a'P +(y—y' +(z—z)}=Qaer'+ yy +227); *, cos C=cos a cos a’+cos 3 cos BP +cos ¥y cos 4’. But if c=az+a, r=az+d y=bz+B, y=Uzt+Ph lines to which CA, CB, are respectively parallel, be the equations to the then r=uaz, y=bz are the equations to CA, and w’=a’z’, y'=b'z' are those to CB; 1 * l= ty4t2=2114+0+0), &«. 2= —, saa E | Tee ae ; 1 sitiilarly, 2. /1 +a? +02 aa +bb'+1 COS C= aa +bb +cc)z27 = a ee . Sata? +b +a? +b") 9 Cor. Hence the equation of condition, in order that the lines may be at right angles, is aa +bb'+1=0; at which we may arrive immediately, by observing that the equation to a plane through the origin perpendicular to the first line is z+ax+6y=0, which must necessarily contain a line through the same point parallel to the second, whose equations are r=a2z, y=Uz, ! *, aa +bb'+1=0. 9. To find the angle of inclination of two planes whose equations are given. Let z=Ar+By+C, z=A' r+ By +C’, be the equa- tions to the two planes. Then the equations to two lines, re- spectively perpendicular to them through the origin, are = — Az y= — Bz; r='— Az, y= — Baz (Art. 6.); and the Z (0) of inclination of the two planes is manifestly equal to the angle between these two perpendiculars; therefore (Art. 8.) 1+AA’+ BB’ J (1 + A+B) i+ A? + BY”) Hence, in order that two planes may be perpendicular to one another, we must have 1+AA’+ BB’=0. Also, if a, B, y3 a’, 2’, y’, be the angles at which the planes are inclined to the co-ordinate planes of yz, rz, xy; these are also the angles which the perpendiculars on them from the origin respectively make with the axes of x, y, z, and therefore (Art. 8.) cos 0= cos 9=cosa cosa’ + cos PB cos 8’ + cos y cos ¥’. 10. ‘To find the angle between a straight line and a plane. Let z=Ax-+ By+C be the equation to the plane; then the equations to a straight line, through the origin perpendicular to it, are r= —Az, y= — Bz. Let r=az+a, y=bz+f be the equations to the given line. ‘Then, if @= Z which the straight line makes with the plane, 90 — @ is the angle which it makes with the perpendicular to the plane, and therefore 1— Aa— Bb J + a?+ 8?) (14+ A?+ B’) B cos (90 —9) or sinO= 10 11. To find the distance of a point from a plane. Let x’, y's 2’ be the co-ordinates of the givell point P, (fig. 9.) z=4Ax+ By+C the equation to the given plane ABC. Through P draw a plane GK perpendicular to the line AB; then this plane is also perpendicular to the given plane ABC. (Euc. x1. 19.) Let GH be the intersection of the two planes, to which draw PR perpendicular. Then P& is perpendicular to the plane ABC; and PR=PQ sin PQR= PQ cos GHK. But PQ=PN-QN=2 —-(Ar'+ By'+Q), I and cos GHK = ——————., / 1+ A’ + B? (Atta); z' — Ax'— By’—C .. PR the required distance = a /i+A4+ B 12. ‘To find the distance of a point from a line. Let P (fig. 10.) be the point, whose co-ordinates are 2’, y, z; AB the line, whose equations are v=az+a, y=bz+P; PB a perpendicular from P on AB=0. Then z—2'= —a(x—2')—b(y—y’) is the equation to a plane through P, perpendicular to AB; therefore (Art. 11.) AB a tet SBE + ax EERE JSita+b? | and AP=+/ (x —a)y? +(y'— BY + gin’ 128 Phos? ae Ar {2 +4 (2 —a) + b(y'’— B)\? ee eee Ne pe over 78 ou (x —ay+(y Py +2 pate? B or se @ az — a? + (y'—b2'—BY + (6@'—a) —a(y'—B)}* l+a° +b" | ° 13. To find the equations to a straight line, which cuts perpendicularly each of two given straight lines. 11 Let r=az+a, v=a'z+a’ y=be+B, y=l24+ 8 given lines; then, if z=>Ax+By+C be the equation to a plane which is parallel to them both, Aa+ Bb=1, Aa’ + Bb’=1, (Art. 5.); b' —b a—a B= “eD—ap. be the equations to the °* Ac Ae AE Let z= A’x + B’y + C’ be the equation to a plane, which contains the required line, and the first given line ; and which must, therefore, cut the plane parallel to both the given lines at right angles; -. AA’+ BB’+1=0, A'a+ Bb—1i=0, A’a+B'B+C=0; hence C’=—A’a—BfB, and ACA Ge Rae eB) B Oba ond Bye (ase): or, substituting the values of A and B, ,_ @—atb(a'b—ab) , ¥—b+aab'—a’'b) a(a’ —a)+b6(b' — 6)’ ~ a(a —a)+b(b —b)’ *. z= A’(x—a)+ B(y-§), or z{a(a —a)+b(b'— b)} =(ex—a) {a —a+b(a'b— ab)} + (y—B){b —b+a(ab'—a'b)}. Similarly, the equation to the plane which contains the required line, and the second given line, by interchanging a b'a’ 3’ and abaf, is z{d(a—a)+0(b—0)\ =(w—a)fa-a +0 (ab —ab’)y} +(y—B){b-b 4+ a (ab—ab)}. These two equations determine the line required, since they are the equations to two planes, each of which contains it. 14. ‘To determine the shortest distance between two straight lines, whose equations are given. 12 Let x=az-4-a c=azta fenton Gh y=b24+f' two lines, and let x, y, z be co-ordinates of a point in the first, 2’, y’, 2’ those of a point in the second; therefore (dist.)” of these points I be the equations to the / . =u=(r—-x) + (y-y) t+ (7-2) which, by virtue of the above equations, is a function of z 7 and z; du ; dx dy ot. —— o£ _ W%2r—z)= sig eke Semone ome — =0:; i Wr—wx )at+WMy—y )b+2Az—z )=0, aE. ae b; du | dx’, dy’: Ss ae CN ae INS ae es id aha 2 eke , SOD CE a a im ae het RL rk tet 2 el mart ait w. a(r— ar) t+ b(y—y) +2—-2' =0....00 (1), a (x—2)t+b (y—y/)+2—2 =0....%....(2), or aE ALES EOE LAR ipinadbe a (az—a2z+a—a)4+0(bz—0'2' + B—B)+2-—2/=0 from which equations, z, z’, and thence (uw) may be determined. Cor. We observe that equation (1) is that to a plane which, passing through the point xyz in the first line, and 2’y’z’ in the second, cuts the first line at right angles. Similarly, equation (2) is that to a plane which, passing through the same points, cuts the second line at right angles. Hence, the shortest distance, which resuits from the intersection of these planes, cuts both the given lines at right angles; its equations are found in the last Article, and tle expression for its length may be obtained as follows. If planes be drawn through each of the lines parallel to the other, the perpendicular distance of these planes will be the shortest distance. of the lines. As in the last Article, the equations to the planes are z=A(r-~a)+ Biy-fB), z2z=Al(r—a’)+ Bey 8B), b'—b a—a where A Diane 7) te i 2b. awe 13 and the lengths of the perpendiculars dropped upon these from the origin, are respectively Aa+ BB Aa + BB af te Be x/ + AS Re A (a - a) + B(B'—B) | R/ in Aes Be therefore, substituting for A and B their values, the shortest distance between the two lines Baar eal lay bry 9 me BY Cara @) J (a — ay + (b — by + (ab’—a' by If this distance =0, (a’ —a) (6 — b)=(3' — B) (a —a), which is the equation of condition, in order that two lines may intersect, found in Art. 4,* (Art. 11.); the difference of which = * This Proposition may be proved geometrically, as follows. Take one of the given lines for the axis of «x, (fig. 40.) and let the other meet the axis of z in the point A, and the plane of «ry in B. Draw By parallel to Ox, join Ay, and draw OM perpen- dicular to it; draw MN parallel to By, make Ow equal to MN, and join Nx. Then, since MN is parallel to Ox, OM is perpendicular to each of the lines Ay, MN, and therefore to the plane 47B; also MN being equal to Ox, the figure NO is a rectangle, and Nx is equal and parallel to MO; therefore Nx is perpendicular to Ox, and also to the plane Ay, and therefore to 4B; hence it meets each of the given straight lines at right angles. It is also their shortest distance, for take any point K in AB, draw KL parallel to By, and join OL; then the distance of the point K from Oz is OL, because 2 LOw is a right angle; and OL is manifestly greater than OM. SECTION ILI. ON THE ORTHOGONAL PROJECTION OF AREAS, AND EQUATIONS TO SURFACES. —@-—— 15. Der. A system of points is- said to be orthogonally projected upon any plane, when each point is projected by means of a perpendicular dropped upon that plane; and if the sides of any plane figure be projected orthogonally upon a plane, the figure formed by these projections is called the orthogonal projection of the given figure upon that plane. The projection of an area upon any plane, is equal to the area multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to that plane. Let ABC (fig. 11.) be a triangular area traced in a plane which intersects the plane of the paper in GK, and from the angular points draw AG, CH, BK, perpendicular to GK ; Let abc be the orthogonal projection of ABC on the plane of the paper. ‘Then because, Cc, Dd are parallel, a@c=DC "cos Did, or dc= DC tos 4; or triangular area abc = triangular area A BC. cos i. Now any plane figure whatever may be divided into triangles, and hence the Proposition is manifest. 16. The square of any plane figure, is equal to the sum of the squares of its projections on three co-ordinate rectan- gular planes. Let the given area be denoted by A, and its projections on the planes of ry, xz, yz by A,, A,, 4,, respectively. Also 15 let a, 8, y be the angles which a perpendicular to the given area from the origin makes with the axes of x, y, z. Then (Art. 6.) -y is the inclination of the given area to the plane of xy, and therefore A,=A cos y; similarly A, = A'cos 3, °A,=A cosa; v AS +4/7+4,7 = A’ (cos*y + cos* B+ cos* a) = A’. Cor. 1. The equation to the plane in which A lies 1s x cosa+y cos +z cosy =6, (Cor. 1. Art. 3.), if 0 be the perpendicular upon it from the origin. Hence, winds A multiplying by 2 We ( pia BY Acosa.= +A cos B.~ + A cos Perales? © y Zeorptey or A, Tee 3 +A,-3 Sripie which shews that the pyramid whose vertex is the origin of the co-ordinates, and base any plane figure, is equal to the three pyramids whose common vertex is any point in the plane of the figure, and bases its three projections on three rectangular co-ordinate planes. Hence also the equation to a plane passing through three given points is tA,+yA,+z24, =A; A being the area of the triangle formed by joining the points, and 6 the perpendicular from the origin upon its plane. Cor. 2. Let ABC, (fig. 7.) be a plane, OB=a, OA=b, OC=c; (8 aBor= (2) (+(e or A ABC=4,/ (aby + (a0? + (bc)?: 16 ab } 3 = irnrnr>\—°=“—a[TehnDanDnDaaeaoooeaee Ze also COS Yy J (aby + (ac) + (bey and 0=c cosy = ————$—$— Pen wnen OA 2/1 OT Jab Fac + (60 17. To find the sum of the projections of any number of areas upon a given plane. Let D’, D’, D”, &c, designate the areas, the planes of which make with the co-ordinate planes the angles a’, b, c’s ae Ee a. b”, ec’; &c; and let the given plane make with the co-ordinate planes the angles a, b, c. Then each of the areas must be multiplied respectively by the expressions c t , cosa cosa +cos b cos b +cosc cosc, ” ” Ws cosa cosa +cosb cosb +cosccosc , &c, which are the cosines of the angles between the plane of pro- jection, and the planes in which the areas he (Art. 9.). The sum of these products will be S=cos a (D’ cos a’ + D" cos a” + D” cos a” + &c.) + cos 6(D’ cos b’ + D” cos b” + D” cos b” + &c.) +cosc(D’ cosc + D” cosc’ + D” cose” +&c); or, if we denote the sums of the projections on the co-ordinate planes by A, B, C, we shall have S=Acosa+Bcos 6+€ cos c. 18. ‘To find the position of the plane, on which the sum of the projections of any number of areas Is a maximum. Let a, b, c, be the unknown angles which the required plane makes with the co-ordinate planes; and A, B, C, the sums of the projections of the areas upon the co-ordinate planes, which are given; then S=A cosa+Bcosb+Ccosc, which is to be a maximum; now by virtue of the equation cos’ a+cos’ 6+cos’ c= 1, we may regard c as a function of a and b; 17 dS dc hence, — =—Asina—Csinc— =0, da da d§ dc — = — Bsinb — Csinc— =0;3 db “db Ay aa sin a cosa dc ___sinbccos b Ua Sse Srey el SET OE We oe y da sinc cosc niles sin ¢ COs Cc *, Acos¢c=C cosa, Bcosc=C eos 6; ° : s C he! (Anta C3) cos c=C’; or'cosc= Sea BAC?” B A cos b 2) Ola ee, ” SATB +O J A? + B+C These angles a, b, c, determine the direction in which the plane is to be drawn; and 4 eB: Ge ee ye Se Soa peepee ALB 2'C /A+B+C Vv is the value of the sum of the projections, when it is the greatest possible. Cor. If any plane make with the plane on which the sum of the projections is a maximum, an Z =8@, then the sum of the projections upon it = cos 0,/ A*+ Be + Cr Let a, 8, y be the angles which it makes with the co- ordinate planes, and S’ be the sum of the projections upon it. Then cos 9=cosu cosa+cos b cos 3 -+ cosc cosy; or, sub- stituting for cos a, cos 6, cos c, their values, A cosa+ B cos B+ C cosy S’ COD OSS erg pe ag ee | fA? +i B? + C? / AP BEC nS 2 cos O SAPP B+ Ce. Hence, also, the sum of the projections is 0, on all planes at right angles to the plane on which that sum is a maximum, C 18 19. To find the equations to an oblique cone, and an oblique cylinder; the bases of both being circular. Let a, hb, c be the co-ordinates OR, RQ, VQ (fig. 12.) of the vertex of the cone, and 2, y, z the co-ordinates of any point M in its surface. Jom VM, and produce it to meet the circle which forms the base of the cone in P. Also, let r—a=a (z—0c), y—b=B(z—o), be the equations to the line YP; therefore, when z=0O, we have the co-ordinates of P, or ON=a—ac, NP=b—Bc; and from the equation to the circular base, supposing its radius (r), and the axis of x a diameter, (a—-ac) + (6— BcyY = 2r(a—ao); therefore, eliminating a and £, G2 Owe he) or (az—cx) +(b2z-—cy) =2r(z—c) (az—cx), the equation required. Again, to find the equation ‘to an oblique cylinder. Let x=az, y=b6z, be the equations to a line through the origin, to which the generating line is always parallel; and let t=az+a, y=bz+8, be the equations to the generating line in one of its positions PQ (fig. 13.); therefore, making z=0, we have the co-ordinates of P, or r=a, y=; and these values of the co-ordinates of P must satisfy the equation to the circular base; . a? + 8? = 2ar; or, eliminating a and #8, the equation required is (w—az)y+ (y— bz) = 2r(e@— az). 20. To find the equation to any surface of revolution, the axis of the figure coinciding with one of the co-ordinate axes. 19 Let OC (tig. 14.) the axis of z, be the axis of revolution; CPQ the generating curve, and PR = F(OR) its equation, and let it revolve about OC into the position C P’Q’; ON=x, NM=y, MP’ =z, co-ordinates of the point P’. Then, by the equation to the curve, MP’ = F(OM), or z= F (,/2° +y"), which is the equation to the surface. Ex. 1. Ina cone whose altitude =a, and semi-vertical angle =a, the equation to the generating line is z=a~— wx cota, taking the origin in the center of the base; therefore the equa- tion to the surface is z=a—cotan/2*+y’. Ex. 2. In the paraboloid whose altitude =a, the equation g to the generating curve is z=a ep) if 7 equals its latus rectum; ty? therefore, the equation to the surface 1s Be i a If the origin be in the vertex of the paraboloid, its equation is g 2 z i TY ; l 21. ‘To find the equation to the ellipsoid, and elliptic paraboloid. The equation to a sphere is r +y°+ 2°=a’, where (a) is the radius, and the center 1s made the origin of the co-ordinates, 2 y 2 t y i] z D . - 8 . or = ++3 + == 1. Suppose all the z’s diminished in the a rarer e ratio of a : c; then it is manifest that all the sections parallel to the plane of yz become ellipses, whilst those parallel to the plane of xy continue circles. The solid then still continues to be one of oO x = Meee A revolution, and its equation becomes — + — + y= 1, whicn am a” G is the equation to the common spheroid, where (a) and (c) are the semi-axes. But, suppose next, that we diminish the y's & 20 in the ratio of a: 6, then it is manifest that all sections parallel to the plane of ry will also become ellipses, and the solid will cease to be one of revolution. In such case it is denominated an ellipsoid, and the equation becomes GI 3) in aiee Again, to find the equation to an elliptic paraboloid. If the axis of a paraboloid of revolution coincide with the axis of z, and the origin be in the vertex, the equation to the surface is 2° + y* =lz. Let all the x’s be diminished in the ratio of te lat and all the y’s in the ratio of ALE Jb; the surface is then called an elliptic paraboloid, and its equation is 2 i y esis aE i 22. The followmg Problems are examples of finding equa- tions to surfaces from their geometrical description, and serve to illustrate the preceding Propositions. Pros. 1. If a straight Ime have three given points in three fixed planes, to find the locus of any other point in it. Let the planes be at right angles to one another, and let them be taken for the co-ordinate planes. Let the straight line meet them in the pomts A, B, C, (fig. 15.) and let P be the describing pomt, the co-ordinates of which are ON=27, NQ=y, PQ=z. Also let |e baa PB=b; PSE tACa—v, £QbN=¢; . 2=C¢ sin 0, r=a cos 8 cos @, y=b cos @ sin @ 5 re ee Laie q a : () + (3) + () = cos 6+ sin? d=], a OD c the equation to an ellipsoid. 21 Pros. 2. Two points move in straight lines with uniform velocities, to find the equation to the surface generated by the straight line which joins them. Let AA’, BB’ (tig. 16.) be the two given lines, AB their shortest distance, which make the axis of z; also take the plane bisecting AB at right angles for that of xy, and the line bisect- ing the angle between the projections Ob, Oa of the lines, for the axis of x Then, if OA =OB=a, and tan rOa=m, the equations to the lines A.A’, BB’, are manifestly yYrme, z2—A3 yYour—-me, o=— —a, Let 6, b’ be the initial values of x for the points moving in AA’, BB’ respectively, c, c’ any other corresponding values, 2 : 1 the ratio of their velocities; therefore e—b=n(c —0’). But if c=Az+a, y= Bz+, be the equations to the line joining the points, they must be satisfied by the co-ordinates of the points ; “. c=Aata, c= —Aata, mce=Ba+B, -—mc = —Bat 8, which give / , , ac 3: BS jaca = Yeisen : 2 2g Qa Qa / ee OC OG Cre c—C r= Star eed 5 y=m Z2+m 3 Qa 2 2a which equations give a(me+y) , al(mr—y) : = ——___— ¢ = ————. m(a+z) ” m(a— 2) Hence, by substitution, the equation to the surface, is Mi ied a oY) as b=n ‘a Sitar — 0) : . m(a+ z) m (a— Zz) or, by reduction, (n+ 1) (a°y—mazx)+(n—1) (azy—ma'e) = m(b—nb’) (a?—2°). 22 Pros. 3. Two planes are drawn through two straight lines given in space, so as always to be perpendicular to one another; to find the locus of their intersection. Taking the same axes as in the last Problem, the equations to the lines are Y=MI, 2=a; Yr-mMY, 2=—4. Let . z=Avt+ By+C, z=A'rt+Byt+C, be the equations to the two planes. Then, because the plane z=Ax+By+C, contains the line y=mx, z=a, a=Ar+Bme+C; oe MI, A et Mee 0) 5 similarly, a= —C’, A’ — Bm=o. Hence z-a=A (2-#), one eee B= +wuiea_a b] mx—y ” me—y _ m(z +a) Be z+a mMa—Y d ML—~—Y zta=A'(si7), or A’ But, because the planes are at right angles to one another, AA'+ BB'+1=0; m(2* — a®) 2° —a” Se en ea ene ol har (mz) —y° (may —y or (m?— 1) (22—a’) + (mry — ¥°=0, is the required equation to the surface. If the lines are parallel, m=0, and y” + 2° =a’, the equation to a cylinder, as it ought to be. Pros. 4. To find the locus of a poiwt which is equi- distant from two lines given in space. Retaining the same axes and notation as m the last question, it will be found that the equation to the surface is may + (1 +m’) az=0. 23 Pros. 5. To find the equation to the surface generated by a straight line which constantly passes through three fixed straight lines. Let the axes of the co-ordinates be parallel té’ the thre given lines, then the equations to the latter will be ay “Y ra pe o pb ce y= os? Pe sep ae Let the equations to the generating line in any positiqn be r=mzetm, y=nzt+n, oe and consequently 7 , a mn — mn — y= —2 +p, (where p =. ————+——" J". m m \ Then, since it meets each of the three given lines, we have three equations of condition, viz. , a=metm, V=ne+7, b=—atp; m . . . - , , and it remains to eliminate m, m, n, n, between these, and the equations to the generating line. By subtraction we find r-ad=m(z- 0), y= F=n(z—c), y-b= Gaba), m therefore, eliminating m and 7, (x —- a) (y— 0) @—c)=(4@—a) (y — 6) @-C) the required equation, which is of the second degree, because the term xyz disappears. By interchanging the quantities abc, a’'b’c’, the final equa- tion is not altered; therefore the same surface would be gene~ rated by a straight line constantly passing through three different lines, whose equations are , $e r= a) ty ? qf 03 ey Qiiwa OC 23. ‘To find the equations and forms of the three surfaces of the second order that have a center. 24 Surfaces, in the same manner as lines, are divided into orders according to the degree of their equations. The plane is the surface of the first order, because its equation is of the first degree; the sphere, cone, &c, are surfaces of the second order, because their equations are of the second degree. The general equation to surfaces of the second order is ax® + by" +cz°+ 2a'yz+ W'rz4+ 2cxy t+ 2a,x+ 2b yt 2,z+d=0 it will be shewn. hereafter, that this equation can always be reduced to one of the forms, Ax? + By’ + C2,-—1=0, or By + C2+r=0; at present, we shall examine the figures and properties of the different surfaces, which these equations represent. The equation Ax + By’ + C2? — 1 =0, offers three varieties; all the coefficients may be positive, or one may be negative, or two may be negative; in all cases the surface is symmetrically situated with respect to the axes, and the origin is the center of the surface, that is, all lines drawn through it, and terminated by the surface, are bisected in it; as is manifest from the form of the equation. I. Let all the coefficients be positive, and let the equation be | 2 fe 4 i y z @ me oa he ~V~ = ] 5 a b° Cc : the surface is the ellipsoid, and may be generated in the following manner. In the planes of xz, yz, describe ellipses AD, DB, (fig, 17.) whose. 4 axes are AC =a, BC=b, DC =c; and let a variable ellipse move parallel to the plane of ry, having the ordinates NR, NQ, for its axes... Let x, y, z, be co- ordinates of the point P, N b° b° b° (ty: .(RN*® — x°) = QN*— rat = a(c’ — 2°) — se", RN a a’ *O+Q+O- 25 The figure represents an eighth part of the surface, which, as appears from its equation, is limited in all directions. The ellipses BD, AD, AB, are its principal sections, the equa- tions to which result from the equation to the surface, by making v, y, 2, separately =O. Hence the quantities a, b, c, represent the 4 axes of the principal sections, and also the Z% axes of the surface. ‘The points A, B, D, are called the vertices of the surface ; it has six on the whole, one at each of the extremities of each axis. II. Let one of the coefficients, viz. C, be negative; and let the equation be The surface is the hyperboloid of one sheet, and may be generated as follows. In the planes of xz, yz, describe hy- perbolas AQ, BR, (fig. 18,) having } axes AC=a, BC=6, and the same minor or conjugate axis DC=c; and let a variable ellipse move parallel to the plane of xy, having the ordinates NQ, NR, for 4 axes; then x, y, z, being co-ordinates of the point P, RN* b° b* b° PMe ty" No? (NQ’ — x*)= RN’ — fa ale + c’)— aa" od y” 7° La A a came The principal sections are the ellipse A.B, which forms the interior limit of the surface, and the hyperbolas BR, AQ. If we make w constant, and =a, the equation to the section parallel to yz, 1s bee) G a which, as long as a < a, represents an hyperbola with its vertex in AB, and conjugate axis parallel to CD; when a=a, it represents two straight lines; when a>a, the equation to the section is eye 2 b? sor 26 this also represents an hyperbola, but in a new position, viz. with its vertex in AQ, and conjugate axis parallel to CB. If a=b, all sections parallel to ry become circles; hence the form of the surface resembles that generated by the revolution of an hyperbola about its minor axis; and since it 1s continuous, it is called the hyperboloid of one sheet. ‘This surface has four vertices, two of which are A and B. Since = : ince “ 2B 1; ail A aca Se Gaby i cu ab (ay) + (62) MPS ACI CL alias eel ab > J (ayy + (ba ad x y Hence, amy + re is the equation to the asymptotic surface, which is a right cone, (whose vertex is C, and base an ellipse, center D and 4 axes parallel and equal to AC, CB,) and is a particular case of the general equation. III. Let two coefficients, viz. B and C, be negative, and let the equation be the surface is called the hyperboloid of two sheets, and may be generated by describing hyperbolas AQ, AR, (fig. 19.) in the planes of xz, vy, having f axes AG Sway, DC=ec; and making a variable ellipse move parallel to yz, having the ordinates QN, RN, for semi-axes. Then, as before, it will be found that the equation to the locus of P is 27 In this case, the principal sections are the hyperbolas AQ, AR; the principal section in the plane of yz being imaginary. This surface has only two vertices; its form re- sembles that generated by an hyperbola revolving about its major axis, and consists of two distinct portions; it is therefore called the hyperboloid of two sheets. As before, it may be shewn that the equation to the asymptote is 2 2 g eta) z a Hee LM eo A which represents a right cone on an elliptic base, and is a parti- cular case of the general equation to surfaces of the second order. The above are the three varieties of the first class of surfaces of the second order, viz. those which have a center. If any result be obtained for the ellipsoid, the corresponding result for the hyperboloids may be deduced, by writing baie) for 6; or bA/ —1, an / al) for 6 and c. 24. The second class of surfaces of the second order, that is, those which have not a center, represented by the equation By* + Cz? +2 =0, affords but two varieties, viz. when B and C are of the same sign, and when of different. I. Inthe former case, let x be measured so as to make 6 4 ~ 1 z ae ee the equation of the form ye this is the elliptic by ainhar paraboloid, which may be generated by describing a parabola Ak, (fig. 20.) in the plane of ry, and making another parabola RP, whose equation is z*=/'x, move parallel to the plane of zz, with its vertex in AR; for x, y, z, beimg co-ordinates of any point P, fal RM=U (2~ "4 has Ns tt Plan ‘Hence /, I’, are the latera recta of the principal sections AR, AQ, which are parabolas; the principal section in the plane of yz 28 is imaginary, but all sections parallel to that plane are ellipses with their centers in the axis of v, and vertices in the parabolas AQ, AR; and hence the name of the surface. It has but one vertex A, and resembles in form the paraboloid of revolution, to which it is reduced when /=1’. II. Let C be negative, and let the equation be 2 2 N this is the hyperbolic paraboloid, which may be generated by making a parabola PR, (tig. 21.) whose equation is 2° = —/2, move parallel to the plane of vz, with its vertex in a parabola AR traced in the plane of vy 3 for x, y, z, being co-ordinates of any point P, Mi, hy A bind ie “celyty | tava fal MRal (7 v), SP cig The principal sections are, the parabola AA, which forms the interior limit of the figure, the parabola AQ, and two straight lines, represented by the equation /z*=/'y’, in the plane of yz. If we make r=a, the equation to the corresponding section / parallel to yz is 2 = 7(y la), which represents an hyperbola whose vertex is in AR, and conjugate axis parallelto Az. If a be negative, the equation is z= F (y° +a), which also represents an hyperbola, but in a new position, viz. with its vertex in AQ, and conjugate axis parallel to Ay. ng Sai ACY lax Since 2 = a(1- —), WR A? ‘Aaelahs ae VEC ee —&e.). x y Ny Hence, the equation to the asymptote is s=yV 5 » which represents two planes perpendicular to the plane of xz. 29 s Cor. ‘The elliptic and hyperbolic paraboloids are parti- cular cases of the ellipsoid, and hyperboloid of one sheet, viz. when the center is removed to an infinite distance. In the equation, write x — a for x, then the equation, Ys 2 2 4 C “) +4455, a b c is reckoned from the vertex of the surface. Call p and p the distances of the foci of the principal sections in vy, and xz, from the vertex ; aS b =a —(a—p)y =2ap—p’, c= 2ap +p ; hence, by substitution, 5 2 9 r AG i Cas gt rar: Gaeta 4 1— 129 = 0, a a 2ap —p 2ap +p 2 2 2 or ssn eh ty a J gust 12 =0; Pp pon pu 2 Dre anit therefore, making (a) infinite, 7 47-9 2p 2p Hence, if any result be obtained for the ellipsoid, or hyperboloid, it will be adapted to the paraboloids, by the modification just indicated ; viz. by transferring the origin to the extremity of an axis, and making that axis infinite. SECTION III. ON TANGENT PLANES AND NORMALS- TO SURFACES, AND TANGENTS AND NORMAL PLANES TO CURVES OF DOUBLE CURVATURE. 25. To draw a tangent plane to a curve surface. Let z=f(x, y) be the equation to a curve surface ; 2 = Ar’ + By'+C the equation to a plane touching the surface at the poimt P, (fig. 22.); then, if x, y, 2 be the co-ordinates of P, we must have z= Axv+ By+C, and therefore, eliminating C, the equa- tion becomes.2/—z=A (2° —2) + Biy' -y)- Let there be drawn through the point P a plane parallel to that of «z, cutting the surface in the curve PC, and the tangent plane in the line PT. Then the line PT’ must be a tangent to the curve PC, otherwise the tangent plane would cut the surface. Now, for every point in the line PT, y'=y, and therefore its equation, deduced from the equation to the plane, is 2—z=A(x —2z). Aliso, the equation to PC is deduced from z=/(a, y), by making y constant in it; and in order that PJ’ may touch PC, dz we must have A=, (y) being supposed constant in the - differentiation. Again, through P draw a plane parallel to that of zy, cutting the surface in the curve PD, and the tangent plane in the line PR; then, as before, the equation to PR is Zm—z2=By'—y), Sl » gid the equation to PD is obtained from z= Ss y) by regarding x as constant; and since PR touches PD, we must dz , ge have B= ay’ (x) being supposed constant in the differentiation. Hence, substituting for A and B their values, the equation to the tangent plane at a point epee” Ts wh —— 2 7 ON dZ \2.; — (x —x) + — —y);3 ras ney vay) or, as it is usually written, z—z=p(c’—2)+9q(y'—y), when p and q denote the partial differential coefficients of z, derived from the equation to the surface. Cor. 1. If vy be the angle of inclination of the tangent plane to that of ry, then (Art. 7.) 1 UDO Ae ney so eee ee . A (gg fee eit ey GH dy and similarly its inclinations to the other co-ordinate planes may be found; also (Art. 11.) the length of the perpendicular from the origin on the tangent plane By Bilas tod eLepit ve Cor. 2. Let AB, BC, AC (fig. 7.) be the traces of the tangent plane on the co-ordinate planes; then, by making 7’ and z’ vanish in its equation, we find Fy aN Ae similarly, J Po 40s mr ak = CO=z2—pr-qy; 32 therefore, (Art. 16.) area of tangent plane BoA =o Qpq J! +p +q> : i OAS and volume of pyramid ABCO= ia oe iG] 26. To find the line of greatest inclination ; that is, among all straight lines which touch the surface in a given point, to determine that whose inclination to the plane of ry is the greatest. As all these lines must lie in the tangent plane, the line required is obviously that which is perpendicular to the inter- section of the two planes. Now, the equation to the intersection of the tangent plane at a point xyz, with the plane of ay, is ’ Pir z —y= —-(t —27)—-3 i bem A q q t q- , ae — — “(a — 7) ier p is the equation to a line perpendicular to the preceding, and is, therefore, the equation to the projection, on the plane of xy, of the line required. Again, let 2 ~v=a(z'—2z) be the equation to its projec- : a ‘ tion on the plane of xz, then y —y= Ee -2) is the equa- me tion to its projection on the plane of yz; and, since the line in question coincides with the tangent plane, qa L pa+—q=1, (Art.5.); 0. a= Pee ip pP+q Hence, , P , , q , v—r= -(z)—z), and y —y==(t —2), pt ae TP at p are the equations to the line of greatest inclination; and its length 33 Cor. 1. If a curve be traced in the plane of ry, the equation to whose tangent is / Dep errs Y p d q or whose differential equation 1S = — = x B and aright cylinder be erected upon it; the curve of double curvature formed by the intersection of the cylinder and surface will have the property, that its tangent is always inclined at the ereatest angle to the plane of ry. 3 If, therefore, we derive the values of p and g from the equation to the surface, independent of z, and substitute them in the equation PY aie dus; p. the integral of this, together with the given equation to the surface, will be the equations to the curve of greatest inclination. 2 Q 2 5 x Mee Zz Ex. In the ellipsoid — + laps >z=1, Gs b c 2 2 we Cat RG, q a oe PS me me; ! Sooner te el and puke 5) Zi QZ pie Pp 2 dy a’ y dz b? x’ ° . 2 2 . : and therefore, integrating, y’ =Cx2, is the equation to the projection, on the plane of xy, of the curve of greatest inclination. Cor. 2. Also, if the projection on the plane of xy be given, we may find the surface. Thus, let «+ y°= a’; q x - .. == —-~, or pr-+qy=0; dx sy Bhd eas ini hence, integrating, z = f (=) is the equation to the surface. s ry E 34 27. To draw a normal to a curve surface. Let x =az'+a, y’ =b2'+ 3, be the equations to the normal. Then, since it passes through a point whose co-ordi- nates are xv, y, z, we must have r=az-+a, y=bz+ 8; therefore, eliminating a and #, | v—x=a(z—2z), y'—y=b(z —2). Now this line is perpendicular to the tangent plane, whose equation is é eee HAE AES Zz —2= 5 ( —«)+ ay eriv Als dz d ote (Art. 6.) a “ —_ = 0, b+ ae = O. - ar dy Hence, substituting these values of a and 6, the equations to the normal, at a pomt ryz, are ; ie i ee hen / sina Be eyiyy L—-T eat ter 280, pie ay z) =0. Cor. 1. The equations to the normal may also be found from the consideration, that it is the longest or shortest line which can be drawn from any point in itself to the surface. Let 2’, y', 2’, be co-ordinates of a fixed point in the normal, and x, y, z, of any point in the surface; then, if 6 = distance of these points, o = (a — al +(y — yy + — 2°), a function of two variables x and y; for z is given in terms of x and y, by the equation to the surface. ‘Therefore, in order that 0? may be a maximum or minimum, x — 4 By =O : i a 2) =O £ ag z) =0, Upy qua =0. These are the equations which determine the position of the shortest line that can be drawn from the fixed point a y'z’, to the surface, and therefore those to the normal. 35 28. To find the length of the portion of the normal, intercepted between the surface and the plane of xy, and the co-ordinates of the point where it meets that plane. The co-ordinates of any point in the normal being 2’, 9’, 2, and vt, y, z, those of the point where it meets the surface, the distance of these points 1s, by the last Art., SE a ON + (J) + (=) : But at the point where the normal meets the plane of ry, z’=03 therefore the required length ‘ / dz\2 dz\2 sie NA Ge) i Also by making 2’ =0, in the equations to the normal, we find r=rt aa Wade ine dx dy the co-ordinates of the point where it meets the plane of ry; and similarly we may find the points, where the normal meets the other co-ordinate planes. 29. The followmg Problems will exemplify the method of drawing tangent planes, and normals to surfaces. Pros. 1. To draw a tangent plane to an ellipsoid. Q x 2” ve The equation is — ZF +—= ] q a? + b? c 5) £L te gemieharg aca a yO ie teh GeALLT ; ax Hy i a2. Vas i Hence, substituting for —, a? their values in Y Z—z=p(e- 2) +qiy'—y) 36 the equation to the plane touching an ellipsoid at the point ryz, 1s kN, ae z—-zt>54-@-arvnt+at(y—-y=0 az ba J ’ zz oer L ” ’ Opie ey a owt ap! Cc Cc a a b b 4 rx Z2 0 ee te re | a b If A, B, C, be the poimts in which the tangent plane cuts the 2 axes, (fig. 7.) by making y’ = z’ = 0, we find OB = x = ~ 4 2 C he b similarly OA = 7; wo a hence the pyramid OA BC will be a minimum, when vyz =a maximum, that is, when the co-ordinates of the point touched by the plane are a b C 0 ee eS ee So ob a Js Pros. 2. ‘To find the length of the perpendicular dropped from the center of an ellipsoid on the tangent plane, and the locus of its extremity. The equations to a perpendicular from the center on the tangent plane, are Cobie be pen y a Vili tiaeree A) Be Er ae ua 3 y bz ? which, combined with the equation to the tangent plane, give by eliminating 2, 7, $o7n° af" “ , A ade = 3s cee Zz c* 2 ar by TOR? 8a. Ou ae eD: Liat LOT PD Of et eg en ee 12 12 123 19 2 79 9 72 tc / Vie comet ae OLE Se Ie i aa sa oe) i 2 2 2 a ie V4 ta But {tet at) oc i= we (ary + (by') + (2)? = (ve? + y? + 2%, 37 the required equation. Next let é be the length of the perpen- dicular, 2 h 2 12 ; OS e+ y+ 2 = —; z . . . , , Bs but by Er ee x,y, between the same equations, 2 ,fO8 rey 2” z 4 = weat4t+4. a b+ C Bo Pros. 3. If three tangent planes to an ellipsoid are mutually at right angles, their point of intersection will trace out a sphere concentric with the ellipsoid. Let é, the perpendicular from the center on a tangent plane, make angles a, (, yy, with the axes of xr, y, 23 then the equation to that plane is , ¢ , © cosa | Vases Oi a COS Ue: ) 6 , : which must be identical with the equation to the tangent plane, found in Prob. 1, viz. — +22 44521, a: b2 2 x0 yo 20 cosa=-—>, cosB= grr cosy = 5 a 2 Py UH hence, since RE ae P ++5= 1, a se) 4 er @) = a’ cosa +b’ cos’ 3 +c cosy, which gives the length of the perpendicular in terms of its inclinations to the axes. Now let there be two other per- pendiculars 0’, 6,, which make with the axes the angles a, By; a, B,> y,» respectively; and suppose the three Abs pecdiculaie to be mutually at right angles ; 38 0? = a’cos’a’ + 6’cos® 3’ + ¢* cos" y’, 6° = a’cos a,+ bcos’ B, + cos’ ¥y,. But a, a, a,, being the angles which a line (viz. the axis of x) makes with three rectangular axes (viz. the three per- pendiculars,) cosa + cos’a’ + cos*a, = 1; similarly cos’ 3 + cos? SB’ + cos*B, = 1, cosy + cos’ + cosy, = 1; hence, by addition, O+0°4+ S02? = 84+ 0 +c’. But if g be the distance of the point of intersection of the three planes from the center, then oi= & 4 84 88, p Bafa +0 Eo the radius of the sphere described by the point of inter- section. In the case of hyperboloids, one at least of the quan- tities a, b°, c’, is negative; and hence their sum imay be negative, or nothing; in the former case, there is no point in space, through which three rectangular planes touching the hyperboloid can be drawn; and in the latter, the center is the only point which has that property. Again, if we transfer the origin to the extremity of the Z-axis (a), and then make (a) infinite, as in Cor. Art. 24, the equation to the surface will become 2 ae tale t+ —, = 22, of Minctinl and that to the sphere —2=p+p'; therefore the locus, in the case of paraboloids, is a plane per- ; pendicular to the axis of the surface, at a dist. = ~ PP from the vertex. 39 Pros. 4. If three planes, mutually at right angles, con- stantly touch the perimeter of a plane curve of the second order, to find the focus of their poimt of intersection. xv 2 , Let Soitiea 1, be the equation to the curve, is 2 x cosa+y’ cos [3+2 cos y=0, the equation to one of the rectangular planes; then, making z =0, the equation to its trace on the plane of ry is U / «a COS a cos tse hee y' cos =a) r) é a Lx yy which must coincide with — + b2 - = 1, the equation to the tangent to the curve; oy / cosas, cos p=503 dr ,2 ou y? i : hence &=(—) + (*) = a°cos a’ + b° cos’ 3’; similarly, ° c C 6 0? =a’cos’a” +b? cos’ B”, 0,’ =a? cos*a,* + 6 cos’ B’. Hence, by addition, O+0°+0%=a +0", or p=r /at+b, if p=distance of the point of intersection from the center. Hence, the locus is a sphere concentric with the curve. For the hyperbola, p=./ a’ — 6°; therefore we must have a> 6, otherwise the Problem is impossible, if a=6, as in the rectangular hyperbola, the locus is a point, viz. the center. If the curve be a parabola, it may be shewn, as above, that the locus is a plane, perpendicular to its own, through the directrix. 40 Pros. 5. Ifr, 7’, r,, be three semi-diameters of an ellipsoid, mutually at right angles, then 1 1 1 1 1 arte eer Q° a” 2 | a - Il This property, analogous to that for the perpendiculars, may be proved in a similar manner. Let a, 6, y be the angles which (r) makes with the axes of v, y, 2; then the co-ordinates of its extremity are r=rcosa, y=rcosB, z=rcosy; hence, by substitution in the equation to the ellipsoid, cos a , cos BY Coney a’ b? Se r A sa) , In like manner, for the semi-diameters r and 7,, we have the equations cos'a cos? 3 4 cos” ry’ 1 c = ys 3 oP b? ce yr? cos a cos” cos” same 1 v7] / i 9° + —_— a ug hence, by addition, as in the last Problem, Pros. 6. If two concentric surfaces of the second order have the same foci for their principal sections, they will cut one another every where at right angles. g 2 y” ° Tn Yy Z r fe Let —+54+5=1 ee me Ft nip eee rye ea i OM Bet be their equations; then the equations to the tangent planes are , , U / / / mini) ya gee Ey | aly ee Ae aeryeae. ergs)! + as + >= =1; a b c B Y 2 a Al and in order that these may be at right angles, we must have (Art. 9.) 2 2 . 9 (=) 1 Ga) . (a AT eed SVE which gives the relation among the co-ordinates of the points, in which the surfaces may intersect at right angles. But, by subtracting the two equations, we find (= =) “4. 3) *+(; 1 er cee bee 0 ae vk ear § RT! at rs = a” a’ b° p° J Cc y ; the relation among the co-ordinates of the actual points of intersection ; which must be identical with equation (1), if the surfaces cut one another every where at right angles; therefore, equating the ratios of corresponding coefficients, 2 2 2 ae—-vw=b—-S=c—-y; on a? —b =a’ — 8°, Av eaa =a? — +7, be — ce =B’—+'; which three equations shew that the principal sections have the same foci. In like manner, if the surfaces have not a center, and we represent their equations by 2 2 2 2 z y 2x z YO UG r ae Sof du 3l1i+u a42)t5 ga Sr et A x ges ty wear ane eS Cl + wu") (l+u : ] VY= Sf tan= tu + airs =t+C, from w=0, tou= @ 5 3 eeardad Se, 2} = me _ 2a 3 le 3) 9 1 Ada?® Ta” Now the volume of ABCD=-. alr az i a . Therefore 3 part of ABCD not comprised in the cylinder = aa . Conse- quently, if the whole sphere be pierced by two equal cylinders, the part not comprized in them = = (diameter) Again, to find the Aa ie eaystV “@ +@)a=V +E) +@ =-oOoCr OE OO * JJ +u?)’ FE a oS Se —x(l+), a UE OE - from t=0, tor= Rie. ; therefore, substituting for C, ub ayn du =0'(e wo sre ae Sa’ (tan-'w+ aaa) +6 from u=0, to u= © ; u or S=a’ G -). a Now the surface BCD =~ 4nd? = g part of BCD not intercepted=a*. And if the whole sphere Therefore the 60 be penetrated by two equal cylinders, the part not comprized in them = Sa* = 2 (diameter). V. To find the equation to the Cono-cuneus of Wallis, and its volume, Let BOG, fig. 32, be a quadrant of a circle, whose plane is parallel to that-of +z; and let a straight line DN move parallel to the plane of yz, with one end in the circumference of the quadrant, and the other in the axis of 73 the surface generated is the Cono-cuneus of Wallis. Let ING ar iis Uae ate ha ZC : and .. DC =—; hence #” + G) =f, J LY Spare ae : goo or z= or: raf a — x, 15 the required equation. Hence =! alae, ek ay ae ~ O¢ Ja mad Sa dV c from y = 0, to y =¢3 or gel A ee *, volume ABOD = 5+ (circular area BOCD); and whole volume = twola AN (oe) VI. The axes of two equal cylinders intersect at right angles, to find the volume of the portion which is common to both. Let OC be the axis of one cylinder, (fig. 33,) AO that of the other. Then the equation to AB, or to the cylinder whose base it forms, is z = Ka — ys a2V dV asap iN ee re dy ~=N4 —y +C, one garg dV from «= 0, to r= ON = fa — x: or = a? — y's y y * V = a'y ~~ (from y = 0, lo y= 4) = a 61 16a° Hence, multiplying by 8, the whole volume = 3 We may also determine the surface of one cylinder which which is intercepted by the other. zs RN eer ike Bea RN St) a3 and .. S = ay =a’; and .*. whole surface = 8a’. } $ Cor. =i=nafau- yy =“ =a sw's, if BM=s; on. «. RIM = 2 y rE $3 hence the curve of intersection BD lies all in one plane, and is therefore an ellipse; and if the cylinder were developed, it would become the line of sines. VII. If a plane be drawn through the axis major, perpendicular to the plane of an ellipse; and on it an hyper- bola be described, whose vertex is in the focus of the ellipse, and focus in the vertex of the ellipse; then the surfaces of all cones whose base is the ellipse, and whose summits are on the hyperbola, or its asymptote, can be squared respectively by circular or elliptic arcs. Case I. C the center of the ellipse, AC, CB, its semi- axes; V the vertex of the cone, (fig. 34,) on the hyperbola ; CN = x = asing, and, therefore NP = y = bcos@, | co-ordinates of a point P in the ellipse; arc BP =s; aas =// du +dy* =dd/ a*— c’ sin’ d, (where c* =a’ — b”). CM =/f, VM = h, co-ordinates of V; draw MQ perpendicular on thy tangent to the ellipse at P; .. CT = — = ——_; 62 at b(a — fsing@) | c —/) binge Ages: = rain ae ante J ie + 6° ae ar Li — c* sin Ribu If therefore § = ese of the cone, a8 = ds = Ldpr/h'(a* — c’ sin?) + 0? (a — f sing) di dd sf a*h? + a7b* — ch’ sin® p—2ab’fsingd + f° sin” Pp. But the equation to the locus of V is 6? f* = c*(h* + 6°); os te td J a’ h? + ab — 2ab’ f sing + 6c? sin’ p = 1d (2) _ sto! eb sin@ + (bc sin )* b = ido (4 ~ besing) Cc ih + be cosh) +, C; s=1(p~ suppose the generating line at first in the position VM, or that 9 10139 S=0, when x = — a, and therefore @ = — .*. substituting for C, s=4} & - >) of + be cos} ; b Hence surface MV B = 5 (= Te + be) , when d=0, € Tv b surface MV A = 4 (x cae ) , when O= -. 2 Cc 9) b *. by subtraction, surface BVA = 4 E% ais bc Ni 63 Hence the difference of surfaces MVB and BV A = bc, and is the same for all cones, that have their vertices on the hyperbola. abf wf Whole surface of cone = 7 -—~ = a een sai a8 Cor. 1. Since the difference of the surfaces MV B and BVA=be, we have the following problem. If a plane be drawn through the minor axis of the base, and the vertex of any cone described as above ; the difference of the portions, into which its surface is thereby divided, is equal to the rectangle contained by the minor axis, and eccentricity of its base. Cor. 2. Suppose the base circular, and let ACP=¢; therefore MQ=a—/f cos @, since MQ is parallel to CP ; ». dS=Lado J +(a—f cos $y, which can only be integrated by elliptic arcs. Case II. When the vertex is on the asymptote to the hy- perbola, and therefore bf = ch, then dS=3dq s/f (ah) + (aby — 2ab? fsin dp ; let p=2y— =, “. sng = — cos2y; “ dS=dwW/ (ah) +(aby + 2abch cos2y hn? = ach = bd SiGe) ay (1-42 sin” WV a+ (=) + ; (1 — 2 sin’ W) ah” 5 le ee oy Ct =bdw (c+ a +6 ‘a oid Wy, sincea =O +c’. Let (c+ NED a eo = VM ; : 2 ahye A i ; ya (c-=) +6 =(a—fyY+h=a =VA dS =bdw ns br a (a”* —a’) sin? 1p; +, S=b. fan elliptic arc, axes a, a’, and abscissa r=a’ sin}. e . T Supposing S to vanish, when Y =0, and therefore P= — 5\3 that is, when the generating line coincides with VM. . . Tv Tv Hence making @ = oe and therefore ~ = nos entire surface=2 (elliptic quadrant, whose 5 axes are VM, VA). VIII. To determine the curve to be traced on the surface of a sphere, so that its length shall always be equal to () times the co-ordinate (x) of the describing point. Let the radius =1, then the equation to the sphere is equiva- lent to the equations. r=cosd, y=singsnO, z= sing cosO; +, ds’ =dx’+dy’'+dz2° = (-sing dp)’ + (cos @ sin@ dod + sing cos @ dé)’ + (cos f cos6 dg — sing sin@ de)’ = (dp) + (sing dé)’: But s=nxr=n cos@, *, ds’ = (—nsing dd)’; . n® sin’ ia = (doy + sin’ p (dO, or dO = PENG e nin? hl sin pb — 1 ae Sain OS eam. \ eae iy: Jn? sin? pb — 1 sing ./n* sin? p—1 Sd (cosp yy Ll EoD Hi ties Oy (eee 65 2 COS , ot te 6.=3 1.008 + al + sin yeas Jn a | nm —1 he ay, OB: or sin 5 =n cos /l—x J n?—1 ab x ++ sin / (nv? = 1) (127) pie the equation to the projection of the curve, on the plane of ry. SECTION IV. ON THE TRANSFORMATION OF CO-ORDINATES, AND ITS APPLICATIONS. —g-—— 38. To pass from one system of co-ordinates to another, supposing the first rectangular, and the second oblique. First, to change the origin of the co-ordinates without altering the directions of the axes, we must substitute 2 +a, y’+8, z'-+ry, for x, y, 2, respectively; a, 3, yy, being the co-ordinates of the new origin. Next, suppose the directions of the axes are to be changed, retaining the same origin. Let x, y,z, be rectangular co-ordinates of the pot P, (fig. 35.) parallel to the axes Ox, Oy, Oz; ON=7, NM=y, MP= 2, its co-ordinates parallel to the oblique axes Ox’, Oy’, Oz’. Through the points P, M, N draw planes parallel to zy, cutting Ow in the points p, m, n; then, because the distance be- tween two parallel planes is equal to the intercepted portion of any line, multiplied by the cosine of its inclination to the line which is perpendicular to them, , « . mp = MP cosz’Oxr=z' cosz'z, denoting the Z 2’ Ox by z'2; . . / similarly 2m =y' cos y'a, On=2x' cosx’x; andr= Op; “. c=2 cosxxrt+y cosy’ r+2' cosz’7r; that is, each primitive co-ordinate is equal to the sum of the pro- jections of the three new co-ordinates upon its axis. Hence y=xr cosxyt+y' cosy y+z' cosz'y. z=2' cosx2z-+y cosy z+2' cosz’z. 67 Of the nine angles involved in these formule, six only are independent; there being three equations of condition; for, since wax, x'y, x 2, are the angles which a straight line, namely the axis of x, makes with the three rectangular axes of x, y, z, “. cos’ 2 x+cos a’y+cos az = 1 similarly cos’ yx +cos’ y’y-+cos’ y'z = 1} «.(1). cos’ z’°x+ cos’ 2’ y + cos* 2’z = 1 Cor: 1. We may however obtain expressions free from equations of condition, thus ; L= MZ) LSmMz) c= m,z Let ; be respectively the equa- y=nz) y=n2) y=n2 tions to the axes of a, y’, z. 1 i Also let 0 = —jp—————— , PO ee /1 +m +n nL tm + n° 1 L nea AG Then cos 2’ x = Im, cosry =In, cosxz =, &c; / , sds , m= lngitit my + bm,z, y=lIne +l n'y + ln,z, , Te Ws , z= lz tL york Jz. 39. When the new system is rectangular, as well as the primitive, we may arrive at the expressions for x, y, 2, briefly thus. Let (7) be the distance of any point P from the origin ; .cos Pxr=cos P2’ cosrx’+cos Py’ cos ry’ + cos Pz’ cos x2’; hence, multiplying by (7), and observing that rcos Pr =z, rcosPx =z, &e, we have # = a’ cosa’x + y'cosy’x + 2'cosz x; and so on, for the others. In this case, there are only three independent angles. For, since the axes of x and 7’ are at right angles, A , , , , , ) ~. cosy xcosy % + cosxycosy y + cosxzcosyz =O. 7 68 similarly, cos x’x cos zx + cos2’y cosz’y + cosa’z cosz'z = 0. , , , / , / cosy «cosz xz + cosy ycosz y+ cosy zcoszz=0. which three equations of condition, must be joined to the three equations (1) of last article. Cor. It is also to be particularly observed, that these six equations may be replaced by the following, which are equivalent to them, and which are obtained by referring the axes of x, y, 2, to those of x, y’, 2’; cos’rar + cos*ry’ + cos rz = 1 cos’ yx + cos yy + cosyz = 1 cos’ zx’ + cos’ zy’ + cos’ zz’ = | because x2’, xy’, xz’, are the angles which a straight line (viz. the axis of x) makes with the three rectangular axes of 2’, y's Zz and so on for the others. Again, , / , 4 , , cosrx cosyx -- cosry cosyy + cosxz cosyz =O , / , / , / cosrx coszx + cos xy cos zy -+ cos xz coszz =O , cosyx coszu + cosyy’ cos zy’ + cosyz coszz’ = O because the axes of x and y are at right angles; and so on for the others. 40. When both systems are rectangular, the expressions for the transformation of co-ordinates may be reduced to others more convenient in practice, in the following manner. (Fig. 36). About O the origin, describe a sphere radius (1); and let Gzz’ be the plane of 22’, Oy’ perpendicular to it the axis of 7, which will le in the planeyOr; 2 GOr = ¢, 4 GOzd' = 8. ‘Then, by Napier’s rules, observing that 2 z’zx = 180 — @, i z2y = 90 + dQ, and that 2’ z2, Zz 2%, are quadrantal triangles ; cosra = cosOcosd, cosyx = cosOsing, cosza’ = sin O; cosry = — sing, cos yy = cos d, cos zy' = 0; cosrz = —sinOcosd, cosyz = — sinfsing, coszz’ = cos8; hence, by substitution, x =(x' cos 0— 2’ sin 0) cos bp —y’' sing, y= (2 cos 9—2’ sin 8) sin pty’ cos d, 2=2 sinO+z' cos 0. 69 41. To find the equation to the section of a surface, made by a plane perpendicular to that of xz, and inclined at anZ =0 to the plane of ry. This is effected by transforming the co-ordinates so that the cutting plane shall be that of xy, and then making 2’ = O in the resulting equation. Since each original co-ordinate is equal to the sum of the projections of the three new co-ordinates upon its axis, “.r=2 cosx x+y’ cosy’x+ 2’ cos? r=x' cos0—2’ sinO, because Za r=0, Ly'x=90, 42/x=90+0; similarly y=.2' cosa y+y' cosy’y+2' cosz y=y’, z=2 cosaz+y' cos yz+2' cosz’z=2" sinO+2’ cos6. Since 2’ is to vanish in the final result, we are at liberty to make it =O, in the values of x, y, 2, before we substitute them ; and therefore it will be sufficient to write 2 cos@ for x, y’ for y, and x’ sin@ for z; and the resulting equation between 2’ and 9’, will be that to the section. Cor. We may obtain more general formule, by making z'=0 in the results of (Art. 40.); this gives, x=2x cosO cosh — y' sing. y=wx cos sind + y' cosd. z=a sin@. By substituting these values, we shall obtam the equation to the section made by the plane of xy’; that is, by a plane whose inclination to that of ry is 2 @, and whose trace on that plane is the axis of y’; @ being the Z which the projection ofthe axis of x’, on the plane of xy, makes with the axis of x. This of course includes all planes. Examp.e 1. To find the equation to the section of an oblique cone. Let the axis be in the plane of rz, then 6 =0, and the equa- tion to the surface is (cy)? = (cr —az) [2cr + (a—Qr)z—cx} (Art. 19.); 70 therefore the equation to the section is (cy’)* =(c cosO ~ a sin) {2cra’ + x? (a—@r. sin@—ccos8)}. This will be an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, according as the coefficient of 2” is —, +, or O; that is, according as which = tan SEB (fig. 37.); or, tan @: yor a—Qr under the same circumstances as in the right cone. The section will be a circle, when c’? =(c cos0—a sin®@) (c cos0—e sin@), if e=a—2r; or c’ +c? tan?O = c*—(ce + ac) tan@ + ae tan’@; c(a + e) ? “? tan 0 —=.0, a tan Os ae—c the first value of @ gives the base of the cone; the second value gives Gurnee _— + —_ re G4 tan? = > = tan(SEB + SAB), c Le ae . 02—-SAB=SEB, or SAD=SEB; that is, the cutting plane makes the same angle with one side of the cone, that the base does with the other. This section is called the sub-contrary section. If ¢ be the eccentricity of the elliptic section, it appears é >» (c¢ —ae)sin’@ +c (a + e) cosO sinO from its equation that « = Saeaahy air ya urd Toma oat Ex. 2. Of all sections of a paraboloid of revolution, made by planes passing through a tangent to its base, to find that whose area is the greatest. If the base of the paraboloid be the plane of wy, anda tangent to the base the axis of y, and consequently one of: its diameters the axis of #, the equation to the surface will be 2 b (b—# +y = SAG = 2) where a = altitude, and 6 = radius of base, 71 Hence, if a plane passing through the axis of y, make an angle 0 with the plane of xy, the equation to the section is Qg 2bhxcos@ — x cos?@ — y = —-r sin@; ) a one or y* =2 (2b cos0 — — sin8)— 2° cos’ a b — 2 US die pie lind, = cos 0 )2b2 secO (1 214 when it is a parabola. 42. ‘To find the co-ordinates of the center of a surface of the second order; and the relation among the coefficients of the general equation, when it represents surfaces that have not a center. The general equation of the second order is ax + by’ +cz + 2ay2 + 20 az + 2c ry + Qaxer + 26y + 2c2 +d=0;3 if, by assuming another origin, we can make the terms multiplied by x, y, 2, disappear, that point is manifestly the center; for then the equation will not be altered by changing z, y, z, into — a, —y, — 2, and therefore all lines drawn through the origin, and terminated by the surface, will be bisected in it. Let therefore r =e +a,y=y +68, z=27+y, 4,8, ¥ being the co-ordinates of the new origin; then we must have coefficient of 2, aat+b'y+c’ B+a,=0, (1); 73. coefficient of y, b8 + ay + ca+tb =0...(Q), coefficient of 2, cyt a B+ ba+c,=0...(3). Eliminate 3 from the first and second equations, “(ab — ce’) a + (60 — a’) ytab = b,c’ =, Again eliminate 8 from the second and third, vac — bb)a + (a? — boy +ab — be, = 0. Hence a will be infinite, when (ab—c”) (a? — bc) + (a'c — bY =0, or abc — aa’ — bb? — cc”? + 2a'b'c = 0; which is the relation, when the center of the surface is at an infinite distance. When this relation does not hold, equations (1), (2), (3), will give the values of a, 8, yy, the co-ordinates of the center of the surface ; and the origin being in that point, the equation | alae tet becomes a2” + by? + c27 + Qa'y' 2 + Aba’ 2’ + Qoyx taa+bB+ey +d=0. A3. ‘To find the equation to a diametral plane of a surface of the second order; 1. e. to the locus of the middle points of a system of parallel chords. Let r= mz, y= nz, be the equations to a Ime drawn through the origin, to which the chords are parallel. ‘Take the middle point (a-+y) of any chord for the new origin, that is, maker = 2x +a, y=y' + BP, z= 2’ + ¥;3 then the equa- tions to the chord from the new origin being x =mz2’, y =n2z’, to get the co-ordinates of the points where it meets the surface, we must write mz’ + a, nz + B, 2 ++, for x, y, 2, respec- tively, in the general equation to the surface given in the last Art. *. a(mz +a) + b(n2’ +B) +e (2) +y) +2 (nz’ + B) (2 +) +26 (mz +a)(2’ +r) $2 (mz' + a)(n2’ + B)+24,(m2’ + a) + 26,(nz’ + B) + 2c,(2 +y) +d =0;3 but since the origin bisects the chord, the two values of 2’ in this equation are equal, therefore the first power of 2° must disappear; hence Q2ama + 2bnB + Qty + Qa! (ny + 3) + 2b' (my + a) + 2c (mB + na) + 2am + 2bn + @, = O, K 74 or (am+ecn+b)at+(cm+bn+a)pB +(Um+an+eo)y + anm+bn+¢,=0; the relation among the co-ordinates a, (3, yy. of the middle point of a chord, which we see is the equation to a plane. Cor. If the surface have a center, and the origin be in that point, we must make a,, 6, c, = 0. The equation to the diametral plane then becomes (am+cn+b)at+(om+bn+a)B+(Um+ta'n+c) y=03 and it is parallel to the tangent plane applied at the extremity of the diameter x = mz, y = nz. For the equation to a tangent plane is Z2—z=p(e—a+qy-y ax+bztcy,, bytazter, re dy hea ) cztaytbe Ys or z(czt+aytba +e (art h24+ cy) +y(byta@z+¢rx)+d=0;> and if it be applied at the extremity of the diameter x = mz, y = NZ, its equation becomes , , , , , , ‘ , ’ d (am+en+b)x +(cm+tbn+a)y+Om+an+c)z thy =0, which represents a plane parallel to the diametral plane. 4A, ‘There is an infinite number of systems of oblique co- ordinates, but only one system of rectangular co-ordinates, which will cause the terms involving ry, xz, yz, to disappear from the general equation of the second order. Suppose the original axes of the co-ordinates rectangular, and the new axes oblique; and let «x = mz, y = nz be the equations to the axis of 2’, r=m'z, y=n'z those to the axis of y’, c=m,2, y =n,z those to the axis of 2’. Then (Art.38.Cor.} c=lmie tl my +hm2, yslna +l ry +1n7, zg=lz’+ Ly’ +12’; substitute these values in the general equation ax? +by? +e 4+2a'yz+ 2b rz+Qcxry : 75 +2aa+2by+2c,z2+d=0, and we find coefficient of ay! (am tent’) m +(om+bnta)n +b m+an+c=0... (1), coefficient of 2’ z’ (am+en+b')m,+(cm+bnt+a)n, +0m+an+c=0... (2), coefficient of y'z’ (am, +n, +0) m +(c'm,+bn,+a’) n' +0 m,+a'n, +¢=0...(3). If moreover we suppose the new axes to have given inclina- tions, viz. ay’ =, y'2 =, 22’ =a, which gives the equations cos a = ll (mm, ai nn, + 1), cos B=1'l (m'm, + n’n, + 1), cos y= ll (mm + nn’ + 0), | we have six equations for determining the six unknown quan- tities, and therefore the positions of the new axes. Hence, since the angles a, 9, y are arbitrary, there is an infinite number of systems of oblique co-ordinates which fulfil the three required conditions. But if the new axes are to be rectangular, since equations (1) and (2) shew that the axes of y and 2’ lie in a plane whose equation is (am+c'ntb') r+(cmt+bn+a) y+ mt+a n+c) z=0...(4), the axis of 2’, whose equations are r=mz, y=nz, must be perpendicular to that plane, * amacn+b =M(U m+ a NC) ....00200000-(5), omtbnt+a =n(U mtd NC) ..cccececesesee-(6) 3 whence, by eliminating (m), we find for determining (7) an equation of the form An? + Bn? + Crn+ D=O0O,* * The cubic equation is {(a—d) a’b'+(a?—6*) c'\n8 +{(a—b) (c—b)b'+-(2c?—a?— 6?) b' + (@e—a—b) ae in? + | (c—a) (c—b) c' + (26?—a?—c?) c+(2b--a—c) ab’ in +{(a—c) a'c'+-(a?—c?) b'\ =0. 76 which must have one real root; and then m is known from equation (6). Also the axes of y' and z are at right angles, therefore m’ m,+n'n,+1=0, which, joined to equations (1), (2), (3), determines the four quantities m’,n’,m,n, But the axis of y’ might have been determined so that it should be perpendicular to the plane of «’ 2’; in this case also we should have arrived at equations (5) and (6); consequently n’ is a root of the cubic; the same is true of the axis of z 3; therefore the three roots of the cubic equation are real, and are the values of n,n',n,; and m,m',m,, are known from equation (6). Hence there is only one system of rectangular axes which frees the general equation from the terms involving xvy, rz, yz. This system exists in all cases, and the above is the process for finding it. By both transformations, whether to oblique or rectangular co-ordinates, the equation is reduced to the form Ac®+ By*®+C2"°4+2A2+2By4+2C2+D=0...(7). Hence, any one of the co-ordinate planes is parallel to a diametral plane, that 1s, to a plane bisecting the chords parallel to the intersection of the two others. This also appears by comparing equation (4) to the plane of y'z’, with the equation to the diametral plane in the last Art. Cor. 1. If none of the squares of the variables are wanting, it is manifest that equation (7), by simply changing the origin, may be further reduced to the form Ag OB Varta C sate tO cae neces scree te In this case the origin is the center, and any one of the co-ordinate planes bisects all chords parallel to the intersection of the two others, and is itself parallel to the tangent plane at the extremity of that intersection. Diametral planes thus related are said to be conjugate to one another, and their intersections are called conjugate diameters. If the lengths of a system of conjugate diameters be 2a’, 2b’, 2c’, the equation to the surface referred to them, is $8 a ioe fe Ti » t bas = Les ~ ae) ar 77 when they are mutually at right angles, (which is possible for only one system), they are called principal diameters of the surface; and the tangent plane at the extremity of any one of them, is perpendicular to it. Cor. 2. If one of the squares as x” is wanting, it is impossible to reduce the equation to the form (8), therefore the surface has not a center; by writing 2 +a, y+, 2 +y, for 2, y, 2 we may always determine a, B, y so as to reduce the equation to the form By?+Cz*+2A,2’=0. If two squares 2”, y’” are wanting, by writing 2+, 2’ +a, for 2’ and 2” the equation may be reduced to the form Cz7+2By +2A¢ =O; which, since all sections parallel to the plane of x’ y’ are parallel straight lines, represents a cylinder on a parabolic base. If the three squares are wanting, the equation represents a plane. Cor. 3. Hence the general equation to surfaces of the second order can always be reduced to one of the forms Ax’ +By?+C2°+D=0, or By?+Cz°+2 A,r=0, both of which are included in the equation Ax’? + By +C2+2A,7=0. The figures and properties, of the different surfaces represented by these equations, have already been discussed. 45. In a surface of the second order that has a center, the sum of the squares of any system of conjugate diameters is equal to the sum of the squares of the principal diameters ; also the volume, and the sum of the squares of the faces, of the parallelopiped described on any system of conjugate diameters, are respectively equal to the volume, and the sum of the squares of the faces, of the rectangular parallelopiped described on the principal diameters. - 2 2 2 x 2 2 : Let — + J + >= 1 be the equation to the surface a~ * Cw 78 referred to a system of conjugate diameters, the inclinations of which are Zvy=y, 4v2=a, Lyz=fP. Let 2’, y’, z’ be co-ordinates of the extremity of a principal diameter whose length is 2r; and let r=mz, y=nz be its equations. Then the equation to the tangent plane at its extremity 1s | , , , e, of gy we Mm n 1 1 The equation to a concentric sphere, radius (7), referred to the same axes is (Art. 2.) rar py? +2°4+2xry cosy +2rzcosat 2 yz cos PB; therefore the equation to the plane touching it at the point 2’ yz’ is ; / / , @ +y cosy+2Z cosa eae s Y 7 24 eee z+’ cosaty/’ ares i y +2’ cosy + 2’ cos B 2’ +2’ cos aay Baya > ° . , which, by reduction, becomes (since'w =mz’, y’ =nz’) x (m+ ncosty + cos a) = + (n+ mcosy + cos B) = &4 1 + (1+ mcosa+ncos B)= = Fireeseereecee(2). r But since a principal diameter is perpendicular to the tangent plane at its extremity, this plane must coincide with a plane applied at the same point to a concentric sphere. Hence equations (1) and (2) are identical, J mr nr® AP “a =m+ncos y + cosa, re =n +mcos ry + cos 2, ~ ? a= 1 + mcosa +n cos f. 19 Whence, eliminating m and », we obtain the equation ro = 9* (a? +b + 02) +r? §(a’b’ sinry)* +(a'c' sina)* + (b'c' sin B)"$ ~ (a'b'c’)? {1—2 cosa cos3 cosy — cos*a — cos’ (3 — cos*y} =0. But if 2a, 26, 2c, be the three principal diameters, then Gen Bt’. are the three values of 7; therefore, by the theory of equations, a? tb? t+ CHP +P +c? (a’b’ sin)’ + (a'c' sina)’ +(U'c' sin)” = (ab)? + (ac)? + (BC) .0c2s cee cee cee cee(3) (a' b'c')? {1 —2 cosa cos B cosy — cos’ a — cos” B — cos*y} =i(a Doyiass'sdensscdd ene eve) which are the three required results. Cor. 1. If the conjugate diameters 2a’, 26’, 2c’, are each z 2 2 , a+t+b+e < equal to 2R, then R = yt eG, also, since there are only two equations viz. (3) and (4) to determine the angles of inclination a, 9, ‘y, of the conjugate diameters, therefore there may be an infinite number of systems of equal conjugate diameters ; and their extremities all lie in the intersection of the surface, and a concentric sphere, whose equation 1s aT a te v+y+2= ; Cor. 2. Of all systems of conjugate diameters of an ellipsoid, the principal diameters have their sum a minimum, and the equal diameters their sum a maximum. If possible, let there be a system, not mutually at right an- gles, whose sum is a minimum. ‘Through any two, which are not at right angles, draw a plane; this will of course cut the surface in an ellipse, of which these two will be conjugate dia- meters, and their sum will be greater than that of the axes of the section; if therefore we join the two axes of the section to the remaining diameter of the proposed system, we shall have a sys- tem of conjugate diameters, whose sum is less than that of the proposed system, contrary to the supposition. In like manner, by recollecting that of all systems of conjugate diameters of an 80 ellipse, those which are equal have their sum a maximum, we may shew that no system of unequal conjugate diameters of an ellipsoid can have their sum a maximum. 46. Every surface of the second order may be generated by the motion of a circle of variable radius parallel to itself, the center of the circle moving along a diameter of the surface. Case 1. Let the surface have a center, and let its equation be Ax* + By’ + Cz? — 1=0. For x, write x +a, then if CA =a (fig. 38.), the origin will be removed from the center C, to A, the directions of the axes remaining the same ; - Atiwtay+ By? + Cz* — i=0. Now make r=2° cos0, y=y'’, z=2' sinO, Art. 41; 2” (A cos*@ + C sin’0) + By? + 2Aa cosOx’ + Aa®—1=0, is the equation to the section BAD, where 2 BAxr=8@, and AB, AD, are the axes of 2’ and y. The section is therefore a circle, . if A cos*°O+C sn°O=B. or A+C tan?0= B (1 +tan’8), A-B or tan?@ = —— . B-C The equation then becomes Aad —!I B or (2'+ ; a cos) +y°= (= a cos) — Agias we Gow | b>c, or the axis to which the cutting plane is parallel, is the mean axis. For the hyperboloid of one sheet, el C= et supposing the axis of z the imaginary axis of the surface ; “. tand= +=/ b*— a" ? 4b" a C therefore b >a, or the cutting plane is parallel to the greater of the real axes. Similarly if we suppose A negative, or the axis of x the imaginary axis, we arrive at the same conclusion; but if we suppose the axis of y imaginary, that is, B negative, tan @ is impossible; in fact we know that all sections through the ima- ginary axis are hyperbolas. For the hyperboloid of two sheets, 1 ] 1 Somme) a ee b= -—- = Gs +25 Cc therefore b>c, or the cutting plane is parallel to the greater of the imaginary axes. Similarly if we suppose the axis of z the real axis, we arrive at the same conclusion; but if the axis of y be the real axis, that is, A and C negative, tan@ is impossible; in fact we know that all sections through the real axis are hyper- bolas. Since tan@ has two values, the cutting plane may be inclined at an 20 or 90+ to the plane of ry, and hence the surface may be generated by a variable circle in two different ways. What we here assume, viz. that every circular section must be perpendicular to a principal plane, appears from Ex. 3, Art. 41; for in order that the section may be a circle, we must L 82 : ° Tv have the co-efficient of vy! = 0, and therefore either 0 = - or P= 57 or =O. Cor. 2. By putting the radius of the section =0, we find the value of a, when the plane of the section coincides with the tangent plane; the point of contact lies in the plane of rz, < i - a i : : : and its co-ordinate x= —; which for the ellipsoid becomes Casr 2. If the surface have not a center, let By’ +C2°=2a be its equation. Make dC =a (fig. 39.), therefore the equation reckoning from C, is By’ + Cz° —2(a +a)=0; and the equation to the section is By* + C2” sin’ 9 — 2 (x cos +a) =O, which will be a circle if Csin?@=B; the equation then is he cosO\* _ cos’ Qa Lyi ol pqh@e y +(« 7) = B tB BBC’ B’ Make CORE Jeet B BY BC” then O is the center of the circle, and its locus is a straight line DO parallel to AC. Hence B and C must have the same sign, as in the elliptic paraboloid; also B is < C, therefore the cutting plane is perpen- dicular to the principal section whose latus rectum 1s the least. In the case of the hyperbolic paraboloid, since B and C are of different signs, no plane can be drawn which shall intersect it in a circle. 47. To find the relation among the coefficients of the general equation of the second order, when it represents surfaces of revolution. Let the surface of the second order be one of revolution about Ox, then its equation referred to the axes Ox, Oy, Oz, is 2°+y? =ax’ +6, a and b being constant quantities, (Art. 20.) 83 Let the co-ordinates be transformed into others parallel to the axes O2', Oy’, Oz’, the positions of which are determined by the angles @ and @,, (Art. 40.) .. (v’ sin@ + 2’ cos0)’ + $(« cos —z' sin8) sind + y/' cos pt? = a}(x' cos0 — 2‘ sin@) cos — sind}? +6, or ¢?(sin?@ + cos? sin’ @ —acos Ocos’p) +y"(cos p— asin’ P) ++ 2’ (cos’6 + sin’ @ sin’ — a sin’ 0 cos’ p) +2y'2'(—cos sin d sin 8 — acos sing sin®@) + 2x'2’(sinOcosO — sin@cos Osin® + acos@sinO cos’ q)) + 22'y' (sing cos cos 0 + asin d cos @cos@) =6; or if 1+a=a, x” 5 1 — a(cos@ cos p) +y* (1 —asin’) + z”41—a(sinOcosd)’} —y'z'acos2q@sinO + 22’ asin20cos p + xy’ acos2@cos0 = b, which, compared with the general equation of the second order, Ax? + By? +Cz" 429A’ ye 4+2B a'r +2Cr'y' =D, (1) e . - ° . v gives six Independent equations; these are, making Toe a nA=1—acos’@cos*d, nn A'= — 5 coszpsind, : rye n B=1—asin* ~, n B= 5am 20cos dp, 'C=1—asin?0cos® 'C=* 0; nC=1—asin'Gcos ¢, n = 5cos2pcos : and since there are only four unknown quantities, we must have two equations of condition, which are found thus; 2 10 , a . , (a) J n°AA’ =n A’ + 3008 9 cos’ @ cos2psinO=n A +n’*BC, therefore sme = big A n ee ed AO CC—A'B 1 similarly Sap eevee Seart therefore eliminating 7’, we find the equations of condition BC AC AB A-—-——-=B-—- —-=C--—- A’ B C 84 Cor. 1. Since cosra” = cosOcos, cosay’ = — sing, cosaz = — sin@cos@, (Art. 40.), if 2° =mz’, y' =nz', be the equations to the axis of revolution (that is, the axis of x) re- ferred to the axes of 2’, y’, z’, and therefore, , , cosxx =mecosrz, cosry =ncosxz (Art. 7.); then cosOcosp=mcosrz = —msin@ cos, — sing = ncosrz = — nsinOcosd, by tan wi ex A sin@ eT chs as appears from the equations of condition. Hence the equa- tions to the axis of revolution are A’r’ =C2z', By’ =C2’. Cor. 2. A shorter, though less direct mode of solving this question, is to substitute values of p and q, derived from equa- tion (1), in the general equation to surfaces of revolution (Art. 85). Then since the resulting equation must be identically true, by equating to nothing the coefficients of 2°, y*, 2°, we find the equations to the axis of revolution; and by equating those of LY, 2, yz, to nothing, we find the equations of condition. 48. Problems on surfaces of the second order, illustrating the preceding propositions. Pros. 1. Three straight lines, mutually at right angles, and meeting in a point, constantly pass through a plane curve of the second order; to find the locus of their point of intersection. Let Aw’+ By’=C, z=0, be the equations to the plane curve, and a, (8, y the co-ordinates of the point of intersection of the three lines, and let the curve be referred to that point as origin, and to the three straight lines as axes; let the cosines of the angles which the axis of x makes with the new axes of 2’, y’, z’, be denoted by m, n, 73; and similarly, let the corresponding quantities for the axes of y and z be respectively m’, n’, 1’, m, 2, 7,3 therefore by formule of Art. 39, the transformed equations to the curve are mx +ny' +72 +y=0, Ams +ny +r2' +a) + Bi'e' + n'y’ +r27+BY=C. In order that the axis of 2 may meet the curve, these two equations must agree in giving the same value for 2’, when y and 2 =O; 85 J“. A(mx’ +a) + Bim'e' + BP =C, ma’ t+y =0; and substituting this value in the former equation, A(m,a—my)’ + B(m, B—m'y)? = Cm? ; similarly A (n,a—ny) + B(n,B— n'y)’ = Cn/ for axis of 7, A(ra—ry) + Bir, B—r' yy =Cr? for axis of 2’. Hence adding these equations together, and taking account of the equations of condition (Cor. Art. 39), A(a’ +’) + B(B’ + y*) =C, the equation to a surface of the second order. Cor. If the given curve be an ellipse whose equation is ar i y aucrdl = 1, the equation to the surface becomes, replacing a, 6, ry, by x, y, 2, b? x? + a°y? + (a’ +b") z* =a70*, that to an ellipsoid ; if an hyper- bola, the equation to the surface is b?x?—a’y’—(a° —b") 22 =a' Ll’, that to an hyperboloid of one or two sheets, according as a< or >6. In the case of the ellipse, if we remove the origin to the ex- tremity of the major axis, by writing «—a@ for a, the equations become ox y? aig Oem 2 a8 C) ba® + a®y® + (a’ + b’) 2? =2ab'x 3 now let b° = 2ap—p”, (p being the distance of the focus of the ellipse from its vertex), and make a infinite, .. y°=4pa, y°+2*°=4pz; that is, when - the curve is a parabola, the locus required is the paraboloid which it would generate by revolving about its axis. Pros. 2. Three straight lines mutually at right angles, and meeting in a point, are applied to a surface of the second order ; to find the locus of their point of intersection. 86 Let the equation to the surface be 42? + By? + Cz°=D; then referrmg it to the three straight lines as axes and to their point of intersection as origin, and using the notation of last Problem, the equation becomes A (mx + ny +12! +ak+ Bima! +1'y' +r 2+ By + C(m,x +0, +r,2’ +y) =D, or xv? (mM A+m? B+m7C)+y? A t+n? B+270) +22? A +r? B+r2C) + 22'y' (mnA+m'n' B+mn,C) + 2a'2'(mrA+m'r B+mr,C)+2y'2 (nrA+n'r B+n,7,C) +22 (mAa+m BB+m,Cy) + 2y (nda +n BB+nCy) +227 (rdat+r7 BB +7,Cy) +Aa’? + BR? + Cy’ —D=0. Now making successively 7,2’, =0, 2’,2’,=0, 2,y',=0, in order to determine the points where the axes of 2’, y’, z’ meet the surface; and calling Aa’ + BB’+ Cy? —-D=G, we have vA +m B+m2C) +22 (mAatm BB+m,Cy)+ G=0, ynA+ n? B+ n?C)+2y' (nAa+n BB+n2,Cy)+G=0, 2°? Atr? B+r?C) +22 (rdAat+r BB +r, Cy) +G=0. But since the axes of xv’, y’, 2’ touch the surface, the two points in which any one meets it coincide m one, and therefore the two roots of each of these equations are equal ; o. (mA+m?B+m2C)G = (nmAat+m BB+m,Cyy, (n° A+n® B+22C)G = MmAatn BB+n,Cy)’, (PAL? B+r? OCG = (rAatr BB+r, Cy). Hence, adding together these three equations, and taking ac- count of the equations of condition (Cor. Art. 39.), (A+ B+C) G=(Aa)’+(BBY+(Cyy, or (4+B+C)(Aa’?+ BB’+ Cy’ — D)=(Aay+ (BB)? +(Cy)’, or, finally, A(B+ C0) a°+B(A+ 0) B?+C(44+ B)y’=D(A+B+O), the equation to the locus, which is therefore a surface of the second order concentric with the given one. 87 Cor. In the case of an ellipsoid this equation becomes, replacing a, B, y, by x, y, 2, xv? (6? +c?) + y® (a® +0?) + 2? (a? + BD) =(aby + (ac)? + (b0)’, 2 2 2 a rs ig th a ee 2° me We a if g, h, k, represent the three altitudes of the triangle formed by joining the vertices of the ellipsoid (Art. 16. Cor. 2.). If we remove the origin to the extremity of the 4 axis a and then make a infinite, as in Cor. Art. 24, the equations become a dean? yt eaHA(ptp)xr+4app’; if therefore the given surface be a paraboloid, the locus required is a paraboloid of revolution. If the given surface be an hyperboloid of one sheet, making c’ negative, the equation to the locus is (b°—c*) a? +(a— 0?) w+ +0") 2 =0°b? — Cc (a? +0) ;x which will be an ellipsoid if a*b” > (a? + 6*) c*, and a point (viz. the centre of the surface) if a®b” =(a* + b’)c*. If c=aand be greater than 0, the equation becomes (a? — b?) 2? — (a? + B*) 2? =a", which is that to an hyperbolic cylinder. If the given surface be an hyperboloid of two sheets, then making 6° and c” both negative, the equation to the locus is y? (a? —c) + 2° (a? = b’) — 2° (a? + Bb?) = (bc)? — a? (8? + c*). If in the original equation we suppose D=0, A=m’, B=n’?, C= —m’n’, it becomes the equation to a conical surface of the second order, and the equation to the locus becomes (l—m’) 2? +(1 —n°) y°— (m’ -+-n’) CAGE which is also the equation to a conical surface of the second order. 88 Pros. 3. If a surface of the second order be. cut by a plane which always passes through a fixed point, to find the locus of the centres of all the plane sections. Let Az?+ By’ +Cz*=D be the equation to the surface, z—c=A'(x-—a)+ B (y — b) the equation to the plane, a, b, and c, being the co-ordinates of the point through which it passes ; eliminating y, B etn Re le—e- A @—a)+ Boy=D, Aaa (1) is the equation to the projection of the section, on the plane of xz. Let a, 8, ty, be the co-ordinates of the centre of the section, and transport the origin of the co-ordinates to that. point by writing 2 +a for x, and z ++ for z; then the coefficients of x and z must each vanish in equation (1), B “. Aat Be aa) A*—(Bb+y—o A} = 0; B Cy + Be {(y—¢)+ B'b—A'(a—a)}=0. Multiply the latter of these equations by A’, and add it to the former, ; : Aa “. Aat+CAy=0, or A=— Cy? B , similarly B’ = — ie . Also y-c=A'(a—a)+ B(B-d); Cy " Aa BB mt ~yoct Be Oe Caer or Cy(y—c) + Aa(a—a) + BB(B—b)=0; which is the equation to a surface of the second order similar to the proposed one, the co-ordinates of its centre being ~, 2 It is manifest that the two surfaces intersect in a plane whose equation is Ax + By + Cz= D. 39 Pros. 4. To find the locus of the middle points of chords of a surface of the second order, all passing through a given fixed point. ‘Take the given point for the origin, and any plane drawn through it, and the centre of the surface, for the plane of ry, and let the axes of the co-ordinates be parallel to three con- jugate diameters ; therefore the equation to the surface is av? + by’ +c2°+ 2ar4+ 2b'y+d=0. Let r=mz, y=nz be the equations to any chord; therefore, substituting for x and y, (am? + bn? +c)z2° + 2(am + Un)z+d=0; the values of z in this equation are the co-ordinates of the ends of the chord, therefore the co-ordinate of its middle point am + bn ie SE am + bn’ +e therefore putting for m and mn their values, the required equation to the locus is ax? + by? +c2 +ax + Uy =0; hence the locus is a surface of the second order, similar and similarly situated with the given one, and passing through jts centre ; and also through the origin of the co-ordinates. L= Pros. 5. ‘To prove that the curve of contact of a surface of the second order, and of a cone the vertex of which is given, is a plane curve; and to shew that if the plane of contact pass through a fixed point, or a fixed line, or touch a surface of the second order, then the locus of the vertex of the cone will be respectively a plane, a straight line, or a surface of the second order, and conversely. bet ax’ + by’? +cz*+2exr=0 be the equation to the sur- face, which may represent all surfaces of the second order, (Art. 44. Cor, 3.) Then the equation to the tangent plane at the point ry Zz, Is are", by / (Qi) ae Cyi=9), a eS an C2 or (ax +e) x’ -+- byy' +ez2 +er=0. M 90 Now because the cone and surface touch one another, at the points of contact their tangent planes coincide; and since the tangent plane of a conical surface always passes through its vertex, if a, 8, y be the co-ordinates of the vertex, they must satisfy the above equation, “. (ar+elatbyB+ czy +er=0......(1), which gives the relation among the co-ordinates x, y, z, of the points of contact, and shews that they all lie in the same plane. The curve of contact is therefore a plane curve, resulting from the intersection of the plane whose equation we have just found, with the given surface. Next let 2’, y', 2’, be the co-ordinates of the fixed point, through which the plane of contact always passes; then they must satisfy its equation (1), “. (ax +elat by'B ob cz ¥ +er =0, which gives the relation among the co-ordinates a, 9, ry of the vertex of the enveloping cone, and shews that it moves in one plane; and that that plane is the plane of the curve of contact with the given surface, of a cone whose vertex is in the given fixed point; for its equation may be put under the form (aate)x +bBy +cys +ea= 0. Again letr=mz+p, y=nz+yv, be the equations to the line through which the plane of the curve of contact always passes. Then in order that the plane may contain this line, we must have (aat+e)(mz+p) teatb(nz +r) PB +czy=0, independent of the value of z5 3 “. (aate) m+bBn+cy=0, (aate)utbvB +ea=0, which are the equations to the straight line in which the vertex moves, its co-ordinates being a, (3, +. Lastly, let the plane of contact touch a surface of the second order whose equation 1s . OF mx +ny?+r2°+2sx=0......(2)3 “5 , , : ° . then if x, y, 2%, be co-ordinates of any point in a plane touching this surface, its equation is (ma+s)a+nyy +rz2z +sx=0 But the equation to the plane of contact is (aate)a +bBy' +cy2’ +ea=0; therefore, in order that these planes may coincide, we must have mrts aate ny bB sx ea — ——— a ie > rz ORD WAT FS Rony UM Ae aL and it remains to eliminate 2, y, 2, between these three equations, and equation (2). Now equation (2) may be put under the form = A oe. Ca Sz 2 Ee —=0; sr si Li: Gi C207 2 which by substitution becomes 2 ea Perks oe n rz cy 2 2 9 or m(ea) += (0B + —(cry)® ao gee S=40p Q mea s aat+e scy But ~ —+-—= ob D032h =a(sa— me) +se; Sy CV wre cy rz 2 Q P . m(ea)? + 5 (6B) +— (cr) + 2ea’ (sa— me) + 2se°a=0, 3 g 2g ° 9 § 2 $ 2 oO or a (Qesa—me)+ —(bB) + (oy) +2sea =O, n the equation to a surface of the second order, in which the vertex moves. 92 Cor. If the surfaces are. concentric, we may arrive at a more simple result by taking their center for the origin. In that case, if the equation to the given surface be Av’ + By’ +C2=1, the equation to the plane of contact is Aa2’ + BBy'+Cyz=1. Let this plane touch a surface whose equation is A's’ + By? +C' 2? =1...... (3), and consequently coincide with its tangent plane, the equation to which 1s A’ca’' + Byy + Cex’ =1; therefore Aa=A’r, BB= By, Cy=Cx. Hence, eliminating x, y, %, between these equations and equa- tion (3), we have AS @ HF 2k 1, TEP belli SER MAY for the equation to the locus of the vertex of the cone; which, in the case of two ellipsoids whose $ axes are a, b, c, a’, b,c’, becomes is . CCE: Pros. 6. ‘If the surface have a center, the line joining that point and the vertex of the enveloping cone, passes through the center of the curve of contact. Let C (fig. 41), be the centre of the surface, A the vertex of the enveloping cone, QRS the plane of the curve of contact ; and let any plane drawn through A and C, cut the surface in the line of the second order PQG, and the cone in the straight lines AQ, AS; then C is the center of the section PQG, and AQ, AS are tangents to it. Also by a property of lines of the second order, QS, a line joining the points of contact, is an ordinate to the diameter PG which passes through the intersection of the tangents; therefore QS is bisected in V, and CV. CA=CP’. 93 Since therefore all chords of the curve of contact, drawn through the point where a line joining the vertex of the cone and the center of the surface meets its plane, are bisected in it, that point is the center of the curve of contact; and the portion of the line intercepted between the surface and its centre, 1s a mean proportional between the parts intercepted between the center of the surface, and the plane of the curve of contact and vertex of the cone. SECTION V. ON THE CURVATURE OF SURFACES, AND CURVES OF DOUBLE CURVATURE. ———— Arr. 49. To find the requisite conditions for a contact of the first, second, &c. order. If two surfaces, referred to the same origin and axes, pass through the same point, the co-ordinates of which are x, ee and if we change x into y+/A, and y into y +h, the equation to the first surface will give for the value of the new ordinate, z+ pht+ qgkt+hcrh’ + 2shk + tk?) + &c. and the equation to the second surface z+ Ph+ Qk+4(RW + 2SAk + TR) + &e.; the distance of the surfaces, measured in direction of their or- dinates, will therefore be expressed by (P—p)h + (Q—qg)kt+ 4 §(R—-1)? +2(S—s) hk +(T-—t)k’}+&c. If we suppose the equation to the second surface to contain a certain number of arbitrary constants, we may determine them so as to make the first terms of this distance vanish; and it will follow that any other surface, for which these terms do not dis- appear, cannot be situated between the two former, with refer- ence to the points which are contiguous to their common point; at least so long as we take 4 and k so small, that the sum of the terms of the first order may be more considerable than that of all the terms of succeeding orders. When we have P — p=0, Q—q=0, the surfaces will have a contact of the first order; if besides these, we have R—r=0, S~s=0, T—t=0, the contact will be of the second order, and so on. 95 Let therefore V’=0 be an equation between three variables av’, y, 2 and a certain number of arbitrary constants; by the determination of the constants, we may make this surface have with one completely given (the co-ordinates of which we will represent by x, y, 2) a contact of an order which will depend on their number. The first condition to be satisfied 1s, that the surfaces may have a common point, that is, that by changing x’ into v, and y’ into y, in V’ =O, we may find z’=z. Besides this, for a contact of the first order, we must have oe Oder dz Oe : dr (dri dy.) dys and for one of the second, da! hi dha ppzio-o> diz d'z dz dx? da*’ dx dy’ iff dxdy’ dy” ~ dy” Hence it appears that a contact of the first order requires three arbitrary constants, and one of the second, six; and in order to have a contact of the n order, there must be (n +1) (n + 2) . disposable constants. Ex. 1. Let the surface represented by V’=0 be a plane, which, since its equation contains only three arbitrary constants, can in general have only a contact of the first order with a sur- face completely given. We have therefore z= Ad’ + By +C, a Dy Cah inl yi dx dy from which there results between the constants A, B, C, and the co-ordinates 2, y, z, the following relations, subtracting therefore the value of z from that of 2’, and putting for A and B their values, the equation to the tangent plane at a point ryZz, Is 96 , idiz ifn; dz=", . 2-2 = —(r — r) + —ly — y). » nde ( dy Aaa 4 Ex. 2. The equation to a sphere is (a ne: a)? + cy’ ~% By ue (2 “y yy 2g é, and since it contains only four arbitrary constants, a sphere cannot generally have a complete contact of the second order. Suppose it required only to have a contact of the first order ; dz’ v—a dz y —p then At ee =, x zim ry’ dy ae z—y Hence there results between the constants a, 8, y, 6, and the co-ordinates 2, y, z, the following relations, ra y—B =p, — > = — ard a oy, or t—at+pe-y)=0, y—-B+¢q(@-y =9, which equations shew that the centers of all the spheres lie in the normal to the point of contact. é b Also (z— yy {1+ p+¢} =o, orz—-y = SSSS555 5 : Ne a ie (na) + (y—BY+@—yF=H8, — 5 os cr cln Tra} cote ye vemcarme f D+ipe-+ Ie pahig y Hence the number of spheres, which may have a simple contact with a surface atthe same point, 1s unlimited; the radius of the sphere being assigned, the co-ordinates of its center are given by the above equations. 50. At any point of a curve surface, to find the radius of curvature of any section made by a plane passing through the normal. ~ Let AO, the normal at any point A of a curve surface, be the axis of z; and x Ay, the tangent plane at the same point, the — plane of ry, (fig. 42). 97 Let AB be a section of the surface made by any plane passing through AO; AC the corresponding section of the tan- gent plane, which therefore touches the plane curve AB at A. Then if AO=R be the radius of curvature of the plane curve AB at A, and BC be parallel to AO, 2 BC’ Let AN=h, NC=k be the co-ordinates of C; . BC =ph+qk+ LP a oF q Coane als AO = + limit of + &c. But p=0, g=03; *.° the plane of xy is the tangent plane ; c.. h? + ke che AO i= 5) limit.08 eee aa at a a k “one + shk a ae +- &e. 1+#G) Patek cH ee = limit of 1 + tan’ 0 TEMA a Ie or h pani! z9? if limit of 5 = tan NAC = tan 0, 1 7% r+2stan0+¢ tan where 7, s, ¢ are the values of dz td ah dz dx*’ dady’ dy’ at the point A, derived from the equation to the surface. 1 COR. = Hence ese EE ey ee r cos?O0+2s cos 0 sinO+¢ sin? @’ also if R’ be the radius of curvature of a section inclined at 90 + @ to AN, ] rsin @—2s cos@ sin@+¢ cos’ @’ N then R’ = 98 ] 1 Sy TEE eae that is, the sum of the curvatures of any two normal sections at right angles to one another, is a constant quantity at the same point of the surface. 51. Of all sections of a curve surface, made by planes drawn through the normal at any point, to determine those of greatest and least curvature at that point; and to shew that they are at right angles to one another. 1 : : We have Pia r cos 9 + ssin2@ -+ ¢ sin’ @, which is to be a maximum or minimum by the variation of @ 5. — 2r cos @ sm 0+ 2s cos 20 + Bt sin @ cos O=0, or (t—r) tan 8 +s (1 — tan’ 0)=0.........(1)3 r—ft 5 “. cot 8 — cot? —1=0, r—t 9s ] wom AL SE bith o se ee or cot @ = +— J (rt? + 45°; s ] 9 and 5 gig cos 0 (r + 2s tan@ +¢ tan? 0) = cos’ 0 (: ne Mace a UIA Soy ef 0), from equation (1), cos 8 sin 8 =it+scot? = 4(r+t) Tm 4 a/ (r—t)’ + 45. If 6, @ be the two values of 0 derived from equation (1), since tan@.tan@’=—1; .*.6°'=90-+963; and therefore the sections of greatest and least curvature are at right angles to one another. The positions of these sections are given by the equa- tion is Geile ar Se bat f(r i) + 4s" 2s the upper sign corresponding to the section of greatest curvature; and the values of the least and greatest radii of curvature are respectively 99 2 ; Q t eomte/ Gms” Bee 1 Le iqedy yy yey Fi 52. If the axes of x and y are drawn in the planes of greatest and least curvature, then 9=0, and .*. s=0, as appears from equation (1) in the last Art. 1 ] Hence p fale p= 73 and for any section inclined at an angle a@ to the plane of rz, that is, to the plane of greatest curvature, R= 1 pp i eh as PPO PORES IS. rceos-a+tsin? a p sin’ a+ 9’ cos’ a f from which it follows, that the radius of curvature of any section is known, provided the radii of those of greatest and least cur- vature are known. If p=p’, then R=p, that is, all the normal sections have the same curvature. 53. Hence we may determine a paraboloid, the vertex of which shall have a complete contact of the second order with a given surface, at a proposed point. Let A (fig. 43.) be the given poimt of the surface, Az the normal; and let the sections of greatest and least curvature meet the tangent plane in Aa, Ay, which lines take for the axes. ° nn 2 x Also let z= 3p - a be the equation to a paraboloid, p, p; being the least and greatest radi of curvature of the surface at A. Then if AP be a section inclined at an Z (a) to xz, and AN=r, the equation to AP is 2 (cos? a sin’ a) = 7 ( aaa - ) 2p 2 which belongs to a parabola, whose 4 latus rectum, and therefore ; eee ay: . Hence the cur- vature of every section is the same as that of the corresponding section of the surface, and therefore the paraboloid has a com- plete contact of the second order with it. radius of curvature at vertex = 100 54, Inthe equation to the paraboloid, suppose z constant, and =c, therefore A 2 od ¥y Qoc F Qp'c ey this is the equation to a section of the paraboloid, or to a section of the surface if ¢ be indefinitely small. Hence it appears that if the surface be cut by a plane parallel to the tangent plane at any point, and indefinitely near to it, the section is ultimately a curve of the second order whose centre is in the normal, and axes in the planes of greatest and least curvature ; also the square of the diameter in which the curve is intersected by any plane drawn through the normal, is proportional to the radius of curva- ture of the corresponding section of the surface. This curve is called the Indicatrix of the surface, because it indicates the directions of the curvatures; if at any point it be an ellipse, p and p must have the same sign, that is, the curvatures are in the same direction; if an hyperbola, the cur- vatures are in opposite directions ; and if a circle, p=p, and the curvature of every normal section is the same. For instance, it has been shewn that an ellipsoid may be generated in two ways, by a circle of variable radius moving parallel to itself; consequently there are four points on its surface at which a plane, parallel and indefinitely near to the tangent plane, cuts it in a circle; that is, the indicatrix at those points is a circle, and therefore the two radi of curvature equal. ‘These points are called wmbilict, and are symmetrically placed in the four angles of the principal section containing the greatest and least axes ; their co-ordinates have already been determined (Art. 46. Cor. 2.) It is manifest that at these points, a sphere can have a complete contact of the second order with the surface. In the case of a spheroid the poles are umbilici. 55. ‘To find the radius of curvature at any point of an oblique section of a curve surface. Let Ow (fig. 44.) be the common tangent of the normal section OP, and the oblique section OP’, of a curve surface; Oz, Oz perpendiculars to Ox in the planes of the sections ; R and R’ the radii of curvature at O, of OP, OP’; NP, NP’, perpendiculars to Ox; 101 Let ON=h, NP =z, be co-ordinates of P, also let h, k, 2’ be co-ordinates of P’, and 2zOz'=@; , ‘in a) z sec@ — = limit of —— = limit of WR NP : k nik slelich to ie = sec@. limit of rte (yi =sec@. limit of ————____________- = sec 9 *.* limit of ~ =O, since Ox is a tangent to the projection of OP’ h on the plane of ry; °. R’=Rcos 0. Hence it follows that the osculating circles of all the sections of a curve surface which have a common tangent, belong to the surface of a sphere, the radius of which is the radius of curvature of the normal section passing through the same tangent. 56. Having given a point on a curve surface, to find the directions in which we must pass to consecutive points, in order that-the corresponding normals may intersect. Take the normal at the given point for the axis of z, and the tangent plane for that of xy, and let h, k, / be co-ordinates of a point m the surface; then the equations to the normal at that point are a —h+p/(2—l=0, y-k+ 9,2 - {)=0, where p,, q,, denote certain functions of h and k, (p and q de- dz dz NG? noting the values of —, — at the origin, and therefore each 5 dx’ dy ft =0). Then in order that this line may meet the axis of z, its two equations must: agree in giving the same value for z’, when x’ and y’ =0; that is, 102 h k z2=- +d, and 2 =-+4, 4 4 must be the same; but if the point be consecutive, then the ultimate values of z’ must be the same when / and k vanish, h 1 that is 2 = limit of ———__—_———— = ————— f d ‘tan @’ yaya dix dy d 4 hi it f k tan 0 an ESS OE cy 7 am ek Re a a mn. Se d ttan@’ ABALONE Te dx dy must be identical; .°. s-+¢tanO0=7 tan@+s tan’@; 8 is the angle which the line, joining the projection of the consecu- tive point and the origin, makes with the axis of a; and the above equation for determining it being the same as that for finding the sec- tions of greatest and least curvature, it follows that there are two directions at right angles to one another in which we may pass to a consecutive point, so that the normals shall intersect, and that these directions coincide with the sections of greatest and least : l curvature. Also the value of baa: 9? shews that the sco points, where the normal is intersected by consecutive normals, are the centres of greatest and least curvature, (Art. 54.). The part of the normal intercepted between these points =p'—p=pp' (---) Pp 4 Se aD Wik ru Fea — cart Cow et Gh ene 2 7 SN A, See Py Art — 4s° Jr y+ 4s pea 57. This property of consecutive normals enables us in some cases to determine at once the sections of greatest and least curvature ; for instance, im surfaces of revolution, the plane of the generating curve is necessarily one of these sections, because in it consecutive normals intersect; and therefore a plane through the normal perpendicular to it, is the other. The first series of consecutive normals intersect in the evolute of the generating curve, the second in the axis; hence in a surface of revolution, 103 the loci of the centres of the two curvatures, are ithe axis of the figure, and the surface formed by the revolution of the evolute of the generating curve about that axis. Hence we can find immediately the radius of curvature of any section of a surface of revolution, as will be seen in the following example. Ex. To find the radius of curvature of any normal section, at a given point of an oblate spheroid. Let /= latitude of given point P= 2 PGA, PG being a normal (fig. 45.) ; ". radius of curvature of meridian =p = Lda - (l—eé sin’ 13’ a Bars, TEAC CUE 4 nha ie ee sin? l radius of curv. perpendicular to meridian =p = Let the section PQ make an Z(a) with the meridian, and let its radius of curvature = R, a Spy MRR nA es; a" P sin” at+p cos a oe |e" p (1 —e* sin’/) cos* a-+-(1 — e’) sin® a a l1—e om . iS 2 4 2 al /1—e’ sin’ / 1+-e cos /cos a—e 58. To determine the lines of curvature of a olven surface. A line of curvature is a series of points on a surface, deter- mined by the condition that the normals at any two consecutive ones intersect. Every point of a surface is situated on two curves of this kind, whose directions coincide with those of greatest and least curvature, and cut one another at right angles. Thus in a surface of revolution, every section through the axis, and every section perpendicular to the axis, is a line of curvature. The equations to the normal, at a point xyz of a curve surface, are v—at+ pe —2)=0, y—ytq@ —2)=0; 104 and at a point x +h, y +k, z+, the equations to the normal are vw —r—h+p(2-2z-)D=0, yy —y—k+9(¢-2z—-D)D=0; P,» 1, denoting the same functions of r+, y +k, that p and q are of x and y. If these two normals intersect, their equations must be satis- fied by the same values of 2’, y’, 2’, which will be the co-ordi- nates of their point of intersection. Subtract therefore the first equations from the second, then —h+(p,—p)(2'—2)—pl=0, —k+(q¢,-(2% —2z)—9¢,/=0, (). 6 a oii , and these equations must agree in giving the same value of z, it a ia k+ql 7 sae, Now let the points be consecutive, therefore h+(ptrh+sk)(ph+qhk) wg rh+sk —______________=— == limit of ———_ , k+(q+sh+tk)(pht+qh sh+tk retaining in the developments of p,, q,, 4, only those terms which limit of involve the simple powers of A and k; or if limit of = = tan@, h l+p +pqtan0 _ r+stan0 tan? + pq+q° tan@ s+¢tand’ 9 is the angle which the line joining two consecutive points of the projection of the line of curvature, makes with the axis of x; wy) 2 : and therefore tan @ = —* (wx and y being co-ordinates of that dx projection). Hence, substituting and reducing, 2 dy\* Q oy 47 2Y UI g")s— pats (-) Tit g r= (1 + pty —{(i+p*)s—paqrt =o. It remains to substitute for p, q, 7, s, ¢, their values in x and y derived from the equation to the surface, and to integrate; the result will be the equation to the projec- tion of the lines of curvature. Since it is of two dimensions SMT, We in — , Its integral, when completed by the arbitrary constant C, dx 105 will be of the form CFC, Y+o@, y) =0. Suppose the line of curvature is to pass through a point for which r=a, y=5, therefore C? + Cf(a, b) + f(a, b) =0, which will give two values of C; and by substituting them suc- cessively in the complete integral, we shall have the equations to the two lines of curvature passing through the given point. 59. ‘To determine the lines of curvature of an ellipsoid. Let the equation be Tae nr aoe eacy ; ste C2 AYE 1G Oe a GY Re Cae Cine Biz dp >? 2 Pp oa Ss reais Aarne ALA aap eras dq Y fer ore BAC aCe therefore, by substitution, dy\* a(B—y)ry (*) ps da: + {B(a—y)2*—a(B—y)y*—aB(a— Bt" — B(a—y)ay =0, dyna, Peet or B Ai ee fe ere ae Otay c(: 1+ 7) the complete integral, C being the arbitrary constant ; 1 ots and y?=u(2°—2r,/ B)= qe EB) B—x), or (ya/ AY + @ — ./ BY = 0, the singular solution, which resolves itself into the two ees ait h" y=0, r= +./ B= +a —s) ray ae C and indicates the umbilici of the surface (Art. 54.), the normals at which, as we know, are intersected by the normals drawn from consecutive points in every direction on the surface. 107 The complete integral represents an ellipse or hyperbola, according as C is — or +3 hence the projections of the lines of curvature passing through any point on the surface of 3 an ellipsoid are an ellipse and hyperbola. In the first case, if m and 2 be the semi-axes of the ellipse, n ; B —= i es? m* : 1— AC therefore m aud n are connected by the equation m An? , SB .mewbin’ in the second case, n° B m An® — oC, m° wince. Ns So ve a oto =~ i m- 1+AC B B Hence the semi-axes for each ellipse in the projection are the co-ordinates of a pomt in the same given hyperbola, and for each hyperbola, the co-ordinates of a point in the same given ellipse; these are called the auxiliary ellipse and hyperbola; they are concentric with the ellipsoid, and their semi-axes, (which are the same for both curves, and coincide in direction with those of the ellipsoid) have the following values shin Ws ogee : B Je — b° % axis major = Ri = seas c “R 2 5 Ve oO axis minor = Omm 2° C 60. Hence we have the following construction for the lines of curvature of an ellipsoid. Let ACB (fig. 46.) be a principal plane (that of vy), and with the axes found above construct the auxiliary ellipse and hyperbola GO, HO. From any point I in the hyperbola, and z in the ellipse, let fall perpen- diculars on the axes CA, CB; and with semi-axes CN, CM, construct the ellipse MCN, this is the projection of a line of the first curvature; and in the same manner the projections of any number of lines of the first curvature may be constructed. 108 Again with semi-axes mz, nz, construct the hyperbola 2Q, this is the projection of a line of the second curvature; and similarly any number of projections of lines of the second curvature may be constructed. As the points I and 7 approach O and G, the ellipse and hyperbola continually approach the lines CO, CB, and are at last confounded with them; therefore CO, CB are the projections of lines of curvature, and consequently the curves in which the surface is cut by the principal planes of xz, yz, are lines of curvature; also if in the equation to the auxiliary hyperbola we make m=a, we find n=), therefore the ellipse AB is included in the construction, and is itself a line of curva- ture. Hence the intersections of the surface with its three prin- zg 2 2 cw cipal planes are all lines of curvature. Since CO=a VV =—; C and is therefore < a, the point O falls within the ellipse A.B; it is the projection of an umbilicus of the surface (Art. 54.) round which the lines of both curvatures are symmetrically disposed, and towards which they all turn their concavities. 61. If we take the plane containing the greatest and least axes of the ellipsoid, that is, the plane of xz, for the plane of projection, we shall find the construction easier; to find the equation, we must eliminate y between the equations 4 y 2 ’ g B _— cos a dy = — ——— }: aya , andy? = C (x*-——-); rete $m pte rey, p eit kanes 2) this gives 2° = 7 (& + C) Ca rT), observing thata = AB + B; ts , Wh a <1 Mo which, by reason of the determination already made of C, is always the equation to an ellipse; that is, the lines of both cur- vatures are projected into ellipses; and if m’, n’ be its semi-axes, 1+ AC’ . . . B 72 : 1o ries § elimmating C; — m~ + Ae n= 1, an ay 109 which is the equation to an ellipse, whose semi-axes are 2 Z 2 Zz Rael afa—e a a be? C Be ah a C In this case, therefore, the semi-axes of each of the ellipses of the projection are the co-ordinates of a point taken on another given ellipse, which is the same for all. Hence let CA, (fig. 47), be the principal section of the ellipsoid containing the greatest and least axes; and concentric with ‘it, describe the auxiliary ellipse 2X with the semi-axes just found, and which we observe are greater than the corresponding semi-axes of the ellipsoid a and c._ From auy points J, 2, let fall perpendiculars on OX, OZ, and with these as semi-axes construct the ellipses MN, mn; then MN, mn, are the projections of lines of curvature. If in the equation to the auxiliary ellipse we make m =a, we find n =c3 therefore the principal section is itself included in the construction, and if from the points A and C we draw tangents meeting the auxiliary ellipse in D, the perpendiculars dropped from every point in DZ will serve to construct the pro- jections of lines of the first curvature, and perpendiculars dropped from the points in DX will serve for the construction of the projections of lines of the second curvature. It is not dif- ficult to shew that if XZ be joined, all the ellipses in the pro- jection are touched by it, and consequently they are all inscribed in the same equilateral parallelogram. 62. To determine the radii of curvature at any point of a surface, in terms of the co-ordinates of that point. We have seen that consecutive normals in the planes of greatest and least curvature intersect, and that their intersec- tions coincide with the centers of greatest and least curvature. Hence if 2’ be the co-ordinate of the intersection of consecu- tive normals at a point xyz, and @ the angle which a plane of curvature makes with that of xz, then taking the limits of equa- tions (1) in Art. 58, (r+s tan 0) (2) —2z) = 1 +p? +pq tan8, (s+ é tan 8) (z —z) = tanO + pq + gq? tan 0; 110 therefore, eliminating tan 0, l+p?—r (2°—2z) (2) ~z)s—pq ()-z)s—pq 1+q°-—(2 —2)t’ or (rt —s°) (2° = 2 —{O+p) t-2pqst+ tq) r} (i —2) +1+p'+q=0; z'—z is the projection of the radius of curvature on the axis of z; R=- (@'-2)/itpre. Hence if we find the two values of 2’ —z from the above equation, and substitute them in the value of &, we shall have the two radii of curvature of the surface; also knowing z — z, the other co-ordinates a and yf of the centers of curvature are found from the equations to the normal xv—-axrt+ p (2 —z)=0, yy + q(z—z)=0 Ex. 1. To determine the radi of curvature of an ellip- solid. x y 2" Let the equation be — ad) +—=1; Bo+¥ $ = mre A “ = ‘ae —_ — ae be. 2 +P bic a ah Ge az (By), Me ses nog Wing ci aA yeahh Be pape y) (+p)t ae eee “+ (%) ( yes xt, — I2ngs:= — ae ={- (4) =e Val (+q)r=— i (B-y'+ 010 ~y). But in taking the sum of these three equations, the co- efficient of (7) within the brackets is z 111 eee) Cs) (ogre) eG) + pt — 2pastte)r= 2 7 applet By “af micogt piety % DS Also rt-s* = a Years — afd (3 + appz? and 1 + p> + q = aby +4 a +5). Let AMa=at+PpPty=a t+ 6? + c’, D = the distance of the point in question from the center, =) dD feos x |. y? + a” P = the perpendicular from the center on the tangent plane, Aha: 5 2 i SE = +o, (Prob. 2; Art. 20.); *y: therefore, by substitution and reduction, CxS = 2) + Ta?— DG! - But R= —-(2- 2). /1+p°+¢= aaa or SPY. _ PR; I = pe A’ — D’ a [3 ib ae Let R’, R” denote the values of R in this equation, then 112 A -— Dp P ) abe P? which are the simplest terms to which the question can be re- duced; the first shews that at points where the tangent planes are equidistant from the center, the product of the radii is con- stant; and the second that at points which are themselves equi- distant from the center, the sum of the radii varies inversely as the perpendicular on the tangent plane. Also the volume of the ellipsoid may be expressed by the two radii of curvature at any point, and the perpendicular on the tangent plane, for it RR" = ( yy Bet ea Anrabe a na a7 i gee w/ RURE Hence we may determine the locus of points on the surface of an ellipsoid, at which the two curvatures have any given re- lation. For instance, if they are equal, or abc ‘ = Re th 9) ee ee R en Pp A © | Q 2 BGP UNG Oe NY Of i an aBy (Gt etc )setBty ty 2, which becomes by reduction, 2g x 2 x 2 (a-B+ 4 (B-y)-= (a9) Ts me: (a—y)(B—y)=0; this manifestly resolves itself into the two 74 a-B + Bry — 7 -Y=0 ry =0; but we cannot suppose 2 =0, for that gives y equal to a negative quantity, since a and ‘y are supposed to denote respectively the squares of the greatest and least semi-axes; therefore we must have . $ a— a’ — b° y=0, and x =a tthe +a —z> a= Leal 6 which are the co-ordinates of the umbilici, and agree with Art. 46. Cor. Qo. } 113 Also the radius of curvature in this case | abe i é r a b° \. | = = a@d0ci-— — = 5h q* a‘ i) \ ? ac at which we may arrive immediately, by observing thatut_is the radius of curvature of the principal section in the plane of 42, 3 b Bor at a point whose abscissa = a : ae: a=—C Ex. 2. To find the radu of curvature at any point of a paraboloid. ry : BATT, If — + r -+- 2z =O be its equation, it may be shewn, a as in the preceding example, that the maximum and minimum radii of curvature at a point vyZz are = 2 ‘ — Oe Ir e+ 1 fee 92 a” b g (F) 0 Gree Hence if the radii be projected on the axis of z, the sum of ithe projections = a+b—2z. I+ Cor. 1. The roots of equation (1) have the same or dif- ferent signs, according as rf —s° is + or —; therefore the cur- vatures are in the same or different directions, according as rt — sis + or —. Hence the curvatures are always. in the YEN Mie shy tr Sha\3 same direction in the ellipsoid, for rt—s* = ( :) , abez Cor. 2. In order that the two radi of curvature may be equal, but of different signs, we must have (l+p)t—2pqs+(lt+q)r=0. That they may be equal and of the same sign, we must have {l+p)t—@pqst+(i+q)r}? P tl4 = 4(1 +7)” -} q°) (rt —s*}=4 (1 +p 1p” —p*q') (rt —s*), which is manifestly equivalent to the double equation, itp py _1+¢° r sabowrgt vit By substituting for p, g, 7, &c. their values in these equations, we may determine the locus of the points ou a given surface at which the curvatures are equal, and in the same or opposite directions. If they could be integrated, we should obtain the equations to surfaces having the above-mentioned properties at every point ; the first also represents that surface which has its area a minimum within given limits. 63. Preparatory to finding the radius of curvature, and evolutes of a curve of double curvature, consider figure (48), where for the curve is substituted an equilateral polygon mm'm’’..., and through the middle points of its sides are drawn planes re- spectively perpendicular to them, which intersect, two and two, in the lines kA, kh’, Rh", &c. Then the plane which contains the two consecutive sides mm’, mm’, is perpendicular to each of the planes gh, g’f’, and therefore to their common intersec- tion kh; let kh meet this plane in the pomt g, then q is equi- distant from the three angles m, m’, m”', which is also true of every point in the line kA. The lines kA, kh’, &c. will be parallel only when the sides of the polygon mmm’... are in the same plane; in other cases, if they be produced till each meets its consecutive, they will form a polygon hop..., the angular points of which are pee e from four consecutive angles of the first polygon. mim m’.... The point o for instance, since it is situated in kh, is equidistant from m, m’, me; and again, being situated in kh’, it is equidistant from m’, m’’, m’”’; that is, it is the center of a sphere passing through four Festiva angles am, my, m', mm". | This being true when the number of sides of the polygon is indefinitely increased; it follows that the normal planes of a curve of double curvature generate, by their perpetual intersec- tion, a curve surface; also since the plane kh’ may be turned about A’h’ till it is in the same plane with kh”, and again the 115 system fornied by these two may be turned about kA” till they are in the same plane with kh’, and so on, this surface is capable of being spread out upon a plane without rupture or duplication, and is therefore called a developable surface. On the same supposition, the polygon hop...becomes a curve of double curvature, to which all the lines ko, k’p, &c. are tangents, that is, hop... is constantly touched by the straight line which generates the developable surface, and is therefore its limit, for no part of the surface can fall within the space towards which the curve is concave; moreover its tangent, being pro- duced both ways from the point of contact, generates two sheets of the surface which are united and terminated in the curve ; hence it is called the edge of regression of the developable surface, from the analogy it bears to a point of regression in a plane curve. ‘This curve is also the locus of the points of intersection of three consecutive normal planes, or of the centers of spheres passing through four consecutive points of the first curve mm m’..., that is, it is the locus of the center of spheri- eal curvature. The plane ggg’ passing through two consecutive tangents to the curve, and which is perpendicular to the intersection of two consecutive normal planes, is the osculating plane, whose equation was found in Art. 33; and the point g, in which that intersection meets it, 1s called the absolute center of curva- ture. 64. To find the equation to the surface, generated by the perpetual intersection of the normal planes of a curve of double curvature. If y=@r, z=fx, be the equations to a curve of double curvature, and if we denote dz d’z I ” RAY Pr ss Ya ahs 1 / pie Bs we have seen (Art. 33.) that the equation to the normal plane t,—2+(y,—y) y +(zZ,—2) 2 =H0,eee eee eee ee (1), and its differential with respect to x, namely, (y,—y) y’ +(2,—2) 2” -—U+y? +2") =0,...(2), 116 are the equations to the line of intersection of two consecutive normal planes; 2, ¥,, Z, denoting the co-ordinates of any point in that intersection. If therefore we elimmate x between them, we shall have the equation to the surface generated by the line of intersection in all its successive positions. On this surface lie all the evolutes of the curve, as will be shewn; it will be a cylinder if the given curve lie all in one plane, and a cone, with its vertex in the center, if the given curve be traced on the sur- face of a sphere. 65. To find the radius, and co-ordinates of the center, of spherical curvature of a curve of double curvature. The center of spherical curvature, or of the sphere which passes through four consecutive points of a curve, is the pomt of intersection of two consecutive generating lines of the surface considered in the last article; hence we must join to equations (1) and (2) of last article, their differentials with respect to x. If therefore x, y,, z, be the co-ordinates of the center of spherical curvature, we have in order to determine them, the equations, x—xt(y,—y) y +(2,—2) 2 =0, —y) yy +@,—2) 2 —U+y? +2=0, Meld 4 (y,—-y) y+ (z ple z) Ad aa 3 3(y/y” 42"2 ys 0, and the radius of the sphere = /(t,—2) + (y,-¥) +(z,- 2). Moreover if from these three equations we eliminate x, there will result two equations between w,, y,, z,, which will be those to the locus of the center of spherical curvature, or to the edge of regression of the developable surface generated bythe in- tersections of the normal planes. Cor. If for the sake of simplifying the results, we take the origin on the curve, and the tangent at that point for the axis of x, then | rR iy: x=y=z=0, and z= 0; hence the equations become x, = 0, yy" at 2,2” = ve yy" 44 2, yt a Oh Hence the center of spherical curvature lies in the normal plane, and its co-ordinates in that plane are 7” yf! Se 2.5 Y, TTT) TTT) / wlth 0 LLG LES Yr 2 7etfaee ae Y Veti2 7 MING y 7 WAS also R = NAC Weg) View (isis ipa oe ® a ek’ z 66. To find the radius, and co-ordinates of the center of the absolute circle of curvature. ‘The absolute center of curva- ture is the point where the intersection of two consecutive normal planes meets the osculating plane. Now spe 2H isa a b; J y and ..a+2 =by'; also 142” +y°= the equation to the osculating plane is z,—2= —a(@,—2) +b (y,—y)3 and the equations to the line of intersection of two consecutive normal planes are L,—-xr=a (2) ¥,— y= — b(z —2) +o CArt. 33: ); therefore at the point where they intersect, oe © tf 2 z,-z=—a (z,—-2z) + oy — (z,-2z) + teh Osa | “. 2—z2= ai eal aupernspresrese*\lls MiG a OA Rta) sinilarly 2,.—27 = — — . ——_;+—— yeve y Lea + 6° 118 as va a sore Vf ee yf oy ar* (ay +b +(b2' +y'¥+ (az —1)° peal (*) “Mey hit celia =(2) Cane ea oy ates peeby byt oat), TE (t+a?+0°y But a+: — by’ =0; . Baby! 4° by!2— ax) =a? + 2? + by"; PG i citer: Di (+4? +27) ii 172 / rye , T4@4e 427% 4+ Q'y—zy .(3)3 (I+ y? + 2°)8 AE wk 2? i (2""y/ — a vy. this is the value of the absolute radius of curvature, and the co- ordinates of its center are given by equations (1), (2), and (3). or R= Cor. 1. If we make s, the length of the arc, the inde- pees variable instead of x, we find by the common pioces: of changing the independent variable, ] R me M2 12 my? SU | en me 9] = ‘ ha ; where 2 denotes 72? &c.; also the expressions for the co- S ordinates of the center assume the following simple forms, x! L-L6 => Se ee se y We Meee, pe4+ yea”? ey +2 +y +2 ‘, “ gies bad (10 (dev Mbt oy"? +2 Cor. 2. If, as in the last article, we take the origin on the curve, and its tangent line for the axis of x, then rey=2=0, andy = 25 03" 119 ° . id, 47 the equation to the osculating plane becomes z,y =y,z , and the equations to the line of intersection of consecutive normal planes, J ” Ly = 0, YY + ® 2 =) ) y" Mt ve An ay = rear are ee R Ce pan eT e Q 729 12 w/f2 9 3 Y, y 2 i i / y ae z Rie or 22 67. To find the points of inflexion of a curve of double curvature. A curve of double curvature may either have three consecutive points in the same plane, or two consecutive points in the same straight line; the first 1s called a semple inflexion, that is, when the curve becomes plane, and therefore the radius of spherical curvature infinite; and the second a point of double inflexion, that is, when the curve becomes a straight lme, and therefore the radius of absolute curvature infinite or evanescent. Let ¥, 2, Yo Zo, denote the co-ordinates of a curve of double curvature corresponding to the abscisse r-+h, x+2h; and — Ar + by + C, the equation to the plane in which three consecutive points lie ; then at a point of simple inflexion, the three equations, z=Axv+ By + C, = A(x+h) + By, + C, Za A(r+2h) + By, + C, must be simultaneously true when / vanishes ; hence subtracting the first from the second, and the second from the third, and taking the limit, dz Hh dz dy 5 el) f Sag pe ait Ite dx eas ae 1s seb?) by 8 ne dx Oe pty os pty dx” dx? dx’ dxr*’ but the latter of these equations is 120 d*z we +h he ME: ° = B(SE ec + eee which, by virtue of the first becomes ultimately, ag = BZ dy dx” dx’ hence substituting for B its value, dz ay | dy d*z ; dx dx? dx dx* 4 is the equation for determining the abscisse of the points of simple inflexion. If in Art. 65, we actually determine the values of 7,—2, y,—y, z,—2, we find for their common denommator the expression gly" — ee : hence the condition we have just found expresses that the center of spherical curvature is at an infinite distance, as it ought to do. At points of double inflexion, the absolute radius of curva- ture changes its sign, and the curve, after being concave in one direction, crosses its tangent line and becomes concave in the opposite direction; hence also its projections on the planes of xz and xy cross their tangents, and have corresponding points of contrary flexure ; dz d’y O, or © ON Ste : OT ies = O; or ©3 which are the equations for determining the abscisse ; and which we observe make the expression for the absolute radius of cur- vature infinite or evanescent, as ought to be the case. 68. The tangent lines of the given curve mm’... (fig. 48.) will generate a developable surface, whose edge of regression is the curve mm...; and since the tangent line is the intersec- tion of two consecutive osculating planes, this surface would also be generated by the perpetual intersection of the osculating 121 planes. But the lines of intersection of the normal planes are perpendicular to the osculating planes; therefore the angle between two consecutive lines of intersection, that is, two con- secutive tangents of op..., 1s equal to the angle between two consecutive osculating planes of mm’... Again, the angle between two consecutive tangents of mm’... is equal to the angle between its corresponding normal planes, that is, to the angle between two consecutive osculating planes of op... If therefore we call the angle between two consecutive tangents of a curve of double curvature its first flevion, and that between two consecutive osculating planes its second flexton, we may enunciate the above properties as follows. The first flexion of a curve of double curvature is equal to the second flexion of the edge of regression of the developable surface of its normal planes; and the first flexion of the latter, is equal to the second flexion of the former. 69. Every curve, whether plane or of double curvature, has an infinite number of evolutes, all of which he on the de- velopable surface generated by the perpetual intersection of the normal planes. Recurring to fig. 48, since kA is perpendicular to the plane through two consecutive sides mm’, m'm’, of the polygon, any point f in it is equidistant from the middle points of the sides g and g’. If therefore we draw gf in the first normal plane, and 2’ ff’ in the second, the lines gf, g’f are inclined at the same angle to kh; and if with centre f and radius fg a circle be described, it will touch the two consecutive sides mm’, mm’ in their middle points g and g’, and when the describing radius comes to g’ it will be confounded with g’f’. In like manner if we draw g” f'f” in the third normal plane, the lines gf’, gf” are equally inclined to kh’; and a circle described from f” with radius f’g’ will touch the consecutive sides m’m’, m’m’” in their middle points, and the describing radius will be confounded with of” at the pomt 9”. By continuing this construction the polygon fff"... will be formed, by unwinding a thread gf from which, circular arcs, touching every two consecutive sides in their middle points, will be described. Therefore when the number of sides is indefinitely increased, the polygon fff’... will become 122 a curve traced on the developable surface formed by the in- tersections of the normal planes; and by unwinding a string from it, the proposed curve of double curvature will be traced out. Also since the direction of the initial radius gf is arbitrary, any other direction would have produced a curve endowed with the same properties as Shit aoe it follows therefore that every curve has an infinite number of evolutes all contained on the surface generated by the perpetual intersections of its normal planes; in the case of a plane curve all the evolutes, except that in its own plane, are curves of double curvature, traced on the right cylinder whose base is the evolute in its own plane. Since 2 of kh = g"f'k' = Nf f", if the plane hk’ were brought into the same plane with /’k” by being turned about 4'A’, ff would be brought into the same straight line with f’f"; and since the same may be proved successively of all the other sides of the polygon ff/f”..., it follows that if the surface formed by the intersections of the normal planes were developed, the evo- lute ff’ f’... would become a straight line, and therefore would be formed by stretching a thread in "ite direction gf and applying it freely to that surface. Hence if from any point in a curve of double curvature, any line be drawn touching the surface formed by the normal planes, and be plied freely on that surface, it will form an evolute of the proposed curve; and will be the shortest line that can be drawn between any two points of the surface, through which it passes. 70. It is to be observed that the absolute centers of cur- yature are not situated on an evolute of the curve. For if g’q’ be perpendicular to 4’A’, then it cannot pass through the point g; because it would then coincide with g’q, and therefore cut kh at right angles, which would require that kA and k’h’ should be parallel; and this can never happen as long as the curve is of double curvature. Hence the consecutive absolute radii of cur- vature gg, gg’, since they are in different planes, and do not meet one another in the common intersection of those planes, therefore they do not meet one another at all; and therefore cannot be consecutive tangents of the same curve; that is, ‘the locus of the absolute center of curvature is not an evo- lute. 123 71. To find the equations to any proposed evolute of a curve of double curvature. As we know the equation to the surface on which all the evolutes lie (Art. 64.), it only remains to find the equation which particularizes a given evolute. Let x, y,, be the co-ordinates of a point in the projection of an evolute, 2, y, the co-ordinates of the corresponding point in the projection of the curve; then a tangent to the projection of the evolute, must pass through the corresponding point in the projection of the curve ; ay) 4 Ry ke w,—- x This joined to the two equations x,—a+(y,—yy' +(z,- 22 =0, (yyy +@,- 2) -A+y?+2'")=0, which belong to the generating line of the developable surface containing the evolutes, will ‘give by eliminating z the two equa- tions to the evolute, one of them being a differential of the first order; and its integral will introduce an arbitrary constant, by means of which the evolute may be made to satisfy that condition which particularizes it; as, for instance, to pass through a given point of the developable surface on which it is traced. 72. Asan example of this theory, take the curve of double curvature, resulting from the intersection of a sphere and cylin- der, considered in Prob. 1. Art. 34. Its equations are ‘ 2 2 y =2axr—2xr, 2 = 4a° — Zaz, r) — Ay ” a a a ae = =- =, 2.> 7 Z2= - =, ¥y > £Y y° oh 23 y Hence the equation to the normal plane, as we have seen, is obey, = Zante al Wy y z 124 To obtain the equations to the line in which this is inter- sected by the consecutive normal plane, we must join to it, its differential with respect to 2, namely, i Oxted e(2).5 and to find the equation to the surface generated by the per- petual intersection of the normal planes, we must eliminate x, ¥ and z, between these two equations, and the equations to the curve. | Now from equation (2), (- ar ove or 7=2(%)’, and equation (1) may be written —_—-— — — ANT Maha ABO S77) z EN bkiee 5! AERO Hence substituting for — its value, and reducing, we find for the a BUY GAN Vint as Ht, equation to the surface (x, -y, \/ 2, rainy )=z, a Rae)! bier Again, to find the expression for the radius of curvature, RL i+y?4+2°= apa) Cy" Y +2" + (y" 2 = 2" yf = 'G ) (10a +32); 125 Qatex)t .. radius of curvature = —————— , x] 10a + 32x 73. The following Problems are examples of finding the involutes of curves of double curvature. I. On a given surface, to trace a curve of such a nature, that its involute shall be a plane curve. The curve of equal inclination, that is, one whose tangent line is inclined at a constant angle to the plane of ry, will have this property. For if s denote the length of the arc, intercepted between the plane of xy and a point whose ordinate is z, and a =the constant angle which the tangent line makes with the dz plane of ry, then hoe sina; .. Z=Ssina, ands=zcoseca = the length of the tangent line between the point of contact and plane of ry; hence if a string be applied to the curve of equal inclination, and then be unwound from it, beginning from the plane of xy, and be kept stretched in the direction of a tangent, its extremity will be always in the plane of xy, and will describe a curve, which is manifestly the involute of the projection of the curve of equal inclination on the same plane; for the projection of the tangent line will touch the pro- jection of the curve, and will be of the same length. To find the equations to the curve of equal inclination. Let dz=pdx+qdy, be the equation to the surface on which it is traced, o=length of its projection on the plane of ry; and it remains to substitute for p and q their values in r and y, and to integrate this equation. 126 II. When the given surface is one of revolution, the equation to the projection of the curve of equal inclination may be more readily obtained by polar co-ordinates. Let BP be the curve, (fig. 49.) BQ its projection on a plane perpendicular to the axis of revolution ; arc bi =< Gwen 27, 2. bo Ge os — = tana, or (£) = tan” a (52) =tan?a +r a) which may also be put under the form =) An r —$e= tan a, dr > r—p 2 where p is the perpendicular from C, on the tangent to BQ at the point Q. Now from the equation to the generating curve, we know ft a — in terms of r, and hence obtain the differential equation to r the required projection. Ex. 1. Let the surface be a paraboloid, and the origin in the centre of its base; c = its altitude, a = 3 latus rectum; ae . " e r? “.(c—2)2a=r, —=—-, .. y=tana.>—,, dr a a r—p 2 or 9 — p? = a’ tana, the equation to the involute of a circle whose radius = a tan a. Hence the generating point cannot approach the axis nearer than atan a; in fact, it must then move in a plane passing through the axis in order to make an angle a with the plane of ry; it will thence return towards the base, and there will be a cusp in its path corresponding to the cusp in the projection; also the portions on each side of the cusp will be similar and equal; and the whole length of the path, between leaving the base and returning to it 2c tan a 1 Z = 2z coseca=(2c —a tana) —- = — —a : sina sina cos a 127 The locus of the pomt in which the tangent line meets the base of the paraboloid, will be the second involute of the circle whose radius = a tana; its equation will therefore be pt+atana=,/r? =a? tan?a. Ex. 2. Let. the surface be a right cone, and the origin in its vertex; 2 r ‘ bf ; Pa ee 2 f ee r = ztan PB, .. cot 6 = tana. ~=—3; Ler or p=ra/1— tan’a. tan?p, the equation to an equiangular spiral. Hence it follows that this curve cuts the generating line of the cone under a constant angle, that is, it is the conical helix. Hence if a thread be applied to the surface of a cone, according to a helix traced on it, and then be unwound beginning from the vertex, its extremity will always be found in a plane perpendicular to the axis through the vertex, and will trace out an equiangular spiral on that plane, which is also the involute of the projection of the conical helix on the same plane, and therefore similar to it. Ill. Ifa uniform and flexible string be suspended from two points in the surface of a vertical cylinder whose base is a circle, it will form itself into a curve of double curvature, such, that its involute lies on the surface of a sphere. Let A (fig. 50.), be the lowest point of the catenary, AB the radius of curvature at that poimt =a; take the horizontal plane drawn through B for the plane of ry, and the axis of the cylinder for that of z, and let CM=yr1, MN=y, PN=~z, be co-ordinates of any point P in the catenary, Cheb, arc BNi=.s: : $ oain- 12 ® sin pat bc = = ~? sj Le a a 6 z then - =H(e+e \=4(e 2 a and = y= ee — vr", 128 are the equations to the curve, e being the base of Napier’s system of logarithms. Draw NT’ perpendicular to the tangent PT and join CT; then PT is perpendicular to the plane CT'N, for a line drawn through N parallel to PT, and therefore coinciding with the tangent plane of the cylinder would be at right angles both to T'N, CN, and therefore to the plane passing through them; and CNT is aright angle, therefore CT’ = CN’?+ NI°=CB’ + BA’ =CA’*, because the perpendicular upon the tangent from the foot of the ordinate, is constant by the nature of the catenary. Hence the locus of 7’ is a sphere radius CA, and since C7'P is a right angle, therefore PT touches the sphere. But PT =arc AP; if therefore a string be unwound from AP beginning from A, and be always kept stretched in the direction of a tangent, its extremity will trace out a sphere and the string itself will be a tangent to the sphere. If x’, 7’, 2, be co-ordinates of T, and 2 BCN=8, since Nt=,/a’—2z”, the equations to the locus of T are x’ =b sind — ./ a? — z” cos 6, y =b cos0+,/a’ — 2” sin 8, Qe Ug MSs where @.= 5 log (ee = ig (Pa Jai: ) a z . , 2g since 272 =@. SECTION VI. ON SURFACES IN GENERAL. 74. "To find the general equation to cylindrical surfaces. A cylindrical surface is generated by a straight line which moves parallel to itself, and always passes through a given curve. Let the equations to the generating line in any position be r=az+t+a, y=bz+P, a and B being variable quantities depending upon that position, and a and 0 constant quantities, since the line is always parallel to itself. Also let y=@z, z=fx, be the equations to the directrix, or curve through which the generating line always passes, and 2’, y’, z’, the co-ordinates of the point in which they meet; then a’, y’, z’ must satisfy both the equations to the directrix, and generating line; Ke av’ =az' +a, y =b2' + B, y =u’, d= fa’; now by means of these four equations, we may eliminate 2’, 7, z’, and there will remain 8B = Fa; but B= y— bz, a=a— az; ~. y—bz = F(x — az), a relation among the co-ordinates of any point in the generating line, and therefore the equation to the surface which it describes. Cor. 1. If the directrix be a curve traced in the plane of ry, its equations are 2=0, y=ou; «.y—bz=h (e—az) is the equation to the cylindrical surface; that is, we have only to. change v and y into r—az, y—Obz, mm the equation to the directrix. This has already been exemplified in Art, 19. R 130 Cor. 2. If for the purpose of eliminating the arbitrary function, we differentiate the equation y — bz= F(x — az), suc- cessively with respect to x and y, we find —bp=F@—a2)(\~ ap), 1—bg=F w—a2)(- a9); dz dz *.. abpq=(1- 1— —+b— =1, abpg=(1—ap) (1—6q), or aT + a which is the differential equation to cylindrical surfaces; we may however obtain it more easily by the consideration of the tangent plane, as follows. 75. To find the differential equation to cylindrical sur- faces. One of the distinguishing properties of cylindrical surfaces is, that the tangent plane is always parallel to the generating line. Let x’ =az', y' =z’ be the equations to a line through the origin, to which the generating line is always parallel; then this line is parallel to the tangent plane, whose equation is sx —zg=p(r—2) + q(y—-y); *, (Art. 5.) ap+bq=1 Ribeca el idk Geen as before oem e . P pa 9 a dy 3 ° 76. Given the direction of the generating line, to find the equation to the cylindrical surface which envelopes a given curve surface. We have seen that whatever be the nature of the directrix, the equation dn dz dx’ dy’ rived from the equation to a cylindrical surface. But at the points where the cylinder touches the surface, the values of a2 dz —, >, are the same for both; therefore at those poimts the dx dy must subsist between the differential coefficients e- idl above relation subsists between the differential coefficients de- rived from the equation to the surface; that is, the co-ordinates of the points of contact are such that the equation ome 1 Gini a Pea , is satisfied. Hence if we differentiate the given equation to the surface, and . ce Py ay: write the values thence obtained of — , —— in equation (1), the dx” dy result together with the equation to the surface, will be the equations to the directrix; and we know the direction of the generating line, and therefore can find the equation to the required surface by Art. 74. Ex. To find the equation to the cylindrical surface which envelopes a given oblate spheroid. Let the center of the spheroid be the origin, and the plane of xz that which contains the axis of the spheroid, and a line through the origin to which the generating line of the cylinder is always parallel; therefore the equations to the generating line in any position will be 2 = az + a; y= Pp. Let 2° + y? + n°’z° = cc’ be the equation to the spheroid; _ dz vo Ye UO Tee : eipey ets ; ax therefore by substitution in equation (1), since 6=0, 1+ —— = 0, nz ¢ 2 2 2.2 2 : or 2 2z-+- axr=0, and x +y +n 2° =c, are the equa ions to the directrix, between which, and the equations vr = az + a, y = , eliminating x, y, z, we find 3? (n? + a’) +n’? = c° (n? + a’). Therefore, restoring the values of a and #3, y? (nr + a®) +n? (w— az) =C (n° +0") is the equation to the surface. 132 c . ; If we make z = — -, we shall obtain the equation to the n curve in which the cylinder meets the horizontal plane on which the spheroid stands; this gives y? (n® + a”) + (ax + acy = c (n® + a’), aqey. : (2 cares e's, te oa be — c i LONG Cc + (=) n the equation to an ellipse, the origin, that is, the point in which the spheroid stands, being the focus. 3 77- To find the general equation to conical surfaces. A conical surface is generated by a line which passes through a given point, and always meets a given curve. Let the co-ordinates of the given point or vertex be a, b,c; “t-aza(z—c), y—b=B(z—o), are the equations to the generating line in any position, a and being variable quantities depending upon that position. Also let y= x, z=fx, be the equations to the directrix or curve through which the generating line always passes, and 2’, ai, en the co-ordinates of the point in which they meet; then 2’, y’, 2’ must satisfy both the equations to the generating line and direc- trix 5 . wt -a=a(z'—c), y¥ -b=B(!—0), Y=ou, 2 =f’. Now by means of these four equations, we may eliminate , 4 ° . a, y, 2, and there will remain B= Fa; iG ee Pete ee bee (Ee ’ ’ Bharat © ye) ae en Se ml 6 a relation among the co-ordinates of any point in the generating line, and therefore the equation to the surface which it de- scribes. 133 Cor. 1. If the directrix be a curve traced in the plane of xy, it equations are z=0, y=g2; _ O2—cy =9 (=) daha od aa a z—c is the equation to the conical surface; that 1s, we have only G2 tr P02-~ Cy to change xv and y into , in the equation to z—c 7’ z-e the directrix; this has already been exemplified in Art. 19. Cor. 2. If from the equation y—b F é = *) Z—Cc Z—C we eliminate the arbitrary function by differentiation, as in Cor. 2. Art. 74, we arrive at the equation dz dz z—e = —-(r—a) + — (y— 9), dx dy which is the differential equation to conical surfaces ; but which may be obtained more easily by the consideration of the tangent plane, as will be seen in a following article. 78. One of the most useful applications of the last article, is to find the projection of a curve upon any plane. If we take a line drawn through the place of the eye, per- pendicular to the plane of projection, for the axis of z, and consider the place of the eye as the vertex, and the curve to be projected as the directrix, the equation to the optical cone is eer ae which results from the general equation to conical surfaces in the last article, by making a=) =0, and changing the sign of c, that is, supposing the vertex to be situated below the plane of xy. If in this equation we make z constant, we obtain the equation to the stereographic projection of the given curve upon 134 any plane perpendicular to the axis of 23; and if in the result we make c¢ infinite, we find the equation to the orthographic projection. Ex. To find the stereographic, gnomonic, and ortho- eraphic projections of any circle of a sphere. Let the center of the sphere be the origin, and a plane perpendicular to the plane of the circle to be projected, the plane of rz; then Boe as aateal z=axrt+b are the equations to a circle of the sphere, forming the directrix of the optical cone ; also r= a(z+c), y=Bz+4+ 0), are the equations to the generating line; hence, eliminating x, y, Z, between these four equations, we find b = (aie ac) et ao, fi pein eed. l—aa b+c b+e Faith? aa hard is ae y = he aera “. (b+c) (a° +B) + (acat bY = r°(1—aa); or, restoring the values of a and [, (b+c) (a? +y*) + (aertbet+o) = r(z+ce-az)y, the equation to the optical cone, from which those to the pro- jections may be deduced. 1. In stereographic projection, the plane of projection passes through the centre, and the eye is situated in the surface of the sphere, therefore, z=0, c=7; oo (O+7rP @ ty) +9 (ax + bY = 7° (r—ax)’, Qar” > r—b yee ‘Fp or x +y + the equation to a circle, whose radius 135 7 73 a ROL Nt = eb Sra +a)—, 3 ar r+b- and distance of its center, from that of the sphere = 2. In gnomonic projection, the plane of projection touches the surface, and the eye is situated in the centre of the sphere, therefore, z=7, c=0; 2. Pa +y’) + Fr = 2 (v¥—az)’, or 2° (0? —a’r*) + By? = 2° (rr — 6) — Qr’an; the equation to an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, according asb >, <, or=ar. 3. In orthographic projection c= ©, z=0; Oey + (ar +by =r’, the equation to an ellipse. In the same manner it may be shewn that the stereographic projection of any plane section of a paraboloid of revolution, upon a plane perpendicular to its axis 1s a circle, the eye being placed in the vertex; or that the stereographic projection of any dia- metral section of an oblate spheroid, upon the plane of the equator, is a circle, the eye being placed im the pole. 79. We may employ this method also to compare any angle on the surface of a sphere with its different projections ; this however may be done more simply by geometrical con- siderations, as will be seen in the following problem. Pros. The gnomonic, orthographic, and stereographic projections of the rhumb-line on the surface of a sphere, are three of Cotes’s spirals. The rhumb-line is a curve of double curvature, traced on the surface of a sphere so as to cut all meridians under the same angle. ) }. To find the gnomonic projection. Let y Bx, (fig. 51.) be the plane of projection perpendicular to BC, T't its intersection with a plane touching the sphere at 136 a point P in the plane of xz, then T’t is parallel to By; Pt a tangent to the rhumb-line at P, Q the projection of P de- termined by producing CP to meet the plane «By. Then Z TQt is the projection of T’P¢; Tr a rT B iy i al PTE) attire CLR and HE ES alert = TQ: TP~ TQ" Ge if a=the constant angle at which the rhumb-line cuts the me- ridian. Let BQ=r, p=perpendicular from B on Qé which touches the Dy aeasats of the rhumb-line at Q, BC=a, adh head a tana ea then 9 or > 1 =cot*a (~ + 1s SPP wi ANA kes +a n 1 cosec a cota OF ee 9 ee p oe a the equation to Cotes’s third spiral. 2. To find the orthographic projection. Let y Cx be the plane of projection (fig. 52.), J’¢ its inter- section with a plane touching the sphere at a point P, situated in the plane of xz, then Té is parallel to Cy; Pt a tangent to the rhumb-line at P, N the projection of P, then 2 T’Né is the projection of J'P¢; 4833 PP* FF TP and tan TNt = TN = ON’ rip or ate or if CN = r, p = perpendicular from C on Né which touches the projection at N, j p a tana ” , i i ———— = —__—:;:_ »*, —. — ] = cot®a —-—-— 2 2 2 Q? 2 ( =); WA Typ A/C ao, P a I cosec’ a cot? a or as — 2 — oman , at the equation to the hyperbolic spiral. 137 3. -To find the stereographic projection. Let CO=CP be perpendicular to the plane of projection x Cy (fig. 52.); jom PO meeting the plane of projection in Q, which is therefore the projection of P, and Z J7'Qt of T'Pt. Then Z TPQ = complement of CPO=complement of COP =PQT, .. PT=QT; and since Tt is perpendicular both to PT and QT, .«. 2 TQt=TPt=a; therefore since the angle between the tangent and radius vector is constant, the curve 1s an equiangular spiral, its equation being p=r sin a. Cor. 1. It appears, that if an angle a on the surface of a sphere have one of the arcs which contain it, a meridian, and if ry denote its gnomonic, its orthographic projection, and @ the arc of the containing meridian intercepted between its vertex, and a plane through the center parallel to the plane of projection, then . ] tan y = sin@ tana, .tanw = sin 0 tana; also tana = ,/tanw.tanry, that is, the tangent of the stereo- graphic projection is a mean proportional between the tangents of the orthographic and gnomonic projections of the same angle. Cor. 2. Hence we can determine the orthographic and gno- monic projections of any angle whatever on the surface of a sphere. Let a, a be the angles which the arcs containing any angle make with the meridian drawn through their intersection; w, w, their orthographic, ¢y, sy’, their gnomonic projections, 0 = height of the pole ; : in 0 (t tana’ Ps Games) 228 (tana+tana ) 1—sin’@ tana tana’ 2sin@ sin (a+a’) of (1+ sin® @) cos (a +a’) + (1—sin? @) cos (a—a’')’ 1+sin°@ 1—sin’@ cos(a aa or cot (y +f )=cot(ata’)} “gsin0 ' Qsin@ cos(ata)§’ alec cont enemas laratta Og cos tenet nara y, cot(w + w )=cot (ata 2sin@ Qsnm@ cos(ata)9’ writing ——~ instead of sin é, sin 0 138 1 +4sin°0 1 —sin°0 Let ai aarti =m, and .. ———— =,/m'-1; 2sin@ 2sin0 also let 2a represent any angle on the sphere, 2w, 2ry, its ortho- graphic and gnomonic projections, and 6 the angle which an arc bisecting it, makes with the meridian through its vertex ; —_— cos 20 “. cot2y = cot2a (m+ J m? — i 7 cos 2a cos 28 cot2w = cot2a (m — Jn? — 1 ): cos 2a These formule hold whether the containing arcs fall on the same, or different sides of the meridian. Hence cot 2w + cot 2y=2m cot2a; which shews that the sum of the co-tangents of the projections is independent of the position of the angle, as long as its vertex remains fixed; and that the orthographic and gnomonic projections of a right angle are supplements to each other. The stereographic and gnomonic projections will be equal to one another, when 0= 45". 80. ‘To find the differential equation to conical surfaces. The distinguishing property of conical surfaces 1s, that the tangent plane always passes through the vertex; let a, 0, ¢ denote the co-ordinates of the vertex, then whatever be the dz dz dx’ dy” derived from the equation to the surface, must be such as to satisfy the equation nature of the directrix, the differential coefficients dz dz zen F@-a+F y-d) which is the general equation to conical surfaces. If we inte- grate this equation, we shall of course find y—b fo =€ r—a F(Canys agreeably to Art. 77. 81. Given the position of the vertex, to find the equation to the conical surface which envelopes a given curve surface. 139 Whatever be the nature of the directrix, we have seen that the differential coefficients derived from the equation to a conical surface must satisfy the equation dz dz ecu (i come 7 ee a + ay Ladies san alle but at the points where the cone touches the surface, the values are the same for both; therefore at those points the above relation subsists between the differential coefficients de- rived from the equation to the surface, that is, the co-ordinates of the points of contact are such, that the above equation is satisfied. ; dz dz : Hence if we obtain values of —, —, from the given equation dx dy to the surface, and substitute them in equation (1), the result, together with the equation to the surface, will be the equations to the directrix; and we know the co-ordinates of the vertex, and can therefore find the equation to the required conical surface by Art. 77. If the vertex of the cone be considered as a luminous point, the curve of contact whose equations we have just found, is that which on the surface separates the illumined and obscure parts; if it be considered as the place of the eye, the curve of contact is the line of the apparent contour of the surface. Ex. To find the equation to the conical surface which envelopes a given surface of the second order. Let the surface be referred to a system of conjugate diameters, one of which passes through the given vertex, let this be the axis x yt a . or 2; and let’ —+— Y 4 = =1 be the equation to the surface ; a Peavy. dz dz therefore, substituting the values of — , —, m the equation dx dy (9) dz dz ZC de” + dy since a=b=0, we ao, mats 2 2 2 F x z Which’ HEeMer Neth = eee eer CEA LSP ty 140 are the equations to the curve of contact; also let eins =~ Cy mien (Zt Ol, be the equations to the generating line; then eliminating 2, y, 2, between these four equations, we find + Demne for m, and for 7, c | ‘ . aX the equation to the surface is Q 2 Bree a BENG ae (E 48) This completes what was said upon this subject in Prob. 5, Art. 43. 82. To find the general equation to conoidal: surfaces. A conoidal surface is generated by a straight line which moyes parallel to the plane of xy, and always meets a given curve, and also the axis of z Let z=, y=az, be the equations to the generating line in any one of its positions, depending upon the variable quan- tities B and as y=pr, z=fx, the equations to the directrix, and a’, 7’, 2’, the co-ordinates of the point in which the gene- rating line meets it; therefore wv’, y, z. must satisfy both the equations to the directrix, and generating line, which gives 2 ala B, y — ax’, y’ i px’, 2 =r. Now by means of these four Saunas we may eliminate 2’, y’,z and there will remain Beta: hit Be, a=: tak), a relation among the co-ordinates of the generating line in any position, and therefore the equation to the surface which it describes. 141 Ex. Suppose the directrix to be a helix, (Art. 34. Prob. 2.), whose equations are- J nen ory =a, 2 =!\nacos —, a and let the equations to the generating line be 2=B, y =a Cid, as above, then eliminating 2, y, z, x? +a°x’ =a’, r = —————_ .*. == JL COS pea SL La his a fifa” RA ie therefore, restoring the values of a and (3, the equation to the surface is 1 Z2=natan ~*~. x This is the surface presented. by the inferior superficies of a staircase, attached to a vertical column round which it winds. We have seen another instance of this mode of generating surfaces in Prob. 5. Art. 37. 83. ‘To find the differential equation to conoidal surfaces. Their characteristic property is that the tangent plane always touches the surface according to a generating line, that is, according to a line parallel to the plane of xy, and meeting the axis of z. If therefore in the equation to the tangent plane, we make z’ =z, we find dz , dz , Gee Tae th Gy y= for the equation to the projection of the line of contact; and in order that this line may pass through the origin, when x’ =0, we must have y’=0, and which is the required equation; and which might also have been ; a : ; y,4), obtained by eliminating the arbitrary function from z= (=): 142 84. ‘To find the general equation to surfaces of revolution. A surface of revolution is generated by a circle whose center moves along a straight line to which its plane is perpendicular, and whose perimeter always passes through a given curve. Let r= az oe y=bz+ 8 be the equations to the axis, or line along which the center of the generating circle moves; and consequently z+-ar+t by=c ! eas realism |. the equations to the generating circle. Also let y=@xr, z=fa, be the equations to the directrix, or curve which the perimeter of the generating circle always meets, and 2’, y’, z’ the co-ordinates of their point of inter- section; then 2’, y’, 2’, must satisfy both the equations to the generating circle, and directrix; 2 ar +by'=c, @’—ayt(y — BY +22 =P, Y= oe, J=fr; hence, eliminating 2’, y’, 2’, from these four equations, there results c= F(r°), or z-+axr+ by=F(w—al+(y— BY +2°*), a relation among the co-ordinates of the generating circle in any position, and therefore the equation to the surface which it de- scribes. If the axis of revolution coincide with the axis of z, a=b=0, a=B=0; 1. 2=F(a?+y7°+2), or z=W(r" +-y"), as we have already seen (Art. 20.) Ex. To find the equation to the surface generated by the revolution of any straight line about the axis of z. Let r=az+a, y = b'z+/3' be its equations ; thn z=co, P +7 4+2=Pr° are the equations to the generating circle; therefore eliminating L,Y 2; 143 (’cta)y + (bc + PY + =7°, or, restoring the values of r and c, (a’z +a’ + (Wz + BY. =xr+y', which is the equation to the surface. If in this equation we make x=0, or y=0, in order to find the equation to a section through the axis, the resulting equation represents an hyperbola, therefore the surface is an hyperboloid of revolution. Also if in retaining one of the above equations to the directrix, we change the signs of the second member in the other, the equation to the surface is not altered ; therefore the same surface may be generated by two different straight lines, and through any one of its points two straight lines may be drawn so as to entirely coincide with the surface. 85. To find the differential equation to surfaces of revo- lution. One of their distinguishing properties is that the normal always meets the axis of revolution. Let «’ = az + a y = bz +B r—-@f + pz’ — z)=0 yy —y tq’ — d=0 then if these two lines intersect, their equations must be satisfied by the same values of 2’, yf 2’, which will be the co-ordinates of their point of intersection. Hence if we eliminate 2’, y’, 2’, there will remain an equation between p and g, which will be the differential equation to the surface. Now the equations to the axis may be written be the equations to the axis, the equations to the normal ; x —xr=a(z? —2z)+az+a—xz, y —y=b (2-2) 4+bz+B-y; therefore, by substitution for 2’ — a, and y’—y from the equa- tions to the normal, (a+p) (2’—z) + az+a—xr=0, (6+ 9) (2’—z)+ 62+ B—y=0 : hence, eliminating z’ — z, (bz +B—y)(at+p)—(az+a—x) (6+ 4)=0, 144 dz dz a —_— y om 7” } — om —s »\ —_— or (62+B—y) — (azt+a—z2z) an y) a (a —x) b=0, (1), the required equation; which expresses that a surface is one of revolution about an axis determined in position by the con- stants a, 6, a, 2, independent of the generating curve; its complete integral is of course the equation of Art. 84. This equation might also have been obtained by considering that the tangent plane is always perpendicular to a meridianal plane, that is, one which contains the axis of revolution and passes through the point of contact. If the axis of revolution coincide with the axis of z, the equation becomes BY ae 86. A curve surface, whose equation is given, revolves round an immoveable axis to which it is fixed; to find the equation to the surface which touches and envelopes it in every position. The same series of points of the moveable surface, namely, those which are at the greatest distance from the axis, are always in contact with the enveloping surface; therefore the required surface will be formed by the revolution of the curve of contact, corresponding to any position of the moveable sur- face, about the given axis. Let .*. F(x, y, z) = 0, be the equation to the moveable surface in its first position, then for all its points in contact with the enveloping surface, the equation F(x, y, z)=0, must satisfy the general equation to surfaces of revolution; if therefore we derive from it, values dz dz of cae ce and substitute them in equation (1) of the pre- ceding Article, the resulting equation f(x, y, z) = 0, will be- long to the curve of contact; and its two equations will be L,Y, 2). — ey (2, 5.2) — 0. Hence, knowing the equations to the directrix and axis of revo- lution, the equation to the required surface may be found by Art. 84. 145 Ex. Supposing an oblate spheroid to revolve about any diameter, to find the equation to the surface which envelopes it In. every position. Let x=az, y=0z be the equations to the diameter, x + yo + nz? =m the equation to the spheroid; substitute these values in the equation to surfaces of revolution, namely, : (y — bz) p—(w—az)q¢+ay—bx=0, 1 : re fh — bx. 1-5) =05 ind we find (ay — bx) ( a ride cag Paka 3 aaa ° @ wv ye re = 1 2 . . a J ( are the equations to the directrix, Cia ey , and z+ax-+ by =c) erty teary the equations to the generating circle ; eliminating x, y, 2, we find (r?n® — m?) (a? +B) = (6 Jn 1 — of mi? — 7*)'s therefore, restoring the values of 7 and c, the required equation is jn (ce + y? + 2°) — mt (a? + 6°) oH S(z+a0 + by) Jv —1 infin a Fay 2M 87. ‘To find the equation to a surface which envelopes a series of surfaces described after a given law. Let U=0O, be the equation to a surface containing, besides other constants, a parameter a; then if we give a particular value to a, the form and position of the surface in space will be completely determined; and-if we give to it-all possible consecutive values, we shall obtain an infinite number of cor- responding surfaces, intersecting one another two and two. ‘The surface formed by these successive intersections, and which T 146 consequently touches and envelopes each one of the first series of surfaces, supposing them all to exist together, has been named by Monge the Envelope; and the curve in which any two consecutive surfaces intersect, the Characteristic of the envelope, because it indicates the mode of its generation; thus the characteristic of all surfaces generated by the intersections of planes is a straight line, and that of surfaces generated by the intersections of spheres, a circle. ‘To find the equation to the envelope, we observe that if, after having given the parameter a determined value a in U =O, we give it a new value a +a, differing insensibly from the former, we obtain the equation to a second surface differmg in form and_ position insensibly from the first, and intersecting it in a series of points, the co-ordinates of which satisfy the equations, U re =): Tt ee ang ey OF tiie Os Nh iia gsi da da av da therefore that the equations to the characteristic, or curve of intersection of two consecutive surfaces, corresponding to the : dU } value a of the parameter, are U = 0, —— = 0; and since the da envelope is formed by the assemblage of the characteristics, its equation will result from eliminating a between the same_ or, if the surfaces be consecutive, U=0, = 0; it follows equations. 88. Again, if in the equations to the characteristic, after having given the parameter a particular value a, which deter- mines the position of the characteristic im space, we give it a new and insensibly increased value a + oa, the two resulting equations will be those to a second characteristic differing in- sensibly in form and position from the first, and intersecting it, in general, in a finite number of points, the co-ordinates of which satisfy the two sets of equations, Ce — =0; da . U =, 1U dU @U U +s Sa +++ =0, ini Pm 0p amy which latter two equations, by virtue of the first, are equivalent to lat) AT eae da * da? ad Consequently the co-ordinates of the points in which two con- secutive characteristics intersect, satisfy the three equations, die! PU > da > dd’ = 0; and from these equations we may either determine x, y, and z, in terms of a, that 1s, the co-ordinates of the poimt in which a given characteristic is intersected by the consecutive, or eliminate a between them, and so find the two equations in x, y, and z, to the curve formed by all the successive points of intersection. ‘This curve will be touched by all the cha- racteristics, and will be the edge of regression of the envelope ; for the portions of the characteristics which are on contrary sides of their points of contact with the curve under consideration, will form two distinct sheets of the envelope, and these sheets will touch one another in that curve and have it for their common limit. 89. The following are examples of the two last articles. Ex. 1. To find the equation to the envelope of all mght cones of a constant volume, whose axes are in the same straight line, and bases in the same plane. The equation to the surface of any cone is where a=altitude, 6=radius of base, and the origin is in the center of the base. 148 Let the given volume be that of a hemisphere, diameter 3c ; Lr 9 +¥ ) . b ; mab (3c) % 270° a a ( aid , ee Of OS ee ee ‘2 y) ra 46° differentiate with respect to the parameter 6, 978 818% a ”, 0 = — —>z a+y’*, ob == /2xe+y’; ont ae Sty; aM J 270° Q c* See ee eee tee ees the equation required. o@ ty) 3) ty a 2b 270° 2 9c Also ety = —, and z= —,; ( ~=) es Sait y Be 46° 3 4°? are the equations to the characteristic, that 1s, determine. the radius, and position of the center of the circle, in which the cone the radius of whose base = 0, is intersected by the consecutive cone of the same volume. Ex. 2. If the center of a sphere whose radius =a, describe a curve in the plane of ry, to find the equation to the annular surface which envelopes the sphere in every position, Let a and § be the co-ordinates of the center of the sphere in any position, and y = fx the equation to the curve which it describes, therefore B = fa; “.(@—a)+ (y—fa)’ + 2 =a? is the equation to the surface, and by differentiating with respect to a, ie eee bey, — fa) fra — i which are the two equations to the characteristic, whose position and magnitude depend upon a; and if we eliminate a between them, we find the equation to the envelope. The characteristic in this case is manifestly a circle of constant radius whose center is a point in the curve which forms the axis of the surface, and whose plane is perpendicular to the tangent line at that point, as is expressed by the above equations; hence its nature 149 is entirely independent of the curve whose equation is y=/fu ; it is also the curve of greatest inclination, for its tangent line at every point is perpendicular to the intersection, with the plane of xy, of the plane touching the surface at the same point, therefore its equation is dy salle (Art. 26. Cor. 1.) a? eee Its remaining equation is that to the envelope, since itis situated thereon, which we obtain by observing that the normal always meets the plane of ay in the curve which forms the axis of the surface, and the length is equal to the radius of the generating sphere ; esata er Jitp +9 Se Mea bee: or’ 2 (1 +p? + 9?) =a"; which might also have been obtained by eliminating the arbitrary function from the two equations to the characteristic ; hence the integral of the equation z°(1 + p*+ 4°) =a’ is represented by the system of equations to the characteristic. Ex. 3. If the vertex of a right cone describe a given curve in the plane of xy, and its axis be always perpendicular to that plane, to find the equation to the surface which touches and envelopes it in every position. Let a and ( be the co-ordinates of the vertex, y=fvr the equation to the curve which it describes, therefore BP = fa; a = tangent of the angle which the side of the cone makes with the plane of ry; we (ta) +(y-fay = &.| No is the equation to the surface; differentiate twice successively with respect to a; “. (y—fa) fiat x—a=0, (y a ide 1—(f'a)’=0; from which equations we may deduce as above the equation to the envelope, and the equations to its characteristic, and edge of regression. 150 The tangent plane to the envelope at any point, is also the tangent plane to the generating cone, and therefore makes a constant angle (y) with the plane of xy; but 1 —— : 3 A) Veni + 9 therefore, since a = tan +, the differential equation to the surface is . . . De ot 7 i the integral of which 1s of course represented by the system of equations to the characteristic. cos yY = Hence, if S denote the area of any portion of the surface, d’s nae = ~j/ltpt+@=secy, or S=A, sec y; x that is, any portion of the surface bears a constant ratio to its projection on the plane of xy. The characteristic in this case is evidently a side of the generating cone, and therefore perpendicular to the intersection of the tangent plane with the plane of xy; therefore its two equations are 2 Q Q dy 4 p+q =a, dx p’ hence the curve of greatest inclination of all surfaces generated in this manner is a straight line, inclined at a constant angle to the plane of ry. 90. Tf the differential equation to the envelope be known, the equations to the characteristic may be deduced from it. Let f(a, y, 2, p, Y =O be the equation to the envelope, then at every one of its points it touches one of the enveloped surfaces; therefore at the point of contact wv, y, z, p,q have the same values for the enveloped surface, that 1s, FY % P Y= 0 is the equation to the enveloped surface. But of the quantities 2, Y, 2, Pp, J, the two latter only depend upon the value of.a, which fixes the position of the particular enveloped surface under consideration; and, as we have seen above, the equations 151 lf ; to the characteristic are f= 0, 2 = 0; therefore in this a case they are dp dp. af dq pe ot =a, i ee — 0, Or * s DO in acne: da oC adam ade suppose. But since the characteristic is situated on the en- velope, if x, y, z be co-ordinates of any point invit, then ee ay —, —~, are connected by the equation an 708 dz a Sin Cian Bes dr therefore differentiating with respect to a, _ dp , dqdy. i dawmdadcs hence, multiplying by P, and subtracting from the former equation, we find PL¢ nee - Q) =0; ise Pi nme is the equation to the characteristic, a result which we observe to be verified in all the examples given above. 91. Every partial differential equation of the first order ST (Ps 97> %, Ys 2) = 0, may be considered as belonging to the envelope of surfaces represented by I(x, y,2,a, pa) = 0; that is, as the result of the elimination of a and ma between dF the equations £ = 0, iin O; for if we differentiate the a first with respect to wx and y separately, regarding a as constant by virtue of the second, we obtain two equations, one between p, x Yy, 2, a, a, and the other between Qs Xv, Y, 2, a, a; between which and f’=O we may eliminate a and ga, and there will reman f=0. This makes the consideration of the characteristic of great import- ance in the integration of partial differential equations, as will be seen in the following examples. Ex. 1. To integrate the equation Pp + Qq -—-R=0, where P, Q, R are known functions of x, y, z. Let x, y, 2 be considered as co-ordinates of a point in the characteristic; then, since foe ’ 7 oe 3 ‘ eB Wis 4: dp dq dx Ah dz dy and siice —-~= 4 — dx Tae 1 i p+Qq=R, or P——R=0 dz and consequently Me — ae which are the three equations to the projections of the cha- racteristic upon the co-ordinate planes. Suppose the two first are integrable and give M=a, N=; im this state these two integrals belong to all the characteristics that can exist on all the possible envelopes comprised in the given differential equation; but if the characteristics are to follow one another according .to a certain law, a@ and $B are not independent, but one is a function of the other; “ M=a, N=qga; .«. N=o(M) is the equation to the envelope. In like manner, if we can integrate any two of the equa- tions to the characteristic, either conjointly or separately, and put one result equal to an arbitrary function of the other, we obtain the required integral. But if none of the equations to the characteristic 1s immediately integrable, differentiate the : d equation leap — Q = 0, (or any other of the equations to iv the characteristic, if more convenient) with respect. to a, and the result is f(2, y, z, y, y”, 2)=03 these two equations dz combined with Fas — R=0, will enable us to eliminate z, 2, dx 153 and the result is P(2, y, y’, y')=0, a common differential equation of the second order, the two imtegrals of which will be in 2, y, y',a; 2, ¥, ¥, 93; a and PB being the arbitrary constants ; from which, eliminating y’ by means of the equation Py' — Q=0, we obtain the two integral equations to the cha- racteristic M=a, N=da, and therefore N=@M as before. Hence the integration of every partial differential equation of the first order, which is linear, depends only upon that of a common differential equation of the second order, involving two variables, one of which is the independent variable. Ex. 2. Let one of the quantities P, Q, R vanish, R for instance, the equation will be Pp+Qq=0; ply dz —Q=0; '-— =Owwist nee or dx that is, for the same characteristic, z is constant, and there- fore the characteristic is in a plane perpendicular to the axis of z; substitute, if necessary, for z im the first, and integrate, the result is F(a, 2 Ys Uy ga)=0, ga being the constant introduced by integration; and therefore the complete integral is F(z, y, 2, @z) = Ex. 8. To find the equation to the surface which cuts at right angles all surfaces comprised in the same total dif- ferential equation. Let dz=Pdzr+ Qdy be the equation to the cut surfaces, dz=pdx-+qdy the equation to the cutting surface; then the equations to the tangent planes applied to them at one of their common points (vy z), are Z—z=P'—2)+Qy—y), 2-2=pa'—a)+q(y -y); and since the planes are at right angles, therefore Pp +Qq+1=0 is the partial differential equation expressing the condition of U 154 the question; the integration of which depends on those of any two of the equations “d pHa qeojl P Bigmco, Qa hi =o. dx x dy Suppose the cut surfaces to be a series of ellipsoids, re- sulting from giving D all possible values in the equation ax + by +c2°=D, a, 6, ¢ being the same in all; ax b ° P= A ; Q= Poa ede Cz cz and the equations become axdz by dz BE pee == 3 “J —1=0; czar cz dy 2° 2° ps z se — =a, wectees JO : ~= 9 (5) is the required equation. If a=b=c, the cut surfaces become concentric spheres, ; ‘ z Z ji and the equation to the cutting surface = (2): which represents a conical surface, whose vertex is in the origin. Ex. 4. Let z—pr-—qy=nJf/etry +2, the geome- trical signification of which is, that the portion of the axis of z intercepted between the origin and tangent plane, bears a con- stant ratio to the distance of the point of contact from the origin. In this case, dz _z-nJfa'ty +2 dy dx x / dx adie i" 8 x 155 the latter gives y=ax, and shews that the characteristic lies in a plane through the axis of z; HSS a ma > § dx x’ and therefore 2”~'(z + e/ v+y+2y)=g (*) ; 92. In some cases the problem furnishes two relations between p and g; we then obtain a total differential equation, and the resulting integral contains no arbitrary function. Ex. 1. To find the nature of a surface which has the property, that the normal at any point passes through the center of gravity of the tnangle whose sides are the co- ordinates x and y of that point. By Art. 28. the co-ordinates of the foot of the normal are r-+pz, y+q2;5 BG ihe. Soe ae me UNE ae Sed AT ed y die TF ia so. p= x 2y “. dz=pdxt+qdy= ——dr—-—dy; “Ten Lod, 3z 5 ale therefore 3274+2y°+a2°=C is the required equation. Ex. 2. To find the equation to a surface which at once belongs to conical surfaces, and to surfaces of revolution about the axis of z. 156 In this case p and gq must satisfy the equations py—qr=0, plr—a)t+q(y—b)=z—-c; hence obtaining p and q, and substituting them in dz = pdx + qdy, we find for the equation to the surface dz * adx-+ ydy . z—c a(t—a) + y(y—b)’ which does not admit of a single relation between the three variables for its integral; unless a=6=0, when we find g—02=C,f/2+y', the equation to a right cone, as we might have foreseen. 93. 'To determine the envelope, when the equation to the series of surfaces contains two mdependent parameters. Suppose the equation U=0 to contain two parameters a and 3 independent of one another; then the equation to the surface which differs insensibly from that represented by U=0, will be U +5 as = 8a a 7a°P +: and therefore the co-ordinates of the points in which these surfaces intersect must satisfy their two equations, that is, they must satisfy dU dU U = 0, = ay é Eig) ha 4 ati B B + 0, or, 1f the surfaces be consecutive, dU dU U=0, — pan Sos da | dp 2 where m = the limit of 3,3 but, since m may have any a 157 value, this latter equation resolves itself into we ao, dae? gO Ray which, together with U=0, are the three equations for de- termining the curve of intersection of two consecutive surfaces; from whence we may obtain its two equations, involving only one of the parameters, and finally, by eliminating that parameter, we may obtain the equation to the surface generated by the perpetual intersections of the first series of surfaces. Ex. 1. To find the equation to the surface touched by a series of planes so drawn, that the product of the per- pendiculars let fall upon any one from two fixed points is invariable. Let the line joming the two points be the axis of xz, 2c its length, and the origin in its middle point, z= Ax-+ By + C, the equation to one of the planes; then the lengths of the perpendiculars are C+ Ac C—Ac ROB PTEE 4 OTL REE ah CA? 2 4 St =b’ suppose, or C? =0?(1 +A’? + B’) + A’c’. Differentiate the equation to the plane, successively with respect to A and B, considering C as a function of A and B by virtue of the above equation ; dC A Oma tart EEO, or r= —(P LANE, dC fad 3 Ade ORY Smee Oa or y= —D°— CH A® : BAB*!?_ 2 PHY Ie BtE CB Pe 3 b? Dees eeael = OO a = { toe C +C C C 2 g 2 Q2 2 2 2 Q 2 x plea, ONE Reade a, Bye ale Ce . 158 the equation to a prolate spheroid, whose axis is the line joining the two given points. ; m7 m x ie ake i Ex.2. Let the equation to a surface bea + ie + ee = to find the equation to the surface which it touches in all the positions it can assume, subject to the condition a” + 6"-+-c’=k", a constant quantity. Differentiate the equation to the surface successively with respect to a and 0, regarding c¢ as a function of a and 6b, by virtue of the equation of condition; ym 2” de yo a 2m qv} 4 ym 2” gr ee = Oo ei oe HE Oe or—_=>—_— .—_:: e ; ° — 3 git} c’t1da qu t} cmt c” | a” ce” cn? y™ 2” d C y y™ bh” -1 cre gy” b” Ne I BOR LI cere cones or ae e WiPr eas bam aa oe ORs ae fmtt cmt d b bt 1 cut ct 1 hb” m c” y™ gm gm gt bn wh cm gm en Pua cmtn 0 SG +555. c” Te ale + jn men? mn mn mn Z\min cl Aiea’ L\ m+n m+n or () mes similarly G) = a, mm C4 =o mn mn mn mn 2 germ pt gm tn 4 ymtn = Amt”, the equation required. If m=n=1, the equation becomes 4/z + a/a + Jy = J ky and agrees with Prob. 8. Art. 29; if m=n=2, it is e+4+y=h, which shews that if a series of surfaces of the second'order have the sum of the squares of their axes constant, they are all touched by a plane. Similarly, if the equation of condition be abc = k’, it may be shewn that the equation to the enveloping surface is cues. 159 Rs) and if m= 1, we find xyz = = for the equation to the surface touched by a series of planes which form with the co-ordinate planes a pyramid of constant volume. This surface has also the property that the tangent plane at any point a, y, z, forms with the co-ordinate planes a pyramid of smaller volume than any other plane drawn through the point of contact; and its equation is | ri) | RL 858 A Ye), it may easily be shewn that this is the equation to the tangent plane of any surface whatever, which forms with the co-ordinate planes the least possible pyramid, x, y, z, being the co-ordinates of the point of contact. Ex. 3. To find the equation to the surface touched by a series of planes which retrench from a given right cone, an oblique cone, such that its volume is constant, or such that the transverse axis of its elliptic base is constant. If the volume of the oblique cone be constant, then by a property of conic sections the transverse axis of the elliptic base is also constant, suppose it .°. = 2c, and let 3 = semi-vertical angle of the cone; then it will be found that the equation to the touched surface is z= cot’ B(«? + y? +c’), the origin being at the vertex; which belongs to an hyperboloid of revolution about the axis of the cone, and to which the sur- face of the cone is an asymptote, the + axes of the generating hyperbola being c and ccot 9; also the point of contact is the center of the elliptic section. In like manner if a series of planes retrench from a parabo- loid of revolution a segment of constant volume, the surface touched by them is a similar and equal paraboloid about the same axis. The converse of Prob. v. Art, 48. will furnish other examples. 94. To find the general equation to developable surfaces. The characteristic: property of these surfaces is, that they may be extended upon a plane, so as to coincide with it in 166 every one of their points, without tearing or rumpling. ‘They are generated by the consecutive intersections of a series of planes drawn after a given law; of this generation we have seen a remarkable instance in the surface formed by the intersections of the normal planes of a curve of double curvature, (Art. 63). The law of succession of the planes which generate a develop- able surface, requires that two of the three arbitrary constants which enter into the equation to a plane should be functions of the third, or, which is the same thing, that they should all be functions of the same parameter a; let ..z=xrga +yfat Wa be the equation to the generating plane, in one of its positions depending upon the parameter a; then the equation to the plane which differs insensibly from it in position, will be z=u(patda.coa...)+y (fat f'a.oa...)+Watw'a.oa..., and the co-ordinates of the points in which they intersect must satisfy these two equations; that is, they must satisfy z=xrpatyfatwa, O=r(pat---)+y(fat---)tWat--:; or, if the planes be consecutive, the equations to their line of intersection are, =rpatyfatpa, O=aPaty fiat Yajee(I): and the general equation to developable surfaces will result from eliminating a between these equations. 95. The characteristic in this case is a straight line of which the equations are (1); and if we differentiate again with — respect to a, which gives _— ropa i y fa ai wa, the three equations represent the curve formed by the inter- sections of the characteristics, or the edge of regression of the developable surface, by the tangent line of which the surface might be considered as generated. Since two consecutive cha- racteristics are in the same plane, the envelope may be con- sidered as made up of plane elements of indefinite length, but infinitely narrow, which cut one another consecutively in straight 161 lines.. If now the first of these elements be turned about its line of intersection with the second, till they are in the same plane; and then the system formed by these two be tumed about the line of intersection of the second and third till they are in the same plane, and if this operation be continued through all the plane elements, they will all thus be brought into one plane, and the given surface will be developed without rumpling or tearing. Ex. If a series of planes, passing through a fixed point in the axis of z, have their traces on the plane of ary all of the same length; to find the equation to the surface formed by their intersections. If c=distance of the fixed point from the origin, a=length of the trace on the plane of wy, and a=the angle which it makes with the axis of x, the equation to the corresponding plane is w A Yy ya + et ease ~ c acosa asina differentiate with respect to a, x sin y cosa me ee acos a a@ sin @ == (ey omtan abe (st x therefore, substituting in the equation to the plane which may be written DL o oO 2 Pe -,/1+tana e's) l1+cotta + nies 1, we find a a Od eae z . . +y>)* += = 1, the required equation. c 2 3 ] or = (2 The equations to the characteristic in this case are x Zz Oe ' a ee Te Se tan a. acoas @ € A 162 96. To find the differential equation to developable sur- faces. ' Since the surface is made up of plane elements of indefinite length, a plane applied to it at any point touches it in a series of points, the projection of which on any of the co-ordinate planes is a straight line. Hence, since the equation to the tangent plane is z= px t+ gy +2 — pxr— qy; the quantities p, g, and z—pxr—qy remain unaltered for all values of x, y and z, subject to the condition y=max-+n3 and therefore the increments of p and gq, and consequently of z—px—gqy, corresponding to any, and therefore to indefinitely small, increments A and k of 2 and y, subject to the condition k==mh, are evanescent; that 1s, rh + sk + &c. = 0, or ultimately 7 + ms = 0, EY (Mer pA A Rios ae oad OF ES et va 8) 4 Pee A : 27 = BEN rt —s° = 0, 1s the equation to the surface ; s dy ih dy r and —~— + ~ =0, or ~— + = PES es mi hs t together with rt —s°=0, are the equations to the characteristic. Since the three quantities p, g, 2-px—qy are constant together, and variable together, it follows that the partial dif- ferential equation of the first order F'(p, q, z — px — gy) =0, belongs in general to a developable surface. Cor. The differential equation to developable surfaces may also be obtained by eliminating the arbitrary functions from the equations to the generating line, which are z=urhatyfatwWa O=rha+t+ yfatwa; for if we differentiate the first separately with respect to x and y, regarding a as constant by virtue of the second, we find p= qa, 163 q=fa; and since p and q are functions of the samefquantity, they are also functions of one another, or p=7q; ¢ d tC } a a = mq orr =7W7q.5, . i ; \ dp , dq ; ee de = t yy Gi ra A ah a ere . fies ABR Obs roe ks AIO : My t By making r¢—s*=0, in the expressions for the radii of cur- vature, one of them becomes infinite ; hence developable surfaces have one of their curvatures evanescent. 97. To find the equation to the developable surface which touches at the same time two given curve surfaces. Let the equations to the two given surfaces be FAG ae OE (25.42) 0: or dz=pdr+qdy, dz=p,dr+qdy; also, let z—-a=rgdat+tywa be the equation to the generating plane which touches the first surface at a point (v’y'z’), and the second at a point (v”y” 2”). Therefore for the first contact, z—a=avhatywpe, p= ha, q=wWa; and for the second contact, (—a=s"paty' va p=b% Gave The first three equations, being combined with F (2, y’, 2’) =0, will serve to eliminate a’, y’, z', and give a relation between a, pa, a; and the second three equations, being combined with F(x’, y”, 2”) =0, will give a second relation between a, da, Wa; and consequently the forms of @a, Wa, are deter- mined; whence the equation to the generating plane is known, and therefore the equation to the required developable surface by Art. 94. / i) 164 If we suppose an opaque body to be illuminated by a lumi- nous one, the surfaces which circumscribe the umbra and pen- umbra occasioned by the interposition of the opaque body, are two sheets of the developable surface which touches both the bodies; and its lines of contact with the surfaces of the bodies are, one, the curve on the opaque body which separates the illumined and obscure parts, and the other the curve on the Juminous body which separates the illuminating part, from that which can send no rays to the other body. Consequently the question treated above contains the general problem of umbras and penumbras. In like manner we may find the equation to the’developable surface which passes through two given curves of double curvature. 98. A curve being traced on a developable surface, to find its nature when the surface is made plane; and conversely, a curve being traced upon a plane, to find its nature when the plane is applied to a given surface. Cast 1. Let the surface be cylindrical, x, y, z, co- ordinates of any poit im a curve traced upon it; then the equations to the generating line which passes through that point are 2,-2=a(e—2), y—y=b(4,—2); and the equations to the tangent line of the curve are min rad a a ¥ — 1 / 2,~-2= 240 — 2) yry=y @—2), : dz .dy A rea? ; : where z, y, denote —-, —+. Let 2 = the angle between these | dn” dx two lines, y =angle of inclination of the generating line to the axis of x, s=length of the curve ; pies by +] Now when the cylinder is developed, the generating lines pre- serve their parallelism, and may therefore be taken for the ordi- nates; let a line perpendicular to them be the axis of the abscisse, a aud (3 the co-ordinates of the point in question, and ao =length of the plane curve, . COsi= f RR Me =cosry (az +by TA ae 165 dp dao’ slidp ‘ ; dx then ER Va “. cosy (az + by’ + I). as iy ds wr dp (a2h byl 1) peters ety . hi Powe v4 #) . f u a oe = cosy (az yt and (S) = (E): » or Ity?+2"=(1 mn Gas) (3 *), between which two equations, if x be eliminated, there will remain a differential equation between 6 and a, which will be that to the required plane curve. But if the Jatter equation be given, that is, B=fa, we may eliminate a between the two above equations, and there will remain a differential equation between x, y, and z, which with the given equation to the surface, will be the equations to the required curve of double curvature. Cor. 1. If the curve on a plane be a straight line, £2 is constant 5 , , d. ’ es COSY NER “OY oe Die CS 7 $ is the equation for the determining its nature when the plane is applied to a cylinder; the curve is. the helix, and we have for its length, by integration, cos ty (az + by +x) = (s+ C) cos 2. It is manifestly the shortest line which can join two points on the surface of the cylinder. If the generating line of the cylinder be perpendicular to the plane of yz, dx a=b=0, cosy=}); cin ta COM ds or the tangents of the helix make a constant angle with a plane perpendicular to the axis of the cylinder. Cor. 2. If the cylinder on which a curve is traced be per- pendicular to the plane of xy, and we take the arcs of the 166 curve in which it meets that plane for the abscisse, and the distance of the two curves for the ordinates, then as V/ mre A and S=2z; dx if therefore, y=@ax be the equation to the cylinder, we can either determine a relation between ( and a, from knowing the other equation to the curve of double curvature z=f2; or con- versely, if the equation to the plane curve B=wWa, be given, we can determine z=fx, the equation to the curve of double curvature. Ex. The nature of a curve traced on the surface of a right cylinder is such, that its projection on a plane drawn through the axis, produces the circle which forms the base of the cylinder; to find its equation when the cylinder is made plane. Oo 9 Q Q 9 . Here y=a°—2r, 2° =a —2, are the equations to the curve of double curvature ; da Wi dy\* a a St mngeh st — a +(@ ) aA ( dx /a—x? B° since” i= i2 = Nae ee re and — = — da a “An er aie 2? alee Sc ao correction being added, since a=O when 3 =a; ee B =a cos — a is the required equation, as we might have foreseen. 99. Case 2. Let the developable surface be a cone, a, b, c co-ordinates of its vertex, xv, y, z co-ordinates of a point in a curve traced upon it, r the distance of that point from the vertex. Now, when the cone is developed, the 167 generating lines become radti vectores, and if @ be the angle which r makes with some fixed radius vector, since the length of any element of the curve remains unaltered, fan, ot YP YO: and 9° =(«—a) + (y— bY + (2-0); | from which, together with the two equations to the curve, we may elimimate 2, y, z, and there will remain a relation between r aud 6, the equation to the plane curve when the surface is developed; or if r= f 0, and the equation to the cone be given, we may eliminate 7 and 0, and so arrive at the remaining equation to the curve of double curvature, resulting from applying the plane, on which a given curve 1s traced, to a given conical surface. Cor. 1. All curves which make a constant angle with the generating line of the cone, are characterized by the al de equation Tete B EN and become equiangular spirals when ds the surface is developed. Cor. 2. All curves which become straight lines when the cone is developed, and which, therefore, are the shortest lines that can connect two points on its surface, are cha- racterized by the equation 7." ds ve ee an dx dx : taking the vertex for the origin, a being the length of the per- pendicular let fall upon the line from that point, d dx or finally, by developing, (cy’—y) +(x7— 2) +(yy'— 27% =a 4-7” -|- ae); rae when y = —, &e. . be 168 When the surface is a right cone ona circular base, the problem admits of a very simple solution, as will be seen in the following article. 100. A given curve being traced on the surface of a right cone whose base is a circle, to determine its equation when the surface 1s developed. Let P (fig. 53.) be a point of the curve situated-on the generating line CR, Q its projection on a plane perpendicular to the axis; then our object is to find a relation between CP =r, and the angle which CP makes with CA, when the cone is developed ; Vall this angle 0, and let CQ =7', QCr=0,m= cosec ACD; now, when the cone is developed, G1 is subtended by a circular arc, length AR; * "PPA. = Oe Ls or, 0. == mee also CP..sin PCD=CQ, or, r= = if, therefore, f(7”, 0’) =0 be the given equation to the locus of Q, 1 ee m0) =() is the equation to the curve, when the surface m of the cone ts develop Lida Pi... : In like manner, if a curve be traced in a circular sector, we may determine its equations when the sector is formed into a right cone; let a = Z of the sector; therefore, sine 4 vertical anele of cone vs big suppose; also let f(r,0)=0 be the air peat equation to the plane curve, where @ is measured from the bounding radius of the sector which afterwards becomes the ge- nerating line of the cone situated in the plane of xz, that is, AC; then if 7”, 6’, be polar co-ordinates of Q, r , , ‘ 6! = aU it a —) sate} it m is the equation to the locus of Q. 169 Ix. 1. Ef a semi-circle be described on the bounding ra- dius of a quadrant of a circle, to find the equation to its projec- tion upon a plane perpendicular to the axis, when the quadrant is formed into a cone, T . eee Here m =2a + She =4, also the equation to the sem!-circle is * = acos@, therefore the equation to its projection is ren aga) eee 7 = =~ COS; 4, 4, the form of this curve is seen (fig. 54); it contains the projec- tions not only of the semi-circles described on the bounding radii of the quadrant, but also of those on the bisecting radius, as seen (fig. 55). Again, to determine the equation to the Pee of the chord of the quadrant; its equation 1s 7 ae sec #, therefore the equation to its projection is bial © a ae 4 3 the form of this curve 1s easily traced; the lines on the quadrant are seen (fig. 55). : Ex. 2. A right cone being intersected by a sphere whose center is in its surface, to determine the equation to the curve of intersection when the cone is developed. Let B be the center of the sphere (fig.53) BC = c, a = its radius, a = 4 vertical 4 of the cone, then’ (csna— 2) +(ccosa—x)+y' = is the equation to the sphere, and 2° tan’a = x -+- y° is the equation to the cone; therefore, the equation to the projection of their intersection on the plane of wy, is x 170 9 Q Q 2 , cos a 3 o P Ce +7 )(l'+ cot a)—2cxsma— 2¢ fity =a, sIn a 4 a . . , U he / and its polar equation is, making «=7 cos@, y=r sin@, ’ soos i} 2 2g ctr? cosec’ a — 2cr’ sin acos 0’—@cr cosecacos a=a. / / But m=coseca, r=? coseca, 06 = m0; ’ 3 ? therefore, when the cone is developed, the equation to the curve of intersection 1s ce? + 7? — Qer(sin? a cos mO + cos? a) — a® =0; ; A iy ee) 2 : or, — —; (cosm@ + m —1)+c¢(—n’) = 0, ifa=nc. m 2 If we make 90 = —~ + dp, cosmO = cos (27 +m) = cosm@, m and the form of the equation is not changed ; hence in tracing ree Qa the curve, it is only necessary to take @ from O to —., after m which the same form recurs. Again, if @= a + d,cosm@ = cos(mr + mo) = — cosmo, m hence that part of the curve which is produced by taking @ from 0 to —, is divided into two similar and equal portions by the m ; 7 radius corresponding to —, so that in fact we need only take m 6 from O to ify : m The same value of 6 gives two values of 7, and by solving the equation we find 1 Pie Luge Ne eee r=ec (1—srers m0) +c V0- —; vers m@) —(1—n’); 7 m m therefore versm@ cannot exceed m*(1— x / 1—n’). 171 If this quantity be >2, of course all values of 0 are admis- sible, but if it be <2, @ can only be taken from 0 to that value which makes versmO@ = m*(1 — Ail —n), Hence there arise two cases. I, When m?(1 — SI — n°) >2; in this case, the two branches of the curve cannot intersect ; for, in order that the two values of 7 may be equal, we must have vers m@ = m?(1—a/1—n?) >2. By differentiating the equation to the curve, we find d 5 (- —c+ vo vers nO )<— ut ead sinm@0=0; m*” d@ m let @ = the Z at which the radius vector cuts the curve, then 1 Ci. “. 7T—C (: — —; vers m0) + —sinm@ tang = O (1). m* m Tr wT AES go Set Q Hence, when 92=0, —, —, tan @ 1s infinite, or the radius m m vector cuts the curve at right angles and is a maximum or mi- Tv nimum, its corresponding values being, when @=0, or an r— 8r+tce(1—n) =0, or r=c(ltn); 1% vn) 9 and when 0 = —, r* — 2cr (1 _ —) +c (1—n’) =0, m 2\? y ( ~—) = (li 7t: ) me 2, or r=c(1-—) +6 m Sed. Hence the form of the curve from 0=0, to 0=—, is that m in. (fig. 56), where 172 BB = 2c iiss — —) —(1—n’), AA’ =2en, and the two branches are so connected that for any radius vector CP.CP’=CA.CA’. Ifm bean integer, the whole curve will consist of m such portions, the spiral angle having increased ; : p ; from O to 27r; if m be a fraction supe the above form will recur b] g > p times, and the radius vector will have described an angle = 2q7. BB will vanish if m°(1—,/1—n*)=2, in which case the equation to the curve becomes : l ; 2° r= Qer (1 —-5 vers m0 ) +e (1 - -;) =0, m m and the two portions touch one another. Suppose m = 3, n = -—3; therefore the equation becomes, < cole + cos 30) + 5c” =0, where c’ =—, and its form is seen (fig. 57). If m = 3 and the two branches are in contact, the equation 1s r — Qc'r (8 + cos30) + 49c¢? = 0, making ¢ = Cts II. When m’* (1 —/1— n°) <2, In this case when 90=0, we find as before r=c (1+), and when @= 6’, where vers m6! =m? (1—,y 1—n"), we find 1 ee es pe c( _ —, versm’ ) = crf) —n’, m that is, the two values of 7 are equal, and the radius vector becomes a tangent to the curve, therefore tang =0,.as appears 173 ; on ’ from equation (1); hence from @=0 to 6 =——,, the form of the m curve is that in (fig. 58), and will recur m times, if m be an integer, or p times if m= ie fraction ; in the one case there q. will be (m), in the other (p) ovals. ' 3 32 tale For instance let m = 3° n= es then the equation is : ; 30 - Set asace- sal r —2cr (4cos a 5) + 49c~ = 0, making c =: the form of which is seen in (fig. 59), where 2 ACP = 40°, and CP = 7c. Cor. If n=1, or the vertex of the cone be in the surface of the sphere, the equation becomes ' ] r= 2 (1 — —, vers m0), m if m* > 2, r can never =O; hence the form is that of figure (56), without the interior portion. If m” <2, that is, if m be between 2 and 1, then from > e , ; : 8=0, to eal the form 1s that of (fig. 60), and if m = P m q it will recur (p) times. + 5 Thus if m = 209% the equation to the curve be ~(7+9 by dr J/a—r oO " arr? oe Pp — 2 a’ cosec’a—r* cot’a the equation to the hyperbolic spiral, as we have already seen (Art. 79). Ex. 2. If the surface be a right cone, and the origin in the center of its base, dz r (c—z)=rcotP — =- cot B; p= ? ely i / 1+ cot’a sin? the equation to the equiangular spiral, as we might have fore- seen. 175 Ex. 3. Let the surface be an oblate spheroid, b d br then zg=-r/a—r? Ce a a 3 ao 33 3 dr a JS a—r d@ tana 4 J a®— er” riokds 4, r aQnsriy To integrate this, make 2 2.2 g 65 8 4 7 Ee Tee ee Qo” —_— 6} 3 ee / I aS a 2Z 2? a-—r v —e 1 dr v v o dr ] e° carting and ETRE re! 8 Terme at Sr Sin eS Pacey eer omar rdo.v—-1l-wv-é rdv v—-1l we’ dé v therefore since — = tana-, dr r dé v dr ; ( 1 e ) — =tana— — = tana = asicor ar or ad IC dv r dv rie ei a ie hs FF A: therefore integrating, Q+. ’ (i t—]1 —) c=—tana og og o ” e+] ‘1 votes’ is the equation to the required projection. 102. ‘To draw the shortest line between two given points on a surface of revolution. Let PC (fig. 62.) be the axis of the surface, which take for the axis of z; 4B a portion of the shortest line = s, 2 DCN=0, CN=T, DN=z; Ne ee ga0" dz , de 2 oe dr® EAS ate dy” tS MES because from the equation to the generating curve z=f7'; $= fda Jfitap +f 7 SyVeds, 176 d@ putting r=2, O=y, an Re in order to adapt the expression dr to the usual formule of the calculus of variations. Hence, dV | ‘i dy To EF ap + (fae dP Re: but N — Pie + &Xc. = O, for a maximum or minimum ; i therefore, in this case, P= a constant, xp rd@ or aT aa = = C3 Jibar tio ds . ; i “h a0 = , or sin PBAcc ON? Ss uf? ' if that is, the shortest line always cuts the meridian at an Z whose sine varies inversely as the distance of the point of intersection from the axis. Hence the equation to the projection of the shortest line on the base, is i *) = gi) aia aa Gon +r), dO pl + (fr) s fj + (fry c ark ds mA or, ——- = - TFetTS Gaus BVO SIT etna tights ** dr sf r—c dr rile F c being the distance from the axis, at which the shortest line cuts the meridian perpendicularly. Or, if p be the perpendicular from C on the tangent to the projection of the shortest line, the equation 1s rte’ (fry ; p=rc Ex. 1. Let the generating curve be a parabola and yr =Qaz its equation. 177 nee at then, p= c a ONY. ] a* +c and for a right cone, if mz=ra/1—m’, then 7 = csecm(0 + a) is the equation to the projection of the shortest line, which is, therefore, an elliptic spiral. Ex. 2. Suppose the figure to represent a sphere, and AB to be the arc of a great circle, then sin B = — if now the meridian revolve round PC, j ] i gia ge Ngee one sn PB CN hence, an are of a great circle is the shortest line that can con- nect two points on the surface of a sphere. sin Boc Ex. 8. To determine the length of the shortest line on the surface of an oblate spheroid. Let CEB (fig. 63.) be the plane of the equator, PE, PN two meridians, AB the shortest line; 4 @ the amplitude of M, so that Cl=r=asng, TM=bcosd; AM=s, 4 ECN=vW; 2. dv =rdV' +d (a’ cos’ p + b' sin’ d). But r°dy= Cds, ds” C* 2.02 2 2 poe 4 Ke ae 7 ~ Fang) = cos @ + b sin P= 6 +c’ cos ®, if a? —b?=c*. But sn PMA wes let PAM = 90°, and a= r amplitude of A, therefore C=asina; and since a is the least value of @, let cos @=cos acos@; Ge sin’a — cos-asin ee dp a sin sin® sin” dQ7 ’ ¢ , 9 fo) . (= = §? + ¢° cos’acos*0=b* +c? cos a—c’ cos’ asin’@; d@ c? cos’ a b let -s——3—3—- = mm’, and .° - Sb +c cosa 9 rs 2 Keen ° c s° a= heres b° +c? cos a t Tae Se Ay Ra Z, 178 ds ba b Ca. Saree yy 6, Anwy sin @. : ' b Take Pm an ellipse whose semi-axes are a = and b, 1—m b sin 8 and let @ be the amplitude of Q, so that CR= =; then I—m arc AM= PQ, the amplitudes of Q and M being connected by the equation cos@=cosacos@. At the point B, d =,90", and therefore @ = 90; hence AB = Pm; also sinPMA asina = ee =sina at the point B, «. 4 ABE=90—a. For the equation to the projection on the plane of the equator, we have dw Cds asina tee +c’cos?acos’@ ie Ee eS ee LE EL, (eae pe 5 d@ rd@ asin “op c/casta cos: 5] 1—cos’ a cos’@ which can be integrated only by elliptic transcendants; if the eccentricity be small, we may approximate to it by making ce o —. =e, cos*-acos 0=n; b- d sina sina l1—n 1—n)(3+n . Ay l+ne _ }1- aes )( fain : d@ 1—n Ite I1-n 2 8 BNE sina e 3 e*cos’a Sf eS, ey © ee cos°8—&c.> ; * d0 \—cos*acos’6 F 8 16 5 tan@ e 3é€ or, W=tan7*- — Osina(5-— sina + = (0++sin 26) sina cos a-- &c. The indefinite continuation of the curve will manifestly produce an infinite number of spires, similar and equal, and contained between two parallels equidistant from the equator. Jas Nede teulp. 352 Strand . . Fd ? 4 ¢ a S é ina é ee Jos! Neele teulp. 352 Strand. a ‘ i .e ; ; ft es anil rence Us ar ae itt gf ; Haren i ae » es a ; Pai i eae Ras L ; ae Phyo a Des “al B ee ee ie a = ieee dale — Pee te | \.an ; st piel A)? GM, ae 2 Fehr, f ee | : f iy oe ub 1 " : Bele. ? eh, ~*~ prety 4 ia 3 : et Cs ef sd asec ee ae rhe Ap bat’ ; ’ F * ‘ ; ey $i 4 4a peiqer pe pctSipein mene er: ie ar ay . carat BA eller . : f > h Z : ie at fs ous ¥ 4 # ro a Me ‘ 4 : i fe An a ioe ; y hes artes To at te Bh oe pia tepsin oe de x ~: 5 5 Lg : F rr. oe aK N . , rehy » hee tem owe Pe Ve i ca h eR «| Shee he ype rit 6 ‘i bh ; aetreny) fies - Co nae Lp &) tay ioe r] j ~ i yy 4 as ®y UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 516.33H99T C001 A TREATISE ON ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THR uu