( al (a AR OF | OF THE Ree” Pe UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Ekyy 3 25 NOVIO14 br | ae WAYS U-\ LITpRARY OF CONGRESS DIVISION OF BIBLICGRAPHY LIST OF RSPERENCES ON THD BUDGETS CF CITIES ey in fy "a FCCC, PViargAr Chief Bibliographer Agger, Eugene E. The budget in the American commonwealths. New York, The Columbia’ university press, the Macmillan company, agents, 1907. 218 p. (Studies in history, economins and public lov, ed. by the fooulty of politicel science of Columbia university, v. 25, nO, 2.) HJ2053. Al A2 *Bibliographical note"k p. 13 14 H81.C7.v.25,n0.2 Alexander Hamilton institute, New York» Financing municipalities. New ‘York city, Alexander Hamilton institute, 1912. 21 p.: Budget: p. 14-15, 21. _-=H 9146.48 Allen, William H. New York's first budget exhibit. American review *, nad reviews, Ded. 1908, v. 38: 686-688. AP2 .R4,v.38 Beard, Charles Austin. Americen city government; a survey of newer ten- dencies. New York, The Century co., 1912. 420 p. See index under Budget. JS323.B5 Birmingham, Eng. ‘Treasurer's dept. Epitome of the Blue book. . Birmingham, 1887 - 19138. 25 v. HJ9041 . B62 Boston. Statistics dept. Special publicatioéns... Boston,Municipal print- ing office 1898 - 1912. 19 v. HJ9256,B55A2 Braddock, J. H Efficiency value of the budget exhibit. American academy of political and social science. Annals, May, 1912, v. 41; 151-157. H1.A4,v.41 <--- The New York city budget exhibit. Twentieth century magaaine, Dec. 1911, v. 5: 117-122. AP2.T88,v.5 ne 22, #914. die Gy pe 2 ee i he Rik aS ter et asigqasmoifdiG YeLdo Stel” sett Looindamon neatnvsil: orld? nk Soubut oat Be ° (BSHIBL . YAiACNOD AafLimoslt: sth (seeds ei taroview elidmlod a ome 7S! obldixh Soe ceginonodg. icietd at cekbute) ie: SiS ‘hid He .v UE eon .iam akeruE90 ‘te psratee fs Petia: to. moans 9 ‘ SALA &30StH Sout 800,08, iy VO0 feu a er. ef £ ston: tea: de igORM Ges way. aekd loctotium se teeda Bat ai exhinent: ned: . ‘C23 oe SZOLr Otuss sant) Met firs it goonexeLh | ia Os reli Bete See $8 Oh 96 om wotves nol om ieidee 3 eg bod sani. 2 wes cok BE. 9, D8. SER - 069: 66 BE A. We: Goes bot “ios SOWoN TO Vvewrve 9% 4 Shemir: avoa eis Anatibei “ited seb Of | oo OSS Shel 90 wihtned sd? “OF BEL ESCZT apenas . $eghud bo a! saba .) hood ‘ould ord eat teebs “498 toa bee feet 3 8 ike AY BS pBRCE Ve o@ be “nthe 3c Isctotewilt, codec: . anion ta fo sdeong. pe ob Saade.Ga3etH ©: oe SE, WARE E neokioms . Didkdxe biome’ add a6 ouiav wonaiol te iESi.w y~SlOL yay oh srona + soneeoe, ataparte sega gs 1 ee ae a es | td ee ee eo: “e yaabasaan vuvae ds street. sidtixe eager or Lee a . ve S8tel aE rs x 10 Il 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Bebére, Henry. The new city government. New York, D. Appleton and company, 1913. 438 p. "Budget=-making": p. 171-204. J$342.B87 1913 Budget exhibit in Hoboken. Municipal journal, May 10, 1911, v. 30: 670. TD1.M95,v.30 Budget exhibits in two cities. [Hoboken.and Tolddo] Survey, Apr. 22, 1911, v. 26: 135-136. HV1.04,7.26 Bureau of municipal research, Memphis, Tenn. Budget, city of Memphis, 1910. [Memphis, E. H. Clark & brother, 1910.] 25 p. HJ9319.M3 1910 Bureau of municipal research, New York. How should public budgets be made? How budgets have becn made, how budgets are made, how budgets should be made, fourteen stages in budget making. [New York] Bureau of municipal research, 1909. 19 p. HJ9147 .B8 oe ee Making a municipal budget, functional accounts and opera- tive statistics for the Department of health of Greater New York. [New York, 1907] 171 p, RA122 .N8B8 Qenn— -~--=- Methods proposed for fixing responsibility in excrceise of financial control in the Toronto survey. New York, 1914. (Its Bulletin no. 34.) a So Municipal reform through revision of business methods, New Yerk gity. [New York] Bureau of municipal research, 1910. 58 p. Budget: p, 49 JS1230.1910.B8 eee CE I) oe co a om me New York city's Department of finanec.,. Submitted ky the Hon. Herman 4. Metz, comotroller... New York [M. B. Brown press] 1908. 1 Vs HJ9289.N63B8 oleeeatetenttetetentatel Organization and business methods of the city government of Portland, Oregon. [New York? 1913.] 118 p. "The budget": vo, 71-91. JS1318.3 1913 ae St. Louis, a preliminery survey of certain departments of the government of the city of St. Louis, with constructive sugges- tions for changes in organization and mcthod. St. Louis, City council, 1910. 416 p. "Criticism and constructive suggestions with respect to the preparation, form and voting of the annual budget": p. 79-88, JS1394,A4 1910 acm ny eee eume What should New York's next comptroller do? "The business issue of the next administration." Bureau of municipal research... October 1, 1909. [New York, 1909] 15 p. HJ9289.N63B85 '" . Ae —. Pa “Frag 7 ¥ ‘x / “t ’ “.» sd Vs = re bus motelqgk .d ts0Y rel .drremmreyog ysio ee ed? .aneH : -q 88d .efeL , eLeL ved. saeet, | S0S- ITE og : "gaint segbua" 4 ‘wg -OF3 208 «vw ,{feL ,OL yet ,Lsmrvoy IsqtoitnumM ,nexiodol ni tididze 3 0&.v,8eM. [CT my. «SS .toA .vowwe [obbl{oT buns moxdodoH}] .seitto owd ni atididx 8S. ¥,20. 1H | | | -6L-86E 128 ov a . 7 OL0L ,aidquoM to ysio ,togbwl ame? .aidomell iteremnee fogiotnum t0 OfeL eM.eLeetu .q OS [.0f@L ,todsord 3 AasfD .H.2, OM od atogbud offduq Suede voH .240Y moll .doxsseet Lagintrae 9 asoghud wor ,obsem 915 etegbud vod ,obsm mood sved efegbrd wok n gsemd (x10Y vel] .gntdam gogbud mi sogste neootivot ,ebam od & | Sa. THILO tH -¢ @£ .@0@L ,doissest iagisinun -stego bms etavooos Ismottonut .tegbud Laqtoinum s “gniast eA10Y well retseq to dé{sed to dnomtisged ods rot soitetsate ¢ 8q8. SSLAA oo ETL [roes ato w ba ee ¢ : - Be ee ee geloroxe ak Sarid tuaeeal gnixit 10% bosoqeiq ebodtaM ye ALCL .W10oY woll .yovive otmoroT edt ni Losxdnoo Istonent? | j C< ae + Orr iat oti Pst ed Se oe woll ,aberdtom eeentausd to motetveort dauonlt santae pperere alae a .¢ 68 ,O0f0L tlorsenet fagtoinum to wasiwi [aroY wot] “wie # 8g. 0fel.o&sfet Ob og stogbud aA _ at edd qf holtimdue ..,comenit to sSnombaacol e'ytio A10¥ well G0CL (ezox: word 2 .M) AxOY wo ...t0fLordqmoo .stoll nomi of SHES. eBSOlH tnsmmreveg ytio ett 40 ehortton annattdeal bas rottasinest0 oi .q BIL [. GLCL WS ,SOCL-foer -OlficercM ,SOCl-foer Pidimiag soy bn officers SM. TAOC LH | \ a i, : a 4 ,Jesmisttod Snensmteg 16% togbhud alstia¥ wey -cufot oid — PET-TEF cas Ly ,OL0L TS .gua ovwe ie A moherey vonotelt $$.v,50. IVH ‘8-L .om mitsllud [eqgicineM ‘S2iseitess to psews -8iSoeudogap GAMM. 88% Vie .Lf@l- Cher motes 69468930 a ybodyreve -omyq OQnebhltneoe wan sit : « £4-02 iS Vv Lier ~Mat bS.v, 09, STA ‘tididxe segbud ArcY well ods ebeeuoetg ; PODE-EDOE/ ITS ov .SLCE 18 .asb yyorme hood ego e! soluewlin TS .¥,.D0: [V8 ; o, ee ih to etremed st? .. ne0nnni?t itwoae il 22iTts : They elise 3 anidesH ban Jeffs sotibus sd ade y¢roxood , r ods 10 tidiixe etsigmoo s antvig: vefnatnuoden ‘oildyg 9] ef rast mort .syorton oildug to atnomeeinds i bra at oft To yrOssid s Atiw tontesos (O08L £8 rodmesed WLO Moetsttot .otate ont to ebavt Loodor edt bn $e «7 O8 ,L00L ,exetnixq ofste +Wisqmeo paisa: Lf SA: 88H ae mb: ~~ ne aS ou; ¢ ‘ a i She ll ‘ aay My prnghs Fw ri cate 69 70 mst 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 ae Muhleman, Maurice L. The swelling cost of city government. Trend, May, 1911, v. 1: 221-282. Ap2.1T75,v.1 Municipal budget. [New Yerk}] Outlook, Nov. 7, 1908, v. 90: 511-512. AP2.08,v7.90 The municipal budget as a community program. Neationel municipal review, Jon. 1913, sup. Ws ¢,* lo-Lo. JS89.N8,sup.v.2 ‘Municipal budget classification. Municipal journal, July 5, 1911, Ws Sane. TD1 .M93,v.31 Municipal year book of the city of New York. [New York] 1913. lv. See index under Budget. JSl222 Munro, Williom B. The government of American cities. New York, The Macmillan company, 1912. 401 p. See index under Budget. JS331 .M8 aetatiee The government of European cities. New York, The Mocmillan company, 1909, 409 p. Ses index under Budget. JS67 .M85 Museum, circus, and schoolroom in one. Survey, Oct, Zl, 19k, wv. 27: W17=1021. Discusses the New York budget exhibit. HV1 .C4,¥.27 Nantes. Budget pour l'exercice 1899-1908. [Nantes, 1899-1908} 10 vols, HJ9047 .N&2 Nationel association of comptrollers ond accounting officers. Report of the Committee on municipel budgets, June 7, 1912. (In its Proceedings, 1912. Providence, 1912, p. 86-79.) HJ9705.N2 1912 Nations] municiprl lengue. Uity finences, budgets and statistics. (In its Proceedings, Buffalo, New York, 1910. [Philadelphic] 1910. p. 473-489.) JS302.N48 1910 The need of engineers in municipcl administration. American review of roviews, Feb. 1911, v. 48: 224-225. Discusses the New York budget cxhibit. AP2 .R4,v.43 Nuremberg. Voranschlag fiir den Gemcinde-heushalt der Stadt Nurnberg. 1899-1902. Nurnberg [1899-1902] 3 V.- HJ9049 .N7 New York (City). Bosrd of estimate and apportionment. Budget, 1899-1899, 1905-1910. (New York, 1899-1890, 1905-1910] 7 v. " HI9013.N5e5 he . dnenvrievog yito to taco snk ftir oat al Leicoiad L.v,e0P.S@A 888 E88 Lv ALO yom, oe Ai a rts} r SLG-LL8 708 .¥ pee . voll 3td01952 i XnoY wort piso’ 3 tO. Oe. v,y80. STA : Lt ie: ; : _ eh! é a | ee ‘e Leqtoiaum Isnoisal .morsge1rd yoinwmms 3 85 petal tagkotne mont S.v. que, Sif. Bat : -OlrGes.5. 7¥ Raue 6L88 hen volver eifefl .2 yiut Lonwof, [scrofa :agisanitbensts s ogbid ‘Loq. Ds [8.¥,8ON. fT 7 , .B3 Is a ev I ~6LAL folacY wet] .#a0Y wall Yo Yeto odd to Hood to0y Let $SSleu ogous tobris xobri 592 ' oY woh wacitio ppalaeth to trromn1 avog oT .@ mottlew on x -q (02 ,$4@L .yntomoo nallimocth sfBe) 7 eM. (eee, .to3be4 t9ebay xedrd goto saifimocM eft ylteY wot .settio aneqoiwl To Jromitoves of!) * .¢ COD” ,00RL) jeningeoae eM. Ya2. .tegbud scbar xobaAr 068 | : fel IS .t00 ,yovtre + OFTO mk moorloodes bar epownelied’ i » ESCL-TLIO£L. 3 VE ‘V5 TS, v.00. IVH . tididxe sSegbud ax0Y well ont eoseHpaeg Boer-eest eedae¥) soe r-eral otovoxat f nuog toghd sett Sov. Td0CUR | -seLov OF tyoqet .atsoltto gaistucoos br.2 ie toda to noitsivoean Lae Sfer su.ecoveLk o oT-a8 og SIO ,eomebivovt .SLOL eideitechtohl 4 } : fi ee ea tbat bas etogbud ,eoonnmit yi£0 ea! Oe ct ( atdgflebcLlidi] OL8L Ato wo ,alstiwd egotheenors ati nt) Sef ,V¥ enct ,ategbsd Ioqiernum ao eos s Em00 “edt 7 OLES SS0.S0set ( .G82-87S° iq é werver nsotiemA .moistsitetnimba Ioqtoiasim mt devenseie ‘40 bea 7 a | -OS$- 39S 763 .v ,ffel .deil (BVO ENO", He oe Sa,v 2H. SUA tididxo togbud AtoY wolf edt dogayoakd - ; earedeetiM tbod2 19b J Teday>s-obap tad sob s#% gofdoensi0V 9.3 YH. CROC RH | [ser a sredrsi «SOR L808 z ee Ne Fae goahud + sh shah inte ba | WY, (olet-coel, Qeel-ecel stoe eae (io ca. le ot Ae ee) oe 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 82 93 New ee ee ~8- York (City) Comptroller's office. Comparative analytical tables of the budget cpprovriations of the city of New York, 1899-1908, also arraying the revenues ond expenses of the Water department ond Docks dsportment,. with other data relating to the city's finances. [New York, M. B. Browm press, 1908] 50 p. HJ9289 N4A3 190 — enn Coinparative eabhes classifying and grouping, according to funetion or gcencral purpose, the budget aporopriations of the city of New York for 1908 cné 1909. Supplemented by similar com- perative tables for years since consolidetion; together with othcr comparative tobles refunded debt and assessed valuations, [Now York, M. B. Brown press, 1909] 46 p. HJ9289.N46A3 1° a-Si pampéret ber a. Ssemi-cnnual report, Jan, 1 = June 30, 1918, [New York city, 1918] lv. This report contains tobles showing classification of receipts, expenditures, iicbilitics, ete. HJ9013 .N&d4 tee eee a ete an Report of the comptroller. 1818-1910. New York, 1818- — New New 1980. 54 Vv, HJ90L3.N5a — . Dept. of finance. The busincss of New York city: where the city gets its moncy and how it spends it Budget spproprica- tions; L910 tax levy and collcctions; funded Ldabtt acbt Limit; assessed voluotions, ctc... [New York, M. B. Brown printing & binding co., 1911.] 28p. HJ9289.N4A3 192 Oh yr nee _ Tables and statements summarizing the operations of the city treasury ond of the sinking funds for the year .ended December 31, 1910, together with compereative tables of budgets, funded debt, ete, [New York, M. B. Brown printing & binding co., 1911,] 1136p, HJ9289,N4A3 19: York. State librery, Albany. Bulletin. Legislcetion, no. 1-40. Albony, 1691-1911. » 40 v. 2881 .N6iBL See indcx of creh volume under Budget. Z6<57 .ALNS York budget exhibit, | Municipcl journal, Oct. 12-19, 1910, v. 29: - 601-508; 537-540. TDi .M95,v.29 New York city budget show. Outlook, Nov. 5, 1910, v. 96: 524-526. AP2 .08,7.96 New York budget by city officials. Survey, (ug, 27, 1910, v. 24: 732-733. HV1.04,7.24 Nev York budget is incrensed $11,000,000, Survey, Nov. 5, 1910, Yar tO: 169. HV1.0C4,7.25 York's budgct cxhibit. Sciontifio American, Oct, 14, 1911, v. 105; 332. T1.SS,v.105 } < s) ’ 7 - . e F | A af a -§- > by a 4 = . i Ts Ww " . "ieee ta oh a ¢ v goldnd Lsottyfons evidersqmod . ty | fs0Y 1 .BOCI-CCLL .AtoY wo ‘to ytio edt to enoisairao1sg? teqbud edd To © snomfindeb sodal? edd to eoancdéa, bao geuttovot odd Butysits x ik aivtio odd ot gattofox sts sonto id iy7 foombtG25 aloo 4 er SAN, COSCLH «gq O8 [80@L ,ee01q mvord «A .M .AtoY well} poormrt , yo ee | i, mh anibrosos ,ymbquorg bus gnivytisesto aeldas evisaisgn0Q ----- === ond to esolidersqotans togbud edt ,osoqti¢ {crotog te molsonmut of a} «moo “telimta vd Sotmomelgqgue .200L Sar, 200L sot A10¥ well to yato sae Adie witogot ymotsnbiloemco vonia exzey wt eoldad svitsisq | 95” ,eroissutov boeacaes bra sdab bohay'tor eofdot ovidarsqmoo todFQ 7 of CAG. CSE tH .q Od [@0@L ,seotq avord -d .M ,auoY rot} | ;. . ; ms > ea. ,OS ont =~ I ,nst .d10get fownne-imoe aitof[LoxsamoO x---= = ae | .w L. (8£eL ,ysio AxoY voll] i ie Ai: Yo moitcortieacto gnivode sofdcd emzctnoo txocet ofAT aye DHE, ELOCTH voto .@orsilLidobi ,scrstibnogts ,eiqreset -8f8f ,#ro¥Y woll .OLCL-B18L .relLoitgmos alt to trocell we--- V e0eL ae -Lc95 ootetetos ovitaleiaeds a¢kaeionoo ¢ hag ne fe nea eb) 40 vd Ge wes St yrntog bud i eorexetuy ovitslsiyol | otek, FoLCOSCH “CS. cen itotigd) § een Sieke ile bt, anieiaea: a eq ovitmesi: ofmnli .Agiont 3 gb peeks . ‘tom wi ened. £200r! ~ v & “O38 Se BGS Aaa ras BORG “Gul er eS Emo" oh mon on distaabrq L[agtadg sibaaale » Looto Lom fkoanod siataomafcapte Soyhsd ob setord al te ofOtsireo uh ¢e Fogbud bie 1@F-@CeL avoq abicd of olfiv sf ob soghud eb ei of te ETA. tee Cte «V 7 v ao swortibregxe bas esqiecss bedantt>% .f590 te «ood «Lf «dt otemity o@8T. 6£oeth ws .ffel-80el Snudart ,£fel-800L£ a rertoumes Sr: sonar tt to Londoe nodroll! .ydheroviad. .2bnavi ay azote mk ybuse 4A .otdalobatids to taemmoevog ytto bar eonsart to Locos notied .sfdafebafirds «ots swaias to ysierevinU oft to anoktoos fairs) ~q O08 , eel cosannpes ,eoimorooe has aoitilog at aetbude Loodoa nodisd! .sinavivenney 4 (.80ei savt.,S le MT, SALLEU ,OSS+fSS .¢ s"hogbhad atyt <. = ri - y = * * . ‘ ae | 5 yictolqmos ..be BS ,someakt oftiduq of noitonborsel 0 {xsd .g 08D .COCE .eneqmoo molfinooM alt HOY well .fasibns . -2a-302 .q s"gntbser yastnomelgaue x07 Wiqmrackiged tobxd" solloxiaos yio oft to d16ged LrwamtA sedtVig s dettalieed 9% BY. CLO WH ov OL OLE L-O68 WWSED £26 reat ( oi Doe Tap ys £ eration otactqyssrt ‘soon tendean i aos ‘owes S47, ASOSUE | ve eeL-2VEL pees ms : : ie SLIIVE vb dutOb we aognseed ob [ertommie. 2: oahu wt cavtiait sonst oF ob ospédfotidtd) .q C6L .OL@S ~mokqurdd .B .eixst 86. olosia” sia ae wpigololidg to aouptrotetd soonedee «+ e0bys$ eodund. ecb ofoomt£ “iM 74 TILING. OFee tt | up | Sonne ot i e ‘j seottio bormsoves-adtesinmoo mE ano teivowg ftogbhyd:.. «f aon0ed a ,someto2 Istow ban Inottilog te yobcron mcotaom . BF “ae jie to ynebses eine drzom, C38 Bek tot aes i »Yoo-€et brs ee {£ a Z - (ev0rwioe ottet eq: |. | 07. £f00tH Fico rena vaoank ona Hs satsasa aa re oir Ue ' ‘ ey vat. & 4 ie se) 5 a a in A ay “it a ¥ re << So ae : C e iad 4). ar Le ae =} Ons National 4 112 Powers, LeGrand. Municipal budgets and expenditures. (In/ Municipel league. Proceedings, Cincinnati, 1909. [Philadelphia] 1909. p. 258-272.) JS302.NZ8 1909 113 -+--- The essentials o* a good budget from the viewooint of the statisticion. ‘In Netional association of comptrollers and accounting officers. Procecdings, 1911. Washington, D.C., 1912. p. “7-54,} Discussion: p. 54-74. J97 35 .N2 1912 114 Prendergast, William A. New York city finances. Netioncl municipal review, Apr. 1913, Waves 221-229. : J$39.N3,v.2 115 Providence. City cuditor's office. Estimates of the reccipts cnd expenditures, 1898-1900, 1900/01, 1910/11. Providence, 1898- 1900, 1900/01, 1910/11. llv. HJ9013,?9e 116 Reims. Budget de 1900-1912, Roims, 190061912. 13 v. HJ904:7 «R82 117 Roubcix, Frenee. Budget de l'’cxercice 1903-1904, Roubaix, 1903- 1904. Zz Vv. HJ 904-7 éRT5 118 Scint-Agnen, Gebriel de. Le budgct de Berlin depuis 1898; étude de finances municipoles,. Peris,, Guilleumin & cic, 1904, 220 pn. "Bibliogroaphie*: p,. xv~-xxii. HJ 9084 .B4S2 119 Saint-Etienne, Pronce (Loirc) Ville de Saint-Etienne... Compte administratif de liexercice 1904-1912. Saint-Stienne, 1904-1912. 8 v- HJ9047 .§82 120 St. Louis. Bureau of revision | accounts and methods. Special report of the comptroller, /jpril 15, 1918. St. Louis, Buxton end Skinncr stctionery co,, 1913. 26 hp. Budget: p. 8-9, 19-20) HJ9777 .S2A3 ‘Wil 9 ----- Comptroller's office. City finances, Report of the comptroller, 1894-1913. [St. Louis, 1894-1913. ] Le oy, HJ9083.S2d 122 Salary increases ond officiel estimates [New York]. Amcricson review of reviews, Dec. 1909, v. 40: 732-783, AP2 R4,V7-46 123 San Francisco. Board of supervisors, Finance committee. Répert on budget estimatcs 1914-1915. Sen Francisco recorder, May 2, 1914 Wie 2%: FO 124 San Juan, Porto Rico. Ayuntamicnto. #Prosupucsto ordinario de gastos 6 ingresos, 1875-1897. Puerto-Rico, 1875-1897. 6 v. HI9024.S3E2 125 Sends, H.R., ond F.W. Linders. Efficicncey in budget meking,. Amcricon academy of politiccl and socicl science. Annals, Mey, 1912, v. 41: 138-150. H1,A4,v.41 ‘ Bs iy ~Of- | | Isqéotru -Bomstbnogxe has vheniied Phe een . brie > -e0er (sidg fobskids] @0ef »£$santonid sagnthosoors ‘ vy e0eL BM, SOESt os CST8-88S tee \ We fr oft Yo toicevs iv od¢ mos? tog bard hee ) efstdmonse ont awe ban atelLoitqnos 36 moidnigoaes Lenchisn gi) .mtoiveisssang 20-0 ,motansvasT ffl ,agnthotoorl .e1seilt6 anitnpo a Ci .bb-T + —_ Sflel Su. cp TeuE »oT-ad “4 imo tacwoald P {sqiotaum Lao iden . Lebonhail ySio A1cY woh «A. mobi fat tas $.v,6V. eat ; “OSS [s¢ :$- ov ,f TOL .2ga m9 bus afqii0c% oft to soinmitsl ,ee~tio a'totiby7 ytid » oomed. -8@8f ,oonobiverd .£f\Ofel ,L0\ooer , soet-acor .soud Ebrogxe e€7 SL00UH wif .£f\oleL ,£0\00er 000L ; Seem S8A. TeCeuUw VEL .Si@feOCCL .embsA .SLOL{-000L: ob toghua - ~ wB2@l .xicdvol .bOCL-800L sototexo'l of dogbua .sonngt ; a aTaMORLH as _ fy shut yS@8L akuoob nilvei ob Sogbud of. .eb Leixdad me 8 -g OSS ,8eCL .ocfo 4 nkosi itwd Bist . sactogroiaum eoorm aa Se MI, ABOOLH LEXK-VX aD ietde aaoheaie eal a e ; : i ¥ 2 ; @ alqmod ...omasith-tnice ob of fiV ({ o.tod) cogant We »Slerl-2ce f onnehednbat .Sfel-:0er sototexs'L ob Tetoetednia od ie ind S828. Ya0eLil Intoog? os Sas atoseoos _ soteivon to uogapa -aivol | ban sotywd .sivod .d0 ereL el Ting. ,solfortgmoo od?-To song -q aS .€f0I ..00 yrono fonts sonndte BASS, TTyetR | * §0°- -Of .Q=8 of rdogbual e tgilowtgtice oft to troqeh .aoonaatt yfiD .gottto atioffortqncd ae @eivox mtoinomA .[arcY wet? acofamrtes Istoltto bas aoe soront Net OD. 0,98, SU o66T-SEF 20D ov ‘CORE 000 een tver im ie " ; He no #reqil cotdtmmos gonaat vanonivacgue 20 buse@ .ooaion 8S CM ytebroser. ocalonord noe OLeL-3£er aatenaee o & 3 i -OeF Th ae eotasg ob ofinnthtc oseouqueot® 2 0dno dena mans, 9055 | _ S862.9900tH wv 2. TeBL-2V8L ooli-odtont + TeeL-ate Saar : toe jee Pay Pa v4 # ; sgn togbud ab yonobok tee” eee EB By yy Ob ,aisanA .oonstoe Eotooe ti proteins: apy pe rene | tho AL. oe re 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 Sayles, M. B. The budget and the citizen. 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' 88 .gut, wloolta0 .mesitio odd bas togbid eff .4 .M .€0 $@.v,80.SA | sg: vive, No PSQERRAQE + SR ie | | te eT ee ee: oe - ' th 1 ff2L 0S .2208 Yours? water welt ck Sididxe fey%eT OFOteRe AS.v,20. L1H OM Ree tS ae coiusi \LE@L-S0@L eototomc'I ob titsakiivess Jeabut {.ggod) amie BSS. TOP «V¥ 2 ~Lf@i-Soet an >. adnriegis aob fo eotteoe: eob Sapbui spooionit nod ASS, PLOE UK . 9 GB 5 “ (i | £3 a of agpmegab eab te aossooar ecb COUL-SOG. tive S90 48H oan “SOCL ,akast .L .om motaiodd = .e0eLeSoer cotoxom’’ .500L-L0eL BST. TIOCTA | , v8 808k Z : te r i ,elOr-eael eororcxe'l ob feghw .ained eb alIiV <—-=— shee dG, TROUGH | “v8 .f0f-Co3h ,oi2S ane mBSBL coforexe'l ob tonSud ob sotoyvd .efasy ob oS TLV ») ore =e ae BEG. THORTh ; s¥ as. ,e0eF-88at 8 rss Pe ie Xs ey 7" Pi a i > AaoY woll ,eqoull [etdonivmoo ak taomvioveg [oqtctam .dtuisdiay wa -C; 2S, .GCBL. 99.00 wintaad oe BPR VEL -foabot twebse xeith pee i moitorteinimbs Lanoltseyba. ,edtbaxod? .f .3 Bop ,+0 O310GD , FO! “gq IQ6 «BLOF ,yeqmoo asitinort off met wom “YOG-248 wo riegbad Eoodee yezO ies ‘> eee Ot ‘ Lic SO fanoisgali gl) .stdmsled to jotagetd odd to togbsd ,ogmota. ® fotdqiobeLiAd] .C0@L ,fdanckouty agarbogoett = ouvgoek Isqto ger BI. 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