a “i as TEXAS STATE LIBRARY i> PR 4 - ho OES OP INDEX TO THE CALENDAR OF THE PAPERS OF MIRABEAU BUONAPARTE LAMAR PREPARED FROM THE ORIGINAL PAPERS IN THE TEXAS STATE LIBRARY BY ELIZABETH HOWARD WEST, ARCHIVIST AUSTIN, TEXAS A, C. BALDWIN & SONS PRINTERS FIRST PRINTED AS PART OF THE CALENDAR OF 1914; REPRINTED AS SEPARATE, 1920. /., Ae La « ed 17 +2 LIep- oo INDEX Abercrombie, James, letter, 1152. Abolition, 664, 708, 837, 1441, 2621. Adamson, John, letter, 1827. Adamson & Company, 1456. Advertiser of the Port of Matamoros, 106-7. Agency of Texas at New Orleans, 924, 1085, 1154. Aguilar, Francisco, statement, 2287. Alabama Volunteers, see Volunteers from Alabama. Alabama Grays, 425, 709. Alaman, Licas, letter, 54. Alamo, calls for help for, 338 (Travis), 342 (Smith); fall, 351, 836; ‘origin of the name, 1654; victims, 543, 2427. Aldrich, Coliin, 845, letter, 902. Aldridge, William, agreement, 738. Alexander (schooner), 764. Aliens, exclusion from office, 956. Allen, — DUN. Allen, EEG RT. Allen & Webster, 2648. Allen, James M., 1338; letter, 2087. Allen, John K., 232, 274, 294, 776; let- COT. 7 (0; Allen, John M., 1010; jurat, 2190; let- ters, 1085, 1282, 1392. Allen, John O., 1985. Alien,” O..H5)169: Allen, William Y., 883. Alley, — , 245. Almonte, Juan Nepomuceno, 356, 390, 175125951291, 1299, >1303,°.1315; custody and disposal of, 482; letter, 371; release, 485. Alsbury, Thomas J., letter, 836. Alvarado, Pedro, 2689. Amarillas, Marqués de las, letter, 2. Ambulancia, , 2616. American Atlantic & Pacific Ship Canal Company, 2636, 2738. American National Common School Convention, 1839, 1157. American Whig Society (Princeton), (1576. Amira, Pablo, letter, 2327. Amnesty law of 1835, 2407. Amory, Nathaniel, 2045; certificate, 956; document, 1511; letters, 1078, Pogomrieot,. bola, 1515, +1559, 1733, 2062. Anahuac, customs disputes, 2481; dis- _turbances, 1832, 110-14, 116-63, 545, 1618-20, 1627, 2412; disturbances, 1885, 201, 203-4, 224-5, 1617, 1625; history, 1618, 1621, 2407. Anahuac, fort of, 140. Anaya, EO: : Anderson, A. A., 1707; letter, 1485. Anderson, J. L., letter, 2539. Anderson, Kennet L., 864, 908, 1115, 1165, 1170, 1519; letter, 1205. Anderson, Thomas P., 2202-3; joint let- ter, 2200. Anderson, William P., 861, 864. Andrews, Garnet, letter, 1042. Andrews, J. D., letters, 1730, 1863. (See also League, Andrews & Company.) Andrews, John, 1151; joint letter, 1150. Andrews, John T., joint letter, 828. Andrews, Joseph W., 2809. Andrews, Robert, 3. Andrews, S. P., 955. Anduze, N. B., 1602. Anglo-Americans, 118; Cherokee rela- tions, 230; intratitude to Mexico, 135. Annexation of Texas, 462, 499, 544, 548, 581, 588, 640, 708, 837, 914, 1002, 1768, 2175, 2194, 2197, 2200-2; appli- cation, withdrawal, 758, 831, 835, 858, 862; convention, petition, 2191; pam- — phlet on, 647. Anonymous letters and articles: 1816, ba214s i JS827, : 107 1829, “15 90- tSad, 103%) 1882) 163 5 (%832,-193 > F835, 219, 221, 281; 1836, 390, 419-20, 443; 1837, 535, 589, 641, 645, 647; 1838, 821, 947, 968; 1839, 1465, 1608; 183—? 1624,. 1632, ‘1642, 1658, - 1663; 1666; 1840, 1964; 1842, 2149; 1844, 2178, 2176-7; 1845, 2194, 2196-8, 2201; 1876572259, 22615 1847, 2978 34.184-—? 2409, 2423, 2429, 2438, 2440, 2453; 1851, 2473; 1852, 2480; 1858, 2483; {R57 eee I SoS. 2011 2628; 2711, 2726: 1859, 2746, 2749, 2760; 185—? 2806-8, 2814. Anthony, D. W., 169. Antony, , o30: Appleman, John, 312; letter, 1986; or- ders to, 303, 311; receipt, 316. Aransay, citizens’ meeting, proceedings, 1341; custom house, 1240, 1341; liv- ing conditions, 1838, 764; port, 303. Archer, Branch Tanner, 120,° 222, 708, 762, 1263, 1449, 17538, 2081, 2094, 2098, 2101, 2117; biography, 2407; letters, 660, 1071, 1391; memorandum, 519; orders, 2069; urged to run for the presidency, 433. Archer, Powhatan, 12638. Archer House, Velasco, 660. Archives, removal to Austin, 1402, 1420, 1491-2, 1577-8; retention at Austin, 1842, 2130, 2151. Argentine Republic, 2521-5; tion on, 2531, Arispe, Ramon, report to, 71. Arista, Mariano, 170, 2377. informa- Mn“ 4 INDEX Armistice with 2154-6, 2203. Armory, Houston, 940, 1155. Armstrong, James, letters, 1236, 2051; speech, 1606. Army of Texas, 395, 530, 931-2, 1785, 2100; addresses to, 360, 375, 1745; attitude toward the land question, 552, 556; clothing and supplies, 337, 404, 415; claims for service in, 933, 936, 939; commander-in-chief, 262, 269, 411, 484; conditions, 1836, 445; dispersal, 792; election returns, 262, 330; force in the field, 1838, 784-5, 790, 799-800; insubordination, 414, 576; movements, 7836, 427; muster- roll, 353; needs, 265, 350, 374; officers, 346, 3538, 410-11, 788, 942, 1425; or- ganization, 808, 970; provisions, 311- 18, 400, 407, 415; receipts, 298; trans- portation, 316; troubles, 1836, 341, 427; (See also Recruiting; Volunteer army; Volunteers from the United States; etc.) Arnold, Hayden, joint petition, 1241. Arredondo, Joaquin de, 19, 2508. Arsenal (Austin), troops, 2100. Ashworth, Jesse, 1729. Atkinson, aa Atkinson, Elizabeth, letter, 1013. Atkinson, T. J., letter, 1176. Aubrey & Kinney, 2081; letters, 2079, 2093, 2108. Auditor of Texas, report, 1836, 451. Augusta Chronicle, 78. Augustine, Henry W., 1776. Aury, Luis, 2800. Austin, , conduct, 1062. Austin, Emily, see Bryan, Emily Aus- tin, 30, and Perry, Emily Austin, 109, 1407, Austin, Henry, biography, 2407; letters, 1154, 2109; Austin, James Elijah Brown, 82-3. Austin, John, 113, 118-20, 124, 127, 129- 31, 134, 1388, 140, 142, 150, 157-8, 164: biography, 2413; command, 1832, 428; conduct, 1832, 135; land, 555; orders, 123, 125-6. Austin, Mary Brown (Mrs. Moses Aus- tin), 3, 30, 36, 41; letter, 45. Austin, Moses, 30; biography, 2, 2407; Mexico, 1843, 2152, death, colonization plans, 32; death, 36; journey to Missouri, 1796-7, 6; let- ters, 31-2; loss, 1821, 32; memo- randum, 6; papers, 5. Austin, Stephen Fuller, 187, 461, 552; address at Louisville, 1836, 345; ad- dress of welcome to, 1832, 156; ar- rival at Velasco, 1836, 392; attitude, 1832, 160; biography, 3, 2407; candi- dacy, 1836, 427, 433; circular, 229; colonists, 38; commander-in-chief: elected, 243, superseded, 262; corres- pondence on file in Bexar, 690, 2024; diary, 1821, 35; diary, 1833-4 (prison journal), 176; Fisher’s’ relations with, 1665; Hawkins’s co-operation with, 36: health, 82, 93;. heirs’ claims, 2494; Indian talk in behalf of, 232; influence toward modification of the decree of April 6, 1830, 175; letters, 1821, 30, 1823, 48-9, 1829, 77, 82-3, 1830, 93, 97-8, 1832, 109, 1145, 117,. 1838, 164-7, 170, 1834, 279) ease. 1885; 196, 2385; 1886,>29%, 294ncon 1406; letters to, 45, 195, 200, 223, 234, 236, 242-3, 245-7, 253; memorandum, 6; mission to Mexico, 1833, 518; movements, 1/832, 147, 160; notes, 47; order, 252; papers, 51, (53ij9n626; plans, 1835, 202; portraits, 5; proc- lamation, 67; reception at San An- tonio, 1821, 2411; regard for Lamar, 794; release, 1835, 202; report to, 251; speech, 228; translation of laws, 33. Austin, William T., 131, 154, 160, 2084; appointment, 945-6; biography of John Austin, 2413; letters, 1690, 1871, 1888, 2058, 2172, 254.35 eee Revolution, 2178. 2 Austin family, records, 3, 2407. Austin (city), 1041, 1044, 1201, 1266, 1396, 2007, 2083; ball, 2395; barbe- cue, 2153; building, 1294, 1320, 1368, 1375; citizens, 1368; condition, 1845, 2151; defense, 17438; description, 1839, 1480-1; general satisfaction with, 1402; health, 2071; Indians near, 1474, 1818, 18638, 2342, 2434; Lamar’s real estate, 1402, 2306, 2311, 2376, 2401; latitude and longitude, 2036; laying off, 1264, 1320; es6a; living conditions, 1839, 13861; lots, 1308, 1352, 1390,. 1617, 18055 setaait service, 1505, 1686, 1872, 1876; maps, comment, 1717-18, 1738; meeting of Congress, 1839, 13861; plan, modifica- tions, 1294; public dinner, 1976; roads from, 1474, 1837; sketches, 1431; streets, naming, 1363; topog- raphy, 1294. (See also Archives; Capital; Capitol; Waller, Edwin, etc. ) Austin (Sloop of war), 1815, 1823, 1825 Austin City Gazette, 1485, 1556, 2063, Ziols Austin College, 2494. Austin, jurisdiction, ayuntamiento, see San Felipe de Austin, ayuntamiento. Austin, jurisdiction, committee of safety, letters, 229, 235, 240. Austin, Villa de, see San Felipe de Austin. INDEX 5 Austin & Williams’s titles, 202. Austin’s colonies, 1642, 2431; 199; Austin’s visit to, 1821, 35; be- ginnings, 48-9, 2408, 2411; citizens’ meeting, July, 1833, 144; Indian dif- ficulties, 1822-34, 2439; inhabitants, colony, land affairs, 139, 145; laws governing founding, 33; militia, 119; municipalities, 2814; Navidad, Karankawas’ and Lavaca settlements, 141, 143, 151-2; popular confusion, 151; Williams’ efforts to arouse to loyalty to Mex- ico, 147. Autry, , 294: Ayers, Lewis, journal, 336. Ayish Bayou, district, inhabitants, 160- B, 415. Bache, R., letters, 450, 1350. Badgett, J. B., 346. Bagly, , 68d. La Bahia, alealde, 40-1; battle, 1835, 501; commander, 26, 40; Long’s cap- ture of, 1831, 37, 40-1; Long’s sur- render, 42, 1653; road, 2167. (See also Goliad.) Bailey, E., letter, 1178. Bailey, Samuel A., letter, 1814. Baker, - , 1214. Baker, Daniel, letter, 2494. Baker, Frederick, letter, 430. Baker, Joseph, historical note from, 2449; letter, 982. Baker, Joseph (?) 728, 943. Baker, Moseley, 225, 251; account of defense of Brazos crossing, 1656; ar- rest ordered, 214; guest of Zavala, 1835, 209; letters, 444, 644. Baker, Moseley ? 723, 743, 948. Baldwin, John, 1955. Bancks, C. W., letter, 1744. “Band of Brothers,” 1447, 1449. La Bandera (Matamoros), 2366. Bank of the» United States, 844, 1002, 1496; connection with Texas finances, 862, 869, 1304, 1318, 1475, 1494, 1533- 4; proposed branch in Texas, DOD, 1500. Banks and banking, Texas, 656, 758, 941, 947, 980, 1810, 1679, 20438, 2059, 2501. Barataria I., 286. Barbey, Theodore, circular, 2037; ter, 2050. Barbydi.-D. P., 2099. Barhyda, J. P., 1769; order to, 1872. Baring Brothers, London, 984. Barker, John, document, 614. Barkeson, Richard, letter, 780. Barnard, Joseph H., letter, 1063. Barnett, George W., 1019. Barnwell, James, 787. Barragan, , 249. Barrera, Agustin, list, let- 2427: notes, 2508. Barrett; D.-C., 227, 251. Barrios y Jauregui, Jacinto de, 1-2. Bartlett, Cocoin, 1070. Barton, ———, 1294. Bartons, 147. Bassett, C. W., letter, 1088. Bastrop, Baron de, 7, 32, 1611, 2800. Bastrop (town), citizens’ meeting, lIet- ‘ter, 149; Indians near, 893, 1474; public dinners, 1480, 1485, 2119. Bastrop county, citizens, 2119... Bates, Thomas, 1173. Baudin, Charles, 1191, 1249, 1255, 1314; visit to Texas, 1249. Baxter, Eli H., 548. Baylor, John W., 688. Baylor, Robert Emmet Bledsoe, ters, 688, 735, 904, 2055. Bayne, Griffin, letter, 636. Baznet, Henry, 1448. Beach, H: & Company, letter, 1721. let- Beal, , search for Long’s expedi- tion, 1611. Beale, i PODS PLOR bEGO! 1128.) 1106, cise, 1424,” TEL, 1783. Fisher, George, 164-7, 179, 188, 185, 244, 325; biography, 1618, 1664-5; difficulties with Morgan and Reid, 2481; editorials, 188, 191; frauds, 231, 250, 325, 674; hoax, 163; letters, 99, 106, 198, 1984, 1990; resignation, 1833, 115. (See also Fisher, Davis and Lubbock; Fisher, George & Company.) Fisher, George & Company, 769. Fisher, Davis and Lubbock, announce- ment, 769. Fisher, Samuel circular, Buoedey Moo) (oo, death, 2232; letters, 395, 486, 502, 680, 719, 823; papers, note upon, 502; report, 278; trial, 620, 693. Fisk, Greenleaf, 1708; letter, 931. Flacco (Lipan chief), 2427. Flag of Texas, origin, 1966. Flash (schooner), 461, 464. Flint, Timothy, 72. Flora (schooner), 308, 311-13. Flores, Tomas, 2284. Foley, Henry, 313. Fontaine, — 4) 2402. Fontaine, Edward, 2069, 2561; letters, 9007, 2071, 2114, 2137, 2591, 2794. Fontaine, Mrs. Edward, 2007. Fontaine, H. W., letter, 1463. Fontaine, Lamar, 2114, 2794. Foote, Henry Stuart, 1405, 1675; let-— ters, 1159, 1217, 1226, 1449, 1539, 1786; Texas and the Texans, citation and comment, 1322, 1539, 1786. Forbes, Charles H., letter, 1710. Forbes, John, letters, 948, 257-8, 261, 263, 270, 273-4, 304. Forbes, Robert M., letters, 966, 1953. Ford, John A., letter, 1381. Forster, Thomas Gales, 1824, certificate, 1704; letter, 1546. Forsyth, John, /17, 1767; ; letter,; 16; speech, 18. Fort Jessup, 882. Fort Smith, Texas, 2180. Fort Towson, 882. Foster, , EES; 5409. Foster, , 904... Foster, Anthony, 695; letter, 638. “Four Hundred Speculation,” 774-6. Fowler, A. J., letter, 1958. France, agent to Texas, 1839, 826, 1158; citizens in Mexico, 826. Francis, 1 2ozda Franklin, Benjamin C., 575, 579-80, 1088, 1096; letters, 1007, 1535, 2048. Franklin, William W., 1535; letters, 999, totz: Franklin College CUnieeppity, of Geor- fia)’, .80)°1305) 45° 2023; Fraser, , oo. Fredonian War, 66-8, 1641, 2412, 2448. Freedmen, 473, 672, 780, 872. Freeman, y Looe: Freeman, Oliver K., letter, 1423. Free trade, 713, 831, 1002, 1445. French; Parker H., letters, 2600, 2610. French-Mexican War, 1839 (‘Pastry War’’), 1169. Frizzell, W. W., letter, 1842. Frontier of Texas, conditions, 753, 772, 842, 851, 856-7, 886, 896, 953, 982, 1055, 1105, 1198-9, 1222, 1702, 1837, 2117, 2819-20, 2346, 2358; defense, 7538, 772, 842, 845, 856, 871, ‘896, 901, 931-2, 942, 953, 970, 995, 1080, 1100, 1105, 1112,.1124, 1188, 1198-9; 1357, 1385, .1391,- 1408, 1465, 1561, 1781; 1837, 1863, 1916, 1974, 2079, 2081, 2097, 2117, 2319-20, 2338, 2342-7, 2349, 2351-2, 2357-8, 2360, 2390-1. Frontin, Theodore, joint letter, 1082. Fugitive slaves, 1179, 1758, 1801, 1824. Fuller, ————, 1169. Fuller, Benjamin, 4. Fuller, Samuel, letter, 841. Fulton, , 809, 812-13, 897. ' Gaillard, Ann Alston, letter, 2118. Gaillardet, Frederick, 1183; letter, 1542. Gaines, ———-, 283. Gaines, Edmund Pendleton, 874; move- ments, 1836, 409, 416, 597. Gales and Seaton, 1426. Gallois, Leonard, 92. Galveston, 392, 1593, 1900, 2129; block ade, 707; citizens, letter, 1809; cor- poration, seal, 2190; fortification, ad- vised, 309; health, 1482, 2091, 2112, 2360; inhabitants’ attitude toward Lamar, 1294, 1774; mail service, 862; mayor and aldermen, resolution, 2487; patents, 1097; post, 1823; pub- lic dinners, 1809-10, 1833; public meetings, 1711, 2059; San Jacinto ball, 1168; town company, 789. Galveston Bay, settlers, 2206. Zalveston Chowder Club, letter, 1832. Galveston Civilian, 739, 747, 756-7, 778, 820. Galveston Island, 24, 360, 1451; health, 2078; Lamar’s strength, 1838, 754, 766; physical and commercial condi- tions, 1839, 1053; militia, 1774; news- paper projected, 1354; treatment of Houston, 1788; vindication, 2497. Galveston News, 2203, 2527, 2529. Galveston University, proposed charter, etc., 1728. Galveston Volunteer ter, 1778. Galveston Volunteer Company, 1788. Gamble, Joseph, letter, 470. Garcia, Carlos, decree, 174-5. Garcia, Francisco, -41. Battalion, let- ee INDEX Garcia, Luis de la, 2335. Garcia, Maria Jesus, 1659. Garcia, Davila,- Gregorio, ZOO ly wood |e Garland, R., letter, 2354. Garning? R. & Company, 880. — Garrett, , letter, 86. Garrett, John, letter, 824. Gay, Thomas, 1200. Gayle, Alexander T., bill of lading, 1889. Gazley, Thomas J., letter, 150. Gazley and Robinson, 1889, 1899; let- ter, 1890. Geary, John, 2433. General Houston (Texas naval vessel), 484. General Santa Anna (brigantine), 158. Geological Survey of Texas, 2591. Georgia, colonists from, 652; contro- versy with Maine, 844; government and politics, 1833-8, 168, 417, 590, 748, 844, 1269; militia, 91; v. African slaves, 27. Georgia Battalion, 288, 330, 350, 438, 470, 920. Georgia Company, Eleven grant, 2397, 2399, 2402. German-American Emigration Society of Philadelphia, 1682. Germans of Texas, vote, 1839, 1682. Gholson, pba Gibson, Fenton M., 486, 2561; claim, 11380, 1234; letters, 761, 2000, 2485; petition, joint, 1283. Gillen, Benjamin W., 1496. Gillmer, William Ray, letter, 830. Gilmore, wy Boss Glenn, Robert Henry, letter, 1442. La Gloire (French frigate), 1255, 1284. Goliad, 271; capture, 1835, 242; condi- tions, 1839, 1447; Fannin’s sugges- tions, 1836, 309; importance of hold- ing, 1835, 245, 247; massacre, 350-1, 377, 425, 750, 2385; massacre, vic- tims.) 376.1 31S, 060) DOL woe6. = 540; 579-80, 641, 691, 709, 740, 920, 1242; Mexican designs against, 332, 341; operations near, 1836, 2809; protec- tion, (1835, 241, 247. Golightly, Thomas J., 1275, 1283; joint letter, 1035. Gomez Farias, Valentine, letter, 1473. Gomez Pedraza, Manuel, circular, 65. Gonzales, Ambrosio José, 2470; letter, 2469. Gonzales, 2266. Gonzales, Rafael, bando, 53. Gonzales, 227, 342; committee of safe- ty, 235, letter, 233; Indian depreda- tions, 982; meeting, July, 1835, 214; outbreak of Revolution, 233, 235-9, 1623, 1639. Gonzales County, defense, 1091. statements, League José Maria, 315; statement, Gooch, B., letter, 1300. Goodall, Albert G., 1570, 1596-7; letter, 1548. Goodall, James P., 1570; letters, 1597, 1694. Good Hope (brig), 476. Goodman, W. B., 2098. Gordon, John, letter, 549. Gordon, Thomas G., letters, 1197, 1767, 1912. Gordon, William F.? 844. Gorman, John A., letter 1323. Gorostiza, Manuel E., letter, 1255, 1316. Gosnay, Abram, 1666. Gourley, James, 897. Goyens, William, 230, 565. Graham, John E., letter, 827. Granada (Nicaragua), municipality, 2612-18, 2734. Grand Gulf Advertiser, 1026. Grant, James, 1650, 1658. Grass Fight, 528, 1634. Gray, F. S., 936; letter, 939. Gray, Fairfax, 2193; Gray, William Fairfax, 1999-2000; let- ters, 1860, 1927. Gray, Nathan, Jr., letter, 1106. Gray, Peter W., 1999, 2006, 2011. Grayson, Peter W., 391, 604, 743, 865, 1043; characterized, 762; letters, 243, 533, 558, 761; nomination and candi- dacy for presidency, 646, 747, 751-2, 755, 758, 762, 774, 777-8; suicide, 761, 763, 788, 799, 865. Grayson, Thomas W., letter, 1407. Green, Kollock H., letter, 935. Green, Thomas J., 396, 445, 1675, 1793, 2018, 2098, 2216, 2400, 2510; appeal, . 849; letters, 742, 762, 831-2, 1057, 1249, 1263, 1401, 1404-5, 1709, 1819, 1854, 1941, 2094, 2099, 2101, 2513; note, 2150. Green, William, letter, 795. — Greene, Allen, letter, 1020. Greer, John A., 13845; _ letters, 1069, 1105. 908, Greer, S. V., letters, 1725, 1736. Gregg, D., letter, 528. Griffith, . 187, WOsaweeees Griffith, Horatio, 1171. Grimes, Garraty, 1872. Grimes, Jesse, 1844; letter, .1101. Grimes, W. A., 1035. Grinnan, Robert, 664. Griswold, S. Parsons, 1341. Gritten, Edward, letter, 227; tion,. 377. Gross, , biography, 3. Grubb, J. Stewart, letter, 1848. Guadalaxara, liberal movement, 1836, ob. Guadalupe Victoria (Texas), see Victo- ria. Guajardo, Pedro, 2224; receipt, 2225. transla- INDEX 15 Guerrero, Vicente, 610, 1639; biography, 2454, Guilbeau, C. H., fils, letter, 2073. Guillon, Henri de, letter, 382. Guillot, Charles, letter, 1295. Gurrea, aera at Gutierrez de Lara, José Bernardo, biog- raphy, 1667, 2508, 2800, 2810; expe- dition, 23, 2375; report, 10; report concerning, 52. Hadermann, C. J., letter, 1697. Haile, Christopher M., 608; letter, 634. Hainai Indians (Ionies), 801. Hall, cae RS Hall, Edward, 1933; letters, 571, 577, G15, 625, 683,. 1796, 2077. Hall, Gideon, 879. Hall, Warren D. GC. 111,, 237,.283,. 139; letters, 113, 2504; notes, 2467; serv- ices in the Republican Army, 9. Hamilton, — pul EL2. Hamilton, James, 639, 658-9, 664, 718, 840, 851, 874, 1004, 1128, 1174, 1198, 52712" 1349507 1358,01394,, 1410511412, 1426, 1446, 1456, 1458, 1460, 1524, dpe Tali Ob, lies Laos bolo. Loot, 1996, 2083; appointment as loan com- missioner, 1055; draft, 806; letters, 386, 544, 699-700, 707, 805, 835, 862, PUG) 061064,104496,. 1202,) 1281, » 1804, 1313, 1424, 1445, 14538, 1475, 1494, 1506, 1591, 1594, 1679, 1847, 1951, 1969, 1997, 2027, 2207, 2491, 2530, 2538, 2550; loan negotiations, 805, S62 )1161— 1169,. 1194, “1299, 1429, 1476, 1539, 1965, 1987, 1991, 1993-4, 2001, 2008; reception in Houston, 1839, 1133, 1198; reputation in Eng- land, 826; treaties negotiated by, 1965, 2018. Hamilton, James B., Jr., 844, 862. Hamilton, Thomas Lynch, 1304. Hamilton, William T., letter, 883. Hammeken, George Louis, 1239, 1247, 1336, 1992; letter, 984. Hammond, R. H., 604. Hand, Jacob, 1122, 1230; letter, 1242. Hand, John J., 1122, 1242. Handy, Robert Eden, 903, 941, 1254, 1554; death, 1018; estate, 1189, 1328, 1797, 1913; letters, 370, 601, 677, 702, 730, 750, 765; obituary, 992; removal to Philadelphia, 1253-4. Hanks, Wyatt, 271, 291, 294; o2o. Hanna, Benjamin F., letter, 1484. Hannah Elizabeth (American schoon- er), 278, 502. Hansford, John M., 86d; letters, 857, 864, 1011, 1014, 1030, 1061. Hardee, Thomas, 101. Harden, Ed., létter, 603. Hardin, , 1200. Hardin, Mrs. Martin, 2206. letter, Hardin, - William, historical notes, 545, 1620. Hardwick, N. S., letter, 1549. Harper, L., letter, 1452. Harris, , 1954. Harris, David Kelsey, letter, 1581. Harris, Bli, letter, 1966. . Harris, John W., letters, 1656, 1600. Harris, William, 1070. Harris, William P., 1617, Harrisburg County, jail, 1121; northern boundary, 1224; volunteers, address to, 1162. Harrison, 700. Harrison, William C., 1685. Harrison, William Henry, 350. Hart, William, document, 2105; let- ters, 1280, 2106. Hartridge, H. E., letter, 1713. Harwell, . 15d: Hastie, Henry, 536. Hatch, , firm letter, 1213, 1248. Hatch, Silvanus, joint document, 887; letter, 1801. Hawkins, Joseph H., 30; letter, 36. Hawkins, M., letter, 306. Hayden, Denis E., letters, 1266, 1562. Hayden, George Washington, 1562. Haydon, , 1602. Haynes, J. P., 1962. Haynie, S. C., joint letter, 2395. Hays, , 760. Hays, J. G., 1386. Hays, John, 990. Hays, John C., 1724, 2342-3, 2396, 2432; letters, 2227, 2381. Heard, A. C.,.2355. Heard, William T., letter, 1444. Hedenberg, Charles J., joint petition, 1293: Helm, Charles J., 2380, 2390. Hemphill, John, 1045; document, 1781; letters, 1107, 1188, 1600. Hempstead, D. S., letter, 838. . . Hempstead, John, error for, Hemphill, John. historical note, Henderson, ———, 457. Henderson, eneO La Henderson, J. W., report to, 2365. Henderson, James Pinckney, 699, 708, 805,) 1196, 1312, 1424... 1453, 1458, 1475-6, 1487, 1594, 1679, 1824, 1860, 2219) 2226-7, 2300-1, 2320, 2346, 2856 8, 2397, 2399, 2402; letters, 529, 662, 826, 868, 872, 1158, 1215, 1410, 1438, 1460, 1780, 1808, 2338, 2342-3. Henderson, John F. C., 952. Henderson, R., 1937. Henderson, William Fenner, 2429; let- ter, 1923. Henrie, Arthur, 263, 304, 892; S91. Henrie, John M., 272; letters, 790, 892. letter, 16 INDEX Henry, A., letter, 1451. Henry, Charles A., letter, 452. Herckenrath, . 1997. Herrera, Simon de, 8, 1661, 2508. Heuter ? A., letter, 2641. Hewes, Samuel, 625; letters, 1240, 1292, 1 DM iy ae - Hewitson, “son. Hickey, John B., statement, 2265. Hicks, William B., letter, 861. Hidalgo, Miguel, 8. , see Power & Hewit- Hill, , 497. Hill, ————,, 2230. Hill, - , Mrs., 626. Hill, Alexander, 496. Hill, Benjamin F., document, 2332. Hill, G. W., letters, 1003, 1681, 2156. Hill, Green v., Duncan, 579; v. Smith, 580. Hill, Henry P., letter, 1727. - Hill, Mourning Elizabeth, v. Duncan, 579; v. Smith, 580. Hill, Thomas H., letter, 596. Hil, We Gs, 310: Hill, W. Pinckney, letter, 1457. Hill, William K., joint address, 260. Hinton, ———, 688. Hintony AY Cs 1267: Hitchcock, L. M., joint certificate, 2187. Hixon, Augustus P., letter, 1859. Hockley, George W., 291, 723, 800, 808, 876, 2156, 2171; letters, 940, 951, 963, 1155, 1488, 1596,- 1928, 1936. Hodge, , 214. Hoffman, ace. oe Hoffman, 'D. A., 232. Hoggatt, James, letter, 1399. Holcombe, Henry B., letters, 844, 2457, 2459. Holcombe, John C., 844. Holcombe, Lucius Lamar, 844. Holden, Ezra, letter, 1311. Holden, Irah S., 1179. Holden, Joshua, 2306. Holford, James, 862. Holland, John H., 1820. Holley, Mary Austin, Texas cited, 142, 345, 2216. Holley, Nathaniel, 587; letter, 594. Holliday, John, 648. Holman, W. W., 444. Holmes, Edward L., 994. Holmes, Isaac, letter, 2184. Holms,: , 888. Frolt;! Davidd. 1h, Holt, James Lawrence, letter, 1268. Holzinger, Juan José, letter, 377. Honduras Revolution, 1859, 2778. Horton & Clements, 311. Horton, Albert C., 774-5, 799, 849, 1069, 1165; campaign 1838, 715, 767, 788, 790, 797, 800, 810-11; letters, 736, TOs LULT, Lpoo, wT e Horton, Alexander ? 855. Hoskins, 685. Hotchkiss, Archibald, 905. _ Houghton, John, letter, 1555. House of Representatives, journal, (part) 1836, 471; 1839, 1544; mes- sages to, 973, 1606, 1695; resolu- tions, 600, 958, 1015, 1573: resolu- tions cited, 602, 954, 1093, 1574, 2125. House-frame, imported, 530. Houston, A., 618; joint report, 282. Houston, Sam, 333, 404, 457-8, 471, 497, 528, 554, 556, 596, 749, 823, 936, 939, 1023, 1669, 2154-5, 2195, 2203-4, 2466, 2480; address, 360; administration, 755, 832, 845, 1412, 1465, 1481; army attitude toward, 306, 788; assumption of presidency, 1835, 521; attitude to- ward annexaion, 2194, 2200-2; toward banks, 2501; toward loans, 835, 2018; ball costume, 576; bill, 1606; biogra- phy, 38, 1650, 2407; career in Texas, 2501; charges against, 1981, 2496; charges against Lamar’s administra- tion, 2217; coalition, 1110; conduct, in the Mexican-Indian Revolt, 1838, 797, 799-800, 1459 (Wise’s proposal) ; conduct of San Jacinto campaign, 351, 2499; conduct toward Congress, 1002; conduct toward Moore, 2500; connection with fraudulent land cer- tificates, 2051; decline in popularity, 2071; denounced, 2105; dinner to, 1544; health, 409, 554, 601; honorary membership in Milam Guards, 818; inaugural address, 1836, 467; Indian talks, 321, 352, 564, 781-2, 786; let- ters, 199, 291, 355, 359, 565, 661, 784- 5, 1039, 2150; Gonzales letter, publi- cation, 2063, 2071; letters to, 408, 535, 569, 783, 822, 826, 848; marriage 1746; message, comment, 901; mes- sage, summary, 620; movements, 1836, 294, 1841, 2031; nomination of Birdsall criticized, 820; party, 1069, 1345, (1899, 2010, 2077; “2210, veoaa. personal appearance and characteris- tics, 5538-4, 810, 1804, 2130; personal relations: Fisher, 719, Hunt, 1365, Lamar, 846, McKinney, 810, Morgan, 500, Rusk, 788, Whartons, 199; pol- icy: army, 808, Indian, 810, 875, 996- 7, navy, 1741; political attitude, 1838, 755, 762, 788, 797, 1839, 1419; politi- cal controversy, 1855, 2493, 2495; political prospects: 1839, 1251, 1411- 12; 15138, 1840, 1682, 1746, 1841, 2018, 2039, 2061, 2068, 2070, 2075, 2085, 1847, 2362; * “political quackery,” 2176; ‘proclamations, 269, “2152: release of Santa Anna, 500, 1274; ru- mored intention to resign, 1837, 558, 593; situation, 1836, 387; suits against, 2500; “traveling cabinet,” INDEX Lz 762; trustee, 670; visit to Galveston, 184 0, 1746, 1788, to Mississippi and eiesecs, 1839, 1365, 1539, to Nacog- doches, 1838, 778, to New Orleans, 1839, 1312, to San Augustine, 1838, 797, 801. Houston (city), 873, 1260, 1593; bar, 2006; building operations, 1837, 530; citizens’ attitude toward Lamar, 757, 1294; citizens’ committee, letter, 1133; conditions, 1839, 576, 13890, 1402, 1601; health, 1482, 1601, 1860; “a lively village,” 576; mail service, 1505,. 1686, 1872, 1876; newspapers, 542, 628, 650, 665, 1431, 1730; La- mar’s property, 1961; postmaster, 1730; real estate values, 530; repre- sentative, 895; wholesale prices cur- rent, July, 1838, 769. Howard, stn ete Le Howard, Catherine, letter, 2268. Howard, Charles, letter, 1227. Howard, Edward, 1160. Howard, R. A., 2268; letter, 2351. Howard, Volney E., letter, 2243. Howard, William A., letter, 1342. Howe, M. S., 2301; letter, 2307. Hoxey, Asd, 1419; letters, 1137, 1686. Hoyle, Stephen Z., letter, 1040. Hoyt, Nathaniel, naval commission and service, 2187-90; petition, 2185. Hubbell, H. A., 396; letter, 379. Huckins, ) TORE Hudson, , letter, 428. Hudson, H. C., 456; report, 451. Hudson, Radcliffe, letter, 1008. Huff, George, 133. Huff, Ramey, 133. Hughes, William, joint letter, 590. Hughs, Edward, letter, 1120. Huling, Thomas B., letter, 1338. Humphrey, Hardy P., letters, 583, 793. Humphreys, H., 1435, 1484; letter, 1434. Humphreys, P. W., 429, 486. Hunt, Francis A., 586. Hunt, Memucan, 529, 597, 634, 1004, MDS ea0, nkeonaudpte, LcOl,leeoc, 2134, 2138, 2141, 2145; appointment as boundary commissioner, 1543; as major-general, 384; confirmation as secretary of the Navy, 923; dismissal from boundary commission, 1788; electioneering, 1992; estimate of, 1274; letters, 384, 457-8, 460, 462, 484, 608, 694, 807-8, 869, 909, 980-1, 1005, 1010, 1028, 1035, 1104, 1225, 1228 eioes, 1312, 1228411330, 1365-6; 1545, eaes, 1672, 1675). 1726,.. 21381, 2133, 2135, 2140; relations with La- mar, 2131-45, 2158; resignation, 1839, 1228) 4238,,.1274. Hunt, William H., letters, 1264,- 1388. Hunter, , 1650. Hunter, James M. ? 750. Huntington, BIN i PA! Huntington, John F., 829; Republic v. 1968, 1982. Huston, Felix, 484, 965, 1124, 1916; letters, 964, 1561; ‘‘set,” 1110. Hutchens, Daniel oD letter, 436. . Hyde, James G., 1061. Ikin, Arthur, 1965; letter, 1975. Ikin, Jonathan, affidavit, 441; colony, 1591, 1601, 1675, 2012; letters, 1429, ETL 18a. Immigrants and immigration, 417, 484, 659, 1296, 2065, 2211. Impressment, 311-18. Independence, declaration, March 2, 1836, 344; discussion prior to con- vention, 275, 287, 323, 328. Independence (Texan war vessel), pris- oners, 556, 577, 616-17, 1023, 1885. Indians of Texas, 501, 1357, 1788; al- liances with Mexico, 160, 597, 799, 816, 899, 1188, 1781, 1789, 2325; cam- paigns against, 1838-40, 839, 842, 845- 6, 849, 884, 890, 896, 901, 942-3, 996-7, 1024, 1169, 1198-9, 1408, 1837, 1916; captives, 982; conditions, 1838, 964; conference on Brazos River, 1835, 232; hostilities, 1820-46, 764 (San Antonio River), 845-6, 851, 875-6, 882, 893, 896, 953, 982, 1016 (Robertson County) 1086, 1513, 1648 (Red River Country), 1776-7, 1784 (East Texas), 1818 (Austin), 1863 (Texana and Linnville), 2164 (Falls of the Brazos, Milam and Robertson counties), 2166 (Parker’s Fort), 2297 (Laredo), 2307 ‘*(between the Nueces and the Rio Frio), 2320 (frontier), 2369 (Guad- alupe and Colorado), 2425 (Colo- rado), 2426 and 2465 (Red River) ; lands, surveys, 2095-6; near Austin, 1474, 1743, 1818, 2432; policy regard- ing, 816, 852, 877, 996-7, 1049, 1112, 1362, 1408, 1444, 1465, 1480, 2048, 20738; numbers, 1836, 518; presents, 232; protection against, 1047, 1100, 1743, 2390; relations, 352,:529, 564, 577, 597, 689, 701, 753, 781-3, 797-801, 816, 839, 842, 845, 855, 875, 877, 882, 884, 890, 893, 896, 899, 901, 905, 948, 982, 995, 1017, 1135, 1613, 1837, 2377; talks, 232, 321, 564, 689, 781-3, 786,: 801, 839, 855, 877, 1326; tribes in the Kickapoo fight, 846; warfare, 1155, °1397. (See also names of tribes.) Indians of Texas, northern, 877, 1642. Indians of the United States, in rela- tion to Texas and the West, 84, 597, 876, 882-3, 901, 13861, 1444, 1938. Ingram, Ira, article 162; letter, 160. Intelligencer, 1140, 1145. Internal improvements, 1608, 1744. Internal States, defense, 64-5; presidial companies, 62. 18 INDEX Internal States, Eastern, 191. Interoceanic Canal, 2456, 2643, 2761. (See also Belly, Felix.) Intervention in Nicaragua and Central America, 2403-6. Invincible (Texan war schooner), ay 382, 406, 429, 798, 2485. Ionies, see Hainai, 801. Irion, Robert A., letters, 597, 899. Irvine, R. B., letter, 609. Iturbide, Augustin de, 501. Iverson, Alfred, 15; compositions, 12, Boman. Izod, James, joint invitation, 2052; let- . ter, 965. Rica Patrick C., imprisonment, 1832, 110-13, 116; letter, 2032; notes, 1616. Jack, Spencer, 533; letter, 1626. Jack, William H., Gye 1062, 1174; ad- dress, 217; letters, TUTTO ekeo, Jackson, , Mrs., 1163. Jackson, Alden AL OUND 4 TL letters, 1965, 1993, 2002, 2067, 2078, 2086. Jackson, Andrew, 399, 402, 406, 462, 708; attitude toward Gaines, 416; to- ward recognition and annexation of Texas, 462; character, 1002. Zackson, P. seh letter, 974. Jackson; Shepherd, 1586. Jackson, Thomas R., 307. Jackson County, citizens, Solem James v. James, 888. James, A. F., joint letter, 1833. James, William, letter, 1376. Jamison, John §., letter, 388. Jasper, S. L. B., letter, 1164. Jasper County, 767; citizens, letter, 1739; settlers, 2168; vote, 1838, 815. Jeffers, John E., letter, 1523. Jefferson County, 767; vote, 1838, 815. Jenkins, Joseph, ? letter, 1112. Jernigan, Henry W., letters, 509, 526, 624. JeSup, Lio s., 2aie. Jeter, William G., 438. Jeter, William L., letters, 605, 853. Jewell, George W., 600, 602, 1216. document, Jewett, Henry J., 92, 1361, 14380; let- ters, 1431, 1824. Jimmerson, aya Johns, E. & Company, 1129; letter, 1144. Johnson, -, 785. Johnson, , 1861, 1864, 18738, 1877. Johnson, , 2047, 2088. Johnson ? Andrew ? 2466. Johnson, B. F., joint letter, 2099. Johnson, Francis W., 140, 157, 225, 270, 319, 341, 1637, 1658; arrest, 1835, 202, 209; letters, 138, 276, 315, 327- 9; movements, 1832, 112; plans, 1836, 341; resolution of thanks to, 251. Johnson, J. Benton, ietter, 2361. Johnson, James, letter, 417. Johnson, Thomas, 1943, 1948-9. Johnston, —,. 1780. Johnston, Albert Sidney, 923, 929, 940, 951, 963; 1174, 1226, 187T2:35eeeue 1447, 1478, 1488; 1496, 1675; esa. letters, 538, 953, 995, 1036, 1188, 1408, 1851; mediation between Hunt and Lamar, 2143; 2145 (demand 2142, award, 2144); memoranda, 16138; note of endorsement, 1934. Johnston, Albert Sidney ? 1774, 1793. Johnston, George J., letter, 2066. Johnston, Hugh B., 157. Johnston, Malcolm A., letter, 1180. Johnston, Thomas, 1842. Johnston, W. Henry H., Jones, 1735. Jones, » 1423. Jones, Alexander, letters, 416, 587, 837. letter, 1427. Jones, Anson, 538, 1274, 1426, 2126, 2128-9; candidacy, 731, 1819; connec- tion with annexation, 2194; letter, 2120; Jones, G. H., letter, 2245. Jones, Isaac N., letter, 1028. Jones, J. A., letter, 2466. Jones, James S., 546, 722, 780: letters, 621, 721; 754," 1798. Jones, John Rice, 1568, 1861, 1866, 1873, 1912; draft, 1872; letters, 1864, 1877. Jones, Levi, 1933; joint invitation, 163. Jones, Oliver, 165; letters, 184, 1849. Jones, S. L., letter, 2081. Jones, Seaborn, 27. Jones, W. F., 457. Jones, William, joint petition, 1884; letter, 18838. Jones, William E., letter, 2165. Jones, William Jefferson, 621, 667, 1787; campaign activity, 1838, 751; expedition, 7839, 1198, 1439; letters, 546, 6389, 658-9, 664, 715, 721, 749, 752, 770-1, 1049, 1098, 1199, 1222, 1398, 1419, 1486, 1526; notes, 914. Jonesborough, 1648. Jordan, S. W., 2435, 2567. Journal des Debats, 1542. Joy, Cyrus, 1441, 1454, 1887; 1580, 1798, 2054. Judiciary, condition, 1840, 1768; organ- ization, 489, 1300. Julius Caesar (vessel), 332. Juzan, Pierre (Choctaw chief), 1758. Karankawa Indians, 501, 576, 2447. Karankawas, settlement, 141, 152. Karnes, Henry W., 395, 576, 995, 1017, 1162, 1222, 1395, 1432; capture, 671. Kaufman, David S., 752, 1948, 1953; letters, 747, 889, 1715, 1949; mission aa United States, 2197; speech, 6938. letters, INDEX 19 Kearns, see Karnes. Kechi Indians, 633. Keeper, Francés R. H., letter, 1270. Kellog, Ralph, 1364. Kellogg, Harriet Elvira, verses, 2174. Kelton, O. P., 983, 993, 1033: letters, 1009, 1118. Kemble, , 294, Kemper, John F., 1099. Kendrick, Harry, 994. Kendrick, Harvey, letter, 1983. Kennedy, William, 1441; letter, 1456; Texas comment, 1456, 2400. Kenney, H. S., 2074. Kenney, Laurence Richard, 2446, 2448. Kennymore, John C. P., 1536; letter, 524, Kerby, William, joint letter, 819. Kern, George P., letter, 584. Kerr, James, 888, 1150, 1172; broad- Siemon, »ietvers, Ob, . Llol, Laoo: memorandum, 520. Kickapoo Indians, fight with, 2429; in- vitation to, 564; overtures, 816; re- moval desired, 901; town, fight at, 1838, 839, 845-6. Kilgore, , d48. Kimbro, William, 864; letter, 1051. King, , 1658. King, F. I., 2542. King, John William, 1886. King, Thomas S., 1886. King, William R., 416. Kinney, H. L., 1341, 2093; historical notes from, 2420-2; letters, 2340, on74, .2o0l, 2627: ranch’ (Corpus Christi), 2422; scheme for Rio Grande town, 2396. (See also Aub- rey & Kinney.) Kintzing, Anna Maria, 1723. Kintzing, Charles McAlester, 1464, 17238. Kirkham, —, 31-2. Kitzie Indians, 801. Knies, John, 594. Knight, James, agreement, 738. Koasati Indians (Cushatta), 801, 839, 1326, 1362; removal desired, 901. © Kolb, William G., letter, 1918. Krag, Peter, letter, 1175. Kuykendall, oD. Kuyendall, Abner, 138. Kuykendall, Joe, 2484. Kyle, W. J., letter, 1153. Labor, 473; cost, 1839, 1245, 1363. La Branche, Alcée, 1083, 1220; letter, 1761. Lacaze, as Lacelles, Hugene, 1406. Lacey, melt i. Lafayette, Marquis de, 2212. Laffite, m9, 24. Laffite, Jean, 1611-12, 2497; biography, 286; death, 680, 719, 2492; duel, 1614; Galveston establishment, 1614; let- ters, 19, 24; operations in. Texas, 2800; privateers, 1614, 2492. Laffite & Company, 1969, 1993, 2001, 2027. Lallemand, Charles Francois Antoine, 2800. La Grange College, 510. Lamar, —, 43-4. Lamar, Charles, 2538. Lamar, Gazaway B., 386, 707, 778, 805, 844, 1361, 2306, 2495, 2520, 2547; let- Les DO4 YW las Ge de GeO ase po Oy LOOT ioe. ood ar Lamar, Mrs. Gazaway B., 844. Lamar, Henrietta Maffit (Mrs. Mira- beau B. Lamar), 2493, 2536, 2601. Lamar, Jefferson J., 351, 1839, 1965. Lamar, John, letter, 1495. Lamar, John T., 778; letters, 288, 557, 748, 13881. Lamar, Lucius, 844. Lamar, Mirabeau Bueonaparte, 348, 384, 468, 5380, 542, 544, 579-180, 605, 676, 68328120, 814, -825, 829)" S31 1588. 1850, 2040, 2087, .2203, 2243, .2332, 2337, 2466, 2625; administration, 772, 814, 845, 862, 869-70, 876, 1055, 1125, D140, 1169. LUT, ELS, '1222"" b2380, 1338, 1405, 1412-13, 1438, 1462, 1465, LAS 2onw Lats, Ltt, LOLO PP eaed, 1960, 1974, 1992, 1996, 2043, 2077, 2217, 2490; attacked, 1859, 2729-31; biography, 2712 (citation and com- ment, 2561, 2591); candidacy and campaigns: 1833? 168; 1836, 427, 438, 445, 530; 1838, 593, 611, 622-3, 630- 2, 646, 658-9, 679, 681, 694, 702, 708, Uden kl Oar ore wi 2c, tiaOr ur tees 742-7, 749, 751-8, 762, 764, 766-7, 770- 2, 774-8, 790, 798-800, 820; 1845, 2192; 1847, 2348, 2354, 2357, 23862; charges against, 749, 751: claims against Texas, 2219, 2509; commander-in- chief: appointment, 404, 409, 411, 424, commission, 389; company (Mexican War), 2228, 2393; contracts, 666, 1945; credit for Texas educational system, 2808; diplomatic mission, 1858-9: appointment recommended, 2510-12, commission as Minister to Costa Rica, 2577, as minister to Nic- aragua, 2558, as minister resident to Nicaragua, 2578, _instructions to, 25638, 2605, 2630, 2646, outfit, 2538, passport, 2564, salary, 2563, 2605, 2789-90, standing in Nicaragua, 2611, 2621; election as president, 1838, 815, 835, 869; election as representative, 1847, 2361-2; family, 741, 751, 799, 810, 814, 824, 1239, 1441, 2561;- gifts to, 928, 1156, 1194, 1207, 1441; health, 1336, 1347, 1352, 1363, 1365, 1401-2, 1899, 1955, 1965, 1967-8, 1971, 1975, 2005, 2008, 2022, 2780; introduced, 19:97, 20 50, 1955, 2512, 2548, 2574; invitations to, 1104, 1208, 1778, . 2105-6, 2153, 2386, 2388, 2395; land and real es- tate: Austin, 1402, 2306, 2311, 2376, 2401, Copano Bay, 7538, 787, 1068, 1128, 1174, 1995, eleven league grant, 2397, 2402, Galveston, 1968, 1982, Houston, 1961, Richmond, 677, 2491; land speculation, 351, 368-70, 372, 448, 463, 532, 541, 684; leave of ab- sence, 1847, 2331; military prospects, 1846, 2248; orders to, 2229, 2236-7, 2239, 2315, 2318; personal character- istics, 382, 544, 747, 820; personal finances, 461, 464, 563, 614, 730-1, 748. 765, 817, 1279, 1553, 1721, 1805, 1899, 1907, 1982, 2129, 2545, 2608, 2751; personal relations: acquaint- ances in Cahawba, Alabama, 827, in Georgia, 503, 1021, 1266, 1268, 1355, with Stephen F. Austin, 794, Baker, 1214, Bryan, 794, Burnet, 2400, 2795, Collinsworth and Millard, 488, 491-3, Houston, 846, Hunt, 2128, 2131-45, 2158, Rusk, 412, 414; plans, 1836, 351, 414; popularity, 409, 677, 815, 1198, 1322, 1804, 2039, 2071; portrait, criticized, 2561; presidency of the Texas Philosophical Society, 889; criticized, 2561; presidency of the project for a national bank, 1679; re- call to Texas, 1837, 553-4, 558, 569, 598-9: reception in Austin, 1839, 1468; record at San Jacinto, 413, 1443; reputation as a scholar, 651; resignation as Secretary of War, 381; slaves, 584, 685, 1767, 1944, 2114; Stiff v., 1898, 1914; sword, 2212; travels: 1835, 285, 1836, 348, 1837, 557, 562, 566, 568, 570, 572, 575, 606- 7, 609, 611, 1838, 765, 1839, 1375, 1841, 2021, 2069-71, 2078, 1858, 2559; verses to, 2181; views: on the Fed- eral administration, 1857, 2566, free trade, 1445, nullification, 544, Oregon question, 2215; writings: addresses and speeches, 7818, 15, 182—?, 85, 88, 18382 168. 177, 1839, 194, 1836, 361; 466, 469, 1837, 568, 615, 7838, 705, 804, 866-7, 913 (inaugural; notes and: sug- gestions for, 835, 862, 870, 910, 914; citation and comment, 980, 1002, 1026), 1839, 1100, 1162, 1622, 1630, 1745, 1858, 2587; book reviews, 89, 102, 1633, 2797; editorials, 55, 69, 73, 79, 80, 84, 178, 2304; historical and biographical, including notes, 175, 224, 283-6, 364, 501, 515, 517-18, 521-2, 545, 547, 649, .703, 1611-12, 1614, 1618, 1625, 1629, 1631, 1635, 1637-41, 1643-4, 1650, 1657, 1659, 1662, 1665-8, 1970, 2120-1, 2123-4, 2161-2, 2179-80, 2205-6, 2368-72, 2407- 8, 2414-17, 2420-2, 2424-5, 2427, 2430- INDEX 2, 2435-7, 2439, 2441-2, 2444-51, 2454- 5, 2465, 2468, 2481, 2484, 2492, 2498- 2501, 2567-8, 2713) 27165 Vie eee 2710, 2800-2, 2809-14 (citation and comment, 658, 681, 2509); letters: 1822, 44, 1836, 351, 362 (to the Cab- inet; citation and comment, 413, 420), 407, 412, 414, 478-9, 1837, 569, 572, 591, 599, 630, 632, 1838, 689, 695, 704, 746, 774, 787, 1839, 1080, 1084, LOB7; 1094. 1:23, 12970 300 sae ee 1344, 1362; 1875, 1413) 143653ie Ts. 1491, 1577,. 1840, 1691, 1698)" 1768; 1773) 1810) $867.) "T8662" Tea eee 1972, 19.76;. 2098) \ 18222 gia eee 2134, 21388, 2141, 2148, 1843, 2160, 1844, 2163, 1845, 2183. 2193) “2202, 1846, 2212,'.2219, 2230) 2238 eener. 2241, 2244, 2246-7, 2249-51, 2256; 2270, 2280, 2283, 2289-90, 2295-7, 2300- Ly L847) 2812): 28175 281 see eee 2335-6, 2339, 2346-7, 2358-9, 2366-7, 1848, 2376, 2382; 2384, 2390, 1849, 2397, 2399, 2402, 184--?, 2418-19, 1850, 2461-2, 1851, 2470-1, 1852, 2474-9, . 1854, 2486, 1857, 2520-1, 2536, 1858, 2576, 2588, 2593-4, 2603, 2609, 2623, 2630-2, 2635, 2637, 2647-9, 2655-8, 2660-1, 2666,. 2668, 2671, 2676, 2678, 2691, 2697, 2699-2700, 2702, 2721-3; 2725, 1859, 2741) 27607 Zia. 2759, 2764-5, 2777, “2782-9 279 1ea, (correspondence with Senate, com- ment, 658); messages: 1838, 947-8 annual), 973, 1839, 988, 1529 (an- nual; suggestion for, 1506), 1537, 1583, 1610, 1840, 1673, 1680, 1695, 1699, 1701, 1932 (annual), 1938, 7841, 2116 (annual); miscellaneous, 34, 104-5, 520, 969, 971, 2798-9, 2803-5, 2815; official statements and memo- randa: 1838, 970, 1846, 2302, 1847, 2309, 2316, 1858? 2716, 2718; orders, 393, 1286, 1491, 1509, 1573, 2asap Zoous 2334, 2384; petition, 2612; preface, 2517; proclamation, 1079; report, 2365; verse, 43, 2464, 2694 (citation, 2721, review of. Verse’ Memorials, 2565). Lamar, Rebecca (Mrs.) 13878, 1406, 1441. Lamar, Rebecca Ann, 585, 1400, 1432; death, 2159. Lamar, Shelby W., letters, 675, 1956. Lamar, Thomas B., 696. Lamar (city), 1240, 13841, 1406, 1671. Lambe, Robert, letters, 2012, 2029. Lampazos, Presidial Company, 59. Land, 82, 589, G78, 7787, 10760 deo. 1355, 1834, 1883-4, 2082: agencies: Henrie’s, 891; Royall’s, 550; bounty, 540, 574, 586, 636, 700, 709, 727, 733, 740, 1985, 2185, 2305; certificates, 1296," 1699, I701, 1776, 200i 2124: INDEX 21 claims, 584, 604, 657, 678, 688, 1045- 6, 1300, 1415, 1935, 1985; commis- sioners, 266, 1736, 1787, 1827; con- tracts, 100; educational, surveys, 2095-6; frauds, 266, 441, 712, 1591, TOOL wtGT5s 20127 2erants, 266, 1335: 1500, 2397, 2399, 2402; immigrants’, 1997; Indian, 1776, 2095-6; legisla- CON, Glen ose. il2.5 L0o0, 1699, 1701; 1963; litigation, 1804; on Galveston Bay and Island, 789, 1382; patents, Tt ctogd. 1o00) 14515-1699). 1938; public, 2176; sales, 100, 208; scrip 368, 462, 476,'571, 577, 618, 625, 636, 699), 803, 820, 880, 1756, 19338, 2199; ‘speculation, 288, 351, 368-70, 372, 448, 457, 463, 532, 541, 544, 548, 555, 595, 629, 637, 657, 684, 774-6, 802, 827, 984, 1037, 1194, 1465; speculators, 236, 257, 457, 809, 2452; system, 257- S26 Ly 20ee) 200,210, 544, 550, 652, 556, 636, 687, 809, 1997; tax, 1465; titles, 1953, 1995, 2099; trespass, 2209; values, 473, 23875. Land company of Redd and others, 595, 1037. Land office of Georgia, 590; of Texas, 294, 304, 556, 584. Landrum, Willis H., 1467; regiment, 1384... Lane, George, 1139. Lane, John W., letter, 938. ‘Langford, - < Oats Laredo, Alcalde, 2332; census, 2284; capture and plunder, 1874; condi- tions, 1846-7, 2297, 23836; election, first under Texas laws, 2334, 2336-7; Hays’s expedition against, 2432; guards (Mexican war), 2236, 2240-2, 2244-54, 2256-61, 2263-83, 2285-99, 2302-3, 2308-10, 2315-23, 2328, 2390-2, 2336, 2341, 2348-7, 2349-50, 2352-3, 2355-6,.2358,. 2360, 2363, 2377, 2386, 2388-90, 2393; health, 2297, 2315; Indian depredations, 2297, 2320, 2325, 2388; inhabitants, 2384; mail service, 2363; Mexican attack expected, 2348; Mexican troops, 2221; military oc- cupation, 2229,.22838-4, 2297, 2331; sale of liquor forbidden, 2330; trade, 2314. Lattimer, B. F., letter, 1592. Lavaca, customs district, 994, 1868, 1870; settlement, 152, citizens’ meet- ing 141, committee, letter, 143. Lawhon, , 294. Lawhon, Allen, letter, 967. Lawrence, » LSOD, Lawrence, G. F., letter, 1132. Lawrence, William, letters, 474, 1119. Lawsen, Andrew, 1593. - League and Company, 2160. League, Andrews, & Co., 1863; letter, 1156. Leal, Manuel, 2377. Leclerc, Frederick, letters, 1605, 1838. Lee, Catherine, letter, 1383. Lee, Joseph, joint invitation, 2092. Léger, Theodore, 666; draft, 866; let- Ter, 627; (See also Léger and Thompson. ) Léger and Thompson, contract, 666; disagreement with Jones, 721-2; let- Tere 7681 7ag07 39: Legislature of Coahuila and Texas, re- peal of trade laws, 502. Legislature of Texas, act, April 30, 1846, 2218. Legrand, HE. O., 610; letter, 1056. Lehmann, Chr., letter, 1818. Leidesdorf, William A., letter, 1179. Lemos, Pedro, 179, 2364. : Le Ray de Chaumont, Alexander, let- ter, 576, memorandum, 642. Lesassier, Luke, 157. Lester, James S., letters, 1707, 1837. Lettick, , BoC. Levering, John, letters, 903, 1189, 1896. Levert, Henry S., letter, 726. Lewis, H. K., 110. Lewis, William G., 1526, 1577; letter, 1575. Liberal Party, Mexico, 315, 319, 327, Joo, Liberty (schooner), 309, 319. Likens, B. B., 2355. Likens, Thomas N., 2244; case, 2240-2, 2246-54, 2256-61, 2263-7, 2269-79, 2282- 3, 2285-99, 2302; letters, 2240, 2242, 2248, 2269, 2271, 2282, 2291-2, 2294. Lind (Shawnee chief), 1922. Lindley, Joseph, 1362. Linn, Edward, letter, 1880. Lindsay, James, letter, 110. Linn, John P., 888; joint letter, 975. Linnee (Shawnee chief), 1321. Linnville, Indian outbreak, 1840, 1855, 1863; port, 1858, 1862. Lipan Indians, 689, 749, 893, 982; fight on Guadalupe River, 1820, 2368; friendliness, 896; hostilities on the Rio Grande, 1292; removal urged, 2073. Lipantitlan, 247. Lipscomb, Abner S., letters, 1892, 2057, Abode iy Littlejohn, Joseph B., Jr., 1028. Little River, 2180; Fort, 1857. Lively, George W., letter, 927. Lively (Schooner), 2411, 2447. Livestock, importation, 2012. Lizardi and Company, 1317. Loan, public, for Texas, 805, 840, 862, 869) Sor uleone. LOGS OTA re 1174, 1194-6, 1235, 1299, 1494, 1774, 1966, 2025, 2075, 2077; advance, 1304; Houston’s opposition, 835, 2018; legis- lation, suggested, 805-6, 835, 862, 22 INDEX 1475; negotiations, 805, 862, 1088, 1161, , 1169, 1194, 1211,. 1252 5e028t, 1299, 1304, 1429, 1438, 1446, 1465, 1475-6, 1506, 1533-4, 1539, 1965, 1969, 1987, 1991, 1993-4, 1997, 2001, 2008, 2023; precedents, 1589, 1594; pros- pects, 1412, 1533, 1590, 1594, 1790. Logan, William G., 232. Logan, William M., letter, 405. Lombard, Francisco, 181. Long, James, 19, 24, 681, 703-4, 2492; death, 1631; declaration, 38; expedi- tions, 1819-21, 28, 25, 40-2, 501, 1611, 1652, 1966; interrogatories for, 27; letter,. 37. Long, Jane H. Wilkinson (Mrs. James) 351, 671, 686, 704, 1631; biography, 3; lettér, 1550. Long family, 501. Long, John, historical note, 2371. Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin? letter, 640. Looney, —, 148. Lopez, Gaspar, letters, 41-2. Lopez, Narciso, 2458, 2470-2. Lothrop; ohn Tl. KK. ai214218 15, Loud, John, 1311. Louisiana, aid to Texas from, 551; Bishop, 1602; boundary, 75; Gover- nor, 22; Moses Austin’s journey to, 1796-7, 6; medical board, 962. Louisiana (Schooner), 813. Louisana Advertiser, 30, 211. Louisville, Charleston and Cincinnati ied eee ie a Love, eek base): Love, James, 1174, 15977 2160: letters, 1235, 1595, 1746, 1774, 1788, 1899, 1994, 1996, 2059; note of endorse- ment, 1934. Love, James ? 1320. Love, William, letter, 791. Loyd, John, 1101. Lubbock, Francis Richard, letter, 819. (See also Fisher, Davis and Lub- bock. ) Luckie, S. M., 772. Luckie, Samuel H., 509, 525. Lumpkin, P. O., letter, 1090. Lusk, Sam, letter, 1141. Lusk and Handy, 1896, 1913. Luzenberg, C. P., letter, 961. Lynch, J. B., agreement, 738; 1045-6, 1772. letters, Lynch, Mrs. Nathaniel, see Hardin, Mrs. Martin. Lynch’s Ferry, rendezvous, 112-13, 203. Lyons, G. L., letter, 453. Lyons, S. L.. letter, 511. M. y Duclor, see Duclor. Mabbitt, L. H., broadside, 1203. McAllister, Thomas (free negro), 672. McCall, George A., 2236-7. McCalla, Wm. L., 1554, 1580. McCarty, O. F., letter, 925. McClellan, , 929. McCloskey, R. D., letter, 1822. McCloud, » bees McClung, Alexander Keith, 1365. McConnell, D. D., 2356. McCraven, William, letters, 772, 1149. McCraven, William M., 595. McDougal, , Claim, 967. McDougald, M., letter, 525. McDowell, George, letter, 604. McDowell, William, 604. Macfarlane, Alexander C., 1109. McFarlane, Nathan, joint receipts, 230). McGill, Prudentio (Kapa kee chief), 2441. McGloin, » LOO. McGowan, B., letter, 989. McGreal, Peter, 2058, 2061. McGuffey, Elizabeth Mansfield, 1451. Mcllheny, Samuel K., letter, 1821. McIntire, bay ar4 McIntosh, George 6G., 457, 1158, 1215, 1808, 1824, 1979, 2031, 2083; letter, 1856. McIntyre, J. H:, 1172. McIver, Alexander, 1241, 1262. McKeen, Thomas C., letter, 859. McKenzie, Alexander, 1187. Mackie, Henry, 507. . McKinney, J. F., letter, 369. McKinney, R. W., letter, 423. McKinney, Thomas F., 749, 810-11, 2365; land speculation, 774-6; letter, IST 7. McKinney & Williams, 369, 715; let- ters, 368, 1982. McKinstry, George B., 113, 119, 131, 152, 154, 160; deed, 555; notes,,1619, 1621; order to, 125. : McLaughlin, sof BAG McLaughlin, John, 654-5. McLellan, Rufus, letters, 1925. McLeod, —-——, Mrs. 890. McLeod, Hugh, 333, 748, 877, 1945, 1974, 2010, 2193,"2195, 2513: ability, #7990; anecdote concerning, 2410; certifi- cate, joint, 1954; delegate to South- ern Commercial Convention, 1855, 2487; letters, 751, 778, 8000843. 846: 852, 875, 878, 882, 884, 890, 901, 943, 997, 1024, 1748, 1869, 1874, 1926, 1955, 2014, 2049, 2053, 2232)°2495, 2510: orders, 1531, 1536; petition, joint, 1283. McLeod, Hugh ? 2222. McLeod, John D., letters, 923, 946. McMullen, John, 2118; notes, 523. McMullen & McGloin’ s “colony, 1658. McNeely, Samuel, 432. MeNeill & Woodson, 167. McNeilly, William Gibbs, letter, 1271. 1324, 1858, INDEX 23 McNutt, Alexander G., 1102; letters. 1218-20. Macomb, ——. letter, 410. Macon News Carrier, editor, letter, 578. Macon Volunteers, 2184. McQueen, Seo Bleep Madden, Jim, 845. ° Maffit, John Newland, Plea for Texas 510. Magee, Augustus, expedition, 2370, 2800. Mail service, 1458, 1505, 1569, 1686, 1872, 1876, 2103, 2363, 2686, 2688. Maillard, Aono. Maillard, Henry, letter, 1389. Major Brown (United States war ves- gel), 2235-6; 2239, 2279, 2315. Malone, James M., 900. Managual, Francisco, 1663. Manchaca, , company, 1123. Manchaca, Antonio, 1059. Mann, Pamelia A. (Mrs.), 1293, 1426. Manning & Marshall, 984. Manson, Thomas, letter, 1598. . Maps, comment: Austin and vicinity, Pi17TAS 17388; BDuache’ss chart, etc., 2444, Marcy, William Learned, 2482. Marenco, Sebastian, 2793; joint letter, 2740. Marine Corps, 429. Marks, Samuel F., letter, 432. Marks, Samuel T., 423. Marshall, Benjamin (half-breed Creek), petition, 74. Martha (schooner), capture, 1618, 1626. Martin, ; ’ Martin, George, 629, 637; note, 559. Martin, John F., letter, 729. Martin, M. H., 1386. Martin, Wylie, 112, 157, 166, 209, 501. Martines, Andrés, 2233, 2284, 2359, 2387; letter, 2234; statement, 2264. Martinez, Antonio, 25, 31, 41-2, 2411; letter, 26. Mason, Charles, document, 654; letters, POT, ATTA: Mason, John Thomson, 115; letter, 881. Mason, Joseph B., letter, 1978. Mason, Samuel Watson, 1978. Matagorda, Artillery Company, 1332; citizens, recapture of the Hannah Elizabeth, 278; collector, 1983; fav- orable to Lamar, 762; fortification advised, 309; public dinner, 161-2. Matagorda and Bay Prairie Company, pledge, 241. Matagorda Bay, first settlement, 1642. Matagorda Bulletin, 621, 628, 747. Matamoros, 556, 617, 2424; American occupation, 1/846, 2304; commissary general, 1664; conditions, 1837, 577; custom house, B85; expedition against, 268, 276; 28978315, 319,327, 332, 1645; Mexican intentions regard- ing, 332; prisoners of war at, 432, 1023, 1212, 1645, 1666; weakness, 315, 438. Matamcros Flag, 2354. Mather, Olivia A. Roberts (Mrs.), 1191; letters, 607, 1214. Maury, R. F., letter, 1785. May, George, 784-5. Mayer, F., letter, 2770. Mayfield, James, 842, 849, 1372-3, 1384- 6, 1954, 1981, 2063; agreement, 2143; letters, 1067, 1124, 1135, 1783-4, 1820, 2018, 2031, 2043, 2075, 2085, 2128, 2145. Maylan, , 98. Mavo, Harmon B., joint proclamation, 66. Mayrant, 20s LOLOF Mayrant, J., letter, 619. Mays, Henry S., 920. Mays, James A., letter, 727. Mays, Robert C., letter, 398. Mays, Samuel A. J., 398, 920. ‘Mayse, J. W., 761, 763. Mediation between Texas and Mexico; American, 1274; English, 1215. Medical Department, 1400. Medina, Battle, 283, 1637, 2205, 2333, 2369, 2407. Megginson, Joseph C., letter, 2089. Meigs, Henry, 3; letters, 195, 200, 223, 234. Melton, Ethan, circular, 1016. “Memorial to the United Mexican States,” 1952. Menard, M. B., joint letter, 1948. Menard, Peter J., document, 282. Menchaca, José, 2445; biography, 2508, 2568. Menchaca, José A., letter, 2387. Menefee, John S., 1870; letter, 1868. Menefee, Thomas, 141, 148. Menefee, William, 133, 1916; letter, 1438. Mengle, — , 2040. , Mercurio del Puerto de Matamoros, 188, 188, 191, 197, 1664. Merritt, Robert, letter, 1142. Metcalf, S. W., 1690. Mexia, José Antonio, 160, 224, 1169; addresses to, 156-7; attitude on state- hood question, 1833, 170; expedition, 1882, 1818; information from,. 309; invited to co-operate with Texans, 268; letters, 158, 449, 537. Mexican Prisoners, 482; disposition of, 400-1; Lamar’s letter on, 362; notes regarding, 545; sheriff’s account for. keeping, 1051. Mexican War, 2220-31, 2233-7, 2239-83, 2285-2304, .2307-32, 2334-9, 2341-56, 23:718323 90; Mexicans in Texas, 1758; defeat by 24 INDEX Burleson, 1199; expulsion from Texas, 1832, 2407; incursions near Austin, 1294, 1818; influence on Texas frontier, 2320; influence upon slaves, 1824; order regarding treat- ment of, 1123; relations with Anglo- Americans, 141, 143; revolt, 1838, 781- 6, 788, 790, 797, 799-801, 810-11, 816, 839, 846, 941, 1459; robbers, 687, 764, 2325; Shawnee warned against al- liance with, 1321; traders, 2081. Mexico, affairs, 83; armistice, 1843, 2152, 2203; article upon, 443; at- tempt to establish authority of in Webb county, 2382; attitude toward robbers on Texas frontier, 2325; cabinet, 115; Catholic Church, 2813; centralization, 181-3, 1657; coloniza- tion policy, 172-5; conditions: 1835, 276, 1838, 653, 1841, 1981, 2108; con- gress: Austin’s plan for reorganiz- ing, cited, 47, decrees, 172, 175, ques- tions before, 1833, 170, unconstitu- tional assumption of power, 1835? 281; conquest, 285; constitution of 1824, 156-7, 241; crisis, 1829, 76; distrust of, 1789; expedition against, 1851; faith- lessness, 1737; Filisola’s representa- tion «to 437s" history, 2ach, 12641 honors for army, 1836, 335; Indian allies and negotiations, 529, 1988, 2325; invasion of by Spain, 1829-30, 51; invasion of Texas, 1842, 2165, discussed, 1836-42, 391-3, 576, 639, 653, 877, 1714, 1746, 1774, 1981, 1992, 2129; Liberals, 319, 327-8, 335; loyalty of Texans to, 136, 144-5, 147, 149; memorial to, 1952; mines, 2398; minister of, to the United States, 862;. minister of Texas, to, 1167; ministry of relations, decree, 174; ministry of war and’ marine, 539; mission of Bee to, 1169, 1330, 1350, 1361, 1473; of Hockley and ‘Wil- liams; .2156202NE) ote Treat. o101498, 1547, of Webb, 2015-16, 2057; 2059, 2075; officers, rumored desertion to Texas, 577; organic act, Oct. 10, 1835, 2449; peace negotiations and pros- pects, 449, 959, 984, 1068, 1476, 1500, 1524, 1756, 1774, 2152, 2203; policy regarding, 1847, 2081; presidential decree, 173; relations: with France, 826, with Texas, 781, 1788, with the United States, 708; revolutionary movements, 1833-47, 115, 170, 181-3, 319, 371, 886, 934, 1703, 2366; su- preme government, 48, proclamation cited, 445, resistance to, 1826, 66; Texan operations against, suggested, 416, 856, 874, 1322; treaty with the United States cited, 876; troops in Texas, 1836, 319, 350, 352,.373, 382; Texans’ attitude toward, 120,. ‘war and rumors of war,” 1833, 169. (See also War of Independence. ) Mexico, northern, 319, 934; 1703, 1765, 2348, 2366. Mexico (City) battle and capture, 1847, 2349, 2353; capture by Guerrero, 610. | Mexico (State), congress, report, 81. Mier y Terdn, Manuel, see Teran, Man- uel. Milam, Benjamin R., 97; memorial, cited, 1558; siege of Bexar, 267. Milam County, citizens, petition, 1185; troops to operate in, 942, sketches of, 2164. , Milam Guards, 2162; honorary mem- bers, 818-19; resolution, 818. Milburn, David H., 152. Militia, Mexican, 65; Texan, 400, 405, 407, 875, 896, 901, 988, 995, 1030, 1124, 1390, 1561, 1732, 1793, 1824. Millard, Henry, 488, 490-1, 493; certifi- cate, 1830; letters, 480-1, 1831, 1875. Milledgville (Georgia), State Rights meeting, resolutions, 171. Miller and Dexter, letter, 1747. Miller, Burchard, document, 1755; let- ter, 1116. Miller, James B., 213-14, 227; breach with Travis, 209; historical notes from, 1639. { Miller, James H. C., letter, 209. Miller, John, letter, 710. Miller, W. D., 2378; letter, 2379. Miller, William P., 933, 990. Millet, William E., letter, 1260. Mills, John T., letters, 1200, 2044. Milton, John, letters, 446, 495, 1187, 1462, 2136. Mims, Samuel ? 452. Mina, Xavier, biography, 2407, 2800-1. Mina (Texas), 227; committee of safety, 233. | _ Mines and mineral resources of Texas, 1O)h2,: 1848, 41820) Miracle, Julian Pedro, Indian mission, 597, 899. Miranda, Francisco, expedition, 2443. Mitchell, Asa, letters, 121, 153. Mitchell, James C., 1786. Mitchell, William J., letter, 670. Mobile Advertiser, 2457. Mobile Register, 2462. Model (pilot boat), 707. Molano, Juan, 1770. Mollhausen, H., 1718; letters, 1717, 1743; sketch, 1738. Monchaca, see Menchaca. Monclova, 517; disturbances, 1834-5, 202, na. 4a. - Monell, Charles, 1540,. 1559; letter, 1541. Money, Texan, see Currency. Monterey, capture, 1846, 2226-7, 2373; Santa Anna’s plan to retake, 2262. INDEX | 25 Monterey Pioneer, 2331. Montgomery, P. M.,’ 1337. Montgomery Advertiser and State Ga- zette, 2457. Montgomery County, Southern bound- ary, 1224. Moody, J. A., letter, 1731. ‘ Moody, John W., 1308, 1416; letters, 602, 1216. Moore, , 954. Moore, , takes Moore, Charles, 2000, 2002, 2008; let- ters, 1921, 1931, 2003. Moore, Edwin Ward, 1502, 1893, 1915, 1950, 1986; capture of Mexican prize, 1941; document, 2157; instructions to Wheelwright, 1900; letters, 1815, 1823, 1825, 2364; treatment, 2500. Moore, Francis, Jr., 749; certificate, 1952: characterized, 1397, 2130; let- ters, 744, 1272, 1741; life and career before emigrating to Texas, 828; po- litical affiliations, 800, 1110, 2130, 2192; violation of pledge, 756. Moore, John H., 233, 1837, 1855, 1882; letter, 237. Moore, John W., expedition against Anahuac, 203-4; letter, 1121. Moore, Thomas J., 981. Mordecai, B. H., 372, 1227. Morehouse, E:, 481, 1169; note, 1646; letters, 490-1. Moreland, Isaac N., 1096; letter, 1443. Moreland, J. W., joint letter, 1275. Moreland, Joseph, letters, 879, 2025. Moret, Juan, 142. Morewood, Morgan, 2041. Morgan and Reed, 2481. Morgan, H. S., 1734. Morgan, James, 111, 138, 478, 986; let- ters, 140; 461, 477, 500; $814, 959, 1004, 12105-1250, 91287, 1382, 1836, 1887; notes from, 2481. Morning Siar (Houston), 1601. Morris, F. A., 1707, 1709, 2069, 2072. Morris, John D., 1696. Morris, Robert, case, 1531-2. Morris, Robert C., 338. Morrison, Ot Le abe Morse, G. W., letter, 1845. Morse, Samuel F. B., 1225. Morton, John V., letters, 1898, 1914. Moseley, J. W., letter, 933. Muldoon, Michael (Padre), 1247; imprisonment, 1290-1; 124. Murray, Louisa, letter, 1792. Muscos, see Musquiz. Muse, James Fort, letter, 768. Muse, K. H., 1205; letter, 1170. Musquiz, Ramon, 139, 144-5, 149, 2325; address, 137. Mustian, J. L., 706. historical , 1006. 116," 16s; letter, Nacogdoches, 121, 272, 654, 577, 749, 1644, 2075; citizens’ petition, 1241, presented, 1262; conditions, 1/836, 294; fight at, 1832, 160-2; postoffice, 257, 263; press, 304; public dinner, public meeting, 2105-6; repeopling, 1640; Supreme Court session, 1692-3. Nacogdoches County, attempts to di- vide into factions, 1280; Burnet’s chances, 1841, 2085; land scrip, 2199. Nacogdoches, Department, land distri- bution, 202. Nacogdoches, district, aid requested for 1832, 160; inhabitants, proclamation to, 68; judge, 270. “Nacogdoches madmen,” 67. Nashville (Tennessee), citizens’ meet- ing, address, 260. Nachitoches, 1335, 1640; arrival of for- eign troops, 26. National Banner (Houston), 646, 747, 152. National Intelligencer (Houston), 1334, 1354. Natzmer, B., von, letter, 2502. Naval service of Texas, shipping ar- . ticles, 1881. Navarro, José Antonio, 77, 82-3, 98, 97-8, 2040: autobiography, 2122; bio- eraphy of Santa Anna, cited, 2561; historical note, 2026; letters, 937, 1703, 2024. Navarro, Luciano, letter, 1395. Navarro family, politics, 1874. Navidad settlement, citizens’ meeting, 141, 152: Navy of Texas, 324, 335,.429, 484, 506, 620, 707, 835, 898, 980, 1010, 1278, 1287, 1350, 1381, 1392, 1421, 1673, 1848, 1887* agent,., 1210, (1287, \1942:.. com- mander-in-chief, 1342; commended, 1741; court martial ordered, 1895; destitution, 912; disposition, 1746, 1766; estimates for vessel, 1032; force, 2157; history, etc., 821; im- portance, 484; officers, 1537, 1673, 1683, 1698, 1812, 1893, 1986, 2188-91, 2216; purchase of vessels for, 484, 980; retrenchment suggested, 1250; service in, 1130, 2185-7, 2190; station, Galveston, 912; store keeper, 1371, 1393; supplies, 1244, 1250, 13860; ves- sels built at Baltimore under Wil- liams and Dawson’s contract, 1004, . T4U48, “1202, 7209, 4215), 12741278, 1281. ty Navy Department, Texas, 278, 989; accounts, 1609, 1623 ? 1755, 1800; ob- ligations, 1759, 1762; order cited, 1244: records, extract, 278; secre- tary, ‘798, 1238; 1615. Navy of the United States, Campbell’s service, 2492; appointment in, asked for Texas officers, 2191, 2193, 2216. 26 INDEX Neal, Abner, letter, 733. Neches, inhabitants, 68. Neches & Angelina Navigation Com- pany, 1606. Neches River, Indians on, 1776. Negroes, importation, 473, 1799; Kickapoo fight, 846. Neill, Andrew, 886, 1781; Neill, J. C., document, 308; Neill, J: C. '? 324. Nelson, Hugh, 1675. Nelson, William, 2641. YH Neptune (steamer), 1296. te Newell, Steward, 676. Newland, John Alexander, letter, 998. New Mexico, attack expected, 21; de- fense, 64-5; inhabitants, letter to, 1972; veteran companies, 61. New Orleans, 77, 1196; citizens’ meet- ing, proceedings, 244; commercial convention, 1855, 2487, 2489; money conditions, 1839, 1358; opinions for and against Texas, 503. New Orleans Bee, 224, 244, 1987, 1991, 1993. New Orleans Commercial Bulletin, 212, 359-60, 379, 396, 421. New Orleans Courier, 260. New Orleans Observer, 1026. New Orleans Picayune, 2262. Newspapers of Texas, 542, 567, 605, 611-12, 614, 621, 627-8, 646, 650, 665-6, 686, 721-2, 730, 739, 745, 747, 749, 152, 754, 799,” 828, 987,..1243, 13854, 1431, 1483, 1485, 1556, 1730, 1989-90. “New York Company business,” 115. New York (steam packet), 1053, 1672. New York Herald, 1969, 2456, 2582, 2647. New York Star, 910. Nicaragua, 2510, 2573; American col- onists, 2631; amnesty decree, 1858, comment, 2588; attitude of the United States toward, 2678; claims against, 2584, 2598, 2680, 2737, 2758, 2783; conditions, 1858, 2576, 2621; congress, 2714, 2778, 2780, decree, 2408, letter, 2742; constituent as- sembly, 2620; Huropean anti-Ameri- can influence, 2631; government, 2589, unconstitutionality, 2645; feel- ing toward the United States, 2637, 2645, 2737; foreign policy, 2611, 2621; in the letter, 871. letter, 297. foreign relations, 2772, 2783-4; his- torical notes regarding, 2715; ‘“‘Lake Steamers,” 2593; military order, 2569; mission of Lamar to, 2787; officials, 2599; president’s aids-de- camp, 2726; question, 2788; revolu- tion, 2586, 2675; Schlesinger’s trans- action with, 2724; slavery in, 2528; “Stebbins—White contract,” 2593; transit and canal operations, 2624, 2643, 2759, 2761; troubles, 2785; - Walker’s expedition, 1856-7, 2571, 2726; Walker’s “reign of horror,” 2719. Nicknames, pseudonyms, given names without’ surnames, initials: A., 2158; A. KE. & Co., 2174; Agnes, 780; Alamo, 1380;. Aristides, 2128, 2131-5;° Big Mingo, 2051; Bolingbroke, 1426; Car- oline, 765, 1944; Citizens of Texas, 2201; Unos Costaricenses, 2617, 2628; Emily, 1472; Esau, 2051; Fidus Achates of the Republic of Texas, 2207; Genius of Matagorda, 1766; George’ Mason, 2459; Great Ex, 1746; I & Gt, 322;° Jane,’ 388; (Jonna. Jostus, 221; Juan, 2724-9; Junius, 611; Mary Ann, 609a; Milam, 2480; Mrs. D., 765; Myself, 1465; Old Ben the African, 1419; Old Commodore, 1004; Old Sam, 778; Old Settler, 2176-7; Un patriote, 645; Primus, 585; Publius, 1804; S. F., 589; Spirit of the South, 2457; William, 2486. Nile (brig), 618. Niles, J. W. J., 665, 1419; 650, 745. Niles’ Weekly Register, 76. Nixon, 51608063 Noel, A. W., letter, 850. Nolan, Philip, operations in Texas, 283, 1660, 2445, 2800. Norman, Steel & Company, letter, 928. Norris, Samuel ? 816. North, Stephen B., letter, 873. Norton, B. H., letter, 1093. Norwood, Math., 1832. Nueces County, first election, 2337-8; representative, 2361-2. Nueces River, 1008, 1391, 2307; armed force upon, 1292; cantonment on, 247; division of force on, 341; Fannin’s ‘suggestions for concentrating troops letters, 628, 2334, upon, 309; public domain beyond, TAZ. Nuevo Leon, 191; liberal movement, 1836, 315; revolution, 1838, 2333. (See also Coahuila, Nuevo Leén and Texas. ) O’Connell, Daniel, attack upon Texas, 1582, 1838, 1856. Odd Fellows, 1816. O’Fallon, Benjamen, 21. Olds, Gamaliel S., letter, 1346. Orcoquisas Indians, 1661. Ordnance Department, Hockley’s rec- ommendations, 940, 951, 963, 1488-9. Oscar (schooner), 606, 613. O’Shaughnessy, James, 1893. Overton, John, 1726. Owen, Harrison, document, 1047. Owen, James D., joint petition, 1742. Owen, Hardeman, 194. Pabstmann, Velentine, letter, 1325. .Pace, Westley W., 1522-3. INDEX ef Pacho, Juan Maria, 110. Pacific coast policy, 968, 2015. Pacific Railroad, 2495; stock, 2510. Padi llasa Ast tes Page, Fred B., letter, 1111. Page, Robert, joint letter, 1096. Pagés, Bartolomé, declaration, 440. Paguire, F192: Pakenham, Richard, 1255, 1290, 1302, Dive Paldi, Ange, letter, 2046. Palmer, V. R., 931-2; letters, 893, 896. Palmerston, Henry John Temple, Vis- count, 1453. Panttaleon, ; 300. Paredes, Mariano, 2377. Parham, F. A., letter, 1937. Park, Thomas, 1269, 1323. Parker, A., certificate, 2277. Parker, Cynthia Ann, 2166. Parker, Daniel, 294. Parker;.J. W., 1289. Parker, James W., letter, 2166; memo- rial, 1131. . Parker, John, 2166. Parker, W. W., 799, 1557. Parker’s Fort, 2166. Parmalee, R., 2105. Parmer, Martin, 1399. Parrott, “Mlizabeth” (irs. TF. L.), deed, 555. Parsons, Augustus, 670. “The Parting Kiss,’ (Lamar)’ cited, 212: Passaic (schooner), 440. Patents, application for, 859, 907, 944, 1461, 1555. Patin, William, letter, 1083. Patrick, George M., 110, 461; 464. Patrick, Mrs. George M., 110. Patterson, Robert, orders, 2229, 2235. Patterson, William, 833. Patillo, G. A., letter, 1729. Patton, Alexander, document, 330; ter, 348. Paul, P. C., document, 2389. Peace negotiations, between Texas and Mexico, 959, 984, 1524, 1774. Peace, W. I., 2393. Pearman, W. J., letter, 759. Peres. P., 232: Peebles, L. S. ? 202. Peebles, Robert, letter, 1337. Pemberton, A. H., letter, 1411. Pendleton, Benjamin S., 729. Pennington, Sidney O., 346. Pennoyer, , 862. Pennsylvania, 404. he People, 730, 747; Peraza, Martin Francisco, 2086, 2092. _Peraza, Mateo, 537. Perez, Ignacio, expeditions, 41-2, 1655; letter, 25. letter, let- 1819-21, Perkins, Austin, 579-80. Perkins, EH. §., 2004; letter, 2017. Perry, Emily Austin (Mrs. James Franklin), 109, 117. Perry, Henry, 2801; certificate, 9; oper- ations in Texas, 283, 1662, 2800. Perry, James, letter, 1840. Perry, James Franklin, 109, 117; let- ters, 581, 556, 626, 985. Perry, Stuart, 459; letters, 476, 561, 812-138. Pettus, William, 112; document, 282; notes, 2431, 2439. Peyton, J. C., 2448. Phelan, Andrew A hes Phe 1829- 34, 1835. Phelan, Richard, 582. Phelps, Henry C., letter, 663. Phelps, Sarah V. (Mrs.), 663, 1197. Philadelphia, public meeting, 1839, 1412. Philosophical Society of Philadelphia, 1043. Piedras, José de las, 139, 547; alliance with Indians, 160; expulsion, 1882, 1619, 1644; letter, 116. Pigeon Roost and Mining Company of Georgia, 773. Pierce, G. W., statement, 2252. Pilie, L. J., letter, 1201; maps, com- ment, 1320; theft and punishment, 1402. Pillans, P. J., 1995; letters, 2034, 2042. Piper, Silvester, letter, 1706. Piper, Thomas, 1706. Pitkin, John W., 1767, 1854, 1874; let- ters, 1472, 1850. Pitkin Guards, 1874. Placadores, ma Pass Platt, Po Li), letter, 1902. Plummer, vt hes Plummer, Clarissa Parker (Mrs.), 2166. Plummer, Joseph E., letter, 2097. Plummer, Samuel A., 1292; _ letters, RUGS LESS) F117 4951194, 1 20737 1273; 1358, 1406, 1789, 1804. Pockets (brig )> 1399. Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 610, 1361, 2811. Polk; James \Kirox, (2191) ° 2193)" 2195, 2204, 2324. Pontois, Edouard, 1424, 1426. Ponton, Andrew, 214. Port Caddo, 884. Porter, , 2054, Porter, B. A., letter, 151. Porter, Charles, letter, 1032. Porter, David, letter, 76. Porter, J. W., joint petition, 1185. Porter, W., 1456, 2414; letter, 413. Porter, William N., letter, 2009. Portis, D. Y., letter, 886. Ports of Texas, blockade threatened, 835, 862. Postal service, see mail service. 28 INDEX Postell, William Ross, 1815, 1893, 1895; letter, 1894. Postoffice Department of Texas. 1458, 1861, 1864, 1866, 1873, 1877. Potomac, 634. Potter, M. M., 2089. Potter, Reuben M., 304, 1826, 1888; letters, 897, 2033, 2040, 2056, 2084; song, 2147. Potter, Reuben M. ? 1992. Powel, Thomas J., letters, 1586, 1980. Powell, Thomas A., 1636, 1642. Power, ; AN Gos Power, James, imprisonment, 2437. Power and Hewitson’s colony, 1642, 2437. Powers, , S09: Prairie Indians, 839. | Pratt, Thomas, letters, 1052, 1190, 1206, 1258, 1678. Prentiss, Francis, 1478; 1477. Prentiss, Francis, ? 1053, 1398. President’s House, fittings, 1025. Preston, C. C., letter, 1034. Price, Charles M., 1285. Prison conditions, 1839, 1077. Prisoners, expense account for keep- ing, 1121. Privateering, 2185. Proctor, Elizabeth (Mrs.), 1212. Provisional Government of Texas, 264, 299, 302, 308, 318, 343; opposition to, 294, 304; report to, 278. Public buildings, 1363. Public debt of Texas, adjusting, 2491; auditing, 2217; increase during La- . mar’s administration, 2490; interest, 1422. Public printing, 987, 1245, 1573-4, 1824. Puelles, José Maria, reports, 71, 75. Pulaski (steamer), 707, 713, 778, 844. Pulkington, Samuel, 1098, 1486. Purcell, Edward, letter, 1670. Quarterly of the Texas State Historical Association, see Southwestern Histor- ical Quarterly, 142, 176, 308, 487. - Quin, Caleb, 2081; petition, 1607. Quintana, custom house, 985. Quintero, J. A., review, 2565. Quintero, J. N., letter, 2561. Quitman, John A., joint letter, 2511. Rabb, A., 2425. 3 Radcliff, Edward G., 1672. Ragan, A. B., letter, 773. Ragsdale, Thomas, historical 1648. Raguet, Condy, letter, 1946. Raguet, Henry, 232. ‘ pe aa need of, 1361; projects, 768, 84. Rains, Emory, 861, 1205; note, 1165. Ramblers’ Sketch book, prospectus, 1807. it letters, 1418, note, Ramesburgh, James, 129. Ramey, re Oe Ramirez, Norberto, 2405; decree, 2404. Ramon, , 98. Ramon, José Maria, 2382, 2384; joint letter, 2388. Rancho ‘De Santo Domingo, tants, certificate, 2392. Rangers, 842. Rankin, George H., 1209. Ransom, James B., 1916, 2007, 2010, . 2094, 2101; letters, 1172, 13890, 1402, 1905; notes, 1099. Rapp, , 2492, Ratcliffe, James R., receipts, 2356. Ravis, James P., 2427. Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson, let- ters, 12138, 1248. Rawls, Daniel, 133. Ray, Samuel J., 2461-2; 2460, 2463. Raymon, Charles H., 1684; letter, 1909. Read, Hzra, 1214, 1501; letter, 1403; memorial, 1012. , inhabi- joint letter, Read, Harriette Fanning, letters, 2548-9. Recess appointments, 1428, 1511-12, 1537;) 1673: Recognition of the independence of Texas, 392, 462, 499, 527, 662; by Bel- gium, 1424; by England, 662, 831, 835, 1158, 1424, 1453, 1456, 1460, 1475-6, 1594, 1827, 1856; by France, 662, 826, 831, 1158, 1196, 1211, 1215, 1414-15, 1424, 1426, 1433, 1438, 1475- 6, 1524, 1594; by Mexico, 503, 1288, 1291, 1301; by Russia, 968; by Spain, 1888; by the United States, 350, 447. Recruiting, 415, 424, 1197, 1357-8, 1367, 1397, 1406, 1592-3; difficulties, 875-6. Redfish Bar, customs difficulties, 2481. Red Lander, 1557. Redlanders, 409, 415. Red Lands, 751, 790, 415. Red River country, 752, 20638, 2211; free navigation, 872; Indian troubles, 1648, 2426, 2465; road from Austin to, 1837; settlement, 409, 1648, 2208, 2426: Shawnee settlement, 53-4, 63. Red River County, 1543. Red Rovers of Alabama, 339; expense accounts, 264, 279. Redd, Charles A., letters, 532, 1908. Redd, William D.,. 532, -1197, 1814, 1908; historical note, 3873; letters, 372, 381, 438, 459, 508, 541, 595, 671, 696, 1126, 1397. Reed, Hugh, statement, 2257. Reed, James & Company,’ 556, 626. Rees, Joseph, 125. Refugio, mission, 334; battle, 649, fam- ilies in, 753, 764. j Refugio County, boundaries, 712; land surveys, etc., 687; land system, sta- ‘INDEX 29 tus, 1838, 809; notary public, 1307. Reid, , 2481. Reid, A. B., 573. Reid, John 'R., 132; 11149, 1921; ters, 1700, 1705, 1919, 1999, 2090. Reily, James, 1195, 1241, 2527; connec- tion with Texas loan, 1128, 1161, 1169, 1471; instructions to, 1080; let- ters, 1262, 1513. Reily, Mrs. James, 1513. Rejon, Donaciano G., 2086, 2092. Representatives for depopulated dis- tricts, 1434, 1436. Revolution, Texan, 241-9, 251-62, 264-5, 267-9, 271-82, 287-380, 382, 389- 420, 422, 424-27, 429-32, 434-5, 437-40, 443, 445, 449, 475-8a, 482, 484-7, 489, 500-8, 505, 521-2, 524, 528, 536- 7, 539-40, 543, 545, 551, 556, 566, 568, 574, 576-7, 579-80, 586, 597, 602, 604, 609, 616-17, 636, 639, 641, 648-9, 653-5, 671, 688, 691, 700, -707-9, 714, 716, 727, 733, 740, 750, 920, 967, 1645, 2178, 2407; beginning, 1621, 1669, 2169, 2172, 2178; causes, 284, 1643, 1668; finances, 333, 339, 535; in Mc- Mullen & McGloin’s colony, 1658; land granted for services in, 2305; political condition at beginning, 543; Zavala’s connection with, 2409. Ribaud, , 1347. Richardson, D. S., letter, 548. Richardson, John P., letter, 1587. Richardson, Willard, 1792. Richmond Enquirer, 462. Richmond Telescope and Texas Liter- ary Register, 1243, 1334. Riddle, Joseph, Jr., letters, 1002. Riddle, Joseph ? 2163. Riddle, Mrs. Joseph, 1002. Riley, James, 843, 846. Rincon, José Maria, 142. Rio Grande, counties on, 2311, 2338, 2354; country, development, 2396; expedition up, 2325; fighting on, 1786, 1789; Mexican trade, 1079; mil- itary colony on or near, suggested, 964; troops on, 1841. Rio Grande and Texas Land Company, scrip, 803. Ritchie, Thomas, 462. Roads, 1361, 1926; Austin to Bastrop, 1474; Austin to Red River, 1837; Corpus Christi to Chihuahua, 2396; Harrisburg, 2510; military, 970, 989, 1008, 1264. Roarer, 5, .bOLs Robbins, ——-—, 501. Roberts, James F., letter, 1935. Roberts, Joel, 717, 983. Roberts, Olivia A., see Mather, Olivia A. Roberts. Roberts, Reuben H., let- 1080 114, 468, 687, 809, 1603; letters, 753, 1782. Roberts, Samuel Alexander, 658, 717, (28-6, 753, - 1302603; 1740, . 1749, 1782, 2995, 2062, 2104; letters, 530, 606, 711, 756,820, 1145, 11173, 1274, 1361, 1426, 1438,..1462, 1476, 1483, 1934, 1968, 2045, 2063-4, 2069, 2072, 2103; memorandum, 1963. - Roberts, Willis, 711, 725, 753, 764, 883, 1009, 1344, 1488, 1476, 1804; letters, 468, 687, 712, 717, 725, 764, 809, 983, 993; 1033,.1140,1843 1347; 1471, 1521, 1540, 1603, 1740, 1749, 1994. Roberts family, 820, 2034. Robertson, Arthur, receipt, 131. Robertson, E. S. C., letters, 1505, 1569. Robertson, M., letter, 1839. Robertson, County, 2164; citizens’ peti- tion, 1047; Indian difficulties, 1016; troops to operate in, 942. Robertson’s colony, 202, 636, 1084. Robinson, J., letter, 1461. Robinson, James, 1254, 1797. Robinson, James W., 248, 257-8, 261, 263, 265-6, 270, 272-4, 276, 291, 294, 299, 301, 304, 309, 322-4, 328-9, 334-5, 339, 341, 346; acting Governor, 295-6; letters, 302, 332-3, 350, 856, 1091, 1689; message, 296; proclamation, 300; proposals for armistice, 1843, 2203. Robinson, Tod, letters, 1809, 1853. Robinson, Walter, 624. Rodriguez, Estevan, certificate, 2274. Rogers, John A., letters,, 763, 2314. Rogers, Magnus T., 1102, 1218-20; in- dictment, 718. Roman, , 404. Roman, , 1447. Ross, John, 1447. Ross, John E., letter, 1326. Ross, W. A., 706. Rossignol, Charles, 2140; agreement, 2148; letters, 2139, 2145; statement, 101. Round Point, 140. Rountree, R. G., letter, 507. Rowe, — , 199. Rowe, Joseph, letter, 1115. Rowland, John G., 123. Rowland, Samuel, letter, 669. Rowlett, J. ? historical notes from, 2426. Royall, Richard R., 93, 1242; document, 251; historical notes, 1636; letters, 550, 552,622, 796, 952, 1122; Rudder, , 458, 460. Rudder, S. W., 1322. Rueg, Henry, 273-4, 321. Ruis, , historical notes, 2428. Ruiz de Apodaca, Juan, 23, 26. “Runaway Scrape,” 351, 836. Runnels, W. G., letter, 2362. Rusk, “Thomas i0., 859; 6363). 4145-630, 30 INDEX 786, 816, 1408, 1811, 2495; address, 380; advice on Indian policy, 852; candidacy for presidency, discussed, 1838, 601, 611, 630-1, 723-4, 737, 747, 1834, 2151, for United States Senator, 2192; commander-in-chief; appoint- ment, 671, discussion, 404, 411, 484; circular, 442; creditable behavior, 1838, 799; death, 2541; estimate of, as a military leader, 445; historical notes, 1623, 1634; letters, 232, 354, 374, 494, 631, 797, 801, 839, 876-7, 996, 129293901519;/ 1698) 1805, 3221 mol L: military campaigns, 1838-9, 790, 799- 800, 845-6, 849, 875-6, 882, 884, 943, 995-7. 1412-’ orders, 9376, 31%,2 400; 882; personal relations: with Hous- ton, 788, Lamar, 384, 412, 414, 2511, 2527, McLeod, 778; political attitude, 1838, 751-8, 788, 810; situation, 1836, 387; successor as Chief Justice, 1588; treatment of Cadle, 385; unpopular- ity with volunteers, 788; warning against, 304. Rusk, Mrs. Thomas, J., 778. Russell, William J., 142, 722; letter, 130. Russia, Pacific Coast holdings, 2015; recognition of Texas, 968. Rust, Richard, letter, 1060. Ruter, H., letter, 1599. Sabine (municipality), 328. Sabine (port and district), 1170, 1251, 1466, 1479, 1821, 1828-31, 1835. Sabine Pass, notary public, 1563; postal service, 1125. Sabine River, 1954; railroad from, pro- jected, 768. Saccharapp, camp at, 1778. Saddler, William T., letter, 1086. Saenz, Joaquin, 1653. Safety fund, act, 1475; system, 2173. St, Anna (pilot boat); 1287. Salcedo, Manuel, biography, 2568; elec- tion as civil governor, 8, 1661. Salcedo, Nemesio, 7. Saligny, Alphonse de, 1196, 1590, 2022, 2039; attitude toward Texas, 1424, 1433, 1458; introduced, 881, 1073: mission to Texas, 1004, 1215, 1542, 2081. Salinas, Sebastian, 2406; circular, 2405. Salinas, Victoriano, certificate, 2273. Salmon, R., letter, 1558. Saltillo, disturbances, 1834-5, 517, 1619, 2438; fight near, 1840, 2435. Sample, ‘David, 1675; letter, 1514. San Antonio de Béxar, 836, 1515, 2411; aid for asked, 1836, 300, 338, 342; alleged movement of troops from, 1832, 1438; ball, 2021; capture by Roy- alists, 7873, 2036; capture, 1835, 256, 267, 288, 358,°2169, 2172) 2178 Ca- sas’s insurrection, 1651; citizens’ and soldiers’ meeting, 1/836, proceedings and resolutions, 308; commanding officer, 37; conditions, 1836, 297, 1838, 772, 1839, 1447; effort to re-_ move state government to, 202; elec- tion at, August, 1832, 502; fallen 1836, 351; Fannin’s advice to con- centrate troops at, 309; history, 1654, 2483; Lamar’s wish for real estate in, 2040; mail route to, desired, 2363; Mexia invited to co-cperate in attack upon, 268; Mexican attack, 341; Mex- ivan attack expected, 2221; Mexican designs against, 332; Mexican troops at, 374; military headquarters, 2398; movement of troops to, 1836, 337, 339; mysterious prisoner, 2407; nom- enclature, 1659, 2568; Woll’s raid, 2165. San Antonio de Béxar (Presidio), 2. San Antonio Ledger, 2488. San Augustine, customs district, 857, 864. San Augustine (municipality), ball, 609; committee of vigilance and sate- ty, address, 275; representation in the convention, 1836, 323; newspaper, 799. San Augustine County, chief justice, 908, 1074; court, 1050; election cer- tificate, 1056; notary public, 1108, 1725; representative, 1345. Sanchez, Teodoro, 2387. : Sanchez, y Ynaga, José, letter, 2458. Sandoval, ay: Sands, Lewis H., letter, 979. Sandusky, William H., 1320, 1431; con- tract for map, comment, 1717; de- seription of Austin, 1430; letters, 2020, 2039, 2112; sketches of Austin, 1431. San Felipe de Austin, 77; Ayuntamien- to, 99, 116, 149, addresses, 139, 144-5, advice to, 115, 170, files cited, 552; burning, 1/836, 1286; cannon from, 138; crossing opposite, 1656; citi- zens’ meetings: 1332, 136, 141, 144-5, 149, 1835, 205, 1836, 340; committee of safety, circular, 229; Mexican fac- tion, 294; “toryish spirit,” 153. San Jacinto, battle, 1086, 1646, 2407; anecdotes of, 501, 1666; ball to com- memorate, /839, 1163; cannon, 1451; Lamar’s record, 413, 1443, 1458; Mex- ican prisoners captured at, 362; mus- ter roll, 358; official report, 354-5, requested, 391. San Jacinto, campaign, 351, 1657, 2496, 2498-9. San Jacinto (Texas Naval vessel), 1893. San Jacinto River, 2206. San Juan Bautista de Lampazos, pre- sidial company, 59. San Marcos Spring, 1926. INDEX 31 San Miguel Felipe, certificate, 2263. San Patricio, 341, 1824. San Patricio County, boundaries, 712; chief justice, 1377, 2093; representa- tive, 1484, 2361. San Saba (presidio), 1-2, 2436. San Saba Company, 1246. Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de, 76, 182- es 23192 390, 402.406; 1664,.2358; 2377: address to Texan army, June 1, 1836, 375; anecdotes of, 2414, 2485; at- tempts at centralization, 1657; atti- tude of Texas toward, 1832, 114, 156; attitude towards Texas after San Ja- cinto, 406, 1291, 1301; biography, 364, 1662, 2374, 2407, 2416-7, 2488, 2508, 2561; custody and disposal after cap- fure at San. Jacinto, 359, 379, 382, 391, 397, 404, 413-14, 420, 482, 531-2; decree, 173; domestic relations, 1652; invasion of Texas, 7836, 306, 309, 315, 324, 285, 337; “letters, 356, 399, 539; plans and movements, 1846, 2262, 2318; powers, 1847, 2341; pretended plot to liberate, 1836, 440, 503; re- lease, 485, 500, 505; reputed secret agent of, 1215; treaties: public, 366, secret, 365; unconstitutional assump- tion, of power, 281. Santa Fé, 1757; expedition, 1049, 1198- 9, 1773, 1850, 1980, 1984, 1992, 2007, 2010, 2013-14, 2036, 2038, 2040, 2043, 2049) 82053, 2063, 2077) 2126, 2168; inhabitants, 1773, 1972, 2033, 2040, 2070; insurrection, 1/808, 1663; press, 1990, 2040; trade, 1049. Santangelo, O. de A., petition, 716. Santa Rosa (Mexico), inhabitants, in- vitation, 2386. San Xavier (presidio), 1. Saucedo, José Antonio, proclamation, 68. Saunders, James, 540. Saunders, Lovitt, letter, 540. Saunders, R. C., 699, 851. Savari, GVA Savery, H. P., letter, 1944. Sawyer, Caroline N., letter, 2515; verse, 2181. Sawyer, F. A., letter, 448; order, 429. Sayre, Charles D., 160. Schmidt, Gustavus, 244. Schools, 651, 883, 1013, 1060, 1092, 1120, letters, 63; 1374, 1697; offer to organize, 1157; plans for, 1034, 1697. Scotta———_ 1598-91914. Scott, Alfred V., letter, 434. Scott, John, 1588. Scott, William R., 2109. Scott, Winfield, 416,. 2341. Seals, 718, 2190, 2558, 2577-8. Seall, J., 2381: Searcy, Anderson, To. 1102; indictment, Sebring, C. C., 1231, 12383, 1239; letters, 941, 1232; 1247: Seeger, Augustus, letters, 1265, 1900, 2102. Seguin, Erasmo, 3. Seguin, Juan Nepomuceno, 1874, 1926; letters, 653, 1779, 2021; movements in Federalist war, 2567; notes on file in Béxar, 690; request for permission to return to Texas, 2377. Seibles, G. G., 1113. Seminole Indians, war, 1/836, 416. Senate of Texas, 485, 658, 693, 796, 1000, 1798, 1849; addresses to, 469, 615, 705, 866; journal, 1836 (part), 471, 1889 (part), 1544, .1837, cited, 615, 1835, cited,’ 918: message to, 1537; national bank bill, Jan. 5, 1838, 656; resolutions cited, 482, 1577; resolution, reply to, 1673; secret reso- lution, 598. Settle, John A., letter, 2091. Sevey, 3 DEW Seward, William H., certificate, 1230. Sewell, Charles A., 882, 884. Seybold, William, 2008. Seymour, Isaac G., 572. Shackleford, Jack, 907; company, 691; company accounts, 264, 279; letter, 1911. Shannon, James T., joint letter, 2100. Sharp, John, death, 1871; letter, 1379. Shaw, G., 1475; letter, 1533. Shaw, G. W., joint letter, 942. Shaw, James, joint letter, 942. Shaw, James B., 1490. Shawnee Indians, 801; chiefs, talk to, 1321; coercion urged, 878; fight with Comanches, 1922; invited to confer- ence, 232; relations with Texas, 877, 884; removal desired, 901; settlement in Texas, 53-4, 63. Shelby, A. B., 1941, 2047, 2089; letters, 1566, 1692, 1943, 2011, 2088. Shelby County, district court, 861; militia, 1030. Shelden, Ezekiel, letter, 1754. Shepherd, William M., letters, 616, 1023 (extract); 1752. Sherman, Sidney, 1513, 2561. Sherwood, John T., 635. Sherwood, Winfield Scott, letter, 635. Shields, Benjamin, 1551-2. Shinn, Wilson Kirk, joint 894: letter, 895. Shinn’s Colorado Navigation Company, 895. Shoal! Pelican, lots, 789. Sibley, John, statement, 2222. Simmonds, S. B., 1694. Simmons, James W., letter, 1166. Simmons, William, joint letter, 1708. Sims, —, 1329. Sims, Bartlett, 147. petition, 32 INDEX Sims, Charles, 785. Sims, William, letter, 1939. Single Star of Texas, origin, 1966. Sirvent de Calongo, Ignacio, 2013. Slaves and slavery, 27, 417, 545, 585, 685, 725, 765, 780, 844, 1179, 1472, 1639, 1758, 1767, 1801, 1824, 1944, 2114, 2580, 2626; bearing upon an- nexation question, 462, 659, 708, 862; upon loan question, 862. Slave trade, 1331, 1799. Smead, P. H., letter, 592. Smith, SAL. Smith, ———, 835. Smith, mo Wares ; Smith, Ashbel, 734; claim, 1422; let- ters, 1000-1, 1432, 1601, 1712; nomi- nation as surgeon-general, 986. Smith, Ashbel ? 808, 810. Smith, Benjamin F., joint petition, 930; letter, 383. Smith, Daniel W., 2424. Smith, E., letter, 1395. Smith, Erasmus (Deaf Smith), 543. Smith, Francis G., 1946-7. Smith, G., 309. Smith, George, 619. Smith, Hamp, 671. Smith, Henry, 202, 224-5, 276, 288, 292- 8, 302, 309, 338, 346; address, 305; assassination planned, 306; _ biog- raphy, 2407; candidacy for presi- dency, 679, 681, 720; circular, 267; division, muster roll, 1832, 128; doc- uments, 186, 189; election as captain, 1832, 132; estimates of, 679; histori- cal material furnished to Lamar, 437: letters, 154, 277, 299, 307, 310, 487; messages, 259, 290; comment, 261; proclamation, 342; quarrel with counsel, 295,- 299, 302, 304-5, 307-8, 310, 3438; settlement of treasury ac- counts, 1089. Smith, Henry ? 184; diary, 501. Smith, High, 1872. Smith, Jackson, letters,. 1041, 1455. 4 Smith, James, 1003. Smith, James H., 1764; letter, 758. Smith, James W., letter, 1876. Smith, John M., 2120. Smith, John W., 209, 215, 690, 1940; letters, 213-14. Smith, iN. swat 25: Smith, Nathan, 1393. Smith, Richard, Beall and others v., 580. Smith, Stephen, letters, 425, 709. Smith, Thomas F., letter, 1355. Smith, W. W. T., letter, 1714. Smith, William A., 425, 709. Smith, William R., 2055. Smith, William R. (Dr.), letters, 1127, 1400, 1516, 1795. 1422, Smith, William R. ? 726. Smith, Mrs. William R., 1127. Smoot, Benjamin S., 446, 452. Smoot, Edward, 446, 452. Smyth, George W., 1865; letter, 1318. Snell, eae: Snively, Jacob, joint certificate, 1954. Snow, Charles B., 1261; joint petition, 1267. Somervell, Alexander, 384, 389, 1019. Sonora and Sinola, presidial companies, estimates, 57. Soto, Augustin, statement, 2299. Soulé, Pierre, letters, 1073, 1183. Soult, Maréchal de, see Dalmatie, Duc de. South, annexation in relation to, 862; attitude of Federal administration toward, 2566; Clay’s record regard- ing, 844; doctrine, 1441; nancial de- pendence, 1002; misfortunes, 1763. South Carolina, attitude toward Fed- eral administration and tariff, 1411; loan, 835; nullification episode, 544. South Carolinian, 1411. ; Southern Commercial Convention: third and fourth, 844; New Orleans, 1855, 2487, 2489. Southern Convention question, 2457. Southern Literary Assistant, 578. Southern Literary Messenger, 1441. Southern Review, 2175. Southwestern Historical cited, 142, 176, 308, 487. Spain, colonial policy and government, 2175; 2812; Forsyth’s_ reception, 1819, 17; recognition of Texas, 1888. Spanish Vice-Consul, St. Louis, letter, Cie Sparks, William H., letter, 1988. Sparta Female Model School, 1092; an- nouncement, 911. Sparta Female Model School ? 85. Speakman, Thomas, letter, 439. Speculating party, rout, July, 1835, 209. Spilman, , 138; 140. Spradling, R. W., 2355. Squier, Ephraim George, letter, 2406. Stafford, William, 954, 958. Stamped paper, 103. Stanfield, Julia A., letter, 1117. Stanley, M. C., 921. Stansbury, , 1006, 1639. Stapp, Elijah, 887; letter, 888. “Star money,” 685, 734, 1167. Stark, , 1686. Starr, James H., 1528, 1840, 2106; ap- pointment to cabinet, 1280; docu- ment, 643; intended resignation, 1824; letters, 1353, 1359, 1394, 1487, 1490, 1492, 1496-7, 1517, 1530, 1538, 1585, 1589, 1719, 1751; 1768) 9796-7, 1811, 1826, 1867, 1878-9, 1916, 2022, 2107, 2217, 2796; order to, 1491; re- Quarterly, INDEX go port, 1839, tions, 1604. . State Department of Texas, 1245: ad interim appointment, 1305-6; files, cited, 1511-12, 2048; remissness in diplomatic correspondence, 1458. State Rights, 171,178; party, 177, 180, 844, Steamboats, 2407. Stevens, Ann A., letters, 2182, 2579. Sterling, Mark, certificate, 2285; letter, 2288; statements, 2275, 2279, 2298. Stevens, William H., 2487. Stevenson, Robert, letter, 1143. Stewart, Charles B., letters, 960, 1224, 1525. . Stewart, Charles H., letter, 1722. Stewart, Daniel M., letter, 1054. Stewart, J. MecN., letter, 731. Stewart, James, 733. Stickney, E. Lawrence, LEER Stiff, Thomas R., 1550; journal, 256; letters, 686, 1507; v., Lamar, 1440, 1898, 1914. Still, W. G., letter, 1229. Stockfleth, G. de, letter, 1168. Stone, eer WS Stone, Clark M., 1204. Stone, G. M., 1565, 1568. Storms, J. M. (Mrs.), 2182, 2195, 2204, 2216. Stout, George, 949. Stout, Isaih, 949. Stout, Philander, 949. Stout, Sarah R., letter, 949. Stout, William B., notes from, 2465. Stovall, George, letter, 586. Stovall, Joseph, 706. Stovall, Joseph A., 586. . Strait, Hiram, 1598. Stratton, George S., letter, 922. Stubblefield, —, 1730, 1735. Sturges, Benjamin B., 504, 1024. Sturges, Oliver, 504._ Sublett, , 2051. Supreme Court of Texas, 856; appeal to, 950; chief justice, 1803, 1811; let- ter to, 1691; time and place of hold- ing, 1600, 1691-3, 1695. Sutherland, George, 141; circular, 146; letter, 1870. Sutherland, John, 1870. Sutton, James, 2193. Swaim, John D., 1821; 1835. Swartwout, Samuel, 1836, 1887. Sweet, , 1441. Swete ? T. W., letter, 1518. Swift, Timothy, letters, 1209, 1212. Swisher, , 2071. Tamaulipas, Congress, 52; flying com- panies, 60; inhabitants, charge comment, 1679; sugges- introduced into Texas, 434-5; letter, 2400; letters, letters, 1828, against, 191; liberal movement, 1838, 800; revolution, 1838-40, 2333. Tamaulipas, loss, 332. . Tampico, Expedition, 1647; 332; Mex- ia’s return to, 1832, 158. Tankersley, Benjamin A., letter, 1930. Tariff of Texas, 1465;° 1720; 1766; United States, 1411. Tarleton, James, 333; letter, 322. Tarpley, S. O., letter, 1862. Tarrant, EB. H., 890, 943, 1916. Tarshar (Caddo Chief), 901. — Tatem, C. C. (Mrs. Memory B.), let- ter, 536. Tatem, Joseph, 536. Tatem, Memory B., 536. Tawakoni Indians (Tahuacanas, Tawa- canas), 227, 896, 1748. Taxation, 636, 1465, 1766, 1907. Taylor, , o41. Taylor, ———,, 1046. Taylor, am) OSs Taylor, Charles §8., 2107; letter, 1469. Taylor, John B., 629, 637; note, 559. Taylor, John W., letters, 912, 1421. Taylor, Sereno, letter, 1092. Taylor, Thomas, letter, 944. Taylor, Zachary, 2220, 2297, 2300, 2315, 2319, 2338-9; orders, 2349, 2352; plans and movements, 2318, 2336, 2347, 2358. Teal, Henry, 395, 576. Telegraph use tendered to the Repub- lie, 1225. Telegraph and Texas Register, 471, 543, 614, 686, 828, 943, 1952; circulation, 1145: editor, 771, 1397; Jones’s cam-- paign contributions to, 770-1; perse- cution, 811; political attitude, 1838- 9, 747, 800, 1145; public printing, 987. Telegraph, Columbia, see Columbia Telegraph, 485. Temple, Palmer 1481, 2065. Ten-e-wish Indian tribe, 2388. Tenorio, , ejection, 1835, 204, 236, 281, 1607, 1625. Terdn, Manuel de, 99, 122, 135, 148; biography, 2407; trip to Texas, 1833, views on Texas affairs, 115. Teran, 153. : Terrell, Abel, 1631. Terrell, George W., 1780. Terry, Clement, letter, 87. Terry, D. S., 2362. Teulon, George Knight, 2063; letters, 1309, 1378, 2158. Teutonia (German colony), 1452. Tewullie, see Bowl. Texana, 1863. Texas, advantages, 682, 837; article upon, 443; Austin’s confidence in, 93; chronology, 2161; citizenship, 512; claims to, 72; climate, farming re- Columbus, letters, 34 INDEX sources, 226, 576; commercially a part of Mexico, 1827; conditions: 1882, 114, 117, 1835, 199, 202, 209, 211,: 219, 1837, 548, 1838, 964; 969, 184—?, 2415; confusion of public af- fairs, 1837, 558; cotton speculations in, 748; danger to from internal enemies, 401; departments, 137, 280, 2814; description, 997; disunion, 1836, 328; flights to, 802; French agent sent to, 826; free importation list. cited, 1832, 115: future, 711; gain to from war between England and the United States, 658; general ignorance of Mexican law in, 82; gov- ernmental system, 682; inquiries re- garding, 383, 417, 436, 549, 560, 573, 583, 589, 592, 634, 657, 682, 708, 714, 793, 802, 827, 837, 844, 850, 863, 883, 935, 1020-1, 1054, 1060, 1076, 1114, TAV7s 1242, 12607 23515135 ela no: 1411, 1470,: 1499, 1587, 1754, 1834; 1838, 1883, 1918, 1998, 2082; inhab- itants, apathy, 1836, 341, cessation of hostilities, 1832, 122; interest in, in the United States, 391-2, 503, 659, 869, 1002, 1169, 1197, 1211, 1412; in- ternational complications involving, 658-9; military operations suggested, 1322; mineral resources, 1012; need of good society, 1838, 720; Pacific coast policy, 968; policy in case of war between England and the United States, 659; political situation, 1834, 186, 189; prospects: 1836, 499, 1838, 941, 969, 1839, 1055; relations: with France, 872, 1215, 1410, Mexico, 781, United States, 544, 835, 862; separate sovereignty commended, 862; signifi- cance to, of Lamar’s election, 658; “State question,” 115, 170; topogra- phy, 226; wars, 1812-13, 2385; Wil- liam v., 950. (See also Coahuila y Texas; Coahuila, Nuevo Leén y Texas; etc.) Texas, army, etc., see Army, etc., of Texas. Texas son, Henry. Texas, East, Cherokee settlement, 905; election, 7838, 816; Houston’s politi- cal, standing, 593, 2063; Lamar’s strength, 1838, 720, 752, 755, 778, 799- 800, 1280; land, 1953; political move- ments, 1838, 747; population, 1840, 1776. (See also Mexicans in Texas, Revolt, 1839.) Texas, Southwestern, notes upon, 523. Texas, Western, citizens’ meeting, 1781; conditions, 1834, 2151; importance to of frontier protection, 871; Lamar’s strength, 720, 753, 755, 2192: organ- ization after the Mexican War, 2392; prospects of a new state, 2216, 2243. by Milam, see Thomp- (See also Laredo; Nueces County; Webb County). Texas Almanac, comment: 1858, 2561, 2591; 1860, historical compend, 2795. Texas Centinel, (Sentinel), 2051, 2068. Texas Chronicle, 611-12. The Texas Emigrant, 1419. Texas Farmer ? 681. Texas Gazette, 99, 143. Texas Mounted Volunteer Riflemen, y Wid Texas Mounted Volunteers, 2226; ad- dress, 2394; muster roll, 2228. Texas Philosophical Society, 889. . Texas Republican, 192, 212. Texas State Historical Association, quarterly, see Southwestern Histori- cal Quarterly, 142, 176, 308. Texian (Weekly), 2126-9, 2158. Texian Democrat, 2171. Tharp, Richard R., letter, 1114. Thomas, 108. ; Thompson, , 1625. Thompson, Algernon P., 627, 666; let- ters, 1416, 1567, 1683, 1771. «(See also Léger and Thompson.) Thompson, C., 706. Thompson, Henry, 1025, 1039, 1748; ac- counts, 919; letters, 918, 1110, 1204, 1412, 1441, 1454, 1593, 1682; Teras re by Milam comment, 1412, 1454, 1593. Thompson, Napoleon B., letter, 822. Thompson, William A., letter, 473. Thomson, Alexander, document, 282. Thornton, Francis W., letter, 1647. Thrasher, J. S., 2488. ; Thruston, A. S., 800; letter, 816. Ticknor, Isaac, 425, 506; company, 303, 709. Ticknor, James H., letter, 506. Tilden, 8B. 1.;. Jr., 22280,920008 2281. Times, 2161. Timmins, Thomas, 1030; letter, 266. Tinsley, William B., document, 178. Toby, Thomas, 930. Toby, Thomas & Brother, 368-9; com- plaint against, 476. Tod, John G., 1147-8, 1503; letter, 1950. Toler, Daniel J., 1134, 1137-8, 1141-3; information from, 2179. Tomkins, A. M., 1065. Tompkins, Caleb, letter, 1348. Tompkins, Gus, 1899. Tompkins, Jack, 1899. Tonkawa Indians (Tonkaway), 893, 982, 2368, 2432; friendliness, 896. ue José Maria, bando, 175; letter, 16 Torrance, — , 884. Torrance, Mansfield, letter, 1763. Torrey, John F., letter, 2019. “Tory Party,” 306. (See also Land letter, INDEX BD speculators. ) ‘Toweash Indians, 633. ‘Towns, J. T., 2480. ‘Townsend, Nathaniel, petition, 1286. ‘Trade, contraband, 2422; Cuban, 1888, 2023; foreign, 1348; French, 1445-6, 1838, 2050; frontier, 2314; Mexican, 1079, 1675, 1742, 1804, 2081, 2359, 2420-2; regulations, 502; South Amer- ican, 2548, 2572. (See also \Direct trade: Free trade.) ‘Transit, Nicaragua, 2624, 2674, 2733, 2761, 2783-4; contracts, comment, 2717, 2759; decrees, comment, 2738, 2781; grant, 2597-8, 2600; reclama- tions, 2737; route, 2589; status, 1859, 2732. ‘Transportation, 765, 862, 1593. Travis, William Barret, "2427; agree- ment, 203; arrest ordered, 1835, 209, 227, 236; breach with J. B. Miller, 1835, 209: document, 224; expedition against Anahuac, 18852 °203-4,4224: Fannin’s movement to aid, 339; im- prisonment, 1/832, 110-13, 116; letters, 169, 202, 225, 271, 338 (Alamo let- ter.) Travis County, boundary, 1724, 1734; public meeting, June 1843, 2153. ‘Treasurer of Texas, 865, 1769; report, 1022; report cited, 1427. Treasury Department, 1811, 1864; defi- cit, 1089; drafts (“Star money’), 685, 734, 1167; emptiness, 1841, 1967; investigation of, 1775; notes, 1739, plates for, 1213; report, 1409; secre- tary, 1107, 1768, 1854, 1878-9; report to, 1836, 451. Treat, James, 1746, 1892-3; health, 1154; letters, 1498, 1547; mission to Mexico, 1500, 1777. Treaties, conventions, ete.: citation and comment: Great Britain-Nicaragua, 2732, 2750; Mexico-Cherokee, 529; - Mexico-France, 1169, 1215; Texas- Cherokee, 352, 564, 781, 1297; Texas- France, 868, 872, 1196, 1424, 1426, 1460, 1594; Texas-Great Britain, 868, 1965, 2018; Texas-United States, 2018, 2083; United States-Great Brit- ain (Clayton-Bulwer), 2727; United States-Mexico, 876, 13861; United States-Nicaragua, 2593, 2600, 2603, 2611, 2618-19, 2621, 2625-7, 2631, 2634, ; Bost A043. 2645, 22116) 1islm2iey. Ziad, 214d, 2751, 2781;,0 2783-67. Text of Clayton-Bulwer (Spanish), 2456. Turpin, Anderson I., letter, 1076. Turtle Bayou resolutions, 114. Ugartechea, Domingo de, 142, 212-4, 240; circular, 206; letters, 135, 148, 236; plans and movements, 1835, 227, Bots : Underwood, Warner L., 1067, 1223. United States, aid to Texas from, 551, 874; Congress, 928; division, 837; financial and _ political conditions, 1839, 1002; political prospects, 1839, 863; prospects, 1838, 663; relations; with Canada and England, 658-9; with Mexico, 658, 708, with Texas, 835, 1167; Treasury Department, cir- cular, 2681. United States Bank, see oe of the United States. United States Telegraph, 422. University of Texas, lands, surveys, 2095-6; legislation upon, 1858, 2591. Uribe, Rafael, letter, 2303. Uribe, T., 2374. Urquhart, John A., joint letter, 532. Urrea, , 402-3, 406, 2348. Usher, Patrick, 887-8. Van Buren, Martin, 417, 462, 465, 585, 661, 708, 1002. Vandalia Free Press, 1043. Van Ness, Cornelius, 860, 871, 1515, 1874, 2033, 2064; letters, 937, 1696, 1724, 1750, 1979, 2041. Van Ness, G., letter, 2348. Van Ness, James, letter, 860. Van Nortwick, , letter, 907. Vansickle, Soke Van Zandt, Isaac, 2360. Vasquez, Rafael, invasion, 1842, 2422. Vaughn, George, 691. Vaughn, James, 691. Vaughn, William E., 691. Veatch, John A., 2240, 2254, 2259-60, 2280, 2288, 2308, 2336, 2346; certifi- cate, 2276; complaint, 2275; letters, POA Mono), 2460, 22011, s2ooopieace 0, 2398. Velasco, 309, 363, 1819; disturbances, 1832, 1619; collectorship, 945-6, 2058, 2061, 2066, 2084; Fourth of July cel- ebration, 742, 762; nomination meet- ing, 777; port, 1871; public dinners, 204-5, 1413; races, 720, 1071. Velasco, Fort, 120; capitulation, 142; muster roll of men in engagement near, 128; operations around, 1882, 121, 132, 142-38, 148, 152-3; returns, 155. Vera Cruz, blockade, 1215. Veramendi family, politics, 1874. Vickery, C. W., 1704, 1731. Victoria, Guadalupe, 1255-6, 1290, 1298- 9, 1301, 13814; decree, 64. Victoria (town), 143; Indian troubles, 1855, 1863; merchants’ petition, 1742; protection, 241, 247; public meeting, 1739; Victoria County,+ chief justice, 990, 1099, 1880; sheriff, 1180; suit to be brought in, 1099. Victoria, jurisdiction, 156; 159. statement, 36 | INDEX Vidaurre, Fernando de, 2238. Viesca, José Maria, 97; election as governor of Coahuila and Texas, 517. Villa Aldama, 2372. “Village miscellany,” 34. Villars, John, 2455; information from, 2370. Volunteer army of Texas, 246, 264, 269, 320, 324, 339, 341, 405-7, 415-16, 424- 5, 475, 540, 574, 600, 602, 604, 654-5, 788, 799, 836, 942-3, 988, 995, 1216, 1778, 1782, 1788; commander, 245; discipline, 252, 1199, 2081; muster rolls, 128; praise of, 1198; resolu- tions, 238-9; returns of election, 330. Volunteers from the United States, 276, 294, 306, 320, 335, 337, 391-2, 404, 406, 415, 536, 604, 641, 700; Alabama, 264, 279, 425, 434-5, 506, 709, 740; Georgia, 398, 422, 424, 438, 524, 540, 574, 579-80, 586, 727, 793, 920, 967; Kentucky, 848; Louisiana, 332, 432, 1510; Maryland, 733; Mississippi, 691, 1786; New York, 332, 430. (See also Alabama Grays; Georgia Battal- ion; Red Rovers of Alabama; etc.) Volunteers, United States Army (Mexi- can War): Alabama, 2230; Arkansas and Texas, 2390. (See also Laredo Guards, Texas Mounted Volunteers, etc.) Waco Indians, 633, 896. Waddel, Moses, 80. Wadsworth, William, 524; claim, 967; company, 398, 967; estate, 727. Walcott, Horatio N., 1871. Walker, Robert John, letters, 1285, 2556. Wall, —, 1075. Wallace, J. W. E., 1656. Wallace, J. W.°E. .? 322: Wallach, W. D., 1462. Waller, Edwin, 202, 2743; agreement, 119; expedition to Austin, 1264; joint petition, 954; letters, 1044, 1257, 1294, 1808, 1320, 1363, 1868, 1640, 1817; order for money for, 1375. Walsh, William Victor, 1450. Walton, George, letters, 697, 1551. Wamock, J., letter, 1959. War Department of Texas, 701; chief clerk, 1417-18; funds, 1081; secretary, 1489. War Party, rout, July, 1835, 209. War of Independence of Mexico, 9-10, 37-41, 1651-3, 1655, 1659, 1667, 2026, 2370. 2 Ward, R. D. W,, 1953. Ward, Russell, 1151; joint letter, 1150. Ward, Thomas, 288. Ward, Thomas William, letters, 678, - 1574, 2096; report, 2095. . Ward, William, 277, 1650, 1658; com- mand, 288, 350, 425, 740, 793, 967; document, 330; letter, 337; election as lieutenant-colonel, 324; treatment, 350. Washington, Lewis M. H., 2490; “The Forsaken” ; 1237; letters, 1843, 1891, 2005; ““Prospectus” 1807. Washington (Texas), convention, 222, 344. Washington Company (Louisville), 848. Washington County, chief justice, 1134, 1137-8, 1141-3, 2044; congressional candidates, 2071; Lamar’s strength, 755. Washington Globe, 856, 1361. Washington States, 25738. Washington Union, 2195, 2204, 2521, 2D 04% [ Waterloo (Texas), 1198-9. Watrous, John Charles, 923; 1105, 1274, 2031, 2183; letters, 1600, 1852, 2006, 2030. Watson, ————, 967. Watson, H. P., letter, 741. Watts, H. O., 994. Weaver, Philip, 1273. Webb ? Charles, 2221. Webb, David K., 885. Webb, James, 820, 1226, 1435, 1462, 1515, 1524, 1749, 1382, 20417, 2186 2126, 2376; candidacy for United States district judge, 2193, 2210, 2215; eligibility for chief justiceship, $20; letters; 682, 2757, ° 779," igs; 1428, 1486, 1474, 1924, 1967, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2129, 2151, 2192, 2215, 2306; mission to Mexico, 2015, 2057, 2059, 2075; opinion, 429; order to, 1375; prospects, 1846, 221; report, 1234. Webb, James ? 939. Webb, Mrs. James, 682. Webb, James W., letters, 2311, 2401. Webb, W. C., letter, 885. Webb County, chief justice, 2379; Mexi- can authority, attempt to establish, " 2382; notary public, 2378-9. Webster, Daniel, 544. Welch, Jacob P., letter, 1021. Weld, George M., 732. Wells, L., 576, 642; troops, 917. Wells, Lysander ? 1441. Welschmeyer, John G., 1089, 1094. Westall, Thomas, 125. . Western, T. G., 1719, 1906. Western Advocate, 2151. ° The Western Texian, 2483. Williams, Joseph L., 2183. ‘Weyant, M., letter, 1903. Weymouth, (40388: Wharton, John A., 224-5, 324, 332, 377, 493, 831, 1057; duel, 199; health, aa letters, 492, 720; message to, 02. INDEX SH Wharton, William H., 121-2, 142, 192, 199, 212, 529, 1257; addresses, 156; 357; agreement, 119; at Matamoros, 556; biography, 2407; joint calls for public meetings, 209, 216; “card,” 187; letters, 153, 190, 265, 945, 1062; resolution, November 6, 1838, cited, 901. Wharton, William H. ? 38. Wharton (Texan brig of war), 1825, 1881. Wheelwright, George, 577, 912, 1812; instructions to, 1900; letter, 798; order to, 1825; “shipping articles,” 1881. Whitcomb, Samuel, Jr., letter, 1157. White, ome (itis White, David, letter, 900. White, Hugh Lawson, 417, 465. White, John M., 1151; jeint letter, 1150. White, Joseph M., 1196, 1426; letter, 1319; Recopilacién proposed new edition, 1129, 1144. Whitest. “1, letter, 1027. White, Walker, 738. Whiting, Samuel, 746, 749, 810, 1133, 1145, 2129: letters, 415, 745, 987, 1031, 1245, 2130; public printing, 1573-4. Whiting, Samuel, Jr., 1267. Whitney, Eli, letter, 1576. Whittaker, William, 273, 294, 304. Wiehl, James, 654-5. Wiess, S., letter,1829. Wightman, E. R., joint letter, 1910. Wilkins, Richard R., 673; letters, 1064, 1482; mortgage, 1279. Wilkinson, J. A., certificate, 2265; state- ment, 2278. Willey, Joseph, 1042. Williams, —, 83. Williams, John A.,.202, 209, 214, 251. Williams, L., 1385. Williams, M. B., letter, 1470. Williams, Samuel M., 83, 115, 136, 139, 1445, 658, 1032, 1426, 8612, 1643, 2156; characteristics, 1281; election- eering broadside, 2214; document, 1568; letters, 147, 667, 1349, 1364, 1766; navy contracts cited, 862, 1004; sale of land scrip, 462; statement, 208; superseded as loan commission- er, 1055. (See also McKinney and Williams. ) Williams, Seth, 2239. Williams, William H., statement, 2258. Williams, William, M., 1545; letters, 1543¢ 1758: Williams, William W., 1685. Williams, Williamson, 388. Williams, Wilson, 382. Williamson, H. J., 308. Williamson, Robert M., 110-11, 113, 157, 225; addresses, 112, 205;arrest ad- vised and ordered, 209, 214; histori- cal notes, 1649; letters, 160, 679, 755, 1787; v., the Republic, 950. Willson, William F., 1219-20. Wilson, , 2363. Wilson, Bob, 1593. Wilson, John, letter, 1113. Wilson, Joseph W., letter, 435. Wilson, Melvil, 1571; letter, 1534. Wilson, Peter, 1156. Wilson, Thomas, letter, 542, 567, 613. Wilson, Wiley, letter, 455. Wilts,.S. C., 17384. Winding, bo H 585.2793. Winfield, E. H., letter, 2262. Winfields, 1402. Winn, W. H. G., letter, 1246. Winn, Walter, 2363, 2379; commission, 219; Winston, Cimbor ? declaration, 39. Wise, Simeon, 1459. Wolfe, James M., letters, 489, 527. Wolfenberger, Samuel, joint letter, 1480. : Woll, Adrain, 367; letter, 363; raid, 1842, 2165. Wood, David L., 1243, 1334. Wood, George T., 974, 1575, 2347; doc- ument, 2378; letters, 1560, 2226; po- litical prospects, 1847, 2360. Wood, Thomas, 590. Woodbury, Jesse, 657. Woodbury, John L., grant, 803. Woodhouse, M. T., joint letter, 2115. Woodlief, , 395, 1169. Woodlief, D., joint letter, 1098. Woodward, John, 441, 835, 980, 1412, 1429-16 75,- L710, 1716: Arguments and observations cited, 692; fraud alleged, 1591, 1601, 1675, 1813; letters, 676, 692, 1414-15, 1520. Wool, John Ellis, 2383-4; orders, 2380, 2390-1. Worcester, C. T:, letter, 1570. Worcester, Mrs. C. T., 1570. 10438; letters, 1186, Wright, , (of Rawdon, Wright, Hatch and Edson), joint letters, 1218, 1248. | Wright, A. S., 1938; letters, 1981, 2015. Wright, Francis B., letter, 1278. Wright, Norris ? 782. Wright, Silas, 2195. Wright, Travis G., 1685. Wright, William, letter, 1095. Wynn, William L., 1087. Yates, A. J., letter, 1108. Yellow fever, 862, 1406, 1516, 1535, 1570, 2360. Younger, A., letters, 2209, 2375. Yucatan, 1964; envoy to Texas, 2086. Zapata, Antonio, 2123, 2440. Zavala, Lorenzo de, 351, 479, 515, 1295; attitude on the state question, 1833, 1482, 1489, 38 170; biography, 2802; eonnection with the Texas revolution, 2409; document, 282; family, 1662; govern- orship of Mexico, 81; letters, 181-3, 463; “sedition,” attempted arrest, 209, 214-15. Zavala, Mrs. Lorenzo de, 563; informa- tion from, 515. INDEX Zavala, Lorenzo de, Jr., letter, 563. Zavala (Texas armed steamer), 1145, 1147-8, 1161, 1169, 1191, 1211, 1249- 50; disposal, 1214, 1288, 1350; mid- shipmen, 1267; proposed alteration, 13850; suggestions regarding, 1177. (See also Charleston.) a + ¥ é “ » Ww) 3 i ieca| i=) “a , omni Pr - % is) rf LB) New ® ar (I ees SS SS IS SS SS a a peta ce akin ath shesews weak wa heer k ahh De Bt Se Se Se SSEs te FOL Ek Se EESe PUGN SN Ri SR Bh Sreee ast aa Se pases oR STET St RA ee SaSS SNES OER oe SS eer Sa PetS Rae RNase AERP ae apa ER DES ARE POA SRE PRD R PRESEN maw patuETke te ewer gep aL epee te aac tee ee pe San ete p et eae late inieae rast etme pats nie impatient s teem Pe pn on ta pe malate painamEn esse nteern De tm be Woattetes Srstieter tes ist ce tire settee pe SEES PSSST SE Se Soa ep pbotetaleietet tata tee geie = = i oan Slane pe sinsie Seopa dion mpaeee pa EA Ente bin prom tes SERA e abe SAS REAP PM pul eee ees tenes Ln teepe pa juntn im Date pate soep wy leoghoe pistird melnus wes tee Ese be eis terpe pete Ueipitwgesiesteatecssssteeseseeee Soon =e z = ; = Saatewseiesrees cosee ste phat Ee Eerie Sine se pesese SuueSe BUSTS SEE EEmN Ee mes me eSNG Sask se legrmamnaies pessEres saueseSnyesear sess Stare = eon se pee Sis epee aie it a ae aw se fim oa See pais} Se pe hem emaee ee a, Se een Sy 68s Dine ey eee Se = Z FS a ae Se SS Se eS ee = Peres ttt reece eet gees veEey Ves : : Setet nee erate etate ett tgiel Sat CoS Poe ee Se ae Se TITS WE eR He 7 © ‘et pawn eh eae =e = heels ir Sav iargtaenes aed ie Soeabin Bilin br Genoin Penson ernie Satie bia ties iT 3 0112 04942 ' ae PE ey Berar aaa