University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Oak St. Unclassified California Gas and Electric Corporation TO Union Trust Company of San Francisco TRUSTEE UNIFYING AND REFUNDING MORTGAGE Dated November 1, 1907, Securing UNIFYING AND Rerunpinac Mortaace Five Per Cent. Tuirty-YEAR GoLD Bonps. eae SERN MS ssc ye ees o eT, ‘ a at ogee a b ¥ “t Hy ‘2 is Fey cota Y iW, An Srudernture dated this first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and seven, by and between Cauirornia Gas AND HiLEcTRIC CoRPORATION, a corpora- tion organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California, and having its office and principal place of business in the City and County of San Francisco, in said State (hereinafter called the ‘‘California Corporation’’), party of the first part, and Union Trust Company oF San FRANcIsco, a corporation organized and existing under and by virtue of the laws of the State of California and having its office and prin- cipal place of business in the City and County of San . Francisco, in said State (hereinafter called the ‘‘Trus- tee’’), party of the second part. Wuereas the California Corporation has succeeded to ‘all of the property, rights, and franchises formerly owned by Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company, Oak- ‘land Equitable Gas Company, Yuba Electric Power Company, Nevada County Electric Power Company, Bay ‘Counties Power Company, Valley Counties Power Com- $ pany, Stockton Water Company, Blue Lakes Water Com- pany, The Standard Electric Company of California, . Berkeley Electric Lighting Company, United Gas and » Electric Company, and San Mateo Power Company; also “all property, rights, and franchises formerly owned by ~ the Sacramento Hlectric, Gas and Railway Company and 1 the Central Electric Railway Company (except street railway properties and properties and franchises appur- tenant to such street railways), all of said corporations being corporations organized under the laws of the State of California; and the California Corporation has ac- quired and now owns or controls all or substantially all of the capital stock of the above-named corporations and also of the South Yuba Water Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of New York, and of the Central California Electric Company, a corpora- tion organized under the laws of the State of New Jersey; and Wuersas, said Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the Calli- fornia Corporation and on or about the 16th day of March, 1891, did execute and deliver to the California Safe Deposit and Trust Company, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date, to secure the payment of its bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, such bonds bear- ing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum and maturing on the 16th day of March, 1916, all of which bonds have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuergas, said Yuba Electric Power Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Cor- poration as aforesaid and on or about the 1st day of June, 1899, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date, to secure the payment of its bonds to the amount of $1,000,000, such bonds bearing 2 six per cent. interest and maturing June 1, 1929, of which bonds to the amount of $186,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuereas said Nevada County Electric Power Com- pany, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corporation as aforesaid and on or about the first day of October, 1898, did execute and deliver to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date to secure the pay- ment of its bonds to the amount of $300,000, such bonds bearing six per cent. interest and maturing October 1, 1928, of which bonds to the amount of $171,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuersas said Bay Counties Power Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corpo- ration as aforesaid and on or about the first day of Sep- tember, 1900, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its First Consolidated Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Consolidated Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Thirty-Year Gold Bonds to the amount of $2,250,000, maturing September 1, 1930, of which bonds to the amount of $1,848,000 have been is- sued and are still outstanding, and bonds to the amount of $357,000 are reserved for the retirement of said out- standing bonds of the Yuba Electric Power Company and the Nevada County Electric Power Company, and Wuerstas said First Consolidated Mortgage of the Bay Counties Power Company provides for the creation and 3 maintenance of a sinking fund for the redemption of the bonds issued under said First Consolidated Mort- gage by the payment to the trustee thereunder of the following sums at the times and in the manner following: Commencing with the year 1905, and on the first day of June of that year and on the first day of June of each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and suc- ceeding four years, a sum equal to one per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstand- ing; and commencing with the year 1910, and on the first day of June of that year and on the first day of June of each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to one and a half per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1915, and on the first day of June of that year and on the first day of June of each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to two per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1920, and on the first day of June of that year and on the first day of June of each year thereafter for and dur- ing the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to two and a half per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1925, and on the first day of June of that year and on the first day of June of each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and suc- ceeding four years, a sum equal to three per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstand- ing; and WueEREas said Bay Counties Power Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corpo- ration as aforesaid and on or about the first day of April, 1901, did execute and deliver to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its Second Mort- $ gage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its Second Mortgage Gold Bonds to the amount of $750,000, bearing six per cent. interest and maturing April Ist, 1931, subject, however, to the right of the Bay Counties Power Company or its successors to redeem said bonds at any time prior to their maturity, upon notice given as provided in said mortgage, at one hundred and five per cent. of the face value thereof and accrued interest, all of which Second Mortgage Bonds have been issued and are still outstanding; and WuereFas said Valley Counties Power Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Cor- poration as aforesaid and on or about the first day of May, 1902, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its First Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Twenty- eight Year Gold Bonds to the amount of $2,500,000, ma- turing May 1, 1930, all of which bonds have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuenreas said First Mortgage of the Valley Counties Power Company provides for the creation and mainte- nance of a sinking fund to be applied to the redemption of bonds issued under said First Mortgage by the pay- ment to the trustee thereunder of the following sums at the times and in the manner following, to wit: Commencing with the year 1905, and on the first day of November of that year and on the first day of Novem- ber in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to one per cent. of the aggregate amount of bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1910, and on the first day of November of that year and on the first day of November in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to one and a half per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1915, and on the first day of November of that year and on the first day of November in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to two per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and out- standing; and commencing with the year 1920, and on the first day of November of that year and on the first day of November in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, a sum equal to two and a half per cent. of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing _ with the year 1925, and on the first day of November of that year and on the first day of November in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeed- ing four years, a sum equal to three per cent. of the ageregate amount of the bonds then issued and out- standing; and Wuereas the said Stockton Water Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corpo- ration as aforesaid and on or about the first day of April, 1891, did execute and deliver to the Illinois Trust and Savings Bank, as trustee, its First Mortgage bear- ing that date, to secure the payment of its bonds to the amount of $500,000, such bonds bearing six per cent. interest and maturing April 1, 1911, of which bonds to the amount of $297,000 have been issued and are still outstanding, subject, however, to the right of the Stock- ton Water Company or its assigns absolutely or by the operation of the sinking fund hereafter mentioned to re- deem and pay said bonds in consecutive order by num- ber, beginning with Number 1, at one hundred and five per cent. of their face value and accrued interest; and Wuereas said First Mortgage of the Stockton Water Company provides for the maintenance of a sinking fund by payment in each year to the trustee thereunder of a sum equal to fifteen per cent. per annum of the gross water rates received by said Stockton Water Company, such payment to be made in instalments on the Ist days of April and October in each year and such sinking fund to be applied to the purchase and cancellation of bonds issued under said First Mortgage in the manner therein provided; and Wuereas said Blue Lakes Water Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Cor- poration as aforesaid, and on or about the 15th day of March, 1893, did execute and deliver to the California Safe Deposit and Trust Company, as trustee, its First Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Gold Bonds to the amount of $5,000,- 000, such bonds to bear interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum and to mature March 15, 1938, of which bonds to the amount of $725,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuereas said The Standard Electric Company of California, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corporation as aforesaid, and on or about fi the first day of September, 1899, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company, a New York corpora- tion, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Gold Bonds to the amount of $5,000,000, bearing five per cent. inter- est and maturing September 1, 1939, all of which bonds have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuerras said United Gas and Electric Company, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the Cali- fornia Corporation as aforesaid, and on or about the first day of July, 1902, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco as trustee its First Mortgage bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Bonds to the amount of $2,000,000, such bonds bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum and maturing July Ist, 1932, | all of which bonds have been issued and are still out- standing; and Wuersas said First Mortgage of the United Gas and Electric Company provides for the creation and mainte- nance of a sinking fund to be applied to the redemption and payment of bonds issued under said First Mortgage as follows: Commencing with the year 1907, and on the first day of July of that year, and on the first day of July in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding five years, there shall be set apart from the net income received by said company (United Gas and Electric Company) during the next preceding twelve months a sum equal to two per centum on the aggre- gate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; 8 and commencing with the year 1912, and on the first day of July of that year, and on the first day of July in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding five years, there shall be set apart from the net income received by said company during the next preceding twelve months a sum equal to three per centum of the aggregate amount of the bonds then is- sued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1917, and on the first day of July of that year, and on the first day of each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding five years there shall be set apart from the net income received by said company a sum equal to four per centum of the aggre- gate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1922, and on the first day of July of that year, and on the first day of July in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding five years, there shall be set apart from the income received by said company a sum equal to five per centum of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and commencing with the year 1927, and on the first day of July of that year, and on the first day of July in each year thereafter and for and during the next ensuing and succeeding five years, there shall be set aside from the net income received by said company during the preceding twelve months a sum of money equal to six per centum of the aggregate amount of the bonds then issued and outstanding; and if in any period of twelve months above mentioned the net income shall be less than the per centum of the ag- gregate amount of bonds then issued and outstanding so made payable into said sinking fund, then the whole net income, if any, for such twelve months shall be paid into said sinking fund as fast as there shall be in any such period of twelve months a surplus of net income over and above such sinking fund requirements; and Wuereas said Central Electric Railway Company, on or about the first day of June, 1892, did execute and de- liver to the California Safe Deposit and Trust Com- pany, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Gold Bonds to the amount of $400,000, such bonds bearing interest at the rate of six per cent. per annum, twenty-five of such bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, maturing on the first day of June in each year from 1912 to 1917, both inclusive, and fifty of such bonds of the denomination of five hundred dollars each, maturing on the first day of June in the year 1918 and in the year 1919, and twenty-five of such bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, maturing on the first day of June, 1920, and twenty-five of such bonds of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, maturing on the first day of June, 1921, and the balance of such bonds maturing on the first day of June, 1922, of which First Mortgage bonds of the Central Electric Railway Company bonds © to the amount of $265,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuergas, the said First Mortgage of the Central Electric Railway Company provides that if any of the bonds secured thereby in excess of the amount of $250,- 000 shall be certified and delivered on or prior to June 1, 1912, the company will pay to and deposit with the trustee under said mortgage, on the first day of June, 1912, and on the first day of June in each year there- after for, during, and until the first day of June, 1922, an amount in cash which shall be equal to six per cent. of the par value of all bonds so certified and delivered in excess of $250,000 thereof and which shall be out- standing and uncancelled on each of said first days of 10 June respectively; and the amounts so paid to the trustee under said mortgage from time to time are to be held as a sinking fund to be applied to the redemption of bonds at such price not exceeding five per cent. in excess of the par value thereof as the Central Electric Railway Company may direct; and Wuereas, said Sacramento Electric, Gas and Rail- way Company on or about the first day of November, 1897, did execute and deliver to the California Safe De- posit and Trust Company, as trustee, its First Mort- gage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its Five Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Bonds to the amount of $2,500,000, maturing November 1, 1927, of which bonds to the amount of $2,210,000 have been is- sued and are still outstanding and bonds to the amount of $265,000 are reserved thereunder for the purpose of retiring the said bonds of the Central Electric Railway Company; and Wuereas, said First Mortgage of the Sacramento Hlectric, Gas and Railway Company provides that the company shall pay off and cancel, in the manner pro- vided in said mortgage at the rate of 103 per cent. of their face value and accrued interest, the following bonds in each of the following years, each of such years commencing November Ist, viz.: In each of the years 1902 to 1906, inclusive, 5 bonds each year; in each of the years 1907 to 1911, inclusive, 10 bonds each year; in each of the years 1912 to 1916, inclusive, 20 bonds each year; in each of the years 1917 to 1921, inclusive, 30 bonds each year; in each of the years 1922 to 1926, inclusive, 40 bonds each year. 11 And it is further provided in said First Mortgage of the Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company, that in so far as such Company shall not in each year beginning November 1, 1901, purchase and cause to be cancelled bonds sufficient to satisfy the requirements aforesaid, such Company shall pay to the trustee, under its said First Mortgage, an amount sufficient to call (in- cluding the cost of advertising therefor) and redeem at the specified premium and accrued interest, the amount of bonds above required to be paid off and cancelled, during the year in question, such sums to be applied by said trustee to the redemption of the bonds issued under said First Mortgage; and Wuerras the said South Yuba Water Company (then bearing the name of South Yuba Water and Mining Company) on or about the Ist day of April, 1890, did execute and deliver to the Holland Trust Company, as trustee, its First Mortgage bearing that date, to secure the payment of its First Mortgage Bonds to the amount of $550,000, bearing six per cent. interest and maturing April 1, 1910, subject to the right of the South Yuba Water Company to redeem such bonds as provided in the mortgage, at 110 per cent. of their face value and the interest accrued thereon, at any time prior to their maturity, of which bonds to the amount of $327,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wueress said First Mortgage of the South Yuba Water and Mining Company provides for the creation and maintenance of a sinking fund, to be applied to the payment of bonds thereby secured at or before their ma- turity, which sinking fund shall be accumulative and’ 12 shall commence on the first day of April, 1890, and shall consist of and be maintained by a payment in each year from said date of a sum of money equal to two per centum per annum upon the total issue of said bonds, such sums to be payable in equal semi-annual install- ments on the first days of October and April in each year; and Wuereas said South Yuba Water Company on or about the first day of July, 1893, did execute and de- liver to the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, as trustee, its Consolidated Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its Consolidated Mortgage Bonds to the amount of $1,500,000, bearing six per cent. in- terest and maturing July 1, 1923, subject to the right of the South Yuba Water Company to redeem the same at any time prior to maturity, on the payment of 110 per cent. of their face value and accrued interest, of which bonds to the amount of $1,173,000 have been issued and are still outstanding and bonds to the amount of $339,000 are reserved for the purpose of being sold or exchanged to retire the said $327,000 of the First Mortgage Bonds of said South Yuba Water and Mining Company; and | Wuereas said Central California Electric Company on or about the first day of May, 1903, did execute and deliver to the Van Norden Trust Company, as trustee, its First Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure its Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds to the amount of $5,000,000, such bonds bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum and maturing May 1, 1933, sub- ject to the right of the company to redeem the same 13 at any time prior to maturity, on payment of 110 per cent. of their face value and accrued interest, of which bonds to the amount of $850,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuerras the said Berkeley Electric Lighting Com- pany, prior to the acquisition of its properties by the California Corporation as aforesaid and on or about the first day of July, 1896, did execute and deliver its First Mortgage, bearing that date, to the California Safe De- posit and Trust Company, as trustee, to secure its bonds to the amount of $30,000, bearing six per cent. interest and maturing on the first day of July, 1921, of which bonds to the amount of $26,000 have been issued and are still outstanding; and Wuereas the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, a corporation organized under the laws of California, hereinafter sometimes called the ‘‘Pacific Company’’, has succeeded to all the property rights and franchises formerly owned by California Central Gas and Elec- tric Company, and said California Central Gas and Elec- tric Company, prior to the acquisition of its property by the Pacific Gas and Electric Company and on or about the Ist day of August, 1901, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, its First Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure _its First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Thirty- Year Gold Bonds to the amount of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000), all of which bonds have been issued and are still outstanding, and the properties subject to the 14 said First Mortgage of the California Central Gas and Hlectric Company, together with certain other proper- ties owned by the Pacific Company, are to be mortgaged to secure the bonds issued under this indenture by the Supplementary Mortgage of the Pacific Gas and Hlec- tric Company hereinafter mentioned; and WuerEAs said mortgage of the California Central Gas and Electric Company provides for the creation and maintenance of a sinking fund, to be applied to the re- demption of bonds issued thereunder, by payments to the trustee under said mortgage, at the times and in the manner following, to wit: Commencing with the year 1902, and on the first day of August of that year, and on the first day of August in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding twenty- nine years, a sum equal to two per cent. of the aggre- gate amount of the bonds issued and outstanding; and Wauereas the California Corporation on or about the first day of March, 1903, did execute and deliver to the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee. its General and Collateral Trust Mortgage, bearing that date, to secure the payment of its General and Collateral Trust Mortgage Five Per Cent. Mortgage Bonds to the amount of $10,000,000, maturing March 1, 1933, subject to the right of the California Corporation to redeem said bonds at any time prior to their maturity on payment of 110 per cent. of their face value with the interest then accrued thereon, all of which bonds have been issued and are still outstanding; and 15 Wuersas, the said General and Collateral Trust Mort- gage of the California Corporation provides for the cre- ation and maintenance of a sinking fund, to be applied to the redemption of bonds issued under said mortgage, and also to the redemption of the said bonds of the Bay Counties Power Company, Valley Counties Power Com- pany, California Central Gas and Electric Company, Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company, Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company and the bonds of the Fresno Gas and Electric Light Company (which have all been retired), said sinking fund to be provided by payments to be made by the California Corporation to the Trustee as follows: Commencing with the year 1904, and on the first day of March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $150,000; and commencing with the year 1909, and on the first day of March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $200,000; and commencing with the year 1914, and on the first day of March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $250,000; and commencing with the year 1919, and on the first day of March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $300,000; and commencing with the year 1924, and on the first day of March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $350,000; and commencing with the year 1929, and on the first day of 16 March of that year, and on the first day of March in each year thereafter for and during the next ensuing and succeeding four years, the sum of $400,000; and it was further expressly provided in said General and Collateral Trust Mortgage of the California Cor- poration that said sinking fund shall in each year be applied by the Trustee under said General and Col- lateral Trust Mortgage to the redemption of the bonds of the said Bay Counties Power Company, Valley Counties Power Company, California Central Gas and Electric Company, Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Com- pany, Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company, and Fresno Gas and Electric Light Company, as pro- vided in the various trust deeds and mortgages secur- ing their payment, before any of said sinking fund shall be applied to the redemption of bonds issued under said General and Collateral Trust Mortgage, and the trus- tee under such last-mentioned mortgage is authorized to apply said sinking fund to the redemption of the bonds of said above-mentioned companies and to make the necessary payments out of said sinking funds to the various trustees mentioned in the respective mort- gages securing such bonds, and that all moneys not so applied shall be invested by such trustee in the purchase of the said bonds of such companies, and in the bonds issued under said General and Collateral Trust Mort- gage; and Wuereas the California Corporation has incurred and has now outstanding a considerable floating debt, and has authorized and contracted for the making of certain 17 additional extensions, betterments, and improvements to its plants and properties, and will require from time to time in the future other extensions, betterments, and new property in order to enable it to meet the demands of its business; and Wuereas the California Corporation desires to make provision for the paying, refunding, redeeming, and re- tiring of all the bonds aforesaid, and for the payment of a considerable portion of its said floating debt, and for the payment of the cost of all betterments, exten- sions, and new property, heretofore authorized and con- tracted for, and such additional betterments, extensions, and new property, as may be required from time to time in the future for the purposes of its business, by the in- crease of its bonded indebtedness and the issue of its bonds as hereinafter mentioned; and | WuerEas, by vote of the stockholders representing more than two-thirds of the issued and subscribed capi- tal stock of the California Corporation at a meeting duly called and held for that purpose, pursuant to due notice, an increase of the bonded indebtedness of the California Corporation to $45,000,000 was authorized and directed, and the issue of its Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds and the execu- tion of a mortgage to secure the same were duly author- ized, ordered and approved, and a certificate in respect to the increase of such bonded indebtedness of the Cali- fornia Corporation has been duly filed, as required by law, in the office of the clerk of the city and county where 18 the original articles of incorporation of the California Corporation are filed—to wit, in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of San Francisco, State of Cali- fornia—and a certified copy of said certificate has been duly filed in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of California; and Wuereas the Board of Directors of the California Corporation did duly authorize the issue, under the regu- lations and restrictions mentioned herein, of bonds of the California Corporation to be known as its Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds, the coupon bonds to be dated as of Novem- ber 1, 1907, and all of the bonds to mature on November 1, 1937, such bonds to bear interest at the rate of five per cent. per annum from November 1, 1907, payable semi-annually on the first days of May and November in each year, both principal and interest payable in gold coin of the United States of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, the aggregate principal amount of said bonds at any one time outstanding not to exceed $45,000,000, and all of said bonds to be issued under and equally secured by a mortgage of the cor- porate property and franchises, to said Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, to be dated No- vember 1, 1907, and to be known as the Unifying and Refunding Mortgage of the California Corporation; and WuereEas, subsequently, at a meeting of the stock- holders of the California Corporation duly called and held, at which meeting the holders of more than two- 19 thirds of the capital stock of the California Corporation were present and participated in the proceedings, said action of the board of directors was in all respects rati- fied, approved and confirmed and adopted, as the action of the stockholders of said company and all the acts and proceedings had and taken in the matter of the increase of said bonded indebtedness were unanimously ratified. approved and confirmed; and Wuerzeas, at meetings of the board of directors and of the stockholders of the California Corporation duly called and held, a mortgage in the form of this Indenture was submitted and by unanimous concurrence approved, and its execution and delivery by the proper officers of the California Corporation were by unanimous concur- rence duly authorized and directed; and Wuereas the said Pacific Gas and Electric Company, © which is the owner of substantially all of the capital — stock’ of the California Corporation, by proper action of its directors and stockholders has authorized and is about to execute to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco as trustee, its mortgage (herein called ‘‘Sup- plementary Mortgage’’) bearing even date with this indenture to secure payment of the bonds issued under this indenture; and Wuereas, the forms so approved by said stockholders and board of directors of the California Corporation of the’ coupon bonds and of the coupons to be attached thereto, and of the registered bonds, and of the Trustee’s 20 certificate, severally and respectively, are substantially as follows, to wit: [FORM OF COUPON BOND. | Rp atubh out $1,000. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CALIFORNIA GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION. Uniryvincg AND Rerunpinc Mortcacrt Five Per Cent. THirty-YEAR Goup Bonn. California Gas and Electric Corporation, a corpora- tion organized and existing under the laws of California (hereinafter called the ‘‘California Corporation’’), for value received, promises to pay to bearer, or, if regis- tered, to the registered holder of this bond, on the first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty- seven, at the office of the California Corporation, in the City and County of San Francisco, California, one thousand dollars gold coin of the United States of America, of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, and to pay interest thereon from the date hereof, until paid, at the rate of five per cent. per annum, such interest being payable semi-annually in like gold coin, either at the office of the California Corporation, in San Francisco, California, or at the office or agency of the California Corporation in the City of New York, N. Y., as the coupon holder may elect, on the first days pay / of May and November in each year, but only upon pres- entation and surrender as they severally mature of the interest coupons hereto annexed. In case default shall be made in the payment of any semi-annual instalment of interest on this bond when the same shall become due, and such instalment shall re- main unpaid for six months, the principal of this bond may become due and payable in the manner provided in the Unifying and Refunding Mortgage hereinafter mentioned. The California Corporation agrees (in so far as it lawfully may do so) that it will pay both the principal and interest of this bond, without deduction for any tax or other charge which the California Corporation may be required or permitted to pay thereon, or to retain therefrom, under any present or future law of — the United States, or of any State, County, Municipality, or other governmental subdivision. This bond is one of a duly authorized issue of coupon and registered bonds of the California Corporation known as its ‘‘Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds’’, the aggregate amount whereof is limited to the principal sum of forty- five million dollars at any one time outstanding, all of which bonds have been issued, or are to be issued pur- suant to, and are to be secured ratably by, the Unifying and Refunding Mortgage of the California Corporation, dated November 1, 1907, and duly executed by the Cali- fornia Corporation to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, and by a mortgage supplementary 22 to such Unifying and Refunding Mortgage, dated No- vember 1, 1907, and executed by Pacific Gas and Elec- tric Company to said Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, to which mortgages reference is hereby made for a statement of the property, rights and franchises mortgaged and pledged, the nature and extent of the security, the rights of the holders of said bonds under the same, the terms and conditions upon which said bonds are and are to be issued and secured, and as well for the other provisions thereof. All rights of action and as well all other rights of the holder hereof are subject to the provisions of said mortgages. The entire issue of bonds of which this bond is one (but not, except in case of redemption for the benefit of the sinking fund, any part less than all thereof) may be redeemed by the California Corporation at one hun- dred and ten per centum of the principal amount thereof and the interest accrued thereon, upon any semi-annual interest day, in the manner and upon the notice pro- vided in said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. A sinking fund has been provided for in said Unify- ing and Refunding Mortgage, as further security for the said issue of bonds, and this bond may be redeemed by the California Corporation for the benefit of said sinking fund at the rate of one hundred and ten per centum of the principal amount thereof, in addition to the accrued interest thereon, in the manner and upon the notice provided in said Unifying and Refunding Mort- gage. 23 This bond shall pass by delivery, unless registered a the owner’s name on the books of the California Corpo- ration kept for that purpose at its office in the City of San Francisco, or agency in the City of New York, such registry being noted by written indorsement made hereon by the Bond Registrar of the California Corpora- tion. After such registration, and until transferred to bearer, no transfer shall be valid unless made on such books of registry and noted hereon. Neither this bond nor any interest coupon appertain- ' ing thereto, shall become valid or obligatory for any purpose, until and unless the same shall have been au- thenticated by the certificate, hereon endorsed, of the Trustee under said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. No recourse shall be had for the payment of any part of the principal of or interest upon this bond against any incorporator, or any past, present or future stock- holder of the California Corporation, either directly or through the California Corporation, by virtue of any constitution, statute or rule of law, or by enforcement of any assessment, or otherwise, or against any officer or director of the California Corporation, whenever he may act or have acted as such, by reason of any mat- ter prior to the date hereof or by reason of any other matter except his own wrongdoing, all such liability being by the acceptance hereof and as a part of the con- sideration for the issue hereof expressly released. In witness whereof the California Gas and Electric Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its president, or its vice-president, and by its secretary 24 or assistant secretary, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed, and coupons for said interest with the engraved signature of its treasurer to be attached hereto, as of the first day of November, 1907. CALIFORNIA Gas AND EXLEcTRIC CORPORATION, By President. Attest: Secretary. [FORM OF COUPON. ] Coupon No........ $25. On the first day of , the California Gas and Electric Corporation will pay to the bearer, at its office or agency in the City and County of San Francisco, State of California, or at its office or agency in the City of New York, State of New York, as the bearer may elect, Twenty-five Dollars in United States Gold Coin, being six months’ interest then due on its Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bond numbered , unless said bond shall have been previously redeemed as provided in said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. Treasurer. 29 [FORM OF REGISTERED BOND. | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. CALIFORNIA GAS AND ELECTRIC CORPORATION. UniryiIng AND Rerunpina Mortcace Five Per CENT. Tuirty-YEAR Goup Bonp. California Gas and Electric Corporation, a corpora- tion organized and existing under the laws of the State of California (hereinafter called the California Cor- poration), for value received, promises to pay to | or registered assigns, on the first day of November, one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven, at the office or agency of the California Corporation, in the City and County of San Francisco, California, dollars gold coin of the United States of America of or equal to the present standard of weight and fineness, and to pay interest thereon at the rate of five per cent. per annum from the first day of November or May, as the case may be, next preceding the date of this bond, unti! this bond is paid, such interest being payable semi- annually in like gold coin either at the said office or agency of the California Corporation in San Francisco, California, or at the office or agency of the California Corporation, in the City of New York, N. Y., as the 26 registered holder may elect, on the first days of May and November in each year. In case default shall be made in the payment of any semi-annual instalment of interest on this bond when the same shall become due, and such instalment shall remain unpaid for six months, the principal of this bond may become due and payable in the manner provided in the Unifying and Refunding Mortgage hereinafter men- tioned. The California Corporation agrees (in so far as it lawfully may do so) that it will pay both the principal and interest of this bond without deduction for any tax or other charge which the California Corporation may be required or permitted to pay thereon, or to retain therefrom, under any present or future law of the United States, or of any State, County, Municipality or other governmental subdivision. This bond is one of a duly authorized issue of coupon and registered bonds of the California Corporation known as its ‘‘Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds’’, the aggregate amount whereof is limited to the principal sum of forty- five million dollars at any one time outstanding, all of which bonds have been issued or are to be issued pur- suant to, and are to be secured ratably by, the Unifying and Refunding Mortgage of the California Corporation, dated November 1, 1907, and duly executed by the Cali- fornia Corporation to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, and by a mortgage supplementary to such Unifying and Refunding Mortgage, dated No- 27 vember 1, 1907, and executed by Pacific Gas and Hlectric Company to said Union Trust Company of San Fran- cisco, as trustee, to which mortgages reference is hereby made for a statement of the property, rights and fran- chises mortgaged and pledged, the nature and extent of the security, the rights of the holders of said bonds under the same, the terms and conditions upon which said bonds are and are to be, issued and secured, and as well for the other provisions thereof. All rights of ac- tion and as well all other rights of the holder hereof, are subject to the provisions of said mortgages. The entire issue of bonds of which this bond is one (but not, except in case of redemption for the benefit of the sinking fund, any part less than all thereof) may be redeemed by the California Corporation at one hun- dred and ten per centum of the principal amount thereof and the interest accrued thereon, upon any semi-annual interest day, in the manner and upon the notice pro- vided in said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. A sinking fund has been provided for in said Unify- ing and Refunding Mortgage, as further security for the said issue of bonds, and this bond may be redeemed by the California Corporation for the benefit of said sink- ing fund, at the rate of one hundred and ten per centum of the principal amount thereof, in addition to the ac- erued interest thereon, in the manner and upon the no- tice provided in said Unifying and Refunding Mort- gage. This bond is transferable by the registered holder thereof, in person or by attorney duly authorized, on 28 the books of the California Corporation kept for that purpose at its office in the City and County of San Fran- cisco, California, or agency in the City of New York, upon the surrender and cancellation of this bond; and thereupon a new registered bond will be issued to the transferee in exchange herefor; or the registered holder of this bond, at his option may surrender the same for cancellation in exchange for a like amount of the principal thereof in coupon bonds of the denomina- tion of $1,000, with coupons attached maturing on and after the next ensuing interest due day; all as pro- vided in said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage, and on payment, if the California Corporation shall so re- quire, of the transfer fee therein provided for. This bond shall not become valid or obligatory for any purpose until and unless it shall have been au- thenticated by the certificate, hereon endorsed, of the Trustee under said Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. No recourse shall be had for the payment of any part of the principal of or interest upon this bond against any incorporator or any past, present or future stock- holder of the California Corporation, either directly or through the California Corporation, by virtue of any constitution, statute, or rule of law, or by enforcement of any assessment, or otherwise, or against any officer or director of the California Corporation, whenever he may act or have acted as such, by reason of any matter prior to the date hereof or by reason of any other mat- ter except his own wrongdoing, all such liability being 29 by the acceptance hereof and as a part of the considera- tion for the issue hereof expressly released. In witness whereof the California Gas and Electric Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its president, or its vice-president, and by its secretary, or assistant secretary, and its corporate seal to be here- unto affixed, this day of A 8 CALIFORNIA GAs AND EiLEcTRIC CoRPORATION, By | President. Attest: Secretary. [FORM OF TRUSTEE’S CERTIFICATE. | It is hereby certified that this bond is one of the series of bonds described in the within-mentioned Unifying and Refunding Mortgage. Union Trust Company or San FRANCISCO, Trustee, By Secretary. AND WHEREAS, in pursuance of such authority and of all and every legal power and authority in it vested, the California Corporation proposes to make and ex- ecute, and from time to time hereafter to issue and to deliver, bonds hereby secured: 30 NOW THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That, in order to secure the payment of the principal of and interest upon all such bonds at any time issued and outstanding under this indenture, according to their tenor and effect, and to secure the performance of all the covenants and conditions herein contained, and to declare the terms and conditions upon which such bonds are and shall be issued and held, the California Gas and Electric Corporation, party of the first part, in consid- eration of the premises and of the purchase and accept- ance of such bonds by the holders thereof, has granted, bargained, sold, aliened, remised, released, conveyed, confirmed, assigned, transferred, pledged, and set over, and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell, alien, re- mise, release, convey, confirm, assign, transfer, pledge, and set over unto the Trustee, party of the second part, and its several successors in the trust hereby created: All and singular the business, franchises, and real and personal property of the party of the first part, situate in the City and County of San Francisco, and in the Counties of Alameda, Alpine, Amador, Butte, Cal- averas, Colusa, Contra Costa, El Dorado, Marin, Napa, Nevada, Placer, Plumas, Sacramento, San Joaquin, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Solano, Sonoma, Sut- ter, Tuolumne, Yolo, Yuba, and elsewhere in the State of California, and including, among other things: Frrst: All the business, franchises and property of every name and nature, and wheresoever situate, now or formerly owned by the Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company and by Oakland Equitable Gas Company, and 31 by the Berkeley Electric Lighting Company, and each of them; Sreconp: All the business, franchises and property of every name and nature, and wheresoever situate, now or formerly owned by the Bay Counties Power Com- pany, and by the Valley Counties Power Company, and by the Yuba Electric Power Company, and by the Ne- vada County Electric Power Company, and by the Butte County Electric Power and Light Company, and each of them. Txrrp: All of the business, franchises and property of every name and nature and wheresoever situate, now or formerly owned by the Standard Electric Company of California, and by the Stockton Water Company, and by the Blue Lakes Water Company, and each of them. FourtH: All of the business, franchises and prop- erty of every name and nature and wheresoever situate, now or formerly owned by the Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company, and by the Central Electric Railway Company, and each of them (except street rail- way properties and properties and franchises appurten- ant to such street railways). Frrta: All the business, franchises and property, of every name and nature and wheresoever situate, now or formerly owned by the United Gas and Electric. Com pany, and by the San Mateo Power Company, and each of them. SrxtH: All the business, franchises and property, of every name and nature, and wheresoever situate, now 32 owned or hereafter acquired by the South Yuba Water Company and by the Central California Electric Com- pany, and each of them. SeventH: All shares and interests therein, now held or hereafter acquired by the California Corporation, of the capital stock of each of said corporations, namely: Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company, Oakland Equi- table Gas Company, Berkeley Electric Lighting Com- pany, Bay Counties Power Company, Valley Counties Power Company, Yuba Electric Power Company, Ne- vada County Electric Power Company, Butte County Electric Power and Light Company, Standard Electric Company of California, Blue Lakes Water Company, Stockton Water Company, Sacramento Electric, Gas and Railway Company, United Gas and Electric Com- pany, San Mateo Power Company, South Yuba Water Company and Central California Electric Company. Executu: All rights of the party of the first part un- der or by virtue of that certain agreement dated the fourth day of January, 1905, between the said California Corporation, Warner Van Norden, and the Mercantile Trust Company of San Francisco, relative to the pur- chase of certain shares of the capital stock of the said South Yuba Water Company from said Van Norden and others by the California Corporation. NintH: All lands, real estate, grants, rights of way, tram-tracks and all privileges and appurtenances con- nected therewith; all its dams, canals, raceways, water rights, flowing rights, and all privileges and appurten- 33 ances connected therewith; all its, plants, electric works, power houses, or other stations or buildings for the generation, transmission or storage of power or electric current; and the fixtures, fittings and equipment thereof; including all dynamos, engines, boilers, transformers, meters, converters, switchboards, shafting, belting and other appliances; and all transmission and distribution lines, bridges, rails, ties, tools, fixtures, supplies, con- duits, feeders, poles, mast-arms, brackets, pipes, cables, wires, insulators, lamps, meters and electric fixtures and appliances of every kind and nature; all gas-plants, gas- holders, purifiers, gas-mains, gas-meters, and other buildings, apparatus and appliances for the manufac- ture, transmission or distribution of gas; all franchises, privileges, easements and rights of way, authorizing the erection, maintenance or operation upon, over or under the streets, alleys, highways or public places within © any of the counties aforesaid, or any city, town or vil- lage therein, or upon, over or under any private prop- erty within any of said counties, of poles, wires, con- duits, mains, pipes, or other structures or apparatus for the transmission or distribution of gas or electric cur- rent for any purpose whatever; all things in action, stocks, bonds, or other securities, contracts, claims and demands of said California Corporation, whether now owned or hereafter acquired; together with all and singular the tenements, hereditaments and appurten- ances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, and all and singular the rents, issues, revenues, profits and income of or appertaining to the property of the 34 said California Corporation and of its constituent com- panies. Tanto: Any and all other property of the California Corporation, of every name and nature and wheresoever situate, whether now owned by it or hereafter to be acquired, with the income and profits thereof. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD all and singular the said prem- ises and property, real and personal, rights, franchises, estates, lands, appurtenances, agreements, stocks, bonds and other securities hereby conveyed, mortgaged or pledged, or intended to be conveyed, mortgaged, or pledged, unto the Trustee and its successors in trust and assigns forever. But IN TRUST, NEVERTHELESS, for the equal and pro- portionate benefit and security of all holders of the bonds and interest coupons issued and to be issued under and to be secured by this indenture, and for the enforcement of the payment of said bonds and of the interest thereon when payable, according to their tenor, purport, and effect, and to secure the performance of and compliance with the covenants and conditions of this indenture, without preference, priority, or distinc- tion as to lien or otherwise of any one bond over any other bond issued hereunder, by reason of priority in the issue, sale or negotiation thereof, or of any other cause, so that each and every bond issued as aforesaid shall have the same right, lien, and privilege under and by virtue of this indenture, and so that the principal and interest of every such bond shall, subject to the 30 terms hereof, be equally and proportionately secured hereby, as if all had been duly issued, sold, and nego- tiated simultaneously with the execution and delivery of this indenture, it being intended that the lien and security of this indenture shall take effect from the date of the execution and delivery hereof, without re- gard to the time of actual issue, sale or negotiation of said bonds, as though upon such date all of said bonds were actually issued, sold, and delivered to and in the hands of holders thereof for value. And it is hereby covenanted that all such bonds, with the coupons for interest thereon, shall be issued, certi- fied, and delivered, and that the mortgaged and pledged premises and property, rights, franchises, estates, lands, appurtenances, agreements, stocks, bonds and other se- curities, shall be held by the Trustee subject to the fur- ther covenants, conditions, uses, and trusts hereinafter set forth, to wit: ARTICLE ONE. DECLARATION OF PRIORITY OF LIEN. The len of this indenture is and is declared to be prior and superior to the lien of the General and Col- lateral Trust Mortgage of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company, dated January 2, 1906, and executed to the Union Trust Company of San Francisco, as trustee, to secure the General and Collateral Trust Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bonds of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company to the amount of $10,350,000. 36 This mortgage is not such prior lien upon the property or stock of the San Francisco Gas and Electric Company or the stock of the California Corporation. The foregoing statement is made in compliance with Section 7 of Article Five of the said General and Collat- eral Trust Mortgage of the Pacific Gas and Hlectric Company. ARTICLE TWO. EXECUTION AND REGISTRATION OF BONDS. Section 1. All bonds to be issued hereunder and se- cured hereby, together with the Trustee’s certificate and the interest coupons to be attached to coupon bonds, shall be of the tenor and purport above recited. Such bonds may be executed, certified and delivered originally either as coupon bonds or as registered bonds, at the option of the California Corporation, and in such pro- portions as it may determine. The coupon bonds shall be of the denomination of one thousand dollars each, numbered consecutively from 1 upwards, and of the > denomination of one hundred dollars each, in the discre- tion of the California Corporation, and in such propor- tions as it may from time to time determine. The con- pon bonds of the denomination of one hundred dollars shall be identical in all respects, except as to stated face amount thereof and of the coupons thereto attached, with the form of coupon bond hereinbefore recited. In the event of the issue of any coupon bonds of the denom- ination of one hundred dollars each, the same serial 37 number shall be borne by ten of such bonds, the serial number to be immediately followed by one of the first ten letters of the alphabet; the letter on each bond differing from the letters placed on each of the other nine bonds bearing the same serial number. livery cou- pon bond for $100 shall bear thereon an endorsement substantially to the following effect: ‘‘This bond, to- gether with nine other bonds bearing the same serial number (said ten bonds being lettered A to J consecu- tively), has been issued in lieu of or in exchange for a coupon bond for $1,000 bearing the same serial number, and, upon its surrender, together with nine other bonds of the same face amount, there will be delivered therefor a coupon bond for $1,000, having a serial number borne by a bond for $100 previously issued.’? Whenever any coupon bonds shall be issued originally for $100, there shall be withheld from certification by the Trustee an aggregate face amount of coupon bonds of the denomina- tion of $1,000 equal to the aggregate face amount of the coupon bonds for $100 so issued and bearing the same serial numbers. The registered bonds shall be of the denomination of $1,000 or of such multiples thereof as from time to time the California Corporation may pre- scribe by resolution of its board of directors or executive committee. Every registered bond shall bear thereon an endorsement in substantially the following form: ‘‘This bond is issued in lieu of or in exchange for coupon bonds bearing the serial mumbers.20 0 , and cou- pon bonds having the same serial numbers will be issued in exchange for this bond, upon surrender and cancella- 38 tion hereof. Coupon bonds bearing said serial numbers are not contemporaneously issued and outstanding.’’ Whenever any bond or bonds shall be issued originally as a registered bond or bonds, there shall be withheld from certification by the Trustee an aggregate face amount of coupon bonds of the denomination of $1,000 equal to the aggregate face amount of the registered bond or bonds so issued, and the serial number or numbers of coupon bonds so withheld shall by the California Corporation be endorsed on such registered bond or bonds. All bonds shall from time to time be executed and de- livered by the California Corporation to the Trustee for certification, and thereupon the Trustee shall certify and deliver the same as provided in this indenture and not otherwise. Only such bonds as shall bear thereon en- dorsed the certificate of the Trustee duly executed shall be secured by this indenture, or shall be entitled to any len or benefit hereunder; and every such certificate of the Trustee upon any bond purporting to be secured hereby shall be conclusive evidence that the bond so cer- tified has been duly issued hereunder and that the holder is entitled to the benefit of the trust hereby created and of the trust created under the said Supplementary Mortgage of the Pacific Gas and Electric Company. Before certify- ing and delivering any coupon bonds hereunder, the Trustee shall cut off and cancel all coupons thereon then matured; and the Trustee shall not certify and deliver any registered bond bearing interest from any date more than six months prior to such certification or de- livery. 39 In case any officers who shall sign and seal any bonds shall cease to be such officers before the bonds so signed and sealed shall have been actually certified by the Trus- tee or delivered or issued, such bonds may, nevertheless, be certified, delivered and issued, subject to the provi- sions of Article Three hereof, as though the persons who had signed and sealed such bonds had not ceased to be officers of the California Corporation. The coupons to be attached to coupon bonds shall be authenticated by the engraved signature of the present treasurer, or of any future treasurer of the California Corporation, and the California Corporation may use for that purpose the engraved signature of any person who shall have been such treasurer, nothwithstanding the fact that he may have ceased to be such treasurer at the time when such bonds shall be actually certified and delivered or issued. Section 2. The California Corporation, at its office in the City of San Francisco, or agency in the City of New York, shall keep a sufficient register or regis- ters of bonds issued hereunder, which register or regis- ters at all reasonable times shall be open to the inspec- tion of the Trustee; and, upon presentation for such purpose, it will, under such reasonable regulations as it may prescribe, register therein any coupon bonds and any registered bonds without coupons issued under the provisions hereof. Upon presentation of any such registered coupon bond, together with a written power to transfer the same execu- ted by the registered holder for the time being, in a form approved by the California Corporation, such bond shall 40 be transferred upon such register. The registered holder of any such registered coupon bond shall also have the right to cause the same to be registered as payable to -bearer, in which case transferability by delivery shall be restored, and thereafter the principal of such bond shall be payable to any person presenting the same, but any | such coupon bond registered as payable to bearer may be registered again in the name of the holder with the same effect as a first registration thereof. Successive regis- trations and transfers as aforesaid may be made from time to time as desired; and each registration shall be noted by the bond registrar on the bond. Registration of any coupon bond shall, however, not restrain the nego- tiability of any coupon thereto belonging, but every such coupon shall continue to pass by delivery and shall re- main payable to bearer. Any registered bond without coupons may be trans- ferred by instrument in writing in a form approved by the California Corporation executed by the registered holder, upon the surrender and cancellation of such bond, in which case a new registered bond or new registered bonds for an equivalent amount, having endorsed thereon the same serial number or numbers of coupon bonds, and bearing interest from the first day of November or May, as the case may be, last preceding the date of said trans- fer, shall be issued to the transferee or transferees. Whenever any registered bond without coupons shall be surrendered for exchange for a coupon bond or bonds of the denomination of $1,000, the California Corpora- tion shall execute and the Trustee shall certify and de- 41 liver, in exchange for and upon cancellation of such reg- istered bond, a like amount of the principal thereof in coupon bonds, each bearing one of the* serial numbers endorsed upon the cancelled registered bond, with the coupons attached, maturing on and after the next date on which the interest would have become due on such surrendered registered bond. Whenever any coupon bond or bonds of the denomina- tion of $1,000 issued under and secured by this inden- ture,together with all unmatured coupons thereto belong- ing, shall be surrendered for exchange for a registered bonds or bonds, the California Corporation shall execute and the Trustee shall certify and deliver in exchange for such coupon bond or bonds, a like principal amount of registered bonds without coupons, having endorsed thereon the serial number or numbers of the coupon bonds so surrendered, and bearing interest from the first day of November or May, as the case may be, last pre- ceding the date of said exchange. Whenever ten coupon bonds of the denomination of $100 each, and all unmatured coupons attached thereto, shall be surrendered for exchange for a coupon bond of $1,000, the California Corporation shall execute and the Trustee shall certify and deliver a coupon bond of $1,000 denomination, with all unmatured coupons thereto at- tached, and numbered as follows: If said ten surren- dered bonds shall bear the same serial number, then the $1,000 bond issued in exchange therefor shall bear the Same serial number as the surrendered bonds. If, how- ever, said ten surrendered bonds do not all bear the 42 same serial number, then the $1,000 bond issued in ex- change shall bear, preceded by the letter X, a serial num- ber borne by one of the surrendered bonds and not borne by any $1,000 bond at the time outstanding, and said bond shall also bear substantially the following endorse- ment: ‘‘This bond is issued in lieu of and in exchange for ten bonds of the denomination of $100 each, bearing Serial mumbers and letters. ancscceseecsssenssseceeeeneeeenneeee , none of which is at present outstanding.”’ Whenever any coupon bond of the denomination of $1,000 with all matured coupons shall be surrendered for exchange for coupon bonds of the denomination of $100, the California Corporation shall execute and the Trustee shall certify and deliver, in exchange for such coupon bond for $1,000, ten coupon bonds for $100 each, with all unmatured coupons, each bond having the serial num- ber borne by the coupon bond for $1,000 so surrendered, or, if said coupon bond for $1,000 shall have been pre- viously issued in exchange for coupon bonds of the de- nomination of $100, then, each having one of the com- bined numbers and letters specified in the endorsement on the surrendered bond. In every case of such exchange or transfer the Trus- tee forthwith shall cancel the surrendered bond or bonds and coupons, and shall deliver the same to the California Corporation. For any exchange of coupon bonds for coupon bonds of another denomination, and for any ex- change of coupon bonds for registered bonds, and for any transfer of registered bonds without coupons, and for any exchange of registered bonds for coupon bonds, 43 the California Corporation at its option, may make a charge sufficient to reimburse it for any stamp tax or other governmental charge required to be paid, and in addition may charge a sum not exceeding one dollar for each new registered or coupon bond issued upon such exchange or transfer. Section 3. Until the permanent coupon and regis- tered bonds intended to be secured hereby can be en-- graved and prepared, the California Corporation may execute and deliver printed or lithographed bonds, bear- ing interest from November 1, 1907, either registered or negotiable by delivery, and substantially of the tenor of the bonds hereinbefore recited, except that no coupons shall be attached to said bonds; and the same may be for the payment of one thousand dollars ($1,000) or any multiple thereof, as California Corporation shall deter- mine. Each of such printed or lithographed bonds shall bear upon its face the words ‘‘Temporary Unifying and Refunding Mortgage Five Per Cent. Thirty-Year Gold Bond,’’ and shall be duly certified by the Trustee in the same manner as the bonds hereinbefore described, and such certificate shall be conclusive evidence that the bond so certified has been duly issued hereunder, and that the holder is entitled to the benefit of the trusts hereby created. Whenever any of said temporary bonds shall be surrendered for exchange for temporary bonds of different denominations, but of like principal amount, the California Corporation shall cancel the temporary bonds so surrendered and deliver the same to the Trus- tee, and shall execute and the Trustee shall thereupon, 64 and upon payment of its reasonable charges for making such exchange, certify and deliver to the holder of the bonds so surrendered a like principal amount of tempo- rary bonds, of such denominations, not less than $1,000, as the holder of the bonds so surrendered may reasonably request. Such printed or lithographed bonds duly issued and certified hereunder shall be exchangeable for en- graved bonds to be issued hereunder, and upon any such exchange, said printed or lithographed bonds shall be forthwith canceled by the Trustee and delivered to the California Corporation. Until so exchanged, the said printed or lithographed bonds shall in all respects be entitled to the lien and security of these presents, as bonds issued and certified hereunder, and interest when and as payable shall be paid and endorsed thereon. As long as any temporary bonds are outstanding, a corre- sponding amount in face value of engraved bonds shall be withheld from certification by the Trustee. Section 4. In case any coupon bond issued hereunder, with the coupons thereto appertaining, or any reg- istered bond without coupons, shall become mutilated or be destroyed, the California Corporation in its discretion may issue and thereupon the Trustee in its discretion may certify and deliver a new bond of like tenor and date, including coupons in the case of a coupon bond, bearing the same distinguishing number, in exchange and substitution for, and upon cancellation of, the muti- lated coupon bond, and its coupons, or the mutilated registered bond, or in lieu of, and substitution for, the 45 coupon bond and its coupons, or the registered bond so destroyed, upon receipt of evidence satisfactory to the California Corporation and Trustee of the destruction of such coupon bond and its coupons, or of such regis- tered bond, and upon receipt also of indemnity satis- factory to the California Corporation and Trustee; and the California Corporation may charge for the issue of such new bond an amount suflicient to reimburse the Cal- ifornia Corporation for the expense incurred by it in the issue thereof. ARTICLE THREE. ISSUE AND APPROPRIATION OF BONDS. Ssection 1. The aggregate amount of all bonds which may be issued and outstanding under this indenture shall never, at any one time exceed the principal sum of forty- five million dollars ($45,000,000). Section 2. $30,282,000 face value of the bonds au- thorized to be issued under this indenture shall be ex- ecuted by the California Corporation and delivered to the Trustee, and thereafter from time to time the Trus- tee shall certify and deliver such bonds for the purpose of refunding, exchanging, redeeming, purchasing, retir- ing or paying, as hereinafter provided, before, at or after maturity, the following bonds which are herein- after called ‘‘underlying bonds’’: $10,000,000 face value of the General and Collateral Trust Five Per Cent. Mortgage Bonds of the California Corporation, issued under its said General and Collat- eral Trust Morigage dated March 1, 1903. 46 $1,848,000 face value of the First Consolidated Mort- gage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Thirty-Year Gold Bonds of the Bay Counties Power Company, issued under its said First Consolidated Mortgage, dated Sep- tember 1, 1900, and such an additional amount face value, of said bonds, not exceeding $357,000 face value thereof, as may hereafter be issued in exchange for the bonds of the Nevada County Electric Power Company and the Yuba Electric Power Company hereinafter men- tioned. $750,000 face value of the Bay Counties Power Com- pany, Second Mortgage Gold Bonds, issued under its said Second Mortgage, dated April 1, 1901. $2,500,000 face value of the First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Twenty-Hight-Year Gold Bonds of the Valley Counties Power Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated May 1, 1902. $1,000,000 face value of First Mortgage Five Per Cent. Sinking Fund Thirty-Year Gold Bonds of the California Central Gas and Electric Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated August 1, 1901. $2,210,000 face value of the Sacramento Electric Gas and Railway Company Five Per Cent. First Mortgage Gold Bonds, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated November 1, 1897, and such an additional amount of said bonds, not exceeding $265,000 face value thereof as may hereafter be issued in exchange for the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Central Electric Railway Company, hereinafter mentioned. 47 $5,000,000 face value of the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of The Standard Electric Company of California, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated September 1, 1899. $1,960,000 face value of the First Mortgage Bonds of the United Gas and Electric Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated July 1, 1902. $1,000,000 face value of the Mortgage Bonds of the Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Company, issued under its First Mortgage, dated March 16, 1891. $1,173,000 face value of the Consolidated Mortgage - Bonds of the South Yuba Water Company, issued under its Consolidated Mortgage, dated July 1, 1893, and such an additional amount face value of said bonds, not ex- ceeding $339,000, as may hereafter be issued in exchange for the General First Mortgage Bonds of the South. Yuba Water and Mining Company, hereinafter men- tioned. $397 000 face value of the General First Mortgage Bonds of the South Yuba Water and Mining Company, issued under its General First Mortgage, dated April 1, 1890, or such thereof as are not exchanged for the said Consolidated Mortgage Bonds of the South Yuba Water Company as above set forth. $850,000 face value of the Five Per Cent. First Mort- gage Thirty-Year Gold Bonds of the Central California Hilectrie Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated May 1, 1903. 48 $725,000 face value of the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Blue Lakes Water Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated March 15, 1893. $291,000 face value of the First Mortgage Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds of The Stockton Water Company, is- sued under its said First Mortgage, dated April 1, 1891. $171,000 face value of the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Nevada County Electric Power Company, issued under its First Mortgage, dated October 1, 1898, or such thereof as are not exchanged for the bonds reserved for that purpose under the said First Consolidated Mort- gage of the Bay Counties Power Company, as above set forth. $186,000 face value of the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Yuba Electric Power Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated June 1, 1899, or such thereof as are not exchanged for the bonds reserved for that purpose in the said First Consolidated Mortgage of the Bay Counties Power Company, as above set forth. $265,000 face value of the First Mortgage Gold Bonds of the Central Electric Railway Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated June 1, 1892, or such thereof as are not exchanged for the bonds reserved for that purpose under the said First Mortgage of the Sac- ramento Electric Gas and Railway Company, as above set forth. $26,000 face value of the Six Per Cent. Gold Bonds of the Berkeley Electric Lighting Company, issued under its said First Mortgage, dated July 1, 1896. 49 (a) Whenever from time to time the California Cor- poration shall tender or cause to be tendered to the Trustee for deposit hereunder any of said underlying bonds now outstanding or reserved to retire other under- lying bonds as above mentioned with all unmatured coupons thereto appertaining, whether before, at or after the payment, redemption or maturity thereof, the Trus- tee, in exchange therefor shall authenticate and deliver to the California Corporation, or upon its order, bonds hereunder in an aggregate principal sum equal to the face value of the underlying bonds so tendered to the Trustee. (b) At any time or times on or after the maturity or redemption of any of the underlying bonds, or within twelve months before such maturity or after any such underlying bonds shall have been called for redemption but before such redemption, the California Corporation may sell bonds issued under this indenture, in order to provide in whole or in part the means to pay or redeem such underlying bonds as shall not theretofore have been delivered to the Trustee and held by it under this indenture, and which have matured or been redeemed, or are to mature or have been called for redemption, and the Trustee shall certify and deliver to the California Corporation, or upon its order, bonds secured hereby in an aggregate principal sum equal to the face value of such underlying bonds for the payment or redemption of which the California Corporation desires to provide, provided that an amount of money equal to the face value of the bonds so certified and delivered hereunder 00 shall simultaneously be deposited with the Trustee in exchange therefor. Out of the money so received by the Trustee, it shall, on demand of the California Corpora- tion, and upon delivery to the Trustee of the underlying bonds so purchased, paid or redeemed by the California Corporation, pay to the California Corporation a sum equal to the face value of such underlying bonds so paid or redeemed. Provided, however, that so long as any bonds secured by the General and Collateral Trust Mort- gage of the Pacifie Company shall remain outstanding, no bonds underlying this Unifying and Refunding Mort- gage shall be called for redemption before maturity at a price exceeding par, without the written consent of the Trustee, except such underlying bonds as shall be called for redemption pursuant to the sinking fund provisions of some underlying mortgage. (c) Whenever any of the underlying bonds shall hereafter have been (1) retired and canceled through the operation of any sinking fund created under any mortgage securing any of such underlying bonds or otherwise (save only by being refunded by the bonds of another issue of underlying bonds reserved for that pur- pose), or (2) hereafter acquired for the sinking fund created by the mortgage securing such bonds under such conditions that the bonds so acquired shall thereupon become non-negotiable,—provided in every case that no bonds secured hereby shall have been issued against the bonds so retired and canceled or so acquired for sinking fund purposes,—an amount of bonds reserved under this section equal in face value to the amount of bonds so OL ' U. OF ILL. LIB. retired and canceled and so acquired for sinking fund purposes shall be subject to issue and shall be certified by the Trustee and delivered to the California Corpora- tion to pay for 85% of the actual cost of betterments or extensions to the property of, and 85% of the cost of new property actually acquired by the California Corpo- ration, the South Yuba Water Company or Central Cali- fornia Electric Company; provided, however, that none of the bonds which may be available for issuance under this clause (c) on account of bonds retired or cancelled or acquired for sinking fund purposes prior to January Ist, 1912, shall be issued by the California Corporation or be certified by the Trustee unless with the unanimous written consent of the Bondholders’ Committee; but any of said bonds which shall become available for issuance under this clause (c) on account of bonds retired or can- celled or acquired for sinking fund purposes after Jan- uary Ist, 1912, may be certified and issued without the consent of the Bondholders’ Committee. The Trustee shall not certify or deliver any bonds under this clause (c) except upon presentation of certificates showing that said bonds are required for expenditures then already made by the California Corporation for work done or for property actually constructed or acquired by it or by its said constituent companies; the certificates, in other respects, to be made by the same officers and to be simi- lar in form and substance to those prescribed in section 4 of this article, the Trustee having the right to make independent investigation of the facts at the expense of the California Corporation as provided in said section 4. a2 (d) 38 PE CUANTOPCUATR SO LOR 2s.) iitiaciciatatsl doolalelale ip aibls seus Gah eck ate laedl ape 43 Exchange of coupon for registered bonds...................0000. 42 Exchange of coupon bonds of different denominations............ 42 Exchange of registered for coupon bonds................0202 eee 41 Exchange of underlying for unifying bonds..................000% 50 PX SCUUON ANG TeListration Of HOME yo iicts)cpatrtereis wieietebere oon a.ek maine & 37 Execution of instruments in number of counterparts........... 46s 128 MEDENSCS OLIES1O OL DODEL UV ss sictyars Crain lb ieietpiecales ole s@ MOEN woe e's ioe walla win 90 -Floating debt, issuance of bonds to pay............ccccsecees 17, 18, 538 Foreclosure of underlying mMortZages...........cccc cece ccc eces 74, 75 iV I Page Insured; Property tO: De Kepte eo ee Sn ae eta 68 Instruments to be signed by bondholders may be concurrent....... 97 Interest ceases on bonds called for sinking fund.................. 108, Investment of: monies in ‘sinking funded eee saan ae 107 Inviting bids ‘for sale Of DOME. CaS Sehrein tie wut egret une uel nai 107 Issuance: Of remaining DONS sa .i6sihaieleiPalalersce wie eegmmelee eitbelstaienekasmaneae 54 Issuance of unifying bonds for betterments......................- 54 Issuance of unifying bonds on account bonds retired by sinking funds 651 Issuance of unifying bonds to pay floating debt.................... 53 Issue and appropriation sof) DONS soo le ees iietule rece simone een 46 Limitation) on right to redeem. ieee Vin aie Sialeiulk aia) ends ellenarte ral eae tania eunienes 105 Limitation upon power of Trustee to commence actions........... 96 M Mechanics’ liens, covenant to discharge................ccceecees 61, 68 Mortgages; foreclosure of underlying) ioc. es ee te Bie 74 Mutilated or ‘destroyed DONS. clos ee toiullelerare ere et eal stale eestennmnmen 45 Nevada County Electric Power Co. mortgage..............0cceeees 3 Nevada County Electric Power Co. mortgage, refunding of........ 47,49 New property ‘subject:t0 Hem oii ee eh at ee 58 New Trustee, appointment (Of. 6. iia ie cesarean ate eel Mime when 116 New York, interest payable in) City ron yi 2 ost! site petestiae) oye eery 21, 25, 26, 60 New York, registration of bonds in\City Of sci ek eee 29, 40, 60 Notice of appointment of new Trustee.........0...0..00cc0ee BAU ehaty 117 NOCICO TOL OLA G iis tc aide he Ri Me a aNa Ih Medal i ate EU eles NT le 92 Notiee}of intention ‘to; redeem iii saul wauhaaea ie letan lleli eta caer elo 104 Notice (ol) Sale OF: DFODETEY oni saver Wis ie cilia hoe Aa cies ala tere an phe Geeta aaeaune 87 Oakland Gas Light .& Heat Co) mortgage sco ye ies a 2 Oakland Gas Light & Heat Co. mortgage, refunding of............. 48 Ownership of bonds and coupons, . lo ose ec. VP HAD apeiretuK rs: 121 Olicers Who! May Sign PONS ee eh OMid Wenn fly iA OE RO 40 P Page Pacific Gas & Electric Co. bonds must be redeemed before unifying 105 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., certain provisions of general and collat- BUA LIUSU MOLLE Ae. CONELOL rl cals Hale wee sls slae ieee ls Oimleadki toe kets. ole 103 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., conveyance of South Yuba Water Co. or Peniral Calrornia mleGiric: GOW tO Wa as isa et oble be Oe hid cieiaaniets 66 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. may cause bonds to be signed after RU TIBET carciiiela ial k Uinsaraiis, aimtatel hala ewe a hi eiene aldo aile'sa le eiaimratale eit Muerte Nt 119 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., provisions relating to general and col- Tateral: Trust MOrcease DONS Ol Fo le oe Ls See Wau dee areu le eens 51 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., right to convey property to............ 119 Pacific Gas & Electric Co., supplementary mortgage of............ 20 PA ELIO RM erly aac ahars lates stats tale ate stank gid dadia’ Ate wnstata de alate Gib el ete a GCS eile Shp 1 Payment, covenant as to principal and interest................... 59 Payment of principal and interest of underlying bonds............ 64 Payment of principal and interest without preference............. 91 PEAS UOTE OLN SIT DSc le ae vielslal ei eid eae Nala Rig banaie ale Bua ta veer et blade as wea ieee net dilna 91 Pledged securities, delivery and control of................ 67, 70, 72, 80 Possession of mortgaged property until default................... 110 Possession of Trustee or Receiver during continuance of default.. 81 BPFIOLILY OL OT. COCO FALOI OF sick is vila o dius te sole aie'e eitihes Sara mare alam ears 36 PETOUST UGE ACOULLEU Voraiers te treidie ¢ elvis care Coote Nene lal atalerarteil ait dale atehen tinal 1 BTODGLLY COVETOCG DY MOTTE ALO oo ia acids hates aie ave eave wid ane ates 31 MULOUSAROL OW, CLLIG AVOSUM TAIN aiici cia a wleleseie ates akehatals aie wiatavslularemanctiaakal’: 89 Purchaser may apply bonds on purchase price.................... $1 Purposes Of JSh0G101, UNIEVINS) DODGS ii is apacane wicseraere eleva teenie ee a alies 17 Q UO EE LCS ROR SION Rei lore oh dints & coe Rios rar alien ts at geal main a ailatte) ebay ane cone peglen etieles aon sal 119 Receiver not entitled to possession of pledged securities.......... 81 PROCELV EL) CAML) OG reiiis te ork cate vada lonedUrar ela neta hal dl Suats) Sharia le ciate’ ala'lasmiatinaertene ee 102 Receiver, Trustee entitled to appointment of.................... 85, 100 TLE CCIM DUOTIMOR OLS ar Gis. crate Wises ere ahaha inva, or Wierntw alia elds ellaumts Ghalis tac Sue’ eae te 103 Redemption of bonds by sinking fund of corporation.............. 17 ReEAEMIDLON OL UNCer lying) DONS oi. eae wllacyiaca mie ere ruieteaiprens 18, 46, 50, 71 TIGL ENOL) ULGOLLY LUG ABSLLOB = coiacicicccia seis aha ra eine ee ee alee wk aats 46 V1 Page Registered :bDONd, “LOVIM OL. F's wid aielnibie wisi te leo ie io 'esa Weslo eae a tote te angie oie 26 Registered bond, ownership how proved.............cceeccccecees 98 Registration OF DONS eo) ei ee en ied ci Ro ohn A ra ey 40 Releases ‘of mortgaged property. io ieee Sie sie ols vie mys wwe cs ble oh: ene inie eee 100 Remedies of Trustee and bondholders..... vie hoc pon ny oid wh ole a lay RU piase 77 Repair, property: to: be Kepe ia ee sae Ge ce Wile es siete bis Gielole we ater aie 68 Replacement of: wornout:, equipments es Oe ee i ol Oe de ee 102 Resolution of Board of Directors authorizing delivery........... 54, 55 Resolution of Board of Directors authorizing releases............. 100 Restoration of rights of corporation and Trustee................ 84, 86 Retirement, of-underlying) ponds...) cai ies cee Sd ee eee eles 18 Return OL PLOPSLey yee OTe an oa NN a ea Mpa 80 Ss Sacramento Electric, Gas & Ry. Co. mortgage...............20000- 11 Sacramento Electric, Gas & Ry. Co. mortgage, refunding of........ 47 Sacramento Electric, Gas & Ry. Co. sinking fund.................. 11 Sale:in One ‘or several parcels soc a ace be eee ae ek eee 86 Sale of bonds, COVeRaAnt AS LO. . wiss'a)2!siaee ae ol siete wis eis we we paelle ccumetionate 62 Sale of unifying bonds to redeem underlying bonds............... 50 Sale, proceeds, how ‘applled.i\.. 3 swe eel Ae is Swen eee oe cee 90 Sales of property covered by underlying mortgages............... 74 san Mrancisco, bonds registrable/in:'s): vaisije. 56 suse bs ces 6 Memes 40, 60 San Francisco, interest payable inv. cee cis enews 21, 25, 26, 60 pan Prancisco, principal payable in. cies ede cae ewe ween x 21, 26, 60, 104 STO RIBS Ee nna eS ho Aa cat ec a ea 106, 108 Sinking: tund,’ bonds to be) Kepvialiveds oc. o a vaio. Salus oh ealatoncene 110 Sinking fund, default in payment of any sum for.................. 82 Sinking funds of underlying issues, canceled bonds........... eueeEe South Yuba Water Co. consolidated mortgage...............cce00- 13 South Yuba Water Co. consolidated mortgage, refunding of........ 48 South: Yuba Water.Co, covenants as: tO. <0) 0 ts ee ae ees 65, 68, 69 south Yuba Water )Co. general Mortgage . oi .). 5 ie disc os sible eee alee os 12 South Yuba Water Co. general mortgage, refunding of............. 48 South Yuba. Water @o,-sSinkine Tung ey ii cc vic gs ents oeclni een eine 12 ‘South Yuba Water Co., agreement to purchase stock cannot be re- . POR BOS oe) lair i's aoe Riese WG ue Te ACO Ta called ra Tolenl Ca attr elie anarta Nadle eR ap 100 Page Standard Electric Co. mortgage, refunding of...............ce000- 48 Stay or extension law, corporation not to benefit by............... 88 SHOCMEOc CONSLILUGILE COMPANIOH 305455 4s oo alacala olay Hcie anieatelers ainsi caters 67 Stock subject to lien to be held by Trustee............. cece ee eccee 72 Stockholders’ consent to incurring of indebtedness................ 18 BCUCRAGIUOLS CLODIUEY OL? WELVOO S. sauce ed sicleaitis whe eiele ale Maes slag vile, s 122 Stockholders, ratification of increase of bonded indebtedness...... 19 BOM OR SL WV LOT HUT IOP USAR: a 4.0 she ale din ctr ee Clots d-cik ares aitie ls sian erie 6 SLOCKLOU: Walter, CO. MOrlteare, TOLUNGINE OL coy desc ese oe ee tetas 48 BLOCACLOI CWstLetrOO. SITLKINE LUNG i ec ss cane o haldras slartio Galas atte alenieles Ki T PESOS CO POUANLL, AA UEO ccisivie ts aiele oo stclnia ase stace eid he albyaraih qrerkigie. en iale save 61 MEIEISIOVELY VESICLE Yu nrek a SiG ee ati clare a, 018 alee ic, fis Bea onetne Digi ahecsutaey a ates tie 43 PALO AD DOLMLMICN LE OLUTLG Wi. 5 cuca b dies avin d GOAAGe seid ea kine eae ath iels wigs 116 ene y(n DENS ALIOU.OLiatiae aie 2's a ate A wale a © & oldie alate ay ale Cate e eigtele oiets 115 Trustee, entitled to appointment of Receiver................... 85, 100 TUB LOG LOLMr OL Certitucale, cO;DOTNUB. o.tac eis se 2 kee ee caida seks eine wore 30 SMT Ee CEE a LICE LEY OU shan is aU Sieve og coe cae Te Lee Mee a reed Te ye iota steed wee 112 Trustee may co-operate with Receiver in managing property..... 81 Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, Trustee, may purchase at foreclosure sale of underlying mortgages 75 Hin Vi PULrGuane sLODOLUY. ass cat sla cae hala te tee ety i ie) oH