: a 2 ! ‘3 Pee UNDVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY JUL 1 4 1915 rey ‘Veterinary | Profession ITS RELATION TO |'% THE HEALTH AND NATION ststotst tote | wef Ree Py aN OAS ae = ~ ce SR UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIRRARY JUL 14 1915 The Veterinary Profession Its Relation to the Health and Wealth of the Nation, and what it Offers as a Career Comprising Several Short Articles by Officers of the University of Pennsylvania and Alumni of its Veterinary School PHILADELPHIA 1897 .-CONTENTS... Veterinary Medicine ......... SM Lo LT Cs nn The Dignity of Veterinary Science as a Profession The) Future’ of Meterinary Medicine’... .. . . . . . <2 ieee Country,’ Veterinary -Practice:.... 00.5... 6 <5 6s, bop) See Veterinary Practice in|:Cities 0.5. 63. . 6. 2 8 The Advantage of a Veterinary Education to the Breeder ......... Muni¢ipal’MeatiInspection:. 2*.3.°. 0°... .0. 6). 20k Sn United States Government Meat Inspection ..........-......- Diseases of Animals Transmissible to Man ..............4.. Veterinary: Practice in: the West). g0.)00. 0...) 2 1 The Veterinary ‘Profession in the South’... . . >) 1°0)0) ee Veterinary Practice in the East 2.9.9. .'. 2... 0B) pee State Veterinary Service... . 2.0. 6a bs oe 6 City Veterinary’ Service . 0s i000.) 07 768 0 Veterinary Work in Connection with the Duties of a Board of Health A Course in Veterinary Medicine Preliminary to Advanced Work in Medicine The Value of Veterinary Training to the Physician .......... Horseshoeing ‘as a Science... 50)... © 3.) ace Veterinary Instruction in Agricultural Colleges. .......... . Municipal Milk Inspection as Practiced in Philadelphia «......... The Veterinary Service in the United States Army. ......-...... Canine Practice lois Fook eae es ot More Veterinarlans Needed 2... 00: se 0 ow + eee List of Graduates from the Veterinary Department of the University of Pennsylvaniaipere os)