Eh a 2 > } ft} - : v fi Vp ’ OER EEE EEE | earning und Xabor. LIBRARY ee ‘of Illinois. { CLASS. BOOK. VOLUME. nanahehanan akan Leos NLD yo ae Books are not to be tak en from the Libr OLY. cade S LORS: Nov AE HEA ee fl OxQenfsa Rec Pac Pace haOeoPe Paes Pae Bas === SEPP EEE Ee ok wh ue 2 LIBRARY univenSry ot nots. POCKET HANDBOOK OF Useful « ITnformation, PulGdes Ly TS, Telegraph + Code, + &c., LEAD GOVERED ELECTRIC CABLES, INSULATED WIRES, &c., WRITTEN AND COMPILED BY MAIOSEPH + W, + MARSH ,& ; PRESENTED BY THE Standard Underground Cable Co. PITTSBURGH, NEW YORK, CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. JANUARY, 1897. Entered according to Act. of yee ess in the yee? 1897, by JOSEPH W. MARSH, In the Office of the Librarian of roa ress, at Washington, D. C. STAN DARD > nderground Cable Co. MANUFACTURERS OF Tue Warinc Cases FOR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER; UNDERGROUND, SUB- MARINE AND AERIAL. INSU- LATED WIRE OF ALL KINDS; CABLE AND LINE WIRE ACCESSORIES. GENERAL OFFICES: WESTINGHOUSE BUILDING, PITTSBURGH, PA. BRANCH OFFICES: NEW YORK, 18 Cortlandt St., G. L. WILEY, Manager. as WIRE DEPT., T. E. HUGHES, Manager. CHICAGO, The Rookery, J. R. WILEY, Manager. ST. LOUIS, MO., Security Building. FACTORIES: PITTSBURGH, PA., U. S. A. | ! Hy % Boon 2 A fficers: President, MARK W. WATSON. Vice President and General Manager, JOSEPH W. MARSH. Secretary and Treasurer, FRANK A. RINEHART. Auditor, Cc. M. HAGEN. General Superintendent Manufacturing Department, WILLIAM A. CONNER. Electrician, HENRY W. FISHER. Asst. Genl. Manager, atl ew DOLE LH, General Superintendent Construction, Manager Conduit Depariment, F. S. VIELE. BRG2*0 LINDE: ‘ P. L, Price Lists; D., Description ; W. D., Working Direc- tions ; M., Miscellaneous. Alternating (Currents PHMects Ofiiersecnss.s..-eascanvrassecees M., 178, 174 Arresters, Lightning, Electric Light and Power, 135. ae. os thd Arresters Lightning, Telephone and chia rl D., 92;w. D.. , 136 BGI tit OF aca disccetenesvese steosc eer ves sonnets tec tle ehcesotaberceleamese eee amet M. "158 Bindins POSts ip cscccesestoes P. L., 84 and 87; D., 90, 91; W. D. 182, 133 Boxes) Hush Or Servicer 4. althasss seas these eeoetaapsenacsecccn seen one , 102 Boxes, pores ae LpaabsapesMicaguaiWie yeaa’ = a3 37; D.. 95 to 98; W. D. "31 Braid, Tubular... Reasentina tases cin PAL) 88; D. , 102: W. D.. 127 Cable Addresses. ...ssssses--+-- Las eabe'ssSean ote shaulseghtotdtalancs 5 sesaia ame M. , 39 Cable Box. tre ex ects obenncn cy detente eluaeae tees D., 89 to 92; W. D. , 132 Cables Aerial ise eas ass ctacseavectscedne one LevSl: D. , 81; W. ae 118° 119 Cables, Anti-Induction............... oy; D. 80; Ww. JON 111 to 130 Cables, BUNCHES ete aa wast ones P; SPT D., Pes 82; W. D., 111 to 130 Cables, Duplex and Multiple...*......... , 84, 85, 86; M. 174, 175 Cables, Electric Light and Power { . iy 23 to 25; D., 88 to Bi Cables HOusestns casssscetetss P. L., 28 to 81; D., 82; W. D., 120, 121 Ca bles Oimcesnressparsteccsuseeeentences ones P. ye; 19; D, 63; W. D. , 120, 121 Cables RUDDER c:.-cospsedsccetbbrse iseseparvcceescqceuapasterseweesuentes se D:, 87, 84 Cables Single W ites cicsscase. Pewee at 24, 25, 29; W. D.. 111 to 130 Cables Subimarinenss, ccivs.sshersesuces 82: D 87; ; W. D. LTS LS Cables, Telephone and Telegraph face “Cables, Bunched, ” and “Cables, Anti-Induction’’). Cables, Underground (See all Cables!) ucosscrstazeuierd Di alatoon Cables, Weatherproof. ...1.1.).scctesssesseceeaseteceaneatesoees Py 2): DA 64 Calendar for ascertaining the day ofthe week forany date, M. 145 Calendars for S07 1898 WiS90 oi: eae. er cs nccu an cee ase ect eeee ee tee M. (144 Capacity, Electro- Stable .\,..bah metas M., 76, &1, 82, 139, 140, 175 Capacity, Specific Inductive. -..............---ceseseccossepeneecenonees M., 158 Carrying Capacity, Equivalent, in several Conductors.....M., 165 Carrying Capacity of Cables, Underground and OTT A yi veck toe eases siz suabcccls faces sacha eee pee see ace M., 169 to 171 Carrying Capacity of Cables and Wires, Table Comparing, M.,171 Circular Mils and Mils, Deftnitions FT MOE Lent FE , 164 , 165 Coating, Protective, for Lead Cover .n.eecsee sath sh ia and Fig, 5 Coatine He es a aah sae tet: Sree or Code, General Telegraphic..............:.0:ssse:eecccecerceneeeees M., 39 - 54b Code, Numerals: 5 Weir nttssvecsclu cesar tatataametr.asases M. 47 and 54b Code: Private (a ee" ae Ravan c cheer reeee M., 54c, 54d Code. Spécial (see Price Lists) ii aitsis Aiucsensess cued M ee to 388 Compound, Waring Insulating, (‘‘Ozite’’) ce <4 sin roe ee 134 Conductivity of Witeyeciscscn-ssemeec cc's W. D., 188, 139; M. , 158, 159 Conductivity Relatives ii le sa dessseneanauads coset naa eveum tome rteses M., 159 Conductors, Information and Formule Relating to......... M., 158 WON AUILS eres cccvewcnct reer P: L,.,:86; D., 99,to 10L; W. D. , 112, 113 Construction, Cost of Aerial and Underground aus teossedveceds .M., 179 COPPer Wires hoes cen becchanas suede ree tet ae eee to men eae Ply 16UDe 59 Copper Wire, Solid, Table of WDatat....:.csccncssccccsssaewcsstenyeene M., 161 Copper) Wire; Stranded: "Fable of Datariecri.:s..s-1ekecee essen M., 162 Cords, Flexible S witehiiictc.cce:-10b ventarcey eae creamer s teeete PL. dees Cord, Incandescent Lamp (Silk and Cotton)......... PSL Sse On Cavers Vea disci cB cocttn ioe cate soe coc cc Peau ne cl mene RmE aes ae ace seeh D. 78, 79 Cross Section (2.4 pertersc csuyasrscsuste cetaceans wesnnteay Opposite page 182 CUDES ERG aaa scence tee rece a ad emaneeeseaedededs esate eiiares ., 154, 155 Définition of HlectricaljUnits..7-. -nsscccosseaeoonnseeesenes M., 164, 165 Descriptions and Illustrations of Manufactures............ D., 55to 106 Diameters and Weights of Wires and somes: (see also respective Price Lists))..........c...csessescess 87, 101; M., 161, 162 Directions for Installing Cables, and all Ghaeeeroane APPAFAtS........rsessenrcceceoneee « seseeneeaceescesasesennes W. D., 111, 136 Directions for Testing Electric Cables............... W.D. , 187 to 142 Directions to; Purchasers oecciicsecenge (lanes degWOkis\ aseonclie sade caenens M.,8 Distribution of Cables...%......@%....../.D;, 102; W. D., 117, 128 to 135 Drawing Cable into Conduits......... 0%... cused cceseos W. D. , 114 to 116 Blectoral Vote Of: States csi 40 stsacstetwonsasene dopestsmhearee eeopsaaueeed M., 148 Hlectrical Horse Power, Table Off............scpesuuncsaesevaensae Pings M. 172 Bilectrical/ Statistics yasciscss decovesgens cannes teabee suseames sokeenea ieee ene M. 17, 178 Electrical Units and Formule (see also onan ~M., 164, 165 4 Electroloysis Discussion of Means for Prevention..M., 107 to 109 MU POARI oak segs stcns teen eee pnncidgs bach dadepnaaebadunbeueynautestabemsicaricas gabgeras M., Feet Expressed in Decimal Parts of a Mile.................000+ M., 153 FRUCKIDUITY OL AD) eset trian steanertenertccirewtectcesstrsaec che ctcuscces: D., 87 HOO RU Om ee feces sees tsk secna ck nesta cere ease bane ce tne naeer ovat cass shoes oe es 157 Foreign Money, WA IWOf s..devccrerepne.ctalatussteretbeheesieceesseene. ) 157 Formule and Rules..M. , £38 to 142; 156 to 159, 162 to 166, i690 to 174 Fractions of an Inch Expressed in Mils/niAseiiianlihs ess M., 153 Gauges; COMpParieoss OF acs seussvscnatsaslwaseetes OS, SAN RTA a 160 [cae hg: eee OPPS COLIPNEE mL ta SOO FW ek ae ee Bed 158 General.and Electrical Information.............:0.sccc.eeeeee M. “TB to 182 Pitti Gel GIASINE ed cavelvocuncasdeasstosdacgt tewabancvyens D., 102; 'W.D. , 118 Hangers, Cable, (see also “Supports’’) { a. ae 35; Te and 95; morse Power, Tableof Mlectricala ra iticnmsscsccse ‘IOMOT QUST o1aqoo1q ‘Gdesseloy, ‘ouoydeoy ‘s1ozonpuocN pepuvayys pus prloS— WHIM GHNPAOO WAAHAY «AOL dibs "STUN saddoa aieg jo "mer | 19z9% 19696 LSZ96 T909% 910% 91806 91802 9T80¢d GUS9L 60.91 G0S9T 5099T 76081 F608L 1880I [880L 0699 ogg 901% 901F a4 6893 F091 F691 TZ0L 1201 “STL Ie] -Nd1ID Boy * % ov * * *% % DDO D DH Pel iw il~- OD D°S 8 "a ‘LozoOnNpUuoD gaddcy: 12 SoIIM IOUIE Y}IM PpaprlAoid 10 ‘pa19A0o pea] 10 ‘paptesq 10 padej 194319 ‘s1ojonpuod jo Joquinu Aue jo Surjsisuoo Sdqqeo IO} UOTeoI[dde uo sold *1OJONPUOD PepueRsS » ‘uorjeol[dde uo pajonb uorjepnsulr jo ssouyoiy3 [eLeds (gg eased 90S Jo}yeur dAt}dt1osap 10,7) ‘ayesseo *OISSBO “YSBO *SaIseod *MOUSBd ‘yuUVYsVO "SBD ‘apvoseod [eq voseo ‘pryefaivs *19}STAIBO *SSUTAIBO "SIDAIBO ‘OI[GAIBD "2A189 ‘oyeonied *SU00}IeD *S104.1Bd i &) Sh a-n) ‘24189 "yae9 “@8.1B90 “SutAr1v9 *A1Ivd *IQMOI1IVS *AjOri1v9d *D1}011R9 *MmO11ed *IZ][O11vd *‘aOjy11B9d | $2°S¥ 00°F7 96 'GF QL Le 00°98 00°SE G1°1Z 96°F SFG 00°32 00°F% 09°06 00°T% 00°8T 91°06 CIAL 00°81 90 OT 00'S 00°ST 0o°¢T 9L°Ot 0¢°aT 09°TT OU'ZI $9 °OT 09°81 90°IT raat 06°6 *SIOJONPUOD PI[OS 31¥ JST] AOE UI S190 [TV ‘DISNOUIBS ‘AyISourBs. *AJIUIS *xojIureo ‘URITIUIBS ‘29[0UIBD ‘ozITeured *XIAT[ ePUIeO ‘Heures. *"qSI[VUIvo *SuUlTeUIeS ‘Teules ‘OSBUIvS *SJOULIVD ‘SUIS ‘oPpOMIvS *‘UI[aUIIeS “UBULIBo *yO[IeO "yooy1eo *UsT[1eo ‘Sal[LAVo “OMe "IDUT[IBO ‘BUTT IBD *HOILLVo >: ea:2) “Spnores ‘stsdorieo *IBO[OLI BO 00° LF 09°F GL'0P 9G 96 C!s 92°06 GL°9G G6°&S 09°86 96° TS 00°86 GL6L GZ'°0G 93°21 00°06 gL or Go" LT 09°FT Go°LT GB FL GL ol 00°OT SLL G20 08IT 06°6 O8°GL S01 SIT 02°6 "ples *[V190189 SSBO1IBO ‘qouvo1vd ‘opouNqied *£OQAB9 ‘soyemoqieo ‘gpeuoqies ‘moqteo ‘OT[oquvo “INIUIGIvD *SoUIqivo “ABMBIBO ‘S[OAVIBOD ‘IBABIBO D1} e1Bd “xedevivo ‘sodudvuivo *XUBIBS ‘jome1ed ‘oyeleo *9[008189 "IDYOwIVS *‘[BoR1Bd ‘OB1IBS ‘proqgervs ‘QUIqe1eD "Bd ‘aatgndeo *sulyndvo OS °FS 93 8% 00 SP 00°F 0G IF 00°98 $2118 00°28 GL1% 09°F3 09°26 GGG SETS 90°08 £6°FG 00°04 00°TS 90°LT Go'1G Go°LT G68 OS°FT OS'8T GZS 00°FT 90°OT 08 9T 066 Tim A O9°TT ‘soorid eo *I11d Bd ‘radd ea ‘snuvddero ‘aj30d 89 *sBjodeo ‘ssouodeo ‘syoodeo ‘20d Bd ‘cotvaoUudes “ury{deo ‘sso[dvo ‘TATA eo ‘ornidvo ‘Ie[nyides ‘oud eo ‘oyeyid eo ‘avyideo ‘speyides ‘asojjideo ‘seideo *SUILOd BO *1o19deo ‘siodeo *‘yoTToEd vo ‘urjod¥vo ‘ouejodeo ‘jedeo ‘uostiedvo ‘eLavduo GLE 09°97 09 '9F 09°0F CG'UF Ql'Fs $L°08 00°96 G19 92°E3 G96 GCS GOES 90°6T 09°&% &6 61 00°06 09°OT 09°06 0S‘9T Go°LT A) 4 gL°L1 0¢ CT GZS 02°TT Go'GL CUCL 00°F 06°0T 906 8 G18 T8 618 092 L389 S69 S¢9 699 999 v6S 76S Teg F6g T&¢ 1g 69% 699 00g 00¢ 8e7 18¢ 88P S&F 907 00g S&F 69F . 90% | &18 094 1g 612 612 999 G9 £9¢ 699 009 Fog T&¢ 1é¢ 697 89g 008 00$ S&F 1&¢ 69F 69F 90% 00g 90F 90F 928 69F 90F S&P Zé 6186 o°OL8 6162 ¥0EL 6999 3°809 GSTS L°99F PSL 6°ObP L'1L&P 9°F8 P'968 6°S9€ $°996 S168 ¢"sse OFS 979 00$ 009 IGP Tah Gls Gls SCS 908 SS SPS 686 686 GIS GIé 896 893 186 186 623 623 0&6 0&6 F0G 703 8G 81% Gs ost ‘Q[It 1ad suyOSaIUt YOSI—0j¢ DoUe\sISa1 UOTJE[NSUT | OO9TIZ OOSTIZ CO8L9T 908Z9T 6LOEST 6L0EET 669901 €6SS0T S6SS0T e6990t F69E8 F698 $6988 y69E8 €L899 §1E99 81899 €1699 FE9GS FEICS FEICE 7909 GPLIF GPLIF GFLIF Ord? COLES GOFES COTES COTES {| «0000 +0000 *000 *000 *00 +00 13 Rubber Insulation. FLEXIBLE SWITCH CORDS. For Electric Light and Street Railway Use. For descriptive matter see page 58. Made of very fine Wires. Diameter Price per in Mils. | yo). |Foot. Cents. SG. Over 0 oe Bub-| praigi > °°) Plain. Braided +1 ber 18 | 110| 141] 500 1.50; 1.90 18 | 184; 165} 1500 2.10 2.45 18 | 182} 213 | 3000 3.30] 3.80 16 | 1385] 166; 500 2.40 2.90 16; 165; 196/1500) 3.70; 4.30 16 | 212) 2438 | 000 5.65 6.30 14 | 150/] 181] 6500 8.00 8.50 14 | 185; 216] 1500} 4.00] 4.60 14 | 238/] 269} 3000 6.00| 6.75 12; 170; 288; 600; 4.10! 4.70 12 | 204; 267} 1500 5.20; 585 12 | 260| 323} 8000 7.45] 8.20 10 | 210; 273] 500 5.90] 6.65 10 | 240; 303] 1500 6.95 7.75 10 | 300; 8683/8000) 9.60] 10.45 9 | 240} 3803] 500 7.10 7.85 9 | 280! 343] 1500 8.75 9.50 9 | 3840; 403] 3000} 11.90} 12.70 8 | 260!) 3823] 500} 9.10] 9.90 8; 800; 863; 1500} 10.86] 11.70 8 | 360| 423] 8000} 14.00] 14.90 7 | 270| 333] 500} 10.00; 10.75 7} 810} 3873) 1500} 12.10) 32.85 7 | 370} 483) 8000} 15.25) 16.10 6 | 820; 383) 600) 13.60; 14.86 6 | 860) 423 | 1500} 16.00| 16.80 6 | 420] 483] 8000} 19.85] 20.90 5 | 340} 403; 600} 16.00) 16.75 5 | 390) 453) 1500} 19.00] 19.95 6 | 460; 613) 8000} 238.10) 24.15 4} 360| 423] 500] 18.60} 19.40 4] 410) 473] 1500] 21.75} 22.80 4{ 480); 543] 3000} 26.80! 27.90 3 | 425] 488] 500] 22.60} 23.60 3 | 480) 5438/1500} 26.70; 27.80 8 | 550} 614} 3000] 31.75} 82.90 2| 520} 614] 500] 3280] 33.85 2 | 600] 694] 1500} 40.30} 41.50 2 | 670| 764] 38000} 47.80} 49.80 1| 670; 664) 600; 40.50] 41.65 1} 650| 744| 1500} 48 50]. 50.15 1 | 720] 814] 8000] 56.50} 58.10 0 | 630] 724] 500} 50.40] 51.80 0 | 700) 794] 1500} 58.20} 59.75 0| 780| 874) 8000} 6810; 69.80 00 | 690] 784} 500] 61.50} 63.10 00 | 750) 844/1500| 68.60] 70.20 00 | 830] 924] 8000} 79.80) 81.30 000 | 780} 874} 500} 76.80] 78.10 000 | 850; 944| 1600) 85.80| 88.00 000 | 940 | 1034 | 8000] 99.50! 101.90 0000 | 880} 974] 500} 97.70} 99.90 0000 | 950 | 1044 | 1500 | 109.00 | 111.60 0000 | 1050 | 1144 | 3000 | 125.20 | 128.00 Telegraph | Telegraph Code. Code. Plain. Braided. ! castor. celery. castral. celestial. cat. celiac, catalpa. celine. catapult. cellar. catawba, celter. catch. celtis. catechise celtoid. catechu. cenatory. catemate. | cenobite. caters. cenoby. cateran. cenotaph. catering. cense. catesic. cension. catkin. censor. catling. censorial. catnip. censorious. catso. census. caufer. centage. cauk, centaur. cauling. _| centenary. causson. centennial. cautil. center. cauter. centiped. canvassac.| centner. cavate. centurion. caves. century. caviar. cephalic. caviler. cephaloid. cavin. cerago. cavy. ceramic. caw. cerberus. cawksert. cereal. cawky. cerebal. caxon. cerebric. cayenne. cerebrum. cayman. cerement. cazique. ceremony. cazzon. ceres. cease. cerete. cedar. cerine. cedarbird. | ceriph. cede. cernous. cedilla. certain. cedrant. certainty. cedrine, certify. cedry. certitude. cedule, cerum. ceil. cess. ceiling. cestacean. celandine. cestaceous. celebrant. cestoid. celebrate. cestus. celebrity. cestuyor, 14 nO rad is bel hice [TRADE MARK] WARING INSULATING COMPOUND. (For descriptive matter see page 76.) For Filling Cable Joints, Cable Terminals, Junction Boxes, Converters, Etc. In ordering, state purpose for which the Compoyind is to be used. ‘The right is reserved to decline filling any or all orders for this Compound, Price per | Telegraph ode. Gallon. Waring Compound in 1 gal. cans,.... $1.00 chack. << a Sy |e abtmeaeh sh 95 chad. « ‘s ety ft Popes 90 chafe. “s - ‘‘ approximately BOPP AM NDATIELS cis hae: abies 2 se .80 chaffic, GALVANIZED IRON AND STEEL WIRE. Telephone and Telegraph. (For descriptive matter see page 59.) . TelegraphjTelegraph|Telegraph B.W.G. ate pe Codes vs Code; Code. 1 : B. B. E.B.B. | Steel, 4 730 =U | chaffy. chamfer. | chaplet. 6 540 2.2 |chainey. | chamois, | chapter. 8 380 as% | chair. champ. charity. 9 320 OY | chaise. champion.} charmer. 10 260 Uma, | Chalaze. chancel. charnel. 11 214 YG | chaldese. | chaos. charon. 12 165 a2 | chalice. chapel. charted. 14 96 m8 challis. chaperon, | charts. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE STRAND, For Suspension, Guy, Span Wire, Etc. This strandis composed of seven wires twisted together. (For descriptive matter see page 59.) poate] coe | See. tenes | eae an 5 AB Cents. * |in Pounds, , QAO” seh bends id Ses, BT yy 8 240 52 8320 chase. 33 9 205 42 6720 chasers. qs 10 180 36 5720 chaste. ¥% il, 150 29 4640 chastely. 5 12 115 21 3360 chastise. os 13 90 16 2560 chastity. 3 14 70 12 1920 chateau. A 16 60 10 1600 chattel. 32 16 55 | 8 1280 chaucer. te 17 42 6 960 cheater. 44 | 18 38 4.3 688 cheating. ez | 19 35 3.3 528 checkmate. yy 20 30 2.4 384 cheeky. s | 21 28 2 320 cheeping. BARE WIRE FOR ELECTRICAL PURPOSES. (For Descriptive Matter, see page 59.) German Silver pe eR ESISES Pounds] Price ance Pure Copper. Telegraph Code. B. & S.G. ie er No pee per |Wire, per Pure Copper./German Silver, Feet, | Pound. Pound. |* Soft Drawn. | 0000 | 639.83 | 19¢ Jucuceen cheer. J angedoakh etete ies 000 | 507.01 LO ee eee cheese. seatocasecentereanetens 00 | 402.09 19 sbbcanodesessss| SCTLCCLALI. ot] G. Length per | per Pound. Telegraph Code. 12 40 ft. 23 cleave. 14 60 oe cleaving. is 150 27.5 clefts 20 225 29.5 clematis. 22 250 32.5 clement. OFFICE WIRE. (For descriptive matter see page 63.) Approximate : B. & S.G. Price No. cid oe per Pound. Telegraph Code. 12 35 ft. te clench. 1 16 op 26.5 clerey! 28 18 135 cleric. 20 155 30 clerkly. is 22 200 33 clever. Ozite or Waring Insulation inside, 2 cts. \ cleverly | per pound extra. : OFFICE CABLES. (For descriptive matter see page 63.) B.&S.G./Ordinary | Ozite Telegraph Code. No. | Finish. | Finish. |o-ainary Finish.| Ozite Finish. 12 25.5 27.5 | clevis. clientage. 14 27 29 clevy. cliental. 16 28.5 30.5 clue. cliented. 18 30 32 click. clientele. 20 32 34 clicker. cliffy. 22 35 37 cliency. clift. UNDERWRITERS’ WIRE. (For descriptive matter see page 63.) } — |B. &S.G.| Approx. ft. | Approx. Ibs.| Cents per Telegraph No. per Pound. | per 1000 ft. Pound. Code. ' 0000 1.42 701 20 clifted. 000 1.77 565 20 climatal. 00 2.22 450 20 climate. | 0 2.75 365 20 climax. } 3.42 992 20 clincher. 4.14 241 20 cling. 3 5.40 185 20 clinic. 4 6.76 148 20 clinker. 5 8.32 121 20 clinoid. 6 10.20 9 20 clio. 7 12.50 80 20 clipper. 8 14.70 68 20 clipping. 9 18.50 54 21 ' cloaca. 10 22.22 45 21 cloak. 12 31.24 32 22 cloaking. 14 45.45 22 23.5 clod. 16 66.66 15 25 clodpate. 18 83.33 12 26.5 clodpoll. 19 100.00 10 28.5 cloggy. 20 125.00 8 28.5 cloister. . ‘oezuignyis | Q8i 9h | "purmqnja | eh él 89 | *souojo | aa 8 Gb S86. | 02 ‘OBSMOMIqN]S | cst 0G cor |} ‘sveTIqN]S | CHT cT 08 ‘yeuols | Zr or g¢ G92 8t ‘oeuemqn[s | = 60é6T 8% OZT | “Wemqnys | Oct 61 oor ‘JNUIO[D | OST ST 08 c gt ‘oeqnyTs | cz 0€ oor |} ‘qn[> | O9T FG Ost || “INjOTS | OFT 02 cor g°S% ai “IBUMOTS OZ If STs. “TMOTS cst t¢ O8T “Snyoo cor LG CPL CG ai ‘oeancja | Gb | 8b sco ‘anoja | SOG =| Gb G6o Holo | OBL | 9¢ 061 CGM LE “QBI}BAOTO | Cz 9¢ a “SFBAOTS | 0S og 996 || “STGO[D | C6r cP Gs TZ or ‘OBNO[D | C6Z 89 ('98 “OTD | eez 09 0ce | ‘HOYOS | CZs og C13 1Z 6 “IVSSETPNOTS | OE és csp | “SSOTPNOTS | C9Z bL 06s | ‘SBUOTD | CFZ cg CFS 02 8 ‘oBATIpNO]S | OBE 86 Tg || ‘A[rpnojs | cee 88 cor | ‘quIoTS | 012 6L 02 0Z L ‘oeaBbepnojo | Gb Sil Soo ‘ebepnojo | ge 601 cig || "40}s0H0]9 | ONE 86 0cS 0¢ 9 ‘9B19}}0[9 | GCP CPT COL || “ISHOID | OOF asl OoOL | “SOAOTD | Ee 1a 0F9 06 ¢ ‘OeSUIYIOLS | CLF CLI Sc6 ‘SUIYIO[D | gh €9T 098 “BOT}STOTD | 098 TST 008 0Z if “OBIVIYAOTD | Cog FIZ OSTT || “FOTYYO[D | OCF 661 OSOoT “SSOT}SIOTD | gg 98 086 0G € ‘OBSOY}OLD | OLG 916 OOFT || ‘SOTJOTS | GIG $°Z OFst || ‘ATTVI}SIOTS | OLF (6x6 aa 02 G ‘oeadnsojo | O19 Lbe 008k reunsojo | 0&9 ale oss | ‘ueusaysiojo | GOS $86 00SI 0G L “OBJPSOLO g¢9 CIF 0616 “Jesoyo 06S G8E 0606 ‘SULIA}SIOTO crs GSE O98 02 0) “OBSSIMISO[D | UOL 61g OFLZ || ‘SS9UISOTD | Eg CSP 099% ‘Pete}sSlo[D | gg oGF 0683 02 00 ‘oeAdoop | ¢9L geg ogee | ‘Adoold | 00L 868 09Ts ‘oqiaystop9 | ecg Z9¢ 0162 0Z 000 “oBVUIOO|D | = SEs §8L cely | ‘TUHOOTS | 08s TFL O16 ‘TBISISIOTS | CSL 669 0696 202 0000 “SIHA | 350001 | “Olu | ‘SIN | YOO) ‘oa ‘SIT |“ 000T | ‘eTrUt ‘apop ydeisaja yz ut tod Jed = ‘apod ydes8ajay ur tod tod =| ‘apod ydeisajaz Ur Jad Jad ‘spei3 w meq | ‘sq’ *sq’l | | ‘meiq | “sq’] *sq’T | ‘meq | ‘sq’T sq’ 1ayye & || tnt aig a cael ie ‘quied| $}09D “HOTE[NSUT ape1yg Ys Aj[eroads) | (‘persaoyD s{drzy,) || (*‘petsaoD 2[qnoq) eG «oy dit, «, PHBPUeTS,, «, Buyseyg,, (69 0} #9 Sased 9as ‘19}3em a4t}dt19sap Jog) “3YIM JSNOH GNV ANIT 4O004dHaHLVaM This Slip Supersedes List on Page 2! for WEATHER-PROOF GALVANIZED IRON AND STEEL WIRE, TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH. (For descriptive matter, see page 69.) S %, | Price per Mile. Telegraph Code. =} 45 | Bs. | EBB|Steel BB. EBB. Steel. ss { 4/$60.00 $70.00 $60. 00| clubmoss. clubrushil. cluering. = | 6) 52.00| 60.00) 52.00; clubmossac. | clubrushon. | clueron. 2] 8} 40.00] 45.00 40.00 clubmiosser clubrushut. cluerurs. © } .9| 37.00) 42.00] 87.00} clubmossil. Sa cence 10) 34. 7:00) 34. clubmosson. clucker. clum : = it ar ar orp clubmossut. cluckerac. clumper. 3 | 12) 27.50! 30.00] 27.50] clubroom. cluckeres. clumperac. & | 14! 25.00) 26.50 25.00 clubroomac. cluckeril. clum peril. wo { 4) 65.00) 75.00 65.00] clubroomer. cluckeron. clumperon, © | 6) 56-00) 64-00) 56.00) clubrooms. cluckerur. clumperur. < | 8) 43.00| 48.00] 43.00] clubroomil. clucking. clumping. 5 | 9| 40.00| 45.00] 40.00] clubroomon. | clue. clumpurt. © } 10| 37.00} 40.00] 37.00} clubroomut. | cluerac. clumsier. 2 | 11) 34.00) 37.00] 34.00] clubrush. cluerate. clumsil. S| 72) 30.00) 32.50) 30.00) clubrushac. cluers. clumsiness. rm (14) 27.50) 29.00} 27.50] clubrusher. clueril. clumsy. Size. Diameter Approx. | en B.28.6 Mils Weight, per; us Telegraph Code. ana me 1ooc feet. | aT iCire | A = ‘Mils. Double. Triple. Double. | Triple. | Double. Triple. 18 | 154 | 185 11 17 | 26 | cluniac. clutch. 16 | 169/ 200 16 21 | 26 | cluniacer. clutchac. 14; 184} 215| 22} 26] 24 | cluniacil. clutchate. 2 199 S230 29 37 24 cluniacon. clutcher. 10 919 +950 49 55 99%] cluniacurt. clutcheril, 9] 2384 | 265 56 66 | 22%| clusia. clutching. 8; 254 | 285 70 St | 21%] clusialic. clutchon, TOE OAR Eas 85 7 | 21%} clusiaser. clutchurs, 6 339 370 106 121 21%| clusiatil. clutter. 5 354-385 131 145 v2 | clusiaton. clutterac. 4 374 | 405 | 163 | 179 21 clusiatur, clutterate. 3 394 | 425 | 201] 219 21 clunch. clutterers, 2 474 | 505 | 250] 279 21 cluncher. clutteril. 1 559 | 590] 307] 343 21 cluncherac. cluttering. 0; 659; 690; 380] 490! 921 clunchil. clutteron. 00 719 | 750 | 488 | 533 21 clunchilic. clypeate. 000 759 | 810} 608] 658 21 clunching. clypeatac. 0000 779 | 890) 755 | 815 21 clunchon. clypeater, 250000 | 859 | 906 | 854] 928 | 21 clunchurt. clypeatil. 300000 | 890 937| 994) 1080 | 91 clung. clypeating. 350000 921 | 968 | 1159 | 1260 21 clungate. clypeaton. 400000 953 | 1000 | 1324 | 1439 21 clunger. clysmian. 450000 | 1016 1063 | 1515 | 1647 21 clungerac. clysmianac. £00000 | 1078 ; 1125 | 1706 | 1854 21 clungeron. clysmianer. 350000 | 1109 | 1156 | 1840 | 2000 | 91 | clungerts. clysmianil. 600000 | 114L | 1188 | 2021 | 2197 24 clungerur. clysmic. 650000 | 1203 | 1250 | 2173 | 2362 | 21 clunging. clysmical. 700000 | 1234 | 1281 | 2343 | 2547 21 cluster. clysmicers. 750000 | 1266 | 1313 | 2511 | 2729 21 clusterac. clysmicing. 300000 | 1328 | 1375 | 2677 | 2910 | 21 | clusterer. clysmicon. 850000 | 1359 | 1406 | 2845 | 83092 21 clusteril. clysta 900000 | 1391 | 1438 | 3010 | 3272 | 21 clustering. clystaer. 950000 | 1421 | 1468 | 3178 | 3454 21 clusteron. clystaerac. 1000000 | 1484 | 1531 | 3310 | 3598 21 clustronic. clystaeril. ‘Té pus FL Sodsed vas ‘paiisap st 10,9Npuod a[qrxey JI ‘peytoads as|M1ay}O SsaTUN paysitiny aq [[IM 1o}ONpuod pros (‘02 28ed 308 19}}eU BAI} TIDsap 10,7) “HOINSLXS GVEC ‘SYIM JOOUd YALVYM P 3Yl4 «dOl-dil,, (OL "HOIMSLXA GVH “AYIM JYNLSIOW ANY 3AYI4 a5ed 99s 13}}8Ul 9At}d119sap 10,7) z ° < 3 : *A[SUIXBOD ' G : g SE [Sut 0'% OST G 0% UL1B}EO rT C1 02 >} SUIXBOD ZZ O61 0 SI "eo 9°T 0G od ” *1aKBvOD Q'S COZ 8% OL ‘ISIMJSBOO LT CG QZ Zz "XBOO cle 02 88 FI ‘QUTT}SBOD LT OFZ 1g 2 : 112}}209 Ze ObG 6S él ‘Buryseoo 0% G96 8f or o “QADI[S}BOOD | oF COZ L OL ‘I19JSBOO CZ, Cb FG = A __ 3e.1809 G 08% ZS 6 ‘ydyTeoo U's Of 19 =x 32 AayEUyBOS a) C63 16 8 "YSgTeOo e"8 GCS LL xt B SUITT]}BOS g°9 GTS 91T L ‘plagieos 9'F 098 LOT be a $$9|}209 Cys cee 651 g "99S9]B09 eG $8 bol Sy "WOIT}BO9 8 098 891 G ‘Te0o ‘9 O&F CFT > 'BULBOO Ol ge C03 7 ‘aye[NSvos 9°L O9F LLT a S *"OOY}wOD e] OZF 0° g "yWa8B09 £6 CSF 81Z la | A "[NyBOS OT OCF 008 % ‘10jn [peoo ny OFS CLG ec ; __‘pseozeoo 02 S8b gle L "uBWYdeOd Stl 9S GbE > : ‘SBATIBD}BOO CZ GL CFF 0...) *xoqyoBoo ZLt CFO &0F 2 10}}NGy}BOo 62 G9 OFS 00 \o "YoBOD °C G19 96S re ah pieiqye0o 9g 002 C99 000 { %. "9Z119}SA]9 83 Giles 1g = = “‘pueqye0o GP OGL 028 0000) 9 ‘daysApo oS oss | 62 a= Se : hale-ae ee s : -J004 STHAL ¥ O00T ‘ON -j004 STHA “Y 0001 9 ‘apod ydeasayayy, tad sju95 ‘ueviq jasd spunod 9's al ‘apop ydeissyay, tad syua5) “mei dod spunod fe ‘-xoiddy ‘-xoiddy | | “xoiddy ‘xoiddy a. ! | li = lL SOHN OD SHLD COT 00 S> E ‘ON ‘O'S Ba ‘OY CM 9) WARING ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CABLES FOR LOW TENSION CURRENTS. STANDARD LEAD AND STANDARD FIBER ~~ B. & S. G. No. 10 wee eeeee. eee eeeres Pe eeerers Per eeere wee eeeeee Par ereees Coe seere. Pee eweres Pee eeeens Pe ereres Tee seeees Personne Oar ereree weeeteeee Nearest Area | Approx. Circul’r she a Mils. | Gauge No. 1021 | 21— 1252 | 20+- 1624 | 19+ 2048 | 1814+ 2586 | 18+ 3257 | 17— 4107 | 16— 5178 | 15 6530 | 14— 8234 | 1344+ 10381 | 1214+ 13094 | 1143+ 16509 | 1044+ 20816 | 9— 26250 | 8— 33102 | 7— 41742 | 6+ 52634 | 4— 66373 | 3— 83694 | 2+ 105592 0'4+ 133079 | 004+ 167805 | 000%4+ 211600 |0000+ S50000 | ..iss-3--2r5- BOUUUUE vecacen scene. U1 11S Bea et BOO: Tc ccasasatoenss SOOQ00 Sich ohesecas- 500000 |............... 550000 |.. GOODU0 A. vececser ects: SION Ls coe a ceaee-man COORD bo rennddi.8e: TOO fosexsncseatems ep BOQ000 iss. aecsttene SH0000 |... ssevczenntac OULU L.. steaseraaseos SEAMIOO Iss asnevens cou? Sel LOUD fix> | yp] ey ae NdiD | S78 °a meviq | ‘eo1y ‘soyonpuog seddog ‘ASVLIOA OL TWNOILYOdOUd NOILWINSNI Y3aid YO YadVd ‘GV31 GYVGNVLS ‘SH#TAVO AHAMOd AGNV LHOIT OIULOATE ONIGVM 24. (ysiem “M ‘Lf Aq ‘96gt ‘yy81sAdop) ‘9148S PayBNSUT Jaqy ‘YW pally aq [ITM SsJaps10 pe ‘I0J are sTOT}E}ONb ‘pareys astmsatio ssaqay ‘UOHBIAIOS UT JAE Od UL PUB SU01;B1;SU|I JOF Eg PUB Jz ‘9g SeBed Bag “WOIPE[NSUL ,,ZE-g O} ,,F9-1 YIAd S9{qQvd Jo saoiid ysI] 10} Ez 9Beq 29g ——— 1) ‘avassojoo | ¢'9Zo | SI8T | 9969 | ‘auoqieyjoo | O's | OSzt | 899 | ‘souarayoo | O'6TS | ssat | ost9 || ‘sett | oooogot! ‘TBssojod | CFIZ | O8ZT | 2699 ‘QBRABTIOD | CTIZ | SIZE | 919 ‘azayoo | Ogos | 9c9r | 9619 | “9ETT | CQQOGB MoT” . ‘uRUIIO[OD | G'COZ | OCLT | 6ZF9 ‘suisdeijoo | ¢'Z0Z | Sst | ogt9 ‘Pletsyoo | 0°00 | SZOI | sPég ‘GZIT | CO0OD08 tt" ‘ssaqtojoo | O'e6T | STZT | S9T9 ‘1109 + O'Z6T | GOT | FOG | ‘ssadtoyoo | O'OG6I | O6ST | 769¢ || ‘OGOT | CDDDeR "ystyojoo =| O98 | OL9L | £065 "sH1oo | OE8L | OSL | 6P9S “arayoo | Q'O8L | SbSL | apts GhOL | 000008 = "‘purltqiojoo | E'94T | GZOT | GIG ‘tnastoo | ESZT | SST | ceEc "[PayYMS0D | OOLT | OOST | SETS “OOOT | OODDGL [ttt ‘atqesojoo | C'99T | G6CT | I8s¢ . ‘AMOIOD | GEST | OSGI | SFIS "We2MB09 | ('09T | OLFI | OFGF "696 | 000002 ["""""** ‘Auoydojoo | Q'9st | OSGI | OzTe ‘JAOMIIOD | OCT | SFI | 68S ‘ansoo | (OST | S3FT | 669F "C26 | 000089 Potter ‘auaydojoo | O'9FT | OOST | O98F "BeysejOo | GPT | Sel | 299% ‘Waousod | OORT | Get | gcrR || “ex8 | OOQD09 PT ‘soruojoo | O9SL | 2Sbl | LO9b ‘4ossajoo | Bel | O6EL | L8eb ‘uawouBoo | GOS | 8Zfl | G0cb | “828 | opDnSS |-- ‘apeauojoo | O'9ZI | 9OFT | SSF ‘ystedafoo | Oger | FREI | SeIF "1Oz1us09 | OIZI | TS8cl | 9968 | “Tsz | OODDOG | ‘aztmojoo | G’STT | O98I | 980F ‘etaj}dosjoo | O'STT | 00ST | o6se | ‘sezjusoo | OTIT | OFZ | $22 | “GGL | OOOOGR ft ‘ystuojo> | O90T | SIS | 6288 ‘asnomejoo | C’gOl | OSZI | SEIS “SOUBZIUSOS | O'IOL | SSTt | Ists | “sso | QOQ0OR | "[BIUOTOD | 9°96 O8ZI | 2G "993883109 | 0'T6 OZZT | L688 “MOIJIMSOD | C16 9CIL | OFZES "9C9 | QODOGE [ttt ‘hauosnyjoo | £98 | OSZL | sie! ‘ssoupjoo | Ob8 | S8ll | ecLe ‘oeuBoo | O38 | SZLL Looe | “S29 | oogoOe |----- ‘aAISNTTOD | GOL | SIG | #808 ‘AIPIOD | SFL | OSTI | 8T6z “UBUISOD ‘SL | O60T | 892%. | “6S | Oo00cZ | -o ‘Anboyjoo | 0°69 | GLIT | 098% "UIMSTYSTOD | g'99 | OLIT | 0022 ‘aaneysoo | eg | sor | ence | “zee | oo9ttz| 0000 ysmmboroo | 909 CZIT | &29z ‘ainjzeZjoo | ge G90L | 9k "UOH}RISOD | EEG 000T | ozs | ‘oo¢ S08-91 | 000 ‘reinborjoo | Z'zG¢ | LOL | S9Ez ‘lopuezloo | go¢e | #86 80% ‘21qe71809 | O'SF | 326 | 0406 || ‘zzF | 6LZoget| 00 ‘Burdoyjoo | G9b | OOOL | S82 “Buryoo | Obb | 886 120% ‘2/5600 | D@b | G28 S88 “GLE =| CESSOL | 0 ‘uorporioo | aye | 906 gest ‘staqoo | ggg | FR 99FT ‘198309 | org | I82 OFLT ‘He | r6e9e8 ! 25 WARING ELECTRIC LIGHT. (See pages 23, 24 and 25.) Figure 2, Full size, 500,000 circular mils Cable for Incandescent Light- copper. ing, low tension. ty G4G YY A Lye “Us a, YY, End View of Figure 2. Figure 3. Figure 4. _ Cable for Arc Light ing, high tension. Duplex Cable, especially adapted for Full size, No. 3 BJ alternating current system. No.3 B. G. S. G. full size. (\ WY, \) es -_ “e ”) OS IK DRS ANU o0-LNG, C0. Figure 5. Underground Cable with saturated fibrous cover, to prevent chemical actions or mechanical injury. 26 AND POWER CABLES. for Prices.) or rosie ts Figure 7. Figure 6, a ate eae G er Electric Light Cable 8 Conductor Electric Light is ite 5 an a ly actual diameter, 10 con- le. No.4 B. & S. GG. % he yaad. Cab - ae ductor, No. 6B. & S.G. actual diameter. Figure 8. Conner Electric Light Cable, 10 conductor, No. 6 B. & S.G.,% / actual diameter. Double Conductor Cables (see figure 4), double list prices shown on pages 23, 24 and 25. Prices furnished on application for cables containing any de- sired weight of copper, or more than two conductors. All conductors larger than No,4in price lists, pages 23, 24 and 25, are composed of small strands, for flexibility. The minus sign in 3rd column, page 23 indicates that a B. W. G. wire of the same size designated by the number to which it is affixed is a little too large, while the plus sign indicates that it is a little too small, to be the exact equivalent of the B. & S. G. number on the same line. For determining size of conductor to be used see page 165. When ordering Electric Light Cable, please state current in volts and amperes and name of machine producing same; also distance from source of energy to centre of distribution. The diameters of cables given on pages 23, 24 and 25 will be increased approximately sixty five mils, if a single braid be placed over the lead (see page 78 as to braid) as illustrated in figure 5. "MOTJBUIGUIOD 211M 6—"SI BIE ‘VEIT PHM J—'ST ONT A ‘FLT PIANO ast J—"TT “31a ses T ad op iatpabie ia onsie (08 esed aes ‘torelnsur jo SSOUAIIY} SUIPNISU! ‘19}}eUL aATydLAseap 10,1) SHTAVO (OdIM o[suIs puv) NOILLONAGNI-LINW DYNIVVM aa eee ee ‘azeulqgwod| ‘sauiquioo “Iaquio05 FE *oAT}EC ULOD G'S ‘yueyequUI0D Z'GS *9S0}BUIOD 91 ‘ewioo 9:12 "BZ[O9 O'8T ‘1reuuINn [oo 0'8T ‘sUIqUIN][Oo O'ST “perqurnyjoo FFI ‘ysyjoo |p hL *I9}[OO SOL “F109 SOL *19}.10d [09 Gl, *snsso[oo 9g *S}U39 GG ‘apod ydeisaja ‘a1qeo JO Joo; saad aie saodlig 98 86 86 FG bG 06 06 03 *s] 99 03 “ON JDONVS ScAdYVHS P NMOUYS YO NVOINAWY ‘SNOILVULSOTTI WOH ADOVd ALISOddO AAS ‘sBurquwoo G'OF Cs CTs 0°13 026 CGS G'S OGG OST 081 CsI CST 06 GP *s]U99 8T ‘ueipawod |*ssauljawos o'6r C’8s G"8s 0'Ss 0's Q°1z G13 CLS 0G 0°06 Cor C91 OTT g¢ *$]199 91 €9 6F 6F *s}U39 FI “Aaeyawod | *49}103wW09 |" aGneb opeubisap 0} apog ydesbajoy 18 &9 *s} T1390 801 ¥8 F8 GL tl 09 09 09 SF 8h 9§ 98 v6 al *s}m99 OL *(91JW99 UI 311M om0) s1enbs gasamanesiee rsseeeeeeesereeseee Qty “teres seeeeeeereeeeeeeerapT aT JTQnNO(, seeeeeeresenee eng td ““punoi ‘xoidde ‘payesni109 eit eaeenseretseereeteceeees teeeneeeey en g teat ecw ew eee ne eweeeneee” 3784 sqnoqd seeeee See eee eee mee eee eeseeeereeeteens ELI Weoceeenesvvcr cocveseese) j me at - “ee 97}8 [eNIOe H ‘3]qe) aduasaynoy *D *s 3¢ “g ET ‘ON sTed 0Or “WEIP Tenqow ¥% Jnoge ‘prepueIg MAN : "ZG SINS ‘2 SB “UZ ‘ON sired poystai} Og ‘TZ ‘Sia \ SS BEERS = ‘OI “SI otTM G— ‘a1enbs *JE1A AIIM Z—'ST “ST ‘VELA IM LL “SI ‘JeI’T IDAOTD aI AA WY LL Y &—'6T “SIT mi pit UM, Y Qype. OJ) St1¥d UY pajs}y S10y~Npuod ay} “NOLLWINSNI HdAdVvd YO H3dgis | ‘SoTqe) potting surrey id 4st] 0} }U99 19d ET ppe (s}INdA19 ST] TeJaTU I “UOHE[NSUL Prepueys 1OJ puL ‘ajqed jo yooy tad ov ased jxau UO sadlig “SQOL SuULAey sajqey 10,4 (78 pue [g seded 3as UOlje[NsUT Jo ssauyoIy}) pue sa}eW aAt}diissap 304) ‘Ysien “Mf Aq ‘96g ‘WysiAdog ~pazejys dsTAA.19}0 ssatun satqeo shai 4aqy 10} 918 SIapio pue suoT}ejONH "SHOFET}SH] IF 1Oy ased ayisoddo 39g Bersrvesessersees) SNdIOD |[B400109]*}aUOIOD| BUOLOD |"9OIUIOI | [9UAOT || werrse e+" XNUOO | IPYUOD | JaJUOo | GUfFUOd | JOpUOd |aTOpUgD |"a3nes 3}eUZIsap 0} ePOD ydessolaL *y109 LET 1eT SOR e eee eee Lame eeeeee reser ee eeeeeeeeesreleseeeeeeseeees ‘JSUT puoS OST TLT FORO e ewe ee le wee eee e eases HOOT S OS EHE DET | HHL HEHE OHH HH EEE HEE EES : ‘00% *yenboo FEI FFI peescaccanccce|-cvccse eer ee eres eee eee ee ree “A[UStpuoo OCT LCT ececcccecccccelcoe eereccccccsleccccctcccccvelecvce sovevecs|seccssesecees % ‘GAT ‘ystAdoo OIT O&T svecceccceccselevccese elerececccccccce|sccccvcccccces "uSIpuod TZI Ce ae eesccccclen sercescccess|sesceccececrses|sscccsesccsces|secceseeesees es ‘OST *ejndoo +6 dL Chl see ereeeecceeslsesecececerertlecesenesersres *ssnouoo SOL 9CL 9CT tee eeeeeaerersleceereesceeeerleesccseesecees|seeesseessees . ‘GOL ‘oydoo| 16 SIT 89T 006 OC SUTqnoOmOS | 66 90 62 OST EGE 1 is ceeie ait » OOF ‘g9sdoo 19 6L 96 OFT LOT seeeeeerereres ‘gSINnODUOD je a LOT OCT 6.1 see eeeerceness eeeeeeesee “3 ‘cL aoiddoo| — 6F g¢ LL ZOT 931 ZOT ‘ptoouo. | 7g 09 Z8 ZIT al PLT a Ae se eS ‘yae[doo 8& SF 6S LL 96 Gol *9ABTIUOS If LY 69 PS SOL S&T ee oe tO hel SB ‘Buidoo| = $¢ 8£ £¢ 89 | &8 801 *ployouoo| /¢ ob LS bl 16 SLL Epa. San 0k "yosdoo| 0g g¢ LF 6g tL £6 ‘dayiyouoo | gg Lg 2G PY GL SO lear: eased: 28" 4 ‘jedoo 9G 86 IP 6F 89 18 “Youoo 63 (Os GP &S L9 88 tee re eS 0G *19[009 GG FG. GS Lg TS 89 *“J49IU05 GS 1G 9§ If oe GL is ee < bare 194009 LI st GG G 8§ 6F *Pe}tso 409 ole IG Gg 6G GP SG Sear yt det OL "yooo | =O Ll 06 £6 lG 8f ‘snyeuoo) = J} 6L &¢ 96 0g Lp or pee Oh eae ayOauo0s| CL LI 61 ZG & FE ‘OpBIMOD | — QT SI 1Z FG 8% go a UNO eee ‘PHAdoo| = CT LT 61 GG G bE ‘zosoduios | gt SI 1% ix 8G 18 am ees Te ieee *X9AU09| FT 91 SI 1% ed Ze ‘yure;duros | cy LI 61 ZS 9% ge Sl Sg patos. ; *yUsATOD| FI oT ST 1% S16 GS ‘A[xo[duroo | GT LT 61 GG 9G £8 ae hie Tee ‘anozuoo | $f bl 9 6 8 1G | “puedwoo| Gl iA 0 7 BG [vcr punoy ‘G ‘y4osuoo| = §T FI 9T 61 &% 13 ‘yzedmi0d| FT cT LT 0Z ¥G 6% Ce eee TORTS *S]OSUOD sT I 9T 61 &% 1G ‘uoruedur0s | = FT CT IT 0% FG 62 *-arenbs ‘ ig ‘tanbuoo| TT al ST cT 8T &% ‘souUnmIMIOS | = GT ST qr LT 1G G “""""punoy ‘Ff ‘pfouos| TT ol £1 CT ST £% ‘TBUNWMWOS | GT aT CT LT 1% cS nee el Pp ‘ayeuuoo| [I cL I GL 8h $4 || eos9wm09| St GL iL 4 Go [vvreaaenbg ‘b ‘oinfuod| = ol II ai cT 61 ‘puemmios| =I I CSI FI LT 1% “rreeseeeee-pUNnOg |g ‘9}1U09| 6 OL IT rai cT 61 ‘A}1UI09 | OT II GCL FI LT 13 WN 8 ed 8 ‘Iajyiuod| 6 Ol II ZI CT 61 *AIDTULOD | OT IL ard | PT Bol eelt ‘SOIMOD | “OL ‘OL 2G"L 26 OTL ‘OCT "TROIS | “DL ‘OG | G8 O01 ‘ISI | Se tee SI OL FI al Peer oe De [pe BST: tL | OSE | ‘aqea yo wo “9poy “JquUINN ssneyg asdieys 32 umoig “9poy ‘IaquUInN ssney odieys WwW uMOIg pue ydeissjay, |— ydeisolay 4aSN 43SNOH YO WWIydaV YO4 ‘ava LHONM ‘ASN GNNOYDYSGNN YO4 ‘GV31 GYVGNVLS | s10}NpuOD jo ‘ON SUBMARINE CABLES. Fig. 23.—7 Wire-Rubber Insulation, Armored. Fig. 24.—Electric Light Cable, with Armor Wires. We are prepared to armor any of the Cables made by us, if required, at the following prices for the Fibrous Bedding and eee ae in addition to the regular price for the Cable itself: Seana t on Reapaat res. as + Telegraph be Armored. B. & S. G. : Coue. Mils. No. for Armoring. 300 12 13 ce ats. corpulent. 400 12 4s corpuscle. 500 12 1b? + corrupt. 600 10 185%. corsage. 700 10 DU ueleos corsair. 800 9 pny a corset. 900 9 2 So gale coruscate, 1.000 § he ws corvette. Maximum continuous lengths up to 700 mils diameter, 4% mi.; 700 to 1,000 mils diameter, 1,000 to 1,500 feet. No guarantee given on Cables for submarine use, except that they shall be perfect as to continuity and insulation, when delivered. In many cases, especially for crossing rivers, lakes or ponds, the beds of which are mud or sand, free from pebbles or stones, our regular Cables, with extra heavy lead, will be, and are, found to prove eminently satisfactory, giving as good and permanent service as expensive armored Cables; especially so, if further provided with a strong fibrous caver treated with compound, for which we charge a slight advance over the price of the lead wovered cable itself. See page 87. 32 THE ACHESON ELECTRIC LIGHT AND RAILWAY CABLE TERMINAL. FOR CONNECTING CABLE WITH POLE LINE, OR TROLLEY WIRE, OR AS ATESTING STATION BETWEEN SECTIONS OF CABLE. r ; S, Spi- ; X, Metal bber plate. Hard Rubbe to fit in pole and support ru HB, WALL, . Pp; Washer; J, Hard Rubber or Wood Plate; L, Screw Li f/ 2) Rubber Gasket ~S M, Tap Connector; N, Brass Cone; P, OVEri Re Fig. 26.—A, Copper Conductor; B, Insulation; Tap Cable; W, Wiped Joint; C, Lead Sheath; D, Lead Cu Pole; QO, Metal C Thimble, Fastener; der; T, Hard rubber or saturated wood base, double metal cap, to prevent condensation of moisture. Where used on wall of building or side of pole,iron bracket may be used instead of spider. Without Bracket.) Telegraph Code, Terminal for 1 Cable Conductor...) $4.50 each. cosine. “ ime per Os a a 5.00 cosmic. ie Coe he * 560°“ cosmos. ‘Ss Se - “a 6.00 “ cossack, ss a a 4 on 800s, costume. ve opm ON te a SOG, S cottage. ba oh ay os ls 9.00.“ cougar. ie SS Piers ms es 9.50 “ cough. bey 4 3 ert ea ae by coupe. Brackets for fastening to pole........ ee coupon. Metal Cap for Terminial................. 1.50 * courage. Rapper witli GAaSket, ces: -vcserceveurearee GAOL courier, For descriptive matter, see page 90, 33 t AARD RUBBER TERMINALS. (For descriptive matter see pages 88 and 89.) Ry DEGENHARDT. | TUBULAR. z For Office ends of Underground or Aerial Tele- raph and Telephone and for placing in water-tight boxes on poles for connections be- tween Air Line Wires and Cable Wires. Fig. 27b. eo > Tubular Hiectric Light and | Code. = Power Termiuals. | Singlercfcc.petere <2 courser. - RO = Duplex. | court, : n=) Z | Sibsse 3 .. Quigg = aS om For Cable 3-16 to 5% in.dia.’ ¢ .35 $ .60 econ S ¥%to1li-16 “ 50 75 Bofodes # 1%yto 1% 60 .90 8 Sete e te * 13-16.10 doth «| 75 1.10 S Sooo 08 ICE TVIS 16 tol 2 Oe 90a et | | Pree a 6 < RE SAREE ASS EELS ED A LS ES RE CI BS PN Ne LEI ST IE : Peace complete.; Telegraph Codes. i Telephone and Tele- me graph Terminals, : F ee iit | Degenhardt. | Tubular. Wire Ter minal. Baccodteteechaccenctetes: courted. courting. -) de | $3.00 $2.00 | courtiers. courtlier. Dine as s<| 4.00 2.75 | courtliness. | cousinhood, - Spts a ws! 5.60 3.50 | cousinly. peer 10 os ! 600 4.00 | covert. Revert ie ee Bal widi le, 5.00 | coward. cowardly. 7 Ayeey : 9.00 6.00 | cowhide, cowhiding, pine. cf eve] 2200 8.00 | crab. crabbing. — DHE 2) 5-00 10.0054 cradle: cradling. 100s" “ naa| ado .UK 12.00 | crape. craping. 125‘ uf 5: 22.00 15.00 | crater. craterous. 150 ‘* we «| 20,00 17.00 | cravat. cravatish. 200“ Md ...| 80.00 20.00 |! crayon. crayoning. PARTS OF TERMINALS. j Brass Bind ine: POStS....2.csscsccsscsssesccvose | $1.00 per doz. | creeper. Cable Grip or Nipple for Bottom o PL@hIMiM ale GEASS! sceessers oi Meceoe erent enasssen 1.00 each. cremona, — Cable Grip’ for Bottom of Terminal, IMaIIeAbDIE LON .....sccccecasvestserscccvedesecese 50.‘ creole. Clamp for Cable Grip, Brass o,.secssccaee 20 ree cricket. Clamp for Cable Grip, Malleable Iron... 10S crimp. 34 an ~ CABLE HANGERS. (For @escriptive matter, see pages 94 and %5,) “ONE-PIECE.” PATENTED MALLEABLE IRON CABLE HANGER Fig. 28. “ECONOMIC.” | MALLEABLE IRON ONE-PIECE HANGER.: Price per Hundred. Telegraph Code. Diameter of | Stock Width of Cable to No. Opening. which Applied. i 78 in yin 2 4% 4é % ae 2] y} “ec “ce 4 1° oe is “ee 5 1% se 1 ee i) 12331605 ge oe 7 1Y ae 1% “se 8 1% “ec 1% “<é 9 1% ae 1% ina 10 1% ‘‘ 1A ll 1% 15% “ 12 1% pr 1% a 138 2 ce 1% ae 14 2% 46 9 a9 Larger sizes made to order. Special Tongs to close and open any pou the above Hangers, $2.50 each . NOD oR one no ono oocoeacooco ECONOMIC HANGER. criter. criterion. critic, critical. crocus. crony. crosier. crossbow. crotchet. crucial. crucially. crucifier. crucifix. crucifixion. SesspedaeresCLUCMOFin For any Cable up to 1” in diameter. from 1% to1¥% &° ‘“* 15¢ or more in “é _——— £35 Price per Telegraph Hundred. Code. - $5.00 crucifort. ' 6.00 crucify. , 7°00 crude. CONDUITS FOR ELECTRICAL SUBWAYS. (For descriptive matter, see page 99.) Cross Section of Conduit, containing 12 ducts. Joint on Single Line of Cement-Lined Fig. 31. Length of Hollow Brick Conduit—18 in. long, 2in., 2% in. and 3 in. diameter bore. Fig. 32. Woolen Pump Log Conduit, 8 ft. long. 1% in., 2in., 2% and 3 in. int. diameter. PRICE LIST. Brick Tile. Kind of es te Conduit. hore Cement ep Lined. 3 2 2 Wooden 91 Pump Log. 3 2 2 Hollow 2Y, 2 loutside! Approx |\Dimen- Weight sions. | per ft. 3Y 334 3% 4% 4Y 5 | 3% | 2x 4 3% | 4% | 4 | | 3% | 55 | RUE Ai hard Da | 4% | 8% | 36 one Telegraph foot. Code. 11 crude. 12.5 crudity. 14 cruel. 6.5 cruise. 8.75 cruller. 10.5 crumb. 5.5 crunch. 6 crunkle. 7 | crupper. or Brick Conduit. he = anh Se ee ae ied ) JUNCTION BOXES. (For descriptive matter, see pages 5 to 97.) CONNER JUNCTION BOX. (PATENT APPLIED FOR.) For use on street rail- way, electric light and power circuits for taps to any desired point or asa testing station between sections of cable. FOWLER JUNCTION BOX. (PATENTED). For use in same manner as Conner Box, and in location where more space is avail- able. PRICE LIST. Fig. 34. Prices include all necessary connectors, screws, gaskets, etc. Fowler. Conner. Telegraph Code. Size Box | | —— ots is | Cables. 4/0 &smaller Fowler. Conner. 2 way | 20.10 14.50 crusade. crut, ey. ea ge 21.75 16.50 cruse. crutch. Aya 23.50 17.00 | crusher. _|_cruth. E CABLES 500,000-250,000 C. M. 2 way. 21.00 15.50 crustacean, crux. Os 22.75 | 17.50 crustalic. cry. Ei wed 24.50 18.00 crustated. cryal CABLES LARGER THAN 500,000 C. M. "2 way. 22.00 | 16.50 crustific. eryolite. Ses | 23.75 | 18.50 crustily. crypt. A 25.50 19.00 crusty. cryptic. If boxes are for duplex cables (not above 4/0), the list prices of boxes larger than 500,000 c. m. will apply. Always state diameters over lead auc if Duplex give both diameters. PARTS OF JUNCTION BOXES. Telegraph Code. Parts. Fowler. Conner. Fowler. Conner. Base Plate. OED 0 eee | ees CLV Pica lar mre tates. eres Rave Mase or Box, | sss LO UUM law ccscsteqrche ss cubature. Cover. 6.50 3.50 cryptogram, | cubby. Gasket. 85 .30 cryptology. cubebs, Cover Bolts. -10 -10 crystal. cubic. Binding Posts. 1.35 1.00 crystalize. cubical, Connecs., Main 60 .40 ctenoid. cubicular. Bratch .60 40 cub, cubit, “Nuts. 10m oe) ese cuban, vane neeshieeeek SN OCFEWS || Mesreae Ah A leccene cere cuboid. Wrench. 1.20 1.20 cubation. cuckoo. Rubber Cups. Mile A ere cubatory. aopeatinn x, In ordering parts, state dimensions explicitly, and for binding posts connectors, nuts or screws for same state size of conductor and whether for single or duplex cables. 37 MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS AND DEVICES. For use in placing and connecting underground or overhead cables and wires. For description of each article see pages referred to below. - : Telegraph Article. bag Price: sn P Tubular braid for covering telephone and telegrapl. iy WATE SPliCeSiyrsactotetece sess 102 $1.50 per lb. |cudgeling. Cable grip for drawing in Cables tare wert sctesccemeeeted| Tere eeecen 15.00 each. cudweed. insulating tube or_ sleeve, paper. (State diameter and kind of cable)....:.:..- insulation-cutting tool for removing insulation of] CONGUCTOLS tisssesstoseetteveseee 4 Complete joint mould for making joiuts between CablevSeChiOnS:... .scaiecasessee Sleeve joint mould for mak- ing cast solder wipe at each end of lead sleeve..... Lead sleeve or tube for sleeve joint on cables. (State diameter and kind OL:CADLE)secriteed renee tee cais Lead tees for branch joints or connections. (State sizes and kinds of cable).. Lead-cuiting tool for re- moving lead cover o CADDIES 85 soinees cacdsescasce's siceesess Scoring tool for marking and limiting length o lead to be removed........... 105 {| 3.00 * culm. 125 ay cufic. 108 6:00 3 cuirassier. 103 10.00 ‘‘ cuisine. 104 L500 Ss culex. 104 121% per Ib. | cullender. 104 .20 ss culinary. 108 5.00 each. cullion. Rotary wire-splicing tool.....[ 104 | $ 1.50 cuneatic. Wire-splicing tongs for making wire joints.......... 105 20.00 cunning. Copper blanks for wire splice made by last named wire splicing tongs. (State size of conductor)............ 106 1.15-per Ib. cunningly. Cable supportsformanholes| 106 .10 each. cupboard. Black rubber tape, }4 inch] . WIE (OZILG)ieracesss fererseatere 106 115 per Ib. cupid. Black rubber tape, 34 inch Wide (OZiIte).2:.2. eecceh conn ont 106 Del 5 swiss cupidity. White rubber tape, % inch DAW G@.unrsessaseencersee Meet seoceres 106 15 ees cupreous. White rubber tape, 34 inch VAC CR dscesestrscuscareieostanteeers: 106 tallied eo cuprite. Cast iron terminal cups for TOUTIC CADIES. ccasececconcasconee 91 .25 each. curacy. 18 in. paper tubes for wire SPLICES ......40..---2reeeersenneeens 102 1.00 per 100. curatrix. Lightning arresters.......0000. 92 .30 each, cur. “ high lee ee 92 | On application curdle. ~ electric light ...... 93 | “ “ | curfew. 38 GENER AL TELEQKAPH CODE FOR USE WITH THE STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE CO. Copyright, 1896, by J. W. MARSH. The Telegraph Code, Contained in No. 6 Handbook, published in 1888, has been so freely used and so highly commended, that it is considered certain the reproduction of this feature on a much enlarged and improved plan will meet with general favor. A code of this kind reduces the expense of telegraphing orders and inquiries, and lessens liability of mistakes. The following specimen will illustrate the economy of the Code, namely: ‘Poacher falmegzy cloudage plunder dingdon danube’”’ “phantasm daladaltalzad coining dentition,’’ Which means: ‘Ship as soon as possible five thousand pounds’’ ‘No. 6 Brown & Sharpe’s Gauge Standard Weather—’ “proof Line Wire; how soon can you ship ? What’’ “is the freight rate per hundred pounds”’ “to destination? Answer by letter. Telegraph’’ ‘lowest price and earliest delivery of three’’ ‘fand three-fourths miles No. 4 Brown & Sharpe’s’’ “‘Gauge, single Conductor, Waring Electric Light’’ ‘*Cable with five thirty-seconds inch insula-’’ **tion, delivered f. o. b. cars here.’’ Two blank pages are provided for private Code, as the Hand- book telegraph code will doubtless be used between individual members, officers and employees of Companies other than our own, and they will, naturally, have special articles and expres- sions relating only to their business, for which it will be conven- ient to have a telegraph code; this will be especially the case with Construction Companies and Electrical Supply Companies having salesmen or construction corps at points away from the home office and telephone companies having sub-exchanges outside of the city in which the general office is located. All Code Words beginning with the letter ‘‘c’’ will be found on pages ten to thirty-six in the several price lists, to designate specific articles, size of conductor, character of insulation, ete. The General Code following does not include any words begin- ning with the letter ‘‘c.”’ For the convenience of foreign correspondents in sending cablegrams, we have registered the following cable addresses, viz: General Offices, Pittsburgh, Pa. Address: ‘‘ Cables, Pittsburgh.’’ Branch Office, New York City, N. Y. Address: ‘‘ Cablemaker, New York.’’ 39 - ABL—CAB. Have not been able to.............ss00 seaeessesateitboecesenee ; Have vouipeen able it? ..scasccerasencrercsvsaceccesrs epeeeeens - WV TEE DC OE OO Reo corset oc onsen hac Gapstoa ays) mere dbucenwenes Eee AADSONMEALONDOMICE: B.....ccvssecccsteccdtvrene sate aptenss esas : Will accede to terms named........-s.++0+- susdesvacaensere Cannot accede to terms dg es Dee racsese ee ste Sa ooseti tsetse Will you accept ?....... stocene Will accept....... es soseensnessdceseceesaas eaeatee secccccsesseccors . Will not accept.....seoscssrssesereeseesees hespolpde.condact Weutee Wire at once if accepted DE NOE recat 5 cae uraeeenete apes Subject to telegraphic acceptance to-day.............. Subject to acceptance within Will greatly accommodate us if you will.a........... Will do it to accommodate (YOU)............sseresereeeees 2 In accordance with ———— Not in accordance with According to contract.........s0ccsceee Sdeeasrendecees eat erstes Not accoraing to CONETACE...cccssecessesnnseesene seen eon On (for) account of- Statement ofiaccownt-cecw.ceocacecteccevece.tessoseasesceee cnees Account averages due.......... gan cttcebunssabeneescokaua ins oe ‘To which add the cost Of... ..... sss eeceeeeeeeeeees ‘To which should be added...........ssss0008 cesnceseanetcers A In addition to........ ce Uaet deceit cae cottuncstanastedatoncaesee ete How did you add ress———? .. . .. sss ceeeseseceenceeneoees Was addressed tO——-...........cscessecsssecvessesssenscees Please note an advance Of ———..........sssessseceeeeeees Expect furthersadvance (OfmOn)iscac.sstsevesscecevaveossste WiOWldiyouradViSCiserecec.asdecsscsscccctoanssnce nee esatecececene WIOUIGIAGVISO)VOUCOl-csccasss.sctesccctascsescccars Sesecealseosien Would not advise you to............066+ sattecesteccescesccess Advise tilly 2about siccccmetenec ct ccteccncesmrnceotesssecteeteees Unless otherwise advise das ccsccerecccascsns-sece-cccestresesess Unless otherwise advised will assume that.......... : Will you agree to-————....... eonvcccesevescccers coeeeesecesee Will agree to....... sonecens Seaeunppossguce as¢sabpeseeanentne™ seanenss Cannot agree to......... evcreseecccenscescnesceessssseccsssencaseess PEN LOCAINAMOUN tesecescoscsocesstessetieans cence corcostecsseeiceeses Answer by telegraph (day me€ssage).....sssecereeeeerers Answer by night message.........cccsscceeeeees covartsesteeees Answer by letter... Naddatessesstestcegscussteats coctert tenets Please pa answer to our communication oO —_——_— Ae Ree eee ee ERO ORO ee eee wenee OO Oe re meen er eeeeeeeeeeeeses Poe PerePeererr rere rere rere re scree eee eee eer) Answer (ing) your communication of this date... Answer (ing) your communication of. Will give you answer by———— Must have answer by INGE VEE ATTIVE Ch. y clic ddssetecscoeecsb cones secececcoteelscopbapeeers Pay particular attention to Pay no attention to Call your attention to———_ Matter shall have best attention............ccsseseecssseeees Have no authority to———— Are they (is he) eyed ca to — tee eeeeee PAPO e meee e meas eeeeeeesnee see e eee nee eeeeeonee Balance on hand is Balance due on order (is) Balance will go———— On the basis Of—————, 5... .nes0.sscacesavsccceeacevecsssscnenses On what basis are yOu GOING........cecceeeceeeees senewenttce Will be in————..... .. ve Beaeee Bisco anti ecttneacseacctees Will be here———_.. When will you begin————..........sesssessscooreeeesccoees Expect to begin about———— An behalf Of ———— a enusaeen ava sevens vaaeveecesvaus aeenesee Bid must be put in on——_——............ Sesebsaceceoseaaes % Bill of lading and invoice.............46 Meesaechcneseeeconteree FIAVE VOU DOUGH Ef opa es eseeecascesescadescude.cavdewdensh ever Have bought.......... AS dbagaccsdscosedt cokesnevee tits Rete Have not Provide the cable with a coating of anti-cotrosive COMPOIMH Ais, vu sseunesc gees esas veces te se cwsene eae aon Provide the cable with ‘saturated fibrous cov ering over lead cover...... Minlacese tc hecteres cttrrticccecteterttte Provide the cable with two saturated coverings OVEL 1GAC COVED. cccestadsarsesscvcnccteasacestnetasse centre Wearing anti-induction Cablle...ccccccccccsssssesesceveesocess 40 dab—day. dab. dabblers. dabbling. dabsters. dacapos. dacers. dacians. dacoits. dactylic. dactyls. dados. daffodil. daftish. daggers. daglocks. dagons. dahlia. dainty. dainties. dairyman. daisies. damasks. dallops. damian. dampish. damsel. damson. dancing. dander. dandify. dandling. dandruff. dandy. danesman. daneworts. danishness. danker. dankist. dannocks. danskers. danube. daphnes. daphnite. dapperly. daric. darkish. darksome. darlings. darns. daroos. darter. darting. dasherts. dashpots. dastards. datelessly. datives. datums. dauber. daubing. daughter. dauntless. dauphin. davit. dawdle. dawdling. dawish. dawk. dawker. dawning. daydream. daystars. CAB—CON. daz—def. — — ee Waring bunched eabloen erchresbaceueretracutcestece rs daze. Waring Electric Light Ga blenciiiict.dssebil ecevects dazzler. Waring Electric Light and Power Cableatiince dazzling. Two Conductor Electric Light Cable................... deaconess. Conner bunched Electric Light Cable................... de. eyes. Heavy leaded cable for submarine USE.................. deadlock. Heavy leaded cable with exterior saturated fib- rous covering for submarine use.................. fleadliness. {fron armored cable for submarine use.................. deafener. Pmerial cable.c...csvcccccoscese Staseteentersssestecrss soe we. deafening. Underground Cable.......sssssecsssrereesecers dean. The cable to be placed.. pdaaneedaancslugcvvcsoreccesososscesecsee deaneries. Cable hanger (See “Hanger, my. SEER sisi ee deanery. Office cable... Meeebavatosaucsucbabseccvaccccscesecssecs seeees teccee debases. Office cable with--—conductors Seer tery eta . debasings. Acheson cable ProtectOL.....serreeeeercesreerttesteeeeeces debaters. Electro-static capacity....-.e.0---see gate onseesseseneoesss debaucher. Electro -static cepecnty of— Microfarads per RYILCcrasctaecetseeensses Peawaeneesessceneaeses ces: eoecdetossseess debonairly. eCAaPIOAG LOUS.essceccccescccseccsestenes eer Beseuscsveseeeee debutant. Less than carload lots... piibds a iiasstsetteeceatteeeee Gecadent, Did not exercise care (at, in) Pare cetees ee tee correetes decadist. Utmost care must be used........ssccececeseeeeseeeeeeees: decagons. Were very careful to (about)... Seach Pear Leo Pere decamps. Berth 1s GHCTCASOss-..ceetss-sucesee eta retaetscctacssrn coors tes decants. BE eris OTOL CIIG CASO raccecndeccecccctacdesccn-ctscoesrecesncess-re= decanter. In that case........... Seseeeeee nonocdab SasOIONE sabeterscessessteeettte decapod. 137) ll CASES... unic. » Office wire (see ‘‘Colors.’’)..........csccc..s00e Br erhorete punish. Rubber-covered wire.. pyentaosnatentean ies punitive. - Telegraph and telephone Find'Wird 20. fi.he.ccecs oss punster. BPEL WT ILET SWE tet, feared osecen cc necteenaasds fixe ecaoe pupil. W. A. C, Fire and moisture-proof house wire........ puppet “Tip-Top” Fire and water-proof house wire......... purgation. “Tip-Top” weatherproof line wire . purge. ““Sterling’’ (double covered) weatherproofline: wire purging. Galvanized iron weatherproof telegraph and tele- PHOMCH WIC cccaucecctctreeee cronees ce cutesatate ston inc teaees purifier “Standard” weatherproof line Wire..........000000 purify. Wire, with drab exterior finish................0..00005 purim, Wire, with white exterior finish...... ........c..:.ccce puritan EESTI WIP Sect oe eRe | Ny ceeds cope purloin, Ditto, embedded in plaster a RAPE Oe Cane tare purple, WIRI—WRIT. ; pur—put. Ditto, placed in purplish. FO? OVETHEA Wiring nosinc ci ae So purvey. With etawithout 2 sci ncctespnd eee ae pussy. Write tuly 2). .cn enc ee Se oh ae putanism. Write fully to woe dint Unlge had sates ce penedaacode tee putative. Will write fully to-day 726i. oe tnccenin-. cee putrefy. THE AMERICAN MORSE CODE. It consists of dots and dashes recorded on paper strips, or read by the deflections of a magnetic needle to the right and left, or by sounds of varying lengths. The most common transmitting apparatus consists of a tele- graphic key by means of which the main line circuit is readily closed or opened in accordance with the dots and dashes of the alphabet, each station being provided with a ‘key, relay, sounder or register, and a local battery. The code is as follows : | | | ZORRO TON b OW D> | ; | :. : 4 . | . e NHK Sd GHUeTrOVOZ | | | | | | NUMERALS. PUNCTUATION MARKS. PSA 6 eh Interrogation —..__. Comma .—.., 2 Exclamation — — — _. 54 LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY of ILLINOIS. SUPPLEMENTARY TELEGRAPH CODE. Wurtz Double-Pole Non-arcing metal Lightning arrester, Type A, for Station use, Alterna- Git Curren Gir. cecie cscs cossespersseeesaupeeasinasienass> Wurtz Double-pole non-arcing metal Lightning arrester, Type A, for line use, Alternating COlbag we et RR rer een a PAL tere tet Pee eee Wurtz Non-arcing Railway Lightning arrester, Type BK for Station, Useiyn cin gacctcc.cescosersegareoes Wurtz Non-arcing Lightning arrester, Type K, for car and line USC..........csecsseeessreeeeeeeeseeaes Wurtz Non-arcing Lightning arrester, Type L, for direct current station use, (Arc-Light- ing) Lightning arresters (fig. 49b) loose...............005 Lightning arresters (fig. 49b) mounted on base.. lightning arresters (fig. 49b) mounted with SLOUIMIG PLATEK see lekes eae ott aeese sete danas ssccesd den devsers Lightning arresters, High Class (fig. 49c) Glass tubes with fuses (fig. 49c) for Lightning APRESS ETS. cha cave sedasiecedevadeees dette swssives tee bens cone Carbon cylinders for Lightning arresters.............. Conference Standard Aerial cable Conference Standard Underground cable Dry Core cable New Standard Underground cable........................ New Standard Aerial cable, plain lead.................. New Standard Aerial cable, saturated braid over Per eererreeecerr rere rr eee eee eee etree eee ee Pee e rere aseceses ce ccscee TORR eee eee me meee meee eae HEE HHH EEE een ets nerene Special New Standard Aerial cable, saturated praidiover leadjats So. Soles eS Special New Standard Aerial cable, plain lead ..... Special Standard Underground cable Sa turatedi@ore. cable:.....ccccscsssere pace ntaes oe Seuke cit en eee ey If omit Saturated covering over lead cover of eee ee eee eee ee eee eee re eee eee ee cable, reduce the price Hard Rubber cap for single Electric Light Termi- naii(tio: 48) inside diameter .f..0.2.5250. i. Hard Rubber cap for tubular telephone terminals (Ai sveria)INSIde diameters. i5..s ..0e- -neeeenteees Carriers for erecting aerial cables (fig. 64 a)........... Genis-pertootiot cables....:....mapecteiercss- Cents per foot of conductor............0.. ce. Cents pet pound ersscncs: teases eestor eeee ones nates Cents pertoot ot ducts PF) O.. Be a.-s., cere Cents per foot of duct, including laying...... What grade of rubber compound ?...............02-0c008 Sterling rubber compound Tip Top rubber compound Rubber compound having yepb ys ble) ova eA php Ap eRe corer aso ok Conduit to be installed Conduit has been laid Conduit laying to begin .. Conduit laying to be completed .. Conical Connectors (M, N, fig. 26) f for conductor of number ————Mils diameter over rubber . : — — Mils diameter over braid (or tape)... ——— Mils ciamerens over lead cover. Can you do better ?.. see eae, Cannot do better Hope you can do better . re sesaeocasesscacteasec eee dollars is the total amount sscscsce eee Brick handhole boxes and covers.. eee eee eee ee ee eee eee ee eee ees eee eee eee eee ee re ee rrr, eee ee eee eee ee ee ee rr ee err Oe ee heme ene e meee mentee nner er eeee nts baeeseensasmeesete reenter eee Cast Iron handhole boxes and covers.. Pope cones cee ies Mast lton. Covers Oc hand MGlessstr.c sen. s cose eccss serene Insulation to consist of ........ Dect Ae cecncs CRO CRA eee Insulation to consist of paper .......... Oeics Insulation to consist of one wrap of paper . Pe Ae insulation to consist of two wraps of papet.......... : Telephone and Telegraph junction box (fig. 49k)... Telephone and Telegraph junction box (fig. 49 1)... Fowler-Johnston Telephone junction box (fig. 49m) 54a rabbeter. rabbinic. raccoon. race. racecut. rachitic. raciness. racker. racketing. rackrent. radial. radiance. radiate. radishes. rafter. raftsman. raglan. ragweed. raiment. rainbow. raisin. takish. rally. ramify. rampage. ramparts, ramrod. rancorous. rankle. rankness. ransack ransom, -. ranter. rapacious, ¥ rapacity. rapids. rapport. rapture. - rarefy. rascal. rasher, rasp. raspberry. ratifier. ration. ratline. rattan. ratting. Manhole covers.. TAs RE et eo EP ABBE ES, Manholes to be built... ae ’NAMES. General Electric Company Postal Telegraph Cable Company.. ........ Street Railway Company Traction Company Western Union Telegraph Company.................00 ORO R eee ene Reem wee e ween anne eee eee. sree ns ceteeens encase Peete OO mee ens eee e ee tenes ee eens seeeee —(See also pages 47 and 48 ) ravage. taven. rawness. razor. reactive. reamer. rearward. NUMERAL CODE.—(See also page 47). O0000....cceeereeees HeeAiNl he NLS ew see rote eeee shateseeewersaceee tis. AMDPETES..........sccceeersesseeeeeeekem. Straightaway Ati CHES siocesstaciestarsce eee teacee sal. twisted pairs..... .... WOLL, meghoms per mile............. SOUS VON tS ieee ans eaten teas icc otenass wup. microfarads per mile......... sun. If the whole order is placed with us.............. .... rebel. Combination Lamp post, alarm box and testing compartment\(fi e946) Rascum Me a Se vg wee ce ee a roebuck: Bs Fed es bee a ne ee A ce ee OTE) CT Boe ka pie, Roe ed eerie eR ne eee See ee Onl Cl Ore + piss ea diaper ode gr eansoreatacnonipit eg i 2a Ne des ac eka oe o4d oy bescriplions ane lusfretions # T¥)a nu {actures « — OF THE— STANDARD Underground Cable Company. EK Se Qe IO ee ARTICLES MANUFACTURED AND SUPPLIED BY The Standard Underground Cable Compand. GENERAL REMARKS. In order that our customers may understand clearly what articles are covered by the several price lists on pages 11 to 38 of this book, we give here a brief description thereof, showing their General Construction, Important Characteristics” and advantages, the tises for which they are intended, and other details that may be found both interesting and useful. Some of these descriptions may appear to be (and for a large proportion of the electrical fraternity are) quite unnecessary, on account of their being elementary and forming an indispensable part of the knowledge of people engaged in any branch of elec- trical enterprise, but our apology is, that this book will reach many pecple who are not versed in electrical matters, conductors or appliances and who will, therefore, welcome the explanations given of very simple matters. No matter in what form electrical energy is utilized by man, from the transmission of tones by an infinitesimal current, to the production of light by a current of great quantity or pressure, three factors are absolutely requisite: (a) The Generator or source of electrical energy at one point in the circuit; (b) The Translator or consumer ofelectrical energy at another point; and (c) The Conductor or means of conveying the electrical energy from the Generator to the Translator. The generator may be one or more battery cells, an ordinary electro-magnet, or a dynamo; the translator may be a telephone receiver, a telegraph sounder or printer, an annunciator or call- bell, an electric motor replacing boiler and engine ina factory and replacing horses in street car propulsion, or the incandescent and arc lamps everywhere replacing oil and gas. Whatever the generator and whatever the translator, both would be useless without the intermediary factor—the conductor, eae is with the conductor that this book principally concerns itself. RUBBER-COVERED WIRE. (See Price Lists on pages 11, 12, 15, 14.) GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. The rubber covered wire offered by us consists, first, of the conducting wire, which, unless otherwise specified in the order, will be either a single, solid conductor, or, in the case of wites and cables larger than No. 0, B. & S. G., a number of small strands—equal in conductivity to the gauge desired—so as to secure sufficient flexibility for safe and ready handling The wire or strand is tinned, as a protection against the action of the vulcanizing material necessarily mixed with the rubber com- pound. In the case of white or other unvulcanized core, the tinning is unnecessary, because no vu.canizing materials are used. A fine grade of rubber cement is applied to the wire or strand, which causes the rubber compound to adhere firmly to the conductor. Over this is placed, umder great pressure, a — 56 Se EEE ee specially prepared high quality of rubber compound, the thick- ness of which is usually as stated in the price list, but can be made any desired thickness. In comparing prices, it is of course necessary to consider the thicknesses of the compound offered, as this materially affects the price. This compound may be uni- form in color, or a white compound of the same quality is placed next to the wire, and the dark compound outside. The covering is then protected from mechanical injury by one or more braids or tapes saturated with protective compound, or it can be left plain. When no instructions accompany an order, the braided wire will be furnished. Rubber insulated lead covered cables, or cables made up of rubber insulated wires taped or braided into compact form, will be furnished upon demand, but the different requirements as to thickness of insulation on the wires. Number of wires, thickness of lead sheath, etc., are so varying that more satisfactory results will be obtained by applying to our nearest office, for price upon desired combination of wires made up in form to suit the service required. No price list of these cables has been issued, but a cable for any service, insulated with rubber, will be quoted or furnished promptly to specification. DUPLEX WIRE. (See Price List, page 11.) This consists of two separately insulated wires, twisted to- gether, thus facilitating the handling of the wires as compared with two separate single wires. The ordinary duplex wire has both members of the pair insulated with rubber and braided. The Marsh Duplex, or Anti-Induction Wire, constructed under letters patent of the United States, No. 529,559, has only one member of the pair insulated with rubber, (see 1, fig. 0), and the other with saturated fiber of low specific inductive capacity, (2, fig. 0). It isthus apparent that a waterproof insulation is se- cured, avoiding short circuiting between the two conductors by moisture, and that the electrostatic capacity of the circuit is greatly reduced, the capacity of the circuit being the mean be- tween that of the high capacity rubber insulation and the low capacity fiber insulation. This reduction in capacity is import- ant and valuable in telephone circuits, and the reduced cost, with increased efficiency, is important in telegraph or electric light circuits. USES. Duplex wires are used for interior and out of door service for telephone, telegraph and electric light circuits. Where under- ground or aerial cables are used, the latter are generally ex- tended to a center of distribution, and from this point the duplex wires are run into the buildings or offices to be reached. Where no cables are used, two wires must be provided (if metallic tele- phone circuits are desired) from the exchange to the subscriber. If bare wires are used, they must be crossed over each other at frequent intervals, to neutralize induction, and they are subject to interference from crosses or grounds due to the wires swinging against each other, or to broken wires falling upon others during, or asa result of, wind and sleet storms. Duplex wire of either form described herein obviates this difficulty, but rubber has a higher specific inductive capacity than fiber insulation, and is more expensive, hence for telephone service, the Marsh Duplex Wire is superior to the ordinary form. This wire, in single pairs, or in cables containing any number of pairs, can also be advantageously used in telephone exchanges between the dis- tributing frame and the switch board, and to the lightning ar- resters, thereby greatly improving the general average of the circuits as to electrostatic capacity. ELECTROLIER WIRE. (See Price List, page 11.) This consists of two rubber covered wires, (fig. 00), laid side by side and taped flat with a high grade rubber frictioned tape, which can be easily unwound to any desired distance when con- necting the wires to the lamp terminals, etc. Though available for other ordinary purposes, it is most commonly used for the concealed wiring in electric light fixtures, 57 “STERLING” RUBBER COVERED WIRE, (See Price List, pages 12 and 13). This is a high class rubber compound, containing a large percentage of pure Para rubber, and is suitable for use under any conditions for which rubber covered wires are used, and will compare favorably with the best grades now on the market, whether in tenacity or high insulating properties. By cutting off a shaving of the rubber of various wires and of ours, and comparing the elasticity aud manner of breaking under tension, it will be seen at once that our compound possesses in a superior degree the qualities that a rubber covering should have, while many, if not most, others will break easily, and with a dull, lifeless, fracture. Sterling rubber covered wire has been approved by the Nat- ional Board of Fire Underwriters, and may, therefore, be used anywhere in the United States. The covering is extremely tough and elastic, and will stand where most other rubber insulations would fail. No precaution or expense is avoided to produce a thoroughly reliable and uniform product. “TIP TOP” RUBBER COVERED WIRE. (See Price List, pages 12 and 13.) This is an extremely high grade rubber compound, contain- ing a larger percentage of pure Para rubber than any other wire on the market. It possesses the qualities of high insulation, toughness, and elasticity, to an extraordinary degree, and is made for cases where an extremely high class of wiring is de- sired, and where the question of slightly increased cost is not material. While it is not much more costly than inferior wires sold regularly on the market, it should not be confused with such wires, as it would be unfair to compare these prices and lose sight ot the question of quality. The test suggested in the revious paragraph will show its superiority, and it has also xeen approved by the National Board of Fire Underwriters. USES. Rubber covered wire is used for wiring buildings, for tele- phone, telegraph and electric light lines on poles, and under- ground (for underground use it should be lead covered), but it is more expensive than wire having saturated fibrous covering, and for telephone and some classes of telegraph service, it has the disadvantage of much greater electrostatic capacity. Where different thicknesses of insulation are mentioned in our price list, the lighter insulations are intended for low tension current in dry or damp places, while the medium or heavier insulations are for use with high pressure currents or in wet places, and under exposure to chemical action. It is particularly well adapted for use in plaster walls, pulp mills, breweries, abattoirs, etc., when provided with our special final covering of preservative compound. FLEXIBLE SWITCHBOARD CABLES. (See Price List, page 14). Our flexible switchboard cables consist of the requisite num- ber of very fine wires to equal the carrying capacity desired. They will be found very soft and flexible. The strands are thor- oughly tinned, and then covered with rubber compound of the highest grade, and braided outside. The thickness of rubber varies according to voltage, as will be seen by reference to the price list. Special flexible cables larger than 4-0 B. & S. G. will be quoted on application, or made to order. As the name indicates, these cables are for use in cross con- necting circuits on switchboards, or elsewhere, where the wites or circuits require more or less frequent changing. 58 GALVANIZED IRON AND STEEL WIRE, (See Prife List page 15.) Our galvanized iron H. B. B. (Extra Best Best) wire, is made from the finest iron, and has very high conductivity. The B. B. (Best Best) has slightly higher tensile strength, with slightly. lower conductivity. Both grades are thoroughly galvanized, as a protection against the corrosive action of the atmosphere, The Galvanized Steel wire has still higher tensile strength than B. B. Iron, but slightly lower conductivity, and is recommended for particularly long spans or exposed positions. The iron wire market fluctuates so rapidly that a list price would be misleading at the best, so it is preferred to quote on these wires upon application. The weights per mile are subject to slight variation from list, but are very closely approximate. USES. These wites are used for long lines on telegraph or telephone circuits where much exposed, and where high conductivity is second in importance to tensile strength and first cost. GALVANIZED STEEL WIRE STRAND. (See Price List page 15.) The galvanized steel wire strand is composed of seven galvan- ized steel wires twisted together to make the requisite size, and is very flexible. The tensile strength and galvanization will be found to meet the best requirements. USES. This strand is used to span wire for suspending trolley lines and as messenger or suspension ; for lead covered aerial cables for telephone or telegraph use ; also as guy wires for telegraph or other poles subject to heavy strains, etc. BARE COPPER WIRE. (See Price List on page 16.) The copper wire furnished by us, whether bare or insulated, is drawn from the best Lake Superior bars, having a guaranteed conductivity of 98 per cent. of that of chemically pure copper, ac- cording to Dr. Matthiessen’s standard; isdrawn exactly to gauge, and is annealed in the best manner known totheart. Its conduc- tivity is carefully observed, and our customers can depend upon receiving the best that is to be had. We are also prepared to supply the best grades of Lake Supe- rior Hard Drawn Copper Wire, either bare or insulated, but any orders received will be entered as for ‘“‘soft drawn” copper wire, unless otherwise stated. USES. pare copper wire is used extensively by Hlectric Light Companies operating under very low pressures, and is usually attached to glass insulators on the cross-arms or brackets of a pole line; for this purpose soft drawn copper wire is used almost exclusively, except in sizes smaller than No. 10 Brown & Sharpe’s gauge. Bare copper wireis also used extensively by Electric railroads whose currents vary from three hundred to five hundred volts, and may be considered comparatively ‘‘low pressure currents.”’ As the trolley which completes the connection between the motor _ in the car and the charged wire overhead, must have a continu- ous rubbing or rolling contact, bare wire is an absolute necessity for the trolley wire; it is hard drawn copper, and is usually sus- ended over the centre of the track from supports extending out tom the street curb in the form of an inverted L, or from sup- porting wires or cables stretched between poles on opposite sides of the street. In the early days of street railways, it was the practice to string bare copper wires on the pole lines, or supports, along the sides of the streets, to feed the trolley wires, but the present practice is to use insubated wire, or, what is better still, and more in accord with modern progress and public demand, to lay underground cables as feeders. Hither bare or insulated (but principally bare) hard drawn copper wire is now extensively used by telegraph and telephone companies instead of iron wire for pole lines ; its conductivity is 59 about five times that of the best grade of iron wire generally used ; its breaking strength is about three aud one-half times its weight per mile. It will, therefore, be seen that the same conductivity can be secured by a smaller and lighter wire, so that either a, larger number of wires can be strung on a given pole line, or a given number of wires can be strung on lighter (and, therefore, cheaper) poles or fixtures. A positive electrical advantage is also secured in the use of copper wire for telephone and tele- graph purposes on account of decrease in electro-static capacity, due to reduction in section, as has been abundantly demonstra- ted by the lines of the American (Long Distance) Telephone Company ; there is, of course, no advantage in using hard drawn copper in electric cables, as soft drawn copper gives slightly bet- ter conductivity and makes a more flexible cable. In handling hard drawn copper wire of small cross-section, avoid sharp bends, kinks or cuts. GERMAN SILVER RESISTANCE WIRE. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. (See Price List on page 16.) Our German Silver Resistance Wire is drawn very accurately to gauge and has aresistance of 192 B. A. ohms per mil-foot at 70 degrees F., or 21.1 degrees C. Its resistance is about twelve times that of a soft Lake Superior copper wire of equal cross- section. USES. Owing to its high resistance, it is used in electrical labora- tories for standard resistances, and is usually attached to glass or porcelain knobs. By winding the wire spirally on a mandril and then stretch- ing it (after removing the mandril) so that the separate convolu- tions will not touch each other, a helix is produced, having a very high resistance in proportion to theamount of space occu- — pied. Such an arrangement is used most effectively in the Cornell University Electrical and Physical Laboratories. ‘Three sets of helices having resistances of .5, 3 and 30 ohms respectively are employed. ‘These occupy a space about ten feet wide, one and a half feet deep and fifteen feet high. At the top they pass around porcelain knobs and at the bottom they enter a long box, where they are connected to mercury cupsin such a manner that almost any resistance,ranging from a small fraction of an ohm to about 1000 ohms, can be obtained ; moreover the wire is large so that several amperes can be passed through a single wire without materially heating it; hence, when a lot of the helices are con- nected up in multiple, quite a large current can be _ used. Such a system of resistances affords a ready means for the cali- brating of ammeters and voltmeters, and for obtaining the characteristic curves of dynamos, etc. Where alternating cur- rents are used, the above plan is not feasible, on account of the self-induction in the system. But self-induction is pratically eliminated by bending the wire back on itself in the shape of a letter U, and such an arrangement should alway be used for alternating currents when an unvarying resistance is required. German Silver Resistance Wire, provided with a single or double covering of cotton or silk, is sometimes used for the same purpose as the bare wire, but its principal use when insulated, is for resistance coils in rheostats, etc., where extremely high resistances are required in a compact and portable form; in such cases, the insulated wire isneatly wrapped on small bobbins or spools, each end of the wire being connected to a binding post or contact point, so as to be readily switched or thrown into the circuit. MAGNET WIRE. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. (See Price List pages 17 and 18.) Our Magnet Wire consists ofthe best soft Lake Superior Cop- per Wire covered with one or two very even wraps of fine cotton or silk; itis free from lumps and knots and adheres firmly to the wire; only the purest copper is used and is not sent to the cover- ing department until the conductivity has been carefully tested, to insure its being 98 per cent. or more, and the diameter care- fully gauged to insure accuracy within one mil of the standard size on all sizes larger than No. 10; on all sizes from No. 10 to No. 14, a variation of not exceeding %4 of a mil, and on sizes smaller 60 than No. 14 one-half of a mil, will be allowed 4 Special machinery has been designed by us, to secure the greatest pos- sible uniformity in the thickness of the fibrous covering of our Magnet Wire, and our customers can be assured that the diameter of the covered wire will not vary more than one-halfto one mil from the desired diameter at any point throughout its length. We have every facility in the laboratory at our works to make accurate tests of conductivity of Magnet Wire or German Silver Wire, and will furnish a certificate of conductivity with each reel or spool at a small extra charge; this is especially desirable if the wire is to be used as a standard resistance. Any desired thickness of insulation will be furnished, but the follow- ing thicknesses are most commonly required, in cotton covered wire, namely : B. & S.G. | Single. Double. No | Mils. | Mils. 0000 to 00 20 e220 Otol ee LOR eee Ot) 2tod | son Hes to 7 | 8 16 8to9 Gy eel? 10 to 12 | 5 10 13 and finer. | 4.5 9 In absence of specific instructions, orders will be entered for thickness of insulation above indicated; customers should not fail to state whether the wire is to be single or double wound. The quantity of Magnet Wire usually placed on a reel, unless a specific amount is named, is: Nos. 0to 9inclusive, 140 to 150 pounds; Nos. 10 to 14 inclusive, 100 to 110 pounds; Nos. 15 and 16, 65 to 70 pounds; Nos. 17 and 18, about 80 pounds; Nos. 19, 20 and 21, about 15 pounds; Nos. 22, 23 and 24, 7 to § pounds; smaller sizes, about + pounds. USES. fagnet Wire is used for a multitude of purposes, but its prin- cipal useis in induction coils, for telephone receivers and trans- mitters, telegraph receivers, transmitters and relays, and electrical instruments of various kinds; and (more particularly the large sizes) for winding armatures of motors,and of dynamos for the production of electric light currents. INCANDESCENT LAMP CORD. (See Price List on page 18.) Fig. 34. GENERAL CONSTRUCTION. fhe conductor consists of a number of small strands (gener- ally No. 30 B. & S. G.) to equal the conductivity of a solid copper wire of the size desired, about as follows: — For No. 12 B. & S. G., 66 No. 30 B. & S. G. Copper Wires, For No. ld ts 41 No. 30 ‘ For No. 16 £ 26 No. 30 i ss ss For No. 18 xs 16 No. 30 ss ay a For No. 20 ss 10 No. 30 a . s For No. 22 Dee tee etel ae NOnNoo * us ¥e The insulation, as will be seen by reference to the Price List, is divided into four classes : The first consists of one or two dense fibrous covers thoroughly saturated with our well-known insulating compound ‘‘ Ozite,”’ and wili be found for all practical purposes equal to Sheet Rubber or Balata Insulation, as itis not effected by short bends or by even higher degrees of heat than would destroy either of these ; it is not absolutely waterproof, but neither is Sheet Rubber at any time, nor Balata after it has been subjected to moderately high temperatures or has become hardened by sze, when it will 61 crack if slightly bent; we can recommend “Ozite’ insulation as an excellent and low-priced substitute for either Sheet Rubber or: Balata. The second consists of (a) A winding of fiber on the copper strand; (b) A layer of sheet rubber wound spirally around or laid longitudinally upon it and overlapped ; and (c) A winding of dry cotton over the rubber tape; this class of lamp cord has heretofore been most commonly used, as it was the lowest-priced cord put upon the market. The third grade of insulation is known as ‘‘Balata’”’ (a low grade gum obtained from the JAZmusops Batata, a tree found in British and French Guiana, Jamaica, etc.; it is used as a substitute for Gutta Percha). Lamp cord with this class of insulation has been in use for some years and has given very general satisfaction; it is superior te the Sheet Rubber Insulation ; is, for practical purposes, about equal to our lamp cord with “Ozite”’ insulation, but is not equal to the next grade herein mentioned ; it is a reasonably good insulator; it is, how- ever, affected by changes of temperature and softens at 140 degrees F. The fourth grade is our Solid Rubber Insulation. Where the question of expense is not important and the chief object is to secure a very high grade cord, we cover the conductor with a high quality of solid rubber; this grade of cord will be found most satisfactory where there is any danger of continued immer- sion in water, or where an extra high class of work is to be done. A braid of fibrous material, either silk or glazed cotton in imitation of silk, is placed over the insulated cord, whatever the character of the insulation. Our stock colors are: Plain Green, plain Gold, Green and Gold combined, and Red and Gold combined. Any other colors will be supplied to order, as also will worsted braid in lieu of cotton braid (and at the same price) if is preferred, but where prompt delivery is required, the customer should make his selection from among stock colors and fibers. In telegraphing an order, be careful to mention the color or colors desired, if there is any preference, and state whether it is to be silk braided or cotton braided. In the General Code, page 4L, will be found code words for designating colors, while separate code words are provided in the price lists for silk braided and cotton braided cord. After being braided, two wires are twisted upon each other and the lamp cord is then completed and contains both legs of the circuit. USES. Incandescent Iramp Cord is used, asthe name indicates, prin- cipally for exposed wiring in offices and residences for eiectric lighting, to drop from the concealed wires in the ceiling or chan- delier to the point at which the incandescent lamp is to hang, or to a portable on desk or library table, and for annunciator and bell work, where an elegant appearance is desired. ANNUNCIATOR WIRE. (See Price List on page 19.) This consists of copper conductor of any desired size, either single, doubie or triple wound with fiber and satu- rated with paraffine ; on special orders the inside wind will be saturated with our celebrated insulating compound “Ozite” to give specially high insula- tion. Only the double wound annuncia- tor wireis carried in stock;the last wind is in bright and fast colors; the winds are put on tight and even, and the finished wire presents a very neat, smooth appearance; the price list only gives the weight and price of even sizes from No. 12 to No. 22, but the weights and prices of the intermediate sizes are approximately mid-way be- ; ) tween the sizes next preceding and Spool of Annunciator following the same. This wire is Wire, furnished on spools containing about 62 - gigitt pounds each and in’any desired colors, but unless the order specifically states the color desired it will be filled from our stock colors, which are: : Plain red, or white or blue, or combinations of red and white ° ot blue and white stripes. (For designating colors by telegraph, see General Code, page 41.) USES. Annunciator Wire is used for wiring houses, or offices, hotels etc., to connect any given location with a call-bell or annunciator suitably located, as in Hotel Office, Messenger Room, Kitchen, or Servants’ Room. OFFICE WIRE. (See Price List on page 19.) This consists of copper conductor of any suitable size and covered with two braids of fiber or with one wrap and one braid and saturated with paraffine ; on special orders the in- side braid or wind will be saturated with our ‘‘Ozite”’ Insulating com- pound to give specially high insula- tion. This wire is nicely polished and is furnished in any color or com- bination of colors (for designating colors by telegraph, see General Code, page 4i), but stock colors are: Red and white or blue and white Coil of Office Wire. combined, and, unless specifically : stated, one or the other ofthese com- binations will be furnished on orders; it is shipped in coils of approximately twenty pounds each. USES. Office wire is used most extensively by Telegraph and Tele- phone companies for all circuits from telegraph or telephone instruments to the point where the line wire or cables enter the building, or to “earth;’’ it is also used, but not extensively for wiring houses for electric bells, annunciators and electric light- ing. OFFICE CABLES. (See Price List on page 19.) Office Cables consist of any desired number of annunciator or office wires combined into a core or bunch for the sake of com- actness aud facility of laying where a large numpe1 of wires is required. When the desired number of wires has been thus laid up into a core they fare covered with a single (and in special cases a double) braid of fibrous material, in any coior or combination of colors if finished in paraffine, but black if fin- ished with Ozite or Waring compound. These cables are fur- nished in any desired length. USES. Office Cables are used in wiring buildings (especially hotels) for electric bells, annunciators, time detectors, te1esemes, etc., and are also used by Telephone and Telegraph companies to extend their circuits from the point at which they enter the building, whether underground or overhead, to the switch-board in the operating room. If desired, Office Cables can be furnished consisting of separate wires having any grade of insulation, such as Weather-proof, Underwriters, W. A. C. Fire and Moisture- proof, or Rubber, but the more modern and safe practice is to buy a regular lead covered cable with the desired number of con- ductors and protected by a light lead cover, for which see pages 28, 30 and 81. UNDERWRITERDS’ WIRE. (See Price List on Page 19.) This consists of a copper conductor of any desired size cov- ered with two pestiaes of fibrous material, and saturated and coated with fireproof metallic paint. Owing to its fireproof qualities it was adopted by the New York Board of Fire Unaer- writers in 1882; itis a fireproof wire, but does not possess good insuating qualities and rapidly deteriorates when exposed to moisture ; it has facetiously been called ‘‘ Undertakers’” wire, from the fact that its use has all too frequently resulted in giving 5 employment to gentlemen of the profession named ; it is a fairly good wire, but has been so universally condemned and other higher grade wires can be bought at so nearly the same price, that it is rapidly falling into disuse and will eventually become a thing of the past. USES. Underwriters’ Wire is used for electric light circuits on poles and for exposed inside wiring, for the last named purpose it is held by cleats or placed in moulding ; it is almost exclusively used in white, although some times it is desired in black or brown for special locations ; in absence of specific instructions, orders will invariably be filled with white wire and solid conductor. WEATHERPROOF CABLES. (For Price List see page 21.) As to quality of copper, insulation and uses, see remarks under ‘‘Weatherproof Line Wire,’ the double covered corres- ponding to “Sterling,”’ and the ‘‘triple’”’ to ‘‘Standard’’ weather- proof insulation. Weatherproof cable only differs from corres- ponding weatherproof wires, in having the conductors made up of a suitable number of smaller wires to give greater flexibility, but not quite as flexible as switchcords. The cable form is indis- pensable when greater conducting capacity than 4-0 B. & S.G. is desired, and may, for various reasons, but especially convenience of handling, be required even in sizes of 4-0 or smaller, for con- necting dynamos to switchboard, wiring buildings, interior con- duits, etc. The larger sizes, (500,000 C. M. triple covered, being the most popular), are used principally as street railway or low pressure electric light feeders, and are furnished either with the strand ‘‘cable laid’’ (7.x 7), or ‘‘concentric,’’ the latter being illus- trated by the conductor in Fig. 2, page 26. The concentric form , is almost invariably used ; itis quite as flexible as the other, has a large margin of tensile strength,and makes a smaller and there- forelighter cable, with equal thickness of insulation. For mechan- ical reasons, the triple covered is recommended on all sizes, but especially on No. 0.and larger. Weatherproof cables can be furnished in any desired length, but 44 mile is the usual length of 500,000 C. M., and other sizes in lengths relative thereto. WHATHERPROOF LINE WIRE. (See Price List on page 20.) Only the purest Lake Superior copper is used by us, either soft or hard drawn according to the wishes of our customers, but, unless otherwise specified, soft drawn wire will be furnished. This copper conductor is covered with two or more fibrous cov- ers, as will be more particuiarly indicated farther on. We are sometimes met with the remark that the weather- proof wire of some other manufacturers weighs less pet length than either of the grades established by us, but to all such our reply is: ‘“We can make weather-proof wire to weigh just as light per length as desired—within a reasonable excess over the weight of the bare copper wire, which cannot vary—and all you need do, if light weight is the prime consideration, is to tell us how heavy you want it ; but remember that the lighter you make it the more you weaken its insulating qualities and ability to resist rough handling or chafing, and increase the danger of crosses and accidental shocks, whether in dry or wet weather ; but it is false economy, and will result eventually to the dis- advantage of both consumer and manufacturer.” It is wise to buy insulation as well as copper, and to buy the best that careful and intelligent methods can produce. Do not be deceived into the belief that any one can give you a lighter weight weather- proof wire without either reducing the thickness of the mechan- ical covering or the degree of saturation thereof with insulating compound—and both these qualities are vital; nor are there any ~ insulating materials in use to-day that are lighter, bulk for bulk, than those used by us. The idea of testing either Line Wire er House Wire by sub- mersion in water with the expectation of getting high readings on the galvanometer, is somewhat ridiculous as applied to any fibrous ccvered wire, no matter how high a grade or how expen- sive a style of manufacture it may be; it has not been made for use under conditions even remotely approximating these ; we are perfectly willing to make our record by the actual, practical and extensive use of our wire, both Line and House Wire, throughout every State in the Union and in almost every prominent city inany State, and pon the comparative test printed on pages 68 and 69, which has been confirmed by separate tests made since that date by 64 prominent electricians, who are in nowise connected with this company. tule) Referring to this comparative test, it will be seen that of the three fibrous covered weather-proof wires, ours stands far above the others, and that as compared with the rubber-covered wire, whether single or double braided, it was far more regular and maintained a much better average, showing great uniformity of manufacture ; one sample of the rubber covered wire, it is true, showed very long life, but another sample cut from the same piece showed an extremely short life, indicating an absence of uniformity and reliability in the rubber cover. Any reasonably well made rubber-covered wire should test admirably when immersed in water soon after it has been made, even though made of the poorest rubber compounds that could be mechanically applied to a wire, for any one having had experi- ence in electrical matters will admit that for use under water and to remain under water the rubber covered wire (if the compound has not been cheapened too much) is the best, and that it will give far the highest measurements soon after its manufacture ; this, however, proves absolutely nothing as to its safety and lasting qualities as a line or house wire; in order to arrive at practical results the two classes of wire (Fibrous and Compound covered) should be strung on poles side by side, and after being in practical use for, say one year, tested for insula- tion and mechanical properties, and, if you please, even sub- merged in water at that time and_ tested with one thousand to two thousand volt current; we are satisfied that such a test would show the fibrous covered wire to be far superior ; and if such atest were made two years after the wires are erected, the results would show still greater superiority on the part of the fibrous covered wire. We do not pretend to sell at the price of Weather-proof Wire an article that will stand the same water tests as new rubber-covered wire costing a great deal more money ; what we do maintain and prove every day in actual practice is that our Weather-proof and W. A. C. wires are weather-proof and water-proof enough to meet the most extraor- dinary emergencies to which the wires used for line and house purposes are ever subjected, and that they possess a very safe margin beyond that. These wires are not expected to be used under water for weeks at a time. CHARACTERISTICS AND ADVANTAGES. All our Weather-proof Wire is thoroughly saturated with our well known insulation, “Ozite’”’ or ‘‘Waring Compound,” which has for many years shown itself to be a first-class material. In comparing our Weather-proof Wire with those of other makes, note the following : FIRST—The fibrous coverings of our wires are thoroughly saturated and not merely coated. Wire in which the insulation is merely coated or laid on will show light gray or white threads, which readily absorb moisture from the surronnding air; if thoroughly saturated,the fiber is filled or sealed with a compound which precludes the entrance or absorption of moisture, SECOND—The fibrous coverings of our wire are thor~ oughly saturated and not partially so, as will be seen by their perfectly black condition. ‘The fiber that looks gray when com- pared with ours has not been thoroughly saturated, and, there- fore, has more or less unsaturated fiber to absorb moisture. _ THIRD—Every fibrous cover on our Weather-proof Wire is dense and firm and packed hard upon the conductor by special devices; examine all other wires carefully in this regard and you may find more or less open or “skeleton” braids, inside of the one outer covering, through which you can see the copper conductor; such a covering affords very little pro- tection after the outer braid has become chafed or frayed. _ FOURTH—Our Weather-proof Wire is mechanically perfect in all the foregoing respects, and the insulation presents a firm, tough mass that will stand exposure to high degrees of heat without losing its insulating qualities, and will not crack under the opposite extreme ; it becomes almost as hard as iron, yet not brittle; and will, therefore, resist the maximum amount of chaf- ing. It is easy to find so-called ‘“‘Weather-proof Wire” that pre- sents a handsome exterior finish and is “pretty” wire to look at, but give ita few bends and see the numberless little cracks or scales” that will appear—forming passages through which moisture or rain will find its way tothe fiber and to the con- ductor. It is needless to name the many Electric Light and other 65 companies who have used our Weather-proof Wire, or to state that they are all perfectly satisfied with the service given; there is not a State or Territory, and scarcely a prominent city, in the Union in which it is not in use, and we have no reason to fear investigation or inquiry as to its lasting qualities. In the West and Northwest particularly, large quantities have been intro- duced, and many central station plants have been equipped with our wire exclusively; many thousands of pounds of it are also in use for inside wiring, and without any failures or trouble. GRADES OF WEATHERPROOF WIRE. Our Weatherproof Wire is supplied in three grades: “Sterling,” ‘‘Standard”’ and “‘Tip-Top,”’ each of which will now be separately described, the difference being substantially in the thickness of insulating covering only. Hither of these wires is vastly superior to Underwriters’ Wire, and our “Sterling” Weatherproof Wire is very little, if any, more expensive. It is not claimed that this wire is fireproof, but it does not easily ignite and will not transmit fire. Wehave always on hand a large stock of ali sizes of “ Standard”? weatherproof line wire, and can furnish ‘‘ Tip Top” and ‘‘Sterling’’ to order promptly. The approximate difference in the insulation on these three grades of wire for the same size conductor (No. 6 B. & S. G.) is graphically illustrated in Figs. 37, 38 and 39. Fig. 38.—Actual Size ‘‘Standard’’ Weatherproof Line Wire. Fig. 39.—Actual Size ‘“‘Tip-Top”’ Weatherproof Line Wire. The approximate diameters and weights per thousand feet, and per mile, of either grade, will be found in price list, on page 20, and diameter and weight per thousand feet of weatherproof cable, on page 21, and we now add pounds per span, namely : Solid Weatherproof Wire. ( Weatherproof Cables. | | Double | Tri Sterling. Standard Tip Top.|| pans, | estes | __|/Circular ‘| ; oj | 125 | 140 | 125 | 140 | 125 | 140 |} Muls. | 125 | 140 | 125 | 140 i\Fee |Feet' Feet Feet/Feet|Feet|| Feet Feet Feet Feet \ } 0000 | 86 98 | 98 104 98 110 || 1000000 414 | 464 450 504 000 | 70 | 79 | 75 | 84 | 82 | 92 |} 950000 | 400 | 445 432 | 484 00 | 57 | 68 | 61 | 68 | 65 | 73 || 900000 | 378 | 422 | 410 | 458 0 | 44 | 49 | 48 | 538 52 58 || 850000 356 , 398 | 874 | 433 1 | 36 | 40 | 40 | 44 | 43 | 48 800000 335 875 | 364 | 407 2 | 30 | 32.5) 82 | 36 | 86 | 39 750000 314 352 | 341 | 382 Bo, 24 | 26 | 25 | 28 | 27 | 30 || 700000 293 328 | 318 | 357 4 \19 | 21 | 20 | 28 | 22 | 24.5] 650000 | 272 304 | 295 | 381 5 (15 |17 | 16.5, 18.5 18 | 20.8} 600000 | 258 | 288 | 275 | 308 6 | 12 | 14 | 13.5) 15.5 14.3 16.5 | 550000 230 258 250 280 7 110 |-11. | 11 | 12.5) 12.8) 18.7 | 500000. | 218 | 239 ' 232 | 260 8 | 8 | 9 | 9.2) 10.5 10.3) 11.5 | 450000 | 190 {212 , 206 | 28 9 | 6.5) 7.3) 7.5 8.5 8.5) 9.5| 400000 166 186 | 180 201 10 | 5.6 6.3) 6.2) 7.| 7. | 7.8| 850000 | 145/162 | 158 | 176 1] 4.5) 5. 5.2 5.9 6.) 6.7) 300000 | 124 139 | 185 151 12 | 3.5) 3.8 4.2) 4.8 5. | 5.7} 250000 | 107 | 120 | 116 | 130 14 | 25) 28 8.| 8.4 8.7) 4.21} x 0000) 94 | 106 | 102 | 114 16 9.1 2.9 DA 27° 824. 8.8 1 es - 000 1.76 1.80 i Soa 18 | 13). 1.4) 1.9) 2.1). 2.5) 28/43 007) 61) 68) 67 | 7% DO 4. At 2 teh Te ic BS en oO" 48 | 53 | 53 59 | | | ——rrrrrr For 100 feet span, point off right-hand figure of weight per thousand feet in price list on page 20, and for 10 feet, point off two figures: by adding the 10 feet weight to, or subtracting the same from, the weight per 140 feet span, or per 100 feet span, the ent per 150 feet, per 130 feet, per 110 feet, or per 90 feet will be ound. WEIGHT PER COIL OR REEL. As arule our Weatherproof Wire and W. A. C. Wire is packed on reels for shipment, and if the customer has any preference as to reels or coils, he should so state in his order. Some delay can be avoided at times, by permitting us to ship the wire either in coils oron reels as we happen to have it; all shipments to points west of the Rocky Mountains will be in coils, on account of the heavy freight charges which the customer would have to pay on the empty reels returning. Following are the approximate weights per coil or per reel, that would be shipped on an order designating the wire by the coil or reel, instead of by the pound or foot, namely: | B. Sx G. Weight per Coil. | Weight per Reel. No. | 0000-0 275 Tbs. 325 Ibs. 1-2-3 240 “ 300. “ 4-5 20Or aS 215 6-8 175 * 225 ‘ 10-12 AB wets 200) © 14-16 30 a 150“ 18-20 206 100“ “STERLING” WEATHERPROOF WIRE. Where economy of construction is an im- portant item, the pur- chaser some times de- sires to buy acompara- tively cheap wire, yet with good insulation, and in order to meet this demand, we make ’ our ‘Sterling’ Weather- proof Line Wire in all sizes Nos. 0000 to 18, B. & S. G.; it is only double covered, and weighs five to ten per cent. less per length (see price list) than the corresponding sizes of our ‘“‘Standard’”’ Triple Covered Weatherproof Wire. This wire is the same price per pound as the Standard Weath- erproof Wire, the re- duction in the cost per Fig. 40. length being due to the smaller weight of the former. CHARACTERISTICS AND ADVANTAGES. The general characteristics of this wire are as described on pages 65 and 66, but the insulation is, of course, thinner than that of our ‘‘Standard” grade, and it is, therefore, less able to resist rough handling, or chafing, or moisture. 67 “STANDARD” WEATHERPROOF WIRE. Our “Standard” Weatherproof Line Wire has three fibrous covers on all sizes this is avery high grade wire, and 90 per cent. of the Weatherproot Wire sold by us is of this grade. It has given absolute satisfaction wherever used, and “cannot be excelled, either for electrical or mechanical properties, by any other wire at the same price, and is indeed equalled by few, if any. See pages 65 and 66. COMPARATIVE TESTS. Careful attention is requested to the follow- ing results of compara- tive tests made by dis- interested parties with- out the knowledge of either of the manufac- turers, on samples of wire purchased from regular stock at some Fig. 41. electrical supply store. The wires made by manufacturer No. 1 and manufacturer No. 8 have hitherto stood high in the estimation of the public, and areas good as the averagerun of Weatherproof Line Wire; what we claim is, that our Weatherproof Wire is considerably above the average, and the claim is justified by the tests referred to. ‘The tests were made as follows: A tall glass jar was filled with water, the piece of the wire under test was bent in the shape of a letter “U,” with the two bared ends projecting above the jar, one of these ends being connected to one terminal of a converter giving off a thousand volts current, while the water in the jar was electrically connected to the other; at certain intervals the current was switched onto the test circuit and the effect noted ; the time at which the current broke through the insulation is shown in the column headed “‘ average life.” One of the tests included in the summary given below, consisted of bending the wire to be immersed,in a circle two and one-half inches in diameter, and another consisted in forming two such circles, each about one-half inch in diameter. SAMPLES OF WIRES TO BE TESTED. Manufacturer No. 1. Sample A—No. 6 Weatherproof Line Wire. ae B—No. 8 o “ ad se C—No. Io es oe se Manufacturer No. 2. STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE Co. Sample A—No. 8 Weatherproof Line Wire. oe B—No. 1o ee oo oe Manufacturer No. 3. Sample A—B No, 8 and 12 Rubber, single Braid. C—D No. 8and 12 2 double ‘ “ E— No.6 iF Sinpie ae. ‘* F— .No.6 Weatherproof triple ‘** ‘ 68 ———___ me er Original ph aay Size. Average Life. No.1 A No. 6B. &S.G. 45 hours. pal ps gin} alg” 53 ok 29% hours. ae Gls eee 1) Ad ~ 39 hours. sh ae 8 261% hours. eee 10 be 123 hours. aS each. sag Le i 824 hours. neta, $3) bik lt) = 3% hours. Se 3'G SS) ta Mf . r7t hours. PRETO. has -y 38 hours. Ef 3) ES 6 ae 395 hours. ohare | 6 oe 15% hours. See last paragraph page 64, and first paragraph page 65. “TIP-TOP” WEATHERPROOF WIRE. Tip Top™ In cases where specially high grade wire is desired, we furnish our “Tip-Top”’ Weatherproof Line and House Wire, which will weigh approximately 10 per cent. more per length than our Stand- ard Weatherproof Wire (see price list), the price per pound being also higher than that of other grades ; it is sub- stantially our Standard Weatherproof Line Wire with a strong, closely woven tape placed upon it before the final braid is put on, its ability to with- stand chafing and moisture being thereby TRADE MARK greatly increased; it is : : in every respect a spec- Fig. 42. ially high class wire for either pole or house use, and is winning general favor wherever used. See pages 69 and 66. USES. Weatherproof Line Wire is used principally for Electric Light circuits on poles; it is also used for the same purpose in build- ings, and is sometimes used in place of Annunciator and Office Wire. In hard drawn copper instead of soft, it is used by Telephone and Telegraph companies for their pole lines where they pass through branches of trees, or wherever they desire to maintain particularly high insulation. GALVANIZED IRON WEATHERPROOF WIRE. (See Price List page 21.) What has been said under the general head of Weatherproof Wire, applies with equal force to this class of wire, which is fur- nished in both grades, B. B.,and EK. B. B., asdesired. It is used by Telephone, Burglar Alarm and District Telegraph Compa- nies, and by Fire and Police Departments, for overhead circuits. For Description of Bare Galvanized Iron Wire see page 59. GALVANIZED STEEL WEATHERPROOF WIRE. (See Price List page 21.) sueewenr! BRAID Where greater tensile strength is desired than is obtained in iron wire we place weatherproof covering on the best grade of galvanized steel wire, for overhead use. 69 W. A.C. FIRE AND MOISTURE-PROOF HOUSE WIRE: (See Price List on page 22.) All that has been said as to the mechanical properties of our Weather-proof Wire is also true of our W. A. C. Wire, but it has a special feature in its construction that makes it far more desira- ble for inside wiring. It consists substantially of our Standard Weather-proof Line Wire with the addition of a final braid of fibrous material thoroughly fire-proofed. Like our Weather-proof Wires, it is not affected, by moisture, heat, frost, alkalies or acids, but is well adapted for use where these conditions exist to an unusual degree. Our regular stock color is a light drab, but other colors will be furnished on special orders ; the conductor is composed of the softest Lake Superior copper, solid, unless otherwise ordered. USES. ) Our W. A. C. Wire is not an underground or submarine wire, nor is it intended for overhead use, being too expensive for the latter purpose; it is used for high grade inside wiring, in or under moulding or floors, in cellars, vaults, boiler rooms, etc., in short, wherever a fire-proof wire with high insulation is required. Itisin use in many dwellings, churches, office build- ings and municipal buildings throughout the country, and has — so thoroughly approved itself to the judgment of first-class, ex- © perienced electrical engineers as a strictly safe wire for inside work, that many of them have substituted it for other far more expensive and no more efficient wires ; architects and builders will do well to examine this wire and include it in any specifica- tions they prepare. “TIP-TOP” FIRE AND WATER-PROOF HOUSE WIRE. (For Price List see page 22.) Where the question of expense does not enter strongly into consideration, and where the wire is liable to become submerged in water more or less frequently Or will be subjected to con- stantly moist conditions, our Tip-Top Fire and Water-proof House Wire is a most desirable article. The copper conductor is © covered with ‘‘Tip Top” rubber insulation, perfectly applied and vulcanized, a heavy protective covering over this, and a final fire-proof coating on the outside. CHARACTERISTICS AND ADVANTAGES. Most rubber covered house wires on the market to-day have the serious defect of not being fire-proof, but, on the contrary, burning like tinder when a slight flame is brought in contact — with the outer covering ; this defect has been wholly avoided in our Tip-Top Fire and Water-proof Wire, which, as its name indicates, is an absolutely water-proof wire, at the same time that itis thoroughly fire-proof, thus combining the two impor- — tant requisites of an ideal house wire. Our regular stock color is drab, but other colors will be fur- nished on special orders. Soft drawn copper conductor, solid, will be furnished unless otherwise ordered. USES. What has been said asto W. A.C. Fire and Moisture-proof House Wire is true of this wire, while the latter is also for use in or behind plaster walls, or in any location where espec- ially difficult conditions are to be met, such as continual damp- mess or occasional submersion in water. The Standard Underground Cable Com- pany’s Electric Cables, FOR ALL ELECTRICAL USES, UNDERGROUND, AERIAL AND SUBMARINE, SOLE PROPRIETORS OF THE ‘“‘WARING”’ CABLES. General Remarks. One of the most interesting as well as troublesome prob- lems that the Electri- cal companies have had before them in recent years,has been that of placing con- ductors underground .. for conveying elec- trical currents of all kinds. The history ofinvention presents along line of unfor- tunate projectors who have grappled with the question in vain; many of their devices were so im- practicable that they were not to be con- sidered for a mo- ment by any one hav- ing a practical knowledge of the subject ; but others, of more skillful de- sign, met with better success, although but comparatively few can, at this day, be cited as an evidence of the practicability of placing electric wires under ground. The arguments in favor of the change from overhead to underground conductors are too well known to require more than the briefest mention ; perhaps the strongest, from the point of view of the electrical companies, is the great unreliability of the overhead conductors, subject, as they are, to all changes of the weather, and at times entirely ‘disabled by wind, snow or isleet, causing the entire suspension of business for hours at a lime. and costing hundreds of thousands of dollars annually for repairs. Viewed from a public point of view overhead wires are also objectionable—disfiguring the streets, obstructing firemen in their duties, and constantly menacing life and limb. The contrast between the appearance of the same street with over- head wires and with underground cables is graphically shown in Figures 44 and 45, the former being from an actual photograph. (See pages 72 and 73.) Mr. Alfred Shaw, the well-known writer on Municipal Gov- ernment, in the article, ‘‘Notes on City Government in St. Louis”’ (Century. Magazine, June, 1896), speaks of the maze of overhead wires as “the one remaining disgrace of the streets of St. Louis” and adds, “no other great city in the whole world now permits electric wires to bestrung overhead in the central business streets. Everyone acknowledges that these poles should be Mbctished. and that the wires should be placed under the side- walks or roadways.”’ Ht can be mathematicaily demonstrated that in the long run, allowing for the serious interruption to, and expensive renewal of, regular overhead lines, it is cheaper to lay underground or string aerial cables, even where only a moderate number of wires is involved; and where ae wires are very numerous, the actual first cost alone is less. (See tables on page 180.) rp thy Asa mlet Steg Oh Bee oe i nv . . \ RN . RNY \ SS WH | 4 = 4 | Ra If) Litton, S YC DA) nee “i i iy) ok ean 4G ihe eu BFR eer Nant Tees oa A NTA ee ae ean ty ql S a a i bets Rages ia Uh es The question of placing the wires underground has, as might have been expected, resulted in extreme views and action on the part of the interested parties—-the electrical companies, on the one hand, affirming that utter ruin would overtake them electrically and financially if they were obliged to put their wires underground ; while, on the other hand, Municipal and State Legislators have said by Ordinance and Act that ali the wires must, nevertheless, go underground. ‘Thereis, however, a mean between these two extremes, and the general tendency at the present time is to strike this mean ; it would be an unwarranted and unnecessary hardship to compel the electrical companies to place their wires underground in sparsely settled, outlying dis-~- tricts where but few customers are to be served, and it has become recognized as the fair policy to require the wires to be put under ground only in the thickly settled and important business parts of a city; on the other hand, it is a fact that very few elec- tricians, or any one else who has kept up with the progress of the past few years, would have the temerity to assert, at this day, that electrical service of any kind cannot be successfully ren- dered through Underground Cables. Mr. William Maver., Jr., Electrician of the Consolidated Telegraph and Electrical Subway Company, of New York City,* says: : *Paper entitled, ‘* The Practical Working of the Electrical Subways of New York City,’’ read before the 43d meeting of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, New York, February 18th, 1890. Lone Migs ill = a “a NSN pag teg Ts AS ms ef Give Ly ai fee LiL eS SS a aS a a : SIN ei —— Fig. 45. Broadway, New York, with Underground Cables. “In conclusion, I think it may be said that the experience derivcd from the practical operation of the electrical subways of New York City has either made apparent or confirmed, among other things, the following: ; I ‘‘That it is possible to successfully operate all classes of electric conductors underground in cities,’’ etc., etc., etc. Mr. David R. Walker, Chief of the Electrical Bureau of the city of Philadelphia, has had the Waring cables in use for periods ranging from nine to twelve years; his long experience in charge of the Electrical Bureau of that city renders any sug- gestion or recommendation made, or results attained by him, worthy of careful study and consideration. The Director of the Department of Public Safety, of Philadelphia, says in one of his annual reports: “‘The Bureau has tested and has in operation an underground system for the are light wires and for telegraph and telephone service, which has been found to work ina satisfactory manner. D. R. Walker, Chief of this Bureau, does not hestitate to endorse this system tome. His experience is that itcan be made to work in a manner that will greatly improve the service, and as weil as reduce the cost of maintainance materially, and at the same time remove from our Streets the unsightly wires and poles.”’ In Europe much attention has been given to the subject of placing Telegraph, Telephone and Electric Light Wires under- ground, and there are now very few large cities in which any over- head lines (excepting, possibly, a limited amount of house-top wiring) can be found. Professor George Forbes, F. R. S., of England, says: “In most continental towns the Electric Light Wires are placed underground. It is not only demonstrated by theory, but by practice as well, that currents can be operated successfully and safely underground."’-New York World, Fan. 13, 1890. TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH SERVICE. The Telephone and Telegraph companies, are managed, as’a tule, by the ablest business men in the world; they are able to see that generally the reasonable wishes of the public are in harmony 73 with the best interests of the electrical companies. A complete system of underground cables is the best guarantee of the practical control of the telephone business, even after controlling patents shall have expired; in other words, given an existing telephone company doing business with overhead lines and a new company enter the same field with all its lines underground, the public will not be slow to choose the latter; first, because as a body the public is opposed to overhead wires, for well known reasons, and second, because the companies whose wires are all underground, will be certain to give constant and uninterrupted service, whereas with overhead lines every storm of any magnitude results in open, crossed and grounded wires, to the great annoyance of the subscriber. Both Telephone and Tele- graph companies—especially in the larger cities of the United States—keeping up with the progress of the times, are busily engaged in putting their wires underground, partly in deference to publicdemand, but principally because it is a positive advantage to them; it results in a great saving in the cost of maintainance, absence of interruptions to service, and puts them in a command- ing position to control the business of the future. ELECTRIC LIGHT SERVICE. Hlectric Light companies throughout the United States are spending much time and money in underground cable work, and few cities of any prominence are now without electric light sys- tems operated through underground cables. The feasibility of this method from an electrical and commercial standpoint, at least for large cities, has been fully demonstrated by the promi- nent companies of New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washing- ton, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis, and elsewhere, during the last five to ten years; that the interests and safety of the public would be subserved by placing all electric light wires underground in the more important parts of large cities, where wites are numerous, no one will doubt, and electric light com- panies themselves now realize that even from a financial stand- point it is an advantage to them in such localities because of the great saving in repairs and renewals, freedom from interruption of service, and from damage suits for injury to persons and property. Mis CAH: Wilmerding, General Manager of the Chicago Arc’ Light and Power Company, referring to the larger cities, says: “‘The forests of poles and net work of wires are unsightly. ©The number of wires becomes So great, that there is confusion and danger at all times; and during storms serious accidents are almostcertain to occur. Here the public good requires that they should be underground, where, notwithstanding Mr. Edison, they are much safer; but here also there is the demand, and even the absolute necessity for the electric light, which insures a fair profit upon the investment, so that with good management there is no reason why underground high tension wires cannnt be operated in large cities with success and profit.”’—Ale@rical Industries, Fanuary, 1596. ELECTRIC RAILWAY SERVICE. Electric traction has made wonderful strides in the past seven years and to-day very few cities in the United States use ‘horse flesh” in the propulsion of street cars. Branch lines of some steam railroads have been ‘‘trollied’’ and the possibility of the Electric Locomotive for main lines will soon receive practi- cal demonstration. The trolley wire of electric railroads (see page 59) is of neces- sity a bare wire, and on this account, coupled with the fact that the voltage is not so high as to be seriously dangerous, their wires have been tolerated overhead, but the projectors of electric railroads should read the ‘‘signs of the times’’ and profit by the experience of the electrical companies in New York City. Over- head wires will not much longer be tolerated in any large city. But, if the electric railroads place their feeders underground in the first instance, they may delay a final clamor for under- ground trollies which is imminent in view of the practical dem- onstration, during the last twelve months in New York and Washington City, of the practicability of the underground trolley. The electro-motive-force of the current used in operating electrical railways is so low that the undergrounding of the | main or feeder wires presents no difficulty whatever, whereas their presence overhead presents many objections ; in the case of roads now or hereafter to be equipped, true economy requires that the feeders be placed underground. STEAM RAILROAD SERVICE. Of allthe great industries of the country which suffer from an interruption of telegraph facilities, none, probably are so de- 14 pendent on continuous and certain means of communication, as ‘the railroads; with every storm of any degree of severity or extent of area, the lines are interrupted and the block signal systems disabled, with consequent obstruction and danger to passenger and freight traffic. The importance of uninterrupted communication between the trainmaster’s office and the various telegraph or signal stations along the road cannot be over- estimated. The attention of railroad managers is particularly asked to the Standard Underground Cable Company’s Cables in this connection, and to the ease and certainty with which their wires may be placed beyond the reach of such dangers, and the operation of their roads beyond the caprice or power of storms, etc. Railroad managers are beginning to appreciate the value of underground cables, especially where they have many telegraph lines converging, as in the larger cities, and through tunnels, where exposed wires are quickly destroyed by the action of Sulphuric Acid contained in the coal smoke. Asa rule, the overhead wires, instead of passing through the tunnel,are led over the hill-top or mountain by circuitous routes, where they are especially liable to interruption and destruction by rain, snow and wind storms, and are far more difficult to repair than at any other part of the line, if indeed not wholly inaccessible at times. The simple expedient of laying a cable in the tunnel or snow-shed, obviates all these difficulties and dangers; and the Standard Underground Cable Company has been successful in this line, as is shown by the many cables now in use in tunnels and by the electfic light installation in the Hoosac Tunnel, where the most difficult conditions are successfully met. (See Scribner’s Magazine for August, 1889.) MINE SERVICE. In mining operations it is extremely important that signals shall be transmitted with certainty and rapidity from the various parts of the mine to the engineer at the mouth of the shaft, and that light and power shall be supplied at the minimum cost and maximum safety, to any desired part of the mine; for this purpose electricity is far better adapted than purely mechanical devices ; asa rule, the steam plant of mines exceeds the actual require- ments, so that it is a matter of economy to supply light and _ power by electricity, the engineer in charge being generally able to take care of the electric light plant without further assistance. The old method of lighting mines constantly leads to great loss of life and property; incandescent lamps cannot cause explosions, first, because the filament is hermetically sealed in the glass bulb; and second, because the moment the glass is broken, the filament is destroyed. Steam or compressed air for operating pumping, hoisting and drilling apparatus in “mines will vitiate the air and rot the timbers, while candles or lamps consume the oxygen in the air, thus rapidly undermining the health of the workmen. The vast improvement and economy from a financial and hygienic point of view, made possible by the introduction of the Electric Light and Motor in mines, merit the closest study of mine owners and operators. The importance of uninterrupted transmission of signals, light and power is so great, that the question of the excess in the cost of lead covered electric cables over that of bare or insulated wire is not worthy of consideration. Lead covered cables are absolutely safe for con- veying the electric current for either of the purposes here “named; they are flexible and can be laid to any portion of the mine. The Standard Underground Cable Company has spared no effort or money to produce acable that will meet every condition that obtains in practical work, and tothisend it hasfor many years past had in its employ the best mechanical and electrical experts that could be procured, It is largely due to this policy that the Company to-day stands in the forefront of progress in the manufacture of Underground Cables The ‘‘WARING” LEAD COVERED CABLES are in daily use .all over the United States, and for every conceivable electrical service, many of them have been in successful operation for a period of thirteen years; no other company has had the varied, extensive, and withal successful experience that we can point to. When you buy our cable you buy an article that has proven itself worthy of public confidence, and from a company that has a reputation at stake, whichit would not impair by careless or imperfect workmanship, and that is financially responsible and able tocarry out any obligations that it takes upon itself. 75 We have successfully met all conditions and difficulties, and have devised and perfected many desirable devices and accesso- Ties comprising a complete system, of all of which our custom- ers get the benefit. The most important features of an underground cable are: FIRST—Its Insulation. SECOND—The Protective Covering to guard that insulation against deterioration, from either chemical, mechanical or atmospheric actions. INSULATION. By far the most important feature in an underground cable is the insulation, and it was to this that attention was first turned, with the result of securing a compound known as ‘‘ Ozite”’ or “Waring Insulation,” having a specific inductive capacity more closely approximating that of air than any other insulating mate- tial known, together with the highest possible insulating quali- ties. This compound is an inorganic substance, and there is therefore no need to fear deterioration from time and use. This is abundantly proven by the Waring Cables that have been longest in usé—some about thirteen years. Another prime quality is that it can be safely subjected to high temperatures, thus making its use possible adjacent to steam-heating pipes, whether under the streets of a city or inside of buildings, a feature that is not pos- sessed by either paraffine, rubber, gutta percha or rubber com- pounds. “Ozite’’ or ‘‘Waring Compound”’ is covered by patents owned exclusively, and can be used only, by the Standard Under- ground Cable Company; it is a hydro-carbon compound. By the use of ‘‘Ozite’’ the insulation of our cables is made uniform in quality throughout their entire length, the measured resistance ranging from 2,000 to 5,000 megohms at 60 degrees F. depending inversely upon the size of the conductor and directly upon the thickness of the insulating covering. The low specific inductive capacity of ‘“‘Ozite” isan extremely important and advantageous feature; the lower the capacity of a telephone cable, for instance, the more distinctly will the tones of the voice be transmitted, or the greater the distance over which it is possible to carry on conversation; the lower the capacity in a telegraph cable, the more rapidly and certainly can signals be transmitted, or the greater the distance such signals can be transmitted without relaying or repeating; the lower the capacity in an Electric Light Cable (without air spaces) the less the danger of a disruptive dis- charge from conductor to earth through the insulating covering. The relative specific inductive capacity of various substances is shown on page 168. The heat resisting point of ‘‘Ozite’’ is extremely high, very much above the point at which gutta percha, rubber compounds, paraffine, and most other insulating materials, except glass, would be rendered absolutely valueless; this is an important point, and one that should not be overlooked by any one purchas- ing cables to be laid in the streets of a city adjacent to steam- heating pipes, or where, at any time in the future, such pipes may be laid in close proximity to the underground cables. Assistant General Manager A. S. Brown, of the Western Union Telegraph Company, Says: “We required a cable that, while filling our requirements as to insulation and conductivity for our high tension currents, would also withstand the heat from the steam heating pipes. AFTER MANY TESTS WE DECIDED TO USE THE WARING CABLES.” _snd since then, and recently, he has said: ‘*At last we have been able to get a cable (namely, the Waring Cable) to work in these ducts.” Our regular ‘‘Ozite”’ will not run at 200 degrees or about the boiling point of water, Where cables are to be laid in close proximity to stear1 heating pipes, we vary the constituent parts of ‘‘Ozite’’ so that it will not soften short of 175 degrees and will not become liquified short of 250 degrees. This cannot be done with any other known insulating compound at the present day. . Even when heated to the maximum, the conductor cannot decen- tralize, as the compound is only used to saturate and hermetically seal the dense fibrous coverings placed upon the conductor. Insulated wires and cables are divided into two broad classes with respect to the materials used for covering the wires: namely:—Fiber insulation, in which yarn or paper tapes are S ebeey: and Solid, in which rubber or gutta percha compounds are us i 6 FIBER INSULATION. In the process of making the Waring cables of this class, the wires are thoroughly covered to the desired thickness, with yarn or a special paper, the desired number of conductors is as- sembled into a single compact core (see page 81), all moisture is expelled from the fibrous covering, and, except in the case of dry core cables for telephone use, the fiber is thoroughly filled with ‘‘Ozite.”’ Cables so made are not of themselves water- proof, but the addition of the lead cover makesthemso, The ends, of course, must be protected against moisture, but that is accomplished in so easy and rational a manner, as explained under ‘‘Terminals’’ on page 89, and the terminals are so desir- able, convenient and inexpensive an addition to any class of cables, that this constitutes no drawback whatever. For many purposes, the insulations, which are in themselves waterproof, namely, rubber compounds, or gutta percha, are entirely una- vailable or objectionable on account of their high electrostatic capacity, as, for instance, for general telephone use, or for du- plex or quadruplex telegraphy, and for A. C. lighting. _More- over, lead covered underground cables whose insulation is rela- tively an absorptive one, have a practical advantage over those otherwise insulated, in that, when a serious injury occurs to the lead cover, the insulation decreases only gvadually, and the -eable does not become entzrely disabled and unavailable for ser- vice for three to six weeks after the injury occurs, thus giving notice that an injury has occurred, and ample time to repair it before the cable is wholly unfit for service. In one case a street railway cable remained in service over a year after the injury occurred, and inanother casea telegraph cable used under water had a hole gouged through the lead cover by an ice gorge, and yet two or three weeks after the accident only a few of the wires had failed or showed low insulation, and the damage was re- paired by cutting out only six inches of cable and resplicing it. In the case of rubber or gutta percha insulation, the destruction of the lead cover is followed by the rapid deterioration of the in- sulating covers by earth gases, etc., but the insulation tests will not indicate this until the rubber is destroyed through to the wire, whereupon it will burn out or become grounded suddenly, and without any warning or opportunity to repair the injury. Practical men will appreciate that this means loss of service just when it is most needed, with consequent complaints and claims for rebates on bills. The fibrous insulation resists compression far better than rubber. In bending rubber insulated cables around manholes, the rubber is both stretched and compressed and so made thinner than normal; hence experienced engineers require such cables to stand a test pressure 25 to 50 per cent. in excess of that required for fiber insulated cables. Our fiber insulated cables have given continuous satisfactory service since 1882, and can be relied upon in every respect. RUBBER INSULATION. The superiority of our rubber compound has been fully pointed out on pages 56—658, and special care is used in the manu- facture of our rubber covered cables. Any desired number of rubber covered wires, prepared as there explained, is assembled into a single compact core or bunch (see page 57) and if intended for overhead or house use, the bunch is thoroughly taped over with one or more layers of strong, closely woven compounded tape. For use underground, such cables should be protected against atmospheric action or acids, by a lead cover, and the ends by terminals as explained on pages 88 to 91. Before lead covered cables were made in this country and elsewhere, rubber or gutta percha insulated and thoroughly taped and compounded cables, without lead covers, were used for underground service, but after many years of futile and costly experiment, there is scarcely a single cable of this kind in suc- cessful operation at,the present day, except submarine armored cables; but lead covered cables rapidly replaced the non-leaded type, and it is now the practically unanimous judgment of ex- perienced practical men that no cables should be laid under- ground without a lead cover. If kept constantly immersed in water, and not exposed to acids, gases, street drippings, etc., and not subject to extreme changes in temperature, or to high temperatures, and alternating wet and dry conditions, no better insulator can be found thanrubber or gutta percha, but it is im- possible to attain these conditions of safety in underground work; hence, it is a waste of money and temper to attempt such an antiquated method of construction as laying non-leaded 77 wables. ‘True, the lead covers of cables, (like all metais laid underground), are subject to electrolysis where the proper con- alitions exist for such action, but in many cases dangerous condi- ttions do not exist, and wherever they do, it isa sim»le matter to wrotect the cables against electrolysis, as is pointed out more fully on page 107,and has been demonstrated during the last three years on nearly a million dollars worth of lead covered feeder laid by us for one company in the City of Philadelphia and elsewhere. Ourrubber insulated cables present all the good ae that can be desired or secured in rubber covered wires or cables. LEAD COVER AND SPECIAL PROTEC- TIVE COATING. We do not claim that ‘‘ Ozite”’ is in itself absolutely water- proof, but the lead cover—now to be described—serves as protec- tion against moisture as well as against some otherwise insupera- — ble enemies of underground cables. A practical man* thus expresses it: ‘‘Whether the dielectric itself, in an underground cable,is impervious to water wor not, is of less importance than it would appear to be at first sight. Even if it were, it could not be relied upon to permanently exclude moisture. The most minute hole in its texture, and a great many other causes, if it were not protected from other objects, would soon make a way for the insidious enemy, and infallibly lead to burn outs. In every case it-should be encased in lead pipe, which in itself would be water-tight, and at the same time would afford the necessary pros tection from abrasion and other mechanical injeries.”’ Electrician Maver (see foot note page 72,) says: ‘The cables used in the electric light service in the New York subways are, as I have elsewhere stated, without exception lead covered. * * * * ‘‘In addition to being a protection against the attack of acids and gases, the lead covering is considered a safeguard against accidents to men working in the manholes among live wires. For in the first place, if a defect should occur in the insulation in the manhole, the presence of a ground furnished by the lead cover- ing would make the defect known at the regular test, which, if the defect were of 2 serious nature, would insure its being located and eliminated. Whereas, if the conductor were not lead covered there is a probability thata defect in the insulation might occur that would not be indicated by the test, but which might expose the conductor and render it possible for workmen in the manholes to make contact therewith. It would be quite possible for a workman to handle the lead coverin of even a defective conductor without injury, since the lead covering is grounde throughout the length of the subway. _ _ “It will hardly be credited by some people, but it is a fact that live electric light wires conveying alternating and continuous currents for arc and incandescent lights are handled and moved about in the manholes by means of the lead cover- _ ing, without the slightest indication that such wires are live. Indeed, it is quite a common occurence to start up such circuits immediately after a rubber joint has been made in order to save time and then to have the plumber adjust and wipe the sleeve on the lead cover while the circuit is in full operation. “‘Another fact is this, that in the subways no shocks whatever due to induced currents in the lead covering, are felt by the workmen in handling the lead covered cables conveying the alternating current. It is quite conceivable that such shocks might be noticed, as I believe they are where the cables are suspended from point to point andinsulated. In that case any one handling the lead covering of the conductors would doubtless receive the accumulated induced charge.”’ The cores or wires, either fiber, dry or saturated with insula- ting compound, or rubber covered with additional tape or braid, are then covered by a continuous lead sheath in a compact homo- geneous mass, applied under great hydraulic pressure. Every part of the cable is filled with insulating compound; there are no open spaces between the core and the lead cover for condensation of moisture, as in cables cf some other makes. In the case of dry core cables, the cores are thoroughly freed from moisture by a special process, and the lead cover is applied as just explained, but no insulating compound is used, except for filling the two ends of each length of cable for a distance of two or three feet. The lead cover serves to protect the fiber insulated wire against moisture and to protect the rubber covered wires against the chemical action of gases, acids, street drippings, oily sub- stances, etc. As tar back as the year 1846, f lead cables where provided with an exterior fibrous jacket or covering, saturated with coal tar or pitch, to protect them agaiust mechanical injury and chemical actions. David R. Walker, chief of the Electrical Bureau of Philadelphia, was the first to adopt this protective covering in a practical way in the United States. Whenever cables are to be laid where there is danger of chemical actions on the lead cover, they should receive at least a coating of our anti-corrosive compound, and if there is con- siderable danger, they should be protected by a fibrous braid * (C. H. Wilmerding, General Manager Chicago Arc Light and Power Co. —Electrical Industries, January, 1890.) : Fe 4 t Report of the Hon. Chas. W. Raymond, Engineer Commissioner of the Dis trict of Columbia, Senate Mis. Doc. No. 15, soth Congress, Secorid Session, 78 ot tape saturated with the same compound. This fibrous cover also affords excellent protection against mechanical injury where the cables are drawn into conduits, or are otherwise subject to rough handling, although not absolutely essential. For the simple coating of compound an extra charge of one to four cents per foot of cable is made, while for the saturated fibrous covering, the extra charge is two to six cents per foot, according to the size of the cable. ; d Any orders that are received for Waring Cables will be entered as plain lead covered cables, without either paint or saturated fibrous covering, unless specifically stated. In telegraphing orders for cable that is to have the protective coating, use the proper code word on pages 40 and 54b. _ Most of the cables sold by this company to Electric Light and Telephone companies in New York City, and to the Electrical Bureau of Philadelphia, have this saturated fiber over the lead, and it serves its purpose completely; cables that were merely coated or painted and placed in crecsoted conduits in Philadelphia nearly four years ago, show no trace of chemical actions or de- terioration of any kind, while alead encased cable whose sheath- ing was alloyed with a percentage of tin was laid in the same way, and was found to be covered with a white coating to a con- siderable depth after being in the duct but three months. A careful examination of the braids cr tapes on our cables will show thorough saturation and adhesion to the lead cover, and in- stead ofthe compound being dry, granulated and powdery, soasto rub offand smut the fingers (as is the case in many cables), our com- pound will be found to be almost as hard as iron, tough, and homo- geneous throughout. Itisthe difference between perfect materials and careful and intelligent workmanship, with the prime object of producing a strictly first-class article irrespective of cost, and the opposite. TIN IN THE LEAD COVER. Sometimes we are asked to furnish cables having a per- centage of tin in the lead cover, and while ready to do so if in- sisted upon, yetitisa futileattempt to prevent chemical actions, and needlessly increases the cost of the cable. F Lead pipe containing any percentage of tin from 1 to 10, was made as early as 1867. Numerouscareful chemical analyses con- firm the statement of experienced manufacturers of lead pipe, that it is not commercially possible (as it might be in a labora- tory retort) to produce an absolutely uniform alloy of lead and tin, and this is now recognized by prominent telephone compa- nies, whose specifications allow a variation of 1% in 3, fixing the minimum at 2% and the maximum at 3%¢. The mixture of 8% of tin, does not afford the protection sought, and it is a de- cided disadvantage in that it makes the lead covering brittle, and, therefore, liable to develop cracks. As the result of careful study of this subject we commend our patented (Jan. 1, ’89) coating of TIN ON THE LEAD COVER. After the lead cover is applied to the wires, a suitable flux is first applied to its surface, in order that the molten tin, through which it is then drawn, may adhere firmly to the lead cover of the cable. Special machinery was designed and built by us to carry out this process with the greatest certainty and perfection. It needs no argument to convince the intelligent reader that this way of using the tin is sensible and practical, and ‘‘puts the right thing in the right place.”’ Many of our customers have adopted this coating instead of the lead and tin alloy, and with uniforinly satisfactory results. In some cases, the saturated braid, above mentioned, is applied in addition to the tin coating or tin in the lead, but in New York City the tin coating has superseded the saturated braid entirely. Tin is much less oxidizable than lead or iron, hence such a coating appiied to the lead cover, presents a uniform surface better adapted to resist oxidizing agents. It is also harder than lead, hence will better resist abrasion. It is both harder and smoother than lead, and is, therefore, more easily dtawn into and out of conduits, which is especially important when the conduits contain more than one cable. An extra charge is made for the tin alloy or the tin coating, and neither will be furnished unless specified in the order. CLASSIFICATION. The Cables manufactured by the Standard Underground Cable Company may be classed under the following heads, indi- cating their form or general construction, and the purpose for which they are used, viz: Anti-Induction Cables, for Telegraph, Telephone and General Electrical Uses. Bunched Cables, for Telegraph, Telephone and General Electrical Uses. Electric Light and Power Cables, for Arc and Incandescent Lighting, and for Power. Submarine Cables, for any of the purposes above enumerated. A classification based on the locations in which the cables may be used would comprise, House Cables, Aerial Cabies, Underground Cables, and Submarine Cables. These cables will now be described in detail. The WARING ANTI-INDUCTION CABLES. (See Price List on page 29.) These are made up in various forms (see page 28 for some of them), and may contain any required number of conductors within the limits indicated in the Price List. Whatever the form of cable or number of conductors, the principle of construction is the same. The conductors are covered with fiber to the desired thickness, all moisture is expelled and the fiber is thoroughly filled with “ Ozite;” the conductors are then enclosed in a con- tinuous sheath of lead pressed closely around and between them, so that each conductor is separated from every other conductor by a metallic sheath, as shown in the illustrations. This form of construction serves to shield each conductor against induced currents from adjacent parallel conductors, thus obviating the annoying effects of induction or “cross-talk,’’ on telephone circuits, which will be appreciated by all users of the telephone. It will be observed that one of the corrugations of each cable shown in figures 9 to 12, page 28, differs in cross-section from the others, being provided with a sharp edge or corner. This serves to designate the position of one particular conductor throughout the entire length of the cable, so that it is a simple matter to select any conductor in the cable, and extend it into a branch office, or signal or alarm box, or to a subscriber, or for making a splice, without disturbing the others. ‘This class of cables, with itsspecial marking feature, (covered by patents owned by this Company,) is especially valuable to Fire and Police Telegraph Departments, who are required to have a number of signal or alarm boxes, or Patrol Stations, on each cir- cuit, and the facility of selecting the desired conductor to ‘‘loop out” at any point without in the least opening or interfering with any of the other operating circuits in the cable, is not the least important feature in these cables. The price list is for “Standard’’ insulation, by which is meant insulation of such thickness as to give the following diameters, including conduc- tor and insulating covering, viz: No. 10—220 mils; No.12—185 mils; - No. 14—156 mils; No. 16—180 mils; No. 18—120 mils; No. 20—105- mils; No. 22—100 mils. Prices will be quoted on application, for any desired thickness of insulation. Among the prominent users of the Waring Anti-Induction Cables for Telegraph, Telephone, Fire Alarm and Police Tele- graph purposes are the National and District Governments, of Washington, D. C.; the National Government at its Torpedo Station, at Newport, R. I.; the Fire and Police Telegraph Depart: ments of New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, Pittsburgh, and elsewhere, and Telegraph Companies in New York, Washington City, Pittsburgh, etc.; the Union Switch and Signal Company in block signal systems, and many Iron and Coal mines through- out the country. An important and now commonly used form of anti-induc- tion cable is the ‘‘ Twisted Pairs Cable’’ described on the next page. It, too, prevents ‘‘ Cross-Talk’’ and is less expensive and bulky for the same number of conductors and is therefore pre- ferred when duct space is limited orcostly. It does not, however, afford the same facility of selecting and looping out wire without interfering with others in the same cable, that is afforded by our special forms of page 28 80 THE WARING BUNCHED CABLES. FOR UNDERGROUND, AERIAL, OR HOUSE USE, are illustrated and listed on pages 30 and 81. They are composed of any desired number of conductors up to a maximum of say 200, each of which has been separately covered with yarn, or specially prepared paper tape to the desired thickness, and then assembled into a core or bunch held in shape by a close covering of yarn or paper, and the whole enclosed in a continuous lead cover, as explained on page 78. In all but dry core cables the cores are thoroughly saturated, and the lead sheath filled with our celebrated “‘ Ozite’? compound. When paper of the proper quality is used, a stated thickness gives a lower electrostatic capacity than yarn, and of either class the unsaturated dry core gives a lower capacity than the saturated, hence the tendency in telephone cables has been to employ paper as the insulating medium, and to leave it unsaturated when for underground use where the cable is but little liable to interference or injury, while for more exposed service, such as aerial cables, and even some- times for the distributing cables from underground main cables to the terminal, they are more generally saturated ; where long distance service is the controlling factor, or where the same cables are to be subsequently used underground, the overhead cables are also made dry core. ‘lhe advantages in favor of sat- urated core are that if the lead is injured, only a small portion of the cable (sometimes only a few inches) will be lost, and the injury may be discovered and repaired while only a few of the circuits are disabled, whereas a dry core cable, under the same circumstances, would absorb moisture, and consequently need teplacing, throughout a whole section between joints, and the circuit would be lost more suddenly, and most likely every circuit in the cable would be lost before the repairs could be effected. These are serious drawbacks, and hence for overhead use, where cables are much more liable to injury than underground, satur- ated cables are generally preferred at the sacrifice of the lower capacity. Forcapacity of overhead wires, see page 174. The locating of faults, (See pages 140 and 142) on yarn or paper insulated cables, is greatly facilitated by our Fisher pat- ented method of including in the center of the bunched cables, or in the outer layer of Strands of Electric Light Cables, for the “TLoop’’ method of locating faults, one or more smal! rubber insulated test wires. These will not be furnished unless specifi- cally ordered. In Bunched Cables of the ordinary form—sometimes spoken of as ‘‘straight wires,” or ‘‘straightaway” cable, to distinguish them from twisted pairs cable—the insulated conductors are laid up compactly and with the greatest regularity, in series or layers, the number of conductors in each layer increasing, of course, from the centre outward. The advantage of this is, that if a given connection is desired, whether for loop, branch, terminal, or splice to the next section, it can be made with a minimum number of test-calls, and much time and labor thereby saved; this advantage is still further enhanced by varying the outer fibrous covering of one of the conductors of each layer (for instance, a braid instead of a wrapping) to serve as a marker or starting point, from which to count to the right or left to the particular conductor which it is desired to reach. A form of construction which has come into general use for telephone circuits, is that known as “twisted pairs,’’ the con- ductors of a bunched cable being first twisted upon each other in twos, all these pairs bunched together as in “‘straightaway’’ cables, and the resulting bunch or core provided with a lead cover. Kach twisted pair constitutes a ‘‘metallic circuit’? from the exchange switch-board to the subscriber’s telephone, and as each leg of the circuit is subject to the same influences from the adjacent conductors—occupying exactly the same position rela- tive thereto—a complete neutralization or balancing of inductive interferences is secured. If the twist isshort, say one in three or four inches, there is absolutely no cross-talk whatever. As metallic circuits for each subscriber will doubtless be re- quired in the near future, we recommend the purchase of twisted pairs telephone cables, even though they are to be used on the earth return or common return plan. For if driven to metallic circuit service, these cables are available for it, and in the meantime are equally available for the other plans; whereas, straightaway cables could not be used satisfactorily for metallic circuit ser- 81 vice. Furthermore, if the cable is for a common return tele- phone system, we recommend the system patented by us, namely: to have twisted pairs cables and use some of the pairs (whether of a size uniform with or larger than the regular circuit pairs) as common returns, and then when metallic circuits are adopted the returns are equally as available as the other pairs in the cable, to supply a subscriber, and if the return pairs have been made larger than the regular pairs, they can be assigned to the subscribers farthest from the exchange. Telephone cable specifications vary to some extent, but the most usual are as follows: Conference underground cable, No. 19 B. & §S. G.; copper conductor 98% pure. Insulated with two paper tapes; conductors twisted in pairs, the length of twist not to exceed three inches, and formed into a core arranged in reversed layers. Average electrostatic capacity (dry core) .08 microfarads per mile, highest -085. Insulation 100 meghoms per mile. Lead cover, 25 to 100 pairs, 4%” thick, pure lead or with 3% of tin. The core (except two feet at each end) is generally left dry in underground cables but saturated for overhead and branch cables. Some call for only one wrap of paper and for No. 18 conductor, and for over- head cables No. 20 and No. 22 are often used, as alsoa saturated braid over the lead, and the lead sometimes only ¥; inch thick. The capacity requirements vary up to .10 microfarads for dry core, aud to .18 for saturated cores. For underground use in very large cittes, we advise the regular conference cable, but elsewhere we recommend our NEW STANDARD TELEPHONE CABLE. No. 19 dry for underground, and No. 20 saturated or dry for overhead, copper 98% pure, two wraps of paper, conductors twisted in pairs and laid up like conference cable, a paper cover over core; pure lead cover ~; inch thick on 10 pairs to #5 inch on 100 pairs and a closely woven saturated braid over the lead for aerial cables, but slightly thicker lead without the braid for undergroundcables. Capacity average .095 dry and .15 saturated. Insulation 100 meghoms per mile. All tests at 60° Fahrenheit. When underground cables are to be laid under circumstances where there is danger of chemical actions, they should havea saturated braid over the lead, or at least a thorough coating of anti-corrosive compound. Our price list of Bunched Cables applies to ‘‘Straightaway’! Cables, that is, wires laid up in the ordinary way, not twisted in pairs, and has reference to ‘‘ Standard’’ insulation, by which is meant such a thickness as will give the following diameters for each conductor of the sizes named, including the conductor itself and the insulation around it, namely: No. 10—180 mils; No. 12—160 mils; No. 14—136 mils; No. 16—120 mils ; No. 18—105 mils; No. 20—90 mils ; No. 22-—85 mils. If thicker insulations are required, it must beso stated in the order, and in case of telegraphing, use code word “ oarweed,”’ followed by the proper syllables selected from ‘‘ Numeral Tele- graph Code,” page 47. Bunched Cables, whether twisted pairs or straight wires, will be provided with comparatively light lead sheath if for ‘‘ aerial” or “‘house”’ use, but with heavier sheath if for underground use, and with an extra heavy sheath if for submarine use, the cost varying with the thickness of the lead cover. As in every other branch of our business, we have aimed to attain the highest possible perfection in the manufacture of our Bunched Cables; it is generally conceded that their mechanical construction is unequaled —certainly unexcelled— by anything in the market to-day, and those who have given them careful triai in comparison with similar cables of other manufacture, know that the same is true of their electrical properties. Our Bunched Cables have been in successful use by all the Teiegraph and most of the Telephone Companies throughout the country, underground and overhead, for various periods up to fourteen years, and we invite the most stringent investigation of their merits. HOUSE CABLES. Our Anti-Induction, Single Wire and Bunched Cables, with Light Lead Cover are also used for all classes of house work, where permanent and reliable wiring is desired ; they frequently replace the ordinary braided ‘‘ Office Wire Cables”? in locations where a large number of circuits are to be laid, as for instance, to hotel annunciator, etc.; ene tae and preferably, the con- ductors of these cables are insulated with “Ozite” as in under- ground cables, but where specially desired we will furnish Bunched Cables with paraffine insulation and in the usual Annunciator Wire colors. e The Flat Cables (see Figures 4, 11, 13, 14, 17 and 18) are espec- ially adapted for house use, as they have rather an ornamental appearance when placed on the wainscoting and stained and var- nished, this being a very desirable feature in wiring a house which was not provided with wire-ways or conduits when built. All dealers in electrical supplies should carry a full line of these small cables, say 1, 2, 3 and 5 conductors, for they represent but a small investment of capital and are sure to find ready sale if on hand for immediate delivery. Innumerable houses have been fitted up with them, and a case of deterioration or failure has never been heard of. In connection with the wiring of houses, it is easy for an energetic dealer or contractor to sell a lead covered underground cable for connecting residence with stable, as no man in moderately good circumstances would allow his house and grounds to be disfigured by the presence of over- head wires, when at a comparatively insignificant expense they can be buried out of sight and out of danger of interruption or destruction by the elements. In many cases the mere suggestion will lead to an immediate sale. See Working Directions. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CABLES. (See Price Lists agd Illustrations pages 28 to 27.) In no branch of electrical conduction, by means of under- ground cables, have the conditions been more drastic than in that of electric lighting with high tension currents, fot the reason that the electric current to be conveyed has far greater pressure (and, therefore, much greater tendency to disrupt the insulation and escape from its conductor) than any other current in practical use at this time; great difficulties were encountered, some fail- ures were experienced (due principally to inexperience or utter disregard of ordinary care on the part of those ‘n charge of the laying jointing or operating of the cables), but in each case these only led to a better understanding of the conditions to be pro- vided for and to the invention o1 adoption of the means of over- coming them. Mr C. H. Wilmerding (see foot note, page 78) aptly expresses the situation when he says: “Experiments anda certain number of failures must necessarily go beiore success inanything. Experiments are expensive and failures (except where they are anxiously prayed for) are discouraging, but without them electricity would not be the agent itis to day, and where this subject has been taken up seriously and with intent to overcome every obstacle and to succeed, results justify the statement wooibes field of electrical progress, as well as in the rest, ‘there is no such word a 1 Mr. Maver (see last paragraph page 72) saysin Electric Power for April, 1895: ‘* There were cable manufacturers in this country who stood ready at the time mentioned (1858) to guarantee their cables for use on high potential circuits in the underground subways, For instance the STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE COMPANY * * I might further add thatthe cables then furnished together with hundreds of miles of similar cables since furnished, are still in successful uperation in the New York and other electrical subways.”’ _ a 4 tends entirely around between the flange of the cover and the base plate, in making a thoroughly w ater- -tight structure. The cover is provided with handies, and the base plate rests upon two brackets secured to the sides of the manhole. To guard — against accident to the employees in lifting off the cover of a — ‘live’’ box, the cover is lined with %-inch wood L, which is thoroughly ‘dried out and saturated. with our Ozite insulating compound. The iron parts are painted to prevent rusting. The illustration shows a square box (either two, three or four way) but it can be extended in rectangular form to take in any reasonable number of cables. .The base plate is provided with downwardly projecting nipples to receive the cables EH, anda water-tight connection is made by first tinning both the cables and the inside of the nipple, and then pouring in solder at the enlarged inner end, O, of the nipple. A, is the straight maing connector, B the curved branch connector, C the cable conductor, ~ | D the insulation, Rathumb nut, Sa set nut, T a binding post, — P the hard rubber terminal with cap, and I the filling of com-_ pound. These details are shown more clearly in fig. 48. Five® | hundred to six hundred of these junction boxes are in successful use by one street railway company alone. . The advantages of this box are that it is roomy, that whelll the cover H is lifted off, all the connections extend above the flat base plate, and are, therefore readily accessible, and that it can | “be made any desired length permitted by the size of the man- hole, to take in a large number of cables. Prices of these boxes to take in more than four cables will be quoted on application. In ordering state the numberof cables, and the diameter of both the conductor and the cable, and whether main or branch con- nectors are desired, so that the proper fittings may be included in the shipment. The Conner Junction Box. (Patent applied for.) Illustrated in fig. 83, is the most simple and compact device yet produced. It is, in fact, a combined joint and junction box, being but little larger than a regular sleeve joint, yet affording easy access to the separable connectors inside of the lead sleeves. It is sup- | ported by pipe hangers against the side of the manhole in the position shown in fig. 49 J’, and encroaches but little more than the cables themselves, upon the manhole space. The two-way box (whether for single or duplex cable) would have only the right and left arms, a three-way box, these and the lower arm, and a four-way box all the arms or ways shown in the illustrations. If the box has more ways than are at first needed, the extra ways can be securely soldered up, and then opened to receive additional cables when necessary. In fig. 33, Ais the main connector, B the branch connector, C the a" conductor, D the insulation, and E the lead Fig. 49 J’. cable sheath; F is a regular wiped joint, such as would be used in making the regular solid Sleeve cable joint. A brass top is soldered to the lead case, and upon this is placed a rubber gasket having holes, to correspond with the hcles in the brass top, to receive the bolts N which pass through the brass cover H. The cover being comparatively small, it is pressed uniformly upon the gasket with great force, and with- out any danger of springing. W isa wrench used to release or _ set the connector screws allof which are madealike. ‘The figure — also shows the details of the conductor connections within the box—for single wire branch box at the upper left hand corner, and for a duplex branch box in the right hand upper corner Also, in each case, the post or head J soldered to the cable conductor. The connections are car efully taped, or a pure gum sheet is tucked in between them to prevent all danger of short circuits. The box and cover are ca’efully lined with heavy rubber facel tape to prevent accidental “ grounding.” JUNCTION BOXES FOR THLEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CABLES. While strongly advising against the use of many junction — boxes for such cables, because of their great bulk where many — wires are to be made properly accessible (as in fig. 49M) and also because of the much more safe, convenient and adequate plan ~ 96 aimed stipes hie ge ae described on page 88, we illustrate a few styles used by various ompanies. a Our Telephone and Telegraph Junction Box, (U. S. Patent 284,189) for small cables, shown in fig. 49 K is substantially the box of which we have furnished many hundreds to one company alone. a@ is the box or case, az is the cover which is secured to the box upona gasket by bolts e, which take into the tapped poles e7. The box may also be provided with a rim like F1iG.4.9, K. that shown in fig. 84, and for the purpose described under that figure. 5 isa hard rubber plate in which are mounted binding posts c, to which the cable conductors are connected; these posts are interconnected in any desired manner by short jumper wires. dare the nipples to which the lead cover of the cables is solidly attached by a plumbers wiped joint. /7 isa plug closing a hole through which the compound is poured to fill the box up to the rubber plate when the box is set on a bracket; but if fastened to the manhole wall inthe position shown by the figure, the compound is poured in by removing the screw-plug /. Figure 49 L, shows a simple rectangular Ma box used to a considerable extent by the 4 (0) Hlectrical Bureau of Philadelphia, but the conductors are simply spliced straight through as in an ordinary joint, without A briuging them to binding posts. FIG.AOL. Figure 49M is a 100 wire junction box used to some extent by the Chicago Tele- graph Company, and others. It is the joint production of S. B. Fowler, Cable Superintendent of the Chicago Telephone Com- pany, and W. H. Johnston, Cable Superintendent of the Bell Telephone Company of Missouri. These boxes are placed at the underground distributing points, which are usually more than one onacable. Thecable issecured by wiped joint a to nipple 6, after the lead has been removed from the conductors c-cz; to the proper dis- ) K pan ce, The ! conductors ¢ to be distributed from the box, are passed be- hind the hard f tubber dia- phragm ad, and soldered to the pins or posts e, which extend through the itard= rubber. The pin for con- ductor No. 1 en- tering the box, and that for No.1 going out, are side by side thus shortening the jumpers of through going wires to about ANY Seed inch BE : andavoiding all crossing or con- Fig. 49 M fusion of wires on the face of the diaphragm, and affording easy access to any pin. It is seldom that all the wires are required at any one dis- tributing point, and, therefore, the conductors cz, (about half of BS cable) may be spliced straight through the bottom of the Ox. The local distributing cables are usually small lead covered cables, /, each containing a twisted pair of rubber covered wires. These cables are brought into the box through a brass cup, which has the desired number of holes just the size of the small cables. This cup is screwed into the box bythe regulation 97 lock nut fitting, the small cables are passed through the holes, and all are soldered or wiped to the cup, to make a water-tight connection. On the inside of the box, the lead covers, K, are stripped off to within an inch of the cup and the conductors themselves are spread neatly over the face of the diaphragm to their proper pins, EK, as shown in the illustration, the upright rack-pins, G, serving to separate the distributing wires of the several rows from each other. The small cables arerun through the numbered holes in the distributing board outside of the box, so that any desired cable can be readily picked out without opening the junction box whenever a given circuit is to be ex-_ tendedtoacustomer, The full quota of small distributing cables is introduced when the box is first connected up, even though they are not all to be used immediately. ‘The box is provided with two covers, one at the front and one at the back, and they are made water-tight by screwing them firmly to the box over rubber or lead gasket, M. The covers being so large and heavy, should, of course, be removed as seldom as possible. Figure 49 N represents a box invented by Mr. Oscar Kleinsteuber, Superintendent of Telegraph, Milwaukee Fire Department. The main cable is brought into the box through the large nipple shown at back of the box, and the cable wires soldered to brass strips which project on both sides of a hard rubber diaphragm, the distributing wires are soldered to the strips in front of the diaphragm, and pass out of the box through the ‘‘goose necks’’ shown, which are filled with insulating compound to pre- vent entrance of moisture. The rubber diaphragm is hinged at the bottom and swings down and out, thus permitting access to the cable wires. Fis. 49N Figure 49 O shows the manner in which 1S : our Fowler junction boxes are used at the ~ station ends of underground cables, and is from a photograph of a large system installed by us in Philadelphia. By their use the cables can readily be disconnected from the switchboard, without disturbing any permanent connections. ————— = \y z Fig. 490. The base plate of the boxes (see page 96) is supported ona rack made of strong timber. The underground cables are brought up from the conduits, and each cable, distinguished by an individual number, is connected to one branch of a two-way box (see fig. 84). The switchboard cable, connected to the other ~ 98 branch, leads up to the switchboard on the floor above, being supported on standards fastened to the walls. In the middle of the rack are seen two of our telephone boxes (page 97) by means of which telephone connection can be readily secured with any desired point on the system for test purposes. UNDERGROUND CONDUITS. (See Price List page 36.) The disastrous storms of the past few years and the havoc among overhead wires caused thereby, has greatly increased the demand for underground cable construction, both as adding to the safety and convenience of the people, and to the sightliness of the streets. Until very recently it has been felt that only the largest cities could afford to place the wires underground, but careful consider- ation and investigation have proved that the advantage gained from the decidedly decreased cost of maintenance of under- ground lines as compared with overhead wires, not to mention the increased safety of the streets, justifies the expenditure of large amounts of money for underground systems, as a good financial investment, and indeed that where a very large number of wires is to be provided for, the first cost is less underground than overhead. (See page 180.) The smaller cities and towns are now consequently calling for underground construction at least within the more closely built up business portions of the municipality. A system of underground distribution in order to give com- plete satisfaction, should be so flexible as to meet all demands made upon it with the minimum of delay and expense. ‘The early experiments in subway construction contemplated only the placing of the wires out of sight, and took no thought for renewals, changes or additions, which are required in any system. The wires were therefore placed in rough wooden boxes 18 inches to two feet below the surface of the ground and usually entirely surrounded by some insulating material, such as pitch. This made a very cheap system, but one that was incapable of changes or additions, without great expense. It was soon proved that such a system could not give permanent satisfaction for purposes of general distribution, and it is only used to-day under special circumstances, and has been succeeded by conduits which permit of drawing wires or cables in and out at will. The conditions existing in any locality, must necessarily govern the selection of the conduit to be used there, and it is safe to say that no one system is most suitable for all conditions and locations. It is now well recognized that it is practically impossible to maintain any underground conduit dry or gas tight, hence it is not depended upon for insulation but only for mechanical protection. There are however, conduits, and con- duits, and good, bad, and indifferent ways of installing them. We shall try to indicate the best conduits and methods. Lap welded wrought iron pipe, laid in cement, would seem from a superficial view to meet all the requirements of a flexible and adaptable subway system, but the following objections to its use in addition to the objection of very high cost, are worthy of careful consideration. First.—One of the most serious, electrically, is the increased self induction of the circuit and the consequent loss of electrical energy when alternating currents are used. The great increase in the use of polyphase apparatus makes this a very serious defect. (See Self Induction, page 85.) Second.—One of the most serious, mechanically, 1s corrosion and formation of scale which in time blocks the duct and pre- vents the withdrawal of the cables, or placing of new cables ina duct without reaming it out where the duct has not been used for some time. Third.—The joints between sections of pipe almost invaria- -bly present sharp edges, which are liable to injure and even ruin the cable as it is being drawn in. Fourth.—Iron pipes are usually coated both inside and out, or else the joints are made more secure, with tar or pitch; in warm weather, or at any time when laid adjacent to steam heat- ing pipes, this tar or compound softens and gathers in the bottom of the pipe and around the cable, so that when it is attempted to withdraw the cables from these pipes, as may some time become necessary, it is impossible to do so without greatly injuring or totally destroying them. 99 Fifth.—Where a section of the iron pipe ends in a manhole or junction box, the sharp edge of the pipe gradually cuts through the outside cover, to the great injury of the cable. Conduits constructed wholly of compounds of tar or pitch and sand, etc., are open to the objection noted above against iron pipe, except that the dangers are greatly increased ; such conduits are also objectionable because of the difficulty of pre- serving the alignment between the various sections. The chief use now made of iron pipe, is for the branch con. duits to and up poles and buildings and this is the only purpose for which they are peculiarly well adapted. The conduits illus- trated on page 80, which we shall now describe in order, have been chosen out of the many conduits now in the market as | possessing the qualities of permanence and moderate cost, and avoiding all of the objections above mentioned. We are pre- © pared to furnish any of these in any quantity, and we are peculiarly well able, from long experience in underground ~ installation, to advise impartially and intelligently as‘’to the most advantageous conduit to use, under the conditions with which a purchaser may be confronted Three inches internal diameter is the size commonly used, but whatever size is chosen, it should represent a margin of at least % an inch over the ~ diameter of the cable, and 3 to 1 inch is preferable. CEMENT LINED IRON PIPH#H. This conduit (see figs. 29 and 80), consists ofa wrought iron or steel shell, No. 26 B. W. Gauge securely fastened by rivets 1% inches apart, and lined with 3% iuch best Rosendale Cement. By a special process the interior surface of the cement is highly polished, thus removing all roughness, which in the conduit of this character heretofore placed on the market, has been the source of considerable trouble by scratching the lead cover of — the wires and rendering it difficult to draw in heavy cables. It is made in lengths of eight feet and with interior diam- eters of 2 inches, 2% inches and 38 inches; the latter being the standard size. Each length is provided with cast-iron ball and ~ socket ends which give certainty of alignment and perfect joint. The joint as completed is clearly shown in fig. 30, surrounded by a mold of neat cement mortar, which sets very quickly, and secures the pipes in place until the matrix of concrete is put in place. Across section of a conduit, consisting of twelve of these ducts surrounded by concrete matrix, is clearly shown in fig. 29, For detailed method of laying these ducts see page 112. HOLLOW BRICK TILE CONDUIT. The hollow brick tile conduit, fig. 81, commonly called ‘‘Terra Cotta”’ or ‘‘ Vitrified Brick,’ is made from the best clay thoroughly mixed, molded into shape and carefully burned with a salt — glaze. This treatment renders the clay impervious to moisture and presents a very smooth surface which admits of drawing in the largest cables with great ease. The ducts are made in lengths of 18 inches and with an internal diameter of full 2 inches, 2% inches and 8 inches, the latter size being most gener- ally used. The ends are cut square and fit closely together. They should be protected all around by a bed of concrete, to prevent breaking of the joints and of the ducts themselves. Large quantities of this duct, have been laid in Philadelphia, Washington, Norfolk, Buffalo and Cincinnati, and particularly by the telephone companies. For details of installation see page 112. MULTIPLE CONDUITS. ee The tile con- SSS == duit can also be supplied in mul- =] tiplestyle,2to 12 See ; chambers, (see Fig. 49P. fig. 49P) and 6 to 8 feet long, and possessing extraordinary strength. It effects a great economy in freight, handling, cement, width of trench, and paving. WOODEN CONDUITS. Wood conduit, otherwise known as “Pump Log,” has been used in large quantities and for many years in this country. The form of duct is shown in fig. 82. The tubes are eight feet 100 a long, provided with socket joints 3 inches ‘in length as shown. The diameter of bore is 1%, 2,2% and 38 inches and outside di- mensions as given in table on page 86. The ducts are usually creosoted by forcing into the pores of the wood under heavy pressure 15 lbs. of Dead Oil of Coal Tar per cubic foot, as a pre- servative, and so treated will last many years. Some trouble has been experienced from the destructive action on the lead covered cables of some of the creosote used some years ago, but the most careful experiments show that the Dead Oil of Coal Tar, with which ducts are now treated, has no harmful effect on the lead covers, especially if the lead is coated with anti-corrosive compound, or a braid saturated with such compound. Large quantities of this conduit are used in Philadelphia and other eastern cities. For methods and details of installation, see page 112. MANHOLES. (For Illustrations see figures 50 and 62.) In order to facilitate the laying of underground cablesin con- duits, and, indeed, to make them at all available, it is necessary to construct manholes at certain distances apart, depending upon local conditions and upon the size of the cable that is to be drawn in; the distance adopted in New York City is about four hundred feet, and as a general rule they should not be located farther apart; there are, of course, exceptions to every rule, and there may be special instances in which it is advisable to place the manholes seven or eight hundred feet apart, but this should be the maximum for a comparatively small and strong cable, as the difficulties of drawing-in and the dangers of breaking the cable, increase considerably more than proportionately to the length. The following may serve as a general guide: Nocontinuous length of cable weighing more than twenty-five hundred pounds nor any cable lighter than twenty-five hundred pounds and exceeding seven hundred feet in length should be drawn from one manhole to another. Manholes should be roomy, and should be placed at all street in- tersections and sharp turns in the conduit line. They are never made too large but very often a eS too small, and in the =e latter case the danger 14° to the crowded cables which the cable laying and jointing are done, far exceed the trifling reduction in the cost of manholes. They vary ac- cording to the location and ‘service for which theyareintended,but in Fig. 50. general are constructed as follows: eight to twelve inch wall, of best hard burned sewer brick laid in full bed of mortar mixed one part Portland Cement to three parts clean sharp sand, all built on a foundation of eight inches con- crete, entirely covering the bottom of the hole. The walls are corbelled in, to receive a cast-iron frame and cover, or, especially if very large, may be built up straight as in fig. 50, and the cover placed on I-Beamis bricked into the walls. The frame is usually about four feet square with cover 30 inches in diameter Along the longitudinal sides of the hole, wooden strips may be fast- ened and the table supported thereon by the device shown in fig 60, or other suitable means. In some cases the cables are heavily taped in the manholes and thus more thoroughly protected from danger of mechanical injury by careless workmen, than when entirely exposed. Manholes are constructed in various sizes from three feet square up, and from five feet toseven feet deep. The cost is approxi- mately $60.00 to $150,00 according to size. Wherever possible the holes should be connected to the nearest sewer to remove all surface drainage which may enter, and a trap should be used to prevent gas entering from the main sewer. 101 3 | and the difficulty under | | | Many companies psefer double covers (see fig. 50) the lower resting on a rubber gasket and provided with a device for se- curing it firmly on the gasket, to prevent the entrance of surface water. In some cases this is a decided disadvantage, for any arrangement which excludes water will usually retain gas which may leak in, especially in large cities where the gas mains are in bad condition; and this sometimes results in dis- astrous explosions. The best practice is to have a perforated single cover to supply ventilation, and allow the sewer con- nection to take care of surplus water. It isa good plan to lock the covers, so that no unauthorized person can get at the cables without breaking the lock. HAND HOLES OR FLUSH BOXES. (For Illustrations see Figs. 51 and 51 A.) In some branches of underground construction it is neces- the conduit which carry the distributing cables, the top layer of ducts being used for this purpose, (see plan, fig. 51A). These ducts are placed as near the surface as possible and the hand holes are built where necessary. They are provided with a cover as manholes are, and if cast-iron boxes are used, they have the necessary outlets cast on them to receive main and subsidiary pipes. No handhole is adapted for all purposes, but we are pre- pared to submit plans for any system which will best suit the FLUSH BOX MAIM DUCTS Fig. 51 A. demands of the case. A ‘‘Service Box!’ is a type used in New York for lighting distribution and is of cast-iron about 2 feet long, 1% feet wide, and 2 feet deep, provided with double covers the lower of which rests on a rubber gasket and all covered over by the paving. Spigots or outlets are provided at the sides through which cables are carried to adjoining basements, where service connections may be desired, the distributing cables being tapped for that purpose. MISCELLANEOUS TOOLS AND DEVICES. (For Price List see page 88). In laying, splicing and connecting cables certain tools and accessories are necessary or useful, and these we now describe. Tubular Braid. This as its name indicates, is a braid of fibrous material woven in shape of a tube, so that it can be drawn over the splice after two wires have been connected ; it serves to insulate the wire splices from each other or from the metal covering of the cable joint. In ordering state size of con- ductor on which it is to be caer aa page 127, Paper Tubes for Wire Splices. These are tubes of Manilla aper about % inch inside diameter. They aresent in 18 inch engths and can be cut to suit. They are used especially for covering the wire splices in telephone and telegraph cables, in place of cotton tape. State size of wire for which ordered, and the diameter over the insulation of the wire. Insulating Sleeve or Sheet. This consists of a mica sheet for compietely covering the wire splice (whether insulated by tape and filled with compound or not), in cases where the Complete- Joint Mould (Fig. 53, this page) is used. The Mica Sleeve must fit snugly upon the lead cover of the cable, so as to prevent the inflow of solder when the joint is moulded over the tube; there- fore, in ordering tubes be careful to state exactly the outside diameter of the cable on which it is to be used. State also the size and number of conductorsinthe cable. It is well to remem- ber, however, that in electric light cables, containing more than one conductor larger than No.8 B.andS.G., it is advisable to make the regular lead sleeve joint, for which the Sleeve-Joint Mould can be used and in which the insulating tube is not required. Insulation-Cutting Tool. A great deal of time is lost by the ordinary method of cutting off the insulation with a knife, from the ends of wires that are to be con- nected, and in order to obviate this a special tool has been designed which is simple and rapid in operation, and is ad- justable for use on any size wire. In Fig. 52, @ represents the cutting blades, each of which is adjustable with relation to the other by means of the set- screw e; 6 is a cylinder or anvil which is key-seated on the pinione¢; the cylin- der is provided with grooves of various diameters corresponding with the outside diameter of insulated wire of various sizes; the cylinder 4 can be revolved by the pinion c, and is held rigidly in the de- sired position by the set-screw d; the limiting screw / prevents the cutting Fig. 52 blades from touching the cylinder, re- Insulation Cutting peated contact with which would dull Tool. them. These tools as at present on hand are only for removing the insulation from conductors up to No. 10, but the Lead-Cutting Tool described on page 105 will be found to answer admirably for removing it from any larger conductors. Complete-Joint Mould. See Fig. 53. This is a cast steel mould in which a complete joint is made between cable sections, the metal being poured into it in a molten state. a@ a’ are the two halves of the bowl in which the melted solder is moulded around the paper tube and united to the in- truding ends of the cable; they are removable so that corresponding parts may besubstituted to fit a cable of any size; they are held in place by the screws 4 8’; c¢ c! are the handles shown broken off; d isa latch and e Fig. 53. is its engaging bolt, to lock the mould Complete-Joint Mould. before the solder is poured. The two pour holes are indicated near the _ centre of removable part a. In orderiug one of these moulds state the external diameter of the cable, the diameter of the insulated wire or core, and the number and size of the conductors; only one set of removable parts will be furnished with each mould, unless specifically re- quired; an extra charge will be made for additional sets and the customer must give full information as to the cable for which they are desired. The interchange is easily and rapidly effected. It is often difficult to secure expert jointers, or a plumber of sufficient intelligence to make a satisfactory cable joint, and sometimes the work to be done isin a location where no plumber at allcan be found; under these circumstances the Joint Molds here mentioned will be found of great value, as with proper care, 103 any intelligent man can make perfect joints, and in the regular work of construction the use of these molds by expert jointers will greatly increase the number of joints made per day. ; Complete-Joint Molds or Sleeve-Joint Molds will be furnished if desired, for use on Duplex Cables, but in ordering these full information should accompany the order, and whenever possible a short sample of the cable for which the mo.d is wanted. Sleeve-Joint Mould. The geu- eral remarks under ‘*Complete- Joint Mould” apply also to this tool. This device is used—not for making acomplete joint—but for making a solder-wiped joint to connect the lead cover of the cable to the lead sleeve which has been drawn over the insulated wire splice. See page 126 and balance of this page. It is shown in Fig.54. ais the space in which the melted solder forms and unites with the sleeve to BA and cable; 6 is one of the remov- Fig. 54, able parts of the mould to enable Sleeve-Joint Mould. it to be used on a cable of any size within certain limits; it fits : closely upon the cable and lead sleeve; the removable parts are held in place by small hooks; ¢ is the cam lever which is raised when the mould is to be opened and which, when lowered, serves to clamp the mould tightly upon the lead cover of the cable and upon the sleeve to prevent any flow of solder outwardly from the mould or inwardly to the conductor; the pin d, limits the movement of the cam levers ie is the latch and / is the engaging bolt or pin to lock the two parts of the mould firmly together, Lead Sleeves or Tubes. In making joints on certain kinds of cable (see ‘‘ Jointing ’)and in connection with the Sleeve-Joint Mould above described, it is necessary to use Jead sleeves or tubes, and we are sometimes requested to furnish them. In sending an order for these, state the diameter éf the cable oti which they are to be used and the number and size of the con- ductors. Asa rule the inside diameter of the sleeve should exceed the outside diameter of the cable by 4%”, the ends being dressed down in a short curve to fit snugly upon the lead cover of the cable; it should be of such length that when centered over the taped wire-splice or splices, each end will overlap the lead cover of the cable at least 4’. If the sleeve is used fora joint which is to be drawn into a duct, its interior diameter should not exceed the exterior diameter of the cable; if it is used for a jaunt in which the wire splices, even when distributed over the . ongest practicable range, form a bunch thicker than the diame ter of the cable, the size of the sleeve must be increased in pro- Ortion. The lead should be of at least the same thickness as the ead cover of the cable itselt. In preparing the sleeve, care should be taken that it is large enough to admit the free flow of the melted insulation on all sides of the insulated wire splice, when the joint is filled. Before slipping the sleeve onto the cable, the hole or holes should be tapped in it for the hot insulation and overflow described on pase 127and the ends should be weil reamed out so as to facili- ate dressing them down snuglv to the cable. Lead Tees for Branch Joints. (See Fig. 80, page 129) These are used for making half connections or branch joints from a main cable to a way-station or aservice line, As to size, etc., sea ‘Lead Sleeves’? above. In ordering these, state the diameter of the main and branch cables and the number and size of the conductors in each. Rotary Wire-Splicing Tool. The old method of making wire splices is slow, and when the conductors are small in size there is great danger of twisting them so hard that they will break or become so weakened that a subsequent move- ment of the cable-joint severs them, thus making : “open”? wires, and frequently causing heavy Fig. o£A. expense and loss of service. 104 In order to obviate these dangers and objections and yet pro- duce substantially the so-called ‘‘U. S. Telegraph Joint’ the simple tool shown in Fig. 54A has been designed ; see Working Directions on page 124. This tool is furnished in various sizes, according to the size of the conductor which is to be spliced, but the largest can easily be carried in the vest pocket, so that it is always at hand, is nct cumbersome, is easily and quickly used ; it is composed of ore piece only and has no springs, blades or adjustable parts to get out of order. It is made of metal and has a miiled surface to give purchase in revolving it. Lead-Cutting Tool. (Fig. 55.) Hitherto a pocket-knife has been used for trimming the lead off the end of the cable in pre- paring it for jointing or for connection to aterminal. The tool now provided will save a great deal of time ard avoid the serious danger of cuttirg into the insulation at the point where the greatest strength is needed. Aare the stops which limit the depth of the cut. made by the blades a2. They are adjustable by the set-screw c For Working Directions, see page 123. This tool can also pe advantage- ously used for removing fhe insulation Lead-Cutting Tool. from conductors (larger than No. 10 B. & S. G.) whether in underground cables or insulated Line or House Wire; see page 124. Lead-Scoring Tool. (Fig. 56.) This tool is de- signed to score’the lead cover of a cable at the point to which the lead is to be removed in making joints; it is light and small and can readily be carried in one’s pocket. a is the main handle; 4 is the lever; cis the movable arm to adjust the tool for cable of any size; dis the set-screw to secure the arm in the desired position; eis the handle of the lever 4; /is the cutting disk, the depth of whose cut can, if desired, be regulated by the position of c after / rests on thecable, and also by the pressure applied Fig. 56. to the handles a and e, but it is preferred to have Lead-Scoring the score only half the depth of the lead; gis the Tool. band or rest to receive the cable For Working Directions see page 123. Wire-Splicing Tongs. What has been said above as to the objections against the old method of making wire splices was a kept in mind in the : designing of the § Wire-Splicing 4 Tongs, Figure 57. >» Thehandlesare not shown in the figure, but are prac- tically like those in Figure 62, except that the limit-screw J is omitted; @ is the groove in which the copper splicing blank is placed; 4 ¢ are removable anvils proportioned to the size of the wire to be spliced and which, by the closing of the tongs, are caused to move towards each other and close the copper sleeve upon the wires within; d@ e are screws by which the removable anvils 6 ¢ are held in place; fis a milled (or may be a smooth) raised sur- face which closes upon the edges of the copper sleeve in the groove or opening @, when the handles are brought together, thus further insuring a tight closing of the sleeve upon the wires within; g are screws by which the part / is held in place, or released for the purpose of substituting a block of a different 105 size; is a movable portion of one jaw and has imparted to it an upward and downward movement by means of the eccentric or cam attached tothe pinion & by the key 7; when the handles of the tool are brought fowards each other, it moves downward and causes the anvil 6 to press upon the copper sleeve and its contained wires with immense pressure. For Working Directions and Illustrations of the Copper Sleeve and Joint, see pages 125 and 126, Copper Sleeves for Wire-Splicing Tongs. In connection with the tongs just described, it is necessary to have copper sleeves or blanks of such size and shape as to be suited to the size con- ductor that is to be spliced, and to the corresponding removable anvils of the tool. In ordering these blanks, please state the size of conductor on which they are to be used. The weights, etc., are given in detail as follows: Size of ees Width Before |Approximate : Thickness.| Length. : (Inches.) | (Inches.) Being Bent. | Number per B. & S.G (Inches.) Pound. 10 1=32 34 .6217 213 a { 1-32 yh 5133 258 > 1-6 34 .46438 572 14 1-64 sf 3779 708 16 1-64 84 3102 857 18 1-64 34 .2564 1038 20 1-64 oy 2134 1245 yy Cable Supports. In passing cables through a manhole from a duct on one side to the corres- + ponding duct on the opposite soevew side, it is important, for obvious Le reasons, to lay them around the ©) [HIM sides, instead of straight through, pe and in order that they may not d sag towards the bottom of the rs : _ manhole or be cut on the edges of the duct these supports are MY WY YY MY) HAVIN, PLAN VIEW UW Ue ds N iz provided. EE In fig. 60 are shown views of IN this device in detail and as ap- plied ; ais a post or standard se- cured to the sides of the manhole or tunnel in any suitable manner, and provided with vertical slots 4, cleats or blocks / being inter- posed between the standard and wall; so as to give a slight clear space for theattachment of the hanger or supports, c, d,c’,anda’; two forms of the hanger are shown in detail at c’’,c///and a”. It is made preferably of resilient material, and of such size as to take a firm grasp on the cable. For Working Directions see page 117. Our regular malleable iron cable hangers (see pages 35 and 94) are however simpler and cheaper and are extensively used for this purpose. A staple (fig. 50) is driven into*the wooden post, the hanger is clamped to the cable and hooked into the staple. In either case the edges of the hangers are flared to prevent injury to cable. In ordering hangers of either kind be careful to state the diameter of cable for which they are intended. Insulating Tape. This is supplied in white or black, any de- sired width, but % inch and 3% inch are the common sizes, The cloth is finely woven and is frictioned with rubber compound on- one side only unless otherwise ordered. It is used for taping splices on house and line wire, etc. Pure Gum Tape will also be supplied (prices on application) for taping the wire splices on our rubber insulated cables. Fig. 60. ELECTROLYSIS. This is a danger against which no manufacturer can pro- tect or guarantee the buyer, so far as the manufacture of the cable is concerned, since it is a matter entirely apart from the quality of the cable or the current for which it is made, but is a matter which the buyer can avoid or remedy by well-known means. ‘To this end we give our customers in the following re- port the benefit of our investigations, and urge the adoption of the proper means for preventing the destruction of their property, if itis taking place. The report was written by Mr. Fisher just before Mr. Farnham’s interesting and valuable paper on the same subject was read before the American Institute of Electrical Engineers : PITTSBURG, PA., April roth, 1894. STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE COMPANY, MR. J. W. MARSH, V. P. AND G. M., PITTSBURG, PA. Dear Sir :—This report has been prepared with a view to enabling our patrons to take such precautionary measures as will prevent their cables being destroyed by electrolytic action from the ground return current of electric railroads. While the destructive effects of such currents upon water and gas pipes and lead-covered cables have for the most part been known for several years in a few of the larger cities of the United States, yet in very many places such electrolytic action has not been suspected until the cables were found to be very materially damaged by it. : The amount of electrolytic action depends primarily upon: (a) The proximity of the cables to the electric railroads. (6) The distance the cables parallel the electric railroads. (c) The quality of the electric railroad construction work providing a path for the ground return current. (dz) Numerous other things, comprising the polarity of the ground return current, the conductivity of the soil, and the position of low soil re- sistances along the route of the cables, the proximity to the cables of water and gas pipes, and the chemical constituents of the earth. For several months past I have been carrying on experiments in the labora- tories of the STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE COMPANY, relative to the effects of electrolysis upon lead cables, with a view to determining by what means it can be prevented or counteracted. Nothing very new is claimed from the results of these experiments, seeing that they are confirmed by theory and current literature upon the subject. How- ever it is hoped that the suggestions which arise as a natural corfsequence of these and other experiments may prove of benefit to at least some of our patrons in preserving their cables from electrolytic action. It is a well-known fact that when a current of electricity passes through water or a moist medium the water is in part decomposed, oxygen being liberated at the positive pole and hydrogen at the negative pole. Oxygen in its nascent or free condition attacks most metals readily, forming oxides of the metals. It is therefore at the positive pole, or where the electric current leaves the metal, that we must ordinarily look for its injurious electrolytic effects. I commenced my experiments upon four samples of lead-covered cables. The lead of Sample No. 1 was pure and was directly exposed to the electro- lytic action at a few places; part of the remainder of the cable was covered with a heavy tape, saturated with a preservative paint, and the rest was covered thickly with half-and-half solder. Sample No. 2 was like the above, with the exception that the lead cover con- sisted of an alloy of three per cent. tin and ninety-seven per cent. lead. Sample No. 3 was like No. 1, and Sample No. 4 like No. 2. Samples Nos. 1 and 2 were subjected to a direct current, and Samples Nos. 3 and 4 to a direct current whose polarity was reversed daily. These samples were laid in the centre of a long box, and moist earth from the street was placed around and over the samples. At the side of each box was placed a strip or rod of iron one-quarter of an inch thick by one inch wide. One terminal of a one-hundred-and-ten-volt dynamo was connected to the iron strip, the other to the lead cable. 107 The tests on Samples Nos. 1 and 2 were commenced with the positive pole to the iron rods, and this connection was maintained for about twenty days, when a preliminary examination showed that the lead was not at all corroded, while the iron rod was oxidized to such an extent that it had to be replaced by a new one. At this juncture the polarity of the dynamo was reversed, the positive pole being connected to the lead, and the tests were continued for about fifty days longer. A little before the expiration of this time the insulation resistance of Sample No. x became low, indicating that some portion of the lead cover had been destroyed. During these tests water had to be added from time to time, in order to regu- late and equalize, as far as possible, the amount of current flowing to each sample. The maximum current to each sample was seldom over one-half an ampere, and was generally quite a little less. The samples were then removed from the boxes, and a careful examination of each showed as follows: The lead of Sample No. 1 was eaten completely through in several places. One of these was under the tape cover, another where the lead was exposed. The portion covered with solder had also been completely attacked. There were signs of electrolytic action practically all over this piece of cable, the portion least at- tacked being under the preservative tape. The action upon Sample No. 2 was quite as apparent as on Sample No. 1. Whether it was as intense as on Sample No.1 I could not say owing to the fact that No. 2 was a much larger cable, and hence the oxidization was more dis- tributed. Samples Nos. 3 and 4 were both oxidized, but owing to the daily reversal of the current the action was not nearly so great as on Nos. 1 and 2. Subsequent to these tests I have made others which fully confirmed the above. One of these was made to conform more closely to the condition of things in practice. I have simply mentioned these tests briefly in order to lead up to the more important part, viz.: the conclusions and recommendations that follow as a natural consequence. In the first place it is evident that a cable covered with an alloy of tin and lead is in no wise proof against electrolytic action. I have on several occasions heard people claim the reverse of this statement. It is also evident that while preservative tape may lessen the amount of electrolysis, yet it is by no means reliable as a sure preventive. That is, however, no indication that the tape would not be an efficient protection against chemical actions, unaccompanied by electrolysis. Reversing daily the polarity of the electric railroad generators will prolong the life of the cables, but will not prevent their ultimate destruction. Coming now to the final and most important consideration of this matter, the tests show that if the current can be made to pass from earth to the cable and not back to earth again FROM it, we are insured against electrolysis of the cable. It is therefore evident that the best conditions are reached when the nega- tive sides of the electric railroad dynamos are grounded, and the lead of the cables is connected solidly by means of a heavy copper conductor to the negative sides of the dynamos. The lead cover under these conditions conducts the cur- rents that reach it from the earth directly back to the dynamo. If there are more cables than one, it is advisable to connect them all to- gether at frequent intervals, so as to make the resiStance as low as possible, as well as to prevent currents passing from one cable to another by other than a metallic connection. The lead covers of all the cables should, of course, be connected to the negative buss bar. When the above plan is not feasible, the life of the cables might be pro- longed at the expense of a very large ground plate, which should be connected by heavy feeders in the cables and inserted in a point along the route of the cable where the soil is most moist, preferably near the power-house, or at all events nearest the probable path of lowest resistance to the power-house. To illustrate : The power-house might be situated by a river, in which case, if the cable at some point reached the river, it might be advisable to place the ground plate there, even though the cable was nearer to the power-house at some other points. However, no set rule can be given for this case. The electrician in charge should use his own judgment as to the application to his particular case of the suggestions here given. If this plan is adopted the ground plates should be of copper, and they should be examined frequently until the apparent rate of disintegration would enable one to determine the probable life of the plate. I ‘simply suggest this as a plan that might be used under very favorable conditions of low soil resistance; however, as ground plates often prove inadequate for heavy currents, they are falling into disrepute, and hence the copper returns from the 108 - cables to the dynamo is the only really safe plan. Care must be taken to see that the negative side of the dynamo is grounded. In some of the large cities the electric railroad companies have been obliged to use underground feeders for carrying their currents to the points of distribution, and in order to protect these cables against electrolytic action, as well as to furnish a low resistance wire-return, they have supplemented the ordinary track feeder, or ground wire, with additional heavy return feeders, which are laid in ducts near the cable and are connected at every manhole to the track. To still further insure the life of the cables we have recommended connecting the lead covers to these return feeders at frequent intervals, also at the power-house, to the negative buss bar. In practice we make the connection from the lead cables to the return feeder and the negative buss bar by means of a suitable number of tinned No. ro wires. All the joints are carefully soldered. When there are only a few cables and the distance is short we commence with one wire and note its temperature. If the heating effect is considerable we connect enough wires to carry the current without damage by heating. I simply recommend No. ro on account of its flexi- _ bility and the consequent ease with which it can be wrapped around the cables and return feeder. When the above plan is adopted I do not recommend specially _ grounding the negative side of the dynamos at the power-house, because the more - thoroughly this is done the more opportunity will be given for the current to leave ‘the cable along its route and return to the dynamo viathe ground. I think the better plan wquld be to increase the carrying capacity of the return feeders for a distance of several hundred feet from the power-house. The economy to the railroad com- pany of such a plan, in saving the expenditure of unnecessary energy in resistance- loss, is at once evident, and it is thought that in many cases the electric railroad companies will be willing to co-operate with the other companies by laying a heavy return feeder to which the other cables can be connected. The size of the return feeder should be calculated without reference to the conducting capacities of the lead covers of adjacent cables, so that the cables will not be relied upon to carry the return current, though, as a matter of fact, they will carry a portion. In other words, the return feeder should be large enough to carry all the ‘‘stray’’ re- turn current, if it were possible to collect it upon the feeder. Thé lead of these cables will very much lessen the resistance of the return cir- cuit, and thus materially benefit the railroad company ; while, on the other hand, the other companies who operate lead cables will be to a large extent, if not entirely, protected against electrolytic action. In this way matters might be adjusted much more satisfactorily, and at much less expense, than by the adoption of legal means. I know of a good many instances where cables that happen to pass near the power-house have been badly eaten away at that point. This confirms my tests ; for in these cases the cables have colelcted the current only to return it to earth again at or near the power-house, and hence at this point, where the current left the cable, the harm was done. If the copper return from the cables had been used in these cases there is no doubt but that the cables would be working still. For reasons similar to those already given there is no doubt in my mind that the life of water and gas pipes would be prolonged by adopting the same plan as is herein prescribed for cables. HENRY W. FISHER, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Director of Electrical and Chemical Laboratories of STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE CO. Under date of August Ist, 1896, Mr. Fisher confirms the conclusions and recommendations of his preceding report as having been verified by practical experience and further study of the subject. He adds that the points at which to bond the lead covers to the return feeders, and the extent of such bonding, can only be accurately determined by ascertaining the actual potential differences and character in each manhole of a system ; otherwise there is likely to be over-bonding in some places and under-bonding in others. In some cases it may be best not to bond the lead to the return feeders, except near the railway power-house, and in some cases such return feeder for the cables should have no connection with the track or the track return feeders. Our patrons will always find us ready to aid them in finding the correct solution of this important and interesting problem as applied to any particular place, and we invite them to consult with us freely. 109 OBVERSE AND REVERSE OF MEDAL ..GRANTED TO THE... STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE COMPANY eae! BY Saree The World’s Columbian Exposition 110 WORKING DIRECTIONS FOR PLAGING, SPLIGING AND GONNEGTING ELEGIRIG GABLES. COPYRIGHT, 1897 By J. W. MARSH. INTKODUCTION. No matter how excellent a cable the manufacturer may pro- duce, if it isnot properly installed, and properly cared for there- after, it will inevitably fail; it is, therefore, appropriate that the manufacturer should indicate just how a cable—especially his cable—is to be laid and cared for, and we will endeavor in the following pages to set forth as clearly and briefly as possible such directions as long and varied experience have shown to be worthy of careful study and implicit confidence on the part of those charged with the duty of laying, jointing or operating underground cables. 2 Any departure from the methods here recommended, in the case of cables upon which any guarantee has been or is to be given by the Standard Underground Cable Company, will vitiate that guarantee, unless the said company has given its written consent to such departure. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. Remove the slats from the reels without injuring the cable, and draw out all projecting nails. Avoid making sharp bends or kinks in the cable; let one or two men steady the reel after mounting it on supports or reel cart, to prevent its paying off cable faster than required; turn the reel just fast enough to avoid any strain on the cable; employ enough men to prevent the cable from dragging on the ground. While placing the cables, keep the ends sealed with solder (not tape or compound); handle care- fully to avoid puncturing or abrading the lead cover at any place. In nearly every instance where troubles have developed in cables, they have been traceable to rough usage during or after laying, or subsequently, and to careless jointing. _It should be strongly impressed on the minds of all who are required to handle the cable, that the very greatest care is neces- sary to prevent the introduction of moisture, and consequent loss of insulation. It has been found advisable to ‘‘ ground” the lead cover of both Aerial and Underground Cables, as a means of diminishing inductive action; in the case of electric light cables running par- allel and adjacent to each other, the lead covers of the positive and negative legs should be connected at frequent intervals by lead strips securely soldered to each lead cover; the “grounds” and ‘‘strips’’ should be placed every two hundred feet, or oftener where practicable. ™ . For extra precaution against corrosion and mechanical in- jury see page 78, and page 107 for Electrolysis. MAINTENANCE. A ladder should be used for entering and leaving manholes Im no case should the cables be used for this purpose. iayl The moving of cables in manholes should be done, with the greatest of care, one cable at a time. If there is a joint in the cable to be moved or bent, it should be done in such a manner that the joint will not be strained. Sharp bends in the cables should be avoided wherever pos- sible ; if they become necessary the cablé should first be heated. In cold weather, the cables should always be heated before they are moved or bent. Lead ‘‘ protectors’’ should always be kept under the cables, at the mouths of ducts in the manholes. A regular inspection as to the condition of the manholes, covers, cables, lead protectors, terminals, hangers, junction boxes, and all parts thereof, should be made three or four times a year and carefully recorded, and all necessary work done to keep the entire system at its maximum efficiency. Whenever a manhole is entered for any purpose, it is advis- able to make an inspection of the cables, cushions, hangers and junction boxes, in that manhole. It should be made the duty of every employe to observe as far as possible, and promptly report any damage or threatened dam- age to, or anything unusual about, any part of the underground or aerial cable system, for here it is indeed true that ‘‘an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” LAYING CONDUITS. OPEN-BOX CONDUIT. Thisconsists of a wooden box made of one to one and one-half inch rough lumber and large enough to contain all the cables needed; the trench should be opened as nearly straight as possible and the bottom leveled to grade, or at least approximately so; the conduitsare then laid on the bottom, the ends butting against each other and held in line by short strips nailed along one side and overlapping six to ten inches on each section; the nails should be of such length as not to pass through to the inside of the box; but a simpler method of hold- ing the boxes in line with each other is to tamp a little earth on both sides of the junction. The box is provided with a strong cover, as further described at top of page 114. — : . Wherever cables have been carefully laid in conduits of this kind and thoroughly covered with a preservative like roofers’ pitch they have invariably given perfect satisfaction. For all ordinary locations, such as underground lines through private grounds to residences, etc., or in cities where it is possible to anticipate future needs with reasonable certainty, no better or cheaper method can be devised, but this is not advisable for all locations, as explained on page 99. WOODEN PUMP LOG CONDUIT. This is the simplest form of conduit and is laid on the bottom of a prepared trench of requisite depth, by simply butting the ends tight together, the socket joint keeping the conduit well in line. CEMENT LINED AND HOLLOW BRICK TILE OR MUL- TIPLE CONDUIT. While these conduits may be laid directly in the ground, a more permanent and satisfactory result will be obtained by observing the following instructions: Open the trench in straight lines to the required depth so that when all ducts are laid the top layer shall not be nearer the sur- face of the street than two feet. Level the bottom of trench care- fully to grade, but slightly higher in the middle of each section so as todrain water into the manholes, and spread thereon a layer of good cement concrete three inches in depth; on this concrete place the bottom layer of ducts and carefully cover the joints with good cement mortar, which sets quickly and keeps the ductsinline. On this layer is placed a second layer and so on until the required number is laid. The layers of cement lined pipe should be separated by about one inch of concrete, but Hollow Brick Tiles are preferably separated by about one-half inch of cement mortar. Each succeeding layer of ducts should break joints with the preceding one. The top layer and the sides of the conduit are covered, as a mechanical protection. by a bed of concrete three inches in thickness. Fig. 29, page 36 shows the appearance of a subway consisting of twelve three inch cement lined conduits. The Hollow Brick conduits are kept clean during laying by a ‘‘ Mandril,*’ provided with a cleaning washer, which is pulled through the pipes after the cement has been placed over the joints and allowed to set for a few minutes. If desired a small wire can be attached to the rear 112 end of each mandril, and drawn in with it and left in the duct, for use in pulling in the cable rope or the cleaning rope and mandril for removing all surplus cement. The ducts in all cases should be perfectly smooth inside and present no projections, particularly at joints. It isa good plan to draw a cleaning mandrilthrough all ducts before the cable is installed, to remove any obstruction which may have been intro- duced. Astraight line should be preserved between manholes as faras possible. Where only a single duct is to be laid, it will generally be found advisable and economical to use the wooden conduit, asthe joints are more positive, and the matrix of cement concrete is not necessary. All laterals from manholes to and up poles or other structures should be of Standard wrought iron pipe, because that is the only safe thing to run up a pole and it is not practicable to make a safe joint between that and either of the other styles of duct. MANHOLES, HANDHOLES, ETC. These are located at suitable distances apart; the general style, size and construction of two kinds of Manholes are illus- trated on pages 10land 115, The ducts should enter the manholes at such distance from the bottom as to be easily accessible to a man standing upright therein. Handholes are sufficiently described on page 102 Wherever possible the manholes should be connected to the nearest sewer by means of a short pipe and trap, the latter to prevent sewer gas from eutering the manhole; if the subway system is subject to illuminating and sewer gases, it is advisa- ble to seal all the ducts, where they enter the manhole, with pure clay, plaster paris, or other suitable material that will not attack the cables, thus preventing the circulation of gas from manhole to manhole. Where the gases in a subway system are so plentiful as to make it unsafe for a workman to enter the man- hole, an ordinary hand-blower is used for driving out the gas, When work is being done in a manhole, especially on a much traveled street, it is advisable to place an iron frame work or Cage around it, so as to prevent accidents. LAYING CABLES. IN OPEN-BOX CONDUITS.— After the rough wooden conduit or box has been placed on the bot- tom ofthetrench, as described un- der directions for laying conduits, the reel contain- ing the cable is mounted on wheels and drawn along the trench as illustra- ted in Figure 6l, which is from an actual photo. s— graph of the lay- ing of its first cables by the Standard Under. ground Cable Company, in Pittsburgh. »As the reel-cart moves along the trench, the cable pays off and is carefully laid 113 into the box; when all the cables have been laid, the box is filled up with hot pitch which has been melted either in pitch kettles set up along the line of trench, or in an asphalt wagon which is drawn along the edge of the trench as fast as the box is filled from buckets or through a trough or tube extending to it from the asphalt wagon; the cover of the box is then nailed in position and the trench refilled. If the trench is not level the cover should be nailed to the box and the trench refilled—leaving the higher end of the box exposed—and the hot pitch poured in at this end until the box is full. In nailing the cover on the box, be very careful not to drive the nails so as to pass through the wood and injure the cables. At points where future digging may be expected, as at street intersections, a light cast iron cover or shield for the box, is a useful protection. DRAWING CABLES INTO CLOSED CON- DUITS. GENERAL REMARKS. Where cables are to be drawn into conduits, too much care cannot be exercised during the work of drawing in; this applies equally to all kinds of conduits, whether iron, wood or cement. See that both manholes and ducts are free from obstructions of any kind; the ducts must be perfectly smooth inside and laid in straight lines between manholes. (See ““Manholes,” page101) RODDING. It is clear that in order to draw acableintoa duct a drawing medium must be placed in the duct; the first step, therefore, is to ‘“‘rod”’ the duct; various methods are used, but where the ducts are very smooth and free from obstructions, a steel wire rod 44 inch in diameter is the simplest; as the rod comes off the reel standing near the mouth of the manhole, it is pushed through the duct, comparatively little power being re- quired to pass it through a distance of four hundred to five hun- dred feet; when the end appears at the distant manhole, a rope is attached to the wire at the entering manhole, and the rod is drawn through, carrying the rope with it, the rope being then used to draw in the cable. The form of rod, however, which is most generally used, consists of four-feet sections of tough wood ‘with brass or iron screw or spring’ couplings on each end, a sufficient bundle of these is placed in a manhole; the ‘-rodder,”’ stationing himself at the mouth of the duct, pushes one section into it, attaches the second section by screwing it into the first, and pushing it on; this is repeated until the first rod appears at the distant manhole, whereupon the draw rope is attached to the last rod; at the distant manhole the operation is now reversed until the last section of rod has been drawn out and the rope appears. Where a large amount of duct is to be rodded in advance of the actual placing of the cable, it is, of course, impracticable to draw a rope into each section of conduit, and an iron wire is drawn in instead and remains there until the cable is ready, when the first operation is to haul in the draw- rope by means of the iron wire, the wire being then coiled up and utilized again under similar circumstances. OBSTRUCTIONS. When obstructions are met in rodding ducts, they can generally be removed by mounting a mandril on the first rod, but if this does not suffice,a measurement of the rods that enter the duct until the impassable obstacle is reached, will indicate where the street should be opened over the line of subway to correct the difficulty, which is then done by taking up and relaying a section of the subway; it is, however, very seldom that so serious an obstruction is met. DRAWING IN THE CABLES. Before drawing in cables with identifying marks and containing more than two conduc- tors, be sure that they are drawn in from that end of asubway section as will result in a perfect correspondence of identifying marks. The cable reel should be placed on that side of the man- hole at which the cable enters the duct and the cable allowed to enter the manhole from the top—not the bottom—of the reel, so as to describe a simple curve as shown at Zin Figure62. Attach the rope to the cable and draw the latter through theduct. Some of the simplest methods and devices are shown in Figure 62, in which 4 represents a pine plank 6x2, and of such length as will permit of its extending from the bottom of the manhole to about three feet above the surface of the street; it forms part of the sheave shown at 4’, Band C; Band Cshowthe pulley blocks and 114 ‘mn i if TT ee be tine! = IRONE PIPE SOLIDEYE & — = —_ yu Rts ‘pas Vd Silid SNBOHI SATE Fig. 62. method of putting in pin; D is the iron cross or brace which acts as one bearing for the upright shaft, its working position being indicated at the mouth of the lower manhole; Z represents a sec- tion of iron pipe made to fit the cablesnugly; this pipe is threaded a portion of the way on the inside of the projecting end. Into this projecting end the solid eye “is screwed. The entireclevis at this stage isshown at G. The chain /can be fastened to the eye permanently, or by means of a lengthwise split link. The plan of fastening rope shown at A. is the most advantageous (a swivel can be inserted in the rope near the cable to prevent it from twisting when drawn), but where the cable is not heavy, the ordinary methods of splicing in a rope will do as well. In some cases it is advisable to sweat the clevis on to the cable and alsoto observe the additional precaution of fastening it with wood screws, as shown at &. The protector 7 /prevents abrasion of the cable while passing into the duct. The half section is used were the cable is to con- tinue on through a manhole and where it would, therefore, be impossible to remove the round protector. The protector made in two sections can be more easily removed when the cables are in position. It should be made as thin as possible consistent with proper strength so as not materially to encroach upon the space needed by the entering cable or cables. SOLDERED ENDS. In order to prevent moisture or water in the duct from entering the cable as it passes through from manhole to manhole, the end must be carefully soldered up, so as to leave no portion of the insulation exposed. CABLE GRIP. Where no regular cable grip is available, the following method may be used for attaching the draw-rope to the cable; namely: By means of a spike, punch two holes through the centre of the cable from side to side, the first about three inches from the end and the second about three inches from that; then form a link to connect the cable and drawing-in rope by passing a No. 10 to 14 steel wire several times through the eye of the rope and the holes in the cable; fasten the ends of the wire so that they will not slip. This method is simple and cheap, and the means for it are easily procured. Cut off the end when it has been drawn in, so as to remove all moisture. A very satisfactory attachment is made to cables with solid core as follows: Bring the “‘eye’’ of the rope up near the soldered end of cable, Seabee cog through the eye an iron wire or bunch of wires about four feet long, bending the wires on the eye so that equal lengths project on either side ; the rope and cable being held firmly in position, about six inches apart, the two wires are then wrapped spirally around the cable, in opposite directions, 115 outside of the lead, and the ends secured by twisting together. Enough wires being thus put on to stand any strain. The wires bind on €ach other and on the lead, and thus make a very firm ‘grip. ef DRAWING APPARATUS. If the cable is light and short, two or three men will be able to pull it in by a straightaway draught, but usually some such apparatus as is illustrated in Figure 62 will be necessary. In no case WINCH should horses FOR G be used to pull RAWI the cable into D NCABLES. the “duic tse BY eee the cable is of large size WATEAESMITE, unusually heavy, a light capstan should be provided and the draw- ing rope wound around the drum five or six times to pre- vent slipping. (Anexcellent form of winch has been devis- ed by Walter F. &. Ce 5 © Bare to which cranke be : > F : B. Brace and pulley frame, testing 19 SH S Smith, of Phila- @. Eads, Featiog In bottom of manbole of Ys adelphia, and is shown in Figure 63.) The capstan or winch should Fig. 63: be turned slow- Care ly and regu- larly, a competent man being stationed in the distant manhole where the cable is entering the duct, to ease it over the edge and prevent it from jamming or kinking, and asa further precaution protectors of leather or highly polished wood should be used (7 pp OE 62) to take the friction of the entering or emitting cable. As soon as the cable has been drawn into the duct, the ends should be carefully examined and any moisture noted and removed by cutting off a little of the cable; the ends should then be carefully soldered up. It is frequently necessary to draw more than one cable into the same duct; in New York City as many as six lead covered cables, each nearly seven-eighths of an inch in diameter, have been drawn at once into athree inch duct. It is not advisable to draw cables into or out of ducts over cables already laid, although there are cases in which it hasbeen done without injury to the cables; itis very risky and is, at any time, liable to result in the destruction of one or all of the cables. As tothe length, weight and diameter of cable that should be drawn continuously into a given duct, see page 87. SLACK. Enough slack must be leftin each manholeto enable the cables to pass along its sides instead of directly through, as in the latter case they would be continually in the way and liable to injury. _When extra slack is needed in man- holes, attach theropeto the cable, the end of rope being frayed out and wrapped spirally around and lashed onto the cable for some distance, to prevent kinking or cutting the lead cover anddrawin as much as possible at a time, then release the Grip, and pass it back to the edge of the duct, again attach it to the cable, and proceed as before. This operation can be repeated until enough slack is obtained. CUSHIONS. Before leaving the manhole a cushion or protector, consisting simply of a piece of sheet lead, or of a half section of lead pipe just large enough to take in the cable, or of a piece of heavy tarred felt (which offers less temptation to lead- thieves), should be placed under the cable at the mouth of the conduit, so as to prevent the edge from cutting the cable. This should never be omitted, however smooth the duct may be. : CABLE SUPPORTS. See page 106. To apply the hanger shown at d, d’ and @’’, one of the T-shaped ends is placed in the 116 slot 4, the other end being carried up around the cable ana also iserted in the slot, which is made to slope in downwards from the top, so that the hanger, in endeavoring to regain its normal shape, automatically locks itself. The second form consists ofa flat metal hanger, as shown at ¢, c’,c’’ and c’’’; to ap- ply it the T-shaped end is inserted sideways in one of the slots 4, and is so shaped, with respect to the slot, that on being turned into its natural position it becomes locked ; the cable is then pressed into the mouth of the hanger, which, being resilient, rebounds and locks the cable in. In lieu of this form, our regular Malleable Iron Cable Hanger, (see pages 35 and 94) can be used exactly in the manner described on page 118, except that it may be found more con- venient to substitute staples driven into the side of the manhole, or into a standard or board attached to the side, in lieu of a suspending wire. DISTRIBUTION. Having thus provided for the trunk lines, it is also necessary to provide means for placing branch lines for distributing the circuits ; some of these will now be described : CELLAR OR VAULT DISTRIBUTION. From a manhole or handhole located at the most central or easy point of access to a block, a cable having sufficient capacity to serve such block is extended into a vault cellar, and, preferably, to a terminal or distributing box, and thence in both directions under the sidewalks, and, whenever possible, along the walls of cellars or of the vaults under the sidewalks. HOUSE-TOP AND YARD DISTRIBUTION. The branch cable is extended to a pole centrally located in one of the back yards in the block, or to the roof of a building—in either case to a termi- nal—and from here air lines are run to each subscriber. For methods of branching and looping cables, see page 122. : STREET-LAMP DISTRIBUTION. To distribute electric light current to street lamps, a subsidiary conduit is laid from the nearest manhole or handhole to the lamp post, the base of which should be hollow and accessible by a door and should connect with the subsidiary duct at such an angle as to offer no obstruction to the entering cable; the twoconductors (our Duplex Cables lend themselves most readily to this class of work) are drawn or pushed in. HOUSE-TO-HOUSE DISTRIBUTION. Thissomewhat more expensive but strictly underground method of distribution is effected by placing service or flush boxes at every second party line, and there making the necessary branch or “T”’ joints or placing a junction box when ready to loop in the desired service wires for both houses, unless, as is strongly advised in the case of electric light circuits, or small telephone and telegraph cables (see pages 95 and 97), the maincables aretakenin. Theseservice wires or cables are drawn or pushed through the subsidiary ducts from the service or flush box into the basement or cellar of one of the houses, the wires or cables for the adjacent house being passed through the party or basement wal]; each cable is provided with a terminal, and extends thence to the lamps, in- struments, or other devices by cables or insulated wire. If a service box is used (see page 102) it is necessary to open the street over it whenever it has to be opened for tapping or looping the circuit into the building, or for repairs or changing the connec- tions, but this cannot be avoided (except by using a flush box)as itis impossible to predict in advance what service will be required in any given block when the subway is first laid; nor is such opening any more objectionable or difficult than the current practice of gas and water companies in providing service lines. LAYING SUBMARINE CABLES. We frequently furnish short cables for crossing rivers or nar- row lakes, bays or bayous, and while it is impossible to give in- structions that will apply to all cases, yet a simple method of laying such cables may be suggested, which can be modified to suit the circumstances of each case. The cable is always shipped on strong wooden reels of suit- able size; procure a boat or flat of proper capacity to carry the reel and attendants in safety; through the centre of the reel pass a crow-bar or piece of round iron and mount it on trusses near the bow of the boat, so that the reel will revolve as the cable pays out; station a man on each side of the reel to regulate the speed 117 with which it revolves, as otherwise it may pay off cable faster than the boat moves away, which would probably result ininjury to the cable; Iet the’cable pass off from the bottom of the reel. The cable should be carefully watched as it pays out and should be guarded from rubbing against any sharp edges or rough sur- faces; a few pieces of old carpet or coffee sacks spread over the end of the boat where the cable passes off may prevent the destruction of the cable. Before leaving shore, the end of the cable should be firmly secured at the point where it is to meet the pole line or underground cable; in doing this it will hardly be possible to avoid injuring three or four feet at the end, as it may be necessary to wind it around a post or tree to hold it fast when the boat moves out. Aninspection will usually show whether or not it has received any injury, but, as a rule, if you have any doubt, especially in the case of cable for conveying high tension currents, it is best to cut off enough of the cable to insure the re- moval of any injured or compressed portion. The boat should move at a slow speed and should land with prow towards the shore near the point where the cable isto land; then continue slowly and carefully unreeling the cable and drop- ping it into the water along-side of the boat, being careful to hold fast to the end and at all hazards prevent it from getting wet; then extend the shore end of the cable to the point at which it is to meet the pole line or underground cable, If the cable is light and only a few hundred feet Iong, and the bed of the stream is free from stones or other objects that might cut the cable, the above plan may be reversed, z. e., mount the reel on the shore, take the end of the cable into the boat and carry it across the river to the desired point. The shore ends, are, of course, to be laid in a trench extend- ing down to the water’s edge, and if, on account of alow stage of water, or the practicability of using a dredge, it is possible to bury the cable for some distance out in the bed of the stream it will be an additional assurance of the long life of the cable, as in that case the danger of vessels running upon and crushing it when landing, will be reducedto a minimum. It is generally advisable to put up a prominent sign, giving notice of the “Cable Landing.”’ In case the lead cover should be broken in process of laying, examine it carefully to see that there is no moisture present, and then make a careful solder-wipe over the break: if any moisture is present, follow the directions given on page 122, except that the cable must only be cut as a last resort, in which case cut off enough at each side of the break to insure entire freedom from moisture; then re-unite the two ends as directed under the head of jointing, on pages 126 and 127; the additional protection (if any) over the lead cover must be restored and extended over thesplice, so as to make it a continuously protected cable. STRINGING AERIAL CABLES, (See figure 64 and page 865.) Place the suspending wire, solid or stranded, in position, taut, avoiding wire splices between poles, and securing the ends against possibility of coming loose when the weight of the cable is added; if the cable is unusually large and heavy it is best to use a wire rope having the necessary tensile strength. Stretch a “leading-up” wire from ground tostarting pole, at a gentle incline, and connecting with the suspending wire. Station men with block and tackle at the point to which the section of cable is to reach, allowing the rope to rest on the cross-arms and pass down to the cable at the end of the “leading-up” wire; secure the rope to the cable end and let it be drawn along slowly and smoothly, or as fast as the cable hangers can be attached to the cable as it passes off the reel and up the “‘leading-up” wire; attach the hangers to the cable 4, at intervals of 24 to 30 inches, _ asat3, by means of the tongs described on page 185 but engaging only every fifth or sixth hanger to the “leading-up’”’ wire, or to the suspending wire, 2, until the last span is reached, when every hanger must be hooked, 1, on to the suspending or messenger wire, as it passes the lineman on each pole, so that when the cable is drawn over the last span into ex- change or to pole terminal, the whole will be hooked up. 118 The method just described has several disadvantages. The strain on the hangers in sliding up the inclined wire, and then along for eight or nine hundred feet on the horizontal messenger wire, tends to loosen them on the cable whereupon they slip from their places and two or three hangers become bunched at one point, while in between the cable hangs in loops, rendering it necessary for a man to go out on the wire to space the hangers. A system which overcomes these disadvantages has been devel- oped and patented by our General Superintendent of Construc- tion, Mr. F. S. Vielé. While our method secures more satis- factory results in the appearance of the finished work, it, at the same time, materially reduces the cost of installation as will be seen from the following description. The inclined wire is strung as previously described and hangers are applied to the cable in the usual way. The rope by which the cable is to be pulled up is securely fastened to the end of the cable and passed along the line, resting at every cross-arm on Idler pulleys, shown in fig. 64A. A carrier, A, B, C, of fig. 64A, consisting of grooved wheel, A, pivot B,and supporting stirrup C, isthen placed on the inclined wire, and the end of the cable with hangers on it, is placed in the angle of the stirrup. Thestirrup being shaped so that any size cable will be closely held without slipping, one carrier will serve for all sizes of cable. The cable supported by ‘‘carriers’’ is pulled up the inclined wire, carriers being placed every thirty or forty feet, depending on size and weight of cable. When the horizontal wire is reached the cable passes over an Idler pulley, and a man at the pole moves “‘carriers’’ from the inclined wire to the messenger wire, and the cable then runs Wezcazz coo o~ er eee i] ree ini 882 2-. A886) 239 BT a ese 152 169 4 1874...44.- 29 wna. U4 AG aes: ipototey tly Rh) yaa 169 161 seen 1876.40. OO wees. ee 140) 155 ac. 1890...47- 39 2 88 285 9 IS78.t-34 eee L35RLDS Ave. 1892...37 44 A 91275218 Seen 1880. .B8 387 pie ir Rye ae aa bah 1894...46 87 4 245 104 7 1882...88 386 2 118 196 9 1896...... Fftis Paseo 204 124°— 28 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. STATE. POP. Alabama........ aga 4 ey 017 yt ee 9620 Arkansas...........1,128, 179 California... See 12087130 Colorado.........- 412,198 Connecticut....... 2 a eet Delaware......... 493 lorida..... Siciseh cite "423 Repegie. oaweups ta “1,337 "353 BOANOk. ceise 0% eseee 84,385 BNinOii:, Sess cvs 13,826,351 Indiana,..>...... oo 02,192,404 POWERS clots aisiats seats 1,911,896 RE BNSAS icine. Seah vce 1,427,098 Kentucky.......... 1 "858, °635 Louisiana.......... -1,118, 587 PAGING oe cad cielo cee 661,086 Marviand Wines sc. 1,042,390 Massachusetts... .. .2,238,943 Michigan......... . -2,093,889 Minnesota..........1 "301,826 Mississippi........ « «1,289,600 MUISBOUTI cis slerise's <0 2'679,184 Montana............ 132,159 THE LARGE CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Pop. 1900. * STATE. Nebraska.,.,.......+1,058,910| * Névada....... e\ciaeen kO;70L New Hampshire.... 376, 530 New Jersey......... 1,444,933 New Mexico......... 153 ,593 New York.... .... 5,997, "853 North Carolina.....1,617 "947 North Dakota...... "182,719 Ohios css ised uate .3,672,316 Okishorias eae 61,834 OreGON 0s scccs voce, 813,767 Pennsylvania .....5,258,014 Rhode Island....... 45,506 South Carolina.,...1,151,149 South Dakota...... 328,808 Tennessee........... 1,767,518 T@XOS eines tes dee ap 142,235, 523 Utahii. crate. eos 207,905 Vermont .icasec.ce 332, 422 Virginiasy oc: tees: 36 1,655,980 Washington........ 349,390 West Virginia..... 762,794 Wisconsin.......... 686,880 Wyoming.......... 60,705 Total... ........62,622,250 CENSUS OF 1890. M A < 4 @11 Akron, O. —~-..2..' 27, 601 302 Alameda, Cal — 11,165 29 Albany, N.Y. = 94.923 229 Alexandria, Va.. 14,339 28 Allegheny, Pa... 105 287 1°3 Allentown, cai >. + 25.228 296 Alpena Mich., . 11,283 $40 Alton, Ill. ...— 10294 101 Altoona, Paso. 7 130:937 192 Amsterdam.N.Y. 17,336 320 Anderson, Ind... 10,741 277 Appleton, Wis 11,869 341 Asheville, N.C... 10,245 236 Atchison, Kan... 13,963 42 Atlanta, Ga.. 65 533 258 Atlantic City,N.J. 13,055 299 Auburn, Me ..... 11,250 121 Auburn, N. Y.... 25 858 90 Augusta, eee $3,300 331 Augusta, Me,-... 10,627 171 Aurora, Ili.. . 19,688 224 Austin, Texas. . 14 476 7 Baltimore, Md.. 434,439 174 Bangor, Me:2/ 19,103 323 Baton Rouge, La. 10,478 245 Battle Cr’k,Mich. 13,197 109 Bay City, Mich 27/839 175 Bayonne Stat phe tab ee 2 Beatrice. Neb.... 13,836 213 Belleville, Hl .>.~. 15,361 316 Beverly, Mass. .. 10°821 226 Biddeford, Me... 14, "443 88 Binghamton, N.Y .35,005 119 Birmingham,Ala. 26,178 165 Bloomington, Il]. 20,048 6 Boston, Mass... . 448,477 332 Bradford, Pa... 10,514 59 Bridg: port,Conn. 48,866 288 Bridgeton, NOS. 1424 114 Brockton, "Mass.. 27 294 268 Brookline, ee 12,103 4 Brooklyn . 806, 343 11 Buffalo. ma 255,684 140 Burlington, ra . 22,565 222 Burlington, Vt.. 14 "590 322 Butte City, Dont. 10.723 336 Cairo, Ill . 10,324 41 Cambrid e, Mass. 70, 028 49 Camden, 58, ‘313 118 Canton, Osta 25,189 315 Carbondale, Pa.. 185 Cedar pers la. 18,020 53 Charleston, S. C.. 54 055 283 Charlotte, N.C. 111557 105 Chattan’a, Tenn. 29,100 108 Chelsea, Mass... 163 Chester, Paces 280 Chey’ mag 4 »Wyo. il 690 2 Chicago, Il....1,099 "850 234 Chicopee, Mass... 14,050 294 Chillicothe, O.... 11,288 9 Cincinnati, O.. * 296:908 '10Lleveland, Oak. 261,253 244 Clinton, lowa.. ~. *Printed pasters will be supplied, on request, when 1900 census is taken, 10,833 | CITIES. POP. POP. Ae * 13,619 | | 276 Hazleton, Paw &. K A CITIES. a 4 $34 Clinton, Mass. .>. 10,424| * 142 Cohoes, ‘N.Y... 22,509 303 Co). Springs, Col. - 140 328 Columbia, Pa.... 10,599 214 Columbia, S.C... 15,333 198 Columbus, Ga.. 17.203 30 Columbus. O..... 88,354 196 Concord, N. H... 17,04 153 Co'ncil Bluffs,la. 21,474 82 Covington, Ky... 37,371 265 Cumberland,Md. 12,729 77 Dallas, Texas.... 38,067 200 Danbury, Conn.. 16,552 286 Danville, Iil...... 11,491 337 Danville, Ve...... 10,305 116 Davenport, Iowa 26,872 45 Dayton, O,... ... 61,220 197 Decatur, Il]...... 16,841 308 Denison, Texas... 10.958 26 Denver, Col. ....106,713 68 Des Moines, lowa 60,093 15 Detroit, Mich... .205,876 24 Dover, N. H...... 12,790 102 Dubuque, lowa.. 30,311 92 Duluth, Mion.... 33, ‘abe 309 E. Liver ool, O.. 216 East St. Louis, lll. 15,169 191 Eau Claire, Wis.. 17, "416 189 Elgin, Il........ 17/823 79 Elizabeth, N. J.. . 37,764 290 Elkhart, Ind..... 11,360 104 Elmira, N. Y¥..... 29,708 835 El Paso, Texas.. 73 Erie, Pa...... : 40; 56 Evansville, Ind.. 60.756 306 Everett, Mass.... 1 ,608 40 Fall River, Mass. 74 398 180 Findlay, O....... 18,553 144 Fitchburg, Mass. 22,097 312 Flushing, N. Y 269 Fond du Uae. Wis 1" 024 275 Fort Scott, Kan.. 11 046 293 Fort Smith, Ark. ll, "311 86 Fort Wayne, Ind. 35, "399 134 Fort Worth, fez 23) 076 343 Freeport, i. ~ 10,189 317 Fresno, Cal...... 16,818 |215 Galesburg, Ill.... 15, 264 106 Galveston, Tex... 297084 127 Gioucester,Mags. 24,652 238 Gloversville,N. Wels, "864 47 G’d Rapids,Mich. 60 ‘278 346 Greenwich,Conn. 10,131 347 Hagerstown, Md. 10,118 190 Hamilton, O..... 17,565 262 Hannibal, Mo.. 75 Harrisburg, Pa.. 64 Hartford, Conn.. 245 Tastings, Neb.... 13 "584 113 Haverhill, Mass.. ae 11,872 |240 Helena, Mont... 213.83! 149 POP.|/POP. 1900. POP-/Pop. 1900, THE LARGE CITIES OF THE RANK. , 68 Hoboken, N. J... 43,648 85 Holyoke, Mass... 35,634 307 Hornellsv’e,N.Y. 10,996 112 Houston, Texas... 27,657 348 Huntington,W.V. 10,108 342 Hyde Park,Mass. 10,19% 27 Indianapo’s, Ind.105,436 310 Ironton, O....... 10,938 301 Ishpeming, Mich. 11,197 304 Ithaca, N. Y...... 11,079 149 Jackson, Mich... .20.798 341 Jackson, Tenn... 10,039 195 Jacksouville,Fla. 17,201 321 Jackronville. Ill. 10,740 208 Jamestown, N.Y 16,038 314 Janesville, Wis.. 10.236 324 Jeffersonv'e,tod. 10,666 19 Jersey City, N. J 163,003 149 Johnstown, Pa... 21,805 132 Joliet, IM ........ 28.264 188 Kalamazoo,Mich 17 853 | 76 Kansas City,Kan 38,316 2¢ Kansas City, Mo. 132,716 242 Keokuk, Iowa... 14,101 183 Kev West, Fla... 18,080 154 Kingston, N. Y.. 21,261 41 Knoxville, Tenn. 22,635 t2z4 LaCrosse, Wis... 25,090 203 Lafayette, Ind .. 16.243 4 Lancaster, Pa.... 32011 246 Lansing, Mich .. 13,102 329 Lansingb'g, N.Y. 10,550 292 Laredo, Texas... 11 319 64 Lawrence, Mass.. 44,654 300 Leadville, Col .. 11,212 169 Leavenw'th, Kan 19,768 221 Lebanon, Pa..... 14,644 150 Lewistc 1, Me. -.. 20,701 152 Lexington, Ky... 21,567 216 Lima, O . ....... 15,987 52 Lincoln, Neb.... F5.154 167 Lincoln, R. L.... 20,335 120 Little Rock, Ark. 25,874 | 209 Lockport, N. Y.. 16,038 252 Logansport, Ind. 13,32 400 L'g [eld C’y N.Y. 30,506 57 Los Angeles, Cal. 50,395 20 Loutaville, Ky...161,129 37 Lowell, Mass..... 77.696 170 Lynchburg, Va.. 19 709 Si Lynn, Maas...... 65.727 137 Macon, Ga....... 22,746 249 Madison, Wis.... 13,426 295 Mahanoy City,Pa 11,286 135 Malden, Mass.... 23,031 66 Manchester,N.H. 44,126 263 Manistee, Mich.. 12 812 248 Mansfield, O..... 13,473 284 Marinette, Wis.. £1,523 241 Marlboro, Mass.. 13,85 350 Massillon. O...... 10,092 161 McKeesport, Pa.. 20,741 305 Medford, Mass. . 11,079 43 Memphis, Tenn.. 64,495 326 Menominee,Mich 10,630 151 Meriden, Conn.. 21 652 327 Meridian, Miss... 10,624 319 Mich. City, Ind.. 10776 273 Middletown,.N.Y. 11,977 253 Millville, N. J.. .. 10,002 16 Milwaukee, Wis, .2°4,469 18 Min’apolis, Minn. 164,7!8 97 Mobile, Ala...,.. 31,076 270 Moline, DL....... 12,000 145 M'tgomery, Ala. 21,889 323 Mt. Vernon, N.Y. 10,677 291 Muncie, Iod ..... 11,345 287 Muscatine, lowa, 11,454 138 Muskegon, Mich. 22,702 352 Nanticoke, Pa... 10,044 173 Nashua, N. H.... 19,311 Nashville, Tenn . 76,168 349 Natchez Miss... 10,101 285 Neb’ka City.Neb. 11,494 3155 Now Alhany, Ind. 21,059 17 Newark, N. J... 181,830 230 Newark,O.... . 14,270 72 New B’'df’d,Mass. 40,733 201 New Br'hton.N.Y 16,423 176 New Br't’in Conn 19,107 1.9 New Br'n’ick,N.J 18 603 133 Newburgh, N.Y.. 23,087 237 Newb’y port, Mass 13,917 282 New Castle. Pa.. 11,6 0 3° New H'ven,Cona A 298 242 New L'nd’n,Conn 13,752 *Printed pasters will be supplied, on request, when 1g00 census is taken. 150 UNITED STATES. —Continued. _CITIES. pop,|PoP. 1900. RANK. ay New Orleans,La. 242,039 26 Newport, Ky..... 24,918 172 Newport, R.i.... 19,457 129 Newton, Mas¢9... 24,379 1 New York,N.Y.1,515,401 89 Norfolk, Va...... 34871 168 Norristown, Pa.. 19,791 207 N'th Adams,Mass 16,074 218 N’hampton, Mass 14,990 187 Norwalk, Conno.. 17,747 206 Norwich, Conn.. 16,156 60 Oakland, Cal.... 48,682 219 Ogden City, Utah 14,889 257 Paducah, Ky.... 13,076 239 Passaic; N. J..... 13,023 36 Paterson, N. J... 78,347 110 Pawtucket, R. I.. 27,633 345 Peabody, Mass... 10,158 279 Pensacola, Fla... 11,750 71 Peoria, Ill..... Ae 139 Petersburg, Va.. 22,680 3 Phila'lphia,Pa. 1,046,964 13 Pittsburg, Pa....238,617 19% Pittsfield, Masg.. 17,231 338 Pittston, Pa..... 10,302 297 Plainfield, N. J.. 11,267 246 Pt Huron, Mich. 13,543 83 Portland, Me.... 36,425 -- 31,494 48 Reading, Pa. .... 58,661 199 Richmond, Ind.. 16,f08 34 Richmond, Va... 81,388 204 Roanoke, Va.... 16,159 2t7 Rome, N. Y...... 14,991 278 Rutland, Vt..... 11,760 117 Sacramento,Cal. 26 386 62 Saginaw, Mich... 46,322 65 St. Joseph, Mo... 52,324 5 St. Louis, Mo. ...451'770 23 St. Paul. Minn...138,15u 9 Salem, Mass..... 30,801 63 Q't ec., Utah 44,843 81 San Antonio, Tex 37,673 205 San Diego, Cal .. 16/159 181 Sandusky, O..... 18,471 » 8 San F’ncisco,Cal.298,992 184 San Jose, Cal ... 18,060 233 Sedalia, Mo..... . 14,068 2:8 Shamokin, Pa..., 14,403 Wis. 16,359 21 Shenandoah, Pa, 15,944 272 Shreveport, La.. 11,979 78 Sioux City, Iowa, 37,806 344 Sioux Falls, S. D. 10,177 74 Somerville, Mass, 40,152 1t8 South Bend, Ind, 21 819 339 S.Bethlehem, Pa, 10,302 166 S’kane F'ls, Wash 19,922 125 Springfield, Ill... 24,963 65 Springtield,Viass, 44,179 146 Springfield Mo.. 21,850 95 Springfield, O... $1,865 212 Stamfor.!, Conn, 15,700 250 Steubenville, O.. 13,394 293 Stillwater, Minn. 11,260 227 Stockton, Cal ... 14,424 289 Streator, Ill...... 11,414 271 Superior, Wis.... 11,983 91 Syrac . Y... 88,143 & Tacoma, Wash... 36,000 CITIES. pop. POP. 1900. THE LARGE CITIES OF THE UNITED STATES.—Conitinued. vy, v. e CITIES. POP,/POP. 1900.) 4 CITIES. PopP,|/POP. 1900, | x 122 Taunton, Mass... 26.448 | * 26 West Troy, N. Y. 12,967| * 103 Terre Haute, Seo $0 207 313 we mouth .Mass. 10 866 318 Tiffin, Orio...... 10,801 187 Wheeling. W.Va. 35 019 3 Toledo, ObiGe. aes 81,434 130 Wichita, Kan.... 23,854 98 Topeka, Kaa..... 31,007 80 Wilkes-Barre, Pa 37,718 60 Trenton, N. J.. .. 67.458 115 Williamsport, Pa. 27 132 26 Troy, N-Y sss 60,956 | 4¢ Wilmington, Del. 61/431 $25 Union, N. J..... . 10,643 164 Wilmington, N.C, 20/056 Br CticasN. Vs. ocr 44,007 182 Winona, Minn.... 18,208 251 Vieksburg, Miss.. 13,373 247 Woburn, Mass... 13'499 225 Waco, Tex......,. 14,443 138 Woonsocket RI. 20 830 118 Neplepae Mass.. 18,707 32 Worcester, 7 84,655 186 Warwick, K.1.... 17,761 93 Yonkers, N. Y.... 32,033 14 Washingt’n, D.C.230,392 160 York. Pa......... 20,793 107 Waterbury, Con. 28,646 91 Youngstown, O.. $3,220 220 Watertown, N.Y. 14,725 157 Zanesville, O,..9 216% 260 W. Bay C’y,Mich. 12,981 i LARGEST CITIES OF THE WORLD. OVER 125,000 INHABITANTS. oO. a ee ‘a CITIES. POP. |Pop. 1900. i ed CITIES. POP. |pop. 1900. 1o} ° 1S) 1881 London (est. ba 1885 Santiago, Chili 236,412) * 4 282 921}..... 3,816,483 {881 cee De Bed 183) New York City.1,515. Se 1890 Washington... 230,83 Necaligtt ee La 1346 1881 Turin........-- - 230,183 Jersey City.... 163,005 4887 Stockholm ....- 227,964 Hoboken ..... 43,648 1876 Bucharest... 221,805 Long Isl’d City 30,506 1881 Sydney,N. S.W, eee SSS 1888 Antwerp,...... 210,534 2,558,804 1882 Alexandria... 208,755 1886 Paris..........2,344,550 1881 Belfast......... 208,122 Est. Canton .;......1,600.000 1881 Bristol (est. 1885 Berlin..........1,315,287 226,510)..... +. 206,874 1887 Vienna........ 1,270,000 1890 Detroit... ”..... 205.876 1886 Tokio, Japan..1,121.883 1881 Falermo....... 205.712 1890 Chicago.......1, 1890 Milwaukee .... 204,468 1890 Philadelphia . i 046 064 fust. Smyrna........ 200,000 1884 St. Petersburg "929, 100 Est. Teheran, Per.. 200,000 1885 Constantinople 873, 565 1881 Renares........ 199,760 1881 Calcutta....... 871 "504 1888 Havana....... 198.261 1881 Bombay....... 773,196 1888 Rotterdam.... 193,058 1884 Moscow ....... 753,469 1881 Penang........ 190,597 1881 Glasgow..... -- 674,095 1886 Lille............ 188,272 1881 Liverpool (est. 1881 Nottingham 9,738), 552 508 (est. 230,921).. 186,575 Fst. Peking, China. 500,000 1887 Montreal. .... 186,257 1888 Buenos Ayres. 466,267 1881 Bradford (est. 1881 Naples.... .... 463,172 299 721) eaedeles 183,032 1888 Brussels.. .... 458,939 1890 Newark....... . 181,830 1890 St. Louis...... 451,770 1881 Salford (est. - 1890 Boston........ 448,477 336)... Geaeea 176,235 1890 Baltimore..... 434,439 1881 Delhi seccsteces -193,993 1886 Ba a-Pesth... 422,557 1885 Leipzig «. syeess 170.340 1888 Melbourne.... 410,000 188i Riga, Russia.. 169,329 1882 Warsaw. ..... 406,261 1884 Kharkotf, Kus. 166,921 1881 Madras........ 405,848 1828 Toronto +... . 166,809 1886 Lyons.. -- 401,930 1886 Breimnen.. 165.628 1881 Birmingham 1890 Minneapolis .. 164,738 (est. 447,912)... 400,774 180 Prague......... 162,323 1888 Amsterdam... 390,016 1885 Cologne........ 161,260 1887 Madrid.....,.. 385,848 1890 Louesville,..... 161,129 1884 Marseilles..... 376,143 1881 Houg Kong.... 160,402 WS82 Cairo’ ..c..d00 368,108 Est. Manila......... 160,000 1886 Osaka, Japan.. 361,694 kst. Patna.. ~~... 160,000 1885 Riode Janeiro, 357,332 1885 tSeanerary Sy te 154 504 1881 Hyderabad,Ind 354.692 1885 Odessa. . . 164,240 1888 Mexico..... «.-. 350,000 1881 _ (est. 202, x 1881 eric atk HOV. eee ees 154,240 see ’ 1881 Cavers 151,444 1881 Peadat hem 351,- 1885 Komysburg..... 151,15; 210) ...-.-0000 309,119 Est. Damascus..... 150,000 1885 iubare --. 805,690 18x8 The Hague ..... 149,447 1885 Breslau ....... 298,893 1883 Ghent......... 147,912 1381 Milan.......... £95,543 1886 Toulouse ...... 147,617 1890 San Francisco 298,997 1881 Newcastle (est. 1880 Cincinnati.... 296,908 fl 159,003)........ 145,359 1887 Copenhagen... 286,900 1880 Trieste......... 144,844 1881 Lucknow....... 284,779 1877 Valencia...... 143,856 1881 Sheffield (est. - . 1881 Allababad...... 143,693 B21,711).. 00004 284,508 1890 Omaha .......- ~ 140,452 Fat. Shanghai...... 278,000) 1881 Rome.......... 273,268 1886 Munich........ 261,981 1890 Clereland.... 1890 Buffalo........ 255,664 1884 Kioto, Japan... 255,403} Est. Seoul, Corea... 250,00u 1881 Dublin......... 219,602 1886 Dresden... ..-.. 246,086 1878 Lisbon ....... 246 343 1890 New Orleans... 212 039 1888 Barcelona....X 241,962 4886 Bordeaux... ..-. 240,482 1890 Pittsburgh. 238.617 1881 Dundee... =... 1888 Liege.... 1883 Bahia, 1881 Genoa......... I 1881 Florence......- 134,992 1888 Chr Hiotiania, Nor. mentee eoeeee, 135,615 1877 ales Fea > 1390 Rochester 1890 St. Parl... 1890 Kansas City... 182,716 1890 Providence. .-- 132,146 1881 Vepies.......... 129,445 *Printed pasters will be supplied, on request, when 1900 census is taken, 151 INTEREST LAWS. @ lee % ise Se lad States. los States. w 15 0 States DIOS y iUs 3 jos Ww |9s Alabama 8} 8 | |Kansas...... 6 | 10 ||New York | 6] 6 Arizona..... 7 jany| |Kentucky...| 6 N.Carolinal 6] 8 Arkansas...| 6 | 10 ||Louisiana..| 5 10%, CHS California..| 7 /any||Maine....... 6 jany| |Oregon...... 8 | 10 Colorado...| 8 jany||Maryland..| 6{ 6 | |Penna....... 6} 6 CONT. cs - 7) 42 Ilinois........ 5 | 7||New Hamp| 6] 6.||W.Virginia}] 6] 6 Indiana...... 6| 8||N. Jersey 6 | 6 ||Wisconsin..| 6 | 10 LOW Aiuen sects: 6 | 8 ||N. Mexico..| 6 | 12 ||Wyoming...| 8 | 12 To find interest on a given sum, for any number of days, at any rate of interest, multiply the principal by the number of days and divide the product by 72 for 5%, 60 for 6%, 52 for 7%, 45 for 8%, 40 for 94, 86 for 10%, 80 for 12%, 24 for 15% and 18 for 20% interest. Or, move the decimal point of the principal, two places to the left for two months or 60 days, and three places for 6 days, in- terest at 6%; from these amounts the interest for any time and tate is found by adding or deducting proportionate parts. sIx PER CENT. INTEREST TABLE. { Time | $1 | $2 | $3 | $4 | $5 | $6 | $10 | $20 | $50 | $100! $1000 CoD DAE CO 1D. f40 os OF: feo || 00 a aa Borie gare OF 1.00,0 RE ON oi cose ses ace «cnet SIlVerI Dolla rin crocs cares 53,6 IPEERETIAN US: tccacocnecks (Stoo) POT. teen eens 40,2 Newfoundland.......... Golde Dollars os. dres-.+2 1.01 4 EMGISUV EL Viccsstoveses cose etre GOlds) CLOW tle sssces-nsaacrs 25,8 BRET ST An, seeedess soueraaeeces} Silver | Kira tines eet ok ose .09,1 [PUSTSB cee RARE ana Silver ;Sol hcaeciat Careshiten sees 49 3 OTC RA le Seine vce veae Gold) Milreis.hcneiae 1.08 0 HS ITS Cl dccstaxssoaess testes LIVE Ae LEs esc casesccsates 77,2 39,5 PAAR cake wecscins choke suaos GLSe i eSet a. sen acces 19,3 WV CUEM cnccscccrscst stare OND GKCEOW Wixceerscsceenes 26,8 NS WILZELLAtiCsc.ssccascases KO ais) faba bile er Te ye 19,3 BEETDOLL ccconetasersnseestahs Silver|Mahbubof20pias| .44,5 BEET C5 eecons ocscsnassenacss 1GOldE Ee laStete a ..cassse 04 4 Venezuela.............00 G & S' Boliviat.....2..00. 19,3 MENSURATION. TRIANGLES. 2 = Area. : Twice the Area Base. = Altitude, or ~caitarahteete tT Base, Where the Altitude is not known, the following rule should be _ used, letting a, b andc represent the three sides of a triangle ands represent half their sum: V S (S-a)(S-b)(S-c) = Area. Y RECTANGLES AND SQUARES. Length X Breadth = Area, Area = Breadth or Length. r 2 2 Side 4 (Diagonal—Side.) = Area. CIRCLES, Diameter X 3.1416 = Circumference. ey 2 / Area _ Diameter X .7854= Area. eS = Diameter. =; Diameter. 3-1416 ELLIPSE, Long Diameter X Short Diameter X .7854= Area. SOLIDS. Product of sides = volume of cube or rectangular parallelopiped. Perimeter (circumference of base) X Altitude = surface of prism nr cylinder, Area of Base X Altitude = volume of prism or cylinder, Circumference X Diameter = surface of sphere 3 diameter X .5234 = volume of sphere. 157 SHAFTING, BELTING, PULLEYS AND GEARS. SHAFTING. The following rule for determining size of shaft fortransmitting a given power at a given speed (8 ft. centres for hangers) is published by permission of William Sellers & Com- pany, Makers of Tools, Shafting, etc., Philadelphia: / H. P. H. P. x80 —diameter in inches. [Reb Mos Where “‘H. P.’? =the horse power to be transmitted ‘'R. P. M.” = the revolutions per minute. BELTS. The following is kindly furnished by William Hartley & Co., Makers of Leather Belting, etc., Pittsburgh, Pa., as a reliable rule for determining the lengths of belting: (D+4X 816) soy rength, Where D = diameter of large pulley, d = diameter of small pulley, and D’ = distance between centres of shafting. PULLEYS AND GEARS. _ The following formulz for deter- mining the size and speed of pulleys and gears are kindly fur- nished by the Akron Iron Company, of Akron, Ohio: Driven X r. p. m. of Driven. r. p. m. of Driver. = Driver. Driver < fr. p. m. of Driver. ip aisof Driven: = Driven. Driven x<.0000007854—area in ‘ decimal of a square inch. 100 times actual size. a FORMULA. ie, =k. CXR=E. CXE=P. =p. C2XR=P. QXE=W. CXE 74g TH. P. QXExX.7373=Ft. Lbs H. P.—550 Ft. Lbs. per second. EQUIVALENT CARRYING CAPACITY Of Single Conductor of Any Size, from 0000 to 15, in a Stated Number of Smaller Conductors. a) ad (cepa dee te ee | eee a u u Ou On Oy NS s 6 68/}0 21278128 | 28 | 1n2 Conductors, BA ag ne ae) og HY xe one each of is av hehe} ge ie ge ci 0000 [No.0 |No.3 |No. 6 [No.9 |No.12|No.15| Nos. 00and 1 000 i 4 f 10 13 16 Oresene 2 00 2 5 8 11 14 17 Leyes i . ees 2 5 f ll 14 il Pcees ee 4“ 6 3 6 9 12 15 fo? alee : Ba oes, 4 7 10 13 16 eae hararre Ou) 2S 5 8 11 14 Wy ee lLreeeseeee C ss 9 6 | 72 5 1 ER ERR snes! BS cal < ee | 7 10 13 16 |. anne ess alll 8 11 14 7A ; kU oa be 9 12 15 LS ctsescclisseseees| ces sere 5 eas: 10 13 WG eect cose alidbeenn ncailtaeeases slacesees ae ho eee 4 Tear Dell | Berens Fever oe FF Ee 13-15 12 15 SS Seas ctealdcayedctellessosese |Sochocs 3 47° 16 13 1G V2 tS el Sectastleasens fal accasiurctecsteces . LS Gl, 14 BI ee este cenae lie eatwapeLeaaaasane Laas ences 16) eee 15 1S \Soeeeeeeel Fae cceen seat acto bot coast eccccdacs [ocaveseucssereiorsease &deccoa Or use the following brief rule for selecting two wires of the same size to equal cross-section of any larger wire: Use two conductors of the fourth size from the single conductor whose equivalent is sought, calling the given conductor 1; thus, the equivalent of a 00 conductor would be two No. 2’s, or the equivas lent of a No. 2 would be two No. 8’s. 165 RULES AND TABLES FOR WIRING. The following rules and tables are based more particularly on using exposed wires, as distinguished from conductors in cables; owing to the higher temperature likely to be encoun. tered underground, with consequent increase of their resistance liberal allowance should be made in computing the areas of cable conductors, and the calculation should be checked by the tables and rules on pages 169, 170 and 171. To compute the size of conductor required to supply any given number of incandescent lamps, where the amount of work done in the conductors is to be a certain ercentage of the work done in the lamps—not a percentage oft the total work of the machine: When the lamps are in simple parallel, divide the resistance of one lamp (1) by the number of lamps (n) and multiply the result (R) by the percentage (%) it is intended to lose on the con. ductor; the product will be the resistance of the two conductors {r) ; divide by the total number of feet of conductor (7) (both sides of circuit), and multiply by 1,000. Then refer to table of resist- ances, page 161, and in the coiumn headed “‘Ohms per 1,000 feet find the nearest corresponding figures, and in the first column, same line, will be found the gauge of the conductor required. Briefly: XT 0 resistance per 1,000 feet. When the lamps are in multiple series, the resistance of the lamps (R) will be found by multiplying the resistance of one lamp (I.) by the number of lamps in each series, and dividing the product by the number of series. RESISTANCE OF INCANDESCENT LAMPS. Westinghouse, 50 volts.| 71.5 50 | 33.3} 16.6] 5.5 | ohms, Edison, 100 volts......... 320 200 | 128 64 21.3 | ohms, a eg ee Ee eee The following Formulz and Constants have been furnished by the Edison Co. as applying to their system : Cir. Mils—Lamp feetConstant. 21.68 (100—% drop) stance of lamp 4% drop. 2-Wire System) Resi Constant 3 6 ae Seats: constant Thus: For the new 16C. P. lamp (200 ohms resistance), on the three wire system, the following Constants would be used for the drop in EK. M. F. indicated: MOLES cacsmecrs 1. /15 2. (2.5 8, (8.5/4. (4515. |6. 7. 8. |9. 10, Const........ mee oy cin al -89} .76| .67| .60| .54| .45) .38) .83) .80| .27 SHORT RULES FOR DETERMINING SIZE OF CONDUCTOR. Distance Amperes 1]* Loss in Volts Or, in 50 Volt Work, 2% loss: sj Distance Amperes x 11—Circular Mils. =Circular Mils. If the work is at the end of the circuit, the factor “Distance” should be double the actual distance (or both sides of circuit), but if the work is evenly distributed it should be single distance, only. . 9 *11 (ohms) is the resistance of a foot of copper wire one mil in aiaaeteed having a conductivity of 98 per cent. of that of chemically pure copper, 166 "QgT a8ed uo +3 r 5: ; : fi = ; 5 ; 3 = : 3 5 % 10L «c Ayoudey Sarktrey yuspearmba ,, | 7F s9 OF | vere | seers | “0999 ‘0000 ‘00 ‘000 oO. 00 0 t T % . ‘ g ‘06 Peete oP eer ee Psat 2 Gee ert a | OOO]. OOOO | 00s] 000, | 00 1. 00.1. (0 ‘T ‘T = % g g g ‘08 eiom suisn Aq ynosjo B dn ayeUt | -e2-0—-d yor | ‘0000 | ‘0000 000 |'000 | ‘00 | ‘00 | ‘0 | ‘t | t | zw |e | ce |e Le CL MAT Sota ed Soc Bal SAL a ba da cela E ‘SdW¥T | “0000 | ‘0000 | 000 | 000 | ‘00 00 | 0 T a ge 40 g fF > s 2 ‘OL auvaN IS | -9000 | 0600) 000 | ‘60 | 00 0 0 ‘| % %G ¢ ‘¢ 7 G G cg : * 10000} 0000} 000 | 000 | 00 | ‘00 ‘0 0 “i % 3 g aa - ‘G Gg 09 OOF 6T Bo» ‘0000 | ‘0000 | “0000 | 000 |°00 | ‘00 | 0 0 ‘T vs 7 #3 g - °g "g 9 "GG fo ‘0000 | 0000| ‘000 | 000 | 00 | ‘0 0 a I % 7 g p ‘F °g 9 ‘9 “0g OOF ST ‘0000 | 000 | 000 1°00 |00 | 0 it uy G % "¢ 'p s 2 'g ‘g 9 ahh “CF e ‘000 | 000 | 000 | 00 | 0 ii ‘| ¢ %G a a7 D G ¢ g yt 8 ‘Ob 00% GJ < 9 3 O00 00 0 9 : 3 "% 3 F i i : 2 s f: 8 me 004 6 LON ‘0 ‘0 er oT ie g *g a7 > "g 9 9 ye “i 8 6 ‘OL Ko a oT z P, "g - F °G "g ‘9 oe "y 8 8 6 “Ole tte 0% ‘| G ¢ af ¢ YD ¢ ¢ g g D L 8 8 6 ‘OL LL ‘BL ‘due q ‘d‘o Z iG ‘g g p G Gg 9 9 7] 8 8 6 6 Ol, ok GILL Bee 9T 000z|eulwou : : otk 1;'O e F ‘- "g 9 9 a op 8 6 6 “OE 1: OL 4 CI edie FL Quo 0} 90ue eBney "§ 9 “g g p - °g °g 9 oy ri .) 8 6 Ore Ole? 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SO Lsh (OT | OTe Oba Ore nte |< 0L21 8 Ola OT ‘T “006 | */08T | “.09T | “OFT | *,0cL 1,001 | 06 | “08 | “04 |°.09 | 09 | Sb |r | vee | 08 | 1&3 | 106 sdurey Tea arhAaricGit ‘oBney “Ss PY ‘g Ul MO]9g PozeoIpU] due SaZIg QUIK “UOIENGIJ}SIG. 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CARRYING CAPACITY OF CABLES. . Prepared by Henry W. Fisher, Electrician of the Standard 2 Underground Cable Co, Copyright, 1897. Heating Effect in a piece Factors for determining ; of No. 0000 Cabie. size of conductor, etc. : B. & S. G, (See Explanation below.) Carrying Capacity joa Uce COS Rise in tem- Cables perature eres te-| |o meg nla tae | 3 oe ) i 188 24 269 00 71 195 26 280 060 86 237 28° 290 0000 1.00 27 0 300 Cir. Mils 32 309 250000 1.16 Bit 34 318 300000 1.29 355 36 326 350000 1.41 397 38 334 400000 1,55 438 49 342 450000 1.71 477 42 350 500000 1.85 515 44 858 550000 1:09 502 46 366 600000 2.15 589 48 373 650000 2.81 624 50 380 700000 2.46 659 52 387 750000 259 | 693 54 894 800000 2 (ae | 726 56 401 850000 2.89 759 58 408 ie ae oe 950 15 we ae 10 3.26 854 The first and second columns are the result of a series of care- ful experiments made in our laboratory. ‘The cable was placed on a wooden floor in the form of a large elliptical spiral of four tufns, thus approximating to a condition that might occur in practice, viz: Four cables running side by side. The table of factors (third and fourth columns) is the result of experiment and theory combined. Several tests were made on different sizes of cables laid as above described, in order to find the ratio between the amount of current necessary to raise them to a certain temperature and the amount of current required to raise the No. 0000 cable to the same temperature; then by the aid of theory and the curves that were drawn, the factors for the remaining sizes were obtained. These tables serve for three purposes: Ist- To find what size conductor must be used for a given tise in temperature and a given number of amperes. Rule: Decide upon some temperature that you consider safe, then divide the given number of amperes by the amperes correspond- ing to this temperature in the above table, compare the quotient thus obtained with the factors above and it no factor exactly agrees with the quotient, choose the size conductor correspond- ing to the next greater factor. Briefly, letting A = the given number of amperes. B = the amperes corresponding to the desired tise of temperature in the above table. F = the sor for the size of conductor to be used. ame Then Loy 169 Example: i With 14 degrees as a safe rise in temperature what size of conductor must be used to carry 175 amperes? In the table we find 208 opposite 14 degrees; dividing 175 by this we have rt Use No. 000. 2d—To find the number of amperes that will produce a given rise of temperature in any cable. Rule: : Multiply the amperes corresponding to said rise of tempera- ture in the above table by the factor of the cable. Briefly, using the same symbols as above: A=F XB. Example: ; How many amperes will produce arise of 20 degreesina piece of No.3 cable? Opvnosite 20 degrees we find 246 amperes; multiplying this by .39, the factor for No. 8 cable, we have as the answer .39x246—96 amperes. 3rd—To find what rise of temperature will be produced in any cable by a given number of amperes. Rule: Divide the amperes by the factor of the cable, and find the temperature corresponding to the quotient in the above table, Briefly, Beas F Example: 5 ; What temperature will be reached by passing 870 aniperes through a cable having an area of 850,000circular mils? gy =801, and this corresponds to 80 degrees, which is the rise in tempera- ture. In choosing what shall be the safe temperature to which the cable shall besubjected, the condition and kind of subway should be considered. Ifthe ducts are well ventilated, we would recom- mend 25 degrees F. as the maximum temperature to be used in making the calculations by the above method; while if the sub- way system is dry and poorly ventilated, we would not recom- mend a temperature exceeding ten or twelve degrees F. These varying values for the safe temperature are chosen on account of the difference in the dissipation of heat. In either case the actual temperature reached by the conductor would not be greater than 20 degrees above that of the earth, etc., adjacent to the cable, and this temperature is what we recommend asthe one to be used in calculating the size of Aerial Cables. Very often the question of resistance, rigidity or strength makes it advisable or necessary to use larger cables than those obtained by calculation. The above rules and tables apply to Electric Light Cables with 3-16 inch insulation between the conductor and the lead, but they may be considered approximately correct for any slight variation in thickness of insulation above or below this figure. For the benefit of those familiar with the use of logarithms, who may desire to know something about the laws governing the rise of temperature, the following is appended: Letting t — the rise of temperature in degrees F. above the sutrounding air. A =the number of amperes required to produce the rise of temperature. K =a constant. h xX == some unknown power to which A must be raised; x the form of the equation used was t= = By methods too elaborate to be mentioned here, the most probable value for x was tound to be 2.1 and then the equation 2-1 of the curve for No. 0000 Cable became T= a In no place did this curve differ from the experimental curve by more than half ofadegree. In the tests that followed on other cables of different sizes, the formula only differed from the above in the fact that the constants were different, and these constants are easily obtained from the formule, K=5250 F2-1, where F is the factor of any desired cable and K is its constant. Finally, the factors themselves can be calculated approximately through a range of +7 from No. 10 to No. 0000 by means of the equation Fars where C= the number of circular mils in the conductor and F = the factor of the conductor. This formula departs a little from what theory would sug- gest as applied to solid conductors, the reason being that the relation existing between area and surface is not the same for stranded as for solid conductors. 170 TABLE COMPARING CARRYING CAPACITIES. . Ke + Size of Conductor G ks Maximum Amperes. Ay 2 bo | ox O +35 9 0 be 25 | os sy | HO a cae SR Ges ccd Pa Sa B. & S.| Circular a6 a Su. | se oD | a @ G. | Mils. | 3% =o | Sales8 | moO] &g oS wn Ff b 3) a be | Ro gi | 84 | £2 | SEM ER] 58 =i Se RPA ey joie * A * al) 2 ort Pea onitce 022 833 348. 509 | 597 AQQQ00 TE iesececssneecces 028 282. | 294. 426 | 489 SH0000 Haier was sactss 032 255. | 265 888 | 442 Ub oad Ber coma 037 227. | 237. B65 | 394 DENN ail eces-tvescens 4 98. 319 1600 000 052 174.6 | 182.7 | 275 | 302.9 167800 00044+ 065 146.7 | 158.5 | 287 | 254.5 33100 0044+ 083 123.3 | 129.0 | 195 | 213.9 1055 04+ 104 103.7 | 108.5 | 168 | 179.8 83699 + 3 87-1; 91-1} 143 | 151 66370 3— 166 73.2 | 76.6 | 124 | 197.0 52630 fe 209 61.5 | 64.4] 107 | 106.7 41740 6+ 264 BE-Zily O4:k ie SOL 89.7 83100 7— 833 48. 45.4 | 74 75.8 26250 — ‘419 | 36.5} 38.2] 63 | 63.3 20820 g— 05 80.7 | 82.1 52 53.2 16510 1046+ .665 25.8 | 27.0| 44 44.7 13090 lw— 841 PAE = PAT 386 37.6 10380 12%+ 1.061 18.2} 19.1} 80 31.6 8234 13%2+ .338 153 | 16-0 |.......... 26.5 6930 li — 1.687 TZ SAS BD alecawasccee 22.3 5178 15: 2.126 LOB LEB TA Siscexs 18.7 fae i (a Ay a a yf 15.8 8257 17— 3.382 7.6 SOUT. sees: 13.2 2583 18+ 4.264 G4 + 6-7... ox 11.1 5048 1814+ | 5.396 Se D.O 4. Concecks: 9.5 1624 19+ 6.781 4.5 AT hes senses 7.9 *At 75° F. and for a wire of 98% conductivity. This column is also the resistance per 1,000 feet of the same wire in ohms, {This column was calculated from a theoretical formula based on Nicols’ determination of the amount of heat lost by radiation and convection from blackened surfaces. ‘Twenty de- grees rise in temperature was assumed, the temperature of the surrounding air being taken at 90 degrees F. 3 az 56.8 Where d=the diameter of the conductor in mils, C=the current in amperes. This formula applies to solid conductors. |Calculated from a formula suggested by A. K. Kennelly, Electrical World, November 30th, 1885. Using the same symbols 3 Z as above, the formula reduces to C= es . Itis based on arise of The formula reduced to convenient form is C= temperature of about 19 degrees F. **Calculated from the tables given on page 169 by the metho indicated in the directions for using the tables ‘Twenty-five de- grees was taken as the safe rise in temperature. 3 2 tFormula, Cours This column represents the safe carrying capacity recom- mended by several companies; a comparison with the columns based on practical conditions will show how unsafe are these high figures. From a theoretical standpoint, they seem to be based on arise in temperature of about 55 degrees, a practical application of which might be extremely disastrous, especially in warm weather or under conditions where the dissipation of heat is retarded. 171 S caehaneeh hemicomekcammh aeeeh eek aie aati oe | VOLTS OR AMPERES. TN & LNCOIM COM OMAN SOLO | 0G | GL | SL | 2b} | A] | oa § 0098S" 02609" OFGRE O9GSF OSSCP’ 00c0b" OCo28" OFSES" O9TZS" OSF6G" 00896° OZIFS" OFFIS" O9Z8T’ OS09T" OObEL: OGLOT OFO80" 098¢0° 08920" 0660S" PLESP Sc8SP* C8GEP 9ELOF HGL8E" FROGS" 86088" CSG0S" 90083" O9bS6° FIGZS" 89806" GC8LT" 9LCST" O£ZGL° PSTOL 86920" G60S0" 9FSZ0° OFS" SESS" OTPSF* FOOTF’ GOSS" O8LF SOLES" OCSTs" PPO8G" ZECIG OGLbG: SOLIS" 96661" P8891" CLEFT 03061. 8F960" JSGLO™ PESEO" IFZO" O9SSF G8GEP FOOTF 9GLE8E" SEFIS" ‘OLLbE COSTE" PLOGZ O8ELB" 8C0SS 08266° ZOS0Z" FGGST" OFEST” S998T" O62 1° ZTT60" E890" 9CSF0" 82620" 8h O8SZF'00ZOF’ 98206" OGI8S" GSGRE" OSTOS SFFOG' OLTFS" FOSFS' O9TZE’ O9L¢E OSLOS: 9100S OFTSZ" GLSLZ'OST9Z" SGLES OCIS FSCS OTIS’ OPbLe 0010 9661 (0G08T’ ZGTLT O809T’ 00ST’ OLOFT’ FOSZT’ O90ZT" OG20t OSO0L 9280" OFO80' ZEF90' 08090" S850" OZOFO" FFIZO" 010G0" 0ze2¢" FROGS" 89168" ZEST" 9 TOS" ODL" FIZIS" S8EFS" ZISZS" 92902" 0928) FSS" S00CT" ZEIST | OCI" 08260", FOCLO" 86990" ZELE0" 9L8T0"| Ll bh OFSFS 86088" 9SeTs” FI9GG GLELG" OFL9G° S8EFG" 9V IGS" F060G" GOT6L OGbLL SLOGT 9S68T° FOIZT CCFOT 01280" 89690" 96690" F8FSO" GPELIO el O9TZE" O8F6Z" 0089Z BECOE'9008G" ONFSZ FPFO8S'BESIG OZLFG 9EELZ SOG" O8LZS" ROLES | F8CGS" OFF IZ OOLbE GLLGG OOL0G’, BISZS'9690B"|O9L8T’ FO60G'|GOTGT OGPLT 9661 |8892T"0809T" S89LT FIZOT OPLET 08091" 0bZbL O0re): LEFT" 998109067" FIST |GOLTT OZLOT’ 9SZTL"|STEOT "08860" 8F960"|FF880"0F080" 01080° OLE20° 00290" GEF90"9680" 0980" FSFO | ZZFFO" OGOFO™ 9TZE0"|8F620" 08920" 80910" | | FLFIO’ OFSTO" Gh LL | Ob OGTES” P1626" B0L1Z ZOL0S" 96061" O608L° P8891" 89ST" CLEFT 99681" 0901" PS8OT" 8F960" GFFSO' 980 02090" FZSFO" 8198 GIFZO" 90610" —— ae 6 OFFIC" 89803" 96660" PECRL CCT LL” 08091 80091" 9868" POSSI’ COLTT" O9L8T GC8LT" PRsor” 9F6ST 800ST” O20bL* GSTS FOIGT 9SGIT STSOL O¢L01: 8F960" 92980" OSLO" “GSF90" 032S0' 88ZF0 ‘9TZE0° FPIGO GLOTO" 8 08260" GFF80° F0SL0° 99990" 869G0" C6340" GSLEO" FI8c0° 9L8T0° 88600 ‘SAYadNV YO SLIOA ‘8998 O809T’ 9LGT" CLEFT r FOSST 09061" OSGI GSFOL F960" FP880° 01080: 9&ZL0" CEF90" 86990" FGSFO" 0c060" 9180" GIFCO" '809T0' F0800° OOFST’ OSLO’ 09061" O6STT’ OCLOT” OSO0t° 08860" OTL80" 0F080" OLEL0" 00290 08090" 09860" 06960" OZOFO" 0S229° 08920" 0100" OFSTO" 4900" OZLOT | PSTOL SEIGO’ ZIT60° 9LCR0 || 07080 FOSLO’ 89690 GEFIO’ 968¢0° oses0° FSO" 88GFO° GGLE0° 9TZEO'| 08970" FFIGO’ 809T0" ZLOIO' 98G00° b £ OF080" 86920" 98620" FE890 CEFIO" 02090" 8z990' 9ZS0" FZ8FO" GoPFO 0c060° 81920" 9TZE 1820" ZIPZO™ OLOZO" 80910" 906TO" FO800° GOFOO N O9&C0" G6O0S0* FGSPO 9S°F0" S8CFO" O¢0b0: BELE0' FSFEO" 9180" 8F6C0" 08960" IFO" ‘|FFTGO" 9L810° S09TO" OvElO- GLOTO’ FO800° 98900" 89¢00° "huedwoy ajqeg punoubsepup paepuezg 04} Jo uelslujzo0/y ‘sousig "mM Asuapy Aq pauedasg ‘ATaVL YAMOd ASYOH IVOINLOAI1E é = | ! | 0890' OFSZO" ZIFO 82000" FFIZO" OLOGO ‘9L8T0" ZFLIO’ 30910" FLETO" ObELO 9010" ZLOTO’ 86600" FOSO0" 62900° 9€600" ZOFOO' 89200" FST00' L lr} bh suk seek seh meee eel meek meh seb seek meek | "SHUddNV YO SLIOA HORSE POWER TABLE. The product of Volts and Amperes represents Electri Dividing by 746 reduces Electrical Energy to Horse Power. work ot reduction from Volts and Amperes to Hor and a few examples will show how to use the table. rN SPL COM COMO AQINI ST LOCONmco 5 Oe o Da 0 n eS 5 6¥s wo fa POf Hee bo o° a Senor eB Ae re] WSS N8ee oo O eet By Te ais. ads icin “Smt cs Sa . —] maa Gg B | Om rw pn Oo %.) & eres ee o. €6€ a mo ot) oS n AADQAW He Oo owen ee 9 we find e ae e ee At the juncture of columns 12and 1 Power for Example No.1. oe What Electrical Horse Power corresponds to 1 1st. end. 3rd. 0-552 H. P; e Horse Power 2 re) a gures after the 19 and 12, hence 3, hence tl ght and the answer is significant figures in Example No. In Example No. 2 there are two significant fi we move the decimal point two places to the ri There are three is 305 foe ® a os bx} ~~ n 3 = ) Fy 400 HR HeMOS als ; OHA SF oy 2 iii ly aon So % Go... 2 paige ae 1s rs] Ay ee: woMSHS Og... x he tie a qs g IAS ays tos ts & Tes ° nee ee Hag sa outs > re 9 « _ e oo oe > fo) 3 Ay ou eat oO n BOS 1 g a ot a, ee Ne wn > 3 172 ALTERNATING CURRENTS. Owing to the extensive use of alternating currents in over- head feeders and underground electric cables it is thought necessary to give some formule and tables to be used in making calculations with reference to cables carrying alternating currents, In the first place we shall give some general formule and later some results derived from practical tests. For alternating currentsOhm’s Law hasthe following form : EH oS (1) V R24 p2y2 where C=the current, E=the electromotive force, R=the ohmic resistance, P—277 times the frequency, and =the “inductance”’ which depends upon the geometric form of the circuit and the magnetic properties of the conductors and the surrounding medium. The expression 7 R?+P?I/? is called the ‘‘Impedance.’’ Fora circuit consisting of two parallel wires each of a radius r, and having an inter-axial distance d, between them, the total length of the entire circuit being Z feet, 30.48 1(.5-+-4.6052 Log® ) as 109 and for iron wire when the current density is low 80.48 2(75+-4.6052 Log’) e— 102 Henrys. The distance (d), and the radius (r), must be expressed in the same units of length. aie The drop in voltage for an alternating current circuit =CyR2+P2I2 SKIN EFFECT. The alternating current causes an unequal distribution of the current in the wire, the current density decreasing towards the center of the conductor so that for large wires the central portion is useless as a conductor, thus increasing the resistance of the wire above that which it would be for a continuous current. This is known as ‘‘ Skin Effect.’’ The skin effect increases with the frequency and also with the diameter of the wire in such a way that for the same per- centage of increase in the resistance due to skin effect the pro- duct [diameter?x frequency] is constant. This fact permits the following table to be constructed from which the increase in resistance may be calculated fora given frequency and size of conductor. Henrys (2) To find the factor I ead apie eR Multiplying | With which the resist- pee a Frequency Factor. ance to the direct cur- 1000000 rent is to be multi- plied, in order to ob- 95.0 1.02 tain the resistance to 35.0 1.04 the alternating cur- 43 0 1.06 rents, multiply the 49.5 1.08 number of circular 56.5 1.10 mils of the conductor 71.5 1.15 by the frequency and 84.5 1 20 divide by 1000000; then 96.0 1.25 in the left hand 108.0 1.80 column find between 180.5 1.40 which two numbers 154.5 1.50 the result lies. The 178.5 1.60 required factor lies 204.0 1.70 between the factors 2382.5 1.80 corresponding to 263.5 1.90 these two numbers 294, 2.00 and is found by inter- polation. For example :—What is the resistance to the alternating cur- reut of an 850,000 circular mils conductor of which the resistance to the direct current is .001157 ohms, when the frequency is 133 alternations per second? . 3 Circular milsX Frequency _ mn Oe es 1338=113 173 Here Referring to the table it is seen that this result lies between 108 and 130.5 and the difference between 108 and 130.5 is 22.5, which corresponds to a difference in the factor of 1.40,—1.30,=.10, and since the difference between 113 and 108 is 5 we have by simple proportion .1x spg= 0 as the increase in the factor above 1.30 corresponding to the increase in the numbers in the left hand column from 108 to 118, so that the factor corresponding to 118 is 1.80+.02=1.32. Multiplying this by the resistance to the direct current we have .0011571.82—.001527 ohms as the resistance to the alter- nating current. NOoTE.—The above method is based on Lord Kelvin’s calcu- lations for solid conductors and we believe that for practical purposes it can be applied with sufficient accuracy for conductors composed of stranded wires. Illustrative example for the calculation of the alternating currents. What is the current flowing in an 850,000 circular mil stranded conductor 95 feet long the circuit consisting of two parallel con- ductors, with an inter-axial distance of 4 inches, when the im- pressed EK. M. F.—3.73 volts and the periodicity 133. Here the diameter of conductor=1094 mils. The resistance to the direct current=.001157 ohms, therefore the resistance to the alternating current=.001527 ohms. (See example under skin effect). The inductance (L) is found from formule (2) z 4 30.48 x 95(.5+-4.6052 Log a) 12972 ape 109 109 Substituting in equation (1) this_value for (L), and also the value of P, R, and EK we have Ce 3.78 _ 3.78 cay, 253.1416 9972\2 -01095 (.001527)2-+ x3.14 a 97 ) In an actual test in which the above conditions were approx- imately fulfilled the current by actual measurement was 334 amperes. ; In this case where the centers of the conductors were 4 inches -01095 -001527 Henrys =340 Amperes. apart it will be seen that the impedance was =7.2 times the ohmic resistance. On reducing the inter-axial distance to 3 inches the result of an actual test gave the impedance to be about 6.6 times the ohmic resistance; and upon bringing the two branches of the circuits so close together that the lead coverings almost touched, the impedance was reduced to about 5.5 times the ohmic resistance. The results of these tests as well as theory clearly show the advantage of placing the two branches of an alternating circuit as near together as possible. This is best accomplished in the Duplex Cable and an actual test has shown that in a piece of 00 Duplex Cable the impedance was only about 1.5 times the ohmic resistance. HEATING EFFECT OF THE ALTERNATING CURRENT. For the same current a cable will become more heated when the current is alternating than when it is direct. This is most marked with large conductors owing to the skin effect. There may even be in the interior of the conductor a current reverse in direction to that nearer the surface. In an alternating circuit composed of two separate cables the lead covers of which were touching at frequent intervals, as is often the case in practice, the rise of the cable in temperature above the surrounding air, was found by an actual test to be neatly double what it was when the lead coverings were in sulated from each other. This is due to induced currents in the lead, which short cir- cuit themselves at the points ot contact of the lead covers. 5 With a short length of cable we have obtained as much as 130 amperes between the lead of one cable and that of the other. Sparks between the lead covers of single cables conveying alternating currents have frequently been observed in manholes and the cause of gas explosions in these manholes has been attributed to this phenomenon. 174 and both The above mentioned effects are prevented in the Duplex Cable where the conductors are placed close together symmetrically surrounded by the lead cover. di- tional reasons why Duplex Cables are preferable for conveying the alternating current. These are ad TO FIND THE CAPACITY OF A WIRE SUSPENDED THE AIR. Capacity per mile in microfarads To find the capacity between two wires suspended in air. Capacity per mile in microfarads Oo.” ro oO8 ete Me wre, Falemyon es) toa ¥ aad & oord eel Vs GH Ge O¥y0 an] ie) "Ar 2 Decry -ULrvty ogee Stic -~ Ho Me 9 B54 =| Fyuvod SP eos s 9 Seon aes Rae y 2B vt A Se Vo ay OP EHS uo) Pugav .g CFD BDH Qy Ua Seuss gsya SOR Dads Um ay 4 aE: 3° 3) BSS gues Ii lotgys DOU® 90a eo 5 “ApS Pe Rett = 4 5 ange ions *sot}yioedes 0} so1jdde ani smves ayy, *3.1N}B.19d T1139} PIA.19SqO 9} 3B WOT}E[NSUI paze[ngqe}y ay} Aq oy} splarp pue‘s1nj}e1sdu19}z perlsap 3} 7B MOT} e[NSUT poze[Nq ej 9y} Aq UOT}E[NSUT UMOTY 94} ATd1}[NWI—: UMoTyY st ‘a1n} -viad uid} Paarasqo UB 7B ‘MOTJE[NSUT JY} IIo ‘s[BIIoJVU SUL}e[NSUL 9AOB 9} Y}IM 91qQ¥d Aue jo ‘ainjzessdura} Aue 38 ‘WOL}e[NsUT oy} SuIpuy Joy aTNYy Insulators. *2.1n}eIod M19} PolIsap 94} 4se1veM | SOOT" O&T GCL sain3y OM} 34} TaaMyoq AT[eUOTJIOdo1d Burjzelod4s9jzuT Aq AjTo}zeUt | GL60° OST OSI -rxoidde punojy aq ued ‘a[qe} 9} UL UeAIs saduvI 94} U2aMJoq | FFE" 09% CIl 31njereduia} Aue 0} Surpuodsasi0s Ayfovdes 10 UOT}e[NSUL I, 8160° 098 OIL [680° OLP SOT 06L9° O8F &&6'T Gls OF8* 61 OOF" O8T GL80° 009 OOT ¢999° 009 616°T SGP 6GL° 08 GCP O83 6980" OFL C6 0Sg9" OZL F06'T SLP GOL” 6F OSF* OSF GF80° O16 06 Grh9 &98 888° T GCG 80L° 9L OFF’ 089 9880° | OZOT G8 SF&9" 066 TL8°T 08¢ 889° O8T GPP" OFOT 8680" 00ST 08 6969" S8IT &S8'T OF9 929° 023 6&F* OST TG80° OOTS GL O8T9° S6GI 8&8'T GOL 999; OOF 98P° O&ZS FI80° O¢8z OL GOT9° OLFT IIs GLL LG9° OLL S&P" Os TS L080° O0GF G9 L809" OLOT 982'T 8F8 6F9° OZ6T OSPF" OOSP 0080° 0002 09 B B os B mg tt 8 oy B oy RAG] REE | Ree] BRE) ReC| REE | Rae) BEE | ae RES Ge eh ee | eho alla OS Eo) Ph hte ies Oa lee ti aes, P| eis ee tae Us Ee 4 Bes | ees | 2s | Bee) es | bee) bro) Bee) ee Ese) aS — = —_ ae — = — he hawk ay —_ ete — ot —_ bate _— ot — ~ pad | ES] esa) obs) mea | oes | RS | obs | Bd | obs) Bs n ~ n wn n n a Hs 3 ‘ Ze : La Boe oul % ‘OUT Ze You] *spt*s You] spt’s *moT}e[Ns =) die Sia BC vinheT cot e[nsuy torye[nsuy -uj sadeg Aiq 2.4 ‘SR ‘AO 'ON| ‘STU TefMoIID | JOSSUASIUL | JOSSOUMIUL |-y-gaQgg@roN| * F 31qeD 000 O04 eI e Sst he gia oma 21429 0 WSVT IID9TH | JST OL oTH ne Sunoste |auSrrorspa | CONGR 2 p 2) q v GAUNOLVYUAdNaL JO BONVHO HLIM ALIOVIVO OLLVLS -OULOEIA GNV “AONVLSISSU ‘NOILVIOSNI 4O SONVHO ‘] The above Table is the result of several practical tests made give our patrons a general idea of THE STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE CoMPANY, and is intended to in the Laboratory of. Ken) the electrical qualities ot some of the various kinds of insulating mediums employed by us. ; It is a well-known fact that a slight variation in the quality and amount of insulating material used in the construction of a cable, may make quite a difference in the insulation and capacity, and hence other cables, of nominally the same insulating material and dimensions as above, may give, under varying temperatures, somewhat different results. DESCRIPTION OF CABLES. (“‘a”’) represents a Telephone Cable in which strips of paper are wound spirally and loosely around the wire. The main object in so doing is to enclose as much air as possible and thus ensure a low Electrostatic capacity. (‘‘b’’) represents an Electric Light Cable insulated with jute and,hard Ozite. The insulation resistance of this class of cable is high but owing to the hardness of the compound we do not use it on allsizes of cables, nor do we recommend laying sucha cable in very cold weather. (‘‘c”’) represents a fibrous Electric Light Cable insulated with soft Ozite. The insulation resistance is lower than that of ‘‘b” but on account of the oily nature of the compound this cable withstands breakdown strains from high voltage just as well as ‘‘b,” and and it can be laid in cold weather without danger of breaking the insulation and fiber when the cable is bent. : (‘‘d’’) and (‘‘e’’) represent cables insulated with our Sterling Rubber Compound, taped and provided with a lead cover, the compound being vulcanized in the ordinary manner; it can however, be vulcanized by a special method so as to greatly in- crease the insulation resistance and decrease the electrostatic capacity. ‘ To determine the Insulation, Resistance, and Electrostatic Capacity from the dimensions of the cable the following formule may be used. D Insulation resistance per mile in megohms=k Log a (1) (2) Electrostatic Capacity per mile in microfarads= D gee Where D=Outside Diameter over Insulation. d=Diameter of Conductor. k—A constant depending upon the insulating material and temperature. c=A constant depending upon the insulating material and temperature. ‘“D” and “d”’ must be measured in the same units of length. ILLUSTRATIVE EXAMPLE. What would be the Insulation Resistance per mile at 70° F. of a No.6 B. & S. G. cable insulated to inch, with the same compounds as used in cable (c)? For Cable (c) at 70 degrees. Insulation resistance per mile—400 Meghoms. 5 4 ; D=83+8i—82 Py am net From this data the value of k is found by substituting in the formule and solving for k. Thus 400 400 __ 400 52 Log 1.6858 .2268 T08 ae k =1760 64 Then by using this value of k and substituting for D and d their dimensions in the cable of which the insulation Resistance is to be determined, we have insulation resistance per mile of A D .162+.875 No. 6 B. & S. G. insulated to §—k log, —1760 Log 465 — —916 megohms per mile. The capacity Constant ‘‘c’’ for any given material and tem- perature can be determined from formula (2) by the same method as was used above to determine ‘‘k’”’ from formule (1) and then thé Capacity per mile for any cable of the same material can be found by substituting in formula (2) the dimensions of the cable (D and d) and the value found for constant ‘“‘c.”’ 176 weeeee Montana Vermont Wash.. Territo’ y N.Scotia Mexico... No. | Miles. | Cars.| Capital 20| 215 | 810) 6,117,875 1] 10 I PA ater ee ON 10} 95 | 241| 3,141,600 59| 754 | 2,050} 56,632,150 12; 268.2) 629 1.7 0m 1 es bs 3} |e. 308 2 27 ISN oaacetonccowt 22) 129.9)" 911) 49, pe "3501 8 56.5 94 277 100 7 259.1 417 4, mM 050 51} 1,311.5) 6,019} 82, 383" 550 84| 267.5} 796 3,485,400 80} 271.1) 518) 9,798,400 17) +154.0; 265) 5,147,100 15; 286.2} 782) 12,107,150 12} 199.4) 745) 4,746,100 14| 119.1) 227) 1,382,000 11} 363.2} 887] 10,441,400 58 iy 102. $ 4 238 49,945,800 913,225 3B 18, 5 600 8,343,950 8 29.5 67 76,550 84, 592.4) 2,450} 37,459,000 6 59.5 71) _ 1,454,450 17| 282.5) 444] 10,410,800 6 58.2) 122 497 575 a 542.2} 1,422] 26,755,750 ibe Ol ee 123} 1,897.8] 8,453}212 342,700 10} ’ 43.4} ° 82) 12051350 a 2/869] 67,504,850 16, 158 241} 38,645,645 129) 2,048.9} 3,951)122 3981550, 8| 159.6) 526) 4,354,200) 6 48.3} 107 "153,100 8 38 25 52,150 22) 207 506} 9,460,050 43; 411.1; 6518) 3,560,650 6 98.2} 123) 2,832,350 5 28.5 50 459 300 91, «187 513) 6, 389,000 82| 816.4) 363) 11,869,850 6} 49.5| 97] 1,607°550 21| 341.5) 625] 4°623;600 8 22.5 28) 1,531,000 2 26 66 612,400 2 10 LO ese eS 3; 28 59| 1,913,750 27; 990.5} 958) 10,010,600 6| 121.8} 312} 8,497,050 07 To7 17,091.3146 ,840)890 829 120 sees eeeeree ELECTRICAL STATISTICS. Central Stations. Street Railways. seeeee | teeeeee —— This data is compiled after careful tabulation and correction. Inc. Arc No. | Lights. Lights 26| 28197, 2,575 5| 60,000 107 19} 15,870 1,297 85! 129,588 8 648 51} 138.550 3,209 85] 90,749, 4,877 5} 22.400, 470 2} 21,250 586 15} 12,383! _ 609 29, 43,504 2.063 10 480, 818 218] 463'814' 22,680 113} 120,972, 11,435 105} 161,686, 5,874 63; 56,345 3,279 83] 95,340 38 266 11} 25,862! 2524 41} 60,620, 2576 26} 52,839) 2.979 101) 418,627) 20,542 130} 424,524! 13 857 51] 136,131] 5,587 13} 8,995! 688 87| 250,251) 9,208 16} 37,030; 1,155 35] 48,185. 1)889 3, 1,080) 189 32} 47/938] 2,673 64! 154,931] 9,366 5} 4,720) — 144 213) 758,740} 41,463 21; 11.8441 973 6} 6,162) 168 160) 275,346] 18,792 4, 3,600) 250 80} 34,600] 2,060 243| 645,716| 47/520 13} 63.066] 4,738 13} 11,935} 628 17; 16,910} — 556 29) 41.078} 2,215 76| 100,771| 3,615 10} 15,655) 650 23) 32,212) 1,758 41) 36,793) 2,727 44} 63,417| 3,360 22} 29.408) 1,197 87) 120,060} 6/192 9| 13,695} 182 2 820 33 ae eee 750 6 7,250 585 6| 16,845} 208 10} 10,495} 752 9 Te500 \eeeeese 16} 17,925} 733 109} 163,541} 8,112 9) 2°720 90 19} 90,644! 38,299 2, 1,200 += 100 1; 1,200} 150 41) 36.385] 7,009 2,707)5,756,384|305,520 — Capital. 25,097,050 4,069,350 7,659,900 411,600 2,430,350 6,881,550 "370,450 58,130,950 “706,250 320,049 500 from Johnston’s Electrical and Stveet Railway Directory for 1896, and was furnished by the Publishers While some approximations are necessarily made to complete the estimate, it is safe to say that the final result is correct to within one per cent. of the actual figures, and may be relied upon to that extent, 177 TELEPHONE STATISTICS. AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. Number of Exchanges. ............... Number of Branch Offices.......... Instruments Under Rental......... Miles of Wire on Poles............... Miles of Wire on Buildings......... Miles of Wire Underground........ Miles of Wire Submarine............ Total Miles Of Wires. .ccscc00s:. Total Circuits, icc. ae Total Employees......2.cccccspeosessvoee Total: Stations, A.ccw-eccts eee TOLL LINES. Miles of Pole Lines.-..77.0t--.san Miles of (Wite xii. Estimated Daily Exchange Con- BECOME. Lacs ccargste eset ee Estimated Yearly Exchange Con- AL CCELOUIS pads ua tessah ashy s ci gotticeece paeed Average Daily Toll Connections. Average Yearly Toll Connections ee TS The longest distance over which conversations are main- JAN. Ist., 1896. 927 686 674,976 260,324 12,861 184,515 2,028 459,728 237,837 11,930 281,695 52,873 215,687 2,351,420 757,000,000 51,123 16,400,000 INCREASE OVER 1895. 60 114 92,470 28,316 1,664 36,230 172 63,054 25,763 836 38,263 3,549 85,130 tained is 1,625 miles, from Boston, Mass., to Memphis, Tenn. OTHER TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Telephone Companies other than the American Bell, are rapidly being organized throughout the country in very large numbers. At the present time, however, there is no very definite information extant as to the number and equipment of such companies, and we do not give any statistics, as they would only be misleading. 178 COMPARATIVE COST PER MILE OF OVERHEAD WIRES AND CABLES. (35 POLES TO THE MILE.) S2thees -) 2s 2 ae =) 0 a6 Overhead Wires Bare, o. oo © a. Materials, etc. eo = 9 >°e ce eal a ° eS o¢ aos BOLLE Toios 50.000 scWcduenasesceseunsys $ 181.25 | $ 166.25 $$ 455.00 SSDS Ca oo eS a aa 28.00 31.50 44.00 Cross-Arms, (10: pinsS)s42-ess. ihe 61.25 122.50 245.00 Cross-Arms, attaching to poles... 17.50 35.00 70.00 Braces and Screw6..............csesseeee -60 1.20 2.40 Pins, (1% inch Locust).............006 17.50 35.00 70.00 Pins, attaching tovarms............... 2.60 5.20 10.40 MATS AEALOUS ces c cc cececsscictcoscnecaccssactces 21.00 42.00 84.00 Insulators, attaching to pins....... 1.50 3.00 6.00 No. 14 B. & S. G. Hard Drawn BT AIOPWALE!, < 220.52. Sessteee cat ase 497.96 995.92 | 1,987.84 Labor Stringing Wire.. ............... 200.00 880.00 740.00 otal wecccreys ccteossrd ccestes $ 979.16 | $1,817.57 | $38,708.64 LEAD COVERED AERIAL CABLE. Thirty-five Poles (30 feet)...........| $ 52.50] $ 52.50! $ 52.50 REMEBER ITI: se cotscrssaccepthcscosesse 24.50 24.50 24.50 One Mile Galvanized Strand... 20.59 20.59 51.22 Stringing Same, Including Sup- RIBERA od asus 52.00 52.00 52.00 One Mile New Standard Cable and Installing Same Com- RSC eo ke Dee ahs cas eaeg sony xe 1,214.40 | 1,636 80 | 2,428.80 MOEA thas sccscnctccaeee $1,363.99 | $1,786.39 | $2,609.02 The prices of various materials used in the foregoing esti- mate are the average prices paid in various portions of the country, and are very closely approximate for the average con- ditions. We have compiled the following table, showing the cost of installing 25 pairs, 50 pairs, and 100 pairs underground cable, No. 19 B. & S. G., dry paper insulation, complete and ready for serv- ice, in conduits ae three different types, these costs including also the cost of conduit and installation of same complete, under average conditions. It should be remembered in comparing these costs that an additional duct could be laid at the time of making the original installation at an increased average cost of about 20 cents per foot, which will thereby render it possible to double the capacity of the system at any time that it may be necessary, with only - the slight increase entailed in the cost of the cable itself, and its installation ; whereas, in order to duplicate the original system of bare wires on poles, the entire original cost of the overhead system will be again incurred. COMPARATIVE TABLE.—Costs of Various Systems. STYLE OF SYSTEM. 50 wirES. 100 WIRES, 200 WIRES. Bare Wire, No. 14 Copper... $ 979.16 $1,817.57 §$ 3,708.64 Aerial Lead Covered Cable, INGOs) 20 BOG. Oa Grecsesestess 1,363.99 1,786.39 2,609.02 Underground Cable, No. 19 B. & S. G. in creosoted WOOd CONGIIE. cevesaescese 2,217.60 2,640.00 8,484.80 In hollow brick tile......... 2,376.00 2,798.40 3,643.20 In cement lined pipe....... 2,640.00 3,062.80 3,907.60 When it is considered in connection with these figures, that the relative yearly cost of maintenance of overhead wires, and overhead and underground cables, is tremendously in favor of cables, namely, about 10 a cent. for overhead wires, and from nothing to not over % of 1 per cent. for cables, the advisability of using cables becomes clearly manifest. 179 WEATHER SIGNALS. m= > | iu White Fla Blue Fla White and Binet rian: White Flag with Black Clear ov Fair) Rain on” Blue Flag. Square in fe Weather, - \ Snow, | Loca! Rains. :" femaaecuint Signal, _ Cold Wave. Red, Black Centre. ~ White Pennant, | =~ Red Pennant ‘Red Pennant, | Storm, ees Winds. Easterly Winds, «Information Signal,) = When — layed in €onnec- When Displayed in Connee. Vbeo pevisyes , tion with Storm Sigoal, . UON with Storm Sigoal, Alo STORM SIGNALS, Aiea z a Nortbeasterly Winds, ™ Southeasterly Winds. Nortbwesterly Winds; © Southwesterly Winds,) No. 1, white flag, six feet square, indicates clear or fair weather. No. 2, blue flag, six feet square, indicates rain or snow. No.8, white and blue flag, (parallel bars of white and blue), six feet square, indicates that local rains or showers, will occur, and that the rainfall will not be general. No. 4, black triangular flag, four feet at the base and six feet in length, always refers to temperature, when placed above Nos. ie 2 or 3it indicates warmer weather ; when placed below Nos. L, 2 or 8 it indicates colder weather, ten not displayed the in- dications are that the temperature will remain stationary, or that the change in temperature will not vary more than five degrees from the temperature of the same hour of the preceding day from June to August, inclusive, seven degrees from Novem- ber to March, inclusive, and not more than six degrees for the remaining months of the year. No. 5, white flag, six feet square, with black square in center, indicates the approach of a sudden and decided fall in temper a- ture, and is usually ordered at least twenty-four hours in ad- vance of the cold wave. When No. 5 is displayed, No. 4 is always omitted. A special storm flag, sed with black square in center, is prescribed for use in North and South Dakota, Minnesota, (except at Lake stations), Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming to indicate high winds, accompanied by snow, with temperature below freezing. When displayed on poles, the signals should be arranged to read downward; when displayed from horizontal supports, a small streamer should be attached to indicate the point from which the signals are to be read. No. 1 alone, indicates fair weather, stationary temperature. No, 2 alone, indicates rain or snow, stationary temperature. No. 3 alone, indicates local rain, stationary temperature. No. 1 with No. 4 above it, indicates fair weather, warmer. No. 1 with No. 4 below it, indicates fair weather, colder. No, 2 with No. 4 above it, indicates warmer weather, rain or snow. 180 A Storm Signal. A red flag with black center indicates that the storm is expected to be of marked violence. A Red Pennant displayed with the flags indicates easterly winds—that is from northeast to south, inclusive, and that the storm center is approaching. A White Pennant displayed with the flags indicates westerly winds—that is from north to southwest, inclusive, and that the storm center has passed. When the Red Pennant is hoisted above the storm signals, winds are expected from the northwest quadrant, when below, from the southeast quadrant. When the White Pennant is hoisted above the storm signal, winds are expected from the northwest quadrant, when below from the southwest quadrant. NIGHT SIGNALS.—By night a red light will indicate easterly winds, a white light above a red light will indicate westerly winds. The Hutricane Signal consists of two red flags with black centers, displayed one above the other, and will be used to announce the expected approach of tropical hurricanes and also of those extremely severe and dangerous storms which occasion- ally move across the Lakes and the Northern Atlantic coast. 181 Tdentification. 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