St oF COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE PRIMARY AND ELEMENTARY GRADES GEORGIA SCHOOLS 1924-25248 1929. FIRST READER CLASSES CLASSES FIFTH READER CLASSES READING PRIMARY BASAL SECONDARY BASAL WRITING ARITHMETIO LANGUAGE and GRAMMAR HISTORY and CIVICS SPELLING GEOGRAPHY Child’s World Primer and Child’s World First Reader. Riverside First Reader Buswell & Wheeler Silent First Reader and Free & Treadwell Primer and Free & Treadwell First Reader. (Optional) Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 1 Teacher’s Manual No. 1. Counting and writing numbers. No text required. Oral language lessons. No text required. Stories illustrating kind aess, heroism, obed- ience, etc. No text required. -Select words from child’s own yocabulary and text books used. Child’s World Second Reader. Riverside Second Reader and Buswell & Wheeler Silent Second Reader and Free & Treadwell Second Reader. Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 2. Teacher’s Manual No. 2. Morey’s Little Folks Number Book. Oral and written language lessons. No text required. Stories of Great Men and Women. production and illustration. No text required. Mastery of Words, peak 1, to page <0. Select words from child’s own vocabulary. Simple Oral Work in Home Geography. No text required. Oral Work in Home Geography. No text required. Child’s World Third Reader. Kendall Fourth Reader. Kendall Fifth Reader Elson Sixth Reader. Elson Seventh Reader Riverside Third Reader and Buswell & Wheeler Silent Third Reader, and Free & Treadwell Third Reader. Riverside Fourth Reader and Wheeler’s Literary Fourth Reader, and Child’s World's Fourth Reader. Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 3. Teacher’s Manual No. 3. Wentworth-Smith _|Primary Book to Page 149. Speaking and Writing Book 1, by Maxwell, Johnson & Barnum. Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 4. Teacher's Manual No. 4. Riverside Fifth Reader Wheeler’s Literary Fifth Reader, and Child’s World Fifth Reader. Riverside Sixth Reader, Wheeler’s Literary Sixth Reader, and Literary World Sixth Reader. Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 5. Teacher’s Manual No. 144. Zaner Blosser Com- pendium No. 6. Manual No. 144. Wentworth-Smith Primary Book Completed. Fables, Stories of Great Men and Women. Mlustrations. No text required. Mastery of Words, Book 1, to page 53. Modern Course in English, Book 1, Part 1 to page 172. Stories from Bible and from Mythology, illustrating unselfish- ness and other virtues. Dramatiza- tion. Wentworth Smith, Intermediate Book to page 140. Wentworth-Smith Intermediate Book completed. Riverside Seventh Reader, Wheeler’s Literary Seventh Reader, and Literary World Seventh Reader. Zaner-Blosser Com- pendium No. 7. Manual No. 144. 957338 Wentworth-Smith Advanced Book, com- pleted. Modern Course in English, Book 1, Completed. Modern Course in English Book II to page 144. Modern Course in English, Book I, completed. Evans First Lessons in American History, Revised. Completed. Evans First Lessons Georgia History, Completed. Old Europe and Young America. Civics. ’ Mastery of Words, Book 1 to page 95. Carpenter’s Around the World with the Children. Brigham & McFar- lane’s Geography, Book 1 to page 90. Mastery of Words, Book 1 completed. Mastery of Words, Book II to page 42. Brigham & McFar- lane’s Geography, Book 1 completed. Brigham & McFar- lane’s Geography, Book 2 to page 218. Thompson's History of the People of the United States, com- pleted. Civics. Mastery of Words, Book 2, to page 78. but it may be necessary to alternate some subjects in order to get thorough work. Rural Schools with one and two teachers and short terms are not required to use the sixthand seventh grade readers, nor Winstow’s Healthy Living. Primary Basal Readers are to be used before the Secondary. ; In schools having only one teacher, it may be necessary to alternate some studies. Require Composition work, letters, written exercises and declamations i 5. Teacher in each grade should have the Manual in Writing designated. 6. The School Law requires pupils to take all the studies in their respective grades, ent. in the seventh grade annual examinations, may receive a Certificate. n connection with the regular lessons. Read one chapter from the Bible daily. Require examinations. \ Brigham & McFar- lane’s Geography, Book 2, completed. HEALTH Health talks and Physical Training. No text required. Health talks and Physical Training. No text required. Health talks and Physical training. No text required. Health talks and Physical training. No text required. Jones’ Keep Well Stories, Physical Training. Ritchie-Caldwell Primer of Hygene and Sanitation. Physical Training. Physical Training. Winslow’s Healthy Living. AGRICULTURE Nature Study as outlined in the Manual, pages 164-166. Nature Study as outlined in the Manual, pages 164-166. Agriculture as out- lined in the Manual, page 164. Agriculture as out- lined in Manual, page 165. Simpler paris of Benson & Betts Agri- culture. Page 165 State Manual. Benson & Bett’s Agri- culture completed. State Manual, pages 165-166. Experimental tests Home Economics as outlined in the z Manual, pages 226-235. State Manual, pages 167-169. Those pupils of the seventh grade who make an average of 75 per ¥. E. LAND, State School Superintendent TMNT BOOKS ADOPTED FOR THE PRIMARY AND GRAMMAR GRADES GEORGIA SCHOOLS 1924-1929. Retail Retail Wholesale Wholesale Price Exchange Price Exchange READERS: Primary Basal- Child’ s World Primer, Johnson Publishing Co.______----_-- -42 .32 -38 .288 ss First Read OL, ts! ohnson Publishing Co Ree Sem -46 .34 -42 -306 . - Seconda i: Se" ee ee eee eee .52 42 -47 .378 < e Third aes # i pad ae .58 42 .53 .378 Kendall Fourth Reader, D. C. Heath & C0. S20. 2 ee ee 75 -68 -66 -62 Kendall Fifth Cee ee: Dee ae 375 .68 .66 .62 Elson Sixth “Scott, Foresman & Oo. ssa 12 Lae: .63 -59 - Seventh ¢ € e = KL. Sh eee .83 Ae .72 .68 Supplementary Readers. Riverside First Reader, Houghton Mifflin Co._____-___-- -45 ee -36 FH. Second ce f S oe eee See .53 = Oe 42 aoe .68 pe 54 eal - Seventh “4 4 € aN 8 yO .68 54 Recognizing the very great importance to our schools of extending their reading courses, we, in “addi- tion to the supplementary series nowin use, namely, the Riverside, recommend two further series in the order herein mentioned: FIRST: Buswell & Wheeler Silent Reader, Wheeler Pub. Co. First Grade: Acritst Readerel .- mesie.5 ee U,V ee ee eee .55 -oL .50 .46 A Second Reader. 2." hey. .. Se eee ee ee ee -60 <05 .54 -50 ATTHIrGd Redden. Ve 22 use ere ee ee ero .65 .60 -60 .55 Wheeler’s Literary Readers: A Fourth;Reader. U2 5 Sie ee ee eee .70 .49 .63 44 A Bifth Reader: Ws... 4 Meee 3: Se fe eee 70 49 63 44 A‘Sixth Reader i)... 3 ee... Se eee 80 56 72 51 A Seventh Reader® __ see. 2 = ee eee ee 80 56 2 51 SECOND: Free & Treadwell, Primer, Row, Peterson & Co._______-________ -40 .38 .36 .34 . First Reader ABB eee Om Re eR hes .44 -41 .39 .36 ce « Second Reader)... 2 eee eee -48 -44 -42 39 be Bs H ‘Third. Reader... 2252 4 ee eee ee .53 .50 -48 .45 _ Child’ s World Fourth Reader, Johnson Publishing Co prem ore ee 73 .53 -66 ATT iC oo EE TY TOR ELCT © een = ot, ae ane amor ete ee 81 "Or .73 .513 Literary World Sixth Reader, = x4 Reels See .86 .62 ait .558 2 Seventh Reader, “ be pean 2) .86 .62 ote .558 ARITHMETIC: Morey’s Little Folks Number Book, Chas. Scribners’ Sons______ 45 fee, 5 .38 eS Wentworth-Smith Essentials of Arithmetic, Primary, Ginn & Co. .53 eee .42 ae Wentworth-Smith Essentials of Arithmetic, Intermediate Book, Ginn: & (©0;2 22.2 eo AE oe ee ee eee eee .60 A. a .48 wes Wentworth-Smith Essentials of Arithmetic, Advanced Book, Ginn. &.Co. ose 2 es Res eee se eee .64 eee bl ae GRAMMAR: Maxwell, Johnson and Barnum’s Speaking and Wiiting, Book " One, American Book OConpany+_2 2 eS eee .46 .43 .36 .34 Modern Course in English, Book 1, D. C. Heath & Co., Revised. .49 -46 -43 -41 Modern Course in English, Book 2, D. C. Heath & Co., Revised_ .60 -55 «02 -50 GEOGRAPHY: = S Carpenter’s Around the World with the Children, American : Book Co. 2228) [22 AES ee Ee ee ee ee ee 69 Fey = 54 Jae Brigham and McFarlane’s Essentials of Geography, First Book, < American Book Co. (With Ga. Supplement) .______________- 1.33 1.23 1.05 .98 = Second Book with Georgia Supplement____.___________-__-_-_-- 1.87 1.73 1.47 1.38 HISTORY: aie Evan’s First Lessons in American History, Benj. H. Sanborn Oois (Revised.) 32.22. ee ee ee ee eee 15 .70 .675 .63 = Evan’s First Lessons in Georgia History, American Book Com- ; : pany 2.28 le ee _ ee ee ee ee ee 8&0 74 63 59 = Mace-Tanner Old Europe and Young America, Rand McNally cK \O 4 Company 22422 2 SAS Ses ee ee ee .90 ioe Ait) rae 5 Thompson’s History of the People of the United States, D. C. ~ Heath &, Cops) 22" so 2 eh 2s ae ee ee ee 1.10 .95 .96 .86 AGRICULTURE: Benson & Bett’s Agriculture, Southern Edition, Bobbs-Merrill Oo. .((Revised.) 24. Bo 1 2 eee eee 86 Sf. 74 =a PHYSIOLOGY: Jones, Keep Well Stories, J. P. Lippincott Co._______________..- . 60 ipa DE Ee Ritchie-Calc well P1ime1 of Hygiene and Sanitation, World Book OoMpanyac oe est . Se Pe a ee eee vo ee -60 Jie Winslow’s Healthy Living, Charles E. Merrill Co., Book 2. ae Special Supplement by Oscar Dowling, M. D. ee ee .92 .68 .78 73 SPELLING: : Mastery of Works, Iroquois Publishing Co. Book-1,First-to-5th-Grades... eas oe eee pte eee rat .38 -35 -30 228. Book 2, Sixth tov*tth Grades ses: ssc: see ee ee .32 -29 -26 .24 WRITING: Zaner-Bloser Writing Books: Compendium N 0. a for Grades L-G pee ee ee .09 aA .90 dozen S432 ee. eee -09 ee: .90 “ Manual No. 144, for Grades 5, 6.70 (20 ui ae oe eee .20 at: 1.92 < RECOMMENDED: Funk & Wagnalls Comprehensive Dictionary___________________ 1.00 es -80 Zen Practical Drawing Books, Modern Art Course, Modern Art Courses, Practical Drawing Co. Books 1, 2,3 an@'4e_) 2. Ses ee ee 215 ae ai oes Books 5, 6, 7 and 8 oo Le SS eee ee eee -20 ae 215 PP