“ AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY 78 TO 86 TRINITY PLACE, NEW YORK. BUSINESS FOUNDED 1795. James MacponouGu, President. AucG. D. SHEPARD, Touro ROBERTSON, Tueo. H. FREELAND, Secretary & Treasurer. Jno. E. Currier, - Asst Secretary. J. K. Myers, - - Ass’t Treasurer. t Vice-Presidents. Gps ED ) & earning and Xubor. é 4 LIBRARY Ws ; i University of Illinois. f | © CLASS. BOOK. voLUME. Be SSAC On toe || ; & Books are not to be taken from the Library. | @ Accessions No_B.5150... 1% ie i wi b wut! eit fF Uh = ma Q ie Sere cla ae a Engravers and Printers of United: States Postage Stamps and Postal Notes, Bonds, Legal Tender and National Bank Notes. ENGRAVING AND PRINTING IN ALL LANGUAGES FROM STEEL PLATES, BANK NOTES, BONDS, STOCK CERTIFICATES, PosTAGE AND REVENUE Stamps, BILLts of EXCHANGE, DRAFTS, CHECKS, AND CoMMERCIAL PAPER IN THE FINEST AND MOST ARTISTIC STYLE, WITH SPECIAL SAFEGUARDS TO PREVENT GOUNTERFEITING + ALTERATIONS. Work Done in Fire-Proof Buildings. RAILWAY TICKETS, MAPS, POSTERS AND FOLDERS. COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. BONDS, STOCK CERTIFICATES AND OTHER DOCUMENTS LITHOGRAPHED WITH SPECIAL EXCELLENCE. AUGUST BELMONT & CO.. BANKERS, No. 23 Nassau St., New York. AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS OF THE Messrs. ROTHSCHILD, LONDON, PARIS, FRANKFORT, AND VIENNA. Issue Cineular Credits for ‘Travelers AVAILABLE IN ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD. ALSO COMMERCIAL CREDITS. Draw Bills of Exchange, and make Cable Transfers to Europe, West Indies, Mexico, and California. — Execute Orders for the Purchase and Sale of Investment Securities, THE METROPOLITAN TRUST C0, OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, $1,000, 000. SURPLUS, $800,000. (3.00 (AND ied SomiVV en eee a lie Designated by order of the Supreme Court as a legal depository. Will receive deposits of money on interest, act as fiscal or transfer agent, or trustee for corporations, and accept and execute any legal trusts from persons or corporations on as favorable terms as other similar companies. THOMAS HILLHOUSE, President: FREDERICK D. TAPPEN, Vice-President. CHARLES M. JESUP, 2d Vice-President. BEVERLY CHEW, Secretary. GEORGE D. COANEY, Ass’t Secretary. TRUSTEES: Morris K. JEsup, oe OGDEN, RoBERT HOE, A. GRACIE KING, Epwarp B. JupDson, HEBER R. BisHop, Water T. Harcn, THoMAS HILLHOUSE, J. Howarp KInc, DuDLEy OLcoTT, Joun T, TERRY, Henry B. PLant, GEORGE A. HARDIN, DEO Mirus: Wm. A. SLATER, BRADLEY MARTIN, FREDERICK D. TApPEN, Joun W. ELLIs, W.H. TILLINGHAST. C. P. HUNTINGTON, Wee Buns. Gro. HENRY WARREN, a Wii hah arvuior COMPANY COR. WALL AND NASSAU STS., NEW YORK CITY CAPITAL, %1,000,000 The Company is authorized to act as Executor, Adminis- trator, Guardian, Receiver and Trustee; as Fiscal and Transfer Agent, and as Registrar of Stocks and Bonds. The Company offers to Executors and Trustees of Estates, and to Religious and Benevolent Institutions exceptional facilities for the trans- action of their business. Deposits received subject to cheque at sight, payable through the New York Clearing House. Liberal Rates of Interest Paid on Balances OFFICERS Joun I. WaTeRBuRY, Pres. Joun Kean, Jr., Vice-Pres. Amos T. Frencu, Second Vice-Pres. R. B. GRINNELL Ass’t Treas, C. H.Smitru, Ass’t Sec. DIRECTORS, 1892 FRANCIS ORMOND FRENCH, .....4... New York HOUN (KC EAN, a) Raccague Gs eartay ie petes,, Elizabeth, N. J. PU GUST OEE MONT. wi sneer rae ts, oe New York HzO PINORDH COTE Ys jar ves uate sis sth) les New York Pe DO REOWING, COM Sore Pens es c.g New York fee. D+ RANDOLPH eso |. id wwe wdntle sie. New York aay CANNONS Plea ead eee ns ork New York AS SMINOSENBAUM, coq nie ream era 10s ore New York Re MC OOLIDGE,/ JRE. aia tek Seo ShR K ates oe Boston | ee Avins OW SOHEEDON, opie e ae ysl Memiieimen! «4: New York TR OSS He Ae Svcd Abel oe eo cue.) Men New York SAMUBLY RU SHIPLEY: ry) dellmesh or lsar an Philadelphia MOEN A> GRISWOLD: Ory Ws beises ty teen New York CHARTESH NES LA Cie are su ue Naian co nNrar G0 Ue New York RE ORD wer Rey tons nee, A Newey Oras new VV LESON Se) Vine go ctereie rE se 5 Sno) ch pes New York Pe AZGGINOON | erg Wee? oer ee aes loi, BOStonie |e OHN ap WATER BURM as ic go ahie al gis 6 ¢ New York SPS SUI WIS VSG is Oley 73 AINIR0IEIR S, No. 10 WALL ST., NEW YORK. , BOSTON, 16 Congress Street. ALBANY, State and James Streets. PROVIDENCE. 5 and 7 Exchange Street. MEMBERS NEW YORK AND BOSTON STOCK EXCHANGES. Commission Orders executed on either Exchange. Direct Private Wire to each Office, and to Correspondents in Philadelphia. : —— DEALERS IN—— STATE, CITY AND RAILROAD BONDS. BANKING HOUSE OF DREXEL, MORGAN & GO. Corner of Wall and Broad Streets, NEW YORK. oITITLI Tati DREXEL & CO. ~~ DREXEL, HARJES & CO,, ee Rr Ae a Se Re on le oY AR on AGENTS AND ATTORNEYS OF Messrs. J. S. MORGAN & CO., London. DRAW + EXCHANGE + AT +- CUSTOMARY + USANCES. Issue Commercial and Travelers’ Credits. ~NEW YORK SECURITIES A. Descriptive and Statistical Manual of the Corporations of New York City and Brooklyn, and the Railroads of the United States COMPILED FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES BY J. P. CRITTENDEN anv CHAS. B. HELFFRICH NEW YORK SECURITIES 45 LipeRTY STREET NEW YORK 1893 [Entered according to Act of Congress, in the years 1891, 1892 and 1893, by J. P. Crittenden and Chas. B. Helffrich, in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.] PREFACE. In presenting to the public the Initial Annual Number of NEw YorK SECURITIES, some words of introduction and explanation seem to be needed. The book is really two volumes in one, being not only the first convenient and comprehensive manual of reference upon the corporations of the cities of New York and Brooklyn, but also a manual of the railroads of the United States, Canada and Mexico. When originally projected, the object of the work was to cover not only the securities listed upon the New York Stock Exchange, but all the various unlisted com- panies which are domiciled in New York city, or which are incorporated under the laws of New York. But as the work progressed the scope of the inquiry gradually widened until it was deemed advisable to cover all the railroads of the country. The book is therefore printed in two main subdivisions :— I. RAILROADS. Il. FINANCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND MISCELLANEOUS CORPORATIONS. I. The subdivision vaz/roads is divided into four parts :— 1. Management—giving names, locations and addresses of all railroads and railway associations, and of their officers and directors, and of all railway commissions. 2. Descriptive—comprising offices, length of road, capitalization and operations in total and per mile, balance sheets, and general information not elsewhere classified. 3. Funded Debt and Mortgage Digest—being a complete description of all funded obligations and the indentures under which they were created. 4. Details of operations, annual meetings, transfer books, merged lines, and various corrections and supplemental information received too late for appropriate classification. This division into parts has been made to render it easy to find in one place the precise facts looked for, and those only, experience teaching that much time is frequently lost in looking through a large mass of information for a particular subject. In Parts 2 and 3 much care has been taken to group together all the various roads, which form integral portions of great systems or of which the controlling interest is the same, and suitable types have been selected and proper indentations made to show such relations at a glance. An entirely new method has also been employed in Part 2 to present to an investor a compact view of the value of each property by the introduction of a uniform series of ‘tables of capitalization; at the end of the latest obtainable fiscal year, exhibiting the capital stock, funded debt, unfunded debt and current liabilities, total capitalization and amount of annual interest charge, both in total and per mile, and the percentage of return upon the property, and, side by side and parallel therewith, tables of operations for the same fiscal year, showing all gross and net earnings and expenditures, fixed charges and dividends, and net results for stockholders. In these tables the amounts of gross and net earnings per mile of road operated have been in most cases determined readily, the divisor being the average length of road operated during the year, but in ascertaining the amounts of the several forms of railway capital per mile much difficulty has been experienced. It has been felt that a uniform method of resolving this problem would be most conducive to convenient comparative study of the different roads, and to this end the divisors employed have been arrived at by summarizing the total lengths of first track between terminals, whether owned, leased or controlled, including main stems and all branches, and excluding all additional tracks, spurs and sidings. This course has been open to the objection that the capital represented by the stocks and bonds of controlling systems has not always been actually expended upon the subordinate as well as the main lines; but since, in the majority of cases, large portions of this capital have been obtained by the controlling roads to enable them to acquire or improve the subordinate companies, it has been deemed wise to adopt the course taken. The hope, however, may be expressed that railroad officers will soon so recognize the great importance to them of the satisfactory presentation of these important units as to render more fully accessible the exact facts as to the way in which their capital has been actually _ expended. In those cases, however, in which it has:been certain, from information received, that no portion of the capital of the main stem has been expended upon a Vili subordinate road, the mileage of that subordinate road has not been included in the divisor. As the work has been going through the press, this tabular form, by reason of its great condensation, has been the subject of considerable correspondence and discussion with prominent railway officers, and upon the one item of unfunded debt and current liabilities it has seemed advisable to print a supplemental table in Part 4, for the reasons there set forth. In Part 3 are shown the various liens in the order of their priority, the precise portion of the property covered by them, and any other or further security beyond the’ road itself which they may have; and where no such detail is given, or it is not otherwise specifically stated, it may be inferred that all property, equipment and franchises now and hereafter acquired are within the lien of the several indentures: In the tabular portion of this part, two parallel colums appear to show the annual interest charge and the yearly earnings to pay interest. In Part 4, in addition to the usual well-selected method of presenting the details of operations, new units to indicate the density of traffic have been employed, viz.: Number of passengers carried one mile per mile of line, and number of tons of freight carried one mile per mile of line, in harmony with the very wise suggestions of Mr. Henry C. Adams, Statistician to the Interstate Commerce Commission. In the collation and classification of the vast body of information herewith presented, the materials collected by the various Railway Commissions of the United States, and all reports and documents published by the roads themselves as well as all accessible facts in existing statistical publications, such as the Commercial and Financial Chronicle and Poor’s Manual of Railroads, without, however, trenching upon their special tabular forms and methods, have been freely employed, although greatly condensed, and such matter as did not seem needful from an investment standpoint eliminated, and in the case of every road the proofs have been submitted to the appropriate officers for emendation and suggestion. In many cases such corrections were not received in time for insertion in their appropriate places and so have been either printed supplementally or, of necessity, omitted. II. The second main subdivision of the volume is Financial, [Industrial and Miscellaneous Corporations, and comprises all National, State and Savings Banks, Trust and Safe Deposit and Insurance Companies, Surface and Elevated Passenger Railways, Gas and Electric Light Companies, Coal, Iron and Steel, and Mining Companies, Exchanges and Trade Associations, as well as all other Companies of New York city, Brooklyn and vicinity, constituting ‘‘the greater New York.”’ When the compilation of this volume was first begun, the enormous labor of collecting the statistics from nearly 10,000 distinct companies was not perhaps as fully realized as it should have been. The field proved to be practically hitherto un- broken. Although all existing statistical publications were availed of as far as possible, nothing but an absolute districting of the city of New York, and careful canvass from building to building, sufficed to obtain the facts, but now, after nearly two years of con- tinuous work, this book may be Said to cover thoroughly (with but the few exceptions not furnishing reports) the corporations doing business in New York city, both domestic and foreign. In the collection of this information carefully prepared blanks were submitted to every corporation whose name and location could be ascertained covering the following subjects of inquiry:—Exact corporate name or style; locations of all offices and plants; date of incorporation, and State in which incorporated and duration of charter ; capital stock authorized, issued and paid up, both per share and in total, and par value of each share; net surplus or undivided profits at latest practicable date ; date and place of annual meeting; when transfer books are closed and opened for annual meetings and dividends; concise description of object of Company and all plants, all dividends paid and their rates and periods; balance sheets and statements of assets and liabilities, earnings and expenses ;—and when it was ascertained that the Company had a funded debt these additional points were requested: Full details of all bonds or debentures, giving amount created, issued and outstanding; date, period for which issued and maturity; size or denominations; rate of interest and interest periods, and where and how payable, whether coupon or registered or coupon with privilege of registration (commonly abbreviated coup.*), with exact terms also of sinking funds, if any, or rights to anticipate payment of principal prior to maturity, and careful statement of precise property upon which each obligation is secured, and setting forth also all liens in their order of preference or priority. Of course, in many instances, the purpose of the inquiry was not clearly appre- hended, and some companies either would not or could not allow the light of day to be let in upon their affairs, but since most well-conducted enterprises desire a just and 1X advantageous publicity, in the majority of cases, satisfactory interviews have been granted, and much courtesy displayed, with the result, it is believed, of substantial accuracy. It is now the case that the majority of great industrial consolidations of recent years have sought representation in New York, so that, as this department of the work has extended, it has become practically a manual of the industrial corporations of the United States. . In another number it is expected that the large amount of material already collected may be utilized in presenting also a sub-division upon municipal indebtedness. It seemed wise, however, for the present to defer that undertaking. The compilers desire to express their acknowledgments to those who have faithfully assisted in their editorial work, especially Messrs. R. V. Page, Jr, C. A. Jackson, and J. Luther Fry. } SUB-DIVISION I. RAILROADS. a j RAILROADS. alk PART |— MANAGEMENT. NAMES AND ADDRESSES OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS. For all Statistics see Parts II, IET and IV. Abbeville and Waycross RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. D. Maynard, Abbeville, Ga. ; Vice-President—P. C. Clegg, Americus, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—J. R. Munroe, Abbeville, Ga. .Superintendent—F. C. Hand, Abbeville, Ga. Fet. Mgr., Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—J. E. Bowen, Abbeville, Ga. Master Trans.—S. P. Lassiter, Abbeville, Ga. Master Mach. and Car Repair—Paul Hair, Abbeville, Ga. Chief Eng. and Road Master—G. W. Faigair, Abbeville, Ga. Gen. Auditor—J. E. Bowen, Abbeville, Ga. Gen. Counsel—E. H. Cutts, Americus, Ga. Abbotsford and Northeastern RR. President—A. A. Krause, Milwaukee, Wis. Vice-President—A. M. Joys, Milwaukee, Wis. Secretary—-Max C. Krause, Milwaukee, Wis. | Treasurer—J. E. Host, Milwaukee, Wis. Traffic Manager—Frank N. Snell, Milwau- | kee, Wis. DrreEcToRS--A,. A. Krause, A. M. Joys, Max © ‘Krause, Jos. E, Host, L. W. Milwaukee, Wis. Aberdeen and West End RR. ~ President—A. F. Page, Aberdeen, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—R. N. Page, Aberdeen, N.C. Gen. Supt.—J. R. Page, Aberdeen, N. C. DrrEctors—A. F. Page, N. A. McKeithen, | R. N. Page, Aberdeen, N. C.; D. A. McDon- ald, Carthage, N. C.; Neill Leach, Candor, | is pee on Addison and Pennsylvania RW. President—Thomas C. Platt, 49 Broadway, New York. Vice-President—William Brookfield, 83 Ful- ton st., New York. Treas. and Aud.—F. R. Winne, New York. Secretary—James E. Jones, New York. Gen. Supt.—Frank M. Baker, Addison, N. Y. Halsey, | DirRECTORS--Thomas C. Platt, George R. | Sheldon, Wm. Brookfield, Theo. Wood, Frank H. Platt, W. S. Gurnee, James E. Jones, New York; R. W. Clinton,-Newark Valley, N. Y.; Charles L. Pattison, Elkland, Pa.; E.G. Davidge, Westfield, Pa.; Frank M. Baker, - Owego, N. Y. Addison RR. President—P. W. Clement, Rutland, Vt. Secretary and Treasurer—Edward T. Smith, Rutland, Vt. Addyston and Ohio River RR. President—Matthew Addy, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Pres.—B. F. Haughton, Cincinnati, O. Secretary and Treasurer—B. S. Cunningham, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Mger.—W. L. Davis, Cincinnati, O. DIRECTORS—Matthew Addy, Lars Ander- son, W. P. Anderson, B. F. Haughton, B.S. Cunningham, Cincinnati, O. Adirondack and St. Lawrence RW. President—W. S. Webb, 51 E. 44th st., N.Y. Sec. and Treas.—Frank G. Smith, 51 E. 44th st.. New York. Gen. Counsel—Henry L. Sprague, 51 E. 44th st., New York. Auditor—Thos. E. Merritt, 51 E. 44th st., N.Y. Gen. Mgr—Edward M. Burns, Herkimer. Chief Engineer.—William N. Roberts, Herki- mer, NAY: Asst. G. F. and P. A.—H. D. Carter, Herki- mer, N. Y. Supt. of Motive Power and Rolling Stock—J. MacBeth, Herkimer, N. Y. Car Acct.—A. S. Gamble, Herkimer, N. Y. Adirondack RW. President—R. Suydam Grant, New York. Vice-Pres.—Horace G. Young, Albany, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. A. Walker, New York. Gen. Pass. Ag.t—J. W. Burdick, Albany, N.Y. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Jas. Calhoun, Albany, N. Y. Asst. General Freight Agent—P. Wadsworth, Albany, N. Y. Comptroller—J. White Sprong. Supt.—C. D. Hammond, Albany, N. Y. Chief Engr.—A. J. Swift, Albany, N. Y. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. S. Pease, Albany, N. Y. DirRECTORS—H. Suydam Grant, James C. Hartt, Chas. A. Walker, Robert Olyphant, Chester Griswold, David Willcox, W. W. Durant, Freling H. Smith, Wm. L. Strong, F. Murray Olyphant, New York; Horace G. Young, Albany, N. Y.; James Roosevelt, Hyde Park, N. Y.; Warner Miller, Herkimer, Nay: Akron and Chicago Junction RR. President—Thomas M. King, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—Henry M. Keim, Cléveland, O. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Auditor—W. T. Thelin, Baltimore, Md. Alabama and Vicksburg RW. President—Charles Schiff, Cincinnati, O. a4 | | | / | | Vice-President—C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati, O. Sec. and Treas.—H. H. Tatem, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Mgr.—Richard Carroll, Cincinnati, O. Comptroller—Chas. H. Davis, Cincinnati, O. General Counsel—Edward Colston, Cincin- nati, O. Gen. Atty.—W. L. Nugent, Cincinnati, O. Superintendent—W. W. Bond, Cincinnati, O. Chief Engr.—G. B. Nicholson, Cincinnati, O. Traf. Mgr.—D. Miller, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Pass. Agt.--D. G. Edwards, Cincinnati, O. Asst. Gen. Fegt. Cincinnati, O. and Pass. Agt.—I. Hardy, | Supt. of Motive Power and Machinery—James | Meehan, Cincinnati, O. Purch. Agt.—G. W. Stevens, Cincinnati, O. ° Land Com.—F. Y. Anderson, Cincinnati, O. DIRECcCTORS--G. T. Bonner, New York; Charles Schiff, London, Eng. ; John F. Wins- | low, C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati, Nugent, Jackson, Miss. Ores Weel Alabama Great Southern RR. President—S. M. Felton, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—Henry Fink, New York. Vice-President—C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati, O. | Secretary-—-L. M. Schwan, New York. Treasurer--H. H. Tatem, Cincinnati, O. DIRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, Me H. Inman, Charles M. McGhee, John G . Moore, John A. Rutherford, New York; Calvin | Si Brice, tHima;.©..7 Harvey, Cincinnati, O.; T. G. Bush, Annis- ton, Ala.; T. T. Hillman, Birmingham, Ala. ; Francis Pavy, London, Eng. Alabama Great Southern RW. Chairman of the Board—Augustus B. Abra- | ham, London, Eng. Auditors—Price, Waterhouse don, Eng. Secretary--R. V. Tomlinson, London, Eng. DirRECTORS—Augustus B. Abraham, H. on Con, SNE: Felton, CAC Lon- | Doughty Browne, Geo.’ W. Medley, Francis | Pavy, Charles Schiff, London, Eng. ; S. Brice, Lima, O.; Samuel Thomas, John H. Inman, John G. Moore, New York. Alabama Midland RW. President--H. B. Plant, New York. Calvin | Vice-Pres.—-J. W. Woolfolk, Montgomery,Ala. | Secretary--R. B. Smith, New York. Treasurer—-J. Moultrie Lee, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Supt.--B. Dunham, Montgomery, Ala. Auditor—H. C. Prince, Montgomery, Ala. DirREcCTORS—H. B. Plant, H. M. Flagler, M. J. O’Brien, H. S. ‘Haines, M. F..Plant, New York; J. W. Woolfolk, W.- F.. Van- diver, G. B. Shellhorn, R. P. Tallman, Montgomery, Ala. Alabama Mineral RR. President—A. L. Tyler, Sr., Anniston, Ala. Vice-President--J. K. Scott, Aniiston, Ala. Secretary—J. H. Ellis, Louisville, Ky. Treasurer--W. W. Thompson, Louisville, Ky. Alabama, New Crleant Texas and Pacific Junction. Chairman — Francis Pavy, Princes Street Chambers, 2 Princes st., London, Eng. Secretary--R. V. Tomlinson, Princes Street Chambers, 2 Princes st., London, Eng. DIRECTORS—Francis Pavy, Augustus B. Abraham, H. Doughty Browne, Roger Eykyn, George W. Medley, Charles Schiff, London, Eng. Albany and Susquehanna RR. President—Robert M. Olyphant, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Wnm. L. Phelps, Albany,N.Y. DIRECTORS--Robert M. Olyphant, New York Horace,.G. tYoung, Albany, ©N.7 ¥: 5 Minard Harder, Cobleskill, N. Y. ; William Lis .M. 2 Pheips, “Albany, Nic ¥.-87 James Roosevelt, Hyde Park, N. Y.; Henry M. Olmsted, Morristown, N. J.; George I. Wil- ber, Oneonta, N. Y.; Alfred Van Santvoord, Benjamin H. Bristow, Robert Olyphant, William H. Tillinghast, New York; Robert C. Pruyn, James H. Manning, Albany, N. Y. Albany and Vermont RR. President—-Joseph M. Warren, Troy, N. Y. Vice-President--Geo. H. Cramer, Troy, N. Y. Treasurer--John H. Neher, Troy, N. Y. DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Warren, George H. Cramer, Benjamin H. Hall, Charles W. Till- inghast, Thomas W. Lockwood, C. E. Dudley Tibbitts, John I. Thompson, Edward C. Gale, Troy, N. Y.; John B. Gale, Williamstown, Mass. ; Le Grand B. Cannon, George Henry Warren, New York; James B. Jermain, Albany, N. Y.; James A. Eddy, Troy, N. Y. Albany, Florida and Northern RW. President--S. H. Hawkins, Albany, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—S. C. Cooper, Americus, Ga. Albemarle and Raleigh RR. President—H. Walters, Wilmington, N. C. Treas. and Sec.—-James F. Post, Jr., Wil- mington, N. C. Gen. Supt.—-John F. Divine, Wilmington, N.C. Alberta RW. and Coal. President-—-Sir A. T. Galt, Montreal, Que. Secretary--G. Edwards, London, Eng. Gen. Mgr.--E. T. Galt, Lethbridge, Alberta. General Supt.--W. D. Barclay, Lethbridge. General Traffic Agt.—-H. Martin, Lethbridge. Auditor—H. F. Greenwood, Lethbridge. Accountant--I. E. Lethbridge, Lethbridge. Land Comr.--C. A. Magrath, Lethbridge. Counsel—A. Ferguson, Montreal, Que. DIRECTORS—A. T. Galt, W. M. Ramsay, G. H. Balfour, John Galt, R. W. Cameron, W. J. Cutbill. Albert Southern RW. President--Joshua M. Steeves, Hillsborough, INAS Mgr., Sec. and Treas.—W. A. Trueman, Albert, N. B. Solicitor—Charles A. Peck, Hopewell Hill, N. B. DirEcrors —Amasa E. Killam, C. J. Butcher, Moncton, N. B.; Joshua M. Steeves, Bliss Steeves, Hillsborough, N. B. ; David C. Cleveland, Alma, N. B.; W. Adler Trueman, Albert, N. B. Albia and Centreville RW. President—F. M. Drake, Centerville, Ia. Treasurer—Seth Zug, Marshalltown, Ia. Secretary and Auditor—E. S. Benson, Mar- shalltown, Ia. DrirEcTORS—Russell Sage, John P. Munn, J. J. Slocum, W. H. Gebhard, New York; ©) H.- Ackert; Marshalltown, Ia.; Fo M. Drake, Centreville, Ia. Alleghany and Kinzua RR. - President-—-Spencer S. Bullis, Olean, N. Y. Vice-President--P. McNeil, Buffalo, N. Y. Sec., Treas. and Gen. F. and P. Agt. --J. E, Rooney, Olean, N. Y. Superintendent—-C. O.Williams, Bradford, Pa. Auditor~-F. L. Stowell. DirEcTORS—S. S. Bullis, J. E. Rooney, | tomo Garey, i, +1. Bartletty,Olean; Nw Y.' P. McNeil, M. W. Barse, Buffalo, N. Y.; G. L. Roberts, Bradford, Pa.; John Byrne, SBS. Smith, 1. B. Newcombe, ie Brown, New York ; c. Weidenfeld, Orange, Nie kes bury, Portland, Me. Allegheny Valley RW." President—W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. ey G. Wood- | Secretary--Stepken W. White, Philadelphia. Treas.--Thomas R. Robinson, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Supt.-—-David McCargo, Pittsburgh, Pa. Auditor—Theodore F. Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa. Supt. River Div.—-C. B. Price, Reynolds- ville, Pa. | Gen. Fegt. Agt.--Edwin P. Bates, Reynolds- ville, Pa. Gen. Pass. Agt.—James P. Anderson, Rey- noldsville, Pa. Supt. Low Grade Div.--Spencer B. Rumsey, | Reynoldsville, Pa. Resident Engineer—F. M. Ashmead. DirEcTORS—George B. Roberts, John P. Green, Henry A. B. Widener, John B. Jackson. Allentown RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Treasurer—-John Welch, Philadelphia. Secretary—-Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Geo. de B. Keim, A. J. Antelo, Thomas Dolan, S. R. Shipley, W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia ; James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Allentown Terminal RR. President--J. 5S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—-S. Shepherd, Philadelphia. 'DiRECTORS—J. Rogers Maxwell, George F. Baker, Edward D. Adams, F. R. Cope, Ed. Lewis, Thos. McKean. Alley Elevated RR. See Chicago and South Side Rapid Transit Co. Alliance and Northern RR. President—Morton S. Paton, “1 New York. Secretary and Treasurer—Fred. H. Smith, _ Jr., Newark, N. J. Asst. Gen. Fegt. and .Pass, Agt.—W,. D. Winans, Alliance, O. Gen. Supt. wee: BE Scranton, Alliance, O. DirRECTORS—Harvey H. Brown, Dexter B. Chambers, Wm. B. Sanders, Wm. B. Whiting, Cleveland, GH red aH. Smith, Ita: Newark, D. Welsh, R. D. Barclay, — Broadway, | Ra ee Theo. F. Hicks, M. - Paton, New York, Alloway and Quinton RR. President—A. O. Dayton, Camden, N. J. Treasurer—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. Secretary—James R. McClure, Philadelphia. Almy Spur. See Union Pacific RR, Altoona, Clearfield and Northern RR. President—F. G. Patterson; Altoona, Pa. Vice-Pres.—W. L. Shellenberger, Altoona, Pa. Secretary—H. J. Davis, Altoona, Pa. Treasurer—S. J. Wesley, Altoona, Pa. Superintendent—W. T. Forsythe, Altoona, Pa. DIRECTORS—F. G. Patterson, W. L. Shel- lenberger, S. J. Westley, C. A. Wood, A.C. Shand, W. S. Lee, W. J. Heinsling, John A. Canan, M. Scott Gwin, Wi We Yon; G.-F. Bell, W. XK. Calvert, William Louden, John Louden, Andrew Keppel, Altoona, Pa. American Construction Co. Operating Cleveland, St. Louis and Kansas City RW. President—James H. Bethune, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—J. E. Risley, New York. Secretary—A. C. Craney, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer—J. W. Craney, St. Louis, Mo. Amsterdam, Chuctanundu and North- ern RR. President—John Kellogg, Amsterdam, N. Y. |. Supt. and Treas.—Geo. Kellogg, Amsterdam, Nees Engineer—A. H. DeGraff, Amsterdam, N. Y. DirEcTORS—John Kellogg, John C, Miller, Geo. Kellogg, W. L. Van Denberg, Mason Cook, James Firth, Cyrus B. Chase, W. N. Stebbins, Amsterdam, N. Y.; Frothingham Fish, Fultonville, N. Y.; John F. Mann, Robert Miller, Galway, N. Y. Annapolis and Baltimore Short Line RR. President—J. S. Ricker, Portland, Me. Vice-Pres.—J. Hopkins Smith, Portland, Me. Sec. and Treas.—L. A. Burck, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Mgr.—C. A. Coombs. DIRECTORS—John Glenn, C. A. Coombs, Baltimore, Md.; J. S. Ricker, George Burn- ham, Jr.,. W. W. Brown, J. Hopkins Smith, Portland, Me.; W. C. Haskins, F. E. Fen- nessey, Boston, Mass. ; Joseph Bia seth; Easton, Md. Annapolis, more RR. President—Jno. Wilson Brown, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—W. G. Bowdoin, Balti- more, Md. Gen. Ticket and Fgt. Agt.—James H. Brown, Annapolis, Md. Master Mech.—John L. Beall, Annapolis, Md. Road Master—Wm. King, Crownsville, Md. DIRECTORS—John A. Hambleton, WwW. W. Spence, Baltimore, Md.; J. Wirt "Randall, Sebo: Md.; ere Brown, Baltimore, Md. Arcadia, Gulf Coast RR. of Florida. President—Anthony Peters, Boston. Vice-President—Wm., G. Dacey, 2 Wall st. Secretary—Wm. E. Rand, 88 Lineoln st., Boston. Treasurer—Fredk. C. Peters, Arcadia, Fla. Washington and Balti- and Lakeland 88 Lincoln st., 4 General Manager—Edwd. C New York. Chief Engr.—John H. Powers, Arcadia, Fla. Gen. Supt. RR.—John Cross, ‘Arcadia, Fla. Chief Engineer Construction—J. A Gaboury, Ellis, 2 Wall st., Tampa, Fla. General Manager Cons.—R. T. Armstrong, Tampa, Fla. DiREcTORS — Anthony Peters, Edward Kakas, Wm. F. Peters, Howard M. Sawyer, Frederick C. Peters. Arcata and Mad River RR. President—Francis Korbel, Gal: Secretary—Joseph Korbel, San Francisco,Cal. Treasurer—Anton Korbel, San Francisco, Cal. DIRECTORS--Francis Korbel, Anton Korbel, Joseph Korbel, Anna Korbel, Theresa Korbel, San Francisco, Cal. San Francisco, Arizona and New Mexico RW. President, Gen. Supt. and Pur. Agt.—John Shennan, Clifton, Ariz. Vice-Pres.—James Colquhoun, Clifton, Ariz. Treasurer and Secretary—John G. Hopkins, Clifton, Ariz. DiRECTORS—John. Shennan, M. J. Egan, James Colquhoun, J. G. Hopkins, EA. Cut. ter, G. M. Heggie, Clifton, Ariz. ; Jos. Leahy, Benj, S. Roberts, Lordsburg, N. M.; George Thomson, New York. Arizona and Southeastern RR. President—James Douglas, Jr., New York. Treas. and Sec.—Jos. Van Vleck, 99 John st., New York. Superintendent—Benj. Williams, Bisbee, Ariz. Arkansas and Louisiana RW. President—Thomas Essex, Little Rock, Ark. | Vice-President—E.G. Merriam, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary—Geo. C. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Aud.—C. G. Warner, St. Louis, Mo. Treasurer—A. H. Calef, New York. Supt.—W. T. Kelly, Little Rock, Ark. Asst. Sec. and Assi. Treas.—R. B. Williams, Washington, Ark. Gen. Supt.—R. E. Ricker, St. Louis, Mo. DIRECTORS—Thomas Essex, Little Rock, Eka, eras Metra reo. 4 eOMmithc ot, Louis, Mo.; J. J.. Thomas, A-..A.. Carrigan, Washington, Ark. Arkansas Midland RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Jno. J. Horner, Helena, Ark. Vice-President—A. H. Johnson, Helena, Ark. Treasurer—E, C. Horner, Helena, Ark. Secretary—S. H. Horner, Helena, Ark. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—G. T. Updegraff, Helena, Ark. Supt.—James B. Johnson, Helena, Ark. DIRECTORS--Jno. J. Horner, A. H. Johnson, S. H. Horner, G. D. Jaquess, J. B. Johnson, Leon Burton, N. Straub, R. A. Johnson, Samuel J. Clark, Helena, Ark. Arkansas Valley Elevator Co. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, II]. Secretary—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Treasurer—L. C. Deming, Boston. , Arnot and Pine Creek RR. President—Samuel Hines, Scranton, Pa. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. Treasurer—Edward White, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. DIRECTORS—Samuel Hines, Scranton, Pa. ; M. F. Elliott, Wellsboro, Pa.; A. E. Blotch- ford, Blossburg, Pa. ; J. Lowber Welsh, Phila- delphia ; E. B. Thomas, A. R. Macdonough, New York city. Aroostock River RR. See New Bruns- wick RW. System. Ashbourne, Cheltenham and Phila- delphia RR. President—Robert Alexander, Philadelphia. Secretary—Geo. W. Keim, Philadelphia. Asheville and Spartanburg RR. President—James Swann, New York. Vice-President — Joseph Walker, Spartan- burg SAC. Secretary—A. L. White, Washington, D.C. Treasurer—W. E. Turner, Washington, D. C. DIRECTORS—-James Swann, T. M. Logan, W. G. Oakman, Robert W. Inman, New ‘York; A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C.; D. C. Waddell, Asheville, N. C.; Albert Cannon, Hendersonville, N. C. ; Joseph Walker, Spar- tanburg, S. C. Ashland Coal and Iron RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—Douglas Putnam, Jr., Ashland, Ky. Vice-Pres.—John G. Peebles, Portsmouth, O. Secretary and Treasurer—Robert Peebles, Ashland, Ky. Auditor—F. B. Moore, Ashland, Ky. Mast. Mech.—W. H. Apple, Ashland, Ky. Mast. Trans.—W. N. Mayo, Ashland, Ky. Ashley River RR. President—A. F. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. Aspen and Western RW. President—Chester Griswold, New York. Vice-President—H. S. Grove, Philadelphia. Secretary—Thomas E. Curtis, New York. Treasurer—F. L. Lehmann, New York. DirREcTORS—Chester Griswold, F. L. Leh- mann, E. J. Berwind, Thomas E H. Curtis, New York; Henry S. Grove, Philadelphia ; E. M. Steck, Pueblo, Col. Aspen Short Line RW. President—Allen Manvel, Chicago, III. Vice-President—J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. Treas.—C. E. Noble, Colorado Springs, Col. Secretary and Auditor—E. W. Sells, Colorado Springs, Col. DIRECTORS—Cecil Baring, Thomas Baring, Wm. Libbey, John J. McCook, Geo. C. Magoun, J. R. Rusk, J. B. Wheeler, New York; B. P. Cheney, J. W. Reinhart, Bos- ton, Mass. ; Allen Manvel, Chicago, III. ; J. G. Hagerman, Colorado Springs, Col. Astoria and Portland RW. President—John C. Sheehan, 31 Broadway, New York. ; Vice-President—Charles.W. Scofield, 31 Broad- way, New York. Secretary and Treasurer—J. Frank Watson, Portland, Ore. Gen. Mgr. and Chief Engr.— Astoria, Ore. DrrRECTORS—John C, Sheehan, Charles W. Scofield, New York; George-Goss, C. W. Fulton, M. M. Ketcham, Astoria, Ore. ; J. George Goss, Frank Watson, R. S. Perkins, Portland, Ore. | Astoria and South Coast RW. President—William Reid, Portland, Ore. Secretary—E..C. Holden, Astoria, Ore. Treasurer—I. W. Case, Astoria, Ore. DIRECTORS—William Reid, E. P. Thomp- ‘son, Portland, Ore.; Alfred Kinney, Charles H. Page, I. W. Case, Charles W. Fulton, J. W. Conn, D. K. Warren, Brenham Van Dusen, Astoria, Ore. Atchison City Elevator Co. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, III. Secretary—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Treasurer—L. C. Deming, Boston, Mass. Atchison, Colorado and Pacific RR. ‘President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass. ‘Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Atchison, Jewell County and Western | RR. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. Chairman of the Board—Geo. C. Magoun, 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. President—Allen Manvel, cago, Ill. Rialto Bldg., Chi- | ist Vice-President and Gen. Aud.—J. W. | Reinhart, 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. 2d Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—A. A. Robinson, Topeka, Kan. 3d Vice-President—J. D. Springer, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Chief Engineer—James Dun, Topeka, Kan. Comptroller—Jno. P. Whitehead, 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Assistant Treasurer—Geo. L. Goodwin, 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Assistant Secretary—L. C. Deming, 95 Milk ; st., Boston, Mass. General Counsel—Jno. J. McCook, 120 Broad- way, New York. General Solicitor—Geo. R. Peck, Topeka, Kan. Purchasing Agent—W. G. Tuller, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Asst. Gen. Aud.—W. K. Gillett, Topeka: Kan. Aud. of Disb.—I. S. Lauck, Topeka, Kan. Auditor of Freight Receipts—C. S. Sutton, Topeka, Kan. Auditor of Passenger Receipts—C. M. Atwood, Topeka, Kan. Freight Traffic Manager—J. A. Hanley, Rialto © Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Asst. Freight Traffic Manager--W. B. Biddle, | Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. C. Gay, Topeka, Kan. Assistant General Freight Agent--J. G. Miller, | Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. ‘Asst. Gen. Freight Agent--Chas. R. Hudson, | Topeka, Kan. } | | } | | | } Asst. General Freight Agent--A. .P. Tanner, Topeka, Kan. Asst. General Freight Agent--O. H. Brown, Kansas City, Mo. General Live Stock Agent—John G. Taylor. Passenger Traffic Manager--W. F. White, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, II. Asst. Pass. Traffic Manager-—John J. Byrne, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, Ill. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent— Geo. T. Nichol- son, Topeka, Kan. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—Wm. J. Black, Topeka, Kan. ., Gen. Baggage Agt —P. Walsh, Topeka, Kan. Gen. Supt.—H. R. Nickerson, Topeka, Kan. Supterintendent of Car Service—C. W. Kouns, Topeka, Kan. Mer. Santa Fé Fruit and Rfgtr. Line—E. H. Davis, Chicago, Ill. Land Com.—J. E. Frost, Topeka, Kan. Gen. Claim Agt.—C. M. Foulkes, Topeka, Kan, Supt. of Tele.-—R. B. Gemmell, Topeka, Kan. Supt. of Mchnry—John Player, Topeka, Kan. DIRECTORS—Geo. C. Magoun, Chr. of the Board, New York; Allen Manvel, Chicago, Ill. Thos. Baring, "New VOLK: Wm. Libbey, New York. > Joun.. }. McCook, New Obes | Edwin H. Abbot, Boston, Mass.; B. P. Cheney, Boston, Mass.; Oliver W. eet: Boston, Mass.; Allen Spear, Boston, Mass. ; Warren Sawyer, Boston, Mass.; C. K. Holli- day, Topeka, Kan. ; E. B. Purcell, Manhattan, Kan.; L. Severy, Reading, Kan. Atchison Union Depot and RR. See Union Pacific RW. Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line RW. President—Eugene Kelly, New York. Treasurer—George Sherman, 54 Wall st., New York. Secretary—William N. Wilmer, 48 Wall st., New York. DirREcTORS—Eugene Kelly, Richard Irvin, Pee Pee Dickitisony Baek McAlpine, |) Ri A: Rochester, Charles M. Foy, Charles S. Fair- child, New York; Joseph Bryan, Richmond, Va. HW. Sibley; Rochester, N.cY::;.'Skip- with Wilmer, Michael Jenkins, Baltimore, Md.; J. D. Grath, Scarsdale, N. Y. Atlanta and Florida RR. Receiver—T. W. Garrett. President—I. Y. Sage, New York. Vice-Pres.—McAllen B. Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. Treasurer—Robert T. Maddox, Jr. Auditor—W. E. Alger. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. M. Cottingham. Master of Trans.—J. H. Humphries. Secretary—J. K. Bruner, Atlanta, Ga. Superintendent—T. W. Garrett, Atianta, Ga. Treasurer—Wm. S. Matthews, Macon, Ga. DirEcTORS—I. Y. Sage, Henry Jackson, T. Cobb Jackson, Henry Rothschild, McAllen B. Marsh, W. A. Heath, J. N. Moody, John Hightower, Jr., G. N. Tailer, E. S. McCund- less, H. Mattison, W. T. Ashford. Atlanta and West Point RR. President—C. H. Phinizy, Augusta, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—H. M. Abbett, Atlanta, Ga. Auditor—T. J. Hunter. Traffic Manager—R. E. Lutz. Master Mechanic—J. E. Worswick. Master Car Builder—A. Rowland. Master of Trans.—L. B. McGuire. _Car Accountant—T. J. McDavitt. Gen. Counsel W. RW.—G. P. Harrison. General Agent—B. P. Wyle, Jr. General Agent—W. J. Taylor. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. A. Gee. Passenger Agent—R. H. Hudson. Trav. Pass. and Freight Agent—S. C. Hanell. Soliciting Agent—T. H. Lacy. Passenger Agent—J. J. O’ Donnell. Gen. Mgr.—Edmund L. Tyler, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORS—W. B. Berry, Newnan, Ga. ; J. W. Green, Jacob Phinizy, Augusta, Ga.; D. N. Speer, Patrick Calhoun, E. A. Thorn- ton, Atlanta, Ga. Atlantic and Danville RW. Receiver—Afred P. Thom, Portsmouth, Va. President—R. M. Stuart Wortley, Ports- mouth, Va. Gen. Mgr.—-G. M. Hughes, Portsmouth, Va. Auditor--P. G. Chamberlain, Portsmouth, Va. | Pur. Agent—C. W. Murdaugh, Jr., mouth, Va. Gen. Fgt and Pass. Portsmouth, Va. DIRECTORS—Nathan Bayar, P. J. Ports- | Agt.—W. H. Taylor, | Good- | hart, Isaac L. Rice, Jonas M. Libbey, New | York ;)\ J... D. Ryder, London, Eng: ; R. M. | Wry Atlantic and North Carolina RR. President—W. S. Chadwick, New Berne, N.C. Secretary and Treasurer—F. C. Roberts, New Berne, N. C. Aud. and Supt.—S. L. Dill, New Berne, N. C. DIRECTORS—On the part of the State: W. Stuart Wortley, R. C. Marshall, Portsmouth, | S. Chadwick, T. D. Webb, Carteret Co., N. | See PovVvirhearsalls. jones Co, N.C. y, We Grainger, W. L. Kennedy, Lenoir Co., N.C. ; | Charles Dewey, Wayne Co., N. C.; W. T. | Caho, Pamlico Co., N. C.; W. G. Brinson, Craven Co., N.C. On the partof the private Stockholders: John M. Morehead, Paul F. | Faison, Arnold Borden, L. H. Cutler. Atlantic and Northwest RW. Canadian Pacific RW. Atlantic and Pacific RR. Chairman of the Board—George C. Magoun, New York. President—Allen Manvel, Chicago, Ill. See | Vice-President and Gen. Aud.—J. W. Rein- | hart, Boston, Mass. Secretary and Treasurer—H. W. Gardiner, 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Supt. Western Division—T. R. Gabel, Albuquerque, N. M. Land Commissioner—J. A. Williamson, Rialto Bldg., Chicago, III. Gen. Atty.—C. N. Sterry, Albuquerque, N.M. Supt. Trans.--J. Denair, Albuquerque, N. M. Gen. Fgt. and Passenger Agent—W. A. Bissell, 61 Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Asst. Gen. Passenger Agent—C. H. Speers, 61 Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Resident Engr.—R. B. Burns, Williams, Ariz. | DirEcTORS—Allen Manvel, J. D. Springer, | Thomas | J. A. Williamson, Chicago, III. ; Baring, Cecil Baring, William Libbey, Geo. C. Magoun, J. J. McCook, New York ; Warren Sawyer, Allen Speare, B. P. Cheney, J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass.; Samuel St. Louis, Mo. Hays, | Atlantic and St. Lawrence RR. See Grand Trunk RW. of Canada. Atlantic and Western RR. of Florida. President—T. A. Darby, East Palatka, Fla. Vice-President—E. A. Chapman, Palatka, Fla. Secretary—C. H. Eicks, New York. Treasurer—W. J. Winegar, Palatka, Fla. Gen. Coun.—R. W. Davis, Palatka, Fla. Supt.—A. Girardeau, Orange City, Fla. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. W, Boyer, Orange City, Fla. DIRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, Calvin S. Brice, W. K. Kitchen, Edward Tuck, H. W. Cannon, E. R. Chapman, New York ; Dexter Hunter, Jacksonville, Fla. Atlantic'City RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Managing Director—Robert S. Davis, Cam- den, N. J. Secretary—Albert Foster, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. Gen. Manager—I. A. Sweigard, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—A. A. McLeod, R. S. Davis, W. S. Massey, Philadelphia, Pa.; Albert Foster, Riverton, N. J.; S. Garwood, Wil- liamstown, N. J.; H. T. Naisby, E. H. King, H. C. Felton, J. A. Bodine, R. S. Baymore, Camden, N. J.; T. B. Gibbs, Clementon, N. J.; J. M. Hall, Milford, Del. Atlantic Coast Line. President—W. T. Walters, Wilmington, N. C. Vice-Pres.—H. Walters, Wilmington, N. C. Gen. Mgr.—J. R. Kenly, Wilmington, N. C. Trafic Mgr.—T. M. Emerson, Wlmington, Nar Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. M. Emer- son, Wilmington, N. C. Gen. Aud.—W. A. Riach, Wilmington, N. C. Gen. East. Pass. Agt.—H. P. Clark, 229 Broad- way, New York. East. Pass. Agt.—Jonah H. White, 229 Broad- way, New York. Traveling Passenger Agent—G. C. Daniel. Agent—Waldo A. Pearce, 228 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Agent—F. B. Price, 33 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Agent—G. R. Needham, 106 E. German st., Baltimore, Md. Dist. Pass. Agt.—A. L. Reed, 511 Pennsylvania ave., Washington, D. C. Solc. Agt.—Robt. Saussy. Solc. Agt.—C. C. West, Charleston, S. C. Sole. Agent—Samuel Mullin, Jr. Gen. Agt.—W. W. Davies, Jacksonville, Fla. Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio RR. President—E. B. Springs, Charlotte, N. C. Secretary and Treasurer—John J. Gormley, Charlotte, N. C. Attica and Freedom RR. President—Richard B. Ferris, 48 Wall st., New York. Vice-President—August Stein, 60 Broadway, New York. Secretary and Treasurer—William Jay, 48 Wall st., New York. Supt—B. P. Humphrey, Attica, N. Y. DrrRECTORS—Henry A. Oakley, Richard B. Ferris, Sumner R. Stone, William Jay, August Stein, Charles Wisner, Robert W. Candler, Egerton L. Winthrop, Jr., New York ; E. P. C. Lewis, Hoboken, N. J. Attleborough Branch RR. President—H. F. Barrows, North Attlebor- ough, Mass. Treasurer—H. N. Daggett, Attleborough Falls, Mass. Sec.—John R. Bronson, Attleborough, Mass. Augusta and Savannah RR. President—W. S. Lawton, Savannah, Ga. John M. Hogan, Savannah, Ga. Augusta and Summerville RR. President and Treasurer—Charles H. Phinizy, Augusta, Ga. Secretary and Gen. Supt.—E. G. Mosher, Augusta, Ga. DirRECTORS—H. H. Hickman, Hamilton | Wilkins, S. ‘A. Hemphill, F. E. Fleming, | Thomas P. Branch, Augusta, Ga. Augusta, Gibson and Sandersville RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—H. Wilkins, Augusta, Ga. Vice-President—R. W. Inman, New York. Treas. and Sec.—Geo. Adam, Augusta, Ga. DirEcTorRsS—H. Wilkins, W. B. Young, | Augusta, Ga.; Geo. W. Stetson, New York; | Charles H. Howard, William T. Gary, | _ Thos. Warthen, Warthen, Ga.; J. H. Alex- | ander, H. H. Hickman, R. W. Inman, A. E. Thornton, James L. Neal, L. D. Matthews, | James Stapleton. Au Sable and Northwestern RR. President—H. M. Loud, Au Sable, Mich. Vice-President and Gen. Supt.—Geo. A. Loud, | Au Sable, Mich. Secretary“—H. N. Loud, Au Sable, Mich. Treasurer—W. F. Loud, Au Sable, Mich. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. F. Loud, Au Sable, Mich. Gen, Fgt. Agt.—Geo. H. Keating, Au Sable, Mich. DirEcTORS—H. M. Loud, H. N. Loud, eon A. Loud: kk. Loud, W..t.. Loud, Au Sable, Mich. Austin and Northwestern RR. President—Chas. Millingham. Vice-President—John Hancock, Austin, Tex. Treasurer—A. P. Wooldridge, Austin, Tex. Secretary—A. L. Rhomberg, Austin, Tex. Auditor—J. Torrence, Austin, Tex. Asst. Treasurer—W. B. Isham, New York. Gen. Supt.—A. N. Leitnaker. DirREcCTORS--W. B. Isham, New York; Joseph Collett, Terre Haute, Ind.; W. A. | Westfall, Burnet, Tex. ; John Hancock, A. P. Wooldridge, A. N. Leitnaker, Austin, Tex. ; F. H. Holloway, Fairland, Tex. Avon, Geneseo and Mount Morris RR. | President—Mortimer Morris, N. Y. F. Reynolds, Mount | Secretary and Treasurer—G. W. Phelps, | Rochester, N. Y. DirREcTORS—Mortimer F. Reynolds, George | Ellwanger, Levi F. Ward, Josiah Austin, Rochester, N. Y.; Hiram P. Mills, Geo. W. | Phelps, Hulburt E. Brown, Mount Morris, N.Y. Bachman Valley RR. of Maryland. President and Gen. Mgr.—Jerome L. Boyer, Reading, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—E. G. Holder, Columbia, Pa. ) Bald Eagle Valley RR. President—J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—G. B. Roberts, John P. Green, Henry D. Welsh, Wm. L. Elkins, Wm. A. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, And. G. Curtin, Daniel Rhoads, J. W. Gephart, O. N. Reig- hard, C. A. Mayer, W. H. Barnes. Baie Des Chaleurs RW. President—James Cooper, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—J. P. Dawes, Quebec, Que. Treas. and Sec.—A. MclI. Thom, Quebec, Que. DIRECTORS—James Cooper, J. P. Dawes, Alexander Ewan, James Williamson, Angus MclI. Thom, William Cassils, M.S. Lonergan, Montreal, Que. Baltimore and Cumberland Valley RR. President—I, N. Snively, Waynesboro’, Pa. Treasurer—Joseph Price, Waynesboro’, Pa. Secretary—J. I. Miller, Waynesboro’, Pa. Auditor and Gen. Tkt. Agt.—J. D. Whitting- ton, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Manager—J. M. Hood, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Pass. and Fet. Agent—B. H. Griswold, Baltimore, Md. DirEcTORS—j. N. Snively, Joseph Price, Simon Lecron, J. I. Miller, Daniel Hoover, Wayesboro, Pa.; J. M. Hood, W. A. Boyd, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore and Cumberland Valley RR. Extension. President—David Wills, Gettysburg, Pa. Treasurer—Daniel J. Foley, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—T. M. Mahon, Chambersburg, Pa. DIRECTORS—D. J. Foley, J. M. Hood, Bal- timore, Md.; J. W. McPherson, Geo. B. Cole, Shippensburg, Pa.; John P. Culbertson, W. F. Eyster, Chhambersburg, Pa.; J. W. Hum- bird, Cumberland, Md. ; C. W. Humrichouse, Williamsport, Md. Baltimore and Cumberland Valley RW President—]. M. Hood, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. H. Baer, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore and Delaware Bay RR. President—Frank L. Hall, 120 Broadway, New York. Treas.—J.W. Watson, 120 Broadway. Sec.—George S. Jones, 120 Broadway. Gen. Supt.—Edward P. Stacey, Clayton, Del. DirEcTORS—Frank L. Hall, J. Rogers Max- well, Robert W. de Forest, John W. Watson, S. M. Williams, Emil Thielens, George S. Jones, New York. Baltimore and Drum Point RR. Receivers—Thomas Hughes, S. Johnson Poe, 10 South st.; Baltimore, Md. President—Augustus Albert, 10 South st., Baltimore, Md. Secretary—H. A. Albert, 10 South st., Balti- more, Md. Chief Engr.—Nicholas Goldborough, 1o South st., Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS — Augustus Albert, Andrew Banks, James S. Hagerty, Wm. H. Trego, A. E. Booth, H. H. Biedler, Baltimore, Md. ; Thomas S. Iglehart, J. Henry Sellman, David- | sonville, Md. ; Thompson M. King, Obliga- | tion, Ma. : - John if Be Bond, Thomas Parran, Jr.4 St. Leonard’s, Md.; Alex. de Barril, Drum Point, Md. ; Baltimore and Eastern Shore RR. Receiver and Gen. Mgr.—Willard Thomson, Salisbury, Md. President—Joseph B. Seth, Easton, Md. Vice-President—E. E. Jackson, Salisbury, Md. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. E. Kimball, New York. Gen. Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and . Aud.—A. J. Benjamin, Salisbury, Md. DIRECTORS—Joseph B. Seth, Easton, Md. FE. E. Jackson, Salisbury, Md. a Thecohithe Tunis, H. D. Dudley, S. C. Rowland, Balti- more, Md.; Charles C. Pomeroy, Allen W. Evarts, Archer N. Martin, George B. Pomeroy, m. V2 Z.- Post,. Charles EB, Kimball “A: FE: Godeffroy, New York; James H. Douglas, Preston, Md. Baltimore and Harrisburg RW. President—A. W. Eichelberger, Hanover, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—R. M. Wirt, Hanover, Pa. General Solicitor—David Wills, Pa. Auditor and Gen. Tkt. Agt.—J. D. Whitting- ton, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Mgr. and Supt.—J. M. Hood, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Pass. and Fegt. Agt. Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—J. M. Hood, W. S. Rayner, C. W. Slagle, Baltimore, Md.; David Wills, Gettysburg, Pa.; Reuben Young, Hanover, Pa.; W. H. Vickery, Woodensburg, Md.; i. Pr Brockley, R..M. Wirt,’ Hanover,. Pa.: Jerome L. Boyer, Reading, Pa. Baltimore and Lehigh RR. President—William Gilmor, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Pres.—John Henry Miller, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Aud.—John K. Shinn, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—Fridge Murdock, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Mgr.—W. R. Crumpton, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—William Gilmor, Winfield J. Taylor, John Henry Miller, Hugh B. Jones, Baltimore, Md. ; Charles R. McConkey, Peach Bottant. Pa sui. Gy, Metzger, wVork’: Par Warren F. Walworth, Cleveland, O. —B. H. Griswoold, Baltimore and New York RW. President—J. Frank Emmons, foot of White- hall st., New York. Secretary—Corra N. Williams, Newark, N. J. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Auditor—Wm. T. Thelin, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—John K. Cowen, Baltimore, Md.; J. Frank Emmons, A. B. Boardman, New York; Anthony QO, Keasbey, George M. Keasbey, Corra N. Williams, Newark, N.J. ; Thomas M. King, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore and Ohio and Chicago RRs. President—Orland Smith, Baltimore, Md. Secretary and Treasurer—G. A. Richardson, Chicago, Ill. Auditor—William T. Thelin, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore and Ohio RR. President—Chas. F. Mayer, Baltimore, Md. 1st Vice-Pres.—Orland Smith, Baltimore, Md. 2d Vice-Pres.—Thos. M. King, Baltimore, Md. | Gettysburg, | 3d Vice-Pres.—C. K. Lord, Baltimore, ‘Md. Gen: Counsel—J. K. Cowen, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—Andrew Anderson, Baltimore, Md. Comptroller—H. D. Bulkley, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Aud.—Wm. T. Thelin, Baltimore, Md. Aud. of Rev.—Geo. W. Booth, Baltimore, Md. Aud. of Disbursements—A. F. Dunlevy, Balti- more, Md. Gen. Manager—J. T. Odell, Baltimore, Md. Chief Engr.—H.T. Douglas, Tas Md. Asst. Chief Engr.—W. T. Manning, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Gen. Supt. Lines West of Ohio River—Robert B. Campbell, Rookery Bldg., Chicago, III. Gen. Supt. Motive Power—Geo. B. Hazle- hurst, Baltimore, Md. Supt. of Motive Power Lines East of Ohio River—A. J. Cromwell, Baltimore, Md. Supt. Motive Power Lines West of Ohio River—W. H. Harrison, Newark, O. Engr. Maint. of Way Lines East of Ohio River—A. H. Johnson, Baltimore, Md... Engr. Maint. of Way Lines West of Ohio River, David Lee, Zanesville, O. Mast. Car Bldr.—E. Ww. Grieves, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Supt. New York Terminals—Frank S Gannon, foot Whitehall st., New York. Supt. Philadelphia Div.—J.Van Smith, Phila- delphia. Supt. East. Div. Main Stem—Thos. Fitzgerald, Baltimore, Md. Supt. Wester Div. Main Stem—R. M. Sheats, Grafton, W. Va. Supt. Harper’ s Ferry and Valley Div. —Thos. C. Prince, Winchester, Va. Supt. Pittsburgh Div.—E. Holbrook, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Supt. Ohio and Midland Divs.—J. M. Graham, Newark, O. Supt. Chicago Chicago, Ill. Supt. Car Service—D.F. Maroney, Baltimore, Md. Supt. Tele.—Chas. Selden, Baltimore, Md. Pur. Agt.—L. J. Buckley, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Fgt. Traffic Man.—F. Harriott, Balti- more, Md. Gen. Fegt. Agt. Main Stem and Branches and Div.—P. C. Sneed, South Philadelphia Div.—C. E. Ways, Balti- more, Md. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Pittsburgh Div. and Lines West of Ohio River—C. S. Wight, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Gen. Agt. (Fgt. Traffic)—-M. W. Davidson, Boston, Mass. Gen. Eastern Traffic Agt.—A. C. Rose, New Yorks} Gen. Western Traffic Agt.—A. P. Bigelow, Chicago, Ill. Commercial Agt.—C. T. Wight, Toledo. O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—T. W. Galleher, Pittsburgh, Fr A. Fet. Agt.—E. T. Affleck, Columbus, O. Div. Div. Fgt. Agt.—E. M. Davis, Tiffin, O. Acting Fgt. Claim Agt.—Taylor Myers, Balti- Md. City Fgt. Agt.—G. J. Lincoln, 400 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Chas. O. Scull, Baltimore, Md Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.— J. M. Schryver, Balti- more, Md. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—L. S. Allen, Ill. Chicago, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—O. P. McCarthy, Cin- cinnati, O. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—C. P. Craig, 415 _ Broadway, New York. Div. Pass, Agt.—B. F. Bond, Baltimore, Md. | Div. Pass. Agt.—E. D. Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa. | Div. Pass. Agt.—W. E. Reppert, Columbus, O. 9 | | Dist. Pass. Agt.—C. R. MacKenzie, Philadel- | phia. New Eng. Pass. Agt.—A. J. Simmons, Washington st., Boston, Mass. Pacific Coast Agt.—Peter Harvey, 634 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. H. Duxbury, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. V. Cherry, St. Paul, Minn. City Pass. Agt.—W. W. Picking, Chicago, Ill. Pass. Agt.—S. B. Hege, Washington, Dc. 211 Southeastern Pass. Agt.—R. A. Jenkins, Wins- | ING B. E. Peddicord,’ Baltimore, ton-Salem, Gen. Bag. Agt.— Md ; Land and Immigration Agt.-—-M. V. Richards, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS On part of stockholders— | Chas. J. M. Gwinn, James Sloan, Jr., William 'F. Burns, Wm. H. Blackford, Aubrey Pearre, Wesley A. Tucker, Maurice Gregg, J. Will- cox Brown, William F. Frick, Geo. A. Von | Lingen, Geo. C. Jenkins, Baltimore, _ George de B, Keim, Philadelphia. Md. | On part of State of Maryvland—J. Mc- | Kenney White, Baltimore, Md.; J. Wm. Baughman, Frederick, Md. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern | RR. President—Edward R. Bacon, 2 Wallst., New York. Vice-Pres.—W. W. Peabody, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—W. W. Peabody, Jr., Cincinnati; O. Treasurer—William E. Jones, Cincinnati, O. | Asst. Sec.--Frank Walsh, 2 Wall st., York. Gen. Supt.—I. G. Rawn, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Counsel—E. W. Strong, Cincinnati, O. Auditor—E. S. Thomas, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—R. M. Fraser, Cincinnati, Gen. Pass. Agt.—O. P.McCarty, Cincinnati, O. Engr. Maint. of Way—D. D. Carothers, Cin- cinnati, O. Train Master—C. H. Howard, Chillicothe, O. Master Mech.—J. G. Neuffer. Supt. Car Dept.—T. G. Duncan, cothe, O. DirEctors—Edward R. Bacon, Henry W. Chilli. New | Os: | Poor, New York; W. W. Peabody, Lowe | Emerson, | Dae 5 Alms, Cincinnati, O.; Orland Smith, W. P. Harvey, Smith, W. T. McClintick, Chillicothe, O. ; Baltimore, Md.; Amos | Patrick Buchan, George H. Hopkinson, Lon- | don, Eng. Baltimore and Philadelphia RR. President—Thomas M. King, Philadelphia Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—J. T. Odell, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—J. C. Farra, Wilmington, Del. Auditor—W. T. Thelin, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Mgr.—J. T. Odell, Baltimore, Md. DirRECTORS—Thomas M. King, J. B. Wash- | ington, Pittsburgh, Pa. Wilmington, Del.; J. fa Odell, Baltimore, Md.; William NARS Henry A. Dupont, “Secretary—-George W. Wilmington, Del.; George De B. Keim, J. Vansant Smith, Theodore Frothingham, Philadelphia. Baltimore and Potomac RR. President—Oden Bowie, Baltimore, Md. 1st Vice-Pres.—Frank Thomson, Philadel- phia. 2d Vice-Pres.—W. J. Sewell, Camden, N. J. Treasurer—John S. Leib, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Aud.—James P. Kerr, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Mgr.—Charles E. Pugh, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—R. D. Barclay, Frank Thom- son, Philadelphia; John Cassels, Washington, D. C.; W. T. Walters, B. F. Newcomer, Fran- cis T. Smith, Baltimore,Md.; Samuel Cox, Jr., Cox’s Station, Md. Baltimore and Sparrow’s Point RR. President—Luther S. Bent, 208 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Secretary and Treasurer—Rufus K. Wood, Sparrow’s Point, Md. Superintendent—W. S. Franklin, Sparrow’s Point, Md. Baltimore Belt RR. President--Wm. Gilmore, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. E. J. Silkman, Baltimore, Md. Bangor and Katahdin Iron Works RW. Operated by Bangor and Piscataquis RR. Co. President—Charles V. Lord, Bangor, Me. Treasurer and Gen. Mgr.—F. W. Cram, Ban- gor, Me. Bangor and Piscataquis RR. President—E. B. Nealley, Bangor, Me. Clerk and Treas.—-H. W. Blood, Bangor, Me. Supt. and Pur. Agt.--Arthur Brown, Ban- gor, Me. DirEcTors—E. B. Nealley, Joseph W.. Porter, C. S. Marston, John Cassidy, L. J. Morse, Isaac: Strickland, C. P. Stetson, B. B. Thatcher, Bangor, Me.; A. M. Robinson, Dover, Me. Bangor and Portland RW. Pres. and Gen. Mgr.--C. Miller, Bangor, Vice-Pres.--D. C. Blair, Belvidere, N. J. Mackay, Bangor, Pa. Treasurer—-John I. Miller, Bangor, Pa. Auditor—W. M. Bennett, Bangor, Pa. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Chas. N. Miller, Bangor, Pa. Supt. Trans.—J. J. Heintzelman, Bangor, Pa. DirEcTORS—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N.J.; C. Miller, George W. Mackey, Jacob E. Long, John Buzzard: Batigor,> Pak; :-D,.°GC,. Blair, Belvidere, N. J.; J. Moore, John I. Miller, Portland, Pa.; William Bray, East Bangor, Pa. ‘¢Banner Route.”’ ap See Wabash RR. Barberton Belt Line RR. President—O. C. Barber, Chicago, Ill. Vice- President—J. Ky Robinson, Chicago, Ill. _ Treasurer—Charles Baird, Akron, O. ; William M. Canby, © Secretary—Wm. McFarlin, Akron, O. DIRECTORS—-O. Gs Barber, J. K. Robinson, Chicago, Ill. ; Wm. McFarlin, Charles Baird, Akron, O. ; Heke Robinson, Barberton, O. Barclay RR. (case his Raymond Claghorn, 204 Walnut , Philadelphia. Sec, ‘ad Treas., Anthony Taylor, 204 Walnut ., Philadelphia. aan as eG: MacFarlane, Towanda, Pa. DrrREcTORS-—-Andrew Wheeler, H. H. Wilson, Anthony Taylor, Lawrence Johnson, Clarence R. Claghorn, Philadelphia; Henry C. Davis, New York. Barre RR. President—A. D. Morse, Barre, Vt. Vice-President and Man. Dir.—W. A. Stowell, Montpelier, Vt. Clerk and Treas.—F. W. Stanyan, Barre, Vt. Gen. Supt.—F. W. Stanyan, Barre, Vt. DrrEcToRS—-A. D. Morse, E. L. Smith, John Trow, F. W. Stanyan, Barre, Vt.; W. A. Stowell, Montpelier, Vt. Bath and Hammondsport RR. President—Charles W. Drake, 32 Nassau st., New York. Vice-President—Morris F. Sheppard, Penn | wan, iN; Secretary—F. M. McDowell, Penn Yan, N. Y. Treasurer—Frank Campbell, Bath, N. Y. Megr.—H. S. Stebbins, Hammondsport, N. Y. DrrRECTORS--Charles W. Drake, New York; Morris F. Sheppard, F. M. McDowell, Penn Yan, N. Y.: D. Bauder, H. S. Stebbins, Hammondsport, N. Y.; Frank Campbell, W. W. Allen, Bath, N. Y. Battle Creek and Sturgis RR. President—H. B. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich. Vice-Pres.—Henry Russell, Detroit, Mich. Secretary and Treasurer—D. A. Waterman, Detroit, Mich. DirRECTORS—E. C. Nichols, Mich. York; H. B. Ledyard, Ashley Pond, Henry Russel, D. A. Waterman, Detroit, Mich. Battle Creek, Bay City and Battle Creek RW. President—H. B. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich. Vice-President—Henry Russell, Detroit, Mich. Secretary and Treasurer—D. A. Waterman, Detroit, Mich. DrrRECTORS—C. Vanderbilt, E. D. Worces- ter, New York; Hugh McMillan, H. B. Led- , yard, Ashley Pond, Henry Russel, Dw A: Waterman, Detroit, Mich. The Bay of Quinte RW. and Naviga- tion Co. President—E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. Secretary and Treasurer—F. S. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. Supt.—H. B. Sherwood, Deseronto, Ont. Auditor—C. A. Millener, Deseronto, Ont. Engineer—M. F. Butler, Deseronto, Ont. Gen. Manager—R. C. Carter, Deseronto, Ont. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—G. A. Browne, Deseronto, Ont. Gen. Agt.—E. Walter Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. Solicitor—W. Barclay McMurrich, Deseronto, Ont. U. S. Agt.—C. H.Bond, Deseronto, Ont. ; C. Vanderbilt, E, D. Worcester, New | DIRECTORS— Ee W: ‘Rathbun, Eos; Rath- — bun, W. R. Aylsworth, R. C. Carter, Cra. Millener, R. Rayburn, Herbert B. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. 10 Bear Lake and Eastern RR. President Gen. Mgr. and Aud.—Geo. Hopkins, Bear Lake, Mich. Treasurer—Ella S. Hopkins, Bear Lake, Mich. Secretary—D. H. Hopkins, Dallas, Ark. DIRECTORS—Geo. W. Hopkins, aay >. Hopkins, M. E. Collins, Bear Lake, Mich. ; D. H. Hopkins, M. J. Hopkins, Dallas, Ark. W. Beaver and Ellwood RR. Pres.—Henry W. Hartman, Ellwood City, Pa. Sec.—Jno. G. MacConnell, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Mgr.—Merritt Greene, Ellwood, Pa. DIRECTORS—W. L. Standish, Geo. I. Whit- ney, F. L. Stephenson, Jno. G. MacConnell, Pittsburgh, Pa.; T. D. Gause, Beaver Falls, Pa; ‘ Bedford and Bloomfield RR. Oper- ated by Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. Co., which see. , Bedford and Bridgeport RW. President—R. D. Barclay, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DrRECTORS—John P. Green, John M. Hard- ing, Geo. Kugler, L. Neilson, P. B. Prince, S. W. White, Philadelphia. Beech Creek RR. (New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co., lessee.) President—M. E. Olmstead, Harrisburg, Pa. Vice-President—C. Vanderbilt, New York. Secretary—Allyn Cox, New York. Treasurer—E. V. W. Rossiter, New York. Comptrolier—J. Carstensen, New York. Gen, Mgr.—J. D. Layng, New York. Aud. of Dis.—F. C. Root, Grand Central Station, New York. Aud. of Fght. Accts.—W. B. Pollock, Grand Central Station, New York. Aud. of Pass. Accts.—J. F. Fairlamb, Grancl Central Station, New York. Supt.—A. G. Palmer, Jersey Shore, Pa. Car Acct.—J. Stark, Jr., Jersey Shore, Pa. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. E. Herriman, Manhattan Life Building, Philadelphia. DrrEcTORS——-Cornelius Vanderbilt, William K. Vanderbilt, New York ; George J. Magee, Watkins, N. Y.; Joseph M. Gazzam, Philadel- phia; George F. Baer, Reading, Pa. ; William W. Betts, Clearfield, Pa. M. E. Olmstead, ex-officio, Harrisburg, Pa. Belfast and Moosehead Lake RR. President—Charles 8. Hazeltine, Belfast, Me. Secretary and Treasurer—John H. Quimby, Belfast, Me. Drrectrors—Charles B. Hazeltine, John G. Brooks, George B. Ferguson, Asa A. Howes, Edward Johnson, Isaiah Mitchell, Wm. C. Marshall, Edward Sibley, Wm. M. Woods, Belfast, Me. Bellaire, Zanesville and Cincinnati RW. President—S. L. Mooney, Woodsfield, O. Vice-President—M. Churchill, Zanesville, O: Secretary—M. Hoeffler, Woodsfield, O: Treasurer—W. C. Mooney, Woodsfield, OF Aud. and Pur. Agt.—j. A. Cox, Zanesville, O. Gen. Mgr. and Chief Engr.—James K. Geddes. Counsel—W. F. Hunter. Supt. of Trans.—J. B. Rhodes. DiREcTORS--M. Churchill, John Hoge, James Buckingham, James Herdman, J. K. Geddes, Zanesville, O.; W. C. Mooney, >. L. Mooney, P: Schumacher, Jr., T. H. Armstrong, M. Hoeffler, Woodsfield, O. ; John Lemmox, Freedom, O.; -T. A. Welsh, Cap- tina, O. Bellefonte Central RR. President—Robert Frazer, Philadelphia. Secretary and Treasurer—George H. Wol- bert, Philadelphia. Supt.—Thomas A. Shoemaker, Bellefonte, Pa. | DrrREcTORS—-Henry Whelen, E. K. Sibley, | Byerly Hart, R. Dale Benson, F. F. Milne, Wm. H. Collison, Philadelphia. Belleville and Carondelet RR. Pres.—Madison T. Stookey, Belleville, Ill. Belleville and Eldorado RR. President—E. F. Leonard, Springfield, III. Treas.—Robt. Fulton Catting, New York city. Belleville and Southern Illinois RR. — President—Thomas Denny, New York city. Treasurer—J. K. Gapen, New York city. Bellingham Bay and British Colum- bia RR. Pres.—P. B. Cornwall, San Francisco, Cal. Superintendent—M. L. Stangroom, New Whatcom, Wash. Asst. Supt.—A. Branin, New Whatcom, Wash. Auditor—S. W. Means. Belt RR. and Stock Yard Co. President—W. P. Ijams, Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary and Treasurer—R. S. McKee, Indianapolis, Ind. Belt RW. of Chicago. Chairman Board of Directors—Volney T. Malott, Chicago, III. Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—B. Thomas, Chicago, III. Sec. and Aud.—M. J. Clark,Chicago, Ill. Treas.—John E. Murphy, Chicago, III. DrIrRECTORS—O. S. Lyford, Chicago, III. ; W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. ; Charles M. Hays, Si- Louis, Mo. FE. B. Thomas, Thomas, New York. Belvidere Delaware RR. President—W. Hassell Wilson, Philadelphia. | Sec. and Treas.—Hugh B. Ely, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—-W. Hassell Wilson, F. Wolcott Jackson, Henry D. Welsh, J. N. Du Barry, J. A. Anderson, Lewis Perrine, Jr., Hugh B. | Ely, W. J. Sewell, J. N. Hutchinson. Bennington and Glastenbury RR. President—Russell C. Root, New York. Secretary—Geo. W. Harman, Bennington, Vt. Gen, Supt.—Amos Aldrich, Bennington, Vt. Gen. and Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. W. Martin, Bennington, Vt. Mast. of Machy.—C. C. Clapp, Bennington, Vt. | Road Mast.—C. W. Woodard, Bennington, Yt. | Bennington and Rutland RW. President—J. G. McCullough, nington, Vt. Vice-President—F. B. Jennings, New York. Treasurer—S. B. Hall, North Bennington, Vt. | Secretary.—G. W. Harman, Bennington, Vt. | Samuel | North Ben- | Auditor—W. G. Shaw, North Bennington, Vt. Supt.—E. D. Bennett, Bennington, Vt. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. W. Spafford, Rutland, Vt. Mast. Mach.—Chas. J. McMaster, Rutland, Vt. DIRECTORS—J. G. McCullough, T. L. Park, North Bennington, Vt.; F. B. Jennings, New York, N. Y.;) 'W: S. Webb, Shelburne, Vt. ; M. S. Colburn, Manchester, Vt. Bentonville RW. President—A. J. Bates, Bentonville, Ark. Vice-Pres.—J. H. McClinton, Bentonville, Ark. Sec., Aud. and Gen. Mgr.—N. S. Henry, Ben- tonville, Ark. Treasurer—D. H. Woods, Bentonville, Ark. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. M. Bates, Ben- tonville, Ark. Bergen and Dundee RR. Pres.—Robert F. Stockton, Trenton, N. J. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. Bergen County RR. Pres.—John King, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. Treasurer—Edward White, 21 Cortlandt st., New York. © Berkeley Springs and Potomac RE President—B. F. DeFord, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Pres.—D. Pratt Wright, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—J. T. Trego, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—Samuel Whisner, Baltimore, Md. Berkshire RR. President—Henry T. Robbins, Great Barring- ton, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—D. A. Kimball, bridge, Mass. Stock- Berlin Branch RR. Pres.—A. W. Eichelberger, Hanover, Pa. Secretary—Michael Rebert, East Berlin, Pa. Treasurer—Jacob Resser, East Berlin, Pa. DirREcCTORS—A, W. Ejichelberger, Stephen Keefer, R. N. Meisenhelder, Henry A. Young, Hanover, Pa.; Daniel Eberly, Joseph Wolf, Abbottstown, Pa.; Michael Rebert, William S. Hildebrand, Jacob Resser, W. G. Leas, East Berlin, Pa. Berlin RR. President—J. B. Washington, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—A. W. Black, Pittsburgh, Pa. DiRECTORS—W. H. Koontz, Somerset, Pa. ; S. Philson, S. A. Philson, Berlin, Pa; A. M. Ross, Confluence, Pa.; J. Reed Torrance, Wilkinsburg, Pa.; S. C. Hartley, Meyers- dale, Pa. ‘Big Four Route.’’ See Cleveland. Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RR. Big Level and Kinzua RR. President—Elisha K. Kane, Kane, Pa. Treasurer—J. D. Brooder, Kane, Pa. Secretary—D. T. Hall, Kane, Pa. Big Stone Gap'and Powell’s Valley RW. President—R. A. Ayers, Big Stone Gap, Va. Vice-President—J. K. Taggart, Big Stone Gap, Va. Superintendent—W. C. Harrington, Big Stone Gap, Va. Birmingham and Atlantic RR. President—John Scott, New York. Vice-President and Gen, Mgr.—D. M. Rogers, Talladega, Ala. Secretary and Treasurer—W. H. Skaggs, | Talladega, Ala. Auditor—A. F. Besson, Talladega, Ala. Acting Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—G. A, Matti- | son, Talladega, Ala. 12 Master Trans. and Car Acct.—G. A. Matteson, | Talladega, Ala. DiREcCTORS—John Scott, Ernest Thalman, “W. A. Underwood, New York; D. M. Rogers, W. H. Skaggs, Talladega, Ala.; B. Steiner, Birmingham, Ala. Birmingham Mineral RR. President—M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville, Ky. Secretary—J. H. Ellis, Louisville, Ky. Gen. Mgr.—J. G. Metcalfe, Louisville, Ky. Gen. Supt.—W. N. Newbold, Birmingham, Ala. DIRECTORS—H. W. Bucce, S. S. Eastwood, ©: °R, Knott,,A. M.Quarrier, C..Quatrier, M: H. Smith, W. W. Thompson, Louisville, Ky. Birmingham, Selma and New Orleans Ww. President—A. W. Jones, Selma, Ala. Secretary, Treasurer, Traffic Mgr. and Supt.— A. M. Fowlkes, Selma, Ala. Auditor—B. S. Melvin, Selma, Ala. DirRECTORS—Alexander W. Jones, Alpheus M. Fowlkes, William P. Armstrong, Norman Webb, Bishop S. Melvin, Selma, Ala. Birmingham, Sheffield and Tennessee River RW. President—Alfred Parrish, Philadelphia. Vice-President—N. Thouron, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—William Pearsall, Phila. General Manager, Fgt., Tkt. and Pass. Agt.— P. Campbell, Sheffield, Ala. Auditor—-L. Long, Sheffield, Ala. Cashier—T. L. Carter, Sheffleld, Ala. DirRECTORS—Alfred Parrish, N. Thouron, E. D. Smith, E. A. Hopkins, Philadelphia; P. Campbell, Sheffield, Ala. Black Hills and Fort Pierre RR. President and Treasurer—James B. Haggin, © San Francisco, Cal. Secretary and Manager—Thomas J. Grier, Lead City, S. Dak. Gen. Supt. and Civil Engr.—Richard Black- stone, Lead City, S. Dak. DiRECTORS—James B. Haggin, San Fran- cisco, Cal.; Thomas J. Grier, D. K. Dicken- son, Lead City, S. Dak.; G. C. Moody, Dead- | wood, S. Dak.; Richard Blackstone, Central | City, S. Dak. Bloomsburg and Sullivan RR. President—C. R. Buckalew, Bloomsburg, Pa. Vice-President—Samuel Wigfall, Bloomsburg, Pa. Treasurer—C. E. Waller, Bloomsburg, Pa. Secretary—H. J. Connor, Bloomsburg, Pa. Supt.—P. M. Leader, Bloomsburg, Pa. DIRECTORS--C. R. Buckalew, S. Wigfall, W. R. Tubbs, William Neal, John K. Grotz, H. J. Connor, Bloomsburg, Pa.; Henry C. Gib- son, J. Henry Kershow, Philadelphia. Blue Ridge and Atlantic RR. Receiver—W.V. Lauraine, Tallulah Falls, Ga. President, Secretary and Treasurer—Clarence D. Tourney, New York. DIRECTORS—Clarence D. Tourney, R. L. Harrison, W. E. Coffin, A. F. Babcock, E. Summerfield, Harold F. James, New York ; W. B. Thomas, Tallulah Falls, Ga. Blue Ridge RR. Operated by Columbia and Greenville RR., part of Richmond and Danville System, which see. Bodie and Benton RW. and Commer- cial Co. ; President—H. M. Yerington, Carson, Nev. Vice-President—A. J. Ralston, San Francisco Cal. Secretary and Treasuret—Thomas Menzies, San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Supt., Engr., and Traffic Mgr.—Thomas Holt, Bodie, Cal. ‘ Auditor—J. C. Grant, Bodie, Cal. Mast. of Machy.—E. H. Barton, Bodie, Cal. Mast. Mech.—E. L. Reese, Bodie, Cal. Mast. of Car Rep.—J. H. Wymon, Bodie, Cal. Road Mast.—W. V. Rodenhurst, Bodie, Cal. Attorney—W. S. Wood, San Francisco, Cal. Boone County and Boonville RR. President—R. B. Price, Columbia, Mo. Secretary and Treasurer—I. O. Hockaday, Columbia, Mo. Boonville, St. Louis and Southern RR. President—H. Bunce, Boonville, Mo. Vice-President—J. M. Nelson, Boonville, Mo. Secretary and Treasurer—William Speed Stevens, Boonville, Mo. Boston and. Albany RR. President—William Bliss, Boston, Mass. Vice-President—Edward D. Hayden, Boston, Mass. General Manager—W. H. Barnes, Mass. Gen. Coun.—Samuel Hoar, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Chas. E. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Boston, Asst. Treasurer—F. H. Ratcliffe, Boston, Mass. Gen Supt.—Henry T. Gallup, Springfield, Mass. Div. Supt.—W. R. Robeson, Jr., Albany, N. Y. Div. Supt.—Edward I. Sackett, Springfield, Mass. Div. Supt.—H. B. Chesley, Boston, Mass. Supt. Mot. Pow.—A. B. Underhill, Springfield, Mass. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—Arthur Mass. Gen. Fgt. Agt—Henry B. Chapin, Boston, Mass. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Hamilton Perkins, Bos- ton, Mass. Gen. Pass. Agt.—A.5S. Hanson, Boston, Mass. Mills, Boston, Gen. Bagg. Agt.—Joseph C. Lenix, Boston Mass. Chief Engr.—W. H. Russell, Mass. Mast. Car Bldr.—F. D. Adams, Allston, Mass. Auditor—M. E. Barber, Boston, Mass. Ticket Auditor—George B. Griggs, Boston, Mass. Freight Auditor —J. C. Miller, Boston, Mass. Paymaster—Albert Holt, Springfield, Mass. DIRECTORS—William Bliss, Boston, Mass. ; John Cummings, Woburn, Mass. ; Edward L. Davis, Worcester, Mass. ; Chauncey M. De- pew, New York; Zenas Crane, Dalton, Mass. ; Edward B. Gillett. Westfield, Mass. ; Samuel Hoar, Concord, Mass. ; Moses Kim- ball, Brookline, Mass. ; Jacob C. Rogers, Pea- body, Mass. ; James A. Rumrill, Springfield, | Mass. ; Chas. S. Sargent, Brookline, Mass. ; John P. Spaulding, Boston, Mass.; Edward D. Hayden, Woburn, Mass. Boston and Lowell RR. President—Frederic E. Clarke, Mass. Treasurer—C. E. A. Bartlett, Boston, Mass. Secretary—C. E. Cram, Winchester, Mass. DIRECTORS--T. Jefferson Coolidge, W. Powell Mason, Frederic E. Clarke, C. E. Cot- ting, Edwin Morey, George A. W. C. Baylies, Boston, Mass. Lawrence, Boston and Maine RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Chairman of the Board and Vice-President— | Frank Jones, Boston, Mass. Acting Gen. Mgr.—John W. Sanborn, Boston. Treasurer—Amos Blanchard, Boston. Asst. Treas.—H. E. Fisher, Boston. Gen, Auditor—Wm. J. Hobbs, Boston. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—W. F. Berry, Boston. Clerk—Sigourney Butler, Boston. Gen. Pass.andTkt. Agt.—D.J. Flanders, Boston. Asst.G.Pass.and Tkt.Ag.—F.N.Chase, Boston. | Gen. Fgt. Agt.—M. T. Donovan, Boston. Gen. Supt.—D. W. Sanborn, Boston. Purch. Agt.—J. A. Farrington, Boston. Supt. Mot. Power—Amos R. Barrett, Boston. Supt. West. Div.—Wm. Merritt, Boston. Supt. North. Div.—J. W. Sanborn, Boston. Supt. East. Div.—W. T. Perkins, Boston. Supt. Wor., Nash. and Port. Div.—Geo. W. Hurlburt, Boston. Supt. South. Div.—Geo. F. Evans, Boston. Supt.Concord Div.—H.E.Chamberlin, Boston. Supt. Passumpsic Div.—H. C. Folsom, Boston. Chief Engr.—H. Bissell, Boston. Gen. Baggage Agt.—W. R. Brackett, Boston. New England Agt.—A. C. Varriam, Boston. DrRECTORS—Joseph S. Ricker, Me. ; Richard Olney, Boston, Mass. ; Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford, Mass. ; Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.; A. W. Sulloway, Frank- lin, N. H. ; David P. Kimball, Boston, Mass. ; John W. Sanborn, Wakefield, N. H.; Wm. | C. Whitney, G. G. Haven, New York ; Joseph H. White, Brookline, Mass. ; Walter Hunne- well, William T. Hart, Boston, Mass. Boston and New York Air Line RR., President—Henry B. Hammond, 2 Wall st., New York. Treasurer—Wm. L. Squire, New Haven, | Conn, Secretary—Thomas L. Watson, Bridgeport, | Conn. Puta | Springfield, | Gardner, © Deering, | - Treasurer and Auditor—W. R. DIRECTORS—Henry B. Hammond, S. S. Sands, New York; T. L. Watson, Wm. D. Bishop, Bridgeport, Conn.; S. F. Loomer, Willimantic, Conn. ; Simeon E. Baldwin, E. H. Trowbridge, Chas. P. Clark, New Haven, Conn. ; Theodore Adams, Philadelphia ; J.N. Camp, Benjamin Douglass, Middletown, Conn. Boston and Providence RR., Boston, Mass. President—T, P: I. Goddard, Providence, R. I. Treasurer and Clerk—Benj. B. Torrey, Bos- ton, Mass. DIRECTORS—Joseph W. Balch, Wm. R. Robeson, Robt. H. Stevenson, Roger Walcott, John Lowell, Boston, Mass. ; Thomas P. J. Goddard, Royal C. Taft, Providence, R. I. Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn RR. President—Melvin O. Adams, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—John A. Fenno, Boston, Mass. Superintendent—C. A. Hammond, Boston, Mass. DirRECTORS—Amos F. Breed, H. F. Hurl- burt, Lynn, Mass.; Melvin O. Adams, Matthew Bolles, M. Shepard Bolles, Boston, Mass.; E. B. Stoddard, Worcester, Mass. ; Joseph F. Ricker, Portland, Me. Boston, Winthrop and Shore RR. Owned by Boston, Revere Beach and Lynn RR. Bowden, Lithia Springs Short Line RR. President—E. W. Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. Vice-President—S. S. Marsh, Atlanta, Ga. Secretary, Treasurer and Gen. Mgr.—J. A. Watson, Lithia Springs, Ga. Gen. Fgt. and Tkt. Agt.—J. E. Howland, Lithia Springs, Ga. Bowling Green RR. President—R. D. Marshall, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—F. H. Short, Cincinnati, O. Bozeman Coal Co. Operated by Union Pacific RW. Co., which see. Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua RR. President—George L. Roberts, Bradford, Pa. Vice-President—H. K. Pomroy, Bradford. Secretary—J. B. McGeorge, Bradford. General Manager—J. C. McKenna, Bradford. Treasurer—W. R. Dieffenback, Bradford. DIRECTORS--George L. Roberts, D. H. Jack, John J; Carter, J. B.. McGeorge, J..R. Pomroy, H. K. Pomroy and Charles Dana, Bradford, Pa. Bradford, Bordelland Smethport RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. J. Carter, Brad- ford, Pa. Vice-President—A. I. Wilcox, Bradford, Pa. Dieffenback, Bradford, Pa. Secretary—John E. Ransom, Buffalo, N. Y. DirRECTORS—John J. Carter, Titusville, Pa. ; John. E. Ransom. Buffalo, N. Y.; Aug. Stein, New York; M. L. Hinman, Dunkirk, N. Y. ; W. W. Brown, A. I. Wilcox, Geo. L. Roberts, Tonm. @arvickentia,. bradiord,; Pa. ol, «J. Backer, Boston, Mass. Bradford, Eldred and Cuba RR. Receiver—Thomas C. Platt, New York. President—Frank H. Platt, New York. Auditor and Agt. for Receiver—Frank M. Baker, Addison, N. Y. Secretary—Thos. F. Wood, New York. Treasurer—F. R. Weiner, New York. Beate cite an W. Atwood, Wellsville, © DIRECTORS--Chas. C. Attenbury, Ed. M. | Dickinson, Herman S. Leroy, W. E. Mantius, © Thos. C, Platt, Frank H. Platt, August Stein, © Bird W. Spencer, W. C. Sheldon, Thos. F. Wood, New York; Frank M. Baker, Owego, | N. Y.;°B. F. Bellinger, Elizabeth, N: J. Bradford RW. Leased and owned by Western New York and Pennsylvania RR., | which see. President—Calvin H. Allen, New York. Vice-President—Samuel G. DeCoursey, Phila- | delphia. Secretary—Joseph R. Trimble, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Franklin S. Buell, Buffalo, N. Y. Auditor—Wm. L. Doyle, Buffalo, N. Y. DirREcTORS—Calvin H. Allen, Edward L. Owen, John D. Probst, New York ; SamuelG. DeCoursey, George E. Bartol, Wm. T. Tiers, E. W. Clark, Jr., Philadelphia. Bradford, Richburg and Cuba RR. President—John J. Carter, Titusville, Pa. Treasurer—George A. Eckbert, Titusville, Pas Secretary—John E. Ransom, Buffalo, N. Y. Brantford, Norfolk and Port Burwell RW. Operated by Grand Trunk RW. President—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, P. Q. Secretary—Robert Wright, Montreal, P. QO. - Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie RW. President—Geo. H. Wilkes Brantford, Ont. Vice-President—Thos. Elliott. Gen. Mgr.—Jas. N. Young. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—H. B. North. Auditor and Secretary—S. C. Gibbs. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and Treasurer—M. Potticary. Brattleboro’ and Whitehall RR. President—C. F. Thompson, Brattleboro’, Vt. Secretary—J. L. Martin, Brattleboro’, Vt. Treasurer—Geo. S. Dowley, Brattleboro’, Vt. | Breckinridge Company RR. President—D. Stewart Miller, Louisville, Ky. Gen. Mer.—H. D. Lafferty, Louisville, Ky. Secretary—E. H. Irwin, Louisville, Ky. Gen. Pass. and Fegt. Agt.—James Heron, Louisville, Ky. Bridgton and Saco River RR. President—W. F. Perry, Bridgton, Me. Treasurer—P. P. Burnham, Bridgton, Me. Sec., Supt. and G. F. and T. A.—J. A. Bennett, Bridgton, Me. Pur. Agt.—M. M. Caswells, Bridgton, Me. DIRECTORS—Wm. F. Perry, Wm. A. Stev- | ens, A. H. Burnham, David P. Chaplain, Geo. E.Mead, Samuel S. Fuller, Aldam T. Ingalls, Bridgton, Me.; Almon Young, Hiram, Me. ; W. H. Milliken, Portland, Me. Brigantine Beach RR. President—Samuel St. J. McCutchen, New | York. 1st Vice-President—Phineas Garrett, Philadel- phia. 14 2d Vice-Presldent—Joseph Thompson, Atian- tic City, N. J. Secretary and Treasurer—E. Clarence Mller, Philadelphia. Solicitor—Jos. Thompson. DIRECTORS—Samuel St. J. McCutchen, J. B. Van Woert, Joseph W. Coffin, New York, Edward L. Suffern, A.S. Patterson, Plainfield, N.J.; E. C. Stout, New Brunswick, N. J.; Joseph Thompson, Clarence L. Cole, Atlantic City, N. J.; Charles W. Packer, Brigantine, N. J. ; William Hacker, J. Washington Miller, Phineas Garrett, E. Clarence Miller, M. Lipp- man, E. C. Stout, Philadelphia. Brinkley, Helena and Indian Bay RR. President and Gen. Manager—J. J. Horner, Helena, Ark. Vice-President—A. H. Johnson. Secretary ‘and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.— Harry H. Myers, Helena, Ark. Treasurer—G. T. Updegraff, Helena, Ark. Auditor—H. L. D. Whitson, Helena, Ark. Gen. Supt.—J. B. Johnson, Helena, Ark. Gen. Attys.—Stevenson & Trieler, Helena, Ark. Gen. Attys——Ewan & Thomas, Clarendon, Ark. Bristol Belt Line RW. President—A. H. Leftwich, Spartanburg, S. C. Vice-President—J. L. Stadelman, Ardmore, Bas Gen. Mgr.—W. A. Stadelman, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Thos. H. Fox, Bristol, Tenn. Supterintendent—S. L. Nicholson, Bristol, Tenn. DirEcTORS—J. L. Stadelman, Ardmore, Pa. ; B. L. Dulaney, S. L. Nicholson, Bristol, Tenn.; W. A. Stadelman, Philadelphia, Pa. ; A. H. Leftwich, Spartanburg, S. C. Bristol RR. President—P. W. Clement, Rutland, Vt. Treasurer—H. G. Smith, Rutland, Vt. C. M. Wilds, Middleburg, Vt. Brockville, Westport and Sault Ste. Marie RW. President—R. G. Hervey, Brockville, Ont. Vice-President—W. H. Cole, Brockville, Ont. Treasurer—James Mooney, Brockville, Ont. Secretary and Auditor—E. A. Geiger, Brock- ville, Ont. Gen. Mgr.—Samuel Hunt, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Chilion Jones, Brockville, Ont. Supt) and Gen oF st. Brockville, Ont. DIRECTORS—R. G. Hervey, W. H. Cole, G. H. Weatherhead, D. W. Downey, R. Bowie, Chilion Jones, James Mooney, D. Derbyshire, H. T. Fitzsimmons, *Brockville, Ont.; Samuel. Hunt, Cincinnati, O.; W. G. Parish, Athens, Ont. Agt.—Jas. Mooney, Breckwayville and Punxsutawney RR. Dissolved Nov. 27, 1891. Now part of Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW. Brooklyn and Brighton Beach RR. President—James Jourdan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer—E. L. Langford, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gen. Supt.—James L. Morrow, Brooklyn, N.Y. _ DIRECTORS--James Jourdan, Aaron S. Rob- bins, Wm. Marshall, Abraham B. Bayless, Geo. I. Murphy, Edward L. Langford, Brook- lyn; U. A. Murdock, New York city. Brooklyn and Jamaica RR. by Long Island RR. Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach RR. | President—Henry H. Adams, Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer—Joseph E. Palmer, | Jr., Brooklyn, N. Y. Gen. Supt.—William Warner, Canarsie, L. I. | D1IRECTORS--Henry H. Adams, Felix Camp- bell, James H. Frothingham, Louis H, Irwin, James Jourdan, Thomas E. Pearsall, Brooklyn, | N. Y.; Wendell Goodwin, New York, Brooklyn, Bath and West End RR. President—John M. Butler, 119 South Fourth | st., Philadelphia. Secretary and Treasurer—J. Horace Harding, | Philadelphia. Auditor—O. M. Mears, Brooklyn, N. Y. Superintendent—J. P. Heindell. DIRECTORS-—-John M. Butler, W. F. Snyder, | Percival Roberts, William A. Ingham, John L. | Kates, Isaac Gerhart, John Dickey, Edward Roberts, Jr., A. G. McDonald, Philadelphia. Brooklyn Elevated RR. President—Adolf Ladenburg, Brooklyn, N. Y. Vice-President—Anthony Barrett, Brooklyn, N. Y Secretary and Treasurer—Frederick Uhl- . mann, Brooklyn, N. Y. Auditor—W. B. Longyear, Brooklyn, N. Y. Gen. Mgr. and Chief Engr.—oO. F. Brooklyn, N. Y. DIRECTORS—Edward Lauterbach, Adolf Ladenburg, Leonard Lewisohn, Edward J. Richards, Simon Rothschild, Jacob Scholle, Ernst Thalmann, William Strauss, Anthony Barrett, Abram J. Hardenbergh, George W. Wingate, Brooklyn, N. Y. Brownstone and Middletown RR. President—Allen Walton, Waltonville, Pa. Gen. Mgr.—A. K. Walton, Waltonville, Pa. Secretary—i. A. Penny, Waltonville, Pa. Superintendent—R. J. Walton, Waltonville, Pa. Brownsville and Gulf RW. President—W. G. Raoul, New York. Vice-President—T. B. Russell. Secretary and Treasurer—A. B. Barton, | Brownsville, Tex. DIRECTORS—W. G. Raoul, Andrew Ander- | son, Jr., New York; J. N. Galbraith, Thomas | W. Dodd, Laredo, Tex.; T. B. Russell, A. B. Barton, Brownsville, Tex.; P. J. Milan, Mar- shall, Tex. Brownwood and Northwestern RW. | President—William C. Brown, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—Louis, Houck. Brunswick and Chillicothe RR. President—B. W. Lewis, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—George M. Rice, Worcester, Mass. Treasurer—E. P. Burnham, Saco, Me. Secretary—W. B, Corneau, Brunswick, Mo. Operated | Nichols, | Simon | Uhlmann, Frederick Uhlmann, New York; | Brunswick and Western RR. President—H. B. Plant, New York. Vice-President—M. F. Plant, New York. Secretary—R. B. Smith, New York. Treasurer—J. Moultrie Lee, Savannah, Ga. Auditor—R. S. McIver, Brunswick, Ga. Supt. and Purchasing Agt.—Geo. W. Haines, Brunswick, Ga. DirEcTOoRS—H. B. Plant, H. S. Haines, Morris K. Jesup, Henry Sanford, M. F. Plant, New York ; C. P. Goodyear, Brunswick, Ga. ; E. B. Haskell, Boston, Mass. Buctouche and Moncton RW. President—Louis G. de Bertram, New York. Vice-President—John Harris, Moncton, N. B. Secretary and Treas.—Thos. M. Williamson, Manager—C. F. Harrington, Moncton, N. B. DrrREcTORS—Louis G. de Bertram, New York: C. F. Stevens, Thos. M. Williamson, Philadelphia ; C. N. Skinner, St. John, N. B.; John Harris, A. E. Killam, Moncton, N. B. ; A. Renaud, Buctouche, N. B. Buffalo and Lake Huron RW, President—Arthur Ashton, Liverpool, Eng. Sec. and Treas.—Thomas Short, London, Eng. Buffalo and Southwestern RR. President—W. S. Bissell, Buffalo, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—F. T. Moulton, Buffalo, N.Y. DIRECTORS—W. 5. Bissell, E. G. Spaulding, J. M. Richmond, W. H. H. Newman, D. E. Bailey, Thomas Hodgson, Daniel O’Day, Henry M. Watson, S. S. Spaulding, A. D. Bissell, Buffalo, N. Y.: R. Kingman, Battle Creek, Mich. ; W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Buffalo, Bradford and Pittsburgh RR. President—J. Lowber Welsh, Philadelphia. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. DIRECTORS—J. Lowber Welsh, Philadel- phia; W. A. May, Scranton, Pa.; David H. Jack, Abram K. Johnson, Bradford, Pa. ; John King, E. B. Thomas, A. R. Macdonough, New York. Buffalo Creek Transfer RR. President—Horace A. Noble, Buffalo, N. Y. Treasurer—John R. Williams, Buffalo, N. Y. Secretary—Frank F. Williams, Buffalo, N. Y. DirRECTORS—Horace A. Noble, John R. Williams, Frank C.’ Ferguson, Frank F. Williams, John L. Williams, Arthur H. Wil- liams, Buffalo, N. Y.; Robert H. Williams, Oak Ridge, Pa. Hiitalo Creck RR. President—F. L. Danforth, Buffalo, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—William H. Sayre, South Bethlehem, Pa. DiRECTORS—F, L. Danforth, Buffalo, N. Y.; John King, William Libbey, John G. McCullough, New York; Wm. Stevenson, Sayre, Pa.; John B. Garrett, Philadelphia ; William H. Sayre, South Bethlehem, Pa. Buitalo Erie Basin RR. President, Sec. and Treas.—James Tilling- hast, Buffalo, N. Y. DIRECTORS—J. Tillinghast, Buffalo, N. Y.; C. Vanderbilt, W. K. Vanderbilt, F. W. Van- derbilt, S. F. Barger, E. D. Worcester, C. C. Clarke, C. M. Depew, J. M. Toucry, New York. Buffalo, New York and Erie RR., 115 | Broadway, New York. President—D. N. Lockwood, Buffalo, N. Y. 16 Secretary and Treas.—John Clinton Gray, New York. DIRECTORS—Thomas Brown, Jr., Scotsville. N. Y.; D. N. Lockwood, Henry Martin, Frank Short, Geo. P. Sawyer, Buffalo, N. Y.; Henry .H.tCook;);John sAl.C;- Gray, -Cic H, Daniels, Samuel W.Milbank, W. H. Willis, Scott Foster, John Clinton Gray, New York; Augustus Frank, Warsaw, N. Y. Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW President—Arthur G. Yates, Rochester, Asst. to President—G. E. Merchant. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—William A. Baldwin, Rochester, N. Y. Secretary and Asst. Treas.—John H. Hocart, New York. Gen. Supt.—J. H. Barrett, New York. Auditor and Treasurer—John F. Dinkey, Rochester, N. Y. Chief Engineer, E. W. Hoyt, New York. *Gen,. Fgt. Agt.—R. W. Davis, New York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. C. Lapey, New York. DrrREcTORS—Frederick A. Bissell, George H. Lewis, Buffalo, N. Y.; Arthur G. Yates, Rochester, N. Y.; Fred. A. Brown, Walston H. Brown, Adrian Iselin, Jr., W. H. Peckham, W. Emlen Roosevelt, ‘ J. Kennedy Tod, New York; W. A. Wilbur, R. M. Gummere, S. Bethlehem, Pa. ; Edward N. Gibbs, Norwich, Conn. NAYS Burlington and Lamoille Valley RR. President—James R. Langdon, Montpelier, Vt. Secretary and Treas.—Edward D. Blackwell, Montpelier, Vt. Clerk—Geo. T. Childs, St. Albans, Vt. Burlington and Missouri River RR. in Nebraska. President—C. E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia. tst Vice-President—J. C. Peasley, “Chicago, Ill. Asst. to 1st Vice-President—L. O. Goddard, Chicago, III. Bell, Wilson S. | 2d Vice-Pres.—George B. Harris, Chicago, Ill. | Secretary—T. S. Howland, Boston, Mass. Gen. Solr.—T. M. Marquett, Lincoln, Neb. Solicitor—J. W. Deweese, Lincoln, Neb. Land Comr.—W. W. Baldwin, Burlington, Ta. Asst. Land Comr.—C. J. Ernst, Lincoln, Neb.. Asst. Supt. and Medical Director—C. H. Williams, Burlington, Ia. Pass. Agt.—R. O. Pollard. Treasurer—J. C. Peasley, Chicago, Ill. Asst. Treasurer—J. G. Taylor, Omaha, Neb. Cashier—D. T. Beans, Omaha, Neb. Paymaster—J. G. Floyd, Omaha, Neb. Auditor—J. G. Taylor, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Auditor—P. Heinrich, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Auditor—W. P. Durkee, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Auditor—H. D. Aldlee, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Auditor—Edward O.Brandt,Omaha, Neb. Fet. and Tk. Aud.—W. Randall, Omaha, Neb. Gen. Mgr.—G. W. Holdrege, Omaha, Neb. Gen. Supt.—T. E. Calvert, Lincoln, Neb. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. H. Crosby, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Allen B. Smith, Omaha, Neb. | Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—J. Francis, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—Arthur B. Smith, Omaha, Neb. Gen. Baggage Agt. —T. Marsland, Lincoln, Neb. Purch. Agt.—Geo. Hargraves, Chicago, Ill. Assistant Purch. Agt.—Geo. G. Yeomans, Chicago, Ill. Consult. Engr.—R. J. McClure, Chicago, Ill. Chief Engr.—I. S. P. Weeks, Lincoln, Neb. Supply Agt.—D.S. Guild, Plattsmouth, Neb. Stationer—J. W. Bell, Lincoln, Neb. Supt. of Tel.—C. E. Yates, Lincoln, Neb. Car Accountant—M. McKinnon, Lincoln, Neb. Supt. of Motive Power—D. Hawksworth, Plattsmouth, Neb. Supt. Car and Gen. Fgt. Service—G. H. Ross, Chicago, Il. Mast. Mech.—E. S.Greusel, Plattsmouth, Neb. Master Mech.—J. C. Salsbery, Lincoln, Neb. Master Mech.—A. B. Pirie, Wymore, Neb. Master Mech.—R. B. Archibald, McCook, Neb. Master Mech.—J. P. Reardon, Alliance, Neb. Gen. Agt.—Geo. W. Vallery, Denver, Col. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. W. Pitcher, Denver, Col. Gen. Agt.—W. D. Sanborn, San Francisco, Cah Pacific Coast Passenger Agt.—T. D. McKay, San Francisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. S. Harrison, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—T. H. Duzan, Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. 126 So. Gen. Agt.—E. E. Walker, Salt Lake City, Utah. : Gen. S. W. Pass. Agt.—R. J. Johnson, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Agt.—E. C. Post, Atchison, Kan. General eres 7, Davenport, Bluffs, Trav. Pee Aet We F. McMillan, Omaha, Neb. Trav. Pass.Agt.—J. E. Reynolds,Omaha, Neb. Com. Agt.—J. J. Cox, Lincoln, Neb. Com. Agt.—John Dwyer, Beatrice, Neb. Council Burlington and Northwestern RW. President—T. W. Barhydt, Burlington, Ia. Vice-Pres.—John T. Remey, Burlington, Ia Sec. and Treas.—R. M. Green, Burlington, Ia. Chief Clerk Acct. Dept.—K. M. Boden, Bur- lington, Ia. Supt. and G. F. and P. A.—John T. Gerry, Burlington, Ia. Asst. Supt.—W. B. Jones, Burlington, Ia. DIRECTORS—Lyman Cook, W. W. Baldwin, T. W. Barhydt, John T. Remey, C. P. Squires, He Cs Garrett. WwW - Blythe at. B. Scott, Burlington, Ia.; Norman Everson, Washing- ton, Ia. Burlington and Western RW. President—T. W. Barhydt, Burlington, Ia. Vice-President—C. P. Squires, Burlington, Ia. Sec. and Treas.—R. M.’Green, Burlington, Ia. Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. T. Gerry. Chf. Clk. Acct. Dept.—K. M. Boden, Bur- lington, Ia. DIRECTORS—T. W. Barhydt, C. P. Squires, Lyman Cook, J. W. Be: H. B. Scott, Bur- lington, Ia. Burlington, Cedar Rapids and North- | ern RW. President and Gen. Supt.—C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Vice-President and Supt.—Robert Williams, | Cedar Rapids, Ia. Asst. Supt. and Gen. Agt.—W. P. Brady, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Asst. Supt.—G. A. Goodell, Estherville, Ia. | Treasurer—H. H. Hollister, New York. Asst. Treas. and Sec.—S. S. Dorwart, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Gen. Sol.—S. K. Tracy, Burlington, Ia. Auditor—J. C. Broeksmit, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. D. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Ia. | Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—T. H. Simmons, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agt.—J. E. Hannegan, | Cedar Rapids, Ia. Chief Engr.—H. F. White, Cedar Rapids, Ia. | Master Mechanic—R. W. Bushnell, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Paymaster and Pur. Agt.—Theodore Stickney, | Cedar Rapids, Ia. Purch. Agt. W. J. Harrison. Train Master—E. O. Soule, Iowa Falls, Ia. Train Mastr—P. A. Murphy, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Train Master—C. S. Weston, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Train Master—E. T. Gage, Estherville, Ia. Supt. Tel. and Train Dispatcher—W. P. Ward, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Car Acct.—G..S. Russell, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Trav. Freight Agent—H. Aldrich, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. G. Haskell, Vinton, Ia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. H. Murray, 161 La Salle | st., Room 81, Chicago, III. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. W. Boardman, St. Louis, Mo. Freight Auditor—W. F. Broeksmit, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Trav. Aud.—A. R. Foote, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Gen. Agt.—W. A. Kendall, Burlington, Ia. Gen. Agt.—M. M. Knapp, Davenport, Ia. DirEcTORS—J. C. Peasley, W. G. Purdy, R. R. Cable, Chicago, Ill.; J. W. Blythe, C. P. Squires, Lyman Cook, Thomas Hedge, Burl- ington, Ia.; W. H. Truesdale, Minneapolis, Minn.; E. S. Bailey, Clinton, Ia.; F. H. Griggs, Davenport, Ia.; George W. Cable, Rock Island, Ill.; J. Carskaddan, Muscatine, Ia.; C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Ia. . Burnside and Cumberland RR. President and General Mgr.—C. W. Cole, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—Oliver Kinsey, Cincinnati, O. - Sec. and Aud.—M. F. Molloy, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Supt.—Alex. Kendall, Nashville, Tenn. | Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—A. B. Massey, Burnside, Ky. Trav. and Purchasing Agt.—J. K. Holloway, Cincinnati, O. Bustleton RR. President—J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS-—-W. H. Barnes, J. P. Green, H. H. Houston, W. A. Patton, H. D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, Philadelphia. Cadillac and Northeastern RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. W. Cummer, Cadillac, Mich. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—J. Cummer, Grand Rapids, Mich. 2 17 { Secretary and Aud.—Jas. M. Barnett, Grand Rapids, Mich. Gen. Supt., Chief Engr. and Pur. Agt.—J. S. Campbell, Cadillac, Mich. Gen. Fgt. and Ticket Agt.—N. V. Gerrish, Cadillac, Mich. Master Car Rep.—J. Chamberlin, Cadillac, Mich. Foreman Locomotive Rep.—E. White, Cadil- lac, Mich. Road Master—M. Bracken, Cadillac, Mich. Cady Mills Branch RR. President—D. C. Davis, Cady Mills, Wis. Gen. Mgr.—Charles Oliver, Cady Mills, Wis. Cahaba Coal Mining Co’s RR. President and Treasurer—T. H. Aldrich, Blocton, Ala. Vice-President and Mgr.—Cornelius Cadle, Blocton, Ala. Gen. Supt.—P. B. Thomas, Blocton, Ala. Secretary—Jno. Grote, Blocton, Ala. Road Master—R. Vance, Blocton, Ala. Cairo and Kanawha Valley RR. President—H. S. Wilson, Parkersburg, W. Va. Vice-Pres.—Archy Rutherford, Cairo, W. Va. Sec. and Treas.—R. Wilson, Parkersburg, W. Va. Superintendent—Harry S. Wilson, W. Va. DirRECTORS--H. S. Wilson, W. H. Miller, Harry S. Wilson, Robert Wilson, Parkers- burg, W. Va. ; Archy Rutherford, Cairo, W. Va. ; Cairo RR. President—Lewis Wolfe, Athens, N. Y. Vice-Pres.—Charles L. Rickerson, New York. Treasurer—Frederick Hill, Catskill, N. Y. Secretary—Wm. J. Hughes, Catskill, N. Y. DiRECTORS—A. Van Santvoord, C. T. Van Santvoord, New York; G. M. Snyder, West Hoboken, N. J.; C. L. Rickerson, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lewis Wolfe, John Sanderson, Athens, N. Y.; F. G. Walters, D. W. Jennings, Cairo, NY. es: A.: Chase; .sHill, Ci Ls Beach, Cy A. Beach, W.J.. Hughes) .Catskill, N.Y. Cairo, Caldwell RR. See New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. Calgary and Edmonton RR. See Canadian Pacific RW. California Short Line RR. Pres.—John A. Groesbeck, Salt Lake City. Vice-Pres.—J. E. Bamberger, Salt Lake City. Treas.—W. S. McCornick, Salt Lake City. Gen. Mgr.—Theo. Bruback, Salt Lake City. DIRECTORS—Josiah Barnett, Allan G. Campbell, C. W. Bennett, John A. Groesbeck, W. S. McCornick, J. E. Bamberger, Salt Lake City, Utah. California and Nevada RR. President—J. S. Emery, Oakland, Cal. Vice-President—Abner Doble, San Francisco. Sec. and Treas.—E. A. Phelps, San Fran-. cisco, Cal. Chief Engr.—L. Benaike, Oakland, Cal. DIRECTORS—J. S. Emery, E. A. Phelps, M. J. Loefler, Robert Doble, G. W. Schell, J. J. Scrivener, Abner Doble. California Pacific RR. President—R» P. Hammond, San Francisco. Vice-Pres.—N. T. Smith, San Francisco, Cal. Treasurer—Timothy Hopkins, San Francisco. Sec.—W. V. Huntington, San Francisco. DIRECTORS—R. P. Hammond, _ Geo. Crocker, J. L. Willcutt, Timothy Hopkins, Charles F. T. Smith, San Francisco, Cal. Calumet and Blue Island RW. President, Gen. Mgr. Brimson, Chicago, Ill. Sec. and Aud.—J. S. Keefe, Chicago, Ill. Supt.—J. H. Price. Pur. Agt.—L. D. Doty, Chicago, II. Chf. Engr.—F. C. Bates, So. Chicago, Ill. Master Car Repairs—Scott Bridges, South Chicago, III. Road Master—John Merrion, So. Chicago, Ill. Supt.—M. M. Richey, So. Chicago, Il. Mast. Mach.—C. J. Clifford, So. Chicago, JI. Master Car Painter—A. M. Kain, Chicago, III. Calumet River RW. President—Thomas D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. | Treas.—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh, Pa. DIRECTORS—James McCrea, Thomas D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; George M. Bogue, F. W. Belz, Wm. Borner, Chicago, II. Cambria and Clearfield RR. President—J. N. DuBarry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—W. H. Barnes, John P. Green, Wm. A: Patton,;, Henry. D. Welsh, N:P. Shortridge, Geo. B. Wood, Philadelphia. Cambridge and Seaford RR. President—Geo. B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Secretary—Robt. H. Groff, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robt. W. Smith, Philadelphia. Camden and Alexandria RW. Supterintendent—C. C. Henderson, Eldorado, Ark. Chief Engr.—W. R. Smith, Camden, Ark. Camden and Atlantic RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-Pres.—Willlam J. Sewell, Camden, N. J. Secretary—James R. McClure, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. ‘DIRECTORS—William L. Elkins, George B. Roberts, Richard D. Barclay, Jos. N. DuBarry, Wm. C. Houston, Henry D, Welsh, Philadel- phia ; William C. Dayton, Thomas H. Dudley, Edmund E. Read, Sr., William Bettle, Craw- ford Miller, Camden, N. J.; John B. Hay, Malaga, N. J.; Enoch A. Doughty, Absecon, sy Pe Camden and Burlington Co. RR. President—John S. Irick, Vincentown, N. J. Treasurer—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. Secretary—Richard Ashhurst, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Richard C. Shreve, W. H. Gatzmer, J. N. Du Barry, Richard Ashhurst, Cc. S. Sims, John C. Sims, W. B. Deacon, W. H. Wilson, W. J. Sewell, Jos. H. Gaskill, C. E. Hendrickson, Henry D. Welsh, Theo. B. Gaskill, F. Ellmaker. Crocker, W. V. Huntington, N. | and Treas.—W. G. | South 18 Gen: The Camden County RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—F. R. Brace, Frank Bateman, Moses D. Sarfaty, Albert Foster, W. R. Taylor, R. S. Davis, Samuel Garwood, Phila. Canada Atlantic RW. President—C: J. Booth, Ottawa, Ont. Sec. and Treas.—A. W. Fleck, Ottawa, Ont. Gen. Mgr.—E. W. Chamberlin, Ottawa, Ont. Gen. Freight and Pass. Agt.—C. J. Smith, Ottawa, Ont. Auditor—A. G. Peden, Ottawa, Ont. Superintendent—M. Donaldson, Ottawa, Ont. Chief Engr.—G. A. Mountain, Ottawa, Ont. Train Dispt.—J. E. Duval, Ottawa, Ont. Gen. Agent—R. K. Claire, Ottawa, Ont. Trav. Agt.—Geo. H. Phillips, Valleyfield, Que. East. Agent—Royal Whiton, Jr., 260 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt.—J. W. Dawsey, 136 St. James st., Montreal, Can., and 205 Board of Trade, Toronto, Ont. DIRECTORS—J. R. Booth, G. H. Perley, C. J. Booth, J. F. Booth, William Anderson, C. B. Powell, Neil McIntosh, Ottawa, Ont. ; E. C. Smith, St. Albans, Vt. Canada Eastern RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. B. Snowball, Chatham, N. B. Secretary—George F. Gregory, Fredericton, N. B. : Superintendent—Thos. Hoben, Gibson, N. B. DirEcTORS—Alexander Gibson, Charles W. Weldon, Alexander Gibson, Jr., Marysville, N. B.; J. B. Snowball, W. B. Snowball, Chat- nes N. B.; Byron Winslow, Fredericton, can: Canada Southern Bridge. President—J. Tillinghast, New York. Sec. and. Treas.—C. F. Cox, New York. Canada Southern RW. President—Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York. Vice-President—Charles F. Cox, New York. Secretary—Nicol Kingsmill, Toronto, Ont. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—Allyn Cox, New York. DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Samuel F. Barger, Sidney Dillon, Edward A. Wickes, Chauncey M. Depew, Joseph E. Brown, Charles F. Cox, New York ; James Tillinghast, Buffalo, N. Y. Canadian Pacific RW. Pres.—W. C. Van Horne, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—T. G. Shaughnessy, Mon- treal, Que. Sec.—Charles Drinkwater, Montreal, Que. sure Traffic Mgr.—George Olds, Montreal, ue; Mgr. Steamship Lines and Lake Traffic— © Henry Beatty, Toronto, Ont. Comptroller—I. G. Ogden, Montreal, Que. Treasurer—W. Sutherland Taylor, Mon- treal, Que. Gen. Pass. Agt.—D. McNicoll, Montreal, Que. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. E. E. Ussher, Mon- treal, Que. Supt. Sleeping and Dining Cars and Hotels— J. A. Sheffield, Montreal, Que. Land Com.—L. A. Hamilton, Winnipeg, Man. Gen. BIDE Atl. Div.—H. P. Timmerman, St. John, N. B. Gen. Supt. Ontario and Quebec Div.— Thomas Tait, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Supt. East. Div.—C. W. Spencer, Mon- treal, Que. Gen. Supt. West. Div.—W. Wythe, Winne- peg, Man. Gen. Supt. Pac. Div.—Harry Abbott, Van- couver, B. C. Asst. Fgt. Traffic Mgr., Lines East of Port Arthur, G. M. Bosworth, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt., West. and Pac. | Divs.—R. Kerr, Winnipeg, Man. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Fgt. Agt., West. and Pac. Divs.—D. E. Brown, Vancouver, Brice Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., Atlantic Div., etc.—C. E. McPherson, St. John, N. B. Gen. Fet. Agt., Atlantic Div.—E. Tiffin, St. John, N. B. Gen. Fegt. Agt., Ont. Div.—J. N. Sutherland, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Fet. Agt:, East. Div.—W. B. Bulling, Jr., Montreal, Que. Pur. Agt.—A. C. Henry, Montreal, Que. Aud. Disb.—H. L. Penny, Montreal, Que. Aud. of Pass. Rec.—J. H. Shearing, Mon- treal, Que. Aud., Fgt. and Tel. Montreal, Que. Fegt. Claims Auditor—J. R. Steel. Supt. Car Service—J. Osborne, Montreal, Que. Actg. Gen. Baggage Agt., West. Div.—Geo. S. Cantlie, ‘Winnipeg, Man. Actg. Gen. Baggage Agt., Pac. Div.—Geo. S. Cantlie, Vancouver, B. C. Dist. Pass. Agt.—W. R. Callaway, 1 King st., E., Toronto; Ont. New England Pass. Agt.—H. J. Colvin, 197 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. East. :Agt.—E. V. Skir.er, 353 Broad- way, New York. Clty Pass. Agt.—Wm. F. Egg, 266 St. James st., Montreal, Que. Fet. and Pass. Agt.—H. McMuttrie, cor. 3d and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia. Rec.—C. J. Flanigan, Dist. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. Francis Lee, 232 | S. Clark st., Chicago, IIl. Dist. Pass. Agt.—C. Sheehy, 11 Fort st., West. Dist. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. R. Van Norman, Detroit, Mich. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. McMurtrie, 203 E. German st., Baltimore, Md. Dist. Pass. Agt. "_G. McL. Brown, Vancouver, BoC. Ticket Agent—James S. Clater. Pass. Agt.—D. B. Jackson, 4 New Montgom- ery st., San Francisco, Cal. District Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—M. M. Stern, Chronicle Bullding, San Francisco, Cal. European Traffic Agt.—Archer Baker, 7 James st., Liverpool, Eng.; 67 and 68 King William st., London, E. C.; 105 Market st., Manchester, Eng.; 25 Gordon st., Glasgow, Scotland. Gen. Agt.— and Hong Kong, China. Jardine Matheson & Co., Shanghai, China. Agts. for Japan—Frazar & Co., Yokohama, Japan. Agts. for Japan—Frazar & Co., Kobe, Japan. Fin. Agts. of the Co. in New York.—Bank of Montreal, 59 Wall st. DIRECTORS-— George Stephen, Wm. C. Van Horne, Donald A. Smith, Richard B. Angus, Edward Holloway, China, Japan | 19 Montreal, Can. ; Edmund B. Osler, Toronto, Ont. - Sanford Pieatine! Ottawa, Ont. Wil- mot ‘D) Matthews, Toronto, Ont. - Samuel Thomas, John W. Mackey, New York : Geo. R. Harris, Boston, Mass. ; Geo. A. Kirkpat- rick, Kingston, Ont. ; Donald MclInness, Hamilton, Ont. - Richard J. Cross, New York ; Thomas Skinner, London, Eng. : Al ra Cc Abbot, Montreal, Can. George Stephen, Donald A. Smith, William C. Van Horne, Richard B. Angus, Executive Committee. Canastota Northern RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Edward Mahler, Elmira, N. Y. Secretary—M. A. Smith, Elmira, ING DIRECTORS—George S: Edgell, New York ; Albert Allen, Cortlandt, N. Y.; Gan EL, Diven, M. A. Smith, F, M. Wixon, Elmira, NEY F. E. Tibbitts, Ithaca, N. Y.; Geo. E, Sadler, Sst, Stroud, Milton De Lano, Judson Field, Pred. 'C: Faske, AT: Valkenburgh, Cana- en Nears Albert G. Stephens, Oneida, Canon City Coal Co., Canon City, Col. President—A. Manvel, Chinese: Le 1st Vice-Pres.—J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Manager—Chas. J. Devlin, Topeka, Kan. Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley RW. President—Dr. W. A. Lash, Greensboro, N.C. Asst. to President—R. Percy Gray, Greens- boro, N. C. Gen. Mgr.—J. W. Fry, Greensboro, N. C. Secretary—J. M. Rose, Fayetteville, N.C. Asst. Secretary—W. H. Macfai! and, Fayette- ville, N=C. Auditor—R. W. Bidgood, Fayetteville, N. C. Treas.—Jas. R. Williams, Fayetteville, N. C. Attorney—G. M. Rose, Fayetteville, N.C. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. —W.E. Kyle, Fay- etteville, N. C. Chief ‘Engr. =n L. Fry, Fayetteville, N. C. Mast. Mech.—I. W. Clark, Fayetteville, N. C. DIRECTORS—K, M. Murchison, New York ; Chast Pa otokessienicnmond. .Vasl ai], E. Gilmer, Winston, Nee Cie Wir GAL) Moore, Mount Airy, N. C.; W. A. Lash, Walnut Cove, N. C.; J. T. Morehead, Leakesville, Ne Gos beer ercyGray y DieW.a.C. oBenbow, Greensboro’, N.C ; J. D. Williams, Fayette- ville, N.C. Robert, T..Gray; Raleigh, NC. : G. W. Williams, Wilmington, N. C.; E. J. Lilly, Fayetteville, N. C. Cape May and Sewell’s Point, RR. Receiver—John J. Burleigh, Camden, N. J. President and Gen. Mgr.—F. F. Hogate, Camden, N. J. Secretary—T,. P. Varney, Camden, N. J. DIRECTORS—Floranc F. Hogate, W. J. Sewell, Joseph E. Roberts, Camden, N. J.; Peter) W.. -Wiltbank, “Atlantic City,’ N. J: ; J. Henry Edmunds, Joseph H. Hanes, Cape May, .N. J.; Charles W. Matthews, Philadel- phia. Caraquet RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—K. F. Burns, Bath- urst, N. B. Sec. and Treas.—John Livewright, urst, N. B. Auditor—O. J. H. Stewart, Bathurst, N. B. Bath- Superintendent—P. H. Melvin, Bathurst, N. B. Lee Agent—William Walsh, Bathurst, DIRECTORS—K. F. Burns, G. Duncan. Jacob White, George C. Sutherland, Bathurst, N. B. ; William Walsh, Pokemouche, N. B.; Joseph Poirier, Grand Aux, N. B.; Thomas Ahier, Skippegan, N. B. Carbondale and Shawneetown RR. Pres.—John E. McGettigan, Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary—C. H. Bosworth, Springfield, Ill. Carbon Cut-off RW. See Union Pacific RW. Carillon and Grenville RW. and Ottawa River Navigation Co. President—R. W. Shepherd, Montreal, Que. Sec. and Treas.—R. W. Shepherd, Jr., Mon- treal, Que. Gen. Supt.—John McGowan, Carillon, Que. Carolina Central RR. President—John M. Robinson, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Pres.—R. C. Hoffman, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—John H. Sharp, Wilming- ton, N.C. Gen. Aud.—A. J. Howell, Wilmington, N. C. DIRECTORS—John M. Robinson, R. C. Hoff- man, J. L. Minis, John Gill, Baltimore, Md. ; John C. Winder, R.S. Tucker, Raleigh, N.C. ; W.W. Chamberlaine, Portsmouth, Va.; C. H. Roberts, Oaks, Ulster Co.,N. Y.; J. Augus- tus Johnson, New York; Isaac Bates, Wil- mington, N. C.; D. W. Oats, Charlotte, N. C. Carolina, Cumberland Gap and Chi- cago RW. President—Austin Gallagher, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Wilbur F. Herbert, Jr., New York. Carolina, Knoxville and Western RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—Wm. Bailey, 96 Broadway, New York. Vice-Pres.—]. B. Humbert, Greenville, S. C. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—F. M. Green, Green- ville, S. C. Gen. Supt.—A. B. Byrd, Greenville, S. C. Gen. Solicitor—W. E. Jackson, Augusta, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—C. P. Wardlaw, Augusta, Ga. Auditor and Paymaster—Wm. Bailey, Jr., 96 Broadway, New York. DIRECTORS—William Bailey, Joshua Bunn, New York; J. B. Humbert, Princeton, S. C. ; W. E. Jackson, Augusta, Ga.; Frank Ham- mond, H. C. Beattie, J. W. McCullough, H. J. Hayneswith, Greenhill, S. C.; W. J. Ready, Johnson, S.C.) J.P. Philips: Ninety-Six, S:- C.; C. T. Luckey, Samuel McKinney, M. L. Ross, Knoxville, Tenn. Carolina Midland RW. Pres.—George A. Wagener, Charleston, S. C. Vice-President and Treas.—Mike Brown, Barnwell, S. C. Sec. and Aud.—H. R. Walker, Barnwell, S.C. Gen. Supt.—J. C. Keys, Blackville, S. C. DirRECTORS—George A. Wagener, H. F. Bremer, ALS: Perry, Charleston, S,/Co; Mike Brown, Barnwell, S.C.; D. H. Sally, Salleys, S. C. 20 Carrabelle, Tallahassee and Gulf RR. President—Le Roy D. Ball, Tallahassee, Fla. Secretary and Treas.—W. G. Powell, Talla- hassee, Fla. . Gen. Sol.—J. B. C. Drew, Tallahassee, Fla. Gen. Manager.—A. Orr Symington, Carra- belle, Fla. DIRECTORS—William Clark, Robert Cum- ming, New York; Frederick T. Myers, Talla- hassee, Fla.; R. B. Symington, Charles M. Zeh, Newark, N. J. Carson and Colorado RR. President and Gen. Supt.—H. M. Yerington, Carson, Nev. Vice-President—D. L. Bliss, Carson, Nev. Treas.—S. P. Smith, Sacramento, Cal. Sec. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—D. A. Bender, Carson, Nev. Asst. Sec.—E. B. Yerington, Virginia, Nev. Auditor—G. T. Mills, Carson, Nev. DiRECTORS—D. O. Mills, Edgar Mills, F- G. Newlands, Geo. Whitten, Thomas Bell Randell, Horace Hill, H. M. Yerington, and William S. Wood. Carthage and Adirondack RW. President—C. F. Cox, Grand Central Depot, New York. Supt. and Chief Engr.—G. F. Huggans, Car- thage, N. Y. Treasurer—Allyn Cox, Grand Central Depot, New York. Auditor—W. S. Allen, Carthage, N. Y. DirRECTORS--Thomas P. . Fowler, John Greenough, S. Q. Brown, Randolph Parmly, E. K. Sibley, D..D. Parmly, W. S. Benson, R. D. Benson, Andrew Spotts, New York ; Henry Whelen, John B. Garrett, Phila- delphia ; John Taylor, R. H. Sayre, Bethle- hem, Pa. Carthage RR. President—J. C. Black, Carthage, N. C. Secretary—W. J. Adams, Carthage, N. C. Treasurer—L. P. Tyson, Carthage, N. C. Gen. Mger.—W. C. Petty, Carthage, N. C. DirREcTORS—W. T. Jones, George C. Graves, James D. McIver, L. P. Tyson, A. H.IMcNewuk< C.J, Shaw,-j.. G- Black, Car- thage, N. C. Carthage, Watertown and Sackett’s Harbor RR. Pres.—George A. Bagley, Watertown, N. Y. Treas.—George H. Sherman, Watertown, N.Y. Secretary—Albert Bushnell, Watertown, N.Y. Catasauqua and Fogelsyille RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. D1IRECTORS--Samuel Thomas, Leonard Pickett, Catasauqua, Pa.; John T. Knight, Easton, Pa.; Samuel Dickson, William S. Pilling, James M. Hodge, Charles Stuart Wurts, Philadelphia; John Thomas, Hoken- dauqua, Pa.; Daniel Runkle, Philipsburg, N. J. Catawissa RR. President and Treasurer—M. P. Hutchinson, Philadelphia. Secretary—R. M. Elliott, Philadelphia. Catonsville Short Line RR. President—James A. Gary, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Pres.—Henry James, Baltimore, Md. ‘Treasurer—John Gill, Baltimore, Md. Sec.—Eugene Carrington, Baltimore, Md. DiREcCTORS—Jas. A. Gary, Henry James, John Gill, Eugene Carrington, J. W. Harvey, ° Brae oS .Go W. sMacgill} Baltimore, Md. Catskill Mountain RW. Pres.—Alfred Van Santvoord, New York. Vice-Pres.—Charles L. Beach, Catskill, N. Y. Sec. and Gen. Supt.—Charles A. Beach, Cats- kill, N. Y. Treasurer—Orrin Day, Catskill, N. Y. DIRECTORS--A. Van Santvoord, Jacob I. Werner, George H. Beach, Geo. M. Snyder, C. T. Van Santvoord, Charles L. Rickerson, Gustave Gieske, New York; Charles L. Beach, John H. Bagley, | Samuel L. Penfield, Orrin Day, Isaac Pruyn, Frederick Hill, Charles A. Beach, Catskill, N. Y. Cayuga and Susquehanna RR. President—Percy R. Pyne, 52 Wall st., New York. Treas.—S. S. Palmer, 52 Wallst., New York. DrrREcTORS—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J.; Wm. Walter Phelps, Englewood, N. J.; Percy R. Pyne, Samuel Sloan, M. Taylor Pyne, Henry A. Taylor, Edwin F. Hatfield, Pawrence Lurnure, Stephen S. .Palmer, New York. Sea he Cedar Falls and Minnesota RR. President—J. Kennedy Tod, New York. Vice-President—John Kean, Jr., New York. Sec. and Treas.—C. H. Booth, Dubuque, Ia. | Central Arizona RW. Auxiliary to Atlan- tic and Pacific RR. and Santa Fé System. President—F. E. Hinckley, Chicago, IIl. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—D. M. Rior- dan, Flagstaff, Ariz. Secretary—M. J. Riordan, Chicago, Ill. Auditor—F. W. Sisson, Chicago, Ill. Superintendent—T. A. Riordan, Chicago, III. Gen. Fet. Agt.—A. M. Hinckley, Chicago, Il. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Jay G. Robinson, Chi- cago, Ill. Chief Engr.—Woodbury Howe, Chicago, Ill. | Chief Atty.—T. G. Norris, Chicago, III. Central Branch Union Pacific RR. President and Gen. Manager—S. H. H. Clark, | Omaha, Neb. Treasurer—James G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston, Mass. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, B. Wetmore, New York; F. L. Ames, E. F. Atkins, Samuel Carr, F. G. Dexter, Alexander Millar, Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass.; H. P. Dillon, A. L. Wil- | liams, N. H. Loomis, Topeka, Kan.; S. H. H. Clark, Omaha, Neb. Centralia and Chester RR. President—T. B. Needles, Nashville, III. Vice-President—C. E. Smith, New York. Auditor—R. H. Rosbrough. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—J. M. McCutcheon, Sparta, Ill. - Secretary—S. L. Dwight, Centralia, II. ~ Supt. of Con.—H. W. Schmidt, Sparta, Il. Gen. Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—H.G. Borneman, Sparta, Ill. 21 DirREcTORS—S. L. Dwight, Centralia, Ill. ; T. B. Needles, W. S. Foreman, Nashville, IIl.; C. E. Smith, Andrew Thompson, New York ; Me T. Wylie, John M. McCutcheon, Sparta, Ill. Central Massachusetts RR. President—Samuel N. Aldrich, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—George F. Seymour, Bos- ton, Mass. Central Michigan RR. Pres.—J. W. Boynton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Vice-President—R. B. Loomis, Grand Rap- Ids, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—P. H. Brown, Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Chief Engineer —J. H. Roberts, Rapids, Mich. DIRECTORS—J. W. Boynton, P. H. Brown, R. B. Loomis, William E. Grove, J. H. Rob- erts, Grand Rapids, Mich. Grand Central New England and Western RR. (Poughkeepsie Bridge Route. ) Receiver—James K. O. Sherwood, 192 Broad- way, New York. _ President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt.—I. W. Fowler, Hartford, Conn. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. A. Hayes, Hart- ford, Conn. Auditor—H. W. Watson, Hartford, Conn. Pur. Agt.—W. J. Cromwell, New York. Car Acct.—H. L. Harford, Hartford, Conn. Train Mstr.—F. B. Hook, Hartford, Conn. Thg. Fgt. Agt.—Samuel A. Story, 218 Wash- ington st., Boston, Mass. Soliciting Agt.—H. K. Lines, Hartford, Conn. Gen. Offices—227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia ; New York Office, 192 Broadway. DrirEcTORS—John S. Wilson, John T. Terry, New York ; Henry O. Seixas, New Orleans ; Henry C. Gibson, Charlemagne Tower, Jr., Wm. T. Carter, W. W. Gibbs, Arthur E. New- bold, Chas. Henry Hart, Joseph F. Sinnott, Wm. B. Scott, John W. Brock, Philadelphia. Central Ohio RR. President—James H. Collins, Columbus, O, Treasurer—W.H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—P. C. Snead, Chicago, III. Central Ontario RW. President—Stevenson Burke, Cleveland, O. Ist Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Alex. Mac- Laren, Trenton, Ont. 2d Vice-Pres.—H. P. McIntosh, Cleveland, O. Asst. Gen Mer.—J. L. Briggar, Trenton, Ont. Superintendent—J. D. Riddell, Trenton, Ont. Asst. Supt., Sec. and Treas.—George Collins , Trenton, Ont. Chief Engr.—John D. Evans, Trenton, Ont. DrrREcTORS—Stevenson Burke, H. B. Payne, H. P. McIntosh, Cleveland, O.; D. MacLaren, Alex. MacLaren, Buckingham, Que. ; Charles Magee, Ottawa, Ont; J. L. Biggar, Belleville, Ont.. Central Pacific RR. Pres.—Leland Stanford, San Francisco, Cal. 1st Vice-Pres.—C. P. Huntington, New York. 2d Vice-President—Charles F. Crocker, San Francisco, Cal. 3d Vice-President—A. N. Towne, San Fran- cisco, Cal. 22 Treasurer—Willard V. Huntington, San Fran- ciscos Cal: Secretary and Comp.—E. H. Miller, Jr., San Francisco, Cal. Asst. Treasurer—Frank H. Davis, New York. Act. Vice-President—I. E. Gates, New York. Trans. Agent—George Watkins, New York. DiREcCTORS—Leland Stanford, E. H. Miller, Jr., Willard V: Huntington, E. W. Hopkins, C. F. Crocker, A. N. Towne, San Francisco, Cal.; C, E. Bretherton, London, Eng. ; C. P. Huntington, Thomas H. Hubbard, New York. Central RR. and Banking Co. of Georgia. Chr. Brd. of Dir., Receivers—H. M. Comer, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Supt.—G. D. Wadley, Savannah, Ga. Comptroller—E. McIntyre, Savannah, Ga. Auditor—Milo S. Freeman, Savannah, Ga. Supt. Main Stem Div.—C. McNeely, Savan- nah, Ga. Supt. Southwestern Div.—B. C. Epperson, Augusta, Ga. Supt. South Carolina Div.—T. S. Moise, Augusta, Ga. Supt. Savannah and West. Div.—D. D. Cur- ran, Columbus, Ga. ; Chief Engr. Maint. of Way—Wm. Hunter, Savannah, Ga. Car Accountant—Theo. Wells, Savannah, Ga. Purchasing Agent—J. F. Babbitt, Jr., Savan- nah, Ga. Traffic Mgr.—W. F. Shellman, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Freight Agent—W. A. Winburn, Savan- nah, Ga. Pass, Agt.—J. C. Haile, Savannah, Ga. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. J. Craig, Augusta, Ga. Claim Agent—J. L. Graham, Savannah, Ga. Soliciting Agt.—Olin P. Love, Americus, Ga. Gen. Agent—D. W. Appler, Atlanta, Ga. Soliciting Agent—V. C. Mason, Augusta, Ga. Trav. Pass. Agent—F. B. Webb, Atlanta, Ga. Soliciting Agt.—W. H. Haralson, Atlanta, Ga. Soliciting Agt.—Geo. T. Bryan, Augusta, Ga. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. L. Todd, Augusta, Ga. Com. Agent—T. A. Hooper, Baltimore, Md. Com. Agt.—W. C. Fowler, Birmingham, Ala. New England Agt.—A. DeW. Sampson, Bos- ton, Mass. Gen. Agt.—A. N. Sloan, Chattanooga, Tenn. Com. Agt.—M. K. Northam, Chicago, III. Com. Agt.—W. H. Moffett, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Agt.—W. E. Estes, Columbus, Ga. Pass. Agent—G. H. Richardson, Columbus, Ga. Gen. Agent—B. R. Price, Jacksonville, Fla. Sol. Agent—W. J. Farrell, Jacksonville, Fla. Florida Pass. Agent—W. H. Lucas, Jackson- ville, Fla. General Agent—E. A. Ross, Macon, Ga. Passenger Agent—W. P. Dawson, Macon, Ga. Sol. Agt.—W. N. Fleetwood, Macon, Ga. . Sol. Agt.—W. C. Taylor, Mobile Ala. Sol. Agt.—Paul W. Smith, Montgomery, Ala. Com. Agt.—S. W. Edwards, Nashville, Tenn. Com, Agt.—G. T. Badeau, New Orleans, La. Gen. Agt.—W. H. Rhett, New York. .- Com. Agt.—C. B. Crowell, New York. Com. Agt.—James Willetts, Philadelphia. Sol. Agt.—C. S. Pruden, Rome, Ga. Gen. Agt.—R. C. Hicks, St. Louis, Mo. Com. Agt.—L. L. Rawls, Savannah, Ga. DrrecToRS--H. M. Comer, George J. Mills, Abram Vebburg, John K. Garnett, Joseph p Hull, Henry R. Jackson, Savannah, Ga. ; Evan. P. Howell, Atlanta, Ga.; Uriah B. Harrold,» Americus, Ga:;.S.. R.’ Jacques, Macon, Ga.; Charles H. Phinzey, Augusta, Ga.; W.G. Raoul, Charles S. Fairchild, New York; Henry D. McDaniel, Monroe, Ga. Central Railway Co., of New Brunswick. President—C. Ford Stevens, Bullitt Bldg., Philadelphia. Vice-President—F. E. Baker, St. John, N. B. Sec.—W. T. Whitehead, Fredericton, N. B. Gen. Supt.—E. G. Evans, Hampton, N. B. DIRECTORS--C. Ford Stevens, S. E. Hass, J.P. \lisley, Philadelphia; F. E. Parker, R. V. de Bury: ©. N--Skinner,.St./ John, N. B. ; W. P. Flewelling, Fredericton, N. B. Central RR. of New Jersey. President—J. R. Maxwell, New York. ist Vice-President—Geo. F. Baker, New York. 2d Vice-President—S. M. Williams, New York. Treasurer—]. W. Watson, New York. Secretary—Samuel Knox, New York. Counsel—B. Williamson, New York. Counsel—R. W. DeForest, New York. Aud. Receipts and Disb.—G. O. Waterman, New York. Aud. Pass. Traffic—Geo. Wolf, New York. Aud. Fgt. Traffic—W. K. Miner, New York. Coal Traffic Acct.—M. A. Koons, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Asst. Treas.—J. T. Pritchard, New York. Paymaster—George F. Hess, New York. Gen. Supt.—J. H. Olhausen; Jersey City, N.J. Supt. N. J. Central Div.—W. H. Peddle, Jersey CityegNes|: Supt. N. J. Southern and F. and A. H. Divs.— W. V. Clark, Long Branch, N. J. Supt. L. and S. Div.—G. W. Twining, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Engr. of Cons.—J. E. Thompson, Jersey Cityane sy: Supt. of Mot. Power and Equip.—C. A. Thompson, Jersey City, N. J. Supt. Ferries—F. F. Gregory, New York. Supt. of Tele.—Robert Stewart, Jersey City, N. J. Gen. Car Agt.—F. E. Higbie, Jersey City, N. J. Gen. Fet. Agt.—P. W. Wyckoff, New York. Fet. Agt. L. and S. Div.—T. B. Koons, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Fet. Agt. N. J. Southern Div.—W. F. True, Long Branch, N. J. Gen. Pass. Agt.—H. P. Baldwin, New York. Gen. Baggage Agt.—F. B. Greenawalt, New York. Pur. Agt. and Gen. Stkpr.—G. D. W. Smith, Somerville, N. J. Real Estate Agent—H. W. Douty, New York. DiIRECTORS—Charles Lanier, H. C. Fahne- stock, Jas. A. Garland, Geo. F. Baker, Edward D. Adams, Samuel Sloan, New York; J. Rogers Maxwell, H. M. Maxwell, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry Graves, Orange, N. J. Central RR. of South Carolina. President—S. S. Solomons, Charleston, S. C.. Secretary and Treasurer—Joseph W. Bock, Charleston, S. C. DIRECTORS—S. S. Solomons, L. L. Cohen, Arthur Barnwell, T. G. Main, Samuel Lord, Jtj Tee DelLéonpCharleston, s/c") Mor- ris K. Jessup, New York. Central Texas and Northwestern RR. | President—Chas. Dillingham, Houston, Tex. Vice-Pres.—H. Helland, Waxahachie, Tex. Secretary and Treasurer—L. W. Wheeless, Waxahachie, Tex. Asst. Treasurer—E. W. Cave, Houston, Tex. DIRECTORS—A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La.; Charles Dillingham, E. W. Cave, D. Ripley, G. A. Quinlan, Houston, pex:: Daffan, Ennis, Tex. Central Union Depot and RW. of Cincinnati. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—E. F. Osborn, Cincinnati,.O. Secretary—J. C. Davie, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—F. H. Lovett, Cincinnati, O. Supt.—Jacob Heglin, Cincinnati, O. Central Vermont RR. President—E. C. Smith, St. Albans, Vt. Vice-Pres.—James R. Langdon, St. Albans, Vt. | Treasurer—D. D. Ranlett, St. Albans, Vt. Asst. to Pres.—J. M. Foss, St. Albans, Vt. Gen. Aud.—M. M. Reynolds, St. Albans, Vt. Accountant—E. G. Lucas, St. Albans, Vt. Trav. Auditor—Homer E. Bentley, St. bans, Vt. Gen. Supt. —F. W. Baldwin, St. Albans, Vt. Gen. Pass. Agent—S. W. Cummings, St. Albans, Vt. Fet. Traffic Manager—L. A. Emerson, St. | Albans, Vt. Gen. Fegt. Agent—E. A. Chittenden, St. Albans, Vt. Asst. Gen, Fgt. Agent—Geo. Cassidy, St. Albans, Vt. Gen. Pur. Agt.—D. Mackenzie, St. Albans, Vt. Supt. Motive Power—C. E. Fuller, St. Al- | bans, Vt. Gen. Baggage Agt.—H. Pr ecreta: St. Albans. Paymaster—Wnm. H. Hunt, St. Albans, Vt. Supt. St. Albans, Vt. Supt. N. J. Div.—C. F. Spaulding, New Lon- don, Conn. Div. Fgt. and Pass. Agt., New London Div.— J. A. Southard, New London, Conn, Supt.Ogdensburg Div.—Frank Owen, Ogdens- burg, N. Y. Canadian Pass. Agt.—A. C. Stonegrave, St. James st., Montreal, P. QO. New England Pass. Agt.—T. H. Hanley, 260 | Washington st., Boston, Mass. Southern Pass. Agt.—W. R. Babcock, 363 Broadway, New York. DirREcTOoRS—James R. Langdon, Montpel- | ier, Vt. treal, Que. ; Edward C. Smith, F. S. Strana- | han, St. Albans, Vt.; W. H. H. Bingham, Stowe, Vt.; Benjamin P. Cheney, Boston, Mass. ; Bradley B. Smalley, Burlington, Vt. W. S. Webb, Shelburn, Vt. ; ville, Ont. , Robert Coit, New London, Conn. Central Washington RR., Tacoma, Wash. President—James B. Williams, New York. Secretary—George H. Earl, New York. Treasurer—George S. Baxter, New York. H. Helland, Waxahachie, Tex.; L. A. | Al- | Tele. and Gen. Cat Agt.—M. Magiff, | , L. J. Seargeant, Robert Wright, Mon- | John ‘Bell, Bell- to Ue | 136 | | Chambersburg and Gettysburg RR. President—W. B. Parsons, New York. Secretary—Samuel B. Diller, Lancaster, Pa. Treasurer—S. P. Ranney, Graeffenburgh, Pa. Supt.—J. S. Armstrong, Graeffenburgh, Pa. DIRECTORS—W. H. Male, C. D. Wood, Brooklyn, N. Y.; D. McMullen, Isaac Diller, S. B. Diller, Lancaster, Pa. ; J.S. Armstrong, Graeffenburgh, Pa. Champerico and Northern Transpor- tation Co. of Guatemala. (Ferro-Carril Occidentale). Pres.—E. L. G Steele, San Francisco, Cal. Vice-Pres.—Geo. A. Moore, San Francisco. Secretary—Ed. Polhemus, San Francisco. Director-Gen.—Adolfo Meyer, San Francisco. Charleston and Savannah RW. Pres.—H. B. Plant, 12 West 23d st., New York. Vice-President—H. S. Haines, Savannah, Ga., and New York. Treasurer—J. Moultrie Lee, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Supt.—C. S. Gadsden, Charleston, S.C. Secretary—R. B. Smith, New York. Auditor—J. E. Smith, Charleston, S. C. DirREcCTORS—H. B. Plant, H. S. Haines, Henry Sanford, New York; E.R. Memmin- ger, W. H. Brawley, A. F. Ravenel, Charles- ton, S. C.; B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md. Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago RR. in Tennessee. President—Frank Coxe, Philadelphia. Vice-President—G. W. Bentley, New York. Comptroller—John J. Collier, New York. Sec. and Treas.—H. K. Baker, Springfield, Mass. Asst. Treas.—W. G. McIntyre, New York. Rec. in N. C. and S. C.—D. H. Chamberlain, Charleston, S. C. Receiver in Tenn.—Sam, Tate, Jr., Johnson City “enn: Receiver in Ky.—A. B. Harris, New York. DIRECTORS--Frank Coxe, Philadelphia ; Franklin Edwards, North Wilbraham, Mass. ; G. W. Bentley, C. J. Gray, W. G. McIntyre, New York; John Carlisle, Cincinnati, O.; H. K. Baker, Edward S. Brewer, D. N. Coates, Springfield, Mass. ; John Brearly, Chicopee, Mass.; john J. Collier, C. M. Ostrander, Brooklyn, Nes 3 Jonw tL: Wilder, Johnson City, Tenn. Charleston, Sumter and Northern RR. President and Receiver—Charles E. Kimball, New York. Vice-Pres.—A. A. Howlett, Syracuse, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—Charles O. Thompson, New York. Auditor—C. L. Martin, Sumter, S. C. Gen. Mgr.—J. H. Averill, Sumter. Gen. Fegt. and Pass. Agt.—E. D. Kyle, Sumter. Executive Committee—C. E. Kimball, A. N. Martin, A. A.: Howlett. DirEcTORS—Charles E. Kimball, New York; A. A. Howlett, A. Ames Howlett, Syracuse, Ny - John Harlin, W. Nelson Cromwell, A. ‘N. ’ Martin, New York ; eran Pregnalls, Charleston, S. can sa a ae Columbia and Augusta, President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Treasurer and Secretary—John ORE Ref cah ta eB Columbia, S. C. DiRECTORS—A. B. Davidson, M. P. Peay Eli B. Spring, J. H. McAden, Charlotte, N Wir bi ROGYyy ROCK VFS AS7 iG Le ‘Roy Springs, Lancaster, fe ery Ug BL "McClure, achesterS:, Co - George H. McMaster, Winns- boro’, “ Cr. - James Woodrow, F. W. McMas- tex} Columbia, S. C.; Charles Estis, Patrick Walsh, ip O. Matthewson, Wm. fe Sibley, Mayor (ex officio), Augusta, Ga.; Calvin S. Brice, Lima, Charlottesville and Rapidan RR. President—L. W. Reid, Alexandria, Va. Secretary and Treasurer—J. S. B. Thompson, Alexandria. Chartiers RW. President—G. B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—J. T. Brooks, Pittsburgh; J. N. Du Barry, John P. Green, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Chateaugay RR. President—Smith M. Weed, Plattsburgh, N.Y. Gen. Mgr., Sec. and Treas.—A. L. Inman, Plattsburgh. Superintendent—M. L. French, Plattsburgh. DIRECTORS—A. L. Inman, Francis J. Domi- nick, Smith M. Weed, Plattsburgh. Chatham RR., Chatham, Mass. President—Marcellus Eldridge, Portsmouth, NYE Treasurer and Clerk—Charles Bassett, South Chatham, Mass. Chatham RW. Manager—J. B. Snowball, Chatham, N. B. Chattanooga and Lookout Mountain RR. President—E. Watkins, Chattanooga, Tenn. Vice-Pres.—Hugh Whiteside, Chattanooga. Secretary—Gordon Lee, Chattanooga. Gen. Supt.—H. P. Eagar, Chattanooga. Pass. Agents—W. L. Peebles, Chattanooga. Master Mech.—O. Colegrove, Chattanooga. DIRECTORS—E. Watkins, John P. Richard- son, Miss Florence Whiteside, H. Whiteside, Gordon Lee, C. A. Lyerly, R. Le Watkins, J. M. Stone, W. O. Peeples, Chattanooga, Tenn. Chattanooga Southern RW. “ Pigeon Mountain Route.”’ Receiver—Joseph W. Burke, Chattanooga, Tenn. President and Supt.—J. W. James, Chatta- nooga. Sec. and Treas.—Franklin Harris, Chatta- | nooga. Supt. as Chief Engineer—F. S. Wallace, Chattanooga. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—P. L. Dudley, Chattanooga. Auditor—H. P. Eagar, Chattanooga. Cashier and Paymaster—F. H. McFarland, Chattanooga. ‘CGxte| O.; John McAnerney, New York, | 24 Chattanooga Union RW. President and Receiver—H. S. Chamberlain, Chattanooga, Tenn. Vice-Pres.—D. S. Anderson, Chattanooga. Sec. and Treas.—O. L. Hurlbut, Chattanooga. DIRECTORS—H. S. Chamberlain, Des: Anderson, O. L. Hurlbut, E.'S. Wells, Gx; Morrison, Chattanooga, Tenn. Chautauqua Lake RW. Receiver and Gen. Manager—W. E. Griggs, Jamestown, N. Y. President—John Cadwell, Jamestown. Vice-President—F. B. Brewer, Jamestown. Sec. and Treas.—Daniel H. Post, Jamestown. Superintendent—Frank S. Jones, Jamestown. Atty. for Receiver—F. W. Stevens, Jamestown. DIRECTORS—Geo. H. Burt, Boston, Mass. ; Burnham G. Stickney, Geo. Hoffman, New York; R. G.. Wright, E. A.-Skinner, F. B. Brewer, Westfield, N. Y.; A. N. Broadhead, C) rate Jones, Fer. Gifford, Erie L. Hall, John Cadwell, R. N. Marvin, William Tew, James- town, N. Y. Chelsea Beach RR. President—Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H. Treasurer—Amos Blanchard, Andover, Mass. Clerk—Sigourney Butler, Quincy, Mass. Auditor—William J. Hobbes, Malden, Mass. Cheraw and Chester RR. President—W. H. Hardin. Sec. and Treas.—D. Hemphill. Chester, S. C. Cheraw and Darlington RR. President—A. F. Ravenel, Charleston. S. C. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—H. Walters, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. McIver, Cheraw, S.C. Gen. Supt.—John F. Divine, Wilmington, N.C DIRECTORS—B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md.; Thomas Frost, Charleston, S. C.; H. D. Malloy, Cheraw, S. C.; J. F. Divine, W. G. Elliott, Wilmington, S. Cr; Jo J.. Lucas, W:C. Coker, W. A. Carrigan, Society Hill, S. C. Cheraw and Salisbury RR. President—A. F. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. Secretary—J. H. McIver, Cheraw, S. C. General Manager—H. Walters, Wilmington, Nias. DIRECTORS—W. T. Walters, B. F. New- comer, H. Walters, Baltimore, Md.; J. A. Leak, J. F. Divine, W. G. Elliott, Wilming- ton, Nose C Coker, Secietye Hill, S: G.- A. Canale, C. Kollock, Charleston, S. C. Cherokee and Pittsburg Coal and Mining Co., Pittsburg, Kan. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, III. Ist Vice-President—J. W. Reinhart, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Boston, Cherry Grove RR. President—Walter Horton. Vice-President—Webb Hortbn. Treasurer—Charles Siegel. Secretary and Supt.—Jerry Crary. Auditor—A. H. Bailey. Gen. Manager—lIsaac Horton. Gen. Fgt., Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—Geo. Horton, DIRECTORS—Webb_ Horton, Middletown, Nevers. orl. ocnoellkoph,. Buffalo,” Ny. Y¥..+") Jerry Crary, George Horton, Isaac Horton, C. W. R. Radaker John McNair, J. H. Hor- ton, Sheffield, Pa. Cherry Valley RR. President and Supt.—E. T. Herndon, Mid- land, Mo. Secretary and Treasurer—T. T. Lewis, St. Louis, Mo. Cherry Valley, Sharon and Albany R. Treasurer—James C. Hartt, New York. DIRECTORS—James Young, Cherry Valley, N.Y. ; Rodman G. Moulton, Brooklyn, N. Y.; James C. Hartt, New York. Chesapeake and Nashville RW. Receiver—John Echols. President—E. Zimmerman, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—R. T. Colburn, New York. Treasurer—I. E. Gates, New York. Secretary—Harvey Hoyt, New York. Superintendent—Robt. Meek. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and Auditor—D. B. Anderson, Gallatin, Tenn. DIREcTORS—I. E. Gates, R. T. Colburn, E. H. Pardee, F. H. Davis, H. M. Hoyt, New York; E. Zimmerman, A. Evans, Huntington, Cincinnati, O.; J. J.. Turner, Gallatin, Tenn. Chesapeake and Ohio RW. (‘‘C. & O. Route’’). President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. 1st Vice-President—Geo. T. Bliss, New York. 2d Vice-President—Decatur Axtell, Rich- mond, Va. Secretary—C. E. Wellford, Richmond. Treasurer—T. O. Barbour, Richmond. Gen. Solicitor—Henry T. Wickham, Rich- mond. Auditor--L. F. Sullivan, Richmond. Traffic Mgr.—Oscar G. Murray, Cincinnati. Fet. Trafic Mgr.—W. P. Walker, Jr., Cincin- | nati. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. D. Hotchkiss, Richmond. Mgr. Kanawha Disp.—Sydnor Hall, Cincin- nati. Gen. Pass. Agt.—H. W. Fuller, Washington, i OPH as Div. Pass. Agt.—C. B. Ryan, Cincinnati. Div. Pass. Agt.—J. D. Potts, Richmond. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—C. Lorraine, Richmond. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. W. Stevens, Richmond. Chief Engr.—H. Frazier, Richmond. Supt. Motive Power—Wm. Garstang, mond. Supt. Tel.—M. B. Leonard, Richmond. Car Service Agt.—Geo. S. Sipp, Richmond. Supt. Rich., James Riv. and Penin. Divs.— Chas. E. Doyle, Richmond. Supt. Huntingdon Div.—J. M. Gill, Hinton, | W. Va. Supt. Cincinnati Div.—H. C. Boughton, Cin- | cinnati. Purch. Agt.—W. F. La Bonta, Richmond. City Pass. Agt.—Geo. M. Bond, 513 and 1421 | Pennsylvania ave., Washington, D. C. Pass. Agt.—Frank McConnell, 362 Broadway, ; New York. City Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—D. E. Holmes, S. W. cor. Fifth and Walnut sts., nati. Rich- | Cincin- 25 Trav. Pass. Agt.—U. L. Truitt, Cincinnati. South. Pass. Agt.—Edmund H. Bacon, 253 Fourth ave., Louisville, Ky. West. Pass. Agt.—E. B. Pope, cor. Broadway and Chestnut sts., St. Louis, Mo. Trav. pas Agt.—A. S. Miller, Indianapolis, Ind. Gen. East. Agt.—A. G. Troupe, 362 Broad- way, New York. New England Agt.—C. E. Conover. Agent—E. H. Kane, 40 S. Third st., Philadel- phia. Agent—B. T. Stokes, 229 German st., Balti- more, Md. DIRECTORS—M. E. Ingalls, W. P. Ander- son, Cincinnati, O.; C. H. Coster, George T. Bliss-C2cDs Dickey, )jr., C. P. Huntington, Samuel Spencer, New York; Decatur Axtell, H. T. Wickham, Richmond, Va. Chesapeake and Ohio Grain Elevator Co. President—Melville E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—Geo. T. Bliss, New York. 2d Vice-President — Decatur Axtell, Rich- mond, Va. Treasurer—T. O. Barbour, Richmond. Secretary—C. E. Wellford, Richmond. Gen. Mgr.—G. W. Stevens, Richmond. Auditor—L. F. Sullivan, Richmond. DIRECTORS—M. E. Ingalls, W. P. Ander- son, Cincinnati; C. H. Coster, George T. Bliss, Co De Dickey, Jr, CoP. Huntington; Samuel Spencer, New York; Decatur Axtell, H. T. Wickham, Richmond, Va. Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR. - President—Charles Babbidge, New York. Vice-President—John Echols, Louisville, Ky. Secretary and Treas.—I. E. Gates, New York. DIRECTORS—Charles Babbidge, Eckstein Norton, T. C. Platt, Isaac E. Gates, G. Mor- ton, Wm. Mahl, New York; John Echols, Louisville, Ky.; John J. McHenry, Hartford, Ky. ; Holmes Cummins, Memphis, Tenn. Chester and Delaware River RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. Treasurer—John Welsh, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—George De B. Keim, A. J. Antelo, James Boyd, Thomas Cochran, S,. R. Shipley, Thomas Dolan, Philadelphia. Chester and Lenoir RR. President—W. Holmes Hardin, Chester, S. C. Secretary and Treas.—J. J. McClure, Chester. Chester Creek RR. President—Eben F. Barker, Philadelphia. Secretary—Wm. Ward, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. DiRECTORS—Eben F. Barker, J.N.DuBarry, Philadelphia, Pa.; Richard Peters, Thurlow, Pa.; Geo. K. Crozer, Upland, Pa.; Thos. Appleby, Amos Gertside, Chester, Pa. Chester RR. See Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Chestnut Hill and Jenkintown RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS—J. M. Landis, C. C. Midwood, W. B. Scott, D. Jones, C. H. Quarles, R. Weston, Philadelphia. Chestnut Hill RR. President—W. W. Colket, Philadelphia. Secretary and Treasurer—W. W. Stephens, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—W. W. Colket, C. Stuart Pat- | terson, E. H. Weil, W. S. Wilson, Lewis Elkin, Cc. Howard Colket, 42 Sergeant Price; Chas. Cr Slifer, Samuel Y. Heebner, Eli Kirk Price, Charles Schaffer, Thomas McKean, Phila- delphia. Chicago and Alton RR. President—T. B. Blackstone, Chicago, III. Vice-President—J. C. McMullin, Chicago. Gen. Mgr.—C. H. Chappell, Chicago. Sec. and Treas.—C. H. Foster, Chicago. Auditor—Chauncey Kelsey, Chicago. Gen. Mgr’s. Asst.—J. H. Wood, Chicago. Supt. Trans.—T. M. Bates, Bloomington, II. Div. Supt.—A. M. Richards, Bloomington. Div. Supt.—W. K. Morley, Roodhouse, Ill. Asst. Supt.—E. J. Sanford, Slater, Mo. Car Accountant—F. W. Bridges, Bloomington. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. H. Courtright, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.--A. Newman, Chicago. tk Fgt. Agt.—F. A. Wann, St. Louis, O. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.-—-S. H, Fulton, City, Mo. Gen. Live Stock Agt.—John Nesbitt, St. Louis, Gen. Eastern Fgt. Agt.—W. J. Bogert, 261 Broadway, New York. New England Fgt. Agt.—H. G. Locke, Boston, Mass. Western Fet. Agt.—H. J. Adams, Denver,Col. Fgt. Agt.—W. S. Campbell, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fegt. Agt.—A. Prentice, Jr., Buffalo, N. Y. Northern Fet. Agt.—R. P. Fairbairn, waukee, Wis. Gen. Agt.—-J. A. Wilson, Ft. Worth, Tex. Michigan and Indiana Agt.--J. W. Smith, Detroit, Mich. Fet. Agt.—S. J. York, Memphis, Tenn. Trav. Fet. Agt.--C. J. Chisam, Springfield, Ill. P. C. Fgt. Agt.—W. H. Person, Los Angeles, Cal. Purchasing Agt.—A. V. Hartwell, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.-—-James Charlton, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—-Geo. J. Charlton, Chicago. Gen. Baggage Agt. City Pass. and Ticket Agt. Chicago. North Pass. Agt.—A. Drysdale, P. O. Box 85, Grand Rapids, Mich. Trav. Pass. Agt.--A. G. Robinson, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Wm. Owen, Jr., Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Harry C. M.Guire, Chicago. Gen. Western Pass. Agt.--D. Bowes, St. Louis. City Pass. and Tkt.Agt.--J. M. Hunt,St. Louis. Trav. Pass. Agt. __W. H. Abel, Dallas, Lee, Southern Pass. Agt.—Jas. C. Burch, Louis- ville, Ky. Trav. Pass. IN Se Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. way, New York. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—J. W. Donald, Boston, Mass. Trav. Pass. Agt. Albany, N. Y. Mil- —Robt. Somerville, Agt.—B. A. Newland, Asheville, —Chas. Oberg,261 Broad- Southeastern Pass. Agt.--F. L. Chase, Phila- | delphia, Pa. Kansas —-C. Huntington, Chicago. | —F. Bowman, 444 Broadway, | 26 Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. D. Perry, Indianapolls, Ind. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—A. Hilton, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—B. L. McClain, Kansas City. Western Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. H. Shepperd, Denver, Col. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—Frank G. High, San Francisco, Cal. . Trav. Pass. Agt. —Jay W. Adams, Los Angeles. DiIRECTORS—T. B. Blackstone, John B. Drake, James C. McMullin, Albert A. Sprague, A.C. Bartlett, Chicago, Ill. ; Morris K. Jessup, John A. Stewart, New York ; John J. Mitchell, St. Louis, Mo.; Wm. N. Blackstone, Norwich, Conn. Chicago and Calumet Terminal RW. President—David S. Wegg, Chicago, Ill. Vice-Pres.--James B. Williams, New York. Treasurer—George S. Baxter, New York. Secretary—Henry S. Boutell, Chicago, Ill. DIRECTORS—David S. Wegg, Henry 5S. Boutell, Kemper K. Knapp, Henry S. Hawley. Chicago, Ill. ; James B. Williams, New York. Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR., and Chicago and Indiana Coal RW. (‘‘ Evansville Route.’’) Chairman of the Board—H. H. Chicago, Ill. President—M. J. Carpenter, Chicago. Vice-President—O. S. Lyford, Chicago. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—C.W. Hillard, Chicago. Sec. and Aud.—H. A. Rubidge, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—Charles H. Rockwell, Chicago. Gen. Counsel—W. H. Lyford; Chicago. Gen. Attorney--W. J. Calhoun, Chicago. Traffic Mgr.—G. J. Grammer, Chicago. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—L. R. Brockenbrough, Chicago Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. E. Felton, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt., and Gen. Bagg. Agt. —Charles L. Stone, Chicago. Acting Pur. Agt.—Robert Spencer, Chicago. Chief Eng. and Supt. Maint.—H. F. Baldwin, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Ross Bookwalter, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. H. Prescott, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Wm. Hughes, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—G. A. Smith, Terre Haute, Ind. Agt.Fet. Dept: —Martin Johnson, Milwaukee, Wis. Agt. Fgt. Dept. Minn. Mgr. South. Dispatch—William Campbell, Chicago. DIRECTORS--R. M. Hoe, A. R. Flower, Henry Seibert, Benj. Brewster, New York; H. H. Stevens, Geo. H. Ball, Boston, Mass.; J. G. English, Danville, Ill.; H: H. Porter, M. J. Carpenter, O. S. Lyford, C. W. Hillard, Chicago, II. Chicago and Erie RR. President—J. G. McCullough, New York. Vice-President—E. B. Thomas, New York. 2d Vice-President—George H. Vaillant, New York. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. Secretary—Arthur Turnbull, New York. Gen. Mgr.—A. M. Tucker, Cleveland, O. Auditor—A. Donaldson, New York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—D. I. Roberts, New York. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—F. W. Buskirk, Chi- cago, Ill. Fgt. Traffic Mgr.—G. G. Cochran, Chicago. Porter, —F.A. Hawley, Minneapolis, Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. L. Thomas, Chicago. Live Stock Agt.—Geo. F. Geagan, New York. Civil Engineer—C. W. Buchholz, New York. Supt. Motive Power—A. E. Mitchell, New York. Asst. Superintendent Motive Power—S. Hig- gins, Cleveland, O. Gen. Land and Tax Agent—J. H. Dynes, Cleveland. Gen. Supt.—J. C. Moorhead, Cleveland. Supt. of Trans.—A. M. Mozier, Cleveland. Gen. Road Master—A Mordecai, Cleveland. Supt. Tele.—W. J. Holmes, New York. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. H. Clough, New York. Purchasing Agt.—E. B. Sheffer, New York. Asst. Auditor—E. P. Campbell, New York. Trav. Auditor—C. D. Ward, Cleveland. Special Claim Agt.—W. E. Talcott, Cleveland. | Chief Clerk Freight Claim Dept.—F. E. Til- den, New York. DrIrRECcTORS—J. G. McCullough, John King, | Andrew | E. B. Thomas, George H. Vaillant, Donaldson, Samuel Spencer, James H. Bene- dict, Andrew W. Kent, New York ; Lie. Brown, John Tod, Cleveland, Ey he Cc. Morse, Chicago, abe : Volney T. Malott, Indianapolis, Ind. ; M. D. ‘Woodford, Cincinnati, QO; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. President—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que. Gen. Mgr.—W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. Traffic Mgr.—Geo. B. Reeve, Chicago, IIl. Treasurer—James H. Muir, Detroit. Gen. Solicitor—E. W. Meddaugh, Detroit. Superintendent—A. B. Atwater, Detroit. Asst. Supt.—A. R. McIntyre, ‘Battle Creek, - Mich. Mechanical Supt. H. Roberts, Detroit. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—David Brown, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—W. E. Davis, Chicago. DirEcToRS—L, J. Seargeant, Montreal, ge. Vee) Spicer, Ea! OWe « Meddaugh, Detroit, Mich. ; W. C. Beardsley, Auburn, N. Y.; F. A. Howe, Chicago, Ill.; De F. Skinner, Valparaiso, Ind.; Henry Howard, Huron, Mich. Chicago and farcat Western RW, See Chicago and Northern Pacific RR. Chicago and Iowa RR. President—F. H. Head, Chicago, Ill. Ist Vice-President and Treas.—J. C. Peasley, Chicago. 2d Vice-President—George B. Harris, Chicago. Auditor and Asst. Treas. —F. Clark, Aurora, Ill. Secretary and Trans. Agt. Chicago. DirREcTORS—Frank H. Head, C. L. Allen, —L. O. Goddard, L. O. Goddard, H. W. Wiess, J. L. Lathrop, | J. C. Peasley, Chicago, Ill.; John Reising, Aurora, Ill. Chicago and Kenosha RW. Pres., Gen. Mgr. and Treas.—W. G. Brimson, Chicago, Ill. Secretary and Aud.—J. S, Keefe, Chicago. Purchasing Agent—L. D. Doty, Chicago. General Foreman—C. B. Swallow, Chicago. Master Mach’ y—O. J. Clifford, So. Chicago. Chicago and Northern Pacific RR. President—D. S. Wegg. Secretary and Gen. Solicitor—H. S Boutell. Gen. Mgr.—S. R. Ainslie. Port | 27 Gen. Auditor—J. A. Barker, New York. Auditor—Edward Shearson. Asst. Treasurer—C. W. Hillman. Gen. Agt.—Henry S. Hawley. Gen. Supt.—Gavin Campbell. Supterintendent—E. R. Knowlton. Chief Engineer—W. S. Jones. Gen. Pur. Agt.—W. G. Pearce. Supt. Motive Power—J. McNaughton, Wau- kesha, Wis. | ‘Supt. Tele.—O. C. Greene, St. Paul, Minn. DIRECTORS—James B. Williams, David S. Wegg, H. S. Boutell, Kemper K. Knapp, Henry S. Hawley and James L. High. Chicago and North Michigan RR. See Chicago and West Michigan RW. Chicago and Northwestern RW. President—Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, II]. Vice-Pres. Sec. and Treas.—M. L. Sykes, Wall st., New York. 2d Vice-Pres.—M. M. Kirkman, Chicago. 3d Vice-Pres.—W. H. Newman, Chicago. Asst. Sec. and Treas.—S. O. Howe, 52 Wall st., New York. Aud. and Asst. Sec.—J. B. Redfield, Chicago. Gen. Mgr.—John M. Whitman, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—Sherburn Sanborn, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Supt. W. & St. P. and Dakota Divs.—P. Hallenbeck, Winona, Minn. Gen. Counsel—W. C. Goudy, Chicago. Attorney—C. S. Darrow, Chicago. Asst. Attorney—A. W. Pulver, Chicago. Aud. of Exp.—W. H. Stennett, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—W. A. Thrall, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—W. B. Knis- _ kern, Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. R. McCullough, Chicago. Rote Pek Ist Asst. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—C. H. Knapp, Chicago. 2d Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Burton Johnson, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Edwin Jf. Foster, Winona. Div. Fgt. Agt.—Marvin Hughitt, Jr., Chicago. Div. Fgt. Agt.—E. D. Brigham, Chicago. Chief Engr.—John E. Blunt, Chicago. Con. Engr.—E. H. Johnson, Chicago. Land Com.—C. E. Simmons, Chicago. Asst. Land Com.—J. F. Cleveland, Chicago. Tax Com.—F. P. Crandon, Chicago. Pur. Agt.—Chas. Hayward, Chicago. Gen. Car Acct.—F. M. Luce, Chicago. Fet. Aud.—J. O. Clifford, Chicago. Asst. Fgt. Aud.—A. D. Oyer, Chicago. Ticket Aud.—W. F. Van Bergen, Chicago. Asst. Tkt. Aud.—H. W. McFarlane, Chicago. Gen. Bag. Agt.—N. A. Phillips, Chicago. Gen. Claim Agt.—Ralph C. Richards, Chicago. Gen. Traffic Agt—E. A. Holbrook, 2 New Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Agt.—John S. George, 102 Wisconsin Sst., Milwaukee, Wis. Gen. Agt.—R. R. Ritchie, Omaha, Neb. Gen. Agt.—A. G. Barker, 84 First st., land, Ore. Gen. Agt.—Heman Wheeler, st., Denver, Col. Gen. Agt.—W. H. Hamilton, Los Angeles. Gen. Agt.—S. W. Hazard, 216 Fourth st., Des Moines, Ia. 1401 Farnum st., Port- 1648 Lawrence Gen. Agt.—W. D. Campbell, Spokane, Wash. Gen. Agt.—W. Stannard, Salt Lake City, Utah. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. H. Mears, Salt Lake City. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. C. Garvin, Winona, Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Samuel F. Miller, Ishpeming, Mich. Gen. Eastern Fgt. Agt.—A. H. Pride, 423 Broadway, New York. Com. Agt.—T. S. Rattle, 206-208 Clark st., Chicago. New England Fgt. Agt.—C. H. Wise, 5 State st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt.—F. A. Dohrman, Rooms 3 and 4, Marine Nat. Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. en. Agt.—L. S. Bullard, Pierre, S. Dak. Gen. Agt.—M. O. Adams, 112 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Gen. Agt.—W. M. Burgard, 46 Exchange st., Buffalo, N. Y. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. A. Walker, 155 Jefferson | st., Detroit, Mich. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. N. Knapp, Fond du Lac. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—A. T. Golly, Oak Park, III. Gen. Agt—A. Q. Tallant, 27 W. 4th st., Cincinnati, O. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—H. W. Beyers, Cleveland, O. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. S. Halladay, 5 State st., Boston. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—F. J. Erfert, Chicago. ‘Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. P. Rorbach, Boone, Ia. 28 Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Frank L. Stayner, Eagle | Grove, Ia. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—H. A. Gross, 423 Broadway, New York. Pass. Agt.—A. E. Hill, 423 Broadway, New York. City Pass. Agt.—J. S. Barrow, 206-208 Clark st., Chicago. City Tkt. Agt.—E. D. Parmelee, 206-208 Clark | st., Chicago. Dist. Pass. Agt.—S. B. Jones, 22 Fifth ave., | Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. B. Spain, 46 Exchange | st., Buffalo. ' Trav. Pass. Agt.—Chas. Traver, Rooms 3 and 4, Marine Nat. Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. H. Waggener, 7 Jackson | place, Indianapolis, Ind. New England Pass. Agt.—J. E. Brittain, 5 | State st., Boston. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. W. Tibbetts, 5 State st., _ Boston. Dist. Pass. Agt.—James Gibson, Madison, Wis. Mich. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Guerin, 155 Jefferson st., Detroit. Southeastern Pass. Agt.—T. P. Vaille, 112 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Frank Irish, 112 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. M. Snavely, 143 St. Clair st., Cleveland. Canadian Pass. Agt.—J. H. Morley, 60 Yonge st., Toronto, Ont. Trav. Pass. Agt:—D. W. Aldridge, 1401 Far- num st., Omaha. Trav. Agt.—C. G. Burkhardt, 1648 Lawrence st., Denver,-Col. Executive Committee.—Albert Keep, Chair- man; Marvin Hewitt, President; Chauncey | M. Depew, Samuel F. Barger, Frederick L. | Ames, W. K. Vanderbilt, M. McK. Twombly, David P. Kimball. DIRECTORS—Chairman, Albert Keep, Mar- vin Hughitt, N. K. Fairbank, Byron L. Smith, Chicago; Horace Williams, Clinton, Ia.; David P. Kimball, Frederick L. Ames, Boston; James C. Fargo, John M.Burke, Chauncey M. Depew, Samuel F. Barger, H. McK. Twombly, W. K. Vanderbilt, F. W. Vanderbilt, M. L. Sykes, Percy R. Pyne, New York; John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J. Chicago and Ohio River RR. President—Josephus Collett, Terre Haute, Ind. Gen. Mgr. and Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. O. Hopkins. Sec. and Treas.—W. J. Lewis. Auditor.—E. B. Cooke. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—G. J. Grammer. Gen. Pass. Agt.—R. A. Campbell. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—S. D. McLeish. Supt.—R. B. Starbuck, Mattoon, IU. Pur. Agt.—H. W. Matters. Car Acct.—J. H. Hedden. Gen. Bag.Agt.—F.R.Wheeler, Evansville, Ind. DIRECTORS—Josephus Collett, Ben. J. Hud- nutt, Terre Haute; E. O. Hopkins, Perry Houston, F. W. Cook, Evansville, Ind. ; A. N. Parlin, Boston, Mass. ; Austin Corbin, New York; R. B. Starbuck, Mattoon, Ill.; Bluford Wilson, F. J. Litler, Springfield, Il.; E.. S. Wilson, Olney, Ill.; N. H. Fairkbanks, Chi- cago, Ill.; J. L. Haman, Brooklyn, N. Y. Chicago and South Bend RW. President—Clem Studebaker. Vice-President—P. E. Studebaker. Treasurer—J. M. Studebaker. Secretary—G. M. Studebaker. Gen. Counsel.—F. S. Fish. Gen. Mgr.—C. W. Stover. Gen. Supt.—H. D. Johnson. Asst. Gen. Mgr. and Pur. Agt.—C. A. Carlisle, South Bend, Ind. Chicago and Southeastern RW. President—Henry Crawford, Chicago, Ill. Gen. Mgr.—Henry Crawford, Jr., Chicago. Supt.—H. Moore, Anderson, Ind. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. S. Parkhurst, Anderson. The Chicago and South Side Rapid Transit RR. (‘Alley Elevated.’’) President—Wm. T. Barnard, 627 Rookery, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President—Arthur Wheeler,627 Rookery, Chicago. Secretary and Treas.—John H. Glade, 627 Rookery, Chicago. DIRECTORS—Wm. T. Barnard, Wm. W. Gurley, Wm. Mills, Arthur Wheeler, Chas. H. Krenz. Chicago and State Line RR. See New York, Chicago and St. Louis RR. Chicago and Western Indiana RR. and the Belt RW. of Chicago. Chairman of the Board—V. T. Malott, Chi- cago, Ill. President and Gen. Manager—E. B. Thomas, Chicago. 5 Secretary and Auditor—M. J. Clark, Chicago. Treasurer—John E. Murphy, Chicago. Engr. and Gen. Road Master—F. C. Chicago. Master Mech.—P. H. Peck, Chicago. Master of Trans.—J. M. Wagner, Chicago. Doran, at DIRECTORS—O. S. Lyford, J. D. Springer, Chicago, Ill.; W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. ; Charles M. Hays, St. Louis, Mo.; Samuel Thomas, E. B. Thomas, New York. Chicago and West Michigan RW. _ President—Nathaniel Thayer, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Charles Merriam, Boston. Gen. Auditor—C. W. Courtright, Boston. Gen. Mgr.—Chas. M. Heald, Grand Rapids, Mich, Gen. Supt.—J. K. V. Agnew, Grand Rapids. Asst. Treasurer—James E. Howard, Grand Rapids. Auditor—U. B. Rogers, Grand Rapids. Solicitor C. and W. M. RW.—F. A. Nims, Muskegon, Mich. Solicitor D. L. and N. RR.—C. B. Lothrop, | Detroit, Mich. Gen. Attorney.—Wm. Alden Smith, Grand | Rapids. Gen. Pass. Agt.—George De Haven, Grand Rapids. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. V. Davis, Grand Rapids. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agent—M. W. Rose, Grand Rapids... Chief Engr.—J. J. McVean, Grand Rapids. Purch. Agt.—Russell Wallace, Grand Rapids. | Car Accountant—C, E. Fink, Grand Rapids. , Gen. Baggage Agt.—H. T. La Bar, Grand Rapids. Gen. Agt.—W..A. Gavett, 120 Griswold st., | Detroit, Mich. Commercial Agt.—C. C. Campbell, 193 South | Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Commercial Agt.—F. Townsend, Saginaw, Mich. Commercial Agt.—A. E. Snuggs, Muskegon, | Mich. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. E. Wolfender, Grand | Rapids., City Pass. Agent—Frank H. Cobb, Grand Rapids. DirEcTors—H. H. Hunnewll, Charles F. | Adams, George O. Shattuck, Charles Mer- | mam, N. Thayer, E. V: R. Thayer, A. H. Hardy, F. H. Damon, Boston, Mass. ; Charles M. Head, Grand Rapids, Mich. Chicago, Burlington and Kansas City RW. President—W. W’.. Baldwin, Burlington, Ja. 1st Vice-President and Treasurer—J. C. Peas- ley, Chicago, III. 2d Vice-President—Geo. B. Harris, Chicago. Secretary—H. E. Jarvis, Burlington. Gen. Mgr.--W. C. Brown, St. Joseph, Mo. Auditor—C. M. Carter, St. Joseph. Gen. Supt.—C. M. Levey, Keokuk, Ia. DIRECTORS—J. W. Blythe, W. W. Baldwin, | H. B. Scott, W. F. McFarland, Burlington, Ia.; J. C. Peasley, Chicago, III. Chicago, Burlington and Northern | RR. (‘‘ The Burlington’’). President—J. Murray Forbes, Boston, Mass. Vice-President—Geo. B. Harris, Chicago, IIl. | Treasurer—J. C. Peasley, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—J. R. Hastings, St. Paul, Minn. Purch. Agt.—Geo. Hargreaves, Chicago. Asst. Purch. Agt.—G. G. Yeomans, Chicago. Gen. Fgt and Pass. Agt.—W. J. C. Kenyon, f Sie haul. Auditor and Asst. Treasurer—N. B. Hinckley, | St. Paul. «- Fet. and Tkt. Auditor—C. Doogan, St. Paul. Bo Cashier—Frank Dabney, St. Paul. Car Accountant—J. J. Merrill, St. Paul. Asst. Supt.—D. Cunningham, La Crosse, Wis. Chief Engr. and Supt. Bridges and Bldgs.— S, D, Purdy, La Crosse. Mast. Mechanic—W. H. Lewis, La Crosse. Asst. Supt.—J. C. Howard, Minneapolis, Minn. Supt. Car and Special Fgt. Service—George H. Ross, Chicago. Supt. Burl. Vol. Relief Dept.—J. C. Bartlett, Chicago. Asst. Supt. and Med. Dir. Burl. Vol. Relief Dept.—C. H. Williams, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. H. Yancey, St. Paul. Contractg. Fgt. Agt.—E. A. Cordell, St. Paul. Gen. Agt.—A. C. Sheldon, Portland, Ore. Gen. East. Agt.—E. J. Swords, 379 Broadway, New York. Goto D. Sanborn, San Francisco, al. Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.—T. D. McKay; San Francisco. Gen. Agt.—G. W. Vallery, Denver, Col. Gen. Agt.—Wm. Gray, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Agt.—L. Page, Peoria, III. Gen. Agt.—E. F. Bradford, Quincy, III. Gen. Agt.—G. R. Buttles, Hannibal, Mo. Gen. Agt.—H. D. Mack, Rock Island, IIl. Gen. Agt.—L. C. Thorne, Sterling, Ill. Gen. Agt.—E. H. Hunter, Des Moines, Ia. Gen. Agt.—W. J. Davenport, Council Bluffs, Ta. Gen. Agt.—F. H. Griggs, Pacific Junction, Ia. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—H. L. Harmon, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Agt.—H. M. Matthews, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Agt.—W. C. Maxwell, Keokuk, Ia. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—M. B. Davis, Chicago. Pass. Agt.—W. C. Locherty, 379 Broadway, New York. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. Wetherald, Schenec- TAGYaON ca Trav. Pass. Agt.—Harry E. Heller, 538 Ham- ilton st., Allentown, Pa. New England Pass. Agt.—H. D. Badgley, 306 Washington st., Boston. Trav. Pass.Agt.—J. T. Douglas, 306 Washing- ton st., Boston. New England Fgt. Agt.—Wm. Garty, Washington st., Boston. Gen. Agt.—H. R. Todd, 221 Church st., Nash- ville, Tenn. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—B. F. Blake, Nashville. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. T. Artman, Nashville. Trav. Pass. Agt.—O. Warner, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. S. Keenan, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. J. Spurr, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. McC. Smith, Detroit, Mich. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. M. Shaw, Cincinnati. Gen. Agt.—H. T. Keenan, Fort Worth, Tex. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. S. Crawford, Galesburg, Ill. City Pass. Agt.—W. W. Kino, Chicago. Depot Pass. Agt.—J. H. Wilson, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. F. Vallery, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. W. Pitcher, Denver. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E.S. Harrison, San Fran- cisco. and Pass. Agt.—T. H. Duzan, 126 S. Spring St., Los Angeles, Cal. Gen. Agt.—E. E. Walker, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gen. Agt.—E. C. Post, Atchison, Kan. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. F. McMillan, Omaha, Neb. 306 Fegt. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. R. Griffits, Omaha. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. B. Reynolds, Omaha. sel Gen.. Agt.—E. A. Hackett, Portland, re. City Pass. Agt.—Donald H. Smith, Portland. Trav. Pass. and Fegt. Agt.—F. W. Parker, Portland. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. A. Mannheim, Duluth, Minn. Trav. Pass. Agt.—G. H. Branston, 325 Chest- nut st., St. Louis. Pass. Agt.—C. H. Boardman, 218 N. Broad- | way, St. Louis. Agent—H. H. Hayr, 13 Lower Queens st., Aukland, New Zealand. ~ DirRECTORS—Alexander Cochrane, J. Mur- | ray Forbes, W. Powell Mason, Edward C. Perkins, Charles L. Young, Geo. P. Gardner, Nathaniel H. Stone, Boston, Mass. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR. Chairman of Board—John M. Forbes, Boston, Mass. President—C, E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia. tst Vice-President—J. C. Peasley, Chicago, III. Asst. to ist Vice-President—L. O. Goddard, Chicago. 2d Vice-President—Geo. B. Harris, Chicago. Secretary—T. S. Howland, Boston. Gen. Solicitor—J. W. Blythe, Chicago. Land Com.—W. W. Baldwin, Burlington. Treasurer—J. C. Peasley, Chicago. Asst. Treasurer—A. G. Stanwood, Boston. Cashier—W. J. Fabian, Chicago. Paymaster—R. S. Emmet, Chicago. Acting Comptroller--Wm. J. Ladd, Boston. Gen. Auditor—J. L. Lathrop, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Auditor—C. I. Sturgis, Chicago. Auditor of Expend.—W. A. Amory, Chicago. Fegt. Auditor—C. D. Bird, Chicago. Auditor of Pass. Accts.—L. N. Hopkins, Chi- cago. Asst. Auditor in Charge of Collects.—C. W. Winslow, Chicago.» Asst. Auditor for the Treas. Dept.—W. G. Gordon, Chicago. Gen. Mgr.—W. F. Merrill. Gen. Supt.—J. D. Besler. Supt. Car and Special Fgt. Serv.—George H. | Ross. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—P. S. Eustis. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—Lucius Wakeley. Gen. Bagg. Agt:—E. A. Sadd. Chief Engr.—E. J. Blake. Real Est. and Tax Agt.—M. B. Walker. Consult. Engr.—R. J. McClure. Purch. Agt.—George Hargreaves. Asst. Purch. Agt.—George G. Yeomans. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Thomas Miller. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. B. Hamblin. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. Rogers. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. R. Puffer. Supt. of Motive Power—G. W. Rhodes, Aurora, Ill. Commissary—O. G. Wood, Chicago. Car Accountant—F. D. Lindley, Chicago. Stationer—N. E. Jennison, Chicago. Lines tn Illinois :— Superintendent—F. C. Rice. Galesburg, Ill. Supt. Chicago Div.—H. D. Judson, Aurora. Asst. Supt.—L. A. Howland, Chicago. Supt. Fgt. Terminals—F. A. Delano, Chicago. Mast. Mech.—R. D. Smith, Chicago. Div. Mast. Mech.—A. Forsyth, Aurora. 30 Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. A. Johnson, Chicago. Supt. Galesburg Div.—John Lass, Galesburg. Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. M. Snyder, Galesburg. Div. Mast. Mech.—R. W. Colville, Galesburg. Supt. St. Louis Div.—W. B. Throop, Beards- town, III. Div. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. D. Mack, Rock Island, Ill. Div. Mast. Mech.—C. W. town. Eckerson, Beards- Lines in lowa and Missouri :-— Superintendent—C. G. Wilson, Burlington. Div. Supt. East. Div.—O. E. Stewart, Ottum- wa, la. Div. Fet. and Pass. Agt.—J. ‘M. Bechtel, Bur- lington. Mast. Mech.—Joel West, Burlington. Div. Mast. Mech.—J. F. Deems, Ottumwa. Div. Supt. West. Div.—J. H. Duggan, Cres- ton, la. Asst. Div. Fegt. and Pass. Agt.—W. J. Daven- port, Council Bluffs. Div. Mast. Mech.—E. Jones, Creston. Gen. East. Agt. New York. Gen. Agt.—W. D. Sanborn, San Francisco. Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.—T. D. McKay, San Francisco. —E. J. Swords, 379 Broadway, Gen. Agt.—A. C. Sheldon, Portland, Ore. Gen. Agt.—G. W. Vallery, Denver, Col. Gen. Agt.—Wm. Gray, St. Louis. Gen. Agt.—L. Page, Peoria, III. Gen. Agt.—E. F. Bradford, Quincy, IIl. Gen. Agt.—G. R. Buttles, Hannibal, Mo. Gen. Agt.—H. D. Mack, Rock Island. Gen. Agt.—L. C. Thorne, Sterling, I11. Gen. Agt.—E. H. Hunter, Des Moines. Gen. Agt.—F. H. Griggs, Pacific Junction, Ia. Gen. Agt.—H. T. Keenan, Fort Worth, Tex. Gen. Agt.—E. E. Walker, Salt Lake City. Pass. Agt.—W. C. Locherty, 379 Broadway, New York. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. Wetherald, Schenectady, NY: Trav. Pass. town, Pa. Northeastern Pass. Agt.—H. D. Badgley, 306 Washington st., Boston. Trav. Pass. Agt.—John T. Douglas, 306 Wash- ington st., Boston. Northeastern Fgt. Agt.—William Garty, 306 Washington st., Boston. Agt.—Harry E. Heller, Allen- Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. L. Wright, Peoria, III. Trav. Pass. Agt.—O. Warner, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. J. Spurr, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. McC. Smith, Detroit. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. M. Shaw, Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. S. Crawford, Galesburg. City Pass. Agt.—W. W. King, Chicago. Depot Pass. Agt.—J. H. Wilson, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—H. M. Matthews, Pittsburgh. Local Fgt. Agt.—Lot Brown, Chicago. Contr. Fgt. Agt—A. J. Cross, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—William Austin, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. F. Vallery, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—F. K. Kelly, Chicago, Trav. Fgt. Agt.—M. P. Davis, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—B. F. Troxell, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt—H. W. Crawford, Chicago. DiRECTORS—John M. Forbes, Charles J. Paine, John L. Gardner, F. W. Hunnewell, William Endicott, Jr., Richard Olney, Boston, Mass.; T. Jeff. Coolidge, Manchester, Mass. ; Edward W. Hooper, Cambridge, Mass.; J. N. A. Griswold, Peter Geddes, New York; Charles E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia. Executive and Finance Commtttee—Chair- man, John L. Gardner; John M. Forbes, Charles J. Paine, William Endicott, Jr., cis W. Hunnewell. 31 Fran- | Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand | Trunk Junction RW. President—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—John Bell, Belleville, Ont. Secretary—Robert Wright, Montreal. Attorney—E. W. Meddaugh, Detroit, Mich. Gen. Mgtr.—W. J. Spicer, Detroit. Accountant—James H. Muir, Detroit. DIRECTORS—L. J. Seargeant, Robert Wright, Montreal; John Bell, Belleville; E. W. Meddaugh, W. J. Spicer, Detroit. Chicago, Detroit and Niagara Falls Short Line. Composed of the Wabash RR, and Grand Trunk (Southern Division) RW. Gen. Pass. Agt. Wabash RR.—F. Chandler, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Pass. Agt. Grand Trunk RW.—William Edgar, Montreal, Can. ’ Asst. Palmer, Chicago, III. Gen. Pass. Agt. Wabash RR.—F. A. | Chicago, Fairchild and Eau Claire | River RR. Proprietor and Gen. Manager—N. C. Foster, Fairchild, Wis. Chicago, Ft. Madison and Des Moines WwW. President—C. C. Wheeler, Chicago, III. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—J. F. Tucker, Chicago. Asst. Secretary—H. R. Baldwin, Chicago. Aud. and Cashier—Geo. H. Simmons, Chicago. Supt., Chief Engr. and Pur. Agent—E. F. Potter, Fort Madison, Ia. Gen. Agent—F. A. Given, Fort Madison. DIRECTORS—C. C. Wheeler, Willard T. Block, E. S. Conway, D. B. Dewey, Chicago, Ill.; William P. Scott, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; E. C. Long, F. A. Seymour, St. Paul, Minn. ; E. A. Skinner, Birmingham, Ta. ; Samuel Alter, Fort Madison, Ta, Chicago, Iowa and Dakota RW. President and Gen. Manager—John Porter, Eldora, Ia. Vice-President—David Secor, Chicago, III. Treasurer—H. N. Brockway, Garner, Ia. Secretary—J. D. Newcomer, Eldora. Aud. and Pur. Agt.—W. S. Porter, Eldora. DIRECTORS—John Porter, W. S. Porter, Jo tia Smith,) GY HH: © Wisner,* Eidora, Ia: ; Martin Pritchard, Alden, Ia.; H. N. Brock- way, Garner, Ia.; David Secor, Winnebago City, Minn. Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw _ RW. Operated by Kalamazoo and Hastings | Construction Co. President—Andrew J. Bowne, Grand Rapids, Mich. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—W. S. Dewing, | Kalamazoo, Mich. Treas. and Aud.—H. C. Potter, Kalamazoo. Gen. Supt.—L. Sergeant, Kalamazoo. DirEcTORS—Andrew J. Bowne, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Frederick Bush, W. S. Dew- ing, H: FE. Badger, O. M. Allen, ‘Leroy Cahill, Kalamazoo, Mich. ; Charles S. Burton, Hast- ings, Mich. Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska RW. See Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. Chicago, Kansas and Western RR. (See Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fé RW.) Chicago, Kansas City and Texas RW. President—Theo. C. Bates, Worcester, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—Francis Amory, Boston, Mass. Auditor—C. A. Peabody, Kansas City, Mo. Supt.—W. E. Hanson, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—Theo. C. Bates, Worcester, Mass. ; Francis Amory, Boston, Mass. ; Gard- iner Lathrop, Kansas City, Mo. ; J. H. Whit- more, Stoneham, Mass. ; F. E. Dana, Brook- lyn, N. Y. ; Geo. A. Goddard, E. W. Burdett, Boston. Paul Chicago, Milwaukee and St. RW. President—Roswell Miller, Chicago, III. Vice-President—Frank S. Bond, New York. 3d Vice-President—E. P. Ripley, Chicago. Secretary—P, M. Myers, Milwaukee, Wis. Asst. Secretary—J. M. McKinlay, New York. Asst. Sec. and Trans. Agt.—C. B. Ferry, W. S. Thorn, Jr., New York. Treasurer—F. G. Ranney, Chicago. Gen. Auditor—W. N. D. Winne, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Aud.—R. S. Dousman, Chicago. Comptroller—E. Q. Sewall, CHicago. Paymaster—C. A. Place, Milwaukee. Fegt. Auditor—W. F. Dudley, Chicago. Ticket Auditor—P. Tyrrell, Chicago. Aud. of Exp.—Charles E. Dudley, Chicago. Road Acct.—John J. Moulding, Chicago. Car Acct.—W. E. Beecham, Chicago. Gen. Mgr.—A. J. Earling, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—W. G. Collins, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Supt.—E. W. McKenna, Milwau- kee. Asst. Gen. Supt.—H. R. Williams, Minneap- olis, Minn. Chief Engr.—D. J. Whittemore, Chicago. Supt. of Trans.—G. E. Simpson, Chicago. Supt. of Motive Power—J. N. Barr, Milwau- kee: Mech. Engr.—George Gibbs, Milwaukee. Gen. Rdma.—J. B. Moll, Chicago. Engr. and Supt. Bdgs. and Bldgs., Bates, Chicago. Pur. Agt.—John T. Crocker, Chicago. Sty. Sup. Agt.—E. F. Elwell, Milwaukee. Supt. of Tele.—U. J. Fry, Milwaukee. Supt. of Din. Cars—L. A. Pease, Chicago. Supt. of Sleep. Cars—J. B. Elwood, Chicago. Fuel Agt.—H. R. Lloyd, Milwaukee. Gen. Counsel—John W. Cary, Chicago. Gen. Solicitor—John T. Fish, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Sol.—Burton Hanson, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Sol.—H. H. Field, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—Geo. H. Heaf- ford, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—Geo. S. Marsh, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Ticket Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Dixon, Paul, Minn. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—F. A. Miller, Chicago. Onward —A. F. Merrill, Chicago. St: Gen. Baggage Agent—-W. D. Carrick, Mil- waukee, Gen. Img. Agt.—W. E. Powell, Chicaco. Fgt, Traffic Mgr.—A. C. Bird, Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. H. Hiland, Chicago. Ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—D. W. Keyes, Mil- | waukee. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—N. J. Goll, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—D. C. Jones, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. S. Keeley, Chicago. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. M. Davis, Milwaukee. Div. Fgt. Agt.—E. W. Jordan, Sioux City, Ia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. T. Conley, Winona, Minn. Div. Fgt. Agt.—G. F. White, Davenport, Ia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—B. H. O’Meara, Cedar Rap- ids, Ia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. E. Peak, Mason, City, Ia. Div. tumwa, la. Tax Com.—W. S. Milligan, Milwaukee. Tax Agt. for Illinois—W. J. Parsons, Chicago. | Tax Agent for Minnesota, North and South Dakota, F. S. McDonald, Minneapolis. Land Com.—H. G. Haugan, Milwaukee. Gen. Land Agt.—C. A. Padley, Milwaukee. Industrial Com.—Luis Jackson, Chicago. Special Agt.—Jno. A. Hinsey, Chicago. Freight Claim Agt.—H. P. Elliott, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—F. A. Nash, 1501 Farnam, st., Omaha, Neb. Gen. Agt.—jJas. H. Veitch, 600 Delaware st., | Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Agt.—C. L. Canfield, 112 Montgomery | st., San Francisco, Cal. Commercial Agt.—J. S. Talbot, 1654 Lawrence | st., Denver, Col. Commerciai Agt.—A. Mitchell, City, Utah. Salt Lake Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. S. Howell, | Omaha. Gen. Agt.—A. B. Bridges, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. G. Everest, 207-209 Clark st., Chicago. N. E. Pass. Agt.—Chas. A. Brown, 210 Wash- ington st., Boston, Mass. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. R. Daugherty, 210 Wash- ington st., Boston. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—E. F. Richardson, 381 | Broadway, New York. East. Pass. Agt.—W. W. Heafford, 14 Ex- | change st., Buffalo, N. Y. City Pass. Agt.—Howard E. Laing, 207-209 | Clark st., Chicago. Michigan Pass. Agt.—Harry Mercer, 82 Gris- wold st., Detroit, Mich. Dist. Pass. Agt.—John R. Pott, 486 William | st., Williamsport, Pa. Canadian Pass. Agt.—A. J. Taylor, 4 Palmer | ‘House Block, Toronto, Ont. Southern Pass. Agt.—D. C. Brady, 237 Fourth ave., Louisville, Ky. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. C. Mordough, 4 Jackson | pl., Indianapolis, Ind. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Wm. Kelly, Jr., 50S. 3dst., | Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. R. Lewis, St. Paul. Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.—W. T. Allen, 112 | Montgomery st., San Francisco. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. W. Casey, 33 Stark st., Portland, Ore. Freight Agent—T. W. Lippincott, Ot- | 32 | | | | Div. Pass. Agt.—G. F. White, Davenport, III. Div. Pass. Agt.—J. T. Conley, Winona. Div. Pass. Agt.—B. H.O’Meara, Cedar Rapids. Div. Pass. Agt.—E. W. Jordan, Sioux City. Div. Pass. Agt.—W. E. Peak, Mason City. Div. Pass. Agt.—T. W. Lippincott, Ottumwa. — Trav. Img. and Pass. Agt.—D. H. Moses, Cleveland, O. Gen. Eastern Fgt. Agt.—Jos. R. Hixson, 381 Broadway, New York. N. E. Fgt. Agt.—H. D. Corbett, 210 Wash- ington st., Boston. Gen. Agt.—J. A. Chandler, St. Paul. Commercial Agt.—C. L. Rising, 138 and 140 Adams st., Chicago. Gen. Agt.—C. J. Eddy, 33 Stark st., Portland. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. S. Bratt, Grand Rapids, Mich. Commercial Agt.—C. H. Angle, 14 Exchange st., Buffalo. Commercial Agent—R. C. Martin, Moines, Ia. E Trav. Fgt. Agt.—H. S. Noble, Buffalo. Commercial Agt.—C. E. Mumford, Minne- apolis. Commercial Agt.—C. H. Porter, 162 Walnut st., Cincinnati, O. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—M. P. Benton, Seattle, Wash. N. W. Live Stock and Trav. Agt.—M. F. Ma- lone, Miles City, Mont. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—A. Burlock, St. Paul. Commercial Agt.—F. W. Boltz, 155 St. Clair st., Cleveland. Live Stock Agt.—J. H. Keene, Cheyenne, Wy. Gen. S. W. Live Stock Agt.—W. P. Herring, Kansas City. Commercial Agt.—E. D. Sewall, St. Paul. Commercial Agt.—H. C. Dimock, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—James Godfrey, Boston. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—Chas. L. Dell, San Jose, Cal. : Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. H. Whittemore, cinnati. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. W. Hall, Cleveland. DIRECTORS—Roswell Miller, Philip D. Ar- mour, Chicago, Ill.; Frank S. Bond, August Belmont, Hugh T. Dickey, Peter Geddes, George C. Magoun, Joseph Milbank, Wm. Rockefeller, Samuel Spencer, A. Van Sant- voord, J. Hood Wright, New York ; Frederick Layton, Milwaukee, Wis. Des Cin= Chicago Outer Belt Line. (See Elgin, Joliet and Eastern RW. Co.) Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis RW. President—W. S. Hook, Jacksonville, Ill. Sec., Treas, and Auditor—Marcus Hook, Jacksonville. Gen. Supt.—D. W. Rider, Jacksonville. DIRECTORS—-Marcus Hook, W. S. Hook, I. L. Morrison, Francis Hook, Jacksonville, Ill. ; William T. Barbee, La Fayette, Ind. Chicago, Rockford and Northern RR. See Chicago and Iowa RR. Chicage, Rock Island and Pacific RW. President—R. R. Cable, Chicago, Ill. Ist Vice-President — Benj. Brewster, New York. 2d Vice-Pres., Treas. and Sec.—W. G. Purdy, Chicago. 3d Vice-President—H. A. Parker, Chicago. Asst. to the President—A. Kimball, Davenport, Ta. Asst. Treas, and Asst. Scc.—Geo., T. Boggs, New York. Asst. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—j. F. Phillips, Chicago. Asst. Treasurer—C. F. Jilson, Topeka, Kan. Gen. Mgr.—E. St. John, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—W. I. Allen, Chicago. Traffic Mgr.—W. M. Sage, Chicago. Gen. Supt. Lines East of Missouri River— H. F. Royce, Chicago. a 06 { | | Gen. Supt. Lines West of Missouri River—C. | Dunlap, Topeka. Asst. Gen. Supt.—Walter S. Page, Topeka. Auditor—F. W. Porter, Chicago. Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agt.—John Sebastian, Chicago. tstAsst. Gen, Ticket and Pass. Agt.—S. F. | Boyd, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. Chicago. Agt. — Geo. L. Rhodes, | Asst. Gen. Ticket and Pass. Agt.—T. J. | Anderson, Topeka. - Ticket Auditor—A. Temple, Chicago. Gen. Fet. Agt. Lines East of Missouri River— | J. M. Johnson, Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Lines West of Missouri River —D. Atwood, Topeka. ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. Gower, Chicago. | 2d Asst. Chicago. Gen. Fet. Agt.—J. C. McCabe, Ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Lines West of Mis- | souri River—L. F. Kimball, Denver, Col. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—G. A. Kimball, Topeka. | Fet. Auditor—G. H. Crosby, Chicago. Gen. Bag. Agt.—J. D. Marston, Chicago. Supt. Dining Cars—Frank Stewart, Daven- | port. Supt. Wilson, Chicago. Supt. of Maint. and Cons.—W. K. McFarlin, Topeka. Purchasing Agt.—F. A. Marsh, Chicago. Supt. Telegraph—A. R. Swift, Chicago. Land Com.—J. L. Drew, Davenport. Gen. Counsel—Thos. F. Withrow, Chicago. Gen. Atty.—T. S. Wright, Chicago. Gen. Atty.—M. A. Low, Topeka. Gen. East. Pass. Agt.—A. B. Farnsworth, 257 | Broadway, New York. _ New England Pass. Agt.—I. L. Loomis, 296 | - Washington st., Boston, Mass. Pass. Agt. Middle Dist.—W. J. Leahy, 111 S. oth st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. E. McLeod, 296 Wash- ington st., Boston. Trav. Pass. Agt. for New York—James Gass, 40 Exchange st., Buffalo, N. Y. Motive Power and Equip.—Geo. F. | Trav. Pass. Agt. for Canada—H. S. Philps, 154 St. James st., Montreal, P. Q. Northeastern Pass. Agt.—F. D. Lyons, cor. Learned and Griswold sts., Detroit, Mich. Southeastern Pass. Agt.—U. S. G. Hough, © Chicago. City Pass. Agt.—Geo. F. Lee, 104 Clark st., | Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—T. J. Clark, Chicago. Northwestern Pass. Agt.— F. W. Madera, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—Clinton Jones, 36 Montgomery st., | San Francisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. W. Thompson, 138 S. Spring st., Los Angeles, Cal. Italian Pass. Agt.— James Fugazi, 5 Mont- gomery st., San Francisco. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—G. D. Bacon, Chamber of Commerce Building, Cincinnati, O. ; 106 N. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. P. Mantz, 106 N. 4th st., St. Louis. © = ) Pass.Agt.Cent.Dist.—K E. Palmer, Peoria, Ill. Pass. Agt.—Wm. Rickey, Davenport. Trav. Pass.. Agt:—Geo. L. Reppert, Des Moines, Ia. City Pass. Agt.—J. W. Fry, Des Moines. Gen. Southwestern Pass. Agt.—A H. Moffett, 8th and Main sts., and 1042 Union ave., Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. B. Sloat, 8th and Main sts., Kansas City. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.— James L. De Bevoise, 1602 Farnham st., Omaha, Neb. Trav. Pass. Agt.—S. M. Charles, Topeka. Gen Net Passa) Dept.—W. H. Firth, 1664 Lawrence st., Denver. Trav. Pass. Agt.—D. J. Flynn, 1664 Lawrence st., Denver. Gen. Agt.—Chas. Kennedy, 83 First st., Port- land, Ore. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Robt. Keppler, 83 First st., Portland. Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—F. B. Mesick, New York. New England Fet. Agt.— J. H. Mills, Boston, Fet. Agt.—H. H. Embry, Buffalo. Commercial Agent—J. A. Hall, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fegt. Agt.—D. H. Maloney, Cleveland, O. Gen. Agt.—R. B. Jones, Cincinnati. Gen. Agt.— D. W. Farrow, Philadelphia. Com. Agt.—E. A. Whitaker, St. Paul. Com. Agt.—J. S. Whitcomb, Minneapolis, Minn. Gen. Agt.—J. A. Wentz, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Agt.—A. H. Mackay, Portland. Gen. Agt.—J. E. Oglesby, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gen. Agt.—F. H. McCormick, San Francisco. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. T. Phillips, Centreville, Ia. Com. Agt.—W. C. Staley, St. Joseph, Mo. Gen. Live Stock Agt.—E. R. Clapp, Moines. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. W. Loomis, Des Moines. Div. Fgt. Agt.—F. M. Day, Davenport. Gen. Agt.—H. A. Snyder, Council Bluffs and Omaha. Agent—C. D. Golding, Ogden, Utah Com. Agt.—S. S. Stevens, Los Angeles. Loss and Damage Fet.Agt.—C. S.Tewksbury, Chicago. Com. Agt.—J. H. Long, Chicago. Agent—Martin Johnson, Milwaukee, Wis. Gen. Agt.—H. J. O’ Neill, St. Louis. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. Myers, Beatrice, Neb. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—H. A. Perkins, Chicago. Trav. Agt.—John A. Tuttle, Kansas City. Executive Committee—Hugh Riddle, Ran- som R. Cable, H. H. Porter, H. R. Bishop, Benj. Brewster. DirEcTors—Alexander E. Orr, Henry M. Flageler, David Dows, Jr., Alex. T. Van Nest, R. P. Flower, Benjamin Brewster, H. R. Bishop, New York; John DeKoven, Hugh Riddle, H. H. Porter, Marshall Field, Chicago, Ill.; R. R. Cable, Rock Island, Ill.; George G. Wright, Des Moines, la. Chicago, St. Louis and Paducah RW. President—Wm. K. Murphy. Sec. and Treas.—Henry T. Nash, Du Quoin, If. Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City RW. Chairman of the Board—A. B. Stickney, St. Paul, Minn. President and Gen. Mgr.— John M. Egan, St. Paul. Des 34 Vice-President—C. W. Benson, St. Paul. Vice-Pres. and Trans. Agt.—Wm. Lewis Boyle, 47 Wall st., New York. Treasurer—W. B. Bend, St. Paul. Secretary—M. C Woodruff, Dubuque, Ia. Asst. Secretary—John L. Pratt, St. Paul. Gen. Attys.—Lusk & Bunn, St. Paul Gen. Auditor—M. C. Healion, St. Paul. Traffic Mgr.—W. R. Busenbark, Chicago, III. en. Pass! and: Tkt, Agt’— Fie Lord, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt—C. A. Cairns, Chicago. Gen. Bag. Agt.—John Colley, cor. 5th ave. and Polk sts., Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—P. C. Stohr, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. H. Tibbits, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. O. Brooks, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. R. Berry, St. Joseph, Mo. Fgt. Auditor—Frank Hoppe, St. Paul. Gen. Claim Agt.—M. C. Woodruff, St. Paul, Div. Supt.—J. D. Farrell, Chicago. Div. Supt.—B. F. Egan, Dubuque. Div. Supt.—J. Berlingett, Des Moines, Ia. Div. Supt.—J. A. Kelly, Kansas City, Mo. Supt. of Motive Power and Rolling Stock—W. Tt. Reed, St.Paul, Chief Train Dispatcher—D. McNab, Oelwein, Ta. Chief Engr.—H. Fernstrom, St. Paul. Paymaster—Geo. C. Armstrong, St. Paul. Car Service Agt.—J. R. Cavanagh, St. Paul. Purchasing Agt.—J. Warwick, St. Paul. Supt. Telegraph—J. C. Ford, St. Paul. Supt. Terminals—J. J. McLaughlin, St. Paul. © Gen. East. Pass. Agt.—R. S. Hair, 343 Broad- | way, New York. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. E, Payne, 343 Broadway, | New York. New England Pass. Agt.—James S. Sinith, 196 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—W. B. Cooley, 215 Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Mich. Pass. Agt.—R. C, Stevens, 250Clark st., | Chicago. Ohio Pass. Agt.—J. A, Granger, Columbus,O. Southern Pass. Agt.—W. A. Beckler, 250 Clark st., Chicago, Gen. Chamber of Commerce, Citi¢innati, O. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—C. H. Holdtidge, 195 LONGO SU cite Alli yt Northwestern Pass. Agt.—F. B. Ross, 195 E- 3d St.ictneaul, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—John H. Green, Des Moines. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. J. Brooks, Des Moines. Agt. Pass. Dept.—W. C. Rinearson, | West. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Gowenlock, Kansas | City. City Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—C. D. Dunann, 250. Clark st., Chicago. » Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—S. E. Stohr, 243 Broad- way, New York. New England Fgt. Agt.—Chas. H. Adair, 166 Washington st., Boston. N. Y. State Fgt. Agt.—H. B. Loucks, Jr. 343). Broadway, New York. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. M. Kinsler, 343 Broad } way, New York, Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—J. F. McFarlane, 215 | Wood st., Pittsburgh. Gen. Trav. Fgt. Agt,—Frank Cassidy, Phenix Bldg., Chicago, Com. Agt.—C. B. Chicago. Gregory, 4 Pacific ave., | ' | PTwormbly, New York: ‘Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. S. Cox, Phenix Bldg., Chicago. . Com. Agt.—J. H. Whatmore, Dubuque. Com. Agt.—T. N. Hooper, St. Paul. » Trav. Lumber Agt.—R. T. Flournoy, St. Paul. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—J. P. Harrison, 2 Nicol- let House Block, Minneapolis, Minn. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. S. Winnett, Des Moines. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—Louis Eiselhart, St. Joseph. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Henry Cassidy, St. Joseph. DirRECTORS—A. B. Stickney, C. W. Benson, William Dawson, A. Oppenheimer, J. M.. Egan, M. Auerbach, A. M. Drake, A. Kalman, Teese ratte Ve LaisK, ot. Paul Minn-, William L. Boyle, New York; S.C. Stickney, Chicago, Ill. ; D. Rankin, Tarkio, Mo.; F. D. Stout, Dubuque, Ia.; A. Slimmer, Waverly, Ia. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, RW. (‘‘ The Northwestern Line.’’) President—Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, III. Gen. Mgr.—E. W. Winter, St. Paul, Minn. Vice-Pres., Treas. and Asst. Sec. —M. L. Sykes, New York. Asst. Treasurer—S, O. Howe, New York. Gen, Supt.—W. A. Scott, St. Paul. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—James T. Clark, St. Paul. ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. M. Pearce, St. Paul, 2d Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. B. Ober, St. Paul. Gen. Pass. Agt.—T. W. Teasdale, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. S, McCullough, St. Paul. . ‘ Gen. Counsel—J. H. Howe, St. Paul. Attorney—S. L. Perrin, St. Paul. Auaiwoi-—L. A, xopinson, St. Paul. Chief Engr.—Chas. W. Johnson, St. Paul. Secretary—E. E. Woodman, Hudson, Wis. Local Treasurer—Robert W. Clark, St. Paul. Purchasing Agt—W. H. S. Wright, St. Paul. Com. Dept: 6f Noth Wis. and West Wis. RWs. Latids—Wm. H. Phipps, Hudson. Car Accountant—A, Dfegmial, St. Paul. Div. Fgt. Agt.—Lymaf Sholes; Omaha, Neb. Com. Agt.—M. E. Trumet’; Minneapolis, Minn: Gen, Agt.—G. M. Smith, Dult#th, Minn. ; Gen. Agt.—W. H. Mead, 4 Washington’ st-, Portland, Ore. Z Gen. Agt.—Geo. M. Smith, Duluth. Gen. Agt.—S. G. Strickland, Sioux City; la. Supt. Telegtaph—H.C. Hope, St. Paul. ~ Claim Agt.—Edmund L. Poole, St. Paul. Bag. Agt.—E. F. Woode, St. Paul. Gen. East. Agt.—C. I. Allen, 423 Broadway, New York. Pass. Agt—J. E- Brittain, § State st., Boston, Mass. Agent—C.. H. Wise, 5 State st., Boston. LAE i F.. Fowne, rr2 S- 4th st., Philadel- phia. Executive Committee — Marvin Hughitt, Albert Keep, Chattheey M. Depew, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Writ! K. Watiderbilt, M! L. Syikes, and David P. Kimbail.- _ DirEcrors=Albért' Keep; Marvin Hughie. John M. Whitman, Chica Ts Ji owe, Edwin W. Winter, Jott’ AY Huiibird!. Se” Paul} Minn.; David P. ‘Kip: il} Boston, Mass.“ Ml. L.. Sykes, CHatincey Mf -Bépew, CornelitS Vanderbilt, Wim. K:° Vandérbitt) He; Mcte:. Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota R. President and Treas.—Edwin H. Abbott, Boston, Mass, Secretary—Howard Morris, Milwaukee, Wis. | Auditor—William Shimwell, Milwaukee. Asst. Treas.—Frederick Abbott, Milwaukee. Auditor—T. J. Hyman, Milwaukee. Cashier—H. F. Spencer, Boston, Mass. DirREcTORS—Edwin H. Abbott, H. F. Spencer, Boston, Mass.; Frederick Abbott, Thos. H. Gill, Howard Morris, Milwaukee, Wis. 35 Chippewa River and Menomonie RW. | President—F. Weyerhauser, St. Paul, Minn. Vice-Pres.—O. H. Ingram, Eau Claire, Wis. Gen. Manager.—D. R. Moon, Eau Claire. Treasurer—W. A. Rust, Eau Claire. x Secretary—Wm. Irvine, Chippewa Falls. Superintendent—N., Mills, Chippewa Falls. Choctaw Coal and RW. (‘‘ The Choctaw Line, 35th Parallel Route.’’) President—Charles Hartshorne, Philadelphia. | Vice-President—Alan H. Reed, Philadelphia. | Secretary—Frank T. Patterson, Philadelphia. | Treas.—William C. Alderson, Philadelphia. Receivers—Edwin D. Chadick, So. McAlester, | I. T.; Francis I. Gowen, Philadelphia. Manager—J. D. Bradford, S. McAlester, I. T. Sec. for Receivers and Pur. Agent—Allen R. | Boyd, So. McAlester. Auditor and Traffic Mgr.—James F. Holden, | So. McAlester. Cashier and Paymaster—George E. Starr, So. McAlester. Supt. of Trans. Moeller, So. McAlester. Supt. of Mines—Edwin Ludlow, Hartshorne. | Supt. and, Gen. Agt. Western Div.—W. E. | Pollock, Oklahoma City, O. T. Directrors—Charles Hartshorne, John B. : Garrett, Samuel G. De Coursey, Alan H. Reed, Jacob A. Wolverton, George B. Kirk- and Car Service—F. L. | bride, John C. Sims, William C. Alderson, | Frank G. Rogers. Cincinnati and Dayton RR. President—R. P. Rifenberick, Cincinnati, O. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Short, Cincinnati. Cincinnati and Kentucky Southern RR. President—Lowe Emerson, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Pres.—H. P. Malone, Wilmington, O. Gen. Mgr.—Edwards Ritchie, Cincinnati. Supt.—H. D. Emerson, Yosemite, Ky. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—W. L. Peairs, Yosemite. Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley RR. President—Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. — Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Asst. Treasurer—J. P. Henderson, Pittsburgh. | Auditor—John W. Renner, Pittsburgh. Supt. and Sec.—C. H. Walton, Zanesville, O. Gen. Fgt. and Ticket Agt.—F. M. Wilkinson, Zanesville. Solicitor—John S. Brasee, Lancaster, O. DirECcTORS—Thomas D. Messier, Pitts- burgh; G. B. Roberts, Philadelphia; Charles Moran, New York; James Buckingham, M. Churchill, W. A. Graham, James Herdman, Zanesville, O. Cincinnati and Southern Ohio River RW. See Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Cincinnati and Westwood RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. N. Gamble, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—P. M. Williams, Cincinnati. Secretary—N. G. Hildreth, Westwood, O. Treasurer—A. D. Shockley, Cincinnati. DIRECTORS—J. N. Gamble, A. D. Shockley, D. B. Gamble, W. A. Gamble, Cincinnati; P. M. Williams, J. G. Williams, Cheviot, O. ; N. G. Hildreth,Westwood, O. Cincinnati, Atlantic and Columbus RR. See Cincinnati, Hocking Valley and Huntington RR. Cincinnati, Dayton and Chicago RR. President—M. D. Woodford, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—George R. Balch, Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Dayton and Ironton RR. President—Henry F. Shoemaker, New York. Treasurer—Wilberforce Sully, New York. Secretary—Geo. R. Balch, Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, Georgetown and Ports- mouth RR. President—Ralph Peters, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President, Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—E. W. White, Cincinnati. Sec. and Treas.—H. G. Roelker, Cincinnati. Supt.—John C. McQuiston, Cincinnati. DirREcCTORS—Orland Smith, Baltimore, Md.; W. W. Peabody, Ralph Peters, Alex. McDon- ald, E. W. Kittredge, H. G. Roelker, E. W. White, Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—M. D. Woodford, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Pres.—Eugene Zimmerman, Cincinnati. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Short, Cincinnati. Gen. Supt.—Chas. Neilson, Cincinnati. Gen. Fet. Agt.—A. H. McLeod, Cincinnati. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—A. D. McLeod, Cin- cinnati. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—E. O. McCormick, Cincinnati. Auditor—George W. Lishawa, Cincinnati. Chief Engineer—C. Wood, Cincinnati. Engr. Maint. of Way—J. B. Porter, Cincinnati. Supt. Motive Power—C. H. Cory, Lima, O. Superintendent—R. B. Turner, Cincinnati. Div. Supt. C. H. and I. RR.—A. Gallaway, Indianapolis, Ind. Div. Supt.—F. A. Husted, Lima. Sopt..C. Duvand }) and: C.D: and Cy Divs,—J. E. Gimperling, Wellston, O. Train Master C. D.and I. Div.—S. B. Floeter. Wellston. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—H. Griffin, Cincinnati. Supt. of Tele.—J. L. Orbison, Cincinnati. Car Acct.—W. J. Mulvihill, Cincinnati. Purchasing Agt.—C. G. Waldo, Cincinnati. DrrRECTORS—C. W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis, Ind.; Eugene Zimmerman, M. D. Woodford, W. M. Ramsey, Cincinnati, O.; M. C. Martin, Alfred Sully, H. A. Shoemaker, New York ; E. E. Cole, Marysville, O.; Geo. W. Davis, Toledo, O. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Indian- apolis RR. President—M. D. Woodford, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—F. H. Short, Cincinnati. Cincinnati, Hocking Valley Huntington RR. President—Marcus Boggs, Chillicothe, O. Secretary—Robert Swinehart, Adelphi, O. Treasurer—T. G. McKell, Chillicothe. DIRECTORS—John A. Nipgen, Alexander Remmick, John S. Maderia, Marcus Boggs, Chillicothe, O.; Henry P. Niles, Toledo, O. ; Wm. A. Jones, Bourneville, O.; Thomas Ewing, New York; David H. Strous, John Kashner, Adelphi, O. and Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw | RW. President—Walston H. Brown, 20 Nassau st., New York. Vice-President—Frank B. Swayne, Toledo,O. Gen. Mger.—F. B. Drake, Toledo. Secretary and Treasurer—Richard Outwater, New York. Gen. Counsel—Swayne, Toledo. Acting Auditor—W. F. Booth, Toledo. Swayne & Hayes, Cashier and Paymaster—O. A.Wilson, Toledo. | Gen. Fygt. and Pass. Agt.— Toledo. Superintendent—J. B. Flanders, Toledo. Supt. Ohio Div.—W. T. Backus, Van Wert,O. Master Mechanic—A. H. Watts, Marshall, Mich. Chief Engr.—W. D. Williams, Van Wert. Pet, and’ Tkt.’ Accountant—F. C.” Cheney, Van Wert. Car Accountant—L. I. Martin, Toledo. Commercial Agt.—B. R. White, Cincinnati,O. Commercial Agent—S. E. Kirk, Muskegon, Mich. Contracting Agt.—R. St. John, Toledo. DiRECTORS—Walston H. Brown, J. Ken- T.C. M. Schindler, nedy Tod, R. T. Wilson, New York; F. B. | Swayne, N. H. Swayne, F. B. Drake, B. A. Hayes, Toledo. Cincinnati, Lebanon and Northern RW. President and Treasurer—George | Hafer, Cincinnati, O. Auditor and Gen. Fet. and Pass. Agt. Rockwell, Cincinnati. Secretary—John F. Winslow, Cincinnati. Master Trans.—H. E. Sawyer, Cincinnati. DirEcCTORS—George Hafer, lock, Theodore Cook, Thomas J. Emery, A. S. Winslow, Joseph B. Thoms, L. C. Weir, Cincinnati. —Clay George Bul-. | Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas | Pacific RW. Route.’’) (“Queen and Crescent | President C., N.O. and T. P. and A. G. S. | RRs.—S. M. Felton. President 'N. O. and O. E., A. and V. and V. | S. RRs.—Charles Schiff. Vice-President C., N. O. and T. P. and A. G. S. RRs. Tea Fink. Vice-President C., N. O. and T. P., A. G.S., N. O. and N. a A, and V. and V. Si and | P. RRs.—C. C. Harvey. Gen. Counsel—Edward Colston. Treasurer and Secretary C., N. O. and T. P. RW.—H. H. Tatem. Secretary A.'G. S. RR.—L. M.'Schwan. Secretary N. O. and N. E. RR.—John Glynn, Jr., New Orleans, La. Secretary V. S. and P. RR.—D. Graff, New Vork, Compt.—Chas. H. Davis, Cincinnati, O. Paymaster—Chas. Patton, Cincinnati. Traffic Mgr.—D. Miller, Cincinnati. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt. —D. G. Edwards, Cincinnati. : Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt.—G. P. Biles, Cincinnati. Gen. Manager—R. Carroll, Cincinnati. Chief Ener. —G. B. Nicholson, Cincinnati. Supt. Motive Power and Machy. —J. Meehan, Ludlow, Ky. Purchasing Agt. —Geo. W. Stevens, Cincinnati. Supt, GC Nv Oerand- 1: PP: RW. AS Griggs, Somerset, Ky. Supe ZS RR. —J.F. O’Brien, Louisville, ky. Supt. Ala. Great Southern RR. —J. McCarty, Birmingham, Ala. Supt. N. O. and N. E. RR.—A. Clark, New Orleans, La. Supt. A. and V. RW. and V. S. and P. RR.— W. W. Bond, Vicksburg, Miss. Inspector Bridges and Buildings—M. Walsh, Cincinnati. Car Accountant—S. O. Parker, Cincinnati. Land Commissioner—F. Y. Anderson, Bir- mingham. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—I. Hardy, Vicksburg. Gen. Baggage Agent—F. A. Zimmerman, Cincinnati. Div. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Garratt, 34 St. Charles st., New Orleans. Gen. Eastern Agent—W.: S. St. George, 343 Broadway, New York. Mich. Agt.—John Bastable, 155 Jefferson ave., Detroit, Mich. Canadian Pass. Agt.—W. W. Jones, Port Huron, Mich. Traveling "Agent—H. C. Shaw, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. City Agent—W. W. Brooks, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. Northwestern Pass. Agt.—H. A. Cherrier, Chicago. ; Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—S. T. Swift, 177 E. Main , Lexington, Ky. N. E. Agent—Chas. H. Chevee, 14 Exchange st., Buffalo, N. Y. Traveling Agt.—J.S. Leith, Junction City,Ky. Div. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—E. T. Charlton, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pass. Agt.—J. M. Sutton, Chattanooga. Traveling Agt.—S. C. Ray, Birmingham, Ala. Traveling Agt.—Fred. Kretschmar, Jackson, Miss. Traveling Agt.—F. H. Jones, Dallas, Tex. City Agt.—P. Lugenbuhl, 34 St. Charles st., New Orleans. Traveling Pass. Agt.—C. A. Baird, 21 Clinton Building, Columbus, O. Dist. Pass. Agt. Louis. So. RR.—C. H. Wood- well, Louisville, Ky. Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt. —lI. Hardy, Vicksburg, Miss. Div. Fgt. Agt., Louis. So. RR.—H. F. Smith, Louisville. Div. Fgt. Agt. N. O. and N. E.—A. F. Bar- nett, New Orleans. Div. Freight Agent A. G. S.—T. F. Steele, Birmingham. Div. Fets Agt. Cy) N/O.cand TL. “P.—Don Alexander, Chattanooga. Gen. East. Agt.—W. S. St. John, 343 Broad- way, New York. General Agent—H. Osborn, 193 Clark st., Chicago, III. Contracting Agt.—M. K. Northam, 193 Clark | st., Chicago. Contracting Agt.—J. B. Clancey, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. Gen. Agt. Anchor LineWharf—P. H. Ravesies, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Agent—C. W. Cecil, 5 Shockoe Slip, Richmond, Va. Gen. Agent—W. H. Eagar, Chattanooga. Gen. Agent—W. M. Reeder, Meridian, Miss. Traveling Agent—E. D. Wolfe, Vicksburg. Traveling Agent—E. W. White, Dallas, Tex. Traveling Agent—C. A. Egly, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. Traveling Agent—G. W. Benus, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. Traveling Agent—R. Hamilton, 92 W. 4th st., Cincinnati. Vice-President—Henry M. montractine Agent C., N. O. and:T. P. and Louisv. South. RRs.—E. T. Campbell, - Lexington, Ky. Live Stock Agent—D. Harp, Lexington. DIRECTORS—Chairman, Samuel Thomas, J. H. Inman, New York; W. P. Anderson, S. M. Felton, T. T. Gaff, W. A. Goodman, C. C. Harvey, Alex. McDonald, Cincinnati ; Calvin | S. Brice, Lima, O. Cincinnati Northwestern RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—Robert Simpson. | Vice-President—John R. Davey. Treasurer—Henry Bohl. Secretary—W. T. Simpson. Supt.—Arthur Waters, Mt. Healthy, O. General Counsel—John E. Bruce. Pass. Agent—F. H. Simpson. 6 DIRECTORS—Robert Simpson, J. R. Davey, | William T. Simpson, J. F. Wright, F. D. Emerson, W. W. Innes, Robert Simpson, Jr., _ Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, Portsmouth and Virginia | RR. President and General Mgr.—Samuel Hunt. Hoyt, Jr., Phila- del phia. Secretary and Treasurer—Thomas Hunt. Auditor—W. D. Gray. Roadmaster—T. G. Bothwell. Gen. Pet. and Pass. Agt.—E. F. Gray. Gen. Counsel—Howard C. Hollister. Train Master—J. C. Gleason. DirEcTOoRS—Henry. Lewis, Hollister, A. B. Voorheis, Samuel Hunt, John B. Keyes, Cincinnati, O.; Henry M. Hoyt, Jr., Crawford Arnold, Philadelphia; Thomas R. myVhite; Jr., New. York; J. S. L’Amereaux, a Ballston Spa, N. Y. Cincinnati, Richmond and Ft. Wayne R. President—William Parry, Richmond, Ind. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—W. O. Hughart, | Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. P. Hughart, Grand | Rapids. DirEcTORS—Wm. Parry, C. C. Binkley, J. F. Miller, Jas. E. Reeves, Richmond, Ind. ; | - David Studebaker, Decatur, Ind.; Thos. D. Messler, J. T. Brooks, James McCrea, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; William O. Hughart, William R. Shelby, T. J. O’Brien, Grand Rapids, Mich. Howard -C., | Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw R. President—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que. Gen. Manager—W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. Traffic Manager—Geo. B. Reeve, Chicago, III. Secretary and Treas.—J. H. Muir, Detroit. Chief Engineer—Geo. Masson, Detroit. Superintendent—A. B. Atwater, Detroit. Mechanical Supt.—H. Roberts, Detroit. Gen. Fgt. Agent—D. Brown, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—W. E. Davis, Chicago. pare ye Agent—Geo. A. Grant, Saginaw, Mich. DIRECTORS—-A. W. Wright, Alma, Mich. ; L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que.:; W. R. Burt, F. C. Stone, Saginaw, Mich.; E. W. Med- daugh, W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich.; S. O. Fisher, West Bay City, Mich. Cincinnati Southern RW. See Cincin- nati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific RW. Cincinnati Street Construction Co See Little Miami RR. Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan RW. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—J. D. Layng, New York. Treasurer—George S. Russell, Cleveland. Secretary—E. F. Osborn, Cincinnati. DIRECTORS—J. Pierpont Morgan, Geo. Bliss, C. M. Depew, C. Vanderbilt, H. McK. Twombly, J. D. Layng, W. P. Anderson, M. E. Ingalls, Jas. Barnett, Amos Townsend, Benj. S. Brown. Cincinnati, Wheeling and New York RR Receiver—J. W. Campbell, Cambridge, O. President—Thomas R. Sharp, New York. Secretary and Supt.—W. H. Stevens, Cumber- land, O. Auditor—W. G. McMahan, Cambridge, O. DIRECTORS—W. C. Atkinson, W. H. Atkin- son, G. R. Atkinson, W. K. Cooper, W. W. Elliott, Henry Millar, H. Hastings, Nathan House,- H. F. McVicker, Batesville, O.; T. Chappell, Barnesville, O.; Seth Gordon, George A. Moorehead, Senecaville, O.; W. N. Cowden, J. W. Wilson, Quaker City, O. ; C. S. Schooley, Baltimore, Md. Clarendon and Pittsford RW. President—Fletcher D. Proctor, Proctor, Vt. Sec. and Treasurer—E. R. Morse, Proctor. Gen. Supt.—G. C. Robinson, West Rutland, Vt. DirREcTORS—F. D. Proctor, F. C. Partridge, Edmund B. Morse, Proctor, Vt.; George Briggs, Brandon, Vt.; Samuel A, Howard, Rutland, Vt. Clarion River RW. President—W. H, Hyde, Ridgway, Pa. Vice-President—J. K. Gardner, Ridgway. Sec. and Treas.—J. K. P. Hall, Ridgway. Gen. Mgr.—H.A. Hall, St. Mary’s, Pa. Superintendent—B. E. Wellendorf, Ridgway. DirEcTORs—W. H. Hyde, J. K. Gardner, W. H. Osterhout, J. K. P. Hall, Ridgway, Pa.; Andrew Kaul, H. A. Hall, St. Mary’s, Pa. ; Wilson Kistler, Lock Haven, Pa. Clarksville and North Carolina RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N.C. Clarksville and Princeton Division. See Louisville and Nashyille RR. Cleveland and Canton RW. President and Gen. Manager—H. A. Blood, Boston, Mass. Ist Vice-Pres. and Treas.—Wm. O. Chapman, Boston. 2d Vice-Pres.—A. C. Barstow, Jr., Boston. Asst. Treasurer—E. D. Hewins, Boston. Gen. Supt.—J. W. Wardwell, Cleveland, O. Secretary—W. O. Chapman, Boston. Auditor—A. Thierry, Canton, O. Asst. Supt.—H. A. Kennedy, Canton. Gen. Counsel—Chas. H. Blood, Boston. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Albert Rokusek, Cleveland. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agent—Fred. R. Briggs, Cleveland. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Henry R. Moore, Cleveland. Contracting Agt.-—J. E. McNally, Cleveland. DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Rotch, New Bedford, Mass... (A. S. Emery,, Henry C, “Ranney, William Edwards, Seth T. Paine, Edw. S. Flint, Cleveland, O.; A. C. Barstow, Jr., Providence, R. I.; W. Rotch, H. A. Blood, George N. Smalley, Wm. O. Chapman, Boston, Mass. ; F. W. Hopkins, New York; Isaac H. Taylor, GarrolitonyO ss) Hs: Belden, Canton, O.; Isaac N. Pennock, Minerva, O. Cleveland and Mahoning Valley RW., Cleveland, O. President—Stevenson Burke. Treasurer—E, R. Perkins. Secretary—E. E. Poppleton. DIRECTORS—Stephenson Burke, C. G. Hic- kox, Amos Townsend, Chas. Pease, F. F. Hickox, E. R. Perkins, John Tod, Price McKinney, J. E. Ingersol, Cleveland, O. Cleveland and Marietta RW. President and Gen. Manager—A. T. Wykoff. Vice-Pres.—T. De Witt Cuyler. Auditor and Pur. Agent—C. C. Pickering. Sec. and Treas.—G. H. Candee, New York. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—W. K. Richards. Engr. and Rd. Master—J. I. Kidd. Supt. Trans. and Car Acct.—James C. Taylor. | Master Mechanic—John Glaser. DIRECTORS—Thomas De Witt Cuyler, Philadelphia; G. H. Candee, New York; A. T. Wykoff, Cambridge, O.; George K. Nash, Columbus, O.; A. J. Warner, Marietta, O. Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR. President—R. F. Smith, Cleveland, O. Vice-President—J. V. Painter, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas.—G. A. Ingersoll, Cleveland. DIRECTORS—George B. Roberts, Philadel- phia; Charles Lanier, Wm. C. Egleston, J. S. Kennedy, New York; E. A. Ferguson, Cin- Cinnatl LOM Vw Verrainter, Manchester, N. J.; S. I. Wright, Elizabeth, N. J.; George H. Brown, New York William S.Eno, Pine Plains,“ Niy-Y, ; Re Gueonny, Oaks Summit. Ng vee Cer, Kimball, Fiskhill-on-Hudson, N. Y.; N. T. Plass, Copake Iron Works, N. Y.;. W. A. Wells, Moore’s Mill’s, N. Y.; S. M. Davidson, Fishkill Village, N. Y.; Albert Emaus, La Grange, N. Y.; William H. Moore, Mattea- wan, N. Y.; George Potter, Billings, N. Y. Clover Leaf Route. Louis and Kansas City RR. See Toledo, St. Cobourg, Blairton and Marmora RW. President—T. B. Pearce, Cobourg, Ont. Secretary—E. Donald, Belleville, Ont. General Mgr.—T. B. Pearce, Cobourg, Ont. DirEcTORS-—-T. B. Pearce, James Crossen, Joseph Henderson, Cobourg; E. Donald, Belleville; J. B. Pearce, Norwood, Ont. ; H. M. Fowlds, Hastings, Ont. . Colchester RW., Colchester, Conn. President—Erastus S. Day. Sec. and Treas.—Giles G. Wickwire. DrIRECTORS--Leander Chapman, Giles G. | Wickwire, Wm. S. Curtis, Erastus S. Day, Colchester, Conn. ; George G. Standish, Dan- bury, Conn. Colebrookdale RR. Pres.—Joseph L. Bailey, Pine Iron Works, Pa. | Secretary—Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. | Treasurer—John Welsh, Philadelphia. DirREcTORS--A. A. McLeod, Geo. de B. | 40 Keim, A. J. Antelo, Samuel R. Shipley, D. B. | Boyer, town, Pa. Colorado Eastern RW. President—E. F. Hallack, Denver, Col. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. C. Wilde, New York. Gen. Manager—C. M. Wicker, Denver. DIRECTORS—E. H. Hallack, C. M. Wicker, Philadelphia ; James Boyd, Norris- | Denver, Col.; B. F. Vaughan, Providence, R. | I. ; George C. Wilde, C. L. Horton, New York. Colorado Midland RW. (‘‘Pike’s Peak Route,”’) President—Allen Manvel, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President—J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. General Manager—H. Collbran, Colorado Springs, Col. Secretary and Auditor—E. W. Sells, Colorado | Springs. Treas.—Charles E. Noble, Colorado Springs. Gen. Counsel—Jno. J. McCook, 120 Broadway, New York. Gen. Atty.—Henry T. Rogers, Denver, Col. Gen. Sol.—Geo. R. Peck, Topeka, Kan. Gen. Freight Agent—J. K. Waterman, Denver. | Gen. Pass. Agt.—Chas. S. Lee, Denver. Supt.—W. J. Lawrence, Colorado City, Col. Chief Eng.—B. H. Bryant, Colorado Springs. Trav. Pass. Agent—M. C. Baker, Denver. Trav. Pass. Agt.—S. N. Nve,Colorado Springs. Trav. Pass. Agt.—S. P. Madeira, Denver. Gen. Agent—H. Utah. G. \P. A. A. and PP, R. R.—W. A. Bissell, Chronicle Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Agt. R.G. W. RW.—W. H. Snedaker, 14 Montgomery st., San Francisco. DIRECTORS—George C. Magoun, man, Cecil Baring, Thomas Baring, William C. Burnett, Salt Lake City, Chair | labbey; john 7}... McCook, J... Rv Rusk; J.B. 4 Wheeler, New York; B. P. Cheney, J. W. | Reinhart, Boston, Mass. ; Allen Manvel, Chi- cago, Ill. nCor. Columbia and Greenville RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary and Treasurer—John C. Columbia, S. C. DirREcTORS--Geo. G. Evans, Aiken, S. C.; ; J. J. Hagerman, Colorado Springs, © B. Smith, R. L. McCaughrin, Newberry, S.C.; John L. | Young, Union, S. C.; Joseph Walker, Spar- tanburg, S. C.; H. Beatie, John Furguson, © Greenville, S. C.; W.-C. Benet, Abbeville, S. | 0-320 /Bainreay,; Anderson, So C.> Roe Weel Skand, F. W. McMaster, Columbia, S. C.; W. G. Oakman, John A. Rutherfurd, New York. Columbia and Port Deposit RW. President—W. H. Wilson, Philadelphia. | | | Secretary and Treasurer—James R. McClure, | Philadelphia. ! DIRECTORS—Jacob Tome, J. N. DuBarry, Henry D. Welsh, John P. Green, Wm. A. Pat- ton, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Columbia and Puget Sound RR. President—W. H. Starbuck, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—C. J. Smith, Seat- tle, Wash. Secretary—H. McLellan, Seattle. Treasurer—Oregon Imp. Co., Seattle. Auditor—J. T. Campion, Seattle. ‘DIRECTORS—W. H. Starbuck, New York ; F. H. Prince, Boston, Mass.; C.J. Smith, J. C. Haines, H. McLeilan, Seattle. Columbia, Newberry and Laurens RR. President—W. G. Childs, Columbia, S. C. Vice-Pres.—H. C. Moseley, Prosperity. S. C. Sec. and Treas.—T. H. Gibbey, Columbia. DirEcToRS—M. A. Carlisle, George S. Mower, Newberry, S C.; H. C. Moseley, Prosperity, S. C. ; W. H. Lyles, James Wood- row, W. A. Clark, John J. Sloan, Jr., W. B. Lowrance, Columbia, S. C. Columbus and Cincinnati Midland RR. President—Orland Smith, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—S. P. Peabody, Columbus, O. Treasurer—Theo. H. Butler. Columbus and Maysville RW. Oper- ated by Samuel Hunt, Agent for purchasers, Cincinnati, O. Columbus and Xenia RR. President—P. W. Huntington. Sec. and Treas.—Robert S. Smith, Columbus, Ohio. DIRECTORS—john W. Andrews, B. F. Mar- tin, Rutherford H. Platt, George M. Parsons, P. W. Huntington, R. A. Harrison, Robert S. Smith, Alfred Thomas, William B. Hayden. Columbus, O.; James A. Swan, Newport, R. I.; Henry Hanna, Cincinnati, O.; Thomas D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Columbus, Findlay and Northern RW. President—R. D. Marshall. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Short, Cincinnati, O. Columbus, Hocking Valley and Toledo RW. (‘‘ Buckeye Route.’’) President—C. C. Waite. Ist Vice-Pres.—Samuel D. Davis, New York. 2d Vice-Pres.—Charles B. Alexander, New York. Secretary and Treasurer—W. N. Cott, Solicitor—C. O. Hunter. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—W. H. Fisher. Gen. Freight Agt.—W. A. Mills. Auditor—F. B. Everrett. Chief Engineer—F. B. Sheldon. Car Serv. Agt.—Thos. R. Limer, Columbus,O. North. Pass. Agent—E. R. Davidson, Detroit, Mich. South. Pass. Agt.—L.W. Landman,Columbus. City Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—L. W. Buckmaster, Columbus. District Pass. Agt.—H. A. Wilson, Toledo, O. Commercial Agent—C. C. Gridley. DIRECTORS—C. C. Waite, P. W. Hunting ton, James Kilbourne, Columbus. O.; Charles B. Alexander, New York ; George W. McCook, Steubenville, O. ; Charles Foster, Fostoria, O.; Samuel D. Davis. Thomas F. Ryan, Charles B. Van Nostrand, New York. 41 Columbus, Hope and Greensburg RR. President—M. E. Ingalls. Vice-President and Secretary—E. F. Osborn. Treasurer—George S. Russell, Cincinnati, O. Columbus, Kinkora and Springfield RR. President—Jno. Bishop. Sec. and Treas.—Peter E. Harvey. DIRECTORS—Jno. Bishop, Peter E. Harvey, Caleb Wood, Jacob E. Ridgway, J. Elwood |. Hancock, Charles N. Shreve, Amos Gibbs, Clifford Stanley Sims, Wm. N. Bannard, Wm. J. Sewell. Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW. President—P. W. Huntington, Columbus, O. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—F. J. Picard. Treasurer—H. D. Turney. Sec. and Gen. Solicitor—W. FE. Guerin. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—W. W. Daniel. Auditor and Asst. Treas.—C. A. Covert. Superintendent—H. O. Pond. Train Master—M. T. Seymour. DIRECTORS—D.S. Gray, P.W. Huntington, H. D. Turney, G. C. Hoover, Charles Parrott, F. J. Picard, W. E. Guerin, Samuel Huston, Columbus, O.; D. B. Hatch, H. W. Putman, New York ; Chase Andrews, Zanesville, O. Columbus Southern RW. President—W. B. Lowe, Atlanta, Ga. Vice-President—J. W. English, Atlanta. Sec. and Treas.—G. W. Parrott, Atlanta. Gen. Mgr.—Cecil Gabbett. Superintendent—H. C. Hali. Auditor and Asst. Treasurer—W. C. Watters, _ Columbus, Ga. DIRECTORS--W. B. Lowe, J. W. English, George W. Parrott, Atlanta, Ga.; T. E. Blan- eiard, 1: J. Pearce, -S. A. Garter, Columbus, Ga.; John Stephens, Cusseta, Ga.; B. H. Hood, Dawson, Ga.; Nelson Tift, Albany, Ga. | Colusa and Lake RR. President—W. P. Harrington. Vice-President—E. W. jones. Treasurer—Colusa County Bank. Secretary—T. Harrington, Colusa, Cal. DIRECTORS—W. P. Harrington, E. W. Jones, E. A. Harrington, J. W. Goad, George Hager, Colusa, Cal.; John Boggs, Princeton, Cal:> J. -H. ‘Roberts, Sacramento, Cal.; P. Peterson, John Sites, Sites, Cal. Concord and Claremont RR. President — Alvah W. Sulloway, Franklin, N. H. Treasurer—George N. Crocker, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Daniel Barnard, Franklin. Concord and Montreal RR. President — Frederick Smyth, Manchester, N>.H. Treasurer—John F. Webster, Concord. Executive Committee—B. A. Kimball, J. H. Pearson, Concord, N. H.; C. A. Busiel, Laconia, N. H. Clerk—Frank S. Streetor, Concord. Gen. Mgr.—T.A. McKinnon, Concord. Superintendent—FE. F. Mann, Concord. Supt. Cons.—W. A. Stowell, Concord. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—D. C. Prescott, Concord. G. P. and T. A.—F. E. Brown, Concord. Asst. G. P. A.—Geo. W. Storer, 207 Washing- ton st., Boston, Mass. Supt. M. P.and R. S.—J. T. Gordon, Concord. Supply Agt.—Wm. H. Alexander, Concord. Gen. Bag. Agt.—J. M. Jones, Concord. DIRECTORS—Frederick Smyth, Walter M. Parker, Noah S. Clark, Manchester, N. H.; Benj. A. Kimball, John H. Pearson, John A, White, Samuel S. Kimball, Concord, N. H.; Alpha J. Pillsbury, Charles E. Tilton, Tilton, N. H.; Chas. E. Morrison, Boston, Mass.; Lewis C. Pattee, Winchester, Mass.; Charles A. Busiel,, Laconia, N. H.; Hiram N. Turner, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Concord and Portsmouth RR. President— John J. Pickering, Portsmouth, Nveit? Treasurer—W. Byron Stearns, Manchester, Noe. Clerk—Wallace Hackett, Portsmouth. DiRECTORS—John J. Pickering, Wm. A. Pierce, Wm. H. Hatchett, Portsmouth ; Moody Currier, Walter M. Parker, Manchester ; Jos. Brea Walzer, Concord, N. HH: -5 john. J: ‘Bell, Rxeter, Neo. Conesus Lake RR., 21 Cortlandt st., New York. President—Lovette P. West, Lakeville, N. Y. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. DrirREcCTORS—John King, George W. Quin- tard, J. G. McCullough, A. R. Macdonough, E. B. Thomas, New York; Lovette P. West, Lakeville ; G. H. Lester, Lestershire, N. Y. Confluence and Oakland RR. President—Thomas M. KIng, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore. Actg. Secretary—J. B. Washington, Pitts- burgh, Pa. DirEcTORS—John M. King, J. Bayard Henry, Joseph N. Crawford, Edward D. Toland, Philadelphia; John K. Cowen, E. J. Cross, Geo. W. Haulenback, Baltimore. Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers RR. President—A. B. Harris, 45 Broadway, New York. Treasurer—James H. Williams, Bellows Falls, Vt. Secretary—H. C. Cleveland, Coventry, Vt. Connecticut River RR. President—John Mulligan, Springfield, Mass. Clerk and Treasurer—Seth Hunt. Springfield. Auditor—W. H. Wilson, Springfield. Asst. Treasurer—Geo. E. Frink, Springfield. Superintendent—H. F. Sampson, Springfield. DirEcTors—John Mulligan, Springfield ; A. B. Harris, Boston, Mass. ; Oscar Edwards, Northampton, Mass.: Charles S. Sargent, Brookline, Mass. ; William Whiting, Holyoke, Mass.; Frederick H. Harris, Springfield ; E. F. Lane, Keene, N. H.; James A. Rumrill, Springfield; James H. Williams, Bellows Falls, Vt.; J. H. Albin, Concord, N. H. The Connecting RW. President—J. N. DuBarry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—G. B. Boberts, John P. Green, Henry D. Welsh, William A. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Connecting Terminal RR. President—Frank J. Firth, Philadelphia. Vice-Pres.—Edwin T. Evans, Buffalo, N. Y. Secretary—A. D. Hepburn, Philadelphia. Treasurer-—P. R. Perkins, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—James C. Evans, Edwin T. Evans, Buffalo; Frank Hoffman, Joseph D. Potts, Henry H. Houston, George B. Bonnell, John E. Payne, Andrew D. Hepburn, James S. Swartz, Frank J. Firth, William H. Barnes, Philadelphia ; William M. Potts, Barneston, Pa.; William Thaw, Jr., Pittsburgh, Pa. Consolidated Coal Co. ' berland and Penna. RR.) President—Chas. F. Mayer. Secretary and Treasurer—T. K. Stuart. Sean Agent—P. L. Burwell, Cumberland, M (Owner of Cum- DIRECTORS—Wnm. F. Burns, Wm. F. Frick, James Gregg, Wm. Whitewright, Edward De Rose, Robert Garrett, James Sloan, Jr., Geo. A. Von Lingen, Wm. P. Harvey, Geo. de B. Keim. Consolidated RRs. of Vermont. Central Vermont RR. Co. See Cooperstown and Charlotte Valley RR. President and Treasurer—Datus E. Siver, Cooperstown, N. Y. Vice-President—John K. Leaning, Coopers- town. Secretary, Treasurer and Gen. Pass. Agent— Edgar H. Lake, Cooperstown. Gen. Mgr.—E. M. Harris, Cooperstown. DIRECTORS—Datus E. Siever, Edwin M. Harris, John K. Leaning, George Brooks, J. Fred Rustle, J. Warren Lamb, George L. Gould, Edwin S. Bundy, Jas. W. Tucker, Thos. S. Blodgett, Charles R. Burch, Coopers- town ; George N. Bliss, Milford, N. Y.; Robt. Orr, West Davenport, N. Y. Cooperstown and Susquehanna Val- ley RR. President—Horace Lathrop, NioYs Vice-President—Albert Lane, Cooperstown. Secretary and Treasurer—S. J. W. Reynolds, Cooperstown. DrrECTORS—Horace Lathrop, Sands Shum- way, Albert Lane, W. H. Michaels, Peter Cooperstown, Marshall, Adriel Murphy, Allen Gallup, Orrin | Benton, John Wood, S. J. W. Reynolds, Thos. W. Thayer, Francis Hecox, Cooperstown ; Lancelot Taylor, Fly Creek, N. Y. Corning, RW. President—George J. Magee, Corning, N. Y. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—Daniel Beach, Corn- ing. Secretary—L. B. Robinson, Corning. DIRECTORS—George J. Magee, Daniel Beach, John Lang, John Magee, Watkins, N. Y.; Daniel C. Howell, Bath, N. Y.; Alfred L. Edwards, New York; Henry Sherwood, Wellsboro’, Pa. Cornwall and Lebanon RR. President—Robert H. Coleman, Cornwall, Pa. | Treasurer—Allen D. Hoffer. Secretary—George Dyekise. Cowanesque and Antrim | 42 Gen. Supt.—Ned Irish, Lebanon, Pa. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—A. D. Smith. Chief Engr.—T. R. Crowell. DirRECTORS—John Meily, Grant Weidman, A. Hess, J. H. Redsecker, Charles W. Few, C. Shenk, George D. Rise, Lebanon, Pa. Cornwall RR. President—William C. Freeman. Vice-President—R. P. Alden, Cornwall, Pa. Treasurer—D. S. Hammond, Lebanon, Pa. Secretary—J. P. Jackson, Cornwall. DIRECTORS—William C. Freeman, R. Percy Alden; J. P. Jackson, .E. C, Freeman, Corn- wall, Pa.; D. S. Hammond, Lebanon, Pa. Cornwallis Valley RW. Mer.—G. A. Parker, Canning Station, N. S. Coshocton and Southern RR. President—J. W. Cassingham, Coshocton, O. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. H. Blood, Boston, Mass. Cotton Belt Route. See St. Louis and Southwestern RR. Coudersport and Pine Creek RR. President—F. W. Knox, Coudersport, Pa. Vice-President—F. H. Root, Buffalo, N. Y. Secretary—A. B. Mann. Treasurer—W. K. Jones, Coudersport. Chief Engr. and Gen. Pass. Agt.—B. A. Mc- Clure, Coudersport. DIRECTORS—J. L. Knox, A. G. Olmstead, J. Benson, R. L. Nichols, B. D. Hamlin, F. H. Root, B. A. McClure, Coudersport, Pa. ; M. E. Olmstead, Harrisburg, Pa. Coudersport and Port Allegany RR. President—James L. Knox, Coudersport, Pa. Vice-President—C. S. Carey, Olean, N.Y. . Secretary—A. B. Mann. Treasurer—W. K. Jones, Coudersport. Gen. Supt., Fgt. and Ticket Agent—B. A. McClure, Coudersport. DIRECTORS—C. S. Carey, Olean; F. H. Root, Buftalo, N. Y.; B. D. Hamlin, Smeth- DOLt ww Pals, shiv @, Blaksles, (Olean 20;M.'S. Thompson, A. G. Olmstead, Isaac Benson, R. L. Nichols, Coudersport. Covington and Cincinnati Elevated RR. and Transfer and Bridge Co. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Covington, Flemingsburg and Ash- land RR. President—W. W. Franklin, Columbus, O. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—Watson Andrews. Sec. Gen. Mgr. and Supt—N. S. Dudley, Flemingsburg, Ky. DIRECTORS—B. S. Brown, W. W. Frank- lin, Columbus ; H. K. McHarg, New York; David Wilson, Watson Andrews, Flemings- burg. Crawford and Manistee River RW. President—A. E. Cartier, Ludington, Mich. Vice-Pres.—Jas. Dempsey, Manistee, Mich. Secretary—W. Wente, Manistee. Treasurer—L. T. Dempsey, Manistee. Gen. Mgr., Gen. Supt., Gen. Traffic Mgr. and Purchasing Agent—Nicholas Dowen, Fletcher, Mich. DIRECTORS—Wm. Wente, Allen McKee, James Dempsey, L. T. Dempsey, Manistee, Mich. ; A. E. Cartier, Ludington. Credit Valley RW. Pacific RW. EE.’ ’. Crescent Springs RR. President—A. Lamb, Clinton, Ia. Vice-Pres.—D. R. Moore, Eau Claire, Wis. Gen. Mgr., Sec. and Purchasing Agt.—David Joyce, Lyons, Ia. Gen. Supt.—James Devereux, Shell Lake, | Wis. Cresson, Clearfield County and New New. York Short Route RR. President—A. S. Morrow, Hollidaysburg, Pa. Vice-President—George T. Bliss, New York. Secretary and Treasurer—N. A. Gardner, Altoona, Pa. Gen. Mgr. and Supt.—W. P. Rathbun, Cres- son, Pa. Train Master and Car Acct.—E. J. Burgoon, Cresson. DrrREcTOoRS—Charles E. Pugh, Philadel- | phia ; George T. Bliss, Joseph M. Duell, New York ; John P. Levan, J. W. Curry, Altoona, Pa.; O. W. Gardner, Martin Bell, Jr., James Condron, Wiliiam P. Smith, P. W. Snyder, Hollidaysburg, Pa.; Samuel Hegarty, Coal- port, Pa. Crooked Creek RR. and Coal Co. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. C. Willson, | Lehigh, Ia. Vice-President—John Q. Burnham, Milwau- kee, Wis. Secretary and Treas.—J. M. Funk, Webster City, Ia. Auditor—C: L. Moyer, Lehigh. DirREcTORS—J. M. Funk, W. C. Willson, Webster oCity,.la.;. Mrs, E. J. L.. Hanson, fenieago. Illy. .A. KK. Hamilton, J. O. Burn- ham, Chas. T. Burnham, Milwaukee, Wis. Crown Point Iron Co’s RR. President—Le G. B. Cannon, New York. Sec. and Treas.—H. M. Olmstead, New York. | Auditor—Talbot Oliphant, New York. Asst. Gen. Mgr. and Pass. Agt.—H. L. Reed, | Crown Point, N. Y. See Canadian | 43 Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. H. Lancto, Crown Point. | Master Mech. Sanders, Crown Point. Road Master—Richard Riley, Crown Point. Gen. Mgr.—A. L. Inman, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Crystal RW. President—E. A. Hitchcock, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—J. M. Leete, St. Louis. - Treasurer and Auditor—C. W. Barnes, St. Louis. Secretary—E. T. Allen, St. Louis. Supt.—G. F. Neale, Crystal City, Mo. DiRECTORS—Carlos S. Greeley, James M. Leete,.E. T. Allen, Henry Hitchcock, Ethan | A. Hitchcock, St. Louis. and Car Builder—C. W. | Cumberland and Maurice River Ex- | tension RR. * President—J. R. Maxwell, New York. Treasurer—J. W. Watson, New York. Secretary—Samuel Knox, 120 Broadway, New | York. | Cumberland and Maurice River RR. President—J. R. Maxwell, New York. Treasurer—J. W. Watson, New York. Secretary—Samuel Knox, 120 Broadway, New York. Cumberland and Pennsylvania RR. President—Charles F. Mayer, Baltimore, Md. Secretary and Treasurer—T. K. Stuart, Balti- more. Res. Agt. and Gen. Supt.—P. L. Burwell, Cumberland, Md. DIRECTORS—William F. Burns, William F. Frick, James Gregg, Baltimore; William Whitewright, Edward De Rose, New York ; Robert Garrett, James Sloan, Jr., George A. Von Lingen, William P. Harvey, Geo. de B. _ Kiem, Philadelphia. Cumberland Gap Line. See Norfolk and Western RR. and Louisville and Nash- ville RR. Cumberland RW. and Coal Co. President—John McDougall, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—Robert Cowans, Montreal. Sec. and Treas.—H. R. Drummond, Montreal. Gen Mgr.-—J. R. Cowans, Spring Hill, N. S. Supt.—J. G. Aikman, Parrsboro’, N. S. Chief Engr.—W. F.C. Parsons, Spring Hill. Mgr. at Mines—A. McInnis, Spring Hill. Mech. Supt.—George Hall, Spring Hill. Cashier—R. H. Cooper, Spring Hilt. Purchasing Agt.—E. Laflamme, Spring Hill. Cumberland RW. President—John McDougall, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—Robert Cowans, Montreal. Gen. Mgr.—J. R. Cowans, Spring Hill, N. S. Sec. and Treas.—H. R. Drummond, Montreal. Traffic Mgr.—J. Gresham Aikman, Parrsboro’, Nn: Cumberland Valley and Martinsburg RR. President—Thomas B. Kennedy, Chambers- burg, Pa. Secretary—M. T. Ingles, Martinsburg, W. Va. Treasurer—James B. Russell. Cumberland Valley RR. President—Thomas B. Kennedy, Chambers- burg, Pa. Vice-President—John Stewart, Chambersburg. Secretary and Treasurer—W. M. Biddle, Chambersburg. Superintendent—J. F. Boyd, Chambersburg. Gen. Pass. Agt.—H. A. Riddle. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—A. L. Langdon, Harrisburg, Pa. Auditor—W. L. Ritchey. DIRECTORS—Thos. B. Kennedy, John Stew- art, M. C. Kennedy, Chambersburg; J. Her- man Bosler, Edward B. Watts, Carlisle, Pa. ; Geo. B. Roberts, J. N. Du Barry, John P. Green, H. H. Houston, Philadelphia; W. W. Jennings, Harrisburg; A. J. Cassatt, Haver- fordiek. Or Pax Current River RR. President and Gen. Manager—Geo. H. Nettle- ton, Kansas City, Mo. Treasurer and Trans. Agt.—Chas. Merriam, Boston, Mass. 44 ae and Compt.—J. S. Ford, Kansas ity. DIRECTORS—Geo. H. Nettleton, Wallace Sratiy) sor ord, 1. .Pe ana ys. Hi bmmert; Kansas City. Daguscahonda RR. Supt.—D. Robertson, Dagus Mines, Pa. Danbury and Norwalk RR. President—F. St. John Lockwood, Norwalk, Conn. | Vice-Pres.—C. H. Merritt, Danbury, Conn. | Secretary and Treas.—E. Robinson, Bridge- | port, Conn. Div. Supt.—F. C. Payne, Danbury. DrrREcTORS—F. St. John Lockwood, W. B. E. Lockwood, S. H. Smith, Levi Warner, Norwalk ; bE Hill, South Norwalk, Conn. : W. H. Starbuck, J. A. Bostwick, J. L. Macau- | lay, New York; W. H. Stevenson, Bridge- port; C. L. Rockwell, Meriden, Conn.; C. H. Merritt, Danbury. Dansville and Mount Morris RR. President—E. P. C. Lewis, Hoboken, N. J. ‘Vice-President and Treasurer—August Stein; New York. | Secretary and Mounsclena’ SS Murray, Irs) New York. Superintendent—B. P. Humphreys, Attica, NOY) DiIRECTORS—Lucius N. Bangs, Buffalo, N.Y. | Ambrose S. Murray, New “York ; August Stein, E. P. C. Lewis, Edwin A. Stevens, Hoboken ; George Freifeld, Brooklyn, N. Y.; CC. E. Tolhurst, Rutherford, N.J.; F. M. Perine, Chas. Shephard, Dansville, N. Y. Danvers RR. President—Frank Jones, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Amos Blanchard, Andover, Mass. Auditor—Wm. J. Hobbs, Malden, Mass. Clerk of Cor.—Sigourney Butler, Quincy, Mass. Danville and East Tennessee RR. See | East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia RW. Danville and La Grange RR. President—Nathaniel Baxter, Nashville, Tenn. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—A. M. Shook, Nashville. | Sec. and Treas.—W. E. McNeilly, Nashville. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—Percy Warner, Nashville. | Supt.—D. P. Wrenne, Stribling, Nashville. Danville and Shamokin RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia, Pa. Secretary—Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. | ‘Treasurer—John Welch, Philadelphia. | DIRECTORS—George De B. Keim, James , Boyd, Thomas Dolan, A. J. Antelo, Samuel R. Shipley, W. R. Taylor, Thomas Cochran, A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Danville and Western RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. | Treasurer and Gen. Superintendent—G. K. — Griggs, Danville, Va. | Secretary—W. H. Marbury, Alexandria, Va. Auditor—D. P. Stallard, Danville. | DrirRECTORS-—-John H. Inman, Thomas M. | Logan, Samuel Thomas, New York; James | G. Penn, Joseph D. Blair, Charles H. Conrad, © Danville; D. W. Spencer, Spencer, Nady; 21: C. Lester, Martinsville, Va. ; J. H. Rangely, Stuart, Va. Danville, Mocksville and South- western RR. Receiver—J. T. Morehead, Leaksville, Ga. President—Thomas R. Sharpe, New York. Dardanelle and Russellville RW. President—Geo. L. Kimball, Dardanelle, Ark. Vice-President and Mer. —D. L. Bourland, Little Rock, Ark. Treasurer—James K. Parry, Dardanelle. Secretary and Auditor—L. C. Hall, nelle. DIRECTORS—G. L. Kimball, Thomas Cox, Max Kaufman, John A. Ross, W. B. Lemoyne, L. C. Hall, Dardanelle, Ark.; D. L. Bourland, Little Rock, Ark. Darda- Dayton and Michigan RR. President—Thomas J. Emery. Vice-President—J. J. Emery. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Short, Cincinnati, O. DIRECTORS—Thomas J. Emery, John J. Emery, F. H. Short, David Sinton, F. Jones, R. B. Bowler, H. Jenner, Robt. Mecke, John Hall, Cincinnati, O. ; S. C. Reynolds, George Pomeroy, Toledo, O. Dayton and Union RR. President—H. F. Shoemaker, New York. Vice-Pres.and Gen. Mgr. —Joseph Ramsay,Jr., Cincinnati, O. Secretary—G. 's. Russell, Cleveland, O. Auditor—P. A. Hewitt, Cincinnati. Treasurer—F. H. Short, Cincinnati. DIRECTORS—H. F. Shoemaker, J. D.Layng, New York; G. S.. Russell; *H» H. Pepple- ton, Cleveland,O.; R. E. Marshall, Dayton,O.; Joseph Ramsey, Jr. M. D. Woodford, Julius Dexter, Eugene Zimmerman, Cincinnati. Dayton and Western RR. See Little Miami RR. Deadwood Central RR. President—Joseph Swift, Wilmington, Del. Vice-President—E. Van Cise, Deadwood, S.D. Sec., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—A. W. Coe, Deadwood. Gen. Supt., Chief Engr. and Auditor—F. W. Shaw, Deadwood. Purchasing Agt.—G. W. Pennypacker, Phila- delphia. DIRECTORS—J. Swift, Wilmington, Del.; Ed- win Van Cise, J. R. Wilson, E. M. Dale, A. W. Coe, Deadwood, S. D. Decatur, Chesapeake and New Or- leans RW. Receiver—W. L. Frierson, Shelbyville, Tenn. President—Wllliam Nelson Cromwell, New York. Vice-President—W. W. Ladd, Fayetteville, Tenn. Treasurer—Henry Belden, Fayetteville. Secretary—H. B. Berry, Fayetteville. DIRECTORS—William Nelson Cromwell, Wil- liam B. Wheeler, T. D. Warren, W.W. Ladd, John. J., Toffey, Henry, Belden, H. B. Berry, W..S. Burckett; M.S. Decker. Dedham Branch RR. RR. See Old Colony Deer Creek and Susquehanna RR. See Maryland Central RW. Deerfield River RW. See Hoosac Tun- nel and Wilmington RR. Delaware and Bound Brook RR. Pres. and Vice-Pres.—Edward C. Knight, dec’d. Sec. and Treas.—John S. Wise. Cashier—David K. Fuller. DiIRECTORS—Edward C. Knight,dec’d, John | H. Michener, Edward C. Knight, Jr., Henry Lewis, Philadelphia ; Charles S. Bayliss, New York ; George Richards, Frederick H. Beach, Dover, N. J.; Lewis H. ‘Taylor, High Bridge, hi) hae William Mershon, Samuel K. Wilson, A. J. Richey, Isaac F. Richey, Trenton, N. J. Delaware and Chesapeake RW. President—G. B. Roberts. Secretary—John C. Sims. Treasurer—Robt. W. Smith, Philadelphia. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. President—R. M. Olyphant, New York. Vice-President—LeGrand B. Cannon. 2d. Vice-Pres.—H. G. Young, Albany, N. Y. Treas. and Gen. Sales Agent—Jus. C. Hartt, New York. Asst. Treas.—Charles A. Walker, Secretary—F. M. Olyphant, New York. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—J. W. Burdick, Albany. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—James Colhoun, Albany. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Paul Wadsworth. Comp. and Purchasing Agt., Nor. RW. Dept. —J. White Strong, Albany. Supt. of Machinery— Supt. Nor. RW. Dept.—C. D. Hammond, Al- bany. Chief Engr. Nor. RW. Dept.—A. J. Swift, Albany. Supt. Penna. Division—C. R. Manville, Car- bondale, Pa. Gen. Bag. Agent—C. S. Pease, Albany. DirRECTORS—LeGrand B. Cannon, James Roosevelt, Robert M. Olyphant, Benjamin H. Bristow, . Chauncey M. Depew, R. Suydam Rahway, N. @ : | New York. | R. C. Blackall, Albany. | 45 Grant, Wm. H. Tillinghast, Cornelius Van- | derbilt, Al. Van Santvoord, Samuel Spencer, James A. Roosevelt, A. E. Orr, oncaeid eg lings, New York. Delaware and New England Co. President—John W. Brock, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Arthur E. Newbold, Phila- | delphia. DirEcTORS—Henry C. Gibson, W. W. Gibbs, Arthur Brock, John S. Wilson, Faw: Kennedy, C. Tower, Ir., A. Ey Newbold, Jos. F. Sinnot, John W. Brock, Wm. T. Carter, Geo. H. McFadden, Philadelphia ; Henry Mc- | Cormick, Harrisburg, bas New Orleans. H. 0. Seixas, Delaware and Otsego RR. President—Samuel W. Andrews, New York. Vice-Pres. and Sec.—Samuel G. Dimmick, Rondout, N. Y. Treasurer—R. B. Jones, Rondout. Gen. Supt.—James H. Jones, Rondout. ‘DIRECTORS—Samuel W. Andrews, New York ; Charles Bray, Samuel G. Dimmick, henryeG. s00puhinestonsN. YoueG: Dy. Bi Hasbrouck, Rondout ; Wm. B. Peters, Bloom- ville, N. Y.; James S. Kerr, South Kortright, NAY ope HenryaDavisy-Delhiy No Y.):) J. A. Thompson, M. S. Roberts, East Meredith, N. Y.; Albert Morris, Geo. I. Wilbur, A. C. Lewis, Oneonta, N. Y. Delaware Bay and Cape May RR. President—W. F. Russell, Philadelphia. Secretary—L. H. Cone,. Philadelphia. Treasurer—Chas. H. Mason, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—L. H. Cone, W. F. Russell, Charles H. Mason, R. P. Russell, S, A. Hen- drickson, Alex. E. Harvey, John W. Paxson, Philadelphia, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. President.—Samuel Sloan, New York. 2d Vice-Pres.—E. R. Holden, New York. 3d Vice-Pres.—W. 5S. Sloan, New York. Treasurer—Fredk. H. Gibbens, New York. Sec. and Aud.—Fred. F.Chambers, New York. Asst. Treas.—Arthur D.Chambers, New York. Gen. Mgr.—W. F. Hallstead, Scranton, Pa. Traffic Mgr.—B. A. Hegeman, New York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. F. Holwill, New York. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H.C. Hicks, New York. Western Fet. Mgr.—A. Fell, Buffalo, N. Y. Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—Richard S.' Robertson, 429 Broadway, New York. Gen. East. Pass. Agt..—N. Muller, Jr., 429 Broadway, New York, Gen. West. Pass. Agt.—H. J. Ball, Buffalo. Gen. Agent Pass. Syracuse, N. Y. District Pass. Agt.—M. L. Smith, Scranton. DIRECTORS—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J.; George Bliss, Percy R. Pyne, W. W. Astor, Wilson G. Hunt, Eugene Higgins, Benj. G. Clarke, Henry A. C. Taylor, J. Rogers Max- well, Geo. F. Baker, E. S. Auchincloss,, William Rockefeller, W. H. Appleton, New York; A. H. McClintock, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Dept.—W. C. Brayton, Delaware, Maryland and Virginia RR. See Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR. Delaware RR. President—E. T. Warner, Wilmington, Del. Secretary and Treas.—M. Hayes, Dover, Del DIRECTORS--W. T. Porter, E. Tatnall War- ner, George Gray, Wilmington, Del.; John P. Green,, Henry D. Welsh, J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia; Joseph R. Whitaker, Man- love Hayes, Dover, Del.; Charles J. Harring- ton, Alexander Johnson, Farmington, Del. ; James J. Ross, Seaford, Del.; Thomas Curry, Greenwood, Del.; W. T. Records, Laurel, Del. Delaware River and Lancaster RR. Vice-President—Austin Gallagher, 40 Wall st., New York. Secretary and Chief Engr.—Isaac W. Guildin, Reading, Pa. Treasurer—George A. Searles, New York. Auditor and Supt.—H. S. Beitenman, Pugh- town, Pa. Gen. Manager—George Potts, Pughtown. Purchasing “Agent—Robert Crane, ihe Traffic Agt.—John O. Keim, Philadelphia. 46 DirREcCToRS—Austin Gallagher, W. F. Her- bert, Jr., E. S. Larchar, Willard Hugson, New York; John H. Baumgardner, R. M. | Bolenius, John D. Skiles, Lancaster, Pa. ; J. K. Lineaweaver, Columbia, Pa.; Thomas Briggs, Doylestown, Pa. ; Henry W. Watson, | John O. Keim, Philadelphia; George Crane, Mountville, Pa.; A. W. Zane, Wm. A. Morton, Samuel Seldomridge. Delaware River RR. President—W. S. Conner. ‘Secretary—S. T. Miller. ae aati H. Green, Pedricktown, taf Auditor—G. W. Reed, Woodbury, N. J. | DIRECTORS—W. S. Conner, Samuel Hop- kins, Woodbury, N.J.; Alex. Justice, Pedrick- | town, N. J.; Henry A. Du Pont, E. B. Shurter, | A. L.' Foster, Wilmington, -Del.; John S. | Gerhard, Philadelphia. Delaware, RR. President—G. B. Roberts. Vice-President—Frank Thomson. Secretary—Robt. H. Groff. Treasurer—Robt. W. Smith, Philadelphia. Maryland and Virgina Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuyl- | kill RR. | President—Eckley B. Coxe, Drifton, Pa. Treasurer—J. Brinton White, Drifton. Secretary—Arthur McClellan, Drifton. DiRECTORS—Eckley B. Coxe, Alexander B. | Coxe, Arthur McClellan, J. Brinton White, Drifton, Pa.; Henry B. Coxe, 3 W. 30th st., | Br o.ely, 143 Liberty st., New York. Denison and Washita Valley RW. President—W. B. Munson, Denison, Tex. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—William Bond, New York. Secretary—C. W. Wetmore, New York. Superintendent—Edward Perry, Denison. DrirRECTORS—J. B. McDougall, W. B. Mun- son, Edward Perry, W.S. Nevins, J. T.,Mun- | son, Denison, Tex.; Colgate Hoyt, C. W. Wetmore, Charles L. Colby, Charles H. | Ropes, New York. Denison Rapid Transit RR. Pres., Supt. and Purchasing Agt.—R. J. Derby, Denison, Tex. Vice-President—B. C. Murray, Denison. Treasurer—Samuel Steer, Denison. Chief Engr.—C. W. Clark, Denison. | Secretary—C. F. Pease, Denison. | Denver and Boulder Valley RR. See Union Pacific RW. Denver and Rio Grande RR. Chairman Board of Directors—George Cop- | *—*pell, 24 Exchange place, New York. | Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Edward T. Jeffery, Denver, Col. Secretary and Asst. Treas.—Wm. Wagner, New York. Comptroller—Stephen Little, New York. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—J. W. Gilluly, Denver. Gen. Counsel—E. O. Wolcott, Denver. Traffic Mgr.—A. S. Hughes, Denver. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—S. K. Hooper, Denver. Mgr. of Express—G. W. Kramer, Denver. Auditor—E. R. Murphy, Denver. Gen. Supt.—N. W. Sample, Denver. Chief Engr.—M. H. Rogers, Denver. Chief Surgeon—J. W. O’Connor, Denver. Purchasing Agt.—C. M. Hobbs, Denver. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—F. A. Wadleigh, Denver. Asst. Gen. Fgt.Agt.—A. T. Wells, Jr., Denver. Fegt. Claim Agt.—C. Tucker, Denver. Chief Stkpr.—J. P. Pringle, Burnham, Col. Stationer—C. F. Hoeckel, Denver. Supt. First Div.—J. J. Burns, Pueblo, Col. Supt. Second and Third Divs.—R. M. Ridg- way, Salida, Col. Supt.. Fourth Div.—Coyle Lydon, Alamosa, Col. Gen. Agt.—T. W. Becker, 379 Broadway, New York. Gen. Agt.—J. W. Slosson, 236 Clark st., Chi- cago, Ill. Con. Agt.—Elmer Clark, 236 Clark st., Chi- cago. Gen. Agt.—W. M. Rank, 219 Front st., San Francisco, Cal. ; Con. Agt.—C. S. Orcutt, 219 Front st., San Francisco. Com. Agt.—Williamson Dunn, Los Angeles, - Cal. Gen. Agt.—W. J. Shotwell, Salt Lake City, Utah. Trav. Pass. Agt.—L. B. Eveland, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. F. Tibbits, Denver, Col. Com. Agt.—H. F. Kreuger, Denver. Trav. Fet. Agt.—A. Barney, Denver. Gen. Agt.—J. M. Ellison, Colorado Springs, Col. Gen. Agt.—A. Jackson, Pueblo, Col. Joint Agt.—S. M. Brown, Leadville, Col. Joint Agt.—Jesse H. Waters, Aspen, Col. Joint Agt.—J. R. DeRemer, Glenwood, Col. Gen. Pass. Agt. (R. G. W. RW).—J. H. Ben- net, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gen. Fgt. Agt. (R. G. W. RW).—A. H. Bab- cock, Salt Lake Citv. Gen. Agt. (R. G. W. RW).—W. H. Snedaker, 14 Montgomery st., San Francisco. DIRECTORS—George Coppell, Charles C. Beaman, Adolph Engler, Richard T. Wilson, William Mertens, New York ; Edmund Smith, J. Lowber Welsh, Philadelphia ; Edward T. Jeffery, E. O. Wolcott, Denver, Col. Denver and Santa Fe RR. See Atchi- son, Topeka and Santa Fe RR. Denver and Scranton RW. Owned and operated by the Denver RR., Land and Coal Go: | Gen. Mgr.—C. M. Wicker, Denver, Col. Denver, Apex and Western RR. Road being constructed. No information obtained. Denver, Leadville and Gunnison RW. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—James G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Deseret Salt Co. See Union Pacific RW. Des Moines and Fort Dodge RR. Pres.—Charles N. Gilmore, Des Moines, Ia. Treasurer—W. G. Purdy, Chicago, III. Secretary—John Givin, Des Moines. Des Moines and Kansas City RR. Pres.—M. V. B. Edgerly, Springfield, Mass. Vice-President—John C. Newton, Holyoke, Mass. Secretary—B. F. Kauffman, Des Moines, Ia. Treasurer—Fred. H. Harris, Springfield. Auditor and Supt.—Theo. C. Sherwood, Des Moines. Gen. Mer.—John C. Newton, Des Moines. DirEcTORS—R. T. Wilson, John S. Tilney, New York; D. B. Wessen, M. V. B. Edgerly, | Springfield, Mass. ; B. F. Folsom, W. F. Put- ham, Exeter, N. H.; John C. Newton, Des Moines, Ia.; A. C. Barstow, Jr., Providence, R. I. ; Edward Woodman, Portland, Me. Des Moines RW. President—F. M. Hubbell, Des Moines, Ia. ist Vice-President and Supt.—F. C. Hubbell, Des Moines. 2d Vice-Pres.—E. P. Pratt, Des Moines. Gen. Counsel—A. B. Cummins, Des Moines. Gen. Mgr.—L. M. Martin, Des Moines. - Secretary—R. L. Chase, Des Moines. Treasurer—H. D. Thompson, Des Moines. Auditor—J. M. Miller, Des Moines. Gen. Ticket Agt.—S. A. Stevenson, Moines. Com. Agt.—R. C. Martin, Des Moines. Con. Fget. Agt.—J. F. Jennings, Des Moines. Chief Eng.—C. W. McMeeken, Des Moines. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—A. W. Austin, Des Moines. Financial Agt.—A. N, Denman, Des Moines. Des Moines and Northern RR. See es Moines Northern and Western RR. Des Moines Union RW. President—F. C. Hubbell, Des Moines, Ia. 1st Vice-Pres.—A. B. Cummins, Des Moines. Secretary—F. M. Hubbell, Des Moines. ‘Treasurer—H. D. Thompson, Des Moines. DirEcTORS--G. M. Dodge, New. York; Charles M. Hayes, St. Louis, Mo.; L. M. Northern and Western Des 47 Martin, F. M. Hubbell, F. C. Hubbell, A. B. | Cummins, H. D. Thompson, A. N. Denman, | Des Moines. Detroit and Bay City RR. President—Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York. Wice-President—Henry B. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich, Secretary—E. D. Worcester, New York. DirEcTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, Samuel F. Barger, New York; Henry B. Ledyard, Detroit. Detroit, Bay City and Alpena RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Ira F. Holt. Vice-President—Stanley B. Huber. Secretary and Treasurer—Frank I. Holt. Gen. Agt.—Robt. Maxwell. DrrecTors—R. A. Alger, T. H. Newberry, | James McMillan, Hugh McMillan, Mit; 5. “Smith, J. C. McCall, Detroit, Mich. Detroit Belt Line. stral RR. Detroit, Grand Haven and Mil- Sec. and Treas.—W. A. Barr, St. Paul, Minn. _ Gen. Supt.—W. D. Barclay, Great Falls. _ Gen. Traffic Agt.—H. Martin, Great Falls. _ Auditor—H. F. Greenwood, Great Falls. _ Accountant—J. E. Leatherbridge, Great Falls. ; DirEcToRS—Sir Alexander T. Galt, Mon- me treal, Que.; Elliot T. Galt, Lethbridge, N. W. me l.; Donald Grant, Faribault, Minn.; T. E. _ Collings, Great Falls, Mont. ; Ww. A. Barr, Sr: Paul, Minn. Great Northern RW. mer resident—Jos. J. Hill, St. Paul, Minn. Asst. to Pres.—Thos. ie Hyman, St; Paul. _ Vice-Pres.—W. P. Clough, St. Paul. m= ireas. and Asst. Sec. —Edward Sawyer, St. 5 Paul. “4 Sec. and Asst. Treas.—E. T. Nichols,. New “i York. ~ Comp.—C. H. Warren, St. Paul. _ Aud. Disbursements—B. I. Farrington, = Paul. _ Aud. Fet. Receipts—R. L. Gibbs, St. Paul. Aud. Pass. Receipts—D. Davies, St. Paul. =Car Accountant—C. H. Cannon, St. Paul. - Gen. Sol.—M. D. Grover, St. Paul. _ Attorney—R. A. Wilkinson, St. Paul. A Right of Way Agt.—A. M. Scott, St. Paul. Claim Agt.—C. B. Yale, St. Paul. Land Commissioner—W. W. Braden, St. Paul. : Gen. Mgr.—A. L. Mohler, St. Paul. meen, Supt.—C. W. Case, St. Paul. DiRECTORS—H.W. Tyler, Edmonton, Eng.; | Eng.; James Charles, Harrow, Eng.; J. Marn- | Granite Mountain and Marble Falls | 61 St: Asst. Gen. Supt.—E. B. Wakeman, St. Paul. Supt. Fergus Falls Div.—J. B. Rice, ro sg AR Supt. Breckenbridge Div.—R. W. Bryan, Minneapolis, Minn. Supt. No. Div.—C. H. Jenks, Barnesville, Minn. Supt. Dakota Div.—E. J. Evans, Larimore, Dak. Supt. Montana Div.—J. A. Mayer, Great Falls, Mont. Supt. Tel.—J. B. King, St. Paul. Supt. Dining and Sleeping Cars—Geo. Bonney, St. Paul. Master Mech.—J. O. Pattee, St. Paul. Chief Engr.—N. D. Miller, St. Paul. Engr. Main. of Way—A. H. Hogeland, St. Paul. Purchasing Agt.—Jos. W. Blabon. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—P. P. Shelby, St. Paul. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—F. I. Whitney, stryraul Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H, E. Danz, St: Paul. Mgr. Exp. Traffic—W. J. Footner, St. Paul. Gen. Bag. Agt.—S. A. Smart, St. Paul. Gen. Agt. aan, C. Harvey, 228 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Traveling Act. —Geo. A. Butler, 228 Washing- | ton st., Boston. Traveling Agt.—W. A. Seward, 228 Washing- ton st., Boston. Eastern Agt.—L. W. Lake, 375 Broadway, New York. Pass. Agt,—F. W. Huntington, 375 Broadway, New York. Mich. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—D. W. H. More- land, 323 Hammond Bldg., Detroit, Mich. Canadian Agt.—J. M. Huckins, 4 Palmer House Block, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Agt.—W. F. Herman, 155 St. Claire st., Cleveland, O. Gen. Agt.—L. W. Campbell, 132 Jackson st., Chicago, IIl. City Pass. “Agt. —Jas. Young, 132 Jackson ed Chicago. Trav. Pass. and Fet. Agt.—W. J. Byrth, Jackson st., Chicago. Immigration Agt.—Max Bass, St. Paul. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. A. McAndrew, St. Paul. Commercial Agt.—J. H. McAdoo, 94 Fourth ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Agt.—S. L. Warren, 393 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. 132 Trav. Agt.—W. M. Romine, 393 Broadway, Milwaukee. Gen. Agt.—H. G. McMicken, Winnipeg, Man. Trav. Pass. Agt. Mont. Cent. RW.—L. C. Stebbins, Helena, Mont. Immigration Agt.—J. Bookwalter, Great Falls. Gen. Agt.—E. S. Jackson, 84% First st., Portland, Ore. Gen Agt.—F. F. Connor, 18 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Contract. Fgt. Agt.—J. J. Wait, St. Paul. Live Stock Agt.—C. F. McDaniels, St. Paul. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. G. Dawes, St. Paul. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. W. Searles, St. Paul. Trav: Pass. Agt. G.. N..RW.—W..H. Long, 233, Fourth st., Des Moines, Ia : Trav. Pass. Agt. C. P. RW.—E. C. Oviatt, 323 Hammond Building, Detroit. DirECTORS—Lord Mount Stephen, London, Eng.; Sir Donald A. Smith, Montreal, Que.; George Bliss, J. Kennedy Tod, New York ; James J. Hill, W. P. Clough, Edward Sawyer, M. D. Grover, St. Paul; Samuel Hill, Minnea- polis. Great Northern RW. (Canada.) President—T. J. Sullivan, Albany, N. Y. Vice-President— R. Prefontaine, Cai, Sec., Treas. and Mgr.—L. A. Globensky, | Montreal. DIRECTORS—R. Prefontaine, L. A. Globen- sky, G. A. Nautel, M. S. Lonergan, J. O. Dupins, Montreal, Can.; T. J. Sullivan, Albany, N. Y.; Jos. Clarkson, New Glasgow, | Que. Great Northwest Central RR. Officers and Directors not furnished. Great Salt Lake and Hot Springs RW. President—Simon Bamberger, Salt Lake City, Utah. ist Vice-President—John Beck, Salt Lake City. Secretary—Charles E. Pearson, City. Manager—H. M. McCartney, Salt Lake City. DIRECTORS—Simon Bamberger, John Beck, Josiah Barnett, H, M. McCartney, James F. Woodman, David Stoker, Hudson Smith, Salt Lake City, Utah. Salt Lake Green Bay, Stevens Point and North- ern RR. President—John L. Blair, Blairstown, N. J. Green Bay, Winona and St. Paul RW. | President—Samuel Sloan, 26 Exchange pl., New York. Vice-President—Joseph aris Walker, Building, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Theo. Sturges, 52 Wall st., | New York. Gen. Mgr.—S. W. Champion. Superintendent—F. B. Seymour. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. B. Last. Cashier—F. W. Froemke, Green Bay, Wis. Car Accountant—F. E. Teetshorn. Master Mechanic—A. Fenwick. DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, E. T. Hatfield; W. S. Sloan, Jos. Walker, Jr., Theo. Sturges, New York; John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J.; B. G. Clark, Jersey City, N. J.; S. W. Champion, W. J. Abrams, Green Bay, Wis. Green Cove and Midland RW. President—John W. Ashby, Gainesville, Fla. Treasurer—F. C. Greeley, Cove Springs, Fla. Receiver—J. H. Durkee. Greenbrier and New River RR. President—M. E. Ingalls. Greene RR. Pres.—Maurice Birdsall, Binghamton, N. Y. Vice-President—Samuel Sloan, New York. Asst. Treas.—Frederick H. Gibbens, New York. Asst. Sec.—Frederick F. Chambers, New York. Secretary and Treasurer—Joseph E. Juliand, Greene, N. Y. Gen. Mgr.—Wm. F. Halstead, Scranton, Pa. Asst. Supt.—A. C. Salisbury, Utica, N. Y. <3 DirEcTOoRS—Maurice Birdsall, Bingham- ton, N. Y.; F. E. Barnard,.E. B, Jackson, Frederick Juliand, Joseph E. Juliand, Wm. J. Montreal, | Mills | 62 Russell, B. A. Welch, J. Fred. S. Cunning- ham, J. D. Van Valkenbury, Jr., Greene, N. Y.; Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyrie, Frederick H. Gibbens, New York; Fred. F. Chambers, Somerville, N. J. . Greenfield and Northern RR. Gen. Mgr.—T. A. Miller, Greenfield, Mo. Greenlick Narrew-Gauge RW. President and Gen. Supt.—D. H. Pershing, Stauffer’s Station, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. H. Sewell, Scottdale, Pat Division Supt.—David White, Scottdale. DirEcTORS—D. H. Pershing, Stauffer’s Station; Geo. K. Miles, Edwin Miles, H. C. Frick, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; David White, Jos. R. Stauffer, Nathaniel Miles, Scottdale; G. A. Hogg, Pittsburgh; G. E. Hogg, Brownsville, Pa. Green Mountain RW. President—F. H. Clergue, Bangor, Me. Treasurer—F. M. Laughton, Bangor. Sec. and Gen. Mger.—M. H. Wardwell, Bangor. DrrREcTORS—F. M. Laughton, C. A. Gibson, Eugene M. Hersey, Francis H. Clergue, Ban- gor. Green Pond, Branchville RR. President—H. S. Haines, New York. Treasurer—J. Moultrie Lee, Savannah, Ga. Supt.—C. S. Gadsden, Charleston, S. C. Gen. Fget. dnd Pass. Agt.—E. P. McSwiney, Charleston. Auditor and Purchasing Agent—J. E. Smith, Charleston. Green Ridge RR. Pres. and Purchasing Agt.—F. Mertens, Cum- berland, Md. Treasurer—Wm. M. Mertens, Cumberland. Supt.—Edward Schilling, Cumberland. Green River Water-Works Co. Union Pacific RW. Co. Greenwich and Johnsonville RW. President—William D. Robertson, North Greenwich, N. Y. Secretary—E. H. Gibson, Greenwich. Treasurer—C. H. Van Ness, Greenwich, N.Y. Superintendent—J. H. Thompson. DIRECTORS —W. D. Robertson, North Greenwich; H. Cottrell, E. H. Gibson, J. H. Thompson, W. L. Cozzens, C. H. Van Ness, Henry Gray, W. L. Mowry, A. B. Cole, Walden Eddy, J. O. la Vake, Greenwich ; Edward Whiteside, South Cambridge, N. Y.; Robert McMurray, West Cambridge, N. Y. Guelph Junction RR. President—William Bell, Guelph, Ont. Vice-President—George Sleeman, Guelph. Secretary and Treasurer—A. H. Macdonald, Guelph. DIRECTORS—William Bell, Charles David- son, Thomas Gowdy, John M. Bond, C. Ray- mond, G. Sleeman, C. Kloepfer, S. J. Taylor. Gulf and Chicago RR. Vice-President—John W. T. Falkner, Oxford, Miss. Secretary and Gen. Manager—C. L. Harris, Ripley, Miss. Treasurer—E. F. Campbell, Memphis, Tenn. Walterboro’ and See DIRECTORS—John W. T. Falkner, Oxford ; | N. G. Carter, L. D. Hines, Will Hines, C.° L. Harris, Ripley; E. F. Campbell, Memphis, Tenn. | ‘Gulf and Ship Island RR. President—W. H. Hardy, Meridian, Miss. Chief Engr. and Gen. Supt.—W. W. Hunger- ford, Gulfport, Miss. DIRECTORS—Wirt Adams, W. H. Hardy, Meme Nugent, J. S..Hamilton,R..W. Bald- win, T. A. McWillie, J. H. Mooney, G. W. Wickersham. Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe RW. Chairman of the Board—George C. Magoun, New York. President—Allen: Manvel, Chicago, Ill. 6 Ist Vice-President and General Auditor—J. | W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. 2d Vice-Pres.—A. A. Robinson, Topeka, Kan. 4th Vice-President—Geo. Sealy, Galveston, hex: Comptroller—John P. Whitehead, Boston. Secretary and Treasurer—John M. Bird, Galveston. Asst. Secretary—L. C. Deming, Boston. Asst. Treasurer—George L. Goodwin, Boston. Auditor—Walter E. Lufkin, Galveston. Gen. Counsel—John J. McCook, New York. Gen. Solicitor—George R. Peck, Topeka. Solicitor for Texas.—J. W. Terry, Galveston. Gen. Claim Agt.—H. S. Downey, Galveston. Land and Tax Com.—T. W. Jackson, Gal- | veston. General Manager—C. O. Wheeler, Galveston. Asst. Engr.—M. W. Wambaugh, Galveston. Purchasing Agt.—W. G. Tuller, Chicago. Gen. Storekeeper—T. O. Wood, Galveston. Stationer—A. B. Merrick, Galveston. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. H. Masters, Galveston. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agts.—C. O. Shepherd, Gal- | veston; Jas. M. Steere, Dallas, Tex. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—H. G. Thompson, | Galveston. Gen. Baggage Agt.—Dan Driscoll, Galveston. Master Mech.—Joseph Billingham, Galveston. Asst. Master Mechanic—James McDonough, Galveston. Div. Supts.—C. S. Hayden, Downs, Cleburne, Tex. Supt. Telegraph—R. B. Gemmell, Topeka. Supt. Trans.—S. K. Wheeler, Galveston. Supt. Track Brgs. and Bldgs.—H. R. Irvine, Galveston. Cashier and Paymaster—Alfred C. Torbert, Galveston. Div. Master Mech.—J. Brady, Galveston. Train Masters—J. M. Gruber, Cleburne; F. A. Taylor, Temple, Tex. Road Masters—J. M. Bisbee, Cleburne; C. A. Lehman, Temple. Asst. Road Masters—W. Charles, J. J. Hess, Cleburne; M. Sweeney, Gainesville, Tex.; H. Lyons, Dallas, Tex.; H. N. Newland, Alvin, Tex.; A. F. Gibson, Brenham, Tex. ; J. G. Meenan, Goldthwaite, Tex. ; Tom Warren, Santa Anna, Tex.; B. F. McCumsey, Navasota, Tex.; F. Hart- - man, Dallas, Tex. Bridge Masters—D. W. Lahey, Cleburne ; mS. call. lempile. Foreman Water Supply—P. Mullen,Cleburne ; J. L. Seibert, Temple. Be se De ao ) DIRECTORS — Geo. C. Magoun, John J. McCook, New York; A. Manvel, Chicago; Geo. Sealy, R. 5S. Willis; T. W. Terry, Thomas W. Jackson, Galveston. Gulf, Western Texasand Pacific RW. President—J. Kruttschnitt, Houston, Tex. Vice-President and Gen. Supt.—M. D. Mon- serrate, Victoria, Tex. Secretary—C. S. Wells, Victoria. Treasurer and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. J. Craig, Victoria. Auditor—R. S. Batson, Victoria. Gen. Master Mechanic—J. J. Ryan, Houston, ‘Tex: Division Master Mechanic—James Mooney, Victoria. Road Master—M. C. Whalen, Victoria. Gunpowder Valley RR. President—G. W. S. Hoffman, 11 S. Gay st., Baltimore, Md. Haines, Hamilton and Kingston RW. Gen. Mgr.—E. T. Haines, Kingston, Mo. Hamilton and Kingston RW. President—William H. Garland, St. Louis, = Mio: Treasurer—H. J. Overschelp, St. Louis. Secretary—C. W. M. Love, Kingston, Mo. DIRECTORS—William H. Garland, H. J. Overschelp, Thomas Ligon, St. Louis, Mo.; D, HH: Garland, New Orleans, La. Ci. W. M. Love, Kingston, Mo. Hancock and Calumet RR. President—Charles Bard, Norwich, Conn. Secretary and Treasurer—John Tully, New York. Gen. Mgr.—C. A. Wright, Hancock, Mich. DIRECTORS—John Tully, New York; A. S. Bigelow, Boston, Mass. ; John Daniell, C. A. Wright, Hancock, Mich. ; Willis A. Briscoe, Charles Bard, Norwich, Conn. Hannibal and St. Joseph RR. President—C. E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia. Ist Vice-Pres. and Treasurer—J. C. Peasley. Chicago, III. 2d Vice-President—Geo. B. Harris, Chicago. Gen. Auditor—C. M. Carter, St. Joseph, Mo. Gen. Manager—W. C. Brown, St. Joseph. Secretary—W. J. Ladd, Boston, Mass. Trausfer Agent—J. L. Carter, Boston. DIRECTORS—J. L.Gardner, C.J. Paine, E.C. Perkins, Boston, Mass.; W. W. Baldwin, C. E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia.; W. C. Brown, C. My Cartene W.. J: ’Hilton, S.-H. McCord, St: Joseph, Mo. Hannibal Union Depot Co. President—Charles M. Levey, Keokuk, Ia. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Sturgis, St. Joseph, Mo. Supt.—Charles N. Lee, Hannibal, Mo. DirRECTORS—Charles M. Levey, Keokuk, Ia.; William F. Merrill, Chicago, Ill.; W. E. Cunningham, George K. Tozer, Hannibal, Mo. ; J: J. Frey, Sedalia, Mo.; J. H. Sturgis, St. Joseph, Mo. Hanover and York RR. President—John S. Young, Hanover, Pa. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—R. D. Barclay, W. H. Barnes, J. N..Du Barry, J. P. Green, Wm. A. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, H. H. Houston, Philadelphia; G. D. Klinefelter, Isaac Loucks, Hanover ; Michael Schall, Geo. F.Smyser, York, Harlem River and Port Chester RR. President—Lucius Tuttle. Vice-Pres.—Chas. P. Clark. Treasurer—W. L. Squire. Secretary—W. E. Barnett. DIRECTORS—Charles P. Clark, Ezekiel H. Trowbridge, Edward M. Reed, Wm. E. Bar- nett, Wm. L. Squire, New Haven, Conn.; Wilson G. Hunt, Joseph Park, Willard Parker, NewYork ; Wm.D.Bishop, Nathaniel Wheeler, E. I. Sanford, Bridgeport, Conn.; Geo. B. Carhart, Brooklyn, N.Y.; Henry C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn. Harriman Coal and Iron RR. President—A. W. Wagnalls, 13 Astor Place, New York. Vice-Pres.—A.W. H.Russell, Harriman, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—Frederick Gates, Harriman. Gen. Mgr.—George W. Easley, Harriman. Auditor—J. K. Hayward, Harriman. DIRECTORS—A. W. Wagnalls, New York; A. A. Hopkins, George W. Easley, W. H. Russell, Frederick Gates, J. D. Roberts, Harriman, Tenn. Harrisburg and Bedford RR. President—Thomas B. Kennedy. Sec. and Treas.—W. M. Biddle. DIRECTORS—Thomas B. Kennedy, W. W. Jennings, J. N. Du Barry, J. Herman Basler, N. P. Shortridge, Edward B. Watts, W. H. Barnes, M. C. Kennedy, Herry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster RR. President—Edmund Smith, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Edmund Smith, G. B. Roberts, N. P. Shortridge, James Young, Lewis Elkin, A. J. Cassatt, John P. Green, Enoch Lewis, Thomas Williams, Jr., Philadelphia. Harrison Branch RR. President—M. E. Ingalls. Sec. and Treas.—E. F. Osborn, Cincinnati, O. Hartford and Connecticut Valley RR. President—Henry C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn. Secretary—Wm. C. Brainerd. Treasurer—Wm. L. Squire, New Haven, Conn. Div. Supt.—J. V. A. Trumbull, Hartford. DIRECTORS—Henry C. Robinson, Hartford ; Edward M. Reed, E. H. Trowbridge, Charles P. Clark, New Haven; Samuel Babcock, _ Middletown, Conn.; William D. Bishop, Nathaniel Wheeler, Bridgeport, Conn.; Daniel C. Spencer, Saybrook, Conn. ; Joseph Park, New York. Hartford and Connecticut Western RR. President—H. O. Seixas, New Orleans, La. Vice-President—J. O. Phelps, Simsbury,Conn. Sec. and Treas.—Edward R. Beardsley. Auditor—H. W. Watson, Hartford, Conn. 64 Hartsville RR. Treasurer—James F. Post, Jr. : Auditor—W. A. Riach, Wilmington, N. C. Hartwell RR. President—John H. Jones, Elberton, Ga. Secretary—R. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Hawley Branch RR. See New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. Co. - Hayt’s Corners, Ovid and Willard RR. President—James B. Thomas, Ovid, N. Y. Treasurer—Wm. Jones, Ovid. Secretary—John F. Covert, Ovid. DIRECTORS—Geo. W. Jacacks, James B. Thomas, Wm. Jones, Wm. C. Hazleton, Charles V. Sutton, John Denniston, Alden Horton, John F. Covert, Silas M. Kinne, Ovid, Ney. ;) Herman’ D,’ Eastman, Lodi, N. Y.; Abram B. Johnson, Hayt’s Corners, N. Y.; John B. Chapin, Philadelphia. Hecla and Torch Lake RR. President—Alexander Agassiz, Cambridge, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—La Roy S. Gove, Calumet, Mich. Supt.—W. A. Childs, Calumet. DIRECTORS—Alexander Agassiz, S. B. Whiting, Cambridge, Mass.; Quincy A. Shaw, West Roxbury, Mass. ; Will A. Childs, John Duncan, Calumet, Mich. Helena and Red Mountain RR. President—James B. Williams. Secretary—Geo. H. Earl. Treasurer—Geo. S. Baxter, 35 Wall st., New York. Henderson and Overton RR. See International and Great Northern RR. Henderson Bridge and RR. President—Milton H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. Vice-President—A. M. Quarrier, New York. Secretary—J. H. Ellis. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville. Hereford RW. President— William B. Ives, Sherbrooke P.Q. Secretary—Cyrus A. Bailey, Cookshire, P. Q. Herkimer, Newport and Poland RW. President—W. Seward Webb, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Edward M. Burns, Middleville, N. Y. Auditor—Thomas E. Merritt, New York. Treasurer—F. G. Smith, New York. DIRECTORS—W. Seward Webb, H. Walter Webb, Thomas L. James, John M. Toucey, Henry L. Sprague, Frank G. Smith, New York; Edward M. Burns, George H. Thomas, Wallace W. Moshier, C. W. Hamlin, Middle- ville ; Samuel Earl, Herkimer, N. Y.; Henry W. Dexter, Newport, N. Y.; Stephen R. Millington, Poland, N. Y. Hibernia Mine RR. See Central RR. of N.\J: Hibernia Underground RR. President—George Richards, Dover, N. J. Secretary—Wm. H. Lambert, Dover. Treasurer—Thomas J. Bouvé, Boston, Mass. 65 DIRECTORS—George Richards, W. H. Lam- bert, Dover; Thos. J. Bouvé, Augustus Low- ell, Charles C. Jackson, Boston ; Morristown, N. J. Hidalgo RR. Officers and Directors not furnished. High Point, Randleman, Asheboro and Southern RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary—H. W. Miller, Raleigh. Treasurer—John W. Hall, Atlanta, Ga. Hobart Branch RR. Vice-President—Charles Bray, Rondout, N.Y. Sec. and Treas.—Samuel G. Dimmick, Rond- out. DIRECTORS—Charles Bray, Daniel B. Stow, Isaac M. North, Reynolds, Rondout, N. Y. Hodgenville and Elizabethtown RW. HC, Pitney, 1s Samuel G. Dimmick, Charles | President—Jacob Hubbard, Hodgenville, Ky. | Vice-President—John Echols, Louisvilte, Ky. Secretary—C. F. Krebs, Louisville. Treasurer—J. B: Weaver, Louisville. DIRECTORS—Jacob Hubbard, Hodgenville ; John Echols, Thomas H. Hays, W. O. Harris, Thomas W. Bullitt, M. B. Cutter, C. F. Krebs, Louisville. Hollow Rock Route. Tennessee and Alabama RR. Holyoke and Westfield RR. President—Timothy Merrick, Holyoke, Mass. Treasurer—C. Fayette Smith, Holyoke. See Paducah, Secretary—T. B. O’Donnell, Holyoke. Hoosac Tunnel and Wilmington RR. President—D. H. Newton, Holyoke, Mass. Vice-President—James Ramage, Holyoke. Sec. and Aud.—James S. Newton, Holyoke. Treasurer—John C. Newton, Holyoke. _Superintendent—Moses Newton, Holyoke. DirRECTORS—Daniel H. Newton, John C., “Newton, Moses Newton, James Ramage, Hol- yoke ; George W. Millar, New York. ~ Hopkins RR. DIRECTORS—James Walker, Scottville, Il. ; Conrad Garris, Carlinville, Ill.; Barton Smith, Toledo, O.; H. P. Smith, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; H. S. Hopkins, St. Louis, Mo. Hot Springs RR. Pres., Gen. Mgr. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—L. D. Richardson, Hot Springs, Ark. Vice-Pres. and Treas.—E. M. Dickery, Home Insurance Building, Chicago, Il. _ Sec., Local Treas., Auditor and Car Acct.—M. N. Pierce, Hot Springs. _ Mast. Mech. Bop A. Hanglin, Malvern, Ark. ~ Road Master—M. E. Turner, Malvern. i Housatonic RR. = President—W. H. Starbuck, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Stevenson, Gen. Fegt. Agt.— Bridgeport, Conn. Sec. and Treas.—M. E. Stone, New York. Asst. Treas.—C. E. Robinson. Gen. Pass. Agt.—A. W. Perrin. H. C. Cogswell. 5 | Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. P. Van Alstyne. Auditor—H. W. Snow. DIRECTORS—Wm. H. Stevenson, Bridge- port, Conn. ; Thomas Rutter, Henry Hentz, Wm. H. Starbuck, J. L. Macauley, New York; Wm. E. Downes, S. E. Merwin, New Haven, Conn.; A. B. Milford, Henry Crofut, Danbury, Conn. Houston and Texas Central RW. Pres.—A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. Receiver and Vice-Pres.—Charles Dilling- ham, Houston, Tex. Transfer Agt. PGeo. Watkins, New York. Asst. Treasurer—-Wm. Cameron, Houston. Sec. and Auditor—H. Hall, Houston. Transfer Agt.—H. Hall, Houston. Treasurer—E. W. Cave, Houston. Asst. Auditor.—J. C. Kidd, Houston. Land Agt.—C. C. Gibbs, Houston. Chief Eng. and Gen. Supt.—G. A. Quinlan, Houston. Eng. and Supt. 1st Div.—J. M. Lee, Houston. Supt. 2d Div.—L. A. Daffan, Ennis, Tex. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Daniel Ripley, Houston. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H.A. Jones, Houston. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—A. Faulkner, Honston. Gen. Bag. Agt.—W. S. Napier, Houston. Com, Agt.—L. Hohenthal, Houston, Com. Agt.—P. A. Miller, Ft. Worth, Tex. Gen. East. Agt.—E. Hawley, 343 Broad- way, New York. East. Pass. Agt.—L. H. Nutting, 343 Broad- way, New York. Gen. West. Agt.—W. G. Neimeyer, Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Com. Agt.—Howard Carnes, Galveston, Tex. Com. Agt.—Chas. H. Morrill, 102 N. 3d st., St. Louis, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. R. Robins, Houston. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. F. Byers, Houston. DirEcTORS—Chas. Dillingham, E. W. Cave, Jno. J. Atkinson, Julius Kruttschnitt, W. G. Van Vleck, Geo. A. Quinlan, Daniel Ripley, J. G. P. Sumner, Houston, Tex. 204 Houston Belt and Magnolia Park RW. Receiver—James A. Baker, Jr., Houston, Tex. President—J. Waldo, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—T. D. Cobbs, Houston. Treasurer—R. B. Morris, Houston. Secretary—S. B. Strong, Houston. DIRECTORS—J. Waldo, St. Louis, Mo. ; William Brady, New York; T. D. Cobbs, T. IW Houses Sy (Ke Dick RvB: Morns, CAH: Milby, Houston, Tex. and Houston, Central Arkansas Northern Line. Louisiana Corporation: J. Gould, New York. Vice-President—S. H. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary—George C. Smith, St. Louis. Treasurer—D. S. H. Smith, St. Louis. Gen. Auditor—C. G. Warner, St.Louis: Arkansas Corporation: President—E. G. Merriman, Little Rock, Ark. Vice-President—Geo. E. Dodge, Little Rock. Sec. and Treas.—George C. Smith, St. Louis. DIRECTORS— Louisiana Corporation faGeQ- J: Gould, New York; W. A. Bright, J. P. Parker, F. G. Hudson, Monroe, La.; S. H. H. President—George see Clark, Geo. C. Smith, H. G. Herbel, St. Louis, Mo.; Arkansas Corporation; E.G. Merriam, St. Louis, Mo.; G. A. A. Deane, George E. Dodge, Little Rock, Ark. ; Charles C. Buck- ner, Patrick K. Savage, Dermont, Ark. Houston, East and West Texas RW. and Shreveport and Houston RW. Receiver H.E. and W.T.RW., and Gen. Mgr. H. and S. RR.—M: G. Howe. Pres. H. E. and W. T. RW.—T. W. House. Pres. H. and S. RR.—Marcus C. Hawley. Treasurer—T. W. House. Auditor—E. Dargan. Superintendent—J. C. Matthews. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—R. S. Collins. General Offce—Houston, Tex. DIRECTORS—T. W. House, E. P. Hill, W. Me Rice W. E.lufkin;’ James. Appleby; Houston, Tex. Hudson Suspension Bridge and New England RW. Chief Engr. and Pres.—Edward W. Serrell, New York. Secretary—George O. Beach, New York. Treasurer—William Ladd. Humestown and Shenandoah RR. President—W. W. Baldwin, Burlington, Ia. Treasurer—James F. How, St. Louis, Mo. Auditor and Asst. Treas.—J. H. Ells, Clarinda, Ta. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—E. C. Murphy, Clarinda. Gen. Tkt. and Fegt. Agt.—H. S. Nelson, Clarinda. DiRECTORS—James F. How, George 5S. Grover, Charles M. Hays, St. Louis, Mo.; W. W. Baldwin, H. B. Scott, H. E. Jarvis, Bur- lington, Ia. Hunter’s Run and Slate Belt RR. President—J. C. Fuller. Sec. and. Treas.—J. M. Butler. Superintendent—A. C. Givler. Chief Engr.—A. E. Lehman, Pine Grove Fur- nace, Pa. -Huntington and Big Sandy RR. President—Z. T. Vinson, Huntington, W. Va. Vice-President—R. H. Pritchard, Catletts- burg, Ky. Gen. Mer., Sec. and Treas.—J. L. Caldwell, Huntington. Chief Engr.—Geo. McKendree, Huntington. DirEcToRS—J. L. Caldwell, George F. Millere ite le Vinson, >. 9. Vinson, George McKendree, George E. McDonald, Huntington, W. Va.; J. N. Camden, Parkers- burg, W. Va.; R. H. Pritchard, Catlettsburg, Ky. Huntingdon and Broad Top Moun- tain RR. : Pres.—Spencer M. Janney, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—J. P. Donaldson, Philadel- hia. Pea titer Wen! A. Foster, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS-—-James Long, Jacob Naylor, John Hopkins, William Bault, George H. Colket, Thomas R. Patton, James Whitaker, Philadelphia ; Samuel Bancroft, Jr., Wilming- ton, Del.; Robert H. Crozer, Upland, Dela- ware Co., Pa.; William H. Shallcross, Lewis A. Riley, Samuel Hellner. 66 Huntsville Belt Line and Monte Sano RW. President—J. F. O’Shaughnessy, 36 Wall st., New York. DIRECTORS—J. F. O’Shaughnessy, D. A. Kendall, New York; Milton Humes, M. J. O’Shaughnessy, Arthur Owen Wilson, W. C. Davis, C. H. Crawford, Huntsville, Ala. Hutchinson and Southern RR. President—H. A. Christy, Chicago, Il. Vice-President—George R. Duckworth, Cin- cinnati,.O. Treasurer—E. E. Wise, Chicago. Auditor—Herman Teepen, Hutchinson, Kan. Secretary—Charles H. Davis, Cincinnati. Traffic Mgr.—Chas. Collins, Hutchinson. Asst. Sec. and Supt.—O. P. Byers, Hutchin- son. Gen. Sol.—W. M. Whitelaw, Hutchinson. DirECcTORS—Charles H. Davis, A. Clark, George Hubbell, Herman Tuper, G. R. Duck- worth, C. B. Matthews, Cincinnati; Charles Collins, A. P. Byers, Hutchinson; E. E. Wise, Hy ee aoumety, chicago: Soi R.w Darrahy Anthony, Kan. IWinois Central RR. President—Stuyvesant Fish, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President—J. C. Welling, Chicago. 2d Vice-President— J. T. Harahan, Chicago. Asst. 2d Vice-President—C. A. Beck, Chicago. Asst. to President—John Dunn, Chicago. Secretary—A. G. Hackstaff, New York. Gen. Counsel—B. F. Ayer, Chicago. Gen. Solicitor—James Fentress, Chicago. Aud. of Fgt. Receipts—F. Fairman, Chicago. Aud. of Pass. Receipts—A. D. Joslin, Chicago, Aud. of Disbursements — Isaac’ Anderson, Chicago. Land Com.—Edward P. Skene, Chicago. Tax Com. and Custodian of Deeds—L. Morehouse, Chicago, Treasurer—Henry DeWolf, Chicago. Local Treasurer—R. S. Charles, New Orleans, La. Paymaster—B. Moe, Chicago. Asst. Paymaster—John Watkins, Chicago. Asst. Treasurer—E. T. H. Gibson, New York. Gen. Supt.—A. W. Sullivan, Chicago. Chief Eng.—J. F. Wallace, Chicago. Consulting Engr.—L. T. Moore, Chicago. Asst. Chief Engr.—J. G. Mann, Chicago. Asst. Chief Engr.—D. Sloan, Chicago. Supt. Mach.—Henry Schlacks, Chicago. Supt. of Trans.—E. G. Russell, Chicago. P3 Supt. Northern Lines—J. G. Hartigan, Chicago. Supt. Western Lines—M. Gilleas, Dubuque, Ia. Supt. Southern Lines—O. M. Dunn, New Orleans. Car Accountant—J. M. Daly, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—M. R. Spelman, New Orleans. Traffic Mgr.—T. J. Hudson, Chicago. Asst. Traffic Mgr.—M. C. Markham, Chicago. Gen. Pass. Agt.—A. H. Hanson, Chicago. Asst, Gens iPass: Agt)/-——Co A> Kniskerus Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. W. Coleman, New Orleans. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. F. Merry, Man- chester, Ia. Gen. Fgt. Agt. North. and West. Lines—W. E. Keepers, Chicago. ; ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt. North. and West. Lines—W. R. Bascom, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt. North. and West. Lines— W. D. Hurlbut, Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Southern Lines—D. B. Morey, New Orleans. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Southern Lines—W. M. Rhett, New Orleans. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. L. Drake, Memphis, Tenn. Gen. Bag. Agt.—H. A. Winter, Chicago. Supt. Chicago Div.—Horace Baker, Chicago. Supt. Amboy Div.—H. McCourt, Amboy, III. Supt. Springfield Div.—D. S. Bailey, Clinton, Ill. Acting Supt. Freeport Div.—F. B. Harriman, Freeport, Il. Supt. Dubuque Div.—F.W.Quimby, Dubuque. Supt. Cherokee Div.—C. K. Dixon, Cherokee, Ia. Supt. Mississippi Div.—N. D. Wiggins, Jack- son, Tenn. Supt. Louisiana Div.—T. P. Bellows, New Orleans. Supt. Memphis Div.—J. B. Kemp, Memphis. Gen. Northern Pass. Agt.—F. B. Bowes, Chicago. Gen. Southern Pass. Agt.—Wm. Murray, New Orleans. Gen. Eastern Agt.—G. H. Stearns, 343 Broad- way, New York. City Pass. Agt.—F. S. Bishop, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. R. Israel, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Geo. A. Hines, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—C. A. Florence, 228 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Contracting Agt.—S. S. Herman, 55 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—G. B. Wyllie, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. A. Wheeler, Manchester. Pass. Agt.—G. O. Vincent, Cairo, Ill. Trav. Pass. Agt.—P. G. White, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. D. Hadley, Sioux City, Ia. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. M. Morrisey, Omaha, Neb. Trav. Pass. Agt.—L. F. Montgomery, Jackson, Miss. Eastern Pass. Agt.—A. J. McDougall, New York. Pass. Agt.—R. C. Newsum, Memphis. Gen. Agt.—John Bentley, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Northwestern Agt.—R. J. Williams, St. Paul, Minn. Commercial Agt.—W. J. Young, Chicago. Commercial Agt.—W. H. Cook, New Orleans. Commercial Agt.—C. R. Barnhart, St. Louis. _ Commercial Agt.—J. W. Wenger, Cairo. ' €ommercial Agt.—R. H. Thomson, burgh, Pa. Commercial Agt.—B. E. Nichols, Sioux City. Commercial Agt.—G. W. Becker, Kansas City, Mo. Commercial Agt.—L. W. Collier, Atlanta, Ga. Commercial Agt.—W. S. Benson, Dubuque. Contracting Agt.—C. T. Scaife, Memphis. Fegt. Agt.—Lucius Frink, Room 1, Guarantee Loan Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Northern Fgt. Agt.—Thos. Fairbairn, Mil- waukee, Wis. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—E. Doul, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—L. L. Moseley, Kankakee, awl Pitts- Trav. Fet. Agt.—James Culton, Bloomington, Ill. 67 Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. M. C. Kinney. Chicago. fairey Fgt. Agt.—F. R. Jamison, Springfield, Trav. Fgt. Agt.—M. Brosnihan, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—F. E. Munger, Sioux City. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. H. Hays, Jackson, Miss. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. L. Lowry, Jackson, Tenn. DIRECTORS—-S. Van Renssalaer Cruger, Chas. A. Peabody, Jr., Norman B. Ream, B. F. Ayer, Walther Luttgen, John W. Auchin- closs, Oliver Harriman, John W. Doane, Charles M. Beach, Stuyvesant Fish, Ed. H. Harriman, Arthur Leary. Indiana and Illinois Southern RR. President—W. H. Alley, Sullivan, Ind. Vice-President—John B. Lyon, Chicago, III. Sec. and Gen. Mger.—P. H. Blue. Gen. Solicitor—J. S. Cooper, Chicago. Treasurer—M. B. Wilson. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. E. Basler. Auditor—C. R. Hinkle. Train Master—W. R. Bottenfield. DIRECTORS—William H. Alley, John L. Stockton, John B. Lyon, H. H. Gardner, John 5: Cooper,.Chicavo, Ill; P.-H. Blue, M. B. Wil- son, O. B. Harris, Sullivan, Ind.; Henry F. Mills, Boston, Mass. Indiana and Lake Michigan RW. soos eg) Gun G. Williams, Terre Haute, Ind. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. E. Farrington, Terre Haute. DIRECTORS—William. R. McKeen, John G. Williams, D. W. Minshall, Benj. McKeen, George E. Farrington, Terre Haute. Indiana Block Coal RR. Pres. and Treas.—C. W. Hillard. Secretary—S. H. Spooner, Chicago, Ill. Indiana, Illinois and Iowa RR. President—F. M. Drake, Centerville, Ia. Vice-President—Geo. H. Holt. Gen. Mgr.—T. P. Shonts, Rookery Building, Chicago, IIl. Sec. and Treas.—J. A. Drake, Rookery Build- ing, Chicago. Gen, Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. W. Cook, Rook- ery Building, Chicago. Auditor—M. J. Hartnett. Superintendent—C. H. Smith. Car Acct.—John F. Durkin. Gen. Agt.—R. M. Rogers, Jr., Chicago. Gen. East. Agt.—Geo. L. Thayer, 353 Broad- way, New York. West. Trav. Fegt. Agt.—J. P. Tracy. East. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. B. Courtwright, Chicago. DirEcTORS—F. M. Drake, Centerville, Ia. ; Geo. H. Holt, John W. Cochrane, H. M. Cur- tis, New York; T. P. Shonts, Jno. A. Drake, Chicago, Ill.; C. H. Smith, Kankakee, II. Indiana Northern RW. (Belt Road.) President—James Oliver, South Bend, Ind. Gen. Mgr.—George Ford, South Bend. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. D. Oliver, South Bend, Indian Springs and Flovilla RR. Gen. Pass. Agt.—M. A. Lindsey, Flovilla, Ga. Go. ec , Indianapolis and Vincennes RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Treas.—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh, Pa. | Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. | DIRECTORS—George B. Roberts, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia; James McCrea, .. Thomas D. Messler, Wm. Mullins, Pitts- burg; S. F. Gray, Indianapolis, Ind. | Indianapolis, Decatur and Western RW. (“ Decatur Route.”’) Trustees in Possession—B. A. Sands, R.B. F. | Pierce, Indianapolis, Ind. Pres.—Henry B. Hammond, 45 Broadway, | New York. Sec. and Treas.—T. B. Atkins, New York. | Auditor—J. V. McNeal, Indianapolis. | Superintendent—L. A. Boyd. Cashier and Purchasing Agt.—C. B. McVay. Master Mechanic—Jno. McKenna. General Manager—R. B. F. Pierce. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—J. S. Lazarus. DiRECTORS—Alfred Bates, Hiram Hitch- | cock, Henry B. Hammond, Horace L. Hotch- kiss, Stephen H. Thayer, Charles C. Allen, | _ Thomas B. Atkins, New York ; John K. War- ren, Decatur, Ill. ; E. F. Leonard, Peoria, Il. ; | John R. Elder, R. B. F. Pierce, Indianapolis. Indianapolis Union RW. "+ President—W. R. McKeen, Terre Haute, Ind. | Vice-Pres.—Jos. Ramsey, Jr., Cincinnati, O. | Secretary—W. N. Jackson, Indianapolis, Ind. Treas. and Purchasing Agt.—W. T. Cannon, | Indianapolis. Auditor—C. A. Vinnedge, Indianapolis. MANAGERS—Board is composed of one re- presentative from each railroad using the property. Ingalls, White Rapids and Northern | RR. -President—John Bagley, Chicago, III. - Superintendent—E. F. Graves, Chicago. Intercolonial RW. Minister of Railways—John Haggart, Ottawa, | Ont. _ Deputy Minister—T. Trudeau, Ottawa. ‘Chief Engr. and Gen. Mgr. Canadian Gov- ernment RWs.—C. Schreiber, Ottawa. Chief Supt.—D. Pottinger, Moncton, N. B. Chief Engr.—P. S. Archibald, Moncton. | ‘Mechanical Supt.—H. A. Whitney, Moncton. | Treasurer and Chief Accountant—Thomas Williams, Moncton. Gen. Freight Agent—Geo. Taylor, Moncton. General Pass. and Ticket Agent—Arthur S. Busby, Moncton. Gen. Storekeeper—T. V. Cook, Moncton. Eastern Freight and Pass. Agt.—G. W. Rob- inson, Montreal, Can. West. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—N. Weatherston, Toronto, Ont. International and Great RR. (“International Route.’’) Receiver—T. M. Campbell, Palestine, Tex. President—Jay Gould, deceased, New York. Vice-Pres.—S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. 2d Vice-President—Henry B. Kane, Palestine. | General Solicitor—Alexander G. Cochran. St. Louis. | Secretary—D. S. H. Smith, St. Louis. | Treasurer—A. R. Howard, Palestine. Northern | Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—H. B. Henson, New York. Gen. Auditor—C. G. Warner, St. Louis. Gen. Supt.—T. G. Golden, Palestine. : Gen. Fegt. and Pass. Agt.—J. E. Galbraith, Palestine. Asst. Gen. Freight Agt.—J. B. Bartholomew, Palestine. Asst. General Passenger Agent—D. J. Price, Palestine. Cashier—A. R. Howard, Palestine. Auditor—W. L. Maury, Palestine. Gen. Claim Agt.—T. N. Jones, Tyler, Tex. Gen. Attorney—John M. Duncan, Tyler. Resident Engineer—J. W. Tobin, Palestine. Supt. Bridges and Buildings—A. L. Bowers, Palestine. Supt. Car Dept.—W. P. Siddons, Palestine. Master Mechanic—F. Hufsmith, Palestine. Superintendent Telegraph—T. W. Parks, Palestine. Gen. Agt.—F. O. Becker, Galveston, Tex. Commercial Agt.—W. S. Adair, Dallas, Tex. Commercial Agt.—Homer Eads, San Antonio, shes: Soliciting Freight Agt.—H. E. Parker, San Antonio. Commercial Agt.—E. N. Andrews. 391 Broad- way, New York. Traveling Pass. Agt.—C. E. Wood, Palestine. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, deceased, George Gould, Howard Gould, New York; S. H. H. Clark, (St; Louis 2/ojas.Ay Baker, F. A. Rice) Houston, Tex.; Ira H. Evans, Austin, Tex. ; f A. R. Howard, H. B. Kane, Palestine. Interstate Consolidated Rapid Tran- sit RW. Receiver—D. M. Edgerton, Kansas City, Mo. President—Joshua Wilbour, Providence, R. I. Vice-President—David D. Hoag, Kansas City, Kan. Secretary—W. E. Barnhart, Kansas City. Treasurer—A. H. Calif, New York. DIRECTORS—Joshua Wilbour, Providence ; A. H. Calif, Richard King, New York; D. L. Goff, Pawtucket, R. I.; S. M. Jarvis, Roscoe | Conklin, Robert Gilham, Kansas City, Mo. ; David D. Hoag, D. E. Cornell, Winfield — Freeman, Kansas City, Mo. Iowa Central RW. Route.’’) President—Russell Sage, New York. Vice-President—E. E. Chase, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. R. Morse, New York. Gen. Mgr.—C. H. Ackert, Marshalltown, Ia. Gen. Auditor—E. S. Benson, Marshallstown. (‘Iowa Central ‘Asst. President—E. McNeil, Chicago, III. Traffic Mgr.—A. F. Banks. Gen. Pass. Agt.—T. P. Barry. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. A. Hausgen. Local Treas. and Paymaster—Seth Zug. Gen. Solicitor—Anthony C. Daly. ‘ Superintendent—J. H. Redmon. : Purchasing Agent—R. A. Dugan. Gen. Trav. Agt.—J. R. Charles, Cleveland, O- Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—E. D. Young. ; Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. B. Seessengut. Trav. Agt.—E. L. Shinkle, Oskaloosa, Ia. Gen. Agent—J. E. Joyce, Peoria, II. Gen. Eastern Agt.—P. A. Lynn, Pittsburgh, Pa. DiIRECTORS—Russell Sage, E. E. Chase, G. E. Taintor, H. J. Morse, Wm. E. Strong, E. H. Perkins, Jr., New York ; E. E. McNeill, Rufus H. Sage, Chicago, Ill. ; C. H. Ackert Marshalltown, Ia. : ‘ ‘ | t a ‘ ? Yowa Northern RW. President—J. S. Wylie, Davenport, Ia. Vice-President—D. Ryan, Newton, Ia. Sec. and Treas.—George A. Goodrich, Colfax, Ia. Gen. Superintendent—D. S. Couch, Colfax. DIRECTORS—F. H. Griggs, J. S. Wylie, Davenport, Ia.; D. Ryan, Newton, Ia.; D. S. ~ Couch, George A. Goodrich, Colfax, Ia. Irondale, Bancroft and Ottawa RR. Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Charles J. Pusey, Iron- dale, Ont. Vice-Pres.—Robert W. Elliott, Toronto, Ont. Secretary—L. B. Howland, Irondale. Chief Engineer—G. W. Ranney, Irondale. DirREcTORS—Charles J. Pusey, Irondale, Ont.; Robert W. Elliott, J. P. Magann, Giles H. Williams, Toronto, Ont.; Robert G. Kin- gan, Peterboro’, Ont’; New York. Tron RW. President—E. E. Floyd, 31 Bedford st., Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—Walter H. Mitchell, Boston. | Gen. Manager-—C. C. Clarke, Ironton, O. DIRECTORS—E. E. Floyd, Chas. R. Batt, Boston, Mass. ; J. L. Anderson, C. C. Clarke, Ironton, O.; one vacancy. Ironton RR. President—Samuel Thomas, Catasauqua, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—J. T. Knight, Easton, Pa. Supt.—Wm. Andrews, Allentown, Pa. DIRECTORS— Samuel Thomas, Catasauqua, ea ohn’ De iK nicht; aston, Paz: John Thomas, Edwin Mickley, Hokendauqua, Pa.; Wm. W. Marsh, Schooley’s Mountain, N. J.; | Benjamin G. Clark, New York. Island RR. President—Edwin H. Mead, New York. Vice-Pres.—Samuel Thorne, New York. Sec. and Treas.—William E. Street, York. New DIRECTORS—Edwin H. Mead, New York; Thomas Hodgson, Buffalo, N.Y.; W. E. Sireet, Darien, Conn.; Samuel Thorne, George W. Quintard, New York; Franklin Selleck, H. L. Terhune, Montclair, N. J. Ivorydale and Mill Creek Valley RW. Gen. Mgr.—Harry W. Brown, Cincinnati, O. Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw RR. President—H. A. Hayden, Jackson, Mich. Treasurer—W. D. Thompson, Jackson Secretary—O. M. Barnes, Lansing, Mich. Transfer Agt.—Henry Pratt, New York. DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, New York; James F. Joy, Henry B. Ledyard, Henry A. Hayden, Wm. T. Thompson, Peter B. Loomis, Detroit, Mich.; Orlando M. Barnes, Lansing. Jacksonville and Atlantic RR. President—Jas. M. Schumacher, Jacksonville, Fla. Vice-Pres.—S. B. Hubbard, Jacksonville. Treasurer—H. S. Ely, Jacksonville, Secretary—J. M. Barrs, Jacksonville. Gen. Supt.—Julius Hayden, Jacksonville. _ Auditor—J. L. Marvin, Jacksonville. Gen. Pass. Agt.—H. S. Ely, Jacksonville. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Jas. I. Munoz, Jacksonville. A. W. Humphreys, | 69 DIRECTORS—J. M. Schumacher, S. B. Hub- bard, H. S. Ely, Jno. M. Barrs, J. W. Fitzger- ald, B. P. Hazelton, R. P. Daniel, W. A..Mac- Guth jour. lalvaterro,, jx)'O. Burbridge, Pe. McQuaid, John L. Marvin, J. E. Hart, Jack- sonville. Jacksonville, Louisville and St, Louis RW. President—W. S. Hook. Sec. and Treas.—Marcus Hook, Jacksonville, Ill. Jacksonville, Mayport, Pablo RW. and Nav. Co. President—J. N. C. Stockton, Jacksonville, Fla. Secretary—Wm. Wallace, Jacksonville. Treasurer—Telfair Stockton, Jacksonville. Supt.—S. L. Earle, Jacksonville. Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Hali- fax River RW. President—Henry M. Flagler, New York. Vice-Pres. and Sec.—Chas. C., Deming, New York. Treasurer—S. W. Crichlow, St. Augustine, Fla. Jacksonville, St. Augustine and In- dian River RW. (“The St. Augustine Route.’’) Secretary—J. C. Salter, New York. Gen. Supt.—W. L. Crawford. Gen. Rass. Agt.—Joseph Richardson. Jacksonville Southeastern Line, com- prising Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis RW., Jacksonville, Louisville and St. Louis RW. and Litchfield, Carrolton and Western RR. President—Wm. S. Hook. Auditor and Treasurer—Marcus Hook, Gen. Supt.—D. W. Rider. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. W. Kent. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. C. Alvord. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery—W. J. Hemphill. Mastraor trans... ands oupty: of. Tel.——H.' bit Tompkins. Train Master—F. M. Benning. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. A. Nixon. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. P. Baldwin. Trav. Fet. Agt.—J. B. Stevenson, Springfield, Ill. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. N. Morton, Peoria, IIl. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—H. A. Suttle, 513 Chestnut st., St. Louis, Mo. Commercial Agt.—W. M. Bushnell, 513 Chest- nut st., St. Louis. Commercial Agt.—O. G. Mars, Peoria. Pass. Agt.—R. M. Allen, Springfield. Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West RW. President—Robert H. Coleman, Cornwall, Pa. Vice-Pres. and Sec.—C. C. Deming, New York. Treasurer—H. M. Maxwell, New York. Gen. Auditor—J. E. Starke, Jacksonville, Fla. Gen. Mgr.—R. B. Cable, Jacksonville. Gen. Counsel and Land Commissioner—J. R. Parrott, Jacksonville. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. P. Beckwith, Jacksonville, Mast. _ Secretary—George H. Earl. Miao). ©. Cornwell, Robt. .P..Cann, Stone- “ag : 70 Gen. nae Agt.—G. D. Ackerley, Jackson- | ville. Cashier—S. E. Mills, Jacksonville. Supt.—W. B. Coffin, Jacksonville. pore S. RW.—W. B. Denham, Palatka, ae Asst. Supt. Charlotte Harbor Div.—Robert | Gamble, Bartow, Fla. ; Mechanic—William Rutherford, Pa- | latka. New England Pass. Agt.—C. W. Gray, 211 | Washington st., Boston, Mass. a aoe Agt.—J. H. Rafftery, Jackson- ville. Soliciting Agt.—F. S. Knight, 261 Broadway, New York. DIRECTORS-- Robert H. Coleman,Cornwall; | Charles C, Deming, Mason Young, Henry M. | Flagler, New York ; John W. Candler, Frank Q. Brown, Boston; Archibald Rodgers, Hyde Park, N. Y. Jacques Cartier Union RW. President—L. J. Seargeant. Vice-President—W. Wainwright. Secretary and Treasurer—R. Wright, Mon- | treal, Can. James River Valley RR. President—James B. Williams. Treasurer—George S. Baxter, 35 Wall st., New York. Jamestown and Franklin RR. President—Rasselas Brown, Warren, Pa. Treasurer—Robert P. Cann, Stoneboro’, Pa. Secretary—J. C. Cornwell, Stoneboro’. DIRECTORS—John Newell, O. G. Getzen- Danner, Cleveland, O.; Leonard Watson, Denver, Col.; S. P. McCalmont, Franklin, boro’, Pa. Jamesville and Washington RR. Co. of North Carolina. President—David H. Lane, Philadelphia. Vice-Pres.—James McManes, Philadelphia. Treasurer—James Work, Philadelphia. Secretary—H. T. Fenton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—James E, Salter, James Work, W. W. Goodwin, David H. Lane, James McManes, Hector T. Fenton, Samuel O. Stokes, Philadelphia. Jefferson RR. President—J. L. Welch, Philadelphia. Vice-President—E. B. Thomas. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough. Treasurer—E. White, New York. Jersey City and Western RW. Sec. and Treas.—D. G. Baird, Philadelphia. Joggins RW. President—W. C. Milner, Sackville, N. B. Vice-President—J. W. Y. Smith, Sackville. Engineer—H. D. Symmes, Sackville. Sec. and Treas.—J. F. Allison, Sackville. DIRECTORS—Robert Cruickshank, Alexan- der Jardine, St. John, N. B.; W.C. Milner, Sackville, N. B. Johnsonburg RR. President—J. Bayard Henry, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Jos. S. Vanzandt, Philadel- phia. | | DIRECTORS--J. Bayard Henry, J. N. Du- Barry, Henry D. Welsh, C. H. Allen, Charles W. Henry, N. Thouron, Wm. A. Patton, Philadelphia. Joliet and Blue Island RW. Pres., Gen. Mgr. and Treas.—W. G. Brim- son, Chicago, IIl. Sec. and Auditor—J. S. Keefe, Chicago. PurchaslIng Agent—L. D. Doty, Chicago. Master Mechanic—C. J. Clifford, So. Chicago. Gen. Foreman—J. D. Pollard, Joliet, Ill. Gen. Yardmaster—R. K. Alexander, Joliet. Master Car Painter—A. M. Kain, So. Chicago. Joliet and Chicago RR. President—John B. Drake. Sec. and Treas.—Charles H. Foster, Chicago, Ill. Joliet and Northern Indiana RR. President—C. Vanderbilt. Secretary—E. D. Worcester. Treasurer—Henry Pratt, New York. Jones’s Lake RR. President—George H. Catlin, Scranton, Pa. Treas. and Superintendent—George B. Smith. Secretary—A. D. Blackington, Dunmore, Pa. DIRECTORS—John B. Smith, Geo. B. Smith, A. D. Blackington, Henry Beyea, S. B. Bulk- ley, Dunmore; Geo. H. Catlin, Scranton. Jones Mountain RR. Pres., Gen. Mgr. and Purchasing Agt.—Fred. W. Jones, Jonesburg, N. Y. Gen. Supt.—Frank Shultz, Jonesburg. Chief Eng.—Wm. Young, Jonesburg. Mast. Mech. and Car Rep.—Jos. Jonesburg. Road Mast.—Gilbert Rockefellow, Jonesburg. Auditor—Fred. Pultiz, Jonesburg. Garrity, Junction City and Fort Kearney RW. President—-Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—-Oliver W. Mink. Secretary-—Alex. Millar. Treasurer--James G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Junction RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Secretary—-John C. Sims, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. Comptroller—R. W. Downing, Philadelphia. Asst. Compt.—M. Riebenack, Philadelphia. Supt.—William ]. Latta, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—George B. Roberts, N. Parker Shortridge, John P. Green, A. A. McLeod, J. N. DuBarry, Philadelphia. Kaaterskill RR. President—Edwin Young, Rondout, N. Y. Vice-President—Samuel G. Dimmick, Kings- ton, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—R. B. Jones, Rondout. Gen. Supt.—James H. Jones, Rundout. DirRECTORS—Edwin Young, Samuel G. Dimmick, James H. Jones, R. B. Jones, N. A. Sims, Rondout, N. Y.; George J. Harding, George Harding, Philadelphia. Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rap- ids RR. President—J. H. Wade, Jr. Treasurer—W. S. Jones. Secretary—C. P. Leland, Cleveland, O. Pag Sele Kalamazoo and South Haven RR. _ President—Ashley Pond, Detroit, Mich. ‘Sec. and Treas.—D. A. Waterman, Detroit. DIRECTORS—C. Vanderbilt, Ashley Pond, H. B. Ledyard, Henry Russel, D.. A. Waterman, Detroit, Mich. ; Clements, Ann Arbor,.Mich. ; F. S. Winston, Chicago, III. Kanawha and Coal River RR. President—J. W. Humbird, Cumberland, Md. Sec: and Treas.—Robert MacDonald, Cum- berland. Superintendent—A. M. Wooldredge, Spring Rill W.Va: DIRECTORS—E. M. Farnsworth, Jr., Geo. S. Curtis, E. M. Farnsworth, Fred. R. Shat- | tuck, Boston, Mass.; Hill. 7 Kanawha and Michigan RW. President—Stevenson Burke, Cleveland, O. Vice-President—Nelson Robinson, New York. Sec. and Treas.—R. T. H. Halsey, New York. Gen. Mgr.—J. M. Ferris, Toledo, O. Gen. Supt.—T. M. Peelar, Toledo. Chief Engr.—Clifford Buxton, Toledo. Purchasing Agt.—H. A. Cooper. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Hudson Fitch, Toledo. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Moulton Houk, Toledo. Mast. Mechanic—J. B. Morgan, Bucyrus, O. Auditor—L. D. Kelley, Charleston, W. Va. Cashier—K. W. Donnally, Charleston. sA. M.Wooldredge, Spring DIRECTORS—Stevenson Burke, Charles G. | Hickox, Cleveland ; Nelson Robinson, E. C. | Homans, R. W. Kelley, J. W. Simpson, J. M. Townly, W. P. Palmer, New York; Charles H. Roberts, Oakes, N. Y. Kanawha RW. President—John J. Shonk, Plymouth, Pa. Vice-President—R. H. Catlett, Staunton, Va. Sec. and Treas.—George W. Shonk, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. Superintendent—F. L. Garrison, Coalburg, W. Va. Kankakee and Seneca RR. President—T. P. Bonfield, Kankakee, Ill. Secretary—E. F. Osborn, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—George S. Russell, Cleveland, O. DIRECTORS—M. E. Ingalls, E. F. Osborn, Mincinnatis-R. R.-Cable, W..G. Purdy, Chi- cago, Ill. ; T. P. Bonfield, Kankakee. Kanona and Prattsburgh RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—A. E. Godeffroy, 45 Broadway, New York. Vice-President—Martin Pinney, Prattsburgh, Nevs Secretary—J. K. Smith, Prattsburgh. Treasurer—A. K. Smith, Prattsburgh. Superintendent—J. G. Baker, Prattsburgh. DrRECTORS—Martin Pinney, A. K. Smith, J. K. Smith, Prattsburgh; J. Hegeman Fos- | ter, Charles Kimball, Charles O. Thompson, A. E. Godeffroy, New York. Kansas and Arkansas Valley RW. President—George J. Gould, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. Treas. and Sec.—A. H. Calef, New York. Gen. Auditor—C. G. Warner, St. Louis. New York; | James | 71 DIRECTORS — George J. Gould, Edwin Gould, Jay Gould, deceased, New York; S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis; F. R. McKibben, R. S.’ Hynes, W. H. Shibley, Van Buren, Ark. ;~ George E. Dodge, G. A. A. Deane, Little Rock, Ark. Kansas and Colorado Pacific RW. See Missouri Paciftc RW. Kansas Central RR, President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Kansas City and Independence Air Line. President—A. A. Mosher, Kansas City, Mo. Ist Vice-Pres.—E, L. Martin, Kansas City. 2d Vice-Pres.—A. E. Stilwell, Kansas City. Sec. and Treas.—Wm. S. Taylor, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—A. A. Mosher, E. L. Martin, A. E. Stilwell, C. A. Dean, J. McD. Trimble, W. S. Taylor, A. L. Howe, Kansas City, Mo.; Wm. Waterall, William H. Lucus, Philadel- phia; E. P. Merwin, New York. Kansas City and Independence Rapid Transit RW. Pres.—Walton H. Holmes, Kansas City, Mo. Vice-Pres.—Chas. L. Hutchinson,Chicago, Ill. Secretary—Daniel B. Holmes, Kansas City. Treasurer—W. B. Clarke, Kansas City. Gen. Mgr.—J. R. Chapman, Kansas City. Auditor—T. J. Fry, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—Walton H. Holmes, Chas. L. Hutchinson, W. B. Clarke, C. F. Holmes, Daniel B. Holmes, Kansas City, Mo. Kansas City and Memphis RW. and Bridge Co. President—George H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo. Treasurer and Transfer Agt.—Chas. Merriam, Boston, Mass. Secretary—J. S. Ford, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—George H. Nettleton, Wallace Pratt, Kansas City, Mo.; Jacob Erb, Little Rock, Ark.; Wm. Vance, Jr., Hopefield, Ark.; J. F. Smith, Marion, Ark. Kansas City and New Orleans RR. Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—W. A. Disborough, Dallas, Tex. Vice-Pres. and Chief Engr.—Hugh Stewart, Wolf City, Tex: Kansas City and Omaha RR. President—James H. Benedict. Vice-Pres.—Sidney Dillon, New York. Treasurer—James G. Harris. Secretary—Alexander Millar, Boston, Mass. Asst. Secretary—W. J. Carroll. Gen. Mer.—J. O. Brinkerhoff, St. Joseph, Mo. Kansas City and Pacific RW. President—H. W. Poor, New York. Vice-Pres.—Wm. Dowd, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. G. Hedge, New York. Asst. Sec. and Treas.—R. W. Maguire, Par- sons, Kan. DIRECTORS—HenryC. Rouse,Colgate Hoyt, Henry W. Poor, New York. ; Wm. Dowd, C. H. Kimball, H. C. Cross, Lee Clark, Parsons, Kan. ~ Springer, Chicago, Ill. 72 Kansas City and Southwestern RR. | See Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fé RR. Kansas City Belt RW. President—George H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo. Secretary—W. J. Ferry, Kansas City. Treasurer—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Aud. and Cashier—C. C. Ripley, Kansas City. | Chief Engr.—Daniel Bontecou, Kansas City. | Superintendent—D. K. Smith, Kansas City. Attorneys—Pratt, Ferry & Hagerman, Kan- | sas City. Purchasing Agt.—H. P. Jacques, Kansas City. | H. Nettleton, Wallace | Eratt, W. J. Ferry, Kansas..City, Mo.; A: J, | Earling, Milwaukee, Wis. ; A. A. Robinson, | JD: DIRECTORS—Geo. Edward Wilder, Topeka, Kan.; Kansas City Bridge and Terminal | WwW. Receivers—Webster Withers, W. H. Holmes, Kansas City, Mo. President—Charles A. Snow, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—Willard R. Wilson, Boston. Superintendent—W. E. Hanson, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—H. H. Fairbanks, Worcester, Mass. ; Everett W. Burdett, Chas. A. Snow, Willard R. Wilson, Geo. A. Goddard, Boston, | Mass.; W. E. Hanson, Chas. A. Peabody, Gardiner Lathrop, Kansas City, Mo.; J. H. | Whitmore, Stoneham, Mass. Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield | Ww. ; Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Geo. H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo. Treas. and Trans. Agt.—Charles Merriam, Boston, Mass. Comp. and Sec.—J. S. Ford, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—George H. Nettleton, Wallace Pratt, J. S. Ford, W. W. Fagan, W. S. Wash- | purne, WJ. Perry, J. H. Emmert, Wm. E. Dunn, I. P. Dana, Kansas City, Mo. ’ Kansas City, El Paso and Mexican RR. Receiver—Charles Davis, El Paso, Tex. Acting Mgr.—Morris R. Locke, El Paso. Kansas City, Emporia and Southern RW. RR. See Atchison, Topeka. and Santa Fé | Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis | RR. (‘‘ Memphis Route.’’) Chairman Board of Directors—H. H. Hunne- | wellwke@.. He S.“and M: RR.; Boston, Mass. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—J. H. Emmert. Sec. and Treas.—C. Merriam, Boston. Gen. Supt. Lines West of Memphis—W. W. Fagan. Supten.C., Mand Bo RR.—J. H.. Sullivan, Memphis, Tenn. Comptroller—J. S. Ford, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Auditor—C. W. Courtright, Boston. Auditor K. C., M. and B. RR.—Cyrus Garnsey, Jr., Memphis. Fet. Traf. Mgr.—Edward S. Washburn. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—Jas. J. Fletcher. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—J. E. Lockwood. Assty. Gen. Winchell. ‘President and Gen. Mgr.—Geo. H. Nettleton. | Pass. and Ticket Agt.—B. L. Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt.—John A. Sargent. Cashier and Paymaster Lines West of Mem- phis—J. H. Aldrich. Cashier and Paymaster K. C., M. and B. RR. —Charles Keeler, Memphis. Chief Engr.—D. Bontecou. Purchasing Agt.—H. P. Jacques. Div. Supt.—H. S. Mitchell, Fort Scott, Kan. Div. Supt.—H. W. Diggins. Springfield, Mo. Supt. Telegraph—H. C. Sprague. _ Northwestern Pass. Agt.—H. T. Haines. | Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—H. D. Ellis, Memphis. Southern Pass. Agt.—Chas. Jones, Memphis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. M. Fickinger, Little Rock, Ark. 4 Trav. Pass. Agt.—S. W. Swanson, Birming- ham, Ala. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. R. Jones, Charlotte, NG: Gen. Bag. Agt.—S. M. Hibbard, Kansas City, Mo. Commercial Agt.—E. E. Smythe, Springfield. M O. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. W. Chears, Memphis. Commercial Agt.—L. R.Van Diviere, Atlanta, Ga. Commercial Agt.—R. W. Lightburne, Jr., New Orleans, La. Commercial Agt.—Ad. E. Smith, Birmingham. Commercial Agt.—C. B. Holcombe. Commercial Agt.—W. B. Shirk. DireEctTors--H. H. Hunnewell, Charles Merriam, Nathaniel Thayer, F. L. Higginson, John A. Burnham, T. Jefferson Coolidge, B. P. Cheney, Abbott Lawrence, Francis Bart- lett, Boston, Mass.; Geo. H. Nettleton, Kan- sas City, Mo.;_B: P.; McDonald, C. W?) Blair; Fort Scott, Kan.; O, E. Learned, Lawrence, Kan. Kansas City, Fort Smith and South- ern RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—L. L. Bush, Neosho, Mo. Ist Vice-President—C. A. Fon Dersmith, Lancaster, Pa. ; 2d Vice-President and Gen. Counsel—E. F. Ware, Fort Scott, Kan. Secretary and Auditor—P. D. Peters, Neosho. Treasurer—W., J. Latta, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen, Mgr, and Acting’ G. F.. and P. A.—= H. W. Bush. Attorney—J. W. North, Neosho. DirEcToRS--L. L. Bush, H. W. Bush, J. Wo Bush), 2 d)-ePeters, Neostic,” Mo.5 Jie Cravens, Springfield, Mo.; B. F. Requa, Split- log, Mo.; E. F. Ware, Fort Scott, Kan. Kansas City, Memphis and Birming- ham RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Geo. H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo. Secretary and Treasurer—Charles Merriam, Boston, Mass. Comptroller—J. S. Ford, Kansas City. Auditor—Cyrus Garnsey, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. Fet. Traf. Mgr.—E. S. Washburn. Superintendent—John L. Sullivan. Gen. Auditor—C. W. Courtright. Gen. Solicitor—Wallace Pratt. DIRECTORS—Geo. H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo.; Nathaniel Thayer, H. H. Hunne- — well, Charles Merriam, T. Jefferson Coolidge, Francis Bartlett, Abbott Lawrence, E. V. R. Thayer, Alex. Cochrane, Boston, Mass. ae on A Seo, : ae Kansas City, Nevada and Fort Smith RR. President—E. L. Martin. Vice-President—A. E. Stilwell. -2d Vice-President—W. S. Woods. Treasurer—C. J. White. Secretary—W. S. Taylor, Philadelphia. Asst. Secretary—A. L. Howe. . Gen. Mgr.—Richard Gentry. Gen. Supt.—Frank M. Hill. Auditor—R, F. Kinnaird. Gen. Fgt. and P. A.—F red. Wild, Sr., Kansas City, Mo. DIRECTORS—Edward L. Martin, Arthur E. Stilwell, W. S. Woods, C. J. White, Wm. S. Taylor, J. McD. Trimble, Richard Gentry, | Kansas City, Mo.; Jobn Lowber Welsh, Edward T. Stotesbury, Wm. Waterall, Phila- -delphia; E. P. Merwin, New York. Kansas City, Osceola and Southern RW. President—Dewitt C. Blair, Belvidere, N. J. Vice-President—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J. | 2d Vice-Pres. New York. Secretary—O. E. Ewart, Kansas City, Mo. Asst. Treas. and Auditor—J. H. Frost, Kan- sas City. Gen: Mgr.—W. E. Gray. and Treas.—James A. Blair, ‘Gen. Counsel—Johnson & Lucas, Kansas CIty: DirREcTORS—John I. Blair, Blairstown; DeWitt C. Blair, Belvidere; James A. Blair, New York; W. T. Johnson, Willis E. Gray, Kansas City. Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs RR. President—C. E. Perkins, Burlington, Ia. 1st Vice-Pres. and Treas.—James C. Peasley, | Chicago, Ill. 2d Vice-Pres.—G. B. Harris, Chicago. Secretary—W. J. Ladd, Boston, Mass. Gen. Mgr.—W. C. Brown, St. Joseph, Mo. DirEctors—C. E. Perkins, W. W. Bald. | awitl, Burlington; C. J..Paine; J. U.Gardner, FE: C. Perkins, Boston; W: C. Brown, W. J, Hilton, C. M. Carter, Joseph. Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago RR. President—J. J. Mitchell. Secretary—H. W. Phelps, St. Louis, Mo. Registrar of Transfers—C. Ill. Kansas City Suburban Belt RR. President—E. L. Martin, Kansas City, Mo. Vice-President—A. E. Stilwell, Kansas City. Secretary—Chas. A. Dean, Kansas City. Vagtiee NicCord.. Sts) Kelsey, Chicago, | 73 Asst. Secs.—W. S. Taylor, L. A. Howe, Kan- | sas City. Treasurer—W. S. Taylor, Kansas City. Auditor—J. C. Telfer, Kansas City. Superintendent—J.H. Pickering, Kansas City. DiRECTORS—E. L. Martin, A. E. Stilwell, | W.S. Taylor, A. A. Mosher, J. McD. Trimble, Kansas City; William Waterall, Samuel R. | Shipley, Philadelphia; Ezra Bowen, Burling- | ton, N.J.; E. P. Merwin, New York. Kansas City, Topeka and Western RR. See Atchison, Topeka and Sante Fé RR. Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf RW. President—J. B. Watkins, Lawrence, Kan., and 2 Wall st., New York. Vice-Pres.—Alex. Thomson, Lake Charles, La. Treasurer—D. M. Sprankle, Lawrence. Secretary—W. J. Patterson, Lawrence. Chief Engr.—P. H. Philbrick, Lake Charles. Traffic Mgr.—John F. McCoy, Lake Charles. Superintendent—J. K. Lape, Lake Charles. London Managers—H. G. Chalkley & Sons, 14 Bishopgate st., Without, FE. C. DIRECTORS—J.B.Watkins, W. J. Patterson, D. M. Sprankle, Lawrence, Kan.; Alex. Thomson, Lakes Charles, La.; M. J. Dart, Dallas, Tex.; Henry Dickinson, New York. ; H. G. Chalkley, London, Eng. Kansas City, Wyandotte and North- western RR. (‘‘The Northwest Route.’’) Receiver--Newman Erb, Kansas City, Mo. President—W. D. Bethell, Memphis, Tenn. Vice-President—K. B. Armour. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—E. Summerfield. Secretary—C. H. Trimble, Memphis. Gen. Attorneys—M. Summerfield and John Hutchings. Supt.--C. F. Brotherton, Kansas City. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—M. K. Fleming. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—G. E. Hoff- master. Commercial Agt.—C. H. Obear, Beatrice, Neb. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.--C. J. Byles, Leaven- worth, Kan. Supt. of Roadway Bridges and Buildings— Frank Tibbitts. Master Mechanic—G. Mertsheimer, Kansas City. Train Master--H. W. Sheridan. Car Accountant--Louis Lait. Claim and Tax Agent—L. M. Erb. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.--H. C. Brown, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—W. D. Bethel, O. H. P. Piper. Jno. K. Speed, Samuel Tate, Jr., H. M. Neely, S. H. Brooks, J. T. Graham, Martin Kelley, Newman Erb, Memphis, Tenn.; K. B. Armour, Kansas City, Mo.; V. J. Lane, E. Summer- field, C. F. Brotherton, Kansas City, Kan. Kansas Midland RW. Topeka and Sante Fé RR. See Atchison, Kearney and Black Hills RW. President—J. H. Hamiiton, Kearney, Neb. Vice-President—J. S. Cameron, Omaha, Neb. Sec. and Treas.—W. E. Davidson, Kearney. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. H. Lothrop, Kearney. Stock Agt.—C. I. Tuttle, Kearney. Car Acct.—D. M. Coiner, Kearney. Keeseville, Ausable Chasm and Lake Champlain RR. President—Edmun4d K. Baber, Keeseville, N.Y. Vice-President—Rufus Prescott, Keeseville. Treasurer—Charles M. Hopkins, Keeseville. Sec. and Gen. Pass. Agt.—Adelbert W. Boyn- ton, Keeseville. Gen. Mer.—C. S. Taylor, Keeseville. DirEcTORS—Rufus Prescott, James R. Romeyn, Richard Hoag, Heman H. For- rence, Charles F. Tabor, Geo. N. Kingsland, Charles M. Hopkins, Conant S. Taylor, Adelbert W. Boynton, Edmund K, Baber, Henry M. Mould, Keeseville, N. Y. - Lonis S. Crandall, Troy, N. nae Thomas Se ‘Coolidge, _ Glen Falls, Nt Keithsburg Bridge Co. President—Samuel Carr, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Edward Kent, 54 Wall st., New York. Kendall and Eldred RR. See West- ern N. Y. and Pa. RR. Kenebec Central RR. Pres. and Gen, Mgr.—Weston Lewis, Gardi- ner, Me. Treasurer—P. H. Winslow, Gardiner. Clerk—H. S. Webster, Gardiner. DIRECTORS—H. W. Jewett, A. C. Stilphen, David Dennis, J. S. Maxcy, Weston Lewis, SioB-sDingley; EE. D.° Haley, -S. N.-Maxcy, Gardiner, Me. ; Franklin Stevens, Randolph, Me. Kennebunk and Kennebunkport RR. President—Edward P. Burnham, Saco, Me. Treasurer—Moses C. Maling, Kennebunk, Me. Secretary—Edward E. Bourne, Kennebunk. * . DIRECTORS—James G. Cousens, Charles E. Perkins, Joseph A. Titcomb, Kennebunk- port, Me.; Edward P. Burnham, Saco, Me. ; Moses C. Maling, Hartley Lord, Kennebunk, Me. Kensington and Tacony RR. President—J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—R. D. Barclay, W. H. Barnes, ~ John P. Green, W. A. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Kent Northern RW. President—J. D. Chipman, St. Stephen, N. B. Vice-Pres.--D. F. Maxwell, St. Stephen. Secretary—J. D. Phinney, Richibucto, N. B. Gen. Mgr.—Wilmot E. Brown, Richibucto. DirREcTORS—J. D. Chipman, D. F. Maxwell, C. H. McKenzie, Wm. Gillespie, St. Stephen, N. B.; J. D. Phinney, Wilmot Brown, Robert Hutchinson, Richibucto, N. B. Kentucky and Indiana Bridge Co. Operating Kentucky and Indiana Bridge and Belt Line, New Albany Belt and Terminal RW., and New Albany and Portland Ferry Co. President—Bennett H. Young, Louisville, Ky. -Vice-Pres.—W. T. Grant, Louisville. Gen. Mgr.—W. R. Woodward, Louisville. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. P. Weaver, Louisville. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. H. Trimble, Louisville. Auditor—H. W. Heazlitt, Louisville. Car Accountant—W. B. Meek, Louisville. DrrREcCTORS—John T. Moore, St. John Boyle, James M. Fetter, J. W. Gaulbert, W. H. Thomas, Bennett H. Young, W. T. Grant, Julius Bamberger, A. F. Caldway, V.° D. Price, J. W. Stine, T. W. Bullitt, W. H. Dill- ingham, Louisville, Ky.; W. S. Culbertson, J. F. Gephart, L. Hartmann, H. Terstegge, New Albany, Ind. Kentucky and South Atlantic RW. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—W. P. Anderson, Cincinnati. 74 Secretary—E. M. Robinson, New York. Treasurer—T. O. Barbonr, Richmond, Va. DriRECTORS—M. E. Ingalls, Wear: Anderson, Cincinnati, O.; C. H.» Coster, A. J. Thomas, W. B. Howe, A. M. Robinson, N. R. Johnson, New York. Kentucky Central RW. President—M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. G. F. A.—Brent Arnold, Cincinnati, O. Asst. G. P. A—S. F. B. Morse, Cincinnati. Superintendent—Lewis Hood, Cincinnati. Other officers same as Louisville and Nash- ville RR. Co., Louisville, Ky. Kentucky Midland RW. (“Elkhorn Route.”’) President—Hon. Wm. Lindsay,Frankfort,Ky. Vice-President—Gen. D. W. Lindsey, Frank- fort. Secretary—A. H. McClure, Frankfort. Treasurer—E. L. Samuels, Frankfort. Operating Agts.—Mason & Hoge, Frankfort. Gen. Supt. and Chief Engr.—Geo. B. Harper, Frankfort. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. D. Bercaw, Frankfort. Auditor—S. French Hoge, Frankfort. DrRECTORS—-Hon. Wm. Lindsay, D. W. EINGSeY wel Sk avlor wits, eo. L, Samuels John T: Buckley, Frankfort, Ky.; Jas. E. Cantrill, Georgetown, Ky. ; Jas. M. Thomas, Jas. W. Ferguson, Paris, Ky. Kentucky Union RW. Receiver—Hamilton F. Kean, 45 Wall st., New York. President—F. D. Carley, Louisville, Ky. Vice-Pres.—H. C. McDowell, Lexington, Ky. Sec. and Treas.—L. T. Rosengarten, Louis- ville. Auditor—Russell Armstrong, Clay City, Ky. Comptroiler—George Copeland. Gen. Superintendent—J. M. Phillips. Chief Engineer—T. Wilson Todd. Gen. Fgt., Pass. and Pur. Agt.—Chas. Scott. DrREcTORS-—F, D. Carley, St. John Boyle, A. P. Humphrey,, L. T. Rosengarten, J. W: Gaulbert, Geo. M. Davie, J. M. Atherton, Louisville, Kyat. 1CMeDowell Cer, Stoll, Lexington, Ky. Keokuk and Des Moines RR. President—Benjamin Brewster, New York. Sec. and Treas.—James R. Cowing, New York. Keokuk and Hamilton Bridge Co. President—Andrew Carnegie, 62 Cedar st., New York. Sec. and Treas.—Theodore Gilman, New York. DirREcTORS—Andrew Carnegie, A. G. Agnew, James F. Secor, W. M. Spackman, David Patton, Samuel D. Davis, Theodore Gilman. Keokuk and Northwestern RR. See St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern RR, Keokuk and Western RR. President and Gen. Counsel—F. T. Hughes, Keokuk, Ia. Vice- President—G. H. Candee, New York. Treasurer—C. M. Jesup, New York. Auditor, Asst. Treas. and Paymaster—J. F. Elder. ite T © Train Master—J. P. Boyle, Centreville, Ia. Car Service Agt.—T. R. Board, Keokuk. General Mgr.—A. C. Goodrich. | DIRECTORS—F. T. Hughes, A. C. Good- rich, Keokuk, Ia.; F. M. Drake, Centreville, Ia.; T. DeWitt Cuyler, Philadelphia; G. H. Candee, Lowell, Mass.; Benjamin Strong, Frank J. Paton, Benjamin Graham, W. H. | Gebhard, New York. Keystone Coal Co’s RR. President and Treasurer—Henry A. Stiles, Philadelphia. Secretary—Geo. C. Stiles, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt.—Edward J. Weld, Meyersdale, Pa. DIRECTORS—John H. Small, J. Steward, A. | G. Richey, Henry T. Weld, Geo. F. Baer, James P. Scott. Kildare and Linden RW. ' President—J. H. Bemis, jefferson, Tex. © Vice-President—Geo. W. Howell, Atchison, Kan. Sec. and Treas.—C. F. Bemis, Jefferson. Gen. Freight and Pass. Agt—W. N. Bemis, Jefferson. | DIRECTORS—J. H. Bemis, C. F. Bemis, W. | N. Bemis, W. B. Ward, Jefferson, Tex.; R. M. Gallaway, Kildare, Tex.; H. C. Hynson, | Texarkana, Tex. ; George W. Howell, Atchi- son, Kan. Kilkenny Lumber Co’s RR. cord and Montreal RR. Kinderhook and Hudson RW. President—John V. Clarke, 34% Pine st., New York. Vice-President—Joseph Mullin, Watertown, INGEN, See Con- Treasurer—Frank Watts, Syracuse, N. Y. Secretary—John R. Pawling, Watertown. Auditor—H. C. Hodgkins. Superintendent—J. W. Brown. Gen. Fet. Agt.—J. F. Moffet. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. F. McLain. DIRECTORS—George B. Phelps, Joseph Mullin, T. H. Camp, John F. Moffet, E. M. Gates. f. RK.) Pawling, H. H:. Rice; R.A. Huntington, Watertown; J. D. Parsons, Jr., Albany, N. Y.; J. Spencer Hosford, Kinder- hook, N. Y.; O. G. Staples, Washington, OSGo Prank Walts Syracuse; NOV ic J. V: Clarke, New York. Kings County Elevated RR. President—James Jourdan, Brooklyn, N. Y. Vice-President—Wendell Goodwin, Brooklyn. Treasurer—Jas. H. Frothingham, Brooklyn. Secretary—Henry J. Robinson, Brooklyn. Gen. Mgr.—William T. Goundie, Brooklyn. Auditor—Benj. H. Loder, Brooklyn. DIRECTORS—James Jourdan, James H. Frothingham, William A. Read, Brooklyn ; Wendell Goodwin, August Belmont, Jr., Edward A. Abbott, Henry J. Robinson, S. Newton Smith, James O. Sheldon, New York. Kingston and Adelphi RW. Gen. Mgr—John Karshner, Adelphi, O. Kingston and Pembroke RW. President—C. F. Gildersleeve, Kingston, Ont. Vice-President—John D. Flower, New York. Sec. and Treas.—T. W. Nash, Kingston. Asst. Sec. and Treas.—Floyd Vail, New York. Auditor—M. J. Neville, Kingston. Superintendent—B. W. Folger, Kingston. Asst. Supt.—J. H. Taylor. Gen. Pass. Agt.—F. Conway. Gen, Fgt. Agt.—J. Swift, Kingston. DiIREcCTORS—R. P. Flower, J. D. Flower, Henry, Seibert, New York » .H..H./(Perter, Chicago, Ill.; C. F. Gildersleeve, G. A. Kirk- patrick, B. W. Folger, James Swift, M. H. Folger, Kingston. Kingston, Napanee and Western RW.. President—E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. Vice-Pres.—W. R. Aylesworth, Deseronto. Gen. Supt.—H. B. Sherwood, Nepanee, Ont. Sec. and Treas.—F. S. Rathbun, Deserunto. Auditor—C. A. Millener, Deseronto. DIRECTORS—E. W. Rathbun, F. S. Rath- bun, W. R. Aylesworth, E. Walter Rathbun, R. C. Carter, H. B. Rathbun, H. B. Sherwood, Deseronto. Kinzua Creek and Kane RR. President—G. W. Campbell, Kane, Pa. Auditor—C. A. Buchanan, Kane. Gen. Manager—J. W. Campbell, Kane. DiIRECTORS--G. W. Campbell, J. W. Camp- bell Eo W. Campbeil,..G. “D. Canipbell,.s Mz Springer, C. A. Buchanan, Richard W. Smith, Kane, Pa. Kinzua RR. See Western New York and Pennsylvania RR. Kinzua Valley RR. President—S. S. Bullis, Olean, N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer—A. J. Thompson, Warren, Pa. Auditor—F. L. Stowell, Olean. DIRECTORS —S, >... Bullis, (Jo .C. Prench, Olean, N. Y.; John Byrne, New York; F, E. Brooks, G, L: Roberts; Ci D. Williams,\H. S- Hastings, Bradford, Pa. Knox and Lincoln RW. President—Arthur Sewall, Bath, Me. Treasurer—Geo. W. York, Portland, Me. Clerk—David W. Snow, Portland. DirEcTORS—Arthur Sewall, Bath, Me. ;: Payson Tucker, F. E. Richards, H. B. Cleaves,. W. L. Putnam, Portland, Me. ;\J. E. Ricker, Deering, Me.; Asa A. Potter, Boston, Mass. Knoxville and Augusta RR. President—R. N. Hood. Supt.—Wm. Hood, Knoxville, Tenn. Knoxville and New River RR. President—Charles Siedler, New York. Sec. and Treas.—S. G. Coriell, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Superintendent—A. S. Coriell, Jr., Robbins, Tenn. Knoxville and Ohio RR. President—E. J. Sanford, Knoxville, Tenn. Vice-President—S. M. Felton, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—J. N. Mitchell, Knoxville. Secretary—L. M. Schwan, New York. Asst. Sec.—Charles Ducloux, Knoxville. Knoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville RR. President—Clarence Cary, New York. Vice-President—F. W. Whitridge, New York. Treasurer—Melvin R. Gay, Knoxville, Tenn. Secretary—Edwin T. Rice, Jr., New York. és 4 ? yi Act. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. A. Bly. Aud. and Pur. Agt.—H. G. Frazer, Knoxville. Gen. Supt.—L. F. Wynne. _DirEcToRS—Clarence Cary, W. E. Curtis, James Brown Potter, Edwin T. Rice, Jr., F.W. Whitridge, Albert Fairfax, New York; H. F. Pollock, London, Eng. ; James A. Chapman, _Middlesborough, Ky. Kymulga and Coosa River RR. President—R. Morrison, Chattanooga, Tenn. Vice-President—E. R. Ladew, New York. Superintendent—-J. C. Lanier, Kymulga, Ala. Treasurer—J. D. Lanier. Secretary—Frank Rees, Chattanooga. Lackawanna and Montrose RR. President—W. D. Lusk, Montrose, Pa. ‘Treasurer—F. H. Gibbens, New York. Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers, New York. DIRECTORS—W. F. Hallstead, W. R. Storrs, W. H. Storrs, Garret Bogart, James W. Fow- ler, Geo. M. Hallstead, W. G. Parke, Scran- Zon, Pa, ; H. L. Beech, ‘J. R..Cooley, R. M. Bostwick, T. J. Davis, W. H. Jessup, Montrose, Pa. Lackawanna and Pittsburgh RR. Receiver—Geo. D. Chapman, New York. Agt. for Receiver—Mitchell S. Blair, Angelica, Nae, Lackawanna and Southwestern RR. President—Edward Mahoney, New York. Vice-Pres. and Receiver—Geo. D. Chapman, 48 Wall st., New York. Agt. for Receiver—Mitchell S. Blair, Angelica, N. Y ‘Treasurer—W. Z. Browne, 48 Wall st., New York. Secretary—William Ives Washburn, York. DIRECTORS—Edward Mahoney, M. W. Rob- inson, Wm. I). Wilkins, Wm. Ives Washburn, HevASV. Post;:-Robert Dunlap, Geo. W. ‘Hall, George D. Chapman, John W. Curtis, New York; Thomas H. Bouden, Montclair, N. J. New Lackawanna and Susquehanna RR. See Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Lake Champlain and Moriah RR. President—George R. Sherman, Port Henry, NEY: Treasurer—A. Edward Tower, Poughkeepsie, NY Secretary—Frank S. Witherbee, Port Henry. DIRECTORS—George R. Sherman, Walter icwwitherbee,) Port Henry; N./Y.; Ho M. Braem, New York; Albert Tower, Pough- keepsie, N. Y.: James A. Burden, Troy, N.Y. Lake Champlain and St. Lawrence Junction RW. See Southeastern RW., Canada. Lake County (Forest) RW. Gen. Mgr.—Thomas R. Lyon, Mich. Gen. Supt.—Edwin Goodrich, Branch, Mich. Chief Engr.—Roscoe McEwen, Branch. “Gen. Aud. and Pur. Agt.—John S. Woodruff, Ludington. DiRECTORS—Thomas R. Lyon, John S. Woodruff, Lucius K. Baker, Ludington, Mich.; John B. Lyon, Chicago, Ill.; M. A. Neilan, San Bernandino, Cal. Ludington, ef 70 Lake Creek RR. Pres. and Treas.—R. T. Hardesty, gomery, Tex. Secretary—H. H. Lummis, Montgomery. DirEctTors+J. L. Iron, B. H. Powell, R. D. Hardesty, H. H. Lummis, J. E. McComb, H. B. Rice, Montgomery, Tex. Mont- Lake Erie and Detroit River RW. President—Hiram Walker, Detroit, Mich. Vice-President—S. A. King, Kingsville, Ont. Secretary—G. J. Leggatt, Windsor, Ont. Gen. Auditor—A. Leslie, Walkerville, Ont. Treasurer—J. H. Walker, Walkerville. Gen. Mgr.—E. C. Walker, Walkerville. Chief Eng.—Jos. DeGurse. Gen. Supt. and Traffic Mgr.—Wm. Woollatt. Supt. of Transportation—C. C. Young. Road Master—Hy. Morris. Mechanical Supt.—S. Austin. DirRECTORS—Hiram Walker, J. Harrington Walker, E. Chandler Walker, Frank Walker, William Ackman, Jr., Detroit. Mich.; S. A. King, Kingsville, Ont.; Joseph G. Leggatt, Windsor, Ont. Lake Erie and Western RR. ural Gas Route.’’) President—C. S. Brice, 80 Broadway, New York. Vice-President—L. M. Schwan, 80 Broadway, New York. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. L. Bradbury, Indianapolis, Ind. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—H.C. Parker, Indianapolis. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. F. Daly, Indianapolis. (‘‘ Nat- Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. B. Sweet, Indian- apolis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—A. G. Young, Indian- apolis. Sec. and Treas.—L. M. Schwan, 80 Broad- way, New York. Auditor—W. A. Wildhack, Indianapolis. Asst. Treasurer—A. D. Thomas, Indianapolis. Gen. Supt.—D. S. Hill, Indianapolis. Asst. Gen. Supt.—G. T. Jarvis, Indianapolis. Supt. Peoria Div.—O. E. Grady, Lafayette, Ind. Supt. Sandusky Div. and Supt. Tele.—O. W. Bell, Lima, O. Chief Eng. and Pur. Agt.—T. H. Perry, Indianapolis. Gen. Atty.—W. E. Hackerdorn, Indianapolis. Supt. of Equip.—P. Reilly, Lima. Trav. Pass, Agt.—E. N. Hicks, Indianapolis. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. O. Baker; Indianapolis. Gen. Agt.—H. J. Graham, Peoria, IIl. Contracting Agt.—W. A. McGowan, DAI OY DirREcTORS—Calvin S. Brice, Lima, O.; Geo. F. Stone, 2H: .W.> Cannon!” Samuel Thomas, John G. Moore, Geo. F. Baker, Edward Tuck, Nelson Robinson, New York ; Cinci- John B. Cohrs, Chicago, III. Lake Erie, RW. President—A. L. Griffin, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice-President—S. J. Williams. Alliance, O. Sec. and Treas.—L. M. Lawson, New York. Superintendent—E. E. Scranton, Alliance, O. Alliauce and Southern Asst. Gen. Fegt. and’ Pass. Agt.—W. D. Winans, Alliance. DIRECTORS—L. M. Lawson, Fisher A. Baker, New York; S. J. Williams, E. E. Scranton, T. R. Morgan, Sr., Alliance, O. ; A. L. Griffin, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; R.G. Richards, Steubenville, O. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. (‘“ The Lake Shore Route.’’) Chairman of the Board—Wm. K. Vanderbilt, New York. President and Gen. Mgr.—John Newell, Cleve- land, O. Vice-President, Treas. and Sec.—E. D. Wor- cester, New York. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—P. P. Wright, Cleveland. Asst. Treas.—Dwight W. Pardee, New York. Local Treas. and Asst: Secretary—N. Bartlett, Cleveland. Asst. to the Pres.—Addison Hills, Cleveland. Gen. Counsel—Geo. C. Greene, Cleveland. Asst. Gen. Counsel—O. G. Getzen-Danner, Cleveland. Gen. Supt.—W. H. Canniff, Cleveland. Asst. Gen. Supt.—P. S. Blodgett, Cleveland. Supt. Eastern Div.—Tracy W. Niles, Buffalo, NY, Supt. Toledo Div.—J. M. Watts, Cleveland. Supt. Michigan Division—T. F. Whittelsey, holedo, *©),. Supt. Western Div.—A. G. Amsden, Chicago, Ill. Supt. Franklin Div.—J. K. Russell, Youngs- town, O. Supt. Detroit Division—S. S. Hand, Detroit, Mich. _ Supt. Lansing Division—A. H. Smith, Hills- dale, Mich. ‘Supt. Kalamazoo Division—A. B. Newell, Grand Rapids, Mich. Supt. Telegraph—William Kline, Toledo. Car Accountant—C. E. Wheeler, Cleveland. Purchasing Agent—Chas. B. Couch, Cleveland. Auditor—C. P. Leland, Cleveland. Auditor Fgt. Receipts—R. H. Hill, Cleveland. Auditor Pass. Receips—F. A. Wyman, Cleve- land. Trav. Auditor—J. T. Hayden, Cleveland. _ Asst. Trav. Auditor—J. E. Slater, Detroit. Asst. Traveling Auditor—F. B. Hull, Adrain, . Mich. ' Chief Engineer—E. A. Handy, Cleveland. ' Engineer L. S. Division—C. A. Carpenter, Cleveland. Engineer M. S. Div.—S. Rockwell, Toledo. Supt. of Bridges—G. M. Reid, Cleveland. _ Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. T. R. McKay, Cleveland. Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt.—John G. James, Cleve- 7 land. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—M. S. Chase, Chicago. Division Fgt. Agt.—A. E. Billings, Toledo. Division Fgt. Agt.—Geo. F. McKay, Cleve- land. Gen. Agent-—H. Bromley, Cleveland. - Gen. Agent—H. J. Lawrence, Pittsburgh, Pa. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—S. B. Giddings, Chicago. Contracting Agent—C. M. Crosier, Cleveland. _ Trav. Fgt. Agt.—A. W. French, Cleveland. _ Trav. Fet. Agt.—S. A. Little, Cleveland. _ Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. J. Keller, Toledo. - Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agent—A. J. Smith, Cleveland. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—E. C. Luce, Cleveland. Gen. Bag. Agt.—J. L. Freeman, Cleveland. - Eastern and Southern Pass. Agt.—J. A. Burch, Buffalo. ; Western Pass. Agt.—C. K. Wilber, Chicago. 77 Northwestern Pass, Agt.—J. E. Hull, St. Paul, Minn, Pacific Coast Agent—C. C. Crane, San Fran- cisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Amos Burr, San Francisco. Trav. Pass. Agt.—M. S. Giles, Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. S. Barlow, Milwaukee, Wis. Trav. Pass. Agent-—B. P. Humphrey, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agent—W. S. Brown, Toledo. Trav. Pass. Agent—L. A. Robison, Youngs- town. Trav. Pass. Agt.—F. P. Howe, Buffalo. Pass. Agent—M. E. Gaul, Cleveland. Supt. Dining Cars—C. E. Padgett, Chicago. nat BENE: Power—G. W. Stevens, Cleve- and. Master Mechanic—John Robinson, Buffalo. Master Mechanic—J. S. Graham, Cleveland. Master Mechanic—A. A. Bradeen, Norwalk,O. eee a Tea Ie eb L. Gilmore, Elkhart, Ind. Gen. Master Car Builder—J. Kirby,Cleveland. Asst. Gen, Master Car Builder—A. M. Waitt, Cleveland. Master Car Builder—A. C. Robson, Buffalo. Master Car Builder—Geo. N. Dow, Cleveland.- Master Car Builder—J. R. Reniff; Norwalk. Master Car Builder.—F. O. Bray, Adrian. Master Car Builder—T. Fildes, Englewood, Ill. Gen. Car Inspector—F. H. Soule, Cleveland. DIRECTORS—Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Chair- man; Cornelius Vanderbilt, Fred’k W. Vander- bilt, Edwin D. Worcester, Samuel F. Barger, John E. Burrill, Darius O, Mills, H. McK. Twombly, New York; John Newell, Cleve- land, O.; Charles M. Reed, Erie, Pa. ; James H. Reed, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Rasselas Brown, Warren, Pa. ; John De Koven, Chicago, II. Lake Shore RR. See Concord and Mon- treal RR. Lake Shore Terminal and Transfer Co. See Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic RW. Lakeside and Marblehead RR. President—M. C. Younglove, Cleveland, O. Vice-Pres., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—Caleb E.. Gowen, Cleveland. Secretary—W. A. Pardee, Cleveland. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. R. Moore. Cleveland. Supt.—W. H. Harsh, Marblehead, O. DirRECTORS—H. A. Blood, Geo. N. Smalley, W. O. Chapman, Boston, Mass.; D. G. Cut- ler, Duluth, Minn. ; N. Kelley, Kelley Island, O:; Caleb E. Gowen, J. C. Hale, E. J. Blan- din, W. A. Pardee, Cleveland. Lake Simcoe Junction RW. President—J. N. Blake, Toronto, Ont. Vice-President—David Tisdale, Simcoe, Ont. Secretary—J. K. Bouchier, Georgina, Ont. Lake Tahoe RR. Operated by Carson and Tahoe Lumber and Flum. Co., Carson City, Nev. Lake Temiscamingue Colonization. RW. Officers and Directors not furnished. Lancaster and Hamden RW. President—J. G. Reeves, Lancaster, O. Treasurer—P. Rising, Lancaster. Secretary—B. F. Dunn, Lancaster. DIRECTORS—J. G. Reeves, P. Rising, P: Binninger, B. F. Dunn, J. H. Alline, W. B. McCracken, Lancaster; T. Agier, Hamilton, ©.; Otis Ballard, A. Beach, Circleville, O. ; James Ballard, Tarlton, O. Lancaster and Reading Gauge RR. President—A. H. Peacock. Treasurer—W. Leaman, Lancaster, Pa. DirREcTORS--A. H. Peacock, John R. Bit- ner, John Keller, B. F. Breneman, George M. Narrow- Franklin, W. U. Hensel, William Leaman, | Lancaster; George W. Hensel, Daniel D. Hess, Robert Montgomery, Chas. H. Geiger, Quarryville, Pa.; Daniel Bair, New Provi- dence, Pa.; Daniel Herr, Refton, Pa. . Lancaster, Oxford and Southern RR. | President—Walter M. Franklin, Lancaster, | Pa: Sec. and Treas.—J. W. B. Bausman, Lancas- | rei Supt. and Transfer Agt.—G. Renie Dickey, | Oxford, Pa. DIRECTORS—J. W. B. Bausman, John C. in aeer, «bi Martin, Lancaster; J: E: Ramsey, J. M. Showalter, Oxford; R. B. ‘ Paterson, Spruce Grove, Pa. Laramie, North Park and Pacific RW President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. ‘Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. L’Assomption RW. President—Charles Gill, Montreal, P. Q. Sec., Treas.and Gen. Mgr.—A. C. Wurtele, Montreal. Laurel Fork and Sand Hill RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—William C. Stiles, Jr., Volcano, W. Va. ie Treasurer—Henry A. Stiles, Philadelphia. Secretary—Geo. C. Stiles, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Wm. C. Stiles, Jr., Volcano, WeVal H.-A. Stiles, Henry. Bower, L. -.C. | Gratz, Philadelphia. Laurens RW. See Columbia and Green- | ville RR. Lawrence and Emporia RW. President—Sidrey Dillon. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris. Comptroller—O. W. Mink, Boston, Mass. Lawrenceville Branch RR. See Vir- ginia Midland RW. Leamington and St, Clair RW. President—Lewis Wigle, Leamington, Ont. Secretary—Nicol Kingsmill, Toronto, Ont. DirEcTORS—Lewis Wigle, Geo. F. Cronk, Leamington ; James Ross, Montreal, Que. ; | _ Nicol Kingsmill, Harry Symons, Dyce Saund- | ers, William Percy Torrance, Toronto. Leavenworth and St. Joseph RR. President—Arnold Kalman. Vice-President—C. W. Benson. Treasurer—Francis Skipwith. Secretary—John L. Pratt, St. Paul, Minn. Leavenworth Depot and RR. See Union Pacific RW. Leavenworth, Northern and Southern RR. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. Leavenworth, and South- western RW. President—(Vacancy. ) Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. DiRECTORS—A. Manvell, Chicago, Ill. ; Jay Gould, deceased, Sidney Dillon, J. F. Dillon, George C. Magoun, New York; F. L. Ames, F..G. Dexter, E. F.’Atkins, Alden Speare; John P. Whitehead, Boston, Mass.; A. L. Williams, M. Orien, A. S. Johnson, Topeka, Kan. Lebanon and ReadingR R. President—J. N. DuBarry. Sec. and Treas.—Albert Hewson. DIRECTORS—R. D. Barclay, Wm. H. Barnes, John’ P, Green, Wm. ‘A. Patton, N: P. Short: ridge, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Topeka Lebanon Springs RR. Receiver—Wm. V. Reynolds. Superintendent—E. D. Bennett. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Joseph Child. Lehigh and Hudson River RW. President—Grinnell Burt, Warwick, N. Y. Vice-President—Joseph S. Harris, Philadel- phia. Treas. and Gen. Warwick. Secretary—Daniel B. Halstead, New York. Aud. and Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. M. Rey- nolds, Warwick. Superintendent—N. L. Furman. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Frank E. Smith. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—M. Rutherfurd. Engineer—Charles Caldwell. DiRECTORS—E. D. Adams, G. F. Baker, Charles Caldwell, Henry Greaves, John S. Martin, J. R. Maxwell, W. R. Potts, Austin Corbin, New York; Grinnell Burt, G. W. San- ford, Warwick, N. Y.; E. W. Clark, Joseph S. Harris, Edward Lewis, Philadelphia ; Garrett A. Hobart, Paterson, N. J. Pass. Agt.—John Sayer, Lehigh and Lackawanna RR. President—J. S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—S. Shepherd, Philadelphia. Auditor—C. F. Howell, Philadelphia. Gen. Agt.—E. Hill, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—E.W. Clark, Thomas McKean, Edward Lewis, S. Shepherd, Philadelphia. Lehigh and Susquehanna RR. Road owned by Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. President—Joseph S. Harris. Secretary and Treasurer—Solomon Shepherd. agi DrrecTors—Edward W. Clark, Francis R. Cope, Charles Parrish, James M. Edward Lewis, Samuel Dickson, Edward B. Leisenring, Abram S. Hewitt, Thos. McKean, Edward S. Buckley, Charlemagne Tower, Jr., Philadelphia. Lehigh Valley Coal Co. President—Elisha P. Wilbur. Vice-President—Charles Hartshorne. Secretary—John R. Fanshawe. General Land Agent—Israel W. Morris. Asst. Sec. and Treasurer—Wm., C. Alderson, Philadelphia. DrrRECTORS—Charles Hartshorne, Ario Pardee, Israel W. Morris, Robert H. Sayre, | Bethlehem, Pa.; Wm. A. Ingham, James I. Blakslee, Philadelphia. Lehigh Valley RR. Pres.—E. P. Wilbur, South Bethlehem, Pa. Vice-Pres.—Charles Hartshorne, Philadelphia. 2d Vice-Pres.—Robert H. Sayre, Bethlehem. | 3d Vice-Pres.—John B. Garrett, Philadelphia. © Secretary—John R. Fanshawe, Philadelphia. Asst. Sec.—David G. Baird, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. C. Alderson, Philadelphia. Comptroller—Isaac McQuilkin, Philadelphia. Gen. Coal Agent—Wm. H. Sayre, South Beth- lehem. Chief Engr.—A. W. Stedman, South Bethle- hem. General Solicitor—Henry S. Drinker. DiRECTORS—E. P. Wilbur, Sayre, Robert A. Lamberton, South Bethle- hem; Charles Hartshorne, Calvin Pardee, John B. Garrett, John R. Fell, Wm. A. Ing- ham, Geo. C. Thomas, Philadelphia; Wm. L. Conyngham, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.; Ario Pardee, Hazleton, Pa.; Jas. I. Blakslee, Charles O. Skeer, Mauch Chunk, Pa. The Lehigh Valley RW. Pres.—Elisha P. Wilbur, South Bethlehem, Pa. Vice-President—Charles Hartshorne. 2d Vice-President—Robert H. Sayre. 3d Vice-President—John B. Garrett. Secretary—Jno. R. Fanshawe. Treasurer—Wm. C. Alderson. DIRECTORS—Elisha P. Wilbur, Chas. Harts- horne, Robert H. Sayre, John B. Garrett, Jno. R. Fanshawe, Henry S. Drinker, George C. Thomas, Eugene Delano, Wilson S. Bissell, Wm. Stevenson, George M. Diven, Howard | Elmer, Franklin C. Cornell. Lehigh Valley Terminal RW. President—E. P. Wilbur, South Bethlehem, as Vice-President—Chas. Hartshorne. - 2d Vice-President—Robert H. Sayre. 3d Vice-President—John B. Garrett. Secretary—David G. Baird. 5 Treasurer—Wm. C. Alderson. DirEctToRS—Charles Hartshorne, HenryS. Drinker, E. P. Wilbur, Robt. H. Sayre, John | B. Garrett, John R. Fanshawe, Wm. C. Alder- | son, Francis H. Janvier, Jas. F. Schaper- | kotter, Wm. Beidler, Sidney Ward, David G. Baird, John Hood, Charles Weston, Thos. | Hulme. Leroy and Caney Valley Air Line RR. President—Geo. J. Gould. Treasurer—A. H. Calef. Secretary—Geo. C. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. Wilcox, | Robert H. | Lewisburg and Tyrone RR. President—J. N. Du Barry. Sec. and Treas.—Jas. R. McClure. DIRECTORS—Geo. B. Roberts, Jno. P.Green, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia; James P. Coburn, Aaronsburg, Pa.; S. C. Stewart, Tyrone, Pa.; N. P. Shortridge, Wynnewood, Montgomery Gen. Pa. Lewiston and Auburn Branch RR. President—B. F. Sturgis. Treasurer—C. H. Osgood. Secretary—I. B. Isaacson. Lexington Terminal RR. President—W. M. Howard, Lexington, Ga. Secretary—T. G. Lester, Lexington. Treasurer—Geo. C. Smith. Lexington. DIRECTORS—J. J. Smith, R. J. Willingham, J. T. MM. Haire, Edgar Maxwell, Thos. B. Moss, Lexington, Ga. Ligonier Valley RR. President—Thomas Mellon, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—R. B. Mellon, Pittsburgh. Gen. Manager—T. A. Mellon, Pittsburgh. Supt. and Gen. Freight Agt.—George Seuft, Latrobe, Pa. DIRECTORS—Thos. Mellon, T. A. Mellon, J. R. Mellon, R. B. Mellon, A. W. Mellon, W. S. Mitchell, Pittsburgh ; Geo. Senft, Ligonier, Pa. Lincoln Park and Charlotte RR. See Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW. Litchfield Belt RW. Gen. Manager—L. C. Haynes. Litchfield, Carrollton and Western R. President—Harry S. Carroll, Clarksville, Mo. Secretary—H. H. Montgomery. Treasurer—Ornan Pierson, Carrollton, III. Little Book Cliff RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. T. Carpenter, Grand Junction, Col. Vice-President—N. N. Smith, Grand Junction. Secretary—W. J. Quinn, Grand Junction. DIRECTORS—W. T. Carpenter, N. N. Smith, Orson Adams, W. J. Quinn, Thos. Sandford, Grand Junction. Little Miami RR. President—Frank J. Jones, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Pres.—B. S. Cunningham, Cincinnati. Sec. and Treas.—Henry C. Urner, Cincinnati. Gen. Counsel—Wm. Worthington, Cincinnati. DIRECTORS—Henry Hanna, FrankJ. Jones, John Mitchell, Charles P. Taft, James N. Gamble, William Worthington, B. S. Cun- ningham, Thos. J. Emery, L. B. Harrison, Chasing kiruseseGineinpati:* A. S... Brazier, Xenia, O.; Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Little Rock and Fort Smith RW. President—Geo. J. Gould, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. Sec. and Treas.—A. H. Calef, New York. Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—O. B. Moore, Little Rock, Ark. Gen. Supt.—R. E. Ricker, St. Louis. Gen. Auditor—C. G. Warner, St. Louis. Pa Local Treasurer—D. S. H. Smith, St. Louis. Fegt. Traffic Mgr.—C. A. Parker, St. Louis. Gen. Met. Ast. W.C.Stith, St. Louis. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—H. C. Townsend, | St. Louis. Land Commissioner—G. A. A. Deane, Little | Rock. Purchasing Agt.—A. Gould, St. Louis. Gen. Baggage Agt.—J. C. Nicholas, St. Louis. Dist. Fgt. Agt.—A. R. Bragg, Little Rock. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, deceased, George | J. Gould, Edwin Gould, New York; S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis; George E. Dodge, B. S. Johnson, W. H. Pemberton, O. B. Moore, G. | A. A. Deane, Little Rock. Little Rock and Memphis RR. President, Gen. Mgr. and Purchasing Agt.— | Rudolph Fink, Little Rock, Ark. Sec. and Treas.—John W. Goodwin, Little Rock. Gen. Supt.—A. Gordon Jones, Tenn. S. E. Pass, Agt.—R. A. Williams, Atlanta, Ga. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Chas. E. Heth, Memphis. Pass. Agt.—H. H. Sutton, Chattanooga, Tenn. Commercial Agt.—Chas. A. Joseph, Nashville, ‘Pern. Memphis, Commercial Agt.—Thos. Noel, Louisville, Ky. | Commercial Agt.—S. W. Moore, Little Rock. Commercial Agt.—John Dwyer, Memphis. Commercial Agt.—N. H. Chamberlain, Kan- sas City, Mo. Gen. Fet. and Tkt. Agt.—H W. Morrison, Little Rock. DIRECTORS—Rudolph Fink, R. W. Martin, GiB: Rose, N. M. Rose, Little Rock ; J. W. Wynne, J. W. Beck, Forrest City, Ark; R.K. Dow, Claremont, N. H.; H. K. Sheldon, Jas. | do Smith; H.'P. Talmadge, F. C. Lawrance, New York. Executive Committee—Henry K. Sheldon, Chairman ; James H. Smith, Secretary; R. K. Dow, Henry P. Talmadge, Francis C. Lawrance. Little Rock Belt RW. | Operated by City Electric Street RW., Little Rock, Ark. President and Gen. Mgr.—H. P. Bradford. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. R. Brown. Chief Engr.—H. G. Fleming, Little Rock. Little Rock Junction RW. President—George J. Gould, New York. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. Sec. and Treas.—A. H. Calef, New York. West. Sec. and Asst.) Treas._—C. B. Moore, Little Rock, Ark. Directors — George J. Gould, Edwin Gould, New York; S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo.; Geo. E. Dodge, B. S. Johnson, G. A. A. | Deane, W. H. Pemberton, Little Rock. Little Sawmill Run RR. President—John Haworth, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—Charles S. Fetterman, Treasurer—Jacob Henrici, Economy, Pa. DirRECTORS—Jacob Henrici, C. S. Fetter- man, Pittsburgh; Henry Hice, Beaver, Pa. ; John R. Neeld, Banksville, Pa.; Edwin H. Stowe, Sewickley, Pa.; John Duss, Economy. Little Schuylkill Navigation RR. and | Coal Co. -President—Carroll S. Tyson. -. Secretary and Treas.—Jos. Lapsley Wilson. ittsburgh. | 80 DIRECTORS—George W. Steever, Henry Handy, Thomas McKean, John R. Fell, Charles Edward Ingersoll, David Reeves, Philadelphia. Littlewood RR. President—J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia: DIRECTORS—Wm. McSherry, Littlestown ; G. D. Klinefelter, Hanover ; J. S. Young, W. A’ Patton, N. Ps Shortridge; H.-D, Welsh, Liverpool Coal RW. President—Paul Morton, Chicago, III. Treasurer—G. W. Traer, Chicago. Superintendent—T. J. Phillips, Chicago. Purchasing Agent—C. E. Phelps, Chicago. Lockport and Buffalo RW. President—Thomas T. Flagler. Vice-President—Wm. Spalding. Secretary—W. H. Ransom. Treasurer—John T. Darrison, Lockport, N.Y- DIRECTORS—Thomas T. Flagler, William Spalding, John T. Darrison, John Hodge, John Lambert, Alonzo J. Mansfield, William W. Trevor, James S. Liddle, J. Carl Jackson, Wm. Richmond, Ambrose S. Beverly, Isaac E. Merritt, W. H. Ransom, Lockport. Lodi Branch RR. President—Simon Borg. Sec. and Treas.—John P. Rafferty. London and Port Stanley RW. President—James Egan. Secretary—Wm. Bowman, London, Ont. London, Huron and Bruce RW. President—L. J. Seargeant. Secretary—Robert Wright, Montreal, P. Q. Long Beach RR. President—William’J. Sewell, Camden, N. J. Treasurer—John M. Wood. Secretary—F. W. Schwarz, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—John P.Green, R. M. B. Engle, W. Bettle, R. B. Gowdy, B..F. Archer, W. T- Bailey, D. E. Culver, C. S. Ridgway, J. N- DuBarry, H. D. Welsh, Amos R. Little, Frank Ellmaker. Long Dock Co. President—F. B. Jennings. Treasurer—E,. White. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough. Long Island RR. President—Austin Corbin, New York. Vice-President—Charles M. Pratt, 192 Broad- way, New York. 2d Vice-President—Benjamin Norton, Long Island City, N. Y. Secretary—E. B. Hinsdale, New York. Treasurer—G. S. Edgell, New York. Asst. Sec. and Transfer Agt.—D. S. Voorhees, New York. Gen. Supt.—Wm. H. Blood. Asst. Supt.—H. R. Newkirk. Mast. Car Bldr.—Wm. H. McKaig. Supt. Buildings—J. H. Cummin. Train Master—W. L. Jarvis. Supt. Telegraph—L. S. Wells. Traffic Manager—H. M. Smith. 192 Broadway, : < ied . 7 wae pis ) a Mae er ‘ ‘> ve te * . a a , . Ld * 7 i _ President—David A. Boody, 57 Broadway, | \ os Auditor and Cashier—J. Carlsen. Auditor of Revenue—C. D. Pennington. Chief Engineer—P. D. Ford. Purchasing Agt.—G. L. Hubbell. Storekeeper—J. O’Connor, Morris Park, L. I. Master Car Builder—W. H. McKaig. Supt. Motive Power—Samuel F. Prince, Mor- ris Park, Paymaster—W. W. Kinzer. Superintendent Express—M. H. Hubbell. DirEcTORS—Austin Corbin, Babylon, L. I. ; Chas. M. Pratt, Wm. B. Kendall, Frank L. Babbitt, Brooklyn, N. Y.; James G. K. Duer, John P. Townsend, Daniel Lord, G. S. Edgell, E. R. Reynolds, bell, Philadelphia ; lenburgh, N. J.; aroneck, N. Y. Lookout Incline RW. Operating the | Lookout Incline and Mt. Lookout RWsSs. (‘‘ The Battlefield Route.”’) Pres.—D. Woodworth, Chattanooga, Tenn. Gen. Mgr.—H. Clay Evans, Chattanooga. Superintendent—T. M. Derrickson. Gen. Ticket Agt.—H. M. Breaker. Master Mechanic—O. Colegrove. DrIRECTORS—W. R. King, Willets’ Point, ban ti. 12 Demple,. oH: Clay Evans, Woodworth, L. E. Montague, Chattanooga, Tenn. Los Angeles and Pacific RW. Pres.—S. W. Luitweiler, Los Angeles, Cal. Vice-Pres.—A. Gayford, Santa Monica, Cal. Sec. and Treas.—S. P. Rees, Redondo, Cal. Auditor—James J. Evans, Los Angeles. DIRECTORS—S. W. Luitweiler, E. E. Hall, et Donegan, R/C. Shaw, Gy Cole; VEE. | Wicks, Los Angeles, Cal. Monica, Cal. Los Angeles Terminal RW. President—Geo. B. Leighton, Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—T. B. Burnett. Gen. Pass. and Fget. Agt.—Wm. Wincup. Auditor—G. E. Wright. ; A. Gayford, Santa Mast. Mech. and Mast. Car Bidr.—C. Shanks. | Road Master—E. M. Jessup. DiRECTORS—B. F. Hobart, George B. Leighton, St. Louis, Mo. ; W. H. Workman, Daniel McFarland, T. B. Burnett, Los An- geles, Cal. Louisiana and Missouri River RR. _ President—Bradley D. Lee, St. Louis, Mo. Sec. and Treas.—Charles H. Foster, Chicago. Louisiana and Northwest RR. New York. Vice-President and Gen. Rerecn ond D. Beardsley, Gibsland, La. Treasurer—J. P. Howell, New York. ‘DirEcTors—David A. Boody, Stewart L. Woodford, J. P. Howell, Edward M. Grant, New York : John D. Beardsley, A. K. Cling. | mean, A. T. Nelson, Homer, La. Louisiana and Texas (Morgan’s) RR. | Pres.—A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. Vice-Pres.—J. G. Schriever, New Orleans. Sec. and Treas.—J. B. Richardson, New Or- | leans. Asst. Secretary—I. E. Gates, New York. New York; Jas. D. Camp- | Dumont Clarke, Schral- | W. B. Dickerman, Mam- | Ta) St. Louis, Mo. | SI DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, New York ; A. C. Hutchinson, J. G. Schriever, John B. Richardson, Julius Krutschnitt, New Or- leans. Louisiana, Arkansas and Missouri RR President—Harlow M. Hoyt, New York. Vice-President—Logan H. Roots, Little Rock, Ark. Secretary—Philip G. Hoyt, New York. Treasurer—Charles E. Kimball, New York. DirEcTORS—H. M. Hoyt, Charles O. Thompson, Philip G. Hoyt, Lewis Coon, New York; Logan H. Roots, Little Rock, O. M. Norman. H. H. Myers, T. H. Jackson, Benj. H. Wilson. Brinkley, Ark. Louisiana Central RR. President—J. G. Parkerson, Lafayette, La. Vice-President, Sec. and Treas.—Isaac E. Gates, New York. Gen. Superintendent—A. D. Barrow, Allen, La. DirREcTORS—Isaac E. Gates, New York; Charles Babbage, Brooklyn, N. Y.; A. C. Hutchinson, Charles Palfrey, New Orleans, La.; J G. Parkerson, Lafayette. Port Louisiana Western RR. President—C. P. Huntington. Vice-President—H. E. Garth. Secretary and Treas.—I. E. Gates, New York. DirRECTORS—C, P. Huntington, I. E. Gates, F. H. Davis, H. E. Garth, New York; A: C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. Louisville and Nashville RR. Chairman of Board—August Belmont, New York. President—M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. Asst. to President—R. H. Ingram. Ist Vice- President—Stuart R. Knott, Louis- ville. 2d Vice-President—A. M. Quarrier, NewYork, 3d Vice-President—W. J.. Wood, Nashville, Tenn. Comptroller—Cushman Quarrier, Louisville. Treasurer—Wm. W. Thompson, Louisville. Secretary—J. H. Ellis, Louisville. Gen. Mgr.—J. G. Metcalf, Louisville. Transfer Agt.—H. Anthon, New York. Chief Attorney—Russell Houston. Asst. Chief Attorney—H. W. Bruce. Asst. Treasurer—S. H. Edgar. Cashier—G. W. Proctor. Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—A. W. Morris, 20 William st., New York. Auditor of Receipts—Edward Rowland. Asst. Auditor of Receipts—Wm. J. Dickinson. Auditor of Disbursements—R. E. Sewell. Asst. Auditor of Disbursements—D. J. Duane. Asst. Comptroller—Charles Hayden. Chief Engineer—R. Montfort. Supt. of Machinery—Pulaski Leeds. Supt. of Transportation—George E. Evans. Car Accountant—E. L. Hill. Purchasing Agt.—P. P. Huston. Superintendent Term. Fac.—Brent Arnold, Cincinnati, O. Supt igat, and L. Div.—C. A. Davis. Supt. Term. Fac.—E. H. Burch, Louisville. Supt. Louisville Div.—W. T. Pike. Supt. Cumb. Val. Division—J. W. Logsdon, Middlesborough, Ky. J Supt. Nash. Div.—Jas. Geddes, Nashville. Supt. S. and N. Ala. RR. and Birmingham Mineral RR.—W. M. Newbold, Bir- mingham, Ala. Asst. Supt. S. and N. A. RR. and B. M. RR. —B. M. Stark, Birmingham. Supt. Mob. and Mont. Div.—J. I. McKinney. Montgomery, Ala. Supt. N. O. and M. Div,—C. Marshall, New Orleans,’ La. Supt. Pensacola Div. and P. and A. RR.— E. O. Saltmarsh, Pensacola, Fla. Supt. Memphis Line—L. S. Robertson, Mem- phis, Tenn. Supt. Clarksville and Princeton Dunn, Clarksville, Tenn. Supt. Term. Fac.—E. P. Bryan, St. Louis, Mo. Supt. St. Lo. and Hend. Divs.—B. F. Dick- son, Evansville, Ind. Asst. Supt. St. Lo. and Hend Divs.—E. H. Mann, Evansville. Supt. Ala. Mineral RR.—Thomas K. Scott, Anniston, Ala. Traffic Manager—Y. Van Den Berg. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. B. Compton. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Chas. R. Brent. Gen. Fgt. Agt. St. Louis and Hend. Divs.— Lee Howell, Evansville. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Lines south of Decatur, Ala.— Theo. Welsh, Montgomery. Div.—S. Div. Fgt. Agt. Memp. Line—Julien F. Gracey, Memphis. Div. Fgt. Agt. Clarksville and Princeton Div. —S. Dunn, Clarksville, Tenn. Div. Fgt. Agt. Pensacola Div.—J. W. Lurton, Pensacola. Gen. Agt.—S. B. Jones, 381 Broadway, New York. Gen. Agt.—Brent Arnold, Cincinnati, O. Gen. Agt.—W. S. McChessney, Jr., Lexing- ton, Ky. Gen. Agt.—W. N. Culp, Louisville. Gen. Agt.—Geo. W., Thompson, Bowling Green, Ky. Gen. Agt.—S. J. Cassett, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Agts.—F. P. Gracey & Bro., Clarksville. Gen. Agt.—B. F. Champe, Nashville. Gen. Agt.—E. A. De Funiak, Birmingham. Gen. Agt.—F. C. Shepard, New Orleans. Gen. Agt.—H. G. Barclay, Mobile, Ala. Trav. Fet. Agt.—J. H. Barrickman, Chicago. | Trav. Fet. Agt.—T. E. Fitzgerald, Louisville. | Trav. Fgt. Agt.—James T. Crutchfield, Louis- ville. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—H. S. Gray, KansasCity, Mo. Gen. Agt.—John Fitzgerald, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. W. Parker, Memphis. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. A. Brooks, Montgomery. Gen. South. Agt.—J. A. Sams, Atlanta, Ga. Gen. Agt.—J. Overton Ewin, Florence, Ala. - Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. N. Chandler, Evansville. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. P. Atmore, Louisville. - Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. A. Boyd, Louisville. | Div. Pass. Agt.—John Kilkeny, New Orleans. Div. Pass. Agt.—Geo. B. Horner, St. Louis. Div. Pass. Agt—S. F. B. Morse, Cincinnati. Div. Pass. Agt.—S. Dunn, Clarksville. Gen. Bag. Agt.—J. B. Browning, Louisville. Gen. East. Ag.t—S. B. Jones, 381 Broadway, New York. East. Pass. Agt.—John E. Burke, 381 Broad- way, New York. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Herman Holmes, Medina,O. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. L. Sprague, Detroit, Mich. N. W. Pass. Agt.—Geo. L. Cross, Chicago. 82 Trav. Pass. Agt.—Sid. J. Gates, Cincinnati. Dist. Pass. Agt.—J. H. Milliken, Louisville. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. A. Steltenkamp, Indian- apolis, Ind. West. Pass. Agt.—C. H. Fitzgerald, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—T. H. Kingsley, Dallas, Tex. Trav. Pass. Agt.—T. H. Watterson, Little Rock, Ark. Dist. Pass. Agt.—F. D. Bush, Atlanta,Ga. S. E. Pass. Agt.—Jackson Smith, Knoxville, Tenn. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Harrison, Lexing- ton, Ky. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. W. Penn, Junction City, Ky. Pass. Agt.—-H. C. Piper, Montgomery. Florida Pass. Agt.—B. H. Hopkins, Jack- sonville, Fla. DIRECTORS—John A. Carter, M. H. Smith, John D. Taggart, Louisville ; Jacob H. Schiff, J. A. Horsey, August Belmont,Arnold Marcus, Eckstein Norton, J. D. Probst, Thomas Rutter, J. S. Rogers, William Mertens, New York ; Edmund Smith, Philadelphia. Louisville and St. Louis RR. President—Gerald L. Hoyt. Treasurer—William Wagner, New York. Receiver, Vice-Pres. and Sec.—C.H. Bosworth, Springfield, Ill. Louisville and Wadley RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. C. Little, Louis- ville, Ga. Treasurer—S. M. Clark, Louisville. Secretary—G. W. Warren, Louisville. DIRECTORS—W. L. Phillips, J. G. Cain, G. W. Warren, S.-M. Clark, G. H. Harrell, J.C: Little, F. A. Singerfield, Louisville, Ga. Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis — Consolidated RR. (‘‘ The Air Line.’’) President—D. J. Mackey, Evansville, Ind. Sec. and Treas.—W. J. Lewis, Evansville. Auditor—E. B. Cooke, Evansville. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. F. Evans, Louisville, Ky. Superintendent—James Montgomery, Hunt- ingburg, Ind. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—G. J. Grammer, Evansville. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. O. Hopkins, Evansville. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—R. A. Campbell, Evansville. Asst. Gen. Pass. and -Ticket Agt.—S. D.- McLeish, Evansville. Gen. Sie mr ores ate. & Taylor, Evans- ville. Gen. Bag. Agt.—F. R. Wheeler, Evansville. Train Mast.—M. M. McDonald, Huntingburg. Mast. Mech—John Torrence, Huntingburg. ie of Telegraph—J. D. White, Louisville, Ky. Gen. Agt.—J. B. Campbell, Louisville. Gen. Agt.—F. A. Willard, St. Louis, Mo. Western Pass. Agt.—E. L. Patterson,Room 210, Boston Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. MGM Re Agt.—W. Z. Katzenbach, Evans- ville. DIRECTORS—D. J. Mackey, W. J. Lewis, E. O. Hopkins, Evansville, Ind.; C. C. Bald- win, James Stillman, John L. Lamson, Marcus Mayer, New York; Bluford Wilson, Spring- field, Ill. Thomas W. Scott, Fairfield, III. Louisville, Hardinsburg and Western | RW. President—Lafayette Green. Vice-President—John Dean. 83 | | Superintendent—A. M. McCracken, Louis- | ville, Ky. Louisville, New Albany and Chicago | RW. (‘ Monon Route.’’) President—Gen. Samuel Thomas, 80 Broad- way, New York. Vice-President—John Greenough, 20 Wallst., New York. Sec. and Treas.—W. H. Lewis, Chicago, III. | Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—J. A. Hilton, 80 | Broadway, New York. Gen. Mgr.—W. H. McDoel, Chicago, IIl.: Auditor and Pur. Agt.—Jos. H. Craig, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—Sumner J. Collins, Chicago. Asst. Supt.—T. J. McGuire, Monon, Ind. Asst. Supt.—G. K. Lowell, Lafayette, Ind. Chief Engineer—F. Hall, Chicago. Gen. Pass. Agt.—James Barker, Chicago. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—R. M. Arnold, Chicago. Master Mech.—H. Watkeys, New Albany, Ind. | Master Car Builder—C. Coller, New Albany. Gen. Counsel—Geo. W. Kretzinger, Chicago. Gen. Sol.—E. C. Field. Gen. Agt.—W. H. Newman, Louisville, Ky. | Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—Geo. A. Sanderson, © Chicago. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—G. S. Brecount, Cin- cinnati, O. Gen. Agt.—C. R. Hammond, Lafayette. Gen. Agt.—R. W. Glading, Thomasville, Ga. Commercial Agt.—A. J. O’Reilly, Indian- apolis, Ind. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—M. Hunter, Englewood, III. | Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. L. Wolf, Chicago. Agent—H. L. Moore, Paul, Minn. District Pass. Agt.—I. D. Baldwin, No. 26S. Illinois st., Indianapolis. District Pass. Agt.—W. G. Crush, N. W. cor. 4th and Market sts., Louisville. City Pass. Agt.—B. L. Bryant, N. W. cor. 4th | and Market st., Louisville. Dist. Pass. Agt.—E. P. Welty, Chamber of Minneapolis and St. | Commerce Building, S. W. cor. 4th and | Vine sts., Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. Agt.—L. E. Sessions, Minneap- | olis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Geo. H. Hughes, Louis- | ville. _-City Pass. Agt.—Frank J. Reed, Chicago. DirRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, John Green- | ough, Calvin S. Brice, Frank R. Lawrence, | _ James E. Granniss, F. K. Sturgis, C. Weid- | enfeld, E. D. Hawkins, E. K. Sibley, New York ; Herman H. Campbell, Boston, Mass. ; | G. B. Shaw, John B. Hughes, Chicago, Ill. Louisville, New Albany and Corydon RW. _ President—M. J. O’Csonnor, Corydon, Ind. Vice-President and Corydon. Secretary—R. J. Tracewell, Corydon. - Drrectors—M. J. O’Connor, R. J. Trace- well, G. W. Applegate, Corydon, Ind.; St. _Treas.—St. John Boyle, | 'John Boyle, John A. Green, H. G. Boyle, | Louisville, Alex. H. Davis, Syracuse, Ey. ¥. Keys Ree ca? New Orleans and Texas President—R. T. Wilson, New York. Vice-President—J. M. Edwards, Memphis, Tenn: Secretary—C. H. Bosher, New York. Treasurer—F. H. Davis, New York. Asst. Treasurer—R. Hazlehurst, Memphis. Paymaster—J. C. French, Memphis. Comptroller—Wm. Mahl, New York. Acting Auditor—J. A. Ridgely, Memphis. Car Ser. Agt.—T. H. Smith, Memphis. AS Mgr.—A. M. Cooke, New Orleans, a. Gen. Supt.--M. B. Cutter, Memphis. Supt. Memphis and Riverside, Divs.—W. J. McKee, Memphis. Asst. Supt. Riverside Div.—J. T. Savage, Greenville, Miss. Supt. Natchez and Jackson Div.—G. D. Lawrence, Natchez, Miss. Supt. New Orleans Div.—W. S. King, New Orleans. Trafic Mgr.—L. F. Day, Memphis. Gen. Pass. Agt.—P. R. Rogers, Memphis. Assty * Gen.” Petiy Agt.+—E. . C+ Dumbeck;, Memphis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—R. F. Rey- nolds, New Orleans. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. R. Fagan, Memphis. Fegt. Claim Agt.—W. A. Eldredge, Memphis. Gen. Agt.—B. A. Squire, 204 S. Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Gen. Agt.—D. Shelby, 320 Chestnut st., St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Agt.—P. D. Papin, Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Foreign Fegt. Agt.—F. J. Mitchell, New Orleans, Commercial Agt.—D. R. Coon, Natchez. Land Com.—G. W. McGinnis, Memphis. Gen. Bag. Agt.—H. G. Willis, Memphis. DIRECTORS—R. T. Wilson, Isaac E. Gates, Wm. M. Johnston, E. H. Pardee, Wm. Mahl, C. P. Huntington, New York; E. Martin, Vicksburg, Miss.; A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. ; James M. Edwards, Memphis, Tenn. Board of Trade Louisville RW. Transfer. President—M. H. Smith. Secretary—J. H. Ellis, Louisville, Ky. Louisville, St. Louis and Texas RW. President—W. V. McCracken, New York. Vice-President—Geo. A. Evans, New York. Secretary—Geo. H. Lamkin, Louisville, Ky. Asst. Secretary—Jos. P. Pennington, New York. Gen. Mgr., Auditor and Treasurer—J. K. Mc- Cracken. Trafic Manager—L. S. Parsons. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. C. Mor- duc, Louisville. Superintendent—A. M. McCracken, Louisville. Mast. Mech.—F. J. Ferry, Owensboro, Ky. Car Acct.—Ridgely Cayce, Louisville. DIRECTORS—W. V. McCracken, Geo. A. Evans, New York; J. K. McCracken, James P. Helm, Ridgely Cayce, Louisville, Ky.; R. R. Pierce, Cloverport, Ky.; J. D. Powers, Owensboro, Ky. Louisville Southern RR. Vice-President— Bennett H.Young, NewYork. Secretary—Wm. Cornwall, Jr., Louisville, Ky. DIRECTORS—J:-L. Smyser, V. D. Price, Bennett H. Young, Dennis Long, A. E. Rich- ards, J. W. Stine, W. B. Hoke, E. E. Trahue, Julius Bamberger, Carey Peter, Louisville ; T. B. Ripy, Lawrenceburg, Ky. Lowell and Andover RR. President—Frederick Ayer. Sec. and Treas.—Benj. Walker, Lowell, Mass. Lowell and Hastings RR. President—William Winegar, Grand Rapids, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—McGeorge Bundy, Grand Rapids. Gen. Mgr.—M. L. Sweet, Grand Rapids. Traffic Mgr.—W. H. Clark, Lowell, Mich. DIRECTORS—Wm. Winegar, M. L. Sweet, McGeorge Bundy, R. B. Loomis, Grand Rapids; Geo. H. Tuxbury, Hart, Mich. Lower Laurentian RW. President—James McNaught, New York. Vice-President—R. Kiernan, Three Rivers, Sec. and Treas.—William A. Williams, New York. Gen. Mgr. and Contractor—C. A. Scott, Que- bec; Que. DIRECTORS—James McNaught, George R. Howell, G. S. Jones, William A. Williams, New York; R. Kiernan, Three Rivers; William Cook, Jules Tessier, Quebec. Loyalsock RR. President—Elisha P. Wilbur, Bethlehem, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—Jno. R. Fanshawe, Philadel- phia. DirRECTORS—Charles Hartshorne, William C. Alderson, John R. Fanshawe, Henry S. Drinker, William Stephenson, Robert H. Sayre, Philadelphia. “ Ludington Line.”’ Marquette RR. Lykens Valley Coal Co. President—George B. Roberts. Vice-President—Isaac J. Wistar. Secretary—Horace Whiteman. Treasurer—Arthur Haviland. DirRECTORS—George B. Roberts, A. J. Cas- satt, N. Parker Shortridge, J. N. DuBarry, John 'P. Green, Isaac J. Wistar, William J. Howard, Amos R. Little, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Lykens Valley RR. and Coal Co. President—William A. Nash. Sec. and Treas.—Charles York. DirREcTORS—William A. Nash, Frederick A. Platt, Brooklyn, N. Y.; John W. Hoffman, Philadelphia; Isaac H. Platt, Lakewood, N. Y.4 Geo. P. Lawrence, Westport, Conn. ; Edward Dunham, Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.; DeWitt C. Falls, New York. Emmett, New Lynchburg and Durham RR. President—W. C. Houston, Jr., Lynchburg, Va. Vice- President—J. S. Carr, Durham, N. C. See Flint and Pere | Vice-President—Peter J. Otey, Houston, Va. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Williams, Philadel- phia. Auditor—C. C. Dunn, Jr., DirEcTORS—Peter J. meh Mosby H. Payne, J. R. Clarke, George M: Jones, J. H. Franklin, John B. Winfree, Rit Miller, John Hickson, Lynchburg, Va.; Edmund Irvine, Evington, Va.: R. W. Withers, Rustburg, Va.; Wood Bouldin, Jr., R. W. Watkins, H. A. Edmondson, Houston, Va.; Joseph Stebbins, South Boston, Va.; J. A. Long, Roxboro’, N. Ci; J.:S. Carr; E. J.-Parrish, G.-Wi. Wate Durham, N. C. McKean and Buffalo RR. See West- ern New York and Penna. RR. Lynchburg. McKeesport and Bessemer RR. President—Robert Pitcairn, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec.and Treas.—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—W. H. Barnes, John P. Green, William A. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. McKeesport Connecting RR. President—Horace Crosby, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Mgr.—E.'C. Converse, New York. Treasurer—C. I. O’Connor, McKeesport, Pa. Secretary—J. W. Downer, Jr., New York. Superintendent—W. B. Schiller, McKeesport. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agent—H. Holdane. Master Mechanic—G. N. Riley, McKeesport. DIRECTORS—Horace Crosby, Pittsburgh, Pa.; E. C. Converse, J. W. Downer, Jr, New York’: "J. Ho Pierce, Av-Chandon.'Col OC ar nor, McKeesport, Pa. Macon and Atlantic RR. See Georgia Southern System. Macon and Birmingham RR. Georgia Southern System. See Macon and Northern RR. President—Alexander Brown, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—A. J. Rauh, 80 Broadway, New York. Treasurer—A. Craig Palmer, Macon, Ga. DiIRECTORS—Alexander Brown, Sha Wilmer, W. Checkley Shaw, Baltimore, Md. Pat: Calhoun, Alex. C. King, niga Spalding, ret Ga. ; Robert L. Harrison, New ork Macon, Dublin and Savannah RW. President—Gilbert B. Shaw, Chicago, II. Vice-President—D. M. Hughes. Gen. Manager—James T. Wright, Macon, Ga. Secretary—H, M. Smith, Dublin, Ga. Gen. Supt.—J. B. Maxon. Auditor—E. W. Dautel. Madison, Alton and Chicago RW. President—T. C. Salveter, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—C. W. Fenn, St. Louis. Treasurer—P. A. Fusz, St. Louis. Gen. Manager—J. G. Miller, St. Louis. Superintendent—F. B. King, St. Louis. Car Service Agt.—Frank Thoma, St. Louis. Mahoning Coal RR. President—D., P. Eells. Sec. and Treas.—C, P. Leland, Cleveland, O. Mahoning Valley RR. Pres., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—J. A. Haskell, Helvetia, Pa. “Secretary—W. J. Webster, Helvetia. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. J. McManius, Helvetia. _ Chief Engr.—W. F. Arms. Gen. Pass. Agt.—John L. Evans, Helvetia. DirEcTOoRS—Adrian Iselin, Adrian Iselin, Jr., Henry Fatio, New York; J. H. Hocart, mrooklyn, N.«Y.; J: A. Haskell, John: Mc- Leavy, W. F. Arms, H: F: Smith, W. J: Webster, Helvetia, Pa. Mahopac Falls RR. President—William F. Buckley. Treasurer—H. M. Braem. Secretary—L. M. Gillet. DIRECTORS—William F. Buckley, H. M. Braem, Arthur F. Wendt, L. M. Gillet, C. Littlefield, Henry Brinsmade, New York; A. W. Humphrey, Brooklyn, N. Y. Maine Central RR. President—Arthur Sewall, Portland, Me. Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Payson Tucker, Portland. Treasurer—George W. York, Portland. Secretary—J. H. Drummond, Portland. Auditor—William W. Colby, Portland. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—F. E. Boothby, Portland. , Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. S. Eaton, Portland. Chief Engineer—William A. Allen, Portland. ' Gen. East. Agt.—G. A. Alden, Waterville, Me. Paymaster and Fegt. Auditor—T. P. Shaw, Portland. DirRECTORS—Payson Tucker, William G. Davis, Horatio N. Jose, Portland; William T. Hart, William A. French, Boston, Mass.; 7 W. Hyde, Arthur Sewall, Frank Jones, Chas. A. Sinclair, Portsmouth, N. H.; Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford, Mass.; Amos Paul, South Newmarket, N. H. ; Joseph S. Ricker, Deering, Me. ;. John Ware, Water- ville. Mammoth Cave RR. _ President—J. Hill Eakin. _ Secretary—R. H. Lacy. Manayunk and Philadelphia RR. President—Arnold G. Plumer. Secretary—Frank R. Shattuck. _ Treasurer—G. Herbert Millett. Gen, Solicitor—Wm. M. Stewart, Jr. DirRECTORS—Arnold G. Plumer, G. Herbert Millett, Francis B. Owen, Frank M. Wirg- @einan, Frank R. Shattuck, J. K. Schofield, _ A.R. Colesberry, Philadelphia. Manchester and Augusta RR. _ President—H. Walters, Wilmington, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—JamesF. Post, Jr., Wilming- ton. _ Gen. Supt.—John F. Devine, Wilmington. Manchester and Keene RR. President—W. W. Bailey, Nashua, N. H. Treasurer—C. E. A. Bartlett, Boston, Mass. c-) Manchester and Lawrence RR. _ President—Charles A. Sinclair, Portsmouth, rst N..H. Treasurer—Henry EH, Chandler, Manchester, Bath, Me. ; | 85 Clerk—Charles B. Gaffney, Rochester, N. H. DirEcTORS—Charles A. Sinclair, Ports- mouth, N. H. ; Geo. B. Chandler, Herman F, Straw, Manchester, N. H.; John W. Sanborn, Wakefield, N. H.; Elisha R. Brown, Dover, N. H.; Wm. P. Fowler, Boston, Mass. ; Geo. W. Armstrong, Brookline, N. H. Manchester and North Weare RR. President—Edward C. Shirley. Treas.—Josiah Carpenter, Manchester, N. H. Clerk—Nathan P. Hunt, Manchester, N. H. Manhattan, RW. President—W. B. Strong, Boston, Mass. Vice-President—F. Gordon Dexter, Boston. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—G. L. Gordon, Boston. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Comptroller—J. P. Whitehead, Boston. Manager—A. A. Robinson, Topeka. DIRECTORS—F. G. Dexter, W. B. Strong, E. F. Atkins, F. L. Ames, Boston, Mass. ; Sidney Dillon, Jay Gould, dec’d, J. J. McCook, Geo. C. Magoun, J. F. Dillon, New York ; JuDyspringer, A. Manvel, Chicago, Ill. ; VA. L, Williams, W. H. Davis, Topeka, Kan.; L. E. Finch, Burlingame, Kan. Alma and Burlingame Manhattan RW. President—Jay Gould, dec’d, New York. Ist Vice-Pres.—George J. Gould, New York. 2d Vice-Pres., Gen. Mgr. and Pur. Agt.— Frank K. Hain, New York. and Treas.—D. W. McWilliams, New York. Auditor—E. F. J. Gaynor, New York. Chief Engineer—John Waterhouse. Gen. Tkt. Agt.—Chas. P. McFaddin. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, dec’d, R. M. Galla- way, Russell Sage, Samuel Sloan, Sidney Dil- lon, George J. Gould, J. Pierpont Morgan, Frank K. Hain, Cyrus W. Field, Edwin Gould, Chester W. Chapin, Simon Wormser, T. C. Eastman, New York. Sec. Manistee and Grand Rapids RR. President—John Canfield, Manistee, Mich. Vice-President—Louis Sands, Manistee. Treasurer—E. G. Filer, Manistee. ‘ Secretary—T. J. Ramshell, Manistee. DirEcTorRS—-E. G. Filer, Louis Sands, James Dempsey, E. N. Salling, T. J. Ram- shell, R. R. Blacker, John Canfield, Manistee, Mich. Manistee and Luther RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Richard G. Peters, Eastlake, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—Henry W. Carey, Eastlake. DIRECTORS—Richard G. Peters, H. W. Carey, Eastlake, Mich.; Ceorge M. Burr, A. J. Dovel, Manistee, Mich.; J. H. Peters, Cole- man, Mich. Manistee and Northeastern RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Edward Buckley, Manistee. Mich. Sec. and Treas.—William J. Law, Manistee. Gen. Supt.—William Douglas, Manistee. DirEcTtors—Edward Buckley, William Douglas, William J. Law, Charles G. Wilson, T. J. Elton, Manistee, Mich. Manistique RW. President—M. S. Smith, Vice-President—Lewis A. Hall, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—J. C. McCaul, Detroit. Auditor—G. H. Stalker, Detroit. Gen. Supt.—Thos. Oliver, Seney, Mich. DIRECTORS—R. A. Alger, M.S. Smith, J. ComcCaul.A. J. Fox, Detroit, Mich. Rik. eae Cleveland, O.; L. A. Hall, Bay Mills, Mich. Detroit, Mich. Bay Mills, Manitoba and Northwestern RW. of Canada. President—Andrew Allan, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—F. H. Brydges, Winnipeg, Man. Secretary—E. W. Riley, Montreal. Gen. Supt. and Treas.—W. R. Baker, Portage | la Prairie, Man. Land Commissioner—A. F. Eden, Winnipeg. | Engineer in Charge—G. H. Webster. Accountant—D. B. Hanna. , Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—A. McDonald, Portage la Prairie. DirECTORS—Andrew Allan, H. M. Allan, Andrew A. Allan, A. T. Drummond, Montreal, Can.; Hugh A. Allan, Bryce J, Allan, Boston, Mass.; W.R. Allan, F. H. Brydges, Winnipeg, Man. | Manitoba Pacific Route. G. P. and T. A., Great Northern RW.—F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. Gor. eAy Cans” Pacific’ RW.—Robert ‘Kerr, Winnipeg, Man. Dist. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. F. Lee, Chicago, Ill. - Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Long, 233 Fourth st., Des Moines, Ia. Manitoba Southwestern Colonization RW. See Canadian Pacific System. Manitou and Pike’s Peak RW. President—John Hurlbert, Manitou, Col. Vice-President—R. R. Cable, Manitou. Treasurer—J. B. Glasser, Manitou. Gen. Manager—H. S. Cable, Manitou Springs, Cal: Mansfield RW. Co. Pres. and Secretary—Boling Williams, Mans- | field, La. Vice-President—B. F. Jenkins, Mansfield. Treas. and Auditor—M. Ricks, Mansfield. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. T. Pegues, Mansfield. DIRECTORS—Boling Williams, Marmaduke Ricks, B. F. Jenkins, O. H. P. Sample, W. T. | Pegues, Mansfield. Maricopa and Phoenix RR. President—N. K. Masten, San Francisco, Cal. | Vice-Pres., Mgr. and Treas.—C. S. Masten, Phoenix, Arizona Ter. Secr. and Purchasing Agent—F. I. Kendall, San Francisco. Aud. and Gen. Fegt. Phoenix. DirEcTOoRS —N. K. Masten, Sidney M. | Smith, Francis Cutting, San Francisco; C. S. Masten, John Dennis, John R. Loosley, | Frank Baxter, Phoenix. and Transportation | Agent—D. P. Conroy, | Marietta and North Georgia RW. Receiver—J. B. Glover, Marietta, Ga. Vice-Pres. and Acting Pres.—Lenox Smith, New York. Secretary—H. M. Hammett, Marietta. Auditor—M. J. Bradley, Marietta. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. B. Bradley. Train Master and Car Accountant—C. B. Lackes. Supt. Motive Power—J. B. Glover. Road Master—M. A. Clayton, Marietta. DrirEcTORS—Lenox Smith, New York; H. M. Aiken, M. R. Gay, W. B. Bradley, Knoxville, Tenn.; A. L. Hartridge, Savan- nahwitss eed eZ ‘Hammett, Marietta ; tne Whitcomb, Murphy, N. C.; L. H. Baker, Bridgeport, Conn. ; and one vacancy. Marine RW. President—Austin Corbin, 192 New York. Vice-President—E. R. Reynolds, New York. Secretary—D. S. Voorhees, New York. Treasurer—Wm. G. Wheeler, New York. DirEcTORS—Austin Corbin, Everett R. Reynolds, George S. Edgell, New York ; D.S. Voorhees, Woodbridge, N. J.; Henry Graves, Broadway, Orange, N. J.; J. R. Maxwell, H..W. Max- well, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marion and McPherson RR. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. ‘Martha’s Vineyard RR. Treasurer and Gen. Mgr.—Jos, M. Wardwell, Edgartown, Mass. TRUSTEES—Charles F. Choate, Southboro’, Mass. ; Fred. L. Ames, North Easton, Mass. Martin’s Creek RR. in N. Jd. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Sec. and Treas.—Hugh B. Ely. DirREcTORS—J. N. Du Barry, J. A. Ander- son, T. Ellmaker, H. B. Ely, John C. Sims, W. 7 Sewell, Philadelphia. Martin’s Creek RR. in Pa. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Sec. and Treas.—Hugh B. Ely. DIRECTORS—J. N. Du Barry, John P. Green, Amos R. Little, George B. Roberts, N. P23 Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Mary Lee Coal and RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—J. A. Montgomery, Birmingham, Ala. Vice-President and Treas.—Geo. W. Birmingham. Secretary—F. M. Frazier, Birmingham. DIRECTORS—J. A. Montgomery, George W. West, John R. Ryan, Birmingham ; J. Wilcox Brown, Douglas H. Gordon, Baltimore, Md. West, Mason and Oceana RR. President—M. F. Butters, Ludington, Mich. Vice-President—George N. Stray, Ludington. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Lyons, Ludington. - Gen. Mgr.—M. McDermott, Buttersville, Mich. DIRECTORS—M. F. Butters, G. N. Stray, J. H. Lyons, Horace Butters, M. McDermott, Ludington, Mich. Mason City and Fort Dodge RR. 'President—Wm. A. Stephens, St. Paul, Minn. Vice-Pres.—Hamilton Browne, Fort Dodge,lIa. | Secretary and Treasurer—S. T. Meservey, Fort Dodge. Auditor—R. W. Eager, Mason City, Ia. DIRECTORS—Jas J. Hill, Wm. A. Stephens, E. P. Hickey, D. C. Shepard, St. Paul; Ham- | _tlton Browne, Fort Dodge. - Duyvil, N. Y.; i, eke Mason County Central RR. Pres. and Supt.—W. H. Kneeland, Shelton, Wash. Vice-Pres.—N. H. Owens, Olympia, Wash. Sec. and Treas.—M. Lewis, Shelton, Wash. DIRECTORS—W. H. Kneeland, M. Shelton, Wash. ; N. H. Owens, Olympia, Wash. Massawippi Valley RW. President—Robert N. Hall, M. P., Sherbrooke, Secretary and Treasurer—J.G. Foster, Derby Line, Vt. Gen. Supt.—H. E. Folsom, Lyndonville, Vt. Massillon and Cleveland RW. President—Charles W. Cass, New York. Sec. and Treas.—John J. Haley, Pittsburgh, Pal DIRECTORS—Charles W. Cass, New York; | John J. Haley, W. F. Robb, Pittsburgh ; John Sherman, Mansfield, O. ; Massillon, O. Mauch Chunk, Summit Hill and Switchback RR. Gen. Mgr.—T. L. Mumford, Mauch Chunk, Pai Maxton, Alma and Rowland RR. Pres. and Supt.—J. B. Wilkinson, Alma, N.C. Treasurer—P. A. Fore, Alma. Sec. and Auditor—E. S. Lathrop, Alama. Maysville and Big Sandy RR. President—M. E. Ingalls. Sec. and Treas.—J. C. Davie, Cincinnati, O. Meadville, Conneaut Lake and Lines- ville RR. See Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake Erie RR. Mechanicsville and Fort Edward RR. | President—James Roosevelt. Acting Treasurer—James C. Hartt, New York. DiRECTORS—Theodore Voorhees, Spuyten fonds, N.Y. ; HH. S.) Marcy,> Bostoh, Mass. ; James C. Hartt, New York; James Roosevelt, Hyode.Park, N.Y: Meherrin Valley RW. Superintendent—-Chas. Ehrhart, Emporia, Va. | Memphis and Charleston RR. President—C. M. McGhee, New York. Ist Vice-President—S. M. Felton, New York. | 2d Vice-President—Henry Fink, New York. Secretary—L. M. Schwan, New York. Treasurer—H. C. Wilton, Memphis, Tenn. Lewis, | Px Ge Albright, | ie ea pulard. sbroy aNe-Y.2)°):| Isaac V. Baker, Comstocks, N. Y.; Andrew | Williams, A. L. Inman, Plattsburgh, N. Y.; | C. D. Hammond, J. White Sprong, Slinger- | 87 DIRECTORS—S. M. Felton, E. H.R. Lyman, Samuel Shethar, Samuel Thomas, John H. Inman, ©. M. McGhee, John G, Moore, L. M. Schwan, New York; Calvin S. Brice, Lima, O.; J. C. Neely, Napoleon Hill, Memphis, Tenn. ; H. S. Chamberlain, Chat- Ta ee Tenn, ; Addison White, Huntsville, a. Menominie RW. President—E. W. Winter, St. Paul, Minn. Secretary—E. E. Woodman, Hudson, Wis. Treasurer—R. W. Clark. Auditor—L. A. Robinson, St. Paul. Meriden, Waterbury and Connecti- cut River RR. President—Geo. H. Wilcox, Meriden, Conn. Vice-Pres —E. D. Steele, Waterbury, Conn. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. Rockwell, Meriden. Superintendent—C. M. Crawford, Meriden. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—H. L. B. Pond, Meriden. DIRECTORS--Geo. H. Wilcox, George R. Curtis, Samuel Dodd, A. Chamberlain, C. L. Rockwell, Meriden, Conn.; A. S. Chase, E. D. Steele, H. A. Matthews, H. L. Wade, Waterbury, Conn. Metropolitan Elevated RW. President—Jay Gould, dec’d. Vice-Pres.—R. M. Gallaway, New York. Sec. and Treas.—D. W. McWilliams, New York. Auditor—E. F. Gaynor, New York. DIRECTORS—Chester W. Chapin, Sidney Dillon, Cyrus W. Field, Jay Gould, dec’d, Geo. J. Gould, Edwin Gould, Robt. M. Gallo- way, J. Pierpont Morgan, Russell Sage, Samuel Sloan, New York ; Simon Worsmer, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mexican Central RW., Limited. President—S,. W. Reynolds, Boston, Mass. Vice-President—Robert R. Symon, London. 2d Vice-Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Edward W. Jackson, Mexico, Mex. Clerk and Treas.—J. T. Harmer, Boston. Gen. Auditor—F. S. Anable, Boston. Gen. Pur. Agt.—Theo. Nickerson, Boston. Asst. Mgr.—Edw. H. Whorf. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—A. C. Michaelis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. B. Wilkins. . Treas.—Charles A. Browne, El Paso, (lex: Auditor—W. A. Frost. Supt. Mot. Pow. and Mach.—F. W. Johnstone. Gen. Mat. Agt.—Jas. A. Snell. Supt. Mexican Div.—S. O. Lewis, Silao. Supt. Chihuahua Div.—R. E. Comfort, Ciudad Juarez. Supt. Guadalajara Div.—H. A. Vaughan, Guadalajara. Supt. San Luis Div.—M. S. McCay, San Luis Potosi. Supt. Tampico Div.—J. J. Sullivan, Tampico. Gen. East. Agt.—Geo. W. Keeler, New York. Gen. West. Agt.—M. H. King, 236 Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Gen. Trav. Agt.—C. E. Miner, 105 N. Broad- way, St. Louis, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. P. Foster, 105 N. Broad- way, St. Louis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. W. Gillespie, 34 St. Charles st., New Orleans, La. DirREcCTORS—Oliver Ames, Isaac T. Burr, Jacob Edwards, E. Rollins Morse, Edmund W. Converse, William Rotch, Warren Sawyer, Alden Speare, George B. Wilbut, Joseph H. White,. Higgins, George Foster Peabody, New York ; W. F. Dummer, Chicago, III. Mexican RW. Main line. President—Thomas C. Sandars, London, Eng. Secretary—John T. Denniston, London. Superintendent—George Foot, City of Mexico. DIRECTORS—T. C. Sandars, W. Barron, T. Braniff, G. W. Campbell, Senor Don Pablo Escandon, H. H. Gibbs, H. Goschen, W. Newbold, M. R. Pryor, Senor Don Luis C. Curiel, Senor Don Casimiro Pacheco, Senor Don P. Martinez Del Campo, Senor Don Juan Gonzalez Asunsolo. Mexican Southern RR. Secretary—A. C. Chamier, Broad Street ave., London, hic Representative in Mexico—Don Pablo Mar- tinez del Rio, Mexico City, Mex. Manager—W. Morcom, Pueblo, Mex. DiRECTORS--A. J. Mundella, M. P., Chair- man; H. WsCampbell, L.-L. Dillwyn, T.7e& Farrar, G. E. Paget,.G. Russell, London, Eng. Michigan Air-Line RR. President—H. B. Ledyard, Detroit, Mich. — Sec. and Treas.—D. A. Waterman, Detroit. DIRECTORS—C. Vanderbilt, E. D. Worces- tery New York: H. B: Ledyard, Ashley Pond, Henry Russell, D. A. Waterman, Detroit, Michi: aie WwW: French, Three Rivers, Mich. N. Witherell, E. M. Shepard, A. Foster Michigan Air-Line RW. President—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—Robert Wright, Montreal. DIRECTORS—L. J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que.; John Belle, Belleville, Ont.; Henry Howard, Port Huron, Mich.; W. J. Spicer, E. W. Meddaugh, Detroit, Mich. Michigan Central RR. (‘‘ The Niagara Falls Route.’’) Chairman of the Board—C, Vanderbilt, New York. President and Gen. Mgr.—H. B. Ledyard, | Detroit, Mich. Asst. to the President—E. C. Brown, Detroit. Vice-President and Secretary—E. D. Worces- ter, New York. Treasurer—Henry Pratt, New York. Cashier—J. E. Griffiths, Detroit. Asst. Cashier—R. J. Pelton, St. Thomas, Ont. | Gen. Counsel—Ashley Pond, Detroit. Gen. Attorney—Henry Russel, Detroit. _ Attorney—F.S. Winston, Chicago, III. ~ Real Estate and Tax Agt.—N. Detroit. Land Commissr., Jackson, Lans. and Sag. RR.—O. M. Barnes, Lansing, Mich. Auditor—D. A. Waterman, Detroit. Asst. Auditor—A. J. Burt, Detroit. Fet. Accountant and Fgt. Claims Agt.—Thos. Eedson, Detroit. Tkt. Accountant—F. O. Waldo, Detroit. Trav. Auditor—N. J. Waterman, Detroit. E. Slaymaker, | Asst. Trav. Auditor—R. F. Mitchell, Detroit. | Asst. Trav. Auditor—T. W. Bell, Detroit. Asst. Trav. Auditor—Thos. Leckie, Detroit. Gen. Supt.—Robert Miller, Detroit. Asst. Gen. Supt.—R. H. L’Hommedieu, De- | troit. Supt. West. and Joliet Divs.—J. H. Snyder, Chicago. Asst. Supt. West. and Joliet Divs.—C. V. Lee, | Michigan City, Ind. Supt. Middle Air Line, South Haven and Grand Rapids Divs.—C. B. Bush, Jackson, Mich. Asst. Supt. Middle Div.—E. L. Fisher, Jack- son. Supt. East. Toledo and Bay City Divs.—D. S. Sutherland, Detroit. Asst. Supt. East. Toledo and Bay City Divs.— G. W. Comstock, Detroit. Supt. Sag. and Mack. Divs.—W. J. Martin, Bay City, Mich. ford, St. Thomas. Gen. Foreman Car Dept.—Robert Potts, St. Thomas. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—O. W. Ruggles, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—Geo. E. King, Chicago. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—H. P. Dearing, Chicago. Pacific Coast Agt.—C. C. Crane, 10 Mont- gomery st., San Francisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Amos Burr, 10 Montgomery st),) San Francisco. East. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Underwood, 64 Ex- change st., Buffalo, N. Y. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. A. Carscadin, 64 Ex- change st., Buffalo. edt Pass, Agt.—John G. Laven, Toronto, nt. West. Pass. Agt.—P. P. Murray, Chicago. S. W. Pass. Agt.—H. H. Marley, Kansas City, Mo. N. W. Pass. Agt.—W. L. Wyand, St. Paul, Minn. Wis. Pass. Agt.—L. L. Caufy, Milwaukee, Wis. South. Pass. Agt.—W. J. Seinwerth, Cincin- nati, O. Mich. Pass. Agt.—Jos. S. Hall, Jackson. Supt. Dining Car Dept.—W. H. Lindley, De- troit. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—A. Mackay, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—B. E. Hand, Chicago. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. J. Hupp, Detroit. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. L. Benham, Bay City. Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—John Crampton, Buffalo. Gen. Agt.—F. M. Briggs, Grand Rapids, Mich. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—E. A. Treadway, Detroit. Lost Fet. Agt.—D. E. Barry, Detroit. Live Stock Agt., Union Stock Yards—W. Geagan, Chicago. DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chair- man ; Chauncey M. Depew, Samuel F. Barger, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, E. D. Worcester, Fred. W. Vanderbilt, New York; Henry B. Led- yard, Ashley Pond, Detroit; Frederick S. Winston, Chicago. Michigan Midland and Canada RR. President—James Tillinghast. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. F. Cox, New York. Transfer Agt.—T. Middlebrook, New York. DirEcCTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt,Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Samuel F. Barger, Charles F. Cox, Edwin D. Worcester, Edward A. Wicks, Chauncey M. Depew, Charles C. Clarke, . New York; James Tillinghast, Buffalo, N. Y. Supt. Can. and Mich. Mid. Divs.—J. B. Mor- Asst. Supt. Can. and Mich. Mid. Divs.—F. P. | MacDonald, St. Thomas. Supt. Tel.—E. E. Torrey, Detroit. Gen. Car Agt.—C. H. Bieber, Detroit. Chief Engr.—J. D. Hawks, Detroit. Asst. Engr.—A. Torrey, Detroit. Asst. Engr. Bridges—B. Douglas, Detroit. Supt. Tracks and Bridges—A. G. Dailey, De- | troit. Purchasing Agt.—J. R. Dutton, Detroit. ' Fuel Agt.—A. F. Howland, Detroit. Gen. Mast. Mech.—C. E. Smart, Jackson. Div. Mast. Mech.—J. G. Riley, Chicago. Div. Mast. Mech.—Gus Zemlin, Detroit. Div. Mast. Mech.—M. Ryan, Bay City. Div. Mast. Mech.—M. L. Flynn, St. Thomas, Mast. Car Builder—E. D. Bronner, Detroit. Michoacan and Pacific RW. President—Robert R. Symon. Secretary—Thos. Adams. Gen. Manager—W. W. Williams. Gen. Supt.—L. R. Gordon, R. E. Acting Director—Col. W. Shepard. Middle and East Tennessee Central RW. President—W. B. Hale, Hartsville, Tenn. Treasurer—A. S. Reeves, Hartsville. Secretary—P. W. Hager, Hartsville. Gen. Magr.—J. C. Rodemer, Gallatin, Tenn. DirECTORS—J.A.Trousdale, Gallatin, Tenn. ; W. G. Winston, Jno. P. Andrews, W. H. Hale, J. M. Oglesby, A. S. Reeves, N. D. Winston, Hartsville Tenn. iy ‘John B. Cary, F. le Span Ss Middleburg and Schoharie, and Scho- harie Valley RR. President—Grandeson N. Frisbie, Middle- burg, N. Y. Treas. and Supt.—Peter S. Danforth, Middle- burg. Secretary—Duryea Beekman, Middleburg. Supt.—Geo. F. Danforth, Middleburg. DIRECTORS—Grandeson N. Frisbie, Jacob Neville, Peter S. Danforth, Duryea Beekman, William H. Engle, G. L. Danforth, Dow Beek- | man, A. J. Freemeyer, H. A. Vroman, D. D. Frisbie, William E. Thorne, Nathaniel Man- ning, Middleburg, N. Y.; John H. Mattice, | Fulton Lane, N. Y. Middle Georgia and Atlantic RW. President—J. D. Weed. Secretary—David Robinson, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Manager—W. B. Thomas, Atlanta, Ga. Superintendent—J. A. Droege, Eatonton, Ga. DIRECTORS—William Garrard, J. P. Wil- liams, I. G. Hass, William Kehoe, Edward Karow, H. T. Moore, B. H. Levy, Savannah, (sac WeeC: Clark. Covington, Ga.;"W. B Thomas, Atlanta, Ga. ; 90 W. E-. Baskette, | Chattanooga, Tenn.; Charles Benner, New | York; John Morrison, Ellabell, Ga.; H. S. Stephens, Philadelphia. Middlesborough Belt RR. President— Alexander A. Arthur, Middles- | borough, Ky. Secretary—John B. Cary, Middlesborough. Treasurer—M. R. Gay, Knoxville, Tenn. Gen. Mgr.—Frank J. Hoyle, Middlesborough. | DrrectTors—A. A. Arthur, J. W. Wilson, | J. Hoyle, Middlesborough, | Ky.; H. F. Pollock, London, Eng. Middlesex RW. President—John Hood. Sec. and Treas.—-David G. Baird, Philadel- hia. ee poke Tohn Hood, James Donnelly, David G. Baird, J. F. Schaperkotter, John R. Fanshawe, Edward Y. Hartshorne, Francis C. Hartshorne. Middletown and, Crawford RR. President—John King, New York. Vice-President — Albert Bull, NY. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Treasurer—E. White, New York. DirREcCTORS—John King, W. L. Strong, E. B. Thomas, A. R. Macdonough, Andrew Donald- ~son, New York; Albert Bull, R. W. Crosby, Middletown, N. Y. Middletown and Hummelstown RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—E. M. Hoffer, Philadelphia. DirecTors—I. A. Sweigard, C. G. Han- cock, B. H: Bail; W..R. Taylor, R. S. Davis, Middletown, George Ziegler, C. K. Klink, C. E. Metzler, © _H. T. Naisby, Philadelphia. Middletown, Unionville and Water Gap RR. President— (Vacancy. ) Vice-President—James M. Hartshorne, New York. Sec. and Treas.—John P. Rafferty, DIRECTORS—Stephen V. White, Brooklyn,. N. Y.; Charles V. Ware, Simon Borg, Charles Minzesheimer, Frederic P. Moore, Frank C. Lawrence, Jr., James M. Hartshorne, New York; Robert K. Dow, Claremont, N. H. 3, John P. Rafferty, Brick Church, N. J. ; Corne- lius T. Demarest, I. I. Demarest, Hackensack, N. J. ; Garrett A. Hobart, Paterson, N. J. Midland RW. of Canada. President—L. J. Seargeant. Vice-President—Geo. A. Cox. Secretary—C. Percy, Montreal, P. Q. Midville, Swainsboro’ and Red Bluff RR. Pres. and Gen. Mgr.—Jesse Thompson, Au- gusta, Ga. Secretary—A. G. Sherman, Augusta. Gen. Supt.—F. C. Brannan, Midville, Ga. Chief Engr.—H. L. Sturdivant, Midville. Miffiin and Centre County RR. President—J. N. DuBarry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, R. D. Barclay, G. B. Roberts, Henry D. Welsh, Wm. H. Wilson, N. P. Shortridge, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia®’ G.."W:-Elder, “Rv A hee; Jy Jas. H. Mann, George Wood, William Willis, Lewistown, Pa. Milford and Woonsocket RR. President—Wm. F. Draper, Hopedale, Mass. Treasurer—James E. Walker, Milford, Mass. Milford, Franklin and Providence RR. President—James P. Ray, Franklin, Mass. Treasurer—Joseph G. Ray, Franklin. Secretary—George W. Wiggin, Franklin. Mill Creek and Mine Hill Navigation and BRR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—P. C. Hollis, Philadelphia. DrIRECTORS—A. J. Antelo, Thomas Cochran, Géo..de Bek emmy, nC. tollis, 7}. Landicn Wm. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Millen and Southern RW. President—Loring R. Millen, 16 Beaver st., New York. Vice-President—William B. Stillwell, Savan- nah; Ga. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—Joseph W. Preston, Millen, Ga. Secretary—W. F. Baker, Savannah. DtRECTORS—Loring R. Millen, New York; William B, Stillwell, Savannah, Ga.; Joseph W. Preston, Marlow, Ga. ; Lemuel Johnson, Waycross, Ga. nti .. & President and Treas.—Edwin H. Abbott, Gen. Claim Agt.—Chas. V. McKinlay. gl The Millstone and New Brunswick RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—J. S.Vanzandt, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—W. Hasell Wilson, F. Wolcott Jackson, Matthew Suydam, J. Russell Howell, Nathaniel S. Wilson, J. N. Du Barry, Isaac R. Cornell, John A. Anderson, Lewis Perrine, ay; Milton and Sutherlin RR. President—J. W. Lewis. Sec. and Treas.—H. W. Hines, Milton, N. C. Milwaukee and Lake Winnebago R. Boston, Mass. Sec.—Howard Morris, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee and Northern RR. | President—Henry C. Payne, Milwaukee, Wis. | Vice-President—E. P. Ripley, Chicago, Ill. Secretary—P. M. Myers, Milwaukee. Treasurer—F. G. Ranney, Chicago. DirEcTORS—Frank S. Bond, Samuel Spen- cer, New York; Roswell Miller, E. P. Ripley, Chicago, Ill.; Fredrick Layton, Henry C. | Payne, Angus Smith, Milwaukee, Wis. Milwaukee and Superior RW. President—Jos. Hadfield. Vice-President and Sec.—C. A. Hadfield. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—A. H. Hadfield, Mil- waukee, Wis. DIRECTORS—Winfield Smith, Joseph Had- field, A. H. Hadfield, Henry Herman, Samuel Rosendale. Milwaukee, Bay View and Chicago | RW. President, Treas. and Gen. Brimson, Chicago, Ill. Sec, and Auditor—J. S. Keefe, Chicago. Purchasing Agt.—L. D. Doty, Chicago. Superintendent—J. H. Price, Milwaukee, Wis. Master Mechanic—E. Seeley, Milwaukee. | Fore. Car Reps.—Wnm. J. Donohue, Milwaukee. Roadmaster—J. Mokelke, Milwaukee. Nigr = W eG} Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western | RW. President—Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, III. Vice-President—Joseph R. Busk, New York. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—M. L. Sykes, New York. Asst. Treas. in New York—Samuel O. Howe. Gen. Manager—H. F. Whitcomb, Milwaukee, Wis. Sec. and Gen. Solicitor—Alfred L. Cary, Mil- | waukee. Auditor—W. R. Hancock, Milwaukee. Asst. to Gen. Mgr.—J. Donohue. Gen. Supt.—Geo. F. Bidwell. Gen. Solicitor—Alfred L. Cary. Asst. Treas.—A. D. Allibone. Chief Engineer—E. H. Rummele. Gen. Pass. Agt.—-C. L. Ryder. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. L. Wellington. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. J. Seymour. Master Mechanic—Robert Quayle, Kaukauna, Wis. City Pass. Agt.—J. S. Barrow. City Tkt. Agt.—E. D. Parmelee, 208 Clark st., Chicago. Commercial Agt.—Herman G. Flieth. City Pass. Agt.—H. J. Brogemann, 102 Wis- consin st., Milwaukee. Northwestern Pass. Agt.—N. M. Breeze, Mil- waukee. DIRECTORS—Marvin Hughitt, Albert Keep, John M. Whitman, J. B. Redfield, Chicago, lieeeM er oykes He Mcks* Twombly? Chauncey M. Depew, Joseph R, Busk, F. F. Thompson, Samuel S. Sands, New York ; David P. Kimball, Boston, Mass.; Theo. M. Davis, Newport, R. I.; Charles Ray, Mil- waukee, Wis. Executive Committee— Marvin Hughitt, David P. Kimball, Albert Keep, H. McK. Twombly, Joseph R. Busk. Milwaukee, Menominee Falls and Western RR. President—Joseph Hadfied, Waukesha, Wis. Vice-President and Sec.—G. A. Hadfield, Mil- waukee, Wis. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—A. H. Hadfield, Wau- kesha. Auditor—F. R. Sweetnam, Milwaukee. Directors not furnished. Minden RR. - President—T. Crichton, Minden,"La. Vice-President—F. H. Drake, Minden. Treasurer—W. P. Leary, Minden, Secretary—J. J. Holmes, Minden. Agent—B. S. Atkinson, Minden. DIRECTORS—T. Crichton, A. Goodwin, J. Jaeetlolmesue hl. why Drake, W.° Pl) Leary, Minden, La. Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven RR. President—Benj. H. Shoemaker, town. Secretary—James G. McCollin. Treasurer—John W. Biddle. DiIRECTORS—Frederick Fraley, John W. Biddle, Wm. Hacker, Alfred Jones, Josiah Jones, James G. McCollin, Barclay R. Leeds, Philip C. Garrett, Thomas McKean, Redwood F, Warner, Philadelphia. German- Mineral Range RR. Hancock and Calumet RR. President—Charles Bard, New York. Sec. and Treas.—John Tully, New York. Gen. Mgr.—C. A. Wright. G. F. and P. Agt.—R. H. Brelsford. Auditor and Cashier—C. M. Hoar, Hancock, Mich. DIRECTORS—Charles W. Cass, Russell Sage, John Tully, E. L. Ferry, W. G. Smith, New York; Charles Bard, ‘Costello Lippitt, Norwich, Conn.; W. R. Shelby, Grand Rapids, Mich.; Charles A. Wright, Hancock, Mich.; John Slingluff, Norristown, Pa.; Henry 5. Hyde, Springfield, Mass. Minneapolis and Duluth RR. See St. Paul and Duluth RR. Minneapolis and St. Louis RW. (“Albert LeaiRoute.*) President and Receiver—W. H. Truesdale, Minneapolis, Minn. Vice-Prest. and Counsel—Albert E. Clarke, Minneapolis. DPR Pee = 8S VS a Mah Or Spot / Treasurer—Joseph Gaskell, Minneapolis. Gen. Supt.—T. E. Clarke, Minneapolis. Asst. Supt.—H. S. Holm, Fort Dodge, Ia. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. M. Hopkins, Minneapolis. | Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—R. G. Brown, Minne- apolis. Gen. Tkt. and Pass. Agt.—Chas. M. Pratt, Minneapolis. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—Chas. Kennedy, Port- land, Ore. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Robert Keppler, Portland. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. A. Norton, Minneapolis. | Auditor—O. C. Post, Minneapolis. Supt. of Telegraph—W. F. Fox, Minneapolis. DIRECTORS—H. R. Bishop, New York; W. D. Hale, W. H. Truesdall, W. D. Washburn, R. B. Langdon, L. C. Mitchell, Joseph Gaskell, A. E. Clarke, Minneapolis, Minn.; C. J. Ives, Cedar Rapids, Ia. Minneapolis Eastern RW. President—John §S. Pillsbury, Minneapolis, Minn. Sec. and Treas.—H. R. Williams, apolis. Auditor—L. A. Robinson, St. Paul, Minn. DIRECTORS— Roswell Miller, W. G. Collins, Chicago, .Ill.; W. H. Norris, J. S. Pillsbury, Minneapolis, Minn.; Howe, J. T. Clark, J. A. Chandler, W. A. Scott, St. Paul, Minn. Minneapolis, St. Pauland Sault Ste. Marie RW. (‘‘Soo Line.’’) President—Thomas Lowry. Vice-President—R. B. Langdon. Gen. Manager—F. D. Underwood. Secretary and Treasurer—W. L. Martin. Gen. Counsel—Hon. M. B. Koon. Gen. Solicitor—A. H. Bright. Chief Engineer—W. W. Rich. Auditor—C. W. Gardner. Traffic Manager—H. L. Shute. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. B. Hibbard. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. M. Sawyer. Supt. Wis. and Penin. Div.—E. Pennington. Supt. Minnesota Div.—W. M. Kellie. Master Mechanic—E. A. Williams. - Car Accountant—Henry L. Hunter. Supt. Dining and Sleeping Cars—W. M. Holt. | Purchasing Agt.—W. T. Watkins. Gen. Agt.—E. D. Parker, St. Paul, Minn. Northern Pass. Agt.—G. W. Hibbard, Mar- | quette, Mich. Gen. Agt.—H. McMurtrie, 3d and Chestnut | 203 E. German | sts., Philadelphia, and No. st., Baltimore, Md. G. E. P. A.—A. L. Fulenwider, New York. Commercial Agt.—W. Muller, 353 Broadway, New York. 353 Broadway, Trav. Pass. Agt.—G. I. Humphrey, 197 Wash- | ington st., Boston, Mass. T:- P. A.—W. B. Chandler, Minneapolis, Minn. Dist. Pass. Agt.— Van Dearing, Jackson, Mich. Directors—F. N. Finney, Wis. ; R. B. Langdon, John Martin, Thomas Lowry, J. S. Pillsbury, W. D. Washburn, Minneapolis, Minn.; W. C. Van Horne, Montreal, Que. Minneapolis Union RW. President—W. P. Clough. Vice-President—J. T. Fanning. Minne- | BW vvinter, J..." 1. 4 Milwaukee, | Secretary—W. B. Roberts. Treasurer—E. Sawyer, St. Paul, Minn. DIRECTORS—James J. Hill, W. P. Clough, Edward Sawyer, J. T. Fanning, M. D. Grover, St. Paul, Minn. Missisquoi Valley RR. President—Worthington C. Smith. Vice-President—F. S. Stranahan. Secretary and Treasurer—W. Tracy Smith, St. Albans; VG Mississippi and Little Rock RW. President—Zeb Ward. Vice-Prest.—W. H. Halliburton. Secretary—George R. Brown. Treasurer—Oscar Davis. Chief Attorney—Geo. H. Sanders. Chief Engr.—Jas. A. Martin. Contractor and Gen. Mgr.—Robert Worthen. Gen. Fegt. and Pass. Agt.—Zeb Ward, Jr., Little Rock, Ark. DIRECTORS—Zeb Ward, George R. Brown, George H. Sanders, James A. Watkins, Oscar Davis, Zeb Ward, Jr., W. H. Halli- burton, Little Rock. W. Mississippi River and Bonne Terre RW. President—J. Wyman Jones, New York. Vice-Prest.—C. B. Parsons, Bonne Terre, Mo. Treasurer—Hugh N. Camp, New York. Secretary—F. P. Graves, Doe Run, Mo. Gen. Supt., Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—J. Burns. Auditor—F. J. Thomure. Purchasing Agt.—Gust. Setz, Bonne Terre. DIRECTORS—J. Wyman Jones, Hugh N. Camp, New York:;.C:.B.-Parsons; (cust) Setz, Bonne Terre; ¥. P.-Graves, Doe Run: Mississippi River and Northwestern R. Gen. Mgr.—A. Kimball, Arkansas City, Ark. Mississippi River Bridge RR. President—J. C. McMullin. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. H. Foster, Chicago, Ill. Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—H. C. Cross, Par- sons, Kan. Ist Vice-Prest. and Gen. Traffic Mgr.—J. Waldo, St. Louis, Mo. 2d Vice-Prest.—Thos. C. Purdy, Parsons. 3d Vice-Prest.—William Dowd, New York. Vice-Prest. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.—R. C. Foster, Denison, Tex. Sec. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.—F. P. Mer- rill, Denison. Treas., Sec. Hedge, New York. Treas. M, K. and T. RW. of Tex.—N. S. Ernst, Denison. Local Treas.—B. P. McDonald, Parsons. Local Treas.—J. C. Thompson, Sedalia, Mo. Gen. Counsel—Simon Sterne, New York. Gen. Solicitor—James Hagerman, Kansas City, Kan., and Parsons. Gen. Auditor—Geo. J. Pollock, Parsons. Asst. Auditor—D. S. Willard, Parsons. Auditor M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.—Heber Page, Denison. Gen. Supt.—J. J. Frey, Parsons. and Comptroller—Charles G. Supt. of Transportation—M. Sweeney, Par- sons. : Supt. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.—J. W. Max- well, Denison. Div. Supt.—W. B. Lyons, Sedalia. Div. Supt.—L. W. Welch, Parsons. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery—William O’Herin, Parsons. Mast. Mechanic M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.— C. T. McElvaney, Denison. Purchasing Agt.—C. N. Stevens, Sedalia. Fuel, Tie and Lumber Agt.—I. A. Taylor, Parsons. Supt. Car Dept.—Robert Walker, Sedalia. Mast. Car Bldr. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.— John Doyle, Denison. Resident Engr.—A. B. Thruston, Parsons. Resident Engr. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.— George M. Jarvis, Denison. Car Accountant—R. H. Weddle, Parsons. Supt. Telegraph—S. K. Bullard, Sedalia. Chief Surgeon—E. F. Yancy, Sedalia. Supt. of Bridges and Buildings—M. A. Mar- | tin, Sedalia. Gen. Claim Agt.—J. D. Hollister, Parsons. Special Agt.—J. J. Kinney, Sedalia. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. Haile, 509 Chestnut st., St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. W. Allen, Sedalia. Gen. Fgt. Agt. M. K. and T. RW. of Tex.— John A. Smith, Denison. Gen. Fget. Agt-—C. P. Rector, Parsons. Gen. Traffic Claim Agt.—A. T. Drew, Par- sons. Gen. Live Stock Agt.--Sam Hunt, Denison and Fort Worth, Tex. Gen. Tkt. Agt.--W. G. Graham, Parsons. en. Pass. and Pkt) Agt..M) Ke and ‘To RW. of Tex.--H. P. Hughes, Denison. msst.. Gen.’ Pass. Agt.—E, ~B. Parker, St. Louis. : Gen. Bagg. Agt.--W. W. Campbell, Sedalia. Gen. East. Agt.—F. L. Manchester, 409 Broadway, New York. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J. E. Cates, 4o9 Broadway, New York. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—John W. Connor, Sedalia. Commercial Agt.-—-C. A. Lawton, 104 N. 4th | St ot. Louis. Commercial Agt.—-James Donohue, 244 Ex- change Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. Commercial Agt.--J. J. Rogers, Rookery Bldg., Chicago. Commercial Agt.--S. B. Thacher, Hannibal, Mo. Room 12, Commercial Agt.--F. L. Martin, 185 Walnut | st., Cincinnati, O. Commercial Agt.--N. T. Wilson, 206 Bissell Block, Pittsburgh, Pa. Commercial Agt.--W. H. Quigg, Fort Worth. Commercial Agt.--J. P. Maloney, San An- tonie, Tex; Commercial Agt.--Robert S. Fife, Houston, Tex. Commercial Agt.--G. F. Thomas, Henrietta, | Tex. Trav. Pass. Agt.—I. M. Bortle, 409 Broadway, New York. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. R. Richardson, 409 Broadway, New York. North. Pass. Agt.—E. D. Spencer, Room 12, Rookery Bldg., Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. F. Bowsher, 185 Walnut st., Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. Agt.—John K. Hogan, 509 Chest- Hrt st.,/ot Louis: oS Trav. Pass. Agt.—Geo. A. McNutt, 619 Main st., Kansas City. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. D. Lawson, Fort Worth. City Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—John L. Williams, 104 N. 4th st., St. Louis. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.--S. A. Welsh, 1046 Union ave. and 619 Main st., Kansas City. DirEcTors—John D. Rockefeller, Henry C. Rouse, Joel F. Freeman, William Dowd, Henry W. Poor, William Bond, Simon Sterne, Colgate Hoyt, Samuel Sloan, New York; J. Waldo, Houston; F. N. Finney, Milwaukee, Wis.; Thomas C. Purdy, Lee Clark, Parsons; B. P. McDonald, Fort Scott, Kane; HH: €. Cross, Emporia, Kani; H: J. de Marez Oyens, Amsterdam, Holland. The Missouri Pacific RW. President—Geo. E. Dodge, Little Rock, Ark. Vice-Prest.—E. G. Merriam, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary—Geo. C. Smith, St. Louis. Treasurer—A. H. Calef, New York. Asst. Sec. and Treas.—R. B. Williams, Wash- ington, Ark. DirECcTORS—Alfred _H. Carrigan, John J. Thomas, Washington, Ark.; George E. Dodge, Little Rock, Ark. ; George C. Smith, E. G. Merriam, St. Louis, Mo. Missouri Pacific RW. President—Jay Gould dec’d, New York. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—S. H. H.° Clark, St. Louis, Mo. 2d Vice-Prest.—Geo. J. Gould, New York. Sec. and Treas.—A. H. Calef, New York. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. C. Smith, St. Louis. Local Treasurer—D. S. H. Smith, St. Louis. Gen. Auditor—C. G. Warner, St. Louis. Gen. Solicitor—A. G. Cochran, St. Louis. Gen. Counsel—Dillon & Swayne, New York. Gen. Atty. for Northern, Eastern and Central Kansas, and Nebraska—B. P. Waggener, Atchison, Kan. Gen. Atty. for Lines in Southern Kansas—J. leRichards, Ft; Scott, Kan: Gen. Atty. for Lines in Colorado—J. M. Wal- dron, Pueblo, Col. Gen. Attys. for Arkansas and Indian Terri- tory—Dodge & Johnson, Little Rock, Ark. Land Commission, Lands in Arkansas—G. A. A. Deane, Little Rock. Land Commissioner and Asst. Sec. St., L. I. M. and S. Lands in Missouri—S. D. Bar- low, St. Louis. Gen. Supt. Missouri Pacific RW. Dickinson, St. Louis. Gem i Saptmot.ba liv. and S: RW, Little Rock and Ft. Smith RW.—R. E. Ricker, Sti ois: Supt. Missouri Pacific RW.—H. G. Clark, Sedalia, Mo. Supt. Missouri Pacific RW., from Holden, Mo., to Pueblo, Col., and Deering, Kan., and K. N. and D. Div.—S. T. Shank- land, Osawatomie, Kan. Supt. Central Branch Union Pacific RR. and Western Div. Missouri Pacific RW.—C. M. Rathburn, Atchison, Kan. Supt. St. Louis Terminals—James F. Jones, St Louis. Supt. Kansas City Terminals—J. W. Dalbey, Kansas City, Mo. Supt. Ft. Scott, W. and W. RW., and D, M. and A., E. Div., Coffeyville to Larned— Russell Harding, Wichita, Kan. A. W-. Supt wot 1: 1M. and, S* RW.> Arkansas Div.—W. T. Kelly, Little Rock. SsUpt.ot.. byl. M. .and S: RW., Missouri Div.—D. Hardy, De Soto, Mo. Supt. St. L., I. M. andS. RW., Central Div.— Harry Flanders, Little Rock, Ark. Div. Supt. Eastern Div.—L. D. Hopkins, St. Louis. Supt. Eastern Div.—A. Marsh, Sedalia. Div. Supt. Missouri Pacific RW.—L. L. Kel- ler, Nevada, Mo. Div. Supt. Western Div.—William Coughlin, Atchison. Div. Supt. Central Branch—E. O. Man, Con- cordia, Kan. Div. Supt. Colorado Line—T. F. Dunaway, Osawatomie. Div. Supt. Colorado Line—O. A. Derby, Pueblo. Div. Supt. Ft. Scott, Wich. and West. RW.— A. H. Webb, Wichita. Div. Supt. Denver, Memphis and Atl.—Wm. Speer, Winfield, Kan. Supt. Car Service—C. W. Hequembourg, St. Louis. Supt. Bridges and Buildings—R. M. Peck, Pacific, Mo. Fet. Traffic Mgr.—C. A. Parker, St. Louis. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. C. Stith, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. C. Lincoln, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. G. Krake, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. J. Henry, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. O. Phil- lippi, Omaha, Neb. ‘Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—H. C. Townsend, St. Louis. Asst. Caldwell, St. Louis. Gen. Baggage Agt.—J. C. Nicholas, St. Louis. Chief Engr.—James W. Way, St. Louis. Supt. Tele.—C. W. Hammond, St. Louis. Purchasing Agt.—A. Gould, St. Louis. Supt. Locomotive and Car Depts.—Frank Rearden, St. Louis. Tax Commissioner—S. L. Highleyman, St. Louis. Gen. Claim Agt.—Wm. E. Jones, St. Louis. Fegt. Claim Agt.—J.S. Tustin, St. Louis. ‘Chief Surgeon—Dr. W, B. Outten, St. Louis. Paymaster Missouri Pacific RW.—J. W. King, St. Louis. Paymaster (Sst. L.;)l. M:. and. 5. RW.—C. H. | Stevens, St. Louis. Wood, Tie and Timber Agt.—N. T. Spoor, | St. Louis. Fuel Agt.—R. M. McDowell, St. Louis. Stationery Agt.--Geo. Snodgrass, St. Louis. Gen. Adv. Agt.—Brainard Allison, St. Louis. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—W. E. Hoyt, 391 Broadway, New York. Eastern Trav. Agt.—J. P. McCann, 391 Broad- way, New York. New England Pass. Agt.—G. K. Delahanty, 300 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Central Pass. Agt.—S. H. Thompson, i119 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa. District Pass. Agt.—N. R. Warwick, 131 Vine | st., Cincinnati, O. District Pass. Agt.—Coke Alexander, 7 Jack- | son pl., Indianapolis, Ind. District Pass. Agt.—John E. Ennis, 199 S. | Clark st., Chicago, III. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. D. Armstrong, Jackson, Mich. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—B. D. | 94 | Vee te } City Pass. Agt.—M. Griffin, N. W. cor. Broad- | way. and Olive st., St. Louis. City Ticket Agt.—S. W. Elliott, N. W. cor. Broadway and Olive si., St. Louis. Pass. Agt., Union Depot—W. H. Morton, N. W. cor. Broadway and Olive st., St. Louis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. C. Lewis, Austin, Tex. Pass. Agt.—J. W. Mason, Cairo, III. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—H. D. Wilson, 309 Main st., Memphis, Tenn. Gen. Agt.—R. P. R. Millar, Lincoln, Neb. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—H. F. Berkley, Little Rock. South. Trav. Agt.—L. E. Drake, 336 W. Main st., Louisville, Ky. South. Pass. Agt.—A. A. Gallagher, 103 Read House, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—C. E. Styles, Atchison. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—F. P. Wade, St. Joseph, Mo. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—J. N. Joerger, Leav- enworth, Kan. Gen. West. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. A. Tripp, 1662 Larimer st., Denver, Col. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. E. Hoffman, Denver. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—T. F. Godfrey, 13th and Farnham sts., Omaha. Trav. Pass. Agt.—G.-E. Dorrington, 13th and Farnham sts., Omaha. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—E. S. Jewett, 800 Main st., Kansas City. West. Pass. Agt.—J. H. Lyon, 800 Main st., Kansas City. Commercial Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—S. V. Der- rah, 21 Morton Building, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—E. E. Bleckley, 120 N. Main st., Wichita. Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—Fred. K. Knowland, 391 Broadway, New York. New England Fgt. Agt.—H. A. Rich, 300 Washington st., Boston. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—W. M. 314 Lewis Block, Pittsburgh. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—A. S. White, 131 Vine st., Cincinnati. Commercial Ft. Agt-—J..W. Morse, tooS, Clark st., Chicago. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—C. McD. Adams, 103 N. 3d st., St. Louis. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—M. P. Walsh, Jr., 505 Ohio Levee, Cairo. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—H. B. Kane, Exall Building, Dallas, Tex. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—B. J. Sargent, 11 Mon- roe st., Memphis. Div. Fgt. Agt.—A. R. Bragg, Little Rock. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—D. E. King, 24 E. Alabama st., Atlanta, Ga. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—E. M. Gannon, At- chison. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—J. C. Forrester, 224 Exchange Building, Kansas City. Gen. Pacific Coast Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—L. M. Fletcher, 630 Market st., San Fran- cisco) Cal. Clark, Fegt. and Pass. Agt.—William Hogg, Pueblo, Commercial Fgt. Agt.—J. W. Flynn, 100 Union ave., Pueblo. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—J. C. Jennings, 120 N. Main st., Wichita. Commercial Fgt. »Agt.—H. G. Spurgin, Joplin, Mo. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—H. C. Post, Fort Scott. Contracting Agt.—Chas. Paramore, 40S, 3d st., Philadelphia. es SP ee Contracting Agt.—F. W. Hancock, 201 E. German st., Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, dec’d, Sidney Dillon, Samuel Sloan, Russell Sage, John P. Munn, Thos, T. Eckert, A. L. Hopkins, Geo. js Gould, John, G. “Moote,.D. D. Parmly, Edwin Gould, New York; C. S. Greeley, patti. Claticy ot Louis, Ma. Missouri Southern RR. President—John H. Douglass, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-Prest.—James L. Clarkson, Leeper, Mo. Secretary—W. Palmer Clarkson, St. Louis. Gen. Mgr.—J. L. Clarkson, Jr., Leeper. DIRECTORS—J. L. Clarkson, Leeper, Mo.; W. Palmer Clarkson, John H. Douglass, Joseph Durfee, Archibald Douglass, St. Louis, Mo. Mobile and Birmingham RW. President—T. G. Bush, Anniston, Ala. Vice-President—S. M. Felton, Cincinnati, O. Treasurer—W. A. C. Ewen, New York. Secretary—L. M. Schwan, New York. DIRECTORS—E. R. Bacon, John Greenough, - Thomas M. Logan, George S. Scott, Edward Lanterbuck, Calvin S. Brice, John G. Moore, E. K. Chapman, George F. Stone, L. M. Schwan, New York; T. G. Bush, Anniston, Ala. Mobile and Dauphin Island RR. and Harbor Co. President--Robert Sewell, New York. Mobile and Girard RR. President—N. P. Banks, Columbus, Ga. Secretary—P. E. Whittlesey, Columbus. Treasurer—Edward McIntyre, Savannah, Ga. DIRECTORS—N. P. Banks, John Peabody, N. N. Curtis, W. H. McClintock, C. E. Hoch- strasser, J. D. Murphree, Columbus, Ga. ; -C. H. Franklin, Union Springs, Ala. Mobile and Montgomery RW. President—G. W. Craik, Montgomery, Ala. 1st Vice-Prest.—A. C. Danner, Mobile, Ala. Secretary—J. H. Ellis, Louisville, Ky. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville. - Gen. Sol.—Russell Houston, Louisville. Comptroller—C. Quarrier, Louisville. Gen. Mgr.—J. G. Metcalf, Louisville. Chief Engr.—R. Montfort, Louisville. Supt. Tel.—G. E. Evans, Louisville. Traffic Mgr.—S. R. Knott, Louisville. Gen. Fet. Agt.—J. M. Culp, Louisville. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. P. Atmore, Louisville. _ Gen. Bag. Agt.—J. B. Browning, Louisville. Gen. Supt.—J. I. McKinney, Montgomery, Ala. DIRECTORS—G. W. Craik, Thos. G. Jones, J. I. McKinney, J. B. Thompson, Theo. Welsh, J. F. Whitfield, Montgomery; A. G. Danner, Mobile; A.- M.> Ouarrier; —M. H. Smith, Louisville. Mobile and Ohio RR. President and Gen. Mobile, Ala. Chairman of Board—W. Butler Duncan, New York. Vice-Prest.—J. H. Fay, New York. Sec. and Treas. and Transfer Agt.—Henry Tacon, Mobile. -Gen. Auditor—R. V. Taylor, Mobile. Gen. Sol.—E. L. Russell, Mobile. Mgr.—Jas. C. Clarke, 95 Asst. Sec. and Transfer Agt.—A. Mackintosh, New York. Gen. Supt.—D. McLaren, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Fgt. Agt:—J. T. Poe, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. M. Denyven,St. Louis. Act. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. E. Posey, Mobile. Supt. Mobile Div.—C. S. Clarke, Mobile. Supt. Jackson Div.—J. N. Seale, Jackson, Tenn. Supt. St. Louis Div.—H.-W. Clarke, Mur- physboro, Ill. Supt. Machy.—M. T. Carson, Jackson. Supt. Tel.—K. McKenzie, Jackson. Purchasing Agt.—R. H. Duesberry, Mobile. Car Acct.—A. B. Wilmer, Mobile. Gen. Agt.—R. C. Perkins, New Orleans, La. Gen. Agt.—W. J. Jeffery, 108 North Broad- way, St. Louis. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—Ray L. DePew, 218 N. 4th st., St. Louis. Fegt. Agt.—A. J. Davies, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Trav. Agt. Land and Pass. Dept.—F. W. Greene, 1105 Poplar st., St. Louis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—M. P. Cook, Flint, Mich. Trav. Agt.—G. B. Ramsay, Cairo, II. West. Trav. Agt.—Chas. D. Ward, Omaha, Neb. City Pass. Agt.—F. L. Harris, Cairo. Com. Agt.—D. W. Buhl, Mobile. Cotton Agt.—C. W. Gibson, Aberdeen, Miss. Lumber Agt.—H. A. Smith, Waynesboro, Miss. DIRECTORS—W. Butler Duncan(Chairman), Sidney Shepard, Adrian Iselin, Jr., HH. B. Plant, R. K. Dow, James H. Fay, F. D. Tap- pen, Thomas W. Evans, John Patton, New York ; A. H- Steveris, Lawrence, N#t¥{ +’ Jas. Coy Clarke Ey Le Russells WW. Je ,dledrin; Mobile. Mobile and Spring Hill RR. President—R. K. Warren, Mobile, Ala. Secretary—J. F. Maury, Mobile. DIRECTORS—R. K. Warren, L. M. Wilson, Fz B. Clark, Jr., ‘Peter Stark 4i Fy Maury, G. B. Clarke, W. G. Warren, Mobile. The Monongahela Connecting RR. President—Henry A. Laughlin, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—James Laughlin, Jr., Pittsburgh. Gen. Mgr.—W. C. Quincy, Pittsburgh. Sec. and Purchasing Agt.—Benjamin Page, Pittsburgh. Engineer—W. G. Wilkins, Pittsburgh. DirEcToRS—Henry A. Laughlin, B. F. Jones, B. F. Jones, Jr., Geo. M. Laughlin, W. Lo King, W. Li jones, James’ Laughlin; Jr, Pittsburgh. Monongahela River RR. President—J. N. Camden, Parkersburg, W.Va. Treasurer—O. J. Sands, Fairmont, W. Va. Gen. Supt.—Hugh G. Bowles, Monongahela, W. Va. Movsoan RR. President—H. A. Whiting, Wilton, N. H. Secretary—J. F. Sprague, Monson, Me. Gen. Mgr. and Treas.—J. F. Kimball, Lowell, Mass. Gen. Supt. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. L. Eastbrook, Monson. DIRECTORS—H. A. Whiting, Wilton, N. H.; je Fo Kimball, Cy H. Latham, Cowell; W. Eo Hastbrook; 47 2 Po Elliott, [JP s.sprague; A. W. Chapin, Monson. Mont Alto RR. President—Thomas B. Kennedy, Chambers- burg, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—E. B. Wiesling, Mont Alto, Pa. Superintendent—J. F. Boyd, Chambersburg. DIRECTORS—E. P. Dwight, Philadelphia ; T. B: Kennedy, John Stewart, J. F. Boyd, Chauncy Ives, Hastings Gehr, Chambersburg; G. B. Wiestling, Mont Alto. Montana Central RW. President—C. A. Broadwater. Vice-President—C. W. Cannon. Sec. and Treas.—E. Sawyer. _ Gen. Mger.—A. L.Mohler, St. Paul, Minn. DirREcTORS—C, A. Broadwater, C. W. Can- non, W. A. Chessman, Nicholas Kessler, W. B. Raleigh, Helena, Mont. Montana Union RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Burns, Butte, Mont. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Tkt. Agt.—S. B. Calderhead, Butte. DirrEcTorRS—Sidney Dillon, Jay Gould, dec’d, Geo. S. Baxter, J. B. Williams, New Work; F. L..Ames, Boston; ‘T. F. Oakes, St. Paul, Minn.; W. H. Burns, Butte. Monterey and Mexican Gulf RR. President—Geronimo Trevino, Monterey, Mex. ist Vice-President—T. S. Bullock, New York. 2d Vice-Prest.—Emeterio de la Garza, Mon- terey: Sec. and Treas.—V. A. Wilder, New York. Gen. Mgr.—J. A. Robertson, Monterey. Chief Engr.—C. A. Merriam, Monterey. Traffic Mgr.—Adam Hoffman, Monterey. Auditor—W. H. Lingard, Monterey. DirRECTORS—Geronimo Trevino, E. de la Garza, Monterey; T. S. Bullock, V. A. Wilder, Austin Gallagher, F. C. B. Avery, George E. Walters, New York. Government Directors —Francisco Olivares, Nicholas Regules, City of Mexico, Mex. Montgomery and Hrie RW. President—J. M. Wilkin, Montgomery, N. Y. Secretary—Walter J. Mead, Middletown, N. Y. Treasurer—C, J. Everett, Goshen, N. Y. DiRECTORS—George Senior, J. M. Wilkin, Daniel M. Wade, Ebenezer Van Alst, Wm. S. Mould, Frederick Bodine, George W. Ackerly, George Bergen, Walter J. Mead, - Montgomery; Charles J. Everett, George W. Murray, Goshen; John M. Quackenbos, Charles M. Vail, New York. Montgomery and Eufaula RW. President—E. P. Alexander. Treas.—Edward McIntyre, Savannah, Ga. Montgomery, Tuscaloosa and Mem- phis RR. President—C. C. Munroe, 45 Wall st., New York. 2d Vice-Prest.—E. B. Joseph, Montgomery, Ala. Treasurer--Geo. B. Shellhorn, Montgomery. Secretary—-William C. Giles, New York. Gen. Mgr.—John W. Woolfolk, Montgomery. 96 Gen. Counsel and Attorney--H. C. Tompkins, Montgomery. | Asst. Chief Engr.--Paul Haberkorn, Mont- gomery. | Purchasing Agt.--A. C. Sapartas, New York. Car Accountant--W. T. Spaulding, Atlanta, Ga. Montour RR. | President—William McCreery, Pittsburgh, Pa. | Sec. and Treasurer—William M. Short, Pitts- burgh. | Gen, Manager—Y. A. Andrews, Pittsburgh. | Superintendent—Wm. Bald, Imperial, Pa. DIRECTORS—William McCreery, John A. | Caughey, W. B. Rodgers, Allegheny City, Pa. ; George A. Berry, Pittsburgh; William M. Short, Ingram, Pa.; W. C. Andrews, New | York. Montpelier and Wells River RR. | President—D. R. Sortwell, East Cambridge, Mass. | Vice-Prest.—A. F. Sortwell, East Cambridge. Sec. and Treas.—Joel Foster, Montpelier, Vt. | General Supt.—W. A. Stowell, Montpelier. _ Cashier and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. W. Morse, Montpelier. DIRECTORS—D. R. Sortwell, A. F. Sortwell, | East Cambridge; J. W. Brock, S. C. Shurt- leff, Joel Foster, Montpelier. Montpelier and White River RR. ' See Central Vermont RR. Montreal and Lake Maskinonge RW. Officers and Directors not furnished. Montreal and Ottawa RW. Canadian Pacific RR. See Montreal and Vermont Junction RR. See Vermont Central RR. Montreal and Western RW. | President—-J. A. Chapleau, Ottawa, Ont. Vice-Prest.--A. Desjardins, Montreal, P. Q. Managing Director--H. J. Beemer, Montreal. Sec. and Treas.—E. Rodier, St. Jerome, PQ: | Chief Engr.—-G. H. Garden, St. Jerome. Montreal and Sorel RW. | President—C. N. Armstrong, Montreal, Que. Vice-President—T. T. Turnbull, Montreal. | Sec. and Treas.—R. Watson, Montreal. The Montreal Bridge Co. President—Henry Hogan, Montreal, P. Q. _ Vice-President—J. K. Thibeaudeau, Montreal. Sec. and Treas.—Robt. Watson, Montreal. | Managing Director—C. M. Armstrong, Mont- real: DirRECTORS—Henry Hogan, J. R. Thibeau- deau, Andrew F. Gault, Antoine Rosseau, R. Prefontaine, oJa Ro. Wilson? ?C. oN. Armes eae J. C. Robert, T. J. Sullivan, Montreal, ue. Montreal, Portland and Boston RW. See Southeastern RW. Montrose RW. President and Purchasing Agt.— James I. Blakeslee, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Secretary—J. R. Raynsford, Montrose, Pa. Treas. and Gen, Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Asa. P: Blakslee, Mauch Chunk. oe Gen. Solicitor—Wm. M. Post, Montrose. Div. Supt.—T. G. Walker, Tunkhannock, Pa. DIRECTORS -- Robert Klotz, Charles O. keer, Mauch Chunk, Pa.; S.D, Thomas, H. K. Sherman, Lemuel Blakeslee, Springville, Pest 3 Ga Vis Gere, S.H. Sayre, John S. Darbell, Azor Lathrop, Montrose, Pa.; Abram Luce, Benjamin F. Blakeslee, Lynn, Pas Biliings, W. E. Little, Tunckhannock, Pa. Morgan’s Louisiana and Texas RR. President—A. C. Hutchinson, La. Vice-President—J. G. Schriever. Sec. and Treas.—J. B. Richardson, Orleans. Asst. Sec.—I. E. Gates, New York. DirREcTORS--C. P. Huntington, New York ; New A. C. Hutchinson, J. G. Schriever, John B. | Richardson, Julius Krutschnitt, New Orleans, La. Morris and Essex Extension RR. See | Delaware and Lackawanna RR. ‘Morris and Essex RR. President—Samuel Sloan, Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers. Treasurer—Frederick H. Glbbens, New York. Superintendent—Andrew Reasoner, Hoboken, DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, George Bliss, M. Taylor Pyne, Frederick H. Gibbens, Roswell G. Rolston, Edgar S. Auch- incloss, Louis P. Child, Edwin R. Holden, William S. Sloan, New York; H. D. Polhemus, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Andrew Reasoner, Solomon | Griffith, Hoboken, N. J. Morris Canal and Banking Co. President—J. F. Randolph, Philadelphia. Vice-President—Charles Hartshorne, delphia. Secretary—J. R. Fanshawe, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. C. Alderson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Ffirst Class ; _C. Alderson, Wm. Hogencamp. Second Ges; cee Onn o. trick; Robert H.\ Sayre, Jas. I. Blakeslee, John Taylor, John Wood. Third Crass =. Elisha P. Wilbur, Wm. H.. Sayre, E. Y. Hartshorne, Edgar Cope, Wm. S. Taylor. | Fourth Class ; Thos. N. McCarter, Charles Hartshorne, J. B. Garrett, Henry S. Drinker, RaN: Wilbur: 27/th- Class. ert A. Lamberton, H. Stanley Goodwin. Morris County RR. President—Garrett A. Hobart, Paterson, N. J. Vice-President, Sec. and Treas.—Edward A. Kelly, Port Oram, N. J. DirEcCTORS—Garrett A. Hobart, John W. Griggs, Joseph L. Cunningham, Alexander Elliott, Albert A. Wilcox, Paterson, N. J.; M. Allan Emory, Frenchtown, N. J. ; Joseph Wharton, Wm. R. Wharton, Philadelphia ; Elias Wright, Atlantic City, N. J.; Frederick Voight, Harry C. Wenner, Camden, N. J.; Edward A. Kelly, Port Oram, N. J.; Tooke -Straker, Boonton, Morris County, N. i Morristown and Cumberland Gap President—F. H. Allison. Sec. and Treas.—C. R. Johnson. Gen. Manager—H. E. Drew. 4 Paul | New Orleans | Phila- | Pye iolisew- Jacob F. Ran-. | dolph, John R. Fanshawe, Wm. Patton, Rob- | 9/ Gen. Superintendent—C. J. Allison. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. J. Shafer. Auditor and Cashier—W. S. Whitney, Morris- town, Tenn. Moshassuck Valley RR. President—W. F. Sayles, Pawtucket, R. I. Secretary—Charles O. Read, Pawtucket. Treasurer—Fred. C. Sayles, Pawtucket. Superintendent—G. M. Clarke, Saylesville, Bask: DirREcTORS—W. F. Sayles, F. C. Sayles, Charles O. Read, Pawtucket, R. I.; Wm. G. R. Mowry, Roscoe S. Washburn, Providence, jk Mount Carbon and Port Carbon RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary and Treasurer—P. C. Hollis, Phila- delphia. DiRECTORS—A, J. Antelo, Thomas Coch- Fran, Geo.de.b. Kemy J. Ml. Landis. PPC? Hollis, Wm. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. The Mt. Carmel! and Natalie RR. President—Jno. McGinnis, Jr. Secretary—J. G. Case, 143 Liberty st., New York. Treasurer—J. C. Bailey. DirRECTORS—Jno. McGinnis, Jr., N. Taylor, ie GotGase: No Dy Dutton;-by Cs Homans, Ww: W. Patterson and H. F. Sterner. Mount Gilead Short Line RR. President—J. H. Pollock. Vice-President—R. B. Levering. Treasurer—L. B. Vorhees. Secretary—H. L. Beebee. M. B. Talmage, Mt. Gilead, O. Mount Gretna Narrow-Gauge RR. Directors same as Cornwall and Lebanon RR. Mount Holly, Lumberton and Med- ford RR. President—Henry I. Budd, Mount Holly, N. J. Vice-President—Clifford Stanley Sims, Phila- delphia. Sec. and Treasurer—Isaac W. Stokes, Dover, Her DirECTORS—Henry I. Budd, Clifford Stan- ley Sims, Henry C. Risdon, Franklin B. Levis, Daniel Sutter, Edward Wills, Isaac W. Stokes, Mount Hope Mineral RR. President—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J. Treasurer—E. F. Hatfield, New York. Secretary—H. V. Vultree. Gen. Supt.—Samuel Davis, Port Oran Neve DIRECTORS—E. F. Hatfield, Percy. R,, Pyne, B. G. Clarke, New York; John I. Blair, Blairstown ; Dewit C. Blair, Belvidere, N. J.; Seldon. ob: Scranton, Oxford, Nv J. 3 “Wer. Hardenberg, Newark, N. J. Mt. Jewett, Kinzua and Riterville RR. President—Elisha K. Kane, Kane, Pa. Secretary—Harriet A. Kane, Kane. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and Treas.—Thos. ic? Kane, Kane. Gen. Mgr. and Auditor—J. Dennistown Watts: Kushequa, Pa. Gen. Supt.—J. G. Ruhl, Kushequa. Chief Engr.—G. N. Lyon, Bradford, Pa. DIRECTORS—Elisha T. Kane, D. T. Hall, J; D. Brooder, Joshua Davis, Thos. L. Kane, ane, Mount McGregor RR. President—W. J. Arkell, New York. Vice-Prest.—Douglass W. Maybee, Ballston | La oN as V. Sec., Treas. and Mgr.—Frank Jones, Ballston | Spa. DIRECTORS—W. J. Arkell, dam, N. Y.; James Arkell, A. G. Richmond, Edward S. Smith, Adam Smith, Bartlett Arkell, Canajoharie, N. Y.; Mehan, Edward F. Grose, Ballston Spa. Mount Penn Gravity RR. President—James Rick, Reading, Pa. Vice-President—D. B. B. Beaver, Reading. Secretary and Treas.—Frank S. Livingood, | Reading. - Supt. and Chief Engr.—Wm. Harper, Reading. DIRECTORS—Charles Rick, James Nolan, mise auconay). <4. tHawley,.T.; P.’ Merritt, F. S. Livingood, M. B. McKnight, Daniel H. Wingerd, W. R. MclIlvain, B. F. Owen, H.A. | Muhlenberg, J. G. Leinbach, Reading. Mount Pleasant and Broad Ford RR. | President—J. B. Washington. Sec. and Treas.—A. W. Black, Pittsburgh, Pa. | DiRECTORS—J. B. Meeds, A. R. Banning, W. C. Magee, John Bissell, S. L. Schoon- - maker, Pittsburgh ; O. P. Shupe, Mount Pleas- en ParvC.;L. Fitzhugh, Allegheny, Pa. ; C. F. Mayer, Robert Garrett, Alexander Shaw, Baltimore, Md.; John D. Frisbee, Connells- | ville, Pa. Mount Washington RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Walter Aiken, Franklin Falls, N. H. ~Secretary—F. E. Brown, Concord, N. H. Treas.—Edward D. Harlow, Boston, Mass. DiRECTORS—John P. George, Nathaniel White, Jr., John H. Pearson, Concord; Fred- erick Smyth, Manchester, N. H.; Walter Aiken, Franklin Falls; George A. Fernald, James T. Furber, Boston. _ Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Indi- ana RR. | President—W. O. Hughart, Grand Rapids, | Mich. Vice-President—N. McGraft, Muskegon, Mich. Secretary—J. H. P. Hughart, Grand Rapids. Treasurer—W. R. Shelby, Grand Rapids. DIRECTORS—W. O. Hughart, W. R. Shelby, ie). brien, | “J.9-H. PasHaghart,. Grand Rapids, Mich.; L. N. Keating, N. McGraft, | Muskegon, Mich. Muskingum County RR. See Bellaire, Zanesville and Connecticut RR. Nantasket Beach RR. -Trustee—A. W. Moors, Boston, Mass. Nantucket RR. President—Jonathan Dorr, Boston, Mass. Treas. and Clerk—John H. Norton, Boston. Superintendent—P. H. Folger, Boston. New York; | Alexander B. Vroorman, John Warner, Amster- | Douglass W. | Maybee, Frank Jones, Geo. E. Settle, Wm. A. | 98 DiIRECTORS—Jonathan Dorr, John H. Nor- ton, P. H. Folger, H. E. Sheldon, James W. Cartwright, Boston, Mass. Nanuet and New City RR. President and Treasurer—F. Verein, Clarks- town, N. Y. Narragansett Pier RR. President—John N. Hazard, Peace Dale, R. I. Vice-Presdent, Sec. and Treas.—R. G. Haz- ard, Peace Dale. Superintendent—G, Dale. DirREcCTORS—John N. Hazard, Rowland G. Hazard, Peace Dale, R. I.; Geo. C. Robinson, B.\F.. Robinson, Wakefield, R.7 15; 927 We: Miller, New York. T. Lamphear, Peace Nashua and Lowell RR. President—Francis A. Brooks, 31 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Treasurer—J. W. White, Nashua, N. H. Clerk of Corporation—Walter A. Lovering, Nashua. Nashua, Acton and Boston RR. President—John C. Moulton, Laconia, N. H. Treasurer—F. D. Cook, Nashua, N. H. Clerk—H. M. Cavis, Concord, N. H. Nashville and Decatur RR. President—Dr. D. B. Cliffe, Franklin, Tenn. Sec. and Treasurer—G. W. Seay, Nashville, Tenn. Nashville and KnoxviJle RR. President—A. J. Crawford, Terre Haute, Ind. ° Vice-Prest.—H. A. Crawford, St. Louis, Mo. Treas. and. Sec.—J. A. Crawford, New Cas- tle, Pa; Supt. and General Manager—A. Vandivort, Lebanon, Tenn. DIRECTORS—A. J. Crawford, J. P. Craw- ford, jTérre’ Hautes .H. Ay R,°Gs Coffin, Millbrook, N. Y.; George Potter, Bil- lings, N. Y.; Albert Emans, La Grangeville, N. Y.; R. C. Van Wyck, Hopewell Junction, N. Y.; Charles L. Kimball, Fishkill-on-Hud- son, N.“WY..7-S.4,. Wright, Elizabeth, NoJ2; Ng T. Plass, Copake Iron Works, N. Y.; Wm. H. Moore, Matteawan; Wm. R. Shultze, Manchester N. J. Newburyport City RR. President—Albert Currier. Sec. and Treas.—A. W. Greenleaf, Newbury- port, Mass. Newburyport RR. President—Frank Jones, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—A. Blanchard, Andover, Mass. Auditor—William J. Hobbs, Malden, Mass. Corporate Clerk—Sigourney Butler, Quincy, ' Mass. New Castle and Beaver Valley RR. President—S. W.Cunningham, Pittsburgh, Pa. Raaaes Treas.—J. A. Crawford, New Castle, at DIRECTORS—Wm. Patterson, L. Raney, J. L. Crawford, New Castle; John B. Jackson, Pittsburgh ; J. M. Clapp, Washington, DS iGas Alok Lee, Erie, Pa. New Castle and Shenango Valley RR. President—G. W. Johnson. Vice-Prest.—L. Raney, New Castle, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—Charles S. Wallace, New Castle. DIRECTORS—G. W. Johnson, L. Raney,@! Wm. Patterson, Chas. S. Wallace, New Cas- test Ls Kimberly, ee As Wheeler, Sharon, Pa.; Charles E. Whitehead, E. B. ‘Thomas, New York. Newfoundland RR. President and Receiver—Frank H. Evans, 70 Gracechurch st., London, Eng. Vice-President—Wm. McCondrad, London: Gen. Mgr.—E. H. Saville, St. John’s, New- foundland. DirEcTORS—Frank H. Evans, Wm. Mc- Condard, I. De Maucha, Wm. R. Adamson, Stanley Ford, London. New Haven and Derby RR. President—Wm. H. Conn. Secretary—A. J. Porter. Treasurer—C. E. Robinson. Atty. and Gen. Counsel—S. E. Baldwin. Div. Supt.—J. P. Hopson, New Haven, Conn. Stevenson, Bridgeport, DIRECTORS—Thos. Wallace, Franklin Far- rell, Ansonia, Conn.; W. H. Stevenson, Bridgeport ; N. D. Sperry, S. E. Merwin, New Haven; Henry Hentz, J. L. Macauley, E. V. Carey, M. E. Stone, New York. New Haven and Northampton RR. President—Charles N. Yeamans, Westfield, Mass. Vice-Prest.—Ed. M. Reed. Sec. and Treas.—Edward A. Ray, Haven, Conn. Asst. Supt.—R. G. Curtis New Haven. DIRECTORS—Charles N, Yeamans, West- field; George J. Brush, Daniel Trowbridge, Edward M. Reed, Ezekiel H. Trowbridge, New Charles P. Clark, A. Heaton Robertson, New Haven ; Mass. ; Horatio G. Knight, Easthampton, ‘Charles M. Pond, Hartford, Conn. New Hanover Transit Co’s RR. -President—Isaac Bates, Wilmington, N. C. Vice-Prest.—William L. Smith, Wilmington. Sec. and Treas.—John V. Granger, Wilming- ton. Gen. Mgr.—John W. Harper, Wilmington. New York and Atlantic Highlands RR President—John S. Applegate. New Jersey and New York RR. President—H. W. de Forest, 120 Broadway, New York. Vice-Prest.—Isaac D. Demarest, Oradell, Nae: Sec., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—J. D. Has- brouck, Westwood, N. J. Superintendent—J. S. Drake, Jersey City, eel B DIRECTORS—Robert W. de Forest, Joseph E. Gay, Henry Seibert, H. W. de Forest, New York; Peter Ward, Newburgh, N. Y.; Isaac D. Demarest, Hiram Bellis, Oradell, N.J.; Robert E. Hughes, Paterson, N. J.; Henry Van Buskirk, New Milford. N. J.; J. D. Hasbrouck, Westwood, N. J.; Theodore Hill, Hackensack, N. J. New Jersey Junction RR. President—Chauncey M. Depew. Sec. and Treas.—E. V. W. Rossiter, York. New Jersey Southern RR. New 4 President—J. R. Maxwell. Secretary—Samuel Knox. Treasurer—J. W. Watson, New York. New London Northern RR. President and Treas.—Robert Coit, New Lon- don, Conn. Secretary—J. A. Southard, New London. Superintendent—C. F. Spaulding, New Lon- don. | Attorney or Gen. Counsel—Augustus Brande- | gee, New London. Gen. Auditor—E. G. Lucas, St. Albans, Vt. Gen. Supt.—J. M. Foss, St. Albans. Asst. Gen. Supt.—F. W. Baldwin, St. Albans. Supt. Telegraph—M. Magiff, St. Albans. Supt. Local Fgt. Traffic—E. A. Chittenden, om sys 2 c St. Albans, Gen. Pass. Agt.—S. W. Cummings, St. Albans. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. F. Spaulding, New Lon- don. IOI Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. A. South- ard, New London. DirEcToRS—Robert Coit, Benjamin Stark, Augustus Brandegee, C. A. Williams, J. N. Harris, New London; Thomas Ramsdell, Windham, Conn. - James A. Rumrill, Spring- field, Mass. ; C. H. Osgood, Norwich, Conn. ; Thomas B. Eaton, Worcester, Mass. New Mexico RR. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé. New Orleans and Mobile RR. President—E. H. Green. Secretary—D. Thomson, New York. New Orleans and Northeastern RR. President—Charles Schiff, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Prest.—C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati. Treasurer—H. H. Tatem, Cincinnati. Secretary—John Glynn, Jr., New Orleans, La. DIRECTORS-——-Charles Schiff, C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati; John P. Richardson, Henry Abraham, Jules Aldigé, Harry H. Hall, R.M. Walmsley, New Orleans; Frank S. Bond, D. Graff, New York. New Orleans and Northwestern RR. Receiver—W. D. Jenkins, Natchez, Miss. Receiver—C. H. Hammett, Kansas City, Mo. President—Louis K. Hyde. 1st Vice-Prest.—T. E. Morrison. 2d Vice-Prest.—F. de L. Hyde. 3d Vice-Prest.—A. C. Craney. Secretary—James W. Lambert. Treasurer—Charles Hyde. Chief Engr.—W. D. Jenkins, Natchez. Asst. Chief Engr. and Purchasing Agt.— Vaughn, Natchez. Auditor—Robert Popkess, Natchez. Fet. and Pass. Agt.—J. M. Barkley, Natchez. Div. Supt.—E. J.-Beard, Vidalia, La. DrreEctors—Charles Hyde, L. V. F. Ran- dolph, Plainfield, N. J.; Louis K. Hyde, Francis de L.sHyde, Titusville, Paz; A? C, Craney, St. Louis, Mo.; E. S. Drake, Port Gibson, Miss.; James W. Lambert, A. H. Foster, T. E. Morrison, Natchez. CiG: New Orleans and Southern RR. President and Gen. Manager—J. A. Larnerd, New Orleans, La. Vice-President—Lloyd R. Coleman, New Or- leans. Sec. and Treas.—H. S. Bell, New Orleans. DirREcTORS—J. A. Larnerd, Alfred le Blanc, Lloyd R. Coleman, H. S. Bell, New Orleans ; H. P. Kernochan, Plaquemines, La.; B. S. Story, St. Bernard, La. ; Joseph Price, Charles J. Russell, Harry Pearson, London, Eng. New Orleans, Fort Jackson and Grand Isle RR. President—H. C. Warmoth, New Orleans, La. Treasurer—A. Baldwin, New Orleans. Superintendent—J. S. Landry, Algiers, La. Auditor—I. Colloty, New Orleans. Secretary—J. Wilkinson, New Orleans. Master Mechanic—C. H. Burgis, Algiers. Newport and Cincinnati Bridge. President—Thomas D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice-Prest.—Albert S. Berry, Newport, Ky. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. 102 DIRECTORS—Thos, D. Messler, Pittsburgh ; Albert S. Berry, Newport; C. H. Kilgour, W. A. Goodman, Ralph Peters, Cincinnati, O. ; T. B. Youtsey, Chas. J. Helm, Newport. Newport and Richford RR. President—E. Raymond, Cambridge, Mass. Treas. and Sec.—H. E. Folsom, Lyndonville, vt. Newport and Sherman’s Valley RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—D. Gring, New- port, Pa. ist Vice-Prest.—H. H. Bechtel, Newport. Superintendent—S. H. Gring, Newport. Treasurer—J. H. Irwin, Newport. Secretary—Horace Beard, Newport. Chief Engr.—A. P. W. Johnson, Harrisburg, Pa. Gen. Solicitor—W. H. Sponsler, New Bloom- field; Pa. Auditor—A. B. Grosh, New Bloomfield. Supt. of Expressand Gen. Baggage Agent— J. K. Everhart, Newport. DIRECTORS—H. H. Bechtel, W. H. Gantt, B. M. Eby, Geo. F. Flusher, Jas. Everhart, Newport; Jas. A. Gray, Elliottsburg, Pa. ; Dr. B. P. Hook, Loysville, Pa. Newport and Wickford RR. and Steamboat Line. President—George Maculloch Miller, New York. Sec. and Treas.—A. S. Sherman, Newport, Re Superintendent—J. B. Gardiner, Providence, Ree DIRECTORS—George Maculloch Miller, J. N. A. Griswold, Charles H. Russell, New York.; George Peabody Wetmore, Leroy King, A. S. Sherman, Newport, R. I. Newport News and Mississippi Valley Co. (Western Division) and Ohio Val- ley RR. President—C. P. Huntington, 23 Broad st., New York. Vice-President, Sec. and Treas.—I. E. Gates, New York. 2d Vice-President—H. E. Huntington, Lex- ington, Ky. - 3d Vice-President—John Echols, Louisville, Ky. Asst. to President and Comp.—Wm. Mahl, 23 Broad st., New York. Cashier—J. B. Weaver, Louisville. Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—Edward Zacher, New Haven, Conn. Gen. Counsel—C. H. Tweed, 23 Broad st., New York. Auditor—J. W. Baird, Louisville. Traffic Mgr.—L. F. Day, Memphis, Tenn. Gen. Supt.—M. B. Cutter, Memphis. Superintendent—W. E. Morse, Paducah, Ky. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—B. F. Mitchell, Louisville. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Prouty, Louisville. Chief Engineer—A. T. Sabin, Louisville. Supt. Motive Power—Wm. Hassman, Padu- cah. Gen. Roadmaster—L. A. Washington, Padu- cah. Paymaster—E. P. Rowell, Louisville. Gen. Bag. Agt.—H. G. Willis, Memphis. South. Pass. Agt.—H. A. Hathaway, Memphis. Gen. Trav. Agt.—J. T. Morris, Louisville. Gen. Agt.—J. J. Fagan, Evansville, Ind. — DirEcTORS—C. P. Huntington, I. E. Gates, C. Weidenfeld, Charles Babbidge, F. H. Davis, T. B. Criss, New York ; Lynde Harri- son, New Haven, Conn. New Westminster and Southern RR. Part of Great Northern RW. Line. New York and Canada RR. President—Horace G. Young, Albany, N. Y. Treasurer—James C. Hart, New York. Secretary—Charles A. Walker, New York. DirEcCTORS—Isaac V. Baker, Comstock, N. Y.; Wm. H. Cooke, Whitehall, N. Y.; Smith M. Weed, Plattsburg, N. Y.; Le Grand B. Cannon, J. C. Hart, Robert M. Olyphant, F. Murray Olyphant, Charles A. Walker, Robert Olyphant, New York; Jas. R. Taylor, | Brooklyn, N. Y.; Horace G, Young, Albany ; Reuben A. Henry, Jersey City, N. J.; James Roosevelt, Hyde Park, N. Y. New York and Coney Island RR. President—Andrew R. Culver, Brooklyn, N.Y. Treasurer—Allan C. Washington, Brooklyn. Secretary—L. Tracy, Brooklyn. Auditor—Albert B. Bierck, Brooklyn. Superintendent—R. Schermerhorn, Brooklyn. DireEctToRs-—Andrew R. Culver, Allan C. Washington, L. Stacy, Brooklyn; Austin Cor- bin, Sidney Webster, F. C. Nubuhr, Theo. B. Moore, New York. New York and Flushing RR. See Long Island RR. Co. New York and Greenwood Lake RR. | President—Abram S. Hewitt, New York. Vice-President—E,. B. Thomas, New York. - Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Treasurer—Tappen Bowne, New York. DirEcTORS—-Abram S. Hewitt, John King, Edward Cooper, A. Donaldson, A. R. Mac- donough, J. G. McCullough, E. B. Thomas, New York; T. M. Etting, Philadelphia ; Cort- landt Parker, Newark, N. J. New York and Harlem RR. President—Cornelius Vanderbilt. Treas. and Sec.—E. V. W. Rossiter. New York and Long Beach. President—J. Rogers Maxwell. Secretary—Edward E. Sprague, New York. DIRECTORS—J. Rogers Maxwell, Brooklyn, N. Y.;: Henry Graves, Orange, N..J..:Eoeee Hinsdale, Bruce Price, Wm. M. Laffan, New York; James D. Campbell, Philadelphia ; Edward E. Sprague, Flushing, L. I. New York and Long Branch RR. President—Geo. T. Baker. Sec. and Treas.—A. Reckless. Compt.—S. M. Williams, 11g Liberty st., New York. Supt.—Rufus Blodgett, Long Branch, N. J. Auditor—T. D. Maurer, Long Branch. New York and Mahopac RR. (See INDY Ao sae Aeon Reo vie ee New York and Massachusetts RW. President—Geo. P. Pelton, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. Vice-President— Henry D. Cone, Stockbridge, Mass. ne ah eae peters toy Sec. and Treas.—E. Elsworth, Poughkeepsie. Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. A. Perkins. - DirEcTORS—George P. Pelton, G. Clinton Gardner, Edward Elsworth, J. A. Perkins, O. H. Booth, William A. Miles, Poughkeepsie; Henry D. Cone, Stockbridge; Peter W. Gal- laudet, New York ; Samuel N. ton, Mass. New York and Middle Coal Field RR. | and Coal Co. President—Israel W. Morris, Philadelphia. Aldrich, Bos- | | Sec. and Treas.—W. C. Alderson, Philadel-_ phia. DirREcTORS—Israel W. Morris, Chas. Harts- horne, Jas. I. Effingham B. Morris, Philadelphia. New York and New England RR. Chairman of Board—J. A. Bostwick, New | York. President—Charles Parsons, 96 Broadway, | New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—F. H. Prince, Boston, Mass. 2d Vice-Prest.—Charles Parsons, Jr., New | York. Gen. Manager—C. S. Mellen, 180 Summer st., Boston. Secretary—J. W. Perkins, Boston. Asst. Secretary—E. V. Cary, New York. Treasurer—George B. Phippen, Boston. Chief Engr.—L. B. Bidwell, Boston. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. H. Goodrich, Boston. | Gen. Pass. Agt.—A. C. Kendall, Boston. Gen. Supt.—I. D. Barton, Boston. Auditor—W. H. Dudley, Boston. Asst. Auditor—B. F. Cash, Boston. Supt. Eastern Div.—F. E. Dewey, Boston. Supt. Western Div.—Stephen Noonan, Hartford, Conn. Superintendent—P. St. M. Andrews, Norwich, Conn. Supt. Central Div.—W. S. Jones, Providence, Ruy Supt. Telegraph—G. L. Lang, Boston. Purchasing Agt.—R. E. Rockwell, Boston. Gen. Master Mechanic—E. M. Norwood Central, Mass. Gen. Agt.—Frank N. McClure, 353 Broadway, New York. Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. M. Bowman, Hartford. ‘Div. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. A. Harris, Norwich. Foreign Bond Agt.—W. N. Proctor, Boston. Gen. Bag. Agt.—Geo. F. Ingalls, Boston. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. E. Sammons, Boston. Treasurer Northern Div.—M. M. Whittimore, Norwich. Car Service Agt.—E. A. Nutting, Boston. DIRECTORS—J. A. Bostwick, Charles Par- sons, Thomas Rutter, Henry Hentz, John L. Macaulay, Sidney Dillon, Alexander E. Orr, hada Parsons, Jr.; .G. B..Tedcastle,/E.s V. Cary, New York; Eustace C. Fitz, Charles A. Prince, F. H. Prince, Boston, Mass.; James Howard, Hartford, Conn.; Geo. M. Landers, New Britain, Conn.; David S. Plume, Water- bury, Conn. ; B. F. Vaughan, Providence, R. I.; Aretas Blood, Manchester, N. H:; Arthur Sewall, Bath, Me. New York and Northern RW. President—R. S. Hayes, 32 Nassau st., New York. Vice-President—H. F. Dimock, 32 Nassau st., New York. Las Blakslee, Elisha P. Wilbur, Humstone, | Secretary and Treasurer—G. G. Hayes, Jr., 32 Nassau st., New York. Auditor—W. D. Basley, Yonkers, N. Y. Gen. Supt.—H. H. Vreeland, High Bridge, NSY; Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—L. M. Allen, High Bridge. Master of Machinery—Thomas Miller, High Bridge. Roadmaster—H. C. Moore, High Bridge. Gen. Milk Agt.—A. Whitlock, High Bridge. DIRECTORS—Charles T. Barney, Thomas Denny, Geo. Coppell. H. F. Dimock, Robt. M. Gallaway, Geo. G. Haven, R. S. Hayes, Wm. Mertens, O. H. Payne, Geo. W. Smith, Wm. C.Whitney, New York ; J. J. Belden, Syracuse, No Y oj AM. Billings, Chicago, Ill, New York and North Pennsylvania RR. President—C. L. Pattison, Elkland, Pa. Vice-President—T. C. Platt, New York. Secretary—J. E. Jones. Treasurer—F.R. Winne, 49 Broadway, New York. Gen. Supt.—Frank M. Baker, Addison, Pa. DIRECTORS—C. L. Pattison, B. H. Park- hurst, Elkland, Pa.; Thomas C. Platt, W. C. Seldon, J. E. Jones, G. R. Seldon, New York; James Horton, Buffalo, N. Y.;J..W. Ham- moudpOsceolay, Pa’: Arthur. Clinton) LL.) R: Gale, Galeton, Pa. New York and Rockaway RW. President—Austin Corbin, New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—Chas. M. Pratt, New York. 2d Vice-Prest.—Benj. Norton, Long Island CityasNiy: Treasurer—G. S. Edgell, New York. Auditor and Cashier—J. Carlsen, Long Island City. Superintendent—H. R. Newkirk, Long Island City. DrIRECTORS—Austin Corbin, Babylon, L. 1.; Chas. M. Pratt, W. B. Kendall, Brooklyn, N., Y.; John Straiton, William G. Wheeler, Benj. Norton, G. S. Edgell, Everett R. Reynolds, James G. K. Duer, W. J. Kelly, New York; Frederick W. Dunton, Hollis, N. Y.; J. K. O. Sherwood, Glen Cove, N.Y.; Frank A. Kelley, Greenwich, Conn. Beach New York and Rockaway RR. See Long Island RR. New York and Sea Beach RW. President—Alrick H. Man, 56 Wallst., New York. Vice-President—L. C. Lathrop, New York. Sec., Treas. and Supt. of Terminal Prop- erty—James T. Nelson, Sea Beach Palace, Coney Island. ; Gen. Supt.—Richard A. Larke, Bay Ridge, Teel; DrirEcTorRs—Alrick H. Man, L. C. Lathrop, George Peabody Wetmore, John Barker, W. O. Platt, James T. Nelson, Chas. C. Protheroe, New York. New York Bay RR. President—W. J. Sewell. Secretary—F. W. Schwartz. Treasurer—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. 104 DIRECTORS—A. O. Dayton, J. N. Du Barry, | - Hugh B. Ely, John P. Green, Robert H. Groff, T. W. Jackson. _ New York, Boston and Montreal RR. | See Clove Branch RR. New York, Brooklyn and Manhattan | Beach RW. President and Treasurer—Wm. G. Wheeler. Vice-President—George S. Edgell. Secretary—Frank McDonough, 192 Broad- way, New York. DiRECTORS—Austin Corbin, William G. Wheeler, George S. Edgell, E. R. Reynolds, New York; J. R. Maxwell, Henry W. Max- well, Frank W. Atkins, Wm. J. Kelly, J. K. O. Sherwood, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Henry Greaves, Orange, | N. J.; F. W. Dunton, Hollis P. Oe he Sey ta _ Edward E. Sprague, Flushing, N. Y. Ast York Central and Hudson River Chairman of the Board—Cornelius Vanderbilt. | President—Chauncey M: Depew. Ist Vice-President—Charles C. Clarke. 2d Vice-President—Horace J. Hayden. 3d Vice-President—H. Walter Webb. Secretary—Edwin D. Worcester. Treasurer—E. V. W. Rossiter. _ Comptroiler—John Carstensen. Gen. Mgr.—John M. Toucey. Gen. Supt.—Theodore Voorhees. Asst. Treas.—George S. Prince. Cashier—Edgar Freeman. Paymaster—John L. Burdett. Auditor of Disbursements—F. C. Root. McDonough, Edwin H. | | Asst. Auditor Disbursements—W. W. Anstey. | Auditor Fgt. Accts.—W. B. Pollock. Asst. Auditor Fgt. Accts.—W. T. McCullough. | Auditor Pass. Accts.—J. F. Fairchild. ‘Asst. Auditor Pass. Accts.—J. C. Woolfe. Car Accountant—C. H. Ewings. Trav. Auditor—Lincoln Van Cott. Asst. Trav. Auditor—E. G. Vandervoort. Asst. Trav. Auditor—C. L. Cormier. Asst. Trav. Auditor—W. F. Boardman. Asst. Trav. Auditor—A. G. Adams. Gen. Counsel—Frank Loomis. Attorney—Charles T. Titus. _ Tax Agt.--Frank Hinchey. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—-Nathan Guilford. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. Clark, Jr. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Samuel Goodman. _ Gen. Live Stock Agt.—Jno. B. Dutcher. Asst. Gen. Live Stock Agt.—Alfred C. Mellor. Gen. Coal Agt.—W. L. Kingman. Gen. Pass. Agt.—George H. Daniels. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. J. Richards. Gen. Bag. Agt.—Frank J. Wolfe, Albany, N.Y. Asst. Gen. Bag. Agt.—S. McCully, Central Station, New York. Supt. Hudson Div.—D. B. McCoy, New York. | Supt. Mohawk Div.—F. A. Harrington, Al- | bany. Supt. West. Div.—Geo. H. Burrows, Buffalo, | r Ney Asst. Supt. West. Div.—Henry Gould, Roch- : ester, N. Y. Grand | Asst. Supt. West. Div.—C. L. Rossiter, Syra- ; cuse, N.Y, | Supt: Harlem Div.—J. H. Phyfe, White | Plains, N. Y. | Supt. Motive Power—W. Buchanan. Chief Engr.—Walter Katte. Bridge Engr.—Geo. H. Thompson, New York. Div. Engr.—Geo. F. Boulard, New York. Div. Engr.—E. F. Van Hoesen, Rochester. Gen. Tie Agt.—J. C. Champion, Rome, N. Y. Gen. Roadmaster—W. D. Otis, East Albany, N. Y. Supt. Telegraph—S. K. Rupley, Poughkeep- sie, N. Y. Purchasing Agt.—Allan Bourn. Asst. Purchasing Agt.—Dexter Fairchild. Gen. East. Fgt. Agt.—R. L. Crawford. 413 Broadway, New York. Gen. West: Fgt. Agt.—J. McFeggan, Buffalo. Gen. Agt. for Foreign Fgt.—W. James, 10 Broadway, New York. Special Fgt. Agt.—A. J. Phelps, Syracuse. Div. Fgt. Agt. New York Div.—John R. Col- lins, Grand Central Depot, New York. Div. Fgt. Agt. Syracuse Div.—Senaca Kelly, Syracuse. Div. Fgt. Agt. Rochester Div. Croly, Rochester. Div. Fgt. Agt. Buffalo Div.—Geo. E. Terry, Buffalo. Gen. East. Pass. Agt.—M. C.° Roach, 413 Broadway, New York. Gen. West. Pass. Agt.—W. B. Jerome, 97 Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Pacific Coast Agt.—C. C. Crane, 1o Montgom- ery st., San Francisco, Cal. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Amos Burr, 1o Montgomery st., San Francisco. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—Edson J. Weeks, 1 Exchange st., Buffalo. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—Frank J. Room 9, Union Depot, Albany. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—James S. Cark, New York. S. W. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. C. Merrill, 97 Clark st., Chicago. N. W. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Nelson Vanderpool, 97 Clark st., Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. S. Randolph, 1 Ex- change st., Buffalo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. J. McCarthy, 1 Exchange st., Buffalo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Geo. F. Hanford, Room 9, Union Depot, Albany. Trav. Pass. Agt.—A. E. Brainerd, Room 9, Union Depot, Albany. DiRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Chaun- cey M. Depew, Charles C. Clarke, Horace J. Hayden, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Fred W. Van- derbilt, Samuel F. Barger, J. Pierpont Mor- gan, Cyrus W. Field, New York; William Bliss, Boston, Mass.; Sherman S. Jewett, Buffalo; Erastus Corning, Albany ; George C. Buell, Rochester. Edwin H. Wolfe, New York Central, Hudson and Fort Orange RR. President—C. C. Woolworth, Castleton, N. Y. Vice-President—S. C. McKown, Castleton. Treasurer-—-John S. Graham, Castleton. Secretary--C. C. Woolworth, Jr., Castleton. DIRECTORS—C. C. Woolworth, C. C. Wool- worth,. Jr:, Castleton: -J. S: Graham; Frank D. King, Samuel B. Woolworth, Carrol Tilton, Henry E. Jones, J. Henry Finch, Wm. H. Bunce, Jersey City, N. J. ; John C. White- ford, Chicago; S. C. McKown, J. P. Jenks, Castleton. ; River New York Central Niagara River RR. President--James Tillinghast. Sec. and Treas.--W. H. Grimes, Buffalo, N.Y. ee L. , _ ‘Car Accountant—W. J. Robertson, Cleveland. me yice-Prest.—Frederick H. Gibbens. | Dillon, William R. Storrs, Scranton, Pa. ~ Ist Vice-Prest.—E. B. Thomas, New York. 2d Vice-Prest.—George H. Vaillant, New York. | 3d _Vice-Prest.— Andrew Donaldson, New | York. ~ West. Fet. Traffic Mgr.—G. G. Cochran, Chi- | ak oo DirEcToRS—J. Tillinghast, W. H. Grimes, J. W. Tillinghast, F. D. Stow, Buffalo; C. Van- derbilt, S. F. Barger, C. M. Depew, E. D. Worcester, C. C. Clarke, New York. New York, Chicago and St. Louis RR. (‘‘ Nickel Plate Line.’’) President—D. W. Caldwell, Cleveland, O. Sec. and Treas.—Allyn Cox, New York. Asst. Treas.—H. Hammersley, Cleveland. Auditor—J. P. Curry, Cleveland. Gen. Counsel—S. E. Williamson, Cleveland. Gen. Supt.—Lewis Williams, Cleveland. ‘Transfer Agt.—F. Middlebrook, New York. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—G. B. Spriggs, Cleveland. Gen. Pass. Agt.—B. F. Horner, Cleveland. | Purchasing Agt.—M. M. Rodgers, Cleveland. | Supt. Motive Power—John McKenzie, Cleve- land. Supt. Telegraph—G. T. Williams, Cleveland. | Paymaster—E. A. Conger, Cleveland. Supt. East. Div.—A. W. Johnston, Cleveland. Supt. West. Div.—C. D. Gorham, Fort Wayne, Ind. | DIRECTORS—Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Cornelius | Vanderbilt, F. W. Vanderbilt, H. McKay Twombly, John S. Kennedy, James A. Roose- velt, Fred P. Olcott, Chauncey M. Depew, Allyn. Cox, New York; D. W. Caldwell, Samuel E. Williamson, Ralph W. Hickox, Cleveland ; Charles M. Reed, Erie, Pa. | New York, Lackawanna and Western | RW. President—Samuel Sloan. | Secretary—Fred F. Chambers. ‘Treasurer—Arthur D. Chambers, New York. | Gen. Mgr.—Wm. F. Halstead, Scranton, Pa. | Asst. Supt.—F. A. Seabert, Buffalo, N. Y. | DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, George Bliss, | Percy R. Pyne, Russell Sage, Eugene Hig- gins, Sydney Dillon, Frederick H. Gibbens, Edgar S. Auchincloss, M. Taylor Pyne, New York; John I. Blair, Blairtown, N. J.; Henry | D. Polhemus, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Sydney New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. President—John King, New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. Asst. Treas.—W. B. Bancker, New York. Attorney—James A. Buchanan, New York. Asst. Attorney—Charles Steele, New York. cago, IIl. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. L. Pomeroy, New York. | Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Samuel P. Shane, Cleveland, | O Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. Deuel, Buffaio, N. Y. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. S. Burgesser, New York. | ‘Chief Clerk Fgt. Claim Dept.—F. E. Tilden, | New York. | Live Stock Agt.—Geo. F. Geagan, New York. | Chief Clerk Coal Dept.—H. B. Crandall, New | York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—D. I. Roberts, New York. eu 105 Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—F. W. Buskirk, Chi- cago. Purchasing Agt.—E. B. Sheffer, New York. Auditor—W. Farrington, New York. Auditor Traffic—E. P. Campbell, New York. Auditor Disbursements—Newton S. Rutter, New York. Civil Engr.—C. W. Buchholz, New York. Supt. Motive Power—A. E. Mitchell, New York. Gen. Mgr. Erie Div.—Alfred Walter, New York. Supt. Transportation Erie Div.—W. H. Starr, Jersey City, N: J. Gen. Road Master—S. R. Johnson, Jersey City. Real Estate Agt.—James S. Allen, 187 West st., New York. Geni Wer. *N2 Ys" Po and. QO. Div.=A.-M. Tucker, Cleveland. Gen. Supt. N. Y. P. and O. Div.—J. C. Moor- head, Cleveland. Supt. Transportation N. Y. P. and O. Div.— A. M. Mozier, Cleveland. Asst. Supt. Motive Power N. Y. P. and O. Div.—S. Higgins, Cleveland. Gen, Road’ Master N..Y. P. and O.. Divi— A. Mordecai, Cleveland. Gens LCand.and. Tax: Ast: N-Y; P: and’ ©; Div.—J. H. Dynes, Cleveland. Special Claim Agt. N. Y. P. and O. Div.— Wm. E. Talcott, Cleveland. Gen. Agt.—M. E. Staples, 187 West st., New York. Supt. Telegraph—W. J. Holmes, New York. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—Chas. H. Clough, Chambers St. Station, New York. Gen. East. Pass. Agt. and Div. Pass. Agt.— James Buckley, 401 Broadway, New York. New England Pass. Agt.—O. W. Jordan, 268 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Div. Pass. Agt.—S. T. Seely, Elmira, N. Y. Div. Pass. Agt.—A. W. Bodle, 177 Main st., Buffalo. Div. Pass. Agt.—H. T. Jaeger, Rochester, Nw aYt Canadian Pass. Agt.—S. J. Sharp, Toronto, Ont. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—M. L. Fouts, Cleve- land. Div. Pass. Agt.—F. H. Garfield, Jamestown, ING Na Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—H. C. Holabird, Cin- cinnati, O. Div. Pass. Agt.—F. M. Caldwell, Huntington, Ind. Trav. Pass. Agt.—B. A. Branch, 802 Phenix Bldg., Chicago. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. G. Davidson, Kansas City, Mo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. B. Dean, 39 Hotel Bar- tran, St. Paul, Minn. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Wallace, Akron, O. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W.H. Arms, Allentown, Pa. Trav. Pass. Agt.—E. A. Jones, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pacific Coast Agt.—J. G. McCall, 22 Mont- gomery st., San Francisco, Cal. European Agts.—G. H. Fletcher & Co., Liver- pool, Eng. Commercial Agt.—C. H. Hall, 4or Broadway, New York. Gen. Agt. East Bound Traffic—E. Foley, Room 216, Produce Exchange, New York. Div. Fgt. Agt.—R. M. Parker, Pavonia Ferry, New York. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. C. Buck, Elmira. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. M. Horton, Rochester. Div. Fgt. Agt.—R. K. Pelton, Buffalo. Div. Fgt. Agt.—H. C. Hastings, Meadville, Pa. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. L. Henderson, Youngs- town, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. W. Clarke, Galion, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—H. W. Forward, Chicago. Gen. N. W. Fet. Agt.—G. J. Borup, St. Paul. Gen. Agt.—S. P. Woodside, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Agt.—C. P. Morse, Cincinnati. Gen. Agt.—W. H. Tennis, Indianapolis, Ind. DiIRECTORS—John King, J. G. McCullough, Henry H. Cook, William Libbey, William A. Wheelock, William Whitewright, George W. Quintard, Ogden Mills, William L. Strong, M. F. Reynolds, Morris K. Jesup, James J. ' Goodman, Wm. N. Gilchrist, E. B. Thomas, Josiah Belden, New York; J. Lowber Welsh, Philadelphia; Cortlandt Parker, Newark, Nee) 5 New York, Lake Erie and Western | Coal and RR. Co. President—J. K. P. Hall, St. Mary’s, Pa. Vice-Prest.—E. B. Thomas, New York. Treasurer—Edward White. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Div. Supts.—C. V. Merrick, D. Robertson. DIRECTORS—J. K. P. Hall, St. Mary’s; Samuel Hines, Scranton, Pa. ; David H. Jack, Bradford, ‘Pa.; J. Lowber Welsh, Philadel- phia ; John King, oA. RR? Macdonough, si oS Thomas, New York. New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. . President—Charles P. Clark, New Haven, Conn. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—Lucius Tuttle, New Haven. Treasurer—W. L. Squire, New Haven. Secretary—Wm. D. Bishop, New Haven. ~*~ Comptroller—H. M. Kochersperger, New Haven. Auditor of Disbursements—S. C. Fleetwood, New Haven. Auditor of Pass. New Haven. Auditor of Fet: New Haven. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—N. A. Willcox, New Haven. Gen. Pass. Haven. Gen. Tit. Agt.—J. N. States, New Haven. Chief Engr.—F. S. Curtis, New Haven. Receipts—F. B. Bertine, Receipts—John Mackrille, Purchasing Agt.—Henry A. Bishop, Haven. Supt. New York Div.—O. M. Shepard, New | York. Supt. Hartford Div.—C. S. Davidson, Hart- | ford, Conn. Supt. Shore Line Div.—W. A. Waterbury, | New Haven. Supt. Air Line Div.—A. S. Ostrander, Haven. Asst. Supt. Northampton Div.—R. G. Curtis, New Haven. Supt. Naugatuck Div.—G. W. Beach, Water- bury, Conn. New Supt. Valley Div.—J. V. A. Trumbull, Hart- | ford. Supt. Motive Power—John Henney, Jr., New | Haven. Agt.—C. T. Hempstead, New | New | -\ 106 Master Car Builder—James Denver, New Haven. Car Service Agt.—W. S. Crompton, New Haven. DiRECTORS—Wilson G. Hunt, Joseph Park, Chauncey M. Depew, William Rockefeller, J. Pierpont Morgan, New York; E. H. Trow- bridge, Edward M. Reed, Charles P. Clark, New Haven; William D. Bishop, Nathaniel Wheeler, Bridgeport, Conn. ; Henry C. Rob- inson, Leverett Brainard, Hartford; Henry S. Lee, Springfield, Mass. New York, Ontario and Western RR. President—Thomas P. Fowler, 56 Beaver st., New York. Vice-President—Joseph Price, London, Eng. Vice-President and Gen. Counsel—J. B. Kerr, 56 Beaver st., New York. Gen. Mgr.—J. E. Childs, 56 Beaver st., York. Sec. and Treas.—R. D. Rickard, 56 Beaver st., New York. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. C. Anderson, 56 Beaver st., New York. Gen. Eastern Agt.—James R. Dunbar, 323 Broadway, New York. Chief Eng.—E. Canfield, Middletown, N.Y. Supt. et Trans.—C. W. Lanpher, Norwich, N. New parenaeie Agt. and Paymaster—Chas. A. Draper, 56 Beaver st., New York. Supt. Motive Power—George W. West, Mid- > dletown. Car Acct.—Jas. McQueen, Norwich. Gen. Baggage Agt.—F. W. Smith, Weehaw- ken, N. J. DIRECTORS—Thomas P. Fowler, Irvin, Francis R. Culbert, Richard Samuel Barton, John Greenough, Eben K. Sibley, Albert S: Roe, Wm. >t Paulding, John (B. ‘Keres New York; Joseph Price, Harry Pearson, Charles J. Russell, London, S. Whelen, Philadelphia. Eng. ; Charles New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio RR. President—Chas. E. Whitehead, New York. Vice-President—John Tod, Cleveland, O. Treasurer—E. R. Perkins, Cleveland. Secretary—E. Tupper, Cleveland. Auditor—J. T. Wann, Cleveland. DrirRECTORS—Chas. E. Whitehead, New York; E. R. Perkins, Samuel Mather, John Tod, W. J. McKinnie, Fayette Brown, J. T. Wann, Cleveland, O.; J. M. Ferris, Toledo, O,5> Henry Bs Perkins,” Warren, O8;) eae Barney, Dayton, O.; Simon Perkins, E. A. Wheeler, Sharon, Pa.; Lewis Miller, Akron, O. New York, Philadelphia and Nor- folk RR. (‘‘ Cape Charles Route.’’) President—A. J. Cassatt, 305 Walnut st., Philadelphia. ie esau eis A. Patton, 305 Walnut , Philadelphia. Sees and Auditor—Wm. Cariss, Jr., 305 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Treasurer-—J\G. ~Cassatt,, 305° Walnubusts Philadelphia. ah Pass. Agt.—Chas. W. Reiff, 305 Walnut , Philadelphia. Gen: BRO and Fet. Agt. and Gen. Agt.— R. B. Cooke, Norfolk, Va. Supt.—H. W. Dunne, Cape Charles, Va, e \ ere 4 ‘sons, Jr., DIRECTORS—A. J. Cassatt, William A. Eaton. J. “G. Cassatt,C,.A>Griscom; R. HH: Townsend, Jr., Philadelphia ; John Keller, ape ae Pa.; U.H. Painter, Washington, New York, Providence and Boston RR. President—Samuel D. Babcock, New York. Vice-President—George M. Miller, New York. Sec. and Treas.—A. R. Longley, Providence, Rav Js Gen. Mgr.—J. W. Miller, New York. Auditor—O. W. Cooke, Providence, R. I. Superintendent—J. B. Gardner, Providence. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—J. M. Williams, Providence. Gen. Ticket and. Pass. Agt.—O. H. Briggs, Providence. Purchasing Agt.—J. L. Hayden, New Lon- don, Conn. Master Mech. and Car Builder—L. M. Butler, Providence. Road Master—S. A. Wheeler, Providence. DIRECTORS--Samuel D. Babcock, John L. Riker, George M. Miller, J. P. Morgan, George G. Haven, ‘New York; J. W. Wood, South Orange, N.J.; Robert Knight, B. N. Naplin, Providence, R. I.; Nathan F. Dixon, West- erly, R. I. ; George Peabody Wetmore, New- DEC s hh bas Conn. New York, Susquehanna and West- ern RR. President—Simon Borg. Vice-President—S. V. White. 2d Vice-Prest. and Secretary—J. P. Rafferty. | Auditor—C. V. Ware. Treasurer—R. C. Shimeall. Gen. Pass. and Fet. Agt.—I. I. Demarest. Gen. Supt.—C. D. N. J Purchasing Agt.—C. T. Demarest, Jersey City. | DIRECTORS-—-Simon Borg, Alfred Sully, Jas. | Mo Hartshorne, y Jos. + W.)., Ogden,. F.C; Lawrence, Jr.. Horace W. Fuller, Chas. Minzeshiemer, Henry Sanford, John P. Raf- ferty, New York; Robert K. Dow, George N. Farwell, Claremont, N. H.; Jno. I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J.; G. A. Hobart, Paterson, PJs New York, Texas and Mexican RW. President—J. Krutschnitt, Houston, Tex. Vice-President—M. D. Monserrate, Victoria, | ex; Treasurer—W. J. Craig, Victoria. Secretary—C. S. Wells, Victoria. DIRECTORS—J. Krutschnitt, Houston, Tex.; iw, G. Proctor, C; P. Huntington, C. ©. Gibbs; W. G. Van Vleck, A. da Costa, M. D. Mon- serrate, Victoria, Tex. New York, West Chester and Put- nam RR. President—Andrew V. Stout. Treasurer—Joseph Seligman. Secretary—Calvin Goodard. Niagara Falls Branch RR, President—Charles Parsons, Jr. Sec. and Treas.—J. A. Lawyer, New York. _ DirEcTorRs—Charles Parsons, Charles Par- Edwin Parsons, Wm. Lummis, Clarence S. Day, Joseph A. Lawyer, Charles G. Burnham, George Parsons, New York; Henry C. Robinson, Hartford, | McKelvey, Jersey City, | 107 William H. Platt, William F. Doolittle, Brook- lyn, N. Y.; William E. Hopkins, Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Lewis A. Emerson, Yonkers, N. Y. ; Walter Ferguson, Stamford, Conn. Nittany Valley RR. President—Jones Wister, Philadelphia. Secretary—Charles A. Harte. Treasurer—M. W. Walsh, Philadelphia. Gen. Mgr.—J. W. Gephart, Bellefonte, Pa. DIRECTORS—Jones Wister, J. N. M. Shimer,. C, A. Harte, W. Rotch Wister, H. E. Young, Philadelphia; John S. Brown, Swarthmore, Delaware County, Pa. Norfolk, Albemarle and Atlantic RR. President—George S. Jones, Mills Building, 35 Wall st., New York. Vice-President—George R. Howell, NewYork. Sec. and Treas.—Wm. Evans, Jr., New York. Gen. Supt.—J.-M. Dickey, Norfolk, Va. Asst. Supt.—B. P. Holland, Norfolk. Auditor—Geo. M. Glazier, Norfolk. Gen. Agt.—Gen. V. D. Groner, Norfolk. DIRECTORS—George S. Jones, C. W. Wet- more, George R. Howell, W. L. Stowe, Wm. Evans, Jr., New York; James W. Rowland, Emlenton, Pa.; James H. Hopkins, Wash- ington Dac, Norfolk and Carolina RR. President—Warren G. Elliott, Wilmington,,. Nac. Vice-President—H. Walters, Wilmington. Sec. and Treas.—C. G. Elliott, Norfolk, Va. Gen. Auditor—W. A. Riach, Wilmington. DirEcTORS—Warren G. Elliott, H. Walters,. Wilmington NivCis Wa. Walters, Bi: Newcomer, W. J. Doyle, Baltimore, Md. ;. Calvin, S&S, Brice, HH. Cy) Fahnestock, “New York. Norfolk and Ocean View RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Taylor, Norfolk, Va. Sec. and Treas.—F. S. Taylor, Norfolk. DirREcTORS—Alexander Turnstall, W. H. Taylor, George B. Barnes, James E. Barry, Wm. A. Graves, John Vermillion, George Newton, J. C. Weston, M. L. T. Davis, R. L. Page, H. M. Nash, Norfolk, Va. Norfolk and Southern RR. President—W. B. Dickerman, New York. Vice-President—W. S. Johnston, New York. Sec. and Treas.—M. W. Dominick, New York. Gen. Mgr.—M. K. King, Norfolk, Va. Auditor—I. P. Jernigan, Norfolk. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. C. Hudgins. Engr. Maintenance of Way—H. H. S. Handy. Supt. Motive Power—G. R. Joughins, Norfolk. DIRECTORS—W. B. Dickerman, Walter 5S. Johnston, W. G. Dominick, John G. Moore,. Edward C. Sampson, Alex. T. Van Nest, New York; John L. Roper, Norfolk, Va.;: Cer Hoagland, Brooklyn,:.N.-Y.;) Dean Sage, Albany, N. Y. Norfolk and Western RR. President—F. B. Kimball, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—Joseph H. Sands, Roanoke, Va. Vice-President—Chas. G. Eddy, Roanoke. Asst. to President—W. C. Bullitt, Philadelphia. Asst. to President—C. H. Melon, Philadelphia.. Secretary—A. J. Hemphill, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Wm. G. Macdowell, Philadelphia. Asst. Treas.—G. R. W. Armes, Philadelphia. Compt.—M. C. Jameson, Philadelphia. Auditor—Jos. W. Coxe, Roanoke. Asst. Auditor—W. Macdowel, Roanoke. Auditor Scioto Val. Div.—C. M. Zink, Colum- bus, O. Cashier—C. J. Eastwick, Philadelphia. Paymaster—Jos. B. Lacy, Roanoke. Purchasing Agt.—W. C. delphia. Asst. PurchasingAgt.—E.T. Burnett, Roanoke. Solicitor—Jos. I. Doran, Philadelphia. Asst. Solicitor—F. M. Leonard, Philadelphia. | Gen. Fgt. Agt—T. S. Davant, Roanoke. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. B. Bevill, Roanoke. Fet. Claim Agt.—A. F. Ravenel, Roanoke. Diy. F. and P. Agt. Scioto Valley Div.—J. J. Archer, Columbus. Asst. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—O. Howard Royer, Roanoke. _ Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. E. Mingea, Roanoke. 108” : De Armond, Phila- | Div. Fgt. Agt.—R. C. Standard, Durham, N.C. | Div. Fgt. Agt.—A. P. Warrington, Winston- Salem. N. C. asen. Fast: Ast. V. T. and G. Air Line and Norfolk and West. RR.—Thomas Pinck- ney, 303 Broadway, New York. Gen. East. Agt. Great South. Dispatch Line— | O. Howard Royer, Roanoke. Foreign Fgt. Agt.—W. T. Payne, Norfolk, Va. | Supt. Trans.—Frank Huger, Roanoke. Chief Engr.—W. W. Coe, Roanoke. Engr. Maint.of Way—C. S.Churchill, Roanoke. | Supt. Mot. Power—R. H. Soule, Roanoke. Gen. Supt. East. Gen. Div.—D. W. Flickwir, | Roanoke. Gen. Supt. West. Gen. Div.—A. C. Hippey, | Roanoke. Gen. Agt.—N. M. Osborne, Norfolk. Supt. Norfolk Div.—E. L. Du Barry, Crewe, Va | Supt. Lynchburg Div.—J. C. Cassell, Roanoke. | sSsupt. Roanoke Div.—T. H. _ Bransford, Roanoke. Supt. Shenandoah Div.—J. W. Cook, Shenan- doah, Va. 3 Supt. Radford Div.—Jno. A. Hardy, Radford, | Va. Supt. Pulaski and N. C. Divs.—Jno. G. Os- | borne, Radford. Supt. Clinch Valley and Pocahontas Divs.— | N. D. Maher, Bluefield, Va. Supt. Scioto Val. Div.—J. Robinson, Columbus. Supt. Winston-Salem Div.—D. H. Winston-Salem. Barger, | Supt. Durham Div.—Theo. Low, Lynchburg, | Va. ; East. Pass. Agt.—L. J. Ellis, 303 Broadway, New York. N. Y. Pass. Agt.—Jas. E. Prindle, 303 Broad- | way, New York. New Eng. Agt.—C. P. Gaither, 290 Washing- | ton st., Boston, Mass. Trav. Agt.—J. H. McCormack, 290 Washing- ton st., Boston. Pass. Agt.—R. J. Lockwood, 1433 Pennsylva- nia ave., Washington, D. C. Pass. Agt.—C. M. Futterer, Hagerstown, Md. | Pass. Agt.—R. W. Courtney, 838 Main st., 3 Richmond, Va. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—M. F. Bragg, 66 Mainst., | cor. Granby, Norfolk, Va. Commerciai Agt.—J. L. Beck, 806 Main st., | Lynchburg. _ Traveling Pass. Agt.—Allen Hull, Roanoke. West. Pass Agt.—Warren L. Rohr, 220 4th ave, Louisville. New England Agt.—C. P. Gaither, 290 Wash- ington st., Boston. Trav. Agt. G. S. D.—J. H. McCormack, 290 Washington st., Boston. N. Y. Agt.—Jed. B. Henry, 303 Broadway, New York. Agt. G. S. D.—H. E. Whittaker, 16 S. 5th st., Philadelphia. Agt. V. T. and G. Air Line—A. W. Kilgore, Philadelphia. Agt. V. T. and G, Air Line—Kennon Jones, 129 E. Baltimore st., Baltimore, Md. Agt. G. S. D.—D. W. Mead, Harrisburg, Pa. Soliciting Agt.—M. P. Williams, 66 Main st., Norfolk. f Soliciting Agt.—F. L. Word, 5 Shockoe Slip, Richmond, Va. South. Trav. Agt. V. T. and G. Air Line—C. A. Cowles, Chattanooga, Tenn. Soliciting Agt.—Thos. G. McClelland, Mem- phis, Tenn. Gen. West. Agt.—A. Broaddus, Louisville. Trav. Agt.—J. R. Ruffin, Roanoke. Trav. Agt.—C. N. Winner, Roanoke. Commercial Agt.—Jas. L. Beck, 806 Main st., Lynchburg. DIRECTORS—C. H. Clark, F. J. Kimball, Chas. Hacker, Jos. I. Doran, Richard S. Brock, W. C. Houston, Jr., Philadelphia ; Samuel A. Crozer, Upland, Pa.; A. J. Dull, Harrisburg ; U. Le Boyce; Boyce P.O, Clark Co,, Vas: We H. Taylor, Norfolk ; Robt. Fleming, Dundee, Scotland ; Howland Davis, New York ; Wm. Vivian, London, Eng. Norfolk, Wilmington and Charleston RR. President—J. C. McNaughton. Treasurer—R. D. Harris. Secretary—C. Foster. Gen. Mger.—C. H. McKibbin. Consulting Engr.—John Runk. Chief Engr.—F. L. Pitman. Norristown Junction RR. President—John Slingluff. Sec. and Treas.—Howard Boyd, Norristown, Pa. North American Co. See Northern Pacific RR. North and South RR. of Tlinois. President—Gerald L. Hoyt, New York. Treasurer—William Wagner, New York. Receiver, Vice-Prest. and Sec.—C. H. Bos- worth, Springfield, Ill. DIRECTORS—Same as Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis RW. North and West Branch RR. President—D. J. Waller, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest.—J. N. Du Barry, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DiIREcTORS--C. R. Buckalew, Wm. Neal, Henry W. Palmer, Chas. Parrish, N. P. Short- ridge; Av}. Cassatt,’ J. N.-Du ‘Barry, Jor Green, H. H. Houston, G. B. Roberts, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. 109 North Brookfield RR. President—Bonum Nye. Treasurer—John B. Dewing. Clerk—Theo, C. Bates. North Carolina and Midland RW. See Richmond and Danville RR. North Carolina RR. President—W. F. Kornegay, Goldsboro’ N.C. Sec. and Treas.—P. B. Ruffin, Burlington, N.C. DirREcTORS—A. Burwell, John L. More- head; Charlotte, N..C.; Theo. F. Klutz, Sal- isbury, N. C.; R. W. Thomas, Thomasville, Net vA. Anglers Durham, N. Cree We Hi: Paces Repl sshorke, Raleigh Na, Donald McRae, Wilmington, N. C.; W. F. Kornegay, Goldsboro’, N. C.; Bennehan Cameron, Stag- Wile Nee bie Weil ries salem, Na vC.’s James H. Holt, Burlington, N. C. Northeastern RR, of Georgia. President—R. K. Reaves. Secretary—E. R. Hodgson, Treasurer—R. L. Moss, Athens, Ga. DIRECTORS—J. H. Inman, Geo. S. Scott, New York; A. K. Childs, Julius Cohen, E. R. Hodgson, R. Nickerson, James White, R. i. Reaves; H. Beusse, 'G. H. Yaticey, G. E. Deadwyler.” ©.) sG. +Talmadge; «J2Ms Orr, William J. Morton, Athens, Ga.; T. J. Carr, Maysville, Ga. ; S. M. Inman, Atlanta, Ga. Northeastern (S. C.) RR. President—A. F. Ravenel, Charleston, S. C. Secretary—T. G. Main, Charleston. Treasurer—B. S. Rhett, Charleston. Gen. Supt.—John F. Divine, Wilmington, N.C. Asst. Supt.—H. N. Royal, Charleston. DIRECTORS—C. O. Witte, Charleston, S. C.; Hab. Plant New York: W. iT) Walters, H: Walters, B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md.; W. G. Elliott, Wilmington, N. C. Northeast Pennsylvania RR. President—Edward C. Knight, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest.—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—John S. Wise, Philadelphia. DiIREcCTORS—A. A. McLeod, A. J. Antelo, George de B. Keim, Thomas Dolan, Peter C. Hollis, Isaac Warner, Jr., I. Newton Evans, Samuel S. Thompson, Charles H. R. Triebels, Albert S. Paxon, Samuel R. Shipley, Phila- delphia ; James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. deceased, Northern Adirondack RR. President, Treas., Gen. Mgr. and Purchasing Agt.—John Hurd, Santa Clara, N. Y. Vice-Prest.—Edwin Packard, Brooklyn, N. Y. Secretary—Crowell Haddon, Jr., Brooklyn. Auditor—M. A. Chambers, Santa Clara. DIRECTORS—Edwin Packard, George H. Southard, William C. Kellogg, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Edward Kent, L. B. Bunnell, New York ; George H. Maddock, Boston, Mass.; A. C. Allison, Moira; N.: Y.;)S. As Beman, F..J. Hadley, Malone, N. Y.; A. T. Kingsley, John mura, Santa, Clara, Nii Y.'; Bb. Es Berkeley, Tupoer, Lake, N. Y.;) P: A. Ducey, Brandon, ey 2 Northern and Northwestern RW. See Grand Trunk RW. of Canada. Northern California RW. President—C. F. Crocker. Sec. and Treas.—T. Douty, Marysville, Cal. Northern Central RW. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest.—Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. Gen. Mgr.—Chas. E. Pugh, Philadelphia. Gen. ae Trans.—S. M. Prevost, Philadel- phia. Gen. Supt.—Robert Neilson, Williamsport, Pa. Gen. Sol.—John Scott, Philadelphia. Asst. oa Sol.—James A. Logan, Philadel- phia. Secretary—Stephen W. White, Philadelphia. Treasurer—John S. Leib, Baltimore, Md. Cashier—A. W. Hendrix, Baltimore. Auditor—James P Kerr, Baltimore. Asst. Auditor—John S. Ruth, Baltimore. Chief Eng.—W. H. Brown, Philadelphia. Gen: kien Agt._James R. Wood, Philadel- phia. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Geo. W. Boyd, Phila- delphia. Real rae Agt.—John C. Wilson, Philadel- phia. Chief Conveyancer—Geo. W. I. Ball, Phila- delphia. Div. Ticket Agt. Baltimore Div.—E. S. Young, Baltimore. Div. bicket Agt.S°S, and El. and: Can. Divs. E. S. Harrar, Williamsport. Pass. Agt. Buffalo Div.—B. P. Fraser, Buffalo, NiY: Gen. eseens Agt.—F. J. McWade, Philadel- phia. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Wm. H. Joyce, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Chas. A. Chipley, Phila- delphia. Fet. Claim Agt.—F. D. Howell, Philadelphia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. E. Fraser, Williamsport. Div. Fgt. Agt.—J. G. Searles, Baltimore. Gen. Agt.—G. C. Wilkins, Baltimore. Supt. Baltimore Div.—H. W. Kapp, Baltimore. Supt. Susq. Div.—E. B. Westfall, Williams- port. Supt. Shamokin Div.—Geo. W. Creighton, Sunbury, Pa. Supt. Elm. and Can. Divs.—Spencer Meade, Pimairay Ney, Purchasing Agt.—Enoch Lewis, Philadelphia. Asst. Purchasing Agt.—A. W. Sumner, Phila- delphia. Gen. Supt. Motive Power—Theo. N. Ely, Al- toona, Pa. Supt. Motive Power—E. D. Nelson, Williams- port. DIRECTORS—A. J. Cassatt, J. N. DuBarry, John P. Green, J. N. Hutchinson, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia; L. W. Hall, J..D. Cam- eron, Harrisburg, Pa. ; B. F. Newcomer, H. Walters, Baltimore, Md.; Henry Jones, Luther S. Bent, Steelton, Pa. RR. Northern Coal and Iron Sce Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Northern Pacific and Manitoba RW. See Northern Pacific RR. Northern Pacific and Montana RR. President—James B. Williams. Secretary—Geo. H. Earl. Treasurer—Geo. S. Baxter, New York. Northern Pacific RR. Chairman of the Board—Henry Villard, 35 Wall st., New York. ~ President—T. York. Vice-President—James B. Williams, New | York. _ 2d Vice-President—C. H. Preston, Tacoma, . Wash. Treasurer—Geo. S. Baxter, 35 Wall st., New York. | Secretary—Geo. H. Earl, 35 Wall st., New | York. Asst. to President—N. C. Thrall, St. Paul, Minn. Gen. Mgr.—W.S. Mellen, St. Paul. - Gen. Counsel—Jas. McNaught, St. Paul. Gen. Auditor—J. A. Barker, New York. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—J. M. Hannaford, St. Paul. Chief Engineer—J. W. Kendrick, Chicago, Ill. | Counsel—J. C. Bullitt, Jr., St. Paul. Asst. Counsel—T. R. Selmes, St. Paul. asst. Treasurer—C. A. Clark, St. Paul. Asst. to Gen. Mgr.—Newman Kline, St. Paul. Gen. Purchasing Agt.—W. G. Pearce, Chicago. Gen. Supt.—M. C. Kimberly, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Supt.—G. W. Dickinson, Tacoma. | Supt. Trans.—T.J. Delamere, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Auditor—M. P. Martin, St. Paul. Auditor Disbursements—A. S. Morton, St. | Paul. Auditor Traffic Receipts—E. H. C. Taylor, St. Paul. Asst. Auditor Traffic Receipts—Geo. Sheriff, | Stee brent’: Auditor M. P. Accts.—C. C. Cummiskey, St. | Paul. Supt. Motive Power, Machinery and Rolling Stock—John Hickey, St. Paul. Mast. Car Bldr.—John C. Barber, St. Paul. Gen. Claim Agt.—D. K. Ford, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Claim Agt.—E. E. Fields, St. Paul. | Supt. Telegraph—O. C. Greene, St. Paul. Asst. Supt. Tele. East. Divs.—L. Horton, Jr., Steal. Asst. Supt. Tele. West. Divs.—J. QO. Mason, Tacoma. Supt. St. Paul Div. and L. F. and D. Branch— | A. E. Law, Minneapolis, Minn. BAests oupt.) ot. Paul Div. “L: F. and Dak. Branch—C. J. Wilson, St. Paul. Supt. East and West Minn. and Wis. Divs., and: N.©P.\F. and B.. H. Branch—F. Greene, Staples, Minn. Asst. Supt. East Minn. and Wis. Divs.—A. J. Sovereign, West Superior, Wis. Asst. Supt. N. P. F.and B. H. Branch—R. C. | Westcott, Fergus Falls, Minn. Supt. Man. Div.—G. W. Vanderslice, Winne- | peg, Man. Asst. Supt. Manitoba Div.—D. C. Horn, East Grand Forks, Minn. Supt. Dak. Div. and Branches—A. J. McCabe, | Jamestown, N. Dak. imest. otpt.. Dakota Div.—W. 5S. Becker, Jamestown. Sess poupt. Fy and ‘So. W. Br.—T.C. Com- stock, Fargo, N. Dak. Supt. Missouri Div.—J. E. Phelen, Dickinson, . N. Dak. - Supt. Yellowstone Div.—Jno. Dorsey, Glen- | dive, Mon. Supt. Montana Div.—J. D. Finn, Livingston, Mont. - Supt. Rocky Mountain Div.—S.G. Ramsey, | Missoula, Mon. F. Oakes, 35 Wall st., New | Ilo Supt. Idaho Div.—F. W. Gilbert, Sprague, Wash. Asst. Supt. Idaho Div. and Gen. Agt.—J. G._ Boyd, Wallace, Idaho. Supt. Pacific Div.—Jos. McCabe, Tacoma. Asst. Supt. Pacific Div.—W. H. Brimson, Tacoma. Supt. Cascade Div.—C. S. Prowell, Ellens- burg, Wash. Principal Asst. Engr.—S. D. Mason, St. Pau!,. Principal Asst. Engr.—W. L. Darling, Helena, Mont. Principal. Asst. Tacoma. Lease Agt.—F. W. Wilsey, St. Paul. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. L. Moore, St. Paul. Ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. G. Fulton, Port- land, Ore. 2d Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. B. Baird, St. Paul. Div. Fgt. Agt.—H. E. Still, St. Paul. Fegt. Claim Agt.—F. Farrington, St. Paul. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—Chas. S. Fee. Asst. Gen. Ticket Agt.—A. L. Craig, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.--B. N. Austin, St. Paul. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.-—-A. D. Charlton, Port- land. Supt. Dining Cars—-T. J. Tourtelot, St. Paul. Gen. Baggage Agt.—W. H. Lowe, St. Paul. Gen, Agt.--G. G. Chandler, Tacoma. Gen. Agt.--I. A. Nadeau, Seattle, Wash. City Pass. Agt.--G. W. R. Goodno, Chicago. Gen. Agt.—H. S. Swinford, Winnipeg. Gen. Agt.—-A. D. Edgar, Helena. Gen. Agt.--R. A. Eva, Duluth, Minn. Gen. Agt.—-W. M. Tuohy, 23 E. Broadway, Butte, Mon. Gen. East. Agt.—Geo. R. Fitch, 319 Broad- way, New York. Eastern Pass. Agt.--C. B. Kinnan, 319 Broad- way, New York. New England Agt.—J. L. Harris, 306 Wash- ington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—T. K. Stateler, 638 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Agt.—A. Rodelheimer, Columbus, O. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—-O. P. Gothlin, 132 Vine st.; Cincinnats,.O. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—E. H. Forester, 638 Market st., San Francisco. Gen. Agt.—E. R. Wadsworth, 210 S. Clark st., Chicago. Asst. Gen. Agt.—Frank C, Jackson, West Superior. Land Commissioner—Chas. B. Lamborn, St. Paul. Asst. Land Commissioner and Gen. Agt.—G. W. Board, St. Paul. Gen. Immigration Agt.—P. B. Groat, St. Paul. Gen. Land Agt.—Paul Schulze, Tacoma. Land Atty.—F. M. Dudley, St. Paul. Tax Comniissioner—G. S. Fernand, St. Paul. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—C. E. Bray, 306 Washington st., Boston. Engr.—E. H. McHenry, Land Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—J. H. Rogers, 47, S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—J. L. Billingslea, 47 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—G. D. Teller, 44 Exchange st., Buffalo, N. Y. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—S. G. Mason, 44 Exchange st., Buffalo. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—W. F. Sherwin, Elmira, N. Y. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—D. W. Janowitz, 42 Jackson pl., Indianapolis, Ind. ‘Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—A. A. Jack, 153 Sol. Fgt. Agt.—F. M. Fairbank, 19 Nicollet Jefferson ave., Detroit, Mich. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—T. D. Campbell, 144 Superior st., Cleveland, O. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—J. J. Terry, 132 | Vine st., Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—Thos. L. Shor- > tell, 104 N. 4th st., St. Louis, Mo. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—O. Vanderbilt, 403 Locust st., Des Moines, Ia. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—I. N. Robinson, 397 Broadway, Milwaukee, Wis. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—C. G. Lemmon, Grand Central Station, Chicago. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—T.S. Patty, Read Hotel, Chattanooga, Tenn. Trav. Pass. and Land Agt.—W. H. Whitaker, St. Paul. Trav. Pass: and Land Agt.—F. O’Neill, 121 Ist st., Portland. Trav. Pass. Agt—W. N. Mears, Taconia. Can. Pass., Fgt. and Land Agt.—Thomas Henry, 128 St. James st., Montreal, Que. Can. Pass. and Land Agt.—Thos. Ridgedale, ~. 79 and 81 York st., Toronto, Ont. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—Chas. Ewald, Broadway, New York. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—K. Watson, 319 Broad- way, New York. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Fred.C. Salter, 44 Exchange st., Buffalo. Commercial Agt.—C. O. Gwatkin, 306 Wash- . ington st., Boston. Fet. Agt.—J. F. Sheehan, 47 S. 3d st., Phila- delphia. Commercial Agt.—J. S. McFarland, 92 4th ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Commercial Agt.—C. B. Sexton, 104 N. 4th st., St. Louis. Trav. Fegt. Agt.—A. H. Chaffee, 132 Vine st., Cincinnati. 319 Contracting Fgt. Agt.—W. E. Belcher, 79 and | 81 York st., Toronto. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—J. C. Herman, 210 S. | Clark st., Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. G. Winnett, 210 S. Clark st., Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—G. D. Richards, 210 S. Clark st., Chicago. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—L. N. Sawyer, Chicago. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—J.O. Dalzell, St. Paul. Trav. Fget. Agt.—A. B. Jackson, Portland. Block, Minneapolis. Fegt. Agt.—H. K. Cole, 162 E. 3d st., St: Paul. DrrEctTorRS—Charles B. Wright, Philadel- phia ; Thomas F. Oakes, Roswell G. Rolston, Sol. William L. Bull, Henry Villard, Charles L. | Colby, Colgate Hoyt, George A. Morrison, Charles T. Barney, James B. Haggin, New York; David S. Wegg, Chicago; Edwin H. | Abbot, Milwaukee ; James B. Williams, Stam-_ ford, Conn. Northern Pacific Terminal Co. Oregon. President—Henry Failing, Portland, Ore. Vice-Prest.—James B. Williams, New York. Secretary—Joseph Simon, Portland. Asst. Secretary—Geo. H. Earl, New York. Comp. and Treas.—E. L. Brown, Portland. Manager—FE. Lyons, Portland. DirEctTors—Henry Failing, R. Koehler, mA. Dolph, H. W. Corbett, E. McNeill, G. W. Dickinson, James B. Williams, C. P. Huntington, Portland, of | Northern RR. ea ates W. Sulloway, Franklin, Treasurer—George N. Crocker, Boston, Mass. Clerk—William L. Foster, Concord, N. H. DIRECTORS—Alvah W. Sulloway, Frank- lin; J. H. Benton, Jr., Silas Pierce, Benjamin P. Cheyney, Uriel H. Crocker, Boston; Geo. E. Todd, Concord. Northern RW. President—Charles F. Crocker. Vice-President—Timothy Hopkins. Secretary—W. V. Huntington. Treasuréer—N.T.. Smith, San ‘Francisco; Cal. Northern RR. of New Jersey. President—John Hull Browning, Sec. and Treasurer—Orville A. Roorbach. North Pacific Coast RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—John W. Coleman, San Francisco, Cal. Vice-President—W. Steel, San Francisco. Treasurer—London and San Francisco Bank, San Francisco. Sec., Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—F. B. Latham, San Francisco. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Wm. F. Russell. Superintendent—E. H. Shoemaker. DIRECTORS—Jno. W. Coleman, W. Steel, A. Borel, W. R. Fortune, W. Young, H. L. Coleman, J. B. Mackie, San Francisco. North Shore RR. See Canadian Pacific. North Pennsylvania RR. President—Edward C. Knight, dec’d, Phila- delphia. Sec. and Treas.—John S. Wise, Philadelphia. Cashier—David K. Fuller, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Ario Pardee, Richard J. Dob- bins, Chas. A. Sparks, Edwin H. Fitler, Thos. Cochran, Thos. McKean, John H. Michener, John R. Fell, Edward C. Knight, Jr., Peter C. Hollis, A. Pardee, Jr.,. Henry P. McKean, Jr., Philadelphia. Northwestern North Carolina RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary—R. Brooks, Richmond, Va. Northwestern RR. President—W. Steel, San Francisco, Cal. Secretary—W. P. Fortune, San Francisco, Norway Branch RR. President—Geo. L. Beal. Treasurer—Howard D. Smith. Secretary—Freeland Howe. Nosbonsing and Nipissing RW. Off- cers and Directors not furnished. Nova Scotia Central RW. Officers and Directors not furnished. Nyack and Northern RR. President—E. H. Sisson, Tenafly, N. J. Sec. and Treas.—O. A. Roorbach, Tenafly. DirEcTORS—Elias H. H. Sisson, J. Hull Browning, Tenafly, N. J.; Lansing Zabriskie, je¢rsey. City,” N. ].;) Alexandér S$. Diven, Elmira, N. Y.; Wm. A. Shepard, New York ; Orville A. Roorbach, Piermont, N. J. I12 Oberlin and La Grange RR. President and Gen. Mgr—J. M. Worthington. Sec. and Treasurer—Geo. A. Worthington, Cleveland, O. Ogden and Hot Springs RW. President—W. A. Paxton, Omaha, Neb. Vice-President—A. B. Patton, Ogden, Utah. Secretary—R. J. Taylor, Ogden. DiRECTORS—W. A. Paxton, Omaha, Neb. ; Pawmotatton, RR. j. -lLaylor, sGe HY King) fA! McLaren Boyle, Ogden, Utah. ' Ogden Mine RR. President—George Richards. Sec. and Treas.—H. H. Wilson. DIRECTORS—George Richards, Ario Pardee, George Wood, Percival Roberts, William Lilly, Edward Roberts, Jr., Frank Firmstone, Philadelphia. Ogden Union RW. and Depot Co. See Union Pacific RW. Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain RR. President—B. B. Smalley, Burlington, Vt. Treasurer—D. D. Ranlett. Secretary—-George T. Childs, St. Albans, Vt. Register—Charles R. Batt, Boston, Mass. Counsel — Louis Hasbrouck, Ogdensburg, NooYs DIRECTORS—W. J. Averill, Louis Has- brouck, Ogdensburg, N. Y.; J. Gregory prth+ |). We Hobart: F.S, (Stranahan, F.C: Smith, C. W. Wittens, St. Albans, Vt.; J. R. Langdon, Montpelier, Vt.; B. B. Smalley, Burlington, Vt.; S. A. Carlton, Boston, Mass.; D. W. Lawrence. Malone, N. Y.; J. H. Kim- ball, Bath, Me.; James Averill, Jr., Champlain, INE: : Ohio and Baltimore Short Line RR. President—J. B. Washington. Secretary—A. W. Black, Pittsburgh, Pa. _ Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—W. W. Smith, Wm. Workman, Washington, Pa.; T. M. Bayne, C. S. Wight, W. T. Manning, Pittsburgh. ; J. Frank Sup- plee, Baltimore. Ohio and Big Sandy RR. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—J. C. Davis, Cincinnati. Treasurer—T. O. Barbour, Richmond, Va. DIRECTORS—M. E. Ingalls, W. P. Ander- sontN. R. Johnson, ‘R. C.; Robner, W; H: Jackson, H. E. Simms, F. B. Enslow. ‘Ohio and Mississippi RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—John F. Barnard, Cincinnati, O. Asst. to Gen. Mgr.—John Wells, Cincinnati. Sec. and Auditor—Edward P. Cutter, Cin- cinnati. Treasurer—Robert Reid, Cincinnati. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. B. Shattuc, Cincinnati. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Wm. Duncan, St. Louis, Mo. Supt.—C C. F. Bent, Cincinnati. Act. Purchasing Agt.—John Wells, Cincinnati. Chief Engr. and Master of Maint. of Way.—C. C. Chandler, Cincinnati. Paymaster—F. L. Jackson, Cincinnati. Supt. Tel.—A. Hayward, Cincinnati. Acting Master of Rolling Stock—J. M. Sheer, Washington, Ind. Gen. Bag. Agt.—W. I. Robinson, Cincinnati. Asst. Supt. Springfield Div.—C. M. Stanton, Springfield, Il. East. Pass. Agt.—H. A. Wells, 415 Broadway, New York. Pass. Agt.—D. Bride, Central Bldg., Baltimore and Calvert sts., Baltimore, Md. Central Pass. Agt.—C. W. Paris, 48 W. 4thst., Cincinnati. South. Pass. Agt.—R. S. Brown, Ky ; Gen. Were Pass. Agt.—A. J. Lytle, 105 N. Broadway, St. Louis. Pass. Agt.—C. E. Fearl, St. Joseph, Mo. West. Pass. Agt.—A. C. Goodrich, P. O. Box 264, Kansas City, Mo. Louisviile, Southwest. Pass.. Agt-—H. C. Archer, 196 Main st., Dallas, Tex. Colorado and Pacific Coast Pass. Agt.—S. M. Shattuc, Denver, Col. Dist. Pass. Agt.—C. G. Jones, Vincennes, Ind. DIRECTORS—Frank W. Tracy, Edward R. Bacon, Edward W. Bell, William L. Bull, Geo. F. Crane, A. Gracie King, Wm. Libbey, Geo. C. Magoun, E. T. Welles, New York; J. F. Barnard, B.S. Cunningham,Cincinnati ; J. H. Wilson, Wilmington, Del.; J. S. Walsh, St. Louis. Ohio Connecting RW. President—Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—Thomas D. Messler, John E.. ~ Davidson, J. J. Brooks, James McCrea, John W. Renner, Wm. Mullins, A. McElevey, Pittsburgh. Ohio River RR. President—Geo. W. Thompson. Chairman Executive Committee—Hon. J. N. Camden. Gen. Mgr.—G. Clinton Gardner. Secretary —W. N. Chancellor, Treasurer—W. M. Trevor. Auditor—E. W. Warnick. Supt.—C. L. Williams. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. J. Robinson. Commercial Agt.—I. D. Lippincott, Pitts- burgh, Pa. South. Pass. Agt.—W.H.Osborn, Pomeroy,O. Master Mech.—J. B. Dorsey. DrrEcTORS--W. P. Thompson, Horace A.’ Pratt; sNew -Yorks” J. °N. Camden, Ga Thompson, DAB: Spelman, TN: Chancellor, Parkersburg, W. Va.;~C. W. Walk, S. W. Colton, Philadelphia ; 0. Hi Payne, Cee Harkness, Cleveland, Os; J. Ge Fair; See Francisco, CaleoR: H. Browse, Grand Island, W. Va. Ohio Southern RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—George W. Sauk Springfield, O. Vice-Prest.—J. Lee Humphreyville. Secretary—O. L. Snyder. Treasurer—M. W. Barse. Mea Peers W. Fairbanks, indianapolis, n Auditor—A. J. Joyce, Springfield. Supt.—W. H. Van Tassell, Springfield. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. +D.°H: ‘Roches Springfield. a ~ h eS . , Master Mechanic—A. E. Tremp, Springfield. Cashier and Purchasing Agt.—T. A. Ritten- house, Springfield. DIRECTORS—George W. Saul, Chicago, IIl.; C. W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis ; Barnby, M. W. Barse, New York;-H. B. Moorhead, Judson Hannon, Joseph R. Megrue, S. Beynier, Cincinnati; George H. Bor Springheld;. H.-L. Chapman, Jackson, O. John G. Carlisle, Covington, Ky. Ohio Valley RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—John Echols, Louis- ville, Ky. _. Vice-Prest.—S. S. Brown, Pittsburgh, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—I. E. Gates, New York. Gen. Supt.—M. B. Cutter, Memphis, Tenn, Auditor—C. F. Krebs, Louisville, Ky. Chief Engineer—Epes Randolph, Louisville. DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, J. P. Lloyd, F. H. Davis, C. C. Baldwin, New York ; John | Echols, Louisville, Ky.; S. S. Brown, Pitts- burgh; P. G. Kelsey, Louisville, Ind. Oil City and Ridgway RW. and. Mining Co. President—S. G. de Coursey, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—J. R. Trimble, Philadelphia. Gen. Mgr.—C. D. R. Stowitz, Buffalo, N. Y. DIRECTORS—E. L. Owen, C. H. Allen, New ork 5s. .G.de Coursey, Geo. E. Bartol, Wm. Ds Tiers, E. W. Clark, Jr., Philadelphia. Old Colony RR. President—Charles F. Choate, Boston, Mass. Vice-Prest.—Frederick L. Ames, Boston. Treas. and Trans. Agt.—John M. Washburn, Boston. Clerk—Edward G. Parker, Boston. Gen. Mgr.—James R. Kendrick, Boston. Chief Engineer.—Geo. S. Morrill, Boston. Gen. Fget. Agt.—S. C. Putnam, Boston. Gen. Pass. and Trans. Agt.—Geo. L. Connor, Boston. Gen. Bag. Agt.—E. F. Wetherell, Boston. Supt. Central Div.—E. G. Allen, Boston. Supt. Prov. Div.—I. N. Marshall, Boston. Supt. Cape Cod Div.—J. H. French, Hyannis, Mass. Supt. N. Div.—C. A. McAlpine, South Fram- | ingham, Mass. DiRECTORS—Charles F. Choate, Southboro’, Mass. ; Frederick L. Ames, Thos. Te Borden, John S Brayton, Fall River, Mass. ; Thomas Dunn, Newport, R. I.; George P. ‘Gardner, Rush -C, | Hawkins, J. Lee Humphreyville, Frank A. 113 James R. Kendrick, Abbott Lawrence, Joshua | M. Sears, Boston ; Charles L. Lovering, Taun- | ton, Mass. ; Wm. J. Rotch, Mass. John J. Russell, Rothanicl Thayer, Lancaster, Mass. Old Orchard Beach RR. President—Geo. C. Lord, Boston, Mass. Olean, Bradford and Warren RR. See Western N. Y. and Pa. RR. Olympia and Chehallis Valley RR. See Oregon Improvement Co. New Bedford, Plymouth, Mass.; | Omaha and Republican Valley RR. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. 8 Omaha and St. Louis RW. President—James H. Smith, New York. Vice-Prest.—Henry W. Eaton, New York. Secretary—E. W. Sheldon, New York. Treasurer—Charles S. Smith, New York. te a et ga Sheldon, Chicago, Gen. Mer.—F. M. Gault, Council Bluffs, Ia. Auditor and Cashier—W. L. Bedison, Council Bluffs. Supt.—A. E. Buchanan, Stanberry, Mo. Supt. Motive Power and M.—J. D. Hunter, ; Stanberry. Commercial Agt.—G. M. Entrikin, Omaha, Neb. ie See DIRECTORS—John H. Beach, James H. Smith, Henry W. Eaton, George Warren Smith, Charles G. Thompson, Edward W. Sheldon, New York ; W. H. M. Pusey, Coun- cil. Bluffs. Omaha Union Depot Co. See Union Pacific RW. Ontario and Quebec RW. President—E. B: Osler, Toronto, Ont. Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton RW. President—Ed. B. Sturgis, Scranton, Pa. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—Jas. E. Childs. Sec. and Treas.—John Fleming, New York. DIRECTORS—Edward B. Sturges, Clarence D. ‘Simpson, John Jermyn, O. S. Johnson, Wm. W. Patterson, Scranton ; Wm. H. Rich- mond, Dickson City, Pa.; J. E. Childs, John B. Kerr, Thomas P. Fowler, New York; Daniel Scurvey, Edward Clarkson, Clarence E, Spencer, James E. Burr, Carbondale, Pa. Orange Belt RW. (‘The Route.’’) President—E. T. Stotesbury, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—William Macleod, Oakland, Fla. Sec. and Treas. —Geo. A. Hill, Oakland. Superintendent—A. J. Grant, Oakland. Asst. Superintendent—H. S. Ming. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. W. Taylor. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Chas. Davies. Land Commissioner—L,. Y. Jenness. DIRECTORS—F. T. Stotesbury, Philadel- phia; F. V. Dare, New -York; T. E. Wilson, Sylvan Lake, Fla.; L. Y. Jenness, St. Peters- burg, Fla. ; Wm. Macleod, Oakland, Fla. Tarpon Orange County RR. President—J. W. Watson, New York. Sec. and Treas.—George S. Jones. Gen. Mgr.—Grinnell Burt. Auditor—E. S. Reynolds, Warwick, N. Y. DirRECToRS—Henry Graves, S. M. Wil- liams, J. R. Maxwell, Edward D. Adams, George F. Baker, J. W. Watson, Robert W. DeForest, Loyall Farragutt, New York; H. 143 Liberty st., W. Maxwell, Brooklyn, N. Y.; George S. Jones, Orange, N. J.; Joseph S. Harris, Samuel Dickson, T. Charlton, S. Sheperd, Philadelphia. Orchard Beach RR. President—Frank Jones, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Amos Blanchard, Boston. Clerk—M. L. Williams, Portland, Me. 114 DIRECTORS—George Mass,; S. C. Lawrence, Amos Paul, Newmarket, N. H.; Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.; Joseph S. Ricker, Deer- ing, Me.; William T. Hart, Boston, Mass. Ore Branch RR. See East Broad Top RR. Oregon and California RR. President—Leland Stanford, San Francisco, Cal. Vice-President—C. P. Huntington, New York. 2d Vice-President—R. Koehler, Portland, Ore. Treasurer—Timothy Hopkins, San Francisco. Secretary—Geo. H. Andrews, Portland. Asst. Sec.—I. E. Gates, New York. DiRECTORS—Leland Stanford, Charles F. Crocker, Timothy Hopkins, W. V. Hunting- | C..2Lords 2Newton; | Medford, Mass.; | ton; San. Francisco, Cal.; C. P. Huntington, New York; R. Koehler, Donald McClay, R. | P. Earheart, John McCracken, W. W. Brether- | ton, George H. Andrews, Portland, Ore. Oregon and Washington Territory RR. Receiver—W. D. Tyler, Walla Walla, Wash. | President—G. W. Hunt, Walla Walla. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—C. B. Wright, Jr., | Philadelphia. Treasurer—C. Herman, Washington. Secretary—Chas. H. Carter, Pendleton, Ore. | Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.--W. F. Wamsley. Auditor—Rowland Smith. Chief Engineer—C. E. Sears. Train Master—C. W. Taylor. Master Mechanic—Jas. Velsir. Road Master—J. M. Campbell. DIRECTORS—G. W. Hunt, Charles Herman, WalaeWalla; Wash.; .C: B., Wright, C: B: Wright, Jr., Philadelphia; K. Alexander, J. L. Killian, Charles Herman, Pendleton, Ore. | Oregonian RR. Receiver—C. N. Scott, Portland, Ore. Secretary—D. Ferguson, Dundee, Scotland. Superintendent—Henry W. Goddard, Port- land. DIRECTORS—T. H. Cox, P. M. Cochrane, J. Leng, W. Lowsons. Oregonian Union Union Pacific RR. Depot Co. Oregon Improvement Co. Owning and | operating Pacific Coast Steamship Co., Colum- | bia and Puget Sound RR., Olympia and Che- | halis Valley RR., Puget Sound Steamer Line, Pacific Coast RW., Seattle and Northern RW., | Port Townsend Southern RR. President—W. H. Starbuck, New York. Vice-President —C. A. Dolph, Portianc, Ore. Gen. Manager—C. J. Smith, Seattle, Wash. Treasurer—C. B. Tedcastle, New York. Secretary—W. T. Wallace, Portland. Manager in California—John L. Howard, San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Superintendent—B. F. Bush, Seattle. Gen. Counsel—A. F. Burleigh, Seattle. Auditor—John T. Campion, Seattle. Gen. Fegt. and Pass. Agent—H. J. Green, Seattle. Purchasing Agent—J. W. Wilkinson, Seattle. Gen. Land and Tax Agt.—S. W. Scott, Sedtrie.m es Oregon Pacific RR. ( ‘ Yaquina Bay Route.’’) : President and Receiver— Col. T. Egenton Hogg, New York. mee Ist Vice-Prest. and Mgr.— Wm. Corvallis, Ore. 2d Vice-Prest.—Wallis Nash, Corvallis. 3d Vice-Prest., Treas, and Asst. Sec.—N. 5. Bentley, New York. Asst. to Mgr. and Act. Supt.—E. W. Hadley, Corvallis. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—Zephin Job, Corvallis. Comptroller, Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. C. Hogue, Corvallis. Master Mechanic—I. Hulme, Yaquina. Car Accountant—E. W. Wilkinson, Corvallis. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. T. Wardlaw, Corvallis. Acting Train Master—C. Clark, Corvallis. DIRECTORS—John I Blair, Blairstown, N.J.; Osgood Welsh, N. S. Bentley, H. C. Atwood, George S. Coe, New York ; William M..Hoag, T. E. Hogg, Wallis Nash, B. W. Wilson, Thomas Graham, Zephin Job, G. R. Farra, R. B. Joby> HAs Abbey; Corvallis, Ore, 4g5- Hackleman, Albany, Ore. N. Hoag, Oregon RW. and Navigation Co. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Vice-President—S. H. H. Clark, Omaha, Neb. 2d Vice-President—D. P. Thompson. Secretary—W. W. Cotton, Portland, Ore. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Treasurer--James C. Harris, Boston. Mass. DIRECTORS—Chas. B. Fosdick, Jay Gould, dec’d, Russell Sage, Sidney Dillon, New York ; F. L. Ames, Henry R Reed, Boston, Mass. ; F. G. Wheeler, W. W. Cotton, B. Campbell, Zera Snow, W. D. Gilbert, E. McNeil, D.P: Thompson, Portland, Ore. Oregon RW. Extension Co. See Union Pacific RR. Oregon Short Line and Utah North- ern RW. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. Orleans, West Baden and French Lick Springs RW. See Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. Osage Carbon Co., Osage City, Kan. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, III. Vice-President—J.W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Manager—C. J. Devlin, Topeka. Oswego and Rome RR. President—Charles Parsons. Vice-President—Charles Parsons, Jr. Ist Vice-Prest.—Clarence A. Day. Sec. and Treas.—J. A. Lawyer, New York. DIRECTORS—Charles Parsons, Clarence S. Day, Charles Parsons, Jr., Edwin Parsons, George Parsons, Wm. Lummis, J. Q. A. John- son, Cyrus J. Lawrence, New York; Walter Ferguson, Stamford, Conn. ; Wm. M. White, John Thorn, J. F. Maynard, John M. Crouse, Utica Ye Oswego and Syracuse RR. President—Samuel Sloan. Treasurer—Frederick H. Gibbens. Secretary—Fred F. Chambers, New York. Gen. Mgr.—Wm. F. Halstead, Scranton, Pa. Asst. Supt.—A. H. Schwarz, Syracuse, N. Y. DrirEcTORS-—-Thomas Kingsford, Wm. B. Phelps, Oswego, N. Y.; Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, M..Taylor Pyne, Frederick H. Gib- bens, Edgar S. Auchincloss, Edwin R. Neol- den, Wm. S. Sloan, Merritt Trimble, J. H. Durkee, New York ; Wm. W. Phelps, Engle- wood, N.J.; J. E. Taylor, Morristown, N. J. Ottawa and Gatineau Valley RW. President—H. J. Beemer, Montreal, P. Q. Vice-Prest.—Chas. A. Mackintosh, Montreal. DIRECTORS—H. J. Beemer, Chas. A, Mack- intosh, H. L. Maltby, E. A. Hoare, Luke Heney, J. W. Currier, Harry G. Beemer. Owasco River RR. President—T. M. Osborne. Gen. Mgr.—Edwin D. Metcalf. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Osborne. Chief Engr.—Allan McKain, Auburn, N. Y. DIRECTORS—T. M. Osborne, E. D. Metcalf, J. H. Osborne, Henry J. Kosters, Allan Mc- Kain, C. B. Kosters, F..E. Swift, S. E: Grant, ea. Almy, M. J. Lower, C. F. Baldwin, C. Wheeler, Jr., F. C. Meyer, Auburn. Owensboro and Nashville RW. President—M. H. Smith. Secretary—J. H. Ellis. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville, Ky. Supt.—W. S. Martin, Russellville, Ky. Asst. Gen. Fgt.and Pass. Agt.—G. A. Owensboro. Ky. Other officers same as Louisville and Nash- ville Railroad Company, Louisville, Ky. DIRECTORS—M. H. Smith, S. R. Knott, C. Quarrier, H. W. Bruce, W. W. Thompson, R. H. Ingram, Louisville; E. Baxter, Nash- ville, Tenn. Park, Owensboro, Falls of Rough and Green River RR. President—M. V. Monarch. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—M. B. Mann. .Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and Auditor—C. M. Greismer, Road Master—J. S. King. DirEcTORS—S. M. Dean, J. W. M. Fields, W. B. Mann, M. V. Monarch, Owensboro, mv. 1). Turner, Belleville, lil. ; W. K. Murphy, W. S. Wilson, Pinckneyville, Il. ; J. S. King, Metropolis, Ill. Oxford and Clarksville RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—N. A. Gregory, Oxford, NaC: Oxford and Henderson RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—J. A. White, Oxford, N. C. Pacific and Great Eastern RW. President—B. R. Davidson, Fayetteville, Ark. Vice-President—David Dean, Ashland, Neb. Treasurer—H. H. Dorsey, Wahoo, Neb. Secretary—P. F. Davidson, Fayetteville. Supt.—John H. Harris, Fayetteville. DIRECTORS—B. R. Davidson, P. F. David- Sou,Geo S. Albright, E. B. Harrison, James H. Van Hoose, Fayetteville ; svat 3G Dorsey, Wahoo ; David Dean, Ashland. Pacific and Great Western RW. Middle Division. Supt.—John H. Harris, Fayetteville, Ark. LES Pacific Coast RW. President—Geo. C. Perkins, San Francisco, Cal. Vice-Prest.—John L. Howard, San Francisco. Secretary—Edwin Goodall, San Francisco. Treas.—Oregon Improvement Co., San Fran- “cisco. Mgr.—C. O. Johnson, San Luis Obispo, Cal. Acct.—F. C. Cherry, San Luis Obispo. DIRECTORS—George C. Perkins, John L. Howard, S. G. Murphy, S. V. Smith, William Norris, Thomas R. Hayes, San Francisco ; Elijah Smith, J. J. Higginson, New York; J. N. Dennison, Boston, Mass. Packwaukee and Montello RR. Wisconsin Central Co. See Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama RR. (‘‘ Hollow Rock Route.’’) President—T. H. Puryear, Paducah, Ky. Ist Vice-Prest.—J. W. Phillips, St. Louis, Mo. 2d Vice-President—A. B. Lamb, Paris, Tenn. Treasurer—J. W. Harrison, St. Louis. Secretary—J. W. Fristoe; Paducah. Gen. Supt-—W. E. Dauchy. Auditor—A. R. Meyers. . Act. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Act. —A.J. Welch. Drrectors—T. H. Puryear, J. W. Fristoe, Charles Reed, Paducah; J. W. Phillips, Ed. Cunninghar |r, ot. Louis; A: Bo Lamb, J.J; Head, J. W. Booth, Paris; L. C. Linn, Murray, Ky. Palmetto RR. Acting President and Superintendent—Wm. Moncure, Wilmington, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Sharp, Wilmington. DIRECTORS—Joseph P. Brinton, Charles Chauncey, Moncure Robinson Philadelphia ; Philip A. Wellford, Charles E. Wellford. Richmond, Va. Panama RR. President—John Newton, New York. Vice-President—Charles Coudert, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Ernest L. Oppenheim, New York. Gen. Supt.—A. L. Rives, Colon, Col. DiREcTORS—John Newton, Julius W. Adams, Samuel R. Probasco, Charles Cou- dert, Ernest L. Oppenheim, Robert A. Cheese- borough, E. A. Drake, Samuel M. Felton, J. Edward Simmons, D. Lowber Smith, Xavier Boyard, William B. Franklin, J. H. Parker, New York. Paragould and Buffalo Island RW. Supt.—J. B. Holman, Paragould, Ark. Paris, Marshall and Sabine Pass RW. Receiver and Gen. Mgr.—J. W. Harle, Mar- shall, Tex. President—D. H. Scott, Paris, Tex. Treasurer—E. J. Fry, Marshall. Secretary—B. J. Baldwin, Paris. DirEcTORS—D. H. Scott, John Martin, Parise Hoe joLkry,, Marshall, tS Pe is Groce, Dallas; Tex; A. Gilmer, Orange, exseue Wi A. Fletcher, Beaumont, Tex. ; ie ibe Allen, Memphis, Tenn. Parkersburg Branch RR. President—Orland Smith. Treasurer—J. W. Kines, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—W. W..Van Winkle, Parkersburg, W. Va. ~ 116 Passaic and Delaware Extension RR. | See Delaware, Lackawannaand Western RR. | Passaic and Delaware RR. See Del- | aware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Passaic and New York RR. - | President—Simon Borg. Sec. and Treas.—John P. Rafferty. ™— Paterson and Hudson River RR. President—J. S. Rogers, New York. Treasurer—Robert S. Hughes. Paterson and Ramapo RR. President—J. S. Rogers, New York. Treasurer—John Hopper, Paterson, N. J. Paterson, Newark and New York ! RR. | President—Cortlandt Parker, Newark, N. J. | Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, Treasurer—Edward White, New York. Pawnee RR. President—John White. | Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—H. R. Davis. Secretary and Auditor—C. E. Clayton. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. E. Farnam. DIRECTORS—H. R. Davis, John White, Hitam White, C. E. Clayton, L..K. Davis, Pawnee, Ill. ; C. White, Taylorville, Il. Pawtuxet Valley RR. President—Henry Howard. Sec. and Treas.—Wm. H. Pope. Pecos Valley RW. and Pecos River | RR. | -President—J.J. Hagerman, Colorado Springs, | Col. | Vice-Prest. and Treas.—H. P. Lillibridge, | Colorado Springs. | Secretary—L. H. Jackson, Denver, Col. | Auditor and Cashier—E. F. Draper, Eddy, | N. M. Gen. Mgr. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.— | Donald Allen. Asst.Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—S.S. Satchwell. | Supt.—W. H. Vaughan, Pecos, Texas. Chief Engineer—Murray Harris. | Paymaster—A. G. Draper. Master Mechanic—Geo. F. Miller. Gen. Road Master—H. M. Levinson, Pecos. DIRECTORS—J. J. Hagerman, H.. P. Lilli- | bridge, Percy Hagerman, Colorado Springs; | Lo HoH. Jackson, Denver; Charles B. ‘Eddy, | Eddy; John A. Lee, Albuquerque, N. M. | Pemberton and Hightstown RR. President—W. J. Sewell, Camden, N. J. Secretary—Hugh B. Ely, Philadelphia. Treasurer—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. Pemigewasset Valley RR. President—John J. Bell. Treasurer—Jas. A. Weston. | Clerk—B. P. Cilley. | DirREcTORS—John J. Bell, Exeter, N. H.; Daniel Saunders, Geo. W. Hills, Lawrence, | Mass.; Joseph W. Campbell, Woodstock, N. H.: Daniel Barnard, Franklin, N.-Hus John C. French, Henry Chandler, James A. Weston, Manchester, N. H.; John J. Cilley, South Deerfield, N. H. Pennsboro’ and Harrisville, Ritchie County RW. _ President and Treas.—James E. Tyler, Balti- more, Md. Secretary—W. H. Pierpont, Ritchie C. H., W. Va. Road Master—A. J. Ramsey, W. Va. DIRECTORS—James E. Tyler, Baltimore ; W: cD. Harris; “Pennsbore’; W..2i1.'Pierpoant, MER Tarlton Ritchie CH. Pennsboro’, Pennsylvania and New York Canal and RR. President—Elisha P. Wilbur, South> Bethle- hem, Pa. Vice-Prest.—Chas. Hartshorne, Philadelphia. 2d Vice-Prest.—Robert H. Sayre, South Beth- lehem. 3d Vice-Prest.—John B. Garrett, Philadelphia. Secretary—John R. Fanshawe, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Wm. C. Alderson, Philadelphia. Gen. Solicitor—Henry S. Drinker, Philadel- phia. DirRECTORS—Elisha P. Wilbur, Charles Hartshorne, Robert H. Sayre, William H. Sayre, Robert Lockhart, James J. Blakslee, Howard Elmer, William Stevenson, John B. Garrett, Robert A. Lamberton, Albert Lewis, Warren A. Wilbur, George H. Myers, Phila- delphia. Pennsylvania and Northwestern RR. President—Edward J. Berwind. Vice-Prest.—Aaron Fries. Sec. and Treas.—Frank S. Lewis, Philadel- phia. Superintendent—W. A. Ford, Belwcod, Pa. Auditor—C. K. Elder, Belwood. DIRECTORS—H. A. Berwind, John H. Con- verse, Aaron Fries, Stephen Greene, Samuel G: Lewis, John Reilly, Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Co. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. 1st Vice-Prest.—Jas. McCrea, Pittsburgh, Pa. 2d Vice-Prest.—J. T. Brooks, Pittsburgh. 3d Vice-Prest.—Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh. 4th Vice-Prest.—Jno. E. Davidson, Pittsburgh. Comptroller—Jno. W. Renner, Pittsburgh. Asst. Comptroller—Albert McElevey. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. Gen. Supt.—E. B. Taylor, Pittsburgh. Gen. Mgr.—Jos. Wood, Pittsburgh. Gen. Counsel—J. T. Brooks. Asst. Counsel—J. J. Brooks. Asst. to Gen. Counsel—L. L. Gilbert. Auditor of Fgt. Receipts—John M. Lyon. Asst. Auditor of Fgt. Receipts—Wm. Parker. Auditor of Disbursements—James Instan. Asst. Auditor of Disbursements—D. C. Opper- stone. Asst. Treas. N. W. Svstem—J. P. Henderson. Asst. Treas. S. W. System—M. C. Spencer. Auditor of Pass. Receipts—J. P. Farley. Asst. Auditor of Pass. Receipts—Charles S. Covert. Auditor Star-Union Line—John T. Denniston. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—William Stewart, Pittsburgh. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Chas. L. Cole, Pitts- burgh. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—D. T. McCabe, Colum- bus, O. Gen. West. Fgt. Agt.—William Borner, Chi- cago, Ill. Gen. West. Fet. Agt.—S. F. Gray, Indian- apolis, Ind. Gen. West. Fgt. Agt.—J. B. Hill, Chicago. Div. Fgt. Agt.—Jas. P. Orr, Pittsburgh. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. H. Stewart, Cleveland, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—Jas. Means, Pittsburgh. Div. Fgt. Agt.—E. F. Fuller, Cincinnati, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. F. Perkins, Erie, Pa. Div. be Agt.—Geo. W. Davis, Richmond, Ind. Div. Fgt. Agt.—Frank Janes, Toledo, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—R. W. Geiger, Louisville, Ky. | Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—E. A. Ford. Chief Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt,—F. Van Dusen. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—R. R. Bentley, Pittsburgh. est. Gen. Pass. Agt.--H. R. Dering, Cincin- nati. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. H. Luce, Chicago. Asst. e Pass. Agt.—C. L. Kimball, Cleve- land. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. M. Chesbrough, St. | Louis, Mo. Dist. Pass. Agt.—W. F. Brunner, Indianapo- lis. Dist. Pass. Agt.—A. Anderson, Louisville. Dist. Pass. Agt.—J. G. Ruple, Columbus. Dist. Pass. Agt.—Samuel Moody, Pittsburgh. Dist. Pass. Agt.—Wm. Be Dell, San Fran- | cisco, Cal. South. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Lacey, Nashville, Tenn. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Geo. T. Hull, Denver, Col. Mer. Union Line Bureau—-D. S. Gray, Colum- bus. Union Line Bureau East. Supt.--F. H. Kings- bury, New York. Union Line Bureau West. Supt.--E. A. Daw- son, Chicago. Supt. Telegraph—A. M. Schoyer, Pittsburgh. Purchasing Agt.—Wm. Mullins, Pittsburgh. Signal Engr.—W. McC. Grafton, Pittsburgh. Northwest System, operated by the Penn- sylvania Co. Gen. Supt.—-Chas. Watts, Pittsburgh. Consulting Engr. —F. Slataper, Pittsburgh. Chief Engr.—Thomas Rodd, Pittsburgh. Supt. Motive Power—F. D. Casanave, Fort Wayne, Ind. Supt.—A. B. Starr, Allegheny, Pa. Supt.—C. D. Law, Fort Wayne. Supt.—J. M. Kimball, Lawrence Jn., Pa. Supt.—J. S. Morris, Toledo, O. Supt.—L. F. Loree, Wellsville, O. Gen. Agt. C. and P. RR.—John Thomas, Cleveland. Southwest System, operated by The Pitts- burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Gen. Supt.—J. F. Miller, Columbus. Chief Engr.—M. J. Becker, Pittsburgh. Supt. Motive Power—E. B. Wall, Columbus. Supt.—J. J. Turner, Pittsburgh. < Supt.—Ralph Peters, Cincinnati. Supt.—F. G. Darlington, Indianapolis. Supt.—C. M. Bennett, Logansport, Ind. Supt.—W. B. Leeds, Richmond. ily, | Supt.--M. W. Mansfield, Indianapolis. Supt.—H. I. Miller, Louisville. Executive Committee—James McCrea, Chairman; John P. Green, W. H. Barnes, J. T. Brooks, John E. Davidson. Finance Commitiee—John FE. Davidson, Chairman; James McCrea, John P. Green, Wm. H. Barnes, J. T. Brooks. DIRECTORS—J. T. Brooks, Thomas D. Mess- ler, James McCrea, John E. Davidson, Pitts- burzheseN; Di Barry, John P. Green, -H. H: Houston, N. P. Shortridge, George B. Roberts, Frank Thomson, Amos R. Little, W. H. Barnes, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania, Poughkeepsie and Bos- ton RR. Receiver—Henry H. Kingston, Philadelphia. President—W. W. Gibbs, Philadelphia. Gen. Mgr.—Henry H. Kingston, Philadelphia. Sec.—Morris R. Bockius, Philadelphia. Treasurer—J. R. Sagee, Philadelphia. G. F. and P. A.—Chas. E. Mack, Philadelphia. Auditor—E. J. Fallon, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt.—C. H. Stanton, Slatington, Pa. Purchasing Agt.—W. Gibbs, Slatington. Chief Engineer—S. G. Primrose, Goshen, N.Y. Car Accountant—W. E. Hartman, Slatington. DIRECTORS—Joseph E. Sinnott, Wm. B. Scott, Wm. W. Gibbs, Alfred N. Chandler, Henry H. Kingston, Randal Morgan, Wm. T. Carter, Philadelphia. Pennsylvania RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Ist Vice-President—Frank Thomson, Phila- delphia. 2d Vice-President—J.-N. Du Barry (now de- ceased), Philadelphia. 3d Vice-President—John P. Green, Philadel- phia. ; Asst. to 2d Vice-President—Joseph U. Craw- ford, Philadelphia. Sec.—John C. Sims, Philadelphia. Asst. See. and Supt. Employees’ Saving Fund —D.S. Newhall, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. Asst. Treas.—George E. Peabody, Philadel- hia. hee eenamin F. Crawford, Philadelphia. Comptroller—Robert W. Downing, Phila- delphia. Asst. Comptroller—M. Riebenack, Philadel- hia. ahi Agt.—W. H. Joyce, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. A. Chipley, Phila- delphia. Mer. of Empire Line—George M. Ball, Phila- delphia. Mgr. Union Line—D. S. Gray, Philadelphia. Gen. Pass. Agt.—James R.Wood, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Geo. W. Boyd, Phila- delphia. Gen. Mgr.—Charles E. Pugh, Philadelphia. Chief Engineer—W. H. Brown, Philadelphia. Asst. Chief Engineer—Joseph T. Richards, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt. of Motive Power—T. N. Ely, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt. of Transportation—S. M. Provost. Philadelphia. ; Purchasing Agent—Enoch Lewis, Philadelphia Asst. Purchasing Agent—A.W. Summer, Phila- delphia. ° : Real Estate Agt.—John C. Wilson Philadelphia. 118 Chief Conveyancer—A. W. I. Ball, Phila- delphia. Gen. Supt. P. RR. Division—Frank Sheppard, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt. U. RR. of N. J. Division—F. Wol- cott Jackson, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt. P. and E. RR. Division—Robert Neilson, Philadelphia. Supt. Voluntary Relief Department—J. A. Anderson, Philadelphia. Gen. Solicitor—John Scott, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Solicitor—James A. Logan, Phila- delphia. Sec. Insurance Department—Hugh B. Ely, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—George B. Roberts, Alexander M. Fox, Alexander Biddle, N. Parker .Short- ridge, Henry D. Welsh, William L. Elkins, fie HW, wuston, As). Cassatt, C.yA. Griscom, B. B. Comegys, Amos R. Little, W. H. Barnes, George Wood, Frank Thomson, J. N. Du Barry, John P. Green, Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Schuylkill Valley RR. President—J. N. DuBarry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—J.C. Bright, Henry Eppihimer, N. P.- Shortridge, Heber S. Thompson, B. B. Comecys, John P. Green, H. H:*Houston, Amos R. Little, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Pensacola and Andalusia RR. President—E. F. Skinner, Escambia, Fla. Sec. and Treas.—E. H. Skinner, Escambia. Superintendent—H.C. McDavid, Chumuckla, Fla. DirEcTORS—E. F. Skinner, E. H. Skinner, — John McDavid, Escambia; H.C. McDavid, J. H. McDavid, Chumuckla. Pensacola and Atlantic RR. President—M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. Vice-President and Land Commissioner—W. D. Chipley, Pensacola, Fla. Secretary—J. H. Ellis. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville. Superintendent—E. O. Saltmarsh, Pensacola. Div. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. W. Lurton, Pen- sacola. Other officers same as Louisville and Nash- ville RR. Co., Louisville, Ky. DIRECTORS—M. H. Smith, C. Quarrier, Louisville; A. M. Quarrier, New York; W. F, McCormick, W. A. Blount, Pensacola. Pensacola and Perdido RR. President and Supt. sacola, Ela. Sec. and Treas.—H. W. Simmons, Pensacola. DIRECTORS—B. F. Simmons, W. A. Blount, W. K. Hyer, R. M. Robinson, H. Barrs, Pen- sacola. People’s RW. President—T. A. Reilly, Pottsville, Pa. Sec., Treas. and Supt.—Wm. D. Pollard, Pottsville. DIRECTORS—T. A. Reilly, R. C. Luther, C. - E. Henderson, Wm. D. Baber, Frank Carter, Pottsville. —B. F. Simmons, Pen- Peoria and Bureau Valley RR. President—James R. Cowing. Treasurer—W. A. Nash, New York. Secretary—J. F. Phillips, Chicago, III. Peoria and Eastern RR. President—John A. Barnard. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Lynn, Indianapolis, Ind. DrirEcCTORS—John A. Barnard, Indianapolis ; John A. Glover;-Urbana, O:; Edmundiie Stewart, Danville, Ill. Peoria and Pekin Union RW. President—J. Ramsey, Jr., Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—Jas. F. How, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Supt.—C. E. Schaff. Sec. and Treas.—H. K. Pinkney. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. and Auditor—T. T. Dwight. Master Mech.—James W. Hill. Engr. Maint. of Way—J. E. Palmer. DIRECTORS—Joseph Ramsey, Jr., W. M. Green, Cincinnati; W. S.° Hook, Marcus Hook, Jacksonville, Ill.; Edgar T. Welles, Herman Clark, Solon Humphreys, NewYork; Daye Mackey, Eyansville, Inds; J..A. Bar- nard, Indianapolis; Geo. W. Saul, Chicago, fil: William Elliott, Philadelphia; James F. How, St. Louis. Peoria, Decatur and Evansville RW. President—D. J. Mackey, Evansville, Ind. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. W. Saul, Chicago, Ill. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—G. J.Grammer, Evansville. Sec. and Treas.—W. J. Lewis, Evansville. Auditor—E. B: Cooke, Evansville. Gen. Solicitor—J. S. Stevens, Peoria, III. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. O. Hopkins, Evansville. Gen. Pass.and Tkt. Agt.—R. A. Campbell, Evansville. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—S. D. Mc- Leish, Evansville. Gen. Bag. Agt.—F. R. Wheeler, Evansville. Supt.—R. B. Starbuck, Mattoon, Ill. Chief Engr.—T. A. Allen, Evansville. Car Acct.—J. H. Hedden, Evansville. Master Mech.—C. C. Robinson, Mattoon. Gen. Agt.—-A. G. Palmer, Peoria. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Duke Nickelson, Evansville. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. C. Katzenbach, Evans- ville. Commercial Agt.—W. B. Hallsted, Nashville, Jenn. Gen. Agt.—E. R. Thomas, Memphis, Tenn. DIRECTORS—H. J. Nichols, Wm. Goadbey, jobiny La Lamson tM: de Vean, Heman Clarkwete aC: Baldwin, New York; Arnold Kummer, Baltimore, Md.: DAF. Mackey, Wm. A. Heilman, Evansville. Peoria Terminal RW. President—Wm. Hanna, Monmouth, III. Vice-President—Russell. Sage, 71 Broadway, New York. Gen. Mgr.—D. P. Phelps, Monmouth. Secretary—J. R. Hanna, Monmouth. Auditor—Guy Stapp, Monmouth. Chief Engr.—J. F. Wallace, 205 La Salle st., Chicago, Ill. Perkiomen RR. President—James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Treas. and Purchasing Agt. —Howard Boyd, Norristown. Secretary—Philip Super, Pennsburg, Pa. Compt. and Chief Engr.—Geo. B. Boggs, Nor- ristown. Auditor—F. C. Boggs, Norristown. Gen. Agent—D. B. tion, Pa. 119 { per Clack, Perkiomen Junc- | DrirRECTORS—Thomas B. Hillegass, Noah | eo rank Red Hill: .Pa, we yOu Sling lui || Frank D. Stinson, Norristown; A. H. Seipt, | Skippack, Pa.; George Graber, Charles F. | Waage, Jonathan P. Hillegass, Pennsburg; | J. Morgan Casselberry, Lower Providence, Pa.; John S. Rahn, David H. Rudy, Perkio- menville, Pa.; William H. Seipt, Worcester, Pa. Perry County RR. President—Hon. Chas. H. Smiley. Vice-President—John Wistar. Gen. Supt. and Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. K. Holtzinger. Treasurer—W’. M. Seibert. Sec. and Solicitor—Jas. W. Shull. Auditor—W. B. Sheibley. DirRECcTORS—Charles H. Smiley, B. F. Jun- | kin, S. W. Conn, J. H. Sheibley, James Mc- | Ilheny, H. C. Shearer, A. R. Johnson, Charles A. Barnett, J. C. McAllister, New Bloomfield, Pa. ; John Wistar, Duncannon, Pa.; Abram | Bower, Falling Springs, Pa. ; James A. Gray, | Elliottsburg, Pa. Perth Amboy and Raritan RW. President—John Hood. Sec. and Treas.—David G. Baird, Philadel- phia. DirRECTORS—John Hood, David G. Baird, Chas. L.- Corbin, Chas. Weston, Sidney Ward, William Beidler, J. F. Schaperkotter, Philadelphia. Perth Amboy and Woodbridge RR. | President—Wm. J. Sewell, Camden, N. J. Vice-Prest.—F. Wolcott Jackson, Jersey City, | N.J Sec. and Treas.—J. S. Vanzandt, Philadel- | phia. DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Sewell, Mulford D. | Valentine, N. Burdge Watson, Camden; F. Wolcott Jackson, Jersey City; Henry D. Welsh, N. Parker Shortridge, J. N. Du Barry, C. B. Thurston, Wm. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Peterborough and Hillsborough RR. | President—Alvah W. Sulloway, Franklin, INO HH. Treas.—George N. Crocker, Boston, Mass. Peterborough RR. President—Edward Spaulding. Treasurer—Gilman C, Shattuck. Clerk—Harry W. Ramsdell, Nashua, N. H. DIRECTORS—Edward Spaulding, Geo. A, Ramsdell, Virgil C. Gilman, Nashua ; Thomas B. Eaton, Worcester, Mass.; C. E. A. Bartlett, Lowell, Mass.; Geo. H. Ball, Boston, Mass. ; S. A. B. Abbott, Boston. Peterburg and Asylum RR. President—George Beadle, Petersburg, Va. Secretary—John Mann, Petersburg. Chief Engr.—F. P. Levensworth, Petersburg. DIRECTORS—George Beadle, John Mann, Townsend Bolling, Edward W. Molier, Thomas F. Reaves, Petersburg. Petersburg RR. President—Warren G. Elliot, Na Ge Vice-Prest.—H. Walters, Wilmington. Sec. and Treas.—M. W. Yarrington, mond, Va. Gen. Mgr.—J. R. Kenly, Wilmington. Gen. Auditor—W. A. Riach, Wilmington. Asst. Auditor and Asst. Treas.—W. R. Jones, Richmond. DIRECTORS—W. T. Walters, B. F. New- comer, Baltimore, Md.; Henry Walters, Wil- mington, H.-R. Scott, Richmond, D. W. Lassiter, Petersburg, Va. Wilmington, Rich- Philadelphia and Baltimore Centrak RR. President—G. B. Roberts. Secretary—John C. Sims. Treasurer—Robt. W. Smith, Philadelphia. Div.) Supt.—Charles J. Bechdolt, Media, Pa. DIRECTORS—George B. Roberts, J. N. Du Barry, N. Parker Shortridge, Samuel R. Dickey, Joseph “|. Martin, Philadelphia ; samuel D: Ramsey, West Chester, Pa:; C. C. ea Maryland State Director, Perryville, Md. Philadelphia andChester Branch RR. See Philadelphia and Reading RR. Philadelphia and Chester Valley RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia, Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Geo. de B. Keim, A. J. Antelo, Jj. Me Landis, W: R.Taylor, A. H, O’Brien; F. G. Odenheimer, Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Delaware County RR. President—Wm. H. Barnes. Sec. and Treas.—Albert Hewson. DIRECTORS—J. N. DuBarry, John P. Green, Wm. Patton, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Stephen W. White, Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Erie RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Sec. and Treas.-—J. S. Vanzandt. MANAGERS—Elected by stockholders, W. Hasell Wilson, J. N. DuBarry, Wm. H. Barnes, Samuel Gustine Thompson, N. Parker Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Wm. J. Howard, Wm. L. Elkins, Amos R. Little, J. Bayard Henry. elected, by \Phila? :City (Councils; James McManes, John L. Lawson, John S. McKinlay, Philadelphia. The Philadelphia and Frankford RR. President—Wm. W. Foulkrod. Secretary—W. R. Taylor. Treasurer—W. A. Church. DIRECTORS—William Bault, James Whitas ker, Wm. H. Rhawn, David C. Nimlet, Wm. M. Horrocks, Samuel W. Evans, Jr., Phila- delphia. Philadelphia and Lehigh Valley RR. President—J. N. DuBarry (now deceased). Sec. and Treas.—Albert Hewson. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, Wm. A. Pat- ton, G. B. Roberts, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Wm. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. 120 Philadelphia and Long Branch RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Secretary—James R. McClure. Treasurer—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. DirREcToRS—Henry D. Welsh, J. N. Du- Barry, G. M. Dorrance, A. O. Dayton, F. W. Jackson, W. J. Sewell, Frank Ellmaker, M. F. Middleton, Hugh B. Ely, N. P. Shortridge, J.-R. McClure, Lewis Perrine, Jr., Phila- delphia. The Philadelphia and Newtown Con- necting RR. President—A. A. McLeod. Secretary—W. R. Taylor. Treasurer—W. A. Church. DIRECTORS—J. M. Landis, J. H. Loomis, Chas. C. Midwood, John Walker, Jr., Richard Tull, Daniel Jones, Philadelphia. Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. President—A. A. McLeod. Secretary—Franklin P. Kaercher. Treasurer—W. A. Church. Asst. Secretary—Heury C. Russell. DIRECTORS—George de B. ‘Keim, Thomas Dolan, Samuel R. Shipley, Thomas Cochran, A. J. Antelo, Philadelphia; Norristown, Pa. Philadelphia and Reading RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—A. A. McLeod. James Boyd, | 1st Vice-President—J. Rogers Maxwell, 143 | Liberty st., New York. 2d Vice-President—Charles Hartshorne. 3d Vice-President—Robert H. Sayre. 4th Vice-President—John Russell Young. Secretary—William R. Taylor. Asst. Secretary—Chas. C. Midwood. Treasurer—William A. Church. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—I. A. Sweigard. Asst. to the President—H. S. Drinker. Asst. to the Gen. Mgr.—Rollin H. Wilbur. Comptroller—Daniel Jones. Asst. Comptroller—Isaac McQuilkin. Auditor Traffic Receipts—Geo. Ziegler. Auditor Merchandise Traffic—W. B. Scott. Asst. Auditor Merchandise Trafic—C. H. | Webb. Auditor Pass. Traffic--C. H. Quarles. | Asst. Auditor Pass. Traffic — Llewellyn | Snowden. | Auditor Coal Traffic—H. W. Hancock. Asst. Auditor Coal Traffic—W. W. Weaver. Auditor Disbursements—J. E. Price. Asst. to the Asst.Gen. Mger.—W. G. Brown. Chief Engineer—H. K. Nichols. Asst. Chief Engineer--Wm. Hunter. Supt. Motive Power and Rolling Equipment— | iL By Paxson, Reading, Pa. Supt. Motive Power and Rolling Equipment | Divisions —A., | Eastern and Northern Mitchell, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Transportation Master—O. W. Stager. Asst. Transportation Master—C. E. Metzler. Purchasing Agent—Albert Foster. Asst. Purchasing Agent—W. C. Alderson. 2d Asst. Purchasing Agent--Edw. Mahler. Real Estate Agt.--J. H. Loomis. Claim Agt.—W. C. Brister. Paymaster--A. W. Guy. Gen. Storekeeper—W. Dunlap, Reading. Gen. Storekeeper for E. and N. Divs.—C. D. Coleman, Bethlehem, Pa. Supt. Telegraph—-E. R. Adams, Reading. | MAIN LINE DIVISION. Gen. Supt.—M. F. Bonzano, Reading. Supt. Reading Div.-—G. D. Whitcomb, Reading. Supt. P. and N. Y. Div.—E. C. Tomlinson, Philadelphia. Supt. R. and C. Div.—A. M. Wilson, Co- lumbia, Pa. Supt. Pine Grove Div.—H. W. Tracey, Pine Grove, Pa. Supt. H. and P..Div.—W. H. Woodward, Harrisburg, Pa. Supt. Atlantic City Div.—B. F. Bertolette, Camden, N. J. Supt. Canal Div.—E. F. Smith, Reading. Supt. Delaware River Ferry—H.C. Felton, Camden, N. J. WILLIAMSPORT DIVISION. Gen. Supt.—C. M. Lawler, Williamsport, Pa. Supt. Shamokin Div.—W. Bertolet, Shamokin, Pa: Supt. Catawissa Div.—W. G. Yetter, Cata- wissa, Pa. EASTERN DIVISION. Gen. Eastern Supt.—H. Stanley Goodwin, Bethlehem, Pa. Supt. New Jersey Div.— James Donnelly, Perth Amboy, N. J. Supt. Wyoming Div.—O. O. Esser, Wilkes- Barre. Supt. Mahanoy, Beaver Meadow and Hazle- ton Divs.—James I. Blakeslee, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Supt. and Engr. Catasauqua Div.--C. W. Chapman, Catasauqua, Pa. NORTHERN DIVISION. Gen. Northern Supt.—W. Stevenson. Train Master North Branch Div.—R. M. Badger, Sayre, Pa. Supt. Ithaca Div.—W. A. Stevenson, Sayre. Supt. Auburn Div.—H. D. Titus, Auburn, Ny Supt. Buffalo Div.—E. E. Van Etten, Buffalo, NGye Gen.-Traffic Mgr.—John Taylor. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—B. H. Bail. ist Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Geo. F. Randolph. Asst. Gen. gt. Agt. Main Line and Williams- port Divs.—F. W. Stone. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt. Eastern and Northern Divs.—J. H. Heckman. Asst. Gen. Fegt. Agt. in Charge of Through Traffic—W. S. Speirs. Foreign Fgt. Agt. (Export Traffic via Phila- delphia)—F. W. Fowkes. Foreign Fgt. Agt. (Export Traffic vza New * York)—H. B. Moore, New York. Div. Fgt. Agt.—D. S, Grafly, Philadelphia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—T. B. Coons, Pottsville, Pa. Gen. Eastern Fgt. Agt.—T. J. Klase, New York. Gen. Western Fgt. Agt.—H. C. Tucker, Chicago, II. Gen. Northern Fgt. Agt.—P. C. Doyle, Buffalo. New England Fgt. Agt.—L. W. Frost, Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt. at Buffalo—W. K. Niver. Special Agt. E. and N. Div.—John Nichol, Bethlehem. Fgt. Claim Agt.—W. H. Sleiders, Philadel- - phia. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. G. Hancock. Asst to the Gen. Pass. Agt.—O. C. Briggs. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. Eastern and Northern Divs.—A. W. Nonnemacher, Bethlehem. Div. Pass. Agt. Main Line and Williamsport Divs.—R. F. Reaver, Philadelphia, I2I Gen. Western Pass. Agt.—E. B. Byington, | Buffalo. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—W. B. Smith, New York. ; Gen. Bag. Agt.—H. W. Souders, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—A. J. Antelo, Sam. R. Shipley, George de B. Keim, Thomas Cochran, Thomas Dolan, Philadelphia ; James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. The Philadelphia and Reading Ter- minal RR. President—A. A. McLeod. - Secretary—Chas. C. Midwood. Treasurer—W. A. Church. DIRECTORS—A. J. Antelo, Thos. Dolan. Geo. de B. Keim, Thos. Cochran, C. Tower, Jr., Philadelphia ; Jas. Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Philadelphia and Sea Shore RW. President—Morris Boney. Vice-President—Theo. P. Weeks. Secretary—George H. Becker. Treasurer—Arch. Garvin. DIRECTORS—Geo. H. Becker, M. J. Kelly, | Emlen Physick. Philadelphia and Trentov RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Secretary—James R. McClure. Treasurer—John M. Wood. DIRECTORS—G.M. Dorrance, G. B. Roberts, | Alexander Biddle, N. P. Shortridge, J. N. Du | Barry, Alexander M. Fox, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Wilson, H. H. Houston, Frank Thom- son, Amos R. Little, John P. Green, Philadel- phia. Philadelphia Belt Line RR. President—Francis B. Reeves, Philadelphia. | Asst. Secretary—J. J. Curley, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Lewis Tull, Philadelphia. Chief Engr.—John A. Wilson, Philadelphia. Counsel—John G. Johnson and Geo. S. Graham, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Wm. M.Singerly, Jas. Dobson, — E. C. Knight, deceased, Wharton Barker, Walter (FF. Hagar, Chas;H., Cramp, E.-A. Hancock, Wm. H. Jenks, Calvin Pardee. Philadelphia, Chestnut Hill RR. President—Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. Germantown and DiRECTORS—Alex. Biddle, J. N. DuBarry, John P. Green, H.H. Houston, N. P. Short- ridge, John C. Sims. Philadelphia, Germantown and Nor- ristown RR. President—W. S. Wilson, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Stephens, Philadel- phia. DIRECTORS—W. S. Wilson, Geo. W. Longaker, C. Howard Colket, Thomas Mc- Kean, Lewis Elkin, John A. Brown, Jr., | Richard Dale, Joseph W. Johnson, Jr., Thomas | U. Walker, Michael O’Brien, John Slingluff, Edward Dale Toland, Philadelphia. The Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Geo. de B. Kiem, I. A. Swei- gard, Albert Foster, A. H. O’Brien, R. S. Davis, C. H. Quarles, Philadelphia. ene ene Marlton and Medford RR. President—George B. Roberts. Secretary—James R. McClure. Treasurer—John M... Wood, 233 S. 4th st:., Philadelphia. Philadelphia, York RR. President—James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Sec., Treas. and Purchasing Agt.—Howard Boyd, Norristown. Auditor—O. C. Knipe, Norristown. Superintendent—W. M. Geary, 3d and Berks sts, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Smith Harper, William M. Geary, Philadelphia; John Slingluff, H. C. Crawford, C. H. Stinson, W. H. Slingluff, J. P. Hale Jenkins, Norristown ; J. P. Hutchin- son, Newtown, Pa. Philadelphia, Reading and New Eng- land RR. President—A. A. McLeod. Others not yet furnished. Newtown and New Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal- timore RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-Prest.—Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. Secretary—John C. Sims, Philadelphia. Asst. Secretary—D. S. Newhall, Philadelphia. Treas.—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS— George B. Roberts, William Pellets nee rreen. jaa barry, rank Thomson, Henry D. Welsh, B. B. Comegys, N. P. Shortridge, Philadelphia ; Preston Lea, E. Tatnall Warner, Wilmington, Del. ; Jacob Tome, Port Deposit,Md. ; Benj. F. Newcomer, Skipwith Wilmer, German H. Hunt, Balti- more, Md.; Edward Lloyd, Tunis Mills, Md. Phillips and Rangeley RR. President--Arthur Sewell, Portland, Me. Treasurer—George W. York, Portland. Gen. Mgr. and Purchasing Agent—Payson Tucker, Portland. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—F. E. Boothby. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. S. Eaton. DiREcTORS—Calvin Putnam, Danvers, Mass. ; Arthur Sewell, Bath, Me.; George M. Goodwin, A. B. Gilman, Haverhill, Mass. ; Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.; Payson Tucker, Portland; W. A. Rich, Woodfords, Me. ; J. S. Ricker, Deering, Me. ; F. E. Tim- berlake, Phillips, Me. Pickering Valley RR. President—Jas. Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Treasurer—John Welch. Secretary—Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia ; John Oberholtzer, H. K. Brownback, Samuel Holman, Francis Hallman, Morris Fussell, Joseph J. Tustin, Horace Latshaw, Jacob Emery, Chester Springs, Pa. ; Levi B. Kaler, Levi Oberholtzer, Phoenixville, Pa. ; Daniel Keeley, Jacob Beerbrower, Byers Station, Pa. Piedmont and Cumberland RW. President—H. G. Davis, Piedmont, W. Va. Sec. and Treas.—E. W. S. Moore, Cumber- land, Md. DIRECTORS—R. D. Barclay, Philadelphia ; H. G. Davis, Piedmont; S. B. Elkins, Elkins, W. Va.; William J. Read, Cumberland ; Arthur Ps Gorman,» Laurel, Md.; Geo, CG Wilkins, William H. Gorman, Baltimore, Md. Piedmont RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary—R. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Treasurer—John W. Hall. Pine Bluff, Monroe and New Orleans RW. (Pine Bluff and Swan Lake Division.) President—C. M. Neel, Pine Bluff, Ark. Vice-President—T. F. Burks, Pine Bluff. Sec. and Treas.—C. M. Neel, Jr., Pine Bluff. Gen. Mgr.—J. Renwick Campbell, Pine Bluff. DIRECTORS—C. M. Neel, T. F. Burks, M. L. Bell, R. M. Neel, C..M. Neel, Jr., Pine Bluff. Pine Creek RW. President—Henry Sherwood, Wellsboro’, Pa. Vice-President—George J. Magee, Corning, NYY’: and Treas.—E. V. W. Rossiter, New Wark: Chief Engineer—Anton Hardt, Corning. DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, William K. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, H. McK. Twombly, New York; Watkins, N.Y. ; William Howell, Antrim, Pa.; M. E. Olmsted, Harrisburg, Pa.; Walter Sherwood, Jefferson Harrison, George F. Baer, Reading, Pa.; Anton Hardt, John W. Bailey, Wellsboro’. Sec. Piqua and Troy Branch RR. President—R. D. Marshall. Sec. and Treas.—F. H. Short, Cincinnati, O. Pittsboro RR. See Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line RR. Pittsburgh, Akron and Western RR. President and Gen. Counsel—W. A. Lynch, Canton, O. Vice-President—A. L. Conger, Akron, O. Treasurer—F. M. Semple, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. Mgr.—William Semple, Allegheny, Pa. Chief Engr.—J. H. Sample, Akron. Gen. Supt. and Sec.—C. W. Risley, Akron. Asst. Auditor—Jno. T. Eaton, Akron. Act. G. F. and P. A.—W. S. Taylor, Akron. Car Acct.—W. P. Christie, Akron. DIRECTORS—James D. Callery, Jr., Pitts- burgh, Pa.; William Semple, Allegheny ; W. WeumcCracken, “New York: W. A..Lynch, Canton ; D. E. Hill, A. L. Conger, Lewis Mil- ler; Akron-; C.-W. Risley, Delphos,;-O-; J. H. Sample, Granville. Pittsburgh and Castle Shannon RR. President—Walter Chess, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treas. and Sec.—E. J. Reamer, Pittsburgh. Gen. Supt.—O. A. Rogers, Pittsburgh. DirRECTORS—Jas. M. Bailey, Jacob Geib, Charles Zugsmith, Jr., L.S. McKallip, Thos. Mellon, Pittsburgh; W. H. Brunt, Castle Shannon, Pa.; H. Dana Rolfe, Homestead, Pa.; P. F. Schuchman, South Pittsburgh, Pa.; James R. Redman, J. M. Conroy, Allegheny City, Pa. George J. Magee; || 122 Pittsburgh and Connellsville RR. President—Orland Smith, Cincinnati, O. Sec., Treas., Auditor and Transfer Agt.—J- B. Washington, Pittsburgh, Pa. gu} DIRECTORS—Robt. Garrett, Mendes Cohen, Findley H. Burns, Baltimore, Md. ; Charles Donnelly, Wm. J. Moorhead, John D. Scully, Charles L. Fitzhugh, George A. Berry, Wm. Metcalf, Pittsburgh ; Orland Smith, Cincin- nati; William H. Koontz, Somerset, Pa.; John W. Chalfant, Allegheny, Pa. Pittsburgh/and Lake Erie RR. Lessees Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny RR. President—John Newell, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice-President—J. H. Reed, Pittsburgh. Sec. and Treas.—Jno. G. Robinson, Pittsburgh. Gen. Supt.—G. M. Beach, Pittsburgh. Master of Trans.—J. B. Yohe, Pittsburgh. Auditor—C. H. Bronson, Pittsburgh. Gen. Pass. Agt.—A. E. Clark, Pittsburgh. . Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Frank A. Dean, Pittsburgh. Purchasing Agt.—R. Evans, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, H. McK. Twombly, F. W. Van- derbilt, E. D. Worcester, New York ; James I. Bennett, M. W. Watson, James M. Bailey, J. H. Reed, Jas. M. Schoonmaker, D. Leet Wil- son, Pittsburgh; Henry Hice, Beaver, Pa. ; John Newell, Chicago, III. Pittsburgh and Northern RW. President—Henry W. Oliver. Secretary and Treasurer—T. J. Crump. DIRECTORS—John W. Chalfant, J. S. Kirk, J. V.4Patton, T.-J. Crump. AAV. ‘Oliver Charles H. Coster,“A. J. Thomas, John Hum- phreys, Allegheny, Pa.; J. D. Callery, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Pittsburgh and Western RW. President—Henry W. Oliver, Allegheny, Pa. Vice-President—A. J. Thomas, New York. Secretary—T. J. Crump, Allegheny. Treasurer—W. H. Duffell, Allegheny. Auditor—J. L. Kirk, Allegheny. Asst. Treas.—A. L. Robinson, Jr. Gen. Mgr.—J. T. Odell, Baltimore, Md. Gen. Supt.—J. V. Patton, Allegheny. Supt. W. and L. Divs., and Pitts. and Nor. RR.—Wnm. Truby, New Castle Junc., Pa. Asst. Supt.—G. H. Williams, Allegheny. Supt. Nor. Div.—R. B. Reynolds, Foxburg, Pa. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Chas. O. Scull, Baltimore. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. W. Bassett. Gen. Fgt. Traf. Mgr.—F. Harriott, Baltimore. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. L. Cromlish. Master Mechanic—J. L. Brown. Gen. Agt. and Paymaster—J. J. Saint. Car Accountant—S. G. Stothard. Master Car Builder—Thomas Anderson. Gen. Road Master—L. P. Baker. Supt. Bridges and Buildings—A. S. Markley. Chief Engineer—Paul Didier, DIRECTORS—James D. Callery, J. W. Chal- fant, W. H. Singer, M. K. Moorhead, Pitts- burgh, Pa. ;.Samuel’ Spencer, C. H. Coster A. J. Thomas, Solon Humphreys, New York; H. W. Oliver, Allegheny. £23 Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiog- | heny RW. President—James McCrea, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Sec. and Accountant—R. T. Hill, Pittsburgh. | Gen. Supt.—Geo. S. Davison, McKee’s Rocks, Pa: DIRECTORS—James McCrea, J. T. Brooks, wae. Lavison, J. J. ‘Brooks, EB. B. Taylor, | J. W. Renner, J. J. Turner, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. President—G. B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Ist Vice-President—James McCrea, burgh, Pa. Pitts- 2d Vice-President—J. T. Brooks, Pittsburgh. | 3d Vice-President—Thomas D. Messler, Pitts- | burgh. 4th Vice-President—John E. Davidson, Pitts- burgh. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. Asst. Secretary—Stephen W. White, Phila- delphia. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Executive Committee—Jas. McCrea, Chair- Manse john Ps Green; oW. HH. Barnes, J. T. Brooks, John E. Davidson. Finance Committee—John E. Davidson, Chairman; James McCrea, John P. Green, Wm. H. Barnes, J. T. Brooks. DIRECTORS FOR I8g91-94—G. B. Roberts, J. N. DuBarry, Frank Thomson, William H. | Barnes, John P. Green, William A. Patton, Philadelphia; James McCrea, J. T. Brooks, Thomas D. Messler, John E. Davidson, Pitts- paren VW. .L. Scott, Erie, Pa.; Briggs S: Cunningham, Cincinnati, O.; George Willard, Chicago, Ill. RR President—Orland Smith, Cincinnati, O. Sec. and Treas.—J. B. Washington, burgh, Pa. DIRECTORS—C. H. Andrews, L. E. Coch- ran, Youngstown, O.; T. M. King, Philadel- phia~ David Lee,-Zanesville, O.; R. T. Dev- ries, Newark, O.; C. S. Wright, J. V. Patton, James R..McCreery, Johns McCleave, Pitts- bugh; J. H. Collins, Columbus, O. ; Orland Smith, W. W. Peabody, Cincinnati. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago | RW. President—Charles Lanier, New York. Sec. and Treas.—John J. Haley, Pittsburgh, Pa. DirRECTORS—John S. Kennedy, C. Lanier, Henry Amy, W. C. Egleston, New York; Charles E. Speer, James McCrea, Pittsburgh; Edward P. Williams, Ft. Wayne, Ind. ; Wm. mooper, L.-B. Harrison, Cincinnati, O7; L. Z. Leiter, Chicago, Ill.; John Sherman, Mans- field, O. ; George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. See Pennsylvania Co., for officers in charge of operations. Pittsburgh Junction RR. President—Thomas M. King, Pittsburgh, Pa. Vice-Prest.—William Van Kirk, Pittsburgh. Sec. and Auditor—J. A. Smith, Pittsburgh. Treasurer—Robert Wardrop, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Toledo > Ritts= i | | | DiIRECTORS—John W. Chalfant, C. B. Her- ron, H. W. Oliver, Allegheny City, Pa.; Jacob Painter, Jr., Reuben Miller, William Metcalf, John Z. Speer, William Van Kirk, A. E. W. Painter, C. L. Fitzhugh, Pittsburgh; Charles F. Mayer, William F. Frick, Baltimore, Md. Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Yough- iogheny RR. President—J. H. Reed. Sec. and Treas.—John G. Robinson. Auditor—C. H. Bronson. DiIRECTORS—C. Vanderbilt, W. K. Vander- bilt, H. McK. Twombly, Jas. Tillinghast, New York; John Newell, Chicago, Ill.; J. H. Reed, J. M. Bailey, James I. Bennett, M. W. Watson, Henry Hice, Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Marion and Chicago RW. President—N. B. Billingsley, New Lisbon, O. Treasurer—M. M. Curtis, 27 Beaver st., New ¢ York. Secretary—R. W. Tayler, New York. Gen. Mgr.—N. F. Wood, New Lisbon. - Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—K. E. Baringer, New Lisbon. DIRECTORS—W. S. Gurnee, B. Y. Frost, H. M. Curtis, Charles Siedler, George Lord Day, F. H. Lockwood, New York; F..H. Cole- man, J. E. Umbstaetter, Pittsburgh, Pa-; I. F. Mansfield, Cannelton, Pa.; James Char- ters, Wm. M. Hostetter, W:H. Warner, N. B. Billingsley, New Lisbon. Pittsburgh, Ohio Valley and Cincin- nati RR. President—A. J. Warner, Marietta, O. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. Chief Engr.—M. J. Becker, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—A. J. Warner, David Okey, Marietta ; James McCrea, J. T. Brooks, T. D. Messler, Pittsburgh; E. N. Riggs, Powhatan Point, O. ; J. A. Gallaher, Bellaire, O. Pittsburgh, Painsville and Fairport RR. President—Solon Humphreys, New York. Vice-Prest—R. K. Paige, Painsville, O. Pittsburgh, Erie RR. President—Col. S. B. Dick, Meadville, Pa. Vice-President—A.C. Huidekoper, Meadville. Sec. and Auditor—P. E. McCray, Meadville. Treasurer—Daniel Moore, Meadville. Gen. Mgr.—J. T. Blair, Greenville, Pa. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—W. H. Garrett, Meadville. ~Mast. Mech. and Mast. Car Builder—E. Rich- ardson, Greenville. Mast. Trans. and Car Acct.—M. L. Osterhout, Greenville. Gen. Pass., Ticket and Purchasing Agt.—W. G. Sargeant, Meadville. DIRECTORS—Samuel B. Dick, A. C. Huide- koper, John Dick, John E. Reynolds, Mead- ville; Allen M. Cox, Conneaut, O.; Dumont Clarke, New York; Henry M. Dechert, Philadelphia; A. F. Henlein, Greenville; Thos. H. Wells, Youngstown, O. The Pittsburgh Transfer RR. President—Wm. A. Nimick. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—H. E. Billing- ton, 22 Ross st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Shenango and Lake 124 Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston President—J. N. DuBarry, (now deceased, ) Philadelphia. Secretary—D. P. Corwin, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—G. B. Roberts, John P. Green, We Ly Elkins, -W. J. Howard, Henry=D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, A. M. Byers, Chas. EF. Speer, Geo: V. Lawrence, Chas. L. Tay- ile Joseph Walton, W. H. Barnes, Philadel- phia. me ae Wheeling and Kentucky R. President—W. P. Hubbard, Wheeling, W. Va. Vice-President—John McLure, Wheeling. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—W. ~P.- Hubbard, — Joseph Speidel, John McLure, H. K. List, Wheeling ; ' Thomas D. Messler, Jas. McCrea, Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ash- tabula RR. President—John N. Hutchinson, Philadel- phia. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. DirREcTORS—-John N. Hutchinson, Geo. B. Roberts, Philadelphia; James McCrea, Wil- liam Thaw, Jr., Wm. Mullins, J. E. Davidson, | Pittsburgh; W. Scott Bonnell, J. G. Butler, jr., CAB. Wick, Youngstown; O.; H. L: Mor- rison; Thaddeus E. Hoyt, Ashtabula, O. Pittsfield and North Adams RR. President—James A. Rumrill, Springfield, Mass. Treasurer—Charles E. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Clerk—A. C. Ferry, Boston. Pittsford and Rutland RR. President—Edmund R. Morse, Proctor, Vt. Vice-President—Mason S. Coburn, Man- chester Centre, Vt. Sec. and Treas.--H. A. Harmon, Rutland. Vt. Pittstown RW. President—John Hood. Sere delphia. DrIRECTORS-—-John Hood, David G. Baird, Chas. Weston, Sidney Ward, William Biedler, Wm. C. Walker, Francis C. Hartshorne. The Plant System, comprising Savannah, Florida and Western RW., Alabama Midland RW., Charleston and Savannah RW., Bruns- wick and Western RW., South Florida RR. and Plant Steamship Line. President--H. B. Plant, 12 West 23d st., New York. Asst. to President--M. F. Plant, 12 West 23d st., New York. Vice-President--H. S. Haines, 12 West 23d st., New York. Asst. to Vice-President—W. B. McKee, 12 West 23d st., New York. Secretary—R. B. Smith, 12 West 23d st., New York. Gen. Auditor—D. F. Jack, 12 West 23d st., New York. Treasurer—J. Moultrie Lee, Savannah, Ga. Gen. Acct.—C. T. Morel, Savannah. _ Longaker, and Treas.—David G. Baird,’ Phila- | Traffic Mgr.—C. D. Owens, Savannah. §J Gen. Traffic Agt.—J. N. Strobhar, Jackson- ville, Fla. Eastern Agt.—J. D. Hashagen, 261 Broadway, New York. Agt.—O. G. Pearson, 211 Washington st., Bos- ton, Mass. N. E. P. A.—C. W. Gray, 211 Washington st., Boston. Agt.—J. B. Andrews, 205 E. German st., Bal- o timore, Md. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Fred. Roblin, New York. Agt.—J. J. Webster, 21 N. 3d st., St. Louis, M O. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Jackson, Montgom- ery, Ala. For officials of the separate companies see each railroad as indexed. Plattsburgh and Dannemora RR. See Chateaugay RR. Plymouth RR. President—W. S. Wilson, New Centreville, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Stephens, Philadel- hia. Digwe cones james Boyd, Norristown, Pa. ; John. Slingluff, Philadelphia; George W. Michael O’Brien, Richard Dale, CoiieColker Point Breeze RR. President—William G. Warden. Sec. and Treas.—C. E. Bushnell. DIRECTORS—N. W. Harkness, Malcolm Lloyd, C. E. Bushnell, E. P. Cooper, Charles N. Quarles, Wm. G. Brown, Philadelphia. Pomeroy and Newark RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson. Sec. and Treas.—James R. McClure, Phila- delphia. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, J. N. Du Barry, (now deceased,) Amos R. Little, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, N. P. Shortridge, Philadelphia. Pontchartrain RR. See Louisville and Nashville RR. Pontiac, Oxford and Northern RR. President—George W. Debevoise, New York. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—Hugh Porter, New York. Secretary—Wm. H. Murphy, New York. Auditor—W. C. Sanford, Pontiac, Mich. Gen. Supt.—James Houston. Asst. Treasurer—Frank H. Carroll, Pontiac. DiRECTORS—George W. Debevoise, Hugh Porter, Charles H. Stone, William H. Murphy, New York; A. C. Baldwin, Frank H. Carroll, James Houston, Pontiac. Pontiac Pacific Junction RW. President—Hon. L. Ruggles Church, Mon- treal, Que. Vice-Prest. and Managing Director—H. J. Beemer, Montreal. Sec. and Treas.—H. L. Maltby, Montreal. Supt. and Traffic Mgr.—J. T. Prince, Aylmer, jae We Port Clinton Short Line RW. President and Treasurer—Edgar H. Brennan, Port Clinton, O. Secretary—J. H. Buck, Port Clinton. _ Gen. Ticket Agt. 125 DIRECTORS—R. O. Bell, N. R. Webster, West. Payne; E.H. Brennan, J. H. Buek, Bore Clinton; .-A4. (.Ranck, Frank’ Heim, Fremont, O. Port Edwards, Centralia and North- ern RR. President—W. A. Scott, Merrill, Wis. Sec. and Treas.—Thos. B. Scott, St. Minn. Gen. Mgr.—A. A. Hopkins, Marshfield, Wis. Fgt. and Gen. Pass. Agt.—P. M. Halloran, Marshfield. DIRECTORS—W. A. Scott, Merrill; Frank J. Woods, Grand Rapids, Wis. ; J. G. Jack- son, Centralia, Wis.; Thomas B. Scott, Paul; A. A. Hopkins, Marshfield. Paul, Port Jervis, Monticello and New York RR. President—Peter E. Farnum, Port Jervis, N.Y. Vice-President—Wade Buckley, Port Jervis. | Treasurer—O. P. Howell, Port Jervis. Auditor—George M. Wells, Port Jervis. Gen. Mgr.—Benj. Ryall, Port Jervis. DrrEcTORS--Wade Buckley, Peter E. Far- | num, O. P. Howell, Francis Marvin, Sol. Van Etten, C. E. Cuddeback, W. H. Nearpass, Port Jervis; C. V. R. Ludington, Monticello, N. Y.; C. G. Bennett, Wurtsboro,N. Y.; W. B. Boyce, Middletown, N. Y.; William Norris, Goddeffroys, N. Y.; A. J. Hardenbergh, Brooklyn, N. Y. Portland and Ogdensburg RW. President—S. J. Anderson. Treasurer—J. W. Dana, Portland, Me. DireEcTORS—S. J. Anderson, H. N. Jose, F. N. Milliken, James F. Hawkes, Shaw, Stephen R. Small, Charles F. Libby, G. W. True, Francis Fessenden, Portland ; C. H. Amsden, Pennacook, N. H. Portland and Rochester RR. President—George P. Wescott, Portland, Me. | Treas. and Sec.—W. H. Conant, Portland. Supt. and Purchasing Agt.—J. W. Peters, Portland. —C. J. Wiggin. Gen. Fegt. Agt. Cag aa Tolman. Superintendent—J. W. Peters, Portland. DIRECTOR— George P. Westcott, Nathan Webb, Wm. L. Putnam, Charles McCarthy, Jr., William G. Davis, Portland ; Stephen J, Young, Brunswick, Me. Joseph =. eee Deering, Me. - Arthur eT, Bath, Portland and Rumford Falls RW. President—Hugh J. Chisholm, Portland, Me. Superintendent—L. L. Lincoln, Portland. Treas. and Gen. Ticket Agt.—R. C. Bradford, Portland. Portland and Vancouver RW. President—J. B. David, Portland, Ore. Se¢retary—George H. Durham, Portland. Treasurer—-R. L. Durham, Portland. DirREcTORS——Frank Dekum, D. P. Thomp- son, George H. Durham, R. L. Durham, J. B. David, Cleveland Rockwell, H. C. Stratton, H. C. Wortman, C. C. Grimes, Portland. cry beta | Sts Portland and Willamette Valley RW. Receiver, Vice-Prest. and Mgr.—R. Koehler, Portland, Ore. President—Charles F. Crocker, San cisco, Cal. 2d Vice-Prest.—D. F. Sherman, Portland. ena Treas.—George H. Andrews, Port- and. Fran- DrrEcTORS—Charles F. Crocker, W. E. Brown, San Francisco; R. Koehler, John McCracken, George H. Andrews, W. W. Bretherton, D. F. Sherman, Portland. Portland, Saco and Portsmouth RR. President—Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford, Mass. Vice-Prest.—Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H. Secretary—F.R. Barrett, Portland, Me. Treasurer—Edward Lesley, Boston, Mass. DIRECTORS--Samuel C. Lawrence, Daniel W. Lawrence, Medford ; Frank Jones, Ports- mouth; Walter Hunnewell, Wellesley, Mass.; Arthur Sewall, Bath, Me.; F. R. Barrett, Port- land ; Geo. ©. Carpenter, Boston. Port Reading RR. President—-Albert Foster, Riverton, N. J. Secretary-—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—-W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS—A. A. McLeod, I. A. Sweigard, W..R. Tayler, D. Jones, J. W. Klink, John Walker, Jr., Philadelphia ; R.S. Davis, Nathan Francis, R. S. Baymore, H.C. Felton, C. H. Davies, Camden, N. J.; Samuel Garwood, Williamstown, N.J.; Albert Foster, Riverton. Port Royal and Augusta RW. President—E. P. Alexander, Savannah, Secretary—Ed. Workman, Savannah. Treasurer—Edward McIntyre, Savannah. DIRECTORS—H. M. Comer, Savannah; W. G. Raoul, New York; D. C. Wilson, Wm. Elliott, Beaufort, S. C.; Jno. W. Green, C. H. Phinizy, Jos. B. Cumming, W. F. Alexander, T.-P..Branch, Augusta, Ga. Ga. Port Royal and Western Carolina. RW. President—E. P. Alexander, Savannah, Ga. Secrétary—Ed. Workman, Savannah. Treasurer—Edward McIntyre, Savannah. DIRECTORS—H. M. Comer, Savannah ; W. L. Mauldin, John Ferguson, Greensville, SGP a verdery,|. H: Alexander, .E. R. Schneider, J. B. Cumming, Augusta, Ga. ; T. J. Moore, Spartanburg, S. C.; Sylvester Blackley, W. W. Humphreys, Anderson, Sic. wie wo Darksdale, WL. Gary, J.J. Pluss, ‘Laurens, Ses Portsmouth and Dover RR. President—Frank Jones. Treasurer—G. L. Treadwell. Clerk—Calvin Page. DirREcCTORS—Frank Jones, Daniel Marcy, Joseph A. Walker, Edmund S. Fay, Ports- mouth, N. H. - Frank A. Christie, William D. Sawyer, Henry R; Parker, Dover, N. H: Port Townsend Southern RR. President-—W. H. Starbuck, New York. Vice-Prest.—C. J, Smith, Seattle, Wash. Treasurer—Oregon Improvement Co., Seattle. Sec. and Auditor—J. T. Campion, Seattle. 126 DIRECTORS—W. H. Starbuck, New York ; EH. Prince, Boston, Mass.; C; J. Smith, A. F. Burleigh, J. T. Campion, Seattle ; Chas. Eisenbeis, Thomas Jackman, Port Townsend, ~ Wash. Potomac, Fredericksburg and Pied-_ mont RR. President—L. Harry Richards, Fredericks- burg, Va. Acting Secretary—S. G. Daniel, Fredericks- burg. Treasurer and Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Richards, | Fredericksburg. DirEcTORS—L. Harry Richards, C. H. Mason, Philadelphia; W. H. Richards, J. D. Murdaugh, Fredericksburgh ; Robt.L. Hayes, West Chester, Pa. Potomac RR. President—Charles Chauncey, Philadelphia. The Potomac RR. See Western Mary- land. RR. Prairie du Chien and McGregor R. President—John Lawler, Prairie du Chien, Wis. Vice-President—John D. Lawler, Prairie du Chien. Sec. and Treas.—Thomas C. Lawler, Prairie | du Chien. DIRECTORS—John Lawler, John D. Lawler, | Thomas C. Lawler, James’ Lawler, D. W. | Lawler, Prairie du Chien. Prescott and Arizona Central RW. | President and Gen. Mgr.—T. S. Bullock, 4o | Wall st., New York. Vice-President—J. J. Fisher, St. Louis, Mo. 2d Vice-President—Hugo Richards. Treasurer—W. N. Kelly, Prescott, Ariz. Sec. and Auditor—L. H. Wilson, New York. | Gen. Supt.—W. B. Jones, Prescott. DriRECToRS—T. S. Bullock, L. H. Wilson, | V.A. Wilder, S. D. Freshman, New York; | Wm. N. Kelly, Hugo Richards, Levi Bash- | ford, Prescott; J. J. Fisher, St. Louis. Prince Edward Island RW. Minister of RWs.—John Haggard, Ottawa, Ont. Gen. Mer., Chief Engr. Gov. RWs.—Colling- wood Schreiber, Ottawa. Acct. and Auditor—W. T. Huggan, Charlotte- | town, P. E.I. Superintendent—J. Unsworth, Charlottetown. Profile and Franconia Notch RR. President--B. A. Kimball, Concord, N. H. Treasurer—-John F. Webster, Concord. Clerk—John P. George, Concord. DIREcCTORS—Walter Aiken, Franklin Falls, N. H.; B. A. Kimball, William F. Thayer, -| Bloons. George; Benj. C.White,, John .H.4| ‘Pearson, Concord; Walter M. Parker, Man- | chester, N. H.; Charles A. Busiel, Laconia, N. H.; David A. Gregg, Nashua, N. H. Prospect Park and Coney Island RR. | President and Purchasing Agt.—Andrew R. | Culver, Brooklyn, N. Y. T. and G. Ticket Agt.—Allan C. Washington, Brooklyn. Secretary—Hiram A. Faron, Brooklyn. Cashier—Lysander Stacey, Brooklyn. Auditor—Albert B. Bierck, Brooklyn. Eng. and Supt.—R. Schermerhorn, Coney Island, N. Y. DirRECTORS—Andrew R. Culver, Fraley C. Niebuhr, Brooklyn; A. C. Washington, Austin Corbin, Sidney Webster, Theodore B. Moore, New York; Hiram A, Faron, Brooklyn. ‘Prospect Park and South Brooklyn RR. President—Andrew R. Culver. Secretary—Lysander Stacey, Brooklyn, N. Y. Treasurer—Allan C. Washington. DIRECTORS—Andrew R. Culver, Lysander Stacy, R. Schermerhorn, Hiram A. Faron, Arthur D. Hampton, Brooklyn; Allan C. Washington, Theodore B. Moore, New York. Providence and Springfield RR. President—Wm. Tinkham. Treasurer—E. W. Tinkham, Providence, R.I. Providence and Worcester RR. President—Moses B. I. Goddard. Clerk and Treas.—Wm. A. Leete, Providence, Reel: Providence, Warren and Bristol RR. President—Charles F. Choate, Boston, Mass. Secretary—George L. Greene, Providence, Rela Treasurer—John M. Washburn, Boston. Gen. Mgr.—James R. Kendrick, Boston. DIRECTORS—Wiiliam Goddard, Royal C. Taft, Providence; Charles F. Choate, South- boro’, Mass.; F. L: Ames, North Easton, Mass. ; James R. Kendrick, Boston; James C. Church, Bristol, R. I. Providence, Webster and Springfield R. i President and Treas.—H. N. Slater. Clerk—Charles Gerber, Webster, Mass. Pueblo and Arkansas Valley RR. See Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. Qu’ Appelle, katchewan RW. Directors and Officers not furnished. Long Lake and Sas- Quebec and Lake St. John RW. President—Frank Ross, Quebec, P. Q. Vice-President—E. Beaudet, Quebec. Vice-President—Simon Peters, Quebec. Sec. and Manager—J. G. Scott, Quebec. Sage and Pass. Agt.—Alex Hardy, Que- ec. DIRECTORS—Frank Ross, E. Beaudet, T. A. Piddington, P. Garneau, S. Peters, Gavin Moir, John T. Ross, Jules Tessier, G. Irvine, Edwin Hanson, J. A. Gagne, J. J. Fremont, Lawrence Stafford. Quebec Central RW. President—Edward Dent, London, Eng. Secretary—T. Lindley, London. Superintendent—A. Steele, Sherbrooke, P. Q. | Gen. Manager—F. Grundy, Sherbrooke. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. H. Walsh. Acting Cashier—A. H. Anderson. - DIRECTORS—F. H. Norman, S. G. Shep- pard, J. Price, A. Bremner, E. Dent, H. Brandon, England; F. Grundy, A. T. Ert- ginger, L.A. Carrier, Canada. Quebec, Montmorency and Charle- voix RW. President—H.J. Beemer, Montreal, P. Q. Vice-Presdent—P. P. Hall, Quebec, P. Q. Sec. and Treasurer—E. F. Wurtele. Superintendent—W. H. Russell. Manager—G. S. Cressnian. Queen Anne and Kent RR. ~ President—RB. T. Briggs, Middleton, Del. Secretary—John C. Sims, Philadelphia. Treas.—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City RW. (‘Quincy Route.’’) President—Charles H. Bull, Quincy, IIl. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—Amos Green, Quincy. : Traffic Mgr.—J. H. Best, Quincy. Secretary—C. H. Spencer, Quincy. Treasurer—E. J. Parker, Quincy. Solicitors—Berry, O’Hara & Scofield, Quincy. Auditor—John M. Savin, Quincy. Supt. of Transportation—C. E. Soule, Quincy. Gen. Attorney for Mo.—J. P. Butler, Milan, Mo. Supt. of Telegraph—A. B. Cowan, Quincy. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—H. L. Kleine, Quincy. Roadmaster—John Soderstrom, Milan. Master Mechanic—John Voorhis, Quincy. DirEcTORS—Charles H. Bull, Amos Green, fee). Ricker, Jas. D. Morgan, Quincy; | John Paton, Edwin Parsons, W. W. Jacobs, Hartford, Conn. Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line RR. President—John M. Robinson, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Prest.—R. C. Hoffman, Baltimore. New York; Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Vass, Raleigh, N. C. | Auditor—J. B. Martin, Raleigh. Superintendent—T. W. Whisnaut, Raleigh. DiRECTORS—John M._ Robinson, R. Hoffman, Louis McLane, Baltimore; Joseph B. Batchelor, W. J. Hawkins, R. S. Tucker, Raleigh ; W. W. Chamberlaine, Norfolk, Va. Raleigh and Gaston RR. President—J. M. Robinson, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Prest.—R. C. Hoftman, Baltimore. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Vass, Raleigh, N.C. Auditor—J. B. Martin, Raleigh. . Superintendent—T. W. Whisnaut, Raleigh. DIRECTORS—R. C. Hoffman, Louis McLane, Baltimore; W. W. Chamberlaine, Norfolk, Was; W. J. Hawkins, J. B. Batchelor, R. S. Tucker, Raleigh. Raritan River RR. President—Edward H. Ripley, Jersey City, N. J. Vice-Prest.—Wm. Foster, Jr., Jersey City. Treasurer—Wm. G. Bumstead, Jersey City. Secretary and Auditor—Frank H. Earle, Jer- sey City. 17, Chief Engr.—Edlow W. Harrison. Superintendent—F. Hoffman, South Amboy, IN. Je DIRECTORS—Edward H. Ripley, Samuel T. Benedict, Edward H. Peaslee, Wm. Foster, Jr., Frederick C. McCullough, New York; Geotree. os sprewer, Brick (Church, N.. Ji; Edlow W. Harrison, Wm. D. Edwards, Wm. G: Bumstead; Jersey City; John H: Van Cleet* Somefville; N.J.; Samuel P. Knapp, New Brunswick, N. J.; Frank H. Earle, Chas. H. White, Newark, N. J. Raton N. M. President—Office vacant. Vice-Prest.—Hans Mattson, Cimarron, N. M. Treasurer and Asst. Secretary—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Secretary—H. Whigham, Raton, N. M. Coal and Coke Co., Raton, Rattlesnake Creek Water Union Pacific RR. Co. See -Ravensville, Spencer and Glenville President—Wm. Woodyard, Spencer, W.Va. Treasurer—©) CC. omith, Spencer. Secretary—D. W. Chapman, Spencer. DIRECTORS—George W. Hundley, P. C. Adaiiis Oat Cp Siith. A, eb. Wells. 5.J.3"Gs Schilling, D. W. Chapman, William Wood- yard, Spencer; B. D: Williams, I. M. Adams, C. L. Brown, James Wease, James McCloth- lin, J. A. McIntosh, Ravenswood, W. Va. Reading and Columbia RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—Howard Hancock, Philadelphia. Treasurer—John Welch, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—James Boyd, Norristown, Pa.; Thomas Cochran, Samuel R. Shipley, George De B. Keim, A. J. Antelo, J. N. Hutchinson, Thomas Dolan, Philadelphia; T. Baumgard- ner, Lancaster, Pa.; W. Latimer Small, York, Pa, jolielsetialideman, Chickies, Pal: BoB: Hiestand, Marietta, Pa.; A. R. Rover, Den- ver, Pa. Reading Iron Co. See Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co. Reading, Marietta and Hanover RR. President—A. A. McLeod. Secretary—Howard Hancock. Treasurer—John Welch, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—George de B. Keim, A. A. McLeod, A. J. Antelo, Thomas Cochran, W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Redondo RW. President—George J. Ainsworth, Beach, Cal: Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—R. H. Thompson, Redondo Beach. Sec. and Treas.—S. P. Rees, Redondo Beach. Gen. Supt.—J. N: Sutton, Los Angeles, Cal. DIRECTORS—George J. Ainsworth, R. H. Thompson, Redondo Beach; D. McFarland, L. T. Garnsey, W. H. Bonsal, Los Angeles. Redondo Rensselaer and Saratoga RR. President——Geo; H. Cramer. Sec. and Treas.—John H. Neher, Troy, N. Y. DiRECTORS—George H. Cramer, Joseph M. Warren, George B. Warren, Chas. W. Til- linghast, Wm. H. Doughty, C. E. Dudley Tibbitts, James A. Eddy, Norman B. Squires, Edward C. Gale, Le Grand C. Cramer, Chas. B. Russell, Troy ; Isaac V. Baker, Comstocks, N. Y.; John Hobart Warren, Hoosick Falls, Ney 7 Rew City and Eldred RR. President—J. J. Carter. Vice-Prest.—A. I. Wilcox, Bradford, Pa. Treas., Auditor and Supt. Telegraph—W. R. | Dieffenback, Bradford. Secretary—John E. Ransom, Buffalo, N. Y. Gen. Solicitor—Geo. L. Roberts, Bradford. Gen. Mgr.—John J. Carter, Bradford. Gen. Pass., Tkt., Bag. and Fgt. Agt—John C. McKenna, Bradford. DIRECTORS—John J. Carter, Titusville, Pa.; | John E* Ransom, Buffalo; Aug. Stein, New Perko M.L, Hinman,’ Dunkirk, N: Y.; W. | W. Brown A: I. Wilcox, Geo. L. Roberts, John C. McKenna, Bradford; L. J. Backer, Boston, Mass. Reynoldsville and Falls Creek RR. President—S. B. Elliott, Reynoidsville, Pa. Vice-Prest.—Fred. A. Bell, Buffalo, N. Y. Treasurer—George H. Lewis, Buffalo. Auditor and Gen Fgt. Agt.—Charles Clifton, | Buffalo. Superintendent—George Mellinger, Reynolds- | - ville. DIRECTORS—F. A. Bell, George H. Lewis, Charles* Clifton, Buffalo; A. G. Yates, Rochester, N. Y.; George Mellinger, Lofts, Reynoldsville; L. W. Robinson, Du Bois, Pa; Eat) Rhode Island and Massachusetts RR. | (In Massachusetts. ) President—James P. Ray. Treasurer—Joseph G. Ray. _ Secretary—Geo. W. Wiggins, Franklin, Mass. | Rhode Island and Massachusetts RR. | (In Rhode Island. ) President—Jonathan Chace. Sec. and Treas.—Arnold B. Chase, Valley | Haliss R.. 1 Richmond and Danville RR. mont Air-Line.’’) Receivers—Frederick W. Huidekoper and Reuben Foster. President—Walter G. Oakman, 80 Broadway, New York. (“ Pied- | 2d Vice-Prest.--A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N.C. | 3d Vice-President—John A. Rutherfurd, 80 | Broadway, New York. Treasurer—John W. Hall, Atlanta, Ga. Asst. Treas.—W. H. Marbury, Washington, ie Ge Sec. and Asst. Treas.—Richard Brooke, Rich- | mond, Va. | Asst. Sec.—A. J. Rauh, 80 Broadway, New | York. Auditor—M. C. Figg, Atlanta. Asst. Auditor—H. C. Ansley, Atlanta. Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Green, Atlanta. Asst. to the Gen. Mgr.—J. S. B. Thompson, Atlanta. Chief Engr.— C. M. Bolton, Atlanta. Gen. Purchasing Agt.—J. P. Minetree,Atlanta. Supt. Motive Power—R. D. Wade, Atlanta. Supt. of Telegraph—C. A. Darlton, Atlanta. 128 Acting Supt. V. M. and W. and O. Divs.—T. O- Troy, Alexandria, Va. Supt. Richmond and Danville Div.—E. Be1k- eley, Richmond. Supt. Western North Carolina Div.—R. R. Bridgers, Asheville, N. C. Supt. A.and C. Air-Line Div.—C. P. Ham- mond, Atlanta. Supt. S.C; and: Col. -and,-Green Divs.—).7a3 Dodson, Columbia, S. C. Supt. POR. and A. and POR “dcW; ©. Divs B. C. Epperson, Angusta, Ga. Supt. Ga. Pac. Div.—W. B. Ryder. Birming- ham, Ala. Traffic Mgr.—Sol. Haas, Atlanta. Asst. Traffic Mgr.—J. M. Culp, Atlanta. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Jas. L. Taylor, Atlanta. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. A. Turk, Charlotte, No GC Gen. Fet. Agt.—James H. Drake, Richmond. Gen. Claim Agt.—W. H. Halsey, Atlanta. Div. Fgt. Agt.—G. S. Barnum, Birmingham. Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. M. Borum, Lynchburg, Va. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—L. L. McClesky, Atlanta. Div. Fgt. Agt.—D. Cardwell, Columbia. Div. Fgt. Agt.—A. G. Craig, Charlotte. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—H. P. Clark, 229 Broadway, New York. Eastern Pass. Agt.—E. Q. Cordeier, Broadway, New York. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—F. M. Ironmonger, 229 Broadway, New York. Agent—Waldo A. Pearce, 228 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. Agt.—L. S. Brown, 1300 Penna. ave., Washington. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—F. B. Price, 33 S. 3dst., Philadelphia. Contracting Fgt. Agt—G. R. Needham, 106 E. German st., Baltimore, Md. Trav. Pass. Agt.—B. M. Hanson, 228 Wash- ington st. Boston. Solicitor’s Agt. G. P. Div.—G. B. Manly, Kim- ball House, Atlanta. Pass. Agt.—A. A. Vernoy, Atlanta. Soliciting Agt.—C. P. Chandler, Athens, Ga. Pass. Agt.—W. P. Adams, Birmingham. Soliciting Agt.—W. A. Moody, Birmingham. Soliciting Agt.—C. W. Harwood, Richmond. Agent—W. W. Davies, 92 W. Bay st., Jackson- ville, Fla. Soliciting Agt.—William Jones, 92 W. Bay st., Jacksonville. < Dist. Pass. Agt.—C. E. Sergeant, Atlanta. Trav. Pass. Agt.—John Metcalfe, Montgomery, Ala. Dist. Pass. Agt.—M. R. Powers, 146 Common st., New Orleans, La. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Jas. M. ex. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. L. Hopkins, Charlotte. Trav. Pass. Agt.—John E. Beall, Lynchburg. Pass. Agt.—R. W. Hunt, Augusta. Pass. Agt.—Jos. S. Potts, Richmond. Dist. Pass. Agt.—A.S. Thweatt, Chattanooga, Tenn. Pass. Agt.—James H. Wood, Macon, Ga. Soliciting Agt.—E. J. Martin, Winona, Miss. N. W. A.—W. T.; Rembert, 214 Exchange Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. DIRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, George J. Gould, H. C. Fahnestock, John G. Moore, John H. Inman, John C. Calhoun, J. A. Ruther- furd, Chas. M. McGhee, New York; C. S. Brice, Lima, O., John S. Barbour, Alexandria ; James B. Pace, Richmond. 229 Means, Houston, Richmond and Mecklenburg RR. President—John P. McPhail, Jr. Secretary—Thos. Easley, Clarksville, Va. Treasurer—W. F. Turner, Richmond, Va. Richmond and Petersburg RR. 129 President—Frederick R. Scott, Richmond, Va. | Vice-President—H. Walters, Wilmington, N.C. Sec. and Treasurer—M. W. Yarrington, Rich- | mond. Gen. Supt.—E. T. D. Myers, Richmond. Supt.—R. M. Sully, Petersburg, Va. Asst. Auditor—W. R. Jones, Richmond. DirEcTORS—H. Walters, Warren G. Elliott, Wilmington; D. W. Lassiter, W. T. Walters, B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md. Richmond and West Point Terminal | RW. and Warehouse Co. President and Receiver—W. G. Oakman, 80 | Broadway, New York. Vice-President—T. M. Logan, 80 Broadway | New York. Petersburg ; | Treas. and Asst. Sec.—A. J. Rauh, New York. | Secretary—Richard Brooke, Richmond, Va. DirEcTORS--H. B. Plant, Samuel Thomas, | Jay Gould(deceased), John G. Moore, George | J. Gould, Abram S. Hewitt, John H. Hall, John H. Inman, Sidney Dillon, John A. Rutherfurd, John C. Calhoun, Simon Wormser, James Swann, Patrick Calhoun, J. C. Maben, New | York; Calvin S. Brice, Lima, Ohio; T. M. | Logan, Richmond; Chas. M. McGhee, Atlanta, Ga. Richmond City and Seven Pines RW. President—Jas. H. Hardgrove, Richmond, Va. Sec. and Treas.—John C. Fowler, East Rich- | mond, Va. Gen. Manager—V. Hechler, Jr., Richmond. DiIRECTORS—V. Hechler, Jr., F. M. Conner, James H. Hardgrove, E. H. Ferguson, ’‘E. A. Catlin, Richmond ;-C. L. Miller; East Rich- | mond. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Po- | tomac and Richmond and Petersburg Connection RR. President and Gen. Supt.—E. T. D. Myers. Secretary, Treasurer and Register of Stock— | J. B. Winston, Richmond, Va. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Po- | ‘tomac RR. (‘‘ Florida Fast Line.’’) President and Gen. Supt.—E. T. D. Myers, Richmond, Va. Sec. and Treas.—J. B. Winston, Richmond. Traffic Manager—C. A. Taylor. Supt.—T. L. Courtney. Auditor—J. E. Cox. DiREcCTORS—W. T. Walters, B. F. New- | comer, Baltimore, Md.; M. Robinson, Jr., _ Philadelphia; H. G. Ward, New York; L.B. Anderson, Norfolk, Va. Richmond, Nicholasville, Irvine and Beattyville RR. Receiver—John MacLeod, Louisville, Ky. Vice-President—C. D. Chenault, Richmond, y. Sec. and Treas.—R. R. Rogers, Louisville, Ky. 9 G. F. and P. A.—C. M. Browning, Versailles, Ky. Supt.--W. H. Adams, Richmond. Auditor—V. M. Nourse, Louisville. Purchasing Agt.—S. T. Copeland, Louisville. DirRECTORS—John W. Stine, Thomas W. Bullitt, A. L. Schmidt, E. T. Halsey, Henry (Us stone, J.) We Ainsley, -R) -Reid Rogers, Louisville ; T. B. Moloney, Beattyville, Ky. ; W. T. B. Williams, Irvine, Ky. ; B. M. Arnett, W. L. Steele, Nicholasville, Ky. ; Newland Jones; John. D,; Harris, C. D. Chenault, C. L. Searcy, Richmond. Richmond, York River and Chesa- peake RR. President—-A. S. Buford. Sec. and Treas.—R. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Green, Atlanta, Ga. Traffic Mgr.—Sol. Haas, Atlanta. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Jas. L. Taylor, Atlanta. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. A. Turk, Charlotte, Nec: Ridgway and Clearfield RR. President—J. N. DuBarry,dec’d, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DirREcTORS—John P. Green, Henry D. Welsh, Geo. B. Roberts, N. P. Shortridge, W. H. Barnes, Geo. Wood, Philadelphia. Rio Grande and Eagle Pass RW. President—C. B. Wright, Jr., Laredo, Tex. Vice-Prest.—E. A. Atlee, Laredo. Secretary and Treas.—John Z. Leyendecker, Laredo. Gen. Counsei—Silas W. Petit, Philadelphia, Pa. Gen. Mgr.—W. L. Giddens, Laredo. Local Counsel—Atlee & Earnest, Laredo. DirREcCTORS—Charles B. Wright, Philadel- phia; Charles B. Wright, Jr., A. L. McLane, James J. Haynes, W. H. Mowry, E. A. Atlee, Joseph Deutz, D. H. Randolph, W. M. Sharpe, Laredo. Rio Grande Junction RW. President—L. M. Cuthbert, Denver, Col. Treasurer—J. W. Gilluly, Denver. Secretary—E. R. Murphy, Denver. Superintendent—W. G. Choate, New Castle, Col. Gén. Pass: Act De and R? G. RR.—S.' K. Hooper, Denver. Gen. Pass. Agt. Col. and Mid. RR.—Chas. S. Lee, Denver. DIRECTORS—L. M. Cuthbert, J. W. Gilluly, ER ailurphy, Denver» H. Collbran, C. E: Noble, Colorado Springs, Col.; R. E. Sloan, New York. Rio Grande RR. President—Alex. Werbiskie. Trustees—F. San Roman, S. Celaya. Managing Trustee—S. Celaya. Sec. and Treas.—José Celaya, Brownsville, Tex. ‘ Auditor—George Tripland, Brownsville. DIRECTORS—James A. Browne, Simon Ce- laya, F. San Roman, James B. Wells, William Kelly, August Celaya, Brownsville ; H. Niel- sen, Matamoras, Mex. 130 Rio Grande Southern RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—Otto ver, Col. Secretary—J. L. McNeil, Denver. Treasurer—J. W. Gilluly, Denver. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—S. K. Hooper, Denver. Supt.—R. M. Ridgway, Saleda, Col. Supt. M. P. and M.—N. W. Sample, Denver. | Asst. Supt.—W. D. Lee, Ridgway, Col. DIRECTORS—Otto Mears, J. A. Cooper, H. R. Wolcott, John L. McNeil, Fred. Walsen, J. W. Gilluly, Denver; D. C. Hartwell, Ouray, Col. Rio Grande Western RW. President—William J. Palmer, New York. Ist Vice-President—George Foster Peabody, New York. 2d Vice-President and Gen. Dodge, Denver, Col. Sec. and Treas.—C. W. Drake, New York. Asst. Sec. and Cashier, W. F. Colton, Salt Lake City, Utah. Auditor—Theron Geddes, Salt Lake City. Mgr.—D. C. Asst. to Gen. Mgr.—Cassius C. Smith, Denver. | Chief Engr.—George Goss, Salt Lake City. Purchasing Agt.—W. P. McElroy, Salt Lake | City. Supt. Buildings and Bridges—J. L. Thomp- | son, Salt Lake City. Chief Surgeon—F. J. Bancroft, Denver. Gen. Supt.—A. E. Welby, Salt Lake City. Asst. Supt. and Supt. Tele.—S. O. Snyder, | Salt Lake City. Resident Engineer—E. J. Yard, Salt Lake | City. Mast. Mech.—J. B. Dailey, Salt Lake City. Gen. Road Master—Thos. Lee, Salt Lake City. Car Acct.—J. C. Boscha, Salt Lake City. | Consulting Supt., Machinery and Rolling Stock—N. W. Sample, Denver. (sen, Fst. Agt.—S. H. Babcock, Salt Lake | Pee. Fet. Agt.—J. Brinker, Salt Lake Trav. Fet. Agt.—H. A. Johnson, Salt Lake | Peiiaecial Agt.—Williamson Dunn, Los Angeles, Cal. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—C. W. Colby, San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Pass. and Ticket Agt.—J. H. Bennett, | Salt Lake City. Gen. Agt.—W. H. Snedaker, San Francisco. Trav. Pass. Agt.—John Clark, San Francisco. Counsel—Edward M. Shepard, New York. Western Counsel—R. Harkness, Salt Lake | City. Eastern Solicitor—Theo. F. H. Meyer. Attorneys—Bennett, Marshall & Bradley, Salt Lake City. DirEcTORS—William- J. Palmer, Foster Peabody, Spencer Trask, New York; D. C. Dodge, Denver ; Jos. D. Potts, Phila- delphia ; B. Schlessinger, Boston, Mass. Ripley and Mill Creek Valley RR. President—John H. Riley, Marietta, O. Vice-President—W. Miller, Jackson, C. H., W. Va. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—Geo. W. Thompson, Parkersburg, W. Va. ears, Den- | Edwin | Packard, Jas7 C. Parrish, C. J. Canda, G. | Secretary--John S. McKown, Jackson, C. H. Supt.—W. E. Walker, Jackson, C. H. DIRECTORS—J. H. Riley, J. S. McKown, B. F. Armstrong, James M. Paling, H. C. Flesher, W. Miller, Geo. J. Walker, J. E. Graham. River Front RR. President—J. N. Du Barry,dec’d, Philadelphia. Sec.and Treas.—Jas.R.McClure, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Geo. B. Roberts; W. H. Barnes, N. P. Shortridge, Henry D. Welsh, Frank Thomson, John P. Green, H. H. Houston, Amos R. Little, Philadelphia. Roanoke and Southern RW. President—F. H. Fries, Salem, N. C. Ist Vice-President—H. S. Trout, Roanoke, Va. Treasurer—R. D. Lanford, Winston, N. C. Secretary—A. P. Warrington, Roanoke, Va. DIRECTORS—E. H. Stewart, R. A. Buckner, S. W. Jamison, J. T. Engleby, Roanoke; J. W.. Fries, ‘C. H. Fogle, Salem; J. A. Gray, Jz W. Alspaugh, J. E. Gilmer, Winston; P. P. Watson, J. H. Matthews, Martinsville, Va. ; john .O% Coan,” Henry “County, Va... Fie stone, Stoneville, N. Gos ROC, Hotinua George C. Jenkins, Baltimore, Md. Roanoke and Tar River RR. President—Severn Eyre, Eastville, Va. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Chamberlaine, Ports- mouth, Va. Rochester and Genesee Valley RR. President—James Brackett. Sec. and Treas.—James P. Perkins. DIRECTORS—James Brackett, M. F. Rey- nolds,S. J. Macy, Josiah Anstice, Haywood Hawks, E. Frank Brewster, Henry C. Brew- ster, Thos. McMillan, David Hays, G. H. Babcock, D. W. Powers, B. D. McAlpine, Gilman H. Perkins, Rochester, N. Y. Rochester and Glen Haven RR. President—F. S. Minges, Rochester, N. Y. Vice-Prest.—F. P. Crouch, Rochester. Treas.—James Palmer, Jr., Rochester. Secretary—E. W. Maurer, Rochester. DIRECTORS—F. S. Minges, Frank P. Crouch, E. W. Maurer, James Palmer., John D. Lynn, Edward Apple, S. A. McKinney, Nicolas Brayer, John Rauber, M. H. Briggs, E. W. Huntington, Robert Renfen, S. O. Raymond, Rochester. The Rochester and Honeoye Valley RR. President—Donald McNaughton. Vice-Prest.—Chas. Hartshorne, Philadelphia. Secretary—John R. Fanshawe, Philadelphia. Treas.—Wni. C. Alderson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—Donald McNaughton, Elisha P. Wilbur, Chas. Hartshorne, John B. Garrett, Wilson S. Bissell, Geo. J. Sicard, Henry S. Drinker, Jas. F. Schaperkotter, Joseph W. Taylor, Henry D. McNaughton, Alexander M. Holden, George Moss, Thomas Brown. Rochester and Lake Ontario RW. President, Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—Norman H. Galusha, Rochester, N. Y. Vice-Prest.—George B. Smith, Rochester. Secretary—J. L. Weld, Rochester. Master Machinery—Geo. Gardner, Rochester. 131 Anditor of Fgt. Accts.—.W. B. Pollock, New | York. Car Accountant—C. H. Ewings, New York. Supt.—I. H.. McEwen, Syracuse. Asst. Supt.—Leland Wadsworth, Watertown, | SCY. DrrECTORS—Michael Filon, N. H. Galusha, mei. Edgerton, George B: Smith, J: D. Whipple, William C. Barry, Rochester; P. B. | Viele. | Rochester, Hornelisville and Lacka- wanna RR. Receiver—Mitchell S. Blair, Angelica, N. Y. Rockaway Valley RR. President—J. N. Pidcock, White House, N. J. Vice-President—W. W. Sutton, New German- town, N. J. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Sayre, New German- | town. Superintendent—J. E. V. Melick, White | House. Rock Island and Peoria RW. President—R. R. Cable, Chicago, III. Vice-President—A. Kimball, Davenport, Ia. | Sec., Treas. and Supt.—H. B. Sudlow, Rock | Island, IIl. | Auditor—R. H. Hudson, Rock Island. | Gen. Fegt. and Traffic Agt.—R Stockhouse. Master Mechanic—Joseph Elder. DirEcTORS—R. R. Cable, H. H. Porter, Thomas F. Withrow, Chicago; H. B. Sudlow, Rock Island; David -.Dows, New York; A Kimball, G. W. Cable, Davenport. Rock Port, Langdon and Northern | RW. President—R. Hunter, Rock Port, Mo. Vice-President—John Lockwood, Rock Port. | Treasurer—John W. Smith, Rock Port. | Sec. and Auditor—John D. Dopf, Rock Port. DIRECTORS—R. Hunter, John Lockwood, Fenn WW. Smith, John-P. Lewis,. Henry Warneke, Rock Port. Rockport RR President—P. J. Carleton, Rockport, Me. Treasurer—H. L. Shepherd, Rockport. Secretary—L. H. Lovejoy, Rockport. DrrEectTors—S. D. Carleton, P. J. Carleton, Seeeeouwepnerd, H: L. Shepherd, Oliver P. Shepherd, Ralph W. Carleton, Rockport. Rockville Extension. See Evansville and Terre Haute RR. a] Rockville RR. President—H. L. James. | Sec. and Treas.--J. C. Hammond, Jr., Rock- | ville, Conn, i | Rockwood and Tennessee River RW. | President—H. S. Chamberlain, Chattanooga, Tenn. Gen. Mgr.—Orion L. Hurlbut, Chattanooga. Auditor—H. K. Evans, Rockwood, Tenn. Supt.—Willard Warner, Jr., Rockwood. DIRECTORS (Roane Iron Co.)—H. S. Cham- berlain, D. E. Rees, T. G. Montague, Wm. E. Raht, C. W. Vinson, Chattanooga; Wm. E. Rockwood, Indianapolis, Ind.; E. R. Forsyth, Greensburg, Ind.; C. M. McClung, Knoxville, Tenn.; Samuel Thomas, A. S. Hewitt, C. M. McGhee, New York. Rocky Hill RR. and Transportation Co.> President—F. Walcott Jackson, Jersey City, ING) Treasurer—Stephen Voorhees. Secretary—Leroy H. Anderson, Trenton, N.J. DIRECTORS—Isaac Williamson, Lawrence Vandeveer, Stephen Voorhees, W. H. Wilson, J. N. Du Barry, dec’d, Philadelphia; G. M. Dorrance, F. Wolcott Jackson, Jersey City. Rogue River Valley RR. President—W. Honeyman, Portland, Ore. Sec. and Treas.—W. A. Buchanan, Portland. Gen. Mgr.—E. J. De Hart, Portland. DIRECTORS—W. Honeyman, E. J. De Hart, W. A. Buchanan, C. G. Hickok, T. D. Honey- man, Portland. Rome and Clinton RR. President—James I. Scollard, Clinton, New York. Sec. and Treas.—C. D. Hayes. DIRECTORS—B, J. Beach, W. H. Tuller, Henry Johnson, G. V. Selden, E. H. Shelley, Rome, N. Y.; G. B. Phelps, Watertown, N.Y.; Da Nee rotise, Utiea Ne Y ays be. Scollard,; C. N. Smith, F. A. Elliott, Ellery Stebbins, GD ingayes, chnton, Ns Yo: J. RY Milley, Kankakee, III. Rome RR. of Georgia. President and Gen. Mgr.—W. W. Brookes, Rome, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Rhodes, Rome. Auditor—O. R. Bilbro, Rome. Supt. and Gen. Fet. and Pass. Agt.—W. F. Ayer, Rome. DIRECTORS—W. W. Brookes, J. H. Rhodes, Seo. lonnson, He HM. Smith, Rome >. W. Sully, A. Sully, New York. Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. (New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co., Lessee.) President—Charles Parsons, New York. Vice-Prest.—Charles Parsons, Jr., New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—Clarence S. Day, New York. Sec. and Treas.—J. A. Lawyer, New York. Gen. Supt.—Theodore Voorhees, New York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Theo. Butterfield, Syracuse, Nee Nu Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. Goodman, New York. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. A. Hodge, Oswego, Noe Gen. Coal Agt.—W. L. Kingman. Compt.—John Carstensen, New York. Purchasing Agt.—Allan Bourn, New York. Auditor of Disbursements—F. C. Root, New York. Auditor of Pass. Accts.—J. F. Fairlamb, New York. Supt. Motive Power and Rolling Stock—Wm. | Buchanan, New York. Gen. West. Pass. Agt.—O. E. Jenkins, 95 Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Trav. Agt.—C. Hartigan, Syracuse. DirEcTORS—William M. White, John Thorn, J. F, Maynard, Utica, N.Y. ; Charles Parsons, Clarence S. Day, Chas. Parsons, Jr., Edwin Parsons, William Lumis, J. Q. A. Johnson, George Parsons, Chauncey M. Depew, H. Walter Webb, New York; Walton | Ferguson, Stamford, Conn. Roswell RR. President—Pope Barrow, Roswell, Ga. Secretary—-R. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Ruby Hill RR. President—P. Everts, Eureka, Nev. Secretary—E. F. Oatman, Eureka. Treasurer—Frank Miller, Eureka. Rumford Falls and Buckfield RR. President— William L. Putnam, Portland, Me. Treas. and Clerk.—R. C. Bradford, Portland. Supt.—L. L. Lincoln, Canton, Me. DIRECTORS—William L. Putnam, Charles R. Milliken, Wm. H. Moulton, R. C. Bradford, Charles S. Fobes, Portland; George C. Wing, Auburn, Me.; George D. Bisbee, Buckfield, Me. Rupert and Bloomsburg RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—A. H. O’Brien, W. A. Church, W.R: Taylor, W. G. Brown, W. B. Scott, James M. Landis, Philadelphia. Rutland and White Hall RR. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. Rutland RR. President—Percival W. Clement, Rutland, Vt. Vice-Prest.—Horace G. Young, Albany, N.Y. Treasurer—Edward T. Smith, Rutland. Clerk of the Board—William Wells, Rutland. DIRECTORS—Percival W. Clement, Rut- land; Horace G. Young, Albany; Le G. B. See Cannon, James Roosevelt, New York; John | W. Stewart, Middlebury, Vt. ; William Wells, Chester Griswold, Burlington, Vt.; George H. Ball, Boston, Mass. Sabine and East Texas RR. See South- ern Pacific Co. Saginaw and Grand Rapids RR. President—Nathaniel Thayer, Boston, Mass. Sec., Treas. and Transfer Agt.—James E. Howard, Grand Rapids, Mich. DirEcToRS—H. H. Hunnewell, John A. Burnham, Geo: O; Shattuck, F. H.- Damon, Wm. G. Means, Charles L. Young, Charles | Merriam, Nathaniel Thayer, A. H. Hardy, E. V. R. Thayer, W. Hunnewell, Geo. Whit- ney, Boston; Chas. M. Heald, Grand Rapids. Saginaw and Western RR. _ President—Nathaniel Thayer. Sec. and Treas.—Charles Merriam. DirRECTORS—Charles F. Adams, Charles Merriam, George O. Shattuck, A. H. Hardy, Nathaniel Thayer, E. V. R.-Thayer, Chas. L. Young, John A. Burnham, Boston, Mass. ; Charles M. Heald, Grand Rapids, Mich. 13 2 “~ Saginaw Bay and Northwestern RR. President—Ashley Pond. Sec., Treas. and Transfer Agt.—D. A. Water- man, Detroit, Mich. DirEcTORS—H. B. Ledyard, Ashley Pond, D. A. Waterman, Henry Russel, Detroit ; W. A. Vaughan, Knoxville, Tenn. Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron RR. President—Wm. L. Webber, Saginaw, Mich. Vice-President—E. T. Judd, Saginaw. Treasurer—W. H. Hart, Saginaw. Secretary—S. G. Higgins, East Saginaw. Auditor—James G. Harris, Saginaw. Superintendent—M. V. Meredith. DIRECTORS—Wm. L. Webber, Erastus T. Judd, O. F. Wisner, John S. Estabrook, J. B. Peter, S. G. Higgins, W. H. Hart, East Sagi- naw. Saginaw Valley and Lake Huron RR. President—John G. Owen, E. Saginaw, Mich. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—Wm. C. Owen, E. Saginaw. Secretary—R. P. McKnight, E. Saginaw. Gen. Mgr.—Samuel F. Owen, E. Saginaw. Mast. Mech.—P. Reiily, E. Saginaw. Saginaw Valley and St. Louis RR. President—Nathaniel Thayer, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—J. E. Howard, Grand Rap- ids, Mich. Gen. Mgr.—Charles M. Heald, Grand Rapids- DiIREcCTORS—H. H. Hunnewell, Geo. E. Shattuck, Charles Merriam, Chas. F. Adams, Nathaniel Thayer, John A. Burnham, Charles L. Young; H.aV.sR. Lord, Baltimore, Md. ; J. J. Pierce, Sharpsville. Sheffield and Spring Creek RR. President—Walter Horton. Treasurer—Charles Siegel. Sec. and Gen. Supt.—Jerry Crary, Sheffield, Pa. Shelby RR. President—Jacob S. Krieger, Sr., Louisville, Ky. Sec. and Treas.—C. L. Krieger. Gen. Agt.—S. S. Kirk, Shelbyville, Ky. 140 Shepaug, Litchfield and Northern RR. President—J. L. Macaulay, New York. | Vice-Prest.—W. H. Stevenson, Bridgeport, | Conn. | Secretary—E. V. Cary, New York. Treasurer—P. P. Hubbard, Litchfield, Conn. | Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Alex. | McNeill, Litchfield. DIRECTORS—J. L. Macaulay, E. V. Cary, W. H. Starbuck, New York; W. H. Steven- | son, Bridgeport ; S. E. Merwin, New Haven, | Conn.; J. Deming Perkins, Alex. McNeill, | Peete tlubbard, )Latchtields =F orb. Princes || Boston, Mass. Shore Line RR. (Conn.) | President—Ezekiel H. Trowbridge. Vice-President--E. Hayes Trowbridge. Sec. and Treas.--Wilbur F. Day, New Haven, Conn. Shore Line RW. President—Richard J. Cross, St. George, N. B. | Secretary—Hugh McLeon, St. George. | horeas..Gar Acct/, Auditor; Pass. and EEt. | Agt.--Gerald G. Ruel, St. John, N. B. | Mgr.—W. Lamb, St. George. Supt.—Frank J. McPeake, St. John. Short Route RW. Transfer Co. President—C. P. Huntington, 23 Broad st., ‘ New York. | Vice-Prest.—Charles R. Long, Louisville, Ky. | Secretary—C. F. Krebs, Louisville. | DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, I. E. Gates, New York; Henry D. McHenry, Hartford, | Ky.; John Echols, Wm. R. Ray, Charles R. | Long, James Gilbert, W. W. Smith, Thomas | W. Bullitt, Louisville. Shreveport and Houston RR. President—E. L. Bremond, Houston, Tex. Vice-President—S. B. McCutcheon. | Secretary—S. T. De Milt, Shreveport, La. Receiver and Gen. Manager—M. G. Howe, Houston. DIRECTORS—Joseph Richardson, M. C. Hawley, J. C. Chew, Austin Gallagher, New | York; E. L. Bremond, Houston; S. B. Mc- | Cutcheon, S. T. De Milt, Shreveport. | Sierra Valley and Mohawk Valley RR. President—James T. Boyd, San Francisco, | Cal. Vice-Prest.—Charles Kohler, San Francisco. | Sec. and Treas.—R. D. Perry, Mohawk, Cal. | DIRECTORS—James T. Boyd, Chas. Kohler, Jacob Goldberg, R. D. Perry, San Francisco; | John McDonald, New York. Silver City and Northern RR. President—C. Lawrence Perkins, 32 Wall st., New York. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—T. G. Condon, Colorado Springs, Col. | Sec. and Treas.—R. P. Perkins, New York. ' Superintendent—J.B.Gilchrist, Hanover,N.M. | DIRECTORS—C. Lawrence Perkins, R. P. | Perkins, New) York ;“T, (G.-Condon,;- W.-R | Varker, Colorado Springs; J. B. Gilchrist. | Whitewater, N. M. Silver Lake RW. President—Arthur G. Yates, Rochester, N. Y. Vice-President and Treas.—H. H. Warner, Rochester. Secretary—Charles H. Blakeslee, Rochester. Superintendent—C. A.Carmichael, Perry, N.Y. DirEcTOoRS—Arthur G. Yates, H. H. War- ner, Ws Yates, CC: CrHicks, (W. Lo Kime man, Charles H. Blakeslee, Earl B. Putnam, Geo. E. Merchant, Harry Yates, Rochester ; W. L. Kingman, New York;. Richard T. Tuttle,;Henry NPage,-MilowH: Ohi] Cay: G. Nobles, Perry. Silver Springs, Ocala and Gulf RR. President—Thomas G. Hoge, 56 Wall st., New York. Vice-President—J. B. Upham. Sec. and Treas.—Robt. B. Upham, 56 Wall st., New York. Gen. Manager—A. P. Man, Jr. Superintendent—O. G. Finch. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. O. Clarke. Asst. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—E. C. Bird. DIRECTORS—Thomas C. Hoge, J. Baxter Upham, James T. Van Rensselaer, S. V. R. Cruger, Wm. M. V. Hoftman, Robert B. Up- ham, New York; E. W. Agnew, R. A. Bur- ford; Ocala, Fia. Silverton RR. President—Otto Mears, Denver, Col. Ist Vice-Prest.—John A. Porter, Durango, Col. 2d Vice-Prest.—O. P. Posey, Whitewater, Wis. Gen. Mgr. and Sec.—Moses Liverman, Sil- verton, Col. Treasurer—John L. McNeil, Denver. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—S. K. Hooper, Den- ver. DIRECTORS—Otto Mears, John L. McNeil, Denver; George Crawford, Pittsburgh, Pa ; Moses Liverman, Silverton, Col.; John A. Porter, Adair Wilson, Durango; J. H. E. Waters, Telluride, Col. Sinaloa and Durango RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—R. R. Symon, Lon- don, Eng., and New York. Treasurer—S. W. Richardson, Boston, Mass. Gen. Supt.—Geo. R. Douglass; Culiacan, Mex. Clerk—F. E. James, Boston. DIRECTORS—S. W. Richardson, J. G. Stet- son, F. B. Beaumont, Boston; J. H. Brooks, Milton, Mass.; Wm. H. Hill, Brookline, Mass. Sinnemahoning Valley RR. President—Frank H. Goodyear, Austin, Pa. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—C. W. Goodyear, Austin. Secretary—N. N. Metcalf, Austin. Treas. and Auditor.—E. O. Cheney, Buffalo, Nay: Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. C. Underhill. Train Master—H. Hutchinson, Austin. DiIRECTORS—F. H. Goodyear, C. W. Good- year, Austin; J. L. Craven, Emporium, Pa. ; N. N. Metcalf, Austin; H. A. Avery, Forest House, Pa. ; W. I. Lewis, Coudersport, Pa. ; M. M. Griffin, Wrights, Pa. Sioux City and Northern RR. President and Gen. Mger.—F. C. Hills, Sioux City, Ia. Vice-Prest.—James E. Booge, Sioux City. Treasurer—A. S. Garretson, Sioux City. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—D. S. Elliott, Sioux City. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—J. N. Tittemore. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. B. McNider. Gen. Solicitor—C. L. Wright. Surgeon—J. N. Warren. Auditor—George Hills. Train Master and Car Accnt.—W. W. Flack. Chief Engr.—L. F. Wakefield. Train Dis. and Supt. of Tele.—F. W. Ackerly. | Master Mechanic—J. G. Butterfield. Gen. Agt.—H. W. Jackson. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—P. J. Donohue. Trav. Pass. Agt.—M. J. Greevy. DIRECTORS—James P. Wall, A. S. Garret- | Pua k. Hedges.C. L. Wright; F.C. Hills; | James E. Booge, Ed. Haakinson, John Hor- | nick, Sioux City. Sioux City and Pacific RR. President—Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, IIl. Vice-President—M. L. Sykes, New York. Treas. and Compt.—M. M. Kirkman, Chicago. Sec. and Auditor—J. B. Redfield, Chicago. DIRECTORS—Marvin Hughitt, Albert Keep, | W. H. Stennett, W. H. Newman, M. M. Kirk- | man, J. B. Redfield, Chicago; M. L. Sykes, | New -York; D. P. Kimball, Boston, Mass.; | Horace Williams, Clinton, Ia. Sioux Falls Terminal RR. President—R. F. Pettigrew, Sioux Falls, S. | Dak. Vice-Prest., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—Samuel L. | Tate, Sioux Falls. Secretary—C. G. Ferguson, Sioux Falls. DrreEcTORS--Richard F. Pettigrew, Samuel ize ate, CC) G. Ferguson, D. P. ‘Beech, L.-F. Demming, Sioux Falls. Sioux City, O’Neill and Western RR. President—A. S. Garretson, Sioux City, Ia. Vice-Prest.—E. L. Bierbower, Omaha, Neb. Sec. and Treas.—-D. S. Elliott, Sioux City. DireEcTrors—A. S. Garretson, F. C. Hills, F. A: -Seaman,.C. L. Wright, Sioux City ; E. L. Bierbower, Omaha ;. Geo. W. Seevers, | Oscaloosa, Ia. Sioux Falls, Yankton and Southwest- | ern RW. President—-Newton Edmunds, Yankton, S. Dak. Treasurer--J. C. McVay, Yankton. Secretary--F. J. Kahn, Yankton. DrrectToRs--Newton Edmunds, Robert J. | Gamble, James C. McVay, E. P. Wilcox, M. | P. Oblman, Fred. Schwander, Geo. R. Scou- gal, Wm. M. Powers, Robert Yates, L. M. Purdy, H. B. Wynn, F. M. Zieback, Yankton ; F. J. Kahn, Sioux City, Ia. Skaneateles RR. President—John E. Waller, Skaneateles, N.Y. | Vice-President—Hiram C. Sherman, Motville, | Treas., Mer. and Auditor.—J. McNamara, | Skaneateles. Secretary—George Barlow, Skaneateles. 14! ' DIRECTORS—John E. Walter, H.C. Sher- man, John H. Gregory, Joab L. Clift, Lewis B. Fitch, Fred’k Roosevelt, Jno. McNamara, Skaneateles. Slatington RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—A. H. O’Brien, I. A. Sweigard, C. G. Hancock, D. Jones, C. H. Quarles, John Walker, Jr., Philadelphia. Slate Run RR. President—James B. Weed, Binghamton, N.Y. Secretary—William S. Hill, Binghamton. Treasurer—F. M. Weed, Binghamton. Supt.—E. C. Rodman, Slate Run, Pa. DIRECTORS—James B. Weed, William S. Hill, Binghamton ; William H. Jessup, H. C. Jessup, jr., George 5S. Jessup, Horace : EB. Hand, Scranton, Pa. Smithsonia and Dunlap RR. Proprietor—James W. Smith, Smithsonia, Ga. Smithtown and Port Jefferson RR. President—James M. Bayles, Stony Brook,L.I. _ Treasurer—James Clinton, Smithtown Branch, be Ah i Roswell W. Keene, 280 Broadway, New York. Executive Committee:—James E. Bayles, David T. Bayles, Jacob B. Conklin, Roswell W. Keene. Inspectors of Elections :—James C. Smith, Jacob B. Conklin. DirECTORS—David T. Bayles, Frank P. Norton, Jonas Smith, Stony Brook; James C. Smith, Jacob B. Conklin, Geo. W. Hallock, Egbert Brush, Smithtown Branch; Roswell W. Keene, New York; James Dayton, James Ee Bayles Port.efierson, +L. N.-Y..; Selah Be--otrong,. setanket, ~~ I> Charles H. Hal leck, St. Johnland, L. I. ; Carll S. Burr, Stony BiLOGe clots Smyrna and Delaware Bay RR. Baltimore and Delaware Bay RR. Solomon RR. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink. Secretary—Alex. Millar. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston, Mass. See Somerset and Cambria RR. President-—-J. B. Washington, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—A. W. Black, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—W. H. Koontz, W. P. Kooser, WOMerset at ae (7) >.. Wright, “Pittsburgh ; Mord Lewis,- Clarksburg, W. Va.; W. J. Hitchman, Mt. Pleasant, Pa. ; William Reed, Baltimore. Somerset County RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Max Schweibinz, Confluence, Pa. Sec. and Treas.—P. H. Schweibinz, Ccn- fluence. Superintendent—Jos. Heinen, Mauch Chunk, Pa: DirREcTORS-—-Frank Schweibinz, Frank Schwartz, Pius Schweibinz, East Mauch Chunk, Pa.; Joseph Heinen, Joseph Shafer, Mauch Chunk; John Shabo, Shamokin, Pa. Somerset RW. President—John Ayer, Oakland, Me. Clerk and Treas.—A. R. Small, Oakland. Auditor—Isaac S. Bangs, Waterville, Me. Superintendent—William Ayer, Oakland. DIRECTORS—John Ayer, W. M. Ayer, Oak- land; Andrew J. Libby, Embden, Me.; B. P. J. Weston, Madison, Me. ; R. W. Dunn, W. M. Dunn, E. F. Webb, Waterville; Omar | Clark, Carratunk, Me.; Stanton Day, Boston, Mass.; Thomas Flint, San Juan, Cal.; Francis W. Hill, Exeter, Me. Sonora RW. President—Allen Manvel, Chicago, Ill. Vice-Prest. and Auditor—J. W. Reinhart, Bos- | ton, Mass. 2d Vice-Prest.—Robert R. Symon, London, | England. Secretary—L. C. Deming, Boston. Treasurer—George L. Goodwin, Boston. Gen. Manager—A. A. Robinson, Topeka, Kar... | Asst. Gen. Mgr.—H. T. Richards, Guaymas, | Mex. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. A. Naugle, Guay- | mas. Purchasing Agt—W. G. Tuller, Chicago. DrrEcTORS—Allen Manvel, Chicago; B. P. | Cheney, G. L. Goodwin, Warren Sawyer, | John P. Whitehead, Alden Speare, O. W. Pea- body, Boston; R. R. Symon, London; Geo. | C. Magoun, J. J. McCook, Wm. Libby, New | York ; David Fergusson, Sebastian Camacho, Mexico. Government Directors: F.H. Gar- cia, José Julian Gutierrez. Sonora RW., Limited. Officers and Directors same as Sonora RW. South and North Alabama RR. President—H. F. de Bardeleben Vice-President—Milton H. Smith, Louisville, Ky. Secretary—G. W. Craik, Montgomery, Ala. Treasurer—W. W. Thompson, Louisville. Comptroller—C. Quarrier, Louisville. Gen. Manager—J. G. Metcalf, Louisville. Div. Supt.—W. M. Newbold, Birmingham, | Ala. Supt. Tele.—George E. Evans, Louisville. Traffic Manager—S. R. Knott, Louisville. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. P. Atmore, Louisville. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—J. B. Browning, Louisville. | Land Commissioner—C. E. Stower, Birming- ham. DrirEcCTORS—F. M. Billing, John M. Durr, Bolling Hall, E. B. Joseph, M. P. Le Grand, Josiah Morris, Montgomery ; W. L. Chambers, Sheffield, Ala. ; mingham ; John T. Milner, New Castle, Ala.; H. F. de Bardeleben, Bir- | John C. Orr, Hartsville, Ala.; William R. | Pryor, Athens, Ala.; A. M. Quarrier, Milton H. Smith, Louisville. _ South and North Carolina RR. (For- | merly Bishopville RR.) President and Gen. Mgr.—P. L. Bridgers, Atkins, S. C. Sec. and Solicitor.—J. T. Barron, Columbia, = ee Gen. Supt.—John Barrow, Atkins, Gen. Fgt. and Tkt. Agt.—N. B. Rankin, Wil- mington, N. C. South Atlantic and Ohio RR. (“The Natural Tunnel Route.’’) President—John C. Haskell, Bristol, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. A. Blackmore, Bristol. Gen. Mgr.—D. H. Conklin, Bristol. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. L. Bunting. Auditor—E. A. West. Asst. Supt.—C. M. Leilac. Trav. Agt.—A. A. Ricketts. DIRECTORS—Nathan Thayer, Boston, Mass. ; H. C. Wood, Yates City, Va.; W. G. Oakman, B. C. Clark, New York. South Bound RR. (‘‘ Magnolia Route.’’) President—H. M. Comer. Vice-Prest.—B. A. Denmark. Gen. Mgr.—Geo. Dole Wadley. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. F. Babbitt. Treas. and Atditor—Wm. Ellis. Secretary—M. Hamilton. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Columbia, S. C. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—D. S. Cowan, Jr. Gen. East. Agt.—Carroll H. Smith, 379 Broad- way, New York. Master of Transportation—W. P. Epperson. Master Mechanic—J. S. Mallette. Road Master—W. A. Moore. DirEcToRS—A. C. Haskell, Columbia ; John Gill, Baltimore, Md.; H. M. Comer, John Flannery, Herman Myers, B. A. Den- mark, S. Guckenheimer, Savannah, Ga. Agt.—T. B. Slade, South Branch RR. President—Charles F. Mayer. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams. Secretary—George M. Shriver, Baltimore, Md. South Brooklyn RW. and TerminalCo. President—Jno. W. Anderson, New York. Treasurer—W. Bayard Cutting, New York. Secretary—Francis H. Bergen, New York. South Carolina Pacific RW. President—W. A. Lash, Greensboro’, N. C. Secretary—C. S. McColl, Bennettsville, S. C. South Carolina RW. Receiver—D. H. Chamberlain, SC President—Henry P. Talmadge, 68 William st., New York. Vice-President—James J. Higginson, York. Sec. and Treas.—W. T. Minor, New York. Gen. Mgr.—C. M. Ward. Cashier for Receiver—W. G. Mazyck. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—E. P. Waring. Superintendent—J. M. Turner. Auditor—W. E. Stoney. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. N. Wells. - Gen. Agt.—Theo. G. Eger, 347 Broadway, New York, Gen. Claim Agt.—E. P. Waring, Charleston, S21 Con. Fgt. Agt.—S. W. Wilkes, Atlanta, Ga. Eastern Agt.—J. A. Flanders, 201 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Charleston, New DIRECcTORS—Henry P. Talmadge, Jas. J. Higginson, Samuel Sloan, Julius A. Kohn, Thos. Stokes, Wm. E. Bond, Thos. R. White, Jr., Adam Dutenhofer, Henry Samson, New York; W. H. Brawley, Charleston. South Chicago and Southern RR. President—Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. ‘Treas.—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Sec.—S. B. Leggett, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—Thomas D. Messler, Pitts- burgh ; John J. Bennett, W. W. Chandler, Fred W. Belz, Wm. Borner, George Willard, Chicago, Ill.; C. D. Law, Fort Wayne, Ind. Southeast and St. Louis RW. Louisville and Nashville RR. See Southeastern RW. i‘ President—R. B. Angus, Montreal, P. QO. Trustees of bondholders of S. E. Rw. now | in control of the road for account of such bondholders—W. C. Van Horne, Montreal ; W. K. Blodgett, Boston, Mass. ; Wm. Farrell, Sherbrooke. South Easton and Phillipsburgh RR. President—J. S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—S. Shepherd, Philadelphia. DiRECTORS—F. R. Cope, S. Shepherd, E. mi &. N. Moor, W. A. Buchanan, C. F. Howell, Philadelphia. Southern California RW. President—Allen Manvel, Chicago, III. Vice-President and Gen. Auditor—J. W. Rein- hart. Secretary—L. C. Deming, Boston, Mass. Treas. and Asst. Sec.—F. H. Pattee, Los Angeles, Cal. Gen. Mgr.—E. H. Wade, Los Angeles. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—S. B. Hynes, Los | Angeles. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.--T. A. Whitmore, Los Angeles. Asst. Pass. Agt.—H. K. Gregory, Los Angeles. Auditor—H. C. Whitehead, Los Angeles. DIRECTORS—Geo,. C. Magoun, John J. Mc- | Cook. New York; A. Manvel, Chicago; B. | Kimball, Boston; Byrant Howard, A. K. Lawrie, San Diego, Cal.; G. H. Bonebrake, R. Egan, H. W. Hellman, Los Angeles; H. L. Drew, J. N. Victor, San Bernardino, Cal. Southern Central RR. President—Thomas C. Platt, 82 . New York. Vice-Prest.—John N. Knapp, Auburn, N. Y. Secretary—Dexter A. Smith, Auburn. Treasurer—H. L. Storke, Auburn. DIRECTORS—R. W. Clinton, T._C. Platt, E. P. Wilbur, John Taylor, H. L. Storke, Dexter A. Smith, James G. Knapp, Wm. Stevenson, E. R. Robinson, John W. Dwight, D. H. Marsh, S. Edwin Day, John N. Knapp. Broadway, The Southern Iowa RW. The Liver- pool Coal RW. President—Paul Morton, The Rookery, Chi- cago, Ill. Supt.—T. J. Phillips, The Rookery. Chicago. Treasurer—G. W. Traer, The Rookery, Chi- cago. Purchasing Agt.—C. E. Phelps, The Rookery, Chicago. Southern Pacific Co. President—C. P. Huntington, New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—C. F. Crocker, San Francisco, Cal. 143 2d Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr. Pacific System and Lines in Oregon—A. N. Towne, San Francisco. 3d Vice-Prest.—J. C. Stubbs, San Francisco. Actg. Vice-Prest. and Asst. Sec.—I. E. Gates, New York. and Controller.—G. L. Lansing, Francisco. Treasurer—N. T. Smith, San Francisco. Asst. to Treas.—H. A. Cummings, San Fran- cisco. Asst. Treas.—Frank H. Davis, New York. Gen. Mgr. Atlantic System—J. Kruttschnitt, Houston, Tex. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—Richard Gray, San Fran- cisco. Sec. San OFFICERS OF PACIFIC SYSTEM. Gen. Supt.—J. A. Fillmore, San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Supt.—R. H. Pratt, San Francisco. Asst. to Gen. Mgr. and Engr. Maint. of Way— W. G. Curtis, San Francisco. Asst. Engr. Maint. of Way—J. H. Wallace, San Francisco. Asst. Engr. Maint. of Way--Arthur Brown, San Francisco. Gen. Solicitor and Chief Counsel—Creed Hay- mond, San Francisco. Chief Engr.--Wm. Hood, San Francisco. Gen. Auditor--E. C. Wright, San Francisco. Ticket Auditor—-E. E. Holton, San Francisco. Freight Auditor--C. J. Wilder, San Francisco. Auditor M. P. and M. Dept.—-N. H. Foster, San Francisco. Paymaster--J. M. Hanford, San Francisco. Purchasing Agt.-—-R. Stevenson, San Fran- cisco. Supt. of Tel.—F. L. Van Francisco. Gen. Pass. Agt.—T. H. Goodman, San Fran- cisco. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—R. A. Donaldson, San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Jas. Horsburgh, Jr., San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—H. R. Judah, Francisco. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. F. Smurr, San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—J. M. Crawley, Los Angeles, Cal. Denburgh, San San Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt—Wm. Sproule, San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt-—A. D. Shepard, San Francisco. Asst.) Gens -Fet. Agt.—E: J.. Martin, San Francisco. Gen. Bag.Agt.—C. L. Crabtree, San Francisco. Asst. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. E. Brown, San Francisco. Land Agt. C. P. R. R.—W. H. Mills, San Francisco. Land Agt. S. P. R. R.—Jerome Madden, San Francisco. Tax Attorney—E. B. Ryan, San Francisco. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery—H. J. Small, Sacramento, Cal. Master Car Builder—Ben. Welch, Sacramento. OFFICERS OF LINES IN OREGON. Mgr.—Richard: Koehler, Portland, Ore. Supt.—L. R: Fields, Portland. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. F. Smurr, San Francisco. Gen. Pass. Agt.—T. H. Goodman, San Fran- cisco. 144 Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—E. P. Rogers, Portland. Actg. Land Agt.—G. H. Andrews, Portland. OFFICERS OF ATLANTIC SYSTEM. President M. L. and 'T. R: R. and S. S: Co.— A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. Gen. Mgr.—J. Kruttschnitt, Houston. Traffic Mgr.—J. G. Schriever, New Orleans. Local Treas.—J. B. Richardson, New Orleans. | Gen. Auditor—E. M. Underhill, New Orleans. Supt. M. L. and T. R. R. and Branches—W. F. Owen, Algiers, La. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. C. Watson, New Orleans, Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. W. Bein, New Orleans. Local Fgt. Agt.—C. S. Childress, New Orleans. Gen. Bag. Agt. Lines East of Orange, Tex.— | W.C. Faust, New Orleans. Supt. Tel.—F. Peters, New Orleans. OFFICERS OF LINES IN TEXAS. These lines include Galveston, Harrisburg | and San Antonio RW., Sabine and East Texas RW., New York, Texas and Mexican RW., Gulf, Western Texas and Pacific RW., Texas and New Orleans RW., the officers of which will be found under their respective roads. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. L. Knight, San Fran- cisco. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. B. Lauck, San Francisco. | City Pass. Agt.—E. B. McCord, San Francisco. | Excursion Conductor—C. C. Henion, San Francisco. Excursion Conductor—G. H. Abbot, San | Francisco. Dist. Pass. Agt.—Wm. B. May, Fresno, Cal. Dist. Pass. Agt.—C. A. Thurston, San Fran- { cisco. | Dist. Pass. Agt.—Jos. Knowlton, Jr., San Francisco. : Dist. Pass. Agt.—W. T. Fitzgerald, San Fran- cisco. | Dist. Pass. Agt.—Thos. A. Graham, Tacoma, | Wash. Dist. Pass. Agt.—J. B. Kirkland, Portland. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Henry Steere, Los Angeles. Trav. Pass. Agt—F. T. Brooks, Syracuse, N.Y. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. R. Robinson, Chicago, Ill. | Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. C.Gregory,Cincinnati,O. | Trav. Pass. Agt.—G. W.-Ely, Montgomery, | Ala. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Hill, Atlanta, Ga. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. O. Bean, Nashville,Tenn. | Trav. Pass. Agt.—T. F. McCandless, Houston. City Pass. Agt.—D. Hallaron, New Orleans, Chinese Pass. Agt.—W. Choupian, Havana, | Cuba. Asst. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—E. Hawley, Broadway, New York. 343 | East. Pass. Agt—L. H. Nutting, 343 Broad- | way, New York. New England Agt.—E. E. Currier, 192 Wash- ington st., Boston, Mass. Agent—R. J. Smith, 49 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Agent—Geo. C. Herring, 208 Lewis Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. Gen. West. Fegt. and Pass. Neimeyer, 204 Clark st., Chicago. | | . Ticket Agt.—G. W. Fletcher, 613 Market st., | San Francisco. Gen. Agt.—W. E. Halm, 18 E. First Southst., | Salt. Lake City, Utah. Coml. Agt.—C. H. Morrill, Room 607 Houser | Building, St. Louis, Mo. { Coml. Agt. for Republic of ° Mexico—Wm. Mackenzie, Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, Mex. Coml. Agt.—H. N. Gibson, 12 Primera, San Franeisco, City of Mexico. Coml. Agt.—C. K. Dunlap, Old P. O. Building, Monterey, Mex. Coml. Agt.—W. H. Connor, Chamber Com- merce Building, Cincinnati. Coml. Agt.—H. W. Nathan, Atlanta. Coml. Agt.—C. W. Hole, El Paso, Tex. _ Gen. European Pass. Agt.—Rudolph Falck, 2 Deichthor strasse, Hamburg, Germany ; 7 India Blds., Water st., Liverpool, Eng.; 4g Leadenhall st., City London, Eng. ; 7 Bierhaven, Rotterdam, Netherlands; 1 Rue au Saucre, Antwerp, Belgium. Executive Committee—Hon. Leland Stan- ford (Chairman), C. F. Crocker, San :Fran- cisco; C, P. Huntington, T? H. Hubbard, New York. DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, Thos. E. Stillman, Thos. H. Hubbard, New York; J. C. Stubbs, Leland Stanford, E. H. Miller, Jr., Chas. F. Crocker, A. N. Towne, S. T. Gage, H. E. Huntington, George Crocker, San Francisco. Southern Pacific RW., of California. See Southern Pacific Co. Southern Pacific RR. of Arizona. President—Charles F. Crocker. Vice-President—Timothy Hopkins. : Sec. and Treas.—F. S. Douty, San Francisco, Cal. Southern Pennsylvania RW. Mining Co. President—Thomas B. Kennedy. Sec. and Treas.—W. L. Ritchey. and Southfield Branch RR. President—Macgrane Coxe, New York. Treasurer—Louis C. Clark, New York. Secretary—P. T. Barlow, New York. DIRECTORS—Macgrane Coxe, Louis C.Clark, P. T. Barlow, D. Crawford Clark, T. Gorton Coonibe, New York ; J. P. Scott, Jay Cooke, Jr., Philadelphia. South Florida RR. President—James E. Ingraham, Sanford, Fla. Vice-President—E. B. Haskell. Boston, Mass. Treasurer—C. C. Haskell, Sanford. Secretary—R. B. Smith, New York. Superintendent—B. R. Swoope. Gen. Fegt. and Tkt. Agt.—W. McCoy. Gen. Land Agt.—D. H. Elliott, Sanford. DIRECTORS—H..B: Plant; M. F. Plant, He? M. Flagler, New York ; E. B. Haskell, Bos- ton; B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md.; H.S. Haines, Savannah, Ga.; J. E. Ingraham, Sanford. South Fork RR. President—J. N. Du Barry (now deceased), Philadelphia. Sec. ve Treas.—Jas. R. McClure, Philadel- phia. Chief Engr.—Wm. H. Brown, Philadelphia. DiIREcTORS—Richard Coulter, Thomas Donohoe, Greensburg, Pa.; John L. Lloyd, Altoona, Pa.; Robert Pitcairn, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Wm. A. Patton, Radnor, Pa.; James R. Mc- Clure, Philadelphia. - ae a ‘ 145 South Galveston and Gulf Shore RR. President—M. F. Mott, Galveston, Tex. Vice-President—J. N. Sawyer, Galveston. Treasurer—Lucian Minor, Galveston. Secretary—Howard E. Barden, Galveston. DIRECTORS—M. F. Mott, J. N. Sawyer, Geo. J. Gray, Lucian Minor, Thomas B. Gale, Thomas H. Sweeney, Galveston ; Clurken, Denver, Col. South Manchester RR. President—F. W. Cheney, South Manchester, Conn. Secretary and Gen. Mgr.—Richard O. Cheney, South Manchester. Treasurer—Charles S. Cheney, South Man- chester. DrRECTORS—Ralph Cheney, Frank Cheney, | F. W. Cheney, Richard 0. Cheney, South | Manchester. South Pacific Coast RW. President—Leland Stanford, San Francisco, Cal: -Vice-President—C. F. Crocker, San Francisco. Treasurer—Timothy Hopkins, San Francisco. | Secretary—W.V. Huntingdon, San Francisco. | DirEcTORS—Leland Stanford,C.-F.Crocker, Timothy Hopkins, W. V. Huntingdon, N. T. | Smith, San Francisco; C. P. Huntingdon, W. E. Brown, New York. Southwestern Arkansas and Indian | Territory RW. President and Treasurer—J. H. Crawford, Smithton, Ark. Sec. and Traffic Mgr.—C. E. Neely, Arkadel- phia, Ark. DIRECTORS—W. P. Ross, Okolona, Ark. mA. Young, J. H. Crawford, M. A. bamith ‘Smithton ; Cy BH Neely, Arkadelphia. Southwestern RR. President—J. S. Baxter. Sec. and Treas.—W. S. Brantly, Macon, Ga. Southwest Pennsylvania RW. President—J. N. Du Barry (now deceased), Philadelphia. _ Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DrirRECcTORS— John K. Ewing, Geo. F. Huff, | J. F. Wentling, N. P. Shortridge, George A. Torrence, Robt. Pitcairn, J. P. Green, W. J. Howard. W. A. Patton, G. B. Roberts, Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Spartanburg, Union and Columbia RR. President—Robert W. Inman, New York. Secretary—A. L. White, Spartanburg, S.C. Spokane and Palouse RW. President—James B. Williams. Secretary—George H. Earl. Treasurer—George S. Baxter. Spokane Falls and Northern RW. President—D. C. Corbin, New York. Vice-Prest.—A. A. Newberry, Spokane Falls, Wash. Sec. and Treas.—Alfred C. Chapin, New York. Re, ea .—Austin Corbin, 2d, Spokane alls. Io S., Bao Wie | | | | | Purchasing Agt.—O. D. Mott, Spokane Falls. Asst. Supt.—Frank George, Spokane Falls. Auditor—Geo. H. Martin, Spokane Falls. Chief Engr.—E. J. Roberts, Spokane Falls.~™ Master Mechanic—C. H. Prescott, Spokane Falls. Counsel—Albert Allen, Spokane Falls. DIRECTORS—D. C. Corbin. J. K. O. Sher- wood, Chester W. Chapin, New York; A. A. Newberry, Austin Corbin, 2d, W. H. Taylor, James Monaghan, Albert Allen, F. R. Moore, George H. Martin, A. B. Irwin, B. C. Van Houten, Frank George, Spokane Falls. Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris RR. Vice-Prest.—Cornelius Vanderbilt, NewYork. Secretary—E. D. Worcester, New York. ip’ Treasurer—C. C. Clarke, New York. DrrREcTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, Frederick W. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, Charles C. Clarke, Horace J. Hayden, Samuel F. Barger, John B. Dutcher, John E. Burrill, Francis P. Free- man, Alfred Van Santvoord, Edwin D. Wor- cester, H. Walter Webb. Stanstead, Shefford and ChamblyRR. President—G. G. Stevens. Sec. and Treas.—John P. Noyes, Waterloo, Que. State Line and Indiana City RW. President—Thomas D.Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. DIRECTORS—Thomas D. Messler, Pitts- burgh ; William Borner, C. W. Adams, Geo. Willard, Chicasore ll) Cy Di Law, Fort Wayne, Ind. State Line and Sullivan RR. President—J. R. Claghorn, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—O. A. Baldwin, Philadelphia. Asst. Sec.—G. E. Alkins. Gen. Mgr.—J, O. Blight, Towanda, Pa. DIRECTORS—-Herman Hoopes, Charles H. Banes, Charles Y. Audenreid, Wm. S. Grant, Philadelphia ; Henry C. Davis, New York; N. N. Betts, Towanda. State Line RR. President—Thomas M. King, Philadelphia. Secretary—J. B. Washington, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. DIRECTORS—J. B. Washington, John Mc- Cleave, E. D. Smith, Alexander Bradley, Pittsburgh ; Wm. Reed, J. T.Odell, Baltimore. Staten Island Rapid Transit RR. President—J. Frank Emmons, New York. Managing Director—Thomas M. King, Balti- more, Md. Secretary—Wm. Keutgen, New York. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore. Asst. Treasurer—E. Curry, New York. Gen. Supt.—Frank S. Gannon, New York. Gen. Traffic Agt.—R. W. Pollock. Supt. of Ferries—A. Braisted. Master of Trans.—W. O. Spriggs. elena ss ae —W. H. Lewis. Auditor—P. H. Cassidy. DIRECTORS—J. F. Emmons, E. Wiman, A. B. Boardman, James M. Davis, Charles Watrous, Frank S. Gannon, New York; O. S. Wood, Rosebank, N. J. ; Orland Smith, Charles F. Mayer, W..G. Atkinson, C. 1; Ryan, Baltimore; C. K. Lord, Baltimore. Staten Island RW. President—Erastus Wiman, New York. Vice-President —Chas. Watrous, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Edward Curry, New Brigh- | ton, N. Y. DIRECTORS—E. Wiman, New Brighton; A. Horrman, N. Marsh, Stapleton, N. Y. ; Ripley, J. H. F. Mayo, L. Dejonge, Clifton, N. Y.; J. W. Mersereau, Richmond, N. Y. eat Oe ’ Kreischer, Kreischersville, N. Y. te! A. Canavello, Great Kills, N.c¥.; YWm. King Perth Amboy, No wkas Goodwin, C. H. Bass, New York. Statesville and Western RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary—R. Brooke, Richmond, Va. Treasurer—John W. Hall, Richmond. State University RR. President—A, B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Treasurer—John W. Hall, Richmond, Va. Secretary—R. Brooke, Richmond. Sterling Mountain RW. President—Macgrane Coxe, New York. Treasurer—L. C. Clark, New York. Secretary—P. T. Barlow, New York. Supt.—E. B. Wilson, Sterlington, N. Y.. DirREcToRS—P. T. Barlow, D. C. Clark, Macgrane Coxe, New York; James P. Scott, Jay Cooke, Jr., Philadelphia. Stewartstown RR. President and Gen. Stewartstown, Pa. Vice-President— M. W. Bahn, New Freedom, Pa. Secretary—John B. Gemmill, Stewartstown. Mer.—James Fulton, Treasurer—Joseph W. Anderson, Stewarts- town. Superintendent— John B. Gemmill, Stewarts- town. | DirEcTORS—J. B. Fulton, J. Schall Wil- | helm; York, Pa.; James Fulton, Joseph W. | Anderson, William Hammill, A. G. Bowman, John B. Gemmill, Andrew Leib, J. C. Jordan, Stewartstown ; Chas. Watrous, E. Pp. | Thomas M. King, | Be Milton W. Bahn, J. Y. Keeney, | New Freedom ; JohnS. Leib, Baltimore, Md.; | John Wiley, Norrisville, Md. Stillwater and St. Paul RR. President—R. S. Hayes, St. Paul, Minn. Sec. and Treas.—W. H. Coleman, St. Paul. Stockbridge and Pittsfield RR. President—D. R.Williams, Stockbridge, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—D. A. Kimball, Stockbridge. Stony Brook RR. President—James B. Francis, Lowell, Mass. Treas. and Clerk—Jacob Rogers, Lowell. Stony Clove and Catskill Mountain RR. President—Samuel D. Coykendall, Rondout, he 146 Vice-Prest. and Supt.- Rondout. Sec. and Treas.—Samuel Coles, Rondout. Auditor—Oscar L. Eastman, Rondout. DIRECTORS — Samuel __D. Coykendall, George Coykendall, Abel A. Crosby, Alva S. Staples, James G. Lindsley, Isaac M. North, Samuel Coles, Peter E. Schoonmaker, Rond- out ; John Dawson, Henry C. Swain, Joel W. Mason, New York. —George Coykendall, Stony Creek RR. President—James Boyd, Norristown, Pa. Sec., Treas. and Purchasing Agt.—Howard Boyd, Norristown. Supt. and Engr.—G. B. Boggs, Norristown. DriRECTORS—John Slingluff, F. D. Sower, John Jamison, Daniel C. Getty, John Ober- holtzer, J. P. Hale Jenkins, W. H. Slingluff, William Stahler, Norristown ; David S. Heeb- ner, John S. Heebner, Lansdale, Pa.; Samuel Dresher, Norritonville, Pats - Oliver G. Morris, Line Lexington, Pa. Strasburg and Harrisonburg RR. See Baltimore and Ohio RR. Strasburg RR. President—H. Baumgardner, Lancaster, Pa. Treasurer--T. Baumgardner, Lancaster. Gen. Mgr. and Supt.—E. C. Musselman, Strasburg, Pa. DIRECTORS—H. Baumgardner, T. Baum- gardner, Lancaster. Stuttgart and Arkansas River RR. President—F. M. Gillett, New York. Vice-President—W. F. Durrell. ; ; Gen. Mgr., Sec. and Treas.—T. H. Leslie. Auditor—C. F. M. Niles. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. M. Clark. Trav. Fgt. and Timber Agt.—J. A. Boyd. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. S. M. Price. Gen. Supt.—H. G. Leslie. Asst. Treasurer—C. K. Leslie. Emigration Agt.—John Moares. DIRECTORS—F,. M. Gillett, New York; T. H. Leslie, A. D. Swan, Stuttgart, Ark. ; G. H. West, St. Louis, Mo. Suffolk and Carolina RW. President—William H. Bosley, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—Wm. B. Oliver, Suffolk, Va. Secretary—John S. Gittings, Baltimore. Asst. to President—F. B. Hubbell, Baltimore. Gen. Mgr.—Wm. T. Hunter, Suffolk. Supt. of Trans.—H. Macleary, Suffolk. DIRECTORS--John S. Gittings, D. H. Thomas, John M. Dennison, Baltimore; J. H. Cottman, W. B. Brooks, Jr., Charles F. Pitt, Jr eSutiolk. Sullivan County RR. President--A. B. Harris, New York. Treasurer—E. F. Lane, Keene, N. H. Clerk—J. H. Albin, Concord, N. H. DirRECTORS--A. B. Harris, Boston, Mass. ; H. C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn. : CX vet Amidon, Hinsdale, Navel. ise H. Albin, N. E. Martin, Concord, N..,H.3: J. H., Williams; Bellows Falls; Vto > iu. i. Lane, Keene. The Summit Branch RR. President—George B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-President—Isaac J. Wistar, Philadelphia. Secretary—Horace Whiteman, Philadelphia. Treasurer—-Arthur Haviland, Philadelphia. DirREcrorRs—George B. Roberts, A. J. Cas- satt, N. Parker Shortridge, J. N. Du Barry, | (deceased, ) John P. Green, Isaac J. Wistar, | William J. Howard, William H. West, George F. Swift, Amos R. Little, Henry D. Welsh, Philadelphia. Sunbury and Lewistown RW. President—Aaron Fries. Sec. and Treas.—Frank S. Lewis, Philadel- phia. DirEcToRS—Aaron Fries, Edward J. Ber- wind, Stephen Greene, Josiah Hart, Samuel G. Lewis, John W. Moffly, George Shannon. Sunbury, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre RW. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phil- adelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—A. J. Cassatt, John P. Green, fri. -iouston, G. B.* Roberts; Henry D. Welsh, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Suncook Valley Extension RR. See Concord and Montreal RR. Suncook Valley RR. See Concord and Montreal RR. Surry, Sussex and Southampton RW. President and Gen. Mgr.—R. T. Waters, Bal- timore, Md. Vice-Prest.—John Walter Smith, Snow Hill, Md. Sec. and Treas.—Francis E. Waters, Balti- more. Auditor—John P. Moore, Snow Hill. Supt.—Edward Rogers, Dendron, Va. DirRECTORS—R. T. Waters, F. E. Waters, Baltimore ; Moore, Snow Hill. Suspension Bridge and Erie Junc- tion RR. President—John King, New York. Treasurer—E. White, New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. DrirREcTORS—John King, J. G. McCullough, John Walter Smith, John P. | 147 H. H. Cook, Ogden Mills, George W. Quin- | tard, Wm. Libby, Wm. A. Wheelock, Wm. Whitewright, E. B. Thomas, A. R. Macdon- ough, Andrew Donaldson, G. H. Vaillant, New York; F. G. Babcock, Hornellsville, Ne. Y. Susquehanna and Clearfield RR. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. -Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—John P.Green, Geo. B. Roberts, Henry D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, W. H. Barnes, Geo. Wood, Philadelphia. Sussex RR. President and Supt.—Andrew Reasoner, Ho- boken, N. J. Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers, New York. Treasurer—Fred’k H. Gibbens, New York. _ DrrEcTors—John I. Blair, P. R. Pyne, Samuel Sloan, F. H. Gibbens, S. Griffith, A. Reasoner, A. D. Chambers, M. T. Pyne, B. A. Hegeman, W. S. Sloan, E. S. Auchincloss. Suwannee River RW. President—C. L. Bucki, foot West 13th st., New York. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. S. Hirsch, foot West 13th st., New York. Gen. Superintendent—J. Veit, Ellaville, Fla. G. F. and P. A.—C. S. Beerbower, Jackson- ville, Fia. Gen. Trav. Agt.—J. D. Bucky, Jacksonville. Sylvania RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—John C. Dell, Syl- vania, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—John F. Lovett, Jr., Sylvania. DIRECTORS—John C. Dell, U. P. Wade, John F. Lovett, Jr., Thomas W. Oliver, Jr., George W. Waters; W. Hobby, Sylvania ; George M. Zeagler, Zeagler, Ga.; George Heard, Rocky Ford, Ga.; J. P. Williams, L. Johnson, Savannah, Ga. Svracuse and Baldwinsville RW. President—Charles D. Marvin, New York. Vice-Prest.—W. C. Andrews, New York. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—F. F. Bentley, Bald- winsville, N. Y. DIRECTORS—Wallace C. Andrews, William A. Cauldwell, Richard A. Dorman, New York; Thomas F. Goodrich, Charles D. Marvin, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Geo. S. Coe, Jr., Englewood, N.J.; Floyd F. Bentley, Baldwinsville, N. Y. Syracuse, and New York RR. President—Samuel Sloan, New York. Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers, New York. Treasurer—Fredk. H. Gibbens, New York. DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, George Bliss, Uriel A. Murdock, Fredk. H. Gibbens, Fred. F. Chambers, Benjamin G. Clark, Moses Taylor Pyne, Edgar S. Auchin- closs, E. R. Holden, W. S. Sloan, New York ; BF sdioiden, Syracuse, N. Y.>Arthar D, Chambers, Orange, N. J. Binghampton Syracuse, Geneva and Corning RW. President—George J. Magee, Coruing, N. Y. Vice-President—John Lang, Corning. Treasurer—E. D. Worcester, New York. Secretary—L. P. Miller, Corning. DiRECTORS—George J. Magee, John Lang, Daniel Beach, John Magee, Abraham S. Stot- hoff, Watkins, N. Y.; Austin Lathrop, Corn- ing ; Edwin D. Worcester, Dwight W. Pardee, Chauncey M. Depew, Charles C. Clarke, E. V. W. Rossiter, Samuel F. Barger, New York ; James Tillinghast, Buffalo, N. Y. Syracuse, Ontario and New York RR. See N. Y. C. and H. RR. Tabor and Northern RW. President—William M. Brooks, Tabor, Ia. Vice-President—J. E. Todd, Tabor. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—A. T. West, Tabor. Treasurer—J. M. Barbour, Tabor. DIRECTORS—Thomas McClelland, Forest Grove, Wash. ; William M. Brooks, A. S. Prouty, A. T..West,. JE. Todd, J. M. Bar- bour, P. B. Clark, Tabor. 148 Talbotton RR. President—S. W. Thornton. Sec., Treas. and Supt.—W. H. Martin. DirEctors—T. N. Gibson, H. H. Thornton, | C.J. Thornton, M. Neal, W. K. Dennis, Tal- | botton, Ga. The Tamaqua, Hazleton and Northern | RR. President—A. A. McLeod, Philadelphia. Secretary—W. R. Taylor, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. A. Church, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS—A. H. O’Brien, J. M. Landis, | a Ones VV ib. ocott,, We R: taylor, C.. ti. 4 C. C. Midwood, | Quarles, Roswell Weston, Philadelphia. Tampa Extension RR. See Central and Peninsular RR. Tavares and Gulf RR. President—Henry H. Jackson, New York. Vice-Prest.—Charles Tremaine, Oswego,N.Y. | Sec. and Treas.—D. G. Ambler, Jacksonville, Fla. Gen. Mgr. and Supt.—W. B. Tucker, Orlando, | Fla. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—L. A. | Koehne. DIRECTORS—H. H. Jackson, New York; Charles Tremaine, Oswego ; James P. Talliaferro, Jacksonville. Taylor’s Falls and Lake Superior RR. | President—R. S. Haves. Vice-Prest.—A. B. Plough. Treasurer—W. H. Coleman, St. Paul, Minn. Secretary—Geo. W. Seymour, Taylor’s Falls, Minn. Temiscamingue RW. See Pacific RW. Temiscouata RW. President and Managing Director—John J. McDonald, Riviere du Loup, P. QO. Vice-Prest.—Hector Cameron, Toronto, Ont. Sec. and Treas.—E. D Boswell, Riviére du Loup. Gen. Supt.—F. Crockett, Riviere du Loup. DIRECTORS—Jno. J. McDonald, Dr. Grand- bois, Roger Ryan, Riviere de Loup; Hector Cameron, Toronto; Geo. Irvine, J. J. Tarte, Quebec; Wm. McCartley, Ottawa, Ont. Tennessee and Coast RR. President and Managing Director—John J. McDonald. Tennessee and Coosa RR. Gen. Mgr.—Hugh Carlisle, Gadsden, Ala. Tennessee Central RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—Charles Clinton, Spring City, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—Peter V. Mooney, Spring City. Gen. Supt.—Isaac Britton, P. O. Balta, Tenn. | DiRECTORS—Charles Clinton, Charles E. Sampson, Peter V. Mooney, Spring City; E. D. Albro, W. H. Justice, Cincinnati, O. Tennessee Midland RW. President—T. J. Moss. Vice-President—T. H. West, St. Louis, Mo. Florida DG ly Amblery) Canadian | 2d Vice-Prest.—John Overton, Jr., Memphis, Tenn. Secretary—Frank P. Jones, St. Louis. Chief Engineer—R. H. Temple. Gen. Mgr. and Gen, Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Ben. Wilson. Superintendent—J. P. Meredith. Auditor—R. G. Browning. Attorney—J. H. Watson. DirRECTORS—John T. Davis, William L.- Huse, Alvah Mansur, T. H. West, T. J. Moss, James H.. Allen, St. Louis; A. S. Buford; R. L. Traylor, Richmond, Va.; John Overton, Jr., D. T. Porter, T. J. Latham, Memphis. Tennessee River, Ashville and Coosa R. President—Andrew Johnson, Chattanooga, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—Robert H. Williams, Chatta- nooga. DirREcTORS—Andrew Johnson, Robert H. Williams, Chattanooga; L. F. Box, James A. Embry, Ashville, Ala. Terre Haute and Indianapolis RR. President—W. R. McKeen, Terre Haute, Ind- Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—John G. Williams; Terre Haute. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—Joseph Hill, St. Louis, Mo. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—George E. Farrington, Terre Haute. Treasurer—J. W. Cruft, Terre Haute. Auditor—W. S. Roney, Terre Haute. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. A. Ford, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—J. M. Chesbrough, St. Louis. Dist. Pass. Agt.—W. F. Brunner, Indianapo- lis, Ind. : Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. W. Hibbard, St. Louis. Asst. Supt.—E. R. Darlow, St. Louis. Supt. Trans.—N. K. Elliott, Terre Haute. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery—G. H. Prescott, Terre: Hante. Paymaster—F. C. Crawford, Terre Haute. Purchasing Agt.—C. R. Peddle, Terre Haute. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—R. R. Bentley, Pittsburgh, Pa Car Accountant—H. G. Sleight, Terre Haute. DiREcCTORS—William R. McKeen, Henry Ross, George E. Farrington, Delos W. Min- shall, John G. Williams, Josephus Collett, Herman Hulman, Terre Haute. Terre Haute and Logansport RR. President—W. R. McKeen, Terre Haute, Ind. Sec. and Treas.—George E. Farrington, Terre Haute. DIRECTORS—W. R. McKeen, John G. Wil- liams, D. W. Minshall, Frank McKeen, G. E. Farrington, Terre Haute. < Terre Haute and Peoria RR. oe aes W. Fairbanks, Indianapolis, nd. Secretary—Frank J. Richmann, Indianapolis. Gen. Mgr. and Asst. Treas.—I. H. Burgoon, Decatur, Il. Treasurer—Wilberforce Sully, New York. Auditor—W. M. Strange, Decatur. Gen. Fgt. and Tkt. Agt.—John H. Sessions. Cashier—T. M. Hobart. DirREcTORS—C. W. Fairbanks, E. Jacoby, Indianapolis ; I. H. Burgoon, Decatur ; J. W. Ape Springfield, Ill.; C. O. Chestnut, Paris, Texarkana and Fort Smith RW. President—W. L. Whitaker, Texarkana, Tex. Vice-Prest.—J. H. Bemis, Jefferson, Tex. Secretary—T. H. Garrett, Texarkana. Auditor—W. N. Bemis, Texarkana. Treasurer and Gen. Agt.—C. F. Bemis, Texarkana. Gen. Attorney—H. M. Whitaker, Tyler, Tex. | Gen. Mgr.—W. A. Williams, Texarkana. Gen. Supt.—J. Y. Burke, Texarkana. Chief Engr.—J. E. Dougherty, Texarkana. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. Randal, Texarkana. DIRECTORS—W. L. Whitaker, William Buchanan, A. L. Ghio, B. F. Estes, F. M. | Henry, Wm. Behan, J. H. Bemis, Texarkana ; A. J. Tullock, Leavenworth, Kan. Texarkana and Shreveport RR. President—Geo. W. Fouke, Texarkana,’ Ark. Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.— B. Collins, Texarkana. Treasurer—C. E. Haydon, Texarkana. DIRECTORS—George W. Fouke, Ben. Col- hase C. i.» Haydon; FL. Haydon, 8B. T. Estes, Texarkana. Texas and New Orleans RR. President—C. P. Huntington, New York. Vice-President—J. Krutschnitt, Houston, Tex. Treasurer—P. J. Huder, Houston. Secretary—E. M. Underhill, Houston. Asst. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—I. E. Gates, New York. DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, I. E. Gates, New York; J. Krutschnitt, E. W. Cave, C. C. Gibbs, E. P. Hill, T. W. House, Houston. Texas and Pacific RW. President—Jay Gould (deceased), New York. Ist Vice-President—Geo. J. Gould, New York. 2d Vice-President—S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis, Mo. 3d Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—John A. Grant, Dallas, Tex. Sec. and Treas.—C. E. Satterlee, New York. Asst. Treas.—L. S. Smith, Dailas. Asst. Sec.—L. S. Smith, Dallas. Auditor—R. B. Fenby, Dallas. Asst. Auditor—E. W. Tower, Dallas. Gen. Attorney for Texas—R. S.. Lovett, | Dallas. Gen. Attys. for Louisiana—Howe & Prentiss, | New Orleans, La. Land and Tax Commissioner—W. H. Abrams, Dallas. Gen. Agt. and Land Commissioner—E. B. Wheelock, New Orleans. Supt. of Trans.—L. S. Thorne, Dallas. Supt. Eastern Div.—Leroy Trice, Marshall, Tex. Resident Engr.—W. B. Allen, Dallas. Supt. of Motive Power and Rolling Stock—A. G. Douglas, Marshall. Act. Supt. Rio Grande Div.—J. B. Paul, Big Springs, Tex. Supt. New Orleans Div.—N. G. Pearsall, New Orleans. Supt. Telegraph—C. W. Hammond, Dallas. Asst. Supt. Telegraph—J. W. Stacey, Dallas. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. H. Hinton, Dallas. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—G. H. Turner, Dallas. Gen. Live Stock Agt.—J. P. Moore, Fort Worth, Tex. 149 Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—Gaston Meslier, Dallas. Gen. Bag. Agt.—W. L. Bass, Dallas. Gen. Pacific Coast Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—L. M. Fletcher, San Francisco, Cal. Southern California Pass. and Fgt. Agt.— Frank Emmerson, Los Angeles, Cal. Trav. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. W. Cole, Los Angeles. Gen. Eastern Agt.—W. F. Kantz, 391 Broad- way, New York. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—T. L. Zimmerman, 391 Broadway, New York. Contracting Fgt. Agt.—B. G. Saunders, 391 Broadway, New York. New England Agt.—Henry A. Rich, 300 Wash- ington st., Boston, Mass. Gen. European Agt.—S. Stamford Parry, Drury Building, Water st., Liverpool, Eng. Agent—F. W. Hancock, Baltimore, Md. Contracting Agt.—Chas. Paramore, 40 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Gen. Western Agt.—J. H. Lawder, 1705 Larimer st., Denver, Col., and 104 N. 3d st., St. Louis, Mo. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—T. C. Frew, Cincinnati, O. Contracting Agt.—J. F. White, 1705 Larimer st., Denver. Southeastern Fgt. Agt.—Wm. J. Walker, 42 Wall st., Atlanta, Ga. Commercial Agt.—H. C. Reese, New Orleans. Gen. Agt.—E. L. Sargent, El Paso, Tex. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—W. F. Braggins, Paris, Tex. Commercial Agt.—M. L. Scovell, Shreveport, La. Soliciting Fgt. Agt.—J. B. Waterman, Fort Worth. Trav. Fgt. Agt.—Cooper Nott, Dallas. Soliciting Fgt. Agt.—E. E. Elmore, Dallas. Trav. Pass. Agt.—C. P. Fegan, Dallas. Pass. Agt.—Coke Alexander, 7 Jackson place, Indianapolis, Ind. Trav. Agt.—L. E. Drake, 308 West Main st., Louisville, Ky. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. H. Word, 42 Wall st., Atlanta. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—A. S. Graham, 5t. Charles and Gravier sts., New Orleans. Pass. Agt.—S. H. Thompson, 1119 Liberty st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pass. and Land Agt.—John E. Ennis, 119 S. Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Gen. Western Agt.—J. H. Lawder, 1705 Larimer st., Denver, and 104 N. 34 st., St. Louis. Southern Pass. Agt.—A. A. Gallagher, 103 Read House, Chattanooga, Tenn. Southeast Pass. Agt.—Wm. J. Walker, 42 Wall st., Atlanta. Gen. Agt.—E. L. Sargent, El Paso. Dist. Pass. Agt.—N. R. Warwick, 131 Vine st., Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. Agt.—H. D. Armstrong, Jackson, Mich. DIrRECTORS—Jay Gould (deceased), Samuel Sloan, John T. Terry, Samuel Thomas, George J. Gould, Thomas T. Eckert, Russell Sage, C. M. McGhee, C. E. Satterlee, A. L. Hopkins, Sidney Dillon, New York; Isaac J. Wistar, J. N. Hutchinson, Philadelphia; E. B. Wheel- ock, New Orleans; Milton H. Smith, Louts- ville; S. H. H. Clark, St. Louis; John A. Grant, Dallas. bs] 201... Main st., 150 Texas Central RW. ‘Gen. Mgr.—Chas. Hamilton, Waco, Tex. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—Robt. Bell, Waco. Auditor and Cashier—Richard Oliver, Waco. Asst. Supt. N. E. Div.—Joseph McWilliams, Lerrelli 1 ex; Master Mechanic—F. H. Dehn, Springs, Tex. Train Master—P. M. Farrell, Waco. Walnut Texas Mexican RW. President—W. G. Raoul, New York. Vice-Prest.—Thomas W. Dodd. Sec. and Treas.—W. M. Sturgeon, Laredo, Tex. Asst. Secretary — Andrew Anderson, Jr., New York. Superintendent—J. N. Galbraith. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. B. Ryan, Laredo. Texas, Sabine Valley and Northwest- ern RW. President—E. S. Larchar, 15 Wall st., New York. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—R. J. Evans, Longview, Tex. Sec. and Treas.—W. Herbert, Jr., New York. Auditor—H. E. Phillips, Longview. DIRECTORS—F. M. Larchar, E. S. Larchar, Austin Gallagher, New York; R. J. Evans, G. T. Merrill, J. W. Yates, J. M. Mobberly, Longview; T. E. Clemmons, W. F. Her- bert, Jr. Texas Transportation RR. President--A. C. Hutchinson, New Orleans, La. Vice-Prest.—E.‘W. Cave, Houston, Tex. . Sec. and Treas.—L. Megget, Houston. Superintendent--Chas. Evershade, Houston. DirREcTORS—A. C. Hutchinson, New Or- leans; E. W. Cave, J. J. Atkinson, Houston. Texas Trunk RR. Receiver—Chas. Dillingham, Dallas, Tex. President—S. H. Kneeland, 29 Broad st., New York. Vice-Prest.—J. E. Schneider, Dallas. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—W. G. Mowry, Dallas. Secretary—P. A. Tucker, Dallas. Gen. Supt.—J. D. Trammell, Dallas. DIRECTORS—W. W. Weigley, Philadelphia ; Powel. Russ, 5, H. Kneeland, New, York: W. W. Leake, T. L. Marsalis, J. E. Schneider, W. G. Mowry, Dallas. Texas Western RW. Gen. Mgr.—J. H. Gray, Houston, Tex. Gen. Fgt. Agt. and Auditor—S. Packard, Houston. Master Mechanic—John Fredericks, Houston. Roadmaster— -J. C. Wimberly, Houston. Thousand Islands RW. President—E. W. Rathbun, Deseronto, Ont. Sec., Treas. and Transf. Agt.—F. S. Rathbun, Deseronto. Gen. Mgr.—R. C. Carter, Deseronto. Auditor—C. A. Millener, Deseronto. DIRECTORS—E. W. Rathbun, F. S. Rath- bun, i4. 8. Rathbun, Ra“ Rayburn, W..R. Aylsworth, C. A. Millener, Deseronto. Tilton and Belmont RR. President—Charles E. Tilton, Tilton, N. H. Clerk and Treas.—H. M. Cavis,Concord,N.H. See Union Pacific RW. Tintie Range RW. See Rio Grande Western RW. Tioga RR. President—John King, New York. Secretary—A. R. Macdonough, New York. Treasurer—Edward White, New York. DIRECTORS—John King, J. G. McCullough,. Wm. A. Wheelock, Ogden Mills, H. H. Cook, William Libbey, Andrew Donaldson, Geo. W. Quintard, New York; S. T. Reynolds, H. W. Rathbone, Elmira; oN; 3Y.o, Fs, N= Drakes Corning. No Y; Tionesta Valley RR. Vice-Prest.—Webb Horton, Middletown,N.Y. Sec. and Gen. Supt.—Jerry Crary, Sheffield, Pa. Treasurer—Charles Siegel, Sheffield. Auditor—A. H. Bailey, Sheffield. DIRECTORS—Jerry Crary, C. W. R. Rade- ker, J. H. Horton, George Horton, Isaac Horton, John McNair, Sheffield; J. F. Schoell- kopf, Buffalo, N. Y.; Webb Horton, Middle- town. Tipton RR. Tintie Iron Co. - President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Sec. and Treas.—James R. McClure, Phila- delphia. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, N. P. Short- ridge, Henry D. Welsh, George B. Roberts, Wm. L. Elkins, Amos R. Little, Philadelphia. Titusville, and Lake Erie RR. President—A. H. Steele, 12 Broadway, New York. Vice-Prest.—Charles Burton, Titusville, Pa. Secretary—W. C. McKnight, New York. Treasurer—Alfred Kellogg, Titusville. DIRECTORS—Charles Burton, F. P. Brown, C, F. Lake, H..F Steele; Geo. Steele, Hiram Steele, Titusville. Tobique Valley RW. Pacific RW. Toledo and Ohio Central Extension RR. President—E. Summerfield, Chicago, IIl. Vice-Prest.—Chas. B. Ludwig, New York. Secretary—A. D. Follett, Marietta, O. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—T. D. Dale, Marietta. Auditor—F. L. Alexander, Marietta. Superintendent—J. V. Parker, Marietta. DrirRECTORS—T. D. Dale, A. ID. Follett, C. E. Gard, Marietta; E. Summerfield, Chicago ; Chas. B. Ludwig, New York. Toledo and Ohio Central RW. President—Stevenson Burke, Cleveland, O. Vice-Prest.—Charles G. Hickox, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas.—J. F. Cline, Toledo, O. Gen. Mgr.—J. M. Ferris, Toledo. Auditor—J. Landgraf, Jr. Counsel—A. W. Scott. Purchasing Agt.—H. A. Cooper. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Hudson Fitch. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Moulton Houk. Gen. Supt.—T. M. Peelar. Master Mechanic—J. B. Morgan, Bucyrus, O. Chief Engr.—Clifford Buxton, Car Accountant—M. C. Trout. Cambridge See Canadien -Vice-Prest.—C. J. Monroe, 151 DIRECTORS—C. J. Canda, J. S. Stanton, New York; R. W. Hickox, Hickox, W. B. Saunders, Stevenson Burke, Cleveland ; J. M. Ferris, John F. Cline, A. W. Scott, Toledo. Toledo and South Haven RR. President—Lucius Clark, South Bend, Ind. South Haven, Mich. Secretary—W. G. Snow, New York. Receiver and Gen. Mgr.—John Ihling, Law- ton, Mich. Charles G. | | | } President and Treas.—R. B. Dobson, New | York. Gen. Mgr.—John [hling, Lawton. Commercial Agt.—J. F. Clark, 77 South Clark st., Chicago, Il. DirecTorRs—R. B. Dobson, Charles D. Backus, W. G. Snow, William Nevins, Jr., | New York; John Ihling, Lawton; H. W. Wil- | liams, C. J. Monroe, South Haven, Mich. Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mich- | igan RW. President—J. M. Ashley, Toledo, O. Ist Vice-Prest.—J. M. Ashley, Jr., New York. 2d Vice-Prest.—A. W. Wright, Saginaw, Mich. Sec. and Purchasing Agt.—F. S. Chandler, Toledo. Treasurer—George B. Parke, Toledo. Gen. Mgr.—Henry W. Ashley, Toledo. Auditor—Frederic Gossman. Supt.—J. B. Connors, Owosso, Mich. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—W. H. Bennett. Master Mechanic—W. H. Bradley. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. J. Kirby. DrrREcCTORS—J. M. Ashley, Henry W. Ash- ley, T. W. Childs, William Baker, David Robinson, Jr., Toledo; A. W. Wright, Sagi- | naw; E. A. Todd, Owosso; J. M. Ashley, Jr., | Joseph Walker, Jr., New York ; S. Dean, Ann Arbor, Mich.; T. W. Whitney, St. Louis, Mich. Toledo Belt RW. See Wheeling and Wake Erie RR. Toledo, Canada Southern and Detroit | Ww President—James Tillinghast, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. F. Cox, New York. DirREcTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Cox, Edwin D. Worcester, Edward A. Wickes, Chauncey M. Depew, Allyn Cox, James Til- | linghast, New York. Toledo, RW. President—Stevenson Burke, Cleveland, O. Gen. Mgr.—J. M. Ferris, Toledo, O. Sec. and Treas.—J. F. Cline. Auditor—J. Landgraf, Jr. Counsel—J. H. Doyle, Toledo. Purchasing Agt.—H. A. Cooper. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Hudson Fitch. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Moulton Houk. Supt. and Engr. Maint. of Way—H. C. Fer- Columbus and Cincinnati ris, Kenton, O. Pt Mast. Mech.—C. J. Cooper, Kenton. Chief Engr.—Clifford Buxton. Car Acct.—M. C. Trout. DIRECTORS—Stevenson Burke, Ralph W. Hickox, Chas. G. Hickox, Frank F. Hickox, Cleveland ; John H. Doyle, A. W. Scott, J. M. Ferris, Toledo, O. Wm. | K. Vanderbilt, Samuel F. Barger, Charles C. | Toledo, Peoria and Western RW. Chairman Executive Committee—Charles Morgan, New York. President, Treas. and Mgr.—E. F. Leonard, Peoria, Il. Sec. and Auditor—E. D. Usner, Peoria. Gen. Supt.—E. N. Armstrong, Peoria. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—D. Mowat. Secretary and Auditor—E. D. Usner. City Pass. Agt.—G. W. Winters. DirECTORS—Charles Moran, Cornelius B. Gold, Joel E. Fisher, Wm. H. Gebhard, New York. Ne Armstrong’ ED.) Usher, W.'S: Horton, Peoria ; John W. Bunn, E. F. Leon- ard, Springfield, Ill. Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon RW, President—Lewis J. Seargeant, Montreal, Que. Vice-President, Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—W. J. Spicer, Detroit, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. Muir, Detroit. DIRECTORS—L, J. Seargeant, Montreal; W. J. Spicer, A. B. Maynard, E. W. Meddaugh, F, E. Ranklin, L. C. Stanley, George Mas- son, Detroit; C. Jesse Church, E. Middleton, Greenville, Mich.; Henry Howard, Port Huron, Mich. ; Lyman G. Mason, Muskegon, Mich. Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR. (‘‘Clover Leaf Route.’’) President—S. R. Callaway, Toledo, O. Sec. and Asst. Treas.—M. L. Crowell, Toledo. Treasurer—W. Howard Gilder, 44 Wall st., New York. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W. S. Weed, Toledo. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. C. Jenkins, Toledo. Chief Engr.—A. L. Mills, Toledo. Auditor—D. D. Davis, Toledo. Supt. and Purchasing Agt.—C. N. Pratt, Frankfort, Ind. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Fred. G. Boyd, Toledo. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. W. Drew, Kansas City, Mo. East. Pass. Agt.—T. S. Timpson, 14 Exchange ét/) Butialo, N.Y. Pass. Agt.—J. E. Davenport, 505 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. South. Pass. Agt.—Rush. H. Barnes, St. Louis. ; Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt.—D. F. Jennings, St. Louis. Supt. of Tele.—N. McKirtinon, Toledo. Gen. Agt.—F. N. Dowler, 353 Broadway, New York. Commercial Agt.—A. A. Perry, Buffalo. Commercial Agt.—A. W. Clubb, Detroit, Mich. Commercial Agt.—G. T. Bishop, Cleveland, O. New England Agt.—F. L. Bassett, Boston, Mass. Commercial Agt.—A. J. Davies, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—James M. Quigley, W. Howard Gilder, Joseph S. Stout, Robert Harris, Rob- ert G. Ingersoll, F. L. Russ, S. H. Kneeland, Randolph F. Purdy, J. G. Osgood, New York; Clarence Brown, Samuel R. Callaway, Toledo; F. J. Sawyer, Buffalo. Toledo, Walhonding Valley and Ohio RR. President—A. J. Warner, Marietta, O. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh, Pa; Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. 152 DIRECTORS—Thomas D. Messler, Joseph Wood, John E. Davidson, J. T. Brooks, James McCrea, John W. Renner, Pittsburgh ; A. J. Warner, Marietta; John C.. Fisher, Henry C. Herbig, Julius C. Pomerine, Co- shocton, O.; L. F. McVay, Walhonding. Tom’s River and Waretown RR. President—J. R. Maxwell, 143 Liberty st., New York. Tonawanda Valley and Cuba RR. See Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua RR. Toronto, Grey and Bruce RW. See Canadian Pacific RW. Traverse City RR. President—Perry Hannah, Traverse City, Mich. Sec. and Treas.—J. H. P. Hughart, Grand | Rapids, Mich. DIRECTORS—Perry Hannah, Smith Barnes, W. H.C. Mitchell, Thomas T. Bates, D. C. Leach, Traverse City; W. O. Hughart, W. R. Shelly, Grand Rapids. The Trenton Cut-off RR. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- | delphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, W. H. Barnes, Henry D. Welsh, Wm. A. Patton, N. P. Short- ridge, George Wood, Philadelphia. Trenton Delaware Bridge Co. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Sec. and Treas.—Hugh B. Ely, Philadelphia. MANAGERS—J.\N. Du Barry (deceased), Jno. Petateen, ). A: Anderson, Lewis Perrine; Jr., Henry D. Welsh, Hugh B. Ely, W. J. Sewell, _ Philadelphia. Tresckow RR. President—J. S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Solomon Shepherd, Phila- delphia. Trinidad Coal and Coking Co. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, III. Ist Vice-President—J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka, Kan. Manager—Chas. J. Devlin, Topeka. Tropical RR. See Florida Central and Peninsular RR. Trout Run RR. President—Daniel Shepp, Tamaqua, Pa. Vice-President and Gen. Mer.—C. E. Titman, Shenandoah, Pa. Treasurer—J. F. Titman, Shenandoah. Secretary—John F. Finney, Shenadoah. DirRECTORS—John R. Leisenring, Hazleton, Paw J.or rank “Lorbert,- Jersep Shore, Pa. : John A. Titman, O. A. Keim, John F. Finney, Charles E. Titman, Shenandoah. Troy and Bennington RR. President—D. F. Gurley, Troy, N. Y. Vice-President—P. H. Neher, Troy. DIRECTORS—Thomas W. Lockwood, A. Clark Fellows, J. Franklin Fellows, L. E. Gurley, W. W. Whiteman, Philip H. Neher, Wm. H. Doughty, James H. Carpenter, Wm. F. Gurley, John C. House, Thos, Vail, Troy ; John M. Corliss, Waterford, N. Y.; Paul Cook, Lansingburg, N. Y. Troy and Greenbush RR. F President—J. W. Warren, Troy, N. Y. Vice-President—Thos. W. Lockwood, Troy. Treas. and Sec.—John B. Gale, Troy. DIRECTORS—Joseph M. Warren, George H. Cramer, Thomas W. Lockwood, Stephen E. Warren, Wm. A. Thompson, John I. Thomp- son, George S. Thompson, Walter P. Tillman, James A. Eddy, Edward C. Gale, Troy; John B. Gale, Williamstown, Mass. Troy and Tiptonville RR. President—John Echols, Louisville, Ky. Secretary—A. T. Sabin, Louisville. DrrRECTORS—John Echols, James L. Frazier, A. T. Sabin, Holmes Cummins, Louisville; George B. Wilson, C. J. Crockett, W. Brice, Troy, Tenn. Troy Union RR. and Depot Co. President—H. Walter Webb, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Theodore Voorhees, New York. DIRECTORS—E. V. W. Rossiter, Theodore Voorhees, H. Walter Webb, Ira A. Place, W. J. Van Arsdale, New York; H. G. Young, F. A. Harrington, C. D. Hammond, Albany, N. Y.;.I. V. Baker, Comstock’s Landing, N. Y.; H. S. Marcy, John Adams, Boston, Mass. ; Joseph Crandell, Troy, N. Y. Tuckahoe and Cape May RW. See Philadelphia and Sea Shore RW. Tuckerton RR. President—Samuel Ashhurst, Philadelphia. Vice-President—Rutherford Stuyvesant, New York. Secretary—T. T. Price, Tuckerton, N. J. Treasurer—R. Ashhurst, Philadelphia. Superintendent—John C. Price. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. M. Headley. DIRECTORS—T. T. Price, Tuckerton ; Theo. P. Price, Hatboro’, Pa.; Rutherford Stuyve- sant, L. M. Rutherford, New York; Samuel Ashhurst, Richard Ashhurst, Walter W. Pharo, Philadelphia ; Herbert A. Drake, G. G. Brown- ing, Camden, N. J. Tucson, Globe and Northern RR. President—W. H. Culver, Tucson, Ariz. Vice-Prest.—W. C. Davis, Tucson. Secretary—Charles R. Drake, Tucson. Treasurer—George Pusch, Tucson. DIRECTORS—W. H. Culver, W.-C. Davis, L. C. Hughes, Charles R. Drake, Samuel Hughes, George Pusch, Tucson ; M. M. Broad- ‘well, Kansas City, Mo.; Joshua Brown, St. Louis, Mo. ; Wm. P. Stewart, Thomas Hughes. Tunnel RR. of St. Louis. President—Wm. Taussig, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-Prest.—Julius S. Walsh, St. Louis. Sec. and Treas.—Victor W. Fisher, St. Louis. 153 Tunnelton, Kingwood and Fairchance RR. President—C. M. Bishop, Grafton, W. Va. Vice-Prest.—W. G. Brown, Kingwood, W.Va. | Secretary—W. M. O. Dawson, Kingwood. Supt. and Auditor—J. A. Martin, Kingwood. DIRECTORS—J. R. Smoot, Newburg,W.Va.; M, C. Gibson, A. J. Bonafield, Tunnelton ; | J. A. Martin, W. G. Brown, C. M. Bishop, D. | R. Jackson, Kingwood. Turtle Creek Valley RR. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- | delphia. | Sec. and Treas.—James R. McClure, Phila- | delphia. aie DIRECTORS—Robert Pitcairn, Henry D. Welsh, John P. Green, W. H. Barnes, N. P. Shortridge, W. A. Patton, Philadelphia. Tuskegee RR. President—Edward T. Varner, Tuskegee, Ala. Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Wright, Tuskegee. Tyler Southeastern RR. President.—Willard Fisher, Dallas, Tex. Vice-Prest.—Victor Morawetz, New York. 2d Vice-Prest. and Sec.—J. P. Douglas, Tyler, | hex. Treasurer—H. H. Rowland, Tyler. | Asst. Treas.—J. W: Hogan, Tyler. | Superintendent—J. A. Edson, Tyler. Auditor—R. D. Cobb, Tyler. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Winfield, Tex. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—W.-.B. Groseclose, Tyler. DIRECTORS—Louis Fitzgerald, Victor Mora- wetz, Guy Phillips, New York; Willard | Fisher, Dallas; A. H. Swanson, Corsicana, | Tex.; J. P. Douglas, Tyler; T. F. Murichson, | Athens, Tex. | The Tyrone and Clearfield RW. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- | delphia. | Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. | Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—B. B. Comegys, John P. Green, © G.B. Roberts, Henry D. Welsh, N. P. Short- | ridge, W. H. Barnes, Philadelphia. Ulster and Delaware RR. | President—Edwin Young, Rondout, N. Y. Vice-Prest.—Robert C. Pruyn, Albany, N. Y. | Treasurer—T. C. Hoornbeek, Rondout. / Secretary—S. G. Dimmick, Rondout. Auditor—R. B. Jones, Rondout. | Gen. Supt.—James H. Jones, Rondout. | Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—N. A. Sims. Supt. Road and Bridges—J. H. Decker. Car Acct.—H. P. Stickles. | DIRECTORS— Edwin Young, Horace G. | Young, Robert C. Pruyn, Albany, N. Y.; | Alfred Van Santvoord, J. D. Layng, Charles | C. Clarke, Wm. A. Read, Joseph Cornell, | New York; Samuel D. Dimmick, Alvah S. Staples, Thos. C. Hoornbeek, H. C. Soap, Rondout; Davis Winnie, The Corner, N. Y. Ultima Thule, Arkadelphia and Mis-— sissippi RW. | President—Wm. Grayson, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President--L. Werner, St. Louis. Sec. and Treas.—-O.G. Schulenburg,St. Louis. Gen. Mgr.—R. W. Huie, Arkadelphia, Ark. - Gen. Supt. and Auditor—F. W. Swift, Arka- delphia. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—F. R. Pierce, Arka- delphia. Chief Surgeon—J. R. Dale, Arkadelphia. DIRECTORS-—-W. Grayson, O. G. Schulen- burg, L. Werner, St. Louis; R. W. Huie, J. R. Dale, Arkadelphia. Union Depot and RR. President--W. A. Deuel, Denver, Col. Vice-President—E. T. Jeffery, Denver. Treasurer—S. N. Wood, Denver. Secretary and Supt.—W. B. Trufant, Denver. DirREcTORS--W. A. Deuel, E. T. Jeffery, S. H. H. Clark, E. Dickinson, P. Touhy. Union Depot and White Plains RR. President—John C. Hart. Vice-Prest.—J. H. Kilpatrick, Union Point, Ga. Treasurer—A. H. Smith. Secretary—R. Tappan, White Plains, Ga. Union Depot Co. of Kansas City, Mo. President—Geo. H. Nettleton, Kansas City, Mo. Secretary—W. J. Ferry, Kansas.City. Treasurer—C. C. Ripley, Kansas City. DIRECTORS—George H. Nettleton, J. O. Brinkerhoff, Kansas City; C. H. Chappell, A. Kimball, Chicago, Ill.; Charles M. Hays, AsaWwe Dickinson ph ot.. Louis,” Mo: 2 WiC. Brown, St. Joseph, Mo.; S. E. Crance, Brook- field, Mo.; A. A. Robinson, Topeka, Kan. Union Depot Co. of Spokane Falls. See Union Pacific RW. Union Elevator Co. of Omaha. Union Pacific RW. Union Freight RR. President—Chas. F. Choate, Boston, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—John M. Washburn, Boston. Gen. Mgr.—James R. Kendrick, Boston. DIRECTORS—Charles F. Choate, Fred. L. Ames, James R. Kendrick, Nathaniel Thayer, Boston. See Union Pacific, Central Branch. See Missouri Pacific System. Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf RW. President—Grenville M. Dodge, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston. Union Pacific, Lincoln and Colorado RW. President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston. Treasurer—J. G. Harris, Boston. Union Pacific RW. (‘‘The Overland Route.’’) President—Sidney Dillon, New York. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—S. H. H. Clark, Omaha, Neb. Asst. Gen. Mgr.—E. Dickinson, Omaha. Comptroller—Oliver W. Mink, Boston, Mass. Secretary—Alex. Millar, Boston. Treasurer—James G. Harris, Boston. Local Treasurer—Frank D. Brown, Omaha, Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—E. L. Lomax, Omaha. 154 Acting Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—J. N. Brown, Omaha. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—W. H. Hurlburt, Port- land, Ore. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—D. W. Hitchcock, San Francisco, Cal. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—J. B. Frawley, Kansas City, Mo. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—George Ady, Denver, Col. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—D. E. Burley, Salt Lake City, Utah. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—E. V. Maze, Butte, Mont. Gen. Agt. Fgt. and Pass. Depts.—D. M. Col- lins, Sioux City, Ia. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. Ft. Wayne and D.C. RW.—D. B. Keeler, Ft. Worth, Tex. Gen. Bagg. Agt.—A. Traynor, Council Bluffs, Ia. Gen, Fgt. Agt.—J. A. Munroe, Omaha. Gen. West. Fet. Agt.—B. Campbell, Portland. Asst. Gen. Fgt.. Agt.— Elmer H. Wood, Omaha. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—F. Wild, Jr., Denver. Asst. Gen, Fgt. Agt.—S. W. Eccles, Salt Lake ChIEVE Asst. Gen. West. Fet. Agt.—J. G. Wood- worth, Portland. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—G. W. Luce, San Fran- cisco. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—H. G. Kaill, Kansas City. Gen. Agt. Fgt. Dept.—E. V. Maze, Butte, Div. Fgt. Agt.—C. J. Lane, Omaha. Fgt. Claim Agt.—W. H. Hancock, Omaha. Gen. Supt. Kansas Div.—J. O. Brinkerhoff, | Kansas City. Gen. Supt. Nebraska Div.—P. J. Nichols, | Omaha. Gen. Supt. Gulf Div.—W. A. Deuel, Denver. Gen. Supt. Mountain Div.—W. H. Bancroft, | Salt Lake City. Gen. Supt. Pacific Div.—E. McNeill, Port- | land. Supt. Car Service—E. Buckingham, Omaha. Gen. Supt. Lines in Texas--J. D. Moore, Ft. | Worth. Supt. Telegraph—L. K. Korty, Omaha. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery—J. H. | McConnell, Omaha. Asst. Supt. Motive Power and Machinery— F. Mertsheimer, Cheyenne, Wyo. Supt. Coal Dept.—G. W. Megeath, Omaha. Asst. Supt. Coal Dept.—Geo. T. Black, Rock | Springs, Wyo. Gen. Purchasing Agt.—J. W. Griffith, Omaha. Gen. Storekeeper—J. H. Stafford, Omaha. Stationer—A. E. Hutchinson, Omaha. Supt. Hotel Dept.—F. Washburn, Omaha. Tax Commissioner—A. W. Scribner, Omaha. | Chief Surgeon—W. J. Galbraith, Omaha. Gen. Counsel—John F. Dillon, New York. Gen. Solicitor—John M. Thurston, Omaha. Asst. Gen. Solicitor—W. R. Kelly, Omaha. MoD. Asst. to Gen. Solicitor—W. J. Carroll, Omaha. | Gen. Attorney for Nebraska and Iowa—W. R. Kelly, Omaha. Asst. Gen. Attorney for Nebraska—Edward P. Smith, Omaha. Gen. Attorney for Kansas and Missouri— A. L. Williams, Topeka, Kan. Gen. Attorneys for Colorado—Teller & Ora- hood, Denver. Gen. Attorneys for Wyoming—Lacy & Van Devanter, Cheyenne. Gen. Attorney for Utah—P. L. Williams, Salt Lake City: Gen. Attorney for Idaho—D. C. Lockwood, Pocatello, Idaho. Gen. Attorney for Montana—J. S. Shropshire, Butte. Gen. Attorney for Oregon and Washington— W. W. Cotton, Portland. Gen. Attorneys for Texas and New Mexico— Stanley, Spoonts & Meek, Ft. Worth. Auditor—Erastus Young, Omaha. Asst. Auditor—F. W. Hills, Omaha. Auditor of Disbursements—Richmond Ander- son, Omaha. Fet. Auditor—A. S. Van Kuran, Omaha. Auditor Pass. Accts.—W. S. Wing, Omaha. Gen. Trav. Auditor—B. H. Caleff, Omaha. Gen. Claim Agt.--J. R. Manchester, Omaha. Chief Engr.—E. C. Smeed, Omaha. Land Commissioner -- B. A. McAltlaster, Omaha ‘ DirEcTORS—Frederick L. Ames, Edwin F. Atkins, F. Gordon Dexter, Gardiner M. Lane, Boston ; Grenville M. Dodge, Council Bluffs ; Henry H. Cook, Sidney Dillon, Jay Gould, dec’d, Henry B. Hyde, Alex. E. Orr, Russell Sage, New York; S. H. H. Clark, Joseph H. » Millard, Omaha; Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, Ill. ; James Sharp, Salt Lake City. GOVERNMENT DIRECTORS—John F. Plum- | mer, New York; Geo. E. Leighton, St. Louis, Mo.; Jesse Spalding, Chicago; Rufus B. Bullock, Atlanta, Ga.; Joseph W. Paddock, * Omaha. Union Point and White Plains RR. President—John G. Hart, Union Point, Ga. Vice-Prest.—J. H. Kilpatrick, Union Point. Secretary—R. Tappan, White Plains, Ga. Treasurer—A. H. Smith, White Plains. Union RR. (Baltimore.) President—B. F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—John S. Leib, Baltimore. Union RR. President—J. S. Rogers, 44 Exchange place, New York. Secretary—John Hopper, Paterson, N. J. DIRECTORS—Jacob S. Rogers, Columbus B. Rogers, Henry C. Stimson, Lewis Atter- bury, R. Fulton Cutting, W. Bayard Cutting, Lewis A. Stimson, New York; Wm. Penning- ton, Robert S. Hughes, Henry V. Butler, John Hopper, W. Bayard Brown, John Havron, New Jersey. Union RW. (“ Belt Line.’’) President—Sam Tate, Jr. Vice-Prest.—John K. Speed. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—Jno. C. Rogers. Treasurer—Napoleon Hill. Chief Engineer—E. L. Corthell, Chicago, Ill. Asst. Engineer—C. Wadsworth. Chief Attorneys—Turley & Wright. Resident Engineer and Supt.—Jas. L. Arm- strong. Union Terminal RR. President—S. G. De Coursey, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—F. S. Buell, Buffalo, N. Y. Acting Auditor—John F. Reynolds, Buffalo. DIRECTORS—Frank Rumsey, New York. ; S. G. DeCoursey, Nicholas Thouron, Phila- delphia ; Robert Bell, E. T. Johnson, M. K. | Bewis, ©. FP.) Buell, J..H. Poole; R, .D: McCreary, J. A. Fellows, G. T. Adams, R. L. Manning, J. F. Reynolds, Buffalo. United New Jersey RR. and Canal Cos. President—Robert F. Stockton, Trenton, N. J. Vice-Prest.—F. “Wolcott Jackson, N. J. Sec. and Treas.—Leroy H. Anderson, Trenton. Registrar—Wm. A. Clark, Trenton. State Director—E. F. C. Young, Jersey City. | DIRECTORS—John C. Barron, New York; Charles E. Green, Robert F. Stockton, Tren- ton; F. Wolcott Jackson, Newark; Joseph D. Bedle, Jersey City, N. J.; Thomas Mc- Kean, J. Lowber Welsh, Anthony J. Drexel, Philadelphia; Wm. W. Astor, Alfred Van Santvoord, New York; Thomas Oakes, Bloomfieid, N. J. ; Samuel S. Dennis, New- ark. United RR’s of Washington. Northern Pacific RR. United States and Canada RR. President--S.W. Foster, Fort Covington, N.Y. See Secretary—James Y. Cameron, Fort Coving- | ton. _ Treasurer--R. Wright, Montreal, Que. DIRECTORS—S. W. Foster, William Gillis, | James McFie, D. E. Dineen, Fort Covington ; A. M. Mears, O. McFadden, Helena, N. Y.; F. Shields, E. G. Reynolds, Bombay, N. Y.; W. R. Stearns, W. H. Paddock, J. O. Bridges, H.W. Clarke, Massena, N.Y.; W.Wainwright, Montreal. Upper Coos RR. President—George Van Dyke, Lancaster,N.H. Treasurer—James P. Cook, Salem, Mass. DIRECTORS—Geo. Van Dyke, Irving W. Drear, Lancaster; Frank Jones, Portsmouth, i 1.> James P: Cook, Salem, Enoch G. Sweatt, Woonsocket, R. I.; Chas. Howard, Boston. Upson County RR. President—E. E. Flewellen, Thomaston, Ga. Secretary—G. A. Weaver, Thomaston. Ursina and North Fork RW. President—J. M. Reid, Connellsville, Pa. Secretary—Joseph Albree, Allegheny City, Pa. Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—E. H. Reid, Scottdale, ie, DirEcToRS—J. M. Reid, B. F. Boyt, Con- nelisville; Joseph Albree, Allegheny City; Joseph Lindsey, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Ed. Scull, Somerset, Pa.; E. H. Reid, Scottdale. Utah Central RW. President—Joseph Richardson, New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—John W. Young. 2d Vice-Prest.—LeGrand Young. Secretary—Junius F. Wells. Gen. Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—T. J. Mackintosh. Master Mechanic—J. G. Bywater. Utica and Black River RR. President—John Thorn, Utica, N. Y. Vice-President—J. F. Maynard, Utica. Newark, | 155 2d Vice-President-—-Charles Parsons, Jr., New York. Secretary—Edwin Parsons, New York. Treasurer—W. E. Hopkins, New York. DirECTORS—John Thorn, John F. Maynard, John M. Crouse, Wm.M.White, Utica ; Charles. Parsons, Charles Parsons, Jr., Edwin Par- sons, George Parsons, Clarence S. Day, Wm. Lummis, Walter Ferguson, J. Q. A. Johnson, Cyrus J. Lawrence, New York. Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RW. ; President—Samuel Sloan, New York. Vice-President—Edwin R. Holden, New York. Treasurer—Frederick H. Gibbens, New York. Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers, New York. Gen. Mgr.—Wm. F. Hallstead, Scranton, Pa. Asst. Supt.—A. C. Salisbury, Utica, N.Y. DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, E. R. Holden, Edgar S. AucHincloss, Freder- ick H. Gibbens, M. Taylor Pyne, New York; D. B. Goodwin, Daniel Conger, Waterville, N.Y. ; M. C.> Comstock; Utica ;- Solomon Griffith, Roseville, N. J.; Fred. F. Chambers, Somerville, N. J. ; Arthur D. Chambers, East Orange, N. J. Utica, Clinton and Binghamton RR. President—James I. Scollard, Clinton, N. Y. Vice-President—George B. Phelps, Water- town, N. Y. Sec. and Treas.—R. S. Williams, Utica, N. Y. DirECTORS—James I. Scollard, Charles H. Smythe, E. S. Williams, Clinton; George B. Phelps, Watertown; A. N. Sheldon, Frank D. Bebee, Hamilton, N. Y.; John W. Lippitt, Madison, N. Y.; A. N. Curtiss, Solsville, N. Y.; A. W. Reynolds, Oriskany Falls, N. Y.; John Thorn, G. W. Adams, Wm. M. Storrs, A. S. Williams, Utica. Valley RR. (In New York.) President—Samuel Sloan, New York. Secretary—Fred. F. Chambers, New York. Treasurer—Arthur D. Chambers, New York. Gen. Mgr.—Wm. F. Hallstead, Scranton, Pa. DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, Percy R. Pyne, Frederick H. Gibbens, Edwin R. Holden, M. Taylor Pyne, Louis P. Childs, New York ; Fred. F. Chambers, Somerville, N. J.; Benj. G. Clark, Jersey City, N. J.; Benj. A. Hege- man, Plainfield, N. J.; Arthur D. Chambers, East Orange, N. J. Valley RR. of Virginia. President—Charles F. Mayer, Baltimore, Md. Treas. and Sec.—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore. Gen. Mgr.—J. T. Odell, Baltimore. DIRECTORS—Charles F. Mayer, H. Craw- ford Black, H. Duvall, Osmun Latrobe, Balti- fiOTes me WoDulke, Staunton, Var J. J. Allen, Waskey’s Mills, Va.; W. A. Anderson, Lexington, Va. Valley RW. of Ohio. (‘ Cleveland, Akron and Canton Short Line.’’) President—Thomas M. King, Baltimore, Md. Vice-Prest.—S. T. Everett, Cleveland, O. Sec. and Treas.--Henry M. Keim, Cleveland. Auditor—James Bartol, Cleveland. Gen. Agt. and Asst. to President--William Thornburgh. Gen. Supt.—J. T. Johnson. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. B. Caven. 156 DirREcTORS--S. T. Everett, H. M. Keim, J. K: Bole,’M. R. Dickey, Cleveland; L. V. Bockius, Canton, O.; G. E. Taintor, NewYork; | a r..ocaite, Pittsburgh; Pa. +37. Me King, J; B. McDonald, Baltimore, Md. The Valley RW. President--Richard A. Harlow, Helena, Mon. Vice-President—R. S. Hill, Helena. Sec. and Treas.—P. De F. Rust, Helena. ‘Chief Engineer—W. A. Haven, Helena. Velasco Terminal RW. ‘Vice-President and Gen. Mgr.—W. M. D. Lee, Velasco, Tex. ‘Traffic Mgr.-—-M. P. Morrissey, Velasco. Treasurer—G, .W. Angle, Velasco. Trav. Agt.—O. W. Crawford, Velasco. Verdigris Valley, Independence and ‘Western RW. President—Geo. J. Gould, New York. Secretary—Geo. C. Smith, St. Louis, Mo. ‘Treasurer—A. H. Calef. Vermont and Massachusetts RR. President—George F. Fay, Fitchburg, Mass. | ‘Treasurer—Franklin N. Poor, Boston, Mass. Secretary—B. D. Locke, Arlington, Mass. Vermont Valley RR. of 1871. President—A. B. Harris, 45 Broadway, New York. | Clerk and Treas.—Jas. H. Williams, Bellows | Falls, Vt. | Auditor—W. H. Wilson, Springfield, Mass. DiRECTORS—A. B. Harris, Boston, Mass. ; H. C. Robinson, Hartford, Conn.; Oscar | Edwards, Northampton, Mass.; Hugh Henry, Chester, Vt.; James H. Williams, John H. Williams, Bellows Falls; H. E. Folsom, Lyn- | donville, Vt. Vernon, Greensburg and Rushville | RR. President—M. E. Ingalls, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Prest. and Sec,—E. F. Osborn, cinnati. ‘Treasurer—George S. Russell, Cincinnati. Cin= Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacific RR. President—Charles Schiff, London, Eng. Vice-Prest.—C. C. Harvey, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—D. Graff, New York. | Treasurer—H. H. Tatem, Cincinnati. ‘Compt.—Chas. H. Davis, Cincinnati. Gen. Mgr.—Richard Carroll, Cincinnati. DIRECTORS—Edward R. Bacon, Frank S. Bond; Isaac P.Martin, New. York; C.°C. | Harvey, Charles Schiff, London, Eng.; F. L. | Maxwell, Mounds, La.; Alfred Slidell, New | Orleans, La; George C. Waddill, Tallulah, La. Victoria and Western RR. Operated | by Chamberlain, Turney & Co. President—Henry D. Turney. Sec. and Treas.—Lee Chamberlain. Mgr.—J. G. Chamberlain. | Auditor—J. S. Wheeler, Goshen, Va. ‘Solicitor—John J. Lentz. Vincentown Branch RR. President—John S. Irick. Sec. and Treas.—Henry J. Irick. DiRECTORS—Gen. John S. Irick, John R. Howell, William J. Irick, Clifford Stanley Sims, Henry J. Irick. Virginia and Truckee RR. President—D. O. Mills, New York. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Supt.—H. M. Yerington, Carson City, Nev. Treasurer—Agency Bank of California, Vir- ginia, Nev. Secretary—E. B. Yerington, Virginia, Nev. Gen. Agt. and Pass. Agt.—D. A. Bender, Car- son City. DIRECTORS—D. O. Mills, New York; H.M. Yerington, D. L. Bliss, Carson, Nev..; F. G. Newlands, Reno, Nev. ; W. E. Sharon, W. H. Blauvelt, W. E. F. Deal, J. E. Wratten, J. W. Eckley, Virginia. Virginia Co. President—F. J. Kimball, Philadelphia. Secretary—A. J. Hemphill, Philadelphia. Treasurer—W. G. Macdowell, Philadelphia. Comptroller—M. C. Jameson, Philadelphia. Purchasing Agt.—W. C. De Armond, Phila- delphia. Gen. Mgr.—Joseph H. Sands, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—F. J. Kimball, C. H. Clark, Joseph: I. Doran, W. .C: Bullitt, W.2°-G: Macdowell, Chas. Hacker, A. J. Dull, Phila- delphia. Virginia Midland RW. President—T. M. Logan, New York. Vice-Prest.—John S. Barbour, Washington, ie Ra Secretary—W. H. Marbury, Washington. Treasurer—John W. Hall, Atlanta, Ga. DIRECTORS—George Parsons, J. C. Maben, John H. Inman, John McAnerney, New York ; Joseph Wilmer, Rapidan, Va.; John W. Burke, Jno. S. Barbour, Alexandria, Va. ; Chas. M. Blackford, Lynchburg, Va.; G. S. P, Triplett, James B. PaceE. D.-Ciristiam Richmond; Va.; E. S. Reid, Chatham, Vaz; R. F: Mason, Charlottsville, Va.; Alex D. Payne, Warrentown, Va.; C. G.- Holland, Danville, Va.; J. T. Lovell, Front Royal, Va. Visalia and Tulare RR. President—Jasper Harrell, Visalia, Cal. Vice-Prest.—Joseph Goldman, Tulare, Cal. Treasurer—Harrell & Son, Visalia. Sec. and Gen. Mgr.—A J. Harrell, Visalia. DIRECTORS—Jasper Harrell, V. D. Knupp, G. A. Botsford, H. P. Perkins, A. J. Harrell, Visalia; J. Goldman, Thomas H. Thompson, Tulare. Visalia RW. President—R. E. Hyde, Visalia, Cal. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—E. Jacob, Visalia. Secretary—Julius Levy, Visalia. DIRECTORS—R. E..Hyde, E. Jacob, L. C. Hyde, S. Mitchell, Visalia ; Solomon Sweet, San Francisco, Cal. Wabash, Chester and Western RR. President—Nathan Cole, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—C. B. Cole, Chester, Ill Secretary—H. C. Cole, Chester. Supt.—J. R. Hawkins, Chester. Auditor, Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. E. Kingsbury, Chester. _ Bryden, Carbondale, Ill. ; - Atty. for Missouri—F 157 DIRECTORS—Nathan Cole, St. Louis; J. C. er Cole, te Uy, Cole, Z. T. Cole, Chester. The Wabash RR. (‘‘ The Wabash Line.’’) President—O. D. Ashley, New York. Vice-President—Edgar T. Welles, York. Vice-President—James F. How, St. Louis, Mo. Gen. Mgr.—Chas. M. Hays, St. Louis. Secretary—J. C. Otteson, New York. Asst. Secretary—H. A. Lloyd, St. Louis. Treasurer—F. L. O’Leary, St. Louis. Auditor—D. B. Howard, St. Louis. Asst. Auditor—E. B. Pryor, St. Louis. Gen. Supt.—H. L. Magee, St. Louis. Car Ser. Agt.-—-C. B. Adams, St. Louis. Supt. East. Div.—E. A. Gould, Peru, Ind. Supt. CS Div.—J. S. Goodrich, Chicago, Ill. Supt. West. Div.--F. H. McGuigan, Kansas | City, Mo. Supt. Motive Power and Mach.—J. B. Barnes, Springfield, III. Supt. Car Dept.—M. M. Martin, Decatur, Ill. Purchasing Agt. and Gen. Storekeeper—H. H. Wellman, St. Louis. Supt. of Tele.-—G. C. Kinsman, Decatur. Paymaster—Geo. T. Hitchcock, St. Louis. Chief Engr.—W. S. Lincoln, St. Louis. Chief Surgeon—H. W. Morehouse, Danville, Ill. Gen. Claim Agt.—H. A. Lloyd, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Claim Agt.—L. L. Austin, Louis. Fet. Traffic Agt.—M. Knight, St. Louis. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—S. B. Knight, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Fegt. Agt.—J. D. Lund, St. Louis. St: Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Sumner Hopkins, Chicago. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—F. Chandler, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—C. S. Crane, St. Louis. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—F.A. Palmer, Chicago. Gen. Bag. Agt.—S. H. Overholt, St. Louis. Gen. Car Acct.—C. P. Chesebro, St. Louis. Fet. Claim Agt.—M. L. Becker, St. Louis. Gen. Solicitor—W. H. Blodgett, St. Louis. Ww Lehmann, St. Louis. Atty. for Illinois—Geo. B. Burnett, St. Louis. Gen. East. Agt.—H. B. McClellan, 409 Broad- way, New York. New England Fet. Agt.—W. P. Sargent, 290 | Washington st., Boston, Mass. Commercial Agt.—J. J. Mossnran, ao, N.Y. Div. Fet. Agt.--J. M. Osborn, Toledo, O. Div. Fgt. Agt.—R. G. Butler, Detroit, Mich. Div. Fgt. Agt.—E. E. Fleming, Springfield. Commercial Agt.—S. P. Barnes, Quincy, Ill. Commercial Agt.—P. W. Coyle, Ste eos: Commercial Agt.—W. HH: Reed, Kansas City. Commercial Agt.—Geo. M. Entrikin, Omaha, Neb. Commercial Agt.—C. M. Hampson, Denver, Col. Div. Fgt. Agt.—W. B. Jennings, Moberly, Mo. Commercial Agt.--L. M. Martin, Moines, Ia. Gen. Agt.—-J. F. McCarthy, 626 Market st., San Francisco, Cal. Commercial Fegt. ‘Agt. —W. A. Sprott, Cin- cinnati, O. Commercial Fgt. Agt.—W. L. Bowlus, Cleve- land, O. Buf- New | Des | Gen. Adv. Agt.—H. Durand, St. Louis. Trav. Pass. Agt.—W. D. Wood, St. Louis. East. Pass. Agt.—E. T. Monett, 409 Broad- way, New York. Southeastern Pass. Agt.—L. S. McClellan, 409 Broadway, New York. New England Pass. Agt.—J. D. McBeath, Boston. Central Pass. Agt.—F. H. Tristram, cor. 7th ave. and Smithfield st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—P. E. Dombaugh, 308 Madison st., Toledo. Div. Pass. Agt.—R. G. Butler, 9 Fort st. Detroit. Canadian Pass. Agt.—J. Toronto, Can. Pass. and Tkt. Agt. Wayne, Ind. Pass. and Tkt. Agt:—E. W. McGee, Spring- field. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.— by W., A. Richardson, —R. G. Thompson, Fort CA. Pollock, Decatur, Ill. Mich. Pass. Agt.—J. Halderman, 201 Clark st., Chicago. — Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—J. M. McConnell, Lafay- ette, Ind. Commercial Agt.—S. P. Barnes, Quincy. District Pass. Agt.—Geo. D. Maxfield, Indian- apolis, Ind. Southern Pass. Agt.—Ed. Swift, Carew Building, Cincinnati. Trav. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Fowler, Louisville, Room 30, Ky. Southwestern Pass. Agt.—W. F. Connor, Dal- las, .lex: West. Pass. Agt.—H. N. Garland, cor. oth and Delaware sts., Kansas City. Trav. Pass. Agt.—James Garvey, Kansas City. Northwestern Pass. Agt.—Geo. N. Clayton, Omaha. Trav. Pass. Agt.—Jos. Teahon, Omaha. Commercial Agt.—L. M. Martin, Des Moines. Commercial Agt.—C. M. Hampson, Denver. Trav. Pass. Agt. —O. L. Allen, Denver. Gen. Agt.—J. F. McCarthy, 626 Market st., San Francisco. Trav. Agt.—B. H. Garland, Portland, Ore. DirEcToRS—O. D. Ashley, George J. Gould, Edgar T. Welles, Cyrus J. Lawrence, Sidney Dillon, Thos. H. Hubbard, John T. Terry, Russell Sage, New York ; H. K. Mc- Harg, Stamford, Conn. ; James F. Joy, Detroit ; S. C. Reynolds, Toledo; James F. How, Charles M. Hays, St. Louis. Wadley and Mt. Vernon RR. President—T. J. James, Atlanta, Ga. Vice-President and Supt.—James O. Parker, Wadley, Ga. Gen. Mer.—F. M. Fremont, Atlanta. Sec. and Treas.—D. L. Cheatham, Atlanta. Auditor and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—G. D. Tysor, Wadley. Master Mechanic—S. B. Perkins, Wadley. DIRECTORS—T. J. James, F. M. Fremont, Di. La Cheatham, ‘Atlanta;.S. B. Perkins, Wadley. Wallkill Valley RR. President—Ashbel Green, New York. Sec. and Treas.—E. V. W. Rossiter, York. Comptroller—John Carstensen, New York. New DirECTORS—Walter Katte, Herbert E. Kinney, James D. Layng, James W. Musson, William H. Sanford, John Carstensen, C. W. Pierson, New York; Ashbel Green, by ae Lawrence Depew, Detroit, Mich. ; bi) V.W. Rossiter, Flushing, L. I. ’ George =e Prince, Roselle, Nes Albert B. Taylor, ~ Nor- wood, N. J.; W. C. Taylor, Hastings, N. Y. Ware River RR. President—J. A. Rumrill, Springfield, Mass. Treasurer—C. E. Stevens, Hingham, Mass. Clerk—E. W. Long, Springfield. DIRECTORS—J. A. Rumrill, Springfield ; C. A. Ware, Stevens, Mass. ; E. B. Gillet, West- field, Mass.; W. W. Whitney, Winchendon, Mass.; ALOR Oe Stevens, Hingham ; H. B. Chapin, Boston, Mass. ; - Charles 5. Sargent, Brookline, Mass. Warren and Farnsworth RR. President—M. Waters, Warren, Pa. Vice-President—M. B. Dunham, Warren. Secretary—J. P. Jefferson, Warren. Auditor—C. P. Wilkins, Clarendon, Pa. DIRECTORS—T. Struthers, L. D. Wetmore, Deru mddy)) Cows Stone, FF, Henry; Az J. Hazeltine, Warren. Warren RR. President—John I. Blair, Blairstown, N. J. Secretary—Fred F. Chambers. Treasurer—Fred’k H. Gibbens, New York. Warrentown RR. President—W. J. White, Warrenton, N. Cc. Sec. and Treas.—J. M. ‘Gardner, Warrenton. Gen. Mgr.—C. P. Shell, Wartenton. DirRECTORS—Jere. Draper, C. A. Cook, W. B, Boyd, J: G. King; T. P. Arrington, War- renton. Washington and Idaho RR. See Union Pacific RR. Washington Branch RR. President—Chas. F. Mayer, Baltimore, Md. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore. Washington City and Point Lookout RR. Presidency vacant. Vice-Prest.—William J. Best, New York. Sec. and Treas.—George E. Dimock, Wash- ington, D.C; DirEcTORS—Charles H. Green, Herman Knubel, A. D. Dickinson, Wm. J. Best, New York ; Francis P. Stevens, Morris P. Stevens, Alfred Ely, Thomas J. Irving, William H. Hills, Baltimore, Md. Washington County RR. President—C. K. Lord, Baltimore, Md. Secretary—F. W. Hildebrandt. Washington, Ohio and Western RR. President—John H. Inman, New York. Sec. and Treas.—A. J. Rauh, New York. DIRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, Johny Gals houn, T. M. Logan, John A. Rutherford, W. ac Oakman, New York ; Calvin S. Brice, Lima, O.; ° Henry Harrison, E. V. White, Leesburg, Va.; R. E. Byrd, Holmes Conrad, Winchester, Va.; O. E. Hines, Vienna, Va. ; J. Marshall McCormick, Berryville, Va. Tenafly, | 158 Washington Southern RW. (Va.) President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Vice-Prest.—Frank Thomson, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—John S. Leib, Baltimore, Md. Auditor—James P. Kerr, "Baltimore. DrirEcTORS — John Cassels, Washington, D,Cr john PR. Green; Philadelphia ; Andrew Jamieson, Alevandria: Val: James “Fir kegs _C. Wilkins, John S. Leib, Baltimore, Md. Washington Southern RW. (Wash. ) President—J. R. McDonald, Seattle, Wash. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—-A. H. Anderson, Shelton, Wash. Secretary—O. C. Hanson, Seattle. Treasurer—Geo. Lawler, Seattle. Gen. Agt.—W. J. Jennings, Shelton. Watchung RR. Receiver—A. S. Hewitt, New York. Waterloo and Magog RW. President—Ralph Merry, Magog, Que. Secretary—A. H. Moore, Magog. Supt. and Purchasing ‘Agt. —J. B. Futvoye, St. Johns, Que. Road Master—C. Courville, S. Stuckley, Que. Watertown and Lake Kampeska RR. President and Treasurer—Charles Joscelyne, Watertown, S. Dak. Secretary—R. B. Spicer, Watertown. DIRECTORS — William McIntyre, Charles Joscelyne, A> C.’ Mellette, A. McIntyre RvB: Spicer, Watertown. Waverly and State Line RW. President—E. P. Wilbur, Bethlehem, Pa. Vice-President—Chas. Hartshorne, Philadel- phia. 2d Vice-President—Robt. H. Sayre, Philadel- phia. 3d Vice-President—John B. Garrett, Philadel- phia. Secretary—John R. Fanshawe, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Wm. C. Alderson, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS — Elisha P. Wilbur, Chas. Hartshorne, Robert H. Sayre, Geo. M. Diver, Wm. Stevenson, John R. Fanshawe, John B. Garrett, Philadelphia. Waynesburgh and Canton RR. President—John W. Wardwell, Cleveland, O. Sec. and Treas.—C. H. Blood, Fitchburg, Mass. Chief Engr.—H. A. Kennedy, Canton, O. DIRECTORS—J. W. Wardwell, E. F. Blood, Cleveland; H. A. Kennedy, R. W. Water- house, C. C. Cook, Canton; Chas. H. -Blood, Fitchburg. Waynesburg and Washington RR. President—Geo. B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-President—Thos. D. Messler, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—T. H. B. McKnight, Pittsburgh. Secretary—S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh. Auditor—John W. Renner, Pittsburgh. Supt.—C. E. Bower, Waynesburg, Pa: DirEcTORS—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Philadelphia; Wm. Mullins, Thomas D. Mes- sler, James McCrea, J. T. Brooks, J. J. Brooks, John E. Davidson, Pittsburgh, Pa.; J. F; Temple, Abner Tharp, W. T. Lantz, Waynes- burg; Jacob Swart, Hopkins Mills, Pa, we 159 Weatherford, Mineral Wells Northwestern RW. (Operated by Weather- | ford Construction Co.) President and Gen. Manager—L. M. Fouts, Weatherford, Tex. Vice-President—S. M. Finley, Dallas, Tex. Auditor and Treas.—E. R. Standish. Sec. and Supt.—A. F. McKay, Weatherford. DIRECTORS—L. M. Fouts, E. R. Standish, A. F. McKay, Guy B. Short, J. O. Fouts, W. Hamon, A. W. Chanslor, Weatherford ; S. M. Finley, J. A. Cronkhite, Dallas. Webster City and Southwestern RR. President—A. A. K. Hamilton, Milwaukee, Wis. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Lehigh, Ia. Sec. and Treas.—J. M. Funk, Webster City, Ia. Wellington, Grey and Bruce RW. President—L. J. Seargeant. Secretary—Robert Wright, Montreal, P. Q. Wellsville, Bolivar and Eldred RR. President—R. G. Taylor. Secretary—W. S. Bissell, Buffalo, N. Y. Treasurer—B. W. Spencer, New York. Wellsville, Creek RR. President—John McEwen, Wellsville, N. Y. Vice-President—E. J. Farnum, Wellsville. Treasurer—H. N. Lewis, Wellsville. Secretary—H. K. Opp, Wellsville. Auditor—Charles E. Davis, Wellsville. Chief Engr.—George E. Pierce, Wellsville. DIRECcTORS—John McEwen, E. J. Farnum, Mgr.—W. C. Wilson, H. N. Lewis, H. K. Opp, W. B. Coats, George | George W. Pierce, George E. | H. Blackman, Brown, William Duke, Charles Day, Joseph Doty, Rufus Scott, A. J. Applebee, Westville. West Amesbury Branch RR. President—Wm. H. Haskell. Sec. and Treas.—Daniel J. Poore, Merrimac, Mass. DIRECTORS--Wm. H. Haskell, F. Sargent, John B. anes Merrimac ; E. R. Brown, Dover, ile Ew West Chester RR. Co. President—John P. Green, Philadelphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DiREcCTORS—Wm. H. Barnes, John P. Green, Wm. A. Patton, G. B. Roberts, H. D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Philadelphia. Western and Atlantic RR. (Operated by Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RW.) Supt.—J. L. McCollum. Traffic Mgr.—Joseph M. Brown. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—James L. Dickey. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Charles E. Harman. Master Mech.—M. L. Collier. Resident Engr.—Hunter McDonald. City Pass. Agt.—James Maloy, No. 4 Kimball | House, Atlanta, Ga. City Pass. Agt.—W. T. Rogers, Chattanooga, Tenn. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. L. Edmondson, Dalton, Ga. Trav. Pass. Agt.—J. W. Hicks, Charlotte, N.C. Gen. West. Agt.— nati, O. Coudersport and Pine Benjamin | D. J. Mullaney, Cincin- | and | Gen. S. W. Agt.—W. C. Price, Kansas City, Mo. Con. Fgt. Agt.—T. H. Moore, Nashville, Tenn. Gen. So. Agt.—W. H. Trezevant, Atlanta. Southeast Agt.—J. R. Courtney, Macon, Ga. Western Counties RW. President—Frank Killam, Yarmouth, N. S. Sec. and Treas.—J. W. Bingay, Yarmouth. Auditor—William Fraser, Yarmouth. Gen. Supt.—J. Brignell, Yarmouth. DIRECTORS—Wm., D. Lovitt, F. Killam, Hugh Cann, A. C. Robbins, J. R. Kinney, Jacob Bingay, John Lovitt, Yarmouth, Western Maryland RR. President and Gen. Mgr.—John M. Hood, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—George H. Baer, Baltimore. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—B. H. Griswold. Auditor and Gen. Tkt. Agt.—J.D.Whittington. Train Master—J. C. Hiltabidle. DIRECTORS—Robert Biggs, L. L. Jackson, Wm. Keyser, Christian Devries, E. G. Hips- ley, Samuel D. Schmucker, John Cae egy. I. M. Littig, William S. Rayner, Levi Wein- berger, Baltimore; John W. Cable, Smiths- burg, Md.: ACW Humrichouse, Williamsport, Md.; - Edward Worthington, Glyndon, Md. Western New York and Eee pia RR. President—S.G, De Coursey, 242 S, 3d\‘st., Philadelphia. Asst. to President—J. E. Shields, Buffalo,N.Y. Treasurer—F. S. Buell, Buffalo. Secretary—Jos. R. Trimble, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt.— Robert Bell, Buffalo. Acting Auditor—J. R. Reynolds, Buffalo. Purchasing Agt.—J. H. Poole, Buffalo. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. T. Johnson, Buffalo. Gen. Pass. and Tkt. Agt.—J. A. Fellows, Buffalo. Chief Engr. Maint. of Way—R. D. McCreary, Buffalo. Supt. Pittsburgh Div.—E. A. Fisher, Oil City, Pa: Supt. Buffalo Div.—C. T. Dabney, Buffalo. Supt. Rochester Div.—J. W. Watson, Olean, NAY a ter Registrar of Trans. in Philadelphia—The Fidelity Trust and Safe Deposit Co. Registrar of Trans. in New York—Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. Registrar—Mercantile Trust Co., New York. Transfer Agency in New York—Continental Trust Co. DirEcTORS—Sam. G. De Coursey, Nicholas Thouron, J. Rundle Smith, Wm. C. Bullitt, John K. Barclay, Edward T. Steel, George E. Bartol, E. W..Clark, Jr., Charles M. Lea, Philadelphia ; Edward L. Owen, New York; Rascals Prattabuttalo: Western North Carolina RR. President—A. B. Andrews. Vice-Prest.—Frank Coxe, Asheville, N. C. Sec. and Treas.—Geo. P. Erwin, Morganton, Nit DrRECTORS—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N.C.; J. W. Cooper, Murphy, N. C:; S. H. Wiley, Salisbury, N. C.;'C. S.-Brice, Lima, O.; John A. Rutherfurd, W. G. Oakman, J. H. Parker, New York; Frank Coxe, J. E. Rankin, Ashe- ville ; G. P. Erwin, Morganton. 160 Western Pennsylvania RR. President—J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Phila- delphia. Secretary—Albert Hewson, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Taber Ashton, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—John P. Green, G. B. Roberts, | Henry D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, Philadel- | phia. Western RW. of Alabama and At- lanta and West Point RR. President—C. H. Phinizy, Augusta, Ga. Gen. Mger.—Edmund L. Tyler, Atlanta, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—H. M. Abbett, Atlanta. Auditor—T. J. Hunter, Atlanta. Traffic Mgr.—R. E. Lutz. Mast. Mech.—J. E. Worswick. Mast. Car Builder—A. Rowland. Mast. of Trains—L. B. McGuire. Car Acct.—J. T. McDevitt. Gen. Counsel West. RW.—Geo. P. Harrison, | Opelika, Ala. Gen. Agt.—B. F. Wyly, Jr., Atlanta. Gen. Agt.—W. J. Taylor. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—John A. Gee, Atlanta. Pass. Agt.—R. H. Hudson. Trav. Pass. and Fgt. Agt.—S. C. Harrell, Columbus, Ga. Soliciting Agt.—F. H. Lacy, 45 St. Charles | st., New Orleans, La. Pass. Agt.—J. J. O’Donnell, 45 St. Charles | st., New Orleans. Contracting Agt.—E. B. Evans, Selma, Ala. | Gen. Counsel A. and W. P. RR.—Calhoun, King & Spalding, Atlanta. DIRECTORS—E. P. Ga.; M. H. Smith, Louisville, Ky.; Henry C. Semple, Jeff. M. Faulkner, Montgomery, | Alas Alex.’.C. King,’ Atlanta; John W. Green, Augusta, Ga. Western RW. of Florida. Santa Fé Route.’’) Receiver—Joseph H. Durkee, Springs, Fla, President—Dexter Hunter, Jacksonville, Fla. | Treasurer—J. S. Driggs, Jacksonville. Secretary—D. N. Reynolds, Jacksonville. Gen. Supt. and Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—L. E. Barker. t Auditor—W. S. Banks. DiRECTORS—Dexter Hunter, W. B. Barnett, J. C. Greely, Jacksonville; W. J. Wilson, Green Cove Springs; W. R. Ketchum, John G. Moore, E. R. Chapman, New York. West Jersey and Atlantic RR. President—George Wood, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. Alexander, Savannah, | ( “Lake | Green Cove | Secretary—James R. McClure, Philadelphia. | West Jersey RR. President-—-Geo. B. Roberts, Philadelphia. Vice-President—W. J. Sewell, Philadelphia. Gen. Mgr.—Chas E. Pugh, Philadelphia. Treasurer—Robert W. Smith, Philadelphia. Asst. Treas.—John M. Wood, Philadelphia. Secretary—James R. McClure, Philadelphia. Gen. Solicitor—Jokn Scott, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Solicitor—James A. Logan, Phila- | delphia. Real Estate Agt.—J. C. Wilson, Philadelphia. Chief Conveyancer—Geo. W. I. Ball, Phila- delphia. | Comptroller—Robert W. Downing, Philadel- phia. Asst. Comptroller and Auditor Pass. Receipts —M. Riebenack, Philadelphia. Gen. Fet. Agt.—W. H. Joyce, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—C. A. Chipley, Phila- delphia. Fet. Claim Agt.—F. D. Howell, Philadelphia. Gen. Pass. Agt.—James R.Wood, Philadelphia. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Geo. W. Boyd, Phila- delphia. Div. Tkt. Agt.—J. S. Hackett, Philadelphia. Gen. Bag. Agt.—F. J. McWade, Philadelphia. Purchasing Agt.—Enoch Lewis, Philadelphia. Asst. Purchasing Agt.—A.W. Summers, Phila- delphia. Div. Fet. Agt.—E. W. Coffin, Camden, N. J. Asst. Auditor Pass. Receipts—A. J. Gilling- ham, Philadelphia. Auditor Fgt. Receipts—Geo. M. Taylor, Phila- delphia. Auditor of Coal Fet. Justice, Philadelphia. Auditor Disb.—Jos. D. Greene, Philadelphia. Asst. Auditor Disb.—Oscar A. Knipe, Phila- delphia. Chief Engr.—Wm. H. Brown, Philadelphia. Gen. Supt. Motive Power—Theo. N. Ely, Altoona, Pa. Gen. Supt. Trans.—S. M. Prevost, Philadel- phia. Superintendent—A. O. Dayton, Camden. Supt. Motive Power—H.S. Hayward, Jersey Citys Nos Gen. Exp. Agt.—Robt. Stretch, Philadelphia. DirEcTORS—Geo. B. Roberts, GeorgeWood,, J.N. Du Barry (dec’d), N. P. Shortridge, Josiah Wistar, Jas. H. Nixon, David B. Gill, Wm. G. Nixon, B. B. Comegys, Philadelphia; C. F. Leaming, Cape May, N. J.; Jno. M. Moore, Clayton, N.J.; > Thos..H. Dudley,- Henry; 23 Welsh, Wm. J. Sewell, B. F. Lee, Camden, Nad: Receipts—J efferson West Shore and Ontario Terminal Co. of New York and New Jersey. President—C. M. Depew, New York. Sec. and Treas.—E. V. W. Rossiter, New York. West Shore RR. President—Chauncey M. Depew, New York. Vice-President and Gen. Counsel—Ashbel Green; Tenatly;,N2 J? Gen. Manager—J. D. Layng, 5 Vanderbilt ave., New York. Treasurer—E. V. W. Rossiter, Grand Central Depot, New York. Gen. Traffic Mgr.—J. W. Musson, 5 Vander- bilt ave., New York. | Gen. Fgt. Agt.—Percy R. Todd, 5 Vanderbilt ave., New York. Asst. Gen. Fet. Agt.—Francis La Bau, 5 Vanderbilt ave., New York. Gen. Pass. Agt.—C. E. Lambert, 5 Vander- bilt ave., New York. Gen. Bag. Agt.—C. W. Clymans, Weehaw- ken, N: J. Comptroller—J. Carstensen, Grand Central Depot, New York. Auditor of Disbursements—F. C. Root, Grand Central Depot, New York. Auditor Pass. Accts.—J. F. Fairlamb, Grand Central Depot, New York. Auditor Fgt. Accts.—W. B. Pollock, Grand Central Depot, New York. 161 Chief Engineer—Walter Katte, Grand Central Depot, New York. Gen. Supt.—C. W. Bradley, Weehawken. Division Supt.—W. G. Watson, Weekawken. Division Supt.—J. P. Bradfield, Syracuse, | Nay: Supt. Motive Power—Wm. Buchanan, Grand Central Depot, New York. Asst. Supt. Motive Power—J. M. Boon, Frank- | fOKtGpeNee Ve Purchasing Agt.—Allen Bourn, Grand Central | Depot, New York. Gen. Eastern Fet. Agt.—Brainard Howell, 363 Broadway, New York. Gen. Eastern Pass. Agt.—H. B. Jagoe, 363 Broadway, New York. New England Pass. Agt.—A. A. Smith, 300 Washington st., Boston, Mass. Gen, Agt. Pass. Dept.—E. J. Weeks, 1 Ex- change st., Buffalo, N. Y. Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept.—F. J. Wolfe, Room 9, Union Station, Albany, N. Y. Gen. Western Pass. Agt.—Wm. Cadwell, 197 Clark st., Chicago, Ill. Supt. Telegraph and Signals—J. B. Stewart, Weehawken. Gen. Coal Agt.—W. L. Kingman, 132 Park ave., New York. Gen. Live Stock Agt.—Jno. B. Dutcher, Grand Central Depot, New York, DIRECTORS—Cornelius Vanderbilt, Wm. K. Vanderbilt, F. W. Vanderbilt, Chauncey M. Depew, J. Hood Wright, J. Pierpont Morgan, Edward D. Adams, Charles C. Clarke, Charles Lanier, Horace J. Hayden, Samuel F. Barger, Charles Edward Tracy, New York ; Ashbel Green, Tenafly. West Stockbridge RR. President—W. H..Starbuck, New York. Treasurer—M. E. Stone. West Virginia and Pittsburgh RR. President—J.N.Camden, Parkersburg, W.Va. Vice-Prest and Gen. Manager—A. H. Kunst, Weston, W. Va. Sec. and Treas.—M. W. Harrison, Weston. Auditor—H. W. Bulkley, Weston. Gen. Fet. and Ticket Agt.—E. M. Vandervort. Asst. Supt.—A. M. Lane, Counsel—John Brannon. DiRECTORS—J. N. Camden, T. B. Camden, Parkersburg’; A. H. Kunst, A. A. Lewis, Weston; E.R. Bacon, New York; Thomas meine, C. K. Lord, Baltimore, Md.; G. A. Newlon, Buckhannon, W. Va.; Isaac Jackson, Jane Lew, W. Va. West Virginia Central and Pitts- burgh RW. President—H. G. Davis, Piedmont, W. Va. Vice-Prest.—Stephen B. Elkins, 1 Broadway, | New York. Asst. to President—C. M. Hendley, Baltimore, Md. Sec. and Treas.—E. W. S. Moore, 23 German st., Baltimore. Auditor—J. G. Miller, Cumberland, Md. Gen. Mgr.—C. L. Bretz, Cumberland. Gen. Traffic Agt.—G. W. Harrison, Piedmont. Cashier and Paymaster—Hopewell Hebb, Cumberland. DIRECTORS—H. G. Davis, Piedmont; S. B. Elkins, Elkins, W. Va.; John A. Hambleton, W. W. Taylor, Baltimore ; Thomas B. Davis, | Keyser, W. Va.; James G. Blaine, Washing- ton, D. C.; R. C. Kerens, St. Louis, Mo. II Wharton Valley RR. See New York, Ontario and Western RR. Wheeling and Elm Grove RR. President—A. Reymann, Wheeling, W. Va. Sec. and Treas.—John Roemer, Wheeling. Auditor—G. W. Jeffers, Wheeling. Gen. Mgr.—G. D. Gillelen, Wheeling. DIRECTORS—A. Reymann, H. B. Grimm, J.D. Du Bois, F. Happy, Aug. Rolf, H. Ber- belson, G. W. Jeffers, Wheeling. Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. President—Frank R. Lawrence, New York. Vice-Prest.—John Greenough, New York. Sec. and Trea.—J. M. Ham, New York. Auditor and Asst. Sec.—Downer Adams, Toledo, 0. Asst. Treas.—A. H. Thorp, Toledo. Gen. Mgr.—A. G. Blair, Toledo. Gen. Fgt. Agt.—H. J. Booth, Toledo. Coal Traffic Agt.—W. H. Vance, Toledo. Gen. Pass. Agt.—Jas. M. Hall, Toledo. Gen. Supt.—W, R. Woodford, Toledo. Chief Engr.—C. A. Wilson, Toledo. Gen. Car Acct.—E. L. Gates, Toledo. Gen. Mast. Mech.—O. P. Dunbar, Norwalk,O. Gen. Agt.—E. B. Coolidge, Detroit, Mich. Gen. Agt.—J. E. Terry, Steubenville, O. DIRECTORS—M. D. Woodford, George W. Davis, S. C. Reynolds, George E. Pomeroy, Toledo; Sidney Dillon, F. R. Lawrence, John Greenough, Eden K. Sibley, New York; John G. Warwick, Massillon, O. Wheeling Bridge and Terminal RW, President—W. B. Thomas, Boston, Mass. Vice-Prest.—J. Kennedy Tod, New York. Secretary—R. B. Ferris, New York. Treasurer—J. L. Hall, New York. Gen. Mgr.—N. W. Eayrs, Wheeling, W. Va. Fgt. and Purchasing Agt.—J. E. Taussig, Wheeling. Wheeling, Pittsburgh and Baltimore RR. President—J. B. Washington. Secretary—A. W. Black, Pittsburgh, Pa. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams, Baltimore, Md. Auditor—W. T. Thelin, Baltimore. DIRECTORS—Charles F. Mayer, Baltimore ; J. B. Washington, John D. Scully, Johns McCleave, Alexander M. Byers, Pittsburgh ; W. W. Smith, Wm. Workman, Washington, Pa. White and Black River Valley RW. President—R. W. Martin. Gen. Mgr., Sec. and Treas.—W. J. Thompson. Trav. Fgt.and Pass. Agt.—J. T. Henderson, Auvergne, Ark. Gen. Supt., Fgt. and Tkt. Agt.—John T. Flynn, Newport, Ark. Gen. Pass. Agt.—E. G. Thompson, Little Rock, Ark. Supt. Aug. and Southeast Div.—Minor Greg- ory, Gregory, Ark. DiRECTORS—James B. Dent, Riverside, Ark. ; E. G-. Thompson, R. W. Martin, Wm. J. Thompson, Little Rock ; James T. Hender- son, Auvergne; V. H. Henderson, Searcy, . Ark. ; Minor Gregory, Gregory; J. P. Coffin, Powhattan, Ark. ; W. L. McDonald, Newport. 162 Whitefield and Jefferson RR. President—Nathan R. Perkins, Jefferson, INL, Secretary—Ira C. Chase, Bristol, N. H. Treas.—Edward D. Harlow, Boston, Mass. Wichita and Western RW. President—A. Manvel, Chicago, IIl. Vice-Prest. and Gen. Auditor—J. W. Reinhart, Boston, Mass. 2d Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—A. A. Robinson, Topeka, Kan. Sec. and Treas.—E. Wilder, Topeka. Asst. Gen, Auditor—W. K. Gillett, Topeka. Comptroller—J. P. Whitehead, Boston. Gen. Counsel—John J. McCook, New York. DiIRECTORS—George C. Magoun, Thos. Baring, Cecil Baring, J. J. McCook, New York ; A. Manvel, Chicago; O. W. Peabody, J. W. Reinhart, Boston; C. M. Condon, Os- weeo,. Kan, .G..G, Gage, D. L. Lakin, Henry Strong, I..D. Thatcher, Topeka; Nathaniel H. Burt, Leavenworth, Kan. Wichita Valley RW. ‘President—Morgan Jones, Fort Worth, Tex. Vice-Prest. and Treas.—E. W. Taylor, Fort Worth. Secretary—G. P. Meade, Fort Worth. Auditor—W. A. Ross, Fort Worth. DIRECTORS—J. P. Smith, E. W. Taylor, Morgan Jones, J. G. Jones, E. E. Chase, G. P. Meade, Fort Worth; G. M. Dodge, S. Tilgh- man, New York; W. T. Walters, Baltimore, Md. Wiggins Ferry Co. President—John Scullen, St. Louis, Mo. Vice-President—A. C. Church, St. Louis. Sec. and Treas.—H. L. Clark, St. Louis. Manager—C. H. Sharman, St. Louis. DirRECTORS—John Scullen, E. Peugnet, A. C. Church, John W. Turner, R. P. Jansey, St. Louis. Wilcox RR. President—W. Hasell Wilson, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—J. S. Vanzandt, Philadelphia. DIRECTORS—W. Hassell Wilson, J. N. Du Barry, deceased, Henry D. Welsh, N. P. Shortridge, Amos R. Little, J. Bayard Henry, Wn. A. Patton, Philadelphia. Wilkes-Barre and MHarvey’s Lake RR. President—E. P. Wilbur, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—David G. Baird, Philadel- hia. Dreeeroxs-tRobert H. Sayre, Wm. Stev- enson, George W. Shonk, John B. Garrett, David G. Baird, Chas, Hartshorne, Rollin H. Wilbur, Albert Lewis, Philadelphia. Wilkes-Barre and Scranton RW. President—J. S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Solomon Shepherd, Phila- delphia. DirRECTORS—F. R. Cope, S. Shepherd, E. Hill, C. F. Howell, W. A. Buchanan, Phila- delphia. Wilkes-Barre and Western RW. President—Joseph M. Gazzam, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—Robert C. Bellville. Gen. Mgr. and Supt.—S. H. Hicks. DIRECTORS—Joseph M. Gazzam, Morris Liveright, John B. Stetson, Charles D. Bar- ney, W. C. DeArmond, John M. Sharp, Max Bamberger, ' “SS: _D. | Haupt, > Philadélphize Charles Raht, R. T. McCabe, New York. Williamsport and North Branch RR. President—Henry C. McCormick, Williams- port, Pa. Vice-President—John Satterfield, Buffalo,N.Y. Treasurer—J. Henry Cochran, Williamsport. Secretary—Seth T. McCormick, Williams- DOLCE, Gen. Mgr.—Benj. G. Welch, Hughsville, Pa. Auditor—S. D. Townsend, Hughsville. DIRECTORS—Henry C. McCormick, Seth T. McCormick, E.-R. Payne, J. Henry Cochran, H. L. Taylor, Williamsport ; John Satterfield, Buffalo. Williamsville, Greenville and North- eastern RW. President—W. N. Holladay, Williamsville, Mo. Treasurer—A. B. Martindale, Williamsville. Secretary—C. W. White, Grandon, Mo. DIRECTORS—H. N. Holladay, A. B. Martin- dale, R. B. Gladden, Jno. T. Buits, Williams- ville ; C. W. White, Grandon. Willmar and Sioux Falls RW. President—W. P. Clough. Sec. and Treas.—E. Sawyer. Gen. Mgr.—A. L. Mohler, St. Paul, Minn. DtrEcTors—J. J. Hill, W. P. Clough, E. eer M. D. Grover, E. T.. Stevenson, St Paul. Wilmington and Northern RR. President—H. A. Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. Chief Engr.—F. L. Hills, Wilmington. Supt. and Treasurer—A. G. McCausland, Wilmington. Secretary—E. B. Shurter, Wilmington. Auditor—T. B. Townsend, Wilmington. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—B. Briggs, Wil- mington. Gen. West. Agt.—E. S. Rice, Chicago, IL. DiIRECTORS—H. A. Du Pont, Wilmington, Del. ; George Brooke, Birdsboro’, Pa.; Chas. Huston, Coatesville, Pa.; John S. Gerhard, Philadelphia ; L. H. Smith, Joanna Furnace, Pa. ASL. Foster, Montchanin) Del. Wee Connor, Woodbury, N. J. Wilmington and Weldon RR. President—Warren G. Elliott. Vice-Prest.—H. Walters. Sec. and Treas.—Jas. F. Post, Jr. Gen. Mgr.—John R. Kenly. Gen. Supt.—John F. Divine. Trafic Mgr.—T. M. Emerson. Gen. Auditor—W. A. Riach. Asst. Gen. oF gt. and Pass. Emerson. Asst. Auditor—John R. Latta. Engr. of Roadway—B. R. Dunn. Asst. Engr. of Roaiway—M. W. Divine. Paymaster—A. B. Lynch. Supt. of Trans.—E. Borden. Master of Machinery—John Bissett. Master of Supplies—E. F. Cason. Master Car Builder—J. H. Davis. Agt.—H. M. DIRECTORS—W. T. Walters, Michael Jen- maine, H. 6. Plant, B. F. Newcomer, A. J. DeRosset, H. Walters, E. B. Borden, W. H. Willard, George Howard, J. P. McCay. Wilmington, Chadbourn and Conway RW. President—W. H. Chadbourn, Wilmington, N.C Sec., Treas. and Gen. Mgr.—J. H. Chad- bourn, Jr., Chadbourn, N. C. DirRECTORS—James H. Chadbourn, George Chadbourn, William H. Chadbourn, Wil- mington; J. H. Chadbourn, Jr., Chadbourn ; S. G. Collins, Conway, S. C. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta RR. President—W. G. Elliott, Wilmington, N. C. Ist ee i F. Newcomer, Baltimore, Md. 2d Vice-Prest.—H. Walters, Baltimore. Sec. and Treas.—James F. Post, Jr., Wil- mington. Gen. Mgr.—John R. Kenly. Gen. Supt.—John F. Divine. Traffic Mgr.—T. M. Emerson. Gen. Auditor—W. A. Riach. Asst. Auditor—John R. Latta. Asst. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—H. M. Emer- son. Engr. of Roadway—B. R. Dunn. Paymaster—A. B. Lynch. Supt. Transportation—E. Borden. DIRECTORS—W. T. Walters, B. F. New- comer, George C. Jenkins, Enoch Pratt, H. Walters, Baltimore ; H. B. Plant, New York; ie. Batron, Columbia, S. C. Wilmington, Onslow and East Caro- lina RR... President—Thomas A. McIntyre, New York. Vice-Prest.—Henry L. Wardwell, New York. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. M. Whitlock. Gen. Mgr.—Henry A. Whiting. Auditor, Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—J. W. Martenis. Attorney—A. M. Waddell. DIRECTORS—Thonias A. McIntyre, Henry L. Wardwell, William A. Nash, Ewen Mc- Intyre, Sr.,. Edward L. Adams, New York; Charles M. Whitlock, Wilmington, N. C.; Richard W. Ward, Jacksonville, N. C. Wilmington Seacoast RR. President—E. S. Latimer, Wilmington, N. C. Vice-President—B. G. Worth, Wilmington. Treasurer—W. P. Toomer, Wilmington. Sec. and Mgr.—J. R. Nolan, Wilmington. DirEcTORS—B. G. Worth, G. R. French, ovimeeti. Chadbourn, G. H. Smith, E. 5S. Latimer, Wilmington ; James H. Chadbourn, Jr., Chadbourn, N. C. Wilton RR. President—Solomon Spalding. Treasurer—William E. Spalding. Clerk—Albert J. McKean, Nashua, N. H. DiRECTORS—George A. Ramsdell, Solomon Spalding, John A. Spalding, Nashua; Harvey A. Whiting, Wilton, N. H.; George O. Whit- ing, Lexington, Mass. Winchester and Potomac RR. President—William H. Baker. Treas.—W. A. McCormick, Winchester, Va. 163 Winchester and Strasburg RR. President—C. F. Mayer. Treasurer—W. H. Ijams. Secretary—H. Anderson, Baltimore, Md. Wind Gap and Delaware River RR. President—J. S. Harris, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—S. Shepherd, Philadelphia. Windsor and Annapolis RW. President—Francis Tothill, London, Eng. Gen. Mgr. and Sec.—William Ross Campbell, Kentville, N. S. DirEcCTORS—F. Tothill, C. F. Kemp, T. R. Ronald, England. Winifrede RR. President—Theodore Wright, 518 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—D. Woelpper Chandler. Superintendent—R. B. Cassaday. Trafic Mgr.—Walter Peterson. Supt. of Transportation—S. P. Hostler, Gen. Fgt. Agt.—E. A. Stewart. DIRECTORS—James A. Wright, Amos R. Little, David G. Yates, R. C. McMurtrie, Wm. Cochran, John P. Logan, Sydney L. Wright, C. J. Harrah, Theodore Wright, Philadeiphia. Winnipeg and Hudson Bay RW. President—Hugh Sutherland, Winnipeg, Man. Secretary—J. R. Sutherland, Winnipeg. Land Commissioner—E. P. Leacock, Winni- peg. Winona and Southwestern RW. President—H. W. Lamberton, Winona, Minn. Vice-Prest.—V. Simpson, Winona. Secretary—Thomas Simpson, Winona. Treasurer—Matthew G. Norton, Winona. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. R. Capron. Fet. and Ticket Auditor—C. W. Cool. Auditor and Cashier—E. G. Hornbrooke. Car Acct.—J. Murbach. DIRECTORS—R. D.Cone, Andrew Hamilton, Charles Horton, William Hayes, H. W. Lamb- erton, Wm. H. Laird, M. G. Norton, V. Simpson, Thomas Simpson, E. S. Youmans, Winona; S. W. Champion, Green Bay, Wis. ; Joseph Walker, Jr., New York. Winona Bridge RW. President—M. G. Norton; Winona, Minn. Vice-Prest.—Joseph Walker, Jr., New York. Secretary—H. W. Weiss, Chicago, III. DirEcToRS--B. G. Clarke, E. F. Hatfield, Joseph Walker, Jr., New York; C. J. Peasley, Geo. B. Harris, J. W. Loosey, Chicago; H. W. Lamberton, V. Simpson, M. G. Norton, Winona. Wisconsin Central Co. President and Treasurer—Edwin H. Abbot, Boston, Mass. Vice-Prest.—Frederick Abbot, Wis. Secretary—Howard Morris, Milwaukee. Auditor and Gen. Acct.—-William Shimwell, Milwaukee. Gen. Solicitor—Howard Morris, Milwaukee. DiRECTORS—Jeremiah Smith, Edwin H. Abbot, Cambridge, Mass. ; Eustace C. Fitz, John F. Anderson, Henry F. Spencer, Boston ; Milwaukee, 164 Rowland G. Hazard, Peace Dale, R. I.; | Howard Morris, Frederick Abbot, Milwaukee ; Wm. L. Bull, New York ; Geo. W. Johnson, Brookfield, Mass.; Samuel R. Ainslie, Chi- cago, Ill. Wisconsin Central RR. Co. consin Central Co. Wisconsin Midland RR. Chairman of Board and Secretary—Dana C. Lamb, Fond du Lac, Wis. | Vice-Prest. and Consult. Engr.—N.Boardman, Fond du Lac. DIRECTORS—N. Boardman, D. C. Lamb, GHA. Knapp, C; B. Bartlett, T. F. Mayham, C. A. Galloway, Fond du Lac; George Bald- | win, Appleton, Wis. See Wis- | Wisconsin, RW. President—L. C. Mitchell, Minneapolis, Minn. Vice-Prest.—T. E. Clarke, Minneapolis. Secretary—L. B. Arnold, Minneapolis. Treasurer—Joseph Gaskell, Minneapolis. Gen. Mgr.—W. H. Truesdale, Minneapolis. Auditor—O. C. Post, Minneapolis. DiIRECTORS-—-L. C. Mitchell, T. E. Clarke, Vwoaskell OO, €. Post, HH: T. Wright, AoE, Clarke, L. B. Arnold, Minneapolis. Wolf borough RR. Minnesota and Pacific | President—Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford, Mass. Vice-President—Frank Jones, Portsmouth, as Treasurer—Edward Lesley, Boston, Mass. Secretary—John L. Peavy, Wolf borough, NaH. DiREcTORS—Samuel C. Lawrence, Med- ford; Frank Jones, Portsmouth; Walter Hunnewell, Wellesley, Mass.; John W. Sanborn, Wakefield, N. H.; Joseph L. Avery, Blake Folsom, Charles F. Piper, Wolf- borough. Wood River Branch RR. President—Amos G. Nichols, Hope Valley, Rede Treas. and Sec.—George H. Olney, Valley. Supt.—L. M. Barber, Hope Valley. ‘DrirEcTOoRS—Amos G. Nichols, George H. Olney, Benjamin P. Langworthy, Charles S. Nichols, Edward Barber, William F. Joslin, Hope Valley ; John L. Kenyon, Wyoming, R. I.; Anson Greene, Arcadia, R. I.; Jeremiah B. Gardner, Providence, R. I. Woodstock RR. President—F. N. Billings, Woodstock, Vt. Vice-President—John J. Dewey, Quechee, Vt. Secretary—C. P. Marsh, Woodstock. Treas. and Supt.—J. G. Porter, Woodstock. DIRECTORS—Lewis Pratt, Frederick N. Billings, Frank S. MacKenzie, W. C. French, Woodstock ; Norman Williams, J. F. Rhodes, Chicago, Ill. ; John J. Dewey, Quechee. Hope Worcester and Shrewsbury RR. President and Treas.—H. H. Bigelow, Wor- cester, Mass. Auditor—S. K. Hindley, Springfield, Mass. Supt. and Sec.—Irving E. Bigelow, Worcester. DirEcTORS—H. H. Bigelow, Josiah H. Clarke, George A. Stevens, Charles S. Turner, George H. Ball, Worcester. Worcester, Nashua and Rochester RR. President—James P. Cook, Salem, Mass. Sec. and Treas.—T. W. Hammond, Worces- ter, Mass. Gen. Counsel—-Frank P. Goulding, Worcester. Auditor—Elijah B. Stoddard, Worcester. DIRECTORS—James P. Cook, Salem, Mass. ; Charles A. Sinclair, Frank Jones, Ports- mouth, N. H.; Geo. C. Lord, Newton, Mass. ; Geo. W. Armstrong, Brookline, Mass. ; Elijah B. Stoddard, Worcester; John A. Spalding, Charles Holman, Nashua, N. H. Wrightsville and Tennille RR. President—J. S. Wood, Tennille, Ga. Sec. and Treas.—W. C. Mathews, Tennille. Auditor—F. H. Roberson, Tennille. Superintendent—G. W. Perkins, Tennille. DIRECTORS—J. W. Smith, G. W. Perkins, Tennille ; R. L. Warthen, C. R. Pringle, San- dersville, Ga.; A. F. Daley, Wrightsville, Ga. ; Chas. Hicks, Dublin, Ga. ; Jacob Cohen, V. E. McBee, J.S. Wood, Savannah, Ga. Wyoming Central RW. President—Marvin Hughitt, Chicago, Ill. Treasurer—M. M. Kirkman, Chicago. Secretary—J. B. Redfield, Chicago. Yadkin RR. President—A. B. Andrews, Raleigh, N. C. Secretary—A. H. Boyden. Treasurer—S. H. Wiley, Salisbury, N. C. ‘York Harbor and Beach RR. President—Frank Jones, Boston, Mass. Treasurer—Amos Blanchard, Boston. Clerk—S. W. Junkins, York Corner, Me. Auditor—Wm. J. Hobbs, Boston. DiRECTORS—Frank Jones, Portsmouth, N. H.; George C. Lord, Newton, Mass; John E. Staples, Henry E. Evans, York Village, Me. ; Samuel C. Lawrence, Medford, Mass. ; Joseph S. Ricker, Deering, Me.; Edward S. Mar- shall, York Harbor, Me. Youghiogheny Northern RR. President—Thomas Mellon. Treasurer—A. M. Thorne. Secretary—W. F. McCook, Pittsburgh, Pa. Youghiogheny RR. President—F. A. Dingee, Philadelphia. Vice-President—H. A. Stiles, Philadelphia. Sec. and Treas.—A. K. Gregory, Philadelphia. Supt., Purchasing Agt. and Eng.—John F. Wolf, Irwin’s, Pa. Asst. Supt. and Purchasing Agt.—Albert Fords, Irwin’s. Chief Eng.—T. F. Wolf, Irwin’s. G. P. and F. Agt.—James Fleming, Irwin’s. Master Mech.—John Bricker, Irwin’s. R. M., Insp. and F.—B. Linden, Irwin’s. DiIRECTORS—Frank A. Dingee, Henry A. Stiles, Chas. Hacker, Philadelphia; John T. ae Easton, Pa.; A. G. Richey, Trenton, Youngstown and Austintown RW. President—Charles E. Whitehead, New York. Zanesville and Ohio River RW. President—C. M. Wicker, New York. Gen. Mgr., Sec. and Treas.—J. Hope Suter. Superintendent—George F. Gardner. Gen. Fgt. and Pass. Agt.—C. C. Harrison. Chief Engineer—H. B. Dick. Auditor.—F. E. Smith. DIRECTORS—C. M. Wicker, H. B. Hollins, August Belmont, Jr., J. Hope Suter, New York; E. E. Denniston, Philadelphia; Henry P. Scott, Wilmington, Del.; E. M. Stanbery, McConnellsville, O.; T. W. Moore, Marietta, O.; F. A. Durban, James Buckingham, John Hoge, M. Churchill, W. A. Graham, Zanes- ville, O. Zealand Valley RR. President—J. E. Henry, Zealand, N. H. Treasurer—J. H. Henry, Zealand. Gen. Manager—G. E. Henry, Zealand. DIRECTORS—W. A. Stowell, E. F. Mann, Woodsville, N. H. ; J. H. Henry, G. E. Henry, Zealand. Arkansas Southern RR. President—C. C. Henderson, Ark. Vice-Prest. and Atty.—Jesse B. Moore, EI- dorado, Ark. Treasurer—Jesse S. Cargile, Eldorado. DrirRECTORS—J. W. Armstrong, D. E. Arm- strong, J. E. Moore, J. S. Cargile, C. C. Hen- derson, Eldorado. Arkadelphia, Campbell Hall Connecting RR. President—J. C. Stanton, New York. Sec. and Treas.—D. J. McNiece, New York. 165 Auditor—E. J. Fallon, 411 Walnut st., Phila- delphia. DIRECTORS--J. C. Stanton, D. J. McNiece, O. W. Child, D. O’Dell, Wm. B. McNiece, New York; C. H. Stanton, Geo. W. Green, Geo. W. Murray, S. G. Primrose, Goshen, N.-Y¥.3;> W. W. Gibbs, Philadelphia; D. N. Stanton, Yonkers, N. Y.; Thearon B. Dean, Amawalk, N.Y. ; C..S,) Warner, Brooklyn, Nw Y: New York and Long Island RR. President—H. B. Hammond. Vice-President—Wm. Steinway. Sec. and Treas.—M. W. Niven. Chief Engr.—P. P. Dickerson. DIRECTORS — Wm. Steinway, Henry B. Hammond, Geo. Steinway, Louis Von Bern- luh, Malcom W. Niven, Walter J. Foster, E. N. Dickerson, P. P. Dickerson, John Bogart, A. G. Mills, Thos. Rutter, W. D. Baldwin. Philadelphia and Willistown RR. DIRECTORS—J. G. Allen, J. C. Sharpless, John C. Allen, Jr., John C. Keys, Philadelphia. Quaker City Elevated RW. President and Chief Engr.—Charles W. Buch- holz, New York. DiIRECTORS—Charles W. Buchholz, August Belmont, Wm. A. Read, R. W. Galloway, Gen. James Jourdan, New York; Alfred C. Harrison, Thos. S. Harrison, Chas. B. Mc- Michael, Philadelphia. RECENT OFFICIAL CHANGES. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. DIRECTORS—Robert Harris, G. R. Peck, Geo. A. Nickerson, vice Edwin H. Abbott, Oliver W. Peabody, Warren Sawyer. Atlanta and West Point RR. DiRECTORS—J. L. Langston, E. P. Cham- berlain, H. M. Comer, H. C. Fisher, vice J. W. Green, Jacob Phinizy, Patrick Calhoun, E. A. Thornton. Boston and Maine RR. DIRECTORS—Increased to seventeen De- cember 14, 1892, when additional were elected viz.: A.A. McLeod, Philadelphia; Charles A. Sinclair, Portsmouth, N. H.; Geo. M. Pull- man, Chicago, Ill.; W. Seward Webb, New York; Henry B. Reed, Boston, Mass.; Arthur Sewall, Bath, Me. ; vice David P. Kimball, Boston ; John W. Sanborn, Wakefield, N. H. Chicago and Erie RR. DIRECTORS—Simon Perkins, Sharon, Pa. ; vice H. H. Brown. Pe annatl, Jackson and Mackinaw DIRECTORS—Samuel Thomas, Charles Mc- Ghee and Frederic H. Brown, New York; vice F, B. Swayne, N. H. Swayne, B. A. Hayes. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific RW. DiIRECTORS—Charles H. McGhee, Weir, vice John H. Inman, T. T. Gaff. Lane: Connecticut and Passumpic Rivers RR. President—W. M. Blodgett, vice A. B. Harris. Connecticut River RR. DirEcTORS—George H. Ball, vice A. B. Harris. Dansville and Mount Morris RR. President—Palmer Campbell, vice Col. E. P. C. Lewis. Vice-President—Col. E. A. Stevens. Treasurer—August Stein. Denver and Rio Grande RR. Directors —H. Baldwin, vice Adolph Engler. Dubuque and Sioux City RR. DIRECTORS—C. W. Mitchell, W. H. Tor- bert, vice John Anthon, J. F. Wallace. 166 East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia RW. DIRECTORS—Geo. F. Stone, W. E. Strong, ie yans R. S., Hayes, J..C.\Maben),T, L, Manson, vice H. C. Fahnestock, G. S. Scott, John Greenough, T. M. Logan, James Swan, E. P. Howell. Evansville and Terre Haute RR. President—G. J. Grammer, vice D. J. Mackey. Kitchburg RR. DIRECTORS—David P. Kimball, Jno. Quincy Adams, Albert C. Houghton, vice Augustus Kountze, and two additional not in previous article. Kanawha and Michigan RW. Auditor—John Landgraff, Jr., wice L. D. Kelley, resigned. Long Island RR. 2d Vice-Prest. and Gen. Mgr.—E. R. Reynolds, vice Benjamin Norton. Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. DIRECTORS—John G. vice F, K. Sturgis. Manhattan RW. President—Geo. J. Gould, vice Jay Gould, dec’d. DirRECTORS—Donald Mackay, Geo. Bliss, G. P. Morosini, vice Sidney Dillon, Cyrus Field, deceased, C. W. Chapin. Moore, New York, Meriden, Waterbury and Connecticut River RR. DIRECTORS—F. H. Prince, Boston, Mass. ; D2) S. Plume, .Waterbury, ‘Conn. ; W. Starbuck, E. D Carey, New York ; vice Geo. +1. Wilcox, Geo. eRe Curtis, HovA. "Matthews, H. L. Wade. Naugatuck RR. DIREcTORS—C. F. Brooker, wice A. L. Dennis. New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. DIRECTORS—Abram S. Hewitt, Alex. E. Orr, vice M. F. Reynolds, Josiah Belden. New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. 2d Vice-President—C. S. Mellon. DIRECTORS—Geo. M. Miller, Lucius Tuttle, vice Wilson G. Hunt, Edward M. Reed. New York, Ontario and Western RR. DIRECTORS—Gerald L. Hoyt, New York ; Edward B. Sturges, Scranton, Pa.; vice John Greenough, Samuel Barton. North Pennsylvania RR. President—Thomas McKean, C. Knight, deceased. vice Edward Ohio and Mississippi RW. DiIRECTORS—Geo. S. Morris, F. P. Dumpfel, Derick Fahnestock, S. Sterrett McKim, vice Edward W. Bell, Wm. L. Bull, E. T. Wells, J. Wilson. Oregon RW. and Navigation Co. President—S. H. H. Clark, wice Sidney Dillon. Vice-President—M. F. Atkins, vice S. H. H. Clark. DIRECTORS—E. F. Atkins, S. H. H. Clark, R. W. Baxter, Frank DeKum and Walter F. Burrell. Petersburg RR. Sec. and Treas.—W. R. Jones, vice M. W. Farrington. Philadelphia and Reading RR. DIRECTORS—E. P. Wilbur, vice Thos. Cochran, resigned. Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashta- bula RR. DIRECTORS—Benjamin Shaw, Shaw, deceased. vice Wm. Providence and Springfield RR. President—B. F. Vaughn, Providence, R. I. Sec. and Treas.—Wm. H. Pape, Providence, vice President—Wm. Tinkham. Treasurer—E. W. Tinkham. DIRECTORS—Wm. Tinkham, Wm. Pape, Fenner H. Peckham, Jr., Benjamin Vaughn, Chas. L. Vaughn, Providence; Albert L. Sayles, Pascoag, R. I.; Peter B. Wykoff, New York; F. H; Prince; C. A. Prince Boston, Mass. Richmond and Danville RR. DIRECTORS—W. P. Clyde, R. T. Hayes. I.. P. Howell, J. CC.’ Maben, Thos. Fs Ryan; Geo. F./Stone; Wm. E. Strong, vice Hie Fahnestock, John H. Inman, John C. Calhoun, Chasi> MY McGhee, C.)S.. Brice, Johnna: Barbour. Richmond and West Point Terminal RW. and Warehouse Co. DIRECTORS—Gen. Samuel Thomas, Geo. J. Gould. VICE San Antonio and Aransas Pass RW. DIRECTORS—D. B. Robinson, J._ Kennedy, vice Sam Maverick. Savannab, Florida and Western RW. Auditor—H. S. Haines, vice H. H. McKee. Toledo and Ohio RW. Sec. and Treas.—L. D. Kelly, vice John F Cline, resigned. Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR. DIRECTORS—M. S. Crowell, vice James M. Quigley. Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf RW. President—S. H. H. Clark, vice Grenville M. Dodge. Wabash RR. DIRECTORS—Francis Pavey, C. C. McCrea, P. B. Wykoff, Jay Gould (deceased), vice Sidney Dillon, James F. Joy, James F. How, Charles M. Hays. 167 CAR SERVICE ASSOCIATIONS. Alabama Car Service Association. Manager—W. H. McClintock, Birmingham, Ala. Territory covered—Within a radius of fifteen miles from the Custom House at Bir- mingham, Ala.; and all tracks within two miles of the Union Depot at Montgomery, Ala., and all tracks within switching limits at the following points in Alabama: Attalia Gads- den, Anniston, Oxford, Jenifer, Talladega, Columbiana, Calera and Selma. Baltimore and Washington Car Ser- vice Association. Manager—A. L. Gardner, Baltimore, Md. Baltimore and Ohio RR., Northern Central RW., Philadelphia, Wilm. and Balt. RR., Baltimore and Potomac RR., Western Mary- land RR., Pennsylvania RR., Annapolis and Balt. Short Line RR., Annapolis, Wash. and Balt. RR., Monocacy Valley RR., Cumberland Valley RR., Philadelphia and Reading RR., Mont Alto RR., Norfolk and Western RR., West Virginia Cent. and Pitts. RR., Cumber- land and Pennsylvania RR., George’s Creek and Cumberland RR., West Virginia and Pittsburgh RR. The territory covered by this Association is as follows: Beginning at Marysville, Pa., on the west bank of the Susquehanna river ; thence via the west bank of that river to the mouth of the same ; thence along the western shore of the Chesapeake Bay to the mouth of the Potomac river; thence by the eastern bank of the Potomac river to and including the District of Columbia ; thence continuing by the eastern bank of the-Potomac river to the junction of the Shenandoah river, Harper’s Ferry; thence by the western bank of the Shenandoah river to the West Virginia State line ; thence by the West Virginia State line to a point where a line drawn due southeast from Parkersburg, W. Va., would intersect the same ; thence by a direct line to Parkers- burg, W. Va.; thence by the east bank of the Ohio river (not including stations on the Ohio River RR.) to Benwood, W. Va.; thence by a line drawn due east to the Pennsylvania State line; thence by the Pennsylvania State line south and east to a point where a line drawn due south from Rockwood, Pa., would intersect the same; thence by a direct line to Rockwood, Pa.; thence by a direct line to Marysville, Pa., the place of beginning. Central New York Car Service Asso- ciation. Manager—F. G. Jewett, Syracuse, N. Y. Territory—The State of New York east of a line drawn through and including Sodus Point, Wallington, Newark, Canandaigua, Painted Post and Lawrenceville, and north of a line running due east from Susquehanna, Pa., to the eastern boundary, including stations on the New York, Lake Erie and Western RR., Painted Post to Canisteo, in- clusive, and excluding stations on New York, Lake Erie and Western RR., east of Susque- hanna, Pa.; Lawrenceville, Waverly, Great Bend and Susquehanna, in the State of Penn- sylvania; the State of Vermont; the State of Massachusetts west of Millers Falls and north of and including the Fitchburg RR.; and such additional territory as may be covered by any of the members of this Association. Charleston Car Service Association. Manager—L. J. Walker, Charleston, S. C. Territory—The city of Charleston, S. C. Chattanooga Car Service Associa- tion. Manager—C. F. Jackson, Chattanooga, Tenn. Covers Chattanooga city and all Belt Line stations within a radius of six miles from Union Depot. Chicago Car Service Association. Manager—E. D. Moore, Rookery Building, Chicago, Ill. Territory—All tracks or sidings on or with- in a line commencing at the southeastern ter- minus of the Calumet Terminal RW., and following that road to the Indiana State Line, thence south to and including Hammond, thence west to and including Harvey, thence north and east onthe Calumet Terminal RW., to Calvary, thence north to and including Evanston ; also Freeport and Elgin, Ill., and Mishawaka, Ind. Cincinnati Car Service Bureau. Supt.—O. G. Fetter, Cincinnati, O. All territory within ten miles of the corpo- rate limits of Cincinnati, O., and also includ- ing Hamilton, located on the Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, Hamil- ton, and Dayton roads, twenty-five miles from Cincinnati; and also Lexington, Ky., on Louisville and Nashville, Chesapeake and Ohio, Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific, Kentucky Union and Newport News and Mississippi Valley. Dayton, O., and all stations within a radius of five miles of the passenger depot. Also Carrollton, Miamis- burg, Carlisle, Franklin and Middletown on the south, Tippecanoe, Troy, Piqua Cros- sing, South Charleston, Charleston, Osborn, Enon, Springfield, Bowlusville, Urbana and Xenia on the north and east. Cleveland Car Service Association. Manager—A, M. Simmons, Cleveland, O. Territory embraces a radius of ten miles from the Union Passenger Station, Cleveland. Eight miles from the Union Passenger Station, Akron, O. Five miles from the respective Passenger Stations, Sundusky, O. Two miles from the P. F. W. and C. RW. Passen- ger Station, Canton, O. Three miles from the P. F. W. and C. RW. Passenger Station, Mansfield, O. All local and junction points on B. and O. RR. between Mansfield and Sandusky. Colorado Demurrage Association. Commissioner—E. E. Hill, Room 31, Union Depot, Denver, Col. The territory covered by the Colorado Demurrage Association covers every common point in the State of Colorado, and all stations 168 on Colorado Division of B. and M. and Union Pacific RWs. The territory covered by the Denver Demurrage Bureau includes the city of Denver only. Columbus Car Service Association. Superintendent—J. D. Berry, Columbus, O. Covers Columbus and all junction points within a radius of sixty miles, except Spring- field, South Charleston, Urbana and Xenia, and includes Portsmouth and Ironton. Denver Demurrage Bureau. See Colo- rado Demurrage Association. Detroit Car Service Association. Manager—E. F. Baker, Nos. 42 and 43 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. Covers the city of Detroit and all tracks within a radius of seven miles from the City Hall. Also all tracks within switching limits of the following stations in Michigan: Adrian, Albion, Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Cassopolis, Charlotte, Dundee, Eaton Rapids, Flint, Holly, Homer, Jackson, Lansing, Lapeer, Marshall, Milan, Monroe, Niles, Owosso, Plymouth, Port Huron, Rochester, Three Rivers, Wayne, Wyandotte, and Ypsilanti. Brie Car Service Association. Manager—Geo. H. Snyder, Erie, Pa. Territory included in a circle about the city, within a radius of three miles. Grand Rapids Car Service Associa- tion. Manager—L. S. Graves, Grand Rapids, Mich. Territory—The city of Grand Rapids, Sturgis, Kalamazoo, Plainwell, Cedar Springs, Big Rapids, Reed City, Greenville and Ionia. Illinois Car Service Association. Manager—Ashley J. Elliott, Peoria, Il. Territory—All tracks within a radius of ten miles from the Union Depot at Peoria, and to andincluding the following points upon lines parties to this agreement: Pekin, Mackinaw, Morton, Chillicothe, and Princeville, Ill.; also Champaign, Urbana, Decatur, Paxton, Gibson, Hoopestown, and Tuscola, Ill., and Keokuk and Burlington, Ia. Indiana Car Service Association. Manager—D. T. Bacon, Room 43, Board of Trade, Indianapolis, Ind. Territory—State of Indiana; also College Corner and Oxford, O., and Danville, Ill. Lake Superior Car Service Associa- ton. Chairman—James Kelly, Duluth, Minn. Territory—The cities of Duluth, Minn., and Superior and West Superior, Wis., and all points within a radius of ten miles from Duluth. Louisville Car Service Association. Manager—J. C. Loomis, Louisville, Ky. Territory—All stations within twenty miles of the corporate limits of the City of Louisville. Mahoning and Shenango Valley Car Service Association. Manager—Thomas H. Morris, Rooms 7 and 8, Second National Bank Building, Youngs- town, O. Embraces all the roads within the following described territory: Warren, O., on the west, and Shenango, Pa., on the north, to Wampum, Pa., on the south, including Lee- tcnia, O. Memphis Car Service Association. Manager—E. A. Thurston, Memphis, Tenn. Territory—Within a radius of five miles of the Custom House, Memphis, Tenn., and all tracks operated by the roads centering at Little Rock, Ark. Minneapolis.—See Terminal Despatch Association. Muskegon Car Service Association. Manager—L. S. Graves, Muskegon, Mich. Territory—Muskegon, Lakeside, Bluffton, Pt. Sherman and North Muskegon. Nashville Car Service Association. Manager—E. B. Stevenson, Nashville, Tenn. The territory embraces a radius of five miles from the Union passenger station, Nashville, also Columbia, Tenn., and all sidings within a radius of three miles of the Union passenger station. New Orleans Car Service Association. Manager—N. S. Hoskins, 182 Gravier st., New Orleans, La. Territory—All tracks within a radius of twelve miles of the Custom House at New Orleans. New York and New Jersey Car Ser- vice Association. Manager—F. E. Morse, 143 Liberty st., New York. Delaware, Lack. and Western RR., Penn- Sylvania RR., Lehigh Valley RR., Philadelphia and Reading RR., New York Cent. and Hud. River RR., New York, Susq. and Western RR., New York and Greenwood Lake RR., New York, Lake Erie and West. RR., New York and Long Branch RR., Rockaway Val- ley RR., New York, Ontario and West. RR., West Shore RR., Baltimore and Ohio RR., Central RR. of New Jersey, Staten Island Rapid Transit RR. Co., Lehigh and Hudson River RR., Raritan River RR., Penna., Pough- keepsie and Boston RR., New Jersey and New York RR., Port Jervis, Monticello and New York RR. The territory covered by this Association is as follows: All stations on Manhattan Island, in New Jersey and on Staten Island, on all the railroads parties to the agreement, except stations on the line of and the territory south of Camden and Burlington County RR. and the Philadelphia and Long Branch RR., which extends from Camden to Seaside Park. iVote.—The Tom’s River and Barnegat Branch of the Central RR. of New Jersey is included in this Association, and the ad- ditional territory lying south of a line par- allel with the Pennsylvania State line from Susquehanna (including Deposit) to the Hud- son river. Northeastern Pennsylvania Car Ser- vice Association. Manager—A. G. Thomason, Office, Common- wealth Building, Scranton, Pa. 169 Central RR. of NewJersey, Delaware, Lack- | awanna and Western RR., Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., Erie and Wyoming Valley RR., Philadelphia and Reading RR., Bangor and Portland RW., Beech Creek RR., Lehigh Valley RR., New York, Ontario and Western RW., New York, Lake Erie and Western RR., Pennsylvania RR., Delaware, Susquehanna and Schuylkill RR., Wilkes-Barre and West- ern RW., Williamsport and North Branch RR., Pennsylvania, Poughkeepsie and Boston RR. Territory covered by this Association: All that part of the State of Pennsylvania bounded on the north and east by the State line, and on the south and west by a line drawn from the Delaware river through Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Slatington, Mauch Chunk, Tama- qua, New Boston, Frackville, Gordon, Kneass, Sunbury, Northumberland, Lewisburg, Mil- | ton, Williamsport to Fasset. All stations on the line of the south and west boundaries to | be included, except Tamaqua, New Boston, Frackville and Gordon, which are included in the territory of the Philadelphia Car Service | _ Association. Philadelphia Car Service Associa- | tion. Manager—J. E. Challenger, Provident Build- | ing, Philadelphia. Territory covered by this Association : PENNSYLVANIA RR.—Puhiladelphia Division —Main Line—Philadelphia to Harrisburg, via Mt. Joy and zvza Columbia ; second street to Pottsville; and Phcenixville to Frazer, inclusive. Frederick Division—Columbia and _ Port Deposit RR.—Columbia to Perryville, inclu- sive. Middle Division—Marysville to Blair Fur- | nace, inclusive. Lewistown Division—Mifflin and Centre Co. Branch—Lewistown to Milroy, inclusive. Lewistown Division—Sunbury and Lewis- town Branch—Maitland to Selinsgrove, inclu- sive. Tyrone Division—Lewisburg and Tyrone | RR.—L. and T. Scale to Scotia, inclusive ; Bald Eagle Valley Branch—Vail to Mill Hall, | inclusive. New York Division—Main Line—Mantua to Morrisville, inclusive ; Germantown Junc- tion to Chestnut Hill, inclusive; Holmesburg © Junction to Bustleton, inclusive. Amboy Division—Camden and Burlington County RR. and Philadelphia and Long Branch RR.—Camden to Seaside Park, inclu- sive; Mt. Holly to Medford, inclusive ; Ewansville to Vincentown, inclusive ; Mana- hawken to Beach Haven, inclusive; Barne- gat City Junction to Barnegat City, inclusive. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RR.—Sunbury Division—Pennsylvania Schuylkill RR.—St. Clair to New Boston Junction, inclu- Sive. Eastern Division—Lewisburg and Tyrone RR.—Brook Park to Oak Hall, inclusive; Bald Eagle Valley RR.—Lemont to Pleasant Valley Gap, inclusive. NORTHERN CENTRAL RW.— Susquehanna Division—Rockville to Selinsgrove Junction, inclusive ; Summit Branch RR.—Woodside to _ Williamstown, inclusive. Frazer to | West Chester; Downington to Conestoga | Junction ; Pomeroy to Newark, all inclusive. | Schuylkill Division — Main Line — Fifty- | Valley | PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BALTI- MORE RR.—WMaryland Division—Philadel- phia (Broad street and Washington avenue) to Perryville, inclusive. Delaware Division—Wilmington to New Castle, inclusive. Central Division—Philadelphia (Thirty- first and Chestnut streets) to West Chester ; Wawa to Octoraro Junction and Lamokin ; all inclusive. West Fersey RR.—Main Line and Branches. Camden and Atlantic RR. and Branches. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RR.—WMain Line—Philadelphia to Pottsville, inclusive. Philadelphia and Chester Branch—Gray’s Ferry to Thurlow Junction, and Chester Valley Branch Shain Lines to Downingtown, inclusive. Pickering Valley Branch—Iron- side to Byers, inclusive. Colebrookdale Branch—Glasgow to Barto, inclusive. Le- banon Valley Branch—Sinking Spring to Harrisburg, inclusive. Steelton Branch— Hemlock st. to Steelton, inclusive. Middle- town and Hummelstown Branch—Stoverdale to Middletown, inclusive. East Pennsylvania Branch—Bernhart to East Penn. Junction, in- clusive. Allentown Branch—Hinterleiter to Kutztown, inclusive. Mine Hill and Schuyl- kill Haven Branch—Cressona to Head of Gor- don Planes, inclusive. Frackville Branch— Mid Creek Junction to Frackville Junction, inclusive. Schuylkill Valley Branch—Cumbola to Newkirk, inclusive. Pine Grove Div.— Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch—Jeffer- son to Rockville, inclusive. Lebanon and Tre- mont Branch—West Lebanon to Brookside, inclusive. Shamokin Div.—tLittle Schuylkill Branch—Milldale to Tamaqua, inclusive. Herndon Branch—Kneass to Herndon. Col- umbta Div.—Montello to Columbia, inclusive. Schuylkill and Lehigh Branch—Laurel Dale to Best, inclusive. Lancaster and Quarryville Branch—Mechanicsville to Quarryville, in- clusive. Mt. Hope Branch—Manheim to Mt. Hope, inclusive. Philadelphia and New York Div.—Germantown and Chestnut Hill Branch —Tioga to Chestnut Hill, inclusive. Norris- town Branch—Ninth and Master sts. to Nor- ristown, inclusive. Plymouth Branch—Mill Road to Whitemarsh, inclusive. Bethlehem Branch—Philadelphia to Hellertown, inclusive. New York Branch—Abington to Yardley, inclusive. Doylestown Branch—Colmar to Doylestown, inclusive. ATLANTIC CITY RR. AND BRANCHES. CATASAUQUA AND FOGELSVILLE RR. AND BRANCHES. BALTIMORE AND OHIO RR.—Philadelphia Div.—Philadelphia to Aiken and Marshallton to Landenberg, inclusive. WILMINGTON AND NORTHERN RR.—Wil- mington to Reading and Warwick, and St. Peters, inclusive. RIVER FRONT RR.—AII points. JUNCTION RR.—AII points. CORNWALL AND LEBANON RR.—Conewago to Lebanon, inclusive. PERKIOMEN RR. Perkiomen Junction to Vera Cruz, inclusive. STONY CREEK RR.—Landsdale to Norris- town, inclusive. PHILADELPHIA, NEWTOWN AND NEW YorK RR.—Erie ave. to Newtown, inclusive. DELAWARE RIVER AND LANCASTER RR.— Phoenixville to St. Peters, inclusive. 170 CENTRAL RR. OF NEW JERSEY—WVew Jersey Southern Div.: Main Line—Whit- ings to Bay Side, inclusive. CUMBERLAND AND MAURICE RIVER RR.— Bridgeton to Long Beach, inclusive. DELAWARE RIVER RR.—Woodbury to Pennsgrove, inclusive. PEOPLE’S RW. Co.—Pottsville to Tremont, inclusive. LEHIGH VALLEY RR.—Pottsville Div: Andreas to Blackwood, inclusive. HUNTINGDON AND BROAD Top RR.—Main Line and Branches. Pittsburgh Car Service Association. Manager—Thomas Scott, Pittsburgh, Pa. The territory covered by this Association is as follows :—- Pennsylvania RR.—Divisions and Branches thereof; Pittsburgh, Monongahela, Western Pennsylvania, Southwest and Altoona Div- sions. Baltimore and Ohio RR.—Pittsburgh Divi- sion to Cumberland and Branches ; Somerset and Cambria to and including Johnstown, Pa.; C. W. and P. Division to Wheeling, in- clusive; Cent. Ohio Division, Bellaire only. Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR.—P. McK. and Y. Division, McK. and B. V. Division, and P. and L. E. Division.—Pittsburgh to Homewood, inclusive. Allegheny Valley RR.—Pittsburgh to Ross- ton, inclusive. PENNSYLVANIA CoMPANY.—F£astern Divti- sion.—Pittsburgh to Homewood, inclusive. P. Y. and A. Division.—Kenwood to Rock Point, inclusive. WV. C. and B. V. Division.— Homewood to Clinton, inclusive. C. and P. RR.— Main Line.—West Bridgewater to Wellsville, inclusive. Entire River Division. PITTSBURGH AND WESTERN RW.—WMain Line.—Allegheny to Zelienople, inclusive. Northern Division.—Callery Junction to But- ler inclusive. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND Str. Louis RW.--l/ain Line—Pittsburgh to Mingo Junction, inclusive; also, Mansfield to Washington, inclusive. New Cumberland Junction to New Cumberland, inclusive. Wheeling Junction to Wheeling, inclusive. Pittsburgh Junction RR.—Entire. Mononga- hela Connecting RR.—Entire. Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiogheny RW.—Pitts- burgh to Federal, inclusive. Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake Erie RR.—Butler only. Rhode Island Car Service Association. Manager—E. A. Gordon, Providence, R. I. Territory—All stations in the State of Rhode Island situated on the N. Y., N. H. and H., N. Y. and N. E., and the Old Colony RRs. Saginaw Valley Car Service Associa- tion. Manager—Wnm. T. Preston, Saginaw, Mich. Territory—The Saginaw Valley, including Saginaw, E. S., Saginaw, W. S., South Sagi- naw, Bay City, West Bay City, South Bay City, and all intermediate points. St. Louis Car Service Association. Manager—W. M. Prall, St. Louis, Mo. Covers city of St. Louis, and all territory in Missouri within a radius of ten miles of the Court House thereof and the city of Hanni- bal, Mo. St. Paul. ciation. See Terminal Dispatch Asso- Terminal Dispatch Association. Chairman—Robert Dudgeon, St. Paul, Minn. Territory—Cities of St. Paul and Minne- apolis and all surrounding points within a radius of fifteen miles of Minnesota Transfer. Toledo Car Service Association. Manager—William Grogan, 11 Bee Building, Toledo, O. Covers the city of Toledo and all junction points within ten miles of the Custom House, Findlay, Tiffin, Defiance, Bowling Green, Deshlar, Fostoria, Bucyrus, Ottawa and Leipsic. Utah Demurrage Association. Commissioner—E. E. Hill, Room 31, Union Depot, Denver, Col. Territory—All points south of Ogden on Union Pacific and Rio Grande Western RWs. Virginia Car Service Association. Manager—R. A. Taylor, Richmond, Va. Territory—State of Virginia. Western Car Service Association. Manager—John S. Clayton, Bee Buildings Omaha, Neb. Includes Omaha, Lincoln, Sioux City, Council Bluffs, and all territory within a radius of twenty-five miles from these points ; Nebraska City, Fremont, Beatrice, Wahoo and David City. Western New York Car Service A- sociation. Manager—W. W. Halsey, Buffalo, N. Y. The limits of this Association are divided and bounded as follows: On the north by Lake Ontario; on the east by aline drawn through and including Charlotte, Palmyra and Curtis; and a line on the south drawn through and including Dubois, Johnsonburg, Eldred, Mt. Jewett, Oil City and Franklin, in Pennsylvania; and on the west by a line drawn northward to Lake Erie, and thence east to the Welland Canal and Lake Ontario. Wisconsin and Michigan Car Ser- vice Association. Manager—F. A. Butterworth, Milwaukee, Wis. Territory—State of Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan, except points reached by the Chicago, Burlington and Northern RW. 171 RAILWAY TRAFFIC ASSOCIATIONS. American Association of General Baggage Agents. President—F. A. Zimmerman, Cincinnati, O. Vice-Prest.—D. M. Calkins, Cleveland. Sec. and Treas.—J. F. Quick, Detroit, Mich. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—F. W. Smith, Weehawken, N. J. ; S. H. Overholt, St. Louis, Mo. ; H. H. Towle, Portland, Me. American Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents. President—A. S. Hanson, Boston, Mass. Vice-Prest.—France Chandler, St. Louis, Mo. Secretary—A. J. Smith, Cleveland, O. EXECUTIVE CoOMMITTEE—D. B. Martin, Cincinnati, O.; J. E. Hannegan, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; F. H. Lord, Chicago, Ill. ; Geo. DeHaven, Grand Rapids, Mich. ; A. Faulk- ner, Houston, Tex. ; F. I. Whitney, St. Paul, Minn. ; F. E. Boothby, Portland, Me. American Association of Railroad Clerks. Grand President—Geo. A. Round, Waltham, Mass. ist Grand Vice-Prest.—P. P. Walsh, Cairo, III. 2d Grand Vice-Prest.—W. G. Staley, Albany, Ney. Grand Secretary—Frank L. Solomon, Boston, Mass. Grand Treasurer—H. N. Pleasance, Coshoc- ton, O. The American RW. Association. For- merly The General Time Convention. President—H. S. Haines, 12 W. 23d st., New York. Ist Vice-Prest.—Lucius Tuttle, New Haven, Conn. 2d Vice-Prest.—E. B. Thomas, 21 Courtlandt st., New York. Secretary—W. F. Allen, 24 Park Place, New York. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—H. S. Haines, Lucius Tuttle, E. B. Thomas. H. Stanley Goodwin, J. G. Metcalfe; terms expire Apr., 1893. C. W. Bradley, Geo. W. Stevens ; terms expire Apr., 1894. H.F. Royce, Jas. Ramsey ; terms expire Apr., 1895. COMMITTEE ON TRAIN RULES—J. T. Hara- han, J. R. Kenly, W. C. Brown; terms expire hon wioo3. Rk. Pitcairn, W..H. Cannitff, W. I. Allen; terms expire Apr., 1894. J. C. Moor- head, C. W. Bradley, T. E. Clarke; terms expire Apr., 1895. CAR SERVICE COMMITTEE—S. M. Prevost, H. F. Royce, W. H. Canniff; terms expire Oct., 1895. H. L. Magee, W. G. Collins, Frank Huger; terms expire Oct., 1894. Theodore Voorhees, C. H. Hudson, T. J. Delamere ; terms expire Oct., 1893. COMMITTEE ON SAFETY APPLIANCES—J. R. Kendrick, C. D. Hammond, T. N. Ely; terms Expire, Oct, 1895. E. T. D. Myers, J..M. Whitman, C. A. Hammond; terms expire Oct., 1894. W. F. Merrill, J. T. Odell, J. A. Fillmore; terms expire Oct., 1893. NOMINATING COMMITTEE—C. H. Platt, F. S. Gannon, C. Neilson. American Society of RR. Superin- tendents. President—H. Stanley Goodwin, South Beth- lehem, Pa. Ist Vice-Prest.—C. W. Bradley, Weehawken, Nw J. 2d Vice-Prest.—G. W. Beach, Waterbury, Conn. Treasurer—R. M. Sully, Petersburg, Va. Secretary—C. A. Hammond, Boston, Mass. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE.—C. S. Gadsden, Charleston, S. C.;.O. M. Shepard, New York ; Ost MeGiellan, © Patrisbarg,. Pais RR, G: Fleming, Savannah, Ga. STANDING COMMITTEES—J. B. Morford, Chairman Roadway, St. Thomas, Ont,; G.W. Beach, Chairman Machy., Waterbury, Conn. ; F. K. Huger, Chairman Trans., Knoxville, Tenn. SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON RW. SIGNALING— J.J. Turner, Chairman, Pittsburgh, Pa. Associated Railways of Virginia and the Carolinas. Commissioner—R. D. Carpenter, Richmond, Va. President of Seaboard Air Line—John M. Robinson. Vice-President of Atlantic Coast Line—H. Walters. Receiver of Richmond and Danville—Reuben Foster. SEABOARD AIR LINE—Carolina Central RR.; Durham and Northern RR.; Georgia, Carolina and Northern RR.; Raleigh and Augusta Air Line ; Raleigh and Gaston RR. and branches ; Roanoke and Tar River RR.; Seaboard and Roanoke RR. ATLANTIC CoAst LINE—Albemarle and Raleigh RR. ; Central RR. of South Carolina ; Cheraw and Darlington RR.; Cheraw and Salisbury RR.; Florence RR.; Hartsville RR. ; Manchester and Augusta RR. ; Midland North Carolina RR.; Norfolk and Carolina RR.; ‘Northeastern of South Carolina ; Peters- burg RR.; Richmond and Petersburg RR. ; Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta RR. ; Wilmington and Weldon RR. RICHMOND AND DANVILLE RR. SYSTEM.— Asheville and Spartanburg RR.; Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line RR.; Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio RR.; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta RR.; Chester and Cheraw RR. (Narrow gauge); Chester and Lenoir RR. (Narrow gauge); Columbia and Greenville and branches; Elberton Air Line, (Narrow gauge) ; Hartwell RR. (Narrow gauge) ; High Point, Randleman, Asheboro and South- ern RR. ; Milton and Sutherlin RR. ; North Carolina RR. and branches; North Carolina Midland RR.; Northeastern RR. of Georgia ; Northwestern North Carolina RR.; Oxford and Clarksville RR.; Oxford and Henderson RR.; Richmond and Danville RR. and branches ; Richmond and Mecklenberg RR. ; Richmond, York River and Ches. RR. ; Roswell RR. (Narrow gauge); Statesville and Western RR.; State University RR. ; Virginia Midland RR. and branches; West- ern North Carolina RR. and_ branches; Washington and Ohio RR. ; Yadkin RR. Association of American RW. Ac- counting Officers. President—D. A. Waterman, Detroit, Mich. Vice-President—G. W. Booth, Baltimore, Md. 2d Vice-President—J, O. Clifford, Chicago, Ill. Sec. and Treas.—C. G. Phillips, Chicago, III. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—J. C. Welling, C.. I. Sturgis, Chicago, Ill.; M. Riebenack, Philadelphia; G. L. Lansing, San Francisco, Cal. ; Carlton Hillyer, Augusta, Me.; M. C. Healion, St. Paul, Minn.; E. Young, Omaha, Neb.; S. Little, New York. Association of General Agents of Canada. President—John Earls, Hamilton, Ont. Freight Ist Vice-President—E. A. Chittenden, St. Albans, Vt. 2d Vice-President—N. Weatherston, Toronto, Ont. Sec. and Tres.—W. B. Bulling, Montreal, Que. CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE—John Earls, Chairman, Hamilton, Ont.; G. M. Bosworth, moronte, Ont.; A> Burns, “Montreal, ,Que. ; Javey-outherland,: Toronto, Ont. ; “A... Har-~ ris, Montreal, Que. BOARD OF ARBITRATION—E. A. Chittenden, St. Albans, Vt.; Arthur White, Toronto, Ont. ; G. M. Bosworth, Toronto, Ont. COMPANIES REPRESENTED—Bay of Quinte | Line of Steamers; Bay of Quinte RW. and | Navigation Co.; Boston and Maine RR.; Brantford, Waterloo and Lake Erie RW.; Canada Atlantic RW. ; Canadian Pacific RW.; Central Ontario RW. ; Central Vermont RR. ; Collingwood Lake Superior Line ; Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. ; Drummond County RW. ; RW.; Intercolonial RW.; Kingston Pembroke RW.; Lake Erie and _ Detroit River RW.; Lake Ontario Steamship Co. ; Maine Central RW.; Manitoba and North- western RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Mon- treal and Ottawa RW.; Northern Pacific and Manitoba RW.; Northwest Transportation or Wova Scotia Central RW. 3 Pontiac Pacific Junction RW. ; Quebec and Lake St. John RW. ; Quebec Central RW. ; Richelieu and Ontario Navigation Co.; St. Catharine and Niagara Cent. RW.; St. Lawrence Steamboat Co.; Temiscouata RW. ; Thousand Islands RW.; Windsor and Annapolis RW. Association of RW. Telegraph Super- intendeuts. President—L. H. Korty, Omaha, Neb. Vice-President—U. J. Fry, Milwaukee, Wis. Sec. and- Treas.—P. W. Drew, Grand Central Passenger Station, Chicago, Ill. Boston Passenger Committee. Chairman—George L. Connor, Boston, Mass, Secretary—N. E. Weeks, Boston. Boston and Albany RR.; Boston, Revere Beach and Lyon RR.; Fitchburg RR.; New York and New England RR. ; Old Colony RR. Buffalo Association of RR. Superin- tendents. President—Chas. A. Brunn. Vice-President—T. W. Niles. Sec. and Treas.—W. W. Halsey. The Association meets at the Iroquois Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y., on the third Thursday of each month. Buffalo Freight Committee. Chairman—E, T. Johnson, Buffalo, N. Y. Secretary—A. B. Wallace, Buffalo. Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW., Grand Trunk RW., Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW., Michigan Central RR., New Erie and Huron RW.; Grand Trunk | and | ee York, Chicago and St. Louis RR., New York, Penna. and Ohio RR. (N. Y., L. E. and W. RR., Lessee), Western New York and Penna. RR. Buffalo Railway Passenger Commit- tee. Chairman—E. B. Byington. Secretary—Edson J. Weeks, Office, Room 6, Exchange Building, 202 Main st., Buffalo, NeaXe Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RR.; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR.; Grand Trunk RW.; Lake Shore and Michi- gan Southern RW.; Lehigh Valley RR.; Michigan Central RR.; New York Central and Hudson River RR.; New York, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; New York, Lake Erie and Western RR.; Northern Central RW.; West Shore RR. (N. Y. C. and H: R.. RR, Lessee); Western New York and Penn. RR. Central Association of Railroad Offi- cers. The Central Association of Railway Officers is composed of four divisions: Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Columbus and Louisville. President—J. F. Miller, Columbus, O. 1st Vice-Prest.—Jos. Ramsey, Jr., nati, O. 2d Vice-Prest.—J. F. O’Brien, Louisville, Ky. Sec. and Treas.—O. G. Fetter, Cincinnati. Cincin- CINCINNATI DIVISION. President—C. C. F. Bent. Vice-Prest.—J. G. Rawn. Sec. and Treas.—O. G. Fetter. INDIANAPOLIS DIVISION. President—D. F. Whitcomb. Secretary—G. B. Staats. Treasurer—J. QO. Van Winkle. LOUISVILLE DIVISION. President—J. F. O’Brien. Ist Vice-Prest.—H. J. Miller. 2d Vice-Prest.—M. B. Cutter. 3d Vice-Prest.—G. K. Lowell. Sec. and Treas.—T. E. Brooks. COLUMBUS DIVISION. President—C. H. Rockwell. Secretary—J. H. Schwartz. Treasurer—J. D. Berry. Meetings of the Central Association held quarterly. Meetings of the Divisions held monthly. Central Traffic Association. Building, Chicago, III. Chairman—G. R. Blanchard. Vice-Chairman—F. C. Donald. Secretary—C. H. McKnight. Sec. Pass. Dept.—Bernard F. Knapp. Chief Clerk Fgt. Dept.—H. C. Smith. Supt. Fgt. Inspection and Weight Bureau— P. P. Rainer. The following is a list of the members of the Fgt. and Pass. Depts. of the Central Traffic Association, Sept. 1, 1892:— FREIGHT DEPARTMENT~—Balti. and Ohio RR. ; Chicago and Calumet Terminal RW. ; Chicago ar.d Grand Trunk RW.; Chicago and Rookery 173 Southeastern RW. ; Chicago and West Michi- | gan RW.; Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley RW.; Cincinnati, Ham. and Dayton RR. ; Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR.; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW. ; Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling RR.; Det., Grand Haven and Milwaukee RW. ; Detroit, Lan- sing and Northern RR.; Dunkirk, Allegheny | Elgin, Joliet and East- | ern RW.; Evansville and Terre Haute RR.; | Val. and Pitts. RR.; Flint and Pere Marquette RR.; Grand Rapids and Indiana RR.; Grand Trunk RW. (W. of | Toronto); Indianapolis and Vincennes RR. ; Jacksonville Southeastern Line ; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Michigan Central RR.; New York, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Norf. and West. RR. (Scioto Val. Div.) ; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR. ; mitts. Cin... Chicagvorand. ots) Louisa. Rk W.; Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chic. RW. ; Sagi- | naw Valley and St. Louis RR.; Toledo, Peoria and Western RR. ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kan. City RR.; Vandalia Line; Wabash | RR.; Western New York and Penna. RR. PASSENGER DEPARTMENT—Baltimore and | Ohio RR. ; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. ; | Chicago and Southeastern RW.; Chicago and | West Michigan RW.; Cincin. and Muskin- gum Valley RW.; Cleveland and Marietta RW.; Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR. ; Cleve- fang, Cin-, Chic: and St.Louis) RW.;. Cleve- land, Lorain and Wheeling RR.; Det., Grand | Haven and Milwaukee RW. ; Detroit, Lan- sing and Northern RR. ; Dunkirk, Allegheny Val. and Pitts. RR.; Grand Rapids and Indiana RR.; Grand Trunk RW. (W. of Toronto) ; Indianapolis and Vincennes RR. ; | Lake Shore and Michigan South. RW.; Michi- | gan Central RR.; Norf. and West. RR. (Scioto Val. Div.); Pennsylvania Co. ; Pitts- burgh and Lake Erie RR.; Pitts., Cincin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Saginaw Valley | and St. Louis RR.; Toledo, St. Louis and | Kansas City RR.; Valley RW.; Vandalia Line (T. H. and I.); Wabash RR. ; Western New York and Penna. RR. The Central Traffic Association is formed by railway companies located within the area bounded as follows: termini are Toronto, Canada; Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, Tonawanda, Black Rock, Buffalo, East Buffalo, Buffalo Junction, | Dunkirk and Salamanca, N. Y.; Pittsburgh and Allegheny, Pa.; Bellaire, O. ; Wheeling and Parkersburg, W. Va. ; On the north by the line of the Grand Trunk RW. from Toronto to Fort Gratiot, including | the points thereon, thence zvza the Great Lakes | to the northern boundary line of Illinois to | the Mississippi river, thence on the west vza the Mississippi river to its junction with the Ohio river.* Chicago to St. Louis, via Peoria and Alton, except that the Toledo, Peoria and Western, and Wabash RWs. members of the Associa- | tion, extend tothe Mississippi river, making the western boundary of this Association | difficult of statement. Chicago and Ohio River Traffic Asso- ciation. Commissioner—C. E. Fulton, “Rookery,” Chi- | cago, Ill. On the east, by the | western termini of the Trunk Lines, whose | and Ashland, Ky. | On the south by the Ohio river. | * Practically the western boundary is from | Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR. ; Chicago and Erie RR.; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.; Cincinnati, Wabash and Michi- gan RW. ; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Evansville and Terre Haute RR. ; Illinois Central RR. ; Louisville, Evans- ville and St. Louis RW.; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW.; Peoria, Decatur and Evansville RW.; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Vandalia Line ;. Wabash RR. Chicago and St. Louis Traffic Asso- ciation. Joint Agt.—S. P. Brown, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR. Building, Chicago, II. Chicago and Alton RR.; Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy RR.; Illinois Central RR. ; St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute RR. ; Wabash RR. Chicago East-bound Passenger Com- mittee. Chairman—F: C. Donald, Rookery Building, Chicago, Ill. Secretary—Bernard F. Knapp, Rookery Build- ing, Chicago. Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Chicago and Erie RW. ; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Pennsylvania Co.; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Wabash RR. (Niagara Falls Short Line). Chicago Freight Committee. Chairman—Charles L. Shaw, ‘‘ Rookery,’’ Chicago, Il. Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Chicago and Erie RR.; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW,; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Michigan Central RR.; New York, Chicago and St. Louis RR.; Pittsburgh, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. ; Pitts- burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago RW.; Wabash RR. Chicago RR. Association. President—Jas. C. Pond, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President--D B. Martin, Cincinnati, O. Secretary—A. F. McMillan, Chicago. _ EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Geo. H. Heaf- ford, C. I. Stone, W. E. Davis. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Balti- more and Ohio RR.; Chicago and Alton RR.; Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR.; Chicago and Erie RW.; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Chicago and Northwestern RW.; Chicago, Burlington and Northern RR.; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City RW.; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Goodrich Trans- portation Co.; Illinois Central RR.; Lake Michigan and Lake Superior Transportation Co.; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh ; Wabash RR.; Wiscon- sin Central Line. Chicago RW. Exchange. COMMITTEE—R. M. Arnold, A. P. Biglow, C. L. Rising, 205 La Salle st. 174 American Refrigerator Transit Co.; Atchi- son, Topeka and Santa PeRR.; Atlantic Fast Freight Line; Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Blue Lins: California Fruit Transportation Co.; and Hutchins Refrigerator Co.; Committee, Passenger Department ; Chicago and Alton RR.; Chicago and Calumet Ter- minal RR.; Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR.; Chicago and Erie RW.; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Chicago and Northern Pacific RR.; Chicagoand Northwestern RW.; Chicago and Ohio River Association ; Chicago and St. Louis Association; Chicago and Western Indiana RW.; Chicago and West Michigan RW.; Chicago, Burl. and Quincy RR.; Chi- cago Car Service Association ; ; Chicago Freight Bureau; Chicago GreatWestern RW.; : Chicago, Milw. and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Cleveland, Cin. and St. Louis RW.; Commercial Express Line ; Den- ver and Rio Grande RR.; Elgin, Joliet and Eastern RW.; Erie Despatch; Goodrich Trans- portation Co.; Great Eastern Line; Great Northern RW. Line; Hoosac Tunnel Line; Illinois Central RR.; Indiana, Illinois and Iowa RR. ; Interstate Transit Co.; Louisville, New Alb. and Chic. RW.; Louisville, New Orleans and Tex. RW.; Louisville and Nash- ville RR.; Merchants’ Despatch Transp. Co. ; Mexican National RR.; Michigan Central RR.; Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri Pacific RW.; National Despatch Line; New York, Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Northern Pacific RR.; Pittsburgh, Cin. Chic. and St. Lo. RW.; Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chic. RW.; St. Louis and Southwestern RW.; Southern Pacific Co. ; The RW. Car Association ; Union Pacific RW. ; Wabash RR.; West Shore Line; Western Classification Committee ; Western Freight Association; Western Passenger As- sociation; Western RW. Weighing Associa- tion and Inspection Bureau; Western Traffic Association and Interstate Commerce RW. Association ; Wisconsin Central Line. Chicago RW. Transfer Association. Superintendent—R. Law, Exchange Building, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Ill. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. ; Balti- more and Ohio RR. ; Belt RW. ; Chicago and Alton RR. ; Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR.; Chicago and Erie RW.; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Chicagoand Northwestern RW.; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR. ; Chica- go Great Western RW.; Chicago, Milwau- kee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. ; Illinois Central RR.; Lake ‘Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. ; Michigan Central RR.; New York, Chicago and St. Louis RR.; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago RW.; Wabash RR.; Wisconsin ‘Central Co; Chicago and Northern Pacific RR. Cincinnati Freight Association. Sec. and Chairman—O..G. Fetter, Cincinnati,O. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern RR. ; ‘Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR. ; Cincinnati, Jack- son and Mackinaw RR.; Cleveland, Cincin- ‘nati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. ; New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio RR.; Ohio and Mis- sissippi RW.; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chica- go and St. Louis RW. Canadian | Pacific RW.; Central Traffic Ass’n, Chicago | Cincinnati RR. Association. President—O. P. McCarty, Cincinnati, O. Vice-President—C. B. Ryan, Cincinnati. Sec. and Treas.—Chas. O. Tangeman, Cin- cinnati. Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern RR. ; Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.; Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific RW. ; Cincinnati, Portsmouth and Virginia RR.; Cleveland, Cincinnati> ‘Chicago..and. St.. Louis (RW; Louisville and Nashville RR.; New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. ; Ohio and Mis- sissippi RW. Cincinnati Railway Mail Exchange for the expeditious delivery of railway docu- ments. Manager—O. G. Fetter, Building, Cincinnati, O. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RW. ; Balti- more and Ohio Southwestern RR. ; Canada Southern RW. ; Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Chicago and Northwestern RW. ; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Cincinnati and To- ledo F. F. Line; Cincinnati Car Service Bureau ; Cincinnati Freight Association ; Cin- cinnati Freight Bureau; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.; Cincinnati, Jack. and Mack- inaw RR.; Cincinnati, Lebanon and North. RW. ; Cincinnati, New Orl. and Tex. Pac. RW.; Cincinnati Transfer Co.; Cincinnati, Weighing and Inspection Bureau ; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Chattanooga, Rome and Columbus RW. ; Continental Line ; Empire Line ; Erie Despatch ; Fort Wayne, Cincin. and Louisv. RR. ; Grand Rapids and Indiana RR.; Green Line ; Hoosac Tunnel Line ; Interstate Despatch : Ivorydale and Mill Creek Valley RW ; Kanawha Despatch ; Kentucky Central RW; Lackawanna Line; Leaders Despatch ; Louisville and Nashville Rscom 86, Carew RR.; Merchants’ Despatch Trans. Co.; Mis- souri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri Pacific RW. ; National Despatch; New Yorks Lake Erie and Western RR; Nickel Plate Line ; Northern Pacific RR ; Ohio and Missis- sippi "RW. ; Ohio and Northwestern RW. ; Pittsburgh, Cin. pencyand St: Louis R Wee - St. Louis, Arkansas and Texas RW. ; Southern Pacific RW. ; Star Union Line; Texas and Pacific RW.; The A. H. Pugh Printing Cor Union Pacific RW.; Vandalia Line; Wabash RR.; Western and Atlantic RR.; West Shore Line ; White Line ; Wisconsin Central RR. Cleveland Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents. Chairman—C. L. Kimball, Cleveland, O. Secretary—C. W. Fuller, Cleveland. Cleveland and Canton RR.; Cleveland, Cin- cinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. ; Cleve- land, Lorain and Wheeling RR. - Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; New York, Chi- cago and St. Louis RR. - New York, Lake Erie and Western RR.; ‘Pennsylvania Co., (Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR.); Valley RW. Colorado Committee Trans-Missouri Passenger Association. Chairman—P. J. Flynn, Denver Col. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.: Burl. and Mo. River RR. (in Neb.) ; Colorado Mid- land RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Missouri Pacific RW.; Union Pacific System. ee Colorado-Utah Traffic Association. Commissioner—P. J. Flynn, Denver, Col. Secretary—N. Underhill, Denver. Colorado Midland RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Rio Grande Western RW. ; Union Pacific System. Columbian Passenger Committee. Temporary Chairman, Penna. Lines West of Pittsburgh—E. A Ford, Pittsburgh, Pa. Temporary Secretary, Chicago Great Western RW.—C. A. Cairns, Chicago, II. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Balti- more and Ohio RR.; Chicago and Alton RR. ; Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR. ; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. ; Chicago and North- western RW.; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago Great Western RW. ; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chi- cago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. ; Cleve. Cin. Chic. and St. Louis RW. ; Erie Lines ; Illinois Central RR.; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW.; Michigan Central RR. ; New York, Chicago..and St.. Louis. RR. ; Penna. Lines West of Pittsburgh ; Wabash RR. ; Wisconsin Central Lines. Columbus Freight Committee. Chairman—E. T. Affleck, Columbus, O. Secretary—C. D Whitney, Columbus. Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RW. ; Cleve., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW. ; Columbus. Hock. Val. and Tol. RW.; Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW. ; Norfolk and Western RR. ; Pittsburgh, Cin., Chic. and St. Lo. RR. ; Toledo and Ohio Central RW. Columbus Passenger Committee. Chairman—W. H. Fisher, Columbus, O. Sec.—Miss Hattie E. Seymour, Columbus. Baltimore and OhioRR.; Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RW.; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Columbus, Hocking Val. and Tol. RW.; Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW.; Norfolk and Western RR.; Pittsburgh, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Toledo and Ohio Central RW. Denver and Rio Grande—Denver, Texas and Fort Worth Association. Commissioner—P. J. Flynn, Denver, Col. Secretary—N. Underhill, Denver. Denver and Rio Grande RR. ; Union Pacific System. Detroit and Toledo Association of RR. Superintendents. President—J. B. Flanders, Toledo, O. Vice-President—T. M. Peelar, Toledo. Sec. and Treas.—William Grogan, Toledo. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.; Cin- cinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw RR. ; Colum- bus and Hocking Valley RW.; Detroit, Lans- ing and Northern RR.; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Pennsylvania Co.; Toledo and Ohio Central RW. ; Toledo, Columbus and Cincin- nati RW.; Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR.; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mich. RW.; Wabash RR.; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Meetings held on second Saturday of each month at Railroad Committee Room, 12 Bee Building, Toledo. 175 HKastern RR. Association. General Offices—614 F st, N. W., Washington, D. C. President—Hon. W. D. Bishop, Bridgeport, Conn. Vice-President—Theodore N.Ely, Altoona,Pa. Treasurer—A. A. Folsom, Boston, Mass. Gen. Counsel—Robert J. Fisher, Washington. Secretary—J. J. Harrower, Washington. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Wm. D. Bishop, Navona biuands HooRR iA A Folsom, Old Colony RR.; James Moore, Central RR; of N. Ju; J. N. Du Barry (deceased), Northern Central RW.; Theodore N. Ely, Pennsylvania Co; Chas. E. Pugh, Pennsyl- vania RR.; H. F. Kenney, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore RR. ; J. M. Toucey, New York Central aud Hudson River RR. ; G. B. Hazlehurst, Baltimore and Ohio RR. Hreight Claim Association. President—F. D. Howell, Philadelphia. Ist Vice-President—A. T. Drew, Parsons,Kan. 2d Vice-President—W. A. Eldredge, Memphis, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—S.fA. Mehorter, 243 S. Fourth st., Philadelphia. ARBITRATION COMMITTEE—C. S. Sutton, Topeka, Kan.; E. Nichols, New York; J. Tipton, Knoxville, Tenn. MrEMBERS—Allegheny Valley RW. ; Ameri- can Refrigerator Transit Co.; Atchison, To- peka and Santa Fé RR.; Atlantic and Pacific RR.—Pacific Div. ; Atlantic Coast Line; Bal- timore and Ohio RR.; Baltimore and Ohio Southwest. RR.; Beech Creek RR. ; Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RR. ; Burling. and Mo. River RR. in Neb.; Burl. Cedar Rapids and North. RR.; Cape Fear and Yadkin Val- ley RW.; Central RR. and Banking Co. of Ga. ; Central RR. of New Jersey ; Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR.; Chicago and Northwestern RW.; Chi- cago, Burl. and Kansas City RW. ; Chicago, Burlington and Northern RW.; Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy RR.; Chicago Great Western RW.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Chic., St. Paul, Minn. and Omaha RW; Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley RR. ; Cin- cinnati, Ham. and Dayton RR.; Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling RR.; Cleveland and Canton RR.; Cleveland and Marietta RW; Colorado Midland RW. ; Cumberland Valley RR.; Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. ; Delaware, Lack. and Western RR.; Denver and Rio Grande RR. ; Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic RW.; Dunkirk, Allegh. and Pittsburgh RR.; East Line and Red River RR.; East Tenn., Va. and Ga. RW. System ; Em- pire Line ; Erie and West. Transp. Co. ; Fall Brook Coal Co.; Flint and Pere Marquette RR. ; Fort Worth and Denver City RR. ; Fort Worth and Rio Grande RW. ; Fremont, Elk- horn and Mo. Val. RR.; Grand Rapids and Indiana RR.; Great Northern RW. Line ; Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fé RW. ; Hannibal and St. Joseph RR.; Houston and Texas Central RW.; Illinios Central RR. ; Inter- national and Great Northern RW. ; Jackson- ville, Tampa and Key West RW.; Kanawha Despatch ; Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Memp. RR. ; Kan. City, St. Jos. and Council Bl. RR; Keokuk and Western RR.; Lake Shore and Mich. Southern RW.; Lehigh Valley RR.; Louisville New Alb. and Chicago RW. ; Louis- ville New Orl, and Texas RW. ; Merchants’ 176 and Miners’ Transp. Co. ; Merchants Despatch | Trans. Co.; Metropolitan Steamship Co. ; Mexican International RR ; Michigan Central RR.; Milwaukee, Lake Shore, and West. RW. ; Minneapolis and St. Louis RW, ; Mis- souril, Kansas and Texas RW.; Newburgh, Dutchess and Conn. RR. ; Newp. N. and M. | V. RR. (West Div); New York and New | England RR.; New York Cent. and Hud. | Riv. RR.; New York, Lake Erie and West. | RR. ; New York, Ontario and Western RW. ; | New York, Phila. and Norfolk RR. ; Norfolk and Western RR.; Norfolk Southern RR. ; Northern Pacific RR.; Oregon and Washington Terr. RR.; Penn- sylvania RR.; Penna. Poughkeepsie and Bos- ton RR.; Philadelphia and Reading RR.; Piedmont Air Line ; Pittsb., Cin., Chic, and St. Louis RW.; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chic. RW. ; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR. ; Richmond, Fred. and Potomac RR.; Rome, Watertown and Ogensb. RR.; St. Louis and Hannibal RR.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and No. West. RR. ; St. Louis Southwest. RW. System ; San An- tonio and Aransas Pass RW.; Seaboard Air Line; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; Southern California RW.; South. Pacific Co.—Atlantic System; Talladega and Coosa Valley RR.; Texas and Pacific RW. : Union Line ; Union Pacific RW. ; Valley RW.; Vandalia Line; Wabash RR.; Western. Maryland RR.; Western N. Y. and Penna. RR. ; West Shore RR. ; Williamsport and North Branch RR. ; Wilmington and Northern RR.; Wisconsin Central Lines. Freight Traffic Association of Vir- ginia. President—E. D. Hotchkiss, Richmond, Va. Atlantic and Danville RR.; Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Farm- ville and Powhatan RR.; Lynchburg and Durham RR.; New York, Phila. and Norfolk RR.; Norfolk and Southern RR.; Norfolk and Western RR.; Pennsylvania RR.; Petersburg RR.; Richmond and Danville RR.; Richmond, Fredericksburg and Pot. RR.; Roanoke and Southern RR.; Seaboard and Roanoke RR. ; Shenandoah Valley RR.; South Atlantic and Ohio RR. Indianapolis Joint Rate Association. Ohio Valley RW.; | Chairman—S. F. Gray, 42 Board of Trade | Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Secretary—J. B. Eckman, 42 Board of Trade Building, Indianapolis. Cleve. Cin. Chic. and St. Louis RW. ; Cin- cinnati, Hamilton and Day. RR. ; Cincinnati, Wabash and Mich. RW.; Indianapolis, Deca- tur and West. RW.; Indianapolis and Vin- cennes RR.; Louisville, New Albany and CHIGAURW.. Pitts, Cin, Chic. and St.Louis RR.; Terre Haute and Indianapolis RR. International Association of Car Ac- countants. President—C. H. Ewings, N. Y. Cent. and Hud. Riv. RR. Vice-President—A. Hale, Pennsylvania RR. Secretary—S. P. Sechrist, Official RW. Equip- ment Guide. Treasurer—M C. Trout, Central RW. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—S. H. Church, Pennsylvania. Co.; F. C. Vogel, Chic. and Toledo and Ohio Grand Trunk RW.; C. E. Wheeler, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Next meeting will be held at Old Point Comfort, Va., May 16, 1893. International Association of Ticket Agents. President—H. &. Dey, Gainesville, Fla. 1st Vice-Prest.—W. B. Conard, Philadelphia. 2d Vice-Prest.—Wm. Lohmiller, LaCrosse, Wis. 3d Vice-Prest.—J. A. Dart, Ridgeton, Can. Secretary—C. G. Cadwallader, Philadelphia. Treasurer—T. W. Veneman, Evansville, Ind. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Thomas Morley, Chicago, Ill.; C. D. J. Noelke, New York. ; W. F. Hambright, Lancaster, Pa.; S. A. Pal- mer; C. G. Wintersmith. Local Freight Agents’ Association of Chicago. President—Lot Brown, Chicago, Ill. Vice-President—F. W. Belz, Chicago. Sec. and Treas.—D. Howard, Chicago. Local Freight Agents’ Association of Indianapolis. President—Oran Perry, 42 Board of Trade Building, Indianapolis, Ind. Sec. and Treas.—J. B. Eckman, 42 Board of Trade Building, Indianapolis. Cleve., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Cin- cinnati, Hamilton and Day. RR.; Cincinnati Wabash and Mich. RW.; _ Indianapolis, Decatur and West. RW.; Indianapolis ard Vincennes RR.; Lake Erie and Western RR.; Louisville, New Albany and Chic. RW.; Pitts., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RR.; Terre Haute and Indianapolis RR. Master Car Builders’ Association. President—E. W. Grieves, Baltimore and Ohio RR., Baltimore, Md. Vice-Presidents—F. D. Casanave, Pennsyl- vania Co., Fort Wayne, Ind.; John S. Lentz, Lehigh Valley RR., Packerton, Pa.; T. A. Bissell, Wagner Palace Car Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Treasurer—G. W. Demarest, Northern Cen- tral RW. Co., Baltimore. Secretary—John W. Cloud, 974 Rookery Building, Chicago, III. ; EXECUTIVE MEMBERS—R. C.. Blackall. Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., Albany, N. Y.; E. Chamberlain, New York Central and Hudson River RR., Buffalo, N. Y.; J. C. Barber, Northern Pacific RR., St. Paul, Minn.; J. T. Chamberlain, Boston and Maine RR., Lawrence, Mass.; G. W. Rhodes, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR., Aurora, IIL; Pulaski Leeds, Louisville and Nashville RR., Louisville, Ky. Annual Convention of 1893 will be held in June, 1893. Michigan Freight Association. President—C. J. Hupp, Detroit, Mich. Vice-President—A. Patriarche, Detroit. Sec. and Treas.—R. G. Butler, Detroit. Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. ; Chicago, Kalamazoo and Saginaw RW.; Chicago and Northwestern RW.; Chicago and West Michigan RW.; Cincinnati, Jack. and Mack- inaw RR.; Cincinnati, Wabash and Mich. RW.; Detroit, Bay City and Alpena RR. ; Detroit and Cleve. Steam Nav. Co. ; Detroit, Gd. Haven and Milwaukee RW.; Detroit, Lansing and Northern RR. ; Flint and’ Pere Marquette RR. ; Grand Rapids and Indiana | Lake Shore and | Michigan Central | RR.; Grand Trunk RW.; Michigan Southern RW. ; meee Pontiac. Oxtord and Northern RR. ; Bena: Tuscola and Huron RR. - Toledo, Ann Arbor and No. Mich. RW:.; Wabash RR Vandalia Line. Middle States Freight Traffic Asso- ciation. President—John H. Heckman, South Bethle- hem, Pa. Vice-President and Chairman Executive Com- mittee—Charles A. Chipley, 243 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Secretary—Bowness Briggs, Philadelphia. Addison and Pennsylvania RR.; Alexan- | dria and Fredericksburg RW.; Allegheny | Baltimore | and Lehigh RR.; Baltimore and Ohio RR.; | Baltimore and Philadelphia RR.; Baltimore | Walley RR; Atlantic: City RR: ; and Potomac RR.; Bangorand Portland RW.; Bath and Hammondsport RR.; Beech Creek RR.; Bloomsburg and Sullivan RR.; Brad- | ford, Bordell and Kinzua RR.; Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW. ; Camden and | Atlantic RR.; Catasauqua and Fogelsville | Lock Box 535, | 177 RR.; Central RR. of New Jersey; Cornwall | and Lebanon RR.; Cumberland Valley RR. ; | Delaware and Hud. Canal Co’s RR.; Dela- | ware, Lackawanna and West. RR.; Delaware | River and Lancaster RR.; Elmira, Cortland and Northern RR.; RWS.; Geneva, Gettysburg and Harrisburg RR. ; Harrisburg and Potomac RR.; Lehigh Valley RR.; Le- high and Hudson River RW.; Western RW. ; New York, Phila. and Norfolk RR.; New York, Susq. and Western RR.; Northern Central RW.; Pennsylvania RR. ; Pennsylvania and New York RR. ; Penna., Poughkeepsie and Boston RR.; Philadelphia and Erie RR.; Philada., Wilmington and Balt. RR.; Pniladelphia and Reading RR.; Rome, Watertown and Ogdensb. RR.; Southern Central RR.; Western Maryland RR. ; West Jersey RR.; West Shore RR.; | Western New York and Penna. RR.; West Virginia Cent. and Pitts. RW.; Wilkesbarre | and Western RW. ; Williamsport and North | Branch RR.; Wilmington and Northern RR. Middle States Lumber Association. Chairman—C. C. Waite, Columbus, O. Secretary—A. D. Smith, Columbus. Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Cincinnati, Ham- | ilton and Dayton RR.; Cleve. pion. Chic. and | St. Louis RW. : Columbus, Hock. Val. and Tol. RW.; Lake Erie and Western RR.; Toledo and Ohio, Central RW.; Toledo, Columbus and Cincinnati RW.; ’ Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. National Association of Car Service Managers. President—F. E. Morse, New York. _ Vice-Prest.—D. T. Bacon, Indiaanpolis, Ind. Secretary—A. G. Thomason, Scranton, Pa. 12 Fall Brook Coal Co’s lehaca and Voayre: (RR New York | Central and Hud. R. RR.; New York, Lake | Erie and West. RR.; New York, Ortario and | New England General Agents’ Association. President—Herbert Brainerd, St. Albans, ,Vt. Secretary pro tem.—J.C. Lenix, Boston, Mass. Meetings on 1st Thurs. after the 3d Wed. of Mar., June Sept. and Dec. Baggage New England General FreightAgents’ Association. President—H. E. Howard, Springfield, Mass. Vice-Prest.—C. J. Smith, Ottawa, Ont. Sec.—J. A. Southard, New London, Conn. New England General Ticket and Passenger Agents’ Association. President—D. J. Flanders, Boston, Mass. Secretary—C. A. Waite, Worcester, Mass. All Passenger Transportation Lines in New England represented. New Orleans Freight Traffic Asso- ciation. President—D. B. Morey, care I. C. RR., New Orleans, La. Secretary—W. P. Emerson, 35 Carondelet st., Rooms 21 and 22, New Orleans, La. Illinois Central RR. ; Louisville and Nash- ville RR.; Louisville, New Orleans and Texas RW.; Mobile and Ohio RW.; Queen and Crescent Route ; Texas and Pacific RW. New York and Boston Lines Passen- ger Committee. President—C. T. Hempstead, New Haven, Conn. Secretary—N. E. Weeks, Boston, Mass. Roads Represented—Boston and Albany RR.; New York, New Haven and Hartford RR.; New York, Providence and _ Boston RR.; New York and New England RR. ; Old Colony RR. RAIL LINES REPRESENTED. Springfield Line—Boston and Albany RR. ; New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. Shore Line—Old Colony RR.; New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. New England Line—New York and New England RR.; New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. SOUND LINES REPRESENTED. Fall River Line—Old Colony RR., and Old Colony Steamboat Co. Providence Line—Old Colony RR., and Providence and Stonington Steamship Co. Stonington Line—Old Colony RR.; New York, New Haven and Hartford RR.; Provi- dence and Stonington Steamship Co. WVorwich Line—New York and New England RR.; Norwich and New York Trans- portation Co. New York State Passenger Associa- tion. Chairman—L. P. Farmer, 143 Liberty st., York Secretary—Wm. Fleming, New York. Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RR. ; Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.; Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR.; Elmira, Cortland and Northern RR.; Grand Trunk RW.; Lehigh Valley RR.; New York Cen- tral and Hudson River RR. ; New York, Lake New 143, Liberty ,st., 178 Erie and Western RR. ; New York, Ontario and Western RW.; New York, Susquehanna and Western RR.; Northern Central RW. ; Rome, West Shore RR.; Western New York and Pennsylvania RR. Official Classification Committee. Chairman—C. E. Gill, 143 Liberty st., New York. Secretary—R. G. Stevenson, 143 Liberty st., New York. East. Supt. Star Union Line—F. H. Kinsbury. | G. E. F. A. New York Central and Hudson | River RR.—R. L. Crawford. G. F. A. New York, Lake Erie and West. RR. —F. L. Pomeroy. 3d Vice-Prest. Delaware, Lackawanna and | Western RR.—W. S. Sloan. . G. F. A. Lehigh Valley RR.—W. S. Speirs. . F. A. Baltimore and Ohio RR.—C. S. Wight. . F. A. Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.—J. T. R. McKay. . F. A. Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.— David Brown. . F. A. Pennsylvania Co.—C. L. Cole. F. A. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.—A. H. McLeod. F,. A. Boston and Albany RR.—H. B. Chapin. . F. A. Fitchburg RR.—A. S. Crane. fxg act iGh eas aan Ohio Coal Traffic Association. Chairman—J. M. Ferris, Toledo, O. - Secretary—A. D. Smith, Columbus, O. Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Cleveland, Lo- rain and Wheeling RR. ; Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW.; Columbus, Hock. Val. and Toledo RW.; Toledo and Ohio Central RW.; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Peoria Superintendents’ Association. Offices Union Depot, Rooms 27-29, Peoria, Ill. President—E. N. Armstrong. Vice-Prest.—J. H. Redmon. Secretary—A. J. Elliott. Peoria and Pekin Union RW. ; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Chicago, Bur- lington and Quincy RR.; Lake Erie and Western RR.; Cleve., Cin., Chicago and St. L. RR.; Jacksonville Southeastern Line ; Toledo, Peoria and Western RW.; Iowa Cen- tral RW.; Rock Island and Peoria RW. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Peoria, Decatur and Evansville RW.; Terre Haute and Peoria RR. Pittsburgh Freight Committee. Chairman—James Means, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—James P. Orr, Pittsburgh. Allegheny Valley RW.; Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Lake Shore and Michigan South. RW.; New York, Lake Erie and.West. RR. ; Penn- sylvania Co.; Pennsylvania RR.; Pittsburgh, and Lake Erie RR. ; Pittsburgh and Western RR. ; Pitts., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW. Pittsburgh Passenger Committee. Chairman—C .W. Bassett, Pittsburgh, Pa. Secretary—J. K. Dillon, Pittsburgh. Allegheny Valley RW.; Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Pennsylvania Lines West of Pittsburgh ; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR.; Pittsburgh and Western RW. Watertown and Ogdensburg RR.; | Railway Agents’ Association of North America. President and Chairman Executive Board, A. M. North, New Castle, Pa. 1st Vice-Prest.—F. O. Becker, Galveston, Tex. 2d Vice-Prest.—A. R. Hancock, Baltimore, Md. 3d Vice-Prest.—F. P. Stansell, Augusta, Ga. 4th Vice-Prest.—C. T. Wardlaw, Corvallis, Ore. Secretary and Treasurer—R. W. Wright, 45 Sheriff st., Cleveland, O. General Solicitor—R. C. Watkins, 45 Sheriff st., Cleveland. Next Convention, Old Point Comfort, Va., May 16, 1893. Railway Association of Michigan. President—Jas. Houston, Pontiac, Mich. Vice-Prest.—E. C. Luce, Cleveland, O. Secretary—R. E. Downing, Detroit, Mich. Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Chicago and West Michigan RW. ; Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw RR.; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. ; Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee RW. ; Detroit, Lansing and Northern RR.; Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic RW.; Flint and Pere Marquette RR. ; Grand Rapidsand Indiana RR. ; Grand Trunk RW. (Detroit Division); Grand Trunk RW. (Michigan Air Line Division); Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Manistee and Northeastern RR.; Michigan Central RR.; Minnesota, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie RW.; Pontiac, Oxford and Northern RR.; Saginaw Valley and St. Louis RW. ; Toledo, Ann Arbor and Northern Michigan RW. ; Toledo, Saginaw and Muskegon RW. Railway Car Association. General Manager—C. W. Cushman, Chapin Block, Buffalo, N. Y. Western Manager—C. J. Fellows, Rookery Building, Chicago, Ill. Northeast Agent—Warren E. Foskett, Jr., Albion Building, 268 Washington street, Boston, Mass. MemBERS—Armour Packing Co.; Balti- more and Ohio Southwest. RR.; Central RR. of New Jersey; Chicago and Grand Trunk RR.; Chicago and Northwestern RW.; Chicago Refrigerator Car Co.; Chicago Stock Car Co.; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and’ St. Louis@ RR., Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW.; Commercial Express Line ; Cudahy Refriger- ator Co.; Eureka Transportation Co.; Gene- see Oil Works; Grand Trunk RW.; Houston — and Texas Central RW.; Inter-State Coal Car © Supply Co.; .Kingan & Co.; Lackawanna Line; Lake Erie and Western RW.; Lehigh Valley RR.; Louisville, New Albany and Chic. — RW.; Manhattan Oil Co.; Michigan Car Co.; Michigan Salt Line Co.; Missouri Valley Refrigerator Line ; New York, Lake Erie and West. RR.; Nickel Plate Line; Northern © Pacific RR.; Sinnemahoning Valley RR.;_ Swift Refrigerator Trans. Co.; Philadelphia and Reading RR.; Railway Car Assn. Refrig- — erator Co.; South. Pacific Co. (Pacific Sys- tem)'; South. Pacific Co. (Atlantic System) ; Tiffany Refrigerator Co.; Traders’ Despatch Line; Union Pacific RW.; United Refining — Export Oil Co.; Wabash RR. ¢ Railway Mail Exchange, St. Louis, Mo. Office 76 and 78 Laclede Building. Mailing Room, 80 Laclede Building. Manager and Treasurer—Edw. W. Braisted. American Refrigerator Transit Co.; Blue Line; Burlington Route; Cairo Short Line RR.; Canada Southern Line (Wab. RW.); | Canada Southern Line (T. St. L. and K. C. RW.); Central States Despatch ; Chesapeake and Ohio RW.; Chicago and Alton RR.; ' Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW,; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Cleve., ean., Chic. and St. Louis RW:; Coal Traffic Assn., E. M. Ward, J. A.; Continental Line ; Empire Line ; Erie Despatch: Grand Tower and Carbondale RR.; Great Eastern Line ; Hoosac Tunnel Line; Houston and Texas Central RW,; Inter-State Despatch ; Jackson- ville Southeastern Line; Kas. City, Ft. Scott and Mem. RR.; Lackawanna Line, (Wabash me); Lackawanna Line (T., St. L. and -K. €. RW.); Lehigh and Wabash Despatch ; Louisville, Evansville and St. L. RR.; Louis- ville, New Orleansand Tex.; RW.; Louisville and Nashville RR.; Madison, Alton and Chicago RW.; Merchants’ Bridge Terminal RW.; Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri, Pac: and St. L., I. M. and S. RWs.; Mobile and Ohio RR.; Nashville, Chattanooga and St. L. RW.; National Despatch Line; Nickel Plate Line; Northern Pacific RW.; Ohio and Mississippi RW.; Queen and Cres- cent Route; Railway Car Association; Red and Midland Lines ¢ Joint Office); Richmond and Danville RR.; Rome, Watertown Ogdensbg. RR.; St. Louis and Eastern RW.: St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Louis, Chicago and St. Paul RW.; St. Louis South- western RW.; St. Louis Car Service Associa- tion; St. Louis Refrigerator Car Co.; So. West. RW. and Steamship Assn.; Maion Line; Terminal RR. Assn. of. St. Louis ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kan. City RR.; Traders’ Despatch ; Trans-Continental Asso- | ciation; Union Pacific RW.; Vandalia Line; Menice Transportation Co., F. F. Line; Wabash RR.; Wiggins Ferry Co. St. Louis and Cincinnati Freight Association. Chairman—Edw. W. Braisted, Laclede Build- | ing, St. Louis, Mo. Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Ohio and Mississippi RW.; Indianapolis RW. (Vandalia Lime). St. Louis Association of General Passenger and Ticket Agents. President—D. Wishart. Secretary—C. S. Crane, St. Louis, Mo. Chicago and Alton RR.; Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy RR.; Cleve., Cin, St. Lo. RW.; Diamond 16: Line Steamers; Jacksonville ‘Southeastern Line ; Louisville and Nashville RR.; Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri Pacific RW.; and Ohio RR.: St. Louis and Cairo Short Line; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and No. West. RR.; St. Louis, Tron Mountain and So. RW.; Terminal RRG: Vandalia Line.; Wabash RR. and | Slices Louis Teansfer Co.; San Antonio and Aran- | sas Pass RW.; Southwestern Despatch Line; | Star- | Terre Haute and | Chic. and ‘| Mobile | 179 St. Louis Coal Traffic Association. Joint Agent—E. M. Ward, 108 North 4th st., Room 16, St. Louis, Mo. Cleveianide Cine, Chic, and. Sto Lo; tRWes Louisville and Nashville RR.; Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Consolidated RW.; Ohio and Mississippi RW.; St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute RR.; Vandalia Line (T. H. and I. RW.); Wabash RR. ° St. Louis Eastbound Traffic Associa- tion. Joint Agent—Edw.W. Braisted, Laclede Build- ing. St. Louis, Mo. Chicago and Alton RR.; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW.; Ohio and Missis- sippi RW.; Terre Haute and Ind. RW. (Van- dalia Line); Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR.; Wabash RR. St. Paul and Minneapolis Rate Asso- ciation. Compiler—A. B. Cutts, Minneapolis, Minn. Chicago, Burlington and North. RR.; Chi- cago, St. Paul, Minn. and Om. RW. ; Diamond Jo Line Steamers ; Minneapolis and St. Louis RR. ; Wisconsin Central Lines ; Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago Great Western RW.; Great Northern RW.; North- enmracihe RW. Southern Passenger’ Association. Chamber of Commerce Building, Atlanta, Ga. Commissioner—E. B. Stahlman. Asst. Commissioner—M. Slaughter. Secretary—Geo. W. Jones. ARBITRATORS—John Screven, of Ga.; Sibley, of N. Y.; Thos. H. Carter. of Va. MEMBERS—Atlantic Coast Line; Atlanta and West Point RR. ; Brunswick and Western RR.; Charleston and Savannah RW.; Central RR. of Georgia ; East Tennessee, Virginia and Ga. RW; Georgia RR; Georgia Pacific RW.; Georgia Southern and Florida RR; Pennsyl- vania RR.; Port Royal and Augusta RW. ; Raleigh and Gaston RR.; Richmond and Dan- ville RR.; Richmond, Fredericksburg and Pot. RR.; Savannah, Florida and Western RW. ; Seaboard and Roanoke RR. ; South Carolina RW.; Western and Atlantic RR. BE. K. Southern RW. and Steamship Asso- ciation. Commissioner—E. B. Stahlman, Atlanta, eo Secretary—A. Pope, Atlanta. ARBITRATORS—Thos. H. Carter; Screven; E. K Sibley. MEMBERS—Alabama Great Southern RR. ; Atlanta and West Point RR.; Balt. Ches. and Rich. Steamboat Co.; Baltimore Steam Packet Co.; Cape FearandYadkinValleyRW.; Central RR. of Georgia, including Port Royal and Augusta RW.; Charleston and Savannah RW.; Cin. New Orl. and Texas Pac. RW. ; Clyde Steamship Co.; East Tennessee, Va. and Ga RW.; Georgia RR.; Georgia Pacific RW.; Georgia Southern and Florida RR.; Kan. City, Memphis and Birm. RR.; Illinois Central RR.; Louisville and Nashville RR.; Louisville, New Orl. and Texas RW.; Memphis and Charleston RR.; Merchants’ and Miners’ Trans. Co.; Mobileand Ohio RR.; Nashville, Chat. and St. Louis RW.; Newp. News and M. V. Co. (W. Div.); Norfolk and John 180 Western RR. ; Ocean Steamship Co. of Savan- nah; Old Dominion Steamship Co.; Rich- mond and Danville RR.; Savannah, Florida and Western RW.; Seaboard and Roanoke RR.; South Carolina RW. ; Western RW. of Alabama; Western and Atlantic RR.; Wil- mington and Weldon RR. Territory lying south and west of the Vir- ginias, south of the Ohio river and east of the Mississippi river. The traffic subject to this association is all business for which two or more of the members of the association com- pete, having origin or destination within this territory. The following traffic is not covered by this agreement: (1) Traffic carried be- tween points on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers; and (2) Traffic between points on the designated northern and western boundary lines and points outside of the defined asso- ciation territory. Springfield Freight Committee. Chairman—D. H. Roche, Dayton, O. Secretary—J. D. Watt, Springfield, O. @léveland,,Cin., Chic. and 'St..LiR Wee, UN: Y., Lake Erie and Western RR. ; Ohio South- emnukk. = Pittsburgh, Cin. Chic.sandi st (Lz RW. Toledo Freight Committee. Chairman—Frank Janes, Toledo, O. Secretary—J. M. Steenberg, Toledo. Cincinnati, Ham. and Dayton RR. ; Colum- bus, Hocking Valley and Toledo RW.; Cin- cinnati, Jackson and Mack. RW.; Flint and Pere Marquette Co.; Lake Shore and Mich. South. RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Penn- sylvania Co.; Toledo, Ann Arbor and N. Mich. RW.; Toledo and Ohio Central RW. ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kan. City RR.; Toledo, Columbus and Cincinnati RW.; Wabash RR.; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Toledo Mail Exchange. Manager—William Grogan, 11 Bee Building, Toledo, O. Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Cincinnati, Ham- ilton and Dayton RR.; Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw RR. ; Columbus and Hocking Valley RW. ; Erie Despatch; Empire Line; Hoosac Tunnel Line; Interstate Despatch ; . Kanawha Despatch ; Lackawanna Line; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Lehigh Valley Despatch; Michigan Central RR.; Pennsylvania Co.; Red Line ; Southwestern Despatch ; Toledo and Ohio Central RW. ; Toledo, Columbus and Cincinnati RW. ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR.; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mich. RW.; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW.; Wabash RR. Toledo Passenger Committee. Chairman—James M. Hall, Toledo, O. Secretary—John E. Gunckel, Toledo. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR. ; Columbus, Hocking Val. and Tol. RW. ; Cin- cinnati, Jackson and Mack. RR.; Flint and Pere Marquette RR.; Lake Shore and Michi- gan South. RW.; Michigan Central RR.; Ohio Central Lines; Pennsylvania Company ; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Mich. RW. ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City RR. ; Wabash RR. ; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Trans-Continental Association. . Chairman—E. P. Vining, 816 Olive st., St. Louis, Mo. General Agent—Jas. F. Fuller, Room 288 Stew- art Building, New York. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; At- lantic and Pacific RR.; Burlington and Mis- souri River RR.; Canadian Pacific RW. ; Central Pacific RR.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Colorado Midland RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RW.; Great North- ern RW. Line; Missouri Pacific RW. ; North- ern Pacific RR.; Oregon RW. and Naviga- tion Co.; Oregon Short Line RW.; Oregon and California RR.; Rio Grande Western RW.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; Southern California RW.; Southern Pacific Co., Atl. System; Southern Pacific Co., Pac- System; Texas and Pacific RW. ; Union Paci- fic System. Trans-Missouri Freight Association. s Secretary—G. McFadden, Kansas City, Mo. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. ; Bur- lington and Mo. River RR. in Neb. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pac. RW.; Chic., St. Paul, Minn. and Omaha RW; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Fremont, Elkhornand Mo. Val. RR. >‘Kan. City, Ft. Scott and Memiuk ham Kan. City, St. Jo. and. Coun. Bl: RR.; Mis= souri Pacific RW. ; Rio Grande Western RW.; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Joseph and Grand Island RR.; Union Pacific System; Utah Central RW. (Union Pacific System). Trans-Missouri Associa- tion. Secretary—G. McFadden, Kansas City, Mo. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. ; Bur- lington and Missouri River RR. in Neb. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. ; Chi- cago, St. Paul, Minn. and Omaha RW. ; Colo- rado Midland RW. ;.Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Fremont, Elkhorn and Mo. Val. RR. ; Great Northern RW. Line; Kan. City, St. Jo. and Coun. Bl. RR.; Missouri Pacific RW. ; Northern Pacific RR. ; Rio Grande Western RW.; St. Joseph and Grand Island RR.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; Sioux City and Pacific RR. ; Union Pacific System, Passenger Traveling Passenger Agents’ Associa- tion. President—J. P. McCann, New York. Vice-Prest.—E. F. Sisson, Chattanooga, Tenn. Sec. and Treas.—H. C. Holabird, Cincin- nati, O. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—S. A. Hutchin- @ son, New York; James Timmons, Philadel- phia; E. E. Patton, Chillicothe, O.; Theodore Brown, Chattanooga; E. R. Tuttle, St. Louis, Mo. Trunk Line Association, General Offices, 143 Liberty st., New York. Commissioner—J. F. Goddard. Commissioner Fgt. Dept.—C. W. Bullen. Commissioner Pass. Dept.—L. P. Farmer. Gen. Agt.—H. C. Blye. Sec. Fgt. Dept.—F. H. Hoyt. Sec. Pass. Dept.—William Fleming. RoAps—Baltimore and Ohio RR. ; Central — RR. of New Jersey ; Delaware, Lackawanna and West. RR.; Grand Trunk RW. ; Lehigh © Valley RR. ; New York Cent. and Hud. Riv. . , . I8I RR. ; New York, Lake Erie and West. RR.; | New York, Ontario and West. RW.; Penn- sylvania RR.; Philadelphia and Reading RR.; West Shore RR. The territory of the Trunk Line Association includes the territory west of New England, traversed by the companies represented in the committee, and east of and including Toronto, Suspension Bridge, Niagara Falls, Tonawanda, Black Rock, Buffalo, East Buf- falo, Buffalo Junction, Dunkirk, Salamanca, Erie, Pittsburgh, Bellaire, Wheeling, Parkers- burg and Charleston, W. Va. _JoiInT COMMITTEE—J. F. Goddard, Chair- | man, 143 Liberty st., New York; George R. Blanchard, Vice-Chairman, Rookery Building, Chicago, Ill. Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Baltimore and Ohio Southwest. RR.; Boston and Albany RR.; Boston and Maine RR. ; Central RR. of New Jersey ; Central Vermont RR. ; Chicago and Calumet Terminal RW. ; Chicago and Grand Trunk RW.; Chicago and Ohio River | RR. ; Cincinnati and Muskingum Val. RW. ; | Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR.; Cin- | cinnati, Jackson and Mack. RR.; Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan RW.; Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RW.; Cleveland and Canton RR.; Cleveland and Marietta RW. ; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St.’ Louis RW. (Peoria Division) ; Cleveland, Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RW. (other divisions); Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling RR. ; Columbus, Hock- | ing Val. and Tol. RW.; Delaware, Lacka- wanna and West. RR.; Detroit, Gd. Haven and Milwaukee RW. ; Det., Lans. and North. | RR. (System); Chicago and West Michigan RW.; Saginaw Valley and St. Louis RR. ; Dunkirk, Alleg. Val. and Pitts. RR. ; Elgin, | Joliet and Eastern RW.; Evansv. and Terre Haute RR. (System); Chicago and Eastern Illinois RR. ; Peoria, Decatur and Evansville | RW. ; Fitchburg RR.; Flint and Pere Mar- | quette RR. ; Grand Rapids and Indiana RR.,; | Grand Trunk RW.; Indianapolis, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa RR. ; Jacksonville Southeastern Line; Lake Erie and Western RW.; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW.; Lehigh Valley RR. ; Louisville, Evans- ville and St. Louis RR.; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. ; Michigan Central Illinois Central RR. ; RR.; Midland RW. (Indiana); New York | and New England RR. ; New York Central and Hudson River RR.; New York, Chicago and St. Louis RW.; New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. (System); Chicago and Erie RR. ; New York, Penna. and Ohio RR. ; New York, N. H. and Hartford RR.; New York, Ontario and West. RW. ; Norfolk and Western (Scioto Val. Div.); Ohio and Mis- | Sissippi RW. ; Ohio River RR.; Ohio South- | ern RR.; Ohio Valley RW.; Penna. Lines | West of Pittsburgh ; Penna. Co. (Northwest. System); P.C. C.and St. L. RR. (Southwest. System); Pennsylvania RR.; Philadelphia and Reading RR. ; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR. ; Pittsburgh and Western RR.; Tol. and Ohio Cent. RR. (Extension); Toledo and Ohio Cent. RR. (System); Kanawha and Michigan RW. ; Toledo, Columbus and Cin- cimnati RW.; Toledo, Peoria and Western RR. ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kan. City RR Valley RW.; Vandalia Line ; Wabash RR. ; Western New York and Penna. RR.; West Shore RR. Decatur and Western RW.; | Utah Common Points Association. Commissioner—P. J. Flynn, Denver, Col. Secretary—N. Underhill, Denver. Rio Grande Western RW.; Union Pacific System. Virginia Freight Association. Commissioner—Chas. E. Mack, 411 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Baltimore Steam Packet Co. ; Clyde Steam- ship Co.; New York, Philadelphia and Nor- folk RR.; Old Dominion Steamship Co. ; Pennsylvania RR. The Western Classification Com- mittee, Chairman—J. T. Ripley, Room 733, ‘‘ The Rookery,’’ Chicago, III. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; At- lantic and Pacific RR.; Burl., Cedar Rapids and North. RW.; Burlington and Missouri River RR.; Chicago and Alton RR. ; Chicago and Northwest. RW.; Chicago, Burl. and Kan- sas City RW.; Chicago, Burlington and North. RR. ; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago Great Western RW.; Chi- cago, Iowa and Dakota RW.; Chicago, Mil- waukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha RW.; Colorado Mid- land RW.; Denver, Texas and Fort Worth RR.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Des Moines and Kansas City RW.; Des Moines, Northern and West. RW.; Duluth and Iron Range RR.; Duluth, South Shore and At- lantic RW.; Eastern RW. Co. of Minnesota ; Fremont, Elkhorn and Mo. Val. RR.; Good- rich Transportation Co.; Great Northern RW.; Green Bay, Winona and St. Paul RR.; Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fé RW; Hannibal and St. Joseph RR.; Houston, East and West ‘Texas: RW; Illinois. Central) RR.; Inter- national and Great North. RR. ; Iowa Central RW.; Kansas City and Southern RW. ; Kan. City, Fort Scott and Mem. RR.; Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs RR.; Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern RR.; Keokuk and Western RR.; Lake Mich. and Lake Sup. Trans. Co.; Little Rock and Mem- phis RR.; Mason City and Fort Dodge RR.; Mexican Central RW. ; Mexican International RR.; Mexican National RR.; Milwaukee and Northern RR.; Milwaukee, Lake Shore and West. RW.; Mineral Range RR.; Min- neapolis and St. Louis RW.; Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. Marie RW. ; Mississippi River and Bonne Terre RW.; Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri Pacific RW. ; Montana Central RW.; Northern Pacific RR.; Oregon RW. and Navigation Co.; Oregon and Wash- ington Terr. RR.; Quincy, Omaha and Kan- sas City RW.; Rio Grande Western RW.; Rock Island and Peoria RW.; St. Joseph and Grand Island RR.; St. Louis, Cape Girardeau and Fort Smith RW. ; St. Louis Southwestern RW.; St. Louis, Iron Mountain and So. RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and N.-W. RR.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW. ; St. Paul and Duluth RR.; San Antonio and Aransas Pass RW. ; San Francisco and North. Pacific RW. ; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; Southern Cali- fornia RW.; South. Pacific Co. (Atlantic System); South. Pacific Co. (Pacific System); Texas and Pacific RW.; Union Pacific RW. ; Wabash RR. ; Wisconsin Central RR. 182 Western Freight Association. Office in ‘‘ The Rookery,’’ Chicago, Ill. Chairman—J. W. Midgley. Secretary—W. H. Hosmer. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Bur- | lington and Northwestern RR.; Burlington and Western RR.; Burlington, Cedar Rap. and Nor. RW.; Chicago and Alton RR. ; Chicago, Burlington and Northern RR. ; Chi- cago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago, Bur. and Kansas City RR.; Chicago Great Western RR.; Chicago, Iowa and Dakota RW. ; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago and Northwestern RW. ; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. ; Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. and Om. RW.; Des Moines and Fort Dodge RW.; Des Moines and Kansas City RW. ; Des Moines, North. and Western RW.; Duluth, Red Wing and Southern RR. ; Hannibal and St. Joseph RR.; Illinois Cen- | tral RR. ; Iowa Central RW.; Kan. City, Ft. Scott and Memphis RW.; Kan. City, St. Jos. and C. Blufis RR.; Mason City and Ft. Dodge RW.; Milwaukee, Lake Shore and West. RW.; Milwaukee and Northern RR.; Minne- apolis and St. Louis RR.; Missouri Pacific RW.; Rock Island and Peoria RW.; Sioux City and Pacific RW.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; Sioux City and Northern RR.; St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwest RW.; Wabash RR.; Winona and Southwestern RW.; Wisconsin Central Line. Western Passenger Association. Chairman—B. D. Caldwell, Chicago, Il. Secretary—T. Thompson, Chicago. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Bur- lington, Cedar Rapids and Nor. RW.; Chi- cago and Northwestern RW.; Chicago, Bur- lington and Northern RW.; Chicago, Burling- ton and Quincy RW. ; Chicago Great Western RW.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Chica- go, St. P.. Minn. and Omaha RW. ; Hannibal and St. Joseph RR.; Illinois Central RR. ; lowa .Central>RW:.;.Kan:; /C., St.” Jos. and Council Blufts RR. ; Milwaukee and Northern RR.; Milwaukee, Lake Shore and West. RW.; Minneapolis and St. Louis RW. ; Mis- souri Pacific RW.; Rock Island and Peoria RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwest. RR.; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; Wabash RR.; Wisconsin Central Lines. Western RR. Association. President—B. F. Ayer, Chicago, Ill. Gen. Counsel and Treasurer—George Pay- son, Chicago. Secretary—C. M. Babeuf, Chicago. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—B. F. Ayer, W. F. Merrill, H. H. Poppleton, J. D. Springer, T. F. Withrow, John Newell, B. C. Cook. MEMBERS—Alabama Great Southern; Ala- bama and Vicksburg ; Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé; Augusta and Knoxville; Augusta and Summerville ; Baltimore and Ohio South- western; Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Northern; Burlington and Missouri River in Neb. ; Central Branch Union Pacific ; Central Texas and Northwestern; Charleston and Savannah ; Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta ; Chicago and Alton ; Chicago and Eastern IIli- nois; Chicago and Erie; Chicago and Grand Trunk; Chicago and Indiana Coal RR. ; Chi- cago and Northwestern ; Chicago, Burlington and Northern; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific; Chicago, St. Paul, Minn. and Omaha; Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw; Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific; Cleveland and Marietta; Cleveland Akron and Columbus ; Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis ; Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling ; Columbus. and Greenville; Columbus and Western; Current River; Denver and Rio Grande ; Des Moines and Fort Dodge; Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee; Duluth and Iron Range ; Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic ; Eufaula and Clayton; Flint and Pere Mar- quette; Fort Worth and New Orleans; Fre- mont, Elkhorn and Mo. Valley ; Gainesville, Jefferson and Southern ; Galveston, Houston and Henderson; Georgia; Georgia Pacific ; Grand Trunk; Great Northern; Hannibal and St. Joseph ; Houston and Texas Central ; Illinois Central ; Iowa Central; Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Memphis ; Kansas City, Mem. and Birmingham; Kansas City, St. Jos. and Coun. Bluffs; Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield ; Lake Erie and Western ; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern; Louisville, New Albany and Chicago; Marrietta and North Georgia; Michigan Central; Milwau- kee, Lake Shore and Western; Minneapolis St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie; Mississippi and Tennessee; Missouri, Kansas and Texas; Missouri Pacific; Mobile and Girard ; Mont- gomery and Eufaula; Nashville, Chattanooga. and St. Louis; New York, Lake Erie and West- ern System; New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio ; New Orleans and Northeastern ; North. of New Jersey; Northern Pacific; Ohio and Mississippi ; Pittsburgh and Lake Erie ; Pitts- burgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny ; Port Royal and Augusta; Richmond and Danville System ; Rock Island and Peoria; Saginaw, Tuscola and Huron RR. ; Savannah, Florida and Western; Savannah, Griffin and North Alabama; Sioux City and Pacific; South Carolina; South Kansas ; Southern Pacific; Southwestern of Georgia; St. Louis, Fort Scott and Wichita; St. Louis, Iron Mountain and South.; St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute; St. Louis and San Francisco; St. Paul and Duluth; Terre Haute and Indian- apolis ; Terre Haute and Logansport; Terre Haute and Peoria; Texas Central; Texas and Pacific; Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan ; Union Pacific; Vicksburg, Shreve- port and Pacific; Virginia Midland ; Wabash RR.; Western and North Carolina ; Wheel- ing and Lake Erie; Wisconsin Central. Western RW. Weighing Association. Supt.—Geo. L. Carman, Chicago, III. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Bur lington, Cedar Rap. and Nor. RW.; Burling- ton and Missouri River RR.; Chicago and Alton RR. ; Chicago and Iowa RR. ;. Chicago and Northern Pacific RR.; Chicago and Northwestern RW. ; Chicago, Burlington and Northern RR.; -Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Chicago, St. Pauland Kansas City RW.; Chicago, St. P., Minn. and Omaha RW.; Colorado Midland RW. ; Des Moines, North. and West. RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Duluth, So. Shore and Atlantic RW.; Elgin, Joliet and Eastern RW.; Fremont, Elkhorm _ Hannibal and St. Joseph RR.; Illinois Central and Mo. Val. RR.; Great Northern RW., | RR.; Iowa Central RW.; Kan. City, Ft. Scott and Memphis RR.; Kan. City, St Jos. and C. Bluffs RR.; Kan. City, Wyan. and Nor. West. RR.; Milwaukee and Northern RR.; Milwau- | kee, Lake Shore and West RW.; Minneap- olis and St. Louis RW.; Minn. St Paul and Sault Ste. Marie RW.; Minnesota Transfer RW. ; Missouri, Kansas and Texas RW; Missouri Pacific RW.; Northern Pacific RW.; Rio Grand Western RR.; Rock Island and Peoria RW.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Louis Southwestern RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and Nor. West. RR.; Sioux City and Northern RR. ; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; Union Pacific RW.; Wabash RR.; Winona and Southwestern RW.; Wisconsin Central Line. Western Railway Inspection Bureau. Superintendent—George L. Carman, Chicago, Ill. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Bur- lington and Missouri River RR.; Burlington, Cedar Rap. and Nor. RW.; Chicago and AI- ton RR.; Chicago and Iowa RR.; Chicago and Northwestern RW. ; Chicago, Burlington and Nor. RR.; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RW.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW. ; Chicago, St. Paul and Kan. City RW. ; Chicago, St. P., Minn. and Omaha RW.; Col- orado Midland RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Des Moines, Northern and West. RR.; Fremont, Elkhorn and Mo. Val. RW. ; Great Northern RW.; Hannibal and St. Joseph RR. ; Illinois Central RR. ; Iowa Central RR. ; Kan. City, Ft. Scott and Memphis RR.; Kan. City, St. Jo. and Council Bl. RR. ; Kan. City, Wyan. and Northwestern RR.; Milwaukee and Northern RR.; Milwaukee, Lake Shore and West. RR.; Minneapolis and St. Louis RW.; Minnesota Transfer RW. Co.; Mis- souri, Kansas and Texas RW.; Missouri Pa- cific RW. ; Northern Pacific RR. ; Rio Grande Western RW.; Rock Islandand Peoria RW. ; Sioux City and Northern RR. ; Sioux City and Pacific RR.; St. Louis and San Francisco RW.; St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwest. RR.; St. Louis Southwestern RW.; Union 183 Pacific RW. ; Wabash RW. ; Wisconsin Cen- tral Line. Western Traffic Association, Offices, 768 ‘‘ Rookery ’’ Chicago, III. COMMISSIONERS—Roswell Miller, Presi- dent; Aldace F. Walker, Chairman; C. B. F. Palmer, Chief Clerk; R. F. Wilson, Secre- tatv so), W. Midgley, J, N.- Faithorn, Ein Fk Vining, B. D. Caldwell. Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR.; Burl,, Cedar Rapids and Northn. RR.; Chicago and Northwestern RW.; Chicago, Burlington and Quincy RR.; Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW.; Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific RW.; Denver and Rio Grande RR.; Great Northern RW.; Illinois Central RR.; Iowa Central RW.; Missouri Pacific RW.; Northern Pacific RR.; Rio Grande Western RW.; Southern Pacific Co.; Union Pacific RW.; Wabash RR. The territory of this Association includes Minnesota, Iowa , Wisconsin, the Peninsula of Michigan, that part of Illinois on and west of the line of the Illinois Central RR. from Chicago via. Effingham and the Vandalia Line to St. Louis, that part of Misiouri on and north of the St. Louis and San Francisco RW. (following its Vinita line west of Spring- field) North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and California. Wheeling Freight Committee. Chairman—T. W. Galleher, Pittsburgh, Pa. Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Bellaire, Zanes, and Cincin. RR.; Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling, RR.; Ohio River RR.; Pennsyl- vania Go. ;. Pitts., Cin., Chic., and St.’ Louis RW.; Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Zanesville Freight Committee. Chairman—F. M. Wilkinson. Secretary—J. A. Hunter, Zanesville, O. Baltimore and Ohio RR.; Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RW.; Cleveland and Canton RR.; Zanesville and Ohio River RW.; Bell- aire, Zanesville and Cincinnati RR.; Cincin- nati and Muskingum Valley RW. ; Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking RW. RAILROAD COMMISSIONS. Interstate Commerce Commissions. Washington, D. C. Chairman—William R. Morrison, of Illinois. Secretary—Edward A. Moseley. Wheelock G. Veazey, of Vermont; Martin A. Knapp, of New York; James W. McDill, of Iowa; Judson C. Clements, of Georgia. Alabama. Montgomery, Ala. H.R. Shorter, Chairman; Levi W. Lawler, W.C. Tunstall, Charles P. Jackson, Secre- tary, Montgomery, Ala. Arkansas. Little Rock, Ark. J. P. Eagle (Governor), Chairman; B. B. Chism (Secretary of State), Secretary ; W. S. Dunlop, Auditor, Little Rock, Ark. | California. San Francisco, Cal. James W. Rea, President, San Jose, Cal. ; J. M. Litchfield, San Francisco, Cal.; Wm. Beckman, Sacramento, Cal. ; James V. Kelly, Secretary, San Francisco, Cal. eo Pe Connecticut. Hartford, Conn. Geo. M. Woodruff, Chairman, Litchfield, Conn.; William H. Hayward, Colchester, Conn.; William O. Seymour, Ridgefield, Conn.; George T. Utley, Clerk, Hartford, Conn. Colorado. Denver, Col. William A. Hamill, Thomas H. Bates, Sec- retary, Denver, Col. Delaware. No reports required. Florida. No reports required. Georgia. Atlanta, Ga. L. N. Trammell, Chairman, Marietta, Ga. ; Allen Fort, Americus, Ga.; Virgil Powers, Macon; (Gar: A..C., Briscoe; Secretary, At- lanta, Ga. Idaho. Silas W. Moody, Secretary State Board of Equalization, Boise City, Idaho. 184 WWlinois. Springfield, Il. Isaac N. Phillips, Chairman, Bloomington, | Ill. ; J. R. Wheeler, 162 La Salle st., Chicago, | Ill. ; J: C. Willis, Metropolis, Ill. ; J. H. Pad- | Bes Dodds, Assistant Secretary, Springfield, Ill. ; | Charles Hansel, Consulting Engineer, Spring- | dock, Secretary, Springfield, Ill. ; field, Ill. Indiana. Claude Matthews, Secretary of State; John | O. Henderson, Auditor of State, Indianapolis, Ind. Towa. Des Moines, Ia. Spencer Smith, Chairman, Councils Bluffs, fa-s2john We Luke, Hampton, Ia. >, Peter*Ary Dey, Iowa City, Ia.; W. W. Ainsworth, Secre- | tary, Des Moines. Kansas. Albert R. Greene, Chairman, Lecompton, Kan.; George T. Anthony, Ottawa, Kan. ; W. M. Mitchell, Charles S. Elliott, Secretary, | Topeka, Kan. Kentucky. I. A. Spalding, Chairman, Morganfield, Ky.; W. B. Fleming, Louisville, Ky.; G. M. Adams, Ashland, Ky.; W. Frankfort. Louisiana. No reports required. Maine. Augusta, Me. D. N. Mortland, Chairman, Rockland, Me. ; | Roscoe L.75 Bowers, Saco, Me.; E. C. Farrington, Clerk, | A. W. Wildes, Skowhegan, Me. ; Augusta. Maryland. Dr. Frank T. Shaw, Tax Commissioner, Annapolis, Md. Massachusetts. Mass. John E. Sanford, Chairman, Taunton, Mass.; Everett A. Stevens, Boston ; Wm. J. Dale, Jr., North Andover, Mass.; William A. Crafts, Secretary, Boston. 20 Beacon st., Boston, Michigan. Lansing, Mich. Chas. R. Whitman, Commissioner of RRs., | Ann Arbor, Mich.; Robert Laughlin, Deputy | Alfred | Updike, Mechanical Engineer, Jackson, Mich. © Commissioner of RRs., Lansing ; Minnesota. St. Paul, Minn. John P. Williams, Chairman; George L. | Becker, W. M. Liggett, A. K. Teisberg, Sec- || retary, St. Paul. Mississippi. Jackson, Miss. J. F. Sessions, President, Brookhaven, Miss.; | Walter McLaurin, Vicksburg, Miss.; J. H. | Askew, Sessumsville, Miss.; S. L. McLaurin, | Secretary, Jackson. Missouri. Jefferson City, Mo. J. B. Breathitt, Chairman ; T. J./ Hennessey, | H. W. Hickman, James Harding, Secretary, | Jefferson City. Montana. E. A. Kenney, State Auditor, Helena, Mont. | Nebraska. Lincoln, Neb. T. H. Benton, Chairman ; A. R. Humphrey, | 4. E. Hill, George H. Hastings, J. C. Allen; W. A. Dilworth, J. N. Koontz, J. W. Johnson, Secretaries, Lincoln. Nevada. O. H. Grey, Secretary of State, Carson ' -enne, Wyo. 5 City, Nev. R.. Griffith, Secretary, | New Hampshire. Concord, N. H. Henry M. Putney, Chairman, Manchester, N.H.; B: FF: Prescott, clerk, Epping, "No Hi T. Cogswill, Commissioner, Gilmanton, N. H. New Jersey. Wm. C. Heppenheimer, Comptroller, Tren- ton, Ne). New York. Albany, N. Y. Samuel A. Beardsley, Chairman, Utica, N. Y.; Michael Rickard; Alfred C. Chapin, Brooklyn, N. Y.; William C. Hudson, Secre- tary, Brooklyn. North Carolina. Raleigh, N. C. J. W. Wilson, Chairman, Morganton, N. C.; E. C. Beddingfield, Raleigh; Thomas W. Mason, Garysbure, N.C!) HiG.: Brow Secretary, Raleigh. North Dakota. Bismarck, N. D. Geo. H. Walsh, Grand Forks, N. D.; George W. Harmon, Mandan, N. D.; Andrew Slotten, Wahpeton, N. D.; M. J. Edgerley, Secretary, Bismarck. Ohio. Columbus, O. Wm. Kirkby, Commissioner, Columbus; E. H. Archer, Chief Clerk, Columbus. Oregon. Salem, Ore. G. W...Colvig, «Grant's “Pass, Ores. AcaiNg Hamilton, La Grande, Ore.; Robert Clow, Junction. City, Ore.; F. J:Miller, Clerk, Porte land, Ore. Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pa. T. J. Stewart, Secretary Internal Affairs, Harrisburg, Pa.; I. B. Brown, Deputy Secretary Internal Affairs, Harrisburg, Pa. Rhode Island. Providence, R. I. E. L. Kreeman, Providence, R. I.” South Carolina. Columbia, S. C. D'Arcy P. Duncan, Chairman, Union, S. C.; Eugene P. Jervey, Charleston, S. C. ;. Henry R. Thomas, Wedgefield, S. C.; Marcellus T. Bartlett, Secretary, Colambia, S. C. South Dakota. Huron, S. D. H, Jv Rice;) Chairman,: Huron =S:..0) 2 Ge E.\McKinney; Sioux Falls; SS... D772 Wane Smith, Plankinton, S. D.; H. E. Mayhew, secretary, Letcher, O70): Tennessee. No reports required. Texas. Austin, Tex. John H. Reagan, Chairman, Austin, Tex.; W. P: McLean; ‘Austin, Tex. 5D. Le Fostem Austin, Tex.; J. J. Arthur, Secretary, Austin, Lex. Vermont. Montpelier, Vt. Samuel E. Pingree, Chairman, Hartford, Vt.; Leon G. Bagley, Rutland, Vt. ; Amory Davison, Craftsbury, Vt. ; Alfred E. Watson, Secretary, Hartford, Vt. .General Office, Montpelier, Vt. Business Office, Hartford, Vt. Virginia. Richmond, Va. James C. Hill, E. G. Akers, Secretary, Rich- mond, Va. Washington. West Virginia. P.W. Duffy, State Auditor, Charleston, W.Va. Wisconsin. Madison, Wis. Thomas Thompson, John B. Webb, Deputy RR. Comr. and Secretary, Madison, Wis. Wyoming. Charles W. Burdick, State Auditor, Chey- No reports required. » RAILROADS. PART I1.-DESCRIPTIVE. Offices, Length of Road, Capitalization and Operations in total and per mile, Balance Sheets and General Information, not elsewhere classified. For Officers and Directors, See Part I. For Details of Funded Debt, see Part III. For Details of Operations, see Part IV. For Transfer Offices and Books and Annual Meetings, see appropriate chapter. ABBEVILLE AND WAYCROSS RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Abbeville, Ga. Inc. in Ga. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Abbeville to Bowen’s Mill (House Creek), 13 miles, con- necting at Abbeville with the Savannah, Americus and Montgomery RR. Capital and funded debt not given. Dividends, if any, not known. ABBOTSFORD AND NORTHEASTERN RR. CO,, General and Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. Apr. 12, 1889, in Wis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Abbotsford to Athens, Wis., 15.16 miles, connecting at Abbotsford with Wisconsin Central Lines; projected, Abbotsford to Wausau and Merrill, Wis., 70 miles. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1892:— | JLncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock...............-ss000e120,000 8,000 | Total gross from operation..... $16,624 1,108 MTIGeE CEDL......... ..c.cceceseeeee 112,000 7,464 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses..,.....5.... 8,069 » 538 MUMIEIES ios. 6.c0 cosessess cvcsecce 3,100 206 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend....... 8,555 579 BME HADINILICS ......002 ceccccecece 3,100 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 235,100 15,670 | MEDt AS ADOVE)s, 5. cand coco scbenss 6,720 448 “Intereston all debt p.ann. 6,720 448 Net result on year’s business . “* Dividends per annum...... None yet paid. for stockholders, gain......... 1,835 122 Average ratio of return upon BeOILAL IN VEStE........ .0.c0cese 2 pre. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $232,000; current accounts, $3,124.29. Liabilities, Capital stock, $120,000; funded debt, $112,000; profit and loss, $3,124.29; total, $235,124.20. ABERDEEN AND WEST END RR. CO., General and Corporate Office;-Aberdeen, N.C: Inc. Febi, 1889, in. N. C. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Aberdeen to Candor, N. C., 25.33 miles, connecting at former place with Seaboard Air Line. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— | Per Mile. Per Mile. Ee $88,300 3,500 | Total gross from operation..... $47,080 1,883 BRIG Cet ......... ..ccccseececese 50,000 2,000 | Total gross from other sources 980 39 Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses......:.23..4: 21,740 869 a 10,080 400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to oftset cur- | charges and dividends...... 26,320.) / 1,053 Berelabilitics ................00.. 14,930 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested “oT oe ene 148,380 5,900 | GEDtHAS ADOVE nc etiiee cscs vevcdes 3,000 120 5 Interest on all debt p. ann. 3,000 120 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... Not known. | for stockholders, gain......... 23,420 933 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capital invested.............000. 2D. Cs | _BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $133,450. Liabilities, Capital Stock, $88,300; funded debt, $50,000 ; car trust notes, $10,080 ; total, $148,380. *! * » 186 ADDISON AND PENNSYLVANIA RW. CO, General Office, 49 Broadway; Corporate Office, Addison, N. Y. Consolidation of Addison Penna. RW. Co. of N. Y. and Addison Penna. and N, Y. Inc. July 23, 1887, in and Penna. RW. Co. of Penna., taking possession Aug. I, 1887. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Addison, N. Y., to Gaines, Pa., 41 miles (of which 30.5 miles are in Penna.). Leased, N. Y. and North Penna., 5 miles; total, 46 miles. Con- nects at Addison with N. Y., L. E. and W. RR. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— : Per Mile. AOI tASCOCK (occ. nss anche vevysses $590,500 14,400 PotiiGled Cebt fs ctasehassesce aera 487,939 11,900 Unfunded debt and current Mo DUICIOSL se dacclarecceaachs soaehe 299,318 , 7,300 Current assets to offset cur- PERt Lia WUstteS cio. seem ceoosesntus 46,706 otalanvested capttali....... x L3773757 8500 On ‘‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 36,147 goo “‘ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capital AT Vested. ive.cenenctrsses BD. Cs BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. Cost of road, equipment, build- PS BCUC Aron tec an kovwesete otis cap otee $1,331,051 PPS PECL va Dl Occ licadee us coteccenseee 1,38 Cte ONAMIATIC yy ce care snagerevasl ovuse dod 6,354 BAC) LOSS ocean wand onccans escape 39,036 BIG tl neal tee cay Sodeacsestowcssiod cies riaet $1,377,757 Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $92,122 2,003 Total gross from other sources 12,753 27 Deduct all’ expenses. opis. 0-4 76,240 < 1,657 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 28,635 623. Deduct total interest on all GED UAS ANON Ce caterecsesseceees 36,147 786 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 7,512 163, Par of stock, $100. LIABILITIES. Capital stock (par $100) .........s006 $590,500 Funded debt outstanding............ 487,939 Bills payable: Hu tecechetsesaten fo ses co 258, 68g CUrrent ACCOUIIS sa. scree scacereeioen ys 40,629 MOUM Liste cst Molgvaersuninee ree bai cers $1,377,757 New York and North Pennsylvania RR. Co., 49 Broadway. General Office, Addison, N. Y.; Corporate Office, Galeton, Pa. Inc. Aug. I, 1883, in Penna. Leased and operated by Addison and Penna. RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Gaines to Galeton, Pa. (narrow-gauge), 5 miles, connect- ing with Addison and Penna, RR. at Gaines, Pa. Capitalization Of road........ June 36, 1891 >—4) Per Mile. SEAP ita WSLOCK s20..as00csstvsasseeceee $50,000 .. 10,006 PUNO Sd! CODE... spa sincadcsapsacoe os 50,000 10,000 | Unfunded debt and current PiU OG atests ccuuaetays) oss ts xt 45 9 Current assets to offset cur- | PEN TADIILICS seccstean sscccecace 45 Totalinvested capital........ .. 100,045 20,009 ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. 3,000 600 ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon eapitalin yes ted). 5.000.216... a poc Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 18g1:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $10,517. 2,103 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expensesi:........... 7,948 1,589 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 2,569 514 Deduct total interest on all debtissa boven s.ss..urseweaes 3,000 600 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 431 86 Par of stock, $roo. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road, $100,000; profit and loss, $45.06 ; total, $100,045.06. Liabilities, Capital stock, $50,000; funded debt, $50,000; unfunded debt, $45.06; total, $100,045.06. ADDYSTON AND OHIO RIVER RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. Feb. 12, 1889, in Ohio. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Addyston, O., to Ohio River (connecting with the Cc, Cr Gand st. and O.-and’M..RRs:), 7.5 milés. . Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Reap tal StOCk 2. astccsissebisdccrwers $50,000 6,666 Prunded clebt at...) . ; nual} & _ of Annapolis and Elk Ridge RR. Co. Per Mile. MMEMERL StOCIK. .v....00ccoees coceseres $358,000 17,500 Bee, CEDL..\...... cccccsseseesees None Unfunded debt and current Ry BREE 0, coos 5 cosennsesdes corse 6,718 300 _ Current assets to offset cur- Meerent liabilities ......... ......sc0 6,718 _ Totalinvested capital........ .. 364,718 17,800 _ “* Interest on all debt p. ann. __* Dividends per annum...... 20,547 _ Average ratio of return upon Seiral WNVested.. .......-0.-000 rds eek 189 Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1861 :— Per Mile, Total gross from operation.....$53,062 1,474. Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses. ::..0:..-.- 52,005 1,474. Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... None. Deduct total interest on all CED GAS ADOVEN tice pers ow ace 74,800 2,078 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 74,803 2,078 Par of stock, $100. ALTOONA, CLEARFIELD AND NORTHERN RR. CO., Inc. May 27, 1890, in Pa., as Altoona and Present title adopted 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Altoona to Dougherty, Pa., 12 miles (narrow-gauge). Income for fiscal year ending June 30,1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $476 4O Total gross from other sources Deductrai expenses :.2...a.s1+0 286 24 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 190 16 Deduct total interest on all HEDE aS A bOVS Me vadeonsee eres she Net result on year’s business Par of stock, $50. : BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $53,897.48 ; equipment, $1,702.52 ; total, $55,600. Lzadbilities, Capital stock, $27,600; current liabilities, $28,000 ; total, $55,600. } ANNAPOLIS AND BALTIMORE SHORT LINE RR. CO.,, General and Corporate Office, Baltimore, Md. Inc. Jan. 6, 1880, in Md. . ‘LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Annapolis to Baltimore, Md., 28 miles, connecting ‘at Baltimore with Balto. and Ohio RR., at Annapolis with Annapolis, Washington and Batimore, and at Bay Ridge with Balto. and Eastern Shore RRs. This line extends Current assets to offset cur- POMC AD NGLICS Visca. vec tacenens Total invested capital........ .. 1,500,000 53,571 ““ Intereston all debt p.ann. 60,000 2,143 ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capita PIM VEStAC sree see cures ohne Not known. BALANCE SHEET and operations not furnished. ANNAPOLIS, WASHINGTON AND BALTIMORE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Baltimore, Md. Inc. Apr., 1886, in Md, Reorganization & LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Annapolis, Md., to Junction (Baltimore and Ohio RR.), _ 20.50 miles, connecting at Odenton with Baltimore and Potomac (Pennsylvania System) RR. Road is reported to run from Bay Ridge to Annapolis Junction, 24 miles. Capitalization of road....... .June 30, 1892 :— | income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile- Total gross from operation..... $61,346 3,067 Total gross from other sources Déductiallexpenses cvisscbecess 43,920 2,146 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 18,426 g2i Deduct total interest on all CED AS ADOVE .carhecs foes see css Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.....,.... cea Tt 106 Par of stock, $100. 190 Unfunded debt includes profit and loss of $3,153. In past two years dividends have een? Dec. 31, 1890, No, 10, 33% p.’c. Juné/30,1991; 24 p.¢.. Dec. 31, 1801, 3% Dace May, extra, $8,041.50; June 30,.1892, 3 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Asse/s, Cost of road, equipment and real estate, $358,000 ; current accounts, $5,339; cash on hand, $1,379; total, $364,718. Lzadbilities, Capital stock, $358,000; current accounts, $3,566; profit and loss, $3,152; total, $364,718. ARCADIA, GULF COAST AND LAKELAND RR. CO. OF FLORIDA., New York Office, 2 Wall st.; General Office, 88 Lincoln st., Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Arcadia, Fla. Inc. May 13, 1891, in Fla. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Braidentown to Sarasosta, Fla., 13 miles; projected, Lakeland to Boca Grande, and branches from Sarasosta and Grove City, 196 miles. ‘Capital $500,000, per-mile, $2,600. No funded debt. Construction is now progressing and it is expected will be finished within a year. The Company is authorized to issue stock to the amount of $1,500,000. Par of stock $100, BALANCE SHEET and operations not furnished. ARCATA AND MAD RIVER RR. CO., ‘General office 823 Bryant st., San Francisco, Cal.; Corporate Office, Arcata, Humboldt County, Cal. Inc. Dec. 29, 1891, in Cal. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, Arcata to North Fork, Cal., 12 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization of road......0 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FONU1ADIITICS sec tseeee ccoaccas Ad Capital stock........ a taertoenete $187,740 15,600 | Jotalinvested capital.......... PIU EA GODT ccsxscc sccceserenes oss None _, Interest on all debt p. ann. Unfunded debt and current Ms Dividends per annum...... $14,626 PVA tLES eile cdsocssssoteohcoreexes Average ratio of return upon Capital invested........c.eccees . Not known. BALANCE SHEET and operations not furnished. ARIZONA AND NEW MEXICO RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Clifton, Ariz. Inc. Aug. 1, 1883, in Ariz. Consolidation of Clifton and Lordsburg and Clifton and Southern Pacific RRs. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lordsburg, N. M., to Clifton, Ariz., 71 miles (narrow- gauge), connecting at former place with Southern Pacific Co. Capitalization Of road......0 | Income for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile Meatital STOCK! .....sivtieccess 1,500,000 21,127 | Total gross fromo i secures . ) peration..... $244,705 490 BECIGSC CLEMIt Was, ies cetecsaeecceeee 1,330,000 18,732 Total gross from other sources fa Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses se vis ios0 1 PEANOTITTISS (5. occ i coved cadeeaes Net total applicable to fixed ‘Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... rent liabilities ......... cesses Deduct total interest on all sotalanvested .capital..s../..4 2,830,000 39,859 debts above ties ek. fs Interest on all debt p. ann. 79,800 1,124 Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. Par of stock, $100 Average ratio of return upon ; Gapitalittvested.. .i.ccskes.sats BALANCE SHEET not reported. ARIZONA AND SOUTHEASTERN RR. CO., ‘General Office, 99 John st., New York ; Corporate Office, Bisbee, Ariz. Inc. in Ariz. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Fairbank to Bisbee, Ariz., 36.2 miles, connecting at former place with New Mexico and Arizona (Santa Fé System) RR. ARKANSAS AND LOUISIANA RW. CO., New York Office, 195 Broadway; General Office, St. Louis, Mo.; Corporate Office, Washington, Ark. Inc. Oct., 1881, in Ark; as successor to Washington and Hope RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hope to Nashville, Ark., 26 miles. 19I Capiialization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Peg he te: ' Perc i | Per Mile. capital StOCK.seceersersseeeeree $512,000 19,692 Total gross from operation..... $65, 2,538 BPMAICOCL CLE DE rec ariwstighssgsevs.cr deve 240,000 9,231 | Totalgross from eee sources , 2 oe Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses 1..57..50. 49,799 1,915 aMI ILLES: Co,” 7,085 708,000 — Ghiz kane WoRR,Co: - 47,363 45736,3004) (St j,, St.L.& S: By RW: ior. c.Cal. (RW. COR swskep pitas Suoeteer erie 9,700 970,000 TEE TREE cs cack ch esta das' 150,000 15,000,000 | §.L.,K.C.&Col.RR.Co. 16,000 1,600,000 — Denv. & S. F. RW. Co.. 15,000 1,500,000 | Sonora RW. Co., Ltd.. 52,480 5,248,000 Beeevc WeVeRW. Co. | 75200 720,000 | The So. Kan. RW. Co.. 13,1683 1,316,875 Gulf, Col. & S. F. RW. | Wich. &S.W.RW.Co.. 18,244 1,824,400 ON hg tae oe PEE een 45,390 4,539,000 | The Wich.&W.RW.Co. 2,250 225,000 eer Ge 5,957 595,700 | St. L. & San Fran. RW. .C., Top.& : On 645,000 3,500,000 | COMCDTel eerie isas ; 7 Leav.,No.&So.RW.Co. 6,416 641,600 | St. Te as Fran. RW. reels 9,95 Leav., Top. & So.West. A301.) COU Sate. wave cesweene 116,645 11,664,500 PONV GO saree ecnpisttcneor 5,509 550,900 | Colorado Mid. RW. Co. 79,995 7,999,500 Man.,Al.&Bur.RW.Co. 4,186 418,650 | cate Mar.&McPher.RW.Co. 13,403 1,346,300 | — N. Mex. & Ariz.RR.Co, 36,820 3,682,000 | Parvaliew anc 146,187,275 | N. M.&S. Pac. RR.Co. 93,020 9,302,000 | Totals | Ledger cost 4.....008 ? os te | * See also Statement 2, _. + Deposited with Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co., as collateral for guarantee fund notes, and, when released, will be deposited with Union Trust Co. of New York, trustee, under general mortgage indenture. { The Atchison Co. is entitled to 34,500 shares additional, when issued. 195 The following shares included in above statement are deposited with the Union Trust Co. of New York, trustee, as collateral under general mortgage indenture : — Shares. Par Value. Shares. Par Value. OR 33,968 $3,396,800 | N. M. & So. P. RR. Co...... 93,000 $9,300,000 mercer RW. Co., com...... 67,29 6:729;800) & New Mex. KRY Co..s Sacre 14,538 1,453,800 Beater. RW. Co., pref...... 80,440 °3,044,000. b& Po egecAn Ve RR? CO:..8.3 iets: 56,142 5,614,200 meen, Kan. & West. RR. Co. 47,343 4,734,300 | R. G., M. & P. RR. Co...... 69,360 — 6,936,000 Denver & Santa FE RW.Co. 14,980 1,498,000 | R. G. & E. P. RR. Co. 1,980 193,000 weeeias ce W. V. RR. Co...... 7,180 418,000, POuGe Lye ol. RRE CO Gs ra 7,060 706,000 Benet. F. RW. Co...... 45,250 4,525,000 | St.J.,St.L.&S.F.RW.Co. 9,685 968, 500 mee C., HE. & S. RW. Co...... 53937 593,700: | Sonora’ RW. Co.; Ltd’....%... 52,460 5,246,000 mmeec., |. & W. RR. Co 35,000; 3,500,000: | sThe. So, Kan. RW.. Coy.....< 13,144 1,314,400 Pena. oc 50. RW. Co...... 6,396 639,600 | Wich. & So. West. RW. Co. 18,224 1,822,400 feetec 3. W. RW. Co 5,502 550,200 | The Wich & West. RW. Co. 2,250 225,000 mean oc B. RW. Co..,....00 4,1544 415,450 ReeeVICP. RW, Co.......0006 13,443 1,344,300 ed Mentor A. RR, Co.......0.... 36,800 3,680,000 ALOLE) Saad ceeraed cca Ata se ROU oe $69,153,450 STATEMENT 2.—Securities held by investment properties owned by the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. Co. :— Names of Securities. Sremson Union Depot Stock, 9 ShS........cscecesseeses Atchison Union Depot and RR. Co. 2d Mtge. Bds. Beach Hotel and Steamship Improvement Co.Bds. Canon City Coal Co. Stock, 8,500 shs., par $50.... Cher. & Pittsburgh C. & M. Co. Stock, 2,000 shs.. Fort Worth Stock Yards Stock, 250 shs.............+ Hunnewel! Town Co. Stock, 250 ShS.........- cssesees The Kansas City Belt RW. Co. Stock, 500 shs..... Kansas City Union Depot Co. Stock, 210 shs....... Las Vegas Hot Springs Co. Stock, 2,466 shs........ Leavenworth Union Dep. Co. Stock, 1-7 of $150,000 Marine RW. and Dry Dock Co. Stock, too shs..... Miss. River RR. and S. B. Co. Stock, 10,000 shs.. Mississippi River RR. and S. B. Co. Bonds........ : Precipice Canon Water Co. Stock, 15 shs............ St. Joseph Terminal RR. Co. Stock, 1,500 shs...... Bettonio Water Co. Stock, 6 ShS............08sssees The Sibley Bridge Co. Stock, 4,500 ShS...... ...cse00 The Sibley Bridge Co. Stock, 4,5c0 shs............00 Memeetoiey Bridge Co, Bonds............scccseseesseoees The So. Kan. RW. Co. of Texas Stock, 6,045 shs. The So. Kansas RW. Co. Stock, 37,434 shs., and IRENE re Cai sug ess ii cade cccvccselsavsesses velavessce ' So. Kan. & Pan Handle RR. Co. Stock, 3,009 shs. Trinidad Coal and Coking Co. Stock, 1,625 shs... The Wichita & Western RW. Co. Stock, 3,800 shs. (Atchison Co’s proportion, %, 1,900 shs.) PPEMBUCUCheecteh sce Genesco tne: she veceeereess petals ! DT eis vp nvssasae cee sexes coh cbaiveds se * Pledged. Par Value. $9,000 4,500 10,000 425,000 200,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 21,000 1 246,600 21,429 10,000 1,000,000 *650,000 750 150,000 600 450,000 450,000 *850,000 604,500 357435447 300,900 162,500 190,000 $9,600,226 794275937 + Total capital stock, $300,000; not issued, $53,400. Owned by pot. Le eS. FOR W. Gor SA ksi a od Dake horde aly) 94) iro Bia, CNS Ow RaW CG, GAs Va-RR: Co. e Southern Kansas RW. Co. Saree oF fs RWeCo: he Southern Kansas RW. Co. SAS eels Oct Vers Re CO: he Southern Kansas RW. Co. ABSABVONY 2) DHA = Re wn J £8, es Q S uthern e) Stale. ot, bee oes RV 2 Cor Southern California RW. Co. Coe Pre CaRWaco, Sibley Bridge Co. CS. oe Ce RWACO: The Southern Kansas RW. Co. KO) To& W! RR. Co. The C., K. & W. RR. Co. P. & A. V. RR. Co. The Wichita & West. RW. Co. A portion only of the above securities appear in Balance Sheet of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR. Co. STATEMENT 3.—Property in various collateral companies represented by capital stocks owned and wholly or partly pledged under general mortgage indenture :— Shares. Par Value. Shares. Par Value. tizona SO: RR. Co. ........... 1,000 => $100,000 | A. and P. Equipment Co..... 2,000 200,000 Arkansas Val. Elevator Co.. 975 97,500 | Atchison City Elevator Co... 284 28,400 Seeee Carbon Co............... 3,000 300,000 | Raton Coal and Coke Co..... 5,000 500,000 San Pedro CoalandCokeCo. 400 40,000 | Scandinavian Coal and Kans, City Union Depot Co. 210 21,000 NIBING COusbestetersaced iat 100 1,000 Sagas Union Depot and — eirathrce aces yescssscces 9 9,000 Par Valuer\.waet anes $1,297,900 St. Joseph Union Depot Co.. 10 1,000 EN Ledger: Cost «crc wscs8 722,533 196 The following shares, included above, have been deposited with the Union Trust Co. of New York, trustee under general mortgage indenture :— Shares. Par Value. Shares. Par Value_ PARE OINA SIN Ee Bea sO; pos cevcekese 1,000 $100,000 | A. and P. Equipment Co..... 1,635 163,500 Arkansas Val. Elevator Co.. 969 96,900 | Atchison City Elevator Co... 261 26,100 eave Carnon, COs) soiiseceseces 2,991 299, 100 Raton Coal and Coke Co..... 4,994 499,400 San Pedro Coaland CokeCo. 395 39,500 | Scandinavian Coal and Kans. City Union Depot Co. 210 21,000 MINH oC On. ceresersvas sbccnnciess 100 1,000: Atchison Union Depot and BSS ADO) tris Stiaiss top F Tit ne etaeo ce 9 9,000 ‘ : eer St. Joseph Union Depot Co.. 10 1,000 $1,256,500 STATEMENT 4.—Indirect investments represented by capital stocks deposited with Union Trust Co. of New York, trustee. Owned by investment properties whose stock and bonds are pledged under general mortgage indenture :— Shares. Par Value. Ledger Cost. Owned by Atchison Union Depot and RR. Co... 9 $9,000 $106,330 St.J., St L.& S:F.RW.tas Reo ity C Oaly CO... ccstuciealcens concen 8,493 424,650 A03;743 EPO AiVe RRs COs Cher. and Pittsb’h Coal and Min. Co. 2,000 200,000 200,000 The So. Kans RW. Co. The Kansas City Belt RW. Co......... 497 49,7700 AG; 700" | Ke Gis SW AR Re eae Kansas City Union Depot Co........... 210 21,000 33,629 The So. Kan. RW. Co. Las Vegas Hot Springs Co............05: 2,446 244,600 183,450 0 NS M.\.&°So..P. RR2CGa: The Mississippi River RR. and Toll RSERLMOID Oo sce veernsinatno4¢ tis severe 045 9,995 999,500 t C).S.F) & Co RWaGe Sr osemnelerminal RE. -Co...6.. see 1,225 122,500 722,500 St: Je,StiL. & SF) RW aihe-Sibley Bridge Colegio... esses: acess 4,480 448,000 t -C, SHFr & Cr RWaGe A Re O MGCan eR WoC haste ssanss esas codons 37,434. 3,743,400 3,743,400 » KOC, T) & Wo RReGe: The So. Kan. RW. Co. of Texas...... 5,955 595,500 389,882 The So. Kan. RW. Co. The Trinidad Coal and Coking Co... 1,618 161,800 161,800, ,P.& A, V) RRe Co: The So.{Kan. and Pan Han. RR. Co 3,000 300,000 1 The C. K. & W. RRACo-z CPDUALS CreeGete aha cela des as'cee hu etinneWies $7,319,650 $5,358,443 STATEMENT 5.—Sundry securities and lands—not pledged under general mortgage indenture—owned by Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe RR Co.: STOCKS, Par, Ledger Cost. eee lek RCo. Capital stock... Gsecenasdgsnteaentey 131 shares $13,100 $13,095 pie PmiaC and Atle COM S LOCI .. s, cose kietescueancuyeeeseny 2,157 215,700 215,700 Pope ECM PMeNt CO. LOCK os ite cdr. sscaansedsaessoveassep epee BSc Ot 255,000 255,000 Western Union Beef Co. Stock.. Bee eee OOD ach 50,000 50,000: Chicago Union Transfer RW. Co. “Preferred Stock... Boon \s° 40,000 Chicago Union Transfer RW. Co. Common Stock........ 4oo “ 40,000 40 Pacific Neaayeion by Th tO) Capital Stock...) sc. peeuiorcees ob fae 98,500 98, 500: Peescott-and Arizona Cent.cR W. Cov.ise cscos sedsbnvevers clcces 340°.<" 34,900 4.800: PTR AUNTINOP AU BELL Tl (CO sconseres saves jNesb oansps ceahees desnut Min. Belt Coal and Iron Co. Stock.. sao anesaueceoee DAO Vek 24,000 A. M. B. RR. Co, Bonds.. Biseibapa cauepance mest naeeters 31 bonds rege. 259750 Raton Water Company Becket. caviar: ioviee ses er wees 500 shares 50,000 50,000: iaeintat Wy ater COMmpaBy. StOCK vivecanssyseses sae septenodhicrve ses 220. ted 22,000 22,000: $874,200 $774,845 BONDS. Mianic and;Paciie RR: Co. Guarantee Trust 4 p., Cis... cecsdecses car cence 371,000 296, 800 Biante and Paciiic. RR. Co. W. De Income Listed sc..<.ssevaessssotccsens 45,000 } ; Ppiaitiessi racic RR OO.\NS DEIN COME y, esas sees agen seis sodas taens 549,500 Atlantic and Pacific RR. Co. Stock... dedsansvidsveany (Qyel SMATES | livers yiac.scrent r 452) 400 Atlantic and Pacific RR. Co. C. D. [ncomesesssscssssescesece casas sas avesesess 687,000 J mztec wang and Cattle Co. 1st Mortgage 6 p. (Ci.....2..+» tesscesee toracceea ses 100,000 90,000: — michison Wnion Depotand RR. Co. 2d Mortgage 5p. Ciscc ciscossssctacots 4,500 4,500: The Kansas City Belt RW. Co. ist Mortgage Bonded) Meas wees os 5,000 5,000 @rinidad ‘Coal and Coking Co. ist Mortgage 6 p. Gia: coe csestiseheoeent 100,000 91,000 City of Wellington Aid Patt sees Wahi Deaton adel eel I mS A 13,000 14,350 | eugustasLownship (Kart.) Warrants. ccc casvccovesecves casts cas coa sence ine 500 ; 500 | intisn Gounty bunding Bonds. ..0.isisie.cscceecs vepe paode Gettehaes nateateanenethores 2,000 2,000 Stem etm y ecw) se unding (BONGS ih.,s5. ioesteeateariees case 200 "140 Dmrnauna county (IN. AM.) Bomds.isicis.s. i. cccece qucwaeena ss aed @ecestocdtccebe 1,000 1,000: | aout toa ounty CNM.) Funding Bonds ....d:....0kecse shies ee aeed sa woes 200 200 $2,753,100 $1,722, Sor e i 197 REAL ESTATE AND LANDS. Lands in Kansas........... Pee aecasecahgs SEN GUL rt Eetnsee ea orn Maeee ne cana tats islets wares ats sy Sma oes esloate 97,724 IIE SPATS UOCMATIVCIOS, COM seus tacos crtalssuce ahs ireate nals soos sortecevatadworsackee vectocsaie css 65,933 Ca is eC CANE TL TUSLER...- 4s crenss, oanecapas osuneced decedecetsecterivesssesebade sensaass 1,641,283 Seeeicctate and Land Dept:.—G., C. & S. FY) RW. COs. cnicccssccusodecaee: orves cones cossnaces 231,685 SER Shes Pub ii'ss 5p the seta caes coacevaeshael Seay e edeoeaueatan rs Maar Se Reach tenes Bethenny Cote cokes 39,249 $2,075,874 MG Bree Tediess aan'ns cast te oeienescilaige ac ces etiney evs eveiecuecatentts $3,808,695 List of Securities owned (June 30, 1891) by the Chicago, Santa Fé and California RW. Stocks: Mississippi River RR. and Toll Bridge Co., total par value, $1,000,000 ; valuation nominal, $1. The Sibley Bridge Co., total par value, $850,000; valuation nominal, $1. Total (par value), $1,850,000. Total (valuation nominal), $2. Bonds: ist mtge. Mississippi River RR. and Toll Bridge Co. 6s, total par value, $650,000; income of dividend received, $39,000; valuation, $650,600. The Sibley Bridge Co. 6s, total par value, $850,000; income or dividend received, $51,000; valua- tion, $850,000. Total (par value), $1,500,000; total (income or dividend received), $90,000 ; total (valuation), $1,500,090. In Aug., 1884, the Atchison Co., through the Atlantic and Pacific RR. (which see) secured control of the Mojave division of the Southern Pacific Co., whereby traffic arrangements were also made insuring entry into San Francisco. Full control of the Atlantic and Pacific (half owned) was secured when the Atchison Co., in May, 1890, pur- chased the St. Louis and San Francisco RW. Co’s $25,500,000 (common and preferred, but not 1st preferred) stock, for which it issued $27,000,000 of its own, being in the ratio, of 13% shares of latter for one of the former’s preferred, and 3 of a share of Atchison for one of San Francisco common stock. In Aug., 1890, the Chicago Elevated Term- inal RW. Co. was incorporated to build an elevated railway, with passenger and freight stations, in the city of Chicago, affording better and more econominal terminal facilities to this and other roads entering that city. The Atchison Co., in Dec. 1891, contracted to sellits real estate in that city for $7,500,000 to that Company (which see), formal transfer being made on or about Mar. 26, 1892, of all property. The Colorado Midland RW. Co’s entire stock ($8,000,000) was purchased Oct., 1890, the purchase price being equiv- alent to $1,600,000 in cash, and $5,333,400 Atchison stock. The Colorado Midland’s con- solidated 4 p. c. mtge. bonds, authorized, $6,000,000, outstanding, $4,015,000, are guar- anteed by A. T. and S. Fé RR. Co. Traffic arrangements made in Nov., 1890, with the Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis RW. Co., secures through line from Chicago to St. Louis. The “Southern Kansas RW. Lines” represent the purchase by the Atchison in Nov., 1890, through the Kansas City, Topeka and Western RR. Co. (auxiliary line), of the entire capital stock of the Kansas City, Lawrence and Southern RR. Co., and controlled lines, viz: Southern Kansas and Western and Sumner County, for which an equal amount of its 5 p. c. 40-year bonds, dated Sep. 1, 1880, were given by Atchison Co. A subsidy of $30,000 (payment of which began Aug., 1890, and will be continued until the sum of $1,681,400 has been received), granted by the Mexican Government to the Sonora RW. Co., limited, (owned by Atchison Co.), is paid to this Company monthly in Mexican currency. CENTRAL ARIZONA RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Flagstaff, Arizona. Inc. in Arizona, as successor to Arizona Mineral RR., sold under foreclosure, Dec. 4, 1888. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Flagstaff to Fulton, Arizona, 36 miles; projected, Flag- staff to Globe, Arizona, 180 miles. This road is auxiliary to Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RR., with which it connects (Atlantic and Pac. Div.) at Flagstaff. COLORADO MIDLAND RR. . (oPike:s Peak Nolte.) New York Office, 10 Wall st.; General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Colorado Springs, Col. Inc. Nov. 23, 1883, in Col. __ LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Colorado Springs to New Castle, Col., and branches, 267.31 miles. Leased: A., T., and S. Fé RR., terminals at Colorado Springs, Col., 198 0.45; Aspen Short Line RW., 6.60; Denver and Rio Grande RR., New Castle to Rifle, Col., 13.41; Grand Junc. RR., Rifle to Grand Junc., Col., 62.08; Denver and Rio Grande RR., terminals at Grand Junc., Col., 0.57—83.11 ; total, 350.42. Capitalization of road ......00 June 30, 1892:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. RPG DIEAL StOCK. wc. ciunseeccsuscnes $8,000,000 $22,800 | Total gross from operation...$2,103,600 $6,010 MEO CLE re sct.se acct voce rece 12,877,000 36,800 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses ............ *1,630,624 4,659 BUA WISI OS oop aes dee Sa vice see 1,211,679 3,400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 472,976 1,351 TENG MIADINITIES 3 ick seccesees 2,568,171 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ....... 22,088,679 63,000 debt aS ADOVE:iiasisadeinesesdaee 1711,373) (23032 ** Int. on all debt p. ann... 635,106 1,814 | Net result on year’s business ““ Dividends per. annum.. None paid. for stockhclders loss... ....... 238,397 681 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100. upon capital invested...... 175: sc * Including taxes, $90,607, + Including rentals, $76,267. Control of this road was acquired by A., T. and S. Fé RR. Co., by purchase in Oct., 1890, of entire capital stock ($8,000,000) for $1,600,000 in cash, and $5,333,400 of its own stock, and guaranty of Col. Midland 4 p. c. consol. mtge. bonds, principal and interest. The Colorado Midland RW. leases the Aspen Short Line RW., Snowden to Arkansas Junc., Col., 6.6 miles; The Busk Tunnel RW., Busk to Ivanhoe, Col., 1.76 miles, (to be completed Apr. 1, 1892); and leases jointly with D. and R. G. RR, (which see) the Rio Grande Junc., RR., Rifle to Grand Junc., 62.08 miles. This road is interested in the Rio Grande Junc. RW. Co., and Utah Midland RW. Co., holding 737% shs. of $100 each, of former road, with a par value of $737,150, and a ledger value of $1.00 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. etEO LAPTOP ETT Yi. sce eaacsg/esdresces ses Jartp On 720,552) 3) 0 ADGA LOCK sp spcceuess eibnseesehee cuter $8,000,000 BATTEN IS EN Gas Seana en sian iosss0abesen s caetos 793.055 Weep UNGOCE CEDt Ax-accbartasscdties ster saeeune 12,877,000 Rio Grande Junc. RW. Co. capital Deferred: liabilities} i. .c..csscpesscteshen 28,695 stock (nominal value of 731% shs., Current MABIITIESS 7s ccc nsdcucestss ed ney 1,182,984 FPA ES TOO CAGIN) Gvsudecss ccicesnrcsieessseass BP OREELOUUASSCUS *iiycsarsytevse noes see cccas 264,012 ROBIE REM CAASGOLS ccc rus ceccete asses anesesess 271,124 Con. mtge. bonds, avilable for re- PISEGRHETIB OLE COs. C2220 sce secret as aise 1,638,000 Income account—deficit. .............06 395,035 Relate esac een casea ve- x BLO Sos vevaiecnccs cesscecseess 35,851,294 38,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... Pee MaADINtICS...........0000.- 22,868,781 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 154,525,223 165,300 | CEDURES ADOVE Wo iiicee se ce- sa dtec “Int. on all debt p. ann.. 1,673,248 1,800 | Net result on year’s business “ Total Dividends p ann. None paid. | for stockholders, loss......... 1,766,989 1,891 Average ratio ofreturn upon | Par of stock. $100 Capital invested............... Not known. | * Includes taxes, $120,000. + Rentals, $500,68r. BALANCE SHEET—June 30, 1892. ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Cost of property and equipment $120,921,713 | Capital stock: BPEOVCMICHIS ...... 0.000. .c000s-cereeess 124,416 com., entire road........$78.281,600 Securities held in trust............... 21,318,350 | Dreies DLO. DIV career. cs 78,700 BURG UMASSCS. ........c.0c00. cosecsees 683,517) pref., Central Div ..... 1,400,000 BNR ERNUTAESC16) 0,00, ...6.2.00000 socesenes 867,314 — 79,760,000 Income account, deficit*..... ...... wl-10,608,313 tv Punded debt cis as.tcces 38,913; Refunded debt.............. 21,318,350 Deferred liabilities, (ad- MEAMCES Ineavetheva rate es inate, 13,473,704 Current liabilities........... 957,240 Cancelled bonds (2d mtg. 6’s, West. Div.... 100,000 OL $154,523,223. | EO Aleu tas .sc see, a aes: $154,523, 223 * Including Land Department Surplus $233,040. _ The Atchison and ’Frisco roads own equally $51,503,800 of this Company’s stock which is deposited in trust for 30 years. Classification of stock: $78,271,600 Western Division, com. stock; $78,700, Missouri Division, pref. ; $1,400,000, Central Division, pref. Stock authorized, $100,000,000, with a par of $100 per share. In 1884 the Mojave Division of the Southern Pacific Co. (extending from Mojave to The Needles, on the Colorado River), 242 miles, was purchased for $7,271,000, pay- able, $1,211.850 cash, and $6,059,250 in A. and Pac. Ist mtge. bonds; and until clear title 1s secured when mtge. due April 1905 is paid off, the Atlantic and Pacific takes posses- sion and pays 6 p. c. interest per annum, ($436,266—$1,800 per mile,) on $7,271,100 of = he ik 202 bonds. At the same time, arrangements were concluded which insured through train service to San Francisco vza Southern Pacific and Central Pacific lines, on the basis of mileage or 3 p. c. per annum, on $40,000 per mile of road. The ’Frisco road operates the ‘Central Division,’ Seneca, Mo. to Sapulpa, I. T., 112.05 miles. These companies. guaranteed 25 p. c. of gross earnings derived from interchange of traffic with this road sufficient to meet interest on bonds; any advances made to meet deficit, to be considered as loaned and returned with interest. Under its charter the Company is entitled to land grant of $25,600 acres per mile in Territories and 12,800 acres in States. On June 30, 1892, it held on its Western Division 14,905,000 acres, being balance not disposed of at that date, the value of which is not included in the Company’s balance sheet. Fort Smith and Van Buren Bridge Co., General and Corporate Office, Fort Smith, Ark. Inc. in Arkansas; built in 1885 and 1886 by Union Bridge Co.; bridge across. Arkansas River from Fort Smith to Van Buren, Ark., 0.34 miles, forming part of line between Monett, Mo., and Paris, Texas. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Current asseis to offset cur- Per Mile. Tent-lia bilities: .c MUIMETCS "Nec ecvccs secccases. Sorta 1,853,878 30,400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... #5 ,030 88. EMP MADINILICS -...3.... .00.cnedees 982,991 | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 439345873. 79,200 ’ From surplus account there was redeemed $25,000 Ist mtge. 8 p. c. bonds, besides expenditure of $379 charged to Meherrin Valley RR., evidently investment. At the Annual Meeting of the Company, held Nov. 21, 1892, at Richmond, Va., a committee of stockholders was appointed to assist the President in any efforts neccessary to secure extension of Company’s charter, which was renewed and extended in Mar., 1891, by General Assembly of North Carolina for two years only. At that time the stock- holders were authorized to locate and construct a branch road, when necessary, around the city of Petersburg to a connection with the Richmond and Petersburg RR., for the pur- pose of avoiding the present heavy grades in and near Petersburg, and the grade crossing of the Norfolk and Western RR. A contract has been entered into with the Seaboard Air Line and the Wilmington and Weldon RR. Co. by which the passenger and freight business of the former with Richmond, and the rail lines north of Richmond, will be secured to this road for some years to come, An arrangement has been made with the Richmond and Petersburg and the Wilmington and Weldon RR. Cos. to extend what is known as the Richmond Division of the Atlantic Coast Line, from Richmond to Rocky Mount, N. C., which is believed will prove economical to this Company. 211 RICHMOND AND PETERSBURG RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Richmond, Va. Inc. Feb. 25, 1834, in Virginia. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Richmond to Petersburg, Va, 23 miles ; branch, Clopton to James River, 4.5, total, 27.5 miles. Capitalization of road......+. June 20, 1892 :— Per Mile. BPSCCO. -. .. ccc .cc0cs sececeese $1,000,000 35,700 ICSC CLED LE... 5.05 cocccccenceeees 680,000 24, 300 Unfunded debt and current MVD LIIELGS! savececes « aa cs ss 403,132 14,400 Current assets to offset cur- ME MMEIEADIAILIES <0 50.6000 veccseesses 373,453 Totalinvested capital........ .. 2,083,132 74,400 *« Interest on all debt p. ann. 36,600 1,356 ** Dividends per annum...... 70,000 Average ratio of return upon Mea CALIMVEStCC.............0606 65D Par of stock, $100. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile, Total gross from operation..... $369,448 13,683 Total gross from other sources 9,020 334. Deduct all expenses.............. 243,150 9,005 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 135,318 . 5,012 Deduct total interest on all GeDeaAsS ADOVG see ee eee 36,600 = 1,355 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 98,718 3,656 Net surplus after dividends AYAIC oeeteae gar es ove s Redts Cog anescentd 25,71) FE, OOF Included in unfunded debt is profit and loss, $174,525, and in current assets are land purchases of $174,810 and Atlantic Coast Line Sleeping Car Trust $9,000. Dividends of 3% p.c. (J. and J.) were paid. This Company owns Union Depot at Richmond, Va., jointly with Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac RR. From surplus account there have been paid amounts aggregating $49,957 for new property acquired. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cost of road and property........... $1,453,874 MERE DUPCHASC?. .. 01, cs nvee ++ eee cscee scars 165,810 Weeel. sieep. Car Trust............ 9,000 dames River Branch...........<.e.s0.. 214,234 Peresepure Dlevator.................. 28,498 Petersburg land purchase............ 4,781 Restaurant property..........06 see... 635 Pocahontas Improvement............ 12,436 i EAT en eee 193,863 0 SS $2,083,131 LIABILITIES. Gantt abestoCker ss vecatttecstes. socucesss $1,000,000 Brinig Odi elit sa.cevasesessssatssestvecants 680,000 Current dia bilities arr iver cdadeves 228,606 BEOME ANC 1OSG seers tetceces sae one dats 174,525 LE ATU AL Rec auaeeeeye cena ss.ciosiieesras ess cece $2,083,131 At the Annual Meeting of the Company held in Richmond, Va., on Nov. 21, 1892, the stockholders authorized double tracking, with 70-pound steel rail, from Clopton to Petersburg, when necessary to do so. Contract was made with the Wilmington and ‘Weldon RR. Co, and the Seaboard Air line, by which the passenger and freight business of the latter with Richmond and the rail lines north of Richmond will be secured to this road for some years to come. Arrangements were made with Norfolk and Western RR. Co., by which a solid train is run between Richmond and Norfolk at 40 miles per hour, that road running its own engine through without change; such arrangement, it is believed, will insure increased passenger revenue. Arrangements have been made with the Petersburg and the Wilmjngton and Weldon RR. Co’s to extend what is known as >... i a q the Richmond Division of the Atlantic Coast Line from Richmond to Rocky Mount, N.C. This work will prove an economical step, and render a further economy possible by con- solidating repair shops at Rocky Mount. Mail transportation was reduced 33% p. c. by Postmaster-General on July 1, 1891. mie THE WILMINGTON AND WELDON RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Wilmington, N. C. Inc. Feb., 1855, in N. C., succeeding Wilmington and Raleigh RR. Co. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Wilmington to Weldon, N. C., 162; branches: Tar- boro’, 16; Scotland Neck (Halifax to Kinston), 86; Midland branch (Midland RR. of N. C.) Goldsboro’ to Smithfield, 22.2 ; Wilson and Fayetteville branch, 73.77; Nashville, Ig; Clinton 13; total, 391.97. Leased: Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta RR., 192; with its controlled road, Central RR. of S. C. (leased jointly with Northeastern RR. of © S.C.), 40. Operated: Albemarle and Raleigh RR., 54; Florence RR., 24.47; Harts- ville RR., 10; Manchester and Augusta RR., I9.29; total system, 731.73; mileage — operated, 456.7 miles. Capitalization of road ......... June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. ; Per Mile. a pitalSlOCk vere, caeriseksunarace $3,000,000 $6,500 | Total gross from operation.....1,452,012 3,177 _ BUNCE Gebts.cisceccisiee acto 3,936,000 8,600 | Totalgrossfromothersources 264,014 573 Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses:\-.....-5%,- $824,169 1,808 HA DiLItieS i oe.c fore seaseses eee 3,849,369 8,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 891,857 1,952 rent liabilities ..%...... fo 2..0808 876,701 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 10,785,309 23,600 debtias ab0Vet:-ocauscoe 441,366 996 ‘« Int. on all debt p. ann..... AAI,3 966 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum..... *200,000 for stockholders, gain......... 450,493 986 — Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after dividends Capital in VeESted’nis..sccass- es G22 DC: DIG Ties meso tact rartesteoateeants 250,493 548 Par of stock, $100. * 4 p. c. on $2,500,000 of stock, dividend Nos. 34 and 35. J.& J. + Includes taxes, $21,285. Included in unfunded debt are certificates of indebtedness $2,500,000, and a credit to protit and loss $237,790. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Construction, equipment Capital Stock Grrets-cacaeeovsties $3,000,000 and property of 456.7 m. Ctfs. of indebtedness........ 2,500,000 ORT AUTOACG tie uttueacm vase carne $9,908,668 | Funded Gebtsj is. ieisisenuess cess 3.936.000: Current assets :— Newieqtipanotesicves. ve. race 450,000 Cash dep. to pay coup. Speclalierist Cis occ. cor. reese 380,000" HSCESS Nicshasadueddac wes Cedoteers $116,015 Current liabilities :-— 4 GCasmion Nand a iewverrsest 423,332 Due te employees..........< $50,465 Bills Teceivable:.. .cccc\s-e0e 2 2,030 Due to RRS COS. vse: 96,049 DG SDV casts. CtCataee- een 52,195 Accounts payable......-..... 20,435 Due: by. railroads.s.2...,..0s. 282,221 Dividends not called for.. 1,918 ——— 876,701 Int. coupons unpaid........ 110,061 Int. ctfs. of indebtedness ATPL Cepdeskclscevstuater cetehs 2,642 281,570 P TONE AGA AOSS.5' ss catedces asecoten geet 237,799 Otaly sess Pevbassstieeters ss $10,785,369 DOCG Seas seers ca esesaeee $10,785,360 The Wilmington RW. Bridge Co’s bonds, $315,000, are jointly guaranteed, principal — and interest, by the Carolina Central RR. Co. and the Wilmington and Weldon RR. Co., each one-half. The certificates of indebtedness, issued in Jan., 1887, as a scrip divi- dend, are not redeemable; bearing interest at 7 p. c. per ann., payable A. & O., when earned. Included in item of unfunded debt are “ special trust certificates,” which carry interest at6 p.c. (M. & N.) In Nov., 1872, this road was leased for 99 years to the Wil., Columbia and Augusta RR., which detaulted Dec., 1877,and road was surrendered to stockholders, Apr. 23, 1878. It was, in turn, leased in June, 1885, to Wilmington and Weldon Co., at a rental equivalent to interest on bonds and dividendsof 6 p. c. on stock. This Company is interested in the Norfolk and Carolina RR. to the extent of $653,510 in its” stock. It is understood that the Wilmington, Chadbourn and Conway RW. was purchased — in Dec., 1891. Capital stock was increased from $2,500,000 to $3,000,000, during past year. During past fiscal year, the Wilson and Fayetteville branch, from Fayetteville to South Carolina State Line, was completed and connection made at that point with the i, 9 _ ‘ af 213 Florence RR., thus putting in operation the entire line, from Wilson, N. C., to Pee Dee, S. C., which will be used inthe near future for most of the through trains, thereby effecting a saving of 61.2 miles. The Washington branch, extending from a point on the Scotland Neck and Kinston branch, near its junction with the Albemarle and Raleigh RR., to the town of Washington, N. C., is now completed and operated. Albemarle and Raleigh RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Wilmington, mis. inc. 1882, in N. C. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tarboro’ to Plymouth, N.C., 54 miles, operated by Wil- mington and Weldon RR., which controls it. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year endingJ une 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Beapital StOCK...........000 eeseersee $650,000 12,000 Total gross from operation....._ $50,070 934 PRINCE CEDE 2.205006 vecesecceceesss 650,000 12,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deducetallexpenses.. viesias-s. 36,905 683 PTR EICICS. Goccovets cooccscerssscsess 455,049 8,400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... $3165 243 rent liabilities ...........ssseee 17,789 Deduct total interest on all ; Totalinvested capital.......... 1,755,049 32,400 CLGUIE ASA OVE cut heten sccceeeters 5,422 100 “ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 39,000 722 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, gain ........ vias 143 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Mme IUVESTEC.. -.5..000...0008, IO pec. BALANCE: SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Construction and equipment, $1,492,258; current accounts, $17,790; profit and loss, $245,001; total, $1,755,049. Liabitities, Capital stock, $650,000; Ist mtge. bonds, $650,000; coups. matured and unpaid, $273,000; current accounts, $160,443; interest, $21,606; total, $1,755,049. Stock and funded debt are limited to $20,0co per mile of completed road. Florence RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Wilmington, N. C. 1882, in N. C. ine: Bebe a LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pee Dee to N. C. State Line, 24,47 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. a $200,000 8,300 | Total gross from operation..... $43,318 1,805 BEIGE CEDL... 5... cc cccceee cesses 100,000 4,200 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 30,297. 1,262 0 ES 22,183 920 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 13,021 542 Pe AD TICS oe... ec eee. 21,898 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 222,183 13,420 SLED AS MOOV Gtrcscccers sorccecees 2,500 104 x Interest on all debt p. ann. 2,500 104 | Net result on year’s business Not known. Dividends per annum...... None paid. Pariot StOCK | GI00ki.cs ccocaucensa Average ratio of return upon Capital invested................. Not known. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Construction and property, Liabilities, Capital stock, $200,000 ; and J., $100,000; current liabilities, $11,663; profit and loss, $10,520; assets, $21,898; total 22183) gold bonds, J. pee : total, $322,183. #¢300,285; current [Stmilt2 ewe ce The entire capital stock of this road is owned by Atlantic Coast Line, which has maae advances and in whose interest the road was built. Har‘sville RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Wilmington, N. C. Inc. Dec., 1884, in N. C. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Floyds to Hartsville, S. C., 10 miles; operated by Atlantic Coast line as a branch. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. 0 CGS $50,000 5,000 | Total gross from operation..... $15,140 1,514 BIER EDC. .5...<5....00ceeseees- None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all Expenses, ....cccscssee FO 359 es hoa ee 9,599 959 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... rent liabilities ................00.. 6,290 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ . 50,500" 5,950 eDE ASva DOVE de ccscsadlensss she ie Interest on all debt p. ann. None paid. Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, gain......... 2,787 278 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capital invested.............c000 Not known. Lary, ae 214 The item of’unfunded debt includes $8,783 of profit and loss. Capital stock has been increased from $21,700 to $50,000 during the past year, the $28,300 increase being applied to the purchase of rails. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $53,300; due from agents, $267; cash, $6,023; total, $59,590. Lzabzilities, Capital stock, $50,000; current liabilities, $807 ; profit and loss, $8,783 ; total, $59,590. Manchester and Augusta RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Wilmington, N.C. Inc. in North Carolina. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sumter to Pine Wood, S. C., 19.29 miles. and operated by Atlantic Coast Line. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Reapital, StOcic. ) eeoasse-ceccn esters $100,000 5,200 Londen debt. hic susceeree None. Unfunded debt and current DAI IMVES Me toas ooh uae oem ae cert 143,532 7,600 Current assets to offset cur- PENtiaA Dili tieSzesscscaetceeeseruate Sls Total invested capital........ .. 243,532 12,800 ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. ; ‘¢ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capital invested:..s.c.2 1,600,000 8,300 | Totalgrossfrom other sources * 26,314 137 Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses.7...%.¢..... $719,000 3,745 abilities ........csccccccereeeseeee 274,406 1,400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 153,600 800 ME MADTIVICS .....0000 svcccccecss 289,665 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........... 2,834,406 14,700 Gebis abOVerccis ciao ccsetn 96,000 50 ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. 96,000 5,000 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... 57,600 for stockholders, gain........ 57,600 300 Average ratio of return upon Pant StOCK G1 00 ni csiiceste capital invested...............5 5.3 Pat i *Includes one-half profit ($z,405) of Central RR. of S.C. fIncludes taxes, $21,007; investment in stock of Columbia, Newberry and Laurens RR., $5,001 and payment to Wilmington and Weldon, account of lease, $46,425. Unfunded debt, includes profit and loss $143,645. In current assets are securities owned, etc., $131,082. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES Construction and property............ $2,500,402, | Capital stock, 6,600 SNSi. j..csst, 1.—Beverly'to 12th st., Chicago, Ill, ......0....0.0ssoveeeee 9.41 Chic. and N. Pacific.—r12th st., to Grand ‘Central Depot, Chicago, IIl.... 3.70 BOT Mea leaiieame West Of Ohio rivery......2.cecsosscoscevees cosvscncejeccevicsceesscerssves 755.70 EMMIS Of SYSLEIN. c.s,.c0..0055 c00deonee seszucnseds candace areies Pieba se cnaesavaees I.999.4 220 Capitalization of road June 30, !892 :— Per Mile. Capital stock........... .... $30,007,866 $15,000 Funded debt......:.... aah sas 85,882,266 42,900 Unfunded debt and cur- FEN IA DIITICS..-c:.sesnere 24,226,817 12,100 Current assets to offset current liabilities ........ 70,223,067 ‘Total invested capital...... 140,116,969 70,000 ““ Interest on all dept De AMM eeeseees sereeenne 3,757,077 \ TyS78 ‘* Dividends per ann..... 1,237,795 Average ratio of return upon capital invested...Not known. * Nine months. $821,940. from surplus shown by B. and QO. BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. MEOSU'OL POAC! Recess scone $39,811,752 Rolling equipment ...... 13,577,416 Real estate (hcu scesccssese 4,706,135 aha $58,095,303 | Cost of other roads owned :— ib, ce'O.& Chie, rep. by bds.....$7,744,000 Rep. by stk. 1,503,450 9,247,450 Fairm’t., Morg.& Pitts. $662,272 ©. & Balt. Short Line... 288,643 rate MING Ristscrchsses 216,982 Skipnish Branch RR..... 10,435 Balt., Wash. & Alex. Br. 540,000 OF W..Cy. & P.LO RR Philada. Branch RR.. 7,028,629 8,746,961 Equip. of B.& O.C. Tst. 3,051,037 ROMPRES INOS: crn, cerctast 11,102,144 Uninv. increm., etc., of Sinking funds...c<.2.-- 76,352 Bds. and stks. held by Trustees as secur’y for bonded dbt. :— Patkersb: Branch ...;:.. 3,000,000 B. & O.& Chic.1st mtge. PIOUS s hss bcave cee teers cet 7,744,000 B. & O.& Chic. RR. stk. 1,445,000 Pitts. & Connellsv. RR. 2d cons. mtge. bds.... 10,000,000 Wheel., Pitts. & Balto. RR. 1st.mtge. ($5,000,- OOO); DONGSii., ssenecsares 3,003,187 Balt.& Phila. RR.Co.1st mtg.(,£1,000,000) bds. 4,840,000 ‘Wash. Branch stk......... 1,028,000 — 31,060, 187 Bds. and stks. owned... 13,776,098 Advances for cons. and perm. impvt. on lines leased and operated.. 3,959, 238 384.525 3,005 ‘“ Intereston all debt p. ann, 112,500 879 Net result on year’s business i Dividends per annum...... 171,594 for stockholders, loss .......... 209,311 1,630 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock is $50. . ADIL ETWESLOK. crdeu sistas vace Not known. j * Nine months. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $692,816; all other assets, $413,435; total, $7,406,251. Liabilities, Capital stock, $2,859,900 ; funded debt, $2,500,000 ; accrued interest, $37,500 ; profit and loss, $2,008,851 ; total, $7,406,251. Dividends J. &. J., 3 p.c. Of the stock $411,560 is preferred. The lease of this road to the Balto. and Ohio was amended and extended for two ~ terms, ending Dec. 1, 1926, with privilege of perpetual renewal thereafter, in terms of 20 © years, at the B. and O’s. option. Rental, 35 p.c. of gross earnings, guaranteed $166,000 ~ per ann.—for nine months to June 30, 1892, there was paid $363,217. Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark RR., General and Corporate Office, San-— dusky, Ohio. Inc. July 25, 1856, in O., by consolidation of Monroeville and Sandusky City; Mansfield and New Haven; Columbus and Lake Erie, and Huron and Oxford — RRs: e LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sandusky to Newark, Ohio, 116.25 miles, forming Lake — Erie Division, Trans-Ohio System. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | Peel aeilieies sviablée satplhy<: be Ae eae : | Total invested capital........ ~ 3)510,507$30,000 Funded debt 2277 er ooléo0 Sefooo |“ Intereston all debt p. ann, 161,000" 1,00 ehinded (denitandcurene | Dividends per annum...... 38,749 tigbilitics «pt Roe ae 148,187 1,000 | “Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. capitalcinvested 728 1102..),40. Not known. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $3,368,400; other assets, $148,186.85. Liabtlittes, Capital stock, $1,068,400; funded debt, $2,300,000; unfunded ~ debt, $148,186.85; total, $3,516,586.85. . Dividends, 3. p. c., Feb. The earnings of this division for 9g months ending June 30, © 1892, show gross receipts, $748,698 ; expenses, $625,813 ; net, $122,885 ; fixed charges, $171,391; deficit, $48,506. The B. and O. paid $151,388 as rental for same pertod. The lease of this road to Central Ohio has been amended, extending same for two additional terms, ending Dec. 1, 1926, renewable thereafter in terms of 20 years, at option of ‘B. and O., which pays a rental of $201,850 per annum. : il ne. = if me g27 Newark, Somerset and Straitsville RR. Co., General Office, Cincinnati, O.; Corporate Office, Newark, Ohio. Inc. Apr. 3, 1867, in Ohio. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Newark to Shawnee, O., with branch to C., H. C. and I. Co. mines, 46.7 miles, forming Straitsville Div., Trans-Ohio system. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Current assets to offset. cur- Per Mile. PONE MADILILICS sc ccseselesesesncene CGS $1,026,500 21,800 Totalinvested capital........ .. $2,494,973 53,000 BMC CNCEDE 15.0600 cesscesee cesses 800,000 17,000 |‘ Interestonall debt p.ann. — 40,000 850 Unfunded debt and current | Dividends per annum...... 13,041 (hp re . 668,474 14,200 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock $50. Capital imvested.. .ciss.ttvdecse Not known. Capital, Common, $795,600; Pref., $230,900. The earnings of this division for g months ending June 30, 1892, show gross - receipts, $109,920: expenses, $115,753; deficit, $5,833; fixed charges, $39,509; net deficit, $43,342. The B.and O. paid $32,976 as rental for same period. ~ BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—AsSsets, Cost of road, $2,201,185 ; profit and loss, $293,- 789; total, $2,494,974. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,026,500; funded debt, $800,000; unfunded debt, $668,474 ; total, $2,494,974. The lease of this road to the Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark RR. has been amended, extending 49 years from Nov. 1, 1889, renewable in perpetuity thereafter at option of B. and O., at a rental of 30 per cent. of gross earnings guaranteed to equal $40,000 per annum (being interest on $800,000 of its 5 per cent. bonds) The B. and O. is entitled to reimbursement from the receipts of any subsequent year for advances to meet deficit, and owns controlling interest in stock of this road. Cleveland, Wooster and Muskingum Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Wooster, O. Inc. in Ohio. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lodi to Wooster, 18.1 miles. This road is operated as the Wooster branch of the Akron Division of the B. and O. system, which . evidently controls it. It was taken charge of by the officers of the Trans-Ohio and is being ballasted and put in good condition for operation. There has been expended for nine months, ending June 20, 1892, $1,622, for graduation, masonry and ballasting. Columbus and Cincinnati Midland RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Columbus, O. Inc. Apr. 13, 1882, in Ohio, as Columbus and Cincinnati RR. Co., changed as above, Nov. 6, 1882. LENGTH OF RoAapD owned: Columbus to Midland City, O., 69.8; trackage: ‘Big Four Route,’’ Columbus to I., B. and W. Jc., Columbus, O., 1.4; total, 71.2 miles; form- ing Midland Div. Trans-Ohio System, and insures a through line, Cincinnati to Pittsburgh. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— | Cyrrent assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent Ita bilities +. 2c. eilesi. ees ~ 465,600 MPA SROCK hres ek ce cesses ecceees 163,000,000 42,800 | Totalinvested capital........ SOI 24, 090 A809 6 ES a 2,240,000 32,000 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, 100,800 1,440 Unfunded debt and current “ Dividends per annum....., None ee EMER GN yes. sx+scossrecrssees Average ratio of return upon eM SECIS $TO0.......y..escceees capital invested..............00 Not known. Capital consists of common, $2,000,000, all owned by B. and O. RR. Co.; preferred, $1,000,000 ; current assets represent R. E. and bldgs. ‘Theearnings from this division for the nine months ending June 30, 1892, show gross receipts, $246,310; expenses, $228,281; net, $18,029; fixed charges, $83,250; deficit, $64,321, and received from B. and O., as rental, $75,600 for same period. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assefs, Cost of road,’ $3,482,648; equipment, $257,563; real estate and buildings, $465,600; total, $4,205,811. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $3,000,000 ; funded debt, $2,240,000 ; total, $5,240,000. Leased Jan. 1, 1890, for g99 years, to Central Ohio RR. Co., and assigned to B. and ‘O. RR. Co. which guarantees as rental 4% p. Cc. on $2,000,000 Ist mtge., and $240,000 debenture bonds, and 3 p. c., commencing with Jan. 1, 1895, upon $1,000,000 preferred (non-voting stock). Preferred stock was issued to B. and O.in consideration of guaranty under lease, and is to be exchanged for the common in the ratio of one of the former fortwo of common. Dividend payments will commence Jan. I, 1895, ‘‘unless said ‘Stock be redeemed at not less than its par value,” at any time after Jan. 1, 1893. Confluence and Oakland RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. 1889, in Pa. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Confluence, Pa., to Yough Manor, Md., forming part of Pittsburgh Div. B. and O. RR., 19.7 miles. 228 Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile.U/ “ orent liabilities 27.0055 .sexs003. 2s Regottal Stele 1\.ssssearse-sas--c0s2$200,000 10,000. |, LOtabinvested capitals: sre. ae Funded debt seen eces coeeeeceerecece 180, 200 9,000 6c MD sch eitkell Oe ees eae par Rtn P ded Heltdnd ooecont Dividends per annum...,., Not known. Pa Oriities i Aut .c ssc A: Seer ene sana pen Par of stock $100. Capitalinvested.cs, ..<5s sucess Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. B. and O. leased this road Nov. 1, 1890, for g99 years. Rental, interest on bonds. The earnings of this road, tho’ forming part of Pittsburgh Div., are included in main stem. Rental for 9 mos., to June 30, 1892. was $7,333. It is provided that the B. and O. shall receive annually $20,000 of this Company’s bonds (at par) for payment of freight accruing to it on interchange of freight, such bonds to be cancelled. CUMBERLAND AND PENNSYLVANIA RR. CO., Fiscal Agency, 71 Broad- way, N. Y.; General and Corporate Office, 44 South st., Baltimore, Md. Inc. in Md. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cumberland, Md., to Piedmont, W. Va., 38; Eckhart Branch, Eckhart Junc. to Eckhart, 15, and State Line Branch, C. and P. Junc. to Penn- sylvania State line, 4; total, 57 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities. .c Per Mile. Per Mile. AAT GEOCKE 210, asdeaess Uguascses 12,000,000 32,200 | Total gross from operation.....$2,185,930 5,876 PERVOAGU CED tAcs ts isee copakeccieusie. 11,620,000 31,300 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current | ‘Deduct all expenses....-....--2>s *1 655,225 4,450 [POU ATO GS a tee ae 3,279,157 8,800 | Net total applicable to fixed . Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 530,705 1,426 Ret Mab Wits v.c.essvsets sore 2,145,335 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 26,889,157 72,300 debt as 2DOVE: kn eesoeaue eee 679,992 1,827 ‘“ Intereston alldebtp. ann. 455,647 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss......... 149,287 401 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $50. GA Ditd WINVESTCU teaceatessces ss Not known. * Includes rentals and taxes $23,970. + For year 1891. Current assets include $435,965 securities owned. Income for Pittsburgh and Western RW. (only) for same period: total gross from | operation, $1,436,873, per mile, $6,220; total gross from other sources, $3,000, per mile, $13; deduct all expenses (including rentals), $1,007,424, per mile, $4,361; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $432,449, per mile, $1,872; deduct total interest on all debt, $455,647, per mile, $1,972; net result on year’s business for stock- holders, loss, $23,198, per mile, $100. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment.......... 34,720, 1A Sully CcODICal BLOC Menten etecsst caucasian acevess $12,000,000 Stocks and bonds owned ............. 435,965 | Funded debt outstanding............. 11,620,000 Materials and supplies ..............+4. 128, 825.010 Realestate MiteG. .ccssccsesessecenegenates 315,475 Advances to P.,C. and T. RR. Co.. 616,866") PACCOUNtS payable... 2 3c..s0s5.0s5 axes seem 1,654,861 Advances to P., P. and F. RR. Co... 344,934 9) Car DEMISE WALlAaniS,...crre- see accosneees 999,697 Trum. and Mah. RR. Co.—Advs.... 3,150 | Interest accrued and unpaid......... 209,905 Pitts. and North. RR. Co.—Advs... 17 O50 Uae LOMWALG:!LOSSt.. castes tacsetcuhtepsc essen 99,319. Nuoreacet »., Cand TORR. Co... 14,677 Accounts receivable and cash..... .. 402,961 ; In hands of coupon agents........... 194,760 ROU ONOeS St tee cbirenoe geet estas! Cssceae ieee’ $26,899,157 ! Wels] BAS A ce Bee en yer $26,899,157 Com. stock, $7,00,000; pref., $5,000,000. Pref. is entitled to 5 p. c. non-cumulative divi- dend ; both common and preferred stock (except 500 shares of common), were deposited in trust until July 1, 1892, the voting power being vested in three trustees, J. Pierpont Morgan, J. Lowber Welsh, and James Callery, or their successors, ora majority of them. Company owns terminals yards at Allegheny, Pa., extending 7 miles (near Pine Creek to Jack’s Run), which nearly covers the entire river frontage at Allegheny City. This road is interested in contract with Pittsburgh Junc. RR. The Baltimore and Ohio pur- chased $6,050,000 of this Company’s common stock in Feb. 1891, and assumed its $1,250,000 floating debt to be funded into 2d mtge. bonds (a Ist lien on property in Ohio), of which $3,500,000 have been authorized to lay double track, etc. This Company owns $50,000 of Foxburgh Bridge stock (income $3,000 per ann); $150,000 of Pittsburgh and Northern stock ; $500,000 stock, and $250,000 bonds of Trumbull and Mahoning RR. Co., and guarantees interest on $1,250,000 Pittsburgh, Painesville and Fairport RR. bonds. The Company operates the leased lines at cost, and advances when necessary such amount as is required to meet interest charges. The Pittsburgh, Akron and Western is classed under this Company from the evident relations which exist, connecting, as they do, at Akron, Ohio, and governed by Boards, a portion of whom are the same. The lease of the Big Level and Kinzua RR. by the Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua RR. was surrendered Apr. 15, 1891, and it is now operated by the latter road under a joint traffic agreement between it, the Big Level and Kinzua and the Pittsburgh and Western whereby it is agreed that the Big Level and Kinzua will maintain its road, the Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua operate without charge, and pay over gross earnings, and Pittsburgh and Western forward all traffic controlled by it, and to pro rate fares and freights. Pittsburgh and Northern RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Allegheny, Pa. MG ini au, as. E.-versreen RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bennett to Brookfield, Pa. (narrow gauge). ee 233 Current assets to offset cur- a Per Mile. rent liabilities ...............00 e MiG apital stock..........c..2-ssces0s. . $25,000 6,250 iLotal invested Capital’... « $71,250 7,406 BE NGEMIICEDE..~.csdscc-cecccascdass None. ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, None. NInfunded debt and current “6 Dividends per annuni...x.c; Not known. Bho csecescanatevs 6,250 1,156 | Average ratio of return upon ’ aes a capitalin vested ire Ak Not known. Par of stock, $50. This road was purchased in 1887 by Pittsburgh and Western RW. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Toledo RR. Co., General Office, Youngstown, O.; ‘Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. June 8, 1882, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Castle, Pa., to Akron Junc,, O., 77; trackage: Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RR., Akron to Orrville, 26; total, 103 miles. The trackage right insures connection with Wheeling and Lake Erie RR. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. BRAD SUOCK sas ccsn. ssn wconeonne $3,000,000 39,000 Total gross from operation..... $460,084 5,975 to sh 00) 2,400,000 31,200 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current m Decuct allexpenses.j.. ets ce *391,938 5,090 MOORINGS cos sccesco0scnccs.cssesc es 618,245 8,000 | Net total applicabie to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | . charges and dividends...... 68,146 885 MEMPEIADILILICS 0.2.2... \,seeccecses |. Deduct total interest on all Photal inyested capital........ .. G,048,245.78, 2004, |) Sdebt-45 above tec cacss'concdacucse $156,616 2,033 _ “ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 144,000 1,870 Net result on year’s business r “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss... 88,470 1,148 Average ratio of return upon _ Par of stock, $50. Bapitabimvested.........-.5..s-- Not known. * Includes rentals. _ + Includes taxes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $5,590,927 ; profit and loss, $427,318; total, $6,018,245. Liabilities, Capital stock, $3,000,000; funded debt, $2,400,000; current accounts, $618,245; total, $6,018,245. The Pittsburgh and Western acquired, in 1882, one-fourth interest in this road, and leased it July 15, 1884, for 99 years, guaranteeing interest on bonds. This guaranty was afterward assumed by Baltimore and Ohio RR. on account of transfer of 15,000 shares of this Company’s stock by Pittsburgh and Western, which agreed to pay the Central Trust Co., $12,000 per month for rental, and in case of default, lease to revert to B. and ©. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Pittsburgh, Painesville and Fairport RR. Co., 32 Nassau st., New York. General and Corporate Office, Painesville, O. Inc. June, 1886, in Ohio; succeeding to Paines- ville and Youngstown RW. Co., foreclosed June 3, 1886. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Fairport to Youngstown, O., 63 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. eA SOCK, «0... 06.0.0. cereceens 1,250,000 20,000 | Total gross from operation..... $288,973 4,587 GS) 1,250,000 20,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...........668 *255,862 4,061 Deco cose Sede. ockes es'ecnene Net total applicabie to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 83: ult 526 BOUPMADINLICS .......:. ...2.+20.. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........... 2,500,000 40,000 CED TAS ADOVEX. livssaciieckes tes 167,730 1,075 " Interestonalldebtp.ann. 62,500 1,000 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss......... 34,619 549 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested...............0 Not known. *Includes rentals. + Includes taxes. Balance sheet not furnished. Of capital stock, $250,000 is preferred, and balance common. Pitts. and Western RW. Co., leased Oct. 1, 1886 (and operates at cost, advancing deficit in net earnings to meet interest), a portion of this road, after change to standard-gauge from Fairport to Niles, 52.2m.; rental, interest on rstmtge bonds. Balance of road was leased perpetually to Trumbull and Mahoning RR. Co. at a rate commuted in advance, not given. PITTSBURGH, AKRON AND WESTERN RR. C0., General Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Corporate Office, Akron, O. Inc. Mar. 11, 1890, in Ohio; consolidation of Pittsburgh, Akron and West. RW. Co., and Cleveland and Western RR. Co. Peer i 234 LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Delphos to Akron, O., 165 miles; connecting with Pittsburgh and Western RW. : After the consolidation, road was rebuilt throughout; gauge made standard and extension to Akron completed. Road placed in Receivership in March, 1892, but released soon afterward. Be ey : This road is classed with Pittsburgh and Western from the evident close relations existing, connecting at Akron, and managed by Directors who are in part the same. Capitalization of road.....«.,JUNe 30, 1602 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities ......... eeseeeese Not given. WADILAUStOCK 2.0.6. yecesievredes $2,500,000 15,300 | Total invested capital........ .. $4,950,000 30,000 BUNCE GAEDE cskabisser-csenco sone 2,450,000 14,000 |‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 122,500 750 Pitandeds debt and tcurrent ‘ Dividends per annum...... Not known. ENTS 2 Sag Neer a Not given. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capital auth $4,230,000 |v = capitallinvested. i770 0.csrs8. Not known. Balance sheet not furnished. Operations to June 30, 1891, were not reported, road being in construction. Pittsburgh Junction RR. Co., General and Corporate Office (Room 4o1), Ger- mania Bank Bldg., Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. Dec. 21, 1881, in Pa. Consolidation of Pittsburgh Local RR. Co. and Pittsburgh Jc. RR. Co. LENGTH oF Roap owned: Laughlin Sta. (B. and O. RR.) to Willow Grove (P. and W. RR.) 4.47; branch, 43d St. to oth St. (except between 16th and 2oth sts.), Pittsburgh, Pa., 2.08; total, 6.55 miles, forming connecting link between those roads. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Gerpitalactock tent. Mccseveetse< $1,440,000 205,700 | Total gross from operation..... $215,105 30,729 PUMA EDEL 2. te: 6, scesusenees 1,440,000 205,709 | Totalgrossfrom othersources _1,367 195 Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses........-..... 65,215 9,316 MPRIULE LOS suiistonesianiads ess veils 0 613,658 87,600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 151,257 21,608 rent liabilities............0000. 298.059 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 3:493,658 499,000 | debt as above Gitccstecsee *11Q,71I 17,101 Int. on all debt p. ann... 89,541 ~—=1,400 | Net result on year’s business Bee rOCe B50: | for stockholders, gain......... 31,546 4,507 * Includes rentals and taxes on leased property $25,750. Preferred stock is guaranteed 7 p. c. cumulative, after payment of coupons, sharing equally with common in any dividend exceeding 7 p. c., on both classes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. PROS CMO PONCE es ytlohusdue Na veseras eeeeceaes $3.175,473 1 Commo, Stock paid) 1s. -seueenenst sees $960,000 POStrOL TOMING StOCkis.5. ase cictesleocewsnad 20,126" ‘Preferred. stock paid: Insicne eine 480,000 MIATCTIAIS ANG TUEL) civ... becotssisesailecs’ 570 | Funded debt outstanding :...: <.ccssen 1,440,000: Foreign, roads companies and Bills*payablensaus.. seus weer eae ante 56,355 PRIGUIEVICLINA Santa et weosslinedses es cesta: 29,323 4° CUrrent ACCOUNtS 2..cusaesay cos sereaaenie 61,301 Stocks and bonds owned..........s.c0+ 200,000; ) Interest accrued 20. cond. canes uaensaueret 43,620 RETO AU ACCOUNTS. 50 ence saseustvoe nore ys £1,710, |e bratiic Dalamcese. cs.) svat ones one sneer mrmores 45,001 Re TSISOR ATIC NM ihetss epoca ly,snn ce cece sevescs es 47,427) Pittsburgh Junct. Lerminal Cos 97,750 TiMpPrOVeM ent TUNG. de dnc sons trot ateetan 234,833. Prontiand lOSS/uc.cscasees Voscotee Renta 74,792 MAN ee Wnactnongite res ta usses sce scare $3,493,658 LOCA Ligeti deat coat c acme cece aera tenes $3,494,658 49 The Balto, and Ohio RR. (as lessee of Pittsburgh and Connellsville RR.) and the Pittsburgh and Western RR. made a contract April 27, 1882, in which they agreed to pay jointly ¢2 per car on through freight cars, and individually on others. Ifthis rental equals $270,000 per annum, areduction is made to $1.50 per car; if earnings reach $300,000, a reduction to $1 per car. Should earnings be less than $240,000 per annum, both parties — to agreement join equally in making good such deficit, and charge such advances and interest to lessor company for future adjustment. The Company held June 30, 1891, $200,000 of stock of Pittsburgh Junction Terminal Co. Salisbury RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. May 13, 1875, in Pa., succeeding Salisbury and Balto. RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Salisbury Jc., to West Salisbury. Pa., with branch Grassy Run Jc., to Cooper's Mines, Pa., 11.7 miles, forming part of Pittsburgh Division. 235 Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— | Cyrrent assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Fert liabilitiesccyil: scecc dan cae 28,061 Capital Stock.....cccoserseeseescees -$118,029 $9,800 | Totalinvested capital........ 1 298,879 24,900 PICU, CED bow cscesse cececvocnssvtsoe 150,000 12,500 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p.ann. 10,500 900- Unfunded debt and current ‘¢ Dividends per annum...... Not known. BMTULC Di cwac devas ssecnceutnesscese 30,850 2,600 | Average ratio of return upon Beet OL StOCK $50.....c..:.0c0e scenes GApltal MVestet orcs -ssciecee Not known. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road, $258,977; rolling stock, $11,841; Current assets, $28,047; cash on hand, $14; total, $298,879. Liabilities, $118,030; funded debt, $150,000; matured interest coupons unpaid, $1,680; tax on bonded indebted- ness, $161; profit and loss, $29,008; total, $298,879. Capital consists of common, $104,250; preferred, $13,550; scrip, $229. Of the unfunded debt, $29,008, is profit and loss. This road is operated separately by Balto. and Ohio RR. which controls it through lease of Pittsburgh and Connellsville RR. which owns majority of stock. Operations not furnished. Sharpsville RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa.; P. O. Box. 1028. Inc. Mar. 25, 1876, in Pa., succeeding Sharpsville and Oakland RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sharpsville to Wilmington Jc., Pa., 17; branches to mines, etc., 5.53; total, 22.53 miles. Capitalization of road.......JUune 30, 1892:— | Cyrrent assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent Habilities 65,809 2,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 034129 398 BP MRAEL IW ICICS <.0.4c00> sccesesueee 40,847 Deduct total interest on all otal invested capital........ .. 1,402,809 42,500 debtasi abGvek.iscds cece 18.000 545 ‘“‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 18,000 545 | Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss.......... 4,873 147 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. BEA LID VCSEEC 25.159 se sncceee BDAC ‘ BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road and equipment, $1,420,089 ; securities owned, $100; cash and current accounts, $37,706; other assets, $3,041; profit and loss, $4,873; total, $1,465,809. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,000,000; funded debt, $337,000; certificates issued for construction, $63,000; current liabilities, $65,809; total, $1,465,809. BIRMINGTON, SELMA AND NEW ORLEANS RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Selma, Ala. Inc. Nov. 16, 1886, in Alabama ; securing, by purchase and succeeding to, franchises and property of Selma and New Orleans RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Selma to Martin, Ala., 21 miles ; projected: New Orleans, La., to Selma, Ala., 240 miles. Capitalization Of FO0G0....s0¢) UNE 30, 1891 —= Current assets to offset cur: Per Mile. Peng liabilities... cncssss4s00e< 4 2,344 ME EISEOCK 2 sccosssse00 vccees s00200,000 9,500 Total invested capital........ - 210,512 10,000 NGC, CEDE........0 .oo.ecsedsceees None paid. Interest on all debt p. ann. Not known. Unfunded debt and current ‘““ Dividends per annum....., None paid. MIDITIELCS osc 5csc0s evecncestcece sees 10,512 500 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capita lin vestedn eccscsvaestsa.4 5.9 Do Cs Income for year ending June 30. 1891: gross receipts, $26,838; per mile, $1,278; expenses, $22,923, per mile, $1,092; net earnings, $3,915, per mile, $186. BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $200,000 ; cash and current assets, $3,741; profit and loss, $2,782; total, $206,523. Lzadilities, Capital stock, $200,000 ; current liabilities, $6,523 ; total, $206,523. BIRMINGHAM, SHEFFIELD AND TENNESSEE RIVER RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Sheffield, Ala.; Philadelphia, (Pa.) Office, Bullitt Building. Inc. Apr., 1889, in Ala., succeeding the Sheffield and Birmingham RR., sold under foreclosure Apr. 16,1889. The Sheffield and Birmingham RR. was consolidated Sept., 1887, with Ala.and Tenn. Coaland Iron Co., reorganized separately after sale of railroad. Connection is made at Sheffield with Louisville and Nashville, and East Tenn., Va. and Ga. RRs, and at Jasper with Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sheffield to South Parrish, Ala., with branches, Mar- gerum, Ala., to Riverton, Miss., and to quarries, etc., 119 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. ots 3,725,000 31,300 MCC AMOSDE.....5c5e vccssetes/sce eee Unfunded debt and current OS OE Se Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities ....... Agel iehaat use Totalinvested capital........ .. ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. ““ Dividends per annum...... Average ratio of return upon Capital invested.............006 Not known. Balance sheet not furnished. 148,750 None paid. 2,975,000 25,000 | 6,700,000 56,300 | 1,250 | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $185,951 1,563 Total gross from other sources DeEQUEL all CXPEHSES scic. creck $32,712) 5,505 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 53,239 448 Deduct total interest on all GMEDE AS ADOVEtscccs.c sacescavecs 148,750 1,250 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 95,511 802 Par of stock, $100. 248 BLACK HILLS AND FORT PIERRE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Lead City, So. Dakota. Inc. June 15, 1881, in Dakota. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lead City to Piedmont, S. D., 36.7 miles; narrow gauge. Connection is made at Lead City with Deadwood Central RR., and with Fremont, Elkhorn and Mo. Valley (Chic. and N. W. System), RR., at Piedmont. Capitalization Of rOad......6+ June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Miles >| Per Mile. Capital stock;....... saan ceieenatens . $500,000 13,500 | Total gross from operation.....$115,710 3,214 FRAME EDT ic .lbis covenceesss eens None. Total gross from othersources 2,651 74 Unfunded debt and current | oWeduct all expencesyens ae 115,939. 3,216 TEN SS TEIN pope Ao gid AAR Bon sae 279,205 7,500 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 2,525 70 Poms: ba DtiGS 5 4e5s..2+ veesseooeee 211,064 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital.....:.. : 779,205 21,000 | Gebt 26 above ki use.t atten ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. None paid. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... anes 70 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Ea CAtARVEStCU....nssh ors cens None. | From surplus account there were paid sums aggregating $134,093 for improvements leaving a deficit of $131,570. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $470,551; rolling stock, $79,324 ; buildings, $18,266; current accounts, $211,064; total, $779,205. Lzabzlittes, Capital stock, $500,000 ; bills payable, $93,235; current accounts, $4,634; other liabilities, $373 ; profit and loss, $180,963 ; total, $779,205. BLOOMSBURG AND SULLIVAN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Bloomsburg, Pa. Inc. 1887, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bloomsburg to Jamison City, Pa., 30 miles, connecting at initial point with Del., Lack. and West. RR. Capital not given. Funded debt, $600,000; per mile, $20,000. debt per annum, $30,000; per mile, $1,000. sheet and operations not furnished. Total interest on all Dividends, if any, not known. Balance BODIE AND BENTON RW. AND COMMERCIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Nevada Block, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. Feb. I9, 1881, eCal. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bodie to Mono Mills, Cal., 32; branches: Mono to Woodyard, 2.5; Bodie to Standard Mines, 1.5; total, 36 miles (narrow gauge.) Capitalization of road......0. Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities i. )2.c ieee ex» $170,953 KGaA LISLOCK ca sveuti cc srsaceatovess $80,000 2,200 | Totalinvested capital........ 1m 723,022 $20,009 Pini edi Clebtyscivis.viweseeces scone 587,000 16,300 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. Unfunded debt and current ‘“ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Hata liniene sce 8lus devas: 56,022 1,500 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.............0 . Not known. This is a private railroad. Main line opened Nov. 15, 1881, and branches completed July, 1882. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. BOSTON AND ALBANY SYSTEM embraces the No. Brookfield, Pittsfield and No. Adams, Prov. Webster and Springfield, and Ware River RRs, BOSTON AND ALBANY RR. CO. General and Corporate Office, Kneeland st., Boston, Mass. Inc. Dec. 1867 in Mass.; consolidation of Boston and Worcester, the Western RR. Co., the Albany and West Stockbridge, and the Hudson and Boston RRs.; purchased Spencer RR. April 29, 1889. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Boston, Mass. to Albany, N. Y., (201.65) with nine branches, in all, 305.60; Leased: North Brookfield, 4; Pittsfield and North Adams, sae Ware River, 49.35; Prov., Webster and Springfield, 11.23—83,13; total, 388.73 miles. 249 Capitalization of road ..... June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.. sseas seeeeee 25,000,000 64,300 | Total gross from operation....$9,863,316 25,355 Funded debt.. veesseeseee 5,875,000 15,100 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.. 7,403,183 19,031 METAL IELZOS iG, wcnvas does. coun teerees 2,363,257 6,100 | Not total applicable to fixed current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 2 A SOs sho) 324 Pent liabilities.........5 csscseres 5,248,655 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 33,238,257 85,500 | GeEbE AS, BDOVE tivcecrdvicceserr st ® EG, 007 01) 520 “‘Tnt. on all debt per ann. 517,007 1,329 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum.... 1,800,000 | for stockholders, gain......... 1,865,066 4,795 Average ratio of return upon Net sur. after dividends paid 65,066 167 Papital INVESEM .. oo ..d..cses ids Dac Par of stock $100. * Includes rentals as follows: Pittsfield and North Adams RR., $22,500; Ware River RR., $52,500; North Brookfield RR., $1,500 ; and accrued not due, $1,500; total, $78,000. BALANCE SHEETS.—June 30. ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. . 1891. LSO2) 8 1891. 1892. Cost of road and equip.$27,514,116 $27,514,117 | Stock, common..... ......$20,000,000 $25,000,000 Hudson River bridges.. 475,485 475,483 | Pay. on Jan., 1892, stk. 527,320 ther permanentinvest 1,913,704 1,938,378 | Funded debt............... 10,858,000 5,875,000 B. and A. 7 p. c. bonds. BOS OL LS OM Ee asecveae _ Int. and r. due and acc. 194,558 49,725 Material and supplies... 456,566 301, 477 | Uuclaim. dividns. inter. 401,809 562,976 Due from co’s, etc........ 765,164 205,164. Ledver balances...c.c..0., 259,200 96,996 Trustees’ improvement Improvement fund...... 2,278,010) 1,403,528 DET yc oesc es soeeseest 1,662,699 1,793,832 | Sinkg. fund and miscel. 122.188 127,804 P0882 os oh eco genes scene 638,909 $40,804), PProtitiand 10SSicut.....0e. 100, 169 122,229 BGS Fares Verses odes $33,742,255 $33,238,257 otal i evcaes tenes 2 ee $33, 742,255 $33,238,257 Company has paid 8 p. c. cash annual dividends (payable Mar. qrly.) since 1881 ; a stock dividend of lop.c. in 1883, and 3% p.c.in 1886. The Company was author- ized in 1889 by permission of the Legislature to issue $10,000,000 additional stock, $7,000,000 of which to be applied to retirement of bonds duein 1892 and 1895, balance for improvements. Accordingly $5,000,000 of the new stock was issued Jan. 5, 1892, to retire equal amount of 7 p, c. bonds due Feb. 1. North Brookfield RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, North Brookfield, Mass. Inc. Mar., 1875, in Mass. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East Brookfield to North Brookfield, Mass., 4 miles, leased to B. and Aibany, at $3,000 per ann. Capitalization of road....... ° Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Pent Mabilitiess.. Nice oc.see - $243 STOCK. cesses cessne vesecaves $100,000 25,000 | Total invested capital........ = 105,700 «20,490 BRE EDL. ccsres secevessasecese None. _ Interest on all debt p. ann. Rr edideht and current “ Dividends per annum...... 3,000 er veya spe escescerse 5,700 1,400 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capita invested’ tia. Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Pittsfield and North Adams RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Springfield, Mass. Inc. Mar. 18, 1845, in Mass. LENGTH OF RoAb owned: Pittsfield to North Adams, 18.55 miles. This road is operated by Boston and Albany, under gg-year lease, from Jan. 30, 1876, at a rental of $22,500, being 5 p. c on cost of road. June 30, 1892: Capital, $450,000; per mile, $25,000. Par of stock, $100. Dividends, 2% p-c., J.8& J., total, $22, hse capital represents cost of road. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Providence, Wesbter and Springfield RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Webster, Mass. Inc. Mar. 23, 1882, in Mass. : LENGTH or Roap owned: No. Webster to Auburn Station, Mass., 11.23 miles. Boston and Albany Biel ates this road; terms not specified. Capitalization Gf r0ad.,.....,} UNE 30, 1892 : — | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities.........00 se $1,769 Capital stock.. a1 ee | Total invested capital........... 245,131 22,200 ded Hah? th ce Pear oat _ “ Interest on all debt p. ann. 4,877 400 Unfunded debt. Pad Mivient _ “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. BN econ yecivcsnacvesevuees 85,131 7,700 ‘Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. | Gapital invested \.dee..cc0 cesses Not known. 250 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road, $243,361; other assets, $1,769; total, $245,130. Liabilities, Capital stock, $160, 000; unfunded debt, $81, 858 ; profit and loss, $3,272; total, $245,130. Operations not furnished. Ware River RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Springfield, Mass. Inc. in Mass. LENGTH ©F ROAD owned: Palmer to Winchendon, Mass., 49.35 miles. The Bos- ton and Albany operates this road under 999-year lease, at an annual rental of $52,500. Capitalization of road ......June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Tent LabiUlitiesseseseaeere cece : Total invested capital........... $1,115,164 22,700 eres Rerecears ee 15,300 “ Thterest on all debt p. ann, fon Ginded vdebeoand current _ “ Dividends per annum...... 52,500 MU ISLLITIES cr. ters saideevjetecn css 365,164 7,400 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100 | Capitallinvested: ac,.s-seqese Not known. Authorized capital, $1,000,000. Dividends, 7 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $1,115,164. Liabilities, Capital © stock, $750,000; unfunded debt, $365,164 ; total, $1,115,164. BOSTON, REVERE BEACH AND LYNN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 350 Atlantic ave., Boston, Mass. Inc. May 23, 1874, im Mass.; absorbing Boston, Winthrop, and Shore RR., July 1, 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East Boston to Lynn, Mass., 8.8; connecting with Boston by ferry; at Winthrop Junc. with Boston, Winthrop and Shore RR., 7.3; total, 16.1 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :-— Per Mile. © Per Mile. — aia SOCK) cae. sas eletcovicilosncass 850,000 53,100 Total gross from operation..... 318,840 19,928 Funded Geld bere .e ecole ce camtiat bret 639,000 39,900 | ‘Total gross from other sources 18,082 1,130 Untunded debt and current > »eductiallexpenses seecrc.ce *246,804 15,425 AGAADIELES ihn sc scer ese chest sneeane 252,066 15,800 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 00,118 5,698 rent liabilitiesc.c)..c.. dicdecessec 158,263 | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital.......... 1,741,066 108,800 | .. debt as above ..cdesessaieseresons 38,368 2,398 ” ‘‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 38,368 2,400 Net result on year’s business 51,750 3,235 *‘ Dividends per annum...... 51,750 Par of stock, $100. Average ratio of return upon ‘ CADILALINVESLEC.wncnctene-e ane Spc. *Includes taxes, $19,337. BALANCE SHEET, June, 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. . MEGUGLEIICLION. aetaeaccadt as tcnedeeseuessnenron Sr 2415485 4 Capital Stock wersacercie te tsasneeesssaeaee $850,000 © SUITE TI Ur ets trek oautasn vee) uaitnn ste ty ontee 268,313 5\0, Panded Gebt.catevetarercsce waweredebtsess 639,000 (ERS 8 ORO SP RCA GACT SOU CEE COM CSEE EDICT 73,000 -\- NOTES Pay ableics..sccsteantcscaheekueresceeee™ 60,000 — Real estate (not used for RR. pur- Bills payalble.i.cs.vsctespasasnsenensunueeseans 7,524 POSES faci tonne Uebeie fh sede cotaas wourow’ sine 98200 + Dividends Unpalciucc i scectuc eben see 45 ROAST cass spin chess yetrey onsen Bikee sate sages 22263 J COUPONS UNPAlC cites bwessscees von eee meneent 240) NOES PeCelVable seuss sse.cevceccaesiesese 5500 "|. AMProVENsent [UNC yo se s0s0 cess oadaccedesaee 80,459 SUpPPlies Or NAM escsccee cevaseeveseaved ae 10,6367), ~Credity Dalances. cs: anne se cote es erkes eae eee 1,914 | IBEDS DALIAN COL rcaceyie. Mosse sear eot res tne 4;409 sh. PLONE OTISUPPIUS tyc.0n vacereenteeteeeeenaeee 101,884 © POLAT Kone cers aby eee $1,741,066 Dota la, & tect nenees $1,741,066 BOWDEN LITHIA SPRINGS SHORT LINE RR. CO., General Offices, Atlanta and Lithia Springs, Ga. ; Corporate Office, Lithia Springs, Ga. Inc. March 25, 1887, in Ga. The road was opened in 1885 as a private enterprise, — obtaining charter as a public conveyance in Mar., 1887. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lithia Springs, aa to Hotel, 1.38 miles. Capitalization of road, June 30, 1891 : Capital of stock, $10,000 ; per mile, $1,000; no funded debt ; no dividends paid. Par of stock, $100. The Company acquired July 15, 1891, a railroad 1.12 miles, from Bowden Lithia Springs to Austell, connecting at latter with E. Tenn., Va, and Ga., and Ga. Pa. C. Co's.” Capital represents cost of road. Balance sheet not furnished. Income June 30, 1891.—Earnings, $1,000. Expenses, $1,000, _ . 251 BRADFORD, BORDELL AND KINZUA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Bradford, Pa. Inc. Mar. 4, 1880, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bradford to Simpson, Pa., with branch (1.93) from Kinzua Je. to Rew City, Pa., 16.93 miles; Leased: Big Level and Kinzua; Bradford, Bordell and Smethport, and Rew City and Eldred RRs, 32.89; total, 49.82 miles (narrow gauge). The Company owns $111,000 stock of Rew City and Eldred RR. Co., also interested in Tonawanda Valley and Cuba, and Bradford, Bord. and Smethport RRs. On Jan. 12, 1891, Geo. L. Roberts was appointed Receiver, and on Apr. 15 of that year the lease of the Big Level and Kinzua RR. (10.5 miles) was surrendered. It is now operated under terms stated in the article describing that road. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— : Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.............2..ssseeeee $500,000 10,000 | Total gross from operation..... $89,303 1,786 Ln EG ts Gy a 547,848 10,900 | Totalgrossfromothersources 1,217 24 Unfunded debt und current Deduct all GXP SUS CSitecccsscsscste *74,046 1,481 MRAVSTLIES? o06.05 05+ coeccoden sutocees 412,927 8,200 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 16,474 329 MIE IIAIOILICICS < 05 +0000 tansoocsere Not given. | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital.......... 1,460,775 29,100 | GET ASA DOVEsr r,s cciest eer t27,258 545 “‘ Interestonall debtp.ann. 17,384 3,500 | Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss... ..... 10,784 216 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. EEA HIVESLCC... ..03.05scccses Lpc: * Includes taxes, $856; Receivership expenses, $1,327. + Includes rentals, $9,874. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. IE OAC roe si. cdaie cess islersceseseenceds DESI A Gi a AIICAL STOCK satacsasravavesne sath accsoadtcns § $500,000 Meee OL TONING StOCK......ccccvensesespeees 91,053 | Funded debt, ist mtge. bonds........ 498,000 Beretease Capital Stock ....sesccsedscsesees 250,000" |. Receiver’s CertifiCates....5.cccsoscesses0 49,848 Stocks and bonds owned..............0. EET OOO eG ITT OIE ACCOUNTS 1.00005 casicecstecrde soaens 23,539 Materials and fuel on hand............. Py ASOMIMBIN 28 oe bat EU CAC Win ERC se CCO Sean dages costar 210,619 fev ee ©. RR. Co’s loans.......... +0. 54,852 | Certificates of indebtedness. ..... ..... 24, 100» Rew City and Eldred RR. Co......... 2, TiO Ntetest: OI DOUGS...v¥.scss904. cctcereerecss 154,371 BM RST CO.5 aca gsvecste ds saenpase : 17,036 Rete ie ot W. RR: CO... .ccccsioee 194,422 PEPE UL ACCOUNTS. ......0005..0s0 cece toaees 7,891 IPOUINTLATIC. cc cccese tc ctcscsssvns osssiesss : 4,416 MRERREEIICL 10VSS ony cose sanec's os oveesecenceeon 202,749 MEMO OMT Aces dos vscesccercaiivese ¥auses $1,460,775 CROLAM ge rvesdeos cusene ete se@hs bets 1,980 “URRUES isis un orpooaterenc eho. iaiser $210,564 | Total; tines. su%ya serves eae vevesk, weer seared $210,564 BRISTOL BELT RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Bristol, Tenn.; Philadelphia (Pa.) Office, Penn Mutual — Life Building. Inc. Feb. 22, 1890, in Tenn. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Io miles, around Bristol, Tenn.; projected road, Bristol to Blountville, Tenn., 9 miles. This road is for passenger and freight traffic, connecting ~ with all railroads in Bristol. Daily passenger service is performed between Bristol, — Fairmount, Lake Side, South Bristol, Blountville and North Bristol. : Capitalization of road......+. Dec. 31, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabitities .2....ccsecsseee PRS AT EAICSLOC AG sors crete se csen oe . $100,000 10,000 | 1otal invested capital.......... $175,000 17,500 © Pied debt ic -seccteracconnacer arse 75,000 7,500 . Intereston all debt p.ann.. 4,500 450 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None. & Habilities:.cce awe ea Bais Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.............00 . Not known. Dividends are payable J. & J., at Bristol, Tenn. An electric street railway system ~ in Bristol is also owned and operated by the Company. Balance sheet and operations ~ not furnished. BRISTOL RR. CO., ‘General and Corporate Office, Rutland, Vt. Inc. 1882, in Vt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bristol to New Haven Junc., Vt., 6.5 miles, connecting — at latter place with Central Vermont RR. Capitalization of road....... .June 30, 1892 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities sadetesslapstccudoses ; MSAPItAL STOCK irssesvophaietcesatens «$100,000 15,300 Total invested capital........ 1. 200,000 30,600 WING EU OE DUH ates okavccsecshianes 100,000 15,300 Interest on all debt p. ann. 6,000 goo Unfunded debt and current ‘“* Dividends per annum...... None known. TUAW GS eee sacesnsracgnstea sens Average ratio of return upon ? ae Capital invested: ccijecesesseess Not known. 4 a Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 255 BROCKVILLE, WESTPORT AND SAULT STE. MARIE RW. CO., ‘Canadian Soo Line.” General and Corporate Office, Brockville, Ont. Inc. 1886, in Can. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Brockville (connecting with Grand Trunk RW. and Canadian Pacific RW.) to Westport, Ont., 45 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities ey the Te hi Re ies nN PGA) $1,185,000 26,300 | Total invested capital........ .. $2,518,400 55,900 2 $1,185,000 26,300 |“ Tntereston all debt p. ann. 56,250 "1,200 Unfunded debt and current ** Dividends per annum....., None yet paid. | Milles eis sasdicaceccaces 208,400 4,600 | Average ratio of return upon Rete Of STOCK, BLOC. ....cccencesecees capital PAV ESCO: saacee ts cave . Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Construction was commenced on this road Jan. 11, 1886, completed throughout June 3, 1889, and operations conducted during past year by contractor. The road was subsidized by the Dominion Government, which granted a bonus of $128,ooo—a further one of $64,000 has been voted—and the municipal authorities granted $116,000, and subsequently $165,000 more was voted by Province of Ontario, to assist in extending to Palmer Rapids. Dominion Government paid $105,200 to Dec. 31, 1891. Contracts were made by Company to construct and equip the line for subsidies as above in addi- tion to $25,000 per mile each of stocks and bonds. BROOKLYN AND BRIGHTON BEACH RR. CO, General and Corporate Office, 346 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Inc. Sept. 2, 1837, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Atlanticave., Brooklyn, to Brighton Beach, N. Y.,7.5 miles. Purchasing Brooklyn, Flatbush and Coney Island RR. at forclosure sale Oct. 26, 1887. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital Stock.......0...s00+ ssseeeeee L;000,002 133,300 | Total gross from operation.....$113,406 15,100 Funded debt........... are it nt 500,000 66,700 Total gross from other sources 500 70 Unfunded debt and current Ledctall Expenses... 2 c0t st 119,385 15,900 BUTEIGIES Seo ccc ccs cocecessiecossens 342,814 45,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- - | charges and dividends...... #5479 730 BETA DILICICS s..06c206 cocvceesece 8,555 | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 1,842,814 245,700 | debt as above......cc:.cieccseeee 38,001 5,070 “ Intereston all debt p.ann. 25,000 3,333 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss.......... 43,480 5,800 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. apical invested.........-...0.0 None. * Loss. Capital: $500,000, common ; $500,000, preferred. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, BET. a 5i0.c0.. ceanesectwes teeeesens SEs 520, ORO GAD Ay SLOC Kw vocoderesagtavtaddern ieotaeese $1,000,000 BerseeOr CQUIPMNENL........5...ccccceserees TIO OS Fe MOCO GED Elccs capes sensedea- tosten cas sake 500,000 NRTA) 925 5... occ... ccescnwescovsceess 2,746 | Interest on funded debt ................. O35 Open accounts.. Foxetacetovidascdoaen’ 4,559 | Loans and bills payable.............00« 273,021 Materials and supplies Ge eed use ieee Tp 25O a VD PEI ACCOUNIS | .cccescassssaerceteseeeyeasas 61,459 Mareer end 10Ss (def.)...... c.csseccsseess 152,343 PORES Sone eck sossencksvedeccens $1,842,814 | Tota bane geese iusrd aac itesss $1,842,814 BROOKLYN AND ROCKAWAY BEACH RR. Co. General and Corporate Office, 346 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc. Dec. 4, 1863, in N. Y> LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East New York to Canarsie Landing, N. Y., 3.5 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— | come for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | : Per Mile. Capital Stock...........s0++ seeeeeeee $150,000 $43,000 | Total gross from operation..... $72,565 $20,700 PCORCEDE .. 2... Cessscconseeees 185,000 53,000 | Totalgross from other sources 2,389 680 Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses.............. 43,942 12,520 FS sacs tec howecedes 102,706 29,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to ofiset cur- charges and dividends...... 31,012 8,860 RERMEEANUILICS -. 020... .60.00c0see 13,931 | Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested ents, fy eee ae 1 437,700 125,000 | ADE AS ROVE yee f tos so 4obe¥s she caddy ase 6,527. SCUTrent ACCOUNIS ieee arate aes eres ,030mm PEOUC AMO NUSS 01 otek sen ccattats suas Pecceres 306,665 |. Unpaid coupons. ....... ..0.cecsusesshasss)) | 2 ORE . Miscellaneous receipts....... daaate he 8,635 OUR essen rich: = cesviccoses seus san aeonss Wiig yO 710d Ue mLO ta Lee arcade Sire. Finda wicuseane $1,787,884 BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS AND NORTHERN SYSTEM, < embraces the Iowa City; and Western ; Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and Northwestern - Cedar Rapids and Clinton, and the Chicago, Decorah and Minnesota Railways. BURLINGTON, CEDAR RAPIDS AND NORTHERN RW. CO. “The Iowa Route.”’ General and Corporate Office, Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Fiscal Agency, Central Trust Co., New — Inc. June 19, 1876, in la., succeeding Burlington, Cedar Rapids and Minnesota York. RR. Co., foreclosed. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Burlington, Ia., to Albert Lea, Minn., 253.21, including” 11.39 miles Manly Jc. to Northwood, leased from Iowa Central, and 12.57 miles Iowa’ line to Albert Lea, Minn., leased from Minn. and St. Louis RW., a total of 23.96 miles; branches: Linn Jc. to Pottsville, Ia., 94.13; Muscatine to Riverside, Ia., 30.58; Vinto -. “eps iS a ; a * Se 259 to Holland, la., 48.12—172.83 ; total, 426.04; Controlled and leased: Iowa City and Western RW., Iowa City to What Cheer, 57.22, and Montezuma, Ia., 15.8—73.02; Cedar Rapids, Iowa Falls and Northwestern RW., Holland Ia., to Watertown, So. Dak., 327.92; Lake Park to Worthington, Minn., 17.71; Ellsworth, Minn., to Sioux Falls, So. Dak., 42.5; Dow’s to Forest City, Minn., 48.27; Trosky, Minn. to Quarry, 5.41; total, 441.81; Cedar Rapids and Clinton RW., Iowa City to Clinton, Ia., 81.94; Chicago, Decorah and Minnesota RW., Pottsville Jc. to Decorah, Ia., 23.3; Waverly Short Line RW., Waverly Jc. to Waverly, 5.68; Davenport, Iowa and Dak. RR., Bennett to Daven- port, 31.09; total 656.84; Trackage: Minneapolis and St. Louis RW., Hayfield to Forest City, 7.22; total operated, 1,082.88 miles. Capitalization of road...... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lecome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. MICE SCOCK:. ....cccccsceves secees $5,500,000 $5,100 | Total gross from operation..... $3,866,340 3,592 BMC GED... ....cc0.csccncceses 15,277,000 14,100 | Totalgross from other sources 24,410 23 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all EXPENSES ..,..0025,-c00 3,226,515 3,000 MM THELCS) -.cecce0s...0soscscosees 5)575)380 5,100 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 664,235 615 BRMCUIAOLLICS. 5... .ascc.6 ccs ee 2,175,109 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 26,352,386 24,300 MED EAS ADOVEAE verte clecceness 778,055 720 “ TInt. on all debt p. ann. 778,055 720 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..None paid. for stockholders, loss ........ 113,820 105 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100 Berita invested...........:5:, Capital authorized, $30,000,000. BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891 :— ASSETS, LIABILITIES. Sueeorroad, etc., Consol. Co....... $15,253,401 | Capital stock ............0scce00 erase setahs $5,500,000 Cost of leased lines :— TU NUSG CED ctecortasceta ceca slsueseses 15,277,000 mete oooW. RW... ....... $648,334 Vouchers, pay rolls and other reer C1ITITON... ....s000 1,283,616 BCCOUNLS# ;y-cbstihem setanaaeestatse 278,187 ee oc? MINN ...........000 382,936 Bills payable, account new eauip. 255,057 Peet ce NW. ......... 6,279, 104 Additions, improvemt. and equip- aieeras oc LD. RW.......... 329,885 PCI Ga iaasscuteustsccsctecese Mafutca sae 3,223,947) ~ — 8,923,875 | Net earnings for year.............:sc000 1,272,696 Improve. and equip. in 1801 ........ BAS 444 Lots leased and’sold™. si. ..ccccssscaccess 1,500 BE CADENCIIUTES ...... .cccccescsseeoe 26,607 “|, Miscellaneous receipts: .dicds%sicce scene 22,910 Interest and commissions ............ 780,637 | Balance income account...... .....0s- - 521,188 RR. bonds owned, etc..........6..c000e 36,630 Real estate and general office....... 129,518 Beets ANC f6l.....2 ..s....00 s.esecees 206,865 Sundry assets and accounts......... 310,840 PEERITOIVCL 000. osecssoecccesos sosssaess 130,478 Ne 20 e ss inwdns gs esse ceceseoss $26,352,385 EL Ota levates 100 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 30,000 430 Dicvalousee teeta wayne ; ; Papers Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum......None. Ha bilities a Scat on areatecarenns 404,000 5,800 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100 : CApital WiVESted sec. caes ce evernn None. ; ‘ BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Capital, $950,000; funded debt, $500,000; bonus (Dominion, $224,000; New Brunswick, $180,000), $404,000; total, $1,854,000. Cost of road and equipment, $1,488,250. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, shows gross receipts, $17,819, per mile, $255; expenses, $19,514, per mile, $279; loss, $1,695, per mile, $24. CARILLON & GREENVILLE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Montreal. Que. Inc. June 24, 1848, in Can. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Carillon to Greenville, Que., 13 miles. The road is operated in connection with steamers of the Ottawa River Navigation Co., plying between Carillon and Lachine, and Greenville and Ottawa. Capitalization Of FOAA....066 June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. HEMUaATaDUICLeS Mess mesce cer cees ce : ‘Lotalinyvestedcapitaly.....3... $106,614 $8,200 Fonded dent.” cc aiagunone Whee cau (muetnterestonalidebtp.ann, |< alam Watinded ideht want ee ““ Dividends per annum...... None. Niabilities s.ccnseeee ees 6,614, | sc0ql i tape Weuo of return upon Par of stock, $100. : capital invested.........seccecses None. BALANCE SHEET—Not furnished. Authorized capital, $200,000. Total capital invested represents cost of road. Income for year ending June 30, 1891, shows gross receipts $2,893; per mile, $222; expenses, $4,428 ; per mile, $340; loss, $1,535; per mile, $118. 275 CAROLINA, KNOXVILLE AND WESTERN RW. CO., 45 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Knoxville, Tenn. Inc.in Tenn. Consoli- dated with Atlantic, Greenville and Western RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Greenville to near Marietta, S. C., 13.5; projected: Augusta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn., 282 miles. Grading is completed for 162 miles from Greenville, and 14 miles of track laid. The failure of the Ga. Construction and Investment Co., which had contracted to build entire road, caused the road to be placed in receivership, which was soon thereafter dissolved. Capitalization of road... Current assets to offset cur-. Per Mile. TENE AIADIUILIES, soreeduasene veness Poet : | Total invested capital........... 02,800 $44,652 Funded debt hjorigoo "aa/g6 |“, Intereston all debt p. ann. "19,098" 1415 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None. liabilities Average ratio of return upon Parofisiocksfroom6 ss. Cn capital Invested... Unaceesss- Not known. ; ; Authorized capital, $7,000,000. Income for year ending June 30, I8gI, gives gross earnings, $6,738: per mile, $519; expenses, $6,010; per mile, $463; net earnings, $728 ; per mile, $56. Balance sheet not furnished. Funded debt includes bonds, $200,000, and subscription by townships, $101,400. CAROLINA MIDLAND RW. CO., | General Offices, Barnwell and Charleston, S. C.; Corporate Office, Blackville, S. C. Inc. May 15, 1891, in S. C. Consolidation of Blackville, Alston and Newberry RR., and Barnwell RW. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Barnwell to Seivern Junc., S. C., 39 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Pep Mile. Meal SLOCK .;.c.reecazssd senbecess $540,000 $14,000 | Total gross from operation..... $60,610 $1,554 CCL GCEDER, «. discesoureqer averse 203,000 5,000 | Totalgrossfromothersources 1,910 49 Unfunded debt and current Weduer all expensesy te vests #56, 423 1,446 PAP UUILICS ee eaccssqedesseeeucteeeaa Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 6,097 157 MTEL ELICICS a aectpuve watonss tina Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested capital........ .. 743,009 19,000 ERE AS ADOVE .sarassncsssestsrcs 9,348 239 ‘‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 9,348. 239 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss.......... 3,251 83 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested................ Not known. *Includcs items classified as other payments, which are assumed to be taxes, $3,310. BALANCE SHEET not furnished. CARRABELLE, TALLAHASSEE AND GEORGIA RR. CO., N. Y. Office, 29 Broadway; General Office, Carrabelle, Fla.; Corporate Office, Tallahassee, Fla. Inc. 1890 in Fla.: succeeding Augusta, Tallahassee and Gulf RR. Co., which had constructed from Carrabelle to Ocklockonee River. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Carrabelle to Sopchoppy, 20 miles; projected Carrabelle, Fla., to Thomasville, Ga,, 100 miles. The road to be completed to Tallahassee (50 m.) ‘by October, 1892. Capitalization Of TOA .....606 June 1, 1892 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities. .............. POCA SLOG. cscecnccey setenesis *$1,000,000 10,000 | Total invested capital......... $1,175,000 18,750 BEORSOCU ICDL ic. 64; se sestesh sivas 175,000 8,750 ‘Int om alidebt p. ann... TI0,500 525 ‘Unfunded debt and current | ‘* Dividends per annum... None yet paid. OOS UE CIES Sa Ra oe Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. CAPICAE SEGEE. Snoresane cece sces Not known. * Capital authorized, $1,000,000. + Estimated at 6 p. c. This Company is building saw-mills at Carrabelle where it owns a large terminus, -etc., with superior facilities. It is entitled to 300,000 acres of land under land grant, the greater portion of which has been received. The Ga. and Fla. Investment Co. (which _ has 170,000 acres of timber land along the line) will operate the road. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 270 CARSON AND COLORADO RR. CO., 15 Broad st.; General and Corporate Office, Carson City, Nev. Inc. May Io, 1880, in Nevada. Reorganized Feb., 1892. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mound House to Candelaria, Nev., with branch Haw- thorne to Cottonwood, Nev., 165.25; operated (under agreement with proprietory com- panies) C. and C. RR., 2d Division: Junction, Nev., to Cal. State line, 34; C.and C. RR., 3d Division: Nevada line to Keeler, Cal., 108 ; total, 307.25 miles, narrow gauge. Capitalization of Road..... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FENt AA DME oes tee cesses ‘ Capital stock)..ysnsecteeers $2,250,000 $14,000 | Total invested capital......... $4,500,000 $28,000 Wuuded debtaccntcr te. sss 2,250,000 14,000 Int. on all debt p. ann... 135,000 818: Unfunded debt and current ‘“ Dividends per annum.. None yet paid. TA DitICS wrcrsesas aeecacacs eas Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.............. Not known. Capital authorized, $6,380,000. Total invested capital includes cost of road. Income for year ending June 30, 1891: gross, $328,409; per mile, $1,990; expenses, $211,411 ; per mile, $1,281; net, $116,998; per mile, $709 ; fixed charges, $135,000; per mile, $818; loss, $18,002; per mile, $109. Road (now in construction) was opened in Mar., 1882, to Candelaria and branch to Cottonwood during past year. The management and direction of this road are largely the same as that of the Virginia and Truckee RR., in connection with which it is operated. Balance sheet not furnished. Virginia and Truckee RR. CO., 15 Broad street, General and Corporate Office, Carson City, Nev. Inc: Feb. 11, 1869, in Nevada. ; ee LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Reno to Virginia, Nev., 52.2 miles. Connection is made: at Reno with So. Pacific, and Nevada, California and Oregon RRs., and at Mound House, with Carson and Colorado RR. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile.. Ga PEAS TOC So twets esracts teveons $5,000,00096,154 | Total gross from operation..... $634,293 $12,198: itirCecdecletit sai. cea ie secs an eee None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded. debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 371,407) ene MLA DIMELCS Cio cates sesne see sspesees 96,665 1,859 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 262,886 5,056 Tent lia biLtieS.iie.sa ce Se tenses 536,104 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 5,096,665 98,013 debtias abovetiscissdicsssese. ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... 200,000 for stockholders, gain......... 262,886 5,056: Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after dividends Capital invested.csw J¢s-cese 5p.c. PEC ceoe cee tasters ect site sete vsnckecss 62,886 1,20 Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $3,930,802; equipment, $658,825 ; real estate, $205,378; other assets, $122,566; materials and fuel, $208,160; miscellaneous,. $170,934, total—$5,096,665. Liadilities, Capital stock, 45,000,000; current accounts, $96,665— total, $5,096,665. This road is operated in connection with Carson and Colorado, RR. under same management. Dividends, 4 p. c. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN RW. CO., General Office, 50 Broadway; Corporate Office, Catskill, N. Y. Inc. July 2, 1885, in N. Y., succeeding Catskill Mountain RR. Co. sold under foreclosure June 15, 1885. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Catskill to Palenville, N. Y., 15.73 miles; leased: Cairo RR., Cairo Junc. to Cairo, N. Y., 3.77 miles; total, 19.5 miles (narrow gauge), connect- ing at Catskill, with N. Y. C. and H. R. RR., and West Shore RR. Capitalization of road........J Une 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— : ae Mile. | Per Mile. apital Stocks nicessacten thee een $89,000 $5,500 | Total gross from operation..... $41,626 $2,126. Bunded debie.sni. penne 303,200 19,000 Total gross from PiLeeetuitces 2 "487 a 35 Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses.............. 26,206 1,344 liabilities .i.3: 2252 eee oe 20,007. | .1,800 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 15,907 815 rent liabilities & cohsaseiceeesteaets 10,133 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 421,207 26,300 Gebt ds abavetsiaucstirscach.o bia eee 362: oF Interest on all debt p.ann. _ 2,500 50 Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... None. | _ for stockholders, gain......... 8,834 453 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. capltalinvested.. sto csces oes ye * Includes rentals, $4,573. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Capital, $2,506; audited vouchers and pay-rolls, $1,962 ; total, $421,207. Cost of equipment, Sart. 073 * receivable, $4,021 ; total, $421,207. 277 — $89,000; funded debt, $303,200 ; current accounts, coupons unpaid, $1,042 ; profit and loss, $23,496; materials and fuel, $3, 284 : sundries, $124 ; bills current accounts and cash in hands of agents, $1. 879; cash on hand, $805 ; : Company is interested in and connects at Otis Junction with Otis Elevating RW. Cairo RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Catskill, N. Y. 1884, in N. Y. Inc. April Io, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cairo to Cairo Jc. (narrow gauge). Leased by Catskill Mountain RW. Co., at rental of $2,700 per annum; 3.77 miles. Capitalization Of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent labilities........:2 caetnatess $ 1,405 «Capital stock.. 19,900 Total invested capital.......... - 46,116 $11,529 asd debt.. a ; Lah ss eae ‘““ Interest onalldebt p.ann. — 1,500 375 Unfunded debt and current ‘““ Dividends per annum...... ip atlitleet ea ates sseseee ta: 1,216 304 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested........ ......... Not known. Capital authorized, $25,000; dividend, 6 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Capital, $19,900; funded debt, $25,000; accrued interest, $250; profit and loss, $966; total, $46,116. Cost of road and equipment, $44,711 ; other assets, $1,405; total, $46,116. Operations included in those of lessee. Otis Elevating RW. Co., 54 Harrison street. eatskill, N.Y. Ines 18386, in N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: (gauge, 3 ft.8 in.), Catskill Mountain Station to Otis Jc., N. Y., 1% miles, connecting with Catskill Mountain RW., which controls it. OBJECT :—This Company was incorporated to build an inclined cable railroad about 7,000 feet long, in connection with Catskill Mountain RW., from a point near Palen- ville to summit of mountain, (with an elevation of about 1 800 feet), near Catskill Mountain House. Finding the general railroad law did not provide for such corpora- tions, special legislation was secured and finally after several years, surveys were made Nov., 1891. In January, 1892, contracts were let to Chas. L. Bucki and Otis Bros. & Co., for construction of the work, to be completed by July 1, 1892, and in operation on the 15th of that month. STATEMENT July 1, 1892.—Capital stock authorized, $170,000; subscribed, $157,000; paid in, $141,000; per mile, $112,800; funded debt, an issue of 5 p. c. bonds is pro- posed, to date from Aug. 15, 1892; estimated cost of line completed, $250,000. General and Corporate Office, CENTRALIA AND CHESTER RR. CO, General and Corporate Office, Sparta, Ill. Inc. Dec. 18, 1887, in IIl.; In July, 1889, a consolidation was made with Centralia and St. Genevieve and the Centralia and Altamont RRs. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sparta to Nashville, Ill., 25 miles, and graded from Nashville to Centralia, 20 miles, additional. This road connects at Sparta with Mobile and Ohio, at Coulterville with St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute, and at Nashville with Louisville and Nashville. Projected, Chester to Altamont, IIl., with branch to point Opposite St. Genevieve, 140 miles; connection will be made at Chester, with Il. Central. Capitalization Of TOAA......6+ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Pema OUI GG saaascetso scene sss BR TERIISLOCK, ee ccucee vanses vasons $300,000 $12,000 Total invested capital .......... $600,000 $24,000 Funded dept... 300,000 12,000 Interest on all debt p. ann. 150,000 Bete died) debtiand. current ‘‘ Dividends per annum....... Not known. PRM ELES cae ticaa ss Slsntens cans Average ratio of return upon CApltalinvested ss vvc-sserresees Par of stock, $100. Capital authorized, $12,000 per mile. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CENTRAL MICHIGAN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Grand Rapids, Mich. Inc. June 3, 1888, in Mich.; succeeding, by purchase, to that portion of Lowell and Hastings RR. Co., as below. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lowell to Hastings 20 miles ; projected ; Rogers City, Mich. to Garrett, Ind., 335, and branches, Greenville to Alger, Mich., 100; Lowell to Grand Rapids, 18: total, 453 miles. 278 Capitalization of TOAG.. 1.6006 June 30, 1892:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rept: Mabilitves..5....t.<000.5.00,- § KPaYstaleetOCk Chere ere neon 0,000 $17,500 | Total invested capital............ $400,000 $20,000 Panden EDE cw eee tetas ore ; ato ‘Interest on all dept p. ann. 2,500 125 Matin dedrdebtand icucrent ‘ ‘« Dividends per annum....... Not known. ADEs tree tt ee ete ees Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $roo. capital invested......... Rises since Capital authorized, $3,000,000 : funded debt, authorized, $7,000,000 ; total invested. capital represents cost of road, etc. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CENTRAL ONTARIO RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Picton, Ont. Inc. Mar. 29, 1873, in Canada, as Prince Edward County RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Picton to Coe Hill, Ont., 104 miles, connecting with. Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk RWs. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Gapitalistock..cenaiarrincttezers $750,000 $7,200 | Total gross from operation..... $79,344 $763. PPUNGE Gebt waivers vesstetee dens xe 538,941 5,200 Totalgrossfromothersources 8,582 82 Unfunded debt and current DeclchallexPenses s.ssc.vis..3 91,580 880- liabilities .22c3.03.40.c<écessasce00. 1/223; 000 2,100 9 es Net toralvapplicable® to) fixed, Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 32663 35 Tent Ma bilities) cre. se.sjetwneesest | Deduct total interest on all Totak invested :capital..y.... .. 1,511,941 14,500 CLEDEAS ADOVO tee eccsesncccess once 32,330 310 ‘“‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 32,336 310.| Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss......... 35,999 345. Average ratio of return upon Par ofstock, $100. Capital NVeEStedi: cctv. teas * Loss, BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Capital, $750,000; Government aid, $126,500 ; Municipal aid, $92,500 ; floating debt, $3,000—total, $973,000. Cost of road and equipment, $1,511,961. Capital includes com., $450,000; and pref., $300,000. The outstanding debt is not. given absolutely by official sources, but is represented by figures given, obtained by deducting capital and floating debt from cost of road, etc. This line opens up the large iron mines of Hastings County, which are believed to. be equal in extent to the whole Iron District of Lake Superior. Its docks for the ship- ment of ore are at Weller’s Bay, on the north shore of Lake Ontario, and directly north, of the City of Rochester, N. Y. The vast deposits of iron ore are of Bessemer quality and are three hundred miles nearer the Pittsburgh and other Pennsylvania furnaces. than those of Lake Superior, and all rail shipments.can be made during the winter months, via the Suspension and International Bridge and Buffalo, to all points reached by roads radiating from Buffalo. More than fifty deposits of iron are known to exist on the territory owned by this Company. Mr. Stevenson Burke, president of this Company,. is also president of Toledo and Ohio Central, which possibly is interested in this road. CENTRAL RW. OF NEW BRUNSWICK, General Office, Hampton, N. B.; Corporate Office, Fredericton, N. B. Inc. 1887, in N. B. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Norton Station (Inter. RW.) to Chipman, N. B., 44.75; Hampton to Quaco, N. B., 30; total, 74.75 miles. Company is locating line from Fredericton to Grand Lake, about 4o miles. » Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | ILncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile Capitalistock: Sil... scawete . $900,000 12,000 | Total gross from operation..... $1 Punded debt. aks ee g00,000 12,000 | Totalgross from se sources 151539 aeaae Unfunded debt and current Deduct all EX: DPETISOCS i svceccccsrane 30 964 A413, Liabilities Secccrsstsccbes vos ale 436,917 5,800 | Net total applicable to fixed : Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... +1 coos rent lia bilities.c..cavtececearee 173,917 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ba cies he 2,236,917 29,800 debt as above Ceececcce coccccedecs 54,000 720 y Intereston all debt p.ann, 54,000. 700 | Net result on year’s business’ , Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 69,425 926 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested..........csceos . None. +* Loss. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Capital, $900,000 ; funded debt. $900,000; government bonus, $436,917; total capital, $2,236,917. Costof road, equipment, etc., $2,063,000. \ : ; 279 Unfunded debt consists of bonuses. The St. Martens and Upham RW. (Quaco or St. Martins to Hampton, 30 miles, on International RW.) was purchased and is now operated as southern division. Bonus authorized: by Dominion Government, $225,913; by New Brunswick, $277,665 ; total, $503,578. CENTRAL RR. OF NEW JERSEY SYSTEM embraces Constable's Hook; High Bridge; Lake Hopatcong; Longwood Valley ; Manufacturers’; Manufacturers’ Extension ; and South branches; ‘and following railroads : Allentown Terminal RW.; Cumberland and Maurice River Extension RR. ; Cumber- land and Maurice River RR.; Dover and Rockaway RR.; Freehold and Atlantic High- lands RR.; Hibernia Mine RR.; Lehigh and Hudson River RW.; Lehigh and Lacka- wanna RR.; Lehigh and Susquehanna RR.; Mauch Chunk, Summit Hill and Switch- back RR.; Nesquehoning Valley RR.; New Jersey Southern RR.; New York and Atlantic Highlands RR.; New York and Long Branch RR.; Ogden Mine RR. ; Orange County RR.; South Easton and Phillipsburg RR.; Tom’s River and Waretown RR. ; Tom’s River RR.; Trescow RR.; Vineland RR.; West End RR.; Wilkes-Barre and Scranton RR.; Wind Gapand Delaware RR. CENTRAL RR. CO. OF NEW JERSEY, General Office, Central Building, 119 Liberty st. Inc. 1849, by special act New Jersey Legislature - consolidating Feb, 22, 1849, with Elizabethtown and Somerville (inc. 1831), and Somerville and Easton (inc. 1847) RRs.; completed July 2, 1852; leased to Philadelphia and Reading RR. May, 1883; lease abrogated Jan. 1, 1887; lines restored after reorganization Jan. 1, 1882; leased Feb. 12, 1892, to the Port Reading RR. Co. for 999 years, from Jan, 1, 1892; lease annulled by State authorities. LENGTH OF ROAD owned, leased and controlled :— Miles Central RR-of New jersey Division: Jersey City to: Phillipsburg... .......0...0ssesceees 72.30 Newark and New York RR., Communipaw to Newark... ......ccscccesesseserseessecs 6:22 ein Ctler win Wea ay CLG CO) GTI LTOM VV OLS orcas scars Cocatesesissencect vichoencaasus 0.31 PU Mat ACUUTEL ONIN Lynd. Ssktctvccdce rats due testathosvandacinsetiose nashases Blatwacene ve tececsaraasestes 1.68 Bree Cite lg Mek US SLES Ip ater aiczn eran task owee feta cide rld tect *S.7 TStant Pe. scs cu cysten caraye pena aeisateeteen seeker tes ze 197,000 13,790 New Jersey Southern mtges 5 oe kee bet cos ceueee naan tit enelcauens 6 411,000 24,660 Bonds (secured by Cons. Mtge. ).......cee0sscecsees ipsones Seeces ceocienersr iss 7 1,167,000 81,690 Convertible Gebentures.s, src. civessusvecenetes- cuban anteater ed seve sts 5,202,009 FOalcIMPLOVEMeENtS cashesadsesacset shee 1,882,486 LESS ASSUMED. Panther Creek RR. and equip...... 460,606 Lansford shops and equip............ 89,034 ON: ner Bye Pe Opened work and cut coal in ee oa 1807 by L. Re Oe es ee oen8ee eeeeneeee enveeeees eee eeeees 583,751 Bad EBM Ce CHE 500,000 Mining EQUI .iiis seeks shee eeeees eeeees 336,483 Ge idant toa bye Le Landed property and improv...... FOF; 230 As W _B a rae : 6 ie Canal equipment ....... we seeeewess vneees 160,591 S Serabpceagaah es 4955 14,812,250" pape ee pee AC THINGS ci ccasiyese 1795798 Bills payable Raho Reeder oal on hand......... ane e selgeracieremie eters 175,85 BRU meN il con ; hy Pact te Securities owned by'company.... 3,90n473 | GqRRiOf NJ.com loan act. 107469 SES PANG SLOUNGSTENUSK atetesensees 18,764 f 4: NEA aa RR Re ae / . Bills receivable-.....sese.. Soret vedesns 30, 134 Pee ceeate due Jan. 1,,1891,, and 131,021 SLASH OUT MAMIGS chases sestaten seer ecnttents LOS A OLinipawstetntl Margtre tiv tates, coat et hs , Aaisindiyi duaicdser cee ee 9,931 Profit and FE ORR aE Spe 880, 487 DORA Uecncegecstuccbtven deh caves cesurdnete $30,907,532 PEERY te setcneda sees Pe esuancar $30,907,532” Lehigh and Hudson River RW. Co., 80 Broadway ; General and p Prats Office, Warwick, N. Y. Inc. Apr. 1, 1882, in N. y. In Jan., 1881, this Company was organized to build a road 11 miles in length, from Belvidere to a point near Danville, N. J.; by a trackage contract with Penna. RR., made in 1889, for 100 years, this Company uses the tracks of the former, between Phillipsburg and Belvidere, affording the Penna. RR. connection with the Poughkeepsie bridge. Since this contract has been effected, a bridge has been built across the Delaware river at Phillipsburg, connecting with the C. RR. of N. J., and the Lehigh Valley roads, at Easton, Pa. In Dec., 1885, a traffic contract was made with the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., under which this Company bound itself to ship a stipulated quantity of coal annually over the line of the Lehigh and Hudson River RR. Co. In Aug., 1888, the Central RR. of New Jersey purchased about one-third of the Company’s stock, which, with the holding of the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., controls the road. LENGTH OF ROAD owred: Belvidere, N. J., to Greycourt, N. Y., 63.2; trackage: Pa. RR., Belvidere to Phillipsburg, N. J., 13.3; operated: Orange County RR. 13.1; South Easton and Phillipsburg RR., Phillipsburg, N. J., to Easton, Pa., 0.7; total, go.3. miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. BaD ITA SEL cin cs aint ccs nsvwaleese $1, 340,000 17,400 Totai gross from operation... - $391,342 $5,082 UATE CLO Gre on pe actes cuptnescs cast 2,044,120 26,500 Total gross from other sour ces *5,195 67 Unfunded debt and current Pecuet all expcneesctccctss4 ss 206,266 2,678- PAD ies ercses theres cesses 441,775 5,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... LOO; 271.2 4g0 PON LAO LSS ysyea cass ak esesnencd 326,830 | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 3,825,895 49,600 | GEDOAS PyOVertastcersanscteeess. 128,179 1,665. ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. 128,179 1,424 | Net result on year’s business *“ Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, gain.......... 62,092 806: Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. PAD IU VES andssar clone este Not known. */Income from Orange County RR. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. PP ORrPeLOAC ocr, t ces eC Maabah-reunseete yeni PO GOS 722i CADILALESTOCK sre oy schoke acdiceatenetecesé $1, 340,000> PES GO GEUITIIMETIE coc .ccccccsctscigeeseseue BAT SUAS ie EeUTCLOGKLE tie trar dccigs'sastleetonne>'iscesssnts 2,044,120: Stock of other companies.............. 350,000 | Int. on fund. debt, due and accrued 48, 400- RERACOYE PIA oon cg ct ney came iies cca swoncedece 44,071 | Loans and bills payable............ ... 279, 500- BPD ETT CUCCMTTILS ivy oven aacceecel chests /ssaeeecs BZOsO FO PMO DEI BECOUILS 21 cees afte sh dnvusePoatcteses 1,249 Materials and supplies......... ...sese0 36,271 | Audited vouchers and pay-rolls..... 58,621 RAPER (ADO INS ce boyd cereal tue en's eavesivevens OP wil nell LUISE Oi ceec ci lacs te sendy dxsxe a us adenass 53,430- Stee POA LATICES) tycah4 covocacsedprcesesiets As; tOom + ProfitiandMoss! (Surplus)... rv .cisceses 575. SER mer SAT Cah giateve'e vienseceuieseecess $3,825,895 Ue eh Oi oe a ey Red Pee NYE Te $3,825,895. 284 Orange County RR. Co., 143 Liberty st., New York City ; General and Corporate office, Warwick, N. Y. Inc. Nov. 28, 1888 in New York. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hudson Junc. (Greycourt) to Maybrook, N. Y., 10.7. ‘Trackage: N. Y., O. and West. RR. Burnside to Campbell Hall, N. Y.,2.4. Total, 13.1 miles. Leh. and Hudson River purchased controlling interest Jan. 1, 1891, and operates for 25 p. c. of earnings. Capital stock, $200,000; per mile, $18,200. Unfunded debt and current liabilities, dincluding p. and 1., $5.459) $201,568; per mile, $18,300. Current assets available to offset current liabilities, $1,411. Total invested capital, $401,568; per mile, $30,900. South Easton and Phillipsburg RR. Co., General Office, 226 S. 3d st., Philadel- phia, Pa. ; Corporate Office, Easton, Pa. Inc. July 25, 1889 in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: South Easton, Pa., to boundary line between New Jer- ‘sey and Pennsylvania, 33 miles, operated by Lehigh and Hudson River RW. Co. Capital stock, $75,000; per mile, $2,500. Unfunded debt and current liabilities, $7,899; per mile, $2,600. Total invested capital, $82,899; per mile, $27,600. Lehigh and Susquehanna RR. Co., entirely owned by Lehigh C. and N. Co.,and has no separate organization, capital stock or debt. Leased to Central RR. Co., N. J., Mar. 31, 1871, for 999 years, for one-third gross receipts. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: from Phillipsburg to Union Junction, 105.33; branches, 55-40; leased and operated, 41.42; total, 202.15. Cost of road, etc., $14,641,308. Lehigh and Lackawanna RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 226 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. in Pa. Leased to Central RR. of N. J., and operated in con- nection with Lehigh and Susquehanna RR. under special agreement. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bethlehem to Wind Gap, Pa., 25 miles. June 30, 1891: ‘Capital, $370,500 (authorized, $1,000,000), per mile, $14,800; funded debt, $600,000, per mile, $24,000; total invested capital, $970,500, representing cost of road, per mile, $38,800; dividends, none paid. Par of stock, $100, Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Wind Gap and Delaware RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 228 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pen Argyl to Stroudsburg, Pa. (completed to Saylors- burg, 10 miles), 17 miles; branch, Pen Argyl to Bangor, 5 miles. Capital, $50,000 authorized, $300,000; subscribed $100,000). No funded debt. Par of stock, $50. Nesquehoning Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 226 S. 3d st., Phila- delphia, Pa. Inc. May 14, 1861,in Pa. Leased Nov. 4, 1868, for 999 years, to Lehigh CC. and N. Co. ; sub-leased to Central RR. Co. of N. J., and operated in connection with Lehigh and Susquehanna RR. In Sept., 1884, the lease was modified so as to pay 5 p. Cc. a year only, and the option to purchase the stock at par and interest was suspended for 20 years, with a guarantee of 5 p.c. per annum on stock. CAPITAL, $1,418,600, par $50. Dividends, 5 p.c. per ann., M. & S., at office. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From Nesquehoning Junction to Tamanend, 16.66 miles. ‘Cost of road, etc., $1,418,756. Tresckow RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 226 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. inc. May 26, 1870. Leased to Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., and included in the lease of the Lehigh and Susquehanna RR., made Mar. 31, 1871, to Central RR. Co. of N. J., for one-third of gross receipts. Capital, $130,000; par $50; and floating debt, $102,897.51 ; total, representing cost of road, etc., $232,897.51. No dividends paid. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Silverbrook to Audenried, 7.56 miles. Wilkes-Barre and Scranton RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 226 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Leased to Central RR. Co. of N. J., as a part of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co’s system, by that Company on May 1, 1888. Capital, ~500,000. No ‘dividends paid. Funded debt, $500,000. Annual Meeting, 2d Mon. in Jan. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: from Scranton to Minooka Junction, 4.85 miles. Mauch Chunk, Summit Hill and Switchback RR. Co., General and Corporate “Office, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Inc. in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mauch Chunk, Pa., to Summit Hill, Pa.,g miles. A gravity road, built in 1826 for transportation of coal, but used since 1870 exclusively as a pleasure road. Leased by Central RR. of N. J. to private parties. Operated only from May to Nov. of each year. Earnings, year ending Jan. 31, 1892, $23,762; expenses and taxes, $16,347; net earnings, $7,415. 4 4 a B g ‘ 4 f b ‘ 285 New Jersey Southern RR. Co., General Office 143 Liberty st., N. Y. city. Char- tered 1854 as Raritan and Delaware Bay RR. Co., and name changed to present title 1870. Consolidated with Long Branch and Sea Shore, 1870. Foreclosed and purchased, by Central RRi.Co. of NJ. CAPITAL, $1,590,600 preferred ; $100,000 common ; both owned by C. RR. Co. of N. J. FUNDED DEBT—$1,590,600. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: from Long Branch to Atsion, N. J., 59.22; Port Mon- mouth Branch, Port Monmouth Shore to Eatontown, 9.08; Atco Branch, Atsion to Atco, g.25 ; Long Branch and Sea Shore Branch, Sandy Hook to Long Branch, 10.56; total,. 88.11 miles. Assessed valuation in 1891: main stem, etc., $1,698,000; other real estate, $103,283 ; personal property, $293,940; total, $2,095,223. Cost of road and equipment at toreclosure value, $752,000. Cumberland and Maurice River RR. Co., General Office, 120 Broadway, N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From Bridgeton Junction to Long Beach (including mileage of Cumberland and Maurice River Extension RR.), N. J., 22,43. Capital, $250,000. Funded debt, $5,000. Cost of road and equipment to Dec. 31, 1888, $267,828. Cumberland and Maurice River Extension RR. Co., General Office, 120 Broad- way, N. Y. Operated by Cumberland and Maurice River RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From New Jersey Southern RR. Co., near Bridgeton, to Cumberland and Maurice River RR. Co., 1.23 miles. Cost of road and equipment, $14,988.90. New York and Atlantic Highlands RR. Co., General Office, 143 Liberty st., N. Y.; leased to New Jersey Southern RR. Co. at an annual rental of $1,200. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Hopping Station to Atlantic Highlands, N. J.; total, 2.8 miles. Capital, $20,000. Funded debt, $20,000. Cost of road, etc., $46,091. Tom's River and Waretown RR. Co. Leased in interest of N. J. Southern RR. Co. for 15 p. c. of gross receipts. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tom’s River to Barnegat, N. J., 14.71 miles. Cost of road and equipment, purchased at foreclosure sale, $25,000 ; indebtedness assumed, $30,000 ; extension to Barnegat, $20,000 ; total, $75,000. Tom’s River RR. Co. Foreclosed and purchased in interest of New Jersey Southern RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Manchester to Tom’s River, N. J., 7.57 miles. Cost of road and equipment at foreclosure, $15,000 ; since added, $1,335 ; total, $16,335. Capital, $7 5,000. ‘ Vineland RR. Co. Foreclosed and purchased in interest of N. J. Southern Rt CO, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Atsion to Bay Side, N. J., 46.82 miles. Costof road and equipment at foreclosure sale, $10,000; since added, $79,379; total, $89,379. Capital, $600,000. West End RR. Co. Operated as a branch of the N. J. Southern RR. Co., under lease. Stock, $43.700. In 1889, rental $4,370. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Long Branch, N. J., to West End, 1.55. Cost of road and equipment, $43,855. : New York and Long Branch RR. Co. Consolidated from several lines in 1881. Entire capital owned by Central RR. Co. of N. J. CAPITAL, $2,000,000. Dividends 7 p. c. per ann., A. & O. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Perth Amboy to Bay Head, N. J., 38.04 miles. Ogden Mine RR. Co., General Office, 238 S. 3d st., Phila., Pa. Chartered, 1864; leased to Central RR. Co. of N. J., for 999 years from Jan. 1, 1882, for 5 p. c. on stock, $22,500; and maintaining organization, $500. CAPITAL, $450,000; par, $100: full paid. Dividends, 5 p.c. per annum, J. and J., at 237 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. No funded debt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Nolan’s Point (Lake Hopatcong) to Sparta (or Ogden Mine), N. J., 9.86 miles. Cost of road and equipment, $452,994. CENTRAL UNION DEPOT AND RW. CO. OF CINCINNATI, General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. in O. Plant, depot and terminal facilities located at Cincinnati, O., owned jointly by various roads centering in that city. Capital and funded debt not furnished. 286 CENTRAL VERMONT SYSTEM, ‘“Green Mountain Route,” comprises the Addison, Adirondack and St. Lawrence; Burlington and Lamoille Valley ; Missisquoi Valley ; Montreal and Vermont Junction; Mohawk and Malone; Montreal, Portland and Boston; New Londonand Northern ; Brattleboro’ and Whitehall; Ogdens- burg and Lake Champlain ; Saratoga and St. Lawrence; Rutland, and the Stanstead, ‘Shefford and Chambly RRs. CENTRAL VERMONT RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Albans, Vt. Inc. Apr., 1873, in Vt.; consolidated Dec. g, 1891, pursuant to act of Legislature, with Vermont and Canada—consolidation of Vermont and Montpelier and White River RR. Cos. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Windsor, Vt., to Rouse’s Point, N. Y., 158; branches, 35—193; leased: Addison RR., 15; Brattleboro’ and Whitehall RR., 36; Burlington and Lamoille Valley RR., 34; Missisquoi Valley RR., 28; Montreal and Vermont Junc. RW., 73; New London and Northern RR., 121; Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain RR., 118; Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly RR., 43; Rutland RR., 120—538; total, 731 miles. The New London and Northern RR. was again leased in 1891 (when old lease expired) for 99 years. Operations of this road for 100 miles (Millars’ Falls to New Lon- don) are reported separately. The mileage does not include Montreal, Portland and Boston RR., which is operated. Terms are not known, but it is presumably operated separately. The following stocks, bonds, etc., were owned by this Company on June 30, 1891: Canada and Atlantic RR: bonds, par, $18,000; Ogdensburg Transit Co.’s bonds, par, $170,000; Consolidated RR. of Vt. bonds, par, $161,700; town of Williamstown bonds, par, $30,000; Saratoga and St. Lawrence RR. bonds, par, $30,000; stock, Ogdensburg Transit Co., $425,000; bonds,. Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly RR., $445,336.67 ; Montpelier and White River RR. stock, $68,900 ; cost of same, $238,000; stock, Ogdens- burg and Lake Champlain RR. Co., $1,612,500; steamer ‘‘ Doris,’ $32,918.93, Pier 36, N. Y. City, $40,000; Providence Island, $4,000; Grand Isle Steamboat Co. stock, $10,000. The Vermont Legislature, by special act at a late session, ratified and confirmed consolidation. The Ogdensburg Transit Co’s steamers furnish large tonnage at ‘Ogdensburg. Capitalization of road June 30, t892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30; 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock....,........... $1,050,000 $1,400 | Total gross from operation.. $5,450,583 7,546 Punded Gdebtz2,<.s-tecther 7,000,000 9,600 | Total gr. from other sources.. Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct allexpenses i008)... *3.906;277.6 5,444 rent liabilities....7i25.be. Not furnished. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends..... 1,544,306 2,112 current liabilities ........ Not furnished. Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested capital..... 8,050,000 I1,000 AGCDE.AS ADOVEdierestcesecuso-s TI 320014, pieole ‘“ Interest on all dept Net result on year’s business Py ANT aasexenesencess 447,520 612 for stockholders, gain...... $215,492 204 ‘“ Dividends per ann.....Not known. Par of stock, $100. Average ratio of return upon capital invested...Not known. * Includes taxes, $120,590. + Includes rentals, $881,294. { This sum was reduced by refund to Ogdensburg “Transit Co, of $80,551, net earnings ; improvements, $111,750; aggregating $192,301 ; making surplus, $23,101. Capital, common, $300,000; 6 p. c. preferred, $750,000. Balance sheet not furnished. ADIRONDACK AND ST. LAWRENCE RR. CO., “ International Fast Line,”’ 51 East 44th st., General and Corporate Office, Herkimer, N. Y. Inc. Dec. 11, 18g90-in New York. This Company was incorporated for the purpose of building a railroad from Herkimer, N. Y., (where connection is made with N. Y. Central and Hudson River RR.,) to Valleyfield, Quebec, about 220 miles. The Canadian line (completed 1891), from ‘‘ boundary ”’ to Valleyfield, was built under the charter of the St. Lawrence and Adirondack RW. Co. The Herkimer, Newport and Poland RR. Co. (formerly operated in connection with the N. Y. Central and Hudson River RR. Co.), extending from Her- kimer to Poland (16.4 miles), was purchased, gauge made standard and forms part of the line. The road from Poland to Malone (156.7 miles) was constructed under the name of the Mohawk and Malone RR. Co., and, from Malone to boundary line, where connection is made with the St. Lawrence and Adirondack RW., was built and com- pleted 1891, under that Company’s charter. It connects at Malone with Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain (RR.) Division of Central Vt. 287 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Herkimer (on N. Y. C. and H. R. RR.) to Malone (on Central Vermont) 173.1 miles. Connection is also made with Northern Adirondack RR. at Tupper Lake Junc.; with Chateaugay RR. at Loon Lake; with Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. at Remsen and Central Vermont’s St. Lawrence and Adirondack {RW.) Division. Traffic contracts, covering term of years, are said to have been made with Canadian Pacific, Grand Trunk, and Canada and Atlantic RWs., of Canada, and with Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain and Central Vermonts RRs. The road was completed throughout October, 1892, and, it is understood, will be leased to Central Vermont, thus affording that road a through line to the Adirondack summer resorts, and, by connecting line of about Ioo miles, to Montreal. The N. Y. Central and Hudson River RR. is believed to be interested. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Mohawk and Malone RW. Co. This road, extending from Poland (con- necting with the merged Herkimer, Newport and Poland RR) to Malone, 156.7 miles, forms part of the Adirondack and St. Lawrence system. This latter road (succeeding to Herkimer, Newport and Poland RR.), and the Mohawk and Malone RW. Co. are operated under the above name, known as the ‘‘ Adirondack and St. Lawrence Line;”’ road from Malone is known as the St. Lawrence and Adirondack Division of the Central Vermont RR. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Burlington and Lamoille Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Mont- pelier, Vt. Inc. in Vt., succeeding to Burlington and Lamoille RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Burlington to Cambridge Junc., Vt., 34 miles. - Capital, $400,000; funded debt, none; dividends, 2% p. c. (M. & N.); total, $20,000; par of stock, $100. The Central Vermont RR. leased this road during fiscal year, 1888-89, for 99 years, at an annual rental of $20,200. Balance sheet not furnished. Missisquoi Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, St. Albans, Vt. Inc. Dec., 1886, in Vt., as successor to Missisquoi RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Albans to Richford, Vt., 28 miles. Capital stock, $500,000, per mile, $17,000 ; funded debt, none; dividends, each 2 p.c. (J. & J. 1); total, $20,000; par of stock, $100. Central Vermont leased this road July 1, 1888, at an annual rental of $20,000 (4 p. c. on stock). Balance sheet not furnished. Montreal and Vermont Junc. RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, St. John’s, Quebec. Inc. in Canada. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Vermont State lineto Junc. with Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly RW., near St. John’s, Que., 23 miles. Leased to and operated by Central Vermont RR. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Montreal, Portland and Boston RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Mon- dreal, P.O. ‘Inc. in Canada. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Lambert to West Farnham, Que., 32; branches, 13; total, 45 miles. Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Fent JIADHIWIES W525 cavity) . scsc.st.tess easncene 248,420 | Funded debt outstanding...... ......0 1,499, 500- BOUGS GWHE caiks.ssushede scnuvetarnounaasen EGO, 000" W; BIS Pay AblOsceseh cies tajessccere’ vicencees 100,000 Steam boat Property: dscsies cossenseussens 3 U7 O Mais UENO UCACLOUNLSscrrm caer s sibpehas lek esries 4,583 GUTrent. ACCOUNES,..cr. sreacniadseeasnecatees OOSOAS Week LOT AISC MOSS os seb saacstec: daaconds es as'cen's as 520, 316 CASHTON MAING ic0 disesns tn acte@uamusswecscee 67,666 | Other assets’. ..°:... fog swvesou eu eSeeyeseusyy st 315703") Saas | ee Ws OLA W.., vetcconsioensshteudiuarsensereresses 3,024 OOM MOLD Rees reesn diecadtyPeectvoshaie) tans’ kes $3,624,400 Capital authorized, $2,000,000; dividends, 13¢ (J. Q.). Lease to trustees of Central Vt. RR. Co. expired Dec. 1, 1891, and new one made for 99 years from Jan. I, 1892, to Consol. RR. Co. of Vt., and assigned to Central Vt. RR., which pays rental of $210,000: per annum, in monthly instalments, besides paying for taxes, improvements and renewals. Lease did not provide for additional capital. Dividends of 8 p. c. (qrly.) have been paid under lease since Apr. 2, 1892, at which rate they continue. Lease was sanctioned by act of Massachusetts Legislature, which granted the right of trackage over Vermont Valley and Sullivan County (RR.) Div. of Conn. River RR., a provision much desired by the Company. Brattleboro’ and Whitehall RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Brattleboro’, Vt. Inc. 1886, in Vt., reorganization of West River RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Brattleboro’ to South Londonderry, Vt., 36 miles, Capital stock, $205,000, per mile, $5,706; funded debt, $150,000, per mile, $4,100; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $5,000; total invested capital, $355,000, per mile, $9,800; total interest on all debt per annum, $9,000, per mile, $250; dividends, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. New London and Northern RR. Co., leased this road Feb., 1880, for 99 years. The Central Vermont has operated it since Jan. 1. 1883. Annual rental, $12,000. OGDENSBURG AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN RR. CO., General Office, St. Albans, Vt.; Corporate Office, Ogdensburg, N.Y. Inc. Aug. 1, 1865, in N. Y., succeed- ing to Ogdensburg RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ogdensburg to Rouse’s Point, N. Y., 118; leased: Saratoga and St. Lawrence RR., 8.5 ; total operated, 126.5 miles. Capitalization Of TOA ....-006 June 30, 1892 :— income for fiscal year ending June 30,1892 :— Per Mile Per Mile. GapitaliStOek Sivcscrsehchesssnans $3,077,500 $24,200 Total gross from operation..... $858,416 6,971 Funded debt... .c...csorestnttes: = AyOd Oy 750 wo, 200 Total gross from other sources 3,917 3a Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 596,732 4,804 {abilities ti l.wresewscsactnaee 622,065 4,900 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 265,601 2,108 rent abilities cic, csessnee 981,276 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 8,549,315 67,300 CPOMEIAS DOVEtet sec vec soeconce *233,543 1,854 ‘« Int. on all debt p. ann... 230,043 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum... None paid. for stockholders, gain......... 32,058 254 Average ratio of return Par of stock $100. upon capital invested...... 3 p.c. ; * Includes rentals, $3,500. BALANCE SHEET; /une.30; 1592-— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment............ 7 SOOK030 al CADILANGUOCIE (ceciess ganeecsna,sa (absense vases 73,077,500 Bonds of other COMpPanie€s...... ...seeeee ABO OOO UNCC EDU cettinedversencauaecetsebesecene 4,849.750 Improvement ACCOUNT... .ccsctenenneosss 18,989 | Int. on funded debt due and accd.... 57,007 Real 6stateds sss scsenelecetaneneiecneasneerece 14,550 |. Loans and bills payable......... satinaces G5, 000 Materials and supplies....... -sesssseees LOFOO We Pen MAOCOUN Es reng se sai ieavediccdicdcvna sexes’ 384,214 Open ACCOUN EAL. certs mecrseeee Pemabearheonced 444,668 | Audited vouchers and pay rolls ...... 85,844. DUC Dy AQENLS...vcscecceseceenans cnsvns cesses 112,301 TOtah. cascsseocunepneessiesnevaetspetarseec $8,549,315 otal, ...s) pas Wetnanagabecupsns se pene seaane $8,549,315 SE ae eae et ee ee 289 This road was leased June 1, 1886, in perpetuity, by Central Vermont RR., which acquired controlling interest, ($1,912,500) in 1884, and guarantees interest on bonds. An elevator has been built at Norwood in conjunction with N. Y.C. and H. R. RR. Co., for storage of grain for reshipment to New England; land purchased and side tracks laid to accommodate that traffic. The policy pursued by the directors is to apply sub- stantially all net earnings for improvements and betterments of property. Saratoga and St. Lawrence RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Bombay, ie inc, Aug, 17,1905, in N; Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bombay to Moira, N. Y., 8.5 miles. Capitalization of road, June 30, 1892: Capital stock, $80,000; per mile, $8,800; funded debt, $100,000; per mile, $11,100; total invested capital, $180,000; per mile, $20,000 ; total interest on all debt per annum, $5,000; per mile, $550; dividends paid, none. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. RUTLAND RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Rutland, Vt. Inc. July, 1867, in Vt. Reorganization of Rutland and Burlington RR. Co. : LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bellows Falls to Rutland, Vt., 120 miles. The Central Vermont RR. Co. leased this road Dec. 31, 1870, for 20 years, and extended lease, Dec. 31, 1890, for 99 years, at $345,000 per annum. In the lease it is provided that the lessor shall, within the next three years, expend $500,000 for new equipment and other permanent improvements, when rental will be increased $25,000, making $370,000 per annum, payable in monthly instalments in gold. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | TA aera Pee ae sence tases $704,308 : otalmnvested Capilale.ce.sce ,703, 1,400 ee aa Gee te ou | % Interest on all debt p. ann. 4 Sepa aed Untunded Rehteands titrant Dividends per annum...... 84,636 PrDRlitied \s..ctuteeststieecntce. 46,587 400 ‘Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. PeeCa Dita le INVeSted cor cheravecctecs Not known. Capital stock includes common, $2,480,600, and preferred, $4,239,100. Dividends, 2p.c.(J.&D.1). The4p.c. dividends on preferred stock may be increased when existing mtges. are funded. There has been expended on the property for rolling stock, equipment and perma- nent improvements, during the past fiscal year, up to July 1, 1892, $337,593, and the rental thereby increased to $350,294. The proceeds of $500,000 consol. mtge. 4% p. c. bonds sold, were applied to payment of floating indebtedness of the Company as it has matured, and cash in treasury is sufficient to pay floating debt and furnish the additional improvements as provided in the lease. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Construction and equipment, $9805,,516 ; stocks, bonds, etc., $309, 344; real estate, $129,229 ; rent of railroad due and unpaid, $130,413 ; cash, $23,895 ; total, $9,768,387. Liabilities, Capital stock, $6,719,700 ; funded debt, $3,000,000 ; equipment bonds, $2,100 ; unclaimed dividends, $2,141 ; ‘unpaid coupons, $7,767 ; profit and loss, $36,679 ; total, $9,768,387. CasH TRANSACTIONS for the year ending June 30, 1892 :— RECEIPTS. | DISBURSEMENTS, Cash on hand July 1, 1891 :— Notes payable: (paid )ic.cccsscssusesrertes $496,600 Clement Nat. Bank.......00ssscssseeees G20 212 PLPMCLES Lc ratees sencesnocncrdensesesyessiesss sest 15,089 iope Nats Bank 2. .iias.dde.cuseeseacss 1,682 | Taxes and commissions.........secccess 15,077 BT Oi TATIT OAC: © ecdebeicesercess scetarace B80, 204i) PAOCIsO me Ris Femtalaic. sss vee seacecass 15,000 Reixeet ered) \CStAtEs.c.5. ver seccecacccecase ATE MID LIFVEELED AS rate tatey tts eae easss savnne conse 169,479 Cash borrowed temporarily..........+. 691,000 7 ) COUPONS 5: Ps Gi DONS s..0..+5sses rear. 75,537 Income from stocks and bond........ 03.280. COUPONS oO... C. DOMAS is. ccscren tices 89,253 Consol. mtge. 4% p. c. bonds......... BOO(O00 AEE XP CNSES iis, as. cuaans ecan'eranvense vacescecase 15,999 Int. on money advanced Cent. Vt. LOCKE S ACI DOMOS iasest. chides ses nee 35,817 RR. Co., according to terms of FOCUS GOD cers tetet ere aaess loaet aah tateto ts 3375593 Pr erteea et rgaas tacueioaae ng ne cada ss pene: 1,963 | Cashon hand :— | Interest accrued on $500,000 consol. ShAlGe PEUSE CO: rads diasvedsscessxerness: |) LOO,0GO mtge. 414 p. c. bonds sold........00 95375. | ClemeneyINal, Saks. ;\ecssisevncbesses 223,330 CO DEMIN TH OTK mansesecsncpcicnkadtste 2,155 tHe Sem Racachyeciuhy facn'cues ceaneicesass $1,590,931 | EL OPAI kote en cthivisan ve adenceunaess tet $1,590,931 Addison RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Rutland, Vt. Inc. 1870, in Vt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Leicester Junc., Vt., to Ticonderoga, N. Y., 15 miles, Capital stock, $500,000, per mile, $33,300; Dividends each, 1% p.c., total, $15,000; Par of stock, $100. 19 290 Leased Dec. I, 1871 (date of completion), to Rutland RR. at 7 p. c. on cost of road. By contract with Rutland, capital stock was fixed as above. Lessee transferred lease to Central Vt. RR. Co. when latter leased Rutland. Operations included in those of lessee. Balance sheet not furnished. Stanstead, Shefford and Chambly RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Waterloo, Que. Inc. 1853, in Can. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Johns to Waterloo, Que., 43 miles, connecting with Southeastern RW. Co., and Chapleau and St. Lawrence Junction RW. Co,, of Canada. Funded debt, $800,000; per mile, $18,600. Par of stock, $100. Leased to Central Ver- mont (which owns $475,337 of this Company’s bonds and evidently controls stock or owns it entirely), at an annual rental of interest on bonds, rate not given. CHAMBERSBURG AND GETTYSBURG RR. CO., General Office, 93 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, Penn Mutual Building, Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. Sept. 39, 1890, in Pa. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Conococheague Junction to Wolf Hill, Pa., 10.5 miles, connecting at former place with Cumberland Valley and Mont Alto RRs. Capital, $200,000; per mile, $20,000. Par of stock, $50. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CHAMPERICO AND NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO., of Guatemala, ‘‘Ferro-Carril Occidentale,”’ General and Corporate Office, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. June, 1882, in Cal. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Champerico (State of Guatemala, Central America) to San Felipe, 44 miles. Survey is completed to Quezaltenango, a further distance of 42 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CHARLESTON, CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO RR. CO. in Tenn, General Office, Bullitt Building, Philadelphia, Pa ; Corporate Office, Johnson City, Tenn. Inc. in Tenn. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Unaka Springs to Johnson City, Tenn., 16 miles, where connection is made with East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia; and East Tennessee and Western North Carolina RRs. This road was purchased in May, 1892, by reorganization committee for $200,000, and represents the completed portion in Tennessee (sold to satisfy contractor’s liens) of the Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago RR. Co., the other portion of which is now leased to South Carolina RR. CHARLESTON, SUMTER AND NORTHERN RR. CO., New York Office, 52 Wall st.; General and Corporate Office, Sumter, S.C. Inc. Jan. 3, 1885, in S. C., as Eutawville RR. Co,, and changed to present title Jan. 6, 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pregnals to Bennettsville, S. C. (connecting with Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley) with branches (18 miles), Vances to Harlin City, S. C., and Eutawville to Furgson, S. C.; total, 138.8 miles. ; Capitalization of road....... Nov. 1, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- 9 ete Per Mile. rent liabilities ......--. scescesees Capitalistock sci ntetesesenameae $1,328,090 9,600 | Total invested capital........... 3,420,000 24,500 Findéd debtic.t Saescwuee cee 2,082,000 14,900 a Interest on all debt p.ann.. 124,920 goo Unfanded debirandecucrcnt | Dividends DORMANT G2: cccoae ss a None paid. Habilities Gersoiacee Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.................. Not known. ( Capital authorized, $12,000 per mile. Income for year ending Nov. 1, 1891, gives gross earnings, $133,079, per mile, $958 ; expenses, $127,164, per mile, $915; net earn- ings, $5,915, per mile, $43. Placed in Receivership Jan., 1892, and now in process of reorganization. Receivers certificates for $200,000 were used principally for construction of extension (18 miles) to Gibson (on Seaboard Air Line), completed Sept., 1892. CHATEAUGAY RR. CO. New York Office, 21 Cortlandt st. General and Corporate Office, Plattsburgh, N. Y. Inc. May 30, 1879, in N. Y. 291 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Dannemora to Lyon Mountain, N. Y., 18.01; leased: Chateaugay RW., Lyon Mountain to Saranac Lake, N. Y., 38.89; Plattsburgh and Dannemora RR., Plattsburgh to Dannemora, N. Y., 15.92—54.81; total, 72.82 miles; connection is made at Plattsburgh with Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. General and Corporate Office, Chattanooga, Tenn. ‘General and Corporate Office, Chattanooga, Tenn. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | “#come for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. SBa ita | StOCK nie eesenvsssnsesveeaes $75,000. 1,000 “|. Totaligross from opération..... $216,834 2,970 PPMMOEE CODE co -c.s ceogsscschcccs: None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deductallexpenses i, .i..082.¢ *138,653 1,899 ie UL MIES esos sor ee reach ses t es 548,555 8,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 78,181 1,071 Pert a ON lleS as vetee tanec traces: E77 072 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 623,555 9,000 QED AS ADOVE.scsrcdcescsisessckes $12,001 164 ** Interest on all debt p. ann. Net result on year’s business ‘““ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain........ . 66,180 907 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capita invested: .c.. ss srs 55)333)714 55,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct ail expenses....-./,.2.4; 16,731,732 6,245 (SDE ACS a ie ay ee ene *3.911,760 4,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends aes 2,272,868 2,108 rent liabilities...............+. 2,671,105 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.........121,639,974 121,000 | __ debt as above... seen {1,881,548 1,745 “ TInt. on all debt p.ann... 1,862,467. 1,862 Net result on year’s business | “‘ Dividends per annum.... None paid. | _ for stockholders, gain......... 391,320 363 Average ratio of return . Par of stock $100. upon capital invested...... 2p. Cx : * Including indebtedness temporarily incurred fo rconstruction, etc., and for which provision had been made. + Includes taxes. { Includes rentals (net), $10,916 and loss on Chesapeake and Ohio Grain Elevator operations (including fixed charges), $8,165. Included in unfunded debt is a credit of $193,125 to profit and loss, and $405,494. of securities owned is comprised in current assets. On June 30, 1892, the Company had no floating debt. 294 ‘Capital stock is divided into 1st preferred, $470.900; 2nd preferred, $515,000 ; commen, $60,015,200, with a par value of $100 per share each. ,Preferred stocks are 5 p. c., non-cumulative and are convertible as stated herein. All converted shares are deposited in trust and held alive to preclude any possible advantage to any shares not converting. A new Io0-year 4% p. c. mtge. was created Feb. 23, 1892, for $70,000,000, in which provision was made for retirement of preferred stock in the following ratio: Ist preferred receives two-thirds of its face value in new bonds and one third in common stock; 2d preferred, one-third of its face value in new bonds and two-thirds in common stock. The bonds created for this purpose bear interest from July 1, 1892. Practically all the preferred stocks have been exchanged. The Company secured the entire debt (represented by debenture certificates) and all of the stock of the Ohio and Big Sandy, except 210 shares ; all the stock and bonds of Kentucky and South Atlantic, and substantially all of the stock of the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy, also $275,000 Ist mtge. bonds, $550,000 2d mtge. bonds, and $489,000 debenture bonds of that company. All the securities so acquired were deposited with the Central Trust Co., of New York, Trustee of the C. and O. 4% p.c. mtge., which thereby became a first lien thereon; and as there was then outstanding $3,007,000 Ist mtge. bonds (then 6 p.c., now reduced to 5 p. c. per ann., except as to about $8,000 bonds), on the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy, a like amount of C. and O. 4% p.c. was specifically set aside for their retirement. That company had also leased engines and cars, of which the ownership has now been acquired and have been made subject to the C. and O. 4% p.c. mtge. as a first lien thereon. These acquisitions subject this Company to a liability of 5 Dp. c. upon $3,007,000 of bonds; 4% p. c. upon $2,321,000 of bonds, and an issue of about $2,000,000 of common stock. The lines thus acquired insure a through line, (reaching in the east from Washington and Fortress Monroe to Lexington, Ky., and Cincinnati, O., with connections to the west and south- west) part of which was formerly leased or otherwise operated, besides valuable terminal and other rights. The fixed charges on the entire system, including all bonds issued and to be issued for preferred stocks (when all said shares are exchanged), and on all bonds authorized for construction are :— $2,287,000 Purchase money 6s, 1898 $137,220 320,000 Equipment 6s.............+5 $19,200 2,000,000 Bonds of 1908, 6S. ........+6 120,000 AAG OGO HATER Cate. TP 58 so. scsine ves 13,450 2,000,000 Bonds of I91I, 6S..........+. 120,000 96,200 Manchester bds. 8s & 5s 6,616 142,000 Bonds of 1922, 6s............ 8,520 3,007,000 EK., L. & B. S, guar. 5s... 150 3000 23,252,000 First consol. 5S..........c0068 1,162,600 | 18,988,000 Gen. mtge. 4% S...... 00006. 854,460 1,000,000 R, & A. div. ISt 4S......... 40,000 | Buckingham and Greenbrier, and 5,000,000 R. & A..div. Ist 2S......... 100,000 new river extensions, etc. ..... 15,000 1,000,000 R. & A. div. 2d 4s......... £OyOOO de AR EMUAIS (MEL) satrap heinse srpetsece teas 30,000 650,000 Craig Valley Branch 55s... 32,500 400,000 Warm Spgs. Vy. bds. 5s. 20,000 —- 170,000 New Riv. Bridge 6s........ 10,200 BP GUAT ee estes Pagans cyst cc sececstagene'e $2,880,066 In addition to the above the Chesapeake and Ohio is liable as guarantor for interest on bonds of the Chesapeake and Ohio Grain Elevator Co. (amounting to $33,400 per annum), which is operated separately, and during the past year the guarantee of its bonds has entailed only a smal! loss on the railway. BALANCE SHEET (embracing outstanding liabilities on entire system), June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment inc. Capital stock :— bchs. and ownership in Mayville [ook De Ie ORC g.n6 Syst a's oc say $12,000,000 and Big Sandy Cov. and Cin. Less dep. in trust..... 11,147,900 Bdge. Co., Eliz., Lex.and B.S., | $1,852,100 Ohio and B. S. Ky. and So. At- PARR DI Cbins kere Hecneetcs $12,000,000 lantic RR AC's ...satsposgecenencer $118,920,021 Less dep. in trust...... 9,865,000 Cost of sundry securities in treas. 405,494 — 2,135,000 Sundry cons..acttss, 22a; tae HOA Ue rea OMIIMOD Hesin anatase ns scot eanines cntsh 58,407,400 Special cash dep. to pay cons. Le MATUCA COG ots When vamscccscrd sane fite cohen 55,407,400 VOUCKENS 5.4.2. isiee. paetimenateurctes 194,158 | Bills payable (temporarily in- Special cash dep. to pay segs 219,529 Gurred) Tor CONSE: ler... it sencs 2,014,363 Materials and supplies on hand.. 338,797 | Const. vouchers unpaid erate, MRE, 139,561 Cash in hands of (reas. tewce-a:0 231,672 | Unpaid coups., including coups. Due from agts., condrs. and cur- due July 1, 1892 Balen agua. isa nite 216,709 rent ackip asd eon ene eeee 848,692 | Accrued int. ‘on funded debt....... 306, 376 Due from coal agencies............... 429,314 | Audited vouchers, pay rolls, etc.. 1,041,626 Kin and Freestone RR. Co......... 5,446.0 2 Prot and 1OBS fay. ited, cove siten es votes 193,125 "LOtah 2c. fates oe hee ator $121,639,974 PL Oba Liaisons als caadaa teem prestee tates $121,639,974 295 Chesapeake and Ohio Grain Elevator Co, General Office, Cincinnati, O.; Cor- porate Office, Newport News, Va. Inc. July 12, 1882, in Va, PRopERTY.—Elevator and land at Newport News, Va. Capital, $500,000; funded debt, $1,280, 500; total invested capital, $1,789,500; total interest per annum (exclusive of interest on incomes, payable when earned, $18,020), $33,400; par of stock, $100. The Chesapeake and Ohio RW. Co., which owns $480,000 of this Co’s stock, operates it at cost, guaranteeing interest and principal of funded debt, excepting incomes, Covington and Cincinnati Elevated RR. and Transfer Bridge Co., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. Feb. 2, 1886, in Ohio; being consolidation of a Kentucky corporation of same name and the Ohio and Kentucky ‘Bridge (0. Of Cine, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Covington, Ky., to Cincinnati, O., 2.96 miles, ‘which in- cludes bridge over the Ohio River and large termini in Cincinnati ‘and Covington. Capital, $1,500,000, per mile, $500,000; funded debt, $3,500,000, per mile, $1,167,000; total invested capital, $5,000,000, per. mile, $1,667,000 : total interest on all debt per annum, $175,000, per mile, $58,500; par of stock, $100. The stock and bonds of this Co. are owned by Ches. and Ohio RW. Co., which operates it and includes results in its own operations. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy RR. Co., 23 Broad st.; General and Corporate Office, Lexington, Ky. Inc. Jan. 29, 1869, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Huntington, W. Va., to Lexington, Ky., 109.51 miles; leased: Ashland RR., Ashland to Straits Creek Jeni2t)22 5,189 Total invested capital........ .. 4,603,III 29,500 ‘“* Intereston all debt p.ann. 145,460 932 “* Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capital in Vested. scciscsep reas * Includes taxes, $14,654. + Includes rentals, $8,400. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $359,954 Total gross from other sources 8,841 37 Deduct all expenses...0...:.8.0. *204,239 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... Deduct total interest on all GEDUAS ADOVE ierdresadseresceetes Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... Par of stock, $100. 164,556 T153,860 986 10,696 70 This Company is controlled by Evansville and Terre Haute RR. Co., which owns entire capital stock, and $547,000 of other securities and guarantees consolidated bonds. Balance sheet, page 305. Evansville and Richmond RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Evansville, Inds) Incsin' ind: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Elnora to Westport, Ind., 102; coal spurs, 10; total, 112 miles; projected: Seymour to Richmond, Ind., 65 miles es ae ee thy? v Hi t: S27) Capitalization of road... June 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mlie. RETIPAGELL OUOCIC cr. cs vaneiccecesctscces eee 1,500,000 13,400 Total gross from operation..... $118,91 5 $1,062 PAMGEG CED «05 .0.505 cscovssencesses 1}400,000 T2,500 Total gross from other sources 249 2 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 102,657 = 917 BAD TIES 5 ctctes shoe. weet eeanenes WG 22's 700 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 16,507 147 rent liabilities..... Seasthe legates 25,132 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 2,976,223 26,600 CeDL AS ADOVE oii swtecs dike anece 56,667 506 se Interestonall debt p.ann. 56,667 506 Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss......... 40,160 359 Average ratio of return upon Seite UI VEStEC.. icra veossucse Funded debt authorized, $2,000,000. This road is controlled by the Evansville and Terre Haute RR., which owns stock and guarantees bonds, principal and interest, by endorsement. Its Eastern and Western Division bonds were exchanged for those of Evansville and Terre Haute Co. Balance sheet, page 306. CHICAGO AND OHIO RIVER RR. CO., New York Office, 192 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Inc. Mar. 10, 1869, in Ind., under name of Danville, Olney and Ohio River RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sidel to Onley, IIl., 86 miles, connecting with Ohio and Mississippi; Peoria, Decatur and Evansville; Chicago and Eastern IIll.; Indian- apolis, Decatur and Western ; Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City; Vandalia Line; and Indiana and Illinois Southern RRs. Balance sheet not furnished. Capital authorized, $1,500,000. By the terms of its charter this Company was incor- porated for the purpose, and with the power to construct a line of road from Danville, Ijl., to the Ohio river, 243 miles. It was completed as far as West Liberty, on Feb. 21, 1881, during which year the gauge was made standard. The entire line, as above, was completed in 1883, and same year was placed in Receivership. It was forclosed Feb. Io, 1886, and reorganized under above title May 1, 1886, by bondholders, who pur- chased same ata cost of $175,000. This road is managed by same Officials as the Evans- ville and Terre Haute, Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Consolidated, and Peoria, Decatur and Evansville RR. Cos., thus indicating control. Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FenU Hab ilithesiwasctereteccees $0,944 u @apital stock........ Re rut pitas: q 38,800 5,100 Total invested capital........... 1,304,035 15,102 Funded debt Reta Caahateeses idee ee 300 Bes ‘ Interest on all debt p. ann. 14,270 166 Unfunded debt and current : “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. RPE DULILICS!.,csdcha icceedsaise-s+0ie 13,935 162 | Average ratio of return upon capital invested..;c..c.c...cene Not known. Par of stock, $100. LOUISVILLE, EVANSVILLE AND ST. LOUIS CONSOLIDATED RR. CO., «* The Air Line,’’ General Offices, Evansville, Ind., and Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Belleville, I]. Inc. May 21, 1889, in Ill. Consolidation of Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis RR.; Illinois and St. Louis RR. and Coal Co.; Belleville, Centralia and Eastern RR. Co. (projected Belleville to Mt. Vernon, I[Il.); Venice and Carondelet RR. Co., and Huntingberg, Tell City and Cannelton RR. Co. LENGTH ©F ROAD owned: New Albany, Ind,, to East St. Louis, Il. (less Walnut Hill to Centralia, Ill., 7.49), 257.18; branches : to Evansville, 54.22; to Rockport, 16.09; to Cannelton, Ind., 22.72; to Ill. points, 2.68=95.71 ; total, 352,89; trackage: Pitts., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis RR., Louisville, Ky., to New Albany, Ind. (less Louisv. Bridge), 5.15: Louisville Bridge Co., 1; Evansville and Terre Haute RR., in Evansville and Princeton, Ind., 1.28; East St. Louis and Carondelet RR., in East St. Louis, IIl., 0.2 ; Jacksonville Southeastern Line, Walnut Hillto Centralia, Ill.,7.49=15.12; total operated, 368.01 miles. The Venice and Carondelet RW. (Junc. to Venice, IIl., 6.96 miles), is owned by this Company, but operated by East St. Louis Connecting RW., under lease, at an annual rental of $18,000, being interest on its bonds. Preferred stock carries 5 p. c. non-cumu- lative dividends. This road, with the Peoria, Decatur and Evansville, and Evansville and Terre Haute Haute RRs., forms part of ‘‘ Mackey ’’ System, and is operated in close connection with those roads, The rate of interest on 2d mtye bonds is increased, after 1892, from 5 p. c. to 6 p. c., each bond having right of ten votes. 308 Capitalization of road... s..0.000 June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. LEADITATISLOCK Ss cavasptees vacce ones $5,086,009 14,530 UNGER CED: sr.t\ccvee ce sees oc 8,001,375 22,890 Unfunded debt and current MUD LITELES coca sho ctiaclorancncmtese 1,854,316 5,300 Current assets to offset cur- Pent Ma bilitles tics verse seesce 325,483 Total invested capital........ 14,941,700 42,720 ** Int.on all debtp. ann.. 450,710 “* Dividends per annum.. None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested ...cce.ccsategipe Ce *Includes taxes, $44,056. 1,280 BALANCE SHEET, June, 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. Post OF TOA. ...5 cstsatentan ste reteset cers $13,334,508 Cost of rolling atdcke ees ne ee 898,270 Stocks and bonds owned............... 400,000 Materials and fuel owned............... 74,970 WurrentiAccOUntS jiie.ct so scemanesg becca 96,1506 MBASH sdcce she dopateles vow cnawess sawhemmenstaeeeans 137,491 Undistributed taxes and accts....... 28,439 Miscellaneous asSsSets..... ceccnecssnecsss 16,866 TOtal conta cantav) ceuaan sousntaperwenie nes $14,941,700 Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— tIncludes rentals, $26,897. Per Mile. Total gross from operation...$1,462,973 3,977 Total gross from othersources 21,600 57 Deduct all expenses.........0.0+ 999,655 2,716 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... 484,918 1,318 Deduct total interest on all CEDE AS ADOVC. nccssneleysessys « 1477,008. 1,298 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... Toate 20 Par of stock, $100 LIABILITIES. Capital stock :— COMMIMON carer vetsno stan. $3,790,747 Preferred . 1,295,262 — $5,086,009 HUTCOCs Cel a trawak. kite nies cakiesws ntees 8,001,375 CUOLrentea CCounts cs ons) oss) acster costae 239,055 ~ Interest accrued not due............08. 163,496 Due Evansv. and T. Haute RR.... 272 FO", Equipment notes not due...........+. 109,763 BSUS WG VALE Lec, ov feeatie as obs ee cove sedeee 184,792 BrOntand 1OSSaariee ss iecensnstevers cageets 883,843 PTCON Uren tess racmar cuss rihe guess opetics $14,941,700 PEORIA, DECATUR AND EVANSVILLE RW. CO., Fiscal Agency, Central Prust Go: ice UN OV.7417%4 41970, Ane N. Y. City; General Office, Evansville, Ind.; Corporate Office, Pekin, Ill. Consolidation of Pekin, Lincoln and Decatur RW. Co. and Decatur, Sullivan and Mattoon, and Grayville and Mattoon Cos. . This road, with Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis Consolidated, and Evansville and Terre Haute Cos., forms part of ‘‘Mackey”’ connection with same. system, and is therefore operated in close Trackage agreement with Peoria and Pekin Union RW. Co. covers 50 years from Feb. 1, 1881, at a rental of $1,875 per month and a share of supplies and track repairs. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pekin, IIl., to Evansville, Ind., 237.51, and branch to New Harmony, Ind., 6.29=243.8 Trackage: Peoria and Pekin Union RR. Co., Pekin to Peoria, Ill., 10.2; Illinois Central RR., average mileage operated, 241 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. (capital Stock ac casiecssteecesecce $8, 400,000 34,900 Funded debt.. Dobe sa 4,845,000 20, 100 Unfunded debt ‘and current liabilities )..isccteus three 841,769 3,400 Current assets to offset cur- went liabilities tics-secesteessseess 465,568 Totalinvested capital........ .. 14,086,769 58,400 ‘* Interest on all debt p.ann. — 295,370 1,225 “‘ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested. .cire. essere 2.4 p. Cc. * Includes taxes, $35,544. + Includes rentals : BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Construction a..h).aeaentmpnasn tees $12,873,090 EGQuipment.ti:.... nacre caer eemee eno secag te 705,083 P,-and P..U.. capital Stackers sss 250,000 Capitalstock, P., anda Gia ies 61,249 Materials; etcioc.tevsss tenet renceuerncetitece 40,081 GASI a) sia loinkas Gah pees -aeaereemeerebeaee erate 45,557 Peoria Car Trust sinking fund....... 12,667 Uncollected earnings... ..crscees seseeeees 98,442 DL Otal ii ccccrenttecsh Spledis Sense onge ans $14,086,769 through Decatur, IIl., 2.63; Peoria and Pekin Union, $22,500; total, 256.63 miles ; Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :-— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $836,816 3,472 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses... 100/048 *504,081 2,091 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 332,735 1,385 Deduct total interest on all CE DiS ADOVE « 37,150 7 -i9e7e @ Liabilities .......00cersceee Receh ee 8,500 300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 3,864 143 rent liabilities ........+ reccscseess 2,482 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ i950; 700) 24, TOO WI CLEDOAS AUOVE .cccs0sss cosacseodns 23,820 883 ‘“ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 23,820 883. | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss. .......+ 19,956 740 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. capital invested........ seers 006). €; Capital : common, $167,400; preferred, $97,800. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $391,250; cost of rolling stock, $30,021 ; bills receivable, $424; cash, $698; current accounts, $631 ; materials and fuel, $729 ; total, $423,753. Liabilities, Capital, $245,200; funded debt, $397,000; bills payable, $6,112 ; current assets, $1,903; other liabilities, $485 ; total, $650,700. CHICAGO JUNCTION RWS. AND UNION STOCK YARDS CO. See descriptive article p. 585, Part II, relating to Miscellaneous Companies. CHICAGO, KALAMAZOO AND SAGINAW RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Kalamazoo, Mich. Inc. Dec. to, 1887, in Mich. Road is operated during building by Kalamazoo and Hastings Construction Co., connects with Michigan Central, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern, Grand Rapids and Indiana, and Cincinnati, Jackson and Mackinaw RR. Cos. LENGTH OF ROAD projected: Kalamazoo to Saginaw, Mich., 125 miles; completed : Kalamazoo to Woodbury, Mich., 44.2 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— “Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital StOCK.csssessesseeceeseeee $3,575 | Total gross from operation..... $51,627 $1,173 FeITIC EC GeDttancesesersccstacesentes | Total gross from other sources : Unfunded debt aid current Peeedicr albexpenses} (sak 32,840 746 ihieWopObha ley SaNeaseso anes steel eset eens | Net total applicable to fixed : Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 18,787 427 rent liabilities ......... ...0...... | Deduct total interest on all ; Totalinvested capital........ .. | MEDUASIBDOVEs.csecesevs percent ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... Not yet paid. Par of stock, $100 Average ratio of return upon : ; capital invested........ 6.0.00 Not known. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; subscribed, $71,500. No stocks or bonds yet issued. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE AND ST. PAUL RW. CO., 42 Wall st., New York ; General Office, Chicago, IIl.; Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. _ Inc. Feb. 14, 1874, in Wis.; successor to Milwaukee and St. Paul RW. Co. (inc. May 5, 1863). ee OF ROAD owned: Chicago, Ill.,to Minneapolis, Minn., 420; other branches and divisions owned, 5,292.07 ; owned jointly, 9.33; total, 5,721.4 miles. Subdivision of linés of the C., M: and St. P: RW. Co,: Chicago Div., 85.98; Evanston Divie13.60; Racine and S. W. Div. in Wis. and IIl., 199.17; Racine and S. W. Div. in Iowa, 241.66; Chicago and Council Bluffs Div. in IIL, 139.75; Chicago and Council Bluffs Div. in Iowa, 351.48; Kansas City Extension, 299.54; Dubuque Div., 335.94: Northern Div., 226.49; River Div., 162.89; Wabasha Div., 60.21; Chippewa Valley Div., 83.27; Iowa and Minnesota Div., 258.85; Prairie du Chien Div., 222.75 ; Mineral Point Div., 162.85; La Crosse Div., 301.79 ; Wisconsin Valley RR., 255.14; lowa and Dakota Div., 552.88; Sioux City and Dakota Div., 348.87; Southern Minnesota Div., 534,52; Hastings and Dakota Div., 566.64; James River Div., 317.04; total, 5,721.4 miles, located as follows: in Wisconsin, 1,374.66; in Illinois, 318.08; in Iowa, 1,553.27; in Minnesota, 1,120.09 ; in North Dakota, 118.21 ; in South Dakota, 1,096 82; in Missouri, 140.27 miles. The line of road from Lynn northwesterly 2.45 miles, in the direction of Greenwood, Wis., built by Lisbon, Necedah and Lake Superior RR. Co., was purchased during year ending June 30, 1891, for $153,000, and the Wisconsin, Pittsville and Superior RW. (Dexterville Junc. to Vesper, Wis., 20 29 miles) and Milwaukee, Dexterville and Northern Se ee ee ee —_ 329 RR. (Milwaukee to Lynn, 22.45 miles), aggregating 42.74 miles, were also purchased for $547,000, and now form part of the parent system. Entrance into Kansas City is secured over the Kansas City Belt RW., in which this Company owns one-fifth interest, and the new passenger depot at Milwaukee (completed 1886) is occupied jointly with the Mil- waukee and Northern (which is owned) and the Wisconsin Central, which has trackage rights from Rugby to Milwaukee, 27.6 miles (on the C,, M. and St. P.’s Northern Div.), as well as full terminal facilities at Milwaukee. This Company has same right, under contract for g99 years, made 18g0, with Union Pacific for use of its tracks from Council Bluffs, la., to Omaha, Neb., with use of bridge over Missouri river at Omaha, and Union Passenger station in that city. With the exchange of $6,158,300 of common stock for $6,158,250 (entire capital) of Milwaukee and Northern RR. (Milwaukee, Wis., to Cham- pion, Mich., 254.2 miles), the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul acquired control, in Sept., 1890, also of the following roads: Ontonagon and Brule River RW. (Ontonagon to Sidnaw, Mich.), 46; Oconto and Southwestern RW (Oconto Junc. to Oconto, Wis.), 12.5; branches: Hilbert to Neenah and Appleton, Wis., 22; Ellis Junc. to Marinette, Wis., and Menominee, Mich., 27.55; aggregating 362.25 miles. All these subsidiary lines have been consolidated, under merger proceedings, with Milwaukee and Northern RR., which is separately operated. The controlling interest in the Chicago and Northwestern RW. also owns a large holding in this Company, thus insuring harmonious relations between the two systems. Land Grant.—The unsold land, on June 30, 1891, consisted of 59,159.49 acres, dis- tributed through Wisconsin, lowa and Minnesota, valued at $166,018.90 (estimated). Capitalization of road..June 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. A PItALSLOCIE yo. ccscesestsdeces $70,392,161 $12,300 | Total gross from operation. $32,283,508 $5,647 Bricied CEDt.,. A .csecssses 129,195,000 22,600 | Total gross from other Unfunded debt and cur- SOURCES enced cu teec sat tnds acaker 237,354 AI pene tia bilitiessc:.27. <1... 12,295, 366 2,100 | Deduct all expenses......... *20,815,004 3,641 Current assets to offset Net total applicable to fixed current liabilities........ 30,327,075 charges and dividends.... 11,705,858 2,047 Total invested capital.... 211,882,527 37,000 , Deduct total interest on all *‘Int. onall debt p.ann. 7,274,150 L272 debias ADOVE skies cecs ses. 7 OTA TSO. + 1. 272 ** Dividends per annum. 795,052 Net result on years busi- Average ratio of return ness for stockhold’s, gain 4,431,708 775 upon capital invested... 5.5 p. c. Net surplus after dividends Par of stock, $100. PAC aeadas vty ceeds na tekeaen le 3,636,056 636 * Includes taxes, $933,148. BALANCE SHEETS, June 30:— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 18gt. 1892. 1891. 1892. Road and equipmt....$189,624,728 $191,544,853 | Stock, common........ $46,027,261 $46,027,261 Bds. and stks. owned 7,337,241 7,419,241 | Stock, preferred. ..... 22,198,900 24,364,900 Due from agts., etc... 256,954 232,972 |. Funded debt........:... 129,797,000 129,195,000 Due from U.S. Govt. 276,251 256,160 | Pay-rolls,vouchs.,etc. 2,786,778 2,722,549 Materials and fuel.... 2,313,223 2,385,002, | Int. accrued; not due 3,546,775 3,486, 339 Bds. of Co. on hand.. 5,692,000 5,996,000 | Loansand billspayb. 3,477,228 ote Stk. of Co. on hand.. 4,821 4,770 | Miscellaneous j......<.. 91,646 217,269 BOGEN E Kae vecewcsescss ce ses 3,493,760 4,043,530 | Income account....... 3,094,853 5,869, 209 Miscellaneous .......... POPT AOS Th. ease sagt es PLAGE AIS eshvcceucsscees $211 ,020,441 $211,882,528 PREC ee en $211,020,441 $211,882,528 The surplus shown above was further reduced by payment, Oct. 22, 1891, of divi- dend No. 43 ($776,961) of 334 p.c. on $22,198,900 preferred stock, for year ending June 30, 1891, making correct surplus $2,859,095. Dividend (No. 44) of 3% p. c. on $22,732,900 preferred stock was paid Apr. 19, 1892. Stock, common authorized, $47,062,560. An increase was made during the year ending June 30, 1891, of $359,000 preferred (exchanged tor $357,000 Milwaukee and St. Paul ‘La Crosse Division” Ist mtge. bonds, and $2,000 ‘‘ Prairie du Chien Division’”’ 2d mtge. bonds), and $6,158,300 common shares exchanged for $6,158,250 of the Milwaukee and Northern RR. Co. Provision also exists for conversion, at any time within ten days after payment of divi- dends, of consolidated and several divisional bonds into preferred stock, and income bonds may be converted into common stock on notice sixty days after any dividend day. The increase in preferred stock for year ending June 30, 1892, was $2,166,000, for con- version of 2,166 bonds, as follows: 2,088 of the Company ; 4 Prairie du Chien Division 2d mtge.; 72 Iowa and Minnesota Division; 1 each Iowa and Dakota Division and consolidated mtge. bonds. Preferred carries 7 p. c. non-cumulative dividends, after So payment of interest on bonds. Company has right of reserving a sum not in excess of $250,000 over unfunded debt and accrued interest on bonds, to be used as a working capital. Common stock is then entitled to 7 p. c., when both participate in any further profits Aro raza. LIST OF SECURITIES owned, June 30, 1891 :— STOCKS. BONDS. Par Value. Valuation. Par Value. Valuation. Kansas City Belt RW. Co... $20,000 $20,263 | Osh. & Miss. Riv. RW. Co, 8s..$213,000 213,000 Minn. Transfer RW. Co...... 7,000 7,000 | Osh. & Miss. Riv. RW. Co. 8s... 1,000 1,000 Minneap. Eastern RW. Co.. 15,000 15,000 Kansas City Belt RW. 6s........ 82,009 82,000 et. tilev, & Wareh. Co... 19,250 19,250 | Kansas City Belt RW. 6s......... 4,000 4,000 St. P. Union Depot Co. 6s... 70,000 70,000 | Minn. Transfer RW. Co. 5s... 109,000 109,000 NeerriligbOonts GOs-7S.,<.ss0500> 83,000 83,000 | Minn. Transfer RW. Co. 5s... 1,000 1,000 Tomhwk. Land & Boom Co. 69,900 69,900 | Minneap. Eastern RW. 7s...... 75,000 60,000 Coun. Bl. Un. Elev. Co. 6s... 46,700 46,666 | City of Ottumwa, Ia., 4s......... 30,000 30,000 Milwaukee Land ‘Co. .......... 100,000. 100,000 | Town of Canton, Minn., 7s..... 2,500 | 2/500 Braceville Coal Co. 5s........ 100,000 100,000 | Clear Lake Park Assn. 7s...... 3,000 . 3,000 meaxceisior Coal Co. 5S ....es.-5 150,000))\/150,000))) St. P..Chamb;:of (Com. 7S....:. 440 440 Milw. Industrial Exposition 10,000 too | Vill. of Flandrau, S. Dak., 8s 10,000 100 Minneap. & St. L. RW. Co.. 2,000 200 | Ortonville, Minn., 6s............:. 8,500 2,500 Minneap. Indus. Expos...... 2,500 roo)) «Graceville; Minn), 6S..50.......99 5,000 2,500 World’s Columbian Expos.. 20,000 20, COO MEA ATA IP VELIMAS RIS tase de ce'eeoe sess 1,000 250 Chics Un. ‘Trans:>RW: Co... 20,000 20,000) 19 St) P.) ChambofiCom..cert. 7s 100 100 Lis., Nec.& L. Sup.RW.Co. 16,000 16,000 | New Lisbon, Wis., 6S..........0. 3,000 3,000 Elg., Jol. & East. R.W. Co. 400,000 4,000 | Milw. &. Northern RR. 6s..... 250 250 Milw. & Nor. RR. Co. 4s.....6,157,850 6,067,850 | Bonds redeemed: St. P. Elev. and Warehouse Co...... .<..+ 5,000 BINGUAL cseasuees jo ses veer nenens $7,309,200 $6,890, 330 TOtal wwesssce ctsencocss'es swncves 5477 OOM sane Milwaukee and: Northern RR. Co., ‘‘ North Star Route,’ General Offices, 42 Wall st., New York; Milwaukee, Wis.; Chicago, IIl.; Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. 1873, in Wis. ; foreclosed and reorganized June 5, 1880. Leased from completion, about 1874, till Aug. 1, 1882, to Wisconsin Central RR. Co. The Wisconsin and Mich- igan RR. (Ft. Howard to Pike, Wis., 94 miles) was purchased in 1884 by that company. During the year past the Company has acquired, by purchase, the Oconto and South- western RR. (now the ‘‘Oconto Branch’’), 12.5 miles, and the Ontonagon and Brule River RR. (now the Ontonagon Branch), 46 miles. This Company has commenced the construction of a line of road about 45 miles in length, from Channing, on its main line, to Sidnaw, the terminus on its Ontonagon line. It is expected that this will be completed this season and close the gap which has heretofore existed between these points. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW. Co. secured control of this road in September, 1890, exchanging its own stock, share and share alike, for that of the Milwaukee and. Northern RR. Co. It is operatedin connection with, but accounts are kept separate from, the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. No dividend has been declared on stock of this Company, pending the decision of the question of combining the two properties, which may make it desirable to use the net earnings of the year in payment of the improve- ment account for the past two years. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: N. Milwaukee, Wis., to Champion, Mich., 254.2; branches: to Menasha, Neenah and Appleton, Wis., 22; to Marinette, Menominee and Minnekaune, Wis., 27.55; to Oconto, Wis., 12.5; to Ontonagon, Mich., 46; total, 108.05 ; trackage: C., M. and St. P. RW.. So. Milwaukee to N. Milwaukee, Wis., 9.1; Chestnut St. Station, Wis., to N. Milwaukee, 6.1 ; total, 15.2 ; total operated, 377.45, miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | GOAT TE GLOLE. Os lapse cade sw bsavhy se0 $6,158,250 17,000 MEATICIC CGC ccc actuasvccctaees socats 6,158,000 17,000 Unfunded debt and current PEI THES cess bate svirae ei 510,157 1,400 Current assets to offset cur- Feat MAb Wities 1.004, scan cescns. Not known. otal invested, capital t....:. ., 12,826,407 35,400 ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. *369,679 ‘1,021 «“ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon CAD ILALINVOSECU Ls sty Goats neat 5: 1p. C. * Year ending June 1892. 7 Includes taxes, $61,211- Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $1,765,367 4,683 Hane eros from other sources Deduct alllexpensesycrcsse eect 1,122 2 Net total applicable to aay! Beet charges and dividends...... Deduct total interest on all Gebt as: above tissu eesccdeos Net result on year’s business Par of stock, $100. Capital authorized, $8,000,000. 642,904 1,706 369,679 981 273,225 725 331 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $12,819,810; Groveland Extension, $6,597 ; total, $12,826,407. - Liabilities, Capital, $6,158,250 ; funded debt, $6,158,000 ; current accounts, $146,778; accrued interest, $30,790; profit and loss, $332,589; total, $12,826.407. 2 Minneapolis Eastern RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Minneapolis, Minn. Inc. 1878, in Minn. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: North Minneapolis to South Minneapolis 1.5; Great Northern RW. to Pillsbury Mill, 1.7; total, 3.2 miles. This road (completed June 1, 1879), is used only for switching purposes. This road is owned jointly, and stock is held by Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul, and Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, RW. Cos. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891:— | come for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Ferma: Per Mile. Capital stock eee eee eee cress ee eeeeeee $30,000 10,000 Total gross from operation $ 2 6 ) Neel $O3;402 937 354 Funded debt.........ssesseeesee1++ 150,000 50,000 Total gross from other sources ; Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses.............. *154,165 51,388 PUA UIIIOS sasuyecae sans aeaet ceonnees 184,084. 61,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 60,703 20,234 rent liabilities ......... eeseeeeees 8,365 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 364,084 121,300 | CEDU AS AUOVE tua scae neuer sts. 10,500 3,500 9 Intereston alldebt p.ann. 10,500 3,500 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... None for stockholders, loss........... 71,203 23,734 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Eepialinvested 2.0.0 ys.c5-26 cradle: ‘ * Includes taxes, $772. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assezs, Cost of road, $246,993; rolling stock, $6,155, materials for fuel, $219; current accounts, $3,988 ; cash on hand, $4,158; profit and loss, $102,571; total, $364,084. Liabilities, Capital, $30,000 ; funded debt, $150,000 ; current accounts, $52,834; coupons unpaid, $131,250; total, $364,054. Prairie Du Chien and McGregor RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pratmie du Chien, Wis: ° Inc. 1872,:in Wis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: (RR. bridge across Mississippi River, with two pontoon draws, completed Apr. 15, 1874). Prairie du Chien, Wis., to North McGregor, la., 2 miles, forming connection between the Iowa and Western divisions of Chic., Mil., and and St. Paul RW. Capital, $100,000, per mile, $5,000; par of stock $100. No funded debt. No divi- dends paid. Total capital represents cost of road, etc. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Wisconsin Midland RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Fond du Lac, Wis. Inc. Mar., 1887, in Wis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jc. with Chicago, Michigan, and St. Paul RW., through Fond du Lac, 4 miles. Projected: Fond du Lac to Madison, Wis., 69; to L’Anse, Mich., 225 miles; total, 294 miles. ' Capital, $80,000, per mile, $20,000; par of stock, $100. No funded debt. No divi- dends paid. The Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul RW. Co., operate this road. CHICAGO, PEORIA AND ST. LOUIS RW. CO. (‘Jacksonville Southeastern Line’), General and Corporate Office, Jacksonville, Ill. Inc. Feb., 1887, in IIll., successors by purchase of Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville and Springfield Northwestern RRs., formerly parts of Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific RW. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pekin to Jacksonville, Ill., 72.9; with branches: Havanna to Springfield, Ill., 45.2; Litchfield to East St. Louis, Ill., 49.4; total, 167.5. Leased: North and South RR. of IIl., Springfield to Mount Olive, IIl., 50:46; controlled : Jacksonville, Louisville and St. Louis, 112.3; operated: Litchfield, Carrollton and West- ern RR., 51.65; Louisville and St. Louis RR., 16.4=68.05. Trackage: Louisville and Nashville RR., Drivers to Mt. Vernon, Ill., 5; Ohio and Mississippi, through Spring- field, Ill., 15; Merchants’ Bridge, East St. Louis, Ill., to St. Louis, Mo., 2.25 ; Peoria and Pekin Union, Pekin to Peoria, Il], 1o=18.75; total 417.06 miles. The North and South RR. of Illinois was leased Sept., 1890, until expiration of receivership, at annual rental of $40,000. The Jacksonville, Louisville and St. Louis RW., is controlled by ownership of two-thirds of its capital stock by Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis RW,, which guarantees consolidated bonds as to principal and interest. Litchfield, 332 Carrollton and Western RR., is operated in connection with Jacksonviile, Louisville and St. Louis RW. Co. (formerly Jacksonville Southeastern RW. Co.), with which it will, no doubt, eventually be consolidated. Louisville and St. Louis RR., is also operated in connection with that road, to which it was leased. The Chicago, Peoria and St. Louis, with its leased and controlled lines, is operated as the “‘ Jacksonville Southeastern Line.” Entrance into Chicago is made by the tracks of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé, with which a traffic contract was made in Nov., 1890, thus securing a through line from St. Louis to Chicago. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile, Per Mile. MAD IVAN SEOCI ie vouccpaccecests 40,000 6,600 | Totalgrossfromothersources 1,070 1,262 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.....0..3...:. *16,443 2,740 MASS So tcc cats cece sania cesscines 19,800 3,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,579 263 Tent liabilities.........ssccces oe Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ 1. 159,800 31,960 Gebtas abovesiis. ics. tescisccd 806 134 *‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. . 806 134 Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss... ...... 2,388 398 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100, 3 SEDI! IAVESLET.. sevese cccescoee * Including taxes, $769. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $114,300; rolling. stock, $27,560 ; real estate, $7,500; profit and loss, $10,440; total, $159,800. Liabilities, Capital, "$100, 000 ; funded debt, $40,000; bills payable, ’ $19,800; ‘total, $159,800. 5 22 338 CINCINNATI, GEORGETOWN AND PORTSMOUTH RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. March 21, 1881 in Ohio, succeeding to Cincinnati and Portsmouth RR. Co., sold at judicial sale on Sept. 11, 1880. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Columbia to Georgetown, O., 42 miles (narrow gauge), connecting at Columbia with Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co., over which line entrance into Cincinnati is effected. Capitalization of road....... Jlne 30; 1891 <== Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock............00.seeesseee $400,000 $9,500 | Total gross from operation..... $69,127 $1,645 BMNOEU EOC. .o8.cv ccanmeategiesss 252,000 6,000 | Totalgross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Meduce all expenses .-n5.2.2 25.0 53,971 1,285 ip plities Mey I See Ae 16,862 400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 15,150 360 MEME LADIES. nosae~oeets op. 150,627 | Cae rik eds c'vs chs osasssers see Pesgtates $5,663,632 PL OUdbeceres sen esas Brac ha perry: alee cece $5,663,632 CINCINNATI, LEBANON AND NORTHERN RW. CO., ‘The Highland Route,” General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. Aug. 1, 1885, in Ohio, succeeding to Cincinnati Northern RW. Co., sold under foreclosure June 27, 1885. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cincinnati to Dodds, O., 36.25; branch: Blue Ash to Montgomery, 1.4; total, 37.65 miles (partly narrow gauge). Capital authorized, $1,000,000 Gauge will be made standard, and other improve- ments and extensions made, for which purpose, as well as the retirement of outstanding issue, $500,000 new 5 p. c. bonds were authorized in Oct., 1891. Capitalization of road......+. June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile, | Per Mile, Capital stock.............4+ssee0e2 $992,000$26,100 | Total gross from operation..... $132,640 $3,490 BURT EGUICE DUstrtiacss eccecocsaraecse 200,000 5,200 , Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all €xpensess.c.. ares ae 189,003 2,342 PPEUMES ccs cer daeiwsves? sisceces 349,069 9,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend....... 42,039) | 1,748 rent liabilities .......0. secesseeees 97,291 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 1,541,069 40,500 debtias apoveteccsc-csteteertes t15,329 403 i Intereston alldebtp.ann. *19,000 263 | Net result on year’s business * Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 28,308 745 Average ratio of return upon | Par ofstock, $100. Capital invested.. ............... 2.9 p. Cc. | ; * Accrued. + Including taxes. {Including rentals, $5,320. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road, etc., $1,443,778; materials and fuel, $5,112; other assets, $90,381; cash on hand, $1,798; total, $1,541,069. Liabilities, Capital, $992,000 ; funded debt, $200,000 ; bills payable, $3,000; current accounts, $13,540; non-interest bearing certificates, $172,440; other liabilities, $20,178 ; profit and loss, $139,911 ; total, $1,541,069. CINCINNATI, NEW RICHMOND AND OHIO RIVER RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, New Richmond, O. Inc. in Ohio. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: 15 miles. This road is not in operation. CINCINNATI NORTHWESTERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. 1874 in Ohio. Title changed Dec., 1883. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: College Hill Junc. to Mount Healthy, O., 6.5 miles. __ Company has trackage rights into Cincinnati, where it connects with Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR. Co. 344 Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Waite iStock ie. 0y.s.'saeseelaccences $150,000 $23,100 | Total gross from operation..... $21,363 © $3,052 EStrichecdclelb ti. cies: ceeeisasce nes 30,000 4,600 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenseés:...s...5006 20, 302 2,900 Ata DIN tES Wt ce csc she seems sont: 5,401 800 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,061 I51 PENC 1a iti|s cok. staat cnets ess 5,401 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 185,401 28,500 GEDU aS ALOVE te mvisskcae cesses ““ Interest on all debt p. ann. 1,800 a7G Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... None paid. for StockhGlders .s..cco0sesseees - Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. BACAPITAL AN VEStEC2o5heea venssenes Not known. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $175,000 ; real estate, $2,000; bills receivable, $8,275; cash on hand, $126; total, $185,401. Lzabzlities, Cap- ital, $150,000 ; funded debt, $30,000; miscellaneous, $5,401 ; total, $185,40I. CINCINNATI, PORTSMOUTH AND VIRGINIA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O.; Philadelphia (Pa.) Office, 310 Chestnut st. Inc. June 24, 1891, in Ohio, as successor to Ohio and Northwestern ; placed in receiver- ship June 15, 1888, and foreclosed Mar 13, 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Idlewild to Sciotoville, O., 107.7 ;: trackage: Cing Lebanon and Northern RW., Cincinnati to Idlewild, O., 3.8; total, 111.5 miles. Connec- tion is made with Pitts., Cin., Chic. and St. Louis, Columbus and Maysville, Norfolk and Western, and Balto. and Ohio Southwestern RRs. ' «- Hillsboro Short Line is leased, but operated by Columbus and Maysville RR,, under which see description. Capitalization of road........June 30,1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— | | Per Mile. | Per Mile: RPADITLLGUOCK Whe st cos treteees 2,160,000 20,000 =Total gross from operation..... $254,247 $2,270 (AN UTEOL 2G We (5) ae oe ae None. _ Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and. current | Deduct all expenses........../.4 *205,909 1,833 EF AI ULOS UL 72.,chiweads ta liaaerwecs 72,765 700 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 48,338 431 PEVCIADILILICS yo ces catseccoses 25,148 _ Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 2,232,705 20,700 | debt as above...... St ee oes 20, 7d Oe Om ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. | Net result on year’s busines ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, gain......++. 26,620: 237 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capita invested aii. enscah es. 24 DiC Le | ; * Includes taxes, $5,825, and excess over earnings (before reorganization) by agent for purchasers, which were assumed and paid by the Company, $9,054. + Rentals. The surplus as above was expended in construction and improvement of the road. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Cost of road June 30, 1891.$2,031,215 | Capital stock : Cost of equip. June 30, | Hea ODIO OT zac trent ee yes aces $1,566,000 itel sy Aye ea Soeoe nee erarerce 128,785 ENG (al Rs oid eva a nO CPP Pee 594,000 ‘ oe $2,160,000 | \ —-———. $2,160,000 Betterment account......... HT Gia ate DINS Paya DI Gc: sets -scsearsacd 17,444 Accounts receivable : | Accounts payable: DAS Ancor eseeit raced ptm eaereead 9,955 Audited vouchers........ 19,155 Agts. and conds.......... 3,829 Taxes 1891 and 1802..... 4,908 Columbus and Mays- EL oe SOLA ls... cos 1,867 OT LEER Vite tec rene ensens'gs 2,205 | Unclaimed wages, etc.. oy Receiver O. & N. W. | 28,701 PRO ace aiveksciheceessset es 43 | Income balances ............ 26,620 RID Ova Cs MA ODL rtedonies 2,433° AGams Xs CO eiisccess: 560 | Pndty. and CO's... sse.se-s 1,255 | CerGc EA Sl. Orta aes 148 | — 20,488 O. & N. W. bondholders account ; Bal acc. rebuilding Bat Ep Cut NOS Oi casneceneed yes 2,500 H. C. Hollister, Atty., per Séc. State. -n.....-2. 2,160 sone 4,660 ST OURIC Se Medea cobleneeacess $2,232,765 MPOtAl sarge ata coeneees coset $2,232,765 Common stock was issued to retire Ist mtge. bds.; preferred, to retire prior liens, certificates, etc. Preferred stock carries 5 p. c. non-cumulative dividend, sharing equally with common in any surplus over 5 p. c. on both classes. 345 Columbus and Maysville RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hillsboro to Sardinia, O. (including Hillsboro Short Line RR. Co., 1.3 miles), 19 miles, where connection is made with Cincinnati, Portsmouth and Virginia RR. Capital and funded debt, not given; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $8,320 ; dividends, if any, not known. This road was placed in receivership, June 15, 1888, when the Ohio and Northwestern (now Cin., Portsmouth and Va.) was also put in receiver's hands, by which it was operated. It is now operated by Samuel Hunt, agent f6r pur- chasers, in connection with Cin., Portsmouth and Va., of which he is president. The Hillsboro Short Line, leased Feb. 22, 1889, to Ohio and Northwestern RR. for 99 years, renewable forever, is operated by Columbus and Maysville as part of its line. The lease provided for contingent money rental and lessee to make necessary improvements, change the gauge to standard, pay all taxes, assessments, etc. CLARENDON AND PITTSFORD RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Proctor, Vt. Inc. Sept. 10, 1885, in Vt. LENGTH OF RQAD owned: Pittsford to West Rutland, Vt., 10; leased: Pittsford and Rutland RR., 2; total, 12 miles. June 30, 1891: Capital, $6,009, per mile, $500; no funded debt; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $132,958, per mile, $11,100; total invested capital, $138,958, per mile, $11,600; dividends, if any, not known; par of stock, $100. This woad is operated mainly for transportation of marble between quarries and mills on its line, being a feeder to the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co. at Central Rutland, Vt. and Central Vermont RR. at Proctor, Vt. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Gross from operations, $21,795; expenses, $13,089 ; net, $8,706. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—Asset¢s, Cost of road, equipment, etc., $138,958. Lzabz/i- ties, Capital, $6,000; unfunded debt, $132,958; total, $138,958. Pittsford and Rutland RR., General and Corporate Office, Rutland, Vt. Built in 1890 to connect Bennington and Rutland, and Clarendon and Pittsford RRs., and leased to latter for term of years. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Centre Rutland to Rutland, Vt., 2 miles. CLARION RIVER RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Ridgway, Pa. Inc. Dec. 17, 1889, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Carman to Hallton (Elk Co.), Pa., 12 miles; connect- ing at initial point with Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW., and Ridgway and Clear- field (Pa. RR. system) RR. Capital, $50,400; per mile, $4,200; no funded debt; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $1,894, per mile, $158; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $1,515; total invested capital, $52,294, per mile, $4,358; dividends not known; par of stock, $50. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $50,778; cash and current assets, $189 ; general expenses, $1,327; total, $52,294. Lzadbtlities, Capital, $50,400; Passenger and freight receipts, $1,894 ; total, $52,294. CLEVELAND, AKRON AND COLUMBUS RR. CO., ‘“Mount Vernon Route,” 1g William st., New York; General and Corporate Office, Columbus, O. Inc. Jan. 1, eae Ohio, succeeding to Cleveland, Mt. Vernon and Delaware RR., foreclosed June 9, 1882. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hudson to Columbus, O., 144.4; Dresdenbranch: Kill- buck to Trinway, O., 33.4=177.8; trackage: Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley RW., Trinway to Zanesville, O.,.16.6; total, 194.4 miles.. This road has traffic contract with the Cleveland and Pittsburgh, and the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RRs., under which the passenger business is designated as ‘‘ Mount Vernon and Pan Handle Route.” ; The following shows operations of Dresden Branch (which are included in income account on page 346) for year ending June 30, 1892: gross earnings, $79,933, per mile, $1,599; expenses, $54,217, per mile, $1,084; net earnings, $25,716, per mile, $514. The cost of this branch to same date was $738,951. 346 In 1891, Company acquired from Akron and Chicago Junction RR. right of way for one track through yard in Akron City, 3.8 miles, and one-half interest in right of way from Akron yard to Warwick, 11.82 miles; also, passenger facilities between these points over Alton and Chicago Junction RR., double track, 15.62 miles. Consideration, $87,697. fe Union Passenger Depot, inc. to build and operate Union Depot in Akron for these two railways, which each bear one-half the cost, viz.: $61,424 to June 30, 1892. Consideration, $50,000 Union Depot common stock, and $50,000 bonds, which have been sold at par. Depot opened Nov. 1, 189!. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. APOE STOCKIA costae uae 4,000,000 22,500 Total gross from operation..... $967,942 8 ROU CERL CLEU Ei eccrsece cacy tock cten aon 2,355,000 13,200 Tolgl ero from Base sources amen Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses.............. *731,003 3,768 Pia CleSts..sotse. coecusea ate ae 400,390 2,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 236,030) AL, 225 rent liabilities 2)... ...42/0..he 410,248 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 6,755,390 37,900 | debtas above...... be alee norte 1163,293 841 : Interest onalldebtp.ann. 123,711 698 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... 50,000 for stockholders, gain........ 73,646. 870 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid.... 23,646 121 Capital invested......... ccssesses 2. C. | Par of stock, $100, * Includes taxes, $25,852. T+ Includes rentals, $39,582. Dividend of 1% p. c. was paid. Surplus above was reduced by payment of $19,813—loans advanced by coal opera- tors, etc., for construction of branches to their properties, repayment of loans being con- tingent upon revenue derived therefrom. Correct surplus is, therefore, $3,833. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. : LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment............ $6, SAS) 1d Du ea DEAL MSOC marta e ic cee csciens de cdeccs tetere $4,000,000 REAILESLALCi pera izsnenuiapsseesansasseeeetens 6 GAS Py BONUS eesers cree rarcce) eee cts: fine soe cisat retecs 2,355,000 Materials and [Gel gisivass.003 coecssesesee TOO} €20 UO Bilisnpayable fe cas ii ssscsdvetvinvs fone) Rincee 62,626 mkronWnion Depot Stock) io..ic-.svanss 50,000 Ml FA CELE ANLETESE vave.. ss.aneies tee Paceons oom 44,250 SE - Be cons. account... LUCA oe dk ETL e BO MCL DIINES Achy. cs can oni lise Miuselees 112,912 CUTFENY SCCOUNLS SS so.5-5 5h s oases bc reeees £23, OB2) 4 oR OVENME OG MOOI—O2..cc PLELELLEC SCTIPY cr cecatnietass« 9,974 Clev., Chag. Falls and No. (ist ; —— $8,645,274. mtge. bonds, $200,000)...... sss. FOO; OOO = COMMON Pk. a ceseseetec sant cs 4,142,100 Wharf property in Cleveland......... E7 5,000 je RL OMMUIM ON SCHIP cee. a ooo cnse 9,109 BRB Monde ons PGS pan Oe sain eee tthe Se seuree 477,240 —— 4,151,200 mrustees, SINKing {UN succcvcscccseeses 30/000 a= Funded GEbE :a.cc0,c-teees ese < 4,462,000: Pee OU DALAT COS)... Sciccstn ssnecananen> so’ 15,000.) Dillsspayable ee, nes. «seascoss 865,211 BRSHO OS racekceved stalk cacassesicacscts toss etee SPOS CATAL USES ete Gate vcte sce: 134,371 BRE rected apievesarecsloattesteiecccsuasscouts 738 | D.on whf. prop. Cl. 1895.. 105,060 | Vouchers and accounts.... 102,646. h (Gredit-palancessstt,..c ter 41,688 WMnET HG Merete creatar ceeetcars 73,542 BUSCA eats) sreasd cath tiles peat fostuanrs toc $18,580,941 | TiO tad namtarences cacted coast eess $18,580,941 CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS SYSTEM, ‘‘Big Four Route,”’ comprises the Cincinnati and Southern Ohio River RW.; Cincinnati and Springfield RR. ; Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland RR.; Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan RW..: Vernon, Greensbury and Rushville RR.; Columbus, Hope and Greensburg RR.; Dayton 348 and Union RR.: Fairland, Franklin and Martinsville RR.; Harrison Branch RR.; Kankakee and Queen RR.; Mt. Gilead Short Line RR.; Peoria and Eastern RR.; St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute RR., with its controlled lines; Bellville and Carondelet RR. ; Bellville and Eldorado RR.; Bellville and Southern RR.; Chicago, St. Louis and Paducah RW.; St. Louis Southern RR. and the Carbondale and Shawneetown RR. CLEVELAND, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RW. CO., Grand Central Depot, New York ; General and Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O.; Fiscal and Transfer Agency, Drexel, Morgan & Co., New York. Inc. June 27, 1889, in O.; consolidation of Cincinnati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago, the Cleveland, Colum- bus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis, and the Indianapolis and St. Louis RW. Co’s. In 1890 the Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland, Columbus, Springfield and Cincinnati, Cairo, Vincennes and Chicago, St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute, Cincinnati, Lafayette and Chicago, White Water, and Cincinnati and Springfield RRs. were acquired. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles Cleveland, O.,"to Columbus, 0.....%..¢.. 138 00 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends......... 523,434 2,591 current liabilities ......... Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 23,603,000 116,800 CEDEAS ADOVOirsccsssdacscesecssies T454,519 2,250 “ TInt. on all debt p. ann. Aig, 120 2,075 Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per ann..... None paid. for stockholders, gain.......... 68,915 341 Average ratio of return Par of stock $100. upon capital invested... 2.2 p. c. * Includes taxes, + Includes rentals, $35,399. Of the surplus, $31,996 was paid for new property and balance applied to deficit of previous year, due to Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co. Balance sheet not furnished. ST. LOUIS, ALTON AND TERRE HAUTE RR. CO., 10 Wall st., New York; General Office, St. Louis, Mo. Inc. Feb. 18, 1861, being reorganization of Terre Haute, Alton and St. Louis RR. Co., foreclosed. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: proprietary, Belleville Branch RR., East St. Louis, to Belleville, Ill., 14.4; leased: Belleville and Eldorado RR., 50.2; Belleville and Caron- delet RR., 17.3; Belleville and Southern Illinois RR., 36.4; Chicago, St. Louis and Paducah RW., 5 3.5; St. Louis Southern RR. and branch and leased line, 50.9=228.3 ; total, 242.7 miles. . The Company was acquired in Nov., 1890, by Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co., which issued therefor $10,000,000 4 p. c. bonds, $6,700,000 of which were reserved to retire prior indebtedness and $250,000 are held in sinking fund, the income therefrom being applied to purchase of bonds at 105 or under, none being drawn. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year endingDec. 31, 1891 :— . Per Mile. | Per Mile. BEE SUGCI oc gonece oo. fae no enance $3,955,800 16, 300 Total gross from operation.....$1,435,624 6,007 PIV CEC GeDt. Voces: aitcnceseceds 8,057,000 33,300 | Totalgrossfromothersources 372,079 1,557 Unfunded debt and current ) Deduct allexpenses.....-224..:, *1,020,118 4,268 tO IOS rr. etl chee as. 2,856,92811,800 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 787,585 3,295 BEOL aD litiesabwasteks gues Olcoest Of like amount. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 14,869,728 61,400 GED AS GDOVE vcs occe cele sssoane $862,911 3,611 ‘“ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 472,945 1,950 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... TS Ae0e, wah Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100, Capital invested... ...... 6c.4.... pec: * Includes taxes, + Including rentals, $393,811 Par value of securities owned, per balance sheet: B. and C. RR. Co. stock, $500,000 ; C., St. L. and P. RW. Co. stock, $900,000; C., St. L. and P. inc. bonds, $500,000 ; total, $1,900,000, with a book valuation of $1,000. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Property acct., includ. C., C. & COMMON SLOCK ses qcec roses beau purevceus $2,300,000 St oret col.-tr..bds.: Brelerr CQ ShOGie civaps tony rises sskaindes 1,655,800 With U. S. Tr. Co...$7,000,000 BUG eRe Dt ray. tscei fesse. e scressbesenenee 8,057,000 PEE ROASITY .ccsascnssss 1,513,000 Accrued interest on funded debt...... 134,750 In suspense............ 1,237,000 Unpaid coupons and dividends........ 4,278 ———— $13,125,400 | Accrued rent, leased roads.............. 154,752 SeasvedS AVTIC LFUSt -.c5.ccecccsevas pasnncses EL 2IOUG IC ACCEUG CELA GSELSO Lays ctpassestvrecsso stron 42,884 I ae TEs sel aa cnscetssVesceseracees ts FE, 222 Nie DUNS DAVADIE. faaediest wizescrsterenecacccasac’ 100,000 Poreaccason C.,C.,C. & St. L. bds. BO, Fa? An TACIT ES) PIAV IOS cals ints wcnse'e usnes so toes 87,940 Leased line stocks and bonds........ ¥,O0O1K! SUSPENSSrACCOUNE.. M1. trsseywesssa.dasvves’s 772,582 ReMEN MGS CITE TETICL

, Not known. Par of stock, $100. Dividends 10 p. c. (Nov., 1890.) BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Construction, equipment, real estate, etc., $139,500 ; securities owned, $6,000; cash balance, $2,029 ; total, $147,525. Lzadzlities, Capital $129,500; profit and loss, $18,025; total, $147,525. The Company has paid 14 dividends (the first, g p. c. in Nov., 1887, and the last, Io p. c. in Nov., 1890), aggregating 137 p. c.; dividends are payable in Nov. The Concord and Montreal is interested in this road, which is operated in connec- tion with its own. The Company owned June 30, 1891, $6,000 of Boston, Concord and Montreal bonds. Nashua, Acton and Boston RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Concord, Pit. sinc. 1873, in Ns: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Nashua, N. H., to Acton, Mass., 20 miles. The Concord RR. leased this road Jan. 1, 1876, for 10 years, at an annual rental of $11,000, purchasing controlling interest for $250,000 in 1880, On July 1, 1884, operations were transferred to Boston and Lowell, but reverted, on Dec. 1, 1885, to lessee. Capitalization of road ..... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. vent liabilities. ............... $6,257 Oi EES NETS el eR lata 00,000 $25,000 | Potal invested capital....... 1,604,983 $80,200 Funded OT nkacysrmovetmreseacs fo 000 a 000 _, int. on all dbt. p. ann... Cara Watinded debt. and ‘cur: ; ; ““ Dividends per annum... None paid. rent liabilities................ 604,983 30,200 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100 upon capital invested.....Not known. ; ‘ Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 362 Pemigewasset Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Manchester, N. H.; Transfer Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. July 9, 1874, in N. H. LeNGTH OF ROAD owned: Plymouth to North Woodstock, N. H., 21 miles. This road was leased to Boston, Concord and Montreal, but was transferred to Concord and Montreal in Sept., 1889, when consolidated with that road. Capitalization Of road .....0... June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. See alate pa olen eaete #503 ‘ otal invested capital .......... 03,5602 $24,000 Lea eies Pate cponprehtone te) “$503,400 $24,000 0s 28,418 «ACCOUNTS PA VADIE ic..6a55 ovacise wm aseeeeees 158,062 PILES TECEIVADIG, c.ccccssclcsaeccssevsaesice 91,015 at Prolite and loss massrsss cs ceases Dei recstnsest 1,004,259 Materials and supplies .......0. .,.ssvesess 180,451 PRECOUINLS: TECCIVADIC. nc pecescevdeescsacsise 479,609 Separation of grades, Greenfield..... 2022 ROL H Laster baler neteeastbarcteg sess, “sascns $4,670, 121 DOtal Gre sscnereceaeataceeasecesue ysbecsese $4,670,125 The Directors voted in Feb., 1892, to increase the capital stock to $5,000,000, to be used for double tracks and other betterments and improvements. The bill authorizing the increase was vetoed in May, 1892, by the Governor of Massachusetts, for reason that stock should be sold at a fair market value instead of being underwritten at par by shareholders. The Vermont Valley RR. of 1871, with its proprietary line, Sullivan County RR., is operated in connection with and controlled by Connecticut River RR., which owned, June 30, $185,510 of former Company’s stock. VERMONT VALLEY RR CO., of 1871, General Office, 45 Broadway ; Corpo- rate Office, Bellows Falls, Vt. Inc. Nov. 8, 1848, in Vt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bellow’s Falls to Brattleboro’, Vt., 24; Sullivan County RR., 26; total, 50 miles. 364. Capitalization of road........J Une 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Ma pital stock. che. sassy $1,000,000 20,000 | Total gross from operation.....$195,698 3,914 UIE: Cebit... liste eet 800,000 16,000 Totalgrossfromothersources 5,387 108 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. *133,688 2,674 eS ilitiesis: eo i ckee ae 197,769 3,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 67,397 1,348 rent liabilities ......... Sets 914,982 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 1,997,769 39,900 debt as above ..........-eeeeeeens 7,328 146 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 5,253. 105 Net result on year’s business ‘** Dividends per annum...... 60,000 for stockholders, gain......... 60,069 1,202 Average ratio of return upon Net surp. after dividends paid 69 I capital invested................. Sede psc. Par of stock, $100. * Includes taxes, $4,766. t+ Includes rentals, $2,075. Current assets includes stock of Sullivan County RR. Co., $800,000. Dividends each 3 p.c. (J. & J.) BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. REOHSUELICELON. .pssdsvsecr pete scecel ss cesteneseh oh LOO, 470 wind DILAl StOCKvevadics ics ast odisccade oeatoges $1,000,000 MID ITION Cac. Lit enaciacec oer lecn cen sseet wack 25205 Wal UNCEGTUCDL ss.cscccs scinesieccsaveeg vote tues 800,000 MONET IN VEStINeNtS is.ccc see verinee sect ce 800,000 7) WNOtES: DPAVaDIle vo csccccercsccevuescdoscasers 45,000 MUU UN Gs teaeeW excchacihice catcanajtueerrecasetieres ASS uL AVIGERGS SINAC oes, .cs5> deccdocasndacscs 258 Accounts receivable........ - LTA FIA 1 ACCOMNISMPAYVADIE.As-es,.. 00s condds sacl ogee 56,634 Income account (surplus)...........+ 85,876 LOLA Hitosrsess tececes se Tevetinecdisdzs wort $1,997,769 SUG P GUL ie othe ssa) eanh se oe scseeatedseaeneeeieetiel eae This road was leased May 12, 1865, to trustees for 10 years, but was transferred Jan. 3, 1871, to Rutland RR. Co., which operated it until April 5, 1877. It was then surren- dered to the present Company and is now operated in connection with Connecticut River RR. Co., which owns $185,510 of its stock and controls it. -The New York, New Haven and Hartford owns $249,700 of this Company’s stock. The Sullivan County RR. Co. was acquired in 1890, and $800,000 of 5 p. c. bonds issued to purchase entire capital stock, the dividends from which pays the interest on bonds. Sullivan County RR. Co., General Office, 45 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Keene, IN EL Ine? July t0,-1846, in Ve LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bellow’s Falls to Windsor, Vt., 26 miles, including one mile of Central Vermont RR., between Connecticut River Bridge and Windsor, used under trackage agreement. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. RPADILAUSLOCKn.asatessasce scowees se $500,000 $20,000 | Total gross from operaticn..... 243,332 ; PORMSC CODE At. sete teses cantons as tn OLE. Total gross from oiler Sources $243 pete #9 ae Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. *124,418 7,376 T1ADEELeS We cocsicn jeanbocer steantce 450,707 18,000 | Net totai applicable to fix.d ‘Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 59,453 +2,378 PEN Ua DiS ee cs caeccaeseotes 234,518 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 950,707 38,000 debt as above ...............008 $25,492 1,020 ‘‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 21,817 873 | Netresulton +s «© 's business “* Dividends per annum...... 40,000 for stockholders, gain......... 33,961 1,358 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after divs. paid... 6,039 245 CapitalinVvested.cccsereacctccces 61350. Ci Par of stock, $100. * Includes taxes, $10,118. + Includes rentals, $3,765. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. MEONSUTUCUONS .t.stcsateecersase uaa eseencess SOOS 7 Lik atl LAM SLOC Kae. ras Wee eng ccasies ieee $500,000 TSQUIPINEDNE ss. . crore cagtevctaaxs eas astasenareoeon | SO,CLO oat eV t: Walley Iie CO; Ol 1071.5 .c)sceec Bone 114,724 DIM DTOVENTETIU. batestatomvactees frawtertns sescass QTE, TR0 oi MINOLES PAV GOLen. ct teucerinesasetccene seeeceaee 91,389 PPATIG Visas sence oes aseecceMeneimte cveneesee-s, 11,546 | Income account (surplus) ....... ..... vees 133,737 Accounts receivable. cies tic selneses LAA NCCOUNLS DA VAD Eiersctiae as that el daove aneen 110,857 MUL BrOOK BriGgsicvcsssscwosseotos.avey sere 11,689 ; ST OUAME sles conde iussatast ean ys eatthaPiceel anes $950,707 SOLALS GS catees ss ssceaee nt ccaaemeanvos Ueatawtes $950,707 . a 365 Dividends each 4 p. c. (A. & O.) paying the interest on Vt. Valley’s bonds. The Vt. Valley RR. Co., purchased this road Oct. 1, 1880 (issuing $800,000 bonds therefor), and took possession on June I, 1881, and now operates it in connection with its own road. Equipment is leased from Conn. River RR. Co. THE CONNECTING TERMINAL RR. CO., General Office, 234 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa.; Corporate Office, Buffalo, N. Y. June 7, 1881, in N. Y. Inc: LENGTH OF ROAD owned in the city of Buffalo, N. Y., 1 mile. This road was built to furnish terminal facilities to through lines of roads centering in Buffalo, and is controlled in harmony with Erie and Western Transportation Co. It probably furnishes connection with that company’s line of lake steamers. Capitalization of TOAA... sores June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. BePIVILAL StOCK ixosei 9,345,802 UNGECRCED Eeteneteee eee reccknmeuinecnt 9,829,000 MMCMIMCSLAL Ohoretseeerarsacerslaacsapesestor tues *11,520,780 Interest and dividends Berav's MING UNPTOVEMENtS.......:5,recssereosees 2,609,767 Jan. 1, 1892... wvege es 443,828 Mine fixtures and equipment......... 447,377 Dividends, interest and honte: ate Boats, barges and steamboats........ 899,774 Pal adeteceae cen apeee: waaPey se haa satieca 280,370 moal yards and fixtures ......7......00%. 185,133 | Loans payable... Yeatut «as Ls 200,000 Lackawanna and Susquehanna RR. 1,087,577 | Surplus or dividend ‘fund.. Gs ecGigwstess 5,822,768 ‘Cherry Val., Sharon & Albany RR. — 210,000 New York and Canada RR.......00.4. 4,033,030 Mechanicville and Fort Edw’d RR. 54,998 Schenectady & Mechanicville RR. 214,895 Construction Albany and Susq.RR. 345,523 PPelegraph lines........00. -cseceee Waavaseces 18,708 | Supplies on hand..........seccseseessrseres 1,331,818 | Shop machinery, tools, etc..........6 391,347 BTA LON NAIC... 00cesscvsenes cecageeess vasens 1,081,823 | Advances to leased lines........ aes 376 Stocks and bonds owned..........004. 4,672,602 Advanced Pa GM COAL Sco cece sient 04 5,200 4) Cash . oa rk s20 3, OAT Bills and accts. ‘receiv. «$2, 590, 375 (ess Dec., Pe rolls, and vouch.. me © 2,143990— 446,385 STG Alive tneiesssae 06 s6e sv new dune cas desscurs $47,575,906 PRODAL Fo ceaded swdaectaeeesss vosesys, ao eK0 $47,575,906 * Includes Northern Coal and Iron Co., $5,699,642. 372 Stocks and bonds comprise: 4,500 shares Albany and Susquehanna RR. stock, $450.000; 16,000 shares Rensselaer and Saratoga RR. stock $1,600,000 ; 40,000 shares Rutland RR. stock, $1,500,000; Adirondack RR. stock, $711,150; sundry stocks, $357,982; sundry bonds, $53,470; total, $4,672,602. Adirondack RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 21 Cortland st., N. Y. Inc. July 7, 1882, in N. Y.; succeeding, by purchase at foreclosure, Sept. 28, 1881, to the Adirondack Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Saratoga Springs to North Creek, N. Y., 56.95 miles ; projected : Saratoga to Ogdensburg, N. Y., 180 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1890:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. SEA DITAL SLODIEN pacctetisstewsacaasch 2,600,000 45,600 | Total gross from operation..... $161,786 $2,838 PANTIVCLEC TOD Unc. Zines cet eceeoeeeeere 1,486,638 26,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct alvexpensesis. cise. cto. *723,512 2,167 LIA DTTCS RE tecse seen eon cae ee tee 91,058 1,600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 38,274 671 CSN aD laties eves tees ecb sens 46,065 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 4,177,696 73,200 CEDtASIADOVE Le anisseccessoeceee ** Interest on all debt p.ann. Not known. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid Par of stock, $100. Average ratio of return upon : CapipalinvesteGe...sacesiide I p..c * Including taxes. BALANCE SHEETS June 30, 1892 :— : ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ) POSE OL TTOAU MN Secyey asses deigedeneets Shewtaee $2,801,250 4 CapitalyStOe Kvercavenesyetesssaieeven | edeansats $2,600,000 COBt Of EQUI DINED E i: mistesicss arson tne dees 73,437 | Trustees, certf. for 2d mtge. bonds... 1,486,638 CRIS OUMN GC a. cos eotes sepederetenernchasast 21,55 (OPEB AG COUDES co aise sos so envnagee weveekeas 2,154 INIISCOMANECOUS corey atesssvetsesaentperenoess 24500: |, Aud, vouch; and pay .rolls...... 370 Unfunded debt represents p. and 1.; dividends, 3% p.c., J. & J, This road was leased July 1, 1861, in perpetuity, to Rensselaer and Saratoga, in connection with which it is operated by Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., to which lease was assigned. Rental, $31,700 per annum. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ULSTER AND DELAWARE RR. CO.,, General and Corporate Office, Rondout, N.Y. Inc. June 11, 1875, succeeding New York, Kingston and Syracuse RR. Co., fore- closed May 1, 1875. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Rondout (Hudson River) to Stamford, N. Y., 74; leased; Delaware and Otsego RR., 8.79 ; controlled (owned), Hobart Branch RR., 3.61 ; total, 86.4 miles. | Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892:— | Jncome for fiscal year cndingJune 30, 1892 :— ; Per Mile: >} Per Mile. RAG Ital StOCK Secshectacsdeactancces 19004; 000-10; 700 Total gross from operation..... $399,867 $4,649 Fone Geb tie iinskeesce cscs cattaset le 00; 4300.20, 200 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current } Deduct all expenses ..t. 02. s occas *287,940 3,348 lita DIN] CLES ener eeee erates cnicsececns 379,549 4,400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividende...... L11,927 mi,gu. TETEMIA DIL CIES ty cacs les cee eact sass 440,811 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital...:...... 3,470,449 40,300 GE DESHAD OM Gr etetesme sectors 69,650 809 ‘‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 69,650 809 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 42,277 492 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.).1.2.0,% fcc sa prte, | * Includes taxes. Capital authorized, $3,000,000. A controlling interest in this Company was acquired in 1890 by parties interested in the Delaware and Hudson Canal Co., and New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co., which also acquired a large interest in the Delaware and Hudson Co. in May, 1891. # BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. RoC COT MEOAG 550551 fn isaescessasacyestunsee es $3,029,039 ay ADIL SLOCK corscye its cuss cee etien iad be ste $1,694,600 KCOSt.Of Equipment :...0.-.0/secgeoesessaaes 27 TOO 7 edhe HAL GCELICUIIL, sros leven coos iavcush ucvaitesy tee 1,396, 300 Pashia MA 25 ss caccses asldaveres eye 42,855 | Interest on funded debt, due and Open accounts........ sda tcdaun mteciiisn ae 59,820 GCCTUCTU Me sratie gassed sesumneevecs atenvibes 5,804 Material and supplies on hand...... 45,384 | Audited vouchers and pay rolls...... 28,026 Due by agents ...60.0.25 Ree csohisaaceeere aes 21,057 | Profit and loss (surplus).............6 345,719 VOUALME eVassdeenurcceen net ce naasaae ore $3,470,449 | OLA tense sifine ches sAcoues4oneey aah farh $3,470,449 Delaware and Otsego RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Rondout, N. Y. Inc. May-5;.1587;.1n N.Y; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hobart to Bloomville, N. Y., 8.79 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities SAS SI Nee $122 Capital StOCK saucaecssuyinacetehet » $73,000 $8,300 Total invested capital........ .. 281,959 $32,000 Puncded debt Lii.c:cahaccnccessenes None. Interest on all debt p. ann. : Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None paid. Habiitiostssccpv en sseacsetycescnsye 208,959 23,700 | ‘Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital investedwt.k. cnciscect Not.-known. Capital authorized, $500,000. Ulster and Delaware RR. Co. leased this road for 1 year from May 1, 1891, with option of continuance thereof. No rental is paid in con- sideration of outlay in maintenance, repairs, etc., by lessee. Balance sheet and opera- tions not furnished. Hobart Branch RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Rondout, N. Y. Inc. Mar. 25, 1884, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Stamford to Hobart, N. Y., 3.61 miles. Capital, $50,000, per mile, $12,500; no funded debt; par of stock, $100; no dividends. This road was leased Dec. 1, 1884, for 999 years to Ulster and Delaware RR. Co., which owns entire capital stock, giving $50,000 of its own 5 p. c. bonds in exchange therefor and operates it as a branch. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ale al 377 DELAWARE BAY AND CAPE MAY RR. CO., General Office, 111 Chestnut st., Philadelphia, Pa.; Corporate Office, Cape May City, beet inc. Aprer2, 1670, in’ N. J. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cape May City, N. J., to Delaware Bay, 3.5 miles, con- necting with West Jersey (Pa. System) RR. at first named place. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. PENUMADINITICS -.....004 e-csreneen Mir ital St0Cl.<.... cocccciee ececcaces 30,000 $8,600 Total invested capital... 60,000 $17,200 Panded LEDEDt cotunsetvcuts sees. 000 oo ‘, interestonall debt p.ann. 1,620 463 Ninfunded debt, and current é ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. PBDINUERG iis erties 35000 goo | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50 Capital invested.c.is...cceose Not known. ) ms ? The parties interested in this Company also own the Steamer “‘ Republic,” a large excursion steamer plying daily (during summer season) between Philadelphia and Dela- ware en route for Cape May City, which is reached by this road. Balance sheet and operation not furnished. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN SYSTEM, ‘“‘Lackawanna Route,”’ comprises the Cayuga and Susquehanna RR.; Greene RR.; Morris and Essex RR. ; Chester RR.; Morris and Essex Extension RR.; Newark and Bloomfield RR.; New York, Lackawanna and Western RR.; Oswego and Syracuse RR.; Passaic and Dela- ware RR.; Passaic and Delaware Extension RR.; Sussex RR.; Syracuse, Binghamton and New York RR.; Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR.; Valley RR. and Warren RR. : DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RR. CO., General Office, 26 Exchange place, New York. Corporate Office, Scranton, Pa. Inc. March 19, 1849, in Pa., as the Ligetts Gap RR., by special Act of Legislature, approved April 7, 1832. Name changed to Lackawanna and Western RR. by special Act of Penna. Legislature, approved April 14, 1851. A consolidation with the Delaware and Cobb’s Gap RR. (incorporated Dec..4, 1850), and change of title to ‘‘The Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Co.” were effected April 30, 1853, under special Act of Pennsylvania Legislature, approved March 11, 1853. The following have since been consolidated with and merged into this Company: Keyser Valley RR. (incorporated by special act of Legislature of Penna., approved March 13, 1865), on Dec. 27, 1865; Nanticoke Coal and Iron Company (incorporated by special Act of Legistature of Penna., approved April 13, 1864), on Aug. 12, 1870; Lackawanna and Bloomsburg RR. (incorporated by special Act of Legislature of Penna., approved April 15, 1852), on June 17, 1873. Line completed Oct. 20, 1851, from Scranton to Great Bend, and on May 27, 1856, from Scranton to Delaware River. ; LENGTH ©F ROAD owned: Delaware River (N. J. Line) to New York State Line, 114.61; branch: Scranton to Northumberland, Pa., 80; three other branches, 16.73= 211.34; Leased and owned: Morris and Essex. RR, 119.85; Morris and Essex Extension, RR. 1.91; Newark and Bloomfield RR. 4.24; Passaic and Delaware RR. 13.99; Pas- saic and Delaware Extension RR. 7.4; Chester RR. 10.02; Warren RR. 18.8; Valley RR. 11.64; New York, Lackawanna and Western RR. 214.2; Greene RR. 8.1; Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RR. 97.41; Cayuga and Susquehanna RR. 34.41 ; Oswego and Syracuse RR. 34.98=576.95; controlled and operated: Sussex RR: 29.52; Syracuse, Binghamton and New York RR. 81=110.52; total, 898.81 miles. Of the above, 217.75 miles are in Penna.; 475.33 miles in New York, and 205.73 miles in New Jersey, a total of 898.81 miles. Capitalization of road..Dec. 31, 1892 :— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. ML i snstareas cacee'e x uess $26,200,000 $29,100 | Total gross from operation. $46,226,283 $51,419 PENCE GEDE,.scccsesesocs cae 3,067,000 3,400 | “* gross from other souces Unfunded debt and cur- | Deduct all expenses......... 38,246,420 42,543 rent: liabilities. .i..20..., 25,797,981 28,700 | Nettotal applicable to fixed Current assets to offset | charges and dividends... 7,979,863. 8,876 current liabilities...... wee 10,841,804 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ..... 55,004,081 61,200 | . débt.as above..i......-0. .*5,306,406 ° 5,969 *“ Int. on all debt p. ann 214,690 238 | Net result on year’s busi- Total dividends per ann.. 1,834,000 | ness, gaintostockholders 2,613,457 2,907 Average ratio of return ' Net surpl. aft. div’ds paid.. 779,457 867 upon capital invested... 14.5 p. c. Par of stock, $50. * Included rental, $5,151,716. 378 Dividends, 13 p.‘c., Jan..20 qrly. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891: Total gross from operation, $41,849,754; per mile, $46,551 ; deduct all expenses, $34,016,065, per mile, $37,837 ; net total appli- cable to fixed charges and dividends, $7,833,689, per mile, $8,714; deduct total interest on all debt as above (including rentals, $5,161,536), $5,418,226, per mile, $6,027 ; net gain on year’s business for stockholders, $2,415,463, per mile, $2,687; net surplus after dividends paid, $581,463, per mile, $647. BALANCE SHEETS, Dec. 31 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1891. 1892. 1891. 1892. Construction account...$34,804,646 $34,804,646 | Capital stock............... $26,200,000 $26,200,000 Materials on hand........ ¥,749,228" 1,652,540 Wl PUN GeCudent ci c.ccsren 3,667,000 3.067,000 Stocks and bonds........ 8,829,966 9,418,531 Accounts payable: Accounts receivable : Past due div., int., rent. 112,906 139,242 ASIP OM IA LIC a Sescey sce 1,010,903 | 1,150;5120y PDI¥: , payable Jan. 20... 458,500 458,500 Coal on hand (less than Rent. Pay .atter, Janik. 1,695,455 1,657,962 market value) ........... 1,451;070 1,365,024) JSt. tax pay. after Jan. 1 320,154 410,017 Adv. to leased roads..... 1,985,113 1,926,610 | Dec. pay-rolls pay. Jan 797,012 851,916 Adv. on coalto bedeliv. 1£,766,255 1,806,976 | Bonds and mtges.... .... 496,851 243,741 Coal bills & sun. accts. 1,474,471 . 1,995,992 | Vou.,etc., pay.af.Jan.I 1,498,191 2,149,757 Loans and sund. accts. Sundry RR. accts......... 2,586,043 2,943,340 FECEIVADIC isha 0. sss canes 938, 109 O44 TAA Ae SUrplU Sta GCs 05: venc.se3s 16,164,049 16,943,506 BLOLAIS. pc sheeees Tenasscekts s $54,002,761 $55,064,981 | OL GASIR rst i dseseeas apo Hs $54,002,761 $55,064,981 Accounts payable for 1892 aggregage $8,854,475, of which $3,625 482. has since been paid. List of securities owned: STOCKS. Par Val. Inc. Recd. Par Val, Inc. Recd: S.,'B. and N.Y.RR: 8's. $1,972,900, $157,632. |) Utica, Co-and S/ V. 6’s: 40,800 2,448 pussex RR ii iesssereesnes 15,650 Morris and Es. RR. in 500,000 35,000 Crown Point I. Co. 6’s. 12,500 75O Ne Warrenty RAR OF" Se.-119.05% leased; Chester: R Ri 10.02; ‘Morris and Essex Exten- sion KR., 1:91 ; Newark and Bloomfield RR., 424 == 10017, ; total, 136.02 miles. Capitalization of Road..... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile: EEUU sADI INTE fia nace vs foe 54 $234,101 Total invested capital......... 39,444,000 291,400 efi SE ll ne CIR S. I oi 2445) ’ a eekg LA eves ta lis > Int. on all debt p. ann.. 1,699,417 12,496 Dividends per annum.. 1,050,000 Average ratio of return tpon capital invested ............ .. Not known. Unfunded debt ade Garrent MAID TITIES ti accaleroasacwceds eae Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :—Asse¢s, Construction and equipment, etc., $38,408,488 ; sundry assets, balance, $234,101; profit and losses" S705, 42. © Lizabtiities, Capital stock, $15,000,000 ; funded debt, $24,444; total, $39,444,000. 380 Dividends, 3% p. c. J. & J. This road was leased Dec. 10, 1868, for term of its charter, at a rental of 7 p.c. on capital stock and interest on bonds, equivalent to $2,749,417 per annum. Operations not furnished. Chester RR. Co., General Office, 26 Exchange place, New York; Corporate Office, ponesterMN joc Ine alLooosin IN], LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Dover to Chester, N. J., 10.02 miles. Leased, May 15, 1868, to Morris and Esséx RR., and included in lease of latter to Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR., at a rental of 7 p. c. on bonds. Capitalization of road........ Per Mile. Moe Dital StOCK pa iseseteittnin nie » $98,500 $9,800 | PMATICCU CGDE ces svcut ss cbteceskec ann 100,000. 10,000 | Unfunded debt and current / AT AISGLI CS worse. ccasencdresiectetens 26,176 2,600 Par of stock, $50. Current assets to offset cur- COMIC AIADLIINCS 1,320,400 37,70C ¥e D ; , Peded Fa Eee eee NE Pa fees ocd eee os Interest on all debt p. ann. 64,060 1,830: nie Vert idahtonsd:carrent, Dividends per annum...... 118,836 MMTABINITES facis sass shcsesveeervees 73,328 2100 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. | capital invested....... eee As stated below. Dividends 4% p. c. (F. & A., 1891). The item of unfunded debt is amount due lessee. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Leased Feb. 13, 1869, for term of charter to Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. at a rental of g p. c. on stock and interest on bonds. Passaic and Delaware RR. Co., General Office, 26 Exchange pl.; Corporate Office, Passaic, N. J. Inc. Oct: 9, 1878, in N. J., succeeding the New Jersey West Line RR.Co., which had been in hands of mortgage trustees for some time. LENGTH OF ii:OAD owned : Summit to Bernardsville, N. J., 13.99; leased: Passaic and Delaware Extension RR., 7.4; total, 21.39 miles. Capitalization of road........ | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | Penta Dues lies. . spares sees MBA ICAD SLOCKC cprcasess sceotenee osh sas $111,050 $5,200 | Bere invested slide tersveseere 121,269 $5,700 BROCE Cebit ecedscasssceeeseeh crass None. oa eee all debt p. ann. Unfunded debt and current A Py OS i SES Saas eh Sa api ligiese nips. ssp Setsseeass PCR E Ey cose p 1 Cate rrapra TUN An rig Sa Aen Par of stock, $50. | CAPItal INVESTEC ...eceesccecsces Not known. Total capital represents cost of road, etc. Leased Nov, 1, 1882, for term of its charter, to Del., Lack. and West. RR. Co., at arental of 5 p.c.on stock. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Passaic and Delaware Extension RR. Co., General Office, 26 Exchange pl. ; Corporate Office, Passaic, N. J. Inc. Apr., 18go, in N. J. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Bernardsville (junc. with Pas. and Del. RR.) to Glad- stone, N. J., 7.4 miles. Capitalization of road......+ Current assets to offset cur- pe uA Per Mile FENG NAabilHes ise. c.eces veonsonss None. ; _._. | Lotal invested capital........... $216,350 $30,900 Capital ite: Pihern er curdestasibecnss eee $14,300 “ Interest on all debt p. ann.None. ae Se ede ea piawente rhe ce Dividends per annum...... Total, 4,000. CU EIS Nl Bee Neg 6 6.6 Average ratio of return upon BP recacs gies scented ars cen pecs Sam Oc, i CADILAPINVESLE cateracers¥sens ADte : ; Lease May 1, 1890, for term of charter to Passaic and Delaware RR. Co., at a rental of 4 p. c. per annum on stock. The total invested capital represents cost of road, etc. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Sussex RR. Co., General Office, 26 Exchange pl.; Corporate Office, Hoboken, N. J. Inc. Feb. 5, 1853, in N. J. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Waterloo, N. Y., to Franklin, N. J., 23.21, and branch: Lafayette to Branchville, N. J., 6.31 ; total, 29.52 miles. Capitalization of road....... Dec, 31, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Sapital StOCK......cccisesss eevsesess $1,638,600 54,600 Total gross from operation..... $104,671 3,489 PAPE CED... 000s vasccadeccsbass 236,500 7,900 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............- 87,518 32,917 PPM GS 5s ioyestiesaacanes cone sets 36,679 1,200 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... by set Ge eM iid PEG Mat E1CS ic.sucs0 foecnvenses Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 1,911,779 63,700 CeO aS ADOAVel yeh to20. 7 sce 16,555 552 “‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 16,555 551 Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss. .......++ 598 19 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. DADIEAL 11 VOSTEG.0s5,00> sednacess p.c. 382 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $1,911,779. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,638,600; funded debt, $236,500; miscellaneous, $36,679; total, $1,911,779. The total invested capital represents cost of road, etc. The main line of this road was opened Dec. 11, 1854, and, with the Branchville Branch, has been operated since Sept., 1881, by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Co., which acquired con- trol by purchase of a majority interest in its stock. The South Vernon branch was pur- chased, about that period, by, Lehigh and Hudson River RW. Co. Operations and accounting of the road are kept separately. Syracuse, Binghamton and New York RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 26 Exchange pl. Inc. Aug. 18, 1851, as Syracuse and Binghamton RR. Co. Road opened Oct. 18, 1854, foreclosed and reorganized as above, Apr. 30, 1857. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Geddes to Binghamton, N. Y., 81 miles. Capitalization Of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Lncome forfiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock.......00..ssseeeese08+ 82,500,000 30,800 | Total gross from operation.... $869,458 $10,734 Funded debt........ Yc eee 1,966,000 24,300 | ‘* gress from other sources 3,306 42 Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses............. *469,820 6,171 TPAD ALTULOS Gy inasasciseroseussescsise ts 185,876 2,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend....... 373,004 4,605 rent tiabilities.....2..063 pte Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........... 4,651,876 57,300 Gebtiasiavovenis. c2ssesvesves.« 137,620 1,699 ‘‘ Interestonalldebt p.ann. 137,620 1,700 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... 200,000 for stockholders, gain........ 235,384 2,906 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid.... 35,384 437 Capital in vVested........0ccsessse7ed Dx Ce * Includes taxes, $39,501. Par of stock, $50. Dividends 2 p. c. (Feb. qrly.) An extra dividend of $125,000 was paid in Oct. from suspense account. cost of road, etc. Control was acquired in 1869 by the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Co., which operates it separately. Balance sheet not furnished. The total invested cap.tal represents Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Valley RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 26 Exchange place. Inc. Jan. 11, ¥866, in=N; Y, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Greene to Utica, 75.66; Richfield Springs branch: Junc. to Richfield Springs, 21.75; total, 97.41 miles. Capitalization of road... Per Mile. MEAD ICAL SLOCIK, c.ccccnstecess secctns «64,000,000 41,100 IBMT CLEC eC eb Exterecsseu'cotecccete cee None. Unfunded debt and current Liabilities .......00sscsesssressevces 222,479 2,300 Par of stock, $50. Dividends, 3 p. c. M. & N. 1, 1891. Current assets to offset cur- Pent JiaADUitiesi2.221. cs j.reseess > Total invested capital........ ~ 4,222,479 43,300 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, None. ““ Dividends per annum....., 240,000 Average ratio of return upon Caisita k IVeESLCC c5.5c0ss0cs sane As stated. Leased, April 9, 1890, for term of its charter, to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR. Co., at a rental of 6 p.c. on stock. The item of unfunded debt represents advances by lessee, and the total invested capital, the cost of road. Balance sheet not furnished. Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 26 Exchange place. 1869, in N.Y. Inc. Mar. 4, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Penna. State Line to Binghamton, N. Y., 11.64 miles. Capitalization of road......0.+ Per Mile: GapitalstockA....s ceive feuties « $750,000 64,700 Fanded débt..:2.2 oN vcsccsee ance, 400,000 34,500 Unfunded debt and current ARAL ISUAT TES fcc ct ew eva tenes ro.G20 goo Par of stock, $50. Dividends, 2% p.c., J. & J. Current assets to offset cur- rentiliabilitlesx: (s.cccusseeeses ice Toetalinvested capital..:.....-.. 1,160,620 100, 100 ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. 20,000 1,724 ** Dividends per annum...... 37,500 Average ratio of return upon Capital invested. ciscau cvs concce As stated. Leased, April, 15, 1869, for a term of its charter, to the Delaware, Lackawana and Western RR., at rental of 5 p.c. on stock (reduced in year 1882 from 8 p. c.) and interest on bonds. total invested capital, the cost of road, etc. The item of funded debt represents advances by lessee, and the Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 383 _ Warren RR. Co., General Office, 26 Exchange pl.; Corporate Office, Blairstown, ee. inc. Feb. 15; 1851, in N, J. ‘ LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Hampton Junc. to Delaware Bridge, N. J., 18.8 miles. Capitalization of TOO sieves Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FENG Ma Duties cases scscaveanasens Metal SEOCK ssc sedsccied exerci (vasa $1,800,000 95,700 . Total invested capital........... 3,189,236 169,600 BEECUCEE LEU sos cedSeeaissereny gece 1,350,000 71,800 iy Interest on all debt p.ann. 94,500 5,027 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per ann............ 126,000 PESIHITIESY foccacecde: klgeu cask 3 0 39,236 2,100 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. ; COUItd MN VESTEC pc secacese secs As stated. Dividends, 3% p.c., A.& O.15. Leased Oct. 1, 1857, for term of its charter, to the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RR., at a rental of 7 p. c. on stock and interest on bonds. The total invested capital represents cost of road. Balance sheet and opera- tions not furnished. DELAWARE RIVER AND LANCASTER RR. CO., New York Office, 4o Wall st.; 518 Walnut st., Philadelphia, Pa. General and Corpo- rate Office, Pughtown, Pa. Inc. Mar. 24, 1868, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: French Creek June. to St. Peters, Pa., 12.1 miles. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1891:— | Jncome for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock.......c0ceceee soveseeee $230,550 $20,000 | Total gross from operation..... $3,917 $326 Funded debt.........scssssssseeeees 310,000 25,900 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct.all expenses:............. 6,869 572 Liabilities .....ceeesecees oon eeveeees 37,918 3,200 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... *2,952 246 rent liabilities .......0¢ s.0- Deseeee Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 587,468 49,100 eb as AbOVE i iesccsotisessasgss 18,600 1,550 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... for stockholders, loss.........5 21,552 1,796 Average ratio of return upon Capital invested. .....3...ss.0ce Not known. * Net deficit. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—_ ASSETS. LIABILITIES. BEE PO INTOACL tee sceaisscasteatess sn ceccecses $540,550 00.14 Capital Stock. Ac.v..... 0s. ines Te guests $239,550 00 Best Of “EQUIPMENE../5....0ccscocseusees 2,000; 00 "| PF UNGeEdiGeD tis... wscsensas95s so teers 310,000 00 fash and current assets.......00.c. mers Otro UITent lia Dilies. 4 a,. sfenscesetonc ore! 37,918 18 DTISCELANCOUS 4.....005 secesscer sovcnneesss 302 99 BIGHT LINC) LOSS Sica: aida casesenitaseacetals sore 33,852 58 POLL consese Sun reavedeu cass cdora Ceuaies $587,468 18 ‘Votall,.c-coss erator eaenumitined: Caetesss $587,446 18 A traffic contract has been made with Phila. and Reading RR. Co., based upon blocks of 25 miles. Capital authorized, $1,600,000. DELAWARE RIVER RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Woodbury, N. J. Inc. Feb. 20, 1873, in N. J., as Dela- ware Shore RR.; sold Aug.'8, 1879, and reorganized Feb., 1881. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Woodbury to Penn’s Grove, N. J., 19.97 miles. In 1891, voted to increase capital stock to $250,000. . Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. TAT SLOCIS, nascccscseversssssves $141,500 $7,100 | Total gross from operation... $56,137 $2,806 OA CODE Jvaccse Siavs. cn scecs x0 65,000 3,200 ** gross from other sources.. Unfunded debt and current Déduct alleexpenses.2..7....00: 55,398 2,769 PEA ILILICS.. 01.» cseccece cecsocsec 58,934 3,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends....... 739 ae PRT MARTI CSc) css cms vsrecers 13,204 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 265,434 13,300 | GebwWasAdOVes cnc sccves sacs: 3,900 195 *“ Int. on all debt per ann.. 3,900 195 | Net result on year’s business otal dividends. °........0ssc00s None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 2 TOT) Bis DS Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. h capital invested............... None. ’ 334 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $238,932; stocks and bonds owned, $4,000; bills receivable, $489 ; current accounts, $12,715 ; profit and loss, $9,298 ; total, $265,434. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $141,500; funded debt, $65,000 ; bills pay- able, $25,936; unpaid interest on bonds, $32,998 ; total, $265,434. DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Drifton, Luzerne Co., Pa. Inc. Apr. 14, 1890, in Pa. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Drifton, Pa.,; to various points, 29.25 miles; projected : Drifton to Gowen, Pa., and five branches; total, 49.8 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1I891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | rent liabilities ......10. eceseseees $27,891 Weibel stack ee ee 6,264 $13,000 Total invested capital........ .. 583,940 20,200 See eens Seyoaht $15,000 | Teineeeston alt deb pan None Unfunded debt and current we Dividends per annum:.i... None paid. MA DINGS ?sos.8 ti bates ssorve sences 207,676 7,200 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. PrrCApital WN Ves te csasssciencacoson Not known. Balance sheet and ‘operations not furnished. © DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RR. CO., ‘“The Scenic Line of the World,” 47 William st.; General and Corporate Office, Equitable Building, 17th and Stout sts., Denver, Col. London, Eng., Agents, John K. Gilliat & Co., 4 Crosby square. Inc. July 14, 1886, in Col., succeeding to Denver and Rio Grande RW. Co., foreclosed July 12, 1886. : LENGTH OF ROAD owned (operated in four divisions): First division: Denver to Pueblo, 119.6; Pueblo to Salida, 96.9, to Trinidad, 91; other branches, 109.42=416.92.. Second division: Salida to Leadville and Minturn, 96.8; Minturn to New Castle, 70.8 ; Glenwood to Aspen, 41.1; other branches, 109.42—416.92. Third division: Salida to Gunnison, 73.8; Gunnison to Grand Junc. (connecting with Rio Grande Western RR. for Ogden and Salt Lake City), 134.92; Mears Junc. to Alamosa, 74.8; other branches, 133.1=416.62. Fourth division: La Veta to Alamosa, 59.4; Alamosa to Chama, 92.5; Chama to Durango, 107.4; other branches, 213.62—=472.92. Total, 1,571.61 miles. Leased: Rio Grande Junc. RR., 77. Total, 1,648.61 miles. Average operated mileage, 1,640. Capitalization of road.........June 30, 1892 :— income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. (SADItAl SLOCK te. ;oveocerode sent $61,650,000 $38,300 Total gross from operation..... 5,830,946 $5,384 PNAS AAS DE Hiececirs. ode ceeaeg 42,867,500 26,600 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct allexpenses: ices: 2u: *5,804,648 3,539 rent: liabilitves. ws eee Sy 535521 3,600 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends...... " 3,026,298 1,845, current liabilities.......... 3,163,356 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... {10,271,021 68,500 Fat oS oso Kee Ve gee oe aed {2,112,186 1,288 “ Int. on alldebt p. ann. 2,046,840 1,270 Net result on year’s business ™ Dividends )...2.... ssccdeas. for stockholders, gain......... QI4,II2 557 Average ratio of return upon capital invested... 2.7 p. c. * Includes betterments, etc., $240,000; taxes, $350,292. } Includes rentals, $65.346. , The capital stock of this Company consists of $38,000,000 common stock (authorized, $45,500,000) and $23,650,000 5 p. c. non-cumulative preferred (authorized, $28,000,000), with a par value of $100 per share. Listed New York and London Exchanges, and quoted at Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. BALANCE SHEET, June 30 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1891. 1892. 1891. 1892. Cost Of TOA. y.sccsoxse $100,983,453 $109,929,313 | Capital stock, com... $38,000,000 $38,000,000 EQuipment icscreps> 5,741,933 6,079,540 | Capital stock, pref... 23,650,000 23,650,000: Mat. and supplies... 880, 139 504,836 | Funded debt........... 40,867,500 42,867,500. Agents and conduc, 248,825 237,940 | Betterment fund...s.. 183,196 307,459: Bills receivable........ 400, 286 200,050.02 V OWENETS .estcaseesnaees 927,074 52s 33a Individuals and Cos 724,141 411,981 Pay rolls, etCrst.:.sa0-: 655,442 401,904 Secur. in treasury... 567,786 849,530 | Loans payable........ 695,200 715,000: Spec. renwl. fund.... 277,459 | Bills payable........... 847,349 141,952 Miscellaneous act.... 136,169 162,816 | Foreign roads......... 96,456 4,929 MCAS) yewy scantaseepearees 760,019 427,557 | Acc. int. on bonds... 108,003 108,004. COUPONS *....ccees seeeee ee 572,920 606,045. Miscellaneous......... 110,725 219,255 Bal. to cdt. of profit SUC OSS tec eeccst ondary 1,728,886 *2,726,639 otal iissspssvesass 110,442,750 STIO 7 tio2t WOtal Aces eveee «© PIIO, 442,756 $110,271,021 ~~ yo ~— 385 Dividends on preferred stock: In 1887, 2% p.c.; in 1888, 2% p. c. in cash, and 14% p- ¢. in scrip, subsequently redeemed in cash; in 1889, none; Feb. 1890, 14% p. c.; wae ie py. c.> in Feb... 1891, 234.p. c. ;/Aug. andsince, none. The.item of “‘ un- funded debt” includes profit and loss, $2,726,639, and current assets, $849,530 securities of other companies, owned and renewal fund, $277,459, as follows :— Statement of securities owned June 30, 1892 :— IN TREASURY. IN RENEWAL FUND. Par. Cost. Par. Cost. 818 Rio Grande South. RW. | 200 Rio Grande Southern 58, $1,000 each....... Saapsdeees $818,000 $615,100 | RW. 5s, $1,000 each........ $200,000 $150,000 1 Rio Grande Gunnison 179 Denver and Rio Grande ai Puy BON Or DONC v...e4,-1000 100,000 2 .87,000)5 | limp) 559.6500, CA Ch... 1.0600: 89,500 74,302 Other Securities. ..... sec. 737,150 147,430 | COMMORSECUTITICS C) ic. .ceveuss oars 460,000 53,157 uti, chu ene A $749,500 $277,459 $1,655,150 $849,530 | PROkAL AMOUNt sacsscs tees $2,404,650 1,126,989 During the fiscal year the Delaware Northern Branch was extended nearly ten miles to the mining camp of Creede, at a cost of about $87,000. For this purpose the Rio Grande Gunnison RR. Co. was incorporated in the interest of, and its 6 p. c. bond was taken by this Company at 87, included in treasury assets asabove. Thecompletion in Dec., 1891, of the Rio Grande Southern RR., between Durango and Ridgway (a station on the Ouray Branch), a distance of 162 miles, with its branch to Telluride, 10 miles, has afforded direct communication by rail with productive portions of Southwest-- ern Colorado, heretofore inaccessible except by trail and wagon road, from which source additional traffic and revenue will, it is expected, in time insure to this Company from the development of the territory. The Rio Grande Junc. RR. is leased jointly by this Company and the Colorado Midland RW. The Silverton RR. is managed by same direction as the Rio Grande Southern RR., in connection with Denver and Rio Grande. Rio Grande Junction RW. Co., Financial agency, Maitland Phelps & Co., 2 Exchange pl., New York; General and Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. June 25, 1889, in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Rifle to Grand Junction, Col., 77 miles. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | rent liabilities........ Assy se sees 940987 Do ron 6-800" | otal invested: capitals... +: 3,890,287 50,500 Pended debe BBgoie00 2zoco |“ Interest on all debt;p. ann, " 92,500 "1,200 Unfunded debt and current |“ Dividends per annumi...... Not known. PULTE eie hess eee be 1,514,587 19,700 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. | capital invested............00 -- Not known. Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Cost of road, $3,849,300. Balance sheet and opera- tions not furnished. The Denver and Rio Grande RR., and the Colorado Midland RW. Cos. operate this road jointly under lease, rental being 30 p. c. of gross earnings. Bonds are also guar- anteed principal and interest by these roads. Total invested capital represents cost of road and current accounts. Rio Grande Southern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. Oct. 30, 1889, in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ridgway to Durango, Col., 162.6; branch to Telluride, Col., 9.8; total, 172.4 miles, narrow gauge. Average operated, 112 miles. On Feb. r, 1892, the entire line of 172.4 miles (including the Telluride branch) was completed and turned over by the Rio Grande Southern Construction Co. to the Rio Grande Southern RR. Co., the former having fulfilled its contract to thesatisfaction of the latter. Property was accepted, and on Feb. 1, operations were commenced. Capitalization of road....... Jane 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. READILAL SLOCIE. sccssda-scees esonvesits 4,310,000 25,000 Total gross from operation..... $491,607 $4,389 Funded debt......... .ssesseess+++/ 4,310,000 25,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 224,207 2,002 Liabilities .......00.eesecees ereeeeee Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to oifset cur- charges and dividends...... 267,400 2,387 Feit MADIIIICS oe. sess rose sows: Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 8,620,000 50,000 Cebtas ahove.c.cslecetliksente 140,000 1,250 ‘* Interest on all debt p.ann. 140,000 1,250 | Net result on year’s business ‘« Dividends per annum...... None yet paid. for stockholders, gain.....,... 127,400 1,137 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested.............000 Dee 25 386 Capital authorized, $5,000,000 ($25,000 per mile). Total invested capital represents cost of road, etc. Road is operated in connection with Denver and Rio Grande RR. Balance sheet not furnished. Silverton RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. July 8, 1881, in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Silverton to North end of Red Mountain Park, Col., 21.5 miles; projected: Silverton to Ouray, 26.6; and branch, from former place to Mineral Point, Col., 19.9 miles; total, 46.5 miles (narrow gauge). J Capitalization of road...... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. VERA UME CE ts cyan veces s-npar CSA DITALSLOCIC pycycetscy cers easeas cur $350,000 $16,600 | otal invested capital........... $775,000 $36,800 Fagidedic cbt s..cs.ter peters 425,000 20,200 _, Interestonalldebt p.ann, — 25,500 1,217 Unfunded debt and current | Dividends per annum...... Not known. Dist tities). sduesve spo, aasengin eis Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capitalinvested 2-:..4...4..0. Not known. Funded debt authorized, $1,000,000. Road is operated in connection with Denver and Rio Grande RR. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. DENVER AND SCRANTON RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Denver to Scranton, Col., 17 miles, connecting at Union Depot at former place with Union Pacific RW. This road is owned and operated by the Denver RR., Land and Coal Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. DENVER, APEX AND WESTERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD projected : .Denver to Georgetown, Col., 70 miles. Mortgage executed to Central Trust Co., to secure issue of $2,000,000 bonds to provide means to build road. DES MOINES AND KANSAS CITY RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Des Moines, Ia. Inc. Jan. 10, 1888, in Ia., and purchased, Jan. 12, 1888, by the Des Moines, Osceola and Southern RR. from syndicate which had bought it at foreclosure, M. B. V. Edgerly, reputed trustee of syndicate. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Des Moines, Ia., to Cainsville, Mo., 112 miles (narrow- gauge). Capitalization of road.. ...... June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. se eS see aeee Sere $32,917 ‘ | Total invested capital............ 173287, 12,400 Fonte debt None’ ae et oat otetespon all debt p.aha.i/e male Wncindeds dentieadtedurtont “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. liabilities i... adds Ree 587,683 5,300 | “Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested setneees onsck eas ly ice Ge Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $103,922 : per mile, $928; deduct all expenses, $78,561: per mile, $701; Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $25,361; per mile, $227. Balance sheet not furnished. DES MOINES, NORTHERN AND WESTERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Des Moines, Ia. Inc. Jan., 1892, in Ia.; consolidation of Des Moines and Northern RR., and Des Moines and Northwestern RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Des Moines to Fonda, 115, and from Clive to Boone, 35; total, 150 miles; altered to standard gauge. June 30, 1892: Capital (authorized, $15,000,000), $4,200,000, per mile, $28,000; funded debt, $2,390,000 (authorized, $18,500 per mile); per mile, $15,900; par of stock, ¢100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Following shows condition of consolidated roads at last report before merger :— Ss oo 387 Des Moines and Northern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Des Moines, Ia. Inc. 1889, in Ia., succeeding to St. Louis, Des Moines and Northern RR. Co. sold under foreclosure Nov. 22, 1889 ; now consolidated with Des Moines and Northwestern RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Des Moines to Boone, Ia., 41.61 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. NEAT C AL SLOCK (cet tec.ccoce ounce seoe $832,700 $20, 300 Funded .debt............ aoe tnaee tes 741,000 18,100 Unfunded debt and current Lia DiIti€S ..,....20cecscaee eens ans 60,709 1,500 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities....<..-< aes retsesea 33,944 Totalinvested capital........ . 1,634,409 39,900 ‘‘ Interestonall debt p.ann. 37,046 903 ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon CADItALIDVEStEC.y 000. s-cecnecel. 5 D, C. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $129,503 $3,113 Total gross from other sources Deduct allexpenses......<.c0006 107,770 72, Net total applicable to fixed ae es charges and dividends...... 25 At OG Deduct total interest on all GED EAS DOVE ..0500.ssccnineesern 37,046 890 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 11,313 27! Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $1,580,204 ; materials and supplies, $1,223; other assets, $744; bills receivable, $5,900; cash on hand, $21,008; due from agents, $5,067; miscellaneous, $20,232; total, $1,634,378. Liabilities, Capital stock, $832,700; funded debt, $741,000; loans and bills payable, $6,741 ; Current accounts, $20,137; unpaid coupons, $34,800 ; total, $1,634,378. Des Moines and Northwestern RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Des Moines, Ia. Inc. Oct., 1887, in Ia., succeeding to the foreclosed Des Moines, Adel and Western RW. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Des Moines, to Fonda, Ia., 114 miles. Now consoli- dated (and gauge made standard) with Des Moines and Northern RR. Co. Capitalization of road....:... June 30, 1891 :— | Per Mile. Bes DILAL SLOCK Ucrisenanssdoses deers 1,000,000 $8,800 PANCE CLEDE car.seees ccsesocess-sees | 450,000 § 3,900 | Unfunded debt and current Dia UUILL CS Rednat cae vaditaceien cere 112,368 1,000 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities .......02 veceseaecte 24,460 Pvotal invested capital .:.:2.25 . 1,562,368 13,700 “« Interest on all debt p. ann. 28, 16% 4 BAT ‘© Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capital invested....c...:6...c00 None * Loss. Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $215,272 $1,888 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses) .7....33.03s 299,052 2,623 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... *83,780 735 Deduct total interest on all CED AS ADOVEN: seecmae sc ces sess: 28,163 247 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain........ 111,943 982 Par of stock, $100, BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, etc., $1,450,400; other assets, $24,460; profit and loss, $87,508 ; total, $1,562,368. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,000,000 ; funded debt, $450,000; bills payable, $74,661 ; current accounts, $14,956; accrued interest, $22,750; total, $1,562,368. Authorized capital stock of new consolidated company, $6,500,000, and authorized funded debt, $18,000 per mile. Des Moines Union RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Des Moines, Ia. Inc. Jan. 7, 1886, in Ia. LENGTH OF ROAD owned in city of Des Moines, Ia., 2.7 miles. This road is con- trolled by Des Moines, Northern and Western RW. Co. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. VOUT MADIMICS cyaocsdtcctcesetes $33,390 : Total invested capital........... 11,000 $337,408 MTOM SUGCIS 5s cnccasseecece canees 00,000 $148,148 a a our 33754 Punded ra) 8) BDO gh Me re re oe 000 oe hp Interestonalldebtp.ann. 25,550 9,463 See aan Cdeht ands current ; ; “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Mi lities Average ratio of return upon eatcof stock, $100. Dip Sd ct Capital invested cscs scds-cene Not known. Capital stock authorized, $2,000,000; funded debt authorized, $800,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 388 DETROIT, BAY CITY AND ALPENA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Detroit, Mich.; Financial and Transfer Agents, H. B. Hollins & Co., New York. Inc. Feb. 13, 1881, in Mich., succeeding the Tawas and Bay County RR., which owned a road from Tawas to a point (5 miles) beyond ‘‘Camp Three,” 28 miles. The Company has extended the line and built the branches, which are tempo- rary, being used chiefly as logging lines, which will likely be discontinued when timber is cut. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Alger to Alpena, Mich., 105, and branches, 104.32 ;. total, 209.32 miles, connecting at Alger with Michigan Central, with which it has traffic contract. Capitalization Of TOA ws. Dec. 31, 1891:— | Jncome for jiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. KZApitaliStOcks.cccscdevisscaeceecse $1,670,000 $8,000 | Total gross from operation... $417,674 $1,995 Funded debt.. wees 2,500,000 11,900 ‘“ gross from other sources. ' Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............ 284,855 1,360 RA DLT ES ieccksse vscaesgessesoee 174,034 800 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... 132,519) “025 Fe SPENCE TA DRITICS 25 deeb eas.ceseceene 42,418 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 4,344,034 20,733 CEDtaS ADOVE Mra cess ssceh. 150,000 718 Meuint. on alt debt patni... 150,000 718 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..... 41,750 for stockholders, loss. ..... 17,104 83 _ Average ratio ofreturn upon , Net loss after dividends Capital’ invested assis Bees DAL ee scswees i Ae A eae 58,931 282 Par of stock, $100. Authorized capital is $2,000,000. Dividends, 4 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ‘ ASOSE OL ST Oa Miss nates tooo oon renee ae $3,875,432 alos Ga Dita StOCKise-c) wees scdes vodssecen acetone: $1,670,000 Cost of rolling stock.. eéecsoiventbas) 4420, 195 2) PANU eG Ce Dt OUtSstanding.s....cs 5 PC: * Includes taxes, $9,962. + Rentals. Dividends, 12 p.c. on preferred and 6 p.c. on common, Sept. and Dec., 1889, and Mar. and June, 1890. Road now merged into Fall Brook RW. Co. Se ee ee Ae ee ae a ee a =<.) a ee — eo. 401 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Meena FOR ng a xsc ce sense a; sucht vase vs nooks ocd $3,250,000 | Capital stock :—Common....c.c....000. $1,500,000 INVESEMENES «0.00000 cereeseees soeseeeseeee ees 13,869 | ELOIGET OCs rascutes acces 500,000 RO erated nea ia tare ak Ghee pen eee eon osc By c0o we unded Gebt. (18h Mite.) o).c.ssscsccsee 2 /250,000 Re ULICIL tanta tater en cwauids sae esecpsd dupendceer es 4,759 DO PEE TICE Las, Seen rs Sls ens keene nal 12,379 SREY ge mali hash baa ge ke behed $3,267,138 | UUAD MM et ese seat nenc'ss ower dam $3,267,138 Pine Creek RW. Co., Grand Central Depot, New York; General and Corporate mance, Wellsboro, Pa. Inc. Feb. 17; 1870, in. Pas; as Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo RW. Co., and title changed Feb. 6, 1884. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Stokesdale Junc. to Newbury, Pa., 74.8 miles. Capitalization OF POGHs we Ue 30) 1891 == Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. PML MADUNLICS. A ous use teecv scons $3; 586 Beet SUOC Ra crcacaausccisve veesecsos $1,000,000 13,300 | Totalinvested capital........ +. 5,031,480 67,100 Berd Geli s,s ..iacshs ses earaeeoes« 3,622,000 48, 300 Intereston all debt p.ann. 262,352 3,500 Unfunded debt and current . Dividends per annum None paid. PPADS \.c0 5 ces 2s aieyaraes ese 409,480 5,500 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. ; Capital invested cs ......cccessee BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road, etc., $4,637,380; bills receivable, $218; cash on hand, $3,367; profit and loss, $390,515; total, $5,031,480. Liabilities, Capital . stock, $1,000,000 ; funded debt, $3,622,000; bills payable, $357,658; other liabilities, $51,822 ; total, $5,031,480. ; : Capital authorized, $4,000,000. Leased June 30, 1883, for 20 years to Fall Brook Coal Co., at 30 p. c. of gross receipts, with provision for adjustment of, rental within the minimum of 25 and the maximum of 35 p.c. of gross receipts. Under their joint and several guarantee of bonds, principal and interest, The N. Y. Cent. and Hudson River, Phila. and Reading and Corning, Cowanesque and Antrim RR. Cos., receive 2d mtge. for any advances to meet interest. Operations not furnished. Syracuse, Geneva and Corning RW. Co., General Office, Watkins, N. Y.; Cor- morate Office; Corning, N.Y. Inc. Aug. 27, 1875, in N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Corning to Geneva, N. Y., 57.75; branch: Pen Yan to Dresden, 6.43 ; total, 64.18 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— ; Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. ee as Mahe, sins % Pate ros Total invested capital........ ~ 3,141,798 49,000 Br acer soo artoa | Interestonalldebtp. ann, $6,467" 1,351 Stiiinded debt and ‘current Dividends per annum...... 106,000 api lities C, * Includes guarantee dividends. In above capitalization is included net capital account balance, £481,240, and net revenue balance, £144,080, and a considerible item of accrued interest. Capital is. ordinary, £20,530,127 16s 2d; guar. 4 p. c. 45,219,793 148 4d; Ist pref., 43,420,000; 2d pref.,-42,530,000;. 3d pref., £7, 168,055 4s 6d; total, £38,367, '976 15s. Funded debt in- cludes besides bonds and debenture stocks, Canadian Government advances, £3,111,500. 414 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ; ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 8 Spears £L cds £586,316 4 p. c. debenture Capital account balance.... Aol, 240 "25 ae stock acquired by the Net revenue balance.......... 144,080 8 4 Company in conversion TGOANS ce tlokdess Guia bene te cens'ene 803,0525 05m eo OL MIOMCS 330.0 sends acnees Abe: 527,684 8. © | Bills’ pavable... rake 94752 eee 4 320,550 Toledo, Saginaw Interest on capital, “etc., Z and Muskegon 5 p.c. bds 246,575 6 10 ACHING ccrot Paasstenes aeons e A'54; 5005.) tno Other securities................ 327,075 6 1 | Sundry outstanding accts. St. Clair Tunnel Co. adv... 38,102 » 4 73° We adue by the,Company...... 323,500, 12.008 Calls in arrear.. em 5,713 I5 5 | Wages unpaid Dec. 31, 1891 140,524 18 4 Cash at bankers. ‘and in PRIRIEST ELL nce raceusledgcah anbeedee 210,733 a0 See Stores, fuel, old material, etc Onehand <.at testes? 387,539 |.i19) 0 Sundry outstanding accts. due to the Company...... 428,879 6. 4 Outstanding traffic accts... 250,027 IO II ! NILA Le bcinacscsmeaste nares ASABE, 331° 0s MEL OLLI tacnwtivenwicw’ wine sak, 2,455)33 beurre Aug. 12, 1882, Grand Trunk RW. Co., consolidated with Great Western RW. Co., under Company’s former name, and Aug. I, 1884, by virtue Act of Parliament, 4 p. c. guaranteed and ordinary stock issued for all Great Western rights. Jan. 24, 1888, Northern RR., of Canada, and its leased line, Hamilton and Northe, western RR., consolidated with Grand Trunk RW.., under title Grand Trunk RW. 05 of Canada, upon the following term$: The borrowed capital of the three companies to be the borrowed capital of the united company ; the preference shares of the Northern and Northwestern to be entitled to a dividend ata rate equal to the rate of dividend paid upon the Grand Trunk first preference stock up to but not exceeding 3 p.c. per ann. and a further dividend at a rate equal to the rate of dividend paid upon the Grand Trunk second preference stock up to but not exceeding 3 p.c. per ann., and the ordi- nary stock of the three companies to be the ordinary stock of the united company. Under powers of ‘‘The Grand Trunk RW. Act, 1888,’ the preference stocks of the Northern and Hamilton and Northwestern Companies have been converted into the Grand Trunk first and second preference stocks, receiving 62 p. c. of each description of stock, In 1890 Company began operating the Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw RR., from Nov. 1, 1890, to Jan. 1, 1920, for 70 p. c. of the gross receipts, the Grand Trunk undertaking that if the remaining 30 p.c. does not suffice to pay 5 p.c. interest on the $1,680,000 bonds of the C. S. and M. RR. Co., it will surrender a further 25 p. c., or such lesser amount as may be necessary, of the gross receipts from traffic interchanged between the lines. 4. c. Guaranteed Stock.—Created by Act of 1884, and issued to holders of Great Western. preference stock and ordinary shares, and is entitled toa non-cumulative divi- dend not exceeding 4 p. c. per annum of the net earnings of the Company. Ranks next in priority to debenture stock. Listed on London Stock Exchange, and also quoted at ; Aberdeen, Birmingham, Bristol, Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Man- chester and Sheffield. Ist Preference Stock.—Under the Acts of 1873 and 1874 this stock is now entitled to a dividend of 5 p.c. per annum in perpetuity, charged on the available net profits of each separate year, after payment of dividend on guaranteed stock. Listings same as above, except not quoted at Aberdeen. 2a Freference Stock.—Ranking next to the Ist preference stock and otherwise iden- tical in security with it. Full dividends were paid for the second half of 1863 and the first half of 1864, and a dividend of £1 13s. p. c. was paid for the first half of 1873, but no further dividend was paid till 1880, when the full dividend of 5 p. c. for the year was paid. The full dividend was also paid for the 6 half-years ending Dec. 31, 1883; but there has been no distribution since, except % p.c. for second half of 1887. Listing, same as above, except not quoted at Aberdeen and Bristol. 2a Preference Stock.—Under Acts of 1873 and 1884 this stock is entitled to a divi- . dend of 4 p.c. per annum in perpetuity out of net earnings of each separate year, subject to the priority of the 1st and 2d preference stocks. The only distributions on this stock have been as follows: 1864 (1st half), 4 p. c.; 1880 (2d half), 1 p.c.; 1882 (2d half), 3% p. c.; 1883 (2d half), 3% p.c. Listings same as above, except not quoted at Aberdeen and Bristol. he ae alias dia 415 Perpetual 5 p. c. Debenture Stock (Grand Trunk Section).—Created under powers of the Company's ‘ Consolidated Debenture Stock Act, 1874,’ passed May 26, 1874. Secured by Ist mortgage on all the Company’s property, as also upon the Company’s interest in the International Bridge and in leased and operated lines, subject, however, to the priorities of all other preferential charges existing at date of issue ; ranks immediately after the equipment mortgage bonds; interest 5 p. c. per annum in perpetuity, payable J. & J. Listings same as for 3d preference stock. Perpetual g p. c. Consolidated Debenture Stock.—In April, 1883, £750,000 of this stock was issued to replace £226,300 advanced for redemption of securities of Company, to provide for £289,000 6 p. c. securities falling due in April and October, 1883 ; andin July, 1884, to provide for purchase of rolling stock, and for improvements to the line. Further issues have been made since that date in exchange for Great Western 5 p.c. debenture stocks and bonds of the Wellington, Grey and Bruce RW. Co., and shares of the Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction line, for acquisition of the Wellington RW., and for other purposes. In June,- 1888, £687,700 was issued for acquisition of £307,800 Northern Pacific Junc. mortgage bonds, £200,000 joint equipment bonds of Northern and Northwestern, and for payment of £131,700 indebtedness for cars of the Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. Co. In September, 1890, £,1,200,000 was issued for the following purposes: (1) To redeem the balance of the Great Western 6 p. c. debenture bonds maturing Dec. 1, 1890, amounting to £437,000; (2) to meet expenditures on the St. Clair Tunnel, etc., amounting to about £450,000 (for which bonds of the Tunnel Co. were to be issued to and held by the Grand Trunk RW. Co. for the benefit of the debenture stockholders); and (3) to provide for the general purposes of the Company. In January, 1892, application from the proprietors were invited for £500,000 of this stock; the proceeds to be applied in payment of liabilities, bearing interest, and incurred mainly (1) for the completion of the St. Clair Tunnel, (2) for double-tracking, and (3) for additional rolling stock. By the terms of the Grand Trunk RW. Acts, 1887 and 1888, securities acquired by exchange for this stock are held alive for the benefit of the holders of the stock. The conversion into this stock of the pre-preference securities (including the 5 p. c. Grand Trunk and Great Western deben- ture stock), and the bonds of the controlled and subsidiary lines will, from time to time, be proceeded with by an arrangement with the holders. Interest payable January, Aoril, July and October. Listed on the London Stock Exchange, and also quoted at Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. 4 p. c. Perpetual Debenture Stock (Northern RW. of Canada).—TIs entitled to _ privileges and priorities of 2d preference bonds, which matured Aug. 1, 1884. Issued to July, 1884, 2d preference bonds being received in payment at £1co bond for £125 stock. Interest payable February and August, in London. Listed on London Stock Exchange, and also quoted at Manchester. ATLANTIC AND ST. LAWRENCE RR. CO., General Office, Montreal, Can., Corporate Office, Portland, Maine. Inc. in Maine. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Portland, Me. to Island Pond, Vt., 149.58 miles. Capitalization of road ......04+ June 30, 1891:— | lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. SAA SLOCK 2.0 t.> cers secvnsocese $5,484,000 $36,600 | Total gross from operation....$1,141,619 $7,632 MEUISOEC) (Let. cos eccsss, aceccess 3,000,000 + 20,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Mer DCAUEE alles Denises oh vets scre 897,960 6,002 BA DUIS nu ieioiviodescseconss None. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 243,659 1,630 Pent Wabi itiesia sds sees wiNone: Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ....... 8,484,000 56,600 GED AS ADOVEiserasscsdacenveace 535,320 3,580 mint. on all’ debt’ p. ann... 535,320 3,600 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per. annum.. 329,040 for stockhclders, loss......... 291,661 1,950 Average ratio of return upon capital invested...... PCs Par of stock, $100, and sterling £100 or $484. Leased Aug. 5, 1853, to Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada, for g99 years, for 6 p. c. guarantee on stock and assumption of all obligations. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $8,484,000. Liabilities, Capi- tal stock, $5,484,000; funded debt, $3,000,000 ; total, $8,484,000. * \ A416 “LINES OPERATED IN’. CONNECTION. “WITH THE -ATLANTIC CAND ses Ce LAWRENCE oh Re Brantford, Norfolk and Port Burwell RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Que. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Brantford, Ont. to Glencoe Loop Line, Ont., Pir miles. Capital, $30,000, per mile, $860; funded debt and unfunded debt and current liabilities, $316,910, per mile, $9,000; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $316,910: total invested capital, $346,910, per mile, $9,860 ; total interest on all debt per annum, not known; dividends, not known ; average ratio of return upon capital invested, not known; par of stock, $100. The Grand Trunk RW. Co. acquired control of this road by transfer of lease from Great Western RW. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Buffalo and Lake Huron RW. Co., General Office, Montreal, Canada; Corporate Office, London, E. C. Inc. in England. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: International Bridge, Canada, to Goderich, Canada, 162 miles. Capitalization Of rOAd ......0606 June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities soeveeee seneeeseeee None stated. sPaTtal Stock Zelc. nay presen veces 25,4 200 | Lotal invested capital .......... & 1,288,893 7,900 funded EM Uacotdststrspce rest SRS ae "interest on all debt p. ann. 41,995 300 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum. ....0: 26,250 Abilities te cate None stated. | Average ratio of return upon CADITALANVESLEO aise rtsses se eved Not known. July 1, 1868, leased perpetually to G. T. RW. Co. of Canada, at rental £70,000 per annum. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Lewiston and Auburn Branch RR. Co., General Office, Montreal, Can.; Corporate Office, Lewiston, Me. Inc. in Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned : Lewiston to Auburn, Me., 5.50 miles. Capital $300,000, par $100. Leased Mar. 10, 1874, to Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada, for 99 years, at $18,000 per annum, being 6p. c. on $300,000 stock owned by the cities of Lewiston and Auburn. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Norway Branch RR. Co., General Office, Montreal, Can. Inc. Apr. 23, 1878, im Maine. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: South Paris, to Norway, Me., 1.36 miles. Capital, $8,759, par $50. All owned by Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada, and leased for 99 years from May 1, 1880, at $1 per annum, by that Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Grand Trunk, Georgian Bay and Lake Erie RW. Co., General Office, Mont- real; Cony, Corporate Office, Simceoe;-Onte “lnexinpGant LENGTH OF RoaD owned : Port Dover, Ont., to Wiarton, Ont., 146; branch, Palmerston to Durham, 26.73: Simcoe to Port Rowan, 17 ; total, 189.73 miles. Capitalization of road .......+ June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- stent a Per Mile. rent liabilities.......5...... ..... None. Capital Stock: Werh.dstsh.uzs usa ate $483,250 25,000 | 1°tal invested capital........... $3,076,235 16,100 fended Gebtin waar See 7,000 _, interest on all debt p. ann, Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... Lialjititiesi... ensues ieee heceoeces 1,265,000 6,600 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capital Invested? ..7.-..c.2.s ches * Municipal bonus, $929,000 and Government bonus, $336,000. Leased by Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada, Mar., 1883, for 21 years, for bond interest which Company, in 1887, acquired right to issue its debenture stock for these bonds. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. International Bridge Co., General Office, Buffalo, N. Y.; Corporate Office, Montreal;,Can..-Inc. Juné,.1857."s LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Black Rock to Fort Erie, 0.69 mile. i 417 Capitalization of road.......,J une 30, 1891 :— income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Peapital stock :..0ch oss $1,499,900 Total gross from operation..... $187,723 Peanded Gebt occ erccsvdes ives cs 512,260 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpensesc. cc. 48,787 Berabilities aint vO. tence 5,584 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 138,936 Penbidiah ities Fo Sie kha: 9,542 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. = 017,744 debt aS ADOVE ......se veeeseseees 35,858 ‘““ Interest on all debt p. ann. 35,858 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... 197,494 for stockholders, gain......... 103,078 Average ratio of return upon Net surp. after dividends paid 5,504 capital invested..........:...... Grips <. f Rate 6% p.c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of bridge and approaches, $2,008,202 ; other assets, $9,542; total, $2,017,744. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,499,900; funded debt, one 7 p. c. 20-year bond (owned by Grand Trunk RW. Co.), due Jan. 21, 1903, interest J. & D., $512,260; income balance, $5,584; total, $2,017,744. Jacques Cartier Union RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Can. Inc. July 24, 1880. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lachine Bank, Grand Trunk RW., to Canadian” Pacitic RW., 6.50 miles. Capitalization not obtained. Originally built to connect Grand Trunk RW. and the North Shore and Canadian Pacific RW.; now included in system of Grand Trunk RW. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. London and Port Stanley RW. Co., General Office, Montreal, Can.; Corporate Office, London, Ont. Inc. 1851. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: London, Ont., to Port Stanley, Ont., 23.66 miles. Capi- tal, $441,550, per mile, $18,400; funded debt, $680,341, per mile, $28,300; total invested capital, representing cost of road, $1,121,891, per mile, $46,700... Leased to Great Western RW. Co.; rental, 5 p.c. on bonds; operations ‘included in system of Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada. Balance sheet and operations not reported. London, Huron and Bruce RW. Co., General and Corporate Office,§!Montreal, ane Inc. 137 1. AS LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Junction, Ont., W ngham, Ont., 68.89 miles.§! Capi- tal, $22,210, per mile, $300; funded debt, $912,646, per mile, $13,200; current liabilities, * 490,130, per mile, $7,100; total invested capital, representing cost of road, $1,424,986; total interest on all debt per annum, $54,759, per mile, $20,600; authorized capital, $400,000. Leased to Great Western RW. Co., for rental of interest on bonds, and maintenance of road; operations included in system of Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. * Being Municipal bonus, $311,500, and Government bonus, $178,630. Midland RW. Co., of Canada, General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Can. Inc. 1846 in England. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Main Line, Port Hope to Midland, Ont., 124.01; Br. Milbrook to Lakefield, 24=148.01 ; Nipissing Div., Scarborough to Coboconk, Ont., 78; Stouffville to Sulton, 26.55=104.55; G. J. R. Div., Belleville to Petersborough, 65.6; Br. N. H. Junc. to Madoc, 21.5=87.1 ; Whitby and Holiburton Div., Whitney to Holiburton ; 100; Toronto and Ottawa Div., 32.34; Petersborough to Chemong Wharf, 8; total, 479.11 miles. Capital, $6,600,000, per mile, $13,700; funded debt, $10,201,903; per “mile, $21,300; total invested capital, $16,801,903, per mile, $35,000; total interest on all debt per annum, $501,095, per mile, 1,065. Leased Jan. 1, 1884, to G. T. RW. Co., which guarantees interest on bonds to be reimbursed before any dividends paid. Oct., 1887, latter company offered bondholders option of conversion into 4‘ p. c. debenture stock. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Lake Simcoe Junction RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Que. Inc. 1875 in Can. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Stouffville, Ont. to Jackson’s Point, 26.5 miles. * Being substantially the cost of bridge approaches. Capitalization of road......0.6 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities Der neeee ceterceas om Pe riital StOCK. y.c.scecacsss secssees . $35,000 $1,300 | Totalinvested capital........ . $438,000 $16,500 Be CED t -.2bccase vesecceneccees . 250,000 9,400 _, intereston all debt p.ann. 15,000 Pesinded debt. and: current Dividends per annum...... None. Pbitics ban dle: 153,000 5,800 } Average ratio of return upon | Capital inVested.. (2... ..-.sses - Not known. 27 A18 Leased from date of opening, Oct. 1, 1877, to T. and N. RW. Co. for 21 years for 25 p. c. of gross earnings. Now operated by Grand Trunk RW. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Northern and Northwestern RW. Co., Consolidated Jan. 24, 1888, with Grand Trunk RW. Co. ; Wellington, Grey and Bruce RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Can. Inc. 1869. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Guelph, Ont., to Southampton, 101.75; Palmerton, Ont., to Cincurdine, 66.60; total, 168.35 miles, Capitalization Of road... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities .......0. seseesees HAUSTOCK oii saneednacs vieevece . $221,000 $1,300 | Totalinvested capital........ .. 317331543 $22,200 Finded debt Bete heh MS pete yeas ‘“ Interest on all debt p.ann. 181,230 1,078 Unfunded debt and current ‘“‘ Dividends per annum...... None. liabitities ba .\sirs tec eee 923,276 5,500 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital anvesteds ciars ccsivens Not known. Capital authorized, $1,500,000. Leased to Great Western RW. Co. (now Grand Trunk RW. Co. for 1,000 years at rental of 30 p. c. of gross earnings. Lessee also to acquire mortgage bonds at par, reserving 20 p. c. of gross receipts from interchange of traffic for that purpose. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CHICAGO AND GRAND TRUNK RW. CO., General Offices, Detroit, Mich., and Chicago, Ill.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. Jan. 7, 1880,in Mich., Ind., and IIl. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Port Huron, Mich., to Elsdon, Ill., 326.5; trackage: Chicago and Western Indiana, 4.87; Grand Trunk Junction RW., 3.9; total, 335.27 miles. Capitalization of road........D€C. 31, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— . Per Mile. Per Mile. Cla pitalistoci?. cecs-6. ee $6,600,000 20,300 | Total gross from operation.....$3,866,670 11, 540 RUIN Ged Ce D bag 7. wee 12,000,000 36,900 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deductvall expenses 1... 0r.0 cca * 3,193,230 9,530 MTA MALIOS (1) es cseteereee tate nee 1,623,305 5,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset .cur- .|- charges and dividends...... 673,434 2,010 Penta bilities: acct vestees cat Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 20,223,315.62,200 GEDEaS ADOVE 2oii\..ccasercacntes 1673,434 2,010 ““ Intereston alldebtp.ann. 734,514 1,900 Net result on year’s business ; ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. for StocCEDOIGETS oii cc5v/ss-0tsee Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested. ..4i.b.ciess: 2.3 Dee * Including taxes, $134,998. 7 Including rentals, $13,472. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $19,076,299 ; other assets, $824,477 ; cash, $322,529; total, $20.223,305.° Liabilities, Capital stock, $6,600,000 ; funded debt outstanding, $12,000,000; unfunded debt, $1,623,305 ; total, $20,223,305. Controlled and operated by Grand Trunk RW. Co. of Canada. Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction RW. Co., General Office, Montreal, Que. Inc. Mar. 18,°1858. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Detrcit Junction, Mich., to Fort Gratiot, Mich., 59.37 miles. Capitalization Of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Pees ee Pail eee ae : Per Mile. APIta liStOCko war shave cebesaeseets 978,985 $16,300 otal gross from operaticn..... 7 Fairded debt tn eer. cscs 1,786,141 29,800 ott eroks from iste Ape #4458 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses........ Boats 256,484 4,320 WGDINICIES “liste. chk dactite eee None. Net total applicable to fixed : Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 695 130 rent lia bilities ioe csisccrecesess None. Deduct total interest on all mt : Total invested capital........ .. 2,765,126 46,100 débtas above wwhticns ie 65,700 1,100 a Interestonalldebtp.ann. 65,700 1,100 Net result on year’s business ‘ Dividends per annum...... 43,800 for stockholders, loss.......... 58,005 1,000 Average ratio of return upon | Net deficit after dividends : Capital an Vested. ccesssaseesssan None. DAL RA.snaerkiy beet ee rare eee 101,805 2,100 419 Leased and operated by Grand Trunk RW. Co., of Canada, that road making good any deficiency in amount required to meet interest and dividends, and furnishing equipment in connection with Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. Co. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,765,126. Lia- Silities, Capital stock, ‘$978, 985 ; funded debt, $1,786, 141 ; total, $2,765,126. Cincinnati, Saginaw and Mackinaw RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Detroit, Mich. Inc. Dec. 26, 1889. LENGTH oF Roap owned: Durand to West Bay, Mich., 53 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— , Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MEA DILAISSTQCK. Ele cstcec ceva tocons. $1,500,000 $28,300 | Total gross from operation... $108,813 $2,053 Funded debt.. edderasers)f 2 0503000. 37,700 ‘‘ from other sources 291 5 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses ..2..<. 1.43. 85,906 1,622 FS DULILIES selec asare goacaeds aces’ 45,836 800 | Net total applicable to fixed ‘Current assets to offset cur- .charges and dividends...... 23,138 436 Sent abilities. .i.iseetcsses 32,592 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 3,225,836 60,800 eMedia, ABOVE yecy ve sccceeess 84,000 1,585 ™ Int. on all debt p: ann... 84,000 1,585 | Netresult on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...None. for stockholders, loss........ 60,862 1,149 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Salital IBVeSted, 2.1.0 .055\% eps Ci Grand Trunk RW. Co. of Canada, and Chicago and Grand Trunk RW. Co., have pledged toward interest on bonds 25 p. c. of gross receipts from traffic, interchanged with Company. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $3,007,650; rolling stock, $102,350 ; material and fuel, $13,243; current accounts, $23,955; cash on hand, $8,637 ; total, $3,225,836. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,500,000; funded debt, $1,680,000; current accounts, $22,608 ; profit and loss, $23,138; total, $3,225,836. The bonds are secured on the entire road, sidings and rolling stock. Detroit, Grand Haven and Milwaukee RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Detroit, Mich. Inc. Oct. 18, 1878, in Mich. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Detroit to Grand Haven, Mich., 189 miles. Capitalization of road ..... June 30, 1891 :— | Lucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— ; . Per Mile. Per Mile. ‘Capital stock........ Rate netcee.c ts $1,5c0,000 $7,900 | Total gross from operation....$1,159,933 $6,137 Funded debt.. ..». 5,426,000 28,700 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt ‘and ‘current | Deduct QIVEXPENSES Kivi sscccrs, 070,001 4,050 Ha Dilities ss... cc3 accounts, $38,033; total, $1,851,476. Liabilities, Capital stock, $300,000; funded debt,. $1,508,667 ; vouchers, etc., $5,092; unpaid interest, due July 1, $37,717 ; total, $1,851,576. Cobourg, Blairton and Marmora RW. Oo., General and Corporate Office, Cobourg, Ont. Inc. June, 1887, in Can., as successor to the Cobourg, Peterboro and Marmora RW. Co. Read opened, Cobourg to Harwood, 15 miles, May, 1854; C. P. 421 RR. to Biairton, 1868. The portion of the original main line from Harwood to Peter- boro, has been abandoned; the portion extending from Ashburnham to Chambliss has been sold to the Grand Trunk RW. Co. Property sold under Chancery order, May, 1886, to T. B. Pearce, for $30,200 cash. Now operated’by the Grand Trunk RW. Co. of Canada. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cobourg, Ont., to Harwood, 15 miles; Blairton Branch, C. P. RR. to Blairton, 3 miles; Narrows Branch, Narrows to C. P. RR., 5 miles ; total, 23 miles. Capitalization of road, June 30, 1891; Capital stock, $1,000,000; no funded debt; unfunded debt consists of Government (Ont.) aid, $44,740, municipal aid, $113,500; current liabilities, $158,240. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. United States and Canada RR. Co., General Office, Montreal, Que.; Corporate Office, Fort Covington, N. Y. Inc. May 17, 1888, in N. Y., succeeding, by consolida- tion, a company of same name, and Massena Springs and Fort Covington RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Massena Springs, N. Y., to International boundary, 22.13 miles. This road is operated under agreement of Sept. 27, 1888, by Grand Trunk RW. Co., of. Canada. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Panital StOCK: cscceresessts octeeeden $200,925 $9,500 Total gross from operation..... $7,118 £323 Funded debt........... Secon es hs ae 4551470" 10, 700 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct'all expenses... 23,075... *17,001 GG: LaDiHties *.ccccsss seeeeeees eee eeece 36,023 1,600 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... T9,883 449 FentilidDilities <2.s tess focusses 33,590 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 678,418 30,800 | debt as abOve.....oas.esesceees < 11,385 517 ef Interest on all debt p. ann. 11,385 TT. Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss ......... 21,268 966 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $25. capital invested........ ss...» None. * Including taxes, $2,163, + Deficit. Capital authorized, $230,000; funded debt authorized, $433,470. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $644,822; current accounts, $33,596; total, $678,418. Ldadilities, Capital stock, $208,925; funded debt, $433,470; current accounts, $36,023 ; total, $678,418. GRAND VIEW BEACH RR. CO. No information obtained. GRASSY ISLAND RR. C0O., General and Corporate Office, Peckville, Pa. Inc. Oct. 19,1887, in Pa. LENGTH OF RoaD owned: Jessep to Winton, Pa.,1 mile. Built to transport coal from Grassy Island Coal Co. to Winton Branch, Delaware, Lackawanna and Western RW..; not running, owing to contest over grade-crossing. Capitalization Of TOAA.....060 Current assets to offset cur- Pov - peoeepuitics a eer 290 eee otal invested Capital........ 7 LO5000)) 105000 Bice eens eo eeet ceccces ee ae 10,000 “c Interest on all debt p. ann. sce eeeere cocccccsacesce ‘ . 6c Dividends per annum...... None. Danced debt and current Nove Average ratio of return upon AA aE RT: sede Ube ogee eA capital invested.............00 Not known. BALANCE SHEET.—Assets, Cost of road, $9,704; cash and current assets, $296; total, $10,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $10,000. Operations not furnished. GREAT EASTERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Que. Inc. 1882 in Que. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Yamasca to River St. Francis, Que., 6.12 miles; St. Gregoin to Nicolet, Que., 6.60 miles ; total, 12.72. miles. Leased : Montreal and Sorel RW., St. Lambert to Sorel, Que., 44.67 miles; total, 57.39 miles. Projected: Dundee to Levis, Que., 220 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891 ; Capital, $1,150,000; Government bonuses (Dominion, $229,500 ; Quebec, $156,000), $385,500; paid up, $82,720; municipal bonus, $20,000 ; total capital paid up, $1 232,720; no funded debt. Income for year ending June 30, 1891: gross earnings, $15,053; expenses, $19,009 ; deficit, $4,956. Balance sheet not furnished. 422 Montreal and Sorel RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Montreal, Que. Inc. July 2, 1881, in Que. LENGTH OF ROALD owned: Armstrong to St. Lambert, Que., 44.67 miles. Leased to Great Eastern RW. Co., June 24, 1889. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities sc .ccs2ecek. . Net known. Gapitabstock bce, . $750,000 16,600 | Total invested capital........ . 1,183,450 26,200 Eiinded debt’. cu) anette 363,528 8,000 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p. ann, None since 1884 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...,., Not known. (abilities nul. eke 69,922 1,500 | Average ratio of return upon capitalinvestedsi..0ccheece . Not known. Unfunded debt consists of paid Dominion Government bonuses, of which total authorized is $112,000. There is also a municipal bonus authorized of $14,100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM comprises the Great Northern RW. (formerly St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW.), Eastern RW. of Minnesota; Minneapolis Union RW., Montana Central RW.; Willmar and Sioux Falls R.W.'; and Duluth, Watertown and Pacific RW.; also Seattle and Montana RW.; Fair Havenand Southern RR. and New Westminister and Southern RR. GREAT NORTHERN RW. CO., New York Office, 40 Wall st.; General and Corporate Office, St. Paul, Minn. Inc. Sept. 18, 1889, in Minn.; succeeding to Minneapolis and St. Cloud RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Eastern RW. of Minn. 72.39; Montana Central RW. 253.22; Willmar and Sioux Falls RR. 146.91; Duluth, Watertown and Pacific RW. 69.84.; Minneapolis Union RW., 2.48; total, 544.84; leased: St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW. 2,872.54; total, 3,417.88 miles. Mileage does not include Pacific Exten- sion under construction, of which 511.4 miles between Pacific Jc., Montana and Spokane, Washington, are practically completed and will be put in operation this season. Capitalization Of TOGA. srvcvess. June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :-— Per Mile. Per Mile. MEAN EALISEOCK Srevaste esti coe cees $20,000,000 $5,900 | Total gross from operation...$12,604,128 $3,700 PHU ded | Cebt <2... ces cbecccesecee None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...:...,..0.s. *7,500,849 2,200 DIADTILIES S. cawniscsees been te seen 29,330,325 8,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 5,103,279 1,500 PEUU AIA DINTES:. visti) «tenes. 7,092,876 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 49,330,325 14,400 Gebt As 'ADOVE occue tees ce ovvettercesessye 2,345,626 _———— en re eee ELOLAL Uersaneccn irecutiva iva beires cere ar eset $49,330,324 POtAIR Wel raWa ies tua rane ais otacaaees paves $49,330,324 _ . a — Sa” 423 The St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW. Co. was leased Feb. 1, 1890, for 999 years, lessor guaranteeing 6 p. c. dividends in gold, per annum on $20,000,000 stock of the Manitoba Company, and the payment of both principal and interest of all its obligations. Capital authorized: preferred, $20,000,000; common, $20,000,000. No common stock has been issued. Preferred stock was issued to Manitoba stockholders at 50 p.c. of its face value, the other 50 p. c. being paid for by transfer of all securities (aggregating over $22,000,000) owned by Manitoba Company ; said securities were deposited in trust to preserve the integrity of the system. . No increase in preferred stock can be made without consent of holders of three-fourths of preferred outstanding. Dividends of 1% p.c. each were paid during past fiscal year; pay- able Feb., 1st qrly., at4o Wallst., N. Y. city. Atthe expiration of contract with American Express Co., the Great Northern Express Co. was organized and now operates over entire line, from which increase in revenue is expected. Minneapolis and St. Cloud Land Grant: Hinckley Branch, 425,664 acres; Willmar Branch, 51,200 acres; total, 476,864 acres; unsold June 30, ,1892, 419,000.34 acres. The proprietary roads are owned in entirety and earnings are kept separately ; income from operation thereof is regarded as revenue from stock and bonds owned, or as other receipts. In Aug., 1892, an agreement was made with the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. for the consolidation of lake transportation companies (by which the line of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Co., owned by Lehigh Valley RR. Co. and acquired under its lease to the Reading) is operated by this Company. A line for interchange of through passenger traffic with Canadian Pacific RW. is known as the Manitoba and Pacific Route. List of securities owned June 30, 1891 :— Stocks: St Po Minm- and Man. RW2. 2.2.16 $5,600 Per steciy OW 1 Of WWINIY 2s sbaceise0sseese 5,000,000, | voand. Coulee: Coal Co. icc. ic.cs. cinees'se 250,000 Mrontana.Cent..R Ws CO sc. . ..60s0se Face 5,000,000 |) Climax Coal Cox... cis str utscsatrers 149,000 Willmar and Sioux Falls RW........ $500,000 Wr tote b dite rOUNCILY. COticcs sesedceteticses 75,000 Duluth, Watertown & Pacific RW.. 730,000 (Port. Bentom Bridge’ CO... 0.3.52 sedeceses 11,600 Northern Steamship Co.............00. 1,500,000 ' Lake Sup. Terl. & Trans. RW. Co. 16,700 Pitrigs Wanton RW). COLE oss ceaceooceenss 500,000 | ec. Paul Union Depot Co........ weeeaat 70,000 | Total par and ledger value...... $14,814,900 Bicnt. @ransfer RW... COsiascs.s..-c00s 7,000 | The following bonds were acquired from the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW. Co.:— Willmar and Sioux Falls RW., 6s....$2,625,000 | Town of Hutchinson................ceceee $12,000 Duluth, Watertn. & Pacific RW., 6s. 1,375,000 | Town of Breckenridge........... ...sss00 4,300 Wirontana Central oR W o.2..0..c.secscssssce 500,000.) County Of PIPeStONe iG cs.cc co oxecsoen 30,000 St. P., M. & M. RW., ist mtge. bds. Rowe site HeESOtaY HATS $650. .hisca svensk escecs 2,000 St. P.. M. & M. RW., Mon. Ex. 4s... 6,000 | Town of Sandness...... cennaeest anor: 2,000 Minnesota Transfer RW....0. ...5.cc00s. 109,000 | —_—— ML OO UTILV' bvsaeeat sacs Sassuca scones secur 30,400 | Total par and ledger value.......$4,695,800 Other bonds owned: Eastern RW. of Minnesota, 5s, par value, $387,000, ledger value, $373,300; Minnesota Transfer RW., ledger and par value, $1,000; Montana Central RW., par value, $1,000,000, ledger value, $900,000; St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW., Montana Ex., par value, $148,000, ledger value, $118,400; total par value, $1,536,000; total ledger value, $1,392,700. Duluth, Watertown and Pacific RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, St. Paul, Minn. Inc. Sept. 30, 1885, in Minn. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Watertown to Huron, So. Dak., 69.84 miles. Great Northern RW. Co. owns entire capital stock of this road. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital SEO resetr ieatrece oe $730,000 $10,400 | Total gross from operation..... $37,759 $540 IHC CCD teis. sasecinieeeeaas cadone 1,375,000 19,700 Total gross from other sources 24 Unfunded debt and current Pp ieduct allexpenses:....... ice 36,866 527 PiROGLIECS. tscees oclsdtatecsr catesas es 303,064 4,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 917 13 PEIMPATADIGCIESH cc. acesclodesese sacs Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 2,408,064 34,000 GEDUAS ABOVE Gi vcsecccscschece-c 82,500 1,179 “« Interest on all debt p. ann. 82,500 1,182 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss .......+ 81,583 1,166 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested: :..... sce. None. 424 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road, $2,202,003 ; profit and loss, $206,061 ; total, $2,408,064. Liabilities, Capital stock, $730,000; funded debt, $1,375,000; current accounts, $296,189 ; interest accrued, not due, $6,875; total, $2,408,064. Rolling stock supplied by Great Northern RW. Co. which owns bonds of this Com- pany in entirety. Eastern RW. Co.. of Minnesota, New York Office, 40 Wall st.; General and Cor- porate Office, St. Paul, Minn. Inc. Aug. 13, 1887, in Minn., under the charter of Minne- apolis and St. Cloud RR. Co., and consolidated Jan. 10, 1888 (without change of cor- porate title), with the Lake Superior and Sotthwestern RW. Co. of Wis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned : Hinckley, Minn., to West Superior, Wis., 69.78 ; branch : Sandstone to Kettle River, Minn., 2.61 ; total, 72.39 miles. This Company owns very extensive docks, warehouses, elevators, etc,, in West Superior and Duluth, and furnishes lake terminals for the Great Northern System. It owns entire capital stock and bonds of the Duluth Terminal RW. Co., with two miles of road and valuable right of way, affording access to the commercial centre and bay front of Duluth. Its mileage being short, its debt shows a relatively higher figure per mile, occasioned by the cost of its terminal properties. Its stock is owned by the Great Northern RW. Co. Capitalization of road......6. June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. AP ILALISLOCK osu ceres csest cd $5,000,000 $69,000 | Total gross from operation......1,278,970 17,668 PURIIGeC AD. 25, cccestecce seh 4,637,000 64,000 | Total gross from othersources 155.525 2,148 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses...........008. 654,107 9,036 PETIEALAUItIOS 1.7. ccnn cctank 197,252 3,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends......... 780,388 10,780 current liabilities ......... 117,604 Deduct total interest on all , Total invested capital...... 9,835,252 136,300 debt AS AbOVE yo ..sssterps see 1312,052> 24235 ** Int. on all debt p. ann. *228,283 3,000 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per ann..... None paid. for stockholders, gain.......... 467,436 6,457 Average ratio of return Par of stock $100. upon capital invested... 8 p. c. * Year ending June 30, 1892. + Includes rentals, $78,340. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— Z ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Railroad and equipment................., $8,840,532 |S Canitalistoe aii... ceveec ed0rencgesanereani 5 OOO Cem ost or ClEVAtOrs.; .ccccscceccsaeontoaseacesss 525,430 BE UNCEdAICDL chateces tnt wh sisauccosareeeeeeh 4,637,000 PBLOCKS ANG SHONdS. 0c) 5.c+ ances betoatesecurs 247, 0060) ll nterest accried, NOt AUG... «.scdscosseers 57,9602 Materials-and fel, ........:s..c0scareancene 29, 10G RUD AIG) COUPOUE I nice: rsqccaene cesvsiemteeren 4,975 PU ISSreCely ADLO A itsdl..tactstipacesctounene 28,000 |) «Vouchers and pay TOHs- 3 «cam seseseset 68,574 GMTTen tC JACCOUNTS#.. :ssoxes eiscaaecestannee 47,047: | Taxes accrued not’ due... ciceec.sscncs 2,642 CeASH ON MIANC..2 ole lb aint. estaeas tention 12,758, | “Funds tor TEne@walS:.2.4....s9.0keva cen ta 5,081 Profit nG“1OSs. ih cacvues cs ivtossserase cusnen 58,018 LGA Bh cas cceccueyatcsttateanes irarak teerenn lee ely ee ote levctcrer cot cents be ntacaseaueaaieee $9,834,252 Securities owned June 30, 1891: Socks: Duluth Terminal RW., $50,000; Lake Superior Terminal and Transfer RW., $15,700; total par value, $65,700. Honds : Duluth Terminal RW. 6s, $100,000 ; Northern Land Co., $150,000; Eastern RW. of Minnesota, $50,000 ; total par value, $300,000. : Fair Haven and Southern RR. Co. No information obtained. Minneapolis Union RW. Co., 40 Wall st.; General Office, St. Paul, Minn., CorporateOffice, Minneapolis, Minn. Inc. Dec. 1, 1881, in Minn.; opening its bridge across the Mississippi River. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: University Switch to First street, Minneapolis, 2.48 miles (double track), forming a connection between the lines of the St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RR. on both sides of the Mississippi river, in the corporate limits of Min- neapolis, Minn., vza double track, stone bridge; total 4.96 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. CADILA SLOG Aisa sschdanescbasastses “500,000 100,800 Total gross from operaticn..... $294,084 $59,291 Piinded, GeDt ec waesernvccensdeee 2,800,000 564,500 | Totalgrossfromothersources (1,850 373 Unfunded debt and current |) Deductall expenses. cscs... 60,217 12,140 Ia DiNt1eS: w:ccss neces eetetoneareet Not known. - | Net totai applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | . charges and dividends...... 235,717 47,524 POU dia DalstiES cess guess) csceero sees Not known. | Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 3,300,000 665, 300 debt AS. ADOVE ...00scseny senses ss 159,000 32,057 - ““ Intereston all debt p.ann. 161,500. 32,560 | Net result on vear’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. | 2 for stockholders, « ...c0s ccssssece. 70,717 LS dt Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capital invested..atss.vayttes 7 pec. 425 This Company also owns the Minneapolis Union and east side stations, furnishing terminal facilities in Minneapolis to the Great Northern RW.; Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- apolis and Omaha; Northern Pacific; Wisconsin Central; St. Pauland Duluth ; Chicago, Burlington and Northern; Minneapolis, St. Paul and Sault Ste. Marie; and Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City RRs. The Great Northern RW. Co. owns entire capital stock of this road. Balance sheet, complete, not furnished. Montana Central RW. Co., 40 Wall st., General Office, St. Paul, Minn. ; Corpo- wate Office, Helena, Mon. Inc. Jan. 25, 1886, in Mon. LENGTH OF ROAD owned; Sun River to Helena, Mon., 95.82; branch, Helena to Butte, 73.33; other branches, 84.07; total, 253.22 miles. ; Capitalization of road...... June 30, 1892:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— : Per Mile. Per Mile. Rett StOGKA «2c. icuseattvececeses $5,000,000 $19,700 | Total gross from operation....$1,205,809 $4,766 BANGED CEDEii. 025 voeocres vaceesees 8,000,000 31,600 | Totalgrossfromothersources . 3,556 14 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............. 682,465 2,697 BPAINLIOS a tal. tere theese cess Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 526,900 2,083 RP DEAELCS! 4.5. - otsatoveccvsnexe Not known. Deduct total interest on all ‘Potal invested capital ......... 13,000,000 51,300 debt as above........... peceep ect 442,500" 1, fai *“ Int.onalldebtp.annum. 460,000 1,817 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 82, 500.0 m 432 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. ADItALANVEStE '..., bseacsece apne. * Includes rentals, $3,600. Capital stock is owned in entirety by Great Northern RW. Co. Balance sheet not furnished. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba RW. Co., 40 Wall st., New York; General and Corporate Office, St. Paul, Minn. Inc. May 23, 1879, in Minn., purchasing the several foreclosed lines of the St. Paul and Pacific RR. Co. (1st Div.), and Northern extensions. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Paul to Barnesville, Minn., 217.32; East Minneapo- dis to Breckenridge, Minn., 204.12; Tintah Junc., Minn., to Ellendale, N. Dak., 104.32; Barnesville to St. Vincent, Minn., 170.95; Breckenridge, Minn., to Larimore Junc., N. Dak. (va Portland), 132; Crookston Junc., Minn., to Minot, N. Dak., 230.33 ; Minot, N. Dak., to South side Sun river, Mont., 549.25; other lines and branches in Minnesota and Montana, 1,264.25, aggregating a total of 2,872.54 miles, operated as follows: Fergus Falls Div,, 587.22; Breckenridge Div., 571.07; Northern Div., 544.54; Dakota Div., 605.53; Montana Div., 564.18. The Great Northern RW. Co. leased this road Jan. 31, 1890, for 999 years, assuming all its obligations, and guarantees dividends of 6 p. c. gold per annum on its stock. Capitalization of road.. ..... June 30, 1892 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. vent liabilities ...........6. $817,487 Capital stock ......-...-...++44$20,000,000 $7,000 | * Lotal invested capital....... 951359,770 $33,000 raced LQG syrecetieeteretonnt ee 655 es Int. on all dbt. p. ann... 2,890,946 1,006 Anfunded debt and cur- ‘ ‘“ Dividends per annum... 1,200,000 Average ratio of return ment lia bilitiess...iccevsscens- Pave ene! 2,200 : : Seat : upon capital invested.....Not known. Par of stock, $100. Income for year ending June 30, 1892: Rental under lease to the Great Northern RW. Co., $4,099,224, per mile, $1,427; receipts from Land Department, $874,305, per mile, $304; total receipts, $4,973,529, per mile, $1,765. Expenditures: Interest on bonds, $2,890,946, per mile, $1,005; dividends on stock, $1,200,000, per mile, $417 ; expense of maintaining organization, $8,278, per mile, $3; transferred from Land De- — partment to sinking fund, $874,305, per mile, $304; total expenditures, $4,973,529, per mile, $1,766. Company had unsold, June 30, 1892, 1,521,217.27 acres of land under land grant. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of RW., equip. and lands...... $79,087 7020. |p Gaiee eGiO Olea 14s cra cusierns lt wee ces aoe $20,000,000 PAC XtEN SION ANCOUNL,. aren sont 36,984,000 Chic., St. L. & N. Orleans RR. 16,234,000 PPOnt ANC LOSS Avesive tess: seness ce oe ogists 4,159,960 List of securities owned, June 30, 1892: STOCKS. Par Book Value. Value. i Cent. RRCo, Sti... $3,337 $3)337 Leased line stk. I. C. RR. SOs iieteetswne as iasaaeannien-eeeees 8,400 8,400 Cy Stig. NN. Oak CO, roo 10,200 Chic.& Springfield RR.Co. 25,000 25,000 Mound City RR: Co..ccs... 25,000 3,000 Dubuque & Sioux City RR. COvseesreee coer eseseees sereeeeee 7,917,800 5,954,665 Iowa Falls and Sioux City BERS C20 Wi genes erties taneres seca 7,700 3,850 Dunleith & Dubuque Bdg. , Ouias . 6,324,077. 12,600 ‘ gross from other sources.. 14,270 28 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............. *1,430,119 2,860 MUEILIIL SOS 5233. foxes sede cetessoss 6,628,376 13,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 472,412 944 rent liabilities... bees Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital... peesinens 126 1703,138 53,000 GEDEAS ADOVE.. fa cses secese «sere 7362, 163.7704 ** Int. on all debt per ann... 331,423 Net result on year’s business Beta WAIVIGENdS: sii cicees cess 55,304 for stockholders, gain........ 90,229 180 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid.... 34,865 70 capital invested............. RUS Ds G: Par of stock, $100. * Includes taxes, $54,c65; betterments, etc., $17,348. + Includes rentals, $50,760. 438 Dividend of 1 p. c. on preferred stock was declared Feb. 29, 1892, payable Apr. 12, 1892, to continue thereafter qrly. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 and 1892 :— ASSETS. r8q1. 1892. Cost of road and pe $19,761, 200 $20, cps Supplies on hand.. 163,694 148,375 Cash on thamnd sce.ecsscce 8,480 112,441 SUG raCCOUNtG-s. total, Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1892 :— Per Mile, Total gross from operation..... $32,909 $1,645 Total gross from Stace Sources Deduct all CXPENSCS.scecton-siece 730 275) 15715 Net total applicable to fixed ' charges and dividends...... T1,466 73 Deduct total interest on all GED AS BDGVE s.c50-csatsacccedecce None. Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 1,466 73 Par of stock, $100. Cost of road and equipment, $600,000; other current accounts, $5,317; cash on hand, $2,488; total, Liabilities, Capital stock, $600,000 ; current accounts, $2,482; profit and loss, Dayton, Ft. Wayne and Chicago uses track Dean to Ironton jointly for rental $600 IRONTON RR. CO., per month. Dividends, 1% p.c. General and Corporate Office, Easton, Pa. Inc. 1858, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD Lae Coplay to Ironton, Pa., and branches, 9 miles. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. PEDIALSLOCE .0.¢,00ce-ts0scesr-es00- 200,000 $22,200 Funded debt........ Cinides wisusede Unfunded debt and current REMLOS oo. ch een tesasies seoevese + 100,328 I1,100 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities........ ontaias C0 99,890 Total invested capital........... 300,328 33,300 *« Interest on all debt p. ann. ** Dividends per annum...... 12,000 Average ratio of return upon capital invested.. ........6:...:.3.9 Pp. C. Par of stock, $50. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. $38,550 $4,284 gross from other sources 6,094 677 Deduct all expensés...........0. 32,684 3,632 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... Deduct total interest on all GED EAS ADOVE sc caveucoes cb acevess Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain....... Net deficit after dividends PALE taa vess cee ete oarae ze pCO 40 Total gross from operation ... ce 17,0000? 420 II,9g60 1,329 440 Dividend}, 6"p.1c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $200,000 ; real estate, $437; current account, $98,828; cash on hand, $1,063; total, $300,328. Lzadbtlitves, Capital stock, $200,000; current accounts, $10,135; profit and loss, $90,193; total, $300,328. ISLAND RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway, New York. Inc. Sept. 1, 1883, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: In the city of Buffalo, N. Y., 0.134 mile. This road is operated in connection with certain coal docks between Blackwell canal and Buffalo river, and with sidings and branches necessary to traffic, aggregating 1 mile. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Juneé;30; 10908 =s Per Mile. Per Mile. Reap] tal BLOC. ace pnscisp aeraeeeos 200,000 200,000 | Total gross from operation..... $60,867 $60,867 Punded Geébts.oilere.c ces eee 400,000 400,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses....5:.22. #20 AD seme aoe Ira bilitiesueses-cce apace seer sondenss 23,002 23,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 21,444 21,444 rent Wa bilities. .i.tascescstenae - 3,212 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 623,062 623,000 Ceptias QHOVE versa saeecstee: 24,000 24,000 *‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 24,000 24,000 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid . for stockholders, loss.......... 2,556 2,556 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $roo. Capltalin Vested: ...s+>.aenties 334. De: ’ * Includes taxes, $6,384. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.— Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $605,500 ; current accounts, $2,325; cash on hand, $887; profit and loss, $14,350; total, $623,062. Lzabzlities, Capital stock, $200,000; funded debt, $400,000 ; current accounts, $23,062; total, $623,062. IVORYDALE AND MILL CREEK VALLEY RW. CO. No information obtained. JACKSONVILLE AND ATLANTIC RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Jacksonville, Fla. Inc. Aug. 25, 1882, in Fla. Road opened in 1884. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jacksonville to Pablo Beach, Fla., 16 miles. Capitalization of road......+. Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent-liabilities 2,...:504..s0ce: w. $1, 286 Capital Stock ii5..8 c1sqrecemestars . $82,000 $5,100 Total invested capital........ 1m 173,328 $10,800 Funded debts, ga, weenie weak 32,000 2,000 ‘ Interest on all debt p. ann. 3,204 200 Unfunded debt and current ““ Dividends per annum...... None paid. » Mia bilities & seuiigve poss sacuss noes om 59,947. 3,700 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital InVeSteG.: vicccesecscee Capital authorized, $100,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. . JACKSONVILLE, MAYPORT AND PABLO RW. AND NAVIGATION CO., General and Corporate Office, Jacksonville, Fla. Inc.in Fla. Road built and opened in 1888. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jacksonville to Mayport, Fla., 17.25 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. JACKSONVILLE, TAMPA AND KEYWEST SYSTEM, “The ‘TropicaliFrinky Line; comprises, Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West RW. Co. ; Florida Southern RR. Co, ; St. John’s and Lake Eustis RW. Co., and Indian River Steamboat Co. (Titusville to Mel- bourne ; Titusville to Jupiter), embracing Jupiter and Lake Worth RW. Co., Jupiter to Juno, 8 miles, and Lake Worth Steamboat Co. JACKSONVILLE, TAMPA AND KEY WEST RW. CO., 10 Wall st. ; General and Corporate Office, Jacksonville, Fla. Inc. May 1, 1890, in Fla. Consolidation of Jackson, Tampa and Key West RW. Co.; Atlantic Coast, St. John’s and Indian River RW. Co., and Sanford and Lake Eustis RR. Co., and the De Land and St. John’s River RR. was merged the same year. Company has a land grant of 1,500,000 acres. | 441 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jacksonville to Sanford, Fla., 125; branches: to Tavares, Fla., 30; Titusville, Fla., 37; others,£8 ; total, 200 miles. BO. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Bea tl STOCK. fevers te sees ceverstes $3,010,000 15,000 Total gross from operation..... $696,040 $3,480 POUCA ED Tanah eve tenet tee 7,666,000 38,400 Total gross from other sources 9,251 46 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. *481,708 2,408 Ma DLTTIER) ono sk cones sedebeeeewees 1,987,442 9,900 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 223,583 \.1,118 Pent MaAbtHiliesucc jaw ieeseesise 132,353 Deduct total interest on all Total irivested capital........ .. 12,663,442 63,300 Cebtias above tiie eek 158,543 793 . Intereston all debtp.ann. 158,543 792 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... for stockholders, gain......... 65,040 325 Average ratio of return upon ; Capital IN Vested si. s lives cce v.6 p..¢ * Includes taxes, $29,190. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $5,328,069; equipment, $313,119; real estate, $54,779; securities owned, $5,378,852; materials and fuel, $39,282; Florida Con- struction Co., $942,019; due by roads operated, $434,251; current accounts, $78,883; total, $12,663,442. Liabilities, Capital stock, $3,010,000; funded debt, $7,660,000; bills payable, $1,758,350; current accounts, $90,415 ; land sales, $41,825; due sundry persons, $52,435 ; profit and loss, $44,417; total, $12,663,442. Suit having been instituted for an examination and settlement of the part accounts of the Company, the Receiver has preferred not to furnish later balance sheet and operations. Florida Southern RW. Co., 1o Wall st.; General. and Corporate Office, Palatka, Inc. June 8, 1878, in Fla. ‘ LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Palatka to Brooksville, Fla., 178.75; branch: Bartow to Punta Gorda, Fla., 80.79; leased: St. John’s and Lake Eustis RW., 48; total, 307.54 miles (narrow gauge). Capital, $2,595,400, per mile, $8,454, authorized, $10,000 per mile; funded debt, $2,904,400, per mile, $9,460, authorized, $12,000 per mile on main and $10,000 per mile on branch: unfunded debt and current liabilities not known. Road sold under foreclosure Mar. 7, 1892, and bought in for J., T. and K. W. RW. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. St. John’s and Lake Eustis RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass..; Corporate Office, Palatka, Fla. Inc. 1879, in Fla. LENGTH OF ROAD.owned: Leesburg to Lane Park, 23; branch: Fort Madison to Astor, Fla.,-25; total, 48 miles. Owned by the Southern Florida RW. Co., which guarantees principal and interest on bonds issued at the rate of $6,000 per mile. Balance sheet not furnished. . Capital, $89,500, per mile, $1,800; funded debt, $285,500, per mile, $5,900. Indian River Steamboat Co. Operated by J., T. and K. W. RW. Co. Fla. JALISCO PACIFIC (Mexico) RR. CO. No information obtained. JAMESVILLE AND WASHINGTON RR. CO,, General Office, N. W. Cor. Ninth and Walnut sts., Philadelphia, Pa.; Corporate Office, Washington, N.C. Inc. Feb. 8, 1869 in N.C. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jamesville to Washington, N. C., 22.57 miles. This road, with a steamer operated by it on Roanoke and Chowan Rivers, form with Suffolk and Carolina RR., and Atlantic and Danville RR., the ‘‘ South Atlantic Air-Line,”’ between Norfolk and Washington, D. C. Capital, $100,000; funded debt, $100,000. Capital authorized, $300,000; cost,of road and equipment, $286,441. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. JOGGINS RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Sackville, N. B. Inc. 1883 in Nova Scotia. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Maccan to Joggins Mine, N. S.,12 miles; branches to Prospect Mines 0.5; to Bairds, 1 mile; total, 13.50 miles. 44 Capitalization of road... Per Mile. Capital stock...... « $450,000 33,300 ETHER SOEDE tc elsciceeesareccar ce 175,000 13,000 Unfunded debt and current PATTER! curingss nin daacecene demon 79,900 5,900 Current assets to offset cur- PETth Wabilities .cc....deeenscare Total invested capital........... 704,900 52.200 ‘eInt? onallvdebt-pic anne. ““ Dividends per annum... Average ratio of return upon Capital ii Vested s,.,cckease-ceos 35 Pp. C. Bonuses: 2 ~ Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operations..... $18,627 1,380 Total gross from other sources Deduct allexpenses. -............ 12,412 919 Net total applicable to fixed ¢ charges and dividends......... 6,215 416 Deduct total interest on all debt’as above.. : ae 9,500 704 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.........- 3,285 243, Dominion Government, $42,400; Provincial Government, $37,500. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. JONES MOUNTAIN RR. CO. No information obtained. KAATERSKILL RR. CO., Gareat and Corporate Office, Rondout, N. Y. Inc, Nov, 23,1882; 1n N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kaaterskill Jc. to Kaaterskill, N. Y., 7.5 miles. Capitalization of road........5 WNe 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital stock s. ..400.2..00083;ee00! 100,000 712,300 Bunded dept. ce ces Sesscneshs coeete 60,000 8,000 Unfunded debt and current Via DIMES) teccece aa ATS21O oh 200 Current assets to Vereen Cur rent diabitlittes.sc:cc.ssesceoteeers 7,184 ®otalinvested capital (in. - I9I,219 25,500 “* Interest on all debt p. ann. 4,554 70 ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capita LANVeStCCs par.vs cose 2.0. Di. Gs BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—AsSsefs, materials, etc., $2,169; current accounts, $415 ; loss, $7,643 ; $18,000 ; Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $14,765 1,970 Total gross from other sources 219 30 Deduct alkéxpenses:...-..-a-s- 9,583 1,280 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 5,402 720 Deduct total interest on all CEB aS AHOVEsics.e.k cece saeans 4,554 610 Net result on year’s business for StocKholdéts........0..caeaeue 848 IIO Par of stock, $100. Cost of road, $148,010; equipment, $28,362; cash, $2,857 ; due by agents, $1,743 ; profit and total, $191,219. Lzadbilities, Capital, $100, 000 ; funded debt, $60,000 ; bills payable, current accounts, $13,219; total, $191,219. KANAWHA AND COAL RIVER RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Spring Hill, W. Va. Company reorganized, Oct. 1, 1888. Ines June 24/1881, in Wy Vage LENGTH OF ROAD Owned: Kanawha River. W. Va., to Black Band Iron and Coal Co’s mines, 13.5 miles. Capital, $175,000, per mile, $10,300. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KANAWHA RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Coalbury, W. Va. Inc. in W. Va. Road from Steven’s Mines built in 1888, remainder of line in 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Fairfield to Acme, W. Va., Coalbury, W. Va., 10; total, 19.5 miles. 9.5; Steven’s Mines to Balance sheet and operations not reported. KANONA AND PRATTSBURG RR. CO., 45 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, Prattsburg, N. Y. Inc: 1888, in* Nix Company has freight traffic arrangement with N. Y., L. E., and W. RR., which company furnishes cars for through business. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kanona to Prattsburg, NOE are projected to Geneva and Stanley. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Gapitalistock Et... stenck nee taaeoee $12,000 $1,100 PUIICECCleDUrpesschesstisstCcseres+s 192,000 17,400 Unfunded debt and current ADIILIES S c.cteckoc vosas fh ecrenon I10,000 10,000 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities...... bine sees tas 2,824 ‘Total invested Capitals ....:.:.. 314,000 28,500 ‘‘ Intereston alldebtp.ann. 11,520 1,000 ‘“« Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested s).0:... masssen- 204 D.C 11.44 miles. Extensions Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.... $12,166 $1,106 ‘“ gross from other sources 142 13 Deduct all expenses............. 7,914 719 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... 4,394 400 Deduct total interest on all débtras abovede.: . saci. 11,520 1,047 Net result on year’s business for strckholders, deficit...... 7,126 648 =e 443 BALANCE SHEET, June 3, 1891, Assets, Cost of road, $140,000 ; materials and supplies, $2,000 ; cash and current accounts, $824; profit and loss, $171,176; total, $314,000. Liadilities, Capital, $12,000; funded debt, $192,000 ; loans and bills payable, $110,000; total, $314,000. KANSAS CITY AND INDEPENDENCE AIR-LINE, General and Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. Jan, 23, 1891, in Mo. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From Junc. Kansas City Suburban Belt RR., to Inde- pendence, Mo., 5.6; leased: terminals of Kansas City Suburban Belt RR., 5.35; total, 10.95 miles, opened Mar. 1, 1892. Mar. 1, 1892: Capital, $300,000, per mile, $27,400 ; funded debt, $300,000, per mile, $27,400; total invested capital, $600,000, per mile, $54,800. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. The Kansas City, Nevada and Fort Smith RR., and Kansas City Suburban Belt RW. are classified under this Company. Boards which govern are nearly the same. KANSAS CITY, NEVADA AND FORT SMITH RR. CO., General and Cor- porate Office, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. Nov. 6, 1889, in Mo., owned and operated by the Missouri Coal and Construction Co., which built it, and owns stock in part payment for construction. LENGTH OF ROAD sink Grandview to Clayton, Mo., 76.38; trackage: Kansas. City, O. S. RW., Grandview to Belt Junc., 11.62; Kansas City Suburban Belt RW., Belt Junc. to Kansas City, 12-23 02. tOta ye 1G miles. Capital, $3,500,000, per mile, $35, 000 ; no bonds yet issued; par of stock, $100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Extension to Pittsburg, Kan., is under construction, to be completed early in 1893, exten- sion being made under name of Kansas City, Pittsburg and Western RR. Road is classified under Kansas City and Independence Air-Line, on account of similar manage- ment, KANSAS CITY SUBURBAN BELT RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. Jan. 8, 1887, in Missouri. This road is used for terminal and switching purposes by other roads. From Second and Wyandotte sts., Kansas City, an extension, called the Consolidated Terminal RW., is being constructed, which connects the K. C. S. B. RR. with all roads entering Kansas City. Its capital is $750,000; funced debt, $750,000. This road is classified under Kansas City and Independence Air Line, as management is similar. In April, 1891, the Consolidated Terminal RW. was consoli- dated with the K. C. Suburban Belt RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kansas City to Brush Creek. Mo., 12 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- ; Per Mile. | _ rent liabilities.......... ..... 50,775 te RA SOCK 2 0... sar. cvcdens seieses 1,500,000 125,000 Total invested capital....... 2,852)1534 419s 309 BIEL COD. ccessescaseccsecacess 1,000,000 83,300 Interest on all debts per Unfunded debt and current x David ye a ara Meo siities its. 1a, thse. 132,153 11,000 Ne ann Cunt: Par of stock, $100. Average ratio of return ; upon capital invested..... BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891: Assets, cost of road, $2,515,730; buildings, $65,448 ; stock and bonds owned, $8,000; materials, etc.,on hand, $188; bills receivable, $700; current accounts, $853; cash on hand, $138; profit and loss, $40,896; total, $2,632,153. Lzadzlifies, capital, $1,500,000; funded debt, $1,000,000; bills payable, $132,153; total, $2,632,153. Operations not furnished. KANSAS CITY AND INDEPENDENCE RAPID TRANSIT RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, 1500 Grand ave, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. Feb., 1889, in Mo., succeeding the Kansas City, Independence and Park RW. Co, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kansas City to Independence, Mo., 8.16. Capitalization of road......Dec. 31, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MAPA STOCK. ...5...cecses B steaes 1,000,000 125,000 | Total gross from operation... $95,978 11,997 PEMMPCCIL CCI. Jc.sccsessosseesssees 475,000 59,400 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses. .........:.. 54,287 6,786 BRAPAUTIOS Ic. stores acseccece velases 251,209 31,400 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 41,691 5,211 rent liabilities. ...3...6..0.-s.66 9,232 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 1.726,209 215,800 GEDt AS TADOVE.ckavectsss cigsecses 23,125 2,890: * Interest on all debt p. an 23,125 2,900 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum.... for stockholders, gain........ 18,616 °2,325 Average ratio of return upon | Net surplus after div. paid.... Gapital invested :;.............2-4 Dp. C. “ig 444 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891: Assets, cost of road, $1,641,108; real estate, $61,091 ; stocks and bonds owned, $300; bills receivable, $3,100; current accounts, $1,855; cash on hand, $4,278; cash with Central Trust Co. to pay coupon, $14,475 ; total, $1,726,207. Liabilities, ‘capital, $1,000,000 ; funded debt, $475,000; bills payable, $168,759; coupons unpaid, $22,600 ; vouchers unpaid, $10,699 ; profit and loss, $49,149; total, $1,726,207. KANSAS CITY AND NEW ORLEANS RR. CO. No information obtained. ° KANSAS CITY, ARKANSAS AND NEW ORLEANS RR. CO,, ‘General Offices, 18 Broadway, New York, and Bartholomew House, London, E. C., Eng. ' LENGTH OF ROAD projected: Missouri State line, through Arkansas and Louisiana State lines, 300 miles; completed: Hazen to Stuttgart, Ark., 26 miles. Capital authorized, $6,000,000; issued, $1,000,000; funded debt authorized, $6,000,000 ; issued, $276,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KANSAS CITY BRIDGE AND TERMINAL RW. CO., ‘General Offices, Kansas City, Mo., and Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Kansas City,: Mo. Inc. Apr. 3, 1889, in Mo., to construct RR. and carriage bridge over Missouri river at Kansas City. Placed in Receivership Aug., 1891, with Chicago, Kansas City and Texas RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Sheffield to 15th st., Kansas City, Mo., 1.25.; branches, 4.75 ; total, 6 miles. This road was completed in 1891, but has not yet been operated, as the bridge over the Missouri river has not yet been finished. Capitalization of road....0... June 30, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. > /ivent Wabilities 2. .c.3-c.cccetes Ma pitalGLOCk/!. .useacerstssstvoeenss ,000 162,500 | Potal invested capital........... 1,950,000 325,000 Funded debian sae neers ee resis _, interest on alldebtp. ann. 58,500 -Wntunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None paid. Fatiliticets ue cas Not known. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital investeds ..20i.sieccis Not known. Capital authorized, $2,000,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY AND TEXAS RW. CO., General Offices, Kansas City, Mo., and 515 Main st., Boston, Mass. ; Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. fan013,71087,-in Who: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: North Kansas City to Smithville, Mo., 20.2 miles. This road, with Kansas City Bridge and Terminal RW. Co., placed in Receivership Aug., 1891. : Capitalization of road «...« June 30, 1891 :— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MCA DITALSTOCR. Via cest conesestesecas $472,000 23,600 | Total gross from operation..... $24,o11 $1,188 Funded Cebtic. 4G otsiscsssscdendess 425,000 21,250 | Total gross from other sources*502,848 24,894 Unfunded debt and current Deduct"all expenses’ 7i.35... 5.00 21,673 “1078 Peliabilities 4. hevcstentanescate pens 511,374 25,508 | Net total applicable to fixed ‘Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends........ 505,186 25,009 Fent lia bilities... .cctss.-sercetere II, 369 Deduct total interest on all ‘Llotabinvested capital. sive... 1,408,374 70,418 CEbt'AS ADOVEsccxssercasseseysoes 32,377. tome ‘** Interest on all debt p. ann. 24,750 1,237 | Netresult on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 472,809 23,406 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. CAMILA IN VEStEGs.<.5..06 nc; se8 * Total gross from other sources includes $500;000 stock of K. C. B, and T. RW., received for franchise for bridge over the Missouri river at Kansas City, and hence does not represent an actual gain for stockholders, as it would -otherwise be regarded. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $847,005; equipment, $50,000 ; stocks and bonds, $500,000 ; bills receivable, $970; current accounts, $10,260; cash on hand, $139; total, $1,408,374. Liabilities, Capital stock, $472,000; funded debt, $425,000; current accounts. $29,021 ; accrued interest, $2,125; profit and loss, $480,228 ; total, $1,408,374. KANSAS CITY, EL PASO AND MEXICAN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, El Paso, Tex. Inc. July 10, 1888, in New Mexico; Oct. 13, 1883; in {1 exas. LENGTH OF ROAD projected: El Paso, Tex.; to White Oaks, N. M, 160 miles: completed: El Paso, Tex., to Lanoria, Io miles. 445 Capital authorized, $3,200,000; funded debt authorized, $3,200,000; cost of road, including terminals, franchises and security of entire projected line, $3,200,000. Construction has been suspended and Receiver appointed, pending litigation, and the Company enjoined from issuing any stock or bonds. Balance sheet and operations. not furnished. KANSAS CITY, FORT SCOTT AND MEMPHIS RR. CO., ‘‘Memphis Route,” General Offices, Kansas City, Mo., 50 State st., Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Kansas. City, Mo. Inc. Apr. 23, 1888, in Mo., being consolidation of Kansas City, Fort Scott _. and Gulf, and Kansas City, Springfield and Memphis RR. Cos. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kansas City, Mo., to Memphis, Tenn., 484.53; branches: Webb City, Mo., 80.09; Cherryvale, Kan., 74.5; Weir City, Kan., 3-94; Rich Hill, Mo., 27.54; total, 670.6; leased: Current River RR., 81.95; total, 752.55 miles; controlled: Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield RW. Co., 162.63; Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham RR., 276.57; total owned and controlled, 1,191.75 miles, from 670.6 miles of which income, as reported here, was derived. Main line located: 256.94 m. in Kansas; 270.48 m. in Missouri; 141.27 m.in Arkansas; 1.91 m. in Tennessee; total, 670.6 miles. Memphis bridge was opened for business May 12, 1892, furnishing uninterrupted permanent roadway over Mississippi river from freshets. Capitalization OFF OBA eas sve June 30, (892 :-— Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1892 :— per Mee Per Mile. RerBe al SLOCK. 05, os nevevecdeSces $12,747,000 10,600 | Total gross from operation.....$4,991,277 $7,439 BEC CED iricntcdevsclscsce'ets 17,194,000 14,600 | ‘Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. *3 661,202 5,456 MPURIELLOS. osc cices sates aston tese. 1,585,735 1,300 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,330,075 1,982 rent liabilities .............0000 hy Bey ci Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 31,526,735 26,500 CebUas Above. atts crniecti tee sce 71,085,116 1,617 “Interest on alldebt p. ann. 1,043,726 1,555 Net result on year’s business ‘‘ Dividends per annum....... 219,984 for stockholders, gain.......... 244,959 365 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid..... 24,975 37 BA DItAl IT VESLEC scp sccnescocenee ce Fh OP e Par of stock, $100. ’ * Includes taxes, $159,334. + Includes traffic guaranty payment Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham, $22,160; sinking fund, $19,230. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment......... $29,811,182 | Capital stock, common..*$9,997,000 Stocks and bonds owned.............. 10,081 Preferred, (contracts) 2,750,000 Materials and supplics..... .....0. af AIA 232 ; — $12,747,000 Trustees sinking funds, etc.......... 369,732 | Funded debt outstanding... ........ 17,194,000 BEAST i205 ibeemep haha: Ronerte ner ere? LSAV2OO Ne OUI LUE CS, pete ere rasedesanis torkeg ts 376,129 MTSE TEL VADIC socaseces shatocacsoseses'acs 419,800 | Accrued interest to date on bonds. 196,754 Bds. and stks. K., C., M. RW. and Coupons notipresented 2.20. eeeat onan 14,203 MES ELOG (CO) 53 tence xasydvcoancvoatiscess” ix TO) 5A aot Wy Dilla pata blereanat eects scsestadendoo=¢ 606,070 Open accounts........ bre, epee eer 228776) li Ket MS and br RR. amt, accrd. TNC TraiG SuaTanty <. stvece.s sae 8,023; Subs. to bds. K. C. and M. RW. BUGE REO GEN COs isiccclsovaniecsctscacd 384,465. EN COWIE ACCOMM essa saswsct dei ssict sosy anes SMEAR cotesdit ence puvech sennsieacticetes $31,520,734 VOL nia vendedcadasceveces yotus sateusonns $31,526,734 * Includes $99,000 in treasury. Dividends: In 1889, 8 p. c, on preferred, 3 p. c. on common; 1890, 8 p. c. on preferred, 3% p. c. on common; 1891, 8 p.c. on preferred, 2% p. c. on common; 1892, 8 p. c. on preferred. Company also paid $4,774 for Current River RR. Co., and $68,056 for Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield RW. Co., to meet deficit in interest, and took their notes for same, Payment to Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham RR. was made under 40-year contract, dated Mar. 1, 1887, whereby this Company agreed to set aside Io p. c. of gross earnings from business interchanged with former, same to be applied to any arrears of interest and for purchase of bonds at not exceeding 110 and accrued interest. Company owns one-half capital stock of the Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield, and of the Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham RR. Preferred stock contracts of this Company are entitled to semi-annual dividends not exceeding 8 p. c. (non-cumulative) per annum. In August, 1892, earnings being insuf- ficient to pay the usual semi-annual dividend, its consideration was postponed until results of calendar year were learned. 446 Land Department.—The value of unsold lands and the assets are estimated as follows: 2,360.04 acres of coal lands, $87,321 ; 868.72 acres of agricultural lands, $9,773; 2,428.37 acres of land (the surface of which has been sold, but the mineral thereunder reserved), $60,700; held by and due to trustees, $65,807 ; town lots, $2,589; unpaid principal on contracts, $13,969; funds total, $240,168. List of securities owned June 30, 1892 :— STOCKS. Ledger Val. Kan. City, Mem. and Bir. RR., 29,780 shares, $100 each.. $1 Kan. City, Clinton and Springfield RW 418,577 GUALeS, 2100 CAC. ..s ees. Current River RR., 9,420 shares, $100 SUC iaistewenes ane ecstensdscaes sasentwecanercen ce I Kanw City, It. S.and Mem. RR,'Co., Ooo shares; $100 Each cise cr. cs soceess Current River RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. ; cial Office and Transfer Agency, Boston, Mass. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Willow Springs to Grandin, Mo., 81.95 miles. Originally, Willow Springs to point on Mississippi, opposite Cairo, IIL., Capitalization of road..... June 30, 1892 :— - Per Mile. GapitalstOCkK 2... s.t-esah eee $1,606,000 $19,500 Maaded debt?.,..5i-ccss.cseataess 1,606,000 19,500 Unfunded debt and current Lia DILITIES 1.2o cow stt deen tears Not known. Current assets to offset cur- PENtNiaDuItlesisisce. see cevusescc Not known. Total invested capital......... 3,212,000 39,000 ‘‘ Int. on all debt perann.. 80,496 982 ‘‘ Dividends per annum... None paid. Average ratioof return upon Capital invested :.s...,.0nsen. a °3'Dac: Funded debt authorized to the limit of $20,000 per mile. not furnished. Kan. City Belt RW. Co., a0 shares, $100 each. $1 Union Depot ‘Co. ‘of ‘Kan. "City, Mo., DIGI SHATES HEE LOO Wc. sctanesseseesceker tee 10,076 Total. Era eteee utes sificcne catateter $10,081 Par value Of StockS..ecccsccsescvssesesenes $4,936,700 BONDS. Ledger Val. Kansas City Belt RW., par and ledger valuation........ AP es tre $6,000 Finan- Inc. Jan. 15, 1887, in Mo. Projected : 170 miles. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Total gross from operations... $180,103 $2,196 Total gross from other sources Deduct all Expenseés?..5..7.5se0. 5 104,381.) 1,273 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividend......... 75,/22 2 O28 Deduct total interest .on all debt as above...... yh IS 80,496 981 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 4,774 58 Par of stock, $100. Balance sheet, complete, Kansas City and Memphis RW. and Bridge Co., General and Corporate Office, Memphis, Tenn. to Memphis, Tenn., total, 2.8 miles. May 23, 1892: $1,091,300, Inc. Nov. 21, 1887, in Tenn. LENGTH OF ROAD owned; From a point near Marion, Ark., acrossthe Miss. River | surface road, 1.3; bridge (including trestle work, viaducts, etc.), 1.5 ; Bridge opened for traffic May 12, 1892. Capital, $20,000, per mile, $7,100: funded debt, $3,000,000, per mile, Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield RW. Co., General Offices, Kansas City, Mo.; 50 State st., Boston, Mass. ; 1885, in Mo., and De Soto RRs. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Olathe, Kan., total, 162.63 miles. 164, and branch to Pleasant Hill, Mo., Pleasant Hill, Mo., to Ash Grove, Mo., 163 miles operated. Capitalization of road.....June 30, 1891 :— Cully Per Mile. Capital StOCK .ccsses erates sweats $1,775,400 $10,200 PUTEeC “ASOD nites cets ence » 3,250,000 18,700 Unfunded debt and current Dia Ca hies sea cis denensecinens 324,506 1,900 Current assets available to offset current liabilities... 16,749 Total invested capital....... 5,349,906 30,800 ‘‘Interest on alldbtp.ann. *163,743 947 ‘‘ Dividends per annum..... None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested....... ae: bros OY a * Year ending June 30, 1892. Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. consolidation of Kansas City, Clinton and Springfield and Pleasant Hill Inc. Feb. 12, to Ash Grove, Mo., 154.22; branch to oe owns from Cedar junc... Kang ; total, 174 miles, but only Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $317,543 $1,948 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.........02.5 221,856 1,361 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 95,687 587 Deduct total interest on all debt as above........ aceaaticasss 16 1,005 Net result on year’s business pia f for stockholders, loss.......+. 68,056 418 Par of stock, $100. OO sid 447 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road....... ieee vet ecorawnedretesseuee $4,814,297 | Capital stock (par $100).,.......4.ssee0 $1,775,400 BEMIS Ol CQUIPTIENE,.-.5necaceseeete coccocses 240,325 | Funded debt outstanding...... ......04 ,250,000 MGI! OP) DALI cacoesaes sc rcceas Agente Ree ae BOTS Oy) Meus PAY ADS diaesct'ssveseessur esas sencveadsees 259,000 Rea FSGS OFK” ANIC ses cesccsicossencrenvsgesese : Peo see CUETO CCOUNCS wm cceccncccecsdastits aces ce 23,744 ERICOME ACCOUNTS... ccccoeccscssess givaisecdes DIS I5a™ | WA COLUCCHMELOTES ses ot pe sancds tons sassveryoncs 40,915 UP DAG COUPONS ioicers ieee cadscsescesuedees 847 SP OLA Lees oc cpnnn sade rcea tenn twarect tence $5,349,906 PINRUNr waecactccsrsvtoncccecioueccsstaets $5,349,906 Road built in interest of and controlled by Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis, which guarantees bonds. The 1st mtge. bonds are secured on the entire property of the Company, subject to the $58,000 bonds of the Pleasant Hill and De Soto RR, Annual meeting, 2d Wed. in Mar., at Kansas City, Mo. Trustee of bonds, New England Trust Co,, Boston, Mass. Registrar of stock and transfer agent, Charles Mer- riam, Boston, Mass. Kansas City, Memphis and Birmingham RR. Co., General Offices, Kansas City, Mo.; 50 State st. Boston, Mass. ; Corporate Office, Memphis, Tenn. Inc. Feb. 1, 1887, in Tenn. ; being consolidation of road of same name with the Memphis and Bir- mingham RW. Co. This Company is controlled by the Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis RR. Co., which sets aside Io p. c. of gross earnings from business interchanged with this road, for a period of 40 years from Mar. 1, 1887, applicable to payment of any arrears of interest and to purchase of bonds at not exceeding 110 and accrued interest. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Memphis, Tenn, to Birmingham, Ala., 253,24; branches: to Aberdeen, Miss., 12.27; Bessemer, Ala., 11.06=23.33; total, 276,57 miles, located as follows: In Tennessee, 15.05; Alabama, 118.66; Mississippi, 142,86. Mileage includes, 2.25 miles on Broadway, Memphis, Tenn., owned jointly with Kansas City, Fort Scott and Memphis RR. Co. Capitalization Of TOAd ...r.000 June 30, 1892:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock .. wesesseesee $5,950,000 21,500 | Total gross from operation... $1,174,372 $4,239 Funded debt.. Rsdeniensas-& 4 ;0421500 °32,5300 ‘“ gross from other sources. 20,887 76 Unfunded debt and. current Deduct albexpenses: .c..tss.ss. * 958,781 3,461 BEIDTLICICS oacs5s00 seyeese cave dves 138,103 500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... 236,478 854 Fert abilities i. ise cacdecsess ee 156,637 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ « 15,036,603 54,300 tlebtiasrabove wil. fk. destet: T 440,071 1,589 ** Int. on all debt p. ann..... 428,071 1,524 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..... None. for stockholders, loss. ..... 203,503 tin 4735 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. eapital invested ...:.c02....... 125 p. C; * Includes taxes, $47,889. + Includes sinking fund, $12,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. MM eeMe Oke T ORC sa5ccc natecsss della esduesedeites $12,680,008 | Common stock, outstanding......... $5,956,000 MER OA CTE lies erica ta siay i cael saoealecs she £, 335) 45 CsA UBCEOL CODE rei esnccscsenentediveces 8,942,500 Aberdeen city bonds...............000. 50,000 | Sinking fund.. Teveuate 24,000 Materials and supplies................ 65,534 | Accrued interest on ‘bonds.. Raaas 31,617 MUERTE eae nes ssacevvasens Cansos ate cor tscee'd vcs 24,605 Coupons not presented ........002.... 2,214 Bills receivable fepekts Tyas dtisee a3 tb ds 0s ba Bes Hie OPCi ACCOUNTS sins; Mande ce tance vac aseeh 6,596 hm c.,.rt: Si and M. RR. Co. amt. PCOMG DalanCerrn ese vccesces svotaceas 73,676 aced. under traffic guaranty...... 8,023 etESPCACCOULUS [vost cetasccdecsduadeasiene 861,500 Sh eee ante ws cain oniv nas acas oe nun sol $15,030,603 | CROC vases unas eeasancaecneveltyaes sae san $15,036,603 KANSAS CITY, FORT SMITH AND SOUTHERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Neosho, Mo. Inc. Mar. 11, 1887, in Mo. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Joplin, Mo., to Sulphur Springs, Ark., 51.1; branch, Splitlog, Mo., 7; total, 58.1 miles; projected: Kansas City, Mo., to Sabine Pass, Tex., 650 miles. Funded debt authorized, but not issued, $825,000; cost of road, $568,049 ; rolling stock, $34,500. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $48,627; per mile, $75; total gross from other sources, $282; deduct all expenses, $38,242; per mile, $59; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $10,667 ; per mile, $16. Balance sheet not furnished. 448 KANSAS CITY, OSCEOLA AND SOUTHERN RW. CO,, 33 Wall st,; General and Corporate Office, Kansas City, Mo. Inc. Apr. 22, 1891,in Mo., succeeding to Kansas City and Southern RR. Co., forelcosed Apr., 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kansas City, to Oceola, Mo., 111.39 miles. Par of stock, $100. Capital, $200,000; per mile, $1,800. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891: Total gross from operation, $211,751; per mile, 1,901; deduct all expenses, $207,636; per mile, $1,864; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $4,115 ;. per mile, $37. No payments reported. Balance sheet not furnished. KANSAS CITY, WATKINS AND GULF RW. CO., General Offices, 2 Wall st., N. Y.; Lawrence, Kan.; Corporate Office, Lake Charles, La.; London Managers: H.G. Chalkley & Sons, i4 Bishopgate st., Without, E.C. Inc. June, 1887, in La. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lake Charles to. Alexandria, La., 100 miles; projected : Gulf of Mexico to Kansas City, Mo., 675 miles. Capital authorized, $10,000,000; none outstanding; funded debt outstanding, $1,089,000 ; authorized funded debt, $20,000 per mile. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: total gross from operation, $311,498; total gross from other sources, $42,648 ; deduct all expenses, $370,570; Net deficit, $16,424. Balance sheet and operations. not furnished. KANSAS CITY, WYANDOTTE AND NORTHWESTERN RR CO., ‘The Northern Route,” General and Corporate Office, Kansas City, Kan. Inc. Mar. 28, 1887, in Kan. Consoli- dation of road of same name with the Leavenworth and Olathe RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kansas City to Virginia, Neb., 148.9; branch to Fort Leavenworth, Kan., 15.6; leased: Kansas City, Lawrence and Wichita RR., Lawrence to. Carbon Hill, Kan., 31.9; trackage: C. K. and W. RR., Virginia to Beatrice, Neb., 14.7 ; Union Pacific RW., Tonganoxie to North Lawrence, Kan., 12.5; St. Joseph and Grand Island RR. (contract 99 years), Seneca to Axtrell, Kan., 10.1; South Leavenworth to Leavenworth, 1.1-38.4; total, 234.80 miles. Capitalization of Road..... Mar. 24 1891:— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities........0. sss $135,420 Capital stock ..... ....0 Restesane $2,973,000 $12,700 Total invested capital......... 8,693,631 $37,100 Int. on all debt p. ann.. Fundedidebt: i 0.03 .ccsseess ‘ie 4,324,000 18,500 ree tre : Unfunded debt and current A aerate Pee toe liabilities ..... Meet seen oesiuteny 1,396,631 5,900 VELASe TAO OL LEtMtn por Par of stock, $100. capital invested :.iis..0026 ag Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Kansas City, Lawrence and Wichita RR. Co. This is the old Lawrence and Emporia RR, formerly leased to the Union Pacific RW. Co., but now, by that road, leased at a rental of $1,000 per annum, and operated under lease since Sept. 15, 1889, by the Kansas City, Wyandotte and Northwestern RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lawrence to Carbon Hill, Kan., 31.9 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KEESEVILLE, AU SABLE CHASM AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Keeseville, N. Y. Inc. Apr. 22, 1889, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Port Kent to Keeseville, N. Y., 5.64 miles. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891 :— , JLncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. CALA SLOCK heres cater iteees ante ‘ $30,710 $5,500°'| Total gross from operations.. $16,238 $2,900 FOSnG ed Cet aics cnscsaterconsscs 30,000 5,300 ‘‘ gross from other sources 770 136 Unfunded debt and current Deduct-allvexpenses scce.ccsesne *13,795 22,402 Nia DIICLEG wists. nee saneeeoshns see 1,164 200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... 3,215 574 PENt WaDmitles 2. cscessetccecvocse 2,006 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 61,874 11,000 debt QS ADOVEsscscascet ccaveece 72450-5004 ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann 1,950 350 | Net result on year’s business ‘¢ Dividends per annum....None paid. for stockholders, gain....... 763 137. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $10. capital: invested: :3s..2.50-5-< 5p.c. * Includes taxes, $22. } Includes rentals, $500. ">? 449 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $51,430; real estate and buildings, $4,486; current accounts, $1,097; cash on hand, $660 ; materials, etc., on hand, $250; bills receivable, $1,000; profit and loss, $3,034; total, $61,874. Liabilities, Capital stock, $30,710; funded debt, $30,000; current accounts, $1,097; accrued interest on bonds, $150; total, $61,874. KENNEBEC CENTRAL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Gardiner, Me. Inc. 1890 in Maine. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Randolph to Togus, Me., 5 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— : Per Mile, Per Mile. MEAEPICAL SUCK in scccp cacuesiassereeee 253275 95,000 Total gross from operation..... $13,139 $2,628 UICC GED Gen ri ns acccrarmesanstenvs Total gross from other sources 103 20 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.,...5...-....5 8,302) 1.673 Gra DINtiTes: 5). org esc eet easeeees 54,485 10,900 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 4,850 970 rent liabilities ......... cess 3,490 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital.......... 79,760 15,900 GED EAS sa DOV ES caieadescctenees i Z,815 464. s Interestonalldebtp.ann. 2,318 463 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... ' for stockholders, gain,.....<3. © 2,532 506 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital INVEStCd.. css csleecvosces Oy pe: ¢, BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Construction, $58,048; equipment, $18,221; materials, etc., $473 ; due from agents and companies, $424; cash on hand, $2,594; total, $79,760. Liabilities, Capital, $25,275; notes payable, $47,000 ; vouchers and accounts, $4,953; profit and loss, $2,532; total, $79,760. KENT NORTHERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Richibucto. Inc. Mar. 27, 1874, in N. B. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Richibucto to Kent Junc., N. B., 27 miles; branch leased, Richibucto to St. Louis, N. B., 7; total, 34 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891: Capital stock, ¢100,000, paid $80,000. Gov- ernment bonuses, New Brunswick, $156,000; Dominion $80,735, full paid. Cost of road and equipment, $246,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. St. Louis, Richibucto and Buctouche RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Richibucto, N. B. Inc. April, 1882, in N. B. Road opened in Nov., 1885, leased to General Manager Brown. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Richibucto to St. Louis, N. B,, 7 miles. Operated by Kent Northern RW. Co. Capital stock, $100,000, paid $45,000; Government bonuses, Dominion, $22,400, New Brunswick, $21,000; total, $43,400; paid, $43,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished, KENTUCKY AND INDIANA BRIDGE CO., General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. 1886, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bridge and road (opened Oct. 26, 1886) over the Ohio river from First st. depot, Louisville, Ky., to Vincennes st. depot, New Albany, Ind., 5: Belt Line in Louisville, Ky., 5; total, 10 miles. Description of bridge and connections of road: Crossing the Ohio river at 32d st., and having an extension from 29th st. to a junction with the N. N. and M. V. and St. L. and T. RWs. at 14th and Kentucky sts; thence to 12th st. and Magnolia ave. to a con- nection with the Louisville Southern RR.; thence eastwardly to 7th st. and Magnolia ave. to the junction with the Louisville and Nashville RR. Connects at New Albany with the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW., the Louisville, Evansville and St. Louis RW., and Ohio and Mississippi RW. Besides suburban trains, the line is used as a transfer for freight and for deliveries to the different industries, distilleries and manufactories. The tracks of this Company connect with all the railroads in and about Louisville. Capitalization of road...... June 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31180 = Per Mile. ’ Per Mile. RRB T IES COCK \..scccs'-cevcseresbats 1,700,000 170,000 Total gross from operation..... $175,574 $17,557 Bunded debt.......ciccccoes ++++463,700,000 370,000 | Totalgross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. *73,595 7,359 PMU ETRVEETIGS Cece. ens dno pmvpcsenasce Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 101,979 10,198 feat liabilities......... Bathe ere ‘ Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 5,400,000 540,000 GODT ASA NONE peeccet er estoveese 99,285 9,920 *‘Interest onalldebt p.ann. 99,285 9,928 Net result on year’s business ““ Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, gain......... 2,694 299 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested...........see« U2Ds 5) | * Includes taxes, $1,546. 29 450 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of bridge road, $5,400,000. Lzadzlities, Capital, $1,700,000 ; funded debt, $3,700,000 ; total, $5,400,000. The $30,000 capital stock of New Albany St. RW. has recently been purchased. This Company operates Ky. and Indiana Bridge and Belt Bine, New Albany Belt and Terminal RW., and New Albany and Portland Ferry Cos. New Albany Belt and Terminal RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, New Albany, Ind. Inc. Apr. 5, 1890, in Ind. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East to West end of New Albany, Ind., 2.25 miles. The Company also owns a ferry running from New Albany to Louisville, Ky. This Company was built by, and is operated in connection with, Kentucky and Indiana Bridge Co., which controls it. Capitalization of road... ...... Apr. 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities: ccndesces shieey ; : Total invested capital..........6. 300,000 150,000 Funded debt 2.2.2. 222.7$300,000 150,000 |< Interest on all debt p. ann. 18,000 9,000 Unfunded debt and current ; ‘“ Dividends per annum...... Not known. BY ADIILICS «oceans eeenscieame sees Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested ss. wip w.seses et Not known. Capital authorized, $200,000; subscribed, $60,000. Funded debt represents cost of road and ferry. BALANCE SHEET, April 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and ferry, $300,000. Liabzilities, Funded debt, $300,000. KENTUCKY MIDLAND RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Frankfort. Ky. Inc. Feb. 24, 1888, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Frankfort to Paris, Ky., 40 miles. Projected to Owings- ville, Ky., a distance of 35 miles additional. A branch is also projected from North Middleton to line of Kentucky Union RW. Co. Capital stock, $340,000, per mile, $8,500. Capital authorized, $1,250,000; sub- scribed, $869,000; funded debt authorized, $5,000,000, none issued. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $57,285, per mile, $1,432; total gross from other sources, $1,584, per mile, $39. All receipts expended in operations and improvement under direction of construction company. Balance sheet not furnished. KENTUCKY UNION RW. CO., 45 Wall st.; General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Clay City, Ky. Inc. 1872, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lexington to Jackson, Ky, 94 miles; projected to Big Stone Gap. Capital, $5,000,000. Par of stock, $100; per mile, $50,000; funded debt, authorized, $4,300,000; outstanding, $3,300,000; per mile, $33,000. Outstanding also, $57,000 6 p. c. car trust bonds, interest qrly. M,, Atlantic Trust Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KEOKUK AND HAMILTON BRIDGE CO., General Office, 62 Cedar st.; Corporate Office, Keokuk, Ia. Inc. in Ia.; consolidation of Hancock County and the Keokuk and Hamilton Mississippi Bridge Co. Company owns bridge across the Mississippi river at Keokuk, Ia. Capital, $1,000,000 ; funded debt, $1,000,000; total invested capital, $2,000,000. By contract dated Jan. 19, 1869, this Company agreed with the Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw RR. Co., the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central RW. Co., the Toledo, Wabash and Western RW. Co., and the Des Moines Valley RW. Co., to build, maintain and operate the bridge, paying all taxes and expenses; the other parties to use it in perpetuity, paying tolls as per agreed schedule; any deficiency less than an amount sufficient to —pay operating expenses, and 8 p. c. interest on $1,000,000 construction bonds was to be paid by the four parties in interest #70 raza, each for itself; settlement to be made every 6 months. Since the contract was made the Des Moines Valley RW. Co. has ceased to exist. The only companies now using the bridge for RR. purposes are the Toledo, Peoria and Western (present owner of Toledo, Peoria and Warsaw) and Wabash, (present owner of Toledo, Wabash and Western). The bridge is also used for wagon and foot passengers. The U. S. Supreme Court, in a suit brought by the Company against the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis RR. Co. and the Pennsylvania RR. Co. (who assumed the liabilities of the Columbus, Chicago and Indiana Central RW. Co.) for deficiency under the contract, decided in favor of the Company. See description of funded debt under separate chapter. . 451 KEOKUK AND WESTERN RR. CO., ‘““Keokuk Route,” 52 William st.; General and Corporate Office, Keokuk, Ia. Inc. 1886, in Iowa, succeed- ing to Mo., Ia. and Neb. RR. Co. (main line), sold under foreclosure Aug. I9, 1886. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Keokuk to Van Wert, la., 147.97 miles, which includes 5.7 miles of St. Louis, Keokuk and Northwestern line from Alexandria to Keokuk, used under trackage contract. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Meapital stock...-.... Our eosiresot sees 4,000,000 28,000 Total gross from operation..... $414,274 $2,800 BUNGE Celt .250,5<0+.cesanssep eases 220,000 1,500 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. #277 1926 1,973 liabilities ........ sdedecene 209,668 1,400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... £37,102.) O27 rent liabilities......... eee ple 53,031 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital...... «+ « 4,429,668 30,900 CEES ADOVE.;.cctcusssiecys WA Gu Reig: ee tad: ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 13,516 97 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... 80,000 for stockholders, gain........ 120,085 812 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid..... 40,085 271 capital invested......0. seen 3. DP. C. Par of stock, $100. * Includes $14,314 taxes. tf Includes $3,500 rentals. Dividends, 2 p.c. Funded debt consists of 6 p. c. mtge. note, payable at will. Securities owned: Stocks—Keokuk Union Depot Co., par and ledger value, $3,000. | BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road, $4,295,069; cost of equipment, $78,569 ; securities owned, $3,000; materials on hand, $15,589; current assets, $11,091 ; cash on hand, $26,350; total, $4,429,668. Liadilities, Capital, $4,000,000; mtge. notes, $220,000; cur- rent liabilities, $22,901 ; income account, $186,767 ; total. $4,429,668. KEYSTONE COAL CO’S, RR. This is not a corporation, but the private property of the Keystone Coal CO; 200s0% 3d st., Philadelphia, and is used solely to haul: coal from the Company’s mines to the junction of the_B. and O..RR.; length, 5.5 miles. KILDARE AND LINDEN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Jefferson, Tex. Inc. 1888, in Texas. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kildare to Linden, Tex., 13.3 miles. Capital, $100,000; par of stock, $100. Capital represents cost of road and equip- ment. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KINDERHOOK AND HUDSON RW. CO. 34% Pine st. General Office, Syracuse, N. Y.; Corporate Office, Financial Agency— Meiemtic trust Co.; N.Y. Inc. Jan.,,1889, in N.Y. LENGTH OF RoapD owned: Kinderhook to Hudson, N. Y., 17 miles. Road opened July 16, 1890. Capitalization of road....... TEC. Al, 4O9r:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. patos) ios Per Mile. | Per Mile. MPO AL SLOCK >, ...000cccssecsresere $170,000 $10,000 Total gross from operation..... $26,589 $1,564 0 EG UC 0 375,000 22,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses.7.2.:..0..; 14,631 861 POEMS Fos os oxcaag coder ece 18,005 1,000 Net total applicable to fixed @urrent assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 11,958 Wee: PES DItICS ..2.00.c.cereeseeacs 514 Deduct total interest on all Total invested CAD Al von ceuise 563,005 33,000 MebtiaS ABOVERiiccecdesscecssee.- *TT, 254 662 ““ Interest on all debt p. ann. *11,254 662 | Net result on year’s business “" Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain.. ...... 704. 4I Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested................. BDH * Six months. The above income account covers 6 months only. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $581.721 ; current accounts, $44; cash on hand, $570; total, $582,335. Liabilities, Capital, $170,000; funded debt, $375,000; current account, $22,745; profit and loss, $14,590; total, $582,335. 452 KINGS COUNTY ELEVATED RW. CO., New York Office, Manhattan Trust Co., 10 Wall st. General and Corporate Office, 246° Fulton st,, Brooklyn, N..Y? “Inc: Jan.0,.1679, 4m Nae . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Fulton Ferry, Brooklyn, to former City Line, 5.44 miles; leased, Fulton Elevated RW., former City Line to Parkway and Schenck st., 1.45 miles ; total, 6.89 miles. Capitalization of road...... June 30, 1892:— | Lucome for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Ganpital Stocks Seti. as as $3,250,000 $464,300 | Total gross from operation.....$879,887 127,705. BIC EC GEDE. ss sisseesssences-8 7,188,700 1,026,900 | Totalgross from other sources 542 79 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses aiejs Fire sis/s cals 6 *598,123 86,810 rent Habilities.cciccc:e-+ Geen 486,210 69,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 282,306 40,973 rentuliahilities... <<. \vascrs 788,950 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 10,924,910 1,560,700 | Cle Dt LS ADOW Sooneesecaueniesraicanss 1219,733 31,891 “ TInt. on all debt p. ann. 2175733 Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum None paid. for stockholders, gain....... 62,573 9,082 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100 upon capital invested..... 2.5 p. c. #* Includes taxes, $37,964. + Includes rentals, $2,000. BALANCE SHEETS, June 30, 1891, and 1892:— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, 1891. 1892. 1891. 1892. Cost of road and equip. $10,016,258 $10,135,960 | Capital stock (common).$3,250,000 $3,250,000 Suplles/on hand ......ss: 27,745 30, 203 4) ue Ie CuGeO sais astsssress: 7,176,550 7,188,700 Due by companies and Loans and bills payable. 153,000 308,667 IMGT VICWalS::. 1. seccucses 159,117 140,285 | Int. on funded debt due ashi DANG Si or.ucess ts 935337 95,702 and Accrued Wiiassececee 90,138 94,271 Second mtge. bond sub. 65,200 65,200 | Due, wages and supplies 38,822 36,584 Deferred int. on ad. Due companies and in- Mige Abs .c.cs.n.3 ese teae 422,550 434,700 OLVIGUAIS) ueccctestexs 0.x 32,800 33,545 Miscellaneous.........-2.. 96 16,859 | Mortgage on real estate. 12,000 12,000: Miscellanéous... 5.) ...5:... 952 Profit and loss (surplus) 30,993 I9I SLOUA langssis os auuctn aetee $10,784,303 $10,924,910 | , DORAL cc tases cts ates facts $10,784,303 $10,924,910 Fulton Elevated RW. Co., 2 Nassau st.; General and Corporate Office, 346 Fulton _ st, Brooklyn, N.Y. Wnelfaly 6.21483, ani. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: former City Line (Fulton and Sackman streets) to Schenck ave., 134 miles; projected: to town line of Jamaica, N. Y., 12 miles. This Company was organized to extend the Kings County Elevated RW., from former City line (East New York) to present City line at Woodhaven, 3.5 miles. Capitalization of road... | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. ae San pe een ey: $161, 433 : i bc Totabhinvested capital..s....i... 1,934,215 967,100 Funded debt... neariece Sor'geo |“ Intereston all debt p.ann, "81,050 "40,500 Unfunded debt and current “\ Dividends per annum...... None. liabilities ....0.6. suwsseuee. 13,215 660 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Vanitalin Vested. .c..% vorscsocs Leased for 99 years, from June 1, 1889, to Kings County Elevated. Bonds guaran- teed, principal and interest. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. KINGSTON AND ADELPHI RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Adelphi, O. Inc. in O. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kingston to Adelphi, O., 1o miles. Succeeding Cin- cinnati, Hocking Valley and Huntington RR. Co. This Company succeding to that portion of the line of the Cincinnati, Hocking Val- ley and Huntington RR. Co., as above. The balance of track was torn up and abandoned. The contractor, John Karshner, was to control the C., H. V. and H. until debt was paid, failing in which he acquired road and reorganized it as above. Below follows latest record concerning the merged line :— Cincinnati, Hocking Valley and Huntington RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Chillicothe, O. Inc. in Ohio. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kingston to Adelphi, O., 9.75; Cin., Eastern Junc. to point in Clermont County, O., 11.3; total, 21.5 miles. Capital, $5,250,000, per mile, $250,000; par of stock, $100. 453 On Apr. 6, 1880, the Cincinnati, Fayetteville, Hillsborough and Huntington RR. Co. was formed, and succeeded to another company chartered some years prior for the pur- pose of constructing a line from Cincinnati to Nelsonville, O. In Oct., 1882, after con- siderable preliminary work, a sale of that portion of the line extending from its junc- tion with the Chicago and Eastern RW. to Hillsborough, was made to the Cincinnati, Atlantic and Columbus RR. (now abandoned), which assumed all of the other com- pany’s debts. After completion of an extension from Milford to Nelsonville (11 miles), the Company became financially embarrassed, and it was understood that the Cincin- nati, Georgetown and Portsmouth RR. Co. had acquired control. A contract was subsequently let for construction of section east of Hillsborough, resulting in completion of line from Kingston to Adelphi, on Dec. 22, 1885, which is operated by John Karshner, contractor. KINGSTON AND PEMBROKE RR. CO., N. Y. Office, 52 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, Place d’Armes, Kingston, Ont. Inc. Apr. 14, 1871, in Ontario. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kingston to Pembroke, Ont., 113; branches, 10; total, 123 miles. _ Funded debt, $572,000, redeemable at the option of the Company. Government subsidies amounting to $1,000,000. Company has traffic arrangements with the Canadian Pacific, to run cars over its line (C. P. RR.), from Renfrew to Nipissing, 175 miles. It also has the right to have its traffic carried over the C. P. RR. from Nipissing to Sault Ste. Marie, 300 miles. Above rights granted by the Government, but as yet unused. No balance sheet or operations Pernished, KINZUA CREEK AND KANE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Kane, Pa. Inc. June 16, 1888, in Penna. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kane to Negleyville, Pa., 12.5 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MER STOCK .... 0. ane iat dan vodsoree . $65,600 $5,250 | Total gross from operation..... $19,572 $1,566 MPUPOE UC ebt... 75.24 vecsccise trackage: Péoria’ and Pekin Union RR., L. E. and W. Jc., to Peoria, IIL, _ 2.42; Indianapolis Union RW., Washington st., to Union Depot, Indianapolis, 0.79 ; P., C., C. and St. Louis RR., Newcastle Jc., to New Castle, Ind., 2.4; Michigan Central RR., Michigan Central Jc., to depot, Michigan City, 0.56; Lake Shore .and Michigan Southern RW., P., Ft. W. and C., crossing to depot, Fort Wayne, 1.40=7.57; total operated, 725 miles. Capitalization of road........J une 30, 1 892 :—| Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. MEEPS LOCI c.- 650s snbeons tvepesse 23,680,000 33,000 | Total gross from operation.....$3,2 47 BRITS, CED. «5.20 c-cacsenctes sen 8,750,000 12,200 Total ee from Ritae eta 47,447 84,479 Unfunded debt and current Deductallexpenses,-:20-:./... #T.OOL ago. 9.024 MIAPIRT ES: cJecccse voces seer eeeeeees 1,523,438 2,100 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,346,049 1,556 rent liabilities..... Mok nesusseasce 980,856 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 33,953,438 47,300 debt asi above ......cccccusseescs 398,438 549 Interestonalldebtp.ann. 398,438 549 Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... 532,800 for stockholders, gain......... 947,611 1,307 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after dividends 414,811 572 Capital invested...........s00e * 4p. c. TSAI Gace mate ee tavignesae velcs +

erage cues is . 8,750,000 PHOCIS OWHEC sxcbece op vhtscubovesaeraiahee 15,00071/. Garren talia Diltles.. sic, 20a ssa code caneies 615,286 Stocks and bonds owned.............. 104,125 | Equipment and improvement ac- Other permanent investments...... 38,503 COUNTS AACE. :firess. tad scslaneceee 297,265 Cash and current aSSetS..5,.0...ss00%.0. 722,832 IMCOMETACCOUMiai.y ects crassa se tas oateere 610,887 MBETIOL ASSELES., wessecosetsecnanste veterans tases 100, 396 POLAT cvccavansigucscas nes daaee er eeeare $33,953,438 | Oba lies scorer dd succes saree eeticmecsust $33,953438 Dividends 4 p. c. on preferred stock. Capital consists of $11,840,000 each common and 6 p. c. non-cumulative preferred stocks. Trackage and Terminals: This Company leases to Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co.-18.7 miles, from Lafayette to Templeton, at $10,098 per annum and cost of repairs and renewals, determined by usage. The same conditions, except as to rental, which is $24,000 per annum, apply to the Chicago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh _RR. for use of 55 miles, from Indianapolis to Kokomo. ‘Trackage rights are supplied to the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RW. Co., between Massachusetts ave. and Washington st., Indianapolis, Ind., over the joint tracks of this Company and the Cleve- land, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW., each receiving $2,733.33 .as rental. That company also uses the terminal facilities of this Company in the same city, at $11,050 per annum.and cost of repairs and renewals, determined by usage. This Company uses the tracks of the Indianapolis Union RW, Co. to and from the Union passenger station, as well as to affect connections with other lines, paying a rental of $9,396 annually, besides cost of repairs and renewals, determined by usage, together with cer- tain fixed charges per car to manufactories, etc., and for interchange of traffic with other roads. A rental of $22,500 per annum is paid for use of tracks and terminals of Peoria and Pekin Union RW. Co.; $300 per month (including maintenance) is paid the Pitts- burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago-and St. Louis RW. Co. for use of 2.4 miles of track from New Castle to New Castle Junc., and a rental, based on usage, of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern terminals at Fort Wayne, Ind. LAKE ERIE, ESSEX AND DETROIT RIVER RR. CO., General and Corporate Office; Walkerville, Ont. Inc. May 1, 1885 in Ontario; opened Dec. 22, 1888; name changed in 1891 to the Lake Erie and Detroit River RW. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN SYSTEM ‘* The Lake Shore Route,” comprises Detroit, Hillsdale and Southern; Fort Wayne and Jackson; Jamestown-and Franklin ; Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids; Mahoning Coal; Oberlin and La Grange; Detroit, Monroe and Toledo ;, Kalamazoo and White Pigeon; Northern Central Michigan; Detroit and Chicago ; and Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis RRs. LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RW. CO., “Lake Shore Route.” New York Office, Room 47, Grand Central Depot ; General and Corporate Office, Cleve- land, O. Inc. May 27, 1869, being consolidation of Lake Shore and the Michigan Southern and Northern Indiana RRs., and late the Cleveland and Toledo; Cleveland, Paines- ville and Ashtabula, and Buffalo and Erie RW. Cos. were consolidated. The proprie- tary lines were acquired in various ways: Kalamazoo and White Pigeon, purchased ; Northern Central of Michigan, built ; Detroit and Chicago, ownership of stock; Detroit Monroe and Toledo, purchased: Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis, ownership of stock. Leased lines: Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids, leased Sept. 21, 1869, for 999 years at $78,600 per annum; Jamestown and Franklin, leased Jan., 1885, for 5 years and renewed for 5 years more at a rental of 30 p. c. of gross earnings; Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern, leased July 1, 1881, in perpetuity, at a rental of $40,500 for first 2 yearsand $54,000 per annnm thereafter ; Fort Wayne and Jackson, leased Sept., 1882, in perpetuity, 457 at rental of 5% p.c, per annum on preferred stock, and after 5 years, 2 p.c.on common, should net earnings exceed 8 p. c. on preferred stock; Mahoning Coal RR., leased July 1, 1884, in perpetuity, at rental of 4 p. c. of gross earnings ; Oberlin and LaGrange, operated under contract since Mar. 29, 1864. Company owns large interest in Mahon- ing Coal Co., and has controlled New York, Chicago and St. Louis RW. since 1882. The Company also owns large holdings in Pittsburgh and Lake Erie, and the Cleveland, Loraine and Wheeling RRs. This road is controlled in the interest of the Vanderbilt system, with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis and the New York, Chicago and St. Louis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles. aerate Na HN a OLO CHG MAE cere d csuvnemauteaeisdt vcs svs'sds seh sesupS de essaa? ticks vadeaa.asiedsoh ae gs 540.49 Sandusky Division : Elyria June. vza Sandusky to Millbury Junc., (ie catert sales ng 72.95 eee LANG WO1VISIOU ty it]l ANGs) UTI CrcEO FOLK NATE. nc... anc conaewsesene Aveaseess ssvqssnsiaevssins 130.83 Bereot oraici eta wie UNCrtQ PaCeSON, MICU a ceginseacsase covateseseusoe sets. iosensyea 41.98 Ber Oesstanciceivena Wee: iG COM ONTOES MICH «to ccaseccnctcccosteperetresetcersea soeserce 29.37 ater DrAnei cas ntapiia Ol. tO) AINeStOWN >) PA ciagsceecs chess tu sces seeshainebepe eased 35.98 TEE CLC ache pe ee lc CEPR eh he cride cisions swaptenktn an Peed es sind neta cvadsen Sanne censuses Te AS 318.66 Proprietary :— PISCE Olt, WlONT OCCA ICG OL Bea. vay ce ncacsn ts nuescos se cavh aessaete sscacoubevstecnens socuseses 62.36 Bo tATA ZIG ANUP VV ILE LL TS COM LIN TR se sttiny sauna Senodog Ih tu teaWansie de vseuguianastiatiresemensess 36.57 Peet CHITA WiC LI alin sears coon tea? Fe s< siewn) mena iaemm le eeetetaeh (sanees «eee ree es sonie » 61.14 RRO AIL LCHAOs RGD oe etary os ohne aden anu sds Sovueat ce hee ttates call na scee accu dgeecsseeneny se 67.60 StI 1S eC FOSNETICANC OU MAZOUIS) RR ics tok des. uienceeve cde eotaeee laetscvievesotees rhcseh soveecnss 35.81 263.48 Leased :— , Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids RR........ (SoSbee es oStream ag See a ARE 58.42 MIWVESLO Wik AIChE rat Kc lilin Ie bee oie tenons ct sonascnen)sceescceesecsrinssnss assnraces sseher woseebecs 50.91 Mahoning Coal RR. and branches..........cesseee cores ceeees Nomen sedi sietaw inaoaees valsin sees as 50.29 Detroit iWisdaletancde Southwestern. cece tacscse wens cccmaciieles cae scsas tule does) lelssiiee acs 65.20 Fort Wayne anid Jackson RR... 10.10. ..cc.5iccors vecnsccacceversees covese case, deere seceee senses 97.83 : ———— 322.56 @otaboperated.... sic... Deen et eects eens aN tae steateiasuamowiacea tenuis xan stm ee antc be ose 1,455.19 Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31,1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. TILA SLOCK ciwacsectecssiese cased» $50,000,0C0 34,300 | Total gross from operation..... 21,431,385 14,730 RICO Dts .cxcecasdatncsisendes 45,706,000 31,400 Totalgrossfromothersources 455,623 315 Unfunded debt and current : bh Deductialléxpenses.......c,..:.« 14,632,675 10,055 MEIN LICS cycccsccacttessterecses 14,595,650 10,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- |. charges and dividends...... 7,254,333 4,991 rent liabilities ..... aes 19,851,637 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... I 10,361,656 75,700 debt asvabovecccacets cincsostees *3,814,873 2,6}0 “Int. on all debt p. ann.. 3,204,370 2,200 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum..... 2,967,990 | for stockholders, gain.....,... 3,439,460 2,380 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after ‘divids. paid. 3473,4700 326 capital INVESTEC stse.soeeeenes 6.5 (Do (Ge Par of stock, $100. * Includes rentals: Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1892, estimating Dec., 1892: Total gross from operation, $22,450,000; per mile, $15,430; total gross from other sources, $435,350; per mile, $300; deduct all expenses, including taxes, $15,820,000; per mile, $10,872 net total ‘applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $7, 065, 350; per mile, $4,850 ; deduct total interest on all debt as above (including rentals, ‘and $53.550 dividend on cuaranteed stock), $3,795,350; per mile, $2,608; net result on year’s business for stockholders, #63,270.000 ; per mile, $2,247; 6 p.c. dividends, $2,967,990; net surplus after dividends paid, $302,010; per mile, $209. BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Construction (859.15 m.).............. $66,700,000 | Capital stock, guaranteed............ "$533,500 ILENE oo vic cae ve sign. ce os door o cus uote 17,300,000 | Capital stock, common. areas ued 0,400, 500 Proprietary roads (227.67 m.)...... 4,291,450 | Funded debt cr = & M. S. RW. ) 44,442,000 Jamestown and Franklin RR. Funded debt (D eke RRS) ise 924,000 MMI Nyy raked ov santos ss aides cadens seveess 2,218,569 | Funded debt (K. ie W. P. RRM! 400,000 BEDI ES OWIEG., 0 is4 catscacsvcsitensessvecee 13,540,718 | December liabilities (paidin Jan.) 1,225,142 Rempplies, fuel, tC... so.ce.cessescessaces S7O IO, , Dividends: FED. TSO2,s\casiscsevssecese 1,758,003 Sundry assets and real estate...... O2r, BAG |) F FOULATIOMIOSS sors couse sesctedsesvecdyecaes 11,612,510 Valley RW.—Advances.......0. 0 276,606 | MME CoP ere sess tareb conv cccres ecseeees 4,533,347 ROA Neto! thedae we \ecdded uo ntetets tears 110; 301;056 ROUa le devcic se penton tewaresened aunesss $110, 361,656 458 Capital has not changed since 1871, and consists of $49,466,500 common and $533,000 guaranteed Io p. c. stocks, each par $100. Guaranteed stock carries IO p. Cc. dividends. Dividends on common: 1877, 2; 1878, 4; 1879, 6% ; 1880 to 1883 inc., 8 p. c. each year; 1884, 7; 1885 and 1886, none; 1887 and 1888, 4 p.c. each year; 1889 and 1890,/5 p. c> each year; 1891,,614; 1892; Feb. '2%2.and «1 p.c. extra, Atieosreaogs, Feb, 2°p..c, List of securities owned 1891: STOCKS. Rar Value. Par Value, '|)» Pitts. and Wheel: Coal Cow x..s0..0-5; $22,682 N. Y., C. and St. L. R. W. rst pref. $2,503,000 | Capital advanced to operate N. Y., Chic. and St. L. 2d pref....... 6,275,000 Gespatch Lines. ......:...5+ cessseeeeseoees 22,546 N. Y., Chic. and St. L. RW., com... 6,240,000 Pac. Hotel Co., Chicago ...... ...sseseee 496,000 Pitts. and L. E. RR., 40,001 shares 2,000,050 Clifton Heights Land Co..........0. 7,639 Clev., Lor. and Wheel. pref........... | 774,400 Chic. Industrial EXPOS veeeee scenes seeees 1,500 Clev., Lor. and Wheel. com........... 169, 100 Columbian Exposition......... see seeeee 20,000 Mahoning Coal RR., pref., 5’S...... 399,500 Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis........ 1,000,000 Nahon: Coal RR: COM s...ccepstancmas 865,900 Merchants’ Des. Transp. Co......2... 575,700 LOLA iahsciccst. dec broken ther ayeoreatt $22,965,217 Cine Waband Mich* i. .sn-nceetos 470,100 BONDS. Detroit, Monroe and Toledo........... 414,c00 | Jamestown and Franklin 1st mtge... $251,000 Jamestown and Franklin...... reaida tae 400,000 | Jamestown and Franklin, 2d mtge.. 482,000 Lake Shore and Mich. So. RW...... 268,100 — Swan Crk RW. (Toledo Belt Line) 40,000 | MOC AL ma csrcseteecashiconn select ore eter ver? $723,000 Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc.'July, 1871, as Detroit, Hillsdale and Indiana RR.; sold under fore- closure Dec. 28, 1874, and reorganized under present title, Jan. 30, 1875. Road bought by Ist mtge. bondholders for $16,000, over the mtge. of $1,152,000. Leased in per- petuity to the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., July 1, 1881; cost of road and equipment, $1,340,587 ; capital stock, $1,350,000. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ypsilanti to Bankers, Mich., 65.2 miles. Fort Wayne and Jackson RR. Co. Consolidation Apr. 6, 1869, under the name ofthe Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw RR. Co., of the Jackson, Fort Wayne and Cincinnati, and the Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw RRs. Road completed Dec. 25, 1870. Sold under foreclosure Dec. 3, 1879, for account of bondholders and reorganized under present name Jan. I, 1880. Leased in perpetuity to the Lake Shore and Michi- gan Southern RW.Co., Sept., 1882. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jackson, Mich., to Fort Wayne, Ind., 97.83 miles. Capitalization of TORS wag DEC. At: 1891 — Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent dia bilities 2... soscuasds $52,865 . Q ie Total invested ‘capital .......0. 2,770,241 $27,700 CeCe Boeeeee eeeeseee ° vA y 5 2 7 Sarat Noa sien 275700 “Interest on all debt p. ann. mith ; ee eee eee Cee eSSES SE TEre Ls ‘Gig . . Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... Habilitieses: scl ss.peenee 49,662 soo | Average ratio of return upon : 1 CAPItAR IN VEStOG..., -vscngace BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891: Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,719,580; mate- rials, $3,839; current accounts, $28,599; cash on hand, $24,266; total, $2,776,284. Lzadziities, Capital stock, $2,719,580; current accounts, $49,662 ; profit and loss, $7,042; total, $2,776,284. Capital, common, $431,747; preferred, $2,287,833. Stock issued to take up and cancel bonds. Jamestown and Franklin RR. Co., General Office, Grand Central Station, New York. Inc. Apr. 5, 1862. Road completed June 24, 1867. While under construction in Mar., 1864, the road was leased to the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula, now Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., for 20 years. In January, 1885,a new lease was entered into, and on Jan. 1, 1890, this lease was extended for five years from that date, at a rental of 30 p. c. on gross earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jamestown, to Oil City, Pa., 50.91 miles; branch ; Stone- boro to Coal Mines, 2.53 miles; total, 53.44 miles. Capitalization Of road....... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec,31, 1891:— : Per Mile. Per Mile. CEAGILAIISEOR Rios. guecte Sr cageccsges $601,200 $11,300 | Total gross from operation..... $50,280 $949 Peeve Wel ee saves etre se 798,000 15,000 | Total gross from other sources 127, 2 Unfunded debt and current (MID ECLUCL AM EXPOSES co .ccc.ntmnbe 1,680 31 LIA DIIGIES: | stoves’ sesseeeee 1,221,604 23,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend...... 48,727 920 rent liabilities ......104 seseeeeees 42,947 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 2,620,804 49,300 CEBU Gs ADOVE Tf. s.cdcecscere 47,285 894 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... for stockholders, gain......... 1,442 27 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. CADitalAnVeSteC nw sscecseconee 1.9 p. ¢. ee ea ee 459 BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $2,552,665 ; other investments, $42,874; other assets, $72; profit and loss, $30,236; total, $2,626,847- Liabilities, Capital stock, $601,200; payments on stock, $6,043; funded debt, $798,000 ; unfunded debt, due lessee, $1,221,604 ; total, $2,626,847. Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids RR. Co. Inc. June 3, 1868, and road completed Mar. 1, 1869. Road leased to Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., Sept., 1868, for 999 years, at an annual rental of $78,600, being 6 p. c. on the capital stock, $610,000. and 5 p. c. on bonds, $840,000. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids, Mich., 58.42 miles. Capital, $610,000,per mile, $10,500; funded debt, $840,000, per mile, $14,500. Mahoning Coal RR. Co., General Office. Grand Central Station, New York ; Cor- porate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Feb. 18, 1871, and road completed in June, 1873. Leased July 1, 1884, in perpetuity to Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., at a rental of 4o p. c. on the gross earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Andover to Youngstown, O., 41.89; Doughton to Sharon, Pa., 8.31 ; total, 50.20 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. MERAY SCOCE -aisescescecieesccheass 2,161,850 43,000 | Total gross from operation..... *$203,216 $4,064 MERIC LISTE, sv save Cccceccueccwrss T,500,000 30,000 Total gross from other sources 46 Unfunded debt and current Deduct alex pensesi:..:...2a<2 11,805 36 BRUISES 54s... cuancssvns os cece Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 201,457 4,028 Petit tai itiGs 2.2 .aecsess sce ease Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 3,061,850 73,200 GED ASA DOVE .csapnees he cass seems 75,000 1,500 “ Intereston all debt p.ann. 75,000 1,500 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... 115,592 for stockholders, gain......... 126,457 2,529 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after divs. paid.... 10,865 207, Ea pital INVEStEd.... sie. s0-.8-+54 5. Siac. * Rental. + Taxes. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $3,712,027; cash on hand, $9,344; total, $3,721,371. Liabilities, Capital stock, $2,161,850; funded debt, $500,000 ; profit and loss, $59,521 ; total, $3,721,371. ; Capital is, common, $1,500,000; preferred, $661,850. Preferred stock certificates contain a clause wherein it provides for redemption of same at par at option of Company, which, however, will not, it is understood, exercise the right. Dividends on common stock: in 1889, 43% ; 1890, 5; Feb., 1891, 4%; 1892, Feb., 534; Aug., 3; 1893, Feb., 5. Lessee guarantees 5 p. c. dividends on preferred stock and interest on bonds. Oberlin and La Grange RR. Co., General Office, Grand Central Station, New York ; Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Oct. 20, 1883, and road completed Apr. 12, 1884. Operated under contract by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Oberlin to Nickel Plate, O., 4.5 miles. Capitalization of road........JUNe 30, I8g1 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Pepital StOCK. 20... cc100. seesessce $25,000 $5,500 Total gross from operation..... *$2,735 $600 3 G2 aR oa 12,000 2,700 | ‘Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct.all expenses! 0: T1,361 300: BeaDilittes £.f...:c0005: Stein a Not known. | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 1,374 300 Bent liabilities i.22.00c4.i.cccd.0 Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 37,000 8, 200 Cebit as ABOVE ce secestecosste-ces 720 160 ““ Interest on all debt p. ann. 720 160 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain........ 654 140 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested........... Fo 3% Pp. Cc. * Rental, { Taxes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $26,987 ; profit and loss, $10,013 ; total, $37,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $25,000; funded debt, $12,000 ; total, $37,000. NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RR. CO., “Nickel Plate Line,” Grand Central Depot, New York; General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. _Sept., 1887, succeeding to and reorganization of N. Y. C. and St. L. RW. Co., foreclosed May 19, 1887. This Company has been controlled since 1882 by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., which owns $2,503,000 Ist preferred, $6,275,000 2d pre- ferred, and $6,240,000 common stock. Company owns $1,500,000 stock of the Chicago and State Line RR. Co. : 460 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Buffalo, N. Y., to Indiana—lIllinois Line, 502.56 miles. Leased: Chicago and State Line RR.—Indiana Line to Grand Crossing, IIl., 9.96; total, §12°52. Trackage: N. Y. L. E. and West RR.—in Buffalo, N. Y., 1.6; Lake Shore and Mich. So. RR.—Grand Crossing to Chicago, Ill., 8.g=10.50; total, 523.02 miles. Capitalization of road.....Dec. 31, 1891 :— Sachse eal veer ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MDApital Stock oac.0s0.@arenaciene sas 30,000,000 $585,00 | Total gross from operation....$6,171,089 11,799 PUNCCG GEDE icseaccares entero 19,575,000 38,100 | Totaigross from other sources 13,509 22 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...........0 *5,056,082 9,667 HADINITES tis caase svete se ser ae 1,852,824 3,600; Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... . 1,128,576 2,157 Pent HADES ivensess aasectees L,733;701 Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested capital......... 51,427,824 100,000 CEDU MS ADGVE Artec. «oc epecat: t970,912 1,855 ‘“ Interestonalldebtp.ann 780,4z0 1,508 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum.... | 150,000 toristockholdere s..5-<:5-tds cash 157,064 302 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid... 7,664 15 capital invested.s.%.4.5-<6< 2c. Par of stock, $50. * Includes rental, $90,552, and sinking fund, $99,940. BALANCE. SHEET, Dec. 31, 1691 >— ASSETS. | _ LIABILITIES. ‘Cost of road and equipment... ..... $49,694,063 | Capital stock: Contrib. to traffic assn. funds, etc. 15,176 | TSt PYSICELEC cee teaves ceseeeaeees $5,000,000 Material and fuel on hand............ 302,500 | 20 preferfed sc, «> dsectsctersceas Des ice 11,000,000 MERSIN coves accgeers ase he canteens tances 452,826 | CONMEIIO Mike se iseecsc Yeas sek oa 7a pers ane cen 14,000,000 Due by station agents and condrs. 269,050) Fundedidebt: 5... +01... aiaeetaaian aeaewe 19,575,000 Due Dy other companies) .t....:.055 503,AT7- 1» Unpaid WoOuchers: .orcc+ Real estate mOrted ges .owicc cn vsesscnen 182,738 Materials’ou hand’. 2. ach ee 124 410.) Bille payables aes .vtegecucsaccoweue nak oes 285,000 « MAST OU Nand gi 2k, ee seie ces cimeaaee tee 73; 201% /MCUTFENL ACCOUNTS. varcis .deselras kes eeaek 778,762 Accrued interest unpaid ®.cctasserences 12,500° Unpaid -dinidends Aiwa. dhaieitinss: 120,000 PrOht and NOSs ks Feces teem 1,278,007 8 $9,657,067 $9,657,067 461 This road is operated in interest of Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RR., which owns a controlling interest ($2,000,050) of its stock. Dividends: 3 p.c., July, 1890, Jan., 1891; 1884 to Feb., 1892, inclusive, 6 p. c. yearly; Aug., 1892, 5p. c.; Jan., 1893, 5 p.c. Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 6th ave. and Wood st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. Jan 1, 1881, in Pa. ; and consolidated during 1891, with McKeesport and Belle Vernon RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pittsburgh to New Haven, Pa., 56.95; Reynoldton to Belle Vernon, Pa., 27.8.; total, 84.75; Leased: Dickerson Run and Youghiogheny Northern RR., 7.84; total operated, 92.59 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Metal StOCK «....:d.tscesds seceedane 3,959,650 43,000 | Total gross from operation.....{$441,579 $4,800 Per CLED ck. se on fe caccepareteeos 3,750,000 40,800 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current leas DEMICL All ex Denses..sc.t.csu sae BTU LLTICS \.5..cnscecewevenanes coness Not known. | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... PER CIIADLIICLIES cece eelecee oneceee Not known. | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 7,709,650 83,800 | GEDLASTADOVE si iiiseskcocsccdee 225,000 2,445 “‘ Interestonall debt p.ann. 225,000 2,445 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... 216,579 | for stockholders, gain......... 216,579 2,355 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capital invested. ..7.>. ve... G.Dec, { Rental. Dividends, 6 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.— Assets, Cost of road, $7,326,603; equipment, $383,047 ; total, $7,709,650. Liabilities, Capital stock, $3,959,650; funded debt, $3,750,000; total, $7,707,650. On Jan. 1, 1884, this road was leased for 999 years, from Aug. 3, 1881, to Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RR. Co., which, with Lake Shore and Mich. Southern, guaranteed 6. p c. interest on bonds ($3,150,000) and 6 p.c. dividends on stock, but does not include McKeesport and Belle Vernon RR. Co. ist mtge. bonds, $600,000. This road leases the Youghiogheny Northern RR. Co.; rental not known. Youghiogheny Northern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. Aug. 16, 1881, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Dickerson Run to Clarisson Mines, 4.58 ; branch, 3.26; total, 7.84 miles. Par of stock, $100; capital, $400,000, per mile, $50,000; no funded debt. Leased to Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny RR. Co. in 1863, but rental is unknown. : LAKESIDE AND MARBLEHEAD RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Aug. 17, 1886, in Ohio. Road opened Jan. 17, 1887. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Marblehead Junc. to Marblehead, O., 7.35 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lucome for fjiseal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. ; Per Mile. Capital stock.............0. esssesese $150,000 $21,400 | Total gross from operation..... $36,211 $5,000 Funded debt..............s..2....»5 140,000 20,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct alll expenses............ %*25,066 3,400 MPMSTUILOS oc. 55508 505000200 instars oe 18,442 2,600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividens......... II,I45 1,600 ent abilities s:..:.. 25 sasercsdes- 9,424 * Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 308,442 44,000 CED Tas AD GVelsicacaccvecces cost; 6,689 . 1,000 ** Interest on all debt p. ann. 6,689 Net result on year’s business ““ Dividends per annum...... None paid. | |. for stockholders, gain......... 4,456 600 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. . eapital invested............s00. GD * Includes taxes, $672. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $299,018 ; current accounts, $9,424; total, $308,442. Liabilities, Capital stock, $150,000; funded debt, $140,000 ; current accounts, $15,710; profit and loss, $2,732; total, $308,442. LAKE TAHOE RR. CO. No information obtained. 462 LANCASTER AND HAMDEN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Lancaster, Pa. Inc. in O. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: C. and M. V. Jc., to Mowreyville, O., 7; Vinton Station to Furnace, 7; total 14 miles. Projected: Columbus to Wellston, O., 75 and numerous branches, 44; a total distance of 119 miles; graded for 4o. This line is intended as a rapid transit coal road from the coal and iron fields 3 Vinton and Jackson counties, to Lake Erie and the Northwest. Capital stock authorized, $20,000 per mile. Funded debt consists of 1st mtge. 6 p.c. bonds, dated Jan., 1889, authorized at the rate of $20,000 per mile. Cost of road and equipment, $300,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. LANCASTER, OXFORD AND SOUTHERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Lancaster, Pa. Inc, Sept. 3, 1890, in Pa., succeeding, by reorganization, to Peach Bottom RR. Co., foreclosed June 16, 1890. “LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Oxford to Peach Bottom, Pa., 20 miles (narrow gauge). Balance sheet and operations not furnished. L’ASSOMPTION RW. CO., Road opened Oct. 15, 1886. This is a joint stock company. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: L’Epiphanie Station to L’Assomption, Que., 3 miles. Capitalization of r0aa......0. June 30, 1891 :— | Jucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. APA DILALSSEOGK. -.cccuvevbaree nectcls - *$10,000 $3,300 | Total gross from operation..... $1,691 $563 mrnded We btiat.. teaniscere cca 114,875 4,900 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deductallexpenses:s...... 2.2 1,605 535 ia Dtlities 4. ateeoeeta. seeelsatepone 2,466 800 Net total applicable to fixed : Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 86 28 Rent liabilities 2% 270)...ctees. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital..:..... .. 27,341 9,000 GEDUAS AIOVE Ks! .0i sce bed socanss ‘ Intereston all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain ........ 86 28 Average ratio of return upon capital Linvested/s ecco ese None. * Subscribed, $19,000; paid in, $10,o0. + Government bonus, authorized, $18,550; paid in, $14,875. Balance sheet not furnished. LAUREL FORK AND SAND HILL RR. C0O,, General Office, 209 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa.; Corporate Office, Volcano, W. Va. Inc. Feb. 28, 1866, in W. Va. i LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Laurel Fork Jc. to Volcano, W. Va., 4; branch, Lick Fork to Coal Bank, 1.5; total, 5:5 miles; leased to W. Va. Trans. Co, , Sept. I, 1877, 16 Apr. 30, 1888. Capitalization of road........ | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. PANtM a DINGHIES ~.<..ese0 sasersees - $1,375 . Capitalistocic: 01: sssberminstenesss $163,600 29,700 _ Totalinvested capital........ T7085 32uqee Handed debt... .cssccrers ten gonc ue «. Interest on all debt p. ann, Not known. Unfunded debt and current _| “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. LL AND VLICICS Licvs cess eaae se eotta tess 14,385 2,600 | Average ratio of return aay Par of stock, $50 ; capital invested miietescates sane Not known. Balance sheet and operations not fcrsished LEBANON SPRINGS RR. CO. General and Corporate Office, Bennington, Vt. Inc. Mar. 25, 1852, in Vt. Receiver appointed Oct 1, 1880. Sold under foreclosure June 12, 1885, and purchased by syndi- cate of bondholders in the interest of the New York, Rutland and Montreal RW. Co. (inc. Dec. 31, 1883, for the purpose of consolidating the Company with the Bennington and Rutland RR. Co.), and transfer made Apr. 1, 1886. The road was placed in Receivership again Feb. 27, 1888, and, by judgment of Supreme Court, sale of 1885 was set aside and new sale ordered. Road was reported sold under foreclosure Mar. 23, 1892, and purchased by William Foster for $7,500. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Chatham, N. Y., to Bennington, N. Y., 57.10 miles. Capital stock, $1,644,000; funded debt, $1,000,000. Par of stock, $100. 463 Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $63,627, per mile, $1,100; total gross from other sources, $341; per mile, $6. Deduct all ex- penses, $67,540 (including taxes, $49), per mile, $1,200; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $3,572 (deficit), per mile, $63; deduct total interest on all debt as above, $190 (rentals) ; net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss, $3,762, per mile, $66. Balance sheet not furnished. LEXINGTON TERMINAL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Lexington, Ga. Inc. in Ga. LENGTH OF ROAD owred: Lexington to Crawford, Ga., 4; and branch to Granite Quarry, .5; total, 4.5 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. LIGONIER VALLEY RR. CO., General Office, Pittsburgh, Pa.; Corporate Office, Ligonier, Pa. Inc. Apr. 15, 1853, in Pa. Present title adopted Nov. 17, 1877. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Latrobe to Ligonier, Pa., 10.5 miles. Capitalization of road....... Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, sor Per Mile. Per Mile. Raps eal Stole: Liitcersdtesensosse eee $160,000 15,200 Total gross from operation..... $52,162 $4,968 PIE CED tices. sdes eeeateaseteuess 75,000 7,100 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deductallexpenses:.....ccs)4.0 $34,970 1 3;3340 Rie DULLES nics sancdaceonteclase0 None. * Includes $922 taxes. } Deficit. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $50,000; cash on hand, $24; total, $50,024. Liabilities, Capital, $50,000 ; profit and loss, $24 ; total, $50, 024. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE SYSTEM comprises Alabama Mineral; Birmingham Mineral; Clarkville and Princeton Division ; Elkton and Guthrie; Glasgow; Henderson Bridge and RR.; Kentucky Central; Louis- ville RW. Transfer Co.; Mammoth Cave; Mobile and Montgomery; Nashville, Flor- ence and Sheffield; Nashville and Decatur ; New Orleans and Mobile; Owensboro and Nashville RW.; Pensacola and Atlantic RR.; Pontchartrain; Shelby ; South and North Alabama ; Southeast and St. Louis RRs.; and is closely allied with its controlled Nash- ville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RW., including Tennessee and Coosa RR., Western and Atlantic. LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RR. CO., 120 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, cor. Main and 2d Inc. Mar. 5, 1850, in Ky., leasing and absorbing various lines from New York Office, sts., Louisville, Ky. time to time. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Average length of roads operated 2,857.91 miles. A line connecting the road with Church Valley Division of Norfolk and Western RR. was completed June 1891. Interchange of passenger traffic over this connection is known as the Cumberland Gap Line. I. Owned absolutely or through the ownership of the entire capital stock. EES ECOTIS Yt (e TONASIIVINIG. Cascade dc asedcedss ccigdsddadia goseedeserecusaiecsee ses seeees 185.23 MRT RAEI VERITCT QUE LO Ls aects Jal canes sca daeas diesssecsde ouessssatwancee dalsocdeeve Svaceiess sceeisecnss> 161.84 MST UN LILICE AL OTR Ko ccaigsvoccuncéthesigeteacnaesoccesssi lies desscasessiegeledvcrces Ran ecseateetegscastd 124.91 Bevo Rema ee WV L(O1TL SORTCL Vio WV or, ccecticcc Cac cutn on apa acscuucwasicersoeracacecacccecdavesenee op ee 178.49 MAME I rR ATSCLY WL OTIC GIR Fee sees cten cdasek esesnecevscucerssases scneauveseratssses ccesvees easiness 140.38 EPROM EMEA TTR re tec as seach cen taecudsateePidoen ct scucngedccdcaneset Coseveudecaivges scaseccesacssseeas 5.18 Bardstown Branch—Bardstown Junction to Bardstown. ...... ccssscsees ceeeeee one E7337 reine Branch Dardstow tl tO SprinQHeldies, sca ssc v, cseecssoes ceceedoecens soncecsedes 20.07 Merve branch — Lebanon | utiction tol Jelleco. i... ....cs secscecnassseee sescssencisedeccass P7127 Cumberland Valley Branch—Corbin to Norton........ccc00sseeee ove Ee RAE 116.38 Memphis Line—Memphis Junction to Memphis....... .....+0 Sanne Maatactaceczevacise res cdes 259-13 SereOr FANG NASHVILLE RW. a0 cis ccdic sc cuee osscnsese vsasee seossncsecesoess Miascm ssc agecrsds a 88.49 Clarksville and Princeton Branch—Princeton Junction UE tA CE Yivcccrcestisnntercens.< 32.00 Clarksville Mineral Branch—Hemiatite to Marion.......00 .ccsccccesscee socceces ohandeness 4 14.10 Henderson Division—Edgefield Junction to Henderson.........c.00.sseseeee 134.71 ‘Madisonville Branch—Madisonville to Providence........ 16.21 —-——_ 150.91 Meer aSteaNe) Si) LOUIS ROW... ci 1893, Feb,.2 p..¢. The stock dividends of 1888 to 1890 represented surplus earnings; the Aug., 1890, dividend was partially cash, and all since that time have been cash. List of securities owned by Company, June 30, 1892 :— BONDS. STOCKS. iRarev ale : Par Val. 10-40 adjustment bonds ..... .........es00s $531,000 | Nashville and Decatur RR. Co........ $823,300 Unified 4 p. c. gold mtge. bondas........ 1,266,000 | Owensboro and Nash. RW. Co........ 193,100 Louis., Cin.and Lex. RW. gen. m.b. 50,000 | Nash., Flor. and Sheffield RW. Co. 114,400 Sloss Iron and Steel Co. 1st m. bonds 43,o00 | Birmingham Mineral RR. Co.......... 455,000 Eureka Co. rst mtge. bonds...........00 29,000 | Elkton and Guthrie RR. Co............ es Elkton and Guthrie RR. bonds.....- . 25,000 | Mobile and Montgomery RW. Co.... II,100 Pensa. and Atl. RR. Land Grant bds. 906,000 | So. and No. Alabama RR. Co......... 26,200 Louis., Nash.,& Mo., Mtg., t. d. m. b. 267,000 | Birmingham Rolling Mill Co............ 34,600 Southern Iron Co. ist mtge. bonds...... 25,000 | Kentucky Central RW. Co.............. *6,908, 500 S.W& N. Ala. 5p.c. cons. mtge. bonds 154,000 | Export Coal Co. of Pensacola......... 75,000 Pensa. and Atl. RR. 1st mtge. bonds 32,000 | Lou. Harrod’s Cr. and West. RR... *60,000 S.and F. Ala. RR. 1st mtge. ster. bds. 17,000 | New & Old Dec. Belt Ter.& RR. Co. 6,300 muluLy raulroads and other bonds.....- 225,261) Pontchartrain, RR...........cecsssescceosee *8, 400 Southendtiancot. to RW i ser.ccassesves 19,200 (etiiat RocAssnn Of ote Lic. .iss scccesess 205,800 [Ase tse. 1 Ae the Bah geet iam Manne 15,500 Sundry railroad and other stocks... 271,862 Bills receivable, land notes, etc........ 573,734 a Mpa eer $10,818,776 $3,570,261 | Total bonds, stocks and bills recv..$14,389,037 ea stocks, having been included in cost of road, do not appear on trial balance under the caption of “ stocks owned. 472 In addition to the foregoing securities, the Company also owns the following bonds and stocks, which are deposited with the Central Trust Company of New York, Trustee, to secure:the Louisville and Nashville 1o- -40 adjustment bonds and the unified ‘fifty- -year 4 p. c. gold mtge. bonds, viz. :— STOCKS. BONDS. Subject to Subject to Subject to Subject to ro-40 mtge. Unified 10-40 mtge. Unified bonds. mtge bonds. bonds. mtge. bonds. Bal Graces © RW. Co., pref. $1,500,000 $1,500,000 | L. & N., Leb.-Knox. Br..$1,500,000 teen OCLs. NW, Co., com. 1,000,000 985,000 | L. & N., , Pens. &Sel.Div. 898,000 S. & N.Ala.RR.Co. ’ pref. 2,000,000 2,000,000 | L. & N. ’ Mob. & Mnt.Div. 2,677,000 2, oc IN. Ala.RR-Co;, com: 185,000 1,127,400 4 DL & N.L.,C.&L.RW.Co. 3,208,000 Mob. & Mont.RW. Cone 2,939,700 ~2,939,700 | Pensacola & Atl. RR. Co. 1,000,000 NeOsM ise TR RY Cocas Ala. Min. RR. 'Co.,\4'p. c. $3,100,000 reorg.. sss 4,000,000 3,985,000 | Ala, Min. RR. Co., 4 p.c. 50,000 So. Est. & St. get "RW. Co. 980,000 980,000 a ee Pontchartrain RR. Co...... 740,000 Total MONS. ss) h2..k.. $12,433,000 N., C. & St. L. RW. Co.. 3,385,000 . 5,077,500". |" Votal bonds and stocks.. $38,223,350 Ownsb. & Nash. RW. Co. 250,000 963,400 Henderson Bridge Co..... 501,000 Pensacola eRR: Col vccvesss 285,000 Louis. RW. Trans. Co.... 100,000 Birming. Min’! RR. Co.... 1,972,600 Alabama Min’! RR. Co.... 1,969,000 ING: F0.8o Fs RW. COp sis 615,000 Henderson Belt RR. Co.. ~ 19,750 DOtalistOCkKsSs. .cescccsaes $25,790,350 The Company also owns $2,000,000 South and North Alabama RR. Co., 2d mtge. bonds, which have been deposited with Union Trust Company, of New York city, Trustee, to secure the Louisville and Nashville RR. Co., $2,000,000 6 p. c. sinking fund loan of April 1, 1880. $40,000 of these bonds, through the operation of the sinking fund of said Louisville and Nashville loan, have been redeemed and cancelled, thus reducing amount to $1,960,000; and said Trustee holds $21,000 of the same bonds for this sinking fund which have not been cancelled. Being unable to buy this issue of bonds to advan- tage, the Trustee has bought $66,000 Louisville and Nashville 5 p. c. trust bonds, and $30,000 Louisville and Nashville RR. Co., unified fifty-year 4 p. c. gold bonds for this sinking fund. Company also owns §1, 200, ooo Owensboro and Nashville RW. Co., Ist mtge. 4 p.c. bonds, and $3,929,000 Birmingham Mineral RR. Co., Ist mtge. 5 Dp. C, bonds, which have been deposited with Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Trustee, to secure the issue of $5,129,000 Louisville and Nashville 5 p.c. trust bonds. Company also owns $250,000 South and North Alabama RR. Co., 5 p. c. consol. mtge. bonds, and $350,000 Louisville and Nashville, Pensacola and Selma Division bonds, which are deposited with Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company, Trustee, as collateral for the Georgia RR. lease. Alabama Mineral RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Anniston, Ala. Inc. July 28, 1890, in Ala., being consolidation of Anniston and Atlantic RR. (Anniston to Sylacuga, 53 miles) and Anniston and Cincinnati RR. (Anniston to Attala, 35 miles) and extension, Sylacuga to Calera, was completed by new company in 1890. In the same year the Shelby Iron Co’s RR. (Shelby to Columbiana, Ala,, 5.19 miles) was pur- chased and merged. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Attala to Calera, Ala., 119.09; Shelby to Columbia, Ala., 5.82; total, 124.91 miles. Capitalization of road... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile: rent liabilities......... eatses . Not known. Capital STOCKY. Sates pecusers . $1,369,000 10,900.) Total invested capital........ ~ $4,519,000 36,100 Piiided debt nat eet 3,150,000 25,000 | ‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 126,000 Unfunded debt and current ““ Dividends per annum...... Not known. lig bilities 2125.ttsite-c.tetesstice . Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital INVESTEC.. ..060. ...ssees Not known. Capital authorized, $2,000,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Birmingham Mineral RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Birmingham, Ala. Inc. in Ala. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Blue Creek Junc.to Blocton Junc., 27.08; Bessemer to Oneonta, 49.3; Boyles to Trussville; 17.14; Gate City to Graces, 10.28; sundry other branches, .04; total, 161.84 miles., operated in connection with So. and No. Ala. Div. of L, and N. RR. 473 Capitalization of road........June 30,1891 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock. ..cccceseceee soveeeeee $2,427,60015,000 | Total gross from operation..... $276,753 $1,709 Funded debt........+6¢ featraveercene 3,929,000 24,200 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses....024...... *1O,012) 0117 liabilities .......06.06 ascot eeeeeeee | 938 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 257,741 1,592 rent abilities; .< ces ncessccsscs Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 6,357,538 39,200 CED astabOVe...sisccsessactoatee: 186,590 1,153 ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. 186,590 1,200 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 71,151 439 Average ratio of return upon capital invested........ ++... Ap. c. eehaxXes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $6,307,538 ; profit and loss, 50,000; total, $6,357,538. Liabilities, Capital, $2,427,600 ; funded debt, $3,929,000 ; unfunded debt, $938 ; total, $6,357,538. Clarksville and Princeton Divison, General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. Nov., 1884, in Ky.; consolidation of the Indiana, Alabama and Texas RR. (a con- solidation in 1883 of three companies of the same name organized in Ala., Tenn. and Ky.), the Mobile, Clarksville and Evansville RR., and Princeton and Ohio River RR. LENGTH OF RoaD owned: Clarkesville, Tenn., to Princeton, Ky., 52.7 miles; eter y projected: Mobile, Ala., to Green River, in Ky., with a branch to Mt. Vernon, nd. The Ohio Valley RR. Co. leases 20.7 miles of this division from Gracey to Princeton Jc., at $12,039.70 per annum. Operations not furnished. Elkton and Guthrie RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Elkton, Ky. Ine. 1884, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Elkton to Guthrie, Ky., 10.92 miles. Capitalization of road........ income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— ie Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital Stock......cseseseeececesees - $47,372 $4,30c | Total gross from operation..... $11,650 $1,067 RoUVG @ CLLGebt ciclo. celecsces sele-trms 25,000 2,300 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt aud current Deditetall expeisesics....0n 9,530 873 Mr LWtlesS ~ecceasccreest: sees eeeeeees Not known. Net total applicable to fixed ; Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 2120 194 rent liabilities ......... ssseeseens Not known. | Deduct total interest on all ‘i Totalinvested capital........ .. 7287 2e 0 OOOO | Gebtas ahoveincilccscsseeaee 1,750 159 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 1,750 159 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss ......... 370 33 Average ratio of return upon 4 Capital in VESted.. 2.5. ssceress al A eC, L. and N. operates under agreement, giving net earnings to lessor. Balance sheet not furnished. as Glasgow RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Glasgow, Ky. Inc. 1868, in yet, 5: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Glasgow Junc. to Glasgow, Ky., leased Sept. 26, 1871, for Io years to L. and N. No renewal was made, but L. and N. continues to operate, net earnings reverting to lessor. Capitalization of Voad......06 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FENt HADIMICIES apeiscete cesses cece Capital stock.......:... ee cs $300,000 $28,600 | Total invested capital........ .. $400,000 $38,100 Prete! Ce DEis.aisceseessstesavancae 100,000 9, 500 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, Not known. Unfunded debt and current ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. Pra PHIL CS iy cc srvecusvousstnlcoiateee Not known. Average ratio of return upon CAD ta INVESTEC. ies ecteo. fete Not known. Cost of road, etc., $139,314. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Henderson Bridge and RR. Co., 120 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. Sept. 21, 1880, in Ky. L. and N. operates and in union with other roads, guarantees to Company tolls to amount of $200,000, covering interest on bonds $120,000; 5 p. c. dividends on stock, $50,000; sinking fund charges, $20,000 in bonds at par, or $21,000 cash (same redeemable at 105 until Aug. 1, 1895, when it will be $8,000) and maintenance, repairs, taxes, etc., $10,000, ; 474 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Henderson, Ky., to Evansville, Ind., 10.06 miles; length of bridge, superstructure, 3,698.7 feet. Capitalization of road .......0+ June 30, 1891:— | Lucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock, .2,is:agexsenee »..$1,000,000 $100,000 | Total gross from operation.... $317,943 $31,605. Runded debt: is. isctictcascsess 2,000,000 200,000 | Total grossfrom othersources 10,385 1,032 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses ............. 20,781 2,066 Wa bilities hitwrkeccteceacscess 529,935 53,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends........ 307,549 30,571 FENtLiAbMiItlES sr aipismeesese dt ROL O2o Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ....... 3,529,935 353,000 Mebt as aDGVereranci.t: «roscoe *247,132 24,566 ‘“ TInt. on all debt p. ann... 120,000 12,000 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per. annum.. 50,000 5,000 for stockhclders, gain........ 60,417 6,005 Average ratio of return : Net surplus after div. paid.... 10,415 IO upon capital invested...... 7 Dac. * Includes ‘$106,132 excess over guarantee refunded to lessor Company, and $21,000 sinking fund. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of bridge and approaches, $2,013,746 ; real estate, $27,361; sinking fund, $127,000; other assets, $1,361,828 ; total, $3,529,935. Liadzlilies, Capital stock, $1,000,000 ; funded debt, $2,000,000; unfunded debt, $91,881 ; income balance, $438,054 ; total, $3,529,935. Kentucky Central RW. Co., ‘‘ Blue Grass Route,” Louisville, Ky. April 23, 1887. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Covington to Livingston, Ky., 149.88; Maysville to Paris, Ky., 49.46; Paris Junc. to Lexington, Ky., 17.94: Estill Junc. to Rowland, Ky., 30.43; total, 247.71 miles. Capital, $6,908,829, per mile, 28,000; funded debt, $6,523,581, per mile, $26,200; total invested capital, $13,432,410, per mile, $54,200; cost of road, equipment and real estate, $13,565,402. The Maysville and Lexington RR. (Nth. Div.—Paris to Maysville, 49.33 miles), ‘is practically owned; is leased in perpetuity—rental, int. on bonds. Richmond Branch of Louis. and Nash. (Richmond to Rowland, 33.04 miles) was leased gg years from Jan. 1, 1884—rental, $24,000 per annum, with privilege of purchasing at $400,000. Louis. and Nashville acquired control in Dec.,.1890, by purchase of entire capital stock, and com- menced operating Feb. 1, 1891. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. General and Corporate Office, Inc. May, 1887, in Kentucky, succeeding Ky. Central RR.; foreclosed Louisville RW. Transfer Co., General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. 1872, in Kentucky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Louis., Cin. and Lexington RR. to L. and N. RR., 4.13 miles. Built in 1872 to form connection between Louisv., Cin. and Lex. and Louis. and Nash. RR. Co.; operated under lease by former until June, 1881, when the latter assumed management, paying interest on bonds and other charges. Capitalization Of TOAA.. s.....0008 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilitieS.......06 sesso. Not known. Capital stoke. itis scs mate artes < $100,000 $25,000 | Total invested capital............ $386,000 $96,500 Funded .debtat.ige-imssssseccreety 286,000 71,500 “Interest on all dept p. ann. —_ 22,80 97° Winiindededebtoand occurrent ‘ i ‘“* Dividends per annum....... Not known. liabilities. 2c-¥. ttc eet Not known. Average ratio of return upon GCapitalinvestedinccstsscs sesecess Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Mammoth Cave RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Nashville, Tenn. Inc. 1874, in Ky. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Glasgow Junc. to Mammoth Cave, Ky., 8.38 miles. L. and N. operates for account of owners. Capital not given; funded debt, $100,000, per mile, $12,500. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Mobile and Montgomery RW. Co., General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Montgomery, Ala. Inc. 1868, in Ala. Consolidation of Mobile and Great Northern and the Ala. and Fla. RR. Cos., under the name of the Mobile and Mont- gomery RR. Co., which was purchased by the bondholders at decretal sale, and reorgan- ized as above in 1874. Capital stock owned by Louisville and Nashville RR. Leased Nov. I, 1881, for 20 years to Louisville and Nashville RR. Rental net earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mobile to Montgomery, Ala., 178.49 miles. 475 Capitalization of road... ...... June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset curr- Per Mile. Ent liaDiNties:-s1 Noseeveooee $15,442 Capital stock’... ..ce. ssases+-.s08) $3,022,518) 17,000 Total invested capital......... 6,603,630 37,000 Sneed Gebt:..vcsetwen tists 2,948,000 16,500 interest onall debt p. ann 176,880 g94 Unfunded debt and current ‘“ dividends per annum...... Not known. PPA ELITICS.... weet tVies trees 633,112 5,500 | Average ratio of return upon Capital invested,,..icc. cocious. Not known. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, and equipment, $4,098,015; invest- ments, $35,520; sinking fund, $467,554; sundries, $13; total, $4,601,102. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $2,246,582 ; funded debt, $2,100,000; current accounts, $88,054 ;profit and loss, $166,466 ; total, $4,601,102. Nashville and Decatur RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Nashville, Tenn. Inc. Jan. 1, 1868,in Tenn. Consolidation of Tenn. and Ala.; Central Southern ; and Tenn. and Ala. Central RR. Co. The two Tennessee companies were inc. in 1852; the Alabama company, in 1854. The road was leased Mar. 4, 1871, for 30 years, from July I, 1872, to Louis. and Nash. Co., which assumed all funded and floating debt not exceed- ing $2,450,000; and agreed to pay 2 years after completion of So. and Mo., Ala. RR., 6 p. c. ort the capital stock ; the 1st dividend was paid, accordingly, Apr. 1, 1875. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Nashville, Tenn., and Decatur, Ala., 119.24 miles. Capitalization of road.......4. Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. KETPMIAOMIES es. oss veowsecnnee $35,533 $300 Capital stock........ carstecatasens . 2,246,582 18,900 Total invested capital........ .. 4,601,102 38,700 Riinded débti..iss.6 $25,287,446 $27,845,983 Louis. and Nash. owns, $5,077,500 (a majority) of the capital stock, which is pledged -with other collaterals for that company’s trust loan. Stock increased June,_ 1891. A trackage agreement, dated Jan. 18, 1881, for 33 years, was made with the Alabama Great Southern RR. Co., for the use of this Company's tracks from Wauhatchie to Chattanooga, 5 miles, for which it receives $14,000 per annum. List of securities owned, 1890. Atl. RW., $300,000 ; Trans. Co., $1,598; total, $321,598. stock Tenn. Cent. RR. Gar Bonds: Stocks, par vaiue: Stock in lease of Western and $20,000; stock Hickman, New Mad. White Co., Tenn. RW. Aid 6s, $30,000; ‘Nash. Iron, Steel and Charcoal Co. 6s, $25,000; Duck Riv. Vy. Nar. Gau. RR. Co. 6s, . $6,000, and 8s, $6,000; Nash. Un. Pub. Co. 6s, 3,000; Nash. Dem. Pub. Co. 6s, $1,000; Nash. Paper Co. 6s, $1,750; City of Milam, Tenn., 6s, $400; total, $73,150. Premiums paid on the D. V. R. Narrow Gauge cause the total to be represented on Company’s ‘books by $73,879.04. Company owned June 30, 1892, $1,057,000 Louisville and Nash- ville unfunded 4 p. c. bonds. Tennessee and Coosa RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned; Yadsden to Guntersville, Ala., 3714 miles, connecting the ‘Tennessee and Coosa rivers, as contemplated by charter. This road was purchased May 15, 1890, by Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RR. Co., and has been extended as above. Extension from Huntsville to point on Tennessee river is in progress, in accord- ance with resolution of stockholders adopted June 15, 1890. Western and Atlantic RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Atlanta, Ga. Inc. 1840, in Ga., and built by the State of Georgia, 1841-1850. This road was leased Dec. 27, 1890, to the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RW. Co., for 29 years, at an annual rental of $35,001. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Atlanta, Ga., to Chattanooga, Tenn., 138 miles. Total invested capital, $6,164,576, per mile, $44,500, represents estimated cost of road and property. Balance sheet not furnished. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: Total gross from operations $1,560,321 ; deduct all expenses (including taxes, $12,007), $1,096,846; net total appli- cable to fixed charges and dividends, $463,475; deduct rentals, $420,012; net result on year’s business, gain, $43,463. Nashville, Florence and Sheffield RW. Co., New York Office, 120 Broadway ; ‘General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. May 16, 1887, in Ky., being con- solidation of Nashville and Florence and the Tenn. and Ala. RR. Cos. 477 L. and N. owns controlling interest in stock, and guarantees (by indorsement) principal and interest of bonds of this Company. Operations included in L. and N. RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Columbia, Tenn., to Sheffield, Ala., 82.13; branch: Jron City to Pinkney, 11.78; Summertown to. Napier, 10.92; total, 104 83 miles; including trackage Memphis and Charleston RR. Co., Florence to Sheffield, Ala., 3.27 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities.............. 004 6,572 Manital-stock 6... honest omnes 8 2g a Total invested capital............ 2,759,99I 29,400 Be ded es Eis aes fee ‘‘ Interest onalldebt p.ann. 101,010 1,100 aude sau sh Cufavumhar ones 920, : ace Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None. AD IULLES = 160) ctipectent oe secsseers 131,406 1,409 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. ; Capitalinvested) Nssins.cxscet Not known. BALANCE SHEET, June, 30 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $1,970,220 ; equipment, $223,400 ; discount on bonds, $229,700; current accounts, $6,573; profit and loss, $330,098; total, $2,759,991. Liabilities, Capital, $708,585 ; funded debt, $1,920,000; current accounts, $131,406; total, $2,759,991. New Orleans and Mobile RR. Co., General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, New Orleans, La. Inc.in La. Leased May 8, 1880, for 50 years to Louisville and Nashville RR. Co. which owns all stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Orleans, La., to Mobile, Ala., 140.38 miles. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1892:— |, Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Bett, SLOCK: once spairnsacsisnt esses « 4,000,000 28,600 Total gross from operation.....$1,117,315 7,980 Bem Ged. EDL c-..0ccctssccsabssaseee 6,000,000 42,800 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...........5.. *704, 141. 5,029 BitISTITELCS co. cecaccins cen coetiacsacts 399,427 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... ALZ 174042 051 Me MEI ADIIILICS caresses etscvusssenes Not known. _ Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 101000,000 71,400 | 2 debt das above fi0soy...Acssane 360,000 2,571 “ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 360,000 2,571 Net result on year’s business ‘“* Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain.......... 53,174 380 Average ratio of return upon Capital IN VeSted..cac.ses.-eccess A.1- Pict; * Includes taxes, $39,533. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $10,399,427. Liadbili- ties, Capital, $4,000,000; funded debt, $6,000,000 ; profit and loss, $399,427 ; total, $10,399,427. Owensboro’ and Nashville RW. C©o., General and Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. June 30, 1881, in Ky., being consolidation of Owensboro’ and Nashville, and the Kentucky and Tenn. RR. Cos. Louisville and Nashville RR. Co. owns controlling interest in stock and has. $1,200,000 of its bonds, which are pledged as security for its 5 p. c. trust mortgage bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Owensboro’ to Adairville, Ky., 84; branch, Penrod to Mud River Mines, Ky., 4.49; total, 88.49 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— 5 Per Mile. Per Mile. POM AL SUOCIG, sissnensctas>iserdexeepl 150, 510.13,100 Total gross from operation..... $97,776 $1,150 MIVA EDU 2 2 J.cc.52 sevncsrscsdeseh 2,000,000 22,600 Total gross from other sources | Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.......:...... 4 645 Be BEM UMASELOG ce lees vc'tte cs caaticson ene 5,518 50 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 93,231 1,045 PEMIGATADIILIOS . 4. 0scss0deccesseses 97,121 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 3,162,036 35,750 GEE AG ADONG te c tes cv ecsaccsers 67,131 . 759 ““ Interest on all debt p. ann. 67 3131". 759 Net result on year’s business *“ Dividends per annum...... Not known. | for stockholders, gain......... 26,100 295, Average ratio of return upon capital invested.............000 2.8 Dp. C. * Taxes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,113,433 ; bonds deposited to cover future extensions, $240,000; bonds deposited in trust by L. and N. RR., $560,000; current accounts, $97,121; profit and loss, $151,482; total, $3,162,036. Lzadzlities, Capital, $1,156,518 ; funded debt, $2,000,000; current accounts, $3,518; Tennessee and Ken- tucky RR. Co., $2,000 ; total, $3,162,036. 478 pis "y Pensacola and Atlantic RR. Co., General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Pensacola, Fla. Inc. Mar. 4; 1881, in Fla. Sold under foreclosure May 4, 1891, to Louisville and Nashville RR. Co., which began operating it Jan. 1, 1885. The Com- pany has land grant estimated at 3,888,600 acres, of which 3,255,000 (swamp land) are from the State, and 633,000 from the United States. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pensacola to River Jc., Fla., 160.28 miles; connecting the Louisville and Nashville system with roads of Florida and Southern Georgia. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. ; Per Mile. Gapital'stocks.(atyaet aeeseeiere 3,000,000 18,700 ! Total gross from operation.... $47,741 $298 Funded debt.......... i ONE A 4,285,000 26,800 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current | Deduct alexpenses’.....1..0...3 36,754 229 Tia bULIES f sdayiccae ss ctasateanedees 756,642 4,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends....... 10,987.24 60 Kent lia bilities :..cs.sy s.Seqenet 141,861 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital..:..... .. 8,041,642 50,200 CEBU AS AbOVES. cx. cncsecsceccoes 200,979 1,254 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p.ann. _ 200,979 1,300 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None. | for stockholders, loss......... 189,992 1,185 Average ratio of return upon None. capital INVESTEC, Hi Ainentases see BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets; Cost of road and se a a $3,369,419; bills receivable, $77,145; current accounts, $64, 716; land grant, $2,619,811; stocks and bonds, $140,000 ; profit and loss, $1,750,551 ; total, $8,041, 642. Liabilities, Capital, $3,000,000 ; funded debt, $4,285,000; unpaid coupons, $604,800 ; current accounts, $151, 802 ; total, $8,041, 642. Operations included in L. and N. Pontchartrain RR. Co., General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, New Orleans. Inc.in La. Road is owned and operated by Louisville and Nashville RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pontchartrain Jc. to Milesburg, 5.18 miles; operated in connection with New Orleans and Mobile RR. Balance sheet and operations not fur- nished. _ Shelby RR. Co., General Offices, Louisville and Shelbyville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Shelbyville, Ky. Inc. 1851, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Anchorage to Shelbyville, Ky., 19.1 miles. Capitalization Of road... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. TOME HADINICIES sosescs psoccecacce Pe pe Gk aRbo'd00 RAT BS Total invested capital....4...... $850,000 $44,502 Funded debt hee eee ; 50,000 eee * Interest on all debt p. ann. oi, 4 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... None. abilities i.alacan.cceo rete Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested......0..,scccece Not known. Leased Aug. 1, 1879, for 30 years to Louisville, Cincinnati and Lexington RR. at rental of $15,000 per annum ; transferred in June, 1881, to Louisville and Nashville RR., which has since operated it. Last rental paid 1886. Suit was brought in U. S. Supreme Court to cancel lease with Louisville, Cincinnati and Lexington RR., so that no rental is accepted pending decision. Interest on bonds and general expenses are paid, during the interim, from surplus funds on hand. Stock was increased annually by $27,000 for tax receipts that are paid each year, which ceased, by limitation, about Jan. 1, 1889. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. South and North Alabama RR. Co.,, (:eneral and Corporate Office, Montgomery, Ala. Inc. 1872,in Alabama. Louisville and Nashville RR. Co. operates road and owns controlling interest in capital stock, and guarantees all bonds, except 2d mtge. bonds which are owned by them for advances made. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Decatur to Montgomery Ala., 182.37; branch Elmore to Wetumpka, Ala., 6.3; total, 188.67 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Tncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— . Per Mile, Per Mile. Capital stock eecoecee @eesees covcoee ee 3,490,655 18,500 Total gross from operation..... 14,494 7, Funded debt oe eecccce soeecssccrscese 9,858,920 52,200 Total gross from other sources 524, 106 2,787 Unfunded debt and current Deduct.all expenses......:.:3.5.. *636,461 3,385 Pre NtiGs ion cenaivem ae vee Uan secon 775,588 4,100 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset. cur- charges and dividends...... t97,861 519 rent liabilities seecceees socccecceee 297,774 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ -« 14,125,163 74,700 GE WASHED OVE hea ctcbemcrseseetes 557,915 2,947 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. . Net result on year’s business ; ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders................ Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital INVESteG sas sent esass Pale the aaa er * Includes taxes. + Deficit. ‘3 479 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $11,463,086 ; sinking fund, $589,554; bonds owned, 297,774; profit and loss, $1,774,749 ; total, $14,125,163. Liabilities, Capital, $3,490,655; funded debt, $9,858,920; current liabilities, $775,588; total, $14,125,163. Capital stock consists of common, $,190,655, and preferred, $2,000,000, Company owned in 1890, 3 p. c. fund, $297,744 bonds of the State of Alabama. Southeast and St. Louis RW. Co., General Office, Louisville, Ky.; Corporate Office, Belleville, I]. Inc. in Illinois. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East St. Louis, Ill., to Evansville, Ind., 162, with branches to Shawneetown, Ill., 40.14; O'Fallon, Ill., 6=total, 208.14 miles. Operated as St. Louis division. Capital, $1,000,000; funded debt, $6,500,000 ; total invested capital, $7,500,000. Louisville and Nashville RR. Co. leased this road Jan. 27, 1881, for 49 years. It is practically owned by the L. and N. RR,, the existing organization (Southeast and St. Louis RW. Co.) acquiring title to the property after foreclosure sale (Nov. 18, 1880), and leased it to the L. and N. KR. which issued its own bonds in part payment. The price paid was $6,500,000 in L. and N. bonds, $3,500,000 40-year 6 p. c. Ist mtge. gold bonds; $3,000,000 99-year 3 p.c. 2d mtge. gold bonds; total bonds, $13,000,000, and $1,000,000 of Southeast and St. Louis RW. Co. stock. These bonds are known as the “St. Louis Div.” bonds. The Company's corporate existence, therefore, as well as the lease to the L. and N. RR. Co., are formal. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY AND CHICAGO RW. CO., ‘*Monon Route,” New York Office and Transfer Agency, 80 Broadway ; General Office, Monon Block, Chicago, Ill.; Corporate Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Inc. July 8, 1847, as the New Albany and Salem RR. Co., to construct road of 35 miles: amended by Legislature 1848 and subsequently, empowering Company to extend to any place within the State. Default on bond interest in 1857; title changed Oct. 24, 1859, to Louisville, New Albany and Chicago RR. Co. Receiver appointed, Sept., 1868; reorganized June, 1869. Defaulted again 1871, foreclosed and purchased Dec. 27, 1872, in interest of Ist mtge. bondholders, who organized present Company Jan. 2,1873. Consolidated May 5, 1881, with Chicago and Indianapolis Air-Line RW. Co., without change of title. In consolidating, share- holders of former received share for share for $3,000,000 old stock anda 15 p.c, bonus to equalize values; those of the latter company received $1,550,000 in new for same - amount of old stock. ; On Nov. g, 1891, stockholders authorized an increase in capital stock of $5,600,000, making total share capital, $12,000,000. The new stock authorized was offered for sale to stockholders of the Company at $25 per share, and has all been taken. As the opera- tions, however, connected with the issue were not terminated until Aug. 31st, thenew stock is not shown in the balance sheet at close of fiscal year, but expenditures so far as made at that date are included among the liabilities. From new capital thus realized, the sum of $398,417.74; had been expended prior to June 30th. Important improvements to per- manent way are still in progress, including reconstruction of some important bridges and removal of iron rails which still remain in road on Michigan City Division. The maintenance of separate organizations for branch roads (the Bedford and Bloomfield and the Orleans West Baden and French Lick Springs RRs.) entails con- siderable trouble and expense without any compensating advantage, and in the near future effort will be made to unite them legally with the parent corporation, of which they now constitute physically an integral part. Earnings and mileage of the branch lines are included in report herewith given. It was proposed in Jan., 1893, to classify stocks into common and preferred. At Annual Meeting held Sept. 21, 1892, resolution was adopted to classify directors’ terms of service into periods of four years and less. In Apr., 1891, a syndicate composed of General Samuel Thomas, Calvia S. Brice and others advanced $1,960,000 to retire floating debt, receiving in return, $2,800,000 in gen. *mtge. bonds and $1,400,000 of new stock. Company owns one-fifth interest {$1,000 000) in Chicago and Western Indiana RR. and Belt RW. Co,, of Chicago, which paid a dividend of 6 p. c. for year to June 30, 1892 i LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Albany to Michigan City, Ind., 289.4; State. line to Massachusetts ave., Indianapolis, Ind., 162; Bedford and Bloomfield RR., 41:4; Orleans, West Baden and French Lick RW., '17.7=510.5 Trackage: Chicago and Western Indiana RR., Indiana State line to Dearborn Station, Chicago, IIl., 19.86; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. New Albany, Ind., to Louisville, Ky., 4.99; Lake Erie and Western RW., Massachusetts ave. to Union Depot, Indianapolis, Ind., 1.76=26.61-; total operated, 537.11. 480 Capitalization Of FOAA.. 60.066. June 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile.. (Capital StOCIE AS il ocas tctvn ts $6,400,000 $12,500 | Total gross from operation......3,067,107 5,711 Bunded. debti, siixiusvnes csc 12,800,000 25,000 | Total gross from othersources 45.000 84 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses............. *2,114,948 3,93° TENC MADIVICIES ccccesenctceers 1,873,031 3,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends........ 997,159 1,857 current liabilities ....:.... 2,092, 332 Deduct total interest on all | Total invested capital...... 21,073,031 41,200 GEDMASHENOVCrs cies vreevesssic ons T931,244 . 1,734 *« Tnt. on all debt p. ann. 768,243 1,504 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per ann...... None paid. for stockholders, gain.......... 65,915 123. Average ratio of return Par of stock $100. upon capital invested...4.7 * Includes taxes, $84,794. + Includes rentals, $163,001. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. ; LIABILITIES. Road ‘and Equipment. .ss-steesesstecs 12/276, 593 | CAaPita SLOG ete cries iv eyessncandeotae $6,400,000: do do Cac Din G37 347A UGC ee Ui ae. forivrases seccsste nes 12,800,000 Garsin car trustissscsetasacderere 125,245 | Coupons and interest......;. ....s. tse. 319,583. Indianapolis} Perminaligs..c cat 89,175 | Chase Nat. Bank special acct......... 419,394 Ohio Halls Cancghrust.foccgsmestureds 13,0174] wBINSIDAve leis Cr hastes.cs:. 162,206 . 54,100 Gdebtasiabovert.cnt one *4,800° ‘‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 4,800 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. Par of stock, $50. Average ratio of return upon CADHALIN VEStECs.aoss ane eose sees None. * Interest estimated at 6 p. c. 483 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $159,180; current accounts and cash, $3,346; total, $162,526. JLzadilities, Capital stock, $45,000; funded debt, $80,000 ; current accounts, $37,206; profit and loss, $320; total, $162,526. MANHATTAN (ELEVATED) RW. CO,, General and Corporate Office, 71 Broadway, N.Y. Inc. Dec. 29, 1875, in N. Y., to lease and operate the two elevated railroads in New York city; it now controls all the elevated lines in N. Y. Under the original lease of May 20, 1879, 10 p. c. dividends per annum were guaranteed on stocks. In June, 1884, all liabilities were assumed and new stock issued by the Manhattan Company as follows: for Manhattan, 85 p.c. in new stock ; for New York Elevated, 120 p.c.; for Metropolitan, r10 p.c.; making total stock, $26,000,000. The Suburban Rapid Transit RR. (owning a bridge over the Harlem river, and a line of 234 miles in operation, to near 176th st., New York city) was acquired in May, 1891, for which this Company issued $4,009,000 in new stock for same amount of other company. It was not included in operations prior to June 30, 18gI. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: South Ferry to Harlem River (véa 3d ave.), 8.08 ; South Ferry to 83d st. and oth ave., 5.53; branches: City Hall, 0.22; 34th st.,-0.31; 42d st., 0.18; total, 14,32. Leased: Metropolitan Elevated RW. Co., Morris st. to 59th st. and 6th ave., 4.83; Chatham sq, to 129th st. 2d ave., 7.44; 53d st. 6th ave., to 159th st., 8th ave., 5.26; part of City Hall branch, 0.14; Pearl and Beaver sts. to Chat- ham sq. (%) 0.41=18.08. Total operated, 36.14 miles, including 3.74 miles Suburban Rapid Transit RR. Co. Capitalization of road...... June 30, 1892:— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. apital stock........ Saeeares $29,902,980 $830,600 | Total gross from operation...10,695,978 297,110 PPGUGER GEDt is .0. seniesesss 19,675,000 546,500 ‘“ Gross fromother sources 140,000 3,888 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses ........0: * 523.2130 104,534 MEH CMMADIITIES 3c c0s6.se0ce 6,875,076 Igt,o0o0 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends..... 4,912,765 136,465 current liabilities........ ed, 022120 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ..... 56,453,056 1,568,100 debt as above, and rentals}1,917,052 53,251 “Int. onall debt p.ann. 1,907,052 53,000 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum. 1,800,000 for stockholders, gain...... 2,995,713 83,214 Average ratio of return Net surplus after div. paid.. 1,195,713 32,251 upon capital invested... 8.3 p. c. Par of stock, $100. * Includes taxes, $497,866. + Includes rentals, $10,000, Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $9,959,710, per mile, $276,660; deduct all expenses, $5,455,630, per mile, $151,545; net total appli- cable to fixed charges and dividends, $4,504,080, per mile, $125,115; deduct total interest on all debt as above, 1,907,494, per mile, $53,000; net result on year’s business for stock- holders, gain $2,596,586, per mile, $72,115; net surplus after dividends paid, $976,586, per mile, $27,127. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. moose of cons., equip. and leases... $34,438,276 | Capital Stock........:. ccsessscessnses secees $29,902,980 IPO SLALG . wcesicseiacen st dvaties dense aneas 1,680,841 Feride da debt iccisscccnessees cetsencecsse 19,675,000 _ Stocks and bonds owned..... .. pees 10,411,800 | Convertible bond certificates........ 1,905,035 BEG Nails s cas ecu xs'nee pated xgicurecelteacels LOOT | Pe SUMULLESY. tea vecues cue cteaed Zeeks shee ds 1,098,482 EIRGCLO 10 oc scndgesand sacteseeescenccss ot FAGZ, O79 Me POT ANGI GSS 4.2206 so ecsdssed saeveet cose 3,871,559 MMOS eras astiieenlvoseesks dhievabweves 7,451,160 CRRA ME Medet cecsen sant ics che ierecceacsses $56,453,056 LOCA lee ne seah Poles ansatisesTctan tases ass $56,453,056 Dividends: 1884, 3 p. c.; 1885 to 1887, inclusive, 6 p. c.; 1888, 5 p. c.; 1889, I, p.c. in cash, and 4% p.c.in scrip; 1890, 4% p.c.in cash, and 1% in scrip; 1891, 6 p.c.; 1892, Jan. qrly., 1% p.-c. each; 1893, Jan., 1% p.c. No dividends were paid subse- quent to April, 1890. Metropolitan Elevated RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 71 Broadway, New York. Inc. June 17, 1872, in N. Y. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: As detailed under Manhattan Co., 18.08 miles. 484 Manhattan RW. Co. leased this road Feb. 1, 1879, for 999 years, at an annual rental equivalent 10 to p. c. on stock, interest on bonds and $10,000 for organization expenses, which was, however, modified Oct., 1881, with a guarantee of 6 p.c. on stock. The stockholders would not ratify this change, and it was abrogated by order of Court, where- upon a new lease was made. In 1884 entire stock was acquired by Manhattan Co., which exchanged its stock for this. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital stock... jicc.-ssscetees ceca 0, 500, O00 BOI, LOO Pounded debt ..c5.s20a\ casts asvene 14,818,000 823,200 Unfunded debt and current Liabilities -izscckvscsp st cenvzcseess 81,576 4,500 Par of stock, $100. Current assets to offset cur- renti lables secsc-s verses HO 1, SFO Total invested capital..... 21,399,576 1,188,800 ‘Int. on all debt p. ann.. 889,080 49,393 ‘* Dividends per ann........ Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested..... Not known. Operations included in those of the Manhattan RW. Co. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $21,318,000; other assets, $81,576; total, $21,399,576. » Not known. Net result on vear’s businesS Not known. | Par of stock, $100. LIABILITIES. Capit aestOCky marr sdccescsecesesses -csee $30,000 Lass UTE COCO firs can codenas tpg: tececaenses 1,304,467 MANISTIQUE RW. CO,, General and Corporate Office, Detroit, Mich. _Inc. Sept. 18,1886, in Mich., and amend- ment to articles of constitution filed Oct. 20, 1886. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Main River Landing to Baker’s Camp, 42; sundry branches, 6; total, 48 miles. Capitalization Of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Bt I SLOCK. 6 ceccte vastatcaseras ts $150,000 $3,125 BRNGEC CED 2. c2nc.S.cbesseresaces None. Unfunded debt and current PDP ILL OS: faxes apselareciers slinadesd'ce 263,073 5,480 ‘Current assets to offset cur- Beet DULITICS .65.. 005. sesceseesee 13,573 Total invested capital........ .. 413,073 8,605 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 7,229 150 “* Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon eapitabinwvested...22.......s.s00 LOD aCe Capital authorized, $500,000. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. GER OAS isrcs a0 30. «hs icce codeevasss4eossh 327 O25 Beet COVINS StOCK...1cc) csdecccteevesescees 71,875 Mere IS ANC {Cli te scccccccces.cc0 ceeeees 5735 BPE EET ACCOUNTS 620 dard i se le sosevetccuses 5,591 wash On hand .......... 287, PEOLALwiiceecses BRAS SaIeS a dalanehn's ate hacesddse $413,073 Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operaticn.....$123,543 $2,574 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.............. 79,265 1,650 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 44,278 924 Deduct total interest on all dept as a DOVE ae tests: cect. 7,229 150 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain........ 37,049 774. Par of stock. $100 LIABILITIES. CAPIlAE SCOCK cats cursesnees ahssdecass, debaveaes $150,000 Bills payable...... Deust cpapiesenaivased aseaetets 60,000 (CUTTENE ACCOUNUS.. ccos veressse CidPesn evennense 91,998 PrOnteanOslocsasde noses state cacccats bveteeass 110,075 “LOLAI TE wey steencads sees sha cde sAa he aveot so tehc $413,073 MANITOBA AND NORTHWESTERN RW. CO., General Offices, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, and Montreal, P. Q. ; Corporate Offices, Por- tage la Prairie, and Winnipeg, Man. Inc. by Acts of Dominion of Canada and Province of Manitoba, and Company has traffic agreement with Canadian Pacific RW. Co., with which it connects at Portage la Prairie. $739,000, and municipal aid of $215,600. Company received a government bonus of 486 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Portage la Prairie to Yorkton, Manitoba, 223.05 ; branch : Binscomb to Russel, 11.45 ; leased: Minnesota to Rapid City, 15.47 ; total, 249.97 miles. Capitalization of road......0+6 June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. TONE HAD UMIGIES ere ose csclvecec savers Capital stock. .ccceconcucsesetieese . $6,252,500 25,000 Total invested capital........ _«10,448, 300 41,800 Monded .deptataty?.sit.ae. ass: 3,241,200 13,000 Intereston all debt p.ann.. 194,472 . 777 Unfunded debt and current ““ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Tit DILETAS Te, cowntne snspetaiencchpes 954,600 3,800 | Average ratio of return upon . capital invested.............08 « Capital stock authorized, $12,006,000. Unfunded debt represents government and municipal bonuses. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ‘““MANITOBA—PACIFIC ROUTE.” This is the name by which a line for interchange of through passenger traffic between: the Canadian Pacitic RW. and the Great Northern RW. Cos. is known. MANITOU AND PIKE'S PEAK RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Manitou, Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Manitou to summit of Pike’s Peak, Col. (operated in summer only), 8.9 miles. Gauge, 3 ft. Road was built in 1890, and opened May 30, 1891. . Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MANSFIELD RW. AND TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, Mansfield, La. Inc. Feb. 16, 1881, in Louisiana. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mansfield to Texas and Pacific Junction, La., 2 miles ; completed in 1882. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MARICOPA AND PHO@NIX RR. CO., General Offices, 509 Montgomery st., San Francisco, Cal.; Corporate Office, Phoenix, Arizona Ty. Inc. June 1, 1886, in Arizona. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Maricopa to Phoenix, Ariz. Ty., 34.36 miles. Capitalization of road........J une 30, 1891 :— | Lnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— : Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock...........s006 seessesee $000,000 $17,600 | Total gross from operation.... $78,107 $2,297 Bunded dept. 46.45 ae 540,000 15,900 | Total gross from other sources 1,005 30: Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 53,089 1,579 HabiMitics Hetaiecc tices 205,400 6,000 { Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends ...... 25,423 748: rent liabilities Sin hw es 416 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 1,345,400 39,500 GEDtASADOVE ii... os vecdvnesis: 32,400 953: “‘ Interestonall debt p.ann. 32,400 goo | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 6,977: = "205, Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capitalinvested2y....s.-ee 2 pac: BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—Asse¢s, Cost of road and equipment, $1,340,000; current accounts and cash on hand, $416; profit and loss, $4,984; total, $1,345,400. Lzadbilities, Capi- tal stock, $600,000; funded debt, $540,000; subsidy., $200,000; accrued interest, $5,400 ; total, $1,345,400. MARIETTA AND NORTH GEORGIA RW. CO., Transfer Agency, Kessler & Co., 54 Wall st., New York ; General and Corporate Office, Marietta, Ga. Inc. 1887, in Ga., being consolidation of the Marietta and North Georgia and the North Carolina RR. Cos. Defaulted in interest Jan. 1, 1891, and placed in Receivership Feb. 23, 1891. Reorganization committee appointed Jan., 1892. Fore- closure suit instituted Apr., 1892. Receiver authorized to construct bridge over Tennes- see river, which will connect the line with Knoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville RR. It is proposed to consolidate this Company (23 mies) with the Knoxville Belt, 4 miles; Knoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville, 103 miles; Morristown and Cumber- land Gap, 40 miles; Chattanooga Southern, 96 miles, making a total of 474 miles of constructed line. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Marietta, Ga., to Knoxville, Tenn., 217; Quarry branch: Tate, Ga., to marble quarry, 7224; trackage: Western and Atlantic RR., Marietta to Atlanta, Ga., 20; total, 244 miles; projected branches: from Ball Ground, Ga., to the North Carolina line, and from Marietta to Austell, where it would connect with 487 East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia, and the Georgia Pacific RW. Cos., authorized in 1889 by Legislature of Georgia, to extend from Marietta to Atlanta. Dec. 31, 1892, Capital, $1,560,000, per mile, $6,900; funded debt, $4,204,000, per mile, $18,700; total invested capital, $5,764,000, per mile, $25,600; total interest on all debt per annum, $252,240, per mile, $1,126; dividends, none paid. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MARINE RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, 192 Broadway. Inc. Feb. 27, 1878, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Manhattan Beach Hotel to Brighton Beach, Coney Island, N. Y., 0.326 mile. Capitalization of road ..... June 30, 1891 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital stock.. teevcesseeeess §50,000$153,400 | Total gross from operation.... $11,673 35,806 Funded debt.. wrth NOME: Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenseés.....c.cce0.0 11,463 35,163 liabilities...... Ria rewaabans faneate 42,408 13c,000 | Not total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends....... 210 643 rent liabilities ............sccsee 1,506 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 92,408 283,400 GEDE AS ADOVESc.csisetscteeecs. #555 1,702 *“Tnt. on all debt per ann. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum....None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 345 1,059 _ Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested ........ssss0 None. * Rentals, $500; other payments, $55. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $69,514; equipment, $21,328 ; cur- rent accounts, $1,566; total, $92,408. Liabilities, ee stock, $50, 000; current accounts, $12,395; profit and loss, $30,013; total, $92,408. MARY LEE COAL RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Birmingham, Ala.; Financial Agents, Brown & Lowndes, Baltimore, Md. Inc. Sept. 18, 1888, in Ala. LENGTH OF Roap owned: East Birmingham to Lewisburg, Ala., 6; two branches: to mines, 1.5; total, 7.5 miles, Extensions to other mines are projected. The Company owns, in addition to its railway, 2,000 acres of coal land, controlling 640 acres more; also, owns 74 houses at Lewisburg, 30 lots at Forest City, and 5 acres of land in East Birmingham. There are 111 coke ovens in operation and Igo projected, and one coal mine is worked, with a yielding capacity of 1,000 tons per diem. Another mine is sunk, to have like capacity, to a depth of 182 feet. There have been added extensive coal-washing plant, including elevators, bins, engines, pumps,-etc., necessary for working 400 tons per diem of ten hours. Capitalization of road......June 30, 1891:— | Jnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock............. sss. $500,000 $66,667 | Total gross from operation ..*$172,555 $23,000 MTCC igsc i aup restr ccssoeses 184,000 24,533 | Totalgrossfromothersources {2,811 375 Unfunded debt and current Deduct alhexpenses,. i) sxc... $136,926 18,250 PPADMILIES = rece atcha eee srns teks Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 38,440 5,125° MESLEIEIOS not ceP asc pece cheeses Not known. Deduct. total interest on all Total invested capital ......... 684,000 91,200 GED AS ADOVE ocincdcesteecsteve 16,173 Fe, 50 *“ Int. on all debt p. annum. 13,750 1,833 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum.....Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 22,267 2,969 Average ratio of return upon Gapital invested’. ... :..iss.3.5.0 ps C. * Includes receipts from mines, $158,279. + Includes store profit, $328. + Includes mines, $130,465. Balance sheet not furnished. MASON AND OCEANA RR. CO. No information obtained. MASON CITY AND FORT DODGE RR. CO., General Offices, Fort Dodge and Mason City, Ia.; Corporate Office, Fort Dodge, Ia. Inc. May 23, 1881, in Ia. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mason City to Lehigh, Ia., 88.4; branch to Coalville, 3.6 ; total, 92 miles. 488 Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Lnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. (Sapital Stock .cccgeuversassssencns ' $920,000 $10,000 | Total gross from operation... $112,231 $1,220 Prnded debt... iaviscasstise0s2 1,360,000 > 15,0c0 , from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...... ..... *85,276 927 Ta DINtieSieiccceninces Meeoeteaae 454,552 4,940 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 26,955 - 293 Frente liabilities. ..:..ce: teres 2,318,854 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 2,754,552 29,490 Get AStADGVEsicsncecs accesses 82,800 goo *“ Int. on all debt p. ann... 82,800 goo | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...None paid. for stockholders, loss........ 55,845 607 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Eapital Mn VEStedy .canse .ayaen Toph: * Includes taxes, $19,481. Capital stock authorized, $5,000,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $88,089; stocks and bonds, $2,300,000; materials and supplies, $11,250; bills receivable, $1,584; current accounts, $2,273; cash on hand, $3,748 ; profit and loss, $347,608 ; total, $2,754,552. Ldabilities, Capital stock, $920,000; funded debt, $1,380,000 ; bills payable, $38,865 ; current accounts and unpaid coupons, $415,687 ; total, $2,754,552. MASON COUNTY CENTRAL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Shelton, Wash. Inc. July 25, 1889 in Wash. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Shelton to terminus, 6.5 miles; projected: Summit to Olympia, Wash., 22; Shelton to Hood’s Canal, 16; total, 38 miles. It is intended to connect with Puguet Sound and Gray’s Harbor, and the Port Townsend Southern RRs. Capital, $70,000; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $60,618 ; total invested capital, $130,618; capital authorized, $100,000; par, $100. Road is now owned entirely by Allen C. Mason, Tacoma, Wash. An extension to Isabella Lake, a distance of 2 miles, was expected to be opened by July 1, 1892. Balance sheet and operations not fur- nished. “ MAXTON, ALMA AND ROWLAND RR. CO. General and Corporate Office, Alma, N.C. Inc. Mar. 9, 1881, in N. C., as Alma and Little Rock RR. Co. ; title changed Mar. g, 1889. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Maxton to Rowland, N.C., 16 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MEHERRIN VALLEY RR. CO. No information obtained. MEMPHIS AND ST. LOUIS SHORT LINE comprises the Illinois Central RR. and Cairo Short Line (St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute RW.) and was established for interchange of passenger traffic between these lines. MEXICAN CENTRAL RW. CO., General Offices, 70 Kilby st., Boston, Mass.; City of Mexico, Mex.; Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. Feb. 25, 1880, in Mass., and purchased from the Guanajuato RW. Co. about 60 kilometers of narrow-gauge road, which was widened to standard gauge and used as a part of the present system. The main line was completed and opened Apr. 10, 1884. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: City of Mexico to El Paso, 1224.16; Stone Branch, 6.5 ; Guanajuato Branch, 11.34; Guanajuato Division, 160.99, San Blas Division, 16.6; San Luis Division, Chicalote to San Luis Potosi, 130.7; Tampico Division, San Luis Potosi to Tampico, 275.82; Bar Extension, Tampico to La Barra, 5.9; Pachuca Division, Tula to Pachuca, 43.6; total, 1875.61 miles; average operated, 1665.11 miles. Tampico divi- sion was put into operation July 1, 1891, and since that date earnings and expenses of that part of line have been included with those of old line. No benefit derived, however, since expenses exceeded earnings. 489 Company owns the Tampico Harbor Co., which was organized for the purpose of canalizing the harbor of Tampico by jetties, in aid of which the Mexican Government granted a concession. Work was commenced Mar. 13, 1890, and was expected to be completed July, 1892. Capitalization of road... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, t891 :— Per Mile. per Mile. Capital Stock ......00-secssseesees $47,093,200 25,100 | Total gross from operation..... 5,659,958 3,400 BRE CC. CODE ccs cscicrcscascesess 89,442,207 47,800 Total gross from other sources 300,000 185 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 3/03 153100 1 2) 100 MLILIES: , Cc wccscacdcessseesepas 14,646,166 7,800 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 2,328,639 1,405 rent liabilities............ seeees Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 151,182,573 80,700 Gebirackabpoviemceceeoereas cee 2,321,180 1,400 Seint.,on all debt p. ann... | 1,321,130. 700 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum... for stockholders, gain......... 7,459 5 Average ratio ofreturn upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested...... cscs... 1% p.c. U.S. currency. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Construction and equipment........ SES2 O55, O20n uC Apital SOC ceases ccsanasssescecseteraes $47,093, 200 Pretrial ANd: SUDPilCS....ssareucesse | 14 220,904 | LUNGS! CODEN sec ccnicecgevcssecessce sete 89,442,207 Boston S. D. and Tr. Co., trustee Prioritysoonds Caller. ameciss sores 6,600 subsidy fund : balance in hands Vouchers and accounts unpaid ..... 967,589 CAT lOO Le roaceaawl toron cavssese ees 4,600,816 | Coupons and accrued interest........ 1,140,110 Securities owned, pledged, etc..... 10,603,351 | Government subsidy account........ 10,829,167 Notes and accounts receivable...... TO 70; 12 Ta MINOLES Ea VALI Cr. s.as.taeras rs socceastee cvoaces 1.181,289 REIS TAI CES ccecceeo seseteisavoneorseccease DEE 13 20 OFLU PMeNE, LUT cece eloosdencectee cesses EO,173 fncome account, Decv31 1S91.3..2. 503,238 eee | = SOUL thes te OW aceceash os sensinnotes creat $151,182,573 | TOU lores dyes tienes ists cravctectineeet $151, 182,573 Supsipy—The Mexican Government granted a subsidy of about $15,200 per mile($9, 500 per kilometre) covering the main line, the Tampico and the Guadalajara Divisions, same being payable from custom-house receipts, and conferred upon the Company right to import free of duty all material required for construction, maintenance, and operation of its lines for 15 years, and exemption from taxation until the expiration of 42 years after completion of all lines. It was also given the right to construct and operate its railway and telegraph lines for 99 years. It also received small additional subsidies from the States of San Luis Potosi and Guanajuato. On June 1, 1885, the Mexican Government suspended the payment of its subsidy, and on June 30, 1886, an amendment was made to the Company’s concession by agreement with the Executive (under the authority of the Act of the Mexican Congress of Dec. 12, 1885), under the terms of which the subsidy certificates were to be amortized with the following percentages of the revenue receipts at the several custom houses, viz.: July 1, 1886, to Jan. 1, 1887, O77 5. Pia. cp JA0.kl loo, to guly 1, focys.lip.G s/Uly 1, Loo7,,t6 Jan. I, 1888, Zaye Atal 1Goo, to eee 1, 1888, aop.c.; july 1, 1838, to eae T; ey p.€: : Jan. 1, 1090; to July 1, 1889, 5 p - July tr, 1889, to Jan. T; 1890, Capac mal Ts 1890, to July Te boOOn ts DeiCaL Iron ee i |, 1890, and thereafter, 8 p.c. In 1890, negotiations were opened with the Mexican Government for settlement of all subsidies due the Company on all lines constructed, and (in accordance with agree- ment made June 30, 18g90,) the Company was credited that date with a net balance of $19,820,793.01, Mexican currency, on all subsidy earned, but the Company agreed to allow the Government a discount of 25 p.c., which left $14,865,594.76, Mexican currency, as the net amount due under said agreement. This amount was paid to the Company in four instalments: Dec. 20, 1890; Jan. 20, 1891; Feb. 20, 1891; and Mar. 20, 1891. The Company was allowed}to continue the sale of subsidy certificates until Oct. 31, 1890, when all sales should céase, and the amount thus sold (from July 1 to Oct. 31, 1890, inclusive) should be deducted from amount due by the Government, and which it had agreed to pay on Mar. 20, 18g. The trustees have purchased at various times with proceeds of final payment as an investment, $5,597,000 of the priority bonds of the Company in accordance with terms of consolidated mtge., the balance of the issue of $7,000,000 of said bonds then outstand- ing ($1,403,000) having been called for payment and cancellation on Apr. Io, 1891. 490 Statement showing proceeds of collections on account of the subsidy, in United States currency :— Certifis. collected July 1 to Oct. 31, 1890, $569,366.38 Mexican cur., SQUIVALENE LO Mertad pews slag abe suds sahon cs lecdeueerncee taeth RLaahytvanct ence re nee $472,985 27 NICHE GOV s CLVEIUS ss cstecsecsitevess osaced snes seitesag saves Mepbeehten erences Prratsnet ars $12,152,254 16 Less overpay refunded to Gov., $4,462.06, Mex. Cur. .....0.6s.000 392 66 12,148,324 50 Interest from banks on deposits of Subsidy Funds.....0.. ccsececeeceeees 6,664 14 Total net proceeds U. S. CULTONCY veesssececeressees veesseee seenseees siseee $12,627,973 91 Less— Cost of $5,597,000 priority bonds, purchased for investment........ $6,122,646 37 *Amount paid for $1,405,000 priority bonds redeemed........ ........- 1,548,643 43 Cost of $550,000 Mexican Government bonds, purchased and deposited in lieu of an equal amount of Subsidy Certificates held as guarantee to the Mexican Government under the Company’S CONCESSIONS iy sscstoregact toeberescusssesueter pooeetonmnees tess 105,705 10 Sundry expenses in connection with settlement and conversion OF PLOCEedS.. 5 us scseyaucdoevinsicawsscis tone yiehedean ence tee mene eeaee eee 18,408 74 7,795,403 64 Net amount paid to the Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. as Trustee under the Subsidy Trust Fund Indenture of May 6, ESOL uccsdw-aseosceseise vege te’ gue epasy cusmbteo tsa s Mest cane Ce RReeM erie deeetrese $4,832,570 27 Statement of Subsidy Trust Fund, Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Trustee, Dec. 31, 1891 :— Amount of Subsidy Trust Fund received from Co.............06 « ee $4,832,570 27 duterest: received to Dé. 41. 1891 sanwc soy,c oe caesar eee amar eran aes tet ~ 69,668 93 $4,902,239 20 Less— ‘Trustees’ ‘compensation to Dec. 1, LaGigsc.nccsstneveeene west annniee sae sae’ $1,423 61 Amt. withdrawn from Fund and paid to Co. in accordance with terms of Trust Ihndentures.....2.-.os.wesuspeted nesta Weavers eo sen stone 300,000 00 301,423 65 Balance in’hands-of,«T rustee: Dé. 41, 189 tne.-tss tee ncaa eeene tao: " $4,000,815 59 * £6,000 of these called bonds have not been presented for redemption and cancellation, but the amount required to redeem them, in accordance with the call, has been set aside tor that purpose. Securities owned Dec. 31, 1891, are held as follows: Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co., Trustees: Cost of $5,597,000 5 p. c. priority bonds purchased for investment, $6,122,646; Banco Nacional De Mexico: Cost of $550,000 Mexican Government bonds, purchased with subsidy money and deposited in lieu of an equal amount of subsidy certificates held as guarantee to the Mexican Government under the Company’s conces- sions, $105,705; par value of $375,000 consolidated mortgage 4 p.c. bonds deposited as guarantee under various concessions in lieu of $750.000 subsidy certificates released, $375,000; Tampico Harbor Co. par value of certificates issued to that company under contract to provide funds for prosecution of work on Tampico Harbor, $4,000,000. Stock and bonds listed on the Boston, New York, London, and Chicago Stock Exchanges. THE MEXICAN INTERNATIONAL RR. CO., Ferro Carril Internacional Mexicano—‘‘ Eagle Pass Route,” General Offices, 23 Broad st., New York, Ciudad Porfirio Diaz, Mexico. Inc. Dec. 9, 1882, in Conn. under special charter. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ciudad Porfirio Diaz to Torreon, Mex., 383.11 ; Lampazoo branch, 12.31; San Pedro branch, 14.35; total, 409.77 miles. Capital, $11,835,500; funded debt, $9,742,000; Interest on all debt per annum, $584,520. The Company acquired in 1883 certain concessions granted by the Government of Mexico, at various times, which authorized the construction and operation of a railroad and telegraph line between the City of Mexico and the Rio Grande river, terminating at or near the Ciudad Porfirio Diaz (formerly known as Piedras Negras), with the right to construct also from a point on the main line to some point between Matamoras and Vera Cruz on the Gulf of Mexico; also a line to some point between Mazatlan and Zihuatanejo on the Pacific Ocean, andthe necessary branches from each side of lines mentioned, said branches not 491 to exceed in length too miles each and be subject to the approval of the Department of Public Works, Under the provisions of the concessions the road and its appurtenances are exempt from taxes for 50 years, and materials (required for the construction, opera: tion and repair of the road) are’ free from import and other duties. No subvention is granted, but the Mexican Government has obligated itself not to give a subvention to any other railroad line within 50 miles on each side of the lines so authorized. About 70 miles. (from Ciudad Porfirio Diaz to Sabinas, including the part within Mexican territory of the International Bridge over the Rio Grande) were completed in 1883. Connection is made with the Mexican Central RR. at Torreon, to which point road was completed Jan. 12, Se and operation commenced Mar. 1 of that year. Balance sheet and operations not urnished. MEXICAN INTEROCEANIC RR. CO. No information obtained. MEXICAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 34 Nassau st., New York. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Zacatecas Division, Zacatecas to Ojo Caliente, 48 kilo- meters; Colima Division, Colima to Manzanillo, 95 kilometers; total, 143 kilometers. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MEXICAN NATIONAL RR CO., Canuna de Ferro Nacional Mexicano—‘ Laredo Route,”’ General Offices, 6 Wall st., New York; 28 Calle de Ortega, City of Mexico, Mex. Cor- porate Office, Colorado Springs, Col. Inc. 1887, in Col., succeeding to the Mexican National RW. Co., foreclosed May 23, 1887. Company controls Texas Mexican RW. Co., through ownership of $2,453,750 of its $2,500,000 stock, and all Ist and 2d mtge. bonds. Company was subsidized by Mexican Government at $7,000 per kilometer, Mexican currency. Prior to default, former company pledged $2,500,000 subsidy certificates to- secure $5,000,000 of Ist mtge bonds, which were exchanged for certain ot the A. and B. bonds, to which, after reorganization subsidy became applicable. In the reorganization subsidy certificates for $7,000,000 were also pledged as additional security for the $12,500,000 new Ist mtge. bonds, $3,000,000 of which subsidy was then delivered to the trustees, and $4,000,000 remained to be earned. There was earned $3,941,000 for con- struction of 563 kilometers (350 miles), but of this amount $939,000 1s applicable for benefit of the $5,000,000 A. and B. bonds, leaving $3,002,000 applicable to interest on Ist mtge. bonds when net earnings are insufficient to meet such deficit, and afterwards for redemption of bonds. Total subsidy applicable to the new Ist mtge. bonds was. $6,000,000 Mexican currency, of which about one-half has been paid, and about $100,000 a month is now being collected. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: City of Mexico to New Laredo, Mex., 838.63; El Salto Line: City of Mexicoto El Salto, Mex.,42.41; Patzucuaro Branch: Acambaro to Patzu- cuaro, Mex., 95.85; Cintuaro (Belt Line) RR.; Santiago to La Garita de San Lazaro, 3.17 ; Matamoros Division : Matamoras to San Miguel, Mex 7.5250 bexas,| Mexican RW. Corpus Christito Laredo, Tex., and branches, 162.03 ; Brownsville and Gulf: Rio Grande River through Brownsville, Tex., 1.00 ; lines which are unused or used only as side tracks, special service tracks and tramway, 13.65 ; total operated, 1,232.24 miles (narrow gauge). . Capitalization of road....... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— U.S. Cur. Per Mile. U.S.Cur. Per Mile. Bertha BLOC wc tiun- fe caseu acenenes «33,350,000 27,400 | Total gross from operation.....$3, 330,709 $2,700: Bee CLEDt ok Nipeetisosctss cocsce 43,783,000 35,500 | Totalgrossfromothersources 258,185 210 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............0 2,850,059 2,310 COOLS EP TESS ee a ei Rae 503,883 100 | Net total applicable to fixed Gnerent: assets to at at) cur- charges and dividends ete 738,835 600 Fent liabilities .....2..).....s000 834,462 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 77,636,883 63,000 debt as above.......... steeeeeese 738,835 600: ‘‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 738,835 600 | Net result on year’s business ‘ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Par of stock, $100, Average ratio of return upon PAita PIM VEStCK....thanee den NOt KNOWN: | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends.. * 40,558 Pema DILtIOS fincsndan ree yven os Not known. | Deduct total interest on “all Total invested capital........... 3,880,000 29,500 | GeDt AS ADOVELs vissy.cotesssaces 89,520 553 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 89,520 553 | Net result on year’s business ‘ ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. | for stockholders, loss.......... 48,962 303 Average ratio of return upon capital invested................. Not known. * Deficit. The above income is in Mexican currency, and is included in earnings of the Mexican National RR. Co. Balance sheet not furnished. MEXICAN NORTHERN RW. CO., Compania Ferrocarril Mexicano del Norte, General Offices, 42 Pine st., New York ; Calle de Cadena, 10, City of Mexico, Mex.. Inc. June 26, 1890, with concessions from the Mexican Government, including exemption from taxes and import duties on material used in construction of road. The business of the road is mainly from mining products. Road completed, as above, in 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Escalon to Sierra Mojada, Mex., 81.25 miles. Authorized capital, $3,000,000, par $100; funded debt, $1,660,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MEXICAN RW. CO, General Offices, 45 New Broad st., London, E.C.; Buena Vista Station, City of Mexico, Mex. Concession to this Company, dated May 27, 1889, covering extension from Ometusco Pachuca (completed and operated Dec. 3, 1890), carries no subvention and runs for 99 years, at expiration of which the Government may purchase the same at price to be fixed by experts. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, Mex., 264; Pachuca Branch, 28 ; Puebla Branch, 29.321 ; operated: Jalapa Branch RW., 70.75 ; total, 391.75 miles. Capitalization of road....... Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 .— Per Mile. Per Mile. eA SEOCKN Sic. Giscss seoncooss 45,820,780 14,900 | Total gross from operation... £796,262 2,032 _ TSE Ts (oa Be (2) 9) eee eee 2,000,000 5,100 ‘* Gross from other sources 18,787 48 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............ *446,659 1,140 HADINIES,.....:05..0sd2scarseede 1,FOT,003 ~ 2,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends.... 368,390 940 POEM IADILITICS. 2. ccccevesoeese 714,270 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 3,052,443 ...22:9000 5) debPas aDOVE:...teslscrsgoes {122,917 310 ** Int. on all debt p. ann... 120,000 300 | Net result on year’s busi- *“ Dividends per annum... None paid. ness for stockholders, gain 245,473 630 Averageratioofreturnupon - Par of stock, $50. Capital invested... ......... ALG * Includes losses on exchange, etc., £100,967. + Includes Vera Cruz Pier and Launch revenue account, £2,917. 494 CAPITAL ACCOUNT, Dec. 31, 1891 :— DR. CR. Cost of road and equipment :— Capital stock :— Amount expended to Dec., 1890......48,101,939 | Ordinary share capital......-..ss+seee0 f, 2,254,720 Pachuca Branch and New V. Cruz, st pref. capital erate oh ond cin dua cage 2,554, 100 BUS Davercte aces tones untmtis cede enerer rst ass 103; 0000) 20s Ol ee resins Cate tc inv sesnseeen acces 1,011,960 New-rollinig Stock. ...18 cs. tucsteer etc 57,629 Puaded debt :— PAMIOUNLAG DAlLANICG.: oven ceten soe ae cunetes 104,;53171 Perpettialideby stock 0.).; Ccrescs. cos 2,000,000 Sinking fund for 2d.mtge. bonds ALA Will pos Poteet eat sates bectaroraneuyemte 266,500 Subvention separate acct. Amt. trans. to provide for Cap Ex...... 375,425 LOtAL ie ecetenssyssecteereteen ce ceased cane 48,462,705 | TL OCA renceneme teaiens cic srs e's ran canesbentes 48,462,705 GENERAL BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Stocks anid Stores. cl..s.v-cueesletasecens 4133;755 4, Balance capital yaccount,.<..c.5 «sections 4 194,531 Ata GM ADAISNCES.,.cecsr cave seve tgioetalionsand 326,085 Balance revénue accOunt....0. scssccene 975397 Mexican Governmt traffic acct...... 75,119 | Sundry accts., int., dividends, etc. 107,879 Sundry accts.. Wasdenisdssseee anos 190,615 | ReServertumas yeas ties: Socess0sbewacesanae 4,030 Leasehold premises Seadus pabecbigaeseese : 6,390 | Separate subvention, 1879..........+. 11,354 PT VESUMOTUS esc. sccastecsrtrecseseoniersciene’ 153,300 | Subvention current accounts......... 137,950 Balance 1st pref. stockholders....... 687 Balance 2d pref. stockholders........ 26,424 Balance ordinary stockholders...... 53,634 Locomotive reserve fund........0..006 50,873 Permanent way renewal account 29,510 1 eee ye a(t Ee Oe neo bel A 2,714,270 NOL AL i tas chiens Wits oce Soon ts ma areree 47545270 first Preference Stock was created Nov. 11, 1874, and issued to creditors of the Company (as full-paid shares) in liquidation of equal amounts of overdue and unpaid 8 p.c. bonds. This stock is entitled to preferential dividends of 8 p.c. per annum in perpetuity, payable from the available net profits of each separate half-year. It is listed on the London Stock Exchange, and is quoted at Dublin, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester and Sheffield. Second Preference Stock was created Nov. 11, 1874, and issued to creditors in lieu of equal amounts of overdue and unpaid interest up to the end of 1873. It is entitled to 6 p. c. per annum in perpetuity, payable from the available net profits of each separate half-year, after. payments on the Ist preferred stock. It is listed and quoted the same as the Ist preferred stock. By the terms of a contract with the Mexican Government, the Company is relieved from its obligation of constructing the second section of the Jalapa Line, and is exempt from payment of taxes and import duties for 15 years from Apr., 1882; in return for which the Company agrees to carry materials of other companies at a rate lower than that permitted by the concession ; also, to haul, for 20 years, a quantity of coal, not exceeding 50,000 tons per annum, at $12 per ton for carriage from Vera Cruz to Mexico; and to transfer to the Government a certain amount of telegraph material. Jalapa Branch RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Buena Vista Station, City of Mexico, Mex. LENGTH-OF ROAD owned: Jalapa to Vera Cruz, Mex., 70.75 miles; operated by Mexican RW. Co. Net revenue for 1891 paid to Mexican RW. Co., £6,566. Balance sheet and opera- tions not furnished. MEXICAN SOUTHERN RW. CO., LIMITED, General Offices, Broad St. Ave., London, E. C.; City of Mexico; Corporate Office, Win- chester House, Old Broad st., London, England. Inc. May g, 1889, in Eng., under concession from Mexican Government to build a narrow- -gauge road from Puebla to Oaxaca, Mex., 228 miles. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Puebla to Tecomavaca, Mex: (two sections), 139 miles; Projected to Oaxaca, 89 miles, additional-third section. Capital authorized, £2,000,000 ; par £10, half ordinary and half 7 p. c., cumulative preference shares. Debenture stock (funded debt), authorized, £1,200,000. 495 BALANCE SHEET, March 31, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Administration fund :— Capital account :— Balance, per statement, B............. £1,281 Balance per statement ek. csctsccces EME RSS Sundry creditors... 2,156 | Shares and debentures held un- Read, Campbell & oA ‘Ld = — allotted on account of contractors’ Amount of subvention due from the retention fund :— Mexican National Government to Preference Shares.......5.s. £ 9,380 31st Mar., 1892, per contra, pay- Ordinary Shares.........'<. 14,210 able by the Company to the Con- Debenture stock............. 11,240 tractors under working agree- a 34,830 BIPCIAT coe vena evar ctisa ee tses ossonses> « dasteace 22,867 | Mexican National Government :— ontractors’ retention fund :— For arrears of subvention to Mar., BIG UINO!- lov cevecsecaseasees iv eyee 215,000 EQ eM arcerede ete vector set erasdcesshocetestarn A 22yOOy MIRTORINO: 2evedsedse sustessee tees: ' 30,000 Sundry debtor Meee ease ae I ———— 45,000 | Cash :— Interest :— il DAN Kiers .cuvstter san scisecess 48,060 BTU SEALIGIIS (2205 setoswans veaens £ vib in hand, London<........ « 15 DUS SHAD, 1892.10 c0cccaceve 34,612 do Vix Cret en cesta sa sas 141 ———— 34,629 ——_—— 48,216 EYE AL cess escosvninsaseses Cadrec ciseast eases £105,933 A OCAT RW ean Seateace st Mateirae es cwedts desgen 2 105,933 A.—RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE ON CAPITAL ACCOUNT :— EXPENDITURES. RECEIPTS. In construction of PrefeTeENCe Shares .sececcsy censtses coves: £920, 330 Line No.1.Puebla to Tecomavaca, £1,600,coo | Ordinary shares.......... Widesagddec. ites 915,500 eo. 2: Lecomavaca to.Oaxaca, 1,375,089 -|- Debemtures StOChkis. dimen swicseceseceeaes 1,104,410 Amounts retained for contractors’ retention fund :— BreferenCe GUAT CS y.rccandn sess encont con hat 9,380 Ordinary SMR co nteets dain cea cuiats saa ces 14,210 Debenture Stocks... -setensines Seg 11,240 Balance to general balance sheet.. 19 EUG Lar cssetericscess Sislepandusdatsanesens £2,975,089 | ‘Tota ltnscaas. seabed av cee tseayeduncs cess £2,975,089 B.—ADMINSTRATION FuND ACCOUNT :— Expenditure to date :— | Balance, April 1, 1891... hit £635 In London and Mexico, including Amount received from ‘contractors engineers’ fees and adminis- on account of administration ex- STALION EXPENSES 30.0 c:-.cedsacsoaencss AYLG1 | PENSSS Pail Ww Meet steele cea wuyrs ia sss 12,337 Balance to general balance sheet.. L280 Lransier fees meters isevcstanertassesrencts: 20 GER eo sccs Wetcrde ris ERO RE ORE £ 12,992 | Pata leita Ce ae tee ayit dacsccetccaas £12,992 _ Extracts from report of Mar. 31, 1892 :— ' Line No. 1 (Puebla to Tecomavaca) has been regularly worked since August last by the contractors under the agreement referred to in the last report. Traffic receipts have been satisfactory, and show a steady progress. ; - The works upon Line No. 2 (Tecomavaca to Oaxaca) are making very satisfactory pro- gress, and it is hoped that this line will be completed before the end of the current year, although, as stated in the last report, the contract time does not expire until ths 12th Septem- ber, 1893. The Directors have entered into an agreement with the contractors for the further work- ing of the line. By this arrangement the contractors will continue to work and maintain the whole line until 31st March, 1893, upon terms which ensure the punctual payment of the interest due on the 1st October of this year, and the 1st April, 1893, upon the first issues of debenture stock and preference shares. During the past two years negotiations have been carried on with the Mexican Govern- ment with a view to obviating certain difficulties and delays with regard tothe collection of the subvention. The Directors are happy to be able to inform the shareholders that these have at last been brought to a successful issue, and that the Company is to receive in exchange for the existing subvention, after payment of all expenses in connection with the conversion, $8,000,000 six per cent. fifty-year silver bonds, with a half per cent. sinking fund to be applied in redeeming the bonds by half-yearly drawings. These terms were submitted toa special meeting of debenture stockholders on the 27th of May last, and were unanimously approved. The two issues of the Company’s debenture stock (which previonsly ranked pari passu excepting only as to the date of redemption) will now be consolidated, and will be redeemable by annual drawings in fifty years from the 1st of July, 1892, the first of such drawings to take effect on the rst July, 1896. The whole issue will thus have a double security of (1) the $8,000,000 silver bonds, and (2) the railway and the whole undertaking of the Company. 496 The difficulties, delays and expense of collecting the subvention, which were very great will be entirely obviated by the conversion, and the Company will now have the bonds of the Mexican Government, with coupons for the half-yearly interest, and a sinking fund provided by the Government. The exact amount which will be yielded annually by these silver bonds must of course depend (as in the case of the surrendered subvention) upon the value of silver; but, upon the basis of a low value, they will vield per annum sufficient to provide the interest and sinking. fund for the whole of the consolidated issue of debenture stock. It will thus be seen that while, under the new arrangement, the debenture stock is placed upon an exceptionally secure basis, the preference shareholders will also be very largely benefited. MICHOAGAN AND PACIFIC RW. CO. No information obtained. MIDDLE AND EAST TENNESSEE CENTRAL RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Gallatin, Tenn. Inc. Feb. 12, 1883,in Tenn. Road opened to Hartsville, Tenn., June 1, 1892; owned and operated by J. C. Rodener & Co. LENGTH OF ROAD projected: Gallatin to Knoxville, Tenn., 165 miles; completed: Gallatin to Hartsville, Tenn., 12 miles. Capital, $22,000, per mile, $1,800; funded debt, $125,000, per mile, $10,400 ; total invested capital, $147,000, per mile, $12,200; total interest on all debt per annum, $7,500; no dividends yet paid; capital stock authorized, $450,000; common, $300,000 preferred, $150,000, issued of latter $22,000 Balance sheet and operations not furnished’ MIDDLEBURG AND SCHOHARIE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Middleburg, N. Y. Inc. May 8, 1867, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Middleburg to Schoharie, N. Y., 5.75 miles. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Bepice lslocle ye ee ware ye. $85,000 $14,200 | Total gross from operation..... $9,034 $1,571 B idee Cebts...ceccpcccceecce, 18,000 3,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current eeDeduct allexpenses...)...:....¢. 8,391 1,459 MAD MEES eevee cst eee ee 3,952 600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 643 II2 pentlia bilities \iu ay cse.eeees a,721 Deduct total interest on all otal investedscapital Al.s.&- 106,952 17,800 | GEDt AS ADOVE s...cecceaecescdtere 1,080 188. ““ Interest on all debt p.ann. 1,080 200 Netresult on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss.......... 437 76 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. ( Capital invested. ccs crccrsecs oe P-C8 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assez¢s, Cost of road and equipment, $103,750; current accounts, $1,630; cash on hand, $1,091; profit and loss, $481 ; total, $106,952. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $85,000 ; funded debt, $18,000; interest due and accrued, $270; bills payable, $3,300 ; current accounts, $282 ; total, $106,952. Schoharie Valley RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Schoharie, N. Y. Inc. June 15, 1865, in N. Y., as Schoharie Valley RW. Co.; foreclosed, Apr. 6, 1874, and reorganized Apr. 1, 1880. Road is operated in close connection with Middleburg and Schoharie RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Schoharie to Schoharie Junc., N. Y., 4.38 miles. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :-— Paes Per M ie. Per Mile. BPItal SiGek, oe. tere srar de eecte 100,000 25,000 | Total gross from operation..... 412.126 Binded cébtsinteics.dsecees hares 40,000 10,000 Total efosd from Uineran quinn a Na Re Unfunded debt and current DeCuCh AlVCxPCNSES. «oscs.sacce *10,448 2,384 Lia billbles: 2 ier eels coae ioc 2,400 600 Net total applicable to fixed [ Current assets to offset cur- 288 charges and dividends...... 2,688 614 rent labilities sccvaseeus sccestees Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital.:.c.... .. 142,400 35,600 CEDtU'AS ADOVE ve ceveses cosaecechls 2,400 550: ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 2,400 600 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, gain......... 288 6 Average ratio of return upon oe by Capital iNVestemd esse. .cctec Izy Pp. c. * Taxes, ¢4or. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road etc., $102,718; cash on hand, $288 ; profit and loss, $39,394; total, $142,400. Liabilities, Capital, $100,000; funded debt, $40,000 ; interest due and accrued, $2,400 ; total, $142,400. ; ye 497 MIDDLE GEORGIA AND ATLANTIC RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Eatonton, Ga. Inc. in Ga. LENGTH OF ROAD: Projected, Savannah to Atlanta, Ga,, 236 miles; completedgDec. 31, 1891, Eatonton to a point 1.5 miles west of Machen, Ga., 19.5 miles. Road being built by the Seaboard Co., which owns most of the stock. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MIDDLESBOROUGH BELT RR. CO., General and Corporate, Office, Middlesborough, Ky. Inc. Mar. 1, 1890, in Ky. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Around Middlesborough, Ky., 11.14 miles; branches: Bennett’s Fork, 5.33; Stony Fork, 3.99; New Cabin Fork, .78; total, 21.24 miles. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, per mile, $47,100; funded debt (authorized, $1,000,000), $424,000, per mile, $20,000 ; total invested capital, $1,424,000, per mile, $67,100; total invested capital, $1,424,000, per mile, $67,000; total interest on all debt per annum, $25,440. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MIDVILLE, SWAINSBORO AND RED BLUFF RW. CO. No information furnished. MILLEN AND SOUTHERN RW. CO., 16 Beaver st., N. Y.; General Offices, Savannah and Millen, Ga.; Corporate Office, Millen, Ga, Inc. Mar. 26, 1890, in Georgia, succeeding Rogers and Summit RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Millen to Stillmore, Ga., 32 miles. Capital (authorized, $600,000), paid in, $120,000; par $100, per mile, $3,750; no funded debt; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $50,000, per mile, $1,562; total invested capital, $170,000, per mile, $5,312, representing cost of road and equipment. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891: Total gross from operation, $44,981, per mile, $1,406; deduct all expenses, $23,806, per mile, $744; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $21,175, per mile, $662. Balance sheet not furnished. MILWAUKEE AND SUPERIOR RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. Oct. 26, 1885, in Wisconsin, suc- cessor to the Milwaukee, Menominee Falls and Western RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Granville to Sussex, Wis., 12.. Branches to quarries, 4; total, 16 miles. Capitalization of road......- TASER RS AO 0% ending Dec. 31, 1891:— 'e ; ‘ Per mae Per Mile. Ppital StOCK+...2..c0sadesecossresen $125,000 $7,800 Total gross from operation...... $12.56 8, BAPAC CED... 5005s saswcades dudnne 100,000 6,250 aierioe ec from ase sources pasate Nae Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 8,650 nest MAPLES 3. sscu0c000 sete ee neeeee Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- _. charges and dividends...... 4,015 2) 207 MEME MAI tLeS cox scans cae ve gears Not known. Deduct total interest on all S Totalinvested capital........ .. 225,000 14,050 GEDt as AbOVG..scivssde vatesstense 6,000 375 ‘“Intereston all debtp.ann. 6,000 375 | Net result on year’s Basics “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss ......... 1,085 i ¥ 68 Average ratio of return upon } ; pRcgeer RADIAL INVESTEC: ...000-csccreens 24 Balance sheet not furnished. MILWAUKEE, MENOMINEE FALLS AND WESTERN RR.‘CO., General and Corporate Office, 152 2d st., Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. Oct. 26, 1885, in Wis. Road built in 1889; opened May, 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Granville to Sussex, Wis., 12; branches to quarries, 2.6; total, 14.6 miles. Capitalization of road......+. Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. MSADILG) BLOCK. ccecccsesccves sodsecece See below. Total gross from operation..... $13,080 $8096 Mer ED tics v..cvsoeseaen.snaee *168,000 $12,000 | Total gross from other sources —— Unfunded debt and current Dednctallexpenses...c14.0.0 14,663 1,004 BER IICS. pieced sessccvob es base ete Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... $1,583 108 ere MADINILICS ..2..1c0000s-seeeete Not known. Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. Net known. GED AS ADOVE <. deccece vensaseeers 6,000. = S4rt “ Interest on all debt p.ann. _ 10,080 720 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. | for stockholders, loss......... 7,583 519 Average ratio of return neoH capital invested... Tia. i NOU ROW L, | * Representing cost ab ou eae equipment. t Deficit. Balance sheet not furnished. No stock outstanding. Authorized, $10,000 per mile 32 498 MINDEN RR. AND COAL CO., General and Corporate Office, Minden, La. Inc. 1885, in La. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Minden to Sibley, La., 5.15 miles. Capital, common, $19,350; preferred, $18,750; total, $38,100 per mile, $7,620; funded debt, none ; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $20,617, per mile, $4,123 ; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $7,101; total invested capital, $58,717, per mile, $11,743 ; dividends on preferred, $3,750. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MINERAL RANGE RR. CO,, General and Corporate Office, Hancock, Mich. Inc. Nov. 3, 1871, in Mich. Default was made June 1, 1888, in payment of principal and last coupon of the Ist 8s of 1888, and on application of holders Receiver was appointed, who was discharged Nov. 30, 1889, and road restored to Company. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Houghton to Red Jacket, Mich., 15; branch: Franklin Station to Quincy Mine, 2; total, 17 (narrow gauge). Capitalization of road... ......0-+ Dec. 31, 1892 :— Per Mile. Gapital StOCk? :oc:.tetaseieeweasnae $393,400 $23,100 Eiincled clebtcisc.syes-savatecses: 644,600 38,000 Unfunded debt and current AYA DILILle ote vasetercotenscmecte re: 370,696 21,800 Current assets to offset cur- rentljabilitiess. .cy.ccsessss Not known. Total invested capital........ 1,409,696 82,900 ‘“ Int. on all debt p. ann..Not known. ‘* Dividends per annum..Not known. Average ratio of return upon Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.... $146,505 $8,618 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses...........0.. *78,033 4,590 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... 68,472 4,028 Deduct total interest on all Gebt as above xtccs sects looses Not known. Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain ........ Not reported. Par of stock, $100 Capital invested cas seeds 000d. Oo Dac. * Includes taxes. Hancock and Calumet RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Hancock, Mich. Inc. Jan. 14, 1885, in Mich. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hancock to Fulton, Mich., 19.11; branch: Junc. to Lake Linden, 2.5; total, 21.61 miles. Road operated in connection with Mineral Range Pie Capitalization of road ...... Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Lucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— ’ Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock se tavenecun eurearae Rooks County RR:, Alton, Kan:., tosStockton; Kan scesrsesc ieee etas. cases scess eves cladoqeteer 18.25 Pacific RW. in Nebraska, Warwick; Kan. $to-P rossers Net aie.) cscs. odor scree ssceancanee 73.00 Total branch Hnes:....5..ccacis Voescavsounashesdttese codes sats: MuMnEMn Maat aces oees re eeetesen setae 1,649.08 St. L., Iron Mtn. and South. RW. {Sts Louis, Mo. stot lexarmaraeen tics. tec. .cens ice 489.78 Belmont Branch, Bismarck, Mo., to Belmont, Mo. . Saas net aasiesebinnen wane 119.89 Helena Branch, "Knobel, Ark. , to Helena, Ark 2 enn ae - 140.05 L. R. Miss. Riv. and Tex. RW., East Little Rock, Ark., to Arkansas City, Ark...... 113.45 Other branches ces fe Nees es oN ieideSavee laccucsteact aaeaiiee Meee anne pe ome eannT We sata. Seana te lee 340.60 Total St. Louis, Iron Mountain. and Southern proper iis ecare tees ncsassescsweeen a keene Leased: Jron Mt. RRiof Mempbis\...c... Tennis... 3-35 Little Rock Jc. RW., Argenta, Ark. , (connection with L. R. and F. S. RW. ) to E. FRA Ark. (connection with L. Rise Ml Reang es RW e) Bites ovens taeccs sivevcereonees 59 Little Rock and FortSmith RW., Argenta, Ark., (connection with L. R. Jc. RW.) to Ft. S., Ark., (Arkansas State Line.) : Little Rock and Ft. Smith RW... 162.68 St. L..andSan; F.RW., Van Buren Bridget c..scascnt PAN ashes days bene T oe * sAladO 164.08 Outta Branch,. Ouita Jc), Ark.,. to Coal Mimes Cem son th ace) sersiacs is sscseedetoetvcesnsaeg® .42 Coal Hill Branch, Coal’ Hilly Ark2*to Lloyd's fend morttietc) recep sees vawvasenc sccnsacecs cen? 2.66 Ward’s Jc: Branch, Ward’s ‘Jc., Ark. to, Ward's (epee eaC sc. sn tonsceecsce becessee! 1.25 Kan. and Ark. Vy. RW., Van Buren, Ark., to Coffeyville, Kan.,and other branches... 170.03 Total leased: St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern RW....:.....-.csseseecss. 343-45 Total operated and leased: St. Louis, Iron Mountain, and Southern RW..... 1,547.22 Houston, Central Ark., and .N.' Line, McGehee, Ark yetouk tverton 7 ba..ca-. as...n- ere 118.68 Céntral Branch. Uniom PacifiesR Ro... t.scses vateres ex ace the ae taneeee En ast ES Glpst cyte tact ev adhe cuateans 388.19 Sedalia, Warsaw and S. RW. (Ni G-),'Sedaliatos Wantsay terscstescscenscseteccss (ns 00 cp, naeeeen 43.23 Total Mo. Pacific system : owned, 4,104.06; leased, 1,184.79 ; total...........006 5,288.85 Capitalization of road...Dec 31, 1891 :— MEADE ic us eve ccneeaaiaee taverns $47,432,850 9,900 PUtndedl SIGH, 00% acse scree 51,376,000 10,700 Unfunded debt and cur- Fentwliabilitiesscsccue--es II, 1245257, )ae,400 Current assets to offset’ current liabilities......... 7,527,539 Total invested capital ..... 109,933,137 23,000 ‘Int. on all debt p. ann 2,776,580 580 Total dividends per ann.. 1,422,859 Average ratio of return upon capital invested...3 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. Construction, equipment, etc......... $50,639,208 Stocks and bonds .4.2o7.0cisicccvescars 51,766, 390 Materials anc fuel ca tees erst catsssees 775,585 Due from agents and others......... 5,778,276 CErSh Ott NAM .cccees cewsue eaten sabpebass 973,078 DOLL iahs tas ate We laws aden tae an dey ees $109,933,137 * Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile: Total gross from operation. $25,918,106 $4,g06 ‘ gross from other souces 662,767 125 _ Deduct all, expenses......... %23. 409,489 4,432 Net total applicable to fixed COAT ICS Vrcsspseesersds senernses 3,171,384 601 Deduct total interest on all GEDL:AS ADOVE sc.cscrsessesss 5,048,051 956 Net result on year’s busi- ness to stockholders, loss _1,876,667 355 Par of stock, $100. LIABILITIES. CAPILAL StOC ko tevaccctu state iecdasccsesst ens $47,432,850 Ppnded debt hineg vets. bicessee) || hotock ine treasury :....0. 2,359,400 2,359,400 PANS) Ctl sta, ciece vente 415,305 376,160 4) sPunded CEDt. iain seness+>. 010, 2511175 10,205,530 AOASLV ko sale tnee cals tosete agen 76,617 77 OB esate Till bresia scans aout ened « 775,487 657,832 Bonds on dep. in N. Y.... 8,325 6,090 | Bills and loans payable. 307,844” 424,267 Due from agents, RRs., Pay tolls. accts,, etc... 339,444 318,241 PEL Ase outs oanstiensceseueaee 210,041 30,425 | Int. due and unpaid..... 59,501 51,340 Material, fuel, etc......... 210,176 166; 278 4) Inteaccrued, not due... 147,860 141,027 INCOMIe ACCOUNT ss. .<2<0... 22,505 59,577 Profit and 1oss...cs. 7206.5. 672,662 614,943 Totals. ..cceeseseee serene $26,236,569 $26,230,557 LOUAIS tadeecees saavse scree $26,236,569 $26,230,257 Land grant (being the first grant for railroad purposes, authorized by the National Legislature), was acquired Sept. 20, 1850, under Act of Congress. Company held June 30, 1892, 266,924.95 acres of land in Alabama; 347,027.82 acres in Mississippi; 582.52 acres in Kentucky, making a total of 614,535.29 acres, valued at $28,590. BL St. Louis and Cairo RR. Co., General Office, 17 William st.; Corporate Office, East St. Louis, Ill.; succeeding Feb. 1, 1882, to Cairo and St. Louis RR., foreclosed, July 14, 1881. This road was leased, Feb. 1, 1886, for 45 years, at a rental of 25 p. c. of é7$ths of gross receipts of entire system, with a minimum of $165,000 per year. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cairo to East St. Louis, Ill., 151.6; branch: Millstadt, Jc. to High Prairie, Ill., 9 ; total, 160.6 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | _ rent liabilities .......0. sessescee ~ $98,318 MAA SLOCK sch. cdeee sevens ovevannee $6,500,000 40,600 ++Totalinvested capital........ . 10,598,318 66,239 ype Fare Dike C2) py ae eee ieee a eee ee 4,000,000 25,000 | + Interest on all debt p. ann. 160,000 100 Unfunded debt and current | “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Bee PERSE: he yn cto ten ofrivees 93,318 600 | Average ratio of return upon foeCaDitalinvestedsc ices... 2 1% p.c. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: total gross from operation, $806,781, per mile, $5,042; deduct ,all expenses, $640,032, per mile, $4,000; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $166,749, per mile, $1,042. Mobile and Ohio RR. paid this Company, $185,790 as rental for year ending June 30, 1892. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Cost of road and property............. S10, 5OGs000 PE CADILAL SLOCK cavescauc.dtcatesstuscae 'csaccs $6,500,000 BROT ASSECUS saenec ccsasceot atiwocsena dd ests 2s OS, 21 Sree Pusdedrae bts mracsceces col esencceceuss esse: 4,000,000 IWATUNCEAE CODES c.ckesl csthvetse sccsecssecs 98,318 PD ESE Pecan in ces ca cee trees teceneceteiit PLO;5O, 310. | $10,698,318 MOBILE AND SPRING HILL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 68 St. Francis st., Mobile, Ala. Inc. Feb. 23, 1860, in Ala. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mobile to Spring Hill, Ala., 7.5 miles. Capitalization of road........J une 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. meapita ll Stock... 365/55..00 sossoceae $100,000 $13,300 | Total gross from operation..... $27,223 $3,630 BUC CLE Dt ic. suet ceedech ey shoes *T00,000 13,300 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 21,348 2,846 MEAD TItTES 2. See sontecene seer eeseeee 77,821 10,400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 5,875 784 rent liabilities..... Missional etsaes 93,424 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........... 277,821 37,000 GEHUAS BDGVErcsttesucw ree *480 65 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. *480 Net result on year’s business 719 ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 51395 Average ratio of return upon i ; Bapital Ln VES(CUsesetecsc! 2. p. C. * It appears that but $8,000 bonds are outstanding on which interest is computed. Bonds for $92,000 are pledged as security for advances represented by funded debt, etc., $77,821. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $182,925; stock owned, $600; bonds in treasury, $92,000; current accounts, $824; profit, and loss, $1,472; total, $277,821. Liabilities, Capital, $100,000; funded debt, $100,000; other liabilities, $77,821 ; total, $277,821. MONONGAHELA CONNECTING RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. 1885, in Pa. LENGTH OF RoaD owred: Ormsby Station (P. V. and C. RR.) to Pittsburgh Junc., 0.9; branches: P. and L. E. RR. Connection, 0.3; others, 1.93; total, 3.13 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | Tent liabilities 0.0... ..cedeeee . Not known. Be iGH Stk. cosas, kee $445,000 148,200 Total invested capital........ ‘ $749,838 249,900 BUNGER Ebi. .2..055 sebesssence cee 200,000 66,700 __, Interestonall debt p.ann. “12,000 4,000 Unfunded debt and current | Dividends per annum....., Not known. AEATELILIOS 3305 ss0cBeeets heel ccene re 104,838 34,900 | Average ratio of return upon I =*\ capital invested tice vk. Not known. * Estimated at 6 p. c. : This road forms a connection with the following roads: Pittsburgh and Lake Erie and its connections; Lake Shore and Michigan Southern ; New York, Lake Erie and Western ; and the Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Youghiogheny; Pennsylvania; Penn- sylvania Co’s lines; Allegheny Valley; Balto. and Ohio; Pittsburgh Junction; and Pittsburgh and Western (v¢a Balto. and Ohio, and with mills on north and south sides of the Monongahela river, with which it connects by an iron bridge. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ce MONSON RR. CO., General Offices, Monson, Me., and Lowell, Mass.; Corporate Office, Monson, Me. Inc. Octa9, [saz Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Monson cane. (B. and P. RR.) to Monson, Me., 6.16, and branch to Slate Quarries, 2; total, 8.16 miles. Capitalization of road......0. June 30, 1892 :— income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stocles).s.atieiceevetees - $70,000 $8,750 | Total gross from operation..... $11,588 $1,448 Funded debt a ateletidieiiale eins peoples sic ee 70,000 8,750 ‘Total gross from other sources : Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............. *10,355 1,294 Wabi lirics’ faxcsed-cocenctnccees 42,767 5,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... £233 2500 Md. rent liabilities... Seo wlesecsteneuc 262 Deduct total interest on all : Total invested capital.......... 182,767 22,900 dGbt AS ADOVE «8 lsecesovscte 4,826 603. ‘‘ Intereston all debtp.ann. 4,826. 603 | Net result on year’s business ‘© Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 3,593 449 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100, Capita a nVestedic, jc: teetcese None. * Includes taxes, $71. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Asse/s, Cost of road, $60,887; equipment, $17,262 ; cash and accounts, $262; profit and loss, $104,356; total, $182,767. Lziabtlities, Capital, $70,000; funded debt, $70,000; current liabilities, $42,767 ; total, $182,767. MONTEREY AND MEXICAN GULF RR. CO., General Offices, 40 and 42 Wall st., New York city, and Monterey, Mex.; Corporate Office, New York city. Inc. Sept. ‘, 1358, .1n- Nw Ye bullt-under concession made by the Mexican Government. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Geronimo Tevino to Tampico, 390 miles, connecting with various steamer lines. Capitalization of road Dec. 31, 1891: Capital, $100,000, per mile, $250; funded debt, $9,750,000, per mile, $25,000; total invested capital, #9,850, 000, per mile, $25,250; total interest on all debt per annum, $487 ,500. Income for year ending Dec. 31, 1891: Total gross, $883,462. Four months ending Apr. 30, 1892, total gross, $297,661. Balance sheet not furnished. THE MONTGOMERY, TUSCALOOSA AND MEMPHIS RW. CO., General Office, 45 Wall st., New York city; Corporate Office, Montgomery, Ala. Inc. 1889 in Ala, Charter perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,300,000; full paid, $400,000; par of stock, $100. Road now being built (graded 100 miles) between Montgomery and Tuscaloosa, Ala., distance 107 miles. It is intended to complete at once to Columbus, Miss., a dis- tance of 60 miles west of Tuscaloosa. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MONTOUR RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. inc. Sept. Io, 1877, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Montour Junc. to Imperial, Pa., 11 miles. Capitalization of road......06+ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. PENT HADI MCICS cel os esa. cetmcseoe Not known. ‘otal invested (capital ........ $300,000 $27,275 Hopes Th RAE ve oak 4 Petoe ect $9,090 “ Interest on all debt p.ann. Not known. — Pande: AA ra ae ‘““ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Haubilitiessee sn ck. ae 200,000 19,181 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, #50 i : ; : CADILAl INVESCO”: fetes. .e.feae Not known. ; : Balance sheet’and operations not furnished. MONTPELIER AND WELLS RIVER RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Montpelier, Vt, Inc. Nov. 6, 1867, in Vt. Trustees took possession March 1, 1876. Reorganization effected Jan. 1, 1877. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Montpelier to Wells river, Vt., 38.2 miles. Leased’: Barre Branch RR., Barre Junc. to Barre, Vt., 3.8 miles ; total, 42 miles. > 513 Capitalization Of FOAAw...64 Mar. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Mar. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock........0.scsees evsesees . $800,000$21,000 | Total gross from operation..... $129,393 $3,081 BOG. CED ose. c sts sawseteetsaseee VINONE. | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses...........ss. *125,301 2,984 WARE LR I@Si ghns Ss co on ons cashceev ates 29,681 800 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- ' charges and dividends...... 4,092 97 MONE MA DVILICS ~. csescce se cees esses 29,681 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 829,682 21,800 GEDt AS!ADOVE +.00,00-5 ssmcesesers T1,197 28 “‘ Intereston all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 2,895 69 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Ccanital invested... ...0..s0....000 %p.c. * Includes $2,786 taxes. jf Rental of Barre Branch RR. BALANCE SHEET, Mar. 31, 1891: Assezs, Cost of road, $800,000 ; current accounts, $2,335 ; cash, $7,140; materials and supplies, $20,207; total, $827,682. Liabilities, Capital, $800,000 ; bills payable, $3,370; current accounts, $10,929; profit and loss, $15,383; total, $829,682. Barre Branch RR. LENGTH oF ROAD owned: Barre Junc. to Barre, Vt., 3.8 miles. Capital stock, $80,000, all owned by D. R. Sortwell and lessee. Road was - leased June 1, 1889 to Montpelier and Wells River RR., annual rental, 6 p. c. on stock. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MONTREAL AND WESTERN RR. CO. No information obtained. THE MONTREAL BRIDGE CO,, General and Corporate Office, Montreal. P. Q. Inc .Apr. 24, 1890, in Canada, to construct railroad and general traffic bridge over the St. Lawrence river, from a point in the parish _of Longuenil to a point in St. Mary’s Ward, Montreal, Que. Construction in progress, Capital, $3,000,000.. Balance sheet not furnished. MONTROSE RW. CO,, General and Corporate Office, Mauch Chunk, Pa. Inc. 1870, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned; Montrose to Tunkhannock, Pa., 28 miles (narrow guage). Capitalization of 70AA.....00. J UNE 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year cnding June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Manital stock... ss.ccscessse sssseseee 3071427 $10,579 Total gross from operation..... $24,746 $884 Beier. dept. 2. neesiveeistent cee ONG: ‘ | Total gross from other sources 45 2 Unfunded debt and current le Weduct alkexpenses (y.27.0<:.000 *19,042 7702 Prat ties 21.2.8) ceadeecaatreseeese 78,070 2,788 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 5,149 184 Pent liabilities ...ieesseevern 11,528 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ 385,497 13,767 GETS BDOVES pycesen tas. stesecs None. “¢ Interest on all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... As below. for stockholders, gain......... 5 .t40alu toe Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capita hin vested.cyscrs. cse0020c0 1-3 D+ Ce * Including taxes, $535. Dividends of 2 p. c. were paid July 30, 1892, and 3 p. c. Jan. 31, 1893. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. BBOSE OLS TOAC cosets cavecuinnesesee RD aeseeaa tastes se $332,661 | Capital stock paid im ss... ssceseee verre $304,900 Cost of rolling StocKk.........000 secs. seers 41,308 | Capital stock part paid .......eesessseees D5 o7 Current accounts and cash on hand.. = 11,528 | Profit amd 10SS...... -sseeeeereeses enennens “res 78,070 PWOt lees ih: secceccesuaterapertoveqevessesssssse $385,497 TV Ot Alias teceeveticiatareqsesaccecests dade. coneke $385,497 MORRIS COUNTY RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Port Oram, N. J. Inc. 1886, in N. J., acquiring and con- solidating the Charlotteburg and Green Lake RR. in 1888. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Port Oram to Charlotteburg, N. J., 17 miles. Capital, $300,000, per mile, $17,647 ; funded debt, $300,000, per mile, $17,647 ; total interest on all debt per annum, $18,000, per mile, $1,059; dividends not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ao 514 MORRISTOWN AND CUMBERLAND GAP RR. CO., 120 Broadway, N. Y. city. General and Corporate Office, Morristown, Tenn. Inc. in Tenn. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Morristown (connecting with Richmond and Danville and the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Systems) to Corryton, (connecting with Knoxville, Cumberland Gap and Louisville RR.) 40 miles. It is proposed to consolidate this road with the Marrietta and North Georgia RR. and other companies. MOSHASSUCK VALLEY RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Saylesville, R. I. Inc. June 11, 1874, in R. I., and charter amended Feb. 18, 1876. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Woodlawn Station to Saylesville, R. I., 2 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Canitalistociecarccer sacks $50,000 $25,000 | Total gross from operation..... $25,871 $12,935 Pumded, clébticicscss-teornccens None. Total gross from other sources 365 183 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses.............. 26,006 13,003 Tent liabilities .h.cccsecece 52,505 26,282 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends...... 230 II5 current liabilities.......... 17,073 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 102,505 51,282 Cebtas above Acct ececes case None. ‘“‘ Int. on all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business - Dividends Re ace enieeeceates Not known. for stockholders, gain........ 230 115 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100. upon capital invested...None. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $72,092; equipment, $13,400 ; real estate, etc., $10,520; materials and fuel, $1,794; current accounts, $4,412; cash on hand, $347 ; total, $102,565. Liabilities, Capital stock, $50,000; profit and loss, $52,565; total, $102,565. MOUNT HOPE MINERAL RR. CO., General Office, 52 Wall st., New York city. Inc. in N. J. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mt. Hope to Port Oram, N. J., 3. 54 mile. Capital, $160,000; no funded debt. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. MOUNT JEWETT, KINZUA AND RITERSVILLE RR. CO,, General Office, Kushequa, Pa.; Corporate Office, Kane, Pa. Inc. Apr. 27, 1889, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mt. Jewett to Camp Halsey, Pa., 5; and 4 branches, 2.25; total, 7.25; leased: Kinzua Hemlock RR., Camp Halsey to West Line, Pa., 10.5 ; trackage: Kinzua Valley RR., West Line to Town Site, Pa., 4; total operated, 21.75 miles. Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stocki asi. sseccatenree $80,000 $4,510 | Total gross from operations... $11,317 $520 Funded debt.. wee : 40,000 2,250 ‘“ gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current . DeductallFexpenses..... cence. 10,720°* 7492 HADIIIES nic sceeoeseseesaears 3,040 170 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... 597 28 PENt MabiMieS*ccct.cscceeees es 57,000 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 123,040 6,930 debt as above......... vets nes Not known. ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann 2,400 135 | Net result on year’s business ‘‘ Dividends per annum....None paid. for stockholders:.<..sscins.. Not known. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capital HM vesteds...;ac0r-e BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $66,040; stock and bonds owned, $75,000 ; total, $123,040. Liabilities, Capital stock, $80,000 ; funded debt, $40,000 ; current accounts ; total, $123,040. List of securities owned by Mt. jenen Kinzua and Ritersville RR. Co. Stocks: Kinzua Hemlock RR., total par value, $57,000. MOUNT McGREGOR RR. CO., 110 5th ave.; General and Corporate Office, Ballston Spa, N. Y.. Inc. Apr., 1889, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Saratoga Springs to Mount McGregor, N. Y., 10.5 miles. Projected to Caldwell, N. Y., an additional 14.5 miles (a narrow-gauge road). ae Capitalization of road.......JUne 30,1891 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— ; Per Mile. Per Mile. BREET SCOCK, wc cseveersisccesoesene $500,000 $47,600 Total gross from operation..... $10,257 $976 PAO CED Ei isss seveveccecss cis 50,000 4,760 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses......20,..500 *10,770' = 1,020 POPATUMLCL CST. cs caharncnn yeas acon see oe 16y526 "F570 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 719 68 Rent dia bilities 25,400 ..s.03st-. 653 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 566,516 53,930 PCH AS tA DOVC a5. 0c ceen Seehsunscvs 3.515 335 ‘** Interest on all debt p. ann. 3,000 214 | Netresult on year’s business * € Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss....... we 4,234 403 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. ' Papital in VeSteda cvsvse: 6,945 | Profit and loss (surplus).....- secs 80,034 DUE MON AS CII sonesends ta-emonboutiy she eee 14,079 CLOVE towee ve cso cn caeecemrtactaunee oie $3,471,019 ROCA oes cn thts sat tine 8G eabinwiante nelly $3,471,019 Garnerville RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, ro Worth st. Inc. Sept. 14, 1875, in New York. Sold under execution May 20, 1890, and resolution has been passed toZdissolve Company. peng “LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Miner’s Creek (N. J. and N. Y. RR.) to Garnerville Print Works and factories at Garnerville, N. Y., 1 mile. Capital, $55,000, par $100, per mile, $55,000; no funded debt; total invested capital, $55,000, per mile, $55,000; cost of road, etc., $54,455 ; average ratio of return upon capital invested, not known. This road is leased to New Jersey and New York RR. Co., which operates it. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Nanuet and New City RR. Co., General Office, foot of Chambers st., N. R.; Cor- porate Office, Clarkstown, N. Y. Inc. May 23, 1871, in New York. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Nanuet to New City, N. Y., 4.3 miles. This road is owned entirely by N. J. and N. Y. RR. Co., which operates it. Cost of road, $76,829. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. NEW ORLEANS AND NORTHWESTERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Natchez, Miss. Inc. Mar. 14, 1884, in Miss., succeeding to the franchises of the New Orleans, Natchez and Fort Scott RW. Co. The Company defaulted in interest payment and Receivers were appointed Aug. 28, 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Natchez, Miss., to Rayville, La., 77.4 miles. Projected: Natchez, Miss., to Kansas City, Mo., 610 ‘miles. The Receivers are building an exten- sion of 24 miles from Rayville to Bastrop, La., which is partially completed. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891:— | Cyrrent assets: to offset Per Mile. current liabilities........... $111,249 Capital Stock octcctsisecss casper $4,500,000 $58,400 | Total invested capital...... 6,310,000 $81,900 Funded, debti.c., si... hcne sated 1,540,000 20,000 “ Int. on all debt p. ann.. —_ 77,000 1,000 Unfunded debt and cur- ‘‘ Dividends per annum.. None. rent lia bilities s.7:.stcs.0.-s *2'70,000 3,500 | Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100. upon capital invested.....Not known. * Receivers’ certificates. Capital authorized, $15,000,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. NEW ORLEANS AND SOUTHERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 34 St. Charles st., New Orleans, La. Inc. 1891, in La., to succeed New Orleans and Gulf RR. (inc. Oct. 29, 1886) which was sold under foreclosure Mar. 5, 1891, and purchased by bondholders by whom reorganization was made as above and possession taken Aug. 28, 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Orleans to Bohemia, La., 50; branch to Shell Beach, 15.5; total, 65.5 miles. . : ies Re I Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year endingyune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.......00sereecscssesee $200,000 $3,000 Total gross from operation.....$170,625 $2,605 Funded debt.......06. Gecacuvt senses 1,250,000 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 154,387 2,357 Liabilities .......04 sesessees cecreees Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 16,238 248 rent liabilities ......006 seeseseeees Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. GEBC AS, AWOVGK «scores devdeceson No pays. report. ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. Par of stock, $100 Average ratio of return upon @apital invested .o%.2......5 Not known. Balance sheet not furnished. NEW ORLEANS, FORT JACKSON AND GRAND ISLE RR. CO., ‘General and Corporate Office, 25 Carondelet st., New Orleans. Incninsla. Extension being built from Buras to Ft. Jackson, to connect by steamer with Grand Isle. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Orleans, La., to Buras, La., 59.6; branch, Socola junc. to Grand Bayon, La., 1.3; total, 60.9 miles. No other information furnished. NEWPORT AND SHERMAN’S VALLEY RR. CO., ~General and Corporate Office, Newport, Pa, LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Newport to Blair, Pa., templated during this year from Newport to Germantown, 30 miles. $300,000. Decwinile, $7,200% “cost..of road, etc:; furnished. Inc. July 31, 1890, in Pa. An extension is con- Capital, $180,000, Balance sheet and operations not 25 miles. NEW YORK AND MASSACHUSETTS RW. CO., ‘General and Corporate Office, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Inc, Apr. 26, 1887, in N. Y., by ‘consolidation of Poughkeepsie, Hartford and Boston RR. (successor to Poughkeepsie and Eastern RR., foreclosed May 15, 1875,) which was foreclosed and reorganized in Jan., 1887, and the Hudson and Boston RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Junc. N. Y. C. and H. R. RR., to Boston Corners, N. Y., 39.79, including 4.8 miles of Newburgh, Dutchess and Conn. RR., from Stissing to Pine Plains, N. Y., used by this Company at an annual rental of $6, 000. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Beata SOCK casesdecascencdsccssone $1,014,000 $29,000 Total gross from operation..... $41,628 $1,047 PMO GEd CEDtis .cscccessccssesteevese 24,000 700 Total gross from other sources 2,548 64 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. $56,14r 1,411 MESLLICICS, ‘Vocseeeacs cece cette de 513,477 14,600 Net total applicable to fixed - Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... $11,965 300 Peat Ha DUities .s-Jaccscscsesense 184,528 Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested capital......... 1,551,447 44,300 GeDtias: ADOVE!.. sdeccun ee sca evaes 36,000 2,150 “Int. on all debt p. ann.. *1,680 Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..... None paid. for stockholders, loss......... 17,965 450 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested ............06 None. * Due and accrued. jf Including, $2,699 taxes, and $461 insurance. { Loss. #? Rentals. Stock authorized, $2,500,000 ; bonded debt authorized, $300,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. r teh T OAC sicvax crescesaetlceeveed. ote dese SIt2O4,0FO! 1) GApital stock, >. scssecaucasdye¥addvesesents $1,014,000 eG@al Of. CQUIPINENt :2.22 61.006 sowse eearee 78,107 | Funded debt outstanding............. 24,000 Ree tMPOLY LINII CL 0 I5t, Mapterede eee cutie sa oree 1,477 | Int. onbonds, due and accrued...... 26,740 MrICeNT ACCOUIIS.,. 5-2. sicahy inde ndeners 26,077 ii GULLetiby ACCOMNUES +, 2dsves tevaay audescteene II,500 Materials and supplies.!s...04.c0..ss0 154,037 |\Loansiand, bills payable... 0. s6ere. 457,271 BEAT OU ALCHLS sive dace: saciavcelsecuevods TSAZTOY he EEOUU ANG OSS taencesecysch ed cack siea<¥sesos 17,966 SIIGHLCA lewis Sedadnes tavcesiecsscussreneecinees® $1,657,545 EGUa Poeuadecenbeoded casedenicsedss seeders Ey SSISA 773 NEW YORK AND NORTHERN RW. CO., ‘General and Corporate Office, 32 Nassau st., New York city. Inc. 1887, in N. Y., being a reorganization of N. Y. City and North. RR., foreclosed May 17, 1887. Freight earnings were increased by resumption July 20, 1891, of the traffic with New York and New England RR. Co. The completion of station in construction at 155th st., N. Y. city, by Manhattan RW. Co., will increase passenger traffic very much. Default 522 having been made on coupon of 2d mtge bond, maturing June 1, 1892, earnings being insufficient, a majority of bondholders appointed a committee to deposit securities with Knickerbocker Trust Co., to effect reorganization. The plan offered proposes that the 2d mtge. 4 p. c. bonds be exchanged for a 5 p. c. Ist pref. stock, at par, for the principal and I year’s interest, dollar for dollar, and the mtge. be cancelled; the present pref. stock to be exchanged for 2d pref. stock. The Ist mtge. will not be disturbed. To meet the floating debt it is suggested that 5 p. c. 5-year debentures be issued. If the plan is not accepted, foreclosure of the 2d mtge. is recommended. For extensions, improvements and retiring at maturity all other indebt- edness, it is thought later a consol. mtge. will be issued. This road is reported to have been bought in Jan., 1893, by Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan, in the interest of the Manhattan (Elevated) RW. Co., for which payment was made of 15 for common shares, 35 for preferred, and 80 for 2d mtge. bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: 155th st. and 8th ave., New York city, to Brewster's, N. Y., 54.06; branch to Yonkers, N. Y., 3.1; operated: Mahopac Falls RR., Baldwin Place to Mahopac Mines, N. Y., 4.05 ; total, 61.21 miles. Capitalization of Toad ......+++ June 30, 1892:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock .......0+...0++.0+6+. $89,000,000 166,667 | Total gross from operation... $521,217 $8,544 PRINCE CED isivcesess sy asteteers 4,400,000 81,480 ‘“ gross from other sources. 6,243 102 Unfunded debt and current Deductiallexpenses (.4....7-5 X77 2 OA aa MADINEIES A ccesese Seen eserenwnnee 305,489 5,053 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends..... 54,276 889 Trent lia bilities ss. o.cgsicecets 203,175 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 13,705,489 253,800 Cebe as AbdVE:;.clis.cccseres 143,786 2,357 Sinton all debt plann.:; 137,786 2,551 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum..... None paid. for stockholders, loss. ..... 89,510 1,468 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested............... ws Of Ip. c. * Includes taxes, $20,054, and construction, $21,535. + Includes rentals, $6,000. Preferred stock is entitled to dividends up to 5, when common participates. BALANCE SHEETS, June 30, 1891 and 1892 :— “ ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1891. 1892. 1891. 1892. Cost of road and equip. $13,266,518 $13,502,314 | Capital stock (common) $3,000,000. $3,000,000 Other: perm. invest...... 10,500 10,500 | Capital stock (pref.)..... 6,000,000 6,000,000 Supplies on hand......... 34,865 36,035 | Munded debts... casseceo0 4,400,000 4,400,000. Due by agts. of this Co. 10,779 12,224 | Loans & bills payable.. 41,000 70,894. Due by others account Int. on funded debt due [Fechiiton ss Vee peer eR eens 10,925 10,893 and actrued........ Byes 15,000 89,916 Miscellaneous ....... ..... 37,862 35,622 | Due companies and in- Gash onehand sais.t 75 sar ee 12,508 4,930 CiViGtials Aor sisssseetes 48,684 43,809 Improvements, etc...... 211,735 Equipment trust ctfs... 95,470 100,870 Profifiandhloss 2c ..iiccevee 4,462 93,971 cL Ot iin, stot 0 caauee »» $13,600,154 $13,705,489 GEA Soup crdencs 335 6 vo0 $13,600,154 $13,705,489 Investments consist of real estate mtge. bonds of G. H. Lowerre, dated Oct. 3, 1887, for $9,500 and Oct. 6, 1887, for $1,000. Mahopac Falls RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 69 Wall st., New York city. Inc. Mar. 8, 1884, in New York. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mahopac Mines to Baldwin Place, N. Y., 4.05 miles. Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities. eee eaeeeeeeeseen None. Gapital stocks ace eae 100,000 25,000 | 20tal invested capital........... $100,113 25,023, Funded debt el nae S ‘“ Interest on all debt p.ann. None. Unfunded dehtoand-carrent | ‘© Dividends per annum...... None. abilities ee A. SAN LSS ASAE 113 73 Average ratio of return upon 3 Capital invested............000 None. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Cost of road, etc., $100,113. New York, Westchester and Putnam RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pier 40 East River, New York city. Inc. May 21, 1869, in N. Y., as New York and Boston RR., afterward reorganized as above. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: High Bridge to Brewster’s, N. Y., 51 miles. Capital, $1,733,288, per mile, $34,000, representing cost of road, etc. ——— -_— those of the latter, at 30 p.c. thereof in stock and 22,32), 6963 furnished. 523 On Mar. 1, 1878, this road was leased for 50 years to the N. Y. City and Northern RR. Co., under the terms of which the securities of the former were to be exchanged for 1000 NEW YORK AND SEA BEACH RR. CO, General and Corporate Office, 56 Wall st. and Sea Beach RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bay Ridge to Coney Island, N. Y., 6 miles. Capitalization of road...... June 30, PPapital StOCK.: s.csesseeetie ves. $500,000 BBTOCEOIGCEDE.fipckacscaxnrt css 428,488 Unfunded debt and cur- ETI WADI ELES res access soos 81,468 Current assets to offset cur- ment: liabilities te... s0sss 135,037 Total invested capital...... 1,009,956 ‘‘ TInt. on all debt p. ann. 15,708 ‘‘ Dividends per annum None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested..... 4.5 p. c. * Including $4,143 rentals. 1891 :— Per Mile. $83,300 71,400 13,600 168, 300 2,600 | p. c. of 30 p. c. (equaling — p. c.) of the N. Y. City and N. Co. There is only a small portion ($90,113) as yet not exchanged in accordance with agreement. Balance sheet and operations not Inc. 1888 in N. Y., as areorganization of N. Y.. ° Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1SQt s—— Total gross from operation..... 2 Total gross from other sources oe Deduct all expenses. .t..2..5.. 69,260 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 6 Deduct total interest on all sen Cebt AS AbOVE is .cshdt, sssan he *19,852 Net result on year’s business } for stockholders, gain... ..... 26,390 Par of stock, $100 Per Mile. 12,158: 7,092 11,543. 71/97 3,307 4,400- BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $864,379; stocks. and bonds owned, $5,500; materials, $10,162; permanent investments, $53,483; cash, $5,568; current accounts, $60,324; profit and loss, $10,540; total, $1,009,956. Lzadbzlities, Capital, $500,000 ; funded debt, $428,488; bills payable, $13,376; current accounts, $27,638 ; interest on funded debt due and accrued, $37,152; pay rolls, $3,102; total, $1,009,536. NEW YORK CENTRAL SYSTEM comprises the Amsterdam, Chuctanunda and Northern RR.; Beech Creek RR.; Buffalo: Erie Basin RR.; Carthage and Adirondack RR.; Dunkirk, Allegheny Vy. and Pitts- burgh RR.; New Jersey Jc. RR. Co. ; New York and Harlem RR. Co.; New York and Mahopac RR.; New York Central, Hudson River and Fort Orange RR.; New York Central, Niagara River RR.; Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR., and its controlled lines, viz.: Carthage, Watertown and Sacketts’ Harbor RR.; Niagara Falls Branch RR.; Oswego and Rome RR.; Utica and Black River RR.; Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris RR.; Troy and Greenbush RR.; Troy Union RR. and Depot Co.; West Shore RR.; Syracuse, Ontario and New York RR.; Wallkill Valley RR.; West Shore and Ontario Terminal Co. The Lake Shore and Michigan Southern and its controlled and leased lines including the New York, Chicago and St. Louis, and the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie RRs., and the Michigan Central RR. and its leased and controlled lines are all operated harmoniously in connection with the New York Central and Hudson River RR. under similar management. NEW YORK CENTRAL AND HUDSON RIVER RR. CO,, General Office, Grand Central Depot, New York city ; Corporate Office, Albany, N. Y. ; London Fiscal Agents, J.S. Morgan & Co., 22 Old Broad st., London, Eng. Inc. Nov. I, 1869, in N. Y., by consolidation of the New York Central Co. and the Hudson River iS em Oro The former was organized under a special law passed Apr. 2, 1853, authoriz- ing the consolidation of the railroads between Albany and Buffalo as follows: The Albany and Schenectady (inc. 1826 as Mohawk and Hudson, title changed 1847); The Schenectady and Troy (inc. 1836); The Utica and Schenectady (inc. 1833); The Mohawk Valley (inc. Jan. 2, 1851 and Dec. 28, 1852); The Syracuse and Utica (inc. 1336) ; The Syracuse and Utica, Direct (inc. Jan. 26, 1853); The Rochester and Syra- cuse (inc. Aug. 1, 1850); The Buffalo and Rochester (inc. Dec. 7, 1850); The Rochester, Lockport and Niagara Falls (inc. 1834 as The Lockport and Niagara Falls, reorganized 1850); The Buffalo and Lockport (inc. Apr. 27, 1852). Articles of agreement taking effect as of May 1, 1853, were filed May 17, 1853; the first board of directors elected July 6th, and the whole line delivered to the new company Aug. 1, 1853; and 7heH/udson River RR. Co. was chartered May 12, 1846, and road opened through its entire length Previous to consolidation of this road with the New York Central RR. it had leased, June 1, 1851, the Troy and Greenbush RR. (running from Troy to Greenbush, chartered in Jan., 1845), for 7 p. c. on $275,000 capi- tal stock. The lease runs during the time of the charter, or any extension thereof, and was assumed by the New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co. on consolidation. from New York to East Albany Oct. 3, 1851. 524 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: ‘Main line, New York city to Buffalo, 441.75; branches ‘Troy to Schenectady, 21; Syracuse to Rochester vza Auburn, 104; Batavia to Attica, 1; Canandaigua to Niagara River, 87.58; Rochester to Niagara Falls, 74.75 ; Lockport Jc. to North Tonawanda, 12.25; Rochester Jc. to Charlotte, 6.88; Buffalo to Lewiston, 30.29; East Buffalo to North Buffalo, 7.67; Geneva to Lyons, 14; De Witt to Geddes, 8.28==377.7 ; total, 819.45 miles. Leased : Troy and Greenbush RR., Troy to Greenbush, 6; New York and Harlem RR. (steam line), New York to Chatham, 135.90; Spuyten Duyvil cand Port Morris RR., Spuyten Duyvil to Harlem RR. Jc., 6.04; West Shore RR., Weekawken to Buffalo, 495.2; New Jersey Jc. RR., Weekawken to Jersey City, 4.69; Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR., Suspension Bridge to Massena Springs, 629.18 ; total operated, 2,096.46 mlies. The mileage and operations of the Dunkirk, Allegheny Valley and Pittsburgh RR., and the Beech Creek RR., are not included in this report, as ‘separate accounts are kept and separate reports made by those companies. All lines located in N. Y. State, except 23.54 miles in New Jersey. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Capitalization of road......+« June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. MASA DILAIN STOCKER sc .s ieesi vecqeaes’ $89,428,300 $42,600 | Total gross from operation...45,478,625 21,656 POUCA ODE. venssasiee eet bapts 68,077,333 32,400 ‘“ Gross from other sources. 77,351 36 ‘Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 31,359,717 14,932 IP ATVITIES icssavcnve nsee-ssewen 27,250,154 13,000 | Net total applicable to fixed ‘Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 14,196,259 6,760 fentwlrabilities.sciesecncescs 25,770,029 Deduct: total interest on all Total invested capital...... 184,761,787 88,000 GEDEAS ADOVE fist ous wtinas Noes T9,591,522 4,567 Int. on all debt p. ann. 3,987,818 i,g00 | Net result on year’s business *« Dividends per ann...-..... 4,471,415 for stockholders, gain........ 4,604,737 2,193 Average ratio of return Net surp. after dividends pd. 133,322 63 upon capital invested....7.7 p. c. Par of stock $100. * Includes taxes, $1,424,991 ; State taxes on capital and earnings, $214,359. + Includes rentals, $5,303,704, and sinking fuud, $300,000. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 (on 2096 miles) : Total gross from opera- tion, $35,661,542, per mile, $17,014; total gross from other sources, $2,240,573, per mile, $1,069; deduct all expenses, $25,645,749, per mile, $12,235; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $12,256,366, per mile, $5,847 ; deduct total. interest on all debt as above, and rentals, $8,607,069, per mile, $4,106; net result on year’s business for stock- holders, cain, $3,649,297, per mile $1,741; net surplus after dividends paid, $72,166, per anile, $35. ‘ Dividends: 1870*; 1871 to 1874 inclusive, 8 p. c. each; 1875+; 1876 to 1884 inclu- sive, 8 p.c. each; 1885}; 1886 to 1888 inclusive, 4 p. c. each; 1889 and 1890, 4% p. c. each’; 1891, 7434 p. ¢.; 1892, Jan.; 1%; April; July and Oct., 1% -p. c. each ;°1863) fan. ‘qrly., 1% p.c. each. Ascrip dividend of 80 p. c. on capital stock of N. Y. Central was made December 1868; and 27 p. c. additional on N. Y. Central, and 85 p. c. on Hudson River at time of consolidation, Nov. 1, 1869. * First year of consolidation, New York Central paid at the rate of 4 p. c.; Hudson River paid at rate of 8 p. c. -+ In 1875, dividends were changed from semi-annually to quarterly, making ro p. c. paid in that fiscal year. ted 1885 dividends aggregated 5 p. c.; 3% p. c. was charged against the earnings of the year, and the balance to income :account. ‘This change was made necessary by the decision to pay dividends based upon the earnings of each quarter. 2 Special dividend of one-half of x p. c. paid from surplus of 1890. BALANCE SHEETS, June 30, 1891 and 1892 :— * Capital stock includes $6,300 consolidation certificates not yet converted. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1891. 1892. 1891. 1892. Road and equipment$151,002,283 $153,585,294 | Capital stock*.......... $89,428,300 $89,428,300 Special equipment... 5,706,464 5 400,404 "| sBupded debt.s:..2.4.... 65) 37733330 oe, O77 aaa ‘Stocks and bonds...... 10,034,635 9,394,322 | Real estate mtges...... 357,000 342,000 Ownership in other Securities acquired lines,realestate,etc 4,169,701 4,508,929 from leased lines... 3,359,700 2,827,200 Due by agents, etc.... 5,280,791 5,028,220 | Past-due bonds ........ 4,790 4,790 ‘Supplies on hand...... 3,072,813 3,337,891 | Int and rent. accd..... 3,890,039 3,660, 211 MCASUN tees snoredesaves pies 2,896,277 1,368,609 | Unclaimed interest.. 14,324 11,089 Harlem construction ' | Dividends .. tie 894,283 1,117,854 ACCOU ty nesiies tc nsaese 1,049,984 1,263,541 | Unclaimed dividends 30,075 30,650 West Shore construc- Wages, supplies, etc. 3,822,833 3,544,994 PIONP ACCOUNT isc psae. Mansrecians thes 643,433 | Dus other roads, etc. . 2,939,003 1,546,81 19 -Miscellaneous........... 140,230 165,084 | West Shore cons...... ©} 47215 peers RaW ADO SO CONS. .y = | cusescsase SII ,199 Profit and loss ......... 13,226,026 13,359,348 PLOCAIS@, Heccoers sss: $183,353,178 $184,761,787 BPEL ALG oe tea ccs testers $183, 353,178 $184,761,787 ray ~ 5 Total par Val. Buffalo, Thousand Islands and POPtraee in beet © Oe nie coencsel ses reel $250,000 Oswego Agricultural Fair Assn.... 500: Queenstwn. Sus. Bge.Co. (425 ea) 40,000: Gouvern. and Oswegat. RR. Co... 350,000 Votal par valiessg.,ctsscs tedious e ‘$20, 858, 500 Ped Ete Va liletecccdcscceves seca: ‘“« Dividends per annum..... 800,000 liabilities | cucuceteosn ere wreck 2,775,659 21,900 | Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. CAPILALANVESTCC .scnthloncszases Not known. Operations are included in those of lessee. Balance sheet not furnished. New York and Mahopac RR.Co. Inc. Mar. 7, 1871. Opened June 17, 1872, and leased to N. Y. and Harlem, which transferred same to N. Y. Central, but has since technically absorbed it. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Golden’s Bridge to Lake Mahopac, 7.09 miles. New York Central, Hudson River and Fort Orange RR. Co., General and Cor- porate Office, Castleton; Noy. =Inc. Septh 1. 1384, in Nak LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Castleton to Schodack, N. Y., 0.6 mile. This road (the superstructure of which is owned by the N. Y. Central and Hudson River RR. Co.) is used principally for transporting freight to and from the works of the Fort Orange Paper Co. Capitalization of road......+. Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities............ 2... *8201 anital StOCle rissstess esess canst’ 10,000 10,000 Total invested capital......... 13,291 13,298 PUIMCEAIAEDL cetvnans Hassroeenes None. Interest on all debt p. ann.None. Unfunded debt and current ““ Dividends per annum...... Not known., liADitleS oy, ncssks. tes steh sv eses 3,291 3,291 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $10. Capital Invested. s3.ces<24, Not known. * Includes apital stock, $8,000. ” New York Central Niagara River RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, New York city. Inc. Mar. 26, 1877, in N. Y.; owned by lessees. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: N. Y. C. and H.R. RR. to Niagara River, 2.81 miles. Capital, $28,100, per mile, $10,000, representing cost of road. ROME, WATERTOWN AND OGDENSBURG RR. CO., General and Corpo- rate Office, 96 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 11, 1860, in N. Y., and the Rome, Watertown and. Ogdensburg Terminal RR. was merged Apr. 23, 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Suspension bridge to Massena Springs, N. Y. (not inc. Oswego and Rome and Niagara Falls Branch RRs.), 261.8. Branches: Richland to: Rome, 41.07 ; Cape Vincent, 24.2 ; Ogdensburg, 19; Syracuse to Pulaski, 37.4; Roches- ter to Ontario Beach, 8.37; Lewiston, 3.6; Fulton, 17.11=total, 412.55. “Leased: Oswego and Rome RR., 28,49; Niagara Falls Branch RR., 8.74; .Utica and Black River RR. and Clayton Branch, 149.81; Carthage, Watertown and Sackett’s Harbor RR.., 29.59; total leased, 216.63. Trackage: N. Y. C. and H.R. RR., Suspension Bridge to Niagara Falls, 1.81; N. Y., O. and West; RR.; Fulton to East Orange, 12.2=14.01; total operated, 643.19 miles. Utica and Black River is lgased in perpetuity at 7 p.c. per annum on stock, guaranteed. Oswego and Rome leased in perpetuity, and 2d mtge. bonds guaranteed. This road was leased Mar. 14, 1891, for the unexpired term of its corporate exist- ence, and renewals thereof by the N. Y. Central and Hudson River RR. Co., at a rental of $15,000 per annum in cash (which will be reduced to $7,000 after Apr. 1, 1891), and interest on bonds and 5 p. c. dividends on stock, and assumes all rentals account leased. lines. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1891:— ; Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent Ee Ris scekee basta » 7,174,948 Total invested capital........ ~ 23,114,375 36,700 Capital stock....... Setar rphnsses «ee 10,000,000 15,900 P »II4, ) Raided re Pala in EE eee ae . 13,047,090 20 ao > Interestonall debt p.ann. 442,398 __703, Uniunded *dehtvand Buerént Dividends per annum....., 359,514 Hab UMitteS. sc. sceaneereess etacore : 67,265 100 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. ceesccssssssecees capital invested ..c...ssss0s «« Not known. Stock authorized, $10,000,000; dividends from 1887 to Feb., 1891, both inclusive, 6 p.c.perannum; Mar., 1891, 20p.c. stock dividend; May, 1891, and thereafter guaranteed -5 p.c.,.payable Feb. 15, quarterly in each year. e 529 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Road, equipment and real estate... $15,939,426 | Capital stock (par, $100) ..........068 $10,000,000 Brees Ane ands OWNEG:...0. we... 4,046,079 | Funded debtiice.coss sesseocevascsecsceseds 13,047,090 Commissioners of sinking fund..... 178,500: |) Bonds ANnGemtgeSits-cencr osetesccscssoove 51,750 PVCS CITE INL PES. socecese sseeevscesecsars 1 A,O000 1H CULTEENE ACCOMM tonsne 400% ss cacee vevaee aoty MeOreDriist CO, STOCK ..c.csssccccovoece 2. S3t,060 ll PYODMANG: LOSS 1. dese scenes sees oveensecren 12,224 RSET HANG. c= soces cncie cesses venvocese 3,869 WRAIULMEA. (15 hiv ceds satisesacestectonesrss $23,114,375 POUCA IN seep teesiase scdacdectees xeq 2s suse $23,114,375 Carthage, Watertown and Sackett’s Harbor RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Watertown, N. Y. Inc. Feb. 1, 1869, in N. Y LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Carthage to Sackett’s Harbor, N. Y., 29.59 miles. This road was leased in 1873 in perpetuity to Utica and Black River RR. Co. at a rental of 374 p.c. of gross earnings. The lease was transferred Apr. 14, 1886, to the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR., and was, on Mar. 14, 1891, assumed by the New York Central and Hudson River RR. ' Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent. liabilities... Apretesehes Hae .. Not known. P Rey BOA) ate on a Total invested capital............ $808,453 $27,900 Rieter fsobassSt7soo | NoMferest on sifdebip ann 1Se00 © Yo ‘* Dividends per annum...... Average ratio of return upon Capitalin Vested os, ..1usr..c00s NOL KNOWN: Unfunded debt and current VAN IITDICS teak sedesstececetce shakes Not known. Par of stock, $100. © Cost of road, $783,958. Balance sheet not furnished. Niagara Falls Branch RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 96 Broadway, New morc city.” Inc, Dec. 24,1875, in N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Suspension Bridge to Lewiston Junc., N. Y., 8.74 miles. This road was leased Nov. 1, 1881, by the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. Co., at a yearly rental equal to 7 p. c. on the capital stock of $250,000, excepting $7,000 owned by lessee. This obligation the New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co. _ assumed Mar. 14, 1891. Capital, $250,000, per mile, $27,800; no funded debt; cost of road, $243,756. Balance sheet not furnished. Oswego and Rome RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 96 Broadway, New morc city. Inc. Apr..115:1863, in N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Oswego to Richland, N. Y., 28.49 miles. The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. Co. leased this road Jan. 1, 1866; rental, interest on bonds, and the New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co. assumed the _ obligation Mar. 14, 1891. Capitalization of road... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | rent liabilities..... Sertdadtesiceens Not known. BE Capital Stock .....s000 sessssssasesees $225,000 $8,000 Total invested capital ........... $975,269 $34,800 = Funded debt......... wlseectieeetesay 750,000 26,800 Interest on alldebt p. ann. 44,500 _ 1,600 Meter nded. debt and current ; ** Dividends per annnum.....None paid. haem Average ratio of return upon BAD UAICS .. 05.0 s2cqtenrergaivesecnses Not known. eae: BAr of stock, $100 Capital INVESTEC... ssc0.sccseccrees Not known. Cost of road, etc., $964,400. Balance sheet not furnished. Utica and Black River RR. Co., General Office, 96 Broadway, New York city ; Corporate Office, Utica, N. Y. Inc. Mar. 18, 1886, in N. Y., by consolidation of the _ Black River, Ogdensburg and Morristown, and Clayton and Theresa RR. Cos. * LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Utica to Ogdensburg, N. Y., 133.94; branch, Theresa Jc. - to Clayton, 15.87; total, 149.81 miles. a The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. Co. leased this road Apr. 14, 1886, in perpetuity ; rental, 7 p. c. on stock and interest on bonds. Lease transferred Mar. 14, _ 1891, to New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co. The Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg RR. Co. holds in its treasury a controlling interest ($1,120,000) in the capital stock of the Utica and Black River RR., which was exchanged for securities of the for- _ mer, and the directors of the Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg have become, ex officio, Directors of this Company. Hence the agreement between these companies is virtually _ a consolidation. 4 34 530 Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Nee Heo ar eae ahenged #750,840 : Total invested capital........... 5,119,0 4,100 Capital SiO Ok ince Baiaas 000 2h eo | Interectonalldebtp, aun © sey oo ue Tinfinded debtrand. current Bee ; ‘““ Dividends per annum...... 155,010 liabilities ie rextecesterccces 196,063 1,300 | “Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. CADILAMAMESLOC.. .sesenpeeces onc Not known. Current assets include Ist mtge. bonds, $750,000, held to retire prior liens at maturity. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Grand Central Depot, New York city. Inc. Apr. 24, 1867, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New York Central and Hudson River RR. to New York and Harlein RR., 6.04 miles. Leased in perpetuity Nov. 1, 1871, to New York Central and Hudson River RR. Co. ; rental, 8 p, c. on capital stock, payable J. and J. Capital stock, $989,000, per mile. $164,800; dividends (each 4 p.c., J, and J.), $79,120. Par of stock, $100. Balance sheet not furnished. Troy and Greenbush. RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Troy, N. Y. Inc: Jan.,.1845;i N.Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Troy to East Albany, N. Y., 6 miles. New York Central and Hudson River RR. leased this road June 1, 1851, at rate of $19,250 per year. Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | — rent liabilities...... veeet seceeeees $4,341 api Weige Se, Me ob ea) Total invested capital......... 278,741 $46,500 Eaicd ache eea Maes None 7° 45:80 | “s Tnterest on all debt. ann. None, 7’ Uufunded debt and current 3 Dividends per annum...... 19,208 tiabilities Lacs sete mien, 4,341 zoo | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. ‘ capital invested....... ....sc00 Not known. Cost of road, etc., $274,400, per mile, $49,151. Dividends 3% p.c. each (J.and D. 5). Troy Union RR. and Depot Co., General Office, Grand Cefitral Depot ; Corporate Office; Troy) IN. Yo Inc.-July;21, 165 ines LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Troy and Greenbush RR. to Hoosac st. Bridge, 2.14 miles. This Company is owned one-half by N Y. Cent. and Hudson River RR. Co., (which owns $15,000 of stock) and Rensselaer and.Saratoga RR. (D. and H. Canal Co.) and Fitchburg RR. Co. each one-quarter ($7,500 of stock each.) Each Company in- cludes operations in its own account and guarantees expense of operating proportionately. Capitalization Of TOA ....0008 Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities........0......scs0e. Capital: StOCK i sticecs:casexes tetas 0,000 $15,000 | Potal invested capital............$783,985 392,000 panten GED Utekissase caaensetpeeear a 000 re _, interest on all debt p. ann.._ 47,600 23,800 Wntanded debt vand -eurrent ‘ ; ‘“ Dividends per annum........ Not known. {abilities so neers » 73,985 37,000 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. CAEPAL AM VEStE.. 25.) saceiccsnva ony Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. WEST SHORE RR. CO., ‘‘ West Shore Line,’’ General and Corporate Office, Grand Central Station, New York city. Inc. Dec. 5, 1885, in N. Y., succeeding by reor- ganization to N. Y. West Shore and Buffalo RW. Co., foreclosed Nov. 24, 1885. -The West Shore leased in 1882 the Saratoga and Hudson River RR. (known as the “ Athens Branch”’ of the N. Y. C. and H: R. RR. Co.) at a rental of $400,000 for the term of the lease, 475 years. The N. Y. C. and H. Riv. RR. Co. leased the ‘‘ West Shore”’ Jan. 1, 1886 for 475 years, guaranteeing bonds, and, as a consideration for the lease and guarantee, received the entire issue ($10,000,000) of the capital stock of the West Shore RR. Co. The Mid- dletown Branch (Cornwall Junc. to Middletown, N. Y., 24.6 miles) was transferred on Jan. 1, 1886, to N. Y., Ontario and Western,RR. Co., which also has trackage rights until May 12, 2079, over the main line of the ‘‘ West Shore,”’ from Cornwall, N. Y., to Wee- hawken, N. J. (52.88 miles), for ““N. Y. O. and W.’’. through business only. Rental is based on car mileage. The Syracuse, Ontario and New York has since been absorbed. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Weehawken, N. J.; to Buffalo, N. Y., 425; branches to Albany and other points, 24.71; total 449.71. Leased: Syracuse, Ontario and N. Y. RR., 45.49; total, 495.2 miles. _ ee ee . 531 Capitalization of Road..... June 30 1891:—' | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilitieS...... ss... Mpapital Stock:..... .c....csccceces 10,000,000 $20,200 Total invested capital......... 60,000,000 121,200 Punded debt..............0..:..+..50,000,000 IOI,000 4 Int. on all debt p. ann.. 2,000,000 4,000 Unfunded debt and current ‘ Dividends per annum..Not known. RTT Cae ieee, vcs ta saveigesences Not furnished. Average ratio of return upon capital invested........... .. Not known. _ Par of stock, $1oo. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Syracuse, Ontario and New York RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Grand Central Depot, New York city. Inc, Sept. 1, 1883, in N. Y., being reorganization of Syracuse, Chenango and N. Y. RR. Co. : LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Syracuse to Earlville, N. Y., 45.49 miles. This road had been operated since July 1, 1890, by the West Shore RR. Co. as its “Chenango Branch,” under a temporary agreement between the directors of the two companies, when, on April 2, 1891, the West Shore RR. Co. leased it for the unexpired term of its charter, and on July 2 of same year, a formal consolidation was made. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. BPO EAL STOCK on cie, cesses sereoeta $404,600 $8,800 | Total gross from operation..... $149,252 16 MMIII GED (5.00 000% cos 0ceescecse 1,400,000 31,000 Total eee from ace sources $ 49:29 $33 Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpensesi 7.01... * 116,925) 2,000 MURISILILIGS csesesie's nis secuibee sete 100,314 2,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- - charges and dividends...... BD ony 716 PEE IAT IES 20. .sccasp races sins 37,214 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 1,904,914 42,000 GeV Pa SabOVG sew se vey ose 27,124 602 ‘“‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 84,000 1,860 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 5,203 114 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100 ( ( capital invested icesPeacadesses rrG Dace ‘ * Including $269 taxes. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :—Assefs, Cost of road, $893,585; equipment, $51,594 ; supplies on hand, $2,694 ; current accounts, $19,516; cash, $15,004; profit and loss, $41,884; total, $1,024,227. Liabilities, Capital, $330,000; funded debt, $580,000; current accounts, $34,427; interest accrued, $79,800 ; total, $1,024,227. Walkill Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 5 Vanderbilt ave., New York city. Inc. Apr. 30, 1866, in N. Y., as Walkill Valley RW. Co., foreclosed July 2, 1877, and reorganized as above. Controlled by West Shore RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Montgomery to Kingston, N. Y., 32.88 miles. a Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities... Bass caves ecesds $37,213 Capital i eee Vat cole Total invested capital ........... 1,024,127 $31,100 ca Ache ” he aS ieee ee ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 27,124 822 eted debt and. cutrent i , * Dividends per annum...... None paid. Rehilitias 114,227 3,500 Average ratio of return upon a5 Ae REA ee } ’ Par of stock, $100. Capltalsim Vested! nistsa,eresas>s Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. West Shore and Ontario Terminal RR. Co.. of New York and New Jer- sey, General and Corporate Office, Grand Central Depot, New York City. Inc. in N. Y., as ‘‘ Open Cut and General Storehouse Co.,”’ being a consolidation June tg, 1883, of a company of that name with the National Stock Yard Co. and Midland Terminal Ferry Co. Title changed, same date as above. 4 On July 13, 1883, the Company was leased for 99 years, jointly to New York, Ontario and Western, and the New York, West Shore and Buffalo RR. Cos. The lease was assumed Jan. 1, 1886, by the West Shore RR. Co., which owns all stock and bonds which are guaranteed, principal and interest. Capitalization of road ves... June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. | x pepe veo iiee ae Not given. : otal invested capital. ..........$14,723, 100 Biaded dept cc toscoo «| “i Imtereston all debt p. ann. 300,000 ME iohtiand current. | “ Dividends per annum....... 26,250 liabilities Not given. | Average ratio of return upon —————— ll 7 | Capital invested... 8.00. chden Not known. “oh, i‘ 4 - ss 532 LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN SYSTEM, ‘The Lake Shore Route,” comprises Detroit, Hillsdale and Southern ; Fort Wayne and Jackson; Jamestown and Franklin; Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids; Mahoning Coal; Oberlin and La Grange; Detroit, Monroe and Toledo; Kalamazoo and. White Pigeon; Northern Central Michigan; Detroit and Chicago; and Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis RRs. LAKE SHORE AND MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RW. CO., “ Lake Shore Route,” New York Office, Room 47, Grand Central Depot; General and Corporate Office, Cleve- land,O. Inc. May 27,1869, being consolidation of Lake Shore and the Michizan Southern and Northern Indiana RRs., and late the Cleveland and Toledo; Cleveland, Paines- ville and Ashtabula, and Buffalo and Erie RW. Cos. were consolidated. The proprie- tary lines were acquired in various ways: Kalamazoo and White Pigeon, purchased ; Northern Central of Michigan, built; Detroit and Chicago, ownership of stock ; Detroit Monroe and Toledo, purchased; Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis, ownership of stock. Leased lines: Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids, leased Sept. 21, 1869, for 999 years at $78,600 per annum; Jamestown and Franklin, leased Jan., 1885, for 5 years and . renewed for 5 years more at a rental of 30 p.c. of gross earnings ; Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern, leased July 1, 1881, in perpetuity, at a rental of $40,500 for first 2 years and $54,000 per annum thereafter ; Fort Wayne and Jackson, leased Sept., 1882, in perpetuity, at rental of 5% p.c. per annum on preferred stock, and after 5 years, 2p.c.on common, should net earnings exceed 8 p. c. on preferred stock; Mahoning Coal RR. leased July I, 1884, in perpetuity, at rental of 4 p. c. of gross earnings; Oberlin and Lagrange, operated under contract since Mar. 29, 1864. Company owns a large interest in Mahon- ing Coal Co., and has controlled New York, Chicago and St. Louis RW. since 1882. The Company also owns large holdings in Pittsburgh and Lake Erie, and the Cleveland, Loraine and Wheeling RRs. This road is controlled in the interest of the Vanderbilt system, with the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis and the New York, Chicago and St. Louis, all of which are separately operated. \ s LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles. Bultalo, N..Y., to: Chicago, Tiassa cra-cseke peepee cena eer teets tosen a: otacssase- Ass args temesaee 540.4 Sandusky Division: Elyria Junc. via Sandusky to Milbury Junc., O........, sscseesseees 72.95 AireLine Division :)Air-Line) Junca to HK iartsiared. tebe eretueeess sh Aisecss los susneed Seagectannas 130.83 Jackson Branch: Lenawee Junc, to Jackson Witehike cppereeeses tess nseden.s 00 capuckoos trees 41.98 Monroe Branch: Lenawee Junc. to Monroe, Mich....... We caer edie iors S an yssVsnsuenesep wrwe seen 26.37, Ashtabula Branch<\ Ashtabula Oy, tomy amestoOw ny Pa cncsesstssousecisace ss css racresesaeresen tine 35.98 Other DranChesis ss.vecu'aed anes cipessasonnvler Miecetarseee epecmerns (eRe eEMGn pais se Meenas oshke susccamoenes 785 318.66 Proprietary :— Detroit, Monroe’and Toledo rR sev etccrs gee teee srrtert a Weert cucsanty, se suewperere sth Com ree 62.36 Kalamazoo and White Pigeon UR Rin, venns renege ces se stesmavenebinaien cwel-s sso ape spon Gon stem Northern (Central Michigan JK Ricsesseruveveeeecencecses scacawsncin tees seo ansse sac cven's \vaosier eee 61.14 Detroit-and Chicayo. RRiisecpencsesesshentchennees Meteors cram sct tire oevases Rib evs-dgbaralseceee 67.60 Sturgis, Goshen and ‘St. Lotis RIRN. nevis somatbecsn se smgralvacis~ cesses sventhse? auccatmutes 35.81 263.48 Leased :— Kalamazoo, Allepan and Grand Rapids R Reacevencneavcs covereesessexsavcetinteveue ueeicees 58.42 Jamestown and FranklinvR Roi iei sce sepesstien cere Rees cis ratrintvereesitevsth ovwoecescaussatannesy 50.91 Mahoning Coal RReand Dranchesitnircs: ee mavced: tere stains e ta imss ss tiessceeean ingests ene 50.29 Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern (RR ccsiecee ces catcnsestcoves uvcverece vovesesteptveseete 65.20 Fort Wayne and Jackson RR.iisscccss \incoassensss scostansesse sae Peep ovesksctasevaceasssceseeae’ 97-83 322.56 PTOtal operated. tare Wvavesscs ess tenes eveaeeee eet eeny ae eatery. 08 6 SoPoe ches cotunese gions 1,455.19 Capitahzation of road........ Dec. 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 30, 1891 :— . Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital StOCK ciscssssagersteenees cs: 50,000,600 34,300 Total gross from operation.....21,431, 385 14,730 Bundedudebtin ceclceeewpentees 45,766,000 31,400 Total gross from othersources 455,623 315 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 14,632,675 10,055 liabilities ...... cab evtees LimaeN oe 14,595,650 10,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 7,254,333 4,990. Petits ADILITIES. eee cadveteae cece: 19,851,637 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 110,361,656 75,700 GEDELAS ADOVE soon .ieeeics cece *3,814,873 2,610 “‘ Interest onalldebt p. ann. 3,204,370 2,200 Net result on year’s business “Dividends per annum....... 2,967,990 for stockholders, gain.......... 3,439,460 2,380 Average ratio of return upon Net sur. after dividends paid. 471,470 326 Capital invested. ...... cocscees 110.5 Date Par of stock, $100. . * Includes rentals. EL 533 INCOME for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1892, (estimating Dec., 1892,): Total gross from operation, $22,450,000, per mile, $15,430; total gross from other sources, $435,350, per mile, $300; deduct all expenses (including taxes), $15,820,000, per mile, $10,872 net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $7,065,350, per mile, $4,856 ; deduct total interest on all debt as above (including rentals, and $53,550 dividend on suaranteed stock), $3,795,350, per mile, $2,608; net result on year’s business for stockholders, = 4,270,000, per mile, $2,247: 6 p.c. dividends, $2,967,990; net surplus after dividends paid, $302,010, per mile, $209. Capital has not changed since 1871, and consists of $49,466,500 common and $533,000 guaranteed Io p.c. stocks, each par ¢100. Guaranteed stock carries Io p. c. dividends. Dividends on common :+ 1877, 2; 1878, 4; 1879, 6%;'1880 to 1883, inc., 8 p. c. each year; 1884,7; 1885 and 1886, none; 1887 and 1888, 4 p. c. each year; 1889 and 1890, 5 p. c. each year; 1891, 6%; 1892, Feb., 244 and 1 p.c. extra, Aug. 3; 1893, eD,,-3 p. Cc. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 189! :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Construction (859.15 M)..... sseeseoes $66,700,000 | Capital Stock :— Equipment .. Fics’ 175300, 000 Ce WATAIL COC: teaves dx vere esae nacavederes $533,500 Proprietary roads (227. 67n m. Yi err 4,291,450 DOVMIMION aan ceccascs® scecont rats saeco 49,466,600 _Jamest. and Frank. RR. (51 m.). 2,218,569 | Funded debt (i, S.&M.S.RW.) 44,442,000 MICS OW NEC. .ccceasdsesssestars’s vowanse 13,540,718 | Funded debt (D. M. & T. RR.).. 924,000 Sapo piies; fuel) ete. ...c0s caves seceoeess 879,118 | Funded debt (K: & W. P. RR.)... 400,000 Sundry assets and real estate...... 621,848 | December liabilities (pd. in Jan.) 1,225,142 Valley RR.—Advances.............06 276, OOD ES DIVidends) PCD. FSO2si.acco4 tesessend 1,758,003 NEE Fda nadacuconsth ocheasseccpetecsin ces AES 2 2A TON b AMC TOSSS o.510 sees cncseves oh ceeek II,612,510 PNA antes nevsrencusevers teres. ates 1 L1O, 201,656 ROCA ea stesce. csv peeves sear cceseess $IIO, 361,656 List of securities owned 1891 :— STOCKS. Par Value. Par Value, | Pitts, and: Wheel: Coal Couns... 045 $22,682 N. Y., C. and St. L. RW. ist pref.. $2,503,000 | Gapital advanced to operate Biv. Chic. and St. £. 2d pref.:.... 6,275,000 despatch lines.. Niiaencechadescsees 22,546 NeeY., Chic. and St. L: RW., com... 6,240,000 | Pac. Hotel Co., Chicago. Leceneaiccnacnas 496,000 Pitts. and L. E. RR., 40,001 shares 2,050,000 | Clifton Heights Land yes giueld tanaeeus 7,639 fev. Lor.and Wheel., pref. -....... 474,400,‘ Chic..lndustria} Expos... csatecssovssses 1,500 Peeve eor and Wheel.: com.......: 16g, 100m) Colm DIA) EX POSLION ..c2.0..ccesnese et 20,000 Mshoning Coal RR., pref., 5S.....006 399,500 | Sturgis, Goshen and St. Louis....... 1,000,000 Bere COAL RR YY COM aces car sascneice 865,900 — - Merchants’ Des. Transp. Co.......... 575,700 EL OCAULasecteoscscestv neds! ws tsesqes (aeetn22, O05) 217 ete aly. ANG MICH... cocs.. secsecees 470, 100 BONDS. Detroit, Monroe and Toledo........... 414,000 Jamestown and Franklin..........000 400,000 | J amestown and Franklin, rst mtge. $251,000 Lake Shore and Mich So, RW...... 268, 100 Jamestown and Franklin, 2dmtge. —_ 482,000 Swan Crk. RW. (Toledo Belt Line) 40,000 DOULA arastescrmate: orvets tassacre ocensas « $723,000 Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. July, 1871, as Detroit, Hillsdale anda Indiana RR., sold under fore- closure Dec. 28, 1874, and reorganized under present title Jan. 30, 1875. Road bought by 1st mtge. bondholders for $16,000, over the mtge. of $1,152,000. Leased in per- _ petuity to the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., July 1, 1881; cost of road and equipinent, $1,340,587; capital stock, $1,350,000. LENG1H OF ROAD owned: Ypsilanti to Bankers, Mich., 65.2 miles. Balance sheet as operations not furnished. Fort Wayne and Jackson RR. Co. Consolidation Apr. 6, 1869, under the name of the Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw RR. Co., of the Jackson, Fort Wayne and Cincinnati, and the Fort Wayne, Jackson and Saginaw RRs. Road completed Dec. 25, 1870. Sold under foreclosure Dec. 3, 1879, for account of bondholders and reorganized under present name Jan. 1, 1880, Ist mortgage holders receiving 8 p.c. preferred for their bonds and accrued interest, and 2d mortgage holders, common stock for bonds and accrued interest. Leased in perpetuity to the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., Sept., 1882, at 5% p.c. per annum on preferred stock and, in case net earnings shall, in any year after 5 years, exceed 8 p. c. on preferred stock, a further sum of 2 p. c. on common shall be paid. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jackson, Mich., to Fort Wayne, Ind., 97.83 miles. 534 Capitalization of road.......Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile, rent liabilities tec. 4.01420 we $52,865 Capital Stock Me 02,719,580 27,700 Total invested capital........ ~ 2,769,242 28,200 Bonded debtiii wee eee None. _, Interest on all debt p. ann. None. Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... HaDilifies cccccs. Pusestsce yh ne 49,662 500 Average ratio of return upon capital invested.............s08 - Not known. preferred, $2,287,033: BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,719,580; mate- rials, $3,839 ; current accounts, $28,599; cash on hand, $24,266; total, $2,776,284. Liabilities, Capital stock, $2,719,580 ; current accounts, $49,662 ; profit and loss, $7,042 ; total, $2,776.284. Capital, common, $431,747 ; Jamestown and Franklin RR. Co., General Office, Grand Central Station, New York. Inc. Apr. 5, 1862. Road completed June 24, 1867. While under construction in Mar., 1864, the road was leased to the Cleveland, Painesville and Ashtabula (now Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co.), for 20 years. In January, 1885, a new lease was entered into, and on Jan. 1, 1890, this lease was extended for five years from that date, at a rental of 30 p. Cc. on gross earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jamestown to Oil City, Pa., 50.91 miles ; boro to Coal Mines, 2.53 miles ; total, 53.44 miles. branch, Stone- Capitalization Of r0ad....00 » Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock, sas sietasnoseesasase - $601,200 $11,300 Total gross from operation..... $50,280 $949 EUNGCUNEDL suse’ eactetpraccance 798,000 15,000 Total gross from other sources ay 127 2 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 1,680) Warsi HA DIMtlES Vessevess exse sect eeeeeees 1,221,604 23,000 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 48,727 920 rent liabilities..... coe vececccsess 42,947 Deduct total interest on all : Total invested capital......... 2,620,804 49,300 debt as AbOVe jo.sese sree 47,285 804 i Intereston all debt p.ann. — 47,285 894 Net result on year’s business Dividends Pet ANNs. sn: None. for stockholders, gain......... 1,442 or Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital INVeSLEd.. cstesss--resse eG Dies ° ; - BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,552,665 ; other investments, $42,874; other assets, $72; profit and loss, $30,236; total, $2,626,847. Liabilities, Capital stock, $601,200; payments on stock, $6,043; funded debt, $798,000; unfunded debt, due lessee, $1,221,604; total, $2,626,847. Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rapids RR.Co. Inc. June 3, 1868, and road completed Mar. 1, 1869. Road leased to Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW..Co., Sept., 1868, for 999 years, at an annual rental of $78,600, being 6. p. c. on the capital stock, $610,000, and 5 p. c. on bonds, $840,000. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kalamazoo to Grand Rapids, Mich., 58.42 tes Capital, $610,000, per mile, $10,500; funded debt, $840,000, per mile, $14,500. Mahoning Coal RR. Co., General Office, Grand Central Depot, New York; Cor- porate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Feb, 18, 1871, and road completed in June, 1873. Leased July 1, 1884, in perpetuity, to Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., at a rental of 40 p. c, on the gross earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Andover to Youngstown, O., 41.89; Doughton to Sharon, Pa., 8.31 ; total, 50.20 miles. Capitalization of road..... .. Dec. 31, 1891 :— { Jnucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. GaitAl BLOCK evan ter ccuPvavaces $2,161,850 $43,000 | Total gross from operation ...*$203,116 $4,064 Bonded Gept.. 4.-0 .ctesn cess 1,500,000 30,000 *“ Gross from other sdurces.. 46 j Unfunded debt and current Deduetialliexpenses i. As0h.c0e2 T1,805 36 Mabilitieses sisyvccr icv sscecese Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends......... 201,457 4,028 rent liabilities 0... 1.s. 330 Capital is, common, $1,500,000; preferred, $661,850. Preferred stock certificates contain a clause wherein it provides for redemption of same at par option of Company, which, however, will not, it is understood, exercise the right. Lessee guarantees 5 p. c. dividends on preferred stock and interest on bonds. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road and equipment, $3,712,027; cash on hand, $9,344; total, $3,721,371. JLiabdtlities, Capital stock, $2,161,850; funded debt, $500,000; profit and loss, $59,521 ; total, $3,721,371. Oberlin and LaGrange RR. Co., General Office, Grand Central Station, New York ; Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Oct. 20, 1883, and road completed Apr. 2 .1884. Operated under contract-by Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Oberlin to Nickel Plate, O., 4.5 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Jncome for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— 2 Per Mile. | Per Mile. MrT IUAISLOCK si... secre lene covcsocnt $25,000 $5,500 Total gross from operation..... *$2,735 $600 mumded débt.....s206 Riesteraees 12,000 2,700 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct albexpenses............3 TI, 361 300 liabilities .............. Bieta ropes Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... L374 300 Rene HADIILICS c..5 15.25 \éoassocecs Not known. Deduct total interest on all Motalinvested capital.......... 37,000 8,200 GebtastabOvVevsrcccccesseecccecss 720 160 ** Interest on all debt p. ann. 720 160 Net result on year’s business *““ Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain. ....... 654. 140 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock $100. Gasital TT VESCCC.. saevecc>ccaese aa Dacre * Rental. Taxes: BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $26,987; profit and loss, $10,013; total, $37,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $25,000; funded debt, $12,000 ; total, $37,000. NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RR. CO., “ Nickel Plate Line,” * Grand Central Depot, New York; General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Sept., 1887, succeeding to and reorganization of N. Y. C. and St. L. RW. Co., foreclosed May Ig, 1887. This Company has been controlled since 1882 by the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RW. Co., which owns $2,503,000 Ist preferred, $6,275,000 2d pre- ferred, and $6,240,000 common stock. Company owns $1,500,000 stock of the Chicago and State Line RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Buffalo, N. Y., to Indiana—lIllinois Line, 502. 56 miles. Leased: Chicago and State Line RR. —Indiana Line to Grand Crossing, Ul. , 9.96 ; total, 512.52. Trackage : N. Y., L.. E. and West. RR.—in Buffalo, N. Y., "1.6: Take Shore and Mich. So. RR.—Grand Crossing to Chicago, Ill., 8.9=10.50; total, 523.02 miles. Capitalization of road...... Dec. 31, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. BeApitAl SLOCK....000 Sectent +00$30,000,000 $58,500 | Total gross from operation...$6,171,089 11,799 Funded debt...... .. arecagek 19,575,000 38, 100 ‘“ Gross from other sources 13,509 2 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses.........0. *5,056,082 9,667 meerent liabilities..........00. 1,852,824 3,600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends..... 1,128,576 2,158 current liabilities........ ene 2,733,708 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital..... 51,427,824 100,200 Gebt asia Bove co. ec.cexessccaee $970,912 + 1,856 “TInt. onall debt p. ann. 780,420 1,522 | Net result on year’s business *“ Dividends per annum. 150,000 for stockholders, gain...... 157,664 302 Average ratio of return Net surplus after div. paid.. 7,664 15 upon capital invested.:. 2p. c. Par of stock, $50. * Includes taxes, + Includes rentals, $90,552, and sinking fund, $99,940. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment.......... $49,694,063 | Capital stock : Contrib. to traffic assn. funds, etc.. 15,176 RSL DT eLOThed tak. ca.cse sel stasuaassceowe $5,000,000 Material and fuel on hand............0+ 302,500 PON DECICELCU c focscsdaasesss sdsnnses anced? 11,000,000 MUST te sak ae sane Bees oun dintashedeaseeveans 452,826 CORUTION wee nar aveaes chs dbaness veces sevaus 14,000,000 Due by station agents and condrs... ZOG,O50c) MUINGEC Ce Duran vrnialsssceissens scaceeoes 19,575,000 Due by other companies..........s000 SOR AT? We UNDA VOUCH ETS vawessdse *3"p.‘c., July, 1800; Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Per Mile. Total gross from operation....$3,622,830 22,226 Totol gross from othersources 25,788 157 Deduct all expenses............... 2,620,528 16,076 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 1,028,090 6,307 Deduct total interest on all ELS Lisi ADOVELs > .nnnetccspeeosers 653,989 4,012 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... Net surplus after divs. paid. Par of stock, $50. 374,101 2,295 65,833 403 Jan., 1891; 1884 to Feb., 1892, inclusive, 6 p. c. yearly **Aug., 1892,.5 py.c.;* lan. 0603, 520s BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. KSaSt OF TOA. .\ vied one vssetconeaieasons $6,557,398 Gost OL rolling Stock> 2, Awest.eestess 2,371,268 Current accounts... j., N.Y. 118.401 ; Avon, Genesee and Mt. Morris RR., Avon to Mt. Morris, N.Y., 17.7; Buffalo and South- western RR., Buffalo Creek RR., Junc., Buffalo N. Y. to Jamestown, N. Y., 66.36; Wee- hawken Branch, Bergen Junc., Jersey City to D. and H. C. Co's Dock, Weehawken, N. J., 3.448; N. RR. of N. J., Bergen Junc. to Nyack, N. Y., 26.05; Moosic Mountain RR., Winton to Marshwood, Pa., 4.21; Arlington RR., Newark Junc. to N. Y. and G. L. June, 1.16; .N. Y.,.L.Esand:W, CandiR Ro Alton Loop,.1.120.. IN. Y jl anday ace and RR., Crawford Junc. to Johnsonburgh, 29.92; Toby Branch, Brockwayville to Dagus Mines, 12; Brockport Branch, or Mead Run, 3.75; West Branch, 10.841; total leased, 551,119. “lotal. N.Y.) L. Estand WW aR Ri e2i245 miles: LEASED: New York, Pennsylvania and Ohio RR.; Main Line, Salamanca, N. Y., to Dayton, O., 388.04; Franklin Branch, Buchanan Junction to Oil City, Pa., 33.78; Silver Creek Branch, Silver Creek Junction, O., to Coal Mines, including both north and south branches, 5.63; total miles owned, 427.45. Leased: * Cleve- land and Mahoning Valley RR., Cleveland, O., to Pa. State line, including line from Youngstown, O., to Hazleton, O., 80.86; * Niles and New Lisbon RR., Niles, O., to 3 miles south of New Lisbon, O., 36,27; *Liberty and Vienna RR:, Moosier, O., to coal mines below Vienna, O., 6.78; Westerman RR., center of Mill st., Sharon, Pa., to Pa. State line, 2,09; Sharon RW., center of Mill st.,Sharon, Pa.,to Pymatuning, Pa., includ- mg Middlesex Branch from Ferrona, Pa., to West Middlesex, Pa., 14.79; Sharpsville Branch, Boyce, Pa., to furnaces at Sharpsville, Pa., 1.56; New Castle and Shenango Valley, West Middlesex, Pa., to New Castle, Pa., 16.73; Youngstown and Austintown RR., Youngstown, O., to Leadville Mines, and branch to Manning and Tippecanoe shafts, 9.85 ; total miles of track leased, 168.93; total, N. Y., P. & O. RR., 596.38 miles. Chicago and Erie RR.: Main Line, Marion Junction, O., to Indiana and Illinois State Line, near Hammond, Ind., 249.57 ; trackage: Chicago and Western Indiana RR., Indiana and Illinois State line, near Hammond, to Dearborn Station, Chicago, IIl., 19.99 ; total, 269.56; grand totals, Erie System, 1,968.188 miles. * The three roads marked thus constitute the Cleveland and Mahoning Valley RR. Capitalization of road........Sept. 30, 1892 :— PerMiles Gapitalbstock ciy.cus.e wists ers $85,963,600 44,100 Fundéd debts.3.... c..<5528 pasate 77,643,885 39,800 Unfunded debt and current UA DIIPES. 3ohs oc oes yaetacreeeer 1 Oj 07 15707 #0, Oe Current assets to offset cur- Tent abilities se: 3 .ecccsrsces st 12,915,127 Total invested capital......... 182,479,282 93,600 ** TInt on all debt p. ann...... 4,879,340 ‘« Dividends per annum.... 256, 107 Average ratio of return upon Capital invested..... ses... 2 Ops * Includes proportion of earnings due leased lines as below, $2,628,043 ; ¥ Includes rentals, $1,609,673. Income for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation....$31,261,784 15,885 ‘“ gross from other sources 1,035,843 527 Deduct all expenses............ *25,087,835 12,748 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends..... 7,209,792 3,664 Deduct total interest on all CGIDES He ADOVEscccaicehsctepers 76,507,013 3,307 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain...... 702,779 > $3578 Net surplus after div. paid... Par of stock, $100. taxes, $228,478, etc. 446,672 227 ad 543 The above income account represents gross earnings from entire system, including 100 p.c. of the N. Y., Pa. and Ohio RR., and all other leased lines and branches. The net earnings, as shown above differ materially from those shown by Erie Co., since the item of fixed charges, as classified by them contains amounts other than interest and rentals, which are reckoned herein as expenses. The item of interest includes 6 p.c. interest for. 1 year on income bonds ($508,008), amounting to $30,480, which the Erie Co. includes in its income account and not operating account. The following is proportion due leased lines, which are worked upon a percentage of gross earnings, as included in expenses above: N.Y., Penna. and Ohio RR., $2,219,258 ; Buffalo and Southwest. RR., $137,162; Suspension Bridge and Erie Junc. RR., $90,881 ; é “ « e = = % Paterson and Newark RR., 57,922; Northern RR. of New Jersey, $122,820; total, $2,628,043. INCOME for fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 1891, including N. Y., P. and O.RR.: Total gross from operation, $30,090,699, per mile, $17,711; total gross from gther sources, $1,040,033, per mile, $612; deduct all expenses, $24,211,450, per mile, $14,250; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $6,919,282, per mile, $4,072; deduct total interest on all debt as above and rentals, $5,913,905, per mile, $3,481; net gain on year’s business for stockholders, $1,005,377, per mile, $591 (operated mileage, I 697. miles), INCOME for year ending Sept. 30, 1892, including all leased and operated lines, excepting the N. Y., Pa. and Ohio RR.: gross earnings, $24,052,067, per mile, $17,531 _expenses, $16,050, 437, per mile, $11,699; net earnings and operations, $8,001 ,630, re “mile, $5,832; less proportions due leased lines worked on a percentage of earning $408,785, per mile, $298 ; net earnings, $7,592,845; per mile, $5,534 (operated miles, 1 ed PREFERRED stock is entitled to 6 p.c. non-cumulative dividends from the net profits, as declared by the board of directors, but in 1886 the U. S. Supreme Court held that this stock had no legal right to claim a dividend though earnings be sufficient. Dividends: 1882 to 1884 inc., 6 p.c. on preferred; none paid again until, 3 p. c., Jan. 15, 1892, declared Dec., 1891. Nothing since. BALANCE SHEET, Sept. 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. | | LIABILITIES. Cost of road and appurt. $169,564,155 | Capital stock:— Investments :— COMING see wes ese « $77,427,000 Stocks of other Co’s.....$3,272,625 Preferfedhric..c- ctece 8,530,600 Bonds of other Co’s...... 351,770 : — $85,963,600 a MODAY 305 ib THEM OCC ML ell syiunessslecmat ced wisaee 77,643,885 Advances :— Nw eteLred TADINILICS 20s. vcorsese ees ce 24,401 Mey. E. and W. C. Current liabilities:— ' Mee Rs) CO. ics 0n vesees Pl, 300,252 Loans and bill payable $4,014,672 BETIECLOLS codes cater cabs asec 714.125 DIVIGGnGSei. su Geinace 9,531 ——— 2,102,377 | Int. on fund. debt, due Current assets :— accd. int. other than f Chic. and Erie RR. Co. $394,497 PONUDUS thscoweestameces tet 15 343,002 Materials and supplies DS ACCGs i estannseacs 227,073 ENS SE eee 560,641 Trafic balances:.....0s- 532,539 Due from agts.& others 1,534,207 Rentals of leased lines fee Pow. O. RR. Co., CUCL ARE. cisssmaccee 593,038 BEET AIP recon servess 36,041 Pay-rolls for Sept........ 1,157,295 Bills receivable :— BAG EVOUCH ETS <. ci teces cnc 1,158,227 Due from various ind. | Miscellaneous............ 51,578 DEE soy npi'es.soesnssscnces 909,499 we 9,138,765 a 4,282,290 | Profit and loss, surplus................ 9,708,631 Contingent assets :— | Other Cos. for advan..$1,026,313 Mtges. on real estate... | 100,000 Sundry indv. and Cos. 262,428 | frie (Oal Cos., etc..i... Ty 517,324 2,906,065 © RELI oe rede hd gupcwsln ands ness, ces ocees $182,479, 282 Ota Rei sceccswass rycatec: or seteeunndares $182,479, 282 RENTAL OF LEASED Lines for year ending Sept. 30, 1892 :— Avon, Genesee and Mt. Morris RR.. -$13,600 | Montgomery and Erie RR..........+004 $16,000 mereen County RRs. ces cee. costes 12,000 | Newark and Hudson RR.....4....000. 17,500 Buffalo, Bradford & Pittsburgh RR.. 40,600 | Newburgh and New York RR......... 12,500 Buffalo, New York and Erie RR...... 238,100 | New Jersey junc. RR.. . 6,002 Goshen and Deckertown RR.......... $9,045 shes. ¥ aden bonee Ws Coal & RR beat, 184.500 MMS PERI CK Sec ocrs sone cpadeviseneiee ne 50,000 | N. Y., L, E. & W. Docks & Imp. Co. 220,984 Honesdale Branch... ..... ..... Se ee 14,940 Paterson and Hudson RR vessesssesacees 48,400 Memerson, Branch RR........d..00 seccoees 140,000 | Paterson and Ramapo RR...........00 30,000 Lockport and Buffalo RW.......se-se0+ 21,000 | Rochester and Genesee Valley RR.. 34,012 MPMI OCI Oo. eccccsses0e veecccese saceseess 480,000 , —— Middleton and Crawford RR........+ 10,500 OLA cee cst tn waeabcasty caveat creseysd et pL OOO? 4 ad ' Blk vy 544 List OF SECURITIES owned June 30, 1891 :— _ STOCKS. Ledger Val. Par Val. Ledger Val. Par Val. ul. Creek (RR: Cow... $122,565 $125,000 | Conesus Lake RW. Co.. $7,000 $18,750 Buf. Brad.& Pitts.RR.Co 16,679 170,000 | Niag. Riv. & E. RR. Co. 1,000" 1,000 Watchung RW. Co. ..... 1,556 41,250.) Cts. of €ar troof N.Y... - 446,700 447,000 Blossburg Coal Co......... 2,000,000 + 1,000,000 |, Susp. Bdg. and Erie Jc. Pref. stk., Erie RW. Co. 25 25 RRS Oe sees Geet aes 26,610 28,900 N&Y;, LE. GeWe Docks gine, {Tan COs ai aswadeus 594,291 604,000 Middletown & Craw. ——————- PO sA Te Secpuslsyaeesans 42,000 80,000 $3,257,826 $2,515,925 Stocks acquired i the ot RW. Co. not on the books of the N. Y., Lake Erie and Western RR. Co.: Pane Pars Avon., Gen. & Mt. Mor. RR. Co. 6s. $30;706- SN 2] tO. YHIRR:, (CONS seems eaneavered $40,800 Butialo,oN. Vso. Erie RRA Cows: 575,000 ok GS. Pans, (CO.)2ccvsde eras eventetrpeens 450,600 Comp. oatety Ait, Brake Co.c.nesec-s 30,500 | Paterson and Newark RR............. 250,000: Brie ING. VWs COS. sew uaees bites enw iesce 50,000 4 PAavOnidel Oriya Cr a csccchemsnctecserssak 100,000 Hillside Iron and Coal Co. .c.0. cians 1,000,000 | Rochester & Gen. Val. RR. Co. 6s. 149,400: Parbor Wreck. C Ostwes. cove swivanispaenss 2,000" RENGNCO Nraysens cies sates conte e steaceseuretecr See Pee J HOR RA CO Ris caches ses caxtncttgissveserer.’ 2,095,450 | Susp. Bdge. & Erie Jc. RR. Co eats 470, 300 Lackawanna & Susquehanna Coal South. Central RW. Coss sees 89,900 aia, LroryeeO) Weasele. cok ave aa snaencnaenes 403000: azo DOCK COs, ocseinsesncuvvsmneenartcs 800,000: Monticello & Port Jarvis RR. Co.... 10,000 4 Cowanda: Goal’ Co. .c.., asesess 22,305 12 | London Equip. Trust of 1888..... 97,330 31 PamOne NY arsed Ov RR. Co, Rentals of leased lines.............. 566,850 84 —Equipment Trust, 1890.,....... 4,784 31 | Settlement of business prior to miterest ang exchange:.........0... 4,355 17 Maver iSohrecesnssccse ots es HERE 2,253 63 Amt. taken from special fund for Int. onipriors Densbondsi..s%ss00 480,000 00 contingent liabilities............... 29, 5 BS 32. SPSClals MIN GASEs i ikes scinandvese ching neh 162,942 62 Div. on 1st mtge. coup., Nos. 22 BAVC Freee cats cocae cece aneat dere ces er 690,635 98 Balance, surplus, Sept. 30, 1891.. 110,477 79 DROLET Enea durensidecsice ater aceiedeves dus $2,395,322 40 EOC sats eetecess leatscaion sey eoe 2p 305% 522040 BALANCE SHEET, Sept. 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Cost of property purchased......... $158,015,290 | Capital stock :— PE WRCODSIFUCLION 02... clavcssescenceesees 6277 A276 We COTTON fel et cve sored eves = $34,999,350 POCIRIONS «0 ascnccisanae.cnese Ren adls Letsieln ck 984,888 Preferred sn. cmtesevcsace 10,000,000 Sundry additions & betterments.. 148,128 $44,999,350 Due by individuals and cos......... 5s TOS; i FUnGSd: MED sasesocse tre coese reo secesesce 96,825,000 RORY TESSCE:. oo. cesecnvecscscsee.soee ae 270,020, / | IDEIELTEG WAtlaUtS. ..cc ‘38,472. 1° Funded G€btiis.0.c1,..-0)avecseceusccaspmece: 50,000 Current SecOuntS.anu torn eeser seer en 155.90" al DINICE MSs UT pratl Ciraca.y seeawsieeeteneeannees 1,653 Casinon hands suit crsceces nase usenet 12,305. Ue PLONtaANG, LOSS. ducs. vances nes css eae canner? 17,679 DL GUAL aeseh tester staat Ooasereass eturureed 169,332 “POtal. ursksteeoess aeveudineay tecacseeeskanee $169,332 563 Pawtuxet Valley RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Providence, R. I. Inc. Aug. 27, 1872, in R. I. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pontiac to Hope, R. I., 5.67 miles. Leased July 1, 1884, for 99 years to N. Y., Prov., and Boston RR. Co., at an annual rental equivalent to interest on bonds and 7 p. c. on stock. Capitalization of road... Per Mile. EMEA LOCI beep cas vasesseoedoneee $100,900 16,750 MPN EC CEDL..2... es.c00- v0ecceee 160,000 26,750 Unfunded debt and current MRE Coinaccpckesinssuss doc pce: oeene Par of stock $100. Current assets to offset cur- TENG MS DUES iiss eeeases 9,044,000 10,634,000 Stores, fuel, etc., on hnd 190,245 173,951 Int. due and accrued... 104,071 116,930 Sundry accts. due Co... 649, 193 801,214 | Sund. accts. due by Co.. 302,843 354, 204 Traffic accts. due Co.... 109,422 206,062 | Traffic accts.due by Co. 131,599 240,999 Loans, bills receivable. 422,044 560,539 *| Wages for mo. of June. 111,463 124,943, Miscellaneous. Ai seccucass 25,740 13,750 | Loansand bills payable 504,267 355,178 Prem, ‘on bonds called.: i. ....s..e-ess> 280,000 | Whar.Val. RW. con. fd. 55,204 55,264. Han. & Pa. RR. con. fd. 147,657 147,657 PLONMANT LOSS. ies.cice cca 774,078 964,881 GOtal (Rike.ctss teases $69,295,225. $71,114,045 ACL atauectvcgest be hvseees $69,295,225 $71,114,045 Rentals: Utica, Clinton and Binghamton and Rome and Clinton RRs., $75,000 ; Wharton Valley RW., $3,750; Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton RW., $97,835; total, $176,585. Company owns and has pledged all the securities of the Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton RW. Co., under its own mortgages. Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton RW. Co., General Office, 56 Beaver st.; Cor- porate Office, Scranton, Pa, Ines Oct-37 1880)1n Pas This road was, on May 10, 1890, leased for 99 years from July 1, 1890, by N. Y., Ont. and Western RW. Co., which assumed payment of interest on bonds and taxes, and agreed also to pay to lessor 5 p. c. of the gross earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hancock Jc., N. Y., to Scranton, Pa., 54.05 miles. Capitalization of road....... .June 30, 1891 :-— LIncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— , A Per Mile. Per Mile. APita STOCK manesess sateen sarseer - 1,500,000 27,800 | Total gross from operation..... #$88,190 $1,6 Pin ded ebt ii. & sstiscesacesesaessellt ) 500,000 27,000 ml Thad gross from eee sources ? ee o S Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses 2.0252: 5 3,195 59 Lia bites Sc, ater secsateesar sess 504,651 9,300 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 87,995 1,630 rent liabilities ......... scree 9,075 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 3,504,651 64,900 Gebt asia bOve di.scseet lossvesers 75,000 1,390 re Intereston all debt p.ann. 75,000 1,400 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 12,095. 2408 Average ratio of return upon Net deficit after dividends paid Capital invested... ic-cnse.ce) Pa. RR West*End togjerscy -City, 2°5--22,0) eaters: operated, 157.28 miles. Capitalization of Toad ......0++ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. eMac ees Per Mile. ( per Mile. Capita lystock si, isecccesnssevauiest 21,000,000 135,500 | Total gross from operation..... 1,656,522 10,522 Fundedtdebty.cccccsassyccsut eens 8,820,000 56,900 Total gross from other sources 30,050 I9I Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...........08 *940,068 5,988: VaAbities tes iscascsccsares sa inoae, 1,042,602 411,060 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 746,504 4,754 rent liabilities, :.vice.- sainas.c.+ 0 3,015, /y9t.273 Par of stock, $50. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $33,000; equipment, $7,600; cur- rent accounts and cash on hand, $546; profit and loss, $8,854; total, $50,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $20,000; funded debt, $30,000 ; total, $50,000. Roanoke and Southern RW. Co., General Office, Winston (Salem), N. C.; Cor- porate Office, Roanoke, Va. Inc. June 18, 1887, in Va., acquiring corporate rights and franchises of Roanoke and Southern in N. C., and road of same name in Va. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Winston (Salem), N. C., to Roanoke, Va., 122 miles. The Norfolk and Western RR. Co. leased this road Mar. 1, 1892, and has since operated it; any surplus earnings after payment of interest on bonds and necessary improvements and betterments, revert to lessor. The N. and W. guarantees its $2,041,000 of bonds, principal and interest, and owns 18,378 shares of its stock. Capitalization of road........Jan, 1, 1892 :— Per Mile. Meret GEOCK f.5.02000 00000 es 2,396,450 19,600 BICC .ccusarscccescesesssvoes Ses Aes Unfunded debt and current COLL Se Not known. Current assets to offset cur- OMIA DILICS 5... css00 seccseascss Not known. Totalinvested capital........ .. 4,437,450 360, 300 ““ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 02,050 850 ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital inVested...i...c0scscece0s Ue DLC. Capital authorized, $8,000,000. Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $52,093 $427 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.............. 27,374 225 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 24,719 202 Deduct total interest on all ° debt as above. Net result on year’s business Par of stock, $100. 572 BALANCE SHEET, Jan. 1, 1892: Assets, Costof road and equipment, $2,123,060 ; profit and loss, $2,314,390; total, $4,437,050. Liabilities, Capital stock, $2,396,450; funded debt, $2,041,000 ; total, $4,437,450. Roanoke Machine Works, Branch Office, 333 Walnut st., Philadelphia ; Corporate Office, Roanoke, Va. Inc. Sept. 3, 1882, in Virginia; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $417,400, par $100, Annual Meeting, 1st Wed. in May. Fiscal year ends, in. May, Dividends) | aj ;31n 18090; $)p).5.ce. 633.3024 11) 1001 winter $79,306, at 333 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Plant located at Roanoke, Va. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. coup. may be registered. Amount created and outstanding, $500,000 ; $1,000, due /Feb: 1 1933, Interest, 6 ‘p.¢.) Nh coe Agepayablevat 333° WV ainuteste Philadelphia. Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Trustee. This Company is controlled by Norfolk and Western RR. Co. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1890. 1891. 1890. 1891. Property account :— Capital caret esriretiecessce $417,400 $417,400 R esti, bds. etc sce $634,474 $634,474 | First mtge. 6s loan........ 500,000 500,000 Tools and Yinach sos 419,485 425,935 | Bills payable ........ Ceeakod 485,000 425,000 ROVLET Saco seacura oeeeraes 9,485 9,485 | Acd. but unmat. int. on Materials and supplies... 739,767 290,465 funded debt...... Hehe a 12,500 12,500 Norfolk and W. RR. Accounts payable (cur- equip. mtge. bonds..... 137,700 24,300 Pent Dal News unsieiersese os 281,129 154,773 New equip. tem. leased Norfolk and Western to Norfolk and West. RR. Co., foradvances.. 428,002 248,939 RAC Ocre Sak Weg paces 100,721 266,550 | Income account, 1890, Acts.(TeG, CUT, bal.) sc 1 135,080 108,097 $97,967, less. divs. Bills receivable:.:2./. 4..... 2,245 2,617 paid, $33,392; 1891, MASUD. wecutnccnssacsbeeskusectes .720 422 $83,041; less’ div. paid, $79,306. Bal. of surplus income... 64,575 3,735 $2,188,607 $1,762,348 | $2,188,607 $1,762,348 OFFICERS—F. J. Kimball, President; A. J. Hemphill, Secretary ; William G. Mac- dowell, Treasurer; W. G. DeArmond, Purchasing Agent; M. C. Jameson, Comptroller, Philadelphia; Joseph H. Sands, General Manager and Superintendent, Roanoke. DIRECTORS—F. J. Kimball, Joseph I. Doran, Clarence H. Clark, W, C. Bullitt, W. G. Macdowell, Joseph H. Sands, P. L. Terry. Virginia Co., General Office, 333 Walnut st., Philadelphia; Corporate Office, Roanoke; Va.» Inc.. Mar. 6, 1882, in) Va,; “Charter, Perpetual. » Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends J. and J. (see balance sheet). Annual Meet- ing, Ist Wed. in May. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. HiIstoRy—Was inc. as Iron Belt Land, Mining and Development Co. of Virginia, name:changed to Virginia Co. by Act of Legislature approved Mar 5, 1888. No funded debt. ThisCompany is controlled by Norfolk and Western RR. Co. : CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1890. 189gr. 1890. 1891. Real estate :— CADILA StOCK is ststscedeenenpars $100,000 $100,000 Lynchburg(sta.,hotel prop.) $43,254 $43,254 | Bills payable .............0:..006. 30,000 30,000 Pulaski, 38 acs.. 4,452 4,540 | Deferred payment on prop- Ivor, 64 acs.. ie 9 erty extdg. 1 to 5 years... 87,192 Tazewell Co., 4 acs.. 3 4) Improv. rebate bonds........: 510 Carroll Co., 434 acs.. 7,453 7,570.1 Accounts payable..s....0...0c.. 21,113 164,766 Grayson Sulpr Sp., 537 acs.. 7,516 7,551 | Income account, 1890, $125,- Bristol, 12 acs... 12,507 9 912,555 899.16, less dividends pd., Front Royal, 43 acs.. 4,330 4,337 $60,000; 1891, $49,790.54, FiGtel RoanokeG.ri..acesecccosseine 125,440 less divds. pd., $45,000. Bluetelda Tint. 2, -eeessewesied tes ses 32,460 167,150 | Balance of surplus income.. 65,899 4,790 Maple Shade Tan waste. 60,135 45,805 | First mtge. loan accrued but Bonds, stocks and mtgs......... 320 107,885 POL Clase veases ssneswacrstntore 130,000 Notes for last def. paymt....... 510 ENDETESL Micdscae vows acgssnlesstesers 3,163 ACCOUNTS receivablew Ayr ssa. 6,002 20,701 MOOS oo winsencckianietaetnsat iar tocrss 329 eye Bal. due by hotels, Dec. 31,’91 8,128 =e, _ oe $304,714 $432,720 | $304,714 $432,720 eva OFFICERS—F. J. Kimball, President: A. J. Hemphill, Secretary ; W. G. Macdowell, Treasurer; M. C. Jameson, Comptroller, W. C. DeArmond, Purchasing Agent; Joseph H. Sands, General Manager. DireEcToRS—F. J. Kimball, Clarence H. “Clark, Joseph Ts Doran, W. C. Bullitt, W. G. Macdowell, Charles Hacker, A. eu h NORFOLK, WILMINGTON AND CHARLESTON RR. CO., No information obtained. NORTHERN ADIRONDACK RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Santa Clara, N. Y., also Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. July 6, 1890, in N. Y.; consolidation of Northern Adirondack and Northern Adirondack Exten- sion RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Moira to Tupper Lake, N. Y., 55 miles. Capitalization af road... ‘June 30, 1891:— | lucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. BEAL SLOCK cscs. ccuy- 25% nessessne $450,000 $81,800 | Total gross from operation..... $143,282 $26,050: Funded debt...........cccssee-eees 77,000 14,000 | Totalgrossfromothersources 12,060 2,190 Unfunded debt and current (Deduct alVexpenses,......+2cs6 72,384 13,160: BURP LIGS isso crest casas vet) ox oee ens 63,274 11,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 82,958 15,080: i ese Melees hance | Deduct total interest on all otalinvested capital........ .. 0.274 107,200 | —. Gebt aS above nis... Pieces secece 212 6,400 Interest on all debt p. ann. eR ae ae. Net result on year’s business a ry Dividends per annum...... for stockholders loss. ......... 47,746 8,680 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100 capital invested..............04 : : BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891: Assets, Cost of road, $450,000; equipment, $15,741; real estate, $12,352; stage property, $1,253; cash on hand, $292 ; current. accounts, $110,636 ; total, $590,274. Liabilities, Capital stock, $450, 000 ; funded debt and bills payable, $77,000 ; current accounts, $8,520; profit and loss, $54,754 : total, $590,274. NORTHERN PACIFIC SYSTEM comprises: Central Washington; Duluth and Manitoba; Helena and Red Mountain ; James River Valley; Northern Pacific and Manitoba ; Northern Pacific Terminal ; St. Paul and Northern Pacific; Seattle, Lake Shore and Eastern : ; spokane and Palouse, Wisconsin Central Co. and its controlled lines : Chicago and Northern Pacific ; Chicago and Calumet Terminal; Chicago, Wisconsin and Minnesota - Wisconsin Central Ri Milwaukee and Lake Winnebago; Packwaukee and Montello RRs. NORTHERN PACIFIC RR. CO., : General Offices, Mills Building, 35 Wall st., New York city, and St. Paul, Minn. - Corporate Office, St. Paul Minn. Inc. July 2, 1864, by Act of Congress; foreclosed Aug. 12, 1875, and reorganized Sept. 29, 1875. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles. Duluth, Minn. to Northern Pacific Jc. (% interest).......... BUS AE Yas csceenevedeseds Be cecctoa vetceaete 24.60 Bm SUCL er tre lV yr At CONNOL Su Ol. 2. .eccptadeciesnciscvetstertaasaievecscedecsousescdgeaveces 1554 Putte valis and Dakota RW., Little Falls, Wis. to Morris, Minn... ....c.cc0.ccescese sesencoedes 89.08 N. P., Fergus and Black Hills RR., Wadena, Minn. to Milnor, N. D...... PE Ary eee ete 117.05, Peenband Soutiwestermn kix,,ttareo tot la Mouré; Ni Dios sc icelnaccecesesscaesse, voces soscenncd 87.41 Sanborn, Cooperstown and Turtle Mountain RR., Sanborn to Cooperstown, N. D...... 26:75, Jamestown and Northern RR., Jamestown to Minnewaukan, N. D. and branch........... 102.59 NP). La Moure and Missouri River RR, La Moure to Edgeley, N. D....cc.0...0 cccece ce seee 21.30 BaecasterneDakor Rhee r airview J G:,,10 Bayne. No Decisis: ciccccacecitededsses cecvcscesasegveees 14.84 Jamestown and Northern Extension RR., Minnewaukan to Leeds, N. D...............00008 18.03 Helena-and Jefierson County RR., Prickly Pear:to Wickes, Mont........c.ccs00 sseovesses Seaee 20.58: “Rocky Mountain RR. Co. of Montana, Livingston to Cinnibar, Mont.............ssc00 sesesees 52.01 Northern Pacific and Manitoba RR., lines in Manitoba, Canada...... 01... .csscsseccee coceveers 263.54 Coeur d’Alene R W. and Nav. Co., Mission to Millar, Wallace to Burke, Idaho, etc....... 49.59: Spokane Falisand Idaho RR.,; Hauser Jc: to Coeur d’Alene, Idaho.r.s..2.........00e osesneee 14.39 Rett ret ee Cele ck APTA EOE 1S OGL TL. BVVIASIIS 5 2. sien caked usd odesace Seinsmrceitecenedaudualoasnstolese teu eeteys 5.39 No. Pacific and Cascade RR., South Prairie Jc. to Carbonado, Wash. and branches..... 17.37 Prrreectaniverand North hk R. Palmer to Kaucley, Wasit.s .ccvasssscecssesesdeved soccen esecte besacsaes 4.43 Tacoma, Orting and Southeastern RR., Orting to Puyallup River, Wash............sescssees 7.65. Rocky Fork and Cook City RR., Laurel to Red Lodge, Mont. cv Ooeadi i actestene 45-43 Northern Pacific and Puget Sound Shore RR., Meeker to Seattle, Wash.. Pracreuaaehceacses tee 31.42 Duluth, Crookston and Northern RR., Crookston to caer Rar anit a eee rere , 44.5) United RRs. of Maree lines in Washington... Sop eAREE Moca Siu taddddacet ec Neca kate MIPOsde Se aA tee UE hea Cc ieih cedced vewsiesae> ovens eoceeeestiasvensasies Mima ate cs cit shes deat ois va dusas hsaNC INCOMe ACCOM En. a; sap; t pees: 14,052 meRAUrodd sMCOmeracCOUntanec:c.ssnr>< 240,504. BEN Aap eC anc ine veanceadercousa teneerest $22,858,215 || VOtalensecesss Mate vest siceteecouwiescasee oe $22,858,215 Land Department.—This Company has a land erant under which it has received $39,348.46 acres, of which 579,550.63 acres were unsold June, 30, 1892. Milwaukee and Lake Winnebago RR. Co., General Offices, Milwaukee, Wis. ; 50 State st., Boston ; Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. Mar. 24, 1882, in Wis. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Schleisingerville to Neenah, Wis., and spurs, 66.09 miles. Leased Dec. 18, 1882, for 99 years to the Wis. Cent. RR. Co., at a rental of 37% p. c. of the gross earnings up to $175,000, after which both participate equally. The Company under supplemental lease, issues debentures (6 p. c. 20-year bonds int. A. & O.) in payment for additions or improvements from time to time upon the leased property, and had issued on that account to June 30, 1890, $239,000. Capitalization of road...... June 30, 1891 :— | Jnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. BPE SLOCK .....0.00seseses concas $1,300,000 $19,700 | Total gross from operations...*$212,931 $3,226 Se 2 0) re 2,189,000 33,100 | Totalgrossfrom other sources 2,340 ls Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expensese.:..-iaesey 5. 5,837 88 BEIRELILT OG: cs; sa cesetosensceosscu es 40,990 600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend......... 209,434 3,173 BEM NADILITICS..»,....0000.+05000- " 40,990 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 3,529,990 53,400 debt as above........ Brat cases ie 126,597 1,918 *“ Int. on all debt per ann.. 126,597 51,900 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum... 70,200 for stockholders, gain......... 82,837 1,255 Average ratioof return upon Net surplns after divs. paid.... 12,637 IgI capital invested.............6. Cyne Par of stock, $100. * Rental. Interest on all debentures is paid by the lessee for the first ten years, after which lessor pays interest and the principal and gives option to holders at any time coupon matures to convert into common stock. Capital stock consists of common, $520,000, preferred, $780,000; dividends, 9 p.c. per annum. Preferred stock has preference over. common up to 6 p. c. cumulative dividends, after which both share alike. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road and equipment, $3,489,000; bonds owned, $39,000; current accounts and cash, $1,405; other assets, $585; total, $3,529,990. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,300,000; funded debt, $1,950,000 ; debentures, $239,000 ; unfunded debt, $3,585; income balance, $37,405; total, $3,529,990. Packwaukee and Montello RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. 1882, in Wis. : LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Packwaukee to Montello, Wis., and spurs, 7.86 miles. The Wisconsin Central Co. owns the bonds and most of this Company’s stock, and leases it to Wisconsin Central RR. Co. at a rental of $5,040, being interest on bonds. 582 , Capitalization of road... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile rent [fab ties yacsss.scckecees Capital'stock.. ere keene. $140,000 17,500 | Total invested capital........ $224,000 $28,000 Faved Gebticchary writ 84, 000 10,500 fi Int. on all debts per ann. 37080 650 Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum... None paid. liabilities imac Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100... upon capital invested... Total invested capital represents cost of road. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. NORTH PACIFIC COAST RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 14 Sansome st., San Francisco, Cal. Inc. Dec. 16, 1871, in «ar ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Saucelito to Duncan’s Mills, with branch to San Rafael, (2 m.), Cal., 75.25; leased: San Rafael and San Quentin RR., San Quentin to San Rafael, 3.5; Northwestern RR., Duncan’s Mills to Cazaden, 7.5; San Francisco, Tamal- pais and Bolinas RR., Bay Junc. to Mill Valley, 1.75; total, 88 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization Of road........ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Jucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. ; Per Mile. Capital Stock .s....e00. .seeeeeesseee $82,500,000 28,400 | Total gross from operation.... $418,416 $4,755, FUNGECAGDUiseccaccacstagstaessseses 1,240,000 14,100 | + ‘* gress from other sources 32,054 304 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses........:.... ¥382,144 4,342 TIADILILICE Gs. csscre ov verecepeneset es 339,388 3,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividend....... 68,326) Fara Tent Ita bilities <.eee ccavewsssccs eel t1s033 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...:....... 4,079,388 46,400 debts above. ca... -cpenecs ct 68; 326. mn ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. 68,326 750 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None paid. tor stockholdetss /....secqs.200 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capitaltinvestedsrescp.ccesend 4a: 0G: * Including $6,764 taxes, and insurance, $2,165. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road and equipment, $3,193,517; materials and fuel, $7,548; other real estate and assets, $129,560 ; current accounts, $26,311; cash, $8,214; profit and loss, $714,238; total, $4,079,388. JLzabtlities, Capital stock, $2,500,000; funded debt, $1,240,000; other liabilities, $339,388; total, $4,079,388. Northwestern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 14 Sansome st., San Fran- cisco, Cal. Inc. Aug. 19, 1885, in Cal. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Duncan’s Mills to Cazadero, Cal., 7.5 miles. Leased Apr. I, 1886, for 10 years, to North Pacific Coast RR., at a rental of $2,900, being 5 p. c. on stock. Cost of road and equipment, $58,000. Capital, $58,000, per mile, $7,300; dividends, 2% p.c. (J. and J.), $2,900. Par of stock, $100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. San Francisco, Tamalpais and Bolinas RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 14 Sansome st., San Francisco, Cal. Inc. Sept. 5, 1889, in Cal. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bay Junc. to Mill Valley, Cal., 1.75 miles. Leased Sept. 23, 1889, at a nominal rental, for Io years from Nov. 1, 1889, to North Pacific Coast RR., which evidently owns or controls it. Capital, funded debt, balance sheet and operations not furnished. ; San Rafael and San Quentin RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, San Rafael, Calyy Ine; Peb125,:1660,010 Cal, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: San Rafael to San Quentin, Cal., 3.5 miles. Leased Mar, 11, 1875, to Northern Pacific Coast RR. Co., at a rental of $1.00 per annum. Road evidently owned or controlled by lessees. Capitalization of road....... Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Tene Mabilities< Ais, ice dace cceds ,_ Not known. Capital stock........ 2. eae . $41,820 $10,400 Total invested capital........ ~ $92,996 $23,20 unided debit cance 28,000 7,000 Interest on all debt p.ann,___ 2,800 Unfunded debt and current ‘“ Dividends per annum....., Not known. liabilities ......0.6sesseoee pane 23,176 5,800 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $roo. capital invested.............06 R Total capital invested represents cost of road. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 583 NOSBONSING AND NIPISSING RW. CO. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Nosbonsing (on C. P. RW.) to Nipissing, 5.5 miles. Capital, $205,000 ; authorized, $250,000; cost of road, $237,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. NOVA SCOTIA CENTRAL RW. CO., Inc. 1873, in N.S. Chartered in 1873 as Nictaux and Atlantic RW. Co., 150,000 acres of land and subsidy, $440,000 (¢283,000 now paid in), granted by Province of Nova Scotia. Subsidy of $256,000 granted by Dominion Government, payable as each ten miles of road are completed. Company has authority to extend line to Margaretville on Bay of Fundy. Road sold under foreclosure sale Nov. 23, 1891, bought for $515,000 for bondholders. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Middleton to Lunenburg, N. S., 74 miles. Capitalization of road........ Rew Males MMI ANESCOCK. co csacsttces'esscecccsase $700,000 $9,500 POPPI, LED El cce vowdecesencecos 1,000,000 13,500 Unfunded debt and current PERT LIOS cca scccsncedecesasincs danse *863,220 11,600 Current assets to offset cur- Memt lia bilities .2.....0. senccense- iotalinvested capital.:...... 2,563,220 34,600 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p.ann. — 50,000 675 ‘“¢ Dividends per annum...... Average ratio of return upon Capital INVESte.. -...6.o vce sacs None. * Including *630,220 Government bonuses. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $47,417 $641 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.............. 39,955 540 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends..... 7,462 IOI Deduct total interest on all Gets ADO VEL. dcceesisssee sense 50,000 675 Net result on year’s business fOt, StOCIEMOLGEFS! J iccces ceecesess Not known. Total capital invested represents cost of road. Balance sheet and operations no furnished. OGDEN AND HOT SPRINGS RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Ogden, Utah. Inc. Jan. 28, 1890, in Utah. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ogden to Hot Springs, Utah, 7.5 miles. Capitalization of road.......Mar. 1, 1892 :— Per Mile. apital STOCK: .....00.ctas aeoees ws $160,000 $20,000 BEPC CC CEDt sj. .sscccertescse ss ane II,200 1,400 Unfunded debt and current : Hit DALIEECS)....5.0e0rsetecee recone . Not given. Par of stock, $100. Current assets to offset cur- Fent lia bilities ccosectisecines 3,039,700 21,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all CDESC cscetecetiacces 461,473 3,180. PAPUities Moe iiccdaetsspktes ‘-' .siness for stockholders, gain......... 2,136 237 Net deficitvalter div: paidiin: 339 32 Par of stock, $100. Sc5.0 roth, 27,086. PENNSYLVANIA AND NORTHWESTERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Bullitt Building, Phila., Pa. Consolidation of Bell’s Gap RR. Co. and Clearfield and Jefferson RW. Co. Inc. ‘Dec: 27,1889, ansPae LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bellwood to Horatio, Pa., 62.79 miles. Capitalization Of road.......- Dec. 31, 1891 :— : Per Mile. CapPitalstOCk \seccesssscenes sa tenves $2,000,000 $31,800 Munded Gebts.c. werecsuerswectass 1,775,000 28,100 Unfunded debt and current habilities \acciscensecteetaceees 294,544 ° 4,700 Current assets to offset cur- FENtWADILITIES cere octets eceecns 240,460 Total invested capital......... 4,069,544 64,600 ‘Int.son ‘all debt p. ann... 103;812 “41,650 “* Dividends per annum..... 91,500 Average ratio of return upon Capital inVested) xsi .2s5.50-. 6.23.0 a DIVIDENDS, 5 p.c. per annum, payable J. & J.; in Jan., 1893, a dividend of 3 previous ones, with exception of that of July, was paid, being an increase of % p. c. on 1892, when same amount was paid. income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $860,332 $13,702 cash on hand, $2,847; Liabilities, Capital, $9,900; funded debt, $14,000; other Total gross from other sources | Deduct all expenses.............. 606,989 9,667 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 253,343 4,035 Deduct total interest on all debas aboye.:5. nce aves 103,812 1,653. Net result on year’s business ose for stockholders, gain......., 149,531 2,382 Net surplus after div. paid.... 58,031 924 Par of stock, $50. 4 pice ; 597 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $3,600,699; equipment, $228,385 ; current accounts, $152,876; cash, $87,584; total, $4,069 1544. Liabilities, Capital, $2,000,000 ; _ funded debt, $1,775,000 ; current accounts, ‘$166, 543 | profit and loss, $128,oo1 ; total, $4,069, 544. PENNSYLVANIA SYSTEM (Lines East of Pittsburgh) comprises: Allegheny Valley RW. (controlled); Alloway and Quinton; Bald Eagle ' Valley; Baltimore and Potomac; Bedford and Bridgeport; Belvidere Delaware; Bustle- ton ; Cambria and Clearfield Cambridge and Seaford; Camden and Atlantic; Camden and Burlington County; Catonsville Short Line; Coleston Creek, Columbia and Port .De- _ posit ; Columbus, Kinkora and Springfield; The Connecting ; Cresson, Clearfield County and N. Y. Short Route; Cumberland Valley; Cumberland Valley and Martinsburg ; Dillsburg and Mechanicsburg; Delaware and Chesapeake; Delaware, Maryland and _ Virginia; Delaware; Elmira and Lake Ontario; Downingtown and Lancaster; Elmira and Williamsport, Enterprise; Frederick and Penna. Line; Freehold and Jamesburg Agricultural; Hanover and York; Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mount Joy and Lancaster ; Johnsonburg ; Junction; Kensington and Tacony; Lebanon and Reading ; Lewisburg and Tyrone; Littlestown; Long Beach; Lykens Valley RR. and Coal Co.; McKees- port and Bessemer ; Martin’s Creek RW.in N. J.; Martin’s Creek RW. in Penna.; Mifflin and Centre County; The Millstone and New Brunswick; Mount Alto; Mount Holly, Lumberton and Medford; Nescopec; New York Bay; New York, Phila. and Norfolk (con- _ trolled); North and West Branch; Northern Central ; Pemberton and Hightstown (leased _ to Union Trans. Co.); Penna. Schuylkill Valley ; Perth Amboy and Woodbridge; Phila. and Balto. Central; Phila. and Delaware County ; Phila. and Erie; Phila. and Lehigh Walley Phila’ and Long Branch; Phila. and Seashore; Phila. and Trenton; Phila.,, Germantown and Chestnut Hill; Phila., Marlton and Medford; Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore; Pittsburgh, Virginia and Charleston ; Pomeroy and Newark; Queen Anne’s and Kent; Ridgeway and Clearfield; River Front; Rocky Hill RR. and Trans. Co. ; ‘Shamokin Valley and Pottsville; South Fork; Southern Pa. RW. and Mining Co. ; Southwest Penna.; The Summit Branch; Sunbury and Lewistown; The Sunbury, Hazelton and Wilkes-Barre; Susquehanna and Clearfield ; Tipton ; The Trenton Cut-off ; Trenton Delaware Bridge Co.; Turtle Creek Valley ; Tyrone and Clearfield; Union feeeecos., United N. J: RR. and Canal; Vincentown Branch; Washington Southern ; The West Chester ; Western Penna;: West Jersey ; West Jersey and Atlantic ; Wilcox RR. Cos. (Lines West of Pittsburgh.) Penna. Co. controlling and leasing: Calumet River; Chartiers; Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley ; Cincinnati, Richmond and Fort Wayne; Cincinnati Street Connec- tion; Cleveland and Pittsburgh ; Columbus and Xenia; Dayton and Western ; East St. Louis and Carondelet ; Englewood Connecting ; Erie ‘and Pittsburgh ; Grand Rapids and Indiana; Indiana and Lake Michigan ; Indianapolis and Vincennes: Little Miami ; Massilon and Cleveland; Muskingum, Grand Rapids and Indiana; New Castle and Beaver Valley ; Newport and Cincinnati Bridge ; Ohio Connecting ; Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiogheny ; Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and st: Louis ; Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne. and Chicago : Pittsburgh, Ohio Valley and Cincinnati; Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentucky ; Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashtabula; Richmond and Miami; St. Louis, Vandalia and Terre Haute; South Chicago and Southern; State Line and Indiana City ; Terre Haute and Indianapolis ; Traverse City: Waynesburg and Wash- ington RR. Cos. PENNSYLVANIA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. Apr. 13, 1846, in Pa., to build a line from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh : from Harrisburg to Philadel- phia the line was completed by acquiring the old Philadelphia and Columbia RR. (a State work), and the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mt. Joy and Lancaster, which is still operated under a lease, though forming part of the main line. Road opened Feb. 15, 1854. The Philadelphia and Columbia RR. (and other property) was purchased in 1857 from the State, and the State Lien Bonds $7,500,000 5s issued therefor—all now paid. The Pennsylvania Company was organized in 1870 as an auxiliary corporation to control all the lines west of Pittsburgh and Erie, the Pennsylvania RR. Co. holding all the stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles. Filbert st. Extension P. RR., W. Side 3oth st., W. Phila. to Broad st. Station, Phila... 1.00 _ Penna. RR. (Phila. nnd Columbia RR. ) W. S. 30th st., W. Phila. to Dillerville ex Pa. 68.80 RENTS MELONS OI TLTE DUG ic Pic caacsateas swe santsiisweton ssdecanadnysqes seccetadecsnwadeanass soapscces Ti.25 Delaware Exten. P. RR., 1 7095 ft. rae of W. end Bison Bridge, W. Phila. to Dock st. Depot, Phila... PPTL arene cea esdcachh adeacavcniance cbanaetbervebsicnnse tpacrseseiers nec: cbeesente Seaswe seate. os 7.84 598 Swanson St. Branch, Delaware Exten. P.RR. Greenwich Point to Old Navy Yd., Phila. 1.22 Girard Point Branch, Delaware Exten. P. RR., Hamburg June. to Girard Point and Point Breeze, PHIL po sicece neces has ea coco Ree Rees ee Nena non Ay ok A 2.06 Schuylkill Riv. Branch, P. RR., N. S. Haverford st. to Arsenal Bridge, W, Philajecrsss= : 1.70 52d St. Branch P. RR. , 52d st. to S. S. of Monticello st. PWV RA ETOLIDEL velte clave aie ecacatedes cena aemanry 0.14 Frazer Bratch, P. RR., Frazer to Junc. with West Chester RR, toeZerinatt, Fas ec The Northern Central RW., operates the Rockville Branch (Rockville to Dau- phin, Pa., 2.83 miles), which is owned by the Penna. RR. Co. The Company also owns and controls (operated under separate corporate management), the Penna. Canal, which extends from Columbia to Nanticoke, and branches from Northumberland to Loy alsock Creek with crosscut to Lewisburg ; and from mouth of the Juniata River to Newton Haznilton ; total length, 253 miles. a ee ee = — eal 2 Pe ee ee | « 599 Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. REEL O SOCK Wr shcs waveqsnses's $126,771,200 $49,500 BEMUCOG GED. fei cence 'sntaarsces 77,090,126 30,000 Unfunded dbt. and current PIA RIELES csc aen sas caep sane eres *62,866,545 24,500 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities....... Racca *50,212,476 Total invested capital...... 266,727,871 704,000 * Int.onalldebtp. ann... 4,596,649 1,800 ** Dividends per annum.. 7,495,599 Average ratio of return upon capital invested......9.6 p. c. Par of stock, $50. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. ..§67,426,841 26,205 gross from other sources 6,019,897 2,339 Deduct all expenses.............47,458,203 18,444 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... 25,988,535 10,100 Deduct total interest on all debt as above, rentals, etc.16,224,915 6,305 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain........ Net surplus after dividends DAI Ce ocressesetassy sats Miceeey,decqss 2,317,041 goo Total gross from operation. ia 9,763,620 3,794 * The excess of current liabilities over current assets is due to reckoning the securities of other roads owned with cost of road and equipment, as an offset to capital stock and funded debt, the difference between which compensates for the above excess. Above income covers earnings, etc., east of Pittsburgh and Erie, main line and branches, Philadelphia and Erie and United RRs. of N. J. Capital authorized, $151,700,000 ; paid in Dée. 531, 1891 ; G120;77 1,200) IneMlar,, 1892, stockholders authorized issue of $17,456,550 additional, for purposes as stated at the annual meeting. Dividends: in 1883, 8% p pyc; 1088 and 1889, 5 p.’c. each; Biav, 3 p.c.; Nov.; 3p. c. ALL LINES EAST OF PLTTSBURGH AND ERIE. ee a? (0300! year cading Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. SLOTAL STOSS .cns sees ceseceres $90,044,329 Deduct expenses........ . 62,250,288 BE ERLCAL 2 ays cco ces owescce « 27,794,047 GN TOOA5) 7 1885 and 1886, 5 p.c. each, anda 4 p.c. stock dividend was paid in 1886; 1890, 5% p..C.; non-interest bearing scrip, convertible into stock till Aug. 1, 1891; p..c., including 2 p, c. stock dividend ; 1887, 5% 1ooly May, 3 p. ¢.,.elther cash or INOVs, 3) Da eieLoo2, ALL LINES WEST OF PITTSBURGH AND ERIE. Income for jiscalyear ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. PL Ota PEOSSs: csestecacewcass $44,210,284 Deduct expenses......... 29,509,378 Nets total ao crtttsrncacecses 14,640,906 All lines east and west of Pittsburgh and Erie: Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891, Total gross from operation, $134,254,613, per mile, $20,310; deduct all expenses, $91,819,660, per mile, $13,891 ; net total applicable to fixed charges and divi- \dends, $42,434,953, per mile, $6, AlQ. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. Increase, Cost of road, including the cost of the Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mt. Joy and Lancaster RR., represented by the guaranteed capital Beoek and bonds of said Company ($1,582,550). ...c0.c00sececoses serecsees $49,326,681 *$5,002,263 ER CGLALC srecc cosy aocsieoch lecsany ether sicscsesenspoosavnssachd civecdsavess ope aeence 15,842,666 130,994 Cost of regular equipment......... ste .- $33,629,454 2,804,761 Cost of trust equipment, covered by. es D. C. “Equipment Trust Gold Loan, Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company, ‘Trustee :— mrcount Lennsylyania RRs Cou. ..cccesescnseses $1,475,300 Account Pennsylvania Co........ nitiacy aves Sane vee: 1,610,000 3,085,360 36,714,814 10,360 $101,884, 162 Securities :— Cost of bonds of railroad COFPOTAtiON.......04 seeoeee ndabahes dus odsctastacpenscerinaed $38,049,144 433,205 Cost of capital stock of RR. COrporations.......0 scccscoes csovessee sovcessericosses 68,021,735 1,038,989 Cost of bonds and stocks of other corporations, coal companies, canal companies, bridge companies, and investments not otherwise BREA PACU OG Ceara sic ceicelcteessysatss cane snses sadcosoes secanvoes snensy saateasseretes 8,528,902 156,207 ree OSt OTs HOTLGGPATICIPS LOCKS ce-aai devicass as icgey cumerecres 1,220,328 Inthands Of VT Treaster cis. .rcustccensonseredeseendescerseteemmesteborsee st reaiy teen emaue ge 7,109,552 $11,319,179 Miscellaneous :— Managers of; Trusticreated Oct. 0, 15 76.c..-serasserscnde-satencee oeeatean wetse cers $4,159,192 Pennsylvania RR. consolidated mtge. sinking tund............ $4,040,680 Less bonds redeemedsand cancelled. ia. icscsrcenenccs anne he eecee 1,771,980 2,268,700 TNSUPAN CE TUM. xccaracncscdechs bosch cdbeseetccapndess cash ce aetna tatees Tene err er en ee 10,000 Appraised value of assets not disposed of, received with the lease of United New Jersey RR. and Canal Company, IOCUTATIOS, jose sacusistazesniviaraea tices tessa Mer eae aneceer Be ETE $3,733,444 ELOUIPOIEIN siceescc ven) pesescensranesecstecmeile Sedves:Maresas sae aera c ae 853,026 tee 4,587,070 11,024,963 POCA Li cicas.p. ces vevesscuaeabers seesuasevtaemescass ee ersccrd aise cn eeetey omee stems tear aeettes $266,727,870 Less.amount of decrease £..5.22.uic a chan, oo canes cue ech ccehenmneae teeny amen ote Geant mere eee cman Amount Of, increaSeles, tf scpsrses ets FEE geass ee pecressosetasiMcnysne sits smn en ts eeereme rate LIABILITIES. Capital StOCk or aiaaesctotasavucecs oevusdee ass cahenucntaades EAinesuasWae erent tren odtetaten S $126,771, 200 Funded debt :— . : Navy Yard mtgé; res. sbonds, 5 pre), Cue Got err waren eerste areca 1,000,000 Consclidated mtge; Donds,.6 p. c:,dve 1605 4. 51cceccencesstestenrents .-osr eee 27,480,020 Genera] mtge. bonds; 6.p. ?,"dtle 101.20. -s,sas ts eect trees rete creas 19,997,820 Consolidated mtge bonds, 5 pic. , due 2079s. or. ies ceveee oraces ee basse tens of 4,998,000 Collateral trusttoan; +492 fpries,, Muerte aioe terete ee eeee cee eee eee 9,900,000 Equipment trust gold: loan) <4 p.cc pu 161 Ares. d, ecevenesane anette ee artes 2,791,000 P., W. and B. RR. stock certificates, AP. Cu, AUC 192T 020.5550 10s soenn sess 7,909,000 Mtges. and ground-rents, payable.:::..f..usctss00 bees enue cavusestageane Muiwehertnedseie tro: Total amount of increase dre.siceenaeeeetnes iieceetentos aa ae * Decrease $230,143 96,522 896,823 93,498 324,780 11,351,091 2,512,406 $8,538,685 Increase. $3,689,150 *1T41,000 *6,000 70,000 ¥532,815 117,000 2,578,695 60,052 16,480 3,861 *11,007 80,500 391,619 98,622 324,780 *78,295 2,317,041 $9,677,803 839,118 $8,838,685 601 PENNS YDCVANTAY RRC O: ; STATEMENT, showing the gross earnings, expenses, rentals, profits or losses on all roads ie vee the ce aa one RR» Co.) for thewyean pases Deas, ss — Length — ; | Gross | Working Net. | Rentals : Roads. he | Earnings. | Working | Earnings. | Paid. ;¢ | Profit | ek Boa ey eek. $ POMBLULO RUSE Meret sh cise catectlecaisusciewsnseasiee cases 552.66 32,879,853, 24 (20,8 269 46 12,002,583 78 134,258 67)11,868,330 11 LEASED BRANCHES. | | -| Penna. Schuylkill Valley RR........... | 120.19) 1,751,326 51 1,219,350 23} 581,976 og 531,976 28| Downingtown and Lancaster RR...... 37.98, 60,241 50) CO GAS BO Sie meh O 710 fy Oita. te carta eeeese *19,707 08 Pomeroy and Newark RR.................. | 26.70 23,213 68) 49,837 QO E26 O24 E22 lees aewsedecaaseses | *26,624 22 Columbia and Port Deposit RW........ 43.03, 375,818 46, 187,974 13) 187,344 33 187,344 33 Panover and YOLK RBii.i....scss.sescts | 18.35] 84. 784 3 50,187 51) 29,560 87. 99.560 87 BPS OWIL Rico sdieesciescdecasccosnannes sue | 9,30] 28,399 63. 21,186 15) 2,213 48 2,213 48| Frederick and Penna. Line RR........ | 28.00 56,818 61) 57,566 56) HAT OD |b ecleseasecdestasisvecs | #747 95 Mifflin and Centre County RR.......... | 12.43 65.716 40 30,644 94, 30,071 46 30,071 46 Sunbury and Lewiston RW..............; 43.40) 423,354 89) 198,264 06) 225,090 83} 225,090 88) sn a Bridgeport RR. (Jan. to) | | | BP eee cae Oe Mea cee eke ees oe | 49.17| 115,097 20) 79,825 00 39,772 20) 39,772 20} Bedford : ond Bridgeport RW. (May to | (exO., TIS) Peep Sade boars aeolian career eperre lear Mearse ais |) 252,307 70) 174,112) 20) 78,195 50) 78,195 50 Lewisburg and Tyrone RR................ | 85.08; 198,501 22) 176,724 40) 21,776 82 21,776 82 Bald Eagle V’y RR. (P. RR.Div. por) 81.23) 622,692 49} 358,642 01 264, 050 48; 249,077 00 14,973 48 Tyrone and Clearfield RR................. 120.51 589,089 42 535,637 34, 58,452 08, 112,500 00, *59,047 92 SUIGUGI EEG R Oc ssscscccnsacadssisicrsdvesceswessiecacs | 4.44) 5,817 94) 2,178 82) 3,639 12 3,639 12] Cambria and Clearfield RR.............. 40.18} 91,701 62 56,417 9g 35.283 67 30,283. 67| »Ebensburg and Cresson RR. (Jan. to | AIDE OMEN OSes tes ote Nec gtecasarse dir vnawtecemelicnersaverss| 9,342 75) 7,525 59) 1,817 16) 1,817 16 South Fork RR. (from Aug. 15th)...... | 7.93 1,934 35) 5,894 54) TOS IGO AOI. sas svevovsdecscoee | #3,960 19 WUCSTEEMEE CITA, KERR. cccnsssctscoesseeesses 116. 10, 1,704,092 25) 1,074,834 86) 629,257 39) 629,257 39) mouth West Penna, RR........0..-.s.cc00ss 104.88) O11, 208. 36) 587, ADS Si 378,702 79) 373,752 79 Turtle Creek Vy RR.(from Sept.28th). 6.44 1,162 69) Pap DIN Eh Sy GY ies en | 1561 79 Pittsburgh, Va. and Charleston RR..| 75.43) 1, 159, 614 98; 774,009 07; 385,605 91) 385,605 91) McKspt. & Bess.RR.(from July 20th). (1.47 9,932 39 10,451 19 #518) SOM, A clk canes | *518 80 Se Philadelphia and Krie RR............... 287. 58) 5 5,201, 361 07| 3,347, 859 2 22) 1,853,501 85} 1,853,501 85, $un.,Hazeltonand Wilkes-BarreRW. 43.44 544,785 21! 314, 391 43] - 230,393 78) 230,393 78 ; North and West Branch RW............. 47.82| 721,462 93] 500,281 34; 321,181 59) 321,181 59 Nescopec “CA ae aA ai al 11.96, 62,522 42, 53,248 15 9,274 27) 9,274 27 Bald Eagle Vy RR.(P.& E. Div. por.) 9.45 19,642 08 ~—-13,852 fH 5,789 93. 5,789 93) _ Susquehanna and Clearfield RR....... 24.89} 29,561 92) 25,633 3,928 09| 3,928 09 » Ridgway and Clearfield RR............... 27.23; 247,796 90' 137,994 33 109,802 32 109,802 32 BITS GIG: ceccdvstecensuntrsvedieses| |. LO 9} 87,629 56 74,932 77| 13,396 79 18,396 79, UNITED NEW JERSEY RAILROAD AND. | | | | CANAL COMPANY.? | | | t BMERATAT OSS sc; o.seccessccascsevtsseseccwase sacesnss 187.95|16,367,836 94 12,848,681 13| 3 3,019,155 81 ' Delaware and Raritan Canal.......... 66.00, 400,174 18 363,224 80) 36, 949 38) 4,236,917 77 7680,812 58 Perth Amboy and Woodbridge RR.. 6.40) 128,294 37) 61,798 08. » "496 29. 66,496 29 Millstone and New Brunswick RR... | 6.64) 9,599 41 18, 659 99) =O Onl MOS |ecwes-creeasenceers | *9 051 58 Rocky Hill RR. & Kingston Branch. 6.54) 4,679 43 10,987 20, #6,307 77 1,222 00} *7,029 77 Se DELVIDERE DELAWARE RR.]............ 81.82} 1,268,467 85) 899,321 12) 369,146 73) 368,146 73) BME USELCTOD FOR... 20205 2502 sdecsscceesocesensset 4.16, 10,568. 61. IPSEC ES ESAT, SNE tupemnaan pacar | 7,540 54 mePhila., Gtn. and Chestnut Hill RR...| °6.75| 248,754 37) 162,417 52 86, 336 85! 86,336 85) _ Freehold & Jamesburg Agricul. RR.) 27.54) 160,168 18 113,116 66, 47,051 52 47,051 52) ‘ Columb., Kinkora & Springfield RR.) 14.16 20,007 92} 2T-Boo 77 ED OA [Co ee datas bass doeaees’ | #2347 85 ee ehila. and Long Branch RR............ 49.11 78,736 46 124) 910 94 #46174 48) MWecudeee en cactereal *46,174 48 MMPS OA CH Rercheec.Be cid sic ovicnyaseeocses 20.50: 10,239 15} 28,374 89]. #18135 74) cco | . #18185 74 Camden and Burlington Co. RR...... 29.61; 273,176 34 209, 388 79) 63,787 55| 44,415 50. 19,372 05 PA MCeMNtOWN Branch: s......cc5.0sceeessaess 2.84) 2,263 16 5, 524 33) *3, 261 17) 900 00) #4,161 17 Mt. Holly, Lumbert’n & Medford RR. 5. ». 95 7,625 74 13,927 29) #6,301 55) 11,189 00) 17,490 55 “USTED Ae hy See aan ence eee nena anes anes St 2,573. 46, 67.4 426, 840 8i 45,947,444 62) 21 ,479, 396 19 10,482,132 76 10,997,263 43 ME LOL CCUCLAINS TeTIGal ernst ie ee aoc cen. sans os cuetad ican cdaskinleee open eancmedtee oo db tee Bai cois Ro (10,997,263 43 Add interest received from investments Pennsylvania RR. Coy... ececcsseesecee sevens Nevers sceietcecls tats 4,852,181 09 Add interest received from investments and rents of United N. J. RR. and C. Co... 497,416 58 Add interest for use of equipment loaned to branch and other roads..................0066 395,390 86 Bem CeTeSt fOr SON eTAl ACCOUNT Ami ancdeuseetiecececces- os dosnteceesolacssasbantnetesceubstanctiaencsocccdl 191,731 95 ROME PILE Lille NG CATMIM OS sisc...ior.ss seeceo oP asbanetacossdopsctentucdenenrenedscdendectesisieetaicenes 83, 176 54 Hrom which deduct—Interest On DONGE” CEDL........c.cc0cesccacsccesccosoctedssoneceses, sovevesss 3,649,575 40 17,017,160 4 5160 45 Interest Penna. Co. for Ins. on Lives, etc., Stock Trust Certificates............. aohahe 318,240 00, 1 1) STRECHI OP Wd Bh TES, RS a a er A ee Re Ae RA Pe sey Se Rr ena et Si ARAL 521,129 63) EMtprestOnl MCSES a CTOMMG=eMts... he. s-cccdcs.ocessiastantensaaseweresas saleere Soamcetteenestee 110,703 79 Premium on exchange COMAMISSTONSS Ol Cas sactcanenelevarte cae cot cncarcee seeseear eee teen seteas 6,930 47. Balance of payments on account of joint guaranty with Northern Central RW. | Co. on lines north of Elmira, and miscellaneous accounts ................s0e.0ee 7,399 99 . ica eutel xe Ol CAD] Cals bOCK AN GaDOLUS ma, senaucertnelecs sup ceas Sauce tassnsaten aad tetracesseees 431,339 10| 5,045,318 38 Ns ee ee 8 eens inde, bunaachins Beans eRe a, We one: ire 971,842 07 * Loss. 4 ae before deducting interest on investments and rents of properties of United New Jersey RR. and anal Co { Including Harrisburg and Lancaster and West'Chester RRs. 2 Including Philadelphia and Trentos), River-Front, Kensington and Tacony, Connecting, and New York Bay RRs , and Trenton Delaware Bridge. I Including Martin’s Creek RWs. of New Jersey and Penna. and Enterprise RWs. 602 9), 120'906% eA hg RO COT a ta Ce ace 9) dATIVIBd TION POM meee eee eee ee eee eH OTOH Ee tease erred Berens eee eee G OL6'ZO9'S “TERT WOId ON OF 626 9G), It CAPO R eee eee ee eee e eer eee eters enaeetmeererese eens sssee ees GOT: 4yoaid JON OG 06°99 ot Ng ener MY eee a ace gee OED siyoid JON G9 Op L8G ch wteee eee eee eee wae oe PT eee eee eee eee eee 06ST Ssyyorg 98 PeG 61F et POPE RHEE CHEE EEE H HEHEHE HHEHEE EET EE HEEHEHH HHHEHHEHHETHHEH SHEESH SHEE HEHEHE T68L SsIyOld ‘06ST {0% 300 Pouedo se pros stqT, } *sS0T + | | [ 2 $s 6L PSP OSS FL FOC‘9CLE CO OTF‘Z8C'%S 98 VEs'OLh'88 Sh €99'SFZ‘' CHL OSL‘CRS‘EF LT 098‘TES'TIF SI TFL‘SSFH FE 000'FZIH/E9 C06‘OF9'FI$'9L S8Z‘OTS FFE 96° TOES) STBIOL ~~ 86 6LE' Sx CL 819% Icerelaiprs-o¥e marvels ere/ereretatiotlialeieieieiersid ¢le:8'e\s-ais(sltmele Ais s'arer “CL 919% 09 Foe‘e \GE°Z TERS UTA gy, Suroouuop poomolsuq 00-2966 [LP PIZ'9% (00. O00‘OS- «= fk6 FOOTGL [OF GL. TL «= OT SPL's8 ue eh YM SHOOT) OTEO Zr IIS [88 Tz9°9 00. 00G'AT = [00 O0G'9 [vt ""188 Te9'08 «(GT T6826 | 10°SE_ | MW JOLOpUOTED “T 49 ISvaT | | B pay ___ (pe g1e‘99() [96 gre‘on(t) [or spaign luc eee'ta [19 gogzng [wer |n eee igT GegZT9 (80 G20'9Z8'T 0S °8ST |" AA OMB OL D TBA "TAS Ss IGF Fe CP F0e‘s e eee e et eeeees seees | wes ereeacsses see CON [GP F8Sx eh FOS ELS: iGG OTL #69 IZG 9S1‘9 EI ASSO 6C6‘9E ra) 9FL‘0L0' 61961 SSPE nenecsics cameras cae sey Aa TULBIT OTT ST 9L8'blx |9F LL‘6Fx [00 0O0'GOT [8G SIT‘TE [es ge9e |c6 g6'69 = [FH ONG'GOR = [Sh SPT [MA AA NSUPSNW I “TED [1G G2G‘TIL (1% OL9'IS |S ST8'8a ‘IF 00ST |Sh ScG‘GL |Sh ZPG'LL 6S 666°CFS = FOSS ae AM Pp SUTPOOUM “SIT 90 TLZ'L 06 880'8_— 00: £269 fae eg SI OGE TOG EI PL 64:09 (GT8G. | WE WOPSULYSVAA 2B SINGSOTABAL ae __,, (tO 90L'88 (64 Lpcics | (00 000'cs = [Th S4h_ «ZG 6eG'OT |L GoGizeT 98 T60'SLG — SP8G nM SO G0 GOL‘E00'T |TE 286°E9Z‘T |20 GOT‘'E00'T |TS 486‘E9%'T 94 968'SFC'S OT -ZOg‘cET "18S OFE'T9G'E 94 FEL TOO'FL 8° TPIT ME TIS PY OTTO UID Sid ‘6 FESS =: (ES 669‘Thx 08 G06 SST (86 OIF "106 OFSTSL = |Z 890. eGh = 09°S8. |” “Ue AA FTP “UOTY “UTD 6 LOG'Ge «SS OTT 00 009" GT L184, Z6 OLT'S OT L6P‘Sh . |00°9S. [ere ae AN) SSIOABAL GG C8S'FL «= |SL OCP'ST = GL HHO'SH GT. 6H. ‘9 0S¢'29 = 09 QOL'OST. = e898 “UU “PUL 7? sprdvy “1H “uosoysn Pen ieee GF 09G'SS GF UPOLTSe |€8 TES‘GCS 9G: 864" 98T ‘19 S8L'F69 SB: TS6‘FOP'S |L0°8th |e “UL Zp spidey “1p TZ SFS‘O9T [Se SFG'SEL |e TZ SPB OOTe [SE SIC'SETx [00 OZT'G0% (9% 9G" 6 PEL'S9 «1S Sa6‘SAP «= OL SET. UA SoMMooUTA 7 stjodvuvipuy Pe Coe IM: 85 LLL Gea, ee eat ae "186 LLG #8 9680. = SI'S MU AND BURIPTY 2 OUT 0181S | 1@9 OFL'S \LP Cnn ‘00 OSL 9 ligisvevcleleveiaseléicicistsleie SPB 0 BE CODEC 7 £928 80 C96 ‘ZE CZ OL pe Bae TE BN U19GNOS » osvolyo a) ; 88 SLL'Fh — |L9 SESBTe [FO P8S°S9 G0 TS6'Gh [Zh 100'88 TL OFZ‘09F = 898. UA OTTO 3 (AA SUTPUOTTVAA “TOL CO LTS'% {18 P6L'FL seeeseeerenesssle9 2G 118 POLPIe [1S ZOS'BLLT [tent Ob LOL SORT (26 LLC6Or'S 186820. |" Ae USINGsItd Pp PUBTOAeTD GF GOL*L9G OL FEL'TOG GOL‘L9Ge OT FOL'TOGe [80 LOL'TOP | 86 ZF0'006 =| 10 OFL'F69_— FTV TOT ee pen gstiid 4p OW S10'Sss 40 FFG'89Z 00: OOS"68T ST O6T0SS 66 960°664'T [48° L3T |" UM “BIYSV 2B “JssanoX “sid ee ea [90 SPI'SL-. G9 6z6'8x j49 99°49 GO 1666S QF 990°69L [86°F | Wa ASTIBA Joavog 2 aTISBO MON 88 196'FIS |G6 CO8*6IS | Josrstereeeese"" 188 TO6'bEx (26 ZO8‘6Te (00 00006 |” : "!80 L&T LE Z6G‘0OL Se Gis ee ee UA PUBlPA[D %B UOTTISSBN Gh LFO'GT6 80 SET‘9F6 CF LFO‘CTG 60 SET‘9F6 LT GEP'SET'E ONE * [0% O99°SLL'F [28 SPL‘6S9'TL |68°69P | MOLTO BM “SUT 19 8IL‘09T 9% 879 ‘FT iT9 STL‘09T 19z ©79 ‘FST ieee seccces cceves ate coceel ee pePsiek Sse eee ost EZOFRT 0g ToG‘e1e | oceeeeeeere eee “00 ‘puudog—nvoing oul mor) 96 9L0°6EFS |8L 9EF‘SLE$ 96 9L0°6SFS 84 9EF'SLES 00 OSG'Ss6$ 88 GEA'LB "99 ZOLFLE'TS GL LZ0'T6S'*B sereeeeor euuead—yded “doig | % | isonet: eee | | - : | | | | | 06ST “T6ST | ‘06ST “T6ST. | | | | | | je ee ie pel ee | | i "yoour 0} ‘spuny, ee. (068T | ‘T68T | ‘ysoroquy | “S08IVYO 0-4 mdmbg) ‘s8uruieg | ‘sSaruieg | So | “APB JO “SOL ST ‘OD “MAY 0) “Ma SEO Saale OT ee pus snoeuey | jo ally ION SsoI9) uct TISR ‘9 “O“gi0%09| "1 IS P 0 “O “d 10°09) JO sod | JOswolgd | [eee | “Ost | een naar "eq "09 ‘MU ‘ad yormM “Bd “OO “AY “d 04 SuIndo| | | > JOJ sso, Jo uoJodorg ~O8 Youd Jo woysodorg | | | “ ) \ ‘o6g1 jo potiod owes oy} YM poredwos ‘16g1 ‘IE ‘99d 0} ISI ‘uef woy ‘y8ingsyig jo IsaM saul] dy} UO sassoy pur s}yoIg ‘spejuoY ‘ssuluTey JON ‘sasusdxy ‘ssuluiey ssoir) JO INAWALVIS *Ajuo staSuassed pvosrey x | z6 Lrg‘goo‘o¢ | «| oS 6Lb‘9gS ‘LE sea coat Saenaes Loz‘9Sg'tz |r ve tteseewarsedneeces coessccoesesester ACT ‘CN JO ‘SM pouug [elo puwiy | | 1g 60g ‘S6rg seeeoes L6 bzg‘ofg oe0ee ss eccccecce bL9 ‘602 ‘Zs peccccece mont ds oe artpreres peters: Wen scpisersascerthee trent sce tere aos ciel aT AWD Aasiof | 96£'0 | z1S"1 | 2 gfgiziS‘S¢ | g06'1 | tS: PSQ‘SSG‘OR WE ZO S19 Wok: [ose se vesmtin senses ATS FT AL) AOS1o] Sui pNlo xo) AlCl @ PUNO r cela el at ie ios gbL-z peat ena) rlgS | S PSe6 | gzr€ | br zg6"h | 0gz 61 | z€otLe [tee aeeeeeeee caneenees ceree eoeeer seer DIOIDATAl pue uojylaquiny ‘KTOH “IN : a IS ess +6 | Qz1°O1 gb CLP | por Gy. ogh't | gbS ‘ob PSS ‘or dsdgheeee soeise teyainesers sec ennareateys se seyet sssnters oki sas kavasse diesen rare Aart aay TO lat ale ie eae ee 6E6°h | cree | £S9"9 | 61 gzl'be | V1IO'I | 60 £06‘9 9£9‘ogf Cog ‘CL [Absences Ko cenduveeiyaasirs tel ase edie spate) cmap mie cere etree eens leat ta ae ela suo] PRET joss Loe-f | 1b S18 '6 1 £261 | ob £2649. _ L6b‘9S9%% z6z ‘gL LSeteskeos Eretes cesevessenceceste tebrecevescecbes sce o WT ai TO Ue rad Ula teert eiydjeperiyd 1ZE'z seeeeee | 36£°S ZO Sgo‘gI Zzo'¢ ol zbi‘o1 : CCoNSES 6ZLZ1‘'SP Hsia Casing 2e sae N Ne deee ers ye ceeeesv ees BORAT Se pleysurids pure vIOYULY ‘snquinjod | 6SZ*o | ggo"r | 26 616%69 Aber | ch 169‘g11 gbz‘Zzv‘g =| oo1‘gSt Heseseeas Gonsbessd oeses Pers nooeesecer eon Ve Te INTIS y el qoouly | puT ploroate | £gg'0 | Sof1 | 1b gbg‘zr1 | $861 | St z£Q‘Ziz SES*QVG‘OL | OLVOITE —sreeeseeeeeveseeee coeveesereeenr oy TIFT JnUjsayD pue UMOJURUIAy “elydjepeiyd eS CEC-g ceeeees 6SS°¢ gb zor'h1 | tzo'z | 6z bzz‘g : Sge ‘gor oSz ‘Cg seoserhacowsiastetdarstescrscs Where eyes vs nanvotevessessevarsscevere cass canoe te ot since sree oO | z9z'O | Ip6'1 60 gLe‘glz Coz'z (ale bS1 ‘ghz | gfe 'VL1'1I 6zZ‘zog pec Ou craane oe Santen ios peek essa sae acest seme ve eve tees ST dIB MEIC pue dIplA[ag \O IbZ‘9 | seseses | 1bg9'6 Cz zbg'g | 006°z | gz 9So'% ae | CL6‘OL | bgz‘CI pacer Pa srececseh 7 Sows enon tees rari ween oes ee TT NILE, uOojssuly pure DSPs IH AYIOY Lyg't Ia -seeE ses | fze'9 6S 9Z9 ‘ZI | gL9°z | 99 Coe ‘S | 16P‘ooz PiS‘cb PreeSscree teh eabedeseWe se pUsdenssss reteset perst cased ae orcees tence YT oe Nae nae age gI1'0 | | e€Z°1 | gi zof‘ors | 919°1 | Lv ogz‘boS PG rE GO1* FE sl NEC OS QTe me aa ehansnee aa te vas Naieks A eU stat severns st cehte sos naeen eel Te Le UOT ornate Pleo | SSb-x | 60 Efof1gr hg | 6z6'1 | OF EShSIS'SH | Log *COGSQe | QLg‘OESGI seresesersreeresee seseeres ceeperoeene seeeeeesecesseerees SUIT UTBIAL UOISIAIC] YIOK MON SLNAD | “SINAD | ‘SINaD | ‘SINAD NF tees +r: { 1890) :253. «| /160,095.83/171 10, 274,62) 45 2,821220) 50 oo ecnc-acees 52,821.26 | | | Controlled Lines |_ Interest on |Other Int.,, Rentals, Net Independently Operated. ‘Funded Debt. Taxes, etc. eles Revenue. | Dividends. Surplus. | E 2 eee ox eee | | Le BE i 8 Slane $ $ $ ESTO Was sata ete ale Sab reese 236,063.54) 104,535.17/799,890.56/1,020,981.53/827, 354.50) 193,627.03 BNGsDranehes pespoces 1890 220,000.00 113,292.22 448,654.93} 907,241.26.709,161.00, 198,080.26 Nihe Gente RV oC | 1891, 807, 400. 00/156, 805.60 619,814.81) 696,507.31/526,260.00 170,243.81 ries ES ele a |} 1890 813,230.00 156,954.81. 656, 081.86) 583,722.55|526,260.00) 57,462.55 891). 420,000.00}..(35,552: 31 terse conve LO 9570 7O| ss deaieictsase ee 19,857.70 Balt. & Pot. RR. Co... seed 420,000.00 11,296. 83 Se tine casement 587 100.77)| wens et ceseese 33,106.77 1891 50,000.00, 5,690. Betas cc weaned LO,GL G2 Uvenaee tes aes 10,913.21 Wash. S. RW. Co....... | 1850 ee .33| 496.78).. e Be pe eee *16,179.54 ; 189I, 21,640.00) 11,915.42) 9. “49| $155,552.78 142,228.00 9,051.20 Cum. Val. RR. Co....... | 1890, 21,640. 00 48,260. 78 | 13, 154. 78| 181,749. aia 228.00) 39,521.20 TSQUIT G0, 105. B7 sates scgee| Meeeeates *176, 930.73}. : ™376 930.73 Alle. Val. RR. ce (hae | 1890, I ‘108 "468. 88} Bees 20 - = *95,079. 67) Jeateyes tae a 95,679.67 1891 209, 310. 88 . oe 24, 241. 34 217,446.72 150,640. 75. 66,805.97 USAT Ca eee ce | oy 208 004.201 sacanconnises | 42,542.51) 271,680.84 148,217.00) 123,463.84 1891 92,620.00 Sune Seah eeonen P93 Obie BON tees 6244-7 Flo hence panes 25 2AseTS C. & A. RR. CO. eesecess fae G2, 620; OO} cevann ss Nave 29) LOZ OO) 402,120.00) ..cccesncrsts 12,129.60 Ferry Cos. :— | | | TQ Ul scnsesucet acess 6, O67 103 Fee cca ts ovis 12O/B03:00\u-tessaa caares Weiathan wena C.& P.Stbt. F. Co... | nee R wes ie Pr Sy QSe ed dace cote ne. TET. AOS 2G ance sence is, Sees ae r 1891; 18,716.75 sal Sossenie tween can tne QT (240.70) ssinse'siccn'snnn|ncnouteere'eregue Vida) 6 Hank Ose tan Spread 18,383.77| Moa dpbilise seve teantece 20, 2OG24 BW + sea axe Cost) laa Sdacete ecene Penny Canalrce os 15.7,/S SOLO ocnene Weg aemneecena ines has encrete acct cies eee *150,090.28 . Pipes Bee 150 202,08) Rar daar eae fecevctewtieh Canis tenses stan ys .»|*107,078.74 ara * Deficit. t There was also deducted in report $4,273.58 for real estate and construction. OPERATIONS OF ANTHRACITE COAL COMPANIES. Statement showing earnings and expenses, interest and dividends, coal mined and sold, and price received at point of sale for years ending Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 : — . 605 Susquehanna. Mineral RR. Summit Branch Lykens Valley Total Coal Co. RRS Com Go: and Min. Co. tag ; 890 $4,050,675 84 $1,123,754 19 $956,826 26 $1,107,976 86 $7,839,233 15 Gro S = I 9 ) ) nL ) ) ) ? 9; c ee Meco" 189 4,327,959 43 1,289,819 96 943,484 75 1,401,905 56 7,903,169 70 Expenses. .......-. 1890. 4,326,921 95 1,144,523 96 945,561 801,144,083 26 7,531,090 97 Oe 1891 4,552,676 06 1,235,423 56 984,766 53 1,650,121 82 8,422,298 97 . 1890 323,753 89 *20,769 77 *11,264 46 6,106 4o 308,142 18 Net earnings..... } 1891 *224,716 63 54,390 40 #41281 WON AY 2AS. 216: 96" | > *459,818 27 Int Sr honde 1890 IOI,190 16 80,430 00 181,620 16 “0 1891 94,110 16 791345 00 173,455 16 Bividends paid..} 1890 213,680 00 213,680 00 18gI none none. 1890 8,883" 73 2: *101,1909 77 11,246 46 *6,106 40 *87,157 9 Bal. (sur. or df.). 1891 *318,626 79 *o4 948 60. *41,251 78 #248, 216 26 *633,073 43 ey s coal einer 1890 —- 1,453,365 04 303,438 O60. 274,052) 16 318,050 10 2,348,906 18 {1891 1,469,489 09 356,720 03 268,076 03 503;644 05 2,597,930 00 Be coal sold 1890 1,538,409 16 314,414 02 276,499 09 335,464 03 2,464,787 10 i OTSOR } 117353,305)04 303,438 08 274,052 16 318,050 10 — 2,348,906 18 Amount rec. af 1890 4,490,506°20~=—-1,108,718 83 949,239 91 _—siT,,O11,799 35 7,560,264 29 pointof sale...@ 1891 4,182,588 50 1,269,731 62 935,108 66 1,351,180 80 7,738,609 5¢ The average receipts per ton at point of sale aggregating the results of the four coal com- panies for 1891, were $3.02, as against $3.07 in 1890. * Includes operations Ohio Connecting RW. and Englewood Connecting RW. for 1890, which were not embraced in the report for that year. CONTINGENT GUARANTEES AND THEIR NATURE. Allegheny Valley RW. Co., and interest. American Steamship Co. Authorized issue, $1,500,000. $1,500,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. Baltimore and Potomac RR. Co., 1st mtge.,6s, gold. Main line, $3,000,000; tunnel, $1,500,000. Guaranteed principal and interest conjointly with Northern Central RW. Co. . Their half is $2,250,000. . Belvidere Delaware RR. Co., 1st mtge., 6s, due June I, 1902, $1,000,000. Consol. mtge., 4s, due Sept., 1925, $500,000. Consol. mtge., 4s, due Sept., 1927, $750,000. Guar- anteed principal and interest by United New Jersey RR. and Canal Cos., and assumed by Penna. RR. Co. under its lease of that company. ' Camden and Burlington County RR. Co., st mtge., 6s, due Feb. 1, 1897, $350,000. Principal and interest cuaranteed. Chartiers RW. Co., 1st mtge., 7s, due Oct., and interest. Connectine RW. Co., principal and interest. flarrisburg, Fortsmouth, Mt. Foy and Lancaster RR. Co., 1913, $700,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. Junction RR. Co., ist mtge., 4%s, due July, 1907, $425,000; 2d mtge., 6s, due Apr., 1900, $300,000; total, $725,000. Guaranteed principal and interest conjointly with P., Rerand Bb. Rh R.’Co.and therP, and.R: RR..Co. Their third iS $241; 333-33: Mt. Holly, Lumberton and Medford RR. Co., 1st mtge., 7s, due Apr. I, 1899, $75,000. Ist mtge. gold 4s, $20,000,000. Guaranteed principal Ist mtge. 6s, due 18096, 1901, $500,000. Guaranteed principal Ist. mtge., 6s, due Sept. 15, 1900-1904, $991,000. Guaranteed Ist mtge., 4s, due July 1, Guaranteed principal and interest. Pennsylvania Canal Co., 6s, due 1910, $3,000,000. Interest only guaranteed. Philadelphia, Germantown and Chestnut Fill RR. Co., st mtge., 444s, due May, 1913, $1,000,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. Philadelphia and Erie RR. Co. Authorized, $20,000,000. Gen. mtge. bonds, due July 1, 1920—6s, $8,680,000; 55, $5,263,000; 45, $4,555,000: total, $18,498,000. River Front RR. Co., Ist mtge. 4365, due May, 1912, $216,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. Sunbury and Erie RR. Co., 1st mtge., 7s, Apr., 1897, $976,000 ; gens. issued therefor. Guaranteed principal and interest. to be retired and Susquehanna Coal Co. Authorized, $2,000,000. Ist mtge., 6s, $1,833,000. Guar- anteed principal and interest. Trenton Delaware Bridge Co., 1st. mtge., 7s, due July, 1917, $350,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. Tyrone and Clearfield RW. Co., 1st mtge., 5s, due Jan. 2, 1912, $1,000,000. Guar- anteed principal and interest. United New Fersey RR.and Canal Co’s loans amounting to $20,000,000, Assumed under the lease. West Chester RR. Co., Western Penna. RR. Co., Pittsburgh Branch, due Jan., authorized, $5,000,000 ; from treasury. GUARANTEED Balance, $200,000. 606 ; ue and Burlington Co. RR. Co., 6 P- Cnccene RR COsoup Harrisburg, parent ‘Mt. Joy and Lan- easter RRiC Oren. Cy Mt. Holly, Lumberton and Medford RR. ComGsp nc: Numerous ‘‘ Guaranteed Annual Rentals ” the appropriate Co’s. Ist mtge., 5s, due Sept., Ist mtge., 6s, 1896, $435,000; total, $1,225,000 ; issued, $3,000,000; grand total, $4,225,000. Guaranteed principal and interest. 1919, $75,000. due Apr., 1893, $790,000 ; DIVIDENDS. Phila. and Trenton RR. Co., River Front: Re.Co., 5 p.: Interest guaranteed. Ist mtge., 6s, gen., 4s, due June, 1928, The 6s, to be retired LO pee Rocky Full RRvand: Trans, Co;, 6 pic. Tyrone and (Clearnela\RW.. Co. 5 prc: United N&R ReandiC. Coe West pape Ra Cone pc, IO p. c. are also met by the Cae as shown under LIST OF STOCKS OWNED BY THE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, DECEMBER 31, 1891. Name of Security. Allegheny Valley RR. Co... Altoona Mech. Library and 25,021 Reading Room Associatn. 743 Bald Eagle Valley RR. Co. 14,125 Balt. and Potomac RR. Co. 81,622 Bedid. and Brdgpt. RW.Co. 12,000 Belvidere Del. RR. Co....... 2,827 Bustleton (RRO. oc c.ce 2,000 Camb. & Clearfield RR.Co. 15,000 Camden and Atlantic RR. AUDss CONTE altaictatns Uo 'ehie vasa des 4,682 Camden and Atlantic RR. WO HOTEL. potact-cctanstoaevtec's 9,039 Camd. and Phila. Steam- DOALMMerry) CO ecsancen setae 4,316 Aatrierss RW ACOnssesescrees 6,677 Cleveland, Mt. Vernon and Delaware RR. Co., com.. 22,000 Columbia and Port Deposit POW Oia cosas hase fades tae 12,000 Columbus & Xenia RR.Co. 10 Connecting RW. Co, wscensese 25,554 Cresson Springs Co., com.. 7,286 Cresson Springs Co., pref.. 2,000 CumbievV yc RR cCowcoms. 5 10,516 Cumberland Valley RR. WO. ISt Prel.ccscs\.cceweneses 2,242 Cumberland Valley RR. Or 2d DREiy. terete eee 2,502 Cumberland Valley and Martinsburg RR. Co....... 2,000 Del. & Schuyl. Market Co. 2,500 Downgn. and Lanc. RR.Co. 8,113 Frederick & Pennsylvania Mine R RACs Piel asta. 9,220 Freehold and Jamesburg Asriculturali RRs Core 378 Girard Point Storage Co.... 10,642 Hanover and York RR.Co. 4,484 Harrisburg & Bedford RR. Co., instalnients.ci...s Aaa 8 4,000 Homer and Susquehanna RR. Co., instalment....... 2,100 International Nav. Co....:... 14,500 Jersey C. & Bergn: RR. Co! 3,810 Johnsonbure RRC 2.) 1,500 }410) CLLONR Ru cae, hess aloe te 1,533 Kensing. andjTac. RR. Co. 4,000 Lebanon and Reading RR. CO. CInStalmentstereticewve: 6,000 Lewisb.and Tyrone RR.Co. 22,209 Le retle Vilar aw oe ersesrs IO No. of Shs. Par Value, $1,251,050 39715 706,250 4,081,100 600,000 141,350 | 100,000 750,000 234,100 451,950 215,800 333,850 I, 100,000 600,000 500 1,277,700 182,150 | 50,000 975,800 112,100 125,100 200,000 250,000 405,650 461,000 © 37,800 1,064,200 224,200 20,000 | 10,500 | 725,000 381,000 75,900 76,650 | 200,000 | 30,000 1,110,450 500 -Pittsb., Cin., Name of Security, No. of Shs. Littlestown RR. Co...... ha 21 Long Beach RR: Co........< ee 5,055 Louisville Bridge Co......... 9,013 Man. RI. Est. and Trust Co. 21,163 Mifflinand Cen. Co. RR.Co. 2,742 Milford and Bay Shore RR. COs Installment 2h - wetesers 2,025 Mineral RR. and Mining Gos instalments cscetsese ae 16,667 McKeesport and Bessemer RR PEC ONecescs caret nde anaeree! 440 INGSCODEG RERT COs, .c. sess aac Shen Newark Plank-Road Co.... 2,535 New Jersey Warehouse and CSHALANICY OC Olasstetenttcr scene 5,000 New York Bay RR. Co...... 8,000 Northern Central RW. Co. 69,779 North & West Br. RW. Co. 18,500 Penna, Canal (Goh iesscceest: 70,343 Penni pOA LtUSlrecsecssscas 145 Penna wore... a tanccaneeetans 400,000 Penna. Equipment Trust... 1,095 CPS RR: Cos) Cita escrip, May 20,° 189 losseccacsieveceners Penna. Schuyl.Vy. RR. Co..141,839 PENNS, DLCCL COL i ccspesadenate 4,005 Penna. & N; West..RR Co; 565 Perth Amboy and Wood- mm DHA erR Re Cons. csssseenct 233% Phila. and Del. Co. RR. Co. 5,000 Phila. & Erie RR. Co., com. 70,036 Phila. & Erie RR. Co., pref. 48,000 Phila. & Long Br. RR. Co~ 15,300 Phila. & Trenton RR. Co... 5 Phila. Gen. Exchange Co., INSCAIMENE GC Wickse cscoeuee es 20 Phila., Germantown and Chestnut-Hill RR. Cox... 19,995 Phila... Wilmington. and Baltimore Ri Coy, sscas 217,819 Piedmont and Cumberland ACW, C Oa tissncadesecostessine ver Chics and) St: L. RW., pref. & $50 scrip. 31,004 Pittsb., Ft.W. and Chicago RW. Co., guar. special... Pittsb., Va. and Charleston 4,000 14,725 32,608 Pom. and Newark RR. Co. 10,000 Port Richmond and Bergen POINCHIGLEY OOlitassesccie nets ye Ridgway & Clearfield RR.. 000 9,820 © ‘Par Value. $1,050 252,750 901, 300 1,058,150 137,190 1,012 100,002 22,000 259,000 63,375 25,000 400,000 3,488,950 925,000 3,517,150 145,000 20,000,009 1,095,000 2,494 7,091,950 406,500 28,250 166,550 250,000: 3,501,800 2,400,000 765,000 500 100 999,759 10,890,950 200,000 3,100,450 1,472,512 1,630,400 500,000 40,000 491,000 —EE > a : > é 4 ; Name of Security. River Front RR. Co........... 4,320 Roxborough RR. Co., instal 2,000 South Fork RR. Coues..eceoes 560 mew. Penna. RW. Co.....:.. 21,145 St. Louis, Vand. & Terre : gaute RR. Co. rst.pref.... ' 8,370 Summit Branch RR. Co...... 43,804 Sunbury, Hazelton and Wilkes-Barre RW. Co..... 20,000 Susque. and Clear. RR. Co. 5,720 Susquehanna Coal Co........ 21,368 BMTOTIG IR CO. ccocecsessases’ 86 Toledo, Walhonding Valley BeeeOnios RRs Coss, sacescess 19,200 No. of Shs. 607 Par Value. $216,000 10,000 28,000 I »057, 250 837,000 2,190, 200 I 000,000 286,000 2,136,800 43,250 1,920,000 | | Name of Security, No. of Shs. Trenton Cut-off RR. Co..... 2,000 Turtle Creékevy. RR-Co.. %5,000 Tyrone & Clear. RW. Co... 20,000 United N.J. RR. & CanalCo. 13,500 Wash. Southern RW. Co... 19,998 West Chester. KR: CO..:,..004 3,300 Westlersey Merry Cox... 573 West Jersey RR. Co., and G2AG. Le dive SCLIP. sss seeen's 5,286 Western Penna. RR. Co..... 35,067 West Penn and Shenango Connecting RW. Co..,..... 1,660 Par Value. $100,000 250,000 1,000,000 1,350,000 999,900 165,000 143,250 264,54614 1,753,350 83,000 $100,728,057 LIST OF BONDS OWNED BY THE PENNSYLNANIA RAILROAD COMPANY DEC. 31, 1891. Name of Security. _ AlleghenyVy. RR.Co. fund. Beetle. C..7S.c088 aoe Am. Bottom, Lime, Marble Maid Name of Security. No. of Bds. Par Value. | Name of Security. No. of Bds. Par Value. Susq. and Clearfield RR. West. Pa. RR. Co. (Pitts. Co. rst mtge. reg..5s...... 285 $285,000 Bry) Istamtgerc. 6S%2....3.- 6 $600 - Tyrone and Clearfield RW. West. Pa. RR. Co. r. c. 4s... 43 43,000 Co. 1St mtye. tes. 5s.5...5. 1,000 ~=1,000,000 | Western Pa. RR. Co. ne 2 po Washing. Southern RW.Co. WIEGE; TOS ASey ccs se tsnisccnsce'ss i 595 TS UME CO Can a Sectennesioda econ _1,000 1,000,000 13 po ae ee Soc. ist 27 27,000 BE © ALG b+ acre areata 5) OE MT ORAM EEG ARG Roe lectus guesce settee eethore « $53,591,183 SUMMARY Rar, valiie/of StOCKS cos ccesce. vedesbucs shecetade taatcaveste te dosgamaupetwneceessere cmseeenaanaceattn yee $100,728,057 29 Par-ValuGOfl bonds a sespscses sesencecancicns seseces taebenremeseesiieedes Cee mecrsneceseet dn saccecienane 53,591,182 92 iOtal Wisc cteews saccnat eee Ve cavaless ive sees oPaswrepataeni cases peeve ceecternt dete aba pass «vdeo ee cesar oaade $154,319,240 21 Cost,tas per general balance SMGeCts ois. dccescieeess suse ron rncedacid cee snenniecics reresaiee eects $114,599,781 78 LEASED “OPERATED AND CONTROLLED aIcUNiios SEE ALSO CONTROLLED LINES INDEPENDENTLY OPERATED. Bald Eagle Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. Mar. 25, 1861, in Penna. Road leased to P. RR. Co., Dec., 1864, for 99 years. In 1880, the Bellefonte and Snow Shoe RR. was purchased for . $300,000 in stock. On Aug. I, 1889, the Bellefonte, Nittany and Lemont RR. Co. was merged with this Company. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Vail Station to Lock Haven, Pa., 51.2; Snow Shoe Intersection to Per Se, Pa., 22.22 ; Milesburg to Bellefonte, Pa. 2.99 ; Junc. with L. and eg tein eto Bellefonte, 9.45; Sugar Camp June. to Sugar Camp Mines, 3.12; Graner Branch Junc. to Terminus, 1.70; total, 90.68 miles. Capitalization of road...... Dec. 31, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :-— -Per Mile. f Per Mile. GADITALSEOCIET actcseesictie sack $1,535,000 $17,000 | Total gross from operation. HuUNnded debe... 2 ec..on eee 356,000 4,000 Total gross from erica sche aera #2, nape Unfunded debt and cur- Deduet albexpenses .)4.1....-.2. 22,085 243. rent liabilitiess....:sree *44,000 500 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 236,952 2,613 Tent labiities cc. sscrerees 351,700 Deduct total interest on all : : Total invested capital...... 1,935,000 21,500 Gebt Ss above ic .c.isstecclesceus 21,480 237 “ Int. on all debt p. ann. 21,480 eh Net result on year’s business ' ‘“ Dividends per annum 140,625 for stockholders, gain.. ..... 215,472 2,376 Average ratio of return Net surplus after div. paid... 74,847 825 upon capital invested..... 12.25 p. c. Par of stock, $50. * Sinking fund. + Including taxes, _ Stocks owned, 1891: Valentine Iron Co. stock, 879,550 ; scrip, $17 ; total, $79,567. $706,250 of this Co’s stock owned by Radi Co, BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $1,879,072; stocks. and other investments, $153,750; other assets, $351,709 ; total, $2,384,531. Lztadbzlities, Capital, $1,535,000; funded debt, $356,000 ; sinking fund, $44,000 ; profit and loss, $449,531; total, $2,384,531. Bedford and Bridgeport RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. in Pa., being a reorganization May 5, 1891, of the Bedford and Bridgeport RR., sold under foreclosure of its mortgage, Mar. 26, 1891. Operated under contract by P. RR. Penna. RR. Co. owns $600,000 of stock and $1,700,000 of bonds. of this road, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mt. Dallas, Pa., to Maryland State eee 38.70; Dun- ning Creek Branch to Holderbaum, Pa., 10.47; total, 49.17 miles. Capitalization of road...... Dec. . 31, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock........ anne - $600,000 $12,200 | Total gross from operation... $78,196 $1,593. Funded Gebtisscn aco.5-c0. 1,700,000 34,700 ‘“ Gross from other sources Unfunded debt and cur- . Deduct all expenses............ *5,950 124 Tent liabilities esses osuecoes 29,745 600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends..... 72,246 1,469 current liabilities........ .None. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ..... 2,329,745 47,500 GOD .AS ADOVEG. sisbse ds cexgtes 42,500 864 ‘Int. on all debt p. ann. 85,000 ° 1,700 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum. None. for stockholders, gain...... 29,746 605, Average ratio of return Par of stock, $50. upon capital invested... 3.14 p. c. * Including taxes. 609 ; BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road, $2,300,367 ; other assets, $29,378 ; total, $2,329,745. Liabilities, Capital, $600,000; funded debt, $1,700,000; profit and loss, $29,745; total, $2,329,745. Bustleton RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Inc. Dec. 27, i890, in Pa. Formerly. Frankford and Holmesburg RRA sold under foreclosure Nov. 18, 1890, operated by P. RR. Co., under resolution of Board of Directors. Charter Perpetual. Penna. RR. Co. owns all of stock of this road. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Holmesburg Junc. to Bustleton, Pa., 4.16 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. ' Per Mile. eApital StOCK..... ccc cseees vossesnee $100,000 $24,000 | ‘Total gross from operation.....$10,569 $2,540 PMMITCLECICCLE DL css vcs cciacescedcesatees None. | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current le DediChAILEXDENS@S,c.5n0- +2022 18,109 4,353 BRET FIILI CS. sony cokecacesoted chees sce 7,950 1,900 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 7 540 1agen ie: BEVETADLILICS. cscscen coeseassi~s None. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 107,950 25,900 | Gebtiasmboven eee 410 99 ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. 410 99 | Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... None paid. | for stockholders, loss.......... 7,950 1,912 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. capital invested..............06 None. * Loss. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road, $100,000 ; profit and loss, $7,950; total, $107,950. Liabtlittes, Capital, $100,000; Penna. RR. Co., $7,950; total, $107,950. Cambria and Clearfield RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. ath st, Philadelphia. Inc. Jan. 13, 1887, in Penna., operated by P. RR. Co., under resolution by Board of Directors from Sept. 24, 1888 for net earnings. Penna. RR. Co. owns all stock and $320,000 of bonds of this road. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: La Jose to Brubaker Junc., Pa., 9.45 ; branches, 30.73 ; total, 40.18 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 18gI :— income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. EA STOCK crctasseccscse csscen sis $750,000 $18,700 Total gross from operation..... $91,702 $2,282 UIT CED... c Deduct alliexpensesy..tiaset t 278 14 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 135204 | 5075 Deduct total interest on all GEDUAS BBOVE's. Jsseceucsennatece 13,799.) go Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 504 25, Par of stock, $100. CO ee 28,000 52 1 O12 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $400,953; stocks and other investments, $3,700; cash, $6,232; profit and loss, $25,364 ; total, $436,249. Liabilities, Capital (authorized, $300,000), $200,000 ; funded debt, $200,000 ; unfunded debt, $36,249 ; total, $436,249. Kensington and Tacony RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. with K. and T.-RR. Co., Apr. 14, 1891. I, 1887, for $30 per annum. Inc, Mar. 25, 1884, in Penna. Frankford Creek RR. Co. consolidated Leased to P. RR. Co. for 5 years from June Operated as part of the United Co’s New Jersey System. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Junc. P. and T. RR. at Tioga Sta., Kensington, to Jc. P. and T. RR., east of Tacony, 2.97 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891: Capital stock, $200,000, per mile, $67,300; funded debt, none; unfunded debt aud current liabilities, $32,159, per mile, $10,900; total invested capital, $232,159, per mile, $78,200. stock of this road. Penna. RR. Co. owns $200,000 of BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891:—Assets, Cost of road, $231,875; cash, $229; profit and Joss, $56; total, $232,159. Liabilities, Capital, $200,000; unfunded debt, $32,159 ; $232,159. Lebanon and Reading RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila. Stock all owned by Penna. RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lebanon to Reading, Pa., contemplated but not con- structed, 30 miles. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Engineering expenses, $8,530; taxes, $36; sun- dries, $96 ; cash, $21,338; total, $30,000. Liabilities, Capital (authorized $300,000), $30,000. Lewisburg and Tyrone RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th see nila. Pa. Inc. Jan. 18, 1853, in Pa. (Charter Perpetual), as Lewisburg Centre and Spruce Creek RR., reorganized under present title Dec. 31, 1879, and operated as a branch of the Phila. and Erie RR. Rental, net earnings. stock of this road. Penna. RR. Co. owns $1,110,450 of LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Montandon to B.N. and L. Junc., Pa., 57.60; Tyrone Intersection to Fairbrook, 19.90; Fairbrook to Scotia, 5.26; Juniata to Juniata Junc., 2.08; total, 84.74 miles. Capitalization of road..... .. Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. BEA OITALSLOCK 0 cseecaccss seceene $1,200,000 $14,100 PMMA CED 1:5. sccece secs * None. Unfunded debt and current BULGE teste tns.c0 sei tesess 370,426 4,400 Current assets to offset cur- Pen MaADUILES 2... ¢ ..c-00s 4,138 Total invested capital ...... 1,570,426 18,500 “ Int. on all debt p. ann.. 14,709 173 “ Dividends per annum.. None. Average ratio of return upon capital invested....1.45 p. c. * Old funded debt exchanged for stock. { Including taxes. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation... $21,777 $256 ‘“ Gross from other sources.. 45 I Deduct all expenses.............. {82 I Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends......... 21,740 256 Deduct total interest on all Geb as ADOVEcsctecececteae tree 118,711 221 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain... ..... 3,029 35 Net surplus after div. paid.... Par of stock, $50. t Including $4,002, lease rentals. BALANCE SHEET, June 31, 1891.—Cost of road, $1,566,288 ; other assets, $4,138; total, $1,570,426. total, $1,570,426. Littlestown RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila. Leased to P. RR. Co. Apr. 8, 1875, for net earn- Penna. RR. Co. owns $1,050 of capital stock of this road. June 10, 1864, in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. ings, for 999 years. Liabilities, Capital, $1,200,000; floating debt, $294,174; profit and loss, $76,252; Tire? LENGrH OF ROAD owned: Hanover to Maryland State Line, 9.30 miles. Capitalization of road......... Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. BAMA STOCK:...5.5s000 s 12.10 p. Cc. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— * Including $32,911 taxes; and $21,647 hire of equipment. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. DONGSMISt MIPE..5....ccerssuetass tata seaons 285,000 IPYORCGNG MOSS +c os ean ve rps ccsccececmmere taste 75 2AO MINING ERLGCDEA ..4.qsties vedas asvacscemasecas 75,258 LOCAL Gt vasber saucer mics tue mtant cerns e $646,258 LOLA. esecscusn evs se staseesapeegerastendenes $646,258 Tipton RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. Sept. 5, 1885, in Penna.; Charter Perpetual. Operated by P. RR. Co., under agree- ment of May, 1, 1886, as agent, for net earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tipton to Tipton Run Coal Co’s mines, 4.44 miles. Capital, $43,250, representing cost of road and equipment; Capital authorized, $50,000; gain from operating road, $18,295, to credit of profit and loss account. Stock all owned by Pennsylvania RR. Co. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. The Trenton Cut-off RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Inc. Dec. 3, 1889, in Penna.; Charter Perpetual. Stock all owned by Pennsylvania RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Montgomery County line to Morrisville, Pa., 15 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities ......... cesses $14 PG apitalstOCk tices eet $100,000 $6,700 | Total invested capital........ .. I, 301,258 86,700 Paided celts pi terectcs as I, 200,000 80,000 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. Not known. Unfunded debt and current ‘“* Dividends per annum...... Not known. ISU TLES I cnn csmensacesorusntiness 1,258 Average ratio of return upon Capital invested ciscicsnseesee - Not known. Capital authorized, $1,000,000 Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, Déc. 31, 1é9g1:— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of construction.. sane . $1,094,655 | Capital stock.. dovtcsase seeaetees ane 1 O@renne Real estate and right of. way... sare neeee 206,503 | Debenture certificates. St ceeeneteet I, 200,000 CSAS Diccsnalecchobcusseties esancuuiereoaamertee tyes DAMON E TOL LCONSEFUCTION..5.<4cocseurnsntnest 1,258 Protit And TOSS sein ysa vase opeterses cn sese i 86 ; PR Ota ley iectads Sree wacws sesoueeesieraest $1,301,258 | TOtal ..ccesccsssnascoosae scenes sneeansaene $1,301,258 Turtle Creek Valley RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila- delphia, Pa. Inc. May 7, 1886, in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. LENGTH OF RoaD owned: Stewarts to Murrysville, 6 miles, partly graded. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. FEN 11a DVNICICS <..3..005.cccscceaase None. : Total invested capital.......... $340,614 $50,700 Cc ‘ ) Capital SlOCK; wapeecansesmestseres save $250,000 $41,600 War Aner sce bial debt p aun None ’ Pusidedsdeptceaseancseeeccess eee None. Pei cndencr Gian Wane Unfunded debt and current AN. eT Loe MP cademueeg aes a : liabilities 90,614 15,100 Average ratio of return upon be Sleep La eR hie : , capital invested................. None. Capital stock is full paid (all owned by Pennsylvania RR. Co.), gurecions cost of road, etc. Road opened for traffic Sept. 28, 1891. ae oe ie 623 Tyrone and Clearfield RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th ft) fila. Inc. Apr. 1, 1867, in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Originally Tyrone and Clearfield RR. Co. Inc. Mar. 23, 1854. Sold under foreclosure Sept. 27, 1866. Leased Jan. 1, 1882, for 50 years to Penna. RR. Co. Rental 5 p. c. on capital stock, 5 p. c. on bonds, taxes and sinking fund. Stock all owned by Penna. RR. Co., also funded’ debt. ~ LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Vail to Pennville, Pa., 49.53; branches, 70.98; total, 120.51 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. ME MUGAICSTOCK. 5.0 cccescacdees caceceese $1,000,000 $8,200 | Total gross from operation.... $112,500 $930 MIMIC GED ocececscciecceceseses, 1,000,000 8,200 ‘* gross from other sources.. Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses. <.0.cc..1-0. *2,500 20 MM TIEG vocdvevet Veveecvenrees! pias 27,500 200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 110,000 gio Fem WADHITICS.......0...sc00c0s0e 120,758 1,100 | Deduct total interest on all siotal invested capital........... 2,120,758 17,500 GEDMAS ADOVE sh: cecesniss ons seastec +60,000 480 “ Tnt. on all debt per ann... 50,000 400 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... 50,000 for stockholders, gain........ 50,000 430 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid..... None. apital INVESTEC .....00.5 cesses 5.42 DC. * Including taxes. + Includes sinking fund, $10,000. BALANCE SHEET, December 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. REGGE GOL CONSETUCCION .i.....c000c0sece veces SROSE TOI: | CApitaleStOCkh ccssecgectarses exssacisseccsees! pl, 000,000 Bere at ate ANC RW cicccecce ccconscosnse DA VOD WELDON Cerariciated sactk evetieessssaelersascuiccost 1,000,000 SPO Ce doatap ics « (sacks savees vanees ecinans SA cose im iiteresttangds taxes... .casasarteaccsceies 27,500 PLOMCIANGMOSS ass scetsion sax sagavesetncneees 93,258 Se ten esr rc hans soracisreten aenceeses $2,120,758 SPOLAT otters te Seg itiagn Ont adders de freee ae. $2,120,758 United New Jersey RR. and Canal Cos., General Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philada.; Corporate Office, Trenton, N. J. Delaware and Raritan Canal Co. and Camden and Amboy RR. Co. were both chartered Feb., 1830, and consolidated Feb., 1831. Lines completed 1834 and branches 1838. In 1836, Phila. and Trenton RR. Co. acquired. In Jan., 1867, the United Cos. consolidated with N. J. RR. and Transportation Co., owning line between New Brunswick and Jersey City, on basis of equal division of profits between the four Cos., Camden and Amboy, Delaware and Raritan, New Jersey and Phila. and Trenton. Entire property leased in June, 1871, to Pa. RR. for 999 years. All obligations assumed and annual rental guaranteed of Io per cent. on all stocks, including that of Phila. and Trenton RR. Co. Pa. RR. owns $1,350,000 of stock, also $1,000,000 of funded debt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :—Jersey City to Trenton, 56,54; South Amboy to Cam- den, 61.15 ; branches, 27°03; total, 144.72. Canal owned, Bordentown to New Bruns- wick, 66 miles; total, 210.72 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Lncome for fiscalyear ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. BLA USLOO, 5 ose 50.0 cncsenes sine $21,990,628 104,200 | Total gross from operation..$18,995,592 90,026 TSG oe Ie Fo) ae 20,620,268 97,600 ‘* gross from other sources 497,417 2,360 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses’, ...35.... 14,905,789 70,643 MADINIIES » ....00524) esevese-e6 11,038,027 (52,300 | Net totalapplicable for'fixed Current assets to ofiset cur- | charges and dividends....... 4,587,220 21,743 REME WADINICIES....0. successes «. 25,907,199 | Deduct total interest on all otal invested capital........ 53,648,922 254,100 | debt as above......oce..2.cee0e *4,863,676 23,000 ‘“Tnt. on all debt per ann 1,043,180 4,900 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum... for stockholders, loss....... 276,456 1,307 Average ratio of return upon capital invested...... Bo: psc. * Includes rentals, etc. Capital stock consists of 212,404 shares, par $100. Premium on 22,500 shares issued, $750,000. Fractional instalment of stock, $227. Dividends, Io p. c. per annum, payable Jan., qrly., at 233 S. 4th st., Phila. 624. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of United Cos. of N. J. ..... G23 TAT, 2c. WR CADICA! seen cnes ce snagesswmas ears pegeeumeee res $21,240,400 Materials on hand..... .... ; 201,153 | Premium on shares issued...........; 750,000 Real estate and other capital pay. Fractional instalments of stock..... 228 SINCE EASGs.f.bes seuss Rah ouaie sees neste 15°202,014 ||, |BONGSANC MIOTIRASES 5 <0. a55005 seacees 618,642 Investments‘in stocks and bonds... 5,554,749 | Funded debt.........0..2.0.c0s-.000 50 Reem 20,001,625 AdVancGes 0, Other RRS.. 4,2 c.cckeee 494,136 , Premium, due P. RR. Co. and sink- SIN EIN AURUISH se. tant cesses cesewecteeoee 2,355,007 TIL 5, cectees covesss eshnseas-Oear sree 10,505,572 Cash/and Gash ftemie..c.)fysay sonnet 890,598 1) Undivided €arnings......0..sc.cacveses 472,455 Eremiumiana GiSCOUNtL, ....s0.0s. cussee 67,975 DUC DY Ft tepteOcctseeaseieecnuesac arm 81,507 MLOCAT We eussviecdvuateeelenscoress saeneee -e $53,048,922 Ota resend cussed tesead dose reuters ees $53,048,922 The Belvidere Delaware RR. Co., General Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. ; Cor- porate Office, Camden, N. J. Inc. Mar. 2, 1836, in N. J. Road completed Nov. 5, 1855. Flemington RR. and Transportation Co. merged with the Company Feb. 16, 1885.: Leased to the United New Jersey RR. and Canal Co. from Jan. 1, 1876, to June 30, 2870, and leased assigned to Pennsylvania RR. Co. Mar. 7, 1876. Rental, net earnings. Penna. RR. Co. owns $702,000 of funded debt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Main stem from Trenton, N. J., to Manunka Chunk, N. J., 67.49; branches from Lambertville, N. J., to Flemington, N. J., 11.67; branches from Junction, B. D: RR. in N. J., to Junction.B. and P: RR.in Penna.) 29; branch called Enterprise RR. in Trenton, N. J., 1.26; total, 80.71 miles. Capitalization of road....... Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Jnucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock........ssesccseeseeeee $1,150,000 $14,200 | Total gross from operation...$1,274,211 $15,788 Funded idebt..t.sids tecsseauweer 2,952,000 36,400 ‘* gross from other sources. Unfunded debt and current t #Deduct'all-expensest...t sn. 903,380 I1,153, liabilitis.. Lae .. Not known. Net total applicable to fixed Current assets ‘to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 370,830 4,578 Fenmtilla bilities waduneehoes Not known. | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital cuc...ss. 4,102,000 50,600 | Get as ABOVE Eiji iecsscetoener * 188 /020.8 (2,450 ‘“ Int. on all debt p. ann...... 159,140 2,000 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum..... 69,000 for stockholders, gain...... 181,904 2,246 Average ratio of return upon _ Net surplus after dividends capital invested’, .....:..-.-.-9.04-p.-c | PALA .ceaaed soceseatexssacnsscuesoeieael <25GOr gamiangens Par of stock, $50. © * Includes rentals, etc. Dividends, 6 p. c. per annum, payable Mar. Balance sheet not furnished. Enterprise RR. Co. tion on page O11. Operated as a branch of this road. See appropriate descrip- Camden and Burlington Conte RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila. Leased to Camden and Amboy RR. Co. Apr. 24, 1868, and assiened to Penna. RR. Co. June 30, 1871; 6 p. c. on stocks and bonds guaranteed and $500 for maintenance of organization. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Camden to Pemberton, N. J., 22.46; Burlington to Mt. Holly, 7.16; total, 29.61 miles. Capital, $381,925, per mile, $12,700; funded debt, $350,000, per mile, $11,600; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $8,107, per mile, $300; total invested capital (representing cost of road, etc.), $740,032, per mile, $24,600; total interest on all debt per annum, $21,000; dividends J. & J. each 3 p.c.; total, $22,915. Balance sheet and. operations not furnished. Mount Holly, Lumberton and Medford RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Medford, N. J... Inc. Apr.-2,°1886, in N.)J.;° Charter Perpetual... Leased Marir, 1670" to P. RR. Co., at an annual rental of $11, 189. LENGTH OF Roap owned : Mt. Holly to Medford, 5.95 miles. Capital, $95,650, per mile, $16,000 : funded debt, $75,000, per mile, $12,600; total’ invested capital (representing cost of road and equipment), $170,650, per mile, $28,000 ;. total interest on all debt per annum, $5,250, per mile, $100; dividends A. &. O. 3 p.c. each, clear of taxes; total, $5,739; par of stock, $50. Assessed valuation in 1890, main stem, $114,000; other real estate, $5978; total, $118,978. Balance sheet and operations: not furnished. : 625 Philadelphia and Trenton RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th Beeehia. Inc. heb. 23, 1832, in Pa. Leased (in connection with United Cos. Viton abe Re Bo. latter Company guaranteeing dividends of Io p. c. per annum. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Trenton to Frankford Jc., 23.66; Kensington Br., 2.84; ' total, 26.5 miles. Capital, $1,259,100, per mile, $47,000; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $2,528,263, per mile, $693,700; total invested capital, $3,787,363, per mile, $140,700; _ capital authorized, $2,000,000. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. MMMMCHIELO ACL. Vcchceserccaetey ofaceks svenska $356095,005 1) Capital StQcle mest sccsentocosereetsecssess $1,259,100 Stocks of other companies owned... E51, 455 fe CUPONG NADINIGS.. ssacer cecscencerscsasse 15777900 PEGEE ANGsOSS sch eavites a snercheredeseus yee 353 Ba ec ces cyst. dee ssc ia svar censvdoslescstus ten 3,787,303 PRO Ga menscanstcrtmasccesccsesencas tees stae $3," 787,303 Partial list of securities owned by Philadelphia and Trenton RR. Co.—Stocks: Trenton Delaware Bridge Co., 1,278 shares (total par value), $127,800; Trenton and New Bruns- wick Turnpike Co., 1,200 shares (total par value), $21,000; total, $148,800. The Connecting RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st., Philada., Pa. Inc. April 4, 1863, in Penna. Completed Jan. 1, 1868. Leased to Philadelphia ‘and ‘Trenton RR. Co., Jan. 1, 1868, for 999 years from Feb. 18, 1863. Rental 6 p.c. on stock, 6 p. c. on bonds and taxes. Penna. RR. Co. owns $1,277,700 of capital stock. LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Frankford Junc. to Mantua, Phila., 6.75 miles. Capitalization of road......0. Dec. 31; 1891)— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Tent Na bphities s,s, ivwsrcesvcs Southern Panic se total, 144.93. ~ 629 Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. RPMI E ET SCOCK ay seucevetsoe voce ovos $1,777,850 $12,300 BUIPTILEGUL CLCDE .doccodes ossvvceseese 270,500 1,800 Unfunded debt and current PETSLTLIOS \ccrucvoreb asses Ssecccous 894,254 6,100 Current assets to offset cur- BEETeS IA DULILES, cccecicesseveness 896,960 Total invested capital......... 2,942,604 20,300 ‘* Interest on all debt p.ann. 21,640 150 “ Dividends per annum..... 142,228 Average ratio of return upon Eapitalinvested........ Saeed Sp: c: Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31,1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation... $863,298 $5,953 Tot. gross from other sources Deduct all expenses ............ 676,106 4,663 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... P77, 193) 1 5293 Deduct total interest on all EDI AGha DOVE secenessc: es aseccae 21,640 150 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain....... 155,553 1,070 Net surplus after divds. paid 13,325 92 Par of stock $50. Capital authorized, $2,500,000; of the paid-in capital $241,900 is Ist preferred, $243,000 2d preferred, and $1,292,950 is common. Dividends, 8 p.c. per annum on each class of stock, payable Jan. qrly. at Chambersburg, Pa., and office of T. A. Biddle & Co., Philadelphia, Pa. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. Cost of construction, real estate and PURI OTC Accesses sess vesesCo., com. » 421,800 -| Chi. Union Transfer RW. Co., com. 40,000 | Chi. Union Transfer RW. Co., pref... 40,000 Continental Improvement Co........... 1,562 SSA IICL URIVET ROW CO nseeceess sa seaeses 65,500 East St. L. and Carondelet RW...... 303, 100 Fanport and Youngstown RR. Co... 25,200 | Granite Improvement Co...........0.00 70,000 Rrotiday’s Cove: RR. CO.) es wesecens « 300,000 Indianapolis and Vincennes RR.Co. 1,401,900 | PUISTIOIS. ECCI C Oki ts tuts sascacacseess «setts II,700 Lake Erie and Louisville RR. Co... 908,200 Maysville and Lexington RR. Co..... 350,000 | N. Western and Ohio RW. Co......... 400,000 © Newport and Cin. Bridge Co., pref.. 801,700 | Newp. and Cin. Bridge Co., com..... 1,013,400 | erlinc, Valley RW) COP pe dccucesceseee tem ses 185,000 Ohio Connecting (RW.,Co....:..'......;.. 600,000 | Pitts., Wheeling and Ky. RR. Co...... 254,300 Fitts: Cin;, C. and St. Ll. RW. Co. p.14,354,830 bitis: Cin;,,Ceand st, L. RW. Co.c:: 10,515,000 P., Ft. W. & Chi. RW. Co. guar. sp. 7,382,045 Pitts., You. and Ash. RW. Co., pref. 1,550,000 Pitts., You. and Ash. RW. Co. com. 375,000 Roch., Beaver Falls and W. RW.Co. 75,000 So. Chicago and Southern RR. Co... 123,000 State Line and Indiana City RW.Co. 38,000 =f, 1.) National Stock Yards 'Co,...... 40,000 Name of ‘security. Par value. St. L. Vanda. and T. Haute RR Co.$1, 350,000 St. L. Vanda. and T. Haute RR.Co. 381,700 SOUTH WESLETINCALLG Or coswcuyectsacetivedse 25,000 SHarPesviNS RRA (Os avixes taseasvuses erase 170,100 Union Bridge Co., Toledo, Qhio....... 6,000 Pitts., C. and St. L. Ry. Co. 1st pref. POCALMIAT PALE. ie Sone tectes cane tas dosers $47,388,913 Total val. as carried on Co’s books$20, 324,757 BONDS. Cleve. and Pitts. RR. Co.,C. and E. $163,000 Chicago, St. L. and Pitts. RR. Co... 6,090,000 Continental Improvement Co.......... 141,000 Cincinnati St. Connection RW........ 225,000 Calumet River’ R Wis Com sve scesuasseees 65,000 Erie and Pitts. RR. Co. gen. mtge... 102,000 Grand Rapids and Indiana RR. Co. 122,000 Newp. and Cin. Bridge Co. Ist m... I,100,000 Ohio Connecting RW. Con csescs ceove 600,000 Pitts Cinsand) Stak sRAV COA... 39,000 Pe, Ge Ceandsst) Lv RW: Coxcon. mi, 5,052,000 Pitts:; Wheeling and Ky iRR: Co...) 121,500 So. Chicago and Southern RR. Co... 123,000 Tol., Ann Har. and Gr. Tr. RW. Co. 18,000 Union Depot Co., Columbus, O....... 169,000 Union Bridge, Cov, Toledo, Ours: ..3.. 54,000 Ui S167 Cag DOUS as guaclaiecctoesetts sal 6 200,000 ColumbiavandeZenia RR. Co... cscs. Cincinnati and Richmond RR. Co... otal pareve sii emescte sc tee aneeenk $14,334,500 Total val. as carried on Co’s books $1,1782,018 Calumet River RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. Mar. 5, 1883, in Pa. Penna. Co. owns all of capital stock and bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: tooth st., Hyde Park, IIl., to Hegenisch, IIl., 4.43 miles. Capital, $65,500, per mile, $14,500; funded debt, $65,000, per mile, $14,400; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $4,239, per mile, $900; total invested capital, $134,739, per mile, $29,800; dividends not known. Capital stock authorized, $150,000. Total capital invested represents cost of road. Par of stock, $100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Cincinnati and Muskingum Valley RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Zanesville, O. Inc. 1851, in Ohio; Penna. Co. owns $2,430,900 of this Co’s stock, thus» controlling. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Trimway, O., to Morrow, O., 148.45 miles. _ This Company was originally chartered in 1851, road opened in 1857; sold under foreclosure in 1863, and reorganized in 1864, but sold again in 1869, and present Com- pany organized Jan. 25, 1870. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :-— Per Mile. ee ItAL StOCK... 3. cccs cesses Te - $3,997,320 27,000 POI EDL os. cccotieovacssncess0s 1,500,000 10,000 Unfunded debt and current SOS ea i er 1,770,397 12,000 Current assets to offset cur- WETIIADILILICS occ oaediscececdu ese 1,744,860 Totalinvested capital.......... 7,267,717 49,000 ““ Intereston all debtp.ann. 105,000 710 ** Dividends per annum...... None. Average ratio of return upon Sapital Invested... -......cs.se.5. qo Of Ip. c. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $465,260 $3,143 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.............. 410,036 2,770 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 55,224 373 Deduct total interest on all debt as above...... Det eslcene ect 105,000 710 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... 49,776 ARSE E Par of stock, $50. 646 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ; ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road, equipment, etc............ $5,522,857 | Capital Stock.............6: escsseees vongeoees $3,997,320 Materials and fuel on hand.............. 50,579 | Funded debt outstanding..............- 1,500,000: * Other property and: assets.............. D, 605 WerCUulrent ACCOUNTS. <...¢)4.00. iaveubesgeaeune 71,759 GurrentUaccountshcre: sseesssneceee ete 59,643 | COUPON ACCOUNES.......64 vecsereee coveesees 604,415 MEAS AOD UMA tea eysveec ores ce te vactes erator 62,181 | Miscellaneous accounts........sceeserees 2,418: EOC ANG WOSSinw cv sugesi seb ceeercnee ose 1,562,849 | McLurey Bridge renewal fund........ 10,793 Due former lessee for advances...... 1,081,013, Total... sessscecesseeee cesceesencoes eh hp 2075 97 PTMOEA Petros cdscecsscincens vane cxexaeereneaeas $7,207,717 Cleveland and Pittsburgh RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. ; Fiscal Agency and Transfer Office, Farmers’ Loan and Trust, New York. Inc. Mar. 14, 1836, in Ohio, Apr. 8, 1850, in Pa. | Road opened to Ohio river in 1852, leased to Penna. RR. Co. for 999 years from Dec. I, 1871, lease transferred to Penna. Co., Apr. 14, 1873. Rental, 7 p. c. on capital stock, interest on bonds, sinking fund and $10,000 per year to maintain organization. Lessees agreed to pay dividends on stock of lessors, increased at rate of 43.85 p. c. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Rochester, Pa., to Cleveland, O., 123.80; Yellow Creek, O., to Bellaire, O., 43.44; New Phila. branch, Bayard, O., to New Phila., O., 31.10; total, 198.34 miles. Trackage, P., Ft.W. and Chi. RW., Rochester to Pittsburgh, 25.64 miles ; total operated, 223.98. A line for interchange of passenger traffic between the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, and this road, is known as the ‘‘ Mount Vernon and Pan Handle Route.”’ Capitalization Of TOA ......6+ Nov. 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, t891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock......... seeececesons $11,247,314 $57,000 | Total gross from operation..... *1, 300,340 $5,805. Furided Gebt .i.-.....--cssscaces 4,742,344 24,000 | Total gross from other sources 1,762 7 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............0. t192,508 859 LPADINLES vec ccrtcee sieceetes ses} 2,541,212 12,700 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,109,594 4,953 rent liabilities cae seen eee sevens 586,296 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 18,530,870 93,700 HebtasS ADOVE oo ichsc se decease w= 324,970. 1,450 “int. on all debt p. ann... 324,970 1,640 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum... 786,923 for stockholders, gain......... 784,624 3,502 Average ratio ofreturn upon Net loss after divs. paid........ 2,299 10 Capital invested...... .....s00» 6 (pic: Par of stock, $100. * Rental, etc. + Includes sinking fund, $178,867 ; other payments, $13,641. Dividends payable Mar. qrly. at Winslow, Lanier & Co., New York city. Operations. included in Penna. Co., which see page 644. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road, equipment, etc......... $17,048,573 Gi i aDItAl 'SLOCKE. ies). cde ots ancrsseetseeseanies SLI,24 794i. Materials and fuel on hand............ 261,211 Punded'debt/ outstanding. 7....c0e 4,742,344 GUrpentaccounts Siscsecsecsaeteree rset 5,500 CUT TEM EMACCOUNLS 5... ace le coun eee oreveree 413,700: Cash on hand and sinking fund...... 319,586 | Dividends and interest unpaid ...... 232,187 ENGGING DAlATICE tects sscseseseee es cecauaate 1,895,325. SL Otaltscssesns Pie tecattoas sitse cxsetants sane $18,530,870 PLOUGH ger onccba-tiscpascttanscanntecneiers einen $18,530,870: East St. Louis and Carondelet RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, East St. Louis, Ill.; Transfer Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. ; registrar of stock, S. B. Liggett, Treasurer. Inc. Feb. 18, 1857, in Ill.; road opened Sept. 26, 1872, and is chiefly used to afford ter- minal facilities to roads terminating at East St. Louis, and is controlled by Penna. RR. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East St. Louis to Falling Springs, 9.25 ; East St. Louis to East: Carondelet, Iil., 2-253 branch, 51-)totalsra-o1 mxlés. Capitalization of road.......+ Dec. 31, 1891 :— { Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities ...............0. $63,077 $5,255. Capitalistock yes sevstceststesy carves ) $420,000 35,000 Total invested capital........... 685,519 57,128 Pundedstlebtitcersssss.cessstsean)) 200,000 flO, 700 _ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 14,000 1,166 Unfunded debt and current “ Dividends per annum...... None. fiabilitiesnat cc ee ke eu 65,519 5,400 | ‘Verage ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. ‘ ‘ CAPITAL AN VESLEO, cc. sss0stscsaate Not known. Operations included in Penna. Co., which see page 644. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road, $622,442; current accounts, $38,118; cash on hand, $24,959; total, $685,519. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $420,000; funded debt, $200,000 ; current accounts, $22,039, profit and loss, $43,480; total, $685,519. 647 Erie and Pittsburgh RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Room 9g, Scott’s Block, Erie, Pa.; Union Trust Co., Registrars and Transfer Agents, 80 Broadway, N. Y. Inc. April 8, 1858, in Pa. Road opened 1865 and leased Mar. 1, 1870, for 999 years to Penna. RR. Co., at a rental of 7 p. c. on stock and interest on bonds and lease trans- ferred to Penna. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: New Castle to Girard, Pa., 81; branch, 3.47; total, 84.47. Trackage: Lake Shore and Michigan Southern RR., Girard to Erie, Pa., 17; total, 101.17 miles. Capitalization of road....... Sw DeCr gL Loon 7 Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. RADIA SOCK : None. _ Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 4,846,331 55,000 |. debt as above........ ...scce T158,909 1,727 ““ Int. on all debt p. ann... 126,000 1,370 | Net result on year’s busi- ‘* Dividends per annum... | ness for stockholders, loss 41,699 453 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $50. capital invested... .he..2.. 2-4 pie, * Includes betterments, $4,631. + Includes rental of terminal facilities, $32,909. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, equipment, etc., $3,683,245; profit and loss, $1,163,086; total, $4,846,33I. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,709, 313: funded debt, $1,800,000; unsettled stock ‘subscription accounts, $171,079 ; due Grand Rapids and Indiana RR. Co. ( (lessee), $1,165,939; total, $4,846,331. Muskegon, Grand Rapids and Indiana RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Grand Rapids, Mich. Inc. Feb. 26, 1886, in Mich. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Grand Rapids to Muskegon, Mich., 36.85 miles, Organized under general railroad laws of Michigan Feb. 26, 1886; road opened Dec. 1, 1886. Leased for 99 years to Grand Rapids and Indiana RR. Co. Rental, net earnings with minimum guaranteed of interest on Ist mtge. bonds. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | lucome for fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.. svevaesgssasey 13000 | Total gross from operation..... $173,690 $4,694 Funded debt.. = s+ 750,000 $20,000 | Total gross from other sources 7,018 189 Uunfunded debt and. current neDedoet all-éxpenses.:. Xilc.s.t.s IQA, 74S (3,378 TIA DIMIIES “a. .<. -5...5-2.2n000-.2-4 440,000° 16,900 otal erase from eas sources eg A tg Unfunded debt and current ; Deduct all expenses.............. 352326 1,359 Meertitieses 5 el eke a! < 5748 200 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 8,171 314 rent liabilities......... execs 4,480 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 650,748 25,000 GENEAS S00VEL% nce *8 287 311 " Interest on all debt p. ann. 7,500 289 Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss......... +116 3 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $roo. capital invested..............0 I.2p.c +5 * Includes “‘ other payments,’’ $787. + Advanced by lessee as provided in lease. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road, equipment, etc., $646,268 ; current accounts, $730; cash on hand, $3,750; total, $650,748. Lzadilities, Capital stock, $205,000; funded debt, $440,000; coupons due Jan. 1, 1892, $3,750; profit and loss, $1,998; total, $650,748. ‘ Indianapolis and Vincennes RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Indianapolis, Ind. Registrar of stock, S. B. Liggett, Pittsburgh, Pa. Fiscal Agency, Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., New York. Annual Meeting, 2d Thurs. in May, at Indianapolis. Inc. Sept. 29, 1865, in Ind. Road opened in 1869. Penna. Co. owns this road and operates it. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Indianapolis to Vincennes, Ind., 116.92; branches: Bushrod to Duggersville, Ind., 11.88; Gosport to Stinesville, Ind., 4.29g=133.09 ; track- age: Union RW. at Indianapolis, 0.12; total, 133.21 miles. Capitalization of road Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.......02......sss.- $1,402,000 $10,500 Total gross from operation.... $473,928 $18,228 Funded debt..................... 3,102,000 23,300 Total gross from othersources Unfunded debt and current | Deduct all expenses.............. 405,793 15,607 EST Te EAS pepe 2,492,988 19,c00 | Not total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 68,135 2,621 Pent Babilities 5. 0c2..2,.ccasens 36,703 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 6,996,988 52,800 debt as abovecx.c sheet, *270,287 10,396 “Int. on all debt perann. 203,120 1,527. Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum.... None. for stockholders, loss..... toe, $202. E5200 9775 Average ratio of return upon capital invested * Includes hire of equipment, $67,167. Par of stock, $50. yAdvances by Penna. Co. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Coat of road, $4,675,597; other property and assets, $28,575; cash on hand, $8,128; profit and loss, $2,284,688 , total, $6,996,988. Lvabzlities, Capital stock, $1,402,000; funded debt outstanding, $3,102,000; due Penna. Co. (lessee), $2,421,257; other liabilities, $71,731 ; total, $6,996,988. Pittsburgh, Chartiers and Youghiogheny RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Registrar of stock, Treasurer of Co. Inc. Oct. 26, 1881, in Penna. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Chartiers to Junction with ‘‘ Chartiers Branch”’ of Pitts- burgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW., 7.4, and branches, 7.8 ; total, 15.2 miles. The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, and the Pittsburgh and Lake Erie Cos. jointly own stock of this Company. 650 Capitalization of road.......June 30, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. Fe Sis abilities ta.) ro. $43,081 Ga pita listocirecset wet eaekiteae af 600 ,600 otal invested capital........ .. 1,390,181 $92,700 Funded re 9) tbe Tee iia ada is ee oe bs Intereston all debt p.ann. 37,620 2,500 Unfunded debt and current © Dividends per annum...... None paid. UrabiittiGs eect cetede.esiaetes rn 169,581 11,300 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. CapitalinVesteda:c tess es.tsceca Capital authorized, $600,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1801.—Assets, Cost of road, $947,516; rolling stock, $243,960 ; securities owned, $1,000; cash and current assets, $42,081 ; profit and loss, $155,624; total, $1,390,181. Liabtlities, Capital stock, $593,600; funded debt, $627,000; current accounts, $156,976 ; interest accrued, not due, $12,605; total, $1,390,181. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI, CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS RW. CO,, “‘ Pan Handle Route,” General and Corporate Office, Penn ave. and toth st., Pittsburgh, Pa. Annual Meeting, 2d Tues. in Apr., at Pittsburgh; Pa. Inc. Oct. 1, 1890, in Pa., being consolidation of the Chicago, St. Louis, and Pittsburgh, the Cincinnati and Richmond, and the Jeffersonville, Madison and Indianapolis RR. Cos. Road is controlled by Penna. Co. and Pa. RR. Co. through ownership of capital stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned.—Main Line: Birmingham, Pa., to Indianapolis, Ind., 376.53; Bradford Junc., Ohio, to Chicago, Il., 230.98; Logansport to State Line, Ind., 60.19; Indianapolis, Ind., to Louisville, Ky., 108.4; Rendcomb Junc., O., to Anoka Junc., Ind., 166.01. Rend’s Mines Branch, Bridgeville to Rend’s Mines, Pa., 7.81; New Cumberland Branch, New Cumberland Junc. to New Cumberland, W. Va., 10.37 ; Cadiz Branch, Cadiz Junc. to Cadiz, O., 7.85; Madison Branch, Columbus to Madison, I[nd., 44.9; Cambridge City Branch, Columbus, Ind., to Cambridge City, Ind., 63.04; New Albany Branch, Jeffersonville, Ind., to New Albany, Ind., 6.01=139.98; total owned, 1,082.09. TZrackage: Lake Frie and Western RR., Indianapolis to Kokomo, Ind., 55; Union Depot tracks at Columbus, O., 0.25; Union Depot tracks at Indianapolis, Ind., 0.77; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR., Hamilton to New River Junc., O., 1.53; Louisville Bridge, Jeffersonville, Ind., to Louisville, Ky., 2.4560; total operated, 1,142.09 miles. Leased but operated separately : Steubenville Extension P. RR., Pitts- burgh to Birmingham, Pa., 1.23: Chartiers RW., Mansfield to Washington, Pa., 22.76; Chartiers Conng. RW., Con. Ch. RW. and W. and W. RR., 0.72; Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentucky RR., Wheeling Junc. to Benwood, W. Va., 28.04; Little Miami RR. and branches, 195.22, Ohio Connecting KW., connecting P., C., C. and St. L. RW. and P., Ft. W. and C. RW., 3.27; Englewood Connecting RW., 59th st., Chicago, Ill., 2.35= 253.59; total owned and leased, 1,395.68 miles. A line for the interchange of passenger traffic between the Cleveland and Pitts- burgh, the Cleveland, Akron and Columbus RRs. and this road is known as the “‘Mount Vernon and Pan Handle Route.” Rentals : Steubenville Extension, $61,932; Lake Erie and Western RR., $24,000; Little Miami RR., $17,000; Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton RR., $4,996; total, $107,928. Capitalization of road......Dec. 31, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock..........06. .00s000e43,886, 359 40,600 | Total gross from operation...$14,895,591 13,043 Funded debt................ssese. 41,836,000 38,600 | Totalgrossfromothersources 373,334 326 Unfunded debt and current é Deduct all expenses.............. 10,939,808 9,580 JiailitieS ese. coos cane asset 4,456,156 4,100 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 45329,117. °3;790 liabilities ...... Poossshts crescents 4,803,906 Deduct total interest an all Total invested capital ......... 90,178,515 83,300 GEDLIASTADOVE S10) esau teceortssevs *3,392,084 2,970 ‘Int. onalldebtp. annum. 2,358,025 2,179 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum..... 669,574 for stockholders, gain......... 937,933 820 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after divs. paid. 267,459 234 capital invested... secre 4.8 p. Cc. Par of stock, $100. * Includes rentals, etc. Capital authorized, common, $45,000,000; preferred, $30,000. Capital stock: The exchange of securities of consolidated companies for that of the present Company was made as follows: Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, and St. Louis RW., Ist.and 2d preferred and common receiving ¢100 of new preferred for 2 shares ($50 each) of old stock; Chi- cago, St. Louis and Pittsburgh RR. preferred receiving $66.66 new preferred and $33:34 for each $100 share of old stock; old common (Same company) exchanged for new common, share for share ; Jefferson, Madison and Indianapolis RR., new preferred ($50) O51 stock and new common ($50) in exchange for each $100 of old stock. Unexchanged er et loo? er itts.. cin, and, St.. L.’common, $534,450; Chic), St: Liand ‘Pitts., com- mon, $638,267, and preferred, $98,003; Steubenville and Indiana common, $92,239, other, $8,350. One of the Pitts., Cin. and St. Louis shareholders who refused to exchange, had his stock appraised at $65 per share by a board of arbitrators. Case has been appealed to Supreme Court. Preferred stock ($22,505,345) is entitled to 4 p. c. non-cum- ulative dividends when declared, before common participates. After payment of 3 p. c. on common is paid, preferred receives 1 p.c. additional, then 2. p. c. on common. After pay- ment of 5 p. c., as indicated, in any one year, both clases share fro rata. Dividends on Pecierred 1o0l, iayel p..C-.NoV., 2;,1892, Mar. 2p, c, Oct. 2 p.c., payable’at Com- pany’s Office. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. oo LIABILITIES. Cost of road, equipment, etc......... $95,374,009 |. Capital stocks paiGun ec vs. ssseer ress $21,381,014 Stocks and bonds owned............... £70°799 i »referred Stock patil scerscsccassesss A205, 34 5 Materials and fuel on hand............ 935,327 | Funded debt outstanding::............ 41,836,000 Other property and assets............. S15, SOs CUIFENG) a CCOUMIMS 2 setesass cs sosece cents 2,757,013 BEVIPTOTLTACCOUN Sines useds og cavousect cosess ByA215309. |. Other ta pilities.ccctcccossnccecese ceseteees 1,039,302 em aniCs trddsssset castes decs cc ceres'« 460,669 | Profit and 10SS..........0.seseee seseeeceeees 639,841 BLOCALM soncen tum eseseseheaseansesats cence $90,178,515 | NOT AL cee matscrttsctatas metus seas $90,178,515 Stocks owned, 1891: Union Depot Co., Columbus, O., 8’s, $37,299; Little Miami Elevator Co., $20,000; Englewood Connecting RW. Co., $98,500; total par $155,799. Chartiers RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, 233S. 4thst., Phila., Pa. Inc. Feb. 7, 1853 in Penna. Foreclosed and reorganized Jan. 1867. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mansfield, Pa., to Washington, Pa., 22.76; Trackage, eG kW 1 0.4.72 total, 23.48 miles:.' Leased Jan. 1, 1872 to P, C. and:S.and. L. RW. Co., for 99 years, for net earnings. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock..........:::0-essseeeee $645,300 28,000 | Total gross from operation.....$273,091 $11,873 WevNnCed CLEDt x. ccccisasccssel=vegccs 500,000 21,800 | Total gross from other sources 16,541 719 Unfunded debt and current Deducteallhexpenses ic. cstnctse 172; 580 7, 508 RT OUITIES: coed cadet vecabentresssanse *206,740 8,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends........ 117,102 5,091 PRG lia bilities w.cucces sesacesescs 230,278 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... I, 352,040 58,700 GEebt AS ADOVEss..:. 94,520 Deduct total interest on all ‘Total invested capital......... 7,346,584 42,700 debt AS ADOVGssccteussessess cee g0,000 523 ** Int. on all debt per ann.. 90,000 523 | Net result on year’s business ““ Dividends per annum...None. for stockholders, gain... .7:.:. 2,382 15 Average ratioof return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested .......60...0. bee D.C * Includes taxes, $13,025. Capital, common, $3,240,000 ; preferred, 6 p. c. non-cumulative, $2,160,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road and equipment, $7,252,064; bills receivable, $4,842; current accounts, $17,675; cash on hand, $31,392; balance, $40,611; total, $7,346,584. Liabilities, Capital stock, $5,400,000; funded debt, $1,800 000; bills payable, $14,652; current accounts, $21,483; betterments, $52,064; profit and loss, $58,385; total, $7,346,584. 660 Toledo, Walhonding Valley and Ohio RR. Co., General Office, Pittsburgh, Pa.; . Corporate Office, Coshocton, O. Inc. in Ohio, being a consolidation of the Northwestern Ohio and Walhonding Valley RW. Cos., in May, 1891. The road is operated by the Pennsylvania Co. at a rental covering net earnings. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Toledo Junc. to Toledo, Ohio, 79,98. Trackage, pages and C. RW., Toledo Junc. to Mansfield, O., 6.50; total, 86.48 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 16013 Per Mile. So pata Stole wry, .. est svapbesee 2,500,000 31,200 Palnded. cebt..cteeewrs cece 1,500,000 18,700 Unfunded debt and current daDilities ts). fee caer se care 7 203, COORG BOO Current assets to offset cur- FENE Liabilities. os0, eos ce 1,280,764 Total invested capital........ .. 4,283,006 53,400 ‘“ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 67,500 840 ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capita linvestedin tre a Ol Dace * Rentals. income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $460,241 $5,355 Total gross from other sources Weduct all expensesi..c.ss.vscceas 429,131 4,990 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... aT TiO me aot Deduct total interest on all CLEDE ASMDOVE Ly .cstesdss-Jocosees *49,343°. 570 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......+ 18/232).5 207 Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $3,002,242; current accounts, $1,279,030; cash on hand, $1,734; total, $4,283,006. Jzadilities, Capital stock, $2,500,000; funded debt, $1,500,000; current accounts, $155,022; profit and loss, $127,984; total, $4,283,006. PENSACOLA AND ANDALUSIA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Escambia, Fla. Inc. 1883 in Fla. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Molina to Centennial, Fla., 18 miles. Narrow gauge. Capitalization of road... Per Mile. Capital stockists e.citie scenes $75,000 $4,200 Punded-debtcccvscsusasveccete ect None. Unfunded debt and current Da Dilities: tecsctersasssebesoas eas : 5,000 300 Current assets to offset cur- Rent Vabilities \eevicdeee . Not known. Total invested capital........ . $80,000 $4,500 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, None. ‘““ Dividends per annum....,, Not known. Average ratio of return upon fapitar invested siays. Not known. This road (operated prior to 1887, chiefly as a logging road), is owned by Skinner & McDavid. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. PENSACOLA AND PERDIDO RR. RW., General and Corporate Office, Pensacola, Fla. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pensacola to Millview, Fla., g miles. Inc. July 22, 1860, in Fla. This road, gauge 5 feet, is used principally for transportation of lumber. Capitalization of road......0 Per Miles, CAMA SLOCIC..ccaceotencersrnevee tees $125,000 $13,900 Funded Gebt.2..tcssucecsoncsueuees 60,000 6,600 Unfunded debt and current Pia DIUItlCS Sraveasveisstenscevessestee 74,708 8,300 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities ......... css we $9,343 Total invested capital........ 1x 259,708 $28,800 ‘‘ Interestonall debt p.ann. 4,654 500 ‘“ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital invested,: ci.ccsccctsss . Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. PEOPLE’S RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Pottsville, Pa. Inc. April 4, 1865, in Penna. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pottsville to Minersville, Pa., 4.61 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capita lStocles acccsccercs toeceest ~$100,000 $20,000 PUI GEC EDU! secsenasecssese sek oes 36,000 7,200 Unfunded debt and current Tia DILILLES Werecstctaetescedcssceters 684 137 Current assets to offset cur- PENA DUILICS Mos casneinses teceaes 14,100 Total invested capital.......... 136,684 27,337 ‘“ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 1,800 60 ‘“* Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capita lLIMVESECC.cre sass cortenes 5.0 pu ee income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $19,947 $3,989 Total gross from other sources Deduct all €xpenses...:....c0..08 125337 Qosdog Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 7,010. 1,522 Deduct total interest on all CIEE RS DOVE su.sdegs stssosetere 1,800 360 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain........ - 5,810 1,162 ; 661 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $121,042 ; current accounts and cash, $14,100; profit and loss, $1,542; total, $136,684. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $100,000 ; funded debt, $36,000; current accounts, $684; total, $136,684. PEORIA AND PEKIN UNION RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Peoria, Ill. Inc. Sept. 1, 1880, in IIl. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Peoria to Pekin, Ill., and branches, 18.1 miles. Since acquired, by purchase, Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville RR. and Peoria and Springfield RRs. Capitalization of road....... JUNE 30, I891:— Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock..........2.066 eeceeseee 1,000,000 $55,600 | Total gross from operation..... $375,918 $20,760 POUTCLEG CED baa tare ccciseeeratenns 2,994,000 166,300 | Totalgrossfromothersources 146,535 8,096 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............0. 264,812 14,630 TELS ChE ond ele irae, path ee 317,905 17,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 257,041 14,226 POT Ditles ct a leadcesecasss 108,554 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ 14,311,905 239,600 GED AS ADOVE «...00605 soseseesese 157,155 8,683 “‘ Interest on all debt p.ann. 157,155 8,683 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not reported. for stockholders, gain......... 100,486 5,543 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capitalinvested.c.cci secsceses This road is owned jointly (each holding 2,500 shares) by the Wabash RR. Co.; Peoria, Decatur and Evansville RW. Co; Peoria and Eastern RR. Co.; and Peoria, Pekin and Jacksonville RW. Co. Each of these companies pays, besides terminable charges at Peoria, an annual rental of $22,500 for use of the Company’s tracks, which rental is pledged and applied to payment of interest on Ist mtge. bonds. The [llinois Midland pays an annual rental of $13,000; the Iowa Central, $13,500; and the Lake Erie and Western, $22,500, besides the terminal charges in Peoria. Balance sheet not furnished. PERRY COUNTY RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, New Bloomfield, Pa. Inc. Feb. 3, 1887, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ducannon to New Bloomfield, Pa., 11.10 miles. Capital, $64,650; funded debt, $51,800; Unfunded debt and current liabilities, $21,422; Total invested capital, $137,872. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. MES OULOAC cyitiiss she dnatiecsetscgeniccsetsava $125,557, |. .Capital stock....1:.. Ra tsistee vexvhedvenesaseceg $64,650 ME ORPSOC TL DIILEN bin... ecg sce sks ses etty see eeeee GrSO PRUE UMOCONCODU. cvescsed axted leserdysi cecoecstan eT) OOO MI SPEC( Cs .chethscucde ccs tat cies siccsdeveee vidios 2 RO mer CULTene LIA DTIGLCS arene cecasucacs cn acevesesccs Liga PEG NG LOSSt.. eee esc co4s seqtareensentce woes 20,250 SN OU crea Mar set aeewncactevratts dcatsaspaseei sel 37,07 2 FLOUR preanedsteanediicrecdccersssoacaeanstttea $137,872 PHILADELPHIA AND READING SYSTEM comprises the Allentown; Atlantic City; Brigantine Beach; Bloomsburg Belt; Camden County ; Catasauqua and Fogelsville ; Catawissa ; Chester and Delaware River; Chestnut Hill and Jenkintown; Chestnut Hill; Colebrookdale; Danville and Shamokin; Dela- ware and Bound Brook; East Mahanoy; East Pennsylvania; East Trenton; Gettysburg and Harrisburg; Harrisburg Terminal; Lancaster and Reading Narrow-gauge; Little Schuylkill Nav. RR. and Coal Co.: Middletown and Hummelstown; Mill Creek and Mine Hill; Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven; Mount Carbon and Port Carbon; Mount Car- mel and Natalie; Northeast Penna.; Norristown Junction; North Penna.; Perkiomen ; Phila. and Chester Branch; Phila. and Chester Valley ; The Phila. and Frankford; The Phila. and Newtown Connecting; The Phila. and Reading Terminal; Phila., Germantown and Norristown; The Phila., Harrisburg and Pittsburgh ; Phila., Newtown and New York; Pickering Valley ; Plymouth; Port Reading; Reading and Columbia; Reading, Mari- etta and Hanover; Rupert and Bloomsburg; Schuylkill and Lehigh; Schuylkill River West Side; Schuylkill Valley Navigation and RR. Co.; Shamokin, Sunbury and Lewis- burg; Slatington; Stony Creek; The Tamaqua, Hazelton and Northern RR. Cos. Also leases the Boston and Maine with its leased and controlled lines, including Maine Cen- tral RR.; Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh, proprietary and leased lines; Lehigh Val- Jey RR. and its controlled and leased roads; New York and New England and con- trolled lines; Penna., Poughkeepsie and Boston (operated in connection with P. and R.), and Phila., Reading and New England RR. Cos. 662 PHILADELPHIA AND READING RR. CO., General, Transfer and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Inc. Apr. 4, 1833, in Pa.; opened July, 1838, first through trains Jan., 1842. History—In 1842, branch from Falls Schuylkill to Port Richmond completed. In 1850, improvements from Broadand Vine to, and including, inclined plane west of Schuyl- kill river and Columbia bridge purchased. At Port Richmond are 23 wharves, 300 to 800. feet long, and 35 miles of track there distributed. These constituent companies were incorporated and merged as follows :— Lebanon Valley RR., inc. Apr. 1, 1836, and supplements; merged Mar. 20, 1858. Northern Liberties and Penn Township RR., inc. Apr. 23, 1829, and supplements : merged May 8, 1871. Lebanon and Tremont RR., merged Mar. 25, 1871. Mahanoy and Shamokin RR., a consolidated road, merged May 25, 1871. Schuylkill and Sus- quehanna RR., inc. Apr. 5, 1826, and supplements; merged June 19, 1872. Mount Carbon RR., inc. Apr. 20, 1829, and supplements; merged May 13, 1872. Moselem RR., inc. Mar. 13, 1865. West Reading RR., inc. Mar. 20, 1860. Port Kennedy RR. Co. Laurel Run Improvement Co. Chartered May 18, 1871. On Dec. 12, 1871, name changed to Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. This Company was organized to purchase and operate coal properties in the interest of the RR. The RR. owns all the stock and $39,737,966 bonds and mtges. on the coal properties. May, 1879. North Pennsylvania and Delaware and Bound Brook RRs. leased (which see). Feb. 4, 1882. Contract made for goo years with N. Y. Central RR. Co. and associated Cos. for formation of a through line between Philadelphia and Buffalo. Under contract for goo years, the entire tonnage of the Beech Creek RR. Co. for New York and Philadelphia and points south and east thereof passes over this road. Apr. 11, 1883. Schuylkill and Lehigh RR Co. leased for g99 years from May 1, 1883 (which see). May 29, 1883; Central RR. Co. of NV. J. leased; Jan. 1, 1887, property restored to lessors. The road has been twice in the hands of receivers—from May 14, 1880, to Feb. 28, 1883, and from June 2, 1884, to Jan. 2, 1888. The last reorganization plan was agreed to on Dec. 14, 1886. To effect it there was authorized the issue of the following bonds: 100,000,000 new gen. mtge., 4s; $24,400,000, Ist pref. income, 5s. Reductions effected by reorganization, in rentals, $820,000 ; in fixed interest charges, $1,710,000. Voting Trust expires Aug. 1, 1892. The Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. leases for 999 years from Jan. 1, 1870, and operates the following canals in addition to its lines of railroad: Schuylkill Canal, 108.23. miles ; Susquehanna Canal, 45 miles, leased for 999 years from Jan. 1, 1872. In Nov., 1890, the Port Reading RR. Co. was organized in the interest of this Com- pany to build 20 miles of road (completed Sept., 1892,) from Bound Brook to Staten Island Sound, where extensive terminals are established. In Feb., 1892, the Lehigh Valley RR. leased for 999 years from Dec. 1, 1891, to the Philadelphia and Reading RR., which guaranteed 5 p. c. dividends till July 1, 1892; 6 p. c. dividend for the following year and 7 p.c. per annum after July 1, 1893, any surplus over 6 p. c. to be divided equally between the Reading and the Lehigh Valley till the latter receives Io p. c., after which any surplus reverts to the Reading. The Central RR. of N. J. was nominally leased for 999 years to the Port Reading RR. as of Jan, 1, 1892, lessee assuming all obligations; State authorities compelled Central Co. to resume operations of its own lines in Aug., 1892, and in Feb., 1893, abrogated the lease. A controlling interest in the Poughkeepsie Bridge system was acquired, and on Feb. 3, 1892, the Reading began to run its trains to Hartford and New England points. On Feb., 10, 1892, a receiver was appointed for the Central New England and Western and the Poughkeepsie Bridge, in the interest of the Reading. It is now reorganized as the Philadelphia, Reading and New England RR., which is controlled. In Feb., 1892, it was reported that a controlling interest in the Delaware, Lacka- wanna and Western Co. had been acquired by parties in the interest of the Philadelphia and Reading. In Oct., 1892, control of the Boston and Maine and the New York and New England RR. Cos. was secured. LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— Miles. Main ‘line—Philadelphia to Mount)Carbons ) atecsreemcetesre a eancsvare sttess0ss0 vosetsceaectacevaseeset 98.4 . Branch lines—Northern Liberties and Penn Township—In Phila., Paw... ceeeeceeseeee e 1 4 PortsKennedy—Port Kennedy todiime sities aie tercedasocccas.-cvecnsiy-esseiscvcs Basta s seesencts Lia Lebanon Valley—Reading to Harrisburg, Pa........coecceese Pa tear ace sy taints vl Overrias sie uesnie es es 53-7 Léebanon/and, Tremont— Lebanon tol Brookside. td eisrvsssetcvsathasu. socosccetscteneuos ans craze 42.2 Schuylkill and ‘Susquéhanna+RockviletG BUbUli eld seen gence nelsescwcensleossecesctcescaedh 53-4 Mt. Carbon—Mt. Carbon to Wadesville and Mt. Laffy, Pa...... Bsc cdih ca wactecetaiecieek cLeeee 8.5, 663 Mahanoy and Shamokin—Mahanoy City to Port Treverton, and New Castle to Mahanoy Plain, Pa... POOH EHH HH EEHEHE HEEHEE BETHTHTHH HESS FETEHEH BHOEEEEOS FOOSE OOOE He eees HH eeee HEHEHE HEHEHE Moselem—Leesport to Quarry, Pa Total owned Leased :— Gorehnrooxdale*h k—-Fottstown 10: Barto, Pay iccecccccsunceccsacdvastee vasnctiteeses Pickering Valley RR.—Phcenixville to Byer’s Station, Pa East Pennsylvania RR.—Reading to Allentown, Pa Allentown RR.—Topton to Kutztown, Pa HOOF Beare eH EEOe DESEO EOHH HOHE Ben EEE HEHEHE HEREOF SORE HEHE Ee OOOH EOOEF West Reading—Reading to West Reading, SOTHO SHES FHHHT HEHEHE DELTH SEES COHHTOEHS SHOOT ES SEHEES HEEEHE SEOHTEHOHHHEEED BETH ESEE EE EHHS BH OEEH OES Cee eee Fee e es CHEESES BETO TEOES SESE ESHES POO ee ee meee Pewee eee ee SES EHS SEH oes POHOEH TE HEDS Pee ee HSH e BESO HEHEE DOTOHEH FS BOTT TTES DOES EDHH EE HTHS BHTOREOOS Little Schuylkill RR.—Port Clinton to Tamanend, Pa Mine Hill RR.—Schuylkill Haven to Tremont, Pa., etc Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon RR.—Mt. Carbon to Palo Alto, Pa Mill Creek RR.—Palo Alto to New Castle, Pa Schuylkill Valley RR.—Palo Alto to Reevesdale, Pa East Mahanoy RR.—E. M. Junc. to Waste-House Run, Pa Shamokin, Sunbury and Lewisburg RR.—Shamokin to W. Milton, Pa SOO ee COTTE EE TS OEE OEE SESE ED DEO E TEES ED EOES POCO CTOOe Dee ee sees ~- FF HFSs FEHHESESS 2998 OCCT TCHS ee eees seeess Seeseeee Bee, COCO Ee OFFS S COTE TOEHH DGS EdE DHHEHEHER ESTEE HOD Bere ee se eeee ee ese ees Philadelphia, Germantown and Norristown RR.—Phila. to Norristown; Chestnut Hill and Oreland, Pa POOH OEE re eee SeesTe ee EHH e HE EEES HH SEEE FOF SOETETOOE ES HEOY GDEOHOOOS FOFEESOSE FOOTED DODERR Catawissa RR.—Tamanend to Newberry Junc., Pa Phila. and Chester Branch RR.—Phila. to Chester, Pa Norristown Junction RR.—in Norristown, Pa Pee e ee COE OOOEe POR aHEEES BOTH OOOET E+ FHs HHH DOSES CO POOP OES FOBCOOFSH Foo See DOTEHERES BDUTH OSD O4e POOH cose ee CeO EOOe HOTS OSOH HE EEEe FFF e BESTT EOOS ESE EED Norm Penn Kh R—Phila to Bethlehem, Pa., and branches:,,. cc, wil.. vasana scvchors ea sssicvcsvel Delaware and Bound Brook RR.—Del. river at Yardley, Pa., to Bound Brook, N. J., BIele tC ECON EECTILOI IN Ge) tucae ota ttuuie syncacgees ee vqoncd ser carsivigdrddseng ie cecbems coecanens sess Schuylkill and Lehigh RR.—High’s Farm to Slatington, Pa Phila., Harrisburg and Pittsburgh RR.—Harrisburg to Shippensburg, eee eee ee ceees sarees oeesed Beeereese ieeiione Valley Rake saANnG WCASeC AH CONDTTOLIE! LINESs. cc evecssesctiecscccssasetiessesecesenspecvode AP UA! Ieee he otebudsncdehades céuboab adobe GARB CBSE rn GHD ASE AEE aD CREE tants rin ee SHAM ry tama Ame Controlled :— Peeas nO a UT amie tee SITE ITI EO TINO beans, .ccerdece rane vecsewss neceesesdtavacn tnssde desnonousntodvenctassetspa | Sse mn Om Income for fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1892:— Way \O \O ‘6b zob‘oS1 ‘z Lg zz6‘6o1 gI Sef ‘ogz‘z Log tzb‘org | Gf pgz'fL6 89 ogg‘zte zg gtoforS‘1 ‘ zo Loz‘£go'r bg Sbz‘e6S‘z go PSz‘ogsg | 26 66bL1 ‘Eg *sso'_y ‘Wwoig "ssOj pue WOIg oS gzS‘Sig ZS oLS‘1S1 | 69 11f'1SC'y IZ 2gg‘zoS ‘vb { 6L 061 26 LEb ELS IZ gov‘e1e‘S EL 66S‘9 €% gz ‘zzg } Iz zgg‘zoS ‘bg | *ySo10}UT o1 Log‘Z SL fbl‘otg‘z Sg oSf‘9fo‘e or Lo9‘Z ISZ £pL‘olg‘z Sg oSf*efo‘z Sg off °Qfo‘cg gt obo‘Lotz ve vor V11‘g CL vVisgiv Ou v6 €zgiElg zi QgS1‘ISrt ‘sso’-y zg Sg9‘zQv bb 91z‘699'1 gb zgz‘Sgz‘g 06 gZPp‘hl6‘6 go. PSz‘ogS g6 2eZ‘b1S‘o1 ze £10'COL Fig a VASE Sa an Ig 611 ‘2g6‘ze 6h 669'Soo'Pe 18 gf 1‘QbZ‘1 Zg 1£6‘0g0‘61 gg gg0‘6zg‘o~ ol LSS ‘bzeL | 16 Ler‘106‘C I 1g Of9‘QL1‘CI | go bSzfogS £L gL€‘96S ‘a1 | | 69 tz£‘ogt Lo blr‘Ze T£ g69‘zE ‘sso7y'oS 6SQ‘Z1z 26 Sgz‘gt gz g1f61P | ce Sbz‘vz SP gog‘6S | igo zgS‘1666¢ = |£g 61z‘zog‘1I1¢ | ; *519 51S Sicees *sSulUIey -loyur ‘speyuer Bur [PAUSES EIDREASES | ONCE ION -pnyjour jou‘sasued jo ewe yy -X9 SUIYIOM [PO J, z1 bez‘Q60'1h ISL 096‘198 ‘z 60 0z9‘gzt ‘C 1z bhe‘zer ‘by CZ-222°600'ST~ | OS, VeEsZsri E17 PE 6S9‘bh6g ZE oSh‘ggi ‘zz 1Z460C 121 CZ TZ O01 ‘Tr1 oc CEO LOr '9f 66b‘Li1z 61 I91‘SgI Gz zgS‘Zov gZ 1S0%Vg - 16 10g‘€Se‘1z¢ EEC CCR LU a ALOR PERN RET |06gr fof ‘AON SuIpus Aav9X ‘soruedwiod yjoq [vjJO], “16gr ‘of “AON Sulpus zea ‘satueduiod yjyoq [eo], [ecceccoes PORTE LOL eos BOOTHO OLS HEHE HK DERE OE DERE EEEOE eseolooqd | eee eneees ceeereses te ooeeees Crevseses® eoveseees vessel OSvOIIUT Ocoee eres veeeeseeesscens Se OOG T fof ‘AON surpuo Ieod OW sete Setne sat rile, bees ees ONee 1OGg ‘oF "AON Sulpua ead IO ‘OD NOU] GNV 1VOD ONIGvay ANY ‘VIIHg reteev eaeva eases cesses aaseeecereeseesseaees eeeees QSBIIDO [scesersseseeeeeecees senses ssesesseseeseees soseeeeeet QSBO IU] [srtseeseeeeQ6QT ‘of “AON SuIpua read ‘03 ‘Wa [210L jTrresees sere 16QT “OF “AON SUIPUS IVa ‘OF “WY [CIOL siete te ned RE Te Sale DULG oid aouR[eq yqoq seseseaee seneeeene taneesensceeereees eeserees ISO IOUT DUB S|EIUIY | fs cen sae Penne ceree. ceeerseeecccces S]USUI}SOAUI woody awoOoduyT aapenaraee tee Ae wo wetunssegese ene eeuecesiser cece. s ase hp 1G [voy | een es poweese ns oer eeeeess SO002C0e Sees es soeneeeee "SoS 1eq [vod ge ee Peers ee es POCO CEED BOeees sosieq eos pue S1IOI][[OO WIBI4S | evccecevos CHC HH SHH ETE RESETS OHFHST CHET THEH FES + BELOBEEEE s[eue) hacvess POPOL HHL O ER Se OEEE OEE SOL dDOe-. Coes HOHE HE BOOEESEES "te" DBOIIBY OD) “YA VNIGVAY GNV VIHdIACVIIHG AH] *ssuluIey SSO1X) YUM uositeduioo puv ‘16gi ‘of ‘AON Sulpua avak ay} AO} ‘0D UOd] ‘rea snoraoid puv [vod 94} puv ‘oy proriey ayi jo suoneiadd 94} Jo LNAWALVLS 666 ee EQuigo Gol | ee QI Sgf‘ogz‘z 64 99h 698°C gf 11P‘ziP IZ gop‘gie‘S Lo ozg‘ofZ‘S g6 obL‘I Sg oS ‘Qf9‘z £3 L60‘0rg‘z LO ETS eS ta Tree SEG VE zl bri‘Lib‘or | 6b 669‘Soo‘be 69 ¥gf‘oh6‘11 | og bhy‘1h6‘gh | | | | zg Lyg‘SSPy1 SE og1 ‘SPS vo zof‘Shz 6£ zgv‘obZ gg 09g‘zee | oS gzS‘Si1g zg Sg9‘zov | 99 990'6z9 ‘oz | Zo 61£‘z1z PS gzg‘ogo‘I * Iz ghi‘e6z‘t of -=gIg'hge‘SE - v : ee = | | gz 106‘€9S | z€ 601‘Zo1 96 gbL‘t 9S Los‘zeZ 6b L61‘ogh bZ Svz‘e6S ‘z COL Vis Tee. z6 Sog‘1£S¢ | Vo ££6‘Q69 ‘C$ IZ ZgQ‘zoS ‘PV €¢ 1666990 €¢ 166699 ‘V¢ Sg oSf‘9t9‘z £g L60 ‘org ‘z —— = £g L60‘obe ‘zd 06 gZrre6 1g of 9‘gZ1‘E1 gb gtz‘Log‘o1 | of gzg‘oSQ‘F1 z6 Sog1€$ | z6 Sog‘1€S | | gf 2zo'Sz1 ‘C1 ov zvo‘661 ‘II TE Losre Le. 94 604 ‘061 | 10 1z2‘Lb gz £bL‘S ‘sso-y, oF LL0‘691 Lo gfg‘afI | 9g Zz1‘vof £9 1gh‘or | oo €zS°ES Iv pZr‘S6b‘org | 11 £Lo‘16h‘z1¢ “SssO'T “Wold *}S919}UT “speuvo pue SPBOL pases] [eIUIy "O39 “ySo19]UT | ‘spequed Surpnyoutr | -ut you ‘sasued -xXo SumyIOM [e}0 7, *SSUIULIvS JON 90 Sg6‘QSh‘gI 12 vre‘ecr ‘by 62 629‘1g99‘09 10 of0 ‘ghz ‘S1 oS PeZ11£‘1z IS voZL‘ZSS ‘oF | © Seer errerererrers soos roenoe sovecs "' OSBOIOUT POCOCCOOE Heese er tees oHeeeEss oeaeroeeese occ: sees soe TOE ‘o€ ‘AON Surpus zve9A soruedwos yj0q [e}OL COCO Oe HOHE He DELO OS FOOOEE EEOHELETOOR SoeeeE EET Aa ‘of “AON Suipus Jv9A sotuedwiod yj0q [e}JOL PRCeee Coee ee Feeeersoseeeese DEP GRUDCOCOD UG Fi ep i) 8i | [tester eeeseeceerooeT6Or “Of “AON SUIPUS IeaA IOq 0D NOU] GNV 1VOD ONIGVAY ANV ‘VIIHG Lo SS6‘z1z‘I TZROO Tete nw gf booze ‘bz gL voo0bzl ‘bz Ie 12StLe LL 066‘ZEz zi vel vor €S g96‘g6h £9 voo‘vg lec ine Peeters eeeee Poeeseeeeseores se" SSBOIOUT | sv r6gr ‘of “AON Surpus ava 0D “Ye [POL | | “z6gr ‘of ‘AON SuUIpUs 1B9h “OD “YY [210.1 ceegag ‘saxe} ‘sso] pue yoid aoueyeq yqoq aiesatelas eeeeee osoeeeeee eeeere r+ ooeoe jSotoyUl pue seus y anes @eoee seeseereee ae SJUSUTSOAUT wos omoouy ee CROCS OHHH SHOHHHESHEHE ( SCHHHHEEH +% 9}e4S9 [eo jengpes PO eo ee eee eres es Foseos GOLHCOEER SEVERE LEE "Ssos1eq yeod |teeseeeer sreeereeeeecoSipq BIS PUL SIII[[OO WBI1S | weccee COHCSEOCSEE SEHEHHEHEH SHEESH EHESH SEHHSEEH~ BEHSHEEES OF s[eue’) zs Lyz‘9Q6 ‘ezg$ Ae eee eve eee cons vevereeer Desseeees Feoeeeeee Haeee ““PBROI[IVY “OD (UY ONIGVAY ANV VIHNdITAGVWIIHdG AHL | 667 j RENTALS OF LEASED RRS. AND CANALS, for year ending Nov. 30, 1891 :— Mine Hill & S. Haven RR. Co... $336,816 00 | Delaware & Bound Brook RR.Co. $296,042 02 M. Carbon & Pt. Carbon RR.Co. 36,250 00 | Swedes Ford Bridge Co............. 2,455 00 Mill Creek and Mine Hill Nav. Schuylkill and Lehigh RR. Co... 27,000 60 BOC RRS. CO, aeyadreel cetsstcsicververts 33,808 44 | Shamokin, Sunbury and Lewis- Sch. Valley Nav. and RR. Co..... 30,890 12 DUES en ee kOe rag aee Gs soon deetes eee LE LOY OOOO Little Sch. Nav. RR. & Coal Co. Pickering Valley RR. Co...... sie 6,510 OO (including East Mahanoy RR.) 217,092 00 | Colebrookdale RR. Co........eseeee 12,996 O1 ISAS TSO ATT aR 1 OO. cstesscosteceresve DOGO 35 LO SH PKCM OW MME gO Ov ractacsssropsseetes 3,267 88 Phila., Germantown and Norris- Allentown Terminal RR. Co....... 13,952 85 LOWER RIC IN OC Ontee anesscctestectack sence 203,771 Ar |) ochnyikilly Navigation. Co..3 ...:.. 9,559 70 cnestnute Hill RRs GO... tt kesedaees T7,20l°90*)» susquehanna (CanaliCo. ..c.,e0..-- 2tI1O .O2 SALA WISSATINT A COssts.-xeccombedesvtes 338,830 00 Moti Dontias KR CO. sased.cce- sone 900,441 80 Got Wea verse uspdeatat ueteteliedsietass $2,838,350 85 CONTINGENT GUARANTEES. Allentown Terminal RR., 1st mtge., 4s. Guaranteed jointly with Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., principal and interest, $450,000. Atlantic City RR. Co., ist mtge., 5s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $2,200,009. Catawissa RR. Co., tst mtge. 6s. Assumed, $230,500. Colebrookdale RR. Co., ist mtge. Guaranteed principal only on $300,000. Interest on $435,000. Total loan $600,000, of which $165,000 are without guarantee. Delaware and Bound Brook RR. Co., ist mtge. 7S, $1,500,000, and Ist mtge. on Trenton Branch, and 2d mtge. on Main Line, 6s, $300,000. Assumed under lease, $1,800,000. ; Last Pennsylvania RR. Co., tst 4s. Assumed under lease. Principal and interest, $495,000. Gettysburg and Harrisburg RW. Co., ist 5s. Principal and interest, $185,000. North Pennsylvania RR. Co., ist mtge. 7s, and gen. mtge. 7s, and debentures, 6s. All assumed under lease, $7,200,000. Northeast Pennsylvania RR. Co., tst mtge. 5s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $400,000. Perkiomen RR. Co., 1st mtge., Series I and 2, 5s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $1,925,000. Philadelphia and Chester Valley RR. Co., pref. mtge., 5s and mtge., 4s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $380,510. Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co., divisional mtge. loans. Guaranteed principal and interest. See statement under P. and R. C. and I. Co. article. Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh RR. Co., 1st mtge., 5s. Guaranteed prin- cipal and interest, $2,000,000. Philadelphia, Newtown and N. Y. RR. Co., tst 6s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $700,000. Philadelphia, Reading and New England RR. Co., 4s, $6,250,000, guaranteed prin- cipal and interest. Port Reading RR. Co., ist 5s. Principal and interest, $1,500,000. Schuylkill and Lehigh RR. Co., ist mtge.4%s. Assumed under lease, $600,000. Shamokin, Sunbury and Lewisburg, 1st mtge. 5s, and 2d mtge. 6s. Assumed under lease, $2,000,000. Stony Creek RR. Co., st mtge. 7s. Guaranteed principal and interest, $350,000. Allentown RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Inc. Apr. 10, 1853, in Pa. Controlled by Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. through ownership of majority of capital stock, and operated under oral agreement by Philadel- phia and Reading to pay 30 p. c. of gross receipts and all operating expenses. In 1891, rental, $3,267.88. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Projected, from Pt. Clinton to Allentown, 35.8; com- pleted, Topton to Kutztown, Pa., 4.5 miles. Capital stock, $1,268,885, per mile. $281,900; funded debt, none; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $12,745, per mile, $2,800; total invested capital, $1,281,630, per mile, $284,700. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Atlantic City RR. Co., “ Royal Route to the Sea,” General Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia; Corporate Office, Camden, N. J. Inc. in N.J., being a consolidation, Mar. 26, 1889, of the following roads: Philadelphia and Atlantic City RR. Co.; Williamstown and Delaware River RR. Co.; Glassboro’ RR. Co. ; Camden, Gloucester and Mt. Ephraim RR. Co.; and Kaighn’s Point Terminal Co. These roads were all owned or controlled by the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. 668 LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Camden to Atlantic City, N. J., with two branches, $3.46; Brigantine Junc. to Brigantine, N. J., 14; total, 97.46 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Lnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. CAPITA SACK Haier seetevteersaves $2,200,000 $22,700 | Total gross from operation... $805,647 $8,265 NC ECWULED Encosscesceteyoaeeee ese 2,200,000 22,700 ““ gross from other sources.. Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses............. . 682,080 6,999 UaDIES TL vars ecsvess ettaree es 869,688 9,000 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... 123,567. 515200 VEN LMA Wi lives. t.shessivecessee' 1 2095073 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 5,269,688 54,400 EDU AS ADOV Er ssscce eases cases 110,000 1,100 ‘‘ TInt. on all debt per ann.. 110,000 1,100 } Net result on year’s business Total dividends. .......... ...00 None paid. for stockholders, gain........ Not known. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. Capitalin vested, .tawessetateas 27DnC: Capital stock consists of common, $1,200,000, preferred, $1,000,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse¢s, Cost of road, $4,555.833; equipment, $450,182; current accounts, $201,880; profit and loss, $61,793; total, $5,269,688. Lzabzlities, Capital stock, $2,200,000 ; funded debt, $2,200,000; bonds and mtges. on real estate, $13,570; current accounts, $856,118; total, $5,269,688. Brigantine Beach RR. Co. Inc. Aug. 7, 1889, in N. J. Leased to Atlantic City RR. Co. for Io years, which company maintains, equips and operates it. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pomona to Brigantine Beach, N. J., 13.90 miles. Capital, Feb. 1, 1892, $355,000, per mile, $25,000; funded debt, $350,000, per mile, $25,000; total invested capital, $705,000, per mile, $50,000; total interest on all debt per annum, $17,500, per $1,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Bloomsburg Belt RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philada. Inc. Jan. 28, 1889, in Pa. Company now building road with money advanced by P. and R. RR. Co. as stock- holders. $4,400 already expended in construction. | LENGTH OF ROAD owned: At Bloomsburg, 0.5 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Camden County RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philada. Inc. Septyi7, 1889, in N-aj) Controlled bye and Risk. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mt. Ephraim to Spring Mills, N. J., 7.3 miles. Capital, $100,000, per mile, $13,700; funded debt, $39,000, per mile, $5,300; total invested capital, $139,000, per mile, $19,000 ; total interest on’all debt per annum, $1,950, per mile, $270. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. - Catasauqua and Fogelsville RR. Co., General Office, 227 S. 4th st., Phila. ; Corpo- rate Office, Catasauqua, Pa. Inc. Apr. 5, 1853,in Pa. |Phila. and Reading acquired con- trol in Nov., 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Catasauqua to Rittenhouse Gap, Pa., 27.3 miles. Capitalization of road....... Sept. 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending Sept. 30,1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital iStock oe oc csanetevcuseeesss «- $426,900 $16,000 | Total gross from operation..... $111,084 $4,069 Funded ‘GEDts. cssens covcssssesecess 135,000 5,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.......0.....: *52,554 1,925 LRA ILEIES oc ceius vee stresestesedeves 228,104 8,500 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 58,530 2,144 rent Habilities 2. <..23c0cces+ssases 78,190 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 790,004 29,500 GEDE AS ADOVE Ve..ns.a: sceaveree 8,438 309 “* Interest on all debt p. ann. 8,438 309 Net result on year’s business “* Dividends per annum...... 42,690 fe,for stockholders gain........... 50,092 1,835 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after dividend pd. 7402 275 capita lin vested.ip.s.s-ssases- (i ee Par ot stock; $25, * Including $4,681 taxes. BALANCE SHEET, Sépt. 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, COSt OL TORU i dees cas sa Ree Be PMU vip, rtet dees Mend J! $576,664 DWT OMSLOCIG iw cahis ssc diey iicstte mar ntees :$426,900 Coston equipment... 0c v2. sescepien s.se¥ant 135,150) | Funded debt.........cccccsses seven eee seeees 135,500 Cash and current assets......... s..0ssssee GSIOOM MCULLEN LA DIUILICS ineee-0s-5+sueusct seni atrecnnes 1,826, (SAS OM NAN Cec. ts lace steer beaeeeeeen camen 1,854 SUNG y GEbDtSsiiite wv sevecuage pevoerseeta nie 238,316 POM AMA 1GSS.5 csycsedessscnevenaeaswenaes 1,234,819 ADOUAl senastiecndsnscosesegececsonpevesticarass $3,919,389 LIABILITIES. apital Stocl: <3 vss +s sceere $957,200 Capital stock—Fractional. 1,068 Capital stock—Scrip ....... 105 $958,373 Funded debt outstanding. ............. 2,000,000 Real estate morteages: cei. arysrcnesese 9,167 SIME PE CIES 13.cs cess eercer secur eee 951,849 A-OtALT covstes taser Osteen oseaheedcatPeenees $3,919,389 Lancaster and Reading Narrow-gauge RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Lancaster, Pa. Inc. Sept. 9, 1871, 1n Pa. Road leased to Reading and Columbia RR. Co. for 999 years from Mar. 11, 1874, at a rental of 30 p. c. on gross receipts, with guar- antee of interest on bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lancaster to Quarryville, Pa., 15.3 miles. Capital, $82,720, per mile, $5,400; funded debt, $350,000, per mile, $22,900; total invested capital, $432.720, per mile, $28,300; total interest on all debt per annum, $24,500; par of stock, $50. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Reading, Marietta and Hanover RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. 1876, im) Pa: Road reorganized after foreclosure, May 7, 1882, and placed under control of the Reading and Columbia RR. Co. in 1883. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Marietta Junc. to Chickies, Pa., 6.36 miles. Capital stock, $250,000, per mile, $37,300; current liabilities, $82,587. Parof stock, $50. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road, $332,587. Liabilities, Capital stock, $250,000; current liabilities, $82,587; total, $332,587. 677 Rupert and Bloomsburg RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Aug., 1889. Inc. Dec. 31, 1888; Charter Perpetual. Road opened for business in LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From Rupert to Bloomsburg, 1.60; siding, .70; total, 2.30 miles. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $50; Full paid. Annual Meeting, rst Mon.in May. Fiscal year ends Nov. 30th. No funded debt. par $100, $4,000, being the entire stock. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. BREE OL SOA ye acs covet uahainss tana se oes cvseeestes $55,707 BUR SOWIE cant shrec cs cc oce tptee ves uk veus esees 122 Mast ALLCICUITENL ASSELE. .aseccdversceccecde ses 1,148 BETA NGSS a occssergecxsacssciecesencscisesasasms 5,670 PLEA Esco cercntnahacsedesewecctescscncautedesat $62,707 Reading Iron Co. Stocks owned, Bloomsburg Belt Line, LIABILITIES. Capital Stock src sdecasveia tosses sovel care aputs as $50,000 Current abilities ceases secereseusucensn 12,707 SLOUtQ etc tcssscat sme ress chistei pink ee anacces $62,707 See P. and R. Coal and Iron Co. Schuylkill and Lehigh RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Inc. 1870, in Penna. Road completed in 1874, reorganized June 7, 1880, and leased to the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co., for 999 years, from May 1, 1883, at a rental of 4% p.c. on Ist mtge. bonds, and 6. p. c. on capital stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: High’s Farm to Slatington, Penna., 44 miles. Capitalization of road... NOv. 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. BRO IEAT GLOCK, savcsevexersacoteqeess « $50,000 $1,100 BMP OU CeDti le: cctecbccdsecsecsus . 1,000,000 22,700 Unfunded debt and current BT iilities ie. .c. 0h veer yaa sae ge 445 700 Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 30, 189! :— ASSETS. ost of Constructioni::....2...- Sec tei: $1,063,800 DU OOLYOCEDItS si.ccsses ssceoeses ct +0 Ries 17,648 SIOEAIt. ses ccteesens Wegaterdshr ovedeba tes ee $1,081,448 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities ..-ssscse ebceece £ 17,648 Total invested capital........ iw $1,081,448 24,500 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 27,000 614 *“ Dividends per annum....., 3,000 Average ratio of return upon CApItalinvested.. .ccacs'sscdeses: Not known. LIABILITIES. (ap Italy SEO: Ce horese'cssssocscsesae es edeveds $50,000 Binded, Gebtst-te-asneressessotasess 1,000,000 SUIMTC CLECIUGS = sansecesudecsecsetis au cararss 31,448 BLOL AM ata Vaaces ae cccuucatsstraueucavares $1,081,448 Schuylkill River West Side RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. has at present but a nominal existence. Inc. July 16, 1883, in Penna. Controlled by Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. Fiscal year ends Nov. 30th. - This road BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asséts, Cost of road, $2,859 ; total, $2,859. Lzabzlitzes, Capital stock, $1,500; current liabilities, $1,359; total, $2,859. Schuylkill Valley Navigation and RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 407 Library st., Philadelphia. Inc. Mar. 20, 1827, in Penna.; Charter Perpetual. Road opened in 1830, and leased July 25, 1861, for 999 years, to the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co., at a rental of 5 p. c. on capital stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Palo Alto to Reeseville, Penna., 11 miles. Capitalization of road.....«..June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. MB ADIEAL SOCK at. est eter ee ae «e $576,050 $52,400 Pweg Ca teYe Exe ad 81 Sener ee cee None. Unfunded debt and current VATIIEIOS tec ccsses sce stccetssstnes ie AT 7TE 13, 000 Par of stock, $50. Dividends, J. & J., 15. Current assets to offset cur- POTIC LA DIN CteS ceseceves coces ces Yost 81.260 Total invested capital........ ~ 578,20r $52,500 ‘« Interest on all debt p. ann. None. ‘¢ Dividends per annum...... 28,802 | Average ratio of return upon - Capital iInvestedisy. ces sccsssese Not known. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $576,841 ; cash and current assets, $1,360; total, $578,201. and loss, $1,711 ; total, $578,201. Liabilities, Capital stock, $576,050; current liabilities, $440; profit Shamokin, Sunbury and Lewisburg RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Inc: Feb16; 1882, in Pa, Fiscal year ends Nov. 30. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Shamokin to West Milton, Pa., 31.10 miles. Road opened and leased June 2, 1883, for g99 years to Philadelphia and _ Reading RR. Co., who owns all stock and bonds. Lessee assumes all obligations, etc. 678 Capitalization of road... Nov. 30, 1891 :— Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent tabi lities fersscceesecseees $951,989 Capital stock....... Pika dense es sse0e $2,000,000 64,300 | Total invested capital........ .. 4,000,250 128,600 Funded debt.. +s 2,000,000 64,300 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 220,000 7,100 Unfunded dept. ak varie ““ Dividends per annum...... None. abil lesicc.-cisasmeesavesse > tess 250 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $50. capital invested oc ce ceee coccvccce Not known. Operations not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of construction, $3,048,261; cash, $784 ;. Sundry debits, 951,205; total, $4,000.250. $2,000,000 ; Slatington RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, This is a projected road to run from Slatedale Junction to in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Liabilities, Capital stock, $2,000,000 ; funded debt, sundry credits, $250; total, $4,000,250. 227 5) 4th. sty PhilagePaspeiinc: Walnut Port, a distance of about 14 miles, to connect with the Schuylkill and Lehigh RR. at Slatedale Junction. No work yet done on this road. Capital stock authorized, $200,000, par $50; paid in, $20,000; no funded debt. STONY CREEK RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 318 DeKalbst., Norristown, Paws NC At. A, O00, in ioa: which furnishes equipment. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Norristown to Lansdale, Pa., Capitalization of road......... June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital StOCK 7. ,.cssseiesecseers ter $176,100 $17,600 HMunded debts; c.sceyertucceenees 350,000 35,000 Unfunded debt and current liabilities .. : ons 540,565 54,100 Current assets to offset. curr- ent diabilities i. .t1-.-s-e-ons.1. 70,414 Total invested capital......... 1,066,665 106,700 ‘“interest on all debt p. ann 24,830 2,410 ‘* dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon CApMalanVeSlCd. oessl tees es None. * Includes taxes, $2,354. + Deficit. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. OStVOL TOA Ss. scvaatsesiens ta satshireesneseNts #49751 38 Equipment.... saceweh tase cene 397 Real estate and buildings.. Seats -eatere 46,569 Materials on) Naty, rcs sccsorccesuue ses aateee 2,867 BONGS OW MECas, .) ch censtatedcsnec tion neers 300 Bills receivable and June accounts..... 4,110 GarrentjACCOUNS watesnsniss fateeoomaneecers 2,159 CSASHTON NANG ies, ose co cess ss sevewee sour es 14,409 PoTONCAIG 1OCS.nc.ssGencstas reusssess convert 498,716 DOL al Braresn tenes desse sebaceune semen ne $1,066,665 This road is operated by Phila.and Reading RR. Co., 10.3 miles. Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $27,863 $2,705 Total gross from other sources 1,060 100 Deduct all expenses.............. #32740) 2295 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 14,718 470 Deduct total interest on all debtas AvOVEse As... .2 flees swe 24,830. 2,410 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 29,647 2,880 Par of stock, $50. LIABILITIES. GapltalpstOCks jis, sesl cles Senet seem re ee eeee $176, 10G Funded debt outstanding ........2...cs8.-- 350,000 Bills payable and dues for June......... 4,874 Current accounts.. eee 973 Accounts with P. and R. RR. Co... . 510, 843 MOTESARES Giib se ecsvon secs obeetes ahenmeer exer 5,500 Coupons unpaid and accrued isenehenas 18,375 MOL Al Ac-.25: cress crossdanedecces eee ntiaaes $1,066,665 Company owned June 30, 1891, $300 6 p. c. bonds, Agricultural Improvment Co. of Norristown. The Tamaqua, Hazleton and Northern RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, 227 94th st,, Phila. Pa: Capital, $300,000, par $50. Inc. May 18, 1891, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lofty to Roan, Pa., No funded debt. 10.6 miles. ‘Annual Meeting, ist Mon. in May. This Company was organized for the building of a line from the Catawissa branch to the vicinity of Hazleton, connecting with the Delaw are, Susquehanna and Schuylkill RR., with which traffic arrangements have been entered into, and by which the road is guaranteed a minimum of 1,000,000 tons of anthracite coal. PHILADELPHIA AND READING COAL AND IRON CO., General and Corporate Office, 227 5. 4th st., Phila. Pa. Inc. May 18, 1871, in Pa., as the Laurel Run Improvement Co., and name changed Nov. 15, 1871. It was organized to purchase and operate coal properties in the interest of the Phila. and Read. RR. Co. 679 CAPITAL, $8,000,000; Full paid; all owned by the Phila. and Read. RR. Co. No dividends. Annual Meeting, 2d Mon.in Jan. The Company owns in the Schuylkill anthracite coal regions of Penna. about 194,062 acres of land, all of which are owned in fee, except about 7,429 acres, controlled through ownership of stock. Of this land about 95,000 acres are embraced within the known limits of the anthracite coal fields, and upon which the Company has about 61 collieries. Coal lands owned, 95,144 acres ; leased, 7,429. Timber lands owned, 70,489 acres. Iron ore lands, 21,0000 acres. Total, 194,062 acres. This land cost the Company about $41,000,000, but no accurate estimate of its value can be given. It embraces an estate, however, ‘“‘which is not and cannot here- after be paralled in America for extent, productiveness or value.’’ It has, moreover, unequalled facilities of reaching at low cost the markets where its products are required, ‘which are the best markets in the country. The Philada. and Read. Coal and Iron Co. has purchased the output of the mines of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co., and of various individual operators in the several regions, to be delivered at the breakers for a series of years. The Company also owns the following blast furnaces :— Kutztown Furnace, at Kutztown, Berks Co.; built in 1875; annual capacity, 15,000 net tons. Port Carbon Furnace, at Port Carbon, Schuylkill Co.; first put in blast in Sept., 1872; rebuilt in 1879 and 1881. Ringgold Furnace, at New Ringgold, Schuylkill Co.; first blown in Feb. 28, 1874; annual capacity, 15,000 net tons. Norway Furnace, at Betchelsville, Berks Co. The foregoing furnaces are offered for sale or lease. (The Emaus Furnace, at Emaus, Lehigh Co., and the Swede Furnace, at Swedeland, Mont- gomery Co., are also owned by this Company, but are operated by other parties on lease.) The Company owns the stocks and bonds of the following companies, for de- scriptions of which see under respective headings: Tremont Coal Co., Preston Coal and Improvement Co., Mammoth Vein Coal and Iron Co., Locust Gap Improvement Co., Fulton Coal Co., Delaware Coal Co., Montour Iron and Steel Co. OPERATIONS for years ending Nov. 30, 1890 and 1891 :— RECEIPTS. $ 1890. $ 1891. From rents... ....sse«s 223.600 76" |) 211;628° 29 From sales, 1890, ‘ 6,679,007.02 and 1891, 7,362,664.18 tons coal 18,556,665 44 20,824,335 38 From sales 4,892.14 cevees eooee tons iron ore ...... 7,702 QI From dividends, Biterest, CLC.....5.< 131,744 64 275,770 83 18,929,773 75 21,311,734 50 Deficit Add interest on bonds outstanding for year 1890 POPPE OPEL AUHIE ae rer incu se etrenesseked dz tacertesss \| LIABILITIES. Cost of road and equipment............ PHO? C7 CCADILAL SOCK sceanecugocnetsdsevetves wacebenee $592,070 | ° aici gid, MRO NTIC 122 5005s soaphceceap sees acnesiess TOV OM en MCCUE CAT Ma DUISICS 00.00 cer etrwed cosmo esiecer a: 155,732 Maem and Current assets, ....2..-5 ....--000 PAST LOOMESE EOUG AH LOSS oc ssivssccudeutouna cess ctaneeirece 113,074 Memeteriats ANC SUpPPliCS sisheseis -scncase 16,607 | BEAT Pees cokests Adar eiess aioterines ones Hkxt se OOO, O70 | MiOtaD er eeres ccctos Monee wep eatensitas seer sean £860,876 Portland, Saco and Portsmouth RR. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; Corpo- rate Office, Portland, Me. Inc. 1837, in Maine. Lease perpetually Apr. 28, 1847, to B. and M. RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Maine State Line, N. H., to Portland, Me., 50.76 miles. Capitalization of road......+. June. 30, 1891 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. | Per Mile. BER STOCK 620, sanescvapses auras $1,500,000 $30,000 | Total gross from operation..... $ 90,000 $1,773 PENCE CEDE ss .ccssecvcccsesocseses None. Total gross from other sources 173 3 Unfunded debt and current : Deduct all expenses....0...0..... None. HTAULIGLES) sce cece ceesce ceetoress 49,756 900 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 90,1972 9.13770 PONE TIADIILICS <.scccccececdssess 50,750 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 1,549,750 30,900 debt as above. etc. sees LONE, ‘Int. on all debt p. ann..None. Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum..... 90,000 for stockholders, gain ........ GO;57 Syn LEO Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid.... 173, 3 aribal INVESCECL cetcay woes seed 6p. ¢ Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road and equipment, $1,479,000; other investments, $20,000; other assets, $50,756; total, $1,549,756. Lzabzlities, Capital, $1,500,000 ; unpaid dividends, $666; dividend due July 1, 1891, $45,000; profit and loss, $4,090; total, $1,549,756. St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain RR. Co., General Offices, Boston, Mass. ; Montpelier, Vt.; Corporate Office, St. Johnsbury, Vt. Inc. Jan. 31, 1880, in Vt., being reorganization of the ‘‘ Vermont Division” of Portland and Ogdensburg RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lunenburg to Maquam Bay, Vt., 120; branch: North Concord to East Haven, Vt., 11.5; total, 131.5 miles. 44 690 Capitalization of road......June 30, 1891:— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock ce..ess- ae $3,848,500 $29,200 | Total gross from operation... $387,603 $2,948 Funded debtte...5) nse: hisses 641,000 4,900 ‘“ Gross from other sources . 822 6 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct alleex penses so. sersdescs +391,789 2,980 TEN MABDITIES Te. so iscerec L213, 352 9,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends..... £3,364 26 current liabilities........ Cut 106,505 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital..... 5,702,852 43,300 GEDEAS ADOVE .icccsessnsncveuen 38,050 289 “TInt. on all debt p. ann. 38,050 289 | Net result on year’s business ““ Dividends per annum. None paid. for stockholders, loss....... 41,414 315 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $50. upon capital invested...None. ns * Including real estate at Maquam, $81,600. + Including $8,688 taxes, and $1,931 loss on steamboat operation. + Loss. Stock consists of common, $2,550,000, and preferred, $1,298,500. Preferred stock carries preference in dividends upto 6 p.c. per annum, when common participates. The sum of $250,250 in capital stock has been reserved for retirement of bonds of old company not yet presented under reorganization. Stock outstanding as above, $3,848,500. All stock listed on Boston Stock Exchange. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost Of TOA Cavscnsscsucecccaseavorcatts ets $4,580,482 | Commonstock........... ath nsteseteeyes $2,550,000 Cost.at rolling Stock... .cccadeteesscev aces 150,507 ee relerred uStOCK s..csssce ctastbeceentastaeee 1,298,500 Stock held toroid bonds... .-..--. 250,250 | Funded debt outstanding.............. 641,000 Steamboat ira csdpscspeee eteaceensareecese Gl yh 2A a DIS UPA VEDIO. capeses seve cvivsave ete Ronee ens 718,260 Laindeatyiia gia li secssk ce lesions sescicnnss StOOOs MC UTKeNt ACCOUDTS...... sesesssusnsnscucmeres 481,794 Materials and fuel on hand............ 62,165 | Accrued interest and taxes..ciake 13,298 CUlrent $21,742,537 $23,641,964 sc OCIS angst sasces” 910s 21,742,537 eeaod teoua List of securities owned by Maine Central RR. Co., June 30, 1891 :— Total Income or Divi- Ledger Par Value. dends Received. Valuation. Dexter and Newport RR Os. fro. cavgarsers caters ess aesuesiiese sense $5,000 $300 $5,000 Portland’ and Rochester RR ve ocssees css sate es hue tas iaecaeaeWashes he oath 4,700 282 4,700: Portland;and: Ogdensburg RRivt Wise cseccces rtssciecuestiorsesesee-s 198, 180 2.477 WG 29m Dexterand Piscataquis "RR, SSiyaconcentensascess ccssmskpavopiere sok 5,000 562 5,000 Portland, Mt: Desert and'Mach. Steamboat: Co......... ..0s0. 110,000 121,000 Portland Union RW. F Station yC owas ces aeet sea cs ce eknnietes eceny 25,000 25,000 Sebasticook and Moosehead RRe. 22 crs cccescsse shetsesnanversssses 8,000 8,000 St) John Bridge... Rpg abs onieaas tsennle tear tbaame martes. st ee hae oneres 20,000 1,140 INOTtIY Ni RisiG OK Ten coc cscers on cea ssuniea oh onal Oncaea meeet van caesar cease 25,000 27,504 (POUAL TA cossas canncransnacsasae Sass hecsuerberne tenes etccre eter evee fd tienes $400,880 $3,621 $276,616 Belfast and Moosehead Lake RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Belfast, Me. Inc, Feb. 28, 1867, in Me. Maine Central RR. leased this road May 10, 1871, for 50 years ; rental, $36,000 per annum, payable M. & N. Io. After 1892, a sum not less than $3,000 per annum will be paid, and whole amount will be paid at expiration of lease in 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Belfast to Burnham, Me., 33.13 miles Capitalization of road........NOv. 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. ‘Capital stock, . teens $648,100 $19,600 Finded debt sc sis. Cen feevne 150,000 4,500 Unfunded debt and current Mabilities i.e: ties terest ene 2 Current assets to offset cur- MeN MA DVILIES bo. cs vacenrectoccens 2 Totalinvested ‘capital cce ns 798,102 24,100 “‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 7,500 227 ‘* Dividends per annum...... 28,377 Average ratio of return upon capital invested........... res 444 p.c. * Rental. Dividends 6 p. c. on pref. J. & D.; 3.2334 p. c. on non-pref. preferred, $267,700; non-preferred, $380,400. Income for fiscal year ending Nov. 1, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.....*$36,000 $1,089 Total gross from other sources Deduct allexpenses.)-5.35. cane 130 4. Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends... ..... 35,870 1,085, Deauct total interest on all GEDUAS ADOV Ej. save cbeses ean ee EIS. 227 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 28,370 858 Net deficit after dividends pd. a Par of stock, $roo. Capital stock consists of Preferred stock is entitled to 6 p. c., then non-preferred is entitled to same rate, after which both share equally. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 1, 1891.—dssets, Cost of road, $798,100; cash on hand, $2; total, $798, 102. total, $798,102. Liabilities, Capital stock, $648,100; funded debt, $150,000; profit and loss, $2; Dexter and Newport RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Dexter, Me. Inc. Mar. 10, 1853, in Me. Maine Central leased this road Nov. 25, 1888, for 999 years, at rental of $18,000 per annum for'Io years, and $6,350 per year thereafter, assuming pay- ment and discharge of funded debt. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Newport to Dexter, Me., 14.23 miles. . ea 9 Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. | Per Mile. PME E STOCK gach oad cieva ent vies se snk $122,000 $8,700 | Total gross from operation.... *$18,000 $1,285 BUPEIREVOCE OLED ay dcacccd stessese eres’ 175,000 12,400 Total gross from other sources R22 51 Unfunded debt and current ip Deductiallyexpernisess.cz...02.1. 143 10 MURR MIULIOS 5 Scctinahs ceveat nevoivers 705 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends....... 15,579. "1,320 Met G AICS... Acive sss secn ees as 705 _ Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital..........., 297,705 21,100 | debt AS! ADGVE sw. wwecctecsncsaces 10,554 754 *“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 10,554 754 Net result on year’s business . “* Dividends per annum...... 7,320 for stockholders, gain......... 8,025 572 Average ratio of return upon _ Net surplus after divds. paid.. 705 50 PACA iN VEStE £05 00-2 ecca0esse 64 p. c. Par of stock, $100. : * Rental. Dividends, 3 p.c., M. & S. 2. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $297,000 ; investments, $75; other _ assets, $630; total, $297,705. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $122,000; funded debt, $175,000; profit and loss, $705; total, $297,705. Dexter and Piscataquis RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Dover, Me. Inc. Oct. 24, 1888, in Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Dexter, Me., to Foxcroft and Dover, 16.54 miles. Maine Central RR. Co. leased this road 1889 for 999 years, at annual rental of $12,500. Capital, $110,000, per mile, $6,600; funded debt, $175,000, per mile, $10,600; total invested capital (cost of road, $216,000), $285,000, per mile, $17,200; total interest on all debt per annum, $7,000; dividends, none. Balance sbeet not furnished. Eastern Maine RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Rockland, Me. Inc. Feb. 1, 1882, in Me., succeeding, by reorganization, to Bucksport and Bangor RR., foreclosed Mar., 1870. acre OF ROAD owned: Bangor to Buckport, Me., 18.05 miles. Maine Central leased this road May 1, 1883, in perpetuity. Rental, $9,500 per year. June 30, 1891: Capital, $200,000, per mile, $11,100; funded debt, none; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $184; total invested capital, $200,184; dividends, 4% p. c., total, $9,000. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation (rental), $9,500, per mile, $527; deduct all expenses, $500, per mile $28; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $9,000, per mile, $499; dividends, $9,000, per mile, $499. BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $200,000; cash on hand, $184; total, $200,184. Liabilities, Capital stock, $200,000; current accounts, $57; profit and loss, $127 ; total, $200,184. European and North American RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Bangor, Me. Inc. Aug. 20,1850, in Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bangor to Vanceboro’, Me., 114.3; branches: to Still- water, 3.01 ; Montague, 3.03; total, 120.34 miles. Maine Central RR. Co. leased this road Apr. 1, 1882, in perpetuity, at an annual rental of $125,000, assuming all liabilities. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891 :— | Lnucome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. BECAN STOCK 5.0505 ses0enscsees $2,491,000 $20,700 | Total gross from operation.....*$125,500 $1,039 Ponded debt...........-. ieee 1,000,000 8,300 | Total gross from other sources 155 { Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenSeS.iii. ccc. scvses 598 5 DeIMIADIUITLES . ec. -ce ss eres 99,541 800 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends........ 125,057 1,035 current liabilities......... re 4,292 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 3,590,541 29,800 GEDE ASSA DOVE wectuceccmuee as eens asmd. by lessee. “ Int. on all debt p. ann.. 60,000 500 | Net result on year’s business * Dividends per annum.. —124,565 for stockholders, gain......... £25,057. 1,035 Average ratio of return Net surplus after div. paid..... 492 4 upon capital invested.....3.2 p. c. Par of stock, $100. * Rental, etc. Dividends, A. & O. Ist, 2% p. c. each. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and’equipment, $3,586,249 ; stock of E. and N. A. RW., $3,290; current accounts and cash, $1,002; total, $3,590,541. Lzadzlities, Capital stock, $2,491,000; funded debt, $1,000,000; profit and loss, $99,541; total, $3,590,541. 694 Hereford RW. 'Co., General Office, Portland, Me.; Corporate Office, Cookshire, ‘Prov. Que. Inc. 1888,in Canada. Maine Central RR. Co., leased this road Jan. 1, 18809, for 999 years. Annual rental, $64.500, and guarantee principal and interest of bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Beecher Falls, Vt., to Lime Ridge, P. Q., 52.63 miles. Capital, $500,000, per mile, $9,500; funded debt, $800,000, per mile, $15,200; total invested capital, $1,300,000, per mile, $24,700; total interest on all debt per annum, $32,000, per mile, $600; dividends, not stated ; average ratio of return upon capital in- vested, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Knox and Lincoln RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Portland, Me. Inc. in Maine. The Knox and Lincoln RR. Co., was purchased in 1889, by a syndicate who sold it to Penobscot Short Line RR. Co.; this Company issued $1,300,000 new to retire old bonds. Subsequently the title was changed to above, which Company issued $50,000 bonds up to Sept. 30, 1891. The stock of K. and L. RR. Co. was cancelled and the new company issued $200,000 of capital stock. Maine Central RR. Co. leased this road Aug. 1, 1891, for 1,000 years, assuming all obligations of lessor company and agreeing to pay a yearly rental equalling $5 per share on 2,000 shares of stock, and $200 for organization expenses. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Bath to Rockland, Me. (including ferry), 47.75 miles. Capital, $200,000, par, $100, per mile, $4,200; funded debt, $1,346,000, per mile, $28,000; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $85,729, per mile, $1,800 ; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $23,196; total invested capital, $1,631,729, per mile, $34,060. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Portland and Ogdensburg RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Portland, Me. Inc. June 8, 1886, in Me., succeeding Portland and Ogdensburg RR. Co. By foreclosure the old stock was extinguished, the consolidated bonds of Nov. 1, 1871, with overdue coupons became the stock of the reorganized company. Maine Central RR. Co. leased this road May 20, 1888, for 999 years, assuming all liabilities and agreeing to pay divi- dends of 1 p. c. for the first three years, and 2 p. c. thereafter, payable by Maine Central qrly. on last days of Nov., Feb., May and Aug. in each year. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Portland, Me., to Lunenburg, Vt., 109.1 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Upper Coos RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Portland, Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Quebec Jc., N. H. to Beecher Falls, Vt., 55.37 miles. Capital $200,000; Funded debt. $697,000. Maine Central RR. Co. leased this line May 1, 1890, for 999 years, at annual rental of $35,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. BUFFALO, ROCHESTER AND PITTSBURGH RW. CO., General and Corpo- rate Offices, Rochester, N-Y.and 36" Wall st, New York. Inc. Mar f1jeis87eineeN eye being a consolidation of the Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh (foreclosed 1885) and the State Line RR. Cos. ‘‘This company was formed in Mar., 1887, as successor of the Rochester and Pittsburgh, which was foreclosed in Oct., 1885. In Apr., 1890, a controlling interest in the stock was purchased by a Buffalo syndicate, headed by the .Bell, Lewis and Yates Coal Mining Co., which company guarantees to ship over the road for the next 5 years not less than 500,000 tons of coal annually. The Roches- ter and Pittsburgh Coal and Iron Co. also, whose entire stock is owned by this Com- pany, is to ship over it not less than 750,000 tons yearly.’’ Its profits are kept separate from those of the RR. Co. It supplies part of the rolling stock used, about 500 cars. Now operated by the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. under traffic agreement of May 12, 1892, which secures to that road the entire output of coal and management of all transportation. Company owns entire capital stock of the Perry, the Lincoln Park and Charlotte and the East Buffalo Terminal RR. Cos. Rental to N. Y., Lake Erie and Western is $55,200 and proportion of cost of maintenance. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Main Line, Rochester, N. Y., to Howard Jc., Pa., 129.5 ; Clarion Jc. to Walston, Pa., 65.9; Buffalo Creek to Ashford Jc., N. Y., 45.25==240.65 ; branches: Beechtree Mine, Pa., 4.04; Elenora Mine, Pa., 4.94; Adrian Mine, Pa., 2.58—= 11.56; Main Line—Proprietary Roads: Lincoln Park and Charlotte RR., Lincoln Park to Charlotte, N. Y., 10.89; Perry RR, Silver Lake. Jc: ‘to Silver Springs, N:{Y;:, 1.03- East Buffalo Terminal RW., in city of Buffalo, N. Y.,0.10=12.02; trackage: New York, Lake Erie and Western RR., Howard Jc. to Clarion Jc., Pa., 36.23; Buffalo Creek RR,, Buffalo to Buffalo ‘Creek, N.“Y:, 4==40:234 total operated : in N: Y.°182.2 ssin Bars 122.26=304.46 miles. 695 Capitalization of road..June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. BAR MITAL SCOCK sie ce nese ses senen's $12,000,000 $45,000 Punded debt... .... VV IK CS- Bathe, PAr cnncseressnccceunssgsdcternavesisstaneeve.csvebeees 99.79 Meath Creck br -—bear Creek Junc.t0, Meadow Rtin)--Pacc.. cccssccccssecsecssuse asecsesssies) escecses 12.08 Beerrtipal iy Gut Olio AICVICW COCA. VOCE! FP Aciecciascccche ves: cocvosiertads sscvke mareustedebsectes OS evaigsune T7cts Hazelton Division—Hazle Creek Bridge to Cranberry Jarre Pa: BEE A eRe Rees 8.83 Mahanoy Division—Black Creek Junction to Mt. Carmel, PAE Se Mab eee) ken 42.78 New Boston Br.—New Boston Junc. to Tomhicken, Pa..............c.sseeees Sake tun tieaesaaengncaittalts 25.40 Beavor Meadow Division—Penn Haven Junc. to Audenried, Pa......... c.cccccee cesses sovceeenes 16.35 Segeninond bi. umber Yard: to Sandy Run June. ( Pass... c.. eccscccosesssescsencactiovsees Le Ne 8.83 weado and Ebervale Br.—Pink Ash Junc: to Holly wood) -Pa oc. ..iscc cccdescccasenceeve soscescenecnes 6.0 Pmrtciy stall DFA CHES —=V ALlOUS 2.54... vinestevse sovecsdesiennccoves'seucruscasncestpyonehebeveaacsadedes ssns ie ROS Leased and Controlled— Newark and Roselle RW. Co.—Newark to Roselle, N. J ..cccccoas sssccersccnccncesovees coveee 9.49 Roselle and S. Plainfield Co.—Roselle to S. Plainfield, N. J ......... ...cccece eoscsceveseceoes 10.68 Bia —-EICLOl fOr ese Mi NII Cae a sicss cconasceeys canes Gacede ariesueeyest scree Gomeenes socesnscets 1.09 Easton and Amboy RR. Co.—Perth Amboy to Phillipsburg, N. J....scccesesecseceseeeceees 60.00 ae eV APTOS et tues oa nrcs o apabin cone ro sviatieeta si¥ancsee erat wlceectertnent urs cenvateed watvecseds 9.19 Penna. and New York RR.—Wilkes-Barre, Pa., to N. Y. State Line, N. J.............. 96.68 BSP ATICHES——W ATIONS ovecsicchssrucs nvnctvoresp cscs yeaenentslurscasseececvel abeneasen egaacssad tees sieevepecee 14.86 Waverly and State Line RR.—Waverly, N. Y., to State PADS aemcaceasans be oe enls suet oes .40 Wilkes-Barre and Harvey’s Lake—Luzerne to Harv Gyo abet Ae tve, waase tensa e's sincne 13.78 698 Miles. Loyalsock*RR.-Bernice to.Bowman’s Creek (Pa fics, cctsnse to seesdsecnss svecepeoee eer ee seer 17.82 Branch—Sherman’s Run to Ellis Creek, Baie See ees ae és r.77 Lehigh Valley RW.—State Line to Geneva, 'N, Y savers Rac ewestelseccsdes dhe tswaansunssss: teasesnthess 75.03 Auburn and Ithaca Br.—Auburn to Ithaca, INGEN Sevan tchdis caste peecaxaeetcuses dus Wageeneee 42.20 Cayuga Br.—Cayuga Junc. to Cayuga, N. V SUSE NRC sana e Eee ore ape oo! tibase wielatceitontetean eee 4.12 Buffalo Division—Buffalo to Windspear Bridge, N. Y.......0.sssscosssssscessescer acess os 13.86 State Line and Sullivan KRR:—Monroetonio Bernice, Ba ois... copvess<0 saccuerseegtraras teen 24.00 Hoyts Corners, Ovid and Willard—Hoyts Corners to State Parni, N.Y. ..2.sseveincaes 3.83 Southern Central RR.—State Line to North Fair Haven, N. Y....02....sssecsssusseavs grove 115.03 Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley—Lizard Creek Junc. to Blackwood, Pa.......0.ssscseceees 39.18 Branch—Westwood Junc. to-Peopless RW x Pa ese. ccacinh sosa's vee cosnt stanton vasnsoun Genera 1.36 N. Y., Lake Erie and Western—Waverly to Suspension Bridge, N. Y..... sssecseseeeee 188.00 Trackage— Penna.'Schuvikill Valley—Pottsville to New Boston Junc.,' Pai. ..)... .6.-.s2se nseess dos oodees 10.80 Shenandoah? junc. to.Erackville Junc.; ‘Pa...i.. 0.00 cesccsses ' 4.50 New York. Central— Geneva tO yOnsicysseces seavenent taskieseteseapcstvavetedestaseusarecctotouesies 14.60 Barclay ‘RRi=Barclays]ane: to MOnrOetonn sever taseces ses crosa-Mty' Carmel to Sha nik itis iience cs. csee2 ere yccaceds vecupseansesseete ta seppeeaye 8.30 Pennsylvania -R R.=Jerséy City, to Leth Gti iiss. ss cee fo snagiccs coc coseotvs opece Gpises els se aneeeene 24.20 Phila. and Reading RR.—Frackville Junc. to Wetherill Junc......... c.ccsese ovscecoeeees 3.00 Rochester and Honeoye Valley RR. Co.—Rochester to Honeoye Falls, N. Y......+0 14.00 DPotal mileage eroperated oe ence cece sera seateede a actress Meomeaky cose sir dass vusese cated eacten neseeeene 1,159.10 The completion of The Lehigh Valley RW. Co. to Buffalo, 283 miles for entire sys- tem, changes the mileage as above, since the Erie is no longer used under trackage rights. Loyalsock RR. (connecting the Wilkes-Barre and Harvey’s and the State line and Sullivan RRs.), was completed’ during 1892. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscalyear ending Nov. 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. : Per Mile. Gapita bStock ctr, assests $40,441,310 $38,300 | Total gross from operation....17,328,310 14,951 Pounded! Gebtsik, ta vceatsc oss 29,875,000 28,300 | Total gr. from other sources.. 1,581,951 1,365 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expensés.....2....... 13,799,420 I1,907 rent liabilities..7...4....... ° "4,795,160 4,500 ieNet total applicable.to fixed Current assets to offset charges and dividends...... 5,110,841 4,409 current liabilities ...5.... 618,775 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 75,111,496 71,100 | IED AS ADOVE! Lis sessesavans 2,817,240 2,431 ‘‘TInt.onalldebtp.ann. 2,817,240 2,700 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per ann..... {2,027,370 for stockholders, gain......... 2,203,001 115970 Average ratio of return Net surplus after divid. paid 266,231 230 upon capital invested...6.8 p. c. Par of stock, $50. * Includes profit and loss, $4,541,186. 7 Yo Nov. 30, 1891. Operations subsequent to Nov. 30, 1891, are not given in detail, being included in account of Phila. and Reading RR. Co., lessee. CAPITAL, authorized issue, is unlimited, it now consists of $40,335,010 common, and $106,300, and $210 scrip not yet couverted. Preferred stock is entitled to Io p. c. per annum, Jan., qrly. DIVIDENDS: oncommon, 1881,5% p.c.; 1882,6% p.c.; 1883 and 1884, 8p.c.; 1885, GO Cace 1 OOO AND UGae 1887, 4% p. c.; 1888 to July, 1892, both inclusive, 5 p. c. per annum ; Oct., 1% p.c.; 1893, Jan., 1% p.c., and thereafter guaranteed by Phila. and Read. RR., at rate of 7p. c. pereannam (with conditional increase), payable Apr., July, Oct., and Janets; \at 224.5. 03dist eerie: BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :-— ASSETS. - LIABILITIES. COST OPTTOAC lonecae 1cndsa tueesabessaetsers BIT AGO USD we Cee DELALSUOCK. .. < s.c./ssacf see onsvdossacranns 940144 Later Cest Of edUIPIMENt: sc. ccrctesestecae. dare 18,655,324 POU Du cmeseatat rs} int ssbieabssees eee hadevaganere 210 Bonds of other companies.............. 2,266,274 | Funded debt... ror «+» 29,875,000 Stocks of other companies............ 16,833,092 | Accrued interest | on funded ‘debt Other permanent investmetts.. .... 19, 238,87 MOreyerADAVaDIC.t...cuccseta cine Sy 254,000 Cash*and current assets... \.s:.se0 seuss AGS em Ola CLOSES S ..desess bacdegits seaternee eee 4,541,186 Other assets SUNCTIES....sreercs seen seen 170,587 Potala. avdees sevetnten aches react $75,111,496 RMD Ce ey Soe sys hatwh chavnoshs ese ae esteees $75,111,496 699 Securities owned June 30, 1891 : — BONDS. STOCKS. Total amount Ine. or int. ; Inc. or div. held. received. Total value. received. Railroad company bonds. $533,130 $55,407 | Coal company stocks...... $1,571,890 $35,523 Canal company bonds..... 500,000 30,000 | Railroad company stocks 13‘371,026 26,875 Coal company bonds...... 201,000 23,070 | Othertransp.com.stocks 1,280,405 30,000. Miscellaneous bonds...... 12,145 Water company stocks... 508,154 1,096 Miscellaneous stocks...... IOI,617 820 PEOGAI Gs sc rastavt stesetoveece $2,226,275 $108,477 OCA eses Pet stecctre adie $16,833,092 $94,563 Of which the following is a partial list :— Buffalo Creek RR. Co. % stk.......... $125,000 | Southern Centra] RR. Co. rst con.5s.$3,000,000 Easton and Amboy RR. Co. stk...... 6,000,000 | Waverly and St. Line RW. Co. stk.. 10,000 men. Vy Lerminal RR. Co. stk hj.4; 10,000,000. | W.-Bar: and Harvev’s L. RR. Co.... 150,000 Rehigh Valley RW. Co. stk......:..:.. G00, 000 si LGlanO, and Cow SUK. ives aimeee yacatcees 350,000: movalsocke RRA GONStK \.ces.torgss 259 Capital invested. .....cccs.sees Oe hb ed es ' Par of stock, $100. * Includes taxes, $264,764. Includes rentals, $460,239, etc. 704 Capital stock consists of $19,781,000 common (authorized, $20,000,000), and $3,300,000 preferred (issued in 1886), which carries 7 p. c. cumulative dividends (M. & N. at Boston), but without interest. In 1892, $365,000 preferred stock was sold. Dividends: On preferred, 1886 to Nov., 1891, both inclusive, 7 p.c. per annum. In 1892, a dividend of 3% p.c.was declared, payable May 2, but was temporarily enjoined. On common, none. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1391 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Road and outfit (Berdell bonds)... $20,000,000 | Common stock issued..... ......seeeee $19,781,000 Underlying liens,H.,P.andF.RR. 4,486,594 | Berdell bonds, convertible........... 219,000 Const. and impt. of property...... 8,702,025 ot Pr elerred Stock vc., bistermnns Sires ie 3, 300,000 Equipt. purch. through Car Trust. 1,471,000 | Funded debt outstanding..... ...... 16,386,000 Purchase, South Boston flats........ 1,550,390 | Mortgage notes, Curtis’s Wharf... 140,000 Hudson River Extension to date.. 2,689,218 | Due on Purchase Piper’s Wharf... . 200,000 Other inVestMients es... i.sccdennnss seus 1,025,769 | Balance due on 1,000 fgt. cars pur. 435,910 Expenditures undistributed....... in 187,166 | Due for equipt. pur. of M. and W. Supplies and materials.. geen ia 402,875 WIR Ol dced isscea eacucaexonersceess aie 22,625 Due from agents and conductors. 661,540 | Suppliestrans. from N.and W.RR. 61,423 CSASHLON MATIC toy ey toasee teased ceaeaat ones 230,504.) Current aCe OUllts.c..ccresseveteupeaunces 387,652 Due from Cos. and individuals...... AQ7, 222 44, Interest duevand: accrued®...:.cs.ne 466,752 PEOMTANG OSS ccc an .een it icsavotiet ease aes ASE OIAY F NOLCS! PAVADIE fain, 05 sevepsatiecsrscet acess Sat. 20 DUNO Ca iicracctetarerasces, dracnaneweeogoeee 24,950 Unpaid vouchers and pay rolls..... 696,502 TOtal Grnaquocet sivectn Sessiscsctemet ony $42,453,117 ALD OUAL esac sesvssic te ovntn sas agaseuen std $42,353,117 Rentals for year 1891 : Newburgh, Dutchess and Connecticut RR., $56,773 ; Rhode eae and Massachusetts RR., $20,000; Boston and Albany RR., $6,381; Rockville , $4,564; Milford and Woonsocket, and Milford, Franklin and Providence RRs., a S75: New London Northern RR. , $39,225 ; Norwich and Worcester RR. (corporate expenses, etc., $5,246; interest, $38, 960 : dividends, $210,557), $254,763 ; Woonsocket and Pascoag RR., $12,500; Providence and Springfield RR., $52,458; total, $460,239. The item of other investments in balance sheet consists of: purchase of Drake’s Wharf, $131,000; of Piper’s Wharf, $260,000; of Curtis’s Wharf, $155,000 ; investments in Connecticut Central RR. (acquired at foreclosure), $290,377 ; stock, Springfield and New London RR. Co., $89,492; stock, New England Terminal Co., $99,900; total, $1,025,769. INCOME (on 508 miles operated) for year ending Jane 30, 1892: Total gross from operation, $6,216,617, per mile, $12,237 ; total gross from other sources, $6,295, per mile, $13; deduct all expenses (including taxes, $264, 765), $4,817,207, per mile, $9,483; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $1,405,705, per mile, $2,767 ; deduct ‘total interest on all debt (including rental, $475,477, and other items), $1,595,773, per. mile, $3,141 ; net result on year’s business tor stockholders, loss, $190,068, per mile, $374; net loss after dividends paid, $433,843, per mile, $854. BALANCE SHEETS, June 30, 1891, 1892 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. 1801. 1892. 1891. 1892. Cost of road and equip.$39,757,243 $40,009,015 | Capitalstock, common.$20,000,000 $20,000,000 Stock and bds. owned.. 99,900 99,900 Capital stock, pret..5.J. 2,700,000)” *3; 665,000 Materials on hand........ 530,276 467,082 Funded debt... Sameks 17,209, 538 17,218,835 Due by agents of this | Sup. trans. from N. and Conipan yc, ener: 450,766 399,241 | Wz RRoeseee secseseonsonees 61,423 61,423. Due by others not agts. MPIC CIIL TOTES . ene 91,331 369, 119 ANG ACCKUG. sstsseess ccs 472,417 472,625, Debit bal. (taxes, etc). erat aas SAiGUr2 Se PGI CNAS st DAI at.o.00 eben ete zeticcen 128,275 Profit and loss (deficit). 417,774 832,456 | Due for wages and sup. 553,039 630,683. Due Cos. and individ... 298,057 279,710 ID OEAIS.ccceesactissasetess $41,962,254 $42,871,369 Totals. Sant beaches $41,962,254 $42,871,369 705 Meriden, Waterbury and Connecticut River RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Meriden, Conn. Inc. June 9g, 1888, in Conn., being consolidation of Meriden and Cromwell RR. (inc. July 10, 1882,) and Meriden and Waterbury RR. (inc. May 24, 1887). This road was purchased, early in 1892, by or in the interest of, the New York and » New England RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cromwell to Waterbury, Conn., 29.5; branch in city of Meriden, Conn., .84, total, 30.34 miles. Capitalization of road........June 30, 1891 :— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock............056 sesseeees $500,000 $16,600 | Total gross from operation..... $87,018 $2,868 Funded debt........-sscssceeerssees 400,000 13,300 | Total gross from other sources 106 3 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses :..:......044. PF Q2j015 0 3,052 BEA UUGIES. a2 qnadece aseclecsevudeers.: 872,871 28,700 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | _ charges and dividends...... *5, 491 181 rent liabilities ................00 38,239 Deduct total interest on ‘all Total invested capital........ .. 1,772,871 58,600 | — debt aS ADOVE ...ssseoe ccceservece 63,385 2,089 ‘“‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 63,385. 2,089 = Net result on year’s business ei “ Dividends per annum... None paid. for stockholders, loss. ......++ 68,876 2,270 Average ratio of return upon _ Par of stock, $50. Mecapital Invested...icv.. vescsenee None. | ; * Includes taxes, $21. Twente, BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assef/s, Cost of road and equipment, $1,551,001 ; material and supplies, $5,377; bills receivable and current accounts, $32,862; profit and loss, $183,631 ; total, $1,772,871. Liabilities, Capital stock, $500,000; funded debt, $400,000; biils payable, $810,820; current accounts, accrued interest and overdraft, $62,051; total, $1,772,871. Milford and Woonsocket RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Milford, Mass. Inc. May 2, 1855, in Mass. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Ashland to Bellingham, Mass.,15.33 miles. Leased with the Milford, Franklin and Providence RR. to N. Y. and New England RR. on Oct. I, 1887, for 99 years. Rental, 25 p. c. of gross earnings of the two roads. Capitalization Of vOAd.....+06 June 30, 1891 :— | Yncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— : Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock........ sesosseccesseeee $148,600 $9,900 | Total gross from operation..... *$7,939 $521 SAVE CLEDU...cvdsiavsvercvenianves 60,000 4,000 | “fotal gross from other sources 1,358 * 89 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. 156 10 BIADIUILIES ....46056 ocveveess v4 o09500 1,900 125 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 9,141 600 rent liabilities aocesesce cocesccsice 200 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ 1 _ 210,500 14,025 eitrac ABOVE Oe tee foe 3, 108 Reo ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 3,108 200 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annumn...... 59944 for stockholders, gain......... 6,033. 400 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid.... 89 Pat tial invested.i,........0-:.00 re ees Par of stock, $100. * Rental. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Construction, $171,881 ; other investments, $22,720; other assets, $15,899; total, $210,500. Lzabilities, Capital stock, $148,600; funded debt, $60,000 ; unfunded debt, $1,900; total, $210,500. Milford, Franklin and Providence RR. Co., General Office, Franklin, Mass. Road opened in 1883 and leased to New York and New England for 99 years from Oct. 1, 1887. Rental, 25 p. c. of gross earnings of this and the Milford and Woon- socket RR. Co. { i LENGTH OF RoAD owned: Franklin to Bellingham, 4.60 miles. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Asse/s, Cost of road, $1o1,256; other assets, $705 3 profit and loss, $8,039; total, $110,000. Liabilities, Capital, $100,000; funded debt, $10,000 ; total, $110,000. Norwich and Worcester RR. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Norwich, Conn. Inc. 1837, in Conn. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Norwich, Conn., to Worcester, Mass., 59.70 miles; Allyn’s Point Extension: Norwichto Allyn’s Point, Conn., 6.30; total, 66 miles. Leased by New York and New England for 99 years from 1869. Rental 8 p. c. on stock and 6 p.c. on bonds. 45 706 Capitalization of road........June 30, 1892 :— | Lncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Rl aDitaletoG evs csscssvascssarvesssae 2,646,900 $40,000 | Total gross from operation... $235,224 $3,564 FONG MIC DIS ccrchesceascesseurs 400,000 6,000 | Total gr. from other sources 17,554 266 Unfunded debt and current Deduct-all) expenses... ,.s.<0 440 6 Li AD TMPIeS7i.y he soca uepunbeedosnsee te 1,225,902 18,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends..... 252,330 3,024 PONE MS DU MeSr sed ws nd ccewcsent en 450,790 | Deduct total interest on all otalinvested: capital %.. <2... A, 272, 802404, 5001s me EDL AS ADOVEs: bie. cesven saenen 24,000 363 ‘* Interestonall debtp.ann. 24,000 363 | Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... 211,225 | for stockholders, gain...... 228,338 3,461 Average ratio of return upon _ Net surplus after divs. paid 17,114 259 Capital INVesteds-s-eycs senate 5% p. c. Capital stock, $6,600 common and $2,620,300 preferred. Dividends: None on com- mon stock; 8 p.c. per annum, J. & J., on preferred, at Second National Bank, Boston. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. : Cost.of road. cies. Wah ient nteseegestene Cees $3,020,200 Capital StOCK cc. 6.is.arebeotnescaluenc unten $2,646,900 Costof -EQuipMent vac. ccciicceesevescocetnss T7O\ 7510 WEP MNGEAKICDt) 41.05..0ssseecse aeabunpensmeete 400,000 STOCKS OWNE To. ceckcr ween ant enkocare ter ecs 276,000 1, Current liabilities.. ...,ssecc.s.covesasnvesesstea O02 7) TANS OWREG i525. 0ss0 sosessicesivebastseneteys 5 ATO7 MA CEPMeG Interest... sis $65,100 $10,800 | Total gross from operation...... $27,964 $4,661 Hundedidebt A se oetsscaerans Total gross from other sources. 2,040 340 Unfunded debt and current None. Deduct.all expenses.:.....c0<.205. 19,252 3,209 Tra Dilit1eS Te wssceactncatessucast Ge 18,399 3,100 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and. dividends......... 10,752 1,792 LEN HADINTIES 2 oy a.ccciccmptaeetes 10,788 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......... 83,399 13,900 Ebi aS abOVe ..1<:..pece-Sneeuees None. “* Interest on all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... 6,500 for stockholders, gain......... 10,7521, 702 Average ratio of return upon Net surplus after div. paid...... 4,252 709 CADItALIT VEStOC cativsssancceass 12.75 p. €, Par of stock, $100. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Coat of road and equipment, $67,611 ; current accounts and cash, $10,788; sinking fund, $5,co0; total, $83,399. Lzadbilities, Capital stock,. $65,000 ; current accounts, $327; profit and loss, $18,072; total, $83,399. ROCKAWAY VALLEY RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, White House, N. J. Inc. Jan. 10, 1890, in N. J., being consolidation of Rockaway Valley ; Rockaway Valley Extension, and Rockaway Valley Peapack Extension RR. Co. The Rockaway Valley Manufacturing and Construction Co. leased this road Sept. 15, 1890, for 10 years. No interest or dividends are to be paid while leased, but interest will accumulate. This has no reference to bonds issued on the extension. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: White House to Mendham, N. J., 18 miles; projected : to Morristown, N. J., 7 miles additional, which was to be completed last year. Capitalization of road........ Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities.....-.-.......Not known. Capital Stockaaeoeecrinecee st $200,000 $11,100 Total invested capital..... $407,000 $22,600 Pundedidebt. nce te eee 200,000 —‘II, 100 Int. on all debt p. ann.. .10,000 SSS Uatinded dened uenrrent ’ i ‘‘ Dividends per ann........ Not known. ; liaDilithestjsicuk sect ee 00° goo | Average ratio of return Par of stock, $50. ; upon capital invested..... Not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ROCKPORT, LANGDON AND NORTHERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Rockport, Mo. Inc. Dec. 28, 1889, in Mo. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Rockport to Langdon, Mo., 5.62 miles. A traffic agreement exists between this Company and the Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs RR. Co. Capitalization of road......+. Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rentiliabilities 25.22 .scesesde None. GCanital stoclccamescscsuetees . $28,000 $4,650-| Totalinvested capital........ .. $60,000 $10,000 Panded debt. 2sccc2,.s.ssena esac 25,000 4,150 = Interest on all debt p. ann. 1,500 250: Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... Not known. lia bilitiese gh vissecceeut Sea. : 7,000 1,200 Average ratio of return upon capital invested..i.,.:..:...00, NOt known Par of stock, $50. Capital authorized, $90,000; subscribed, $32,000. ‘Total invested capital represents. cost of road, etc. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ROCKPORT RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Rockport, Me. Inc. May 18, 1886, in Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Simonton’s Corner to Rockport, Me., 3 miles. Company’s. business is exclusively the transportaion of limestone from the quarries to the kilns at. Bockport. CAPITAL, $30,000, per mile, $10,000; par of stock, $100; no funded debt. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: Total gross from operation, $7,250, per mile, $2,417; deduct all expenses, $6,128, per mile, $2,043; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $1,112, per mile, $374; deduct interest on all debt, none. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892.—Assets, Cost of road, $22,000; cost of equipment, $8,000 ; total, $30,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $30,000. poke, ROCKWOOD AND TENNESSEE RIVER RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Chattanooga, Tenn. Inc. June 18, 1867, in Tenn. The _ road is owned by Roane Iron Co., which « operates it principally in connection with its _ mines and furnaces. Its capital, funded and floating debt are part of and included in _ those of the Proprietary Company, as per figures siven below. ; * | LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Rockwood, Tenn, to Tennessee River, 6 miles ; partially ' narrow gauge. i Capital, $98,935 (cost of road and equipment), per mile, $16,500; funded debt, not _ given. Balance sheet not furnished. ROGUE RIVER VALLEY RW. CO., _ General and Corporate Office, Portland, Oregon. Inc. Feb. 4, 1891 in Oregon. LENGTH OF ROAD owned ; Jacksonville to Medford, Ore., 5.5 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891: Capital, $100,000, par, $100, per mile, $16,700 ; - no funded debt; no dividends yet paid. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $1,760, per mile, $320; deduct all expenses, $4,169; per mile, $758; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, deficit, $2,409, per mile, $438. BALANCE SHEET, June. 30, 1891 :—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, eis, 160 ; other assets, $58,840; total, "$100, 000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $100,000. ROME RR. CO., N. Y. Office, 80 Broadway. General and Corporate Office, Rome, Ga. Inc. 1857, in Ga. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kingston to Rome and branch, 20 miles, CAPITAL, $250,843, par $100, per mile, $12,500; no funded debt. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $42,086, per mile, $2,104; total gross from other sources, $12,000, per mile, $600; deduct all expenses, $34,382, per mile, $1,719; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, _ $19,704, per mile, $985. Balance sheet not furnished. RUBY HILL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Eureka, Nev. Inc. in Nev. . LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Eureka to Ruby Hill, Nev., 7 miles (narrow gauge). Capital, $150,000, per mile, $21,400; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $32,453, per mile, $4,600; total invested capital $182,453 (cost of road, equipment and real estate), per mile, $26,000; dividends, if any, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. SAGINAW, TUSCOLA AND HURON RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Saginaw, Mich. Inc. Feb. 24, 1881, in Mich. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: East Saginaw to Bad Axe, Mich., 64.38; branches, 2.19 ; total, 66.57 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891 :— MEE AGE SCONES ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— : Per Mile. Per Mile. BPEOILAISLOCK .onc0s os csconcoscnees 30223)555 $1,800 | Total gross from operation.....$106,782 $1,604 BSA GED a. 52.5505. 0sceesees one None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses'....c....0.5. 78,945 1,186 PRTEIIACS 0000, cececcursecce ose: 946,697 14,100 | Net total. applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends........ 27,837 418 BILE PA DTUTIOS .. .socasvics deveess 101,734 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 1,070,252 15,900 Gebtias ADOVEN. (cccvePaschosee 33,641 505 ““TInterestonalldebtp.ann. 33,641 505 | Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss.......... 5,804 87 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital invested ............s0 2.6 p. c. Capital authorized, $600,000. Gross earnings for 11 months from Jan. 1, to Nov, 30, 1892, were $114,574. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $904,328; real real estate, $4,718; materials, etc., $7,767 ; other assets, $70,203; current accounts, $15, 330 ; cash on hand, $3,710 ; profit and loss, $64,190; total, $1, 070,252. Liabilities, Capital stock, $123,555; other liabilities, $946,607 ; total, $1,070,252. SAGINAW VALLEY AND LAKE HURON RR. CO. No information furnished, 760 ST. AUGUSTINE AND NORTH BEACH RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Augustine, Fla. Road runs from St. Augustine to North Beach, 5 miles. It appears to be run in close connection with the “St. Augustine Route ’’—Jacksonville, St. Augustine and Indian River RW. ST. AUGUSTINE AND SOUTH BEACH RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Augustine, Fla. Inc. May 27, 1886, in Fla. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Augustine to South Beach, Fla., 5 miles (narrow gauge. Line, as projected in and around St. Augustine, 15 miles. Completed as above in 1889. ere (authorized $50,000), $40,000, per mile, $8,000; funded debt (authorized $30,000), $7,000, per mile, $1,400; total interest on all debt per annum, $420, per mile, $84. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ST. CATHARINE’S AND NIAGARA CENTRAL RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Catharine’s, Ont. Inc. 1887, in Ont. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Catharine’s to Niagara Falls, Ont., 12.35 miles. Road opened as above in 1888. The Company has a grant of $147,200 from the Dominion Government, $38,400 of which has been paid; and also a-subscription of municipal aid amounting to $180,000, of which $40,000 has been paid. June 30, 1891: Capital (authorized $300,000), $68,359, per mile, $5,500; funded debt, $100,000, per mile, $8,100; unfunded debt and current liabilities (including city and Government aid), $293,401, per mile, $6,300; current assets available to offset cur- rent liabilities, none ; total invested capital, $461,760, per mile, $19,900; total interest on all debt per annum, not known; dividends, none. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $19,502, per mile, $1,579; deduct all expenses, $19,756, per mile, $1,600; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, ¢254 (deficit), per mile, $21. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $461,760. Liabilities, Capital stock, $68,359 ; funded debt, $100,000; Government bonus, $38, 400 ; municipal aid, "$40, 000 ; balance, $215,001 ; total, $461,760. ST. CLAIRSVILLE AND NORTHERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Clairsville, O. Inc. June 17, 1879,in Ohio. This road is owned by the village of St. Clairsville, O., which issued $30,000 ($25,700 outstanding) in bonds for its construction. The St. Clairsville Co. leased the road Apr. 17, 1882, for 30 years, and has operated it since June 15th of that year. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: St. Clairsville to St. Clairsville Jc., O., 3.6 miles. CAPITAL, $5,000 (par $100), per mile, $1,250; no funded debt; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $3,427, per mile, $850; current assets available to offset current liabilities, $2,711 ; total invested capital, $8,427, per mile, $2,100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ST. CLOUD SUGAR BELT RW. CO., General Offices, Kissimmee, Fla., 110 Bullitt Building, Philadelphia, Pa.; Corporate Office, St) Gioud;"Fla; dnc. Oct 21350, ra. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kissimmee to Narcoossee, 14.4; branch to St. Cloud, 1; total, 15.5 miles. June 30, 1891: Capital, $120,000 (par $50), per mile, $7,500; funded debt, $120,000, per mile, $7,500; total invested capital (cost of road, etc.), $240,000, per mile, $15,000; total interest on all debt per annum, $7,200, per mile, $450; average ratio of return upon capital invested, 3 p.c. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $22,325, per mile, $1,440; deduct all expenses, $16,877, per mile, $1,089; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $5,448, per mile, $351; deduct total interest on all debt as above, $7,200, per mile, $464; net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss, $1,752, per mile, $113. Balance sheet not furnished. ST. CROIX AND PENOBSCOT RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Calais, Me. Inc. July 25, 1835, in Me., as Calais RR. Co. Name changed in 1849, to Calais and Baring RR., the present title adopted in 1870, when the Lewy’ s Island RR. (Baring to Princeton, 16. 5 m.) was purchased at $140,000, and merged. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Calais to Princeton, Me., 21 miles, including 4. 75 miles in New Brunswick (Canada). _. Average ratio of return upon om 761 Capitalization of road........J UNE 30, 1892 “the Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. BEB DAGELStOCK, sssdes cess e'cecsoues . $100,000 $4,800 Total gross from operation..... $26,906 $1,281 Mma 1101 -ebt........5. csccessvccoscec 132,500 6,700 Total gross from other sources 661 31 Unfunded debt and current Deduct-all experses..o.....05.2 ¥OT 3254 O15 US ee adores cat ten crsunderne 140,106 6,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets lo ofiset cur- charges and dividends...... 6,242 297 MMA aI LtIES 22,5, coe yaesccnsens 8,606 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 372,606 18,400 Gebt as abOyevecticteccccccses! 8,139) 1 387 a Interest on all debt p. ann. 8,137 387 | Net result on year’s business Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss ........ 1,895 go eatiae Par of stock, $1oo. Capital invested. ...6c.....cceee {7 D.C. * Includes taxes, $405. DIVIDENDS: None paid since 1873. BALANCE SHEET June 30, 1891:—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $364,000; current accounts, $5,906; sundries, $2,700 ; total, $372,606. Lzabzlities, Capital stock, $100,000 ; funded debt, $132,500; accrued interest not due, $1,335; current accounts, $108; profit and _ loss, $138,673 ; total, $372,606. ST. JOHN AND EASTERN CO. No information furnished. ST. JOSEPH UNION DEPOT CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Joseph, Mo. Inc. Mar. 22, 1880,in Mo. Depot, yards, etc., at St. Joseph, Mo. It is owned and used jointly (each holding $1,000 of stock) by Burlington and Mo. River in Nebraska, the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy; the Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska; the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific; the Hanni- bal and St. Joseph; the Kansas City, St, Joseph and Council Bluffs ; the Missouri Pa- cific; the St. Joseph and Grand Island, and the St. Joseph, St. Louis and Santa Fé RR. Cos. These companies share fro raza in any defit to meet fixed charges. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1g91: Total gross from operation, $70,501 ; deduct all expenses, $58,135; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $12,366; deduct total interest on all debt, $7,366; net gain on year’s business for stockholders, $5,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of depot and fixtures, $188,496; bills receiv- able, $4,801; cash on hand, $4,627; total, $197,924. Lzabdbzlities, Capital stock, $9,000; funded debt, $120,000; profit and loss, $68,924; total, $197,924. ST. JOSEPH VALLEY RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Berrien Springs, Mich. Inc. Aug. 1, 1889, in Mich. LENGTH OF ROAD projected: Benton Harbor, Mich., to Ft. Wayne, Ind., 130 miles; completed: Berrien Springs to Buchanan, Mich., to miles. CAPITAL, $300,000; funded debt, $50,000. Balance sheet and operations not fur- nished. ST. LOUIS AND EASTERN RW. CO,, General Office, St. Louis, Mo.; Corporate Office, East St. Louis, Ill. Inc. Dec. 16, 1889: in Ill. This road was operated by other companies until Aug. 12, 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Glen Carbon, Ill., to Mines, 1.25. Trackage: Jackson- ville Southeastern Line, East St. Louis to Glen Carbon, 13.75 ; total, 15 miles. CAPITAL, $200,000, representing cost of road, etc. Par of stock, $100. sheet and operations not furnished. ST. LOUIS AND HANNIBAL RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Hannibal, Mo. Inc. Jan. 3, 1872, in Mo. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Oakwood iJc. to Gilmore, Mo., 81.75. wood Jc. to Hannibal, Mo., 2.5; total, 84 25 miles. Balance Leased: Oak- Capitalization of road........ Dec. 321, 1389n:— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— ’ Per Mile. Per Mile. EAISLOCK or ihase cence cacneass . $462,000 $ 5,700 | Total gross from operation..... $149,401 $1,778 LV ore Eve (9) a ee 380,000 4,600 Total gross from other sources — Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses...........:.. 199,080 2,370 ETE Met Coe. hs scusiiccaanvon 116,156 1,400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... *49,679 592 MC ADL LLES <0. 0055.0 invcetowces 27,549 Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. H5S, 150 17,700. lt) debtas above ws..cee-hoese. 26,600 aE by Interest onalldebt p.ann. 26,600 317 Net result on year’s business “© Dividends per annum...... Not known. for stockholders, loss. ....... 76,279 909 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $50. capital invested...............0 None. * Deficit. : 762 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $804,372; materials and supplies, $11,015; cash and current assets, $16,534; profit and loss, $126,235; total, $958,156. Lzabzlities, Capital, $462,000; funded debt, $380,000; current accounts, $41,956; unpaid coupons, $74,200; ST. LOUIS AND PEORIA RR. CO., total, $958,156. General and Corporate Office, Springfield, Ill. Ineoan ill: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Mt. Olive to Alhambra, III, 14 miles. Capitalization of road... June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital stock:..... j.ess+s gs-sces+0 h200,000 $20,000 unGedadebt ivi am ssee tee 182,000 13,000 Unfunded debt and current Habities a uscseces trasesestcacen: 104,508 7,500 Current assets to offset cur- Pentellabilitiess, .c.pse socoeenee Not known. Total invested capital........... 566,508 40,500 “aint, on all debt p..ann...4 10,603 778 ‘* Dividends per annum.....Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital Invested. .cis.,s+. ees sau 2 pic: Balance sheet not furnished. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operations..... $30,810 $2,200 Total gross from other sources . Deductiall expenses. ccs veveccera: 19,684 1,406 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends......... Ti, 120 oe Deduct total interest on all CED as ADOVEs...3.2.. rea eeesaseees 10,8038.) 773 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 228 16 Par of stock, $50. ST. LOUIS AND SUBURBAN RB. CO., General and Corporate Office, St. Louis, Mo. Inc. in Mo. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: West St. Louis to Florissant, Mo., 16 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ; ST. LOUIS, CAPE GIRARDEAU AND FORT SMITH RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Cape Girardeau, Mo. Inc. Aug. 10, 1880, in Mo., under title of Cape Girardeau RW. Co., name changed to Cape Girardeau Southwestern RR. Co., Nov. 12, 1882, and to above title Jan. 18glI. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Cape Girardeau to Hunter, Mo., 94; leased: Brownwood and Northwestern RR. Co., Brownwood to Zalma, Mo., g; total, 103 miles. Capitalization of road.....Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile, Ga pital Stock wus devessenjssesctsesese $1,150,000 $12,200 PRIN Cedi CeDtiescscce capsaecrostes 1,150,000 12,200 Unfunded debt and current HADLNETES Wirancvenanedecdeecueces 6 679,894 7,200 Current assets to offset cur- Tent TiaAbiliLresiwisececueseous eae 119330, 008 Total invested capital......... 2,979,894 31,600 ‘* Interest on all debt p.ann 69,000 700 ‘* Dividends per annum....Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital tin vested sass .4;ecegee BT Oe Income for jiscal year ending Oct. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.....6174,614 $1,695 Total gross from other sources Detuct all expenses...vectessoc 89,948 873 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends..... . 84,666 822 Deduct total interest on all GEDt AS ADOVE ncecscces ose peeges 69,000 700 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain.......«« 15,666 122 Par of stock, $50. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road, $2,269,086; equipment, $102,780 ; real estate, $177,220; fuel and supplies, $14,537; individual accounts, $32,271; treasury bonds, $384,000 ; total, 2,979,894. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,150,000; funded debt, $1,150,000 ; car trusts, $7,311; bills payable, $255,386 ; ‘individual accounts, $118,718; profit and loss, $298,479; — total, $2,979,894. Brownwood and Northwestern RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Cape Girardeau, Mo. RR. Co. for 25 years from Aug. I, 1887. Inc. Aug. 27, 1886, in Mo. Leased to Cape Girardeau Southwestern LENGTH OF ROAD projected: Brownwood to west line of Bollinger Co., Mo., 16 miles ; completed, Brownwood to Zalma, Mo., 9 miles. } Capital, $49,300; authorized, $160,000. Cost of completed road, $50,500. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. ST. LOUIS, CHICAGO AND ST. PAUL RR. CO., ‘Bluff Line,’’ General Offices, 45 Wall st., New York, and St. Louis, Mo. Capital, $2,000,000, par $100. This road is successor to St. Louis, Alton and Spring- field, sold in foreclosure July 9, 1892, description of which follows. SP ke rey + F 763 St. Louis, Alton and Springfield RR. Co., 45 Wall st.; General Offices, Spring- field, Ill.; St. Louis, Mo.; Corporate Office, Springfield, Ill. Inc. 1882, in IIl., as St. Louis, Jerseyville and Springfield RR. and was absorbed by Wabash, St. Louis and Pacific RW. Co., which, through its receivers, surrendered it to the bondholders. They subsequently transferred it to the St. Louis and Central Illinois RR. Co. (inc. Dec. 3, 1886), which assumed control under lease datéd Dec. 1, 1886. The present Company, with title as above, was organized June 4, 1887, with powers to purchase the road and make exten- sions, and was placed in receivership Oct., 1890, at the instance of the contractors. In Jan., 1891, the Company acquired the property of the Alton Terminal RR. Co. The $1,200,000 of Ist mtge. and $300,000 of 2d mtge. bonds are pledged as collateral. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Alton to Bates, Ill., 77.4; branch, Lockhaven to Graf- ton, 8.4; total, 85.8; trackage, Wabash RR., Bates to Springfield, Ill., 13.2; total, 99 Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— | Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.......serccres essseseee 1,500,000 $17,400 | Total gross from operation..... $108,480 $1,095. BME ASC Cheb ts sss—Texarkana 10 Gatesville 1 Gx dec sescrssjen-cese st psnnes bese tonccigeveeeeshuaiinn 304.6 Sherman Branchi--Mt" Pleasantito Sherman, Vex cas.ccece terre yecccsees peakesae emma 109.9 Fort Worth Branch:-Gomimerceso Mort W orth Dex s. iit.ss (oesecrvcowsueensep teas eae 97.2 Hillsboro’ Branch:— Corsicana 16: BiINsSDorG ol GX Vb icecuese coves socesonde wsccerarsrip een Ou ; 551-7 Total operated lines, St. Louis’ Southwestern Sy Stet iiss. cess steocs conssssoanpeausine 15222.7 Capitalization Of road ....... June 30, 1892:— | lncome for fiscalyear ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital Stock...... ....4+ s.s000 +0030, 500,000 $29,900 | Total gross from operation... $4,636,461 3,800 Fume GeDU.c cy sccssscsesesoaiey 28,000,000 22,900 | ‘“‘ gross from other sources 125,099 100 Unfunded debt and current PeDeduct all expenseszs-s.15..0, *3,931,620 3,200 liabilities . .......... cesses *1,783,498 1,400 | Net totalapplicable for fixed ‘Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 829,940 680 rent iiabilities)..csaccecense se 1,442,245 _ Deduct total interest on all Total invested. capital........ 66,233,400. .-54;200 “| (RdEDE aS ADOVES..:..00b . 815 Deduct total interest on all debt ds above ksi c~ Saecinss 60,000 503 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain ...... 37,239 312 Par of stock, $100. 770 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $1,896,030; equipment, $44,117 ; other property and assets, $34,984; bills receivable, $20,385; current accounts, $32,616; cash on hand, $21,228; profit and loss, $188,268; total, $2,237,628. Liabilities, Capital stock, FE ee debt, $1,000,000; bills payable, $90,000; current accounts, $274,028; total, $2,237,020. Pittsboro’ RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Raleigh, N. C. Inc. 1886, in N.C. Road is leased to and largely owned by Raleigh and Gaston Air-Line RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Moncure to Pittsboro’, N. C., 12 miles. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. SEABOARD RW. CO., OF ALABAMA, New York Office, 12 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, Mobile, Ala. Inc. Jan. 20, 1890, in Ala., succeeding to the railroad of the Seaboard Mfg. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Naunahubba to Tuscarora, Ala., 24.25; branch, Davids Lake to River Junc., 1.75 ; total, 26 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization of road... Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital Stocks. ci,.saccmersthncaess $500,000 $19,200 Funded debt Ay. wsteapereettreas 216,000 8,300 Unfunded debt and current abilities: .scccuvess weesuaen Not known. Current assets to offset cur- Pent WahilitrEs 275 oc cet wese eras Not known. Total invested capital......... 716,000 27,500 ‘*Int. on‘.all debt p. ann? 13,135 505 ““ Dividends per annum.....Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested 4..c-sssstsess 1g p.c. Balance sheet not furnished. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $42,405 $1,631 Total gross from other sources SEA VIEW (ELEVATED) RR. CO., New York Office, 178 Water st.; General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Deduct all expenses.............. 38,411 1,477 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends....... 3,994 154 Deduct total interest on all GED ES ADOVE c..caseckngoneesecs 13,135 995 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss. ........ 9,141 351 Inc. June 4, 1886, in N. Y., being reorganization of Coney Island Elevated RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owred: Brighton Beach to West Brighton, Coney Island, 1 mile. Capitalization of r0ad.....+.. June 30, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Capital Stock disccccataseerteveccses $190,753 190,800 Rundedrdebtzessconcnescccseeeeee Unfunded debt and current Liabilities Mic..seseeeacn se peoeceus 6,382 6,300 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilties ail,..ccescss teste 9,305 Total invested capital............ 224,635 224,600 “ Tnterest on all debt p. ann. 1,650 1,650 ‘* Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon capitalinvested aiiiicsescsger eS jooae * Includes ‘‘ other items,’’ $1,065. Capital authorized, $250,000. 27,500 27,500 Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.... $13,763 $13,763 Total gross from other sources Weduchalirexpenses..ccscace sare Net total applicable to fixed 10,376 10,376 charges and dividends....... 35407 1655, 307 Deduct total interest on all LETC YU AD OVC oes os lect ete ones ee #2715 © «2,715 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 672 672 Par of stock, $50. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $215,330; cash on hand, $9,305 ; total, $224,635. $874; profit and loss, $5,508 ; total, $224,635. Liabilities, Capital, $190,753; funded debt, $27,500; sundry accounts, SEBASTICOOK AND MOOSEHEAD LAKE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Hartland, Me. Inc. July 24, 1886, in Me. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Pittsfield to Hartland, Me., 8 miles; projected: Hart- land to Greenville, Me., 42 miles. Capitalization of road.......J Une 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Capital Stock: iosccose ofssop cavessces Pb 20,000 ol 5,700 Puucleddepet....1 cesses None. Unfunded debt and current Tia Bilitios ys. 22 ert cere ee 685 100 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities so. ckur eer cees 685 : Totabinvested capital ....cis.1 126,685 15,800 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. None. ** Dividends per annum...... None. Average ratio of return upon capital investeds.i..¢. aes . 00.98 p. C. * Includes permanent improvements, $1,409. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $9,446 $1,181 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses...........s00. #3, O05... 1,184 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends.. ..... 531 67 Deduct total interest on all Geis ADOVGsccs. ied ce0 osye nae T1,305 163 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 774 96 Par of stock, $100. + Locomotive hire. » LiL BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $126,000 ; profit and loss, $685; total, $126,685. Lzadbilities, Capital, $126,000; profit and loss, $685; total, $126,685. SENECA FALLS AND CAYUGA LAKE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Inc. May 24, 1886, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Seneca Falls to Cayuga Lake, N. Y., 2.83 miles. Capital, $40,000, per mile, $13,350; funded debt, $50,000, per mile, $16,650; un- funded debt and current liabilities, $3,990, per mile, $1,300; Current assets available to offset current liabilities, $526; total invested capital, $93,990, per mile, $31,300; total interest on all debt per annum, $2,400, per mile, $800; no dividends paid; par $100. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. SHADE CREEK RR. C0O., General and Corporate Office, Johnstown, Pa. Inc. May 23, 1888, in Pa. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Faustwell Station to Johnstown Lumber Co’s Mill, Pa., 1mile. Narrow gauge. Capitalization of road...... June 30, 1891:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— : Per Mile. | Per Mile. Capital Stock......scsewseereee $7,700 $7,700 | Total gross from operation..... $840 $840 PONGE CEDt .....ceccsccscsseess None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses......../..... VEX: Eg ment abilities: coscsssssases 909 goo Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 117 117 rent liabilities..... sseaticuses 909 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 8,540 8,600 Ce Di ASA DONG uct er series: None “ Int. on all debt p. ann. None. _ Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum Not known. for stockholders, gain E17 117 Average ratio of return Sees, upon capital invested..... 1.4 p. c. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $7,631; cash on hand, $909; total, $8,540. Lzadzlities, Capital stock, $7,700; current accounts, $723 ; profit and loss, $117; total, $8,540. SHEPAUG, LITCHFIELD AND NORTHERN RR. CO., New York Office, 22 William st. General and Corporate Office, Litchfield, Conn. Inc. May, 1887, in Conn., under charter given Feb. 18, 1887, to Ist mtge. bondholders of Shepaug Valley RR. Co., which defaulted Oct. 1, 1876. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Litchfield to Hawleyville, Conn., ‘32.28 miles. Capitalization of road....... June 30, 1892:— , dncome for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. Beapital Stock........scescsss cake en $600,000 $18,800 | Total gross from operation ...$65,614 $2,050 CLOT COD Ei.liscacctecs sees chance None. Total gross from other sources 171 5 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses, ..i;., 24:30" 59,602 1,865 BR UCIES cnc ccests sensstacedares 61,080 1,900 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 6,123 190 ment HADIITIES..;...01. Cal’ RW) CO.b iis elsecess 1,280,000 DAS OOGE tind staanceceds 2xOB5 GOO ade seceuetee Morgan’s L. and T. RR. and SS. Co. and lines owned............ 15,939,075 6,753,716 Cr. 742,640 21,950,150 1,769,000 Louisiana’ Weest:, RR#Co Viens 3,360,000 2,240,000 118,030 5,718,030 676,577 Texas and New Orleans RR. Co. 5,000,000 4,701,651 Cr. 98,188 9,603,462 2,756,817 Galv., Harr. & San An. RW. Co. 27,093,012 25,601,084 2,011,607 54,705,704. *302,895 Gulf, WwW; “Evan P aR We Cone 500,000 1,453,000 Cr. 41,561 1,911,438 175,342 N. Y., Tex. and Mex. RW. Co... 630,040 1,518,000 562,04T8 , 2,710.60 #326, 111 DOtal TSG sakartoncactesnvieceweures 283,575,397 122,086,451 5,064,511 410,726,360 25,947,977 Total 1800 5 anssocstese sce naaeeees 267,478,717 115,718,167 6,676,567 380,873,452 26,989,475 * Deficit. 787 The capital stock of the Southern’ Pacific Co., eee as given above, having been exchanged for that of the other companies, the items of assets and liabilities are dupli- cated to the extent of the amounts credited to Southern Pacific Co. GENERAL OPERATIONS.—The transportation earnings, receipts from other sources, operating expenses, fixed and other charges payable under the respective leases of the above operated railroad and steamship lines, are, in the following statement, treated as awhole, irrespective of any division of profits: or losses which may inure to or becomea charge against the Southern Pacific Co. :— Receipts and Disbursements. Pacw syst. Atl. Syst. Total,1891r. Total, 1890. Average miles of road operated......... 4,625 1,750 6,375 6,053 Gross earnings :— MericoadsS and ferries .....2..6%..cks se 20e + $37,070) 078 $10,485,254 $47,495,332 $45,445,509 Steamship lines.. “A “Ye Mdghacs mee 703,031 ©1162, 762.032. 19 775 220 Transp. lines in et and. Texas SE oon £3 epaesenene 161,452 161,451 131,664 Total transportation earnings.... 37,010,078 13,439,737 50,449,815 48,352,503 BERSTALING EXPENSES ...210.1 ccceccen vereseves 21,808,795 9,354,816 31,163,612 31,155,102 Earnings over operating expemses..... 15,201,283 4,084,921 19,286,203 17,197,401 “rackage and other rentals.............. 469,838 94,354 564,193 509,606 MEOT AL ciesdecseksissscs Ss aeehiedslsvamanecses 15,071,121 /4,179,275 .10,850,396 17,707,007 Other payments chargeable to income from operations :— Si hee ve sens’ rate $1,036,481 Cog 503 $1,261,984 $1,234,298 Betterments and ‘additions . ease aah gaan 259,570 259,570 265,626 mnterest on bonded debt...............- 8,675,587 1,954,313 10,629,900 10,259,820 Interest on floating debt........ ..e.ccee 172,175 88,893 16,717 315,022 C. P. RR. rentals and sink’g funds. 3,219,539 Sweavess Lh 14) 259, 5d0mus 2, 250,701 Rental California Pacific RR........- GEAOST dais scct aay 612,021 606,000 Trackage and other rentals.. ........ 116,197 370,508 486,705 388,827 CAM ancees sotesece nevanenes Wekaawaseeesose 13,947,220, © 2,630,217) 16,486,437 15,320,204 MINE COIs ervey silsy on hvac csovecasaetceretes 1,923,901. 1,540,058: . 3,363,059 |) 2,377,713 * Decrease. + Credit. Inc. or Dec. B22 $2,049,823 17,702 29,787 2,097,31 2 8,509 2,088,803 54,587 2,143,390 $27,686 *6,055 370, 080 *298,304 959,839 ,O21 97,377 1,157,144 986, 246 In addition to the above expenditure, there was advanced for betterments and addi- tions for the benefit and account of the proprietary lines the sum of $1,868,263, and _ $147,195.91 for the benefit and account of the leased lines, a total of $2,015,458, against a total of $1,666,771 advanced in 1890 for similar account. Including these advances for the purpose of ascertaining the total outlay for the year, the gross receipts against $710,942 in 1890, an increase of $637,559, exclusive of $180,290 net income of the Southern exceeded the disbursements of every character by $1,348,501, Pacific Co. from other sources. DISTRIBUTION OF EARNINGS: The earnings which remain after the payment of all charges under the several leases or otherwise from the general operations as given above are distributable as follows :— Net profits remaining after the payment of operating expenses, taxes, fixed, and all other charges under lease of the following proprietary companies embraced in Omnibus lease: S. P. RR. of California, S. P. RR. of Arizona, S. P. RR. of New Mexico, Morgan’s La. and Texas RR. and SS. Co., Louisiana Western RR. Co., and transportation lines in Louisiana and Texas...... Net profits remaining after payment of operating expenses, taxes, fixed, and all other charges under lease of the following pro- Mmeharvicuiipalics, viz.); NOTLDern, RW... j..sssincsss¢cscostennanneacnes $773,760 moaas in, Texas, viz. ; T. & N. O..RR. Co., G. H: & S.-A. RW. Pesan loo rR Co. apd NiYs°T. & MoORW: Co..,; 445,021 Net profits remaining after payment of operating expenses, taxes, fixed, and all other charges under lease of the following leased Mame Se OOUL PACINE COASE IC WW sepsswonesesosegs eect sacs tedsal sncens TERE AC TTC EN et oealensts vans ytey sc beceres aba tats tajareigansureskee~ dee stole Due Southern Pacific Co., viz.: For 10 Dp. c. of net profits under MAPLE LORSE oc lense cA tar civech sess bacecatesaledcees sues seocqth senssat'ec cursecuds 241,930 For profit from operation of Northern RW. .......c00 cece sssees ovcveeees 63,505 Making a total distribution between the various interests of. Balance from statement of general OperatiONnS.........sccsseceereeeerees $3,363,959 Due from Oregon and California RR. Co. for account of opera- BE MIPSTAIE LOO Doascay yasssen. siencaas cecceorns copesa cede ysecoes epvene (oaersens cavssanss 489,148 RN Sey PA aes Pontes cslsbtunton ovicabot pesos tarloaeeyaess seusesengivaresaces ue vith $2,177,378 1,218,785 124,817 113,070 3953437 $3,939,482 3,853, 107 $86,375 788 Profits accruing to Southern Pacific Co., included in the above dis- tribution, viz: Profits under Omnibus leases ic... .c.st coe sscsecise vows Northern RW. Co., profits from operation South Pacific Coast RW., profits from OPeratiOns.....-..c.0c.seen+ss00. California Pacific) R Ry, prontsS 1romtoperattOn eta canoe tated ocacee case LEAVES A SUCDLUS Oli, ch terven mienaeouasecriates $241,931 Sista ren sdeleyces tens Hae senses 63,506 124,816 113,070 $543,323 eae eR ey ec eee $456,947 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of Lines under Omnibus Lease for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— RECEIPTS, Tet eS: Pi RRASP RRS 6, PO RRO M. LTD Lan Weeemnes : Ofna: of Ariz. of N. M. RR.SS. RR. Lines. GYrOSS earnings 7..cikc.sesccecees 19,264,328 9,279,822 2,028,687 1,049,259 5,683,431 1,061,675 161,451 Interest Tecelved. 32 .aheacersns ASAT OM tes iacats Latics seen ce 11,788 -- 31,662 ABS Sp speek cess Rentals received : Aw or RR-Co, for Cale Div. 430, 206 36, 206.0 ese cence sv Ledvcedscs. )©\scnvoesret ) mike eaean taemameaameaeste Peérmi. prop.in San’ Fran... 565 BOS |v iicnsetases wobucvash, 20 Wegabocts Ml yaeshansiimmnnmMpens ras SUDCTY teapect eee ane t toe seen, Fg DOR COR ae Ee Re lk PR PR i TL) iS sanechpe Reems ve PL OUAL CE fers setasseny: eens Ronse 19,750,187 9,716,653 2,028,687 1,061,048 5,715,811 1,066,534 161,451 EXPENDITURES. Operating expenses.......:\... 12,281,722 5,428,274 1,458,274 596,349 4,070,106 603,860 124,856 PARES cUccsagheeVetantans veeneenetiet 450,184 -«235,805° - 87,929 - :22,404 1 87,706 13,403 0) 23845 Interest on bonded debt........ 4,099,718 2,661,789 600,000 250,800 452,088 134,400 640, Interest on floating debt....... 86, 192 85,175 GET NT cwesvinns.. | anteae eeeeiee eee s 239 Track. and other rentals..... Term. facilities at San. Fran. 48,874 AS OTA) Vl cesses t) Tcecaustes | | Sababeessa Uae Reenemanstee eee Track:-Ri-Gristoth | Pasou.. 1 SOOT Mae tessa eee ba te vicer 5, GOL | cecncedsen Umea peeen ee mmEeE ees Track. P. Jc. to Cheneyville. LOSOAOW RE ee EMG a acinr Fe sesai tens 10,620: 4. — vapse eee cae Rental of steamship. i... 50.5 CUM B88 Ui NALS Get Nie ok Oe ee 241,000.) Che ene Rent. of shops, etc.,at Hous. 6, GO es seve Onc ae ss scdath ae Viva vasss 587 Gs Gmeba as. PL LAL; arciassots dicen ctaaecs 17,330,877 8,459,919 2,146,981 875,216 4,962,198 757,980 128,580 Net profit expenditures. 2,419,309 1,256,734 * 118,294 185,832 753,612 308,554 32,870 P. c. of net prof. due each Co. 100 44 10 6 23 7 TIo Amount due each company. 2,419,309 1,064,496 241,930 145,158 556,441 169,351 241,930 * Deficit. + Due Sovthern Pacific Co. LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the NORTHERN RW. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— RECEIPTS. (GLOSS ;CATOLN GS Of TINGS feces cnc vermetee $2,914,444 C. P. RR.—Trackage from Brighton to Sacramento (year 1891; July to Cae O00) neces sa icapeuannisen uate tees 7,200 interest Teceived |..ci2.-vscscse essa eeeee 50,570 LOCAL RUE ce .sthane. copeante Mertemeaeret $2,972,220 EXPENDITURES. Operating expenses’ ....ssu....,sienen reeks aja SGAKCS Ue inscncce ce psevoen atsaear econ enn 47,911 Interest on bonded debt.:.....6..0.se0se $547,630 Rerital.cc.8. beaten indsesoeosenrecsaree catemeee 100: | ROLE, cis suns, sauisepate prayed eeameenreetes $2,134,954 Balance surplus ........ hiss Ougtin Saseetere $837,265 Six p. c. on cap. stk. of $12,896,000 cue Northery RR WaCor aera 773,700 Bal. surp. due S. P. Co., being ex- cess of 6 -p. c.’on capital stock... $63,505 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the NORTHERN CALIFORNIA RW. for the same period : — RECEIPTS. Gross earnings...... Fenian ashe tees Mahone $95,824 EXPENDITURES. Operating ExpensSeS..hicsvencceseettuene $87,490 PDARES sicocerva santussrcitntsoe avonnens ERs 4,48 Interest on bonded debt.............006 49,562 ; Interest on floating debt.........0...... $900 BC EILCA LUNG catdgesck vl she cine nese deeoeneret tienes 12 PU MEAUU tiscetes tech nese wadccavetnccagnects $142,452 BAvAIVCO: OUCH cyscrsh~ onde aa'sscaeerede seaedes $46,627 Betterments and additions payable TEV Or. LESSEE: s.5< 05.00? Aovexcatee 4,165. Net deficit payable by S. Pac. Co... $50,793. 789 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the SourH Coast PaciFic RW. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— RECEIPTS. ISUEAT IUITICS .0 2.0 cord ae cove cece ss evs saves $1,107,772 Rental of steamer ‘‘ Newark’? .... 2,760 BIE aE TOCOEIVCG 02. nccse scecesconsrcasewns 4,357 UE sree, ER RE ROE ASA peal caster 1,114,890 EXPENDITURES. BeeraliNe CXPENSES.......:.. 0.01 ceccssees 713905 SMR FRC GaisnceSasysss cerns as oveksecesestevesss 24,284 | Interest on. bonded debt... .c.405...0.. $220,000 Rental of steamer ‘‘ El Capitan’’... 5,931 ME OLE SraW sentaaredtiasceccsosiaxsals beech. 964, 180 BATA CE SUL DIGS soncecedh acvadsescitiasvaceic: 150,709 Betterments and additions payable Dy Powracine Cor lesser... ttctst 25,892 Net surplus due So. Pacific Co......, 124,817 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the OREGON AND CALIFORNIA RR. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— RECEIPTS. ss CATIUNGS 2... icc0csowocs cus toeressereee), 2,534,349 BSE LCCOIV CO oo, ooo. e a veecerees coresnces 64,222 Bre ete ieeaes Ss cecice los ates hacaenteies 2,198,571 EXPENDITURES. Mepetaling EXPeNSeS...... cc. 1,754,259 RR ess uve Sn cne ceases sckeasecesies teens 62,211 anerest on bonded debt............... 835,247 Rentals—terminal facilities at Port- LANG ero [an 151800 2.0.45 cnscexses 26,000 Willamette river bridge, from PLY Vis Bese esior ys 6 alccies ve eae de ws oxicle alte 10,000 SOE A inet acta hasetnes deare tes TT acti 2,687,719 Balance deficit payable by Oregon and, Galifornia RRYCO..ii.asseteses. ) -A00/1A7 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the OREGONIAN RR. for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— RECEIPTS. | ME RT@ATINING Se. J, sc hsuacades. sadeasichess 57,062 | EXPENDITURES. pecrating: Sey 68,451 maxes :. “EASE 3,647 Interest on floating debt.....7..<........ 2,394 STG UG rae caus aucthee es fean Werscvseaat stresses 74,493 Balance deficit payable by Southern PACHIEUCO ae coeele batches Geraeeecas cece 17,431 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the CALIFORNIA PACIFIC RR. for the year Dec. 31, 1891:— RECEIPTS. MEEBO AL UNOS 1. cnksrcase veekpsossueerstces 1,528,747 BEEOSE TECCIVEC ioc. carne cssetese teraersen 8,406 BR Carnes conten ML eK sles ok coe ca cv se ones 1,537,154 EXPENDITURES. Me ANOS XDENSES vissccseceenes ccsstoncs 769,222 MRE ce oto cts fev ened nn Vpoakvedtcous ie oss 35,071 MMR TOA stages Vea’ diaseot Ose xosnaelonsees 600,000 Rentaliof ferry steamers. ....:...4..: 12,000 Rontals, SUNT. «cadisnecncncscess Ea vdseests 21 Ota Meee nase carwivoapseterte> 1,416,315 RATA Ce GUL DI Sitan tae ais toeee cas secede: 120,839 Betterments and additions payable by Southern Pacific Co., lessee ... 7,769 Net surplus due So. Pacific Co....... 113,069 LEASEHOLD OPERATIONS of the CENTRAL PACIFIC RR. Co. for the year Dec. 31, £391 :— RECEIPTS. Gross earnings from operations of railroads and steamers......... 16,629, 104 Ca LOL: SECAINETS..5..1s0c0essacsosas 17,930 Rental of third rail at Ogden 525 Rental of other property........... 3,202 Surplus of sinking funds, 1890... PSTESL TECEIVE ....seissovcdpenssesseens 23,530 MERE ee cce sess ccatees wren scers cc ccnthe 16,674,298 EXPENDITURES. oar exp, of RRS. and’ SS «..s.:...... 9,211,749 Ma-onid. dpt. C.P. RR: Co. 71,760 Less receipts applicable for payments of same......... 7,219 64,540 Taxes—C. P. RR. Co’s prop. &lds. = 510,709 Rental—Trac. bt. B. and S. 5.64 m. 7,200 BPO MAINION DeEPOt-..sccscces sees crcres 9,000 Wor. RW. 5 m.of rc. W. of Ogden 20,000 Steamers Sacramento Route......... Oe Other property and right of way..... 79,574 Steamer for Ferry Route............0. 2,760 | Int. on bonded debt for year, paid and accrued to Dec. 31:— Care Rairst mires bonds tiie. «tess: 1,552,980 WHUPSRReist-mtge. bonds x.y. sve 164,100 Cal. and Oregon RR. series A bds. 299,108 Cal. and Oregon div. series B bds. 351,480 San Francisco, Oakland & Alameda RE DONS .c..cecde ys coazeth tester anarccess San Joaquin Valley RR. bonds...... 364,800 C. P. land grant, 1st mtge. bonds.. 201,300 Fifty-year bonds of 1936, CAL IR: consolidated . : 3,360 | Fifty-year bonds of. 1939, C. P. RR. a CONSONCALEK ccegsascdccevaseae torte coaec 573,437 Sinking funds of the Company:— Annual requirements from income 275,000 U. S. requirements for the years anderthe: PHUTii ati Acta... cncucuus 613,516 Betterments and additions to C. P. RR. property during the years.... 221,742 il Ola Meaceereaccs soster wiles cas /ecn vares ens’ 14,529,873 | Net profit for the year. .............0... 2,144,425 2,144,425 Renitalminger GaSe. tscecces cocesecdacesce {2° California Pacific RR. Co, 35 Wallst.; General and Corporate Office, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. in Cal. San Francisco and Marysville RR. Co., chartered Oct. 26, 1851, and the Sacramento and San Francisco RR. Co., chartered Dec. 2, 1864, were con- solidated under above title Dec. 23, 1869, and leased to the Central Pacific RR. Co. july: 1, 1876. Lease cancelled in 1886, and new lease made to the Southern Pacific Co. for 50 meee at a rental of $600,000. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Vallejo to Sacramento, Cal., 60.39; Napa Junc. to Ca- listoga, Cal., Be total, 115.44 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital StOck).c- fn tye raseast $12,000,000 104,300 Funded deGtrai.cs.casussescess 6,825,500 59,400 Unfunded debt and cur- rent: liatilities.;.7:.is,. |) rent liabilities 2.6.3... 4 ....6%. $1,141,082 EPTATAUSLOCK is esevcsscat centos terse 12,896,000 33,100 | Total invested capital. .......... 25,794,415 66,100 Funded dept... | save, 9,650,886 24,700 | ,, Interest on all debt p. ann. Unfunded debt and current | Ta SON 2 tc aR known. TE eG A ae ae 3)247)329 8,300 capital TIEVESLEC zinn yet, verde dar Not known. Operations on page 788. 790 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $23,936,265; bet- terments, etc., $717,098 ; Southern Pacific Co., $1,141,082; total, $25,794,415. Liabilities, Cap- ital, 13,896,000; funded debt, $9,650,886; sinking fund uninvested, $51,742; profit and loss, $33195,787 , total, $25,794,415. Oregon and California RR. Co., ‘Shasta All-Rail Route,’ General and Corpo- rate Office, Portland, Oregon. Inc. Mar. 17, 1870, in Ore., succeeding the Oregon Cen- tral RR. Co., of Salem, organized April 22, 1867. Leased to the Southern Pacific Co. for 40 years from July 1, 1887, which pays interest'on bonds and fixed charges, and divi- dends up to 7 p. c. on preferred and 6 p. c. on common stock, if earned, surplus over these pay mtges. to be retained by lessee. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Portland, Ore., to California State line, 366.6 ; branches : 200.7 ; total, 567.5 miles. Capitalization of road....... Dec. 31,1891 :— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile: PS PIC MULES <5, .9sc5 evesssenee $13,725 MPa Dia rSlOCK aa mnss tere teeta «219,000,000 33,400 Mytal invested capital........ .. 36,126,778 63,560 Funded debt........ mde PR a ee 17,036,000 30,000 by Interest on all debt p. ann. Not k Unfunded debt and current Dividends per annum...... Oe lia bilities Macy em eee 90,778 160 Average ratio of return upon capital invested...........cses0 Not known. Operations on page 789. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $34,549,208 ; lands owned (not including grants), $37,471; trustees of mortgage of June 1, 1881, $174,527 ; trustees of mortgage of July 1, 1887, $12,298; deferred land payments, $616,230; Pacific _ Improvement ‘Co., $515,000; bills receivable, $935 ; deposits for payments of bonds, coupons, etc., $8,382 ; cash on hand, $12,890; profit and loss, $200,837; total, $36,126,778. Liabilities, Capital, $10,000,000; funded debt, $17,036,000; due Southern Pacific Co., $48,024; unpaid coupons, $10,662; trustees of mortgage of July 1, 1887, $12,298; sundry accounts, $19,794; total, $36,126,778. Company has a Congressional land grant of about 3,250,000 acres, of which 332,225 acres have been sold up to Dec. 31, 1891. Oregonian RR. Co., General Office, San Francisco, Cal.; Corporate Office, Dun- dee, Scotland. Reg.in Scotland. Leased to Southern Pacific Co., Dec. 5, 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Dundee to Airlie, Ore., 50.5 ; Sheridan to Sheridan Junc., Ore. 77 jAtotalvs7-Gimmes. Operations on page 789. Portland and Willamette Valley RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, Port- land, Ore. Inc. Jan. Ig, 1885, 1n Oregon. Road went into Receiver’s hands Feb., 1892. Operated for account of owners in connection with, but not leased to Southern Pacific lines. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Portland to Dundee, Ore., 28.5 miles (narrow gauge). Capitalization of TOAQ.cc0e0s J UNE 30, 1891 or Income for fiscal year endingJune 30, 1891 Cech: Per Mile. ; Per Mile. Capital BLOCK A yauscteer sna peeeeees ° $144,240 $5,100 Total gross from operation..... $99,980 $3,535 Bundedidebtece were. 400,000 14,100 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deductiall expenses. a 76,520), 7 2,700 iaithitieswesse enters seer eeeeeees 442,579 15,700 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 23,460 829 rent liabilities... sac neseseaeate 29,202 Deduct total interest on all WTotalinvested capital .....:.. 4 986,819 34,900 debtas above icf: kabe 2536224. iL Sot ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann, 28,000 1,000 Net result on year’s business ‘* Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss.......... 29,163 1,032 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $20. Capita NVESted. in ce ossest snes B53 dyads * Includes other items. Capital authorized, $150,000. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $748,800; lands nwned, $27,798 ; materials and supplies, $1,404 ; profit and loss, $208,817 ; total, $986,819. Lia- bilities, Capital stock, $144,240; funded debt, $400,000; current liabilities, $442,579; total, $986,819. The San Antonio and Aransas Pass RW. C0., General Office, San. Antonio, Tex. Financial Agents, S. W. Swenson & Son, 216 Broadway, N. Y. Inc. Aug. 28, 1884, in Tex. The Company defaulted in payment of interest, and on July 14, 1890, the road was placed in the hands of areceiver. Receiver discharged June, 1892, and road restored to Co. Reorganization has taken place under plan adopted Dec. 15, 1892; provisions con- tained therein are as follows: Ist mtge. bonds covering all property as follows: Ist mtge. 4 p. c. 50-year gold bond of $1,000 each bearing interest from Jan. 1, 1893, and guaranteed principal and interest by So. Pacific Co., $21,600,000. 797 LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Kerville to Houston, Tex., 308.4; branches, 380.1 ; total, 688.5 miles. Capitalization of road...... Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. BUPRTUA NL SLOCK. .c.cpxees.asvcdaccancs<: $5,000,000 $7,300 Total gross from operation..... $1,711,759 $2,486 rere Ce GED s kecccs coteccesscess 11,948,000 17,400 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.........4... *1 515,502 2,201 BOP ULELOS 25 decay oth vans cece Gods 3,500,000 5,100 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 196,197. “285 rent liabilities......... Se csents Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital.......:.. 20,448,000 29,800 debas abovier eee at. ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 659,630 959 Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, loss.......... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested...... ....000 Pp.c. * Includes taxes, $64,313. + Accrued. Reserved for extensions limited to 1oo miles at $27,000 per mile constructed and equipped, $2,700,000.. Reserved for improvement and equipment, $1,100,000. Present issue for the purpose of reorganization, $17,100,00. Assenting security holders will receive (1) for old Ist mtge. 6 p. c. bonds with July,. 1890, and subsequent coupons attached, new Ist p. c. gold bonds, $1,040. (2) For each old Ist mtge. 5 p, c. bond Oct., 1840, and all subsequent coupons attached, new Ist mtge. 4 p. c. bond, $890. (3) For each old $1,000 2d mtge. bonds all coupons attached, new Ist mtge. 4 p. c. bond, $250. (4) For each $100 of old stock, $15 in the new Ist 4s. Income year ending July 14, 1891: Total gross, $1,740,965; net total, $319,065 ; gross earnings for 6 months ending June 30, 1892, $639,196. No increase in capital stock. Balance sheet not furnished. Southern Pacific RR. Co. of Arizona, General Office, San Francisco, Cal. ; Corpo- rate Office, Yuma, Ariz. Inc, Oct. 8, 1878, in-Ariz. Operated under ‘‘ Omnibus Lease ”’ by Southern Pacific Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Yuma, Ariz., to boundary line of New Mexico, 388 miles. Dec. 31, 1891: Capital, $19,995,000, per mile, $51,500; funded debt, $10,000,000, per mile, $25,800 ; unfunded debt and current liabilities (profit and loss, $988,183), $1,052,047, per mile, $2,700; total invested capital, $31,047,047, per mile, $80,000 ; total interest on all debt per annum, $600,000, per mile, $1,500. Net surplus for year 1891, $241,gII. Operations on page 788. Balance sheet not furnished. Southern Pacific RR. Co. of California, General and Corporate Office, San Francisco, Cal, Inc. in Cal. The Southern Pacific RR. Co. of California, as now oper- ated, was formed May 4, 1888, by the consolidation of the Southern Pacific RR. Co., the San Jose and Almaden RR. Co., the Pajaro and Santa Cruz RR. Co., the Monterey RR. Co., the Monterey Extension RR. Co., the Stockton and Copperpolis RR. Co., the San Pablo and Tulare RR. Co,, the San Pablo and Tulare Extension RR. Co., the San Ramon Valley RR. Co., the Stockton and Tulare RR. Co., the San Joaquin Valley and Yosemite RR. Co., the Los Angeles and San Diego RR. Co., the Los Angeles and Inde- pendence RR. Co., the Southern Pacific Branch RW. Co., the Long Beach, Whittier «nd Los Angeles County Reha Owiuinoy Lone. beach KR. Co! the Southern Pacific RR. Extension Co., and the Ramona and San Bernardino RR. Co. The Southern Pacific of California, the Southern Pacific of Arizona and the Southern Pacific of New Mexico are included in the ‘‘ Omnibus Lease”’ to the Southern Pacific Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Coast Division, 309.56; Southern Division, 1,163.98 ; Colorado Division (leased to the Atlantic and Pacific RR. Cars 3252 total, 1,707.05 miles. The Colorado Div., from Mojave to the Needles, is leased to the Atlantic and Raciiic: RR. Co.; at.an annual rental of $436,518. Capitalization of road.......Dec. 31, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. rent liabilities......... ss. $3,217,353 Capital stock.....sssesseene seen OTR TOU Ty Po a ae cahoots NH Maat 126,758,713 73,700 Bete Neits ae ce ene 46,325,335 26,900 Sere On See ana eo ioe ae Unfunded debt and current ‘‘ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Rice es eRe Oe ; 8,078 8,900 | Average. ratio of return upon Mee Se ccrsnotts Saeed : capital invested. .............. Not known. Par of stock, $100. Operations on page 788. 798 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Const., equipment, betterm’t, etc..$122,663,360 | Capital stock (par $100).......0+sseces $65,135,300 Deferred land payments............... 2 OU OVA EO MMR EMRIICEEC CLO D Caren. lagsh-coavv snes vo oches tei 46,325,335 Bulsureceivabley cae cic vec ecke svete “500, Due Southern Pacific Go...........00. 1,333,891 CUrren UACCOU IIS? sciseecacoeeveteas tater L308 sea Ue ea Mel ETUSteCGS.. ss create aecteserge 365,525 Cash in hands of Treasurer ......... 98,292 | Sinking fund uninvested ............. 895 Rolling stock suspense....... scsceeeee 2371202) OUDGTY ACCOUNLS vavcc) exch cqsteelennoweee 52,748 BONAS MiitTeasuryi.,.dseesewsthentaveny S7OL000 MP FORE ATIC 1OSS % avcsesrecossvavascccove vesen Easy apo EO) SOCAL vetssenss sossenes dpasvweaten caeeeees $126,758,713 SLO) Eeblc tae ctyea’s sesce'scorteedveesaanss werees $126,758,713 LAND GRANT was 12,840 acres per mile, proceeds of sales thereof to be applied to retirement of bonds. Total lands unsold Jan. 1, 1892, estimated at 7,200,000 acres; a large portion of this, however, is barren and cannot be utilized for agricultural purposes without irrigation. Netsales in 1891, 46,255 acres for $204,794 ; deterred interest pay- ments, $164,526; land notes outstanding Jan. 1, 1892, $2,879,416. Southern Pacific RR. Co. of New Mexico, General Office, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. Apr. 14, 1879; in New Mexico, forming continuation of the Southern Pacific RR. Co. of Arizona. Operated under ‘‘ Omnibus Lease’’ by Southern Pacific Co., lessee paying all charges and 6 p. c, of net profits. All of stock, except $2,500, held by Southern Pacific Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Arizona Line to El Paso, Tex. (including Rio Grande Bridge and 3.61 miles leased road to El Paso), 171.06 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Current assets to offset cur- Per Mile. POMe Mabilities vects.o hore » $458,271 MSapital Stock cc cccumsae castes: $6,888,800 40,300 Total invested capital........ ~ 11,635,522 68,000 Funded debtyu ace ye 4,180,000 24,400 | ~. Interestonalldebt p.ann, 250,800 1,400 Unfunded debt and current fe Dividends Nee annum....., Not known. Nw, ae Bre face verage ratio of return upon HO MES aster ae 509)722 3,300 capital invested.......... Pe. Not known. Operations on page 788. . INCOME for nine months ending Sept. 30, 1892: Total gross from operation, $742,637, per mile, $4,343: deduct all expenses, $394,269, per mile, $2,305; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $348,368, per mile, $2,038. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, equipment, etc., $11,177,251 ; due by Southern Pacific Co., $189,638; sinking fund, $268,833 ; total, $11,635,522. Liabilities, Capital, $6,888,800 ; funded debt, $4,180,000; sinking fund uninvested, $60,633 ; income used for sinking fund, $268,833; profit and loss, $237,456; total, $11,635,522. South Pacific Coast RW. Co., General and Corporate Office, San Francisco, Cal. Road is a consolidation, May 23, 1887, of the South Pacific Coast RR., the Santa Cruz and Felton RR., the Bay and Coast RR., the Oakland Township RR., the San Francisco and Colorado River RR., the Felton and Pescadero RR., and the Almaden Branch RR. Co. Leased to the Southern Pacific Co., which guarantees bonds and owns all of capital _stock except $7,000. Lessee pays all expenses and receives all profits. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: San Francisco, Cal., to Santa Cruz, Cal., 80.06; branches, 23.4; total, 104 miles (narrow guage). Capitalization of road.....Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital Stock 1.iéac tee se $6,000,000 $57,700 Binded debt.s.c ce a eece 5,500,000 52,900 Unfunded debt and current dia DilitieS) \tavetsc cscs u se mee Otte. Current assets to offset cur- rent labilities..., ai sv faisces case case 1,500,000 25,000 | Total gross from other sources : Unfunded debt and current Deduct all’ expenses. 700, 2-. Lis ceps codes duertsadensteskens $327,016 ce aOltal StCOCK2A sis ae sscc nak ageeasonnenemeeene $2,400,000 Cost of rolling stockis.tt,:<5, 0 iecsesoms PASSION POIs DAVADIS. (3.00 socasceasieceveetencenneeene 29,168 SOcriritles OwWNed vies. cececwstenes svacn eens EOOOWMMACUTLENt ACCOUNES |. ..-.-.ucdoseretsee tanaees 80,136 Materials and fuel on hand ............. 11,949 | Advances account extension............ 363,217 Bilis LeCeIV ADE, vicnsiesseosutena sesh twanae 15,149 | First mtge. bonds not yet delivered.. 800,000 Current ACCOUMTS. .....cceeseseecese ic chenes T5027 | ee LONE ANG LOSS. sis )nctsenasenssosvaretaaesa 2275178 SashyOn Man iserpsnetetee case dusk eeageuaeas 5,475 ; A otaldeccsconseoncuergiserstsieacccralicereasess $3,899,695 PLOLa Means chocicnwenstyere sduees ae cneaaee tae $3,899,695 TOLEDO AND SOUTH HAVEN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Lawton, Michigan. Inc. in Mich. Road was a consoli- dation in 1887, of the Toledo and South Haven RR, Co. (from Paw Paw-to Hartford, Mich., 15.6 miles) and the Paw Paw RR. Co. (from Paw Paw to Lawton, Mich., 4 miles); SII during same year the extension from Hartford to South Haven was constructed, com- pleting the present line of road. Receiver appointed Jan. 12, 1890. Feb., 1892, decree of foreclosure was entered against the Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lawton, Mich., to South Haven, Mich., 36.6 miles. Capitalization of road.....Dec. 31, 1891:— income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Per Mile. MPL AT SLOGE.. 0.2. csece cosas des $242,500 $6,700 | Total gross from operation..... $27,037 $731 LOO! COU once dena are essess 216,000 6,000 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct.all €xpensesc..n<2.-.d0ane *19,940 531 RAO VIITICS 00. oravewetesvecesn. 7,098 200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends......... 7,097 192 rent liabilities’.......0.s..>.. Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ 465,598 12,900 CEBU AS TAO Gr sccssastinsetaiianesk 12,960 360 *« Int. on all debt p. ann. 12,960 360 | Net result on year’s business ‘Dividends per annum None paid. fousStockholders nude eche sen venee Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested......1.5 p. c. * Including taxes. Balance sheet not furnished. TOLEDO, ANN ARBOR AND NORTH MICHIGAN RW. CO., New York Office, 150 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Toledo, O. Inc. Mar., 1888, in Ohio. : Road is a consolidation effected Mar., 1888, of the Toledo, Ann Arbor and North Michigan, and the Ann Arbor and Cadillac RW. Cos. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Toledo, O. to Beecher, Mich., 274.06, less 2.46 miles, Copemist to Beecher, leased to Frankfort and South. RR. Co. Branches, 10.31 miles; trackage, 4.4 miles; total, 287.31 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Lncome forjiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 ;— Per Mile. | Per Mile. ee C A SLOCK |. 0s stijerwa-ctioate see $6,200,000 $21,800 | Total gross from operation..... $977,254 $3,405. memnded debts. .i0: c.fcceetovas es 6,300,000 22,200 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current | Deduectall expenses:...,... <<... 601,762 2,096 Pes LIIES Avec ccs ati ee nian sees 2 637,385 2,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- ; charges and dividends........ 375,492 1,309 rent liabilities. iscctsiecsaee. 188,469 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... Dead 2 fet 5 Ser dG, 200 | Pl ebt AS ADOVE i ccsnsssrheateacecses 371,640 1,294 _ Int. on all debt p. ann.... 371,640 1,294 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum..... None. | for stockholders, gain......... 3,852 5. Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock, $100. Capital in vested: vxc....s.52.0: 25S.peiCe INCOME for year ending June 30, 1892: Total gross from operation, $955,193, per mile, $3,328; deduct all expenses (including taxes, $22,498), $576,259, per mile, $2,008 ; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $378,934. per mile, $1,320; deduct total interest on all debt (including rentals, $1,534), $377,868, per mile, $1,316 ; net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain, $1,066, per mile, $4. BALANCE SHEETS, Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1890. 189g1. 1890. 1891. Bee St riictiony....: Barnegat City Jc: to Barnegat, N. J:, 8=-20; total, 51 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. PICA SIOCK sc crscore esa ssh ees netne $550,992 17,700 | Total gross from operation..... $53,114 $1,041 TaTMIGe Ge Geb ts, cuecteetsaesc meres es 99,832 3,200 Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct allexpenses....17)-1.8:; 55,206 1,082 abilities... 2.25... sees 13,996 400 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... *2,092 4I Pent liabilities casstescendee 30,052 Deduct total interest on all aanal invested’ capital ..4....0..: 664,870 21,300 debt as above wi. : 7,032 140 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 7,032 140 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per ann.........+4.. None. for stockholders.................Not known. Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital in Vested Ne severe sees cee None. * Deficit. Capital stock, comrnon (auth. $125,000), $105,618, and preferred (auth. $500,000), $445,374. Balance sheet not furnished. TUCSON, GLOBE AND NORTHERN RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Tucson, Arizona. Inc. Nov. 15, 1887, in Arizona, suc- ceeding Virginia Narrow- Gauge KRiCo: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tucson, Arizona, and coal mines to point 10 miles north. The road is to be completed shortly to Globe, Arizona (narrow gauge). CAPITAL ($3,000,000 authorized, limited to $20,000 per mile), $135,800, par $100 ; funded debt, $165,000 ; total invested capital (cost of road, etc.), $300,800 ; total interest on all debt per annum, $11,550; no dividends paid. Funded debt: The county of Pima, Arizona, holds $150,000 of these Ist mtge. 7 p. c. bonds (July 1, 1883, 20 years) and same will be returned to Company as donation when 60 miles have been built. A new ist mtge. 7 p. c. bond (30 years, July 1, 1887) has been authorized, limited to $20,000 per mile, and a like number will be reserved to retire issue as above. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. TUNNELTON, KINGWOOD AND FAIRCHANCE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Kingwood, W. Va,, being reorganization of foreclosed company of same name. Inc. in W. Va. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tunnelton to Kingwood, W. Va., 10.24 miles (narrow gauge). 814. 1891 :— Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock............::seeeeeee $80,000 $8,000 | Total gross from operation... - $12,751 $1,275 Munded .debteyiten:s ..cscteeatsaece None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Veduchallexpensesiz.cntsa.:. 10,157, Pt, OL5 Wa DIMES tare. ecco asec anaes 6,723 800 | Net total applicabie to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 2,594 259 FEC HaDIIClES soscwsnescecedeorese anion €48) Deduct total interest on all Totalinvested capital........ .. 88,723 8,800 Gebt as above icicsestsiesccdoee 1,920 200 ‘“ Interest on all debt p. ann. 1,920 192 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... None paid. for stockholders, gain........ 674 67 Average ratio of return upon | Par of stock $100. Capita WIN VEStCU sv erarsionees Save Secs BALANCE SHEET, Dec 31, 1891—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $80,564 ; materials and ‘supplies, $479 ; cash on hand, $1,298; total, $88,723. $6, 382 ; $80,000 ; bills payable, $1,160; profit and loss, $7, 563 ; real estate, Liabilities, Capital, total, $88,723. TUSKEGEE RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Tuskegee, Ala. Inc. Feb. 20, 1860, in Ala. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Tuskegee to Chehaw, Ala., 5.5 miles. June 30, 1891: Capital, $53,498, par $100; no funded debt; dividends, $5,100. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $12,640, per mile, $2,300; deduct all expenses (including taxes, $320), $4,327, per mile, $787; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $8,313, per mile, $1,513; net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain, $8,313, per mile, $1,513; net surplus after dividends paid, $3,213, per mile, $584; Balance sheet not furnished. ULTIMA THULE, ARKADELPHIA AND MISSISSIPPI RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Arkadelphia, Ark. Inc. Dec. 17, 1887, in Ark, LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Daleville to Pine Grove, Ark., 27 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | lucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. ACADILALISLOCIE i stan open darescanse $150,000 $5,500 | Total gross from operation..... $36,633 $1,357 Wiaiided, debt Wisccceeeensseseenes None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Peet al exPeNSesi ss... crea *27,320 011,030 TiADITEIES He. ces. ce caecnzousecssates 68,000 2,500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur-, charges and dividends........ 8,813 327 Hentiiabilitiesssssssseseeeoceesas: Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capitals. .t-..2 ¢. 218,000 8,000 BeDt aS a DOVE, <1 +4-sehcoeneneene None. ‘“« Interest on all debt p. ann. None. Net result on year’s business ‘“ Dividends per annum...... None. for stockholders, gain......... 8,813 327 Average ratio of return upon capital invested... .....0.:.4...0: Ape: * Including taxes. Total capital represents cost of road and equipment. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM, ‘‘Overland Route,” comprises the Carbon Cut-Off; Central Branch, (operated by Mo. Pacific) ; Atchison, Colorado and Pacific; Denver and Boulder Valley; Denver, Leadville. and Gunnison : South Park and Leadville Short Line; Echo and Park City ; Hutchinson and Southern - Junction City and Fort Kearney ; Kansas Central ; Kearney and Black Hills; Laramie, North Park and Pacific; Lawrence and Emporia; Leavenworth, Topeka and South- western ; Manhattan, Alma and Burlingame; Montana Union; Montana RW.; Omaha and Republican Valley; Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern; Oregon RW. and Nav- igation ; Oregon RW. Extension; Washingtonand Idaho; St. Joseph and Grand Island ; Kansas City and Omaha; Salina and Southwestern; Solomon: Union Pacific, Denver and Gulf; Fort Worth and Denver City ; Union Pacific, Lincoln and Colorado ; and Wichita Valley RRs. THE UNION PACIFIC RW. CO., New York: 195 Broadway; 40 Wall st. Fiscal Agency in N. Y., Union Trust Co., 80 Broadway ; General Office, Ames Bodine Boston, Mass. ; Operating Office, Omaha, Neb. Cousolidation made Jan. 24, 1880, under authority of the Act of Congress of July 1, 1862, of the Union Pacific RR. Co., the Kansas Pacific RW. Co., and the Denver Pacific RW. and Telegraph Co. Length of the con- solidated Union Pacific main line proper is 1821.86 miles. A lease of the Oregon RW. and Nav. Co. to the Oregon Short Line, guaranteed by Union Pacific, was negotiated in 1886. In Nov. ee, management changed by election of Messrs. Sidney Dillon, Russell Sage, Jay Gould, H. B. Hyde and A. E. Orr. Balance sheet not furnished. . | 815 LENGTH OF ROAD owned :— ~ Consolidated Lines :— Miles. R Manion. ivision = ouncil Blufis, 1a., to Ogden, Utalri.cccc. .cscecccsecvecslesscvestd soocseces ascty 1,042.93 Mansas LuVvision -—Kansas City, Mo, ,to Denver, Colii.ciii.ccisccscssasccccdeccecsevcseescos savses 642.94 mneyenne Division :—Denver, Col., to Cheyenne, WY0.....ccccsesce csesssccasec vector’ cesensecce 104.06 meavenworth Branch -—leavenworth, Kan., to Lawrence, Katiic......0, scossccostessesessene, 31.93 Se eern LEM TUNOM TRL pC AIC Gas, WV ieee Caen eG PH SetE ceccsts saws cde cae ceel cooadsectins dwatenoes ce deste aseebtnledsases toes 1,821.86 Auxiliary Lines — = MENTE MINE CIITES V Vic oy cer uncercas Wet ai et races pee te coe sios sand cate tactay cathameanncaatlerstuersisécs sacens sotecony es oe 19.17 Bereta Myer Vall@v RI. is iisicosseeascdusccceeene, wen snicsurensauees ele SEE aCHE Be len tay 26.97 . MEaVery POAC VILL ANG CsUNMISON IW sycccccosrs seu: ccontalesspesatuntssesses et beh A en ee 324.72 ; Mer hd Era COA CIR Vion ron fea totnens erensiedeeds sesso sntie vans codadeds Gaceat eas cee cosiesphed iecea tee Oheoees 30.10 MICO ANC FOTin CAL OG Vo LW 5 sccat c-sa0 Ses desenwesetaca dor Sdeye vanipetedbree ss vosudgsees ote ss derae), 1500.00 Ne re Ot AR eet incre eet ene tere ce elic an cuteness cali sw ounaesPeVem iat satie descr corer versctass ses) (h 165.49 SATIS WIN GE EATING EL ACIIC FORA, c.cceclesaccqerasssianrvonccanioaes Fea CUT APART s ant dhe are sinan vob 13.36 Prana ang Republican Valley aR, W wsccislscsasccseeetecsase cosecenes Polat renter auaih abegs Heie re SOASe yes 482.05 ne COT MOLLY Ear ATMLUICA INGEUNer hy RV 1.2) ,ciedaccesesosaveuse, eeseeead chetet pervess ocestsseocsase, 1,424.84 Bree One Ve a llii a Visa tOR RATT Mesias chgrss vavassres sheers igetassvenstey coagvessedeuteshrasesse. 1,050.33 Bers any Met 20) S51A NG hh otevos iss ca das cceses gece ssifusbadsee syns laenygevesessssseeibeins geeenstocse’ T 251.00 RATS SEE SACRO) ITA AT IRIS es ans sakes done cpivnevcucaiisesonescuecseae tase’ sgegin soe tsalmedenetde ssieesiceass 193.68 Sead RPA Cl, SOU NW OCSLOLIL AIG WV i pescncetirs see sccetacsiekcoSsccusiseedsccahssas cig dbeyesstiasans oNascarssrcend at 35-47 Bape EIS SI LITE, ERIarn eo euaeetee ete tata ag cece ehoas ch oFi ce bese tes dr esdeetestie acseal? ceoadieatsgh onewe'v'abave sv sgeerts 57.04 ment OE ACEC CIN VE yet ICC LPLETIC WV cavaesacitvvacssmcrdecsed Consepes¥. bie sleatssscevnadaS'eatanecads neces es *984.45 Pome Vy orth and DenveriCity, R Rao: csecsectecessasseceduenes Deneante cgctnetesccoetoseacerterecsasss sevwiness 469.15 ea VeIIC it NCO a LIE GO OLOLA GO) BOW ceices ot csce stesso Bocutnme sets aescuvsed deausledpeae serstaratens 225.35 ‘Total: Auxiliary 11,188,824 | Land and trust income...25,129,147 Sinking Fund balance... cae 3,173,949 we Fuel, material and stores c on n hand. 1,766,086 Total income acct...$42,024,572 Land contracts, land cash, etc...... 10,442,486 | Bal. int.on U. S. bonds 5,179,322 BOs 2 5o SOCAL costa acces cesvoutets puvenr ature $239,938,892 LOtal] seat pececnuadeess vonueneneseemeae $239,938,892 Amount of Stock per mile of the System, December 31, 1891 :— Stock Owned by Owned by other Roads. Miles, Issued, Union Pacific. Cos. in System. Afloat. WnionsPacihic «R WE Cord ci scaveete noeaeesns 1,821.86 $60,868,500 SiG ASOM, vaeeeneeers $60,691,050 Average per Mile. {cisi.esuseceaaesta epetebeoe 33,410 OF ienaieee ceca Basia Operated Roads: Carbon‘ CutsolP R We Coun cier ers 19.17 220,000 220,000)" downsides «ecaa. (hea an ee ganete Denver i&, Boulder Vy) R RCo ue SOOT oe cine cdassc vane | duisceeesasdcel it tt pawens ate teaintaaeen maaan Denv., Leadville & Gun. RW. Co. 324.72 3,000,000 1 3,000,000) i fh.vees conten eae tee enone Echo & Park City R WeiCork..i.c.s- 30.10 480,000 A480, O00 } s\kcalas ot seen cee anaes teen Ft. Worth & Denv. City RW. Co... [469.15 9,665,000 ..........46. 8,156,000 I, 509,000: Junc,. City & Ft. Kearney RW.Co. 88.00 1,056,100 76h ;OOON) santo eect 292,100 Kansas Central RR GOs ssssccennstg oe 165.49 E5R45,000% | W302 AOOs .wreeteee 34,600 Kansas City & Omaha RR. Co...... 193.68 4,410,000 1,725,375 1,822,500 862,125 Lar. N.P’k§ & Pac, RRv& Tel eGo. 13736 66,500 66, 500). loo. cages oe nee Omaha & Rep. Vy. RW. Co.......0+ 482.05 2iZA7 ORO 2,327 SOA sMacacre se peeos 19,526 Oregon RW. & Nav. System......... TVOS AO GeO, 200; 200% entessen wads £19,556,400 9,651,800 Oregon; S.Li& Utah Now RW Cort, 424 84095) 26,244,853. TA,990;'703) ver amicasene 11,254,150 St. Joseph & Grand I. RR. Co...... 251.06 {DOO O00 212 201 5OO') dsc. eee 2,298,500 Salina & Southwestern RW. Co... 35.47 288, 400 2EI ROOM cttuannd caceee 56,700 Solomon RR, CO distescasssesoeseetar ana 57.04 TeLOS, O50i1 81000, 500" wearcseieeens 108,350 Union Pac., Denv. & Gulf RW.Co. 984.45 33,837,093 13,251,882 3,406,800 17,178,411 Un. Pac., Lincoln & Col. RW. Co.. 225.35 2,184,800 1,997,800 Bey cine aed 187,000 Total operated roads........ 2.2: 5,850.23 120,064,846 43,670,884 32,941,700 43,452,262 AVELAGE PEL Mil S tec speen-nen sowed acer srveretertainnep snes 20,523 7,465 5,631 7, A27s Total owned and op’ted roads.7,672.09 180,933,346 ee. 848, 334 32,941,700 104,143,312 AVETATS POT MILE Vasy.scsyernesss'sseeeeawes sat cemaspbeunay 23,583 5,715 4,294 13,6749 * The title to this road is vested in the Trustees under the Kansas Pacific consolidated mtge miles of road and $290,000 in capital stock of the Pan-Handle RW. Co. held, as follows :— t+ Includes 14.54 { This amount includes stocks owned and. S17 Stocks owned by the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern RW. Co. :— 130,000 shares Oregon RW. and Navigation Co. stock held as se- ’ curity under Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern RW. Co’s OA ret BEARS CIRCE TILLY OS ota ina sace ses iii -aesee vonctarsoniiees 'CO, 6S ...ccceceseseeess 1.347,000 Kansas City & Omaha RR. Co. 5sf 1,595,500 Kearn’y. & Black Hills RR. Co. 5s 105,000 Man., Alma & Burling. RR. Co. 6s 339,000 mm. Sc R: Val. RR. Co, ist mtge. 7s 1,557,000 O. & R. Val. RR. Co. consoli’d. 5s 2,401,000 O.& R. Val. RR. Co. extension 5s_ 1,246,000 * Excluding the bonds held by the American Loan and Trust Co., 1891. Par Value. Oregon Short Line & Utah North. RR. Co. consolidated 5s........ $1,827,000 Oregon Short Line & Utah North. RR. Co. collateral trust 5s....... 4,430,500 St. Louis, C. Blffs. & O. RR. Co. 6st 19,500 U.P., Den. & Gulf RR. Co. cons. 5st 7,287,000 Utah & North. RR. Co., 1st mtge. 7s 4,420,000 Utah South. RR. Co., Ist mtge. 7s 389,000 Utah Southern RR. Co. extension 7s 982,000 Western Pacific RR2Co.) 68%... ..06...4 12,000 OER S cccaveltaacevese a eteve teesesagt *$35, 358,500 trustee, for the benefit of the mortgage creditors of the Kansas Pacific Railway Co. and the bonds held by the trustees under the Kansas Pacific Consoli- dated mortgage; also excluding $400,000 in Loveland Pass Mining and Railroad Tunnel Co. bonds and $250,000 in Nevada Central Railway Co. income bonds, owned by the Company. but which have for some years been carried in the accounts at nominal figures only. ii $500 and $1,000. Size of bonds $1,000 unless stated. Stocks of other companies owned Dec. 31, 1891:— Par Value. megs Col. & Pac’ RRA CoO ltrs. «cae $920, 300 mich., Jew. Co. & W. RR. Co... 105,000 Carbon CAILSOL =x Ruchh Op pees tabeeiciias 229,000 Seen Bra Ul PAC RRA. aenaiy secs s- 874,200 Bren. ead. & Gun. KRY Co.......< 3,000,000 Pero a Park City, RR Contes cocese 480,000 mo, Cy, & Ft, Kéarn’y. RR. Co.....: 44,000 meansas Centfal RR. Co... 0: seccvcsss 1,313,400 Peas CiLY SOO UR RICO! cccnteavese. 13725, 575 Prearney~S BiH. RRi-GOW ej escse. 337,907 BeePT IN 1 Ocer s RRS OCA GOA). es 66,500 Lawr. & Emporia RW. Co...........- 465,000 feet V.s) LOD, 66 5.°W. RW.CO:....8. 550,900 Man., Alma & Burl. RW. Co......... 418,650 MEOILE AINE 13s VV eo) (Ol casas de schwasnsanewas- * 420,000 miontana Union RRCO. i. cises).s see. 425,000 Nevada Pacific RW CO.i 2... isenees 50,000 Omaha and Elk. Val. RW. Co....... 40, 300 ‘Omaha & Repub. Val. RW. Co..... 2,327,524 * Seventy p. c. paid in on $600,000. Miscellaneous Investments, Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Pemiigan’S Palace (CATS -..,.ssccdeancsecs $912,372 Batscellancous lands....0 2 .c.ccevceanes 148,500 | Laramie Soda Works and Soda | RM ISELD sean ses ovinnses Sts eonewaer arr tenes: 100,238 | Miscellaneous Bonds Owned, Dec. 31, 1891 :— Atch. Union Depot & RR. Co. 5s... $4,500 Junction City, Davis Co., Kan. 6s... 5,000 City of Wichita, Kansas, OGiewcveteate 41,030 Green River Water Works 6,08. 223,000 North. Pac. Terminal Co., 6s......... 200,000 Ogden Union RW. and Depot COs. 163,000 | Par Value. Oreveor ite é.Uty No RRACOs...: $14,990,703 Sl) Os Scar, Isles RIRE Cogn. wuscisshen te, JOE ESOO ot MOuMeriiind lui, Me Osctossehs weacas 25,000 Salina & S’ western RR. Co........e0 231,700 mek Stead. one La ik Ro CO. ase: 1,000,000 Umracs: Deny dc) Guitare R)Go...o4.<; 13,251,882 UnPac., Line. Cole RRA COjsscecsn 555997,000 U. Pac. & West. Col. RR: Co.<.....5 400,500 POCA vawarseus oeen oaee babs cnet pauesgces $47,983,201 SUMMARY. Par. Valie@ Of, bonds: posses gens eae sais cs: $35,358,500 Par. Valieiof Stocks hey Hives cetse-.10) 47,053,201 Potalpari ValuG..-.cacscccccanaentevsse 83,341,701 Cost as per balance sheet.:.......7-<.. $43,869, 153 Par $100 each. Paciic Hx. Cos Teserve TUN wecacses $70,000 Pacific HoteliDepartments..-.ccencccu 69,192 TOtalscevacrecesien seenans eves ooh esuns afr cs’ $1, 300, 302 | Rattlesnake Creek Water Co., 6s... $132,000 | Union Depot Co., Spokane Falls, Washinstons Ssintservn.comicsycstrcs 300,000 Union PF aciive CO Se si ieee: cas svs vahweoves 4,438,000 TOtahiracitevesatudnieacnn santa dibs sa'sies oa $5.506,530 820 Miscellaneous Stocks Owned, Dec. 31, 1891 :— Bozeman Goal CO; \ecccscapnseseuceresees $06, 0008 i UIMIONECOAliCO, 0.05.00" veces peteneenita ae $315,100 Green River Water Works Co.... 225,000 | Union Depot and RR. Co., Denver. 240,000 Morrison Stone, Lime & Town Co.. 100,000 | Union D. Co., Kansas City hes eivenee 21,000 Occidental & Oriental Steamship Union Elev. Co., Council Bluffs..... 46,700 Co. ($5,000,000 sub., 3 p. c. paid) 150,000 | Union Eley. Col, Omaha... .....csssssss 81,000: Ogden Union RW. and Depot Co. © Union Pacific Coal CO Wissesoes ervey seaee 4,437,900: ($25,000 sub., Io p. c. paid)........ 2,500 aie WITLOELE AC INICi ry WV =» COh..cocrerehieseuteds 177,450 PBCINCUEX Press CO. us cessharisstecet wens - 2,400,000 | Wood River Improvement Co. Rattlesnake.Creek Water Co......... 66,300 ($100,000 sub., 80 p. c. paid)...... 80,000: Stoos ce Mies. Vall tans..Comand 116,000 — Salt Lake Foundry & Mfg. Co...... 67 GUC san audes asne-aswists skeet sce eee meer $8,555,017 SuMMARY .—Par value of bonds, $5,506,530; par value of stocks, $8,555,017; total par value, $14,061,547. Cost of same as per balance sheet, $7,141,144. Note.—The total of miscellaneous stocks is exclusive of $7,950 in stock of Western National Fair Association, $250,000 in stock of the Kansas Carbon Co., $230,000 in stock of the Kansas and Eastern RR. Construction Co.. cer- tificate of membership in Denver Chamber of Commerce and Board of Trade, and $5,000 in stock of the Nevada. Improvement Co., owned by the Company, but which are carried on in the accounts at nominal figures only. LAND GRANT.—By Act of Congress of July 1, 1862, by which this Co. was chartered a land grant was secured of 12,800 acres per mile (estimated at a total of 12,083,227 acres), and a subsidy in United States bonds of $27,236,512 on $1,033 miles of road. The Kansas and Pacific RW. Co. received a subsidy of $6,303,000 and a grant of about 6,000,000 acres. Estimate of unsold lands on hand, Dec. 31, 1891 :— “Arid Lands Union Pacific RR. :— TrN ebras ica iis sce caacstitretatiealenst-ncpeceamrin ent teste anes: In Wyoming, Utah and Colorado......... 800,000 FHOLALS soccetysssqncuerwevonaeen) vurdesetiaich 800,000 Kansas Pacific RR. :— In Kansas, east of the 394th mile post.. .......... In Kansas, west of the 394th mile post.. .......... In Colorado, Denver Extension Mtge... .......... {n/ Colorado; Denver Pacific Mtge... 05 cssees. ORAL ACE, anche sates arene rsemtunne det hs Meta aeke Grandstotal seers saesees treater wess 800,000 Carbon Cut-off RW. CO., General Office, Ames Building, Boston. —_———- Acres— es, Grazing Agricultural Lands. Lands. Total. 35,000 22,000 57,000 DO MeO OOO 2.14. 8ees 2,929,000 2,164,Cc0o 22,000 2,986,000 san eadcases 365,000 365,000 ys Sie 344,000 344,000 1,534,000 568,000 2,102,000 283,000 70,000 353,000 1,817,000 1,347,000 3,164,000 3,981,000 1,369,000 6,150,000 Estimated Value. $215,000 2,129,000 2,344,000: 2,190,000: 1,548,000 51340,000 1,022,500 10, 100,500: 12,444,500 Inc. Feb. 12, 1889, in Wy. Road built in 1889, to haul coal from mines owned by Company, at Hanna, to the Union Paeific .RW: Co. Pacific RW. Co. LENGTH OF :\OAD owned: Allen to Hanna, Wy., 17.16; Branch to Mins, total, 19.17 miles. All present issue of stock owned by Union Z.Olne y Capitalization of road.......+ Dec. 31, 1891 :— | JLncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. ANITA StOCK.. .skysetepoan ars vnte $220,000 $11,600 | Total gross from operation... $22,594 $1,189 PeUnHed GED L..leysssen cass acean None, ‘* gross from other sources Unfunded dbt. and current Deduct all expenseszcciistsas *22,740 ~ 1,196 MIA DUILIOS A eine serpar aera: @ 10,226 500 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends....... t 146 7 PERL Mates: wccs scse se eee 5,400 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital...... 230,226 12,100 Geb as ADOVEL vesesisceleeries None ‘¢ Int. on all debt p. ann... None, Net result on year’s business ‘¢ Dividends per annum.. None. for stockholders, loss ........ t 146 i Average ratio of return upon capital invested...... None. * Includes taxes, $1695. 7 Deficit. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891. Assets, Cost of road and equipment, seen profit and ioss, $5,400; total, $230,226. Liabdzlities, Capital stock, $220,000; current account, $10, 226; total, $230, 226. CENTRAL BRANCH UNION PACIFIC RR. CO., General Office, Ames Build- ing, Boston, Mass. ; Atchison and Pike’s Peak RR. Co. ; pleted at close of same year. Corporate Office, Atchison, Kan. Inc. Feb. 11, 1859, in Kan., as the name changed to present title in 1867 and road com- Leased to the Missouri Pacific RW. Co., Sept. 30, 1885, for 25; 821 years, at a rentalof net earnings, which revert to the Union Pacific RW. Co. The Atchison, Colorado and Pacific, and the Atchison, Jewell County and Western RRs. are leased ata rental of $1,000 per mile. Union Pacific RW. Co. owns $874,200 of capital stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Atchison to Waterville, Kan., 100 miles. Leased: Atchison, Colorado and Pacific RR., 254.79 ; Atchison, Jewell County and Western RR., 33.40; total, 388.19 miles. Capitalization of road...Dec. 31, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. MMS LA ah sects deeea oe cts tiness ss $1,000,000 $2,500 | Total grossfromoperation. $894,160 $2,304 Peanded. debt... ...i0...5 .ss00. * 3,830,000 9,800 ‘* gross from other souces 30,426 78 Unfunded debt and cur- Deduct all expenses......... £725°342 10 1, G09 rent tiabilities..:...:...<3.; 2,929,435 7,500 | Nettotal applicable to fixed Current assets to offset CHALCLES econ shave aevetenss 199,244 51S current liabilities ......... 3,749,135 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital ..... 7,7595435 19,800 debt dS ADGOVE) s.veckeeceverss TALS, 524d 4a ** Int. on all debt p. ann 140,100 361 | Net result on year’s busi- Total dividends per ann..None. ness to stockholders, loss. 244,280 630 Average ratio of return Par of stock, $100. upon capital invested... 2.8 p. c. * Includes $1,600,000 U.S bonds, ___+ Includes taxes, $77,255. { Includes rentals, $287,375 and other items. INCOME for 9 months ending Sept. 30, 1892: Total gross from operation, $978,053, per mile, $2,521 ; deduct all expenses, $620,370, per mile, $1,598 ; net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends, $357,683, per mile, $923. DIVIDENDS: In 1885, 5 p. c.; in 1886, BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. feast of road and’ fixtures../..f..30..: $4,001,300 | MRIS UIION CS ss dae aistitetesacedsasautvecale snes 9,000 PCCOUNLS TECCIVADIC. 0505, srsicaseecescaeuee 67,724 BMCOME ACCOUNL .5-...c2. cnsmonte Bithesegivss 3,681,411 PEMD UGL Sobvactacccerss oncteteesreccsrelsreev cr 757 50/4 35 POPACs 710, 1567.410 pac; nonersince: LIABILITIES. GAapitaperOCk sis. i isdecscleasesasce dvs dress $1,000,000 Bri} CL CCESCEIM damsattsiattaais ca sae'vasceotedeuedss 2,230,000 United States DONS). cect sncceccnsessecs 1,600,000 WECGCUIES, PIV AD besscaney acces fueled sinsaisess 1,052,845 Interest accrued, not yet due......... 23,350 Interest acc’d on U.S.bds. $2,365,808 Less repaid by transport. 512,568 1,853,240 phOtals, Wacuusacrsgecnex Banidcacesaetaneee $7,759,435 Atchison, Colorado and Pacific RR. Co., General Office, Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Waterville, Kan. Inc. June 23, 1879, in Kan. Road is a con- solidation, effected June 23, 1879, of the Waterville and Washington RR., the Republican Valley RW. Co., the Atchison, Solomon Valley.and Denver RW. Co., the Atchison, Republican Valley and Pacific RW. Co., and the Atchison and Denver RW. Co. Road leased for 25 years from 1879 to the Central Branch Union Pacific RR. Co., at an annual rental of $1,000 per mile. Union Pacific RW. Co. owns $920,000 of this Co’s stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Waterville to Lenora, Kan., 193.39; Greenleaf to Wash- . ington, Kan., 7: Yuma to Warwick, Kan., 30.8; Downs to Alton, Kan., 23.6; total, 254.79 miles. Capitalization of road.,..... CCST ot OO le Per Mile. BES ILA SLOCK ce Levee cuteniietawcss +e $1,522,400 $6,000 POMINLeH GED ese. cc caus cestualceness 4,070,000 16,000 Unfunded debt and current MEADOR Giz accadet cesses saps wes 152,930 600 Par of stock, $100. Operations not furnished. Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities .2....20..scese0+s » $150,065 Total invested capital........ ~ 5»745)330 22,600 “‘ Intereston all debt p.ann. 244,200 950 “¢ Dividends per annum....., Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested.................Not known. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $5,595,262; bills receivable, $150,065 ; total, $5,745,330. Liabilities, Capital, $1,522,400; funded debt, $4,070,000; bills payable, $3,930; profit and loss, $149,000 ; total, $5,745,330. Atchison, Jewell County and Western RR. CO., General Office, Ames Building, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Jamestown, Kan. Inc. July 5, 1879, in Kan. Leased to Central Branch Union Pacific RR. Co. at an annualrental of $1,000 per mile. Union Pacific RW. Co. owns $105,000 of this Company’s stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Jamestown to Burr Oak, Kan., 33.40 miles. 822 Capitalization of road......«Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital Stockin.cvess rere wareesaee . $202,800 $6,100 PE UIITCLEGECED ts Mcvss-tse hacedareons 542,000 16,400 Unfunded debt and current ia bilities ee cern cent 21,590 700 Par of stock, $100. Operations not furnished. Current assets to offset cur- PONE TIA DIES veesecsse seas ode » $21,590 Total invested capital........ ~ 766,390 $23,200 ‘“ Intereston all debt p.ann. — 32,520 97° ‘ Dividends per annum...... Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested.............00 . Not known. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $744,800; bills, receivable, $21,590 ; total, $766,390. Liabilities, Capital, $202,800; funded debt, $542,000 ; bills payable, $450; profit and loss, $21,140; total, $766,390. Denver and Boulder Valley RR. Co., General Office, Ames Building, Boston ; Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc; Ocimt prs7orins Col, Leased to Denver Pacific RW. and Telegraph Co., for 99 years, from Oct. 19, 1870. Company defaulted payment and road was turned over in Sept., 1879, to the Trustees, who authorized the Union Paci- fic to operate the line on their account.. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Brighton to Boulder City, Col., 26.97 miles. Capitalization of road....Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital Stock s:-ccieessbeonm nen 700,000 $25,900 Eurided debti;.cssesssisncesseees 550,000 20,400 Unfunded debt and current APA DINtIES ica eneesee seers cee nous t Not known. Current assets to offset cur- FENt liabilities, .cesscssise essere Not known. Total invested capital........ 1,250,000 46,300 ‘« Int. on all debt p. ann. 38,500. | ETA00 (a9 Dividends per ann.....Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested...... a5 Of I p. c. * Including taxes, $4,786. Balance sheet not furnished. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $37,970 $1,406 Total gross from other sources Deduct all expenses.............. *399,29 1,478 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 1,959 72 Deduct total interest on all CEE MSADOVE s,s. sec pesccmeed 38,500 1,400 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... Not known. Denver, Leadville and Gunnison RW. Co., General Office, Ames Building, Bos- ton, Mass.; Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. July 6, 1889, in Col. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Denver to Leadville, Col., 151.2; branches: 173.52 ; total, 324.72 miles. Capitalization of road.........Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capita Vstock Varesdcccsnse eveees $3,000,000 $9,200 | Funded debt. 4..ccsesstevevsecare 2,308,000 7,100 Unfunded debt and current JiADITES Volos inicsee secenies ccc. 627,136 2,000 Current assets to offset cur- Tent liabilities, aise vosacseeacs None Total invested capital........ ‘* Int.on all debtp. ann.. 103,860 219 ‘* Dividends per annum. Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested...... ....00+. None. * Deficit. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation... $967,448 $2,977 ‘“ gross from other sources Deduct all expenses............ 1,015,300 3,124 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... *47,852 147 Deduct total interest on all BETS NADOV Ess erste lesteeces 103,860 319 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.. ..... T51,712 516 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $5,426,654 ; profit and loss, $508,482; total, $5,935,136. Lzabzlities, Capital, $3,000,000; funded debt, $2,308,000 ; bills payable, $609,826 ; accrued interest, $17,310; total, $5,935,136. South Park and Leadville Short Line RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Leadville, Col. Inc. in Col. Road built by the London, South Park and Leadville RR. Co., which company was unable to meet its obligations, and in 1885 road sold to present Company. The Union Pacific RW. Co. owns the entire capital stock of the Company, 11,000 shares, and certain equipment, etc., in return for money advanced by it. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: From a point on the D., S. P. and P. RR., near London Junc., to mines at London Hill, Col., 7.5 miles (narrow gauge). Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 823 Echo and Park City RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Park City, Utah. Inc. Nov. 23, 1871, in Utah, as The Summit Co. RR. Co.; bought by Union Pacific RR. Co. in Mar., 1877, and extended to Park City and Grass Valley in 1880. Company reorganized under present name Jan. 17, 1881. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Echo to Park City, Utah, 27.59; branch, from Coalville to coal mines, 2.51; total, 30.10 miles. Capitalization of road.....Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Bea DILAl STOCK: ,.c¢c0rueesesces $480,000 $16,000 Munded GEbti-. iecedscc t0ce, 480,000 16,000 Unfunded debt and cur- Pent Wapuitiesn...cvs-...0s 300,800 10,200 Current assets to offset current liabilities......... 964 Total invested capital..... 1,260,800 42,200 ‘“ Int. on all debt p. ann. 40,800 ress ** Dividends per. annm.None. Average ratio of return upon capital invested...3,1 p. c. * Including taxes, $2,348. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31,1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.. $123,641 $4,107 Total gross from other sources Deduct all Expenses ...........:. *84,659 2,812 Net total applicable to fixed | _ charges and dividends....... 38,982 1,295 Deduct total interest on all Gebt ds ADOVE., Uicacesesesvscsss 40,800 1,355 Net result on year’s business for stockhclders, loss........ 1,818 60 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, $968,812; bills receivable, $964; profit and loss, $291,024 ; total, $1,260,800. Liabilities, Capital stock, $480,000; funded debt, $480,000 ; bills payable, $300,800 ; total, $1,260,800. Hutchinson and Southern RR. Co., General Offices, Chicago and Hutchinson Kan.: Corporate Office, Hutchinson, Kan. Inceinwk an: This road forms part of Union Pacific System, which holds its note for $768,500. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hutchinson, Kan., to Texas State line, 82 miles. is projected to Dennison, Tex. A line Balance Sheet and operations not furnished. Junction City and Fort Kearney RW. Co., General Offices, Boston, Mass. ; Denver, Col.; Corporate Office, Junction City, Kan. Inc. July 10, 1871, in Kan. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Junction City to Concordia, Kan., 70.86; branch, Law- renceburgh to Belleville, Kan., 17.14; total, 88 miles. Capitalization of road.... Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. PR IGA STOCK is. .cy ve sssaascetsess $1,056,100 $12,000 Pande: CEbtiih. sy casacsmecoseses I,I4I,000 13,100 Unfunded debt and current IAIN LILIES Cyccaccs coeetaeessesese: §:O2Qj052" 0,400 Current assets to offset cur- Fent Jiabilities:.s.s...:6+..c0. None. Total invested capital........ 3,026,152 34,500 ‘« TInt. on all debt p. ann.. 76,468 868 ‘“ Dividends per annum..None. Average ratio of return upon capital invested... .3.4,..... None, * Including $17,851 taxes. + Deficit. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.. $133,608 $1,518 ‘* Gross from other sources Deduct all expenses........:.. Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends.... Deduct total interest on all FIAT, 55500 1s CTY, 113,947 159 GebDtAS ADOVE.cscecnsseseses 76,468 868 Net result on year’s busi- ness forstockholders, loss —_ 90,416 1,027 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $2,216,735; profit and loss, $809,417; total, $026,152. Liabilities, Capital, $1,056,100; funded debt, $1,141,000 ; bills payable, $811,365; interest accrued, $17,687 ; total, $3,026,152. Kansas Central RR. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Leaven- worth, Kan. Inc. May 31, 1821, in Kan.,as Kansas Central RW. Co. Sold under fore- closure Apr. 14, 1879, for $250,000 and reorganized with present title Apr. 15, 1879. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Leavenworth to Miltonvale, Kan., 165.49 miles. Capitalization of road...Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Reaitalstock.j.cc. v0 i ncsees $1,348,000 $8,100 MRNAED “Cebt s,....5 0. ncnesenes 1,348,000 8,100 Unfunded debt and cur- PERU ILAILICS...¢ nn casjenensy £5 725,503 10,400 Current assets to offset current liabilities..........None. Total invested capital...... 4,421,583 26,600 ‘* Int. on all debt p. ann. 80,880 489 BeDITVIGENS 0.20.50 ac oxsses? None. Average ratio of return upon capital invested...None. * Includes taxes, $26,244. + Deficit. income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $162,419 $981 Total gross from other sources Dednuet all expenses 2. .s0c....< *312,599 1,888 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... $150,180 907 Deduct total interest on all debt as AbOVSG*asscnssl cesses t 81,003 489 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 231,183 1,396 t Includes town lot expenses, $123 824 BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $2,737,982; profit and loss, $1,683,601 ; total, $4,421,583. Liabilities, Capital, $1,348,000; funded debt, $1,348,000 ; bills payable, $1,705,363 ; accrued interest, 20,220; total, $4,421,583. Kearney and Black Hills RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; Corporate Office, Kearney, Neb. provement Co. thereof. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Capitalization of road...Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capital stock scars ope th ete $931,607 $14,200 Pnnded dept iessecasenescnede 887,000 13,500 Unfunded debt and cur- rent) liabilifies<......scces2se: 16,202 200 Current assets to offset cur- # Frent liabilities. ...........006. Not known. Total invested capital ....... $1,834,809 27,900 ** Int. on all debt. p. ann.. 44,350 677 “* Dividends per annum..Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested.....2.1 p. c. Balance sheet not furnished. Laramie, North Park and Pacific Corporate Office, Laramie, Wyoming. Inc owned by the Union Pacific RW. Co. Inc. May, 1889, in Neb. Road built by the Wood River Im- Capital stock, $400,000, of which Union Pacific RW. Co. owns 25 p. c. Kearney to Callaway, Neb., 65.55 miles. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation..... $79,087 $1,207 Total gross from other sources Deductiall expenses \:....)..420 2, Wa 3OsGG2 593 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 40,185 614 Deduct total interest on all USIEAS-ADOVE sieviecteshoceteners 44,350 677 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss.......... 4,165 63 RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; . May 24, 1880, in Wyo. Entire capital stock LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Laramie to Soda Lakes, 13.36 miles. Capitalization of TOMA siento ss Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Cavital SLOCK iivars pereeeuateoree $66,500 $5,000 FUNG Ed GeDt.os., ccesenressteeon None. Unfunded debt and current abilities Kesccssee wcnvanerden et 8,230 600 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities ...tcesssaeess None. Total invested capital........ 74,730 5,600 ‘* Int. on all debt p. ann...None. ‘* Dividends per annum...None. | Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Total gross from operation.... $784 $59 ‘“ gross from other sources.... Deduct-all expenses...........00 4,699 352 Net total applicable to fixed... charges and dividends....... 13,915 293 Deduct total interest on all Cebit SyabO Ver ofs.2.ceim cade ote None. Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss......... Not known. Average ratioofreturn upon capital invested.:....0, :s00 None. * Deficit. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $66,500; profit and loss, $8,230; total, $74,730. Liabilities, Capital, $66,500; bills payable, $8,230; total, $74,730. Lawrence and Emporia RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Lawrence, Kan. Inc.in Kan. Road opened in Nov., 1879, was formerly a part of the St. Louis, Lawrence and Western RR. Co., and was bought by the Union Pacific RW. Co., on the sale of that property, and operated as the Lawrence and Southwestern RR., then as the Carbondale branch and under present title since July 19, 1881. Leased for 999 years to the Lawrence, Emporia and Southwestern RW. Co. at an annual rental of $1,000 and all taxes. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Lawrence to Carbon Hill, Kan., 30.64; leased from Southern Kansas RW. Co., .36; total, 31 miles. CAPITAL, $465,000, per mile, $15,000; funded debt, $465,000, per mile, $15,000; total interest on all debt per annum, $27,900, per mile, $900. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Leavenworth, Topeka and Southwestern RW. Co., General Office; Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Leavenworth. Inc. June 13, 1879, in Kan. Road was completed and opened in Nov. 1882. Operated as part of the St. foseph and Grand Island Division of the Union Pacific. The capital stock is owned in about equal amounts by the Union Pacific RW. Co. and the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé RW. Co. Bonds are also guaranteed by same companies, each assuming one half. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Leavenworth to Meriden Junction, Kan., 46.57 miles. 825 Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891:— | lncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. | Per Mile. MMEMEAL StOCK. oy. ce ceee oveescane $1,380,000 $29,600 | Total gross from operation... $30,165 $642 POMOC CED. oo. 60. cescscsseciess 1,380,000 29,600 | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses..........:... SO, S220) 15717 IEC GG Net cer ancy esecedca jes aan 866,878 18,600 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- | charges and dividends...... 150,057 1,075 BMP ADTIVICS . 24.95 vesces cesses Deduct total interest on all otal invested capital......... 3,626,878 77,800 debt, as aboVenit..cne ussdivess 55,200.) 15174 «Int. on all debt p. ann.. 55,200 1,174 :| Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum.. Not known. for stockholders, loss......... 105,857 2,249 Average ratio of return upon Papital invested .........0.. eNODG. + Deficit. ; BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $2,776,248; current accounts, $30,384; profit and loss, $820,246; total, $3,626,878. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,380,000; funded debt, $1,380,000; current accounts, $866,878 ; total, $3,626,878. Manhattan, Alma and Burlingame RR. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. Corporate Office, Manhattan, Kan. Inc. Sept. 3, 1872,in Kan. Road completed and opened Aug. 1, 1880. Of the entire issue of bonds the Pacific Co. owns one-half and the’ Atchison Co. the other half, and each of these companies owns $418,650 of the capital stock. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Manhattan to Burlington, Kan., 56.62 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891:— | Lncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. RPI STOCK | .....0css00es~s2e00s $1,000,000 $17,700 | Total gross from operation... $40,871 $722 PGE CED .......60 seseesecense 676,000 12,000 | Tot. gross from other sources’ Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses ...........- 64,481 1,139 METIDTLITICS oe cause seccntine ces osu 125,457. 2,200 | Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... oc OO Umea Le Bent liabilities, ........2s...s00s 125,457 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 1,803,457 31,900 debt asiahiovesactestec sess tee AG 7770 20 *“ Interest on all debt p.ann. 45,823 810 | Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum.....None. for stockholders, loss........ FO. 57 alse 3 Average ratio of return upon Capital invested........ Rea ante None, * Deficit. + Includes rentals, $954. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :-— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Construction and SP sdaeeanes $1,678,000 | Capitalistock:. v2.3 Hoa cadena) esencucon secon. $1,000,000 PPeEOUNTS TECELVADIE ..ccsccce tosses raeses 4,469 | Funded debt........ccccccccsesese seeeseere 678,000 MERCI ACCOUNT Gicccesee sestecsstecedelase $20,038] Currentaccounts cues awereiaractc: cent 125,457 TED iy e hae geet ie OEP are $1,803,457 | TOLa Wa comet einer ee a eeee hs dioes BIS Sad 7: Montana RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass.; Corporate Office, Walkerville, Mont. Inc. Dec. 17,1881,in Mont. Road was opened in 1884 and leased to the Montana Union RW. Co. Aug. 1, 1886. at a rental of 6 p.c. on the value of the property. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Anaconda Mine to Walkerville, Mont., 2.81.; Walker- ville to High Ore, branch, 3.02; Stuart to Anaconda, 9; total, 14. 83 miles. Capitalization of road ..... Dec. 31, 1891 :— | Jucome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock.. sessessessees $420,000 $28,400 | Total gross from operation..... *$47,106 $3,176 Funded debt.. Vivi teases NONE? | Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current | Deduct aliexpensesic-t- sme l,000 858 TIES oe fosace srtcnccas sesenss 629,419 42,500 | Not total applicable to fixed ate Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends........ EU Se toy mae ae tis MEIG EADILILICS ». 00.2000 coveroese 113,269 | Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital......... 1,049,419 70,900 Debt as Abover sc vitecdcesecscecve None. ** Int. on all debt per ann.None. - Net result on year’s business *‘ Dividends per annum....Not known. for stockholders, gain......... 35,187 2,318 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Panital invested...... isco. oN eae * Rental. Capital stock, authorized, $600,000, all owned by the Union Pacific RW. Co. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road, etc., $936,150; current accounts, $113,269; total, $1,049,419. Liabilities, Capital stock, $420,000; current accounts, $399,916; profit and loss, $229,503 | total, $1,049,419. 826 Montana Union RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; Corporate Office, Walk- erville, Mont. Inc. June 14, 1886, in Mont. The entire capital stock of this road is owned in equal amounts by the Northern Pacific and Union Pacific RW. Cos., who jointly guarantee a rental of 6 p.c. on the value of the property to the Utah and Northern and the Montana RW. Cos. LENGTH OF ROAD leased: Utah Northern RW., Butte to Garrison, Mont., 5739; Montana RW., Stuart to Anaconda, Mont., 14.83: total, 72.22 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— . Per Mile. Atal STOCK. seasecsseseaee cen $ 850,000 $11,800 Fundedlidebt siiyiscscccoemeners None. Unfunded debt and current TIADUITIES. 2 oe anniiassoncestaces 1,177,539 16,300 Current assets to offset cur- rent liabilities. .....c.scses00 803,725 Total invested capital........ 2,027,539 28,100 ‘‘ Int. on all debt p. ann...None. ““ Dividends per annum...Not known. Average ratio of return upon capital invested.............. TiS ae. * Includes taxes, $7,652. + Rentals. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS, Construction and equipment........... $1,223,814 Cashin. i iesceictens va cee sta can ier ereeemeae 127,644 Materials and supplies. .......... s..seceee 52,731 Accounts wrecetvablea. .iscsn.teensenesaee 2 161,186 INCOME ACCOUNE. dsrur esccrconuceterarenen 462,164 TL-OEAL Soccoksostters cesar, seeeusecercnen. soeees $2,027,539 Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation... $754,930 $10,453 A from other sources Deduct all expenses...... ..... *605,4560 8,333 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends...... 149,474. 2,070 Deduct total interest on all GED AS, ADOVEscccvehescooncsesp 197; 734) 13353 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, gain...... 51,740 yi LIABILITIES. Me BEILALSLOCK fas secsasessnenavesscsse rer eens $850,000 PVCCOUNES WAY ADE siccctscscscpacccamrecocene 1,177,539 POL AL ectp cas. son seconde sbreneseseusty ee ueeae $2,027,539 Omaha and Republican Valley RW. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; Cor- porate Office, Omaha. Inc. 1887, in Neb. The Omahaand Republican Valley, the Man- hattan and Blue Valley and the Omaha, Niobrara and Black Hills RR. Cos. were consoli- dated in 1887 under the above title. Union Pacific RW. owns $2,327,523 of stock of this Company, which is: held by trustees under trust indenture of Sept. 4, 1891, also $5,840,000 of its bonds. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Main line, Valley, Neb., to Manhattan, Kan., 189.01 ; branches, 293.04; total, 482 05 miles. Capitalization of road........ Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Capitalistock wa siarcsnescsiees $2,347,050 $4,800 PuUNnded Geptscicresdiccesuee sees 5,941,000 12,300 Untunded debt and current LiaDti€Sy. INSEE Senn as ct (ice e dh dpovsp se evnsses 15,730,921 | Stock of constituent companies.... 201 Ess Sinking fund balances................ g70,002> 4, Funded? débtca weccuscenas1essem nee 50,179,000 Advances pay: in bonds andstock. 2,982,960 | Bloating, debtteacieat cuctssuteessseces SOR Aas MTEIRCTACCUIU Libis sscceess seccecesncovcavese 1,346,670 | Interest and rental ae eae not Val VEL: CUG ccccitptcrsenvasnmatrdinysdasesse +o 849,781 | Material acct., Oregon RW. and 2 Navigation’ Goi inc scsnssediacse eres eas 385,492 | Sales of Trust property ......3....... 308 ,602 _ Income used for sinking funds...... 428,826 ya ag Bsr err, Bor lst hc botalitiats iam pee ns ee $81,171,989 * Including amount due contractors for building the Milford-Pioche line, the contract not having been completed. 828 Oregon RW. and Navigation Co., General Office, seine Mass; Corporate Office, Portland Oregon. Inc. June 13, 1879, in Oregon, being a consolidation of the Oregon Steamship Co., the Oregon Steam Navigation Co., and the companies owning the railroads built to overcome the rapids of the Columbia river. The Oregon Short Line RW. Co., leased this Company Jan. 1, 1887 for 99 years, and lease was transferred Aug. I, 1889, to its successor, the Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern RW. Co., the rental, ‘equivalent to interest on bonds, 6 p. c. dividends on stock, and expenses of organ- ization. Rental is guaranteed by the Union Pacific RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: — STANDARD GAUGE. Winona Junc. to Seltice, Wash.. 7.04 Miles. | La Grande to Elgin, Oregon... 20.89 Portland to Huntington, Oregon........ 402.67 | Farmington to Spokane Falls, Wash.. 60.43 Willows Junc. to Heppner, Oregon... 45.34. | Tekoa, Wash. to Mullan, Idaho... 7.10 East Portland to Albina, Oregon....... 2.02 Wallace to. Burke, idahou eee 6.67 Umatilla Junc., Ore. to Walla Walla, ae Washington tis: .ccracsespdencopnecesreneran 57.67 BOCA Lac sesce’ aaunerbanses vex sen centenmane amg 5.0) 3 Pendleton, Ore. to Walla Walla,Wash 46.28 : Walla Walla to Farmington, Wash.... 143.85 Diageo Bolles Junc. to Dayton, Wash ........... 13.36 | Walla Walla to Dixey and Dudley, Starbuck to Pomeroy, Wash...... een 30.00 DVWIISTA eats otics,p tccaveekts ecenwes's, eeraenaaierst 13.40 La Crosse Junc. to Connell, Wash...... 63.52 k ail Colfax, Wash. to Moscow, Idaho........ 28.58 Total mileage (average operated) 1,059.33 In addition to its lines of railroad the Company operates steamship lines as follows: Ocean Line—San Francisco to Portland, 670 miles; Puget Sound Lines—between Tacoma, Olympia, Seattle, Victoria, and other Sound points, 238 miles ; River lines—on the Willamette, between Portland and Eugene, 172 miles; on the Willamette and Columbia rivers, between Portland and Astoria, 98 miles; and between Portland and. the Lower Cascade, 63 miles; on the Columbia river, between the Upper Cascades and the Dalles, 51 miles; and between Celilo and Priest’s Rapids, 205 miles; and on the Snake River, between Texas Ferry and Lewiston, 78 miles; total river lines, 667 miles. The Oregon Short Line and Utah Northern RW. Co., acquired control of stock in 1889, and owned $14,348,200 on Jan. 1, 1892, of which $13,000,000 was pledged to secure its collateral trust bonds. Capitalization Of TOAA .....00+ Dec. 31, 1891:— | Jncome for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital stock eccccceee ess coceccess $24,000,000 Total gross from operation... - $5,673, 172 Funded debt ............. locccvcece 22,844,000 Total gross from other sources 21,000 Unfunded debt and current Deduct all expenses.............. # 4,086,791 TADIITICS, Kiet sca sacestensascves 1,460,511 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 1,607,381 rent liabilitieS.............ss0. 2,249,533 Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........... 48,304,511 CEDE AS ADOVE ait. cossncscscscscs $2,734,330 ‘int. on all debt p. ann..... 1,192,990 Net result on year’s business “ Dividends per annum..... 1,440,000 for stockholders, loss......... 1,126,949 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. capital invested... s..coces. aA aie * Includes taxes, $151,738; betterments, $7,435: deficit water lines, $80,630; miscellaneous charges, $30,600. + Includes rentals, $2,623,307; interest on Northern Pacific Terminal property, $105,000 ; organization expenses, $6,023. DIVIDENDS : 1879, 2 Ds nloOOe, 8 p. c. cash and Iop. c. scrip; 1881 and 1882, 8 Dp. Cis) 1883, 10! p:1c27)1884)00 34) pe) Gry aces wep. G. 5) 1086, 7 pic. 5°1867 and: 1686, 6 Deal SOC eriae Cc, including Ly pink, extra out of assets ; 1890, 1891 and 1892, 6 p. c. 1893, Jan., 1% p. c. Dividends are payable Jan. arly. at Ames Building, Boston, Mass. BALANCE SHEET, Dec:/3i,alcois ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cost of road and fixtures.............. $36,475,648 | Capital stock.. coilesan ghiehaa sens seee 24, OOO OUI Investments, bonds and stocks..... 4,723,806 | Funded debt.. severe rbssees, 22,844,006 BOudS JN truste.ss: ecccscspsennnesssse cues 4,855,524 | Interest accrued ‘not yet due Saunas 114,844 Miscellaneous accounts........+.ss000. 840,523 Income used for sinking fund........ 1,013,280 TAN. ASSCtS) fescxadeesreedene sasenieee casein G7 eos ene EGIEEAMC LOSS /s.0s scbcceseehserosaauns ses 332,367) MOUTTENt ASSETS cr kna vem beth stperememcgpeaee 380,790 Material om Hants... sc. vovecserstesuens 290,352 A otalineiscs Hesideancrurgk anes ssespees $48,304,511 ML OUd)cctecat ss nas aban ecobites Boade bys Cars $48,304,511 829 SECURITIES owned Dec. 31, 1891 :— BONDS.* , Walla Walla and Columbia River Wash. and Idaho RR. SOP RS at: $4,447,500 TU RNMAGG se oviatecenestebel anioue weiss dudes $700,000 Oregon RW. Extension Co., 5s..... 1,511,580 | Columbia and Palouse bee OOS ees 1,000,000. Willamette Transportation and Mill Creek Flume and Manufactur- Lock Co., 4s..... 350,000 INS WO decusecesstercatacctncvetioceesaes’ cs 200,000: Columbia and Palouse RR. noe ‘6s. 2,829,000 Eaesit Lae POtAL DAP Males. tear) twee (Ses ene ed $5,508, 200 MEME AL DAT. Vall@r.oycccue chen sectner ede $9,138,080 —_— ‘ : Par Valite’ Of DONS. crcssccsipesaee veases ,138,080 , STORE: Par ValueOpStocken...0.... WP Otel Dar, Valuierrecrccscssesanaesneees $190,000 Boone County and Booneville RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Columbia, mya. inc. .Apr. 30, 1873, in’ Mo.;, succeeding by reorganization to Boone County and Jefferson City RR. cor foreclosed Apr 23; 1873. Leased Apr. 30, 1873, for 30 years, to myabash RR. Co., ata rental of $7,000 per annum (being interest on bonds). LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Centralia to Columbia, Mo., 21.7 miles. CAPITAL, $500,000, par $100, per mile, $23,000; funded debt, $100,009, per mile, $4,600; total invested capital, $600,000, per mile, $27,600 ; total interest on all debt per annum, $7,000, dividends, if any, not known. Balance sheet and opeyations not furnished. Brunswick and Chillicothe RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, Brunswick, Mo. Inc. 1872,in Mo. Wabash leased this road Aug. 1, 1878, for 999 years, ata rental equivalent to interest on bonds, which bear 6 p. c. until Igoo, after which 8 p.c. is paid to maturity in 1903. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Brunswick to Chillicothe, Mo., 38.3 miles. CAPITAL, $450,000, par, $100, per mile, $11,800; funded debt, $304,500, per mile, $8,000 ; total invested capital, $754,500, per mile, $19,800; total interest on all debt per annum, $18,270, per mile, $480; no dividends paid. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. Eel River RR. Co., General Office, Boston, Mass. ; Corporate Office, Logansport, Ind. Inc. Dec. Io, 1877, in Ind., succeeding by reorganization to Detroit, Eel River and Illinois RR. Co., foreclosed July 6, 1877. The Wabash RR. Co., leased this line in per- petuity, at an annual rental of $60,000, until Apr. 1, 1892, when it was increased to $75,000 per annum, until Apr. 1, 1895, and a further increase to $90,000 per annum afterward. In addition to this $500 a year is allowed for corporate expenses. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Logansport to Butler, Ind., 93.9 miles. CAPITAL, $3,000,000, par $100, per mile, $32,000; no funded debt; dividends (2% p. c. until 1895, then 3 p. c. during life of lease), $70,000. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. St. Louis, Council Bluffs and Omaha RR. Co., General and Corporate Office, St. Louis, Mo. Inc. Oct. 6, 1879, in Mo. Road was leased on its completion in 1871, to North Mo. RR. Co., but was leased July 1, 1878, to Wabash RR. Co. for g99 years. Rental, interest on bonds, $37,560 per annum. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Chillicothe to Pattonsburg, Mo., 41.4 miles. CAPITAL, $729,700, per mile, $17,800; funded debt, $626, 000, per mile, $15,100; total interest on all debt per annum, $37,560 ; dividends, if any, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. 842 WADLEY AND MT. VERNON RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Atlanta, Ga. Inc. Apr. 30, 1890, in Ga. Irvin Wadley, for 16 miles, was originally built as a logging road, but was rebuilt and extended to Ricksville in 1889, and sold to the present Company in 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Wadley to Rickville, 29.1 miles. Capitalization Of TOAd......006 June 30, 1891 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891 :— ; Per Mile. Per Mile. Capital Stock. ......00...c0e eoeeeees $200,000 $6,900 | Total gross from operation..... $30,651 $1,056 Pianicdedwdlebt ia ersscicceseretsesecce None. Total gross from other sources Unfunded debt and current Deduct all.expenses. 7.0. .c.cec3s 17484 596 Ita DIlTtHeSe Me teccsetecehorepseee ice 32,680 1,100 Net total applicable to fixed Current assets to offset cur- charges and dividends...... 13,320 460: Pent HaAiWities r...5.6 vepescncaee Not known. Deduct total interest on all Total invested capital........ .. 232,680 8,000 GEDEIAS ADOVE vos sucesenctcensrect 2,574 88 ‘‘ Interestonalldebtp.ann. 2,574 88 | Net result on year’s business ** Dividends per annum...... Not known. | for stockholders, gain......... 10,746 372 Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. Capital Invested. js.aesastree SL trae Balance sheet not furnished. WARREN AND FARNSWORTH RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Warren, Pa. Inc. Apr. 6, 1882, in Pa., as the Warren and Farnsworth Valley RR. Co. Road opened Aug. 1, 1882, and reorganized under present title in Apr., 1885. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Clarendon to Vandegrift, Pa., 10.05; branches, 5.21; total, 15.26 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891: Capital, $75,000, per mile, $5,000; no funded debt; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $96,270, per mile $6,300; total invested capi- tal (representing cost of road, etc.), $171,270, per mile, $11,300. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation; $8,168, per mile, $535; deduct all expenses, $8,711, per mile, $571; net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss, $543, per mile, $36. Balance sheet not furnished. WARRENTON RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Warrenton, N.C. Inc. Apr. 21, 1876, in N. C. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Warrenton to Warren Plains, N.C., 3 miles. Capitalization of road June 30, 1891: Capital, $15,000, per mile, $5,000; funded debt, $8,000, per mile, $2,700; total invested capital, $23,000, per mile, $7,700. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891: Total gross from operation, $4,461, per mile, $1,487; expenses and disbursements not furnished. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assefs, Cost of road and equipment, $16,770; other assets, $8,230; total, $23,000. Liabilities, Capital stock, $15,000; funded debt, $8,000; total, $23,000. WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Seattle, Wash. Inc. in Wash., consolidation of the Satsop RR. Co. and the Seattle Lumber Co. Road built in 1890. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Shelton to Satsop, Wash., 30 miles. No other infor- mation obtained. WATERLOO AND MAGOG RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Magog, Que. Inc. in Quebec. No information obtained. WATERTOWN AND LAKE KAMPESKA RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Watertown, South Dakota. Inc. June 16, 1888, in South Dakota. ; LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Watertown, S. D., to Lake Kampeska, 3.65; branch to Capital Hill, 2; total, 5.65 miles. June 30, 1891: Capital, not given; funded debt, $20,000; per mile, $3,500; unfunded debt and current liabilities, $25,000, per mile, $4,400; total invested capital (cost of road, etc.), $45,000, per mile, $7,900; total interest on all debt per annum (estimated at 6 p.c.) $1,200, per mile, $200; dividends, if any, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. WEATHERFORD, MINERAL WELLS AND NORTHWESTERN RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, Weatherford, Tex. Inc. July 8, 1889, in Tex. The Weatherford Construction Co. operated this road until Sep. 30, 1891. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Weatherford to Mineral Wells, Tex., 23 miles. 843 CAPITAL, $500,000, per mile, $21,700; funded debt, $500,000, per mile, $21,700; total invested capital (cost of road), $1,000,000, per mile, $43,400; total interest on all debt per annum, $30,000, per mile, $1,300; dividends, not known. Balance sheet and operations not furnished. WELLSVILLE, COUDERSPORT AND PINE CREEK RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, Wellsville. N. Y. Inc. Nov. 14, 1881, in N. Y. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Wellsville, N. Y., to Genesee, Pa., 10.45 miles. Capitalization of road....... June 30, I891:— | Cyrrent assets to offset cur- : Per Mile. rent liabilities :3.-..s.5205--5se0ce $2,129 MEAT SEOCIC as vaies yess cpsseses . $66,795 $6,400 | Total invested capital........ . 96,059 $9,100: BINGO, CODE hoc ccis vo socooeesseres 23,500 2,200 ‘* Interest on all debt p. ann. 900 86 * Unfunded debt and current ‘¢ Dividends per annum...... Not known. BDUTIES!, sccscetg feivectos cits sve oo 5, 704: 500 | Average ratio of return upon Par of stock, $100. €apital invested aise: se. t- scrseceees sais tea en as Sen ae 36.00 TRACKAGE :— Philadelphia and ‘Hrie-R Roi Warren tourvyineton, Pa. ic... .o ss. re.ess cesses cd cts pam tamer rename 6.30 Rochester Division :— ; Genesee Valley Canal, R Ry: Rochesterito Minsdale, Ni OV i... leks annsecosy soaceesemeenantren 98.61 Genesee Valley Derminal RRs iChiDfoG ates SIN ny asec spaicessscidcotes cise odes vans vans he imeneeee 2.46 Olean, Bradford andyWarren RR>2 Olean, N:Y.,to Penna. State Line..c.c.g,-manes 12,53 Olean, Bradford and Warren RW. : Penna. State Line to Bradford, Pa............cscsee 10.11 Bradford RR. 2 Bradford; Pay to, Intersection Kinzig RR?. 02.05 5.s.se0ce secnicenessn eae ene 14.75 Kinzua RR. wintersection Bradfordih Reet Kin Zuid Pa yais.c0nerescuccos sone scene s7 so oeewennee 14.04 Kendall and: Eldred RRV Eldred to Tarport, Pari: .esssese- sass ceive saslap as reset eee eee 18.28 Rochester, New York and ‘Penna: RRis Nunda, June. to Swain’s, Nv Y....7.0.-cesneereees 12.60 LOU demeont Re ceaester Mae Pearvatcs ales tannemtles er tasiered: eatncs seca tnncsvaceddvedy seaees wiluse tas os cote omen 639.31 Of the above, 327.68 miles are in New York, and 311,63 miles in Pennsylvania. Capitalization of road.....June 30, 1892 :— Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Per Mile. . cavcl poeseeves techy scoscess 516,000 ING nee Wil, Perry COMStOCk " Osn 7, UCN) AON leche Boat oe. 7 ooo'r'*** COOH HHO ee OHHH HOHE EH OH eeeeeey ‘VY a | 9 000°T OD AL WT AR ANS BW 9 000'S "0D 239° “IOppry “ysog’'"N YW 9 OOOSL eesrseeserecceseces eee er eons TARE Ae x W 9 OOOST * 1888 seeeeeeee 90}SnI wey ese” fr 2 f ‘39 OOO LT ***88949" eeeees 99}Sn1l LE Keg sarnse [" x if c DOG peer teeing aT ‘UOPWD'"W x a ‘3s 9 EEL ase TAL ‘asouiyyeg*''' f 329 If 9 gia agmeaes OF 1) ‘a1OWy eg" O 2» Vv 4 9 000‘T OOOO O ose we eees Fee eeenaeeey Hever pases » th 3 9 OOOST*****9"* Se eeeeeor se eeeees Gee ed 2» f re 9 000°! “ANS OAS Ty IBIUsTy Se I aS PEO Or ys ts soe emer VOpUory 28s" »® { 9 POOR e eee HOO ee Hes EHH eet ooeeesees TEL x f 9 COC C OOO” Srseesees Hieesrenrererer vee Ty if w®w f 9 veersoes aX *N a eM perry y a 9 a SATE SI ot ha oUuON'"' Or eeesenes 9 Ooo‘T****"* OPEC Oe ser eran eeeee Beeeeeees a x a ( PTO EOFS He Seeeeenes sarees AS RAR SARS Se OO {h 9 OOO‘ +++" sesrerees SOMNUEMITIIA*'O x V 9 "OZIS ‘ajquAud 919 AA “U9 A. “OEY ——- 389.19}. ———---—— a) ‘SnOLIvA gi6r ‘1 ‘qoy S161 ‘I “YI f6g1 ‘I ‘AON C6gr ‘1 Av EDOM r= Apt: LIOhe Latte go6r ‘I ‘Bny Zoot {ro uel v161 ‘1 ‘ady Z16t% “uel Z161 ‘rt ‘uel “MO]Oq 99S TOT YS SUE. 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PURCHASE MONEY MTGE. BONDS. PHILADELPHIA AND READING RR. CO., APRIL 1, 1898. GUARANTEED BY 3 | | | ¢ : | Sinking Fund Amount paid Outstanding, | |. Rates eawabl | | 1c : Mined No. | for.Land. Issued. Apr. 1, 1893. | Dated. Due. ieee are Lands Mortgaged to Secure Bonds. | Number of Acres. | Rete Latta No. | | | Cents. — 1 $475,000 $420,000 $346,000. Jan. 1, 1872| Javicts Peet 3102) 1) Coe tet +c ececse vance Rue TESTO L LAC 2 WM sesdscsitey es nvacesteccuscaea ssh eswadiedatchoes 450 10 1 = 300,000 300,000 273,000) Jan. 1, 1872)Jan. 1, 1897/6 g, J. & J.5 Corcreese cores PANG ACL ter cescons cave ysestcdadenassossaceravetsccar tembacscRataees ore 205 04 Io = 3 48,061), 48,000 40,000) Jan. 1, 1872\ Jan. 1, 1697/6 2, J. OclJs, b.s--.+ seraceses eRe NUACE. «5 neonseg-yipchveck-tiernipeasdinntas) cus resscaanme tae ceaeee! % of 320 | 10 3 | | | | Gerad MCI A CEs <2 ee 055catclh-c cet edocs tel unas Meatoalapen came arene t ATO elt vo | | | PRR MGM MLL ACE, cos. yineccs dav cote peasceay net suseceued aadaat hase inca 41 of 141 | 4 178,479) 173,000! 146,000) Jan. 1, 1872) Jan. 1, 1897/6 8, J. & Jo, Peveee seve } Hl, <0) otc a a eo ea ee eee inti Sey Cail yee 1k of 76 ! 12 Fe | | | | |West Flowery Field... sess cecssssee ees | 4 of 117) | 5 8.0341 Socal ypel ie oS Wea VAC Esa jyncinssil, aognteu sasdes sacoveersinmeasicrgced(atusr Muceaneg= ¥% of 320! _ re ea ee 30,000) Jan. 1, 1872| Jan. 1, 1897)6 J. & AE AES 5. West Flowery Field Tract.......sscssesesceesreseeceeeceeesseeee: se ceee | % of 117 j ie e i 749,073 618,000 423,000) Jan. .Jy1972) Jan. 1,/1897|0 2, J. Sc Jn, Cocveen seetynene Lee Lands, Oak Hill Tract, ete......sccesssseeessseee seeeeeeeneees 3,243 | IO 6 a | 3,000,000 T,500,000) QIr,000\ Heb. dyg1S72|\F eb, 1, 1807/0 &, * EGAN, Tass eae PMdusomutagad Williams” Lands..s.scrconccss desnneserestencernencesie: | 11,059 | Io 7 # ae 210,000 203,000 Hees Ly1972|Mate 01; 189710 2, Ms & S.,°Coccssetiaeaey oor Mec CE Mer sas weestcateanntebanesescbie oy aceecenint eae emeevndeess 324 10 8 00,000 440,000 153,000\Apr. f, 1872|Apr. 1, 1897/6 2, A. & O., Pevccrcteneee WP OMESS LLACE, necesy:nain #csci duscue eaeel ens ceeemaowanmicasnineseenons | 489 10 9 16) 2,000,000 1,000,000 512,o00/Apr. 1, 1872\/Apr. 1, 1897/6 g. 1 ge a OAS Pa ol Mc: Philadelphia and Mahonoy Coal Cou... cess cesses seeeee sereeeees | 57.7 ea fe) 10 at 800,000 327,000 283,000\Apr.. 1,as72\Apr. 1, 1%07/6 g, A. & O., C...dine seer Sliamexinand Bear Valley CO. i...dccscedecema, sasemies 2,064 10 ae | 12) ie 150,000 150,000)Apr. 1, 1872/Apr. 1, 1902/6 g, A. & O,, Pe..eeseseeeees Salem Coal Co's TSAI Ss he cans erick ona vet aieetanthacceqcter mee setae L357 10 | 12 | 1,172,050 1,000,000 970,000 Apr. 91, 1s72VApr. 13, 189710 2) As 6&0. Te ee ieee Swatara Co’s Lands........ senaaeaenens eeenaeeeracnecenee teeeneans cesseanes| 4,700 10 13 14 290,000 240,000 187,000 Apr. 15, 1972) Jan. 1, 1897/6 g, J. K Jo, Corseesseeterees Brads, Gray and Wetherill Tracts...) 2s ccsc os'ed caedtesacbe tani ites antbeeranaeaen geen % of 167 | | | | Us ae MLC LCE cosccss dh concise. sessed acahencanecaneeteponecem qevennacaraeetl % of 103 J | 24 400,000 400,000 325,000] July 1, 1872\July 1, 18976 2, J. Ko, Corser seereenes Mt. Carmel Locust Mtn. Coal Co. -.eceeseeseerereeeceesneerenenceeees | ; pe | 10 24 ae 139,252 pee p08 ee 6 re ee z Peale 9 i = 1 I vapoek steaeeee pat ote Bots aac ansaus cadavctes coasen ia cacti cipebedtiy iu ataeemane 506 IO 25 26 26,669 26,000 26,000 July 1872\ July 46, 1807\6 2; J. Se J., Ce-cvereccresans| iamon BAG Gerais se ab cesec's tacent te sruhacsadgecen tieaes Reet bene aia meena | IO 26 27) 115,298 115,000 104,000) Aug. I, 1872|Aug. 1, 1897/6 e, F, 8 Au, Cisseccovssecee| MCNEA] Tract... cccsssse cosee seceecsce seececsseoetsreennseces soeeeee coseee 4 of a 16 OT | | EL AE EMa rime ACE, wins scents ysis icone woesb yess seen unemeteen Cmeneterts timate 1 351} | 28 13,181 13,000 ESSN 2, 1872|\Sept. 2, 1897/6 8, M. 8 S., C. serene, IVC y CEMA Ct is cae ccs ichecnaneu.cvsrteceougr saraeOeretpavto ues ar meker aeea eal Oe oe | ie 28 29) 240,000 340,008 231,000|Oct. 1, 1872/Oct. 1, 1897/6 , A. 8 O15 Cossssnson | 2 ae Kinnean i ractsitccc: sacs eae eee oe se) | me ° 30 600,000 600,000 460,000) Nov. 1, 1872|)Nov. 1, 1897/6 ¢,-Mia Se Niet. canes Miser reel AMPrOVeEMent CO. isvetsteveensanaynes se mcaeeeeesos: : 6,940 IO | 30 31 650,000 650,000 408,000) Nov. 1, 1872|/Nov. 1, T897|\0.g, M. &'N., Cy-..5 secens| Helfenstein PRT ACT kes canccsacasdensduepeeteret Rae DRT a ene re ee ce i 2,028 ste) 31 32 200,000 150,000 gt,000|Nov. 1, 1872/Nov. 1, 1897\6g, M. & NS; Cava eteeet (Bieieoiticeburnace- HState..ciccccss00:etsprcaderamewnmescacesattaryee. =e) 5,949 10 32 33) 69,159 69,000 61,000 Jan. 1, 1873) Jan. 1, 18986 J. KT J., Corresseeeseeeeeeee| CO APMELILIPIUSLACE. cress vcassoves {rere eceeeee neneneaeeceeees ceeeeeeeeens canes “601 | Io 33 34 165,479 165,000 15,000) Jan. I, 1873) Jan. 1, 1898/6 g, J. & Ju, Crrsees seconeeee \Gunladeraceonankam:-Uract...icmsccccussccmeteceacemmerensscecceeren S12) | 10 34 35 563,437 128,000) 111,000] Jan. 1, 1873) Jan. 1, 1898/6 8, J. &J., Corsceseee pees Bigyountaid,lmprovement (COc\;cmmesewocssecsccser sate ase: 4,906 IO 35 36) €6,567 66,000 44,000|\Feb, 1, 1873 Feb. 1, 18986 g, F. & Aus Teese seeees WNT GIMCAME TACT c sski sn ccdanncsecances canasnanticnsven seuee pres mannahancdaess (all 576 ge) 36 a7) 33,930 33,000) 33,000|May 1, 1873|May_ 1, 1893.7, M. & N., Crrrssseeeree eee) RGGre VEE eL LACE, vs cnarsnnccasagnseaaveusdenedesate rene sat Herken nace 194. 10 837 38 425,000 345,000 204,000 June 26, 1874) June 1, 1894/7, J. & Dy, Crressesee sees uta oncN.: ¥:)lron Ore Landsxt. ce. scatcacuseseadets ches 2,703. | 25 38 39 1, 300,000 I, 300,000] 1,240,000 July 1, 1874 July 1, 1894/7, J. &J., Ceoreerece pa ee a aeMoEM ACE FOStatGs 0 ccos.ceanssandcuastenaieen feaeabeaka se cust tat 8,553 10 39 40 432,000 432,000 232,000\Oct, I, 1882|Oct.« 1, 1902 6, A. Be On 0S ae eaeecens | Tamaqua Co’s TGANGS vc ccoesal psavechesenaicigt te Gaane ane eran ieee reese dt lecnnns maleate ia wae * 40 41 210,000 160,000) 160,000 May 16, 1883|May 16, 1888 5, Mo Sc Ny, Cosscnevuaseaans Pet RONG: DEACIS.... asa) caacosonenatoduneeceet ace mitncnt conan saute, 906 55 tT AL | | | | (\Adam Raudenbusk Tract.........-..... fF Sebnrs tect PAL oe te ke | 994 BP), ie} if box 20,000/\Oct. 3, 1892 June 1, 1897! Vicia ee aT AMET LAC. cacy dacssssaerusesmceseeennunckensececaies | 210 aS 20 pt | 42 165,830 TIE COR } 110,000|Nov. 1, 1883 Nov. 1, 1888 © Me BEING, Cosnicot anes | John Fidler Tract ...cccssseeeseeseees cesses eeeeneee cesses seeee veveeeees 204a. 62 e | | f 7 ; PEO VACME VV CAVEL jcasacextsaicia@n anarcessahessa gas ree ianexmeeeet utens cee: Sith dat | E G. WAVED sessersereeserees teeetetteieeteeneeteeceseas ceeces seneenes 330 a. 145p. | t 43 427,127 363,000 357,000/Apr. 1, 1884 Apr T, 1904.5, A. & O., Crsseeceseeseeees Stmamiit Lands......ccrcecsssceesserenenceesseeves vagsesees ouvseneen vessenas 1,548 @i207 Bi) | 10 43 | $19,650,944 $14,758,000, $11,604,000 | | oo per annum, + None; not guaranteed by P. and R. RR. Co, RAILROADS. PART !V.-INCOME FROM OPERATIONS, TRAFFIC STATISTICS, ANNUAL MEETINGS, AND TRANSFER BOOKS, MERGED LINES, AND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION. For Officers and Directors, See Part I. For Offices, Length of Road, Capitalization and Operations in Total and Per Mile, Balance Sheets and General Information Not Elsewhere Classified, See Part II. For Description of Funded Debt and Mortgage Digest, See Part III. SUPPLEMENTAL STATEMENT OF THE UNFUNDED DEBT AND PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNTS OF RAILROADS. ; Throughout Part II. a uniform plan has been adopted to present at the end of the latest obtainable fiscal year the capitalization of road and side by side with it the results of operations for the same year. It must be, however, carefully borne in mind that this has been done solely from the standpoint of the investor or stockholder, and not in any sense from that of the credzfor. With this end in view the current balances to the credit of profit and loss account or of income account or similar accounts, have zzvariab/y been included in this exhibit in the totalo ‘“ unfunded debt and current liabilities.’” In this presentation it has not in any case been intended to confound such balances with the vexed one of “‘ floating debt,”’ which would thereby appear at first sight in many cases unduly increased, but to show in aggregate all the invested capital and the entire amount of junior liability as regards the stockholders. While the work has been in press this view has not- been clearly understood nor entirely shared by many railroad officers, and to remove all possible ground for misap- prehension in this important matter, it has seemed best to collate all of the secases in the following table : 974 Sf9‘9 zLo‘Sip LoL ‘1zPv 6SZ‘6SS = HgGHIQ‘'I EzL‘PLE‘z% Lge‘ey g0g C60‘EF 6pz‘ozg‘1 ELe'162 = zzS‘1z6'T zvL‘6SS‘r ggi‘Z6z‘1 9z6‘o9S9‘z zgZ‘toL vrS‘zey'r gzt'h61‘z GLO 00g. OSI 'ZIe e Cco Ze ry zvS‘eZ L16‘gbz'1 O6Sh‘zz0'1 £6z‘¢Z giZ‘6zz_ ~=—s 110‘E o£ gbg‘CZ VyL6z£ = OO ‘ooh 0z9‘9z Svi‘Zy GoL‘eZ 116‘6£1 gS1‘60z 690‘6rE Ere‘L6yp‘v g16‘9bo%z 6Sz‘bPS‘g Poo Gog Loy. 1So. evi Torr zLi‘zfo6 G6oS‘zSS‘1 1g9‘FeS‘or g19‘zZ C1o'fegr 6zg‘SSz Getz er ecosiLi1. © .2S1{or1$ 6oz‘69g‘S LS1‘9zbh‘g g9f‘S6z‘zI PSg‘e 6bL‘b top‘g Ole izec .. g¥S*e0g- -Lez‘zle LoL‘ovl‘t yg6'PLZS zSL‘Sr1f ‘er z1S‘Qy PL1S Leg‘¢S £g6‘oLo‘Ly oSz'Zl1‘6 Lez‘gbz‘gS gti‘vz6‘1 -Log‘g0g = £96 ‘ze L‘z SVI‘o9Z‘z zgo‘oov = Loz ‘ogi ‘E 6gS‘SSr‘r 6zz‘1fL gig‘ogi‘z Egz‘1bS‘1 6Pf‘zg ZEO‘CZO‘I 6bbr‘vo9‘Z 6bo'SSV't g6r'lz1‘6 1zf‘19b‘Zz 6v1‘0S6'S OL 11P'C? 196‘1St gog‘6gq 69L‘1g fyefeeg §=fLlrol6 = g 1 FHS ‘I 6LZVISh'y Cog’El1*z zgz‘SgS‘g OOLQIE 1 -zec*ves —2Q6‘tb1'z gLS‘obg‘z gSo‘voz‘e Plz‘1Sg'S ‘yuswuajddns sag ~—s ggo ‘EPL ‘z Selecor Sto grit. oo 116'¢ 9S9‘6£ eee erseeearee 9S9‘6¢ ooo'gbS Ne OE eh ba ak 629‘9f 906 ‘6 LgS ‘ob gif‘ozS = PRS ‘For = 006 ‘bzg SE6‘0L1F zg6‘zlgif L16‘€Q6‘L gob ‘fz 11¢‘¢ £00 ‘6z 119‘0zv = gz “96 6¢1 ‘61S oo0g‘ISf'S gbhf‘6bo'oS gb6‘oob‘SS ‘yuoutatddng aag = ggt‘SZS‘S e222" HOJABC] 2) ULE Lia lieUUIOUIA) tt sQee tesa seeeeeeeeeeeetBIIOST WW PURIST yoy 9LE saseeeeseeees TOBA IV “DIST YOY ‘oSeorya ELE sreseeeeeneseeeseeerT "9S 29 BIIOIg ‘oSeoiya Ze sesso eeeeereeeeeeeee TLIQULION 29 sayNeMI OLE sse+e-eeee sa sasre TRL ac xy “THAL ‘oseolya eores6z eoceerccesse W sod x "pel Woy ‘OSRIIUD™ Lee sree TSMN 22 YNYOIy ‘soy YSrrresgze semanas cesT TTC — » ay ata ‘AYWD sesueyc" Sze eveesece sooe** UI VODUCUOUC x» uoysoun py" Cze weosecsses eopseetee OUI) 9.9) "lang ar hot hm ees YA ecocceecs ereese? “2 TTI U19}S9 x OSCIUD 2" Gil SORIA A IONE ra 995 | U19}S9/\\ x Oseaiga git ***"T19}SOM 29 BIOYS ayVyT ‘ooynemyIA VIe sree KOTIVA “OI 2Q UIOYAA “UOWsIAT Ze Seingueetceeesss ese) 9.94 We "neg NS SOavoich ss Ole ecccccces eeeeeees tT T9ISOMUJION x oseolys'***"60£ soveccces sabucaseroees* OtTACU BIA x anyesaqq***"*"gof ““SInOT 1S 2 o]lAsueag ‘O][IASINO’T -****" gol oo sos esrasr seen OTT BE =POCR Dp x o[[IAsuUBAg ‘°° SOL oe neeceeete **"STOUNTL] utoysey 04 oSvotya'*: £ok ee ccesceersecoeces Mindy FSO Le x OLEIIU Ty Io¢ serene AT) SBSUBY 2 [NBG 4S Sose.y7 "062 eccccecce plsaiaces set ASOT) » ayeadesays'**** £6z peceeccces qpeseee>* OTITAUSE NI Xx ayeodesoyg eer 767 Beers seme ee Cee eer ooeereees Lees eeees ss AeSneoyeys'****'16z Peer er eee eer eee C808! eeneeees veneer Hever pueyny 692 Ce eeee, caver avecceses U1ISY ION uopuo’y MON °°" LZ9z pelea: sa seehneee sy sess Secif, ‘'N jo DSPs! 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" voncaiivsecncess $5,829,400 RISO CDE, 5.205; $1,561,683 Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific, p. 728. Nov., 1892, Superior Court (Cin.) held Co. liable for par and int. of up- wards $250,000 stock fraudelently issued 10 years previous. Mar. 19, 1893, S. M. Felton appointed Receiver. Cincinnati, Wabash and Michigan, p. 350. Capitalization: unfunded debt proper, $1,432,544, figures on p. 350 including income, bal. $761,782; current assets omitted - $203,882. Operated independently until Jan. 30, 1892, since which as Michigan Div. of ‘‘ Big Four’’ system. Cleveland, Akron and Columbus, p. 345. Mar., 1893, said to have been acquired in interest of Ohio Southern. Cleveland, Canton and Southern, p. 347. Mar. 29, 1893, special meeting voted to increase capital by issue of 91,000 shares Ist class pref. stock to retire present outstanding preferred and Company’s floating debt, to be issued at any time. Co. of $10 per share for each share so offered. Payments may be anticipated or deferred for a reasonable time to accommodate stockhold- | ers intending to make such exchanges, by | agreement with treasurer, if such intention is | In that | case, interest will be computed at 6p.c. per | signified on or before May 1, 1893. Present preferred is ex- | changeable share for share upon payment to | annum on the $10 per share paid in as above, | Stockholders who do not exercise the option and notify the treasurer before May 1, 1893, | shall, in addition to the $10 per share to be paid to Company, with each share of pref. stock, also pay to Company interest on par value of stock offered for exchange, at 4 p.c. | per annum from May 1, 1893, to Jan. 1, 1894, and at 3 p. c. per annum thereafter, until so exchanged. The Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago — and St. Louis RW. System, ‘‘ Big Four Route,’”’ p. 347, comprises the Cincinnati, | Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago RW. with its leased and operated lines (the Cincinnati and Southern Ohio River, the Vernon, Greens- burg and Rushville, the Columbus, Hope and Greensburg, the Fairland, Franklin and Mar- tinsville, and the Harrison Branch RRs.) the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indianapolis RW., the Cincinnati and Spring- field RW., the Indianapolis and St. Louis RR., the Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland RR., the Columbus, Springfield and Cincin- nati RR., the Cairo, Vincennes and Chicago RW., the White Water RR., and the Cincin- nati, Wabash and Michigan RW., accounts of which are all now shown as the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co. The system in addition comprises the follow- ing roads leased or operated, accounts of which are kept separate and not included in the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis, viz. : the Peoria and Eastern RW., the Kankakee and Seneca RW., the Dayton and Union RR., and Mt. Gilead Short Line RW. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago an@ St. Louis, p. 348. Inc. June 27, 1889, in Ohio and Indiana, being consolidation of Cincin- nati, Indianapolis, St. Louis and Chicago, the Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati and Indian- apolis, and the Indianapolis and St. Louis RW. Cos., and subsequently acquired the Cincinnati, Sandusky and Cleveland, the Columbus, Springfield and* Cincinnati, the Cairo, Vincennes and Chicago, the White Water and the Cincinnati, Wabash and Michi- gan RR. Cos. MILEAGE—Ist column, 2d line should be: Galion; 26th line, other lines, 6.91 ; goth line, 153.50; 31st line, branch, 15.51; 2d column, ist line should be 48.5; 12th line, Total, etc., 1,853.14; 23d line, Mt. Gilead Short Line, 2; 27th line, Grand total, etc., 2,352.33. Divisions should be: Cincinnati, 173.67; St. Louis, 266.20; Cairo, 270; Chicago, 319.90; White Water, 84.35; Sandusky, 146.42; Michigan, 251.40; total, 1,853.14. Controlled, etc., Mt. Gilead Short Line, 2; total, 396.50. Total mileage system, 2,249.64. CAPITALIZATION OF RoAD—Unfunded debt proper is $3,316,808, figures (on p. 348) includ- ing income (profit and loss): balance, $816,020. Current assets (omitted), $2,559,524. Income for fiscal year does not include operations of Cin., Wab. and Mich. RR. Dividends should be 3 p. c. on common, 5 p. c. on preferred. ‘‘Bonds. deposited with trustee under 4 p. c. mtge.,’’ (balance sheet, p. 349,) also, ‘‘ List of securities deposited,” etc. (5th paragraph), should show total $2,218,o00, and not include the following items: C. and S. 2d mtge. bonds, $526,000, C), Ce Gand: Timstconsol. mre: bonds: $67\o00,cand #G@y, Gri Cerand Stra, (Springfield and Columbus Div.) fractional bonds, $230; total, $593,230, belonging to general assets and making same $5,307,564.. Last paragraph, 2d line, $44,000,000 in 4 p. c¢. bonds should read $4,000,000; 5th line, after “which” read ‘‘was operated independently to June 30, 1892, since which date it has been operated as the Michigan Division of C., C., Grand St. Liv. sth, line, after Terre Haute RR. add ‘‘ formerly operated under lease.’” Company also owns interest in following Union Depots: Columbus, 4%, Cleveland, 4%, Cin- cinnati, %. Company can retire pref. stock after June 27, 1892. No new bonds can be issued or lease executed without consent of majority interest of pref. shareholders. Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling, p. 355. Reported .Mar., 1893, large block of stock acquired in interest of Cinn., Ham. and Dayton RR. Cleveland, St. Louis and Kansas City, p-.355. Road sold to Missouri, Kansas and Eastern RR. being extended to Franklin, Mo. Offices, St. Charles, Mo. Colorado Midland RW. Co., p. 197. Not RR. Columbia, Newberry and Laurens, p. 209. Funded debt, 1893, should be $707,000, altering balance sheet accordingly. Columbus, Findlay and Northern, p. 341. Not leased to Dayton and Michigan. Dividends, none. Columbus, Hocking Valley and Tole- do, p. 356. Equipment owned clear of car trust, $5,000,000; covered by car trust, $457,000. Nov., 1892, 1,600 new 30-ton coal cars contracted for, to be included in operat- ing expenses 1893-5. Concord and Montreal, p. 359. Zealand Valley RR. and Tilton and Belmont RR. owned. Mileage: Lake Shore RR. should be 16.89; Kilkenny Lumber Co.’s RR., 14.43; Manchester and Keene RR., 29.59; Pemige- wasset Valley RR., 20.57; Suncook Valley RR-, 17.27;.,lilton and Belmont RR. 4.16; Zealand Valley, 7; total, 421.76. Rentals—- Old Colony should be $3,082; Penigewasset Valley RR., $30,504. Last paragraph, oth line, interest allowed from Nov. 5 to May 1, 1893, not Mar. Balance sheet, p. 360: Liabilities : mail account (1860) should be material acct. Securities owned: 2d line, Whitefield and Jefferson RR. should be 2,000 shares; 3d line, value Tilton and Belmont RR., $48,550. Auth. sought by Bost. and Maine to acquire this road. Apr. 20, 1593, bill authorizing lease or purchase by Boston and Maine passed both branches of Massachusetts Legislature and awaits Governor’s signature. Concord and Portsmouth, p. 360. Inc. 1858. * Connecticut River, p. 363. Last para- graph, last line, $185,510 Should be $420,000. Leased Jan. 1, 1893, for 99 years to Boston and Maine, rental Io p.c. per annum on stock and interest on 4 p.c.scrip, bothJ. & J. 1. Lessee pays all taxes and operating expenses, but lessor to issue stock on bonds for permanent betterments. Lessee assumed $876,200 notes payable, outstanding. Scrip outstanding, $1,390,000, redeemable in 10 years in cash or bonds. The Dansville and Mount Morris, p. 44. Palmer“Campbell, President ;- EB. A; Stevens, Vice-President; August Stein, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Lucius N. Bangs, Buffalo, should be Charies R. Bangs, New York. Charles Shephard should be Shepard. Pal- mer Campbell (Hoboken), vice E. P. C. Lewis. Last paragraph (p. 369). Litigation | 8° was in the foreclosure of mtge., and the Erie Co. was held liable for rent and actually paid the semi-annual instalments (with interest thereon) up to about August, 1879, under the judgment of Court of Appeals. Suits still pending to collect rental and interest from Aug. 1, 1879, to May, 1801. Danville and East Tennessee, General Office, 45 Broadway, N. Y. ; Corporate Office, Bristol, Tenn. Inc, Feb: 18, 71883 inawenn,, purchasing the charter and franchises of the Spredwell RR. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned : Bristol east (graded July, 1892), 2 miles-; projected: Bristol, Tenn., to Danville, Va., 180 miles. Capital, $100,000; funded debt, none issued ; unfunded debt and current la- bilities, $20,000; total invested capital, $120,000 ; cost of road complete (estimated), $4,500,000, to July 1, 1%92, $100,000; par of of stock, $100. Capital authorized, $4,000,000 ; funded debt, $5,000,000, none issued. Dayton and Michigan, p. 341. LENGTH OF Roap ? Dayton'to ToledoWe, Omer 7 trackage: Lake Shore and Mich. So. RR., Toledo Jc. to’ Toledo, O23 120 ssstotalye 142 miles. Par of stock, $50. Dayton and Union, p. 351. Income ac- count, gross from other sources, $1,430, mak- ing net total applicable to fixed charges, $65,232; net gain for year, $30,237. Delaware and Hudson Canal System, p. 370. Cherry Valley RR. and Sharon and Albany RR. should read Cherry Valley, Sha- ron and Albany RR. Delaware and Hndson Canal Co..,p. 370. CONDENSED BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892 :— ASSETS. CATION; sale’ « ye rcncd atasocaetey ee open $6,239,210 Railroad and equipment.........:..... 9,294,805 Real vestate.....scscec.cacsuese sees eee II, 350,107 Mine impts., fixtures and equip..... 3,151,749 Boats, barges and steamboats........ 875,857 Coal yards and) fixtures, o-..eserers 141,494 Controlled® lineso.i.5 22,0. cave ete es 5,923,643 Construction—leased lines ........... 506,451 Supplies onY hand (i eeu 1,490,802 Shop tools, telegraph line, étc.. ..... 406,108 Coal On shad 225 s.5- total, $23, 509.817 Dis: bursements—Approved vouchers, $13,708.76 ; int. on bonded debt, $4,590; bonds retired . and cancelled, $3,000 ; cash on hand, $2,301.05; total, $23,599.81. GENERAL BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892: Assets, Constn., $140,000; current bills, $202.23; Nat. Bank North America, N. Y., to 99 pay coupons, $2,400; J. H. Sturgis, Treas., | $2,301.05; total, $144,903.28. Liabilities, Capi- tal stock (5 RR. Cos., 78 shs. ea., $39,000; E. C. Case, Asst. Treas., $1,000), $40,000; bonds outstanding, $75,000; bonds retired, $25,000; unpaid coupons, $2,400; sinking fund, $2,- | 483.72; operating expenses, $19.56; total, $144,903.28. Harrison Branch, p. 352. $50. Hartsville, p. 213. ing June 30, 1892, gross, $13,895; .expenses Par of stock, (inc. taxes $256), $8,465 ; net earnings, $5,430. | Helena and Red Mountain, p. 576. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892: Bates; Gen). Suptas 1s a. Miller, Master Mechanic. P. 435, Company organized Dec. 27, 1881, by consolidation of three companies, viz.: the Indiana, Illinois and Iowa RR. Cos. of the States of Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. MILEAGE—Trackage should be, Wabash, 1.07; Chicago and East Illinois, 13.01; Chicago and West Michigan, 37.08. >. 993 Capitalization of Road, June 30, 1892 :— | Capital stock, $3,597,800, per mile, $30,500; | funded debt, $1,300,000, per mile, $11,000 ; unfunded debt, etc., $454,632; per mile, $3,900 , current assets, $232,502 ; totalinvested | capital, $5,352,432, per mile, $45,400; total | interest on all bonds per annum (less interest on bonds in treasury), $50,300, per mile, $240. INCOME account for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:—Gross from operation $601,306; deduct all expenses, $433,814; net total appli- cable to fixed charges and dividends, $167,492 ; deduct interest on all debt per annum, $50,300; deduct taxes, construction, rentals, etc., | $70,268 net balanance, $46,924. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cost of road, equipment, etc......... $5,119,930 Materials and supplies on hand...... Ae ate UEIMOTLUPATIC So's scccee sol vavclevcosss tocdeees 60,501 Income bonds Owned .........ccccseseee: 42,500 Due from RRs. and individuals...... 78,892 MUMS TATIQOIIS! toscavoaeie rissa costes sede te 15,297 BeerCA ee teraticns oes skesokusdtapices casy=58 $5,352,432 LIABILITIES. | MPLA STOCK sor eiyinuedceleccssveioutodeact $3,597,800 ISIC Deer ligecst ater ncssdsausvonnss | 1,300,000 Equip. trusts not due....... Sea Gaduen sae 108,513 MPEPE MADILITICS.. oi ..fscee ccseetsoeses 121,114 faeeaccd. not yet payable ....... 0 7,667 MEPIIN® ACCOUUNL i .cecccctusvervsesshesceenes 217,338 SE etter olsata ton cxstourtg Kates iss $5,352,432 Indianapolis, Decatur and Western, | Nov., 1892, Supreme Court (Indiana) | confirmed decree of foreclosure under Ind., | Pp. 342. Dec. and Springfield mtge. May 3, 1893. Sale takes place from April, 1886, to and including April, 1880. International and Great Northern, p. 506. Aug., 1892, U. S. Circuit Court granted injunction restraining RR. Commissioners of Texas from enforcing low rates (established by them in Sept., 1891,) for freight which was claimed to entail loss of over $200,000 per annum. Company assumed management of its affairs July 11, 1892. Interstate Consolidated Rapid Tran- | Reorganized as Kansas City | Sit, p. 437. Elevated RW. Co. The Ironton, p. 439. Road does not carry passengers, but used merely for carrying | minerals to furnace of The Thomas Iron Co., which controls it. Island, p. 440. Road being 1 mile long, ‘‘per mile’’ figures same. Income account for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:—Gross, $54,034 ; other sources, $257; expenses, $39,250; net | applicable to fixed charges, etc., $15,041 ; de- | duct interest on all debt per annum, $24,000 ; net loss for year, $8,959. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—Assets: | Cost of road and equipment, $605,500; current accounts, $2,024; cash on hand, $497 ;_ profit and loss, $23,308; total, $631,329. Liabilities: | Capital stock, $200,000; funded debt, $400,000 ; current accounts, $31,329; total, $631,329. 63 Trustees of said mtge. adver- | tised Feb., 1893, for purchase of coupons due | | Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West, p. 440. April 15, 1893, James H. Durkee ap- pointed Receiver (of trunk line property only) vice R. B. Cable, who succeeded Mason Young the previous week. St. John’s and Lake Eustis RW., Florida Southern Div., and Indian River Steamboat Co. retain separate mangement. James River Valley, p. 576. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :—Liabtli- ties: Capital stock, $1,000,000; funded debt, $963;000 ; current liabilities, $28,890; total, $1,991,890. Assets: Cost of road, $959,459; stock issued for guarantee of bonded debt, $1,000,000; current assets, $32,431; total, $1,991,890. Kaaterskill, p. 70. R. B. Jones, also Au- ditor ; N. A. Sims, Gen. Fgt. and Pass Agent, Rondout, N. Y. DireEcTrors—Edwin Young, should be Albany; Albert Cardoza, New York City vice N. A. Sims; Samuel G. Dimmick should be Kingston. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:—Gross, $14,351 ; ex- penses (including taxes, $703) $10,170; net, $4,181 ; deduct interest on all debt per annum, $4,680 ; deficit, $499. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—Assets + Cost of road, $148,010; equipment, $28,362 ; cash and current assets, $11,066; profit and loss, $8,162; total, $195,600. Liabilities : Capital stock, $100,000; funded debt, $60,000 ; current liabilities, $35,600; total, $19§,600. Kanawha and Michigan, p. 808. Un- funded debt should be $64,958. Income 1892: Gross should be $360,091. Kansas City and Independence Air- Line, p: 443. In Jan., 1893, entire stock bought by Kansas City Suburban Belt Co. Kansas City and Southwestern, p. 202. Substitute fcr capitalization of road: Capital stock, $1,238,800, per mile, $20,000; funded debt, $744,000, per mile, $12,000; unfunded debt, etc., $23,901, per mile, $400, current assets of like amount ; total invested capital, $2,006,701, per mile, $32,400. Kansas City Bridge and Terminal, p. 72. W. E. Hanson not a director. This Company, with Chicago, Kansas Cily and Texas RW. Co., in process of reorganizasion, looking to completion of bridge across Mis- souri river, having been sold under foreclosure Feb. 3, 1893. Boston Office, Ames Building. Kansas City Elevated RW.Co. General Office, Kansas City, Mo. Successor to Inter- state Consol. Rapid Transit RW. Co. and is being changed to be operated by electricity. Capital stock, $1,800,090 common; $800,000 preferred. 1st mtge. bonds, $2,600,000,of which $600,000 are preferred. Foregoing represents franchises and property. There may be small floating debt which will be represented by corresponding amount of quick assets. Kansas City, Fort Smith and South- ern, p. 447. Acquired by Kansas City, Pittsburgh and Gulf RR. Co. Kansas City, Pittsburgh and Gulf RR. Co. General and Corporate Office, 2d and Wyandotte sts., Kansas City, Mo. See Mis- souri Coal and Construction Co. (Part II, p. 994 621.) Name changed latter part of 1892 from Kansas City, Nevada and Fort Smith RR, | Apr., | Phila. (Pa.) Office, 437 Chestnut st. 1893: Authorized issue at $25,000 per mile of ist mtge. 5 p. c. gold 30-year bonds, but for first 4 years they wlll be incomes, each coupon for that period sharing pro rata in earnings. Has been operated from Kansas City to Hume, Mo., 81 miles, and will be opened shortly to Pittsburgh, 50 miles farther. | In construction from Pittsburg to Joplin (25 miles to be completed in summer), connecting with Kansas City, Ft. Smith and Southern (Joplin to Sulphur Springs, 50 miles), and grading towards Ft. Smith (having been | granted right of way through Indian Territory at last session of Congress), where connec- | tion will be made with Texarkana and Ft. Smith RR. (26 miles) which will be used as part of through line to Gulf of Mexico. Both of these companies have been acquired The Kansas Midland, p. 202. $3,004,200, per mile, $28,100; $2,680,000, per mile, $25,000; total invested capital, $5,684,200, per mile, $53, Loo. Capital Kansas City, Watkins and Gulf, p. 73. Alex. Thomson, ist Vice-President ; James Moses, 2d Vice-President, N. Y. city ; General | Manager, F.S. Hammond. J. F. McCoy not Traffic Manager but General Ticket Agent. | W. C: Hole, General Freight Agent; T. L. | Palmer, Auditor; J. B. Watkins (2 Wall st., N. Y.) also Purchasing Agent. Office, Lake Charles, La. Moses, N. Y.; vice H. G. Chalkley. Road in operation about 8 months. Earnings not reported, said to be sufficien] to meet all | expenses and interest charges and pay divi- | Funded debt, $1,411,250. | dend on stock. Loans and bills payable Jan. 1, 1893, $17,172. Keokuk and Northwestern, This road was, in June, 1889, sold to and con- solidated with St. Louis, Keokuk and North- | western RR. Co., of which it now forms part. | Kings County Elevated, p. 452. 1893. Plan approved as submitted by Finance Committee (August Belmont, Jas. O. Sheldon, Wm. A. Read) provides for exchange of one- | third of existing 2d mtge. bonds for 6 p. c. | non-cumulative income bonds, to secure full interest as earned, up to 6 p. c. before any dividends on stock and to put in trust 2 years’ coup. (1893 and 1894) from the unexchanged bonds. Majority of bonds have assented. To prevent unfavorable action by holdets not yet assenting, an injunction has been obtained restraining Central Trust Co., trustee, or any | bondholder from interference with readjust- ment plan or operations. Kingston and Pembroke, p. 75. Supt. F. A. Folger, Gen’l. Fgt. and Pass. Agt. Jas. Swift,: Asst. G. F. and P. A., F. Conway, Chief Engr. T. W. Nash, Auditor J. White- head. p. 453. Gen’! offices, City Hall Station, Kingston, Ont. Transfer office, Flower & Co., 52 Broadway, where coupons are paid. Capital stock, $4,5000,000. Company prcposed in Jan., 1892, to issue 5 p. c. preferred bonds. Com- pany received originally about £1,000,000 in | municipal bonuses. funded debt, | Operating | Directors: Jas. | D:19326. Apr.. | Asst. | Lake Erie and Western, p. 455. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892. ASSETS. Road and equipment......... ceccseees $32,972,582 Materials on Nati... c..esssscancsccasee 97,412 Bonds and stocks owned..........0++ 207,376 phaxesianid AMSuranCes...scssseeroreron 14,747 Due from agents and RRs..... ...... 128,773 Accounts rcceivable...... ssseessceees 48,098 Miscellameous....... saccceccencscees soses 1,307 GASH eisceeceigeseicsss vacnente soceesoreeene tt 526,712 SPOLAl caweesotsseisecciunie tee escapee $33,997,007 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock. ticcgecc-csccseereevesneemten $23,680,000 Funded debtyitscssccsscesctmeneeernenes 8,750,000 Aecrued interest:$...)2se. ss yess meieen aed 219,850 Accounts payable..........<.cs-esceceses 118,478 Unpaid Wages....2... Asst. Sapte Edward McFadgen ; Supt. of R. S. and M. P. , Wm. Ee Nuttall; Auditor, Robert Porteous ; Car Acct. and Train Despatcher, Gear. Cole ; Purch: Apts, O./S, Hawes Supt-- of) Tels Chas. Carroll ; Land and R. of W. Agt., Albert Wilson. Director Wm. J. Law, should be Lau. MILEAGE, p. 485—Manistee to Traverse City, 70; branches, 10; other sidings and branch tracks, 20; total, 100. Authorized capital should be $2,000,000. Manistique, pp. 86, 485. Gen. Supt., John Millen, Black River, Mich. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892: Assets, Cost of road, $328,591 ; equipment, $71,875 ; cash, $4,329; current accounts, $7,200; total, $411,995. Liabilities, Capital stock, $150,000 ; bills payable, $25,000; current accounts, $82,600; profit and loss, $154,395; total, $411,995. Martha’s Vineyard, p. 588. and operated by J. W. Wardwell. Road owned Mechanicsville and Fort Edward, p. 403. Fitchburg RR. Co. has no interest in this corporation. Stillwater branch, about 2 miles; is laid on the M. and F. Ed. right of way under lease. Metropolitan Elevated, p. 484. BAL- ANCE SHEET: Cash on hand should be profit and loss (surplus). Mexican Central RW. Co., Limited, p. 488. 1st paragraph, 2d line: Omit “and pur- chased,”’ etc. MILEAGE: 2d line, Guanajuato Div. should be ‘‘ Guadalajara Div.’’ ; 5th line, should be ‘‘average operated in 1891, 1,665.11 miles. Add to last sentence: ‘‘for the 6 months to. Dec. 31, 1891,’’ Ist paragraph, p. 489, last sentence, should read: ‘‘ Work was commenced Mar. 13, 1890, and was prac- tically completed in early part of 1893.”’ CAPITALIZATION: Unfunded debt, etc., proper, $3,295,588, per mile, $1,757 (figures on p. 489 including income balance and other items, not current), making total invested capital, $137,634,611, per mile, $73,405, and average ratio of return, etc, 24% p. c.; cur- rent assets to offset current liabilities, $2,196,384. 5th paragragh, 5th line, should read: ‘‘which left after adjustments, $14,900,634.38, Mexican currency,’’ etc. 6th paragraph, 2d line, for ‘‘should cease’’ read *‘ceased’’; 3d line, for ‘‘should be’’ read TAG, STATEMENT, p. 390: ‘‘ Less overpayment, refunded to Government, $4,462.06 Mexican currency”’ should be: $3,929.66, U. S. cur- rency. ‘‘Less amount paid for $1,405,000 priority bonds redeemed,’’ should be $1,403,000. SECURITIES owned: 8th line, Tampico cer- tificates should be securities. Mexican Southern RW. 494. Omit Corporate Office. Limited, p-. Correct mile- age: Completed, Puebla to Oaxaca (three sections) 228 miles. Entire line opened for traffic Dec., 1892. Michigan Central, p. 537. First para- graph 23d line, ‘‘ in the reapportionment every five years’’ shauld read, | Subject to ead dae tionment every five years.’ Millen and Southern, p. 497. Capitali- zation of road Dec. 31, 1892: Capital stock, (authorized $600,000, par $100), $192,000, per mile, $6,000; no funded debt; unfunded debt, etc., $50,000, per mile, $1,562.50; total in- vested capital (representing cost of road and equipment, ) $242,000, per mile, $7,562.50. Income for fiscal year ending Dec. 31, 1892 : Gross from operation, $57,649.50, per mile, $1,801.54; operating expenses, $31,286.51, per mile, $977.70 ; net applicable to fixed charges, etc., $26,362.99, per mile, $823.84. Middle Georgia and Atlantic, p. 497. Nov., 1892, Seaboard Construction Co. re- ported to be now completing this line to Cov- ington, 44 miles, Mineral Range, p. 498. Road reorgan- ized in 1891. Dec., 1892, controlling stock in- terest bought by Duluth, South Shore and Atlantic parties. In 1892, gross earnings $129,163; in 1891, $146,505. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. Costsof toa ds Mie a Aaa tees eee $537,917 TECUID MEN wnceeseces vervonecenrsenanees weaeeee 120,517 Real estate and buildings ............. 138,572 SECUTILIEGS OWNER .).Uuss.scseeper ieee 530,084. Materialssand, fitel.c..s:cskesveeet caer 14,299: Current accounts: in, ...2scsesceme easeereee 14,314 Cash’ On sBamd sccacess geasees acts setveeeeas 23,280 Other property and assets...........0.. 30,112 EOLA cc sapsencies das tse luntegnventenest ya ateeme $1,409,695, LIABILITIES (SA OItASLOCKS so «shots psaaneessa-teeeeoeeenes $393,400 Punded debt... 7.<:.1--, saad SoAulS oh Gases 645,600: BillsPAvalsle, jcc csokccescssveneeci eaters 142,500. CUrrentiACcountS 7... .o.cpsaueee enero 16,388 Enterest wnpaids 5 as. akeac tn aeeesenes 8,925. - Protit GNC (1OSS+: 100 .ac-edcdaceeseeeevcoes eng aoe LOCAL ce rensestiasvs teoatwunt vag gnsy shen wees $1,409,695. Minneapolis and St. Louis, p. 498. “Albert Lea Route.’’ Minneapolis, Sl, Paul and Sault Ste Marie, p. 267. In 1892’extension projected to Internation Boundary, N. W. from Cathay 180 miles, at boundary to connect with Cana- dian Pacific, making through line from Pacific to St. Paul and east. Mississippi River rnd Bonne Terre, p. 500. Correct mileage, Riverside to Doe Run, Mo., 47.47 miles. Built to facilitate transpor- tation of supplies for and shipments from the: St. Joseph Lead Co. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: Gross, $135,474; oper- ating expenses (including taxes, $2,406), $93,631; net, $41,843; interest on current lia- . bilities, $833 : net income, $41,010; dividends. (6 p. c. a $18, 000 ; surplus, $23,010. 997 BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—Assets: cost of road, $839,614; equipment, $55,274; cash and current assets, $24,826; materials and supplies, $30,478; total, $950,192. Lia- bilities : Capital stock, $300,000 ; current lia- bilities, $582,138; profit and loss, $68,054; total, $950, 192. Mississippi River Bridge, p. 303. Un- funded debt is sinking fund. Missouri, Kansas and Eastern, p. 502. The Cleveland, St. Louis and Kansas City RR. was purchased and being extended to Franklin, Mo., forming part of this line. Offices, St. Charles, Mo. Missonri Pacific, p. 503. Floating debt Sept., 1891, reported as $4,481,347, reduced _April, 1893, to $3,600,000, of which Mr. Gearge J. Gould is said to own $2,800,000 and Mr. Russell Sage $800,000. Against this the Com- pany is said to own and hold in its treasury the following securities: $1,000,000 Iron Mountain 5s ; $3,000,000 Mo. Pac. ist collat- eral trust 5s ; $5,500,000 Wabash debenture B bonds, aggregating $9,500,000. No sale of these securities will be made at present mar: ket prices, and the above gentlemen will cairy the amounts until satisfactory adjust- ments are had. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cost of road and equipment........ $50,721,057 Investments in stocks and bonds. 56,619,395 Materials and supplies on hand... 705,709 Be corse Soke sa cst avoud cd vetereseroes onsen I, 233,681 UWncollected. accounts.......0. sseseces 3,722,508 ween a can assene vastntecet ese castes $113,002,410 LIABILITIES. Rn ox cay babase (os tite rgs costes dob neens $47,436,575 IOC CED Cs do.cs oss decsussiversieebersss 54,012,000 Interest due and accrued...... ..... 838,939 | MC ICTS ov pce gsiclouvse deck wn sacsdeseadesace 2,305,422 Advances by directors......cccsecsess 4,100,658 BOG ACCOUNL........: ,+00085 migees naa 4,248,816 | BE hei cats 5 ache ceeeuivased ois tye . $113,002,410 Mobile and Ohio, p. 510. April, 1893, | litigation instituted Feb. 1892, by holders of | “assented stock” claiming to own majority, to cancel authority given by the assented stock to the trustees of debentures of 1879, vesting right to vote such stock at all meet- | ings, was decided in favor of plaintiffs by lower court, but on appeal, Supreme Court of Alabama reversed decision in favor of de- fendants to original suit, viz.: Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., Mobile and Ohio RR. Co., and W. Butler Duncan. Mohawk and Malone, p. 287. Adirondack and St. pleted Nov., 1892. Formerly Lawrence RR. Com- New York Central and Hudson River RR. vote April 19, 1893 as to | lease of this road and guarantee of rst mtge. bonds. N. Y. C. will acquire stock. Monongahela River, p. 240. gah Route.’’ General and Corporate Office, | Monongah, W. Va. T. J. Cole, Car Service Agent. ““Monon- | Morris and Essex, p. 379. Balance sheet, construction and equipment should be $38, 508,488. Nashua, Acton and Boston, p. 361. Capitalization of road June 30, 1892: Un- funded debt, $634,983, making total invested capital $1,634,983. Nashville and Knoxville, p. 516. Road under construction to point 20 miles beyond Cookeville. Income for year ending June 30, 1892 : Gross, $74,166; expenses, $48,246; net, $25,920; interest accrued and unpaid, $30, 360 ; loss, $4,440. BALANCE SHEET, June 20, 1892—Assets - cost of road, $1,544,354; rolling stock, $56, 384; cash, $5,334; current accounts, $174,517; profit and loss, $22,759; total, $1,803,348. Liabilities ; Capital stock, $372,700; funded debt, $1,170,000; current accounts, $260,648; total, $1,803,348. Nelson and Fort Sheppard RW. Co., see Spokane Falls and Northern RW. Co., supplemental. Nevada County Narrow Gauge, p. 100. Peter Johnson, director and Vice-president should be Johnston. P. 518, income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: gross, $89,550, per mile, $3,980; expenses, $62,647, per mile, $2,785; net, $26,903, per mile, $1,195 ; interest on all debt per annum, $21,259, per mile, $944; net gain, $5,644, per mile, $251. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—Assets: Cost of road and buildings, $543,203 ; equip- ment, $76,199; materials and fuel on hand, $7,114; total $626,516. Liabilities: Capital stock, $242,200; funded debt, $260,000; cur- rent liabilities (balance), $10,484; July cou- pons, $10,400; profit and loss, $113,832 ; total, $626,516. Newburyport City, p. 687. Road pur- chased for $55,500 by Boston and Maine RR. and now forms branch line. New Orleans and Mobile, p. 477. Operations included in Louisville and Nash- ville RR. Co. New Orleans and Southern, p. 520. Authorized capital, $200,000 ; funded debt au- thorized, $1,000,000, of which $50,000 in hands of Company and $26,000 held to retire outstanding Mississippi, Terre aux Boeuf, and Lake bonds. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. New Orleans and Gulf RR. (total capital created $1,450,000) .......00.. $1,068,800 Impvt. account N. O. and So......... IOI,Q07 Reorganization account .........css06.. 29,168 CrevaSse ACCOUNT. ssca-seaseas-seteosece’ 19,262 Coal and materials on hand........... 558 Sundry accounts in collection. ....... 6,790 STISPENSE ACCOUNT. co teted onsale ies 2cs0 2,690 Discounts, commissions, etc........... 6,592 Casivan Dank Ste Aieratasicrscatversacaese 894 Cash in hands London directors..... 12,390 998 LIABILITIES. COATT BLOC IG. veatiees shasihetessg tiie cos $118,810 | EMSC GCE ret? wwisdcacee vs esters dest eecees 924,000 Prior lien bds. (total issue $250,000) 118,800 | Miss., Terre aux B. and Lake bds. 26,000 | PME DA VAD IOS nidy cateoactc00) coceslcesheoe hs 39,096 N. Orl. and Gulf RR. pd. in by Rec. 3,800 | Bal. ins. fd. for restor. work-shops 7,505 RNCLIEO VENUE st icerrsdtasss cess twseusscectes . 10,990 Biba tec es ets Macca tage bash ceties st ein ae oe $1,249,051 | Income for eleven months ending June 30, 1992, (including steamboat earings): Gross, $147,623; expenses, (including )3,232 taxes) | $134,965 ; net, $12,658. Newport News and Mississippi Val- ley, ‘‘The Mississippi Valley Route,’’ Gen- eral Office;i23 Broad ‘st:,, N.Y. ;. Corporate Office, New Haven, Conn. Inc. Mar., 1884, in Conn. OxsjECcT—To construct or acquire railway | and transportation lines, and to hold or | negotiate the necessary incidental securities. | Pursuant to powers conferred by its charter, the Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR. Co. was leased for 50 years from Feb. 1, 1886, and the Elizabethtown, Lexington and Big Sandy RR. for 250 years from same date, but (under terms of purchase agreement of Jan., | 1892) lease of the latter was transferred to | Chesapeake and Ohio RW. Co., which owns all but 270 shares of its stock. The Central Pacific is interested to the extent of $1,680,000 stock in this Co. Provision is made for proper maintenance and repairs of the leased roads by lessee, which pays fixed charges as far as net earnings will permit, dividing any surplus earnings up to 6 p. c. equally between lessor companies, and any excess after that reverts to lessee. LENGTH OF ROAD leased: Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR., 398.48, and its sub- sidiary lines; Ohio Valley RR., 108.13; Owensboro’, Falls of Rough and Green River RR. /.20 >) total, 532.61." Hodgenville (and Elizabethtown RW., 11.3; Troy and Tip- tonville RR., 4.6; total, 15.9; total leased, 548.51 miles. Capitalization of road........Dec. 31, 1891 :— Per Mile. Wa pitalistOck:, :ossc.sencerehese $13,694,490 $24,900 Funded debt.Pascscce adveswscs None. Unfunded debt and cur- rent liabilities ..0.. icecess 15739, 700% 3,100 Current assets to offset cur- ret, liabilities. <....c¢:.0. «0 lqual amount, Total invested capital....... $15,434,190 $28,000 “Int. onall debt p. ann.. 534,430 - 9,717 ‘“ Dividends per annum. ‘None paid. Average ratio of return upon capital invested.....Not known. Par of stock, $100. STATEMENT showing receipts and dis- | bursements for year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— RECEIPTS, Gross Garnings Ot, 1SOL. cos sensesen nse $2,341,990 AT AL PON tA. ize annem poi ordinate ecole 5,000 Int. Paducah Union Depot Co. bds. 2,100 | Div. Paducah Union Depot Co. stk. 5,250 Coupons outstanding heretofore...... 330,720 | Balance GUueileesee! .j/1..csrersuseressate’s 890,285 DISBURSEMENTS. Balance from last year.......0. sesserees $935,432 Operating expenses for 1891........ .. 1,562,847 . GRAS Celie Asha padeeecoconosde suecaccuoitaddé: asbuss 40, 500 TENILAIS Si ccc ese ckecasase se. benenesce ste pteeiinas 62,017 Miscellaneous €xpensSes ...ccccsecnstewen 16,721 Construction and improvement...... 216,841 FEGUIPMION tin sien vases ee cc Cece eeeneehemenmae Ny gles REAM CSUATS ie ascsis tas tens 4 accoene, peneeqehins 10,048 P, and ERR. sinking fund ...7-2,e. 5,000 Equipment trust bonds retired....... 70,000 Equipment trust notes retired........ 34,484. Other liabilities... :.\.tcccsas oes cueesecetee 34,800 Interest on mtge. bonds............+0+. 489,000: Interest on equipment obligations.. 14,905, Interest.on other: debt Wis... sseaemcneoes 30,530: TOU A seceanastaavion sdoeise dea sae eeRaeennes $3,575) 345» BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. C.& O. RW. (2,319 shs. 1st pref. stk.) $231,963. : C. & O. RW.(13,104 shs. 2d. pref. stk. )1,310,400 E.L.&B.S.RR.Co(10,555shs.cap.stk.) 1,055,500: C.,0.&S.W.RR.(57,087 shs.com.stk) 5,708,700: C.,0.&S.W.RR. eee Be koe 3,511,600: Cash, general office.. 842 Cash, local offices... csi i2 nakiegiesenectnees 1a DE BOOSOSL Remittances in translt...... ssessseeseee eee 53,416 Agents and conductors icivsesmccre eure 36,627 Bills:receivablei.i...ccssccsssagesesnensereeeee 2,888: Sundry roads and persons (c....0aeeee 185,599 U.S. Post Office Departments 2... 14,379 Unadjusted: open accounts.sinnuceweces 143,322 Cac OA RWC sacesesdehea cease eee 651 Cr Ov and. 5S: W, RRe Coss 2 aiineeesare 890, 285, HeelJand Be S: RR Co.d.ncee eee 195,191 Troy and Tiptonville RRP Cor... 5,057 Louisville pass. station—construction 287,130 Bonds of other compani€s...........00008 18,137 Stock in other companies:.ctic.s..seee: 5,186 Stock of supplies on hand ..77..).c0..steses ey Oe Ohio Valley RW: Coan cise peeeeee F182 Terminal property at Evansville...... 123,175 BAIANCE ican tess telduseesess ae sedeecmnenntnentae 1,202,481 POLAT: os by cues esee meek nce eee $15,434,190 LIABILITIES. Capital stock) (issued, c...ssecsveecess $13,677,400 Capitalystock i(scrip)..d.cnuaeesane 17,090 Vouchers and pay-rolls unpaid...... 309,888: State and municipal taxes unpaid.. 4,804. Sundry roads and persons ............ 46,447 Unadjusted open accounts........s.000 72,352 Loans and bills payable................ 1,241,989 Louisville pass. station—rentals..... 26,489 Peer) Beh IO VV CG ates es naeessn neem 6,539) Renewal funds \.y..: 50s sescuvcanneureade 16,245, PUCONIEACCOUNL. cos acee aah se nee Ap 14,947 ED Staal Sis duccdtew hk tcctaisc sete vee tteereee $15,434,190 Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR. Co., General Office, 23 Broad st., N. Y.; Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. 1881, in Ky. ; succeeding Memphis, Paducah and Northern RR. foreclosed ; Paducah and Eliza- bethtown RR. was merged. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Elizabethtown (via Paducah), Ky., to Memphis, Tenn.., 345.1; branch: Elizabethtown to Cecilia Jnnc., 6351.1; leased: Louisvilleand Nashville RR. Co., Cecilia June. to Louisville, Ky., 45.55 trackage ; Lowis and Nash. RR. in Louisville, Sep 1.52; total 398.12 miles. Operated (separ- ately): Hodgenville and Elizabethtown RW., 11.1; Troy and Tiptonville RR., 4.6; total, 15.7; controlled: Ohio Valley RW., 108.13; Owensboro’, Falls of Rough and Green River RR., 26; total, 134.13; total operated and controlled, 547.95 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Capital stock....... saninutanv nas $9,726,600 $18,300 BIER GED. 2. vices cesseveess 10,541,000 19,900 Unfunded debt and current | MUP ETLES! 22530). ica cavese coeees 4,269,547 8,100 | Current assets to offset cur- Pent Habtlities..i......s.ecbsees 2,349,320 feral invested capital.....:... 24,537,147 46,300 Beinterest onalldebt p.ann. 722,834 1,364 “ Dividends per annum.....None paid. Average ratio of return upon eapital invested ...... sccesess .006 p. C. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892:— Per Mile. Total gross from operation...$2,297,825 $4,300 ‘“ gross from othersources 45,525 100 Peduct all expenses............ *1,547,855 2,900 Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends..... 795,495 1,500 Deduct total interest on all | BIE ASA DONG.U. ten taicteasct T814,114 1,550 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss...... 18,619 50 Par of stock, $50. * Includes taxes, $73,189. + Includes rentals, $91,280. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Peoid: and franchises... s.css.se -eseee $16,809,641 Construction and improvement...... 3,298,540 BUIEAUIICTIL Sic cvcessccucestniegsceced se texases 2,079,645 SPIRO SLACE ci cos coevcssukte ice ye cqetceetersce 260,201 REEF Sess eset co swisusisvep Aigetecs sencegers 1,089 eeand ©. RR. sink. fund............... 123,056 Bonds and stocks owned..........+006 1,668,000 Unadjusted open accounts............. 42,871 MeOa VANS RW. CO.) ssasescssaserevees 254,103 BOCA EN arte ss dun toca yeenerecarareencis $24,537,147 LIABILITIES. MMTINTLON. STOCK s4.: ss cevccevks secetasse sons . $6,030,600 OTL CG SLOCK yc 5cccdss sweets cscice codenaces 3,696,000 Funded debt.. eee . 10,541,000 Loans and bills payable. edeewebeeehe ure 4,702 BETIEMATIISL, DONS: 00, 2. csv sestcds tose 648,000 BUMMIED AT USE JOATIS: sox ccs seceirsoees cosess 265,528 | BIC COUDONS socks vcocsenes aes seiesces 591,910 eee TL MEY CO ., fonascces cetons synee 1,399.701 BIEOCNEL PALtieS.. 005.1004 vocersods crocs 72,066 Unadjusted open accounts..... .... Rio BEES L ACCT CC igs .ccnaiesedacea --ooneses 265,025 BUETIRAE ACCOTIN GC.) veccsnhescecenecs ons sesne 1,018, 306 MERE Teh eccclccocsn tosenteteresys osres 24,537 5147 Preferred stock Authorized, $3,860,000. This road was leased Feb. 1, 1886, for 50 years, by Newport News and Miss. Valley Co., at arental equivalent to interest on bonds and non-cumulative dividends not exceeding 6p.c. per annum. The “Cecelia branch” (formerly owned) was sold to Louis: and Nash. RR. Co., on Jan. 19, 1877, and is leased perpetually at ’ $60, ooo per year. Control of the stock of the Ohio Valley RW. was acquired Aug. 1, 1891, and its bonds are guaranteed. The Owensboro’, Falls of Rough and Green River RR. Co. was purchased in July, 1892, in the interest of this Company. By action of shareholders of common stock, in 1884, in can- celling 5 p. c. of their holdings (amounting to $317,400), the deficit account of 1883 was met. Fiscal year changed to June 30 to con- form to Interstate Commerce Commission and State regulations. The Louisville and Nash- ville RR. transferred, on July 1, 1892, its Clarksville and Princeton branch (Princeton to Princeton Junc., 52 miles), at a rental of $12,040 per annum, under 99-year lease. Hodgenville and Elizabethtown. eral and Corporate Office, Inc. Apr..8;, 1884, in Ky: LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Hodgenville to Elizabethtown, Ky., 11.1 miles, where con- nection is made with Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR.,which operates it separately for account of owners. Gen- Louisville, Ky. Capitalizajion of road..... .. June 30, 1891:— Per Mile- CAPITAL StOC Kec ce scewaaicnesne-sentiy. W123, 500 81 In2og EMR CeGICeDt mrss sees neninete oc 150,000 13,600 Unfunded debt and current Tia DUT Ss eae e Qieeeaneticcety «aes 25,025 2,300 Current assets to offset cur- FENE HAD UMS avec csc ue tenet ss 6,671 Total invested capital......... 299,125 25,100 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p.an. 7 SOOuy menOea ‘“ Dividends per annum.....None paid. Average ratio of return upon CapitallinVested :..:.s.arso0se 6°p.!c: Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Total gross from operatlon...... $8,878 $807 Total gross from other sources ZAG 2 22 Deduct all EXPENSES | \eesecacs *7,300 663 Net total applicable ‘to fixed charges and dividends. ......... 1,827 166 Deduct total interestonalldebt ARADO VE se sites shtanucstavelarsnees 17,500 681 Net result on year’s business for stockholders, loss............ 5:07 3° 0585 Par of stock, $100. *Includes taxes. +Matured, but not paid. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891.—Assets, Cost of road and equipment, $247,519; cash and accounts, $6,671 ; profit and loss, $17,935; totai, $299,125. Lzabdbilities, Capitai, $123,500 ; funded debt, $150,000; upaid coupons, $22,- 500; assumed interest, $3,125 ; total, $299,125. Ohio Valley. General and Corpo- rate Office, Evansville, Ind. Inc. Apr. 6, 1886, in Ind., succeeding to South Kentucky RR Ge. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Evansville, Ind., to Princeton, Ky. (on C., O. and S. W.) 98.63; branches, 9.5; total, 108.13 miles. Pro- jected: Evansville, Ind., to Jackson, Tenn., 200 miles. Capitalization of road........ June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. Capital stockins, snucsasesscennehes $2,162,600$20,000 Pirndedd eb te ripicrrs sanceneatccan 2,162,600 20,000 Uufunded debt and current LAIST te Sieagee teen np einsen assets 385,418 3,600 IO0O Current assets to offset cur- PETA IADINITIES Wess vevnscsss pooece £119,387 Total invested capital........... 4,710,618 43,600 ‘“ Interest on all debt p.ann. 62,994 583 *“ Dividends per annum...... None paid. Average ratio of return upon Capital sinivested vy.cc.tecsdsas eee 2p.c Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1891:— Ren Mile: Total gross from operation...... $270,404 $2,503 Total gross from other sources 5,614 52 Deduct all expenses............ wes 155,950) nl, Tor Net total applicable to fixed charges and dividends ........ 90,068 834 Deduct total interest on all VCD MAS ADO V Gra. layectt satnscey es 168,394 633 Net results on year’s business for stockholders, gain......... 2T,O078 geezor Par of stock, $100. *Includes taxes, $435; extraordinary expense, $6,325. yIncludes rental (terminal facilities), $5,400. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. Cost of road and equipment........... $4,591,231 Materials and fuel on hand............. 4,021 | Current/accounts...;...:;...- seb ateagedens 14,032 EaSiY Olt Hand ier w an adesens ee rans netisoweeses 15,334 Bonds.to sécure car liens, ......00dsi.00. ), O00 MOtaL eoighesaseds costar sauseatovarets gana ts $4,710,618 5 LIABILITIES. SSDIEAISSLOC EAs .o5.cauhadanes sau nesm ace ose. ott $2,162,6co Progicdedsdebt: vc. tscners seen eaesen Aeneas 2,162,600 | Bills payable, real estate........0 sce. 10,802 ie IORSY | Lgnec Sar ma aie aren pe 74,976 LM DAICeCOU PONS 4. stswisaarwthanacitarvscaeces 54,065 SUICFENEPACCOU NES aceas conmeaen corer neenens 25,169 PLOT ANG MOSS Accecscaves seveveusstscrnemen 220,406 BLOUAl ccm uoupsacs readae tovet saaserccnerss $4,710,618 The C., O. and S. W. will hereafter operate this road in connection with, and asa division, | of its Mississippi Valley Route, but separate | accounts will be kept. In Mar. 1891, an agree- ment was entered into with the Western Con- tract Co. by which the latter agreed to trans- fer 60 p.c. of the capital stock of the Ohio Valley RW. Co. to the Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RR. Co., in consideration of its guaranty of the principal and interest on $2,162,600 Ohio Valley tst mtge. 5 p. c. gold bonds, due 1936. The C., O. and S. W’s pro- portion of said capital stock, amounting to $1,297,500, was subsequently transferred to it, and on Aug. I, 1891, the property passed into control of directors designated by that Co. Owensboro’ Falls of Rough & Green River. General and Corporate Office, Owensboro; /Ky. Inc.) Apr? 24,7 41882, in Ky., amended Mar. 7, 1888; May 13 and 22, 1890. This line was purchased July 1892, in the interest of the Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern RW. Co. LENGTH OF ROAD owned: Owensboro’ to Fordsville, Ky., 26 miles ; branch: Fordsville te connection with Newport News and Miss. Valley (18 miles) to be completed about Dec. I, 1892. Capitalization Of TOA. ...66. June 30, 1891:— Per Mile. GADpltal Stock tej tediconnanteseaescs $400,000 $15,400 PUNO CCONG ED ines sasne teehaaediaswaceses 560,000 21,500 Unfunded debt and current WADINTLES fore cceseveca ss sadetotarasnee Not known. Current assets to offset current LADUILIES .ccenicwsssceedhatanarsenes Not known. Totalsandested capital Zicmcesee 960,000 36,900 ‘‘ Interest on all debt p. ann. ‘* Dividends per annum....... Not known. Average ratio of return upon Capital inwested: (2)-c.s. cess coset 12,786,000 Mtges. and ground rents payable.. 319,830 Bement abilities... .. is.) secs ees ee os 2,294,441 EMEC CLIATICOUS ooc0ee sever sasces coenctionste 292,949 MCAD LOSS. doje cessseseveacccedsnsecp ty LG 20L;090 BREA es oes sccees raved avec aang heneaes $25,993,260 Northern Pacific and Montana, p. 576. Add to last line of same paragraph after( ‘‘ $25,000 per mile’’),and will acquire all stock when remainder of out- standing bonds are acquired or redeemed.” BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892: Assets, Cost of road, $10,182,634; stock issued for guarantee of bonded debt, $1,828,600; cur- rent assets, $176,860; total, $12,188,094. Liabilities, Capital stock, $1,878,600 ; funded debt, $8,843,000 ; current liabilities, $1,466,494 ; total, $12,188,094. Northern Pacific, p. 573. Mileage owned, 14th line, Millar should be Lookout ; 18th line, Kaugley should be Kangley. Unfunded debt, proper, $18,502,676, figures on p. 574 including profit and loss and other items not current. Total interest on all debt per annum, $1,318 per mile. Oct. 20, 1892, floating debt, $9,385,526, of which. about $8,000,000 one-year notes with collateral. Apr. 20, 1893, stock to date on question of sale of St. Paul and Northern Pacific stock to pay about 60 p. c. of this debt. If sold stock to be guaranteed at 6 p.c. for 2 years and 7 p. c. thereafter. Apr. 1, 1893, reported present floating debt (about $9,000,000) would be funded by issue of $12,00c ,ooo collateral trust notes, to run 5 years at 6p.c., balance reserved for future improve- ments as needed. North Pacific Coast, p. 582. 1892, to W. Graves and mtge., $1,500,000 created. Suit to foreclose same begun Feb., 1893, and fraud alleged. Sold Apr., | 1003 Oconee and Western. Road now oper~ ated, Hawkinsville to Dublin, Ga., 4o miles ; in construction, Hawkinsville to Groviana, 14 miles. Successor to Empire and Dublin RR. Co. (p. 398) sold under foreclosure Sept. 6, 1892. Capitalization—Capital stock authorized $477,000, par $1007; issued and _ outstanding, $360,000, per share, $100. Funded Debt—tst mtge. gold 5s created $477,000; issued and outstanding. $360,000, 1,000 M. & S., dated 1893, due) Mar. 1, 1923, at.N.»Y. Trustee, Mercantile Trust Co., N. Y. Amount issued, $9,000 per mile. Ohio and Mississippi, p. 229. Feb. 1893. , Plan to consolidate this road with B. and O. Southwestern prososed. The following securi- ties to be issued :—Common stock to be held by B. and O., $10,000,000; preferred stock, 7 p. c. non-cumulative, $20,000,000; new Ist consol. 1oo-year g. 4%S, guar. principal and interest, $36,000,000; B.& O., S. W. terminal bonds, $1,500,000 ; series A and B 5p. c. 150- year non-cumulative g. incomes, $18,750,000. First consols to be guaranteed by B. & O. Of them $19,500,000 to be used to retire O. and M. bonds; $1,006,000 O. and M. preferred stock ; $4,500,000 for O. and M. betterments. and $11,000,000 to retire B. and O. Southwest- ern ists. Of incomes, $8,750,000 to be series ‘‘A.’” O. and M. preferred stock to get 25 p.c. of its face in new consols (in payment of .5 p. c. premium in cash) 75 p.c. in ‘‘A”’ incomes and 40 p. c. in new preferred stock; O. & M. common stock to get 23 p. c. of its face in “‘B”” incomes and 77 p. c. in new preferred stock. Holders of O. and M. rst gen. 5s have option to Apr. 15th to take 10214 and interest for their bonds or exchange them into new 4% p.c. Ist. consols. Ohio River, p. 583. Ravenswood, Spencer & Glenville RW. Co. now being extended to connect with West Virginia and Pittsburgh RW., and its bonds, $400,000, guaranteed principal and interest by O. R. RR Old Colony, p. 585. 1st paragraph, 4th line—between ‘‘taxes, interest,’’ and ‘‘ $500: per year,” etc., insert ‘‘ not exceeding ;’”’ 11th line—Jan. 1, 1893, should be Mar. 1, 1893. MILEAGE—5th line, branches should be 126.02 and various other small changes, making total owned and leased June 30, 1892, 603.22 miles. CAPITALIZATION—Current assets should be $5,246,149. Balance Sheet (assets 1892), cash should be $343,575; Capital stock (1892) should be $13,176,525; accounts payable, $758,564. Securities owned—gth line, New Bedford, Martha’s Vine and Nan. Stmbt Co. stock should be $15,341. Mar. 1311893, leases signed tos NV. N2 and H. RR.., direct, providing for 7 p. c. divi- dends on stock unexchanged. Omaha and St. Louis, p. 589. Bills paya- ble July 1st, 1892, $50,212. Ontario, Carbondale and Scranton, p. 564. Capitalization of road June 30, 1892. Unfunded debt, $558,360, per mile, $10,300; current assets, $10,556; total invested capital, $3,558,360, per mile, $65,900 ; no dividends. INCOME for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 = Lease of road, $94,830, per mile, $1,756; other sources, $3,000, per mile, $56 ; expenses, 1004 $3,208, per mile, $59; net total applicable to ‘fixed charges and dividends, $94,622, per mile,. $1,753; deduct interest on all debt per an- num, $75,000, per mile, $1,390; net gain on year’s business for stockholders, $19,622; per mile, $363. Orange Belt Line, p. 590. Correct title, ‘Orange Belt RW. Co. Paragraph 3d, relative to control, denied by Co. Mar., 1893, road foreclosed and sold. No receiver appointed. Orchard Beach, p. 688. Road purchased for $42,326.64 by Boston and Maine RR., and now forms branch line. ; Oregon and Washington Territory, p. 590. Sold under foreclosure Apr. 20, 1892, and property acquired by the Washington | and Columbia River RW. Co. Oregon Pacific, p. 592. Foreclosure sale | postponed to June 28, 1893. Everest H. Had- ley, of Corvallis, made receiver, Feb., 1893, vice T. H. Hogg. Stock authorized, $30,000 per mile; gross earnings year ending June 30, 1892, $117,339 ; net deficit over operating expenses, $80,465. Ossining, from Whitson Station, New | York and N. RR., to Sing Sing, West Chester county. President, John V. Cockcroft. Gene- | ral Office, Sing Sing. _Capital stock, $1,750; cost of road and equipment, $345.57; miles of toad projected, 3. . Owensboro’ and Nashville, p. 477. Louisville and Nashville RR. Co. owns all the stock of this road, and includes operations in its own. Paducah, Tennessee and Alabama, p. £15. DIRECTORS, Jan., 1893: John T. Davis, Alvah Mansur, B. F. Johnson, A. B. Lamb, John A. Scudder, Wm. L. Huse, T. H. Pur- year, J. H. Allen, Daniel Catlin, Thomas H. West, John Overton, T. J. Moss.’ Trustee of ist mtge., St. Louis Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo. Mileage : Paducah, Ky., to Lexington, Tenn. €completed 1892), 118 miles. Connects at Paris, Tenn., with Louis. and Nash. ; at Hol- low Rock, with Nash. and Chattanooga; at Lexington, with Tenn. Midland RR. (con- trolled); at Paducah, with Cairo Short Line for St. Louis. Panama, p. 594. Apr., 1893, only change in Board of Directors, W. N. Cromwell vice J. W. Adams. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cost of road and equipment......... $10,205,320 eAWectaterat 1 Sthtiatignycensseesssanesse 263,617 sxtiitie tune ACCOULt sa desterc ences 1,448,473 ‘Cash and current assets. ...... sseesees B701077 ‘General mtge. 7 p. c. bds. in treas. 651,000 Advance of subsidy to U. S. of COMEDIES sccctt ies ksvnse eetetac: seca tice 2,242,000 BVI ALEK ISISrON AAI. 10. cvec ec secete ena va 180, 286 RIGCa awl sacs -apaces Yo tekeyscree.sestecrs ccs $15,306,776 LIABILITIES. MEAPICALSSLOCIES. tay don pal seeideoce wouee neat te $7,000,000 BrcnGdedadevtte.bsievsicatevanisarccamenss 6,242,000 fund for redemp. of subsidy bds... 56,950 Due-denty Or Panama: sywesa0- paneer dan $18,750 Due Columbian Government......... 10,000 Bills sPaya Die. Avecesens sc souceneecpeoeene me 180,000 (SUT eNt Liabilities view: fasescacneaeeotees 122,294 Profit and loss (surplus)... ......s860. 1,736,782 WPOC A Set seaat ces aja vee dvateise eenenee deere $15, 306,77 The Pecos Valley, p. 596. Operating Office, Eddy, N. M. Inc. in N. Mex. Income Jan. 13, 1891, to June 30, 1892: Earn- ings, $120,580; operating expenses, including taxes, $99,400; net, $21,180. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—AsSsets: Cost of road and equipments, $2,077,590 ; other investments, $9,160; materials and supplies on hand, $8,702; unadjusted freight charges, $422; accounts receivable, $4.407; cash, $22,127 ; total, $2,122,408. Lzabtlities, Capital stock (auth. $5,000,000), $1,105,000; funded dcbt, $968,000 ; accounts payable (ince. int. on bds.), $28,228; profit and loss, $21,180; total, $2,122,408. Peoria and Eastern, p. 352. General Office, Cincinnati, O. ; Corporate Office, Dan- ville, Ill.; Unfunded debt, etc., $199,063, mak- ing total invested capital, $23,802,063. Peoria, Decatur and Evansville, p. 308. Mar., 1893, consolidation of this line with Chi- cago and Ohio Rivet (which, see), proposed. Philadelphia and Erie, p. 617. BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892—Assets: Cost of construction, $30,292,252, bonds, etc., of other Co’s, $136,422; cash balance organi- zation account, $15,664; cash balance, gen’l. acct., $418,364; total, $30,862,702. Liabilities : Capital stock, common, $7,985,000; special, $2,400,000 ; funded debt, $19,674,000; accounts payable, $7,204; Pa. RR. Co. lessee, const. acct., $121,446; amount of tax reserved subject to decision, $5,219 ; profit and loss, $669,833; total, $30,862,702. Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron Co., p. 678. Dec., 1892: Contract for 5 years made (effective Jan. 1, 1893), with Finance Co. of Penna., making them com- mercial agents (in charge of financial details of Reading’s coal distribution) of this Co. Contract provides that, upon resignation of the President of the R. R. Co., the Finance Co. has option of annulling this contract, and similar right to appoint new coal sales agent is vested in Philadelphia and Reading in event of resignation of George H. Earle, Jr., Presi- dent Finance Co. DIRECTORS (elected Jan. 9, 1893)—S. P. Wolverton, Henry A. Dupont, Arthur Brock, Thomas Cochran, Charlemagne LTOwerorey Richard Y. Cook. Feb. 20, 1893—Placed in receivership, same receiver as R.R. Co. See Paand Rak, Co. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Coal 1ands.....sccccsesesccesssevesseereeees $61,729,178 Drom Ore dandSu.tesnc ies see eee 657,458 pHiMMDerands save .ccts re treuene teat 59,905 Furnace and rolling mill prop......- 351,870 New York and Eastern depots...... 685,587 Western yards and depots...... Sestes 1,081,765 Miners’ and other houses............. 569,495 Pottsv. shops, real est. and imp’ts 359,750 1005 MEHET TEal ESLALE! coc.ccers ceccerecsenses $99,978 | Imp’ts. at col. on Co’s lands......... 4,763,967 | Imp’ts. at col. on leased lands...... 1,591,678 | Equipments at collieries..........064 2,301,009 | Dead work at collieries.......... ..... 2 tay. il Storage yards and washeries........ 432,730) Improvements at iron-ore mines... 78,233 Equipments at iron-ore mines...... 11,359 Dead work at iron-ore mines..... : 10,905 Anthracite and other Water Cos... 173,759 Tug ‘‘ Atlantic”’ and ‘ Black Dia- CP CTIZING eignccanenn,aroereuserns 17.9740 | Stocks and Bonds of Co. controlled 3,292,926 | Sash on hand........... ee eee mas er 219,552 Bees TECCIVADIE .. 22.0020 c0scyoese weacease 33,306 foal and rent accounts...... cs... 5,640,084 BePMILY DCCOUDES. 21.0. .cvace osiesice nena 138,721 Bet ON HAN 6... cccc0. ciesesncssqenesees 7,584,429 MeY-OTE Ol} HANG «....0...cceccee ccocsesers 15020) Stocks and bds. owned by Co...... 158,277 Supplies and materials on hand... 507,868 Miscellaneous ACCOUNTS ....crsee.eeees 279,535 Profit and loss ACCOUNL.......00 sess 1,304,470 | Masato seas Cees ote nusetanaes Bvicedetves nan ee $98,448,276 LIABILITIES. Purch. money mtge. bds. on de- tached property : BOT 2—-LOO2swicsa dco suenststcsvoneevelesiessa $8,899,000 BN 72 LOO? scccesevvogeevays neste. acres 150,000 BY 7 SESS mses merece? soasesvar eve senses 264,000 BATA-TSOK 5. ccclaa Uno gigessenssebes saves 204,000 | BO TASLOO A re.srae tis osccn ons eueae pocsss 1,240,000 B82 = 1O02) .cdencaaccnendesn sees snsesese 232,000 BOOS a1OO Ci nrecasaacceustsciiecneusanssts , 270,000 BGA LOOT vase ger re os edness danenar 357,000 T8Q2=1807 .o.0ee cesses -seeee cocsvecerons 20,000 1892-1902 495,000 otal... net bch cnedee cai eseunes wc ene cue $12,131,000 Bonds and mtges, on real estate... 446,106 Bds. and mtges. given to the Phila. and Reading RR, Co., Jul. 1, ’74, | BICOL, 25, 1D7O)scatneschecseestses 39,737,906 Loan acct. Phila. and R. RR. Co. 24,879,336 Debenture bonds, 1872-1892......+ 2,000 MEA IStOGIK -cscnses opcateseamerdnesaseas 8,000,000 BEMIS Payable ...... sc. :.c0scesees vorseneceee 2,780,235 BREEN CEDESio ices ce qs ctces cavsiovneen sense 7Si,1 30 Due account coal and coal purch... 3,696,278 Wages and material bills............. 853,675 Uncol. coup. and int. on reg. loans 79,457 Due Phila. and R.RR. Co. acct.int. 3,276,449 Due account freight and tolls......, 1,318,814 Sinking fund account......csececeeeees 59,980 ISPCNSE ACCOUNL...... ..00 coveneserere 405,841 BRELaGias Goh casey ieee stcereces assesses $98,448,276 May, 1892, traffic agreement made with Buf., Roch. and Pitts., which see. RR. and New York and New England RR., and representation on Boards of these Cos. obtained later. Feb. 20, 1893, again placed in receivership and A. A. McLeod (President of Co.), E. P. Wilbur (President Lehigh Val- eye RR. Co.), and Judge E. M. Paxson appointed. See also Phila. Coal and Iron Co. (supplemental), stock all owned by Phila. and Reading RR. Co. Mar., 1893, Market st. opened for traffic. Managers, elected Jan., 1893: A. J. Antelo, Thos. Dolan, Jas. Boyd, Saml. R. Shipley, Elisha P. Wilbur, Joseph F. Sinnott. Oct.; 1892, | large interest secured in Boston and Maine and Reading | Station of Terminal Co. : Philadelphia and Reading, p. 662. Apr. 4, 1893, A. A. McLeod resigned as Presi- dent and as President of the Phila. and Reading Coal and Iron Co. Joseph S. Harris elected Apr. 8, 1893, President of both Companies. Board of Managers, Apr. 8, 1893: Thos. McKean elected vice Thomas Dolan, resigned, and Apr. 19, J. Lowber Welsh, vice Samuel R. Shipley, resigned. Apr. 29, A. A. McLeod resigned as reciver, and Jos. S. Harris appointed May rst, in his place. BALANCE SHEET, Nov. 20, 1592. —— ASSETS. RRs., Whves. and Terminals...... $80,673,510 PER CCUI PICU sdaeedesweces ne Ales tens: 21,702,772 Real estate owned by Co..... cesereoes 7,088, 103, Steam-colliers and floating equip.. 1,707,429 Investment of RR. Co. in Coal and Iron Co., represented by stock, bonds and accounts........ 70,633,446 RR. and Canal leases under re- organization plan. Value based upon securities issued under plan :— Schuylkill Navigation Co ......... 7,451,907 Susquehanna Canal Co ...... .c.00 1,403,255 Colebrookdale RR. Co........ 2.006 308,589: Pickering Valley RR. Co.........0. 177,880: Bonds and stocks owned by Co..... 25,984,826 Bonds and stocks of leased lines dep. with Pa. Co. for Ins., etc., CLUS C er eteoaen torent slasesceracdesencnsss 2,466,777 Gasol anGeenescelea ccs oeresheces’s 1,063,052 BIS FECOLV AIG. eich etescsser tearnciaceee 59, 506: Freight and toll Dills.......0i0.cscsssees 2,162,949 Materials On amd sc cccccscosteecosiserees 3,352,071 Leased and controlled COS........+4.. 4,691,025, Gonnecting RR, COSssiewcsBeesetaressy ply ans em CUFFENTACCOUMUS \.. cecntosicnnsecccasnuas 566, 324 ANS) py te yo a ee $232,629,997 LIABILITIES. COMMON StOCK Wh ocase.teuscnen steven cua $39,830, 362 Mtges. prior to imp.. mtge............ 24,050,700 Imp. mtge., 1873-97. cscs wrecess saree 9,364,000 Income Mtge, 1876-96. ....0.008 sescreees I 000: 5p. c.. consols. 1882-1922, Ist ser.... 5,767,042 5 p. c. consols., 1883-1933, 2d ser.... 1,535 General mtge., 1888-1958. ....+.sc00 40,586, 189, st pref. inc. mtge., 1888-1958....... 23,949,901 2d pref. inc. mtge., 1888-1958. ...-.. 16,176,589 3d pref. inc. mtge., 1888-1958. ..... 18,249,216 Bonds and mtges. on real estate... 3,490,495, P. and R. Term. RR., 1860-1941... 7,258,000 Convert. adjustment scrip............ 1,810 CAmirustict isis -cs) a cesteret ttnated ky Oks, LA ts Equipment notes. ....+. sesesees seesseeee 6,059,623, Sinking fund loan, 1892-1902......... 1,985,000 Deben tire logis: -: P.,.C.-and St; L7))com: $470,650 *:C., 1008 St. L. and P., com. $638,267; pref. $98,003 ; S. and I., com. $92,239 ; other, $8,350. Inter- est charges in 1892 was $2,323,594, being a saving over 1891 of $34,431. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago, | B0s4 of this Company’s stock and Pennsylvania aie 546)27 0: P. RR. owned Jan. 1, 1893, $1,472,512, | Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Yough- | iogheny, p. 461. Mileage: Pittsburgh to New Haven, 56.95; Reynoldton to Belle Ver- non, 27.8; Dickerson Run and other branches, 5-92; total, 90.67. Leased: Youghiogheny Northern RR., 1.92; total, 92.59 miles. In- come for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: Rental, $505,714, per mile, $5,438; expenses, $43,135, per mile, $464; net, $462,579, per mile, $4,974; deduct interest on all debt per | annum, $225,000, per mile, $2,420 ; net gain on | year’s business, $237,579, per mile, $2,554. | No change in balance sheet. Pittsburgh, Marion and Chicago, p. | 71o. Par of stock $50. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892: Gross from operation, $44,006, per mile, $1,760 ; deduct all expenses (including taxes $456), $36,398, per mile, $1,456; net applicable to fixed charges, etc., | $7,608, per mile, $304; deduct total interest on all debt per annum, $23,760, per mile, $950; net loss for stockholders, $16,152, per mile $646. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—Assets - Cost of road, $1,444,321; rolling stock, $24,331; current assets, $3,013; total, $1,471,- 665. $750,000), $500,000; funded debt, $896,000 ; current accounts, $27,506; profit and _ loss, $48,159 ; total, $1,471,665. Pittsburgh, Shenango and Lake Erie, p. 710. Dec., 1892, Conneaut Terminal Co., authorized capital, $1,650,000, incorporated to extend this road to Lake Erie. Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashta- bula, p. 656. Jan. 1, 1893, Pennsylvania Co. owned $375,000 common and $1,550,000 pre- ferred stock of this road. Portland, Saco and Portsmouth, p. 689. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, Liabilities: Capital stock (authorized, | 1892; Gross, $90,000, per mile, $1,773 ; other | sources, $136, per mile, $3; net, $90,136, per mile, $1,776 ; net surplus after dividends paid, $136, per mile, $3. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892—AsSsets - Cost of road and equipment, $1,479,000; other | investments, $20,000; other assets, $50,781 ; total, $1,549,781. Liabilities: Capital stock, $1,500,000; unpaid dividends, $555 ; dividend | July 1, 1892, $45,000; profit and loss, $4,226 ; total, $1,549,781. Port Reading, p. 676. Road completed, 20 miles, from Bound Brook, N. J. to Staten Island Sound, Sept., 1892. > Potomac Valley, p. 845. Present road completed July, 1892, and line projected under charter of ‘“‘ Baltimore and Harrisburg RR. Eastern Extension’’ from Porters Sta- tion on Western Maryland to P. and R. RR. near Marietta, Pa., 29 miles; and from Thomasville, Pa. to Phila., Harrisburg and Potomac RR., 8 miles west of Harrisburg, 29 miles ; making total mileage, 65 miles. All securities of Baltimore and Harrisburg East- - ern Extension owned by Potomac Valley and pledged by its mortgage. Potomac Valley RR. leased to Western Maryland. Bonds. guaranteed principal and interest jointly and severally by Western Maryland and B. and H. RRs. and also secured by their several traffic contracts. Poughkeepsie and Southeastern, From Hudson River, in city of Poughkeepsie,. to Hopewell Junction, East Fishkill. Secre- tary, Edward E. Perkins, Poughkeepsie. Capital stock, $13,000. Miles of road pro- nected, 13. Profile and Franconia Notch, p. 362. Concord and Montreal owns 1,434 shares of this Company’s stock. INCOME account for year ending Oct. 31, 1892: gross, $21,225; expenses, $13,225; net, $8,000. Prospect Park and Coney Island, p. 717, July 1, 1892, loans and bills payable,. $155,800. In addition to other bonds of funded debt there are $250,000 non-cumulative 6 p. c. incomes due May 1, 1920, not secured by mtge. Providence and Worcester, p. 563. July 1, 1892, new lease made for 999 years direct to the New York, New Haven and Hartford RR. Co. Quincy, Omaha and Kansas City, p. 719. Income for year ending Dec. 31, 1892: gross, $279,734; expenses (including $10,895, taxes, $8,654 betterments), $233,539; net, $46,195; deduct interest on bonds and other payments, $20,858 ; net, $25,337. FINANCIAL STATEMENT, Dec. 31, 18922 Assets, Material and fuel on hand, $3,969 ;. cash, $3,909; current assets, $9,102; other assets, $20,065 ; income accounts, $2,624 ; total,. $39,669. Liadtlities, Current accounts, $20,508; other liabilities, $19,161 ; total, $39,669. ; Company about to be reorganized by issue of $500,000 g. 5s, and take up outstanding preferred bonds and provide for funded debt and betterments, and preferred stock and un- preferred and ist mtge. and security. Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line, p. 775. Controlled by Raleigh and Gaston, which owned July 1, 1892, $742,700 stock. Richmond and Danville, p. 731. June 16, 1892, F. W. Huidekoper and Reuben Fos- ter appointed Receivers incident to embar- rassment of Terminal Co., which controls. July 1, 1892. Interest on bdnds of leased roads paid R. and D. consol. 6s coupons, due this date, were bought at maturity and inter- est paid in full Jan., 1893. Oct. 1, 1892, de- fault on R. and D. debenture 6s and consol. 5s (also on consols. Apr. 1, 1893), Columbia: and Greenville 2d 6s (int. paid Jan. 1, 1893), Ga. Pacific 2d 5s, Danville and Western 55s, Ashville and Spartanburg 6s. Nov. 1, 1892,. default on Oxford and Clarksville and Clarks- ville and North Carolina coupons. Jan. 1, 1893, Ga. Pacific ist mtge. coupons, due this. date, were purchased by Messrs. Clyde and Stone. July, 1892, floating debt reported ex- tended at 6 p. c. and 21% p. c. commission. 1009 Sept. 8, 1892, of floating debt, $4,434,000 se- cured by collateral, including valuable secu- | rities of R. and D., and certain securities loaned by Terminal Co. See also Central RR. and Banking Co. of Ga., supplemental. | Sept. 8, 1892, $797,000 notes of this Company | bore Terminal Co.’s endorsement. Mar. 28, 1893, decree of U. S. Court for | Eastern District of Va., authorized issue of | Receivers’ certificates for $100,000, confirmed by U. S. Judge Newman, at Atlanta, Ga. Richmond and West Point Terminal RW. and Warehouse Co., p. 721. See Central RR. and Banking Co., of Ga. (sup- plemental) as to proposed reorganization. Default Aug. 1, and Sept. 1, on bonds. Sept. 8, 1892, floating debt reported to be $279,200, for which pledged as collateral $137,000 Ches- ter and Lenoir and Cheraw and Chester bonds | (borrowed from Richmond and Danville RR.) | and stocks as below :— SECURITIES owned, Jan. 10, 1893 :— IN COMPANY’S TREASURY. mecenn., Va-and Ga. com.,..... ....; $5,880,000 mecenn., Va. and Ga. 2d pref......... 391,000 Oxford and Henderson com.........:.. 325,000 Pecn.and VV. Pt. Term. com........... 68,640 statesville and West. com......... ....+ 500,000 | Mireinia Midland comi.........00..dsse0ss 3.253 Rich. and Mecklenb 2ds...............008 160,000 BV SEOGK Goro sec c Seat eiaen odageeses ode ce > 124,997 Be DAL, VALI... cyccasecces cies decanst as $7,483,870 Owned and pledged for Rich. and W. Pt. Term. Co. floating debt. Meertnia Midland -COM.: 65.0000 sacs veers: $80,000 matenn., Va. and Ga.,:2d pref......... 100,000 mat. Col, and Aug. stock. ......cc.esces 50,000 Pra OAL VALUES. i secsonctposeeeastutustestows $230,000 | LOANED R..&.D. RR, CO. ©x7ord and Hend. Ist mtge.....:... so $195,000 | Statesville and West. Ist mtge.......... 300,000 | MME ESAT VAIIIE fo. cscecsns stron sn ese ee sees $495,000 | Loaned R. and D. RR. Co. and pledged for their floating debt. eee aNd Dah. equip. 65....... ssccoes Seevenn., Va, and Ga. ex. 6S.......... 620,900 | E. Tenn., Va. and Ga. gen. mtge. 5s. 230,000 | Bee OL (SCOTLIA 3424S ce .cncece sesese cosees 53,000 Virginia Midland com..................6. 840,000 meecenn., Va. and Ga. ist pref....... 500,000 feeent., Va. aod Ga. 2d pref........ 1,820,000 PV En LOE. COM, se .scnnes sdoteeces 346, 200 CELUI). OS. sds ecce noxsysqscassoes 47,000 BREE DYATT VALUC\ anc, casave ss devegegsneve $5, 182,200 Nov., 1892, Receiver authorized to sell State of Ga. 3%s. ($702,000), and accordingly dis- posed of all but $53,000 as above. Sept. Strong, Geo. F. Stone, Wm. P. Clyde, J. C. Maben, Alex. S. Vanness, Thos. F. Ryan, Geo. Blagden, C. A. Low, R. Y. Erwin, W. H. Goadby, John N. Hutchinson, Jos. Bryan, Edward Packard, John A. Rutherford, R. S. Hayes, George J. Gould, Thomas Manson, Jr., Chas. M. McGhee. Feb., 1893, plan of reor- ganization undertaken by Messrs. Drexel, Morgan & Co., will be consummated. 64 $726,000 I5, 1892, Board elected: Wm. E. | Richmond, Nicholasville, Irvine and Beattyville, p. 754. Dec., 1891, John McLeod appointed Receiver; 1892, floating debt claimed not to exceed $500,000, The Rio Grande Western, p. 775. Mile- age—4th line, Tintic Range RW., Springville to Tintic Mining District, 52.04, making total 495.15, and total operated 513.35, omit in parenthesis ‘‘since increased,’’ etc. ; 8th line, total owned and operated should be 524.65 and average operated for year ending June 30, 1892, 481.16. P.756, Ist paragraph, oth line, insert ‘“‘common’” between ‘‘own” and ““stock.” Capitalization should be, capital, $16,250,000, per mile, $32,818; funded debt ($16.000,000, less in Treasury, $2,000,000), $14,000,000, per mile, $28,274; unfunded debt and current liabilities (excluding income balances), $1,127,424.33, less current assets to offset current liabilities, $932,180.39, leaves $195,243.94; totalinterest per annum per mile, $1,131. Income, 1892, per mile should be— Other sources, $37; expenses, $3,614; net applicable to fixed charges, $1,918; net result for year, gain, $689; net after dividends paid, $40. Foot note, ¢ also includes insurances, $5,128. Income, 1891, per mile, should’ be—on 407 miles, gross, $5,764; other sources, $6; expenses, $3,667; net applicable to fixed charges, $2,103; interest on debt, $1,351; net result, gain, $752; net after dividends paid, $125. BALANCE SHEET :—Funded debt shows $16,000,000 of which $2,000,000 are in treasury unissued. Rochester and Glen Haven, p. 757. Foreclosed Feb., 1893, and reorganized as The Glen Haven RR. Co. St. Catharines and Niagara Central, pp. 132,760. R. Wood also Supt. W. H. Pay, Master Mechanic. Chas. Elliott, Director, vice Edward A. Smyth. Road, as completed, opened for traffic Sept., 1888. Company has charter from Niagara Falls to Toronto. Capi- tal subscribed, $100,000, paid in $68,359. Government bonus is $3,200 per mile on 46 miles, Niagara Falls to Hamilton, total, $147,200. Received from Government on 12 miles, $38,400; municipal loan, City of St. Catharines, $80,000. Railway bonds: endorsed by City of St. Catharines, $80,000, endorsed by Town of Thorola, $20,000. Company has received $40,000 loan from City of St. Cathar- ines and $100,0000 on bonds as above. Cost of construction (12.35 miles) $461,760. Income for year ending June 30, 1892 :— gross, $20,564.26; expenses, $16,550.84; net, $4,013.42. St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain. p. 690. Road separately operated. Income for fiscal year ending June 30, 1892 :—Gross, $390,203 ; other sources, $1,265; expenses (including taxes, $9,662 and loss on steam- boat operation, $1,861), $416,502; net loss, $25,034, add interest on all debt per annum, $38,050; loss on year’s business, $63,084. BALANCE SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ' ASSETS. COSE OR TOA sites ores ticwecitiexee vs ease seen ed C2 SeAOT Cost.of rolling StOck iene. ciscceesces sctas 151,508 Stock held forold bonds -i57:.:..:06. 247,650 SteaMPOg lc eetce sae capatae tes eveliceackeurs 31,124 IOIO Pram Oat Vl ACQUAML ise cs sneteanit'ssneosest $81,600 Material and fuel on hand..... ........ 26,527 uIEreNtaCCOUES: ccrcrsees: vce ses ote oh 65,306 CURIE Tag @ 2 a I 9 eo eR Rea Ty 63,453 PELOU UAL LOSS. tasonewysecncts sess caveucess 521,179 BGC nessa eecedaakeatich areca uaias.cstines $5,820,934 | LIABILITIES. (SOM OMISEO CKetne tess misnes et esa seerees ae $2,550,000 PrELETLEC) StOC Ke inie hieesteeelss voce nancies 1,298,500 PeUNCERLCLEDE goiise ceocesnevat cacetscsencs anes 641,000 BAA TLS HTB DEE 2 aise y aoe vase tas Ae vst sieinels navies 815,277 iItren teaCCOUNtSrcecesesseieecnse ceeet ane 501,052 Accrued interest and taxesS...........- 14,505 | EINE el Orn wc acsahicas net ened onew eee kee Wes $5,820,934 | Oct. 1, 1892, Boston and Maine RR. (which | operates this road) owned $510,000 of bonds. St. Joseph and Grand Island, p. 8209. | Jan., 1892, new adjustment made with Union | Pacific RW. Co., $35,000 per month is depos- ited for interest on Ist mtge. bonds and this Company is not responsible for more than one- half the interest on Kansas City and Omaha bonds. St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute, p. 353. Mileage—Belleville and Southern Illinois RR° should be 56.4; St. Louis Southern RR. etc., 47.4; total, 239.04 miles. Company, formerly leased to the C., C., C. and I. and I. and St. L. RW. Cos. jointly, was acquired,’’ etc. 3d line should be “are re- served,’’ etc. received from for road acquired Nov., 1890, $2,500,000 were offered in exchange for preferred stock in. the ratio of $150 in bonds for $100 of stock. This sum was sufficient to retire all but $800,000, conversion of preferred stock and fractions to | Sept. 1, 1892, $1,297,600, leaving $1,813,000 bonds in Treasury. This Company’s 7 p. c. bonds carried right of 10 votes at the stock- | holders’ meeting. F BALANCE SHEET, Dec. 31, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cost of road and equipment.......... $13,125,400 SSCL SPLIT LUISE Lites nc cas tayeen eens wen Ty410,924 CiC.,-C. and St. L. bond. interest.. 56,753 | OAS Meo e vas mex nneclnc cage cre etc taen te goleee wate Tas kts 100,654 | WIISCEMANSOUSTccsroraesapdunsaer sts srseenane: 213,402 | ECOL a lpiraaes weascetd velreah incite cn ents neces $15,007,223 | LIABILITIES. POM MOMISLOCK. nccrsneniseeconsdensrevwe shes $2,300,000 BY OlerneCGtoc asia cna rs ctecsexeveets car 1,170,800 Peinced GCEDt ys siacrarsescthwcansecanioesse, 8,057,000 Bills and accounts payable........... 15 20,017 41 PCCIUCEMALELESE.o5U. stersdguehseveesents 96,250 DU SDETISOLACEOUTMt . cosasceccevane verkroten 360,653 INIRSCOLLATICOUS cepey cereliteceannieiee.snesesens 48,117 Cutrentda bilities ret cor secs-acesastupces 195 774 Surplus in sinking fund................. 1,410,924 PrOnt and OSS. cis -ckesiucoo es Ee Sebi 228,086 Ota lieacestescseversteauetereess s 102,537 mae irom agents, etc. ........5 ...s..00 1,022,263 Land notes receivable...... .......00. 117,281 Miscellaneous accounts.......5. sees. 202,479 | URL FECT ae sg doe) 0a « deed vovecesse yg? $95,114,114 | LIABILITIES Capita ll Stock ere wpas ek ee ctisec..k os $38,710,900 Bondsrand ititerscrip ctsccecsiv.csccts 54,246,397 Equipment and other notes......... 332,900 Vouchers and pay-roulg in veresccyree 797,244 Intedueran djaccruest heeicesn wexta cen: 217,309 Othermaccountsaecn ver enssce: 82.0 vaes 455,877 Bills ¥ payable auras evens ssvcv ses: 393 28% WCONIS 4 COUN Ure atccrsscc-fiesksts 570.30 $33,360,385 $22,511,980 $10,848, 405 $130,486 $10,717,919 LEASED BRANCHES. Penna. Schuylkill Val. RR.. 127.68 2,060,209 1,364,906 695, 303 695, 303 Downing. & Lancaster RR.. 37-98 61,696 83,804 22 TOO" Jacques *22,109 Pomeroy and Newark RR... 26.70 25,082 50,258 a5 .170. toes eee *25,176 Columbia and Pt. Dep. RW.. 43.53 421,489 211,381 200, 107 200,107 ; Flanover ands Vork RRiGax: 18.35 92,843 57,360 34,983 34,983 MALtVEStOWN RIG tiie ssecersscers 9.30 25,097 25,517 KATO Vag teairee ee *419 Frederick & Pa. Line RR... 28.00 59,341 71,378 REQ [03% Gk renee 412/037 Mifflin and Centre Co. RR.. 12.43 78,192 52,507 25,086 25,085 Sunbury and Lewistwn RR., 43-45 487,397 270,239 217,157 2E75 157 Bedford & Bridgeport RR... 49.17 320,559 219,423 101,136 IOT,136 Lewisburg and Tyrone RR. 85.08 193,944 171,256 22,687 22,689 Bald Eagle Val. RR.(P. RR. ITV, DOTEION A tek. a wesees sss $1.23 634,509 354,054 280,455 253,804 26,631 Tyrone and Clearfield RW.. 127.68 581,835 524,689 57,146 112,500 *55,354 ASE LOUMC ES sauces sce poten seen mote 4.44 8,399 2,482 5,918 5,917 Cambria and Clearfield RR. _ 79.56 159,146" 1275203 BI7O3 25,902 POUL HOP RR scpesessie asks 8.12 8,609 17,396 SOT ocak ernst 8,787 Western: Penna. R Rot. cess. 1173309 7 (1,740,550) "1,130,237 607,312 607,312 South West Penna. RW...... 106.05 1,001,121 645,012 356,108 356, 108 Turtle Creek Valley RR.... 10.88 11,892 14,312 82 ALO panies eee *2,419 Pitts:; Vir. Charlest: RR. UG hue FHCs yl 942,048 383,219 383,219 McKeesport & Bessmr. RR.. 1.47 81,925 15,555 66, 369 60,369 Philadelphia and Erie RR... 287.56 5,256,551 3,740,942 1,515,609 1,515,609 Sun., Hazle. & Wilkes. RW. 43-44 579,111 301,297 277,814 277,814 North and West Brn. RW... 47.82 837,288 479,619 357,669 357,068 NeSGODEC RR iaicspsescsccnee gence s 11.96 46,585 53,661 TOU Bi owacndeeeer ies *7 075 Bald Eagle Val. RR. (P. & Be) Div Orion. 2). c.t.. 9.45 20,507 15,079 4,828 4,828 Susquehanna & Clear. RR.. 24.89 BavT ote 24,500 8,223 8,223 Ridgway and Clearfield RR. 27.23 238,170 1225131 115,038 115,038 VOUUSONDUrS ARR. 2. ..0ccesssnse 19.69 83,755 61,893 21,862 21,862 * Loss. t Including Harrisburg and Lancaster and West Chester RR. Co. - 101g Length Gross Working Net Profit Roads. in Miles. Earnings. Expenses. Earnings. Rentals paid. and Loss. United New Jersey RR. and Canal Co.—Railroads... 192.89 $16,592,855 $13,129,446 $3,463,408 Del. & Rari. Canal. 66.00 359,307 358,330 970 4,198,264 $733,884 Perth Amb. & Woodb. RR.. 6.40 137,382 69,765 67,616 67,616 Millstone & N. Brunsw. RR.. 6.64 10,576 17,682 POT OG Mics ose G lacs #7, TO5 Rocky Hill RR. & Kings.Br. 6.54 5,144 12,051 *6,907 1,222 *8,129 Belvidere Delaware RR.|.... SEO | 1,030,738 919,314 214423 211,423 Bustleton RR.. % 4.16 10,010 17,438 NAST Milena ets acsstenes *7 427 Phila.,Gtn. &Chest. Hill RR. 7.06 264,727 172,636 92,091 92,091 Freehold& Jamesb. Agr.RR. 27.54 172,651 118,434 54,216 54,216 Colum.,Kink. & Spring.RR. 14.16 26,280 24,930 1,350 T,350 Phila. and Long Branch RR. 49.09 83,942 128,086 EAB TA Abian vs oy'n con ciiens *44,144 mone, beach RR-., cc..sssceapee 20.50 11,632 31,537 Fate ke c.g Ase gare ones *19,905 Camden & Burling. Co. RR. 29.61 286,764 215,825 70,938 44,415 44,415 Vincentown Branch............ 2.84 2,356 6,154 23707 goo *4,697 Mt. Holly, Lumb.&Med.RR. 5.95 7,286 14,308 *7 020 11,189 *18,209 POCA IS oat seca. ovens wo ae 2,957.57 $68,841,844 $48,819 361 $20,022,483 $10,228,271 $9,794,211 PETIA aI LeL OC UU) PENLAIS.. ce cyeder sha cusacc tense eusects sesso coneceusse Nnsscoass $9,794,211 Add interest received from investments Pennsylvania RR. Co............... 4,921,828 Add interest received from investments and rents of United New Jer- er ema a AT CICS TIAL CoO en vessaseestacearsiersnas Carces Tes tencectes actedben? seceth seas bran SIFTOE Add interest for use of equipment loaned to branch and other roads...... B77 AS% METER ORCS POISE AL ACCOUIN.cactcspepricnssdsecslanas tones cacnsess culessocthmicatsrsucae sea. 181,929 SRIED TOLL SHTOMNGUNCLV A CCOUM St rancccsenssicstns tevhet seeetdrstudsoay op cioclnsocs esse 43,969 | $15,837,203 Senin which Geduct—Interest O11 TUNGEC sildicccecs ceases cencessateee nese cone easinae's ' $3,964,055 TNPeTeS IS CATe LT ISta tied tes-csiscionscass cogseess secetecanaes 475,413 Interest on mtges. ‘and ground rents....6.2. 001.0: sse0e% 114,013 State tax on capital stock and bonds. ...............0 777,808 rece 51331, 292 DCU RDALATICCN a vesceccseenccesaeie caine cave cuadiee se hese ed wiene HY awailcehasniebaclenGil oneeys been setndacveahe tesiies $10,505,910 List of stocks owned by the Pennsylvania RR. Co. Dec. 31, 1892 :— No. of No. of Name of Security. Shares. Par Value. | Name of Security. Shares. Par Value. Alleghy. Vy. RW. Co., com.193,076. $9,633,800 | Girard Point Storage Co ..... 10,642 $1,064,200 Alleghy. Vy. RW. Co., pre..208,227 10,411,350 | Girardville RR. Co., instal... 500 2,500 Altoona Mechanic’s Library Hanover & York RR. Co...... 4,485 224,250 and Reading-Room Asso.. 743 3,715 | Har. & Bed. RR.Co., instal. 4,000 20,000 Bad Hagle Vy. RR: Co....:; 14,125 706,250 | Homer & Susq. RR.Co., in. 2,100 10,500 Balt. and Potomac RR. Co... 81,622 4,081,100 | International Navig. Co...... 14,500 725,000 Bedf. & Bridgp. RW. Co.... 12,000 600,000,| Jersey City & Ber. RR. Co.. 4,460 446,000 Belvidere Delaware RR.Co. 2,827 £41350.) Johnsonbure KR Costs. 1,500 75,000 Sere elo eR Re Ops. .04 <0 cennees 2,000 JOO,0CO sn hy) TLNCHON ty ir COtstgiaupecsssses 1,533 76,650 Camb. & Clearfield RR. Co. 23,513 1,175,650 | Kensing. & Tac. RR. Co...... 4,000 200,000 Cam. & Atl..RR. Co., com... 4,682 234,100 |; Lich. & Read.’ RR: Go., inst. 6,000 30,000 Cam. & Atl-RR. Co., pref... 9,039 451,950 | Lewisb. & Tyrone RR. Co.. 22,209 1,110,450 acc Phila. Steamb, F. Co...’ 4.316 215,800 | Little Miami RR. Co........,.. 10 500 Merrartiers RW..CO,..... cucocese 6,667 Zao SEO ONS DEACIAIN Ra) Gin eren andre 5,055 252,750 Colum. & P. Dep. RW. Co.. 12,000 600,000 | Louisville Bridge Co.......... 9,013 QOT, 300 Columbus & Xenia RR. Co. 10 500..|': Manor R. E. & Trust Co..... 32,123 1,606,150 monnecting RW. Co...2.. 6... 25,554 1,277,700 | Mifflin & CentreCo. RR.'Co. 2,745 137,250 Cresson Springs Co., com... 7,286 182,150 Mil. & BaySh. RR. Co., inst. 2,025 1,012 Cresson Springs Co., pref... 2,000 50,000 | Min. RR. & Min. Co., inst... 16,667 100,002 Cumb. Vy. RR. Co., com..... 19,516 975,800 | Monongahela River & St’s Cumb. Vy. RR.Co., 1st pref. 2,242 112,100 Run RRC eae esis 1,000 50,000 Cumb. Vy. RR. Co. 2d pref. 2,502 125,100 | McKeesport & Bess. RR. Co.) 2,000 100,000 Cumberl. Vy. & Mar.RR.Co. 2,000 200,000 | Nescopec RR. Co..,........... 5,180 259,000 Del. & Schuyl. Market Co... 2,500 250,000 | Newark Plank-Road Co..... 2.535 63,375 Downing. & Lanc. RR. Co... 8,113 A05, O50. oN, Ware, & Guar. Co... 5,000 25,000 Mnvelside RR. Co...c..ccecsene 600 30,000 Hy INELY sian ie RSACO Rm wrenscorseis 8,000 400,000: Beas ET RR COs, sce sceens oot 3,000 150,000 | Northern Central RW. Co... 69,779 3,488,959 Fredk. & Pa. Line RR. Co. 9,220 461,000 | North & West. Br. RW. Co. 18,500 925,000 Free. & James. Agr. RR. Co. 378 27.500 |) Penna: Canal CO stsrer cs -sacace JO, 3A Zo SEAL SO * Loss. + Loss before deducting interest on investments and rents of properties of United New Jersey RR. and Canal Co. 2 Including Philadelphia and Trenton, River—Front, Kensington and Tacony, Connecting, Engelside and New York Bay RRs., and Trenton D: laware Bridge. || Including "Martin’s RWs. of New Jersey and Penna., and Enterprise RW. No. of Name of Sécurity. Shares. Peete ale etist yt eae tnccss 82 PetinasCG.,?COMMON.......--stock trust certificates, Mas EON? Wire senes ete aoweanmierecih niet Mortgages and ground- rents niente Cabcasenmnlccentogtea lens tskisnsca 1876, 6)p. c.; 1877, %5 p.c.; 1878 and 1879, 6 p. c. per annnm; 1880, 7% p.c. 1881 to 1885, 8 p.c. perannum ; 1886, 9% p. c.; 1887, 10 p.c.; 1888, gp.c.; 1889, 9 p. 1890, 942 Pp. G.; 1891, 9 p. C.; 1892, 8 p.:c.; pay- able May and Nov. 15th, at Treasurer’s Office. Boston, Mass. Boston and New York Air-Line. 1884 to 1892, 4 p. c. per annum; payable Apr. 1, & Oct. 1, at» Dreasurers Office, N..Y. j.N2 Ho and H. RR. Co., New Haven, Conn., or at Lincoln Nat. Bank, New York. ; Boston and Providence. 8 p. c. in 1884 1885 ; 1886, 8% p. c.; 1887 to 1891, Io p. c.; payable Jan. qrly., at Treasurer’s Office. Boston, Concord and Montreal. (Pref. ) 1886 to 1888, 5p. c. per annum ; 1889, 5% p.c.; payable at Concord, N. H. Boston, Revere Beach and lynn. 1876, 8 p. c.; 1879, 6 p. c.; 1880 and 1881, 6 p. c.; 1882, 7 p. c.; 1883 to 1886, 6p. c. per annum; 1887, 614 p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 7 p.c. perannum; 1892, 5% p.c.; 1893, Jan., 2% p.c.; payable J. 1. & July 1, at Treasurer’s Office. Buffalo, Bradford and Pittsburgh. 1885, .62 p. c.; payable when declared at Lessee’s Office, New York, Buffalo, New York and Erie. 7 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891 ; payable June 1, and “Dec. 1, at. N.°Y., L:2 Ek. anda Com Office, New York. Buffalo and Southwestern. Preferred— 1884, 7p.c.; 1885, 2p.c.; 1888, 5p.c.; 1889, 10 p.c.; 1890 and 1891, 8 p.c. per annum. Com- mon—1889 to 1891, I p.c. per annum; pay- able F, & A. at Treasurer’s Office. Buffalo Rochester and Pittsburgh. 1892, 5 p. c.; 1893, F., 1% p.c.; payable Feb., qrly., at 36 Wall st., New York. Cairo. 1886 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable at Catskill, N. Y. Camden and Atlantic. 1884, 7 p.c.; 1887, 5p. c.; 1888, 2% p. c.; 1889, 3 p. c.; payable when Geclared at 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Camden and Burlington County. 1884,6 p.c.; 1889, 244 p. c.; 1890 aud 1891, 6p. c. perannum; payable Jan. 1and July1, at Office of Penna. RR. Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Canada Southern. 1881, 2% p.c.; 1883, 2.p. C.5°1884,'\2 ps C.3) 1837 to ace eee, pe per annum ; 1890, 344 p. ¢.; 1891, 234) p. c.; 1892, 3 p. c.; 1893, F., 134 p. c.; payable Feb. 1 and Aug. 1 at Grand Central Depot, N. Y. Canadian Pacific. 1882, 9 p. c.; 1883, 24 p. C.; 1884, 5p. c.; 1885, 4 p. c.; 1886 to 1889, 3 p.c. perannum; 1890 to 1892, 5 p. c. per annum; 1893, F., 244 p. c.; payable Feb. 17 and Aug. 17 at N. Y. and London, Eng. Carson and Colorado. 1889, 6 p. c.; payable when declared at Company’s Office. Catasauqua and Fogelsville. 1862 and 1866, 6 p. c. perannum ; 1867, 6 p.c. stock div.; 1868 to 1877, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1878, 8 p. c.; 1879, 6 p. c.; 1880 to 1887, 12 p. c. per annum ; 1888 to 1891, Io p. c. perannum ; payable Nov. at Catasauqua, Pa. Catawissa. ist pref. and 2d pref., each 7 p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1892; payable May and Nov. at Company’s Office. Cayuga and Susquehanna. 1884, 9% p. c.; 1885 and 1886, 9 p. c. per annum; 1887, 9% p. C.; 1888, 9 p. c.; 1889, 914 p. c.; 1890, 9 p. c.; 1891, 944 p. c.; payable J. & J. at 44 South st., N. Y. Central Branch, Union Pacific. 1885, 5P.¢.; IO p. c. per annum in 1886 and 1887 ; payable when declared at Boston, Mass. Central Ohio. Common—from 1884 to 1892, 6 p.c. per annum. Preferred—1884 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Lessee’s Office, Baltimore, Md. Central Pacific. 1873, 3 p. c.; 1874, 5 p. C.; 1875, 10 p. c.; 1876 and 1877, 8 p. c. per annum; from 1880 to 1883, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1884, 3 p.c.; F., 1888 to F., 1893, 2 Detr Der annum ; payable F. & A. at 35 Wall st., N. Y. and San Francisco, Cal. Central of South Carolina. 1884 to 1887, 38 p. Cc. per annum; 1888, 8 p.c.; 1889 and 1890, 775 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. qrly., Charleston, S. C. 1027 Central RR. and Banking Co. of Ga. Too2, 8 p.c.; 1883, 7% p.c.; 1884, 5% p.c.; 1885, 4 p. c.; 1886, 6 p. c.; 1887 to 1890, 8 p. c. perannum; 1891, 7 p.c. perannum; payable J. & D., at Central RR. Bank, Savannah, Ga., and R. and W. P. T. Co., N. Y. Central RR. of N. J. 1870, 8 p. c.; 1871, 9 p. c.; 1872 to 1875, Io p.c. per annum ; 1876; 2i4 p. c.; .1883, 1% p.c.; 1884, 4% p. c.; 1889, See: 1600, 6° p: c.; 1801, 614 p. ci 1892, 7 p.c. ; 1893, F., 134 p.c.,; payable Feb. qrly., 143 Liberty st., N. Y., Treasurer’s Office. Charlotte, Columbia and Augusta. 1888, 4 p. c.; 1889, 2p.c.; payable when de- clared at Columbia, S. C. Chartiers. 1887 to 1889, 5'p.c. per annum ; foo, 526 p. C.5 1891, °-734-.p. c.3 1892, 8 p.'c.; payable A. 1 & O.1 at Treasurer’s Office, Piila., Pa. Cheraw and Chester. 1884 to 1891, I yy p.c. per annum; payable Oct. 1, Chester, nc. Cheraw and Darlington. 1886, 4 p. c.; 1887 to 1891, 3 p. c. per annum; payable Dec. 1 at Cheraw, S. C. Chester and Lenoir. 1884 to 1891, 114 | p.c. per annum; payable A. & O., at Chester, el. Chester Creek. 1884 to 1891, 6 p.c. per annum ; payable J. & J., 233 S. 4th st., Phila- delphia, Pa. Chestnut Hill. 12p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable Mar. qrly., at Trea- surer’s Office. Chicago and Alton. Common stock— fo5%, 2% p.C.; 1864, 6p. c,; 1865, 8 p. c.; 1866, 10% p. c.; 1867 to.1874, 10 p. c. per annum ; Bagnd 3. ©.) 1570, 5 D>-C.; 1877,.732 p..C.; 1878, | Uapeec., 1979,.0 p. C.j, 1880, 734 p. c.; 1881 -to 1883,8p. c. per annum; 1884, top. c.; 1885 to Mar., 1893, 8 p. c. per annum. Preferred stock—1863, 3% p.c.; 1864, 7p.C.; 1865, 8% p. c.; 1866 to 1874, Iop. c. per annum; 75,.9 DP. C.;, 1876; 8 p..@ + 1877, 7% p.'c.;, 1878 to 1880, 7 p. c. per annum; 15881 to 1883, 8 p. c. perannum; 1884, Io p. c.; 1885 to 1892, 8p. c. per annum; payable Mar. qrly., Treas- urer’s Office, Chicago and Cuyler, Morgan fee. INDY. Chicago and Eastern Illinois and Chi- cago and Indiana Coal. Common—1886, 5 eG. 1857, 6p. c. + 1888; 74 p.'c.; payable, Mar. qrly., at Company’s Office. Preferred —1887, 1144 p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 6 p. c. per ann.; payable Mar. qrly., at Company’s Office. Chicago and Northwestern. Common —1882 to 1884, 7 p. c. per annum; 1885, 6% p. c.; 1886 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum; payable face D., at 52 Wall st., N. Y. Preferred—1882, 7% p.c.; 1883 and 1884, 8 p. c. per annum; 1885, 7% p. c.; 1886 to Mar. 1893, 7 p. c.; payable Feb. qrly., at 52 Wall | BiaaniN,..¥. Chicago and Western Indiana. 1890, 4p. c.; 1891, I p. c.; payable when declared, at Company’s Office. Chicago and West Michigan. 1892, 2a Do C.;f1SS2 a pile.;, 1584, 4 pi'c.; 1885/1344 DyiGer 1886243" NaC 607,024 Dae? ; +1888. and 1889, 2p. c. perannum; 1890, 3 p. c.; 1891 and 1892, 3% p. c. per annum; 1893, Feb., 1% p.c.; payable F. & A., 50 State st., Boston, Mass. Chicago, Burlington and Quincy. £882 to 1887, 8 p. c. per annum; 1888, 5 p.c. ; EOSOy 41pe C5. 15005 Puce, 189,44 pr Cit 1892; 5 p.c.; payable Mar. 15 qrly., at Company’s Office, Boston, Chic., and Nat. Bk. Com. N.Y. Chicago, Detroit and Canada Grand Trunk Junction. 4 p.c., per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable June and Dec., Detroit and London. Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul. Common stock—from 1882 to 1884, 7 p. c., per ANNUM) paIS85,) 374. Pp. Cos 1886;°5 ps C3 188705 DP.) Crs4 1608, 232 Dee,; 1892) 2 p. Cc. Preferred stock—1882 to 1887, 7 p. c. per annum ; 1888, 6p. c.; 1889, 4% p.c.; 1890 to 1892, 7 p. c. per annum ; payable A. & O., 42 Wall st. N. Y. Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific. 1882 to 1887, 7 p. c. per annum; 1888, 614 p.c.; 1889 and 1890, 4p. c. per annum; 1891, 3 p.c.; 1892, 4 p. c.; 1893, Feb..1; payable Feb. 1 qrly., at Chicago, Ill., and 13 William st., ING Ns Chicago, St. Louis and New Orleans. 1884 to 1891, 4 p.c. per annum; payable J. & J. at 214 Broadway, N. Y. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha, _ 1884, 7 p. c.; 1885, 434 p. c.; 1886 to 1888, 6p. c. per annum ; 1889, 3 p. c.; 1890 and 1891, 4p. c. per annum ; 1892, 6% p.c.; payable J. & J. 20, at 52 Wall st., N. Y. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton. (Common stock) 1882, 8 p. c.; 1883 to 1885, O.pecs per annum 31886, -7. p..c:;. 1887,'6 py, c.: 1890 to 1892, 5 p. c. per annum; 1893, Feb., Ii p wee a Lelerred, Stock) :, 1882.53. p. Ci;e1564 and 1884,6 psc.) per annum: 1886, 5p.) ci; 1887 to 1892, 4 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. qrly., at Cincinnati, O. Cincinnati, New Orleans and Texas Pacific. 1882, 1% p. c.; 1883, 3 p. c.; 1889, Spec. ooo, OD. C.arkooly Ay .,C.,;: payable, when declared, at Treasurer’s Office. Cleveland, Arkon and Columbus. 1886 and 1887, each 114 p. c.; 1888 and 1889, CACHED, Cm S00) Te Dy oC. ASOT L Da iC.) 1802, 1% p.c.; payable, when declared, at office of Vice-President, N. Y. Cleveland and Mahoning Valley. 1884, 11% p.c.; 1885, 12% p.c.; 1886 to 1888, 11% p. c. per annum; 1889 to 1891, 11% p. c. per annum; payable Mar. qrly., at Treas- urer’s Office, Cleveland, O. Cleveland and Pittsburgh. 1884 to 1892, 7 p. Cc. per annum; payable Mar. qrly., at Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y. Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis. Preferred stock: 1885, 1% p. ¢.; 18goand 1891, 5p. c. perannum ; 1892, 5 p. ¢.; payable Jan. qrly., at Drexel, Morgan & 1028 Co., 23 Wall st., N. Y. Common stock: 1890, 3p. c. per annum and 1p. c. extra dividend ; £5010 3am. pow. 41002; .3° p. ic. 1893, 0Feb:, 1% p. c.; payable F. & A, at Drexel, Morgan & Co., 23 Wall st., N. Y. Cleveland, Loraine and Wheeling. Preferred -/1886,.5 p. c.;> 1887, 3p. 1.41888, 2 p.c. Common: 1889, 2 p. c. per annum ; payable at Treasurer’s Office, Cleveland, O. Columbus and Xenia. 1884, 8 p. c.; 1885 to 1887, 8£ p. c. per annum; 1888 to 1891, 8 p. c. per annum; payable Mar. qrly., at Treasurer’s Office. Columbus HockingValley and Toledo. 1883, 2 16 p. c.; 1885, 13% p.c. Preferred: 1892, 2% p. c.; 1893, Jan., 2% p.c.; payable, when declared, at Winslow, Lanier & Co., INS ON Concord and Montreal. Class I (Bost., Conc. and Mont., pref.): 1890 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum. Class II (Bost., Conc. and Monts; COM.): (1891, 2 D.C. 3.1862, 3°), c,, Class IV (Concord stock): 1890 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum. Payable at Concord, N. H. Concord and Portsmouth. 1884 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable at Concord, N. H. Concord. 1886 to 1889, 10 p. c. per annum; payable at Concord, N. H. Connecticut and Passumpsic Rivers. 1884, 5% p.c.; 1885 to 1892, 5 p. c. per annum; payable F. & A. at Boston Safe Deposit and Trust Co. Connecticut River. 1882 to 1885, 8 p. c. per annum; 1886, 10 p. c.; 1887 to 1892, 8 Dec) pervannums, payablésJan:, Orly., at Springfield, Mass. Connecting (Phila.). 6p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable June 30 and Dec. 31 at Treasurer’s Office, 233 S. 4th st., Phila. Connecting Terminal. 1885, 1 p. c.; 1886, 2% p.c.; 1887 to 1891, 6 p.c. per annum; payable Jan. 31 at Company’s Office, 234 S. 4th st., Phila. . Consolidated Coal Co. 1886, 1 p. c.; 1887;0%4 Ol I p..c.; 1889, 24%) p.-c.s 1890 and 1891, 2 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. at 71 Broadway, N. Y. Corning, Cowanesque and Antrim. Upon pref., 12 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891 ; com., 6 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891: payable Mar., QOrly., at Treasurer’s Office. Cornwall and Lebanon. 4 p. c. per annum in 1889 and 1890; 6p.c., 1891 ; payable J. & J. at Company’s Office. Coudersport and Port Allegheny. 1834, 9 p. C.; 1885, 6 p.c.; 1886, 6 p. c.; 1887, PePUC., 1833, Siar ps ©.3°1890, 22 p,.ci16 pac. being in stock; 1891, 8 p.c.; payable J. & J. 15 at Treasurer’s Office, Coudersport, Pa. Cumberland Valley. Common—1882 to 1884, Io p. c, per annum ; 1885 to 1891, 8 p. c. per annum; 1892,6p.c. Preferred—1882 to 1884, Io p. c. per annum ; 1885 to 1891, 8 p. c. LOSS He 2 EDL Ce. per annum; 1892, 6 p.c.; payable Jan., Orly., at Treasurer’s Office, Chambersburg, Pa., and T. A. Biddle & Co., Phila. Danbury and Norwalk. 24 p.c.; 1884, 1885,/5 p. c; 1886, 244 p. c.; 1887 "to 11892; 5 p.c. perannum; payable F. & A. 15 at Bridge- port, Conn. Dardanelle and Russellville. 1885 to 1890, 4 p. c. per annum ; payable annually at Treasurer’s Office. Dayton and Michigan, Preferred—8 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable at Cincinnati, O. Common—3% p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable A. & O. at Cincinnati, O. Delaware. 6 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891 ; payableJ. & J., at Treasurer’s Office, Dover, Del. Delaware and Bound Brook. §& p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable Feb., Orly.,.at 240 S. 3d. st., Phila.) Pa: Delaware and Hudson Canal. 1882 to 1884, 7 p. c. per annum ; 1885, 6 p. c.; 1886 to 1892, 7 p. c. per annum; payable Mar., Orly., at 21 Cortlandt st., N. Y. Delaware, Lackawanna and Western. 1882 to 1884, 8 p. c. per annum; 1885, 734 D.C: per annum ; 1886 to 1892, 7 p. c. per annum ; payable Jan., Orly., at 26 Exchange pl., N. Y. Denver and Rio Grande. 1887, 234 p.C.s 1888, 334 p. c.; 1890, 234 p. c.; 1891, 2% pcs payable when declared at N. Y. Office. Detroit, Bay City and Alpena. 18388, 4 p.c.; 1891, 2% p.c.; payable when declared at Detroit, Mich. Detroit, Grand Haver & Milwaukee. 1882, 4 p. C.; 1883, 8 p. c.; 1884, 2 p.c.; 1886, B p. c.; payable when declared at Company’s ce! Detroit, Hillsdale and Southwestern. 1884 to 1886, 4 p. c. per annum; 1587; sp. ¢.2 1888 to 1891, 4 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. Sa July 5 at Farmer’s Loan and Trust Co., Detroit, Lansing and Northern, Com- mon—1883, 6 p. c.; 1884, 6 p. c.; 1887, 3 p.c. Preferred—1882 to 1884, 7 p. c. per annum ; 1885, 54% p. c.; 1886, 8% p. Cupmlocngy. tree 1888, 3144 p.c.; payable F. & A. at 50 State st., Boston, Mass. Dexter and Newport. 1884, 3 p.c.; 1885 to 1891, 6 p.c. per annum; payable Mar. 2 and Sept. 2 at Dexter, Pen. Co., Me. Dillsburg and Mechanicsburg. 1884, OP Ci 1885,'4 p.'C.cetes7, 4 DP: Coy TSSSees, Dros payable May at Treasurer’s Office. Dover and Rockaway. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. C. per annum ; payable J. & J. at Lessee’s Office. Dover ana Winnipeseogee. 6p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1886; 1887, 3 p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 6 p. c. payable M. & N. at Treasurer’s Office. 1029 Dubuque and Sioux City. 1884, 4p. C.; fae5, 4 p. C); ‘1887, I p. Coy 1888, 3 Ott Ds ¢:3 meme p). ©. 1892, & p. Cc. +1893, J, v4 REG; payable, Dec., at 214 Broadway, N. East Mahanoy. 6 p.c. per annum from fara tO 1891; payable J. & J.15, at 227 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Eastern Maine. 1885 to 1891, 414 p. c. per annum ; payable M. & N. at Rockland, Me. East Pennsylvania. 6 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable 3d Tues. J. & Wena 227 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. East Tenn., Va. and Ga. 1887, 4 p. c.; 1888 to 1890, 5 p.c:. 1891, 2p. Cc. per annum ; payable, Nov., at Co’s Office, 80 Broadway, New York city. Eastern (N.H.) 1884 to 1891, 4% p.c. per annum ; 1891, 334 p. c. cash div. and 50 p. c. Beer diy.+-1892, 3. p. c.; payable J. & D: 15 at 52 Oliver st., Boston, Mass. Eatonton Branch. 1884 and 1885 each 8 Dee. per annum; 1886, 7 p. c.; 1887, 8p. c.; 1888, mp c.; 1889, 5 p. c.; 1890 and 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable Apr. Ist, at Treasurer’s Office. nw Hel River. 1884, 2 p. c.; 1887, I p. c.; 1888 Peerool, 2 p.c. per annum ; 1892, 244 p. c.; payable A. & O: 5 at 50 State st., Boston, Mass. Elmira State Line. 1884 to 1891, 7 p.c. per annum; payable A. & O., at Treasurer’s Office. Elmira and Williamsport. (Preferred) 7p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; (com- mon) 5 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable M. & N. 1, preferred J. & J. 1, at Pa. RR. Office, 234 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Hrie and Pittsburgh. 7 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable Mar. 10, Orly., at Union Trust Co., N. Y. European and N. America. 5p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable A.1 & O. 1, at Treasurer’s Office. Evansville and Terre Haute. pace stk. div.; 1884; 20 p. c. stk. div.; 1885, 3 p. c.; 1886, 4 p. c.; 1887 to 1890, 5 p c. per an- num; 1891, 7P. i toe 12 p> C. penanntiun © 1893, 24 p.-c. - payable Jan., Orly., at Farm- er’s Loan and Trust CortN: Y. 1883, 6 Fayette County. 8 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1801; payable Jan. 11, Orly., at First Nat. Bank, Uniontown. Fitchburg. p. c. per annum; (Com.) 1882 and 1883 each 6 1884, 5% p. c.; 1885 to 1887, -5p.c. per annum; (pref.) 1887, 2 p. c.; 1888, SreG. 1890, 2 p. C.; 1891, 334 p. €.; 1892, 4 p. we 1603, )., 2; payable.J. & J. 15 at > Treas- urer’s Office, Boston, Mass. Flint and Pere Marquette. (Preferred) feo2, 6 p; Cc; 1883 and 1884, each 7 p.c. per annum ; 7885, 5% p.c’; 1886, 41% p. c.; 1887, 5% Pp. c.; 1888, 12 p. c.; 1889, 6% p.c; 1890, 6 p. GeroOl, 3% Pp. C.; 1892, 444 p.'c., 1893, F., 2 Se a payable F. & A. 15 at Sagamore, ich. Fonda, Johnstown and Gloversville. 1884, 4144 p. c.; 1885, 94% p. c.; 1886 to 1891, 10 p. c. annum; payable M. & S., at Glovers- ville,-Nvcy. Ft. Wayne and Jackson. 5% p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable M. & S., at Farmer’s Loan and Trust Co., N. Y. Freehold and Jamesburg Agricul- tural. 1884, 6 p. c.; 1885, 1886 and 1887, each 8p. c. per annum; 1888, 7 p. c.;- 1889, 6 p.-c. ESO, 3.p2 C - payable when declared at BAG e 4th st., Phila., Pa: Georgia RR. and Banking Co. 1882, 1044. p.'C.3 1883 to: 1857, 10 p. Cc. per-annum; 1888, 1034 p.c.; 1889 to Jan., 1893, II p. c.; payable Jan. 15th, Orly., at A. E. N. Bank NeY, RR. Bank, Aug.) Ga: Goshen and Deckertown. 1884 to 1888, 4p.c. per annum; 1890 and 1891 each 5 p. c. per annum; payable April at Treasurer’s Office. Grand River Valley. frcm 1884 to- 1891; Jackson, Mich. Great Northern RW. Preferred—1890, Efhe ContoOl. 4945p. Cos 1602, 5 Du Ce payable, Feb. , Orly. , at 4o Wall Stow Nan. 5p. c. per annum payable J. & J. 15 at Greene. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable J. & D, 19, at 26 Exchange pl., NY. Greenwich and Johnsonville. 1884, Dig ir Ge PL OOh avec Li. Cr 1O60,°O.u Cay BOO TIA. Ci 2 1OOd; 74 Dy Ch2) 1880, OY ps C5) 1690 and 1891, 9 p.c. per annum ; payable, J. & D. 1 at Greenwich, N. Y. Hannibal and St. Joseph, 1887, 7 p. c.; 1889, 5 p. C.; 1890, 1775 P- C. 3; 1891, 63% f5 P. C.; payable when matured at Boston, Mass. 1884,-3 D..Cz,5 1880} payable, F. & A., at Hanover and York. 4p. c.; 1887-1890, 6 p. c.; Treasurer’s Office. Harrisburg, Portsmouth, Mt. Joy and Lancaster. 7p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1892; payable Jan. 1oth and July roth, at Treasurer’s Office, Philadelphia, Pa. Harrison Branch. 7 p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1891; payable Jan., Qrly., at American Exchange National Bank, N. Y. 1887, 2 payable Hartford and Conecticut Vy. p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 4 p. c. per annum ; A. & O., at Lessee’s Office. Hartford and Connecticut Western. 1890 to 1892, 2 p. c. per annum; payable, F. o Aswat Othee.CrNi bo oo Wi RR Nie Henderson Branch. 1885, 2 p.c.; 1886 to 1891, 5p. c. per annum; payable, F. & A., at Louisville, Ky., and 120 Broadway, N. Y. Herkimer, Newportand Poland. 2D, G.3) 18885. 2 D.C) 18805, 32 9p at National Bank, Newport, Ky. 1887, Cus. |e: Scola Hibernia Mine. 1884, to p. c.; 1885 to 1887, 6p. c. per annum; 1888, 15 p. c.; 1889, 5% p. ¢.; 1890, 5p. c.; 1891, 13% p. c:; pay- able, J. &J., at 238 S. 3d.st., Philadelphia. 1030 Holyoke and Westfield. 1884 to 1887, 4p. c. per annum; 1889 and 1899, each 3 p.c.; T3014 p.).c. , (payable, Dec. at Treasurer’s Office. Housatonic. 1882 to 1884, 8 p. c. per an- num > 1885,°5.p. ¢.; 1886, 6.p.-c.; 18877 3.p. C.§ payable Jan., Orly., at Bridgeport and Boston. Humeston and Shenandoah. _ 1884, 84% p.c. per annum ; payable when declared at Company’s Office. Huntington and Broad Top Mountain RR. and Coal Co. Common—1891, 2 p. c.; 1892.4 po cae Preferred—1887,,.2 pcs 1888 and 1889, each 5 p.c.; 1890, 5% p. c.; 1891 and 1892, each 7 p. c.; payable, J. & J., at Treasurer’s Office, Philadelphia, Pa. ; S020 7D eCremrocs GS p. C.; 1884, Io p. C.; 1885, 8 p. c..; 1886;.7% p. c.; 1887 and 1888, each 7 p. c.; 1889, 5% p. ¢.; ¥590,'6 Pp. C.5. 1801;,5.p.. &¥. 1692) 5 ps C. 391802, Mar., 2% p. c.; payablejM. & S21 at 214 Broadway, N. Y. Illinois Central. Leased Line Certificates —4 p.c. per annum, from 1884 to 1892; able J. & J. at 214 Broadway, N. Y. Illinois Central. Preferred—18g2, I p. c. Iowa Northern. 1886, 4 p..c. ; 1887, 3 p. c.; 1888, 5 p.c.; payable, when declared, at Colfax, Ia. Iron. eres pace Mass. Ironton. 1584 and 1885, each 6 p. p. c. per annum; 1889, 1890 and 1891, each 6 p. c.; payable, Oct., at Company’s Office. Iowa Central. 1885, 2 p. c.; 1886, 4% P. CHenT Say; 1888, 5 ps C.3 1880,)1 p.iG. } 1890,41 44 te a prcerpayable ss ccs, ‘at Boston, Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw. 1884 to 1887, 3% p. c., per annum; 1888 to 1891, 3% p.c., perannum ; payable, Mar. and Sept., at Company’y Office. Joliet and Chicago. 1884 to 1891; payable Jan., HS CON AY Joliet and Northern Indiana. 8 p. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & a Grand Central Depot, N. Y. Junction, (Phila.) 1882, 16 p.c.; 1883, 72 LC... peheanniim Oriveeats Uses. DOD Cite £054, 40! Paces 18054 20 P..C. “AT Sco, BODeiG) LOo7 Masih oe mLOooM 25 (I Ni.: aur OSO, 50'p. Co; 1000,145.p. C..) ISGT,; 40. phe. 5 paya- ble A. & O. at 233 South 4th st., Philadelphia. Kalamazoo, Allegan and Grand Rap- ids. 6p. c. per.annum from 1884 to 1891; payable A. & O. at Cleveland, O. Kansas City, Ft. Scott and Memphis. Preferred—8 p. c. per annum from 1886 to 1890; 1891, 4 p. c.; 1892, 8 p. c. Common— 1386, 4 Pp. Cc. 571887, 456 p. c.; 1888, 346: p. ci ; BESSON Sap) 11s 1890.13 GNP. C. 4c TOGO nt Peleus sol, Wie a p.wce. payable FF. & A; State st., Boston, Mass.. Kansas City, St. Joseph and Council Bluffs. 1886, 4% p.c.; 1887, 44% p.c.; 1889, 4p. c.; payable when declared at Company’s Office, Boston, Mass. pay- 15 at 50 Kansas City, St. Louis and Chicago. Preferred—1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum. Common—1884 to 1887, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1888 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable M. & N. at Cuyler, Morgan & Co., N. Y. Kennebunk and Kennebunk port. 1884 to 1891, 4144 p. c. per annum. payable M, & N. 15 at Company’s Office. Keokuk and Des Moines. Preferred— 1889, 4 p. c.; payable Feb., Qrly., at Les- see’s Office. Keokuk and Western. 1888, I p. c. ; E891; 2 \p.. Cus 1892, 02) De tog mn ee payable A. & O. at Cuyler Morgan & Co., Neus Lake Champlain and Moriah. 1882, 20 p..c. ; 1883) 13 p. Cis Asad si 7 pecwemiocs to 1891, 10 p. ¢c. per annum ; payable Oct. at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Lake Erie and Western. 1890 and 1891, 4 p. c. per annum ; c.; 1893, F. 1% p.c¢.; payable Feb., at A. & N. 80 Broadway, Neve Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. Common—1882, 8 p.-c. ; 1883, 8 p. c. ; 1884, 7 Pi. (Ci 31887574 DiC a etosont P. C. 5 1889, 5 p. c. ; 1960,°5 DsaiCh; 1891, 614) D. €..5° 18027 sO Fe pe: 1893, Feb., 3 p. c.; payable F. & A. at Grand Central Station, N. Y. Laurel Fork and Sand Hill. 1883 and 1885, I p. c. per annum ; payable March at Company’s Office. Preferred— 1892, 4% p. 15, Qrly., Lehigh Coal and Navigation. 1884, 6 Pp. Cc: 5 1885, 53% p. C: ; "18867416" pe Caseioa7 a4 P.-C. 3) 1888, (4 py C.F T8aqetomrse ies wp nce per annum; 1892, 5% p.c.; payable M. & N. 25 at Philadelphia, Pa. Lehigh Valley. Preferred—Dividends of Io p. c. per annum. Common—1882, 6% p.c. 1883, 1884, 8 p. c. per annum; 1885, Mp. C. 1986, 4p. ¢..; 1887, 224 pee. ; 1888 to ee Cre 1892, 5, DiC payable Jan. 15, Qrly., at 228 South 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Lewiston and Auburn Branch. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable annually at Lessee’s Office. Litttle Miami. 4 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable Mar., Ory: at Com- pany’s Office, Cincinnati, O. Little Saw Mill Run. 1884, 6 p. c.; payable when declared at Company’s Office. Little Schulkill. 7 p. c. perannum from 1884 to 1887; 1888, 8% P- GC. I S8quer P. rt fs 1890,-3 ‘DGue 1 O0r, 7D. C.3 1892; 7) Pr Goaepay? able J. & J. at 418 Walnut | st. , Philadelphia. Long Island. 1884 to 1890, 4 p. c. per annum ; 1891, 444 p. c.; 1892, 5p. c.; 1893, Fo ita .p. uC. 3 payable Feb., Orly., at Cor- bin Banking Co., 192 Broadway, N. Y. Louisiana and Missouri River. 7p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1891; payable F. & Ayat Cuyler, Morgan & Co., N.Y. Louisville and Nashville, 1882, 3 P.-C. ; 1888, 5 P. ¢. 5 1089, 5D. c. 1890, 6 p. c.; 1891, 5p. c. : 1892, ee ho ; payable F, & A, , at Louisville, Ky., and 120 "Broadway, Nw; malt? Lowell and Andover. 7p.c. from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & chant’s National Bank, Lowell. per annum, D. at Mer- Lykens Valley. top. c.perannum, from 1884 to 1891; payable Jan., Qrly., at 13 William st., N. Y. Mahoning Coal. 1884, 2% p.c.; 1885 to 1891, 5 p. c., per annum ; payable J. & J., at Grand Central Station, N. Y. Maine Central. 1882, 2 p. c.; 1883, 5% p. c.; 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; 1892, wp. c.; payable, F. & A. i5th, at Com- pany’s office. Manchester and Lawrence. Io p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1891; payable F. & A.. at New York City. Manhattan. 1884, 3 p. c.; 1885 to 1887, 6 p. c. per annum; 1888, 5 p.c. ; 1889, 534 p.C. ; 1890 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1893, 3 p. ©. ; payable M. & N., at Manchester, N. H. Mansfield. 1888 and 1889, Io p. c. per annum, payable Mar., at Mansfield, La. Massawippi Valley. 5% p.c. 1884; 1885 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum ; payable Feb. & Aug. 1, at 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. Massillon and Cleveland. 1884 and 1885, 5 p. c. per annum ; 1886 to 1891, 5 p. Cc. per annum; payable Feb., qrly., at Pitts- burgh, Pa. Michigan Central. 1883, 5 p.c. ; 1884, 3 p.c; 1887 to 1880, 4 p. c.; 1890, §. p. Cc. ; 1891, Fep..c.; 1892, 5% p. ¢.; payable Feb...& Aug. 1, at Grand Central Station, N. Y. Middletown and Crawford. 1884, 5 p.c.; = 1885, 4p. c. ; 1887, 10 p. c.; 1888 and 1889, ma. p, C. ; 1890, 5 p. C.; 1891; 2% p.. c. 3 pay- able Feb. & Aug. I, at 21 Cortlandt st., New York. Mifflin and Centre County. 1885, 6 p. c. ; 1887 and 1888, 3 p. c. per annum ; pay- able Mar., at Philadelphia, Pa. Milford and Woonsocket. 1889, 1% p. c.; 1890, 3% p.c.; 1891, 4p. c.; payable M. & N., at Treasurer’s office, Milford, Mass. Mill Creek and Mine Hill. 1884 to 1891, lop. c. per annum ; payable J. & J., at Philadelphia, Pa, Millstone and New Brunswick. 1884 to 1887, 6p: c. per annum; payable F. & A., at New York office. Milwaukee and Lake Winnebago. 1888, 3 p. c.; 1891, 9 p.c.; payable July, at Wilwaukee, Wis. | , Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western. Preferred—1887 and 1888, 7 p. c. per annum ; 1889, 6 p. c. ; 1890 to 1892, 7 p. c. each; com- Mit 1808, 7 p. C.; 1890 and 1891, 7 p..c.; payable, J. & J., at Bank of Commerce, N. Y. Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven. 1884 to 1887, 7 p. c. per annum; 1888 to 1892, 7% p. c. per annum; payable J. & J., at 119S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. ; Mineral Range. 1882 to 1886, 10 pac: per annum ; 1887, 7% p.c.; payable Jan. qrly. at 40 Wall st., N. Y. 9, I Mississippi River Bridge. 7 p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & J., at Chicago, Ill. Missouri Pacific. 1882, 644 p. c.; 1883 to> 1387, "7? poe per annum § 1883;°54 p. c.4 1889 and 1890, each 4p.c.; 1891,3p.c.; last paid July 15, 1891, at 195 Broadway, N. Y. Monongahela Incline Plane. 1884, 4 p. c.; payable J. & J., at Company’s Office. Montgomery and Erie. 1884, 3 p.c. ; 1385, G14): 3; 1686, 8 P..C:5 1887, '5 p. C.;) 1638 to 1891, 444 p.c. per annum; payable M. & N. 1, at N. Bk., Orange County, Goshen, N. Y. Morris and Essex., 7 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable J. & J., at 26 Ex- change pl., N. Y. Mt. Carbon and Port Carbon. 1884 to 1891, 12 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J., at Philadelphia, Pa. Mt. Holly, Lumberton and Medford. 6p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable A. & O. 1, at Mount Holly, N. J. Mount Washington. 1884, Iop.c.; 1885, Gps Ce? loco" ands 1887, Cachii1o 7p. ¢.. per annum; 1888, 5 p.c.; 1889 and 1890, each 7 p. c.; 1891, 10 p.c.; payable Nov. 15th, at 35 Congress st., Boston, Mass. Nashua and Lowell. 1884 to 1886, 7 p. c. per annum; 1887, 8% p.c.; 1888 to 1892, 9 p.c. per annum; payable M. & N., at Nashua, N. H. Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis. FOo2y 1s OMe s se OO 3.22y Pa en 1864; 12s." Car TOO0;0 SD: CS e1S87; 4. pac. 3 1688;°4%4- pa es 1959 to #1802, 5 p. c. 5 -Feb:,.1% p.c. 3 payable Feb. qrly., at N. Y., and Nashville, Tenn. Nashville and Decatur... 6 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable A. & O., at Nashville, Tenn. National Docks. 1886, 3 p. c.; 1887, 6 p. c.; 1888, 834 p. c.; 1889, 43% p. cc. ; 1890, 9 p. c.; payable June, at Company’s Office. Naugatuck. Io p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & J., at Treasurer’s office, WNe oN. NN. Ho ands H. RR. Co. New Haven. Nesquehoning Valley. 1884, 5% p. c.; 1885 to 1892, 5 p. c. per annum; payable M. & S., at 226 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Newark and Bloomfield. 6 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable A. & O. 1, at 26 Exchange pl., New York. Newark and Hudson. _ 1884 to 1886, 7 p. c. per annum; 1887 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable J. & J., at lessee’s office. Newburyport City. 1884, 3 p. c.; 1885, 3p. c.; 1886 and 1887, 34% p. c. each; 1888 to 1890, 3% p-c. per annum; 1891, 34% p. c.; payable M. & S.1, at M. N. Bk., Newburyport. New Castle and Beaver Valley. 1882, LAND AC wetoo ty SOND a Ort Loos. n lO. Pics ploos Io p. c.; 1886 and 1887, 6 p. c. each; 1888 and $960) 10, Pa Gra locOm ile. Cos 1898) 2024) piers $392.) OV mee Lose ty alls) 296) Pe C2, ADT ay 154 p. c.; payable Jan. qrly., at New Castle, Pa. 1032 New Haven and Derby. p. c. per annum, 1890 to 1892, 2 New Haven and Northampton. 1887 to 1891, I p. c. per annum; payable A. & O., ata reasurer’s Offices yN.Y), N; HeandiH. RR., New Haven, Conn. New London Northern. 1884 to 1886, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1887, 6% p.c.; 1888 to 1891, 7 Pp. C.; 1892, 73% p.c.; payable Jan. 2d qrly., at New London, Conn. Newport and Wickford. 1884 to 1886, Grp: C1 781800,03°p. Cop ISOL.0 pwc) ypayable A. & O., at Newport, R. I. New York and Coney Island. top. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891 ; payable J. & J., at Court sq., Brooklyn. New York Central and Hudson River. 1882 to 1884, 8 p. c. per annum 1885, 314 D.C, 1886°£0: 1890,-4. Dp. $C. 5. 1801; 4% \p. c.- 1892, 5% p. c.; payable 3d Wed. in Apr., at Albany, N. Y. New York, Brooklyn and Manhattan Beach. 1886 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; payable A. & O. at Treasurer’s Office, Long Island RR. Co. New York, Chicago and St. Louis. 1891, 3% p.c.; 1892, 3 p. c.; payable annuall Mar. at Grand Central Station, N. Y. : New York and Flushing. 1884 to 1891, I0 p. c. per annum; payable A. & O. at Les- see’s Office. New York and Harlem. pref.), 8 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1892; payable J. & J. at Grand Central Station, N. Y. City Line : 1884 to 1889, 2 p.c. per annum ; ‘1890 to 1892, each 2% p.c.; payable Apr., at Grand Central Station, N. Y. New York, Lackawannaand Western. 1884 to 1892, 5 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. qrly., at 26 Exchange Pl., New York city. New York, Lake Erie and Western. 1884,-6 p. c.; 1892, 3 p.c.; payable Jan., at 21 Cortlandt st., N,v. New York and New England. 1886 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable M.1 and N. 1, at Treasurer’s Office, Boston, Mass. New York, New Haven and Hartford. 1882 to 1892, Io p. c. per annum; payable Jan. qrly., at Bank of Metropolis, N. Y. New York, Providence and Boston. 1884 and 1885, 8 p. c. per annum; 1886, 8% p. c.; 1887 to 1891, Io p. c. per annum; payable Feb. 10 qrly., at Central Trust Co., N.Y. NewYork, Susquehannaand Western. Pref.—1891, 114 p. c.; 1892, 2% p.c.; payable atIN« yy. Ofnce, 15 Cortiandt-st, Niagara Falls Branch. 1884 to 1891, 7 p.c. perannum; payable M. & N. at Central rust: CousN. Y, Norfolk and Ocean View RR. and Hotel Co. 1884 to 1886, 6 p.c. per annum; 1887, 5p. c.; payable annually at Norfolk, Va. Norfolk and Southern. 1892, 2 p. c.; payable J., qrly., at Atlantic T. Co., N. Y. (Com; “and © Norfolk and Western. 1884, 3% p.c.; 1888, 1% p.c.; 1889 to 1891, 3 p.c. per annum; 1892, 2% p. c.; payable A. & O. at Treasurer’s Office, “Philas, Pa: North Brookfield. 1884, 244 p. c.; 1885 and 1886, 2 p. c. each; 1887 to 1890, 3 p. c. per annum; 1891, 54% p.c.; payable Feb. 15th at North Brookfield, Mass. North Carolina. 6 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable M. & S. at Burlington, Nea. North and West Branch. 6 p.c. per annum from 1886 to 1891; payable J. & D. at 227.0, At Sti F Olla, eas Northeastern (S.C.) 1884, 6 p. ¢.; 1885 to 1887, 3 p. c. per annum; 1888 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Charleston, fA Northern Central. 1882, 7 p. c.; 1883 to : 1886, 8 p. c. per annum; 1887, 18 p. c.; 1888, 7 p. c.; 1889 and 1890, 8 p.c. each; 1891 and 1892, 7 p. Cc. per annuni;77893, Jamies ep. oe payable J. & J. 15 at Baltimore, Md., and Phila- delphia, Pa. Northern. (New Hampshire.) 6 p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1889, 1890, 6 p. c.; 1891, 6p. c.; 1892,,6p. c.; payable Jan. qrly., at Concord, N. H. Northern N, J. (Erie) 1884, 3144 p. c.; 1885 to 1891, 4 p. c.; 1893, Jan., 2 p.1e) pay- able J...& J. at.21 Cortlandtst2) Mawes Northern Pacific. 1890 and 1891, 4 p. c. per annum; 1892, 2 p. ¢.; payable Jan. qrly. at 35 Wall st., N. Y. North Pennsylvania. 1884 to 1892, 8 p. c. per annum; payable Feb., qrly., at 240 5. 3d st., Phila. Pat Norwich and Worcester. 1884, 10 pecs 1885, 9 p. C.; 1886 to 1892, 8 p. c. per annum : payable J. & J. 5, at Second National Bank, Boston, Mass. Ogden Mine. 1884 to 1887, 10 p. c.. per annum ; 1888 to 1891, 5 p. c.; payable J. & J. at Philadelphia, Pa. Old Colony. 1882, 6% p. c.; 1883 to 1890, 7p. C., per annum; 1891, 9% p. c.; 1892, 7 p. c.; 1893, Mar., 134 p. c.; payable, Mar. qrly. at Boston, Mass. Oregon Improvement Co. Common— 1888, 1% p. c.; 1889, 4% p.c.; 1890, 3 p. c. Preferred—1888, 3% p.c.; 1889 and 1890, 7 p.c. per annum; 1892, 7 p. c.; common— payable, Feb. qrly. ; Preferred—M. & Smet New York. Oregon RW. and Navigation Co. 1884, O34 (DP. -G.3 1885, 434 pa’ 3 (1886, 7 py iCumek oe” and 1888, 6 p.c.; 1889, 7 p.c. ; 1890 to 1892, 6 p. c., per annum; payable, Jan. qrly., at Treasurer’s Office, N. Y. Oswego and Syracuse. 1884 to 1891, 9 p.c. per annum ;. payable, F. & A. 20, at - 26 Exchange pl., N. Y Pacific Mail Steamship Co. 1884, 3% p. c.; 1885, 5 p. c. ; 1886, 1% p.c. 5) 1887, Ipps | oa Pevable Feb. qrly., at Company’s Office, 1033 Panama. 1884, 16 p. c.; 1885, 10 p. C.; 1888, 26 p. c.; 1889, 9 p. c.; 1890, 5 p. C.; 1891, SiteG; >» 1992,-2 P..C.; 1693, Jan., 2. psc. ; pay- able, when declared, at 29 Broadway, N. Y. Passaic and Delaware. 1884 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; payable, F. & A. 1, at 26 Exchange pl., New York city. Paterson and Hudson River. 1884 to 1891, 8p. c. per annum; payable, J. & J., at 21 Cortlandt st., N. Y. Paterson and Ramapo. 1884 and 1885, 9g p.c.; 1886 to 1891, 8 p. c. per annum ; pay- able, J. & J., at 21 Cortlandt st., N. Y. Pawtuxet Valley. 1888, 8 p. c.; 1885 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable, J. & J., at Providence, R. I. Pemberton and Heightstown. 1884 to 1888, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable, J. & J., at Company’s Office. Pemigewasset Valley. 1884 to 1891, 6 p.c. per annum; payable, F. & A., at Man- chester and Boston. Pennsylvania Coal. 1886 to 1892, 16 p.c. per annum. Pennsylvania, 1882, 64% p.c.; 1883, 8% mec; 1984, 7 p. c,; 1885 and 1886, each 5 p. C.; 1887, 514 p. c.; 1888 and 1889, 5 p.c. each; e.15)5 py GC. 01G01,.0 Pp. Cay. )1892, 6p. 1c. ; 1893, May, 2% p.c. cash and 2p. c. in scrip, convertible into stock; payable, M. & N. 30, at 233 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Pennsylvania and Northwestern. 1890, 5p. C.; 1891, 5p. c.; 1892, 5% p.c.; 1893, Jan., 3p. c.; payable, J. & J. 10, at Guarantee Trust and Safe Deposit Co., Philada., Pa. Pensacola and Andalusia. 1888 and 1889, 3 p. c. per annum; payable, Jan., at Escambia, Fla. Peoria and Bureau Valley. 1884 to 1891, 8p. c. per annum ; payable, Feb. 10& mero, at 12 William st., N.Y. Perth Amboy and Woodbridge. 1884 to 1887,6 p. c. per annum; 1889, 25 p. C.; 1890, 6 p. c.; 1891, 10 p. c.; payable, Dec. 31, at 233 S. 4th st.; Phila., Pa. Petersborourgh. 1884 to 1887, 3 p. c. per annum; 1888, 6 p. c. ; 1889 to 1891, 6% p. c. per annum; payable, A. & O. 1, at Treas- urer’s Office, Nashua, N. H. Petersburg. Common—1887, 3 p. C.; 1888 and 18890, 2 p. c. each; 1891,3 p.c. Pref. —1884 to 1888, 3 p. c. per annum,;,.1890, 3 fit, 1501, 3p. Cc. ; 1892, 6p. C.; .1993, Jan., 3 p.c.; payable, Jan., at Richmond, Va. Philadelphia, Germantown and Nor- risiown, 1884 to 1892, 12 p. c. per annum ; payable, Jan 4 qrly., at Treasurer’s Office, Phila., Pa. Philadelphia and Erie. Common—18g2, 2p. c.; payable at 233 S. 4th st., Phila., Pa. Philadelphia and Trenton. 1884 to 1892, 10 p.c. per annum; payable, Jan. 10 qrly., at 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia., Pa. 66 | St. Louis. Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti- more. 1882 to 1887, 8 p. c. per annum; 1888 | and 1889, each, 7 p. c.; 1890 and 1891, each, ODS GC. a1SO2e 7 Dagumloos, Jan. 4p) capay- able J. & J., at 233 S. 4th st., Philada., Pa. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago and POOLS PC 1O02,.4 D> C2 1003, Apr., 2 p. ¢; payable J. & J., at ‘Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., N. Y. Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne and Chicago. 1884 to 1892, 7p.c. per annum; payablcJ. &J., at Winslow, Lanier & Co., N. Y. Pittsburgh Junction. 1887 to 1890, 7. p. c. per annum; payable J. & J., at Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh and Lake Erie. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; payable 1st wk., F. & A., at Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, McKeesport and Yough- iogheny. 1884 to 1891, 6 p.c. per annum ; payable Jan. 1, and July 1, at Union Trust Con Ney: Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentucky. 1867.5 D.C. 31505, 7 pc.» 1889 to 1891, 6 p..e. per annum, payable A. & O., at 1903 Penn. Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Pittsburgh, Youngstown and Ashta- bula. Preferred—1888 {to 1892, 7 p.c. per annum ; Common—18g0, 2% p. c. ; 1891, 3 p. Go I502201Ds Ca, 1593, Nan. 3,.p. ec.» payauie M, S0Se25-at barmer’s Lb. dT. Co. NOY? Pittsfield and North Adams. _ 1884 to 1892, 6 p.c. per annum; payable J. & J., at Boston, Mass. Portland, Saco and Portsmouth. 1884 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum; payable J. 15, and J. 15, at B. & M. RR. Office, Boston, Mass. Portland and Rochester. 1884 and 1885, each 4. p.c. per annum; 1886, 5 p. C.; 1887 to 1892, each 6 p. c.; payable J. & J. 15 at Portland, Me. Portsmouth and Dover. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Ports- b mouth, NH: Profile and Franconia Notch. 1882, Zi Pic Loos) OMe 1554: tOnTSOS, AP D.. Cr -per annum; 1889, 5 p. c.; 1890 and 1891, each 4 | p.c.; payable, Oct., at Company’s Office. Providence, Warren and Bristol. 18384, | 6 Die. 71185538 De cr lossa tom Sol, 6p. c..per | annum; payable F. & A. 1, at Boston, Mass. Providence and Worcester. 1884 to ) 4586, 67 Dy CxclS57,6 L20p. Cis b1BS8°to” 189210 p. c. perannum ; payable last day Mar. qrly., at Treasurer’s Office. Pullman’s Palace Car Co. 1882 and 1883, each 9% p.c.; 1884 to 1892, 8 p. c. per annum; payable Feb. 15 qrly., at Pullman Building, Chicago, IIl. Raleigh and Gaston. 1884, 3 p. c.; 1885, | 5p. c.; 1886 to 1888, 4p.c. per annum ; 1889, | | | | 5 p.c.; 1890and 1891, éach6 p.c.; 1892, 4p. C.; | payable A. & O. at Company’s Office. Rensselaer and Saratoga. 1884 to 1892, 8 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at D. and H2C,.Co’s Office, (N.Y. 1034 Rhode Island and Mass. (Mass:) 1884 and 1885, each 10 p. c., 1886 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum, J. & J., at Company’s Office. Rhode Island and Mass. (R.1.) 1884 634 p. c.; 1885 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; pay- able A. & O. at Valley Falls, R. I. ; Richmond and Danville. 1882, 4 p. c.; 1557573 iPr. 1508) 15° D. | Gs 1880) tOMMaoL ZO p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at 80 Broad- way, N. Y. Richmond, Fred. and Potomac and R. and Petersburgh Connecting, 1884, Rewer 1005 tO 1887, 7 D011 OOS, Fig. DL cr 1889 to 1891, 8 p. c. per annum; payable M. & N. 1 at Richmond, Va. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto- mac (guar.) 1884 to 1886, 6 p. c. per annum; 1888 to 1891, 7p. c. per annum ; Common— 1884 to 1886, both inclusive 1888 to 1891, both inclusive 7 p. c. per annum; payable guar., M. & N.: Common—J. & J., at Philadelphia, Pa., and Richmond, Va. Richmond and Petersburg. 1884 to 1886, 5 p. c. per annum; 1887, 6 p.c.; 1888 to POOL 7. Ce DEELANNUIN 1892.72 iC. Palit 1893, 344 p. c.; payable J. & J. at Company’s Office. Richmond and West Point Terminal Warehouse Co. 1887, 2144 p.c.; 1888 to 1881, 5p.c. per annum; payable J. & J. at 80 Broad- way, N. Y. Richmond, York River and Chesa- peake. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; pay- able J. & J. 1 at Richmond and New York. Ridgeway and Clearfield. 1888 and 1889, 5 p. c. per annum ; 1890 and 1891, each 6 p.c.; payable Dec. 1, at Treasurer’s Office. Rio Grande Western. (Pref.) 1891, 6% D.£C.7 1602,85 p.\ (C15) 1603,72)2 (py cyepayable Feb., qrly., at 32 Nassau st., N. Y. River Front. 1885 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; payable M. & N. at 233 S. 4th st., Philadelphia, Pa. Rochester and Genesee Valley. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable J. & J. at Lessee’s Office. ‘Rochester and Lake Ontario. 1884, EOMPaiCy; 1805, 75 De) C.5 TOS, nT. Poe eTS6G, 8s p. c.; 1889, 10 p. c.; payable, when declared, at Company’s Office. Rock Island and Peoria. 1884 to 1891, I0 p.c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Corn Exchange National Bank, New York. Rockville. 6p. c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & J. at Rockville, Ct. Rocky Hill. 6p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & D. at Rocky Hill, N. J. Rome and Clinton. 1884, 7 p. c.; 1885 and 1886, 62 p. c. each; 1887, 7 pc. ; 1888 to 1890, 62 p. c.; 1891, 6% p. c., payable J. & J. 1, at Treasurer’s Office. Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg. 1887 to 1890, 6 p. c. per annum; 1891, 6% p. c., and 20 p. c. stock dividends; 1892, 5 p. c. ; payable Feb. 15th, qrly., at 96 Broadway, N. Y. Rutland. 1884 and 1885, each 1 p. c. per annum ; 1886 and 1887, each 144 p. c.; 1888, 1 Pp. G.5 1889, 1}4'p..C. 11800,.3 DC aimooiae pp: Cu5 11992, 4.poc..3 Jan, 1893.2 Dacmapayanle J. & J. 1, at Clem. National Bank, Rutland. Saginaw and Grand Rapids. 1886and 1887, each Iop. c. per annum; 1888, 8 p. c.; 1889 to 1891, Io p.c. per annum ; payable Feb. 15th at D. L. and N. RR. Company’s Office, Boston. Saginaw and Western. 1886 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. 50 State st., Boston, Mass. St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute. 1882 to 1884, 7 p.c. perannum; 1885 and 1886, each 214 p. c..; 1888, 1% 0p. Cise188q)sne c.- payable May Ist at 10 Wall st., N. Y. St. Louis and Hannibal. 1888, 9 p. c. per annum ; payable when declared at Com- pany’s Office. St. Louis and San Francisco. (ist pre- ferred) 1884 to 1889, 7p.c. per annum; 1890, 2 p. c. (preferred) ; 1887, 2% p.c: ; 1888, 5 p. c. ; 1889, 3p. c.; payable F. & A. at 95 Milk st., Boston, Mass. St. Louis Bridge. (1st preferred) 1884, 5 p. c.; 1885, 5% p.c.; 1886 to 1891, 6p. c. peran- num ; (2d preferred) 1884, 1% p.c.; 1885 to 1891, 3 p. c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Company’s Office. St. Louis, Council Bluffs and Omaha. 1886 and 1887, 6 p. c. per annum; payable when declared. St. Louis, Iron Mountain and South- He 1890, 4p. c.; payable Feb., at Company’s office. St. Paul and Duluth. (Pref.) 1882, 3% p. C. ; 1883, 7 p.c.; 1884, 3% p.c., cash divi- dend and 7 p. c. stock dividend ; 1885 to 1888, 7 p. c. per annum ; 1889, 5% p.c.; 1890, 6% p. c.; 1891 and 1892, 7 p. c. per annum; 1893, Mar., 3% p. c. (common); 1887, 3 p. c. cash dividend, and 15 p.c. in common stock ; pay- able M. & S., at 32 Nassau st., N. Y. St. Paul and Northern Pacific. 1884, 6 p.c.; 1885 to 1891, 6p. c. per annum ; pay- able Feb., qrly.,,at 35 Wall st., N.Y. St. Paul, Minneapolis and Manitoba. 1884, 7% p. c.; 1885, 6 p. c. per annum ; 1886 to Lees p.c. per annum; payable 4o Wall SEN SINE AY ¢ St. Paul Union Depot. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum; payable M. & N., at St. Paul, Minn. Sandersville and Tennille. £800, 7 acces 1891, 8 p. c.; payable Jan. 15, at Sanders- ville, Ga. Sandusky, Mansfield and Newark. 1884, 2 p. c.; 1885 to 1888, 3 p. c. per annum 5 1889 to 1892, 3% p. c. per annnm; 1893, Feb., 3p. c.; payable, Feb. 1, at Moss National Bank, Sandusky. 10 Sandy River. 1888, 2 p.-c. per annum ; r889 to 1891, 6 p. c. per annum ; payable J. & D., at Phillips, Me. Saratoga and Schenectady. 7 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & J., at | lessee’s office. _ Savannah, Americus and Montgom- Mer isos, 3 Pp. ¢.>.M. &—-S:, ‘at Transfer office, Americus, Ga. Savannah, Florida and Western. 1882, | Meme: CC. 1803, 7 Pp. C.> 1884, 4 p..c. } 1887, 77: C: + 1889; 4 p. Cc. ; p. c.; payable Mar., at Savannah, Ga. Schuylkill and Lehigh. Schuylkill Valley. 5 p. c. per annum, from 1884 to 1892; payable, J. & J., at Phila- delphia, Pa. Seaboard and Roanoke. Nov., 1892, 3 p. c.; payable M. and N., at Portsmouth, Va. Shade Gap. 1886 and 1887, 1% p.c. per annum; 1888 to 1891, 3 p. c. per annum ; payable J. & J. at 4oo Chestnut st. Phila. Shamokin Valley and Pottsville. fo 1801, and Aug. 1 at Treasurer’s Office, Phila., Pa. 1884 Sharon. 1884 to 1888, 7 p. c. per annum; 1OOt 2 Pic ool So 1886 to 1891, 6 | p. c. perannum ; payable at Philadelphia, Pa. | 1884 to 1889, 5 | p. c. per annum; 1890 to Nov., 1892, 7 p. Cc. ; | 6 p. c. per annum; payable Feb. | 1889 to 1891, 6p. c. per annum; payable Mar. | and Sept. 1 at Sharon, Pa. Shelby. 1885, 2% p.c.; 1886, 3% p.c.; payable Feb. at Shelbyville, Ky. Shore Line. per annum; payable J. & J. at New Haven Nat. Bank. Sioux City and Pacific. (Pref.) to 189gI, 7 p. c. per annum; payable A. O. 1 at Boston, Mass. 1884 and Skaneateles. 1884 to 1887, 2 p. c. per | annum; 1888 to 1891, 4 p. c. per annum; payable Nov. at Skaneateles, N. Y. South Branch (N.J.). p. c. per annum. Southwest Pennsylvania. urer’s Office, Phila., Pa. Southwestern (Ga.). 7 p.c. per annum from 1884 to 1891; payable J. & D. at Savan- nah and Macon. Spuyten Duyvil and Pt. Morris. at Grand Central Station, N. Y. Staten Island. J. & O. at Ft. Whitehall st., N. Y. Stewartstown. payable J. & J. at Stewartstown, Pa. TEOA Nt L657, Ds Ge Der | annum ; 1888, 74 p.c.; 1889 to 1891, 744 p.c. | 1886 to 1888, 6 | 1884 to 1891, | 10 p.c. per annuni; payable M. & S.at Treas- | 1884 | to 1891, 8p.c. per annum; payable J. & J. | 17g p. c., 1884; 1885 to | 1891, 26% p.'c. per annum; payable Jan., qrly., | 1891, 5p. c. per annum ; | 5 -D) 5 Stockbridge and Pittsford. 1884 to 1888, 514 p.c. per annum; 1889, 3443 p.c.; 1890, 5$§ p. c. ; 1891, 5yo5 P. C- ; payable Apr. and Oct. 15 at Housat Nat. Bank, Stock- bridge, Mass. Stony Brook. 1884, 6 p.c.; 1885 to 1888, 6% p. c.; 1889, 8% p. C.; 1890, 3% p. c.; 1891, 7p.c.; payable J. ar.d J., at Lowell, Mass. Stony Clove and Catskill Mt. 1886 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; payable Sept., at Company’s Office. Suffolk and Carolina. 1887, 6 p. c.; 1885; 2720 DP. ne, wipayableArec! O. cat -Com-= pany’s Office. Sullivan County. 1884 to 1891, 8 p. c. per annum; payable A. & O., at Boston, S. Drs Trit€oe: Sunbury and Lewistown. 1884 to 1889. 6p. c. per annum; 1890 to Apr. 1, 1893, 8 p.c, CACh DAVADICT AN Oe O wat Gs, Li, ccm, DiCor, Philadelphia. Sunbury, Hazleton and Wilkes-Barre. 1886, 6p. c.; 1887 and 1888, each 5 p. c.; 1889 to 1891, 6p. c. per annum; payable M. & N., at Treas. Office, Philadelphia. Suncook Valley. 1884 to 1891,6 p.c. per annum; payable J. & J., at Manchester, N.H. Syracuse, Binghamton and New WORKS) 1882) (15.p.c. * 11883, 84 p./c.> 1884) Si Pele 1S6eS." O'Dea) Cris) 1886.06 pe C1887. 657 PCr sissy 12 De G-gr oo tO 1691.0 S) p.<¢: per AUUUMIMNEL ESO, 0 OA Dw C.) TOO, eDey! 2. pu Com payable Feb., qrly., at 26 Exchange pl., N. Y. Syracuse, Geneva and Corning. 1884, Opycn 1085,°5 De C.ylos0 tO 1890; 6 ps Cy per annum ;91891;.7o" p.Cc.; payable’ M.- &0S., ‘at Grand Central Station, N. Y. Talbotton. 1884, Io p. c.; 1885, 6 p.c.; payable May, at Talbotton, Ga. Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. (Com.) Loo, ebap Gh Chrel. a tho (ton I8G2, LSr ples per annum. Terre Haute and Indianapolis. 1884, 3p. ¢.;/1885 to Feb.,1893,.6 p. c.. per annum + payablesPiéc A. at Nar. bo Sectr ComiNicy. Toledo and Ohio Central. (Pref.) 1890, 3% p. c.; 1891 and 1892,'5'p..c.+ (Com.) 1891, 2 Dec; 15902,4 Dar Geapayables heb. arly. mat Central Trust aeaN oye Troy and Bennington. 1884 to 1891, 6p.c. per annum; payable F. & A.. at U.N., Banks Troy Neve Troy and Greenbush. 1884 to 1891, TDC epAvapleum cue sthmat Lrooyy Noack, Tunnel RR. of St. Louis. 1884 to 1891, 6 p'c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Com- pany’s Office. Tyrone and Clearfield. 1884 to 1886, 5 p. c. per annum; 1887, 6 p.c.; 1888 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum; payable June 30 and Dec. 31, at Treasurer’s Office, Philadelphia. 1036 Union. 1884 to 1891, 7 p.c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Lessee’s Office. Union Freight. 1884 to 1886, p. c. per annum ; 1887, 644 p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum payable J. & J., at Boston, Mass. Union Pacific. 1884, 34% p.c.; payable Jan., qrly., at New York and Boston. United Cos. of N. J. 1884 to 1892, 1o p. c. per annum; payable Jan. roth, qrly., at National Bank of Commerce, New York. Utica and Black River. 1884 and 1885, each 6 p. c.; 1886 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum; payable Mar. 1, and Sept. 30, at “Grand Central Depot, New York. Utica, Chenango and Susquehanna Val. 1884 to 1891, 6 p. c. perannum ; payable M. & N., at 26 Exchange Place, New York. Valley (D. L. and W.) 1884 to 1891, 5 p. c. per annum ; payable J.& J. at 26 Exchange Place, New York. Vermont and Mass. 1884 to 1892, 6 p. e.epet sannium ; ~wpayable Aj x50. 7 at 53 Devons st., Boston, Mass. Vermont Valley RR. Co. of 1871. 1882, 4p. c. ; 1883 to Jan., 1893, 6 p. c. per annum; payable J. &J. 1, at Bellows Falls, Vt. Vincentown Branch. Office. Virginia and Truckee. £035). 3) Ds, Cpe OOO, Aue Da Cr, Oo7) 536 Dp, ncs 1888, 5% p. c.; 1890, 4% p.c.; payable when declared, at Virginia, Nev. Ware River. Boston, Mass. Warren. Washington Branch. (B. & O.). at Treasurer’s Office. West Amesbury Branch. 1884, 234 p.c.; | 1885 to 1887, 2p. c. per annum; 1888, 1% p.c.; L580, PD. Co b16o90, 134 p.cs-s payable Jo:&.J;; at ist N. B. Merrimac. West Chester. 1888 to 1891, 5 p.c. per annum; payable Feb. and Aug. 6 at Treas- urer’s Office, Philadelphia. Western of Alabama. 1884, 4 p. c.; 1885, 2% p.c.; 1886, 1% p.c.; payable, Mar., Atlanta, Ga. 1884 to 1891, 6p. | c. per annum; payable J. & J. at Lessee’s 1884, 34% p. C.; | 1884 to 1891, 7 p. c. per | annum; payable J. &J., at B. and A. RR,, | 1884 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum ; | payable Apr. and Oct. 15, at 26 Exchange pl., Nivy, 1884 to 1891, Io p. c. per annum; payable M. & N. Western Pennsylvania. 1888 to 1890, 6 p. c. perannum; 1891, 7 p.c.; payable A. & O., at. Philadelphia, Pa. Western Union. 1882, 6 p. c. ; 1883 and 1884, 7 Pp. C.3'1885,.6.p. C.; 1886, 2429p ee rsa7, 2p. c.; 1888 to 1889, each 5 p.c.; 1890, 534 p. c.; 1891 and 1892, each 5 p. c.; payable Jan. qrly., 15th, at 195 Broadway, N. Y. West Jersey, 1882 to 1887,6 p. c. per annum ; 1888, 6% p.c.; 1889 to Mar., 1g93, 7 p. c. per annum ; payable (Com.) M. & S. 15; Gold, J..& -D.-1, at 233'S. 4thstauPhiladamra. West Jersey and Atlantic. 1884, 6 p.c.; 1885 to 1889, 5 p. c. perannum ; 1890, 4% p.c.; payable M. & S. at 233 S. 4th st., Philada.,Pa. West Stockbridge. 1884 to 1886, 4 p. c. ; 1889 and 1890, each 44 p.c.; payable J. & J., at 22 William st., N. Y. West Virginia Central and Pitts- burgh. 1889 to 1893, f p. c. per annum ; payable Feb., at Hambleton & Co., Baltimore, Md. Wheeling and Lake Erie. 1888, 3 p.c.; 1889 and 1890, 4 p.c. per annum; 1891 and 1892, 434 p. c. per annum; 1893, Feb., 1 p. c.; payable Feb., qrly., at 40 Wall st., N. Y.’ Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta. 1884 to 1892, 6 p. c. per annum; payable Jan. and July 10, at Wilmington, N.C. Wilmington and Weldon. 1882, 6 p.c.; 1883, 6 p. c.; 1884 to 1890, each 8 p. ¢. per annum; 1891, 12 p. C.; 1892, 4 p. c per an- num; payable J. & J., at Wilmington and Baltimore. Wilton RR. 1884, 6 p.c.; 1885 to 1891, 7 p. c. per annum ; payable A. & O. at Nashua, INvEEA © Winchester and Potomac. 1884 and 1885, each 6 p. c.; 1888 to 1891, 6 p. c. per an- num; payable J. &J., at Treasurer’s Office. Winchester and Strassburg. 1884 to 1885, each 7 p. c.; 1886 to 1891, annual div. of 4p. c. guar. by B. and O. on 764 shares ; pay- able J. & J. at Baltimore, Md. Wolfborough (Eastern), 1884 to 1891, 6p. c. per annum; payable M. & S. at Treas- urer’s Office, Boston. Worcester, Nashua and Rochester. 1884, 2% p.c.; 1885, 3 p. c. cash div. and Fie c. stock div.; 1886, 3 p.c. ; 1887 to Jan., 1893, 6p. c. per annum ; payable J. & J. ANNUAL MEETINGS AND TRANSFER BOOKS. TBooks close before annual meetings, about Nov. 8; before dividends, about Apr. and Oct. 25. ?In N.Y. close before annual meeting and dividends, 2 weeks; in London, 3 weeks. %As fixed by Board of Directors. 41oth day of preceding month. 5For annual meetings as fixed by Board, generally 30 days; for dividends not exceeding same. 6Time of meeting. 7For annual meeting, not usually closed; for dividends 20th of preceding month. S15th of month previous to payment. For annual meetings, not less than 15 days; for dividends, as directed by Board. TONot fixed, generally 30 days. 1!No dividends paid since March, 1876. 12Opentill meeting. 1%For annual meeting, day of meeting; for dividends, when declared. 14Mar. 2oth, quarterly. Books Close Before. Name of Company. Annual Meeting. Transfer Office. Annual Meeting. Dividends. Addison and Pennsylvania. . . . . Jan.,2d Mon. . . . . 49 Broadway, N.Y. . . . 30 days. . .None paid. Addyston and Ohio River. ... . INCE WAS Wiens 7 fein. Coe Pmc RIS oacGt eee AS acme ar ome 1o days.. . None paid. BBO GACKA A Mines ee urs hate et uals Sept., 2d Wed SNOUECAS Moma oa en cra ree he BORG Shame ‘Alabama and Vicksburg’. ..... Noy., rst Mon . Cin., O. Cent. Tr. Co.,N.Y30 days. . . 10 days. Alabama Great Southern. ..... Octey 1staV eden tor Cincinnati, Ohman ec 20 days... eiapama. Midland iss. v40) a sae... Mar., Sat. aft. rst WedMontgomery, Ala. . . . . ro days.. . 10 days. Albany and Susquehannat ..... Sept., 3¢, Dues... © .-Nat. Bk. of Com:, N.Y. . 30 days... °.. 15 days. muinarand @entrevillesw> oy. een kaye os yimonen eone tl PE ey EEA WIAIL Sto UNG AVON SNe tay) Wics ctia tadrane milesheny and) Kinzua., 23)... - Ue oes Xl ANDERS ie 12 Week Be 8, OS (ud eo Ge oe to days. . . None paid. Pbechieniyavialleyesae swell as a. May,ist Mon. . INGD eRe. Urn ne tyes mera tin gs None paid. American Bell Telephone Company. Mar., last Tues. . . . Treas.,95 Milk st., Boston5 days. .14 days. Anapolisis and Baltimore Short Line.Oct. 2d Wed. .... ‘Baltimores:M dizer ecat- ween cae ieee None paid. Annapolis, Washington and Balto. . May, rst Mon. . . . John W Brown, Balto., Md... ... Arkansas and Louisiana... ..... ‘Wenn, axel Wiles 5 Bg. NIG cece Ae SOE ape wc 30 days... . 30 days. mauicansass Midland tutes (0s fa Vein exe! Moye. 5 See ele GUS hee es eet 30 days... . 30 days. Boston S.) Dirée- Ty. Co. % Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe!. . Oct., last Thurs | Hanover N. Bk., N.Y. . +40 days. .15 days. Merv i 1c a Co, Chis: Atlanta and Charlotte Air Line?. . . Mar., 2d Wed . . . . Central Trust Co., N. Y. . 30 days... . 6 days. Pelanta and Mlorida: \.iti tome ts: an Aicer ode niece mame Atlanta, Gal ouai sia st BOdayS aie fatantaand West Pointh 22.6. . % Aug ist Wed. Gu. . Treas, Atlanta, Ga... @ Nevers". 5 Never: Amante and Wanville le woe. cess Dec., 2d Thurs. . . .57 Broadway, N. Y. . . . 15 days.. . None paid. Pablantic and: Pacificl. ses.) ss is Dec., 3d Thurs. . . . United States Tr. Co., N.Y3 weeks . . None paid. mtlantic and Westerm RR of Ploriday. i820. 2's 6 + SOUBrOad Wave) Naw Vice oe sete ied ne Atlantic Avenue (Brooklyn)!. . . . Apr., 4th Tues. . . . W.J.Richardson, Sec.,Bkn3o days. . . 5 days. PNCEATICLC) Iti i asthe nan a wre Mayairst Voi pom emma NON cp cuit usta ne to days... . None paid. Atlantic, Tennessee and Ohio. . . . July, rst Thurs. . . . J. J. Gormley, Sec., Char .10 days. , . 10 days. Augusta, Gibson and Sandersville. . Feb., rst Wed . . . . Central Trust Co.,N. Y. . ro days.. . None paid. Rianimecta cle NOLtMWeSCELMnm hacma ci cnt uiiiesMGn sulci nnvel taht el = ING WAV Orkeqsmentiicg aia) cl oe ieee ae a Avon, Geneseo and Mt. Morris. . . Feb., 2d Tues . . Geo. W. Phelps,Mt. Morrisro days. . . Never. Baltimore and Eastern Shore. . . . May, rst Mon. . . . 45 Wallst.,N. Y......-...-- None paid altimoresancds OhiG. © usc ee ee Novy od \lonmeiee ee Cols @ihces Dalbimore yy. neem ee Eaiimore and Ohio-and @hicagone nats eaksweicticites scene Chicawoll sw eee ened tae Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern! . Oct.,2d Wed. . . . . Farmers’ L.& T.Co.,N.Y....... PBaitimore andy eniladel phiiayecs. msi =e alee eile aerne rolk Baltimore Midseason ie iren oe = None paid. Baltimorezand Potomac.s. 2...) Me TSER WV edac ty meins N ONGI catcmrs impetiatemts mer Never. . . None paid. Banronand bortland.y. 6. | 4 6. May, 2d Tues . INONG a a sishecits, fens els 7 days. . .7 days. BoC LAV, meat om ence MAT suirs ete tetra! va LCL O RS ethane ACN NOG sp ah ahora ease 60 days... . None paid. Bear Lake and Eastern. ...... UFR ae kM, te bossh ya PRE a One Ry ic th ener Ne Oke Ree oe A ecclt KORTae Av bie oe ca oe May, 1st Fri.af. rst W igen Bang ceria aa 60 days. . 10 to15 days. Belfast and Moosehead Lake... . July,6........ Prest. and Treas., Belfast... . - = . Bellaire, Zanesville and Cincinnati. Jan., rst Mon .. . . Farmers’ L.& T.Co.,N.Y.. 2... - None paid. Belleville and Southern Illinois!. . . June, Tues aft. rst Mo32 Nassau st.,N. Y. . . .15 days... Belt RR. and Stockyards Co. . . . Feb., rst Tues. . . . KR. S. McKee, Sec., Indiaps days. . .5 days. poli Wer Of Chicago. 0 aus 22 1. uinesastelucs tee ae oIcaAg Os IIe tamseun emt to days. . . None paid. Bennington and Rutland. ..... ulyAgrstenl Wes ease cece owe Seek, eek io a) se cleate OM aie lok aur STEREO oe ARN een er eee . Apr., 10 rst Wed. aft. D. A. Kimball, Treas . . Not fixed. . Not fixed. Birmingham, Selma and N. Orleans . Apr., st Wed. . 2. 2 1 ee ee ee es to days. . . None paid. Becton aud Albany .9... 2. 1.0. - Sept., 4th Wed. Pe reasirerion Omen e ae Immediately 30 days. earoneand MUO well ob cmt 6 can ears Jan., rst Wed... . . Treasurer’s Office, Boston.Never. . . 3 weeks. ecton ands Wiaine ime, hie pate el ee Dec., 2d Wed... . . Am. L, and T. Co.,Boston.1o days . . 15 days. Boston and New York Air Line! . . June, 1st Tues. . . . Treasurer’s Office, N. Y..10 days . . 10 days. ostomand Providence 2 ..0. ./. Oct., 2d Wed . Treasurer’s Office, Boston.Never. . . Boston, Revere Beach and’ Lynn. -Nov.,3d Thur. 2... 1 be ee ee ew Never. . .15 days. Bradford, Bordell and Kinzua IE tu prob Kevaiaihy Fue ote rl ona 4 Gaey Gai 60 days ieedeton and Saco River. . . 4) /. INGvatem, Wed Cie eis os Moen egies HMR ng cee. hehe Mais to days Bicantine, Beach siisinw%ls = «6 May.erst Nome. So race ie tere sie eaters pre mcane eel oR ceed ss Brooklyn and Brighton Beach? . . . Sept.,2d Tues. . . 6. 2s 6 ee we ee ee ee ws Brooklyn and Rockaway Beach . . June, 4th Thurs . . , Company’s Office eQONGAYS aks Brooklyn, Bath and West End. . . Nov., 2d Thurs . . . 1225. 4thst., Philage wine. © 4 cy cn) cm abe None paid. Deoomiyn Blevatedt . 2°. 2.5 5 6 - Jan., rst Wed . . . . 122S.4thst., Phila . . .30 days . . None paid. Brunswick and Western, ...... Mar., rst Thurs.. . . Cent.Trust Co.,N. Y.city....... None paid. Panaigand Southwestern) a 5 c.f oe ee te ew New, VOLK Citys ewes cen: bil eee Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh? . Nov.,3d Mon . ... . 36 Wall st., N.Y De. 120 days). eenxonaays: Burlington, Cedar Rapids and N.1. May, 4th Tues. . Co’s Offi., 36 Wall st.,N.Y.20 days . imamdenand Atlantic® . ..... . Feb., 4th Thurs ‘ ‘ . H.H. Hollister, Bdw.,N.Y.Never. . Camden and Burlington County . .May,2d Sat. .... ‘Treqsy cies Athe steak nllas mets Meee mietes ean OMELET 15) <) ser sone June, rst Wed. . . . Room 45,Gd. C.Dep.,N.Y.30 days . . 30 days 1038 Books Close Before. Name of Company. Annual Meeting. Transfer Office. Annual Meeting. Dividends. Fae ca| Chae Berry Mon Ones Nevers bis N.Y . 2 to 3 weeks. . . Drexel, Morgan, Co., N.Y.10 days ( Bank of Montreal, N. Y.,) Sanadian Pacihnet yo). oh. os May,2d Wed .. . and Harry Moody,1 Qn. >?: ... ? l Victoria st., Lond., Rae) Cape Fear and Yad. Valley PO CEL aTSE GL DUNS caepre be NOC ui neat Aimanie ete ae 30 days . . None paid. Eras aiice, UR ntamers eek i Surg akc, lit, me ane Renal qoebathurst,.N-; Dareiiens aca sone ; Carolina Central)... 4s) 2. - +. .Oct.,Thu. af. rst Tues.J. H. Sharp,Wilming. N.C.30 days . . None paid. Carolina, Knoxville and Westen... ... . Jes 3s. reenvallesNap Can ayes aie ce en eee , Carolina’ Midland, 5!) jae ls < June). sd Wed 4 wtovemarnwell, Sal /te: 2k a. 6 ee None paid. Carthage and Adirondack ..... Jan., 1st Wed . PELOOP ET Oa Gwaly) wNis 1V 1.00 pice eee None paid. Catasaqua and Fogelsville ..... IN OV.SUrStr Longa meat neue ree oe Nene cen nae Sioa ROA Wass awe hay SUL MA A eh, WIE May, 1st. Mon’ 21 /227'S. ath st,, Philadelphia, .9. . : ecu Cats Mountain sisi Gm 8 kale June, 3d Tues eats Killa a Viera’ 20 days Cedar Falls and Minnesota. ........ : DeguyW OF 2 pet fia ea eee WentraliBranch Waion Pacific 0). o,22ee 6k deere ae ea TOS mb cOdciway:, WN. Vien) ce ee Centralia anda hester jae. or. rt Gee eee DL Gentraliawiilye. ke ope. Week eee Central New England and Western. Feb., 1st Wed . PEELS LO Churciy su Nia iV 0 sare a ee None paid. Central Ohio {Biand O.).-.°. >... Apr lastawied aaa. ae Ws Holjams baltimore. \Vid.0 0s seen Centrale Pacince.: . ogame 01) > Apr., 2d: Tnes *) .”... Geo. Watkins,23 B.st.,.N.Y ,14 days.) ,ns) day st | C.RR.Bank,Savannah,and ) Cent. RR. and Banking Co. of Ga. . Fixed by Bd.,gen. D. MY pase ee RW. and -3. . Io days. CONN Yat ae Central RR. of New Jersey?. . . . My.,Fri. prec.2d Mon.Samuel Knox, Sec. . to days . . 20 days. Charleston and Savannah .... . Mr,,Mn. prec. st Wed.12 W. 23d st., N. Y.. . . 20 days . . 20 days. Charleston, Cincinnati and Chicago! Oct., 2d Wed ... .Boston,S. D.and Tr.Co....... None paid. Charleston, Columbia and Augusta! Dec., 1st Wed. . . . A. J. Rauh,8o Broad.,N.Y.10 days . . None paid. (hartiersa. cage wat Geet ke ee May, 1st Tues. . . . Treasurer, Phila., Pa. . 10 dayse a). (hateaugay > ies as Ra. see eth ws 21 Cortlandt st., N. Y.. . Never. . . Never. Chautauquallcake asaya aye: AUSS ESQ IMCS NET Sal sn el La ee None paid. Chesapeake and Ohio oem ame en Oct.) uspre, last “lu, Drexel, More,'& Co., N.Wo fae None paid. Chesapeake, Ohio and Southwestern! Apr., rst Mon. . . . Co’s Office, 23 Bd.st.,N.Y.10 days . . None paid. Chester. Greckwar ry acy Ail eer ve Jan., 2d Mon. . . . Company’s office, Phila . Never 315 dayss ChicasowndAlton aris ean: Apr., ist Mon. . . . Cuyler, Morgan, Co., N. Y.20 days. . . Never. Chicago and Eastern Illinois! . . . . June, ist Wed. . . . Metropol. Tr. Co., Na Y\. ro days. 10 dayse Ghicasomand Brie pawns |) ime Dept., 15b lues. 5, 21 Cortlandt st., N. Y. . 30 days . None paid. ieee sodas . . 10 days ; 5 or 6 days. Chicago, Burlington and Northern. June, 2d Wed... . J.L.Carter, Sears Bld., Bos.None paid . Chicago, Burlington and Quincy! . . May, 3d Wed. . ( J.L.Carter,Sears Bld., Bos, Nat. Bk. Com.,N.Y.,and > Not fixed? Co’s Office, Chicago, TH. Chicago, Det. and Can. Gd.Tk. Jct . Sept., last Wed. . . R. Wright, Mon., Que . . 30 days . .1 day. Chicago; Ft. Mad. and Des Momeseis 203) ail ee. Chicago;) Tl: 2 eee ee Chicago, Kansas City and Texas. . June, Tues. aft. rst M. IBostonyeuViass epee ae 30 days . . None paid. Chicago, Millwaukee and St. Paul! . Sept., day fixed,by Dirg2 Wall sty IN. VY 30. 56 Gayen aeiconeavos Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific! . June, rst Wed. : . . 13 William st., N. V. 30 days . . 30 days. Chicago, St. Pauland Kansas City! . Sept., rst Thurs . Chicago, St. P., Minnea. and Oma.! . June, Sat. aft. rst Thur.s2 Wall Steen vA we Viares ath eiiesrnsem: Cinn. and Muskingum Valley. . » Offices 47 Wall st. IN. Ve 30 days . C. H. Walton, Zansy., O. 0 days .. O CincinnatimandaiwWestwoods ss Sua ne Oia ee arene Westwood) SOU iy Wty ne Saran Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton! , Mar., 3d Tues - . Sec. Cincinnati, O. . . .10 days . . 10 days. Cincinnati,< jackson and Mackinaw > sso clo) ea. sean 26 Nassau st. NOY. 42a. ee Cincinnati, Lebanon and Northern . Oct., 2d Tues... . Cincinnati, Osc.) 0, eee (inn. New Orleais ‘and Dex; Pac™, Oct.,3d | Mong a) Néne va. 0.00000 | oe Not fixed . Not fixed. Cincinnati Northwestern... .... Jjanst Monanjo\ ors oe. ofc Company...) 00 ee ae None paid. Cincinnati,) Portsmouth .and. Virginia.Oct.; 2d\Wed.(.0 8 3.) os ck ke None paid. Cincinnati, Rich, and Ft. Wayne. . Apr., rst Thur. . . . Winslow, Lanier & Co.. . 10 days . . None paid. Cincinnati; Wabash and Michigan.’s 4), 20. 25 en, Newey ork Citys). 2 ec eee Cleveland, Akron and Columbus . . Mar. 3d Thurs. . . . Sec. of Co., Columbus 1o days . 10 days. Cleveland and:Mahoning Valleyeeue.y. uaa sick. Newry ork Citysy isd. 0) Cae ae Cleveland and Marietta!. . ... . .Tan., 1st Mon... .. Ben iligeast.5: NV na ee ecd a eee None paid. Cleveland and Pittsburgh!.. . . . . Jan., 1st Wed... . . Winslow, Lamier & Co. 30 days Cleveland, Canton and Southern. . . May, 2d Wed. . Cleveland, Cinc., Chic. and St. Lou.*Oct., last Wed. | Cleveland, Lorain and Wheeling... . May, 2d Wed... . | . None paid. . 15 to 20 days. Colorado Midland? j05)2) 220 iy.) Lm Oct., rst Mon.. . iifey NERDY choae INT) Sse ie b.1o&20days None paid. Columbia and Greenvillet. . . ... Dec., rst Wed. . . . Office, 80 Br’way, N.Y... 10 days . . 2 weeks. Columb., HockingVal. and Toledo! . Jan., 2d Tues... . . Atlantic Trust ConoNY ee scare 5 Wolisatand Lak eget Ge cae ie whe i A Se Nee easy wWolisapiCal i, Sate Nt bik ee eae Woncordiand:Viontreals a oe May,Tu. pre. last Wed.Concord, N.H. ..... 5 days Gohcord.and Clarendomaie cya i. ae 5 ee eee BS COngStTess stew OStOn anni alae Concord and Portsmonth 2) J. ue. Och ast T hursemeen SNone we a. dhe fui aic! Hester Roland Nig Vyas) es ae May, rst Tues. . . . 52 Oliver st. , Boston, Miassopi ste. Seehhs 15 days. iPast Florida and Aflantic= 5 . 3. : Apr., rst Mon . Worcester, Masse. a2 Sr cars None paid. East Mahoning... .... plane cdsl\Lonirae: gene fireasy se iladelpltiaemmiier: o We lice I to 10 days. Pestebennsyivantays wat) ae) canals Jan., 2d Mon Pe wlircass thiladelplhianssy etme. ane) st I to 10 days. Hast St. Louis and Carondelet .. . . Feb., 3d Thurs , Wena begesey I Lag Ie A en uc Preis ot eleouis) CORNE CHO Comin esey (ate lew silence ve) fe. Saher iy oe East St. Louis, TET Sans Ses Paste Lenn andmeWesta N= Caroligas a. ces ats tener ons 2405. 3d st., Poise eee res ae East Tenn., Virginia and Georgia! . Nov., Wed. af. 2d Tues.30 Broadway, INUAY 3 . 20 days . . 8 days HPSIINIVED Sos) | eon Guie Val aU Nov., ist Wed. . 50 State st., Boston, Mass..Never . 4 days Elgin, Joliet and Eastern . . k Sept., 3d Tues . Co’s Office, Chichago, LAE MD ona 2 wit None paid. Elizabethtown, Lex, and Big Sandy . Mar., W. af. 3d Tues . 17 Broad st., NEVA tees tOndays, en. None, pald: Elmira and Williamsport. ..... May, mst Mon... . . 409 Chestnut st., Phila. . . 10 days . . 10 days. Elmira, Cortland and Northern . . . Mar., 2d Tues . . . . 192 Broadway 2 30 days . . None paid. Englewood Connecting. ...... Apr., ‘Thur. raf.2d, Lies: Pittsburgh; Pa. 2/7. 4 (2) a... to days . . None paid. Equitable Gas-Light Co., of N. Y. . Jan., 3d Tues Nodoisd ave. Nia Vic ro days . . 10 days. Pmerancdabluroiiges tenet ents Wren Le stele bic ce! t . Toronto, Out eee uate Cart 8 Erle and Pittsburgh! . 4 a) paljetow,, CUMMINS foc Union Trust Co., N.Y. . 60 days . . Never Evansville and Terre Hautet. . . . Oct., 3d Mon. . . . . Farmers’ L.& Tr.Co.,N.Y.1o days . . 10 days EECHDUYS gist eerie SMR tN nubs ca cet us Sept., last Wed . Tr., 152 Causeway, Bost .14 days . . 14 days Flint and Pére Marquette! . . May, 3d Wed. . A. S. Apgar, 25 B’dway. .10 days . . 14 days Florida Central and Peninsular? . . Mar., ist Thurs.. . . E. R. Hoadley, 32 Nassau.15 daps . . 15 days. Fort Worth and Denver City?. . Mar. *od finest ena e aswerkdauris. ean aie a days . . None paid. Forth Worth and Rio Grande! .. . April. BES Bios Choe Pearce — Baltollinsisa@ory Novice ease 1) None paid. Freehold and Jamesburg Agricultural.May, 1st Tues. . YBa Bly. 2335. 4th, Phi REY Mk Oshdts Fremont, Elkhorn and Missouri Vy.*.May, Fri. aft. 3d} Wed. } ‘B. Redfiald ;Chicagosy. |, rays.s. ens None paid. Bic Wlevated| Mr eens ak ta pl BAR tee lke se) 5 346 Fulton st. pubwogiel yas 2k hel 5%. Galveston and Western. . 2. .%. I eve pardshe NGL Se lois 5g Goto) ol SMG in rage, Qian 30 days . . None paid. Galveston, Houston and Henderson . Apr., "1st IY Io) oe oo Tippee os MA te 6 JE Eis 35 A Sete amr 30 days . . None paid. George’s Crack and Cunberiancd alee g oti aod e ee TAB LOAC WAV ENGR Cp mri Tol Moher Georgia, Carolina and Northern. . . Nov.,2d Tues... . . A. L. Hull, Athens, Ga. .30 days . . None paid. Georgia, Midland and Gulf! . . . . Oct., rst Thurs. . Central Trust Co., N. Y..20 days . . None paid. Peel Cab ACHI Cm arnt Raw elie ce Cae ce iP ates) ek os) costae tae POUBLOAG WAVERING Wicipes cones ade Georgia RR. and Banking Gor . May, 2d Wed.. . . . Co’s Office, Augusta . . . 30 days . .15 days. Grand Rapidsand Indiana. ... . Mar., 1st Wed. . . Winslow, Lanier& Co.N. iv ro days . . None paid. anacdashowemand Garboncdalemwsc ties ca ete st) tt ecras, s a Se Lomcn Mamet aes whet usdh ae eran Cebriiicy UNCON @ eae couch fe sie hs waka es ers is i ve Chicaronlllsyand Detroite mee. 5s “CHREENE ING aaa abe ac os Se ese ole Sept., 2d Thurs. NG Terhune, 4o Wallst. . 10 to 20 ds. 14 days. Green Bay, Winona and St. Paul . . June, rst Wed. . Pete Sturgis. 52Wall st., N\Y.30 days . . None paid. Greenwich and Johnsonville. .... Oct., Thur. af. 3d VEC he EAN Oe, Gab) a Ok ee teint Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fé. . .. . Mar. Sets ANUS cacy Sls tee ho Wo. he ect eo ARE 30 days thueiivevonel le ema veli(GEM entra; eats ce Gh polit owl De aise) sen Onno ecko ING Ritodiog REE Gt tek 8 ah ee Ib bie Hannibal and St. Joseph... . .. Mar., 1st Tues. . . . J. L. Carter, Boston... . . Not fixed. Earciman Coal and. [ront/.7. 2). May, 1st Thurs. . . . Central Trust ConNave Apr. 3 De ye None-paid: Hartford and Connecticut Western . Dec. 3d Tues... . . E. R. Beardsley, Urtt., Chara a 1o days. Henderson Bridge) 3) 3)... 5. ~ 1 Jan., 1st Mon.. . . . H. B. Anthon, Sec., N. Y .ro days . . PAOUSACOMICS 7). Wie.s tes ee ho eee Dec., aa; Tuesc.. ). 62 Sec.) 23 William st , N. Y.10 days . . None paid. Houston and Texas Central? . . . . Not fixed. .... tee ee os 30 days . None paid. oustona@en, Ark, and North Wine, 29 2 ee . - ros Broadway, NeW 2 2 fac) sey ava« Houston Belt and Magnolia Park ofa Apr, 2st, Weds ean nie ae ees se o days . . None paid. Hun. and Bd. Top Mtn. Coal and RR.Feb. eeerst lesan . J. P. Donalson, Phila.. .60days .. Mimo m@entralt weet be, Gum laws Oct.,,2d Wed... . . 214 Broadway,N. Y. . .15 days . . 20 days. MWinois; indiana and) Towa. 9.9, so 5 cl sewer = STUNiew Stes INGaVe me eeiicem ce op aes } Indiana and Illinois Southern. . . . May, st Tues. ©. 2. 2 ee pe te et eg ee ees None paid. Madiana and Lake Michigan. . ... Dec.,2d Weds... ge ee ee ke wo None paid. Indiana, Illinois and Iowa. . .. . Jan., 3d Wed. | 8x New st. SON OMe on sctantats 20 days . . None paid. Indiana, Decatur and Western!. . . Nov., st Tues... . Karo L, and Tr. Co., N. Y.1o days . . None paid. Indianapolisand Vincennes. . . . . May, 2d Thurs | Far, L. and Tr: Co., N Viezordays.y International and Gt. Northern. . . Apr., rst Mon Palestine, “Texas. se Sept., Fri. aft. rst Thur.Cos. Of,, 11 Wallst., N. Y.ro days . . None paid. UNGER ge) ae a ee ea July, SdeMonecnsuaie INGOTS) Pee Wot erie cons ener ale mcs ee ses ro days. LAT mM eh Varese aa a teed de! foe Rye Sek ety ota te ae TeBroad ways a INa)y cane omelet siren stajanee ; Jacksonville, Tampa and Key West . Mar., 3d Wed... 1 6 2 es ee ee eee ee es None paid . Joliet and Chicago” Lae Sees Feta Apr., 1st Mon.. . . . Cuyler, Morgan Goin. Vas bbe RICCI erwin RE sn ee te ADEs, St NLORMblie mop eTeRSes Philadelphia . . . Never . Never. Kanawha and ietcen Doce TM a Ane lepine Eee ae ey Oe 2 Wall'st. EN ANY Ge We ci peices igs. Ueityss : Kankakee and Seneca. ...... Oct. last Wedisy won ah ee oe cee ee saris Lok to days . None paid. Pan city and Mem: RW.and Bdg.. 4.0.66 see ew ee BOS ate Sb MD OStOMm@ wisn str cmpacire ales be Kansas City and Pacific New York ee Ot ee ele Oe a ee ee . None paid. 1040 Books Close Before. Name of Conipany. Annual Meeting. Kansas City Bridge “and Terminal... >... ws 8 es dsansasy City es Ohne ert ee Le san. City, Clinton and Springfield . Mar., 2d Wed. . Chas. Merria m,Boston, . 13 days . 50 State st., Boston, Mass . 13 days Kan. City, Memphls and BirminghamFeb., rst Wed... . am C.Merriam,so State st., Bos.14 days Transfer Office. Annual Meeting. Dividends. . None paid. a7 daysas . None paid. Kan. City, St. Joseph and Cl. Bluffs.Mar., rst Tues. . . . Sears Bldg., Boston, Mass. Not fixed . Not fixed. Kan, City Suburban Belt?, .. 2. . Julysrstsl tee samme mello yt eists hele eee yl ee kee CO ae None paid, Kan. City, Wyana. and Northwest.).#Sept., 2d Tues . . . Western Nat. Bk., N. Y..15 days . . None paid. Keokuk and Western!. ...... Rebeist\Wed sem smi52 WV illiam\stN yi. eee nOldays Kings County Elevated?. . . . . . Jan., 2d Wed... . . Manhattan Trust Co., N.Y.30 days . . None paid. Sec. of Co., Kingston, Kingston and Pembroke?. . . .. . Beébaved | Wiedie seme Ont. & B’dway, N.Y. f 7° days . . None paid. Weazna alley?) 5 hal eee et) len acta we ee ek eee Arve Paani Wet wine: Pan, Raoxsyallevand Ohio siege cy) Pavey ye eis ee a es Sop broad Way.sNix Yan sean meee ren Knoxville; Cumber: Gap ‘and Weuisv..°.)...6° See wb Ou AlLSt ON tn Y ccs. a tT Aa oc Lake Champlain and Moriah. BCE AU ANN OA NNR EtG ie UG ic th eee le Se de Lake Erie, Alliance and Southern. "es. Wes ee ht TOS DLOAd Way WN. Yan cute as eee Lake Erie and Western! ...... Oct., 1st Wed... 80 Broadway, N.Y. 4°. . 2odays’ W)y aeaiayer Lake Shore and Michigan Southern!.May, rst Wed.. . . . Room 47, Gr. Cen. Depot.3o0 days . . 30 days. Lake Side and Marblehead. ....... Sere Sie ery slts 6 GlevelandvOlMm) = (Aas ees eee Daureh ork atid Sand iiill So.) elena bd uae. 209g Southigd st.) bhila oan ere Lehigh and Hudson River!. . . . . DeerristiMon wanes a Nat. Exch Bk tN | Yi Aes eee €o days. Lehigh Coal ‘and NavigationCo'/.. . Feb., last Tues, , . None... .5 2... 5 Never. . . Never. ehighsValleyanea) saree et eee Jan., 3d Tues... .°. . 228 South 3d st., Phila. . 60 days .. 30 days. higoniersValleyw easter omen ee ee Jansw2d: Monn ans Rittsburgh Par 2 soe wae 60 days . 15 days. Lattice Miami? ae ees en tears Jan. Wast- Cues aes, 4 Sec, of Co,, Cincinnati, O28 daysss eet sidayss Little Rock and Ft. Smith?. ./ .. Apr., 4th Thurs. . . . 195 Broadway, N.Y. . . 30 days : Little Rock and Memphis?..... Heb aeasth eae. Sec.of Co. Little Rock,Ark.Never . . . None paid. Lattle Rock) junction = (6's) oe Sai hee Bs koe aa aaaics go TOSubroad way, .NLY hee) Cee Little Sawmill Run. . : SUN LY se CH NALS Bee aN hy Save) s: & vals oh tale TSiday Seen Heittlenochiiy| kill ewan mene Le eeretere) AL RSCNNY OCU eR eran (iol. es ls Dee oe ro days. ongeicland? Magee. see ome Apts od \Lues-n aye nD). S. Voorhees) x02 Brdwy.... eee 20 days. Los Angeles Terminal. . . .Mar.,2d Tues. . . . W. Wincup, Los Angelos . 10 days. . . None paid. . . Ramson Rushmore, N. Y.30 days.. . . Cuyler, Morgan & Co.,N.Y Never. . . Never. 120 Broadway, N.Y. & : Louisville, Ky... . Continental Nat. Bk., N.Y.30 days. . . None paid. . 80 Broadway, N. Y.. . . 10 days.. . None paid. Louisiana and North Western. . . . Dec., last Mon. . Louisiana and Missouri River! . . . May,1st Wed . . Louisville and Nashville!. . .... Oct., 1st Wed. . Louisv., Evansville and St. L. Con.1.Oct., 3d Thurs. . Louisville, New Albany and Chic.! . Sept., 2d Wed. . . to days. . . 10 days. Louisville, New Orleans and Texas. ........... a Exchange Court, N.2 vo a) eee Louisville, St. Louis and Texas!. . Sept., 4th Wed. . . . Co.’s Of., 42 Wallst..N.Y....... None paid. eonin os @ cal aa eee emer LAY. WLStLW COM. = pa D Depot Meee Sa es ‘ei Serene MainevCentralieaen awe tee arene Dec.,,3d Wed. .-> . . Treasurer.of the Co... . . Never, % Manhattan Vol fo. ter ies wenhe an Nov., 2d Wed. . . . 71 Broadway, N. Y... . . 30 days.. , 15 days. Manhattanubeach! Cosmas. Selma Wectirsty Lunes awe MING WoVOrk sku) Seeeueniin 15 days.. . None paid. Maticoparand@Phcenixe wane Jan., 3d Tues... . . 509 Montg. st., San Fran . 30 days. . . None paid. Marietta and North Georgia! . . . . Aug., 3d Thurs. . . . Kessler & Con 54 )Wallict. nse None paid. Massawippi Valley ye.) Soe DEDis ret, Wed gereeun NOE) 2.50 tl kee & INevereug a1gondayss Massillon and Cleveland ...... Feb., rst Tues. . . . Penn.ave.and roth st., Pitts.15 days. . . 15 days. Menygyailleretae Ber GymGhie, . 6 4 & ch dos ale Sa oe aa cias INOW SY OLk x. une) Me eae ee Memphis and Charleston! ..... Nov.,Th.fol.2 M,af.2TA. O. Beebe, 80 Broadwaygo days. . . None paid. jo. Kilby st., Boston, Mexicans Gentral las ar ane Maiy;'zst Wed... Mass , and Hanover > Aprilrst . . None paid. Naty Banki IN Yin: J INiexicaneiNa tional. aan ane Aenea Sta ORM ee ey. be ee hatte ha teen ah Seg eae 20 days.. . None paid. Nichigan Ait Tine sien 2 ay awh seo eeny Sues. ive eR EONCLON ey Lo |. a Jn Michigan, (Central > scsi. os eee Be May, Th. aft. rst Bed Maral Nae. o ‘ a \ 30 days. . . 30 days. Mifflin and Centre County .... . Keb.; sds lueés.s, © yee .teas,.of Coz, Phila..i {Nevers mae Milford and Woonsocket... .... Feb.,2d Mon... . . Treas., Milford, Mass. . . 1 day.) wixiday. - Apr., ist Wed. . . . Co’s Office, Jer. City,N. J.Never. . Millstone and New Brunswick. . Milwaukee and Northern? . pe CU RET Sta Lties wma Ree Wales Nov $20 days . Milwaukee, Lake Shore and West. 1 Ju.,1st Fri af. rst Thur. Nat.Bank Commerce,N.Y.30 days . . None paid. . None paid. . 20r 3 weeks Mine Hill and Schuylkill Haven.2 . Jan.,2d Mon... .. Pres. and Tr.,119 S.4th,Ph.Varies . . . 15 days. itive ral wi a ree 21 arn ences Caren cm ee July, 2d Tues... . . JohnTully,goWall st.,N.Y.15 days . .5 days. Minneapolis and St. Louis!. . . . . Oct., rst Tues . . . . Morton, Bliss & Co., N. Y.Sept. 1, pre. Minn., St. P. and Sault Ste. Marie . June, rst Tues. . . . Morton, Bliss & Co., N. Y.30 days . . None paid. IMissminiver, Bridge|\@omie a) .0c0. a Apr., ist Mon.. . . . Chas.H.Foster,Sec.,Chica.Never. . . Never. Missouri, Kansas and Texas! . . . . May, 3d Wed.. . . . Co’s Offi.,4s Wall st., N.Y.30 days . . None paid: MissourrpPaciticts ie. man nes tee es Mar.,2d Tues . . . . 195 Broadway, N.Y. . . 30 days. . (H. Tacon, Sec., Mob., Mobverand: Ohio. sane lamar Feb., 3d Wed... . .< Ala.,A. Mackintosh, +20 days ... None paid. SSEO CCN IY. Montereyand Mexican (Gultt ) Bie NG WY Onis 7) bom ieee aireman cure ted tote ayy Cent. Tr. Co. and Far. New Orleans and Northwestern. . . Apr..3d Mon... .. { T. & "Tr. Co. NY. des av ae New Orleans and Southern. .... a ily WoC SE NSOSA Shes coer Ce picy Se. heats Mee trate vs to days . . None paid. Newport and Wickford. ...... Ociers te One cree as cae sinct secon cman ro days . . 10 days. Newport News and Miss. Valley. . Apr.. 2d Sat... .. 23 Broad st., N. Y. . . . Not provid’.None paid. iMewmvork and Greenwood Lake. 9. a a am Gortlande Stee Vp mee mt mento 8 days. Mvewnvork and Harlem!. 225). ; May, 3d Tues. . . . Company’s office, N. Y. .17days . . iNewevork and ‘Massachusetts’... .July,2d Tuess 92 000 2s tees a ee None paid. New York and New England? J Mieae ash ANNES) 5 GR 6 f Boston 8, D. & Tr. Co. | . 9 days. 1041 Books Close Before. Cent. Tr. Co., N. Y.f 2 days. . 10) New York and Northern1..... Nov., 2d Wed.. . . . Continental National Bk..4°. .... None paid. New York and Rockaway Beaeh!. Mar., 4th Tues. . . . 192 Broadway, N. Y. . . 30 days . . None paid. iWNewsvork and Sea Beach j)2.. . - Now, ate Tues. 0 2.0 )° 2s -Nelson, (Na Vie ss 2 830 dayS) is). None paid. New York Central and Hud River! . Apr., 34 Wed... . . . Gd. Central Station, N. Y . 30 days . 215 days. New York, Chicago and St. Louis! . May, rst Wed. . . . Gd. Central Station, N. Y ; 30 days . . 30 days. N, Y., Lackawanna and Western*? . Feb., Tues. bf last Fri.Company’s office, N. Y. . 20 days . .15 days. N.Y., Lake Erie and Western! . . Nov., last Tues... . Sec., 21 Cortlandt st., N.Y.30 days . . 30 days. New York, New Haven and Hartfd.1.Oct., 3d Wed... . a, 1 Jep8 Fleming, N. a 30 days. . New York, Ontario and Western! . . Sept. last Wed. ( Treas. Office, N. Haven ; F.E Hall, Gd. Cent. Sitaclone Nim Veereeee and London, Eng. ae Sep. 20.10 days. . None paid. Mewavork,Pa.and Ohio) .)..... - Oct., 2d Wed... . .Co.’s Office, Cleveland, 0.31 days. . . 15 days. New York, Phila. and Norfolk!*. . Mar., 3d Tues. . . . 305 Walnut st., Phila. . . Never. . . None paid. New York, Providence and Bostont.Sept., 3d Wed... . Central Trust Co., N. Y. . ro days. . . ro days. New York, Susquehanna and West.!.Feb., last Thurs . . . Co.’s Office, 15 Cortlandt . 20 days.. . 15 days. Mierolk, Albemarle and Atlantic* ... Apr., rot Wed... . 6 3. se ee we eee ee es None paid. Moro and Carolina... .. 3. . Octesiste LBUes aie tee ta Mane ses eek» Tacs Tos a chee a eanrs None paid. MNorolk and Western’... . 4... INIeae, ase Weel. Ae 1 eee Cb aNLY, \ 3 weeks. . . 2 weeks. MiosthyCarolina. 2 2 «2. 6. + SP pee RSs aot We MT OE Py a cra ere Sey ae ee re 40 days. . . 20 days. Northeastern (S.C.). 2 246 2. 3: NOV 2 Ova ae she aie Gap late e Cr ueurmen We to days.. . Never. Morehern Central. 0. % “pe he ees Hieber 4 theirs esis. ae cane as \ Never . . Never. lores reat QM ey es I) ror, rg ae cots SOS May, last Thurs. . . Treas., 35 Congressst.,Bos...... Porirern (Paciicts wi -t.ee yer sucess be Oct., 3d Thurs. . . . Treas., 35 Wall st., N. Y . 3 weeks. . . 30 days. iNomthe Pacific Coast... «6, co. . & . [MA 55, Gl IMO Gs. oo 6 Bo eo aoe Ni to4a5 tordays..-. None paid. North Pennsylvaniat. .....:. ein, excl Mor ns et 240 S. 3d st., Phila. . . .60days.. . Same day. Norwich and Worcester!. ..... jJan., 2d Wed. . . . . Second Nat. Bk., Boston . 20 days. . . 20 days. Ogdensburg and Lake Champlain?. . June, 3d Wed... . . D. D. Raulett, St. Albans... . . . . None paid. Gieand Mississippi}... . . .-+.« Oét, 2d Thurs. . - { Taine TCR NN Won day PPIMORICIVEr yf fs 8 Ge ke et Mar, 2d Thurs. . . . Central Trust Co., N. Y. . Not fixed Mimoesouthern?s 2... 5.2 2} tae Apr., 3d Mon . .192 Broadway, N.Y. . . 10 days.. . APTEOMVALIC YS lc ec Sires nt le Sits) June, rst Tues. . . . Continental N. Bk., N.Y . 10 days.. . None paid. MNMEOOLONY <8 = 5.2 eee mere ee fs Sep ier lastylsties misuse rr oan: DISS teas sete nabs Never . . . Never. Mmeanaand ot. Louish 7. 34 sa : May, 3d Tues... . . U.S. Trust Co., N. Y.. . 30 days None paid. MUSIC SE he Oh yct y's by) ia Ghee set ere Ae eon ot Famers: le cc ube Cone Nu Ye. on suet Oregon and Californiat. ...... INO¥e. PX ADNOKES 28 Pe yune sod loner peep) ues scie VLoniemcne Oregon Improvement Co.!.. . Oregon RW. and Nav. Co.'.. . Oreg. Short Line and Utah North.t . Mar., 3d Wed.. . . Sec. of Co., Portland, Ore . 30 days.. . . Oregon Improvement Co . ro days.. . 10 days. { Union Tr. Co.,N.Y.,F. * 1 D.Buttrick,Btn., Miss. days. . . 20 days. f Union Tr.Co.,N.Y.,F. : Pop. Hari enieMese one Ipeetre COAast. oo... ove 2 te a 8 Dec. 20, rst Thurs. af..Seattle, Wash., San Fran . 30 days. . . None paid. faeiie; Vail So. Cyt: 5 (2028 elias May, last Wed. . . . Union Trust Co., N.Y. .10 days.. . None paid. Vgc een MN A Ol rage Nee Ec etree Apr., 1st Mon. , 29 Broadway, New York. ....... Pennsboro and Harrisv. Ritchie Co.. Feb.22 ... .......--+-+-. ee eee eee TS ICaAy Sorel SaCayse Pennsylvania and Northwestern! . . Feb, 3d Wed... . . Guar, T. &S. D.Co.,Phila.60 days. . . Same day, ' ennsylyania®.: 5. fii esse Mar.,2d Tues... . . 233S.4thst., Phila... . Never. . . Never. enusylvania Cow. ¢ . . + +. > - June, 1st Tues. . . . Treas., Pittsburgh, Pa. .10 days. . . 10 days. Penna., Poughkeepsieand Boston. . Sept.s5sth....... .M. R. Bockius, Sec. of Co.20 days . . 10 days. ipanschuylkill Valley... .7s.. = - Mayvzd Ines, wa. Lreas. of Co ait tape se ee ys Never. Peoria and Bureau Valle 2 Peoria, Decatur and Evansville? . hie Sa Lad Sipyen sieht ae, ee Bae ek, e/ -"e, MOGI, ste A NOES ae None paid. REMERON Ah fe 9S a5, alot ys:tiel 2 lis ne de PR RCe LOI wea. te a wee ene Pee he Be hain. saa at ee BIEEECOULCPOMP oats sis. thy odie vel x INovembefacs | sue cus Richm’d, M.W. Yarringtons to 6 days . Philadelphia and Erie*® ...... Feb., 2d Mon... . . 233.5. 4thst., Phila... . Never. . . Never. Philadelphia and Reading*!. . . .Jan.,2d Mon... . . 227 S. 4th st., Phila, . . . x week Phila.. Newtown and New York. ....... , . « . 318 DeKalbist.,Normistown.: ...- > Phila., Wilmington and Baltimore . Jan.,2d Mon... . . 233 Siathestss ella are Never peNevicn. PEMMCETCO soci.) eld > d= se os Jan.,2d Mon... . . Grand Cent. Station, N. Y.60 days . . None paid. Pittsburgh and Lake Erie .~. . . .Jan., 4th Tues... . John Y. Robinson, Pittsb. 5 days. . . 5 days. Pittsburgh and Western Pittsburgh, Cleveland and Tolodo Pitts., Fort Wayne and Chicago! . . May, rst Wed. Pitts., McKeespt. & Youghiogheny.'Jan., 4th Tues . Pittsburgh, Marion and Chicago . . Jan.,2d Mon. _ Pittsburgh, Ohio Valley and Cin. . Path en ee May,1st-Mon.... Pitts., Chartier> and Youghiogheny . Jan., 2d Mon. . . Pittsburgh, Cin., Chicago and St. L.1Apr., 2d Tues... . aS fa ies O15! he) Aen ne TORR wHebwod) Vedas. . Drexel Building, N.Y. . 60 days . Sy carg ba, ema baleen” V0, . None paid. None paid. , Farm.Loan & Tr.Co.,N.Y.20 days . . 7 days. Pe Pittsburolep Ca ame ges leek acme = ; Ne tara ee N.Y.22 days . . 22 days. Central bn ComiNen ven) ‘ ADT 1 Y. Robinson, Pittsb. f 3 Bae ay Ao GAYS: ca N LuiSbGiie OC OEEIUL Yo CHV ie bao etn te None paid. Pr Pe yo penn. care Se 1o days . . None paid. Name of Company. Pitts., Shenango and Lake Erie! Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentuck . Pitts., Youngstown and Ashtabula Pontiac, Oxford and Northern... . Portland and Rochester* NAV, cog . . Nov., last Mon 1042 Books Ciose Before. Annual Meeting. Transfer Office. Annual Meeting. Dividends. Apr Sse UeSrmre, ieqinet ee ae te Coe. Ue 60 days . . None paid. Mar., 4th Thurs . 5S. B. Liggett, Pittsb., Pa. 10 days . . 10 days. oy WMiayengdeah nurses . . 10 days. chin dao ea renee, ARS EIN coe TGINGE WULLV OU dee PSM Os yuo Me Ce eta eH OE ALS EAN Sill seat ait fc Woes 8 Re Gel eh sins eceldeang 15 days n June; TSt, Nona a0... boston, Massalnct ree. \, DS fe A ees . Nov., 3d Tues. . . . Ed. Workman, Sav., Ga. . Same day . . My.,xst Tu. aft, 2d Mn.Ed. Workman, Sav., Ga. . Same day . oS RS Thee See Sees eueN EWo COT tian niA\ Set, Lore, eee fed May, 1st liters uc NGmew?)) lt « 30) days sane NOV, Tstuvlon Jona edo Walkers: WY tee 3. ro days . None paid . Sept., 3d Mon... . . 4and5 Court sq., Brooklyn.10 days . . None paid. Feb, zsti Monn Jo) Treas, Providence, Ri F Ji2 9 nae a3 eee eee 6h esha os Meth eh Net) = jasy 068 6) Mak Te mele aie Farmers L. and Tr. Co., Pullman Palace Car Co... .... Oct.; 1st Th, afiad Sat. <-N..V:,N. Eng, Tr, Co., | days . .15 days. Bstn., Cos. office, Chi. Quebec and Lake St. John... . . in Sa acid ere ON ty ce, nis; ne, paeans 6 days. . . None paid. Quebec Ceniraiisoa) 24.0) airiaee) UNG erstiweclken maewene ly dinette hes leds SRR Sat todays . . None paid. Quincy; Omaha and Kamsas ‘City. °° . 6). 5) 3 Bau William st.wlNiegY, aes alee 3 ein Raleigh and Augusta. . . ING er rus a Ce NONe fe.) GOL am None . . . None paid. ihaleigh and Gaston. 2. he INO Ve toners, WN emis Se cae sae ewe yt eae On ae er 30 days. . Raritan River etn Mtge Ut trees DicUreruliesres way Wwe et Ee Ce ees .20 days . . None paid. Reading and Columbia. . .... . Jan., 2d Mon. ry comet a SMS She et bos. 3 60 days .. Rennsselaer and Saratoga... . . . June sist Mon’... ).-National Bk. Com. Ns Vee Reynoldsville and Falls Creek. . . AMAT Y emenee Ve yee muay ice Gs. a | “ak a du ee Richmond and Danville!. ... . . Dec., 1st Wed . Co’s office, 80 Bdwy..N. Y,10 days 10 days. Richmond and Petersburg... . . , Nov., 3d Mon . M. W. Yarrington, Rich . 5 or 6 days. 3 or 4 days Richmond and West Point Term.! . Dec., 2d Tues . Office, 80 Broadway, N. Y.10 days . Io days. Richmond, Fredericksburg and Poto Nov., 3d Wed, . . . J. B. Winston, Treas. . . 10 days . . 10 days. Rich., Fred. and Pot. and Rich and AAT Ole Ma eR SEAL Ratan. MA, Nov., 4th Wed. . . . J. B. Winston, Treas . . 10 days , . 10 days. Riow Grande Were. eye sees 6 on ee WHEN Parte. ale Sadie Gh ee Meeks Veet eee 3. days. . . None paid Rio Grande \Junction® 29.5 8, Wulvartotoeme beanie er, Maitland, Phelps,Co.,N.Y.None paid . Rio Grande Western! . . . July, last Mon. . . . 32 Nassaust., N. Y .20days . . Not fixed. Moanokeand Gouthernesc nue is ee ue ee SR oanoke,) Vivi Wee , Rock Island and Peoria . . June, 2d Tues . . Rock Island; Tih), ) ese Home KRG Gear pia Gy veioe eau hen tne . Rom€,Ga., & 80 Bwy.,Ni Va) eae Rome, Watertown and Ogdensburg!.Dec. 28th, .... . Central Trust Co., N.Y. .30 days . . 15 days. Saginaw Vy.and St. Louis... ... July, 2d Wed... SPOS COE VL Assen a ne TolidaySmnu. St. Johnsbury and Lake Champlain pOeDe., Sco hus. eas! Montpelier: Vi.) 4s, ae eee None paid. St. Joseph and Grand Island!. . . . June, 2d Tues. . . Central Trust Co., N. Y. . 30 days . . None paid. ot? Louis Alton and Springfield’, 02.0 uli oe SE Louis, Mo}s. i634 Ona eee St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute! . June, rst Mon. . H A.Crosby, Ast.Sec. N.Y.30 days . . Not fixed. SE WLLOUUS enc aac a). Teles Meher Serco) aia ia btn aioth gy ) Mast St. Wouis, LIM. .0) ane St. Louis and San Francisco . Oct., Tues. bef Ist. Thnr. Alex.Graydon,St. Louis, Moro days 20 days St. Louis, Iron Mountain and South.Mar., 2d Tues. o’sOffice,rg5 B’way, N.Y.30 days None paid St. Louis Southwestern!. . . . . , May, 1st Wed. . . Farmers’ Loan and Tr. Co.30 days . Louis, Vandalia and T . Paul and Duluth! , , Savannah, Americus and Montgom’y ‘Savannah, Florida and Western. . Seaboard and Roanoke Seaview, Elevated. ..... Silver City and Northern? Souix City and Northern Skaneateles Slate Run eho el re elt is) Ne’ @2 oun Peel eita: » a ab re "eo Mam Tees) = iene, . Stony Clove and Catskill Mountain Terre Haute and Indianapolis . . Terre Haute and Logansport . Terre Haute and Peoria Texas and New Orleans Texas and Pacific! Tioga Op ON Gl Se ee ey, Pome erre Haute* se eres 6) fe) Sisk aa ch . SAGs ferret 2: Asari e? Mie, |e 7 S- > fe. Sy Jere MUS tole lor tis! id) te Lav uel ce’ % see . . oO Nein lie! wy siel Sat Ves io! a ee) el Be ea aL eet Pe at @) je Ree ease Ne, 7 ee ; . None paid. ay 2d eS mune 5 Oer ccdlalsiurs are | 20 to 30 days. BR A ed pot Paul, Minn 2 (cg) ae aes ANG), SSC NEON some RN ONS | ue ds ots We tee 30 days . 30 days Nov., 3d Wed. . . JE.Thompson, Phillipe,Me.Never . . . Never Neer) alesis eee tbe ds 6 5 days : ABSA gl 4 aay BY ae foc 2 As NEL ASI a en eR) 15 days Mars ist Wed. (7.4..N.-V.iand Savannah, Gay. cee Oct... 7st Tues. 5. :-Portsmouth, Va...... ., to days Sse senna tepe die one F7OmNViater sts. Nid Vi. ae ga Jans 03d Wed... tei New.Vork foo .u ee to days 15 days MES Pate er oes prestOux City, 1a: tus seca) 0s ane Oct : . J. McNamara. . . Io days 10 days oes Pe Paige seh oe Be Binghamton, N.oVix. 2 one ee Seanad Berane tec rg LAER Co.'s: Of., 68 Wan, st. No Ye pone one paid. raat SONNY CCE ater mee tC eck ga TEN ced Ma 30 days . . None paid. . Apr.,ist Wed.af. 1st MGeo. Watkins, 23 Broad st.Not pr’vid’d RE Re Ae VCO sete RN emi an, Shi OTR & UR 30 days .. LDU slid Des, A mee ye ene Uy! Reta Le 30 days . . None paid. J atte SC MCG A eeu er cc tae okt 1 6odaysS ym an Ze Mona emer agin, or ia os Sire bs ie ad May, 4th Thurs E. F, Lane, Keene, N. H.rodays . , May Jody nes ea. ee Cornine Ni. Vals eit Sey. 30 days . 30 days. IVI Ae, SSCL VY CLl A A ET, BNR go pet Shae 60 days .. Dec., 1st Wed Richmond ,.Vay 1a) 1o days . . None paid. Jan., rst Mon G. F.Farrington,Sec., T.H.10 days . When declared. _ . None paid. SPs ce Wi te yle4 ey fel wet te dees Nov., 1st Mon. . . - 23 Broad st., N. Vi ee Oe aC tS Ste cal Te: me BG Wes sialeet eye) Mar., 3d Wed . . . .C. E. Satterlee, DEG Nee ey oS ae ale None paid. ene eye, eee yay ee 21 Cortlandtst., N. Y. . . 30 days . . 20 days. Sept., rst Mon . . Central Trust Co., N. Y..30days . . 30 days. ANEW Ob Mn ho tae todays . . None paid. - - 10 days. . None paid. . None paid. Apts gd eWeds geen aay ik) y Sim asl, Ne lomy BS cen ieee Sept., 2d Wed 44 Wall st., N. Y. “10 days .'. None paid. Mats cde Eri ae. ee Pittsburgh, Pa. . . todays . . None paid. ea oh erty Grand? Rapids Mich ju) a0 pies oe 1043 Books Close Before. Name of Conipany. Annual Mecting. Transfer Office. Anwual Meeting. Dividends. Mmion Pacific, Denverand Gulf... ........ : te Hae coe pees : : : Union Trust Co., N. Y MPMTERAM A CHIC se. o) i, Cs eurtiaeih oe he Apr., last Wed. Boston viiac seen eae 20 days United N. J. RR. and Canal Co.* . May, last Tues. . . . National Bk. of Com.,N.Y.Never. . . 20 days. Serecmen de black, MRiver ty, | ~ life ale) Give) a ret eyier yess Sean ain Gere Fae days . eee (): )it tree vctae seen aa a! ita bar's Apr., 3d Wed... . . H.M.Kleim, Sec. and Tr..30 days . . None paid. “TV ellkest?2( QUES Ee Sate be ear eke Se Ncvembermma meen baltimore: VL Ge akw micas Never. . . None paid. Vermont and Massachusetts UeyEMe St WW Edius! (ys DONC, Wks peel pee NeVete sm INGVels Vermont Valley of 1871. . . June, 3d Wed... . ‘Vreas., Bellows Falls, Vt. 10 days . . 10 days. Vicksburg, Shreveport and Pacifict Oct... 1ste Monee). har. L. and Tr. Gor, 'N. Verdavs mm. NOoieapald, Mercia Midland® . 3... 3%. 2 2 Dec., 3d Wed... . . 80 Broadway, N. EO days . . None paid. Bhosle nor Mc ute late tahoe: atl ans Sept., 2d Wed. . . . 80 Broadway, N. Y.. . .30days .. Wabash, Chester and Western.. . . Mar., rst Wed. . . . H.C. Cole, Chester, Ill. ake Ged . None paid. rail. Valley. 2... cS yecul es Deemed) Wiedaaquey eta: ch at neers oar. toe eR 20.daysan Washington Southern®. ...... Apr., st Tues. . J.S. Lieb, Baltimore, Md. Not fixed. . None paid. Waynesburg and Washington. . . . Feb, rst Tues. 2. 2. 6 6 0 ee ee 60 days = Weatherf’d,Min. Wells and North.! . June, 2d Tues... 1. 2. 2 0 2 ee ee eee es 30 days . . None paid. Wellvl. , Couderspt. anc pine CrecicmeN Overs te WVeC lala «malo Wycniisimeie sn) seh etman ect st ve zt month. . None paid. Western Mary lancipaet sc imei Oct), 34 Weds 2. } .oy Treas. of Co.) Baltimore! Foss Western N. Y. and Pennsylvania*! . Jan.,2d Mon... . aR ena: wages 13 days . None paid, Western Pennsylvania. ...... Feb., 3d Wed pilreasuteroluCOuniems. ola Neyer . Never. WWestem RW. of Alay... 2°. os) ATP RStEen teen seas INOHES ican aed ocean eae eed Sem els Pwestem Unions . . as + 6.05) sf Oty eds Wied wana ar. Cos Offi. 195) Bdwyi New -ceptul2or.n.025 MiestmCYSey oss ei es er Mar iste lucsy ante Uxeas:. 233.54 4tSt , Phila. 20 days . . Never. West Jersey and Atlantic ..-... Mar., rst Tues. . . .. Treas., 2335. 4thst., Spina Meus Never. West Va.and Pittsburgh ..... IY Beni pits AUTRES al SPU i Oe nas “Oper. oe Cah aleuritie Cm n ily Ara Vest Va., Central and Pittsburgh! . Aug., 2d Tues. . . . Cumberland, Md. . . 2ONdayS. san Wheeling choval leptige Mist Sa yt e Feb., 2d Tues... . . J.M.Ham, 4o Wall st. IN. Y.15 days . .15 days. White and Black River Valley. . . Jan., 3d Tues . Little Rock, Ark. . 30 days . . None paid. Mevvniteield-aud Jefferson. 2). 2 3s 8 ees a se 25 Congress. Ste Bos.,Mass Sty ee eM PIN baLV Allevaes Mn woN ie nl csi elo mete voistnelroihety es sno is INoraeNWaopadel, ANG Goo.) Aha GG. cylo ex Williamspert aad INi@adn deieheel wo iawe 5 peo ole co bain One Williamsport, (Dare aaa te few tn eo Wilmington and Northern ..... May, 1st Mon. . Shurter, ae Del. Never . None paid. Wilmington and Weldon ...... INOvaalbere: weekend scott smc a p “Post, Jra, Sec: of Co.10 days 4. 10\days. Wilmington, Columbia and Augusta. Ne Riri ad Ere eee J. F. Post, Jr:, Wil., N. C.1o days . . 10 days. Miiiminston, Onslow and B. Caro 4... an. wt eee 212 Pro. Exch. Bldg.,N.¥..... . Winona and Southwestern?. .... June, 1stpWed 37, New York . (iibe¢.csaue) & le) aati Wisconsin CentralCo.t....... Oct., last Wed . nig eae eee abere \ eee ey Noterpaid. Oo) noe Ud py oaloreai ec, SuSE Sce pr lreinler ancy Gms Or aos argos Ie Boston VLASS sean e ewe) meer uite ts. Kino iver Branch . . fsa. = 6 Decerrste lies metic ince t Sorular an toe Pol hits Worcesster, Nashua and Roch ...Jam......... Treas., Worcester, Mass . Never . ro days. Wrightsville and Tennille ..... danni o CANTON, eee: OER are, Cabin sr eere ee Meteo) TOMOAY Sues Preneeyille andsOhio Wivier ocmelas eels teits ent tes le cl iey Miercartenbetists ©. carr N ae Nanoha ae eet io RAILROADS. INCOME TO APRIL 1, 1893, OF PRINCIPAL ROADS AS FAR AS OBTAINABLE. *Deficit. Loss on auxiliary lines, 355 miles. ’Two months ending Feb. 28. *Three months ending Mar. 3r. *Includes ‘‘ income from other sources,”’ ®[essor’s account. 7 Decrease as compared with previous year. ®Includes Lehigh Valley Coal Co. Profit tolessee. Dividends paid from net income: 1° $28,050. 183,445,804. 12$3,906,098. TS$1,125,000. 141,250,000. 13$80,000. 16$1,320,000. 17$1,056,000. 1%$350,000, 19g1,117,854. 20£40,000. 21g120,- 000. ??$40,000, 73$198,702. 2475 000. 25 $60,000, Earnings. Net income after Gross. Net. all fixed charges. Wabamea Greatiooutheri ik Re wane ner eeeey ao Sr TOOT $1,025,360 $269,157 Gains. ending Decas tet a wee ema 1892 940, 267 1x 579 . 1892 485,380 74,312 ge gee 34 OS. ENING A Prams ree ie etek as | 1893 491, 104 362,314 Ala., New Orleans, Tex. and Pacific Junc. Lim. 8) x L2 NOS. EnGiIng Dec uai fae ee Ns: 1892 68,121 62,725 $26,218 guabaniaand= VickSsbursens.c ce en eae 1891 393,697 110,972 GS 1u0ssending: Detar. woe woe ee ee oe 1892 320, 341 452,000 : ; 1892 ‘172,44 12,000 S7d IGS AENCING A pies. 2.0 sae eek ee eae 313 000 eibany and otsquciannaree. set fe ete 1891 300,883 © moshendine Deck areata oe 1892 508,535 AMeSHEN VENA eyyan, Met a, The Ny. Muemaitie tae tee fo) > 1892 370,506 133,957 2 TROS CNG OIE ee 28 ia, weenie ee ee ee 18 373,001 96,100 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fé (inc. Col. Midland and St. Louis and San Francisco).............- 1891 25,384,996 8,796,112 GMOS Fenner lccwerey wt Nepean ee 1892 26,919,128 591 204,514 ; 1892 11,060,416 1,481,673 BAiMOS veneiNgTA Hi Gee. enone tetiete ee: | 1893 11,989,954 | *1,667,061 Main lineand branches... eon { 1892 2,093,421 31,058,602 Ge MOS. eENGiINg A presiat, centr ete Rite et 1893 2,242,077 31,298,308 Atlanta and.e iarlotte:Alr Linge a. ee, 1892 60,560 PUMOUTL enming i aniest sw thre casts, eens. 1893 64,863 POLLAN A ANCL SIGricLa © aa. un detente fee eel tr Le 1892 20,744 SOS selGsmo uN Aries teeege ony atee ry ween eee 1893 23,522 JUlataand \wecti Points: ates yo els Wan rnd 1891 283,395 SUNOS ENGIN AAU we ae hat ee ee a 1892 271,078 BAlLIMOre at aglenio teh ters 1) toce, (oe, se 18gI 24,028 NEAT OU AINE Uy cas cot real aeeeiee tare ase 1892 219,176 64,993 Baltimore and Ohio (all lines east and west of Ohio PCE E Teese serene oat ie sigs Heeeebubee ec cesacttrceh weet ond 1891 13,579,327 4,306,880 G Mos -endingsDac Ties cee eee 1892 13,803,489 4,116,000 1892 6,087,574 _ 1,497,914 3 es ending ‘ane 31 Eiions sess Sena wun peetmoar acer | 1893 5,892,427 1,176,423 LinesicasvoimOhiouRivers:. see ee eee { 1892 4,558,717 1,270,475 BaOs mening Nar maiacn ee eee rar: poet | 1893 4,338,164 1,013,914 Limesavestao Olio Riverse vce atte ee | 1892 1,528,856 227,439 smospending | Mar n2h ime cnt ene Cas 1893 1,554,264 162,509 Baltimore and Ohio Southwestern........ 1891 1,411,922 567,114 INOS TOM ae Deca ries acts cays 1 rien eee 1892 1,407,576 534,129 I i 1891 747, 87 161) 6 Bie INOS SENGULOUA DT MIR asses keer ee ee eee ees 758.686 ees Bathand Hammondsport! a... 2.52: c0r0 © OB 7 sph a ; } J cj ) > ‘ ie 5193 G8G'T9S zeP'ere ot L19'846 — 92T‘OL9'T —FL‘8¥ 9S aber 06ST Se Te tag tiseet | are eae GG 110°RQG prea 207 © - 608 QT? > 7 912'8B G1E°68¢ 629° TT8 0G2'S eee Ce 1299'S 6SF'FIT res a OVULOJOg W slow [VY F0-06¢'T EEG Batas hat 690° LEFT ‘T6 e99'cgrT —-azz‘Re9‘9- Pea GHF'6sS'S = 669°EZT 6Z1'8 (a I68T 919029‘ eet vo os al aus 000/981 198‘ S6P'L Si SPACE maT NS 6L SFL 9L0'LEF T “OBST ‘og oun Surpua 19x eee eee) 548 Oe LS GOL Cay 2 $80 820 LIP cee’ oee Fe __.., WASeAN MOS OFYO 7 oxourEy [eg 90'eG6'8 LEs‘60G'T 9Ba‘GFr‘L SLO-LIP LOSOEGFS — -LEB'6E9 SFT ‘8205 GOST -n s ArebGG GED (OROIETE Team Deotees = a eee Ce ee OF : ~ e 1G 0) LS $ LPS ray a6 ( + ; 19 on - GFL CIO'T age ¢ 9 166 9T O68E ‘Og toque} dag Sutpue Iva X 06¢'E8 10¢‘gg : 8G oes C99 ‘z G9! : ig OZ1'Z one “WU OLYO F etowly]| vg 6 10¢ sc! I 99% ZO8T 9 0086. GLB ‘E21 ee 68E'C0T OG9TEI BAS Ler “OSE 2 08 SUN) BErRte eA: GL8 Gol G6L S&T £99' 10 orl OT SFS'GLT payee , AdT[BA UBIO ih 691° 181 FSP‘ ec oanee Lot Og eune Surpuo va XK zog‘oz9? §=—- FaE‘OGO'T —-989‘OTZ 8 : opto en a 989 OTZ T 0 CG‘ VA Gs a " Cae , Ker cor YL PIE'T — 890'908"T oes'eer BT ‘a6FT — zO8‘809'% — SL6COOL'F L688 pes: oOo a 8 Zprpue wea Ae PHT 68 SF9'CLI 4 BIOELI'T — 8O8'GGE'S — O8EGLOF CE Ee GOO'SLO'T — GLG'SOF'Z ‘268 0 ae SIF 9B OFG‘Z 8F9‘G! an Vv 6GF ‘SS Gez esc! ‘ G68 ‘Og OUNL? 5 1oFF6 avy eh POE GEL B79 S27 POT O08 GO8"GLF 191% GESSLGT 9899'S peer: CORSE aa NOG aen 96188 86708 66°F LI oa6'F 2 689,8FE =F 0 S8h GFL‘ FP6 606 140/196 pi ee Ghee Ag 2 8 SA ) ORT nde 0A f) Daa 2 a } | sn: rs. aaxlane S8eFLE aed I19'863 GPFELF OFL‘Z cce'olg == T9¢“19¢ TEST al mere) «BBO aaa GE'F9 S8eFT —OISFGS «= RGT‘GOT'T 8's €99'00 6EL'F9G ‘O68 “t 06 9D fe upto. Ane) TPO'T9%% 692'00G ==» 8B4 EZ ee COELL8 —- GIO'TFL‘T morte ee 99F 128 ae Gaara Rowe a owt 996 Co War 862665 OKOFZB BELEN ~—G08"S Sa ee tle Pe ‘T6ST seh Ge 666 2G GFS'8h Ere FOL IE GELS, ‘068 BFS SF 9GC' CBF cog‘T¢e ey O8T ‘og oun Surpuo 1e9 X 066992" ; LPO 68x OTE 28S 29G‘R6F oe re 902 Fe 098°62E ‘GOST SOREL 28 Ae AUIS ao 6) aes aid ~ : VO ¢ ; Seeks AG). 803° Ba be An SEF C90‘899 100‘8T1 $90'0E¢ ios cote amet 102098 ‘TERT tnd ateteme 2 19G'Sx GO9'T9 artap 10 09 6 2 er Og 9UNL SUTpPUS IBd CT6 R86 Pee 20s 0s a eee GZS eel epee monet GF°LT0'T “au ortsuedd pau ty TP COPS = LOFELO'S — 6GF'GLO'S Pa) OSG S 6 E95'S af(yr ce ‘769 a uel COG F9 19 (VE + OF C1IOG 86K Vee eea ye a¢ IZE 0G COG‘R/6 nes GOST eee T O€9OSFOT Gee‘CHOTT — ORZ'STS ee GOP Gor ior'ore'z FER 296,826 179. 790.6 ‘T68T ‘og oUNE Surpua av ro FG 0919866 S0Z‘06EOT 9ETO2 CEC LEC TT FEGOIG'SS — OST'N' Fe aan fap pee er L661 ‘OBST Weebl het haat ST OL We Hae 3 OLT $70 FG 9TL°e99'ee eer cere FRE G08" CZ ERT oYLOovd ®W olyURyyVy seo'eLe't — gox‘oze'rI ns | 46°€80°0T 98802606 = 2g8‘FOO'TS —-8z0'EEI‘T arte bro, GEE'S 06a ‘og oun Surpuo avo a1s'zor gcg'coc'er © ELTGoe'eL | EO0'ETS OOF LITCL OLL62z'%8 966° LEF'L VST.862 16» © CAG |: bomb oele ulpmpour aA a ; 96 & G80 EES ntorTa , IGG, 30%, ; , ZRO‘ EER 1G0'GZL'E1 09 OROOE eect on at nae ye, as OTL zeriter‘ee ae dof BIURY z= BVyodoOT, “UOSTyOVV er 608'GE89Z — FGF'R6C' Ria ote “S0S'TL 602‘CF2‘08 ac 269 56, OFL‘T aia A PSP S6G'0r =: 96S ‘ZEST § —-6866E‘OT Cant oie ee ‘Og oUNL? SULpUd avo X GF 0% ety is 99% SE ; uaysa Feria ¢ IGP VG ee LL) Th 0z2'L9 e77'¢ gc ae 8 oo BIUBS yy vyodo deals ae LESTE 000°8 Lec'9G STF CF ee 961 119°6F a6F TI ‘COSI waster 7 2 57) GQ me, JO 16G (TRO : 089°69 20626 Sete LOST ‘0g oun Surpua «wa X O68T "aL “Yoo -[eg x» UoPSurys AA ‘stpodeuuy 1060 FEGSTZ 60F Lx 999 ‘SB OSF 69T kx. ‘ouLOoUT JON 6ST GZ 91Z ZG 9GT LGL°CZ G9L'61 £66'S C68 68°68 0&6 "66 G6G'LE 0Z0‘OCT 802 ‘9ST 200'821 GOS ‘LTE 681 ‘GFE {Rie cine 69°31 886'6 ZG0'S 006° £00°6 SFE "0S 998°2z 822 F8 0¢8°E8 9ZL'F8 L08'8S £09°Gr L961 612 61 *[OOSTIL Y SOXBT, sesIvyO poxly 9LF 09FS LV. 0&6 LLUT¥S TFG‘ LC LE1'8 688 ‘FI. 099 C98 Cer 988 'F9 FOG% 62669 COP 681 BLL £86 GPL 069 8862S 996°9BE C19x 666. 69° F1 8E8'GS Perel 9660628 [RIO ECE IE OFS COP L1g'g 660° FELT OOLT GOS OFG TFe‘FI18 *s90IN0g J9qIO LSP, 066 808'F LLU'TPS Tro’ 196 L618 688'F1 E8G G98 GSP. 9S¢'F9 998 ‘9ZE C19. 666. 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PFO & Low: 66688 SEL OSF'T GIG STS T 6LUTFO'T 8z0'802Z 86 FOL LOL FGF 9cToge'’s 699‘Z9G'E GO'TEO'S 18Z‘8Z8 82E'F06 6G0‘ZI8 GOF OEE 0ZZ ‘GLE 00°99 CoE OFL T 1€83°819'T 060'8E9'T GPL e691 OF ‘16 1F6'9¢ 62209 629°GG LEZ‘BOS £18183 E60'FL Z6E FIST 00 gL) C06 FES Ogr Z 9ET'GG CG 6F Sega e e61'G 189‘9Z Sh0 LY 966 TF GZ6 0% 896'FS GIG'P ze L 689 'F 6G'FT FE GT OFO'FL FIGS 9¢9 OL él 09 960°6 FI6T SEs col: GOT99 60F F €19' TZ ZE9 ‘0G 0Z0'0G FES‘G 98F'E F06 GEE ZZ8 "68% 660 96EL 119'00G GEL‘OLT eranea a LEL‘G0Z JQ) GGT, waa an 028'968 TEE‘ 28 S21‘ 662 SES LIF OLO' SIF 86 GLE 18% FEZ €19'66G FOL'ESS 198°6ST'T 199°66L T 968°GZ1'T 689°COL'T SFL G6GEs 9¢9 ‘FE 688 ‘FE OFS 8ST 6CL TF egp Th ‘ived Loy snpdans you £ 000'6zs ‘SpuepATp sutjonped + LGL'F8E ‘GOST OLF‘89zZ T68L _& oun’ Ssutpue TBI X G68 GFL ‘0681 SL BEL EGOS ep EN ILO‘2¢ ZGST - OFO'ZO ‘T68T ‘og oung SUIPUd 189K GL0°GS ‘O6SE WW Youvsg *N 2 3,dsureryye Ay 98e'CL ‘Z68T. ‘og oun? SUIPU IB9 89E'8 7‘T681 “UUW You ould »Y qtodsaopnoy ‘AST[O MA ‘Z68T 10829 ‘T681 ‘og oun? SUIPU 1B TX 189‘G6G ‘O68 ‘youvrg Aydinyy pue ; ‘VT YVUTTLOLB,) “YJAON UW194S89 AA 9¢0'FOL'T ZEST 902296 ‘T68T. ‘og oun? SUIPUA IBd I6L'GT8 ‘0681 ‘aL OYVT PUB SUTPOOY MA ZGQ‘E1G ‘Z68T Og VUNG SULpUo Io L0L'F6F WTEC T ot Le 19 U1999(T Sutpua IVI XK £99 TFS ‘OGST “MY puvpiequimy) yp yuoUpetg surpnypour “ M“Y'SHI W [VAQUID "BA 189 MA 98Z'E89°% ‘GOST G69‘ 19'S ‘T6ST ‘0g 9UNL SUTpUa 1B9 XR 7966626 ‘O68L “UY "VuUedg MAN UWloqso AL SFP OLF ‘GOST ‘0 OUNL SUTpUD TBO X CSF OLF ‘T68T ‘Og toqutaydag Sutpuo mw K GLO‘ISE ‘06ST pUByALB]T W089 A 609° 26 ‘B68T G0E"CEE ‘T68T ‘Og PUN? SUTpUD IB K LIZ‘ 8S ‘O68T “BUTE QRTW JO "MY W10}89 MA COR‘TLG ‘Z68L ‘Tg doqulovaq] SUIpUs Iva OSPF SES ‘Z6ST ‘Og OUNL SUTPUA IBA XK FSL‘STG ‘T68L “Tg toqutode(T Surpuo Io X era'eTg ‘O68T “apy Aesda er 4SO AA GSE TIT ‘2681 “ AASYT W198 MTI.LO NT Ip ’ STIOM [BlourTpL “plopcoyyva geez ‘ZEST ‘og oUNL SULPUD BOL 0E9°CS ‘T68L ‘Tg Laqutade(T Surpue awa XK 4 OEL°0Z ‘GST ‘WOLSUTSe MA 2 Sinqsouae AA ‘Z6Qlo —s- ‘TE L9Q0I0O Surpusa 1B9 K 6S‘ OZL ‘T6ST ‘0g oun? SULpUs 1B K 09608 ‘0681? “MU Utley Nog woysuLYyst MA 1094 “OD “WU ogpor d Utoq}ION Aq “OBST ‘Og UNL 07 8 qyuoUL ¢ pure “NEST ‘TE Yourpy 07 Luvdu0yg va “pecs ‘two d Toy snpdaims jou { 166‘ “ayo ‘spuspratp Surjonpeq 2 Aq sqjUot 6 Loy sytodet pourquiog ¢ “‘poylssvpoug v eee — =" “IOSSO'T ‘SHOOUBI[AOSTUL Sutpnpouy |} ‘Fh ‘vad oy snydans ‘Qn0'z 1 § el Gwe p : 667 F8 J SNTGINS Jou + OOO GIS SpUsplAtp SuTpnped % “Test ‘Og oune Surpus syjuom oat f ‘T6F 6Fas ‘Awad coy snidans you 5 000'OOss ‘Spuepratp surjonpeq + ‘Woy x pp a 5p 7 SARe Pa ‘ aye be, 7 4 . : ; A ea Bata oe G80°21 9GL GIL 806 961 61 G61‘ L9 FOL'89 ‘GOST O04 JO : JG 10 ’ ele A 7 Lifaig az 2 bo ey ahs vn cir ¢ , s = Se9'C6x 980'9ZT_——«SFOTE oro'Te pena Be Be pore gor Ts Dee 168T 08 OU (ate eee FEF? OFF O62 FL 06F O08 FI ia FL Posse ree ica Bs Ik Gelso 24 ra ye nea fs WV UG BL FS OL'8 166°¢ ‘GOST Z90°OL FOE 9 OCF OT 6¢ Lez *c 99‘07 ap ‘Qe ee selec st chy HOw OFL‘G 9cL') GF EL OT Nat (oN G1 ee ne phi GUed 168 “0g ouNL Surpua vax 866'T 066°8 88a'G 9G aera £96'6 cer'eT “i éF6 re oFe6 ec ie ce REO 'e 4 at ja &96 6 cél ¢ 6F6 OFS 6 G68 é 91S €89 § 668 ‘¢ 9G CFO'e SIE OL [29‘FI ae ioe ae (G08T ss a, SOFT Sa Teq'¢ rg L6F°G F666 ame 20 1G ae Be: bonnet aan eRe 989'FElx — $82‘OT LEG" 19 SIZ‘T 62°99 O1e02 oe 9¢¢ G0'F Ore E TF 6 2681 io opeeegoe trae ate ae pe heat pel Pa ots Sa DOG Je 4 OLG IGS IES GL 9FE $6 SIF 6&3 ‘768 O68 F GLI 9 SOF OL 86°¢ C689 GIS'ZES 906 °6&Z 980°¢ L6G° 19 ezC'ROT TORT ‘0S * SUT] B €ZF 661% LT'S6T 8ceT 896T 961 ‘Cx 188°Z1 GOLGI GSE‘ £60 1269) Hyena pat acs ie 1G6'C0Fx €39'IGR'S oetFO'Z OM eee cane: ete Gane owe 99 Tos OFT O68T “MY Opovd zy “UUTTY “SEA TULL LzFege - 782‘C1 iT a ier 82967 S 796 Fog [66S GU6'SIST —-190'466'¢ ‘COST ‘Og euNL SUIpud Iva F959 se OCF GIT non ae - at t ee e arp F666 L19 STE T FOS 'FOP'S 20681 ‘Qa880T “09 “UI UISTODST A, as oe eae ee 90F GOL i BFE LIT ‘0E FES‘ OST ‘COSI 06 PUNE SUIpUO TBI K z80Te 00r'Z 2 ; 20 S ae : id Ge Gib Se b Bhe Sake OO8T U.190489 MA Nos »w BUOUL MA cP EE O0r'Z Shee Soe ass 102,96 C&C_9 {80 66 F88°09 ‘T68T ‘0g oun Surpua ava x Sgt‘ C6r‘S £396 e306. TST . “pOree a: caer TET ORT ele eke OLR rp oe, 4 fs 89'6 89°C 19 ¢ IF'9G BELG aceal 6ST 1% VAC ba as rO'‘nre raf ry ano! = ecy'9 960 °eT oe pee . F06 ZT FES 96 COIL 698 FL ‘T68I ‘Og aun SuLpta Iva X C C86 LOG FE 98896 _ LIF IL . 69F ST ‘O68 “MUL Yooyspoo jy SEcOGFe — Fo6‘ErE‘e IPL cae! t] s28'st0'e coe : 696 166 & FIL Sho G L9E°OG'T|| LFEe‘erL‘g ‘T68T ‘og oun¢ Surpuos «va x pes 5 LeVaze6 so sFEe‘osz > 6ST'EFE'Tll 90%‘ 2eF‘Ee “‘OGST ‘SOuUT'T [BIQUED) WIStOdST 66F'912 Fa 1F2‘ST Teer. —T8'gs (GGL FIG 66/T SR FF “ZO ‘o¢ oun Bumpto aoe yee fot ore 10 06 cP Lt aL “FS GOST O€ JUNE . UTpUd IBdT SI8G O&6 oF 0&6 SF 966 GS 9CT TZ 1G8 1002 866‘ SE ‘068 Saar FOG'T AG | FECT 69201 aay, Es WG 806 89 DOO ( de OPOtFTUT 098 006: 0G0‘T 0c0'T corre Grace ee oe BERT “OG ouNE “YY wo TMS “TEAL 3 VOC IG( VG CC Cl ‘ Ga > VIR°TZ 7eQ & ae r™ Qe > Tee'S Lx R06 FT CIC. CIE ae 8a6FI Genet oF6 St 026 1G , OO8t Pee UN f* SULPU9 Ivo X rea aan, ‘ GHG | o20_ AVC GPO F GOL 9 T68L “WU LBD “| =? MOoTSuUO “WIT A e309 garg FIT FIZ‘IL 062‘F1 cog‘eg 1g Is¢% 1882 “68 T (og ounyp: Supua zea K 650° T1Z 6LL'S GER GIG GES ‘EIS 6EC°CT 166'62Z O¢L'9 1FZ‘91 ‘O68 “UY ABALuo|D a “pre “uj Ser'z¢ GIT‘ «=F ccv'lg deg‘gng = zstoce «= Foe GOcIOL —GTe“cRS eG Th One oh amma ? IPR On” ‘ : l = = 2 ‘ a Hiakh aS 818'8é G69'86 SIF’ 29 98r'S ZE6'69 608° GLE IFL'6¢F Z8S'6 986° 18 GES GPE ‘T68T ‘Og SUN SULpUE IV X 8606S G10 86 T19/18 “ L19'T8 SFS‘0GE 6oF CF LEGG 6IFT6 COP‘SEE ‘OGRT UIOYYION P woIsureape |, Lor 6rr+ = OE TRH LG8T6S = FIOFOT—sGERLZO. «= «GOT'FZBSCGLO'SGF‘T. ~—s«T16“OF FL TPS =~ FG6‘E98 ‘OST ; Lee 968 96L SF 6€F VLE 98 T 6EE‘9GE C0089 819°GGg 1 ‘eee’ eG) ‘ce ET “NOC Ce ROR Be bn CEL‘LISt —_Sre'cres «089006 $ FOGG OTA'G99k —JeT‘Is0% eowoce'I# — caatans POL 09S = 988 686 1681 Og OUNP Burp Ivo L°L1¢ F 189 ‘096 6067 9116993 Ler'iso® = gagoge'I$ $66‘8z LOL'EIS$ $60 8088 ‘O68 “WOPTO MP WOLSULUOTT A, OMLODUT = *TOOST]T 2 SOX], Rs ty *‘sooIN0g “uOTe.10dg ‘sosuod xy : “snoouV JON SOSICYC) POXTy TMIOL L9TYIO WOdF JON ere OL {08 p. ies sae Tsetse ‘“NOILLVUAdO WOU ANOONI SUB-DIVISION II. FINANCIAL, INDUSTRIAL AND . MISCELLANEOUS CORPORATIONS. MISCELLANEOUS COMPANIES tHAWTMEG OFFICES JABBOTT BREWING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. IN NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. Inc. im “New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid in ‘property. NWNester, Chas. J. Fiske. Liabilities other than capital, $250,000. ‘dends, if any,, not ascertained. No funded debt. dent; S*rederick F. Nester, Secretary and Treasurer. Total assets at least $300,000, Divi- OFFICERS—Warren G. Abbott, Presi- DIRECTORS—W. G. Abbott, F. F. THE ABRBOTT-DOWNING CO., 114 to 120 West 30th st. and Concord, N. H.. Inc. .4813 in‘New Hampshire. Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paid in not known... (OpjEGF—Manufacturing of coaches, wagons and trucks. OFFICERS—Lewis Downing, President; Frank L. Abbott, DiRECTORS—Lewis Downing, Jr., Edward tained. No funded debt. ‘Secretary ; Edward A. Abbott, Treasurer. Dividends, if any, not ascer-- A\..and Frank LL. Abbott, Samuel C. Eastman, J. C. A. Hill, R. Morgan. ABBOTT, N.B., MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Pine st. Inc. iin ‘New York. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. 1, 1892:— ASSETS. BIDET Heer ce st ccasiensnekot erences $7,216 66 | Me AOL Cee pddirweict. sce veesks 4,061 12 | MUS ROU IAIS yo. 4 ne ans.rcless-a toate 6,759 90 | Ate PP UES ian ee rs jspsisccaeesss eseiessy, + 09,000.00 | Miiscellaneous........ 2... ence 18,813 50 | $105,851 18 Receipts, $523.40; Expenditures, $34,205.08. OFFICERS—Nathaniel B. Abbott, President; Dividends none. LIABILITIES. Capital stocins), Ae sa. bs. cdies skal 00,000 00 sDebts Fame ee be vereee ase aees 052008 9g e er oe 92709 5,851 18 —_=r $105,851 18° James Yalden,. Treasurer. [DiRECTORS—Nathaniel B. Abbott, James Yalden, Geo. F. Betts. ABENDROTH BROTHERS, General and Corporate Office, Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not: 282 Pearl sts. known. Oxsject—Manufacturing of stoves. Iog Beekman and- Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFi- cers—William P. Abendroth, President; John W. Abendroth, Secretary; John F. Mills, Treasurer. Drgecrors—William P. and John W. Abendroth, John F. Mills. THE ABENDROTH & ROOT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corpo- rate Office, 28 Cliff st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized $250,000; Paid in, $110,600. Total assets, $374,000. No liabilities reported other than capital stock. Oxsject—Manufacturing of boilers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John Abendroth, President; William H. Leitch, Secretary and Treasurer. jDIRECTORS—John Abendroth, Wm. H. Leitch, A. O. Salter. ABERFOYLE MANUFACTURING CO., Chester, Pa., General Office, 99 Frank- fim st.; Corporate Office, Chester, Pa. Inc. in Pennsylvania. Engaged in the cotton goods business. A.C. White, New York Manager. No other information furnished. ACADIA COAL CO., Limited, General Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in Nova Scotia. Capital authorized, $4,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Further information: refused. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—James W, Clendenin, Presi- dent; Philip P. Harris, Secretary. THE ACCUMULATOR CO., 136 Liberty st.; General Office, 224 Chestnut st., Phila.; Corporate Office, 312 Market st., Camden, N. J. ‘Inc. June 26, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years, Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Manufacture of accumulators or electrical storage batteries. Plant located at Newark, N. J. FUNDED DeBsT—First mtge., dated Aug. 1, 1890, due Aug. 1, 1920, but redeemable at option ot Co. 2 at any time after advertisement; c.* 6s; created, $500,000; issued and outstanding, $355,000; each $1,000, $500 and $100. Interest F. & A. 1, payable at Land Title and eee Co., which is trustee. Bonds secured upon real estate, patents and all property of Co. Second mtge. ‘‘A’’ income, dated Aug. 1, 1890, due Aug. 1, 1920, but redeemable at option of Co. at any time after advertisement, provided all 1st mtge. bonds have been redeemed; c.* 6s; created, issued and outstanding, $617,400, each $1,000, $500 and $100. Interest Aug. 1st, when earned, payable at Land Title and Trust Co., which is trustee. Bonds secured upon real estate, patents and all property of Co. Second mtge. ‘‘B”’ income, dated Aug. I, 1890, due Aug. 1, 1920, but redeemable at option of Co. at any time after advertisement, provided all 1st mtge. and 2d mtge. ‘““A”’ bonds have been redeemed; c.* 6s; created, $600,000; issued and outstanding, $486,200; each $1,000, $500 and $100. Interest Aug. Ist, when earned, payable at Land Title and Trust Co., which is trustee. Bonds secured upon real estate, patents and all property of Co. OFFICERS—Jos. D. Potts, President; W.W.Griscom, Vice-President; H.R. Parrish, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Jos. D. Potts, C. A. Griscom, H. H. Houston, W. W. Griscom, A. G. Agnew, H. Churchman. ACCURATE TIME STAMP CO,, General Office, 675 Hudson st. Inc. in West Virginia. Capital authorized, $800,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Jas. S. MacCoy, President; Albert P. Fisher, Secre- tary. DrrecTors—James S, MacCoy, Chas. Stahlberg, Albert P. Fisher, Frank H. Marsh, W. Ring. ACME CASH RAILWAY CORPORATION CO., Office, 250 Canal st. Inc. in Connecticut. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFrICERS—James H. Shoup, President; George Garby, Secre- tary; Geo. V. Clifford, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James C. Shoup, George Garby, Alfred B. Boller, Erastus Wiman, Geo. G. Clifford. ACME GLUE CO., 284 Pearl st. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Walter R. Kern, President; John B. Dolan, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Walter R. Kern, John B. and Vincent Dolan. THE ACME LIQUID FUEL CO,, General and Corporate Office, 146 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Letters Patent w.... vcsscessscs cacveeees 22, O00;00000N \8 Capital !!...% 22. -0caccehs sae ee $3,000,000 00 NVISCeMANCOUS | iis -rdee des Syertsescos EREL OOS aro mt ED(S).. 5.08 \0:hass sacnedeoaens Seana 4,586 93 Profit and loss ‘‘advances’”’........ 63,843 86 Profit for experiments still due... 88,177 37 $3,156,608 16 $3,156,608 16 Peco tae lek DetCIG UE Co atl MOU coceetinat cay 057 san ep eennsssbe'e 2008s cls eda doe sane sa.ansareeey eens $23,080 35 OFFICERS—John S. Andrews, President; E. D. Foster, Secretary. D1irEcTORS— John S. Andrews, W. Forster, Jr., R.S. Walker, E. D. Foster, Henry Dexter. ACME SLATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Broadway. Inc. in Bangor, Penna. Amount paid in, not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. John W. Underhill, New York Manager. No other information furnished. ACME STATIONERY AND PAPER CO,, Office and Factory, oth st. and Wythe ave., Brooklyn; Salesroom, 66 and 68 Duane st., New York Inc. in New York. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Samuel J. Knight, President; Geo. P. Steele, Brooklyn, N. Y., Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel J. Knight, Geo. W. Knight, Geo. P. Steele. ACME STORAGE BATTERY C0O., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. 1892, in West Virginia; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $10; Full paid. Oxnyect—Electric storage batteries. Plant located at Brooklyn, L. I. Dividends none in the last fiscal year. No funded debt. Orricers—George C. War- ner, President; C. T. Griffiths, Vice-President; George S. Springfield, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—George C. Warner, C. T. Griffiths William L. Barker. a 4 3 ADAMANT MANUFACTURING CO., Head and Corporate Office, Syracuse, N. Y.; New York Office, Bennett Bldg.; also office in Toronto, Ont. Inc. Jan., 1887, in New York, for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000; Paid in, $300,000, par $100. Liabilities, other than capital, $79,000. Total assets at least $380,000. Plants at Syracuse, N. Y.; branches, New York and Toronto; owned. OpByEct—Manu- facturing of plaster. Dividend, 6 p.c. Mar. 1, 1891. No funded debt. OrriceERS—E. W. Parmelee, President; W. E. Abbett, Vice-President; S.S. Ruston, Secretary; C.T. Brock- way, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—E. W. Parmelee, W. E. Abbett, S.S. Ruston, G. F. Hine, W. E. Hopkins, Geo. West, C. T. Brockway, all of Syracuse, N. Y. ADAMS & BISHOP CO.. General and*Corporate Office, 38 Park row, and 28 City Hall pl. Inc. 1884, in New York, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Paper manufacturers. Mills at Newburgh, N. Y. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry H. Bowman, President and Treasurer ; Frank C. Bishop, Vice-President and Secretary. DiIrEcTORs—-Thos. Duncan, Wm. Bishop, Alex. S. Gros- set, Frank C. Bishop, Henry H. Bowman. ADAMS & SONS CO., General Office, Brooklyn, N.Y. Branch Offices, Chicago; Liverpool, Eng.; Portland, Ore.; Toronto, Can.; Tacoma; Seattle; San Francisco. Inc. May 1, 1891, in West Virginia, and succeeded Adams & Son, manufacturers of chewing gum, whose plant, machinery, assets, patents, etc., the new Company acquired. Capital authorized, $1,060,000, par $25, of which $400,000 is preferred, and $600,000 is common stock ; all stock non-assessable. No personal liabilities to stock- holders. Preferred stock hasa prior claim upon the property and assets of the Companv to the common stock in case of liquidation, and is entitled to a cumulative preferential dividend of 8 p. c. before any dividend is paid on common stock. The common stock is entitled to the surplus earnings after the 8 p. c. cumulative is paid on preferred stock ; both classes of stock have the same voting power per share. Statement of net profits for 5 years: 1886, $97,647.25; 1887, $110,224.94; 1888, $169,041.78; 1889, $102,578.81 ; 1890, $176,242.61. Total (average per year, $131,147.08), $655,735.39. Total sales for 5 years, $3,271,799.05. Dividends M. & N. 1, as above stated. ADAMS & WESTLAKE CO., General Offices, 115 Broadway and 81 Fulton st.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. in Illinois. Capital authorized, $650,000; Amount paid in not known. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. Orricers—J. McGregor Adams, President; Win. N. Campbell, Secretary: A. Weinberg, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —J. McGregor Adams, Lyman IJ. Todd, Wm. N. Campbell, J. M. Flower, W. W. Willits, Chas. H. Hitchcock, A. Weinberg. ; ADAMS BROTHERS MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 9 Great Jones st. Inc. in Connecticut. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Opject—Manufacturing of hats. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edwin Adams, President; Frederick V. Cole, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Edwin Adams, Robert A. Holmes, Frederick V. Cole. ADAMS EXPRESS CO. (Joint Stock Association), General Office, 59 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $12,000,000, par $100; Full paid; subject to assessments in case of loss. Certificates entitle holders to participation in the profits and assets of the association from May 1, 1866. Registered by Union Trust Co., New York. Dividends, 8 p. c., payable Mar. 1, quarterly. OrriceErs—Henry Sanford, President; Clarence A. Seward, Secretary; William Hubbell, Treasurer. DirEctrors— Henry Sanford, Frederick Lovejoy, Clarence A. Seward, William B. Dinsmore, L. C. Weir, John Q. A. Herring, William H. Damsel, Waldo Adams. ADAMS, HENRY H., & CO., General and Corporate Office, 179. Broadway. Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Dealers in pigiron. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—Henry H. Adams, President; Henry H. Mitchell, Treasurer. No other information furnished. ADAMS HOTEL CO., General Office, 5 roth ave. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John M. Newman, President; George A. Farnham, Secretary. DIRECTORS— John M. Newman, Geo, S. Adams, George A. Farnham. 4 PETER ADAMS C0., General and Corporate Office, 38 Park row. Inc. 1883, in New York, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Paper manu- facturers. Mills at Buckland, Conn. Dividends not stated. No funded debt. OFFICERS-— Henry H. Bowman, President and Treasurer; James. Booth, Vice-President; F. B. Adams, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Frank B. Adams, James N. Sheffer, Frank C. Bishop, Thos. Duncan, Jas. D. Pickles, A. B. Smith, Wm. Bishop, Henry H. Bowman, James Booth. THE ADDRESSING, DUPLICATING AND MAILING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 326 Pearl st. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $35,625; Full paidin property. Liabilities other than capital, $16,500; As- sets at least, total, $18,345. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thomas N. Bolles, President; Leslie Gilbert, secretary. DIRECTORS— Thomas N. Bolles, Augustus W. Dunning, Leslie Gilbert. ADDRESS PAINT AND COLOR C0O., Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edgar H. Andress, President: Charles W. Jameson, Sec- retary. DIRECTORS—Edgar H. Andress, D. D. Sewall, Charles W. Jameson, Job M. Nash. ADGATE ROTARY LOOM CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. OFfFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Joseph J. Adgate, President; W. H. De Puy, Treasurer. E. J. Johnson. ADHESIVE GIMP C0O., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 120 Walker st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $8,500; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $41,000. Total assets at least $23,500. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—James P. Hefferman, President; Joseph W. Hayward, Secretary; Chas. M. Kellogg, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— James P. Hefferman, Charles M. Kellogg, Joseph W. Hayward, Leonard J. Rossman, Alfred R. Ostrom. ADIRONDACK CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital auth- orized, $40,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, ¢10,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFt- CERS—A, G. Mills, President; Preble Tucker, Treasurer. D1rEcToRS—Preble Tucker, Harvey G. Ward. ADIRONDACK EXPRESS CO,., 145 Broadway. Organized Sept. 1, 1890. Not organized or doing business under any sfecéal or general law or statute. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—L. W. Winchester, President ; Henry Smith, Secretary; T. E. Sloam, Treasurer. DirEcTorRs—L. W. Winchester, N. Y. City; T. E. Sloam, N. Y. City; Henry Smith, Saratoga: R. C. Livingston, N. Y. City ; Poneiy Vireil, Troy, N. Y.5 J. We Hutt, Albany,N. Y,.-T. N, Smith, Ballston. ADIRONDACK IMPROVEMENT (C0., General and Corporate Office, 200 6th ave. Inc.in New York. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known; Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—Isidor Straus, President: Simon H. Stern, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Nathan and Isidor and Oscar S. Straus, Jacob H. Schiff, Simon H. Stern, Max Nathan, Simon Rothschild. ADIRONDACK MOUNTAIN RESERVE. Inc. in New York. Principal Office, 220 S. 4th st., Phila. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $160,000; Full paid, cash $129,000, balance in property. Liabilities other than capital, $14,000. Total assets at least $731,000. No dividends have ever been paid, but all earnings applied to development and improvement of property. Company is practically an association of wealthy gentlemen to provide an agreeable summer resort for themselves and their families. No funded debt. OFrricers—William G. Neilson, President; L. L. Smith, Secretary. DiIrREcTORS—Edward I. H. Howell, L. L. Smith, R. C. Dale. ADIRONDACK PRESERVE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 11 Pine st. Inc. in New York. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Leonidas M. Lawson, President; J. G. Case, Secretary; Jas. Yalden, Treasurer. TRUSTEES— Addison L. Griffin, J. G. Case, Frank W. Kitching, Townsend Rushmore. | 5 ADIRONDACK PULP AND PAPER (C0O,, represented by C. Cooper Clark, fice, 93 Nassau st. Inc. in Malone, N. Y. No other information furnished. ADIRONDACK STAGE CO. Inc. in New York, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: ‘Capital authorized, $18,000: Full paid in cash. ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Land Pep eeidowee Sis saseneohta.titue Riess ies $100 oo | Other than capital .............. ccesseeee $19,439 53 |W CAN aY al apne Fe Dek ia) a ae 630 00 Personal propertye.c ech cok. £7,232 45 ‘Cash and debts receivable.............. 1,477 08 $19,439 53 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricer—J. A. Hutt, President. Drrectors—C. D. Hammond, Henry Smith, E. H. Virgil. ADRIANCE, PLATT & CO., General and Corporate Office, 165 Greenwich st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. OsyjEcr —Dealers in mowing machines. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Isaac S. Platt, President; Frederick D. Somers, Secretary; L. Reynolds Adriance, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Isaac S. Platt, Frederick D. Somers, Albert J. Glass, John E. and I. Reynolds. FEOLIAN ORGAN AND MUSIC CO., Office, 18 W. 23d st. Inc. in Connecticut. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—James Morgan, President; J. Herbert Chase, Secretary ; William B. Tremaine, Treasurer. DirEcTORS— James Morgan, William B. Tremaine, Geo. B. Kelly, John L. Given, George H. Wilcox, J. Herbert and Atherton Chase. AERIAL CONDUIT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $35,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $150. Total assets, $33,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John F, Zebley, President; Frank ‘W. Rennell, Secretary. Drrecrors—John F. Zebley. Frank W. Rennell, Frederick H. Smith, James Craig, Austin Gallagher. THE AIKEN-LAMBERT JEWELRY CO., Limited, Office, 19 Maiden la. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $100.000: Amount paid in not known, ‘OBjECT—Manufacture of gold pens. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— James C, Aiken, President; Frederick D. Ilgen, Secretary; Henry A. Lambert, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—James C. Aiken, Henry A. Lambert, James C. Wakefield, John B. Shea, Henry S. Aiken. AJAX FORGE CO., Office, Room 63, 115 Broadway. General Office, cor. Hoyne and Blue Island aves., Chicago. Inc. in New York. No information furnished. AKINS NOVELTY CO., General and Corporate Office, 28 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, §10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrFriCcERS—Chas. Akins, President; M. E. Akins, Secretary. ALABAMA MINERAL LAND CO., Office, 7 Nassau st. Inc. in Alabama. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edmond D. Randolph, President; Philip J. Goodhart, Secre- ‘tary. DIRECTORS—Edmond D. Randolph, Emanuel Lehman, Edwin Einstein, John T. Atterbury, Philip J. Goodhart, J. E. Fisher, Chas. H. Marshall. THE ALAMO COAL CO., General Office, 15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Colo- rado Springs, Col. Inc. 1886, in Colorado, for 20 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Osject—Mining coal and other minerals at Felipe, State of Coahuila, Mexico. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers— Isaac E. Gates, President : James (Stewart Mackie, Secretary ; Andrew K. Van Deventer, ‘Treasurer. Drrecrors—Chas. Babbige, Edward H. Pardee, Jos. F, Clinch, Geo. E. Downs. ALBANY COAL TAR, DYE AND CHEMICAL CO., Inc. in New York. State- ment, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Full paid. Liabilities, other than ‘Capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $65,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrectors—John L. Riker, President: William i Matheson, Treasurer. 6 THE ALBANY OIL CO., General Office, 29 Broadway; Main Office, Albany, N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $42,533.57. Total assets at least $43,820.99. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Dudley Farlin, President; George S. Terry, Secretary. DrirRECTORS—Dudley Farlin, Edward F. Murray, George S. Terry. ALBANY PERFORATING WRAPPING PAPER CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 28 Elin st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Seth Wheeler, President ; Edgar J. Wheeler, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Seth Wheeler, James Moore, R. M. Hamilton, James Gledhill, Edgar J. Wheeler. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO., Office, 133 W. 25th st.; Corporate Office, Albany, N. Y. Inc. in Albany, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities, other than capital, do not exceed $14,200. Total assets at least, $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Frederick Townsend, President ; James H. Blissing, Treasurer. ALBANY VENETIAN BLIND CO., Office, 150 Broadway: Corporate Office, Albany, N.Y. Inc. in Albany, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in, $26,000 in cash and patents. Liabilities other than capital, $9,814.40. Total assets $32,629.39. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Peter Kinnear, President; David M. Kinnear, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Peter Kinnear, David M. Kinnear, James K. Benway. ALBEMARLE SOAPSTONE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 4 Peckslip. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $120,000. Divi- dends, if any, not known. No funded debt. Orricers—D. J. Carroll, President; J. F. Steinbrenner, Secretary. F. L. Felter, Treasurer. Direcrors—D?: J. Carroll ie Felter, J..F. Steinbrenner. THE ALBEMARLE STABLES CO., General and Corporate Office, 217 Lexing- ton ave. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,coo ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities, other than capital, $33,350. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OFrricErRs—Benjamin L. Bowles, President; Lillie Bowles, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Benjamin L. Bowles, Lillie Bowles, J. G. Bailey. ALBERT NAIL CO., 258 Canal st. No information furnished. ALBERTYPE CO., General and Corporate Office, 67 Spring st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Printers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Adolph Whittemann, President; Chas. H. Rue, Secretary. THE ALDEN TYPE MACHINE CO., Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $6,952.58. Assets nominal. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFicERS— A. Augustus Low, President; Jas. W. Eaton, Treasurer. DiIrRECTORS—B. M. Horton, S. O. Richards, Jas. W. Eaton. ALDERNEY ICE CREAM CO., General and Corporate Office, 86 Bank st. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—Joseph A. Cozino, President; Henry Grube, Secretary. THE ALEXANDER, BARNEY & CHAPIN CO. General and Corporate Office, 20 Cortlandt st. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $92,000. Liabilities other than capital, $64,400. Total assets at least $145,000. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OrFrricers—P. B. Alexan- der, President; Henry Alexander, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—P. H. Alexander, Lawrence J. O'Reilly, Henry Alexander. ALEXANDER-CHAMBERLAIN ELECTRIC (0., General and Corporate Office, 126 Liberty st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $868,47. Assets, at least $1,723.77. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. Orricers—Harry V. Alexander, President; Rufus M. Chamberlain, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—S, Alexander, H. V. Alex- ander, Rufus M. Chamberlain. 7 ALEXANDER MACHINE (C0O., General Office, 38 Murray st. Inc. in ‘New Jersey. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Robert W. Dunlop, President; Sara V. Dunlop, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Robert W. and Sara V. Dunlop. THE ALFORD & BERKELE C0O., General Office, 77 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Elizabeth, N. J. Inc. Jan. 24, 1883, in New Jersey. Charter expires Jan. 20, Igt0. Capital authorized, $25,000, par g100; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacture of cutlery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—A. Alford, President; W. H. Calhoun, Vice-President: H. Berkele, Secretary ; J. G. Davenport, a DIRECTORS—A. Alford, W. H. Calhoun, H. Berkele, J. G. Davenport, J. W. Vilson. ' Bea GAS CO., Limited. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $85,000 ; ull paid. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892:— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. onstruction accounts......ci0.cce.cs0s $o1;300),. G28 7 Other thar ca pita Liv nr ten. srces etentae $1,459 71 DN an Fe sss puabe svcd oSens Mens cee onsee> 2,865 42 SUC CS st Saute clcevannilscanesee Neches exits 450 65 374 61 $85,000 00 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceRrS—Charles P. Thurston, President; Theo. M. Lowle, Treasurer. Dirrecrors—Herman Rice, Charles P. Thurston, Theo. M. Lowle. , ALLEGHENY AND CLEARFIELD COAL CO., General Office, 1 Broadway. Corporate Office, Altoona, Pa. Inc. in Altoona, Pa. Capital authorized, $150,000; Paid in, $100,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Charles T. Wittenberg, New York Manager. ALLEGHENY IRON CO., Represented by Ferral C. Divinny. Office, 29 Broad- way, Inc. in Iron Gate, Va. No other information furnished. B. F. ALLEN (C0O., General and Corporate Office, 365 Canal st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Osject—Patent medicines. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Walter R. Janvier, Presi- dent; William M. Janvier, Secretary; James Gaunt, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Walter R. and William N. Janvier, James Gaunt. THE HENRY G. ALLEN C0O., General and Corporate Office, 739 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $112,375. Total assets at least $225,000. Receipts during year, $483,770.55. Expenditures, $483,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICER—H. G. Allen, President. DirEcrors—C. P. Stone, Jos. Cas- selberry, Henry G. Allen. ALLEN FAN CO,, of E. Braintree, Mass. C. E. Conover Co., Agents. Office, IoI Franklin st. No facts furnished. ALLEN PAPER CAR WHEEL C0O., Corporate Office, 31 and 33 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. J.C. Beach, Vice-President. No information furnished. ALLENTOWN IRON CO., Office, 226 S. 3d st., Phila. Inc. Apr.12,1851. Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $350,000; Full paid. The interest of the Philadelphia and Reading RR. Co. in this corporation was purchased by the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., and the Central RR. Co. of N. J., during the year 1890. OByect—Manufacture and sale of iron. Plant located at Allentown, Pa. Two blast furnaces 60 x 16% ft., blown in in 1886, and one, No. 5, 60 x 17 ft., built in 1872, blown in in 1873. PRopucT— Foundry pig-iron. Total annual capacity, 50,000 net tons. (Four blast furnaces have been abandoned.) OrriceRS—J. S. Harris, President; C. F. Howell, Secretary and Treasurer ; Edward T. Clymer, Manager at Allentown. THE ALLENTOWN SPINNING CO., General) Office, 218 Church st.; Corpor- ate Office, Allentown, Pa. Inc. 1888, in Pennsylvania; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid; Manufacturers jute, flax, cotton, hemp and silk products. Plant in Allentown, Pa. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No furded 8 ‘debt. This Co. was inc. to perpetuate a business. There is no stock on the market; all heldin the family. OFrricERS—Robt. Barbour, President ; Wm. Barbour, Vice-President ; Wm. Thompson, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robt. Barbour, Wilham Barbour, Moiris L. Kauffman, William H. Ainey, Edward H. Reninger. ALLIANCE COAL-MINING COAL CO., Main Office, 226 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Capital, $2,250,000, par $25; Full paid. STATEMENT, Sept. 15, 1890. (No later statement furnished) :— SOAP AEBS OU sscecc severe ses ofeses scisss $2,250,000 00 | Amount invested in real estate, $2,355,301 74 Existing demands against Amount invested in personal ROMAIN ACL EVG eee aut sat is ss sn da atuls « sop 650,647 51 DPLOPETtY. sacs ssecihclscts donee ee 94,458 15 Total owned, including debts due Companyeiisisisrensacencnes ss seecesce¢owat-unaraenam: $2,449,759 89 Amount of existing demands against COMpany.r..s. ceseesessereeeser cesses cesses ceeneneeeees 684,315 39 OFFICERS—Joseph S. Harris, President; C. F. Howell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Joseph S. Harris, J. W. Woolston, Francis R. Cope, Samuel Dickson, Edward Lewis, S. Shepherd, Thos. McKean, E. W. Clark, J. Bayard Henry. THE ALLIANCE WATERPROOF FABRIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 5 Mercer st. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital stock do not exceed $116,819.84. Assets at least $121,995.32. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— James H. Hoffman, President; Silas L. Kenyon, Secretary; Julius Levine, Treasurer. - DrrEcTOoRS—James H. Hoffman, Julius Levine, Silas L. Kenyon, George W. Tapley. THE ALPS CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Plant located at Leadville, Lake Co., Col., and consists of Alps No. 1, Alps No. 2, -Helvetia and Columbus Mines. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Frederic Prentice, President and Treasurer; Howell Smith, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Frederic Prentice, Howell Smith, William S. Williams, Miller A. Smith, Scoville C. Williams. J. R. ALSING CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 New st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $2,000. Assets, total, $23,794. OByecr—Manufacturers of machinery. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Theodore W. Bayaud, President; R. F. Abbe, Vice-President; G. F. Perrenoud, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Theodore W. Bayaud, George D. Bayaud, Gustav F. Perrenoud, R. F. Abbe, Cornelius R. Dimond, Jr. ALTA MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 96 5th ave. Inc. in Kentucky. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—James Cook, President; Edward F. Evers, Secretary ; Lawson H. ‘Southwick, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James Cook, Edward F. Evers, Lawson H. South- wick, Arthur Holmes, John S. Honeycomb. ALTMAN SUMMER NECKWEAR CO., General and Corporate Office, 618 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892. Capital authorized, $15,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $102,964.01 ;_ assets at least $114,000; receipts for year, $355,845.02; expenditures, $351,548.82. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Solomon Denzer, President ; Joseph L. Strauss, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Solomon Denzer, Joseph Strauss, J. Altman, Meyer Meyer. ; ALTURAS SENATE MINING C0O., General and Corporate Office, 50 Exchange pl. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Full paid, in property, $1,990,600; in cash, $9,400. Liabilities other than capital, $3 009 : assets at least $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS—Lewis Edwards, President; Lester M. Clark, Vice-President : Henry Weston wee! i sae ap cian haley Shae ae DIRECTORS—Lewis ‘Edwards Henry eston, Willoughby eston, Lester M. Clark, J. Augustus John William M. Lawrence, James Woolworth. J J 0 ee THE ALUMINUM BRASS AND BRONZE CO., General Office, 63 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Bridgeport, Conn. Inc. 1889 in Connecticut. Capital authorized $400,000, par $100; Paid in, $342,000. Manufacturing of aluminum and silicon copper | 9 alloys, brass, copper and aluminum. Plant at Bridgeport, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—F. J. Kingsbury, President; W. E. Cur- tis, Vice-President; F. J. Kingsbury, Jr., Secretary; T. L. Fowler, Treasurer. DIrect- ORS—F, J. Kingsbury, E. M. Townsend, Ju FoFierson, W. EB, Curtis, C..E. Bristolas, Bs Hawley, T. L. Fowler. ALVIN MANUFACTURING C0., General Office, 960 Broadway. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $60,000: Amount paid in not known. Osyecr—Manu- facturing of silverware. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William H. Jamouneau, President; Henry L. Leibe, Secretary. DiIrEcTORS—William H. Jamou- neau, Henry L. Leibe, Carloine Amigh. AMALGA SOAP CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 William st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Frank Morgan, President; Theodore Goerick, Secretary ; C. F. Panaga, Treasurer. DirEcTorRs—Frank Morgan, C. F. Panaga, Theodore Goerick J. Morgan Wing, L. Stewart Wing. _ _ THE AMERICAN AMUSEMENT CO., General Office, 132 Nassau st. Inc. in New Jersey for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. OBjECT—Agents and dealers inslot machines. Other information declined. THE AMERICAN AND GUARANTEE 00., Limited. Correspondents, Sam. R. MacLean & Co., 39 Broad st., New York. Corporate Office, Kansas Citys “Ine Kansas for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50, subscribing. Acts as trusteee, invests, guarantees and acts as fiscal and transfer agent. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Hon. Anthony P. Fonda, President ; Hon. Henry C. Kellar, Vice-President ; Vernon C. Jarboe, Secretary ; Edward Fenlon, Treasurer. THE AMERICAN AQUOL PYRODENE PAINT CO., General and Corporate Office, 111 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $39,879.42. Assets, $100,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Charles N. Talbot, Vice- President ; Andrew J. Robinson, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Charles N. Talbot, Andrew J. Robinson, William H. King. AMERICAN ARTISTIC GOLD STAMPING CO., General and Corporate Office, 47 Vesey st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in mot known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—Basil D. Vassiliades, President; Constantine D. Vassiliades, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Basil D. and Constan- tine Vassiliades, Edward and Louise Legrade. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, General Office, 234 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1891, in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $60,000, par $10; Amount paid in, $45,000. OByect—Publishing reports in connection with accounts, and printing. Plant located at 146 Reade st., and consists of printing office, employing about eight or ten hands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Fred. H. Lawrence, President; Chas. B. Wilcox, Secretary ; Henry C. Tall- man, Treasurer. _DIRECTORS—Fred. H. Lawrence, Chas. B. Wilcox, Henry C. Tall- man, Harry O'Neil. AMERICAN AUTOMATIC SPRAY PERFUME CO,, General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000, full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $3,500. Assets, at least $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—J. Edgar Leaycraft, President ; George Gehe, Secretary; Edward H. Gilbert, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—J. Edgar Leaycraft, George Gehe, William H. Gilbert, F. L. Crawford, J. C. Mayrhofer. AMERICAN AUTOMATIC WEIGHING MACHINE (CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 62 Murray st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Assets, $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Erastus Wiman, President; Le Roy W. Baldwin, Secretary. DIRECTORS— ~ Erastus Wiman, Le Roy W. Baldwin, O. S. Wood. 1O THE AMERICAN AXE AND TOOL CO,, Office, Stewart Building, 280 Broad- way; Corporate Office, Newport, Ky. Inc. Dec., 1889, in Kentucky, for 15 years. (Kentucky laws limit all manufacturing corporations to 15 years.) Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $3,872,500. Manufacturers of axes and edge tools. Factories at East Douglas, Mass.; Ballston Spa, N. Y.; Johnsonville, N. Y.; Jamestown, N. Y.; Gowanda, N. Y.; Nashua, N. H,; Beaver Falls, Pa.; Lewistown, Pa.; Mill Hall, Pa.; Bellefonte, Pa.; Cleveland, O.; Oakland, Me. Dividends, 6 p. c. in 1891. All transfers, etc., at 280 Broadway. OFFICERS—C. W. Hubbard, President; G. T. Lane, Vice-President; W. T. Norton, Secretary; J. H. Mann, Treasurer. Direcr- ors—C. W. Hubbard, George T. Lane, H. G. Bixby, Jas. H. Mann, J. Fearon Mann, A. C. Mann, F. T. Powell, John P. Romer, S. A. Rankin, Chas. W. Mackey, Joel F. Freeman, H. Knickerbacker, W. H. Beasom, W. T. Norton. AMERICAN AXLE AND WHEEL (CO., General, Branch and Corporate Office, 143 Liberty st. Inc. 1887, in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paidin property. Liabilities other than capital, $25,000. Manufacturers of wheels and axles for vehicles of all sizes. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS—E. P. Bullard, President; J. Nelson Harris, Vice-President ; B. L. Ammerman, Secretary and Treasurer. DireEcrors—Edward P. Bullard, J. Nelson Harris, Benjamin L. Ammerman. AMERICAN BAKING POWDER CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 248 Green- wich. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceERs—Edward A. Powers, President; William E. Irving, Secretary. DirEcrors—William E. Irving, Edward A. Powers, Amos. H. Brewster. AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO., General and Corporate Office, 78 Trinity pl. Inc. 1858, in N. Y. Charter Perpetual. Capital 72,000 shares, par $50; full stock not subject to assessments. Regular dividends, $2 per sh. per annum, payable Mar. 31, quarterly. Dividends 1891, $2 per share and $114 extra. Surplus not stated. Hisrory— Business established 1795. American Bank Note Co., 1858, National Bank Note Co., 1859, Continental Bank Note Co., 1863, consolidated under agreement of Dec. 27, 1878, and inc. as American Bank Note Co., Feb. 4, 1879. OByect—Engraving and printing bank notes, bonds, certificates of stock, and all other papers representing value. Manu- factories located at New York, Philadelphia and Boston. Own that in New York; lease rooms in Drexel Building, Philadelphia. No funded debt. OrricERs—James MacDonough, President; Aug. D. Sheppard, Touro Robertson, Vice-Presidents; Theo- dore A, Freeland, Secretary and Treasurer; John E. Currier, Assistant Secretary ; J. K. Myers, Assistant Treasurer; J. Ross Corbin, Agent in Philadelphia. TRusrEEs—James MacDonough, Aug. D. Sheppard, Touro Robertson, Theo. H. Freeland, Jno. E. Currier, J. K. Myers, P. C. Lounsbury, W. J. Arkell, T. H. Porter, E. C. Converse, Jos. S. Stout, J. B. Ford, Elliott F. Sheppard. AMERICAN BELGIAN LAMP CO., General and Corporate Office, 31 Barclay st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $30,090; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Guillaume Reusens, President; Jules Dawans, Secretary; Alphonse de Braekeleer, Treasurer. DirREcTOoRS—Guillaume Reusens, Jules Dawans, Alphonse de Braekeleer, Charles Mali, Louis C. Lindeman. AMERICAN BELL TELEPHONE CO., General Office, Boston, Mass. New York Office, 18 Cortland st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized, $20,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $17,500,000, par $100. On Jan. 1, 1892, the Company had 512,407 instruments in use in hands of licensees, and 266,456 miles of wire, against 483,790 instruments and 240,712 miles of wire on Jan. 1, 1891. EARNINGS AND EXPENSES. 1888. 1889. 1890. 1891. Rental of telephones... .ii.0...00.-casassert cesss-2.s| $2,453,279 $2,657,362 $2,913,369 $3,127,783 DIVIC CHAS Ichi ke sshasssh. tastedne pe secee seege sated Mee i O57 1,230,500 1,256,274. I, 320,646 Extra territorial and branch lines.............. 78,711 82,557 89,473 91,281 eM elegraph commission iermiccscs.007 red iaes ou 21,165 22,367 26,492 27,845 LIVE CTORL crctasennteee es veereeee: Pa Gary ON oe een 90,467 43,964 77,448 145, 160 Reallestatevand. MiISCigivstvarasvevsses SE eakivnisr 7,040 7,954 12,235 23,292 BO UAL oe abuicishsigsss ve ste dy yaretas kne cu detente cn $3,865,119 $4,044,704 —- $4,375,201 $4,736,007 BGS DENSE aoa ccc cis suns centsle ssc etues featentanintes se th fas 1,480,913 1,385,966 1,505,873 1,609,187 Net CAarnings......-sseee sesssreeeessereeeees ceeeee ceeees $2,414,206 $2,658,738 $2,869,418 $3,126,820 AGC OLN OF FECEIDES civeeses eosvchss,csaeeses ssaes. cs 22,258 3,150 ELOtall Ronettes set tec eceiate oeae Kein ahel'tle Sse ees $2,436,464 $2,661,888 $2,869,418 $3,126,820 Il DISBURSEMENTS. MUON OG hoe ee ety Mr rondacals, soesh acide cece vdeos sets $1 789,878 $1,838,913 $2,213,913 $2,625,000 BRE OPECIALION | TESEL VG coccsinrtasceses dlet ds oi vapieil se 646,586 700,000 655,505 501,820 PRU 2t Fivaac emit ca anactel cn gncccnee ke cursead saanconss $2,436,464 $2,538,913 $2,869,418 $3,126,820 Surplus.......-. LES ER ee ee ee 122,975 BALANCE SHEETS, Dec. 31st :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. 1890. 1891. 1890. 1891. BRGLCDUOTICS? 2c: keactovuss $919,274 $079,117.) Capital’ stocicc seater $12,500,000 $15,000,000 Bredl Estate ne:. 6s cossncess 744,333 933;131 Debenture bonds, 1888 2,00c,000 2,000,000 REINO SER rede te baue sind 32,740,580 33,180,409 | Bills and accounts Mdse. and machinery, 9,932 8,885 payables. An scseuescsns T3324 O26 +848,909 Bills and accounts re- Patent account (profit OVA. eile nessa aiee 2,034,280 3,192) 3 STICE LOSE ence sseaetare 10,516,544 10,274,913 Cash and deposits...... 187,935 655,023 |. Profitiand lossatcc..a0-e 5,045,131 5,088,567 RGSEL Venice den accon tee 2,489,012 2,986,877 SUrplisti.eise: ceccmccer ss Z2.tSF OLD 2,151,012 $36,636,336 $38,950,278 $36,636,336 $38,950,278 Dividends have been paid as follows: In1881,6p.c.; 1882, 11 p.c.; 1883, 12 p.c.; 1954, 15 p. c.; 1885 to 1887, inclusive, each 16 p: c.; 1888 to 1891, each 18 p. ¢.3 1892; Hai.) Pp. C,; Apl., 3p. c.; july; 3 p. ¢., and 3 p.c. extra, » Dividends are payable Jan- 15th, qrly., at Company’s office, Boston. FUNDED DrEsptr—Debentures, amount out- standing, $2,000,000, size $500, etc.; C. & R., dated Aug. 1, 1888, due Aug. 1, 1808, redeemable after Aug. I, 1890, at IIo, interest 7 p. c., F. & A., payable at Boston office. OFFICERS—John E. Hudson, President; William R. Driver, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Gardner G. Hubbard, Alexander Cochrane, Thomas Sanders, Francis Blake, George L. Bradley, Charles P. Bowditch, Channing Clapp, Charles Eustis Hubbard, John E. Hud- son, Charles Perkins, H. Stockton. THE AMERICAN BISCUIT AND MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. New York Plant and Office, cor. West and Bethune sts. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacturing of biscuits, crack- ers and confectionery. Plants in various portions of the country. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricErs—J. L. Loose, President; D. F. Bremner, Ist Vice-President; L. D. Dozier, 2d Vice-President; H.F. Vories, Secretary; W. W. Shaw, Treasurer. THE AMERICAN BOOK CO., Offices, 808 Broadway, 104 4th ave., 82 S. 5th ave., and Cincinnati and Chicago; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Jan., 1890, in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Pub- lishing school and college text-books. Plants at New York, Brooklyn and Cincinnati. Dividends 8 p.c. per ann., payable qrly. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Birdseye Blakeman, President; Alfred C. Barnes, Vice-President; H.T. Ambrose, Treasurer ; Gilman H. Tucker, Secretary. DIRECTORS—C. S. Bragg, Chairman; H. T. Ambrose, Wert. Appleton, W..W./Appleton, DyAppleton, A.C) Barnes, H..B. Barnes, Ca fF: Barnes, B. Blakeman, G. R. Cathcart, D. B. Ivison, H. H. Vail. AMERICAN BOX MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 430 W. 14th st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John Warner, President; Robert N. Clark, Secretary; Alonzo A. Deforest, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John Warner, Alonzo A. Deforest, Horace Inman, Titus Sheard, George Campbell. AMERICAN BRONZE POWDER MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 6 Murray st. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Henry Ahlborn, President ; Lewis M. Livingston, Secretary. DirecTtors—Henry Ahlborn, August Ahlborn, Lewis M. Livingston. AMERICAN CABLE RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, 99 Nassau st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid. Other liabilities, $250,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Geo. S. Field, President; Arthur D. Marsted, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Geo. S. Field, James Sillinghast, Nathaniel Horen. # $375 000 is dividend payable Jan. 15, 1891, to stockholders of record Dec, 31, 1890, + $450,000 is dividend payable Jan. 15, 1892, to stockholders of record Dec, 31, 1891. 12 AMERICAN CARBON CO., Corporate Office, Brooklyn. Inc. in Brooklyn, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabili- ties other than capital, $26,529.37. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thomas A. Havemyer, President; James T. Bendernagel, Secretary. DirEctors—Chas. A. Harrison, James T. Bendernagel, Thos. A. Havemyer. THE AMERICAN CEREAL CO., 55 N. Moore st.; General and Corporate Office, Akron, O.; Principal Offices, Akron, O.: Chicago, Ill.; Cedar Rapids, Ia.; Branch Offices, 505 Chamber of Commerce, Boston, Mass.; 5 S. Front st., Philadelphia. Inc. June 1, 1891, in Ohio. Capital authorized, $3,400,000. No dividends yet paid. Annual Meeting, 2d Tues. in Feb., at Akron, O. This Company is the successor of the F. Schumacher Milling Co., Akron, O. Osyect—Manufacture of cereal products, etc. Mills located as follows: Quaker Mills, Ravenna, O.; Hower Mills, Akron, O.; Newell Bros.’ Mills, Cleveland, O.; Imperial Mills, Chicago, Ill.; Iowa Oatmeal Co., Iowa City ; Cedar Rapids Oatmeal Mills, Cedar Rapids, and Oatmeal Mills at Rockford, III. FUNDED DEBT—6 p. c. bonds; interest J. & D., 5 p.c., 20 years: $1,550,000 outstand- ing. OFFICERS—Ferd. Schumacher, President; H. P. Crowell, Vice-President ; Robert Stuart, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Ferd. Schumacher, H. P. Crowell, E. R. Crowell, Robt. Stuart, F. A. Schumacher, ‘Hugo Schumacher, S. Coldren, Geo. W. Crouse, A. M. Barber, N. O. Hower, J. H. Andrews, K. B. Newell, C. L. Newell. AMERICAN CHAMPAGNE (C0O., Limited, General Office, 52 Broad st. In liquidation by Directors. No debts or liabilities except to stockholders. Inc. 1889, in West Virginia. Capital authorized, $500,000, par ¢100. OpyecT—Manufacturing cham- pagne. Plant located at San Francisco. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Chas. E. Laidlaw, President; Herman Schaeffer, Vice-President : Jas. Wood, Jr., Secretary. Trustrr—es—Herman C. Schwab, Geo. W. Sessions, Chas. E. Laidlaw, Herman Schaeffer, Gustav Cless. THE AMERICAN COAL 00., of Alleghany County, General and Corporate Office, No. 1 Broadway. Inc. in Maryland. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $25; Full paid. Mining and shipping coal. Mines at Barton and Lonaconing, Md., Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Funded debt, tst mtge. $200,000, due Mar. 1, 1893, payable at office. W. D. L. Wadridge, President ; Sidney Wintingham, Vice-President ; George M. Bowlby, Secretary and Treasurer. : AMERICAN CONOPHONE CO. No information furnished. AMERICAN CONSOLIDATED FIBRE CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities, other than capital, $2,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs— William C. Dreyer, President; Charles L. Robinson, Treasurer. DrrecToR—William Pennington. THE AMERICAN CONTRACTING AND DREDGING CO., General and Corporate Office, 47 Exchange pl. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in property, $1,625,000; cash, $375,000. Liabilities other than capital, $1,200. Assets at least $4,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry B. Slorin, President: Eugene Kelley, Treasurer. DIrEcToRS—Eugene Kelley, Wm. H. Mackay, H. B. Slorin. THE AMERICAN COPPER MINING CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Liabilities, other than capital, mtge. $80,000, Mining property in New Jersey, $250,000. Plant at New Jersey. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Josiah C. Reiff, President; Frederick G. Renes, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Josiah C. Reiff, F. G. Renes, Albert H. Hovey. AMERICAN CORN CO., Office, 53 Broadway. No information. OFFICERS— William T. Jebb, President; T. Griffith, Secretary ; Thomas B. Atkins, Treasurer. THE AMERICAN COTTON OIL CO.,, Principal Office at Company’s refinery, near Guttenburg, Union township, Hudson Co., N. J.; General Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. Oct. 14, 1889, for 50 years, under the laws of New Jersey, to succeed the American Cotton ‘Oil Trust, of which it was a reorganization. The Trust, was organized in 1883, for the purpose of controlling the production of cotton-seed oil. Various plants purchased by the Trust were deeded to the Trustees for the certificate-holders, and trust certificates 13 issued by the Trustees for payment therefor. In 1890, under the reorganization, the trust certificates were exchanged for stock of the present Company in the proportion ot 50 p. c. im new common stock, and 25 p. c. in new preferred stock for the old trust certificates. Capital authorized, $36,092,000, par $100; Paid in, $20,237,100 common stock and $10,198,600 6 p. c. non-cumulative preferred stock. Central Trust Co. of New York, registrar of both stocks. Annual Meeting, rst Thurs. in Nov. Fiscal year ends Aug. 31st. PLants—The Company owns the following properties, all of which are free from incumbrance: 71 crude oil mills, 15 cotton ginneries, 15 refineries, 7 soap factories, 5 lard plants, 8 fertilizer factories, 5 cotton compressors; of these 127 properties 38 were not in active operation on Aug. 31, 1891. These various plants are located in 16 different States throughout the United States. Preferred stock bears 6 p. c. non-cumulative, and is secured by deposit of $41,678,400 certificates of the old Oil Trust, and is subject to call at Io5 at Company’s option. In addition to the outstanding stock, the Company holds $4,801,400 preferred stock and $854,900 common stock in the treasury, and sufficient preferred stock must be retained to exchange at par for the debentures, which are subject to call at 110 on two months notice. Both stocks have equal voting power. DivipENDs—None paid on common stock ; a 3 p.c. dividend was paid on June, 1892, on preferred stock at the office of Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York. Common stock is entitled to all earnings above 6 p.c. on preferred stock. FUNDED DEBT—Debenture gold 8s, coupon, privilege of registration, dated Nov. 1, 1890, payable Nov. 1, 1900, redeemable at 110 and interest at Company’s option, and 60 days’ notice, size 1,000, interest in gold Feb., qriy..at Winslow, Lanier & Co’s, New York. Amount issued, $5,000,000; outstanding, $3,790,000. Sufficient preferred stock is held in the treasury to exchange for these bonds at par. No mtge. can be placed upon the property without the written consent of the holders of 80 of these debentures. The Company proposes to retire a certain amount of debentures annually, the first call being for 210 bonds, which were paid Aug. 1, 1892. Winslow, Lanier & Co., Transfer Agents and Registrars of debenture bonds. BALANCE SHEET, Aug, 31, 1891 :— NM EG EOC es civ cy slaprcev ned entnste ace ten ttuae sealed wk ele Ooo ade ee TE eee LP $20,237,100 00 EE EONS 207. ttl cre. et eats ny RECO ashe oat Need |, be ae ts big he Se 10,198,600 00 VED SIN STOTT ERAS a aa ree pete eet Fc Mr Pe CO DADRA ass Vet teh, ree et ak 4,000,000 00 MEU CAC DOU TIES sis scutes fens Mein ac ecetes re sted veycec as casn ssestee i sid vals nenioewale te avec to ae. aiitecaee 44a 205 hae $34,878,915 32 ASSETS. Real estate, buildings, machinery, etc., based on the valuation of Dec., 1890.... $9,845,598 27 eg eet ccs alias ee cakes o'be gabaeen isd vores Ge tev oncavatcencrar ake deca ates be aetieiiuaieas seu nas euccuat se 1,452,606 03 BEM CCOUNES TO COIVA DIOL art acti tates tis loti netastkatdecte ceteris Mie el 1,325;755. 37 eteeeetavie products and supplies, On. hand |.....20..1 ss ceseredafeesessccececdeseseccsvecas 3,146,944 06 Cash valuation of entire property and assets in which the American Cotton Oil Co. is interested, without making any allowance whatever for good-will, ete. $15,773,930 73 Balance representing good-will, contracts, leases, patents, processes, brands macrkitdred assets Of an established: businéss :...c\ia\ scp acathcs cb dang Gems. 19,104,978 59 ae $34,878,915 32 mimetic bad or doubtinl trade, accounts, Amount tOcese.scheveelsveseeadeceeeoesalan $1,902,181 55 ROSS T NL Tir tael icash en sevsterie teaser ise tastes Titeer tetaot meee ees ee 579,187 47 Leaving the net profit for the fiscal year ending Aug. 31, 1891.......scccsesses sossecees $1,322,994 08 PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT TO AUG. 31, I89g1. NI LAURE TOON a es fs de pak a ilevssc dice oscclscebavacs veasentes eae seeeaneemianivenern: st sesees $3,957,331 39 _ Deducted for depreciation of property and expenses of debenture bond issue, EME e insu voarsesnscds kovnres se acuavens Menus #sawe gy gos vase as Guaaog eae beureban speagi studcar¥ern tent yatta, 1,194,745 40 Net profits for year ending Aug. 31, 1891...... Hedaaisigcvnns dhieh ahah aby Tes seh pe dx ey thb bate $2,762,585 99 NE LOD DIOME AG AUS, 31), ESOL satire ssencchsy ssevavausveveassle cuccsaetcety «te wveioass, 1,322,994 08 $4,085,580 07 * The prices realized since the inventory have been in excess of this valuation, 14 Maturing profits of all the properties, exclusive of interest charges and general office expenses :— Periods. Profits. Organization toaMay, 31 1886...... cette wees tee ee es A $394,007 77 Pe welvemnantheyto Way a1; 19887 Ui. ussdele neti srel. elas elie es ee nee 2,448,225 78 ovelyemnonths toiMAY 6, (T86Gcni stil eu eee arcs al a eee 2,459,152 48 HAtLeco months go cA Up. 31, IS8o ier sly the) ends soc tele le ec eee ee 1,835,795 17 Pee MOINS Toen UM fel, TSO0. cenel eeeeny emt ee. hers dorks ck cas oes nobbihie stlslue vate bene aaee 129,979 77 CRC ULCER ATHUTLATTS HOPI A Fate § GMs far) qepvti i Ot SRE USN Re eB a an Ct Soapa ss Oe pee 1,902,181 55 Annual repairs of buildings and machinery charged each year, as a part of the expenses of manufacturing for the same period, including large sums for improved appliances :— Periods. Amount. PE WCIVE IN ONTOS mid Yes DPE S870 ec woe st oe chic c aec os ese Bite ie ee ee Bry a $191,669 75 Ewell ve MONCHS TOM Ay 8 TNTSOO' gs ilamescto ds -sasee,yieuicrone ones aatessyseegihast teen «eee 350,931 7I ERILeE I MONUNS OWA Mist AT SOO sere ca Ie to ek deca oes toacns oe okc footed ids teatbony Ginamemene Teaaaes 488,964 71 pie Ve IMONChS Or AN. 1219 SOO atantir istic cetera cs esdcos so cocver to cthacsneieupene ce nee 339,892 96 EEWiclyenmonthstio tA ie ig POT te ne,.2 8 chosteeek oades eles Kees cee eee 379,521 33 BU Oh ed fe ae ee Mee tad cee eta ie aa deks San sis ic Sos cable svne Wl. geo deees othe oh a) Se $1,750,980 46 Volume of business and trade losses from bad debts :— Amount of Trade losses Per cent. of loss Periods. business from on business done. bad debts. done. UITAniZaLiOn AO VEU AT ong eile ous eal een eeo ee tees * $33,944 % Min clVeMONtS TOmlay AT eGo. ean hes oteee auheete kine a 34,076 * PLES H MONTHS tO WAU Sd UTO8O cht. cis) sce ecb et aes $24,486,140 81,991 iooy Of Ip. c. We VO MNONUIS 1G WAU 9G 1, el OOO lar ctes Nevers cer eae as ane 23,750,000 38,995 Too Of ZT p.z, Sisvelve MONths ¢O) AUT SOO watts eyesore eet aaieoce 20,126,500 69,795 foop Of Ip.c. These figures show the actual cash sales to the public, and do not include sales from one Company to another within the organization. OFFICERS, Nov. 5, 1891—Edward D. Adams, Chairman of the Board of Directors ; Edward D. Adams, Chairman, George Austin Morrison, Mayer Lehman, Finance Com- mittee; John R. Bartlett, President; Thomas R. Chaney, 2d Vice-President and Mana- ger; Robert F. Monro, Secretary and Auditor; Justus E. Ralph, Treasurer; Sullivan & Cromwell, General Counsel. DirEcTORS—Edward D. Adams, New York City; Jules Aldige, New Orleans, La. 3 John R. Bartlett, New York City, Thomas R. Chaney, New York City ; W. A. C. Ewen, New York City; N. K. Fairbank, Chicago, Ill.; Walter H. Field, Cincinnati, O.; M. Frank, Atlanta, Ga.; Garret A. Hobart, Paterson, N. J.; John H. Inman, New York City ; Mayer Lehman, New York City; Alfred Bishop Mason, New York City; George Austin Morrison, New York City; E. Urquhart, Little Rock, Ark.: R. T. Wilson, New Work: City: AMERICAN CURLED HAIR CO., Lewisohn Importing and Trading Co., Limited, Agents, General Office, 154 S. 5th ave. Inc. in Central Falls, R.I. Authorized capital, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. AMERICAN DASH CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Amount paid in not known. OpyEcT—Supplies. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— I. Cryder Lea, Treasurer. THE AMERICAN DENTAL MANUFACTURING C0., General and Corporate Office, 1298 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $5,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Jacob F. Frantz, President. DIRECrors—J. A. Hanway, Henry B. Stapler, Jacob F. Frantz. “THE AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CO., Branch Office, 15 Broad st. (Isaac E. Gates) ; Corporate Office, Crocker National Bank, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. in California. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Charles F. Crocker, President; Frank S. Douty, Secretary ; Isaac E, Gates, Treasurer. D1reEcTors—Charles F. Crocker, Isaac E. Gates, Frank S. Douty, Other information refused. * Figures not available. 15 AMERICAN DIAMOND ROCK BORING CO., General Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Rhode Island. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceERS—Charles A. Tompkins, President ; Lewis S. Bostelmann, Secretary. DiIREcTORS—Charles H. Tompkins, Richard Pancoast, Martin T. McMahon. AMERICAN DISTRIBUTING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 40 Wall st., 35 Water st., 732 Washington st. and 131 W. 18th st. Amount »aid in not known. OpjEcT—Spirits. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Frank Curtiss, President; Lawrence Quinn, Secretary; James A. Webb, Treasurer. AMERICAN DISTRICT TELEGRAPH C0O., General and Corporate Office, 8 Dey st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $4,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $3,825,000. In Jan., 1892, this Company purchased the entire stock, property and franchises of the Mutual District Telegraph and Mutual District Messenger Companies. Last dividend paid Aug. 17, 1891. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thomas T. Eckert, President; C. S. Shirlor, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Thomas T. Eckert, Henry R. Sheldon, E. A. Drake. ; ™=AMERICAN DOCK AND TRUST CO.,, Branch Agency, 50 Cotton Exchange ; Corporate Office, Tompkinsville, S. I. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $500,000. Plant located at Tompkinsville, S. I., and con- sists of warehouses, docks, etc. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Alfred J. Pouch, President; Frederick H. Pouch, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrectors—Alfred J., Frederick H. and Alonzo B. Pouch, Wm. A. Harding, Bas. i. Ker, AMERICAN DRIER CO., General Office, 115 Broadway; Corporate Office, 76 Montgomery st., Jersey City, N. J.; Southern Office, 81 Main st., Norfolk, Va. Inc. Mar., 1891, in New Jersey for 50 years. Capital authorized, $160,000, par $100; Full paid. Sale of apparatus for drying. Dividends, none as yet. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Wm. E. Watkins, President; C. H. Ludington, Vice-President; Wm. E. Cooper, Secretary; Wm. H. Ludington, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Officers and C. H. Ludington, Jr. AMERICAN DUPLEX DOBBY CO,., General Office, 141 Broadway. Inc. in New Jersey. Authorized capital, $125,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—James H. Lancaster, President; Daniel A. Fisher, Secretary. THE AMERICAN ELECTRIC ARMS AND AMMUNITION CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid by patents. Receipts for year, $117.11. Expenditures, $236.17. Stock has no present , value, yields no revenue. No dividends. No funded debt. OFrFic—ER—G. B. Satterlee, President. D1IrRECTORS—G. B. Satterlee, Robert S. Walker, Chas. H. Tompkins, H. L. Satterlee. AMERICAN ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO., General and Corporate Office, foot E. 24th st. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. AMERICAN ELECTRIC RW. SIGNAL CO., General Office, 132 Nassau st. ; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1889, in New Jersey; Charter expires Aug. 26th. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjectr—Manufacturing electric RW. signals. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs— Benjamin F. Einstein, President ; Alexander Hoffman, Secretary and Treasurer. AMERICAN ENCAUSTIC TILING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 140 W. 23dst. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities, other than capital, $70,000. Assets at least $100,000. _ Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Benedict Fischer, Presi- dent: William G. Flammer, Secretary. DIREcTORS—-Benedict Fischer, George R. Lansing, William G. Flammer. AMERICAN ENFLURAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 110 Front st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital not given. Liabilities other than capital, $117.90. Total assets at least $23,154.86. Receipts for the year, $5,000; expenditures, $5,394.13. . OByEcT--Manufacturing extracts. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS--Oswold N. Cammann, President and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—H. H. Cammann, Oswold N. Cammann. 16 THE AMERICAN ENGINEERING CO., General Office, 59 Park row; Corpo- rate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital author-- ized, $1,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $100000. Opyect—Electrical engineering. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—O. C. Rockwell, President ; Henry Keim, Vice-President; Jas. S. Zerbe, Secretary; W. M. Bowen, Treasurer. DrrEcTors—Henry Keim, Louis Diebold, Jas. S. Zerbe, O. C. Rockwell, J. S. Elkins, W. M. Bowen, John Elter. AMERICAN ENVELOPE MACHINE C0O., Office, 99 Nassau st. No facts. furnished. AMERICAN EXPLORING CO., General Office, 15 Broad st. Ine. in New Jer- sey. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Frederick G. Corning, President; James W. Clinton, Secre- tary; F. Joseph Vernon, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Frederick G. Corning, F. Joseph Vernon, Henry Weston, James W. Clinton, Philip Cross, William M. Lawrence. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., Executive Offices, 65 Broadway. Joint Stock Asso- ciation. Capital authorized, $18,000,000, par ¢100. Employees number about 14,000, with a weekly pay roll of $84,000. Dividends 6 p. c. per ann., J. & J., payable at Com- pany’s office. Practically operate the Vanderbilt lines; 45,000 miles 27 ¢ofo. OFFICERS —Jas. C. Fargo, President; Theo. M. Pomeroy, Vice-President; Chas. Fargo, 2d Vice-President ; John N. Knapp, Secretary ; Chas. G. Clark, Treasurer. D1rRECTORS— Jas. C. Fargo, John N. Knapp, Chas. G. Clark, Theo. M. Pomeroy, Chas. Fargo, Johns- ton Livingston, Edward B. Judson, Jr., Benjamin P. Cheney, William H. Seward. _ THE AMERICAN EXTRACT AND SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 65 S. 5th ave. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, property, $7,000; cash, $3,000. Liabilities other than capital, $117.90; total assets at least $23,154.86. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERs—David White, President; Abner W. Coverly, Treasurer. DrrEecTORS—David White, Abner Coverly. AMERICAN FARM IMPLEMENT CO.,, General Office, 19 William st. Inc. in New Jersey. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertatned. AMERICAN FINE ARTS SOCIETY, General and Corporate Office, 47 W. 42d st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital (mtge.), $10,000. Assets, land on 57th st., $115,266.30; cash, $2,047.48 ; total, $117,313.78. Receipts for year, $8,620.52 ; expenditures, $9,939.66. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—H. R. Butler, President. DIRECTORS—Francis C, Jones, William Bailey Foxon. THE AMERICAN FLAG GOLD MINING CO. of Colorado, Corporate Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,250,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Van Mest, President; Edward Benedict, Secretary. DrrEcTORS—J. H. Small, A. F. Day, Edward Benedict. AMERICAN FARCITE POWDER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. 1881, in New York; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $450,000, par, $100; Full paid in cash and property. Assets, at least, $588,839.46. Liabilities other than capital, do not exceed $138,850.24. Opyect—Manu- facture of explosives. Plant located at Lake Hopatcong, N. J., and consists of 447 acres of land, buildings and machinery, employing 75 men with a weekly pay roll of $1,000. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John W. Mackay, Jr., President; Geo. W. Ward, Vice-President; Wm. P. Ferguson, Secretary. DrrecTtors—E. B, Fowler, Wm. H. Baker, Wm. P. Ferguson, John W. Mackay, Jr., Geo. W. Ward, Arthur M. Blake. AMERICAN FUEL ECONOMIZER CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty and 507 W. 32d sts. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities, other than capital, $7,000. Total assets, at least’ $6,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Geo. H. Burpee, President; Thomas E. Deeley, Secretary. DirEcrors—Geo. H. Burpee, Robert Deeley, Thomas E. Deeley. "af 24 a. Fs be. Pe) eee, i Aur ANt iz > eae al oS Ty 0 A TEN 9 ¥ a) im ™ ee iy ie ae + "a (NAS hy « te Pe fe i “e oe wy A s i Se WT IY y sa vA mi igt MR Bion ds DN ny ae et . : : ass a ah : oi hoa Why Base ‘ ‘ ‘ Rass Ne hg et WA y : ; é yet . ee ie ‘ ings AMERICAN GAS C0., Office, 32 Pine st. W. and J. N. Carpender, Agents ; : General and Corporate Office, 224 S. 3d st., Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. in Pennsylvania ; 4 Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. History AND é} OnjEct—Manufacture of gas, etc. The Company guarantees the principal and interest ___ of the bonds of the gas companies under its control and operation. Bonds for sale, in "4 each case, a first lien upon the real estate, buildings, machinery, mains and entire plant, together with all the franchises of the corporations situated in the following cities: _ Canton, O.; Elgin, Ill.; Rockford, Ill.; Mt. Vernon, N. Y.; Frankfort, Ind.; Portage, : Wis.; Waukesha, Wis.; Peru, Ind.:; they are in each case 6s coups., payable semi- . annually, OFFICERS—E. H. McCullough, Vice-President; Morris W. Stroud, Secretary and Treasurer; Geo. G. Ramsdell, General Manager. DirREcToRS—Edmund H. McCullough, John W. Hoffman, Malcolm S. Greenough, Lewis A. Riley, William Carpender, Edmund Penfold, Charles F. Godshall, H. C. Adams. AMERICAN GAS SAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 53 W. 30th st. Inc.in New York, Authorized capital, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Oliver E. Maltby, President; Smith H. Freeman, Secretary. AMERICAN GLUCOSE CO., General Office, 105 Hudson st. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. William S. Elliott, N.Y. Manager. No other facts furnished. : AMERICAN GRAPHOPHONE CO., Office, 151 Pulitzer Building. No informa- tion furnished. AMERICAN GROCER PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 143 Chambers st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid innotknown. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceErs—Horace K. Thurber, President ; Erastus N. Root, Secretary. Drrecrors—Francis B. Thurber, Horace K, Thurber, Albert E. Whyland, Frank N. Barrett, Erastus N. Root. _ AMERICAN GUARANTY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 2 “= Broidway. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $120,000; Full paid. Liabilities ® other than capital, $1,500; total assets, at least, $2,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- _ tained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thomas A. Ireland, President; Adolphus N. - fo, Lickwood, Secretary. DireEcToRS—Chas. L. Tompkins, Thomas A. Ireland, Adolphus ~ > N. Lickwood. a AMERICAN HACKNEY HORSE SOCIETY, General and Corporate Office, 51 » E. 44th st. Inc. in New York. OFFiceERs—Andrew J. Cassatt, President: W. Seward z Webb, Secretary. Direcrors—Andrew J. Cassatt, John B. Dutcher, Prescott Lawrence, 4 John A. Logan, Jr., W. Seward Webb, Henry Fairfax, Pierre Lorillard, Jr., J. B. Perkins, Frederick Pillsbury. No other information furnished, . AMERICAN HAND-SEWED SHOE C0O., General and Corporate Office, . 76 _ Readest. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; __. Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $353,696.78. Total assets at least $478,699.22. Receipts for year, $522,410.66. Expenditures, $527,661.56. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—W. B. Taylor, President. DIRECTORS—W. B. Taylor, Joseph Bamgan, W. A. Eldridge. % . THE AMERICAN HERBAL MACHINE (CO., General and Corporate Office, _ 12 Washington pl. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $20,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Clark W. Dunlop. _- Dtrectors—Clark W. Dunlop, Edward D. Dunlop, Herman G. Conrad. AMERICAN HORSE PROTECTOR CO., General Office, 343 W. 13th st. Inc. ‘in West Virginia. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William H. Trego, President; William W. Tucker, Secretary, DirEcrors—William H. ‘Trego, €.-G; Lundborg, William W. Tucker, G. A. Peterson, H. Barclay. AMERICAN ICE MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Broadway, Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known, Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceRS—Elbert S. Adams, President; Frederick oe _, Wilcox, Secretary; John D. Kimmey, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Elbert S. Adams, Robert Vanburen, John D. Kimmey, Frederick E. Wilcox. 18 . “= THE AMERICAN INSULATOR CO., General and Corporate Office, 2 Wall st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $120,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, ¢1,000. Assets: Cash, $42.48; Patents. $120,000; Receipts for year, $164.72. Expenditures, $366.35. Plant at New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErRS—D. S. Robeson, President; Henry C. Andrews, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—D. S. Robeson, C. A. Edwards, Henry C. Andrews. . THE AMERICAN INVESTMENT AND FINANCIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 33 Wall st. Inc, in Iowa. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William A. Clark, President; C. Hawxhurst, Secretary. DiIREcTORS—William A. Clark, S. A. Clark. AMERICAN INVESTMENT UNION, General Office, 280 Broadway; Corpor- ate Office, Providence, R. I. Inc. May 1, 1890, in Rhode Island; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Buying, selling and dealing in real property and issuing bonds, mortgages and obligations. Dividends last, 6 p. c. ; accumula- tive, 14 p.c. No funded debt. STATMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :—- ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Real estate’'and improvemente..... $552,500 oo | Instalment and preferred shares. $179,202 68 maconreal estate soldi... 4... 5% 27,681 43 | Real estate and improvemente...... 69,000 09 MAGN DATES |, svc stesccor tas venee dew ees 6% 5020/17.) Sundry. accounts, na au.e eee eee 3,159 67 AEA OT COS a bins $4 seve dase schon thavers 2,544 05 V UPaid-up capital a. asacacenuc nes eee 100,000 00 PIOSATOM AL CNCICS 2.2 sseracsesccances As 489 “20-4 Sud plus % 25 fecaeveeuaaes Bills) payables iwecoesers ches CT oMEM gk eae tiesy 8,570,000 Stocks and investments..............665 3,558,288 | Miscellaneous items...... ..... .cscsceee 1,072,476 BPP AC CORRS... c tateucysobsbevins tect ces cs £357,070. de OUFDIUS codgetiasee, cncerapeets scevetsleseerente 1,323,002 Ra eo SE ll eee i .» 41,250,000 MIISCCLIANCOUS ITEMS, ..<..sc...sseesep eras » 2,842,847 TAOS ET ate UR aa Rola tae a p02 O45) 20ReC! . ULOtALy cthcapan es cdsaet ve tons Ser kve en Ree $62,845,391 The books of the Company show net earnings for the fiscal year not less than $5,073,002, from which amount two semi-annual dividends have been paid to the stock- holders, each of 4 p. c. on the common and 3% p.c. on the preferred stock, amounting in all to $3,750,000, leaving a surplus of net earnings of $1,323,002 resérved for con- tingencies. OFFICERS—H. O. Havemeyer, President; Theo. A. Havemeyer, Vice- President; Jno. E. Searles, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. DrIRECTORS—H. O. Havemeyer, T. A. Havemeyer, Jno. E. Searles, Jr., T.O. Matthiessen, William Dick, Geo. C. Magoun, Joseph B. Thomas, Boston. AMERICAN SULPHUR CO., General Office, 12 Broadway. Inc. in West Vir- ginia. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edward Cooper, President; Richard P. Rothwell, Secre- tary; Cornelius Tiers, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Edward Cooper, Alexander .H. Tiers, Richard P. Rothwell, P. Cooper Hewitt, William R. Grace. AMERICAN SWEDENBORG PRINTING AND PUBLISHING SOCIETY, General and Corporate Office, 20 Cooper Union. Inc. in New York. Capital author- ized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —Joseph K. Smyth, President; John C. Agar, Secretary ; Mordaunt Bedine, Treasurer. DirECTORS—Joseph K. Smyth, G. W. Colton, Charles H. Mann, John H. Bigelow, Marston Niles, John Ellis, Daniel Pomeroy, Francis J. Worcester, Frank Curtis, John Sly, Mordaunt Bodine, Samuel S. Seward, Alexander J. Auchterlonie. AMERICAN TELEGRAPH AND CABLE CO., General and Corporate Office, 195 Broadway and 16 Broad st. Inc. 1881, in New Jersey ; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $14,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Opjecr—Maintaining and operating ocean cable. Leased to the Western Union Telegraph Co. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceERs—Thomas T. Eckert, President; Thomas F. Clark, Secre- tary ; Roswell H. Rochester, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jay Gould, Russell Sage, John T. Terry, Frederick L. Ames, Thomas T. Eckert. AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st., and 397 5th ave. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 : Capi- tal authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities stated at $5,987,501.33. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. Orricers—John E. Hudson, Presi- dent; Melville Egleston, Secretary ; William R. Driver, Treasurer. D1IrEcToRs—John E. Hudson, Howard W. Stockton, Charles P. Bowditch, Theodore N. Vail, Joseph P. Doris, William H. Forbes, Edward J. Hall, Jr. THE AMERICAN TOBACCO CO., Office, 45 Broadway; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1890, in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $35,000,000; Preferred, $14,000,000, par $10; Common, $21,000,000, par $50. Full paid. Preferred stock is entitled to a preferential non-cumulative dividend not exceeding 8 p. c, per ann., and carries preference upon the assets of Company in event of dissolution. --OpjyEctT—Manufacture of tobacco. Plants located: Allen & Ginter branch, Richmond, Va.; W. Duke, Sons & Co. branch, Durham, N. C.; W. Duke, Sons & Co. branch, New York, N: Y.; Kinney Bros. branch, New York, N. Y.: W. S. Kimball & Co. < : branch, Rochester, N. Y.; Goodwin & Co. branch, New York, N. Y.; National Tobacco ~! 5 aie - ja ¥ A 7 Up Caeaees ee ts a ’ 26 Works branch, Louisville, Ky.; The Whitlock branch, Richmond, Va.; Marburg Bros. branch, Baltimore, Md.; G. W. Gail & Ax branch, Baltimore, Md. Dividends in last fiscal year, one of 8 p. c. on preferred stock, one of 12 p.c. on common stock. No funded debt. OFFICERS--James B. Duke, President; John Pope, 1st Vice-President ; Wm. S. Kimball, 2d Vice-President; Wm. A. Marburg, 3d Vice-President ; William H. Butler, Secretary; George Arents, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Lewis Ginter, John Pope, George Arents, Jas. B. Duke, George W. Watts, Francis S. Kinney, Benjamin N. Duke, Wm. H. Butler, Chas. G. Emery. Wm. S. Kimball, G. W. Gail, Wm. A. Mar- burg. AMERICAN TOOL CO,, General and Corporate Office, 200 W. Houston st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Manufacturers of tool chests. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John H. Patrick. AMERICAN TRADING CO., General and Corporate Office, 182 Frontst. Inc. in Connecticut. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS--James R. Morse, President; George H. Mitchell, Secretary ; James H. Stevens, Treasurer. DirRECTroORS—-James R. Morse, Geo. H. Mitchell, A..Fuller Atkins, Frederick B. Jennings. AMERICAN TRADING SOCIETY, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 19 William st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $825,744.79. Assets at least $1,660,549.36. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OrriceErs—-Anton J. K. Landauer, President ; Simon Fatman, Vice-President; Frederick VanRipper, Secretary ; Charles C. Cox, Treasurer. DirEcTrorRs—Louis Ranger, Simon Fatman, Frederic VanRipper, Charles C. Cox, Anton J. R. Landauer. AMERICAN VENDING MACHINE CoO., General Office, 29 Murray st. Inc, in West Virginia. OFFICERS—James S. Leeds, President; Frederick B. Cochran, Secretary. No other facts furnished. THE AMERICAN VISUAL TELEGRAPH (C0O., General Office, 136 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1891 in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacturers and dealers in electrical apparatus for reporting, automatically, events. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. OFFICERS—Wm. A. Vail, President; C. R. Truex, Secretary and Treasurer. DrirEcTORS—O. E. Maden, B. Frank Lloyd, S. D. Mott, W. A. Vail, C. R. Truex. AMERICAN WATCH CASE CO., Office, 11 John st. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained: OFFICERS—Otto Oppenheimer, President; Zacharias H. Oppenheimer, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Otto H. Oppenheimer, Moses Weiss, Zacharias H. Oppenheimer. AMERICAN WATCHMAN’S TIME DETECTOR C0O., Office, 234 Broadway. Inc. in New Jersey. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Jamin S. Morse, Treasurer; Elisha B. Seeley, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Jamin S. Morse, Elisha B. Seeley, Arthur G. Morse. AMERICAN WHIP CO., General Office, 54 Warren st.; Corporate Office, Westfield, Mass. Inc. about 1871, in Massachusetts. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacture and sale of whips. Plants in Westfield, Mass. Branches, New York; Chicago; San Francisco. Dividends, 22 p. c. per ann. © During the past 12 months two additions have been built to the factory, and the capacity thereby greatly increased. No funded debt. Orricers—Ira Miller, President; D. L. Gillett, Vice-President; Lewis Parker, Treasurer. DrirECTORS—E. B. Gillett, D. L. Gillett, L. R. Norton, H. W. Avery, Lewis Parker, C. W. Darling, L. M. Osden, C. F. Shepard, D. C. Hull, W. C. Pease, R. T. Sherman, W. J. Cassard, Ira Miller. AMERICAN WHITING MACHINE C0. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $30,000. _ Total assets at least $325,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John C. Howe, President; George W. Dickerman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— _ John C. Howe, George W. Dickerman, John M. Fairfield. AMERICAN WOODENWARE CO., General and Corporate Office, 81 Murray st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William J. Hiss, President; William P. Sanford, — Secretary. DIRECTORS—William J. Hiss, Edward R. A. Hiss, William P. Sanford. oe? AMERICAN WOOD POWER CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Wall st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $16,000. Assets at least $16,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Elliott Smith, President; E. C. Stanton, Secretary and Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Elliott Smith, Edmund C. Stanton, Paul L. Thebaud. THE AMERICAN WRINGER CO.,, General Office, 99 Chambers st. ; Corporate Office, Providence, R. I. Inc. Jan., 1891, in Rhode Island, as successor to The Metro- politan Manufacturing Co., Bailey Wringing Machine Co., F. F. Adams & Co., and Empire Wringer Co. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid; of which $850,000 is preferred and $1,650,000 common stock. Preferred stock carries 7 p. c¢. _ cumulative dividends. Osyect—Manufacture and sale of wringers and other household articles. The following is an estimate of the property conveyed to the Company at the time of its incorporation: Real estate (including land, buildings, water-power, engines and boilers), $239,843; plant (including machinery, tools and appliances), $158,300 ;. goods, manufactured and in process of manufacture, $305,688; accounts and bills receivable (in excess of same payable), $1,154,520; cash, $71,522; patents and trade- marks, $250,000; total estimate, $2,180,373. The net profits for 3 years were: 1888, $251,667.94; 1889, $254.190.82; 1890, $275,164.12. Net profits for this period average ' $269,340.96 per annum, being equal to 7 p.c. on preferred stock and 12 p. c. on common stock. Plants in Woonsocket, R. I.; Middlefield, Conn.; Auburn, N. Y.; Erie, Pa. Dividends: preferred, 7 p.c., common, 8 p. c., paid Jan. 1, qrly., the first payment being-July, 1891. No funded debt. OFrricers—Jos. Banigan, President; W. S. Ballou, Secretary ; Geo. Reuter, Jr., Treasurer and General Manager. DIRECTORS—Jos. Banigan, W.S. Ballou, Geo. Reuter, Jr, W. G. Granger, R. C. Browning, J. F. Hemingway, W.. T.Farine, A. G. Beardsley, Jr., L: A. Mills. THE AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO., General Office, 237 Broadway ; George L. Fielder, New York Manager; Corporate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. in Hartford, Conn. Capital, $150,000; Full paid. Factory located at Hartford, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. AMERICAN ZYLONITE CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000;:Fuil paid, cash $70,200, property $679,800. Liabilities. other than capital, $750,000. Total assets at least $60,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFFICERS—Emil Kipper, President; George V. A. Conger. DrirEcToRS—Jos. H. Sutphin, Emil Kipper, George V. A. Conger. AMES IRON WORKS, General Office, 38 Cortlandt st.; Arthur L. Merrian, New York Manager. Inc. in Oswego, N. Y. No information furnished. AMES PLOW CO., Office, 53 Beekman st.; Lowel A. Pratt, Agent. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. THE AMPHION ACADEMY CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Paid in $165,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $65,000. Assets: theatre, land, etc., in Brooklyn cost $230,000. Receipts for year, $21,052.11; expenditures, $18,802.67. Divi- dends in 1891, 5 p.c. No funded debt. Orricers—John G. Jenkins, President; Joseph Applegate, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—John G. Jenkins, Joseph Applegate, D. Simmons. AMSTERDAM STREET RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. 1873, in New York, for 99 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $150,000. Per share $100. OpjEcT—Construction and maintainance of an electric railroad at Amsterdam, N.Y. Plant located at Amsterdam, N.Y., and consists of street railway, 9 miles Edison system, to cars. Dividends, if any, not stated. FUNDED DEBT —-Ist mtge. dated Oct. 1, 1890; due Oct. I, 1920; coupon 6s; created, $250,000; issued, $170,000; outstanding, $170,000; each $1,000; interest payable April and Oct. at The State Trust Co. of New York. No sinking fund. Secured by street railway, power sta- tion and electric light property. OFFICERS—John H. McClement, President; Frank J. Sprague, Vice-President; Thomas D. Mosscrop, Secretary, Treasurer and Acting Manager; R. G. Day, Assistant Secretary and Manager. ~TRusTEES—John S. Wise, R- L. Harrison, John H. Fearon, E. H. Lewis, Arthur S. Beeves, J. Seaver Page, John H. _ McClement, Thomas D. Mosscrop, E. H. Johnson, F. J. Sprague, Henry W. Hobson, J-H. Vail. ; 28 AMUSEMENT MACHINE CO., Office, 132 Nassau st. Inc. July 18, 1890, in N. ~ J. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100, Amount paid in at time of commencement of business, $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS — William W. Rosenfield, President; William H. Gibson, Secretary. ANACONDA MINING CO., General Office,-15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Butte City, Mon. Inc. 1891, in Montana, for 20 years. Capital authorized, $25,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Osject—Mining copper. . Plants located at Butte City and Anaconda, and consists of mines at Butte City and smelting works at Anaconda, employing about 2,000 hands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—James B. Haggin, President and Treasurer; H. B. Parsons, Vice-President; Francis E. Sargeant, Secretary. TRUSTEES—James B. Haggin, Wm. Keyser, H. H. Parsons, E. C. Platt, Richard P. Lounsbery. : ANALYST PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 19 Park pl. Inc. tin New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $834.30. Assets at least, $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Henry Lassing, President; Thomson P. McElrath, Secretary; David H. Sackett, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Henry Lassing, Thomson P. McElrath. ; ANCHOR BREWING (CO., General Office, 380 11th ave.; Corporate Office, Dobbs’ Ferry, N. Y. Inc. in Dobbs’ Ferry, NN, Y:,oStatement;Jania s*1892 Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $381,924.77. Assets at least $500,000. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS—Adolph L. Sauger, Presi- dent; Edward Lauterbach, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—Adolph L. Sauger, Edward Lau- _terbach, Charles K. Deutsch. Max Hoeberlein, New York Manager. THE ANCHOR BRICK CO. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $130,000 ; Paid in, $103,800. Liabilities other than capital, $119,750.94. Total assets at least $124,909.39. Plant at New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICcERS—Henry L. Sprague, President; James J. Thomson, Secretary and ‘Treasurer. D1rEcrors—Henry L. Sprague, James J. Thomson. ANCHOR BUTTON FASTENER CO. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—D. W. Prentis, S. B. Ashley, George Frick, Secretary. , ANCHOR POST CO., Corporate Office, 95 W. 42d st. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Herbert G. Thompson, President ; W. H. Thompson, Secretary. DrrEcrors—Herbert G. Thomp- son, W. H. Thompson, G. W. Brunson. JOHN ANDERSON & CO., General arid Corporate Office, 116 Liberty st. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $65,000; Full paid in cash, 30,000, in property, $35,000. Liabilities other than capital, $65,000. Total assets at least _ $8,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William H. Catlin, President; Alfred Wagstaff, Secretary. DirREcToRS—William H. Catlin, Alfred Wagstaff, George G. Barnard, George S. Floyd Jones. W. J. ANDERSON MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 71 Spring st. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—William J. Anderson, President; Emmett Smith, Secretary ; Walter N. Gay, Treasurer. DiRECTORS—William J. Anderson, Emmett Smith, Walter N. Gay. ANDREWS-DEMAREST SEATING 0C0., Office, 108 E. 16th st. Inc. in West _ Virginia. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if _ any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Cornelius B. Demarest, President: James M:; _ Hutchinson, Secretary; Mortimer H. Leonard, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Cornelius B. Demarest, William R. Adams, James M. Hutchinson, Mortimer H. Leonard, Henry D. By _ Warner, John W. Cary, Jr., Charles H. Palmer, Robert G. Reid. ANGLERS PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 110 Duane st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William C.. Harris, President; Harry R. Harris, ‘Secretary. DrIrRECTORS—William C. Harris, Henry R. Harris, William T. Henry. : 29 m THE ANGLO-AMERICAN DRY DOCK AND WAREHOUSE CO., General _ and Corporate Office, 170 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: __. Capital authorized, $800,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $2,000,000. Assets, at least $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. s OFFICERS— Daniel P. Kingsford, President. James M. French, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Daniel P. Kingsford, James M. French, William A. Powell. THE ANGLO-AMERICAN PROVISION CO., General Office, 111 Produce 5 Exchange. Represented by Anderson Fowler, Managing Director. Corporate Office, 60 Board of Trade, Chicago, Il. Fowler Bros., Ltd., own all the stock of above Company. No funded debt. a ANGLO-AMERICAN TRAVELERS AND TOURISTS ASSOCIATION CO., a Office, 59 William st. Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Robert S. Hudspeth, President ; George S. : Stitt, Secretary. DiIRECTORS—Robert S. Hudspeth, Lawrence S. Mott, William Hope he Dean. ‘ THE ANGLO-MEXICAN MINING CO., Limited, General Office, 18 Wall st., Be, represented by Wm. N. Olmstead ; Corporate Office, 23 College Hill, Cannon st., London, _ Inc. Aug. 29, 1883, in London, Eng., under Acts of Parliament 1862 to 1880. Capital - authorized, £400,325, par £5; Paid in, £369,882, par 45.. Mining and reduction of silver ores at Las Yedras Sinaloa, Mexico. Mining claims cover 5234 x 950 feet; owned "4 by Company, with mill, shops and all necessary outbuildings. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Geo. Hopkins, Chairman; James Ford, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Geo. Hopkins, William Lloyd, Henry Hopkinson, B. C. Brargdtar, Wm. N. Olmsted. ; i ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO., Office, 82 Hudson st.; Corporate q Offices, Cham, Switzerland; Sales Office, Cham, Switzerland, London and New York. 2 Inc. 1866 in Switzerland ; Duration of charter at Company’s pleasure. Capital author- _ ized, 15,000,000 fcs., par 500 fes.; Full paid. Factories located at Cham, Switzerland; wy Guin, Switzerland; Lindau, Bavaria; Chippenham, England; Aylesbury, England; a Middlewich, England; Middletown, N. Y., and Dixon, Ill. Dividends have been paid. , semi-annually for past 23 years, but rate not stated. DirEcTrors—Adolf Gretener, of ' Cham, Switzerland, Chairman; Spoerri-Brunner, of Zurich, Switzerland, Secretary of ' . Board; Emil Zetter, of Solothurn, Switzerland; D.S. Page, of Cham, Switzerland, Assist- ( ant General Manager; James Kerez, of Zurich, Switzerland; and Geo. H. Page, Gen- 3 eral Manager, New York. | ANNISTON CITY LAND CO., Office, 25 Pine st.; Corporate Office, Anniston, Ala. Inc. 1887, in Alabama; Charter Uniimited. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, reduced to $2,020,000, par $100; Full paid. OxsyectT—Investment in improved and unimproved real estate and manufacturing enterprises in Anniston, Ala. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—John M. McKleroy, President; H. Atkinson, Vice-president ; William A. Davis, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—J..S. Tilney, Isidor M. Stettenheim, P. J. Goodhart, H. H. Campbell, N. Willis Bumstead, H. Atkin-— son, John M. McKleroy, William Noble, John W. Durr, S. M. Lehman, J. S. Bache. THE ANSONIA CLOCK CO., General Office, 11 Cliff st. and 11 Cortlandt st. ; Cor- porate Office, Ansonia, Conn. Inc, 1852, in Connecticut. Manufacturers of clocks and bronzes. Plantin Brooklyn, N.Y. No funded debt. John Twelzer, Manager. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., General and Corporate Offices, 591 Broadway and 162. Mercer st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, 230,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $216,000. Total assets at least $451,000. Photograph materials. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS. —Vincent M. Wilcox, President; Frederick A. Anthony, Secretary. D1IrREcTORS— Vincent M. Wilcox, Frederick A. Anthony, Richard A. Anthony. | ie ANTHRACITE COAL CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,500,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $2,500,000. Dividends, if-any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— - Anastasius Nicholas, President; Charles H. Cook, Secretary. DiIrREcTORS—Anastasius Nicholas, Charles A. Jackson, Ezra F. Raymond. APOLLINARIS CO., Limited. General Office, 32 Beaver st. Inc. in London, Eng. Charles Graef & Co., Agents. No facts furnished. 30 AQUILLA RECH PAINT AND COLOR CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $57,400. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $90,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Aquilla Rech, President ; Edward C. Winter, “Treasurer. THE ARAB ANGLO-ARABAND CLAY STOCK FARM. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Paid in, $51,500. Liabilities other than capital, $35,000. Total assets at least $75,000. Duvidenas, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—Randolph Huntington, President; Edward Folsom Baker, Secretary. DrirEcTORS—Louis V. Bell, Randolph Huntington, E. Folsom Baker. ARABOL MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 Gold st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $1,957. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Julius Jungbluth, President; Charles E Seitz, Secretary. D1irEcTORS— Julius Jungbluth, Edward Weingartner, Charles E. Seitz. THE ARANGEE RANCH CO., General and Corporate Office, 55 Liberty st. Inc. in New York. Statement,-Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in, cash, $19,800, in property, $36,000. Liabilities other than capital ¢1._ Total-assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—John _ Gerber, President; Edward S. Hatch, Secretary; Robert Roethlisberger, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—F. Heuel, Jr., Adolph Kutroff, John Gerber, Edward S. Hatch, Robert Roethlisberger. ARCADE FILE WORKS 0C0O., General and Corporate Office, 83 Reade st. Inc. 1883, in New York. Capital authorized, $40,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjyect—Manu- facture of files and rasps. Plant at Anderson, Ind. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—C. C. Clarke, President; Wm. B. Stewart, Secretary and Treasurer. ARCHER & PANCOAST MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 898-900 Broadway, Inc. Oct., 1868, in New York, for ten years; re-issued 1878- 1388. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000, par %1,000; Paid in, $525,000, par $1,000, The corporation succeeded the firm Archer, Pancoast & Co., who» established in New York, aboul 1848, as manufacturers of gas fixtures; now manufacture both gas and electric fixtures, as well as fine metal work in brass and iron. Own fac- tories in New York, cor 33d st. and Ist ave., 55 and b, lot 98.9 x 150; Brooklyn, Carlton gana ilushing aves., 55 and b, 163 x 150; I10 x 100; 40:x"42, ORFFfICERS== “Archer V. Pancoast, President; Clement M. Biddle, Vice-President ; Benjamin F. Allen, Secretary and Treasurer. Direcrors—Archer V. Pancoast, Clement M. Biddle, B. F. Seenen) C. oH. Fischer, 5. M. Giddings, C. F. Oxley, A. T. Enos: ARCHER FUEL CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. 1887, in New York. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—Introduction of gaseous fuel into factories. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. - OFFICERS—William P. Watson, President; Richard C. Sibley, Vice-President ; William F. Crittenden, Secretary ; Richard C, Sibley, Treasurer. DIRECToRS—William P. Watson, Richard C. Sibley, William F. Crittenden. THE ARCHER MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 169 Canal st.: Cor- porate Office, Rochester, N.Y. Inc. in Rochester, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $85,000; Full paid. Liabilities otherthan capital, $47,371.72. Total assets at least $13,862.80. Manufacturers of chairs. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No . funded debt. Orric—Ers—Geo. W. Archer, President; Henry C. White Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—George W. Archer, John W. Archer, Henry C. White, A. M. - Archer, M. A. Archer. ARGYLE PRESS, General and Corporate Office 265 Cherry st. Inc. in New — York. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Henry G,. Allen, President: Thomas G. Hurst, Secretary. DirEcTORS—Henry G, Allen, Thomas D. Hurst, Samuel J. Kerr. f THE ARIZONA COMMERCIAL CO, Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $76.09. Total assets at least $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—S. W. Fay, President; John F. ‘Praeger, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— James H. Fay, John F. Praeger, S. W. Fay. PL 2 angie ae - ONS wee 7 7 oe LY ee > - { : >) ARIZONA UNION MINING CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1; 1892: Capital authorized. $50,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— A. W. Montgomery, President. DIREcToRS—A. W. Montgomery, James W. Smith, Wilbur F. Smith. ARLINGTON CHEMICAL CO., General Office, 6 Harrison st. Corporate Office, Yonkers, N. Y. Inc. in Yonkers, N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—John E. Andrus, President; H. J. Andrus, Secretary. DirREcTOoRS—John E. Andrus, F. W. R. Eschmann. THE ARLINGTON MANUFACTURING CO,., General Office, 392 Broadway. ° Corporate Office, Arlington, N. J. Inc. May 18, 1886, in New Jersey, for 50 years, as Cellonite Mfg. Co.,and name changed to present title Sept. 30, 1887. Capital author- ized, $250,000; Amount paid in, $202,000, par $100. OnyEctT—Manufacture of pyralin, and of collars and cuffs, combs, and of novelties made therefrom. Plant at Arlington, N. J., on line of N. Y. and G. L. RR.; covers plot of ground 200 feet square; owned by Company infee simple. Dividends, 7 p.c. perann., A. & O. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Joseph R. France, President; Henry S. Chapman, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Nicholas Lennig, E. N. Crane, H. S. Chapman, J. R. France. ARMOUR VILLA PARK ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in New York, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in in property, $129,500. LIABILITIES. ASSETS. REGS gnvrer een ecto di sete tung cctons« S820; 50000) |, Real estatenas5..c. ii cranes dyed ons $80,000 00 PE DU Aba: Hc geass Uivine dics one ox enone ee ait i BOAO SPA NAAT Chat Ngan, ndnasceee sewer suNatn tence 47,400 00 Bailing sss ore certs aden we ae 5,700 00 OUWICK ASGELS ev eced, decor sat nets 174 10 ° Cash and debts receivable......... 15,061 85 $155,965 46 $148,335 95 Receipts for year, $17,279.74. Expenditures, $17,088.53. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No fundeddebt. OFFICERS—Walter McCukle, - President; F. A. Beall, Treasurer. D1rReEcToRS—A. A. Gard, F. A. Beall, Casper Bogert, P. M. Smith, James Tichbone. ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE IMPROVEMENT (CO,, General Office, 64 Times Building. Represented by John W. Welch. Corporate Office, Johnsonburgh, Pa. Inc. in Johnsonburgh, Pa. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. ARROW STEAMSHIP CO., THE. Inc.in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $65,698.&2. Total assets at least $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert M. Fryer, President ; William H. Clarkson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —J. H. Connelly. ART IN ADVERTISING CO., General and Corporate Office, 80 5th ave. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000; Full paid. Liabili- - ties other than capital, $2,778.85. Total assets at least $2,460.95. Receipts for year, $2,055.58. Expenditures, $2,751.54. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Henry C. Brown, President; Herbert Plimpton, Treasurer. DIREcr- ors—Henry C. Brown, Herbert Plimpton, Elizabeth L. Sylvester. ART INTERCHANGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Desbrosses st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,700; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Hiram S. Liggett, President; Olin D. Gray, Secre- tary ; Josephine Redding, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—-Hiram 5S. Liggett, Olin D. Gray, Josephine D. Red@ing, J. Prescott Schiller. ARTHUR CHEMICAL CO., Office, 96 Broadway. Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrFICERS—Frank S, _ Edminster, President; Alois von Isakovics, Secretary; J. Carroll Montayne, Treasurer. Direcrors—Frank S. Edminster, J. Carroll Montayne, Albert L. Smith. TS Oe oe te eet ary et en 1 th ¥ “Lwin A fee AV ae sr wie ae fo oa ie Oo doe 2a ag ee oe eee ee ed a ee a a ug FBR Lal ips Cal a Sk a Mis Flies i PLGA SEA AEA SEO OFT oe ah ab die AS hea ante a CAN 1 ( 4 ( a) ‘ Mee , r ¢ v 32 ARTHUR CO., General and Corporate Office, 96 John st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $10,0co; Amount paid in not known. Machinery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—James Arthur, President; John F. Arthur, Secretary ; Daniel Arthur, Treasurer. D1irECTORS—James Arthur, Julius M. Ferguson, Edward Strom, John M. Arthur. ARVERNE IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 42 Beaver st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $80,000; Amount paid in not known, Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John Straiton, President; John Lenehan, Secretary. DireEcToRS—John Straiton, Wallace Straiton, John Lenehan. ASBESTOS FACED HAIR FELT CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 128 Pearl st. _ Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paidin not known. _ Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Julius Delong, President; Hiram W. French, Secre- tary. Drrecrors—Julius Delong, Hiram W. French, James L. Reed. ASBESTOS PACKING CO., E. 5. Greeley & Co., Agents, Office, 5 Deyst. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No other information furnished. ASBURY PARK GAS CO., General and Corporate Office, 170 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $133,750. Total assets at least $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—George H. Fletcher, » President ; James W. Hodges, Secretary. DIRECTORS—George H. Fletcher, Charles H. Fletcher, James W. Hodges. JOHN ASHCROFT PATENT GRATE BAR AND FURNACE-DOOR MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 73 Gold st. Inc. in New York. John Ashcroft, President. No other facts furnished. ASHCROFT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 111 Liberty st. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000. Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Manufacturers of gauges. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Eugene L. Maxwell, President ; Martin Luscomb, Secretary; Henry L. Manning, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Chas. A. Moore, Henry S. Manning, Eugene L. Maxwell, Martin Luscomb. ASHLEY ENGINEERING (0., Office, 136 Liberty st. Frank M. Ashley, New York Manager. No facts furnished. ASHTON VALVE CO., Office, 107 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—C. J. Bishop, President; Wm. Howell Reed, Treasurer ; H. G. Ashton, Gen. Manager. ASPEN MINING ANI) SMELTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 Wall st. Inc. Nov. 27, in New York, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $10; Full paid. Osyecr—Mining of silver. Mines at Aspen, Pitkin Co., Colorado. _Company owns 84 acres of mining property. Dividends, $80,000 per ann., payable qrly. No funded debt. OFrFICcERSs—Jerome B. Wheeler, President; Robert S. Holt, Vice-President; James L. Tilton, Secretary; Samuel S. Earle, Treasurer. Direcrors—Robert 5. Holt, Joseph R. Busk, William D. Sloane, William L. Heermance, Jerome B. Wheeler, Samuel S. Earle, James F. Sutton, Frederick G. Bulkley, J. H. Devereux, Thomas H. Edsall, James L. Tilton. ASPHALTIC SLAG PAVING AND ROOFING CO., Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. in Colorado. Winding up and in the hands of a Receiver, Horace Jones, 29 Broadway. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. OpjecT—Slag paving, roofing and paint. Plant located at Newark, N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Fitz John Porter, President; F. W. Coolbaugh, Vice- President; Arthur E. Filley, Secretary and Treasurer. Horace Jones, General Manager, DirEcTORS—Fitz John Porter, Horace Jones, Geo. S. Lee, Mathew M. Looram, Arthur E. Filley, L. R. Pomeroy, F. W. Coolbaugh. ASPINWALL FRUIT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 232 Fulton st. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $6,535.14. Total assets at least $19,768.99. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFIcERS—William L. Rathbun, President : Eugene D. Miller, Secretary; Charles F. Lutz, Treasurer. Direcrors—William L, i Rathbun, Eugene D. Miller, Charles F. Lutz, Joshua Cromwell, Hipolito Dumois. ‘ 4 33 ASTORIA FERRY C0., General and Corporate Office, 132 Front and foot E. g2d st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John S. Ellis, President ; Jarvis C. Howard, Secretary. _DrrEcrors—John S. Ellis, Anthony V. Winans, James S. Borrough, A. Vanhorne Ellis. ASTORIA HOMESTEAD C0O., General and Corporate Office, 111 E. 14th st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not known. OFFICERS—Louis von Bernuth, President; Harry D. Low, Secretary. DiIrRECTORS—Louis von Bernuth, Adolph H. Burkard, Harry D. Low, William Steinway, David Horn. ASTORIA SILK MILLS. Inc. in NewYork. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Paid in cash $141,400, in property $44,500. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Total assets at least $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS—Jacob Ruppert, Jr., President; Charles Mattmann, Secretary. DrrEcTORS—John Weber, John G. Gilligan, Jacob Ruppert, Jr, Charles Mattmann. ATHENS OIL CO. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $100,000; Paid in $36,300. Liabilities other than capital, $1,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS AND DIRECTORS—Samuel Snow, President; Alex. H. Ross, Treasurer. THE M. B. ATKINSON PRINTING CO., General Office, 96 John st.; Corpo- rate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1890 in New Jersey, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Paid in $4,000, par $100. Printing, bookbinding, lithographing and engraving. Plant at 96 John st., N. Y. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS —W. K. Ferrington, President; Rose. S. Atkinson, Secretary; M. B. Atkinson, Treasurer. ATLANTIC NEWSPAPER UNION. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $21,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Total assets at least $8,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcCTORS—J. H. Beals, Jr., President ; W. F. Sibley, Treasurer. ATLANTIC AMMUNITION CO., General and Corporate Office, 291 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $12,593.13; assets, $2,599.82; receipts for year, $5,058.42; expenditures, $5,049.61. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFrt- CERS—Charles Fatham, President; A. P. M. Roome, Treasurer. ATLANTIC BRICK CO., Office 56 Pine st. No facts furnished. OFFICERS— Robert Colgate, President; John Middleton, Secretary and Treasurer. DrrEcTOoRS— Robert Colgate, Samuel J. Colgate, John Middleton. ATLANTIC CHEMICAL CO., Office, 59 Park pl. No information furnished. ATLANTIC COTTON MILLS, Office, 216 Church st., Catlin & Co., Agents. Inc. in Lawrence, Mass. No information furnished. THE ATLANTIC DREDGING CO., General and Corporate Office, 31 Pine st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. LIABILITIES, ASSETS. Meta APOGEE crs kX. iss ce vedios danjgentdsdadeuke $75,000). Machinery ands planting... ¢cteiss noverssct $71,000 PROCS EY Sees ieei lth cvesic deste epauNil cas sheestscucednes 15,000 | Cash and debts receivable............... 30,000 $90,000 $101,000 BeBe Viet SECA S WEA asas ccclmon Tica gct ded te ng ty'scatueie audits dept casegse'\ sander linha sne afadhe-eeaeeee tesa va ce $222,913 28 ME RAUL arse cer cto es toreiai nase nre seat codes aaiea \eveus Jaguetnawhs tit gecli«ceseue se hindeeitnaeye® Chedshoaeree 220,287 93 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. G. Packhard, President; Josiah S. Packhard, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—R. G. Packhard, Josiah S. Packhard, Chandler H. Loomis, John F. Clarke, Clarence W. Francis. THE ATLANTIC HARBOR (CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $35,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $5,500. Total assets at least $47,100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—Ers—Thomas L. Arnold, President; Frank M. Arnold, Treasurer. D1IreEcTtors—Thomas L. Arnold, Frank M. Arnold, J. H. Marcellius. 3 34 ATLANTIC MINING CO., General and Transfer Office, 74 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Houghton Co., Mich. Inc. 1872, in Michigan, for 30 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $25; Amount paid in, $980,000, per sh., $24.50. Sales of stock made mostly in Boston. Osyect—Mining copper. Plant located at Houghton Co., Mich., and consists of about 3,000 acres, stamp mills, etc., employing about 450 hands; steam- power about 2,000 horse-power. Dividends, $700,000 paid since 1878. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Joseph E. Gay, President; John Stanton, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECT- orsS—Joseph E. Gay, Albert S. Swords, John Stanton, Isaac B. Crane, Edwin H. Mead, John R. Stanton, Saml. L. Smith. | ATLANTIC SALT CO., Office, 107 Hudson st. No information furnished. THE ATLANTIC STARCH WORKS., Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $55,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $38,000. Total assets at least $90,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Carl B. Dolge, President; A. S. Hoyt, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Carl B. Dolge, A. S. Hoyt, Jean D. Bender. THE ATLAS CEMENT CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 143 Liberty st. Inc. 1890, in New York; Charter Perpetual. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Cash, $108,000; in property, $42,000, par $100. Liabilities other than capital, $143,204. Total assets at least $150,000. OByECT—Mine and manufacture Portland Cement. Plant at Coplay, Pa. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. F. Navarro, President; Henry G. Graver, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—J. F. Navarro, Alfonso de Navarro, George R, Cullingworth, David S. Banks, Aurelio Arango, T. E. de Soto Lonzo, James Clyne, J. R. Maxwell, George T. Barker, Edward D. Adam. ATLAS DREDGING CO,, represented by Wm. H. W. Morris. Office, 121 Front st. Inc. in Wilmington, Del. No information furnished. ATLAS IRON CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Park row. Inc. 1891,in New York, for 50years. Statement Jan.1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $25,000. Liabilities other than capital, $8,138.75. Assets, $33,577.15. Engineers and contractors of structural iron work. Plant at Jersey City, N. J. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry C. Williams, President; Philip E. Raque, Vice-President; Frank S. Harrison, Secretary and Superintendent ; Frederick T. Youngs, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Henry C. Williams, Philip E. Raqué, Frank S. Harrison, Frederick T. Youngs, F. H. Williams. ATLAS KNITTING CO., Marsh & Burrell, Agents, Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Amsterdam, N. Y. No information furnished. ATLAS MANUFACTURING CO., John H. Graam & Co., Agents, Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. No information furnished. ATLAS SILK C0O., Office, 1 Greene and 525 W. 54th sts. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. John J.Gahde, Secretary and Treasurer. THE ATLAS STEAMSHIP CO., Limited, General Office, 24 State st., and Pier 55 (New) N. R.; New York Agents, Pim, Forwood & Co. ; Corporate Office, Liver- pool, England. Inc. 1871, in Liverpool. Capital not given. Private Company, owned and managed almost entirely in Liverpool. Operates freight and passenger steamers between New York, West Indies, South America and Costa Rica, Jamaica, Hayti, Co- lombia, Nicaragua and Porto Rico. Steamships:—Adirondack, Aleve, Ailsa, Alvo Athos, Andes, Alps, Alvena, Claribel, Adula, Arden, Arran. Dividends not stated. Managing owners, Leech, Harrison .& Forwood, Liverpool. ATLAS TACK CORPORATION, Main and Corporate Office, 508 Sears Building, Boston, Mass.; Branch Offices and Warehouses, 116 Chambers st., New York J. F. Hobart, Manager; 239 Lake st., Chicago; 408 Market st., San Francisco; 72 Portland st., Boston; Baltimore and Lynn. Inc. May, 1891, in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Manufacturing of tacks, nails rivets, etc. Plants: Dunbar, Hobart & Co., Whitman, Mass., established 1810: A. Field & Sons, Taunton, Mass., established 1827; Loring & Parks, Plymouth, Mass., 35 established 1842; Taunton Tack Co., Taunton, Mass., established 1854; American Tack Co., Fairhaven, Mass., established 1867 ; Old Colony Rivet Co., Kingston, Mass., established 1866. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry Hobart, President; T. J. Lothrop, Vice-President ; James Pettee, Secretary; J. H. Parks, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Henry Hobart, T. J. Lothrop, Jameserettee, Cy DD. Hunt: J. H. Parks. THE ATTALLA IRON AND STEEL CO., General Office, 4o Wall st.: Cor- porate Office, Attalla, Ala. Inc. Jan. 18, 1887, in Alabama; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Onyect—Principally selling real estate, city lots, etc., promoting industries. Dividends not yet paid. No funded debt. OFFICERS—C. O. Godfrey, President; D. J. O'Connell, Vice-President; D. W. Hughes, Secretary; A. W. Train, Treasurer: DirEcTors—C. O. Godfrey, D. J..O’Connell, eee. Hughes; A..W. Train; L..F. Burchard, C,E. Burchard, Chas. A. Hyde, C. L. Rogers, A. L. O’Connell. ATWOOD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 170 Broadway. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $61,000. Total assets at least $62,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—-Charles D. Ingersoll, President; John F’. Shelby, Secretary. D1recrors—-D. F. Lloyd, William H. Law, John F. Shelby. AUBURN FOOD CO., General Office, 113 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Auburn, N.Y. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $6,000. Assets at least $90,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—F. P. Casey, President; N. L. Casey, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—Kendrick Vail, F. P. Casey, W. L. Casey. THE AUGUSTA MINING AND INVESTMENT CO.,, Branch Office, Room 31, 160 Broadway; Corporate Office, Staunton, Va. Inc. Apr., 1890, in Virginia; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $25 per sh.; Actual capital, $1,250,000, par $25 per sh. Osject—-Mining manganese and iron ore. Mines in Augusta Co., Va., Polk Co., Ga., Cherokee and Cleburne Cos., Ala. Dividends none. FUNDED DEBT— Ist mtge. $450,000, of which $50,000 is not issued. The bonds bear 6 p.c., and are gold, bearing date Oct. 1, 1890, interest is payable A. & O. at Manhattan Trust Co., which is Trustee. OPrFICERS—C. A. Avery, President; Jno. Paulson, Vice-President: Geo. A. Poste, Secretary; C. A. Avery, Treasurer. DirEctrors—C. A. Avery, Jno. Paulson, A. Same psou, COlLer. uN. eNaim, WwW, A.-Post,. E..-S; Rapallo, P. Van Volkenburgh, C. W. Haskins, Geo. A. Post. AUSBALE HORSE NAIL CO., Office, 4 Warren st. No other information fur- nished. OFFICERS—-Abraham Bussing, President; James R. Romeyn, Secretary ; Edmond K. Baber, Treasurer. AUSTIN CONSOLIDATED COAL CO. Inc. in New York, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital debts, $100,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Expenditures for year, $125,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrrICERS AND DirEcTORS—William Remsen, President; E. R. Johns, Treasurer. THE AUSTRAL HOTEL AND LAND CO. _ Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $157,000. Total assets at least $250,000. Plant at New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—F. E. Pinto, President; N. R. Hart, Treasurer. DirecTors—Fred A. Hart, H. H. Benedict, A. R. Hart. AUSTRALIAN KNITTING CO., Office, 123 Franklin st. Inc. Dec. 22, 1888, in New Jersey, expiring Dec. 20, 1937. Capital authorized, $2,000, par $10; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceERs—Peter S. Kinsey, Presi- dent ; Walter Kinsey, Secretary. Direcrors—Peter S. Kinsey, Walter Kinsey, Fred- erick W. Herington. AUSTRALASIAN-AMERICAN SHIPPING CO., Limited, Arkell & Douglas, Agents; Office, 95 Broad st. and Pier 11 E.R. Inc. in Sydney, Australia. No facts furnished. 36 THE AUSTRALASIAN PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Vesey st. and 49 Frankford st. Inc. in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $5,500. Assets at least $35,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS—Charles M. Waterbury, President; Leonard A. Jenkins, Secretary; William Harper, Treasurer. D1rECTORS—Charles M. Waterbury, Leonard A. Jenkins, William Harper. AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN FAIRBANKS CO, Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $80,000. Total assets at least $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William P. Fairbanks, President; J. A. Bush, E. H. Boardman, E. B. Toeitt. AUTOGAPHIC REGISTER CO. of N. Y., General and Corporate Office, 250 Canal st. Inc. in New York. Capital authorized, $150,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFricErs—James C. Shoup, President; George Garby, Secretary; George C. Clifford, Treasurer. DirEcTOoRS—James C. Shoup, George Garby, E. J. Barker, George V. Clifford, Samuel Shoup. AUTOMATIC BANK PUNCH CO., Office, 5 Beekman st. Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. Inc. 1883, in Kentucky. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Osyect—Manufacture of bank check punches. Plant in Brooklyn, N.Y. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. E. Andrews, Presi- dent; J. N. Williams, Vice-President ; O. H. Petters, Secretary; J. Pi Clarke ireasurers DirEcToRsS—W. E. Andrews, J. N. Williams, O. H. Petters, J. P. Clarke, James Brady. AUTOMATIC CO. of N. Y. City. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $9,000. Total assets at least $1,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrecTors—E. N. Dickerson, President; W. A. Pollock, Anthony Gref, D. N. Maxon. AUTOMATIC DELIVERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 22 E. 17th st. Inc. in New York. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000, Full paid ; in cash, $600; in property, $499,400. Liabilities other than capital, $7,000. Assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. Ky - VanBoskerck, President; G. Starke, Secretary; L. L. Frost, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—R. K. VanBoskerck, Paul A. Jeanton, L. L. Frost, Eugene F. Endicott, Frank W. Fitts, Gustav H. Starke. AUTOMATIC FASTNER CO.,, Office, 41 Park row. No facts furnished. THE AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM AND EXTINGUISHER CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 413 Broadway. Inc.in New York. Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, in cash and property. Dividend of 2 p.c. July, 1890. No descrip- tion furnished of funded debt, $68,000. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cash and accounts receivable...... Hea 275.000) Capital Stocks, ..caseucsscrerthe aaeeerne $300,000 00 Supplies, machinery, tools, etc.... 29,231 61 BONUS Si.bicak cost gece suastos seaeeeheeieeene 68,000 00 Equipments, circuits and sundry LLOAIS i wcceso anes ois debe 'cs tage ee cove 11,077 50 INVESLIIENHS . .rcrereeeseeeeeeee cereeees 190,161 047)" Accounts, payable :c... Fa vevencse sasckesvescrsubnerics $100,000 00: | “Other than capitals ....vcsieieesdes $116,492 39 © BRE WESLOC TVW OT IES Fos. shes cody sacks ce 24,329 OI Capital Stoc lke alicccessacendanraa etc bay oe 100,000 00 Stained (On CONEFACt .c5.5.dhv iooss ives 121,060 08 BR PRE CEIV GC oo cutie ccs cosh oeecds sada se ies 1,874 07 BESO AAU ody racnarvi-sscessee aeeceese 20,200 1G €ash in hands of agents............... 985 03 $274,514 38 _ $216,492 39 OpjEcT—General contractors for railroads, bridges and masonry. Plants distrib- uted at the various works; 1 quarry at Sandy Hill, Wash. Co., N. Y., where the Kings- bury Sandstone is quarried: Dividends 6 p, c., payable annually at 143 Liberty st. No funded debt. Orricers—John H. Drake, President; J. Wainwright, Vice President; Arthur C. Butts, Secretary ; N. F. Jones, Treasurer; W. D. Stratton, General Manager. DIREcCTORS—John H. Drake, Arthur C. Butts, N. F. Jones, J. Wainwright. DRAMATIC NEWS PUBLISHING CO., 1216 Broadway. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS — Leander Richardson, President; Frederick M. McCloy, Secretary ; Arthur H. Townsend, Treasurer. DRAPER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 152 Front st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $200. Total assets at least $6,000. OByecr—Manufacture of ther- mometers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orriczers—Daniel Draper, President ; Robert L. Hewitt, Secretary; Alfred L. Berthet, Treasurer. DiIREcT- ors— Daniel Draper, Robert L. Hewitt, Walter Girvin, Alfred L. Berthet, W. L. Shriver, A. L. Rotch. DREHER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 37 Platt st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jordan L. Mott, Jr., President; Abraham Lichtenheim, Secretary. D1REcToRs—Jordan L. Mott, Jr., Augus- tus W. Mott, Abraham Lichtenheim, Hiram J: Dreher. DREVET MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 10 W. 4th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrriceERS—Charles Marchand, President; William Townley, Secretary; John L. Baker, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Charles Marchand, William H. Townley, Joseph B. Rose, John L. Baker. | DREXEL RAILWAY SUPPLY CO., Represented by Maxwell A. Kilvert. Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No other information furnished. HENRY DREYFUS & CO., General and Corporate Office, 25 Maiden la. Inc, 1891, in W. Va. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $100; Full paid. Opjyect—Im- porting and selling diamonds. No funded debt. OFrricers—Edward E. Loesser, Presi- dent and Treasurer; Simon Englander, Vice-President; Otto D. Wormser, Secretary. DirEcTorRs—Sigmund Lorsch, Edward Dreyfus, S. Greenbaum, Edward Loesser, Simon Englander, Otto D. Wormser, Michael Bloch. DRIVING CLUB OF N. Y., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway and E. 165th st.,n, Sheridan ave. Inc.in N.Y. No other information furnished. Orricers— John C. De La Vergne, President; Thomas Greenwood, Secretary; Frederick Dietz, Treasurer. 8 114 DRUID FELT CO., Robert M. Gilmour, Agent, Office, 82 John st. Inc. in Balti- more, Md. No other information furnished. DRUID HILL PARK CO., General and Corporate Office. 3 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892. Capital authorized, $9,400; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $58,268.19. Total assets, $4,649.78. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Geoige H. Sullivan, Vice-President; James H. Stewart, Secretary; Frank C. Garmany, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frank C. Garmany, James H. Stewart, George H. Sullivan. DRUID MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 84 Broadway. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No other information furnished. Jacob T. Van Wyck, N. Y. Agent. DRY GOODS CHRONICLE PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 143 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —John N. Beach, President: J. Howard Sweetser, Secretary; Horace K. Thurber, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John N. Beach, Horace K. Thurber, J. Howard Sweetzer, John A. Tweedy, G. W. Bible, D. Passmore Bible, George A. Clark, Francis B. Thurber, John Claflin. DRY GOODS COMMISSION CO.,, Office, 87 Greene st. Capital authorized? $100,000; Full paid. Dividends,if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert Dey, President; George D. Ryder, Secretary; John H. Truesdell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert Dey, O. D. Myer, H. H. Sturtevant, James O’Neil, A. J. spreter, George D. Ryder, ohn: liuesneny DUBOIS MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 245 oth st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other informaiion furnished. OFrFFICERS—Frederick N. Dubois, President; Frank W. Blauvelt, Secretary. DIRECTORS—F. F. Beals, Edward S. Torrey, Alice D. Blauvelt, Frederick N. Dubois, Frank W. Blauvelt. B. P. DUCAS CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $75,965. 75. Total assets, $58,733.34. OpyEct—Chemicals. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—B. P. Ducas, Presi- dent; Isaac Dryfus, Treasurer. V.H. Rothschild. DUCKER PORTABLE HOUSE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 239 Broad- Wave milNCwiNgiN Va anLateiment,sjan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $100,000. Total assets at least $20,000. Div idends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—WilliamM. Ducker, President; George P. Sheldon, Secre- tary. DrIRECTORS—William M. Ducker, Henry W. Slocum, ‘Henry W. Slocum, Jr, Geo. P. Sheldon, William Marshall. DUEBER WATCH CASE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 178 Broadway, Inc. in Canton, O. No other information furnished. DUMONT CO., General and Corporate Office, 56 New st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John L. Dumont, President; Charles A. Robbins, Secretary; Henry K. Dumont, Treasurer. DrrecTors—John L. Dumont, Henry K. Dumont, Charles A. Robbins. DUNBAR BOX AND LUMBER C0,, Office, 282 11th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Thomas T. Reid, Secretary. M. P. DUNBAR CO., Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DrrEcTors—Edwin H. English, Secretary ; Albert S. Holt, Treasurer. DUNDEE CHEMICAL WORKS, Office, 17 Cedar st. Inc. Mar. 8, 1881, inN. J., as the Butterworth Chemical Works, and name changed to present title Mar. 11, 188r, and charter extended for 50 years from Jan. 22, 1886. Capital authorized, $60,000, par $60; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information. furnished. ees AND DrrEcTORS—J. Zabriskie Ackerson, President; William M. Johnson, ecretary. 115 DUNDEE WATER-POWER AND LAND CO,, Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. Mar. 15, 1832, in Passaic, N. J. Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. No other information furnished. Represented by Edmund Le B. Gardiner. DUNDERBURG SPIRAL RAILWAY CO., Office, 3 Union sq., W. Capital authorized, $750,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. John Morgan, President. DUNHAM, CARRIGAN & HAYDEN (CO,, Office, 107 Chambers st. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. Capital authorized, $900,000 ; Paid in, $62,500. Iron. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No other information furnished. Represented by Brace Hayden. DUNHAM HOSIERY C0O., Office, 22 Thomas st. Inc. in Naugatuck, Conn. Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained OFrFICERS—A. C. Dunham, President: H. Osborn, Secretary ; S. G. Dunham, Treasurer. A.S. Haight & Co., N. Y. Agents. ‘ DUNHAM MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 7 James sl. Inc. in Mo. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OrriceErs—John S. Dunham, President; James P. Wood, Secretary. DrirEcrors—John S. Dunham, Frank J. Durham, R. F. Dunn. THE C. H. DUNHAM RW. EQUIPMENT CO.,, General Office, 15 Wall st.: Cor- porate Office, Chicago, Ill. No other information furnished. Represented by Charles _ H. Dunham. D. R. DUNLAP MERCANTILE CO,, Office, 84 W. Broadway. Inc. in Mobile, Ala. No other information furnished. Hilbert B. Masters, Agent. DUNNELL MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 71 Leonard st. Inc. in Pawtucket, R. I. Capital paid in, $697,500. No other information furnished, Represented by T. Drew Dunnell. DUQUESNE TUBE WORKS C0., Office, 75 John st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. No other information furnished, Edward F. Keating, N. Y. Agent. DURANT LAND IMPROVEMENT C0O., General and Corporate Office, No. 1 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Cayital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $150,000. Total assets at least $300,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Frederick C. Durant, President; Howard Durant, Treasurer. Direcrors—Frederick C. Durant, Howard Durant. DURHAM HOUSE DRAINAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 158 W. 27th st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, notascertained. No other information furnished. OFFIcERS—Caleb W. Durham, President; Charles P. Whitney, Secretary. D1irREcTorRs—F. B. Wilson, Henry J. Gielow, A. R. Durham, Caleb W. Durham, Charles P. Whitney. DURLAND’S RIDING ACADEMY C0O., General and Corporate Office, Grand Circle, cor. Boulevard. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFI- cCERS—Edward S. Stokes, President; George W. Cornish, Secretary ; William Durland, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William Durland, William Y. Frazee, Edward S. Stokes. DUNDAS, DICK & CO., Office, 112 White st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, {392: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid, cash, $250; property, $74,750. Total assets and liabilities, $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—William Dittmar, Jr} President ; Frank M. Chute, Secretary. THE DUPARQUET, HUOT & MONEUSE (C0O.,, General and Corporate Office, 43 Wooster st., and 21 Bethune st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000; Full paid. Receipts, $299,473.63; expenditures, $268,177.61. Liabilities other than capital, $75,000. Total assets at least $299,473.63. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Elie J. Moneuse, President; Pierre Huot, Vice-President ; Alphonse P. Moneuse, Secretary ; Julius M. Dubois, Treasurer. Directrors—Pierre Huot, Elie J. Moneuse, Julius M. Dubois. 116 DURYEA, WATTS & CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 19 Whitehall st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles H. Duryea, President; William J. Watts, Secretary; Robert T. Crossen, Treasurer. D1rRECTORS—Charles H. Duryea, William J. Watts, George A. Watts, Robert T. Crossen. J. & J. EAGER CO,, Office, 34 Cliff st. Capital authorized, $125,000; Amount pa'd in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished OFFICERS—William Brinkerhof, President; David S. Unckles, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —William Brinkerhoff, Henry C. Elliott, David S. Unckles, Thomas H. Unckles. EAGLE DISTILLERY C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 56 Monroe st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Isaac Johnson, President ; Simon Sclikowitz, Secretary; Moses Retzky, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Bernard Wein- berger, Kasryel H. Sarasohn, Isaac Johnson, Moses Retzky, Simon Sclikowitz. EAGLE EMBROIDERY WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 26 Howard st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward H. Horner, President; Morris Zeisler, Treasurer. EAGLE KNITTING MILLS, Office, 97 Franklin st.; represented by Joseph Silberman. Inc. in Cohoes, N. Y. No information furnished. EAGLE KNITTING WORKS, Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in Myerstown, Pa., No information furnished. Baxter Thompson & Co., Agents. EAGLE LOCK CO., General Office, 98 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Terryville, Conn. Inc. 1854, in Conn. Chartered 1882. Capital authorized, $400,000, par $25; Full paid. Oxsjyect—Manufacture and sale of cabinet, trunk and padlocks. Plant at Terryville, Conn. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Dr1rRECTORS—M. C. Ogden, President; H. B. Plumb, Secretary; R. J. Plumb, Treasurer. EAGLE OIL CO,., Office, 26 Broadway. Inc. Aug. 2, 1883, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $350,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Charles C. Burke, President. EAGLE PENCIL C0O., General and Corporate Office, 73 Franklin st. Inc. 1885, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $800,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyjecr— Manutacture of lead pencils, pen holders, steel pens, rubber erasers, etc. Plants E. 14th st., 702 to 732, and 703 to 725 E. 13th st., N. Y.; Cedar Keys, Fla., and Greeley, Col. Dividends, if any, not reported. OFFICERS AND DIRECToRS—Emil Berolzheimer, Presi- dent; Samuel Kraus, Vice-President; C.S. Braisted, Secretary; Leopold Anspacher, Treasurer ; Henry Berolzheimer. EAGLE SILK CO., Office, 615 W. 52d st. Capital authorized, $10,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Hans Hurlimann, President; Jacob Dunkel, Secretary. _DirEcrors—Hans Hurlimann, Jacob Dunkel, Frederick Bickel. EAGLE TUBE CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Dey st. Inc. in N. Y. Capi- tal authorized, $160,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Clarence Stephens, President; Melvin Stephens, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Clarence Stephens, Melvin Stephens, Allen W. Brainard, Joseph Richardson. EAMES VACUUM BRAKE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway; Branches, Chicago and Atlanta. Inc. 1876.in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $495,680. Total assets at least $2,482,371. ObyectT—Manufacturing air brakes. Plant at Watertown, N. Y. Dividends 2 p. c. qrly. No funded debt. OFrriceERs—John C. Thompson, President; Royal C. Vilas, Vice-President; C. A. Starbuck, Secretary ; Geo. B. Massey, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John C. Thompson, Royal C. Vilas, C. A. Starbuck; Geo. B. Massey, A. P. Massey, A. H. Sawyer, P. W. Scudder, T. G. Carson. THE EAST BAY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT (C0O., General and Corporate Office, 59 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital” authorized, ~ $300,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $300,000. Total assets, $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Egbert L. Viele, President; George B. Hulme, Secretary and Treasurer. Direcrors—Egbert L. Viele, George B. Hulme, Charles F. Roberts, Herman Lescher, William Reynolds Brown. 117 THE EAST BROOKLYN REALTY CO., General and Corporate Office, 280 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $7,500. Total assets at least $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—E. W. Heusted, President; C. G. Danison, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—E. W. Heusted, C. G. Danison, John S. Cain, Harry Stucky, Augustus S. Whiton, Louis C. Whiton. THE EAST CHESTER ELECTRIC CO., 44 Broad st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $150,500. Total assets at least $154,144.52. Plant in New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Clarence R. Dean, President, 44 ete st.; H.N. Curtis, Treasurer. Direcrors—Clarence R. Dean, H.N. Curtis, C. . Stuck. THE EAST CHESTER LAND AND IMPROVEMENT (CO., General Office, 55 Broadway. Inc. 1890, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1,,.1892:, Capital authorized, $30,000, par $50; paid in $16,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $3,430. Total assets, $3,500 in land, $200 cash. Receipts for last fiscal year, $3,050. Expenditures, $2,918.63. OByjECT—To sell off its land in lots for building purposes, or to erect dwellings on its land and let or sell them. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS—F. L. Mathey, Jr., President: Wm. E. Kimball, Secretary; Willard H. Jones, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Willard H. Jones, John F. Douglas, Chas. C. Macy, 68 Broadway; A. L. Erskine, 132 Nassau st.; F. L. Mathey, Jr., 71 Broadway. EAST COAST MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Capital author- ized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrricers—S. H. Bates, President; J. R. Outwater, Sec- retary; R.S. Robertson, Treasurer, Direcrors—C. E. Hill, S. H. Bates, J. R. Out- water, R. S. Robertson, R. Barnes. EASTERN DESPATCH AND DELIVERY CO., Office, 434 Broome st. Inc. Nov. 24, 1890, in N. J. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $25; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Alfred Cheney, President; Heth Lorton, Treasurer. DirEctors—Alfred Cheney, Heth Lorton, William C. Le Gendre, Robert L. Harrison, John H. Lewis, Paul B. Cheney. EASTERN DISTILLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 701 Washington st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrriceErs—Charles Fleisch- mann, President; Henry J. Kaltenbach, Secretary; Jacob P. Baiter, Treasurer. DirREcTORS—Charles Fleischmann, Jacob P. Baiter, Henry J. Kaltenbach. EASTERN HYDRAULIC-PRESS BRICK CO., Office 87 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in Winslow, N. J. No information furnished. Frank L. Blake, N. Y. Manager. THE EASTERN PLASTER BOARD CO., General Office, 52 Broad st., George W. Sessions, Manager; Corporate Office, Bergen Point, N. J. Inc. June 12, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; paid in $309,000, par $100. Oxnject—Manufacture of plaster boards and blocks. Plant at Bergen Point, N. J., 12% acres, with buildings, owned by Company. No dividends. FUNDED DEBT—$125,000; Bonds at 5 and6p.c. OFFICERS—Geo. W. Sessions, President; Charles E. Laidlaw, Vice-President ; James Wood, Jr., Secretary ; Chas. M. Oelrichs, Treasurer. Drrect- ORS—R. Erbsloh, Chas. M. Oelrichs, R. Meyer, Chas. E. Laidlaw, Geo. W. Sessions, A. T. Wing, W. H. Hoffman. EASTERN WEEKLY PUBLISHING CO,, Office, 321 E. r19thst. No informa- tion furnished. EAST HARBOR OF NEW YORK LAND CO. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Paid in, cash, $224,500. Liabilities other than capital, $30,000. Total assets at least $170,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Egbert D. Viele, President ; George B. Hulme, Treasurer. Drrectors—Egbert D. Viele, George B. Hulme, Wm. Reynolds Brown. THE EAST HARTFORD MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 297 Broadway, John F. Hitchcock, Agent; Corporate Office, Burnside, Conn. Inc. Aug., 1865, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $54,000, par $25; Full paid. OBJEcr— 118 To manufacture paper, buy and sell paper and paper stock. Plant, Burnside, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricErs—L. S. Forbes, President and Treasurer; A. W. Eaton, Secretary; J. J. Brigham, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS—L. S. Forbes, A. W. Eaton, J. J. Brigham. . THE EAST JERSEY WATER C0O., Office, 2 Wall st.; General Office, 228 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Inc., Aug., 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. An agreement, dated Sept. 24, 1889, was entered into between the Lehigh Valley RR. Co..,. The East Jersey Water Co. and the City of Newark, N. J., to construct from a part of the water-shed in the northern part of the State of New Jersey, controlled by this Company, to the city of Newark, a pipe-line or conduit, together with such dams, reservoirs, and works as may be necessary, and to supply to said city so much water as it may need and require up to an ultimate maximum quantity of 50,000,000 gallons per day, with the right at any time within a stated period to exercise an option to become the absolute owner in its own right of the said water-works upon the payment therefor of the sum of $6,000,000, of which $4,000,000 is to be paid in cash or bonds of the city of Newark upon the delivery of the works, and the remaining $2,000,000 at the expiration of 11 years from the date of the contract, during which period The East Jersey Water Co. retains the right to divert and use for its own benefit so much of 27,500,000 gallons daily as the city may not, during that time, need for its own use. AJl water conducted in excess of that amount will also be under the control of the water company. Said $2,000,000 to be secured by the deposit, with some person or corporation to be agreed upon, of bonds of the city of Newark in that amount, interest upon which, however, shall not accrue until the expiration of said period of 11 years. OFFICERS—Elisha P. Wilbur, President; Henry S. Drinker, Vice-President; David G. Baird, Secretary; Edward D. Adams, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Elisha P. Wilbur, David G. Baird, Henry S. Drinker, Lewis R. Barrett, John Hood. EASTMAN C0O., 80 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan.1, 1892: Capital auth orized, $750,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $450,000. Total assets at least $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFriceERs—Timothy C. Eastman, President; Joseph Eastman, Treasurer; Henry Van Holland, Secretary. DrirREcTORS—Timothy C. Eastman, Joseph Eastman, William Ottman, George C. Williams, Bernard Neinecke. EASTMAN FREIGHT CAR HEATER (CO,, Office, 41 Park row. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Henry A. Arnold, Agent. EASTMAN & KRAUSS RAZOR CO., General and Corporate Office, 98 Chambers st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paidin notknown. Dividends, if any, notascertained. No other information furnished. OrriceERs—David Eastman, President ; Frederick Sibell, Secretary; A. A. Miller, Treasurer. DireEcrors—David Eastman, August Krauss, William Hurst. EASTON & McMAHON TRANSPORTATION CO,, Office, 2 Coenties sl. Inc. in Del. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. _OFFICERS—John I. Brady, President ; Frank W. Cummiskey, Secretary; Harry Easton, Treasurer. DirecTrors—John I. Brady, James T. Easton. ‘ THE EAST NEW YORK BOOT, SHOE AND LEATHER MANUFAC- TURING C0O., General Office, 117 Duane st.; Corporate Office, Albany, N. Y. Inc. 1857 in N. Y._ OpjyEct—Manufacture boots and shoes at Albany. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—W. H. Pitkin, President; C. T. Whitman, Vice-President; A. R. Sewell, Treasurer. EASTON ELECTRIC CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. P.M. Smith, President. EAST RIVER BEEF CO., Office, 625 E. 86th st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. No other information furnished. George H. Newhall, N. Y. Manager. THE EAST RIVER MILL AND LUMBER CO,, General and Corporate Office, 425 E.g2d st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid; $12,300 property, balance in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $95,000. Total assets at least $160,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—George H. Toop, President; Jonathan N. Havens, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— John Hanson, George H. Toop, Homer J. Baudet. 119 EAST SIDE FIREPROOF STABLING AND STORAGE CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 527 E. 15th st. Inc.in N. Y. No other facts furnished. OFFICERS— Charles K. Knapp, President; H.D. Cordes, Secretary; Theodore De Lemos, Treas- urer. DrRECTORS—Charles K. Knapp, H. D. Cordes, Theodore De Lemos. EAST SIDE LAND CO,, Office, 90 Nassau st. Inc. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y. No other information furnished. Represented by William N. Davidson. EAST TENNESSEE LAND CO., Office of President, 13 Astor pl.; General and Corporate Office, Harriman, Tenn. Inc. May 25, 1889, in Tenn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital stock authorized, $3,000,000, par $50; Paid in, $2,000,000, par $50. Dividends, 3 p. c., semi-annually, paid at Treasurer’s office, i8 and 20 Astor pl., New York. Sur- plus, Apr. 1, 1891, $895,084.04. Annual Meeting, 1st Wed. in May, at Harriman. Fiscal year ends Mar. 31st. Company purchased over 250,000 acres of land; City of Harriman established and built from two farm-houses to 3,000 people in one year. FUNDED DEBT —Dated Oct. 1, 1890, coup. and reg. debenture 6s, created, $1,000,006. Issued and outstanding, Mar. 1, 1891, about $300,000; sizes, $50, $100, $500, $1,000. Interest payable A. & O. at Treasurer’s office. Transfer office, registrar and trustee of bonds, Central Trust Co. of N. Y. Bonds cannot be paid pefore maturity, and are secured upon all the properties of the Company, and have as collateral security $1,000,000 of the Company’s stock. OFFICERS—A. W. Wagnalls, President; John Hopewell, Jr., 1st Vice-President ; Frederick Gates, 2d Vice-President; A. A. Hopkins, Secretary; J. D. Wolstenholme, Treasurer; W. H. Russell, General Manager. DirEcTORS—A. W. Wagnalls, F. Schumacher, Frederick Gates, W. H. Russell, J. H. Whitmore, J. C. Snow, John Hope- well, Jr., J. B. Hobbs, Wm. Silverwood, E. M. Goodall, H. M. Winslow, L. S. Freeman, A. A. Hopkins. THE EATON, COLE & BURNHAM CO., Office, 82 Fulton st.; Corporate Office, Bridgeport, Conn. Inc. 1874, in Conn.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $350,000, par $100; Full paid. Brass and iron valves, cocks, fittings, etc. Plant located at Bridgeport, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcTORS—John Eaton, President; E. G. Burnham, Vice-President: W. H. Douglas, Secretary; E. H. Cole, Treasurer; W. E. Burnham. EATONTOWN IMPROVEMENT CO,, Office, 239 Broadway. Not in active operation. No information furnished. EATON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 34 New Chambers st. Not in active operation. No other information furnished. EAVES COSTUME C0O., General and Corporate Office, 63 E. 12th st, Inc. in - N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Albert G. Eaves, Presi- dent; Charles F. Hallett, Secretary; Collin S. Eaves, Treasurer. DirECToRS—Albert G. Eaves, Collin S. Eaves, Charles F. Hallett, Joseph Lublin. PHILIP & WILLIAM EBLING BREWING C0., Office, 760 St. Ann’s ave. Capital authorized, $750,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DiIRecToRS—Philip Ebling, President; Wm. Ebling, Secretary and Treasurer. EBONITE MANUFACTURING CO, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Full paid, cash, $2,000; property, $38,000. Liabilities other than capital, $12,013.68. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —John F. Chumasero, President; F. S. Beck, Treasurer. DirREcTorRs—John F, Chumasero, John H. Clark, F. S. Beck. ECHO TELEPHONE C0O., General and Corporate Offices, 15 Cortlandt st. and 520 W. 35th st. Inc.in N.Y. Nootherinformation furnished. Orricers——Alfrederick S. Hatch, President; Redmond Conyngham, Secretary ; William W. Tucker, Treasurer. ECKFORD SHIP WINDLASS CO., General and Corporate Office, 110 Cannon st. Inc.in N,Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFIcERS—John Gardner, President; David W. McLean, Secretary. DirReEcTORS—John Gardner, David McLean, 120 THE MAURICE ECKSTEIN BREWING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Real GStatecewsciedceceseceica seein $375; 000100. 2) ACAPICAl SLOCK cry aiseroosscssacive tem astees $300,000 00 PLAGE ents: aeateeres Slee eat cceetcuteete es 98,239.92 1 Bonds and! mtges ....c Inc. in N.Y) Statement) fanaa ado2- Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid in property. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—C. H. Wilcox, President; Joseph D. Baldwin, Jr., Secretary; James Wolff, Treasurer. DiIrRECTORS—Clermont H. Wilcox, James Wolff, Joseph D. Baldwin, Jr., Frederick F. VanKeuren. INDEPENDENT POWDER C0O., Office, 24 Park pl. and 1g Barclay st. ; Cor- porate Office, South Orange, N. J. Inc. Feb., 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—Manufacture of high explosives. Plant at Whitings, N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debts. OFFICERS— J. E. Alexander, President ; W. H. Curtiss, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— J. E. Alexander, W. H. Curtiss, J. W. Wilson, S. H. Crawford, J. McMorrow. INDESTRUCTIBLE PILE AND PIER CO., Office, 2 Wall st.; Corporate Office, N. J. “Ine in Ns sf Capitalvanthonzed, $1,000,000. No funded ane Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Geo. W. Dunn, President; Samuel W. Miller, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Geo. W. Dunn, Samuel W. Miller, Clarence Delafield. THE INDIA RUBBER AND GUTTA PERCHA INSULATING CO,, General and Corporate Offices, 315 Madison ave. and 537 W. 24thst. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Machinery plant ..ccscsedsccseeeosceres GIES; 90S..04 1) VCapital Stock. sienecscascees ccoewailanseeteds $80,000 00 Cash and debts receivable........... 28,2147 36 47) Bonds," AaccOunts i...:+.0vvsegen es seneewsee 25 8G2. 97 2 Manufactures, material and stock IN) PIOCESS s.ssvecsslscodssotesscousienee sive 940 II $145,063 31 $115,192 77 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricErs—Jas. A. Burden, President: Jas. O. Bloss, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jas. A. Burden, Jas. O. Bloss, Wm. M. Habirshaw. INDIA RUBBER COMB C0O., General Office, 9 Mercer st. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—Fritz Achelis, President; Wm. W. Weitling, Secretary ; Chas. A. Hoyt, Treasurer. INDIA RUBBER PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 192 Pulitzer Building. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICcERS—Henry C. Pearson, President; Hiram C. Horton, Secretary; John H. Dunlap, Treasurer. ‘TRUSTEES—Henry C. Pearson, Hiram C. Horton, John R. Dunlap. INDIA TEA (CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Barclay st. No information furnished. OFFICERS—John L. Barry, President; Samuel Novice, Secretary. INDIA WHARF BREWING CO., 80 Wallst. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 : Capital authorized, $750,000; Full paid, Liabilities other than capital, $285,000. Total assets at least $500,000. Div idends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS eat M. Ceballos, 80 Wall st., President; V. Heriman, Treasurer. Thos. H. Bennis, irector. INDIA WHARF STORAGE (CO., 80 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital author- ized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $500. A contingent liability. Receipts as guarantor expenditures of lease, $120,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Juan M. Ceballos, 80 Wall Sto resident: William E. Curtis, Treasurer. Drrecrors—W. H. Hitcherer, Juan M. Ceballos, William E. Curtis. , Vide tw ae os 189 THE INDIAN RIVER LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 45 Broadway. Incin N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Full paid, for land in Brevard Co., Fla. Liabilties other than capital, $15,000. Receipts for year, $460; expenditures, $1,500. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS—S. E. Seymour, President ; W. Z. Brown, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—John T, Salter, S. E. Seymour, W. Z. Brown. . INDIANA PAINT AND ROOFING CO., Office, 42 Broadway. Inc. Jan. 7, 1884, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,000, par $50; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— George E. Glines, President ; Herbert H. Glines, Secretary. INDIANA WOOD-TURNING. CO., Office, 46 Murray st. Inc. in Ind. Capital authorized, $2,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Wilson S. Dunn, President ; Lewis L. Carrington, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Wilson S. Dunn, Lewis L. Carrington, Raymond B. Carrington. INDIANAPOLIS GAS CO., Office, 45 Broadway. No information furnished. Represented by Charles F. Dieterich and Arthur B. Proal. INDICATOR PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 58 Broad st. Established 1877. Inc. 1884, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Paid in per share unissued. Oxpyecr—Publication of newspaper. Plant located at 58 Broad st., and consists of editorial and composing rooms, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Nathan W. Josselyn, President and Treasurer; Jno. S. Hanson, Vice-President: Wilbur F. Barber, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Nathan W. Josselyn, Wilbur F. Barber, Jno. S. Hanson. INDURATED FIBRE INDUSTRIES CO., Office, 143 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. July 30, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par g100; Full paid. No other information fur- nished. OFFICERS—John L. Brownell, President; Horace J. Medbery, Secretary; Jonathan Brownell, Treasurer. DrirecTors—John L. Brownell, Jonathan Brownell, Horace J. Medbery, William McMahon, John Weaver, Paul J. Schlicht, A. H. Borman. INDURATED FIBRE PIPE C0O., Office, 143 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. July 30, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100, Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John L. Brownell, Presi- dent; Horace J. Medbery, Secretary ; Jonathan Brownell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— John L. Brownell, Horace J. Medbery, Jonathan Brownell, John Weaver, Paul J. Schlicht, A. H. Borman. THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT CO., General Office, 136 Liberty st.; Cor- porate Office, Charlestown, W. Va. _ Inc. 1890, in W. Va., for 50 years. Capital author- ized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in $200,000. OpjeEcr—Investigates manufacturing prop- erties, shares and securities in the interest of investors ; interests capital for the develop- ment of industrial enterprises and new inventions ; negotiates the purchase and sale of all classes of established business; meritorious inventions bought, sold, placed on roy- alty, or stock companies formed to exploit same. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. OFrricers--F. W. Beardsley, President; Alex. H. Ebber, Jr., Vice-President ; Geo. S. Ellunger, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—F. W. Beardsley, George S. Ellunger, Jr., Frank R. Toli, Arthur J. Cleveland, A. B. Smith, John Q. Maynard, O. V. Tousley, Frederick Bostwick, A. B. Minnick, William J. Quences. THE INDUSTRIAL LAND DEVELOPMENT C0O., Office, 41 Park row; Cor- porate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, 1n N. J. Capital authorized, $3,200,000, par $100. OpnyectT—Building and developing. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No — funded debt. OFrFICERS—Peter Garrahan, President; W. W. Kirby, Vice-President ; Wm. Clark Roe, Secretary; Wm. H. Post, Treasurer. DiIReEcToRS—Peter Garrahan, W. W. Kirby, Wm. Clark Roe, Wm. H. Post. INDUSTRIAL INFORMATION CO., General Office, 88 Centre st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $45,000 ; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Sidney W. Hopkins, Jr., President ; William T. G. Weymouth, Treasurer. Directors—Sidney W. Hopkins, Jr., William T. G. Weymouth, Louis M. Porter. 190 INDUSTRIAL LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, 22 College pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any. not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—James A. Hudson, President; Alfred Shedlock, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—James A. Hudson, Alfred Shedlock, J. Thompson Duncan. : THE INDUSTRIAL RECORD CO., Limited, 140 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, ¢10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,258.41. Total assets $3,479.21. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceERS—- Horace L. Congdon, President, 140 Nassau st.; Henry Gray, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Horace L. Congdon, Edward D. Congdon, Henry Gray. INEZ GOLD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 32 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry L. Bean, President; William H. Bibby, Secretary. Direcrors—Henry L. Bean, Philip B. Harris, William H. Bibby, B. G. Foster, George G. Ward, C. Irving. INGERSOLL-SERGEANT DRILL CO., General Office, to Park pl., and 289 oth ave. Corporate Office, Charleston, W. Va. Inc. 1890 in W. Va. Capital authorized, $800,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert W.. Chapin, President; Wm. L. Turner, Vice-President ; W. L.Saunders, Secretary ; John H. Moss, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Robert W. Chapin, H. B. Chapin, William L. Turner, William L. Saunders, John H. Moss, Willlam R. Grace, Henry C. Sergeant. E. INGRAHAM CLOCK C0O., Office, 25 Murray st. Inc. in Bristol, Conn. No information furnished. Henry Terhune & Son, Agents. THE INQUIRER PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Frank- fort st. and 5 Beekman st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $12,000. Total assets at least $12,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, OFFICERS—John B. Calvert, President; Latham A. Crandall, Secretary; Robert T. Middleditch, Treasurer. DireEctrors-—John B. Calvert, Latham A. Crandall, Robert T. Middleditch, Robert S. McArthur, John Humpstone. INSTANT THILL COUPLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 239 Broad- way. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Jerome E. Morse, President; Elbridge W. Morse, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Jerome E. Morse, William H. Coffin, Theodore Hunger, William C. Boone, Elbridge W. Morse. THE INSULATED FIBROUS AND WATERPROOF PAINT CO., General and Corporate Office, 106 Fulton st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $24,000; Full paid, in cash $300, remainder in property. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $3,200. Total assets $4,841.85. Receipts for the year, $63,338.15; expenditures, $57,730.74. Dividends amount to 21 p. c. in capital stock of Company. No funded debt. Orric—Ers—Edward L. Molineux, President; Edward H. Raynolds, Secretary; Thomas B. Hidden, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Edward L. Molineux, Thomas B. Hidden, Edward B. Raynolds. INSULITE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Broad- way. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least $16,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFICcERS—Nat Brandon, President; D. H. Brandon, ‘Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Nat Brandon, D. H. Brandon, Alfred Swan. INSURERS’ AUTOMATIC FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO,, General and Corpo- rate), Office, 45 Pine st). Inc. in N.Y.” Statement, Jan. "1,,1892 :,Capital, authorized, ‘$50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $35,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Antonio Rasines, President; L. Henry Newton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Antonio Rasines, L. Henry ‘Newton, Charles W. Dayton. INTEGRAL QUICKSILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 39 Broadway. Inc. 1891, in W. Va. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $10; Full paid. OpjecT—-Production of quicksilver. Plant located at Trinity county, Cal., and consists Ig! of 1,000 acres of mineral grounds and mines in process of development. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—A. B. McCaw, President; Wm. J. Simpson, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—A. B. McCaw, William J. Simpson, M. R. Laurence. INTERIOR CONDUIT AND INSULATION CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. 1891,in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—General electric apparatus. Plant located at 527 W. 34th st., N. Y., and consists of factory and equipment, employing 300 men with a weekly pay roll of $3,000. Power, steam. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt OrricERs—Edward H. Johnson, President; E. W. Little, Vice-President; Frank A. Mason, Secretary and Treasurer. DiRECTORS—Edward H. Johnson, Edwin T. Greenfield, Everett W. Little, Sigmund Bergmann, Henry Steers, Charles E. Runk, Carl Schurz, J. B. S. Kehan. INTERLAKEN LAND CO., Office, 44 Broadway; Corporate Office, Camden, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Owning and improving land. Land located at Interlaken, N. J., and consists of house lots. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edward Dudley, President; S. L. Parrish, Vice-President; George W. Gilbert, Secretary and Treasurer. DirecTtors—Edward Dudley, Samuel L. Parrish, Sydney E. Morse, Francis K. Pendleton, Francis M. Weld. INTERNATIONAL BANK NOTE CO., 704 Bennett Building; General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. 1878, in N. Y. Capital authorized, Unlimited ; Full paid. Osyecr—Steel plate engraving and printing bank notes, bonds, stocks and money value paper, for corporations, States and foreign countries. Works, 18 Broadway, 8th and oth floors. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Clendenin Eckert, President; Geo. D. Webber, Vice-President and ‘Treasurer; W. A. Robinson, Secretary. Drrecrors—Clendenin Eckert, Geo. D. Webber, W. A. Robinson, A. M. Flagler, John G. Moore. INTERNATIONAL BOW AND STERN DOCK CO,, Office, 78 Broad st. ~ Inc. Dec. 19, 1888, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Ainount paid in not known. OpyEcT—To construct dry docks, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OrriceERS—Henry P. Kirkham, Presi- dent; Julian B. Shope, Secretary. Direcrors—Henry P. Kirkham, Julian B. Shope, ‘Charles G. Taylor. INTERNATIONAL BREWING AND SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate ‘Office, 111 Broadway. No information furnished. INTERNATIONAL CONTRACT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 34 Nassau st. Inc. Nov. 11, 1889, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Paid in, $5,000. Opyecr—Conducting negotiations for the sale of properties to be placed in control of companies organized in this country and in England, and for the sale of the securities of companies so organized. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Cornelius V. V. Sewell, President; J. A. Hodge, Jr., F. L. Roudebush, Vice-Presidents; Cornelius C. Van Santen, Secretary; Robert Sewell, Treasurer. Direcrors—J. Aspinwall Hodge, Jr., Cornelius V. V. Sewell, Wm. Rasquin, Jr., Fred’k J. Winston, Monroe Crawford, ; INTERNATIONAL GAS CO., Office, 19 William st.; Corporate Office, Ver- sailles, Ky. Inc. 1888, in Ky., for 25 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OpyecT—Parent company for patent rights, erection of works, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Chas. G. Francklyn, President ; John Sickels, Vice-President ; William F. Van Pelt, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECT- -oRS—Chas. G. Francklyn, John Sickels, Wm. F. Van Pelt, C. L. Morgan, Richard Irvin, INTERNATIONAL GRAPHOPHONE (C0O., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000 ; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $35,000. Total assets, $682,042,31. ‘Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFricers—Arthur B. Trombly, President; Henry Seligman, Secretary. Direcrors—Arthur B, Trombly, Thomas D. Dolan, D. O. Mills. 192 INTERNATIONAL GRAIN ELEVATING C0O., Office, 101 Produce Exchange ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,100,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyecr—Handling grain. Floating plant consists of 26 elevators, employing about 500 hands. Dividends, two in last fiscal year of 4 p.c. each. Funded debt, bonds for $500,000, 1,000 each, 8 p.c., maturing, Igol. Manhattan Trust Co., Trustee. Coupons paid at Company’s office. OFFICERS—Edward G. Burgess, President; Edw. Annan, Vice-President ; John B. McCue, Secretary ; Geo. D. Puffer, Treasurer. Drrecrors—David Bingham, Thos. A. McIntyre, David Dows, Henry Stadlmair, Milton Knapp. THE INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION AND GUARANTEE CO,, Gen- eral and Corporate Office, 32 Nassau st. Inc. 1891, in W. Va. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $300,000, ¢g100 per sh. No funded debt. No dividends. OFFICERS—John Vincent, President ; Chas. C. Saunders, Secretary ; James Vincent, Treas- urer. D1RECTORS—John Vincent, Chas. C. Saunders, James Vincent, William Forstner. INTERNATIONAL MERCANTILE AGENCY., General and Corporate Office, 322 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000. Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William R. Griffiths, President; A. L. Griffiths, Secretary. DIREcToRS—William R. Griffiths, A. L. Griffiths, M. J. Scott, E. B. K. Griffiths, F. C. Moore. INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION C0O., 6 Bowling Green. Corporate and Gen- eral Office, 305-307 Walnut st., Philadelphia. Inc. May 5, 1871,in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $3,500,000, par $50; Full paid. Annual Meeting, Ist Tues. in June. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. OBjECr-——Operation of the Red Star, American and Inman Lines of ocean steamships between the ports of New York and Liverpool, New York and Antwerp, Philadelphia, Liverpool and Antwerp. No dividends paid. FUNDED DEBT.— Collateral trust coup,, amount created and outstanding, $3,200,000, each $1,000, redeem- able after May 1, 1897, due May 1, 1917. Interest 6p.c., M.& N., at 307 Walnut st. Trustee, Fidelity Ins., Trust and Safe Deposit Co. Bonds may be registered. Transfers made at 307 Walnut st. OFFICERS—Clement A. Griscom, President; H. H. Houston, ist Vice-President; James A. Wright, Jr., 2d Vice-President (each member of Board of Directors serves as a Vice-President for a period of one month); James S. Swartz, Secretary and Treasurer ; Joshua L. Howell, Assistant Secretary; A. D. Hepburn, Real Estate and Tax Agent, Gates D. Fahnestock, Assistant Treasurer at N. Y.; James F. Fahnestock, Jr., Assistant Treasurer at Philadelphia; Monroe W. Tingley, Comptroller ; D. J. MclIlhatten, Auditor; John Fahnestock, Assistant Auditor. DiRECTORS—Clement A. Griscom, H. H. Houston, Joseph D. Potts, W. G. Warden, W. H. Barnes. INTERNATIONAL OCEAN TELEGRAPH CO,, General and Corporate Office, 195 Broadway. Inc. 1872, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par g100; Full paid. OsByecr—Submarine cables between coasts of Florida and Cuba, with land lines in Florida. Dividends 6 p.c. per ann., qrly., by the Western Union Telegraph Co. OFFICERS—Norvin Green, President; Thos. T. Eckert, Vice-President ; Thomas F. Clark, Secretary; Roswell H. Rochester, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Norvin Green, Thos. T. Ecke.t, John B. Van Every, John T. Terry, Robert C. Livingston, John Van Horne, Russell Sage, Edwin Gould, George J. Gould. INTERNATIONAL OKNITE CO., Limited, General Office, 13 Park row. Inc. in London, Eng. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No informa- tion furnished. Willard L. Candee, H. Durant Cheever, N. Y. Managers. INTERNATIONAL ORE SEPARATOR CO., Office, 1 Broadway; Corporate Omice jersey City, Noy." Ines (Mar Iso ine. Jasi-Chatter. Unlimited: = Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. OsyecTt—Separation of magnetic iron ores by the Chase Separator. Plant none. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Erastus Wiman, President; Thos. J. Lovett, Vice- President; Harvey S. Chase, Secretary and Treasurer; Axel Sahlen, A. P. Smith. INTERNATIONAL OYSTER CO., General and Corporate Office, 74 Cortlandt st. Capital authorized, $250,000, Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Leon F. Blanchard, President; Henry M. Crowell, Secretary ; William W. Blanchard, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Leon F. Blanchard, Henry M. Crowell, Samuel E. Beckwith, F. J. Wood, D. Elliott, William W. Blanchard. - 193 INTERNATIONAL PAVEMENT (00., Office, 56 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. 1880, in Conn., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—-Parent company for subsidiary cost of manufacturing a compressed asphalt pavement. FUNDED DEesr—Income bond, Ist mtge. $400,000, 2d mtge. $100,000, 3d mtge. $100,000, each $500, 5s, non-cumulative, J. & J., payable at the office of Treasurer in Boston. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Walter L. Wilkinson, President; Robert B. Upham, Secretary; George B. Upham, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Walter L. Wilkinson, George B. Upham, Robert B. Upham, A. L. Barber, George H. Dart, Wm. L. Jenkins. INTERNATIONAL PORT ELECTRIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $4,100. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John T. Williams, President; Frank Lawton, Secretary; David O. Williams, Treasurer. Drrecrors—John T. Williams, David O. Williams, Louis E. Howard. INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SUPPLY CO., General Office, 5 Beekman st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricerRs—Matthew J. Dolphin, President; Morris G. White, Secretary; Chas. H. Spencer, Treasurer. DirecTtors—Matthew J. Dolphin, Geo. W. Hey, Charles A. Spencer, Morris G. White, Ira M. Hedges, Edward I. Eldridge. THE INTERNATIONAL POTTERY CO., Office, 21 College pl.; Corporate Office, Trenton, N. J. Inc. June 4, 1879, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $75,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Manufacturing plain and decorated dinner and toilet wares. Plant at cor. Canal and Plymouth sts., Trenton, N. J. Owned by Company. 300 x 100 feet almost entirely covered by buildings, 2, 3 and 4 stories. Dividends, 6 p. c. No funded debt. (Increase of capital to $75,000, filed Oct. 5, 1888). OFFICERS—Wm. Burgess, President ; J. H. Nichols, Secretary; J. R. Camp- bell, Treasurer. D1irecrors—J. W. Burgess, J. H. Campbell, William Burgess. THE INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AND PORTRAIT (CO., Office, 74 3d ave. Corporate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. No information furnished. Simon Munzer, Manager. INTERNATIONAL ROCK PLASTER CO,, Office, 44 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in .N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—-Manufacturing of rock chemical, for use in manufacture of rock plaster. Plant at Columbus, O. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Orricers—D. L. Haigh, President; H. R. Gill, Vice-Presi- dent: H. T. Lilliendahl, Secretary and Treasurer. DrrRecrors—D. L. Haigh, H.R. Gill, H. T. Lilliendahl. INTERNATIONAL TELEGRAM CO., General and Corporate Office, 61 Park row. No information furnished. OFrricERS—James W. Scott, President ; Thomas R. Taltavail, Treasurer. ; INTERNATIONAL TOOTH CROWN CO,, Office, 26 W. 32d st. Inc. inN. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. OFrriceERS AND DIRECTORS—Washington W. Sheffield, President ; Lucius T. Sheffield, Secretary. THE INTERNATIONAL TRADING AND ELECTRIC CO., Office, 41 Park row ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1892 in.N.J. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $20,000. Exporters and manufacturers agents. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Henry F’, Herkner, President ; N. T. Factenthall, Secretary and Treasurer. INTERNATIONAL ULTRAMARINE WORKS, Limited, General and Corpo- rate Office, 71 Duanest. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, debts, $150,000; loans, $17,183.63 ; total, $167,183.63. Total assets $188,560.79. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Louis Dejonge, President; Louis Dejonge, Jr., Secretary ; Charles F. Zentgraf, Treasurer. Dr1recrors—Louis Dejonge, Chas. F. Zentgraf, Louis Dejonge, Jr. 13 194 INTERNATIONAL WINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 55 Beaver st. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James A. Dennison, President ; William A. Downs, Secretary and Treasurer. INTER-OCEAN IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 206 Broadway. Capital author- ized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Not in active operation. No other information furnished. OrriceErs—Peter J. Claasen, President; Thos. Cochran, Secretary. INVESTIGATOR CO., Office, 781 Broadway. No information furnished. INVESTMENT ASSOCIATION, Office, 245 Broadway. Inc. Sept. 21, 1889, in N. J.; Charter expires Sep. 28, 1894. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John E. Comfort, President; Herbert A. Lee, Secretary; Flavius J. Perry, Treasurer. DiRECTORS—Jobn E. Comfort, Samuel H. Mcllroy, Sidney W. Hendrick- son, Flavius J. Perry, Henry L. School, Morris Dietsch, Samuel Tremmer, David C. Sinclair, Herbert A. Lee. INVESTORS’ PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 14 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jas. H. Goodsell, President; Clifford Thomson, Secretary ; Samuel Elliott, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jas. H. Goodsell, Samuel Elliott, Clifford Thomson, A. L. J. Smith. THE INTER-OCEAN IMPROVEMENT CO., Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $700,000; Total assets at least $1,000,000 (a contract to build an elevated RR. in Chi- cago). Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, Orricers— C. C. Suy- dam, President; Thos. Cochran, Treasurer. D1REcTORS—G. I. Whitehead, C. C. Suy- dam, Thos. Cochran. INTER-STATE OIL REFINING AND COLOR CO., Office, 52 Broad st. ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891 in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsject—Refining of vegetable oils, and manufac- turing of colors and paints. Plant located at 34 Washington st., and consists of manufac- tory and equipments. No funded debt. No dividends. Annual Meeting and election, Ath Wed. in May. OFFICERS—Geo. W. Sessions, President; Geo. W. Scollay, Vice- President; James Wood, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. W. Sessions, Geo. W. Scollay, John D. Craighead, A. S. Baldwin, James Wood, Jr., E. O. Murdock. THE IOWA BARB WIRE CO., Office, 98 Reade st.; Corporate Office, Allentown, Pa. Inc. 1886in Penna. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Chas. Douglass, President; J. W. Gates, Vice-President; Alfred Douglass, Secretary; C. H. Rowe, Treasurer. D1rReEcToRS—Chas. Douglass, Wm. Douglass, Wm. Edenborn, J. W. Gates, Alfred Clifford. IRELAND MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 90 Chambers st. Inc. in Cincin- nati, O. No information furnished. William H. Jacobus, Agent. IRNOKOFF MANUFACTURING CO., 160 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Full paid, in cash, $1,500; property, $3,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William E. Keyes, President, 160 Broadway ; Edward B. Wells, Secretary. D1irRECTORS—Minnie L. Keyes, William E. Keyes, Edmund B. Wells. THE IRON CAR EQUIPMENT CO., General Office, 41 Wall st. Corporate Office, Summit, N. J. Inc. May, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjecr—The introduction and manufacture of tube iron freight cars. Plant at Huntingdon, Pa. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Archer N. Martin, President; David A. Boody, Vice-President and Treasurer; Charles S. Henry, Secretary. DirEcTtors—John Crosby Brown, David A. Boody, Haley Fiske, C. N. Jordan, Archer N. Martin, Chas. A. Moore, A. L. Murphy Wm. A. Read, Stewart L. Woodford. IRON CITY TOOL WORKS, Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Capital authorized, $40,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. 195 IRON CLAD MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 22 Cliff st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Robert Seaman, President; David D. Otis, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Robert Seaman, David D. Otis, Henry W. Shepard. IRON MALT CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 255 Greenwich st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $517.48. Total assets other than capital invested, $3,564.34. Receipts for year, $9,556.25. Expenditures at least $14,509.39. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers-—-Stephen B. Hamlett, President; Jesse W. Smith, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Stephen B. Hamlett, Jesse W. Smith, James F. Smith. IRON SILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broadway. Inc. 1880, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $20; Full paid. OpjECT—Mining lead, silver, zinc, gold, etc. Plant located at Leadville, Col., and consists of mining plant and 750acres of land. No funded debt. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Ashley Pond, President; Parker D. Handy, Vice-President; Fremont Woodruff, Secretary ; John M. Nicol, Treasurer. DirReEcTORS—L. H. Peirce, Wm. H. Stevens, Wm. A. Moore, Truman H. Newberry, R. W. Raymond, H. A. Taylor, R. W. Swan, Homer A. Hoit, L. B. Crocker, Ashley Pond, Parker D. Handy. THE IRON SPRINGS MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $12,000. Assets, mine in Colorado. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—L. O. Laureau, President; D. W. Sisson, Treasurer. DirEcTorRS—S. O. Brigham, L. G. Laureau, D. W. Sisson. IRON STEAMBOAT (CO., Office, Pier 1 (new) N. R.; Corporate Office, Hong Branch, N:'J.| Inc. Oct. 4, 1881,in N.’J., for so years. . Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $2,c00,000. OByECT—Excursion business. Floating plant seven steamers, employing about 200 hands. FUNDED DEBT—$500,000 mtge. bonds; size $500, 6s, due 1901. Interest payable First National Bank. Annual Meeting in Nov. Certificate of increase of capital to $5,000,000 filed Jan. 17, 1889. OFFICERS— Samuel Carpenter, President; Emile Vatable, Vice-President; Walter F. Parker, Secre- tary; S. Newton Smith, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel Carpenter, Emile Vatable, William H. Wolverton, Granville M. Dodge, S. Newton Smith, Oscar E. Ballin, Louis C. Waehner, Allan C. Washington. ISBELL-PORTER CO., General and Corporate Office, 245 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000; Paid in, $267,000. Liabilities, including capital stock, do not exceed $485,000. Total assets at least $485,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceRs—Charles W. Isbell, President ; George G. Porter, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Charles W. Isbell, George G. Porter, Samuel F. Hay. ITALIAN MARBLE MOSAIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 412 E. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Adolph Pfaltz, President; James A. Dumont, Jr., Secretary. ITALO-AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, foot E. 125th st. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. IVANHOE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 9 Cliff st. Inc. in Va. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Mulford Martin, President; George M. Seeley, Secretary. IVES, BLAKESLEE & WILLIAMS CO., 294 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $106,000. Total assets at least $110,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS—Edward R. Ives, President; Edward G.Williams, Secretary ; Cornelius Blakeslee, Treasurer. DirRecTORS—Edward R. Ives, Edward G. Williams, Cornelius Blakeslee. | JACK FROST FREEZER CO., General and Corporate Office, 505 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid innot known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James S. Leeds, Presi- dent; Frederick B. Cochran, Secretary. 196 JACKSON ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 315 E. 28th st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $325,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $275,300. Total assets at least $315,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William H. Jackson, President; John Cooper, Secretary; John H. Hawkinson, Treasurer. DrrEcrors—William H. Jackson, John H. Hawkinson, F. W. Nellie, Ebenezer C. Jackson, Joseph W. Lamtry. THE JACKSON MILLS EMERY CO.,, 280 Broadway; General Office, Easton, Pa. Inc. in Pa. No information furnished. JACOBUS & CARLISLE CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Thomas st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Full paid. . ASSETS. LIABILITIES Cash and debt receivable............. $8,108 07 | Other than capital......... ..s++sesseeese $20,495 90 Manufactures, material and stock IM PTOCESS....csedey cosnds cvqes scones sesese ar T,025040 $19,733 17 “Receipts for year, $46,536.66; Expenditures, $62,957.20. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceRs—Edward Y. Jacobus, President; William H. Carlisle, Secretary; George M. Jacobus, Treasurer. DrrEcTtors—Edward Y. Jacobus, G. M. Jacobus, W. H. Carlisle. DR. JAEGER’S SANITARY WOOLEN SYSTEM CO., General and Corporate Office, 454 Broome st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $436,068.51. Total assets $469,591.26. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Herman Schaeffer, President; Ernest Benger, Vice-President; William C. Weber, Treasurer. DIrRECTORS—Herman Schaeffer, Ernest Benger, Stephen V. White, John D. Godwin, Allan W. Godwin, William Hauff, William C. Weber. JAMAICA TOWNSHIP WATER CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broad- way. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $66,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John C. Lockwood, President ; George W. Lockwood, Secretary; Frank G. Lockwood, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John C. Lockwood, George W. Lockwood, Frank G. Lockwood. JAMAICA WATER SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, i892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $190,000. Total assets at least $194,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John C. Lockwood, President and Treasurer. Direcrors—John C. Lockwood, George W. Lockwood, F. G. Lockwood. JAPAN CAMPHOR CO., Office, 76 Broad st. Capital authorized, $100,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS-—Henry Gribble, President; Walter W. Kent, Secretary; David Nash, Treasurer. DirEcrors—William F. Simes, Charles Pfizer, Jr.. Henry Lucas, Henry Gribble, David Nash, Christopher L. Williston, Walter W. Kent. JAROS HYGIENIC UNDERWEAR (C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 831 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000. Full paid. in cash, $300; in property, $99,700. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $54,000. Total assets at least $55,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Isaiah Josephi, President; Sylvan E. Bier, Secretary; Isidor Jaros, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Isaiah Josephi, Sylvan E. Bier, Isidor Jaros. JEFFERSON IRON CO., General and Corporate Office, 31 Union sq. Ine. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $9,000. Total assets at least $20,000. Dividends, if ny, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—E. B. Buckley, President; Fu Salisbury, Secretary ; Charles E. Buckley, Treasurer. DiIrREcTORS—E. B. Buckley, F.S. Salisbury, Charles E. Buckley, A. L. Hilton. E. JENCKES MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 99 Readest. Inc. in Pawtucket, R. I. No information furnished. Joy, Langdon & Co., 108 Worth st., and C. F. Guyon Co., Limited, Agents. . 197 _ _ JENKINS C0., General and Corporate Office, 247 Canal, and 84 Walker sts. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained... No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Theodore P. Jenkins, President; Arthur C. Jenkins, Secretary. MAROSS JENKINS FLOUR CO.,, Office, 124 Warren st. Capital authorized, $5,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William Warbrick, President ; Maross Jenkins, Treasurer. egies, JENNESS-MILLER PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 114 5th ave. No information furnished. JENNINGS LACE WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 77 Greene st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICcERS—Abraham G. Jennings, President ; Edwin W. LeClear, Secretary. Drrecrors—Abraham G. Jennings, Edwin W. LeClear, Foster B. Hendrickson, Walter L. Sackett, Albert Gould Jennings. THE CARL L. JENSEN CO., General Office, 100 Maiden la. ; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. Sept. 18, 1888, in N. J., until Sept. 18, 1930. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100. 6oshares common stock are now issued; balance of common stock have been recouped by the Company. 250 shares preferred stock issued at $100 per share. Manu- facture of pepsin. Nodividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Fred- erick Aschenbach, President; William F. Johnson, Secretary; Adolph W. Miller, Treasurer. JEROME EXTRACT C0O., General and Corporate Office, 166 Duane st. Inc. in W.Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William H. Barnes, President; Thomas A. Matthews, Secretary; Ada J. Palmer, Treasurer, William B. Jerome, Benjamin L. Fairchild. THE JEROME PARK VILLA SITE AND IMPROVEMENT CO., 5 Beekman st. Inc.inN.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $100,000. Total assets at least $1,200. The value of the real estate at Jerome Park is $500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William A. Duer, President; Frederick A. Lovecroft, Treasurer, 5 Beekman st.. DrirEcToRS—D. V. Van Emburgh, ‘C. J. M. Gwinn, Frank Work. JERSEY EMBROIDERING AND MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc., Mar. 8, 1878, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $10,000, par $10; Probably full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Louis Doerflein, Agent. WILLIAM JESSOP &*SONS, Limited, Office, 91 John st. Inc. in Sheffield, Eng. No information furnished. William F, Wagner, Agent. THE JESSUP & MOORE PAPER CO,, Offices, 97 Nassau and 5 State st.; Main Office, 28 S. 6th st., Philadelphia. Inc. in Del. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par ¢g100; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrriceERS—Clarence B. Moore, President; Frank M. McDowell, Secretary; Jacob R. Moore, Treasurer. D1rEcTors—Clarence B. Moore, Frank M. McDowell, William Luke, D. Lindsay, N. H. Sharp, Jacob R. Moore. JEWEL BELTING CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in Hartford, Conn. No other information furnished. Charles E. Ainsworth, N. Y. Manager. JEWELERS’ AND TRADESMEN’S CO., General and Corporate Office, 187 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Thomas A. Young, President; Ephraim S. Johnson, Jr., Secretary; George W. Godward, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Thomas A. Young, Thomas R. Creede, Stewart R. Bradburn, Ephraim S. Johnson, Jr., T. M. Nichols, Edmund L. Mooney, Samuel A. Baldwin, Stacy Wilson, Frank Deijano, William A. Miner, Shuball Cottle. THE JEWELERS CIRCULAR PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 189 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892:j Capital authorized, $37,500; Full paid, in cash, $24,900 ; in property, $12,600. Liabilities other than capital, $11,438. Total assets at least $18,103. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—George C. White, President; Lewis J, Mulford, Secretary J. W. Beachman, Treasurer. DrrecTors—George C. White, J. W. Beachman, Lewis J. Mulford. 198 JEWELERS’ MERCANTILE AGENCY, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 214 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if. any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—Deloid Safford, President; Samuel Tickell, Secretary; Harry Thomas, Treasurer. JEWELERS’ WEEKLY PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office 41 Maiden la. Inc. in N.Y. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Albert Ulmann, President; Freeman E. Huddle, Secretary. Direcrors—Albert Ulmann, Harry W. Mack, Freeman E. Huddle. JEWISH MESSENGER CO., General and Corporate Office, 2 W. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $3,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Myer 5. Isaacs, President; J. Stanley Isaacs, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Myer S. Isaacs, J. Stanley Isaacs, Isaac S. Isaacs, Adolph L. Sanger, Abram S. Isaacs. THE JOCUISTITA MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,500,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $150,000. Total assets at least, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. Orricers—R. P. Lounsbery, President ; A. Harri- son, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—R. P. Lounsbery, J. P. Haggins, A. Harrison. THE H. W. JOHNS MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Maiden la.; General and Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J.; other offices, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Atlanta. Inc., July 1, 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,250,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Business established in 1858 ; manufacturing liquid paints, colors in oil, wood stains, roofing and asbestos materials. Plants at Brooklyn, N. Y., and Chicago, Ill. Annual Meeting, 3d Tues. in Jan. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. This Company was formed July 1, 1891, by the consolidation of the H. W. Johns Manufac- turing Co., Chalmers-Spence Co., Asbestos Packing Co., Chas. W. Trainer & Co., and | Shields & Brown Co. OFFICERS—H. W. Johns, President; R. H. Martin, Vice-President ; G. P. Erhard, Secretary; C. H. Patrick, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—H. W. Johns, R. H. Martin, G. H. Erhard, C.H. Patrick, Geo. E. Weed, D. B. Halstead, H. W. Johns, Jr. A.J. JOHNSON CO., General Office, 11 Great Jones st. Inc. in W. Va. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William W. Johnson, President; Andrew Gilmour, Secretary; Thomas W. Baker, Treasurer. D1rRECTORS—William W. Johnson, Andrew Gilmour, Thomas W. Baker, Payson Merrill, Geo. W. Wagner. JOHNSON & JOHNSON, Office, 92 William st.; Corporate Office, New Bruns- wick, N. J. Inc. Nov. 10, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years, Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Probably full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert W. Johnson, President; Edward M. Johnson, Secretary. Drrecrors—Robert W. Johnson, Edward M. Johnson, James W. Johnson. CLARK JOHNSON MEDICINE CO., 192 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $45,000; Full paid in cash. ASSETS, LIABILITIES RAST Wi slab coavyapisi yen: tens suanvetoeyvoxsevre $2,006.00 «| Other-than i 205 OFFICERS—John C. Lowry, President and General Manager; Howard L. Roberts, _ Secretary and Treasurer. DIREcTroRS—Chas. H. Banes, Edward Longstreth, Richard A. Lewis, John C. Lowry, Edmund Lewis. THE KEY WEST INVESTMENT 0CO., 11 Pine st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $321,500. Assets, land, $600,000; cash in hand at Key West, $13,199.94. Total, $613,199.94. Receipts for year, $27,870.48 ; Expenditures, $14,670.54. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—C. J. Canda, 11 Pine st., Presi- dent; Jas. A. Waddell, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Jas. B. Metcalf, Jas. A. Waddell, F. E. Canda. JEROME KIDDER MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 820 Broadway. Inc. 1881 in N. Y. Information as to capital declined. Medical electrical appliances, batteries, electric meters, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. WILLIAM F. KIDDER CO., Office 19 Beekman st. Capital authorized, $12,000; Amount paidin not known. No other information furnished. OFrriceErRs—George W. Currier, President ; Frank Bailey, Secretary ; Horace W. Campbell, Treasurer. THE KIERNAN NEWS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 30 Broad st. Estab- lished 1868. Inc. 1888,in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $28,500. Total assets at least $230,000. OnjEcT—Furnishing financial news to financial institutions. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Benj. H. Graham, President; Clarence F. Birdseye, Secre- tary and Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Benj. H. Graham, Wm. G. Clapp, Clarence Birdseye, Albert Frank. KIFFERLY MOROCCO MANUFACTURING CO.,, Office, 186 William st. Inc. in Camden, N. J., for 5o years. Capital authorized, $30,000, par $10; Amount paid in not known. No other :nformation furnished. Albert Haas, Agent. KIGGINS & TOOKER CO., Office, 123 William st. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Isaac C. Kiggins, President; Henry G. Kiggins, Secretary; Charles 5. Kiggins, Treasurer. D1rREcTors—Isaac C. Kiggins, Henry G, Kiggins, Charles S. Kiggins, Emma Tooker. HENRY KILLAM CO., Office, 1711 Broadway. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known ; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacturing coaches. No other information furnished. OFFI- CERS—Henry Killam, President; John Murphy, Treasurer. KILMER MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 102 Chambers st.: Cor- porate Office, Newburgh, N. Yul Tne in aN, vn Colabement? Jalent,. 1002): @ Gapitar authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $256,505.15. Total assets at least $571,681.29. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thelos L. Kilmer, President; Melvin D. Kilmer, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Thelos L. Kilmer, Melvin D. Kilmer, D. S. Warnig. MOSES KING CORPORATION, Office, 107 Stewart Building. Inc. in Me. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS-—William P. Northup, President; Charles E. Austin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William P. Northup, Charles E. Austin, George E. Matthews. D. WEBSTER KING GLUE C0O., Office, 280 Pearl st. Inc. in Mass. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—D. Webster King, President; D. Webster Dow, Secretary. Direcrors—D. Webster King, D. Webster Dow, Walter K. Purington. THE KING GRANITE CO., General and Corporate Office, 53 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $35,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $500, Total assets at least $7,500. Receipts for year, $7,555.90; Expenditures, $18,270.84. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. G. K. Duer, President; Frederick Guer King, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Thos. Dayton, J, G. K. Duer, Chas. A. Moran. KING-HINCKLEY CO., Office, 42 Bond st. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000. Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricERS— Walter F. Hinckley, President; F. C. Garmon, Secretary. DIRECToRs—Walter F. Hinckley, F. C. Garmon, George W. Kenyon. 206 KING IRON BRIDGE AND MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in Cleveland, O. No information furnished; Henry G. Clagstone, N. Y. Manager. KING LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Office, 11 Wall st. No information furnished. JOHN P. KING MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 60 Leonard st. Inc. in Augusta, Ga. No information furnished. William Fish, Jr., & Co., Agents. KINGS COUNTY BOILER WORKS, General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $11,500. Total assets at least $26,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—Emily Taylor, President; F. H. Wood- ruff, Treasurer. KINGS COUNTY GAS AND ILLUMINATING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $400,000; Paid in, $200,000. No dividends. No funded debt. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— LIABILITIES. ASSETS. Capital stockwwu, ase ercekee ee eres $200;000"00 | “REA estate). -vecntesse cement recen sine $220,000 00 ARCOUNES™.2.icincnespeuses teen aerate ae 216,000 00 | Contracts (estimated).......sce0.eoe» 100,000 00 Debts pinchecceaern pit takaacabart ee eees 41,240.20) “Cash No.5. Gvsestchevetanwed teseen ree eeees 8,438 77 $457,240 20 $328,438 77 Receipts for year, $220.97; Expenditures, $3,486.90. J. K. O. Sherwood, President. Directors—Chas. C. Burns, Alfred N. Hehre, J. K. O. Sherwood. KINGS COUNTY PIONEER LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Paid in, $6,250. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William W. Brown, President; John D. Monroe, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—James F’. Thomas, William W. Brown, John D. Monroe. KINGS COUNTY JOURNAL PUBLISHING CO., Office, 163 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $6,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Orricers-—Michael J. McGrath, President ; Charles C. Overton, Secretary. D1recrors—Michael J. McGrath, Charles C. Overton, John Neville, William W. Smith, W. W. Bloss. KINGS COUNTY WATER SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000 ; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $375,000. Total assets at least $308,600. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS _— Tobias New, President; John A. Brainard, Treasurer. DirECToRS—William W. Wicks, Tobias New, John A. Brainard. THE KINGS WINDSOR CEMENT DRY MORTAR CO., 41 Park row. Gene- ral and Corporate Office, 24 State st., Boston, Mass. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Paid in, $37,500. Liabilities other than capital, $33,289.54. Total assets, $51,159.17. Receipts for year, $87,379.50; Expenditures, $87,034.60. Plant at New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS—Charles S. Wheelwright, 41 Park row, President; Jerome A. King, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—C. S. Wheelwright, Jerome A. King, W. W. Smith, Sam. C. Walden. THE KINSMAN BLOCK SYSTEM CO., Office, 143 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, 34 Front st., Jersey City. Inc. 1892 in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Onyect—Manufacture and introduction of the auto- matic block system for steam and electric railways. Plant not yet located. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—F. E. Kinsman, N. J., President ; Gardner Colley, N. J., Vice-President; Theo. H. Bunks, N. J., Secretary ; Wilber C. Fisk, N.J., Treasurer. DmIRECTORS—AII officers ex officio and E. C. Perkins. KISMET CHEMICAL 00., Office, 282 oth ave. Capital authorized, $25,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Arthur G. Graves, President; H. Gardiner Weld, Secretary. Direcrors—Arthur G. Graves, H. Gardiner Weld, M. L. Weld, V. Graves. 207 GEORGE H. KITCHEN & CO., General and Corporate Office, 19 E. 21st st. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $38,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $12,000. Total assets at least $3,500. OsyEctT—Manufacturing of gas and electric fixtures. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFICERS—Harry A. Bower, President; George H. Kitchen, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Harry A. Bower, George H. Kitchen, S. S. Williamson. ; I. B. KLEINERT RUBBER OCO., General and Corporate Office, 32 E. Houston, st. Inc.in W.Va. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricERs—Isaac B. Kleinert, President; Victor Guinzburg, Secretary ; Julius Janowitz, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—lIsaac B. Kleinert, Victor Guinzburg, Julius Janowitz, KNAPP MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 Frankfort st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in pot known. Liabilities other than capital, $12,300. Total assets at least $11,000. OxnyEct—Manufacture of brass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Lucien Knapp, President; William Waldenburg, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Lucien Knapp, William Waldenburg, A. G. Myers. KNAPP RUBBER BINDING CO., General and Corporate Office, 335 Broadway | and 189 6th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000 ; Full paid in property. Total assets and liabilities, $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. _OFFICERS—-Sheppard Knapp, President ; Edward H. Bailey, Secretary and Treasurer. DiREcTORS—Sheppard Knapp, Charles E. Knapp, Edward H. Bailey. THE KNICKERBOCKER APARTMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 247 sth ave. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. Total assets at least $500,000. Liabilities, mtge., $475,000 ; other liabilities, $5,760; total, $480,760. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Charles Macdonald, President ; Nathaniel Haven, Secretary ; Robert Hone, Treasurer. Drrectors—Charles Macdonald, Robert Hone, Thomas C. Clarke, Edward Bell, Harry L. Goodwin, Alexander Guild, Thomas C. Clarke, Henry S, Leech, William B. Ross, Edgar T. Welles, James T. Woodward. KNICKERBOCKER BOOK OO., General Office, 2 Liberty st. Inc, in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paidin not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles M. Dennison, President; Hersey Brown, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Charles M. Dennison, Hersey Brown. KNICKERBOCKER BRACE CO., Office, 165 William st. Inc. in Easton, Pa. No information furnished. McCafferty & Holton, Agents. THE KNICKERBOCKER CATERING CO., General and Corporate Office, 626 Washington st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $6,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,200. Total assets at least $2,000. Receipts for year, $12,000; Expenditures, $11,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-William Fowler, Jr., President; William Fowler, Secretary. DIRECTORS—William Fowler, William Fowler, Jr., John L. Adams. KNICKERBOCKER CHEMICAL CO., Office, 81 Fulton st. Inc. Nov. 23, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. No other information furnished. James R. Burnet, N. Y. Manager. THE KNICKERBOCKER ICE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 432 Canal st. Established 1830. Inc. 1855, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $1,500,000. Osject—Storing and distribution of ice. Plant at Rockland Lake, Lake Meaghah, and in various counties on the Hudson river. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert Maclay, President; L. O. Reeve, Secretary; Edmund A. Smith, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Robert Maclay, L. O. Reeve, O. Dennett, Horace Dennett, Edward E. Conklin, Moses B. Maclay, Reuben A. Compton, James Shindler, Robert M. Cullough, H. P. Farrington. KNICKERBOCKER MILLS, Office, 274 Church st. Inc.in Mechanicsville, N. Y. No information furnished. Benjamin & Day, Agents. THE KNICKERBOCKER PRESS, General and Corporate Office, 27 W. 23d st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Paid in, $87,800. Liabilities other than capital, $5,735.62. Total assets, $87,745.83. Dividends, if any, 208 not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—J. B. Putnam, President; George H. Putnam, Secretary; Charles A. Todd, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—J. B. Putnam, Geo. H. Putnam, Irving Putnam, Charles A. Todd, James H. Chapin. KNICKERBOCKER STEAMBOAT CO., Office, 54 New st. No information furnished. KNICKERBOCKER STORAGE . Limited, 425 E. 24th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorizéd, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $16,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcCTORS—John N. Hayward, Jr., President; William H. Kelly, Secretary. KNIT GOODS SYNDICATE CO., Office, 76 Franklin st. No information fur- nished. 5S. G. Painter, President. F. C. KNOWLES & C0O., Office, 180 Cherry st. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Frederick C. Knowles, President; A. E. Bayreuther, Secretary. J. B. & 8S. M. KNOWLES CO., Office, 860 Broadway. Inc. in R. I. Capital authorized, $54,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Stephen M. Knowles, President ; William C. Burwell, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Stephen M. Knowles, William C. Burwell. KNUDSON-CUTTRISS WIRE CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $400. Total assets at least $48,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS—John F. Zebley, President; Frank W. Rennell, Secretary. Drrectors—John F. Zebley, Charles Cuttriss, Frank W. Rennell, Austin Gallagher, A. A. Knudson. GUSTAV KOBBE C0O,, Office, 251 Broadway. OpjEct—Dealers in books. No information furnished. Gustav Kobbe, President. KOERBER NUT MEAL MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 309 Washington st. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished. OFFICERS—Rudolph C. Koerber, President ; Jacob Conrad, Secretary; Adolph Menges, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Rudolph C. Koerber, Jacob Conrad, Adolph Menges. H. KOEHLER & CO., Office, 505 1st ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. - OFFICERS—— Samuel Goldberger, President; Edwin H. Koehler, Secretary ; Sigmund Rosenwald, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Samuel Goldberger, John Murtaugh, Sigmund Rosenwald, Isaac Rosenwald, Edwin H. Koehler, Henry Rosenwald, B. F. Einstein. DR. KOHNE’S VETERINARY SPECIALTY CO0O., Office, 23 Murray st. Inc. in Highland Falls, N. Y. No information furnished. Alonzo Milliken, N. Y. Manager. C.W. KOPF CO., Office, 165 Duane st. Inc.in Me. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrriceRs—Duncan Elliott, President; Charles M. Barnes, Secretary; Daniel W. Howland, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Duncan Elliott, Daniel W. Howland, Charles M. Barnes. KORTING GAS ENGINE CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 74 Cort- landt st. Inc. in N, Y. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Arthur Kitson, President ; Maximo E. Nora, Treasurer. KOSHER MEAT AND SAUSAGE CO,, Office, 190 Stanton st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Ignatz Braun, President; Leopold Horowitz, Secretary; David Moscovitz, Treasurer. D1REcTORS—Mendel Friedman, Ignatz Braun, David Moscovitz, Leopold Horowitz. THE KOSSUTH-MARX JEWELRY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 39 Maiden la. Inc. 1886, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $101,487.29. Total assets, $146,554.56. Receipts for the year, $150,823.32. Expenditures, $146,734.48. Dealers in diamonds, watches and jewelry. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS ——Henry Hammell, President; Moses N. Strauss, Treasurer; Jacob Marx, Business Manager. DIRECTORS—Simon Sichel, Moses N. Strauss, Henry Hammell, F. L. Martin,. Julius Lipman, 209 T. F. KRAEMER & CO., Office, 107 E. 14th st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— David Horn, President ; Theodore Koven, Secretary. ° DIRECTORS—William Steinway, Felix Kraemer, William F. Hasse, Theodore Koven, David Horn. KRAUS-MERKEL MALTING CO., Office, 19 Whitehall st. Inc. in Milwaukee, Wis. No information furnished. Represented by Louis J. Merkel. ROBERT KRAUSE CO., Office, 102 Frankfort st. Inc. in Davenport, Ia. No information furnished. No N. Y. representative. THE KROBER CLOCK CO., 360 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,0co; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $133,000. Total assets at least $135,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Florence Krober, 360 Broadway, President and Treasurer ; Otto Bartel, Secretary. DIRECTORS— O. Bartel, Florence Kroeber, L. S. Kinkle. THE KRUPP MANUFACTURING CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway, and 427 E. 25th st. Inc. Apr. 22, 1890, in W. Va., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Lubricating compound for RW. car journals. Plant at 427 E. 25th st.; leased. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. W. Taylor, President ; Geo. W. English, Secretary; R. W. Taylor, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—-Robert W. Taylor, George W. English, John G. A. Leishman, D. W. English, W. A. Sproull. KRUSE & MURPHY MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 457 W. 26th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Lucius Lyon, President; Charles Kruse, Secretary ; Edward Murphy, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Lucius Lyon, Charles Kruse, Edward Murphy. KRUSE CASH REGISTER CO., General and Corporate Office, 114 E. 14th, and 457 W. 26th sts. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paidin not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles Kruse, President; George Nie- mann, Secretary; Charles W. Weiss, Treasurer. DIrEcrors—-Charles Kruse, Charles W. Weiss, George Niemann. KUNSTADTER PATENT SCREW STEERING AND PROPELLING CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 31 Broadway, Inc. 1885, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OByect—To sell royalties for steering and propelling vessels. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Matthew Taylor, President; J. J. Kunstadter, Vice-President ; Chas. W. Smith, Secre- tary; Harry D. Horton, Treasurer. _Drrectors—-Matthew Taylor, Ronald Taylor, Chas. W. Smith, Harry L. Horton, William H. Shepard, A. McCready, Jacob J. Kuns- tadter, Frederick T. Brown, Effendi Baltazzi. JOSEPH KUNTZ BREWING CO., General and Corporate Office, 3526 3d ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000; Amount paid, in cash, $200. Balance retained in treasury and not subscribed, $49,800. Liabilities other than capital, $224,681. Total assets at least $280,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—John C. Batjer, President; Frank Durwanger, Secretary ; Francis J. Schnugg, Treasurer. DrrEcToRS—John J. Batjer, Francis J. Schnugg, Frank aD? Durwanger, M. Hammerschlag, M. Kuntz, F. J. Shalek. KURSHEEDT MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 193 W. 1oth st., and 190 S. 5th ave. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $427,000. Total assets at least $600,000. OBjEctT—Manufacturing of trimmings. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Fred A. Kursheedt, President; J. B. Kursheedt, Secretary. DireEcTorRs—A. A. Kursheedt, Fred A. Kursheedt, J. B. Kursheedt. KURTZ BAG CO., C. M. Kurtz, Manager, Office, 7 Water st. Capital, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. No information furnished. KWADRITE ELECTRIC CO., General Office, 44 Broadway. Inc..in N. Y, Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished. OFFICERS—James L. De Fremery, President; William R. Baird, Secretary ; Henri M. Suermondt, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—James L. De Fremery, William R. Baird, Henri M. Suermondt. 14 210 LA AMERICA EDITORIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 State st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed’$13,500. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. V. Williams, President;. S. Mallet Prevost, Secretary. DirEcTOoRS—R. V. Williams, S. Mallet Prevost. LACE BACK SUSPENDER CO., General and Corporate Office, 57 Prince st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $30,000. Total assets at least $35,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrectTors—F. S. M. Blun, President ; Sigmund Bendit, Secretary and Treasurer. THE LACKAWANNA IRON AND STEEL CO., General and Corporate Office, Scranton, Lackawanna Co., Pa.; N. Y. Office, 52 Wall st. Inc. June 4, 1884, in Penna.; Charter, general laws. Capital authorized, $3,750,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Plant consists of two works: North Scranton Works, formerly operated by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Co., commenced in 1840; 33 heating furnaces and io trains of rolls (one 12, two 18, two 20, three 23% and two 36-inch), and two hammers. Product—Light and heavy railroad steel rails, merchant bars, blooms and billets. Annual capacity, 250,000 net tons of steel rails and 15,000 tons of steel merchant bars and blooms, splice bars and _ billets. Bessemer steel plant added in 1875; three 7-gross-ton converters, 6 pig-melting and 3 spiegel cupolas ; first blow made Oct. 23, 1875; first rail rolled Dec. 29, 1875; product, ingots for rails, billets, etc. Annual capacity in ingots, 275,000 net tons. South Scranton Works, formerly operated by the Scranton Steel Co., built in 1881-3; two 9-gross- ton Bessemer steel converters, 9 pig-melting cupolas and 3 spiegel cupolas; first blow made Mar. 29, 1883, and first steel rail rolled May 4, 1883; 6 heating furnaces and 3 trains of 32-inch rolls; product, steel rails and billets. Annual capacity, 275,000 net tons of ingots and 250,000 net tons of rails. Adding 2 additional heating furnaces. Both works use anthracite culm for fuel under boilers. OFFICERS—E. F. Hatfield, Presi- dent ; H. V. Vultee, Secretary ; Theodore Sturges, Treasurer; Edward C. Lynde, Assist- ant Secretary; E. S. Moffat, General Manager, Scranton, Pa. DIRECTORS—Benj. G. Clarke; -Samueli'Sloan, 1H. A.C." Taylor:and EE. b.ailatheld, Ne Y< johnei eaiais, Blairstown, N. J.; James Blair, E.S. Moffat and W. W. Scranton, Scranton, Pa.; W. Scranton, Orange, N. J. THE LA CROSSE GOLD MINING CO. of Colorado, Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Assets, cash in hand, $849.05. Lands in Colorado. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Van Nest, Presi- dent; Henry Smith, Secretary. DrrEctors—C. P. Sykes, E. F. Hollister, Harry Smith. LACOVIA MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 40 Exchange pl. Inc.in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $60,000. Total assets at least $40,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—W. H. Lecovia, President and Treasurer. Pees peta H. Lecovia, W. H. Acken, John Acken, Albert Cordes, William H. errine. LA CRUZ MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 58 William st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $50,000, Dividends, if any,not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Walter S. Logan, President and Treasurer; Horace E. Deming, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Walter S. Logan, Charles E. Phelps, Horace E. Deming. LAFLIN & RAND POWDER CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Murray st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $184,000. Total-assets at least $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Solomon Turck, President; Edward Greene, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—H. M. Boies, Solomon Turck, Edward Greene. THE LAGERMAN TYPOTHETER CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 Park pl. Inc.in N.Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000. _ Liabilities other than capital, $983. Total assets at least $6,032. Plant at New York City. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Receipts for year, $5,401.06; Expendi- tures, $7 697.95. OFFICERS—Julius W. Chadwick, President; Herbert H. Taylor, Secre- tary; Arthur D. Warren, Treasurer. DirREcTOoRS—Arthur D. Warren, Herbert H. Taylor, Alex. Lagerman, Jr., Wm. W. Dixon, Julius W. Chadwick, Chauncey Holt. 21 LAKE CHAMPLAIN TRANSPORTATION CO., General Office, 1 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Whitehall, N. Y. Inc. 1889,in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Towing and general transportation business. Floating plant located at Lake Champlain, and consists of steamer E. C. Baker. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Smith M. Weed, President; E. C. Baker, Vice-President; W. N. Weeks, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—-Smith M. Weed, E. C. Baker, W. N. Weeks, H. G. Burleigh, B. W. Burleigh. Represented by Brackett W. Burleigh. LAKE HOPATCONG STEAMBOAT CO., Office, 64 Wall st.; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. Aug. 5, 1884, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,000, par $50; Paid in, $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George W. Campbell, Jr., President; Henry Nimmons, Secretary. LAKE SUPERIOR SHIP CANAL RAILWAY AND IRON CO,, Office, 41 Wall st. Inc. in Lowell, Mass. No information furnished. Represented by Theodore M. Davis. LAKE SUPERIOR TRANSIT CO., General Office, 76 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Buffalo, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Oxsyect—Freight and passenger transportation. Plants located at Buffalo, Cleveland, Detroit and Duluth, and consists of steamer, docks, grain elevator and warehouses. No dividends. OFricERS—S. D. Caldwell, President ; E. T. Evans, Vice-President and General Manager. Sylvester L. Clark, Agent. THE LAKOTAH CO., Limited. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $180,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $150,340.68. Total assets at least $220,000. Receipts for year, $35,006; Expenditures, $34,627.36. Plant at N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edward Cooper, President; Abram S. Hewett, Secretary and Treasurer. DirecTors—Abram 5S. Hewett, J. AS Hall PAG ae Childs. LALANCE & GROSJEAN MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 19 Cliff st. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Amount paid in not known. OFrFricERS—Florian Grosjean, President; Edwin W. Martin, Secretary. DrreEctors—Florian Grosjean, John C. Milligan, J. Harry Smith, August J. Cordier, Geo. L. Nichols, Julien D. Cordier, Edwin W. Martin. LAMBERTVILLE RUBBER (CO0O., Office, 487 Broadway; Corporate Office, Lambertville, N. J. Inc. Dec. 19, 1882, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $24,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacture of rubber goods. Plant located at, Lambert- ville, N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Goodyear Rubber Co., Agents. OFrFICERS—F. M. Shepard, President; W. A. Greene, Secretary and Agent. LAMOTHE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Liberty st. Inc. 1876, in N. Y.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxyecr—tIron car builders. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS— William W. Kirby, President; Edward L. Cushman, Secretary and Acting Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William C. Moore, Robert M. Cushman, William W. Kirby, Edward L. Cushman, Chas. F, Dittler. LAMSON & GOODNOW MANUFACTURING C0O., Office, 33 Chambers st. ; Corporate Office, Shelburne Falls. Inc. in Shelburne, Mass. OsyeEct—Manufacturers of cutlery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. - LAMSON CONSOLIDATED STORE SERVICE CO,, Office, 23 E. 14th st., and 44o Canal st. Inc. Mar. 7, 1888, in Newark, N. J. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $4,000,000, par $50; Full paid. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frank M. Ames, President; Frank W. Fitts, Secretary ; Albert C. Titcomb, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—Frank M. Ames, Eugene F. Endicott, John Shepard, Frank F. Fitts, Oakes A. Ames, James F. Almy, B. W. Currier, A. J. Lane, E. Q. Klasby, Albert Titcomb. LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000 ; paid in, $300. Liabilities other than capital, $2,000. Total assets at least $1,950. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFt- cers—Henry W. Quinn, President; Arthur W, Corning, Secretary. DIRECcTORS—Henry “W. Quinn, Arthur W. Corning, C. Edgar Anderson. 212 LAND AND RIVER IMPROVEMENT (CO,, 62 William st. General and Corporate Office, N. J, Inc. Apr. 30, 1883, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100; Paid in $3,000; Certificate of increase of capital to $750,000 filed Jan. 31, 1884. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other in- formation furnished: OFFICERS—Francis H. Weeks, President; Henry W. DeForest, Secretary. Drrecrors—Francis H. Weeks, William E. Strong, William P. Stevenson, Geo. S. Baxter, James B. Williams. LAND AND SECURITY INVESTMENT CO., Office, 192 Broadway; Corpo- rate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. 1885, in Conn. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Investment Co., in land and securities. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS--James K. O. Sherwood, President ; Alfred C. Chapin, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Jas. K. O. Sherwood, Alfred C. Chapin, Chester W. Chapin. THE LANGDON & GRANGER BREWING CO., Limited, General and Cor- porate Office, 410 E. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 : Capital authorized, $165,000; Full paid. Debts, capital stock, etc., $249,000; Real estate, etc., N. Y. City, $251,455.41. Brewers. Plant at New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS--Septemus W. Granger, President ; John T. A. Tromey, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—Septemus W. Granger, Augustus Finck, Anthony W. Miller, Benjamin F. Ter- welliger, T. G. McCarthy, John T. A. Tromey. LA PLATA MINING AND SMELTING CO., 41 Wall st. Inc. in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $200,000. Total assets at least $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricErRSs—Thomas P. Fowler, President; William F. Dunning, Secretary. DiRECTORS—Thomas P. Fowler, William F. Dunning, Frank Dunning. LAPPIN BRAKE SHOE CO., Office, 18 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Bloomfield, N. J. Inc. Sept. 21, 1886, in N, J.,.for'§0 years.) ‘Capital’ authorized; ¢1)2e0,;000; par ¢100; Full paid. OpsyeEcr—Manufacture of car brake shoes. Plant located at Bloom- field, N. J., and consists of foundries, pattern shops, etc., employing about 50 hands. No dividends. No funded debt. OFrricErRs—Henry F. Taintor, President; Andrew B. Rogers, Jr., Vice-President ; Winfield S. Dehart, Secretary ; Thonaas Milburn, Treasurer. Drrectors—Henry F. Taintor, Winfield S. Dehart, Thomas Milburn, Henry G. Darwin, Andrew B. Rogers, Jr., Joseph D. Gallagher, Henry E. Bowers. THE LARCHMONT MANOR CO,, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $500. Total assets at least $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcCTORS—Edward E. Flint, President; Thomas Henry French, 28 W. 234 st., Secretary. LAS CASAS GOLD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Lee R. Shryock, President ; Dominique F. Verdenal, Secretary. DIRECTOoRS—Alexander Westphal, James B. Clews, Lee R. Shryock, Henry Clay Lockwood, Joseph Treat. LAURENTIDE PULP CO., Limited, Office, 88 Times Building. Inc. in Montreal, Can. No information furnished. Manufacturers’ Paper Co., Agents. B. LAWRENCE STATIONERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 224 Centre st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. Orricers—-Adolphus S. Solomon President ; Albert Asher, Secretary. THE LAWRENCE CEMENT C0., General and Corporate Office, 67 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $132,500. Total assets at least $450,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—-Ernest R. Ackerman, President: George S. Contant, Vice-President; Thomas A. Smith, Secretary. D1rECTORS—George S. Contant, Ernest R. Ackerman, John A. Stewart, Samuel A. Chappell. LAWRENCE CORDAGE WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 46 South st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OrricERS—W. P. Whitlock President; L. O. Ivey, Secretary; E. M. Fulton, Jr., Treasurer. : 213 - LAWRENCE ROPE WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 160 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $9,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $6,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Edwin F. Bedell, Vice-President; Charles W. Cooper, Treasurer. D1REcrors—Edwin F. Bedell, Charles W. Cooper, George C. Cooper. LAWRENCEVILLE CEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 115 Broad- way. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, 40,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi-. dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Sophia V. Bluhn, President; William N. Hoag, Secretary and Treasurer. DirECToRS—Sophia V. Bluhn, Frank M..Hoag, Albert C. Hall, Edward Kearney, George B. Fenton. LAW TELEPHONE CO., Office, 85 John st. Inc. Nov. 22, 1882, in N. J, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $400,000, par $10; Paid in, $1,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William A. Childs, President; Geo. M. Phelps, Secretary. DI- RECTORS—William A. Childs, Geo. F. Durant, Geo. M. Phelps. LAZELL, DALLEY & CO., General and Corporate Office, 155 William, and IIo Beekman sts. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Lewis T. Lazell, President; Frank B.-Marsh, Secretary; Chas. W. Van Court, Treasurer. Drirecrors—Lewis T. Lazell, Frank B. Marsh, Chas. W. Van Court, Henry Dalley, Jr., Francis R. Wardle. | THE LEATHEROID MANUFACTURING CO., N. Y. Office, 317 Canal st. ; Boston Office, ro8 Lincoln: st.; Corporate Office, Kennebunk, Me. Inc. 1884, Kenne- bunk, Me. Capital authorized, $250,000, par ¢100; Paid in, $150,000. OBJECT— Manufacture of trunks. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcCTORS—Stephen Moon, President; H. Rogers, Clerk; E. Andrews, Treasurer, Kennebunk, Me. Andrew H. Teeple, Agent. LEBANON MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 92 Elizabeth st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thomas S. Olive, President; Louis Stoiber, Secretary. DirEcrors—Cecilia H. Pohle, Louis Stoiber, Thomas S. Olive. LECLANCHE BATTERY (0O., General and Corporate Office, 111 E. 31st st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —Frank Roosenvelt, President ; Horatio J. Brewer, Secretary. LEDOUX CHEMICAL LABORATORY, General and Corporate Office, g Cliff st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Albert R. Ledoux, President ; John A. Kerr, Secretary. D1irEcrors—Albert R. Ledoux, Augustus D. Ledoux, Albert M. Smott, John A. Kerr, Gustave W. Thompson. LEE COMPOSITE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 29 Broadway. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frank W. Coolbaugh, President; T. B. Stables, Secretary. Drrecrors—Frank W. Coolbaugh, H. Jones, Angus Sinclair, L. H. Pomeroy, T. B. Stables. LEE HOTEL FIRE-ESCAPE CO., Office, 853 Broadway. Inc. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y. No information furnished. David Proskey and Harlan P. Smith, Agents. J. R. LEESON & OCO., Office, 317 Church st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Opjectr— Manufacturing thread, etc. No other information furnished. John F. Bigelow, Edmund S. Hodges, N. Y. Managers. JAMES LEFFEL & CO., Office, 110 Liberty st. Inc.in Ohio. Capital author- ized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —John W. Bookwalter, President ; A. Louis Claypool, Secretary ; Frank M. Bookwalter, Treasurer. DirEcTOoRS—John W, Bookwalter, Frank M. Bookwalter, A. Louis Claypool. 214 THE LEGRVIA MINING CO., 60 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $626,000. Total assets at least $434,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Calvin Littlefield, President; Henre M. Braim, Treasurer. Lorenzo M. Gillet, Director. LEHIGH AND WILKES-BARRE COAL CO., General Office, 143 Liberty st. Inc. in June, 1864, and in Jan. 1874, was consolidated with the Honey Brook Coal Co. In 1877 the property was placed in hands of receivers, and on Jan. I, 1882, receivership was terminated. This Company is controlled by the Central RR. of New Jersey, through ownership of a majority of the stock. The Central New Jersey also owns $6,116,000 of the consolidated mtge. bonds, which receive interest if earned, and $2,353,000 of the income bonds ; also, past due coupons of consols. amounting to $3,630,107. CAPITAL STOCK—$9,212,500, par $50. FUNDED DEBT. Kind of Mortgage. _ Date and Maturity. Rate. | Size. Payable. | Outstanding. Lehigh Coal and Nav.Co. mtge. ©, ASSUME AT Woe ti mre eos de esas 1867, due Dec. 15, 1897| 6 | $500, etc. |J. & D. $500,000 Lehigh Coal and Nav.Co.mtge., | CON WS J, ASSUMED fee coseeneasnes 11869, due Sept. 1, 1894} 6 500, etc. |M: & <5, 640,500 Sterling loan, sinking fund, | GEA What LOO Boreas. oceed c./1874, due May 1, 1899] 6 £200 M.&N. 986,000 WC OMSOL GIL Rar scx cceneasteatnes ssa c.|1875, due June 1, 1900} 7 $1,000 Q. M. II, 500,000 Sundry real estate Mtges .....C.| secescors seosseee derercsee crevenens GMs awacrcnests tach law eesareetas 205,046 5s of 1912 cum. sink fund (not Craw ) ive crarsushesas sR seen sees c./1888, due Nov. 1, 1912| 5 | 1,000 |M.&N.| 2,872,000 FInc. (B” bonds, NOt CUM... | eeecceeeseeeee conse scenes necensees|seseeeee seseueen seeauenes|teeaeneneees 2,353,000 FConsol. 75 COUP., PASt CUE...) sreeeeee cecereneeseeeee seeeesasnees [seeaees | seeeseeeesrresees lsecewecesees 3,630, 107 $22,696,253 The mtges. loans of 1894 and 1897 are secured by deposit with Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Philadelphia, of sterling bonds. DESCRIPTION OF FUNDED DEBT. First Mtge. 6 p. c. sterling bonds, Apr. 22, 1874, due May 1, 1898. Coupon 6s, created, $10,000,000 gold, or £2,000,000 sterling; outstanding, $986,000 ; each, £200 sterling; coupons, each, £6 sterling; M.&N.1. Interest payable in London, England. Fidelity Insurance, Trust and S. D. Co. Trustees. Sinking fund provides for redemp- tion of all bonds within 24 years from May 1, 1874, by accum. sinking fund of 2p.c., z. @., on May 1, 1875, £40,000, and like sum annually on May 1, in gold with interest for preceding year on all bonds previously drawn, shall be appropriated to redemption of bonds. Mtge. to pay on or before Apr. Ist, in each year, to their agents in Lon- don, the amount aforesaid. Drawing of bonds made éach year before notary in Lon- don, at the agency of Co. in London, commencing Feb., 1875, and annually there- after. Advt. to be made. Bonds are secured upon all coal lands, railroads, leases and franchises of the Co., in Carbon, Luzerne and Schuylkill Co’s, Pa., comprising property of Broad Top Mng. Co., Consol. Coal Co., Honey Brook Coal Co., and Wilkes-Barre Coal and Iron Ou merged and consolidated as the Lehigh and Wilkes-Barre Coal Co. By supplemental indenture of mtge. dated Sept. 22, 1876, they also convey to Trustees, their franchises and corporate rights and privileges, the same having been omitted in this mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874, as well as subsequent mtge. of Apr. 27, 1875. First General Mtge. g, dated Mar. 28, 1874, due Dec. 15, 1897, payable in bonds secured by mtgor. of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. of Nov. 27, 1867 (5,000,000 gold loan) as well as the coupons for interest, which mtgrs. are to pay. Registered 6s. Created, issued, and outstanding, $500,000; each, $500 and $1,000 J. & D.1; interest payable at office of Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co., Philadelphia. Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Deposit Co. Trustees. Sinking fund—toc. per ton for all coal mined and ~ removed from land to be paid to Trustees and applied to purchase and cancellation of "$6,116,000 held by Central RR. of N. J. + All held by Central RR. of N. J. — +3 Je are bonds secured by mtge. of Nov. 27, 1867. If none of said bonds are outstanding Dec. 15, 1897, sinking fund to be applied to purchase of bonds so secured by mtge. of June I, 1871, and if none of these are outstanding, residue to be paid to the Lehigh Coal and Navigation Co. Bonds are secured upon 791 acres 88.7 perches land Hanover Twp., muzerne Co, Pa:’ “ Biddle Lands.” General Consolidated Mige., dated April 27, 1875, due, June 1, 1900. Coupon and registered 7s. and 6s.; created, $15,000,000; outstanding, $11,500,000, interest not to exceed 7 p.c. Each, $1,000, and sterling £200 each @6p.c. Q. Marchi. Interest payable as may be directed, now, New York and London. Trustees, Fidelity Insurance, Trust and S. D. Co. Sinking fund set apart annually, toc. per ton for all coal mined and shipped each year from said lands until the bonds are paid, and applied first to pay- ment of bonds secured by prior mortgages, and the balance to payment of bonds secured hereby. Guaranteed, principal and interest, by C. RR. of New Jersey. Bonds are secured upon coal lands and leases of L. and W. B. C. Co. in Carbon, Luzerne and Schuylkill Co’s, Pa., containing in all 45,975 acres (14,000 acres coal lands in fee, 9,500 acres leasehold coal lands, 20,000 acres timber land in fee, and 2,475 acres timber lands leased), together with buildings, breakers, railroads, mines, collieries, and appurtenances, etc. Leases being subject to mtge. liens against land and to rents and royalties reserved. Bonds of this mtge. equal in amount to par value of all the bonds issued under mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874, shall from time to time be appropriated to pay for or exchange for the same, and shall be reserved for that purpose, so that bonds issued under this, and mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874 (including those purchased, exchanged, cancelled and delivered to Trustees under mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874), shall never exceed $15,000,000. By supplemental mtge. of Sept. 22, 1876, corporate rights and franchise of L. and W. B. C. Co., were granted to Trustees, same being inadvertently omitted in this and the mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874. Certain of the coal lands of this Co. having been exchanged for the lands of the New York and Lehigh Coal Co., supplemental mtge. to Trustees was made and dated June 29, 1880, of the acquired lands. This mtge. of June 29, 1880, is supplementary to mtge. of Apr. 22, 1874, for $10,000,000 of which $1,680,000, are outstanding, and. to the mtge. of Apr. 27, 1875, for $15,000,000 of which upwards of $11,500,000 are outstanding. Mtge. covers lease of mining rights executed by New York and Lehigh Coal Co., to L. and W. B. Coal Co., dated June 22, 1880, for the Mammoth Vein coal, in property of New York and Lehigh Coal Co., in Banks Twp., Carbon Co., Pa. General Mize. dated Jan. 3, 1888, due Nov. I, 1912; c. 5s. Created, $3,000,000 ; outstanding, $2,872,000; each, $1,000. M. & N. 1. Interest payable at office of, or agency of Co. in New York and London. Trustee, Fidelity Ins. Trust and S. D. Co., Phila. Sinking fund annually set apart ioc. per ton for all coal mined and shipped from mtgd. premises (except the Audenried property) until after bonds secured by mtge. of Apr, 22, 1874 (£ mtge.) are paid and discharged, and also net purchase money from sales of all town lots until all bonds are paid. Sinking fund to be applied first to payment of any bonds on any of the lands, and residue to payment of these bonds. Secured upon lands in fee, leases and mining rights in Luzerne Co., Pa., with excep- tions as stated, subject to contracts of sale of parts, etc. Lehigh Luzerne Coal Co. rst Mtge., dated May 5, 1881, due, June 1, Igo!, orat 30 days after drawing. Coupon 6s. ; created, issued and outstanding, $7,000,000 ; each, $1,000. J.&D.1. Interest payable at agency of Company, State of New Yorks Trustee, Fidelity Ins., Trust and S. D. Co. Sinking fund annually pay to Trustees, in quar. instalments, 1oc. per ton for all merchantable coal mined and shipped, which Trustees must invest quarterly in purchase and retirement of the bonds so long as price shall not exceed 110, and when not so purchased, anc when fund amounts to $25,000, to be applied to redemption of bonds at 110 and int. by drawing by a Phila. notary selected by Trustee. Notice to be posted in office of Trustee, and advertised, and on surrender of bonds and unpaid coupons Trustee within 60 days to apply money to payment of bonds and interest in accordance with terms and all interest on bonds not surrendered in body to cease. Secured upon coal lands conveyed to Company by Chas. Parrish, viz.: 1. Lands of Shickshinny Coal and Iron Co. consisting of 8 tracts and parts of tracts, aggregating about 1,866 acres. 2. Three undivided quarters of tracts of about45 acres. 3. Lands of Girard estates, about 249 acres. 4. Two tracts of about 850 acres. These bor ds having been all acquired by the Lehigh and W. B. Coal Co., were, on Feb. 4, 1889, left with Trustee as collateral for mtge. of Lehigh and W. B. Coal Co., dated Jan. 3, 1888, for $3,000,000 until latter is ready to have this mtge. satisfied of record. A sinking fund for bonds due 1912 is provided from sales of surface lands, and from payment of toc. for each ton of coal mined on property included in first lien; no drawings. 216 OPERATIONS for 1890 and 1891 :— 1890. . MOM Sales, OF COmlat eax secs os ico anstecasueomake raeoaeen Papek ene slesUends aney ues aneien one n= $8,181,039 F Onpotiier-SOunGwe. st casnry isc ska sakculs oncom sauine eee gc eecabnan ood es eadeiaa = pian 335,677 OUTER CCID UG uc ca tac: ir kcssay'stan op cath in plea asetone: oeutaeau taateerehawnd soupcen +s $8,516,716 Operating expensestand faces, 5 sc.ss ieecs adecmmaatsinnestace coke tee preyabetqes vgteret * 7,688,803 INGUMOCCIDOSLR iit ecueliaesptsctare en ssdaals seulene eenduiey hea Macsinne Ne casnones an pieaneke $827,913 Interest and sinking fund chgs.......... Pe AO OCT ee Ar EES : 963,134 A ATCO. SUIT sens cecey cet ven auctas tasting en ac Run Sakis de pica n seuvice Soke come tants def. $135,221 Production of Coal (Tons). MY VOUS DLV GION Morac etek teehee in Pee hany Saanfslacienicpottensiicete kon pigantuntsmepeemk 1,697,805 ELODCY DIOOK INISIOI an vet ieee tasinspen sat Seodruiges ot eptaess Secernesetataoueassa tie yns 517,339 2,215,145 UTM ABE CL, dere eset crt ee: MRLRES cece vrca tate ve pbk pent oh va eeser abasiengeeievs ns Wiebe eee 335,044 GLASER, patel state stees sae MRC tee Gane va a eno ps< sa Sab aaian alsa sana Woda Shercuincak bebe 2,550,789 18gr. $9,128,162 321,520 $9,449,682 8,434,400 $1,015,282 989,638 _—— $25,644 2,026,497 545,789 2,572,286 370,670 2,942,956 In addition to the above, 784,759 tons of coal were mined from the Company’s prop- erties, by other parties, under leases. CONDENSED BALANCE-SHEET, year ending Dec. 31, 1890; None later furnished :— ASSETS. Coal lands and other real estate $22,510,258 Io Mining, impts., railroad and 4 i228,277 07.) BC UID Utes cwerescacees teasmeeseresGtes Balance due on town lots sold.. 120,717) 32°.| MeTSOlal rOpert yi. sce. sees ns eves ans 516,564 21 | Barges, New York harbot.. ..... 52,900 00 | Paid for coal to be mined in | TUCUTO ieee onan china ceeeee ape eie ee pe tet 1,380,860 55 | Cash with trustees for purchase oF LAC us Co.sbondssor TOGA veo csisgon Oued reanen opt oas wndebeada 244,334 30 Materials and supplies............ 135,540 97 Coal ona ndiniss. tarde tess oes 458,825 22 Securities Owned . ics... ceavowss 682,515 00 | Bills and accts. receivable....... 1,000,324 84 CASH cs .scactnemoveaeety seins snctnsins come 81,562 60 Insce. prems. paid in advance. 3,938 62 Receipts from sales of surface lands applicable to 5 p. c. LG ATCT SO Qin. o iivsavenscscsnes et eteses 4,479 18 Special profit and loss............. 3,630,107 40 $35,050,211 48 PROFIT AND Loss STATEMENT for year ending Dec. 31, 1890; obtainable :— Coal on hand, Dec. 31, 1880, LG AOS OMCOM Sa stcnel wie aie see cive «slats cits Mining coal, $2,803,931.97 ; coal purchased, $516,822.57.) ..s2...0 Tunnels, second opening and $611,338 19 3)320,754 54 TIC W WOE Es vcore covers chediascrtesas 104,S1I I2 Royalty 00 coal mined. i. dacs. 140,506 92 | RP ATISDOLLALION bc crenkcvacstvs oxecanees 3,463,495 78 Harbor and coast freights......... 73,476 47 Shipping, Port Johnson ............ 189,606 I9 | Yard and agency expenses....... 57,907 48 | Salaries, rent, legal and other SX PSUSeS se rvccwse Whevatese oye in th sons 60,363 78 Taxes, $88,000.98; insurance, SIG, FOO 5 ieveces sodeiesons ayes sepeeeeee 98,800 93 Interest, $729,278.04; sinking PT 5 235,050, OF ok secpesan sesecenes 963,134 11 Adjustment of royalties and charges to previous years...... 26,567 29 | $9,110,762 80 LIABILITIES. | Capital stock.....$10,000,000 00 Less owned by Co. 775,000 00 $9,225,000 00 + Mtge. and funded debt........... 22,989,753 96 Bills payable 7 icc ees SMe rate 967,937 27 Accts. payable, royalties, etc..... 81,353 52 Coupons matured and due, Jan. TOOL utc sc cae oreo 18,432 50 Interest (accrued not yet due) . 84,720 07 Pay rolls and vouchers (since Paid) a pote ese Bec Aveeas sve eonectes 908,050 48 Sinking £:ndSii vere escape shee 362,948 45 Pront-and lossivdc same aee a cee 412,015 23 $35,050,211 48 for 1891 not Rec’d from sales Of COaly.. ener 8,181,0: - Rec’d from coal ; bie IGASES tein decsach tes 221,740 4I $8,402,779 78 PRGIIUS csv aatslpt prea 86,083 65 Less expended for repairs, Cte: 2.3.5 33,589 07 Balance W223 eee oe 52,494 58 Interest U i/o eikere ore eee 12,470 44 Miscellaneouss. s...d 4c sacdaseeenee 39,578 74. Coal on hand, Dec. 31, 1890, £73, 180 40S cetera ee 458,825 22 Barge €arnimgs\<.czsass tone, ate 9.393 45 Balance deficit, \ cgi. -susncaee 135,220 59 $9,110,762 80 * Included in above was $116,191 for disasters at colleries. + Since reduced ; see above. | 217 OFFICERS—J. Rogers Maxwell, President; George S. Jones, Secretary; W. T. Zell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Elected Feb., 1891, J. R. Maxwell, Edward D. Adams, George F. Baker, James A. Garland, N. Y. City; Henry Graves, Orange, N. J.; E. B. Leisenring, Mauch Chunk, Pa.; Charles Parrish, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. LEHIGH VALLEY COAL CO., 143 Liberty st.; General and Corporate Office, 228 S. 3d st., Phila. Inc. by merger proceedings in 1880; Charter Perpetual. Entirely owned by the Lehigh Valley RR. Co. (which see), and operates its coal lands, etc.; at first 14 collieries were operated. In 1884 the Spring Mountain Coal Co. was bought, and, on June I, 1884, 45,000 acres of land in Centre Co., Pa., known as the Snow Shoe property. FUNDED DEBT—Snow Shoe, reg., 5s, $500, due Jan., 1910, $500,000, J. & J. Bonds are not guaranteed by Lehigh Valley RR. Co. Trustee of bonds, Girard Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Co. The operations of the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., for the fiscal year ending Nov. 30, 1891, condensed from the report of W. A. Lathrop, General Superintendent, compared with two preceding years, were as follows :—— r80r. 1899. 1889. Tons. ‘Tons. Tons, Amount of coal shipped from collieries owned and operated EDV ORIDA NY 102574 sc00c send csdesenes sdesuqneeetenemen Meth alee at ae 1,385,463 1,464,509 1,549,784 Amount of coal shipped by tenants of the Company.......... 3,247,032 2,499,562 2,280,721 4,633,095 3,964,071 3,830,505 By agreement with the Lehigh Valley Coal Co., the Phila, and Reading Coal and Iron Co. will hereafter market the former’s output of coal. As was stated in the last report, the unequal demand for anthracite coal largely restricts the production during at least two-thirds of the year, whilst the producing and transportation capacity and equipment must be maintained equal to the requirements of the active season. The effect of such restrictions is, perhaps, best illustrated by the statement that although there was an increase in anthracite coal marketed during the year 1891 of more than 4,500,000 tons, out of 55 collieries owned by or operated in the interest of this Company, 6 were idle during the entire year; and those operated by the Lehigh Valley Coal Co. in the Wyoming region worked only 142 days, and those in the Lehigh and Mahanoy regions only 152 days. It will be noticed that, notwithstanding the increase heretofore referred. to of over 4,500,000 gross tons of anthracite coal produced during the year 1891, the shipments from the collieries owned and operated by the Lehigh Valley Coal Co. again fell off, whilst those of tenants increased largely. The policy of surrendering the Coal Co's tonnage for that of tenants and individual operators is a costly one, so much so that the slight increase for the year in the price received for the coal at the mines was more than offset by the greater cost of production due to operating the collieries at less than one- half time. The immediate remedy for this is to close down more of the Coal Co’s mines and operate the remaining ones fuller time. Orders have been given to that effect. The operations on the Snow Shoe property during 1891 have been comparatively satisfactory. There were shipped from there during the year 110,867.2 tons of bituminous coal and 64,967.8 tons of coke. The plant of 200 coke ovens at Sugar Camp mines was worked about three-quarter time. The improvement accounts for mines and ovens were reduced $13,263.49 during the year, which was ineluded in the cost of coal and coke. Notwithstanding the fact that during the spring and early summer months the total shipments of anthracite coal from all regions are from one and one-half to two millions of tons per month less than they are during the autumn, when the demand for domestic sizes is greatest, there is necessarily an accumulation of prepared sizes, due to the fact that the market for manufacturers’ coal, which is nearly uniform throughout the year, can only be supplied by producing at the same time the unsalable sizes, which must be temporarily stored. This is done by the Company at Perth Amboy, where they have storage capacity for 205,000 tons, and to a less extent at Buffalo. The several sizes belonging to each shipper must be stored separately, adding very largely to the cost of storage and shipping expenses, as when needed, the coal must be reloaded into cars, screened, weighed and shipped over the docks into vessels. Owing to the value of lands and cost of storage facilities at tide shipping points a large tract of land has been pro- cured at South Plainfield, N. J., adjacent to the Company’s tracts, at the junction of the Easton and Amboy line leading to Perth Amboy with the new line leading to New York 218 harbor. This tract is to be used as a depot for the temporary storage of coal in transit through the State of New Jersey. Under a contract with The Dodge Coal Storage Co. a storage plant, constructed entirely of iron, was erected and put into operation about Apr. 1, 1891, which is so designed as to be capable of increase toa capacity of 1,250,000 tons when needed. At Cheektowaga, near the city limits of Buffalo, upon the property of The Lehigh Valley RW. Co., a covered storage terminal has been completed, and is now in use, with a Capacity of 150,000 tons. OFFICERS—-Elisha P. Wilbur President; Chas. Hartshorne, Vice-President; John RK. Fanshawe, Secretary; Israel W. Morris, General Land Agent; Wm. C. Alderson, Treasurer. DrrEcTORS—Chas. Hartshorne, Ario Pardee, Israel W. Morris, Robert H. Sayre, Wm. A. Ingham, Jas. I. Blakslee. LEHIGH VALLEY TRANSPORTATION CO., 15 South st. and 235 Barclay st. General and Corporate Office, 228 S. 3d st., Philadelphia. Inc., Feb. 7, 1882, in Penna. for 20 years. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $50; Full paid. No dividends paid. ° Annual Meeting, Thur. preceding 2d Mon. in Jan. Fiscal year ends 3Ist day of Dec. OxpjEcT—This Company was formed for the purpose of purchasing, chartering and owning steam, sail and other boats, ships and vessels, to be used in lawful business, commerce, merchandise and navigation upon the lakes and rivers, and for the carriage and transportation of freights, mails and property. Company is entirely owned by Lehigh Valley RR. Co. No funded debt. Orricers—Elisha P. Wilbur, President ; Charles Hartshorne, Vice-President; Robt. H. Sayre, 2d Vice-President; John B. Garrett, 3d Vice-President : John R. Fanshawe, Secretary ; Wm. C. Alderson, Treasurer. DIrRECTORS—Elisha P. Wilbur, Chas. Hartshorne. John R. Fanshawe, Howard Elmer, R. F. Goodmon, Wm. Stevenson, Wilson S. Bissell, Robert H. Sayre, John B. Garrett. THE LEHIGH ZINC AND IRON CO., 45 Cedar st.: General and Corporate Offices, 925 Chestnut st., Philadelphia. Inc. Sept. 1, 1886; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends paid at General Office ; amount not stated. Preferred stock (originally $240,000) all finally redeemed and cancelled in July, 1890. Annual meeting, 1st Tues. Nov., at General Office. Fiscal year ends Oct. Ist. HiIsrory AND OpjEcT—Purchased Lehigh Zinc Works, South Bethlehem, Pa., and extended and improved same. Also, mines of Franklinite zinc ore in Sussex CoseN i). Manufacturing zinc oxide, spelter, and other products from ores, metals, and raw materials. Plant located at South Bethlehem, Pa.; owned; about toacres of buildings, and one blast furnace, first put in blast in Feb., 1882 ; 1ron stoves; product, spiegeleisen ; annual capacity, 3,000 net tons. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. 6s., due June I, 1899; cre- ated, issued, and outstanding, $200,000; size, $1,000. Interest payable at Franklin Trust Co., N. Y., J. & D., who are transfer agents, registrars and trustees of bonds. Coupon bonds with privilege of registration. Bonds are secured upon works, South Bethlehem, Pa., and mines, Franklin, Sussex Co., N. J. Orricers—Richard Heckscher, President ; S. P. Wetherill, Vice-President; T. Lewis Thomas, Secretary ; A. Heckscher, Treasurer ; J. H. Troutman, Assistant Treasurer; J.\Price Wetherill, General Manager. Directors —Richard Heckscher, S. P. Wetherill, J. Price Wetherill. LEISSNER, MIDLEN & HUGHES CO., General Office, 434 E. 71st st. Inc. in . Y. Capital authorized, $45 000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward Leissner, President; Joy Hughes, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Edward Leissner, Thomas Y. Midlen, Joy Hughes. THE LELAND CAR HEATER AND STEAM COUPLER CO., General and Corporate Office, 90 John st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $40,000: Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,259.40. Total assets, $45,588.49. Receipts for year, $30,428.84. Expenditures, $29,545.59. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—W. C. Clark, President; A. C. Bedford, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—W. C. Clark, A. C. Bedford. . THE LENEHAN & DOWLEY CO., General and Corporate Office, 165 Broad- way. ~In¢.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $70,000; Paid in, $200. Liabilities other than capital, $90,009. Total assets at least $100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Straiton, President; Wallace Straiton, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—John Straiton, Wallace Straiton, John J. Lenehan. LENOX SHEAR CO., Office, 33 Chambers st. Inc. in Brookfield, Conn. No other information furnished. Fuller Brothers, Agents. ants or eat =< oe 219 H. WARD LEONARD & CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc, in N.J. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—H. Ward Leonard, President; Edward H. Harrison, Secretary. DIRECTORS— H. Ward Leonard, Edward H. Harrison, Lewis B. Gawtry. LEROY SHOT AND LEAD WORKS, Office, 261 Water, 106 W. 37th, and 214 E. 125th sts. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Edward A. Leroy, N. Y. Manager. THE LESTERSHIRE BOOT AND SHOE CO., Principal Office at New York city and Binghamton. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan.1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $156,956.61. Total assets, $455,195,80. Receipts for year, $741,145.78; expenditures, $63,451.17. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—G. Harry Lester, President ; W. D. Brewster, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—G. Harry Lester, G. W. Lester, W. D. Brewster. THE LEVANT EMERY (C0O., General Office, 280 Broadway; Corporate Office, Phillipsburg, N. J. Inc. Mar., 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $60,200. OByjEct—Manufacture and sale of emery stone and corundum. Plant at South Walpole, Mass; Chester, Mass; Peekskill, N. Y.; Easton, Pa. ; Frank- ford, Phila. Dividends semi-annual. OFFICERS—L. R. Speare, President; B. Campan, Vice-President; A. H. Kimball, Secretary; C. A. Sandt, Treasurer. DrrREcTORS—L. R. ~ Speare, C. A. Sandt, N. A. Harwood, H. M. Quinn, A. G. Sinclair. THE LEWIS & FOWLER GIRDER RAIL CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000 ; Paid in, $194,400. Liabilities other than capital, $15,059.56. Total assets, $209,459.66. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John W. Fowler, President; Daniel F. Lewis, Treasurer. D1iRECTORS—Daniel F. Lewis, Charles C. Van Anglen, Albert H. Dallard. THE LEWIS MERCER CONSTRUCTION CO., General Office, 38 Wall st. Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Mar. 1, 1890, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Paid in, $150,000. OsjEcT—Organized to con- struct public works, but especially systems of sanitary sewers on the franchise plan. Dividends not stated. OFFICERS—John F. Zebley, President; John J. Von Dohlen, Vice-President; H. B. Zebley, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John F. Zebley, J. E.Lewis, John J,Von Dohlen, E. Meritt, H. B. Zebley. THE LEWISOHN IMPORTING AND TRADING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 154 S. 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $325,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Leonard Lewisohn, President ; Albert Lewisohn, Secretary; Philip Lewisohn, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Adolph Lewisohn, Albert Lewisohn, Jessie Lewisohn, Philip Lewisohn. LEXINGTON HYDRAULIC AND MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 45 Broad- way. Inc. in Lexington, Ky. Capital, $250,000. Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Represented by Charles G. Hildreth. LEXINGTON IMPROVEMENT CO. of the City of New York, General and Corporate Office, 228 Lexington ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Biatyh VG eed eee ee cee leh ede bsdese sca sneeseenes $408,753750 ||. Capital stock 5.2... k sen sete $200,000 00 L Profit and 1958. .:.ccookussceesenecbeekaas 3, 35413 Receipts and expenditures for b DGD tia rag op Mauomcernvale at) (ptartenence ces 205,439 38 WAAL, Wyss euiv lense acess svordeensocecesas $106,976 64 | | $408,753 50 No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS—C.-N. Jordan, President; Richard Berrian, Treasurer. Direcrors—C. N. Jordan, Richard Berrian, Robert S. Fowler. LIBERTY CIGAR MANUFACTURING CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than-capital, $1. Total assets at least $78. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrectors—Gabriel Cohen, President; Henry Meyer, Treasurer. LIBERTY MACHINE WORKS, Office, 54 Frankfort st. Inc. May 24, 1881, in N. J., for 20 years, as F. M. Weiler’s Liberty Machine Works, and named changed to present title May 17, 1886. Capital authorized, $55,000, par $25; Full paid. No other information furnished. OFrrIcERS—Charles H. Martin, President; Frederick Vanwyck, Secretary. Drrectors—Charles H. Martin, Frederick Vanwyck. 220 LICHTENSTEIN BROTHERS CO., General Office, 345 E. 38th st. Incin ae Capital authorized, $220,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished. OFFICERS—Reuben Lindheim, President; Solomon B. Lichtenstein, Secretary ; Saly Arnholz, Treasurer. DireEcroRs—Reuben Lindheim, Saly Arnholz, William J. Brown, Michael Greenspecht, Solomon B. Lichtenstein, Solomon K. Lichtenstein, Ben- jamin Lichtenstein. LIDGERWO0OD MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 96 Liberty st.. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. OFrricers—William V. V. Lidgerwood, President; Walter L. Pierce, Secretary; John H. Lidgerwood, Treasurer. DirECTORS—William V. V. Lidgerwood, John H. Lidgerwood, Walter L. Pierce. LIEBIG MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 26 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Carteret, N. J. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OBJECT— Manufacturing of fertilizers. Plant located at Carteret, N. J., and consists of real estate, buildings, etc., employing about 300 hands. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Paul Babcock, Jr., President; Jno. F. Gibbons, Vice-President; Albert French, Secre- tary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Paul Babcock, Jr., Albert French, Gustav A. Liebig, John E. Gibbons, J. H. Alexander. A. LIEBLER BOTTLING CO., General Office, 402 W. 126th st. Inc, in N.Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished, OFFICERS—John J. Schmitt, President; Anton Liebler. Secretary. DIRECTORS —John J. Schmitt, Michael A. Breid, Anton Liebler. Peter Koch, William J. Yuengling. THE LIGHT AND FORCE CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capitai authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid for patents. Liabilities other than capital, $50,007. Total assets at least $1,007. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt Orricers—E. W. Carritt, President +.C. R: ‘Truex, Secretary, 136 Liberty st. DirEcTrors—H. W. Parish, E. W. Carritt, C. R. Truex. LINDEMAN & SONS PIANO CO., General Office, 23 EH. t4th and Bitavyth ste n. Brook ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—William E. Wheelock, President; Luther W. P. Norris, Secretary. DrrEcTrors—-William E. Wheelock, Charles B. Lawson, Luther W. P. Norris. LINDNER & REMIG MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 652 Hudson st. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Ernst Lindner, President; Philip W. Remig, Secretary. A.W. LINDSAY TYPE FOUNDRY, General and Corporate Office, 84 Beekman st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500; Full paid, in cash, $300; in property, $14,700. Total assets and liabilities, $19,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Alexander W. Lindsay, President ; Lucius Hart, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Alexander W. Lindsay, Lucius Hart, C. W. Tarbell. LINGS SPINNING C0., Office, 508 Broome st. Inc. Mar. 24,,1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100; Paid in $5,000 at beginning of business. OxpjECT—Manufacturing yarns, threads, etc. OFFICERS—CGeo. H. Macy, President; Rob- ert S. Hudspeth, Secretary; Geo. S. Lings, Treasurer. DiIREcCTORS—James S. Lings, Geo. S. Lings, Geo. H. Macy, R. O. Hudspeth. LINK BELT ENGINEERING CO,, 49 Dey st., General and Corporate Office, Bullitt Building, Philadelphia. Inc. Nov. 1, 1888, in Penna.; Charter Perpetual. ‘Capi- tal authorized and fully paid, $200,0co. Dividends, if any, not stated. Successors to Burr & Dodge. Opyect—Manufacture of link belting and other kinds of machinery. Plant and General Office at Nicetown, Pa.’ No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. D. Ewart, President; Edward H. Burr, Secretary ; S. Howard Smith, Treasurer; James M. Dodge, Chief Engineer. LINOTYPE REPORTING AND PRINTING CO., Office, 32 Park row. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $60,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS—James O. Clephane, President; Cyrus P. Smith, Secretary. DiIRECTORS—James O. Clephane, C. P. Young, Cyrus P. Smith 22! LINSPAR DECORATING CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 6, 1889, in Jer- sey City, N. J.; Charter expires Apr. 1, 1949. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100 ; Full paid. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. Walter Righter, President; ies, R. Kolb, Secretary. Direcrors—j. Walter Righter, August R? Kolb, William . Moore. J. B. LIPPINCOTT CO. 25 Bond st. ; General and Corporate Office, 715 Market st., Philadelphia.- Inc. Feb. 23, 1885, in Penna. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not stated. OByecr—Booksellers, publishers, stationers, importers, and publishers of Lzppincott’s Magazine. OFFICERS—Craige Lippincott, President; J. Bertram Lippincott, Vice-President; Robert P. Morton, Secre- tary and Treasurer. Directors not furnished. LISBON FALLS FIBRE C0O., General Office, 4 Warren st,; Corporate Office, Lisbon Falls, Me. Inc. 1889, in Lisbon Falls, Me.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacture and sale of pulp and paper. Plant at Lisbon Falls, Me. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Represented in N. Y. by W. H. Parsons & Co. OFFICERS—W. H. Parsons, President ; F.C. Whitehouse, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Elias Milliken, of Augusta, Me.: Galen Moses, David S. Cowles, W. H. Parsons, F. C. Whitehouse. LISTER’S AGRICULTURAL CHEMICAL WORKS, Office, 159 Front st. and foot W. 38th st. Inc. Dec. 31, 1885, in N.J.; expires Dec. 31, 1905. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrriceErs—Edwin Lister, President ; Edward Lancaster, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Edwin Lister, Ebenezer C. Hay, Edward Lancaster, John Kehoe, P. H. Martin, William Selby. LITHO-ELECTROTYPE CO., General Office, 1 Tribune Building and 12 Jacob st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10c,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrriceErs—Hermon L. Ensign, President; Richard J. McCutcheon, Secretary ; James S. Collins, Treasurer. D1RECTORS--Herman L. Ensign, fk. Calling Ray Mvlorrison. LITHOGRAPHIC ART JOURNAL AND PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 63 Reade st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $5,000; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. GLACE Cre nig se cdas ssdax gues cosesnessievecs $5,000, Cote Capital ctock ur... scscsise ener eis dees $5,000 00 Batis, FULTITUTE, StC....06.55 lo easses) op PA QUG4l Men DCLG eeeedtisacurirsisseness seaeestnen Cucecnens 948 39 Cash and debts receivable ............6 799 99 $6,042 03 $5,948 39 Receipts for year, $6,349.50; Expenditures, $6,349.56. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Caroline Dorn, President ; George H. Davis, Treasurer. THE LITOFUGE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 62 John st. (Inc. 1887 in N. Y.; -Charter» Perpetual. Statement, Jans 1; 18927 Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $69,327.09. Total assets, $73,615. Receipts for year, $28,178.32 ; Expenditures, $29,758.61. OByeEcr— Manufacture and sale of boiler compound. Plant at 62 Johnst. (leased). No dividends. © No debts. OFrFICceERS—F.N. Blanc, President; J. M. Elliot, Secretary. DIRECTORS— F. N. Blanc, Elizabeth N. Blanc. THE LITTLE ANNIE GOLD MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Capital author- ized, $5,000,000 ; Full paid, viz.: cash, $50,350 ; balance property. Assets, mining property. LIABILITIES. Capital Stock .....cseececsceeeesereesceeees seeeessaseneeeeeeee seeeeeeeeseeees cesses ane anaeeenee gees Manas seth ee $5,000,000 Bonds secured by Mtges.....csssseeeececsssees veccenceeser seeeeseee soneeeevseeees sesees seveseeeeceescs seenes 367,500 A EES. ci iiss vn vevcavaa dno sl ensddadwed pace thy cose Regan unce ts ca vecthictenanta de todd am regent tere 15,000 Interest on bonds to Jan. 15, 18Q2......-cocccscrenssetsrsves ee ssctesess saace onevsesnsevaneqeepencnscens 153,032 PEGA TN orcas ceteties 1b pak oaks duchveses Gisssatkraaesbesanthtabacys bs ecvountanpews duxe@resw enc same ttmmrays tae $5,535)532 OFFICERS—L. W, Winchester, President, 145 Broadway; T. E. Sloan, Secretary and Treasurer. D1rrEcTORS—H. Hoyt, L. W. Winchester, A. H. Roach. 222 LITTLE CHIEF MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 6 Broadway. Inc. 1879 in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000,000 : Full paid. Capital stock as subscribed pays for property. Assets, mining property in Col., of uncertain value; cash, $5,333. Receipts for year, $2,534.07; Expenditures, $2,042.15. Plant at Lewisville, Col. Last dividend (No. 14), paid Dec. 1, 1890, of 5 cents per share. Total dividends paid by Company to date, $820,000. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thomas Pitbladdt, President and Treasurer; R. L. Brower, Vice-President ; Edward Earle, Secretary. D1recrors—Rev. L. Brower, E. C. Kimball, Edwaad Earle, Thomas Pitbladdt. LITTLE FALLS GAS LIGHT CO., General Office, 30 Pine st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— William Henry White, President ; Valentine S. Watrous, Secretary. LIVERPOOL LAND AND IMPROVEMENT (CO., General Office, 338 Broad- way. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—-William E. Davis, President : T. E. Warman, Secretary. THE LIVE STOCK CAR EQUIPMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, Plainfield, N. J. Inc. Mar. 20, 1886, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $25. OBjECT—Furnishing cars for transportation of live stock. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—Chas. Matthews, President ; Matt Taylor, Vice-President ; Chas. J. Wells, Secretary ; Peter B. Matthews, Treasurer; Hugh Baines, James Howard, W. R. Potts, Jos. McAllen. LOCK-NUT BOLT AND IRON CO., General Office, 79 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James B. Kinney, President; Edward C. Smith, Secretary. DIREcToRS—James B. Kinney, Edward C. Smith, L. M. Bidwell. LOCKWOOD CHEMICAL CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 276 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $10,451.92. Total assets, $30,741.17. Receipts for year, $41,939.19; Expenditures, $41,738.76. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS ° —W. Lockwood, President; Charles Bell, Secretary ; S. L. Sentis, Treasurer. Dr1rEctT- oRS—W. S. Lockwood, J. Lockwood, Sheldon Leavitt, Charles Bell, S. L- Sentis; LOCKWOOD MANUFACTURING C0., Office, 99 Reade st. Inc. in S. Norwalk, Conn. No information furnished. C. F. Guyon Co., Limited, Agents. LOCUST MOUNTAIN COAL AND IRON CO,, 228 S. 34 st., Phila., Pa. Inc. Apr. 5, 1842, in Penna; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $630,000, par $50; Full paid. Dividends, 6 p. c. per ann., payable M. & S., rst Tues. Annual Meeting, 4th Mon. in Feb. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. No funded debt. As the coal in the Company’s lands is becoming gradually exhausted, the management is pursuing the wise policy of retiring and cancelling some of the capital stock each year. The diminution in 1890 was $45,000. None in 1891. Shipments in 1889. Shipments in 1890. Shi ts in 18 Collieries. Tons. Can I 1890 ipments in 1 ® ons. Cwt. Tons. Cwt Big Mine Run. ..... Pie et esnaU es tome sos MENT Ses peesaneaued 106,248 14 B7/ALai are 10,691 oO entraliacand Hazel Delbiac wins bes vce hansxearsiuesks 195,162 03 158,007 16 on a PA Alita ces gots ce snedcs Sn ccneripstct> wAkss eats -viccesoaccedessuoad 138,082 07 143,481 00 171,938 00 POUT EVIE bots cidde leds du box dtu kines h oats teed cdaroneh ides ach th 23,79 L NUE 14,544 10 21,932 19 MPOOUSL WRU ALe sae sederthheks ces 154.5208hs os asesaiis HH cod eda: 12,850 II 3,006 04 1,044 06 MMU SII Arent LENS then nay Mecta eoasahas Sede, El adegarseds bd sate 18 00 REET Me rowt s@sceconee recep tatert sc shsdbes veces vvedesdtenese 476,153 10 406,513 05 375,682 08 Net decrease in tonnage 69,640.05 in 1890 and 30,830.17 in 1891. Total amount of coal mined since 1855, 12,791,420.09 tons. —_" 223 TTREASURER’S STATEMENT, Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 :— DR. CR. 1890, 4 1891. 1890. 1891. Bal. Dec. 31, 1889, and Dividends: :.emeonn $40,500 00 $37,800 00 BOO tas nas sanspeean enewan $29,124 94 $78,347 37 | Tax on real estate..... 10,073 80 12,281 87 Coal rents :— Tax on capital stock.. 2,025 co 1,890 00 Centralia col’y....... 9,431 48 10;137 79) Salariee.s..es0t een 9,134 98 9,159 98 Fiaze. Dellecol’y,..:, 35,100 52 32,305 16.) Insurances... comune ae 2,551 18 3,086 28 ESSA COU Vit cccsvsckss 41,488 77 51,236 75 | Exp. Ashland office... 1,387 90 2,326 307 Big Run Mine col’y 26,988 53 9,125 14). Exp. Phila. office:.:; 123 46 70 52 Stuartville col’y...... - 7,531 32 3,284 65 | Dirt-Bank Fire—‘“‘Big Locust Run col’y... 780 73 278 74 Mine Run colliery’ 37,524 14 9,939 48 SUITES cer eveneste s Wane aeeae 128,763 66 ACCOUMES! CASI RG. Vestas, ance tapesnucs hae 229,135 30°) PIIUC SLOCKNOIGETS<.2..secncceercnssseunes 100,000 00 Accounts; bill payables........ 015s. 211,467 95 $770,231 61 $770,231 61 OpjEcT—To manufacture and sell woolen, worsted yarns and cloth. Lymansville, R. I., town of North Providence; owns 120 acres of land and water; building covers about 100,000 square feet. Dividends every 6 months, $220. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirecTorsS—George L. Davis, H. B. Sack, A. Albert Sack. AMASA LYON & CO., General Office, 684 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—Amasa Lyon, President; Herman E. Nicolay, Secretary ; Thomas Breslin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Amasa Lyon, Thomas Breslin, James H. Breslin, Bernard C. Lyon, Herman E. Nicolay. THE LYONS & CAMPBELL RANCH AND CATTLE CO., Office, 35 Broadway. Inc. June 24, 1884, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par ‘$100; Full paid. Oxsject—Ranch owners and dealers in and raisers of cattle. Ranches in New Mexico. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —John C. Barron, President; Lester M. Clark, Secretary. LYONS SILK AND TAPESTRY CO,, Office, 453 Broome st.. Corporate Office, Paterson, N. J. Inc. April 16, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $1,000; Amount paid in not stated. No other information furnished. W. G. Hitch- cock & Co., Agents. THE McCALMONT OIL CO., Branch Office, 45 Broadway; Corporate Office, 121 4th ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. Mar. 3, 1880, in Pa.; Charter inc. under general law of Pa. of Apr. 29, 1874. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $50; Full paid. Producers of crude petroleum. Producing properties in N. Y. State and Pa. 40,000 acres, Ky., not producing as yet; leased; 4,000 acres, W. Va., not producing as yet; leased; 2,000 acres, N. Y., producing majority in fee; 3,000 acres, Pa., producing majority in fee; total number of wells paying a royalty of %, 350, fee and royalty. Has paid to date $569,666.66, of which $200,000 was stock dividends. No debt. OFrriceErs—David Kirk, Pittsburgh, President; A. H. Tack, Phila., Vice-President; Theo. E. Tack, New York, Secretary and Treasurer. DirECcTORS—David Kirk, Geo. W. Dillworth, J. L. Davidson, Pittsburgh ; A. H. Tack, Phila.; Theo. E. Tack, New York; Frank Tack, Titusville. McCASLIN MACHINE (C0O., General Office, 45 Broadway; Corporate Office, Casleton, Richmond Co. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid: cash, $4,000; property, $16,000. Liabilities other than capital, ¢11,000. ‘Total assets at least $15,000. Drvidends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Charles H. Hunt, President; George S. Humphrey, Treasurer. Drirectors—C. C, King, Charles H. Hunt, George S. Humphrey. ” JAS. F. McCOY CO., Office, 26 Warren st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. June I, 1891, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100: OpyEct—Manufacture and sale of specialties in railway tools and machinery. Plant located at Jersey City. OFFICERS—Jas. F. McCoy, President; E. M. Holton, Secretary and Treasurer. THE McCREARY ELECTRICAL SPECIALTY CO., Branch Office, 136 Lib- erty st.; General and Corporate Office, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Inc. 1890, in aNSY., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $3,000. _OByEcT—Manufacture and control of patents for the production of electrical specialties, etc. Plant, Travers st., Boston, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTors—A. A. McCreary Vice- President and General Manager; C. C. Foster, Secretary and Treasurer. 229 McCULLOUGH IRON CO., 284 Pearl st. Established in 1847 ; Chartered in 1865, under the laws of Md. and Del., where all the works are. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; $450,000, par $100, paid in. Dividends, FOOT» 2° D1 G.,, $9,000, OBJECTS Manufacturing iron, etc. Proprietors of Northeast Forges; Northeast and Shannon Mills, at Northeast, Md.; Minquas Mill, Wilmington, Del.; West Amwell Mill, Elkton, Md.; Octoraro Mill, Rowlandsville, Md.; Charbon Chemical Works, Northeast, Ma.. Plant is as follows: Minquas Iron Works, at Wilmington. Built in 1873, and first put in operation in 1875; 6 single and 2 double puddling furnaces, 2 reverberatory heating furnaces, 3 grate heating furnaces, 3 annealing furnaces, 5 trains of rolls and 1 hammer: product, ‘‘ Harvey’s patent cleaned sheet-iron; annual Capacity, 3,000 net tons. Also, 3 iron works in Cecil county; Northeast Works, at Northeast; West Amwell Works, at Elkton; and Octoraro Works, at Rowlandville. Northeast Works originally built in 1847; 4 single puddling and 6 heating furnaces, 5 trains of rolls and 2 hammers; annual capacity, 3,000 net tons of sheet- and 6,000 tons of bar-iron. West Amwell Works, built in 1847; 3 heating furnaces; 2 trains of rolls ; annual capacity, 1,000 net tons. Abandoned in 1890. Octoraro Works, originally built in 1829; 4 heating furnaces and 2 trains of rolls; annual capacity, 2,000 net tons; product, of all three, sheet-iron for, galvanizing and “ Harvey’s patent cleaned” sheet-iron. Also, Bloomary, ‘‘ Northeast Forge,’’ at Northeast. Built in 1847 and 1875; 18 fires and 2 hammers ; product, charcoal blooms for sheet-iron exclusively, made from pig-iron; annual capacity, 6,000 net tons. OFFICERS—J. L. McDaniel, President ; Enoch McCullough, Vice-President; John W. McCullough, Secretary; Henry Whiteley, Treasurer. C. Mackintosh, N. Y. Agent. McDANIEL & HARVEY (00O., 284 Pearl st.: General and Corporate Office and Works, 16th st. and Washington ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Chartered in 1877, in Penna. Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Dividends 1886, 12% p..Ca none till I89I, 2 p. c. $2,000. OpyEcr—Manufacture and sale of galvanized sheet iron. Sole factors for the McCullough Iron Co. and “ Harvey’s cleaned ”’ sheet iron. STATEMENT, Jan. 1,’ 1892 :— Amount invested in real estate... .......0..sssesseees Sati esx) Veron aga panates «esses eialled fd Picatentieres $158,223 85 Bamounttuivestelin personal property. a Li iit ee igedess eaneleccicee cc ochncasd: 126,437 09g ee eue ro C Of poration and castings vn riay weenie bie inccx ics oe, 57,551 77 Amount of existing demands against Company........c.ccessece ssosssste sesveses ssceveese cose. Pit, 34273 OFFICERS—J. L. McDaniel, President; Enoch McCullough, Vice-President ; Henry Whiteley, Treasurer; D. C. W. McCorkle, Secretary. DirEcTORS—J, L. McDaniel, E. A. Harvey, E, McCullough, W. B. Spear, D. C. W, McCorkle, Geo. W. McCullough, Henry Whiteley, C. Mackintosh, N. Y. Agent. R. McDONALD DRUG CO., General and Corporate Office, 96 Broadway. Inc. iN. Y: Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full Par wCashiens wane bilities other than capital, $500. Total assets at least $10,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—F. S. Edminster, President. CoB; Crocker Secretary. DirEcTors—C. B. Crocker, F. S. Edminster. McDOWELL GARMENT-DRAFTING MACHINE CO., General Office, 6 W. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Albert McDowell, President; William McDowell, Secretary. Directors— Albert McDowell, William McDowell, Charles E. McDowell. A. B. C. MACKEY GUIDE CO., General Office, 48 Duane st, Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, No other information furnished OFFICERS—Catharine A. Mackey, President; Thomas A. O'Keefe, Treasurer. Drirectors—Catharine A. Mackey, Thomas A. O'Keefe, Eugene J. O’Keefe, Aaron E. Harrison, Michael F. McGoldrick. McLAUGHLIN BRAID C0O,, represented by Robert R. McLaughlin, Office, 590 Broadway. Inc. in Paterson, N. J. No information furnished. McLEAN ENGINEERING CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid innot known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No tunded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Embury McLean, President : Ward McLean, Secretary. DirECTORS—Embury McLean, Ward McLean, William C. Phil- brook, J. Rogers Cole. 228 McLEOD CAR HEATING AND VENTILATING CO., Office, 127 Worth st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —JohnS. McLeod, President; Henry Hartley, Secretary. Directors—John 5. McLeod, Henry Hartley, George R. Brine, J. L. Robertson, Robert S. Pettet. MACMAHAN PHARMACAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 172 6th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $3,094. Total assets, $927,79. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—Cyrus Edson, President; Joseph W. Moore, Secretary ; Thomas J. MacMahan, Treasurer. McMAHONE THERMOGRAPH C0O., Office, 35 Liberty st. Inc. Oct. 31, 1889, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Paid in $15,100 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—James W. Hyatt, President; Dennis T. Kelly, Secretary ; John M. Kimmey, Treasurer. DrrEcTORS—James W. Hyatt, Dennis T. Kelly, John D. Kimmey, John P. McMahon, Edward A. Greeley. THE McNAB & HARLIN MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 56 John st. Inc. 1871, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacturers and dealers in plumbers’ brass work, wrought-iron pipe and fittings, plumbers’ and gas fitters’ tools, etc. Plant at Paterson, N.J.; owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— John Harlin, President; John O’Keefe, Secretary; Edward Fifield, Treasurer ; Ava: Merriam, James Maclay. McNAMARA DRY GOODS CO., Office, 503 Broadway. Inc. in Denver, Col. No information furnished. No N. Y. representative. McNEAR PIPE AND FOUNDRY CO., Office, 52 Wall st. Inc. Jan. 11, 1886, in Burlington, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $10,000 at time of commencement of business. No other information furnished. Represented by Theodore Sturges. MACNAUGHTON CO., Office, 212 Church st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1892, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Osject—Wool commission house. Plant, branch in Boston. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jas. Macnaugh- ton, President; Allan Macnaughton, Secretary and Treasurer; Simeon B. Chittenden, Camden C. Dike, A. D. Ellis, Albro J. Newton, Albert H. Sayles. HENRY McSHANE MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 625 6th ave. Inc. in Md. Capital authorized, $1,050,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Julian J.G. McShane, President; Edwin Howland, Secretary; Geo. H. Rodgers, Treasurer. DrrECTORS—Julian J. G. McShane, William McShane, K. McShane, Edwin Howland, Geo. H. Rodgers, Chas. Schmidt, Frank W. Webb, Thomas G. Knight, John A. Merray, Rufus N. Gill, W. Pinckney Whyte, C. J. McCubbin. THE McTEAR FLAX ROOFING CO., Office, 292 Pearl st. Inc. Mar. 12, 1891, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par g10. Entire capital issued for process of manufacture and good-will, and 6,000 shares, par value $10 each placed in treasury for working capital. The manufacture of flax felt for roofing, also for ship sheathing and shoemakers’ felt. The plant is to be erected at St. Paul, Minn. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt.. OrricERs—Jas. E. Pope, Jr., Presi- dent; Geo. McTear, Vice-President. DIREcTORS—Jas. E. Pope, Jr., Geo. McTear, H.S. Pope, Lindley Murray. MACLAY & DAVIES REAL ESTATE (CO., Office, 120 Broadway. Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrriceERs—James E. Granniss, President; Ella A. Conboy, Secretary ; William E. Davies, Treasurer. DirRECTORS— any E. Granniss, William E, Davies, Tunis B. Haring, Isaac W. Maclay, William M. Deen. THE MAGEE ART C0O,, Office, 589 Broadway; Corporate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. No information furnished. Abraham E. Simons, Manager. 229 MAGIC INTRODUCTION CO., Office, 321 Broadway. Inc. Feb. 8, 18go, in Rutherford, N. J. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $100; paid in, $1,000. OxpjEcT—Manufacture of novelties, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Charles S. Upton, President; Elias B. Koopman, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Charles S. Upton, Elias B. Koopman, Joseph E. Kronheimer, Matthew W. Hawes, John W. Baker. MAGNETO-ELECTRIC MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 520 W.35thst. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Alfrederick S. Hatch, President; Redmond Conyngham, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Alfrederick S. Hatch, Geo. W. Weed, William W. Tucker, Elias Green, Noel B. Ginochio, Chas. M. Conyngham, Thomas D. Conyngham. MAGNETIC IRON ORE 0CO., General Office, 12 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Diana, N. Y. Inc. in Diana, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paidin property. Total assets, $523,972.58. Liabilities, loan, $480,000 ; Receipts for year, $132,928.11. Expenditures, $137,326.65. Dividends, ifany, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thomas P. Fowler, President; William S. Benson, Secretary; Robert B. Benson, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—H. E. Collins, R. D. Benson, Samuel Q. Brown, David McKelvy, Charles F. Emerson, John B. Garrett, Ebenezer K, Sibley. MAGNETIC SEPARATOR CO., General Office, 29 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Troy, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; paid in, cash, $23,000; property, $20,000. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $259,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS—Geo. P. Ide, President; John H. Lupper, Treasurer. DirEcTORsS—Wm. H. - Bradford, George P. Ide, John H. Lupper. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION CO., Office, 74 Cortlandt st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Chas. B. Mills, Presi- dent. DrmrREecToRS—S. Victor Curotant, Chas. B. Mills. MAIL AND EXPRESS PUBLISHING CO., Office, 23 Park row. No information furnished. MAHONY ENGINEERING AND SAFETY BOILER C0., Office, 245 Broad- way. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry P. DeVoursney, President; Martin Cassidy, Treasurer. DirEcrors—Henry P. DeVoursney, Martin Cassidy, J. A. Bowman. MAHOPAC IRON ORE CO., Office, 69 Wall st. Inc. in Mahopac, N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Represented by Henri M. Braem. MALCOM BREWING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $232,590.02. Total assets, $546,756.95. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrricErs—G. Malcom, President; A. F. Behre, Treasurer. DrirREcTORS—Claus Doscher, G. Malcom, A. F. Behre. THE MALLINCKRODT CHEMICAL WORKS, Office, 90 William st.; . Corpo- rate Office, St. Louis, Mo. Inc. in Missouri; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjectr—Manufacture of chemicals for medicinal and technical purposes. Plants at St.Louis, Mo., and West Bergen, Jersey City, N. J. Owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- orRs—Edw. Mallinckrodt, President‘'and Treasurer; Emil Mallinckrodt, Jr., Secretary. Henry T. Jarrett, Manager. THE MALLORY-WHEELER CO., Office, 64 Reade st.; Corporate Office, New Haven, Conn. Inc. 1834 in Conn. OpsyeEct—Manufacture of door locks, padlocks and fine builders’ hardware. Plant at New Haven, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFrricERS AND DIREcCTORS—John D. Wheeler, President; F. G. Cooper, Vice-President and Treasurer; F. H. Andrews, Secretary ; W. H. Andrews, Superintendent and Assistant Treasurer ; Chas. W. Andrews, Assistant Superintendent ; Selah B. Strong, Jas. R. Davenport, Russell Davenport, J. B. Davenport. 230 THE MALONE STONE CO., Office, 38 Park row ; General and Corporate Office, Cleveland, O. Inc. Mar. 26, 1889, in Cleveland, O.: Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $40,000, par $25 ; Fullipaid. Opyect—Quarrying ind selling stone. Quarries. at Amherst and Bluestone, O. Dividends, if ‘any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—L. H. Malone, President ; C. O. Malone, Vice-President ; W. S. Norris, Secretary ; J. W. Malone, Treasurer ; J. S. Malone, General Manager. mpl se : JOHN J. MALONE CO., General Office, 54 Pulitzer Building. Inc.in W. Va. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished OFFICERS—John J. Malone, President; Melvin D. Compton, Secretary; William A. Pfingsthorn, Treasurer. DiREcTORS—John J. Malone, Melvin D, Compton, William A. Pfingsthorn, William H. Sterling, Charles A. Reed. THE MALTINE MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 1g Warren st. - Corporate Office, New Brighton, Richmond Co., N.Y. Inc. 1876 in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—The manufacture of con- centrated foods.’ |) Plant at, Yonkers, 'N,, Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrectors—Timothy L. Woodruff, President ; Vincent W. Chapman, Secretary ; Rodney A. Ward, Treasurer. MANAHAN PARCHMENT AND MOTH PAPER WORKS, Office, 6 Reade st. Inc.in N.Y, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Full paid. Liahilities other than capital, $13,250. ‘Total assets at least $18,800. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceERS AND DIRECTORS—Thomas Manahan, President; G. W. E. Manahan, Secretary. THE MANCHESTER WATER CO., Office, 30 Pine st.; Corporate Office, Va. Inc. 1888, in Va., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. OBjecT —Supplying water for city and domestic purposes. Plant at Manchester, Va. Ground owned, and consists of several lots in different sections of the city. Dividends none. No funded debt. Orricers—William Henry White, President: Harry B. Owen, Vice- President ; Clement A. White, Secretary and Treasurer. Drirecrors—William Henry White, Clement A. White, Harry B. Owen. MANHATTAN ART CO., General and Corporate Office, 150 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Enos T. Throop, President; George Enos Throop, Secretary. DIrEcTORS—Enos T. Throop, George Enos Throop, Francis H. Throop. THE MANHATTAN BRASS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 340 E. 28th st- Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid?)< "Lajas bilities other than capital, $399,132.97. Total assets, $433,082.94. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceRs—James H. White, President: Johnaei. Crane, Secretary. DirEcTors—H. H. Hayden, James H. White, John H. Crane. MANHATTAN CHEMICAL CO., Office, 71 W. Broadway. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Joshua M. Carey, President; H. G. K. Heath, Secretary ; Howard Allison, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Joshua M. Careyrer D. Carey, Howard Allison, Benjamin Bunnel, Owen Walsh, Nelson G. Lathrop, W. T. Ludlum. MANHATTAN COAL CO., Office, 261 Broadway. Inc. Oct. 20, 1888, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000, par $100; Paid in, $20,000, No other information furnished. Eugene S. Mower, Agent. MANHATTAN ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, E. 8oth st., cor. East End ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $1,500,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,205,000. Total assets at least $2,657,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—C. L. Burnheim, President; A. C. Burnheim, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—A. Herman, A. C. Burnheim, C. L. Burnheim. i i tie PE 231 MANHATTAN ELECTRICAL SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 36 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N.-Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, property and cash. Liabilities other than capital, $8,000. Total assets at least $19,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—John J. Gorman, President; Harry T. Johnson, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—James Pembroke, John J. Gorman, Harry T. Johnson. MANHATTAN HORSE EQUIPMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 17 Warren st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $20,000; Paid in, $17,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jos. String, Jr., President; Wm. C. Starr, Secretary and Treasurer. THE MANHATTAN INVESTMENT AND CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 93 Nassau st. Inc. 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $10; Paid in, $60,000. Onject—Buying and selling land, building railroads, houses, etc. Owns 61%4 acres land in White Plains, N. Y. ° called Manhattan Park. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—T. C. Gross, President and Treasurer : H. Herschkovitz, Vice-President, Mexico; J. R. Stein, Secretary; D. C. Otis, Julius Apfelbaum, C. Scherer, Mexico. MANHATTAN JEWELRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 590 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $3,000; Paid in, cash, $1,350 property, $1,650. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. BORA LeS iti. COOIS..Seckgunes:cevesiste conn GAP 5 LAGALY oyatcn dx awdannewe ses turicTusck teases oveeseose $9,036 68 HS PC CON ITIAS eee es cink ek noe cn cacteatercaee tts On EO eID ERE CCI DEST eoern ag fetes stie8 osveksavera oa ctygese 32,870 15 PUCK AISStBs CASI. 2.6.'stesccccs ansueus se E215 52% PX PCUONULCSS co scec gh dne we tessans sanceeaye 31,621 94 BPEL CHANCISE, ClCiraccrsssosntst ees itt 3,049 00 $12,537 14 | Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICcERS—Jacob Metzler, President; Max Springer, Secretary. DiIReEcToORS—Albert Blum, Jacob Metzler, Max Springer. MANHATTAN MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 62 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, ae 5,920.88. Totalassetsatleast $301,500. Receipts s year, $557,546.89; Expenditures, $557,546.89. Plantat ManhattanN. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Charles R. Henderson, Pr esident and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Charles R. Henderson, Norman Henderson, W. H. Muse. MANHATTAN MEDICAL AND CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 163 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. Theodore Kraemer, President; Louis E. Walter, Secretary ; Edward Davidoff, Treasurer. DrIREcTORS—J. Theodore Kraemer, Louis E. Walter, Edward Davidoff. MANHATTAN MEDICINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 College pl. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2, 000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. ‘No other information furnished. OFFICERS— John F. Henry, President; L. Delphine ue TLeCasurers MANHATTAN MOLDING CO,, cone and Corporate Office, 619 W. 130th st. | Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10, 000 ; Amount paid in not known. “Div idends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Charles S. Kendall, President; Robert R. Pero, Secretary. DIREcToRS—Charles S. Kendall, Robert R. Pero. MANHATTAN OIL CO., General Office, 51 Front st. Inc. inN.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Paid in, cash, $50,000; property, $250,000. ; Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $61,000. Dividends, if ie, -_‘-notascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—P. M. Millspaugh, President; John A F Claussman, Treasurer. DrIrRECTORS—C. H. Raymond, P. M. Milspaugh, John A, Claussman. 232 MANHATTAN OPERA GLASS SUPPLY CO., General Office, 3 Union sq. W. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERS— Sigmund Lorsch, President; William J. Howey, Secretary; Wm. J. McFarland, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Sigmund Lorsch, James W. Patterson, George Holmes, W. Horton Baker, William J. Howey, John C. Day. MANHATTAN PAPER BOX CO., General Office, 131 Bowery. No infor- . mation furnished. MANHATTAN PIE BAKING CO., General Office, 5 Cannon and 540 Grand sts. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— John Steingester, President; Henry F. Quast, Secretary. D1rECrors—John Steingester, Henry F. Quast, Charles Bock. MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 110 Leonard st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $750,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Samuel B. Babcock, President; George P. Slade, Treasurer. THE MANHATTAN REAL ESTATE CO., Office, 114 Nassau st. Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. July 1, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $10; Full paid. Oxsyecr—General real estate. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFriceRs AND Drrecrors--Walter R. Lord, President : G. R. Moore, Vice-President and Treasurer ; P. Campaigniac, Jr. MANHATTAN RUBBER C0O.,, Office, 335 Broadway. Inc. in Setauket, N. Y. No information furnished. Edward L. Hearsey, Agent. MANHATTAN SHADE CLOTH CO,, Office, foot E. 135th st. Inc. in N. J. No information furnished. OFrric—ERS—William W, Fouehe, President; John L. Marony, Secretary. MANHATTAN SHOE CO., General and Corporate Office, 131 Duane st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFIcERS——Wil- liam B. Rice, President; E. Parker Pond, Secretary. DIRECTORS—William B. Rice, E. Parker Pond, George M. Rice, H. L. Rice. THE MANHATTAN SILVER PLATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 23 John st. Inc. 1868 in Lyons, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000 ; Full paid. Assets, $122,850.97; liabilities, $103,972.58. Silver-plated hollow ware. Plant in Lyons, N. Y. Leased. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—O. F. Thomas, President; D. S, Chamberlain, Secretary. D1irRECTORS— O. F. Thomas, D. S. Chamberlain, Orlando F. Thomas. 'Thomas Fogarty, Manager N.-Y. Office. MANHATTAN S. S. CO., Office, 95 Broad st.: Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1891 in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsject—Water transportation for freight or passengers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Jefferson Hogan, President; Chas. W. Hogan, Vice-President; Arthur F. Hogan, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Jefferson Hogan, Chas. W. Hogan, Arthur F. Hogan, John N. Robins, Edward G. Burgess. MANHATTAN STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO., General and Corporate Office, Lexington ave., cor. E. 42d st. and 7th ave., cor. W. 52d st. Inc. in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,009; Paid in cash, $1,287,000. Liabilities other than capital, $582,000. Total assets at least $1,870,000. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. Orricers—Lawrence Wells, President; Adrian Iselin, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. TRustTEES—Lawrence Wells, William Jay, Adrian Iselin. MANHATTAN SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 141 Chambers st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000: Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Rowland A. Robbins, President; Emot Seward, Secretary ; Randall P. Barron, Treasurer. DirEcTOoRS—Rowland A. Robbins, James F. Mcllvaine, Emot Seward, Randall P. Barron, Henry M. Barron, William H. Barron. 233 MANHATTAN THERAPEUTIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Murray st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Walter B. Wills, President; George R. Robertson, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Walter B. Wills, George R. Robertson, Edwin F. Jones, Charles W. Hooke. MANHATTAN TRADING CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 20, 1890, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxnyect—Negotiation, sale and exchange of real estate property, merchandise and securities, making advances upon same, and the transaction of business generally con- nected therewith. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. W. Carner, President; Louis Hills, Secretary ; J. F. Ward, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wnm. W. Carner, Barton B. Ward, Louis Hills, J. F. Ward, Walter Soule. MANHATTAN TRANSPORTATION CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $7,402. Total assets at least $8,300. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Thomas P. Fowler, President. DIRECTORS— Nelson De Peyster, James B. Irwin. MANHATTAN TYPE FOUNDRY, General Office, 52 Frankfort st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Frederick Vanwyck, President ; Charles H. Martini, Secretary. DirecTrors—Frederick Vanwyck, Charles H. Martini. MANHATTAN UMBRELLA CO., General and Corporate Office, 275 Church st. No information furnished. THE MANHATTAN WATCH CO., General Office, 234 Broadway ; Corporate Office, N. Bennington, Vt. Inc. May, 1883, in Vt. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Arthur O. Jennings, President; F. B. Jennings, Vice-President ; Philip B. Jennings, Secretary and Treasurer. D1recrors—Arthur O. Jennings, Philip B. Jennings, Trenor io Park, Gi stevens; fie be Baxter MANNECK MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 168 S. 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,500; Full paid, cash $2,500. Liabilities other than capital, $26,010. Total assets at least $28,600. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—J. Dwight Wilhams, President; J. Day Otis, Treasurer. D1recrors—Frank H. Otis, J. Day Otis, J. Dwight Williams. MANOR PARK LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 155 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Jacob I. Housman, President ; Edward P. Doyle, Treasurer. DrrEcToRS—Jacob I. Hous- man, Edward P. Doyle, Otto Ahlmann, Nathaniel Niles. MANUAL PUBLISHING CO., Office, 834 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Sylvester L. Lane, and Williams V. Martin, N. Y. Managers. MANUFACTURERS’ AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO,, Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000: Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $52,687.53. Total assets, $152,787.83. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—John Hunter, President ; Clarence V. Kel- logs, Treasurer. D1rreEcToRS—C. E. Loomis, John Hunter, Clarence V. Kellogg. oS? MANUFACTURERS’ FIRE EQUIPMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office, 155 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—David P. W. McMuliin, President ; Frederick C. Albrecht, Secretary ; Charles A. Hill, Treasurer. Drrecrors—David P. W. McMullin, George A. Stanton, Edward C. Anderson, Frederick C. Albrecht, Charles A. Hill. MANUFACTURERS’ GOVERNOR 00O., Office, 25 John st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $5,000; Amount paidin notknown. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Augustus P. Mc- Graw, Agent. 234 MANUFACTURERS’ PAPER CO., General Office, 41 Park row; Corporate Office, Luzerne, Warren Co., N. Y. Inc. 1884, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $50; Full paid. Liabilities, $340,000. Total assets, $400,000. Manufacturing of paperand pulp. Plantat Luzerne, N. Y. Branch offices at Chicago, Philadelphia and Detroit. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND D1IRECTORS—A. Pagenstecher, President ; K. B. Fullerton, Secretary ; W. G. Kimball, Treasurer. MANUFACTURERS’ PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 150 5th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, loan, $2,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Receipts for year, $300. Expenditures, $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—George G. Saxe, President; George G. Saxe, Jr., Secretary. TRUSTEES. —George G. Saxe, Gilbert K. Harroon, Jr., Erhardt Knauer, Jr. MANUFACTURING INVESTMENT (CO., Office, 15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. Oct. 18, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100; Paid in, $600,000. OpjEcT— Manufacturing wood pulp. Annual Meeting and Election, 4th Thurs. in Oct. Plants located at Apple- ton, Wis., and Madison, Wis., and consists of pulp factories, employing about 350 hands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. FUNDED DEBT $500,000, Ist mtge. $1,000, 6s; mature 1896. N.Y. Security, L. and T. Co., trustee. Can be paid at any time. OFFICERS—William C. Whitney, President; C.S. Hayes, Vice-President : Benj. Frick, Secretary and Treasurer. D1reEcToRS—William C. Whitney, Oliver H. Payne, H. McK. Twombly, H. Pierpont Morgan, George G. Haven, Frederick Frelinghusen, Samuel D. Babcock, Don. M. Dickinson, R. S. Hayes. MAPLE GROVE CEMETERY, General and Corporate Office, 1273 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William S. Cogswell, Presi- dent ; Charles S. Goodwin, Secretary ; Henry R. Heath, Treasurer. DirEcrors— William S. Cogswell, Ferris S. Thompson, Henry R. Heath, Charles S. Goodwin, John H. Sutphin, D. C. McEwen. THE MARACAIBO ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., Corporate Office in Maricabo. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. OpjeEcT—To carry on an electric light company in foreign parts, viz.: in Maricaibo, Venezuela. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. HANG in seis fattse ees yiscrs West Eee TLE ach $20,500 4 Receipts tor yeatwed.. nk eee $36,000 DAO CHLIGT Ve Pctycer, meee see uate beastie OD 000 a slexpenditures vn wuthecbusu, ene Madenue 18,230 Cash and debts receivable ............0.. 1,000 Nf oa ALETI AIS TOLC st nents acany oleracces 1,200 Baten tare tiis: cea te. satited s asceocs oe 1,500 $126, 500 Dividends none. OFFICERS—Gustav Riedel, President; F. Soto, Vice-President ; Alexander VanGoeben, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—G., Riedel, F. Soto, Fred Koch, Alberto Estradl, Alex. VonGoeben. 3 MARBLE CEMETERY, Office, 67 2d st. No information furnished. OFFICERS - —Alexander Maitland, President; Erasmus Sterling, Secretary. MARBLE AND ENAMEL MOSAIC CO-OPERATIVE CO., General Office, 318 ei aA CY ists) iC. in) uN a Ys Capital authorized, $2,800: Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Luigi Dapaoli, President; Giacomo Despirt, Secretary; Luigi Pasquali, Treasurer. DrIrREcTORS—Giovanni Devenuti, Giuseppe Depaoli, David Bonin, Guiseppo Rossini, Luigi Pasquali. MARBLE & SHATTUCK CHAIR 00., Office, 20 E. 18th st: Inc. in Bedford, O. No information furnished. James W. Wheelock, N. Y. Agent. MARCHAL & SMITH PIANO CO., General and Corporate Office, 235 E. 21st st. Inc.in N. Y.. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Robert W. Smith, President; George E. L'Hommedieu, Secretary. Drrecrors— Robert W. Smith, George E. L’Hommedieu, Orlando Smith. a , —s — 9) 23 L. MARCOTTE & CO., General and Corporate Offices, 298 5th ave. and 158 W. 32d st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Fanny R. Herzog, President ; Frederick S. Wait, Secretary ; Charles R. Ecklin, Treasurer. THE MARINE CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricersS—-Charles R. Truex, 136 Liberty st. H. R. Parish, Treasurer. DirRECTORS—C. W. Carritt, Charles R. Truex, H. R. Parish. MARINE JOURNAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 132 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $4,200. Total assets at least $4,300. OByecr—Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Samuel Samuels, President; Edward G. Black, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—George L. Norton, Edward G. Black, Samuel Samuels. THE MARITIME CANAL CO,, of Nicaragua, General Office, 44 Wallst. Inc. Feb. 20, 1889, by Act of Congress of United States, approved that date; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000,000, par ¢100. Plant principally in Nicaragua. No dividends yet paid. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—Hiram Hitchcock, President; Charles P. Daly, Vice-President; Thomas B. Atkins, Secretary and reastrver. DIRECTORS firanl = fitchcock, «N.Y. Chas. P, Daly, N/Y.; Horace L. Hotchkiss, N. Y.; Alex. T. Mason, N. Y.; James B. Eustis, La.; Daniel Ammen, D. C.; A. B. Darling, N. Y.; Franklin Fairbanks, Vt.; C. Ridgley Goodwin, Md. ; Jos. Bryan, Va.; James Roosevelt, N. Y.; Henry E. Howland, N. Y.; Horatio Guznian, Nicaragua; Thomas B. Atkins, N. Y. MARITIME CO., Limited., 3 Broad st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,000. Total assets at least $123,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —John F. Zebley, 3 Broad st., President; Frederick F. Margnand, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—James Craig, John F. Zebley, Frederick F. Margnand. MARITIME REGISTER PUBLISHING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 91 Maiden la. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $90,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—John R. Smith, President; William F. Smith, Secretary; Arthur Bender, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—John R. Smith, Wm. F. Smith, Arthur Bender. MARITIME SULPHITE FIBRE (C0O., Limited, Office, 74 Wall st. Inc. ‘in Chatham, N. B. No information furnished. George Hamilton, Agent. MARKS’ ADJUSTABLE FOLDING-CHAIR CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 930 Broadway and 405 E. 23d st. Inc. in N. Y, Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frank R. Marks, President ; Robert K. Thompson, Secretary. DrIreEcTORS—George Weber, Robert K. Thompson, Nathaniel B. Harmon, Frank R. Marks, Evan G. Sherman. MARLBOROUGH HOTEL CO., General and Corporate Office, 1355 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid, in property. Total assets and liabilities, $400,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiIrREcCTORS—Levi R. Greene, President; Chas. H. Garland, Secretary ; Louis G. Todd, Treasurer. MARSHALL BASIN MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $240,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $16,000. Mining claims, value not stated. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—W. G. Dominick, 74 and 348 Broadway, President; Justin A. Edwards, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —C. C. Savage, W. G. Dominick, Justin A. Edwards. MARSH ELEVATOR CO., Office, 237 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $50 000, par $100 ; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacturing elevators. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Company at present entirely in hands of W. H. Marsh. OFFICERS AND DireEcTORS—Dudley S. Steele, President; William H. Marsh, Secretary and Treasurer. 230 MARTHA WASHINGTON FLOUR CO., General and Corporate Office, ‘124 Charles st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John H. Cheever, President; Joseph H. Strange, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Charles B. Caldwell, John R. Wright, John H. Cheever, Joseph H. Strange. T. MARTIN & BROTHER MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 108 Worth st. Inc in Mass. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt No other information furnished. OFFICERS —William Martin, President; John O. Fryer, Secretary ; Thomas Martin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William Martin, Thomas Martin, Henry Martin, John O. Fryer, Alfred Hopkins. THE MARTIN BROWN (CO., Office, 34 Thomas st.; Corporate Office, Fort Worth, Tex. Inc. Apr. 13, 1883, in Tex.; Charter 20 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100. Paid in $185,000, par $100. Surplus fund, $120,344.99. OBjECT—To import and export, and do a wholesale business in dry goods, notions, etc., at Fort Worth, Tex.; lease 7-story building, covering 50 x 100 feet ground. Dividends, 1op.c. Paid Feb. rst. Previous years, 12 p. c. No funded debt. OrFicERs— Sidney Martin, President; I. Goldberg, Vice-President; J. C. Phelan, Secretary: H. J. Goldberg, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Sidney Martin, I. Goldberg, James Harrison, H. Goldberg, L. Goldberg. Israel Goldberg, Agent. WILLIAM C. MARTIN PRINTING HOUSE, Office, 111 John st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James B. Ford, President; Thomas C. Cosmus, Secretary; S. Hastings Grant, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James B. Ford, John Howard Latham, Charles Holt, Charles A. Munger, S. Hastings Grant, T. Scott DeWolfe, Thomas C. Cosmus. MARTIN PROCESS FIRE PROOFING PAINT CO., General and Corporate Office, 162 W. 27th st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $30,000. Total assets at least $3,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Chas. W. Spear, President: L. A. DaCunha, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Roland Onffray, Chas. W. Spear, L. A. DaCunha. MARYLAND AND DELAWARE SHIP CANAL CO., Office, 35 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Baltimore. Inc. 1872, in Md. and Del.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100; Paid in $2,175,000. OBjEcT—Construction of a canal uniting the waters of the Chesapeake and Delaware bays, shortening the water- way from Baltimore to the ocean, saving about 224 miles for vessels going north. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, OFFICERS—Louis S. Phillips, Presi- dent; A, D. Palmer, Vice-President : John O. Stevens, Secretary; John Mullaly, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Louis S. Phillips, John O. Stevens, Appleton D. Palmer, John Mullaly, Henry W. Leroy, Norvin Green, Joseph Biggs, Julian J. Alexander, Robert iF Derickson, MARYLAND STEEL CO., Office, 2 Wall'st. General Offices; 208 “Si ath wate Philadelphia; 70 Kilby st., Boston. Corporate Office, Sparrows Point, Baltimore Co., Md. Inc. June 27, 1891, in Maryland: Charter Perpetual. | Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Entirely owned by the Pennsylvania Steel Co. Plant, located at Sparrows Point, consists of four furnaces, A, B, C and D, begun Aug., 1887, and com- pleted 1889, 1890 and 1891. First stack blown in in Nov., 1889. Each has 4 Whitwell stoves. Ore derived from Juragua Iron Co. and elsewhere : product, Bessemer pig-iron. Annual capacity, 400,000 net tons; also rolling mill and steel works. Built in 1890, 1891. 2 20-ton Bessemer converters, 48 soaking pits, 1 34-inch blowing mill, and 1 26-inch rail train. Product, standard sections of rails. Annual capacity, 300,000 net tons. A plant for shipbuilding purposes is now being erected. FUNDED DEBT— Created, issued and outstanding, $2,000,000. Ist mtge. currency, registered 5s, $1,000 each, F. & A., dated Feb. 1, 1892, due Feb. 1, 1922, free of all State and U.S. taxes ; guaranteed principal and interest by the Pennsylvania Steel Co. These bonds were offered by Pennsylvania Steel Co. to its stockholders on Feb. I, 1892, and payable in four instalments, Mar., Apr., May and June, 1892. Bonds secured upon all property and franchises, consisting of real estate, blast furnaces, Bessemer plant, rail mill, ship yard, etc., costing upwards of $5,500,000. Trustee, Girard Life Ins., Annuity and Trust Co. OFFICERS—F. W. Wood, President; Edmund N., Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. DireEctors—F. W. Wood, Luther S. Bent, Walter S. Franklin, Rufus K. Wood, Edgar C. Felton. Represented by Stephen W. Baldwin. 237 MASCOTTE INVALIDS’ LIFTING CHAIR CO., General and Corporate Office, 23 W. 42d st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George S. Bowen, President; Philip B. Tingley, Secretary ; Catharine A. Tingley, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—George S. Bowen, Philo B. Tingley, Catharine A. Tingley, Robert Gunn, William H. Chaddock, Milton A. Rathbun, Margaret J. Howe. MASON STABLE CO., Limited, Offices, 4 E. 28th st., 74 E. 78th st., 253 and 436 Columbus ave., 121 W. 3Ist st., 1202 Broadway and Amsterdam ave., cor. W. 77th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Stephen H. Mason, President; Charles B. Mason, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Stephen H. Mason, Charles B. Mason, Stephen H. Mason, Jr. MASSACHUSETTS RUBBER CO., Office, 335 Broadway. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Edward L. Hearsey, Agent. MASSASOIT MANUFACTURING CO., Branch Office, 86 Leonard st.; Cor- porate Office, Fall River, Mass. Factories, Fall River, Mass., owned, and Oakdale, Conn., leased. Inc. Jan., 1882, in Mass.; Charter under general laws. Capital author- ized, $50,000, par $100; Surplus, $100,000; Full paid. Opsyect—Manufacturing of cotton waste of all kinds for railroad, steamboat and shop use. Cotton batting, mops, wicks, quilted stair pads, spun cotton, etc. Contractors for cotton mill waste, paper stock and bagging. Dividends 6p.c. per ann. No funded debt. Orricers—Frank L. Palmer, President; Wendell E. Turner, Treasurer and Manager. DIRECTORS—Frank L. Palmer, Edward A. Palmer, William H. Turner, George S. Palmer, Wendell E. Turner. MATCHLESS METAL POLISH CO., Office, 83 William st. Inc. in Chicago, ° Ill. No information furnished. William B. Volger, N. Y. Agent. WILLIAM J. MATHESON & CO,, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 178 Front st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— William J. Matheson, President; Benjamin D. Bacon, Secretary. MATTAWA MINING AND SMELTING CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Fullpaid. Liabilities other than capital, $25,000. Total assets at least $23,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert W. Chapin, Io Park pl., President; Edmund Coffin, Jr., Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William D. Sloane, Robert W. Chapin, Edmund Coffin, Jr. ‘MATTHEWS DECORATIVE GLASS CO., General and Corporate Office, 328 E. 26th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in cash. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Cash and debts receivable............. SOCO Toms OLNeR (Nan Capitalins cities dsasccaseses $20,398 43 Manufacturers’ materials, etc........ 44,000 00 MPR TIL ELBPILG i vasyich seassavedyssdétserseeyy | LAS GO@LOO TIS COL ATC OUG, case cvcescirespae oavstsnessots 16,617. 42 $63,777 58 Receipts for the year, $122,909.47 ; Expenditures, $123,180.89. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP CO,, General Office, 280 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Buffalo. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, cash, $205,000. Liabilities other than capital, $76,000. Total assets at least $292,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— George E. Matthews, President; Charles E. Austin, Treasurer, DIREcTORS—Wilham P. Northrup, Charles E. Austin, George E. Matthews. MATTSON RUBBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 8 College pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry Lemmermann, President; John Behrens, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Henry Lemmermann, John Behrens, Eide H. Heines. 238 MAUSOLEUM (0,, General and Corporate Office, 874 Broadway. No information furnished. THE MAXWELL CITY DEVELOPMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. 1891, in New Mexico.; Charter full limit as to the territorial laws. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $10; Full paid. OxpjeEct—Acquiring and owning lands for town and city development. Plant at Maxwell City, Colfax Co:, New Mexico. No dividends. No funded debt. Orricers—H. M. Lermondt, President: M. C. Hyatt, Secretary and Treasurer. D1irEcTORS—H. M. Lermondt, M. C. Hyatt, Wm. Raymond Baird, Edward S. Warren. MAXWELL LAND GRANT CO., Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in Holland. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Rudolph V. Martinsen, President ; Samuel L. Parrish, Secretary. TRuUSTEES—Rudolph V. Martinsen, Samuel L. Parrish, James L, DeFremery, Frank Springer, Henry M. Porter, Martinus P. Pels. DAVID MAYER BREWING CO., General Office, 3560 3d ave. and 1235 2d ave Inc.ine NAYS (Statement, Janet, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid, cash, $100,000. Total assets and liabilities, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErRs—David Mayer, President: Maurice Mayer, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Harry Mayer, David Mayer, Maurice Mayer. MAYER POTTERY MANUFACTURING 00., Office, 21 College pl. Inc. in ‘Trenton, N. J. No information furnished. Julius Wolff, N. Y. Agent. MAYOR LANE C0., General and Corporate Office, 119 Walker, and 42 Mott st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. No other infor- mation furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— George Lane, President; Louis F. Merian, Secretary ; Victor A. Harder, Treasurer, TRUSTEES—George Lane, Louis F. Merrian, Victor A. Harder. THE MAY MINING CO,, Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan.1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $90,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS—Jacob Lorrillard, 94 Liberty st., President ; Edward Selleck, Treasurer. DiRECTORS—E. V. Loew, Jacob Lorrillard, Edward Selleck. MAYWOOD BROWN STONE C0O., Office, 198 Broadway. Inc. Sep. 30, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $10; Paid in $1,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—E. McDonald Reynolds, President; Perrine H. Sumner, Secretary; Miner D. Randall, Treasurer. DirEcrors—S. E. Reynolds, E. McDonald Reynolds, Miner D. Randall, J. Sturges Randall, Arthur E. Sumner, Perrine H. Sumner. MECHANICAL GOLD EXTRACTOR CO., General Office, 47 Broadway ; Cor- porate Office, Jersey City. Inc. May 1892, in N.J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital author- ized, $350,000, par $100; Full paid. OxspjEcT—Introduction and employment of the Crawford Patent Gold Extractor, in a percentage of over 50 of assayed value. Plant, cor. Banks and Greenwich sts., N. Y., and manufactory at Chicago. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Erastus Wiman, President; Jas. W. Hughes, Vice-President; Wm. O. Ross, Secretary and Treasurer; Jacob Cram, Hugh M. Morrow. MEDICAL MONTHLY PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 23 Vandewater st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000 ; Paid in cash, $2,000. Total assets and liabilities other than capital, $1,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Dr. Max Einhorn, President; Charles Kahler, Secretary and Treasurer. MEDICAL OXYGEN COMPOUND C0., Office, 498 3d ave. Inc. in N. iB Capital authorized, $4,000; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George B. Dowling, President; Harry P. Nichols, Secretary. DIREcTORS—George B. Dowling, Harry P. Nichols, F. William Hunter, John C. Hume, George D. Nichols. MEDICO-LEGAL JOURNAL ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 57 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000; Full paid in cash $2,000. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, OFFICERS AND DirRECTORS—William G. Davies, Presi- dent; Charles Bell, Treasurer; Morritz Ellinger. “—~) se 239 MEDITERRANEAN AND NEW YORK S§.8. CO., Limited, Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Liverpool, Eng. No information furnished. Phelps Brothers & Co., Agents. MEDLICOTT-MORGAN CO., General and Corporate Office, 113 Duane st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James C. Cooley, President; Henry J. Straukamp, Secretary; Henry M, Morgan, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—James C. Cooley, Henry J. Straukamp, William B. Medlicott. MELLERT FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO., Limited, Office, 160 Broadway. Inc. in Reading, Pa. Capital ¢90,000; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. John Fox, Agent. THE MELLOR & RITTENHOUSE CO., 12 Gold st. General and Corporate Office, 214 N. 22d st., Phila. Capital, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Statement, Sept. I, 1891: Real estate, $26,500; personal property, $88,727.05; debts due Company, $8,900.88 ; total, $118,127.93: debts due by Company, $63 747.92. OFFICERS—Alfred Mellor, President : Wm. Ridgeby, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Alfred Mellor, Robert Coleman, Jr., Edward Mellor. H. Rutherford, Agent. MENORAH PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 529 Temple ct. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Morris Adler, President; Sigmund Hamburger, Secretary; Solomon Sulzberger, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Morris Adler, Julius Bien, Sigmund Hamburger, Adolph Hirsh, Joseph Morningstar, Samuel D. Seward, Solomon Sulzberger. MERCANTILE AGENCY CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 18, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrriceErs—Edward L. Spencer, President; R. Pitcher Woodward, Secretary ; Ed. Marshall Grout, Treasurer. DIREcT- ors—Edward L. Spencer, R. Pitcher Woodward, Ed. Marshall Grout, Spencer Aldrich, Austin Dall, Frederick C. Wolbert, Marshall J. McErnerny. MERCANTILE AND INSURANCE AGENCY, Office, 291 Broadway. Inc. Oct. 7, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par g100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirREcTORS—Havilah D. McBurney, President; Marinus P. Meilby, Secretary. MERCANTILE CLOAK CO., Office, 97 Prince st. Inc.in N. J. Capital author- ized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Solomon Plant, President ; Samuel Kahn, Secretary ; Louis Mandel, Treasurer. DiRECTORS—Solomon Plant, Louis Mandel, Samuel Kahn, Ralph Plant. MERCANTILE CO., Office, 320 Broadway. No information furnished. MERCANTILE CREDIT GUARANTEE CO., General and Corporate Office, 291 Broadway. Inc. 1892 in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $150,000. OsjEcT—To guarantee merchants against expensive loss by reason of bad debts. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. OrricERs— William M. Deen, President; Jos. R. Pitcher, Vice-President; C. Vincent Smith, Secre- tary; Jas. E. Granniss, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Jas. E. Granniss, William H. Male, Jas. R. Pitcher, Siegmand J. Bach, E. C. Converse, Benjamin L. Brigg, G. Gunby Jordan, Leopold Herzig, William M. Deen, C. Vincent Smith. MERCANTILE CREDIT LEAGUE., General and: Corporate Office, 120 Broad- way. Inc.in N. Y.’ No information furnished. Henry G. Harris, Manager. THE MERCANTILE INSURANCE AGENCY CO,, General Office, 591 Broad- way; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1888 in N. J.;-Charter, 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjyect—Reporting and collections; general law business. Dividends are paid, but rate not furnished. OFFICcERS—H.D. McBurney, President; M. P. Mielby, Secretary; E. L. McBurney, Treasurer. D1IrRECTORS—AII officers ex officto. 240 THE MERCER MINING CO. Inc. injN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Assets, mining property in Colorado. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— W. H. Whiton, 177 Broadway, President; A. L. Whiton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— W. H. Whiton, L. C. Whiton, S. S. Whiton. MERCHANTS’ AND MANUFACTURERS’ LAW AND COLLECTING AGENCY, General and Corporate Office, 200 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry C. Banks, Presi- dent; Arthur A. Anderson, Secretary; Henry G. Conklin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— James T. Williamson, William Shrady, Walter W. Livingston, Howard E. Sinclair, Elwood Montague, Paul C. Archer. MERCHANTS’ LIGHTERAGE C0O., Office, 19 Whitehall st. Inc. Apr. 8, 1882, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Amount paid in not furnished. OpyecT—General lighterage. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Andrew J. Wight, President; James 5S. Wight, Secretary and Treasurer. DirRECTORS—Andrew J. Wight, Jas. S. Wight, Jesse Benton, Oliver C. Wilson. MERCHANTS’ REAL ESTATE CO., Office, 61 Worth st. Inc.in N.Y. Capi- tal authorized, $400,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jacob Wendell, Presi- dent; Frederick A. Angell, Secretary; Gordon Wendell, Treasurer. MERCHANTS’ STEAMBOAT CO., Office, Pier 24 (new) N. R. Inc. Jan. 3, 1881, in Red Bank, N. J.; Charter expires Dec. 23, 1930. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Certificate of increase of capital to $51,200 filed June 8, 1881. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James S. Throckmorton, President ; John S. Throckmorton, Secretary. DiIrRECTORS—James S. Throckmorton, Charles E. Throckmorton, John S. Throckmorton, James C. Parker. MERCHANTS’ TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, Pier 18, E.R. Inc. Feb. 6, 1855, in Trenton, N. J. On Apr. 17, 1888, capital was reduced from $75,000 to $37,500 by reducing par value of shares from $100 to $50 per share. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Horace B. Hitchcock, N. Y. Agent. THE MERIDEN BRITANNIA CO., Office, 46 East 14th st. Inc. in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,100,000, par $25; Full paid. OByeEctT—Manu- facture of electro gold and silver plated ware. Plant at Meriden, 5 acres; owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Isaac C. Lewis, President; George H. Wilcox, Secretary ; George R. Curtis, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Isaac C. Lewis, George R. Curtis, D. B. Hamilton, George Rockwell, George H. Wilcox, George M. Curtis, C. Berry Peets, F. P. Wilcox, . THE MERIDEN BRONZE CO,, General and Corporate Office, Meriden, Conn. ; Branch Office, 30 Park pl., N. Y. Inc. July 1, 1882, in Meriden, Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $6,500, par $25. OBject—Manufacture of lamps, brass goods, tea bells, etc. Plant at Meriden, Conn.; owned. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFrricers—A. H. Jones, President; Wm. E. Gard, Secretary and Treasurer. DiREcroRS—A. H. Jones, Wm. E. Gard, W. H. Lyon, John V,'Cox, H. Wales Lines. THE MERIDEN CUTLERY CO,, Office, 80 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Meriden, Conn. Inc..1855, in Conn. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $400,000, par $25; Full paid. Oxsjectr—Manufacture of table cutlery. Plant at Meriden, Conn. Wooden buildings; main building, 4oo feet long, 4 stories high, 50 feet wide; owned; all water power; 3 acres covered. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—A. S. Collins, President; H. A. Curtis, Secretary; George M. Howell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—A. S. Collins, John Allen, A. Chamberlin, Walter Hubbard, J. L. Billard, F. P. Wilcox, J. M. Gildersleeve, G. M. Howell, H. A. Curtis. James M. Gildersleeve, Manager, N. Y. MERIDEN SILVER PLATE CO,, Office, 30 E. 14th st. Inc. in Meriden, Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- panee ‘No funded debt. No other information furnished. Adelbert A. Webster, N. Y. anager. 241 MERIDIAN MINING AND MILLING CO,, 48 Exchange pl. Inc. inN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid; property, $149,500; cash, $500. Liabilities other than capital, $5,500. Total assets at least $15,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Paul Lichtenstein, 48 Exchange pl., President; Willam E. Mantins, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Oscar Yenni, Paul Lichtenstein, Wm. E. Mantins. ‘MERRICK THREAD CO., Office, 23 Thomas st.; Corporate Office, Holyoke, Mass. Inc.in Holyoke, Mass. Capital, $750,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Herbert F. Palmer, Agent. MERRILL & WEHRLE CHARCOAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 548 W. 25th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS-—Warren M. Merrill, President; Frederick J. Wehrle, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Warren M. Merrill, Frederick J. Wehrle. WILLIAM S. MERRILL CHEMICAL CO., Office, 96 Maiden la. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. No information furnished. Charles A. Holmes, N. Y. Manager. MERRIMACK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 61 Worth st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Wheelwright, Eldredge & Co., Agents. THE MERRITT MANUFACTURING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Paid in $70,000. Liabilities other than capital, $12,395.99. Total assets, $56,315.14. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—M. G. Merritt, President; A. J. Smith, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— A.J. Smith, Wm. F. Callender. W. T. MERSEREAU CO., Office, 39 Union sq. Inc. in N. J. Capital author- ized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—Ers—William T. Mersereau, President; Jacob Mersereau, Secretary. DIREcTORS—William T. Mersereau, Jacob Mersereau, Frank M. Leavitt. THE MERWIN & CO., Office, 246 5th ave. Inc. in Conn. ° Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Tailors. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Berkeley R. Merwin, President; Jonathan M. Bishop, Secretary. DIREcTORS—Edward P. Merwin, Berkeley R. Merwin, Jonathan M. Bishop. MERY UNIVERSAL EXTRACTOR AND CONSTRUCTION CO., General Office, 788 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $78,700. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Louis Fleischmann, President. Di1rRECTORS—Gustave Fleischmann, Edward N. Cook, Louis Fleischmann. THE MESSEMBRIA MINERAL AND TIMBER C0O,, Office, 150 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Milwaukee, Wis. Inc. 1888, in Wis.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $10. OBjECT—Mining and dealing in iron ores and other ores, etc. Mines and timber in Northern Wis, No dividends. No funded debt. Orrt- CERS—Edwin Holmes, President; W. C. Humstone, Ist Vice-President; E. T. Holmes, 2d Vice-President; Thos. F. Clark, Secretary; Chas. A. Tinker, Treasurer. DIRECT- oRS—Edwin Holmes, W. C. Humstone, E. T. Holmes, Thos. F. Clark, Chas. A. Tinker, Alfred Weller, W. M. Martin, Jos. Merrihew, Willard Brown. METAL AND GLASS ETCHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 80 Broad- way. Inc.inN.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS _ AND Drrectrors—D. M. Monjo, President; E. L. Bushe, Secretary ; Nicholas F. Monjo, Treasurer. METALITHIC PAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. Nofunded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—H. Victor Gause, President ; George F. Benton, Secretary. DiIRECcToRS—H. Victor Gause, J. Taylor Gause, ‘George W. Hall, George F. Benton, Benjamin G. Hann, William T. Tomlinson, Henry B. B. Stapler. 16 242 METALLIC CAP MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 35 Broadway. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, ¢10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Henry 5. Chapman, President; Frank K. Brewster, Secretary. DirEcrors—Henry S. Chapman, Frank K. Brewster. METALLIC WEATHER STRIP CO., General and Corporate Office, 74 W. 23d st. No information furnished. Charles R. Vincent, President. METAL STAMPING CO., General and Corporate Office, 408 E. 32d.st.. Inenin N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities . other than capital, $2,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrricERS—Robert Loercher, President; John F. Galvin, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert Loercher, John F, Galvin, Peter Cook. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CEMETERY, General and Corporate Office, 456 E. Houston st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles Meytrott, President; Charles Boetger, Secretary ; Frederick Haus- childt, Treasurer. DIRECTORS: —Charles Meytrott, Charles Boetger, Frederick Haus- childt, George C. Stehl, John Meytrott, Sebastian Weiffenbach, Frederick Plate, Leonard Schmidt, Frederick Knoechel. METROPOLIS REAL ESTATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Union sq., W. Inc.in N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS—John D. Quincy, President ; Louis Wendel, Jr., Secretary. METROPOLITAN AND RURAL HOME CO,, General and Corporate Office, 34 Vesey st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $6,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Platt C. Reynolds, President; Joseph Luckey, Secretary. DIRECcTORS—Platt C. Reynolds, Joseph Luckey, John M. Ives. METROPOLITAN AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM (CO., 7 Nassau st. No. information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORs—Arthur H. Walton, President; Edwin C. Holton, Treasurer. METROPOLITAN CLOAK AND NOVELTY CO., General and Corporate Office, 123 W. Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George Schoen, President; Harry Feder, Secretary. TRuSTEES—Harry Feder, George Schoen, Henry J. Seeligman. METROPOLITAN COLLEGE OF MUSIC, General and Corporate Office, 21 &. aathest.) Ines mi. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000 : Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Dudley Buck, President; Herbert W. Greene, Secretary. D1IRECTORS— Dudley Buck, Albert R. Parsons, Harry R. Shelley, Charles B. Hawley, Emilio Agra- monte, George M. Greene, Herbert W. Greene. METROPOLITAN DRY GOODS CO., Office, 40 Walker st. Inc. June 20, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $10, 000, par $100; Paid in, $5,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—-Emanuel New, President; Samuel Grumbacher, Secretary ; Ferdinand Altheimer, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Emanuel New, Samuel Grumbacher, Ferdinand Altheimer. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC SERVICE CO,, Office, 126 Liberty st. Inc. in W.Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Wil- liam F. Hall, President; John W. Cary, Jr., Secretary ; James M. Hutchinson, Treas- urer. DrIRECTORS—William T. Hall, Q. N. Evans, John W. Cary, Jr., James M. Hutch- inson, Melbert B. Cary. METROPOLITAN ELECTRIC SIGNAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 : Capital authorized, $1,500,000 ; Paid j in cash, $500. ASSETS. Cash.and' debts receivables ..c.05 se cvssibessave leven gaecs senede Uses cbeeeete tepeasenen eae eae ee eee $588 75 Manutacturers’ materiaband stock in: pr6cesé/.7:.N. ccscacsceneeiwseues slevnccurtens mere renee 1,500 00 Miscellaneous ...... seseeee ig ee abbacln bid cbs Gas veoalh Aad ee NAGAR Lacamee peat c emeee ee alte ete ee net eee coy 2,500 00 Liabilities other than capital, loan, $21,372.20. $3,588 75 243 Receipts for the year, $2,092.86; Expenditures, $9,157.14. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFricers—Loren M. Downs, President; James T. Quinn, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—James T. Quinn, Loren M. Downs, A. Livingston Norman. METROPOLITAN HARDWARE (C0O,, Office, 32 Vesey st., and 76 Church st. Inc. Jan. 7, 1889, in East Orange, N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—Robert W. Pryor, President; William J. La Roche, Secretary. THE METROPOLITAN HOMESTEAD INVESTMENT CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,000. Assets, $10,000; consists of land situated in Woodbridge Township, Mid- dlesex Co., N. Y. Receipts for year, $4,626.81, including payments for capital stock ; Expenditures, $4,435.54. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFicers—lIsrael Larger, President; Louis Solomon, Secretary. D1IrRECTORS—Harris Dabier, Louis Solomon, Michael Rosenkranz, 125 Hester st. METROPOLITAN INVESTMENT CO., Office, 544 2d ave. Inc. July 14, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $20,000, par $10; Paid in $1,000 at time of commencement of business. OsjECT—To build houses and improve land. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs AND DIRECTORS—James C. Clarke, President ; Howard P. Wheeler, Secretary; Jas. S. Clarke, Jr., Treasurer. METROPOLITAN MILK AND CREAM CO,, General and Corporate Office, 135 6th ave., and 462 Columbus ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; : Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Spencer H. Horton, President; Charles H. Tuthill, Secretary. Direcrors—Spencer H. Horton, Charles H. Tuthill, John R. Halstead, John A. Straley. THE METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE CO., Limited. Inc.inN. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,295,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $2,187,500. Total assets, $2,056,341.60. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Edward C. Stanton, 126 E. 17th st., Secretary. DiIrRECTORS—W. H. Tillinghast, G. G. Hoon, Wm. C. Whitney. METROPOLITAN REALTY CO., 5 Beekman st Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Paid in, $85,300. Liabilities other than capital, $60,000, Total assets at least $84,500. Receipts for year, $20,061.04; Expenditures, $2,283.37. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Lucius H. Biglow, President; William H. Whiting, Treasurer. Dr1rEcTORS—J. W. Pratt, Lucius H. Biglow, William H. Whiting. METROPOLITAN RUBBER CO., Office, 676 Broadway; Corporate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. 1889,in Conn. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osject—Manufacture of rubber goods, Plants located at 155 and 157 Leonard st., N. Y., and Wallingford, Conn. Rubber factories. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers——Chas. A. Place, President; Wm. B. Dowse, Secretary ; Abner J. Tower, Treasurer. Dr1rectors—Chas. A. Place, Abner J. Tower, Wm. B. Dowse. METROPOLITAN STEAM LAUNDRY CO,, Offices, 222 E. 24th st., and 53 and 544 Columbus ave. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—William G. Alger, President; Byron Alger, Secretary. METROPOLITAN STORAGE WAREHOUSE AND VAN (CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 204 Mercer st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Paid in, cash, $6,400; property, $45,000; balance for services rendered. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets, $44,937.. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. _OFFICERS—Solon Winterbottom, President; Cornelius Van Benschoten, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—-Solon Winterbottom, Abram Winters, Cornelius Van Benschoten. METROPOLITAN TOILET CO., General and Corporate Office, 201 E. 73d st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. _ Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Frances J. Hasbrouck, President; C. Venton Patterson, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Francis J. Hasbrouck, C. Venton Patterson, N. H. Patterson. 244 METROPOLITAN WATCH CO., Office, 30 E. 14th st. No information furnished. Henry F. Atkinson, President. MEXICAN TIN MINING CO., Office, 60 Broadway. No information furnished. THE MEYER & COBLENZ CO., Agent's Office, 46 Beaver st.; Corporate Office, Bingen, Germany. Proprietors of vineyards and wine merchants. Established, 1822, at Bingen-on-Rhine, No other information furnished. Charles R. Osborn, Agent. JOHN D. MEYER CAGE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 61 Cortlandt st. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrricERS—Frederick W. Kroeter, President; Ida Meyer, Secretary; William D. Meyer, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Frederick W. Kroeter, Ida Meyer, William D. Meyer. MEYER RUBBER CO., Office, 80 Reade st. Inc. Jan. 5, 1861, in New Bruns- wick, N. J., expiring Jan. 1, 1870, which was extended for 39 years from Jan. 5, 1881. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. MEYER-SNIFFEN CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 46 Cliff st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Frederick R. Smart, President; Amasa T. Day, Secretary; William Bunting, Jr., Treasurer. DireECTORS—Frederick R. Smart, Amasa T. Day, William Bunting, Jr. FREDERICK J. MEYER’S MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 76 Beekman st. Inc. in Covington, Ky. No information furnished. Frank J. Mattison, N. Y. Agent. MEXICAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 44 Pine st. Inc. in Cal. Capital authorized, $7,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Pratt, Secretary ; Walter Hinchman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Palmer, Walter Hinchman, William M. Speckman,*Henry Amy, Henry Morton, John Pratt, John H. Small, George Foster Peabody, James Sullivan, Henry P. Webb, Manuel Ortegay Reyes, Francisco Noranjo, Louis Mendez. MEXICAN NORTHERN CONSTRUCTION CO., General Office, 44 Pine st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. June 28, 1890, in N. J., for 49 years. Capital authorized, $10,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyect—Railroad construction. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—A. Foster Higgins, President; R. S. Towne, Vice-President; R. H. McCarter, Secretary; Nathaniel Witherell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—A. Foster Higgins, Nathaniel Witherell, R. McCarter. MEXICAN TELEGRAPH CO., General and Corporate Office, 37 Wall st. Inc. 1881, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par g100; Full paid. Opject—General telegraphing between Galveston, Tex.,and Vera Cruz, Mex. Plant located as above. Dividends in last fiscal year, 4 of 2% p.c. each. No funded debt. OFFICERS—James A. Scrymser, President; Wm. G. Hamilton, Vice-President; Sebastian Camacho, Resident Vice-President, Mexico; Jas. R. Beard, Secretary; Samuel C. Blackwell, Treasurer and Auditor. DiReEcTORS—John E. Alexandre, Edmund L. Baylies, Wm. G. Hamilton, Charles H. Marshall, J. Pierpont Morgan, Percy R. Pyne, Jr., W. Emlen Roosevelt, James A. Scrymser. MEXICO CITY IMPROVEMENT CO. In hands of Paul Fallen, 68 William st., as Receiver. General Office, 115 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Jan. 11, 1882, in N. J. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $100,000. Oxpject—To purchase and improve lands in the City of Mexico. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—ers—Bernard Beinecke, President; Salvador Malo, Vice-President; William H. McCabe, Secretary; Stephen D. Hatch, Treasurer. Direcrors—Bernard Beinecke, Salvador Malo, Carles A. de Medina, William H. Hope, Stephen D. Hatch, James W. Elgar, Orestes Cleveland, A. G. Mills, Manuel A. Kursherdt, Joseph L. Stickney, Wm. H. McCabe. MEXICO ONYX QUARRY C0., General and Corporate Office, 44 Wall st. Inc. 1891, in Col. Capital authorized, $500,000, par ¢100; Full paid. OpjEcT—Mining and quarrying onyx. Plant located at Coahuilo. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry McCoy, President; Jas. Naser, Vice-President; Wil- liam H. Reynolds, Secretary and Treasurer. DireEcrors—Henry McCoy, Wm. H. Reynolds, Jas. Naser, Philip P. Weigel, Joseph H. Smith. 245 MICA ASBETITE INSULATING CO., Office, 444 Pearl st. Inc. in Col. Capi- tal anthorized, $200,000; Amount paid in notknown. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERS—Charles A. Abbott, President; Sidney McClanathan, Secretary. DirEcTORS—Charles H. Abbott, Sidney McClanathan, O. S. Storrs, Smith W. Kimble. MICRO-AUDIPHONE CO., Limited, 1286 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1892,in N.J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $5 ; Full paid. Osjyecr—Manufacture of micro-audiphones and deafness specialities. Fac- tory located at Newark, employing about 20 hands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErS—Frank M. Blodgett, President; M. V. Timmermans, Secre- tary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Frank M. Blodgett, Benedict Hubbe, John Carroll, ° Andrew Kaulback, Harold H. Charlton. MICHIGAN GAS CO., Office, 54 Wall st. Inc. in Detroit, Mich. No informa- tion furnished. Represented by Frank S. Smith. MIDDLESBOROUGH TOWN CO., Office, 58 William st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. C. N. MIDDLETON DRUG CO., General and Corporate Office, 74 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. THE MIDDLETOWN PLATE CO., Office, 22 John st.; Corporate Office, Middle- town, Conn. Inc. Jan., 1884, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $25; Paid in, $250,000. Partnership formed in 1864 by Edw. Payne and Henry Bullard, doing business as Edw. Payne Joint Stock Co. under general statutes, in 1866, $20,000 was paid in. Osyect—Manufacture of silver and gold-plated hollow ware. Plant located, Hubbard st., Middletown, Conn. Own land, 232 x 148.6 to 159.25 feet. Dividends, not stated. No debt. OFrFriceErs—Geo. H. Hulbert, President; Thos. H. B. Davis, Vice-President; James H. Kelsey, Secretary ; Edw. Payne, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Geo. H. Hulbert, Edw. Payne, James H. Kelsey. AGENTS—John W. Johnson, 22 John st., New York; Philips & Miller, 120 Sutter st., San Francisco; B: F. Norris Aliston & Co., 113-115 State st., Chicago. THE MIDLAND MINING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 21 Cort’andt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $20,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—James C. Hartt, Presi- dent; J. V. A. Craighead, Secretary and Treasurer. DireEcToRS—Jas. C. Harit, Robert Courtney, J. V. A. Craighead. MIDVALE MINING CO., Office, 5 Beekman st. Inc. in W.Va. Capital author- ized, $300,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Jas. M. Cumings, President; Peter B. Vermilya, Secretary ; Allen G. N. Vermilya, Treasurer. DrireEcrors—Jas. M. Cumings, Jas. E. Lyon, Peter B. Vermilya, Allen G. N. Vermilya, Sylvanus D. Brown. MIKE AND STARR GOLD AND SILVER MINING C0O., General and Cor- porate Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $122,095.41. Total assets at least $1,000,000. Expenditures for year, $3,757.35. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS—Charles H. Tompkins, President; Foster B. Gilbert, Secretary. D1irecrors—J. D. Whitman, John McGuiness, C. H. Tompkins, Foster B. Gilbert, Richard Pancoast, Thomas M. Rianhard. WILLIAM A. MILES & CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Chrystie st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in property. Total assets at least $152,075.84. Liabilities, capital stock, $150,000; bonds and mtgs., $100,000; bills payable, $50,009.46; outstanding bills, $9,839.24; total, $309.848.70. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—William A. Miles, President ; Charles J. Hawkins, Secretary; James W. Taylor, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Henry D. Miles, William A. Miles, James W. Taylor, William B. Miles, George H. Robinson. MILL CREEK COAL CO., Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in Mauch Chunk, Pa. _. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No infor- mation furnished. Algernon T. Burr, N. Y. Agent. 246 EDWARD MILLER & CO., Office, 10 College pl. Inc.in Conn. Capital author- ized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward Miller, President ; Edward Miller, Jr., Secretary. D1ireEcTors—Isaac Lewis, John L. Billard, Edward Miller, Jr., Owen B. Arnold, Frederick W. Ives, Edward Miller. MILLER FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO., General and Corporate Office, 5 Dey st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—— William K. Thorne, President; Edward D. Butler, Secretary. DrirEcTORS—William K. Thorne, Edward D. Butler, D. B. Carrol. FRANK MILLER CO., General and Corporate Office, 349 W- 26th st. Inc. in N. Y.. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James 5. Miller, President; Frank S. Miller, Secretary ; Frank C. Miller, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —James S. Miller, Frank S. Miller, Frank C. Miller, Edwin A. Miller. THE MRS. G. B. MILLER & CO., General and Corporate Office, 97 Columbia st. Inc. in N, Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid, in property. Osyecr-—Marufacturing of tobacco. Liabilities other than capital, $15,220.89. Total assets, $65,532.63, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OPFICERS—S. L. Platt, President; Henry B. Collins. Treasurer. DirEcTors—C. Collins, S. L. Platt, Henry.B. Collins. MILLER, DUBRUL -& PETERS MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 404 E. aod. 6t.) ines an Cincinnati, O. No information’ furnished. Henry C. Peters, Agent. MILLER FALLS CO., Office, 93 Reade st. Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Henry L. Pratt, President; Geo. E. Rogers, Secretary ; Levi J. Gunn, Treasurer. DiReEcTORS—Henry L. Pratt, Leva Gunn, Edward E. Lyman, John L. Varick, Chester C. Conant, Edward P. Stoughton, Geo. A. Arms, Geo. Hunson, Geo. E. Rogers, MILLIE IRON MINING CO., Office, 4 John st. Inc. in Iron Mountain, Mich. No information furnished. Simon Dessau, N. Y. Agent. MILLIGAN & HIGGINS GLUE CO., General and Corporate Office, 222 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $85,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—Thomas Higgins, President; Wulliam H. Freeland, Secretary ; William F. Nisbet, Treasurer. MINAS PRIETAS MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than.capital, $12,000. Total assets at least $40,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—James J. Higginson, President ; William N. Olmstead, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John Braydon, James J. Higginson, William N. Olmstead, Edward E. Chase, James K. Gracie, George Blagden, Samuel P. Blagden, Chandler Robbins, James W. Clendenin. THE MINERALIZED RUBBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cliff st. Inc. Feb. 23, 1886,in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000 ; Paid in 37% p.c. Liabilities other than capital, $29,000. Total assets at least $43,000. Receipts for year, $144,000; Expenditures, $138,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—George Dodge, President; John Schorpner, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. DIREcTORS—W. W. Dodge, L. C. Dodge, John Schorpner, Jr. THE MINERVA PUBLISHING CO., Office, 48 University pl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $36,867.48. Total assets, $49,113.39. Receipts for year, $29,648.16; Expendi- tures, $29,529.94. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. D. James Paulo, President and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—D. James Paulo, John Carrick, A. Ferren. MINETTO SHADE CLOTH CO., Office, 111 Franklin st. Inc. in Oswego, N. Y. No information furnished. John L. Marony, N. Y. Agent. MINNEAPOLIS DRY GOODS CO., Office, 120 Franklin st. Inc. in Minneapo- ° lis, Minn. No information furnished. Syndicate Trading Co., N. Y. Agent. 247 MINNEAPOLIS FLOUR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 11 Moore st. Inc., in Minneapolis, Minn. No information furnished. Charles Spear & Co., Nay HAveuts. MINNESOTA IRON CO., General Offices, Duluth, Minn., Chicago and N.Y. City; Transfer Office, 35 Wall st., N. Y.; Corporate Office, Duluth, Minn. Inc. Nov. 1, 1882, in Minn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $20,000,000; issued, $16,500,000, par $100. Oxyect—Mining iron ore. Mines in St. Louis Co., Minn. Dividends 6 p.c. per ann., Jan., qrly. No funded debt. Orricers—D. H. Bacon, President ; Henry Seibert, Vice-President ; Charles P. Coffin, Secretary ; Alexander J. Paterson, Treasurer. DI- RECTORS—Jay C. Morse, Marshall Field, P. H. Kelly, Henry Siebert, H. M. Flagler, Darius O. Mills, Henry H. Porter,-Benjamin Brewster, Roswell P. Flower, Heber R. Bishop, R. H. Lee, D. H. Bacon, C. P. Coffin. THE MITCHELL-VANCE CO., General and Corporate Office 836 Broadway and. 237 1oth ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Paid in, $192,000. Liabilities other than capital, $72,000. ‘Total assets at least $375,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John H. Selmes, President; George B. Coggeshall, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—-William H. Davol, John H. Selmes, George B. Coggeshall. MISSISQUOI MINERAL SPRINGS CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $180,000. Total assets, $105,652.41. Receipts for year, $629.10; Expenditures, $642.89. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—A. B. Stone, 31 Broadway, President; L. H. Stevens, Treasurer. DIRECTORS Ele Scott. A: B. Stone, L. Hy Stevens MISSISSIPPI GLASS CO., Office, 102 Chambers st. Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. Capital, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Gil- bert S. King, Agent. MORRIS CANAL AND BANKING CO., 111 Broadway; Office, 228 5. 3d st., Philadelphia. LENGrH oF CANAL—Jersey City, N. J., to Phillipsburg, Warren Co.,N. J., 106% miles. Capital, preferred, $1,750,000 ; consol., $1,025,000, par $100. Dividends, 4p. c. on consol. stock and Io p. c. per ann. on preferred stock, payable F. & A., and guaranteed by Lehigh Valley RR. Co. Annual Meeting, 1st Tues. in Apr. HistoRy— Leased Apr. 1, 1871, to Lehigh Valley RR. Co. for 999 years, the RR. Co. assuming bonds and paying Io p. c. per ann. on preferred stock and 4 p. c. on consol. stock. In 1889 the Lehigh Valley RR. Co, ceased operating the canal, and it is now used to supply water to the city of Newark, N. J., the city having the privilege at any time to purchase the plant for $6,000,000. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. reed., 5s, $1,000; due Apr. 1, 1906; $500,000; A. & O., at Lehigh Valley RR. Co's office; all owned by that Co. Gross receipts, 1890, $335,239.81. Assessed valuation for 1890 of canal, except for real estate used for canal pur- poses other than water-way and tangible personal Property... ..ceceeressrees ceereeeee $2,781,000 00 Assessed valuation of real estate used for canal purposes other than water-way... 721,456 00 Assessed valuation of tangible personal property necessary for and used in State GUITIIOTCG a sohnass se scewecdhe schssecunshacos seeseeere uderraxaceveanses CMAP is set uachu dees se'vnen 3 63,046 00 $3,505,502 00 OFFICERS—J. F. Randolph, 111 Broadway, President; Charles Hartshorne, Vice- President; J. R. Fanshawe, Secretary , W. C. Alderson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Ist class: P. C. Hollis, W. C. Alderson, Wm. Hogencamp. 2d class: John S. Irick, Robt. H. Sayre, Jas. I. Blakslee, John Taylor, John Hood. 3d class: Elisha P. Wilbur, Wm. —H. Sayre, E. Y. Hartshorne, Edgar Cope, Wm. S.Taylor. 4th class: Thos. N. McCarter, Chas. Hartshorne, J. B. Garrett, Henry 5. Drinker, R. H. Wilbur. 5th class: Jacob F. Randolph, John R. Fanshawe, Wm. Patton, Robt. A. Lamberton, H. Stanley Goodwin. JOHN J. MITCHELL CO., Office, 830 Broadway. Capital authorized, $50,000, Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricers—John J. Mitchell, President; John J. Mitchell, Jr., Secretary. MIZPAH AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL CO,, Office, 136 Division st. Inc. in N. J. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS—Julius D. Eisenstein, President; Michael D. Mirsky, Secre- tary; Julius Franklin, Treasurer. DrirREcTORS—M, Lerman, M. Sokolowsky, I. Aron. - : : 248 MOEN’S ASPHALTIC CEMENT CO., Office, 103 Maiden la. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFrICcERS—Eleazar S, Vaughan, President ; Jerome W. Vaughan, Secretary. DrrREcTORS—Eleazar S. Vaughan, Jerome W. Vaughan, Frederick A. Vaughan, Edmund A. Vaughan. J. H. MOHLMAN C0O., Office, 339 Greenwich st. Inc. in N, J. Capital author- ized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFricERS—Diedrich Schmidt, President ; Chas. Otten, Secretary; William J. Luhrs, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—Diedrich Schmidt, Johne Eylers, Chas. Otten, William J. Luhrs, Albert G. C. Hahn, H. Hener, H. G. Mohlman. MOLLENHAUER SUGAR REFINING C0O., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000 ; Paid in, $355,000. Total assets at least $355,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Mollenhauer, President: Frederic Mollenhauer, Secretary and Treasurer. DirRECTORS—John Mollenhauer, Frederic Mollenhauer, Horatio G. Craig. MOLLESON BROTHERS C0O., Office, 18 Beekman st. Capital authorized, $65,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William G. Killmer, President ; William A. Losey, Secretary. DriRECTORS—William G. Killmer, Catharine Molleson, William A. Losey. MONARCH KNITTING MILLS, Office, 99 Franklin st. No information furnished. THE MONARCH PALACE CAR CO., Office 45 Broadway. No information furnished. MONEY CHECK-BOOK CO., General and Corporate Office, 98 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofunded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Selden R. Hopkins, President ; Artemus R. Hopkins, Secretary ; Edwin D. Ruggles, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Selden R. Hopkins, Artemus R. Hopkins, Lorin Hopkins, Mark J. Crocker, Edwin D. Ruggles. MONGUIRE RESTAURANT AND WINE CO., Limited, Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $80,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $102,000. Total assets at least $112,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—H. Monguire, President; Louis C. Monguire, Treasurer. MONIDA WOOLEN MILLS, Office, 4o1 Broadway. No information furnished. MONITOR IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 78 Centre st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $87,000. This Company was formerly “The E. G. Blakslee Mfg. Co.’”’ Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Joseph F. Moore, President; Hiram A. Decker, Treasurer. DrrRECTORS— Robert E. Carey, Joseph F. Moore, Hiram A. Decker. MONMOUTH PARK ASSOCIATION, Office, 60 Madison ave. Inc. June 26, 1879, in N. J.; Charter expires May 1, 1928. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $200,000, par $500; Full paid. Oxsjyect—To improve the breed of horses and hold exhibitions. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other informa- tion furnished. Henry G. Crickmore, Secretary. MONOPOL TOBACCO WORKS, General and Corporate Offices, 246 E. 44th and 1127 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Joseph Von Huppmann, Jr., President; J. O. Tard, Secretary ; Carl P. Dietz, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Joseph Von Huppmann, Jr., J. Von Huppman, J. O. Tard. MONTANA COAL AND COKE C0O.,, Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No information furnished. Charles W. Hays, N. Y. Agent. 249 MONTANA SMELTING CO., Office, 80 Broadway. Inc. in Mont. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFiIcERS-—Abram S. Hewitt, Presi- dent; Henry C. Cooper, Secretary; Walter 5. Gurnee, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Abram S. Hewitt, Walter S. Gurnee, Anton Eliers, Augustus C. Gurnee, Rissiter W. Raymond. MONTAUK ICE C0O., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $71,782.52. Total assets at least $41,387. Receipts for year, $91,896.31; Expenditures, $97,969.90. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John F, Schmadeke, President. DIRECTORS—Jacob Berg, Richard B. Leech. MONTAUK IRON WORKS. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid, in property, $20,000; cash, $10,000. Liabilities other than capital, $14,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Moses Vail, President; George N. Robinson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frank Mahoney, Moses Vail, George N. Robinson. THE MONTAUK STEAMBOAT CO., Limited, General Office, Pier 23, East River and Sag Harbor. Inc. 1886in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Full paid. OpyectT—General transportation between N. Y. and the east end of Long Island. Dividends, 5 p. c. in 1891. No funded debt. OFrricers—George C. Gibbs, President; Geo. H. Smith, Vice-President; Robert J. Clyde, Secretary; H. French, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—George C. Gibbs, George H. Smith, George W. Hall, Robert J. Clyde, Charles A, Pierson, Andrew J. Willets, Henry A. Bourne. THE MONTCLAIR WATER CO., General Office, 2 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Montclair, N. J. Inc. Jan. 15, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par g100; Full paid. Opyectr—To supply water to the township of Montclair, N. J., and to other cities, towns, townships and villages. Plant at Montclair, N. J., and is owned by the Company. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Whiting G. Snow, President; Albert P. Fisher, Secretary ; John R. Bartleit, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John R. Bartlett, Whiting G. Snow, Edwin H. Bradley, Jasper R. Rand, Albert P. Fisher. MONTELAC PARK CO., Office, 55 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. OFFICERS—Caleb B. Knevals, President ; Chester Huntington, Secretary; Geo. L. Hutchings, Treasurer. DrReEcTORS—Franklin Allen, Chester Huntington, Caleb B. Knevals, John C. Lloyd, Neil Macdonald, Chas. S. Noyes, Robert L. Patterson, Geo. A. Evans, S. Clinton Sherwood. MONTGOMERY AUCTION AND COMMISSION CO., General Office, 132 Front st.; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. Nov. Ig, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital ~ authorized, $400,000 ($100,000 Ist pref., $75,000 2d pref., $225,000 com.), par $100; Paid in $300,000, par $100. OBsyEecT—-Selling teas at auction. Tea sales every Wednes- day, 12 o’clock M. The Company leases the entire building 132-4 Front st., cor, Pine st., N. Y. Dividends, 7 p. c. per ann. on pref. stocks, paid June 1 and Dec. 1; 5 p.c. per ann. on com. stocks, paid June 1 and Dec. 1. No funded debt. OrFICERS—Richard M. Montgomery, President; Frank S. Thomas, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors-—Richard M. Montgomery, Frank S. Thomas, Edward P. Coe, Jas. H. Post, Chas. Robinson Smith, Newell Martin, Geo. W. Kenyon. MONTGOMERY COMIC OPERA CO. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No information furnished. MONTGOMERY LAND CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Paid in, $65,000. Liabilities other than capital, $150,000. ‘Total assets at least $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Richard M. Montgomery, President; Frank S. Thomas, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—— James Turner, Richard M. Montgomery, Frank 5. Thomas. MONTROSE CHEMICAL COMPANY, Office, 281 Front st. No information furnished. 250 MONTROSE PAINT BRICK CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Ca‘pi- tal authorized, $80,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,200.06. Total assets, $2,500.06. Receipts for year, $20,233.03; Expenditures, $21,716.73. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Walter J. Peck, President, 29 Front st. Drrectors—Edwin J. Peck, Leander Stone. MOORE ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 654 Hudson st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricers—John L. Moore, President; Erastus D. Moore, Secretary. Direcrors—John L. Moore, Erastus D. Moore, James H. Bates. MOORHEAD-McCLEANE CO., Office, 81 John st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. No information furnished. Wiiliam P. Loughry, N. Y. Manager. MORENO VALLEY GOLD GRAVEL MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 229 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, cash, $500; property, $299,500. Liabilities other than capital, $88,045.16. Total assets at least $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFIcERS—James E. Bloomer, President; George H. Atwood, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James Leach, James E. Bloomer, George H. Atwood. MORGAN BOTTLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 119 E. 124th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Isaac A. Moran, President: William H. Merriam, Secretary. Direcrors—Lucien Knapp, William A. Merriam, Isaac A. Moran, Marcius C. Moran, Philip Ebling, William Ebling, Frederick W. Kalbfleisch. MORGAN CRUCIBLE CO., Office, 41 Barclay st. Inc. in London, Eng. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No information furnished. Richards & Co., Limited, N. Y. Agents. MORGAN ENGINEERING CO.; Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in Alliance,O. No information furnished. Niles Tool Works, N. Y. Agents. MORGAN ENVELOPE CO., Office, 297 Broadway. Inc. in Springfield, Mass. . No information furnished. John F. Hitchcock, N. Y. Agent. MORGAN FURNITURE (CO., Office, 1180 Broadway. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished. Norbert R. Ward, N. Y. Agent. MORGAN IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 814 E. 9th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orrrcers—George E. Weed, President; James Mooney, Secretary; Stephen W. Roach, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—George E. Weed, Stephen W. Roach, William Rowland. P. MORGENSTERN CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 148 Duane st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabil- ities other than capital, $28,000. Total assets at least $38,000. OpjEcT—Novelties. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Adolph Zinn, Presi- dent; Oscar Haase, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Philip Morganstern, Adolph Zinn, Simon Zinn, A. Loewenthal, Edgar Loewi, David Calman. ENOCH MORGAN’S SONS CO., General and Corporate Office, 439 West st. Inc. 1876,in N. Y. Charter, Laws of 1848. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $69,000. Total assets at least $395,000. OxnjEct—Manufacture of Sapolio and soaps. Plant at‘cor. Westand Bank sts., N. Y.; owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Geo. F. Morgan, President; Albert J. Morgan, Vice-President; R. Fleming Handy, Secretary ; Ed. W. Francis, Treasurer. D1irEctors—Geo. F. Morgan, Albert J. Morgan, A.J, Akin, JH, Gifin, Jr, Henry sD Dupee: MORICHES LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 338 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George H. Fraser, President; Frederick A. Reid, Secretary: Joshua W. Powell, Treasurer. Drrecrors—George H. Fraser, Silas A. Condit, William E. Davis, Joshua W. Powell. 251 THE MORISON ALLEN CO., General and Corporate Office, 145 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $6,v00. Total assets at least $23,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—John P. Gills, President: Francis M. Weld, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—John P. Gills, Francis M. Weld, Charles M. Read. MORRILL LEATHER CO., Office, 37 Spruce st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Franklin J. Scollay, N. Y. Manager. MORRIS & CUMINGS DREDGING CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 State st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Joseph Cumings, President; H. Herman Petze, Secretary. DIRECTORS-— Joseph Cumings, H. Herman Petze, Augustus T. Morris. MORRISANIA SILK MILLIS, Office, 23 Greene st. Capital, $300,000 ; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Richard Walter, President ; Reinhard Bohme, Secretary. MORRIS EUROPEAN AND AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Cash, $12,500; property, $37,500. Dividends, one 12 p.c. Jan. 16, 1892. No funded debt. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892:— ASSETS. - LIABILITIES. HOrSES, WAZOMNS.....ceeesereeeesees seveerees $1,600 00 | Capital StOCK 12... scceserrseeesereeereee $50,000 OO Machinery ......... Licocanbceete cage anaeese: 37,500 00 | DeDtS........-ccccecceseneeecreseeseteecerensees »59,805 00 Cash and debts receivable............+. 17,770 00 | CUFYLre4nt ACCOUNTS ...sreererrerreeerereres 9,305 00 Manufacturers’ materials, etc.......+ 5,720 00 WLISCENMANCOUS .....co- avacersee-os.seceveeaes > 3) 200,00 $65,850 00 $1Ig,210 OO Receipts for the year, $29,960; Expenditures, $23,915. OFFICERS—Louis W. Morris, President; W.O. Hempstead, Vice-President ; Frank Kronfield, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors—Frank -E. Rafel, Frank Kronfield, Williain Morris, Louis Morris, H. E. Wheeler. MORRISON MANUFACTURING CO.,, Offices, 24 Park pl. and 19 Barclay st. ince Sepiyg. to65, in wN. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000, par $25; Full paid. Opyect—Manufacturing of varnish, paint, etc, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John H. Morrison, Treasurer. FRANK E. MORSE CO., General and Corporate Office, 7 Coenties sly lyceum N. Y.. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished.. OFFICERS—Frank E. Morse, President: Deforest C. Wilsey, Secretary. Drrecrors—Frank E. Morse, Benjamin H. Belknap, Deforest C. Wilsey. THE MORROW SHOE MANUFACTURING CO,, General Office, 41 Warren st.; Corporate Office, Nyack, N. Y,_ Inc. July, 1884, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $80,000, par $25 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, 316,936.21. Total assets at least $125,000. Receipts for year, $177,000 ; Expenditures, $167,847.07. OByEcT—Manufacture and sale of shoes, Factory at Nyack. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Cornelius Morrow, President and Treasurer: Geo. T. Morrow, Secretary. -DirEcToRS—Cornelius Morrow, Geo. T. Morrow, Jas. Kilby. MORSE STRING CO., Office, 246 W. 27th st. Inc. inN. J. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—John T. Morse, President; E. Mollenhauer, Secretary ; Nathaniel S. Easton, Treasurer. THE MORTON SAFETY HEATING CO., Offices, 45 Broadway, N.Y., and 106 E. Saratoga st., Baltimore ; Corporate Office, Charleston, W. Va. Inc. 1889, in W. Va. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Oxyecr—Stored heat in earthenware tubes, equipping of RR. and street cars, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—E. G. Keney, President and General Manager ; Thomas Sturgis, 252 Vice-President; Wm. C. Lane, Secretary and Treasurer; E. Carrington, General Super- intendent. DirEcTORS—E. G. Keney, Baltimore; E. Carrington, Baltimore; T. W. Clark, Baltimore; T. M. Morton, Baltimore; O. Haminond, Jr.,. Baltimore; Hi 7S. Trout, Roanoke, Va.; Thos. Sturges, N. Y.; Wm. C. Lane, N. Y.; Wm. C. Cox, N.Y. MOSAIC TILE CO., Office, 140 Nassau st. Inc. Mar. 28, 1890, in Trenton, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $30,000, par $50; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Zimri West, President; William C. Boschen, Secretary. Drrecrors—Zimri West, William C. Boschen, John Schreyer, John F. Schreyer, George Weber. MOSELEY IRON BRIDGE AND ROOF CO., General and Corporate Office, 5 Dey st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcTrors—John S. McClure, President ; John H. McClure, Secretary. MOSER & HEIDENHEIMER MALTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 Stone st. Inc. 1888, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $1000; Full paid. OxsyEcT—To manufacture malt. Plant located at 726 Ee, Tithstean. Y. and 42 Wilson st., Brooklyn, and Lockport, N. Y., and consists of malt houses, employing about 50 hands. Dividend in last fiscal year of 6 p.c. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Herman B. Scharmann, President; Chas. Heidenheimer, Vice-President and Secretary ; John M. Moser, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Herman B. Scharmann, Chas. Heidenheimer, John M. Moser. MOSS ENGRAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 535 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John C. Moss, President; Henry A. Jackson, Secretary; Mary A. Moss, Treasurer. D1RECT- ORS—John C. Moss, Mary A. Moss, Robert B. Moss, G. Frederick Kalkhoff, HenryjA. Jackson. MOTT HAVEN CANAL DOCKS, General and Corporate Office, E. 138th st., cor. Mott ave. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William E. Rider, President, Francis J. Rider, Secretary. D1irEcrors— William E. Rider, Francis J. Rider, William R. Staples. THE J. L. MOTT IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 90 Beekman st.; Branches, 147 W. 35th st.; 307-309 Wabash ave., Chicago, Ill. Inc., 1853, in N. Y., for 5oyears. Capital authorized, $80,000, par $500; Full paid. OpyEcT— Manufacturers and importers of plumbing materials, furnaces, ranges, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES—J. L. Mott, President: J. L. Mott, Jr., Vice-President ; Jno. Reid, Secretary and Treasurer, Mrs, Mary J. Van Doren. MOUND CITY DISTILLING C0O., Charles S. Virtue, N. Y. Agent, Office, 50 Beaver st. Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. No information furnished. MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 380 6th ave. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. OFricers—Frank R. Laurence, President; Henry A. Taylor, Secretary; Edward M. L. Ehlers, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Frank R. Laurence, Sidney Dillon, Henry A. Taylor, Edward M. L. Ehlers, Henry A. Shoemaker, John W. Vrooman, Peter B. Wyckoff, Charles G. Buckley, _ Charles E. Silkworth. MOUNT LOOKOUT COAL CO., Williams & Peters, N. Y. Agents, Office, 1 Broad- way. Inc. in Scranton, Pa. No information furnished. MOUNT NEBOH CEMETERY ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 30 Bible House. Inc.in N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Myer Stern, President; Henry Simpson, Secretary ; Lewis Sternbach, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—M yer Stern, Lewis Sternbach, Morris Tuska, Julius Bien, Philip Cowen, Daniel Herrman, John Flynn. MOUNT OLIVET CEMETERY (CO., General and Corporate Office, 132 Front, and 54 E. 23d sts. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS—James M. Waterbury, President; Jarvis C. Howard, Secretary; John S. Ellis, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Charles M. Chamberlain, S. Edgar Hebberd, Samuel M. Haskins, John B. Stevens, John S. Ellis, James M. Waterbury. 253 MOUQUIN RESTAURANT AND WINE CO,, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 20 Ann, 149 Fulton, and 438 6th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $80,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFrcers—Henry Mouagin, President; Louis C. Mouquin, Secretary ; Henry F. Mouquin, Treasurer. Direcrors—Henry Mouquin, Louis C. Mouquin, Henry F. Mouquin, Charles Netter, Jules C. Hovey, Herman Veeck. MOUNTAIN GEM MINING (CO,, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid, in cash, $10,000; property, $990,000. Cash and debts receivable. $350. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Charles H. Green, 84 Church st., President; David E. Green, Treasurer. DrrEcTORS—J. Jenkins, Charles F. Green, David E. Green. MOUNT MORRIS ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., General Office, 98 Vandam and 2285 8th ave.; Corporate Office, Mount Morris, N. Y. Inc. in Mount Morris, N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid, in cash and property. Total assets and liabilities, $850,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrrFICERS—Edward May, President; Julius A. May, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Edward May, Julius A. May, Henry Clausen, Jr., Randolph Guggenheimer, John Hills, H. B. Scharmann, William Forster. MOUNT PLEASANT MINING CO., Office, 68 Wall st. Inc. July 2, 1889, in Port Oram, N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1,1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $25: Paid in, $35,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofunded debt. OFFICERS AND DrRECTORS—Benjamin Nicoll, President ; William Brown Lord, Treasurer. THE MOUNT WALDO GRANITE WORKS, Office, 5 Beekman st.; Corporate Office, Frankfort, Me. Inc. 1880, in Me.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Granite contractors. Plant at Frankfort, Me. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— John T. Rowe, President; Albert Peirce, Secretary and Treasurer; John Peirce, George Peirce, Hayward Peirce. MUIR, HAWLEY & MAYO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid, in cash, $30,000; property, $70,000. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—James W. White, 1260 Broadway, President; G. F. Booth, Treasurer. Direcrors—A. S. Apgar, James W. White, G. F. Booth. MULDAUR CO., Office, 648 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—-Emil H. Muldaur, President; Bruno Richter, Secretary. THE MULLER AUTOMATIC LIQUID METER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in patents, machinery, etc. ASSETS. 4 LIABILITIES. MEE NETO ASE CE. oe gets eves weleisiantat tre lg HOUdOC ie AVALELIAL vicsee Statement, Jan. tyei392; Capital authorized, $2,170,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $130,000. Total assets at least $135,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William H. Craw- ford, President; Ethan Allen. Secretary; Frederick Grafflin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— William H. Crawford, Ethan Allen, John H. Fowler. NAYLOR & FLACK CO., General Office, 121 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, E. Orange, N. J. Inc. 1891 in ~. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Paid in, $15,000. UsjECT—Hardware manufacturers’ agents. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Directors—C. L. Flack, President; J. S. Althouse, Secretary ; C. H. Naylor, Treasurer. NAZARETH MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 52 Leonard st. Inc. in Nazareth, Pa. No information furnished. Max W. Schneebeli, Agent. NEAFIE & LEVY SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDING 0C0,, Office, Penn Works, Phila. General and Corporate Office, 1336 Beach st., Phila. Inc. Mar. 5, 1891, in Penna.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $800,000, par $100; Full paid. Formed for the purpose of erecting, constructing and repairing steamships, boats and vessels propelled by steam, including engines and machinery therefor. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS—Jacob G. Neafie, President; Charles Halyburton, Treasurer. DrrREcToRS—Jacob G. Neafie, Edmund L. Levy, John H. Watt, Jacob Naylor, Chas: Gs Knight, Philadelphia. THE NEEDHAM PIANO ORGAN CO., General Office, 292 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Washington, N. J. Inc. Mar. 24, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $105,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyect—Manufacture and sale of pianos and organs. Plant at Washington, N.J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Certificate of change of name from the Beethoven Piano Co. Original filed Sept. 15, 1885. Chas. H. Parsons, President. NEPERA PARK LAND CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $69,588. Total assets at least $85,058.72. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Herbert L. Brown, President; Edward Ridoux, Secretary. D1IrREcTORS—James C. True- man, Herbert L. Brown, Edward Ridoux. NETHERLANDS-AMERICAN STEAM NAVIGATION CO., General and Corporate Office, 25 S. William st. Inc. 1872, in Rotterdam, Holland, for 50 years. Capital authorized, 4,000,000 florins, par 250 florins; Full paid per share par. OBJECT— Steamship line between Netherlands and America. No dividends. FUNDED DEBT— Florins, 2,675,000; % each, 1,000 4s., 1,000 4%s. MANAGING DIREcTQRS—I. V. 204 Weirdsman, Sir O. Reuchlin. BoARD oF DIRECTORS—M. Mees, I. C. Reepmaker, A. deMonchy, I. I. Blankenheym, A. I. F. Burger, I. van Gennep, P. Havelaar, Jr., H. V. B. Molenaar, I. W. Muntz, B. van Rossem, I. W. M. Schorer, Bart., L. A. Suermondt. General Agent, William H, Vandentoorn. NEUCHATEL ASPHALT CO., Limited, Office, 265 Broadway. Inc.in London, Eng. Noinformation furnished. Robert Butcher, N. Y. Manager. THE NEUTRAL STORAGE BATTERY C0O., General Office, 106 Liberty st. ; Corporate Office, 748 Broad st., Newark, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $210,000, par $100. Manufacturers of storage batteries for electric lighting and other purposes. Plant at 106 Liberty st.; leased. Dividends none. No debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Ernest Hall, President; G. W. Harris, Vice-President; M.H. Chase, Secretary; E. C. Harris, Treasurer; W. L. School. THE NEW ALBANY HOSIERY MILLS CO., General Office, 99 Franklin st. ; Corporate Office, New Albany, Ind. Inc. Feb. 5, 1891, in Indiana, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Paid in, $41,000. OsyEcTt—-Manufacturing woolen hosiery. Succeeded W. A. Hedden & Co., who had conducted the business Io years. Main building about 60 x 210; 3-story warehouse 40 x II0; 2-story outbuildings, sheds, dye houses, etc., on ground, 130 x 420. All owned by Company. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—-J. F. Gebhart, President; W. A. Hedden, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—J. F. Gebhart, W..A. Hedden, C. W. Phelps. N. Y. Agent, Charles C. Allen. NEW AMERICAN ELECTRICAL ARC-LIGHT CO., Office, 165 W. 18th st. Inc. in N.C. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —John W. Hinkley, President ; Charles H. Slocum, Secretary and Treasurer. D1RECT- ORS—E. D. Jones, John W. Hinkley, E. S. Francis, David Prouty, J. H. Bidwell. NEWARK AND ROSENDALE CEMENT CO., Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Newark, N. J. No information furnished. Albert Delano, Agent. ’ NEWARK LEATHER BELTING CO., Office, 32 Ferry st. Inc. Oct 26, 1886, in Newark, N. J., for 49 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Full paid. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS-—Joseph Meier, President ; Conrad E. Katsch, Secretary and Treasurer. * NEWARK LIME AND CEMENT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 150 Broad- way. Inc. Feb. 20, 1840, in Newark, N. J.; Charter expires 1937. Capital authorized, $60,000. Calvin Tomkins, Agent. 4 NEWARK SPECIALTY CO., Office, 650 Broadway. No information furnished. NEW BEDFORD COPPER CO,, Office, 47 South st. Inc. in New Bedford, Mass. Capital, $250,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. C. A. Cook, Treasurer. Slover & Tyler, Agents. NEW BIRMINGHAM IRON AND LAND CO.,, Office, 47 Broadway. Ine. in New Birmingham, Texas. Represented by Richard L. Coleman. NEW BRITAIN KNITTING CO., Office, 108 Franklin st. Inc. in New Britain, Conn. Capital, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. James Talcott, Agent. NEW BRUNSWICK, AMBOY AND N. Y. STEAMBOAT CO., Office, Piers 6 and 46 (new), N. R. Inc. May 28, 1879, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital. authorized, $80,000, par $100, Paid in, $40,000. Certificate of increase of capital filed Mar. 27, 1880 (File N. 137). Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Joseph Cornell, President; George M. Lewis, Secretary. DirREcTORS— Joseph Cornell, McKee Swift, Geo. H. Janeway, John B. Osbourn, Luther Adams. NEW BRUNSWICK RUBBER (C0O., Office, 137 Duane st. Inc. Apr. 18, 1850, in New Brunswick, N. J.; Charter expires Jan. 1, 1900. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Charles J. Osborn, N. Y. Agent. 265 NEW CENTRAL COAL CO. of Maryland, General Office, 1 Broadway ; Cor- porate Office, Baltimore, Md. Inc. 1872, in Md. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OxsyeEct—Coal mining. Plant located at Allegheny Co., Md., and consists of coal lands. Dividends in 1891, 1 p.c., paid Feb. 4, 1891. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry S. Little, President; Malcolm Baxter, Jr., Vice-President and Secre- tary; Rufus Blodgett, Treasurer. Drrecrors—David G. Legget, O. D. Baldwin, Mal- colm Baxter, Jr., Henry S. Little, E. C. Homans, Jas. T. Easton, E. D. Hawkins, Rufus Blodgett, Jose A. del Valle, J. H. Parsons, Wm. S. Jacques. NEW CHURCH BOARD OF PUBLICATION, 20 Cooper Union. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $8,500; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Richard A. Lewis, President ; Francis J, Worcester, Secre- tary; Mordaunt Bodine, Treasurer. NEW COALDALE C0., Corporate Office, 31 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Apr. 4, 1889, for 50 years; expires Apr. 11,1939. Capital authorized, $10,000, par $50; Full paid. Although this Company is a small Company, the people back of it are men of large means. Annual Meeting not stated. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—— Edw. F.C. Young, President; Edw. Burns, Treasurer; R. H. Chipman, General Sales Agent, N. Y.; H. Kraeger, Philadelphia Agent. Direcrors—R. L. Brownfield, Edward F. C. Young, Edward Burns. THE NEWELL BROS. MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 25 Mercer st.; Corporate Office, Springfield, Mass. Inc. Jan. 18, 1879, in Mass.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacturing of covered, vegetable ivory and pearl buttons. Plant at Springfield, Mass. Unincumbered. About 50,000 sq. ft. The stock is nearly all held by the family, and none is on the market. When first established firm was N. C. & S. R. Newell; the latter died in 1878, and about that time it was made a corporation. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Nelson C. Newell, President and Treasurer; Wm. C. Newell, Secretary. DIRECTORS—N. C. Newell, A. W. Newell, Wm. C. Newell, J. W. Welch, Hartford, Conn., C. E. Stickney. Represented by Albert W. Newell. THE NEWELL UNIVERSAL MILL CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. 1880, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $400,000, par ¢100; Full paid. Manufacture and erection of Newell’s patent mills for various pur- poses. Plant at 531 W.22dst. Dividends none. No debts. OFFricERs—H. J. Chapin, President ; Chas. R. Christy, Vice-President; L. H. Blackman, Secretary. DIRECTORS —H. A. Chapin, A. Chapin, Samuel Fiske, F. W. Holbrook. THE NEW DEPARTURE BELL CO., General Office, 113 Chambers st.; Cor- porate Office, Bristol, Conn. Inc. June 27, 1889, in Hartford Co., Conn. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $50; Full paid. OpBjEct—To manufacture door, call, bicycle and alarm bells, all in imitation of electrical results, but without a battery. No funded debt. Dividends to p. c. par value, July, 1890. Experimenting largely since to bring out a complete new line of bells. OrricerRs—A. F. Rockwell, President; Seth W. Beebe, Vice-President; E. D. Rockwell, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS John H. Graham, Wm. A. Graham, A, F. Rockwell, John J. Jennings, E. D. Rockwell. Jno. H. Graham & Co., Agents. NEW ENGLAND BUTT CO., Office, 99 Reade st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. No information furnished. C.F. Guyon Co., Limited, Agents. NEW ENGLAND DRESSED MEAT AND WOOL CO., Office, 664 W. 3oth st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Arthur J. Sharp, N. Y. Manager. NEW ENGLAND CO., Office, 64 Worth st. Inc. in Rockville, Conn. No infor- mation furnished. Duncan D. Chaplin and Robert Maxwell, Agents. THE NEW ENGLAND ELECTRIC STORAGE CO,., Inc. in N. Y. Statement. Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital $9,000. Totalassets at least $1. . Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Charles R. Truex, 136 Liberty st., President; E. W. Carritt, Treasurer. Drrecrors—H. R. Parrish, Charles R. Truex, E. W. Carritt. NEW ENGLAND GOLD AND SILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 470 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $825 000. Total assets and liabilities, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William B. Curtis, President; George A. Kinner, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William B. Curtis, George A. Kinner, L. R. Hoyt. 266 THE NEW ENGLAND IMPROVEMENT CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Paid in, $6,800. Liabilities other than capital, $250. Total assets at least $6,800. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFIcERS—Henry K. Adams, President; George W. Dalby, Secretary ; J. K. Warren, Treasurer, 30 Broad st. D1IrREcTORS—Henry K. Adams, Richard Lynn, George W. Dalby, J. K. Warren. NEW GREGORY MINING CO., Office, 76 Wall st., and 60 Broadway. Ince. in Col. Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Assets, $202,000, consisting of mines and machinery; Expenditures for year, $7,000. This property has been leased for a portion of the net revenue, which has been nothing. Dividends none. Debt, $13,000. OFFICERS—John Stanton, President, 76 Wall st., and 60 Broadway; Geo. F. Crane, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John Stanton, Geo. C. Magoun, Geo. F. Crane, Herbert F. Griggs. NEW ENGLAND KNITTING CO., Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Winsted, Conn. No information furnished. Valentine & Flagler, Agents. NEW ENGLAND PIANO CO. of New York, General and Corporate Office, 98 5th ave. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Thomas F. Scanlan, President; Thomas J. Quin, Secretary. NEW ENGLAND POTTERY C0O., Office, 12 Barclay st. Inc. in E. Boston, Mass. No other :nformation furnished. Davidson & Pitcarin, Agents. NEW ERA PUBLISHING CO., Office, 15 Vandewater st. No information fur- nished., GEORGE M. NEWHALL ENGINEERING CO., Limited, 41 Wall st.; Gen- eral and Corporate Offices, 136 S. 4th st., Philadelphia. Expires Mar. 1, 1909. Capital, cash, $22,580; property, $17,420; total, $40,000. General engineering and construction. OFFICERS—Osgood Welsh, Chairman; R. S. Newhall, Secretary and Treasurer. Osgood Welsh, Agent. THE HENRY B. NEWHALL CO., General Office, 105 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Plainfield, N. J. Inc. 1882, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacture and sale of hardware. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcTORS—Henry B. Newhall, President ; C. S. Newhall, Vice-President ; C. L. Phipps, Secretary and Treasurer. NEWHALL SHIP CHANDLERY CO., Office, 105 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $6,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $9,400. Total assets at least $13;700. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—Henry B. Newhall, President ; Charles L. Phipps, 105 Cham- bers st., Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—J. W. Bancroft, Henry B. Newhall, Charles L. Phipps. NEW HAVEN CLOCK CO., Office, 38 Maiden la. Inc. in New Haven, Conn: Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Frank J. and George E. Stevens, Agents. NEW HAVEN COPPER CO0O., Office, 294 Pearl st. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Thomas L. James, President ; Cornelius W. James, Secretary. DirREcToRS--Thomas L. James, Cornelius W. James, Franklin Farrell, Lewis A. Camp, George A. James. NEW HAVEN STEAMBOAT C0O,, Office, Pier 25, E.R. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished OFFICERS—Chester W. Chapin, President; Richard Peck, Secretary; William Scott, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Chester W.Chapin, James A. Rumrill, Richard Peck. NEW HAVEN WEBB CO,, Office, 73 Leonard st. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Paid-in capital, $60,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. James B. Hay, Agent. NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE CO0O., Office, 26 Union sq., E. Inc. in Orange, Mass. Capital, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information ~ furnished. Allen Schenck, N. Y. Manager. 267 NEW IBERIA SALT CO,, 70 Broad st.; Corporate Office, 304 Walnut st., Phila- delphia. Inc. Mar. 5, 1888,in Pa., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $50; Full paid, but 39 shares not issued, Sept., 1891. H1isrory—-Formed by the transfer cf the stock, property and franchises of the American Salt Co., at a valuation of $85,000 and the contribution of $15,000 in cash. Statement, Aug. 1, 1891: No real estate; per- sonal estate and debts due Company, $296,239.85; existing demands against Company, $1,500. Last Annual Meeting, Apr. 28, 1892. .OFFICERS—John Lowber Welsh, Presi- dent: G. Haussman, Treasurer. D1IrRECTORS—John Lowber Welsh, Arnold Marcus, Wm. Toel, L. E. Nash, G. Reusens, Jas. Wm. Paul, Jr., Herman Dercum, Hans Som- merhoff, W. L. Fanshawe. NEW JERSEY AND PENNSYLVANIA CONCENTRATING WORKS, General Office, 44 Broad st. ; Corporate Office, Orange, N. J. Inc. Aug. 27, 1890, in N. J. Capital authorized, 1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjecr—Extraction of iron from low-grade ores. Plant located at Ogden, N. J., and consists of crushing mill and mag- netic separators, employing 2 to 400 hands; steam-power. No dividends. No funded debt. OrricERS—Thomas A. Edison, President; Chas. Batchelor, Vice-President ; Thomas Butler, Secretary; William S. Perry, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—Thomas A. Edison, Robert L. Cutting, William S. Perry, Chas. Batchelor, Francis R. Upton. NEW JERSEY AND SANTO DOMINGO CITY BRIDGE CO., Office, I9 Whitehall st. No information furnished. THE NEW JERSEY CAR SPRING AND RUBBER CO., General Office, 10 Barclay st.; Corporate Office, cor. Wayne and Brunswick sts., Jersey City. Inc. Mar. 14, 1889, in N. J. Capital authorized, $400,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyect—Manu- factures rubber goods. Plant at Jersey City on block bounded by Wayne st., Brunswick st. and Railroad ave. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —John J. Fields, President; John J. Voorhees, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— John J. Fields, John J. Voorhees, John J. Fields, Jr., Charles P. Cocks. NEW JERSEY DRY DOCK AND TRANSPORTATION CO,, Office, 1 Broaa- way. Inc. July 2, 1884, in Elizabethport, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $25; Full paid. Osjecr—Dry dock and transportation. No other infor- mation furnished. Represented by Thomas Drum. NEW JERSEY FOUNDRY AND MACHINE CO,, Office, 105 Chambers st. Inc. July 19, 1888, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $6,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. OsjEct—Foundry and machine business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Henry B. Newhall, President; Charles L. Phipps, Secretary. Drrecrors—Henry B. Newhall, Charles L. Phipps, William H. Brodie. NEW JERSEY LAMP AND BRONZE WORKS, Office, 91 Duane st. Inc. in New Brunswick, N. J. No information furnished. Ralph W. Booth, N. Y. Manager. NEW JERSEY MANUFACTURING CO,., Office, 401 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 27, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000, par $10; Paid in at time of commencement of business, $1,000. ObByecT—Manufactur- ing. chemicals, spices, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Frederick N. Goddard, President; Charles Radcliffe, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Frederick N. Goddard, Charles Radcliffe. NEW JERSEY POSTAL TELEGRAPH C0O., General Office, 1 Broadway and 69 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. May Ig, 1890, in N. J., for 20 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100 ; Paid in, $45,000, per share par. OxsyEcT—Tele- graph business, within State of N. J. Plant located in N. J., and consists of telegraph lines. Stock dividend in last fiscal year of 8 p. c. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Everett Frazer, President ; Henry P. Winter, Vice-President; Edward Alden, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IrECTORS—Edward Frazer, Benjamin O. Bowers, John R. Livermore, J. A. McClary, Joseph S. Chase, Gardner Colby, Philip Lowy, F. R. Upton, Henry P. Winter. NEW JERSEY RUBBER SHOE CO0O., Office, 52 Reade st. Inc. in New Bruns- wick, N. J. No information furnished. E. Bruce Preston, N. Y. Manager. 268 NEW JERSEY STATE ARCHER GAS-FUEL CO,, Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 15, 1887, in Newark, N. J., for 49 years as the N. J. State Archer Gas-Fuel Co., and name changed July 27, 1887, to N. J. State Gas-Fuel Co., and on Nov. 17, 1888, to original name. Capital authorized, $1,200,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—-Frederick Booss, President; Robert H. McPherson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Frederick Booss, Robert H. McPherson, John B. Archer, Charles H. Knight, Robison Gill. NEW JERSEY STEAMBOAT CO., Office, Pier 41 (old) N. R. Inc. Mar. 2, 1854, in N. J.; Charter expires Dec. 1, 1933. Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Amount paid m not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —William W. Everett, President; George S. Riggs, Secretary ; Jacob Hayes, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William W. Everett, John Englis, Jr., Jacob and E. St. John Hays, Chas. M. Englis, Joseph J. O’Donohue. NEW JERSEY STEEL CO., Office, 17 Burling sl. Inc.in N. J. Capital author- ized, $47,200; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERS—Edward Cooper, President; Edwin F. Bedell, Secretary; Chas. E. H. Hewitt, Treasurer. DirecTors—-Edward Cooper, Edwin F. Bedell, James Hall, Augustus F. Childs. NEW JERSEY TRAP ROCK (C0O,, Office, 17 Broadway. Inc. May 24, 1899, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $15,000, par $100; Paid in $6,000. OpjEcT—Quarrying, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. L’Huillier & Marsh, Agents. NEW JERSEY ZINC AND IRON CO,, General Office, 52 Wall and 98 William sts. Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. Oct. 30, 1880, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $3,040,000, par ¢100; Full paid. OpyEcr—Manufacture of oxide of zinc. Plant located at Newark, and consists of furnaces, etc., employing about 600 hands. No dividends. No funded debt. Orricers-—Benjamin G. Clarke, deceased, late Presi- ~dent; Theodore Sturgis, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Benjamin G. Clarke, Percy R. Pyne, John J. Riker, Arthur B. Graves, Andrew Reasoner, Edwin F. Hatfield, Theodore Sturgis. NEW LISBON WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in New Lisbon, O. No information furnished. W. Baxter Thompson & Co., Agents. T. NEW MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 874 Broadway and 540 E. 20th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—Tobias New, President; Clarence H. New, Secretary. NEW MEXICO MINING CO., Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in Santa Fé, N. M. No information furnished. Represented by Thomas Moore, Jr. NEW MILFORD HAT CO., Office, 8 W. 4th st. Inc. in New Milford, Conn. Represented by John E. Bates. NEW SOUTH MINING AND IMPROVEMENT (C0,, Office, 45 Broadway. No information furnished. THE NEW PROCESS RAWHIDE CO,, Office, 136 Liberty st.; Corporate Office Syracuse, N. Y. Inc. in Syracuse, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $6,500; Total assets at least $48,000. Dividends,if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thos. W. Meacham, President; A. C. Vosburgh, Secretary. D1ireEcToRs—Thos. W. Meacham, A. C. Vosburgh. ; THE NEW RIVER MINERAL C0O., General Office, 9 Cliff st. Statement, Jan. £, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $374,500. Total assets at least $970,855.21. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Orricers—Geo. H. Seeley, President: John T. Pearson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John T. Pearson, Geo. H. Seeley, Joshua Hendricks, Jordan L. Mott, Edwin Einstein, John M. Thorburn. : i F i q : 269 NEW RIVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 7 Nassau st. State- ment Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capi- tal, $2,966.17. Total assets: Cash and debts receivable, $1,041.27. Receipts for year, $4,900: Expenditures, $4,618.12. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Anthony L. Maxwell, President ; Levi S. Tenney, Secretary and Treasurer. Bese ee NY L. Maxwell, Levi S. Tenney, Wm. M. Pritchard, C. Raht, F. Cazenove Jones, A. G. Richey, Jos. M. Gazzam. NEWTON BOTTLE-STOPPER AND BRITANNIA CO,, Office, 136 Liberty st. No information furnished. NEWTON COPPER TYPE CO,, General and Corporate Office, 14 Frankfort st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100, ooo; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrricERS—Thos. N. Rooker, President ; Cuthbert J. Orchard, Secretary. DrreEcrors—John Cook, Jr., Thos. N. Rooker, Cuthbert J. Orchard, Robert R. Orchard, Alfred S. Orchard. THE NEW YORK ASPHALT BLOCK PAVING CO. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Paid in, $6,205. Total assets and liabilities at least $5,700. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Edward R. Dunham, 1 Broadway, President. DrrecTtors—Aaron G. Perham, Ezra P. Mills, Edward R. Dunham. NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE COFFEE POLISHING CO., Office, 126 Front st. Inc. in Maryland. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—— Lawrence B. Zacharias, President ; Chas. W. Goodwin, Secretary. NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 53 Broadway. Inc.in Md. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry A. Heiser, President; Francis H. O’Connor, Secretary; T. Edgar Clarke, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Henry A. Heiser, George E. Yarrington, T. Edgar Clarke, Francis A. O’Connor. NEW YORK ADDRESS CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Beekman st. Inc. in N, Y. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—George H. Adams, President; Charles G. Adams, Secretary. Direcrors—George H. Adams, Charles G. Adams, John W. Crawford, William H. Hendrickson. NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE TRANSPORTATION LINE, Office, Piers 6and7N.R. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. Harry C. Foster, Agent. NEW YORK AND BERMUDEZ CO., General and Corporate Office, 25 Beaver st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Wilham H. Thomas, President; A. Howard Carner, Secretary ; Thomas H. Thomas, Treasurer. DiIrRECTORS—W. H. Thomas, Thomas H. Thomas, A. Howard Carner, H. B. Vanderhoef, Melvin Stephens. NEW YORK AND BOSTON DISPATCH EXPRESS, Offices, 304 Canal st., 57 Regt st., 45 Church st., 88 Beekman st., 97 Mercer st., 940 Broadway and Pier (old) N. R. Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward A. Taft, President; Chas. W. Sherburne, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Edward A. Tatt, John C. Paige, Walton C. Taft. NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN CASKET CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 Bond st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John . Mowen, President; Chas. Magie, Secretary. DIREcrors—John H. Mowen, Wm. J. Noble, Chas. Magie, John Baxter, NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN COFFEE C0., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 12 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities $850,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFiceErs—Meredith M. Greene, President; Martin Berry, Secretary; Howard M. Jacobs, Treasurer. DiIrRECTORS—Meredith M. Greene, Martin Berry, Howard M. Jacobs, William Thompson, Henry E. Nitchie. 270 THE NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN MALTING CO. Inc. in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid, property, $35,000; balance in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $150,000. Total assets at least, $200,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry Altenbrand, 36 Wall st., President; Joseph Seitz, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Henry Altenbrand, Joseph Seitz, Albert Altenbrand. NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN SUBURBAN ‘INVESTMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $120,000. Total assets at least $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiREcTORS—Frederick N. Dunton, President; Geo. E. Hagerman, Secretary. NEW YORK AND CHICAGO CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, o8 Maiden la. Inc.in N. Y. No information furnished. THE NEW YORK AND COLLEGE POINT FERRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 111 E. 14th st., and foot of E. ggth st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $166,584.30. ‘Total assets, $171,700.99. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFt- CERS—Walter C. Foster, President; Harry D. Low, Secretary and Treasurer. DireEcTors—Walter C. Foster, William Steinway, Louis Von Bernuth, Harry D. Low, John B. Hasslocher. ) THE NEW YORK AND COMMERCIAL STEAM LAUNDRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 562 W. 25th st. Inc. in N. Y. -Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $16,311.71. Total assets $67,766.76. Receipts for year, $93,589.72; Expenditures at least $91,206.01. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricErs—Anthony O. Rowe, President; Joseph W. Felter, Secretary; Thomas E. Sloan, Treasurer. DrrEcToRS— Anthony O. Rowe, F. E. Sloan, Joseph W. Felter, Louis K. Cotton. THE NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., General and Corporate Office, “113: Wall: st., Pier 161) Ro) Ine. sity NOY: Capital tagtiesmens $2,500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry P. Booth, President; William H. T. Hughes, Secretary ; DrirEcrors—Henry P. Booth, William H. T. Hughes, George E. Weed, James E. Ward, William Rowland. Jas. E. Ward & Co., Agents. NEW YORK AND HONDURAS ROSARIO MINING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid, in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $60,000. Total assets at least $65,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John J. Marvin, President; Ernest Schernikow, Secretary ; Samuel Jacoby, Treasurer. DrirEcToRs—John C. Dore, Samuel Jacoby, William F. Fluhrer, John J. Marvin, William F. Buckley, William H. Power, J. Lathrop, Max Abenheim, E. J. Swords. NEW YORK AND HUDSON STEAMBOAT CO., Office, Pier 48 N. R.: Corporate Office, Hudson, N.Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $500. Total assets at least $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William H. Traver, President; Milton Martin, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—William H. Traver, William J. Hughes, D. M. Hamilton, William A. Harder, Jr., L. Wolf, George H. Power, Alexander Reed, Jr., F. H. Sutherland, E. A. Chase. NEW YORK AND INLAND COMMERCIAL GUARANTY CO., Limited, Office, 206 Broadway. No information furnished. Orricers—John S. Morton, Presi- dent; Samuel M. Hayward, Secretary; Everett D. Barlow, Treasurer. DirRECTORS— John S. Morton, Everett D. Barlow, Samuel M. Hayward. NEW YORK AND LAKE CHAMPLAIN TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. 1877,in N.Y. Capital authorized, $45,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—-Towing and transportation on Hudson river and Cham- plain canal. Floating plant, several steamers; also about 300 mules. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert H. Cook, President; F. B. Jillson, Vice-President; Edward P. Newcomb, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcroRs—Robert H. Cook, Edward P. Newcomb, William E. Cleary, F. B. Jillson. B7% NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND TELEGRAPH CO,, General and Corporate Office, 5: William st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Simon E. Ostrom, President ; Chas. Shirley, Secretary. DiIrREcrors—Chas. Shirley, E. Kinney, W. Davis, Simon E, Ostrom. THE NEW YORK AND MAINE GRANITE PAVING BLOCK CO,, General and Corporate Office, 5 Beekman st. Inc. 1882,in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $1,000; Paid in, $88,000, OxnyECT—Granite paving blocks. Plant at Frankfort, Me. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Jno. Peirce, President; Jno. Boardman, Jr., Secretary; H. S. Lampher, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. Peirce, H. S. Uttey, Lincoln Peirce, R. G. Park. NEW YORK AND MIDDLE COAL FIELD RR. AND CANAL CO,, General and Corporate Office, 228 S. 3d st:, Philadelphiay -Inc)-Feb. 20, 1892, in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $25; Full paid. Formed for the pur- pose of mining, shipping and selling coal. No dividends yet paid under the new char- ter. OFFICERS—Israel W. Morris, President; William C. Alderson, Treasurer. DrI- RECTORS—Israel W. Morris, Phila.; Charles Hartshorne, Merion; James I. Blakslee, Mauch Chunk; Elisha P. Wilbur, Bethlehem; Effingham B. Morris, Phila, NEW YORK AND MONTREAL TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, 9 South st. No information furnished. NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, 243 Broadway. Inc. in Brookyln. No information furnished. Clifford H. Thompson, Agent. THE NEW YORK AND NEW HAVEN AUTOMATIC SPRINKLER CO., General and Corporate Office, roi Centre st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Plantat New York. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-John Simmons, President; Victor A. Harder, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— John Simmons, Chas. H. Simmons, Orin C. Frost, Victor A. Harder, Louis Merian, F. M. Littlefield, Herman Eckhoff. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY AUTOMATIC FIRE ALARM ASSOCIA- TION, Office, 32 Liberty st. dnc. Oct. 3,1885, in Rutherford, N. J.. Charter expires, Sept. 28, 1938. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $10,000 at commence- ment of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirREcTORS—Bird W. Spencer, President ; John Kennell, Secretary ; Geo. F. Swain, Treasurer. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY CAR SERVICE ASSOCIATION, Office, 143 Liberty st. No information furnished. OFFICERS—John H. Olhausen, President ; Frank E. Morse, Secretary. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY GLOBE GAS LIGHT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. i 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $24,066. 68. Total assets, $80,027.21. Receipts for year, $148,805.72; Expenditures, $148,435.91. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiREcTORS—William L. L. Elkins, President; Martin Maloney, Vice-President ; Charles K. Robinson, Secretary ; Simon H. Hoey, Treasurer. THE NEW YORK AND NORTHERN LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $212,000. Total assets at least $261,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceERS AND DIRECTORS—Daniel S. Lamont, 15 Broad st., President; Sherman Evarts, Treasurer. NEW YORK AND NORWALK STEAMBOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, Pier 23 E.R. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, ¢1co,o0oo; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John Ey Hofimire; President;...Geo. H. Frew, Secretary: Drrecrors—John E. Hoffmire, George H. Frew, Chas. M. Englis, John Enelis, Edward Knapp, Thomas Patterson, John Harvey. 272 NEW YORK AND NOVA SCOTIA SILICA CO., Limited, General and Cor- porate Office, 3 Broad st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $100. Total assets at least $48,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John F. Zooley, President; Frank W. Rennell, Secretary. DIrRECcrors—John F. Zooley, Frank W. Rennell, James Craig, Austin Gallagher, Henry B. Zooley. THE NEW YORK AND OHIO IRON AND SHEET CO. Inc. in N.Y. State- ment. Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Paid in, $70,000, cash ; $23,000, in property. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Frederick J. Stone, President, 60 Broadway; Thomas S. Holmes, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—S. Wilson, Frederick J. Stone, Thomas S. Holmes. NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA CO.,, General Office, 41 Park row ; Cor- porate Office, Lock Haven, Pa. Inc. 1890 in Penna. Capital authorized, $1,800,000, _par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—Paper and chemical fibre. Mills at Johnsonburg, Pa. ; Lock Haven, Pa.; Willsborough, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DirREcCTORS—A. G. Paine, President; M. M. Armstrong, Ist Vice-President; A. G. Paine, Jr., 2d Vice-President ; J. W. Welsh, Secretary and Treasurer ; Robert Wetherell. NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA COAL AND STONE TRANSPORTA- TION CO., Office, 280 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid, in cash, $3,000; in property, $57,000. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $5,000, Dividends, if any not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Howard C. Bogardus, President; Tompkins Hommel, Secretary. DireEcTrors—H. M. Coswell, Howard C. Bogardus, Tompkins Hommel. NEW YORK AND PORTO RICO S. S. CO., General and Corporate Office, 76 Beaver st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $88,000. Total assets, $35,726.22. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFriceERS—Juan M. Ceballos, President; Frederick R. Rohl, Secretary; Henry T. Knolton, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Juan M. Ceballos, Fred. P. Rohl, Arch. H. Bull, F. Kinsbury Curtis. NEW YORK AND ROSENDALE CEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 229 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFI- CERS—Hamilton B. Tompkins, President; Hiram Snyder, Secretary. NEW YORK AND RUDOLSTADT POTTERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —lIsidor Straus, President ; Thomas J. Wilson, Secretary. Dr1reEcTors—Isidor Straus, Emanuel Eising, John F. Hillman, Edgar Gutherz. NEW YORK AND SANTO DOMINGO LUMBER AND MINING CO.,, General; and Corporate Office, 32 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000; Full paid, Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $30,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry L. Bean, President; Charles E. Wilson, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Henry L. Bean, Charles E. Wilson, B. T. Harris, Horatio C. King, William H. Bibby, John W. Hunn, : THE NEW YORK AND SANTO DOMINGO ROCK SALT IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 32 Liberty st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000'; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry L. Bean, President; Charles E. Wilson, Secretary. _DIREcTORS—Henry L. Bean, Charles E. Wilson, William H. Bibby, George G. Ward, Horatio C. King. NEW YORK AND SCHUYLKILL LAND CO,, Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. Noinformation furnished. Represented by Eaton N. Frisbie. THE NEW YORK AND SHAWNEE COAL CO, Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Paid in, $900. ASSETS, -% LIABILITIES. RAGIN cosecs eos evar bite Kuba oe bad seek apehenwets TaR EN En BOO, 75 ti MEG site iiaeeeteaceas dealers eee $200,000 00 Pasa Actes Coal lands. .i.\ic>.weceeseas venice Due on lands... ovecuy veccssesnte tees 54,922 87 Opercratts votestcts est reece ee 9,869 56 Receipts for year, $3,125.24; Expenditures, $1,886.38. 273 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFicERs—A. A. Spear, President, 80 Wall st.; Richard B. Ames, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—R.B. Ames, Charles T. Austin, Walter S. Latting. THE NEW YORK AND SOUTH BROOKLYN FERRY AND STEAM TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, Pier 2 E.R. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000 ; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Ferry boats, houses, floats, real CRP GU SEG erate aco dvynake vacecdin ss $400,000 00 OStAtSr St Ger ece err cette vevcvsscseees $576,295 41 | Mtge. and bills payable............... 679,223 72 SUP PHOS Pisvoccuvemeramvuleassere clive sscose 5,050; OOWs MMLCECSte: cache ratinegtesactascdpdiccyuleses | 24082" 12 BesaSh ikadstescucee teammeedesees PRs teks sose4« 7,052) O24 1 SUIMIEY CACO stcaers tae: Syidcnectaekaeah yg 9,506 99 PANG UNCET Water rsrecss! cleses ss 00s, 200,000 00 $788,398 23 $1,113,412 83 OFFICERS —John W. Ambrose, President ; William 920,400 OO PL CCCIVADIE DONS hc ncetesseccecesecees | 20,8770 37 BTISCCILAMCOUS A reyescerstscsocces oosescccs 1,000 00 Receipts for year, $161,770.28 ; Expenditures, $215,677.19. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Ira H. Evans, _ President; A. B. Langermann, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Chas. A. Miller, Ira H. Evans, A. B. Langermann. NEW YORK AND WEST VIRGINIA COAL AND IRON (C0O,, Office, 18 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid, of which $150,000 is preferred 8 p. c. stock. OByEcT—Mining coal and iron. Plant located at Crown Hill, W. Va., and con- sists of fully equipped mining plant; capacity coal, 600 tons daily ; employing 175 hands. No dividends. No fundeddebt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Joseph Hayes, President; John S. Lockwood, Secretary and Treasurer, Brewer Smith. NEW YORK AND WEST VIRGINIA LUMBER CO., Office, 59 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan..1, 1892: Capital authorized, $11,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $12,000. Total assets at least $22,000. Receipts for year, $13,439.96; Expenditures, $13,439.96. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edwin T. Rice, Jr., 59 Wall st., President; Shoubell Crandall, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edwin T. Rice, Shoubell B. Crandall, W. P. Butler. NEW YORK AND YONKERS LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., 666 Columbus ave. Inc. inN. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Paid in, $7,835. Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Thomas C. O’Connor, Director. NEW YORK AND YUCATAN STEAMSHIP C0O., Office, 37 South st. No information furnished. Not in active operation. THE NEW YORK ADJUSTABLE STERN DOCK CO., General and Corpo- rate Office, 80 Broad st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Paid in, $10,000. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $1,500. Total _. assets at least $3,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —William Krehr, President; Julien B. Shope, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIRECTORS— William Krehr, Julien B. Shope, John D. Barrett. 18 274 THE NEW YORK AIR BRAKE CO., Office, 115 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J.; Branches, Chicago, Ill., and Atlanta, Ga. Inc. July 1, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Oxsyect—Manufacture of compressed air brakes. Plant at Watertown, N. Y. No dividends yet paid. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Royal C. Vilas, President ; Chas. A. Starbuck, Vice-President; John C. Thompson, Secretary and_ Treasurer. Direcrors—Royal C. Vilas, Isaac B. New- combe, John C. Thompson, Chas. A. Starbuck, Henry A. Rogers, Geo. H. Hubbell. NEW YORK AMUSEMENT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 115 W. 23d and 110 W. 24th st. Inc. in N.Y. No information furnished, OFFICERS Alfred Reichelt, President ; William T. Gieselberg, Secretary ; Frederick Kuenneke, Treasurer. NEW YORK ANDERSON PRESSED BRICK C0., Office, Nos. 1 and 3 Union sq.; Corporate Office, 1019 Rookery Bldg., Chicago, Tein A pr/33,'1 837, in Lior 99 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100 per share; Paid in, $493,900, par $100 per share. Debt, bonds, 5 years, $65,000. Organized to manufacture pressed face, shape and ornamental brick under the patents and methods of James C. Anderson. The plant is located at Kreischerville, Staten Island, N. Y., covering several acres of ground. The Company owns over Io0 acres of lands on the Island 4 miles from its plant, containing valuable clay deposits. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, OFFICERS —J. C. Anderson, President; John Weber, Vice-President; J. C. Cushman Secretary; Louis Weber, Treasurer. D1irEcToRS—J, C. Anderson, Elisha Gray, F. D. Everett, J.C. Cushman, Chicago; John Weber, Louis Weber, Henry Clausen, Jr., Frank A. Ehret, E. G. Woerz, New York. NEW YORK ARCADE RAILWAY CO., General and Corporate Office, 32 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid; in cash, $400,000; in property, $4,600,000. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed, $655,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— James E. Grannis, President; Eugene W. Austin, Secretary , E. J. McEuroe, Treasurer. DirEcTtorRs—James E. Grannis, Eugene W. Austin, E. J. McEuroe, George S. Coe, Charles P. Daly, James F. Pierce, Melville C. Smith, George W. Lyon, Jerome Fassler, D. E. Smith. Edward B. Thomas, John Claflin. NEW YORK ARCHITECTURAL TERRA-COTTA CO., General and Corporate Office, 316 Potter Building, 38 Park row. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan, I, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $387,654. Total assets, $512,884. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Walter Greer, President; J. K. Owens, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Walter Greer, Danforth Greer, Asahel C. Greer, Orlando B. Potter, Frederick Potter. NEW YORK AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO., Office, 114 Nassau st. Inc. Sept. 24, 1888, in Jersey City, N.J., for 50 years. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No information furnished. Percy S. Tunison, N. Y. Manager. THE NEW YORK BALANCE DOCK C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 3 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $95,500. Total assets at least $55,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—William F. Buckley, President; Frank W. Harris, Secretary. Drrecrors—William F. Buckley, William H. Webb, William H. Gebbard, Richard H. L. Townsend. NEW YORK BANK NOTE CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrriceErs—Russell Sage, President; E. Lawson Purdy, Secretary; Chas. E. Gray, Treasurer. DrrECTORS—Russell Sage, Chas. E. Gray, E. Lawson Purdy, Alfred M. Hoyt, N.S. Hill, Richard A. McCurdy. C. H. Crosby, Geo. H. Kendall. NEW YORK BAGGING CO., General and Corporate Office, 132 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information. furnished. OFricers—John S. Ellis, President; Jarvis C. Howard, Secretary; James M. Waterbury, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—John S, Ellis, James M. Waterbury, Stephen H. Harriman, William Marshall, George Chauncey, Michael Chauncey. 275 NEW YORK BARREL MACHINE CO0O,, General and Corporate Office, 38 Park row. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, $231,000. Liabilities other than capital, $3,500. Assets, patent rights and machinery, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceERs—Piercey Little, President; Alexander R. Carnichael, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Piercey Little, Alexander R. Carnichael, Richard N. Morton. NEW YORK BILL-POSTING CO., Office, 34 Murray st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Charles S. Houghtaling, President; Henry M. Bingham, Secretary. DireEcrors—Charles S. Houghtaling, Henry M. Bingham, Frederick Allen. THE NEW YORK BISCUIT CO,, Office, 78 roth ave.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. Feb. 1, 1890, in Ill. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100 ; paid in, $9,000,000, OsyEcT—Manufacture of biscuits and all food products. Plants at Boston, Milton, Newburyport, Mass.; Hartford, N. H., N. Y., Newark, N. J.; Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Grand Rapids and Chicago. Funded debt, $1,500,000. $1,000, 6 p.c. 20 years. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Wm. H. Moore, President, Chicago; H. J. Evans, 1st Vice-President, Chicago; J. H. Moore, 2d Vice-President, Chicago ; Geo. E. West, Secretary ; Geo. P. Johnson, Treas- urer, N. Y.; Geo. T. Smith, Chicago; Jno. Holmes, N. Y.; J. W. Hagen, Boston. NEW YORK BOAT OAR CO., Office, 69 West st. Capital authorized, $12,500; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Frank D. Wilsey, President; Frank C. Clutterbuck, Secretary. D1iREcTORS—Frank D. Wilsey, Frank C. Clutterbuck, J. J. Ayres, John Wilsey, William A. Arnold. THE NEW YORK BOND AND MORTGAGE TRUST CO,, Office, 35 Wall st. ; Corporate Office, Ridgewood, N. J. Inc. Sept., 1891, in N. J., for 40 years. Capital authorized reduced to $270,000, May, 1892, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Building of suburban residences and making advances on same. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Francis D. Carley, President; Earle E. Carley, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Francis D. Carley, Earle E. Carley, M. A. Carley, Oliver Harriman. NEW YORK BOTTLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 160 S. 5th ave. and 79 W. 132d st. Capital authorized, $175,000; Amount paid in-not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—George W. Rayner, President; John R. Steele, Secretary. NEW YORK BUFFET CO., General and Corporate Office, 167 Broadway. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Sidney W. Hopkins, President ; James J. Richards, Secretary. NEW YORK BURIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 341 Broome st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frederick H. Ernst, President : Andrew Gerndt, Secretary ; William Vonglahn, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frederick H. Ernst, Andrew Gerndt, William Vonglahn, Emil Lachman, Martin Luhersen, Edward Grimm, William Dressler. NEW YORK BUTCHERS’ CALF SKIN ASSOCIATION, Limited, Generaland © Corporate Office, 407 E. 47th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricErs—George Thomson, President; Morris Heim, Secretary; Herman Heinemann, Treasurer. D1- RECTORS—George Heim, George Thomson, Morris Heim, Edwin F. O’Neill, Jacob Kingkleb, David Shannon, Charles Fischer, Aaron Buchsbaum, John J. Harrington, Herman Heinemann. NEW YORK CAB CO., Limited, General and Corporate Offices, 128 W. 23d, 21 E. 12th, 523 5th ave., 2 W. 45th, 221 W. 53d, 5 E. 58th, W. 75th cor. Amsterdam and 284 Columbia ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, common, $450,000; preferred, $50,000; Full paid, in cash, $50,000 ; in property, $450,000. ASSETS. LIABILITIES Carriages, horses, e€tc.......++ cesses $423,444 88 | Other than capital stock............. $436,840 08 Re er ac ci cance se nantegch,sevenoues »500 00 Good-will and fixtures............ Sema ¥35;000 O00 BOMIR Des ah {Gs Sadedownedots ovnnas ntes neque 207 84 MISCRIULIVCOUS | oct cave ces tevescenedecces 85,599 43 $650,752 15 276 No dividends. No funded debt. Orricers—J. G. K. Laurence, President; Peter T. Barlow, Secretary ; Allan Lexow, Treasurer. Drrecrors—J. G. K. Laurence, Peter T. Barlow, Frederic Bronson, George P. Wetmore, Ira Brown, Walter W. Brown. NEW YORK CARBON AND TRANSFER PAPER C0O., General and Corpo- rate Office, 51 Nassau st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $20,286.96. Total assets at least $6,654.94. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrEcTORS—Justin Butterfield, President; Hawkins A. Tucker, Vice- President; Herman F. Lee, Treasurer. NEW YORK CARDING AND SEALING CO., General Office, 51 Dey st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $2,845. Total assets at least $100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Edward J. Brooks, 51 Dey st., President; Farley Harvey, Secretary. NEW YORK CARPET LINING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 935 Broad- way and 308 E. 95th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $6,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Geo. Dodson, President; Wm. H. Pomeroy, Secretary ; John V. R. Constable, Treasurer. NEW YORK CEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $81,400; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Thos. Miller, President; Thos. Miller, Jr., Secre- tary. Drrecrors—Thos. Miller, Thos. Miller, Jr. Wm. A. Cumming, John Miller. NEW YORK CHEMICAL AND COMMERCIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 163 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert Kennedy, Jr., President; Frederick H. Lovecraft, Sec- retary; Geo. E. McDonald, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert Kennedy, Jr., Frederick H. Lovecraft, Geo. E. McDonald. NEW YORK CHEMICAL MAUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 21 Clinton pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Smith H. Wing, President; Frank W. Coale, Secretary ; Chas. J. Cary, Treasurer. DirREcrors—Smith H. Wing, Chas. J. Cary, Joanna R. Wing. NEW YORK CHEMICAL WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 102 Reade. st. and 524 W. 16th st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—Henry M. Anthony, President ; Chas. F. Sullivan, Secretary. NEW YORK CITY BOLT AND NUT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 33 Desbrosses st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $70,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceERs—John Cavanagh, Presi- dent; John W. Cavanagh, Secretary ; John H. Cooper, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John Cavanagh, John W. Cavanagh, Jacob B. Davis, John H. Cooper, B. F. Vosburgh, Emil Hubner. NEW YORK CITY ICE CO., General and Corporate Office, 409 W. 12th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Gilbert Seaman, President; Charles A. Macy, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Gilbert Seaman, - Abel M. Parker, Chas. A. Macy, Moses Huntoon, William M. Kemp. NEW YORK CITY RECORD PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 39 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000 ; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Willis McDonald, President; Stephen A. Powell, Secretary. DrrecTorRs—William McDonald, Stephen A. Powell, Henry A. Powell, William E. Dormitzer. THE NEW YORK COAL TAR CHEMICAL CO, General and Corporate Office, 1o Warren st. Inc. 1872, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $275,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Oxpyecr—Coal tar and ammonia and their products. Plant at Shadyside, . N. Y. Dividends, ifany, not ascertained. No fundeddebt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —I. D. Fletcher, President; Edw. H. Kidder. Secretary ; T. W, Weeks, Treasurer. 277 NEW YORK COFFEE 00., Limited, Inc. in N.Y." Statement, Jan. 1, 1892": Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $12,927,68. Total assets, $12 642. 61. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. H. Barton, President. DIRECTORS—H. Barton, John H. Miron, Walter J. Peck, 94 Front st. NEW YORK COLLEGE OF MUSIC, General and Corporate Office, 128 E. 58th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $755,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Everett P. Wheeler, President; Latham G. Reed, Secretary; Otto Rother, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Herman Lambert, Morris Cooper, Otto Rother, Latham G. Reed, Walter Damrosch, Alexander Lambert, Frank Fowler, Emil Gramm. NEW YORK COMMERCIAL CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, mo Pearl st.) Inc.in' N)-Y. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—George A. Alden, President; Adelbert H. Alden, Secretary ; Charles R. Flint, Treasurer. NEW YORK COMPRESS CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Exchange pl. inc. in’ N, Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, . $40,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $2,684.95. Receipts for year, $17,463.93; Expenditures, $17.989.06. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt.. OFFICERS— Archebold M. Pentz, President - Stephen G. Williams, Secretary and Treasurer. DirREcTOoRS—Archebold M. Pentz, Stephen G. Williams, E. Borneman, H. I. Underhill, A. B. Terhune, Karl Meisner, Adolph Norden. NEW YORK CONCENTRATING WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $26,000. Liabilities other than capital, $7,100. Total assets at least $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Thomas A. Edison, President; Samuel Insull, Vice-President; Thomas Butler, Secretary; W. S. Perry, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel Insull, Robert L. Cutting, W. S. Perry, Thomas A. Edison. Charles Batchelor. NEW YORK CONCERT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 1402 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. OFFICERS— Rudolph Aronson, President; Abram B. De Frece, Secretary; Albert Aronson, Treasurer. _DIRECTORS—Rudolph Aronson, Albert Aronson, Abram B. De Frece, Harry S. Mendelson, R. R. Stuyvesant, Jefferson M. Levy, Andrew Friedman, William J. Finch, Jr., Francis J. Kimball. NEW YORK CONDENSED MILK C0O., General and Corporate Offices, 71 Hudson, 227 E. 34th and 306 E. 117th sts. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $24,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS ANI) DIRECTORS—H. L. Borden, President ; William J. Rogers, Secretary; Albert J. Milbank, Treasurer. NEW YORK CONDITOR VEREIN, General and Corporate Office, 153 E. 4th st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $3,000; Amount paid in not known. Drvidends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Emil Gebauer, President; Henry Pfeiffer, Secretary; Robert Osterthal, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Louis Becker, John Foster. NEW YORK CONFECTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 76 Varick st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, go, 000 Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Joseph Elsworth, President; Sylvester Pope, Secretary. DiIREcTORS—Joseph Elsworth, Samuel J. Everett, Sylvester Pope. NEW YORK CONSOLIDATED CARD CO., General and Corporate Office, 226 W. 14th st, Inc.in N. Y. No information furnished. Orricers—-Solornon L. Cohen, President; Arthur M. Lawrence, Secretary; Isaac Levy, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Solomon L. Cohen, Chas. H. Hart, Arthur M. Lawrence, Isaac Levy, Stanley A. Cohen, NEW YORK COOPERAGE CO., Office, 61 roth ave. Inc. Aug. 1, 1890,in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Paid in $1,000 at time of commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Richard Arnold, President; John Borroughs, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Richard Arnold, John Burroughs. 278 NEW YORK CYCLE 0OO0O., Office, 17 E. 14th st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Gerrit S. Scofield, President: Frank M. Scofield, Secretary. Drrecrors—Gerrit S. Scofield, Frank M. Scofield, Hugh Macdonald, Thomas Evans, Montruvila Gregson. NEW YORK DAILY BULLETIN ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 32 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William Dodsworth, President; Alfred W. Dodsworth, Secretary ; John W. Dodsworth, Treasurer. NEW YORK DIET KITCHEN ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 137 Centre and 331 E. 6oth sts. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEecrors—Mrs. Abby H. Gibbons, President; Mrs. August Lewis, Secretary ; Mrs. James D. Smillie, Treasurer. NEW YORK DOWN CO., Offices, 853 Broadway and 48 E. 12th st. OBjECT— Manufacturing cushions. No information furnished. NEW YORK DREDGING CO., Office, 63 Wall st. Inc. Mar. 8, 18go, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,000 at time of com- mencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OrFicers—George E. Fisher, President; Louis E. Spencer, Secretary ; DirEcrors—George E. Fisher, Alfred Wagstaff, Louis E. Spencer, William H. Male, Frederick H. Lowerre. NEW YORK DYEWOOD EXTRACT AND CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 55 Beekman st. Inc. 1872 in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement Jan. J, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000; Total assets at least $350,000. Oxbyecr—-Manufacture of dyewood extracts. Plant at Brooklyn, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS AND DirEctors—J. C. Baldwin, President; Wm. M. Baldwin, Vice-President ; DeWitt Clinton Jones, Jr., Secretary; J. Frank Greene, Treasurer; John L. Riker, Henry Steers, John G. Steenken, H. B. Bates. NEW YORK ECONOMICAL PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 Vesey st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thos. R. Hopkins, President; Walter T. Chatterley, Secretary. DrREcTORS—Thos. R. Hopkins, Walter T. Chatterley. NEW YORK ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Peter B. Vermilya, Secretary ; Thos.S. Howell, Treasurer. Drrecrors—C. H. VanNuis, John H. Hapgood, Peter B. Vermilya, Thos. S. Howell. NEW YORK ELECTRIC LINES CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Chas. J, Warren, President; Geo. L. Weed, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Chas. J. Warren, Geo. L. Weed, Edward Barr, Chas. Riley, Jesse Larrabee, Jas. 5. White, F.C. Plott) Car. Deuencene: NEW YORK ELECTRIC MAIL-BOX CO., General and Corporate Office, 451 Greenwich st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Adolph Wimpfheimer, President; Albert F. Hochstadter, Secretary; Chas. H. Parsons, Treasurer. D1REcrors—Albert F. Hoch- stadter, Chas. H. Parsons, Adolph Wimpfheimer. THE NEW YORK, ELMSFORD AND WHITE PLAINS RR. CO., General and Corporate Office, White Plains, and 93 Nassau st. Inc. 1892 in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Building and ~ operating an electric railroad from Elmsford to White Plains. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrricERs—T. C. Gross, President; Jas. H. Moran, Secretary ; J. R. Stein, Treasurer, N. Y. DireEcrors—H. Herschkovitz, C. Scherer, of Mexico; R. T. Montgomery, J. W. Digney, V. O. Krepps, Jas. B. Lockwood, of N. Y. THE NEW YORK EMERY C0O,, General Office, Peekskill, N. Y.; N. Y. Office, 280 Broadway. No information furnished. —a ee eee NO : ; 7 : 7 279 NEW YORK ENAMEL PAINT CO., General and Corporate Office, 240 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Sylvester J. Miller, President; Sylvester M. Neville, Secretary. DIRECTORS _ —-Sylvester J. Miller, Sylvester M. Neville, Sidell Tilghman, F. B. Tilghman, Valentine Klein, George Rowland. : NEW YORK ENGRAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 320 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Alex- ander R. Hart, President; Charles M. Cooper, Secretary. DirREcTORS—Alexander R. Hart, Charles M. Cooper, Julius C. Vonarx. NEW YORK EQUIPMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—James Irvine, President; William V. Carolin, Secretary. DI- RECTORS-—James Irvine, George B. F. Cooper, William V. Carolin, L. V. Walkley, Charles Muller. NEW YORKER HANDELS-ZEITUNG CO., 72 Pine st. Inc.in N.Y. Capi- tal authorized, $8,000; Paid in, $7,800, in cash. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. OIC ASSES ce ricccnc vsceessenenvseases tonnes $174 85 | Other than capital......ccoesecssresecevers $5,683 00 Cash and debts receivable........ ...+. 3,650 00 RI OTEACSEL SE yan ucts ceaeens 2 ¢Uach wand cogean 11,500 00 $15,324 85 Receipts for year, $16,759.60; Expenditures, $16,412.20. Opject—Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Wnm. A. Thomas, President; E. A. Norton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. A. Thomas, Chas. Sechlike, E. A. Norton. NEW YORKER STAATS ZEITUNG CORPORATION, General and Corporate Office, Tryon row. ‘Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFI- CERS—Oswald Ottendorfer, President; Paul Loeser, Secretary ; Herman Ridder, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Oswald Ottendorfer, Edward Uhl, Paul Loeser, Andrew H. Green, Herman Ridder. NEW YORKER ZEITUNG PUBLISHING AND PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 7 Frankfort st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $75,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Wm. Mayer, President; Joseph Morwitz, Secretary; Chas. B. Wolffram, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm., Mayer, Chas. B. Wolffram. NEW YORK FIFTH WHEEL 0C0., Office, 45 Grand st. Inc. in Brooklyn, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $150,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Caleb R. Turner, President. Frank R. Leonori & Co., Agents. THE NEW YORK FEED 00., General and Corporate Office, 146 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Liabilities _ other than capital, $46,000. Total assets reported as at least $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers AND DireEcToRs—John B. Smith, Presi- dent; Augustus C. Fransioli, Secretary ; Isaac L. Smith, Treasurer. THE NEW YORK FILTER CO., Office, 145 Broadway; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1892, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $100; Full paid. A consolidation in Jan., 1892, of The Hyatt Pure Water Co., of Newark, N. J.; The National Water Purifying Co., of New York City; and The American Filter Co., of Chicago, Ill. Co. has acquired the patents (about Ioo in all), of the Hyatt, National and American Filters. No dividends yet paid. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Charles C. Worthington, President, New York City; John W. Hyatt, Vice-President, Newark, N. J.; John C. Symons, Secretary, New York City; Henry P. Jones, Treasurer, Newark, N. J. Drrecrors—Charles C. Worthington, John W. Hyatt. Henry P. Jones, A. C. Westervelt, Peter Kinnear, Wm. M. Deutsch, Albert R. Leeds, Theo. F. Miller, John D. Harrison. 280 NEW YORK FINISHING (CO,, Office, 96 John st. No information furnished. THE NEW YORK FISH CO., General and Corporate Office, 107 South st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Paid in, $1,800. Total assets at least, $2,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Charles H. Cone, President; Charles C. Meigs, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Percy M. Comstock, C. H. Cone, Charles C. Meigs. . NEW YORK FLEXIBLE WOOD FLOORING CO., General and Corporate Office, 17 W. 42d, and 312 E. 75th sts. Inc.in N, Y. . No information furnished. OFFICERS—Richard D. Hamilton, Secretary ; Louis S. Eickwort, Treasurer. NEW YORK FRESH TRIPE CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 626 W. 39th st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Henry C. Derby, President; Frank P. Bugbee, Secretary ; Her- bert Derby, Treasurer. DrrRecToRS—Henry C. Derby, Herbert Derby, James P. Rob- ertson, Frank P. Bugbee, Alonzo M. Robertson. NEW YORK FLOATING DRY DOCK CO., General and Corporate Office, 254 South st. and Pier 43 E. R. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000 ; Amount paidjin not known. Liabilities other than capital, $420,000. Total assets other than capital invested at least $240,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Charles Myers, President; Orington Livingston, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Charles Myers, Jadriance Bush, John G. Bush, William Schall, Jr., Adolf Pavenstedt, Wallace B. Flint, George C. Freeborn, John G. Reynolds. THE NEW YORK FREESTONE QUARRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 Pine st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $65,000. Total assets at least $125,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricErsS—Frederic T. Parson, President; Henry E. Parson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Frederic T. Parson, Henry E. Parson, Henry A. Richardson, Samuel A. Harriman, Charles N, Finch. NEW YORK FRUIT AND PRODUCE CO., Limited. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Matthew Dean, 226 Washington st., President; William H. Wiley, Secretary. DirREcTORS—W. M. Henton, Matthew Dean, William H. Wiley. THE NEW YORK FURNITURE CO., General and Corporate Office, 128 W. 14th st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—-Edward R. Jeffcott, President; James I. Reed, Treasurer. DrreEcrors—Edward R. Jeffcott, James E. Reed, Lewis B. Jeffcott. THE NEW YORK FURNITURE BOARD OF TRADE CO,, Office, 150 Canal st. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIREcCTORS—Theodore Hoffstatter, Jr., President; Geo. A. Jacques, Secretary. THE NEW YORK GAS FIXTURE OC0O,., General and Corporate Office, 20 Warren st. Inc. Jan. 5, 1888, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100; Paid in $52,500. OpnjyEct—Manufacture and sale of gas and electric light fixtures. Plant at 478 and 480 Pearl st., N. Y. City. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES—W. H. H. Miller, President and Treasurer ; Jacob Zahn, Vice-President ; H. O. Schmidt, Secretary. NEW YORK GERMAN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, General and Corpo- rate Office, 7 W. 42d st. Inc. in N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OrriceERS—Louis G. Parma, President: Charles I. Clarke, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Stephen T. Gordon, Julius Meyer, Adolph T. Weber, Henry D. Richmond, Andrew Billings, Francis C. Campbell, Henry D. Wallen, Frederick A. Hilton, Frederick T. Jefferson, Joseph G. Moore, Frederick Antholz, John McGill. NEW YORK GLASS CO., General and Corporate Office, 100 S. 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert Gemmell, President; G. Osgood Andrews, Secretary; S. Bryan Kneass, Treasurer. DiIrRECTrOoRS—Robert Gemmell, S. Osgood Andrews, S. Bryan Kneass, Strickland Kneass, D. C. Andrews. NEW YORK GLYCERINE C0O., Office, 1 Broadway. No information furnished. 281 NEW YORK GRAPE-SUGAR CO., Office, 49 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. State- ment Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,100,000; Paid in, $10,000 cash, $850,000 properiy. Liabilities other than capital, $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thos. C. Platt, 49 Broadway, President ; Wm. C. Sheldon, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—H. G. Bond, Thos. C. Platt, Wm. C. Sheldon. THE NEW YORK GRAPHIC CO., Office, 50 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFicers— Henry L. Stoddard, President; Thos. Moon, Jr., Secretary. DIRECTORS— Henry L. Stoddard, James E. Chandler, 50 Broadway, Thos. Moon, Jr. NEW YORK GUARANTY AND INDEMNITY C0., General Office, 59 Cedar st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edwin Packard, President; Henry A. Murray, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Samuel D. Babcock, Frederick Cromwell, Josiah M. Fiske, Walter R. Gilette, Robert Goelet, George G. Haven, Oliver Harriman, Chas. R. Henderson, Adrian Iselin, Jr., Augustus D. Juilliard, Richard A. McCurdy, Edwin Packard, Henry H. Rogers, Henry W. Smith, H. McK. Twombly, Frederick W. Vanderbilt, William C. Whitney, J. Hood Wright. NEW YORK HARBOR TOW-BOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 State st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $45,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. - No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Lewis Pulver, President ; J. Gordon Emmons, Secre- tary; Charles E. Evarts, Treasurer. D1rEcTORS—Lewis Pulver, J. Gordon Emmons, Charles E. Evarts, Edwin R. Kirk, John E. Moore, Thomas E. Millard, Edwin M. Millard. NEW YORK HAY CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 187 West st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William M. Williams, President; Nelson H. Cleminshaw, Secretary. DI- RECTORS—William M. Williams, Nelson H. Cleminshaw. THE NEW YORK HAY EXCHANGE (C0,, Office, 601 W. 33d st. NEW YORK HEAT, LIGHT AND POWER CO,, General Office, 37 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Jonathan H. Crane, President; Chas. L. Heins, Treasurer. DrIrRECTORS—William T. Denyse, Jonathan H. Crane, Charles L. Heins, W. Shephard Newton, Martin B. Brown, James A. Flack, James Stevenson. NEW YORK HORSE MANURE CO,, Office, foot W. 45th st. and foot E. 39th, st. Inc. Apr. 19, 1884, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100; Paid in, $20,000. Certificate of increase of capital to $100,000, filed Apr. 29, 1885. Certificate of increase of capital to $200,000, filed Nov. 18, 1885. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—Henry Van Brunt, President; Bernard Naughton, Secretary; Bernard Shanley, Treasurer. NEW YORK HOTEL AND RESTAURANT CO., Limited, Offices, 13 Cort- landt st., 131 Broadway and 70 Liberty st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Adolph Nelson, President ; John M. East- man, Secretary; William R. Bailey, Treasurer. D1RECrors—Adolph Nelson, John M. Eastman, William R. Bailey, William H. Williams, Edwin A. Currier. THE NEW YORK HYGEIA ICE CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, foot of E. 52d st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, g150,000. Total assets at least $300,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Emil Schaefer, President; J. Christian G. Hupfel, Secretary and Treasurer. DiREcroRs—Emil Schaefer, J. Christian G. Hupfel, Julius Imgard, Albert Tag, Edward C. Schaefer, John C. Delaverge, Simon Uhlmann, John Plehatillon, Thomas H. Banckle. NEW YORK ICE AND COLD STORAGE C0,, Office, 206 and 207 Fulton st. No information furnished. NEW YORK ICE CO., General Office, 2 Cortlandt st. ; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. Oct. 24, 1890, in Newark, N.J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $25; Paid in, $1,000. Opyect—Manufacture of ice. Plant located at 177 Washing- ton st., 525 E. 18th st., and foot of E, 116th st., and consists of ice machinery, employ- ing about 65 hands, with a weekly pay roll of $750; steam power, 150 horse-power, each 282 plant; 450 total. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—Wallace C. Andrews, President agar. Shaffer, Vice-President and Treasurer ; H.G. Lyon, Superintendent ; Wallace C. Andrews, O. P. Shaffer, Lewis Coon, H. G. Lyon, Hiss ord: THE NEW YORK IMPROVED BARREL CO,, Office, 206 W. 64th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500, 000; Full paid, $33-850 cash, $466,150 property. Liabilities other than capital, $33,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William Rae, 206 W. 64th st., President : INL Se. Wells, Secretary. DirREcTORS—William Naylor, Hiram Henlein, William Rae, INE EY, Wells. THE NEW YORK IMPROVED REAL ESTATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. 1884,in N.Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100 per share; Full paid. Assets at least, $792,200. Liabili- ties do not exceed $152,725. Opyect—The owning and leasing of improved real estate, Own office buildings 44, 46 and 48 Broadway; 320 and 322 Church st. and 30 and 32 W. 13th st. No debt, Dividends June Ist and Dec. Ist, 3 p.c. each. OFFICERS— Samuel L. Parrish, 44 and 46 Broadway, President ; Howland Davis, 7 Nassau st., Vice-. President; Casimir Tag, 29 Broad st., Secretary; F. K. Pendleton, Treasurer. Drrectors—Samuel L. Parrish, Howland Davis, Casimir Lae cha. Pendleton, Charles F. Tag, Albert Tag. THE NEW YORK IMPROVEMENT (CO., General and Corporate Office, 171 Broadway, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000; Full paid. Total assets at least $1,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—S. L. Parrish, President; Frank P. Hoffman, Secretary. Drrecrors—sS. L. Parrish, Frank P. Hoffman, F. K. Pendleton. NEW YORK INSULATED WIRE CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Cort- landt st, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000, issued for patents; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErRs—Clement H. Wilcox, President; R. Eccleston Gallaher, Secre- tary; Abner J. Tower, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Clement H. Wilcox, Charles A. Place, Abner J. Tower, William B. Dowse, R. Eccleston Gallaher. NEW YORK INSULATING PAINT CO., Office, 53 South st. Inc. Jan. 28, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Paid in, $2,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— George N. Gardiner, President; James W. Eaton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—-George N. Gardiner, James W. Eaton, Joseph A. Reilly, George W. Piper, Thomas Pickering. NEW YORK IRON ROOFING AND CORRUGATING CO., General and Corpo- rate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry M. Warren, President ; Gustav M. Maicas, Secretary; Frederick L. Warren, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Henry M. Warren, Frederick L. Warren, Gustav M. Maicas. NEW YORK JEWELERS’ ASSOCIATION, 140 Broadway. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Nathaniel H. White, President; Pierre T. Tuni- son, Secretary ; Ludwig Nissen, Treasurer. NEW YORK LAND AND IRRIGATION CO., General Office, 29 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Huron, S. Dak. Inc. 1890, in S. Dak., for 20 years. Capital author- ized, $1,000,000, par $100; only partly issued; pershare par. OBjEcT—Acqulire, irrigate, improve and sell lands. Located in S. Dak., and consists of 95,000 acres. FUNDED DEBT—$276,000, 4s, due Ig01, payable at Hull, Eng., U.S. and Colonial Mtge. Co., Trustee. Also $150,000, 6s, due 1894, N. Y. Guarantee and Indemnity Co., Trustee. OFFICERS—Levi H. Thomas, President; C. W. Barringer, Vice-President; Charles A. Hercht, Secretary ; Samuel Conover, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Levi H. Thomas, Chas. As THercht, Samuel Conover, Chas. W. Barringer, John H. Baldwin, Americus B. Mel- ville, H. it. Horton, E. W. Thomas, P. W. Thomas. NEW YORK LAND IMPROVEMENT C0O., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished, OFFICERS—Samuel L. Parrish, President; Frank P. Hoffman, Secretary; Francis Pendleton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel L, Parrish, Francis K. Pendleton, Frank P. Hoffman, John R, Weeks, H. Robert Parrish. —— se eS a : ‘ 283 NEW YORK LAW PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office,, 303 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Anson G. McCook, President; David S. Owen, Secretary; John M. Bowers, Treasurer. Direcrors—Anson G. McCook, David S, Owen, John M. Bowers, William C. Bowers. NEW YORK LAWN MOWER CO., General and Corporate Office, 46 Exchange pl. Inc. inN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other infor- mation furnished. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—George W. Carr, President; Norton T. M. Melliss, Secretary. NEW YORK LEAD SEAL AND PRESS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 40 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William Fullerton, President; William F. Moore, Secretary ; William C. McIntire, Treasurer. Drrecrors—William Fullerton, William F. Moore, William F. McIntire, Frederick W. Brooks. NEW YORK LEATHER BELTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 84 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—James R. Pitcher, President; Stephen O. Lockwood, Secretary ; William G. Hoople, Treasurer NEW YORK LEATHER FINDINGS CO., General and Corporate Office, 388 Pearl st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERsS—George W. Hill, President; Ezra J. Sterling, Secre- tary. DrrEcTorRs—Charles Cranston, George W. Hill, Ezra Sterling. THE NEW YORK LIME HOLDER CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, ¢500. Total assets at least $200. Receipts for the year, $2,500; Expenditures, $3,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—T. James Owen, 66 South st., President; Sanford Oaks, Treasurer. NEW YORK LIGHTERAGE AND TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, 6 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Statement Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Lighterage and. transportation. Floating plant consists of g lighters. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Harrison B. Moore, President; James Donnelly, Vice-President; Joseph Wills, Secre- tary; Harrison B. Moore, Jr., Treasurer. DireEcTrors—Harrison B. Moore, Harrison B. Moore, Jr., W. L. G. Wiltse, John Taylor, H. Stanley Goodwin, James Donnelly. NEW YORK LITHOGRAPHIC CO., Office, 17 Ann st. No information fur- nished. NEW YORK LOAN AND IMPROVEMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid. No dividends. No funded debt. No other information furnished . * OFFICERS—Charles T. Barney, President; Daniel S. Lamont, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Chas. T. Barney, James J. Beldon, A. M. Billings, Henry F. Dimock, Daniel S. Lamont, Arthur Leary, John J. McCook, Oliver H. Payne, William C. Whitney. NEW YORK LOAN ASSOCIATION, Office, 2082 3d ave. No information furnished. NEW YORK LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, General Office, 45 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Rome, N. Y. Inc. in Rome, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $430,219.02. Total assets, $684,633.79. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFriceERS—Thomas M. Stryker, President ; Henry F. Lawton, Treasurer. DirEcTrors—Thomas M. Stryker, Henry F. Lawton, E. Comstock, H. N. Fiske. NEW YORK LUBRICATING CO., General and Corporate Office, 221 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS—Charles H. Kuske, President; E. Porter Moore, Secretary ; George H. Mason, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Charles H. Kuske, George H. Moore, Horace E. Merrill. 284 NEW YORK LUMBER AND TRADE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Charles H. Willson, President; E. Hudson Ogden, Secretary ; Charles E. Pell, Treasurer. NEW YORK LUMBER AND WOOD-WORKING CO., General and Corpo- rate Offices, 173 Broadway and 526 E. 134th st. ‘Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid infnot known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OrrrceErs—Wallace C. Andrews, President; Lewis Coon, Secretary; Onesimus P. Shaffer, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Wallace C. Andrews, George P. Smith, Onesimus P. Shaffer, Lewis Coon, H. G. Lyon. NEW YORK MAGAZINE AND BOOK UNION, General and Corporate Office, 2) W. 14th) st) Ine. in Ns YY.) Statement, Jani, 1892: Capital authomzed 477m Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No fundea debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERS—Charles A. Watson, President; Joseph Keatinge, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Joseph Keatinge, A. C. Butler, Charles A. Watson. NEW YORK, MAINE AND NEW BRUSWICK STEAMSHIP CO,, Office, 5 Hanover st. No information furnished Edward B. Bartlett, Receiver. NEW YORK, MOBILE AND MEXICAN STEAMSHIP C0., Office, 12 Broad- way. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $i,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Henry D. Haven, President; Frank Rudd, Secretary. THE NEW YORK MUSICAL EXCHANGE CO., Office, 32 E. 4th st. No in- formation furnished. THE NEW YORK MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, g E. 14th st... Incin N.Y. Statement; Jan. 1; 1892: Capital authorized, #000. Amount paid in not known. ‘No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—ers—John M. Lander, President; Jacob Mallach, Secretary; Charles W. Wernig, Treasurer. Direcrors—John M. Lander, Jacob Mallach, Charles W. Wernig, Leopold Fuen Keustein, Charles J. Boswald. NEW YORK MUSICAL INSTITUTE, General and Corporate office, 253 E. 72d st. Inc. in N. Y. Dividends, it any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Louis Zadora, President; Joseph F. Dalbee, Sec- retary. DIRECTORS—Louis Zadora, Joseph F. Dalbee, Titus D’Ernesti. NEW YORK MUTUAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 55 Liberty st. Inc. 1889, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Per share instalment. Osyect—Similiar to a building association. No funded debt. Interest-bearing paid-up stock gets 7 p.c, dividends. OFrric—Ers—Smith M. Weed, President; W. S. Chamberlin, Vice-President ; Thomas S. Johnson, Secretary; Alvah Trowbridge, Treasurer. D1rEcTORS—Alvah Trowbridge, Smith M. Weed, Thomas S. Johnson, Edward V. Loew, Warner Miller, E. C. Dillinghan, Winfield S. Chamberlin, John B. Riley, E. B. Rollins, Smith T. Wool- worth, Franklin B. Case, Jr.. Manager Agency Department. NEW YORK MUTUAL TELEGRAPH CO., General and Corporate Office, 195 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,500,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrricERs—John G. Moore, President; Abijah R. Brewer, Secretary; Roswell H. Rochester, Treasurer. DrirEcTors—John G. Moore, George J. Gould, Russell Sage, Grant B. Schley, John Van Horne, Thomas T. Eckert, E,. R. Chapman, R. M. Gallaway, J. Seaver Page, A. H. Calef. THE NEW YORK NATIONAL BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 60 Broadway. Inc. Jan. 13, 1890,in N. Y. Capital authorized, $75,000,000. STATEMENT, Nov. 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. PALS OS teu saceesc cosets ratte nae eee ree $54,500 0051) Stock 0. Etccmeene octane en eee $39,168 77 Pie trom depositorss.isiwcctcresese 5,641 33 | Unearned premiums..........cccsoscee 45,601 02 CASI; 245 ereussesclvavensveedsvoesdnet suns te ers BOO OT) P ePTONtS. ieee veest sate eRe AE ok 4,468 51 Due om loans iiyevseue ics eee ened II,500 00 $100,738 30 $100,738 30 285 Dividends 23 p. c. for year 1891. Company issue 6 p.c. paid-up stock. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. F. Thompson, President; J. W. Blood, Vice-President; W. C. Marsh, Secretary; J. W. Blood, Treasurer; W. G. Hovens, Attorney. DirEcToRs—W. F, Thompson, J. W. Blood, W. C. Marsh, W. G. Hovens, B. F. Moore. NEW YORK NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE, Office, 25 W. 30th st. No informa- tion furnished. NEW YORK NEWSPAPER UNION, General and Corporate Office, 134 Leon- ard st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $26,000. Total assets at least $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Drrecrors—J. H. Beales, Jr., Frank G. Bryson, Chas. M. Kent. THE NEW YORK NEWS PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 31 and 32 Park row. Inc. 1876, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Benj. Wood, Secretary and Treasurer. NEW YORK NICKEL PLATING AND MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 227 W. 29th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid; in cash, $14,000 ; in property, $11,000. <= STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ; ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Ma CHINGEY Mepeiie tes ettalty tcscas'e ns soss soedee $3,500 00 | Other than Capital... sssessereseeees $142 62 Cash and debts receivable............ AIG QI | Receipts for year .,.ssseeesscees seceeserens 47,830 02 Mfrs’. materialand stock in process 1,640 80 | Expenditures........ssseesecseeceseeceeees 47,414 II ACCES. escd ep aeen nce teresa reUsaaco dene veneds 4,494 61 | CWET Ey, $10,052 32 | No dividends. No funded debt. OrriceRs—Geo. F. Dodge, President; M. F. Dodge, Treasurer. NEW YORK NOVELTY CO., General and Corporate Office, 28 W. Houston st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other informa- tiou furnished. OFFICERS—Abraham Schwab, President; Benton Cohen, Secretary ; Leo L. Schwab, Treasurer. D1reEcrors—Abraham Schwab, Gabriel Schwab, Nathan Schwab, Leo. L. Schwab, Simon Hecht. N. Y. OBSERVER CO., General Office, 33 Park row. Inc. in N.Y. OFFICERS AND DirECTORS—Wendell Prime, President ; Chas. A. Stoddard, Secretary. NEW YORK 0. K. MODEL BAKING CO., General and Corporate Office, 25 Jackson st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, noi ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Herman Wellbrock, President; Henry Van Campen, Secretary; Ernest Von Pape, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Herman Wellbrock, Ernest Von Pape, Henry Van Campen. r NEW YORK OXYGEN 0O., Office, 120 Broadway and 372 Ist ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $9,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Lenox Smith, President; Warren Delano, Jr., Treasurer. NEW YORK PACKING AND PROVISION CO., Office, 579 1oth ave. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $10,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Jerome F. Sadler, President. NEW YORK PACKAGE HANDLE C0O., Office, 3 Burling sl. Inc. in N. J. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $12,500; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George W. Gorum, President; William B. Sheddan, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Charles H. Coffin, George W. Gorum, William B. Sheddan. NEW YORK PAPER CLOTHING MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 290 Pearl st. "No information furnished. OFFICERS AND Directors—C. J. Barrett, President; George Palen, Secretary. 286 NEW YORK PAPER CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 124 W. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Lucien C. Warner, President; Harris H. Hayden, Treasurer. NEW YORK PATENT SAFETY GATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—J. Edward Weld, President ; David B. Hart, Secretary. NEW YORK PATTERN MACHINE AND DIE CO., General and Corporate Office, 442 Water st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $11,400; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Carl Franck, President; Jacob Veith, Secretary. Drirecrors—Carl Franck, John H. Ebert, Jacob Veith. THE NEW YORK PHARMACAL ASSOCIATION, Office, Yonkers, N. Y. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. ‘Total assets at least, $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. H. J. Andrus, Secretary. DiIrEcTORS—John Carneck, John E. Andrus, H. J. Andrus. NEW YORK PHONOGRAPH CO0O., Office, 257 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,500,000; Full paid, in cash $2,700; in property, $2,497,300. Liabilities other than capital, $2,500, Total assets at least $2,500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—John P. Haines, President; Richard S. Haines, Secretary. Charles A. Cheever, Director. NEW YORK PHOTOGRAVURE CO., General and Corporate Office, 137 W. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Ernest Edwards, President ; Wm. R. Stanberg, Secretary. Walter B. Moore, Director. NEW YORK PIE-BAKING CO., General and Corporate Office, 32 Sullivan st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William Thompson, President; John F. Fullwood, Jr., Secre- tary. DIRECTORS—William Thompson, William Thompson, Jr., John H. Meyer, James Blake, James Dowling, F. Michel, Matthew Deane, F. W. Schweder, John F. Fullwood, Jr. THE NEW YORK PIPE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 41 Park row; Corporate Office, Hastings, Westchester Co., N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000. Liabilities other than capital none. ‘Total assets at least $100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained.. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Wnm. S. Perot, Jr., President ; Edward S. Perot, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Whlliam S. Perot, Jr., Edward S. Perot, Jas. R. McQuade. NEW YORK PNEUMATIC CIGAR ROLLING CO., Office, 102 Chambers st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frank McCoy, President ; John R. Williams, Secretary. DrRecToRS—Frank McCoy, Myer Foster, Louis Haas, Joseph J. Powell, ‘John R. Williams, Isaac Bijur, William Hodgson. NEW YORK POWDER CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 62 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not. ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Samuel M. Keiper, President; John McMillan, Secretary. Drrectors—Richard W. C. Merington, William E. Dietz, Andrew D. Harper, Samuel M. Keiper, John McMillan. NEW YORK PRESS 0C0., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 38 Park row. Inc. 1887, in N. Say Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS—Jas. Phillips, Jr., President; R. P. Porter, Secretary; J. R. Doudge, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Jas. Phillips, Jr., J. R. Doudge. 287 NEW YORK PROCESS AND ENGRAVING CO., Office, 46 Bond st. No infor- mation furnished. NEW YORK PROCESS SERVING BUREAU, Office, 96 Broadway. No infor-’ mation furnished. THE NEW YORK PROGRESS BUNCHING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 413 E. 31st st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $1,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any,not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Brown, President; N, H. Boryfeldis, Treasurer; A.C. Schultz. NEW YORK PURIFIED MILK AND CREAM C0O., General and Corporate Office, 44 8th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William Evans, Presi- dent; F. G. Wiltshire, Secretary. NEW YORK QUARRY 0CO.,, Office, to Wall st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan.{r, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, $100,000. Liabilities other than capital, $150,000. Total assets at least $250,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Samuel J. Harriot, President, 10 Wall st.; Albert Z. Demarest, Treasurer. NEW YORK QUININE AND CHEMICAL WORKS, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 114 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $294,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Herbert D. Robbins, President; John L. Kirkland, Secretary. NEW YORK QUOTATION CO. General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Total assets other than capital at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. H. Thomas, President ; Geo. W. Casper, Secretary. DiIrEcTORS—R. H. Thomas, P. W. Harding, A. B. Chandler. NEW YORK RAILWAY AND STEAMSHIP ADVERTISING CO., Office, 24 Park pl. Inc. in W. Va. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James Buckley, President; Henry B. Jagoe, Secretary. Direcrors—James Buckley, Henry B. Jagoe, John E. Wyman, Milton C. Roach, Charles P. Craig, Samuel Carpenter. NEW YORK RAILWAY SUPPLY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 40 Wall st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,0co; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other. information furnished. OFFICERS—Mariner A. Wilder, President; Frank C. B. Avery, Secretary ; Victor A. Wilder, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Mariner A. Wilder, Victor Wilder, Thomas S. Bullock, Frank C. B. Avery. NEW YORK REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING IMPROVEMENT CO, General and Corporate Office, 149 Broadway. Inc. 1886, in N. Y., for 50 years. State- ment, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Paid in, $139,800, viz. : Cash, $36,800; property, $103,000. OByECcT—Taking property on long leases, improving and subletting. Liabilities other than capital, $167,127.50. Total assets, $313,138.69. Receipts for year 1891, $60,229.01; Expenditures, $58,349.88. Bonded debt, $100,000, $500, 5 p.c. gold, due in 1899. Manhattan Trust Co., Trustees. Can be paid before maturity at option of two-thirds of bondholders. OrricERS—Ferdinand Fish, President ; Chas. T. Galloway, Vice-President; Joseph C. Davis, Secretary; Geo. W. Lithgow, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Ferdinand Fish, William Hamilton, Geo. W. Lithgow, Joseph C. Davis, Chas. T. Galloway, Hugh Lamb, A. J. Robinson. THE NEW YORK REAL ESTATE AND IMPROVEMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office, 149 Broadway. Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Paid in, $36,800, in cash; $103,200 in payment for property, etc. Liabilities other than capital, $167,127.50. Total assets at least $313,138.69. Receipts for year, $60,229.01; Expenditures, $58,349.88. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Ferdinand Fish, President; DrrEcrors—Ferdinand Fish, Joseph C. Davis, Geo. W. Lithgow. 288 NEW YORK REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 110 Leonard st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Samuel D. Babcock, President ; Jacob Wendell, Secretary ; George P. Slade, Treasurer. THE NEW YORK RECORDER (C0O., Office, 21 Park row; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1891 in N. J.; | Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $500,000, par g100; Full paid. Publication of newspapers, 24 New Chambers st., N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—G. W. Turner, President. C. C. Vernam, Secretary; J. R. Patterson, Treasurer;) A. F. W, Lesiie, J. Frauenfelder NEW YORK REFRIGERATING CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 192 Broad- way. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $77,000. Liabilities other than capital, $70,000. Dividends, if any, not aseertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—George M. Hard, President; George M. Brooks, Secretary. Drrecrors—F. E. Canda, Robert Gauz. NEW YORK REFRIGERATING WAREHOUSE CO., General and Corporate Office, 107 Murray st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $9,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George H. Shaffer, President; Ansel K. Powell, Secretary; William H. Place, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—George H. Shaffer, Jacob Shaffer, Ansel K. Powell, William H. Place. THE NEW YORK ROOFING CO., General and Corporate Office, 437 E. 23d st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100. OBjyect—Tin and gravel roofs, paving, etc. Branches, Greenpoint, Brooklyn, E. D., Newark, N. J., and Hoboken, N. J. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—M. T. Winn, President; Chas. L. Pitts, Vice-President and Treasurer ; H. G. Homer, Secretary. NEW YORK RUBBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 84 and 86 Reade st. Inc. 1857 in N. Y., for 20 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid, Manufacturers of mechanical rubber goods, balls, dolls, toys, etc. Matteawan, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Dividends, in Jan. of each year, payable at N. Y. Office. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORsS—Wm. H. Acken, President and Treasurer; Jno. P. Rider, Vice-President ; Rufus A. Brown, Secretary ; Benj. F. Lee, Olin G. Walbridge, Richard Butler, Geo. B. Ridley, Henry G. Wolcott. THE NEW YORK SPONGE CO,, Office, 133 William st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Bailing? Wee.tiskecssthens | ceosdesenseeraccen $200 00 «| Other than capital.:..s.)..c.1.0. sisevgaey $85,436 03 Machinery and mdse............ e008 135,016 32 Cash and debts receivable........... a Ag TA $142,688 06 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricErRs—Gustav Lasker, President; William L. Vennard, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—A. M. Clonmey, Gustav Lasker, William L. Vennard. THE NEW YORK STATE BREWERS’ AND MALSTERS’ ASSOCIATION, General Office, 2 Irving pl.; Corporate Office, N. Y. No information furnished. OFFICERS —Cornelius H. Evans, President; Gallus Thomann, Secretary; William Hoffneaum, Treasurer. NEW YORK SAFETY STEAM POWER CO., General and Corporate Office, 30 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Amos G. Nichols, President ; Frederick J. Thomas, Secretary; Henry Clay Nichols, Treasurer. DirRECcTORS—Amos G. Nichols, Henry Clay Nichols, Frederick J. Thomas, Uzal O. Crane. NEW YORK SAIL MAKING CO., General and Corporate Office, 27 Coenties sl. Inc..in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other infor- mation furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Mark Shaw, President; William W. Simpson, Secretary. 289 NEW YORK SCHOOL BOOK CLEARING HOUSE, 65 Duane st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $690. Total assets, $10,638.64. Receipts for year, $34,976.29; Expenditures, $26,637.44. Business sold to Arthur Hinds & Co., 4 Cooper Union, N.Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Henry T. Clander, President and Treasurer DiIrREcTORS—Jos. T. Carter, W. J. Weedon. NEW YORK SCIENTIFIC STREET CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. 1888, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100. OBJECT— The construction of streets and roadways on scientific principies. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—C. Francis Bates, President; James Coleman Drayton, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. Francis Bates, James Cole- man Drayton, R. W. Blackwell, David Paton. NEW YORK SCREW-TOP WORKS. Inc. in Brooklyn, N. Y. No information furnished. Robert A. Coit, loo Chambers st., and George P. Benjamin, 104 Chambers st., Agents. NEW YORK SHIPPING CO., General and Corporate Office, Produce Exchange. Inc.in N. Y. Statement Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Bernard N. Baker, President ; Matthias L. Jones, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Bernard N. Baker, George B. Baker, Matthias L. Jones, John M. Brown, John E. Berwind. THE NEW YORK SIGN AND LETTER CO,, 309 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in, in property, $49,000; Liabilities other than capital not given. Total assets at least $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Milton E. Baker, President ; Frank E. Linn, Treasurer. Milton E. Baker, Director. NEW YORK SILICATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 40 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Harvey N. Weed, President; William A. Weed, Secretary. _DIRECTORS—Harvey N. Weed, William A. Weed, Jarvis Weed, Pierre de P. Ricketts, Marshal P. Stafford. NEW YORK SILK CONDITIONING WORKS, General and Corporate Office, g Mercer st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized. $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert J. Hoguet, President; James Morris, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Briton Richardson, Robert J. Hoguet, Rioichiro Arai, Harper W. Sagendorf, James Morris. NEW YORK SLATE (CO., Office, 71 Broad st. No information furnished. NEW YORK SMALL STOCK CO., General and Corporate Offices, 776 and 790 Ist ave. and 4 Loew ave. W. Washington Market. Sing. meN. Y. Capital authorized, $45,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OrFricers—Abraham Loeb, President; David Levy, Secretary; Robert J. Gerstle, Treasurer. Directors—Abraham Loeb, David Levy, Robert J. Gerstle, David Adler, John Adler, Jacob Strauss, Abraham Frank, Julius Strauss, Simon Strauss, Lippman Frank, Sigismund Frank, NEW YORK SMELTING AND REFINING CO,, Office, 506 West st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded ‘debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles te Kimball, President; Simon N. Sondheim, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Charles E. Kimball, Simon N. Sondheim, Harmon Hendricks, Lucius Hart, Berthold Hochschild. NEW YORK SOLAR THERMOLUME CO., General and Corporate Office, 78 E. roth st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James W. Currier, President ; Edwin D. Rabbitt, Secretary ; L. Wesley Frost, Treasurer. DIRECTORS——James W. Currier, L. Wesley Frost, oo D Rabbitt, Nelson Cross. NEW YORK SPORTSMAN, General and Corporate Office, 46 Murray st.’ Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20, ooo; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Lorenzo C, ~ Underhill, President. - 290 NEW YORK STANDARD DIRECTORY, General and Corporate Office, 92 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Orimal C. Hatch, President; Michael C. Grosz, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Orimal C. Hatch, Michael C. Grosz, S. S. Vanderhoef. THE NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 John st. Inc. 1885, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Manufacture and sale of watch movements. Factory at Jersey City ; owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. NEW YORK STEAM CO., General and Corporate Office, 173 Broadway and 35 E. 58th st.. Inc. 1880, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $7,500,000, par ¢100; Paidin, $5,000,000. OByECT—Steam heat and steam power. Plant located at 173 Washington st., 525 E. 18th st., 35 E. 58th st., and foot of E. 116th st., and consists of steam generating apparatus, employing average of 300 hands with a weekly pay-roll of $3,000. Steam power, 17,000 horse-power. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceERs—Wallace C. Andrews, President; O. P. Shaffer, Vice-President and Treasurer; Lewis Coon, Secretary. DrirEcrors—Wallace C. Andrews, Lewis Coon; Onesimus P. Shaffer, F. H. Prentiss, Chas, A. Gains; H.S. ford; GrovesD; Curtis, Jas. H. Baker. NEW YORK STEAM POWER CO., Office, 58 and 59 Ann and 200 Fulton sts. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital $33,980.93. Total assets, $145,829.14. Receipts for year, $33,296.45 ; Expenditures, $28,271.27. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—H. W. Prisdee, President; Jno. L. Cameron, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Homer W. Prisdee, A. T. Moore, John L. Cameron. NEW YORK STEEL MAT CO.,, Office, 234 Broadway. Inc. June 1, 1889, in Hoboken, N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Certificate of reduction of capital to $100,000 filed Sept. Io, 1889. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OrFicERs—John H. Bonn, President; Henry Pattberg, Secretary. DIRECTORs—John H. Bonn, Henry Pattberg, Frederick Bonn, George J. Boltz, Rudolph F. Rabe. THE NEW YORK STENCIL WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 100 Nassau st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, debts, $5,850.41. Total assets at least $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofunded debt. E.S. Tarbox, President. Drrectrors—J. S. Mallinee, J. L. Tarbox, H. L. Tarbox. THE NEW YORK STORE MERCANTILE CO,, General Office, 372 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Marshall, Mo. Inc. Jan., 1890, in Mo.; Charter Pepetual. Capital authorized, $34,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Dealing in merchandise. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ESEOCE Wohercacsbstaverne es pateces Macs eohusmswcash $40,000 | Capital: StOCK..»:<0assaseoocceussautuarpanpenenn $34,000 CMEStANGING BLOMIS igs. 25nco- uber casas vase teen 12,000 #1 ULPlUS cersesarcmsicealpntveecutase i ecastuselpeaes 12,500 CASH cscs sessee cesseeree ceeeesenceeesnees ceseesecs 7,500 | Mtge. on.real estate \x......0.ssnsrsnecunieessen aueay SOO EUR UUTES cocsocssvse sores oc ss veperas sep asteseaence 5,000 |) Cash indebtedness..iic. .sccrvasnes cedennent 5,000 REAL EStALG sc uty acs le sles pheece secures’ Uy yr cases 17,000 | -Mdse. indebtedness.......0stueassa-n= var 26,500 $81,500 | $81,500 No dividends declared; profits have been carried to surplus account. No funded debt. OFFICERS—A. Smith, President, 3 W. 3d st. cor. Mercer, N. Y.; Geo. Mayer, Vice- President; Theo. Mayer, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. Mayer, Theo. Mayer, Leslie Orian. NEW YORK STRAW BOARD C0,, Office, 55 Crosby st. Inc. in N.J. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Alvah A. Clark, President ; Gilbert S. Cook, Secretary. NEW YORK STREET CLEANING MACHINERY C0., Office, 21 Park row. Inc. in N, J. Capital, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. ~ Dividends, if any, not 3 pee No funded debt. No other information furnished. Appleton Morgan, resident. 291 NEW YORK SUBURBAN LAND C0O., Office, 80 Broadway._ Inc. May 25, 1889, in Jersey City, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paidin, $5,000. Opyect—improvement of lands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—C. W. Leavitt, President; Robert J. S. White, Secretary ; John R. Fell. NEW YORK TARTAR CO.,, Office, 106 Wall st. Capital authorized, $80,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Joseph C. Hoagland, President; William M. Hoagland, Secretary; Benjamin G. Templeton, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Joseph a Hoagland, William M. Hoagland, Raymond Hoagland, Benjamin G. Templeton. NEW YORK ees CO., Offices, 314 4th ave. and 193 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y.,. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, ¢110,000: Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $60,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Brent Good, President ; Geo T. Hard, Treasurer; S. R. Pinckney. NEW YORK THERMOSTATIC ALARM, General and Corporate Office, 338 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Frank J. Stevens, President; Roswell B. Burchard, Secretary; J. Gillet Noyes, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frank J. Stevens, Wm. H. Stevens, Frank E. Morgan, J. Gillet Noyes, J. W. Frost, Chas. A. Tinker, Jas. W. Husted, Geo. V. B. Frost, Arthur C. Thompson. NEW YORK TRADING AND INVESTMENT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 55 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $40,000; Amount paid in, in cash, $28,000, Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Total assets at least $17,900. Receipts for year, $143,531; Expenditures, $143,563.04. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— William H. Jones, President; A. P. Cumming, John D. Douglass, Chas. C. Macy. NEW YORK TRANSIT C0O., General and Corporate Office, 26 Broadway. Inc. 1892, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyecr—Trans- portation of petroleum. Plants located various points in New York State, and consists of pipe lines, enploying about 250 hands. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —Henry H. Rogers, President; Daniel O'Day, Vice- President : John Bushnell, Secretary, Geo. W. Colton, Treasurer. Direcrors—Henry M. Flagler, William Rockefeller, Benjamin Brewster, Henry H. Rogers, John D. Archbold, Daniel O’Day, John Busnell. NEW YORK TRANSFER CO., 1323 Broadway. Joint stock association. - Authorized capital, 7,500 shs., par $100; Issued 6,000 shs., par $100; 80 p.c. paid. The ye ; holder of each share is subject to the payment in future of such assessments as may be necessary in case of loss. No funded debt. OFrricERS—William H. Woolverton, President; John Porter, Secretary; Henry W. Chipman, Treasurer; S. W. F. Draper, General Manager. DiIREcTORS—William H. Woolverton, George W. Stetson, William Thompson, Charles E. Pugh, James P. Scott, Stephen Little, George H. Hoyt, Samuel Carpenter, William F. Allen. NEW YORK TWO-CENT DIET KITCHEN, General and Corporate Office, 300 Ave. A. Inc.in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James R. Angell, President; Edward H. Colell, Secretary; Charles W. Laurence, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —James R. Angell, Francis G. Challenor, Edward H. Colell, William P. Iddings, Horatio N. Trombly, William G. Gottheil, William H. Lovell, Charles W. Laurence. NEW YORK UNDERGROUND RW. CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. 1886, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100: Paid in $200,000. OsyEcT—Underground railway. Road not located. FUNDED DEBT—$250,000, each $1,000, 5s, 50 years, Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., Trustee. OFFICERS—Edward Lauterbach, President; Louis H. Rullmann, Secretary ; William C. Behrens, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Origen Vandenburgh, Edward Lauter- bach, Henry D. Sedgwick, Richard Irvin, Jr., Jonathan H. Crane, John H. Davis, Henry Clews, William C. Behrens. NEW YORK VEAL AND MUTTON CO., General and Corporate Offices, Ist ave. cor. E. 45th st., rst ave. cor. E. 43d st. and 609 N. goth st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $66,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Herman Heineman, President; Moses Birk, Secretary; Nathan Kann, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Herman Heineman, Nathan Kann, Moses Birk, John J. Folger, Jr., Simon Sanders, Michael Murphy, Aaron Frank, Solomon Dentz. 292 NEW YORK VITRIFINE TILE CO., Office, 98 Chambers st.; General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Paid in $20,000. Liabilities other than capital, $31,837.36. Total assets, $23,659.38. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Mortimer C. Ogden, 98 Chambers st., President; John H. Lyon, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—Philip M. Knight, M. C. Ogden, J. H. Lyon. NEW YORK VOCAL INSTITUTE, Office, 97 5th ave. Inc.in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, in cash, $1,430; property, $8,570. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Total assets other than capital at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Frank H. Tuffs, President, 97 5th ave.; William H. Jones, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. A. Watson, Frank H. Tuffs, William H. Jones. NEW YORK WAREHOUSING CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broad- way. Original Charter, 1857. Inc. 1887, in N. Y., for 99 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Plant located at Brooklyn, L.I., and consists of docks and warehouses. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS— James P. Wallace, President; W. W. Wickes, Vice-President; Chas. K. Wallace, Sec- retary and Treasurer. DIRECrORS—James P. Wallace, Wm. H. Wallace, Chas. K. Wallace, William W. Wickes, William, W. Rossiter. NEW YORK WELSBACH INCANDESCENT GAS LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, 71 University pl. No information furnished. Frank Lamkin, Agent. THE NEW YORK, WHITE PLAINS AND MAMARONECK RR. CO., Office, 93 Nassau st.; General and Corporate Office, White Plains Inc. 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $90,000, par $100; Full paid. OByEcrt—Con- struction and operation of electric railroad between White Plains and Mamaconeck, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— T. C. Gross, President; Jas. H. Moran, Secretary; J. R. Stein, Treasurer, New York. H. Herschkovitz, C. Scherer, Mexico; R. T. Montgomery, J. W. Digny, V. O. Krepps, Jas. B. Lockwood, New York. NEW YORK ZINC AND LEAD CO., Office, 529 Broadway ; Corporate Office, E. St. Louis. Inc. 1889, in Ill.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par ¢10.; Full paid. Osyecr—To develop mining land. Plant located at Marion Co., Ark., and. consists of general mining properties. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-Samuel Weil, President; Max Stern, Secretary ; Solomon Lorsch, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel Weil, Max Stern, Solomon Lorsch, S. A. Goldsmith, Wm. Q. Seawel, A. W. Day, Henry Emanuel. THE NIAGARA FALLS POWER CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in Niagara Falls, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1,1892: Capital authorized, $2,600,000; Amount paid in, $2,158,400. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $1,880,000. Total assets at least $1,400,000. No dividends. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Chas. B. Gaskill, President ; Alex. J. Porter, Secretary. Wm. Caryl, Director. THE NIAGARA MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 and 46 Broad- way. Operating under the President as Receiver. Inc. 1889, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $10; Paid; in cash, $50; property, $999,950. Amount issued is full paid. $200,000 not issued. Liabilities other than capital, $89,000. Total assets at least $5,000, OByect—Mining gold quartz. Mines in Trinity and Shasta counties, Cal., consisting of 27 patented and 51 claims. Dividends none. OFFICERS—Jas. L. DeFremery, President; H. M.Suermondt, Secre- tary; C. C. Cuyler, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—F. K. Pendleton, John R. Planter, R. V. Mustinsen, H. M. Huydecoper. NIAGARA SILVER PLATE CO., Office, 9 Murray st. No information furnished. THE NIAGARA WOOD PAPER CO., Office, 319 Broadway. Inc. in Niagara Falls, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in, $100,000. Liabilities other than capital, $270,000. Total assets at least $350,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Walter Jones, Presi- dent; Henry Durk, Treasurer.) :-D:; Phillips, Director: THE NICARAGUA CANAL CONSTRUCTION CO., General Office, 44 Wall st.; eorporate Office, ‘Denver; Col.* Ines June .10, 1887, in Gol., for'20 years. Capital authorized, $12,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—To construct a canal within the Republic of Nicaragua, connecting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Warner Miller, President; Geo. W. Davis, Vice-President ; J. W. Miller, Secretary ; Saml. C. Miller, Treasurer. , 293 THE NICARAGUA EXPRESS (CO., General Office. 45 Broadway. No infor- mation furnished. THE NICARAGUA MAIL, STEAM NAVIGATION AND TRADING CO., General Office, 44 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. 1889, in Col., for 20 years. Capital authorized, $500,000; Paid in, $300,000. Dividends none. No funded debt. OrriceERS—Albert ©. Cheyney, President; Geo. W. Davis, Vice-President ; Samuel C. Muller, Secretary and Treasurer. DrrecToRS—-Warner Miller, Geo. W. Davis, Albert O. Cheney, Samuel C. Miller. NICHOLAS CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $325,000. Total assets at least $2,500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS-—-William H. Nicholas, President; George M. Luther, Secretary; Edward R. Nichols, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Geo. H. Nichols, Wm. H. Nichols, Edward R. Nichols, Geo. M. Luther, G. G. Teller, John B. F. Herreshoff, R,. Ne Hall: THE NICHOLS HARVESTER 0CO., Office, 23 Beaver st. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid, by patents. Receipts for year, $560; Expenditures, $725.65. Debt, $20,100. Dividends none. The stock has no value. John H. Boynton, 23 Beaver st., President. DzirEcTtors—John H. Boynton, Robert J. Walker, Wm. Foster, Jr., G. B. Satterlee. NICHOLS MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 378 Canal st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. OrriceERS—Moses S. Rosenback, President; Geo. D. Nichols, Secretary. DIrEcToRs—Moses S. Rosenback, Geo. H. Pings, Geo. Nichols. NICKEL PLATE GLASS C0O., Office, 29 Murray st. Consolidated with U. 5S. Glass Co. (which Seg). No information furnished. NICOLL & ROY CO., Office, 16 Dey st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other in- formation furnished. OFrFICERS--Saml. Elliott, President; Chas. H. Nicoll, Treasurer. Direcrors—Saml. Elliott, Chas. H. Nicoll, John H. Roy, Wm. C. Timm, Clifford Thomson. NILES MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 99 Reade st. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. C. F. Guyon Co., Limited, Agents. D. MacM. NIVEN & CO., Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. Nov. 1, 1887, in Hoboken, N. J., for 50 years; amended certificate of incorporation filed Dec. 3, 1887. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $5,000. Onjecr—To mine and deal in coal. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Danl. MacM. Niven, President; Chas. H. Lediard, Secretary ; Malcoln W. Niven, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Danl. MacM. Niven, Malcoln W. Niven, Alex. S. Niven, Chas. H, Lediard. JAMES ORIN NOAKES & CO., General and Corporate Office, 132 Park ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paidin not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— James Orin Noakes, President; Conrad A. Mayer, Secretary. NOBLE MINING AND MILLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 5 Beek- man st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Louis S. Noble, President; Thos. W. White, Secretary ; Thos. H. Downing, Treasurer. NOEL & SONS GLASS CO., Office, 453. W. 14th st. Inc. in N. J. No infor- mation furnished. OFrFriceRS—Auguste Noel, President; Auguste Noel, Jr., Secretary ; Thomas C. Dunham, Treasurer, DireEcTrors—Auguste Noel, Isaac E. Holbrook, Thos. C. Dunham, Auguste Noel, Jr. NO NAME HAT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 750 Broadway. Inc. Dec. 28, 1883, in Orange Valley, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $75,000, par $50; Paid in, $55,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nathaniel B. Day, Agent. NON-MAGNETIC WATCH (CO., Office, 179 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Chas. O. Morris, President ; Alfred C. Smith, Secretary. 204 NONANTUM WORSTED CO., Office, 87 Worth st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Clifford M. Buckman, Agent. NONOTUCK SILK CO., Office, 72 Greene st. Inc. in Florence, Mass. No infor- mation furnished. Represented by Edwin W. Eaton. NORFOLK AND NEW BRUNSWICK HOSIERY CO., Office, 57 White st. Inc. Oct. 20, 1863, in New Brunswick, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $150,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. John D. Ashwell, N. Y. Manager. _ NORFOLK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in Norfolk, Va. No information furnished. I. Edward Campe, Agent. JAMES NORMAND & SONS, Limited, Office, 258 Church st. Inc. in Dysart, Scotland. Geo. Riggs, Agent. NORMANDALE LUMBER (CO., Office, 81 New st. Inc. Sept. <1, 1887. in Nae, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceERs—Norman W. Dodge, President ; Rudolph Oberley, Secretary. D1irEcrors—Norman W. Dodge, Joseph Hilton, Rudolph Oberley. NORTH AND EAST RIVER STEAMBOAT CO., Office, 2404 3d ave., and 486 S. Boulevard. No information furnished. NORTH & JUDD MANUFACTURING 00,, Office, 243 Broadway. Inc. in New Britain, Conn. No information furnished. Represented by Howard C. Noble. NORTH AND SOUTH AMERICA CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 1 Broadway. No information furnished. Not in active operation. NORTH ADAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 64 Worth st. Inc. in North Adams, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No information furnished. Duncan D. Chaplin and Robert Maxwell, Agents. NORTH AMERICA CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 171 Broadway. No infor- mation furnished. In liquidation, NORTH AMERICA DREDGING AND IMPROVEMENT (C0O., Offices, 2 Stone st. and 23 Bridge st. No information furnished. Chas. O. Thompson, Receiver. NORTH AMERICA LAND CO., Office, 52 Broadway. No information fur- nished. NORTH AMERICA MERCANTILE AGENCY (CO., Office, 206 Broadway. Inc. in Meriden, Conn. No information furnished. Emory J. Whitehead, N. Y. Manager. NORTH AMERICA MINING CO., Office, 60 Broadway. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No information furnished. NORTH AMERICA TRANSPORT CO., Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. Oct. 29, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Paid in, $10,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Timothy Hogan, President: Arthur F. Hogan, Secretary ; Lewis H. Spence, Treasurer. DrirEcTrors—Timothy Hogan, Lewis H. Spence, John N. Robins, John D. Barrett, Silas C. Force. NORTH AMERICA UNDERGROUND TELEGRAPH AND ELECTRIC CO., Office, 45 Broadway. No information furnished. NORTH AMERICAN CIGAR MACHINERY (CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Wall st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERSs—John W. Newbery, President; John Frankenheimer, Secretary. DIREcTORS—John W. Newbery, John Frankenheimer, H, Lauterbach, Sigmund Jacoby, Alexander Cameron. THE NORTH AMERICAN EXCHANGE CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 57 Broadway. Inc. 1887, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000, par $100; Full paid. Opject—Bureau of financial information. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFI- CERS—Joseph Richardson, President; Jno. W. Young, Vice-President; Thos. J. Hand, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Joseph Richardson, Royal M. Bassett, John W. Young, N.S. Finney, C. C. Bean, Thos. Jedtaird. Oe 298 THE NORTH AMERICAN IRON WORKS, Office, 88 and 90 Beekman st. Inc. 1872, in N. Y. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $500; Full paid. OxByEcT— Cemetery iron work. Plant at 40 and 42 Walton st., Brooklyn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES—J. L. Mott, President; Max Goebel, Secretary ; J. L. Mott, Jr., Treasurer, and Jno. Reid. NORTH AMERICAN LAND AND TIMBER CO,, Limited, General Office, 2 Wall st., and London, Eng.; Corporate Office, London, Eng. Inc. 1882, in Eng.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, £500,000, par £10. Osyect—Ownership of land. Lands located at S. W. Louisiana; 900,c00 acres. No dividends stated. Funded debt, £30,000 ; Debentures, 5s, 10 years 1885. Interest payable in London, J. & J. Orricers—J. T. Griffin, Chairman; H. G. Chalkley & Sons, Secretaries ; Col. J. T. Griffin, Jno. Roberts, M.P.; Theo. Fry, M. P.; W. S. B. McLaren, M. P.; Thos. Aggs, Russell Scott. NORTH AMERICAN MACHINERY (C0O,, Office, 15 Wall st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $8,000. Total assets at least $100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John W. Newbery, President, 15 Wall st.; John Franken- heimer, Treasurer, DireEcrors—A. J. Elkins, John W. Newbery, John Frankenheimer. NORTH AMERICAN METALINE CO,, Office, 165 Greenwich st. Inc.inN. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $592,000. Assets, cash and debts receivable, $300. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, R. W. Rhoads, Treasurer; Francis Gordon Brown, Sole Director. NORTH AMERICAN PHONOGRAPH CO., General Office, 44 Broad st.; Corpo- rate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1888in N. J., for 25 years. Capital authorized, $6,600,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—Manufacture and dealing in phonograph machines. Plant at Orange, N. J., and consists of factory and equipment. Annual Meeting, 3d Tues. in Dec. FUNDED DEBT—$270,000, $1,000 6s, mature 20 years, can be taken up any time. Payable office of Company. OFFICERS—Samuel Insull, President; Thos. R. Lombard, Vice-President ; Cleveland Walcutt, Secretary ; Thomas Butler, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Thomas E. Edison, A. O. Tate, Samuel Insull, Thomas R. Lombard, J. Adriance Bush, M. W. Nolan, Scott Tremaine. NORTH AMERICAN PYROGRANIT C0., Office, 52 W. 15th st. Inc. Oct. 31, 1890, Long Branch, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in $2,000 at commencement of business. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—TJulius N. Jaros, President; Isaac Wise, Secretary; Alfred L. Jaros, Treasurer. DrrecTorsS—Julius N. Jaros, Chas. Baum, Alfred N. Jaros, Henri E. Gourd, Henry Hirsch, Joseph Danzig, Henry R. Spencer. NORTH AMERICAN RW. IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 71 Broadway. Inc. . in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000; Full paid, in cash, $3,500; in property, $56,500. Liabilities other than capital, $10, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—G. Creighton Webb, President, 71 Broad- way; Edwin D. Worcester, Jr., Treasurer. T. Sounders, Director. THE NORTHAMPTON CUTLERY CO., Office, Northampton, Mass. Inc. in Mass. No information furnished. THE NORTH CALIFORNIA REDWOOD CO., Office, 80 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid, in cash, $2,500; in property, $997,500. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $550,000. Total assets at least $2,487,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—H. L. Terrell, President, 80 Broadway; A. A. Spendlore, Secretary. Dt- RECTORS—H. L. Terrell, Philip G. Bartlett, Thos. Thacher, A. A. Spendlore, Samuel P. Snider. NORTH CAROLINA GOLD MINING AND BULLION CO., Office, 11 Park row. No information furnished. - NORTH CAROLINA LUMBER CO,, Office, 92 Reade st. Inc. in N.C. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Orricers—Harold H. Fries, President; H. N. Towns- end, Secretary; A. J. Macdonald, Treasurer. DirEcTrors—Harold H. Fries, H. N. Townsend, A. J. Macdonald, W. W. Richards, A. deBary, T. Cleveland. 296 NORTH END IMPROVEMENT (CO., Office 51 Charles st. No information furnished. ‘ NORTH END LAND IMPROVEMENT 00., General and Corporate Office, 164 Lincoln ave. No facts furnished. NORTHERN GAS LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, 1845 Vanderbilt ave., W., and 1700 W. Farms rd. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John S. Bush, President; Chas. C. Leary, Secretary. Directrors—Arthur Leary, John S. Bush, Wm. R. Bell, Jas. M. Cummings, John P. Munn, Chas. C. Leary, D. Hamilton, William W. Van Voorhis, George H. Burford. THE NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $70,000. Oxsyject—To deal in real estate. Assets, $150,000, in real estate. DEBTS MAPA lai cscasnssaaphit towne gyeitin vaeon teil eosetecen enepads der cee atten ee eee 2 $70,000 00 Bonds and Wites w.yrtiec covets feed Bs of side Je ta'evose Se ceseeoy Senne hinds gels Cees eemeee tes sees ceas peta pee rT 65,000 00 NOLES secretes devenansanepansntbona audcnovoysdaanalsuegetae ene s0c0kcey URL aLe eaten ae nen tr tn ne 1,380 94 $136,380 94 Dividends, none. No funded debt. Orricers—James W. Husted, President ; Thomas D. Husted, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Chauncey M. Depew, H. Walter Webb, James W. Husted, Thomas D. Husted, John B. Westbrook. NORTHERN LINEN C0O,, Office, 258 Church st. Inc. in Belfast, Ireland. No information furnished. Geo. Riggs, Agent. NORTHERN STEAMSHIP (C0O., Office, 108 Wall st. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished. Augustus Demarest, 108 Wall st.: Lorenzo W. Lake, 240 Broadway, Agents. NORTH NEW YORK TRADING CO., Office 122 Lincoln ave. Inc. in Conn. No other information furnished. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Robt. J. Walsh, - President s* Jas". Hunt, Secretary ; Chas. T. Hempstead, Treasurer. Drtrecrors—Robert Jay Walsh, Chas. T. Hempstead, O. M. Sheppard, Jas. L. Hunt, Harry Overington, W. J. Crosby, John VanGelder, Saml. Trimmer. NORTHPORT STEAMBOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, Pier 24 (old) E.R. Inc. in Northport, N. Y. No information furnished. No New York represen- tative. NORTH RIVER BLUE STONE CO,, General and Corporate Office, 137 Broad- way. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Orricers—Peter E. Van Riper, President; Chas. W. Kirby, Jr., Secretary ; Peter H. Van Riper, Treasurer. Drrecr- oRsS—Peter E. Van Riper, Peter H. Van Riper, Chas. Kirby, fe NORTH RIVER BRIDGE C0.,General and Corporate Office, 45 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jordan L. Mott, President : Malcolm Graham, Secretary ; Chas. J. Canda, Treasurer. DIREcToRS—Jordan L. Mott, Saml. Rea, Jas. Andrews, Thos. F. Ryan, Chas. J. Canda, Edw. F. C. Young, NORTH RIVER COAL AND WHARF CO,, Office, 1 Broadway, and Elmira, DNs Yon 71 1G. iiaiNesy & Capital authorized, $500,000. No information furnished. OFFICERS— Charles J. Langdon, President; Clarence D. Delany, Secretary; John C. Greves, Treasurer. Direcrors—Chas. J. Langdon, Geo. G. Magee, Austin Lathrop, David B. Duncan, William Brinkerhoff. NORTH RIVER ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO., General and Cor- porate Office, Rider ave., cor. E. 140th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFIceRs—Henry D. Fuller, President; Schuyler C. Strock, Secretary. Drrecrors—Francis P. Slade, Robert Maitland, Henry D. Fuler, Schuyler C. Strock. 29/7 NORTH RIVER STEAMBOAT (CO., Office, 192 Broadway and Pier 36 (new) N.R. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $6,754. Tota] assets at least $55,075.23. Receipts for year, $54,300.73; Expenditures, $53,139.77. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Denton Fowler, Vice-President; W. D. Barclay, Treasurer. F. E. Pitkin, Director. NORTH RIVER STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE C0., Office, 192 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $2,548.18. Total assets at least $6,115.69. Receipts for year, $16,000; Expenditures, $16,640.25. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Denton Fowler, President; W. D. Barclay, 192 Broadway, Treasurer. Direcrors—F. E. Petkin, Denton Fowler, W. D. Barclay. NORTH RIVER TUNNEL CONTRACT CO., Office, 15 Broad st. No informa- tion furnished. NORTH SIDE PUBLISHING CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 3d ave., cor. E. 175th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—-Wm. G. McCrea, President; Edwin Bedell, Secretary ; Arthur G. Bedell, Treasurer. DIRECT- orRsS—Wnm. G. McCrea, Arthur G. Bedell, Edwin Bedell, Geo. Bedell, A. Berman, Jas. McClenahan, H. F. Milans. NORTHWESTERN COAL AND IRON CO., 2425S. 3d st., Phila., and Buffalo, N. Y. Inc. July 13, 1883; Charter for 999 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, parg50; Full paid. No dividends have been paid. Surplus not stated. Annual Meeting, 2d Mon. in Jan., at Company’s office. Fiscal year ends Jan. 31st. Osyect—Manufacture of steel or iron, or both, and mining of coal, iron ore and other materials. Plant located at New Bethle- hem, Clarion Co., Pa. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. coup. 6s., created and issued, $750,000; outstanding, $738,000; each $1,000, due July 1, 1913. J. & J.1. Interest payable at 242 S. 3d st., where bonds may be registered if desired. . Trustee, Fidelity Ins., Trust and S. D. Co. Mtge. has been reduced by sinking fund, the terms of which are not given ; by its operation the bonds are paid before maturity. OFFICERS—S. G. DeCoursey, President ; J. R. Trimble, Secretary and Treasurer; C. D. R. Stowits, General Manager. DrirEcTORS—S. G. DeCoursey, N. Thouron, Geo. E. Bartol, E. W. Clark, Jr., Chas. M. Lea. NORTHWESTERN MINING AND EXCHANGE CO., Office, 21 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Ridgway, Pa. No information furnished. Represented by Augustus R. MacDonough, 21 Cortlandt st. Williams & Peters, 1 Broadway, Agents. NORTHWESTERN STRAW WORKS, Office, 585 Broadway. Inc. in Mil- waukee, Wis. No information furnished. Henry Seyser, Agent. NORTHWOOD GLASS CO., Office, 96 Church st. Inc. in Martins Ferry, O. No information furnished. Usher & Osborne, Agents. NORTON CAR CO., Office, 284 Pearlst. Inc.in Ill. Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edwin Norton, President; Oliver W. Norton, Secretary; Frank Bartlett, Treasurer. Direcrors—Edwin Norton, Oliver W. Norton, L. A. Norton, Stephen A. Ginna, John C, Milligan, L. B. Moore, Frank Bartlett. THE F.0. NORTON CEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 92 Broad- way. Inc. Dec. 17, 1891, in New York. Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Assets: cash held by Company, $30,000; real and personal property, $270,000, at Marble- town and Bluewater, Ulster Co., N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICcERS—F. O. Norton, President; John Charles, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Gordon Norris, F. O. Norton, Jas. P. Paulding. NORTON DOOR-CHECK AND SPRING CO., Office, 39 Dey st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Horatio A. Berry, Agent. THE NORTON EMERY WHEEL CO0O., Office, 39 John st.; General and Corpo- rate Office, Worcester, Mass. Inc. June 20, 1885,in Mass.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $20,000, par $100; Full paid. Inc. for the manufacture and sale of emery and corundum wheels, emery wheel machinery, etc. Plant located at Barbers, about 2 miles from the centre of Worcester City, 220 feet long x 50 and 100 feet wide, 2 stories and basement; owned by Co., and unencumbered. Dividends, do not care to publish, ¢ 298 ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Real estates te cigeeccsn Becks yet ts aan $20,000. 6G sa Capital Stoclecec. sn ieceaeeere ae $20,000 00 Merchandise or stock on hand...... 34,189 47 | Running accounts payable..........+. 8,334 61 PAU PMOEE ee vememine eees aed cr eure Nest ans 21. OL2/4O Mh OUT PIAS asus ssn diss scttcas enous utiete ci eek eee 89,337 80 ACCOUNLS (FECEIVADIE Tike sess sauces os 26,318 44 INOUESL ceca Aeaere rosa rerat on henbaaieceee 3,490 35 CaS ON NAG St. Aaarcrcriieeis Peaches bine LL, 7OL 7s $117,672 4I $117,672 4I OFFICERS—Milton P. Higgins, President; Chas. L. Allen, Secretary; Geo. I. Alden, Treasurer; John Jeppson, Superintendent. Drrecrors—Milton P. Higgins, Geo. I. Alden, John Jeppson, Chas. L. Allen. NORWALK LOCK C0O., General and Corporate Office, South Norwalk, Conn. Inc. in Conn. Opjyecr—Manufacture and sale of locks and fine hardware. Plant at South Norwalk, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained.’ No funded debt. OFrrircers— Edwin Beard, President and Treasurer; D. E. Disbrow, Secretary. NORWICH AND NEW YORK PROPELLOR CO.,, Office, Pier 18 FE. R. Inc. in Norwich, Conn. No other information furnished. Arthur C. Prentice, Agent. THE NORWICH AND NEW YORK TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, Nor- wich, Conn. Inc. May, 1860, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $25; Full paid. Opsyecr—For the transportation of mails, freight and passengers between New York and New London and Norwich. Dividends, 5 p. c. per ann. Nofunded debt. OFrricers—Thos. Clark, President; O. L. Johnson, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Thos. Clark, Wm. H. Starbuck, Wm. T. Hart, Geo. H. Ball, Thos. B. Eaton, Moses Pierce, Chas. W. Copeland, Chas. P. Cogswell, Geo. D. Whittlesey. THE NORWICH BLEACHING, DYEING AND PRINTING CO., General Office, 96 Reade st.; Corporate Office, Norwich, Conn. Inc. 1882, in Conn. (estab- lished 1840.) Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid, par $100. Finishers of cotton piece goods. Yearly output about 65,000,000 yards. Plant at Greenville, in the city and town of Norwich, Conn. Dividends to p. c. per ann. since organization to date, J. & D. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Hugh H. Osgood, President; Charles Bard, Vice-President; J. Hunt Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors—Hugh H. Osgood, Norwich, Conn.; Alfred A. Young, Jewitt City, Conn ; Charles Bard, Norwich, Conn. ; Lucius Briggs, Glasgo, Conn.; J. Hunt Smith, Norwich, Conn.; David L. Banning, Agent. THE NORWICH INSULATED WIRE (C0., Office, 62 Greene st.; of the Line, 942 Broadway, and Pier 40 (old) N. R. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500.009; Amount paid in, $395,400. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $67,000. Total assets at least $97,140.26. Dividends, if any not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—L. D. Beck, President; Geo. J. Jackson, Treasurer. DrrEectors—E. D. McCracken, L. D. Beck, G. J. Jackson. NORWICH LOCK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 77 Chambers st.: General Office, Roanoke, Va,, formerly of Norwich, Conn. Inc. Jan. 1892, in Va. Manufac- turing of builders’ hardware. Plant at Roanoke, Va. No other information furnished. Chas. H. Beebe, Treasurer and Manager, Roanoke, Va. NORWICH PHARMACAL C0O., Office, 140 William st. Inc. in Norwich, N.Y. No other information furnished. A. Ashfield Baker, N. Y. Agent. THE NORWEGIAN WOOD-PULP CO., Office, 39 Nassau st. Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $262. ASSETS. SONGS... sssbsanastereden Usnowaded eapadvos vantage veabesunates caus udec th dees es aictte ac Rete atta eee $12,921 55 BUS TECEIVADIE. swat, sovsatpecabuo se veht ou Me ecuane peaseauss Gk iivese ae lee eee a ee 1,120 45 SEAS ccc nnn vero paain buccseese,tbsben user atuscsneysgmalediies sve duciaderutiy eUcu Tee Leen eines an ean 1,220 00 PL ital ec peeals pactp ene Gens anod BSG Tavameahbn icccedls fade les ix tate Latte ae an en ees $15,262 00 Receipts for year, $154,090; Expenditures, $152,870. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—H. de Mazien, President; Jno. L. McCabe, Treasurer, 39 Nassau st. DirEcrors—H. de Mazien, Jno. L. McCabe. a Pe 299 NOTMAN PHOTOGRAPHIC CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 48 N. Pearl st., Albany. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in, $65,200. Liabilities other than capital, $1,622.25. Total assets at least $79,500. Plants, etc., at 48 N. Pearl st., Albany; 315 Madison ave., Neavion a Park, Sty, Boston, Mass., 480 Boylston st., Boston, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—W. McF. Notman, President; E. McMullen, Treasurer ; N. M Belcher. NOTTINGHAM CHEMICAL CO., Office, 6 Harrison st.; General and Corporate Office, Yonkers, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $3,000. Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrectors—John E. Andrus, President; Henry Seligman, A. L. Carpenter. NOVELTY DRUM PACKAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 74 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James H, Préater, President; John T. Larkin, Secretary. D1rectors—Jas. H. Preater, John T. Larkin. THE NOVELTY MANUFACTURING (CO., General Office, 55 Walker st.; Corporate Office, Waterbury, Conn. Inc. 1872, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, cash. OpByect—The manufacture of brass gio or other metal. Plant at Waterbury, Conn. Dividends paid but not stated. Represented by Frank L. Brown. OFFICERS—Thos. Fitzsimons, President; L. K. Fitzsimons, Secretary ; F. L. Brown, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Thos. Fitzsimons, L. K. Fitzsimons, F. L. Brown, John Kirchbaum. NOVELTY POTTERY WORKS, Office, 21 College pl. Inc. in E. Liverpool, Ohio. No other information furnished. Julius Wolff, Agent. NOVELTY IRON BUILDING CO., Office, 3 Union sq., W. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Amount paid in, cash $20,000. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $6,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS—Francis M. Persson, President; Andrew N. Kellogg, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Henry G. Wynne, Wm. H. Gorman, Carrie L. Persson. THE FRED NOURSE C0O., Office, 164 W. 27th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, ¢1,400. Total assets at least $4,200. Dealers in springs. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Fred Nourse, President ; Chas. W. Leng, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Fred Nourse, Chas. W. Leng, James B. Pratt. JOHN T. NOYE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No other information furnished. Chas. H. W. Copeland, N. Y. Manager. THE NUBIAN IRON ENAMEL CO.,, 77 Warren st. General and Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. Mar. 1888, in Ill.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $10,000, increased to $100,000, stock of Oil Co. Manufacturer of Bonnell’s Nubian Iron Enamels (black varnishes) and iron paints. Dividends Io p. c. per ann., payable Jan. Ist. No funded debt. Chas. E. Bonnell, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIrEcrors—R. E. Bonnell and the officers. E. L. Cook & Co., Agents. NUMBER EIGHTY MADISON AVENUE, Office, 80 Madison ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $325,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $175,000 mtge. and $20,000 loan. ‘Total assets at least $500,000. Receipts and expenditures for the year, $43,120.05. Apartment house. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Frank T. Robinson, President ; Henry W. Hayden, Treasurer. Hiram Duryea, Director. NUMBER ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-ONE MADISON AVENUE, . Office, 132 Front st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $329,700 ; Full paid; in cash, $260,000; in property, $69,700. Total assets at least $750,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—John S. Ellis, President ; Jarvis C. Howard, Treasurer. Drrecrors—John K. Pruyn, John S. Ellis, Jarvis C. ‘Howard. 300 NYACK AND TARRYTOWN FERRY CO0., Office, 192 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $9,601. Total assets at least $14,450. Receipts for year, $8,666.40; Expendi- tures, $9,231.76. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Denton Fowler, Vice-President; William D. Barclay, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—F. Eugene Pitkin, Denton Fowler, William D. Barclay. OAKLAND CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 S. 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jas. G. Timolat, President; Chas. Jacobson, Secretary. DiRECTORS—Jas. G. Timolat, Chas. Jacobson, F. K. Timolat. OAKLEY SOAP AND PERFUMERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 122 Duane st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital, $25,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —John A. Oakley, President; Alfred P. Babcock, Secretary. DIRECTORS—John A. Oak- ley, E. M. Oakley, Alfred P. Babcock. OAKVILLE CO., Office, 48 Howard st. Inc. in Waterbury, Conn. Capital, $75,000. OpyEctr—Pin manufacturers. No other information furnished. Chas. F. Jones, 48 Howard st, C. E. Conover Co., tor Franklin st., Agents. OCALA AND SILVER SPRINGS CO., General Office, 59 Park row; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,090,000, par $10. Amount paid in not known. All stock sold said to be full paid and non-assessable. Company is engaged in selling lots and building sites, and generally promoting settlements in and near the city of Ocala, Marion Co., Florida. Its prospectus claims ownership of various assets, valued by Co. at $2,090,600. It is impossible to tell how much these assets cost the Company. It is said to be free from all debts. 1st dividend was paid Apr. 1, 1892, of 1% p. c. upon its guaranteed stock at the State Trust Co., N. Y. Company says it has deposited with the Trust Co. enough money to pay 6 p. c. for the first year upon all such guaranteed stock which may be sold. In Apr. 1, 1892, it has offered for sale 20,000 shs. of such full-paid stock at $5 persh. Registrars, The State Trust Co., N.Y. OFFICERS— Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain, President; Dr. Norvin Green, Ist Vice-President ;. Caleb H. Jackson, 2d Vice-President; Hon. J. N. Huston, Treasurer; George H. Usher, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain, Ex-Governor of Maine, N. Y.; Hon. J. N. Huston, Ex-Treasurer of United States, Connellsville, Ind.; Dr. Norvin Green, President Western Union Telegraph Co., N. Y.; C. H. Jackson, President United Electric Light and Power Co., N. Y.; George F. Vail, President Fourteenth Street Bank, N. Y.; Hon. Alonzo B. Cornell, Ex-Governor of New York, N. Y.; E. W. Agnew, Presi- dent First National Bank, Ocala, Fla.; H.C. Wright, Vice-President Merchants’ National Bank, Ocala, Fla.; George L. Wiley, Manager Standard Underground Cable Co., N. Y.; E. H. Buffum, Vice-President Buffum Loan and Trust Co., Ocala, Fla.; George H. Usher, Manager Postal Telegraph Co., N. Y.; Lucien Anderson, President Bank of Mayfield, Mayfield, Ky.; R.B. McConnell, President Brooksville State Bank, Brooks- ville, Fla. OCCIDENTAL CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., Office, 56 Broadway. Ince. in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished. Samuel White, Jr., Agent. OCCIDENTAL OIL CO., General and Corporate Office, 14 Whitehall st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. No other information furnished. OFFI- CERS—Robert B. Brown, President ; Charles C. Fuller, Secretary. OCEAN COMFORT CO., Offices, 5 Bowling Green and 13 W. 42d st. Inc. in N. J. No information furnished, OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Heinrich Conried, Presi- dént ; Edward Wortmann, Secretary ; August Wortmann, Treasurer. OCEAN NAVIGATION AND PIER CO.,, Main Office at Coney Island, Old Iron Pier; Branch Office, 92 Liberty st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Edward Wight, President; Frank P. Bassett, Secretary and Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Edward Wight, Jacob Lorillard, Emile Vatable, Jules Vatable, Stanley A. Bryant, George R. Wight, William Kent. OCEAN STEAMSHIP CO. of Savannah, 317 Broadway, and Pier 35 N. R. General and Corporate Office, Savannah, Ga.; Philadelphia Office, 12 S. 3d st. Inc. Aug. 26, 1872; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Net earnings for year ending June 30, 1890, $423,523.60. Annual Meeting, 1st Tues. in Feb, Fiscal year ends Aug. 31. OsjecT—Running ships for freight and passengers, a a ae 301 United States, Europe or West Indies. FUNDED DEBT.—Mt¢ge. 5s coup. (regd. as to princi- pal) $1,000,000 all outstanding, each, $1,000, due July 1, 1920, J. & J. Interest payable at New York agency of the Company. Transfer Offices, Savannah, Ga., and New York city. Trustees, Central Trust Co., New York. Bonds secured on steamships City of Savannah, City of Augusta, Dessoug, Tallahassee, Chattahooche, Nacooche and all real estate in Savannah. No sinking fund. Issued to redeem a prior mtge. of equivalent amount. OFFICERS—E. P. Alexander, President; T. M. Cunningham, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—E. P. Alexander, H. C. Cunningham, A. R. Lawton, diet Henry Blun, E. M. Green. N.Y. Agents—W. H. Rhett, 317 Broadway, Richard L. Walker, Pier 35 (new) N. R. THE OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGATION CO., Limited, Main Office, 10 Water st., Liverpool; N. Y. Agency, 29 Broadway; Corporate Office, Liverpool. Inc. about 1870, in England. Osyecr—Running line of steamships and sailing vessels for carriage of passengers and cargo. T.H. Ismay, Chairman. H. Maitland Kersey, Agent for United States and Canada. OD CHEMICAL CO., Office, 15 Cedarst. Inc.in W.Va. No information furnished. ODELL TYPEWRITER CO., Office, 10 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in Chicago, Il. No information furnished. Marion L. Bullock, Agent. OFFICE PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 96 Reade st. Inc, in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $8,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,000. Total assets at least $2,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. R. Williams, President; A. O. Kittredge, Treasurer. DrirecTrors—R. R. Williams, A. O. Kittredge. OFFICE SPECIALTY MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 77 Chambers st.; Gen- eral and Corporate Office, Rochester, NOY. Ince in Nay.) +Statement; Jan. i1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. “Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $80,000. Total assets at least $280,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Fred. Cook, President; Carl F. Lamb, Treasurer. R. H. Hofheing, Director. OFFICIAL HOTEL RED BOOK AND DIRECTORY CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000 ; Paid in, $22,500. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Simeon Ford, President; W. L. Jacques, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—H. H. Brockway, 315 4th ave. ; Simeon Ford, W. L. Jacques. THE OGDENSBURG TRANSIT CO., Ogdensburg, N. Y.; N. Y. Office, 6 Centre st.; Corporate Office, Hamtramoc, Mich. Inc. 18go, in Mich.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $800,000, par_ $800,000 ; Full paid. Opjyecr—Lake transportation between Ogdensburg, N. Y., and Chicago, Milwaukee, Duluth, Detroit, Cleveland and other lake ports. Dividends none. OFFICERS AND DirECTORS—E. C. Smith, St. Albans, Vt., President ; B. B. Smalley, Burlington, Vt., Vice-President ; Louis Hasbrouck, Ogdens- burg, N. Y., Secretary ; F. W. Baldwin, St. Albans, Vt., Treasurer. O'HARA GLASS CO., Limited, Office, 29 Murray st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Capital, $50,000. Consolidated with U.S. Glass Co., which see. No information fur- nished. Geo. A. Lyon, N. Y. Manager. THE M. OHMER’S SONS CO., 149 Nassau st. General and Corporate Office, Dayton, O. Inc. Sept. 12, 1891, in Ohio ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $165,000, par $100; Full paid. Established 1849. Inc. 1891. OxByectr—Manufacturing depart- ment, make work to order only, also manufacturing specialties of our own patents. New factory will be under roof Mar. 1st. Retail department sells furniture, drapery, upholster- ies. Put last year’s dividends in surplus. OFFICERS—Jno. F. Ohnier, President ; Will I. : Ohmer, Vice-President; Eugene A. Ohmer, Secretary; Alfred A. Ohmer, Treasurer. i DireEcrors—Jno. F. Ohmer, Will I. Ohmer, Eugene A. Ohmer, Alfred A. Ohmer, Michael Ohmer, W. J. Kuhns, Valentine Winters, of Winters National Bank, all of Dayton, O. OHIO PAPER CO., Office, 7 N. Y. and Brooklyn Bridge. Inc. in Niles, Mich. No information furnished. Spaulding & Tewksbury, Agents. OHIO AND BIG SANDY COAL CO., Office, 120 Broadway. Not in active operation. No information furnished. ; 7 302 OIL CITY TUBE CO,, Office, 116 Liberty st. Inc. in Oil City, Penna. No infor- mation furnished. James Brotherhood, Agent. OIL, PAINT AND DRUG PUBLISHING CO., Office, 72 William st. Inc. Apr. 12, 1883, in Englewood, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Certificate of payment of capital filed June 14, 1883. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Wnm. O. Allison, President: Louis K. Bell, Secretary ; Wm. J. Hewitt, Treasurer. DirRECTORS—Wm. O. Allison, Wm. J. Hewitt, Benj. Lillard. THE OIL SEEDS PRESSING CO., General and Corporate Office, 114 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital do not exceed $55,000. Total assets at least $75,000. OBJECT— Manufacture of castor oil. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFt- CERS—Henry M. Pierson, President; M. B. Snevily, Secretary. DIRECTORS—John Byrne, M. B. Snevily, C. E. Hubbard. THE OIL WELL SUPPLY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, Pitts- burgh, Pa. ; Office, 32 Cortlandt st. Capital paid, $1,000,000. OpjEcT—Oil well supplies. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—John Eaton, President; E. H. Cole, Vice-President; K. Chickering, Secretary; E. F. Howes, Treasurer. “0. K.” CUTLERY AND MANUFACTURING CO. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, debts, $7,296.36. Total assets at least $10,000. Receipts for year, $5,380.11 ; Expenditures, $6,747.37. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DTI. RECTORS—P. F. Gates, President; F. W. Gates, 39 Dey st., Treasurer. OKLAHOMA GAS CO,, Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Oklahoma, O. T. No in- formation furnished. Represented by Wm. D. B. Janes. OLANCHO SYNDICATE, Office, 120,Broadway. Capital, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Luther E. Shinn, President. OLD BLEACH LINEN C0.,, Office, 258 Church st. Inc. in Randalstown, Ireland. George Riggs, Agent. OLD DOMINION GUANO CO., Office, 88 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Norfolk, Va. Inc.in Va. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Full paid. This is a small Company which is a feeder to Read Fertilizer Co., which seems to have succeeded Read & Co. E. Strudwick, President; Clement Read, Manager and Treasurer. OLD DOMINION LAND CO., Offices, 15 Broad st. and 1 Broadway; Corporate Office, Newport News, Va. Inc.in Va. Capital authorized, $2,000,000. No other infor- mation futnished. OrriceErs—Calvin B. Orcutt, 1 Broadway, President; Thomas B. Criss, Secretary; Isaac E. Gates, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Collis P. Huntington, Abiel A. Low, Calvin B. Orcutt, Isaac E. Gates, George Wilkinson. OLD DOMINION S§S.S. CO., Office, 235 W. and Pier 26 (new) N.R. Inc. in Del. Capital authorized, $1,250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—John M. Robinson, President; Wm. L. Guillaudeu, Secretary. DIRECTORS—John M. Robinson, Henry A. Bourne, F. J. Kim- ball, Collis P. Huntington, C. P. Fischer, Mordaunt Bodine, Chas. C. Stockley, John W. Causey, William Rowland. OLD “76” DISTILLING CO., Office 90 Warren st. Inc. in Newport, Ky. No information furnished. Loeb & Co., Agents. OLD FURNACE MINE CO,, Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other’ than capital, $20,000. Total assets at least’ $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS--E. P. Merrett, President; A. Matthews, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—E. P. Mer- rett, W. H. Clarkson, 115 Broadway; George W. Clark, A. Matthews. — THE ;OLD HOMESTEAD DAIRY, General and Corporate Office, 1051 6th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Full paid in prop- erty. Liabilities other than capital, $5,833.44. Total assets at least $6,475.10. Receipts for year, $5,874.33; Expenditures, $5,787.66. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Horace M. Holly, President: Wilbur Knapp, Treasurer. DirEecTORS—Oscar Holly, Horace M. Holly, Wilbur Knapp. a 4 j 393 THE OLD STATEN ISLAND DYEING ESTABLISHMENT, Offices, 98 Duane st., 870 Broadway, 610 6th ave., 248 W. 125th st., 168 Pierrepont st., and 476 Fulton ave., Brooklyn. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $154,000; Full paid. Surplus, $257,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. PRR TIO T, erartcags insti snes siseaioesbareee $77,000. 00 | Other than Capital ..-...1.0...sscscnceeses $94,000 00 SRY cite eta ies ve Reese ccegad Sasseasadse 100,000 00 INE MERE IGUN Oeeaa Uae ev LGl ay tivchatiy vente's doiec.s 155,030 00 RRR Tad i ot AO Oe a ES Ca ie 8,760 00 Mfrs.’ material and stock in pro- COE re seeresrsenuesn vasereosesthise wsseaesxe 157,676 00 | BOOS AMCMINT Es t.csstecs se iscs sess ectae | TS,000s00 7) $510,472 00 * OFFICERS—James T. Young, President; Henry C. Blake, Treasurer. J. Davis Tileston, Director. THE OLIPHANT MANUFACTURING CO,, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital-authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $10,500. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. N. Hegeman, President; John W. Ferrier, 770 and 1218 Broadway, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Henry B. Anderson, John W. Ferrier, Samuel Strang, J. N. Hegeman. OLIVER IRON AND STEEL CO., Office, 105 Chambers st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. No information furnished. Henry B. Newhall & Co., Agents. ONECO MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 33 South st. Inc. in New London, Conn. No information furnished. Frank Baldwin, Agent. ONECO MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 22 Thomas st. Inc. in Oneco, Conn. No information furnished. A.S. Haight & Co., Agents. THE ONEIDA COMMUNITY, Limited, Offices, 6 Harrison st., 59 Murray st., and 107 Grand st. Capital authorized, $600,000; Full paid. Liabilities, including capi- tal, $872,216.43; Total assets, $872,216.43. Receipts for year, $1,101,121.44; Expendi- tures, $1,116,530.31. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— John R. Lord, President ; Henry G. Allen, Secretary ; Jas..B. Herrick, Treasurer. . D1- RECTORS—John R. Lord, Jas. B. Herrick, Henry G. Allen, Geo. W. Hamilton, Harriet E. Joslyn, Martin E. Kinsley, C. Otis Kellogg, John S. Freeman, J. Humphrey Noyes, Geo. E. Cragin. C. H. O'NEILL CO., Office, 135 Hudson st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Osject—Lumber. No other information fur- nished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Chas. H. O’Neill, President ; Schuyler Carskaddon, Secretary. Direcrors—Chas. H. O'Neill, Schuyler Carskaddon, J. C. Neville. ONEITA SPRING CO., Office, 21 Warren st. Inc.in Utica, N. Y. No informa- tion furnished. Jas. M. Bell & Co., Agents. THE ONGLEY ELECTRIC CO., General Office, 1 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—To manufacture and sell under letters patent granted by United States, Canada, all countries in Europe and Australia, the Ongley Electric Watchman’s Clock and Safety Signal System Apparatuses for use in hotels, factories, warehouses and all large buildings or wherever a watchman is employed or machinery used. Present plant in Jersey City leased. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. OrricERS—T. W. Robertson, President; J. B. Underhill, Secretary and Treasurer. THE ONSLOW LUMBER CO., General Office, Wilmington, N. C.; Corporate ‘Office, Jacksonville, N. C. Inc. in N. C. Opyecr—Dealing in North Carolina pine, timber and lumber; also, hardwoods, dressed and rough. Plant at Jacksonville, Onslow ‘Co., N. C.; owned. No other information furnished. OFFicERs—Chas. W: Whitlock, President: Thos. A. McIntyre, 213 Produce Exchange, Treasurer. 304 ONTARIO MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 234 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Andrew L. Soulard, President; Wm. D. Chandler, Secretary ; Henry H. Beadle, Treas- urer. D1IRECTORS—Andrew L. Soulard, Jos. F. Blaut, N. S. Bentley, Alvah Trowbridge, John A. Beyer, Henry B. Pierce, Henry C. Robinson, Chas. H. Phelps, Henry H. Beadle, Wm. D. Chandler. ONTARIO SILVER MINING CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished. Lounsbery & Co., Agents. OPALESCENT GLASS WORKS, Office, 52 E.othst. Inc. in Kokomo, Ind. No information furnished. John B. Perrand, Agent. OPEN AIR CARPET CLEANING CO., 189 6th ave. Inc. in Brooklyn, N. Y. No information furnished. Sheppard, Knapp & Co., Agents. ORANGE COUNTY MILK ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 146 W. 25th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Richard Decker, President; Wm. B. Conklin, Secretary. Direcrors—Richard Decker, Wm. B. Conklin, Geo. Conklin, C. H. C. Beakes, P. E. Sanford. THE ORANGE JUDD CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Lafayette pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $400,000; Full paid in property. Liibilities other than capital, $20,000. Total assets $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFiceERS—Herbert Myrick, President; Geo.S. Graves, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Geo. S. Graves, Herbert Myrick, Chas. H. Post. ORANGE LAND CO., Limited, Office, 2 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Lake Charles. Inc. 1892, in La., for 99 years. Paid in $4,800,000, par $100. OByECT— Ownership of land. Land located at S. W. La. (600,000 acres). Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—J. B. Watkins, President: Alex. Thomson, Vice-President; D. M. Sprankle, Secretary and Treasurer; M. J. Dart, W. J. Patterson. ORCUITT PUBLISHING CO,, Office, 61 Park row. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. Wm. B. Orr, N. Y. Manager. OREGON CITY MANUFACTURING C0O., Office, 483 Broadway. Inc. in Port- land, Or. Opject—Wholesale clothing. No information furnished. Brown Bros. & Co., Agents. OREGON DEVELOPMENT (C0O., Office, 45 William st. Inc. in Oregon. Jacob Halsted, President. OREGON PACIFIC SYNDICATE, Office, 45 William st. No information furnished. Norman S. Bentley, Secretary. O’REILLY-SKELLY-FOGARTY (C0., Offices, 4og W. 14th st., 205 W. toth st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. OBJECT— Liquors. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFI- cERS—Hugh O'Reilly, President; Patrick Skelly, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Hugh O'Reilly, Patrick Skelly, Wm. Purcell, Andrew Fay, John S. Mortimer. ORIANNA MILLS, Office, 907 Broadway. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. T. J. Keveney & Co., Agents. THE ORINOKA MILLS CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Union sq. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $31,000. Total assets at least $108,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Sol. B. Solomon, President; J. H. Solomon, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Sol. B. Solomon, J. H. Solomon, Daniel D. Earle. THE ORIENT MANUFACTURING CO,, Offices, 16 Exchange pl. and Orient, L. I. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $141,500; Full paid; cash, $41,500; for property, $100,000 Liabilities other than capital do not exceed, $165,000. Assets consists of _ plant and fishing steamers with gear; cost $215,000; stock of raw and manufactured goods valued at $50,000, Receipts for year, $300,747.22; Expenditures, $301,518.03. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—W. G. Crenshaw, President ; John H. Wisner, Treasurer. DirEcrors—W. G. Crenshaw, J. H. Wisner, Thomas P. Foy. . 305 THE ORIENTAL AND OCCIDENTAL TEA CO., Limited, General and Cor- porate Office, 35 Burling sl. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $12,500. Total assets at least $15,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—— E, A. Willard, President; Wm. G. Wilson, Secretary ; Lyman R. Greene, Treasurer. Drrectors—E, A. Willard, Lyman R. Greene, Samuel Lee, Wm. G. Wilson, Lemuel Lee. ORIGINAL BUTTE MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $200,000. ‘Total assets at least $10. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTors—W. C. Taylor, 40 W. soth st., President: John J. Byrne, Secretary. ORO BELLA MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 10 Wall st. Inc. 1888, in Arizona. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $2; Full paid. OsyecT—Mining. Plant located at Bayard, Arizona, and consists of mining properties. “Funded debt, $70,000 Ist mtge. 6s. Io years; $100, $500, $1,000, 10 years. Continental Trust Co., Trustees. May be paid any time. OFrricerS—Richard S. Barnes, President; David E. Soule, Vice-President: Charles H. Briggs, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Richard S. Barnes, D. E. Soule, Isaac B. Bristol, R. S. Frary, William T. Parks, Louis F’. Heublein, Charles H. Briggs, B. W. Pease, Geo. S. Frink. ORO CACHE GOLD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office (no address). Capital authorized, $2,500,000. No information furnished. OSBORN MANUFACTURING C0O., General and Corporate Office, 79 Bleecker st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Machinery and tools........ ik eeOhaeky ake $65,000.00) PACCOUNTS DAY ables .ccseco0 wierseces cncepece $2,193 24 BASH. ecsants Ponta lees tntt els ssunnaciina tee uensg PS, LOSE Oi pen DUS eMAVA DLCs, 311 PARSONS MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 260 Church st. Inc. in Cohoes, N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000; Amount paid in, $100,000. OByEctT—Manufacture of knit goods. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. James E. Malone, Agent. PARSON SUPPLY CO., Office, 54 Pine st. Inc. in N. J. No other information furnished. OrriceERS—Fredk. T. Parson, President; Henry E. Parson, Secretary. PARSONS VENTILATOR CO., Office, 171 Broadway. No other information furnished. CHARLES M. PARTRIDGE. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $12,000; Full paid, in cash. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ACG rMe ee taiedd dactiatvevetect serene (varneens $14,000 oo | Other than capital...........c.) Capieal authorized, $200,000; Full paid, in patents. ASSETS. LIABILITIES, RLOIES Naseccarastcne eaten nace eucceent eat $178,866 | Sundry accounts payable......... vceseeee $25,055 FL TCASUTY BLOCK Oe saves acinar we acite ete ado Ti 500-4" Bills gavables...ncr we .dsacann eoao ttaa nat 3,035 Wachinery: eos. spa sway Bele deceh FEE eee a nas 4,102 Apel i ase sag Cae MEE Ve aks CREE EE Co a | GE Sundry accounts receivable............. 2,754 DiNsirecelva bless. sanneessmmeicrs mutes 20 Receipts for year, $21,352; Expenditures, $21,334. OFFICERS—Wm. L. Hartung, President; Joseph A. George, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Wm. L. Hartung, Joseph A. George. PNEUMATIC STEERING GEAR AND MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 34 Pine st. Capital authorized, $700,000. No other information furnished. James E, liedges, President. : PNEUMATIC TORPEDO AND CONSTRUCTION CO. Inc. inN. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000. No other information furnished. ‘ 331 POETSCH-SOOYSMITH FREEZING CO., General Office, 2 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Apr. 28, 1885, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $400,000,'par $100; Paid in $300,000. OsyEcT-——-Ownership and utilization of the Poetsch Freezing Method Patents for making excavations, sinking shafts, etc., through soft or water-bearing strata. Plant located at Wyoming, Pa., and consists of pipe, fixtures, etc. No funded debt. OFrricers AND DirEcToRS—William Sooysmith, President ; Geo. M. Newcomer, Secretary ; Chas. Sooysmith, Treasurer. POINT MOUNTAIN LUMBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 199 11th ave. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. Condit Smith, President; Fredk. E. Vossnack, Secretary. DIRECTORS— J. Condit Smith, G. Condit Smith, Herman Vossnack, Fredk. E. Vossnack. THE POLAND PAPER (OO0O., Office, 131 Times Building; Corporate Office, Mechanic Falls, Me. Inc. 1887, in Me.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyect—Manufacturers of fine book paper. Plants located at Mechanic Falls and Gilbertville, Me.; capacity, 25 tons of paper and 15 tons of chemical pulp. Dividends, 6 p. c., (3 p. c. semi-annnually). No debt. OFFICERS— Arthur Sewall, President; C. H. Milliken, Secretary; C. R. Milliken, Treasurer. DirREcTORS—Jas. Munroe, Arthur Sewall, Hon. Geo. C. Wing, Hon. Wm. G. Davis, Woodbury S. Dana, W. H. Milliken, F. D. True. Wm. W. Page, Agent. JOHN POLHEMUS PRINTING CO., General Office, moved to 121 Fulton st. ; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1891 in N.J., for 20 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid. Opyect—Printing and publishing. Plant located at 121 Fulton st. No funded debt. OFrricErs—John Polhemus, President; Horace G. Pol- hemus, Vice-President; Ira J. Ackerman, Secretary; John Polhemus, Treasurer. DI- RECTORS—John Polhemus, Ira J. Ackerman, Horace G. Polhemus, I. J. Ackerman, Hemson Steenken, Charles T. Polhemus, James Parker. POLLAK CO., Office, 21 Wooster st.. Inc. in Montgomery Co., Ala. Dry goods, etc. No other information furnished. Represented by Geo. S. Virden. POLLARD PUBLISHING CO., Office, 13 Barclay st. No information furnished. POMEROY CO., General and Corporate Office, 785 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Daniel Pomeroy, President; Chas. R. Dean, Secretary. DrrREcTORS—Daniel Pomeroy, Chas. R. Dean, Mary E. Pomeroy. POMEROY TRUSS CO. (name changed to Pomeroy Co., which see), General and Corporate Office, 785 Broadway. THE POMEROY PHARMACEUTCAL CO., Office, 254 Pearl st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $100,000, in cash, coyprights and franchises. Liabilities other than capital, $22,000. Total assets at least $2,800. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Cyrus Pyle, President; Howard C. Pyle, Secretary. POND ELECTRIC SIGNAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 10 E. 15th st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, $50,000 in cash; $250,000 in property. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Total assets at least $100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—C. N. Talbot, President; William P. Stevenson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—C. N. Talbot, W. P. Steven- son, R. L. Belknap. POND LILY SPECIFIC CO., Office, 204 W. 23d st. No other information furnished. POND MACHINE TOOL CO., Office, 111 Liberty st. Inc. in Plainfield, N. J. Capital authorized, $400,000 No other information furnished. Manning, Maxwell & Moore, Agents. POND’S EXTRACT CO., General and Corporate Office, 76. 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000.. OrFICERS—Leon H. Hurtt, President; Edwd. O. Stanley, Treasurer. Directors—E. D. Palmer, Leon H. Hurtt, Francis D. Hurtt, Edwd. O. Stanley, 332 PONTIFEX ICE MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 514 West st. -Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Robt. Hewitt, President; Pierre P. Keller, Secretary; Chas. L. Case, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robt. Hewitt, Pierre P. Keller, Jas. H. Keller, Alfred P. Trautwein, Chas. Lo Case: PONTIFEX REFRIGERATING AND ICE MACHINE MANUFACTUR- ING CO., Incin N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $35,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Robert Hewitt, President; Pierre P. Keller, Treasurer, 313 Greenwich st. PONTISSIC MILLS CO., General and Corporate Office, 21 Old sl. Inc in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $7,200. Total assets not stated. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Orricers—John H. Waydell, President; Edwin Schreiner, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Andrew Waydell, A. H. Schreiner, Edwin Schreiner, John H. Waydell. : PONTOOSUC WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO. Office, 108 Worth st. Inc. in Pittsfield, Mass. No other information furnished. Jay, Langdon & Co., Agents. CHAS. POPE GLUCOSE C0O., Office, 121 Front st. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Robt. Dorn, Agent. POPE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 12 Warren st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Elliott Mason, N. Y. Manager. POPP COMPRESSED AIR AND ELECTRIC POWER CO. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Paid in cash, $5,000; property, $958,000. Liabili- ties other than capital, $300. Total assets at least $1,814.50. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Elisha Dyer, President. Drrecrors—Elisha Dyer, E. D. Phillips, Albert Strauss. THE POROUS PLASTER CO., General Office, ‘274 Canal st,; Corporate Office, Sing Sing, N. Y. Inc. 1878, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000. OpyEcTt—Brand- reth’s pills and porous plasters. Plant at Sing Sing. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiREcTORS—Geo. Brandreth, President; Franklin Brandreth, Vice-President ; Ralph Brandreth, Secretary and Treasurer. PORTABLE HOUSE BUILDING AND MANUFACTURING (CO., General and Corporate Office, 335 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Danl. T. Atwood, President; A. Dalton Atwood, Secretary. PORTAGE IRON CO., Limited, Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Duncansville, Pa. No information furnished. A. R. Whitney & Co., Agents. PORTAGE RED STONE C0,, Office, 38 Park row, Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Arlando Marine, N. Y. Manager. PORT CHESTER BOLT AND NUT CO,, Office, 91 Liberty st. Inc. in Port Chester, N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid, in cash. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. STATEMENT, Jan. 1, 1892 :— ASSETS, LIABILITIES, APATNC.. Seuns vitecs binds nes spateateen aa oe $31 242072 J” apie stOCkaaat ascd. Monlien, eee $125,000.00 ° Buildings and machinery............ £28,484 77 4: Bills payable:i...tcsccseee eee 10,000 00 LT Rae POE E Syed penta ey boy 67,742.36 1 FACCES 9.35 1p exept eet sy ae Ae ore 31,871 05 Bills recetyabler x. may aaieatearee 33294 231 Profit andi loss7.c; o\eeiee ee 144,423 55 CAS Is. sa Tinis actantanttcarere eee 3,106 II Pils tmaterials.: €tcin. mrss eee 77,484 33 $311,294 60 | $311,294 60 W. E. Ward, gt Liberty st., President. Direcrors—W. L. Ward, Chas. Eldridge, W. E. Ward. PORT CHESTER TRANSPORTATION (CO., Office, Pier 32 (new) E.R. Inc in Port Chester, N. Y. No information furnished. Edw, F. Studwell, Agent. Cie Oo THE PORTER MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, Office, 42 Cortlandt st. Corporate Office, Syracuse, N.Y. Inc. in N. y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892 : Capital authorized, $190,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $181,225.24. Total assets, $364, 327.16. ‘Receipts for year, $385,341.69; Expenditures, $383, 847, 56. Factory at Syracuse, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers— Wm. K. Moor, President ; Henry Lacy, Treasurer. DiRECTORS—Wm. K. Moor, Lucius Gleason, Henry Lacy, Stewart Warder. PORTER TELETYPE CO., General Office, 173 Greenwich st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Antony N. Brady, President; Albert L. Judson, Secretary. DIREcTORS—Antony N, Brady, Albert L. Judson, Thomas B. Casey, Timothy J. Sullivan, E. V. Foote, Erastus Ransom. PORT MORRIS LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General Office, 59 Liberty st. Inc.inN. Y. Capital authorized, $500,c0o0o. No other information furnished. OFFI- CERS—-William Reynolds Brown, President; William Smith Brown (dec’d), Secretary. DrirEcToRS—Chas. D. Dickey, William C. Squier, Lewis B. Brown, William Smith Brown, William Reynolds Brown. PORT MONMOUTH STEAMBOAT CO,, Office, Pier 23 N. R. No other infor- mation furnished. THE POSTAL EXPRESS CO., Limited, General Office, 52 William st. No infor- mation furnished. POST BUILDING CO., General and Corporate Office, 16 Exchange pl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $575,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $302,000. Total assets at least $450,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Charles A. Post, President. DIRECTORS—Charles A. Post, J. Langdon Ward, George B. Post. POTOMAC PAPER C0O., Office, 132 Nassau st. Inc. in Cumberland, Md. No other information furnished. Represented by Chas. A. Whedon. THE POTTER-PARLIN (CO., General and Corporate Office, 176 and 178 Duane st. Inc. 1890, in Ohio; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacture and sale of baking powder, extracts, coffees, teas and spices, Cincinnati, O., and 176 and 178 Duane st., N.Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—E. M. Potter, President; A. J. Parlin, Vice-President; I. D. Campbell, Secretary; L. C. Young, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—E. M. Potter, A. J. Parlin, I. D. Campbell, L.C. Young, Wm. E. Munroe, Hooper Coyne, Jas. C. Fitch, Jno. as Yates: POTTIER, STYMUS & CO,, 41st st. and Lexington ave.; General and Corporate Office, 375 Lexington ave. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in, $75,000. OBnjECT—Furniture and decorations. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Wm. P. Stymus, Jr., President; Wm. P. Stymus, Secretary; Frank R. Pentz, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. P. Stymus, Jr., Frank R. Pentz, Bernard Maybeck, Adam Markel. POTTSTOWN IRON CO., Office, 282 Stewart Bldg. Inc. in Pottstown, Pa. No other information furnished. Jos. P. Mason, N. Y. Manager. POUGHKEEPSIE IRON 00., Office, 69 Wall st. Inc. in Pougkeepsie, N. Y. No information furnished. Represented by Henri M. Braem. POUGHKEEPSIE STEAM COOPERAGE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 223 Produce Exchange. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $35,000; Full paid, $10,000 in cash ; $25,000 in property. Liabilities other than capital, 'g48, ooo. Total assets at least $70, 000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OrricERSs—Abel E. Blackmar, Vice- President : Cre Ee Blackmar, Treasurer. DiIrREcTORS—Abel E. Blackmar, oygeee Blackmar, J. M. Halstead. ; Be Ee ese TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, Pier 24 (new) N. R._ Inc. in Poughkeepsie, N. Y, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. LANG yc CLC on vsaaceee ketene eee mane eae $75,000, } DIGI, .ucseras ovtaredrnre ee tats era terete $76,000 Steamers (J. L.. ‘Hasbrough, 'D.S. Outstanding notes, Etc ....ssecesceeerscees 32,000 Miller)...... isguedinns bee says sueivexanawevatsaen te 100,000 LOCAL rs ser encase sextape ccnas sweet teeta s $175,000 Receipts for year, $106,000; Expenditures, $100,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. J. H. Brinckerhoff, President. DrirEcTORS—J. H. Brinckerhoff, A. W. Haight, F. B. Loun. THE MARY POWELL STEAMBOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, 14 Vesey st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $150,000. ASSETS. Coal’ élevator.at Rondoits 2.005 aise, cacone eacdse ces inteseeeee terre oe $1,200 00 Machinery and furniture... icra cect secuteseeno tes hee ee ee Braafess ies kacsnysen tatania 150,000 00 2,029 88 TD Ota] ccssveevstecinny dole» othe achgas den aledes Seating ee oh Sameer ieee amen ta ae ae ann me te $153,229 88 Receipts and expenditures, $60,899.63 ; Expenditures, $58,869.75. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. Orricers—D. C. Weeks, President ; J. H. Brinckerhoff, Treasurer. Direcrors—D. C. Weeks, J. H..Brincker- hoff, A. ©. Anderson. POWER DRY GOODS CO.,, Office, 101 Franklin st. Inc. in St. Paul, Minn. No information furnished No N. Y. representative. POWER PUBLISHING CO,, Office, 146 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in Ill. Capital authorized, $40,000. No information furnished. OFFICERS--Horace M. Swetland, President ; Fred. R. Low, Secretary; Adelbert B. Swetland, Treasurer. Drrecrors— Horace M. Swetland, Adelbert B. Swetland, C. A. Swetland, Fred. R. Low, Sumner W, Hume. POWERVILLE FELT ROOFING CO., Limited, 134 Maiden la. General and Corporate Office, 132 Maiden la. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in, $100,000. OFFICERS—Wm. H. Eberts, President; Chas. E. Lockwood, Secretary ; Francis J. Palmer, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Wm. H. Eberts, Chas. E. Lockwood, Francis J. Palmer, John G. Tait, Wm. D. C. Field. PRANG EDUCATIONAL CO., Office, 16 Astor pl. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No other information furnished. Chas. I. Webster, N. Y. Manager. PRATT & LAMBERT, General and Corporate Office, 5 Dutch, 47 John sts. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $60,000; Amount paid in $60,000. Osyect—Manufacture of var- nishes, etc. No other information furnished. OFrFIcERS—Chas. M. Pratt, President ; Nelson B. Arnold, Secretary; Henry S. Lambert, Treasurer. D1recrors—Chas. M. Pratt, Alfred W. Pratt, Henry S. Lambert. PRATT MANUFACTURING C0., Office, 26 Broadway. OpjEcT—Petroleum. Capital authorized, $500,000. No other information furnished. PREMIER CYCLE CO., General and Corporate Office, 846 8th ave. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFicERS—Llewellyn H. Johnson, President ; Sumner L. Beals, Secretary; Henry C. Douglas, Treasurer. DiIrEcToRS—Llewellyn H. Johnson, Sumner L. Beals, Henry C. Douglas. . PREMIUM POINT CO., Office, 35 Wall st. No other information furnished. THE PRENTICE BROWN-STONE CO., General Office, 44 Broadway ; Corpo- rate Office, Ashland, Wis; Chicago Office, 714 Tacoma Building; Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,250,000, par $100; Full paid and unassessable. Quarrymén and dealers in Lake Superior brown-stone. Quarries at Houghton, Bayfield Co., Wis. Dividends, if any, not stated. Orricers—Frederic Prentice, President; E. Ellis, Vice-President ; J. B. Niles, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcrors—Edwin Ellis, Frederick Prentice, Eugene A. Shores, J. B. Niles, Luther C. Voorhees, L. A. Prentice, M. E. Nicol. She, THE PRENTICE CALENDAR AND TIME C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 48 Maidenla. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Paid in, $197,700. ASSETS. RUASI,, arerer tMRMME SR AEEAs ac nesses ss cccacce csvcccesssdvens CopabahneanenUstlaeineeaGAdubunmmels sea Rev asdsysleeeseays $20,945 62 BVI SY CIATION ere tee erent ara cecs: ehUl S37 PROVOST & WELLS SOAP CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc.inN.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $12,000. Total assets at least $100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt Orric—eERSs—Warren Provost, President; F. A. Wells, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—H. F. Clapp, F. A. Wells. PRUDENTIAL LEAGUE, General and Corporate Office, 13 Astor pl. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $51,000. OFFICERS—Gustave Berg, President; Geo. Gunther, Secretary ; Isaac J. Cohen, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Gustave Berg, Geo. Gunther, Isaac J. Cohen, F. Beyer. PUBLISHERS’ PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 E. 14th st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Jos. Gantz, President; Chas. E. Sprague, Secretary. D1RECTORS—Jos. Gantz, Isidor Furst, Chas E. Sprague, Robt. W. Nelson, John N. Woodfin. PUBLISHERS’ SPECIAL AGENCY, General and Corporate Office, 90 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000. No other information furnished OFFI- CERS—Louis N. Perlman, President ; Julius L. Quint, Secretary. DIREcTORS—Louis H. Perlman, Julius L. Quint, Jacob Harris. PULSION TELEPHONE, Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital author- ized, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends; if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-Stephen W. Fullerton, President; A. H. Kirkham, Secretary ; Geo. E. Fowle, Jr., Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Stephen W. Fullerton, H. A. Kirkham, Geo. E. Fowle, Jr., Herman W. Ladd. THE PULSOMETER STEAM PUMP CO., General Office, 120 Liberty st. Inc. 1877 in N. Y., for 25 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. OBJECT —Manufacture of the Pulsometer Steam Pump, castings and general machinery. Plant at Furman st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Nodividends. Nodebt. OFrFIcERS—A. H.W. Johnson, President and Treasurer; Joseph F. Johnson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Wm. F. John- | son, Albert Spies, John H. Schofield. E. H. PURDY MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 44 W. 13th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $34,700; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :-— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ACCOUNES OOTStANGING \.. 0. .ccceene senses G23, OOF Omar UDCA tn teataas cee tstencs Aah ced Ty hea bance $34,700 00 Machinery. and Stock (..<.0..-cscscessnse E5402, G2 pee OLS DUST OWING suis sideve ess coeses ces 1,995 06 Cash and debts receivable............ 4AFe2 306 BOLTOWCUIINONE yar tines 30 Seaate baat caus 5,700. 00 $39,236 05 $42,395 06 Dividends, one of 2 p.c., Mar. 10, 1891. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Duncan Plyle, President; A. R Searles, G. M. Drummond, F. Hefter. PURITAN SHIRT CO., Office, 253 Church st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. No in- formation furnished. Jacob Nebenzahl, Agent. THE PURSELL MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 914 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $80,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—Frank J. Walsh, President ; John H. Joy, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frank J. Walsh, John W. Salter, Louis Schwartz. PUTMAN CARPET C0O., Office, 907 Broadway. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No informa- tion furnished, T. J. Keveney & Co., Agents. . PUTMAN COUNTY ICE CO., Office, 16 Exchange pl. No information as nished. Not in active operation. PUTMAN MACHINE (C0O,, Office, 115 Liberty st. Inc. in Fitchburg, Mass. No information furnished. Prentiss Tool and Supply Co., Agents. THE H. W. PUTNAM DOUBLE-POINTED TACK CO., General and Corporate Office, 108 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Opsyect—Manufacture and sale of double- pointed tacks. Plant at Bennington, Vt. OFFICERS AND DirREcTORS—H. W. Putnam, President and Treasurer; H. W. Putnam, Jr., Secretary. 338 PURITAN YARN (CO., Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. inSavannah, Ga. No informa- tion furnished. Chas. H. Pine, Agent. . THE PYROGRAVURE CO., Corporate Office, 230 E. 37th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $7,505.13. Total assets, $13,986.89. Receipts for year, $18,809.36 ; Expen- ditures, $18,681,85. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. H. Beucke, President. DIRECTORS—Maurice V. Freund, Isaac B. F roeligh, Geo. Staber. PYROPHOTO CO., General and Corporate Office, 30 1st st. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $12,197.88. Total assets, $18,339.65. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. /No funded debt. Edwin Enstein, President. Q. AND C. CO., Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Me. Capital authorized, $200,c00. No other information furnished. OFrriceERs—Wm. L. Findley, President; Arthur Cran- dall, Secretary; Chas. F. Quincy, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Wm., L. Findley, W. A. Grippin, F, W. Edmunds, J. D. Fiske, Chas. T. Quincy. THE QUAKER CITY DYE WORKS CO,, Office, 51 Leonard st. Corporate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. No other information furnished. B. F. Smith, Agent. THE QUAKER MILL CO.,, Office, 3 Harrison st. ; Corporate Office, Ravenna, O. Inc. in Ohio. The Quaker Mill is a branch of the American Cereal Co. and is managed by its officers, as reported to Philadelphia Office. Ferd. Schumaker, President American Cereal Co. Kirk B. Newell, Agent. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP C0O., of Quebec, Canada., Office, 39 Broadway; Pier 47 (new) N. R. Inc. in Quebec, Can. No other information furnished. A. Emilius Outerbridge & Co., Agents. QUEEN ANNE SCREEN CO., Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Burlington, Vt. No other information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. THE QUEEN CITY CYCLORAMA CO,, Corporate Office, Erie Co. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Receipts for year, $1,122.63; Disbursements, $1,122.27. OFFICERS—Freeman W. Vilas, President; Eugene A. George, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—Freeman W, Vilas, Eugene A. George, Arthur W. Hickman, 55 Liberty st. QUEEN CITY POLISH CO., General and Corporate Office, 81 New st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000. Albert F. Stone, President. DrrEcToRs—Albert F. Stone, David H. M. Davis, Norman Barbour. THE QUEEN CITY PRINTING INK (CO., Office, 139 William st.: Cor- porate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc. Jan. 1877, in Ohio; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000; 20 shares, par $5,000 each; Full paid. OsByect—Manufacture printing inks and printing ink materials, Cincinnati, O. Dividends, 8 Die uly, steam p.c. Dec. 31st. Nodebt. Company have only an agency in New York city, John Greason, 149 William st., Agent. General Office is in Cincinnati, O. OFFICERS—John Rychen, President; E. T. Rychen, Vice-President; Joseph Green, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcToRS—John Rychen, E. T. Rychen, Joseph Green, Mrs. G. H. DeGolyer Jock: Cheeseman. FRANK QUEEN PUBLISHING C0., Limited, Office, 88 Centre st. Capital authorized, $30,000. No other information furnished. QUEEN KNITTING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 256 Church, and 204 E. 43dsts. Inc.inN.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000. OFrriceRs—Ciarence L. Gans, Presi- dent; Leopold Herrmann, Secretary. D1irecrors—Clarence L. Gans, Leopold Herr- mann, Sigmund Steinman. QUEENS COUNTY WATER CO. Inc. inN. y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities, including capital, $300,000. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. M. Martin, 80 Broadway, President; Gordon S. Buck, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—W. L. Snyder, W. M. Martin, Gordon S. Buck. QUEEN SILVER POLISH 00., General and Corporate Offices, 6 Harrison, and 81 New sts. Inc. in N, Y. Capital authorized, $10,000. OFFICERS——Albert F. Stone, President; J. Albert Robertson, Secretary. DrirEcrors—Albert F. Stone, David M. H. Davis, Norman Barbour. JID NN THE QUICKSILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 20 Nassau st. Inc,in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000,000; Full paid in property. Total assets at least $11,660,168.63. RECEIPTS | LIABILITIES. Peron Sale Of QUICKSILVET.. 060s ccccssetace $419,300 | Other Chancapital ci veescssccssscesasercasses $10,000 YOM) FENES..<..s00> 00s Poni eee winners * 16,750 REE MALOU act rand ss cavevhas’necdseavassiaq ON; Martin, C. C. Pomeroy, New York. CounsEL— Evarts, Choate & Beaman, New York ; John C. Bullitt, Philadelphia ; Isham, Lincoln & Beale, Chicago. TRusTEES—Central Trust Co., of New York, The Fidelity Insurance Trust and Safe Deposit Co. of Philadelphia, Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. of New York, Atlantic Trust Co. of New York. RAILROAD GAZETTE, General and Corporate Office, 71 Broadway. Inc. 1883, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OxsjEct—Publication of RR. newspaper. No funded debt. OFrrc—ERs—William H. Boardman, President and Treasurer; Jas. H. Bailey, Vice-President: D. D. Waugh, Secretary. DIrREcTORS— William H. Boardman, Jas. H. Bailey, S. Wright Dunning. RAILROAD TOPICS PUBLISHING, Office, 7 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Capi- tal authorized,, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward F. Galvin, President; G. S. Martin, Secretary. RAILWAY AGE PUBLISHING CO., Office, 15 Wall st. Inc. in Chicago, III. Capital authorized, $100,000. John A. Chater, N. Y. Manager. ; RAILWAY AND BANKERS’ ENGRAVING AND LITHOGRAPHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000, OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Lee R. Shryock, President ; Ernst Bartro, Secretary. RAILWAY DIRECTORY PUBLISHING (O., of New York, General and Corporate Office, 114 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100: Full paid. Osyect—Publishing business and railway directory. No funded debt. Edwin C. Donnell, Secretary. Drrecrors—Raymond L. Donnell, Edwin C. Donnell. , —- ee 341 . RAILWAY AND REALTY SECURITY C0O., Office, 15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Purchase land, build street railways, and de- velop properties in connection therewith. Plant located at Cleveland, O., and consists of land, 223 acres, cut up into house lots. ‘Euclid Heights.’’ Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Funded debt, $193,000; mtge. 5 p. c., due and payable up to 1897. Sink- ing fund mtge. held by Streator of Cleveland. OFrricErS—James G. Zachry, President; Patrick Calhoun, Vice-President; Roland R. Conklin, Secretary and Treasurer. Directrors—John C. Calhoun, S. M. Jarvis, Patrick Calhoun, James G. Zachry, R. R. Conklin. RAILWAY REGISTER MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 1193 Broadway. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished. Edward Beadle, N. Y. Manager. RAILWAY SAFETY APPLIANCE CO., General and Corporate Office, 178 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, ¢1,000. Assets consist of two letters patents of the U. S. for inventions and improvements in railway cars. No market value for said letters can be stated. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Thorndike Saunders, 71 Broadway, President; Edwin D. Worcester, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Thorndike Saunders, Edwin D. Worcester, G. Creighton Webb. RAILWAY TRAIN DESPATCHERS’ ELECTRIC SIGNAL C0O., Office, 38 Wall st. No information furnished. RAMAPO IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained.; No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— George Church, President; Robert J. Davidson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—George Church, William B. Williams, Robert J. Davidson, William W. Snow, Frederick W. Snow. RAMONA WINE CO., Office, 339 Pearl st. Inc. in Ramona, Cal. No infor- mation furnished. M. Batt & Co., Agents. HOMER RAMSDELL TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, Pier 24 (new) N. R. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—Homer Ramsdell, President; Homer S. Ramsdell, Secretary; James A. P. Ramsdell, Treasurer. Directors—Homer Ramsdell, James A. P. Ramsdell, Homer S. Ramsdell, H. P. Rams- dell. THE RAND DRILL CO., Office, 23 Park pl.; Corporate Office, N. Tarrytown, N.Y. Inc. 1885, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyectr—Manufacture of mining machinery. Plant at N. Tarrytown, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofundeddebt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—A. C. Rand, President; J. R. Rand, Secretary and Treasurer; Edw. Green, N. W. Horton, Joel Goldthwait. THE RANDOLPH CO., General and Corporate Office, 16 Gramercy pl. Inc. in _N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid. Assets: Apartment house, 12 and 14 W. 18th st., New York City. Liabilities: Bond and mtge., $125,000; Current expenses, etc., estimated, $4,000. Receipts for year to Oct. 31, 1891, $17,597.47. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Edwin T. Booth, President; James W. Clendenin, Treasurer. RANEY & BERGEN IRON CO., Office, 177 Broadway. Inc. in Elmira, N. Y. No information furnished. Henry H. Adams & Co., Agents. JOHN C. RANKIN CO., Office, 34 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $125,000. OpnyECT—Stationery. OFFICERS—John C, Rankin, Jr., President; Henry H. Morgan, Secretary. Direcrors—John C. Rankin, Jr., Chas. A. Prindle, Robt. Schalkenbach, Henry H. Morgan, Walter Sparks. RAPID ADDRESSING MACHINE (C0., General and Corporate Office, 314 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000, OFrricers—Frank D. Belknap, President; Robt. Dun Douglas, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Frank D. Belknap, Robt. Dun Douglas, Erastus Wiman, Arthur J. King, Wm. Safford, Rush Taggart. 342 RAPID SAFETY HEATING CO., Office, 87 William st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $25,000. OFFICERS—Oscar D. Wickham, President; Thos. W. McKnight, Secretary ; Maross Jenkins, Treasurer.. DIRECTORS—Oscar D. Wickham, John McLeod Murphy, Maross Jenkins, Thos. W. McKnight. RAPID TRANSIT AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CO,, Office, 15 Broad st. ; Corporate Office) Jersey: City, N. J.. 7 Inc. Apr.” 6,+1888,4n) NG, sor 50 eayeanc. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Paid in $2,000. Osjyect—Construction of elevated railroads, building bridges, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers-—-Henry Keene, President; A. F. Walcott, Vice-President ; Charles Lyman, Secretary ; Marshall G. Moore, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Henry Keene, Chas, Lyman, Marshall G. Moore, Casimir Tag, Henry W. Edye, Jas. Slater, Alfred F. Walcott, H. W. V. Parker, Geo. C. Allen. RAPID TRANSIT CABLE CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—Manufac- turing traction devices for street railways. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Cornelius Tiers, President; Andrew Bryson, Jr., Vice-President; Heyward H. McAllister, Secretary and Treasurer. DrIreEcroRs—Cornelius Tiers, Andrew Bryson, Jr., Heyward H. McAllister, R. Duncan Harris, John H. Pedleton, G. H. Kent, Antonio del Solar, Robert M. Miles. RAPPAHANNOCK GOLD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Broadway. Inc.inN.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $2,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERs—J. A. MacPherson, President; L. F. Bannersfeld, Secretary. D1IRECTORS—J. A. MacPherson, W. Hoffman, L. F. Bannersfeld. THE RARITAN HOLLOW AND POROUS BRICK CO., Office, 874 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Keasbey’s Landing, N. J. Inc. Apr. 1882, in N.J.; Charter for 10 years, renewed for 20 years. Capital authorized, $110,000, par $100; Full paid. OBjEcT — Manufacture and sale of fire-proof building materials, hollow brick, porous terra cotta, fancy front brick, fire brick; miners of fireclay. Plant at Keasbey’s Landing, on Raritan River, N. J., 250 acres of clay land, with water-front and railroad direct to factory. OFFICERS—Edw. Keasbey, President; Henry M. Keasbey, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIrEcTORS—Edward Keasbey, A. Q. Keasbey, Henry M. Keasbey. RASCHER MAP PUBLISHING (C0O., Office, 39 Nassau st. Inc. in Chicago, IIl. No information furnished. Wm. L. Niehorster, N. Y. Manager. THE RATHBONE OIL TRACT CO,, Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000 ; Fullpaid. Liabilities other than capital, $27,332.97. Total assets, $17,332.97. Receipts for year, $1,264.15; Expenditures, $1,206.46. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. David Thompson, President, 230 Pearl st. Drrecrors— David Thompson, George M. Thompson, G. P. Thompson. THE RAVENSWOOD ARTS GLASS WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 43 Barclay st. Inc. 1886, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Paid in, $60,000. OBjEct—Manufacture of glass ware, lamp‘and gas goods. Plant at Ravenswoou, L. I. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. Bergman, President; Simon Mack, Vice-President and Treasurer; E. Bergman, 5. Mack, H. S. Mack, H. Worms. RAY COPPER CO., Office 34. Thomas st. Inc. in Riverside, Ariz. Capital authorized, $5,000,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Represented by Louis Zeckendorf. THE RAY MANUFACTURING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid, all of which was issued for the purchase of property necessary for the business. Debts, $26.765, which includes the accrued interest of the past year of $1,515 upon the debt. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. James D. Ray, President and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James D. Ray, Wm. H. Ray, 11 Vandewater st. RAY’S WOOLEN C0O., Office, 86 Worth st. Inc. in Franklin, Mass. No infor- mation furnished. Wm. L. Nichols, Agent. READ CARPET CO,., Office, 935 Broadway. Inc. in Bridgeport, Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000, C. A. Read, President. Represented by David M. Read. 343 D. M. READ CO., Office, 935 Broadway. Inc. in Bridgeport, Conn. No infor- mation furnished, Represented by David M. Read. READ, HOLLIDAY & SONS, Limited. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid, $14,100 in cash, $235,900 in property. Liabilities other than capital, $35, 000. Total assets at least $35,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Charles Kelly, 7 Platt st., Vice- President ; George M. De Mind, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Fred. Holliday, E. C. Banter, George M. De Mind, Charles Kelly. J. PARKER READ CO., Offices, 18 ete st. and 24 Park pl.. No information furnished, READ & LOVATT C0O,, Office, 68 Grand st. Inc. in Weatherly, Pa. Capital authorized, $200,000; Paid in. OpyEcT—Silk* throwsters. Represented by Jerome C. Read. READING ANTHRACITE PRESSED FUEL C0., Office, 192 Broadway. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, ‘if any, not ascertained. Austin Corbin, President. READING FOUNDRY C0O., Limited, Office, 160 Broadway. Inc. in Reading, Pa. No information furnished, John Fox, Agent. READING HARDWARE C0., Offices, 81 Reade st., andg7 Chambers st. Inc. in Reading, Pa. Capital authorized, $650,000. Walter Fetter, N. Y. Manager. READING IRON CO. Inc. in Reading, Pa. Capital authorized, $1,000,000. Geo. F. Baer, President. Hugh W. Adams & Co., 56 Pine st., and Pancoast & Rogers, 28 Platt st., Agents. THE READING IRON WORKS, General Office, 28 Platt st.; Corporate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. Inc. in Penna. No information furnished. Pancoast & Rogers, Nuh Agents. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE AND AUCTION ROOM, Limited, Corporate Office, 65 Liberty st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. Total assets, $593,112.19. Receipts for year, $63,714.43; Expenditures, $33,392.28. Plant located at 59 to 6s5iLiberty st., N.Y. Dividends, 5p.c. Debt, $75,000 mtge. of property. George R. Read, President. Direcrors—George R, Read, Cornelius WwW. Luyster, Richard V. Harnett, Edward Oppenheimer, Charles A. Schermerhorn, George D. F. Barton, William Cruikshank, Isaac Fromme, James FE. Leviness, Charles S. Brown. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE AND PUBLISHING CO., Office, 8 Union sq., E. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000. OFFICERS—Ragland Momand, Presi- dent; Wm. J. Hight, Secretary. Direcrors—Ragland Momand, Wm. J. Hight, Woy kes King. REAL ESTATE LAW, LOAN AND COLLECTION CO., Office, 21 Park row. No information furnished. REAL ESTATE OWNERS’ RENT PROTECTION CO., Limited, Office, 13 Park row. No information furnished. THE REAMER LUMBER CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 41 Park row,. Inc. Apr. 8, 1891, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $50,000, par #10;) Paid in; $17,700. Opyject—Wholesale lumber, purchasers and manufacturers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—]J. M. Reamer, President; Chas. R. Harris, Secretary; Jas. H. Purte, Treasurer; Geo. D Wallace. RECAMIER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 305 sth ave. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $4,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained... No funded debt. Harriet Hubbard Ayer, President. DIREcTORS—T. W. Rutty, Harriet H. Ayer. 344 RECKITT & SONS, Limited, Office, 72 Reade st. Inc. in Hull, Eng. No other information furnished. Henry W. Johnson and Arthur S. Ellsworth, N. Y. Managers. RECORDER CO., General and Corporate Office, 21 Park row. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERSs—George W. Turner, President; Clarence C. Vernam, Secretary; John R. Patterson, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—Geo. W. Turner, Clarence C. Vernam, John R. Patterson, Alexander W. Leslie, J. Fraunfelder. RECORDER PUBLISHING CO., Office, 116 Duane st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Geo. E. B. Putman, N. Y. Manager. RED CHIEF GOLD MINING CO., Office, 280 Broadway. No information furnished. REDDING INK AND DUPLICATOR C0O,, Office, 29 Dey st. Inc. in Newark, N. J. No information furnished. Frank W. Gates, Agent. THE REDEMPTION MINING AND MILLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in property. Assets consist of mining property in Montana; Total assets, $500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcTORS—Francis K. Pendleton, 44 Broadway, President; Samuel L. Parrish, Secretary. THE RED SPRING LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $35,000; Full paid. Assets and liabilities, $40,250. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Edmund Wetmore, 45 William st., President; Edward H. Kidder, Treasurer. Directors—Henry F. Noyes, Phillips Abbott, Edmund Wetmore RED STAR LINE of Antwerp, Belgium, Office, 66 Bowling Green. Inc. in Ant- werp, Belgium. No information furnished. Peter Wright & Sons, International Navi- gation Co., Agents. RED SULPHUR SPRINGS WATER CO., Office, 8907th ave. No information furnished. REED & BARTON, Office, 37 Union sq. W. Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $600,000; Full paid. Osjyect—Electro-plate works. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Henry G. Reed, President; Frank L. Fish, Secretary ; Geo. Brabrook, Treasurer. REED & CARNRICK, Office, 447 Greenwich st. Inc. Jan. 5, 1888, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $400,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John Carnrick, President; Geo. W.. Carnrick, Secretary; Allen Chamberlain, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John Carnrick, Geo. W. Carnrick, Meyer Feuchtwager, Henry Feuchtwager, M. H. Feuchtwager, Simon Danzig, Allen Chamberlain. THE HENRY P. REED CO,, Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $1,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Total assets, $825. Expenditures, $175, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry P. Reed, President; John J. Cane, Treasurer. DrirEcTORS—John J. Cane, Walter R. Houston, John H. Bruel. __ W.S. REED TOY CO., Office, 229 Broadway. Inc. in Leominster, Mass. No information furnished. Ralph B. Cooley, Agent. J. W. REEDY ELEVATOR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 31 toth ave. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Chauncey F. Matteson, N. Y. Manager. "eo a a a oT Tae eS eee : ; ; 7“ : 7 Ss THE ROBERT C. REEVES CO., General and Corporate Office, 185 and 187 Water st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid innot known. Liabilities other than capital, $7,541.16. Total assets, $15,629.65. OBJECT— Agricultural and horticultural implements, fertilizers, seeds, dairy fixtures, etc. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Robert C, Reeves, President; S. C. B. Heiss, Treasurer. THE REFINED FOOD C0., General and Corporate Office, 54 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid in property. Total assets at least $300. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrreEcTors—Fillmore Moore, President ; Adrian H. Joline, 54 Wall st., Treasurer. REGISTER PUBLISHING CO., Office, 61 Park row. Inc. in Chicago, Il. No information furnished. Wm. B. Orr, N. Y, Manager. REINHARDT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 58 Ann st. Not in active opera- tion. No information furnished. RELIEF MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 57 Broadway. No information furnished. A. K. Alburtis, President. THE REMINDER LOCK CO., General and Corporate Office, 93 Grand st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, ¢100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Clarence M. Stiner, 93 Grand st., President; Samuel Stiner, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—M. Wasserman, Clarence M. Stiner, Samuel Stiner. REMINGTON ARMS CO., 313 and 315 Broadway. Inc. inN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $270,000. Total assets at least $569,901.08. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—M. Hartley, President; W. W. Reynolds, Secretary. REMINGTON PAPER CO., General Office, Watertown, N. Y.; Corporate Office, 41 Park row. Inc. 1865, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $725,000, par $100; Full paid. OpyEct—Manufacture of paper and chemical and ground pulp. Plant at Watertown, N. Y., 3 pulp mills, 2 paper and 1 fibre mill, average daily output of ground wood 34 tons, of paper 35 tons, of sulphite pulp 15 tons. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Fixtures and new constructions..$1,155,089 97 | Capital StoCk........ccccsscsssces senses $725,000 00 TPM SMITCIUS t.< anos ek en ack ssc seeconsy es 53,003,000) All Other IADiiItieS .clisssceneescenestes 714,845 83 Accounts receivable. .....cc«ssecs ove 85,655 15 Pa etacadacelsccosvsei accseeneas1-s0Visuenanene 32,777 08 Reet NAT ITALIC cs er cy oo.cd.vncsscsanideeenses 47,355 81 Peat 11), ANG): ccs 2c 50 oy « Rees necgueeate 29,056 63 UCIT AICLILG 9.04 am voce see ferns ont sauc 31,228 83 $1,439,845 83 $1,439,845 83 OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—A. D. Remington, President; G. P. Folts, 1st Vice- President; C. R. Remington, 2d Vice-President ; C. H. Remington, Secretary ; Nelson R. Caswell, Treasurer. RENDLE CO., Limited, Office, 30 Broad st. No information furnished. RENDROCK POWDER CO0O., Office, 23 Park pl.; Corporate Office, Pequanac, N. J. Inc. 1880, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Opyect-—-Manufacture of powder. Plant at Pequanac, N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrREcToRs—J. R. Rand, President; A. C. Rand, Secretary and Treasurer; Wm. P. Richardson. REPAUNO CHEMICAL CO., Office, 237 Broadway. Inc. in Wilmington, Del. No information furnished. Geo. F. Hamlin, Agent, REQUA MANUFACTUIRNG CO., General and Corporate Office, 104 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Paid in, $2,500 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $2,500. Total assets at least $3,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—John J. Requa, President; Jacob W. Fowler, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—Edwin S. Lawarence, Jr., John J. Requa, Jacob W. Fowler. 346 RESUMPTION MINING AND SMELTING (CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in property, Liabilities other than capital, $103,678.51; Expendi- tures, $163.27. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—C. H. Tompkins, President ; W. V. Carr, Secretary ; N. D. Wendell, Treasurer. RETAIL GROCERS’ PUBLISHING C0., General and Corporate Office, 215 E. 23d st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. 1, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Machinery and fixtures........ ccseseees $5,708 66 Capital i stock wi.st vcs ueceeercee ts $10,000 00 CaSH i ragsererssvite es da Toctsesceenrie eianeree 469: 32%) ‘Onpajd Vdividen din. tencze ees eshaeserse th 192 24 Merchamdigetis.:) sss sccessssnastysenmeraee 1,686 87 (US Billstpayable. he ee eae eenieerae 1,402 28 Bills FeCe1Va Dleso.-cserkieese aseesvaves tite 6,421 95 ’ $14,311 30 $11,594 52 Receipts for year, $28,717.22; Expenditures, $28,627.51 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—ERs—Michael Hahn, President; C. L. Bussing, Secretary. Directors—C. L. Bussing, B. Margilo, John H. Abhrins. RETSOF MINING CO,, Office, 146 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital author- ized, $3,600,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Wm. Foster, Jr., Presi- dent; Robert S. Walker, Treasurer. REUTERS’ TELEGRAM CO., Limited, Office, 207 Broadway. Inc. in London, Eng. No information furnished. Herbert Mends, N. Y. Manager. FLEMING H. REVELL CO.,, Office, 30 Union sq.,¢i., Ine. an Chicago tii Publishers. No information furnished. Edgar Briggs, N. Y. Manager. THE REVERE COPPER CO., Office, 242South st. Inc. 1828, in Mass.; Charter Perpetual. Paid in capital, $300,000. STATEMENT, Jan. 1, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. DBuULLCINg CT sistoces-aney aaeeee eee hoes eee $750 ° OO" OKA ta beast cha seek ave cue ee ereee eae ee $300,000 00 Cash and debts receivable is.cL540 05,240 954 oS Ur anneal 1,566 67 Merchandise Vere it scesceseceecsteenee 131,317 O4 $301,566 57 $301,566 67 Opyect—Manufacturing copper sheets, bars, etc. OFFICERS—Wm. D. Winsor, President; 5S. T. Snow, Treasurer. Direcrors—Wm. D. Winsor, Henry: Winsor, S..T. Snow. Agent in N. Y., E.S. Atwood. THE REVERE RUBBER CO., 64 Reade st. Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. : Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid.. Oxsyecr—Manufacture of mechanical rubber goods. Plant at Chelsea, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—F. W. Pitcher, President; H. C. Moore, Treasurer. REVERSIBLE COLLAR (CO., Office, 52 Howard st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No nformation furnished. Standard Collar Co., Agents. THE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 335 Broad- vay. Inc.inN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Sheppard Knapp, President ; Edward H. Bailey, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Sheppard Knapp, Edward H. Bailey, Eugene D. Berre. THE REVOLVING PURIFIER CO., of America, Office, 66 Reade st.; Corpo- rate Office, Jersey City, N. J-rine, L8gteinwNeen Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100. Oxsyect—Constructing water purifiers for municipalities, factories and residences, at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Chas, Miller, President; W. C. Heppenheimer, Secretary and Treasurer. é 347 REYNOLDS CARD MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 60 Duane, and 456 Cherry sts. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Geo. P. Scninzelpe| er President ; Robt. Schinzel, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. P. Schinzel, Jr., Robt. Schinzel. RHENANIA MILLS, General and Corporate Office, 45 Greene st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000. OxpyEcT—Manufacture silk. OFFICERS—Hugo Funke, President; Albert Sopp, Secretary; Geo. L. Pomeroy, Treasurer. D1rReEcTORS—Hugo Funke, Louis E. Delino, Albert Funke. RHODE ISLAND LOCOMOTIVE WORKS CO,, Office, 58 Pine st. Inc. in R. I. Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Amount paid in not known, Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFIcERS—Charles Felix Mason, President; Arthur Livingston Mason,’Secretary ; William P. Chapin, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—William P. Chapin, Chas. Felix Mason, Carl Philip Mason, Arthur Livingston Mason. RHODE ISLAND TOOL CO., Office, 102 Chambers st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. Capital, $150,000. OpBjecr—Hardware. No other information furnished. George H. Clark, President; Wm. B. Dart, Treasurer. John F. Lovejoy & Co., Agents. AQUILA RICE PAINT AND COLOR CO., General and Corporate Offices, 84 William st. and 70 Maiden la. Inc.in N.Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Aquila Rice, President ; Edwd. C. Winter, Secretary. D1recrors——Aquila Rice, Edwd. C. Winter, A. A. Lincoln, Wo Dy Lent RICE-BORN HARDWARE CO., Limited, Office, 97 Chambers st. Inc. in New Orleans, La, Capital, $350,000. No other information furnished. Wm. B. Fox & Bro., Agents. RICE MUSICAL STRING CO., General and Corporate Office, 159 W. 29th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30, 600. No other information furnished, OFFICERS —Geo. P. Nelson, President; Albert Paul, Secretary; Thos. Nelson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. P. Nelson, Thos, Nelson, Alex. Paul. RICHARDS & CO., inact Office, 41 Barclay st.; Corporate Office, Newark, in. J... Inc; 1890, in N. J.. for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxpject—Importing chemicals, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. .OrricERS—Leonard Richards, President; E. W. Dodd, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Leonard Richards, Harry E. Richards, E. W. Dodd, ‘Paul Krauss. | T. C. RICHARDS HARDWARE CO,, Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in W. Winsted, Conn. No information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. RICHARDSON & BOYNTON CO,, General and Corporate Office, 252 Water st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFricErs—Henry T. Richardson, President ; Frederick B. Richardson, Secretary; Dwight S. Richardson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Henry T. Richardson, Frederick B. Richardson, Dwight S, Richardson, Augustus P. Richardson. . RICHARDSON DRUG CO., Office, 83 Maiden la. Inc. in Omaha, Neb. No information furnished. John A. Morton, Agent. THE RICHARDSON & MORGAN CO., Office, 92 Beekman st.; Corporate Office, South Norwalk, Conn. Inc.in Conn. Capital authorized, $75,000, par $100. Osyecr—Manufacturing furnaces, ranges, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No fundeddebt. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—Tallmadge Baker, President; J. J. Richardson, Vice-President and Manager; E. V. Baker, Secretary and Assistant Treasurer ; AoRe Morgan. M. T. RICHARDSON CO., Office, 84 Reade st. No information furnished. RICHARDSON SILK CO,, Office, 498 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Chas. H. Keith, N. Y. Manager. 348 THE E. C. RICH CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 160 Franklin st. Inc. in N. Y. - Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities including capital do not exceed $100,000, Assets at least $100,000. OByEcT— Manufacturing confectioners. Plant at 160 Franklin st. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. S. Holmes, President ; E. C. Rich, Secretary ; James Tomney. THE RICHMOND CO., General Office, 20 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $80,000 ; Full paid. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. er yer Pe nad: Saray tote ae Yar 2 Pits B79 07 Vic USTOCK 17 sh. debs abanns ont neeeeeactare trees $80,000 00 Real; estate (Washington; Ds C;)'94160,000.005). Mteesi, sti, <:.ucp-seune quent pest auearennenes 75,000 OO Rent echart. ti) 1G? fae vere< shen tiaes I LS7450%). INtGrest. aseecccousatastesaeenens see eeaicee 875 00 Accrued Interest. Ge .igateaeeiacmeeeiecs 14 62 Depal expenditures «s.nateresettresey 500 00 abi nh, ae ie. $161,266 57 $156,389 62 In addition claims against H. P. | HHP. Leake claim y gece. creer ast 13,719,27 LGA KG lei ravcaspanet eee eccacsacereaieas 8,979 16 Dividends, 2% p.c., Apr. 10, 1891; 2% p.c., Nov. 10, 1891. OFFICERS—Benj. F; Lee, President; Wm.,H. L. Lee, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Benj. F. Lee, Anthony Pollock, Wm. H. L. Lee. RICHMOND CEDAR WORKS, Offices, 107 Chambers st. and gt Reade st. Inc. in Richmond, Va. Augustus H. Whepley, Agent. RICHMOND GRANITE C0O., Office, 140 Nassau st. Inc. in Richmond, Va. No information furnished. Hyman P. Binswanger, N. Y. Manager. RICHMOND LIGHT, HEAT AND POWER (CO., Limited, General and Cor- porate Offices, 314 and 237 Broadway, 250 Canal and 143 Bleecker sts. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $274,309.05. Total assets, $273,255.40. Receipts for year, $110,735.43; Expenditures, $134,815. Dividends if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Erastus Wiman, President ; Samuel Hughan, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —George B. Ripley, Erastus Wiman, Samuel Hughan. RICHMOND RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC CO., Office, 63 Wall st. Inc. in Va. . Capital authorized, $2,000,000. OByEcT—FElectric construction. No funded debt. OFFICERS—John P. Munn, President; F. J. Cragie, Secretary ; Geo. E. Fisher, Treasurer. Directors—John P. Munn, David H. Houghtaling, Geo. E. Fisher, Wyndham R. Meredith, Donald B. Toucey, Gibson Putzell. THE RICHMOND SILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $310,000. Total assets at least $325,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—Ers—Clarence H. Scrym- ser, President; W. D. Putnam, Secretary. DIrREcCTORS—S. Madison, Henry Early, P. E. Follman. RICHMOND STANDARD SPIKE C0O., Office, 10 Wall st. Inc. in Richmond, Va. No information furnished. Wm. H. Price, Agent. RICHMOND STOVE C0O., Office, 379 Lexington ave. Inc.in Norwich, Conn. No information furnished. Higgins & Co., Agents. RICHMOND AND TIDEWATER COAL AND RR. CO., Office. 29 Broadway. Inc. in Midlothian, Va. No information furnished. Represented by Ferral C. Dininny, Jr. RICINATE FIREPROOFING AND INSURANCE C0O., Office, 3 Union sq., W. No tnformation furnished. RIDER ENGINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 37 Dey st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $90,000. No other information furnished. OrricERS—Wm. M. Sayer, President; Henry Sinsabaugh, Secretary; Richard S. Sayer, Treasurer. TRUS- TEES—Wnm. M. Sayer, Richard S, Sayer, Wm. M. Sayer, Jr., Henry Sinsabaugh. 349 RIDER-WALLIS (CO., Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in Dubuque, Ia. Capital authorized, $150,000. Dry goods jobbers. Joseph Carr, Agent. RIDGEWOOD LAND AND IMPROVEMENT (00.,, Office, 54 E. 66th st. ; Cor- porate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized. $200,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $250,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—George W. Chauncey, President; H. J. Robinson, Secretary, 54 E. 66th st. Drrecrors—Henry K. Sheldon, James H. Frothingham, Henry J. Robinson. RIDGEFIELD LAND (C0O., Office, 265 Broadway. Inc. Jan. 30, 1875, in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50. OFFICERS—Alexander Shaler, President ; Ira A. Shaler, Secretary. DirecTtors—Alexander Shaler, Ira A. Shaler, John B. Probst, Willard Bullard, Franklin B. Carpe. RIDGWAY REFRIGERATOR MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, Office, 168 Church st. Inc.in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. NoN. Y. representative. RIDGEWOOD ICE CO., Office, 542 W. 24th st., foot Rutgers st., foot 3d, E. 79th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $140,000; Full paid. No funded debt. No other information furnished. _OFFICERS—John Clark, President; Edwin H. Close, Secretary. DirecTors—John H. Clark, Edwin H. Close, Grove P. Jenks, Jas. H. Couzens, William J. Clark. RIDGEWOOD REDISTILLING C0O., General and Corporate Office, 701 Wash- ington st. Inc.in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Leopold Bleier, President; H. J. Kaltenbach, Secretary. D1irecTrors—Chas. Fleischmann, Leopold Bleier, Jacob P. Baiter. RIEHLE BROTHERS TESTING MACHINE (C0O,, Office, 93 Liberty st. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. Wm. R. Cock, Agent. WM. B. RIKER & SON CO., Offices, 353 6th ave.; 585 Washington st.; 57 Clarkson st. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Joseph H. Marshall, David J. Runyon, Wm. C. Bolton, Edward Cahoon, Wm. H. Madison. JOHN A. RILEY & SLOAN CO,, Office, 860 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000. OFFICERS—Jno. A. Riley, President; Allan A. McDonald, Secre- tary; Frank T. Sloan, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jno. A. Riley, Allan A. McDonald, Frank T. Sloan. RILEY-KLOTZ MANUFACTURING CO., Sample Room, 529 Broadway; Office, 17 Mulberry st., Newark, N. J. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $200,000. OFFICERS —Samuel Klotz, President ; Theodore J. Gerth, Secretary ; William M. Clark, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Samuel Klotz, Theodore J. Gerth, William M. Clark, Thomas Nichols, John D. Harrison, William Clark, E. B. Ward, L. J. Lyons, B. Strauss, Thomas J. Regan, William H. Davol. F, A. RINGLER & CO., General and Corporate Offices, 26 Park pl. and 21 Barclay st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000. Opjyect—Electrotype. OFFICERS— Frederick A. Ringler, President; Geo. J. Kraemer, Secretary; Max R. Brinkman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Frederick A. Ringler, Justin Ringler, Max R. Brinkman, Geo. J. Kraemer. GEORGE RINGLER & CO., General and Corporate Office, 1643 3d ave. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt, OFrricers—Frederick A. Ringler, President; William G. Ringler, Secretary; Henry Hachemeister, Treasurer. DirECTORS—Fred- erick A. Ringler, William G. Ringler, Christian Hachemeister, Henry Hachemeister, RINGTOWN KNITTING MILLS CO., Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in Ring- town, Pa. No information furnished. W. Baxter Thompson & Co,, Agents. RIO GRANDE WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 34 Nassau st. Inc. in Salt Lake City, Utah. No information furnished. Represented by Chas. W. Drake. GEO. H. RIPLEY CO., General and Corporate Office, 256 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Paid in, $12,000. Liabilities other than capital, $7,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—George H. Ripley, President, 256 Broadway ; Francis H. Weeks, Secretary. RIPLEY-HOWLAND MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 17 Maiden la. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Opjecr—Jewelry. No other information furnished. N.L. Ripley, Presi- dent. J. Frank Townley, N. Y. Manager. 350 RISDON IRON WORKS, Office, 83 Fulton st. Inc: in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished. Chas W. Whitney, Agent. CHAS. F. RISLEY & CO., General and Corporate Office, 62 Cortland 'st. Inc. in N. Y. Osjecr—Drugs, sundries. OFFICERS—Chas. F. Risley, President. RITTENHOUSE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 56 Worth st. No information furnished. PHILIP J. RITTER CONSERVE (CO., Office, 346 Washington ave; General and Corporate Office, 2156 E. Dauphin st., Phila. Inc. June 14, 1882 ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacture and sale of conserves, jellies, fruit butters, preserves, canned fruits, meats, game, fish and vegetables. Manufactory located at No. 2154 to 2158 E. Dauphin st.; owned by Company. Divi- dends, if any, not stated. No funded debt.“ OrriceErs—Philip J. Ritter, President ; Christian Ritter, Vice-President; F. Wm. Hofmann, Secretary; Francis J. Dillman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS--Philip J. Ritter, Christian Ritter, F. Wm. Hofmann, Francis J. Dillman, Louis Ritter. Geo. B. Ritter, N. Y. Agent. RIVERDALE PARK C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 160 Broadway. Inc. 1889, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Paid in, $131,000. OpsyecT—Purchase of land. Plant located at Riverdale Park, Prince George Co., Md., and consists of about 475 acres. No funded debt. Orricers—John Fox, President; Myles Tierney, Vice-President; William H. Connell, Secretary and Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—John Fox, Myles Tierney, Daniel F. Cooney, Joseph Blumenthal, Joseph A. Blundon, James V. Lott, Antony Kessler, Nicholas Engle, Jr., Wm. H. Connell. THE RIVER AND RAIL ELECTRIC LIGHT 0CO., General Office, 45 Broad- way ; Corporate Office, Charleston, W. Va. Inc. Sept. 23, 1884, in W. Vaz, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Manufacture and sale of storage batteries, motors, street cars, etc. Union Electric Co. is under contract to manu- facture appliances. No dividends yet declared, all receipts turned in to extend business. OFFICERS—George L. Wright, President; Wm. Main, Vice-President; R. F. Rogers, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—George L. Wright, Wm. Main, R. F. Rogers, S. R. Bradley, F. W. Holls, Gen. H. E. Tremain, W. C. Brown, S. B. Chittenden, Hon. Stilson Hutchins, Hon. Benjamin Butterworth. . THE RIVERSIDE BRIDGE AND IRON WORKS, General Office, Lyon st., Paterson, N. J.; Branch Office, 18 Broadway, N. Y. City. Inc. Feb. 15). 1889, anna ie for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Chas. O. Brown , originated the works in 1880. Yearly business about $400,000. General character of work is the manufacture of constructional iron work for buildings and bridges. Plant at Paterson, N. J. (River st. station, Erie RW.) Property owned, 29 lots, bounded by Lyon, E. 5th, Leon and Waite sts. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. OFFICERS —Chas. O. Brown, President; Wm, G. A. Millar, Secretary: Gerrit Planten, Treasurer. DrrEecTors—Chas. O. Brown, Wm. G. A. Millar, Gerrit Planten, Fredk. Snare, 261 5S. Ath st., Philadelphia, Pa.; M..J. Drummond, 192 Broadway, N. Y. City; J. A. Van Winkle, Main st., Paterson, N. J.; J. A. Williams, Catasauqua, Pa. RIVERSIDE COTTON MILLS, Office, 34 Thomas st. Inc. in Danville, Va. No information furnished. Noble A. Hamilton, N. Y. Manager, RIVERSIDE AND FORT LEE FERRY (CO,, General and Corporate Office, 7 Broadway. Inc. 1888, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. OpjEct—Ferry between N.Y. City and Fort Lee. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Funded debt $100,000, $1,000 5 p.c., due 30 years. State Trust Co., Trustee. OFFICERS —John S. McWilliam, President; Antonio Rasines, Vice-President; William Moores, Secretary and Treasurer. DirRECTORS—Antonio Rasines, Chas. Place, William Moores, John S. McWilliam, Isaac A. Hopper. RIVERSIDE GLASS WORKS, Office, 58 Barclay st. Inc. in Wellsburg, W. Va. No information furnished. Doctor & Co., Agents. RIVERSIDE IRON WORKS, Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Wheeling, W. Va. No information furnished. A. R. Whitney & Co., Agents. RIVERSIDE RUBBER CO., Office, 17 Murray st. Inc. in Bellville, N. J. Represented by James Hardman, Jr. 351 RIVERSIDE SOAP C0., Office, 20 Platt st. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $10,000. OFFICERS—Geo. Law, President : Albert A. Wilcox, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Garrett A. Hobart, Geo. Law, Albert A. Wilcox. ROARING SPRING BLANK BOOK CO., Office, 65 Duane st. Inc. in Roaring Spring, Pa. No information furnished. Geo. W. Cross, Manager. A. L, Garver, N. Y. Manager. ROASTED CEREALS (CO., Office, 35 Warren st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authori- zed, $150,000. OFFICERS—Wm. M. Onderdonk, President; Edwin B. Dow, Secretary. DrIRECTORS—Wm. M. Onderdonk, Edwin B. Dow, Wm. Murdoch, J. B. Conkling, John C. Wade. ROBERT C. REEVES CO., General and Corporate Office, 185 Water st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10, 000, OpyEctT—Agricultural implements. No other infor- mation furnished. OFrricers—Robt. C. Reeves, President ; Saml. C. B.Heiss, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Robert C. Reeves, Alice Reeves, Saml. C. B. ‘Heiss. ROBERT REIS & CO., General and Corporate Office, 746 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Capital, $15,000; Full paid. OsByect—Men’s furnishing goods. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Robert Reis, President; Alphonse E. Voss, Secretary; Abraham Silver- stine, Treasurer. ROBERTS-BREVOORT ELECTRIC CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 13 Astor pl. Inc.in N, Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, $43,700, in cash; $102,625 issued for patents. Liabilities other than capital, $10,658.85. Total assets at least $109,007.12. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edward Tweedy, President; Samuel Lawrence, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edmund Tweedy, Samuel B. Lawrence, G. K. Lawrence. ROBERTS DISINFECTANT CO., General and Corporate Office, 122 W. 23d st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Geo. I’. Swain, President ; Chas. F. Hopwood, Secretary. ROBERTS ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO,, Office, 61 Park row. No informa- tion furnished. ROBERTSON ELECTRIC RW. CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500, 00 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Archibald J. Robertson, President; Henry Carey, Secretary ; George S. Brush, Treasurer. ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. J. No information furnished. Represented by Edw. E. Roberts. J. HART ROBERTSON CO., Limited, Office, 85 Spring st. No information furnished. ROBERTS & WILLIAMS CO., Office, 170 Reade st, Inc. in Phila. Pa. Opyecr —Produce. No other information furnished. Represented by John H. Roberts and Henry B. Williams. ROBINSON-BAKER ADVERTISING BUREAU, General and Corporate Office, 1 W. 25th st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jas. A. Rob- inson, President; Eugene A. Baker, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jas. A. Robinson, Eugene A. Baker, Henry M. Smith. ROBINSON CONSOLIDATED ES CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000,000 ; divided into 200,000’shares of the par value of $50 each, paid in cash. Paid in, 199, 994. shares. Liabilities other than capital, $7,000. Total assets, $85,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—John Jay White, President ; Frank C. Poucher, Treasurer. Direcrors—John Jay White, Arthur E. White, ADT Robinson. ROCHESTER BREWING CO., Office, 632 W. 34th st. Inc. in Rochester, N. Y No information furnished. Francis E. Cowtan, N. Y. Manager. 352 ROCHESTER GAS CO,, Office, 15 Wall st. Inc. in Rochester, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; paid in $1,900,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $634,000. Total assets at least $700,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers AND DirEcToRS—William Runkle, President ; Harry G. Runkle, Treasurer; A. H. Harris. THE ROCHESTER LAMP CO., Office, 42 Park pl.; Corporate Office, Rutherford, N: J-.“ine? Dees26)-1388) anew afar 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—-Manufacture of lamps. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—C. S. Upton, President and Treasurer; Jno. H. Brigham, Vice-President; M. W. Hamel, Secretary ; Ruby F. Upton. THE ROCHESTER TUMBLER (C0., Office 39 Barclay st.; Corporate Office, Pitts- burgh, Pa. Inc, 1872 in Pa. OsyecTt-—Manufacture of tumblers exclusively, at Rochester, Pa. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—H. C. Fry, President and Treasurer; P. E. Richmond, Secretary ; S. M. Kane, Wm. Moules, Samuel Moules, J. F. Kirk. ROCKAWAY MANUFACTURING CO., Consolidated, General and Corporate Office, 146 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $42,500. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—Charles Cooke, 147 Chambers st., President; Geo. W. Stickle, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Frank Cooper, Charles Cooke, Geo. W. Stickle. ROCKAWAY PARK IMPROVEMENT C0O., Limited, General and Corporate Office 192 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid, in property and cash. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Land improved, estimates...... ...... PL3L272 35‘) Other than capital ics..conns teers $211,802 36 P@rsonalPropett Vitis: a sss wcesedk tees 2,415 59 Bonds and mtges. due Co.........0.00 75,705 00 Cash and debts receivable............. 6,806 59 $216,319 53 Receipts for year, $38,340.61; Expenditures, $38,340.61. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—E. A. Reynolds, President ; D.S. Voorhees, Treasurer. DrrECToRS—Chas. M. Reynolds, E. A. Reynolds, D.S. Voorhees. ROCKFORD WATCH (C0,, Office, 11 Maiden la. Inc. in Rockford, Ill, Capital authorized, $296,000; Amount paid in not known; Surplus, $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Junius P. Drake, N. Y. Manager. ROCKLAND CEMETERY, General and Corporate Office, 155 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DrrEcToRs—Andros B. Stone, President ; Wm. H. Whiton, Secretary. ROCKLEDGE BLUE STONE C0,, Office, 3d ave., cor. E. 136th st. Inc. in N. Y. ' No information furnished. ROCK MANUFACTURING CO. of Rockville, Conn., Office, 86 Worth st. Inc. in Rockville, Conn. Capital authorized, $375,000. OpjEctT—Fancy cassimeres and worsteds. Benj. R. Jacobs, Agent. ROCK PLASTER CO. of New York, Office, 44 Broadway; Corporate Office, Hoboken, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000. par $100. OxnjyEct—Manufacturers and dealers in rock wall plaster, etc. Plant, foot 7th st., on Hudson iver, in Hoboken, N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—R. L. Stevens, President: C. A. Stevens, Vice-President; E. O. Schuyler, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—R. L. Stevens, C. A. Stevens, E. O. Schuyler, C. C. Annatt, H. T. Lilliendahl, D. L. Haigh, H. Rv Gill: THE ROCKWELL FUR CO.,, Office, 614 sth ave. Inc. July 30, 1890, in Newark, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—George Hooker Treadwell, President; Edgar L. Ridgway, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—George Hooker Treadwell, William H. Burnett, A. N. Cook, Ashley C. Morrill, Chandler W. Riker, Edgar L. Ridgway, Albert Jaeckel. 353 JOHN A. ROEBLING’S SONS CO., Office, 117 Liberty st. Represented by _ Henry L. Shippy. Inc. in Trenton, N. J. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid _ in not known. Osject—Wire rope. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other - information furnished. THE ROESSLER-HASSLACHER CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 73 Pine st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $129,000. Total assets at least $350,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Jacob Hasslacher, President. DriREcTORS—Frank Roessler, John K. Creerey, Jacob Hasslacher. ROGERS LOCOMOTIVE AND MACHINE WORKS, Office, 44 Exchange pl. Represented by Robert S. Hughes. Inc. in Paterson, N.J. Capital authorized, $300,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information - furnished. THE WM. ROGERS MANUFACTURING CO., 80 Chambers st. General and Corporate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $25; Full paid. Osyect—Manufacture of silver-plated ware. Plant at Hartford, Conn. Wm. H. Watrous, President and Treasurer. Virgil P. Humason, Attorney and N. Y. Manager. ROGERS MANIFOLD AND CARBON PAPER CO., General and Corporate Office, 75 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least - $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFriceERs—Lebbens H. Rogers, President; Hiram D. Rogers, Secretary. DIREcTORS—Lebbens H. Rogers, Hiram D. Rogers, Hiram D. Rogers, Jr. ROLLINS GOLD AND SILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 261 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $33,000. Total assets at least ¢100,000 in land in Colorado. Receipts and expenditures for year, $5,001. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS—Charles Siedler, President ; Robert Sherwood, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—H, F. Andrews, Charles Siedler, Robert Sherwood. ROMANCE PUBLISHING (CO., Office, 13 Astor pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Alex. H. Semmes, President; Wm. H. Benton, Secretary ; Wm. D. Buckner, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Alex. H. Semmes, Wm. H. Benton, Wm. D. Buckner, Albin Garrett, Joseph B. Mansur, Walter H. Page. ROMER & TEMPER STEAMBOAT CO., General Office, Pier 46 (new) N. R. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jacob H. Temper, President; Myron Teller, Secretary. THE ROSE & TRUMBULL CO., General and Corporate Office, 318 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,022.38. Total assets at least $1,085. Receipts for year, $15,355.06; Expenditures, $14,991.70. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Levi R. Trumbull, President; Byron Rose, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Bryon Rose, Levi R. Trumbull, James B. Bradford. THE ROSELLE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 121 Liberty st. Inc. in N. J. This Company have divided up their land with their stockholders, with the exception of 3534 shares, par value, $100 per share. OFFICERS—Jas. Moore, President; Aaron D. Hope, Secretary; Hiram P. Baldwin, Treasurer. D1irREcrors— Aaron D. Hope, Jas. Moore, Samuel Knox, P. Sanford Ross, Hiram P. Baldwin, Jno. R. Moore, Jno. Mason Knox. ROSENHEIM CO., General and Corporate Office, 90 Walker st. Inc. in Nash- ville, Tenn. No information furnished. David Lyon, Agent. C. ROSENSTEIN C0O,, Office, 373 Washingtonst. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyject—-Bird seeds, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Clara Rosenstein, President; Jos. R. K. Barlow, Secretary; Wm. Rosenstein, Treasurer. DIRECroRs—Clara Rosen- stein, John C. Bouton, Edward Materne, Jos. R. K. Barlow. | } ; ; : 354 THE ROSLYN MANUFACTURING CO., Limited. Inc. in Roslyn, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital-authorized, $40,000; Paid in, 25,000. Liabilities other than capital stock, $18,564.91. Total assets, $33,355.73. Receipts for year, $49,695.66 ; Expenditures, $47,398.18. No dividends. Orricers—Samuel L. Hewlett, President ; Geo. R. Hankison, Jr., Treasurer, Drrecrors—Samuel L. Hewlett, Benj. T. Van Nostrand, Geo. R. Hankison, Jr. ROSS HEEL CO., Office, 221 Centre st. Inc. in S. Easton, Mass. No informa- tion furnished. Jesse E. L. Smith, N. Y. Manager. S. ROTHSCHILD’S SON CO., Office, 739 Broadway. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. No information furnished. Represented by David Rothschild. ROUND ISLAND PARK (CO,, General and Corporate Office, 11 Pine st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 7, 1892): * Capital, authorized, $50,000; Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $100,000. Total assets at least $135,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—ERs—Jacob Hays, President, 11 Pine st.; Chas. A. Hays, Secretary. Drrecrors—Jacob Hays, Chas. A. Hays, Charles A. Johnson. GEORGE ROUTLEDGE & SONS, Limited, Office, 9 Lafayette pl. Inc. in London, Eng. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Oxsyecr— Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Joseph L. Blamire, N. Y. Manager. ROWORTH MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 415 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capi- tal authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyecr—Lozenges. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Jos. G. Roworth, President; Buel D. Penfield, Treasurer. DIrRECTORS—Jos. G. Roworth, Jr., Buel{D. Penfield, Chas. E. W. Harvey. ROXBURY CARPET C0O,, Office, 356 Broadway. Inc. in Boston. No information furnished. Theodore W. Bailey & Co., Agents. ROYAL BAKING POWDER (00., Corporate Office, 106 Wall st. Inc. 1873, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $160,000, par $100; Full paid. Osrecr—Manufacture bak- ing powder. Plant located at Brooklyn, N. Y., and consists of grounds, factories and equipments ; employing about 500 hands. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Joseph C. Hoag- land, President; Raymond Hoagland, Vice-President; Alfred H. Porter, Jt., Secretary ; Wiliam M. Hoagland, Treasurer. D1rrEcTORS—Joseph C. Hoagland, Raymond Hoag- land, William Hoagland. ROYAL BRAID WORKS, Office, 206 Canal st. No information furnished. Wil- liam G. Smith, Agent. ROYAL COAL CO., Corporate Office, 81 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities, other than capital, $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—Charles O. Gates, President; John K. Crewey, Treasurer. DirEcrors—John K. Crewey, D. J. Carson, Charles O. Gates. ROYAL DUTCH WEST INDIA MAIL SERVICE, Office, 32 Beaver st. Inc. in Amsterdam, Holland. No information furnished. ROYAL FOOD CO., Office, 35 Warren st. No information furnished. ROYAL HORSE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 136 Front st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—John Arbuckle, President; James N. Jarvis, Secretary; Horace K. Thurber, Treasurer. ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET CO., Office, 22 State st. Inc.in London, ie: No information furnished. Sanderson & Son, Agents. ROYAL OAK BENEFIT LEAGUE, General and Corporate Office, 99 Bible House. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. OFricers—Adam Gourlay, President ; Jos. C. Hurley, Secretary ; Thos. Armstrong, Treasurer. ROYAL PERILLA C0O., Office, 72 W, 23d st. No information furnished. 355 _ ROYER WHEEL CO0,, Office, ror Bowery. Inc. in Cincinnati,O. Capital author- ized, $350,000; Amount paid in not known. OpyEct—-Wheels, hubs, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Alexander V. Frazer, N. Y. Manager. ROY MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 33 Maiden la. Inc. in Jersey City, N. J. No information furnished. Represented by R. Payton Lyon. | | ROY WATCH CASE CO., Office, 17 Maiden la. Inc. in Brooklyn,N. Y. No information furnished. Louis Degoll, N. Y. Manager. RUBBER CLOTHING CO., Offices, 487 Broadway and 17 Murray st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—Fred. M. Shepard, President; Jos. A. Minott, Secretary. RUBBER FOOTWEAR CO., Office, 487 Broadway. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Goodyear Rubber Co., Agents. THE RUBBER RECLAIMING CO., General Office, 280 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. May, i891, in N. J. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Paid in, $100,000. Osyecr—Reclaiming of old rubber. Plants at Philadelphia, Jersey City, Birmingham, Conn ; Trenton and Lambertville, N. J. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—N. C. Mitchell, President; R. M. Bassett, Vice-President and Secretary; ' R.A. Loenthal, Treasurer; C. Edw. Murray, E. R. Solliday. THE RUBINAT CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. ME ASO ered ta rin gancesve'cccnncss coveseoesevewss $279 63 | Accounts payable... ......cscscsceeceseseese $2,293 O5. PX, COOM CSR reat ye recacss sr eccscecesesvoses sevens 35529 O97) v LOANS ea cttensrcqntersts seen tnesss 5 scnsseneroeess 2,290 38 BPI CT CIANCISE o.s500c oc csceccessseee secsenscnses 1,332 00 © FAXtUreS os ceseseeseeeeeeeseseeeenneseete nena 285 10 | $5,426 42 Receipts for year, $15,091.12; Expenditures, $14,890.72. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orric—ers—Le Grand L. Benedict, President ; James W. Tappin, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Le Grand L. Benedict, Ernst Norsback, James W. Tappin. RUBINAT LLORACH CO., General and Corporate Office, 37 Beaver st. No information furnished. RUBOLIO CO., General and Corporate Office, 56 Prince st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Louis Nelke, President; Isidor J. Dietz, Secretary; Elias Einstein, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Louis Nelke, Elias Einstein, Isidor J. Dietz. THE RUDISCH CO., General and Corporate Office, 125 Warren st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets $18,295.19. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No fundea debt. OFFICERS—Phineas Rudisch, President; Julius Goldman, Treasurer. DrrEcTORS—Julius Goldman, Julius Rudisch, Phineas Rudisch. J. RUMMEL (CO., Office, 222 Greene st. Inc. in Newark, N. J. Capital author- ized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Osject—Manufacture hats. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Charles F. Napier, Agent. THE RUMSEY & CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, Seneca Falls, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $120,000, par $100; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $115,261.80. Total assets, $269,666.74. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFricERS—Andrew G. Mercer, President ; Bronson A. Wessel, Treasurer. DiReECTORS—Andrew G. Mercer, L. R. Sanford. RUNKLE, SMITH & CO., General Office, 15 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Plain- field, N. J. Inc. Jan. 4, 1890, in N. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $450,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Contractors of water works. Plant located at Havana, 23 356 Cuba, and consists of water works. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Robert A. C. Smith, President; Wm. Runkle, Vice-President; Henry G. Runkle, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert A. C. Smith, William Runkle, Henry G. Runkle, Theodore F. Wood. THE RURAL HOME CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 35 Vesey st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $6,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $4,413.09 Total assets, $44,433.30. OByECT—Publishers, Dividends, if any, not aScertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Platt C. Reynolds, President; John M. Ives, Joseph L. Luckey. THE RURAL PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Park row. Inc. 1877, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $140,000, par g100; Full paid. OFFICERS—L. H. Bailey, President; Elias A. Long, Vice-President; J. H. McFarland, secretary; HE. iH.) Libby i reasurer, \DIRECToRS-—L.1 Hh. /Bailey;ti lias) Lone a acdan McFarland, J. J. Dillon, E. H. Libby. RUSHFORTH FEED-WATER HEATER C0., Office, 61 Broadway. Inc. July 12, 1887, in Jersey City, N. J., for 48 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; Paid in, $2,400. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Represented by James S. Smith. RUSSELL & ERWIN MANUFACTURING CO., N. Y, Office, 45 Chambers st.; General and Corporate Office, New Britain, Conn. Inc. 1851, in Conn. Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $25; Full paid. OspjyeEct—Manufacture and sale of hardware. Plant at New Britain, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—H. E. Russell, President; M. J. Woodruff, Vice-President and Treasurer ; H. E. Russell, Jr., Secretary. DireEcToRS—H. E. Russell, M. J. Woodruff, H. E. Russell, Jr., W. J. Smythe, J. A. Pickett, G. J. Laighton, T. S. Bishop. RUSSELL BATING AND TANNING CO., General and Corporate Office, 81 Fultor st. Inc. in W. Va. No information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Nelson E. Whitaker, President; Randolph Stalnaker, Secretary ; Benj. Price, Treasurer. RUSSELL PAPER C0O., Office, 140 Nassau st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No infor- mation furnished. William E. Lathrop, Agent. S. N. & C. RUSSELL MANUFACTURING C0., Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. in Pittsfield, Mass. Capital authorized, $18,000; Amount paidin not known. Oxsyecr— Woolens. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Repre- sented by Franklin W. Russell. RUSSIA CEMENT CO., Offices, 95 Reade st. and 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Gloucester, Mass. No information furnished. James DeCamp, N. Y. Manager. RUSTIC AND MANUFACTURING CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 29 Fulton st. Inc.in N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND. DIRECTORS—James Pinckney, President; Eugene A. Pinckney, Secretary. RYAN DRY GOOD8 CO., Office, 75 Franklin st. Inc. in Atlanta, Ga. No information furnished. RYND FARM OIL CO., Office, 12 Broadway. No information furnished. RYNEAR CO,, Office, 1267 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished OFFICERS AND DiIREcTORS—Louis B. Eddy, President; Moses Rynear. THE SACKETT & FISKE STATIONERY (C0O., General Office, 141 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid. . STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Cash and cash assets.........sseerreee $2,000 00 | Other than capital.....cccesccsccscssscseees $1,386 45 Machinety and planitic...ss..serees essen 1,000 00 y Materials and stock in process......... 5,000 00 MAISCOLIANECOUS hevgenncdaonveate vy nvecan ayindon 1,000 00 $9,000 00 No dividends. OFFICERS—G. W. Sackett, President; Charles P. Sackett, Secre- tary. DirEcToRS—G. W. Sackett, Charles P. Sackett, Edgar A. Fiske. 357) SACKETT & WILHELMS LITHOGRAPHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 110 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $52,000. No assets, all sold, and Company gone out of business. OFFICERS—Robert L. Sackett, President ; Thomas Williams, Treasurer. DirEcrors—Robert L. Sackett, Thomas Williams, Thomas Randall. SADDLERY HARDWARE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 49 Murray st. Inc. Feb. 21, 1884, in Newark, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $20,000, par $500 ; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. J. Frank Knorr, N. Y. Manager. SADLER & CO., Office, 85 Water st. Inc. in Middlesborough, Eng. No infor- mation furnished. Sykes & Street, Agents. SAFEGUARD ACCOUNT CO., Office, 84 W. Broadway. Inc.in Ill. No informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Ira W. Rubel, President; Maurice S. Kuhns, Secretary; John W. Horne, Treasurer. THE SAFETY CAR HEATING AND LIGHTING CO., Office, 160 Broad- way; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N.J. Inc. 1887, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $100, of which $150,000 is preferred stock; Paid in, $1,208,000. OpyEct—Manufacturing and selling apparatus for lighting cars by gas, and heating them by steam. Plant located at Jersey City, and consists of storage and testing houses. Dividends in last fiscal year, 2 p.c. semi-annually ; Total, 4 of 4 p.c. each on preferred stock. No funded debt. This Company has succeeded to the exclusive rights under the patents of the Printsch Lighting Co. in the United States. OFrricers——-Arthur W. Soper, President; Robert Andrews, Vice-President ; Chas. L. Gately, Secretary; W. R. Thomas, Treasurer. DirRECTORS—Thos. Rutter, Wm. Barbour, E. Lauterbach, Geo. R. Sheldon, E. K. Sibley, A. W. Soper, Robert Andrews, John B. Gray, E. M. Bulkley, Thos. C. Platt, Sidney Dillon, Joseph Richardson, J. J. Slocum, Samuel M. Dodd, W. C. Andrews. SAFETY ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION CO., Offices, 45 Wall st., and 143 Elm st. Inc. 1878, in W. Va., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Building electric railroads. Plant located at 143 Elm st., and consists of factory and equipments. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS—J. Murray Mitchell, President and Treasurer; S. Fletcher Allen, Secretary. DirEcToRS—J. Murray Mitchell, William M. Berrien, S. Fletcher Allen. SAFETY HATCH CONSTRUCTION CO., Offices, 45 Wall st., and 143 Elm st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—J. Murray Mitchell, President; Emil A. July, Secretary. Direcrors—J. Murray Mitchell, Emil A, July, William M. Berrien. SAFETY HATCH DOOR CO., Office, 45 Duane st. Inc. in E. St. Louis, Ill. No information furnished. Henry I. Coe, Agent. SAFETY INSULATED WIRE AND CABLE (C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 234 W. 29th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Horace K. Thurber, President; Benjamin F. Baldwin, Secretary ; Leonard F. Requa, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—Horace K. Thurber, Henry E. Hawley. Benjamin F. Baldwin, Leonard F. Requa. SAFETY VALVE PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office 55 Liberty st. No information furnished. THE 0. W. SAGE MANUFACTURING C0., Corporate Office, ;Niagara Co. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $19,833.12. Total assets $49,709.56. Receipts for year, $99,264.32; Expenditures. $98,104.04. OFFICERS—George C. Hollester, Vice-President ; Wm. Watkins, Treasurer, DirEctors—George A. Hollester, F. E. Mitchell, 46 Mitchell, Wm. Watkins. THE SAGINAW STEEL S. S. CO., Office, 102 Wall st. ; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. Aug. 5, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $555,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Oxyect—Transportation of freight between N, Y. and San Francisco, via Magellan Straits, and coal transportation between Puget Sound ports and San Francisco. American Coast- ing trade. First dividends will be June, 1892, being the first year. Vessels paid for; no liens, mortgages or debts. OFFICERS—Arthur Hill, President ; Samuel Holmes, Vice- President ; James Jerome, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIrEcTORS—Arthur Hill, James Jerome, Samuel Holmes, F. W. Wheeler, Charles Hogan. Samuel Holmes, General Agent. t : 358 SAILORS’ COFFEE HOUSE CO., Limited, Office, 102 Broadway; Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,050; Full paid. Total assets at least $50. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. William G. Low, President, 102 Broadway. D1rECTORS—William G. Low, G. L. Pease, H. W. Greene. ST. AUSTINS’ SCHOOL. Inc. in New Brighton, Staten Island. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $27,000. Total assets at least $68,900. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. Eckstein Norton, 33 Wall st., President. Direcrors—H. E. Alexander, E. H. Bonner, J. M. Davis, Eckstein Norton. ST. DENIS DYESTUFF AND CHEMICAL CO., Office, 85 Water st. Inc. in Paris, France. Capital authorized, 10,000,000 francs; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Sykes & Street, Agents. THE ST. JOHN CYLINDER PACKING CO., Genera! and Corporate Office, 280 Broadway. Inc. 1885, in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid; cash, $300; property, $99,700. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets, $2,000. Osyect—Manufacture of packing for pistons of pumps, air compressors, steam engines, etc. Formerly the Balance Valve and Steam Piston Packing Co. Dividends, ifany, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. H. Bailey, President; W. R. Barclay, Vice-President; Peter Milne, Secretary ; F. Musson, Treasurer; W. H. Gaynor. ST. JOSEPH LEAD CO., General Office, 55 Liberty st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $3,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —J. Wyman Jones, President; Huhn M. Camp, Secretary. DIRECTORS—J. Wyman Jones, Huhn H. Camp, William H. Harris, J. H. Crane, Furman Desloge, Louis F. Whitin, Chas. B. Parsons, Frederick E. Camp. ST. LAURENCE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, Gouverneur, N. Y. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Paid in, $142,000, Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least $84,046.10. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Anasa Corbin, Jri,-President ;;Jas. C. Lee, Treasurer. D1recTors—S. F. Hartley, Anasa Corbin, Jr., James C. Lee. THE ST. LAWRENCE MARBLE CO.,, General Office, New York City. State- ment, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Assets, $360, 367.94 ; Debts, $108 485.99. Receipts for 1891, $149,980.13 ; Expenditures, $149,259.42. Divi- dends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—John Benham, President eds oa ft Fuller, 44 Broad st.; John R. Emery. ST. LAWRENCE PULP CO., Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $25,000. Total assets at least $41,267. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. W. F. Wilder, 25 Madison ave., President. DirEcTrors—W. F. Wilder, M. M. Belding, John R. Emery. ST. LOUIS CRYSTAL GLASS CO., Office, 69 Duane st. Inc. in St. Louis, Germany. No information furnished. John Muller, Agent. ST. LOUIS REPUBLIC BUREAU, Office, 41 Park row. Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. No information furnished. Wallace C. Brooke, N. Y. Manager. : ST. LOUIS STAMPING CO,, Office, 96 Beekman st. ; Corporate Office, St. Louis, Mo. Inc. in Mo. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $1,000; Full "paid. Opjecr— Manufacture of granite iron and galvanized goods. Plant at St. Louis. Branches at St. Louis, New York, Chicago and Boston. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—F. G. Nerdringhaus, President; W. F. Nerdringhaus, Vice- President; Thos. K. Nerdringhaus, Secretary ; Geo. W. Nerdringhaus, Treasurer. THE SALT POINT CREAMERY ASSOCIATION. Inc. in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,500; Paid in $1,850. Dividends, 4 p. c., declared July, 1891. No funded debt. a 359 STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. BME GIITEOE Vr CUS sansa cunts isos cbeces caacasens $3,261 50 | Other than capital, promissory Cash and débts receivable::.........<. 88 50 PGES Se eee nasuniiistetsssccnsancscerease $1,500 00 $3,350 00 OFFICERS—William H. Allen, President; Edward Young, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Edward Young, Oliver K. Smith, W. S. Wing. THE ST. SIMONS LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO. Inc. in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $135,000. Assets consist of land in Georgia and improvements. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. SALAMANDER GRATE BAR 0C0O.,, Office, 110 Liberty st, Inc.in N.Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Augustus C. Walbridge, President; Jno. B. Hegeman, Secretary. SALEM WIRE NAIL C0O., Office, 261 Broadway. Inc. in Salem, O. No infor- mation furnished. THE SALEM SHIRT AND SEWING CO,, Office, Salem, N. Y. Inc. in N.Y, Capital authorized, $6,000; Paid in, $1,425.50. Liabilities other than capital, $1,225.69. Total assets, $1,138.81. Receipts for the year, $6,090.57; Expenditures, $5,572.42. Plant, Salem, N. Y. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— John M. Williams, President, 5 Beekman st., Charles Whitcomb, Treasurer. DirEcTorRs—John M. Williams, Moses Johnson, E. McNaughton, W. M. Farland. SALERO MOUNTAIN MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 171 Greene st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $6,000. Total assets at least $25,000. OBJECT —Hats. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrEcTORS—Nathaniel S. W. Vanderhoef, President and Treasurer; Charles Dodge. SANBORN & ROSE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 479 Broadway and 52 Mercer st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Paid in, $16,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFicERS—Daniel Sanborn, President ; Garrett F. Rose, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Daniel S. Sanborn, Garrett F. Rose, P. S. Wickham. SANBORN-PERRIS MAP CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 72 Wall st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $26,000. ‘Total assets at least $286,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricErs—Charles, A, Hull, Vice-President ; John W. Murray, Treasurer. DrreEcTors—Charles A. Hull, John Natinan, John W. Murray. SAN CARLOS MINING CO., Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid, $34,750.59 (mines) $65,249.41. ASSETS. | DEBTS. Mines, mining property, buildings Notes of the Company issued to ANG THACHINE FY iss cages ve sceascecaancs $1,232 04 | the Company, with accrued in- PME TS Patan res cs Uavenn aes s03scce6aeaavsese $88,485 11 Plant at Gila Co., Arizona. Expenditures, $598.09. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFrriceERsS—C. M. Thompson, 35 Wall st., Vice-President. Directors—C. M. Thompson, G. D. Turrell, John Stanton. SANDEN ELECTRIC CO., Office, 819 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago. No informa- tion furnished. Represented by Albert T. Sanden. SANDERS MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 86 Walker st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Belts. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Eliza Sanders, President ; Herman Schloss, Secretary; Louis Sanders, Treasurer. DIRECT- ORS—Eliza Sanders, Louis Sanders, Herman Schloss. 360 , SANDY HILL ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER 0C0O., Limited, Office, Sandy Hill. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $24,500; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $16,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—J. E. Howland. President, 451 Broadway, Grenville M. Ingalsbe, Secretary. DIRECTORS—J. J. Cunningham, J. E. Howland, Grenville M. Ingalsbe. SANDY HILL POWER (CO, Limited, Office, Sandy Hill. Inc.in N.Y. State- ment, Jan. 1. 1891: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $70,000. Liabilities other than capital, $96,030.08. Total assets at least $140,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No fundeddebt. OFrricers—John H. Derby, President, 111 Liberty st., Grenville M. Ingalsbe, Secretary. DirEcTors—J. J. Cunningham, John H. Derby, Grenville M. Ingalsbe. SANDY HILL QUARRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 143 Liberty st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $80,000; Full paid; in cash, $40,000; in property, $40,000, STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Latid-and: Dulldimies:, ay iccrd east $37,000 00 | Capital stock valued at............0. $20,000 00 Machinery cs scceceybesescavatecovdensaisnsnnn katy 24000 7 mete tt ascetics eet cece tanner eens $37,000 00 $39,230 97 Receipts for year, $13,423.10; Expenditures, $11,701.57. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFIcERS—John N. Drake, President; M. E, Jones, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—John N. Drake, William D. Stratton, M. E. Jones. SANDY HOOK, QUARANTINE AND CITY ISLAND TELEGRAPH CO., General Office, 195 Broadway. Inc. 1877, in N. Y., for 100 years. Capital authorized, $40,000, par $20; Full paid. Oxsyect—Telegraph lines. Plant located at N. Y. City to Sandy Hook, Quarantine and City Island, and consists of telegraph line; sold out to W. U. Tel. Co., 1890. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—W. C. Humstone; President; T. F. Clark, Secretary and Treasurer ; A. S. Brown, C. A. Tinker, G. W. E. Atkins. SANDY CREEK, N.J., WOOD MANUFACTURING CO., Office, Sandy Creek, N. J. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $10,425; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $1,995.15. Total assets, $15,287.52. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—O. A. Earl, Vice- President; William P. Sanford, Secretary. DIRECTORS—William J.‘Hess, 34 E. 14th st., O. A. Earl, William P. Sanford. CLARENCE H.SANFORD CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in cash, $1,000; in property, $9,000. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—A. Heinemann, 84 Vesey st., President; Clarence H. Sanford, Treasurer. DiIRECTORs—A. Heinemann, Clarence H. Sanford, F. E. Craig. THE SANFORD HALL CO., Limited, Office, 128 Lexington ave.; Corporate Office Brooklyn; N.Y. sinc. in N, YY, Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $85,000. Total assets at least $32,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErRS—J. W. Barston, President ; Eliza McDonald, Secretary. DrirEcrors—F. M. Barston, Margaret M. Mitchell, A. M. Miller. SANFORD MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 297 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. John F. Hitchcock, Agent. SAN FRANCISCO BRIDGE CO., Office, 183 Pulitizer Building. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished: Gans W. Catt, Vice- Dracidents THE SAN GABRIEL MILL AND MINING CO,, Office, Amenia, N.Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, '$100, 000; Full paid. Total assets $100,000. Receipts for year, $22,661.07 ; expenditures, $20,061.21. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debts. Orricers—S, O. Potts, President; William Bost- wick, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—S. O. Potts, Wm. H. Scovill, William Bostwick, H. Mc- Gonegal, C. W, Bostwick. SANITARY SEWER AND SEWAGE UTILITY CO., Office, 17 William st. No information furnished. 301 SANITARY SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Cooper Union. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Total assets at least $1,200. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John W. Newberry, President and Treasurer. Drrecrors—John W. Newberry, D. M. G. Foster, John McFarlan. SAN JOSE WOOLEN MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in San Jose, Cal. No information furnished. James A. Winant, Jr., Agent. SAN JUAN CHIEF MINING CO,, Office, 45 Broadway. No information fur- nished. SANLANG CO., General and Corporate Office, 64 W. 125th st. No information furnished. SAN MARTIN MINING CO., Office, 15 Wall st.. Inc. in Ky. Capital author- ized, $1,500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND D1irEcTORS—Jas. L. Carnaghan, President ; Henry Bradstreet, Secretary. ; SAN MIGUEL CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING CO., Office, 41 Wall st. No information furnished. SAN REMO HOTEL CO., General and Corporate Office, Central Park W, cor. W.7sth st. Inc.in N.Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —Wilson C. Morris, President; Henry M. Denton, Treasurer. THE SAN SEBASTIAN GOLD MINING CO,, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,600,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $300,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. George W. Brown, 301 E. 69th st., President. Drrectors—E. H. Cushman, J. M. Hardle, George W. Brown. THE SANTA JULIEN MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 58 William st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Total assets at least $200,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Walter S. Logan, President ; Lindley Vinton, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Horace E. Duning, Walter S. Logar, Lindley Vinton. SANTARIET CO., General and Corporate Office, 284 Pearl st. Inc. in N, y: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. Orricers—-H. A. Richardson, President ; Geo. B. Smith, Secretary. Drrecrors—Henry A. Richardson, George B. Smith, James Le@herry. SANTA RITA GOLD MINING CO., Office, 74 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000 ; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, g100. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-J. W. Hardly, 74 Wall st., President; E. R. Storer, Secretary. DIRECTORS —G. W. Brown, J. W. Hardly, E. R. Storer. SANTIAGO GOLD MINING CO. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capi- tal authorized, $400,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers--Frank A. Turney, President ; Frank Daniels, Treasurer. Drrectors—W. Pond, 10 Wall st., Frank A. Turney, Frank Daniels. SANTLEY LUMBER (00,, *Office, 52 Wall st. Inc. in Wellington, O. No information furnished. Henry A. Mansfield, Agent. THE SAN VINCENTE CATTLE CO., General Office, 35 Broadway ; Corporate Office, New Jersey. Inc. Dec. 9, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $600,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Dealers in and raisers of cattle. Ranches in New Mexico. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- ors—Alex. R. Gunn, President; Lester M. Clark, Secretary. SARANAC SILK MILLS, Office, 339 Broadway. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. No information furnished. John N. Dickey and J. L. Swope, Agents. 362 THE SARANAC HOTEL (C0O,, Office, Saranac Lake, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $79,100. Liabilities other than capital, $110,000 ; Total assets, $222,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-William G. Young, President; James P. Mills, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— William G. Young, Chas. M. Eaton, James P. Mills. SARANAC LAKE WATER C0., Office, Saranac, N. Y. Inc. in Saranac, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Paid in, ¢4,410. Liabilities other than capital, $975.03. Receipts for year, $669.96; Expenditures, $750.42. Dividends, if any, notascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRS—Milo B. Miller, President; Aaron Goldsmith, Treasurer. DiIrEcTORS—F. M. Ball, Milo B. Miller, Aaron Goldsmith. THE SARANAC RIVER PLANK ROAD 0CO,, Office, Saranac, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Paid in, $38,147.86. Liabilities other than capital, $45,024.23. Total assets not stated. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. C. E. M. Edwards, President; DIRECTORS—John Ross, William L. Ketchum, C. E. M. Edwards. THE SARANAC RIVER PULP AND PAPER CO., Office, Schuyler Falls, N. Y. Inc. in Nx ptateimentee ana 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid, in property. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Total assets at least $51,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. DrIrREcTORS—J. A. Smith, Benjamin S. W. Clark, T. Martin. SARANE MINING C0., General and Corporate Office, 32 Burling sl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $2,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. Orricers—George H. Seeley, 32 Burling sl., Presi- dent; E. H. Keliogg, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—George H. Seeley, E. H. Kellogg, N. Seeley. SARATOGA GEYSER (00., Office, 166 Nassau st. Inc. in Saratoga, NPY aN information furnished. Charles J. Perry, Agent. SARATOGA KISSINGEN SPRING CO., Office, Saratoga, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid in cash. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. LOAN .ccossegy cspsure stereo renee tere $83,000 00 | Mtge. in real estate......ccescce seeeee $34,050 00 Machinery, horses, wagons, etc... 12,734 88 | Other debts cecccccccoceccoeecceese ues... 33,903 93 Cash and debts receivable.. ........ 16,404 86 $112,139 74 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. T. F. Hamilton, Presi- dent. Drrectrors—T. F. Hamilton, Hiram F. Cary. SARATOGA MILLS, Office, 22 Thomas st. Inc. in Stillwater, N. Y. A. S. Haight & Co., Agents. SARATOGA NATURAL CARBONIC ACID CO., Office, 525 Grenwich st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry P. Booth, President; Fernando H. Staud, Secretary; Henry G. Runkle, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Henry P. Booth, cacecc RDO Tras Fernando Staud, Henry G. Runkle, R. A. C. Smith, J. W. anderkief. _ SARATOGA VICTORY MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 216 Church st. Inc. in Victory Mills, N. Y. No information furnished. (Catlin & Co., Agents, SARGENT MANUFACTURING CO., 814 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Muskegon, Mich. Inc. Oct. 21, 1889, in Mich.; Charter 30 years. Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $36,975. OBJjECT—For the purpose of manufacture and sale of furniture, including appliances for uses of invalids and physicians. Plant at Muskegon, Mich. ; 3-story brick, roo x 50, boiler houses and dry-kiln brick storehouses, etc. 3 acres owned by Company. OFFICERS AND DirRECTORS—G. F. Sargent, President ; Thos. Humes, Vice-President; H. Park, Secretary; J. L. Murray, Treasurer ; Tals Howding, N. McGroft, M. Fanchet. : 363 THE SARYAN CO., General Office, 41 Park row; Corporate Office, M echanics- ville, N. Y. Inc. 1887 in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Onyecr—Manufacture of machinery. OFFICERS—Augustus G., Paine, Presi- ae H. T. Saryan, Ist Vice-President; T. Merrick, 2d Vice-President; J. W, Welch, reasurer, SAUGATUCK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 32 Howard st. Inc. in Saugatuck, Conn. No information furnished. Edward S. Wheeler, Jr., Agent. 3 SAUGERTIES AND N. Y. STEAMBOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, foot W. 11th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $68,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Robert A. Snyder, President; George Seamon, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Robert A. Snyder, James T. Maxwell, George Seamon, John Seamon, Henry L. Finger SAUGERTIES WATER CO., Office, Saugerties, N.Y. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, g102,000. Total assets at least $113,000 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS—Robert Longhian, President; E. B. Walker, Jr., Secretary. DrirEcTORS—Jacob D. Wurts, Philo Lanx, J. M. Lanx, Robert Longhian, E. B. Walker, Jr. SAULSON DESIGNING CO., General and Corporate Office, 733 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $8,000; Amount paidin not known. No other informa- tion furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Altamont de Cordova, President; Philip J.Saulson, Secretary. DrIRECcTORS—Altamont de Cordova, Erceldoune de Cordova, Philip J. Saulson. SAVAGE FIRE-BRICK CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in Keystone Junction, Pa. No information furnished. Charles E. Pope & Co., Agents. DR. SAVAGE PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 308 W. 59th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan.1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Watson L. Savage, President, 308 W. 5oth st.; W. D. De Graaf, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—W. L. Savage, W. R. Grant, C. F. Matthewson. THE SAVANNAH FAST FREIGHT AND PASSENGER LINE, Offices, 317 Broadway, William H. Rhett, Agent; Pier 35 (new) N.R., Richard L. Walker, Agent; Corporate Office, Savannah, Ga. Inc. in Ga. No information furnished. SAW TOOTH MILLING AND MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $9,000. ‘Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFFICERS—Ludlow Patten, President; F. H. Weeks, 62 William st., Treasurer. DrIRECTORS—Ludlow Patten, F. H. Weeks, R. S. Belknap. SAWYER WOOLEN MILLS, Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. in Dover, N. H. Capital authorized, $600,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Eleazer G. Lemon, Agent. SAXONY WOOLEN MILLS, Office, 54 Worth st. Inc. in Newburgh, N. Y. No information furnished. James F. White & Co., Agents. SAYRE & FISHER C0O., Office, 98 Nassau st. Inc. Jan., 1887, in Sayreville, N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Paid in $20,000. OBJECT— To mine and manufacture clay, etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Arthur J. Fletcher, N. Y. Manager. SAYRE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, Horseheads, N. Y. Inc. in Horse- heads, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital. $10,000. Total assets at least, $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—William B. Sayre, Jr., President; Edward M. Sayre, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Willis B. Sayre, Jr., Edward M. Sayre, Horace J. Willis. SCANDINAVIAN AND FINLANDERS EMIGRANT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 24 State st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at 364 least $60,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Gustaf A. Gronlund, President; John T. Gronlund, Secretary ; David W. Johnson, Treasurer. DirEcToRsS—Gustaf A. Gronlund, G. D. Pihlman, David W. Johnson, John Erickson, George Brown. F. & M. SCHAEFER BREWING CO., General and Corporate Office, 112 E. 5ist st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $650,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. OFrriceErs—Edward C. Schaefer, President; Rudolph J. Schaefer, Secretary.* Direcrors—Edward C. Schaefer, Emil Schaefer, George G. Schaefer, Rudolph J, Schaefer, Frederick Schaefer, Max Schaefer. SCHAEFER SAFETY VALVE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 530 W. 57th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $6,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Philip Schaefer, President ; Louis Schaefer, Secretary. D1IrRECTORS—Philip Schaefer, John C. Schaefer, Louis Schaefer. SCHAGHTICOKE WOOLEN CO., Office, 81 Worth st. Inc. in Schaghticoke, N. Y. No information furnished. Forstmann & Co., Agents. THE SCHARFF MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 41 Park row; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1882, in N. J.; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacture and sale of drying apparatus. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFic- ERS AND DrtRECTORS—Philip E. Raque, President; Joseph H. Scharff, Secretary and Manager; Frank S. Harrison, Treasurer. GEORGE A. SCHASTEY & CO., General and Corporate Office, 228 W. 53d st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $90,319.87. Total assets at least $108,138.23. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. George A. Schastey, President and Secretary. SCHENECTADY GAS LIGHT C0O., General and Corporate Office, 30 Pine st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—William Henry White, President; Clement A. White, Secretary ; John McEncroe, Treasurer. D1rRECTORS—William Henry White, John McEncroe, Chas. Stanford. THE P. SCHERER CO., Limited. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capi- tal authorized, $35,000; paid in $30,600. Liabilities other than capital, $11,000. Total assets at least $45,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Paul Scherer, 76 E. 4th st., President; Joseph Unger, Secretary and Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Charles Moebus, H. L. H. Hall, Jos. Unger. SCHIFF MANUFACTURING (CO., General and Corporate Office, 222 Greene st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Opyectr— Manufacturing jerseys. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished, OFFICERS—Solomon H. Schiff, President; Moritz Schiff, Secretary. TRUuS- TEES—Solomon Schiff, Moritz Schiff, Felix Schiff. SCHILLINGER FIRE-PROOF AND ASPHALT CO., General and Corporate Office, 413 E. gtst st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—G. A. Schillinger, President ; _ Theo. Schillinger, Secretary and Treasurer. DirRECTORS—-G. A. Schillinger, Theo. Schil- linger, Henry Schillinger. SCHLICHTING & RENDSBURG MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 Vesey st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFrICcERS—Emil Schlichting, Presi- dent; Sigmund Fodor, Secretary ; Wolf E. Rendsburg, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—Emil Schlichting, Wolf E. Rendsburg, Sigmund Fodor, Louis Winckler, C. A. McInnes. E. SCHMIDT MANUFACTURING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 232 6th st. No information furnished. J. C. SCHNOTER C0O., General and Corporate Office, 523 6th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid incash. Liabilities other than capital, $250. Total assets at least $27,300, Receipts for year, $6,775; Expendi- tures, $4,620. Osject—Trusses. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Helen Schnoter, President: Herbert J. Hindes, Treasurer. D1irREcTORS— Charles S. Kohler, Herbert J. Hindes, H. J. Gowres. - = 7 . a eS ee eee q | , 305 THE SCHOELLKOPF, HARTFORD & MACLAGAN CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 3 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities including capital, $81,989.49. Total assets, $81,989.49. Dividends, Jan. 12, 1891, 14% p. Cc. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. F. Schoellkopf, President ; George Maclagan, Treasurer. Drrecrors—James Hartford, J. F. Schoellkopf, George Maclagan. SCHOOL FURNISHING (CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 E. 14th st. Inc. in Bloomsburg, Pa. No information furnished. John M. Jewell, N. Y. Manager. THE SHREVEPORT WATER-WORKS 00., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. ‘Total assets at least $125,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—Whitney Conant, 136 Liberty st., President; W.G. Snow, Secretary ; W . J. Curtis. SCHUBERT PIANO CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 E, 14th and 537 E. 134th sts. “Inesin N.Y. Capital authorized, $3,000; Amount paid in not known. . Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Peter Duffy, President ; Thomas Harty, Secretary; Margaret A. Duffy, Treasurer. SCHULHOF ARMS MANUFACTURING 00., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. 1889, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100. No stock issued. OxsyecT—Manufacture of firearms. Not in active operation. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Benjamin F. Dos Passos, President ; Joseph J. Schmidt, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Benjamin F. Dos Passos, Joseph J. Schmidt, Wm. G. Davis, Joseph K. McCammon, Chas. C. Shelton. SCHUMACHER & ETTLINGER, General and Corporate Office, 34 Bleecker st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $400,000. Total assets at least $400,000. Osyect—Litho- graphing. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Louis Ettlinger, President ; William Ballmann, Treasurer. DirEcrors—Louis Ettlinger, Louis Ettlinger, Jr., Leopold Schumacher. SCHUYLER’S STEAM TOWBOAT CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 South st. Inc. in Albany, N. Y. No information furnished. Represented by Samuel Schuyler. SCHWAB CLOTHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 96 Franklin st. Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. No information furnished. THE SCHWALBACH CYCLE CO., Office, 12 Warren st. Inc. inN. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Full paid. Receipts forthe year, $67,794.21; Expenditures, $65,353.31. Opyect—Manufacturing and sale of bicycles, tricycles and supplies connected there- with. No dividends. Debt, $7,400. Elhott Mason, 12 Warren st., President. DIRECT- orS—Elliott Mason, Seymour F. Frasick, William A. Redding. SCIENTIFIC PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 27 Park pl.” Ine: in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Total assets at least $7,500. OBJECT— Publishers and booksellers of scientific and technical books. Publishers of 7Ze /ngz- neering and Mining Journal. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DriREcToRS—R. P. Rothwell, President; Sophia Braemclich, Treasurer. SCOTT ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 89 Liberty st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $200,000.; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. Graham Scott, President; Thomas I. McLeod, Treasurer. Direcrors—Edward M. Brown, Bertram H. Herbert, J. Graham Scott, Palmer Brown, Jonathan F. Ward. J. W. SCOTT CO., General and Corporate Office, 163 Fulton st. ines Nowe Capital authorized, $20,000 , Amount paid in not known. Dividends, ifpany mot ascere tained. OFrFICERS—J. Walter Scott, President; Henry Clotz, Secretary. DIRECTORS— J. Walter Scott, Charles Gregory, William Thorne, Henry Clotz, Charles P. Scott. SCOTT LAMP AND COIN CO., General and Corporate Offices, 12 E. 23d st., and 155 Broadway. Inc. inN. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Henry Collin, President ; Henry L. Calman, Secretary. Direcrors—Henry Collin, Henry L. Calman, Gustave B. Calman, David Calman, Charles Calman. 366 SCOTTISH PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 7 Barclay st. No information furnished. SCOVILL-ADAMS CO., Office, 423 Broome st. Inc. in Conn. Capital author- ized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—W. Irving Adams, President ; Harry Littlejohn, Secretary. DirEcTORS—W. Irving Adams, Frederick J. Kingsbury, Chauncey P. Goss, Douglas Malthy, Wm. E. Curtis, Mark L. Sperry, Henry W. Scovill. SCOVILL MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 423 Broome st. Inc, in Conn. Capital authorized, $389.475; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Frederick J. Kingsbury, President; Mark L. Sperry, Secretary; Chauncey P. Goss, Treasurer. Drrecrors—F. J. Kingsbury, C. P. Goss, Mark L. Sperry, Douglas F. Malthy, W. Irving Adams, Henry W. Scovill, G.S. Parsons. SCOURENE MANUFACTURING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 623 W. 38th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $26,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Charles Jacob, President; Ninian Stevenson, Treasurer. DrrEcTORS—Charles Jacob, C. Albert Jacob, Alfred Kohn, G. Vandenhove. THE SCRANTON AND LEHIGH COAL CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $34,569.57. Total assets, $31,477.92. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS--Samuel J. Park, Presi- dent ; Ledden D. Garrison, Secretary. D1irEcrors—Thomas J. Patterson, Matilda Pat- terson, Samuel J. Park, Ledden D. Garrison. SCRANTON GLASS CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Murray st. Inc. in Scranton, Pa. No other information furnished. Marvin E. Deyo, Agent. THE SCRANTON SUBURBAN RW. CO., General Office, 120 Broadway. Cor- porate Office, Scranton, Pa. Inc.in Penna. No information furnished. Represented by Arthur J. Moulton. SCREW DOCK CO., General and Corporate Office, Pier 3034 °F. Ro Inc.in Ne Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrEcToRs—Chester W. Chapin, President; Alfred C. Chapin, Secretary; Theodore K. Hazard, Treasurer. SCREW STEERING AND PROPELLING CO., Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at ieast $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—-Matthew Taylor, 15 State st., President: H. S. Norton, Treasurer. Drrecrors—-H. S. Norton, C. W. Smith, C. Huttlinger, Matthew Taylor. J. A. SCRIVEN CO., Office,.18 E. rsth st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Jeremiah A. Scriven, President; Chas. W. Stranahan, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Jeremiah A. Scriven, Lemuel H. Baldwin, Charles G. Crawford. SEA BEACH CYCLORAMA CO., Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in cash, 48 p. c., balance in property. Liabilities other than capital, $300. Total assets, $13,120.69. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Alrick H. Man, 127 Broad st,, President; James T. Nelson, Treasurer. DirRECrors—Alrick H. Man, James T. Nelson, Charles C. Protheroe. SEABOARD LUMBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, i892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $735-243.21. Total assets, $1,252,554. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry D. Haren, President: Penry, Gy Burrows, Treasurer. DirEcrors—E. H. Barnes, H. C. Burrows, Henry D. Haren. SEABOARD SANITARY GARBAGE CREMATIN G AND REF USE UTILIZ- NG CO., General and Corporate Office, 127 Water st. Inc. in Plainfield, N. J. No other information furnished. Represented by Seymour G. Smith. SEABOARD TRANSPORTATION CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broad- way. No information furnished. | | | 367 SEABURY & JOHNSON, General and Corporate Office, 21 Platt st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known, Osyect—Wholesale and retail drugs, chemicals and proprietary articles. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES—Geo. J. Seabury, President; Robt. J. Seabury, Secretary ; Geo. W. Hopping, Treasurer. SEA ISLAND CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 19 Whitehall st. Inc. in Charleston, S.C. No other information furnished. Represented by John M. Wilson. SEARS COMMERCIAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Hanover sq. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid innot known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Richard F. Sears, President; Alberto Falcon, Secretary. DIREcCTORS—Richard F. Sears, William R. Grace, Alberto Falcon. SEATTLE AND EASTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 80 Broadway. No information furnished. SEARER WAREHOUSING CO. Inc. in N, Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capi- tal authorized, $10,000; Full paid incash. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000, Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. Nofundeddebt. Drrecrors—William Moons, Thomas E. D. Power, 521 Amsterdam ave. SEBASTIAN MANUFACTURING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 223 E. 43d st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $80,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Chas. A. Stadler, President; Wm. Hoffman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Charles A. Stadler, William Hoffman, Adolph G. Hupfel, Henry M. Haar. THE SECOND NATIONAL GOLD MINING CO. of New York and Colorado, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid in prop- erty. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—Henry Warren Beebe, 18 Wall st., President; William Man, Secretary. DirEcToRS—William Man, Henry Warren Beebe, Samuel Lee. THE SECOR MARINE PROPELLER CO. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan.1, 1892: Capital authorized $10,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Edgal L. Hicks, President; John A. Secor, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Stephen H. Mills, John A. Secor, A. J. Desvey. SECURITY ELECTRIC SIGNAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 8 Dey st. No information furnished. SECURITY LOAN, REAL ESTATE AND STORAGE CO,, Office, 23 Union sq. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount. paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Herman Wron- kow, President; Griffin Tompkins, Secretary. THE SEEGER & GUERNSEY CO., 7 Bowling Green; Corporate Office, Rich- mond Co. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $202,700; Full paid. Liabilities including capital, $352,700. Total assets at least $360,000. Receipts for year, $500,000; Expendi- tures, $475,000. OsyEcT—Exporters. Dividends: Jan. 15, 1891, 1% p.c.; Apr. 15, 1891, 1% p. c.; Sept. 3, 1891, 2 p. c/; Oct. 15, 1891, 2 p.c. OFFICERS—Charles L. Seeger, President; H. B. Fullerton, Assistant Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Chas. L. Seeger, Harry B. Fullerton, Wm. T. Seeger. THE SEELEY MANUFACTURING CO, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, $250 in cash; balance in patent rights and machines. Liabilities other than capital, $3,500. Assets consist of patent rights and 3 cigarette machines, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFriceERs— D. W. Seeley, President; Thomas J. Sanson, 56 Wall st., Treasurer. Direcrors—D. W. Seeley, G. P. Jenks, Thomas J. Sanson. A. S. SEER THEATRICAL PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, Fo es 7ivost.. Inc: im N. Vg Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; ’ Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $13,800. Total assets at least $18,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND -Direcrors—Alfred S. Seer, President; Frederic Hegeman, Treasurer. 368 | SEELY & TAYLOR MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 Cortlandt st. No information furnished. SEERY MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 176 Broadway. Inc. in Providence, RK. I. No other information furnished. Peter A. Wilkinson, Jr., N. Y. Manager. SEGOVIA MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 69 Wall st. Inc. in Nicaragua, C. A. No information furnished. Represented by Henry M. Braem. THE A. E. SEIBOLD CO., Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Full paid in cash. Assets consists of letters patent of the U. re Pi cash, $421.38; total, $4,921.38. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edgar O. Clark, President; William Sowdon, 342 W. 14th st., Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Edgar O. Clark, Albert C. Seibold, William Sowdon. HENRY SEIBERT & BROTHER CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 Warren st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—Henry Seibert, President : Jacob Lowen- haupt, Secretary; Robert T. Seibert, Treasurer. DirEcTorRS—Henry Seibert, Charles Seibert, Robert T. Seibert, Jacob Lowenhaupt, George E. Tooker. W. H. SEIDEL CO,, Office, 258 Pearl st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Wm. H. Seidel, President: Frank E. Stewart, Secretary. Direcrors—Wm. H. Seidel, H. F. Turner, Frank E. Stewart. SEIDEL & HASTINGS CO., Office, 68 Wall st. Inc. in Wilmington, Del. No information furnished. Represented by William P. Hastings. SELF-SEALING CAN CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $7,500; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $409. Total assets, $7,748.13. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFiIcERS— F. A. Remington, 57 W. 4oth st., President; Charles C. Protheroe, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—F. A. Remington, James T. Nelson, C. B. Lambert. SELF-WINDING CLOCK C0O., General and Corporate Office, 26 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—E. T. Bedford, President; Alfred C. Bed- ford, Secretary and Treasurer. SELMA WATER (CO0., Office, 30 Pine st. Inc. in Ala. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount piid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DtrEcroRs—Wm. Henry White, President; Samuel W. John, Secretary ; J. Ensign Fuller, Treasurer. PHILLIP SEMMER GLASS CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 12 Desbrosses st. Inc. 1887,in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $39,874.39. Total assets at least $90,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- oRS—John P. Semmer, President ; George P. Brock, secretary; .Paul 'L. Clark, “Trease urer; Phillip Semmer, Wm. J. O'Leary. | SEMPER IDEM MILLS, Office, 47 Warren st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. David J. Whitney, Agent. SENATE MINING AND SMELTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 50 Exchange pl. Consolidated with Alturas Senate Mining Co. No other information furnished. SENATE WHITE SHIRT CO,, Office, 77 Franklin st. Inc. in Leominster, Mass. Noinformation furnished. Edgar T. Anderson, N. Y. Manager. SENECA LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 2404 3d ave. Inc. in N. Y. Amount of capital paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Paul Halpin, President; Augustus Frey, Secretary ; Anthony McOwen, Treasurer. Dtr- RECTORS—Paul Halpin, Augustus Frey, Anthony McOwen, Allen McDonald, Walter W. Taylor. e SERRELL SILK-REELING CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. No information furnished. SS | 369 THE SEVENTY-THIRD STREET BUILDING CO. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Fullpaid in property. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES PrOMISSOFY NOL€......ee-sssees sesseecen soreesees $46,800 | Other than Capital.........csscceeeesee soneesenes 1,000 awOrelaims: Gh At-l6asticcc.ccsbvesssdeeks «seus $515,000 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Franklin E. Robinson, President; Albert E. Scott, Secretary, 52 New st. SEYFRIED CIGAR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 49 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Eugene E. V. Seyfried, President; Chas. Ramsperger, Secretary; David P. Kraft, Treasurer. DrrecTors—Eugene E. V. Seyfried, Chas. Ramsperger, David P. Kraft. HENRY SEYMOUR CUTLERY CO., 84 Chambers st. General Office, Holy- oke, Mass. Inc. about 1870, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $75,000; Paid in $25,000. Opyect—Manufacture of shears and scissors. Plant at Holyoke, Mass. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers AND DiRECTORS—Henry Seymour, President; R. H. Seymour, Secretary and Treasurer. Wesbusch & Hilgee, N. Y. Agents. SEYMOUR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 100 Chambers st. Inc. in Seymour, Conn. William S. Fearing, Agent. SEYMOUR PAPER (CO., Office, 27 Beekman st.; Corporate Office, Windsor Locks, Conn. Inc. 1856, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $450,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjyecr—Manufacturing paper at Windsor Locks, Conn. No debt. OFFICERS—C. E. O'Hara, President and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. E. O’Hara, Wm. P. Raymond, C. A. Nichols, Andrew Outron, C.E. O’ Hara, Jr. MARY F. SEYMOUR PUBLISHING CO,, Office, 38 Park row. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFIcERS—Mary F. Seymour, President; Madana F. Dehart, Secretary ; Elizabeth N. Hutchings, Treasurer. D1REcTORS—Mary F. Seymour, Cornelia K. Hood, Madana F. Dehart, Elizabeth N. Hutchings, Jennie V. Horsley. SHADBOLT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $75,000. Total assets at least $80,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—W. Oscar Shadbolt, President ; J. Nelson Harris, Treasurer. DrreEcTors—John C. McGuire, W. Oscar Shadbolt, J. Nelson Harris. i J. CALVIN SHAFER (CO., General and Corporate Office, 86 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $65,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $4,800. Total assets at least $75,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William H. Furman, President; Albert Dovell, Treasurer. D1rREcTORS—S. Misel, William H. Furman, Albert Dovell. CHARLES R. SHANTZ & CO,, Office, 831 Broadway. Inc. in N. J, Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Cha's. R. Shantz, President; Chas. R. Shantz, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. THE M. B. SHANTZ CO., Office, 658 Broadway; Corporate Office, Rochester, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $28,118.16. Receipts for year, sales of merchandise, $92,591.14; Expenditures, $79,789.04. OBJECT—Buttons. Dividends, 1 of 25 p.c. on capital stock, Dec. 31, 1891. No funded debt. W. B. Shantz, President and Treasurer. DIrREcTORS—W. B. Shantz, H. E. Welcher, B.S. Bey. SHAPED SEAMLESS. STOCKING CO., General and Corporate Office, 56 Worth and 337 E. 1o7th sts. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid, in cash, $8,500; in property, $1,500. Liabilities other than capital, $30,341.66. Total assets, $30,341.66. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—J. M. Arkush, President; H. P. Binswanger, Vice- President and Secretary. 370 THE SHARON DAIRY CO,., General and Corporate Office, 1697 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid in prop- erty. Liabilities other than capital, $11,000. Total assets at least $15,000. Dividends, ifany, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—William G. Robinson, President ; Augusta L. Robinson, Secretary. . SHARON ORE CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y- Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-George E. Nichols, President; George G. Teller, Secretary. DiIRECTORS—George E. Nichols, George G. Teller, Philip S. Swain. SHAVER CORPORATION, General and Corporate Office, 207 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—George Condit Smith, President: Stephen F. Sherman, Secretary ; George F. Shaver, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—-George F. Shaver, George Con- dit Smith, Benjamin F. Harmon, J. Condit Smith. THE J. G. SHAW BLANK BOOK CO,, General and Corporate Office, 261 and 263 Canal st. Inc. 1878in N. Y., for an unlimited time. Capital authorized, $30,000, par $100; Full paid. OnpjyEcr—Manufacture of blank books. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES— James M. Ham, Presi- dent; J. S. A. Witke, Secretary; H. D. D. Ripley, Treasurer; Sidney Dillon. SHAW C0., Office. 171 Broadway. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. THE SHAW ELEVATOR AND CHANNEL CHUTE CO. Office, 32 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid in cash. Total assets, $16,347.36. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Henry C. Adams, President, 32 Warren st.: Edward B. Staggers, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—David Garrison, George C. Rankaulf, Henry C. Adams, Edward B. Staggers. SHEARWOOD HILL LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 90 Nassau st. Inc. in Mt. Vernon, N. Y. No information furnished. Represented by Clarence M. Fowler, President. SHEET-METAL MACHINE (C0,, General and Corporate Office, 13 Doyers st. No information furnished. SHEFFIELD FARM, General and Corporate Office, 286 Amsterdam ave., 656 Columbus ave., 955 6th ave. and 1993 7thave. No information furnished. THE SHEFFIELD MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 327 Broadway; Corporate Office, Saugerties, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement) Jan. 14 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in property and cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,269,329.20. Total assets, $1,192,764.74. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICcERS—William F. Russell, President; Howard Gillespy, Treasurer. William F. Russell, Robert A. Snyder, John G. Myers. SHEFFIELD STEEL WORKS, Office, 377 Broome st. Inc. in Waterbury, Conn. No information furnished. P. Lippmann, Agent. SHELDON MANUFACTURING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 1 144 Broad- way. Inc. 1882,in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. OByEcT— Manufacture of gas stoves and improved apparatus. Plant located at S. Norwalk, Conn., and consists of factory and equipments. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William Cc Bucklin, President and Treasurer: Landon Ketchum, Secretary. Direcrors—Wnm. C. Bucklin, Edwin Thorne, Landon Ketchum. SHEPHERD SEWERAGE SYSTEM CO., General and Corporate Office, 49 University pl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000 : Full paid, in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,488.11. Total assets at least $150. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Charles H. Shepherd, President. DirEcTors—Daniel M. Priest, Lewis M. Slocum, Charles H. Shepherd. ee ee ees ee ee 7 _—-—~s 1 371 SHERIDAN & SHEA CO., General and Corporate Office, 22 State st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Hugh P. Sheridan, President ; Thomas M. Sheridan, Secretary. DirEcrors—John J. Shea, Hugh P. Sheridan, Thomas M. Sheridan. SHERMAN “KING” VAPORIZER CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 5th ave. No information furnished. THE SHERRY COTTAGE CO., Limited, Office, 404 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $90,000 ; paid in, $80,300. ASSETS. LIABILITIES, Beet AI OUI CIN G cecncspee vecseesevscoaet SITS, ws OCG T LNAI CADIS Ii vy wenderncdscdeccsneeeisems $46,700 Miscellaneous treasury stock........00 Oy FOO BOG SING ESC re triplet be cote vscacsesuiaccne 42,000 SUMO CVRD Sa acctectasscthessesccaesesssss0) - 45700 $124,700 | Receipts for year, $25,500; Expenditures, $25,373.03. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Louis Sherry, President, 404 5th ave.; Alex. D. Shaw, Treasurer. THE SHERWIN-WILLIAMS C0O., General and Corporate Offices, 178 Fulton st.; 100 Canal st., Cleveland, O.; Office alsoin Chicago. Inc.in Ohio. OByjEcT—Manu- facturers of paints and colors. Factory at Cleveland, O. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— H. A. Sherwin, President, Cleveland; E. P. Williams, Vice-President, Cleveland; W. H. Hogarth, Secretary and 2d Vice-President, New York; 5S. P. Fenn, Treasurer, Cleveland; J. F. Weare, Resident Director, Chicago. SHERWOOD DISTILLING CO., Office, 140 Liberty st. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No other information furnished. Pringle & Gondron, Agents. SHERWOOD PARK LAND ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 140 Nassau st. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if apy, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Anton Stiefel, President; Henry J. Smith, Secretary. DirREcTORS—Anton Stiefel, Philip C. Scribner, Henry J. Smith, S. R. Sherwood. SHERWOOD PARK LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 90 Nassau st. No information furnished. SHIELDS & BROWN CO., General and Corporate Office, 143 Worth st. No information furnished. THE GEORGE W. SHIEBLER C0O., General and Corporate Office, 8 Liberty pl. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Geo. W. Shiebler, President; William F. Shiebler, Secretary. DIRECTORS—George W. Shiebler, William F. Shiebler, Andrew K. Shiebler, Arthur M. Shiebler, Julian F. Siedel. JOHN SHILLITO CO., Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. No informa- tion furnished. SHINNECOCK INN AND COTTAGE CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 192 Broadway. Inc.in N, Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICERS—Henry W. Maxwell, President; William G. Wheeler, Secretary. DirEcrors—Wagner Swayne, Austin Corbin, Herbert E, Dickson, Henry W. Maxwell, William G. Wheeler. SHIPMAN ENGINE (CO., Office, 114 Liberty st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Hawthorne & Co., Agents. SHOE-LASTING MACHINE (CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 New st. No information furnished. B. SHONINGER CO0O., Office, 96 5thave. Inc.in New Haven, Conn. Noinforma- tion furnished. Seymour H. Rosenburg, N. Y. Manager. SHORT ELECTRIC RW. CO., Office, 121 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in Cleve- land, O. No information furnished. Edward J. Wessels, N. Y. Manager. 24 372 THE SICILIAN ASPHALT PAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Park row. Inc. 1889, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $100,000. OByEcT—Asphalt paving. Plant at W. 51st st., New York City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Howard Carroll, President; Geo. C. Clausen, Vice-President and Treasurer; C.S. Chamberlin, Secretary. DirREcTORS—Julius Simen, Henry Bolze, Henry W. Schmidt, Wm. C. Egerton, Theo. H. Silkman, Chas. A. Stadler. THE SIDNEY NOVELTY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, Sidney, N. Y. Inc. in N, Y. Capital authorized, $21,000; Full paid in cash and patents. Plant at Sidney, Delaware Co., N. Y. ; STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Cash inopank Avice sree. SS ava pusaden'en G4, 501 30 Bills: payvalledasasssccpesssestessen eae tess $7,523 36 MACHINELVayvectsccmsustrsesratarieeatinventest 3,621 86), (Capitalistockcsscecseesaeresnscesssnessel 21,000 00 Buildtnggcr rans nccaawens hat ete react ecarescas 5431-57-17) Profit and losssci7. cs a.ssevacnerenre evtsee 7,954 35 Realestate si mmaonsoccsausseceines eraseness 1/150. 00. 1 “Book JA CCOUMtS aun yaaueane snes seat eaeenes 3,516 45 PAL ALSecaynrceecuhcenes saeiiee aes eeattines: ines 5,000 00 Stock ott Wand teievsevenstesscvacnectrsceteas 7,358 20 Bock Maccountecin essa psspavercts asses 0a 2, 040077 $40,023 16 $40,023 16 Receipts for year, $43,539.89; Expenditures, $50,999.72. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—A. F. Phelps, President; C. R. Cosgrove, Secretary. DIrREcTORS—C. R. Cosgrove, C. C. Phelps, J. jouielin -Aor Se Phelps, THE SIEMENS-LUNGREN (CO., Office, 71 University pl.; Corporate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. Company now undergoing reorganization. Edward C. Lee, Treasurer, Drexel Building, Phila. Gas Appliance Exchange, Agents. SILICON TEXTILE ROOFING CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. No information furnished. SILK ASSOCIATION of America, General and Corporate Office, 70 Grand st. No information furnished. SILK CONTROLLER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 529 Broadway. Incin N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—TJulius Einstein, President; Chas. W. Lewy, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Julius Einstein, Charles H. Lewy, Louise Lewy. SILSBY MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 51 John st. Inc. in Seneca Falls, N. Y. No other information furnished. Charles A. Allen, N. Y. Manager. SILVER & CO., General and Corperate Office, 56 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid, in cash, $5,000; in prop- erty, $20,000. Liabilities other than capital, $11,290.05. Total assets, $39,404.92. OBJECT —House furnishing. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS AND DiIREcrorS—J. H. Ernst, President; Guy W. Ferdon, Treasurer. H. M. SILVERMAN CO,, Office, 12 E. 18th st. Inc. in N.J. Capital authorized, $126,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —R. H. Silverman, President; Philip Trautwein, Secretary; John B. McGeorge, Treas- urer. DrIRECTORS—Robt. H. Silverman, Philip Trautwein, Paul Trautwein, John B. McGeorge, Samuel H. Blum. SILVER SPRING BLEACHING AND DYEING CO0O., Office, 61 Leonard st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. No information furnished. SILVER STATE CONSOLIDATED MANUFACTURING C0. 200,000 shares. 3 patented. Mines in Eureka, Nev. Nothing being done on or with them. SIMONDS MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 50 Cliff st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Paid in $179,400. Liabilities other than capital, $250,000. Total assets at least $400,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Thomas M. Stewart, 326 7th ave., President ; Benjamin Daily, Treasurer. Drirecrors—Benjamin Daily, T. M. Stewart, George W. Artman. 5 is) JOHN SIMMONS CO., General and Corporate Offices, 110 Centre st., 155 Leonard st., 110 White st., 56 Baxter st. and 66 Vestry st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DirEcTors—John Simmons, President; John S. Simmons, Secretary; Charles H. Simmons, Treasurer. SIMPLEX ELECTRICAL CO., Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. W.H. Gordon & Co., Agents. SIMPLEX MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 38 Park row. Inc. in Esopus, N. Y. No other information furnished. Represented by John F. Huckel. SIMPSON & PERKINS CO., General and Corporate Office, 9 Franklin st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained: OFFICERS—Chas. S. Simpson, President; Irvin D. Tunison, Secretary ; Wm. M. Perkins, Treasurer. D1RECToRS—Chas. S. Simpson, Wm. M. Perkins, Irving D. Tunison. THE SIMS-EDISON ELECTRIC TORPEDO CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $34,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Everett Frazer, Presi- dent: George W. Casper, 18 Broadway, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Everett Frazier, Jas. W. Hayward, William M. Deer. SINCLAIR RECTIFYING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 99 Maiden la. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Francis Sinclair, President; John B. Marsdon, Secretary. DirEcTORS—Francis Sinclair, F. M. Sinclair, John B. Marsdon. SINCLAIR-SCOTT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents, THE SINGER ELEVATOR SAFETY STOP CO., Office, 74 Fulton st. ; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. Nov. 23, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Paid in $1,000. $50,000 preferred stock, balance common stock, $1,000 of which is issued. Opyect—-Manufacture and sale of the Singer and Atwater patent safety stop for all elevators. Factory at 102 Morgan st.; Gould & Headley, and other places. Dividends on preferred stock, 6 p. c. per ann., payable semi-annually at Corporate Office. OFFICERS—Peter J. Singer, IIl., President; R. W. Holton, N. Y., Vice-President ; Thomas D. Vondy, N. J., Secretary; Henry Harney, N. Y., Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Peter J. Singer, Thomas D. Vondy, Henry Harney, Rufus W. Holton. ° THE SINGERLY PULP AND PAPER CO,, of Cecil County, Md. 59 Liberty st.; General Office, 917 Chestnut st.; Corporate Office, Elkton, Md. Inc. June, 1890, in Maryland. Capital stock authorized, $500,000, par $50; Full paid. No divi- dends have been paid. Annual Meeting, last Mon. in July. Fiscal year ends June 30th. Opsject—Manufacturing pulp and paper. Plant located at Elkton and Singerly, Md. ; all owned. FUNDED DrExBr—tst mtge. regd. bonds, secured upon plants above named. Amount created and outstanding, $500,000, $1,000, due July 1, 1930. Interest 6 p.c., J. & J., payable by Trustees, The Chestnut St. Trust and Safe Deposit Co., where transfers are made. OFFICERS—Wm. M. Singerly, President; R. G. Oellers, Secretary ; Jas. S. McCartney, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. M. Singerly, Geo. A. Singerly, Geo. B. Kerfoot, J. D. Davis, Wm. T. Warburton. Henry E. Jones, N. Y. Manager. SING SING GAS MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 61 Wall st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $22,500; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceRS—Alfred Kimber, President; Fred. R. Beck, Secretary; Chas. A. Andresen, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Alfred Kimber, Chas. A. _ Andresen, Benj. M. Day, Wm. H. Hildreth, Lot R. Kinney, Francis Larkin, Isaac B. Noxon. SIOUX FALLS IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in Sioux Falls, S. Dak. No information furnished. Winfield S. Chamberlain, Agent. 374 SISKIYOU MINING CO,, Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $300,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $17,500. Assets consist of mining tools and machinery and mining rights in Cal. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—William A. Darling, President, 760 3d ave.; Albert H. Gale, Treasurer. DirRECrors—William A. Darling, C. S. Sweetland, Albert H. Gale. SKILLINGS, WHITNEYS & BARNES LUMBER CO,, Office, 80 Wall st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. James D. McLaurin, Agent. THE SKINNER ENGINE C0O., 136 Liberty st.; General and Corporate Office, Erie, Pa. Capital authorized, $50,000, par g100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—-Steam engines. Plant at Erie, Pa. Works cover I acre. Owned. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—L. G. Skinner, President; Frank Connell, Secretary and Treasurer. WILLIAM SKINNER MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 508 Broadway. Inc. in Holyoke, Mass. No information furnished. Represented by William Skinner. SLAG BLOCK MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st. No information furnished. SLAGELSE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 55 Murray st. No information furnished. SLATER WOOLEN CO., Office, 44 Leonard st. Inc. in Webster, Mass. No information furnished. S. Slater & Sons, Agents. THE SLATINGTON ROLLING MILL C0O., General and Corporate Office, Slatington, Pa. Inc. June 23, 1890, in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Paid in $68,350. OpByecr—Manufacturing merchant bar iron. | BALANCE SHEET Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Reglestate seac-o.sassatevcwectoansere meer $76,662 70 | Capital stock....... Bee eer cr Fp ea $68,350 00 Furniture and fixtures... .....0.ces.sase« 124\.55 e} DONdS rand umntees.xk.. ors ehs ee Meee ences 21,900 00 Raw materlalac. W.H. Thomas; H; Libby, Cok SOUTHERN CO., General and Corporate Office, 78 South st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $6,500; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Thomas A. Eddy, President ; Henry F. Crosby, Secretary ; Wm. H. Coombs, Treasurer. THE SOUTHERN COTTON HARVESTER CO., Office, 319 Broadway. Inc. May, 1890, in N. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $1,250,000; Full paid and non-assess- able. Oxsyecr—Manufacture and sale of harvesting machines. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. Blum, President; F. St. Goar, Vice-President ; Chas. Danheim, Secretary ; Chas. Minzesheimer, Treasurer. SOUTHERN DEVELOPMENT CO,, Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in Cal. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. No other infor- mation furnished. OFFICERS—William E. Brown, President; Frank S. Douty, Secretary. Drrecrors—William E. Brown, W. L. Brown, Frank S. Douty, Chas. E. Green. SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO., Offices, 12 W. 23d st., 309 Canal st,, and 684 Broad- way. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Henry B. Plant, President; George H. Tilley, Treasurer. SOUTHERN INDUSTRIES CO., Office, 88 Pulitzer Bldg. Inc. in Columbus, Ala. No other information furnished. Samuel P. Dobson, N. Y. Manager. 380 SOUTHERN IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 2 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1886, in N. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in $292,000; per sh. par. OsBjyECT—Acquiring and managing real estate, hotel property, etc. Plant located at Hot Springs, N. C., and Asheville, N. C., and consists of hotel at Hot Springs, and lands at Asheville. Dividends not stated. FUNDED DEBT—$367,000; $500 and $1,000; 6s and 8s; Ist and 2d mtges., 5 to Io years. Can be taken up before maturity. Central Trust Co., Trustee. OrriceErSs—Alexander B. Andrews, President; Whiting G. Snow, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Alexander B. Andrews, John D. Keiley, Jr., Whiting G. Snow, Ist Nat. Bank; Geo. S. Scott] heow Geiger, THE SOUTHERN INVESTMENT CO.,, Office, 280 Broadway: Corporate Office, Nashville, Tenn. Inc. 1890,in Tenn., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par ¢1oo ; authority to increase to $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyecr—Deal- ing in bonds, securities and real estate. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Chas. Roblee, President; Thos. Parks, Vice-Presi- dent; Thos. C. Thorne, Secretary; J. I. Barnum, Treasurer; Julius Saxe. THE SOUTHERN LAND AND SILK ASSOCIATION, Office, 20 W. 14th st.; Corporate Office, Balttmore, Md. Inc. Apr. 7, 1888, in Baltimore, for 40 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $1; Full paid. OBjyeEcr—Buying and selling real estate, and building cocooneries, etc. One cocoonery is located at Odenton, size 25 x 50 ft., two stories; silk mill to be built there. Dividends 12 p.c., paid in Apr. and Oct. of each year. OFFICERS—L: F. Baldy, President; C. H. Van Buren, Vice-President; M. E. Baldy, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—L. F. Baldy, M. Es Baldy, C. H. Van Buren, W. B. Wallace, E. Wright. L. F. Baldy, Agent. SOUTHERN NATURAL GAS AND OIL CO., Office, 44 Broadway. Ine. in W.Va. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Wallace C. Andrews, President; Scoville C. Williams, Secretary; William S. Williams, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wallace C. Andrews, Frederick Prentice, William S. Williams, Scoville C. Williams. SOUTHERN STATES ELECTRIC STORAGE CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892; Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $130,007. Total assets at least $1,007. Company is now in process of dissolu- tion. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. W. Carritt, 18 Cortlandt st., President: H. R. Parish, Treasurer. SOUTHERN STEEL CO,, Office, 52 Wall st. Inc. in Chattanooga, Tenn. No information furnished. Henry Mansfield, Agent. THE SOUTHERN TRANSFER CO., General Office, 430% 6th ave. No infor- mation furnished. SOUTHERN TRUST CO., Office, 80 Broadway. Inc. in Ala. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid innot known. Dividends, if any, notascertained. No funded debt. No cther information furnished. OrricERS—G. W. Wallace, President: Louis M. Schwan, Secretary; Eugene R. Leland, Treasurer. D1irEcTrorRsS—G. W. Wallace, Calvin 5. Brice, Herbert L. Terrell, John W. Simpson, Thomas G. Bush. SOUTHINGTON CUTLERY C0O., Office, 98 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, Southington, Conn. Inc.in Conn. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $25; Full paid. OxsyectT—Manufacture and sale of pocket cutlery, wood screws, steel squares, curry- combs and plated hollow-ware, Southington, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. ay funded debt. Orricers-—-W. C. Ogden, President; J. W. Gridley, Secretary and reasurer. SOUTH LAKEWOOD PARK LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 5 Dey st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Joseph B. DeLery, President; Chas. S. Cowan, Secretary. DIRECTORS—— Joseph B. DeLery, Chas. S. Cowan, Henry L. Shippy, Chas. Petterson, K. K. Sternes. SOUTH PUBLISHING CO,, Office, 22 College pl. Inc.in Fla. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —-Obadiah A. Clough, President; Mark R. Bacon, Secretary. DireEcToORS—Obadiah A. Clough, Mark R. Bacon, Charles Granville, Wm. H. Conklin. 381 THE SOUTH SHORE WATER-WORKS CO. of Staten Island, General Office, New York city. Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid in property. Assets, $18,400; Debts, $18,400. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS—Howard Willets, 303 Pearl st., President; Richard W. Underhill, Treasurer. DrirREcTORS—Howard Willets, Richard W. Underhill, W. T. Hiscox. SOUTHWARK SCALE CO., Office, 99 Reade st. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. No information furnished. C. F. Guyon Co., Agents. SOUTHWEST DESPATCH FAST FREIGHT LINE, Offices, 353 Broadway, Pier 5 N. R. and foot W. 35th st. Inc. in Toledo, O. No other information furnished. William J. Leary, Agent. SOUTHWESTERN COAL, IRON AND TIMBER LAND CO., Office, 198 Broadway. No information furnished. THE SOUTHWESTERN LOUISIANA LAND CO,, Office, 99 Franklin st. ; Cor- porate Office, Opelousas, La.,and Crowley, La. Inc. 1886, in La.; Charter 25 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Stock issued, $115,000. OpyEcr—Purchase and sale of real estate situated in Southwestern Louisiana. 115,000 stock in force for which $69,000 has been paid, 2. ¢., 60 p. Cc. Owes no debt. Owns $123,000 in lands, and mtge. notes $41,000; total, $164,000. OrFicers——Alphonse Levy, President; C. C. Duson, Vice-President; J. L. Caire, Secretary ; Julius Meyers, Treasurer ; W. W. Duson, Manager of Crowley Office. Directors—Alphonse Levy, C. C. Duson, E. D. Estellette, W. W. Duson, Julius Meyers, J. J. Thomas. Everett Lavendol, Agent. SOUTHWESTERN TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CO. Inc. in N. Nes Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital do not exceed $30,000. Total assets at least, $30,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Levi Sprague, President; Chas. J. Gidden, Treasurer. Drrectors—Chas. E. Adams, 135 W. 41st st.; A. L. Andrews. THE SOUTH YUBA WATER CO., General and Corporate Office, 33 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $575,000. Total assets at least $700,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFriceERSs—William Vanborden, President; H. W. Lazelle, Secretary. Direcrors—H. W. Lazelle, Herman Dowd, W. D. Dowd, William Vanborden. A. G. SPALDING & BROS., Office, 241 Broadway and 494 Broome st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $4,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Sporting goods. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—Albert G. Spalding, President; J. Walter Spalding, Secretary ; John W. Curtiss, Treasurer. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN IRON CO., Office, 36 Wall st.; Corporate Office, CHarleston, W. Va. Inc. June 22, 1889, in Charleston; Charter expires June I, 1939. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $50; Full paid. Opyecr—Mining, refining and selling iron and other ores, and manufacturing coke, iron, steel and all products thereof, in the United States and foreign countries. Plant located at Santiago de Cuba, and consists of mines and railroads. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Charles L. Colby, President; S. P. Ely, Vice-President ; Henry A. Schenck, Secretary ; Colgate Hoyt, Treasurer. Drrectrors—Chas. L. Colby, Edwin H. Abbot, Colgate Hoyt, C. W. Wetmore, S. P. Ely, James H. Hoyt, Senor Don Jose Ferrer. THE SPANISH-AMERICAN LIGHT AND POWER CO., Consolidated, Office, 17 Wall st. Corporate Office, Havana, Island of Cuba. Inc. in Island of Cuba. State- ment, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $4,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $3,995,000. Total assets at least $5,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricErs—Walter S. Johnson, President: R. Adve Smith, Vice-President ; W. H. Smith, Treasurer. DirEcTors—Henry P. Booth, R. A. C. Smith, W. H. Smith. SPANISH ELECTRIC CO., Office, 15 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1890, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—To introduce and operate the Thomson-Houston Electric System on the Island of Cuba. Plants located in Cuba. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Robert A. C. Smith, President ; Geo. W. Davenport, Vice- President; William H. Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. Direcrors—Robert A. C. Smith, William H. Smith, Geo. W. Davenport, Michael Chauncey, George Holmes. t 382 SPARKS MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 22 Burling sl. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $5,000. Amount paid in not known. OpsyEcT— Novelties. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrricers—Edward G. Sparks, Presi- dent ; Frederick C. Beach, Secretary. DiIrREcToRS—Edward G. Sparks, Fred. C. Beach, C. A. Gilbert. SPARR PROPELLER C0,, General and Corporate Office, 62 Liberty st. Inc. in N.Y. No information furnished, SPECTATOR C0., General and Corporate Office, 14 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. OpjEct——Publishers. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jas. H. Goodsell, Presi- dent; Arthur L. J. Smith, Secretary ; Samuel Elliott, Treasurer. THE SPEER N.J. WINE CO., Office, 8 College pl.; General and Corporate Office, Passaic, Noj., Inc. Feb,1, 1884, in:N, J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $209,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Growing grapes and making wines, Vineyard at Passaic, N. J., 46 acres. Warehouses, Ig stores, tenements, building lots; all owned by the Company. No dividends. No funded debt. OrriceRs—Altred Speer, Presi- dent; Wm. H. Speer, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Alfred Speer, Wm. H. Speer, David Campbell, Jr., Jos. T. Speer, A. W. Speer. THE SPELTERINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 181 Pearl st. Inc. in NSY.\ Statement, Janiay 1892 Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,200. Total assets at least $1,500. OBjECcT—Patent medicines. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—John E. White, President; Reginald P. Sherman, Secretary. SPENCE SKY BLUING BOOK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, E. 103d st. cor. Fleetwood ave., {and 37 College pl. Inc. in Ky. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Lucas C. Britt, President; Amanda M. Spence, Secretary ; Payton Spence, Treasurer. DiIrEcT- ors—Lucas P. Britt, Payton Spence, Amanda M. Spence. SPENCER OPTICAL MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000: Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DrIREcTORS—Jas. E. Spencer, President; John S. Spencer, Secretary. THE SPENCERIAN PEN C0., Office, 810 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Newark, N. Je, Inca Mayo 1890;in’ No]. Chatter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $225,000, par $100; Full paid. OsByecr—Buying and selling steel pens. Plant at Birmingham, Eng. OFFICERS—Birdseye Blakeman, President; L. Henry Blakeman, Secretary and Treas- urer. DIrEcTORS—Theodore E. Smith, George R. Cathcart. JOHN SPERRY MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 333 Hudson st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10.000; Amount paid in not known. OpyEcT—Veneers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Francis R. Elgar, President; John Sperry, Secretary: Reuben H. Sperry, Treasurer. DirEcTORS— . Francis R. Elgar, Reuben H. Sperry, Kate A. Sperry. THE SPERRY & POPHAM COAL CO., Limited, Offices, 206 W. T25th ch 220 E. 125th st., 1826 Park ave., and foot E. 135th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $11,000. Total assets at least $25,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFicers—John J. Sperry, President; Fred. P. Sperry, Treasurer. D1rEcTors—John D, Burkhout, John J. Sperry, Fred. P. Sperry. THE SPIRAL WELD TUBE C0., Office, 43 John st.: General and Corporate Office, East Orange, N. J. Inc. 1886 in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100, not all issued; Full paid. OBJECT—Spiral weld tubes, for oil, gas, steam and other purposes. Plant located at East Orange, N.J.; owned. Reorganization now being effected. Liabilities reported, $85,000, secured by bonds as collateral of $60,000. No dividends. FUNDED DEBrT—Gen. mtge. dated Sept., 1890, due 1895; reg. 6s. Created, entire amount, $125,000. Each $1,000 and $100. Interest payable at office, East Orange, N. J. Registrars and Trustees, Wm. Franklin, East Orange; T. J. Smyth, East Orange. Secured on factory, plant and land owned by the Corporation. Books never closed. OFFICERS—Thos. M. Williams, President; Lewis Straus, Vice-President; T. Bird Dixey, Secretary and Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Geo. Barnham, Jr., S. T. Wellman, Henry R. Towne, Rossitter W. Reymond, Jos. C. Clapp, Wm. S. Church, Jas. C. Bayliss, John Dallett, Jr., Lewis Straus, Thos. M. Williams. 383 SPIRAL WIRE STONE SAW CO., Office, 115 Liberty st. Inc.in Ky. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John T. Stoddard, President; Louis E. Granger, Secretary; Christopher Richardson, Treasurer. D1irEcToRs—John T. Stoddard, Louis E. Granger, C. Richardson, Joseph K. Osborn. SPIRIT OF THE TIMES, General and Corporate Office, 1o1 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. OxpyEcT—Periodicals. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Elisha A. Buck, President; John F. Buck, Secretary; Henry A. Buck, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Elisha A. Buck, John F. Buck, Harry A. Buck, Horace Russell, Elihu Root, Daniel G. Rollins. SPOONER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 252 W. 27th st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $48,000; Amount paid in not known. OBJECT— Paper boxes. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Ebenezer Spooner, President ; Edward A. Spooner, Secretary ; Geo. A. Whit- man, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Ebenezer Spooner, Edward A. Spooner, Geo. A. Whitman, Sarah C. Spooner, Walter B. Hatch. SPRAGUE’S COLLECTING AGENCY, Office, 10 Pulitizer Building. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. L. H. Ellison, N. Y. Manager. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC ELEVATOR CO., Office, 15 Wallst. Inc. in N. J. No information furnished. SPRAGUE ELECTRIC RAILWAY AND MOTOR CO,, Inc. in N. J. _State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,600,c00; Amount paid in, in cash, $726,900 ; in property, $673,000. Liabilities other than capital, $100,000. Total assets at least ¢100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. Hobart Herrick, 44 Broad st., President; Arthur S. Beves, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Philip Chater, J. Hobart Herrick, Irving S. Keeler. SPRATT’S PATENT CO. (America), Limited, Office, 245 E. 56th st. Inc. in London, Eng. Opyect—Dog cakes. No information furnished. G. Gordon Cleather, N. Y. Manager. THE SPRECKELS’ SUGAR REFINING CO., 117 Wall st.; Main Office, N. E. cor. Water and Chestnut sts., Phila. Refinery, Reed st. wharf. Inc, June 9g, 1890 ; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. All but 4 shs. owned by Claus Spreckels, of San Francisco, Cal. Of his holding, 45,0q0 shs. were issued to him as full-paid stock in consideration for raw and refined sugars, etc., real estate and ma- chinery conveyed to Company. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Claus Spreckels, C. A, Spreckels, Louis Spreckels. This Company was purchased in Feb., 1892, by the Ameri- can Sugar Refining Co. THE SPRINGER LITHOGRAPHING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 528 W. 23d st. and 1127 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $52,500.18. ‘Total assets, $93,297.30. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— John H. Springer, President; Bird R. Cassidy, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Hugo Ziegfeld, John H. Springer, Bird R. Cassidy. THE SPRINGER TORSION BALANCE CO., Office, 92 Reade st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. Sept. 16, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $5,000 at beginning of business. Oxsyect—Manufactur- ing torsion balances. Plant located at 147-149 8th st., Jersey City. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. Orricers—Alfred Springer, President; Chas. Fries, Vice-President; William Kent, Secretary; Albert Fries, Manager and_ Treasurer. DirEctors—Alfred Springer, Chas. Fries, Gustave R. Fries, Albert Fries, William Kent. SPRINGFIELD COLLAR C0O., Office, 52 Howard st. Inc. in Springfield, Mass. No information furnished. Standard Collar Co., Agents. SPRINGVILLE MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 64 Worth st. Inc. in Rock- ville, Conn. Noinformation furnished. Duncan C. Chaplin and Robert Maxwell, Agents. GEORGE L. SQUIER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 189 and 195 Water st. Inc. in Buffalo, N.Y. Osyect—Plantation machinery. Capital, $200,000. No information furnished. Thomas Ryan, Jr,, N. Y. Manager. 334 STAATS PINE LINIMENT CO., Office, 64 Wall st. Inc. in N. J. Dividends, if any, notascertained. No other information furnished. OFrricERS—Geo. W. Camp- _ bell, Jr., President; Henry N. Nimmons, Secretary. STAFFORD’S VENTILATING C0., Office, 89 Liberty st. Capital, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other infor- mation furnished. James E. Vail, Jr., President. STAGE GOLD MINING CO., Office, 30 Broad st. Inc. in Black Hills, S. Dak. No other information furnished. Represented by Charles K. Ellery. THE STAIB PIANO ACTION MANUFACTURING CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 447 W. 26th st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $11,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $24,293.26 Total assets $2,419.12. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John Staib, President. DiIrREcTORS—George Abendscheim, Jacob Bansh. STAMFORD MANUFACTURING CO,, General Office, 157 Maiden la. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceErs—William W. Skiddy, President; Stephen E. Reed, Secretary: Arthur F. Bissell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William W. Skiddy, Arthur F. Bissell, Stephen E. Reed. E.0.STANARD MILLING CO., Office, 81 New st. Inc. in St. Louis, Mo. No information furnished. Nelson S. Munger, Agent. STANDARD ASBESTOS CO., 29 Broadway. Inc. in Ohio. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jas. E. Campbell, President ; David U. Jennings, Secretary ; Robert H. Martin, Treasurer. STANDARD ASPHALT CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. STANDARD AUTOMATIC ELEVATOR DOOR CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in Rochester, N. Y. No information furnished. Anthony Emer, Agent. THE STANDARD BRUSH CO., General and Corporate Office, 400 Broome st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $12,000; Full paid. Liabili- ties other than capital, $50,000. Total assets, $12,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William C. Howard, President; Edwin M. Felt, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—W. C. Howard, E. M. Felt. STANDARD BUNCHING MACHINE C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 1272 2dave. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceRS—Francis A. ochleit, Presidents Francis A. Schieiff, Jr. Secretary ;, Louis Stoffjlreasurergs1- RECTORS—Francis A. Schleiff, Francis A. Schleiff, Jr., Louis Stoff, Adolphus Tsheppe, Paul Ehmke. STANDARD CALCIUM LIGHT CO., Office, 372 1st ave. Inc.in N.J. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known, No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Eugene W. Presbrey, President ; Lenox Smith, Secretary. DirECcTORS—Eugene W. Presbrey, Lenox Smith, A. M. Palmer, Warren Delano, Jr. ; STANDARD CAP CO., Office, 56 W. Houston st. No information furnished. George L. Deming and Joseph H. Myers. THE STANDARD CAR COUPLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $65,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $26,200. Total assets at least $85,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—E. Clinton Clark, President; A. P. Dennis, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—E. Clinton Clark, E. G. Buchanan, John M. Bailey. THE STANDARD CELL CASE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 52 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $100,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $7,400. Total assets at least $690. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—T. S, Carman, President; W. M. Whitney, Alfred T. Sinker. | 385 THE STANDARD CHEMICAL CO., Office, 90 and 92 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. June, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, in 10,000 shs., par $100 a sh.; Said to be full paid, but sold as below. OpyEcT—Manufacture and sale of drugs and chemicals. Factory and laboratories at Jersey City, N. J. STATEMENT, for the year ending Dec. 31, 1891 :— TAM tPA COU Gs. sats ciscavieecss. The Colombia and Panama Telegraph and Telephone Co., operating in United States of Ra aaah and Panama. Principal Office, Chillicothe, O. Capital, $100,000. 10,000 shares, $1o each. 3. The Guatemala Telephone Co., operating in the State of Guatemala, Central America. 4. The West India Telegraph and Telephone Co., operating in Jamaica, Porto Rico, bets ap Domingo, etc. Principal Office, Chillicothe, O. Capital, $150,000. 15,000 shares, $10 each. 5. The Bermuda Telephone Co., operating in Hamilton, Bermuda. 6. Companhia Uniao Telephonica do Brazil, the successor to the Companhia Nacional de Electricidade and Companhia de Telegraphos Urbanos, operating in Bahia, Pernambuco, Para, Santos, Campinas, and elsewhere in Brazil; and to the Companhia Telephonica do Brazil, operating in Rio de Janeiro and Nictheroy, Brazil. 7. Empreza de Telephoneo do Para, operating in Para, Brazil. 8. West Coast Telephone Co., operating in Chili, Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia. Principal Office, Valparaiso, Chili. Capital, $1,000,000. 10,000 shares, $100 each. EASY g. The Commercial Telephone Co., Limited, controlling the Island of Trinidad, West ndies. 10. The Barbados Telephone Co., Limited, controlling the Island of Barbados, West Indies. The Tropical American Telephone Cos established ‘‘ Exchanges in Barbados and Trinidad, West India Islands, and sold the business and plants to the Companies, Nos. 9 and 10, but continues to supply them as well as all other subsidiary companies with “‘ private line,” and “ exchange”’ telephone apparatus and material used throughout the entire territory now under its control. The following Companies, organized under the Continental Telephone Co., and using Bell and Blake instruments, have the optional right to trade with this Company for instruments and supplies :— t1. The United River Plate Telephone Co., Limited, successors to the United Telephcne Co. of the River Plate, Limited, and the River Plate Telephone and Electric Light Cox Limited, of Buenos Ayres, operating in the Argentine Republic, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Principal Office, Buenos Ayres, South America. Capital, £500,000. 100,000 shares, 45 each. Principal Office, London. 12. The Compania Electrica de Cuba, operating in the Island of Cuba. Principal Office, 195 Broadway, New York City. Capital, $250,000. 2,500 shares, $100 each. 13. The Mexican Telephone Co., operating in the Republic of Mexico. Principal Office, 53 Devonshire st., Boston, Mass. Capital, $1,360,000. 136,000 shares, $10 each. P. O. Box 3318, Boston, Mass., U.'S. A. Dividends as follows: 7 dividends of 20 cents per share per year. No debt. OFFICERS—Chas. Williams, Jr., President ;, Jas. H. Howard, Vice-President and General Manager; Harry Highley, Secretary and Treasurer. D1rEcrors—Chas. Williams, Jr., Jas. H, Howard, Harry Highley; Ed. P. Bradberry, Boston ; F. W. Harrington, New York. THE TROPICAL ICE MACHINE CO., Office, 125 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, N. J.. Inc. May, 1889, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyect—Manufacture and sale of ice machines made in Phila. Orricers—Francis B. Clark, President; William J. Vail, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Francis B. Clark, J. Shepherd Clark, William J. Vail. TROPICAL LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 34 Nassau st. Inc. in Wave. Capital authorized, $275,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—R. Fulton Cutting, Presi- dent; Jonathan K. Gapen, Secretary. DirEctors—W. Bayard, R. Fulton Cutting, Ferdinand W. Peck, Clarence I. Peck. TROUT BROOK MILLS, Office, 56 Worth st. Inc. in Mumford, N.Y. No infor- mation furnished. A. Augustus Hyneman, Agent. TRUTH-SEEKER €0., General and Corporate Office, 28 Lafayette pl. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information fur- nished. Chas. P. Somerby, Manager. TUCKAHOE MARBLE CO., General and Corporate Office, foot E. 30th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000 , Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS AND DirRECTORS—-James Sinclair, President ; Jas. H. Young, Secretary ; John J. Sinclair, Treasurer. THE TUCKER & CARTER CORDAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 98 Pine st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $456,529.26. _ Total assets, $98,610.27. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DrrecToRS—Caleb P. Marsh, President; John A. Tucker, Treasurer; R. C. Tucker. 410 TUCKER & CO., General and Corporate Office, 51 Nassau st. Inc. in N. XY Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in, $44,500. Liabili- ties other than capital, $26,751.83. Total assets, $10,560.23. | OBJECT—Stationers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt Herman F. Lee, President. TUCKER & COOK MANUFACTURING CO.,, Office, 87 Leonard st. Inc. in Springfield, Mass. Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. S. A. Castle & Co., Agents. TUCKER & DORSEY MANUFACTURING (CO., Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Indianapolis, Ind. Capital authorized, $75,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. . THE TUCKER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 14 Whitehall st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000: Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—James R. Strong, President: Henry A. Sinclair, Secre- tary; Wm. E. Gavit, Treasurer. DirEcroRs—James R. Strong, Murray H. Strong, William E. Gavit, Henry A. Sinclair, John H. Greacen, Frank Hedden. TUCKER LETTER AND DOCUMENT FILE CO,, Office, 12 Barclay st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $45,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Howard C. Condit, President: A. J. Clark, Jr., Secretary ; Edmund P. Backus, Treasurer. Dtrecrors—Howard C. Condit, Edmund P. Backus, Samuel M. Taylor, William H. Tucker, A. Judson Clark, Jr., David D. Bragaw, Andrews J. Woodworth. THE TUERK HYDRAULIC POWER (O., Office, 237 Broadway; Corporate Office, Sycamore, II], Inc. Oct. 1883, in Ill.° Capital authorized, $60,000: Full paid. OnjecT—-Manufacturing and selling water motors and machinery. Plant located at Sycamore, Ill. No dividends. No debts. OFrricers—W. H. Marsh, President; C. I, Blaubelt, Secretary; E. S. Marsh, Treasurer. DrirEcToRS—W. H. Marsh, C.’W. Marsh, A. Hinds, D. L. Steele, C. I. Blaubelt. William H. Marsh, Manager. THE TUEXEDO PARK ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 59 Liberty st. - Inc.iin N, Y- Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,400,000 ; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $41,000. Total assets at least $1,450,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Wm. Kent, Secretary; Geo. D. Finlay, P. Lorillard. THE TUEXEDO WATER CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Liberty st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $65,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $500. Total assets at least $65,000 Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William Kent, Secret&ry ; Geo. D. Finlay, Pierre Lorillard. THE TULLY PAINT AND VARNISH CO., Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $931,440; Amount paid in, $999,500. Liabilities other than capital, $5,599.24. Total assets, $12,359.10. Receipts for year, $9,769.68; Ex- penditures, $9,666.60. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrrricers —John W. Tully, President; Richard Patterson, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Chas. Wasudge, Michael McNally, Anthony Yeoman, 106 Broadway. TURKO-RUSSIAN TOBACCO WORKS, Office, 22 Beaver st. No information furnished. TURKEY RED OIL CO., 22 Platt st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $7,500 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Henry W. Everett, President; David Marx, Secretary ; Joseph Danzig, Treasurer. TURKISH MEDICAL CO., Office, 294 Broadway. No information furnished. TURNER, DUY & WOOLWORTH MANUFACTURING CO., General and ‘Corporate Office, Louisville, Ky. tinge in aRy, Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Opyecr—Manufacture and sale of tool handles. Plant located at Louisville, Ky. N. Y. Selling Agency, 82 Chambers st. TURNER LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. No information furnished. Orricers—Louie K. Fries, President; Andrew J. Ensign, Secretary. All TURNER & SEYMOUR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 325 Broadway. Inc. in Torrington, Conn. Capital authorized,’ $100,000; Amount paid in not known. OpyeEct—Brass goods. No information furnished. Represented by Luther G. Turner. . TUTTLE & BAILEY MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 83 Beekman st. Inc. 1889 in N. Y.; Charter 26 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Osjectr—Manufacture of registers, ventilators, screens, etc. Plant at Williamsburg (Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y.) OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Jas. 5. Bailey, President: Silas Tuttle, Vice-President; F. W. Tuttle, Secretary ; Wm. Ogden, Treas- urer; F. T. Bailey. TWENTIETH CENTURY PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 4 Warren st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Fred C. Leubuscher, President; Al. L. Leubuscher, Secretary. Direcrors—Fred. L. Leubuscher, Al. L. Leubuscher, Amelia Leubuscher. TWIN CITY CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—J. H. McClement, President; R. G. Day, Secretary. DirEctors—E. H. Johnson, F. J. Sprague, E. H. Lewis, J. H. McClement, pier Wingate. THE TWIST PIPE CO., General and Corporate Office, New York. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Assets 28 shares stock of Vulcan Co., Phila. patents. No debts. RECEIPTS. | EXPENDITURES. Capital stock........ a cns cues nedechtnaraewes $800 00 | Vulcan Co. machines, etC.......eeseeee $3,000 00 Vulcan Co. rights ......00.csccsseee ee evceee 3,070 00 | MiscellaneOUS......sseceseeesseeeessee seeneees 875 70 James White, President, 1260 Broadway. DIRECTORS—James White, Julius T. Mayner. TWISTED WIRE BOX STRAP CO., General and Corporate Office, 451 Greenwich st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $96,000; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—Levi L. Gans, President; Al. F. Hochstadter, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Levi L. Gans, Charles L. Bernheim, Clarence L. Gans, Albert F. Hochstadter. TYROLESE ART GLASS CO., Office, 59 Park pl. Inc. in Innsbruck, Austria. No information furnished. Geo. W. Denton, N. Y. Manager. ULLMAN MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 817 Broad- way. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFIceRs—Nathan Ullman, President; Max J. Ullman, Secretary ; Louis J. Ullman, Treasurer. DrirEcCTORS—Nathan Ullman, Mark D. Stiles, Louis J. Ullman, Max J. Ullman, I. W. Ullman. ULSTER BLUE STONE CO., Office, 280 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, Kingston, N. Y. Inc. Mar. 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital author- ized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. OpByect—Mining and manufacturing blue stone. Plant at Walden, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DirEectors—B. T. Harris, President; S. Coles, Secretary and Treasurer; S. D. Coykendall, T. C. Coykendall, J. O. Beers. THE UNDERGROUND RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 120 Broadway ; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. in N. J., Jan. 28, 1887; Charter for 50 years from Jan. 28, 1887. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Issued as required. OBJECT— To contract for the construction of subway railways: own the charter, stock and bond issues of the New York Underground (Vaudenburgh) RW. OFFICERS--(vacant), President ; Rowland R. Hazard, Vice-President ; Elisha Dyer, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Rowland R. Hazard, Elisha Dyer, John McDean Nash, William C. Behrens, John C. Furman, Charles D. Orth, B. Davis Washburn. UNDERHILL EDGE TOOL CO., Office, 118 Chambers st. Inc. in Nashua, N. H. No information furnished. Harmon & Dixon, Agents. UNDERHILL MANUFACTURING CO.,, Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Nutley, N. J. No information furnished. Marsh & Burrell, Agents. 412 THE UNDERWOOD MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 143 Liberty st., N. Y.; Corporate Office, Tolland, Conn, Inc. 1880, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $50,000, par 100; Full paid. Osyect- -Manufacturing cotton-leather belts for driving machinery, and all specialties in leather belting. Plant at Tolland, Conn. No debt. OFFICERS—F. H. Underwood, President: G. W. Lansing, Secretary ; E.S. Agan, Treasurer. DirEcrors—F. H. Underwood, J. E. Underwood, Wm. Sumner, Edwin Sumner, E. S. Agan. UNDERWRITER PRINTING AND PUBLISHING CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 58 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEctors—Henry R. Hayden, President; Charles A. Jenney, Secre- tary; Ralph O. Allen, Treasurer. UNION BLUE STONE C0,, Office, 280 Broadway. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Saml. D. Coykendall, President; P. E. Schoonmaker, Secretary; Saml. Coles, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Saml. Ly. Coykendall, George Coykendall, Samuel Coles. UNION BOTTLING CO., General and Corporate Office, 240 E. 20th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—P. P. Krummeich, President; Marcius C. Moran, Secretary. DrirREcToRS—Peter P. Krummeich, John R. Planton, Marcius C. Moran. UNION BRIDGE (C0O,, Office, 1 Broadway. Inc.in Pa. No information furnished. Geo. S. Field, Chas. Macdonald, Chas. S. Maurice and Edmund Hayes. UNION BUSINESS EXCHANGE, Office, 50 Broadway. No information furnished. UNION CARPET LINING CO., Office, 83 White st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Samuel A. Carlton, President; Joseph N. Damon, Treasurer. Joseph H. Beale, Agent. UNION CASH REGISTER CO., Office, 8 W. 113th st. Inc. in Trenton, N. J. No other information furnished. Eugene C. Harendean, N. Y. Manager. UNION CHEMICAL WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 15 Cedar st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital paid in, $100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Louis Engelhorn, President ; Fred. G. Meyer, Secretary. UNION CLOTHING MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 45 Lispenard st. No information furnished. THE UNION COFFEE CO., Limited. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1; 1892 Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $51,000. Total assets at least $66,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Wnm. H. Bruning, President; John W. Edmonds, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo. C. Rand, 107 Wall st., James W. Knapp, W. H. Bruning. UNION CONTRACT CO., Office, 34 Nassau st. Inc. in Col. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. _ Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William A. Bell, President ; J. Lundstrom, Secretary ; Charles W. Drake, Treasurer. DrIrRECTORS—William A. Bell, H. A. Risley, Charles W. Drake, George A Krause, John E. Lundstrom. UNION DISTILLING CO., Office, 16jS. Williams st. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. No other information furnished. Albert M. Dalberg, N. Y. Manager. UNION DRAW STEEL C0O., Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc..in Beaver Falls, Pa. No information furnished. Thomas Towne, N. Y. Manager. THE UNION DRUG CO,, General and Corporate Office, 319 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Paid in cash, 157305 p. c- Liabilities other than capital, $85,000. Total assets at least $150,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcrors—Emry Davis, President ; Adam R. Davis, Secretary. | 413 __ UNION ELECTRIC CO., Office, 49 Broadway. Inc. in Brooklyn, N.Y. No information furnished. Represented by Stephen R. Bradley. UNION EYELET C0O., Office, 338 Broadway. Inc. in, R. I... Capital: paid) an, $60,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. TF. A. Young, Treasurer. Frank G. Dexter, Agent. UNION FIRE ALARM CO., Office, 155 Leonard st. No information furnished. Peter N. Ramsey, President. UNION FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE CANALS OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, Office, 55 Liberty st. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Geo. Clinton, President; Frank S. Gardner, Secretary ; Robert H. Cook, Treasurer. UNION GAS LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $595,670. Total assets at least $878,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Samuel J. Young, President: Miles A. Brown, Treasurer. Drrectors—M. A. Brown, S. J. Young, C. L. Morgan. UNION GLASS AND OIL STOVE CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 New Bowery. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100; Full paid in cash. No liabilities other than capital. Reported as recently dissolved. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. -No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Charles E. Meier, President ; James L. Sharp, Treasurer. r UNION GLASS CO., Office, 18 College pl. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No informa- tion furnished. Erskine J. S. Vanhouten, Agent. THE UNION GRANITE CO., Corporate Office, New York. Statement, Jan. 3 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100; Full paid. Assets, $76,841.12; debts, $76,871.12; receipts, $126,552.30; expenditures, $129,029.74. Dividends not ascertained. OFFICERS—John J. Cooney, President, 168 Pearl st., John H. Eckskier, Secretary. DirEcTors—John J. Cooney, John A. Casey, John Duane. UNION HARDWARE (C0O., Office, 95 Chambers st. Inc. in Torrington, Conn. No information furnished. Tower & Lyon, Agents. UNION INDIA RUBBER CO,, General and Corporate Office, 4th and Lexing- ton ave. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $80,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $60,473.59. Assets consist of real estate. (See Goodyear Rubber Co.) Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICcERS—-Frederick M. Shepard, President; J. S. Minot, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—F. M. Shepard, J. S. Minot, H. H. Shepard. THE UNION IRON WORKS, General Office, Erie, Pa. ; Branch Office, 136 Liberty st., New York City ; Corporate Office, Pa. Inc. 1890 in Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100, Full paid. Opyectr—Manufacturers of steam steel boilers. Plant at Erie, Pa., consisting of 2 buildings, covering an area of..1 acre. Dividends not known. OFFICERS—F. F. Cleveland, President; H. R. Barnhurst, Secretary and General Manager ; Frank Connell, Treasurer. UNION IRON WORKS, General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. 1889 in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100. OBJECT— Manufacture of architectural iron work. Plant at Brooklyn, E. D., and consists of shops, etc., employing about 4o men. No funded debt. OrriceRS—P. Minturn Smith, President ; Seymour N. Robinson, Secretary ; Robert Johnston, Treasurer. DIRECTORS _-P, Minturn Smith, Seymour N. Robinson, Robert Johnston. UNION IVORY BUTTON CO,, Office, 312 E. 75th st. No information furnished. UNION LINE OF STEAMERS, Office, 27 S. William st. Inc. in Hamburg, Germany. No information furnished. Funch, Edye & Co., Agents. THE UNION MANUFACTURING CO., Corporate Office, New Britain, Conn. ; N. Y. Office, 103 Chambers st. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Oxnyect—Manufacture of hardware. Plant at New Britain, Conn. OFFICERS—J. A. Pickett, President; M. L. Bailey, Secretary and Treasurer. Wilbur F. Curtis, N. Y. Agents. 414 UNION MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Md. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. OBjEcT—Manufacture of woolens. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—David Lowenstein, President; M. E. Getzendamer, Secretary; Geo. H. Zimmerman, Treasurer. DrrRECTORS—David Lowen- stein, Thomas H. Haller, Geo. H. Zimmerman, M. E. Getzendamer, John Baumgardner. UNION METALLIC CARTRIDGE CO., Office, 313 Broadway. Inc. in Bridge- port, Conn. Capital authorized, $300,000. No other information furnished. Hartley & Graham, Agents. THE UNION MINING CO. of Allegheny Co. Md., Offices, 1 Broadway and Baltimore; General Office, Mount Savage, Md. Inc. 1864 in Md.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $100; Paid in, $50,000, par $100. OBJECT —Manufacture of “‘ Mount Savage”’ fire brick, and mining “‘ Union Mines ”’ coal. Mount Savage, Ind. Dividends, 2 p. c. June to, 1891; 3p. ¢c. \Dée.o10, 1861 No ders OFFICERS—Lloyd Lowndes, President, Cumberland, Md:; A. T. Burr, Secretary and Treasurer, New York, N. Y.: John Sheridan, General Manager, Mt. Savage, Md. DIREcTORS—Henry Thos. Weld, Warren Delano, Jr., H. Crawford Black, John Sheri- dan, John Wilson, Gilmor Meredith. UNION NATIONAL GAS SAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 744 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Paid in cash $474,200. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $16,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Chas. G. Patterson, President; A. M. Vernon, Vice-President * Jay GC. Richardson, Secretary ; C. B. Whittemore. THE UNION NUT CO., Offices, 107 Chamber st. and gt Reade st.; Corporate Office, Unionville, Conn. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $25 cout ae paid. OBjEcT—Manufacturers’ agents for sale of nuts, bolts, carriage, hardware, etc., made by theUpson Nut Co., Unionsville, Conn., and Cleveland, O. Dividends not stated. OFFICER SAND DIRECTORS—A. S. Upson, President, Cleveland, O. ;_ 9. Frisbie, Secretary and Treasurer, Unionville, Conn.; T. Smith, Assistant Secretary, N. Y.; J. L. Varick, Assistant Treasurer, N. Y. UNION OIL CO., of Providence, Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in Providence, R. I. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Lyman Knapp, President. Represented by American Cotton Oil Co. UNION PACIFIC TEA CO., Offices, 79 Water st., 80 Front st:,19 Ave: C, 12 1st ave., 2386 3d ave., and 698 roth ave.; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—William A. McBride, President; Henry F. Pierce, Secretary; William H. ‘Tweddell, Treasurer. UNION PAPER BOX CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $40,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. iNo funded debt. OrricerS—Frank B. Kones, President ; Chas. H. Williams, Treasurer. Drirectors—Frank B. Kones, Aaron R. Smith, 430 W. 14th st., Chas. H. Williams. UNION PAPER COLLAR CO. Inc. inN. y, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid in property for patents. Liabilities other than capital, $19,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Wm. E. Lockwood, President; Chas. C. Morgan, Secretary. DrIrREcToRS—Wnm. E. Lockwood, James A. Woodbury, C. P, Tucker, 189 Broadway. UNION PAPER CO,, General and Corporate Officé, 430° W. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $200,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirecTtors—Chas. A. Brooks, President; Aaron R. Smith, Treasurer; Robert L. Lomas, Jr. UNION PAVEMENT CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. inN. J. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not. ascertained. OFFICERS —J. B. Reynolds, President; J. F. Reynolds, Secretary. Drrecrors—John B. Reynolds, John F. Reynolds, H. M. Geer, Geo. L. Hutchings, Ivan Prowattain, Eben B. Crane, F, H. Marsh. al 415 THE UNION PRESS EXCHANGE CO,., General and Corporate Office, 154 Nassau st. No information furnished.- William H. England, President. UNION PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Vandewater st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Captial authorized, $30,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $7,000. Total assets at least, $8,000. Dividends, if any, ae ae ee No funded debt. Geo. White, Secretary. D1irecrors—J. H. Beals, eo. White. UNION PUBLISHING HOUSE, General and Corporate Office, 126 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Orricers—David H. McConnell, President ; Chas. L. Snyder, Secretary. Drrecrors—David H. McConnell, Charles L. Snyder, L. Hayes McConnell. UNION RATTAN MANUFACTURING CO. of Brooklyn, Office, 372 Pear! st. Inc. in Brooklyn, N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, Frank H. Cowperthwait, President. Represented by Frank H. Cowperthwait. UNION SQUARE PANORAMA CO,, General and Corporate Office, 233 S. 4th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Receipts for year 1891, $30,208.01 ; Expenditures, $22,882.45. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Hector de Castro, President ; Edward Branders, Treasurer ; P. Da Barton. UNION SQUARE PORTRAIT CO., Office, 63 W. 18th st. No other information furnished. UNION STEAMBOAT CO., Office, 108 Wall st., and Pier 6 E. R. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished.* Augustus Demarest, Agent. UNION STOCK YARD AND MARKET CO., General and Corporate Office, foot. W. 61st st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $50,428.41. Total assets at least $162,454. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofundeddebt. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- ors—J. B. Dutcher, President; A. F. Thomas, Secretary and Treasurer ; Joseph Glesn. THE UNION SWITCH AND SIGNAL CO.,, Office, 41 Park row ; General and Cor- porate Office, Swissvale, Pa. Inc. 1880, in Pa. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50 ; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Manufacture of railroad switches and signals. Plant at Swissvale, Pa. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., President; E. H. Goodman, Vice-President ; Jas. Johnson, Secretary and Treasurer. UNION TERRA COTTA LUMBER CO., General Office, 252 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. No funded debt. OrFFIcERS—John C. Kelley, President; Daniel C. Toal, Secretary; Thomas W. Hynes, Treasurer. Drrecrors—John C. Kelley, Daniel C. Toal, Thomas W. Hynes, John McNamee, Jonathan Bonnell, Eugene Pitou, Theodore Dow. UNION TERRACE CO., General and Corporate Office, 9 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edwin B. Wilson, President; Arthur D. Moore, Secretary ; William Simpson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edwin B. Wilson, Arthur D. Moore, William Simpson, John J. Baker, Charles Dodd, W. H. Strecker, Daniel M. Read. THE UNION TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 122 E. 22d st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Paid in cash, $37,600. Liabilities other than capital, $13,315.37. Total assets, $5,817.07. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— William McCarth Little, President; J. H. Jones, Treasurer. UNION TRANSIT CO., Office, 108 Wall st. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. No informa- tion furnished. Augustus Demarest, Agent. UNION TUBING CO., Office, 10 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. P. Christie Ackerman, Agent. A16 THE UNION WADDING (CO., Office, 49 Leonard st. General and Corporate Office, Pawtucket, R.I. Inc. in R. I. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. OsyEctr—Manufacture of wadding, batting, waste, etc. Plant at Pawtucket, R. I. OFFICERS AND D1IRECTORS—L. P. Goff, President; H. A. Stearns, Vice-President; G. M. Thornton, Treasurer. John Maxwell, N. Y. Agent. UNION WIRE MATTRESS CO,, Office, 35 W. 14th st. Inc. in IIL. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—David J. Powers, President; Wm. Hendley, Secretary; Wm. D. Gibson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—David J. Powers, Frank A. Powers, Wm. D. Gibson, Wm. Hendley. UNIT CO., General and Corporate Office, 61 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $50,000,; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edwin S. Schenck, President; Emil Klein, Secretary. DmIrectrors—Horace B. Chamberlin, Thomas Jordan, Edmund K. Jordan, Edwin S. Schenck, Emil Klein. UNITARIAN SOCIETY, General and Corporate Office, 146 E. 16th st. Inc. in N.Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Mrs. Sydney Smith, President ; Miss Ellen Butler, Secretary; Mrs. Nathan Chandler, Treasurer. UNITED AGENCY C0., General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Benj. A. Hegeman, President; Wm. G. Bates, Secretary ; Robt. F, Little, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Benj. A. Hegeman, Jr., Robert F. Little, H. I. Kimball, John J. Barnsdall, Wm. G. Bates. UNITED AID SOCIETY, Office, i65 Broadway. No information furnished. UNITED ALKALI CO., General and Corporate Office, 72 Pine st. Inc. in Liver- pool, Eng. No information furnished. James Lee & Co., Agents. UNITED BRASS CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $700,000; Amount paid in, property, $273,000. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Total assets at least $700,000. Dividends if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Henry C. Rouse, President. DIRECTORS—C, W. Whetmore, Jonah P. Gillis, R. D. Murray. UNITED BRUSH MANUFACTORIES, Office, 9 Thames st. Inc. in Nuremberg, Germany. No information furnished. Charles Beissbarth, N. Y. Manager. UNITED BUILDING MATERIAL CO., Office, 54 Pine st. Inc, in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. Henry E. Parson, Agent. THE UNITED COAL AND OIL GAS CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid, in cash, $1,000, balance in patents. Liabilities other than capital, $80,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—H. B. Leavitt, Vice-President ; John B. Stewart, Secretary. DirREcTroRS—H. B. Leavitt, W. F. Morgan, 4 N. Y. and Brooklyn Bridge ; John B. Stewart. UNITED DEVELOPMENT CO., Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. - Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—W. S. Chamberlin, President; F. E. Chamberlin, Secretary and Treasurer. DrIRECTORS—Winfield S. Chamberlin, Fred. E. Chamberlin. UNITED DRESSED BEEF CO. of New York, Office, foot E. 44th st. Inc. in N. J. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFricERsS—lIsaac Blumenthal, President; Louis London, Secretary; Isaac Stiefel, Treasurer. DirEcTtors—Isaac Blumenthal, Lewis Samuels, Isaac Stiefel, Louis London. UNITED EDISON MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $200,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. H_ Herrick, President; Frank S., Hastings, Treasurer. DirEcTors—Philip Chater, Hobart Herrick, Irving S. Keeler. 417 UNITED ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER (CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Park row. Inc. 1887, in N. Y.; Charter 50 years.. Capital authorized, $5,500,000, par $100; Paid in, $2,100,000. Liabilities other than capital stock do not exceed $3,000,000. ‘Total assets at least $1,000,000. OpByEcT—Furnishing electricity for illumination and power. Four plants located in New York City. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Caleb H. Jackson, President; Chas. J. Canda, Vice-President and Treas- urer; Chas. J. Marsh, Secretary; Jas. G. Lynch, Wm. H. Brown. UNITED ELECTRIC TRACTION CO., Office, 136 Liberty st. Capital author- ized, $7,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Knight Neftel, President and Receiver. THE UNITED GAS IMPROVEMENT CO.,, 10 Wallst.; Phila. Office, 813 Drexel Bldg. Inc. June 1, 1882; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $50; Paid in, $9,909,050, on Mar. 7, 1892. Surplus and Undivided Profits not stated. Divi- dends, 8 p. c. per ann., payable A. & O. 15th. The following have been paid in past 6 years: 1886, 6 p.c., $86,628; 1887, 7 p.c., $209,700; 1888, 8 p. c., $318,444; 1889, 8 p- C., $339,944; 1890, 8 p. c., $400,000 ; 1891, 8 p.c., $695,574; totalin 6 years, $2,050,290. Annual Meeting, rst Mon. in May. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. HISTORY AND OBJECT —The Company was inc. under general Pennsylvania laws as above; afterwards reor- ganized under old charter originally granted to Union Contract Co., inc. May 24, 1871, and name changed to The United Gas Improvement Co., its object being the building, leasing, purchasing and operating gas works. Certificate of reorganization was filed May 8, 1885, and certificate of change to present name Apr. 6, 1888. Plants in about 50 cities. FUNDED Drspr—Debenture coup. 6s, $500, due July 1, 1902, $1,000,000, with registration privilege. Issued July 1, 1888. No sinking fund. Principal and interest, J. & J., payable at First National Bank, Philadelphia. OFrric—ERs—Thomas Dolan, President; George Philler, Vice-President; Samuel T. Bodine, 2d Vice-President and General Manager ; Randall Morgan, 3d Vice-President ; Edward C. Lee, Secretary and | Treasurer; Randal Morgan, General Counsel. DIRECTORS—W. W. Gibbs, George Philler, William G. Warden, C. A. Griscom, Wm. L. Elkins, P. A. B. Widener. Wm. W. Gibbs, N. Y. Representative. UNITED GAS LAMP CO., consolidated with Siemens-Lungren, General Office, 71 University pl. No information furnished. For facts address Edw. C. Lee, 813 Drexel Building, Phila. UNITED GROWERS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 9 S. William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Herman A. Curiel, President; Julius H. Eisner, Secretary. DirREcTORS—Herman A. Curiel, Julius H. Eisner, Morris Gershell, Mary Curiel, Sig. Arky. UNITED HOCKING VALLEY COAL AND IRON CO., Office, 35 Broadway. No information furnished. UNITED ICE LINES. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,700,000: Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $58,500. Total assets at least $79,640. Receipts for year, 294,946.86. Expenditures, $294,457.57. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-C. P. Veeder, President; C. Van Cott, Secretary, 56 6th ave. DirEcToRS—C. P. Veeder, F. C. Platt, J. S. Thurston. UNITED INDURATED FIBRE C0O,, Office, 173 Duane st. Inc. in Portland, Me. Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Pulp ware, etc. No other information furnished. Cordley & Hayes, Agents. UNITED MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 5 Mercer st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $16,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $147,218.30. Total assets, $103,522.85. OByECT—Paper col- lars. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —-G. Smith, President ; Julius Lowe, Treasurer; F. H. Hoffman. UNITED MERCHANTS of New York, Office, 5 Beekman st. No other. informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS--Edward E. Thomas, President; Thos. F. Main, Secretary ; Jas. B. Weir, Jr., Treasurer. UNITED OIL CO., Office, 60 New st. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Franklin G. Colby, President ; Benj. B. Colby, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Franklin G. Colby, Benj. B. Colby, George B. Colby. 418 THE UNITED PRESS, General and Corporate Office, New York City. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Full paid. Assets, $1,004.67; No debts. Receipts for the year, $456,149.67 ; Expenditures, $454,949.67. Dividends, Jan. 5, 1891, 6 p. c., $1,200. OFFICERS--James W. Scott, President, 86 Lawrence st.; John R. Walsh, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert S. Davis, Nathan Jenkins. UNITED PURCHASERS’ DISCOUNT CO., General and Corporate Office, 9 W. 14th st. . Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. OrFricers——Alexander P. Ketchum, President; Charles E. Crosby, Secretary ; Charles H. Holt, Treasurer. DiIrEcTORS—Alexander P. Ketchum, Paul Fuller, Henry E. Tremain, Dudley F. Phelps, Charles H. Holt, Charles E. Crosby, N..W. Chater, J. W. Ettell. UNITED RAILWAY SUPPLIES C0O., Office, 97 Water st. Inc. in Phila,, Pa. No information furnished. Represented by George C. Thayer. UNITED REFINERS’ EXPORT OIL CO., Office, 18 Beaver st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edward G. Cone, President; Nathaniel Haven, Secretary ; Conrad H. Ruhl, Treasurer. DirEcTrorS—Edward G. Cone, Conrad H. Ruhl, D. Ryan. UNITED SHIRT AND COLLAR (CO,, Office, 596 Broadway; General and Corporate Office, Troy, N. Y.; Branch Salesrooms, New York, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, San Francisco, Inc. May, 1890, in N. Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Assets, $3,100,000; Debts, $1,100,000. OByecr—Manufacture and sale of shirts, collars, cuffs and other goods. Plant at Troy, N. Y. Orricers—S. B. Sanford, President; F. B. Beiermeister, Jr., ist Vice-President; D. C. Briggs, 2d Vice-President; E. O. House, Secretary; J. K. P, Pine, Treasurer. Direcrors—S. B. Sanford, J? K. Pine, (Fm Beiermeister, Jr., D. C. Briggs, E. O. House. UNITED SILK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 100 Greene st. Inc. in Hagerstown, Md. No information furnished. John B. Taylor, Agent. UNITED SMELTING AND REFINING CO., Office, 80 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N.J. Inc. 1890 in N.J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $4,000,000, par ¢100; Paid in, $1,500,000, per share par. OBjECT—Smelting and refining ores. Plants located at Helena and Great Falls, Mont., and consist of smelting and casting furnaces, etc. No funded debt. OrriceErs—Abram S. Hewitt, President; W.N. Crom- well, 1st Vice-President ; O. R. Allen, 2d Vice-President; Henry C. Cooper, Secretary ; Walter S. Gurnee, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Abram S. Hewitt, Walter S. Gurnee, Augustus C. Gurnee, Anton Eilers, Andrew J. Seligman, Henry Seligman, William M. Cromwell, Rossiter W. Raymond, C. C. Howard, O. R. Allen, Barton Sewell, S. T. Houser, Frederick Straus. UNITED STATES AGENCY, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,172.43. Assets consist of agency contracts. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—B. A. Hegeman, President; A. S. Whiton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—A. S. Whiton, R. F. Little, B. A. Hegeman, Jr. THE UNITED STATES ALUMINUM METAL CO, Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,250; Full paid. Liabilities other than capi- tal, $25,000. Total assets at least $87,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—N. T. Barnard, President; Francis P. Lowrey, 60 Dey st. THE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL MAIL STEAMSHIP CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Assets, $2,398,065.73 ; Liabilities, $2,347,848.61. Receipts for year, $1,537,466; Expendi- tures, $1,540,677.49. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William M. Ives, President; Chas. Babbidge, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. P. Huntington, C. M. Pratt, Edward H. Ripley. UNITED STATES ARC GAS LAMP C0O,, Office, 35 Broadway. No other information furnished. 419 UNITED STATES BLANKET CO,, General and Corporate Office, 155 W. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrricers—Jas. W. Husted, President; Max D. Stern, Secre- tary; Thomas D. Husted, Treasurer. DirEcrors—James W. Husted, Max D. Stern, Thomas D. Husted, Henry P. Archer, Joshua D. Mersereau. UNITED STATES BREWERS’ ACADEMY, General and Corporate Office, 200 Worth st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFrriceERs—Anton Schwarz, President; Max Schwarz, Secretary. THE UNITED STATES BREWING CO., Limited, Office, 44 Wall st. Inc. in Great Britain. Capital authorized, £1,100,000. OByEctT—Manufacture and sale of ale and beer. Plants at N. Y., and Newark, N. J. Represented by Isaac Dannenberg. UNITED STATES BULLETIN CO., General and Corporate Office, 136 Liberty st. Inc. in W, Va. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Melvin Compton, President ; Oscar A. Wood- ruff, Secretary ; Robert M. Smith, Treasurer. DirECTORS—Melvin D. Compton, Oscar A. Woodruff, Robert M. Smith, J. Fred Glasly, Lyman L. Settel. UNITED STATES BUNTING CO., Office, 109 Duane st. Inc. in Lowell, Mass. No other information furnished. J. Spencer Turner, Agent. UNITED STATES CARTRIDGE CO., Office, 29 Chambers st. Inc. in Lowell, Mass. Capital authorized, $150,000. No other information furnished. Paul Butler, Treasurer. Wallace & Sons, N. Y. Agents. UNITED STATES CEMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office, 5 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Company inactive. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William Allen Smith, President; George F. Benton, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William Allen Smith, Walter C. Witherbee, George F. Benton, Joseph S. Auerbach, Lewis W. Francis. UNITED STATES CHECK PUNCH CO., Office, 18 Broadway. No information furnished. UNITED STATES COMB CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Mercer st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paidin not known. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS—Fritz Achelis, President; Chas. A. Hoyt. Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES COMMERCIAL AGENCY AND COLLECTING CO., Office, 93 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Aug., 1889, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Paid in $20,000. OxsyEcT— Commercial agency and collections. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Jones, Presi-. dent and Treasurer; Geo. L. Rauch, Secretary. UNITED STATES CORD CO., Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Lowell, Mass. No information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. THE UNITED STATES COTTON CO., General and Corporate Office, N. Y. City. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $291,276. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Drrecrors—Lorenzo Dow, Boston, Mass., Henry Winn, G. W. Markham, Rush, Monroe Co., N. Y. UNITED STATES COTTON SEED CLEANING CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,000; Full paid. No liabilities other than capital. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—P. Rand, President; Justus E. Ralph, Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Justus E. Ralph, F. Bosse, R. F. Munn. UNITED STATES CREDIT SYSTEM (C0O,, Office, 531 Broadway. Inc. in Newark, N. J. No information furnished. Julius Stein, Agent. UNITED STATES CREMATION CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 140 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,075 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $50. Total assets at least $11,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers-—-Louis Lange, President; Edward C. Cockey, Treasurer. DIrREcrors—Edward C. Cockey, Jacob Henkcole, David Lewis. 27 420 UNITED STATES DEBENTURE CORPORATION, Office, 59 Wall st. Inc. in London, Eng. Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Geo. S. Bixby; NivY: Manager. UNITED STATES DYNAMITE AND CHEMICAL CO., Office, 38 Platt st. Inc. in N. J. No information furnished. Henry S. Deshon, Treasurer. THE UNITED STATES DYNAMITE PROJECTILE CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,500,000; Full paid for patents, Assets consist of patents. Debts, $6,000. Receipts, nothing. Expendi- tures, $200. Dividends not stated. Robert Sherwood, President. John T. Salter. UNITED STATE (EASTERN) LAND INVESTMENTS AND SYNDICATES, Office, 140 Nassau st. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. Represented by Scott R. Sherwood. UNITED STATES ELECTRIC LIGHTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,000 ; Full paid, in cash, $970,000; in property, $530,000. Liabilities other than capital, $2,150,000. Total assets at least $150,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrriceERS—Geo. W. Hebard, President; P. Fred. Kobbe, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—G. W. Hebard, M. Hartley, M. V. Kelley. UNITED STATES EQUITABLE GAS CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,200,000 ; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $1,300,725. Total assets at least $1,716,078. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—C. F. Dieterich, President ; J. Bertschman, Secretary. DiIrEcTrors—C. F. Dieterich, E. C. Benedict, E. J. Jerzmanowski. THE UNITED STATES ELECTRIC RAILWAYS CO., Office, 10 Wall st. ; Cor- porate Office;-Passaic; IN. (J. ~ Ine! Sept., 1890, in N.-} 2; "/Charter- 50" yeats.. Capit authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid, but not all issued. Engineers and contractors for electric railways, steam plants, power plants. Reorganization of street railway com- panies desiring to equip with electricity. Approved electric railway bonds and stocks for investment. No debts. OFFICERS AND DirREcToRS-~-T. Tillson Granger, President ; Walston R. Brown, Treasurer; Lemuel Wm. Serrell, M. E., General Manager; Wm. H. Gillen, Manager Bond Department, 10 Wall st. THE UNITED STATES EXPRESS C0O., General Office, 49 Broadway. A joint stock association. Existence Unlimited. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100; Full paid. This Company acquired express business of Baltimore and Ohio RR. Co. in Sept., 1887, issuing $3,c00,000 stock in payment. Dividends, 2 p. c. May 15, 1891. Nov. dividend postponed. No funded debt. Orricers—Thos. C. Platt, President ; Daniel P. Eells, Secretary, Cleveland, O.; Theodore F. Wood, Treasurer, New York. DirEcTORS—Thomas C. Platt, Chauncey H. Crosby, Chicago, Ill.; Daniel P. Eells, Cleveland, O.; George R. Blanchard, Chicago, Ill.; Russell A. Alger, Detroit, Mich. ; Mrank hil, Piatt eee. UNITED STATES FEATHER DOWN CO., General and Corporate Office, 1410 Ave. A. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $35,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS——-Cyriac Du Brul, President; Benj. C. Ger- ken, Secretary ; Henry Gerken, Treasurer. DIRECTORS-——Cyriac Du Brul, Benj. Gerken, Henry Gerken. UNITED STATES FINANCE CO,, Office, 35 Wall st. No information furnished. UNITED STATES FIRE CLAY CO,., Office, 145 Broadway. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. No information furnished. Chas. H, Colman & Co., Agents. UNITED STATES FOUNDRY CO,, General and Corporate Office, 56 Pine st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—William A. Ross, President; John G. Price, Secre- tary; John H. Carnes, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William A. Ross, John G. Price, John H. Carnes, Thomas M. Hart, John Lewis, James G. Delaplaine, Thomas J. Moore, Jr. UNITED STATES FUEL CO., Limited, General Office, 19 Park pl.; Corporate Office, Wheeling, W. V.; Charter Unlimited, Capital authorized, $125,000, par $20: Paid in, $70,000, per share, $20. OBjEcT—Manufacture of fuel, heaters, stoves, etc. Plant at Hancock, N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Charles L, Cammann, President and Treasurer ; B. Peck, Vice-President; Gustav Frank, C. Lyman, A. Brotherhood. : (eee ——- ie. - ud ee ee 421 UNITED STATES GAS AND WATER WORKS CONSTRUCTION CO., General and Corporate Office, 53 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $150.000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—B. Van Steenbérgh, President ; Jos. H. Devoe, Secretary, DirecTors-—Berhans Van Steenbergh, William A. Dean. UNITED STATES GLASS CO., Offices, 29 Murray st. and 33 Warren st. General and Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. 1891,in Pa. Oxsjectr—Manufacture of glass- ware. Plant, Pittsburgh, Pa. Successors to Adams & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory A; Bryce Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory B; Challinor, Taylor & Co., Tarentum, Pas Factory C; Richards & Hartley, Tarentum, Pa., Factory E; Ripley & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory F; Gillinder & Sons, Greensburg, Pa., Factory G; Hobbs Glass Co., Wheeling, W. Va., Factory H; Columbia Glass Co., Fostoria, O., Factory J; King Glass Co,, Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory K; O'Hara Glass Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory L; Bellaire Goblet Co., Findlay, O., Factory M; Nickel Plate Glass Co., Fostoria, O., Factory N; Central Glass Co., Wheeling, W. Va., Factorv O; Doyle & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., Factory P; A. J. Beatty & Sons, Tiffin, O., Factory R. Orricers—Danl. C. Ripley, President ; Wm. C. King, Vice-President; A. H. Brice, Secretary; Jas. B. Lyon, Treasurer. UNITED STATES GUARANTEE CO., General and Corporate Office, 111 Broad- way. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edward Rawlings, President; Danl. G. Tompkins, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IreEcrorRs—Henry W, Cannon, George Coppell, W. Butler Duncan, Charles M. Fry, Brayton Ives, George J. Magee, Logan C. Murray, John Paton, Horace Porter, Russell Sage, George S. Scott, J. W. Doane, Thomas L. Barrett, Calvin S. Brice, Alexander T. Galt, -E. M. Morsman, Edward Rawlings, George M. Troutman, M. D. Woodford. UNITED STATES HYDROLEINE (CO., Office, 45 Broadway. No information furnished. UNITED STATES IDENTIFYING CO., Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Bridge- port, Conn, No information furnished. Wm. O. Laughna, N. Y. Manager. THE UNITED STATES ILLUMINATING CO., General and Corporate Office, At Park pl. Inc. 1881, in N. Y.; Charter 50 years; Capital authorized, $1,250,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital stock, $900,000. Total assets at least $400,000. OxBject—Furnishing electric light and power. Plant, 29th st. and East river, and Stanton st., near the Bowery. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—C. H, Jackson, Presi- dent; Paul D. Cravath, Vice-President; Jos. W. Hartley, Secretary and Treasurer ; Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., Geo. W. Hebard, Jas. Stokes, Duncan D. Parmly. UNITED STATES LABELING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 322 Broadway. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Albert Lippman, President. UNITED STATES LAND IMPROVEMENT C0O,, General and Corporate Office, 218 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Werner Bruns, President; John N. Bruns, Secretary. Drrecrors—Werner Bruns, Paul Sury, John N. Bruns, James F. O’Mealia, H. C. Palmer. UNITED STATES LAND AND INVESTMENT CO., Office, 53 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1884, in N. J. Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $25; Full paid. Oxsjecr—Promoting investments in lands and other enterprises. Land located in Centre Co., Pa., and San Diego Co., Cal., and consists of coal in Pa. and irrigation in Cal. In a state of transition. Funded debt, $1,000,000. 1,000 6s, payable 1894, at General Office, in London, or N. Y. Interest payable semi-annually at same. OFFICERS—Geo. E. Yarrington, President; Walter S. Cowles, Vice-President; Charles A. Fenn, Secretary. D1irEcToRs—Geo. E. Yarrington, Walter E. Cowles, L. Bradford Prince, James C. Wetmore, Gordon Frazer, Chas. A. Fenn. UNITED STATES LAW ASSOCIATION, Office, 271 Broadway. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Jas. H. Remington, President; S. R. Teneyck, Secretary. UNITED STATES MACHINE AND INVENTIONS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 104 Reade st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—C. C. Clawson, President; John C. Bouton, Secretary. TRUSTEES _Clement C. Clawson, J. C. Bouton, Albert E. Whyland, George B. Howard, Henry Aplington. 422 UNITED STATES MEDICINE CO., Office, 12 Washington pl. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—Clark W. Dunlop, President; G. H. Beuermann, Secretary. UNITED STATES MERCANTILE PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 13 Astor pl. No information furnished. UNITED STATES MERCANTILE REPORTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 341 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $140,402.53. Total assets, $149,520.60. Dividends, if any, not ascertained.. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirRECTORS—L. S. Howard, President ; Chas. W. Langdon, Geo. Batcheller. UNITED STATES MINERAL WOOL CO., General and Corporate Office, 173 Broadway, and 80 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Wallace C. Andrews, President; Henry Franz, Secretary ; Onesimus P. Shaffer, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors— Wallace C. Andrews, Henry Franz, Onesimus P. Shaffer, Lewis Coon. THE UNITED STATES MINE SIGNAL MANUFACTURING AND SUP- PLY C0O., General Office, 915 and 1035 Ridge ave., Phila.; Corporate Office, Trenton, N. J. Inc. July 7, in N, J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid, $76,000 invested in plant. No dividends. OxsyeEcr—Manufacturers of Standard test instruments for testing dangerous mine gases to determine the per cent. present in the air of fire damp or choke damp. Plant at 915 and 1035 Ridge ave., Philadelphia. OFFICERS—Thos. Shaw, M. E., President and General Manager; Joseph R. Wilson, Secretary; Amos Ellis, Treasurer. DirrREcToRS—Thos. Shaw, M. E., Hon. Thos. V. Cooper, Hon. A. G. Richey, J. D. Baker, John Lucas, L. U. Maltby, Amos Ellis, Joseph R. Wilson, Wm. H. Lucas. Trustees of Treasury Stock, The Union Trust Co. UNITED STATES NET AND TWINE (CO., General and Corporate Office, 219 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFrriceRS—Chas. M. Pratt, President; Alfred C. Bedford, Secretary ; Wm. H. Wallace, Treasurer. UNITED STATES NOVELTY (CO0., Office,9 W. 14th st. No information furnished. UNITED STATES PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLY C0O., General and Corporate Office, 57 E, oth st, Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Oscar L. Richard, President ; Francis Diemel, Secretary. DirecToRS—Oscar L. Richard, Edwin H. Richard, Francis Diemel, John Weiler. THE UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE CO., General and Corporate Office, . 34 Clinton pl. Capital anthorized, $300,000; Full paid in patents. Assets, $12,722.74. Debts, $12,698.08. OFFICERS—Frank L. Wellman, President; H. S. Beattie, Treasurer. DiREcTORS—Francis L. Wellman, J. R. Vanderveer, H. S, Beattie. UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., Offices, 287 Broadway and 15 Vande- water st.; Corporate Office, Cincinnati, O. Inc, 1891, in Ohio. Capital authorized, $3,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjyect—The consolidation of the Russell & Morgan Prinung Co., of Cincinnati, O.; The Hinds-Ketcham Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y.; The Saml, Crump Label Co., of Montclair, N. J.; The Frey Printing Co., of Cincinnati, O. Plants located as above, and consists of printing establishments, employing 1,200 to 1,400 hands. Dividends in last fiscal year, one of 6 per cent. No funded debt. OrricERS— A. O. Russell, President; Joseph E. Hinds, Vice-President ; John H. Frey, Secretary; John Oinwake, Treasurer. DirEcrors—A. O. Russell, Joseph E. Hinds, Robert J. Morgan, John H. Frey, John Omwake, Henry E. Ketcham, John Robinson, Jas. M. Armstrong, Peter F. Downey, George D. Seib, Walter A. Daniels, Paul Weidmann, Jr., John Hoge. THE UNITED STATES PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 41 Ann st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid. Assets, $350. Debts, $8,516.72. OFFICERS AND DiIREcCTORS—Henry A. Praet, President: Henry A. Praet, Ure eL treasurer: 423 THE UNITED STATES PROJECTILE CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y, Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000, for patents; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $53,000. Total assets at least $350,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—E. W. Bliss, President, 176 Broadway ; William A. Porter, Secretary ; Daniel F. Lewis, Treasurer. DrirEcTORS—E. W. Bliss, Daniel F. Lewis, John Winslow, William A. Porter. UNITED STATES PUBLISHING CO., Office, 150 Nassau st. No information furnished. UNITED STATES PURCHASING 0CO., Office, 132 Front st. No information furnished. UNITED STATES RAILWAY ADVERTISING AND DISTRIBUTING CO., Office, 152 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—AI. Hopcraft, President ; Arthur G. Todd, Secretary ; Wm. H. Helsten, Treasurer. DirecTtors—Alfred Hopcraft, Heber Bishop, Arthur G. Todd, Wm. H. Helsten, Wm. P. Mitchell. UNITED STATES RAILWAY PUBLISHING CO., Office, 128 Pulitzer Building. No information furnished. UNITED STATES ROLLING STOCK CO., General and Corporate Office, 114 Nassau st. No information furnished. Wm. C. Lane, Receiver. THE UNITED STATES SCREW CO., Office, 97 Chambers st.; General and Corporate Office, Meriden, Conn. Oxnyect—Manufacture wood screws. No other information furnished. UNITED STATES SEALED POSTAL CARD CO., General and Corporate Office, 75 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid, in cash, $7,500; in property, $492,500. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $502,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—Frederick Knowland, President; Hiram D. Rogers, Vice-President; Albert R. Rogers, Secretary. DireEcTORS—Frederick Knowland, Hiram D, Rogers, L. H.-Rogers. UNITED STATES SECURITY AND INDEMITY (CO., General Office, 41 Wall st. No other information furnished. Said to be practically out of business. UNITED STATES SCHOOL FURNITURE CO,, Office, 74 5th ave. Inc.in lll. Capital authorized, $2,000,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Fred A, Holbrook, President; J. B. Makey, Secretary. ; UNITED STATES SCIENTIFIC STREET RR. CO., Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $2,000,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—C. Francis Bates, President; James Coleman Drayton, Treasurer. DIRECTORS — C. Francis Bates, James Coleman Drayton, R. W. Blackwell, David Paton. THE UNITED STATES STANDARD STEAMSHIP OWNERS’, BUILDERS’ AND UNDERWRITERS’ ASSOCIATION, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 50 Wall st. Inc.in N, Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Paid in. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James F. Cox, President; Herbert Appleton, Secretary. DireEcTors—James F. Cox, Herbert Appleton, Sinclair Stuart, George E. Weed, John D. Barrett. THE UNITED STATES SUPPLY CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 51 John st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $7,750.62. Total assets: at least $15,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Chas. A. Allen, President; Wm. Schmid, Jr., Secretary ; Geo. W. Finck, Treasurer; Wm. Schmid. UNITED STATES SUSPENDER CO., 54 Leonard st. No information furnished. UNITED STATES TRADE-MARK ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 137 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Hiram Duryea, President; Francis Forbes, Secretary; Charles H. Thomas, Treasurer. Drrectors—-Henry B. Barnes, John W. Carter, Sidney M. Colgate, Hiram Duryea, Eberhard Faber, Wm. H. Hall, Geo. P. Johnson, Elijah A. Morse, Charles Renauld, John Reid, James Talcott, Charles H. Thomas. 424 UNITED STATES TRANSFER AND EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 2 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $200,000. No other infor- mation furnished. OFrFricERS—Francis O, French, President; Chas. H. Smith, Secretary; Richard B. Grinnell, Treasurer. Drrecrors—August Belmont, Francis O. French, John J. Mitchell, Thomas Maitland, R. J. Cross, E. D. Rancolph, T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Clement A. Griscom, Henry L. Higginson, Henry W. Cannon, John I. Waterbury, Edward Whitaker, H. H. Rogers. THE UNITED STATES TRANSPORTATION CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $125,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Total assets at least $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. C. S. Schenck, President and Treasurer. DrIrRECTORS—Stewart C. Schenck, S. N. Hude, C. S. Schenck. UNITED STATES UMBRELLA PROVIDING CO., Office, 176 Broadway. Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891 in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Loaning umbrellas. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Louis Cohen, President; Geo. H. Weigert, Secretary ; Marks Levin, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Louis Cohen, Geo. H. Weigert, Samuel Ramesfelder, Emil Weigert, Samuel Baum. UNITED STATES WATCH-CASE CO., Office, 61 Nassau st. Inc. in Union Hill, N. J. No information furnished. Horowitz & Hershfield, Agents. UNITED STATES WATCH CO., Office, 53 Maiden la. Inc. in Waltham, Mass. No information furnished. Frank S. Baker, N. Y. Manager. THE UNITED STATES WATER PURIFYING CO., General and Corporate Office. 1389 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—-George Hennings, President ANG Lreasuier moetbsapLerry, i. ©. \Piper. UNITED STREET RAILWAY IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. No information furnished. THE UNITED VERDE COPPER C0O., General Office, 62 Wiiliam st. Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid in property. Assets, $50,000. Debts, $40,000. OFFICERS—Jas. A. McDonald, President; Otis H. Kennedy, Secretary. DIRECTORS— J. A. McDonald, Otis H. Kennedy, John L. Thompson.’ UNITED WATER-WORKS (C0O., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 33 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :—— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Bonds and stock at CoSt.........06 $1,184,250 00 |. Including Capital .it..ccrsssss<1ease8 $1,615,705 68 Claims OUtStanGine ais. .teees toons 360,095 68 COMPOS Ae sietedcerceveet sc hisuiscss¥cee 71,360 00 $1,615,705 68 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information fur- nished. Joseph W. Jackson, Secretary. DiRECTORS—Chas. A. Vialle, C. W. Tidd, F. H. Mills. THE UNITED ZYLONITE C0O., General Office, New York City. Statement, Jan. 1.1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in property. Assets, $5. Debts, $1,250,000. OFFICERS—Wm. L. Brown, President; Chas. H. Williams, Treasurer. Drrectors—-W. L. Brown, Edwin F. Ward, 29 W. 36th st.; Geo. V. A. Conger. THE UNIVERSAL ARC LAMP CO.,, Office, 44 Broad st. Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in, $84,500. Assets, $8,000, Debts, $7,000. OFFICERS—John H. McClement, President; Frank A. Mason, Treasurer. DrrecToRS—F. J. Sprague, F. A. Mason, E. H. Johnson. UNIVERSAL AUTOMATIC LUBRICATING CO., Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in N. H. Capital, $1,000,000. No other information furnished. OFrFFICERS-—Horace G. Wood, President ; Frank Livingston, Secretary ; John A. Wyman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Horace G. Wood, John A. Wyman, William Aubricht, Eben B. Crane, John F. Reynolds. ; . ie a 425 UNIVERSAL BUTTON AND NOVELTY C0O., Office, 406 Broadway. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No other information furnished. Ostheimer Bros., Agents. UNIVERSAL BUTTON-HOLE MACHINE CO,, General and Corporate Office, 17 E. 16th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $31,051.64. Total assets at least $13,000. Receipts for year, $1,219.42; Expenditures, $1,219.42. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—Wm. E. Trull, President; Warren H. Day, Treasurer ; F. W. Smith. UNIVERSAL CIGAR-ROLLING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 171 Water st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Gustav Falk, President; F. J. H. Atwood, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Gustav Falk, Fred. J. H. Atwood, Carl Upman, Leopold Wallach. UNIVERSAL FASHION (0O,, Office, 4o E. 12th st. No information furnished. UNIVERSAL FASTENING CO., General and Corporate Office, 241 Centre st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriCcERS—Edward Regenberg, President; Siegmund Pels, Sec- retary; Jos. Wertheimer, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Edward Regenberg, Adolph Van Praag, Siegmund Pels, Jos. Wertheimer, John A. Ross. UNIVERSAL FOLDING BATH-TUB MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 61 Nassau st. No information furnished. UNIVERSAL INFORMATION EXCHANGE, General and Corporate Office, 44 E. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Edward J. Lithauer, Président ;7E40-s3 Middlebrook, Secretary. Directors—Edward L. Lithauer, Egbert R. Middlebrook, John Carnick. UNIVERSAL INTER-OCEANIC PANAMA CANAL CO,, Office, 18 Broadway. Inc. in Paris, France. No information furnished. Zavier Boyard, Agent. UNIVERSAL JOINT CO., Office, 30 Broad st. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcTors—J. J. Greenough, President ; Chas. K. Ellery, Secretary. UNIVERSAL LASTING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 15 Broad st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $8,500. Total assets at least $8,500. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiRECTORS—Louis Engelhorn, President; F. O. Hanlon, Treasurer; J. O. Donnor. UNIVERSAL LOCK CO., General and Corporate Office, 50 Exchange pl., and 24 West st. Inc. 1888 in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacturing locks. Plant located at cor. Morris and West sts., N. Y., and consists of factory and equipments. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Chas. F. Frothingham, President; Jno. B. Slayback, Vice-President ; Geo. C. Thomas, Secre- tary ; Alexander H. DeHaven, Treasurer. Dirrecrors—Charles F. Frothingham, Alex- ander H. DeHaven, George C. Thomas, John D. Slayback, George S. Lancon, F. D. Barker, Nelson J. Waterbury, Jr., James B. Wilson, Jr., F. T. Adams. UNIVERSAL PAPER BAG CO., Office, 28 College pl. Inc. in New Hope, Pa.. No information furnished. Melvin H. Taylor, Agent. UNIVERSAL TRUST CO., Office, 112 Pulitzer Building. No _ information furnished. UNIVERSAL TYPE-COMPOSING MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 237 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid for patents. No liabilities other than capital. No assets except ‘patents belonging to the Company. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Leroy B. Crane, President ; Charles Strauss, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edward M. Butler, Leroy B. Crane. 426 UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 70 South st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. — Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—James W. Brooks, President; Geo. S. Olmsted, Secre- tary; Walter G. Eliot, Treasurer. DireEcrors—Walter G. Eliot, James E. Holmes, Wm. J. Pollock, George S. Olmsted, Richard Zerega. THE UNIVERSITY PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office,'66 Duane st. Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. Assets, $65,000; Debts, $40,000; Receipts for year, $149,143.84; Expenditures, $152,831.54. OFFICERS—Eza D. Barker, President; E. A. Lawrence, Secretary ; Edward Day Barker, Treasurer. DirEcToRs—Edgar Day Barker, C. L, Patton, J. W. Manson. UPJOHN PILL AND GRANULE CO., Office, 92 William st. Inc. in Kalamazoo, Mich. No information furnished. Represented by Frederick L. Upjohn. UPTOWN PRESS PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 258 W. 125th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIREcCTORS—Geo. P. H. McVay, President; Matilda McVay, Treasurer. CHARLES URBAN MANUFACTURING CO., of N. Y., General and Corporate Office, 1o1 Mott st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Wm. Urban, President ; Wm. Kotteman, Secretary ; Chas. Urban, Treasurer. URBANA WOOLEN MILLS, Office. 275 Church st. Inc. in Urbana, O. No information furnished. Eugene G. Hanford, Agent. URNER PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 70 Warren st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $3,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Benj. Urner, President ; Frank G. Urner, Secretary. D1IrEcrors—Benj. Urner, Frank G. Urner, Wm. C. Taber, John Wilson, H. H. Peixotto. UTE AND ULAY MINES, Office, 33 Wall st. Inc.in London, Eng. No informa- tion furnished. Geo. Crawford, N. Y. Manager. UTICA COTTON CO., General and Corporate Office, 141 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS AND DiIRECTORS—Chas. C. Taber, President; Wm. P. Taber, Secre- tary; Henry M. Taber, Treasurer. UTICA, SYRACUSE AND ROCHESTER CANAL LINE. General and Corporate Office, 110 Broad and Pier 6 E.R. Inc. in Utica, N. Y. No information furnished. William B. Walsh, Agent. UTILITY MANUFACTURING C0O., General and Corporate Office, 26 Stanton st. Inc. in W.Va. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paidin not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrricers—Joseph Haight, President ; James P. Foster, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Joseph Haight, Charles Nicholson, John E. Bryant, Robert N. Thompson. VACUUM OIL CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Hiram B. Everest, President; Fred. N. Beach, Secretary ; Chas. M. Everest, Treasurer. VALENTINE & CO., General and Corporate Office, 57 Broadway. Established 1832. Inc, 1882in N. Y. Branches in Boston, Chicago and Paris. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Osject—Manufacture of high-grade varnishes, paints and colors. Plant located at Brooklyn, E. D., and consists of varnish and paint fac- tories, etc. No funded debt. OFrricers—Henry C. Valentine, President; Charles S. Homer, Jr., Vice-President; Leland Fairbanks, Secretary; Charles S. Beckwith, Treasurer. ‘TRUSTEES—Henry C. Valentine, Charles S. Homer, Jr., Charles E. Morrill. LAWSON VALENTINE C0., General and Corporate Office, 142 Times Building. No information furnished. 427 VALLEY SALT AND MINING CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 11 Pine st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid in cash. No liabilities other than capital. No assets. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—John Demarest, President; J. A. Barratt, F. W. Rebham. : VICTOR VALLETTE & CO., Office, 60 Church st. Inc.in N. J. Capital author- ized, $140,000; Amount paid in not known. Opjyect—Cigar manufacturers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrricers—Victor Vallette, President; Oscar Mohle, Secretary. VAN BENTHUYSEN PRINTING HOUSE, Office, 64 College pl. No informa- tion furnished. VANDERBECK IRON WORK C0O., General and Corporate Office, 1 Union sq. W. Capital authorized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. C.S. Vanderbeck, President. VANDERBILT STEEL AND IRON CO., General Office, 28 Beaver st. Inc. in N.J. Capital authorized, $150,000. OFFICERS—Geo. O. Vanderbilt, President ; Frederick T. Ackermann, Secretary. DrrEectors—Geo. O. Vanderbilt, Carl A. Messimer, Chas. F. Ackermann, Fred. T. Ackermann. D. VAN NOSTRAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 23 Murray st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paidin cash. Liabili- ties other than capital, $10,000. Total assets at least $25,000. Opyecr—Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Edward N. Crane, President; Wm. H. Farrington, Secretary and Treasurer, Chas. E. Speirs. THE VAN NOSTRAND EXPRESS C0O., General and Corporate Office, 117 John st,. Inc.inN. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Amourt paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital, $7,500. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Albert H. Bultman, President; W. H. Smith, Secretary; R. C. Bultman, Treasurer. GEORGE VAN WAGENEN CO0O., General and Corporate Office, 233 West st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $48,000. Total assets at least $50,000. OBjeECT—Machinery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Geo. Van Wagenen, President; Daniel W. Van Wagenen, Treasurer; Thomas B. Easby. VAN WAGONER & WILLIAMS CO., Office, 82 Beekman and 68 Liberty sts. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid. Orricers—Cornelius S. Van Wagoner, President; Christian T. Stork, Secretary; William H. Williams, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Cornelius S. Van Wagoner, Christian S. Stork, William H. Williams, VAUGHN AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Lib- erty st. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Joseph M. Pray, President. VENETIAN BLIND CO., Office, 61 Pulitzer Bldg. Inc. in Burlington, Vt. Capital, $40,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. B. F. Van Vliet, President. J. Lawrence Dockham, N. Y. Manager. VERMONT MANGANESE C0O,, General Office, Exchange pl. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $200,000, OFFICERS—Russell P. Hoyt, President; James Gwat- kin, Secretary. D1IRECTORS—Russell P. Hoyt, James Gwatkin, H. Chamberlain, Thos. Marshall, Chas. E. Black. : THE VERMONT MARBLE C0O,, General Offices, 2 Wall st., 35 Hancock pl., 12th ave. cor. W. 133d st., New York, and Proctor, Vt.; Corporate Office, 2 Wall st., New York City. Inc. Sept., 1880, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par ¢100; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $1,630,000. Total assets at least $2,000,000. OxsjeECT—Quarrying and selling rough and manufactured marble. Plant at Proctor and West Rutland, Vt. No dividends. Have funded debt of $680,000. Also, Gilson wood pin bonds, $35,000, to be paid by Vermont Marble Co. OFFICERS— Fletcher D. Proctor, President, Proctor, Vt.; Frank C. Partridge, Vice-President ; Fisher A. Baker, Secretary, 2 Wall st.; Edmund R. Morse, Treasurer, Proctor, Vt. DIRECTORS— Fletcher D. Proctor, Frank C. Partridge, Samuel A. Howard, Thomas S. Williams, Fisher A. Baker, Adolphus Smedberg, Francis B. Riggs, Edmund R. Morse, John H. Myers. A428 VERMONT SLATE CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. No liabilities other than capital. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Rufus W. Leavitt, President; Ph. Ferd. Kobbe, Treasurer; J. F. Reeves. VESTA KNITTING MILLS, Office, 258 Church st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. No information furnished. William Henry Chamberlin, Agent. VETERAN VOLUNTEER PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 124 Pearl st. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Chas. E. Heuberer, President ; Thomas J. Robarts, Secretary; J. H. Theberath, Treasurer. TRusteES—Chas. E. Heuberer, Thomas J. Robarts, Jacob H. Theberath, Wm. A. Wilson, Thomas Smith. VETERINARY MEDICINE SUPPLY CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. No information furnished. VIADUCT MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 95 Broad st. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No information furnished. Tropical American Telephone Co., Agent. VICK PUBLISHING CO., Office, 41 Park row. Inc. in Rochester, N. Y. No information furnished. Harlan P. Hubbard, N. Y. Manager. THE VICKSBURG WATER SUPPLY CO., N. Y. Office, 2 Wall st.; General and Corporate Office, Vicksburg, Miss. Inc. Feb. 24, 1887, in Miss.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $50 per share; Full paid. Opyect—Formed to supply city of Vicksburg with water for domestic and manufacturing purposes, and for prevention and extinguishment of fires. Plant at Vicksburg, Miss. No dividends. FUNDED DEBT— $250,000 6s, mtge. bonds. OrricERS—Whitney Conant, President; Edward S. Butts, Vice-President ; Whiting G. Snow, Secretary and Treasurer. D1RECTORS—E. S. Butts, Whitney Conant, William J. Curtis, Whiting G. Snow, Charles D. Backus. THE VICTOR CIGAR CO., General and Corporate Office, 1111 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Paid in $1,000 cash. Liabilities other than capital, $6,811.43. Total assets, $10,339.50. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Jacob Hess, President; Henry Hess, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Jacob Hess, Henry Hess, F. A. Lovecraft. VICTOR KNITTING MILLS CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 51 Leonard st. Inc. in Cohoes, N. Y. No information furnished. Henry D. Hammond, Agent. VICTOR NATURAL MINERAL SPRING CO., Office, 721 Broadway. Inc. in Oberlahnstein, Germany. No information furnished. Max I. Traube, Agent. VICTORIA CIGAR CO., General and Corporate Offices, 1111 and 1459 Broad- way, and 7 Beaver st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Jacob Hess, President; Chas. A. Hess, Secretary ; Henry Hess, Treasurer. DiREcTORS—Charles A. Hess, Henry Hess, F. A. Lovecraft, E. V. Foote, Jacob Hess. VICTORIA TUNNEL CO., Office, 40 Wall st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital author- ized, $500,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Edmund Green, President; Francis A. Bates, Secretary; Fermin Ferrer, Treasurer. DIRECTORS — Edmund Green, Francis A. Bates, Fermin Ferrer, E. Green, W. B. Schofield, J. T. Moorehead, George W. Wallace, Wm. V. McCracken. VIENNA PRESSED YEAST CO., General and Corporate Offices, 381 Lexington ave. and 309 E. 27th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edward N. Cook, Presi- dent ; Joel H. Prescott, Secretary; W. Dean Smith, Treasurer. D1rREcrors—Edward N. Cook, W. Dean Smith, Joel H. Prescott, Willard F. Clark, Harry H. Parker. VIENNA AND PARIS ART CO., General and Corporate Office, 12 E. 23d st. No information furnished. Henry Newburg, Agent. VILLA SITE CO., Office, 9 Pulitzer Bldg. Inc. in Haworth, N. J. No information furnished. Francis W. Holbrook, N. Y. Manager. 429 THE VIRGIL PRACTISE CLAVIER CO., General and Corporate Office, 26 W- 1sth st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $6,400. Total assets at least $38,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. M. Bowman, President ; Sumner Salter, Treasurer. VIRGINIA BUFFALO LITHIA SPRINGS CO., General and Corporate Othce, 1 Broadway. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Chas. K. Royce, President; Ho Doolittle, Secretary. VIRGINIA CO., 303 Broadway; General Office, 333 Walnut st., Philadelphia ; Corporate Office, Roanoke, Va. Inc. Mar, 6, 1882, in Va.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends J. & J., see balance-sheet. Annual Meeting, 1st Wed. in May. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. H1story-—-Was ING. as Iron Belt Land, Mining and Development Co. of Virginia, name changed to Virginia Co. by Act of Legislature, approved Mar. 5, 1888. No funded debt. Condensed balance-sheet, Dec. 31, 1890 and 1891 :—- 1890. "1891. 1890. 1891. Real estate :— Capital StOck.2.......5...: $100,000 00 $100,000 00 Lynchburg (sta., ho- Bilis Da vable ss .ckecec.scss 30,000 00 30,000 0@ POPOL OP. } tasedacs ces, $43,254 60 $43,254 60 Deferr’d pay. on propy Pulaski, 38acs. 4,452 79 4,540 77 extdg. 1 to 5 years... 87,192 50 Ivor, 64 acs. 7 O4 9 58 Improv. rebate bonds... 510 00 Tazewell Co., 4 acs. 3 49 4 49 Accounts payable........ 21,113 23 164,766 87 Carroll Co., 434 acs. 7,453 20 7,576 4o | Income account 1890, Grayson $125,899.16, less divi- Sulpr Sp.; 537. acs. 7,516167 7,551 51 dends pd. $60,000.00, Bristol 12. acs. 12,503 35 42)555.49 1891, $49,790.54, less Front Royal, 43 acs. 4,330/058 wqiga7 35h. (Y=: DU. 45,000.00 Hotel Roanoke........... 125,440 45 Bal. of surplus income, 65,899 16 4,799 54 Bluefield Inn.............. 32,400 65 167,150 03 | First mtge. loan ac- Maple Shade Inn........ 60,135 95 45,805 OI crued but not due... 130,000 00 Bonds, stocks and mtg. 320 00 107,885 27 | IMterest......erwerecseeees 3,163 33 Notes for last def. pay. 510 00 Accounts receivable..... 6,002 75 20,701 39 MGs eae ayes avesseqnsschacens 322 40 13873 Balance due by hotels Dee 51s, ISON. «- concets 8,128 48 $304,714 89 $432,720 74 $304,714 89 $432,720 74 OFFICERS—F. J. Kimball, President; A. J. Hemphill, Secretary ; W. G. Macdowell, Treasurer; M. C. Jameson, Comptroller; W. C. DeArmond, Purchasing Agent; Joseph H. Sands, General Manager. DirEcTORS—F. J. Kimball, Clarence H. Clark, Joseph I. Doran, W. C. Bullitt, W. G. Macdowell, Charles Hacker, A. J. Dull. VIRGINIA MINING AND IMPROVEMENT (C0O., Office, 45 Broadway. No information furnished. VIRGINIA POTTERY CO., Office, 53 Park pl. Inc. in Harrisonburg, Va. Julius Wolff, Agent. VIRGINIA STEEL, IRON AND SLATE CO., Office, 29 Broadway. No in- formation furnished. VIRGINIA TIDE-WATER COAL CO., Office, 141 Broadway. No information furnished. VIRGINIA VALLEY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 38 Wall st. No information furnished. VOGEL CABLE CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in Col. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFrFiceRs—-Geo. A. Lederle, President ; Wm. C. Pratt, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Geo. S. Morison, J. F. Barnard, Edwards Whitaker, Geo. A. Lederle, Wm. C. Pratt. THE VOGT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $26,000. Total assets at least $80,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Albrecht Vogt, President and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— A. C. Moyer, Berthold Huegel, Albrecht Vogt. 430 VULCAN FIRE-PROOF PAINT CO., Office, 84 William st. No information furnished. WACHUSETT SHIRT CO., Office, 17 Walker st. Inc. in Leominster, Mass. No information furnished. James H. Marley, N. Y. Manager. WADDELL-ENTZ ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, Produce Exchange. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000 ; Amount paid in cash, $118,250. Liabilities other than capital, $3,750. Total assets at least $50,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Montgomery Waddell, President; Justus B. Entz, Treasurer; Jose A. Machado. THE WADSWORTH PAINT AND OIL MANUFACTURING CO., Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. No assets. LIABILITIES. Note. of idatetMarari i888 oto |Danl) Wadsworth.", -u.-..ccccubeadsres eaceaaten tesmanaeneeeeeneeerars $2,766 20 Two endorsements held by D> Wadsworthi....)..jcccncscctesder sbovcnsed ss cabeassnteans prarsath meses’ 1,640 Io Judgmentior costs: held’ by, WA) King. ...c...eccasges sessinads@cnascase oegbessosaanesteemnaceresermmears 118 10 $4,524 40 OFFICERS—Dani. Wadsworth, President; Frank A. Wadsworth, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Danl. Wadsworth, Frank A. Wadsworth, A. D. Cornell, go Nassau st. , WAGNER BRUSH MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 28 College pl. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Philip Wagner, President; Moritz Krickl, Treasurer. D1- RECTORS—Philip Wagner, Moritz Krickl, James Jackson. WAITE & BARTLETTE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 143 E. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, 1,000 shares, par $10; Paid in, 4 shares in cash, balance in property. Liabilities other than capital, $10,540.43. Total assets, $15,245.71. OByEcT—Electricians. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Henry E. Waite, President; L. M. Waite, Treasurer; H. J. Brewer. C.D. WAINWRIGHT CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paidin not known. Liabilities other than capital, $8,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— C. D. Wainwright, President; J. S. Eldridge, Treasurer, 106 W. 23d st.; C. S. Luce. WAINWRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 121 Liberty st. Inc. in Bos- ton, Mass. Capital paid in, $100,000. No other information furnished. Frank B. Aspinwall, Agent. WAKEFIELD RATTAN CO. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital paid in, $1,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Temple R. Fay, President and Treasurer. Daniel Dunne, 8 Park pl., and Simon M. Merrill, 924 Broadway, N. Y. Managers. WAKEFIELD WATER CO., Office, 28 Platt st. Inc.in R.I, Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —Rich. Pancoast, President; Alex. B. Richards, Secretary and Treasurer. WALBURN-SWENSON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 31 Broadway. Inc. in Kan. Capital authorized, $300; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—Albert W. Walburn, President: Magnus Swenson, Secretary. DireEcToRS—Albert W. Walburn, Magnus Swenson, H. A. Johnston, J. H. Gibson, C. S. Thompson, N. C. Thompson. WALKER CHEMICAL CO., Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in Jersey City, N. J. No information furnished. Represented by Henry B. Cromwell. THE WALKER ELECTRIC CO., General Office, 50 Broadway; Corporate Office, Collins & Corbin, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1889 in N. J., for 50 years: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid, Oxsyect—Electric meters. No plant; patents leased to Edison General Electric Co. No dividends. OFrrFicERS—Edwin Scott, President ; Geo. W. Walker, Vice-President ; L. G. Tewksbury, Secretary and Treasurer. DiREcTORS—Edwin Scott, L. G. Tewksbury, C. R. -Truex, Geo. W. Walker, A. W. Goodell and others. 431 _ WALKER GUM C0., Office, 164 Front st. Inc.in London, Eng. No informa- tion furnished. Ayers & Mason, Agents. R. WALLACE & SONS MANUFACTURING 00., Office, 3 Park pl. Inc. in Wallingford, Conn. No information furnished. John W. Sisson, N, Y. Manager. WALLACE & SONS, Office, 29 Chambers st. and 5 Reade st. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, g10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Wm. Wallace, President; Thos. Wallace, Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—William Wallace, Thomas Wallace, John B. Wallace, William O. Wallace, Uriah T. Hungerford, Robt. R. Wood, Charles H. Hayes. WALLACE TROTTING REGISTER CO., General and Corporate Office, 280 Broadway. No information furnished. WALLING LUMBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 131 Pulitzer Building, Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, notascertained. OFFICERS—Ed. P, Walling, President; John D. Inman, Secretary ; Dan. L. Walling, Treasurer. THE WALPOLE EMERY MILLS, Corporate Office, S. Walpole, Mass. ; N. Y. Office, 280 Broadway. Inc. 1879, in Mass.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. Opjyecr—Manufacture and sale of emery and corundum. Plant at S. Walpole, Mass. Dividends, semi-annually. OFrFICERS—Alden Speare, President; L. R. Speare, Vice-President; S. L. B. Speare, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTors—Alden Speare, L. R. Speare, Jno. A. Way. GUSTAVE WALTER OPTICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 53 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorizeed, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Gustave Walter, President; Gustave A. Walter, Treasurer. D1tREcroRS—Gustave Walter, Gustave A. Walter, Geo. M. Bacon, Samuel F. Prentiss, James M. Bloomfield. WALTON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 60 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N, J. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. OpyEcT—Railroad supplies. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND DIREcTORS—Jos. J. Walton, President; Howard W. Walton, Secretary. WALWORTH MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 54 Gold st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Eugene P. Keane, Agent. WAMSUTTA MILLS CO., Office, 39 Thomas st. Inc. in New Bedford, Mass. Capital, $3,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Sheetings, shirtings, etc. No other information furnished. Grinnell, Willis & Co., N. Y. Agents. WANSKUCK (0O., Office, 67 Worth st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Represented by William P. Metcalf and Edwin R. Dillington. E. WANT OPTICAL CO,, Office, 112 John st. Inc.in N. J. Capital authorized, $25,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Edwin Want, President. DirEcTORS—Edwin Want, Benj. C. Armstrong, Julius Lebkeucher. WARD CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., General Office, Leadville, Col.; Trans- fer and Corporate Office, 53 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $10; Full paid. Oxpyecr—General mining. Notina state of activity. Plant located at Leadville, Col., and consists of mining claims not worked. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS—Watson B. Dickerman, President; G. G. Nevers, Vice-President ; W. Gayer Dominick, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Watson B. Dickerman, F. B. Nof- singer, Geo. B. Greer, Bayard Dominick, George G. Nevers, A. H. Porter, Justin J. Edwards, W. Gayer Dominick, S. R. Lesher. EVERETT WARD SOAP CO., Office, 63 Murray st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. WARD MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Howard st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Solomon Zeman, President. DirEcToRS—Solomon Zeman, Edward B. Lord. 432 WARD SHIRT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 395 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000; Full paid in cash. Claim surplus g11,000. Liabilities other than capital, $3,400. Total assets, $3,016.76. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Joseph A. Ward, President ; Peter Grafenberg, Treasurer. Drrectors—Edward B. Lord, Louis E. Maid- hof, Wm. R. Ward. WARDEN MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in Phila., Pa. No information furnished. Represented by Robert G. Bushnell. WARING HAT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 616 Broadway and 148 Crosby st. Inc. in Yonkers, N. Y. Osyect—Wholesale hats. No other information furnished. C. H. Tenny & Co., Agents. WARREN CHEMICAL AND MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 81-83 Fulton st. Established 1855. Inc. 1858, in N. Y. State; Charter 20 years ; renewed for 50 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100 ; Full paid. OBJECT ~_Paving and roofing with asphalt and other material, and manufacturing of materials therefor. Plant located at Long Island City, N. Y. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. R. Warren, President and Treasurer; Wm. Burnham, Vice-President; J. H. Hume, Secre- tary. DirEcrorsS—W. R. Warren, Wm. Burnham, j eit Paes WARREN FEATHERBONE CO.,, Office, 115 Worth st. Inc. in Three Oaks, Mich. Opyecr-—Corsets. No other information furnished. John V. Farwell Co., Agents. THE WARREN FOUNDRY AND MACHINE 00., Office, 160 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Phillipsburg, N. J. Inc. Mar. 3, 1856, in N. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $25 ; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacture of cast-iron pipe. Plant at Phillipsburg, N. J.; 12 acres; owned. No dividends. OFFICERS—Wm. Kunkle, President and Treasurer; W. H. Hulick, Vice-President and Assistant Treas- urer; W..R. Wilson, Secretary. Drrectors—Wm. Runkle, W. H. Hulick, H. G. Runkle, James W. Long, John Ingham, Chas. Stewart, Benj. Riegel. WARREN HOSE AND SUPPORTER C0O., Office, tor Franklin st. Inc. in . Boston, Mass. No information furnished. C. E. Conover Co., Agents. WARREN IRON CO., General Office, 30 Broad st. Inc, in N. Y. Capital author-_ ized, $200,000. No funded debt. Not in active operation. John P. Jones, President. J. J. WARREN CO0O., Office, 595 Broadway. Inc. in Worcester, Mass. No information furnished. Henry M. Lord, Agent. WARREN-SCHARF ASPHALT PAVING CO., General and Corporate Office, 81 Fulton st. Inc. 1884 in N. Y. Charter, 50 years. Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100; paid in, $742,300. Opyect—Paving and roofing with asphalt or other mate- rials. Plants located in twenty or more different cities in the United States and Canada. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William R. Warren, President and Treasurer; Wm. Burnham, Vice-President ; Henry Bradbury, Secretary. DirEctors—Wm. R. Warren, Wm. Burnham, Joseph H. Hume, Dana E. Rianhard, S. Whinery, S. R. Scharf, George C. Warren. WARREN THREAD C0O., Office, 8 Greene st. Inc. in Ashland, Mass. No anformation furnished. Stephen G. Carpenter, Agent. THE WARRIOR MOWER CO. Capital authorized, $162,000, since reduced to $55,080. No other information furnished. . Dividends not stated: No debt. OFFICERS— Watts IT. Loomis, President; Wm. G. Milligan, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Watts T. Loomis, D. H. Burmell, H. W. Shepherd, John P. Sharer. WARSAW BLUE STONE CO., General and Corporate Office, 3 Union sq. W. Inc. in Warsaw, N. Y. No other information furnished. P. M. Pirsson & Co., Agents. THE WARSAW SALT CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 William st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Liabilities other ‘than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $200,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—John D. Wine, President. DIRECTORS— John D. Wine, Samuel Thorne, Winisheurvines 433 WASH-OUT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 17 Hubert st. No inforrnation furnished. WASHBURN CAR WHEEL CO., General and Corporate Office, 10 Wall st. No information furnished. WASHINGTON BREWERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 59 Cedar sl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $83,000. Total assets at least $205,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS AND DirEcTORS—William Rasquin, President; Edward H. Carpenter, F. J. Winslow, Monroe Crawford. WASHINGTON BUILDING CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $700,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $42,560.59. Total assets, $42,560.59. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs AND Direcrors—John Lindlay, Presi- dent; William Schillaber, Treasurer; Thomas H. Hubbard. WASHINGTON COLD STORAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 192 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y.. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000 ; Amount paid in, $500 in cash, $100,000 in property. Liabilities other than capital, $20,000. Total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—F. Hudson, President; W. D. Barclay, Treasurer, Ig2 Broadway; W. S. Black. WASHINGTON, D. C., GAS LIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, Wash- ington, D. C.. Inc. 1848 in District of Columbia; Charter Perpetual. OByEctT—Manu- facture of illuminating gas. Two plants, with total capacity of 6,000,000 feet a day, owned. Capital stock authorized, $2,200,000, par $20; paid in, $2,000,000, par $20 ; registered by Company. Annual Meeting, 1st Mon. in Feb., in the city of Washington. Fiscal year ends Dec. 31st. Surplus or undivided profits not stated. Dividends at Company’s office, Feb., quar., 10 p.c. per ann. FuNDED DEBt—Two series of $300,000 each ; created, $1,000,000; issued and outstanding, $600,000 ; sizes, $100, $500, $1,000, due June .30, 1902, and Dec. 31, 1904; reg. 6s, J. & J. Interest payable Washington, D.C. Transfer and registry made at Company’s office. ‘TRUSTEES—Charles C. Glover, Charles _A. James. No sinking fund. Books close ten days before interest periods. Bonds are secured upon plant of Company located in this city. Orricers—George A. Mcllhenny, President: Charles B. Bailey, Secretary ; William B. Orme, Assistant Secretary ; John C. Poor, Treasurer; Thomas G. Lansden, General Superintendent. DIRECTORS— George A. Mcllhenny, William R. Riley, William B. Webb, James W. Orme, John C. Bullitt. WASHINGTON STORAGE WAREHOUSE AND VAN CO., Limited, General Offices, 2300 8th ave. and 264 W. 124th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000. No funded debt. OFrricERS—William I. Quintard, President; Francis S. Marden, Sec- retary. DIRECTORS—Francis S. Marden, John Beckert, Frederick W. White, William I, QOuintard. THE WATER OVERFLOW PREVENTION C0O., General and Corporate Office, 93 Grand st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $9,000. Total assets at least $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Clarence W. Stiner, President ; Henry C. Werner, Treasurer. THE WATERBURY CLOCK CO., Office, 10 Cortlandt st.; Corporate Office, Waterbury, Conn. Inc. 1857 in Conn.; Charter Perpetual, Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacture of clocks. Plant at Waterbury, Conn.; owned. Orricers—Henry L. Wade, President; Irving H. Chase, Secretary ; Henry L. Wade, Treasurer. Drrecrors—A. S. Chase, Henry L. Wade, Israel Holmes, Irving H. Chase. George M. Vanderenter, N. Y. Manager. THE WATERBURY WATCH CO., Office, 92 Liberty st., abolished ; Corporate Office, Waterbury, Conn. Inc. in Waterbury, Conn. Capital authorized, $400,000, No other information furnished. HORACE WATERS & CO., General Offices, 134 sth ave. and 323 E. 4oth st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $250,000. Oxnjecr—Pianos. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Horace Waters, President; Samuel T. White, Secretary; T. Leeds Waters, ‘Treasurer. DirReECTORS—Horace Waters, T. Leeds Waters, Samuel T. White. 434 L. E. WATERMAN & CO., General and Corporate Office, 155 Broadway. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Assets, $46,452.28 ; Debts, $46,398.55. OBjEcT—Pens. Dividends Io p.c. on capital stock. L. E. Water- man, President. DIRECTORS—H. J. Cauder, L. E. Waterman. J. C. WATSON CO., General and Corporate Office, foot E.135thst. Inc. in N.Y. OpyEcT—Grain. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Thos. A. McIntyre, President; J. Curry Watson, Secretary. L. 8. WATSON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 113 Chambers st. Inc. in Leicester, Mass. No information furnished. John H. Graham & Co., Agents. WEAVER & STEREY CO., General and Corporate Office, 79 Pine, and 166 Pearl sts. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $87,120.55. Total assets, $187,120.55. Opject—Drug importers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFt- CERS AND DIRECTORS—Geo. E. Terry, President; Wm. DeW. Terry, Treasurer; John A. oterey, WEAVER MAILING ENVELOPE AND BOX CO.,, Office, 176 Fulton st. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. No information furnished. Geo. F. Nock, Agent. H. WEBSTER C0O., General and Corporate Office, 22 Monroe st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in cash, $50,000. Liabilities other than capital, $16,725. Total assets at least $60,000. OByECr—Wines, etc. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—G. Har- land Leavitt, President; Wm. E. Leavitt, Secretary; Fred N. Lawrence, Treasurer. WEBSTER LOOM CO., General and Corporate Office, 411 W. 51st st. Capital, authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Wm. G. Smith, President; Wm. Webster, Secretary. WEBSTER PIANO CO., General and Corporate Office, 119 Ave. D and 95 5th ave. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not. ascertained. OFFICERS—F. G. Smith, President; A. J. Powell, Secretary ; F. J. Smith, Jr., Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Freeborn G,. Smith, Alex. S. Bacon, Christian H. Henning, Adoniram J. Powell, Freeborn G. Smith, Jr., Stewart J. Woodford. WEDDLE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 529 West st. No information furnished. THE WEED SEWING-MACHINE CO., General Office, 26 Union sq. E.; Corporate Office, Hartford, Conn.. Company acquired on Jan. 7, 1891, by the Pope Manufacturing Co., Albert A. Pope, President; George H. Day, Vice-President ; which assumed all obligations. No other information furnished. Augustus H. Tennis, N. Y. Manager. THE WEEHAWKEN WHARF CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan, 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Full paid, in cash, $1,000; in property, $29,000. Liabilities other than capital, $6,100. Total assets at least $7,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- oRS—Edward R. Dunham, President; A. G. Perham, John C. Scott. WEEK’S SPORT CO., General and Corporate Office, 140 5th ave. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. WEEKLY UNION ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 7 Barclay st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. James W. O'Brien, President. TRUSTEES—James W. O’Brien, Joseph J. Marrin, John F. Walsh. WEEKS & CAMPBELL CO,, Office, 204 Church st. Inc. in N. J. Capital paid in, $50,000. OnjECT—Stationery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Andrew J. Lambertson, President; Fred. T. Parsons, Secretary. DirEcrors—Andrew J. Lambertson, Frederick T. Parsons, F. A. Parsons, Wm. H. Darrah. WEHN PAVEMENT CO,, Office, 16 Exchange pl. Inc.in N. J. Capital author- ized, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFI- CERS—Robert S. Sinclair, President; Wm. H. Turrell, Secretary; Arthur C. Babson, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Robert S. Sinclair, Wm. H. Turrell, Arthur C. Babson, George. H. Wehn. 435 WEIDMANN SILK DYEING C0,, Office, 100 Grand st. Inc. in Paterson, N. J. No information furnished. Charles M. Miller, N. Y. Manager. THE DR. LOUIS WEIGERT CO., General and Corporate Office, 23 Park pl. Inc. 1889, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $15,000, par 100; Full paid. Osjyect—Manufacture of medicines. Liabilities other than capital, $19,233.61. Total assets, $5,000. OFFICERS AND DirRECTORS—L. B. Jones, President and Treasurer ; C. L. Becker, Vice-President and Secretary ; W. T. Marston. J. WEIL & BROTHERS, Office, 29 Spruce st. Inc. in Il. Capital authorized, $300,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS —Jacob Weil, President; Jos. M. Weil, Secretary; Emanuel R. Weil, Treasurer. DI- RECTORS—Jacob Weil, Emanuel R. Weil, Leopold Weil, Joseph M. Weil, Louis Weil. WEIR FROG CO., Office, 10 Wall st. Inc. in Cincinnati,O. No information furnished. William H. Price, Agent. D. WEISS PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 83 Park row. No information furnished. E. N. WELSH MANUFACTURING (O., Office, 13 Maiden la. Inc. in Forest- ville, Conn. No information furnished. Wm. H. Atwater, N. Y. Manager. H. L. WELCH HOSIERY CO., Office, 123 Franklin st. Inc.in Waterville, Conn. No information furnished. Lawrence Hyde, Agent. WELCH-FRACKER CO., General and Corporate Office, 37 Great Jones st. Inc. in N, Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyject-—Publish- ers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Chas. E. Barns, President. WELCH, HOLME & CLARK C0., Office, 38 West st., and 145 Barrow st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. OpyEcT— Tallow. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Andrew M. Sherrill, President ; Moses . E. Clark, Secretary. Drirecrors—Andrew M. Sherrill, Moses E. Clark, Frederick Mohrmann. THE WELCOME GOLD AND SILVER MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,500,000 ; Paid in cash, $10,000,000. Dividends, if any. not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirECTORS—Chas. Waite, President; Henry E. Russell, Giles E. Blazie. WELLINGTON MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 468 Cherry st., and 53 W. 30th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Oxsjyect—Lamps. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Henry Wellington, President; Chas. E. Mielke, Secretary. WELLMAN IRON AND STEEL CO., Office, 7 Nassau st.; Phila. Office, 220 S. 4th st. General and Corporate Office, Thurlow, Pa. Inc. in Pa., under Act 1874; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Annual Meeting not stated. No dividends stated. No funded debt. This Company is suc- cessor to Chester Rolling Mills. Plant located at Thurlow, Delaware Co. About 4o acres owned. Built in 1874-5; 8 double puddling furnaces, 5 heating furnaces, 1 ham- mer and 6 trains of rolls; product, tank, ship, bridge and boiler-plate iron; annual capacity, 30,000 net tons. Open-hearth steel plant added in 1881-2, consisting of 2 15-gross ton Siemens furnaces ; annual capacity, 22,500 net tons of ingots, worked into plates. Bessemer steel plant added in 1889, consisting of 2 3-gross-ton converters and blooming mill; daily capacity, 350 net tons of ingots, worked into nail slabs, etc. Also, | 1 blast furnace, first blown in in Nov., 1881; 3 Whitewell stoves; product, Bessemer ig-iron; annual capacity, 40,000 net tons. FUNDED DEBT—$I00,000, Ist mtge. c. 5s, dated 1886, due 1896, J. & J.; $200,000, 2d mtge.c, 6s, dated 1889, due 1899, J. & J., all interest payable at Delaware Co, Bank, Chester, Pa. OFFICERS—S. T. Wellman, President; S. H. Chauvenet, Vice-President; Richard Peters, Jr», Secretary ; J. P. Crozer, Treasurer. D1rEcTORS—S. A. Crozer, J. P. Crozer, G. K. Crozer, 5S. T. Wellman, S. H. Chauvenet, John H. Converse, Wm. Burnham, Richard Peters, Jr., F. E. Weston. John H. Belcher, N. Y. Agent. 28 430 WELLS ENGINE (C0O., Office, 91 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Ashland, Ky. Inc. 1886, in Ky.; Charter 25 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyecr—Manufacturing and licensing to build engines. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Justin R. Wells, President; A. S. Davenport, Vice-President; Justin P. Wells, Secretary and Treasurer. D1rectrors—Justin R. Wells, Justin P. Wells, A. S. Davenport. WELLS, FARGO & CO., General Office, 63 Broadway; Corporate Office, San Francisco, Cal. Inc. 1866, in Cal.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $6,250,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsjyecr—Express and banking business. Plant located through- out the United States and Mexico, and consists of general express equipment, em- ploying about 3,500 men, with a weekly pay-roll of $35,000. Dividends in last fiscal year 2, of 4p.c. each. No funded debt. Orricers—Lloyd Tevis, President; John J. Valentine, Vice-President; James Heron, Secretary, all of San Francisco; H. B. Parsons, Assistant Secretary, N. Y.; Henry Wadsworth, Treasurer, San Francisco. DrirEctoRS—Lloyd Tevis, Leland Stanford, William Norris, W. F. Good, Oliver Eldridge, George E. Gray, C. F. Crocker, all of San Francisco; James Kc. Pare O Ne Ne THE WELLS RUSTLERS IRON CO., General and Corporate Office, 21 Cliff st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $21,000. Total assets at least $12,000. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirECTORS—Wm. Wells, President; Chas. 5S. Stephens, Secretary; J. S. C. Wells. WELSBACH LIGHT C0O., N. Y. Office, 71 University pl.; General and Corporate Office, cor. Mercer and Ellis sts., Gloucester, N. J.; Treasurer’s Office, 813 Drexel Building, Phila. Inc. Mar. 9, 1887, in N.J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $525,125, par $5. On July 7, 1892, full paid in cash and property ; issued $394,160, to be issued additional (about), $100,000, total actual issue (about), $494,160. Annual Meet- ing, 2d Wed. in Mar. No dividends yet paid. This Company was formed by reorganiza- tion of the Welsbach Incandescent Gaslight Co. (parent company), and Welsbach Incandescent Gaslight Co. of Penna. FUNDED DEstr—lIssued by Welsbach Incandescent Gaslight Co: Sinking Fund, mtge. coup. 6s, dated Jan. 5, 1890, due May I, Igoo; created, $134,725; issued and outstanding, $134,675; each, $25, $50, $100, $500 and $1,000. Int. payable Feb., qrly., at Equitable Trust Co., Phila., Trustee of Sinking Fund. Sinking fund provides for yearly deposit for every lamp sold. Osyect—Manufacture and sale of incandescent and regenerative gas lamps. Plantlocated at Gloucester, N. J., leased: well-equipped and ample for all requirement; part sublet. OFFICERS—W. E. Barrows, President; W. W. Gibbs, Vice-President; Edward C. Lee, Secretary and Treasurer: W. E. Barrows, General Manager. Drrecrors—W. E. Barrows, Thomas Dolan, W. W. Gibbs, A. G. Richey, S. E. Bodine, Randal Morgan, Edward C. Lee. JAY C. WEMPLE C0O., Offices, 537 Broadway and 108 Mercer st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100: Full paid, Opyect—Manufacturing shade cloths, window shades and shade rollers. Plant located at Brooklyn, N. Y., and consists of factory and equipment, employing 250 hands. No funded debt. OFrricers—William T. Hayward, President , E. C. Wemple, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcrors—William T. Hayward, E. C. Wemple, N. T. Allen. WENSTROM CONSOLIDATED DYNAMO AND MOTOR CO. Inc. in Balti- more, Md. No information furnished. Emile E. Blum, N. Y. Manager, 19 Whitehall st. ; J. W. Schroeder, Agent, 15 Cortlandt st. H. C. WERNER SILK FINISHING C0O., General and Corporate Offices, 93 * Grand st., 449 W. 14th st. and 444 W.15th st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Henry C. Werner, President; Lazarus Reichmann, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Henry C. Werner, Lazarus Reichmann. F. WESEL MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Spruce st. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $15,600; Amount paid in not known. OBJECT— Printers’ materials. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Ferdinand Wesel, President; Emil Stephany, Secretary. DirecTors—Ferdinand Wesel, Emil Stephany. , WESSELS CO., General and Corporate Office, 218 Washington st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000 ; Amount paid in not known. OsyecT—Commission pro- duce. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrricers—Gerhard Wessels, President; G. Wm. Wessels, Secretary; Chas. T. Wessels, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Gerhard Wessels, G. William Wessels, Charles T. Wessels, Henry E. Wessels. 437 A. WESTBROOK CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends if any, not ascer- tained. Orricers—Percy L. Turner, President; Julia Turner Secretary. DIRECTORS— Percy L. Turner, Julia Turner, Victor Schaller. WESTBROOK MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 18 Thomas st. Inc. in Sacca- rappa, Me. Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paid in not known. No other infor- mation furnished. Lemuel Smith, Agent. WESTCHESTER CARRIAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 227 Broadway. Inc. in Westchester, N. Y. No information furnished. John G. Webb, Agent. WESTCHESTER ELECTRIC CO, General and Corporate Office, 14 Dey st. No information furnished. WESTCHESTER MANUFACTURING CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 180 Fulton st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Amount paid in, $50,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $50,000. Total assets at least $55,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirREcCTORS—L. J. Rossman, President; C. M. Kellogg, Treasurer; James P. Heffeman. THE WESTCHESTER TELEPHONE ©C0O., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $380,846.43. Total assets, $380,846.43. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Jos. P. Davis, President ; Jos. Kavanagh, Treasurer. Direcrors—Jos. P. Davis, Chas. F. Cutler, David B. Pancken. WESTCOTT EXPRESS C0O., General Office, 73 Murray st. Inc. InN ¥.) Capi tal authorized, $250,000. OFFICERS—Robert E. Westcott, President; Francis Stiles, Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Robert E. Westcott, John H. Paul, Walter G. Eliot. WESTERBERG-JEFFERSON CO., General and Corporate Office, 540 W. 58th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceErs—Thos. Jefferson, President ; John J. Jefferson, Secre- tary. TRUSTEES—John J. Jefferson, Susan Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson. WEST ASBURY PARK WATER CO., General and Corporate Office, 137 Broad- way. Inc.in N. Y. No infurmation furnished. WEST HAVERSTRAW WATER CO., General and Corporate Office, 52 Broad- way. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $61,000. Total assets at least $61,000, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John C. Lockwood, President and Treasurer. Direcrors—John C. Lockwood, F. G. Lockwood, D. D. Williams. WEST INDIA COFFEE C0O., Limited, Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000 ; Amount paid in cash, $6,650. No habilities. Total assets at least $3,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DireEctors—J. N. Wilson, President ; Wm. Thompson, Treasurer; A. G. Boardman, 35 Wall st. WEST INDIA CO., General and Corporate Office, 47 Broad st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $15,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—Stephen B. French, President; Wm. R. Hunt, Secretary. DIRECT- ors—Stephen B. French, Horace W. Campbell, Wm. R. Hunt. WEST INDIA IMPROVEMENT CO., General Office, 25 Pine st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000. OFFICERS —Frederick Wesson, President; Ansley S. Davis, Secretary. Drrecrors—Frederick Wesson, Ansley 5. Davis, Marcus Stine, William P. Ward, J. C. Van Doren, J. C. Easton. THE WEST INDIES ASPHALT CO., Office, 50 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Montclair, N. J. Inc. 1890 in N. J. Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Paid in $100,009, OpjectT—Refining and furnishing Trinidad asphalt, and laying asphalt pavements and roofs. Plant at Jones’ Point, N. Y. OFFICERS—James A.W. Pine, President; Geo. E. Letson, Secretary; Hugo Reid, Treasurer, DIREcT- ors—James A. W. Pine, Hugo Reid, Geo. E. Letson, F. L. Smith, Geo. B. Edwards. 438 WEST JAMAICA LAND CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 192 Broadway. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $4,294.56. Assets, cash and debts receiv- able, $5,268.37. Receipts on account of liquidation, $8.782.49; Expenditures, $5,702.36. This Company has disposed of all its property and virtually ceased to do business. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—F. W. Dunton, President; Wm. G. Wheeler, Treasurer; Geo. S. Edgell. WEST MILFORD WATER STORAGE CO., Office, 2 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Paterson, N. J. Inc. 1886, in N. J.; Charter for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Storage and sale of water. Plant located at West Milford, N. J., and consists of lands, storage basins, ice houses, etc. Annual Meeting and Election, 3d Tues. in Nov. No funded debt. OFrricers—Henry C. Andrews, President; John R. Bartlett, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IrRECcTORS—Henry C. Andrews, John R. Bartlett, Whiting G. Snow, Garret A. Hobart, Albert A. Wilcox. WEST PENN GLASS CO., Office, 144 Chambers st. Inc. in Blairsville, Pa. No information furnished. Louis P. Whiteman, Agent. WEST POINT FOUNDRY CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid in cash, Liabilities other than capital, $102,010.87. Total assets, $126,333.44. Dividends, if any not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—G. Paulding, Presi- dent; Thos. N. Phemlander, Treasurer; Colin Tolmere. WEST PUBLISHING CO., Office, 83 Nassau st. Inc. in St. Paul, Minn. Capi- tal authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyecr—Publishers and dealers in law books. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Jay R. Shipley, N. Y. Manager. WEST PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 13 W. 27th st. Inc. inN. Y. No other information furnished. Thos. O. Denney, President. THE WEST VIRGINIA COAL CO., Office, 1 Broadway, Room 221. Inc. in W.Va. Capital authorized, $30,000. OsyEcT—Mining and selling coal. Elk Garden, Big Vein Cumberland, Davis Cumberland and George’s Creek, in West Virginia. Stephen B. Elkins, President. WEST VIRGINIA COAL, IRON AND LUMBER 0C0O.,, Office, 31 Nassau st. Inc. in Washington, D. C. No information furnished. Represented by John A. Balestier, Secretary. WESTERN AGENCY, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 19 William st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital paid in, $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS— Chas. W. B. Weber, President; Geo. Von Skal, Secretary; Otto G. Mayer, Treasurer. Drrectors—Chas, W. B. Weber, Otto G. Mayer, Geo. H. Tobias, Wm. A. De Long, Geo. Von Skal. WESTERN ASSOCIATED PRESS of Chicago, Ill. Office, 212 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. William Henry Smith, N. Y. Manager. WESTERN ELECTRIC CO., of Chicago, Office, Thames, cor. Greenwich. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Am»unt paid in not known. No other information furnished. Henry B. Thayer, N. Y. Manager. THE WESTERN EXPRESS CO., General Office, 91 Wall st. Corporate Office, Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished. Edwin Y. Douglass, Agent. WESTERN FILE CO., Office, 93 Chambers st. Inc. in Beaver Falls, Pa. No information furnished. Alfred Field & Co., Agents. WESTERN IMPROVEMENT C0O., General and Corporate Office, 42 New st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000; Amount paid in, cash, $234,000; property, $500,000. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—O. W. Joslyn, President; Jas. B. Beach, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Jas. B. Beach, John D. Slayback, H. L. Langhaar. WESTERN INDURATED FIBRE CO., Office, 173 Duane st. Inc. in Winona, Minn. No information furnished. Cordley & Hayes, Agents. 439 WESTERN NEVADA COPPER CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $4,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrFicers—Nicholas P. Todd, President ; Benjamin L. Curtis, Treasurer, 15 Waverly pl. DirECTORS—Ben). L. Curtis, James M. Ball, Geo. F. Harriman. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION, Office, 154 Nassau st. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Wagar H. Remington, N. Y. Manager. THE WESTERN OIL REFINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orrrcers—Wm. C. Dreyer, President; Chas. L. Robinson, Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Wnm. C. Dreyer, Martin E. Waldstein, Wm. Penington. WESTERN PATENT OVERALL CO., 23 White-st. No information furnished. WESTERN PUBLISHING HOUSE, General and Corporate Office, 3 E. 14th st. No information furnished. THE WESTERN STATES ELECTRIC STORAGE CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan: 1,, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $18,500. Total assets at least $1,007. Company is now said to be in process of dissolution. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—E. W. Carrit, President ; H. R. Parrish, Secretary. THE WESTERN STATES LINE CANAL AND LAKE (C0O., Offices, 76 Wall st. and Pier 6 E. R.; Corporate Office, Phila., Pa. No information furnished. Sabvelare, Agent. THE WESTERN TRANSIT CO., General Office, 91 Wall st. and Pier 7 E. R.; Corporate Office, Buffalo, N. Y. No information furnished. Edwin T. Douglass, Agent. WESTERN UNION BEEF CO., Office, 33 Wall st. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Charles M. McGhee, President ; Charles T. Leonhardt, Secretary. DrrEectorS—Charles M. McGee, Samuel Thomas, G. G. Symes, W. MsJohnston, Ry tT: Wilson, George W. Baxter, John L. Routt, Thomas Sturgis, Charles T. Leonhardt, Charles Bosher. WESTERN WHEEL WORKS, Office, 35 Barclay st. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. R. L. Coleman Co., Agents. WESTERN WOOD-WORKING CO., General and Corporate Office, 46 Murray st. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Wilson Dunn, President. WESTINGHOUSE AIR BRAKE C0,, Office, 160 Broadway. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Robert A. Parke, N. Y. Manager. THE WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC AND MANUFACTURING CcO., Office, 120 Broadway; Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. 1872, in Penna. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $50 ; Full paid. Oxsyect—Manufacture of electrical apparatus and appliances for arc and incandescent lights ; for transmission of power and electrical generators and motors, etc., for railways. Plant at Pittsburgh, Pa. Dividends at rate of 6 p. c. on preferred stock, $4,000,000. OFFICERS—Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., President; Lemuel Bannister, Ist Vice-President; Geo. W. Hebard, 2d Vice-President ; Chas. A. Terry, Secretary ; Ph. Ferd. Kobbe, Treasurer. D1irecrors—Ch. F. Adams, Lemuel Bannister, August Belmont, A. M. Byers, Chas. Fairchild, Marcellus Hartley, Geo. W. Hebard, Henry B. Hyde, Brayton Ives, G. W. Westinghouse, Jr. WESTINGHOUSE MACHINE CO., Office, 17 Cortlandt st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Capital authorized, $250,000. No information furnished. Westinghouse, Church, Kerr & Co., Agents. THE WESTMORELAND PAPER CO., General and Corporate Office, West New- ton, Pa. Inc. 1887, in Penna. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par gi1oo; Full paid. Oxnyectr—Paper manufacturing. Plant located at West Newton, Pa. Represented in N. Y. by W. H. Parsons & Co,, 4 Warren st. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS __W. H. Parsons, President; D. S. Cowles, Vice-President; J. L, Stephens, Secretary ; W. H. Parsons, Jr., Treasurer. 440 WESTON ENGINE (CO., General and Corporate Office, 4o Cortlandt st. Inc. in Painted Post, N. Y. No information furnished. Julian Scholl & Co., N. Y. Managers. THE S. P. WETHERILL O©0O., 112 John st.; Philadelphia Office, Room 711 Penn Mutual Building. Capital authorized, $50,000; Full paid. This Company suc- ceeded the S. P. Wetherill Co., Limited, which expired Mar. 31, 1891. Very close Company. Manufacturers and importers of Indian, Tuscan and Venetian reds, umbers, siennas, ochres, purple browns and metallic oxides, barytes, Paris white, whiting, talc and soapstone. OFrFICERS—S. P. Wetherill, President; Henry C. Stewart, Treasurer ; John C. Nippes, Secretary; Milton Birch, Manager; William Balbach, Manager and New York Agent. | S. H. WETMORE 00O., General and Corporate Office, 242 Pearl st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $16,000; Amount paid in not known. Opject—Importing. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceERs—Chas. M. Blackman, President; Fred. W. Cooper, Secretary. DiRECTORS—Chas. M. Blackman, Frederick W. Cooper, Nathaniel Doyle, James P. Hefferman. THE WILLIAM WHARTON, JR. & CO., INCORPORATED, N. W. cor. roth st. and 3d ave.; Philadelphia Office, 330 Walnut st.; General Office, 25th st. and Washington ave. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $905,700, par $100. Annual Meeting, 3d Mon. in Feb., at 25th st. and Washington ave. Fiscal year ends Jan. ist. Surplus or Undivided Profits, $523,685.90 on Jan. 1, 1892. Dividends, M. & S., 1; in 1890; 6p. ¢., $54,342" 1891, 734. p. c., $67,927.50, paid air ago yy almeaee Company succeeded Wm. Wharton, Jr., & Co., Limited. Osyecr—Manufacturers and dealers in iron, steel and other metals. Plant located at 25th st. and Washington ave., occupying a square of ground, bounded by 24th and Ellsworth and 25th sts. and Washington ave., except a small corner at 24th and Ellsworth sts.; allowned. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Wm. Wharton, Jr., President; Edward Samuel, Ist Vice- President; F. P. Howe, 2d Vice-President; Richard Ashhurst, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Wm. Wharton, Jr., Wm. Rotch Wister, Josiah M. Bacon, Richard W. Bacon, Wm. Selfridge. ‘ WHATT CHROMATIC PRINTING CO., Office, 84 Broadway. Inc. in W. Va. Capital, $1,000,000. OFrricers—John McGinnis, Jr., President; Harry F. Wyatt, Secretary ; Frederick Taylor, Treasurer. Direcrors—John McGinnis, Jr., Theodore Braine, Sherburne B. Eaton, E. A. Mauriac, Samuel A. Walsh, Frederick Taylor, En Dakoster: WHEATLAND IMPROVEMENT C0O., Office, 239 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS--Edwin V. Macnhette, President; Frank H. Brown, Secre- tary; James C. Caldwell, Treasurer. Direcrors—Edwin V. Machette, Frank H. Brown, James C. Caldwell, Norman S. Kenyon, Charles M. Wilkins. WHEELER & WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 833 Broad- way ; Corporate Office, Bridgeport, Conn. Inc.in Conn. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Nathaniel Wheeler, President ; Frederick Hurd, Secretary. DI- RECTORS—Nathaniel Wheeler, James S. Elton, Henry E. Russell, William H. Perry, A. S. Chase, C. N. Wayland, John Sterling, E. N. Shelton, Frederick Hurd. WHEELER CONDENSER AND ENGINEERING ©0O,, Office, 92 Liberty st. Corporate Office, Moniclair, N. J. Inc. 1891 in’N. J.; Charter Perpetual Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $225,000. OBjEcT—Manutfacturing machinery of all kinds. Plant located at Carteret, N.J.; steam-power. No funded debt. OFFICERS——Clifton H. Wheeler, President; Fred. M. Wheeler, Vice-President ; William H. Hampton, Secretary; Aaron Vanderbilt, Treasurer. D1RECToRS—Clifton H. Wheeler, William H. Hampton, Aaron Vanderbilt, Charles Wheeler, F. Meriam Wheeler. F. B. WHEELER CO,, Office, 76 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1889 in N. J.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Paid in, $73,000, per share par. OBjEcT—Export commission. No funded debt. OFFICERS-—Frank B. Wheeler, President ; Charles C. Voorhees, Secretary; Robert H. Halstead, Treasurer. DirEcTroRS—Daniel B. Halstead, Alfred G. Peck, Henry C. Howell, William H. Morris, Charles C. Voorhees. WHEELER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 187 Cherry st. No information furnished. 441 WHEELER & CO., Office, 48 Beaver st. Inc. in Belfast, Ireland. No informa- tion furnished. Represented by Arthur C. Wheeler, 37/2 Water St. Samuel McCon- nell, Agent. WHEELING BRIDGE AND TERMINAL RAILWAY CO., Office, 45 Wall st. Inc. in Wheeling, W. Va. No information furnished. J. Kennedy Todd & Co., Agents. WHEELING CORRUGATING CO., Office, 81 Fulton st. Inc. in Wheeling, W. Va. No information furnished. Herman C. Mechling, Agent. WHEELING IRON AND NAIL C0O., Office, 31 Fulton st. Inc.in Wheeling, W. Va. No information furnished. Herman C. Mechling, Agent. ; FREDERICK H. WHIPPLE CO,, General and Corporate Office, 5 Beekman st. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Fred. H. Whipple, President. WHITAKER IRON CO., Office, 81 Fulton st. Inc. in Wheeling, W. Va. No information furnished. Herman C. Mechling, Agent. THE WHITCOMB ENVELOPE 00., Office, 77 Chambers st. ; Corporate Office, Worcester, Mass. Inc. Feb., 1884; business established 1864; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Manufacture and sale of envelopes, printing, etc. Plant at Worcester, Mass. At Lincoln sq., brick building, fully equipped, owned by Co. Dividends, regular quarterly, 6 p. c. per ann. OFFICERS—G. Henry Whitcomb, President and Treasurer; Chas. Ke.th, Secretary. Direcrors—G. Henry Whitcomb, M. Fayette Dickinson, John A. Sherman. WHITCOMB METALLIC BEDSTEAD CO., Office, 35 W. 14th st. “Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $100 000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. OFFICERS—Walter O. Whitcomb, President; Ed. M. Oldham, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Walter O. Whitcomb, George B. Sterling, Edward M. Oldham. C. C. WHITE (C0., General and Corporate Office, 164 Duane st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 , Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $2,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFI- CERS AND DIRECTORS—C. C. White, President; Clayton Slaughter, Treasurer. WHITE GRANITE CO., General and Corporate Office, 547 W. 14th st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $12,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertain:d. OFFICERS—Niles G. White. President ; James E. Dutton, Secretary. DIrREcTORS—Niles G. White, Al. Le Poidevin, Frank S. White. WHITE MANUFACTURING C0., Office, 56 Reade st. Inc. in Newark, N. J. No information furnished. Chester R. White, N. Y. Manager. S §. WHITE DENTAL MANUFACTURING CO., Office and Main Store, 12th and Chestnut sts., Philadelphia; Branches: New York, 3 Union sq. W. and 1260 Broad- way; Boston, Chicago, Brooklyn and Atlanta. Inc. June 28, 1881; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par ¢100; Full paid. Dividends, 8 p. c. per ann. Annual Meeting, 3d Tues. in Apr. Opyect—Dental supplies. Factories, 12th and Chestnut sts. and Frankford, Phila., and Princes Bay, Ne-Y STATEMENTS, Aug. I, 1889, 1890 and 1891 :— . 1889. T8Q0. 1891. Real estate, AUg. 1, 18QT...srsseeeesersreceerscreneeescensneeees $42,100 00 ~— $192,157 88 $247,214 92 Cash, Aug. 1, 1801. ..-ssorsessceoecnsanacraden ssteel sosaeened canes? 40,098 28 57,844 69 31,495 13 Patent rights, for which part of capital stock was issued, AUG. 1, 18QI sss eeseseseessenserserseeses cesses cerees 56,008 19 65,867 31 48,592 41 Bills receivable, July 1, 18Q1-.+++see sereeeses senseeeee seneneees 46,486 20 50,672 38 , 46,870 97 Open accounts, July 1, 18Q1.:<-sse use: ssensnesese sa dartenes™s 377,308 40 433,974 88 433,447 55 Mdse., machinery and materials, Jan. 1, 1891....+..++++- 14143,240 10 (91,105,943 15% 1,240,180 78 $1,695,307 17 $1,906,460 65 $2,047,801 76 Open accounts, July 1, TBQT ..sececeseen sececerenroeves seseeeees $113,493 03 $114,815 18 = $143,539 57 Wages Ue........ecoreceserssense atneaontsc vnarentestnncsenatnoe cess: 5,000 00 7,500 OO 7,500 00 Other Cebts.....l.s.000sccsen sorcssererseveecsseer soso svese, sageocers 21,000 00 20,000 00 15,000 00 Capital StOCK. «0-0-1 00s-stenenssessnnecenstesansets cane cn crsarerses 1,000,000 00 1,000,000 00 1,000,000 00 Migs. on real estate......sssservesssatryesfannt haahoestuassrdvetaipmsaseatanicns rinks) | sescsesnyi 111 39,500 00 $1,139,493 03 $1,142,315 19 $1,205,539 57 OFFICERS—-H. M, Lewis, President; J. Clarence White, Secretary ; S. Th. pores, Treasurer; W. H. Gilbert, General Manager. DIRECTORS—S. 5S. White, Jr., James M. Longacre, Algernon K. Johnston, H. M. Lewis, A. W. Carey. 442 THE WHITE MOUNTAIN WATER CO., General. and Corporate Office, 7 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid, in cash, $2,500; balance in property. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Assets not given. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. John Ward, President and Treasurer, DIRECTORS—John Ward, Richard H. Spencer, S.C. Boynton. WHITE, POTTER & PAIGE MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 18 E. 17th st. ; Corporate Office, Brooklyn. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $85,000; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $332,429.50. OBJECT—Frames. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFricERS—Gaylon Ballorel, Presi- dent; Wm. H. Chandler, Secretary; Stephen Ballorel, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—F. J. Newcomb, J. S. Millett, Gaylon Ballorel, Stephen Ballorel. WHITE SEWING-MACHINE Co0O,, Office, 22 Union sq. E. Inc. in Cleveland, O. Capital authorized, $100,000; “Amount paid in not known. No information fur-: nished. Erwin M. Young, N. Y. Manager. : WHITE STAR MINING CO., Office, 39 Broadway. Inc. in Portland, Me. No information furnished. Represented by Joseph H. H. Williams. WHITE YANKEE MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 155 11th ave. No infor- mation furnished. WHITE-SMITH MUSIC PUBLISHING CO., Office, 8 E. 17th st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Lawrence P. Maguire, N. Y. Manager. WHITEHALL LUMBER CO0O., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in Whitehall, N. Y. No information furnished. Represented by Brackett W. Burleigh. WHITEHILL MOTOR CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Laight st. No information furnished. THE WHITING MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 31 Union sq. W. Inc. in N. Y.. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $250,000. ‘Total assets at least $450,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrric—Ers—C. E. Bulkley, Presi- dent; F.S. Salisbury, Treasurer. DrrEcTrors—L. N. Winchester, N. E. Dowd, Chas. Osborne. WHITING PAPER C0O., 150 Duane st.; General Office, Holyoke, Mass. Inc. 1865, in Mass. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000, par g100; Full paid. Annual Meeting, Nov. OsBjecr—Manufacture and sale of paper. H1stoRy—Founded by Hon. Wm. Whiting, in 1865, with one machine, with the output of about two and one-half tons per day, it has now reached the product of more than twenty-five tons per day, this being the largest production of any one manufacturer of fine writing papers in the world. Mills are equipped with the best and latest improved machinery. Their output consists of high-grade writing papers, linens, bond, ledger papers, bristol boards, etc. Plant located at Holyoke, Mass. No fundeddebt. No dividends stated. OFFICERS —Charles C. Jenks, President; Wm. Whiting, Treasurer. THE WHITLOCK MACHINE CoO., Office, 41 Park row; General and Corporate Office, Birmingham, Conn. Inc. 1888, in Conn.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $75,000, par $109; Full paid. Osyecr—Manufacture of printing presses. Plant at Shelton, Conn. (P.O. Birmingham.) OFFICERS AND DrIRECTORS—Sturges Whitlock, President; Julius G. Day, Secretary and Treasurer; Henry P. Day. THE WHITNEY GLASS WORKS, 35 Murray st., and 342 Washington st., Bos- ton; General Office, 227 S. Front st., Philadelphia ; Corporate Office, Glassboro’, N. J. Inc. Sept. 1, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Surplus, Oct. 1, 1891, after payment of last divicend, $53,945.91. Dividends, 8 and 12 p. c. Oct. 1, 1891. Annual Meeting, 3d Tues. in Oct., at Glassboro’, N. J. Fiscal year ends Aug. 31st. OByecr— Manufacture, buy and sell glassware and materials neces- sary for use in business. Manufactory located at Glassboro’, N. J., about 25 acres, fur- naces, and about too dwellings; owned. FuNDED DEBT—Ist. mtge. dated July 1, 1891, due July 1, 1931, coup. and reg. 5s; created and outstanding, $250,000, each $1,000. Interest, J. & J., payable at Guarantee Trust and S.D.Co. J. P. Whitney, Trustee. Bonds can be redeemed after 10 years from date. $6,000 yearly to sinking fund. 5S cured upon Glassboro’, N. J., real estate, and assets of Company. OFrFICERS—-Thos. W. Synnott, President; John P. Whitney, Vice-President; J. H. Jefferis, Secretary; John P. Whitney, Treasurer. Drrecrors—T. W. Synnott, John P. Whitney, C. J. Yost, J. H. Jefferis, W. H. Beckett. Walter B. Wills, N. Y. Agent. 443 WHITTIER ELEVATOR CO., General and Corporate Office, 306 1ith ave. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000 , Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $44,711,65. Total assets, $44,711.65. Receipts for year, $69,276.90 ; Expenditures, $69,382.98. Dividends, if any not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—-C. R. Whittier, President ; John Cabot, ‘Treasurer, R. A. McLean. WHITTIER MACHINE CO., Office, 93 Liberty st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Mulford Helmer, N. Y. Manager. WHOLESALE DRUG TRADE, General and Corporate Office, 4 Warren st. No other information furnished. James H. Goldey, Treasurer. THE WM. WICKE C0., General Office, 530 Ist ave. Capital authorized, $800,000 ; Full paid. Opjyecr—Cigar boxes. OFFICERS—William Wicke, President; Julius Brandes, Secretary ; August Roesler, Treasurer. DrirecTrors—William Wicke, August ~ Roesler, Julius Brandes. WICKES REFRIGERATOR 00., Office, 874 Broadway. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Ernest F. Walton, Agent. WICKHAM NOVELTY (CO., Office, 67 Warren st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $2,400; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Oscar D. Wickham, President; George H. Abrams, Secretary ; Maross Jenkins, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Oscar D. Wickham, George H. Abrams, Maross Jenkins. WIDE WEST MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 3 E. 63d st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $1,600. | Assets consist of mining property. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Horace Brightman, President ; H. L. Norton, Treasurer, and Davis Johnson. WILBER MERCANTILE AGENCY, Office, 169 Pulitzer Building. Inc. in Chicago, Ill. No information furnished. Richard A. Learned, N. Y. Manager. WILBUSCH & HILGER, Limited, General and Corporate Office, 84 Chambers st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000 ; Paid in, $25,000 cash; 1,250 shares in property. Liabilities other than capital, $175,000. Total assets at least $300,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DI- RECTORS—Chas. F. Wilbusch, President; W. M. Taussig, Treasurer, R. Lienhart. WILCOX & MATTHEWS CO., Office, 42 Murray st. Inc. in Waterbury, Conn. No information furnished. Represented by Abner M. Wilcox. THE W. J. WILCOX LAND AND REFINING CO, General and Corporate Office, Produce Exchange. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $600,000 : Amount paid in, cash, $300,000 ; property, $137,500. No liabilities other than capital. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—E. Urquehart, President; George E. Heilig, Treasurer; Y. R. Chaney. WILCOX SILVER PLATE CO., Office, 6 Maiden la. Inc. in Meriden, Conn. No information furnished. Clarence H. Breckenridge, N. Y. Manager. WILDER DUPLEX ELECTRIC BURGLAR ALARM AND MESSENGER CO., General Office, 165 Broadway. Inc. 1891, in W. Va., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $450,000, per share par. OBJECT— Manufacture of electric burglar alarms. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—Simson Wolf, President: Aaron M. Sloss, Vice-President, Rudolph A. Lowenthal, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Simson Wolf, Rudolph A. Lowenthal, Aaron M. Sloss, Isaac N. Heidelberg, Ferdinand Forsch, Morris Meyer. WILDMAN ONE-PRICE CLOTHING CO., Office, 650 Broadway. Inc. in Chattanooga, Tenn. No information furnished. WILLARD MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 618 Broadway. Inc.in St. Albans, Vt. No information furnished. Charles Schweizer, N. Y. Manager. WILLARD METAL CO., Offices, 232 Canal st. and 118 Walker st. No informa- tion furnished. : 444 THE WILLARD MIRROR AND FRAME MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 257 Canal st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,329.31. Total assets, $5,512.32. Receipts for year, $23,134.29; Expenditures, $22,949.24. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICERS—James T. Hoile, President ; A. H. Ritchie, Treasurer. WILLARD TRACT REPOSITORY, Office, 2 Cooper Union. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Wilbur B. Ketcham, Agent. WILLCOX & GIBBS SEWING-MACHINE CO., General and Corporate Office, 658 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $25,000. Total assets at least $500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERS AND DIRECTORS— Chas. H. Willcox, President; Jahial Parmly, Treasurer; Lucian Sharpe. WILLER MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 3 Union sq., W. Inc. in Milwaukee, Wis. No information furnished. F. M. Pirsson & Co., Agents. WILLIAMS-ALUMINUM (C0O., Office, 95 Liberty st. Inc. in Newark, N. J. No information furnished. Represented by William H. Williams. WILLIAMS & CLARK FERTILIZER CO., N. Y. Office, 81 Fulton st.; Corporate Office, Carteret, Middlesex Co., N. J. Inc. Mar., 1889,in N. J. Capital, $100,000; 1891 capital increased as below: Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr —Manufacture commercial manures. Plant located at Carteret, N. J., 500 ft. water front on Staten Island Sound, 12 acres land owned by Company. No incumbrance. Branch of C. R. R. of N. J. into factory. No debt. OrriceErs—H. L. Dudley, President ; Jos. H. Gilmore, Secretary; Ross L. Coe, Treasurer, Boston. D1rEcToRS—H. L. Dudley, W. W. Green, Robt. S. Bradley. WILLIAMS AUTOMATIC MACHINE CO,, Office, 127 Worth st. No informa- tion furnished. EDWARD WILLIAMS CO., General and Corporate Office, 196 Broadway. No information furnished. F, WILLIAMS PRINTING CO., Office, 20 Cedar st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $2,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edgar Williams, President ; Walter R. Williams, Secretary ; Frank Williams, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edgar Williams, Frank Williams, Walter R. Williams. H. A. WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 55 Fulton st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No mformation furnished. Dwight A. Goodrich, N. Y. Manager. THE JOHN R. WILLIAMS CO., General and Corporate Office, 102 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in, cash $179,000. Liabilities other than capital, $68,731.44. Total assets, $55,581.90 Opyect—Machinery. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIREcTORS—Geo. M. Hard, President; Wm. L. Lyman, Treasurer; Chas. C. Gill.. JOHN WILLIAMS MANUFACTURING CO.,, Office, 85 Franklin st. Inc. in Philadelphia, Pa. No other information furnished. Alfred P. Snyder, N. Y. Manager. THE WILLIAMS PAPER C0O., Limited, General Office, 150 Nassau st.; Cor- porate Office, Philadelphia, Pa. Said to be out of business. Robert H. Miller, Agent. THE WILLIAMS PRINTING C0O., General Office, 96 Reade st.; Corporate Office, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000; Full paid. Assets, $28,965.91; Debts, $28,828.47; Receipts, $128,962.12; Expenditures, $130,551.31. OFFICERS—Daniel Williams, President ; John S. King, Secretary. Drrecrors——Daniel Williams, R. R. Williams, John S. King. - WILLIAMS SILK MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 524 Broadway, and 204 E. 43d st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $12,500; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $7,658.18. Total assets, $47,903.98. Receipts for year, $86,946.73; Expenditures, $34,434.54. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—C. G. Williams, President; Leonidas P. Williams, Treasurer. 445 THE WILLIAMSBURGH BREWING CO., Limited, General Office, 146 Franklin st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000 , Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—Leonard Lewisohn, President; Max Drey, Secretary; Martin R. Cook, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Leonard Lewisohn, Simon Bernheimer, William Kramer, Richard Sedenberg, Martin R. Cook, Simon Schafer, Max Drey. WILLIAMSBURG FLINT GLASS 00., General and Corporate Office, 260 Boerun st., Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $40,000; Full paid in cash and property. Liabilities other than capital, $37,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—E. J. 5. Van Houten, President; W. B. Sushoff, Secretary ; Jos. Smith, Treasurer. THE WILLIMANTIC LINEN C0O., Office, 100 and 102 Worth st.; Corpo- rate Office, Hartford, Conn. Inc. in Conn. Capital paid in, $2,000,000, par $25; Surplus and guarantee, $2,400,000. Opyect—Spool cotton, cotton yarns, etc. Plant at Willimantic, Conn. OFFICERS—Lucius A. Barbour, President and Treasurer ; Austin C. Dunham, Vice-President ; E. H. Clark, Secretary: WILLIMANTIC SILK CO., General and Corporate Office, 100 Spring st. No information furnished. THE WILLISTON & KNIGHT CO., N. Y. Office, 540 Broadway ; General and Corporate Office, Easthampton, Mass. Inc. 1865 in Mass. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $150,000; Full paid. Surplus, $54,000. OxnyEcT—Manufacture of buttons. Plant, Easthampton, Mass., brick buldings covering several acres. Dividends I0 p. ¢. per sann. |. 6 D. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Horatio G. Knight, President and Treasurer; Wm. H. Chapman, Vice-President; Horace L. Clark, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Horatio G. Knight, Benj. N. Farren, Wm. H. Chapman, Horace S_ Clark; Frank =P: Tenney. WILLS BROS. CO., General and Corporate Office, 161 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid; in cash, $15,000; in property, $10,000. Liabilities other than capital, $5,000. Total assets at least $5,000. OpjeEct—Storage. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Wm. Wills, President; James Wills, Treasurer ; C. F. Wildery. THE WILMINGTON DENTAL MANUFACTURING C0., 1300 Broadway and 611 W. 36th st.; Phila. Office, 1413 Filbert st. Inc. in Del. in 1882. Capital authorized. $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $330,000. Dividends, if any, not stated. An- nual Meeting, June. Opyject—Manufacture and sale of teeth and dental supplies. OFFICERS—J. F. Frantz, President; S. J. Willey, Vice-President; J. R. Moore, Secretary ; H. C. Robinson, Treasurer. Drrecrors—J. F. Frantz, 5. Jewilley, H.C, Robinson, A. 5S. Robinson, Eli Mendinhall, J. M. Winner, J. R. Moore. Joshua A. Hanway, N. Y. Manager. THE WILMINGTON STREET RAILWAY C0O., General Office, 29 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Wilmington, N. C. Special charter granted by Legislature OPN Ge Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $100,000; Per sh., $100. OxByECT— Transportation of passengers and freight in city of Wilmington and suburbs. Plant located at Wilmington, N. C., and consists of 8 electric motor cars, just equipped. Funded debt authorized, $250,000. OFFICERS—Chas. A. Lieb, President ; J. H. Barnard, Vice-President; B. F. O'Connor, Secretary; J. G. White, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. H. Lieb, John H. Barnard, B. F. O'Connor, Jas. G. White, John W. Fowler, John D. Bellany, G. W. Williams. WILSON & BAILLIE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 45 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Opyecr—Cement. Liabilities other than capital, $55,323.67. Total assets, $103,816.41. Receipts for year, $106,671.87 ; Expenditures, $87,700.60. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information farnished. OFFICERS—Chas. B. “Johnson, President; Ellis H. Baillie, Secretary ; F, B. Johnson, Treasurer. Drrectrors—Chas. B. Johnson, Frank B. Johnson, John J. Wilson, Ellis H. Baillie. WILSON & FENIMORE C0., Office, 299 Broadway. Inc. in Bristol, Pa. No ‘nformation furnished. Thomas O. Young, Agent. WILSON MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 12 Barclay st., N. Y. City; Corporate Office, Minneapolis. Inc. 1889, in Minn.; Charter 30 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100, Full paid. Opyect-—Manufacturing portable fire-escapes. No plant (done by contracts). No funded debt. OFFICERS—Hiram W. Hunt, President; We © Baird, Vice-President; A. Fisher, Jr., Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Hiram W. Hunt, Chas. H. Ludington, W. C. Baird, John H. Prall, A. Fisher, Jr. 446 THE W. D. WILSON PRINTING INK CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 10 Spruce st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $75,000; Full paid. Assets, $68,257, consisting of Plant, $45,565.85; Cash, $3,983.16 ; Bills rec., $5,020.16; Accounts, $13,687.95.; Debts, nothing; Expenditures, $61,280.14. Plant, N. Y. City. OFrFIceERS—Geo. P. Rowild, President; Oscar G. Neuses, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Danl. L. Barry, Philip Carpenter, Chas. N. Kent. WILSON BROTHERS WOODENWARE AND TOY CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 119 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—David W. Wilson, President ; Chas. L. Wilson, Secretary ; Isaac C. Wilson, Treasurer. WILSON-HILL LINE, Office, 24 State st. Inc. in London, Eng. No information furnished. Sanderson & Son Agents. WILSONIA MAGNETIC CLOTHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 821 Broadway. Inc.ir N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000: Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Roderick Burt, President; Frank M. Brooks, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Roderick Burt, Rufus Goodell, Frank M. Brooks. WILTON MILLS C0., Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Wilton, N. H. No infor- mation furnished. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO., General and Corporate Office, 312 Broadway. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. Capital authorized, $1,000,000: Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. Philip G. Sanford, N. Y. Manager. WINDOW-CLEANING ADJUSTABLE CHAIR CO., General and Corporate Office, 35 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $2,500. Dividends, if any, not as- certained. No funded debt. Wm. M. Reynolds, President. D1rEctors—E. R. Jeffcott, C. J. Bushnell. WINDSOR GLASS C0., Office, 18 College pl. Inc in Pittsburgh, Pa. No infor- mation furnished. Erskine J. S. Vanhouten, Agent. WINDSOR SILVER PLATE AND CUTLERY CO., Office, 7 Murray st. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No information furnished. Geo. W. Wollerman, Agent. L. J. WING & CO, Office, 126 Liberty st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyect—Electric motors. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Said to be receiver appointed. Levi J. Wing, President. WINKELMANN-BROWN DRUG CO., General and Corporate Office, Baltimore, Md. Inc. in Md. Capital paid, $80,000. OpjEct—Wholesale drugs. No other information furnished. Alfred Stubbs, 1% Platt st.; Edward S. Lockwood, 61 Mercer st., Agents. WINNIPISEOGEE HOSIERY MILL, Office, 99 Franklin st. Inc. in Laconia, - H. Noinformation furnished. Valentine & Flagler, Agents. THE WINONA GOLD MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 60 Broad- way. Inc: in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $41,500. Assets consist of mines in Colorado. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—A. M. Clonney, President ; Aug. Stein, Treasurer, 60 Broadway. DiIrREcToRS—A. M. Clonney, G. H. Hastings, Aug. Stein. THE WINSTED HOSIERY CO., Sales Office, 99 Franklin st. ; Corporate Office, Winsted, Conn. Inc. 1882. Charter Perpetual: Organized under general State laws. Capital authorized, $50,000; All paid in.. OyEcr—Manufacturers of men’s regular-made underwear and seamless half-hose. Plant at Winsted, Conn. No debt. Dividends, 6 p.c. for a number of years. Surplus, Jan. 1, 1862, $30,804.58. _ OFFICERS—David Strong, President; E. B. Gaylord, Secretary and Treasurer. Valentine & Flagler, Sell- ing Agents. ‘ WINSTED SILK (C0O,, Office, 4o2 Broadway. Inc. in Winsted, Conn. No infor- mation furnished. Paul V. Kelley, N. Y. Manager. 447 WINSTON-SALEM RW. AND ELECTRIC CO., Office, 44 Broad st. ; Corpo- rate Office, Winston, N. C. Inc. 1891 in N/ C., for 90 years. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Paid in, $150,000, per share par. OBjecrT—To operate street rail- ways, electric lights, gas and steam heating, ice manufacturing, and any other business to which steam or electric plant may be applied. Exclusive franchises for 30 years for RR. and electric light, and 10 years for gas. Plant located at Winston, N. C., and con- sists of street RR. and electric plants. LENGTH or ROAD, 7% miles; Gauge, 4 ft., 8% in.: Rail, 45-lb. girder ; Cars, Io, electrically equipped, Sprague-Edison system. Incan- descent lights, 2,500 capacity ; Arc lights, 100 capacity. Net revenue, 22 months, Aug. 1, 1890, to JUME T, 1692. sseossennas susndansawasssvnssserscreesee** $22,323 57 First CHArQeS ...cce.cseeeseeceseeeseeeenceeees oN a ee pec Me ned at Naa tectenssaitaveauaccs reese ashe i. 16,500.00 ETSY ees c.5-.-ncosccs ssncee cosees voneaeouna one ausen satan uae MERUeeT aes tf ok $5,823 57 Estimated surplus for following Months .....ccseeeeree scent erenerereres sncensres sereeeee ee ee 2,000 00 Surplus, 2 Years.......sseereseseeereeeeceeeee seanenees LRN RUE Mee eeu uepeu dl adenny rates dad sede vesdn $7,823 57 FUNDED DEBT—$250,000 authorized, $200,000 issued, $1,000 each 6s, 30-year gold ; Cannot be paid before maturity. State Trust Co. of N. Y., Trustee. OFFICERS—John H. McClement, President; E. L. Hawks, Vice-President; G. L. Reeve, Assistant Secre- tary and Treasurer. Drrectrors—E. L. Hawks, E. H. Johnson, F. J. Sprague, John H. McClement, W. A. Whittaker, H. W. Fries, H. S. Cooper. H.5. Cooper, Manager. WINTHROP PRESS, Office, 7 Washington pl. Inc. in N. J.. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Louis D. Gallison, President; Fred. N. Masson, Secretary; Benj. F. Hobron, Treasurer. Direcrors—Louis D. Gallison, Fred. N. Masson, Benj. F. Hobron, Wm. B. Thom. WIRE FABRIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 101 Times Building. Inc. in Homer, N. Y. No information furnished. Represented by J. Maus Schermerhorn. WISNER SHOE CO,, Office, 116 Duane st. Inc. in Bridgeport, Conn. No infor- mation furnished. Whiting R. Smith, Agent. FRANCIS T. WITTE HARDWARE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 106 Chambers st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Francis T. Witte, President; Chas. H. Biermann, Secretary. DirEctors—Francis T. Witte, Charles H. Biermann, Charles F. Wiebusch. WITTEMAN LITHOGRAPHIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 188 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $50,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS AND D1RECTORS—J. F. Witteman, President ; George A. Euring. LOUIS C. WOEHNING CO., General and Corporate Office, 4 W. 4th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,¢00; Amount paid in not known. OxsyecT—Hatters’ goods. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Louis C. Woehning, President ; Wm. A. Hardy, Secretary ; John J. Wintjen, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Louis C. Woehn- ing, Wm. A. Hardy, John G. Wintjen. WOLFARTH PHARMACEUTICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 36 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000 ; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,200. Opject—Drugs. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Drrecrors—A. B. Mitchell, President ; Wm. J. Prowton, W. H. Upton. R. H. WOLFF & CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, foot of E. 118th st. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $400,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $301,115.83. Total assets, $781,515.90. _OBjecT—Importers of steel. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— R. H. Wolff, President ; Chas. Weill, Treasurer ; Leopold Wallach. WwooD MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 338 Broadway. Inc. in St. Joseph, Mo. No information furnished. Henry S. Hart, Agent. 448 THE WOODBRIDGE & TURNER ENGINEERING CO., Office, 41 Park’ row; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Paid in $22,000. OpyEcr—Electrical and mechanical engineering. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—W. S. Turner, President; G. A. Bell, Vice-President ; J. L. Woodbridge, Secretary and Treasurer. JOHN H. WOODBURY DERMATOLOGICAL INSTITUTE, General and Cor- porate Office, 125 W. 42d st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS--John H. Woodbury, President; Leon C. Osteyee, Secretary and. Treasurer. TRUSTEES—John H. Woodbury, L. F. Pitkin, Cora Woodbury. WOODHAVEN WATER SUPPLY C0O., General and Corporate Office, 19 Cliff st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. OFrriceERS—Florian Grosjean, President; James Cochran, Secretary; Edwin W. Martin, Treasurer. Drrectors—Florian Grosjean, John C. Milligan, J. Harry Smith, Edwin W. Martin, George L. Nichols, Augusta J. Cordier, James Cochran. WOODLAWN CEMETERY CO., General and Corporate Office, 20 E. 23d st. Inc.in N. Y. No other information furnished. OrricERS—Wm. A. Booth, President ; Jas. D. Smith, Secretary; Chas. S. Smith, Treasurer. TRusTEES—Wnm. A. Booth, Wm. T. Booth, Jas. D. Smith, Chas. S. Smith, Hugh N. Camp, George A. Peters, Sheppard Gandy, Sherman W. Knevals, Edward Schell, Caleb B. Knevals. WOODRUFF WAREHOUSE C0., of New York, General and Corporate Office, 58 William st. Inc,in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $882,734.80. Total assets, $1,275,048.81, Receipts for the year, $54 000; Expenditures, $61,734.80. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Jas. M. Gifford, President; Geo. W. Smith, Secretary; Henry L. Woodruff, Treasurer. G. T. WOODS MANUFACTURING (CO., Office, 7 Murray st. Inc. in Haw- thorne, N. J. No information furnished. Granville T. Woods, N. Y. Manager. S. A. WOODS MACHINE C0,, Office, 91 Liberty st.; General and Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. 1873, in Mass.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Opjyecr—Manufacturing wood work and machinery. Plant located at Boston, Mass. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Solomon A. Woods, President ; Frank F. Woods, Vice-President; Elroy N. Heath, Secretary and Treasurer. DIREcT- ORS—Solomon A. Woods, Elroy N. Heath, Frank F. Woods, Henry Faxon, Jr. WOOLLEY, BAYNON & MOORE (CO,, Office, 89 Reade st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Henry S. Woolley, President ; C. Arthur Baynon, Secretary. Drrecrors—Henry S. Woolley, C. Arthur Baynon, Henry Moore. WOONSOCKET RUBBER CO., Office, 76 Reade st. Inc. in Providence, R. I. Capital authorized, $1,200,000; Paid in $1,135,000. OByect—Rubber goods. Plant at Woonsocket, R. I. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Joseph Bannigan, President; Willett A. Eldridge, Agent. WORCESTER CARPET CO., Office. 907 Broadway. Inc. in Worcester, Mass. No information furnished. T. J. Keveney & Co., Agents. WORCESTER CORSET CO., Office, 454 Broadway. Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—David H. Fanning, President; Frank W. Ruggles, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —David H. Fanning, Frank W. Ruggles, Jonathan Munyan, Jared Whitman. THE WORLD FOLDING BED CO., General and Corporate Office, to W. 234 st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Lia- bilities other than capital, $26,600. Total assets at least $21,650. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Harry L. Cowles, President, 10 W. 23d st.; E. H. Rowley, Treasurer. D1irEcrors—Anson O. Cowles, E. H. Rowley, E. H. Rowley, Jr. all 449 WORLD MERCANTILE AGENCY, General and Corporate Office, 98 5th ave. No information furnished. WORLD PURCHASING AGENCY, General and Corporate Office, 105 E. soth st. No information furnished. WORLD'S FAIR TOURIST CO., General and Corporate Office, 24 Park pl. Inc. 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $25; Full paid. Total assets, $42,996.75. Opyect—To furnish transportation and accommodations to those intending to visit the World’s Fair. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFI- cers—Gen. J. L. Chamberlain, President ; H. W. Carr, Vice-President; J. R. Turner, Secretary; W. H. Babcock, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Gen. Joshua L. Chamberlain, H. W. Carr, William A. Kellogg, Chauncey W. Town, Adelbert L. Eastman, Albert ©. Willcox, Edward L. Suffern, Thos. Barrington, James R. Turner, John B. Burns, William H. Babcock. THE WORLD'S OFFICE DIARY PUBLISHING CO., Office, too Times Building ; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $78,000. Oxpyect—Publication of office diaries. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—U. T. Fackenthall, President; Jas. Armstong, Vice- President; Henry F. Herkner, Secretary and Treasurer. D1recrors—U. F. Facken- thall, Geo. B. Sandt, Jas. Armstrong, Henry F. Herkner. WORONOCO MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 65 Duane st. No information furnished. THE WORTHINGTON BOILER CO., Address not given. Inc. PUN we Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000; Full paid. No liabilities other than capital. Assets consist of patents issued by U.S. Government to Company for improvements in water-tube boilers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. A: Worthington, President. DrrEcTORS—A, Worthington, A. Skaate. WORTHINGTON CO., General and Corporate Offices, 747 Broadway, and 304 Mercer st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Opjyect—-Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—M. Worthington, President; Rich. Worthington, Secretary ; Elizabeth Sproule, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Margaret Worthington, Elizabeth Sproule, John Hovendon. WORTHINGTON PUMPING ENGINE (CO., Office, 86 Liberty st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $500,000 ; Full paid. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Chas. C. Worthington, President; Thomas W. Ridsdale, Secretary ; Chas. W. Potter, Treasurer. HERBERT WRIGHT & CO, Office, 44 Broadway. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Herbert Wright, President; Henry F. Miller, Secretary ; Geo. W. Wright, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Herbert Wright, George Wright, Henry F. Miller. THE WRIGHT LUMBER CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 114 W. 38th st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $15,000, Full paid “1 cash. Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least $13,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Peter A. Smith, President. DIRECTORS— Henry W. Smith, Lewis Hardenberg. WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 364 Broad- way. No information furnished. WRIGHT MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 34 Park row. Opyect—Door plates. No information furnished. WRIGHT UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC CO, General Office, 26 Whitehall st. ; Corporate Office, Charleston, W. Va. Inc. 1892, in W. Va.; Charter for 50 years. Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid, 4 stock in treasury. Copy- righted. Opyect—Manufacture of ‘Electric Sand” for generating electricity, and for manufacturing all kinds of electrical appliances. Plants located at 26 Whitehall st., and cor. Washington and Cedar sts., and consists of factories and equipments. “No debts or liabilities; OFFICERS AND Direcrors—A. P. Morrison, President, Montclair, N. J.; E. B. Spaulding, Secretary, New York; Wm. Morrison, Treasurer, Montclair, N. J.; Julius Hersfeld, Wm. Wright. ; 450 WRITING TELEGRAPH (C0O., General and Corporate Office, 57 Murray st. Inc.in N, Y. statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $91,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—Brent Good, President; Wm. E. Gump, Treasurer. WROUGHT-IRON BRIDGE CO., Eastern Office, 136 Liberty st.; General and Corporate Office, Canton, O. Inc. 1871, in Canton, O.; Charter Perpetual. Full paid. OpyEcT—Construction of bridges and general structural work 1n iron and steel. Plant located at Canton, O. No funded debt. OFrricers—A. B. Abbott, President; E. j. Landor, Vice-President and Engineer: F. M. Wyant, Secretary and Treasurer; W. P. Hall, Superintendent. Directors—A. B. Abbott, E. J. Landor, F. M. Wyant, H. A. Kennedy. WROUGHT-IRON PAINT CO., Office, 15 State st. Inc. in N. J. Capital, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not stated. No other infor- mation furnished. OFFICERS—Erastus Wiman, President; Edmund W. Morrow, Treasurer, DIRECTORS—Erastus Wiman, Jacob Davis, William H. Davis, Clarence G. Brown, A. N. Palmer. THE G. WUERTH MANUFACTURING CO,, General and Corporate Office, 529 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $13,000. Total assets at least $19,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—vValentine Bendiger, President; August Bendiger, Treasurer. DIrREcTORS—August Bendiger, Louis F. Schwartz, August L. Martin. WURTT ELECTRO-PLATE CO., Office, 44% Maiden la. Inc. in Berlin and Geislingen, Germany. No information furnished. Leopold Stern, N. Y. Manager. THE WYANDANCE BRICK AND TERRA COTTA CO,, General and Corpo- rate Office, I9 Park pl. Inc. in N, Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid, in cash, $20,000; property, $180,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—L. J. Wing, President; D. G. Harriman, Secretary ; Moody B. Smith, Treasurer. WYANDANCE SPRINGS IMPROVEMENT (CO., Office, 38 Park row; Corpo- rate Office, Helena, Mont. Inc. 1891, in Mont.; Charter 20 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxnyecr—Buying and selling real estate. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES—H. H. Walker, President; L. M. Walker, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer; Paul Pfotenhauer. WYATT CHROMATIC PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 84 Broadway. Inc. June 18, 1889, in W. Va.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Obyecr—Chromatic printing. Not actively engaged in business. No funded debt. OrricERs—John McGinnis, Jr., President; E. A. Mauriac, Vice-President; F. Taylor, Treasurer. Direcrors—John McGinnis, Jr., Theodore Braine, Sherburne B. Eaton, E. A. Mauriac, Samuel A. Walsh, F. Taylor, E. D. Foster. WYOMING PACIFIC IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 2 Nassau st. Inc. in Wyo. No information furnished. Wendell Goodwin, Receiver. WYOMING SALT CO., General and Corporate Office, 359 Washington st. Inc. in Warsaw, N. Y. No information furnished. Charles E. Falkner, N. Y. Manager. THE YALE & TOWNE MANUFACTURING CO., 84 and 86 Chambers st. ; General and Corporate Office, Stamford, Conn. ; Phila. Office, 1120 Market st. ; Chicago Office, 152 and 154 Wabash ave.; Boston Office, 224 Franklin st. Inc. in Conn. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par g100; Full prid. OByecr—Manufacture of locks. and fine builders’ hardware. Plant at Stamford, Conn. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS— Henry R. Towne, President; Schuyler Merritt, Secretary ; George E. White, Treasurer ; Thos. F. Keating, Assistant; N. F. Merritt, Beauveau Borie, Floyd H. White, Walter Ferguson, Wm. F. Donovan. YALE FOUNTAIN PEN CO., General and Corporate Office, 126 William st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Duvidends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—F. S. Bartram, President ; Charles B. Bartram, Secretary. DirEcrors—Ferdinand Bartram, Charles B. Bartram, E. M. Taylor. 451 YALE SAFE AND IRON (CO., Office, 132 Park ave. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. No information furnished. Samuel C. Johnson, N. Y. Manager. YANKEE GIRL SILVER MINES, Office, 33 Wall st. Inc. in London, Eng. No information furnished. George Crawford, N. Y. Manager. THE YARYAN (CO., General and Corporate Office, 109 Times Building. Branch Offices in New Haven, Conn., and Glasgow, Scotland, Statement, Jan, I, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Full paid ; $100,000 in cash and $900,000 in property. Assets, $1,063,897.98 ; Debts, $2,000. Receipts, $105,775.94; Expenditures, $85,999.01. Dividends, if any, not stated. OFFICERS—A. G. Paine, President; John W. Welch, Secretary. DmIRECTORS—John Welch, A. G. Paine, F. H. Hill. YELLOW PINE CO., Office, 16 Beaver st.; Corporate Office, Hoboken, N. J. Inc. 1891 in N. J., for 99 years. -Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $100; Full paid. OpyeEcT—Yellow pine and other kinds of lumber. Dividends in last fiscal year, two of 4p.c.each, May and Nov. No funded debt. OFrFrICERS—Chas. K. Buckley, President ; Chas. L. Bucki, Vice-President ; Christopher W. Wilson, Secretary and Treasurer. DI- RECTORS—Chas. K. Buckley, Chas. L. Bucki, Jesse C. Woodhull, Chas. S. Hirsch, Alonzo T. Decker, Chas. Hersey, William A. Parke, Edmund W. McClave, Christopher W. Wilson, Geo. D. Wilson, Chas. G. Rapp, Benj. P. Johnson, Henry O. Sanders, Artemus B. Johnson, Henry P. Jones. YONKERS CITY ICE CO., General and Corporate Office, foot W. 22. ist ee luaGe in Yonkers, N. Y. No information furnished. William J. Clarke, N. Y. Manager. YONKERS SCHUYLER ELECTRIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 98 Vandam st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Edward May, President; Harry San- derson, Secretary; Julius A. May, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Edward May, William L. Gerrish, Jr., Jas. R. O’Bierne, Herman Leibert, Julius A. May, Hubert Cillis, .James Williamson. YORK HAVEN PAPER CO., Office, 165 Pulitzer Building ; Philadelphia Office, 308 Walnut st. Inc. Jan. 7, 1885, in York Haven, Pa.; Charter Perpetual. Capital Authorized, $600,000, par $100; Full paid. Annual Meeting, 3d Wed. in Jan. Fiscal year ends Dec. 3Ist. Dividends, J. & J., varying in amount according to business ; paid at 308 Walnut st. FUNDED Dept—-Mtge , coup., 6s, dated Feb. 1, 1886; created and outstanding, $125,000, each $1,000, due Feb, 1, 1906; F. & A., free of tax; interest pay- able at Central National Bank. Can be paid off after Feb., 1891. Trustees, V. G. Gar- rett, George M. Troutman. OrFicers—Henry L. Carter, President; Henry W. Stokes, Secretary and Treasurer. D1recrors—H. L. Carter, I. D. Carter, Thos. H. Savery, Francis Stokes, Jonathan Evans, D.C, WeSmith, Philip+C. Garrett, Samuel Mason, B. G. Smith, J. C. Smith. Robert D. Ingram, N. Y. Manager. YORK IRON CO., Office, 48 Wall st. Inc. in Milwaukee, Wis. No information furnished. Represented by Wm. Schlesinger. YORK STREET FLAX SPINNING C0., 120 Franklin st. ; General and Corpo- rate Office, Belfast, Ireland. Inc. under laws of Great Britain and Ireland. Capital authorized, £250,000, par £25 ; £250,000, par £106 p.c. preference ; £200,000 debenture 4 p.c.; Full paid. Oxnyect—Manufacture of flax products. Plant located at Belfast, Ireland. OFFICERS AND Direcrors—R. H. Reade, President ; D. Lowson, Secretary ; Wm. Crawford, O. B. Graham, Jr. R. McBratney, Manager N. Y. Branch. YORK STATE DRESSED MEAT C0., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 4 West Washington Market. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OrriceRs—Norton E. Hollis, President: Edwin C. Swift, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Norton E. Hollis, Edwin C. Swift, Geo. W. Hollis, Henry B. Goodenough. YOST WRITING MACHINE CO,, General and Corporate Office, 71 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement. Jan. I, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Paid in cash, $10,000; in property, $490,000. Liabilities other than capital, $350,000. Total assets at least $150,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrriceRs—James T. White, President ; Robert Sherwood, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. Godfrey Patterson, Robert Sherwood. THE YOUNG-BRENNAN CRUSHER CO., General and Corporate Office, 42 Cortlandt st. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $3,500. Total assets at least $6,000. _Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained, No funded debt OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Gilbert P. Young, President ; Herbert S. Ogden, Secretary; Robert H. Thomas. 29 452 RICHARD D. YOUNG PERFUMERY CO,, General and Corporate Office, 148 Duane st. Inc. in N. Y. No information furnished. YOUNG-TOWNSEND-FRAZER DRY GOODS CO,, Office, 338 Broadway. Inc. in St. Joseph, Mo. No information furnished. Alexander MclIsaacs, N. Y. Manager. G. WRIGHT YOUNG CO,, Office, 50 Broadway. Inc.in N. J. Capital author- ized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. G. Wright Young, President. YPSILANTI DRESS STAY MANUFACTURING CO,, Office, 74 Grand st. Inc. in Ypsilanti, Mich. No information furnished. John H. Goodbody and Frank P. Marsh, Agents. YUBA GOLD MINING CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished. Lounsbery & Co., Agents. D. G. YUENGLING, JR., BREWING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 128th st, and 1oth ave. Inc. in N, Y. Statement, Jan. t, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Paid in property, $200,000. Liabilities other than capital, $3,950,333.97. Total assets, $1,025,959.62. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Geo. M. Hard, President; John F. Moser, Treasurer. DiIRECTORS—John W. Moser, David G. Yuengling, Jr., Chas. Bissel. YUSCARAN MINING CO. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $750,000. Total assets at least $100,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Edward S. Rennick, President ; E. L. Purdy, Treasurer, 1 Broadway; Geo. F. Brigham. H. ZEIMER C0O., Office, 595 Broadway. Inc. in Paris, France. No information furnished. Represented by Henry Zeimer. THE ZION CO-OPERATIVE MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, Office, 134 Grand st.; Corporate Office, Salt Lake City, Utah. Inc. Dec. 1, 1870, in Utah; Charter for 25 years. Capital authorized, $1,250,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,075,200, par $100. Balance of stock in treasury. Stock is selling at $135 per share of $100. OBJECT— Manufacturing and general merchandise. STATEMENT for fiscal year ending Jan. 31, 1891: RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. Merchandise on handivi.. scene $1,193,281 89 | Bills and accounts payable........ $738,098 16 Notes réceitvablesar.. ee ererenat 161,540 43.1. Unpaid’ dividends... «...unssteet 5,133 60 Accounts receivable wt a.seene 526,642 OI Temporary deposits by custom- Cashion +hhand....é.s 0 cueaeou area 55,604 08 OLS. iced pp sas cdden oo oes ae eee 4,741 27 Real estate in Salt Lake City, Outstanding orders drawn on us Ogden, Logan, Eagle Rock, for mdseeatiretaihe: sere 1547057 Soda Springs and Provo........ 32724 90 4) Capital Stoeki fog eyes ee 1,000,000 00 Machinery at shoe and clothing ROSCL VES sisedarsiioeten senor eee 330,000 00 factories and tannery ............ 88.559 50.) (Wndivideds) prGnts.1:..cenetee ee 232,500 18 Horses, mules, wagons and har- | IVOSS yi sovis cpnres ones} pentane eee 4,005 00 Hiectric light) planten conn scenes 4,913 85 $2,311,940 78 $2,311,940 78 NoTe.—Out of the undivided profits $120,000 is set aside for the current year’s divi- dends ; $20,000 to add to reserve to make it $350,000; the balance is used for discounting machinery i in shoe and clothing factories and tannery, electric light plant, notes and accounts receivable, etc. Total cash receipts for the year were $4,588,393.59. Dividends paid at the rate of 3 p. c. quarterly. 6 OFFICERS—-Wiefred Woodruff, President; Moses Wutcher, Vice-President; T: G. Webber, Secretary ; A. W. Caulson, Treasurer. Drrectors--G. Q. Cannon, |.F. Smith, ab Grant, G. Romney, Tos Winder, H. Dinwoodey,.P. T. Farnsworth, I. R. Barnes, Weald, IROWe pie eie sinitie ZUCKER & LEVETT CHEMICAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 10 Grand st. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $30, 000 : Amount paid in not known. Sur- plus, $95,000. , OBjeEct—Manufacture of rouge. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Alex. Levett, President; Chas. Loeb, Secretary; Wm. R. W. Hentz, Treas- urer. DIRECTORS—Alex. Levett, Chas. Loeb, Sarah H. Loeb, Wm. R. W. Hentz. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. PART 1—DESCRIPTIVE. FOR ALL STATISTICS SEE PART II. Comprising Assets and Liabilities, Stocks and Bonds Owned, and Dividends. For Annual Meetings and Transfer Books see Appropriate Chapter. NEW YORK CITY. 6 NATIONAL BANKS IN NEW YORK CITY CLEARING HOUSE. AMERICAN EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, 128 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1394; Clearing House, No. 21. Chartered 1838 as aState Bank, and in 1865 as a National Bank. Capital, $5,000,000, par $100. .OOFFICERS—George S. Coe, Presi- dent: Dumont Clarke, Vice-President; Edward Burns, Cashier; John S. Carr, Assistant Cashier. DmirEcrors—Geo. S. Coe, J. Rogers Maxwell, Samuel D. Babcock, William P. Dixon, Dumont Clarke, Henry K. Sheldon, Austin Corbin, John T. Terry, Josiah M. Fiske, John Clafin, W. Bayard Cutting. BANK OF NEW YORK, N. B. A., 48 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1393; Clearing House, No. 1. Established Mar. 21, 1784. Capital, $2,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Charles M. Fry, President; R. B. Ferris, Vice-President; E. 5. Mason, Cashier; Chas. Olney, Assistant Cashier; C. H. Tissington, Paying Teller; H.C. Meeker, Receiving Teller; H.C. Gibson, Notary Public. Direcrors—Chas. M. Fry, James Moir, Franklin Edson, H. B. Laidlaw, George H. Byrd, Eugene Kelly, Anson W. Hard, John L. Riker, J. Kennedy Tod, Jas. M. Constable, Gustav Amsinck, Chas. D. Leve- rich, D. O. Mills. ' THE CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK, 322 Broadway. National Bank, No. 376; Clearing House, No. 62. Chartered 1864. Capital, $2,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS— W. L. Strong, President; E. Skillen, Cashier. DiREcTORS—Wm. M. Bliss, James W. Smith, Simon Bernheimer, Edwin Langdon, Wm. H. Beers, Wm. A. Wheelock, Edward C. Sampson, Woodbury Langdon, Wm. L. Strong, Eugene Higgins, Jas. H. Dunham, John D. Wood. THE CHASE NATIONAL BANK, Nassau and Pine sts. National Bank, No. 2370;. Clearing House, No. 74. Chartered Sept, 1877. Capital, $500,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Henry W. Cannon, President; Wm. H. Porter, Cashier; C. C. Slade and J. , T. Mills, Jr., Assistant Cashiers ; L. W. Harvey, Paying Teller; E. M. Coleman, Receiv- ing Teller; W. H. Shepard, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Samuel Thomas, John G. Moore, James J. Hill, Calvin S. Brice, Edward Tuck, H. W. Cannon, Wm. H. Porter. CHATHAM NATIONAL BANK, Broadway and John sts. National Bank, No. 1375; Clearing House, No. 30. Chartered 1851. Capital $450,000, par $25. OFFICERS —George M. Hard, President; H. P. Doremus, Cashier; W. H. Strawn, Assistant Cash- ier. DrirecTORS—George M. Hard, Henry Randel, Alfred F. Cross, Henry P. Doremus,. } Henry W. Slocum, Henry M. Anthony, Patrick H. Kelly, Sanford H. Steele, Thos. W. Adams, J. H. Washburn, Dan B, Smith, 454 THE CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK, of New York, 270 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1499; Clearing House, No. 12. Chartered 1824. Capital, $300,000, par $100. Discounts daily. Orricers—George G. Williams, President; Jas. A. Roosevelt, Vice- President; W. J. Quinlan, Jr., Cashier; Francis Halpin, Assistant Cashier; Mortimer Bishop, Notary Public. Drrecrors—George G. Williams, James A. Roosevelt, Fred- erick W. Stevens, Robert Goelet, Wm. J. Quinlan, Jr. THE CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANK, 7 Nassau st. National Bank, No. 1,389; Clearing House, No. 47. Chartered Jan., 1853. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Edmund D. Randolph, President; John T. Agnew, Vice-President; Alfred H. Timpson, Cashier; Theo. F. Quintard and Alex. D. Seymour, Assistant Cashiers. D1RECTORS—Charles H. Marshall, Edmund D. Randolph, John T. Agnew, Henry M. Taber, C. C. Baldwin, Frederic Taylor, Horace Porter, Daniel S. Lamont, Benjamin Perkins. THE EAST RIVER NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 682 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1105; Clearing House, No. 59. Chartered 1852. Capital, $250,000, par $25. Discount days Wed. and Sat. OFrrICERS—Charles Jenkins, President; Raymond Jenkins, Vice-President; Z. E. Newell, Cashier; W. F. Smith, Notary Public. DrrEctrors—Charles Jenkins, Raymond Jenkins, David Banks, Charles Banks, William Phelps, Joseph Rogers, William H. Hume, A. D. Porter. FIFTH NATIONAL BANK, 34d ave. and 23d st. National Bank, No, 341; Clearing House, No. 82. Chartered Feb. 23, 1864. Capital authorized, $500,000; Paid in, $150,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Richard Kelly, President; R. B. Kelly, Vice- President; Andrew Thompson, Cashier. Drrectors—Richard Kelly, N. J. Haines, James Everard, T. W. Decker, Jas. B. Brewster, Daniel D. Wylie, Fred’k Zittel, Andrew Thompson, R. B. Kelly. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of the City of Brooklyn, N. Y. National Bank, No. 923; N. Y. Clearing House, No. 88. Chartered 1852. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—John G. Jenkins, President ; George D. Betts, Cashier ; W. Addi- son Field, Assistant Cashier. D1iRECTORS—Wm. Marshall, E. Frank Coe, Geo. E. Kitching, J. M. Waterbury, Edwin Beers, Peter Wyckoff, Eckford Webb, J. G. Jenkins, Moses May. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, Wall st. and Broadway. National Bank, No. 29; Clearing House, No. 65. Chartered, July, 1863. Capital, $500,000, par $100. OFFICERS—George F. Baker, President; H. C. Fahnestock, Vice-President; J. A. Garland, 2d Vice-President; E. Scofield, Cashier; Wm. B. Reed, Asst. Cashier; T. P. Scofield, Paying Teller; F. F. Grant, Receiving Teller; Thos. S. Williams, Notary Public. DirEcrors—George F. Baker, H. C. Fahnestock, James A. Garland, F. A. Baker, William Fahnestock, F. F. Thompson, Ebenezer Scofield. THE FOURTH NATIONAL BANK, Nassau and Pine sts. National Bank, No. 290; Clearing House, No. 61; Chartered Feb. 23, 1864. Capital, $3,200,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Thurs. Orricers—J. E. Simmons, President; Cornelius N. Bliss and James G. Cannon, Vice-Presidents ; C. H. Patterson, Cashier; John Watt, Pay- ing Teller; H. A. Babcock, Receiving Teller; B. F. Lee, Notary Public: DirEcTORS— John H. Inman, J. Edward Simmons, Frederick Mead, Cornelius N. Bliss, Charles 5S. Smith, Robert W. Stuart, Richard T. Wilson, Marcus A. Bettman, James G. Cannon. THE GALLATIN NATIONAL BANK, 36 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1324; Clearing House, No. 14. Chartered, 1829. Commenced business, 1831. Capital, $1,000,000, par $50. Discount day, Wed. OFrricErs—Fred D. Tappen, President; Alex. H. Stevens, Vice-President; A. W. Sherman, Cashier; J. W. Bogert, Paying Tel- ler; F. C. Elder, Receiving Teller; H. L. Braynard, Notary Public. D1REcCTroORS—Fred D. Tappen, Wm. W. Astor, Adrian Iselin, Jr., Thomas Denny, Frederick W. Stevens, Alexander H. Stevens, Alfred Roosevelt, Henry I. Barbey. . GARFIELD NATIONAL BANK, Sixth ave. and 23d st. National Bank, No. 2,598; Clearing House, No. 81. Chartered 1881. Capital, $200,000, par $100. OFFI- CERS—A. C. Cheney, President; Geo. H. Wyckoff, Vice-President ; R. W. Poor, Cashier ; W. L. Douglas, Paying Teller; G. D. Weeks, Jr., Receiving Teller; Owen Ward, Notary Public. DireEcrors—A. C. Cheney, Hiram Hitchcock, james McCutcheon, Wm. H. Gelshenen, James H. Breslin, Geo. H..Wyckoff, Edward Holbrook. : 455 _ ‘THE HANOVER NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, Nassau and Pine sts. National Bank, No. 1352; Clearing House, No. 33. Chartered, March, 1851. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—Jas. T. Wood- ward, President; Mitchell N. Packard, Vice-President ; James M. Donald, Cashier ; Wm. Halls, Jr., Assistant Cashier. DirEcroRs—James T. Woodward, Vernon H. Brown, Jas. M. Donald, Sigourney W. Fay, Martin S. Féchheimer, William Rockefeller, James Still- man, Elijah P. Smith, Isidor Straus, Wm. Halls, Jr., Mitchell N. Packard. THE IMPORTERS’ AND TRADERS’ NATIONAL BANK, 247 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1231; Clearing House, No. 53. Chartered Mar., 1855. Capital, $1,500,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—E. H. Perkins, he President; E. Townsend, Cashier; P. J. Graham and Geo. H. Hulin, Assistant Cashiers. Drrecrors—lIsaac Ickelheimer, FE. H. Perkins, Jr., Edward C. Rice, John Arbuckle, H. K. Thurber, Edward A. Price, Edward Townsend, R. W. Townsend, H. C. Hulbert, Anthony Wallach, Russell Sage, Jas. R. Plum, Julius Catlin, E. Van Volkenburgh. IRVING NATIONAL BANK, 237 Greenwich st. National Bank, No. 1357; Clearing House, No. 34. Chartered 1851. Capital, $500,000, par $50. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFrrFiceRS—Chas. H. Fancher, President; Chas. S. Brown, Vice-Presi- dent; William H. Montanye, 2d Vice-President: Geo. E. Souper, Cashier; Jas. Dennison, Paying Teller; W. M. Dunlap, Receiving Teller; W. C. King, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Harry McBride, G. E. Souper, John R. Waters, W. H. B. Totten, John Nix, Wm. H. Montanye, Chas. H. Fancher, John W. Castree, Chas. F. Mattlage, Chas. S. Brown, Chas. Burkhalter. THE LEATHER MANUFACTURERS’ NATIONAL BANK, 29 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1196; Clearing House, No. 18. Chartered 1832. Capital, $600,000, par $100. OFFICERS—John T. Willets, President; Wm. H. Macy, Jr., Vice-President ; Isaac H. Walker, Cashier. Drrectors—John T. Willets, Joseph Agostini, William H. Macy, Jr., William Rockefeller, John A. Tucker, Nicholas F. Palmer, William M. Kingsland. THE LINCOLN NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 32 to 38 E. 42d st. National Bank, No. 2608; Clearing House, No. 80. Chartered Jan., 1882. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Thos. L. James, President; Alfred Van Sant- voord, Vice-President; Wm. T. Cornell, Cashier; T. Van Santvoord, Paying Teller; H. S. Clarke, Receiving Teller; A. Lansing Baird, Notary Public. DIRECTORS— Thomas L. James, Alfred Van Santvoord, Wm. R. Grace, Samuel Barton, Noah Davis, M. C. D. Borden, H. Walter Webb, C. C. Clarke, John Straiton, Marcellus Hartley. THE MARKET AND FULTON NATIONAL BANK, of New York, 81 and 83 Fulton st. National Bank, No. 964; Clearing House, No. 42. Chartered 1864, succeeded Market Bank, chartered 1852. Capital, $750,000, sar $100. OFFI- CcERS—Robert Bayles, President; Henry Lyles, Jr., Vice-President; Alex. Gilbert, Cashier; T. A. Freeman, Paying Teller; T. J. Stevens, Receiving Teller; Thos. Hinwood, Notary Public. Drrectors—Robert Bayles, Alexander Gilbert, Benjamin H. Howell, Henry Lyles, Jr., John T. Willets, Henry W. Banks, W. Irving Clark, James ive Morgan, Jr., John Abendroth, Fredk. W. Devoe, Jos. C. Baldwin, Geo. M. Olcott, Edw. ie Halk. try oP. Merritt. MECHANICS’ NATIONAL BANK, 33 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1250; Clearing House, No. 4. Chartered as State Bank in 1810, National, 1865. Capital, $2,000,000, par $25. OFFICERS—Horace E. Garth, President; Alexander E. Orr, Vice- President; William Sharp, Jr., Cashier; Granville W. Garth, Assistant Cashier. DirEctors—Henry F. Spaulding, Henry E. Nesmith, Alexander C. Orr, William B. Kendall, Charles H. Isham, Lowell Lincoln, Henry Hentz, Ex. Norton, Chas. M. Pratt, Henry Talmadge, John Sinclair, William L. Trenholm, William Sharp, Jr., Horace E. Garth. THE MERCANTILE NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, Broad- way and Dey sts. National Bank, No. 1067; Clearing House, No. 27. Chartered 1850. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100, OFFICERS—-Wm. P. St. John, President ; Fredk. B. Schenck, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Wm. P. St. John, George H. Sargent, Henry T. Kneeland, James M. Wentz, Chas. L. Colby, Richard H. Williams, Wm. C. Browning, Isaac Wallach, Seth M. Milliken, George W. Crossman, Fredk. B. Schenck, Chas. M. Vail, Emanuel Lehman, Jas. E. Nichols, Chas. T. Barney. 450 THE MERCHANTS’ EXCHANGE NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 257 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1080; Clearing House, No. 13... Chartered 1829. Capital, $600,000, par g50. Discount day, Wed. OFFICERS—P. -C, Lounsbury, President ; Allen S. Apgar, Vice-President and Cashier ; Edward V. Gambier, Assistant-Cashier; Chas. H. Dummer, Paying Teller; W. B. Burnett and Frank Thomas, Receiving Tellers ; Jonathan. Marshall, Notary Public. DirEcroRs—Robert Seaman, Jesse W. Powers, Allen S. Apgar, Joseph Thomson, Alfred M. Hoyt, Phineas C. Lounsbury, James G. Powers, Alfred J. Taylor, E. Christian Korner, Lucius H. Biglow, John H. Hanan, Isaac G. Johnson, Timothy L. Woodruff, Lyman Brown, Ferdinand Blumenthal. THE MERCHANTS’ NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 42 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1370; Clearing House, No. 3. Chartered March, 1803. Capital, $2,000,000, par $50. OFFICERS—R. M. Gallaway, President; C. V. Banta, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Wm. G., Vermilye, Elbert A. Brinckerhoff, Chas. S. Smith, Henry Sheldon, John A. Stewart, G. H. Schwab, Donald Mackay, Jacob Wendell, R. M. Gallaway, Charles D. Dickey, Jr. THE METROPOLITAN NATIONAL BANK, 2 Wall st. Chartered 186s. Capital, $3,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Henry A. Hurlbut, President; J, Connor Smith, Cashier; R..V. D. Wood, Assistant Cashier. This Bank is in liquidation ; 63 p. c. has been paid to stockholders up to Jan., 18o1. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, in New York, Nassau and Cedar sts. National Bank, No. 733; Clearing House, No. 23. Chartered Feb., 1839. Capital, $5,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—W. W. Sherman, President; A. A. Low, Vice-Presi- dent; W. C. Duvall, Cashier; Neilson Olcctt, Assistant Cashier. DIrREcToRS—A. A. Low, J. Pierpont Morgan, William Libbey, Charles Lanier, Charles H. Russell, Alexan- der E. Orr, John S. Kennedy, Frederick Sturges, Woodbury Lanzdon, W. W. Sherman. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NORTH AMERICA, in New York, Nassau and Cedar sts. National Bank, No. 4581; Clearing House, No. 32. Chartered 1851. Capital, $700,000, par $70. OFFICERS—W.Van Norden, President: William F. Havemeyer, Vice- President; Alvah Trowbridge, Cashier; Heman Dowd, Assistant Cashier; N. Sanborn, Paying Teller; E. L. Walworth, Receiving Teller; S. Whittemore, Notary Public. DIRECTORS—William Dowd, D. H. Houghtaling, Henry B. Hyde, Henry F. Dimock, Stephen M. Clement, J. H. Flagler, Elihu Root, William F. Havemeyer, Henry A. Kent, W. Van Norden, Henry H. Cook, Salem H. Wales, Mahlon D. Thatcher. THE NATIONAL BANK OF THE REPUBLIC, cor. Wall st. and Broadway. National Bank, No. 1000; Clearing House, No. 29. Chartered Jan., 1851. Capital, ~ $1,500,000, par $1oo. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—Oliver S. Carter, President; E. H. Pullen, Vice-President and Acting Cashier: C. H. Stout, Assistant Cashier; W. B. T. Keyser, 2d Assistant Cashier: F. I’, Seagram, Paying Teller; Thomas Bishop, Receiving Teller; E. K. Camp, Notary Public. DIRECTORS—James S. Warren, Sumner R. Stone, G. B. Carhart, A. H. Wilder, Chas. R. Flint, George E. Simpson, William H. Tillinghast, Oliver S. Carter, D. H, McAlpin, William Barbour, E. H. Pullen. THE NATIONAL BROADWAY BANK, 237 Broadway. National Bank, No. 687; Clearing House, No. 25. Chartered Aug., 1849. Capital, $1,000,000, par $25. Discounts daily. OFrFICERS—Francis A. Palmer, President; Hudson Hoagland, Vice- President; A. T. J. Rice, Cashier. DrirEcrors—Francis A. Palmer, John F. Talmage, Francis P. Furnald, Robert J. Hognet, David S. Walton, George C. Clarke, John Lawrence, James Talcott, George L. Whitman, Seth E. Thomas, Hudson Hoagland, A. T. J. Rice, Andrew Mills, John W. Condit, Joel E. Fisher, Geo. F. Gantz. THE NATIONAL BUTCHERS' AND DROVERS'’ BANK, 124 Bowery. National Bank, No. 1261 ; Clearing House, No. 15. Chartered, Apr. 8, 1830. Capital, $300,000, par $25. Discount days, Wed. and Sat. OFrFricerRs—G. G. Brinkerhoff, Presi- dent=2W ry Chase.” Cashier ea <3 Tucker, Assistant Cashier ; James Otis Hoyt, Notary Public. Direcrors—G. G. Brinckerhoff, George W. Quintard, Henry Silber- horn, William H. Chase, John Wilkin, John A. Delanoy, Jr., Edward Schell, Lang- taff N. Crow, Max Danziger. NATIONAL CITIZENS’ BANK, 401 Broadway. National Bank, No. 1290; Clearing House, No. 36. Chartered May, 1851. Capital $600,000, par $25. Discount days Tues. and Fri. Orricers—W. H. Oakley, President: David C. Tiebout, Cashier ; A. M. Eagleson, Paying Teller; Jno. Quackenbush, Receiving Teller; Robert Owen, Notary Public. Drirecrors—William H. Oakley, Wm. J. Valentine, Ewald Fleitmann,. Chas. H. Wheeler, Chas. H. Tenney, Elkan Naumburg, Edward Schell, Robert Irwin, H. B. Stokes, Stephen R. Lesher, Thomas J. Davis, P. Halstead, Edward L. Merrifield. 457 THE NATIONAL CITY BANK, of New York, 52 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1461; Clearing House, No. 38. Chartered, 1812. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—James Stillman, President ; David Palmer, Cashier; G.S. Whitson, Assistant Cashier; W. H. Preston, Paying Teller, Wm. D. Reynolds, Receiving Teller; Hanson C. Gibson, Notary Public. “Drrecrors—Percy R. Pyne, Simuel Sloan, Wm. Walter Phelps, Lawrence Turnure, Cleveland H. Dodge, Roswell G. Rolston, James Stillman, H. A. C. Taylor, Geo. W. Campbell. THE NATIONAL PARK BANK, of New York, 216 Broadway. National Bank, No. 891; Clearing House, No. 54. Chartered March, 1856. Capital, $2,000,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—E. K. Wright, President ; Arthur Leary, Vice-President; George S. Hickok, Cashier; E. J. Baldwin, Assistant Cashier; Fredk. Worth, Paying Teller; J. A. Northup, Receiving Teller; Barlow & Wetmore, Notaries Public. Drrecrors—Edward C. Hoyt, E. Kellogg Wright, Chas. Sternbach, Stuyvesant Fish, August Belmont, Wilson G. Hunt, Joseph T. Moore, Arthur Leary, Charles Scribner, George S. Hart, Eugene Kelly, W. R. Potts, Edward E. Poor, Richard Delafield, F. R. Appleton. THE NATIONAL SHOE AND LEATHER BANK, of the City of New York, National Bank, No. 917; Clearing House, No. 44. Organized as State Bank and began business Jan. I, 1853; as National Bank, Apr. I, 1865; rechartered Apr. I, 1885, for 20 years. Capital, $500,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. Orricers—John M. Crane, President ; George L. Pease, Vice-President; Wm. D. Van Vleck, Cashier ; Gilbert B. Sayres, Paying Teller; Clarence Lampman, Receiving Teller, Edward J. Anthony, Notary Public. Drrectors—John M. Crane, Moriz Josephthal, Thos. Russell, Felix Campbell, John H. Graham, Theo. M. Ives, Wm. Sulzbacher, Alonzo Slote, Geo. L. Pease, Joseph S. Stout, John R. Hegerman. THE NEW YORK COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, 8th ave, and 14th st. National Bank, No. 1116; Clearing House, No. 71. Chartered 1855. Capital, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS— Francis L. Leland, President ; Frederick G. Lee, Vice-President ; William H. Jennison, Cashier: Le Li-Pierce;, Notary Public. DrrEcTORS—Francis lz Leland, Isidore Straus, Joseph Park, Charles B. Webster, S. F. Jayne, Frederick G. Lee, Hobart J. Park. NEW YORK NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK. 136 Chambers st. National Bank, No. 345; Clearing House, No. 67. Chartered April, 1851. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—D. B. Halstead, President; Wm. H. Albro, Vice-President; Isaac Howland. Cashier; Geo. E. Bishop, Paying Teller; John E. Tilton, Receiving Teller: Chas. F. Bishop, Notary Public. DirEcTorsS—Daniel B. Halstead, Jacob H. Vanderbilt, Julius Rosenstein, William H. Albro, W. J. Merrall, J. H. Seed, John Guth, Julius H. Caryl, Henry A. Blyth. THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK, 409 Broadway. National Bank, No. 387; Clearing House, No. 64. Chartered 1864. Capital, $750,000, par $100. OFFICERS— John K. Cilley, President; H. H. Nazro, Cashier; John H. V. Arnold, Notary Public. Directors—John K. Cilley, H. H. Nazro, Augustus F. Libby, C. Henry Garden, Has- kell A. Searle, Albert C. Hall, William E. Tefft, Ernest Werner, Wm. E. Iselin. THE PHENIX NATIONAL BANK, 49 Wall st. National Bank, No. 1374; Clearing House, No, 7. Chartered June 15, 1812. Capital, $1,000,000, par $20. Dis- count day, Tues. OFFICERS —Eugene Dutilh, President; William H. Male, Vice- President: Alfred M. Bull, Cashier; Pierson G. Dodd, Assistant Cashier 2: iy Be Mallaby, Paying Teller; R. S. Walker, Receiving Teller; E. H. Corey, Notary Public. DrrEecToRS—Eugene Dutilh, Clarence W. Goold, Pierson G. Dodd, Wm. H. Male, Chas. Pp. Hemenway, Alfred M. Bull, John H. Pool, A. J. Cordier, H. R. Kunhardt, Jonathan Thorne, Josiah Lomiard, W. HH. Moore: THE SEABOARD NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 18 Broad- way. National Bank, No. 3415; Clearing House, No. 85. Chartered Jan. I, 1883. Capital, $500,000, par ¢$100. OFFICERS—Samuel G. Bayne, President; S. G. Nelson, Vice-President ; J. F. Thompson, Cashier: E.G. Barger, Paying Teller; L. N. Spinning, Receiving Teller; C. R. Symmes, Notary Public. Drrecrors—I. Wistar Brown, George Milmine, W. A. Ross, Joseph Seep, Edward V. Loew, Samuel ii Hubbard sir, Alexander E. Orr, Henry Thompson, S. G. Bayne, Stuart G. Nelson, Daniel O'Day, 458 THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK, sth ave., and 23d st. National Bank, No. 2668; Clearing House, No. 63. Chartered Aug. 13, 1863. Capital, $300,000, par $100. Discount day, Thurs. _OFFICERS--George Montague, President ; Joseph S. Case, Cash- ier: Wm. Pabst, Paying Teller; Henry P. Carlson and Edgar Hayner, Receiving Tellers; H. B. Gibbons, Notary Public. D1recrors—George Montague, Wm. P56 John, A. B. Darling, W. G. Hitchcock, John L. Riker, Henry A. Hurlbut, George Sher- man, Amos. R. Eno, Chas. B. Fosdick, Wm. C. Brewster, John W. Aitken, THE SEVENTH NATIONAL BANK, of New York, Broadway and John st. National Bank, No. 998; Clearing House, No. 19. Chartered 1833, as Seventh Ward Bank. Capital, $300,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—John McAnerney, President; James Hall, Vice-President; J. D. W. Grady, 2d Vice-Presi- dent; Geo. W. Adams, Cashier. D1IRECTORS—James Hall;: Chas. H. Pine, H. Dancan Wood, John McAnerney, H. R. Beekman, Henry A. Rogers, Hugh Kelly, Alfred Wagstaff, Patrick Farrelly, Charles Seidler Daniel F. Cooney, J. Preston McAnerney. SIXTH NATIONAL BANK, Broadway, cor. 33d st. National Bank, No. 254; Clearing House, No. 86. Chartered Jan., 1864. Capital, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS —A. H. Stevens, President; C. G. Landon, Vice-President; A. E. Colson, Cashier; G. W. Pancoast, Assistant Cashier. Drrectors—Frederick D. Tappen, Adrian Iselin, Jr., Lewis W. Parker, E. A. McAlpin, Chas. G. Landon, Frederick W. Stevens, C.W. Wetmore, W. Emlen Roosevelt, Joseph Park, J. Romaine Brown, Alex. H. Stevens. THE SOUTHERN NATIONAL BANK, Wall and Pearl sts. National Bank, No. £3359; Clearing House, No. 89. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. Discounts daily. OFFICERS—W. W. Flannagan, President; Issac Rosenwald, Vice-President; J. D. Abrahams, Cashier; John H. Carr, Assistant Cashier ; W.F. Rossell, Paying Teller; H. J. Redfield, Receiving Teller, John H. Carr, Notary Public. Drrecrors—W. W. Flannagan, Isaac Rosenwald, E. B. Bartlett, Alden S. Swan, *H. Lo Hortens Kae Smith, W. P, Thompson, Walter S. Johnston, Thos. B. Kent. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 24 and 26 Nassau st. National Bank, No. 87; Clearing House, No. 66. Chartered Sept., 1863. Capital, $1,000,000. par $100. Discounts daily. OFrFICcERs—Jobn B. Woodward, President ; Henry Chapin, Jr., Cashier; J. F. Sweasy, Assistant Cashier; E. H. Callanan, Paying Teller; R, W. Swan, Receiving Teller; Eugene Delmar, Notary Public. DIRECTORS— William A. Booth, John W. Sterling, Henry A. V. Post, William P. Anderson, John B. Woodward, Caleb B. Knevals, James O. Bloss, Charles H. Pine, Charles H. Van Nos- trand, Frederick A. Schroeder, Joseph Fahys, David H. Houghtaling, Hugh Kelly, George H. Church, Henry Chapin, Jr. THE TRADESMEN’S NATIONAL BANK, 291 Broadway. National Bank, No. 905; Clearing House, No. 10. Chartered, 1823. Capital, $750,000, par $40. OFFICERS—James E. Granniss, President; Logan C. Murray, Vice-President; O. F. Berry, Cashier; L. Halsey, Paying Teller; C. S. Kress, Receiving Teller: 7} By Dessar, Notary Public. D1irecrors—George Starr, Julius Kaufmann, J. A. Freedy, H. Bertin, James E. Granniss, Elliott L. Butler, Thos. B. Kent, Oliver F. Berry, Henry Campbell, F. S. M. Blun, J. T. Low. UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK, 41 and 43 Wall st. National Bank, No. 2507; Clearing House, No. 79. Chartered, Mar. 2, 1881. Capital, $500,000, par g10o. OFFICERS—James H. Parker, President; Wm. P. Thompson, Vice-President ; Henry C. Hopkins, Cashier; J. J. McAuliffe, Assistant Cashier: J. M. Harriman, 2d Assistant Cashier; Geo. A. Young, Paying Teller; C. H. Hilwell, Receiving Teller ; Barlow & Witmore, Notaries Public. Direcrors—J. H. Parker, Thos. H. Hubbard, C. P. Huntington, T. W. Pearsall, T. E. Stillman, Wm. P. Thompson. THE WASHINGTON NATIONAL BANK, 1 Broadway. Failed in 1891. National Bank, No. 4335; Chartered, June, 1890. Capital, $300,000, _OFFICERS—Evan G, Sherman, President; John T. Granger, Cashier ; DIREcTORS—Sidney Dillon, E. G. Sherman, Sidell Tilgham, W. H. Robinson, Henry Levis, G. B. Newton, C. W. Chapin, » H. V. Newcomb, J. T. Granger, G. M. Dodge, R. H. Rountree. THE WESTERN NATIONAL BANK, of the City of New York, 120 Broad- ‘way. National Bank, No. 3700; Clearing House, No. 87. Chartered 1887. Capital, $3,500,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Brayton Ives, President; Valentine P. Snyder, Vice- President; Henry A. Smith, Cashier; Thos. J. Brennan, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS —Brayton Ives, Chauncey M. Depew, Henrv B. Hyde, Sidney F. Tyler, Charles J. Canda, Louis Fitzgerald, F. O. Matthiessen, William C. Whitney, Valentine P. Snyder, Wm. N. Coler, Jr., Marcellus Hartley, John E. Searles, Jr., Wm. A. Lombard. 459 NATIONAL BANKS NOT IN CLEARING HOUSE. THE HIDE AND LEATHER NATIONAL BANK, of New York, 88 Gold st. National Bank, No. 4567; Not in Clearing House. Chartered Dec., 1891. Capital, $500,000, par $100. Discounts, Mon. OFFICERS—Chas. B. Fosdick, President ; Charles A. Schieren, Vice-President; F. K. Burckett, Cashier. DrrEcToRS—Chas. B. Fosdick, Chas. A. Schieren, Henry C. Howell, Edward R. Ladew, Eugene G. Blackford, Dick S. Ramsay, John J. Lapham, Thomas Keck, Richard Young, A. Augustus Healy, Adolph Scheftel. THE LIBERTY NATIONAL BANK, of New York, Liberty and West sts. Not in Clearing House. Chartered Oct. 13, 1891. Capital, $500,000, par $100. Dis- counts daily. OFrFiceERs—Henry C. Tinker, President; Henry Graves, Vice-President ; James Christie, Cashier. Drrecrors—Henry C. Tinker, Henry Graves, Geo. F. Baker, J. Rogers Maxwell, E. F. C. Young, Win. Runkle, Dumont Clarke, Jno. H. Starin, H. cs Fahnestock, Hon. Garret A. Hobart, J. A. Garland. THE NATIONAL BANK OF DEPOSIT, of the City of New York., Bryant Building, 55 Liberty st., cor. Nassau st. National Bank, No. 3771; Not in Clearing House. Chartered July 25, 1887. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—L. E. Ran- som, President ; H. B. Moore, Vice-President; Henry L. Gilbert, Cashier. DIRECTORS— Lewis E. Ransom, A. K. Sloan, A. C. Mintram, Noah C. Rogers, David B. Powell, John H. Gilbert, Geo. W. Hoagland, Thos. E. Sloan, H. B. Moore, E. 5S. Ormsby, Leopold Stern, F. R. Simons, R. A. Anthony, Stephen H. Iills, J. W. Simons. ~ STATE BANKS IN CLEARING HOUSE. THE BANK OF AMERICA, 44 and 46 Wall st. Clearing House No. 6. Char- tered in 1812. Capital, $3,000,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS— Wm. H. Perkins, President; Frederic P. Olcott, Vice-President; Dallas B. Pratt, Cashier; George H. Watson, Paying Teller; Linus Ward, Receiving Teller; F. de P. Foster, Notary Public. DIRECTORS—Samuel Thorne, A. D. Juilliard, Wm. H. Perkins, Geo. G. Haven, J. Harsen Rhoades, George A. Crocker, Frederic P. Olcott, David S: Egleston, Chas. G. Landon, Oliver Harriman, Jas. N. Jarvie. BANK OF THE METROPOLIS, 29 Union sq. Clearing House No 83. Char- tered 1871. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Robert Schell, President; W. B. Isham, Vice-President ; Theo. Rogers, Cashier; E. G2 Evans,’ Paying Teller; "Tee Kissam, Receiving Teller; John Delahunty, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Robert Schell, W. B. Isham, Hicks Arnold, Chas. L. Tiffany, William Steinway, Joseph Park, Samuel Sloan, W. D. Sloane. THE BANK OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, 33 William st. Clearing House, No. 20. Chartered 1836. Capital, $1,200,000, par $100. OFFICERS—R. L. Edwards, President; Jas. B. Colgate, Vice-President; B. C. Duer, Cashier. Drrecrors—R. L. Edwards, August Belmont, Thomas Rutter, James Swann, James T. Closson, Ex. Norton, R. G. Rolston, Jas. B. Colgate, E. T. Bedford, Henry Hentz, B. C. Paddock. THE BOWERY BANK, 62 Bowery. Clearing House, No. 70. Chartered Mar. 30, 1865. Capital, $250,000, par $100. OFFICERS—H. P. DeGraff, President; Richard Hamilton, Vice-President; F. C. Mayhew, Cashier. Direcrors—Henry P. DeGraff, Richard Hamilton, Wm. R. Foster, Abram Kling, M. Schrenkeisen, Wm. E. Clark, W. W. Watson, Chas. Gulden, Herman Strobel, John Q. Adams, R. V. Harnett, Levi H. Mace, B. G. Coles. THE CORN EXCHANGE BANK, 13 William st. Clearing House, No. 45. Chartered 1853. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. OFFICERS—William A. Nash, President ; Thomas T. Barr, Vice-President; Loftin Love, Cashier; Thomas Nash, Paying Teller ; Wm. H. Ketchum, Receiving Teller; Thomas Nash, Notary Public. DIRECTORS— William A. Nash, David Dows, Jr., W. Harman Brown, David Bingham, Wm. W. Ros- siter, Howland Davis, Thomas T. Barr, M. B. Fielding, Thos. A. McIntyre, J. N. Platt, Alex. T. Van Nest. 460 THE FIFTH AVENUE BANK, of New York, 5th ave. and 44th st. . Clearing House, No. 76; Chartered 1875. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—A. 5S. Frissell, President; Frank Dean, Cashier; Samuel Woolverton, Assistant Cashier; Thos. S. Van. Vollenburgh, Notary Public. Drrectrors—A. S. Frissell, Isaac Ickelheimer, William H. Lee, Samuel Shethar, John B. Dutcher, Gardner Wetherbee, Edward H. Perkins, Jr., Charles S. Smith, Jas. G. Cannon, Jas. R. Plum, Russell Sage, John D. Crimmins, Edward A. Price. THE GERMAN-AMERICAN BANK, 50 Wall st. Clearing House, No. 72. Chartered July, 1870. Capital, $750,000, par $75. Discount days, Mon. and Thurs. OFFICERS—Henry Rocholl, President; Theodore Dreien, Vice-President; J. F. Frederichs, Cashier. Drrecrors—Henry Rocholl, Emil Oelbermann, Theo. Dreier, Edward N. Tailer, Alex. Klingenberg, Fred. Von Bernuth, Gottlob Gunther, William Mertens, Philip Bissinger, Samuel M. Schafer, Joshua Hendricks, Charles Unger, C. A. Zoebisch, J. F. Frederichs, Marcellus Hartley, Jas. M. Thorburn, Casimir Tag, Herm. Stutzer THE GERMANIA BANK, of the City of New York, 215 Bowery. Clearing House, No. 78. Chartered, May 1, 1869. Capital, $200,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFrricers—Edward C. Schaefer, President; Henry W. Schmidt, Vice- President; J. A. Morschhauser, Cashier; R. Wuesthoff, Assistant Cashier; George R. Krapp, Paying Teller. D1irReEcrors—Bernard Beinecke, Henry W. Schmidt, Jacques Bach, Conrad Stein, Edward C. Schaefer, Daniel Brubacher, Chas. A. King, John Rheinfrank, Gustav L. Jaeger, Oscar Zollikoffer, H. E. G. Luyties, J. Lindenmeyer, Wm. Ottman, Otto M. Eidlitz, Frederick Foly. GERMAN EXCHANGE BANK, 330 Bowery. Clearing House, No. 77. Char- tered Apr., 1872; limited to May, Ig00. Capital, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS—M. J. Adrian, President; Geo. Rothmann, Vice-President; Charles L. Adrian, Cashier; Geo. ‘Goeler, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS—M. J. Adrian, Geo. Storm, A. Dooper, C. Wynen, S. Bergmann, Jos. Schaeffler, B.G. Amend, Henry Weiler, Sol. Mehrbach, Jno. Schnugg, Geo. Rothmann, Daniel Watterau, H. Herold, William Wicke, C. L. Adrian.. THE GREENWICH BANK, 402 Hudson st. Clearing House, No. 17. Chartered Apr. 17, 1830. Capital $200,000, par $25. OFFICERS—J.S. McLean, President; William A. Hawes, Cashier. Direcrors—John S. McLean, William Moir, J. Harsen Rhoades, John Downey, Albert C. Bogert, Charles Shultz, Isaac Hendrix, Peter A. Welch, Charles E, Tilford. MANHATTAN COMPANY, 40 Wall st. Clearing House, No. 2. Chartered 1799. Capital, $2,050,000, par $50. Discount days, Mon. and Thurs. OFFICERS— D. C. Hays, President; Stephen Baker, Vice-President; J. T. Baldwin, Cashier; H. C. Gibson, Notary Public. Direcrors—D. C. Hays, J. S. Kennedy, Geo. W. Smith, John W. Harper, James Talcott, Henry K. McHarg, John Sloane, O. B. Jennings, Stephen Baker, Matthew C. D. Borden, Hugh D. Auchincloss. MECHANICS’ AND TRADERS’ BANK, 486 Broadway. Clearing House, No. 16. Chartered Apr., 1830. Capital, $400,000, par $25. OFFICERS—lI. Boskowitz, Presi- dent; Fernando Baltes, Cashier; E. R, Peck, Paying Teller; R. C. Smith, Receiving Teller; Thos. J. McKee, Notary Public. Direcrors—John P. O’Brien, Thos. E. Trip- ler, Isaiah Josephi, I. Boskowitz, Thos. J. McKee, George W. Rosevelt, J. N. Hayward, Samuel Cohn, Isaac Stiebel, John G. Prague, I. D. Einstein, K. Mandell, Leo Schles- inger, Joseph A. Woolley, Fernando Baltes. THE NASSAU BANK, Nassau and Beekman sts. Clearing House, No. 40. Char- tered 1852. Capital, $500,000, par $50. Discount days, Wed. and Sat. OFFICERS—F. M. Harris, President; Augustine Smith, Vice-President; W. H. Rogers, Cashier; R. M. Matteson, Notary Public, DirEcrors—Francis M. Harris, James C. Bell, Jr., Charles G. Harmer, Thomas B. Hidden, Enos Richardson, Augustine Smith. THE ORIENTAL BANK, 122 Bowery. Clearing House, No. 49. Chartered 1853. Capital, $300,000, par $25. OFFICERS—Clinton W. Starkey, President; Chas. F. Good- hue, Vice-President; Nelson G. Ayers, Cashier. DrrecTrors—Stephen R. Halsey, Chas. F. Goodhue, Thos.. K. Lees, Edward Wood, Daniel D. Youmans, Clinton W. Starkey, Robert C. Fisher, Chas. H. Bailey, Augustus W. Weismann. 401 THE PACIFIC BANK, 470 Broadway. Clearing House, No. 28. Chartered 1850. Capital, $422,700, par $50. Discount days Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—H. B. Brundrett, President ; O. G. Walbridge, Vice-President ; Samuel C. Merwin, Cashier. Direcrors—Hart B. Brundrett, O. G. Walbridge, Chas. L. Tiffany, Alex. D. Napier, Thos. B. Kerr, W. H. Beadleston, Chas. H. Steinway, John F. Degener, Geo. A. Hearn, Robert Buck, L. M. Hornthal, Henry Weil, J. M. Valentine. . THE PEOPLE'S BANK, 395 Canal st. Clearing House, No. 31. Chartered Feb., 1851. Capital, $200,000, par $25. OFFICERS—Scott Foster, President; William Milne, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Scott Foster, Robert Maclay, C. T. Van Santvoord, William Milne, Theo. W. Morris, Jno. B. C. Gray, I. T. Williams, A. Wimpfheimer. ST. NICHOLAS BANK of New York, Mills Building, 23 Broad st. Clearing House, No. 43. Chartered 1852. Capital, $500,000, par $100. OFFICERS—A. B. Graves, President; L.C. Lathrop, Vice President; Wm. J. Gardner, Cashier; E. B. Vander- veer, Paying Teller; L. A. Hill, Receiving Teller; Wm. Tharp, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Joseph H. Parsons, William H. Aikin, John Straiton, Henry F, Hitch, Wm. J. Gardner, Arthur B. Graves, L. C. Lathrop, Geo. P. Sheldon. WEST SIDE BANK, 485 8th ave. Clearing House, No. 84. Chartered 1869. Capital, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS—J. W. B. Dobler, President; John Mulford, Vice-President: Christian F. Tietjen, 2d Vice-President; Theo. M. Bertine, Cashier ; Hulbert Peck, Notary Public. Drrecrors—John W. B. Dobler, T. C. Eastman, Joseph Stern, W. Edgar Pruden, Thomas Stokes, George Karsch, Fr. Beck, Samuel D. Styles, Charles Rohe, Mayer Eisemann, F. K. Keller, John Mulford, J. D. Walton, Cy FoAlieten, August Finck. STATE BANKS NOT IN CLEARING HOUSE. ASTOR PLACE BANK, Clinton Hall Building, Astor pl. and 8th st. Not in Clearing House. Commenced business May 6, 1891. Capital, $250,000, par $100. OFFICERS—-Alfred C. Barnes, President; Francis L. Hine, Vice-President ; John T. Perkins, Cashier. DirEcrors—A. L. Ashman, Alfred C. Barnes, William H. Beadleston, M. C. D. Borden, John Daniell, Jr., Thomas W. Folsom, Francis L. Hine, Franklin W. Hopkins, Joseph J. Little, Charles McLoughlin, Effingham Maynard, William N. Nash, Horace Russell, F. A. O. Schwarz, Charles R. Schminke, Theodore E. Smith, Charles N. Taintor, E. J. H. Tamsen. THE BANK OF NEW AMSTERDAM, Broadway and 39th st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1887. Capital, $250,000, par ¢100. Discounts, Wed. OFFICERS—Thos. C. Acton, President; Frank Tilford, Vice-President; Nelson J. H. Edge, Cashier;. J. R. Demarest, Paying Teller; C. F. Bevins, Receiving Teller and Notary Public. Drrecrors—John A. Stewart, Richard V. Lewis, Samuel D. Babcock, |aSocee Roosevelt, Frank Curtiss, G. Hilton Scribner, Jesse Seligman, Thos. Denny, Thos. C. Acton, Elihu Root, Geo. W. Loss, F. D. Tappen, George G. Haven, J. De Barnes, J, T. Terry, Frank Tilford, J. L. Riker. THE CANAL STREET BANK, of New York City, 206 Canal st. (cor. Mul- berry st.) Not in Clearing House. Chartered Mar., 1890. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $100,000, par $100. OrFICERS—Antonio Rasines, President; James B. Ryer, Vice-President; Jas. Blair, Cashier. Drirecrors—Simon Adler, Vernon M. Davis, Jas. B. Ryer, P. Caponigri, Edward J. Dunphy, B. J. McCann, David Block, A. _Zuricalday, W. V. R. Smith, Antonio Rasines, William Ballin, F. A. Burnham, A. H. Frost, S. Klingenstein, P. Nathan. CLINTON BANK, 87 Hudson st. (cor. Harrison st.) Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1888. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFICERS—F. E. Pitkin, President; A. C. Bechstein, Vice-President; F. S. Hyatt, Cashier; E. K. Leffingwell, Paying Teller ; C. H. Conant, Receiving Teller; Lexow & Haldane, Notaries Public. DrRECTORS— Jerome E. Bates, Augustus C. Bechstein, Nelson J. Gates, Eugene N. Howell, David Hunt, John E. Jacobs, John E. Leffingwell, Asbury Lester, Clarence Lexow, Wm. Ex Midgley, James E. Morris, Fredk. E, Pitkin, Alexander Pollock, Douglass R. Satterlee, Charles J. Schrader, George P. Sheldon, William E. Smith, Hyman Sonn, William A. Tyler. 462 THE COLONIAL BANK, Columbus ave. and 94th st. Not in Clearing House. Authorized to commence business Feb. 15, 1892. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFI- CERS—lIsaac W. White, President ; Edwin W. Orvis, Vice-President ; S. L. Chamberlaine, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Isaac W. White, Edwin W. Orvis, S. L. Chamberlaine, A. C. Cheney, Frederic F. Culver, Robert Dunlap, I. M. Grenell, Timothy Hogan, Walter F. Hurcomb, Percival Knauth, William A. Lombard, John A. McCall. THE COLUMBIA BANK, of New York City, 5th ave. and 42d st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1883, for 100 years. Capital, $300,000, par $100. OFFI- CERS—Joseph Fox, President; Daniel T. Hoag, Vice-President; D. H. Rowland, Cashier; W. S. Griffith, Assistant Cashier. DIRECTORS—Jos. Fox, Louis Seasongood, Wm. L. Skidmore, M. S. Isaacs, Hoffman Miller, J. W. Mack, Leonard Friedman, Chas. Reed, John S. Foster, Simeon Ford, Max. J. Lissauer, Daniel T. Hoag, Henry Gitterman, L, J. Fitzgerald, Thos. P. Fiske, D. H. Rowland, John H. Watson. THE EAST SIDE BANK, 459 Grand st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1888. Capital, $100,000, par $100. Discount Days, Tues. and Fri. Orricers—T. R. Manners, President; John Byrns, Vice-President; Wm. B. Nivin, Cashier; T. R. Man- ners, Notary Public. Drirecrors—-Walter Luttgen, John Byrns, Jesse C. Keys, Thomas R. Manners, Abe Stern, John Overbeck, Samuel M. Janney, Jacob Horowitz, G. Wessels, Martin Simons, Samuel Cohn, B. Weinberger, Thos. S. Ollive. ELEVENTH WARD BANK, Avenue D. and roth st. Not in Clearing House, Chartered 1867. Capital, $100,000, par $25. Discount Days, Tues. and Fri. OFFI- CERS—Henry Steers, President; Geo. W, Quintard, Vice-President; C. E. Brown, Cashier; Joe W. Swaine, Paying Teller; W. S. Canfield, Receiving Teller; Joe W. Swaine, Notary Public. DirREcTORS—Henry Steers, E. A. McAlpin, John Englis, George Law, David H. McAlpin, Charles E. Brown, Edward S. Knapp, John E. Hoffmire, Geo. W. Quintard, George E. Weed, Edward V. Loew. EMPIRE STATE BANK, 640 Broadway. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1888. Capital, $250,000, par ¢100. OFFICERS--James W. Conrow, President; Leon Mandel, Vice-President ; Chas. H. Roberts, Cashier. D1IrRECcTORS—-James W. Conrow, Abraham Steinam, Henry Newman, Chas. A. Edelhoff, Leon Mandel, Hugo Jaeckel, Henry W. Curtiss, Jacob Emsheimer, Wm. B. Thom, Chas. J. Gillis, Eugene V. Con- nett, Chas. H. Roberts, G. F. Dailey, Leon Tanenbaum, J. H. Leowensteine. FOURTEENTH STREET BANK, of the City of New York, 3 East rath st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered April, 1888. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $150,000, par $100. OFFICERS-—Geo. F. Vail, President; Henry A. Hurlbut, Vice- President; Wm. J. Worrell, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Henry A. Hurlbut, George Green, Chas. P. Rogers, Geo. F. Vail, Frederick S. Howard, F. A. O. Schwarz, Charles Schneider, Wm. J. Worrell, Chas.:I. Hudson, M, E. Sterne, F. W. Kinsman, Jr., R. I. Brewster, D. B. Halstead, R. Ross Appleton, Caspar. Fechteler. THE GANSEVOORT BANK, 14th st. and oth ave. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1889. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50. OFFICERS--Chas. H. Paul, President ; Charles E. Bigelow, Vice-President; F. H. Skelding, Cashier. DiIrEcTorsS —Andrew Icken, Jabez D. Parsons, Francis McMulkin, Peter D. Strauch, Wm. F. Have- meyer, Frank Frommel, Thomas J. Roberts, Timothy C. Kimball, Hugh King, Geo. Hotchkiss, Chas. E. Bigelow, Daniel J. Carroll, Jacob I. Housman, George H. Coutts, Chas. ‘31,-Paul, HAMILTON BANK, of New York City, 276 W. 125th st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1888. Capital, $200,000, par $100. The Bank of Harlem was con- solidated with this Bank May Io, 1892. OFrFICcERS—David F. Porter, President; William S. Gray, Vice President ; Carroll St. John, Cashier ; Irving C. Gaylord, Assistant Cashier. Drrecrors—John J. Sperry, David M. Williams, James Rogers, John J. Fowler, Lucien C. Warner, Charles B. Fosdick, William P. St. John, Julius W. Tiemann, Emanuel Lauer, Joseph Milbank, Louis Strasburger, Cyrus Clark, Frederick B. Schenck, Samuel T. Peters, Welcome T. Alexander, Isaac A. Hopper. HARLEM RIVER BANK, of the City of New York, 11oth st. and 3d ave. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1890. Capital $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—— Robinson Gill, President; Henry Budelman, Vice-President; E. G. Hinckley, Cashier ; Geo. E. Fowler, Paying Teller and Notary Public. Drrecrors—Robinson Gill, Wm. H. Burke, E. G. Hinckley, Wm. Bouldin, Jr., Henry Budelman, Albert A. Stein, Donald McLean, Geo. Herold, Jas. J. Blackman, C. F. Schaue, J. J. Duffield, Henry Krooss. , 463 THE HOME BANK of the City of New York, 8th ave. and 42d st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1883. Capital $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—E. Stephen- son, President; H. L. Bain, Cashier. D1rREcrors—Edmund Stephenson, Otto Wessell, G. Waldo Smith. Jas. Fitzpatrick, S. V. Tripp, Edward Schweyer, Geo. Mulligan, Geo. E. Ketcham, Wm. P. Esterbrook, William Campbell, Francis Blessing, Geo, Starr, Richard Kelly. THE HUDSON RIVER BANK, Columbus ave. and 72d st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1888. Capital, $200,000, par $100. Discounts daily. OFFICERS— Fred. B. Elliott, President; T. A. McIntyre, Vice-President ; Peter Snyder, Cashier ; W. H. Peck, Paying Teller and Notary Public; T. B. Johnson, Receiving Teller. DIRECTORS—Wm. A. Nash, Chas. T. Barney, H. Walter Webb, Thos. A. McIntyre, William De Groot, Bradish Johnson, Jr., Joseph H. Parsons, W. D. Ellis, B. Aymar Sands, August Blumenthal, Geo. A. Morrison, John A. Aitken, W. R. Peters, A. E. Merrall. MADISON SQUARE BANK, Broadway, 5th ave. and 25th st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered Apr., 1882. Capital, $500,000, par $100. Discounts daily. OFFI- CERS—Joseph F. Blaut, President; Lewis Thompson, Cashier; Chas. E. Selover, Assistant Cashier; W. H. Roberts, Paying Teller; W.H. Devlin, Receiving Teller; Robt. McGill, Notary Public. Drrecrors—F. A. Kursheedt, A. S. Kalischer, R. T. McDonald, Simon Ottenberg, A. L. Soulard, E. S. Stokes, Jos. F. Blaut, Lewis Thomp- son, C. E. Selover, Simon Uhlman. THE MOUNT MORRIS BANK, 125th st. and Park ave. Not in Clearing House. Chartered Dec., 1880. Capital, $250,000, par $100. OrricERS—J. M. De Veau, Presi- dent ; Thomas W, Robinson, Cashier. Drrecrors—Joseph M. De Veau, C. C. Baldwin, George B. Robinson, L. H. Rogers, W. M. Grinnell, David L. Evans, C. O. Hubbell, Jesse G. Keys, Thos. W. Robinson, Wm. H. Payne, Waldo P. Clement. MURRAY HILL BANK, 3d ave. and 47thst. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1870, Capital, $100,000, par $50. OFrFIcERS—Wm. A. Darling, President; Henry Clausen, Jr., Vice-President; Albert H. Gale, Cashier; Wm.C. Bryant, Assistant Cashier ; Thos. Darling, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Wm. A. Darling, Charles H. Wilson, John Burlinson, C. H. Heimburg, F. T. Hopkins, Rufus M. Stivers, R. O. N. Ford, James Carney, Bernard Metzger, Henry Clausen, Philip Diehl, John Weber, A. H. Gale. THE MUTUAL BANK, N. W. cor. 34th st. and 8th ave. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1890. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paidy in. o200,0002 shat, not stated. OFFICERS—David Stevenson, President; James McClenahan, Ist Vice- President ; George Wiley, 2d Vice-President ; Walter Westervelt, Cashier. DIRECTORS —David Stevenson, R. A. Greacen, William Von Twistern, William Sperb, Jr., C. W. Luyster, J. P. Windolph, Samuel McMillan, James McClenahan, Robert Gordon, Oscar T. Mackey, Andrew Ward, J. J. Fredricks, Peter F. Turner, George Wiley, Hugh J. Grant, R. S. Treacy, Stephen McPariland, Aaron Buchsbaum, Thomas Dimond, James Thomson. NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE BANK, 2 Broadway. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1883. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—Forrest H. Parker, President ; Richard H. Laimbeer, Vice-President ; William A. Sherman, Cashier. Direcrors—Forrest H. Parker, R. H. Laimbeer, Alex. ES Orm S. Jacoby, Alex. Munn, E. S, Whitman, William H. Wallace, Henry W. 0. Edye, A. C. Bechstein, Albert S. Roe, S.J. Storrs. NINETEENTH WARD BANK, 3d ave. and 57th st. Not in Clearing House. Charte ed 1884. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Samuel H. Rathbone, Presi- dent: Martin B. Brown, Vice-President; J. B. Story, Cashier ; Louis H. Holloway, Pay- ing Teller; Albert Hicks, Receiving Teller; Louis H. Holloway, Notary Public. Dr- RECTORS—Samuel H. Rathbone, Martin B. Brown, Richard A. Cunningham, John P. Kane, Julien L. Myers, George P. Sheldon, Robert C. Rathbone, Richard K. Sheldon, Joseph J. Kittel, Myer Hellman, James B. Story, Matthew Baird. THE PLAZA BANK, sth ave. and 58th st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered 1891. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Wm. C. Brewster, President; Woodbury G. Langdon, Vice-President; W, McMaster Mills, Cashier. D1irEcToRS—A. Newbold Morris, Wm. L. Strong, Obed Wheeler, John J. Astor, Joseph Larocque, D. 5S. Ham- mond, Wm. C. Whitney, Addison Cammack, Wm. Ottmann, David Aaron, B. Beinecke, Wim. C. Brewster, Woodbury G. Langdon, Benj. H. Bristow, Josiah M. Fiske, John L. Riker, Ferdinand P. Earle, Joseph Park. 464 RIVERSIDE BANK, 8th ave. and 57th st. Not in Clearing House? Chartered 1886. Capital, $100,000, par $100. Discount day, Thurs. OFFICERS—F. Clarkson, President; John J. Clancy, Vice-President; H.C. Copeland, Cashier; H. H. Bizallion, Paying Teller; Benj. Pentz, Receiving Teller; Selah V. D. Tomkins, Notary Public. DIrREcTORS—Floyd Clarkson, John Reisenweber, John J. Clancy, Wm. H. Hurst, Max Ams, Alex. Brown, G, R. Lansing, A. F. Holly, Chas. N. Taintor, August Eitzen, Henry C. Copeland, John Mulford, Daniel Seymour, F. A. Bochmann. THE SHERMAN BANK, 874 Broadway. Not in Clearing House. Commenced business June 16, 1892. Capital, $200,000, par $100 ; Surplus, $100,000. OFFICERS— Douglass R. Satterlee, President; Henry D. Northrop, Cashier. DirEcTORS—Wm. ie Arkell, Charles E. Bulkley, Jacob D. Butler, Wm. Crawford, George C. Flint, Louis C. Fuller, George B. Jacques, George P. Johnson, Ewen McIntyre, John McLoughlin, Ludwig Nissen, Henry D. Northrop, James H. Parker, Doulass R. Satterlee, George P. Sheldon, William R. Smith, Benj. B. Van Derveer. THE STATE BANK, 378 Grand st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered July, 1890. Capital, $100,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues.and Fri. OFrFIcERS—Oscar L. Richard, President; Newman Cowen, Vice-President ; J. H. Rosenbaum, Cashier, Chas. Abresch, Jr., Teller; J. J. Lyons, Notary Public. Dirrecrors—Oscar L. Richard, Julius J. Lyons, Newman Cowen, Jacob H. Rosenbaum, Arnold Kohn, Wm. Bennet, Leopold Adler, Lucius N. Littauer, Pietro Andreoli. _ THE TWELFTH WARD BANK, of the City of New York, 153 E. 125th st. Not in Clearing House. Chartered Mar. 15, 1886, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Edward P. Steers, Presi- dent; Isaac A. Hopper, Vice-President ; Isaac Anderson, Cashier: Charles W. Dayton, Counsel. DIRECTORS—-Chas. W. Dayton, Enoch C. Bell, Antonio Rasines, Frank E. Towle, David Rutsky, Edward P. Steers, Thomas Crawford, Richard Webber, Isaac A. - Hopper, Geo. C. Burford, Atmore L. Baggot, Geo. B. Brown, Theo. Dieterlin, Louis J. Kahn. ; THE TWENTY-THIRD WARD BANK, 3d ave. and S. Boulevard. Not in Clearing House. Chartered Apr. 17, 1888. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Paid in, $100,000, par $100. OFrFICERS—Thomas MacKellar, President; David B. Sickles, Vice-President; Chas. W. Bogart, Cashier. DrrREcTors—-Henry L. School, Napoleon J. Haines, Brian G. Hughes, David B. Sickles, Charles W. Bogart, James L. Welis, John Haffen, Thos. MacKellar, Anton Rinschler. THE UNION SQUARE BANK, 8 Union sq. Not in Clearing House. Char- tered 1889. Capital $200,000, par $100. _OFFICERS—F. Wagner, President: Jos. Wiener, Vice-President; J. J. Gibbons, 2d Vice-President; A. Fahs, Cashier: Jac. W. Scherr, Paying Teller; D. Decker, Receiving Teller; L.A. Staks, Notary Public. DirEcrors —Edward Uhl, John G. Grissler, Charles Goeller, Paul Loeser, Wendolin L. Nauss, B. J. Ludwig, Frederick Wagner, Jacob Siegel, P. H. Dugro, Samuel D. Folsom, Henry Herrmann, Henry Iden, L. C. Raegener, Geo. A. Steinway, Adam Weber, Marvin S. Buttles, Henry Bischoff, J. J. Gibbons, Wm. Ottmann, R. Van der Emde, G. H. Stone- bridge, Joseph Wiener, H. H. Ries. SAVINGS BANKS. THE AMERICAN SAVINGS BANK, 501 sth ave. Inc. 1882: Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Daniel T. Hoag, President; Edward V. Loew, Ist Vice-President; Myer Hellman, 2d Vice-President ‘ William Irwin, Secretary and Counsel: Clarence Goadby, Treasurer. ‘TRUSTEES—Daniel T. Hoag, William Irwin, William L. Skidmore, Moses H. Moses, Samuel Hall, M. D., Rev. Vincent Pisek, Myer Hellman, Myer S. Isaacs, Henry T. Bronson, Caldwell R. Blakeman, Herman Mendel, Hon. Edward V. Loew, Granville B. Smith, Henry T. Webb, Russell Raymond, John H. Timmerman, David H. Rowland, Warner Van Norden, Joseph S. Decker, William N. Cromwell, Samuel H. Rathbone, L. Bolton Bangs, M. D., Clarence Goadby, John S. Foster. 465 THE BANK FOR SAVINGS in the City of New York, 67 Bleecker st. Inc. 1819 ; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Merritt Trimble, President; Benjamin H. Field, Ist Vice-President; James A. Roosevelt, 2d Vice-President; Robert S. Holt, Secretary ; Wm. G. White, Controller; James Knowles, Acountant; Richard L. Purdy, Assistant Accountant. TRUSTEES—Merritt Trimble, Robert S. Holt, Adrain Iselin, Alfred W. Spear, Alfred M. Hoyt, Wm. A. Hoe, Jno. M. Dodd, Jr., Robert Winthrop, Benj. H. Field, Jno. T. Johnston, Frederick D. Tappen, Jno. E. Parsons, Orlando B. Potter, Wm. L. Andrews, Oliver Harriman, Henry W. De Forrest, Jas. A. Roosevelt, Jno. J. Tucker, Jno. Crosby Brown, Geo. M. Miller, Thos. Hillhouse, Frederick W. Stevens, Chas. A. Sherman, W. Irving Clark, Wm. J. Riker. Chas. S. Brown. THE BOWERY SAVINGS BANK, 128 and 130 Bowery. Inc. 1834; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Edward Wood, President; John P. Townsend, Ist Vice-Presi- dent; Robert M. Field, 2d Vice-President ; Robert Leonard, Secretary ; Isaac P. Mailler, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—Edward Wood, John D. Hicks, Aaron Field, Timothy H. Porter, William H. Hurlbut, Samuel H. Seaman, James W. Cromwell, William Dowd, Charles Kellogg, David S. Taber, John W. Cochrane, George Jeremiah, John P. Townsend, Robert Haydock, Henry Lyles, Jr.,. Edward Hincken, Enoch Ketcham, William V. Brokaw, Edward C. Sampson, John J. Sinclair, George Montague, Charles Griffen, Washington Wilson, Eugene Underhill, Octavius D. Baldwin, Robert Maclay, Henry C. Berlin, Robert M. Field, Henry Barrow, W. H.S. Wood, W. H. Parsons, Ben). F. Judson, W. H. Beadleston, Joseph B. Lockwood, George M. Olcott, A. T. Van Nest, Isaac S. Platt, George E. Hicks, G. H. Robinson, Wm. L. Vennard, Richard A. Storrs, John F. Scott, Chas, E. Bigelow. BROADWAY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 237 Broadway. Inc, 1851; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Francis A. Palmer, President; Francis P. Furnald, Vice-Presi- dent; Peter Cumming, 2d Vice-President and Treasurer; Horace F. Hutchinson, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Francis A. Palmer, Wm. H. Gedney, Jacob A. Geissenhainer, Caleb B. Knevals, Jno. A. Carter, Joel E. Fisher, Francis P. Furnald, Jr., Jacob T. D. Hersey, Abraham F. Hazen, Edward P. Griffin, David Jardine, Warren A. Conover, Eugene Britton, Fred. Baker, Peter Cumming, James Talcott, Francis P. Furnald, Horace F. Hutchinson, Horace K. Thuber, J. Berre King, John Downey, H. Mortimer Brush, Thomas Dimond. . CITIZENS’ SAVINGS BANK, of the City of New York, 56 and 58 Broadway. Inc. 1860; Charter Perpetual. OFrriceErs—Edward A. Quintard, President; William E. Clark and Chas. H. Steinway, Vice-Presidents ; John W. Pirsson, Attorney and Counsel; Henry Hasler, Secretary; Chas. W. Held, Cashier. TRusteEs—Daniel Butterfield, William E. Clark, Ferdinand Traud, Charles P, Burdett, E. Benedict Oakley, Chas. H. Steinway, John W. Pirsson, Henry Kloppenberg, John H. Peet, Thomas L. James, Locke W. Winchester, Douglas Taylor, George W. Odell, Edward A. Quintard, Barak _ G. Coles, John L. Dudley, Marvelle W. Cooper, Courtlandt D. Moss, William Ottman, Henry Hasler, Richard C. McCormick. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, of the City of New York, 2771 3d ave. Inc. 1890; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—-John Haffen, President; Thos. MacKellar, Ist Vice-President; Ernest M. Neill, 2d Vice-President; J. Ogden Kern, Secretary. TRUSTEES—John Haffen, Jules F. Valois, Bernard F. French, James P. Daly, F. F. Nugent, Ernest M. Neill, James L. Wells, Brian G. Hughes, James M. La Coste, J. Ogden Kern, John Lanzer, Thomas MacKellar, Charles Kervan, David B. Sickles, Henry L. Hupfeld, Chas. P. Faber, A. Rinschler, Chas. Van Riper, Chas. W. Bogert, George Watson. THE DRY DOCK SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 341 and 343 Bowery. Inc. 1848; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Andrew Mills, President; Samuel P. Patterson and David J. Taff, Vice-Presidents; Chas, Miehling, Secretary. TRUSTEES—-Andrew Mills, Jesse J. Davis, Stephen M, Wright, Robert J. Wright, Chas. E. Pell, Henry C. Perley, Arthur T. J. Rice, Samuel P. Patterson, John Tiebout, Guy Culgin, Geo. B. Rhoads, John A. Tackaberry, Wm. H. Hollister, David J. Taff, Richard L. Larremore, Sidney W. Hopkins, Abner B. Mills, Frederick Zittel, Chas. T. Galloway, Henry E. Crampton. EAST RIVER SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 3 Chambers st. Inc. 1848; Charter Perpetual. OrFICERS—William H. Slocum, President; Charles F. Goodhue and Hamilton R. Searles, Vice-Presidents; Charles A. Whitney, Secretary; J. W. C. Leveridge, Counsel. TRUSTEES—William H. Slocum, Peter H. Titus, Thompson Pinckney, Charles F. Goodhue, Nathaniel M. Terry, John N. Hayward, Hamilton R. Searles, William Montross, Henry L. Slote, John H. Waydell, Amasa H. Scoville, William C. Smith, Joshua H. Cort, Charles Frazier, Henry T. Nichols, Brinkerhoff Myers, Andrew J. Robinson, J. Sinclair Armstrong, George Abeel, Warren C. Barber, Dick S. Ramsay. 466 THE EMIGRANT INDUSTRIAL SAVINGS BANK, 49 and 51 Chambers st. Inc. 1850; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—James McMahon, President; James Olwell, 1st Vice-President; Bryan Lawrence, 2d Vice-President; James Rorke, Secretary. TRUSTEES—James Olwell, Robert J. Houget, Bryan Lawrence, William Lummis, Jas. McMahon, Henry Amy, Eugene Kelly, Jr., Arthur Leary, Jas. D. Lynch, Jas. Rorke, Eugene Kelly, Jas. R. Floyd, John D. Keiley, Jr., Peter H. Leonard, John C. McCarthy, John Good, Louis V. O’Donohue, Charles N. Fornes, James G. Johnson. EQUITABLE SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 79 W. 23d st. Closing out its business. EXCELSIOR SAVINGS BANK, cor. 23d st. and 6th ave. Inc. 1869; Charter Perpetual. OFrFICERS—George C. Waldo, President; James C. Gulick, 1st Vice-Presi- dent; Edward L. Merrifield, 2d Vice-President ; John C. Griswold, Secretary. TRUSTEES —Norvin Green, James H. Breslin, George C. Waldo, Alonzo E. Conover, David Steven- son, John Dickson, William J. Roome, A. L. Ashman, John C. Gulick, Robert C. Brown, Richard A. Cunningham, William H. Woolverton, Alfred J. Cammeyer, Edward L. Merr:field, James C. Gulick, George C. Currier, John Burke, William D. Garrison, Daniel D. Youmans, Michael Coleman, Robert J. Horner. THE FRANKLIN SAVINGS BANK, 658 8thave. Inc. 1860; Charter Perpetual. OrFICERS—Archibald Turner, President; John D. Robinson, Ist Vice-President; Geo. H. Beyer, 2d Vice-President; Geo. Crouch, Treasurer; William G, Conklin, Secretary ; Walter F. Dexter, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—George H. Beyer, William M. McLaury, John S. Sills, George G. Rockwood, Bernard Karsh, James G. Cannon, Wm, G. Conklin, Wilson M. Powell, George Crouch, John D. Robinson, Wm. H. Van Kleeck, John J. Smith, Abraham Ayers, J. Edgar Leaycraft, Thomas C. Acton, John L. Camp- bell, Welcome G,. Hitchcock, Joseph H. Chapman, Archibald Turner, James Van Dyck Card. GERMAN SAVINGS BANK in the City of New York, 157 4th ave. Inc. 1859; Charter Perpetual. OrricERS—Philip Bissinger, President; Robert Schell, 1st Vice-President; Wm. Steinway, 2d Vice-President; G. F. Amthor, Treasurer; J. B. Keller, Cashier; Fredk. Pfaff, Controller; Geo. W. Kruger, Secretary. TRUSTEES— Philp Bissinger, Emil Oelbermann, Geo. H. Moller, Gustav H. Schwab, Ewald Fleit- mann, Alfred Dolge, Otto Ernst, Hugo Wesendonck, Chas. Unger, Gust. Heye, Casimir Tag, Carl Goepel, Robert Schell, William Steinway, Gottlob Gunther, Julius W. Brunn, Karl Meissner, C. A. Zoebisch, Percival Knauth, Alfred Roelker, E. Steiger, Henry Lindenmeyr. THE GREENWICH SAVINGS BANK, 71, 73 and 75 6th ave. Inc. 1833; Char- ter Perpetual. OFFICERS—John H. Rhoades, President; William Remsen, Ist Vice- President; John S. McLean, 2d Vice-President ; James Quinlan, Treasurer; Leonard D. White, Francis H. Leggett, Secretaries. TRUSTEES—John Harsen Rhoades, John A. Stewart, John S. McLean, John Wilson, J. B. M. Grosvenor, Geo. Bliss, John L. Riker, Geo. W. Smith, Wm. T. Wardwell, David M. Morrison, John S. Dickerson, Samuel B. Van Dusen, Lowell Lincoln, Edward Oothout, Chas. G. Landon, Julius Catlin, Arthur B. Graves, Francis H. Leggett, Wm. Remsen, A. G. Agnew, Chas. P. Daly, Jos. H. Gray, Chas. A. Davidson, Wm. Moir, Edward N. Tailer, Leonard D. White, A. S. Frissell, C. S. Smith, Benj. O. Chisoln, Warren N. Goddard, James Quinlan, John Downey, George G. Haven. FUNDING COMMITTEE—William Remsen, William Moir, Lowell Lincoln, John S. McLean, John Wilson. HARLEM SAVINGS BANK, 2279-2281 3d ave. Inc. 1863; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Chas. B. Tooker, President; Michael Duff, Vice-President; L. Homer Hart, Secretary. TRUSTEES—George Ebert, Michael Duff, Granville F. Dailey, Charles B- Tooker, Isaac Rosenbourgh, W. E. Trotter, William G. Wood, Silas A. Brush, Richard Webber, August Gareiss, Abraham Steers, Joseph Spears, D. M. Williams. INSTITUTION FOR THE SAVINGS OF MERCHANTS’ CLERKS, 20 Union sq. Inc. 1848; Charter Perpetual. OFrricERs--Andrew Warner, President; James M. Constable and George A. Robbins, Vice-Presidents; George G. Williams, Treasurer ; Wm. T. Lawrence, Secretary and Cashier. TRuSTEES—James M. Constable, Andrew C. Armstrong, Edward M. Townsend, Andrew Warner, George A. Robbins, George G. Williams, Hewlett Scudder, N. Denton Smith, W. Emlen Roosevelt, Walter T. Miller, Egerton L. Winthrop, Albert M. Patterson, Thomas J. Davis, Charles G. Thompson, Frederick Bronson. 407 IRVING SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 96 Warren st. Inc. 1851; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS=-Clarence D. Heaton, President; David M. Demarest, Ist Vice-President; Joseph Rogers, 2d Vice-President; Charles H. Fancher, Treasurer; W. H. Buxton, Secretary. TRUSTEES—C. D. Heaton, J. A. Hardenbergh, W. E. Corey, Robert Seaman, M. Gerdes, J. K. Lasher, Gilbert Oakley, Charles .Burkhalter, Frank Greene, G. W. Millar, D. M. Demarest, James E. Hedges. C. I. Blauvelt, W. H. B. Torton, D. B. Halstead, L. I. Seaman, D. B. Moses, A. G. Bogert, J. E. Carpenter, C. H. Fancher, Jos. Rogers, E. C. Korner, Fredk. Meyer, Henry Demarest, Thos. Stillman, C. W. Miller, W. H. Duckworth, J. W. Castree. THE MANHATTAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 644 Broadway. Inc. 1850; Charter Perpetual. OrriceErs—Edward Schell, President; Robert G. Remsen, Vice- President; Joseph Bird, 2d Vice-President; Frank G. Stiles, Secretary ; Geo. H. Pearsall, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—D. C. Hays, P. Van Zandt Lane, W. H. Oakley, H. B. Stokes, J. H. Watson, J. D. Jones, S. R. Lesher, R.G. Remsen, H. M. Taber, E. A. Walton, Joseph Bird, George Blagden, Edward King, G. H. McLean, W. J. Valentine, Edward Schell, James W. Smith. METROPOLITAN SAVINGS BANK, 1 and 3 3dave. Inc. 1852; Charter Per- petual. OFFICERS—S. W. Sneden, President; William Burrell, Vice-President; Augustus 5. Hutchins, 2d Vice-President; Geo. N. Conklin, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Waldo Hutchins, Wm. Burrell, John S. Spencer, J. B. Currey, Wm. P. Raynor, S. W. Sneden, Aug. S. Hutchins, Wm. Sherer, Wm. H. Riblet, Wm. D. Maxwell, Geo. N. Conklin, Andrew L. Taylor, Charles H. Adams, Wm. H. Harrison, James Turner. THE NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK, 381 8thave. Inc. 1854; Charter Perpet- ual. OFFICERS--Stephen W. Jones, President; Edward M. Voorhees, Ist Vice-Presi- dent; Rufus H. Wood, 2d Vice-President; Frederick Hughson, Treasurer; William Felsinger, Secretary ; C. W. Brinckerhoff, Assistant Secretary ; John Webber, Counsel. TRUSTEES—Rufus H. Wood, Edward M. Voorhees, William H. Jackson, Andrew J. Campbell, Isaac Hendrix, Frederick Hughson, John Webber, Archibald M. Pentz, Peter A. Welch, Stephen W. Jones, Ewen McIntyre, Daniel Hoffman. NORTH RIVER SAVINGS BANK, 474 8thave. Inc. 1866; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—-Wm. B. Stafford, President; Hudson Hoagland, Ist Vice-President ; Samuel D. Styles, 2d Vice-President; William B. Krug, Secretary; Henry De Peyster, Counsel. TRUSTEES—Hudson Hoagland, Samuel B. Styles, Edward A. Newell, Jas. W. Elgar, William Wade, Benjamin F. Mills, Henry De Peyster, Jos. C. Baldwin, Christian F. Tietjen, Alanson Cary, Frank Tilford, Henry V. Parsell, William B. Stafford, Hobart Cleveland, Rickard V. Lewis. SEAMEN’S BANK FOR SAVINGS, 74 and 76 Wall st. Inc. 1829 ; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Wm. C. Sturges, President; Wm. A. Booth, E. H. R. Lyman, Horace Gray, Vice-Presidents ; John H. Boynton, Secretary ; Silvanus F. Jenkins, Treas- urer; Daniel Barnes, Cashier. TRUSTEES—-Wm. C. Sturges, Horace Gray, Emerson Cole- man, George H. Macy, Vernon H. Brown, William A. Booth, John H. Boynton, James R. Taylor, William Dz: Groot, Frederick Sturges, Geo. C. Magoun, Edward H. R. Lyman, Ambrose Snow, Wm. H. H. Moore, John D. Wing, John W. Frothingham, David S. Egleston, Wm. H. Phillips, Wm. H. Macy, Jr. TWELFTH WARD SAVINGS BANK, 217 W. r2sth st. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpe‘ual. OFFICERS—Antonio Rasines, President; Isaac A. Hopper and Lucien C. Warner, Vice-Presidents ; Arthur T. Timpson, Secretary ; Charles W. Dayton, Counsel. TRuSTEES—Simon Adier, Charles W. Dayton, Isaac A. Hooper, William Moores, Thomas E. D. Power, John B. S mpson, Wm. E. Stillings, Lucien O. Warner, Henry H. Barnard, Bradley L. Exton, William R. Larkin, Solomon Plaut, Antonio Rasines, Theodore A. Spear, George W. Thompson, John Whalem, George B. Brown, John H. Loos, George H, Burford, Edward P. Steers, Leopold Wormser, John S. McWilliam, Bernard Loth, H. C. F. Koch. UNION DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 54 West 32d st. Inc. 1859 ; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Gardner S. Chapin, President; Channing M. Britton and James S. Herrman, Vice-Presidents ; Fr:n-is M. Leake, Secretary ; Charles E. Sprague, Treas- urer. TRUSTEES—Aaron Close, Wm. H. Locke, Charles G. Dobbs, Fred. T. Locke, Floyd Clarkson, Thomas B. Rand, George N. Birdsall, Silas B. Dutcher, Charles E. Sprague, Warren M. Healey, Henry C. Valentine, John McClave, John R. Hegeman, G. S. Chapin, C. H. Wheeler, W. A. Butler, C. N. Britton, J. S. Herrman, Alex. Brown, Jr., Jas. H. Rodgers. 30 468 THE UNITED STATES SAVINGS BANK of the City of New York, 1048 3d ave. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpetual. Orricers—C. A. Andrews, President; Charles F. Cox and Joseph B. Bloomingdale, Vice-Presidents; G. A. Middlebrook, Secretary and Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Constant A. Andrews, Joseph B. Bloomingdale, Charles F. Cox, Frederick N. Goddard, Homer Lee, Henry Newman, Hiram R. Romeyn, R chard A. Anthony, Simon Borg, P. Henry Dugro, George S. Hart, Payson Merrill, Lewis E. Ransom, Walter Stanton, John D. Crimmins, Francis O. French, John Jardine, George A. Middlebrook, Noah C. Rogers, Russell Sturgis, John Hyslop. WEST SIDE SAVINGS BANK, 56 6th ave. Inc. 1868. OFrricERS—Cornelius Van Cott, President; David S. Paige, 1st Vice-President; John S. Scully, 2d Vice-President ; John H. Hudson, Secretary. TRusTEES—Wm. G. Bergen, Clarence O. Bigelow, John J. Brogan, Patrick Brophy, Simon P. Carmichael, John Cavagnaro, Edward H. Coffin, Stephen G. Cook, Robert E. Deyo, John H. Dorn, George E. Horne, Chas. H. Housley, Samuel M. Johnson, Sheppard Knapp, Adolph Le Moult, James Little, Bernard J. Ludwig, John Martin, David McClure, William S. McCotter, Alex. H. McGarren, Frank W. Merriam, John J. Morris, Samuel C. Mott, John J. Murdock, D. Edwin O'Neil, David S. Paige, Henry C. Piercy, F. Leroy Satterlee, John S. Scully, Christopher C. Shayne, Patrick Skelly, George Starr, Cornelius Van Cott, Jenkins Van Schaick, Jacob S. Warden. TRUST COMPANIES. ATLANTIC TRUST CO., 39 Wiliam st. Inc. Sept. 15, 1887; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid.. Orricers—William H. Male, Presi- dent; Jno. L. Riker, Vice-President; Jas. S. Suydam, Secretary; Jas. D. Fowler, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS—Jos. H. Chapman, Thos. Hitchcock, H. H. Rogers, C. D. Leverich, Alfred Wagstaff, Wm. H. Male, Wm. Aug. White, Donald Mackay, J. Langdon Ward, Lewis Cass Ledyard, H.A. V. Post, Dean Sage, W. H. H. Moore, W.R. T. Jones, J. L. Riker, Alex. M. White, E. H. R. Lyman, Anton A. Raven, Clifford A. Hand, Matthias Nicoll. CENTRAL TRUST CO. of New York, 54 Wall st. Inc. 1873; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—F. P. Olcott, President ; George Sherman, Vice-President ; E. F. Hyde, 2d Vice-President; C. H. P. Babcock, Secretary; B. G. Mitchell, Assistant Secretary. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Fredk. P. Olcott, Samuel B. Babcock, Charles Lanier, Jno. S. Kennedy, Cornelius N. Bliss, J. Pierpont Morgan, Adrain Iselin, Jr., Samuel Thorne, A. D. Juilliard. BOARD OF TRUS- TEES—CZass of 1893: A. A. Low, Wm. Allen Butler, Percy R. Pyne, Wm. H. Appleton, Geo. Macculloch Miller, Cornelius N. Bliss, Oliver Harriman, B. G. Mitchell. C/ass of 1894: Saml. D. Babcock, James P. Wallace, Josiah M. Fiske, Henry F. Spaulding, John S. Kennedy, Samuel Thorne, Adrain Iselin, Jr., E.F. Hyde. Class of 1895. J. Pierpont Morgan, Chas. Lanier, Chas. G. Landon, Wm. H. Webb, F. P. Olcott, Henry Talmadge, George Sherman, A. D. Juilliard. CONTINENTAL TRUST CO. of the City of New York, 18 Wallst. Inc. 1890; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS— Henry A. Oakley, President; William A. Smith, rst Vice-President ; Gordon Macdonald, 2d Vice-President; William Potts, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Gordon Norrie, Oliver Harri- man, Jr., Charles M. Fry, Sherman S. Rogers, William Potts, James C. Parrish, William F, Cochran, Henry M. Taber, Wm. H. Wisner, J. C. Havemeyer, Thomas T. Barr, Robert Olyphant, Alfred M. Hoyt, Gordon Macdonald, Hugh N. Camp, A. Lanfear Norrie, Wm. Alex. Smith, William Jay, Henry A. Oakley, Robert S. Holt. THE FARMERS’ LOAN AND TRUST C0O,, 16, 18, 20and 22 William st. Inc. 1822; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $25; Full paid. OFrFI- CERS—R. G. Rolston, President; W. D. Searls, Vice-President; W. H. Leupp, 2d Vice- President; Edwin S. Marston, Secretary; Samuel Sloan, Jr., Assistant Secretary. DrIrRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, William Waldorf Astor, William Remsen, Isaac Bell, James Roosevelt, Thomas Rutter, W. H. Wisner, D. O. Mills, R. L. Cutting, Percy R. Pyne, Wm. Walter Phelps, Edward R. Bell, C. H. Thompson, Henry A. C. Taylor, Robert C. Boyd, Franklin D. Locke, Henry Hentz, R. G. Rolston, Alexander T. Van Nest, James Stillman, Moses Taylor Pyne, Alfred C. Cheney, H. Van Renssalaer Kennedy, James Nailson, Edward R. Bacon, Robert F. Ballantine, Charles L. Colby. =. 4 J : i | ‘ 409 HOLLAND TRUST CO., 33 Nassaust. Inc. in 1888; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrricErs—V. P. Mermeule, President; Geo. M. Van Hoesen, Vice-President ; Jas. B. Van Woert, Secretary ; C. J. Munn, Cashier. DIREcToRS—J. B. Van Woert,, TS. Bersen CrP: Daly, C. W. Hutchinson, W. J. Arkell, Sir Jno. Swinburne, Bart, M. P.: Wm.-Jay Ives, G. A. Van Allen, W. Van Worden, Wm. Remsen, Jno. Van Voorhis, J. Goodnow, A. G. Bogert, R. B. Roosevelt, I. D. Vermeule, B. F. Vosburgh, J. S. Stout, D. A. Heald, Geo. M. Van Hoesen. KNICKERBOCKER TRUST CO., 234 sth ave.; Branch Offices, 18 Wall st. and 3 Nassau st. Inc. 1874: Charter Perpetual. Capital, $750,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—John P. Townsend, President: Charles T. Barney, Vice-President ; Joseph T. Brown, 2d Vice-President; Frederick L. Eldredge, Secretary ; J. Henry Townsend, Assistant Secretary. Drrecrors—Charles T. Barney, James H. Breslin, A. Foster Hig- gins, Jacob Hays, John S. Tilney, H. W. T. Mali, David H. King, Jr., Robert Maclay, C. Lawrence Perkins, Edward Wood, Wm. H. Beadleston, Alfred L. White, Jos. S. Auerbach, Henry F. Dimock, Robert G. Remsen, E. V. Loew, Frederick G. Bourne, Charles F. Watson, I. Townsend Burden, George J. Magee, Harry B. Hollins, Andrew H. Sands, John P. Townsend. MANHATTAN TRUST CO,, cor. Wall and Nassau sts. Inc. 1871: Charter Per- petual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $30; Full paid. OFFICERS—Francis O. French, President; Jno. I. Waterbury, Vice-President; Amos T. French, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—Francis O. French, Chas. F. Tag, C. C. Baldwin, T. Jefferson Coolidge, Jr., Jas. O. Sheldon, August Belmont, E. D. Randolph, A.S. Rosenbaum, J. I. Waterbury, R. J. Cross, H. L. Higginson, H. W. Cannon, Jno. R. Ford, S. R. Shipley, R. T. Wilson, H. O. Northcote, John N. A. Griswold, John Kean, Jr. THE MERCANTILE TRUST CO,, 120 Broadway. Inc. 1868; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Paid in, $2,000 000, par $100. OFFICERS—Louis Fitz- gerald, President; John T. Terry, Henry B. Hyde and Edward L, Montgomery, Vice- Presidents; H.C. Deming, Secretary and Treasurer; Clinton Hunter, Assistant Secre- tary. DIREcTORS—Louis Fitzgerald, Thomas T. Eckert, John T. Terry, Brayton Ives, Sidney Dillon, J. Hampden Robb, Henry Day, James W. Alexander, Marcellus Hartley, Edward L. Montgomery, William H. Slocum, George L. Rives, Henry G. Marquand, Thomas Maitland, Henry M. Alexander, Fred. L. Ames, John W. Hunter, Austin Corbin, William L. Strong, Elbert B. Monroe, William P. Thompson, William H. Crocker, Henry A. Hurlbut, Russell Sage, Whitelaw Reid, Norvin Green, Richard Irvin, Jr., Henry B. Hyde, John J. McCook, James Stokes, Charles Coudert. THE METROPOLITAN TRUST CO., of the City of New York, 37 and 39 Wall st. Inc. 1881; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—Thomas Hillhouse, President; Frederick D. Tappen, Vice-President ; Charles M. Jesup, 2d Vice-President; Beverly Chew, Secretary ; George D. Coaney, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—A. Gracie King, Morris K. Jesup, Heber R. Bishop, Joseph Ogden, W. H. Tillinghast, C. P. Huntinyton, D.O. Mills, John T. Terry, Bradley Martin, George A. Hardin, Henry B. Plant, Thomas Hillhouse, John W. Ellis, Robert Hoe, Frederick D. Tappen, Walter T. Hatch, Dudley Olcott, J. Howard King, Edward B. Judson, William A. Slater, Wm. L. Bull. ; NEW YORK GUARANTY AND INDEMNITY CO,, 59 Cedar st. Inc. 1864; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrFicERS— Edwin Packard, President; Adrian Iselin, Jr., Vice-President; Geo. R. Turnbull, 2d Vice-President; Henry A. Murray, Treasurer and Secretary ; J. Nelson Borland, Assist- ant Secretary. DIRECTORS—Samuel D. Babcock, Frederic Cromwell, Josiah M. Fiske, Walter R, Gillette, Robert Goelet, George Griswold Haven, Oliver Harriman, R. Somers Hayes, Charles R. Henderson, Adrian Iselin, Jr., James N. Jarvie, Augustus D. Juilliard, Richard A. McCurdy, Alexander E. Orr, Edwin Packard, Henry H. Rogers, Henry W. Smith, H. McK. Twombly, Frederick W. Vanderbilt, William C. Whitney, J. Hood Wright. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., 52 Wall st. Inc. 1830; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrFICERS—- Henry Parish, President; Walter Kerr, 2d Vice-President ; Jos. R. Kearny, Secretary ; Henry Parish, Jr., Assistant Secretary. TRusTeEs—-John Taylor Johnston, Jas. P. Ker- nochan, Wm. C. Schermerhorn, Robert Goelet, William E. Dodge, Charles E. S'rong, Charles G. Thompson, Robert Winthrop, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, Henry Parish, James A. Roosevelt, Frederick W. Stevens, George A. Robbins, Stuyvesant Fish, Ludlow Thomas, Charles F. Southmayd, Rutherfurd Stuyvesant, William W. Astor, Wilson G. Hunt, Frederick Bronson, Edmund L. Baylies, George S. Bowdoih, 470 NEW YORK SECURITY AND TRUST CO., 46 Wall st. Inc. 1889 ; Charter, 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—Charles 5S. Fairchild, President; Wm. H. Appleton, Vice-President; William L. Strong, 2d Vice- President; John L. Lamson, Secretary. TRusTEES—Charles S. Fairchild, Hudson Hoagland, Wm. F. Buckley, William H. Beers, Daniel S. Lamont, Stuart G. Nelson, John G. McCullough, B. Aymar Sands, James J. Hill, Wm. L. Strong, James Stillman. Wm. H. Tillinghast, E. N. Gibbs, C. C. Baldwin, Edward Uhl, John W. Sterling, Wm. H. Appleton, Wm. A. Booth, John King, Wm. L. Scott, August Kountze, M. C. D. Borden, Fred. R. Coudert. REAL ESTATE LOAN AND TRUST CO., 30 Nassau st. Inc. 1890; Charter Perpetual. Capital autborized, $500,000, par $ioo0; Full paid. OFFICERS—Henry C. Swords, President; H. H. Cammann, Vice-President ; Henry W. Reighley, Secretary. TRUSTEES—Hermann H. Cammann, James M. Varnum, Charles C. Burke, Horace S. Ely, Lispenard Stewart, Ebenezer S. Mason, Henry Lewis Morris, Edwin W. Coggeshall, Henry C. Swords, Charles A. Peabody, Jr.. Robert Lenox Belknap, Joel F. Freeman, James William Beekman, George Milmine, Charles A. Schermer- horn, Frank S. Witherbee, Douglas Robinson, Jr., James I. Raymond, Edwin A. Cruikshank, John Downey, Charles S. Brown, George G. De Witt, Percy Chubb, H. K. Pomroy. THE STATE TRUST CO., 50 Wall st. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Orricers—Willis S. Paine, President ; W. L. Trenholm, Vice-President; William Steinway, 2d Vice-President; John Q. Adams, Secretary; H. M. Francis, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—Willis S. Paine, Charles R. Flint, Walter S. Johnston, Edward A. McAlpin, William A, Nash, Henry Steers, Charles Scribner, William H. Van Kleeck, William Steinway, W. L. Trenholm, Joseph N. Hallock, William Mertens, George F. Peabody, George W. Quintard, Charles L. Tiffany, Henry H. Cook, W. B. Kendall, Percival Knauth, Andrew Mills, John D. Probst, Forrest H. Parker, E. K. Wright, George W. White. TITLE GUARANTEE AND TRUST CO., 55 Liberty st. Inc. 1882; Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrricers—Clarence H. Kelsey, President; John W. Murray, Vice-President; Frank Bailey, 2d Vice-President ; Louis Windmuller, Treasurer ; J. W. Shepard, Assistant Treasurer; Louis V. Bright, Secretary ; C. D. Burdick, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—George G. Williams, Alexander E. Orr, Martin Joost, Emil Oelbermann, Charles Richardson, Ellis D. Williams, Louis Windmuller, C. H. Kelsey, Orlando B. Potter, Wm. M. Ingraham, Hugo Wesendonck, Charles R. Henderson, John D. Hicks, John W. Murray, William Trautwine, John T. Martin, John Forsyth, Eugene Kelly, William H. Male, Julien T. Davies, Benjamin D. Hicks, Chas. Matlack, Samuel T. Freeman, James D. Lynch, John Jacob Astor. UNION TRUST CO. of New York, 80 Broadway. Inc. 1864; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OrFIcERs—Edward King, President ; Cornelius D. Wood and James H. Ogilvie, Vice-Presidents ; Aug. W. Kelley, Secretary ; J. V.B. Thayer, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS—William Whitewright, Jas. T. Woodward, William F. Russell, C. Vanderbilt, D. C. Hays, R. G. Remsen, Edward King, Samuel F. Barger, George B. Carhart, H. VanRensselaer Kennedy, James H. Ogilvie, R. T. Wilson, George A. Jarvis, James N. Platt, G. G. Williams, Charles H. Leland, Amasa J. Parker, D. H. McAlpin, W. Emlen Roosevelt, Henry A, Kent, C. D. Wood, A. A. Low, William Alex. Duer, Edward Schell, E. B. Wesley, George C. Magoun, Chauncey M. Depew. THE UNITED STATES TRANSFER AND EXCHANGE ASSOCIATION, 2 Nassau st. Inc.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $40,000,000, par $100 ; Paid in, $200,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Francis O. French, President ; Jno. I. Waterbury, Vice-President; Amos T. French, Treasurer; Charles H. Smith, Secretary. DIRECTORS —August Belmont, Jr., Jno. I. Waterbury, Francis O. French, C. A. Griscon, Edmund D. Randolph, Henry C. Cannon, Thos. Maitland, H. L. Higginson, Henry Rogers, R. J. Cross, Jno. T. Mitchell, T. J. Coolidge, Edward Whitaker. UNITED STATES TRUST CO., of New York, 45 Wall st. Inc. 1853; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrFiIcERs—John A. Stewart, President; George Bliss, Vice-President; James S. Clark, 2d Vice-President ; Henry L. Thornell, Secretary ; Louis G. Hampton, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES— Wilson G. Hunt, Frank Lyman, Samuel Sloan, George H. Warren, D. Willis James, Edward Cooper, W. Bayard Cutting, George F. Vietor, Gustav H. Schwab, Erastus 471 Corning, Daniel D. Lord, Anson P. Stokes, William W. Phelps, William Libbey, John C. Brown, Alexander E. Orr, Wm. H. Macy, Jr., Wm. Waldorf Astor, Clinton Gilbert, John H. Rhoades, James Low, George Bliss, John A. Stewart, Charles S. Smith, Wm. Rockefeller, Wm. D. Sloan. THE WASHINGTON TRUST CO., of the City of New York, 280 Broadway. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS— David M. Morrison, President; Charles F. Clark, Vice-President; William Lummis, 2d Vice-President ; Francis H. Page, Secretary ; M.S. Lott, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—David M. Morrison, Charles H. Russell, Geo. H. Prentiss, Joel F. Freeman, L. T. Powell, George L. Pease, William Henry Hall, John F. Anderson, Jr., William Lummis, William Whiting, Charles F. Clark, P. C. Lounsbury, Geo. E. Hamlin,-Seth E. Thomas, Lucius K. Wilmerding, George A. Morrison, Joseph C, Baldwin, E. C. Homans, Charles A. Johnson, John R. Hegernan. JOINT-STOCK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE ALLIANCE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 67 William st. Inc. Apr. 21, 1887. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $1,000; Full paid. OFFICERS—James Yereance, President; Armstrong Malthie, Secretary. D1rRecTrorRs—Herman Mosenthal, E. R. Craft, John H. Rieger, James W. Barbour, Aaron Josephie, James Yereance, Edw. H. Betts, James G. Alden, Geo. A. Stanton, J. Q. A. Williamson, M. Tannenbaum, Chas. R. Price, George H. Smith, W. E. Lowe, John T. Baker, John Newman, Robert P. Leth- bridge, Robert C. Rathbone, George H. Leonard, E. R. Satterlee. THE AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO,, of the City of New York, 146 Broadway. Inc. May 1, 1857; renewed 1887 for 30 years: Capital authorized, $400,000, par $50; Full paid. Orricers—David Adee, President; Wm. H. Crolius, Secretary ; Chas. E. Peirce, Assistant Secretary; Silas P. Wood, Agency Manager. DIRECTORS— David Adee, LeGrand B. Cannon, Robt. W. Rodman, Thos. S. Young, Jas. R. Taylor, Allan Hay, Jas. H. Frothingham, John T. Terry, Henry Day, Frederick W. Downer, J. Hugh Peters, John F. Praeger, Alexander E. Orr, Franklin Woodruff, C. A. Davison, Osgood Welsh, John Sinclair, Henry G. Marquard, W. H. Crolius, Dumont Clark, Theo. Gilman. THE ARMSTRONG FIRE INSURANCE 0C0O., 45 Cedar st. Inc. Apr. 8, 1889. Capital authorized, $200,000. See Part II for statement of condition. This Company is going out of business and reinsuring with Lancashire Insurance Co. OFFICERS—P. B. Armstrong, President ; J. C. Hatié, Secretary. THE BROADWAY INSURANCE CO., 158 Broadway, Inc. Dec., 1849; renewed 1874 for 25 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. OFFICERS —E. B. Magnus, President; Geo. W. Jones, Secretary. DirEcTORS—Bernard Smyth, Jas. L. Stewart, Wm. H. Styles, Crowell Haddon, Alfred W. White, T. E. Vail, E. B. Magnus, Chas. T. Van Santvoord, C. R. Dusenberry, Wilson G. Hunt, Jas. E. Hedges, Wun. H. Albro, Harvey P. Farrington, Jesse G. Keys, John W. Aithen, G. H. Dayton, Henry Demarest, Alexander Masterton, Geo. Forrester, Henry Hannah, Amos C. Sher- wood, John M. Crane, George H. Southard, Stephen Valentine, Jr., Jos. S. Stout, Edgar B. Van Wrinkle, Daniel C. Crowell, Theodore Magnus, Benno Loewy. BROOKLYN FIRE INSURANCE CO., 4 Park pl. Organized Apr. 3, 1824. Capital, $153,000, less amount returned to stockholders, $135,000 ; Outstanding, Jan. 1, 1892, $18,000. This Company has retired from business, and all risks reinsured in the American Insurance Co.; of Newark. See Part II for statement of condition, OFFICERS —Francis P. Furnald, President; Lincoln A. Stuart, Secretary. CITIZENS’ INSURANCE CO., of New York, 156 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 28, 1836. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $20; Full paid. OFrricers—Edward A. Walton, President; Frank M. Parker, Secretary. TRUSTEES—William J. Valentine, John D. Jones, Edward King, Benjamin L. Swan, Jr., Edward Schell, Edward A. Walton, George H. McLean, George F. Baker, Amos F. Eno, DeWitt C. Hays, J, W. Smith, G. A. Hobart, William Barbour. 472 THE CITY FIRE INSURANCE (C0O,, 111 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 26, 1833. Capi- tal authorized, $210,000; Full paid. Company has ceased doing business, and is in liquidation. All risks reinsured in the Guardian Fire and Life Assurance Co., of London. See Part II for statement of condition. Orricers—Samuel Townsend, President ; David J. Blauvelt, Secretary. a“ COMMERCIAL UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO., of New York, Pine and Wilham sts. Organized Oct. 30, 1890; Commenced business Apr. 1, 1891. Capital, $200,000; Full paid. OFFICERS—Charles Sewall, President; Alexander H. Wray, Vice- President; William T, Kaufman, Secretary. Drrecrors—William Allen Butler, George S. Bowdoin, Robert A. Boit, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, Charles W. Drew, Eugene Dutilh, Henry C. Eddy, Edward S. Jaffray, William T. Kaufman, Alfred Pell, Charles Sewall, John T. Terry, David A. Wells, Alexander H. Wray, Charles Williams. THE COMMONWEALTH INSURANCE 0C0O., of New York, 68 William st. Inc. Aug. 23, 1886. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrricERs—— M. M. Belding, President; Thomas T. Barr, Vice-President; Charles S. Bartow, 2d Vice- President and Secretary. D1rEcTORS—Milo M. Belding, Henry Hentz, Edward C. Rice, William M. Halsted, John E. Leech, L. T. Romaine, H. A. Rogers, J. J. Riker, B. Aymar Sands, Joseph Larocque, Samuel F. Engs, Thomas T. Barr, George H. Macy, G. F. E. Perkins, Eberhard Faber, Charles S. Bartow, H. Walter Webb, Charles B. Simrall, John Claflin, Bryce Gray, Frank Rees, H. J. Davison, Francis B. Austin, james Ie) Vail |r Robert Funger, William W. Coffin, William A. Nash, Robert B. Whittemore, John H. Dwight, Robert Lenox Kennedy. THE CONTINENTAL INSURANCE C0., 100 Broadway. Inc. Nov., 1852. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OrriceERS—F. C. Moore, President ; Henry Evans, Vice-President; Cyrus Peck, Treasurer; Edward Lanning, Secretary : W. A. Holman, Assistant Secretary ; C. H. Dutcher, Secretary Brooklyn Department. DrirREcTORS—William L. Andrews, George Bliss, John Claflin, Aurelius B. Hull, H. H. Lamport, Richard A. McCurdy, Cyrus Peck, John L. Riker, Theodore F. Vail, Samuel D. Babcock, Chas. H. Booth, Henry Evans, Wm. H. Hurlbut, William G. Low, F. C. Moore, Alfred Ray, H. F. Spaulding, Hiram Barney, Henry C. Bowen, James Fraser, Bradish Johnson, Edward Martin, Alex. E. Orr, Wm. M. Richards, Lawrence Turnure, Jacob Wendell. EAGLE FIRE INSURANCE CO., 71 Wall st. Inc. Apr. 22, 1806. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $40; Full paid. OFFICERS—-A. J. Clinton, President; T. J; Gaines, Secretary ; Wm. Burns, Assistant Secretary; Geo. H. Slayton, General Agent. DIRECTORS—James A. Roosevelt, F. W. Stevens, Geo. G. DeWitt, Jr., G. G. Williams, Henry Meyer, Alex. J. Clinton, Jos. H. Choate, M. Bayard Brown, Josiah B. Blossom, A. F. Holly, J. D. Skidmore, Chas. De Rahm, Jr., Wilson G. Hunt. THE EMPIRE CITY FIRE INSURANCE C0., of New York, 166 Broadway. Inc. Oct. 5, 1850. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS— Lindley Murray, Jr., President; David J. Burtis, Secretary. DrirecTors——Francis F. Marbury, Thomas Scott, John M. Burke, Mahlon Apgar, Charles H. Kerner, William H. Montanye, John W. Condit, Lindley Murray, Jr,, Charles H. Lowerre, Henry W. Curtiss, Charles H. Leland, Walter R. Wood, David J. Burtis. EXCHANGE FIRE INSURANCE CO., 41 Pine st. and 47 William st. Inc. Apr. 9, 1853 ; renewed 1883 for 30 years. Capital authorized, $200,010, par $50, reduced to $30 in 1856; Full paid. All outstanding risks in this Company are reinsured in the Lancashire Ins. Co., of Manchester, Eng. OFFICERS—R. Carman Combes, President; Geo. W. Montgomery, Secretary. DIRECrORS—R. Carman Combes, Silas Davis, E. L. Kalb- fleisch, Geo. W. Montgomery, Wm. K. Thorn, Rufus L. Todd, Sigourney W. Fay, Adon Smith, Jas. Galway, Franklin Chandler, J. B. Brown, L. G. Woodhouse, Edward F. Brown, Chas. G. Emery, Benj. Parr. FARRAGUT FIRE INSURANCE CO., 346 Broadway. Inc. Jan. 29, 1872; Charter for 30 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid. OFFICERS— John E. Leffingwell, President; Samuel Darbee, Vice-President and Secretary ; Alonzo Lewis, Assistant Secretary. DIrREcToRS—Wm. H. Beers, Stuart L. Woodford, Geo. L. Fox, Henry Tuck, Martin V. Wood, D. R. Satterlee, N. D. Morgan, W. F Shirley, Everett Clapp, Thos. J. Atkins, J. C. Furman, Edwin J. Hanks, Alonzo Lewis, Eckford Webb, E. E. Eames, D. M. Hildreth, M. P. Robbins, Robt. McCafferty, Samuel Darbee, John Leffingwell. 473 THE FIRE ASSOCIATION, of New York, 45 Cedar st. Going out of busi- ness. Keinsured with Lancashire Insurance Co. Inc. June 30, 1886. Capital author- ized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. See Part I] for statement of condition. OFFICERS— P. B. Armstrong, President; J. C. Hatie, Secretary. D1recrors—Philander B. Arm- strong, Oscar R, Mayer, Rudolph A. Lowenthal, Anton F., Troescher, Nathan D. Hill, Wm. B. Rice, Wm. P. Ridgeley, Meyer Helman, John R. Waters. J. O. Dickson, Otto VonHeim, Wm. Eggert, Chas. S. Braisted, Emil Calman, Eberhard Faber, Samson Lachman, Daniel W. Crouse, Chas. J. Horstman, Jos. Fox, Aaron Carter, Wm. E. Lowe, David Calman, Edward Barr, Benj. Wendt, J. S. Turner, J. C. Hatie, C. Micha- lick, John Wanamaker, Henry Morgenrhau, M. Milliken, Chas. Miller, Wm. Oswald. GERMAN-AMERICAN INSURANCE CO., of New York, 115 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 7, 1872. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS— Emil Oelberman, President; John W. Murray, Vice-President; James A. Silvey, 2d Vice-President and Secretary; Geo. T. Patterson, 3d Vice-President ; A. M. Thorn- burn, Assistant Secretary of the Local Department; W. S. Newell and P. E. Rason, Assistant Secretaries, Agency Department. DrirEcTORS—Emil Oelberman, F. J. Allen, Louis F. Dommerich, C. S. A. Hinrichs, Chas. C. Landon, Chas. Mali, Louis Schreiber, John W. Murray, Austin P. Baldwin, Gustave H. Gissler, Chas. A. Hoyt, Woodbury Langdon, Chas. Ptizer, Adolph A. Strohn, C. S. Smith, G. W. Smith, Chas. W. Acker- man, Jos. H. Choate, Otto Heinze, Lowell Lincoln, Thos. E. Procter, H. C. Ward. THE GERMANIA FIRE INSURANCE CO., 62 William st., cor. Cedarst. Inc. Mar., 1859. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; Full paid. OFrricers—Hugo Schumann, President; F. von Bernuth, Vice-President; Geo. B. Edwards, 2d Vice- President ; Charles Ruykhaven, Secretary ; Gustav Kehr, Assistant Secretary. DIRECT- ors—Fr. von Bernuth, Francis Boelting, F. A. Boker, Thos. Chatterton, Steffen Dieck- mann, Geo. B. Edwards, Ernest Hall, F. J. Kaldenberg, Henry Kloppenburg, P. H. Leonard, Michel Lienau, John Moller, G. Ramsperger, Chas. Ruykhaver, E. Scheitlin, Hugo Schumann, A. Sondern, Edward Uhl, Carl Vietor, Marcus L. Ward, C. A. Coebisch. GLOBE INSURANCE CO., of the City of New York, 153 Broadway. Inc. : Mar. 2, 1863, for 30 years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid, OFFICERS— Jas. S. Eadie, President; Wilham Valentine, Secretary. DIrREcTORS—Jas. S. Eadie, Jas. C. Gulick, Chas. H. Ludington, Francis Jenkins, Wilson G. Hunt, Thomas Reed‘ Geo. C. Currier, John J. Morris, Samuel T. Knapp, T. G. Mathews, W. L. Cooper, Jas. H, Percival, Robert B. Suckley, George Noakes, Samuel Barnett, John F. Halsted. THE GREENWICH INSURANCE CO., 161 Broadway. Inc. May 5, 1834. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. OFFICERS—Mason A. Stone, Presi- dent; William Adams and Walter Ward, Assistant Secretaries. DIRECTORS—William H. S. Elting, Quentin McAdam, Solomon W. Abro, James A. Roosevelt, George Gordon, Mason A. Stone, Allen S. Apgar, Augustus C. Brown, William P. Douglas, Samuel W. Harriot, William Brookfield, Hugh Taylor, Alexander T. Van Nest, John L. Riker, Robert B. Suckley, Isaac G. Johnson, Joseph P. Puels, Ebenezer Bailey. GUARDIAN FIRE INSURANCE (CO., 153 Broadway. Organized Feb. 2, 1865. Capital, $200,000, of which $120,000 has been returned to stockholders, leaving $80,000 ; outstanding Jan. I, 1892. See Part IT forstatement of condition. Company has retired from business, and risks re-insured in the Liverpool and London and Globe Insur- ance Co. OFFICERS—Walter K. Paye, President ;: James C. Stevens, Secretary. THE HAMILTON FIRE INSURANCE CO,, 155 Broadway. Inc. May 22, 1852. Capital authorized, $150,000. par $15 ; Full paid. OFFICERS—D. D. Whitney, President ; D. D. Leeds, Secretary. DireEcrors—Charles Jenkins, Henry David, Henry J. Baringer, David Mahany, J. M. Whitney, Daniel D. Whitney, Wm. H. Montanye, J. B. Blydenburgh, Nicholas Hagriet, Martin V. Wood, William Miles, David D. Seeds, F. E. Willits. THE HANOVER FIRE INSURANCE C0., 40 Nassau st., cor Liberty st. Inc. Apr. 6, 1852. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; Full paid. OFrFricERsS—I. Remsen Lane, President; Chas, L. Roe, Vice-President and Secretary ; Chas. A. Shaw, Assistant Secretary THE HOME INSURANCE CO., 119 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 13, 1853, and extended for 30 years from 1883. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS Daniel A. Heald, President; J. H. Washburn and E. G. Snow, Vice-Presidents ; Wm. L. Bigelow and T. B. Greene, Secretaries; Henry J. Ferris and A. M. Buttis, 7 474 Assistant Secretaries. DirEcTors—Levi P. Morton, Henry A. Hurlbut, William Sturgis, John R. Ford, William H. Townsend, Oliver S. Carter, Henry M. Taber, Daniel A. Heald, David H. McAlpin, Andrew C. Armstrong, Cornelius N. Bliss, Edmund F. Holbrook, John H. Washburn, John H. Inman, Walter H. Lewis, Francis H. Leggett, Benjamin Perkins, Henry E. Beguelin, George W. Smith, George C. White, Elbridge G. Snow, Jr., George H. Hartford, Henry F. Noyes, Lucien C. Warner. HOWARD INSURANCE CO., 50 Pine st. Organized Mar. 9, 1825. Capital, $400,000, of which $380,000 has been returned to stockholders, leaving $20,000 out- standing, Jan. 1, 1892. See Part II for statement of condition. Company has retired from business and all risks reinsured in the London and Lancashire Insurance Co. OFFICERS—Henry A. Oakley, President; Charles A. Hall, Secretary. THE JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., 111 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 4, 1824. Capital authorized, $200,010; Full paid. This Company retired from business Mar. 9, 1891. See Part II for statement of condition. OrrrceERs—Samuel E. Belcher, President ; Wm. B. Flowery, Secretary. KNICKERBOCKER FIRE INSURANCE (CO., 64 Wall st. Organized 1787, as the Mutual Assurance Co., and name changed to present title 1846. Capital, $210,000. This Company has retired from business, and all risks reinsured in the Home Insurance Co. of New York See Part II for statement of condition. OFrricers—S. D. Leverich, President; William P. Bogart, Secretary. THE LIBERTY INSURANCE CO,, 120 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 21, 1887. Capital authorized, $800,000; Full paid. Retired from business; reinsured in the Home Insurance Co. See Part II for statement of condition. OFFICERS——-George A. Morrison, President; Philip LaTourette, Secretary. THE MANUFACTURERS’ AND BUILDERS’ FIRE INSURANCE CO., 152 Broadway. Inc. Nov. 19, 1870. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—Edward V. Loew, President: J. Jay Nestell, Secretary. DirEcrors— Edward V. Loew, Henry Schumacker, J. Jay Nestell, William L. Loew, Edwin A. McAlpin, John Englis, Alfred G. Nason, Jacob Lorrillard, Geo. W. Quintard, L. C. Dessar, F. W. Loew, William Burns, Henry Steers. THE NATIONAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., 35 Pine st. Inc. Apr. 9, 1838. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $37.50; Full paid. OFFICERS—Henry T. Drowne, President; John H. Kattenstroth, Secretary. DrirEcrors—Wm. G. Ward, Jas. M. Thorburn, John A. Stewart, jr., Henry T. Drowne, Henry E. Nesmith, Jos. Park, Geo. A. Barker, Thos. W. Thorne, Warren Ackuman, Robert S. Holt, J. Evarts Tracey, J. H. Kattenstroth. NEW YORK AND BOSTON INSURANCE CO., 61 William st. Organized July 28, 1876. Capital, $200,000, of which $150,000 has been returned to stockholders, leaving $50,000 outstanding Jan. 1, 1892. The Company has retired from business. See Part II for statement of condition. OFrFicERS—A. Gallatin Stevens, President; Robert L. Livingston, Secretary. THE NEW YORK BOWERY FIRE INSURANCE CO., 124 Bowery. Inc. Apr. 24, 1833; Charter 30 years from 1863. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $25; Full paid. OFrricers-—Henry Silberhorn, President; Charles A. Blauvelt, Vice-tresident ; J. Frank Patterson, Secretary. D1rECToRs—Charles C. Pinckney, John Wilkin, Charles A. Blauvelt, G. W. Silberhorn, Henry Silberhorn, Gurden G. Brinckerhoff, Henry B. Pye, J. F. Patterson, Thompson Pinckney, William P. Woodcock, H. Kranick, H. F. Kanenbley, James E. Morris, Edwin Van Houten, O. J. Wiggins. NEW YORK FIRE INSURANCE C0., 72 Wall st. Inc. Apr. 18, 1832. Capi- tal authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—Augustus Colson, President; Charles A. Hill, Vice-President and Secretary; William I. Keeler, Assistant Secretary. Drrectors—Augustus Colson, William E. Lowe, James Mitchell, George A. Stanton, T. Henry Dewey, William R. McCullough, George H. Smith, James H. Thorp, Albert P. Wells, Charles A. Hull, Solomon Mead, George H. Southard, Gardiner Van Nostrand. 475 THE NIAGARA FIRE INSURANCE (C0O,, 135 Broadway. Inc. July 31, 1850. _ Charter 30 years from 1880. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, of which $500,000, par - $100, is full paid. Orricers—Peter Notman, President; Thomas F. Goodrich, Vice- President; George C. Howe, Secretary; Charles H. Post, Assistant Secretary. Dr- RECTORS—E. L. Hedden, James W. Elwell, William E. Teft, G. A. Halsey, J. T. Johns- ton, James R. Taylor, Thomas G. Ritch, Austin Corbin, Charles B. Farwell, William i: Wisner, Peter Notman, T. F. Goodrich, J. H. Johnston, Dumont Clarke, Horace S. Ely. * THE NORTH RIVER INSURANCE C0O,, 175 Broadway. Inc. Feb. 6, 1822, and renewed in 1882 for 30 years. Capital authorized, $350,000, par $25; Full paid. OFFICERS—W illiam E. Hutchins, President; Frederick H. Crum, Vice-President and Secretary; J. H. Ackerman, Assistant Secretary. D1rEcToRs—John J. Legrave, E. H. Van Winkle, John M. Knox, William L. Haddock, T. A. Bronwer, William R. Brown, W. E. Hutchins, G. N. Conkiin, Peter R. Warner, William Darrow, James M. Thor- burn, William P. Douglas, Leonard Warner, John M. Know, Jr., D. M. Morrison, Fred- erick Crum, J. C. Tucker, Lawrence Van Hart, H. A. Coursen, John Corlius, S. W. John- son, W. W. Seymour, W. M. V. Hoffman, Henry Spratley, James Galway, James Turner, E. B. Mingay, George A. Bell, William H. Cross. THE PACIFIC FIRE INSURANCE 0CO., of the City of New York, 470 Broadway. Inc, Apr. 29, 1851; Charter, 30 years from 1881. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. OrFIcERS—Frank T. Stinson, President; George Jere- miah, Secretary. Direcrors—Allan Hay, Harman Blauvelt, Hart B. Brundett, Henry J. Robinson, F. Bianchi, L. P. Hawes, Wm. W. Wicks, Henry Silberhorn, Leonard Jacob, Albert Crane, John J. Williams, Robert Buck, George H. Moller, John Morton, W. H. Beadleston, John B. Snook, F. T. Stinson, James H. Thorp. THE PARK FIRE INSURANCE (CO., 119 Broadway. This Company stopped business Apr., 1891, and risks reinsured by Home Insurance Co. Paid 75 p.c. to stock- holders Apr. 25, 1892. No outstanding liabilities except to stockholders. Inc. Mar. 30, 1853; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. See Part II for statement of condition. OFFICERS—Edmund Schell, President; William Valentine, Secretary. THE PEOPLE'S FIRE INSURANCE CO., 393 Canal st. This Company dis- continued business in June, 1891, and all risks reinsured in the National Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford. Inc. Apr. 22, 1851. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. See Part II for statement of condition. OFFICERS—William Moir, President; A. C. Milne, Secretary. Drrecrors—William Moir, Albert Mann, Joseph H. Hood, Albert T. Stephens, H. V. V. Braman, Cornelius Stephens, James E. Hedges, A. C. Gray, Henry Demarest, Henry David, Frederick V. Price, Scott Foster, A. C. Milne. THE PETER COOPER FIRE INSURANCE (CO,, cor. 3d ave. and gth st. Inc. Apr. 7, 1853. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $20; Full paid. OFFICERS—William H. Riblet, President; William H. Albro, Vice-President; Mortimer J. Ennis, Secretary. QUEEN INSURANCE CO. of America, 49 Cedar st. This Company succeeded the Queen Insurance Co. of Liverpool Nov. I, 1891, assuming all of its business in America. Inc. 1891 in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $500,000, par g100; Full paid. OFFICERS—James A. Macdonald, President ; Edward F. Beddall, Vice-President; George W. Burchell, Secretary. DiIRECTORS—Edward F. Beddall, - David Bingham, George W. Burchell, Henry Hentz, William B. Kendall, James A. Macdonald, J. H. Morton Morris, Osgood Welsh, William A. Nash, Joseph M. Rogers, Roseweil G. Rolston, John Sinclair, Samuel Sloan, Frederick D. Tappen, James Stillman. THE RUTGER’S FIRE INSURANCE CO., 200 Park row. Inc. Oct. 3, 1853; Charter extended 30 years from Oct., 1883. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25 ; Full paid. OFFICERS—-Edward B. Fellows, President; D. H. McAlpin, Vice-President ; Henry C. Kreiser, Secretary. DirRECTORS—Edward B. Fellows, William Peet, James L. Stewart, Seth P. Squire, Wm. C. Dewey, Henry Silberhorn, Wm. M. Cole, Henry Demarest, James Y. Watkins, Jacob Miller, Edgar M. Crawford, Thos. H. Brown, Geo. Williamson, Oscar Purdy, Geo. W. Quackenboss, Elwood B. Mingay, D. H. McAlpin, David Mahany, Thomas H. Dolan, Jos. Haight, Jr., Geo. F. Codington. STANDARD FIRE INSURANCE CO., 52 Wall st. Inc. Mar. 29, 1859. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid. OFFICERS—William M. St. John, President ; Robert H. Myers, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Samuel McLean, Jas. M. Thorburn, Fred- eric Cromwell, Benjamin W. How, William Peet, Henry Sheldon, Wm. M. St. John, Robert W. Stewart, James McLean, James C. Gulick, Martin Joost, Stephen Pritchard, Edward E. Eames, Chas. A. Townsend, John T. Walker, John L. Riker. 470 STERLING FIRE INSURANCE CO,, 167 Broadway. Organized Jan. 18, 1864. This Company has retired from business and all risks reinsured in the Exchange Fire Insurance Co. of N. Y. Capital, $350,000, of which $315,000 has been returned to stockholders, leaving $35,000 outstanding Jan. 1, 1892. See Part II for statement of condition, OFFICERS—J. E. Van Rensselaer, President; Louis P. Bayard, Secretary. THE STUYVESANT INSURANCE C0O,, 157 Broadway. Inc. Nov. 25, 1850, Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. OFFICERS—George B. Rhoads, Presi- dent; S. P. Patterson, Vice-President; C. A. Garthwaite, Secretary. DrrREcToRs— George B. Rhoads, A. Stewart Black, Nathan A. Chedsey, Michael Coleman, Nelson G, Ayres, S. P. Patterson, Dennis Hennessy, Augustus T. G llender, Benjamin Wright, R. B. Stuyvesant, Adam W. Spies, Samuel Weeks, Wm. Ottman, Andrew Mills, F. E. Zittel. UNITED STATES FIRE INSURANCE CO,, 172 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 1, 1824. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $25; Full paid. Orricerns—W. Wilson Underhill, President; Walter H. Griffin, Secretary. Direcrors—Chas. T. Cromwell, Wm. H. Bradford, Wm. H. Jackson, Chas. G. Barrett, Wm. A. Cauldwell, Samuel M. Craft, Jas. L. Morgan, Edward Merritt, Edward G. Burgess, Henry S. Terbell, Wm. R. Thurston, W. Wilson Underhill, Edward C. Sampson, F. De P. Foster, Philip f{. Sands, John L. Riker, Henry F. Crosby, Paul Babcock, Jr., Robert Bowne, Wm. Kevan, Aug. Taber, Chas. H. Harbeck, Chas. T. Corwin, Jas. W. Cromwell, Edmund A. Hurry, Edwin A, Bradley, Edmund Penfold, Geo. Embree Hicks. WESTCHESTER FIRE INSURANCE C0O., 66 Wall st. Inc. Mar. 14, 1837. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $10; Full paid. Orricers—George R. Crawford, President; Samuel M. Purdy, Vice-President, Silas D. Gifford, Treasurer; John Q. Underhill, Secretary. DirecToRS—Geo. R. Crawford, Daniel D. Demarest, Wm. H. Van Every, Wm. F. Bishop, Geo. R. Cowles, John Lyon, Geo. W. L. Underhill, Thos. H. Lowerre, Jr., Samuel M. Purdy, Wm. H. Robertson, John E. Marshall, R. H. Bird- sall, Nicholas A. Colburn, John W. Lounsbury, Morrell O. Brown, Gerd Martens, John Q. Underhill, Silas D. Gifford, Henry Clement, Jos. B. Brewster, D. W. Smith, F. E. ~~ Willitts, R. M. Bowne, Thos. W. Thorne, E. M. Teall. MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANIES. ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE CO.,, 51 Wall st. Inc. Apr. 11, 1842. A mutual‘company. No capital. OFrFriceRs—John D. Jones, President; W. H. H. Moore, Vice-President; A. A. Raven, 2d Vice-President; J. H. Chapman, Secretary. TRUS- TEES—J. D. Jones, W. H. H. Moore, A. A. Raven, Joseph H. Chapman, James Low, Wm. Sturgis, Benjamin H. Field, James G. De Forest, William Degroot, William H. Webb, Horace Gray, William E. Dodge, George Bliss, John L. Riker, C. A. Hand, John D. Hewlett, Charles P. Burdett, Henry E. Hawley, Charles H. Marshall, Charles D. Leverich, Edward Floyd H. Jones, George H. Macy, Lawrence Turnure, Waldron P. Brown, Anson W. Hard, Isaac Bell, N. Denton Smith, Thomas Maitland, Gustav Amsinck, Joseph Agostini, George W. Campbell, Vernon H. Brown, Christian de Thomsen, Leander N. Lovell, Wm. B. Boulton, Everett Frazar. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO,, 45 Cedar st. Inc. Feb. 1, 1869. Com- menced business June tg, 1882. A mutual company. No capital. The outstanding risk of this Company Dec. 15, 1891, were reinsured as of that date in the Lancashire Insurance Co., of Manchester, England, U. S. Branch. OFFICERS—J. C. Hatié, Presi- dent ; Oscar R. Meyer, Vice-President; J. W. Durbrow, Secretary. D1rEcTors—J. C. Hatié, Oscar R. Meyer, Joseph Fox, John Dickson, A. F. Troescher, Otto Von Hein, C. S. Braisted, Emil Calman, W. E. Lowe, R. A. Lowenthal, Aaron Carter, Jr., D. W. Crouse, William Eggert, Edward Barr, John R. Waters, David Calman, Judge S. Lach- ‘ man, J. Spencer Turner, F. Forsch, S. M. Milliken. NEW YORK MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., 61 William st. Inc. Apr. 12, 1842. Commenced business Mar. 15, 1851. Capital, $420,000; Full paid. Dividends, 6 p. c. per ann., F. & A. Orricers—Theo. B. Bleecker, Jr., President; Edward Laraque, Secretary. TRuSTEES—Arthur Leary, Henry Meyer, Edward H. R. Lyman, Francis Hathaway, L. Bayard Smith, Henry C. Hulbert, Chas. C. Leary, Jacob S. Wetmore, Richard Irvin, Jr., George Mosle, R.D. Perry, W. Irving Clark, Stephen W. Carey, T. B. Bleecker, Jr., H. C. Von Post, John W. Wilson, George A. Meyer. —.”” 477 COMMERCIAL MUTUAL INSURANCE CO,, 57 William st. Inc. Apr., 1842 ; commenced business May, 1855. A mutual company, no capital. All outstanding risks of this Company were reinsured in the Providence-Washington Insurance Company. GREAT WESTERN (MARINE) INSURANCE C0,, 75 Beaver st. Organized Sept., 1855. Capital stock, $662,080, of which $496,560 has been returned to stock- holders. This Company is in liquidation. and has reinsured all its outstanding risks and retired from business. OFFICERS—Ferdinand Motz, President; J. Raymond Smith, Secretary. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York, 51 Liberty st. Inc. July, 1864; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS-—William M. Cole, President; William H. Wallace, Vice-President ; William Dutcher, Secretary ; William H.Ford, Counsel; D. Parks Fackler, Consulting Actuary. DIRECTORS—William M. Cole, Wm. H. Wallace, Gen. Wm, H. Lyon, Michael Chauncey, Arnold A. Lewis, Jacob K. Olwine, Isaac Carhart, Hon. Felix Campbell, H. B. Brundrett, Briton Richardson, Alonzo Slote, Charles T. Barney, E. W. Mascord, Alex. Forman, Daniel Birdsall, Wm. H. Ford, William Dutcher. COMMERCIAL ALLIANCE LIFE INSURANCE CO., 45 Broadway. Inc. July 26, 1888; amended in 1891 for 50 years; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OrFricERS—John I. Holly, President ; William Miller, Secretary and Director of Agencies. D1irecrors—John I. Holly, Josiah Lombard, H. W. O. Edye, H. M. Munsell, Marshall Ayres, Joseph Hilton, Norman W. Dodge, E. L. Finch; Richard C. Veit, Geo, A. Dowden, John Cr Kelly, T.-C. Van> Brunt, A. C. Hunt. Associate TRUSTEES——Gen. Benj. F. Tracy, Chas. Kendall Adams, B. Lombard, Jr., Henry E. Simmons, Col. E. Delevan Woodruff, Jas. L. Lombard, Col. J. S. Byington, Chas. W. Dayton, H. M. Howe, M. D., A. D. Cook, Otto Arens. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, of the United States, 120 Broadway. Inc. July 26, 1859; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. (This capital is required by the laws of the State of New York, and by the Charter of the Company, to bear only the legal rate of interest ruling in the State of New York when the Equitable was incorporated, and that the profits of the Society shall go to the policyholders, and not to the stockholders, thus making the Company a purely mutual one.) OFFICERS—Henry B. Hyde, President; James W. Alexander, Ist Vice-President ; Samuel Borrowe, 2d Vice-President; Edward W. Scott, 3d Vice-President ; William Alexander, Secretary; Sidney D. Ripley, Treasurer; James B. Loring, Registrar ; Geo. T. Wilson, Assistant Secretary; Thomas P. Jordan, Comptroller ; Francis W. Jackson, Auditor; George W. Phillips, Actuary; J. B. Van Cise, Assistant Actuary; Frank H. Ballard, Superintendent of Agencies; Edward W. Lambert, M. D., Edward Curtis, M. D., Medical Directors. D1recrors—Henry B. Hyde, J. W. Alexander, Louis Fitzgerald, Henry A. Hurlbut, Henry G. Marquand, Wm. A. Wheelock, Henry Day, M. Hartley, H. M. Alexander, Chauncey M. Depew, Charles G. Landon, Cornelius N. Bliss, E. Boudinot Colt, John Sloane, S. Borrowe, B. Williamson, Eugene Kelly, John A. Stewart, Geo. C. Magoun, William M. Bliss, Wm. B. Kendall, G. W. Carleton, E. W. Lambert, H. S. Terbell, Thomas S. Young, John J. McCook, Daniel I). Lord, H. J. Fairchild, Wm. Alexander, Horace Porter, Edward W. Scott, C. B. Alexander, Geo. DeF. L. Day, John J. Jones, Levi P. Morton, Charles S. Smith, Joseph T. Low, A. Van Bergen, T. De Witt Cuyler, Oliver Ames, Alanson Trask, Eustace C. Fritz, S. H. Phillips, Henry R. Wolcott, J. F. DeNavarro, James H. Dunham, Daniel R. Noyes, M. E. Ingalls, T. D. Jordan. THE GERMANIA LIFE INSURANCE C0., 20 Nassau st. Inc. Apr. Io, 1860; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $200,000; Full paid. Orricers—Hugo Wes- endonck, President; Cornelius Doremus, Vice-President ; Hubert Cillis, Secretary and Actuary; Gustav Meidt, Assistant Secretary; Charles Bernacki, M. D., Resident Physician. Direcrors—L. E. Amsinck, H. R. Baltzer, Isaac Bernheimer, Francis Bolting, Hubert Cillis, Cornelius Doremus, Herman Marcuse, Richard Muser, Emil Oebelman, Albrecht Pagenstecher, Alfred Roelker, Hermann Rose, Chas. F. Tag, F. von Bernuth, Hugo Wesendonck, Max A. Wesendonck, Otto Wesendonck. 478 HOME LIFE INSURANCE C0., 256 Broadway and 38 Court st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. 1860; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $125,000, par g100; Full paid. OFFICERS—George H. Ripley, President; George E. Ide, Vice-President; Ellis W. Gladwin, Secretary; Wm. A. Marshall, Actuary; Wm.G. Low, Counsel. DirEcrors— A. A. Low, J. S. T. Stranahan, George C. Ripley, John T. Martin, Geo. A. Jarvis, S. E. Howard, Charles A. Townsend, John W. Frothingham, E. Lewis, Jr., Wm. G. Low, Thos, H. Messenger, J. Warren Greene, Henry E. Pierrepont, Lemuel H. Arnold, Jr., George H. Ripley, Edwin Beers, Thomas T. Barr, George E. Ide, Charles W. Ide, Wm. A. Nash, John F. Praeger. THE MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE (CO., 156 Broadway. Organized Aug. I, 1850; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Full paid. OFFICERS—Henry B. Stokes, President; J. L. Halsey, st Vice-President; H. Y. Wem- ple, 2d Vice-President; W. C. Frazee, Secretary; J. H. Giffin, Jr., Assistant Secretary ; E. L. Stabler, Actuary; M. B. DuBois, Resident Physician; James Otis Hoyt, Counsel. DirecTors—Henry B. Stokes, Edward Schell, Henry Van Schaick, John H. Watson, Olin G. Walbridge, D. H. McAlpin, W. J. Valentine, A. E. Walton, Geo. W. Quintard, Hyman Blum, John W. Hunter, P. Van Zandt Lane, Jacob Naylor, John King, James Stokes, N. F’. Palmer, N. K. Masten, Spencer H. Smith, Geo. H. McLean, Philip Bissinger, Artemas H. Holmes, Benj. F. Tracy, Henry B. Pierce, Emil F. del Bondio, Wm. H. Oakley, Thomas F. Oakes, Robert S. Green, Jacob L. Halsey, Walter C. Stokes, Arthur Leary, Cornelius D. Wood, De Witt C. Hays, Benj. Griffen, T. Otis Hoyt. THE METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO.,, cor. Park pl. and Church st. Inc. June, 1866; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $25; Full paid. OFFICERS—John R. Hegeman, President; Haley Fiske, Vice-President ; Geo, H. Gaston, Secretary ; J. J. Thompson, Cashier and Assistant Secretary ; James M. Craig, Actuary ; Thomas H. Willard, Medical Examiner; Stewart L. Woodford, Counsel. DrirEcrors— Jos. P. Knapp, Silas B. Dutcher, Jas. L. Stewart, Eli Beard, T. L. James, Enoch 1 Francher, Emery M. Van Tassel, Hector Toulmin, John M. Crane, D.C. Ripley, John R. Hegeman, Edward C. Wallace, Geo. H. Gaston, Haley Fiske, Richard Major, Stewart L. Woodford, Benj. de F. Curtiss. THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE C0O., of New York, 32 Nassau st. Inc. Apr., 1842; Charter Perpetual. No capital. OFrrrcERS—Richard A. McCurdy, Presi- dent; Robert A. Granniss, Vice-President; Isaac F. Lloyd, 2d Vice-President; Walter R. Gillette, General Manager; William J. Easton, Secretary; Frederick Schroeder, Assistant Secretary; Henry E. Duncan, Jr., Corresponding Secretary ; Emory McClintock, LL. D., F. I. A., Actuary; John Tatlock, Jr., Assistant Actuary; Charles B. Perry, 2d Assistant Actuary ; Frederic Cromwell, Treasurer; John A. Fonda, Assistant Treasurer; William P. Sands, Cashier; Edward P. Holden, Assistant Cashier: William G. Davies, General Solicitor; William W. Richards, Comptroller. MrpicaL DrirEcTORS—Gustavus S. Winston, M. D.; Elias J. Marsh, M. D.; Granville M. White, M.D. TRUSTEES— Samuel E. Sproulls, Samuel D. Babcock, George S. Coe, Richard A. McCurdy, James C. Holden, Hermann C. Von Post, Alexander H. Rice, Lewis May, Oliver Harriman, Henry W. Smith, Robert Olyphant, George F. Baker, Dudley Olcott, Frederic Cromwell, Julien T. Davies, Robert Sewell, S. Van Rensselaer Cruger, Charles R. Henderson, George Bliss, Rufus W. Peckham, J. Hobart Herrick, Wm. P. Dixon, Robert A. Granniss, Henry H. Rogers, Jno. W. Auchincloss, Theodore Morford, William Babcock, Stuyvesant Fish, Augustus D. Juilliard, Charles E. Miller, James W. Husted, Walter R. Gillette, James E. Granniss, David C. Robinson. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO., 346 Broadway. Inc. 1841; Charter Perpet- ual. Nocapital. OFrricers—John A. McCall, President; Henry Tuck, Vice-President ; Archibald H. Welch, 2d Vice-President ; George W. Perkins, 3d Vice-President; Charles C. Whitney, Secretary; Rufus W. Weeks, Actuary; Horace C. Richardson, Assistant Actuary; Edmund C. Stanton, Cashier; A. Huntington, M. D., Medical Director. TRUSTEES—William H. Appieton, C. C. Baldwin, William H. Beers, William A. Booth, W. F. Buckley, John Claflin, Charles S. Fairchild, Edward N. Gibbs, W. B. Hornblower, Woodbury Langdon, Walter H. Lewis, H. C. Mortimer, Richard Miiser, Edmund D. Randolph, John N. Stearns, Wm. L. Strong, Henry Tuck, A. H. Welch, Wm. C. Whitney. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE AND TRUST CO., 52 Wallst. See Trust Companies for description and trust business, and Part II of this chapter for life insurance business. ‘ 479 PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 29 Broadway. Inc. Feb. 25, 1875; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. OFFICERS— Sheppard Homans, President; William E. Stevens, Secretary. DirEcTORS—Abraham Avery, John O. Heald. Theodore F. Miller, G. S. Plumley, Edward C. Homans, Stephen G. Clarke, Sheppard Homans, Jos. H. Parsons, Samuel Parsons, Jas. H. Saville, Heywood C. Browr, A. B. Cornell, J. B. Houston, Wm. E. Stevens. THE UNITED STATES LIFE INSURANCE CO., 262 Broadway. Inc. Feb., 1850; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $440,000, par $50; Full paid. Interest of 7 p. c. per ann. paid on stock. OFFICERS—Geo. H. Burford, President; C. P. Fraleigh, Secretary ; A. Wheelwright, Assistant Secretary ; William T. Standen, Arthur Ceri Actuaries; John P. Munn, Medical Director. Drrecrors—Henry W. Ford, Nathan F. Graves, H. K. Thurber, Julius Catlin, Henry C. Hulbert, James R. Plum, Geo. G. Williams, A. Wallach, Oliver P. Buel, Henry L. Clapp, E. Van Volkenburgh, Charles P. Fraleigh, John P. Munn, Geo. H. Burford, Alfred S. Heidelbach, Alfred Wheelwright, Joseph M. DeVeau, Frank L. Leland, E. H. Perkins, Jr., A. S. Frissell, John J. Tucker, D. H. Houghtaling, Thomas Russell, Edw. P. Steers. THE WASHINGTON LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York, 21 Cortlandt st. Inc Jan., 1860; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid. OFFI- CERS —Wm. A. Brewer, Jr., President; W. Haxtun, Vice-President and Secretary; E. S. French, 2d Vice-President and Superintendent of Agencies; Cyrus Munn, Assistant Secretary ;. Israel C. Pierson, Actuary; J. W. Brannan, M. D., Medical Examiners -B. _. W. McCready, M. D., Consulting Physician ; Foster & Thomson, Attorneys, 52 Wall st. DIRECTORS—W. A. Brewer, Jr., Wm. Haxtun, George N. Lawrence, Levi P. Morton, ° Abiel A. Low, Merritt Trimble, George A. Robbins, James Thomson, Wilson G, Hunt, Chas. H. Ludington, Robert Bowne, Francis Speir, Frederic R. Coudert, Benjamin Haxtun, Edwin H. Mead, Henry F. Hitch, Charles P. Britton, Francis G. Adams, Benj. W. McCready, M. D., David Thomson, Harold A. Sanderson, Roland G. Mitchell, Ran- dolph F. Purdy, Geo. M. Hard, John Hopson, Jr., Henry S. Harper. MISCELLANEOUS FINANCIAL COMPANIES. AMERICAN STEAM BOILER INSURANCE CO., 44 Pine st. Inc. Nov. 5, 1883, in N.Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Full paid. This Company is closing out its busi- ness. Absorbed by the American Casualty Co. OFrFriceRS—William K. Lothrop, Presi- dent; Vincent R. Schenck, Secretary. AMERICAN SURETY CO. of New York, 160 Broadway. Inc. Apr. 14, 1884, in N.Y. Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; Full paid. Dividends, J. & D., the following having been paid: 1887 to 1891, 6 p. c. per ann. each year. OFFICERS “_Wm. L. Trenholm, President; Henry D. Lyman, Vice President; David B. Sickels, 2¢ Vice-President; Wm. E. Keyes, Secretary ; S.5S. Colville, Treasurer; G. M. Sweney, Super- intendent Fidelity Department. TRUSTEES—Wm. A. Wheelock, F. W. Vanderbilt, Jno. J. Knox, C. N. Bliss, Henry H. Cook, Wm. B. Kendall, John A. McCall, John H. Inman, Henry B. Plant, Geo. M. Pullman, Wm. Dowd, Elihu Root, Willis S. Paine, Henry, 2: Welsh, John C. Bullitt, Jesse Spalding, John de Koven, Thomas S. Kirkwood, John N. Hutchinson, John W. Hampton, Jr., Henry K. Fox, Robert Pitcairn, Chas. HH sburber Geo. S. Drake, Carlos S. Greeley, R. C. Kerens, J. P. Spaulding, Geo. W. Blabon, D. W. Caldwell, W. G. Deshler, Geo. B. Sioan, J D. Ripley, E. K. Sibley, E. F. Browning, Cobeliftany, Geo. F.-Vietor, Ws S. Gurnee, James A. Hayden, John J. McCook, M. W. Cooper, W. L. Trenholm, Joel B. Erhardt, Walter S. Johnston, C. H. Ludington, George S. Edgell, Wm. Mertens, Daniel G. Rollins, Wm. Nelson Cromwell, Edward N. Gibbs, Henry Talmadge, Henry D. Lyman. THE FIDELITY AND CASUALTY CO., of New York, General and Corpo- rate Office, 1401-46 Broadway. Inc. Mar. 20, 1876, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full pvid. OxnyEct —Fidelity, accident, steam- boiler and plate-glass insurance. Dividends, 8 p. c. July, 1891, and 8 p.c. Jan., 1892. OFFICERS—Wm. M. Richards, President; Geo. F. Seward, Vice-President ; Robt. J. Hillas, Secretary; Edw. L. Shaw, Assistant Secretary. D1IRECTORS—Geo. S. Coe, J. 5. T. Stranahan, Alex. E. Orr, G. G. Willams, J. Rogers Maxwell, A. BeHull= eee Hurlbut, Wilson G. Hunt, John L. Riker, J. G. McCullough, Wm. G. Low, Thomas 5, Moore, Wm. M. Richards, Geo. F. Seward. 480 GERMAN-AMERICAN REAL ESTATE TITLE GUARANTEE CO., 34 Nassau st.; Branch Office, 189 Montague st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. July 1, 1886, in N.Y, Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100 ; Full paid, Dividends paid in 1891, 4 p. c. per ann. OFFICERS—Andrew L. Soulard, President ; ; John A. Beyer, Vice-President ; William Wagener, Treasurer; S. B. Livingston, Secretary ; W. R. Thompson, General Manager ; Charles Unangst, Counsel ; Hon. Noah Davis, Advising Counsel. DrreEctors—John A. Beyer, George W. Quintard, John Straiton, William Steinway, Albert Tag, George C. Clausen, William Wagner, James Fellows, Charles Unangst, Edmund C. Stanton, R. Carman Combes, S. B. Livingston, Andrew L. Soulard, Silas B. Dutcher, Jere Johnson, Jr., Felix Campbell, W. R. Thompson, Joseph F. Blaut. THE LAWYERS’ TITLE INSURANCE CO., of New York, 120 Broadway, Rooms s50to 54, 7th floor. Inc. Apr. 15, 1887,in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. No dividends yet paid. OFFICERS—Edwin W. Coggeshall, President and General Manager; Charles E. Strong, 1st Vice-President ; David B. Ogden, 2d Vice-President ; William P. Dixon, Secretary ; John Duer, Treasurer ; Samuel Green, Assistant General Manager; Edward Morgan, Assistant Secretary. DrireEcToRS—Edwin W. Coggeshall, Henry Day, William P. Dixon, John Duer, Henry E. Howland, John T. Lockman, J. Lawrence Marcellus, David B. Ogden, John He Riker, Charles E. Strong, Herbert B. Turner, James M. Varnum, John Webber. THE LAWYERS’ SURETY CO., of New York, General and Corporate Office, 36 and 38 Nassau st. Inc. Mar. 30, 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. No dividends yet paid. Orricers—Joel B. , ‘ Erhardt, President; James E. Granniss, Ist Vice-President; Frederic F. Nugent, 2d Vice-President; Frank Sperry, Secretary ; John I. Waterbury, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Robert D. Benedict, James R. Cuming, Henry W. DeForrest, George G. DeWitt, Joel B. Erhardt, James E. Granniss, Robert A. Granniss, John Greenough, Artemas H. Holmes, Adrian H. Joline, Sherman W. Knevals, John Kean, Jr., Lewis Cass Ledyard, Franklin B. Lord, Richard A. McCurdy, David McClure, George Von L. Meyer, Carlisle Norwood, James R. Pitcher, Felix Rackemann, David C. Robinson, Samuel Spencer, Simon H. Stern, Joseph G. Stearns, John I. Waterbury, George W. Wickersham, H. Galbraith Ward. LLOYD’S PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO., 63 William st. Inc. Aug., 1882, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends payable qrly.; last, July, 1892, 4 p.c. OFFICERS—James G. Beemer, President; D. B. Halstead, Vice-President ; William T. Woods, Secretary. DIRECTORS—James G. Beemer, Charles Jones, John J. Drake, Samuel A. Warner, Benjamin J. Sturges, Thomas W. Strong, John H. Seed, Thomas S. Thorp, Henry Coffin, William A. Nash, Henry B. Hall, James S. Oakley, Daniel B. Halstead, George M. Olcott, William D. Chase, F. A. Guild. THE METROPOLITAN PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO,., 66 Liberty st. Inc. Apr. 22, 1874, in N.Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Dividends paid in 1882, $10,000; 1883, $10,000; 1884, $10,000; 1885, none; 1886, $10,000; 1887, $10,000; 1888, $11,000: 1889, $12,000; 1890, $14,000; 1891, $16,000, payable semi-annually. OFFICERS —Henry Harteau, President; Daniel D. Whitney, Vice-President; Eugene H. Winslow, Secretary. DiIrREcTORS—Henry Harteau, Felix Campbell, A. C. Barnes, Daniel D. Whitney, Thomas D. Carman, Foster Pettit, Cyrus B. Davenport, Joseph S. Spinney, Charles Kellogg, James M. Leavitt, Charles T. Corwin, Robert Porterfield, Peter Wyckoff, John H. Rieger, George G. Reynolds, Theodore E. Smith, Russell R. Cornell, M. P. Robbins, Calvin E. Pratt, Clement Lockitt, James L. Brumley, William H. Joost, E. J. Knowlton. NEW YORK PLATE-GLASS INSURANCE CO., 24 Pine st. Inc. Mar. 19, 1891, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $100,000; Full paid. Dividends were paid in 1891, rate not stated. OFFICERS—Elijah R. Kennedy, President; Major A. White, Secretary. THE UNITED STATES GUARANTEE CO., of North Ariexices Head Office, 111 Broadway; Branches in various cities of the United States. Inc. Jan. 18, 1890, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $250,000, par ¢100; Full paid. First dividend paid Jan., 1892, 3 p.c. OFFICERS—Edward Rawlings, President ; H. W. Can- non and L, C. Murray, Vice-Presidents ; Daniel J. Tompkins, Secretary. DIRECTORS— H. W. Cannon, George Coppell, W. Butler Duncan, Charles M. Fry, Brayton Ives, George J. Magee, L. C. Murray, John Paton, Horace Porter, Russell Sage, George 5S. Scott, J. W. Doane, Thomas L. Barrett, Calvin S. Brice, Sir A. T. Galt, E. M. Morsman, Edward Rawlings, George M. Troutman, M. D. Woodford. 481 BROOKLYN. NATIONAL BANKS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of the City of Brooklyn, N.Y. See descrip- tion under National Banks in New York City Clearing House. MANUFACTURERS’ NATIONAL BANK, 72 Broadway, Brooklyn. Inc. 1853, as State Bank, and 1865 as National Bank; Not in New York Clearing House; Capital authorized, $252,000, par $30; Full paid. OFrricers—John Loughran, President; William Dick, Vice-President ; T. C. Disbrow, Cashier; J. T. Fountain, Assistant Cashier. Direcrors—David H. Brown, Horace F. Burroughs, William Dick, John H. Shults, Marvin Cross, John Loughran, Louis Wintjen, James Rodwell, Andrew D. Baird, Conrad G. Moller, John Mollenhauer, Wm. F. Garrison, Geo. L. Fox, F. W. Wurster, Jacob F. Healey. THE NASSAU NATIONAL BANK, of Brooklyn, 26 Court st. National Bank, No. 658; Not in New York Clearing House; Chartered, 1863. Capital, $300,000, par $100, OFFICERS—Thos. T. Barr, President ; Edgar McDonald, Cashier ; John WwW. Seaman, Paying Teller; D. V. B. Hegeman, Receiving Teller; S. C. Betts, Notary Public. DrrecTrors—E. H. R. Lyman, Alex. M. White, John T. Martin, Wm. M. Ingraham, John Morton, Robt. B. Woodward, Wm. A. Nash, Frank Bailey, Thomas T. Barr. THE SPRAGUE NATIONAL BANK, of the City of Brooklyn, N. Y., 4th ave., and Atlantic st. National Bank, No 2976: Not in New York Clearing House ; Chartered July, 1883. Capital, $200,000, par $100. Discounts daily. OFFICERS—N.T, Sprague, President; Wm. Harkness, Vice-President; F. L. Brown, Cashier; Wm. Capen, Paying Teller; F. L. Brown, Notary. Di1recrors—N. T. Sprague, Jas. Mat- thews, H. S. Stewart, Wm. Harkness, Stewart L. Woodford, John Condon, F. G. Smith, Jr., John S. Loomis, Z. Bergen, Jacob Berg, Theophilus Olena, Chas. W. Morse, Henry T. Boody, C. F. Brooks, Frank L. Brown. STATE BANKS. BEDFORD BANK, Brooklyn, 1223 Bedford ave. Chartered 1886. Capital, $150,000, par $100. Discounts daily. _OFFICERS—Eugene G. Blackford, President ; Hiram M. Smith, Vice-President and Cashier; Henry M. Heath, Assistant Cashier ; R. S. Stears, Paying Teller; W. F. Cusick, Receiving Teller; H. M. Heath, Notary Public, Drrecrors—Eugene G, Blackford, Stephen Hayes, George M. Eddy, S. Van Wyck, Cornelius D. Wood, Thos. J. Washburn, A. J. Bates, J. G. Dettmer, Wm. A. Tyler, Wm. Adams, J. D. Fairchild, A. R. James, H. M. Smith, N. J. Gates, Henry Carson, Wm. H. Lyon, Edward H. Hobbs. BROADWAY BANK, of Brooklyn, 731 Broadway, Brooklyn. Chartered Jan., 1888. Capital, $100,000. Discount days, Thurs. OFFICERS—H. Battermann, President; John H. Schumann, Vice-President ; Wm. Lamb, 2d Vice-President ; E. M. Hendrickson, Cashier. DirecTorRS—H. Battermann, George H. Fisher, Wm. Lamb, John H. Schumann, H. S. Hollingsworth, W. A B. Jurgens, Millard F. Smith, Chas. Muller, Louis Bossert, Chas. Naeher. THE BROOKLYN BANK, 25 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Chartered 1832. Capital, $300,000, par $50. Discount day, Tues. OFFICERS—Henry E. Hutchinson, President ; Thomas M. Halsey, Cashier. Drrecrors—Elias Lewis, Jr., Clement Lockitt, Timothy Hogan, Henry E. Hutchinson, Wm. Sinclair, John Lefferts, George P. Sheldon, John Ditmas, Jr., Frederick Jansen, Henry P. Morgan, T. H. Messenger, Jos. S. Hibbler, Geo. W. Bergen. COMMERCIAL BANK, 363 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Chartered 1868. Capital, $108,000, par $60. Discount day, Tues. OFrFICERS—Seth L. Keeney, President ; R. Gill, Vice-President; E. Snedeker, 2d Vice-President; J. J. Vail, Cashier; A. Z. Van Houten, Paying Teller ; J. H. Dawson, Receiving Teller; J. J. Vail, Notary Public. DIRECTORS —S. L. Keeney, R. Gill, Jas. Lock, R. Resseguie, E. Snedeker, G. Malcom, Geo. Wilson, D. W. Binns. 482 FIFTH AVENUE BANK, gth st. and 5th ave., Brooklyn. Chartered 1889. Capi- tal, $100,000, par $100. Discount day, Wed. Orricers—A. P. Wells, President; W. F, Merrill, Vice-President; Isaac Simonson, Cashier and Paying Teller; S. M. Tuttle, Notary Public. Drrecrors—Geo. H. Southard, Isaac L. Allen, Jas. Wier, Jr., Ethan Allen Doty, J. T. E. Litchfield, Morris Nason, Frank A. Selle, Josiah Partridge, Chas. A. Hull, Geo. Wilcox, Chas. W. Tandy, S. Van Wyck, John Delmar, Thos. Marchaut, W. F. Merrill, Albert P. Wells, A. G. Calder, John McCormick. FULTON BANK, of Brooklyn, 361 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Chartered 1870. Capital, $200,000. OFFICERS—Wm. H. Hazzard, President; Foster Pettit, Vice-Presi- dent; John A. Nexsen, Cashier. DIRECTORS—Wnm. H. Hazzard, David S. Arnott, Wm. Bradley, M. Fraser Bolen, Foster Pettit, D. W. McWilliams, J. B. McCue, Wm. Mum- ford, Freeborn G. Smith, Wm. E: Phillips, David H. Valentine. HAMILTON BANK, of Brooklyn, 79 and 81 Hamilton ave. Clearing House, through No. 21; Chartered, 188g. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—F. G. Pitcher, President ; Henry Franke, Vice-President: Edward S. Clark, Cashier; Wm. A. Conklin, Paying and Receiving Teller; Jas. P. Judge, Notary Public. DrirEcrors— Titus Mead, John F. Talmage, John Anson, F. G. Pitcher, Wm. C. Redfield, Robert Cowley, W. H. Ziegler, James Kane, Wm. Cary Sanger, W.N. Peak, F. H. Marston, Henry Franke, Robert S. Hobbs, Isaac H. Cary, John A. Casey, F. H. Parsons. KINGS COUNTY BANK, of Brooklyn, 12 Court st., Brooklyn; Chartered 1885. Capital, $150,000, par $100. Discount day, Thurs. OFrricers—O, M. Denton, Presi- dent; H. B. Auten, Cashier; H. Maxwell, Paying Teller; A. D. Campbell, Receiving Teller; J. Heydinger, Jr., Notary Public. Direcrorns—Wm. B, Leonard, H. Wisch- mann, David S. Jones, O. M. Denton, Jesse Johnson, Wm. H. Beard, Albro J. Newton, Camden C. Dike, Leonard Moody, W. W. Goodrich, James Jourdan, S. W. Haviland, D. H. Houghtaling, R. S. Barnes, Norman S. Dike, James McLaren. LONG ISLAND BANK, 186 Remsen st., Brooklyn; Chartered 1824. Capital, $400,000, par $50. Clear through the Phenix National Bank. OrriceErs—Crowell Had- den, President; Jno. H. Ditmas, Vice-President: W. H. Leffingwell, Cashier; Edwin Mandeville, Paying Teller; Jno. Heyninger, Jr., Receiving Teller; W. H. Leffingwell, Notary Public. D1IrREcToRS—D. B. Baylis, H. D. Van Orden, Crowell Hadden, H. D. Polhemus, Jno. B. King, Jno. H. Ditmas, A. Abraham, S. H. Herriman, Michael Snow, D. F. Lewis, F. A. Van Iderstein, W. A. Read, Jas. L. Morgan. THE MECHANICS’ AND TRADERS’ BANK, of Brooklyn, 144 Franklin st., Brooklyn; Chartered 1867. Capital, $100,000, par $100. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFFICERS—H. J. Oldring, President; Timothy Perry, Vice-President; Geo. W. Paynton, Cashier; Jno. W. Fraser, Paying Teller; G. H. Oldring, Receiving Teller; Geo. W. Paynton, Notary Public. Drirecrors—Jno. C. Orr, T. F. Rowland, jie Timothy Perry, Harvey E. Talmage, H. J. Oldring, Jr., Jas. R. Sparrow, Jr., D. W. L. Moore, Jno. G. Jenkins, Geo. H. Gerard, Peter Wyckoff. MECHANICS’ BANK, Brooklyn, 8 Court st., Brooklyn; Chartered 1852. Capital, $500,000, par $50. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. OFrricers—-Geo. W. White, President; Henry N. Brush, Vice-President; George McMillan, Cashier; I. M. Wickett, Paying Teller; Chas. E. Wheeler, Receiving Teller; S. C. Betts, Notary Public. DIRECTORS—Samuel Sloan, William Marshall, Judah B. Voorhees, A. B. Baylis, Isaac Carhart, Danl. D. Whitney, Jacob Cole, G. W. Chauncey, Geo. W. White, Jno. P. Rolfe, Daniel F. Fernald, Jas. Raymond, Henry N. Brush. THE NORTH SIDE BANK, of Brooklyn, 33 Grand st., Brooklyn. Inc. 18809, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000, par g1oo; Full paid. Orricers—Claus Doscher, President; Walter Mathison, Vice-President; Chas. A. Sackett, Cashier. DiIRECTORS—John H. Voorhees, Jos. E. Hinds, Ernest Ochs, Daniel Cantv, Culver Ferguson, Henry Vogt, Paul Weidmann, Thomas W. Kiley, John H. Fort, W. D. Chase, Claus Doscher, Cornelius H. Tiebout, Walter Mathison, Samuel T. Maddox, Lowell M. Palmer, John M. Fuchs, J. McLoughlin, Philip Strauss, M. B. Streeter, James D. Leary, Isaac Scheuber, John P. McQuade, SEVENTEENTH WARD BANK, Brooklyn, Chartered 1889. Capital, $100,000, parg1oo. Discount days, Tues. and Fri. Orricers—Thos. C. Smith, President; E. A. Walker, Vice-President; W. H. Webster, Cashier; W. R. Arnold, Paying Teller and Receiving Teller; W, H. Webster, Notary Public. Drrectors—E. C. Smith, S. M. Randall, E. A. Walker, Julius Manheim, Wm. G. Miller, Sylvester Gray, Daniel McCol- lum, John A. Dowst, Thos. C. Smith, N ithaniel Roe, Henry C. Fischer, W. H. Sturgis, J. S. Ogilvie, Jeremiah Walsh, Wm. F. Corwith, Jas. MacFarland, Chas. H. Reynolds, John Fallon. 483 THE TWENTY-SIXTH WARD BANK, Brooklyn, 2509 Atlantic ave. Clear- ing House, through No. 29; Chartered 1889. Capital, $100,000, par $100. Discount days Tues. and Fri. OrricErs—Ditmas Jewell, President; A..H. W. Van Siclen, Vice- President; J. V. Jewell, 2d Vice-President : J. K. Alexander, Cashier; F. J, Smith, Teller; Theo. Kiendl, Notary Public. Drrecrors—D. Jewell, A. H. W. Van Siclen, J. Adolph Mollenhauer, Bernard Corrigan, Gilliam Schenk, J. W. Erreger, Morris Fosdick, Charles H. Russell, A. D. Baird, Adolph Kiendl, H. F. Gunnison, William F. Le James McGuigan, John V. Jewell, N. L. Rapalje, David Hopkins, Martin ennett. THE WALLABOUT BANK, Brooklyn, Myrtle and Clinton aves. Chartered 1889. Capital, $100,000, par $100. OFFICERS—Chas. M. Englis, President ; Alonzo Slote, Vice-President ; Joseph B. Pigot, Cashier. DrreEcrors—H. M. Bischoff, I. M. Bon, Chas. E. Dingee, Chas. M. Englis, John H. Hoeft, Isaac O. Horton, Ch. Jourgensen, Hermann Lins, Edwin Ludlam, Wm. H. Male, Horace J. Morse, Lowell M. Palmer, Robert W. Paterson, George L. Pease, Joseph B. Pigot, Frank Rudd, John Seton, Alonzo Slote, W. Oscar Shadbolt. SAVINGS BANKS. THE BREVOORT SAVINGS BANK, Brooklyn. Inc. Oct. 27, 1890. Not operating. THE BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK, 219 Fulton st. Inc. 1827; Charter Per- petual. OFrricErRs—Henry P. Morgan, President; Edward D. White and Henry K. Sheldon, Vice-Presidents; Felix E. Flandreau, Cashier; Charles C. Putnam, Comp- troller. TRUSTEES—Henry P. Morgan, Edward D. White, Henry K. Sheldon, Abram B. Baylis, Bryan H. Smith, Elias Lewis, Jr., Lyman R. Greene, Wm. G. Low, Richard L. Edwards, Edward H. Kidder, Franklin E. Taylor, Crowell Hadden, Edward Good- win, Alexander Forman, Edward H. Litchfield, Frank Lyman, Edwin F. Knowlton, Henry E. Pierrepont, David G. Legget, Willis L. Ogden, John F, Halsted, William A, i.ead, Courtlandt P. Dixon, Daniel F. Lewis, William V. R. Smith, William D. Bancker, BUSHWICK SAVINGS BANK, 618 Grand st., Brooklyn. Inc. 1873; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Joseph Liebmann, President; Moses May, Ist Vice-President ; A. C, Hallam, 2d Vice-President ; John Davies, Cashier; C. D. Burrows, Jr., Secretary, TRUSTEES—Joseph Liebmann, Rufus L. Scott, Moses May, Chas. H. Reynolds, John Davies, Edward Bush, Henry Schade, Wm, T. DeNyse, A. M. Suydam, E. E. Bunce, John G. Jenkins, Daniel Canty, A. C. Hallam, Anson L. Freeman, John H. Scheidt, John L. Nostrand, C. D. Burrows, Jr., Luman Ray, M. B. Streeter, Joseph C. Cabble, William Vogle, George Gomer. THE CITY SAVINGS BANK, Flatbush and 4th aves., Brooklyn. Inc. 1886; Charter Perpetual. OFrricERSs—Remsen Rushmore, President; Stewart L. Woodford, Ist Vice-President ; Theophilus Olena, 2d Vice-President; Timothy L. Woodruff, Treas- urer ; Edw. J. Connette, Secretary; Wm. C. Wallace, Counsel. TRUSTEES—Eugene G. Blackford, N. H. Clement, John Delmar, J.G. Dettmer, Wm. Harkness, Reuben Leland, Eugene L. Maxwell, Mark Mayer, Leonard Moody, David R. Morse, Charles A. Moore, Theophilus Olena, Calvin Patterson, Wm. W. Rossiter, Remsen Rushmore, Nathan T. Sprague, Horatio S. Stewart, W. S. Sillcocks, W.S. Taylor, Charles E. Teale, William C. Wallace, Percy G. Williams, Wm, H. Williams, Stewart L. Woodford, Timothy L, Woodruff. THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Brooklyn, N. Y., Court and Remsen sts. Inc, 1859; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Gardiner S. Hutchinson, President; J. L. Marcellus, Edward H. Kellogg, Vice-Presidents; John W. Hunter, Treasurer; B. H. Huntington, Secretary. "TRUSTEES—Alanson Trask, Edward Merritt, John W. Hunter, George W. Bergen, J. Pierpont Lord, Edwin Beers, A. H. W. Van Siclen, J. Lawrence Marcellus, Benj. H. Huntington, James Hall, James E. Dean, James H. Armington, Gardiner S. Hutchinson, John Truslow, Edward H. Kellogg, Jacob Cole, Daniel F. Fer- nald, Wm. H. Wallace, John E. Leech, Thomas T. Barr, Walter T, Hatch, George W. Chauncey, David W. Lewis, C. N. Hoagland. 31 484 THE DIME SAVINGS BANK, of Williamsburgh, 52 Broadway, Brooklyn. Inc. 1864; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Robinson Gill, President; G.I. Totten, Ist Vice-President; Robert Thomas, 2d Vice-President; Wm, Grandy, Secretary; Henry Geckler, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—Robinson Gill, James Boughton, Isaac Hicks, George Nichols, Charles W. Hubbell, G. I. Totten, Elijah Cabble, Wm. P. Sturgis, John Mollenhauer, Jacob F. Healey, Robert Thomas, Joseph Applegate, Coulson Shepard, D. N. Hanson, Wm. Grandy. / THE EAST BROOKLYN SAVINGS BANK, 643 Myrtle ave., Brooklyn. Inc. 1860; Charter Perpetual. OFrFriceRs—Darwin R. James, President ; James Lock, Ist Vice-President; Thomas J. Atkins, 2d Vice-President; Alex. Hutchins, Secretary ; Eugene F. Barnes, Treasurer. TRuSTEES—James Lock, Darwin R. James, Charles A. Peck, Thomas J. Atkins, Charles R. Porterfield, David Barnett, P. F. O’Brien, Daniel A. Eldredge, R. J. Owens, Lester W. Beasley, John H. Graham, Eugene F. Barnes, John H. Longhi, Alex. Hutchins, George J. Collins, Charles T. Geyer, John W. James. THE EAST NEW YORK SAVINGS BANK, 2644 Atlantic ave., Brooklyn. Inc. 1868: Charter Perpetual. OrrIceERs—Frederick Middendorf, President; Gustave Dettlaff, Vice-President; Fred. Middendorf, 2d Vice-President; John M. Linz, Treasurer; Rudolph Reimer, Assistant Treasurer ; Frank Cia Lang, Secretary TRUSTEES—Fred. Middendorf, Frank C, Lang, Charles J. Hobe, David Hopkins, John W. Earl, John W. Niles, Gustave Dettloff, C. Frank Colyer, George W. Palmer, Fred. D. Hart, Louis A. Tranberg, Rudolph Reimer, C. Washington Colyer, A. A. Wemmel, Charles H. Wadsworth, Bernard Corrigan. GERMANIA SAVINGS BANK, Kings County, 375 Fulton st. and 354 Adams st., Brooklyn. Inc. 1867; Charter Perpetual, OFFICERS—Frederick A. Schroeder, President; Augustus Kurth, 1st Vice-President; P. H. Reppenhagen, 2d Vice-President ; Julius Lehrenkrauss, ‘Treasurer ; Fred. Koch, Secretary ; Oscar Thomass, Cashier ; Wm. D. Veeder, Counsel. TRuSTEES—F. A. Schroeder, Augustus Kurth, Wm. D. Veeder, E. Mueldener, H. C. Mangels, Julius Lehrenkrauss, J. W. Rasch, Herman Lins, P. H. Reppenhagen, Gustave A. Jahn, Carl F. Eisenach, Charles A. Schieren, Edward L. Graef, J. C. Richard, Aug. Jahn, Henry Franke, Chr. Friedmann. GERMAN SAVINGS BANK, of Brooklyn, Broadway and Boerum st. Inc. 1866. OFFICERS—Chas. Naeher, President; John H. Schumann and Henry Ed. Rocher, Vice-Presidents; George H. Fisher, Secretary ; Geo. S. Bishop, Cashier. TRuUSTEES—George H. Fisher, John L. Gaus, Benj. W. Wilson, Louis Zechiel, Chas. Naeher, Henry E. Roehr, Frederick Roemmele, Henry S. Hollingsworth, William Dick, John H. Schumann, Paul Weidmann, Martin Worn. GREENPOINT SAVINGS BANK, 305 Manhattan ave., Brooklyn. Inc. 1868; Charter Perpetual. Orricers—Timothy Perry, President; H. E. Talmage, Vice-Presi- dent: E. A. Walker, 2d Vice-President; Robert J. Whittemore, Secretary ; Geo. W. Felter, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—Timothy Perry, Ephraim A. Walker, Adrian Meserole, Robert J. Whittemore, John D. Felter, Nicholas Droge, Harvey E. Talmage, Christian H. Koch, Claus Olandt, Marvin Briggs. KINGS COUNTY SAVINGS INSTITUTION, cor. Bedford ave. and Broadway, Inc. 1860; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—James S. Bearns, President ; Geo. L. Fox. and Geo. B. Magrath, Vice-Presidents; Jacob Hentz, Cashier; W. J. G. Bearns, Secretary. _TRUSTEES—James S. Bearns, James Rodwell, Christopher Gray, William S. Liptrott, Geo. B. Magrath, John Loughran, W. J. G. Bearns, Edward McGarvey, Geo. L. Fox, William D. Chase, Richard F. Carpenter, Hubert G. Taylor. THE MECHANICS’ SAVINGS BANK. Closing up business. SOUTH BROOKLYN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 160 and 162 Atlantic st. Inc. 1850; Charter Perpetual. OFFICERS—Alexander E. Orr, President ; Jas.S. T. Strananhan, Ist Vice-President; Chas. A. Townsend, 2d Vice-President; H. Sanderson, Treasurer ; C. W. Denny, Assistant Treasurer; I. Stiner, Paying Teller; C. Dunning, Receiving Teller: Frederick H. Towbridge, Secretary; C. 5S. Dunning, Assistant Secretary. TRUSTEES—Walter M. Aikman, Jas. C. Atwater, L. S. Burnham, 5S. E. Goodbridge, Henry C. Hulbert, Alexander Munn, Chas. S. Parsons, Jas. S. T. Strananhan, Jas. P. Wallace, H. D. Atwater, D. B. Baylis, Chas. A. Denny, Jos. Haslehurst, Geo. A. Jarvis, Geo. Mygatt, Wim. Pate, Chas. A. Townsend, Jas. W. Whitney, Jas. S. Bailey, Jos. E. Brown, C. C. Dike, Samuel E. Howard, R. H. Laimber, Alexander E. Orr, G. P. Stock- well, F. H. Towbridge. 485 THE WILLIAMSBURGH SAVINGS BANK, cor. Broadway and Driggs ave. Inc. 1851; Charter Perpetual. Orricers—Jeremiah V. Meserole, President; Franklin” Whiting and Horace M. Warren, Vice-Presidents; William E. Horwill, Secretary ; Oliver P. Miller, Cashier; William F. Burns, Assistant Cashier; S. M.l& D. E. Meeker, Counsel. TRusTEES—Franklin Whiting, Horace M. Warren, William E. Horwill, Charles W. Cooper, Ezra B. Tuttle, William Lamb, Jeremiah V. Meserole, Mitchell N. Packard, Abram Cooke, Peter Wyckoff, Brainard G. Latimer, Andrew D. Baird, Cornelius H. Teibout, Samuel M. Meeker, Isaac C. DeBevoise. TRUST COMPANIES. BROOKLYN TRUST CO,, cor. Montague and Clinton sts., Brooklyn. Inc. 1868; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. OFFICERS—C. T. Christensen, President; Abram B. Baylis, Vice-President; Jas. Ross Curran, Secre- tary ; Fredk. C. Colton, Assistant Secretary; J. L. Townsend, Paying Teller. DrIREctT- ors—G. W. Chauncey, Josiah O. Low, Michael Chauncey, Edwin F. Knowlton, Fredk. Cromwell, Henry K. Sheldon, C. M. Pratt, S. W. Babcock, John Gibb, Alex M. White, Jno. J. Pierrepont, Wm. B. Kendall, Jno. T. Martin, Jno. P. Rolfe, Abram B. Baylis, Cornelius D. Wood, H. W. Maxwell, Geo. G. Reynolds, C. T. Christensen, A. A. Low. | Wm. H. Male. FRANKLIN TRUST CO., 186 Remsen st., Brooklyn, N, Y. Inc. 1888 ; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFrricers—Geo. H. Southard, President; Wm. H. Wallace, Vice-President; Jas. R. Cowing, 2d Vice- President and Secretary. TRUSTEES—A. A. Low, J. B. Woodward, S. E. Huntington, William H. Wallace, Albro J. Newton, Crowell Hadden, George H. Southard, Alexander E. Orr, John Winslow, Joseph E. Brown, George M. Olcott, D. H. Houghtaling, Theo- dore Dreier, Edwin Packard, W. A. Read, Darwin R. James, F. E. Taylor, H. EB.) Pierre: pont, William Marshall, Thos. E. Stittman. HAMILTON TRUST CO., 191 Montague st., Brooklyn. Inc. 1890; Charter Per- petual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. Surplus subscribed, $250,000. OFFICERS—-Silas B. Dutcher, President; William H. Lyon, ist Vice-President; Alfred J. Pouch, 2d Vice-President ; Joseph B. White, Secretary. TRUSTEES—William H. Lyon, James O. Carpenter, Charles W. Betts, William H. H. Childs, Henry N. Whitney, Calvin Patterson, John Ditmas, Jr., Camden C. Dike, William Hester, Henry H, Adams, John C. McGuire, William C. Wallace, Silas B. Dutcher, William Berri, Charles Cooper, Timothy L. Woodruff, Henry E. Hutchinson, Harlan P. Halsey, Alfred J. Pouch,,Wm. V. R. Smith, Rodney A. Ward, Millard F. Smith, Leonard Moody, Eugene F. O'Connor. KINGS COUNTY TRUST CO., 373 Fulton st., Brooklyn. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS—Jos. G Hendrix, President; Jas. S. T. Stranahan and D. W. McWilliams, Vice-Presidents ; Herman Morris, Secretary ; George Thompson, Assistant Secretary, TRUSTEES—John Arbuckle, A. Abraham, E. W. Bliss, A. D. Baird, Chas. Cooper, Julian D. Fairchild, John Good, Nelson J. Gates, Wm. Harkness, Jos. C. Hendrix, Whitman W. Kenyon, Joseph Leibmann, Clement Lockitt, D. W. McWilliams, James McGovern, Moses May, D. W. Northup, Eugene F. O'Connor, J. S. T. Stranahan, H. B. Scharmann, Wm, V. R. Smith, S. V. White, T. L. Woodruff, William Ziegler. D. W. Northup, Counsel. THE LONG ISLAND LOAN AND TRUST CO,, 203 Montague st., Brooklyn, Inc. 1883; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $500,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFICERS— Edward Merritt, President; David G. Legget, Vice-President; Frederick T. Aldridge, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Wm. M. Ingraham, Watson B. Dickerman, Geo. F. Gregory, Frank Lyman, David Barnett, David G. Legget, Edwin Beers, Bernard Peters, Edward Merritt, Henry Coffin, Edward D. White, Seth L. Keeney, James W. Cromwell, Frank L. Babbott, Seymour L. Husted, Jr., John Lefferts. THE NASSAU TRUST CO., of the City of Brooklyn, 101 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. Inc. 1888; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100 ; Full paid. OFFICERS—A. D. Wheelock, President ; William Dick, John Truslow, Vice-Presidents ; QO. F. Richardson, Secretary. TRUSTEES—William Dick, A. D. Baird, Darwin R. James, E. B. Tuttle, John Truslow, Ditmas Jewell, F. W. Wurster, Bernard Peters, Wm. E, Horwill, Judah B. Voorhees, A. D. Wheelock, Wm. F. Garrison, John T. Willets, Chas. H. Russell, John Loughran, Edward T. Hulst, John McLoughlin, A. M. Suydam, Wm. E. Wheelock, O. F. Richardson, Henry Siebert. 486 THE PEOPLE'S TRUST CO., 172 Montague st., Brooklyn. Inc. 1889; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OFFIceRs—Felix Campbell, President; Jacob G. Dettmer, 1st Vice-President; Horace J. Morse, 2d Vice- President; Edward Johnson, Secretary; Charles A. Boody, Assistant Secretary. TRUS- TEES——Felix Campbell, Frederick A. Schroeder, Horace J. Morse, Eugene G. Blackford, Henry J. Cullen, Jr., Daniel F. Lewis, Jacob G. Dettmer, Cornelius N. Hoagland, John E. Searles, Jr.; Isidore M. Bon, Howard M. Smith, Edward B, Bartlett, George L. Pease; Frederic A. Ward, Solomon W. Johnson, George P. Tangeman, Alonzo Slote, William B. Hill, Robert J. Kimball, Bernard Gallagher, Wm. B. Davenport, Amory S. Carhart, Jas. McMahon. JOINT-STOCK FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. THE KINGS COUNTY FIRE INSURANCE (CO,, 97 Broadway, Brooklyn. Inc. Oct. 18, 1858; Charter 30 years. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $20; Full paid. OFFICERS—William E. Horwill, President; E.S. Terhune, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Wm. E. Horwill, Robert Irwin, Wm. H. Male, Lewis Hurst, Charles F. Pope, Samuel S. Free, J. N. Hayward, Martin Joost, Daniel Smith, Welding Ring, Edward North, Wm. Brookfield, Chas. Longman, Ezra B. Tuttle, A. M. Suydam. THE LAFAYETTE FIRE INSURANCE CO., 20 Court st., Brooklyn. Inc. Dec. 22, 1856; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $150,000, par $20; Full paid. OFFICERS—Samuel Van Wyck, President; John P. Stark, Secretary. _DIRECTORS— Samuel Van Wyck, Harkort Napier, J. J. Vanderbilt, James M. Leavitt, James S. Suy- dam, Wm. H. Male, Frederick L. Dubois, Albert P. Wells, Isaac Carhart, Joseph F. Sanxay, D. F. Manning, Jas. Raymond. Out of business. LONG ISLAND INSURANCE CO., 195 Montague st., Brooklyn. Inc. Apr. 26, 1833; reorganized Apr. 27, 1863. Capital, $200,000. This Company has retired from business, and risks reinsured in the Royal Insurance Co. of Liverpool. See Part II for statement of condition. OFrrIcERS—George H. Hope, President; Henry Blatchford, Secretary. MONTAUK FIRE INSURANCE CO., 19 Montague st., Brooklyn. Inc. May 19, 1857. Capital, $200,000. This Company is out of business, and all risks have been reinsured in the Niagara Fire Insurance Co., of N. Y._ See Part II for statement of con- dition. OFrriceERS—Edwin Beers, President ; George F. Malby, Secretary. THE NASSAU FIRE INSURANCE C0O., 30 Court st., Brooklyn. Inc. Feb. 3, 1852; Charter 30 years from 1882. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $50; Full paid. OFFICERS--William T. Lane, President; Thomas M. Harris, Secretary. DIRECTORS— A. A. Low, John, French, Thomas Stratton, L. M. Sheldon, Elias Lewis, Jr., John T. Martin, J. A. H. Bell, Foster Pettit, Henry D. Polhemus, H. Zabriskie, John W. Hunter, Silas Ludlam, John J. Vanderbilt, Daniel Underhill, William T. Lane. THE PHENIX INSURANCE CO., of Brooklyn, 16 Court st.; Main Office, 49 Cedar st., N. Y. City. Inc. Sept. 10, 1853; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; Full paid. Orricers—-George P. Sheldon, President; George Ingraham, Ist Vice-President; Arthur B. Graves, 2d Vice-President; Charles C. Little, Secretary ; William A. Wright, Assistant Secretary. D1rrecrors—George P. Sheldon, Albion K. Bolan, Edwin T. Rice, Wm. J. Logan, Felix Campbell, John Cartledge, Chas. W. Brega, Arthur B. Graves, George W. Bergen, Wm. P. Beale, John H. Latham, Wm. H. Male, George M. Hard, Henry E. Southwell, E. F. Knowlton, Aug. Studwell, Wm. H. Wallace, D. B. Powell, S. E. Howard, Geo. Ingraham, Wm. A. Hammond, Henry W. Slocum, THE WILLIAMSBURGH CITY FIRE INSURANCE CO., 15 Broadway, Brooklyn. Organized 1853; Charter expired 1883; Charter renewed 1883 for 30 years. Cupital authorized, $250,000, par $50; Full paid. Orricers—Marshall S. Driggs, Presi- dent; F. H. Way, Secretary. D1rEcTORS—William Marshall, Geo. E. Kitching, Martin Joost, John G. Jenkins, Silas W. Driggs, Marshall S. Driggs, J. C. De Bevoise, Henry W. Slocum, Adrian M. Suydam, Chauncey Marshall, Joseph J. O’Donohue, Henry W. Slocum, Jr., Jas. Rodwell, Moses May, Peter Wyckoff, S. P. Sturges, F. L. Dubois. CO-OPERATIVE INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN ORGANIZED IN NEW YORK STATE. AMERICAN TEMPERANCE LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 187 Broad- way, New York. Commenced business Dec., 1889. OFFICERS—Frank Delano, Presi- dent; Geo. E. Godward, Secretary and Treasurer; David E. Smith, M. D., Medical Director. DIRECTORS—W.H. W. Youngs, Jas. H. Pettit, A. G. Mabee, Chas. Mortimer, Geo. W. Godward. _ AMERICAN WORKMAN’S LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 20 Flatbush ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. Commenced business Apr. 18, 1887. OFFICERS—George H. Titus, President; William E. Davis, Secretary. BANK CLERKS’ MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 14 Pine st., New York. Commenced business Mar., 1869. OFFICERS—Richard Morgan, President ; Edward D. Butler, Vice-President; Henry E. Baldwin, Recording Secretary; T. H. Smith, Financial Secretary ; James Dennison, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William B. Reed, 1892; Richard L. Purdy, 1892; Edward J. Baldwin, 1893; E. T. Hulst, 1893; J. Kelshaw, 1894; John H. Carr, 1894. TRUSTEES—Edward Burns, 1893; Walter Cog- geshall, 1895; William A. Nash, 1897. BANKERS’ AND TRADERS’ ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 155 and 157 Broadway, New York. Commenced business May Ig, 1887. OFrricers—Fletcher H. Bangs, President; Joseph W. Abbott, Secretary. BOOKBINDERS’ PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, 150 Nassau st., New York. Commenced business Jan., 1868. OFFICERS—Robert Rutter, President ; James Steven- son, Secretary. “== THE BOOKSELLERS’ AND STATIONERS’ PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION of the United States, 2 Cooper Union, New York. Commenced business May 1, 1879. OFFICERS—Charles T. Dillingham, President; J. F. Vogelius, Treasurer; Wilbur B. Ketcham, Secretary, 2 Cooper Union, New York. BOARD OF TRUSTEES—J. T. Ryan, with Cassell Publishing Co.; Robert Morris, with D. Appleton & Co.; C. E. Cunning- ham, with C. T. Dillingham ; Andrew Geyer, Publisher of Geyer’s Stationer; Charles T. Dillingham, Wholesale Bookseller; O. M. Dunham, President of Cassell Publishing Co.; Wilbur B. Ketcham, Publisher and Bookseller; J. F. Vogelius, with Henry Holt & Co,; John H. Ammon, with Harper Bros.; W.S. Merriam, with Raynor & Martin; W. J. Kelly; T.R. Knox, Publisher; John Briggs, with American Book Co.; J. A. Holden, with Thomas Whittaker; Chas. T. Burkhardt. BROOKLYN MASONIC MUTUAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION, 32\ Court str, Brooklyn. Commenced business Mar., 1867. OFrriceRS—James Cornelius, President ; G. M. Anderson, Secretary. CITIZENS’ MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 115 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Apr. 21, 1886. OFFICERS--Augustus S. Whiton, President ; Edward W. Husted, Secretary. DE WITT CLINTON READY RELIEF ASSOCIATION, 809 Quincy st., Brooklyn. Commenced business Jan. 7, 1885. OFrFICERS—John T. Barnard, President ; Warren Jones, Secretary. DRY GOODS MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 335 Broadway, Room 41, New York. Commenced business Jan. 15, 1876. OFFICERS—A. Judson Stone, President ; J. F. Wardhaugh, Secretary. 488 GERMAN MASONIC MUTUAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION, of the City of New York, 304 E. 85th st., New York. Commenced business Jan. 20, 1878. OFFI- CERS—William Wieber, President; Frank Torber, Vice-President; Wilhelm Theise, Secretary ; George Killing, Treasurer. TRUSTEES—Geo. Kinzer, Rudolph Krumm. DIRECcTORS—Albert Elsasser, Ferd. Homann, G. Lauter, Chas. Ludolph, W. Muller, Dr. A. Muller, H. Sann, Ph. Scherer, D. Schneider, Alb. Schnitzler, Chas. A. Siecke, H. Torber, D. Wannemacher, E. Wassmann, A. Worms. GLOBE MUTUAL BENEFIT SOCIETY, 18 Broadway, New York. Com- menced business Aug. 18, 1884. OFFICERS--Charles W. Tankersley, President ; James W. Hannibal, Secretary ; William L. Stewart, Treasurer. D1iRECTORS—Charles W. Tankersley, Thomas Harding, William L. Stewart, James W. Hannibal, Arthur E. Priest, John Newell, T. Hamilton Birch. GOLD AND STOCK LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, 195 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Jan. 1878. OFFICERS—R. J. Hutchinson, President; A. J. Driver, Vice-President; Wm. J. Dealy, Secretary; M. Breslin, Treasurer. ExEcu- TIVE COMMITTEE—R. J. Hutchinson, A. G. Hummel, J. J. Barry, E. F. Cummings, M. Breslin, C. Shirley, W. H. Collins, A, J. Driver, Wm. J. Dealy. GOLDEN EAGLE ASSOCIATION, 1810 Broadway, Brooklyn. Commenced business Jan. 28, 1884. OFrFICERS—Henry Schlim, President; S. H. Devore, Secretary. GUARANTEE ALLIANCE, of New York, 135 Broadway, New York. Commenced business May 15, 1886. OFFICERS—B. S. McKean, President; Frederick Emery, Vice- President; E. Butcher, Jr., Secretary; T. C. McCain, Treasurer; H. T. Boyle, M. D., Medical Director; G. M. Kellogg, Superintendent of Agencies. Direcrors—Frank E. Whiske, Frederick Emery, Edward Butcher, Jr., Charles U. Taylor, Thomas C. McCain, Edgar Denton, Bernard S. McKean, Charles G. Young, Henry T. Boyle. HOME BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, General and Corporate Office, 137 Broadwa,y New York. Inc. Dec. 2, 1881, in N. Y.; Reinc. July 20, 1885 ; Charter not Limited. OByEcT —Life insurance on assessment plan. OFFICERS-—William A. Camp, President; K. L. Clapp, Vice-President; R. D. Dodge, Secretary and Treasurer. DirECTORS—William A. Camp, J. C. Moore, R. D. Dodge, Charles S. Noyes, Alfred E. Paillard, Joseph S. Case, George H. Sheldon, Charles E. Tayntor, Col. L. L. Deming. HOME BENEFIT SOCIETY, of New York, 161 Broadway. Commenced busi- ness Feb. 14, 1882. OFFICERS—John F. H. King, President; William H. Cromwell, Vice-President ; George W. Godward, Secretary and Treasurer ; Stacey Wilson, Adjuster ; E. L. Bissell, M. D., Medical Director. DirREcTORS—T. M. Nichols, W. H. Cromwell, Charles Mortimer, W. A. Miner, L. F. Frazee, E. L. Bissell, M. D., George W. Godward. INSURANCE CLERKS’ MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 156 Broad- way, New York, Commenced business May 2, 1872. OFFICERS—George B. Rhoades, President ; Charles F. Allen, Secretary ; Bradford Darrach, Treasurer. JEWELERS’ LEAGUE of the City of New York, (Room No. 2), 170 Broad- way. Commenced business June 15, 1887. OFFICERS—Henry Hayes, President; Joseph B. Bowden, Ist Vice-President; Chas. G. Lewis, 2d Vice-President; James P. Snow, 3d Vice-President ; John R. Greason, 4th Vice-President; William L. Sexton, Secretary and Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—William Bardel, David Untermeyer, Geo. H. Houghton, William H. Jenks, A. A. Jeannot, George R. Howe, Chairman. ADvIsORY BoarD—George W. Parks, Charles L. White, John W. Steele, Ralph Hamilton, Jr., C. C. Offerman, Samuel H. Levy. EXAMINING FINANCE COMMITTEE—Jas. S. Franklin, Otto Heeren, Frank Dawes. JEWELERS’ AND TRADESMEN’S CO. of New York, 187 Broadway. Com- menced business Sept. 9, 1886. OFFICERS—Thomas A. Young, President; Shubael Cottle, 1st Vice-President; Samuel W. Saxton, 2d Vice-President; Ephraim S. Johnson, Jr., Secretary; Geo. W. Godward, Treasurer; Charles F. Roberts, M. D., Medical Director ; Mooney & Shipman, Attorneys. DrrEcrors—Thomas A. Young, Thomas R. Creede, Stewart R. Bradburn, Ephraim S. Johnson, Jr., T. M. Nichols, Samuel A. Baldwin, Stacey Wilson, Frank Delano, Wm. A. Miner, Shubael Cottle. KNICKERBOCKER MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 432 Canal st., New York.. Commenced business July 29, 1880. OFrFicERS—M. J. Daniels, President; James M. Desmond, Secretary. 489 LIFE UNION, 234 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Aug. 22, 1885. OFFICERS—Wm. H. Law, President; F. A. Winans, Secretary, MARINERS’ MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 23 State st., New York. Commenced business Oct. 2, 1881. OFFICERS—Martin Hubbe, President; Rufus 5. King, Secretary. MASONIC GUILD AND MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 161 Broad- way, New York. Commenced business Sept., 1879. OFFICERS—Robert Black, Presi- dent; Z. Francis Barnes, Secretary. THE MERCANTILE BENEFIT ASSOCIATION of the City of New York, 319 Broadway, New York. Commenced business May 1, 1877. OFFICERS—Col. Jos. W. Congdon, President; M. M. Belding, rst Vice-President; Gen. J. V. Meserole, 2d Vice-President ; Emil S. Levi, 3d Vice-President ; Charles S. Homer, 4th Vice-President ; Ira W. Steward, Secretary and Treasurer. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—The above-named Officers, and Alonzo Alford (Chairman), Henry Rosenheim, A. W. Duxbury, Charles R. Shaw, Robert C. Brown, Winfield S. Gilmore, William Wills, S. Ellis Briggs, John W. Jacobus, Jeremiah A. North. EXAMINING FINANCE COMMITTEE—Gilbert T. Woglom, Adam Hill, W. H. Collins.. MepIcaL EXAMINERS—Dr. Edwin F. Ward, 29 West 36th st.; Dr. Joshua G. Wilbur, 189 Broadway. Abel Crook, 93 Nassau st., Attorney and Counsellor. MERCANTILE MUTUAL ACCIDENT SOCIETY, 45 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Apr. 1, 1881. OFFICERS—Austin Dall, President; R. Pitcher Woodward, Secretary ; C. Austin Dall, Treasurer. D1IRECrors—Spencer Aldridge, R. Pitcher Woodward, Ed. Marshall Grout, Austin Dall, C. Austin Dall, William B,. Dall, John N. Beach, Edward L. Spencer, Y. C. Wolbert, W. B. Fuller. MERCHANTS’ AND MECHANICS’ LIFE AND ACCIDENT ASSOCIA- TION, 351 Broadway, Brooklyn, N. Y. Commenced business Aug. 1,1889. OFFICERS —Hermann Zeydel, President ; George C. Zeydel, Secretary. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE ASSOCIATION, of America, 14 E. 42d st. New York. Commenced business Jan. 19, 1883. OFFICERS—Wm. H. Whiton, Presi- dent; J. Trumbull Smith, James C. Peabody, Vice-Presidents; Frederic H. Calkins, Secretary and Auditor; Oscar K. Gardner, Assistant Secretary; Hon. J. F. Kendall, Assistant Auditor; F. Le Roy Satterlee, M. D., Ph. D., Medical Director; Charles H. Bushong, M. D., Assistant Medical Director; Chas. H. Stocking, Actuary and Superin- tendent of Agents; Edward T. Lovatt, Counsel; Louis B. Ostrander, Cashier; E. E. Fowler, Assistant Cashier; Edward P. Ryan, General Manager Prudential Department. Directors—Hon. Rufus B. Bullock, James C. Peabody, Brewster Maverick, Sidney H. Stuart, F. Le Roy Satterlee, M. D., J. Trumbull Smith, William H. Whiton, Rev. William H. Mickle, Willis B. Marvin, Edward T. Lovatt, George La Monte, A. N. Lockwood, Hector M. Hitchins, D. Homer Bates, J. C. Moore, Hon. Clarence W. Meade, William A. Walker, Hon. Hiram Calkins, William J. Swan. THE MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, 900 Real Estate Exchange, Brooklyn. Commenced business May 18, 1886. OFrFIcERS—Chas. K. Judson, President; David N. Salisbury, Vice-President; Eugene F. Pearce, Secretary ;’ John A. Bechtler, Assistant Secretary ; William Mackey, Treasurer; Eugene F. Pearce, M. D., Medical Inspector. DrrEcTtors—C. K. Judson, D. N. Salisbury, John A. Bechtler, E. F. Pearce, Wm. Mackey, A. L. Salisbury, J. H. Judson, Wm. B. Berri. MUTUAL RELIEF ASSOCIATION, 953 3d ave., New York. Commenced business July 1, 1879. OFFICERS—Henry S. Herrman, President; Leopold Woodle, Secretary. MUTUAL RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION, Potter Building, Park row, New York. Commenced business Feb. 9, 1881. OFriceERS—Edward D. Har- per, President; O. D. Baldwin, Vice-President; Hon. Henry J. Reinmund, 2d Vice- President, Ex-Superintendent Insurance Department, Ohio; J. D. Wells, 3d Vice- President; F. A. Burnham, Counsel; Hon. John W. Vrooman, Treasurer ; Col. FE. F’. Phelps, Comptroller; G. R. McChesney, Assistant Comptroller; F. T. Braman, Secre- tary; J. W. Bowden, M. D., Medical Director; J. M. Stevenson, and B. W. T. Amsden, Assistant Secretaries; C. R. Bissell, Chairman Investment Committee ; John Mulligan, Supervisor of Supply Department; Dr. H. M. Hitchcock, Dr. J. D. Gorman, Dri ta Bs Campbell, Assistant Medical Directors; Dr. M. L. Seaman, Medical Inspector ; D. M. 490 Caldwell, Manager; E. D. Ludwig, Superintendent. DIRECTORS AND COUNCIL OFFI- CERS—Edward B. Harper, O. D. Baldwin, Hon. Henry J. Reinmund, J. D. Wells, F. A. Burnham, Hon. John W. Vrooman, Col. E. Fy Phelps, C. R. McChesney, Frederick T. Braman, James W. Bowden, M. D., Charles R. Bissell, John J. Acker, Anthony N. Brady, Samuel W. Wray, Thos. P. Baldwin, E. D. Jones, Col. J. T. Griffin, E. R. Speirs, F.S. S., Surgeon-General Sir W. Guyer Hunter, M. P., Robert Bell, M. D., Dr. Stephen H. Tyng, F. La Burthe, Jules Rochard, M. D., Captain Charles N. Ahlstr6m, Edward Forssberg, M. D., Johs Nordahl, Gustaf A. Nyman, A. A. W. Petersen, Messrs Pohl & Wiese, Ernest Bester, M. D., Warring Kennedy, Hon. Henry L. Lamb, Herman A. Niehoff, William Wilson, Hon. Isaac H. Shields, H. M. Hitchcock, M. D., J. D. Gor- man, M, D., T, 2B. Campbell, M. D:, LL. Seaman, M. D.; J) M..Steyenson,andies W. T. Amsden. THE NATIONAL ACCIDENT SOCIETY, of the City of New York, 280 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Dec. 15, 1885. OFFICERS—John W. Harman, President; Benj. C. Wetmore, Vice-President; L. H. Marsteller, Treasurer ; Joseph I. Barnum, Secretary. BOARD oF DIRECTORS—Chas. H. Webb, John W. Harman, L. H. Marsteller, Wm. C. Engle, Jacob Oberholser, Wm, E. Tefft, Delwin B. Carr, Theodore Ricksecker, Alonzo Slote, Chas. H. Fancher, John Meckes, H. B. Masters, Jos. H. Pratt, Benj. C. Wetmore, Jos. I. Barnum. NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY, 187 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Dec. 1881. OFFICERS—-Lucius O. Robertson, President; William Abbott, Secretary; Frederick A. Levy, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Lucius O. Robertson, Frederick A. Levy, William Abbott, J. F. Hotchkiss, J. G. Kearney, George O. Foster. NATIONAL MUTUAL INSURANCE CO., World Building, New York. Com- menced business Apr. 11, 1881. OFFICERS—D. E. Anthony, President; W. G. Lord, Secretary. NEW YORK ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO,, 96 Broadway, New York. Com- menced business May 26, 1889. QFrFICERS—Geo. A. Halsey, .President; Chas. T. Hopper, Secretary. DIREcTORS—Geo. A. Halsey, Chas. T. Hopper, Wm. W. Hopper, Charles W. McMurran, David C. Inglis, Jno. B. Watkins, W. L. Dowling, George W. Schooley, T. Dewitt Hasbrouck, NEW YORK PHYSICIANS’ MUTUAL AID ASSOCIATION, 1311 Broad- way, New York. Commenced business June 27, 1868. OFFICERS——Daniel Lewis, Presi- dent; Chas. Jewett, 1st Vice-President; N. G. McMaster, 2d Vice-President; J. E. Nichols, Recording Secretary; W.L. Russell, Assistant Secretary ; L. Johnson, Corres- ponding Secretary; Robert Campbell, Treasurer. Drrecrors—O. B. Douglas, D. Magie, W. F. Mittendorf, C. E. Hackley, A. N. Brockway, W. H. Haynes, M. Blumen- thal, ‘G. G. Wheelock, W. F. Cushman. NEW YORK SAFETY RESERVE FUND, 212 Fulton st. Commenced busi- ness Sept. 3, 1883. OFFICERS—John L. Roberts, President ; William H. Wintle, Secre- tary. ODD FELLOWS’ MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 216 Duffield st., Brook- lyn, N. Y. Commenced business May, 1867. Orricers—Joseph M. E. Burnett, Presi- dent; John White, Secretary. ODD FELLOWS’ PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, 443 Hancock st., Brooklyn, Commenced business June 17, 1875. OFFICERS—E. Jacobs, President; L. Beasley, Secretary. ONTARIO MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 234 Broadway. Com- menced business Oct. 1, 1886. OrriceRs—A. L. Soulard, President; Henry B. Pierce, Ist Vice-President ; John C. Mortimer, 2d Vice-President ; William D. Chandler, Secre- tary; H. H. Beadle, Treasurer; Charles Henry Phelps, General Counsel. PREFERRED MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 257 Broadway. Com- menced business Oct. 28, 1885. OFFICERS—Phineas C. Lounsbury, President; Kimball C. Atwood, Secretary. PROVIDENT FUND SOCIETY, 280 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Sept. 15, 1886. Adolphus N. Lockwood, President ; Wm. W. Dodge, Secre- tary ; Jos. Periam, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Adolphus N. Lockwood, Wm. W. Dodge, Jos. Periam, John D. Taylor, Francis E. Dodge, Victor Shaller, Henry A. Jones, Cyrus Pyle, G. K. Smith. x 491 ST. LAWRENCE LIFE ASSOCIATION, 169 Broadway, New York. Com- menced business, Apr. 23, 1874. OrFIcERS—John J. Barnsdall, President; Thos. A. Young, Vice- President : C. Ray Southwick, Secretary; Le Verne W. Southwick, Treas- urer; Abel Crook, Counsel, Nassau st. DIRECTORS—Thos. A. Young, Hon. Rynard E. W. Spargur, Samuel L. Storer, Dr. George D. Farwell, 108 E. 28th st.; Le Verne W. Southwick, Dr. Edward T. Smith, C. Ray Southwick, John J. Barnsdall. TEACHERS’ PROVIDENT ASSOCIATION, 898 Broadway, New York. Com- menced business Apr. 7, 1881. OFFICERS—N. A. Calkins, President; Alfred S. Busch; Secretary. TELEGRAPHERS’ MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION, 195 Broadway, New York. Commenced business Oct. 22, 1867. OFFICERS—James Merrihew, President ; W.H. Young, Vice-President ; Thomas Ese Plemine, yoeecretary:s-G. ‘W):.E. Atkins, Treasurer. EXECUTIVE ComMIrrer—J. Merrihew, G. W. E. Atkins, W. B. Gill, Thomas E. Fleming, S. C. Mason, W. H. Young, Joseph L. Edwards, C. W. Hammond, M. M. Davis. AUDITING COMMITTEE—S. S. Garwood, Chairman, M. J. O'Leary, W. J. Dealy. TRADERS’ AND TRAVELERS’ ACCIDENT CO., of New York, 287 Broad- way, New York. Commenced business Apr. 7, 1887. OFFICERS—Thos. A. Young, President; Chas. Siuart Somerville, Secretary. DirecToRs—F. N. Barrett, Daniel Birdsall, George E. Hamlin, John W. Jacobs, Frederick Jansen, G. G. Lansing, W. L. Sexton, W. C. Spelman, Benjamin W. West. UNITED LIFE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION, World Building, New York. Commenced business Jan. 2, 1886. OFFICERS—Peter Bowe, President; J. Jay Pardee, Secretary. UNITED STATES MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION, 320, 322 and 324 Broadway, New York. Commenced business, Nov. 3, 1877. OFFICERS—Charles B. Peet, President; James R. Pitcher, Secretary ; Calvin T. Hazen, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Charles B. Peet, Winsor B. French, James R. Pitcher, William B. Smith, Leopold Wormser, William Wade, William Gibson, James S. Leads, E. S. Parker, John H. C. Nevins, Geo. J. Peet. WOMEN’S MUTUAL INSURANCE AND ACCIDENT CO., of America, to Broadway, New York. Commenced business feb. 9, 1883. OFFICERS—Edith T. Horton, President; Ella Miller, 1st Vice-President; Sara A. Lloyd, Treasurer; Grace Lloyd, Secretary. WORKINGMAN’S CO-OPERATIVE ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED INSURANCE LEAGUE, of New York, 50 Union sq., New York. Commenced business Sept. 6, 1886. OFFICERS—A, O. Boshner, President; Wm. B. Donihee, | Secretary. FRATERNAL BENEFICIARY ORDERS OR ASSOCIATIONS. American Star Order, 222 Broome st. B. Saidel, President ; Jacob Deutsch, Secretary. Benai Berith Independent Order. District No. 1, 953 3d ave. Daniel L. Walter, Presi- dent; S. Hamburger, Secretary. Catholic Benevolent Legion (Supreme Council), 38 Court st., Brooklyn, N.Y. John C. McGuire, President; John D. Carroll, Secretary. Catholic Mutual Benefit Association (Supreme Council), 543 Madison st., Brooklyn, N. Y. J. S. McGarry, President; C. J. Hickey, Secretary. Foresters’ (Ancient Order) Endowment Fund, 371 Fulton st., Brooklyn, N.Y. Wm. A. Kitts, President; E. M. McMurtry, Secretary. Free Sons of Israel (Independent Order), 27 2d ave. Julius Hamburger, President ; J. H. Goldsmith, Secretary. Knights of St. John and Malta (Chapter-General of America), 515 E. it a st. Geo. dy Rollins, President; Jonas L. McElroy, Secretary. Legion of Justice (Supreme Council), 59 E. 4th st. Thomas Evans, President; E. G. Thomsen, Secretary. National Benevolent Legion, 113 Broadway, Brooklyn, N.Y. E. H. Dickey, President : Jos. L. Killgore, Secretary. National Provident Union, Times Building, Room 148. Wm. H. McCabe, President; John L. Kendall, Secretary. Templars of Liberty of America (The Worthy Grand ree} 183 Nassau ave., ” Brooklyn, N. Y. Geo. W. Palmer, President ; Henry Morrow, Secretary. FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN. PART IiI-STATISTICAL. For Descriptive Article Showing Address, Capital, and Officers and Directors See Part I. Assets and Liabilities and Stocks and Bonds Owned See Other Parts of this Chapter. For Annual Meetings and Transfer Books See Appropriate Chapter, | HS BBR R09 0909 0909 CI I WW WINWWNWWWWWIMWH HHH Code | Name. STOCK I DIVIDENDS. NATIONAL BAN KS— NEW YORK SUAS SOLS 2a ee ig ee dah he he akc lg D> TPWdore American Exchange. M.& N. Bank of New York... J. & J. Loven dalle nt Bhar Jie OG Jie CTNARG rec etretyccccssscnse-| Je Ol de KG IAMINER de ties eos c's be Ge | Je Cordis Olatzy ach (tN eee M. & §S. | M. &N. Continental.............. ASS ceaiclly PRMSE REY Clog. ..2-.0...+..| do & J. ‘Fifth ined ae Je Cede BESTS RE eet ca es serciccs bcs J Qe PHOUIP beets ede cca cocese4 Alera e | PAUL ete ss iea sts scons pA 6s, ©) Repel Chiseeer ces: cae staveaihfoas ocasee ave SET AMOVER ce ccssscgccgceess. A laece'é ci) inide and) Leather .....).sc<0...0-s5] ‘Importers & Trdders.. J. & J Grea Ta MRE 76 dea ces «wie Alareads \Leather Manufactu’rs J. & J PUD ORT vareeetttes coded ssnave|lenBentevcves MeIUC OLIN os sessé «cg «o%0 F. & A,| Market and Fulton.... J. © J Mechanics ........0.0.....| « J. & J. (Mereantile..,.......:...... J.& J. ‘Merchants Exchange J. & J. MECPCHENTS 02..sc-ce+scs<-- Ae esa lp 'National-Commerce.. J. & J. \National-N. America. J. & J. ‘National-Republic ... J. & J. ‘National-Broadway.. J. & J. Nat.-Butch’s & Drov’ 'g J. & J. ‘National-Citizens ...... Sha cecmle |National-City..............M.& N. |National-Deposit ......|............ National-Park........... Bale 'Nat’1-Shoe & Leather.) J. & J. ‘New York County.. Jer Gade IN. Y. Natl Exchange elF. & A. PN IMI... 2 ...0022. 20000000 bid cal nt \Phenix .. baie ae if hse 3) \Seaboard .. Pry te ye JerQuvde | PIO COMG verrosccanersccvo ears |J.& J. | RSC VOMUMe.cstecvscnssceehssn alin eeorciea} iciivae toe eee We Parte Joey ROUEN ETD sc cccscse ose 2nees| a acon ly SACHINTCUBEM es cooks cos tev saaall HBAS? ell l'Tradesmens.........:.+++ J.& J. {United States............ he de Qi ENM@SLENIVG sa cdcatearsens estes 5 pest ge Ie [FUSE 20.ccece neczereeceeeee (J. & J |/Manufacturers.......... fle oie), DC ARLEN CAE ce peta ane n bears & J | ISPYAGUG o 2. c.cersscversaccss| « J | PD BBD BPP BWWWWWHIWWWWNNUNUNUNVVNVNVNVVH HHH HHH ee { Dividends Paid In ane ae : aed Acs "| Last Dividends | | SU in 1892. 1882 1883 1884 1885 1886, 1887/1888] 1889/1890|1891, 2 as TS Pl mre arn aR AT i Cy | | 7) VW Te ae Tee ret oo tl 7 'M. & N., each 334 8 | 8 |10%4\10 |10 }10 |10 10 |10 /10 | 96%| Re & J., each 5, 10 13) ge eye 1s asian Roe it 76. |T. & J., each 8%. & |\8) 98s Up See Be Bmore Ont LOr na Ooi 74: UT ed each 9 10 10" 10° dan TaN rom vie aoe 16h 1176 1J., A.J .& O.,.68.4, | | | | 100 100 |100 100 100 |100 |100 [150 150 150 1150 | Jy M..M.. 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BO VIRUULECTS eccctsosteccsee rte Je & TA MO Oi OY Otho [10 110° 10 = 105-4 Je & J., each.5. 40 Standard TOSS ee Jado Sab 2 HOR le Ci eee oe wae ee AO Eid COD Suly 5. TET OM eee recede sdscve'| vaste santeeal eae sae Legace | Aad Sh cases Sntsllereeelleesr ss ReneS Soccer acest 4 |Retired Aug., ’87 49 NGtuyvesant..............| J. & J. (10 | Ost 9.10 SoG bet) 632) 6 8314) J. Coie each 3. MSS MILed SLAteCS..,..0..0.-s ce Js (LOY 10) Oy TO OE teres LO is 105 | J. & J., each 5. 44 !West Chester ............ F.& A.j10 |10 110 |10 110 [10 J10 10 110 |10 ‘100 | F. & A., each 5. BROOKLYN. 1 Kings County .....,.....| J. & J. (20 [20 (20 |20 |20 (20 (16 |12 {12 (12 LQ iad OS Jig EACH: Ot 4 TUG INAS Ae eeeeepcenenoaceds J. do Je (LOW 10 10 Series come | Pi G= | 6 4 77 None. SP UINGLSSE Iie ee cscs. earcs- sees J.&J. {14 |10 10 110 [10 /10 10 LOW LO.) LO: 104 | J. & J., each 5 Alpine 2... wld) & Ts SO OM Ge 0 te 6 |10 |10 | 86 | J. &J., each 5, 5 |Williamsburgh City..| J. & J. |20 {20 ith 20 ie (20 20 20 {20 /|20 200 iJ. &J., each 10. *50 p, c. extra. + Feb., 1891. | PWM OW WD IDNPWHHOODIDNPWHWH OO MDAIDNPWUWHOODIDPWWwH PPP PPWWWWWWWWWWUWNUNWNUNUNUNUNUNWYH HHH HH He HH Cub OOre 4 gO = See TRUST COMPANIES—-NEW YORK CITY. | ae meen Dividends Paid in Ape Neen | Pa re Laer ne Last Dividends dy 5 | ¢ | | | he ht in 1892. | _ able. 1889/1883 1884/1885 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890/1801 = 2 = Sat ; ats Aor 1 [Atlantic aaah EO, Renee te oh acta Jsesees|eroeee(10 [12 [12 |. 34 | J. & Je, each 8, oy NCLCULURAIN Se ottce cases eeky Bi-M. | 7%| 9 /10 |10 /18 |16 125. |25 135 150 200% |To Sept., ine., 30.| 9g 3 (COMTINGN Gals wey ake oot eva ecnetl cae bel eee et ae ea eee [eaeee ewe ae lisesi Ipesecr iss Levciasbeesets None. 3 Ay | ATINGTS Ave occts ce teacaes BQ. (20) 1205420 1200 20.120) 195" Osa ton sos 220: 0, M10, Ars 4 > AELOT GO tore eh aces Nee Aa eas Pres) ec tee Cote 2 a ic2 a ae! 110 /10 /10 | 30 |F.,.M.&A.,ea.2%| § 6 \Knickerbocker......... AE Ca yerl eittee Vitra QPPases alten avin one teks telicee eta mee hea 3 3 | J. &J., each 3. yy Hlamivattam se. cccee i Je & BU ieee [ecisoel enesamh ieee Be call ee Ah tetas [ct [essere seeees Fausle Mates J. & J., each 246)\ aaa S| Mercantile ede | | St SPS Cie ad a ero 2 | J.& Le each 5. 8 9 |Metropolitan ............ | se, lssirsleneomefececst 6 L6e| 6 | (18 "| Jog euOh amma 10 |N. Y. Guar. & Indem | eewraNl cocstn linueenel han lesecuel ceeney lees liver leeadehl eencces None. 10 11 (N, Y. LifeIns. &'Trst.) J. & D.125 | |25 725. 25. 195 125) 25. 1O8) 98 15) 950 June 15 11 12 |New York Security...|.........:.:)24.:. eaoeeell tae sctll eter ese oaeeke (eee Lats fe ae eWallevucceiiaecletease None 12 n UES Ain aot: W Md aL roa Me RE tet ares Lata Re |Meat | aie abi Nera sect cote nape ea: None 13 Mr Stats. oceastee ere sates ke RL GeeASH ech h eeteal Secchi anne el eee aoe (aaa ee iN onesalWeceseouaes te F. & A., each 3.| 14 15 |Title Guarantee........ ene tal ilies tool taaerer| aoe oelNiaee catenins asad Leones Heche |5 | 5 10 | J. &J.; each3. | 15 TGS Uno nye. seks ae ae JQ): | TA $4%/10 |10 |12 {15 419 |20 |20 {20 144 |J.&A.&J.&0.,e.5, 16 AT IU: S.Tran stay cr. v.cccehpedeasdebveel teteige Ineese sj ates tel naePeiie otek Ree al: Ply | ses fa deep Leecienaeie Not furnished. | 17 18 |United States...........: pete Abs ID, 50 25) 125.125 O65 (25) | Zee Donan 2s 240 Jad2 oy Joos 18 AO: | WAS DS OI) uc. aid vapultntak ome cee lag etae eels entries Paaleeks rae ie | eteesd bataet its near ss None. 19 BROOKLYN aL (Brooklyn iene cceees. ea) geal ee ec iaeaee (10. {10 (10 {10 [11 [13 {16 [18 OSI 7 & A. & J., 5. 1 Q-|Pranklin .0. cess. Tsk peu dneen Pts GeO ew! 6.18 | 14 SG&A. &S.60,0.2| 2 ON ELAIIAT OM, Sivta peace astcs tbe ation ool amie Lace SelfetiaRie | ree Mert ners oe [srg sezeee eseeteee | State of Maryland. z.c::... 100,000 103,000 Counties in this state ...... 1,000 1,170 | State of Delaware........... 250,000 255,000 Towns in this state ........ 49,000 51,830 State of Indiana... 700,000 717,000 Villages in this state...... 30,400 31,240 State of. New Hampshire 31,100 37,022 PICNOOMGISEFIES. scaereeaveres 30,000 31,750 | State of Massachusetts.. 757,000 827,530 Cost, $272,947. STU Manoa) eS Att tS es (Acenac sare: 9,012,500 10,279,900 242,710 261,885 | Counties in this state..... 579,000 610,140 : Cost, $35,043,518. an ee The Bank for Savings. 31,474,600 36,068,935 Wnited States vicctccssenes: 18,000,000 21,226,725 | ’ District of Columbia....... 650,000 734,500 Broadway Savings Institution. State of New York......... 1,400,000 1,428,000 | State of Massachusetts... 3,000,000 3,000,000 | State of Maryland.......... 30,000 30,000 state of Ohi0 |... issrscesses <> 2 500,000 | 500,000; \Citles im this state: ike us 1,802,857 1,920,437 State of Connecticut....... 25,000 25,000 | Towns in this state ........ 21,355 21,355 Cities in this state ......... 5,707,700 6,388,080 | Villages in this state ...... III,O0OO ~—III,000 Cost, $32,622,220. —_—_—- Cost, $2,161,834. —_— ——— 29,282,700 33,302,305 ; 1,965,212 2,082,792 Brooklyn Savings Bank. Par, WPOTECLY SEALES sor dessenee sos $10, 100,000 District of Columbia...... 1,000,000 BARRE OO aig veriesavaa cies es 260,000 State of New Hampshire 34,000 State of Rhode Island...... 100,000 State of Missouri........... 819,000 State of Massachusetts... 1,327,000 >tate of Kentucky.......... 400,000 State of Maryland.......... » 100,000 - State of Maine...:..... 6.003 100,000 Cities in this state. .....:... 6,713,000 Counties in this state...... 693,858 Cost, $23,693,408. 21,646,858 Bushwick Savings Bank. State of Missouri........... 16,000 state Of Kansas.....,....... 4,000 Cities in this state......... .. 79,200 Counties in this state...... 10,000 Towns in this state......... 56,000 Villages in this state...... 36,000 Cost, $213,019. — 201,200 Citizens’ Savings Bank. PICO COLALCS ce55s 0s cress ses 500,000 District of Columbia...... 300,000 State of Massachusetts... 213,885 State of Delaware.......... 20,000 State of Maryland.......... 100,000 EAL OION METAS ve cwes sce .vissc 164,500 State of Missouri............ 4,000 Stare Of indiana +s... 0.50: 185,000 State of Kansds.............. 292,518 State of Nebraska ...,....: 32,000 State of North Dakota... 535,173 State of South Dakota... 517,600 State of Washington...... 270,000 IEE OUs EL OAINIO sasdscucuss ovey 50,000 Stare of Colorado........... 50,000 Cities in this state.......... 1,957,092 Counties in this state....... 957,000 Cost, $6,148,768. ood 6,148,768 City Savings Bank. State of Colorado........... 7,429 State of Washington ..... 53304 Cities in this state......... i 14,000 Towns in this state......... 31;000 Villages in this state....... 11,500 MeSCHOGIICIStYICt ......001...0% 14,100 Cost, $90,679. See 83,334 497 Market. 11,816,000 | 1,120,000 © 260,000 | 38,420 105,000 850,900 T, 337,560 440,000 104,000 100,000 714595335 | 726,678 24,348,893 | 16,045 4,060 82,093 10,200 58,665 37770 | 208 833 585,000 | 345,000 232,065 20,400 101,000 180,782 4,240 185,000 316,105 | 38,400 | 576,207 ° 549,731 270,000 99;509 | 50,000 2,071,922 | 994,820 _ 6,580,174 79429 Dime Savings Bank, of Brooklyn. 2,340,000 © 840,000 | ILE OLALES. ocones see seocenen 2,000,000 tate Of Indiana.....:....00 840,000 State of Connecticut...... 500,000 State of Missouri........... 1,000,000 = State of Kansas...........+. 5,743 Cities in this State.......... 3,916,000 Counties in this state...... 530,000 Towns in this state........ 646,000 Cost, $9,658,268. 934375743 Dime Savings burgh. ‘ United States bonds...... : 25,000 Cities in this state.......... 440,100 500,000 1,000,000 | 59743 4,265,880 530,000 721,820 10,203,443 Bank of Williams- 29,250 | 929,273 | Par Market, Counties in this state...... $10,000 = $10,264 Towns in this state......... 30,900 39,734 Cost, $634,394. : a 506,000 608,521 Dollar Savings Bank. Nostocks or bonds. Dry Dock Savings Institution. MALO Statist es ckss cies ss 1,122,000 1,303,560 State of Connecticut...... 60,000 61,800 State On Incianac’..ssae: 588,000 588,000 State of Massachusetts... 5,000 5,150 State of Missouri............ 400,000 400,000 Citiesin thisistate, ........ 5,269,000 5,752,790 Counties in this state...... 877,500 885,450 Towns in this state........ 7,000 7,000 8,328,500 9,003,750 Cost, $9,134,844. Hast Brooklyn Savings Bank. Unitedi Statesadsc.siagscs 100,000 ~—-118,450 State. of Missouricas........5 50,000 51,250 State of Delaware......... 50,000 51,500 States Oboe Magia fide... 50,000 50,000 Cities in this state......... 435,000 493,125 Counties in this state...... 142,000 146,000 Villages in this state...... 27,000 27,750 Sehool districts 2.0... 0.353; 19,000 19,570 Cost, $917,927. Tra ih rae 73,000 957,645 East New York Savings Bank. Cities in this state........... 117,800 134,581 Counties in this state...... 5, 500 6,380 Towns in this state......... 12,409 13,069 Villages in this state...... g0,000 97,500 Cost, $264,319. a 225,799 = 251,530 East River Savings Institution. United! Statesiysn.. «+. ccs) 2,285,000! 2,670,050 State of Missouri............ 174,000 174,000 state of Indiana........... 300,000 = 300,000 Cities in this state.......... 709,800 759,634 3,468,800 3,903,684 Cost, $3,640,991. Emigrant Industrial Savings Bank. United States sit. scsceren ss. 3,002,000 (3,495,775 State of Connecticut...... 10,000 10,000 State of Delaware ......... 72,000 73,850 State.of Indiana:......;.... 500,000 500,000 State of Kentucky ......... 83,000 89,640 State of Maryland .......... 1,325,000 1,327,950 State of Massachusetts... 391,500 405,160 State at Missouri.. -....0.- 414,000 414,005 State of New Hampshire 95,600 I11,037 Cities in this state ......... 12,135,400 13,975, 161 Counties in this state...... 734,000 744,080 18,762,500 21,146,703 Cost, $21,562,155. Excelsior Savings Bank. WRITER States. nucacs'coasseees 10,000 11,625 State of Maryland ......... 50,000 50,250 State Of Texas 5, icc scees g,000 9,073 Cities in this state ......... 81,261 90,432 Towns in this state......... 82,600 92,113 Villages in this state...... 46,800 51,083 SENOOUCUSLEICE saps svaihes 25,000 26,000 Cost, $334,300. Sart maT 304,661 330,578 ‘ts 498 Franklin Savings Bank. Harlem Savings Bank. Pars Market. Par, Market. United. States ii. .isiccdeeere $275,000. $319,000 | United Statesi..7..:. asses $130,100 $149,817 State of Missouri............ 100,000 "100,000 | State‘of Texas?..i...J.cJs58 39,000 48,490 State of Connecticut ...... 50,000 51,000 | State of Missouri........... 14,000 14,280 Cities in this state.........., 1,729,791 2,045,063 | Cities in this state........... 1,012,500 1,336,235 Counties in this state...... 375,000 446,000 | Counties in this state...... 232,000 244,440 Cost, $2,836,943. —-. ——— | Towns in this state.......... 162,834 182,310 2,529,791 2,961,063 | Villages in this state....... 246,300 267,028 German Savings Bank, in the City of School district ossirce tava 78,740 82,542 New York: | Cost,’ $2,265,738. — -— United Statesicncs ie. .0.6s 2,189,000 2,541,340 | TOS A7e 213200 State Of Texte nee cc, gelgoo 384.408 Institution for the Savings of Mer- State of Indiana............ 1,575,000 1,577,000 Chants’ Clerks. State of Maryland ......... 1,600,222 1,602,722 United States................. 700,000 825,125 Sratewls OhlOsis nahn cecrtss 225,000, 225,000 | State of Maine nicest 105,000 105,262 State of Massachusetts... 931,643. 965,628 State of Massachusetts... 400,000 405,458 State Ol-Maine, cicdscrsatsas 250,000 250,000 | State of Maryland........... 200,000 204,250 State of New Jersey ...... 140,000 160,514 , State of Connecticut....... 110,000 ~=—- 110,825 State of Minnesota......... 600,000. ~ -603,000 |. ; State. of Ohio 0.0.02. scare 100,000 ~—I0I,500 WitieéS:in' this*state .ces..25 200,541 BIOJ2o1.| -State of Indianayaan..n. 35,000 35,262 Cost, $8,997,863. —_—_—_ ——_——-_ Cities in this state.......... 332,200 349,265 8,682,306 9,182,526 Counties in vee states... 476,000 487,602 : Cost, $2,650, 239. wa German Savings Bank, of BA A be 2,458,200 2,624,852 District of Columbia...... 100,000 ~=—-I17,500 State:of Maines. 4 o73.:24.. 50,000 50,500 | Irving Savings Institution. State of New Hampshire 31,200 345230 | United Stat é ae State of Massachusetts... 10,000 10,550 | Gtate of ee Fuapsoe oem atee pee 2,100,000 2,45" State of Indiana............ 50,000 50,000 Citi ey Phas cetat aneaes sara LO ene Sen oe State of Missouri............ 4,000 4,265 | Ce piel ira 2 hi BUS suarsscese aes a State of Nebraska.......... 50,000 51,250 | Sean a oe EMS tr 107,000 © 1/33 State of Colorado.cinceseau. 25,212 25,252 ost, $3,384,042. iz oe Cities in this state.......... 874,500 958,745 | 2,997,000 3,494,030 Counties in this state...... 152,200 156,380 | Towns in this state......... 28,100 28,100 | Kings County Savings Institution. Cost, $1,453,907. SRST Oe | United’ Stateex.oc.acecercs 200,000 233,000 1,375,212 1,486,732 | State of Missouri... ....... 200,000 200,200 Germania Savings Bank, Kings Co. Cities in this state. ......... 854,100 917,284 i Counties in this state...... 327,000 335,096 United States s.r 50,500 59,085 Towns in this state......... 2,000 2,101 Cities in this state.......... 309,000 326,780 Cost, $1,688,172 ini AE Counties in this state ...... 200 200 | ea a 7 -e82sr00) 1.68 Towns in this state......... 32,500 33,810 | 9993s bees illa in this state ...... 136,00 I 20 | Ser airioe pea fis #2 aahiss | Manhattan Savings Institution. Cost, $629,398. —_——- ——__ United States................. 600,000 702,000 575,700 625,004 Cities in this state.......... 600,000 612,000 The Greenpoint Savings Bank. | Vener a ens pa eric 2.9 State of Kansas....-:....-+-1 30,000 36,600 oe ase 1,202,500 1,316,500 Cities in this state.......... 693,900 786,575 | : Towns in this state......... 47,352 47,899 | g : Villages in this state...... 125,000 a | Metropolitan Savings Bank. Cost, $990,479. pe ee) District of Columpiate., 100,000 II0,000 896,252 998,834 State of Massachusetts... 374,500 374,500 Greenwich Savings Bank. State of Missouri.........0+6 3,000 3,000 ; | State of New Hampshire. 6,000 6,000 United States... 4,895,0CO 5,625,970 | State of Maryland. ........- 10,000 10,000 District of Columbia ..... 239,300 263,879 Cities in this state.........+. 890,000 909,240 New York State..........++ 1,800 1,863 Counties in this state...... 225,000 235,500 State of New Hampshire 302,500 334,548 Cost, $1,737,972 wo XS eee De State of Massachusetts... 1,152,788 1,199,373 | 7 aes 1,608,500 1,648,240 State of Rhode Island.... 271,000 283,060 | pores ak oe State of Connecticut........ 272,000 277,868 | : State Gf Ohid.wiici centers 400,000 400,312 | New York Savings Bank. etate’of Indiana 7y..c0 s-nc0s 300,000 300,360 | United States.......ceercrere 462,000 540,040 State of Missouri............ 302,000 304,989 | State of Missouri............ 24,000 25,620 State of Pennsylvania..... 60,000 63,078 | State of Delaware.......... 50,000 50,000 State of Delaware.......... 83,000 83,000 | State of Massachusetts... 23,000 23,920 State of Maryland.......... 150,000 150,000 | Cities in this state.......... 2,013,300 2,672,895 Cities in this state.......... 3,159,700 3,679,192 | Counties in this state...... 168,000 200,980 Counties in this state...... 599,000 604,591 | Towns in this state........ 67,100 75,510 Cost, $13,505,045. —_—- — Cost, $3,236,884. ———_ —_-—— 12,188,088 13,572,087 © 2,807,400 3,588,965 499 North River Savings Bank. Par. Market. Par. Market. State of Massachusetts... $24,332 $24,495 United States ....... ........ $450,000 $526,500 | State of South Dakota..... 125,000 125,000 State of Missouri............ 100,000 103,000 | Cities in this state............ 1,097,700 1,292,248 Cities in this state ......... 580,000 616,610 | Counties in this state ..... 302,000 375,020 Cost, $1,189,736. a ry Tages ee Towns in this State@cse.iccc 689,572 714,639 1,130,000 1,246,110 | Villages in this state........ 270,500 277,806 Cost, $3,871,286. Seamen’s Bank for Savings. 3,409,104 3,806,460 United States.................14,660,000 17,02%,741 : State of Massachusetts... 800,000 827,584 United States Savings Bank. State of New Hampshire 7,500 9,436 : z State of Indiana ............ 40,000 40,000 United StateS...ssreeererees 18,000 20,556 Graterof Rhode Island... 300,000 319,375 State of Indiana. .........0 5,000 5,025 State of Missouri............ 513,000 514,085 | State of Maryland.......... 23008 S099 Cities in this state ......... 5,818,533 6,582,671 | Cities in this state... a 1,44. Counties in this state...... 398,000 408,115 Towns in this State... »-++4 #3009 2,097 Cost, $24,485,814. ; ” * | Villages in this state ...... 7,000 7,280 22,537,033 26,000,008 School district si. .<-s. aes 5,000 5718 Cost, $59,470. Lo IFS wr. South Brooklyn Savings Institution. 54500 59,045 PILE TALES. «noes vapsccce 2,300,000 2,668,000 i : : District of Columbia ...... 500,000 560,000 West Side Savings Bank. State of Indiana ............ 300,000 294,000 | Cities in this state........... 57,000 61,458 State of Maryland. ........ 300,000 = 300,000 | Towns in this state......... 90,000 99,950 State of Missouri teste ee eees 400,000 400,000 | Villages in this state ...... 29,000 31,518 Cities in this state........... 2,765,000 3,243,830 | School district bonds...... 31,000 31,260 Counties in this state...... 852,500 860,710 Cost, $221,871. = pari. Villages in this state........ 15,000 15,000 207,000 224,217 Cost, $7,783,245. are 7,432,500 8,341,540 Williamsburgh Savings Bank. Twelfth Ward Savings Bank, Pe United, States.caycctee) See tate of New Jersey....:... g,000 10,215 57,800 65,820 | State of Connecticut...... I,000,000 1,027,500 : A ‘ 5 ‘ Cities in this state........... ,731,600 I1,716,2 Union Dime Savings Institution. Counties in this state...... free 7468 889 BAPE! ALES cons vxcxenntan< 500,000 585,000 | Towns in this state......... II0,000 ~=I10,000 State of Connecticut........ 200,000 207,000 | Cost, $18,115,200. a state of Missouri...... ..... 200,000 205,250 16,747,200 19,349,092 TRUST COMPANIES OF NEW YORK CITY AND BROOKLYN, JANUARY 1, 1892. Atlantic Trust Company. | Par Market. Par. Market. Northwest 25 years deb... $20,000 $21,000 PVOW VY OLE. CITY .022..025 ctivens $340,000 $337,450 | Ind.,Blm. & West. 1st pfd. 2,000 2,300 N.Y.& H.RR.Co.,400 shs. 20,000 50,000 | Wabash RR. Co. Ist....... 56,000 57,820 Rees hs i ees He RR | N. Pacific Terminal rst... 25,000 27,125 Been CSAC) GHSG Locereseexavted 24,000 54,000 : Oregon RW. & Nav. Co... 50,000 47,000 Cost, $426,375. —_—— ———- || Nashville, Chatt. & St. L. 384,000 441,450 | Ist (Bon air branch)... 25,000 27,500 | Atlantic & Pac. g. mtge... 25,000 18,750 < Rimes Coed Tee St. taay 50,000 50,000 Brooklyn Trust Company. Lehigh & W.-Barre mtge. 15,000 14,250 PAIR SLATES ccc ek sss 00s 05s 1,000,000 1,170,000 | Atch., Top. & St. Fé inc. 49,000 36,850 City of Brklyn. pub. mkt. 500,000 503,050 Tol. & Ohio Cen. Car Tr. 23,000 23,000 New York & Brklyn. bdg. 50,000 50,000 | Pitts. & West. rst gold... 33,000 27,555 Ohio & West Va. Ist....... 40,000 47,200 | Union Ferry Co. Ist........ 50,000 46,000 Minn. & St. L. im. & ea. 25,000 17,500 | Atch., Topeka & St..Fé Western Transit Co........ 50,000 51,000 Guarantee Trust notes. 100,000 100,000 ier al (W.c M.) Ist... 25,000 26,375) Nor. Pacific: Con: L. Gis. 58,000 46,400 ' Poi HH. Vallev 2d.....::. 10,000 10,000 | N.Y., Me. & N. Bruns. rst. 43,000 20,640 Peo., Dec. & Evansville Cost, $2,294,078. —_——_ -—_—- (Evansville div.) Ist..... 25,000 26,750 2,349,000 2,468,065 32 Central Trust Co. N. Y. city armory bond... N. Y. city Harlem bridge N. Y. city dock bond...... IN? Y.\city new park.....8 Elmira, Cortland and N. RR. ist pref. bonds, San Antonio and Aran. Pass. RW. ist bonds.... Municipal Gas Co. of Al- DAILY se SEOCK cavsvaretassecsae Cost, $3,255,800. Par. $250,000 500 Market. 350,000 $1,111,000 500,000 2,000,000 100,000 222,000 15,000 31437 ,000 Continental Trust Co. District of Columbia...... N. Y. city ad. water stock N. Y. city dock bonds..... N. Y. city consolidated.... Lansing Cy. RW.Co. bds. Lansing Cy. RW.Co. bds. Lansing Cy. RW.Co. bds. Lansing City RW. Co. stock, 450 shares. ....... Cost, $542,505. 250,000 75,000 75,000 52,000 50,000 50,000 118,000 45,000 715,000 Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. TnitedesStatesrcw-csatesee Second Avenue RR....... Cons. Gas Co. deben...... New Vor ‘City sdeccstes saves Chi. Bur. and Q.RR. con. TerreHaute and Ind.RR. Consolidated Gas Co....... Cost, $3,905,244. Hranklin Trust Co. United States bonds...... Brooklyn city bonds...... Chicago, St. Louis, and PaducahibondsSitercs. 4,800 1,156,828 50,000 100,000 273,900 50,000 8,680 10,100 492,686 TO, hes 147,000 75,000 | 109,755 | 45,000 22,300 | 105,165 51,500 23,100 | 353775 80,000 51,500 20,500 13,000 1,508,720 Long Island Loan and Trust Co. MULES OTALCS.c ccs .ncccecng re 500,000 New York, Brooklyn and Manhattan Beach RR... 20,000 Louisiana & Mo.Riv. RR. 10,000 Pittsburgh Junc. RR. Co. 25,000 Rome, Watrtn. & Og.RR. 17,000 Chicago & St. Louis RR.. 10,000 Mar., Hough. & Ont. RR. 5,000 Laclede Gas-light Co...... 50,000 Norfolk Southern RR...... 25,000 Montana Central RR ...... 25,000 Phila. and Reading RR... 25,000 Ci Rock 1. Pac. RR, 15,000 Chi., Burl. & Quincy RR. 10,000 Brooklyn City RR. Co.... 25,000 Brdwy. RR. Co., Brklyn. 30,000 Citizens’ Gas-light Co...... 40,000 Fulton Municip. Gas Co.. 20,000 Nassau Gas-light Co. crts. 3,000 People’s Gas-light Co...... 10,000 Wmsburgh. Gas-light Co. 25,000 Gnd. St. & Newtown RR. 25,000 masnwick RR. Co..,....:.+ 58,000 Knickerbocker Ice Co..... 20,000 Equitable Gas-light Co... 20,000 Py. Cuba Mail SS. Co... 18,000 Jersey City (Old Bergen) 25,000 jersey City water............ 25,000 Cost, $1,173,582. 582,500 20,000 11,600 28,500 | 18,360 11,400 5)250 41,000 23,759 24,250 21,250 14,400 10,000 26,250 30,000 40,000 20,000 | 3,000 10,000 26,250 25,000 58,000 20,000 20,600 18,000 29,759 29,750 1,081,000 1,168,860 Manhattan Trust Co. Wnlted Statesiin.....ccsts. Ramsey co., Minn., bds... City of Rich., Va., bonds, Grattan twnsp, Neb., bds. Flint & Pere Marq., P. H. Leh. & Wilkesb. Coal Co. Chi., Burling. & Quincy.. Lond. & N. Y. Inv. Corp. Nat. Starch Mfg. Co., 1sts Nat. Starch Mfg. Co., 1st Jeet Sy eal aval .< coedesces 61,100 Del., Lack. and Western RRe Co pStOck iis edie. 50,000 Chi. and Northwestern RAVE COSSItOCKS «ice essa. 20,000 Syracuse, Bing. and N. Woe Pies COMSCOCK adam ued 19,100 Market. $8, 300 114,085 27 »509 54,000 30,250 73,170 54,509 23,000 54,500 66,150 27,002 22,625 5925 29,000 28,800 7479 5,206 10,550 10,550 15,937 27,600 103,325 38,430 112,500 1,130 168,000 234,250 27,120 17,000 21,800 18,637 23,250 93,000 751458 69,562 28,550 26,740 Cleve., Cin., Chi. and St. Louis RW. Co. stock... Met. Nat. Bk. stock (in ligiiitiation) Beste meen Amer. Ex. Nat. Bk. stk.. The West. Nat. Bk. of the Cityor Nay. Gtk... The Bank of America stk. Cons. Gas Co. of N. Y. West. Un. Tel. Co. stk... Cen. Trust Co. stock...... Home Insurance Co. United States bonds........ Dist. of Coiumbia bonds Mississippi bonds........... State of Georgia bonds... New York city bonds.. City of Richmond, Va., DOMAS astyaeWeeies castaciey Topeka city, Rn bonds City of Council Bluffs, Ia., DOTS 4; red qbhosonyeans Nebraska City, Neb. ,bds. Kansas City, Kan., bds.. City of Greeley, Col., bds. Atchison, Kan., bonds.... NOY 7 Bae sh N. a Chic. S. Sti LR! (50, bonds alien tees aE Diy Co Sibi a Ry RR Das. New York and Harlem bonds Hero tings Me ccce eens (Con DONUG ie sackerss teense Peo., Dec. and Evansv. RW. Co. bds. (Evansv. div.) CorcaC. slick Re bdse., Louisv., N. Alb. & Chic. COCO ECE Co eeeeers coreeece West Shore RW. bonds.. Albemarle & Ches. Canal Co.pbondsecccteeceateeee Toledo, Ann Arbor & G. Trunk RW. Co. bonds. Jeff., Mad. & Ind. RR. Or, DUS WSiel) aneraecace Tol., Ann Arb. and Cad. RW. CO.“bdsk Bane ah Dun., War. & Pitts. RW Combondss i alawk wie Chic., St. P., Minn. and Omaha RW. Co. bds... Alab. Cen. RR. bonds..... Louisy., Stzi ands Tex. RW. Co. bondsir. since Sav. & West. RR. Co. DONS seaceestad erocetpeseswacs Vir. Mid. RW. Co. bonds Iowa Cen. RW. Co. bds.. Des M. Waterworks Co. of Iowa bonds...... ....6 Denver Water Co. bonds Streator, Ill., Aque. Co. Inontla Sicdicc gee eee eae F. W. & Jackson RR. Co. stock Chici Co. bds:..... Missoula Co., M. T., bds. BES: Illuminat. Cot bds. Lake Gas Co., Chi., bds. Leh. & W.-B. C. Co. bds.. Bklyn City RR. Co. bds. Board of Trade, Chi., ctf. Bklyn City RR. Co. stk... Cent. Park, N. & E. R. RRO, N. Ne. stk<. Dry Dock, E. Bdy & Bat- tery RR. (SOs Sto isseesesa N.Y & Har. RR. Co. stk. Met. Nat. Bk., N. Y. stk. Amer. Ex. Bk., IN. Yost. Nat. Shoe and Leath. Bk., St: Nich. Blew ING Y<. Nat. Bk. of the Rep. j N. ie, Stk... Nat. Bk. ofCom.., 'N. ‘vi ‘stk. 4th Nat. Bk., N. Vas stk. Mercantile Nat. Bank, Ni Nat. Park Bk., N.Y., stk. Chat. Nat. Bk., N.Y.,stk. Commer. Bk., Bklyn, "stk. Mech’ ics’ Bk. ’Bklyn, stk. Nat. City Bk., Bklyn, stk. Nat. Bk. of Ill., Chi., bds. Par $215,000 200,000 113,700 148,300 17,000 10,000 10,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 10,000 15,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 25,000 13,000 25,000 37,000 12,000 25,000 50,000 25,000 10,000 2,700 5,500 20,000 5,000 25,000 18,500 30,000 5,000 30,000 28,600 8,700 20,000 10,000 20,000 511 Market. $252,930 220,000 121,659 160, 164 17,000 10,100 10,700 50,000 27,125 28,250 10,700 | 15,600 | 30,900 43,000 50,000 99,500 27,000 26,000 25,750 25,000 50,000 | 22,500 | 25,250 13,000 28,000 41,070 13,200 25,500 | 51,000 27,500 10,550 2,700 9,359 | 24,000 6,300 — 67,500 | 1,480 45,600 | 79759 371500 51,480 16,312 34,400 22,500 62,000 33,915 7,680 55,080 28,160 21,600 1,742,675 2,094,255 Prudential Fire Association, of New York. New York city bonds...... Albany & Susq. RR. stk.. West Shore RR. bonds... N. Y., Lack. & Western RGR StOCkmecerta access cces National Bank of the Republic stock............ Shoe and Leather Natl. BaMKeStOG ers. ceaciec eee. see American Exch. National BAI SEOC ere cosnccl sane Queen Insurance Co, United States bonds.. ..... Dist. of Columbia bonds, New York & Harlem RR. COMO CMa ies pect petcins oc Nv ¥.. Lack: PER SUICK vacasetess carsetess Rome, Watertown and Ogdensbg. RR. stk...... Pittsburgh, Ft. Wayne & IC eC StOCR. nasescee SEO) Caer eaten ees ten con's New York city bonds..... Farmers’ Loan & Trust RR. Onl Gutnstecuet trees ICRC OWS cs dsreddsticcceds North Wis. RR. bonds... Chicago, Bur. & Quincy Re OUMGS eos ase ican aeee Chicago, Bur. & Q. (Iowa Cigar i Rey DONS ..:.0050. Chicago, Rock Island and arate hae DOTS... 140182000 Fremont, Elkhorn & Mo. Chick Milpcast.P: ¢Du- buque div.) RR. bds.. Chit., Mil..& St. P. (Chi. & Pac. W. div.) RR. PROCS ee te odess Maciel eree Chiesa St. Pe CWis: & Minn. div.) RR.bds. Chi., Mil. & St. P. (Hast- ings & Dak. div.) RR. bonds.. Chi., Mil. & St. i. (Chi. & Mo. div.) RR. bds.. Chi. & Northwestern RR. PINGS fi se eee aos Fak indeed Balto. & O. RR. bonds.. Penna. Co. RR. ponds i. Morris & Essex RR. bds. Mich. Cent. RR. bonds... Cs RE ots Jo RR. dds; Lake Shore and Mich. Southern RR. bonds... Canada Southn. RR. bds. Chics cSt P.,. Minn: and Omaha RR. bonds...... Albany & Susq. RR. bds. Det. & Bay City RR. bds. Northern Pac. RR. bds... 20,000 20,000 5,000 1,700 5,000 101,700 540,000 270,000 2,500 27,300 26,700 95,000 26,000 70,000 200,000 10,000 200,000 10,000 30,000 25,000 15,000 35,000 10,000 10,000 18,000 33,000 15,000 30,000 50,000 10,000 50,000 110,000 43,000 80,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 20,000 46,000 Market. $30,150 33,000. 20,600 21,800 5,750 2,600 7500 124,400 , of America. 629,575 306, 192 6,269 60,818 106,135 40,122 100,150 198,938 71,600 230,000 Pats Louisville and Nashville R.ReONdS 3.50.4, san veces $15,000 Evansville and Indian- apolis RR. bonds......... 25,000 Lake Shore RR. bonds... 15,000 Ohio & Miss. RR. bds.... 7,000 Consolidated Gas Co. of New York bonds......... 20,000 2,289,500 Rutger’s Fire Insurance Co. > United States bonds....... 50,000 INDY..C. & HORIRRiCo.stk: 50,000 Del. Lac.& W.RR.Co.stk. 30,000 Del. & Hud. Can. Co.stk. 40,000 Con. Gas Co.,of N.Y.stk. 30,000 Long Island RR. Co.stk. 2,500 irdn’s. iN. Be N.Y. stk: 7,480 N.Y. Elev..RR. Co, bond; 1,000 210,980 Standard Fire Insurance Co. United States bonds....... 140,000 N.Y. city school bonds... 100,000 N. Y. cons. gas stock...... 25,000 N. Y. Mutual gas stock... 10,000 Nay 'Chi.é5.L. RR bds. II,000 286,000 Sterling Fire Insurance Co. United States bonds... ... 10,000 Stuyvesant Insurance Co. New York city bonds...... 102,000 N.Y. .Cent) &' Hud. Riv: RR Co, Stock foie. 60,000 Lake Shore & Mich. So. Fetes (20. StOCIEIG i aiuitses 30,000 Central RR. Co. stock.... 20,000 212,000 592 Market. $16,562 | 2,693,428 57,500 57,750 41,550 49,200 31,425 2,425 7,480 I,150 248,480 | 163,800 103,000 25,000 | 12,200 10,450 3153450 II,700 104,040 69,750 36,900 6,700 217,390 United States Fire Insurance Co. United States bonds....... 5,000 5,850 Rensselaer & Saratoga BURY StOGK Mis tececseuscshores 15,000 25,500 NeYoCe se taRi Rist 45,000 52,308 65,000 83,718 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES OF NEW YORK CITY AND Westchester Fire Insurance Co. United States bonds....... New York city bonds...... Richmond city, Va., bds. Cent. Pacific RR. bonds.. Richmond & Danville RR. DOnNGSisesaccats soccer RREEDONGS esha: coe meres Housatonic RR. bonds... Chi., B. & QO. RR. bonds Phila. & Read. RR. bds. Atch., Topeka & Santa PéR Re bonds. .sec ne Albany & Susq. RR. stk. Harlem RR. stock......... RERaSbOC ei orien aeecen Long Island RR. stock... N-Y,-Cent. RR stock... Cons. Gas Co’s stock... Par. $75,000 100,000 15,000 25,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 25,000 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 Market. $88,000 , 102,000 ‘15,600 25,000 22,600 18,200 21,000 18,000 21,500 17,000 68,000 156,000 88,000 838,200 Williamsburgh City Fire Insurance Co. United States bonds....... Richmond, Va., bonds.... (SOOT SIA DONAS (Genes ste cetes Calv. Cemetery, Gnpt. & Brooklyn RR. Co. bds.. L.I. Bk. of Brooklynstk.. First Nat. B. of B’lyn stk. People’s Gas-light Co. of Brooklyn stock.........06. Metropn. Gas-light Co. of Brooklynrstock3... tse D. Dock, E. B’way & Bty. RR. Co. of N. Y. stock. D. Dock, E. B’way & Bty. KR. CO. OnIN NY oScrip.. Cent.’ Park, Ne E, Riv. RR. Co. of N. Y. stock. Kings County Trust Co. of Brooklyn stock........ Brooklyn City RR. Co. of Brooklyn stoek.cy.; 00s Wsh, ole Cogiaf Ney. stk Forty-second St. & Grand Stil y, RR SCO.stcek.: N. Y.& N.J. Tel, Co, stk: B’lyn & N.Y. FysCo, stk: Brooklyn & N.Y. BROOKLYN, JANUARY 1, 1892. Brooklyn Life Insurance Co. Par} Brooklyn loc. imp........... $100,000 Richmond, Va., mun. 5s.. 10,500 W. Shore, 1st m. RR. 4s... 30,858 - Chi., Bur. & Qui. (Neb. Ex.) 1st mtge. RR. 4s... 38,270 Chi., Mil. & St..P. (Hast. 29,271 & D.) 1st mtge. RR. 5s. Market, $101,875 ITI,000 30,600. 38,700 39,750 Chi Mil SoStePs( Dub div.) ist. mtge. RR. 6s. Chili Ri ie Pact text col.) 1st mtge. RR 5s... Nong Teed s OC a ce es div.) 1st mtge. RR.5s..... N. Pac. (James Riv. Va.) rstemtge. RR. 68, yessse : 24,000 10,000 5,000 1,200 242,120 (Pate $55,525 24,260 30,112 52,500 59759 12,500 29,250 Market. $57,750 25,500 29,550 52,500 Par. N. Pac. (P. d’O. div.) 1st TE FS OG siycensvnie sees $47,000 Piataece W, rst m, RR. 6s: 41,286 Ne racs «to. div.) 1st TEMAS FROM OS rece gcaes ccusst 8,500 Nabace Gd. A. RR.) ist OS A oe 9,830 Chin. Py RR. ist m. 5s. 11,707 490,379 513 Market. $47,823 41,000 8,627 10,250 Le.0a2 498,037 Commercial Alliance Life Insurance 932,200 1,077,500 1,134,360 1,035,000 I,OII,250 | 691,260 1,390,280 741,980 310,800 1,210,000 584,375 301,500 627,500 642,610 179,000 300,625 | 462,500 | Co. No stocks or bonds. Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.S. PPGeee ALES. | 1. 0sc00sc26e 909,000 Pennsylvania 4% S........... 1,019,940 WY CSU IOTE/AS 0562 vicedecss. 1,096,436 Western Union '7S.,.:....... 995,723 Western Union Trust 5s... 1,017,100 IRR ee ties vay pscaces'vece 606,549 BTR yet tries exes sscsnsocceees 332,170 Mh ko ee ah May erick ds Erie Equipment §5s......... 307,050 Petree, OSC, OS. .56:..505 1,157,500 Hannibal & St. Jos. 6s..... 579,482 OPE Ur Or ©). 5S ie. .sceess 294,597 CU Oe OTS codes seen: 597,500 hie bur. 0° O..4S.........:- 688, 370 C., B. & Q. (Neb. div).4s. | 172,000 Ge eiwon(). (la. div: ) 4S... » 328/250 C., B.& Q. (Den. div.)4s. 501,494 TYOPCUWESE 7555 sce ssas cesses 488,207 N. W. Sinking Fund 5s... 508,906 N. W. Debenture 5s........ 2,605,959 NoW. (Tomah div.) 6s... 213,233 N. W. Extension 4s..... .. 1,722,594 Frem., Elkhorn M.V.6s. 610,010 Stare &. (CW. div) ss. -113;259 Sera. Fac. div: os) (242,265 St. P., Wis. & M. div. 5s. 98,014 poe eeaTEe EU. CIV... c<8502 98,278 teen a. GIiV, .6S..06 0008 169,395 St. Paul he, ws! 305,030 Siar. la Crosse & Dav. div. Reteres eantarisy.éondenrsa 239,447 St. Paul 4s.. Fe 276,785 Star; Dak, & Gt. ‘So. 5S. 130,725 Fargo and So. GSi. sacdvesee 281,250 De EAE OS xiecsscecs csndss cas 318,407 MWIARIEODE A542 Sicceassesies eaves 968, 388 NEA He OS veces cea re euninasics sre 651,409 mano tcity oc No. RAE 9s. 124,300 PAC OS, stisassees saccehoes 494,142 IEG IRE ACL GS: caverecsencecceates 218,750 Pac. of Mo. 4s.. seal Met "SA3) 205 Intern. and Gt. No. 68. eae 277,500 Dia WY. SEC.7S c+. csensasces 333,852 PCH UNL Sn yasecseadinncetesaes 1,200,105 Morris and Essex 7s ...... 1,266,209 Mortis and Essex constn. RP acters | aad douse testes 61,375 Bock MAPA BS cise au sareceset 1,572,379 oan Col., Cin. & Ind. RS Set Pe eer L oe 596,114 Pittsb. BRC. dys) Boe SS.ciese0. 210,000 Pittsb. and Wes. 4S........ 198,833 Flint and Pere Mar. 5s..... 100,000 James Riv. Val. 6s .......06 103,817 PPMG EAC OS Joes aein et vv cn ecseaes 1,199,725 Watertn. and Rome 6s... 438,585 (hig et. 1. a N.-O:; 48 5. 490,000 Cent. Park, No. and E. River 7s ewer wees reer reeeee 544,880 | 557)500 | 2,740,695 224,000 1,728,000 610,000 | 127,440 © 272,600 | 105,500 103,750 | 180,000 | 387,000 238,680 267,750 144,900 275,000 359,250 980,000 713,710 120,910 5323500 206,250 | 247,500 | 292,812 339,190 1,169,600 61,250 | 1,529,132 637,500 200,G00 209,375 100,000 107,500 1,232,150 479,311 480,000 57,500 Tin AAD at Lh 7S svete. oes Alton and Terre H. 73..... South Ferry RR. 5S........ Cin ind sot. ba & Chi. ASIe boncncametasbel wceatne nes Peoria and Pekin Un. 6s.. Cedar F. and Minn. 7s... Cedar F. and Minn. 6s... Minn. and St. L. Nouv Lack) andi Wiss, . Nowy he CNLEAT SS. secu geus CHESHANCIG)S S6le es. cevesnace Oregon RW. & Nav. 5s... PORaS ANGE ACES: J... :.ns0 Mo., Kan. and Tex. 4s... Brook. and Newtown 5s.. Lake Sh. & Mich. Sou. 7s Wit Sinial NEw 3Sicwncccaces MiSSISSIPDILAS vi se.schae: hess TWligaeth 249%. cissts se retsas’ Tomi ille YS 24 Fei. eae: aceon) STelCOUIS: 080.200 45 crest aes: as Nema t OG 0d cosa evess westcacey KOABNCY) PSicetiesnecesansicties SP GPOR LO 14 Sarcaceac sees tencencsc see eseee PWLOMUITEAICHS RicsetA tanatcres Laclede Gas-light Co. 5s. Stand.Gas Cow5S. i .csses Wurtemberg gov. bonds. Hungarian gov. rentes... Swedish governmt bds... Cape of G. Hope gov.bds. Swiss government bonds. German governmt bds.... Brazilian govmt. bonds... Italian govmt. rentes...... Russian govmt bonds.... Bank of America stock... Wes. Nat. Bank stock..... Laclede gas pref. stock... Haas RA SCOCW a iiscna seatasact Chika, & Pac RR stk, Del., Lack. and Wes. RR. stock Mercantile Trust Co. stk. Wesson ret stock.%... Chay St, Ps). Minn.-.and Omir ick prem stock j, Consol. gas stock............ Mo. Pacific RR. stock..... Chi and N. W. RR stk... Chi. and N. W. RR: pref. SOG. cre tenrcotecssisuenas ck Clevi Cinsy Chix L.oRR»> pref. stock...... Manhattan RW. stock..... Mo., Kan. and Tex. RR. Pree stocks: setae sce en tere Del. and Hudson Canal SOPEBLOCIE ri Rar es cnwsesd tk Paris, fixed deposits....... London, fixed deposits.... Milan, fixed deposits...... Madrid, fixed deposits... Buenos Ayres, fix. dep... Mexico, fixed deposits.... Cape Town fixed dep...... Chili, fixed deposits....... Peru, fixed deposits........ Aus. and N. Z. fixed dep. USS. banks, fix?) dep.s..:: Rio Janeiro, fixed depos. Sooo eee esee seereee eoeeeses Pare $171,625 187,200 105,Q00 487,500 192,403 129,912 20,000 109,737 69,123° 108,995 6935777 235,000 185,432 749,876 400,000 243,100 II, 371 10,000 355,150 286,500 107,625 267,500 10,000 286,890 194,750 252,439 237500 72,719 92,300 93,914 51,847 19,231 24,368 111,884 209,116 296,245 20,658 338,541 64,225 254,159 1,250,223 798,652 2,078,880 908,970 729,691 675,142 203, 107 345,929 28,125 52,968 1,156,983 490,707 32,084 1,128,986 84,272 75) 000 72,660 40,226 193,972 8,475 995,712 227,500 27,023 Market. $172,500 187,360 105,000 460,000 203,500 103,500 20,300 95,000 76,300 107,750 724,500 215,000 167,000 792,500 410,000 248,880 11,371 10,000 346,280 286,500 115,000 290,000 10,000 286,160 186,200 246,750 252,083 71,436 94,592 87,617 51,691 18,943 23,633 775749 206,921 342,881 24,000 332,321 64,000 261,632 1,214,000 810,750 897,900 977,500 824,900 740,175 189,750 372,000 28, 300 54,500 1,156,400 502,800 37,499 1,046,853 79,298 252,185 67,656 84,272 75,000 72,660 40,226 193,972 8,475 995,712 227,500 27,023 51,467,659 54,302,575 4 Germania Life Insurance Co. Par. Vee fuindingess in ihe k $13,027 Denver, Col.; 6s wts....... 19,600 Lexington, Ky, 4%s....... 46,125 Newark, Nod) 10S ve ace 11,700 Newark, N. J., aqueduct board 7s. A752. WkA sees aes 37,750 Dom. of Canada 4s......... 52,625 Aus. gov. 4s, 44s and 5s. 129,885 Hungarian gov. 4ts....... 46,987 Bavarian QOV. 4S.....+6..0 10,392 SWISS! POV! VAS 3 nese were rcee ag 19,358 Atchs i opyeandis, Fé. RR. Co. 4s and 55....... 34,067 Atch)7;Top,\ and Sse¢ RRC o.( Chisandsst: LOnis ¥ OS eaten vera 23,500 Atlantic Ave. RR. Co. of Brooklyn Ssveteccs0dss- 26,187 Balto. and Ohio RR. Co. coll, trust 5820 .se ce 50,750 Balto. and Ohio RR Co. (Parkersburg Br) 6s..... 4,655 Balto. and Ohio RR Co. (Pitts. and Connel.) 7s. 29,375 Brook. Elevated RR. Co. (Un SElev sj) 0Siis.. for 52,375 Cent. Ohio RR. Co. 4%s. 25,262 Cent. Park N. andE. R. (City) (RR COs ysceene- 48,605 Chi. and Alton RR. Co.6s. 18,019 Chi.-and Alton“RR. Co. CL atrd MOOR. Jiysa ee : 30,340 Chi. and Alton RR Co. ‘Sty, .0 |orand cont. ) se 38,219 Chi., Bur. andQ. RR. Co. Gissranid NA) c7S.cc.s cutee L275 Chi Durand (oa hoc. (Nebraska RW.) 7s.... Chi., Mil. and St. P. RW. CCE Aang Il) 9S sean. s thee Chi., Mil. and-St. P. RW. Co. CH. and BD. y.s5se., Chi. Mil, and St. Pik VW. Co. (Prairie Du Chien) (hi: Mil. and St. P. RW. Co. (St. Pean@wC Ry: div.) 7s Chi. and Northwes. RW. Co. (sinking fund) 7s... Chi. and Northw. RW. Co. (Menominee Ex) 7s. Chi. and Northw. RW. Co. (Meno. River) 7s... Chi. and Northw. RW. Co. (Minn. Valley) 7s.. Chi. and Northw. RW. Co.(Northw. Union) 7s. Chi. and Northw. RW. Co. (Plainview) 7s...... Chi. and Northw. RW. (Roch.and N.Minn.)7s. Chi. and Northw. RW. (Sioux City and PAC.) OSsncrececiaeeeteiee es Chi., R. I. and Pac. RW. CON. 5S asssivest cenpiessseeiens Chi., R. I. and Pac. RW. Co. (Chi. and South- WESLEIN) 7S sscceshen inceress Chi., St. Louis and Pitts. RR. Co. (Chi. and Gt. LOD ee Een te Pe oe SMa coon tte eee 50,050 157,037 221275 4,860 2,430 195,691 514 Market. Chi., St. Louis and Pitts. $18,606 RR. Co. (Coly and In: 19,600 CONS) 075 neces pene 46,125 | Chi, St. P., Minn. and 11,700 Om. RR. Co. (Seer: and Minn.) 68.2).-.jerres 36,250 | Chi., St. P., Minn, & Om. 52,500 | RR. Co. ee Stipe 131,091 M.) 6s weceesser esis visiee see eceeee 49,237 Chit Stor Minn. & Om. 10,828 RR Co, (Ns Wis.) Os-: 19,249 Chr. St. (Ps, Minn; & Om: | RR Co: ae P. & Sioux 36,036 | City) 6s... susee Cin., ae & ‘Clev. RR Co. 5 Saousasectn ceeneeravaes 22.600 | Clev., aCiae Chive Sto: a ha Waco. (Giiaee Liat gee 26,250 | Ci) big CEI 8 eeeeeseesesecs i, PO ye At OS gs aa od 53,912 / RW. Co. (Clev., Col., Lat ATIC) P98 ives oes coon 4,700 | Col., Hockg. Vy. & Tol. | Sais (Col. & Hock. f MYDS. as tae ean 27)5°° | Col., Hockg. Vy. & Tol. 54.062 as Co. (Col. & Tol.) 23302 | Din, & Mich. RR. Co. 5S. | Dita. oc Wes: RE Co, 68: 45,600 | Del. & Hud. Canal Co. 17,775 | (Alb. & Susq.) 7S. ...+- Lee _ Del. & Hud. Canal Co. 99393 | (Penvia. Cy. 27S. secede sobs aan ee ie ee | Elizabethtown, Lex. & ages Big Sandy RR. Co. 6s. 16.200 | Flint & Pere Marq. RR. : | CO) G5ia), wane wie eats Galveston, Harrisb. & St. 03,0005] |S Ant. RRiCo.68.le. ss | Grand Rapids & Ind. RR. 16,000 | (20, GS: sent ni eeeentabs eereteape Hannibal & St. Jos. RR. : | ASO. OB. ceicadye teeters ten 38,720 | Til. Cent. RR. Co. (Chi. | 1 eStrakeror (Naeem see Ill. Cent. RR, Co, *CChi. 91,000 So SDrin gh AOS env sareee Ill. Cent. RR. Co. (Dub. 168,000 & Sioux (City) 9s...crcas Ky. Union RW. Co. 5s... 23,760 Kings Co. Elev. RW. Co. (Brklyn Elev.) 5s.. 4,980 | Lake Erie & West. RR. | CA 5So a queowsa raters seeks 2,520 Lake Shore & Mich. So. RW; .Co. Ysa 207,900 | Long Is. RR. Co. "(Bklyn. & Montauk) 55.........006 1,255) Long sis. RRiCos teu. C. & Flushing) 6s........ 3,705 ‘L.. Is. City RR. Co. Ch: 1. City & Flushing) 5s.... LL. RR Com. 1 ve, 11,150 | Mich. Cent. RR. Co. 7s... Mich. Cen. RR. Co.(Gnd. 51,625 River, Vial.) (68; -<:nes Mich. Cen. RR. Co.(Det. x Bay Cit) eack ever. 19,040 | Mil., L. S. & West. RW. Os ES i) hearst paaeceen at Minn. & St. L. RW. Co. 42,400 (Sioux City Junc.) 7s... Par $14,730 36,300 331423 56,950 122,000 43,050 30,563 8,687 47,300 10,890 20,900 5525 123,000 44,187 36,225 42,600 29,750 46,500 20,040 17,531 88,420 IT, 507 35,143 47,875 25,000 50,000 120,450 54,875 13,320. 24,690 1,206 64,500 36,450 23,246 49,750 56,910 ca ks Market. $14,040 35,888 35525, 991455 122,250 44,940 28,500: 8,350 45,549 10,530 21,050 5959 128,000. 49,350 33,600 33,200 30,000. 40,000 18,400 17,569 83,950 10,850 32,287 47,500 22,500 54,625 122,000 53,500 13,800 25,200 1,160 60,625 35,400 251539 53,000 50,400 Par, Minni St. RW. Co. 55...:.. $23,625 NG ree Been VN CO. 28.0400 37,200 Kings Co. Elev. RW. Co. Ree aneNe anes ks cans pase bey 25,000 Mo., Pac. RR. Co. of Mo. (St. L. real est.rewl.)8s. 55,000 N. Y. Cen. and Hud. Riv. BS COSI S oc dn tans co ceed ane 193,887 Nex, 2: Keand W. RW. €6..(Erie RW.) 7s...... 271,612 Nay aGern: CO..65,..... 118,175 Nor. Pac. RR. Co. (Coeur D*Alene RW. and BTA VCO LOS .s cscseseiveies 32,134 Nor.Hud. Co. RW.Co. 5s. 50,750 Ohio and Miss. RW. PRE cathe sed siss cesaise sins 24,150 bert eeu Re CO. 7S:.....< 25,700 Panu Ry RR.Co. 55...... 100,000 Rio Grande Wes. RR. MEINE Fe tac nhc veccsaiasvegs 112,250 St. Jos. and Grand Island a Oo 6 ee eee beeen seca 32,250 St. P., Minn. and Manit. RW. Co. (Dak.Ex.) 6s. 135,188 St. P., Minn. and Manit. RW. Co. (Mon. Cent.) erate repeals es ose snse 60,913 St. P., Minn. and Manit. RW. Co. (Mon. Cent.) Bos Got ARS eee 19,350 Sav., Fla. and West. RR. Co. GoM Sade sustecess copier 53,812 ce mye. RR. Co., N.Y. _ACSSCCSORA a POE ere 26,125 Soy Cons. St. RW. Co.5s. 94,900 Terre Haute and Ind.RR. BOM a hy dacictccssessuaeoge¥ 3,263 Terre Haute and Ind.RR. Mea, oy cass sw sser eee 20,200 ‘Tex. and Pac. RR. Co,5s. 45,875 whird Ave. RR. Co,, N Pe eo erieks wANs + oven. oa uns 26,875 Ulster and Del.RR.Co.5s. 49,875 Wabash RR. Co. 5s........ 102,750 42d St., Manhattanville ands ots Nich. ~ Ave: Horse RR. Co. of N. MS LOCE siiccenssscenenpsonse 4,723,836 Home Life Insurance Co. BPTI OC StAteS i206. 50005 prone a2 7 ETOOK DY 11'7S..0.-0 00000 conceaens 128,614 Erie RR. 2d mtge. 6s...... 97,084 Erie RR. funded 55s........ 12,000 Nave Chi.) & St. Louis RR. BShacksa' 221,412 1 GS Be &W. RR. ‘cons. "5S 97,500 Alb. & Susq. RR.. 1st EEO eS I ene 241,925 Morris & Essex RR. Ist COMME TS hacia sede sncculeesees 267,967 Chi. & N.W.RR.cons.7s 281,400 Osw. & SyraRR. cons. 5s 38,950 Fidelity Ln. & Tr. Co. 6s 50,000 Wetierson RR; S8.csiv0cccne-s 102,500 Del. &. Hud., Pa. div., 7s 79,091 Monmouth Co., N. J., 5s. 23,605 Mich. Cent..RR. (D. & B. C.) ISt MtZE. 5S. --ccosees 49,725 Cnt. RR. of N.J. cons. 7s 35,874 Cent. RR. of N. a Roe INEZ. 5S ceocveeee : 54,275 33 515 Market. $24,250 331900 25,000 51,250 189,400 288,615 116,750 32,250 52,500 23,835 25,700 103,500 120,563 27,300 145,938 63,388 20,200 56,000 25,500 97,000 3,165 21,300 | 41,875 — 28,250 | 49,500 103,250 | 1,900 | 45,753,133 747,500 | 192,000 | 106,050 10,800 212,800 105,000 258,000 | 270,000 | 274,000 38,950 50,000 | 102,500 77,000 23,100 49,700 36,890 55,000 Lake Shore & Mich. So. BONG 7S vivestssctancapsackeuve La. & Mo. Riv. RR. ist AG 7S es cce bac caranceants Nuk) Cente se iHud: Rk: FRIRATRS sates cube kore ewitetascns Buffalo & Erie RR. mtge. 7s R. W. & O.RR. Ist mtge. CONSIGS tS cesetes vests A avene Beeeesee sensed veseee nits. Ce Sor T OR Ree 1st MULE NYS ch leteccsnte eens Nash. & Decatur RR. rst PUSS 7S inaisey nic dsc enon eens N. Y. & Harlem RR. 1st PUD CUTS sa esapunstessenies ves Kalama. & White Pigeon Wdeay SSUG ML SO 58ers se ve Norfolk (& So. RR: rst PES Cs 5S clones on ae de.aceossets jJack:.; Lan. & Sag. RR CRUEIN. SSiocencacs aa scccists = cee Det., Mon. & Tol. RR. TS EID Cun iSecleacceet eel ce sie Brklyn. RR. ist mtge. 5s Chi., Burl. & Quincy RR. CONS 7S pases canes cess asa aee LiL RR. gen. mtge:4s.. Gravesend St. imp. 6s.... Flatbush sewer 4s.......... INEWarlk SEWED AS cccsenesses Central Trust Co. stock... Ame MH xeNate bik. stock. Nat. Bank of Com. stock Par. $143,150 23,258 105,750 45,320 109,170 11,442 56,750 5,900 9,788 28,500 30,825 12/225 22,207, 26,693 17,500 11,547 50,000 50,000 29,500 22,512 34,085 Market. $144,990 23,200: 107,000: 54,400" II2,000: II,400» 57,000: 5,950 9,720» 28,500" 395750 12,400» 22155. 27,500: 18,000: 11,547 50,000: 50,000: 75,000" 24, 300" 36,000: 3,351,809 3,512,102 Manhattan Life Insurance Co. United States reg. 4s...... Va. bonds, cons. debt..... Va. bonds, deferred....... MiSSiSSipPI 4S........c0eeceres L. S. & Mich. So. RR. 7s. Cen. Park, N. & E. River 1a ae ee Te ae ee PMP ey pea Har. se & Port Ches. RR. Escanaba& L. S. RR. 6s. Albany & Susq. 6s...:..... Ohio & Miss. RR. 7s...... Missouri Pacific 6s......... Bank of Com. N. Y. stk. N. Y., Susq. & West. 5s.. Makota co dats 50. 5S... Chesapeake & O, con.5s. Wabash) RRUv56hi cis ise0s% Morgan La. & T. RR. & Steamship Co. 6s......... Sewer & Drainage cert. of New Rochelle, N.Y. 5s. Cons. Gas Co. of N.Y. stk. Dari vallewy avchS cere tees Beech Creek RR. Co.. 4s. Chix Burl é0. RR.Co, BORE IN OD. EUR thas cise ceacece Chi ais GoiSte Po RW. MEUM AS cop aiascntseah ax Seles +cks GhixeMil’ sexst: P.- RW. Ser Srt ee fokneresispacges Morg. La. & Tex. RR. & POG LT ieee) epee 118,099 4,500 10,000 478,194 115,325 102,500 57,968 118,894 99,900 34,800 59,000 58,000. II1I,250 4,460 49,250 100,000 98,375 101,806 10,538 95,000 49,062 10,250 97,500 86,000 43,125 36,264 60, 267 135,125; 14,896: 11,004 10,000: 488, 000: 116,000 106,000: 56,000 107,000 102,870 33,150 60, 500 60,000. 106,500 9,500 52,000 103,500 103,759 103,250 II, 100 95,000: - 52,125 10,000 98,000 g0,000 44,625 39,000 60,000: Den. & Rio Grande RR. Co. 4s. ‘Louisv. St Wt: Tex: RW. Mor. & Essex RR. Co. 7s. N.Y.,L.E.&W-.RR. Co. 7s N. Y., L. E, & W. Docks and Tmp.iGo: s0Ss... b.G., 93 6s... 200,000 Neare be G.Con ., 1989 5s 58,000 BLOAVatG. C. , 1931 Be cdysng 200,000 Ajeet. and 5. io se mtg Lope. pd.) 2}, 150 Sa ean A. P. R aC St. Pees LOO? OS oaese sane 60,000 (Cost, $2,696,882.) 2,725,150 Central Trust Co. New York city armory... | 250,000 New York city Har. bdg. 350,000 New York city dock....... _ 500,000 New York city new park. 2,000,000 Elmira, Cortl. and North. PI SEL CL dvcce sens seen 100,000 San. Ant. and Arn. Pass. NG ESE sacncsdesissesss- 20,000 19,800 AOOU PN MOO. sp yccerses 40,000 13,600 W200.@, ce Hate EC. 20,000 3,000 ESOC Lit. Pele COcscsnes 50,000 46,875 200 CSG Ne We. RRA sess 30,000 35,100 G’snd st. imp. bds. 6s... 261,636 269,127 (Cost, $800,025.) — 841,636 810,887 Knickerbocker Trust Co., Oct. 1, 1892. Us S48) Cons. Of (1907-45. | 1'50,000" "176,625 District Columbia @ss...... 150,000 171,000 New York city cons. 2%s 75,000 75,000 | Detroit, Bay City & Alp. TSE MELCS O8.2 2 cccoann teas, 50,000 41,500 | Mil. and Nor. 1st 6s, 1913 20,000 22,800 Atch., T. and S. F.1st 48* 90,000 76,725 Cent. Washington Ist 6s.. 50,000 50,000 Sav. and West. Ist c. 5s... 100,000 70,000 Chi. and N. Pac. Ist 5s... 100,000 80,000 Coeur d’Alene Ist 6s...... 50,000 51,250 Laclede Gas L. Co. Ist 5s 25,000 20,937 Democratic Club mtge. 6s 13,000 13,000 L. Shore and M. S. 2d 7s 50,000 61,750 Long Is. Ferry Co. 4\s.. 50,000 50,750 973,000 961,337 Long Island Loan and Trust Co,, Brooklyn. United (States sc .csscccsese 500,000 577,500 N. Y., Brkln. & Manhatn. BOACIT ILA nseee cresseedenons 20,000 20,000 Par: La. & Mo. River RR...... $10,000 Pittsbg. Junc. RR. Co..... 25,000 Rome, Wat. & Ogd. RR. 17,000 Ch Soot. Line oes bie 10,000 Marq., Hgtn. & Ont. RR. 5,000 INUHOIE US IIR Reesescagattete 50,000 Laclede Gas Light Co..... 50,000 Montana Cent. RR......... 25,000 Phila. & Reading RR...... 50,000 Chi., Rock I. & Pac. RR. 15,000 Chr Bur, ace RRS es 10,000 Brooklyn RR. Co.........00 25,000 Bdwy. RR. Co., BrkIn.... 30,000 Citizens’ Gas Light Co... 40,000 Fulton Mun. Gas Co...... 20,000 Nassau Gas Lt. Co. ctfs... 3,000 People’s Gas Light Co..... 10,000 Williamsb. Gas Light Co 25,0CO Grand St. & Newtn. RR. 25,000 Knickerbocker Ice Co..... 20,000 Equit. Gas Light Co. .2..., 20,000 N.Y.& Cuba Mail S.S.Co. 18,000 Jersey City (Old Bergen). 25,000 wersey City water. cis tecesss 25,000 Atch., Top. & S. Fé 6s.... 25,000 Long 1 RRCo.} stock... 10,000 Ney kt Har, RRICor stk; 2,000 1,110,000 Manhattan Trust Co. United States bonds....... 1,239,500 Ramsey Co., Minn., 4%s 25,000 Richmond, Va., AG tra ssvanes 10,000 Grattan Twnsh. , Neb., 6s 13,000 Flint & Pére Marquette OPt EMT. BS cs cc shores 12,000 Leh.& Wilkesb.Cl.Co. 7s 60,000 Chic., Burl. & Q. con. 7s 50,000 London & N. Y. Invest- ment Cor, 'stock:...::... 5: 12,500 Sioux City & North. RR. PSU SS oc onc onceascssesemavates 275,000 The Security Cor. st 6s.. 42,000 Plainfield Water Supply Rc TIGL 1SSaehduecesacences es 14,000 Fid. Ins., Trust & Safe Deposit Co. stock........ 2,500 Washington Loan & Tr. WOT SLOCK Gitaossaereresesees 5,000 Lawyers’ Surety Co. stk. 5,000 U. S. Book Co., $48,000 bonds and 48 shs. pref. stock, and contract for sale at $48,000 and int.. 52,800 U. S. Book Co. pref. stk. $53 Sharessiiis cect uecces 19,800 Kentucky Central Ist 4s.. 50,000 Pittsburgh & Western 4s. 40,000 Peoria & Eastern 4s....... 50,000 Atch., Top. & Sta. Fé. 4s 25,000 Louisv. & Nashv. Un. 4s 25,000 Mont. Cent. RW. Co. 5s.. 49,000 Un. Electric Sec. Co. §s.. 49,000 Nashville, Chatt. & St. L. TSU 59): case thasnassrs sores ses 50,000 lev..Cin., Chin dStat (C. W. & M. div.) 4s 100,000 St. Paul, Min. & Man. con. mtge. 4% 5... a 45,000 St: Paul, Min. & Man. stock, 1, ooo shares...... 100,000 Iowa Central RW. Co. 5s 25,000 Duluth S. Shore & At. 5s 18,000 Ches. & O. gen. m. 4%s. 50,000 524 Market. $11,400 28,500 18,530 TI,400 | 5,000 48,500 42,000 24,250 43,000 14,400 10,000 | 26,500 | 30,000 | 40,000 20,000 3,000 10,000 26,250 | 25,000 20,000 20,600 18,000 29,000 29,000 25,000 | 10, 100 5,100 1,192,030 1,425,107 | | 25,281 | 93950 | 12,350 12,060 | 66,750 — 61,250 | 9:375 | 237,187 41,580 13,160 | 10,656 | 5,300 5,000 48,720 3,960 41,937 33,600 49,750 20,812 19,875 | 49,735 45,570 52,000 90,000 45,450 114,000 22,500 | 18,090 40,000 Pare Ches. & O. st con.m. 5s $50,000 Great Northern RW. Co. EQLVear Sins filet penset 50,000 National Rice Milling Co. stock (100 shs. prefd. 50 shrs. common)........ 15,000 Market. $52,250 46,250: 2,731,007 The Mercantile Trust Co. of New York. United States... eas 400,000 Stil; irom Wit: “& South. RR. CON Srecsevesraviensaleee’ 200, 000 St. L., Iron Mt. & South INR SUALES Mire renee: 450,000 Penna.’ ‘Co. \euar.. “iby Penta’ RAR AG sscess 200,000 Chicago, Burlington & Quincy deb.. 380,000 Western Union Tel. Co. Cols: mownweeeet ce) Sih TCD OI: New York ‘city dock.. 200,000 New York revenue ........ 250,000 West Shore RR.Co.guar. — 200,000 Chicago, Milwaukee & at. Paul DIGI. tence 100,000 2,480,000 Metropolitan Trust Co. Cons. Stock City of N. Y. 705,000 Add. Water Stk. N. Y. C. . 325,000 West Shore RW. ist m. SILLAT ce scnater arse neetoren teat 80,000 N. Ill. RW. ist m. guar... 50,000 Sav., Fla. & Western 1st WSO Ol veesccrtos crete eee 50,000 Bur., CedarR. & N. cons g0,000 Fremt., Elk. & Mo. cons 100,000 Fargo & So. ist m. gold.. 50,000 Peoria & Pekin U. 1st m. 50,000 Chi, tRi1s:8&) Pac Gol. Trust Ext; ne 200,000 Pitts. & West. tst mtge. BOTs dora 100,000 HAY Cink & St. ‘Louis TSUMTNIUSE cocvccecsacessceteres 50,000 Union Pacific Coll. Tr. gold notes........ sesh gunn 108,000 1,958,000 Nassau Trust Co., Brooklyn. United States, 1889 6s..... 50,000 Brook} yn city 38.4. s..0ce.00 150,000 S. Bk. RR. 2d mtge. 6s... 37,000 Broadway RR. 5S......cee0 19,000 Se ECeELY I. Ika enc eee 15,000 Fendt, Obes hws ce ere 194,000 L.St.L.& T.1st mtge.6s.. 50,000 I.& Ill.C.Co. 1st mtge. 6s.. 30,000 Ps] 000‘09 CLG TOT 928'EIS'T [000/06 TIL 869 'FSC'T Tes se mietasa: * AJUNOD YIOX MON) F A \[k6'FIS'G = | 261646 (690'6C8., 9088 ‘POL6S 9&6 FFG £80'0F9 OLO‘GLT 000°0¢ Sel (G6 TESS WwW 1OY}Ba'T Mes firme Pe ae NGS FROST. 9468468 jT99‘TOST |890°04 GCG LG #89269 'L06'Z89'T. 169966 (000‘088 | €c6°S OLL‘TZ8‘6 (Vela sells eek a we a -[BUOTIBN Ig ce CHFLE 196 669 8° (GPL LEGG. EL 6k O6GGLE'E | FFG PSL 000‘0¢ IGPOL | C16‘889'06 is coy SOR crm CL i ey Tce Sf 0s 9TOSTSh' 4 F96‘79G'T '€89 PORT hs atic ne She Are saeeeelereee ; Seen seeeee PEGI, OF cOL, 000/0¢ *asNscMASe OG TG6‘¢ oS 2 BOLIOULY UYUNWON-[BUOTBN 0 66 (666'896-66 |€c9‘9CL'F ~— ceS“OBL'b fe GOOTSTT —_-000‘GT9 O8Z FES T F69'GEr'S = |000' PERT (SL 18 ‘LG as - | eT AR IONE : |60L'6LE'°S° |AZS'TSI‘T ~—|A88' TSG &18°8 OLL'GS 008‘E2% GL8°L0P a PER TOO) OC ae al *|$86' P96. S| ae MOSS * SUOZT}IO-[BUOTIEN LG \8EG L60'TS [LAS TLPD = |SLSTOT'H 9089'S 00°06 969°60G'T | "*"1900‘0¢ "996 F601 Ape Ae to ole Bae SEY aca "AUO-TRUONBN) J 9G |S8L'6cc's —|g9‘8c¢. SOUFIL (L09°6 G9G"8T_ ——_000°08 Cee 661 6h0'6LG ~ |000°0G 9G 0GE' T GT 7" "SToAOIG PUB SIOYO NG -[BUONBN| g GG 968'06L'S | CGO'SPO'T = CTE'6C9 0CF'8 9F9'96 000/0CF GPS 8E9 096°CL 1000'0¢ =| 46 ZOL'6E8°G cz | "* ABMPBOIG-[BUOHBN| G KS OFE'CEG EL TOP PLOT | GLG_GEP'S 6FL‘T9 005298 OOF 16¢ 000°6 000°0S 0% 006 ‘8z9°9 2 | Bris ee oe y OSS SeG"¢ |e FS" OSL '6LF, | " S0F 63 0000S 9C¢‘F6P COLTS (000°0¢ | 8LG POP SPSS SE Sure ne eae SY OXE “e [SLL'6ee'SE |TSG'ATS'S . ISBE'SGTIT | [tert rts" 1000 008 BE9' SCL 000°FT (000%0GT —-|9¢% ‘STS‘OF6'4 ce eee eg Oia A ea : iO (66F 688'FL 7G9 TLS iCOT‘9aL'S lpeteserss ss a eeceeececceses OLS‘ LEG LIL‘9T8 000'9 ‘0000 ITZ Z6Z Z8z'8 fiisvi see eeee eeeees ceenee Oaccneneeeceee Asi I 2 N OG 980669 (G2e'SFI'T |0G'CTh LEh‘6 60 /0F 000‘69h C18 Ith OFG'OL l0GG'e¢_ TLE = |86‘0F6'S (4 ie ee “UOFNA PUY JOYIVN O ™ GT |T99'88c'9 == |zgo'zor'T §—— | 90'08 00¢°¢ 969 88 00C'E ——. |LBE'66F Crs'6es T= (000°0S = (STS. 689'686°S Oe le ee eee ceeeee"TOOULT| 6 BI 969'6EL'F = cOZ'9E8 861° CEh FOG'& FOP OF 008'L0G LTT 1&¢°196 (000008 (G60 T = | SFG GOL T me Cara ae SIOINJOVYJNUBY LOYIVIT B AT Ger Lis'b —|6G6 "688. 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ZOO'S 6L '\OOL a wees ee eeeeee EOFS | 9g9'Z CSP HORS : 106G Bee ee OTE ie he nat nee NEOUS SO agg POM LET Sk 193‘0T £98'GS 068'T ILCS'P SLG'T GLE'ST LOSES LILS OI8 ‘Ts IPGL SS Wie css amecmee yer ie 8, USUISOpBIT, PUB SIOTOMOL I9'SéL 802‘ TOL LEF‘S ToL 2 seeeeeere eeeescces 000 OcL 968‘O8T IZLP‘G PSP SLIT 928 ‘ELL Pee eee remem erences eeeeeeeesese sreee ener On BBO SIOTOMOL CHL FG 8CS‘EI ISP LES. SEA i Mell Pee a 000‘ZL [GOGAT t06 LPO TL CGS‘ FG Ee ro og eee eer PLO 6) aoUBINSUT C6S‘SL 668‘L8 O86‘ 6L6°L CLES 860°C SIY ‘Sh £96‘T FOOTE 9089 "sansnaneeraenanstonsonemasces ssp AJOTOOS 4YOUIg/ Our Tro'TS SLO‘68E 894 'F9 spied 0 189 ‘821. 626081. OSF'T 660621 6LE‘6S rrtereetecseeeceesereeeoe" TOT BIOOSSY JIU OUP] 901 863 CT Bge’g lspe’e SFF'S S16'S EFC OL CCO‘F 806°C 988‘T Seen ee ESC SOUBS LY. Seen ey £06, 6016 169 ISbS‘S 18 6 ZOE (fe e086 CG 1826 602 ec eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee eee ee ee ees OLSVa UdpO) 126‘ lOLE'G 16 6L ; BES OS'S 606 °F LZe 7892 POLE Re ag crane gel ee SE SORT OSCE ay Gb pues ploy 869 SIF‘6 POP L SSF OLL'S C96. 9LF'8 000‘T OLF‘L OF9'T ie aneencanoparcerereso* TELIIU YY CUO og coos 06 iC/, Bee cceceoecerecces 6883'S OFG‘G 6G LIG‘'t 196 PORRREOLE e820 2608 Eas sea ae nero TOS LIN UvUTI+ 0¢9'T T9L ‘ZL L0G |LZG 9% '000‘aI | OFS ‘ZL CF C08‘CE FOC'T tenet cere ees cece recereeeseseseseees seghantenssseseceNy CN) Aq OLS 69 9g ee pepe, o> 3 Fen etereeeceesens FALBAT OL Oe‘ : 190‘T .- eerocor encore TION UD) VIMO 966 9% 1L6°G6 SLL‘0T 918 ‘OL COS SL --* -VELO'SE 9GP‘'86 &Z8 SOT‘S6 . \OF6'SS rec ar = dane opt eee DOULA) Were Le scg‘¢ 6SF GE OT, See meee seeeres eee | teeeeeeseesesesees C6e‘61 87G'8T OLT SCO ‘8T FLO‘L FOO OF eevee ee rere senses eeee roe es vaseseee OIUOSBI uATYOoorg 619 L FOG‘CT OLP I . . 88 900 TL 0&82‘GL ; Peewee eer erererees 0&z‘CL £68‘T eins Cceciee ater ice eee ee ers TO LOU E Se pus SIOTTOSYooY 910‘T 916° SIT ; G09'T GCg‘g OFFS | 6 LEP‘ $ ELT Serer rir phetepe sores toes se chaser ras BIO DIIC OOT, ISZo'L £E1'6S 0¢ | FC ‘OL CEL‘SL '996‘G C8T‘TS neeetee tie! MOOTtTS BING 4 “STOP BIT, PUB. SIOYUB LFC' TIL FESO BLE Uy (0) e Powe w eee eereeeeees GGG‘6Z GPG‘LS ; G86‘L, LGG6L Fs OFZ PLL ee oS geo eee see eneee ere BEET TIN SIIVTO yueg ° st seat enw oreeecore hd dt mt CUCU EIEN EV GV EVEN ED 79.09.09 69 09 CD. 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Sulpuy 1vax J0j udTYoo1g pue AyD YIOA MON Ul payev0T suoneiossy souvansuy VAtyesado-0F 93¥1S YIOK MAN JO santiqery pue sissy: 909° SOG‘ KS LIL'9 [PoG'F LL6'F 962'8 g60'9c '698'T 6ZP‘GS a eae f Seen eer oe ects ape aatean ee 996'9 \LOF‘OG G2 F OCT 9 EG GZ8‘CL TILL I (098 1¢z‘Or IZ19° 6 se eeeereereees © peewee cee cccnecceeeresscese enn §, WoO AA gel‘ GFS‘GO0'T | 9FS*LEG '669°603 680‘CCT. LOL‘OTF 088'696 ‘684° OFS*E96 SF9' L0G ae serrereeeess TROINT S9}PBIS pou) eae (TLF‘Z9T 68F'9G FSe91 68L°1S 86L'28 GIFF9L 996°L SCP 'OCT Z16-06 ne pao aegis Ee ZI1‘6 OLE‘6S 68'GG [69‘6 LI1'9 CZ8‘0G 680‘09 GL0‘S FIO'LG 66F'8 reese STOPOABLL, PUB SIOPBIL, 18‘F IL 9816S 809°T CI6‘T TL3 266'SS LZG‘0G 9¢8'9 I6L‘ FP I86‘ZOL iii is as iene Senco earn GEL G8 LP 0g S9T (28S hal 89g egg OUTER PRE OREE CEO eeEe CeCe eC eee e reer quopIAoig SIIYORVIL ecg‘'z IIL‘? g98'T 9/0°T OLLUT |OF0‘ P 6F 166°¢ Cze'e: ee a cae ela eae ea aS TEg3‘CT PST'cG OFFS OGL LEL‘0G ¢80‘6S ia TL0‘6¢ 086‘TT puny JUeplAoig EPL eg CEO'TZE see eeescasesreses IZPSFT 698 ‘FCL 898 ‘CZ oce‘eze OZE'6F pe EE RN hae tie wee 4 AGT} 4 poldeyorg CLe'T S6FZI 69¢'S 982% : 16'S 199‘ZT T6T OLF‘CL lopT'T Bp Schon ots ase coNie sees i traeee Uecker Se GTN O1IBIUO )169 FPG F Si 198g CIP 1 P9G'P 8 Tab 918° [reetsererscernsnonsesesceosvesaTTODTAOId SMOTION PPO on i 6) re MND AIUDCOP-WDOrcr HHA THANON SIS COMO HOnn PASH HA hina 562 UOTVIOOSSY SOUBINSUT JUIUISSOSSV UB JO AIYSsoquUIIUL JO $9}VOYT}190 OY} JO UOTJVNTVA BALOSOI TANTUTOAd B 9ZTUSODAI IO IOJ OPTAOI OU S9OP FOTIA ‘332g dT} JO MB] OOUBINSUT JUSUE -SS9SSB [VIOUS OY} JO MOTAINd oY} UIIIM SB YIOX MON JO 931g 94} JO JUGWIVdIq sOUBINSUT 94} AQ PATEpIsuoOd JOU ST Wet STU, uo paseq ‘SUIIBID YABEpP 9ININJ OF AiypIqery Tenba ‘sAvp 09 yore Sulnjeu sjuowAed Juonbesqns ‘skBp 09 YORE SUIT} JO WUT] AQ poyeUTUIIE, sototjod ITV AYTBIOPW JO o[qvy solivnjoy SAvp 09 1OF BOUBINSUT UIId} TRMOUI SB PIINdUIOD ‘TERT ‘Te *90q BdIOJ UT SaTOTTOd [[B JO aNnTBA JUaseld JON ,, SUTAG ‘ZL0‘OLG$ SOPNIOUL VISIT STULL, « | CREVEIWEAEA EV EVER OAOI.619 69.69. 679.69 019.09. 619. C9 61S SH SH SH SH SH SH SH CH Ha 86 Lc, TPL‘6G IPL'8G 966'78 886 ‘FOL 00¢‘08 863‘ TS 00ST GLL'TS C6, OLL 8e9‘CT PIO‘8z Soc‘ TF L90‘L 11 OOL‘T 8LG 62L'PE 9856S OF6'6E ———|PPL'8z OE EEG sen Claman Oe le a ae 68¢, Sho'98 seeee oe eccceee 0189 UU saa 000°¢s sete eeeseeeeceee Poe FS teens ee eceeoecoere *0}9 ‘pojsis imitioy | “se ‘paisnipy | HU epal eenat Arenj10yy pus soseoy “S109 “SOTTTIQBrT “SOTPTIQBIT pus Sjossy AJIUULOpUy pue AIBVNYOW JUISUYUOD 826° 169‘F C9Z TST. 02a'ce 1¢8‘LT 9¢e'CTL 96'8 (090‘760°S Z8S‘6F ShC‘SSL SIS‘T 800 TT GO6 SST FPS, 196.01 Kokageae) *sJOSSV JON ouRleg «cAVBWOP JO [qv vouelIodxq poutquioy Od F 7B JSol8VUT YM FeO‘ sane eeeseesenesoes Fe0'T 796‘E CIZ : 909‘e IFT eee w eer scrces | eseseesesess acess eserenns mrreeoee="S TIBULBUTYIOM, rAd CES CES see eewene eee oceees geg'¢ seceeeooreresanese gge'c Teee eee sereeser| sesessonecgsers Beene ee ecg cman web LBC TELAT S§ UOTHIO MA tg FIO'ST. 000°L ST0‘IT. 6L2'69T. WG'T CElcg — S9L'ST LERRG ft PenyN]T $a7BISg poy} OF Cem eee resort eeeeee| seeces eerceeceease oe Haar ce ores eeeeeeeeen 02z'ZE a eeeee Perec e eee | cece esecccecese a Bae eae ae coer SOE I § peyuy 6F ege‘G ObL‘T. 9F6 ‘CS 166‘FL Sh6'L eee eee es eeeece | coceee Cover e cee | correc eerrsseseeessee “* SIOTOABL IL, pus SIIPBL], SP Fee veeeree 069‘CTT 166 POLIS seeee Seesecsee ¥&6 ‘26 see eeeeeeee Peewee ewes eesereee seteeeee SIIyAvisaya TL, LY seeee Cee e eee erese | sereeseereee Gey were wee ereereeeee ce) Peewee eee cesses | seseesereresese Gam | eee eae le DLAI S1IyOVaL, OF 99 eee eeeesceee eeeeee 89 020'¢ CIP GSES POL Ch eee eee ee rewerressereseorseees srrrerees QOTOIMBT 4S Cy COLT sone to eeee te eeeee COLT 0g8‘CT seeee see eoeees 9296 PCO‘ OGL G Seriery eee ceteeeees seeeee eee eewerer puny yudpIAoIg FP 608 ‘FL 6°66 0cg Ft CPFL‘ee Here eecceroceereecs TL0‘CF 190‘% c¢o‘9 Sey eee esesereee TeNINIA po1lajolg oy tee ewnwee Pee ceeeee | cere eereceeereesee| sersessseeereseane ACOAL Ce Cicer re A aes . See TLR LU UPTAR OllBjUQ ov cece esc cccerceceee| cecccsceccesesenss a me 169 eeceee veces Cevccce 169 oeccccnce eevee | veccccccccccs eo | covcce eeccccccccccces “JUIPIAOIT SMOTIO ppo IF Hee meee essere ee ees | Heeeee ee sasessese| seeesesesesesenees| | teres Sew eoeererese | ersese Peewee ereeee | scoeeeeoes essere | seseseeese eel ee ewee Peewee | coerce seeeeeeesersse eT BNINIAL SMO][OA pPpo OF T9e eeooeseses eeeeeee 198. ccere 00g Gg ‘z, steeeee seneeeee| eeceee eee wecess | aeewecesorseserene Gssrieme ete es ce AA TOR qIoz MON 6s OFG‘T eeeeee se cereeecece OFS [ CCL 6L ice 16 xem 2 CIE‘T 000‘e eee e meee ee reeset reeees “ suvLIsAyd YIOX MON gE 6oL'E PUT £09‘ 09406 860°% LLG'IL 9969 6&F Oe aa ee eae JUSpLOV FOX MON) LE sree eee ecceeesesee| eeecees se eee ences tl essences Se eeee ress! | eerste creer wrrnen | veces Pere eeeereae | = -seeeeeree eee) ceeeeseseeeeses | wacees eecceeee: | eeeeae Stee tee ee ee eeaeereteneeeene [Benny [BUOTIBN, 9§ Beer e eee eeee ses es | seeeeeesoeeeeeees pesos? ee eeeeee | S19°F Pewee eccrcesesesee S19 eeeeee | esecee er eeccese Pere rere erence erseeeeesese “-"qye0eq [BUOTIBN cs 600‘T 00g 60¢ 996 ‘6 Ciilan T98‘8 ee seeece Fete eee ereee eee | aeeeseevecsarsseessesacenee “Ie ploaV [BUOIIBN PE GLS*LES Pe9'6IF'S | 198°OF Q9L'ZOL |8049CL 008'6FGS J BOR " oATosoy [BNINW) FE eeeeee eee ee eccces TSE 6F eee neeererecenoes C88'G ee 00G‘eF eeeecee ag Mecano Sy DELS ee TOON. TenqnyL os 198 Baer ee cere eeeceees | wecweeeseeereesees | wosneteees Peer eecccceseuceece | seseee eeceeeeer Seem eeseeerenrceseece ‘UOLIBIOOSSW aVT [Vnn te ICL ‘OT. coe‘ FS £29021 1Z9‘L oo Peewee ere | eeseeceeeseres tee ee een eeeee - IVT 4youog [Tenjny, og GIST €10'T see wecocreeees 008 se eeeeeeeessee eece SOTUBIPOATL pus SJUBYIII]AL 63 098 ‘ZL 119‘9 CT ose aeeeeee Peewee ces e sree ns eeeees Tenn AL OMUBIIEL 83 706 EST " CZ9‘QCT stew re eeee Seer eeeeeeere oeeeee yyoueg a MUBOIOW LZ ie eeeoee eeeerereccels Peewee oerereer | serseneee Fee eeeree eee ee wees serene ‘pimy OLUOSBI 93 tener seeeee- ee PEPER Hee HHH Comm ew eee eee eeeseE eee EEe eeeereeD Teninyyy (SIOUTIBI Gé6 I9l neeAORSANcSa904| |Seocce Quowjyivdeg JUEplIOoV) UOIUN IT] $Y 000‘St$ 198'0L LST'R9 OLLIE seeeee Coe e wees | wrerceeeaeeracerseersnenesesessesseres ce TOLL) OTT £3 seeeeee | FES PFS Seow ose ee ee Sees | socceseessseses | eusseeeee eeeeeeewereneee eeeeseeseece Jd YOOGIO YOU Y GG steeene eeccececeee|s 1/192 OL ee eee eeeees asses 19z ‘OL pee e ee eseceeere | sesesecesoesess wrosereceooreoceers TOMISOPBLL pus SiejamMor 13 Peecccevcceecce seal eescce vecccesccess| co See rie | CLG‘ ETTY weccece eeeccees eee GCG Tes eeccccccosevees 0c0‘z6$ pesesecvens ev eccece a eece eee OTAGO. SIOTOMOL 0Z te ° ‘OJ9 ‘Oo ‘AOTOW 010 A — : peMoliog | ‘pojsn{fpe ||. Boys Td. _ 2 moses SOTHTTIGVrT ‘suOly -U] Sasso] S}ISSV pus SODUBLBA | -JAOT [enyovy -B31[d0 ‘Sy WOU Sso.1ry) INU “USB Idspoy pues [B10 L puog Sut -SSossy [TRIOL pono V Sjues ¥ Spuog ’ -puvising | eourapy PUB SNG "830013 ouryN : qSe10JUT “SAILITIAVIT ‘SLASSV *‘ponunuod —suonelossy dduvinsu] 9A1}e19d0-07) 9721S YIOA MON JO SINITIGeI]T pu syassy 563 Gross Assets of New York State Joint-Stock Fire Insurance Companies of Brooklyn December 31, 1891. Bonds ‘ Other | Collat- Pre- Miscel- Total - Name. ne Ae ae | Stocks | eral | Cash. | miums |laneous! Gross | ane ‘| Owned. |Loans. Unpaid. | Assets. | Assets. gages. | : $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1 |Kings County 95; 5001 20750 nearer Wad, O22 D0 i eeccereoes. 10,454.75} 8,822.35] 3,222.39) 359,271.99] 1 DAL afayette.......| cress... 34,150 106,925) 75,690.00} 4,600} 6,220.95] 25°648.74) 1,073.74 254'308.43] 2 3 {Long Island.. 6, 0005 162)97 0) nearer: Bo; 0000 eeeesee O60: OA ie Ned ceo ben OM nt 209,569.04} 3 EAU. a | 04 sos cascaccst.2 Medtes asleep ee Ms oe I ce MASS ARE Cs Oe Re Se 4.445.45| 4 5 Nassau Roeeetesl| Sees cascak ieee sce ema eee 38,610) 419,627.00)........... 2,823.99) 10,171.67] 7,277.90) 478,510.56] § 6 PUCHIX....°..... 1,723,701.95} 167,675] 252,930 ISAT 320.5 (hie cee eee 547,156.88] 640,119.09] 14,359.18 5,187,267.60] 6 7 |W’msb’g City| 634,843.90 437,850 5,750) 841,106.60; 6,000) 18,155.56) 68,283.17] 15,183.98 APSA IU POA Ff 2,466,045.85) 986,365) 404,215 2,976,031.60 ea 597,641.11) 752,545.02] 41,117.19 8,234,560.77 Liabilities of New York State Joint-Stock Fire Insurance Companies of Brooklyn Deceinber 31, 1891. creer es Total Ae an an Seeker sna F | Net Surplus : : Unearned | All Other | Liabilities | Capital Name. eee ie epee Premiums. | Claims, Except Stock. Capital Unpaid. | Unpaid. Capital. 1 |Kings County..| $6,994.64] .........c..0... $32,992.64, $2,746.94! $42,734.22} $150,000| $166,537.77| 1 2 |Lafayette ....... 23254, 60 lina. seeerraetts 97,851.37 866.66 121,472.68 150,000 *17,164.25| 2 38 |Long Island....! 35000. 00] s.22 aoa ue ceal| antes ee cine ae ere eee ae a 3,000.00 200,000 6,569.04} 3 4 |Montauk......... 2,000.00 |s.555. 5 eae oer eee ce Ineuivasceamadaracs 2,000.00 200,000) 197,554.55} 4 DeMNASSAIT. .<...:-.+: BaP AUTEN Meneee sono ocecc 44,054.10) 15,000.00 66,374.84 200,000 212,135.72] 5 G) | lelaW2inib- daivyac 23,000 00 Cen. RW. of N. J. gen. m. 55s, EQO peace raveareccaahesuslenty cae tenec trad 27,875 00 L. E. & W. RW. Co. 1st’ m.:5s, EGA 7paceseacse te wewcu ess: 96 ca palesssienes 27,187 50 Bklyn. & Mntk., Ist m. 5S, IQII 26,875 00 W. Shore RR. Co. ist m. 4S. 2. 26,000 00 Pitts., Clevld. & Tol. 1st m. 6s, LOQ OD varasareasheasyesecesesatsasse cs enes 27,500 00 Can. Sthn. RW. Ist m. 5S 1908 27,000 00 Chesapke. & O. RW. P. M. 6s, ESOS a ieee elect nutnae Meier ayi a ccecss 11,250 00 Kings Co. Elev. RW. ist m. 5s, TOSn varsity ea eat iris aeeashe ters 10,050 00 Rio Grande W. RW. Ist t. m. ASNT GARY a ces tg atts tases oeatn.s.6 rained 8,037 50 Con. Stk. C. of N.Y., 2%s, 1929 97,000 00 City of Rich., V., 4s guar. stock 12,500 00 350 shs. N.Y. L. & W. 55s, g. stk. 37,800 00 500% shs. Pitt., McK. & Y. stk. (PATE DR Le ccceceos chews tevtie cs vaceke 30,250 00 500 shs. Penn. RW. stock (par SEG Yasirandestare ceuvecse tea ek a cuties sae ; 28,562 50 200 shs. Morris & E. ex. g. stk. 20,000 00 200 shs. Un. N.J. RW. & C. Co. 45,100 00 100 shs. Rm., Watn. & Og. stk. II,175 00 200 shs. St. P. & D. RR. prefrd. SEO mae icterehci ny ssc easnead eo sete Matee 20,800 00 100. Shs N= VY) Gi &)H. RERR StOG rN dries cosareseesearerel qoseneees 11,637 50 200 shs. Con. Gas. Co. of N. Y. stock.. 20,850 00 200 shs. Gis vest Me. ‘& St. L. "pref. 19,350 00 Loans on bond: and mortgage... 5,933.32 Loans On Collaterals: s.cvsees vveses 153,210 00 PRCA OSIAL CM seee tai iicc ert assinane ce 10,500 00 Interest due and accrued Ra cwats . 2,857 38 Premiums in course of collectn. 304,372 07 Cash in banks and office.......... 121,370 85 All other securities..........ecesees ; 16,348 78 $1,587,067 40 LIABILITIES. Reserved to reinsure all out- standg. risks, as req. by law.. Unpaid claims and losses.......-. Commissions on premiums in course of collection............9. All other liabilities..............+¢0. Capital Stock........0200+ covceee seeeee Net SUrplUs........50..c000 secsessaeees INCOME. Gross premiums received in cash :— Accident department..........+ Plate-glass department......... Steam boiler department...... Deduct reinsurances, rebate, abatements and returned premiums :— Fidelity department.............. Accident department........... Plate-glass department......... Steam boiler department...... “DO tal MA CONLEh teers ceastinersaa css Interest and dividends...... EXPENDITURES. Gross amount paid for losses:— Fidelity department..........+.6. Accident department............ Plate-glass department......... Steam boiler department...... Deduct salvage, amount re- covered, reinsurances, ClGia= Fidelity department............4 Accident department.........5.. Plate-glass department ........ Total expenditures..... ...... Dividends: paidvycr.c.cceciten Giese Conimissions or brokerage...... SalarieS, Ste. ceska tae tes beeesoverce cons TTARES ICLCie. 0, Mey ocesess cyeaavervcetn ts Traveling, advertising, station- CTY, CLC....cceeceecee vevceeceeceeees Aggregate expenditures during VEAL IM CASH. ....cceeeenereecoeees German-American Real Estate and | STATEMENT, Jan. 1, | Title Guarantee Co. 1892:--— ASSETS. R eal estateecccnccteteeemorterestmans Bonds and mMortgages.......0. «0 Interest due and unpaid.......... Interest accrued thereon......... United States 4s ($200,000)...... WollaterallloansSrerc.cce cco Interest accrued on same......... 568 $945,726 32 138,652 15 84,189 31 23.103 10 250,000 00 145,336 44 | $1,587,067 40 $254,877 94 1,357,899 73 240,755 74 115,124 13 $1,968,657 54 | $31,889 66 | 59,138 26 | 6,344 28 | 5,951 56 | 103,323 76 | 1,968,657 54 1,865,333 78 | 40,265 45 | $1,905,599 23 | $84,444 09 | 535,684 59 95,997 19 9,86 $725,993 05 $33,919 40 3,540 65 8,825 21 46,285 26 725:993 SO | 679,707 79 | 20,000 00 515,960 86 212,828 84 39,771 95 219,737 03 $1,679,006 47 $22,557 86 502,850 00 6,717 67 | 4,563 89 236,500 00 47,459 00 7B yy mae) ae Premiums in collection Premiums and fees on applica- TION UNGencontract,..cscwerss se. eeeeecee ses Capital stock...... Be hea Pte cea Dividends. unpaid.........,. iss. Expenses accrued. .... ....seeee ee. Borrowed money, deposits and interest ACCTUEC 1.0-t: atoresetvn sco Surplus wee reece es COC C Oe HHe FHF HH eeeeeesres $6,878 19 23,463 5I 70,637 46 50,258 79 $972,555 28 $500,000 00: 500 00 1,650 00 457,409 29 12,995 99 $972,555 28 Income and expenditures during year :— INCOME, Net cash for prem. and fees....... Int. on bonds and mortgages.... Other interest and dividends... Aggregate Income.. ........6+ EXPENDITURES. Amount paid for losses...... ..... Dividends Commissions and brokerage.... SalariGS) Cth... .ccsc cossanwee ese sseet Taxes eee ee ceee Fete = ewer eestrseees wes e ese ee ree re eeee rrreeeert eo FOeSeOR Aggregate expenditures.... STATEMENT, Oct. 1, 1892 :— ASSETS. Cashin: bankSsexs wet evnectoeepeeeees Bonds and mtPess accu scenes Int. accrued on mtges Call loans...... Pe cees aheseaeeenuceee Int. accrued on call loans......... Real’ estate; COSt..caccsss -accanes Plant cose aor er ee eae esses tae Premiums due...... BESS cscdeeiees Premiums contracted....... .....+ All other assets eeeee seeeece eo eee. eoeerer es eseeer ee ROC eo eee ee eres se veeeerareseee Capital Stock ..i....1tescsscceseareosaes Deposits awaiting investment... Interest accrued on deposits.... Loans, borrowed money Interest accrued on loans......... All other liabilities....20 Je sirces Net surplus © ee eee ee ce eeeeees sees oeeses The Lawyers’ Surety Co. $47,678 13 23,200 27 1,865 96 $72,744 36 $5 30 19,500 0O 3,452 96 35,269 84 9,383 63 33778 67 $101,390 40 $63,535 46 584,530 00 22,769 49 55,300 00 1,440 79 10,056 82 47,056 00° 35770 82 25,500 77 8,250 93 $822,211 08 $500,000 0O- 65,086 10 1,017 85 222,000 00 2,989 67 1,250 00 29,867 46 $822,211 08 Inc. Mar. 30, 1892. No statement yet published. Lawyers’ Title Insurance Co. Income and expenditures — MENT, Jan. 1, 1892: during year 18oI. INCOME. Premiums and searches........... Interest Income from all sources........... Pee oeeeeeeeeeee SELSOHHHH teaser eee Aggregate INCOME........60++ STATE-_ $318,783 52 44,660 27 17,836 14 $381,279 93 — iy EXPENDITURES. Expenses of keeping up plant, SI | BOUL Peestekncs2% es Coamecasasvanactt gat eeate $168,263 PUREE GLC, 8s... cks os ocx tten heed 51,974 57 MESS st SS ee ei Fh ae 16,404 06 All other payments...... .....cs00. 37,311 56 Aggregate expenditures... $273,954 00 ASSETS, Real estate, 37 Liberty st.. 44144 and 46 Maiden la., cost......... $170,000 00 Bonds and mtpes.......:c01 Seem! 713,982 50 Interest accrued thereon......... 9,414 United States 4s ($100,000)...... 116,500 00 New York city 3s ($100,000).... IOI,500 00 Been ee sesh iesasc sosevegconet che heen 33,738 69 Interest due and accrued......... 1,500 00 Rents die and accrued s:..c.00: g16 68 Bureau of information...... ...... 290,521 89 Hes MeLAOAlANCE.....5 ec sxtsveses 34,099 99 | $1,472,173 93 | LIABILITIES BPE ALEStOCK 5... 5.00 .ncaseesdtnteeee $1,000,000 .00 | Due for searches,taxes,salaries, Bree COTUREC 63 in, csssacrea serrate 28,458 16 | BPI MALG very cate b/osiad voy «nc denn eee eonee AAT PL 3a 07, $1,472,173 93 Lloyd’s Plate Glass Insurance Co. STATEMENT, Jan. 1, 1892. Income and expend- itures during year 1891 :— INCOME. Gross premiums $403,310.14, deduct return premiums PHAR IND 72 ya ania ice Decavegtmeggenee $389,248 02 Int. and divs. received........ .. 11,636 17 Pee ie cswsh fe * Subsequently sold and bills payable reduced. . 585 1890, 3; 1891, Sept., 1% ; Dec., 1% ; 1892, Mar., June and Sept., 1% each. FUNDED DreBT—People’s Gas Light and Coke Co., Ist mtge. g. guar. c. 6s, 1874; due Nov. I, 1904, $2,100,000; $500 M. & N. People’s Gas Light and Coke Co., 2d mtge. guar. c. 1874; due Dec. 1, 1904, $2,500,000; $500 J. & D. Equitable Gas Light and Fuel Co., Ist mtge. guar. c* 1885; due July 1, 1905. Chicago Gas Light and Coke Co., Ist mtge. g. guar. c. 1887; due July 1, 1937, $8,908,000; $100 c. 5s J. & J. Allint. payable at Cen- tral Trust Co., of N. Y.,as above. Consumers’ Gas Light and Coke Co., Ist mtge. g. guar. c. 1886; due Dec. 1, 1936, 5s $4,320,000; $1,000 J. & D., Chicago Union National Bank. New construction in 1891, $955,591 :— Net Earnings. Interest. Surplus. OOD ese onccbe wis ssebuse dv es-suen Ch be odce eee R eee mee emet see seeeeeees $2,389,709 $1,035,100 $1,354,609 ON) Ua dais ts o's oo sens sv ve.g soins notdrac ge Mate eeeo ee ETRE CR cane aE SS 2,787,835 1,044,250 1,743,585 $388,976 Increase (after paying city $150,000.) No floating debt. Officers and Directors not furnished. THE CHICAGO JUNCTION RAILWAYS AND UNION STOCK YARDS CO., General Office, 45 Broadway ; Corporate Office, 1 Montgomery st., Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1890, in N. J.; expires July 10, 1940. Capital authorized, $13,000,000, par $100; Paid in and issued $12,940,400, of which $6,500,000 is common and $6,440,400 preferred 6 p. c. cumulative stock, and in event of liquidation will have priority over common stock. Dividends in 1891: Preferred stock, Jan. toth, 3 p.c.; July 15th, 3 p.c.; Common stock, Jan. toth, 2% p.c.; Feb. 16th, 2% p.c.; July 15th,5 p.c. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtg., dated Aug. 15, 1890, due July 1, 1915; coup. with privilege of registration 5s; created and outstanding, $10,000,000; each $1,000, or £205. Interest J. & J. Payable at Central Trust Co., N. Y., which is trustee. No sinking fund, Secured by deposit of 120,000 shares (over 90 p. c.) capital stock of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Co. of Chicago. Also to be issued as stated below income bonds 5 p. c. non cumulative, 1892, 1,000, $3,000,000 due 1987. xtracts from annual report :— ‘“Your Company was organized as an investment company, for the express purpose of investing its capital in the purchase of shares of the capital stock of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Company of Chicago, and the shares of such company were selected because, in the judgment of tHe incorporators, they assured a permanent and profitable investment. The Board of Directors have purchased 129,770 shares of the capital stock of the Chicago Company, at a cost of $22,587,283.90. The results for the two years ending June 30, 1892, have been entirely satisfactory. ‘The gross and net earnings of the Chicago Company during the three years ending June 30, 1892 (estimating June, 1892), were as follows :— Gross Earnings. Net Earnings. Wear ending June 30, 1890kjs.-ssceasseayvueucest concn fee cera easels ctnedesaiin sass $2,668,386 65 $1,717,809 71 Wearsending JUNG 30, 1SQE: wecs, cueseerenatinestessnnmatmeesnccvepantece tn ota sn ec 2,863,633 48 1,800,458 38 Year ending June 30, 1892......06. Mote Veesaw Cates Uf caeeens CANE al eaves ss aeane wer as 2,947,455 63 1,829,420 50 ‘The income and profits of Company since June 30, 1891, derived from dividends on the shares of the Chicago Company, interest on deposits, etc., have amounted to the sum of $1,706,439.89. The fixed charges, including interest on the $10,000,000 issue of bonds, taxes, legal expenses, salaries, etc., have amounted to the sum of $667,247.40, leaving the sum of $1,039,192.49 to represent the net profits or income of the Company during the fiscal year now ending, ‘‘Since the last annual meeting, your Board of Directors have declared two dividends of 3 p.c. each upon the preferred stock and two dividends of 4 p. c. each upon the com- mon stock. ; ‘The results may be summarized as follows :— Net income or profits during year ending June 30, 1892, after paying fixed. charges, LC. say. sncvcentemneaeet ater emPee eur ye esparee Leicece vance ta $1,039,192 49 Dividends 6 p. c. on preferred stock............ Lame a eta een t te ith ccnuivci ake crv’ $391,290 Mividends 8 p. C. ON COMIMON BLOC Kage erat ree chee eka cena eeaeb ans 497,914. —-— 889,204 00 Surplus incoMe ACCOUNL.....+..seersccesseccersessea sass sersessecesessrees sonsesenecesscess $149,988 49 Which will be carried to credit of income account and added to the balance of July 1, 1891, viz., $60,650.19, making the present total surplus of income account $210,638.68 after deducting the interest and dividends payable July 1, 1892. There is also the reserve surplus account as per balance sheet, viz., $168,005.”’ 586 This Company has purchased 98 p.c. of the stock of the Union Stock Yard and Transit Co. of Chicago, which latter company owns the entire stock of the Chicago and Indiana State Line Railroad Co. The property thus controlled is situated in Chicago, and consists of 470 acres of land (with one mile of water front) containing warehouses, sheds and pens (to accommodate 25,000 head of cattle, 160,000 hogs, etc.); also 130 miles of steel-tracked railway, connecting with all the railroads entering the city. In Mar., 1892, a fifteen-year agreement, dated Jan. 15, 1892, in effect from July 1, 1891, was made with the Chicago packers, Messrs. Armour, Morris and Swift and others, under which they guaranteed to continue to give the Company the business of packing at Chicago for all live stock slaughtered by them within 200 miles of the city. All the stock is to pass through the Chicago Company’s yards, and to pay the usual charges, which shall amount in the next six years to at least $2,000,000. All suits are to be abandoned, and the Central Stock Yards are to be transferred to the Chicago Company, as well as 1,000 acres of land at Tollston, and the use of the remaining 3,000 acres is to be restricted. In return the Company proposes to issue to the packers $3,000,000 fifteen- year 5 p. c. non-cumulative income trust bonds, carrying interest after payment of interest on the collateral trust bonds and the 6 p. c. dividends on the preferred stock. The Company reserves the right to deliver common stock at par in lieu of such bonds, stockholders to have the right to exchange common stock for such bonds. Fiscal year ends June 30th. On June 23, 1892, five-year contract, dated in effect July Ist, with so-called Stock Yard Packers, which gives all their business to Company and Company to collect in yardage and charges in five years $500,000. BALANCE-SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES. Investment account :— Capital stock :— Amount paid for purchase of G4; 309 SOS DNCI.w ck canucesetonien $6,438,300 oo 129,770 shares of the capital Olea o. SNS, COM. torcsest nen 6,141,800 00 stock of the Union Stock 5 p. c. collateral trust gold Yard and Transit Co. in ac- DONS .aivcsversepeanes Wee pecans exes 10,000,000 00 cordance with agreement Int. accrued on bds, inc. un- datedt] aly 10, 18G0e0. snes $22,587,283 90 paid Coupons: ......6.. Sheaves 251,375 00 Cash at bankers, etc :— Dividends declared payable NEWHY OLE fivenys ctees-aiecsca ust he 324,763 50 July 1st :-- BOSEOI cts as on seven caitapsaraeee: 12)332 1G ie a Ge POT. ShOCR NS 9s Coe rear 193,149 00 UETICAPO. otaccectn esos te sicameee age 5,362 48 COM StOCK A DIC eee tec ta 245,672 00 Cashin transit t..ccssrsest yeh 18,800 00 | Surplus account :-- eaSh rit OFiCOviet ose cc ctacers unk 7 85 Amount of profits accrued Rondonicdsh iin hantiane. ar. 10,164 40 prior to July 1, 1890, esti- On dividend account :— mated ated) PaCiastccssetes. os 129,770 00 New York and London... 328,821 00 Amount received and can- On coupon account :— celled subscriptions.......... 38,235 00 Central) [rust Cou. seis... 251,404 24 | Inc. and expenditure acct :— Balance as per acct. annexed. 210,658 68 $23,648,939 68 $23,638,939 68 On Jan. 15, 1892, the Company executed an agreement with Messrs. Armour, Swift and Morris providing for issue of $3,000,000 5 p. c. non-cumulative income bonds, providing for annual charge of $200,000, if earned, to be applied to interest and redemption of bonds. Pending litigation has prevented consummation of this agreement. INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT, July 1, 1891, to June 30, 1892 :— DR. CR. To taxes, ordinary and extra By balance, July 1,1891, brought expenses, legal expenses, sal- LOT WAT sie scternstelconneetres ctcast $60,650 19 aries, exchange, rents, etc.... $167,247 40 | By dividends received on Union To interest on bonds.............0. 500,000 00 Stock Yard and Transit Co. LO. Valance vd Ow! atices-s)eeasneess 1,099,842 68 shares, int. on deposits, etc... . 1,706,439 89 $1,767,090 08 $1,767,090 08 To appropriation :— Dividends paid: Pref. stock. 198,141 00, | By balance. downs. tices sivecusse 1,099,842 68 ie he eCOM Stock, 252,242 00 Dividends declared: pref. BLOCK itevecupee vecsseccasernanceents 193,149 00 Dividends declared: com BLOCK ccutloarah sates vel venience: aetend 245,672 00 To balance carried to balance- Sheek Apxrcwier sieeve dinates 210,638 68 $1,099,842 68 $1,099,842 65 587 OFFICERS—Chauncey M. Depew, Chairman of Board; John Quincy Adams, President; William J. Sewell, Vice-President; William C. Lane, Secretary ; Thomas Sturgis, Treasurer; Seward, Guthrie & Morawetz, 29 Nassau st., N. Y., General Counsel. D1IREcTORS—Chauncey M. Depew, New York City ; John Quincy Adams, Boston, Mass. ; Edward J. Phelps, Burlington, Vt.; William J. Sewell, Camden, N. J.; Frederick H. Prince, Boston, Mass.; Frederick H. Winston, Albert H. Veeder and Edward J. Martyn, Chicago, Ill.; Hugh C. E. Childers and Adolph Von Andre, London, Eng. CHICAGO PACKING AND PROVISION C0O., General and Corporate Offices, ‘67 Board of Trade, Chicago; N.Y. Office, 333 Produce Exchange. Inc. Sept., 1892, in Illinois ; Charter for 99 years. Company’s charter taken in 1872 for 20 years just expired ; Company reincorporated for 99 years. Capital authorized, $850,000, par $100; Full paid. “OpyEcT—Pork packing and dealing in provisions. Plant at Chicago and Nebraska City, Neb., owned by Company. Stock not listed. Dividends not stated. FUNDED DEBT— Ist mtge., gold, 6s, due Ig10, $650,000. OFFICERS—H. Batsford, President; Chas. L. Hutchinson, Vice-President ; William J. Dee, Secretary, Chicago, Ill. Direcrors— H. Batsford, Chas. L. Hutchinson, William J. Dee, S. A. Kent, David S. Googins, Levy Mayer. CITIZENS’ GAS LIGHT CO., Brooklyn, N. Y. (See p. 78. Additional informa- tion.) Stock listed May, 1892. Apr.1, 1892:—Number of meters in use, 6,931 ; streetlamps, 1,386; miles of street mains, 76%. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. c. subject to call after Apr. 1,1895. 1885, $1,000, $250,000 5s, A. & O. at Company’s office, due Apr. 1, 1905 ; Consol mtge. C.* authorized, $750,000 gold, issued $500,000, 5s gold, F. & A. at Central Trust Co.,N.Y., due Feb. 1, 1940. Union Gas Light Co., 1st mtge. 1889, due July 1, 1905, $1,000, $250,000, 6s J. & J. at Central Trust Co., N. Y.; 1st consolidated mtge., gold, 1885, due Jan. I, 1920; $1,000, $250,000 $s, gold, J. & J. at Central Trust Co., N.Y. S.A. Lathrop, President. THE CITY RAILWAY IMPROVEMENT (C0O., General Office, 45 William st. ; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J, Inc. 1888, in Jersey City,'N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyecr—Contracting to build and construct railroads. Tracks located in N. Y. city, but active operations suspended by reason of litigation. If not shortly amicably settled will be referred to a commission. No divi- ddends. FUNDED DEBT—$I,500,000 coupon* 6s; $1,000 M. of S., dated 1889, due 19009 ; principal and interest payable in gold. Central Trust Co. of N. Y., trustee. OFFICERS —Daniel D. Conover, President ; De Witt J. Apgar, Secretary ; Alfred Skitt, Treasurer. D1REcTORS—Daniel D. Conover, John H. Davis, F. O. Beach, De Witt J. Apgar, Alfred Skitt, F. R. Minrath, Frederick Franbach. THE H. B. CLAFLIN CO,, General Office, Church and Worth sts.; Corporate ‘Office, N. J. Inc. May, 1890, in N. J., to succeed H. B. Claflin & Co., which was formed Jan. 1, 1864, to control business started by Horace B. Claflin, in 1843. Capital authorized, $9,000,000, par $100; Full paid, viz.: $3,000,000 Ist pref., 5 p. c. cum.; $3,000,000 2d pref., 6 p. c. cum., and $3,000,000 common stock. No funded debt or other incumbran- ces. Mr. John Claflin agreed to remain President until May, 1895, and to hold at least $1,000,000 common, and $2,000,000 preferred, total, $3,000,000, stock intact. Preferred stocks are so both as to principal and dividends. Registrars of stock, American Exchange National Bank. Dividends on preferred stock have been regular since incorporated—Sept., 1891, decided to hereafter pay that on preferred stock in gold. On ‘common stock Company paid in 1891, Io p.c. All dividends on preferred stock payable Feb. & July, andsemi-annually reports made. Information of Company : Business premises having frontages on Worth st., 375 feet; West Broadway, 130 feet; Thomas st., 150 feet, and Church st., 80 feet, and all appurtenances were valued at $2,000,000, and total assets at amount of stock, nothing being paid for the firm’s good-will. Earnings have been: 1886, $692,000 ; 1887, $766,000; 1888, $706,000; 1889, $784,000; since incorporation, 1891, $658, 096.86. STATEMENT, Dec. 31, 1891. ASSETS, LIABILITIES. LSE ae ae eee reer OT Oba sid tarde Mab italetceatcite Picts esseteviacces $9,000,000 00 ‘Cash dividends paid on account Open accounts payable............ 4,416,891 19 of autumn Profits....... sccerccess 171,269 33 | Foreign exchange & loan acct.. 517,696 69 Bills FECeiVaD]e, «2.0. s006 cassnescvscces Ty517;5059 OF ols DUTPIUS TESELr Ve. iscisccce sesceee oases 266,833 71 Open accounts receivable.......... 5:37 12194, 4h oie F FOULS AUC 1S01\ «ches sescccees 303,435 13 Merchandise ...... .ccsseesresees seeeee 5,053,405 88 StOre PrOPErty ....ceresrescreee conve 2,665,065 24 Stable ..........00 secccsses sovsececsrceses 27107 523 Horses, trucks, wagons, etc....... 14,622 00 $14,504,856 72 $14,504,856 72 588 Net earnings after paying all taxes, salaries and expenses of every kind................. $303,435 13 Interest on first preferred stock from June 30th to December 31, 1891.......6..sseceseceeees 70,004 83 $233,430 30 Interest on second preferred stock from June 30th to December 3ISt...........ssesseeeseee 84,639 50 Remainder Tor COMMION Stock ies: saestrtes clues tevesecgseesaaneuena: tteceeeta tate aeemer tre Coreen etre $148,790 80 Two quarterly dividends aggregating. 4 per Cente Mece-caverccss mentees et gc teneoesnescetesenes 136,288 00 Surplus on autumn business foricommon Stock. s..5), 5 c.9 1 swslseos sass ene ssoes testts woaceesd Pl) Soom Surplus reserve/for common jstockycarried TOrward we... usss ctte scone eacspemasee ast mieeeeaeees 266,833 7am Présent surplus reserve for commion stock,.., :.tc-sescuastact sah iaegeacbasepsrasasersessnereandart ger $279,336 51 Earned for the common stock inthe spring Of) 150%h.2.,.-rae-cspeemh ee pie con eveesa einer 6.03 per cent. ee .s he ae - @UCU Mn OL SO tern nrencge scat vac teers seeneeee A 20 og ff i J is RNG TV CATOTOO Lanes toe vara cance ta mit aseartes seen neds 16.30. Extracts from Report Dec. 31, 1891 :— 1484 shares of preferred stock were converted into common stock during the last season. There are now outstanding 27,821 shares of first preferred stock; 27,879 shares of second preferred stock, and 34,300 shares of common stock. The dividends on the first preferred stock are now payable specifically in gold coin. Our new building is nearly finished, and will soon be available for business uses. Its cost has exceeded by more than $100,000 the estimates of architect and builders. This is to be regretted, but it makes the fact evident that our store property could not be duplicated for the amount at which it stands on the balance-sheet. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—John Claflin, President; Edward E. Eames, Ist Vice- President; Daniel Robinson, 2d Vice-President ; Horace J. Fairchild, 3d Vice-President ; Dexter N. Force, Treasurer ; George E. Armstrong, Secretary. THE CLERK GAS ENGINE C0O., General Office, 113 Chambers st.; Corporate Office, 1016 Filbert st., Phila. Co. reported to be almost entirely out of business. George B. Edwards, Manager. CLEVELAND ROLLING MILL CO., Cleveland, 0. (Additional article. See p. 80.) Offices, Boston, New York, Chicago, St. Louis, Cincinnati. Inc. Sept. 4, 1863, in Ohio; Charter Perpetual, Capital authorized, $4,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OBJECT —Manufacture of steel andiron of all kinds. Plant at Cleveland, O. ; covers 100 acres. Always pay dividends; prefer not state how much. No debts of any kind what- ever; no bond or mtge. OFFICERS—William Chisholm, President; W. B. Chisholm, Vice-President ; Ed. S. Page, Secretary, all at Cleveland, O. Directors not stated. J. & P. COATS, Limited, Office, 361 Broadway; Corporate Office, Paisley, Scotland. Inc. Aug., 1890, in Paisley, Scotland. Capital authorized, $28,000,000, par $50; Full paid. Co. formed to take over business of J. & P. Coats, which was founded in Paisley, Scotland, in 1830, and in Pawtucket, R.I., in 1842, and converted into a ~ private unlimited Co. in 1884. At least 4 of old firm to remain on board for 5 years. Land occupied, 120 acres freehold. Works at Pawtucket being vested in the Conant Thread Co. (inc. in R.I.), nearly all the stock of which is held by the old Co. Upwards of 6,000 hands employed. Price paid old Co. for property was ordinary full-paid shares, £583,330; Full paid 6 p. c. pref. shares, £666,660; debenture stock, £666,660, and ~ cash, £3,833,350; total, 45,750,000. All interests were acquired. In the incorporation capital was full paid, divided thus :— 200,000 6 p.c. preference shares, cumulative, each £10, ......ce0scecssees £ 2,000,000 or $9,733,333 34 §7 5,060. OTCMNATY SHALES PEACHES TOM: 1a cles test ec oo voter eee may tenner aceseten aes 1,750,000 or 8,516,606 66 4 3,750,000 $18,250,000 00 f AVE. Cr CEDONTHTE: StOCK | ceccaeah stra cuercas ch sbovicsscocehutramet anasto ameceere.ts 2,000,000 OF 9,733,333 34am 4 The debenture stock issued in mutiples of £10 is practically a 1st mtge. loan, being — secured by mtge. to The Debenture Corporation, Ltd., as trustees for the debenture stock- holders. ‘Interest J. & J. 1, from and after Jan. 1, 1891. Perpetual but redeemable by drawings at £110 p. c. on and after Jan. 1, 1901. Preference and ordinary shares receive _ 5 p.c. to Jan. 1, 1891, and thereafter as agreed. OpyEct—General business of thread manufacturers and merchants, and all matters incidental thereto. DirRECTORS—Archi- bald Coats, Ferguslie Thread Works, Paisley, Chairman; James Coats, Providence, — R. I.; James Coats, Jr., Thomas Glen Coats, Peter Coats, Jr., George Coats, Daniel — y 45,750,000 $27,983,333 34 589 Coats, William Allan Coats, Otto E. Philippi, all of Ferguslie Thread Works, Paisley ; Sir James King, Bart., Deputy Chairman Caledonian RW. ; Sir William Arrol, Glasgow ; Sir James Whitehead, Bart., Director, Pawson & Co., Ltd. General Agents in N. Y.,. Coats Thread Co. COATS’ THREAD CO., General Office, 361 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. Nov. 8, 1891, in N. J. Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100 ; Paid in, $10,000. OxsyEct—To sell the J. & P. Coats’ spool cotton. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcTORS—Thomas Glenn Coats, President; Stuart A. Coats, Vice-President; C. H. Probst, Secretary; Theodore Frelinghuysen, Treasurer. COLORADO COAL AND IRON CO., General Office, 45 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. in Col. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100 ; Full. paid.. No dividends now paid. FUNDED DEBT—$3,101,000; Ist consol. mtge., 6 p. C., $1,000,. 20-year gold coup. bds., due Feb. 1, 1900, int. payable F. & A. at the Company’s office, New York, N. Y. The stock is non-assessable. Stocks and bonds are listed on the New York Exchange. The Colorado Coal and Iron Co. was formed Jan. 23, 1888, by the con- solidation of The Central Colorado Improvement Co., the Colorado Coal and Steel Works Co., and The Southern Colorado Coal and Town Co., under the laws of the State of Colorado. The properties owned by the Company consist of 99,376 acres of land along the line of the D. and R. G. RW., in Colorado, 14,131 acres of which are coal lands, 83,788 acres town site, colony and agricultural lands, and 1,057 acres iron-ore lands. In addition the Company owns about 300 acres of iron land near South Arkansas, upon which are three mining properties; 100 acres of land at Hot Springs, containing large deposits of hematite ore, and a number of iron mines not yet developed, and Ioo acres. on the San Carlos, on which is a large deposit of limestone. The Company leases the Placer Iron Mines, near Placer Station, and other iron mines, on the Trinchera estate, which contains nearly 600,000. The revenue of the Company is derived through coal and iron mines, coking establishments, iron and steel works, real estate, etc. The Colorado Coal and Iron Co. is now to be consolidated with the Colorado Fuel Co. It is proposed, prior to consolidation, to transfer to the Colorado Coal and Iron Development. Co. (a corporation already organized, and all of whose present outstanding stock is. owned by the Colorado Coal and Iron Co.: (1.) All of the salable real estate, including agricultural, grazing, fruit and oil lands, and suburban property and town lots in Pueblo,. Canon City, Florence, Bessemer and El Moro, consisting of 75,000 acres, more or less, be- sides platted lands and town lots. (2.) 7,487 shares of stock in the Bessemer Ditehi Co: (3.) $32,000 2d mtge. bds. of the Bessemer Ditch Co. (4.) $1,049,100.67 notes (bills re- ceivable) for deferred payments on landsold. (5.) $250,000, 20-year 5 per cent. gold bds.. of the Colorado Coaland Iron Development Co., for the purpose of cancellation by the said Company for account of the sinking fund. The capitalization of the new company will be $2,000,000 preferred stock, $11,000,000 common, and $6,000,000 consol. mtge. bds. The preferred stock will go share for share for the present preferred of the Colorado- Fuel Co. Of the common $9,250,000 will go to the stockholders of the Colorado Coabk and Iron and the Colorado Fuel Cos., and $1,750,000 will remain in the treasury. The holders of the old stock of the Coal and Iron will receive, in lieu of their present holdings, 40 p. c. in the stock of the new Company and 60 p. c. in the stock of the Colorado Coal and Iron Development Co. Of the authorized bond issue $4,244,000 will be required to offset the bonds of the old companies, and $1,756,000 will remain in the treasury. The Grand River Coal and Coke Co., the Denver Fuel Co., and the Huerfano Land Association are controlled by the Colorado Fuel Co., and the respective stocks of these companies will be held in the treasury of the new company. The Consolidated Coal and Iron Co. will acquire, besides large improved reserves, 69,000 acres of land, con- taining 400,000,000 tons of proved coal deposits; 800 coke ovens, capacity, 25,000 tons per month; 15 coal mines, with daily capacity of 12,000 tons of all kinds of coal; steel works at Bessemer, including 3 blast furnaces, capacity, 300 tons pig iron per day; rail mill, capacity, 300etons per day; bar mill; pipe plant, 30 tons per day; iron mines and cash and convertible assets of $1,216,568. Last year the companies in the consolidation produced 2,200,000 tons of coal and coke, three-quarters production of the entire State. The Colorado Coal and Iron Development Co. The consolidated company assumes the absolute payment of the interest and principal of the $3,101,000 Colorado Coal and Iron Co, 6 p. c. Ist mtge. bds., and will secure the payment of the same by the deposit of bonds as hereinafter set forth, so that the lands and lots .to be transferred to this Company will be practically free from liability for the principal and interest of the outstanding $3,101,000 of Colorado Coal and Iron Co. bonds. The lands previously owned by the Colorado Coal and Iron Development Co. are mortgaged to secure an 590 issue of $1,000,000 bonds of which $50,000 have already een purchased and cancelled, and with the $250,000 of said bonds received from the Colorado Coal and Iron Co. for cancellation, will leave the outstanding mortgage indebtedness $700,000. With the $1,049,190 land notes transferred to the Development Co., loans to the amount of $705,000 are assumed. The following is a condensed statement of the Colorado Coal and Iron Development Co., under the proposed plan :— | ASSETS. LIABILITIES. BMS TECE1 VAD eau scseuaceccsesc eet 1,040, 190.0707 la pital Pastor se. eluetuc ae teens $6,000,000 00 Real estate and town lots......... 6,220,023 71) 4 bonds OUlstandiny. oa. «sarecr eee 700,000 00 Bessemer Ditch Co. stock and Bills payable feaeeeete ee eee 705,000 00 DONUS S75 hv vocee stances cavancasse teres 126,185 62 $7,405,000 00 $7,405,000 00 The Development Co’s bonds, $1,000,000 (guaranteed) cover real estate in Pueblo, Col. INCOME ACCOUNT (G. C. & I. CO.) 1888. 1889. 1890. 18013 ASTOSSUCATNIN GS ge. va pietteceeeensececes ss apseaue ests $2,212,623 $1,300,416 $2,769,490 $1,923,691 Total net, incl. inc. from investments, etc. 300,149 £22,377, 500,625 246,876 ONterest 60 DONCSin. s,.osccs beset: receacceertame teen 209,940 209,940 209,940 209,940 Interest, discount; exchange, cicc -....m...2 10,402 17,057 5,258 1,476 PLAX eS ANG GNSIFANCE Wc cece taSeceese cect soe ent ae eee 44,108 34,0760) =). Asteeceeae itemisto pronits and) 16S8.0.2.;. dsassexteseveersct 5,305 45,089 11,365 3,269 LOL alice sisine tececcictyes tees avenkclte vantaens cudvov vendo vannees@apsanteraapinea rete tmaleieers Ue eam se iaecdscokah Lo ee i, ae. AND DIREcCTORS—H.C. H. Herold, M. D., President, Newark, N. J.; Jerome Taylor, Vice- ~ President, N. Y.; S. O. Nichols, Secretary, N, Y.; Leopold Hess, Treasurer, N. Vics thee G. Solomon, Newark, N. J.; Walker H. Graef, N. Y., Joseph Steiner, N. Y.; Morris Schwerin, N. Y. CONTRACT INDEMNITY CO., of America, on page 93. Now practically out of business. CORRALITOS CO., General and Corporate Office, 54 Exchange pl. Capital, $900,000; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information fur- nished. Josiah F. Crosby, President. THE CREDIT FONCIER C0., General Office, 32 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. Sept. 17, 1886, in Col. Statement, Sept. 17, 1891+: Capital, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in, $58,945, viz.: cash, 29,629; property, 29,316; existing debts, $15,000. OpjEcT—To establish a colony in “ Pacific City,’’ bay of Topolobampo, Sinaloa, Mex- ico, upon communistic and co-operative principles. OrriceERS—Albert K. Owen, Presi- dent; Davitt D. Chidester, Secretary. DrrEcTORS—John W. Lovell, Albert K. Owen, D. D. Chidester, Marie Howland, A. D. Brock, L. R. Hawkins, E. J. Shellhous, Wm. F.. Eston, Wm. C. Crooks, Geo. W. Presse. CROCKER-WHEELER ELECTRIC C0., General Office, No. 430 W. 14th st. (Additional corrections. See page 98, where corporate name is incorrect.) Inc. in N. J., Dec. 8, 1891. Authorized capital, $200,000, all paid in cash. Opyecr—Manufacture of electric motors, dynamos and appliances. Factory, Nos. 430-432 W. 14th st., 857-877 Washington st., 429-431 W. 13th st. Last year’s dividend, 5 p.c., paid in Nov. No funded debt. OrriceRs—S. S. Wheeler, President; F. B. Crocker, Vice-President; D. H. Jeffery, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—S. S. Wheeler, F. B. Crocker, David Crocker, Wm. B. Baldwin, R. N. Peterson, F. M. Jeffery, John H. Flagler. W. A. CROOK & BROS. CO., General Office, 121 Liberty st.: Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. Mar. 17, 1891, in N. J., for 50 years, Statement, June 1, 1892 = Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $29,000. RESOURCES. LIABILITIES. BUA TIE asi fas teiareats icagecis generate sas teees $38,593 OL 1 “ACCOUNTS DAVaDIe )0..-cecr.ceesesssueee $18,946 67 ACCOUNTS TecelVables. 1.) aiviblosness-e 4) LO,O53020 wins Dells (PAV Dies sui fe oe eee eae 11,439 88 ils receiva le. achat aeaarwi earns, 225400. 14 StOCKhOlAere x Awyacemantoenn, Ores mee 29,000 00: DUP Pes sins at eset nec meh rretny Set Ts 8,500 .00.08 Prouts.. cet eeeee Sus: Sendeneneae 9,890 81 Wasnt hank. cece. spike csereneess cece 3,047 09 $69,277 36 $69,277 36 OpjEctT—Manufacture of Crook’s Improved Hoisting, Dredging and Mining En- gines, hoisting machinery, boilers, etc. Dealers in contractors’ supplies. Has been established about 5 years. Plant at Broad and Pioneer sts., Newark, N, J.; ground covers 100 feet square. No funded debt. Orricers AND Drrectors—E. R. Carhuff, President; V. V. Le Roy, Vice-President ; C. B. Crook, Secretary and Treasurer. CUMBERLAND COAL CO., Office, 1 Broadway ; Corporate Office, 213 E. German st., Baltimore, Md. Inc. 1885 in Md. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $60,000, par $100; Full paid. All stock is owned by 6 persons, H.G. Davis, S. B. Elkins, A. P. Gorman, Thos. B. Davis, Robt. Oberand W.H.Gorman. Company has the leasehold of a large tract of valuable coal land in West Virginia and are successfully mining two seams on the same property. The Company is applying its earnings to the improvement . of its property, opening mines, building houses and erecting coke ovens. Owes no debt and always has a large surplus on hand. OxsyeEct—Miners and shippers of Big Vein, Douglas and other bituminous coals. OrriceERs—Wm. H. Gorman, President; — Arthur W. Sellman, Treasurer. 595 CUMBERLAND GAP PARK C0O., 58 William st. (See p. 100. Additional infor- mation.) Corporate Office, Harrowgate, Tenn. Capital paid in, $725,000 of full-paid stock, par $100. OpjectT—A general and health resort at Harrowgate, Tenn. Property consisting of hotel, sanitarium, etc. DAHLONEGA COAL MINING CO,, p. 102, corporate name should have been as now printed. DALY MINING CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in Salt Lake City, Utah. No other information furnished. Lounsbery & Co., Agents. THE DAME MOSES CO. (Additional information. See p. 103.) Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $2,700. Total assets at least, $3,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Edward G. Wells, President; Frank B. Waltman, Treasurer. THE THADDEUS DAVIDS CO. (p. 103. Additional information.) Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Capital, full paid, $30,000, viz.: cash, $5,100; property, $24,900; assets, $47,350; debts, other than capital, $3,500. DE BARDELEBEN COAL AND IRON CO. See Tennessee Coal and Iron Co. DENVER CITY CABLE CO. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; issued, $2,770,000, per share $100. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. gold c*. and r. 6s, 1888, due Jan. I, 1908, $3,397,000, $1,000, J. & J.,.N. Y. Taintor & Holt, Fiscal Agents. Owns cable lines in Denver, Col., and has the exclusive right to operate horse railways in that city till 1902. Mileage owned: Cable lines, 25 miles single track; horse car lines, 47 miles single track ; total owned and operated, 72 miles. DENVER CITY WATER CO. Capital, common, $5,000,000; preferred, $2,000,000; Full paid. FUNDED DEeBT—Ist mtge. g. c.* 5s, due Nov. 1, 1910, $1,138,000, $1,000, M. & N., N. Y. Owns water-works supplying the city of Denver, Col., and suburbs. The general mtge. (trustee, Central Trust Co. of N. Y.) is for $7,000,000, but of this amount $3,000,000 bonds are reserved for future construction and improvements, and $2,862,000 are held to secure the payment of $2,575,000 of prior lien bonds. In year 1890-91 gross earnings were $384,155, against $308,444 in 1889-90. DENVER CONSOLIDATED GAS CO. Organized Nov. 16, 1891, to take over the old gas company in Denver, Col. Capital, $1,500,000, par ¢100. Qrly. dividends of I p.c., paid J.,A., J.& O. 1, 1892. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. g.c.* 6s, 1891, due Nov. 16, I9II, $1,500,000, $100, $1,000, J. & J. N. Y., Maitland Phelps & Co. Mtge. covers all the corporate property, which includes valuable real estate in Denver. The bonds are subject to redemption at 105, and interest in case of any sale of property under the mtge. Gross earnings year ending Jan. 20, 1892, $374,027; net, $194,803, year ending Jan. 20. 1891, gross, $358,918; net, $180,755; year ending Jan. 20, 1890, gross, €536,121 ; net, $176,027. Hon. J. B..Grant, Denver, President. © - DENVER TRAMWAY CO. Owns 18 miles of cable road and 35 miles of elec- tric railway in the city of Denver, Col. Funded debt, Ist mtge. g., 1888 *6s, due July 1, 1908, $498,000, $1,000, J. & J., Denver. Cons. mtge. g.,.c*. and r. 6s, 1890, due Jan. 1, Ig10; created, $2,000,000; outstanding, $1,219,000, $1,000, J. & J., N. Y. DETROIT, MACKINAC & MARQUETTE LAND CO. FunpEp Desr—Income mtge. redeemable at par, reg. 7s, 1881, due Oct. I, 1911, $3,451,000, $1,000, A. & O. Owns about 1,300,000 acres of land in Northern Michigan, along the line of the Detroit, Mac- inac and Marquette RR., which road was sold in foreclosure Oct. 20, 1886. The land grant bonds retained their lien upon the lands covered by their mtge. The bondhold- ers received a bonus of 35 p.c.in common stock of the Duluth, South Shore and Atlan- tic RR. Co. in Mar. 1888. Lands are free from taxation till 1895. James McMillan, Detroit, President. 38 596 DETROIT UNION RR. DEPOT AND STATION CO. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; outstanding, $1,650,000; par $100, FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. g. c.* 4s, 1888, due July 1, 1938, $600,000, $1,000, J. & J., N. Y., Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. Owns terminal property at Detroit, Mich., including 31% miles steel track, freight house, ~ grain elevator, etc., all except the elevator leased to the Wabash, the Flint and Pere Mar- quette and the Detroit, Lansing and Northern RR. Co’s. The lessees pay taxes and insurance and $94,426 as rental; net earnings of elevator averaged $25,000 during the years 1883 to 1890, inclusive. In year 1890, receipts were: from rentals, $89,411 ; elevator, $27,010; total, $116,421; expenses, including taxes, insurance and expense of elevator, $29,176; net income, $87,244. James F. Joy, President. DISTILLING AND CATTLE-FEEDING CO., General and Corporate Office, Peoria, Ill.; Other offices where refineries are located. Inc. in IIl. Capital, $35,000,000, par $100. Stock listed on N. Y. Stock Exchange Sept., 1890. Fiscal year ends Mar. 31st. STATEMENT, Mar. 31, 1892 :— Cashsassets Apr, cI CO¥ tn. uses eereen $2,069,079 | Dividends paid. ......)...0:-sc.csee, sees $1,890,698 Earnings from operations.............. 2,466,086 | > WX PENSOCS ca. ste steep ecasaatoae at yspeseer cee: 442, 306 Earnings from contracts.............0+. 137,415 | Cash assets Apr, 1, 18092.,0-4. ase 2152-1 2,395,822 Marnings trom rentals Aa ecgarcnnrasc 5,577 — Eatnings from interest..:..:;.. .<.2.0. 50,668 $4,728,827 Cash assets Apr. 1, 1891......0.scus0s 2,069,079 ML OtaliLVeCelpts, .yascaess-s We -autage sr ons $4,728,827 SUTOIUS syGat as cask. caste pepeeesrurene $326,743 All trade rebates are kept as a separate fund. Sales During Years. Gallons. Sales During Years. Gallons. TESGPLO OOO he cetaceans cee races pieeter woge 35,867,211 TSOO CO 1301 tem scr vessnseenevens oe eizotes 44,738,171 T88Q tO 18QO..0.. sever seeserevenersoeree see 40,832,220 tl YSQL1O 1892s essecp. caches sup tatteedlaisverncs 45,661,717 According to last annual report, Company “intends to protect its trade at all hazards against adverse competition, irrespective of profits.’’ Company is popularly known as “Whiskey Trust.’ Plant is as follows: Distilleries: in Illinois, 29, (of which 8 is in Chi- cago, and 14 in Peoria); Ohio, 16, (of which 8 is in Cincinnati); Indiana, 11; Mis- souri, 7; Wisconsin, 2; Minnesota, 1; Kentucky,7; Nebraska, 2; lowa, 1; New York, 2; California, 2; total, 80. Alcohol works: Illinois, 1; Iowa, 3. A subsidiary Com- pany organized in Nov., 1891, is known asthe American Distilling Co. Dividends up to June, 1890, % p.c., mtly.; then % p.c., mtly. ; then Oct., 1890, 3% p. c., and Mar., ¥% p. c., mtly, until July, 1891, inclusive; then qrly., and Oct., 1891, and Jan., 1892, 1% p. c., each; Apr., I p. c.; July, % p.c., and Oct., % p.c. Dividends temporarily reduced because of U. S. suit against Company now pending. OFrFICERS—J. B. Green- hut, President; L. H. Greene, Ist Vice-President ; W. H. Corning, 2d Vice-President ; Wm. N. Hobart, Treasurer; P. J. Hennessy, Secretary; N. E. D. Huggins, Assistant Secretary. DIRECTORS—For one year, Wm. N. Hobart, Lewis H. Greene, Herbert UW Terrill; two years, J. B. Greenhut, W. H. Corning, Frank Curtiss; three years, P. J. Hennessy, Nelson Morris, Julius E. French. E. P. DODGE MANUFACTURING CO., 200 Church st. (See p. 111.) Corposm Se a rate Office, Newburyport, Mass. Capital full paid in cash. Dividends 5 p.c. semi- — annually. No funded debt ; some floating debt. Co. manufactures women's, misses’ and children’s shoes. ECONOMIC LIGHT AND FUEL CO. FOR N. J. Capital $250,000; 10,000 ~ shares. Nothing being done with it at present. THE EAGLE WAREHOUSE AND STORAGE CO., General and Corporate 4 Office, Fulton st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in 1892 in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid and non-assessable. Oxsyect—General warehousing, storage and safe keeping of valuables. Building, 115 feet on Fulton st.;.average depth, 124 feet, and — 111 feet on Doughty st.; 6 stories, brick, fire proof. No funded debt. OFFICERS— ~ Lyman R. Greene, President ; William V. Hester, Treasurer; David Barnett, Secretary. M4 DirEcToRS—Lyman R. Greene, Seth L. Keeney, William Hester, William M. Van An- : den, Edwin Beers, Cyrus E. Staples, H. S. Kingsley, David Barnett, Daniel F. Lewis. 597 _ EASTERN DESPATCH AND DELIVERY 00., 434 Broome st. (Additional information. See page 117.) Capital paidin, $57,000. Dividends paid in 1802 for the first half of fiscal year, 4 p.c. Fiscal year ends at annual meeting in Nov. Company has branch offices at 96 Arch and 77 Kingston st., Boston; gio Filbert st., Philadelphia, and 166 Pierrepont st., Brooklyn. OFrFIceERs—Alfred Cheney, President and General Manager, Boston; Heth Lorton, Vice-President and Treasurer, New York. DIRECTORS eae officers, and Robert L. Harrison, John H. Lewis, W.H. Lee, George Gordon utler. EASTON ELECTRIC CO., 45 Broadway. (Page 118.) Now practically out of business. THE EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO. of New York, General and Corporate Office, 57 Duane st. and cor. Pearl and Elm sts. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $4,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,500,000. Total assets at least $4,000,000. Capital authorized increased to $6,500,000 May 31, 1892; issued, $5,800,000, par $100. FUNDED DEBT—lIst mtge. c*. g. conv. 5s, 1890, due Mar. 1, 1910; authorized, $5,000,000, outstanding, $2,650,000, $1,000 M. & S., N. Y. Guaranty and Indemnity Co., redeemable at 110 after Sept, 1, 1900. In 1891, gross income, $675,505; net, $347,228, and in 1890 only $229,079. Listed on New York Exchange May, 1889. Dividends from 1885 to 1891, both inclusive at rate of from 1 p.c. qrly.; in 1887 extra dividend 7 p.c.; in 1891, 5 p.c. in scrip and redeemed ; in 1892 qrly. Feb., 1% p.c. each. OFFICERS—Spencer Trask, President; J. B. Skehan, Secretary and Treasurer. DiIREcToRS—Spencer Trask, R, R. Bowker, C. H. Coster. EDISON ELECTRIC ILLUMINATING CO. of Brooklyn, N. Y., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,000 ; Paid in, $1,350,000. ASSETS, LIABILITIES. os A a PPR EES Keteherin: $1,420, 00 7so4s is OCHET LAN -CADILAL scorzcccteetos uss $1,454,893 00 eyt@miies On hand ......:1..a0setereuee Mace) Cash and debts receivable ......... * 35,019 63 BeSITCON ANIC. ..0.tcacdsnsranterceteecsm Feuer $1,513,816 07 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt.. OrricErs—E. Allen Doty, President ; R. C. Peabody, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Chas. E. Crowell, F. S. Hastings, D. R. James, E. Allen Doty, R. C. Peabody. EDISON PHONOGRAPH TOY MANUFACTURING CO., General and Cor- porate Office, 15 Dey st. No information furnished. EDISON UNITED PHONOGRAPH CO., Office, 15 Broad st. G.N. Morrison, Secretary. No information furnished. EDISON GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. See General Electric Co. THE ELECTRICAL ENGINEER (inc.) A weekly review of theoretical and applied electricity. General Office, 203 Broadway. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—George M. Phelps, President; Frank R. Colvin, Treasurer; Joseph Wetzler, Secretary ; T. Commerford Martin and Joseph Wetzler, Editors. EMERSON PIANOCO., Branch Office, 92 5th ave. ; General and Corporate Office, 174 Tremont st., Boston, Mass. Established in 1847. Inc.in Mass. See p. 125. Fac- tory 560 Harrison st., Boston. Six-story building. DirEcTors—Jos. Grainer, O. A. Kimball, P. H. Powers, Treasurer. EMPIRE STATE BREWING CO., 135 to 143 W. 18th st. (Additional informa- tion. See p. 128.) Inc, in 1882in N. Y., for 50 years.. Capital, $300,000, partly property and cash; Full paid. OxnyEct—Ale and porter brewery. Sales, 35,000 barrels. Plant located at 135 to 143 W. 18th st, Size, 84 by 125 feet. Owned. No funded debt. OFFi- CERS AND DiREcTORS—Lorenz Weiher, President; Lorenz F. J. Weiher, Secretary ;. Charles L. Weiher, Treasurer. 598 EMPIRE AND BAY STATES TELEGRAPH CO., General and Corporate Office, 2 Nassau st. Inc. July 15, 1885, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $300,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, 4 p. c. annually, payable qrly. Dividends guaranteed for 99 years by Western Union Telegraph Co. OFFICERS—Wendell Goodwin, President; Abijah R. Brewer, Secretary; George H. Wirth, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wendell Goodwin, George H. Wirth, Norvin Green. THE ENTERPRISE MINING CO., General Office, 33 Wall st. ; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. July, 1891, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $5; Full paid per share par. Opyecr—Gold and silver, lead and copper mining. Plants located at Rico, Col., and consists of general mining machinery, etc., employing 200, with a monthly pay-roll of $50,000. OFFICERS—Lloyd I. Seaman, President ; Wm. M. Kelvy, Vice-President ; George Crawford, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTors—Lloyd I. Seaman, Jas, McKay, Wm. M. Kelvy, George Crawford, O. P. Posey, Hugh L. Cole, John E. Ward, W. A. Boland, W. B. Williams. EQUITABLE GAS LIGHT CO., of New York, 340 3d ave. Inc. Mar. 9, 1882, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $4,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. 6s, due Aug. 1, 1899, $1,000,000, $1,000 F. & A., Central Trust Co.; cons.:mtge. g. 5s, 1892, due Mar. 1, 1932, authorized, $4,000,000; outstanding, $1,600,000; $1,000 M. & S., Central Trust Co. This latter mtge. covers all property and franchises of Company. Owns three blocks between 39th and 42d sts., Ist ave. and East river ; also 32 lots between 58th and 59th sts. and roth and 11th aves, and 4 lots southeast cor. 11th ave. and 59th st. Total assets Jan. 1, 1889, $6,185,870, including mains, about 114 miles; gas works valued at $2,501,952; real estate at $1,190,922. In 1888-89 $1,000,000 new stock was issued. Dividends: In 1886, 5% p.c.; from 1887 to Oct., 1892, both inclusive, at rate of 8 p. c. yearly. ERIE TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE CO., Boston, Mass.; no N. Y. office. Owns 65 p. c, of the Cleveland Telephone Co., 70 p. c. of the Northwestern Telephone ~ Exchange Co., and 70 p.c. of the Southwestern Telegraph and Telephone Co., operating — in the States of Ohio, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Texas and Arkansas, under — licenses from the American Bell Telephone Co. Capital, $5,000,000, of which $200,000 ~ - is in the treasury ; par $100. No bonds or indebtedness of any description. Dividends: 1883 (6 mo.), 1% p.c.; 1884, 234; 1885, %; 1886, 2%; 1887,2%; 1888, 4; 1889, 3%; 4 1890, 4; 1891,4; 1892, Feb., May and Aug., 1 each. Transfer Office, Lowell, Mass. : For the year ending Mar. 31, 1891, the three companies controlled report gross income ~ of $791,063; gross expenses, including dividends paid, $765,617; surplus, $25,446. For | the same period the proportion of dividends received from these companies by the Erie i Tel. and Tel. Co. was $208,469; dividends paid by the Erie Tel. and Tel. Co. (4p. C.) 5am $192,000; surplus, $16,469; Mar. 31, 1892, gross indebtedness, $866,334; gross expenses, ~ $838,853; surplus, $27,481. ESSEX TYPEWRITER CO., General and Corporate Office, 137 Broadway. Ine. in W, Va. (Corrected article. See p. 132.) Capital authorized, $300,000. Organization preliminary. No business yet transacted. OFFICERS—Charles C. Hine, President; Henry J. Winser, Secretary. _D1rEctors—Charles C. Hine, Henry J. Winser, Silas C3 Halsey, Thomas Ewing, Guy J. Edwords, J. 5S. Schuckers, Edward W. Jackson. THE EUREKA ELECTRO MANUFACTURING CO., General Office, 50 Broad- way; Corporate Office, Orange, N.J. Inc. May, 1892, in N. J.; Charter 50 yearsm Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid, per share $100. OsyeEcT—Pulleys, ribbons and attachments. Company has purchased the G. Wright Young Co. and suc- ceeded thereto. (See p. 452.) No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—George Breck, President; J. Swartz, Secretary; G. Wright Young, Treasurer and Manager ; Ha Perin. . THE EXCHANGE PRINTING CO., General and Corporate Office, 47 Broad st. (See p. 135.) Inc. 1886 in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $14,500, par $100; Full paid. Opyecr—Printing and publishing. The regular publication of all the Stock Exchange lists. Dividends are regularly paid; amount not stated. No state= ment furnished. No funded debt. OrricERs AND DrrEcrors—John Ryer, President; Francis E. Fitch, Treasurer; Cornelia K. Fitch. . ® 599 ELTERICH ART TILE STOVE WORKS,, Office, 108 Beekman st. Inc. Nov. ig, 1888, in N. J., expiring Jan. 1, 1925. Capital authorized, $6,700, par $10; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Gustav L. Jaeger, President; G. Otto Elterich, Secretary ; Henry Lindenmeyr, Treas- urer. DrRECTORS—Gustav L. Jaegar, Henry Lindenmeyr, G. Otto Elterich, Otto P. . Elterich, Gottlob Gunther, Ralph Trautmann. THE FELLOWCRAFT CLUB. Inc. in N. Y. No capital. Liabilities, $3,500, on Jan. 1, 1892. OFFICERS AND DirEcTors—John W. Alexander, President; Frederic C. peace, Secretary ; 5S. S. Carriallo, Treasurer; Wm. R. Corwin, John Fourd, Geo. T. pinney. ; D. WEBSTER KING GLUE CO., 280 Pearl st. (see p. 205), General Office, Boston ; Branch Offices, New York, Chicago, St, Louis and Cincinnati. Inc. in Mass. ; Charter Perpetual. Capital, $150,000, par g100; Full paid. OsBjecr—Manufacturers and dealers in glue, flint-paper, emery, etc. OFFICERS—D. Webster King, President; D. Webster Dow, Vice-President. DirEcrors—D. Webster King, D. Webster Dow, Walter K. Purinton, Emery H. Rogers. FOSTER-HILSON CO., General Office, 677 1st ave. Inc. in N. J. Capital author- ized, $450,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edward Hilson, President; Max Hilson, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Edward Hilson, Max Hilson, Myer Foster, F. A. Wilkinson. FOWLER BROTHERS, Limited, Office, Rooms 111 and 112 Produce Exchange; Chicago Office, Union Stock Yards. Inc. in 1889 in England. Capital authorized, £751,000, par £10; Paid in, £540,940. Objyect—Packing and provisions. Extract from Second Annual Report, made Jan. 6, 1892 :— The net profit for the year, after providing for bad and doubtful debts, allowing liberally for depreciations, and after writing off the whole of the preliminary expenses, £3,138 Is. 5d., and good-will, £1,000 (represented by the Founders’ Shares), amounts tosum of £55,369 11s. 5d. The directors recommend a dividend at the rate of 7 p.c. per ann. for the half-year, less income tax, upon the preference shares. They alsorecommend a dividend of 6% p. c. for the half-year, less income tax, upon the ordinary shares, which, together with the interim dividend of 3% p.c. paid on May 1, 1891, will make a dividend for the year of op. c. After deducting the amount of the interim dividend paid on May Ist, and providing for the dividends now recommended, there will remain a balance of £14,350 to be carried forward to the credit of profit and loss account. It is intended to post the dividend warrants on the 2oth inst. The transfer books are closed from the 6th tothe 20th inst. inclusive. The directors retiring by rotation are Messrs. R. D. Fowler and W. H. Challiner, who are eligible and offer themselves for re-election. Mr. W. Leatham Bright, who was re-elected at the last annual meeting, did not accept the appoint- ment. The auditors, Messrs. Thomas, Wade, Guthrie & Co., retire, and offer themselves for re-election. PROFIT AND Loss Account, Nov. 1, 1890, to Oct. 31, 1891 :— I89I. DR. Aes ls 1891. Cre 4 Sure Oct. 31—To reserve account for Oct. 31—By profits for the year amount of profits earned, but GHC AENIS Cates re AG esses 79,658 8 o not available for dividend..... 3,502 8 Io Debenture interest. ...... 008 v.25 4,982, 1.56 Managing directors’ SalATICS Gisedeeteas £5,000 ORG Directors’ fees, to April 28, I89I..... T,000: *64.6 6,000 O Oo Auditing EXPENSES. .......0.ceercers 500 O O Interest on vendors’ capital..... 5,256 4 Io Formation expenses, written off 3,138 I 5 Good-will expenses, written off. 1,000 0 o Balance carried GOWN.....s0..0.00. 55,300 TH 5 479,658 8 0 479,658 8 o April 30—To dividend in respect Oct. 31—By bal. brought down.. £55,369 11 5 of Oct. 31, 1890, and interim 1890. dividend to this date............ 16,929 O11 | Oct. 31—By balance brought Oct. 31—To balance carried down 40,450 II o forward from last account... 2,010 0 6 £57)379 11 11 £57:379 11 I By balance brought down.......£40,450 II o ’ ee 600 BALANCE-SHEET, Oct. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS, LIABILITIES. pt See. 4 svi BtOCKS ELC) GUT AUC vereusesermeiee 184,997 17 1 | Nominal Capital—£751,000, in Debtorsausncceai: £120,691 “6 "4 75,100 shares of £10 each. Bills receivable... 1,055 13:5 Subscribed Capital— 130,746 19 9 Preference : 30,000 shares of Anglo-American Provision Co...430,000 5 10 £10-€ach, Tully, paidenss2s7.9. 300,000 0 O Investments—Including the cap- Ordinary : 10,000 shares of £10 ital stock and bonds of the each; fully paid..c.. ~ 100,000 Anglo-American ProvisicnCo., Ordinary : 20,000 shs. the capital stock of the Anglo- of £10, £7 called... 140,000 American Refrigerator CarCo., moiety of capital stock and un- 240,000 divided profits of the Omaha Less calls in arrears.. 60 Packin go, ClG prcsssseccdmecsetav aye tae aes 239,940 0 O Cash in hand and in banks......... 104,027 15 6 Founders’ : 100 shares of £10 each; fully paid ei. 1,000 0 O Reserved Capital Account ......... 17,9607 18 7% Ist Mtge. Debentures—Amount . authorized, £150,000. ‘ Amount issued : 996 bonds of #100 each, fully paid. c.yerc«cs 99,600 0 Oo Creditors unysccce.s 6122103 397 Bills payable...... 274,689 II oO 390,387. Vendors’ account, balance of purchase money and interest.. 12,205 I I Reserve account: Unappropri- AteHE PORTS... cescenuecdees war eeese 17,853 16 5° Profit and loss account: balance 40,450 If O ~ 41,125,905 1 8 41,125,905 Tape ’ Funded debt, see balance-sheet. DirEcTroRsS—Edward Lawrence, J. P., Joseph ig Brunner, Malcolm Guthrie, Robert D. Fowler, William H. Challiner, G. W. Fowler: — Managing Director, Anderson Fowler; John H. Brown, Secretary. FRANK A. MUNSEY & CO,, 155 E. 23d st. (See p.254.) Inc.in N.Y. Capi- tal authorized, $100,000; Full paid. Opyzecr—Publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascer- tained. No funded debt. Frank A. Munsey, President and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— Frank A. Munsey, Richard H. T. Harrington and Benjamin Schoops. FRAZER AND CHALMERS (Inc.), Office, 2 Wall st., Room 42; General and Corporate Office and Works, Fulton and Union sts., Chicago, Ill.; Branches also at Salt © Lake City, Denver and various foreign cities. Onyzect—Manufacture of mining machin- ery, steam engines, boilers and machinery for milling, smelting and concentration of ores. Capital not ascertained. The Frue-Vanner Machine Co. is closely associated with this Company. OFFICERS—Wm. J. Chalmers, President and Treasurer; N. D. Frazer, Manager; Thos. Sutton, Secretary. FRUIT FLOUR MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 40 Broadway. (See p. 146. Additional information.) This Company has not yet been inc., but is represented by Geo. B. Satterlee. OByEct—The manufacture of medicinal food. The officers and directors and authorized capital stated upon page 146, are those of the ‘‘ American and Electric Arms and Ammunition Co,’’ which see. THE FULTON COUNTY GOLD MINING CO., General Office, 45 Broadway; Corporate Office, 201 Washington st., Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Nov. 23, 1888, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $10; Amount paid in not known. Company owns 3,000 x 5,000 feet of an immense bed of gravel impregnated with gold in Fulton Co., which is practically inexhaustible. Its successful operation depends on “‘ the electro-chemical process”’ of Charles P. Bellows, controlled by Company, under his letters patent. Average cost of working, $2 per ton. No stock has been offered in the market, as the Company has up to this time been experimenting for the best results. That point has now been reached. Experiments have been con- ducted in a small mill at Northville. The Company is about to erect a large mill. Average yield of $8 to the ton of sand. Dividends none. No funded debt. OFFICERS —John B. Conkling, President; Levi H. Palmer, Vice-President; Lindley Murray, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcTORS—John B. Conkling, Levi H. Palmer, Lindley Murray, Egbert Howe, Charles P. Bellows, William Euclid Young, Edward B. Bellows. 601 FURNITURE COMMERCIAL AGENCY CO., Office, 38 Park row. Inc. in Cincinnati, O. Chas. H. Fuller, Attorney. No other information furnished. GENERAL AGENCY CO., Limited (p. 149). Now practically out of business. GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., General Offices, 44 Broad st., New York, and 620 Atlantic ave., Boston ; Corporate Office, 44 Broad st., N.Y. Inc. Apr. 15, 1892, inN. Y., under special act of Legislature. (The object of this act was to reduce the tax upon incorporation from ¥% to »5 of I p.c. in conformity with New Jersey laws.) Charter Per- petual. Capital authorized, $50,000,000, par $100, in exchange for stock; Paid in $34,000,000, per share par. OByECT—Manufacture, use and sale of all electrical appar- atus and acquisition and negotiation of stocks and securities of electrical corporations and general manufacturing business. In the consolidation Company acquired: Thom- son-Houston Electric Co., 37,235 shares, par $125, out of 240,000 shares common, and 153,469 shares, par $125, out of 160,000 shares preferred; Edison General Electric Co., 146,442 shares, par $100, out of 150,000 shares; Thomson-Houston International Electric Co., 3,620 shares, par $100, out of $4,000 shares common, and 1,877 shares, par $100, out of 2,520 shares preferred. For the present the separate organization of these Companies are maintained. Of the authorized capital stock, $50,000,000, $10,000,000 authorized to be cum. 7 p. c. preferred, as to dividends only. On June 1, 1892, Com- pany had outstanding $29,847,100 common, and $4,024,400 preferred, and reserved for future delivery, in accordance with consolidation, $612,900 common, and $227,600 pre- ferred, leaving treasury stock $15,288,000. Terms of exchange in the consolidation were : Edison General Electric Co, stock for new stock, and Thomson-Houston preferred stock, dollar for dollar; Thomson-Houston common, at $125 old, for $300 new. Dividends since consolidation on common stock, Aug., 1892, 2p.c. Bonps—In May, 1892, the General Electric issued $4,000,000 of 30-year 5 p. c. gold bonds to retire the floating debt of the Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Companies, - Authorized issue $10,000,000, J. & D., due June I, 1922, at Companies’ agencies. The bonds were offered to the assenting stockholders of the two Companies at g5, and are convertible into General Electric stock at the rate of ¢100in stock, for $120 in bonds. The Thom- son-Houston collateral trust bonds are secured by pledge of $600,000 Ist mtge. 5 p. c. gold bonds of the Manhattan Electric Light Co., deposited with the Holland Trust Co., as trustee, and covering real estate, plant, etc., in New York city. Until the collateral trust bonds are paid, both the Thomson-Houston and the Manhattan Companies are for- bidden to execute any mortgage on their property. Edison General Electric.—This Company on May 1, 1892, owned: (1) Manufac- turing plants and real estate valued at $6,057,368; (2) stocks and bonds of controlled Companies, etc. (including practically the entire stock of the Edison Electric Light Co.), valued at $6,384,064; (3) bills receivable, supplies, etc., $11,748,534, against which were bills and accounts payable of $6,554,353,. mortgages on real estate of $265,000; divi- dends declared and unpaid of $301,606, and depreciation account of $686,032. The Edison Electric Light Co., controlled by the Edison General Electric, owns all the Edison patents for incandescent electric lighting in North and South America. It grants exclusive licenses for specified territory to local companies, and owns stocks and bonds acquired for such licenses. The dividends paid by the Edison General, from Jan., 1890, to Aug., 1892, both inclusive, were at the rate of 8 p. c. per ann. (2 p. c. qrly.) Report for the year ending Oct. 31, 1891, showed gross earnings, not including those of the Edison Electric Light Co., of $10,942,640; net, $1,749,549 ; amount charged off on var- ious accounts, $558,070; net result, $1,191,479 ; surplus from preceding year, $1,100,432 ; total available for dividends, $2,291,912; dividends paid, $1,031,845. In addition to the above earnings, the Edison Electric Light Co. received in 1890-91, as license fees, $631,672 in stock and bonds, estimated to be worth $500,000, of which the General Electric share would be about $495,000. ; Thomson-Houston Electric.—This is a Connecticut corporation, engaged at Lynn, Mass., in the manufacture of electric lamps, dynamos, outfits for electric railways, etc. On Jan. 1, 1892, there were 204 railway companies using its motor system, while 100,293 of its arc lights, and over 800,000 of its incandescent lights were in use by local com- panies. Paid on common stock in 1891, 16 p. c.; in 1892, Feb., 4 p.c.; May, 4 p.c.; Aug., 44 p. c., to even up accounts upon consolidation. Floating debt Feb. 1, 1892, 2,515,300; stock, $10,000,000 ; surplus, $7,546,948 ; guarantee account, etc., $201,200; assets, $20,263,448. Fiscal year ends Feb. 1. Annual report for 1891-92, with balance- sheet, was published at length in v. 54, p. 641. In 1891-92 the business of the Boston office amounted to $10,304,580, against $10,217,661 in 1890-91. The profits applicable to dividends in 1891-92 were $2,760,780 ; dividends paid, $1,236,366 ; balance carried to surplus account, $1,524,414. The Thomson-Houston International Electric Co. conducts 602 the foreign and export business of the Thomson-Houston Electric Co. OFFICERS—C. A. Coffin, President ; Eugene Griffin, rst Vice-President ; Samuel Insull, 2d Vice-President ; E. J. Garfield, Secretary ; A. S. Beues, Treasurer and Assistant Secretary ; B. F. Peach, Ist Assistant Treasurer; E. L. Pope, 2d Assistant Treasurer ; J. P. Ord, Controller ; Edw. Clark, Auditor. D1rEcrors—C. A. Coffin, ‘Eugene, Griffin, F. L. Ames, Tiags Coolidge, H. L. Higginson, Boston; C. H. Coster, J. Pierpont Morgan, H. McK. Trum- bley, Chairman, D. O. Mills, F. S. Hastings, New York; Thos. A. Edison, Orange, N. J. Edison Electric Light Co., General and Corporate Office, 44 Broad st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,600,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities, other than capital, $300,000 ; total assets at least $2,000,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—J. Hobart Herrick, Presi- dent; James S. Hastings, Secretary. Direcrors—Thomas C. Buck, J. Hobart Her- rick, Chas. H. Coster, Noah Doris, John W. Doane, Thomas A. Edison, Samuel Insull, Edward H. Johnson, Morris H. Smith, Francis A. Smithers, Spencer Trask, Henry Vil- | lard, Arnold Marcus. GEORGIA-ALABAMA INVESTMENT AND DEVELOPMENT CO., Office, 11 Wall st. No information furnished. THE GERMAN-AMERICAN IMPROVEMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn. Inc. Apr. 4, 1891,in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital author- ized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Opyect—Purchasing, selling, leasing and improving, and filling in real estate and buildings. OFFICERS AND DIRECT- orsS—Edward F. Linton, Frederick Brommer, Claus Dosher, Henry Offerman, Frank E. Hart. THE GERMANIA REAL ESTATE AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn. Inc. 1891, in N. Y. Statement, Jan. I, 1892: Cap- ital authorized, $150,000, par $100; paid in, $100,000. OpjEcT—Buying, selling, laying out, supervising of all kinds of realty, and doing a general real estate business. Land now being developed at Ridgwood Heights. OFrricers—Henry A. Meyer, President; F. Dreyer, Vice-President ; William Dreyer, Secretary; A. W. Schmidt, Treasurer ; J. W. Dreyer, Business Manager. GLOBE FOREIGN EXPRESS, General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. (Moris European and American Express Co, (Limited), proprietors). No other infor- mation furnished. GOLD AND STOCK TELEGRAPH CO., Capital, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Plain bonds c. 6s, $500,000, $500 due May 1, 1895, J., M. and N. Operated by Western Union Telegraph Co. by contract for 99 years from Jan. 1, 1882, at 6 p. c. per ann. om stock and bonds. GOODYEAR HARD RUBBER CO,, General and Corporate Office, 9 Mercer st. No other information furnished. GOODYEAR’S INDIA RUBBER GLOVE MANUFACTURING (O., Office, 503 Broadway. Inc. in Naugatuck, Conn. Capital authorized, $500,000 : Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—John D. Vermeule, President; Geo. M. Allerton, Secretary. GOODYEAR RUBBER CO., General and Corporate Office, 487 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFrriceRs—Frederick M. Shepard, President; Joseph A. Minott, Secretary. Direcrors—Frederick M. Shepard, Joseph A. Minott, James Kipp. J GOODYEAR SHOE MACHINERY 00.,, Office, 243 Broadway. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized, $1,250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Represented by Charles T. De- forest. GOODYEAR’S METALLIC RUBBER SHOE (CO., Office, 72 Reade st. Inc. in Naugatuck, Conn. Capital authorized, $500,000, cl. sur. $589,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. Walter Southwick, Agent. | ~ a, ae eS Lo ee 603 GOODYEAR’S RUBBER MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate ‘Office, 503 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. ‘OFFICERS AND DirREcTORS—John D. Vermeule, President; George M. Allerton, Secre- tary. : GOODYEAR VULCANITE CO., General and Corporate Office, 1353 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; Amount paid in not known. No other in- formation furnished. OFrriceERs—Chas. J. Oppenheim, President; Myer Dittenhoefer, Secretary ; Solomon S. Sonneborn, Treasurer. DrRECTORS—Chas. J. Oppenheim, Myer Dittenhoefer, Solomon S. Sonneborn. GORDON & DILWORTH, 563 and 565 Greenwich st. Not Gordon & Dilworth Co. (Additional corrections.) Inc. Nov. 23, 1891, as of Jan. 1, 1892, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital, $125,000; Full paid. Osyecr—General alimentary products. No funded debt. Officers and Directors on p. 156. GRAND CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, of the City of N. Y., General and ‘Corporate Office, 16 E. 23d st. Inc. in N. Y. Orricers—Ernest Eberhard, President ; James F. Milliken, Secretary; George H. Cameron, Treasurer. DrreEcrors—Frank Roosevelt, Geo. W. Skellen, P. H. Strauch, Asa Heinman, George H. Cameron, Samuel Bernstein, James F. Milliken, Ernst Eberhard, John R. Graham, Jr. GRAND CONSERVATORY PUBLISHING CO., General and Corporate Office, 16 E. 23d st. No other information furnished. Grand Conservatory of Music, of the City of N. Y., proprietors. THE HAMILTON GRANGE CO. (see p. 164 for additional facts.), General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn. Inc. Apr. 4, 1891, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Opject—Purchasing, selling, leasing and improving real estate in New York. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—William H. De For- est, William J. Curtis, Cornelius O'Reilly, Archer W. Martin, William H. De Forest, Jr. GRANT LOCOMOTIVE WORKS, Office, 41 Wall st. No other information furnished. Represented by Richard S. Grant. GREAT WESTERN S&S. 8. C0O., Limited, Office, 70 South st. and Pier 18, E. R. Inc. in Bristol, Eng. No other information furnished. Charles L. Morgan, Agent. THE GREENWOOD CEMETERY, Office, 26 Broadway. Property, Brooklyn, N. Y. A corporation not for profit, managed by officers and trustees on behalf of the lot owners. Company carries several large funds. To ‘Fund for the Improvement and Permanent Care of the Cemetery,’’ $146,000 were added in 1891, making a total of $1,370,586.57. To “Trust Fund for Special and Permanent Care of Lots,’’ $29,193.50, making a total of $322,278.91. Receipts for year ending Dec. 31, 1891, were $360,139.39, and expenditures, $188,762.96. Securities in the funds held Dec. 31, 1891, U.S. regd. cur. 6s, $30,000; City New York 7s, $70,000; City Brooklyn 7s, $100,700; City Brook- tem. Os, $20,000; bondsy.and y mises. oeiys72 Ls2e and. cCash,. $20,159.02.) vlotan $1,612,310.61. OFFICERS—Jasper W. Gilbert, President; John W. C. Leveridge, Vice- President; Charles M. Perry, Comptroller and Secretary. TRUSTEES—Jasper W. Gil- bert, John W. C. Leveridge, Abiel A. Low, Benjamin H. Field, Alexander M. White, Benjamin D. Sillman, Gerard Beekman, James R. Taylor, George Macculloch Miller, Edmund L. Baylies, John J. Pierrepont, Samuel D. Babcock, Wm. Cary Sanger, Frederic A. Ward, Charles M. Perry. GUARANTEE AGENCY (CO., Limited, General and Corporate Offices, 280 Broadway. Inc. 1886,m N.Y., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Full paid, per share par. Dividends, if anv, not ascertained. OFFI- CERS—Benjamin C. Wetmore, President; John W. Harman, Vice-President; Joseph I. Barnum, Secretary ; Levi H. Marsteller, Treasurer. DireEcrors—Benjamin C. Wetmore, John W. Harman, Levi H. Marsteller, H. B. Masters, Joseph H. Pratt, Joseph I. Barnum. THE GUARANTEE COMPANY, of North America, General Office, Montreal ; N. Y. Office, 111 Broadway; Corporate Officey Montreal. Inc. in Dominion of Canada, in 1871; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $50; capital subscribed, $668,600, par $50; Paid in, $304,600. Oxnyecr—Bonds of suretyship for persons in positions of trust. Dividends in last fiscal year 2 of 3 p. c. each. No funded debt. 604 : STATEMENT, June, 1892 :— ASSETS, In United States—U. S. Govt., city and corprn. bonds and stocks... $426,780 oo Loans on mitge.) accrued interest, ,etcs.t..5 ..cesccescsent scanty $36,680 54 Premiums ‘in 'courseof Collectiomer..... csesst sarees ease ames oe 20,697 08 Cash i banks vi. Vil cess cote stusepetsbes sccperpecetecs aires e aiaaee 53,342 15 ee $110,719 77 . $537,499 77 In Canada—-Railroad, corporation and municipal bonds and stocks $158,677 66 Cash in banks, $22,746.52, and office, $7,122.70 ....ceusseees $29,869 31 Loans on mtge., accrued interest, CtcC.<........-cse002stversenes 45. O7 122 Premiums in’ course Of sCOMGSCTION ives cece se-esenncctenss assets 1,828 74 aa $59,769 27 $218,446 93 | TGtal assets.’ .qscennesneee erate reas ip igie setvedersdeseantbsedgsaeas wceemninen tires em $755,946 70 4 LIABILITIES. Legal reserve for unearned premiums on risks in force, claims in abeyance, and All other contingencies 4 h..1..seresste mae a tee ae evamis tes seavee gases my tnens thee sesh seo anes $165,362 90 Surplns’ to policyholders) .cstsiieecces: cer ceeds ens heweta ss interne tegninescters Ce Soda cease aa eceeae rs $590,583 80 (The surplus of this Company has accumulated from the successful adminis- tration of the business in past years :—and is not in any way created by conéirt- butions from shareholders.) RESOURCES. WL Otal .ASSetsS AS above tssctwsavocccdaces veces obeemebyerie totes suiears coer e Rok caa its anne Cece reat $755,946 70 Reserve capital Subject tO. calc, Mavckcsccs cesoer terse cocltevesen eines sep acadeartiy ret curser arrest 364,000 00 ‘Total resources for: security Of: INSUredd 10) cites scan es. steer tenet eescer Boece chaser corstaee oe emamets $1,119,946 70 Number of Donds'isstied to date. Aecccesecesvtceksex te bea pasrawe rane rtenoeaae season 149,451 Applications rejected) to date. 22) wrermudscrs sent ts oesetussenl Gere cupmenias caters emcees 11,817 Totaliapplications to Ate. scodutes vss. caylee, cougavomtaeee es auscen suet stots areata 161,268 (Of which full records are retained in Office for reference.) d Total claims paid and provided for to Cate 20.10.2220. sccconscy sevseste svocye stecvenen seassesvens $961,831 13 ‘ Business strictly confined to issuing Bonds of Suretyship to governments, banks, — railways, commercial and financial corporations. OFFICERS—Sir Alexander T. Galt, President ; Edward Rawlings, Vice-President ; D. J. Tompkins, Secretary. DIRECTORS . H.W. Cannon, President Chase National Bank; W. Butler Duncan, President Mobile and O. RR.; Logan C. Murray, Vice-President Tradesmen’s National Bank; Jay O. © Moss, John Paton, John Paton & Co.; James E. Pulsford, Gen. E. F. Winslow. g HAINES, JONES & CADBURY CO. Inc. Oct. 25, 1888; Charter Perpetual. © Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Full paid. Annual Meeting, 2d Wed. in Jan. Fiscal year ends Nov. 30th. Dividends payable Jan., qrly., at Company’s office, the — following having been paid since organization: 1889 and 1890, 6 p.c. each; $15,000 — each ; 1891, gp. c., $22,500. OBjecT—Manufacturers of sanitary plumbing goods of every description; enamelled iron bath-tubs, Perfection, Buffalo and Hajoca water-closets, Armstrong urinals, Bennor syphon traps, electric wastes for baths and basins. Manu- factory at 1136 Ridge ave., Phila.; owned by Company. No funded debt. OFFICERS— W. H. Haines, President; Wm. Y. Warner, Secretary; S.T. Hoopes, Treasurer. DI- RECTORS—Wm. H. Haines, John W. Cadbury, Joel Cadbury, Wm. Y. Warner, Jos. W. Sharp, Jr. HAMILTON STORAGE AND WAREHOUSE CO,, Office, 210 E. 125th st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $10,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OrFriceERS—Charles C. Cox, Presi- dent; Abner B. Van Riper, Secretary ; Wayland E. Benjamin, Treasurer. “TRUSTEES —Louis Ranger, Wayland E. Benjamin, Abner B. Van Riper, Charles C. Cox. HARRIMAN COAL AND IRON RR. CO., General Office, 13 Astor pl. Capi- tal authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Adam W. Waghalls, President; Frederick Gates, Secretary ; J. D. Wolsten- holme, Treasurer.’ DiREcCroRs—Adam W. Wagnalls, A. A. Hopkins, Geo. W. Easley, W. H. Russell, Frederick Gates, J. D. Roberts. 605 . HARROGATE LAND CO., General and Corporate Office, 58 William st. Inc. in Tenn. Capital authorized, $7,750,000; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. OFFICERS—William E. Curtis, President; Thomas A. Doe, Secretary ; William H. Male, Treasurer. DirECcroRS—William E. Curtis, Alexander A. Arthur, F. Randolph Curtis, William H. Male, AS Chapman: HARTFORD AND NEW YORK TRANSPORTATION CO., Office, Pier 24 ae) pee River. Inc. in Hartford, Conn. No other information furnished. Simon G. mith, Agent. HASKELL MULTICHARGE ORDNANCE (CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid. No funded debt. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFIcERS—Henry W. Slocum, President; William A. Fowler, Secretary. DrrEcrors—Henry W. Slocum, Calvin E. Pratt, William A. Fowler, Robert G. Ingersoll, Chas. Callaghan, H.S. Chatfield, James R. Haskell. THE HAZARD MANUFACTURING CO., 87 Liberty st.; Corporate Office, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. (See p. 171. Additional information.) Established 1848. Manufac- turers of iron, steel and galvanized wire rope. Capital, $600,000, instead of $200,000. OFFICERS—Charles Parrish, President; C. M. Conyngham, Vice-President; Walter Gaston, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Charles Parrish, C. M. Conyngham, W. L. Conyngham, Paul A. Oliver, H. H. Ashley, T. F. Ryman and S. L. Brown, all of Wilkes-Barre. HAZELTON BOILER CO. (p. 171). Secretary, J. B. Reeve, vice Edward B. llen. THE HAYDEN FURNITURE (C0O., Branch Office, 1 W. 34th st.; General and Corporate Office, Exchange and Court sts., Rochester, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. (See p. 171.) No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—J. Alexander Hayden, President: I. G. Scranton; Vice-President; 1; W. Allen, secretary ;)H, V. W.sWickes: Treasurer; W. E. Moore, Assistant Treasurer; B. C. Meier, Superintendent. HECKER-JONES-JEWELL MILLING CO., General Office, 206 Produce Ex- change; Corporate Office, Jersey City.) Inc. Aug. 27, 1892, 1n N...J,;\ Charter 50) years: Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid, per share par. OBjyEcT—Manufac- turers of flour. Plants located at 205 Cherry st., N. Y., Staten Island, and other places ; and consists of mills and equipments. Funded debt, $2,500,000, 1,000 6s 30 years, gold, interest payable M. & S., Franklin Trust Co., Trustee. Bonds can be paid off after 10 years at IIII, and interest. OrFrricERS—John V. Hecker, President ; Eugene Jones, Vice- President ; Herbert S. Jewell, Secretary; Thomas A. McIntyre, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —John V. Hecker, President The G. V. Hecker Co.; Eugene Jones, Jones & Co.; Her- bert S. Jewell, The Jewell Milling Co,; Thomas A. McIntyre, McIntyre & Wardwell, grain merchants; C. Gerhard Moller, President Kings County Milling Co.; William A. Nash, President Corn Exchange National Bank; H. W. Slocum, President Jewell Milling Co. ; G. H. Southard, President Franklin Trust Co.; William Dick, Vice-President Manufac- turers’ Bank; Leonard J. Busby, President Staten Island Milling Co.; David Dows, Jr., Dows & Columbia Stores; Josiah W. Wentworth, The G. V. Hecker Co.; Frederick Jones, Jones & Co.; Chas. W. McCutchen, Holt & Co., flour merchants. THE HECTOGRAPH MANUFACTURING CO. (p. 172. Additional information). Capital, $150,000; Full paid. On Jan. 1, 1892, their indebtedness, besides capital, did not exceed $5,000. ‘ HERRING-HALL-MARVIN CO., General Office, 10 Wall st.; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. 1892, in N. J. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,300,000, par $100; Full paid; $1,800,000 8 p. c. cum. pref.; $1,500,000 common. OBjECT—To take over and consolidate Herring & Co., N. Y.; Hall Safe and Lock Co., Cincinnati, O.; Marvin Safe Co., N. Y., and Farrell & Co., and Myers & Smith, Philadelphia. Manu- facturers of fire-proof vaults and safes. Average annual net profits for preceding three years, 8p.c. on preferred, and 83¢ p.c.on common. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Those of consolidated companies and firms. HILLIS PLANTATION COFFEE CO,, Offices, 399 and 521 Washington st., and 542 Greenwich st.; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N.J. Inc. in 1892, in N. J. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100, viz.: Preferred, $15,000, and common, $1,850,000. Terms of capitalization: Dividend upon the preferred stock is 8 p. c. per ann. payable semi-annually. This stock has preference over all dividends, The 606 preferred stock also participates in the division of the profits Avo rata with the common stock after 8 p. c. has been paidthe common stock and 5 p. c. has been placed to credit ~ of surplus fund. The purchasers of the preferred stock are also entitled to a bonus of 50 p.c. of common stock for each share purchased of preferred stock. The entire proceeds received from sale of preferred stock will be devoted to the extension of the business, purchase of new and improved machinery and in perfecting the present plant. This Company owns the interest in lease, machinery and fixtures of its plants situated in, Jersey City, also 399 and 521 Washington st., and 542 Greenwich st., New York, including all the assets, patents and. trade-marks, and have a capacity to turn out 500 barrels of their product daily, yet requiring less than one-seventh of such output to pay all the expenses and dividend on the preferred stock, as well as leave a handsome balance for common. The enormous consumption of coffee and coffee substitute in — the United States having reached over eleven pounds fer capita, or about 466,000,000 ~ pounds, the business is, therefore, almost unlimited in its demands. Register of — stock, George H. Benton & Co., 18 Wall st., New York. OFrFICERS—Robert Hillis, — President; George H. Benton, Vice-President ; Frank W. Pooler, Treasurer; Robert H. i Hillis, Secretary; Frank W. Sniffin, Manager. DiIRECTORS—Robert Hillis, George H. ~ Benton, Robert H. Hillis, Frank W. Pooler, Frank H. Sniffin, Francis A. Winslow, | Anderson Price. | HITCHCOCK & McCARGO PUBLISHING CO. (page 178). Out of business. Succeeded by Benj. W. Hitchcock, Publisher. HOBOKEN FERRY CO., General Offices, foot Barclay st., foot Christopher st., and foot W. 14th st. Inc. July 16, 1888, in N. J., for 50 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $900,000, par $100; Full paid. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Edwin A. Stevens, President; Chas. Woolsey, Secretary; Palmer Campbell, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Edwin A. Stevens, John Stevens, Robert L. Stevens, C. Albert Stevens, Robert C. Livingston, E. P. C. Lewis, Samuel B. Dod, William A. Macy, Chas. W. Woolsey. THE HOLLYWOOD CO. (page 179). This is a co-partnership with $200,000 capi- tal, full paid. William M. Fliess, President. HOLLYWOOD CO. (see page 179. Additional information). This is not an inc. company, but has a full-paid capital of $200,000. Plant located in Maryland, and con- sists of distilleries, employing about 25 hands. HOLMES, BOOTH & HAYDENS, General Offices, 25 Park pl. and 22 Murray © st. Inc. in Waterbury, Conn. Capital authorized, $400,000; Amount paid in not ~ known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information ~ furnished. OrrrcERS—Chandler N. Wayland, President; George H. Benham, Secretary — and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Chandler N. Wayland, George H. Benham, Thomas B. ~ Kent, Henry E. Russell, Douglass Brownell Burnham, W. T. Brownell, E. C. Burnham, . Lewis Burnham, George W. McGill, James S. Elton, F. L. Adams. : HOMANS PUBLISHING CO., General Office, 261 Broadway. OFFICERS AND 4 DirREcTORS—Albert S. Bolles, President ; Obadiah Banks, Secretary. HOMESTAKE MINING CO., Office, 15 Broad st. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. — Capital authorized, $12,500,000; Amount paid in not. known. Dividends, if any, not — ascertained. Lounsbery & Co., Agents. HONDURAS AND CENTRAL AMERICA S&S. 8. CO., Office, 19 Whitehall st. Inc. in Glasgow, Scotland. No other information furnished. James Rankine, N. Y. Manager. | THE HOSPITAL SUPPLY CO. (p. 182. Additional information). General and Corporate Office, Sandusky, O. Inc. under laws State of Ohio, city of Sandusky, county ~ of Erie, 1891. Capital, $150,000; Full paid. Specialty : laundry machinery, engines and — power transmitting machinery. Factory and Main Office located at Sandusky ; Branch ~ Offices, 36 Dey st., N. Y., 212 Washington st., Chicago, 99 Builders’ Exchange, Phila. Employ 125 men on an average. Main plant is a two-story building 330 x 150 ft., stone; this, with several acres of additional real estate, is owned by the Company. Gen. mtge. — dated Mar. 16, 1881, due $5,000 a year forg vears. Reg. mtge. 6 p. c. interest per ann. Created, $45,000; issued, $45,000; outstanding, $40,000; each $2,500. Interest 607 payable at 6 p.c. at Sandusky Savings Bank, on 16th Mar. each year. Mtge. secured by real estate, plant and machinery in Sandusky, O. OFricers—H. E. Smith, Presi- dent, Phila., Pa.; Halcey Post, Treasurer, Sandusky, O.; Benj. A. Dare, Vice-President and General Manager, Jersey City, N. J.; C. F. Mack, Secretary, Sandusky, O.; Jno. W. Craw, Assistant Secretary, New York, N. Y. HOSTETTER CO., Office, 72 John st. Inc. in Pittsburgh, Pa. Capital author- ized, $600,000; Amount paidin not known. Dealers in bitters. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished.. OrrrcERS—D. Herbert Hostetter, Presi- dent; Milton L. Myers, Secretary. D1REcrors—D. Herbert Hostetter, Theodore R. Hostetter, Milton L. Myers. HOWARD STERLING CO., 860 Broadway. (Corrected article. Seep. 182.) Gen- eral and Corporate Offices, 7 Eddy st., Providence, R. I. Inc. Feb. 11, 1892 ; Charter Per- petual. Capital allowed by charter, $500,000; allowedby vote of stockholders, $259,000. Amount paid in, $212,600. Manufacturers of sterling silver productions. Plant is located at 7 Eddy st., Providence, R, I., and contains 22,250 square feet of floor space, and is leased. Have no funded debt. OFFICERS—Hiram Howard, President ; Stephen C. Howard, Treasurer; W. Edward Fiske, Secretary. DiIRECrorRs—Hiram Howard, Stephen C. Howard, Charles W. Loring. THE HYDWYN CO., of New York and New Jersey and United States (pp. 176, 186), are now practically out of business, because of pending litigation. HUDSON RIVER TELEPHONE C0O., Office, 18 Cortlandt st. No information furnished. HUNTINGTON, NORWALK AND BRIDGEPORT STEAM FERRY CO., Office, Pier 32 (new) East River. Inc. in Huntington, L.I. William’H. Hick, Agent. THE HYDRAULIC COAL WEDGE C0O., General Office, 141 Broadway; Cor- porate Office, Denver, Col. Inc. 1888, in Col.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000, par $100; Paid in, $10,000, per share $100. OxBjecT—To acquire and work patents of Jas. H. Lancaster for hydraulic coal mining and other machinery. Dividends in last fiscal year paid, but amount not stated. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DI- RECTORS—John S. Carey, President, Denver; Edw. S. McKinlay, Secretary, Denver ; Jas. H. Lancaster, Treasurer, New York. ILLINOIS STEEL CO., General and Corporate Office, 46 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. May, 1889, in Ill.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $50,000,000; Full paid. Issued to date, $18,650,635, par g100. This Company formed by consolidation of the Joliet Steel, Union Steel and North Chicago Rolling Mill com- panies. It owns Ig furnace stacks, and in 1891 received 3,026,456 tons of raw material, and shipped 795,362 tons of finished product. In 1891 the total net profits were $1,038,000, of which $883,000 were expended in improvements. In Feb., 1892, it was voted to increase the stock from $25,000,000 to $50,000,000 in order to increase the capacity of the works. Dividends: In 1890, paid 7 p.c.; in 1891, Feb., 5 p.c. in stock; Feb., 1892, no dividend was paid. Dividends are payable at Metropolitan Trust Co., N. Y. FunpeEpD Drsr—Debenture bonds subject to call at 105 conv., Jan. I, 1890; %1,000, $6,200,000 5s J. & J.; due Jan.)1,.1910; int. payable N. Y., John: Patongs: Co, Plant at Chicago, IM, 2:.S5o0uth Chicago; 15) Joliet, ill71;, Milwaukee, Wis2y (5 works). BALANCE-SHEET, Dec. 31, 1891 :— ASSETS. Cost of real estate, buildings, machinery and equipment to - JAM Lye TSG Geiss nae de cube denseh cee etesananiac-inerinronettscun tyro) eseauastigncsc $17,233,976 63 Net additionS 11 1891-..0..csescsiuptecsecsarcovnevens cegiets nse ccnast neassonscncres 567,641 86 a —-—— $17,801,618 49 Materials and supplies. 01 Wand,: ......cicoaeecuyaves oct suedualuss¥ednacyorensiees $9,024,740 25 ashy OT TAT. 1e. hee vate ee tame ncn Dis eeraee enn aeeoupsoe ris candds san Puahnies< ae¥ ete 1,246,655 00 Weis? PECSIVADLE:. Lp. a rensontass s enssanrer eras casted, ques sueaedeusees Coven ganas amare 1,028,481 90 Mecouints TECELVADI Es ccc vss var votennbenandsteansceiens poouneMrnensarhise cae twapncens 2,842,526 31 = 14,142,403 46: Bipek and bonds ort Hand scc-cscteedecd tte asaren el vc ov och cua estes tow ceo inet ad $2,219,871 21 Other investments, TMINES sreeceees coenceee ceceeeenereeses 583,750 92 Stnp cons, wee ae neo Mining equip............. erent 339)493°19 Naa ane Poe Oe ees Landed property and improv... 274230 301 Geren he aA ee ratce , Slee POBIDID Ga Setter peeeeaaeiies 160,591 a7 ee toe Sal Bie obo Supplies on hand at mines...... 179,790 (27 \ ie a , Coal on usetebe rh tasetentonees 175,867 71 | . coves eccresta: 150,000 00 BEAST c) 205. necas0 4esscceanns deta eatmnneuens A ASTE AS ACCOUNTS Da VADIC i. ccvtsse de canes 47,421 51 Cash (im transit). ..scccrerersereerees 19,337 37 | Profit and loss account:...../...... 58,461 50 Coal on hand, at COSt........eee seer 7,477 55 Accounts receivable........ccee.ssees 79,636 78 $4,629,146 51 $4,629,146 51 OFFICERS—Jno. E. Knapp, President; J. W. Loveridge, Vice-President; Henry B. Nedham, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Geo, L. Kingsland, Frank T. Robinson, Henry Janes, Geo. P. Bangs, Jno. E. Knapp, Nicholas Rath, Jno. G. Wendel, Jas. W. Loveridge, Geo. H. B. Hill, Edw. M. Brown. 618 MATHER ELECTRIC CO., 93 Park row; Office, 116 Bedford st., Boston, Mass. Inc. in Mass. Capital not ascertained. OsyeEct—Manufacture of dynamos, motors, generators and electrical appliances. Plant at Manchester, Conn. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—-H. G. Cheney, President, Manchester, Conn.; M.S. Chapman, Vice-President, Hartford ; Robt. Cheney, Secretary, Manchester ; N. T. Pulsifer, Treasurer, Manchester; A. D. Claflin, General Manager, Boston; Wm. Kimball, Assistant Treasurer, Boston. WM. J. MATHESON & CO., Limited, 178 Front st.; Branches, Boston, Phila- delphia and Providence. Authorized capital, $250,000 ; Full paid in cash, and a surplus of $150,000, Sept. 12, 1892. Works located in Long Island City, N. Y., a property con- sisting of about three acres, half of which is covered with buildings, and own wharf on the East river. Inc. in N. Y., and property is free from incumbrance. MATHUSHEK PIANO MANUFACTURING CO., Office, 80 5th ave. Inc. in New Haven, Conn. No other information furnished. John W. French, New York Manager. THE MATTEWAN MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 62 Cedar st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000. ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Accounts and bills receivable, real iy Debts.ncacssreatceteeeen denereseenakeonees $122,926 88 Gatater ell Anat cerear cent seen $301,500 00 | Receipts for year, $557,546.89 ; Expenditures, 557,546.89. THE MATTHEWS-NORTHRUP CO. (See p. 257. Corrected article.) Branch Office, 280 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Buffalo. Inc. in Buffalo, N. Y. Statement, ~ Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Paid in, cash, $205,000. Liabilities other than capital, $76,000. Total assets at least'$292,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—George E. Matthews, President; Charles E. Austin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William P. Northrup, Charles E. Austin, George E. Matthews, Charles E. Sickels, Henry Straub. ¥ Moses King Corporation, Branch Office, 280 Broadway. Inc. in Me. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in, $150,000. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—William P. Northrup, President ; Chas. E. Austin, Treasurer. DIRECTORS— William P. Northrup, Charles E. Austin, George E. Matthews. JOHN MATTHEWS APPARATUS CO. (Consolidated with American Soda Fountain Co., which see p. 575.) General and Corporate Office, 449 Firstave. No other information furnished. MATHUSHEK & SON PIANO CO.,, General and Corporate Office, 542 W. 4oth st. Inc. in N.Y. Capital authorized, $30,000; Amount paid in notknown. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. Nofunded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS— Victor Hugo Mathushek, President; Benjamin H. Janssen, Secretary ; C. Albert Jacob, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Victor Hugo Mathushek, Benjamin H. Janssen, Chas. Jacob, C. Albert Jacob. MAXWELL LAND GRANT CO. Capital authorized, £950,000; Full paid. FUNDED DEBr—Prior lien mtge. gold bonds, redeemable at $100 (or $110 at maturity) — c. 1888, due Jan 1, 1913; $3,000,000, $500, 6 g., J. & J., New York, London and Amsterdam. Income mtge. bonds (£987,100, pledged under prior lien mtge.) £12,200; — due Jan. 1, 1892, at £100. The prior lien bonds are payable at 110 at maturity, or — redeemable at par from proceeds of land sales. In 1891 interest was defaulted and is now paid with prior lien bonds, or certificates convertible into prior lien bonds. The management of the property, until the date when all prior lien bonds will be paid off, is — placed in the hands of a board of trustees. In 1890, land sales 18,409 acres, for $151,938. In 1889, sales 26,399 acres for about $170,818. Assets in land and cattle were estimated _ at $14,020,000. Owns 1,714,764 acres in Colorado and New Mexico, containing coal, timber and land fit for grazing and agricultural purposes, Frank Springer, President — Board of Trustees, Las Vegas. MECHANICAL INVENTION CO., Limited (inoperative), General and Corpo- rate Office, 237 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $15,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. I’rank G. Johnson, President. 619 MERCANTILE BOND CO., Office, 56 Broadway. Inc. in Baltimore, Md. No other information furnished. Samuel Tebbutt, New York Manager. METROPOLITAN FERRY CO., General and Corporate Office, foot E. 34th st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1.1892: Capital authorized, $1,500,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $1,256,250. Total assets at least $1,500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrric—ERS—H. B. Hollins, President ; Edward S. Knapp, Treasurer. DrrEcTOoRS—C. C. Eddy, H.B. Hollins, Edward S. Knapp, E. Lehman, Nathan Bijur, Isaac S. Rice, James T. Woodward. METROPOLITAN FINANCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL CO., Office, 100 Broad- ‘way. No information furnished. METROPOLITAN GAS LIGHT CO., represented by Charles G. Francklyn, ‘Office, 17 William st. Inc. in Elizabeth, N. J. No other information furnished. METROPOLITAN IMPROVEMENT CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 1425 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $350,coo; Full paid. Liabilities, other than capital, $452,000; Total assets at least $382,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Adrain Iselin, Jr., President; W. E. Roosevelt, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James A. Roosevelt, Adrain Iselin, Jr., W. E. Roosevelt. METROPOLITAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH C0O., Office, 18 Cort- landt st. Capital, $3,300,000, par g1oo. Dividends Jan., qrly., 8 p.c. per ann., pay- able at office. Dividends of at least 8 p. c. per ann. have been paid since 1882. This ‘Company has exclusive rights under a perpetual license from the Bell Telephone Co. to the business of furnishing telephone service within the city of New York andits suburbs, its territory having a radius of 33 miles from the City Hall in all directions. Its stock is controlled by the American Bell Telephone Co. Western Union Telegraph Co. owns $800,000 of the stock. (V. 51, p. 494.) FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. gold c. andr. 5s, dated 1888, due May 1, 1918; interest, M. & N., payable at office; size, $1,000; out- standing, $2,000,000; Trustee, the Mercantile Trust Co., N. Y. Sinking fund of I p.c. provides for purchase of bonds at 110 if possible. If bonds are not obtainable at this - price furds are invested in other securities. OFFICERS—Chas. F. Cutler, President ; John H. Cahill, Secretary; William R. Driver, Treasurer. DIREcToRs—Thos. J. Eckert, Chas. F. Cutler, William R. Driver. MEXICAN CENTRAL TELEGRAPH AND TELEPHONE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 62 Willham st. Inc. in,N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $450,000. Merged into the Mexican Telephone Co., 66% Pine st. No funded debt. @FFICERS—Chas. O. Morris, President; John J. McGinty, Secretary ; John W. Weed, Treasurer. DIREcTORS—Chas. O. Morris, John W. Weed, John D. Sargent, John G. McGinty. MEXICAN NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 32 Nassau st.; General and Corporate Office, Colorado Springs, Col.; Other Office, Ortega st., City of Mexico. Inc. in Colorado. Capital authorized, $7,000,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—-Geo. Foster Peabody, President; John Pratt, Secretary ; Walter Hinchman, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. J. Palmer, Walter Hinchman, Spencer Trask, Henry Amy, Henry Morton, John Pratt, John H. Small, George Foster Peabody, residents in United States; James Sullivan, Henry P. Webb, Manuel Ortegy Reyes, Francisco Noranjo, Luis Mendez, residents in Mexco. MEXICAN NATIONAL COAL, TIMBER AND IRON CO., General and Corporate Office, 32 Nassau st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement. Jan. 1, 1892: Capital $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. H. A. Ristley, President. MEXICAN TELEGRAPH CO., Office, 37 Wall st. Inc. 1878, in N. Y.; Capital $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, Jan. qrly. 10 p. c. per ann. at office. The Company has paid the following dividends: 1882 to 1886, inc., 8 p. c. per ann. each ; 1887 to 1891, inc., 10 p. c. Company has a cable from Galveston to Tampico and Vera Cruz, 738 miles; land line, Vera Cruz to Mexico City, 267 miles. Also direct cable from Galveston, Texas, to Coatzacoalcos, Mexico, 825 miles, duplicating the Mex. Tel. and Cen. and So. Am. Co’s Gulf cable system. Has exclusive right for 50 years for all 620 foreign telegrams to Mexico, except telegrams to and from a neutral zone on the United States border 156 miles wide, between the Gulf and Pacific Ocean. Company owns 1,362 shares of the Central and South American Telegraph Co. Net earnings, 1889, $299,871; Gross earnings in 1889-1890, $419,691; net, $352,003. J. A. Scrymser, President, New York. THE MICHIGAN CONDENSED MILK C0., Office, 17 Hudson st. N. Y.; Corporate Office, Lansing, Mich. Inc. in Mich. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Osyecr—Condensed milk; Plant located at Lansing, Mich. No funded debt. OFFICERS—M. S. Smith, President; Birt F. Parsons, Vice-President; H.. A. Farrand, Secretary, THE MICHIGAN PENINSULAR CAR CO,, General and Corporate Office, Detroit, Mich. Inc.1892 in Michigan. Capital authorized, $8,000,000, par $100; $5,000,000 8 p.c. cum. pref. ; $3,000,000 com. Company formed to take over and carry on the Michigan Car Co., the Peninsular Car Co., the Detroit Car Wheel Co., the Michigan Forge and Iron Co., the Detroit Pipe and Foundry Co., of Detroit, Mich., and acquires, free of all incumbrances, the property of the five companies, including the real estate, heredita- ments, premises, the fixed plant, machinery, and good-will. The business consists in the manufacture and sale of freight cars ot every description. Capacity, 100 cars per day. The business of the Michigan Car Co. was established in 1879. The property covers 834 acres of ground, of which 7834 acres are owned by the Company, and 5 acres leased in perpetuity, wholly located within the city of Detroit. 8 acres thereof are on the Detroitriver, having a system of piers and extensive wharfage. The buildings, 78 in number, are of the most substantial character, especially constructed for the requirements of the business. Companies employ about 5,000 men. The total losses in the past few years upon sales amounting to more than $100,000,000, are ascertained to. have been less than $5,000. The working plant, real estate, machinery and appliances. have been appraised at $5,605,787.47, and the cash assets at $1,279,000. The net profits of the Michigan Car Co., the Detroit Car Wheel Co., the Michigan Forge and Iron Co., and the Detroit Pipe and Foundry Co. for four years and nine months ending 3oth,. Sept., 1891, and the Peninsular Car Co. for five years ending Dec. 31, 1891, were #4,334,295.97, or a yearly average profit of $902,373.33. These net earnings are suffi- cient to pay the interest on the bonds, 8 p.c. per ann. upon the preferred stock, 12 p.c. per ann. upon the common stock, carry $80,000 per ann. to surplus fund, as provided by the By-Laws of the Company, and leave more than 4 p. c. applicable to further divi- dends upon the common stock. Application will be made to have the securities listed upon the New York Stock Exchange. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Transfer agent and trustee of the bonds, the New York Guaranty and Indemnity Co.; Registrar of stock, the Union Trust Co., New York; Counsel, Messrs. Miller Peckham & Dixon; Auditors, Messrs. Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co. OFFICERS AND DiREcToRS—Hon. James McMillan, Hugh McMillan, William McMillan, Frank J. Hecker, Charles L. Freer, Watson M. Freer, Hon. Russell A. Alger, Edward F. Lawrence, George R. Turnbull. MIKE AND STARR GOLD AND SILVER MINING CO. (See p. 245.) J. D- Whitman retired from Directory. John McGuiness should be John McGinnis, Jr. MINING AND DREDGING (CO,, Office, 15 Cortlandt st. Inc. in W. Va. Capital authorized, $1,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. _ No other information furnished. Orricers—Alfrederick S. Hatch, President; Chas. N. Walsh, Secretary ; Geo. H. Atwood, Treasurer. DirECTORS—Alfred- erick S. Hatch, Chas. H. Walsh, Geo. H. Atwood, James E.’ Bloomer, Levi Hussey. MINNEAPOLIS STREET RAILWAY CO. Inc.in Minn. Capital, $5,000,000, par $100; FUNDED .DEBT—Ist mtge., 7s, 1880, due Nov. 1, 1901; $391,000, g100, M. & N., redeemable annually at $105; mtge. 1883, due Nov. 1, 1913, 6s, $600,000, M. & N.; Ist consol. mtge., g., 5s, c.* and r., 1889, due Jan. 15, 1919 (auth. $5,000,000) ; $4,090,000, $1,000, J. & J., 15. All interest at Farmers’ L. & T. Co. Has exclusive right till July 1, 1923, of operating street railways in Minneapolis. It has in operation 87 miles of track, and owns real estate valued at $1,100,000, and equipment valued at $1,000,000 all of which property is covered by the mtge. of 1890. Company has right to run cars by cable, electricity, horse-power or otherwise. Company owns the entire stock of the Minneapolis, Lyndale and Minnetonka RW., Co., which joined in making the mtge., and on whose property the mtge. is first lien. Dec. 9, 1890, the new electric road was opened for travel between the cities of St. Paul and Minneapolis. The Minneapolis Street RW. Co. receives one-half of the earnings of this 621 road by virtue of its ownership of the portion of the line situated within the city limits of Minneapolis. The earnings fo two years: For 1891 gross, $1,031,388 ; net, $460,098 ; for 1890 gross, $793,064; net, $259,822. Control vested in same interest as St. Paul City RW. Co, The increase is largely the result of the opening of the electric road between Minneapolis and St. Paul. J. Kennedy Tod & Co., Fiscal Agents, N. Y. city. MINNESOTA AND DAKOTA LAND INVESTMENT CO., Office, 8 Broad st. Ine. in Minn. Capital authorized, $4,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS ae A. Hollister, President; Bertram Cruger, Secretary; Homer W. Nichols, reasurer. MINNESOTA IRON CO., Offices, Mills Building, New York, and Chicago. Capital authorized, $1,400,000, par $100. Owns about 14,270 acres of land and six iron mines in St. Louis and Lake counties, Minn. Owns also $500,000 stock, $400,000 Ist mtge, bonds and $3,500,000 6 p. c. income certificates of Duluth and Iron Range RR. Co. Dividends in 1890, 3 p. c.; in 1891, 6; in 1892, Jan., July. and Oct., each 1% pac. MISSOURI COAL AND CONSTRUCTION CO. (organized under laws of Missouri, with a capital stock of $2,000,000, of which $1,000,000 is full paid), is about to increase its capital stock by an issue of 10,000 shs., par $100 each, offered for subscrip- tion by the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Trust Co., of Kansas City, Mo., agency, 439 Chestnut st., Io p. c. to accompany subscription. Balance as needed. Zhe Missouré Coal and Construction Co. was formed for the purpose of building the Kansas City, Nevada and Ft. Smith RR., which will be, when completed, and by connection with other roads, a through line from Kansas City, Mo., to the Gulf of Mexico; and for the purpose of buying, owning and operating timber lands and coal lands, laying out of town sites, etc., along the line of said road. The route of this RR., with its proposed connections, will be an Air Line from Kansas City to the Gulf of Mexico, passing through the cities of Pittsburg, Kan.; Ft. Smith, Ark.; Texarkana, Tex.; Shreveport, La., and on to deep water, making connections with Galveston and New Orleans by a route 200 miles shorter than any other. The Missouri Coal and Construction Co. is now operating 81 miles of RR. from Kansas City to Hume, Mo., having built and equipped 57 miles of its main line from Hume to Grand View, Mo. From Grand View to Kansas City, a distance of 24 miles, it has procured leases from the Kansas City, Osceola and Southern RW. Co., and the Kansas City Suburban Belt RR. Co., including the use of the latter's terminal facilities at Kansas City. These leases will cost the Company, annually, not more than 2% p.c. of the cost of constructing this portion of the line. The Missouri Coal and Construction Co, owns several town sites along the line of its road, and also 2,600 acres of coal lands; it isthe purpose to give attention to the location of town sites along its extensions, and the sale of town lots. The Missourz Coal and Construction Co. will receive for the construction and equipment of the RR. stocks and Ist mtge. bonds of the RR. Co., at the rate of $25,000 per mile each. It is expected that a good return will be realized by the Construction Co’s shareholders from the construction of the RR., the location of town sites, and from subsidies and gifts from cities, townships and counties along the route. The Company will make applica- tion to list both its own and the RR. Co’s stock on the Philadelphia and New York Stock Exchanges. It is proposed to extend the iiR. at once from Hume, Mo., to Pittsburg, Kansas, a distance of about 55 miles, and put it in operation to that point by Nov., 1892. The $1,000,000 of the Construction Co’s stock is offered for sale for the purpose of raising the money to build this extension and increase the equipment. On reaching Pittsburg, the Company will have 112 miles of RR., well equipped with new engines and cars, and will be entirely free from bonds or floating debt. No bonds will be issued or sold on the RR. until after its completion to Pittsburg, when the large business the road should then have, it is believed, will guarantee earnings sufficient to pay the interest on the proposed bonded indebtedness. By the proposed route the distance from Kansas City to Galveston is 700 miles and to New York, 1,350. Estimated financial statement, when road reaches Pittsburg :— : ASSETS. _ LIABILITIES. Ist mtge. 5 p. c. g. bds., 112 miles SSLOGICS PALIT sagecs Wn cob yebesscestatseee cate $2,000,000 at $25,000 per mile (par value)...... $2,800,000 Stock, par $2,800,000, at $25 per sh.. 700,000 Value of town sites acquired.........4 100,000 Cost of coal 1amds..secceeeeeseeereeee sere 228,000 Bonds and other subsidies............++ 100,000 Total ......000cerssoves sovecees \ dsiep bodednsh ame 3~92OjO00 Palit, peausete Veabes Bites neck teewerse tates $1,928,000 622 OFFICERS—E. L. Martin, President; A. E. Stilwell, Vice-President; W. S. Woods, 2d Vice-President ; C. J. White, Treasurer; W.S. Taylor, Secretary; Richard Gentry, General Manager. DiIrREcTORS—John Lowber Welsh, E. T. Stotesbury, William Waterall, Phila.; E. P. Merwin, New York; E. L. Martin, A. E. Stilwell, Richard Gentry, W. S. Woods, C. J. White, J. Mcd. Trimble, Kansas City; W. S. Taylor, Kansas City and Phila, MIZPAH AGRICULTURAL AND‘INDUSTRIAL CO. (See page 247.) Cor- porate Office, Mizpah, N. J. Capital paid in, $8,000. THE MONEY-CHECK BOOK CO,, 98 5th ave. (See page 248. Corrected article.) Inc. Feb. 12, 1892, for 50 years. Capital, $100,000; Paid in, $90,000. OsyEcT—Sale of money-check books. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—S. R. Hopkins, President; A. R. Hopkins, Vice-President; E. D. Ruggles, Secretary; L. L. Hopkins, Treasurer; C. E. Cady, Auditor. MONTAUK GAS COAL CO., General and Corporate Office, 64 Broadway and 19 New st. Inc. 1870, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,500,000, par $100; Full paid. Ospject—Gas coal mining. Plant located at W. Va. Have done no work for 5 years. No funded debt. In litigation. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —Chas. G. Cornell, President; John White, Vice-President; Joseph P. Quin, Secretary ; John C. Provost, Treasurer. DiRECToRS—Chas. G. Cornell, John White, Joseph P. Quin, John C. Provost, Samuel E. Johnson, Samuel M. Mills, Jonathan O. Fowler. MORNING STAR CONS. MINING CO., General and Corporate Office, 53 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Watson B. Dickerman, President; Henry K. McHarg, Secretary. DrrREcTORS—Watson B. Dickerman, W. Gayer Dominick, George B. Greer, A. H. Porter, Henry K. McHarg, George G. Nevers, George F. Dominick. MORRIS CANAL AND BANKING CO., Main Office, 228 S. 3d st., Phila. LENGTH OF CANAL—Jersey City, N. J., to Phillipsburg, Warren Co., N. J., 106% miles. Capital, preferred, $1,175,000; consol., $1,025,000, par $100. Dividends, 4 p. c. on consol. stock and Io p. c. per ann. on preferred stock, payable F. & A., and guaranteed by Lehigh Valley RR. Co. Annual Meeting, 1st Tues.in Apr. H1istory—Leased Apr, 1, 1871, to Lehigh Valley RR. Co. for 999 years, the RR. Co. assuming bonds and pay- ing 10 p.c. per ann. on preferred stock, and 4 p. c. on consol. stock. In 1889 the Le- high Valley RR. Co. ceased operating the canal, and it is now used to supply water to the city of Newark, N. J., the city having the privilege at any time to purchase the plant for $6,000,000. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. regd. 5s, $1,000; due Apr. I, 1906; $500,000; A. & O., at Lehigh Valley RR. Co’s office; allowned by that company. Gross receipts, 1890, $335,239.81. Assessed valuation for 1890 of canal, except for real estate used for canal purposes other than water-way and tangible personal Propertys. ccs secede senses coerscnee nop on scopes $2,781,000 Assessed valuation of real estate used for canal purposes other than water-way... 721,450 © Assessed valuation of tangible pee property EPEC: for and used in State COMUMELCE ss. Cau odes sald. gaesuatigeartsacatipecasseqrseabs Lenntoeda teiceen or see wiaeesseMrs etnderte tema nreeee 63,046 $3, $65,502 OFFICERS—J. F. Randolph, President; Charles Hartshorne, Vice-President; J. R. Fanshawe, Secretary ; W.C. Alderson, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Ist class: P. C. Hollis, W. C. Alderson, Wm. Hogencamp, 2d class: John S. Irick, Robt. H. Sayre, James I. Blakslee, John Taylor, John Hood. 3d class: Elisha P. Wilbur, Wm. H. Sayre, E. Y. Hartshorne, Edgar Cope, Wm.S. Taylor. 4th class: Thos. N. McCarter, Chas. Harts- — horne, J. B. Garrett, Henry S. Drinker, R. H. Wilbur. 5th class: Jacob F. Randolph, John R. Fanshawe, Wm. Patton, Robt. A. Lamberton, H. Stanley Goodwin. MORROW GOLD MINING CO. of Virginia, Office, 82 Dey st. Inc. Apr. 28, 4 1570), 1. | ).9 10k SO My ears, Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $9,000, par $100; Full paid, OxsyEctr—Mining. Company practically out of business. No other information furnished. THE MOSLER SAFE CO,, 704 Bennett Building. General and Corporate Office, — 787 Broadway. Inc.in Hamilton, O. Capital not given Manufacture and sale of fire and burglar proof safes, also special bank safes. Plant at] Hamilton, O. We prefer not to make any statement at present. No other information furnished. 623 MULFORD BROKERAGE C0O., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 44 New st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DrrREcTorsS—Randolph M. Mulford, President; William D. Hill, Secretary ; Edward.F. Hurt, Treasurer. MUNICIPAL GAS CO. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capftal author- ized, $125,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $67,200. Total assets at least $220,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFICcERS—H. E. Gowetry, President.; Samuel J. Young, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Thomas IF’. Rowland, Jr., 329 Madison ave, H. E. Gowetry, Samuel J. Young. MUTUAL ANNUITY CO., Office, 29 Broadway. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—John L. Brownell, President; George J. Porter, Secretary ; Asher Ayres, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—John L. Brownell, George C. Jordan, James Bumgardner, Jr., George J. Porter, J. W. Phillips, musher Ayres, 'C. L. Cooke) |e OW abickard,) Wi D.-hice: THE MUTUAL SMELTING AND MINING CO., Office, 30 Broad st. Inc. in Colville, Wash. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Liabilities other than capital money advanced, $20,000; disbursements, $600. ¢600. Assets, real estate, smelter ore, machinery, $50,000, issued for the payment of real estate, machinery and other property. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirECTORS—J. 5S. Moore, President; P. L. Barlow. MUTUAL TOWN AND BOND C0O,, Office, 61 Park row. No other information furnished. MUTUAL CO., Office, 127 Produce Exchange. Inc.in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—William E. Ferguson, President; Edward M. Timmins, Secretary. DirEcTORS-—William E. Ferguson, Edward M. Timmins. MUTUAL DISTRICT MESSENGER CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 458 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $7,500. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—E. R. Chapman, President; William W. Rider, Secretary ; Albert Blackburne, Treasurer. DirREcrorRsS—E. R. Chapman, William W. Rider, Albert Blackburne, .C. H. Eccles): H- P Chilton}. G. Sacken, Jr.; Ti. C. Hotehkes: Marcellus Hartley, Charles E. Ball, John G. Moore, W. E. D. Stokes. MUTUAL DISTRICT TELEGRAPH CO., General Office (vacated), 458 Broad- way. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000. Merged into American District Telegraph Co. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricErs—Marcellus Hartley, President; William W. Rider, Secretary ; Albert Blackburne, Treasurer. DrirREcToORS—Marcellus Hartley, William W. Rider, Albert Blackburne, Anson Phelps Stokes, Wm. H. Wickham, Thomas M. Foote, Thomas E. Stillman, Chas. H. Marshall. NASSAU ELECTRICAL CO. (See p. 256. Corrected article.) General and Corporate Office, 112 White st. Inc. Apr., 1890, in New York. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000, pat $100; Full paid. Ospyzecr—Manufacture and sale of batteries and other electrical specialties. No dividends yet paid. No funded debt. OFFICERS— Andros B. Stone, President and Treasurer; Philip Hathaway, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Andros B. Stone, Philip Hathaway, Henry D. McGowan, Edwin M. Fox. NATIONAL AUTOMATIC TRANSFER CO,, 250Canalst. (p. 256.) Has failed. NATIONAL BLANK BOOK CO. (See page 257. Corrected article.) General and Corporate Office, Holyoke, Mass.,or 76 Duane st.,N, Y. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $150,000, par $100; Full paid. Opyect—Manufacture of - blank books. Plant located in Holyoke, Mass. Annual Meeting, Jan., 1892. F. B.. Towne, Treasurer. 624 NATIONAL CORDAGE CO.,, Office, 132 Front st. Inc. July 20, 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $25,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in, $15,000,000, viz.: $10,000,000, par $100, common; $5,000,000, 8 p. c. cumulative. OByEcT—Importa- tion of hemp and manufacture and sale of cordage. On Oct. 31, 1891, the properties owned and controlled by the Company were 4g, situated in various States and in Canada. Preferred stock has priority over the common stock in respect of all property and assets in case of liquidation or dissolution. After payment of 8 p. c. cumulative on preferred stock and 12 p. c. on common stock, any further dividends have to be divided Avo rata between the two classes of stock. Both common and preferred have the same voting power per share. No mtge. or bonded debt can be created except with the consent of 80 p. c. of the preferred stock. Dividends on common stock: In 1891,9; in 1892, Feb., 2%. Dividends on preferred: In 1891, 2 p.c.; in 1892, Feb., 2 p.c. The profits in year 1890-91 and the balance-sheet on Oct. 31, 1891, were as follows :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Merchandise \:..s:s0evsosttans sensenevs $3,143,793 06 | Accounts and bills payable...... $4,712,806 69 Accounts and bills receivable:... 2,657,576 o4 | Preferred Stock 1..... 1.0.50. sosees- 5,000,000 00 MEASH ciapovadesdssccadehcuctiesal iavtee dees 540,251'04') Common stocknes. ace. ccseseset ance 10,000,000 00 Real estate, buildings, machin- SWUPpllis BCCOUTti ssa acres ee 3,706,313 00 ery and leaseholds.......cc-.0s00s 17,077,500 OO — Total dia bilities 22.0% cet -s $23,419,120 14 « Profit and loss account for 1890-91. Profitton soperationsites anit. ase $1,406,313 45 Dividends: paid tiss,sscsinss,cvtestes 1,300,000 00 Lioteal ASSETS: Wha cesccnt Ses sepevs $23,419,120 14 Balance surplus.........:0000 $106,313 45 OFFICERS—James M. Waterbury, President; Elisha M. Fulton, Jr., Secretary ; Chas. Davis, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James M. Waterbury, Frank T. Wall, Chauncey Marshall, Edward M. Fulton, G. Weaver Loper, Elisha M. Fulton, Jr., John A. Tucker, Charles L. Atterbury, John C. Furman. NATIONAL LEAD CO. Capital $20,000,000, par $100; Full paid, viz., $5,000,000 com. and $15,000,000 7 p.c.cum. pref. Inc. in N.J. Dec. 8, 1891, as successor to the Na- tional Lead Trust. It controls 26 plants in different States for the manufacture of white lead and other products. FUNDED DEBT—$3,000,000 of 6 p. c. 30-year debenture bonds. About $2,500,000 of the debenture bonds were to be used for working capital in carrying on the various enterprises of the Trust. None of these debentures had been issued up to Mar. 15, 1892. The report for the year ending Jan. 31, 1891, assets as follows: Plant, $17,992,989; other investments, $459,235 ; net working capital, $5,765,414; other net assets, $1,142,486; total, $25,360,124, against $22,361,900 on Jan. 31, 1890. Net earnings in year 1890-gI were $2,028,552. The National Lead Trust paid dividends on its $90,000,000 of stock as follows: In 1891, April, % of 1 p.c.; July, % of 1 p.c.; Dee. 30 cents per $100 share. The new company paid: On pref.in 1892, Mar., 134 p. c. (qrly.). Price of common stock—In 1892 to Mar. 18, inclusive, 31@39. Price of preferred stock— In 1892 to Mar. 18, inclusive, 8114(@865g. W. P. Thompson, President. NATIONAL LINSEED OIL CO., 81 John st. Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Capital, $18,000,000, par $100. Inc. 18go, in Ill. Acquired all the property of the Lin- seed Oil Trust, consisting of the real estate, machinery, patents, etc., of 52 oil works situated in 42 cities of the United States, including Chicago, St. Louis, Minneapolis, etc. Its product is both linseed oil and oil cake—used for stock food and fertilizer—and it is said to employ in the manufacture of these from 60 to 70 p. c. of the country’s annual crop (of ten to thirteen million bushels) of flaxseed. Fiscal year ends June 30th. Report for 1890-91 shows net loss from operations of $20,462. After writing this off and paying dividends Nos. Io, 11, 12 and _ 13, aggregating $720,000, the Company had $453,294 in undivided earnings and its original capital intact. In year ending June 30, 18go, net earnings were $1,201,405, or equal to 6.67 p. c. on stock. Stock listed in New York in Sept., 1890. Dividend in 1890, 2 p. c.; in Feb., 1891, 1; May, 1; Aug., % of 1 p.c.; since, prior to Mar. Io, 1892, none. Alexander Euston, President, Chicago, Ill. Alfred L. Clements, N. Y. Manager. NATIONAL RICE MILLING CO. Inc. in N. J. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid: $2,000,000 8 p. c. cum. preferred ; $3,000,000 common. OBjECT—To acquire and consolidate The New Orleans Rice Milling Co., The Perseverance Rice Mill of N. O., and The Carolina Rice Milling Co., 3 mills. No funded debt. OFFIcERS—F. O. French, President; Pembroke Jones and ee a ee 625 Charles R. Higgins, Vice-Presidents. D1rrectrors—F. O. French, James H. Benedict, Samuel R. Shipley, John H. Davis, Fred. H. Benedict, A. M. Drake, Harry Walters, Pembroke Jones, E. V. Douglass, E. Q. Keasby, Albert Baldwin, George R. Preston, George Denegre, C. R. Higgins. THE NATIONAL SAW CO., Office, 96 and 08 Reade st.; Corporate Office, New- port, Ky. Inc. July, 1890, in Ky.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Opsyecr—Manufacture of saws, tools and steel. Plant located at Middletown, N. Y., saw factory and rolling mill; Cin., O., saw factory ; Boston, Mass., _ saw factory. Dividends payable annually, Mar. 1, at N. Y. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ——G. N. Clemson, President; Louis Dulme, Ist Vice-President; J. R. Woodrough, 2d Vice-President; R. W. Clemson, Secretary; R. L. Woodrough, Treasurer; H. H. Woodrough, Assistant Treasurer and Manager. THE NATIONAL STARCH MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Office, 29 Broadway; other N. Y. Office, 298 South st. (See p. 261. Corrected article.) Inc. Feb., 1890, in Ky. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,500,000; Full paid. FUNDED Desr—Bonds 6s issued $3,837,000, treasury $663,000, total $4,500,000, M. & N.; shares Ist preferred 8s $2,219,400, treasury $780,600, total $3,000,000, M. & N.; shares 2d preferred 12s $1,846,800, treasury $653,200, total $2,500,000, J. & ike shares common $4,450,700, treasury $549,300, total $5,000,000, qrly.,M. Bonds are Ist mtge. g, 1890; due May 1, 1920. Interest at Chase National Bank, New York. Com- pany owns properties capable of producing from 230 to 240 millions pounds of starch yearly. The twenty concerns whose plants, trade-marks, patents, business and good- will it purchased were located in the States of New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa and Kansas. The preferred stocks have preference as to principal as well as dividends. The bonds were issued at a rate not exceeding 75 p.c. of the Company’s real estate. The good-will of the concerns, etc., is represented by the common stock. Last dividend on common stock Mar., 1891, 1 p.c. OFFICERS—-Hiram Duryea, President; Chas. C. Burns, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Hiram Duryea, William Duryea, Albert Erkenbrecher, Wm. ¥F. Piel, Jr., J. K. O. Sherwood, Horace K. Thurber, F. M. Gilbert, Henry R, Wood, Richard Johnson, Chester W. Chapin, Edgar Duryea, Clifford B. Wright, D. A. Geraty, Chas. C. Burns, A. R. Beardsley, Martin F. Lautz, Willett H.C. Coles, J. A. Rumrilk Martin Cutsinger, Joseph Firmenich. NATIONAL STORAGE C©0O., General Office, 55 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. 1867,in N. J. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $2,400,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. Storage of merchandise and lighterage of freight. Plant at Jersey City. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS —Charles A. Sterling, President; James A. Hand, Secretary; Charles M. Johnson, Treasurer. NATIONAL TRANSPORTATION MOTOR CO., Limited, General and Cor- porate Office, 449 Broadway, Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid, in patent rights and property. Liabilities other than capital, $10,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Henry Grasse, Presi- dent; Charles W. Booss, Treasurer. D1RECcTORS—Henry Grasse, Charles W. Booss, Charles C. Guligan. NATIONAL WATER PURIFYING (C0., Office, 145 Broadway; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. Aug. 20, 1886, in N. J.; Charter, 50 years. Going out of existence. Succeeded by N.Y. FilterCo. Capital authorized, $300,000 ; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—William M. Deutsch, President: John C. Symons, Secretary ; Theodore F. Miller, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—William M. Deutsch, Chas. C. Worthington, Theodore F. Miller, Albert R. Leeds. NATIONAL WATER-WORKS CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Wall st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $3,350,000. Total assets at least $5,500,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. George E. Taunter, President. DrirEcTORS— G. E. Taunter, Dudley Betts, Charles S. Kehan. NEW CENTRAL COAL CO., of Maryland. Capital $5,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Annual report 1890 showed net profits for year $47,082, against $6,108 in 1889, and bal. to cr. pro. and loss Dec. 31, 1890, $248,654, against $213,321 Dec. 31, 1889. Dividends since 1880: 1881, 2 p. c.; 1882 and 1883, none; 1884, 1; 1885, nil; from 1886 to 1888, inc., I p.c. yearly. ; in 1891, 1; in 1892, Mar., 1. (See also p. 265.) 626 NEW ENGLAND DESPATCH CO., Office, 145 Broadway. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No other information furnished. Represented by National Express Co. NEW ENGLAND POTTERY CO., General Office, 12 Barclay st.; Corporate Office, E. Boston, Mass. No other information furnished. Davison & Pitcairn. NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO0O., General Office, 18 Cortlandt st.; Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $12,000,000, par ¢100; Paid in, $10,394,600; Liabilities. other than capital, $1,468,438.63; Total assets at least $12,229,925.70. Co. operates in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts under license from the American Bell Telephone Co. On Jan, I, 1890, it had 17,275 subscribers and exchange offices in gi cities or villages. Dividends, from 1886 to Feb., 1892, 34 p.c., per ann. three dividends yearly being for 75 cents, and one Feb. 15, 1892, for $1.25. FUNDED DEBT— Bonds, 1st and 2d series c. 6s each, $500,000, 1889 and 1890, due Apr, 1889 and Igoo, $1,000,000, $1,000 A. & O., Boston Bank of Republic. 3d series subject to call after Apr. 1, 1901, at 102 c.6s, due April 1, 1906, $500,000, $1,000 A. & O., Boston Bank of Republic. All issued for improvements. Thomas Sherwin, President. DIRECTORS— Thomas Sherman, Thomas Sherwin, Moses G. Parker, William H. Porter. NEW ENGLAND TERMINAL CO., 22 William, 266 South and Pier 45 E. R. Inc. in Conn. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. st mtge. g.c. 5s, 1889, due Feb. 1, 1909, $700,000, $1,000 Fi -& Ag New York Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company. Bonds drawn at 116. A transportation line from Wilson’s Point, Bridgeport or other points on Long Island Sound to New York. FuNDED DEBT—The mtge. covers all the property of the Company, including real estate and dock property in New York. The New York and New England and the Housatonic RR. by endorsement guarantee interest and the payment of $15,000 annually from 1890 to 899, inclusive, for sinking fund, and $48,000, Ig00 to 1909, inclusive. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Charles B. Tedcastle, President; Andrew J. Porter, Secretary ; Sidney Starbuck, Treasurer. DirEcTorsS—Charles B. Tedcastle, S. V. Cary, Sidney Starbuck. NEW ENGLAND TRANSPORTATION CO., Office 1 Broadway, Inc. in New — Haven, Conn. Capital authorized, $250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, ~ if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. George B. Martin, Agent. al ee ( eo NEW GUSTON CO., Limited, Office, 33 Wall st. Inc. in London, Eng. No © other information furnished. George Crawford, N. Y. Manager. NEW JERSEY STATE ARCHER GAS FUEL CO., General Office, 57 Broad- way. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,200,000. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Frederick Booss, President; Robert H. McPherson, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Frederick Booss, Robert H. McPherson, John B. Archer, Charles H. Knight, Robison Gill. NEW JERSEY TERMINAL RW. CO., Office, 80 Broadway. Inc. Feb. 27, 1890, in N.J., for 999 years. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $750,000, par $100 ; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFrFICcERS—Otis W. Randall, President; A. Stewart Patterson, Secretary; Edward K. Hayt, Treasurer. DIrRECTORS—Otis W. Randall, A. Stewart Patterson, Edward K. Hayt, George E. Horne, Edward L. Suffern. _ THE NEW JERSEY TITLE AND ABSTRACT CO., General Office, 120 Broadway; Corporate Office, 1 Montgomery st., Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Feb. 5, 1888, in N.J.,for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in $20,000. OBJECT— Examination and guaranty of titles to real estate in Northern N. J. Dividends, none. — No debt. OFrricers—Jos. F. Randolph, President; Chas L. Carrick, Vice-President; — Chas. C. Black, Secretary; Albert I. Drayton, Treasurer—Address above, Jersey City. Drirectrors—Jos. F. Randolph, Henry V. Condict, Chas. C. Black, Frederick G. Burn- — ham, Chas. L. Carrick, Albert I. Drayton, John Garrick, John Griffin, John S. McMaster. NEWPORT NEWS SHIPBUILDING AND DRY DOCK CO., Offices, 23 Broad st.and1 Broadway. Inc. Jan. 28, 1886, in Va., and amendments Feb. 17,1899. Capital ‘ , authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Company owns 60 acres of land with water front, and has large plant, costing $561,954 for the dry dock and crib work, and over 2,750,000 for the other property. FUNDED DEepr—tist mtge., c.* and _r. 5s, 1890, due : Apr. 15, 1990, $2,000,000, $1,000, J. & J. 15, at Company’s Office. Chesapeake Dry Dock and Construction, 1st mtge. 5s, 1887, due Apr. 15, 1937; $600,000, $1,000, J. & J., at Company’s Office. The Chesapeake Dry Dock and Construction mtge. covers the dry dock as a first lien, and the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock mtge. is 2d to this. ——— — 627 Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFrFICERS—Calvin B. Orcutt, President; Isaac E. Gates, Secretary. DirREcTOoRS—Calvin B. Orcutt, Isaac E. Gates, H. M. Hoyt, Frank H, Davis, Spencer A. Van Derveer. NEW YORK AND BALTIMORE LAND IMPROVEMENT CO., Office, 53 Broadway. Inc. in Md. Capital authorized, $2,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—Henry A. Heiser, President: Francis H. O’Connor, Secretary;. T. Edgar Clarke, Treasurer. DirEcToRS—Henry A. Heiser, George E. Yarrington, T. Edgar Clarke, Francis A. O’Connor, NEW YORK AND BERMUDEZ CO. Inc.in N.Y. Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. OFrFricERS—William H. Thomas, President ; A. Howard Carner, Secretary; Thomas H. Thomas, Treasurer, 70 Broadway. DirEcToRS—W. H. Thomas, Thomas A. Thomas, A. Howard Gatnar ane B. Vanderhoef, Melvin Stephens. NEW YORK AND BOSTON DESPATCH EXPRESS CO., General Offices, 304 Canal st., 57 Lispenard st., 45 Church st., 88 Beekman st., 97 Mercer st., 940 Broadway, and Pier (old), N. R. Inc. in Mass. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. OFFICERS—Edward Taft, President ; Chas. W. Sherburne, Treasurer. DIRECTORS —Edward A. Taft, John C. Paige, Walton C. Taft. Absorbed by the Adams Express Co. Not inc. THE NEW YORK AND BOSTON DYEWOOD CO. Inc. 1892 in N. Y. Capital authorized, $1,200,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. No facts fur- nished. NEW YORK AND BOSTON RAPID TRANSIT CO., General Office, 15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Boston, Mass. Inc. in Boston, Mass. Capital authorized, $750,000 ; Paid in, $500,000. Dividends, if any, not known. No funded debt. E. D. Hewins, Secretary, 8 Congress st., Boston. Represented by Robert S. Browne. NEW YORK AND NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE C0., Office, 19 Broadway. Not in active operation. No other information furnished. NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY TELEPHONE C0., Brooklyn, General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st., Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. Capital, $2,533,000, par $100; Full paid. Dividends, qrly., J..1% p.c.each. Total assets and liabilities, $5,192,090.35 Operates telephone lines under perpetual license from the Bell Co. in Staten Island, Long Island (including Brooklyn), in Monmouth Co., N. J., and in remainder of New Jersey, lying within 33 miles of New York City Hall. Its total sub- scribers on Jan. I, 1892, 9,044 (of which 4,487 in Long Island), against 8,691, Jan. I, 1891. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. 6s, due Mar., 1895, $472,500, $100, etc., New York National Park Bank. Of the general mtge. bonds sufficient are reserved to take the Ist mtge. at maturity ; Trustee General Mortgage, Atlantic Trust Co. In year 1891 gross earn- ings were $879,044; net, $151,154; taxes and interest, $87,894; dividends, $152,100; deficit, $88,840; the storms in Jan., 1891, having done great damage to the property. In year 1890 gross, $848,927 ; net, $345,569; taxes, interest and dividends, $219,304; surplus income, $126,264. Totalsurplus to Dec. 31, 1891, $412,123. OFFICERS—William D. Sargent, President; Union N. Bethell, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEcrors— Charles F. Cutler, William D. Sargent, Alexander Cameron, Morris F. Tyler, Joseph P. Davis, Samuel Klotz, Hugh Kinnard, George H. Prentiss, David B. Powell, Henry J. tier, |r. THE NEW YORK AND LONG ISLAND BRIDGE CO., General Office, 340 3d ave. No information furnished. NEW YORK AND OHIO CO., Office, 1 Broadway. No information furnished. Represented by John W. Peale. NEW YORK AND OHIO COAL CO,, Office, 1 Broadway. No information furnished. NEW YORK AND PENNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cortlandt st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Full paid. Total assets and liabilities, $1,437,641.07. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—Chas. F. Cutler, President; Hiram F. Stevens, Secretary; David B. Parker, Treasurer. DirEcTORS— Charles F. Cutler, David B. Parker, Charles A. Nichols, Horace C. French, W. N. Eastbrook, Henry L. Stroke, John E. Hudson. 40 & 628 NEW YORK AND PERRY COAL AND IRON CO., General and Corporate Office, 2 Wall st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $692,682.87. Total assets at least — $377,069.17. Owns 640 acres, controls 800 acres and leases 430 acres of coal and iron | land in Hocking Valley region at Shawnee, Perry County, O. Has five coal mines and two blast furnaces. The assets, as per balance-sheet on Jan. 22, 1891, were $3,791,823. — For full statement to New York Stock Exchange on Jan. 22, 1891, see V. 52, p. 206. Dividends, in 1887, 4% p. c.; in 1888, 1. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. g. Sp UF 2) nee called, c. 6s, 1890, May 1, 1920; $600,000, $1,000, M. & N., at Co’s Office. OFFICERS— Frank L. Fremont,’ President; George A. Blood, Vice-President; George H. Brown, Secretary. TRUSTEES—George A. Blood, Jacob Cantor, S. M. Stephenson, Frank P. Perkins, Frank L. Fremont, Charles T. Galloway, Hildreth K. Bloodgood. NEW YORK AND TEXAS LAND CO., Limited, 2 Wall st. Capital, $15,000,000, par $50. This Company took the lands granted to the International and Houston and Great Northern railroads, about 5,000,000 acres. On June 30. 1888, had 2,287,497 acres unsold. There is $980,000 of land scrip receivable for lands at 75 ps C108 itsiface: THE NEW YORK BANK NOTE CO., General and Corporate Office, 1 Broad- way. (Additionalinformation. Seealso p.274.) OBJEcCT—To manufacture stocks, bonds, bank notes and RR. tickets. Plant located at 1 Broadway. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DirEcToRS—George H. Kendall, President; John C. Fischer, Secretary; E. Lawson Purdy, Treasurer. THE NEW YORK BELTING AND PACKING CO,, Limited, 13 and 15 Park row; General and Corporate Office, 100 Queen Victoria st., London, Eng. — Estab- lished in 1846. Inc. 1891 in London, Eng.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,066,100, or £426,000; Full paid. Divided into 20,000 ordinary shs. of £10 ($48.50) _ each, £200,000 ($970,000) ; 22,500 pref. shs., £10, £225,000 ($1,091,250) ; 1,000founders’ — shs. £1, £1000 ($4,850). Dividends: Pref. gets 8 p. c., and preference as to capital ; ordinary shs. next, up to 12 p. c., and the balance equally between ordinary and — founders’ shs. On Jan. 1, 1892, surplus stated, $256,845.38. FUNDED DEBt—Deben- tures (S. F. £18,500 per ann. on 6 mos. notice by drawing every 3 years at 110), all due Jan. 1, 1918, and all redeemable after Jan. 1, 1901, at 110 c. 6s.; £225,000, £100 J. & J., at trustees, Knickerbocker Trust Co. Secured on all property and purchases now or after acquired. Company formed Duequire, N. Y., Belting and Packing Co. of Conn., which earned $210,018 for 5 mos. to June I, 1890, or say, $504,044 per ann. Company makes rubber belting, rubber hose and emery wheels, rubber packing, valves, etc. Plant: 3 factories, 2 at Newton, Conn., 125 acres and buildings, and-1 at Passaic N. J., 40 acres, 375 ft. by 60 ft. for largest building, and 2 others. Earnings were, 1887, ~ $284,497; 1888, $284,566; 1889, $421,227 ; 1890, estimated in part, $351,310. AMERI- CAN MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE—John H. Cheever, Vice-Chairman of Co. and Chair- — man of Home Committee; August Belmont, J. D. Cheever, Frank Cazenove Jones, Wm. T. Baird. DirEcrors—Samuel Pope, Q.C., Chairman; John H. Cheever, Vice-Chairman; — Hon. John de Grey, John Henry Tod, H. H. Howarth, M. P.; Henry B. Kenyon, F. Cazenove Jones, John D. Cheever, John L. Martin, John C. Wylde, Secretary. NEW YORK BISCUIT CO., ‘Office, 15 Duane st.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill. Inc. in Ill, Capital, $9,000,000, par $100. Owns and leases property in New York city, Chicago, Cambridgeport (Boston), Des Moines, la., Denver, Col., etc.,13 cities in all. FUNDED DeEepr—tist mtge. g.S. F. c. andr. 6s, 1891, Mar. 1, 1911, $1,500,000, $1,000, ~ Kountze Bros., N. Y. The property covered by the mtge., it is said, will be worth $3,000,000 when the buildings under construction are completed. Merchandise and accounts receivable amount to about $2,000,000. ‘Trustee under the mtge. is the Cen-_ tral Trust Co. of New York. Sinking fund, $50,000 a year. Dividends 1891 6 p. c. Certified profits in 1890, $585,889; interest on bonds will be $90,000. G. P. Johnson, Treasurer. NEW YORK BOND AND INVESTMENT CO,, General and Corporate Office. 206 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000. Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. Orricers—Gilbert Elliott, President; Theodore C. Clark, Secretary, Gilbert Elliott, Jr., Treasurer. Drrecrors—Gilbert Elliott, Gilbert Elliott, Jr., Theodore C. Clark. NEW YORK BOOK DEPOSITORY, General and Corporate Office, 14 Clinton pl. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $20,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information 629 furnished. OFFICERS—Emanuel Glaeser, President; A. Stuckert, Secretary; Ernest A. Brickwedel, Treasurer. DIrREcTORS—A. Stuckert, Emanuel A. Glaeser, Ernest A. Brickwedel, Jacob Salathe, James Kurtz. THE NEW YORK CONSOLIDATED CARD CO., General and Corporate Office, 226 W. 14th st. Inc. 1872,in N. Y. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $25; Full paid. OpyeEct—Manufacture of playing cards. Plant located at 226 W. 14th st., and consists of factory, etc. Dividends are regularly paid, amount not stated. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Solomon L. Cohen, President; Charles Henry Hart, Vice- President; Arthur M. Lawrence, Secretary ; Isaac Levy, Treasurer ; Stanley A. Cohen, Manager. NEW YORK ELECTRIC LINES CO., General and Corporate Office, 11 Gold st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Chas. J. Warren, President; George L.. Weed, Secretary. DiIRECTORS— Chas. J. Warren, George L. Weed, Edward Barr, Chas. Rile, Jesse Larrabee, James S. AVinte; F.C. Elliott, C. H. Leuengene. THE NEW YORK EQUIPMENT CO. (See p. 279. Additional information.) ‘General Office, 15 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Charleston, W. Va. Inc. 1888, in W. Va.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par g100; Full paid. OxpjeEcT— Dealing in railway equipments, supplies and securities. Dividends in last fiscal year made but not declared. Surplus, Jan. 1, 1892, $72,000. No funded debt. Orri-. CERS—Jas. Irvine, President and Treasurer; F. C. Gaffney, Secretary. DIRECTORS— Jas. Irvine, G. B. F. Cooper, L. V. Walkley, F. C. Leinbach, Chas. Muller. NEW YORK EXCHANGE AND INVESTMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 71 Broadway. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $100,000; Paid in $75,000. Liabilities, other than capital, do not exceed $50,000; total assets at least $5,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Max Suss- mann, President; Gabriel Schiesser, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Edward H. Horner, Owen FE. Abrahams, Max Sussmann, Gabriel Schiesser. THE NEW YORK MUTUAL GAS LIGHT C0., Offices, 36 Union sq., E., and 823 E. rith st. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,500,000; Full paid. Liabilities, other than capital, $407,784 54; total assets at least $666,000. Divi- dends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orrrcers—John P. Kennedy, Presi- dent ; William C. Besson, Secretary. _DIRECTORS—C. Vanderbilt, Chas. C. Leary, Geo. Ve tiall. NEW YORK MUTUAL TELEGRAPH CO.,, of Capital, $2,379,200 owned by Western Union Telegraph Co., balance still not exchanged not ascertained. Successor - to the Mutual Union Telegraph Co. The stock carries dividends of 6 p. c. per ann. under a lease of 99 years, from Feb. 15, 1883, to Western Union Telegraph. FUNDED DEBT— Ist mtge. g. guar. c. 6s, 1881, due May 1, Ig91I} $1,978,000, $1,000, M. & N., N. Y., Western Union Telegraph Co. The Western Union gives its collateral, trust bonds on exchange at par for the stock and bonds of this Company. NEW YORK NEWS CO. (branch of American News Co., which see), Office, 20 Beekman st. No other information furnished. NEW YORK SOLAR THERMOLUME CO, (See p. 259. Corrected article.) General and Corporate Office, 4 W. 14th st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $150,000; par $25; Full paid. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—James W. Currier, President; Edwin D. Babbitt, Secretary; L. Wesley Frost, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—James W. Currier, L. Wesley Frost, Edwin D. Babbitt, Nelson Cross. NEW YORK STANDARD WATCH CO., 13 John st. Capital, $400,000 ; Full paid. No other information furnished. Adam Dutenhofer, President; Robbins B. Smith, Secretary. NEW YORK STATE COMMISSIONERS TO ERECT THE NEW YORK AND NEW JERSEY BRIDGE, 214 Broadway. CommisstoneErs—Andrew H. Green, Frank K. Hain, Charles M. Vail, Evan Thomas, Isidor Straus. OFFICERS OF THE ComMMiss1Ion—Andrew H. Green, Chairman; Charles M. Vail, Treasurer ; Evan Thomas, Secretary; Charles H. Swan, Asst. Secretary; Thomas C. Clarke, Chief Engineer; Charles B. Brush, Asst. Engineer, D1IrECcTrors—John B. Kerr, N. Y.; W. Wetmore Cryder, N. Y.; Louis Windmuller, N. Y.; William Bell, N.Y.; W. F. Dunning, N. Y.; Simon Rothschild, N. Y.; Daniel N. Lockwood, Buffalo, N. Y.; Willard H. Mase, Mattawan, N. Y.; John C. Adams, Newburgh, N. Y.; John T. Moore, Newburgh, N. Y.; H. B. Archer, Yonkers, N. Y.; Charles H. Swan, Brooklyn, N. Y.; James Langan, Brooklyn, N.Y. 630 The New York and New Jersey Bridge Co., of N. J., General Office, 80 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City. Inc. Sept., 1891,-1n N. J.;. Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; par $100. Subscribed, $114,000; per share, ¢10. OpyEct—The building, in connection with New York and New Jersey Bridge Co.,. N. Y., a bridge across Hudson river at New York. Plant located at 75th st. Funded debt to be $60,000,000 in connection with New York Co.; $1,000, 5s, 50 years; can be redeemed. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Henry M. Haar, President; 207 E. 54th st., N. Y.; Jas. T. Sparkman, Vice-President, 100 EF. 123d st., N. Y.; William Fors- ter, “Treasurer, 207° FE. sath “st, .N: Y.; Fredenc.-¥, Culver, Secretary. s1ooth, “sc. ame Riverside ave., N. Y.; R. Floyd Clarke, Park Avenue Hotel, N. Y.; Bird W. Spencer, Passaic, N. J.; Delos E. Culver, 170 W. 93d st., N. Y.; William D. Edwards, 1 Exchange pl., Jersey City, N. J.; Chas. A. Fox, 134 E, 73d st., N. Y..; William G. Bumsted, 1 Ex- change pl., Jersey City, N, J.; Dr. E. P. Fowler, 38 W. goth st., N. Y.; John C. DeLa- Vergne, foot 138th st., N. Y.; Charles A. Stadler. The New York and New Jersey Bridge Co., of N. Y. General and Corporate Office, 214 Broadway. Inc. Oct.1, 1890, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $10,000,000; par $100. $300,000 subscribed, Io p.c. paid,par. OBJECT —Construction of a bridge between New York city and New Jersey. Plant located between 7oth and 7Ist sts., N. Y. city, and N. J. Funded debt as explained. OFFICERS —Jno. B. Kerr, Président; W. Wetmore Cryder, Vice-President; Chas. H. Swan, Secretary and Treasurer. THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE BUILDING CO., General and Corporate Office; 10 Broad st. Inc’ in N.Y.) Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capias authorized, $350,000, par $100; Full paid. No otherinformation furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Donald Mackay, President ; Edwin S. Coles, Secretary. DIrECTORS—Donald Mackay, Edwin S. Coles, James Weeks. NEW YORK TRANSIT CO., General and Corporate Office, 26 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No other informa- tion furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. DIREcCTORS— Henry M. Flagler, William Rockefeller, Benjamin Brewster, Henry D. Rogers, John D. Archbold, Daniel O’Day, John Bushnell. NEW YORK WALL PAPER CO., Limited (inoperative), Office, 500 W. 42d st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $200,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS AND DireEcrors—Lucien C. Warner, President; H. M. Cowles, Secretary; H. H. Hay- den, Treasurer. NEW YORK WAREHOUSE AND SECURITY CO., General and Corporate Office, 74 Wall st. Inc. 1864, in N. Y.; Charter Unlimited. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Amount paid in not known. OxnyEcTt—Loans. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. OFrricers—Frederick Sturges, President; Isaac B. Crane, Vice-President; Samuel C. Knapp, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Frederick Sturges, Isaac B. Crane, Benj. G. Arnold, Theodore Gilman, Christopher M. Bell, Dallas B. Platt, J. Wheeler Hardley. NILES TOOL WORKS CO., General Office, Hamilton, O.; Branch Office, 136 Liberty st., N.Y. Capital authorized, $500,000; Amount paid in not known. OBjEcT— Manufacture of railway, locomotive, car and machine shop equipments. Plant located at Hamilton, O. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—A. Gordon, President; R. C. McKinney, Secretary. NORTH AMERICAN (C0O., Office, 35 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Newark, N. J. Inc. June 14, 1890, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $50,000,000, par $100. Paid in, $40,000,000. OBjJECT—Organized to, succeed the Oregon and Trans-Continental Co. in liquidation. It purchased all the assets of the Oregon and Trans-Continental, among which were included on July 1, 1890, Northern Pacific common stock, $21,015,100; preferred stock, $12,743,000; consolidated 5s, $1,900,000 ; consolidated 5s, 50 p. c. paid, $2,152,078. There was a considerable floating debt. The Company was to operate in two special fields—one that of railroad financiering ; the other that of promoting electric light and power enterprises. Authorized capital, $50,000,000, of which $40,0c0,000 has been issued, having been exchanged, share for share, for stock of the Oregon and ~ Trans-Continental. Price of stock in 1890, 7@4734; in 1891, 113¢(@21%; in 1892, — to Aug., 154%4(@187%. Income account for year ending May 31, 1892: Cash from all sources, $418,119; payments for interest on loans, $220,538; all expenses of adminis- — trator and taxes, $51,707. Total, $271,246; net income, $146,873. Dividends not stated. Registrar of stock, Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. No funded debt. Year ends June 15th. Annual Meeting, May 31st. a ee ‘ 4 ‘ ] a 631 Extracts from Annual Report :— Milwaukee Street Railway and Electric Light Enterprises.—The fast-growing and prosperous city of Milwaukee, now containing a population of about 250,000, was believed to be peculiarly well adapted for that purpose. This Company, in pursuance of the contracts above referred to, completed, shortly after its organization, the purchase of the capital stock, property and franchises of the Cream City Railroad Company, the Milwaukee City Railway Company, the Badger Illuminating Company, the Edison Electric Illumi- nating Company of Milwaukee, and the Milwaukee Electric Light Company, and immediately proceeded to consolidate these properties into a new corporation, the Milwaukee Street Railway Company of Wisconsin; and, for the purpose of unifying the stock ownership of all these companies, the Milwaukee Street Railway Company of New Jersey, was organized with a capital stock of $5,000,000. Exclusive licenses and patent privileges were acquired from the Edison Companies for the operation of electric railways and the furnishing of electric light and power for Milwaukee and the adjacent districts, and also city ordinances granting franchises covering all the important streets and points in the city, constituting assets and concessions of great value. During the past year this Company has contracted for the purchase of the remain- ing street railway lines in operation in Milwaukee, including the West Side Street Railway—a road of large earning capacity—so that the Milwaukee Street Railway Company and this Company together now own and control the entire street railroad system in that city, embracing, at present, over 100 miles of operated track. It is confidently believed that the entire railway and lighting system as now planned will be completed by October 1, 1892, and the results of the operation of the lines already electrically equipped, and of the light and power business already secured, fully justify the expectations of profit which, from the outset, your Board have entertained in respect to this enterprise. By the end of the year not less than 1,554 arc lights will be inservice. The first incandescent lamp was connected on October 6, 1890, and at this time over 13,000 lamps are in service. The power already in use by customers represents the equivalent of over 3,000 sixteen candle power incandescent lamps, and is constantly increasing. The investment of the Company in Milwaukee, as shown by the Treasurer’s statement sub- mitted herewith, is represented by the Consolidated Mortgage Five Per Cent. Gold Bonds and Capital Stock of the Milwaukee Street Railway Companies. The entire railway system of the Company when completed will comprise not less than 140 miles of track. The Cincinnati Electric Light Enterprise.—The Cincinnati Edison Electric Company was organized under the laws of the State of Ohio by a syndicate of foreign and domestic capital, of which The North American Company is a member and the representative, with a capital stock of $1,000,000, for the purpose of establishing an extensive central station electric plant and of securing a large electric lighting business in the city of Cincinnati and its suburbs. The entire work of establishing this plant was placed under contract with the Edison General Electric Company, and will be completed before December rst, next. Company has secured the contract for the public lighting of the entire city of Cincinnati for eleven years. This contract carries with it also a very valuable franchise for commercial lighting for the term of twenty years, as may be extended during the life of the franchise. The North American Company has also recently acquired the entire capital stock of the Queen City Electric Company of Cincinnati. Its present net earnings are about 15 per cent. upon the purchase price, and its business is constantly increasing. TREASURER’S STATEMENT, May 31, 1892 :— Stocks: ASSETS, #75450,200 Northern Pacific common it oyna dated ise che ath @ 19% $1,471,414 Be3,000 Chicago and-Notthern@Pactic 2 9 eas st eee (@ 16 85,280 32,500 Wisconsin Central preferred, ........5........, Se ce rset ede (@ 30 9,750 216,200 Edison Gen. Electricn. syd aie haere ite se on ate (® It 239,982 90,100." St. Paul Edison) Hlectriceoe a sau mei see oo ees (@ 140 126,140 gio37,000.. Milwaukeé Streep RW Cogn eae ee ee renee @ 25 721,750 333,300 Cincinnati Edison Elec. Co. and Queen City Elec. Co. @ 100 333,300 —- $2,987,616 Bonds : ! @oe4;o00 +Northern Pacific comsolem. . jvc reste ss) Pecm tage cesessecen @ 77 465,080 276,000 Chicago and Northern Pacific Ists...0.......c..csses cscccenss @ 78% 216,660 45,333- Wisconsin Central tacomes mycacce etn a ee (@ 30 13,600 gj279,000 Milwaukee StreetyR W585.) sav rdesusverte sets seus uch ter ate (@ 9o 2,948,400 699,000 Minn., Lyndale & Minnetonka St. RW. 58. .......00..s0 (@ 85 594,150 T4000. Cicero arid: ProvisO“R Wr Gaia, caeaeeeeee a eet eee ces (@ 90 130,500 aaa 4,368,390 West Side St. RW., Milwaukee, cash paid on purchase contract... 301,350 Milwaukee St. RW. Co., current advances on construction acct... 626,358 Secured accts. ($316,724.65 Since paid Off, ize meas sen detadenk eae) 753,187 Bills receivable ($36,000 since paid Off )ii ove) wescvenaoi «0 ereteussenree 175,151 Miscellaneous SCCUFILIES: 5... ..05 rrenbdsapaans heaves A ae mittens tale) eee ena 357,472 Advances under contract with Thos. A. Edison and Edison Gen. Elect. Co. for elect. RW. inventions, patents and appliances. 52,701 anterest-and dividend account; balancen esis, ce... 2. & enisatteescesens 184,207 fast in banks and trust: COs tec;vssbics serra Aol ia 912,080 OCR Mey edens tetas} as vnactine’ as $10,718,513 632 LIABILITIES. Bills payable, time loans amply secured*(since reduced by pay- nient Of: $136,529) --+cnesere Wepre He ale Viake cgte Me eared acly see oeeviee Freitas ‘ $2,808,162 . ACCOUNTS Pa VADIE 1....55 costaceos vecsaaapalges Kite © sels tnsan Some sen waents Os ajnmarouy is 38,660 | —__. $9, 846,822 Net ASSES 7 teas soeqede srage eee $7,871,690 INCOME ACCOUNT FOR YEAR ENDING May 31, 1892 :— Cash received from interest, commissions, and all other sources... $418,119 | Payments for interest On LOANS s.cc.c....ses0s cecereces snswecce sececoeen veseooese $220,538 All expenses of administration, including taX€S.......:00+ seeseeees seeees 51,707 | —— 271,246 © Net cash 1NcOnie,.. .s%cccssssan $146,873 Nore.—The valuations placed upon the listed securities are at the closing prices bid at the exchanges on May 31st. In the case of the Milwaukee Street RW. bonds the price estab- — lished by a recent negotiation of a large amount has been taken, and in other instances the valuations stated are intended to be conservative, and have been fixed according to the best — information in the possession of the Company. . 1 OFFICERS—Henry Villard, President ; Geo. S. Jones, Vice-President ; Edward Edes, — Secretary and Treasurer. Drrecrors—Henry Villard, Thomas F. Oakes, C. A. Spofford, Charles W. Wetmore, Silas W. Burt, D. S. Wegg, Henry C, Payne, J. Hobart Herrick, George S. Jones. THE NORTH CAROLINA LUMBER CO. (See p. 295. Corrected article.) General Office, 92 Reade st. Inc. 1891, in N. C.; Charter Perpetual. Statement)™ Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. OpByect—Lumber, © land, railroad, houses, farming, stock raising. Land located Tellery, N. C.; 20,000 acres, mostly owned. No funded debt. Orricers—Harold H. Fries, President; W. W. Richards, Vice-President; H. N. Townsend, Secretary; A. J. Macdonald, Treas- urer. DrirEcTORS—Harold H. Fries, A. J. Macdonald, W. W. Richards, A. de Bary, T. Cleveland. NORTH GERMAN LLOYD STEAMSHIP CO., Office, 2 Bowling Green. Inc. in Bremen, Germany, No information furnished. Oelrichs & Co., Agents. NORTH HUDSON COUNTY STREET RAILWAY CO., Hoboken, N. J. Capi- tal, $477,400, par §100._ Owns 32 miles of street railway and elevated cable lines, oper-— ates by steam and horse power, in Hoboken, N. J., and vicinity. FUNDED DEBT—Ist_ mtge. g. 6s, due Jan. 1, 1914, $625,000, $1,000, J. & J., Company’s Office. These like” amount of consols is reserved. Remainder of consolidated 5s can only be used for extensions or new property. Consol. mtge. g. c.* 5s, 1888, due July 1, 1928 (authorized, $3,000,000) ; $2,375,000, $1,000, J. & J., First National Bank, Hoboken, N. J. Debenture 6s, due+Feb., 1902 (authorized, $500,000); $300,000, $1,000, F. & A., Company's Office. In 1890 gross earnings were $641,005; net over operating expenses, $211,184 ; dividends, 8 p. c. NORTH STAR MINING CO., Office, 18 Wall st. Inc. in San Francisco, Cal. No information furnished. Represented by James D. Hague. NORTHWESTERN TELEGRAPH CO., Office, 195 Broadway. Inc. in Kenosha, Wis. Capital, $2,500,000, par $50; Full paid. FuNnbED DEBT—ist mtge., S. F. not drawn, guar. c*. 7s, 1874, Jan. 1, 1904, $1,180,000, $500, J. & J. Owns 8,000 miles of wire, and is leased to Western Union for 99 years, with guaranteed dividends, rising 1% p. c. a year to 6 in 1897 and afterward. ‘The bond interest is guaranteed by Western Union. Western Union Telegraph Co., Agents. NORTHWEST EQUIPMENT CO., 36 Wall st. Capital, $3,000,000, par $100. Owns RR. equip. costing $3,000,000, leased to the Northern Pacific RR. Rental 7 p.c. per ann. on cost of equipment and 10 p. c. yearlyto sinking fund. Oct. 1, 1898, when lease terminates, Equipment Co. will be paid out of this sinking fund the original cost of the equipment, which will then become the property of the lessee. Stock paid 1890 634 p.¢.; 18915 7-\-1802;,Feb.,72354 3) Ay es Aug. 1eg3 . THE OCEAN ISLAND AND BRIGANTINE LAND AND IMPROVEMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, Brigantine Beach, N. J. Inc. Oct 19, 1880, in N. J.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $50; Full paid. No dividends No funded debt. Orric—ers—Robert B. Roosevelt, President; M. Lippman, Vice; President; Geo. H. Cook, Secretary; R. B. Roosevelt, Treasurer. D1rRECTORS—Rober B. Roosevelt, Moritz Lippman, Henry S. Scull, Geo. H. Cook, R. B. Roosevelt, Jr. 633 ERNEST OCHS CO., General and Corporate Office, Brooklyn, N. Y. Inc. in N. Y. ‘Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $300,000; Full paid. Total assets $191,535.96. Liabilities: Capital stock, $300,000; debts, bonds and mtges., $300,000 ; current accounts, $55,259.83; loans, $77,500, Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Ernest Ochs, President. DirEcrors—Ernest Ochs, John Murtaugh, David Blinn. . THE OHIO AND WESTERN COAL AND IRON CO. Inc. in N. Y. State- ment, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $4. Total assets at least $200,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricers—Chas. S. Foote, President, 44 Broadway ; Geo. C. Thomair, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Chas. S. Foote, Geo. C. Thomair, John R. Weeks. OLD COLONY STEAMBOAT (CO., General Office, Boarden & Llvell, 70 W. Pier 28 (old) N.R. Inc.in Boston, Mass. Capital, $900,000. No other information furnished. wrank H. Forbes, Pier 39 E. R., Agents. OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP C0O.,, Offices, 235 W. and Pier 26 (new) N. R. Inc. in Del. Capital authorized, $1,250,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS —John M. Robinson, President; Wm. L. Guillaudeu, Secretary. DIRECTORS—Jno. M. Robinson, Henry A. Bourne, F. J. Kimball, Collis P. Huntington, C. P. Fischer, Mor- daunt Bodine, Charles C. Stockley, John W. Causey, William Rowland. THE M,. O'NEILL & CO., 335 Broadway. General and Corporate Office, Akron, O. OsjyEct—Dry goods. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—M. O'Neill, President and Manager; J. J. Fendner, Vice-President; W. T. Tobin, Secretary ; F. B. Goodman, Asst. Manager. THE OREGON IMPROVEMENT CO., General Office, 22 William st. N.Y. City; Corporate Office, Portland, Ore. Inc. 1880 in Oregon; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $15,000,000, par $100; Paid in $7,000,000, common; $330,000, preferred. Dividends, none in 1891; one dividend paid Mar. 1, 1892, on preferred stock, 3% p. c. Extracts from Annual Report :— The different properties which are owned by the Oregon Improvement Co. may be divided _into four general classes, viz. : steamship, railroad, coal and real estate and miscellaneous. The Company carries on its business both directly, by its own immediate agency and for its own account, and indirectly, through several separate corporations which it controls by the ownership of their capital stock. These two forms of ownership are desirable, in view of the fact that the Company pursues its business within the jurisdiction of the three States of Cali- fornia, Oregon and Washington. Thus the Company owns, by direct title, its fleet of steam- ships, its coal lands in Western Washington, its agricultural and timber lands, and other real estate in Eastern Oregon and Washington, and a wharf and coal dock at San Francisco ; and owns, as a stockholder, the properties of :-- The Pacific Coast Steamship Co., owning and operating five steamship lines on the Pacific Ocean, running from San Francisco to all important points on the northern and southern coasts of California, and to Portland, Oregon, British Columbia and Alaska, The Pacific Coast RW. Co., consisting of a fully equipped narrow-gauge railway, extend- ing from Port Harford to Los Olivos, a distance of So miles, which company owns extensive wharves at Port Harford, and large grain warehouses along its line. The Columbia and Puget Sound RR. Co., consisting of the narrow-gauge railway, and sidings and spurs 57 miles in length, connecting the Newcastle and Franklin mines with the port of Seattle, and a coal dock, wharf anda large amount of real estate in that city. The Seattle and ‘Northern RW. Co., consisting of a fully equipped standard-gauge railway, extending from Shannon’s Point (terminus) in Anacortes to Hamilton, 36 miles, and owning large real estate interests in the city of Anacortes. The Port Townsend Southern RR. Co., in Washington, consisting of a standard-gauge railway from Port Townsend (terminus) to Quilcene, 28 miles, and from Tenino (terminus) to Butler’s Cove, in Olympia, 18 miles. The Seattle Coal and Transportation Co., comprising the Newcastle Coal Mine, with all its appurtenances. : The Franklin Coal Co., a company organized for the sale of coal, owning and operating the Franklin mine. ‘‘ Capital stock, $7,327,800, par $100, viz., 70,000 shares common, $7,000,000 ;. 3,278 shares preferred, 7 p. ¢. non-cumulative, $327,800. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. g. c. 6s, 1880, due Dec. 1, 1910, $1,000, J. & D., $5,000,000 ; less retired by sinking tund to Nov. 30, 1891, $631,000; total, $4,369,000. Consolidated mtge. c.* 5s, 1889, due Oct. 1, 1939, A. & O., $6,468,000. The interest on the 1st mtge. bonds cancelled by the sinking fund is paid into the sinking fund the same as if they were not cancelled, making the yearly fixed charges on the bonded debt, say 6 p. c. on $5,000,000 rst mtge. bonds, $300,000 ; annual sinking fund charge, 634 $50,000; 5 p. c. on $6,468,000 cons. mtge. bonds, $323,400; total annual fixed charges, $673,400. All interest payable at Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co. The total authorized issue was $15,000,000, to be used for the following purposes : $4,514,000 for redemption of outstanding rst mtge. bonds ; $2,000,000 for exchange, par for par, for outstanding preferred stock; $2,000,000 for delivery to Company on demand; $6,486,000 for acquisition’ of new property; total, $15,000,000. ‘“The Company has complied with the first provision by depositing? $4,514,000 cons. mtge. bonds with the Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., Trustee. The second provision has been com- plied with to the extent of $1,672,000 bonds, delivered by the trustee for a like amount of | preferred stock cancelled. In addition to the amount delivered by the trustee, it was necessary for the Company to supply $36,000 bonds, under the terms of exchange with the preferred stockholders. The $2,000,000 bonds referred to in the third provision have been received and the proceeds applied in the extinguishment of the floating debt, which existed at the time of the appointment of the Receiver. Of the $6,486,000 mentioned in the fourth provision, there have been received $1,025,000 in bonds on account of expenditures for ships and $1,856,000 in bonds for construction. Total received, $6,553,000 bonds, of which there is a balance in the hands of the Treasurer unused of $85,000 and $260,000 bonds, which the Company received in exchange for preferred stock, making a total of $345,000 in the treasury of the Company.”’ CONSOLIDATED BALANCE-SHEET, all Companies, Nov. 30, 1891 :— DR. CR. Construction and prop. accts.— Capital stock— Oregon Improvement Co........ $8,948,767 79 Oregon Improvement Co. com. $7,000,000 00 Seattle Coal and Trans. Co..... 71,221 O4 Oregon Improvement Co. pref. 327,800 00 Pacific Coast Steamship Co...... 2,221,406 18 Pacific Coast Steamship Co.... 2,000,000 00 Pacific Coast“RW,. Co... si a0. 2,972,827 98 Pacilic GCodsts« Kk Wy.Gos,7 4. 1,370,400 00 - Col. and Puget Sound RR. Co. 1,819,575 93 Columbia & Puget S. RR. Co.. 1,000,000 00 Seattle and Northern RW. Co. 5,000,000 00 Seattle & Northern RW. Co... 5,000,000 00 Port Townsend So. RW. Co.... 3,000,000 00 Port Townsend So. RR. Co.... 3,000,000 00 Stocks and bonds of constituent Funded debt— companies owned by Co.— Oregon Imp. Co. 1st mtge. bds. 4,369,000 00 Oregon Imp. Co. com, stock... 4,882 50 Oreg. Imp. Co. con. mtge. bds: 6,468,000 00 Oreg. Imp. Co. con. mtge. bds. —- 258,200 00 Pacihe-Voast RW. Cosma 1,370,000 00 Seattle Coal & Trans. Co. stk. 676,059 00 | Accounts payable— Seattle & No. RW. Co. stk.... 1,066,009 88 Oregon Improvement Co... .°314,903 049 Port Tow. Sou. RR... Co. “stk... :1,323,461°86 Pacific Coast Steamship Co.... 158,567 50 — Cols Puget SRR: Col stk...2) 978,025 68 PacificiCoastiR Wai Coates: 22,429 35 Pac) CORW. Coostk> &-bds)...') 2,068; 53316 Columbia & Puget S. RR. Co.. 31,837 66 Pac. Coast Steamship Co. stk.. 1,931,959 00 Seattle & Northern RW. Co... 50,501 69 Investments stks. of other Cos.— Port Townsend So. RR. Co..... 46,169 38 Pac. S. Iron & Steel Co. stk... 1,000 00 |! Accr. int. & unpd. cou.— Sacramento Coal Co. stock..... 4,500 00 Oregon Imp. Co. = $55,199 75 re NLar. cc. AMG Li Constkt 5,233 00 Pac. CuRW-. Go; 20,550 00 San Buenav. Wharf Co. stk.... 7,500 00 | Profit and loss— California So. Hotel Co. stk... 27,400 OO peat, Cy 8 °T AZo, 6 390;650164: Anacortes Water Co. stock..... 39,526 I0 Pac. Cy SS% Costes ph022,043501 Oly. 6, Che,.Val RR Co..stk... | 232,035.60 Pac CR Wee: 82,772 76 Cash and cash assets— C.&P.S.RR.Co. 609,959 81 Oregon Improvement Co........ 295,730 65 >. & Ni RW,:Co., 25,961 46 - Pacific Coast Steamship Co.... 2,783 20 Pye oes RRC on 11,934 98 Trustee Oreg. Imp. Co. sink.fund 37,330: 28 Lumber yards on line of Pacific $1,753,461 66 COASt RAV Ua certo lieti ed ticies we 21,193. 33 Less O.I.Co.deb. 204,411 45 Accounts receivable— —— — 1,549,050 21 Oregon Improvement Co......... 410,511 84 | Anacortes town site sales........... 320,899 56 © Pacific Coast Steamship Co... 204,791 95 | Port Townsend land subsidy..... 69,289 12 — Paciiie Coast OW Go snes, ones 17,042 00 _ Port Townsend cash subsidy..... 28,281 92 © Columbia & Puget S RR. Co. 47,187 02 Income used for sinking fund.... 183,850 00 — Seattle & Northern RW. Co... 166,026 61 | Port Townsend So. RR. Co.... 51,428 31 | Accounts awaiting distribution— | Oregon Improvement Co.. .... 21,083 78 | Pacific Coast Steamship Co..... 109,389 14 | Columbia & Puget S. RR. Co. 5,849 02 Materials and supplies on hand— Oregon Improvement Co........ 386,022 43 | PACING COASEIS, pO Ol iarexteast 109,389 I4 | Paciic Coastch We uGo. ue cscs 44,643 24 | Columbia & Puget S. RR. Co.. 22, 1.75 3 i Port Townsend So. RR Co..... 1,844 25 Real estate — | Seattle & Northern RW. Co... 131,584 39 Port Townsend Hotel............ 20,240 00 $34,750,729 46 $34,756,729 46 635 INCOME Account, all Companies :— DR. CR. Operating expenses— 1890. 1891. Gross earnings— 1890. 1891. Pacific Coast Steam- | Pacific Coast Steam- BMETECCO. cohen! anheonege $2,651,265 $2,318,905 | SHIp Co Wiese ed $2,981,344 $2,825,839 Pacific Coast RW. Co.. 97,079 102,057 | Pacific Coast RW. Co.. 155,489 193,957 Columbia & Puget Sd. | Columbia & Puget Sd. PONE. cecaccaouwetane 225,090 206,804 FORA CG lee aveeanes eerie 297,055. .1333)4a Port Townsend South. | Seattle and North.RW. Pee Ok o hees dine ve exe eyes 4,686 37,638 | Onkoatass od cet sho ele 62,306 Steathn collier and Port Townsend South. BEPUISIQND oc ccsi'veneeencts 135,163 31,853 TOR (CO nacses tes aeeneees 10,473 38,001 Cpoal-department......... 540,317 509,498 Steam collier and . Real estate and miscel- steamship. ...... 0.00 370,122. » 200,140 PPE OUS 1 5. 0hsclccasiets dace 7,691 17,993 Coaledepartment.a 2; 663,479 589,345 General expenses and Real estate and miscel- MES ses ovens saa. searan ts 41,781 79,808 TAMCOUS. s.. cenkerssesean 20,254 43,325 _ _ $3,703,076 $3,471,269 $4,407,820 $4,300,960 Interest on bonds, sink- Income from investments— ing fund charges and Ist mtge. bonds owned BMIMOMNS «..5cssc5. (ecoseae 893,734 679,046 DY COR. costtencarttesess ts 810 Common stock owned DY) GORA ca asnsdoets tek 180 Preferred stock owned Ve Ow. sitea ak vececeaterns 8,505 Cons. mtge. bds. ownd. DYES aoe aners cy se sens 6,500 Pacific. Coast... 5. Co;; Givi Gendt were uae teerscs 119,100 Interest on accounts, etc., received— Pacific Coast Steam- SHPO, ve tetuses shoes ck 1,467 14,350 $4,150,406 $164,910 | $4,544,383 $4,315,316 Company also has some 3,688 acres of coal land between Cascade Mountain and Puget Sound. Default was made in Dec., 1890, on Ist mtge. coupons, and Joseph Simon was appointed receiver. A change in the management followed, Mr. W. H. Starbuck became President, the receiver was discharged, and the overdue coupons were paid. In Mar., 1892, dividends were resumed on the preferred stock. The preferred stock may be exchanged for consolidated 5 p. c. on the basis of 105 and accrued divi- dend for preferred stock and go and accrued interest for the consolidated 5s. Under the consolidated mtge. for $15,000,000 (trustee, Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co.), bonds are reserved to retire the preferred stock and the Ist mtge. bonds not in the sinking fund. Dividends on preferred stock (issued in 1888): In 1888, 314 ; from Mar., 1889, to Sept., 1890, at rate of 7 p. c. yearly; after Sept., 1890, no dividends were paid on the preferred until 1892, when 3% p.c. was distributed in Mar. On common: In 1883, 7% ; in 1888, 1% ; in 1889, 4%; in 1890, in Feb., May and Aug., each I p. c.; none since. OFFICERS SW. .H.. Starbuck, ‘President; C:-A.) Dolph,-Vice-President;€. J. Smith, Genenal Manager; John L. Howard, Manager in California; C. B. Tedcastle, Treasurer; W. T. Wallace, Secretary ; M. E. Stone, Assistant Secretary; C. B. Tedcastle, Transfer Agent. DIRECTORS—W. H. Starbuck, E. V. Cary, New York City; F. H. Prince, Boston, Mass.; C. A. Dolph, Wm. M. Ladd, Henry Failing, Joseph Simon, C. H. Lewis, Jonathan Bourne, Portland, Or.; M. V. B. Edgerly, Springfield, Mass.; C. J. Smith, Seattle, Wash. THE OREGON PACIFIC SYNDICATE CO. Office, 45 William st. No other information furnished. Norman S. Bentley, Treasurer. J. OTTMANN LITHOGRAPHING CO. (See p. 306. Corrected article.) General and Corporate Office, 39 E. Houston st. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $100,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—Wm., Ottmann, President; F. A. Bloom, Secretary; Adolph Schwarzmann, ‘Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Wm. Ottmann, Louis Ottmann, Adolph Schwarzmann, F. A. Bloom. THE OXFORD GOLD MINING CO. (See p. 307. Additional information.) General Office, 10 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Nova Scotia. Inc. 1884 in N.S. Capital authorized, $125,000, par $1; Paid in $120,000. OByEct—Gold mining. Plant located in Nova Scotia, near Lake Catcha, and consists of mines. Dividends, none in last 2 years, but has paid over $350,000 in dividends since chartered. An assessment was levied on 636 the stockholders for new machinery, etc., which they refused to pay. The bondholders then took possession, and the mine is now owned by the estate of F. F. Randolph, Edw. Tuck, of Paris, and Willis James. The mine is now leased to S. T. Reed, the former Superintendent, who is now running it on his own account. Represented in New York © by J. J. C. Coleman. THE PAIGE CAR WHEEL CO., General and Corporate Office, 211 Superior st., Cleveland, O, Inc. in O. Osyect—-Manufacture of steel-tired wheels and car roofs. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—J. E. French, President; W. H. Silverthorn, Secretary; H. K. Devereux, Treasurer. PATENT DEVELOPMENT CO., Office, 35 Warren st. Inc. Oct. 24, 1889, in ~ N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $250,000, par $100; Paid in $1,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrricERS—Robert H. Thompson, President ; Martin H. Day, Secretary; Henrv D. Norris, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Robert H. Thompson, Martin H. Day, Henry D. Norris. PENNSYLVANIA COAL CO., 1 Broadway. (See p. 318. Additional information.) Capital stock, $5,000,000, par $50. Dividends since 1880: In 1881, 15 p. c.; from 1882 to 1892, inclusive, at rate of 16 p. c. yearly. THE PEOPLE’S STREET RAILWAY AND ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER CO., General Office, 120 Broadway; Corporate Office, St. Joseph, Mo. No information furnished. Represented by Arthur J. Moulton. THE PEOPLE’S STREET RW. CO. of Scranton, Pa., General Office, 29 Broadway; Corporate Office, Penna. Capital authorized, $425,000. No other facts given. OFFICERS—Rudolph T. McCabe, President; Horace E. Hand, Secretary. DrIrREcTORS—Thomas H. Thomas, Rudolph T. McCabe, P. S. Page, Lathrop R. Bacon, W. W. Winton, W. W. Sherman, J. A. Davis, W. R. Heath, W. J. Jessup, Jr. PEORIA WATER CO. Capital, $1,000,000, par $100. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. c.* 6s, $1,254,000, $1,000, 1889, due Nov. 1, Ig9i9, M. & N., Atlantic Trust Co. Created, $2,000,000, and $295,000 are held to retire the city water bonds; bonds redeemable after Nov. 1, 1899, at 105. Owns water-works at Peoria, Ill., purchased from the city in 1889, on the agreement that they should be enlarged and improved. PHILADELPHIA CO., 820 Penn ave,, Pittsburgh, Pa. Capital, $7,500,000, par $50. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge.c.* 6s, 1888, due Dec. 1, 1938 ; $380,000, $1,000, J. & D., Merc. Trust Co. 5S. F. $250,000 annually. In 1887 the Chartiers Co. was leased for 99 years at a rental which is now 24.8 p.c. of Philadelphia Co’s net earnings monthly. The Philadelphia Co. controls the natural gas preduction about Pittsburgh and vicinity, own- ing or leasing 40,582 acres gas territory and 697 miles of pipes. The Jan., 1891, and subsequent dividends were passed, but in 1892, April, paid 1 p.c. In year ending Mar. 31, 1891, gross earnings were $2,873,339 ; net, $1,148,163 ; surplus over dividends (6 p.c.), $698,163, On Mar. 31, 1891, there was due for construction $528,000, payable $30,000 monthly. Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., President, Pittsburgh, Pa. C. S. PHILIPS’ PATENT PROCESS; TOBACCO GROWING AND CURING CO., Office, 188 Pearl st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,500,000; Amount paid — in not known. No other information furnished. OFrricers—Chas. S. Phillips, Presi- dent; J. Jacob Van Hovenberg, Secretary; Alfred A. Van Hovenberg, Treasurer. DrrEcTors—Alfred A. Van Hovenberg, Robert E. Van Hovenberg, J. Jacob Van Hovenberg, James G. Scholefield, Brian G. Hughes, Chas. S. Philips. POPE MANUFACTURING CO., General and Corporate Offices, 221 Columbus ave., Boston. Inc. in Conn., in 1877; Modified Charter, granted in Maine, in 1866; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $2,000,000; Cash paid in, $1,000,000; Surplus, $1,000,000, par $100. Largest general bicycle business in the world. The Company — owns four factories in Hartford, Conn. and one in Newton, Mass. They cover nearly to acres of flooring, and have nearly 100 acres of land. The Company has no funded debt. OFrricers—Colonel Albert A. Pope, President; Geo. N. Day, Vice-President, Hartford, Conn.; Edward W. Pope, Treasurer; Arthur E. Patteson, Secretary ; Henry —~ D. Hyde, Counsel, Exchange Building, Boston. All of whose addresses are Boston, save Mr. Day, who is located in Hartford. The New York Branch of the Pope Manu- facturing Co. is at 12 Warren st., and the Chicago Branch at 291 Wabash ave. a + a 637 PORTABLE HOUSE BUILDING AND MANUFACTURING CO. of New York (see p. 332. Corrected article). General and Corporate Offices, 335 Broadway ; Branch Office, Tenafly, N.J. Inc. Mar., 1882, in N. Y., for 50 years. Description of capital . Land, plant, cash, treas. stock; Amount authorized, $500,000, par $10; $300,000 paidin. Annual Meeting, Mar. Oxpyecr—Construction of portable buildings. Plant located at Tenafly, N. J., owned ; about 25 lots, 192 acres. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiREcTORS—D. T. Atwood, President and Treasurer; A. D. Atwood, Vice-Presi- dent; C. H. Clark, Secretary. POSTAL TELEGRAPH CABLE CO., General and Corporate Office, 115 Broad- way. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100 ; ~ Paid in, $8,600,000; Liabilities other than capital, $2,250,000; Total assets at least $5,000,000. Co, has permanent connection with Mackey-Bennett cables. Successor to the Postal Telegraph Company and Postal Telegraph and Cable Company. The old bonds took new stock for 35 p. c. of their face, and the old stock 5 p. c. of its amount in new. Foreclosure suit begun by Farmers’ Loan and Trust Company Nov. 1885, and sale took place Jan. 15, 1886, Stock increased in 1890 to $10,000,000 for franchises, extensions,’ etc. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS— W. H. Barker, President; J. O. Stevens, Secretary. D1IrEcToRS—A. B. Chandler, E. C. Platt, J. O. Stevens. THE THOMAS POTTER SONS & CO., 343 Broadway; Corporate Office, 522 Arch st., Phila. Inc. Jan. 15,1891, in Pennsylvania; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $800,000, par $100; Full paid. Manufacturers of oil-cloth and linoleum. Plant situated on the New York division Pennsylvania RR. at 2d and Venango sts. About 5% acres. 33 buildings. Dividends, if any, not stated. No funded debt. OrricErs—Thomas Potter, Jr., President; William Potter, Henry A. Potter, Charles A. Potter, Vice-Presi- dents; James F. Hope, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IRECTORS—Thomas Potter, Jr., William Potter, Henry A. Potter, Charles A. Potter. PRINCIPIO FURNACE AND ROLLING MILL,General and Corporate Office, 181 Broadway. Inc. 1891, in W. Va., for 100 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. OBjecr—Furnace and rolling mills. Plant located at Principio, Md., and consists of furnaces, rolling mills, mines, etc. 1 blast furnace, 1 forge, 1 hammer, 8,060 acres Erie Co., 250 acres Baltimore Co., 250 acres New Castle, Del. Product, iron and skelp, sheets and plates. Dividends, if any, not ascertainéd. No funded debt. OrFICERS—Robert Seaman, President; Nelson E. Whitaker, Vice-President and General Manager; James mW -Hoile, 2d. Vice-President; Ernest} C. Webb, Secretary; Isaac 11. )Cary, Treasures DIRECTORS—Robert Seaman, Isaac H. Cary, Nelson E. Whitaker, Henry B. Haign, Herman C. Mechling. PROCTER & GAMBLE CO. Ince. in 1890. Capital, $2,250,000, par $100, common, and $2,250,000 8 p, c. cum. pref., par $100. All dividends at A. M. Kidder & Co’s, N. Y. Oxsyect—Acquire and carry on the soap, candle, oil and glycerine manu- facturing business of Messrs. Procter & Gamble of Cincinnati. FUNDED DEBT—tIst mtge. g. c.* 6s 1890, due July 1, 1940, $2,000,000, $1,000 J. & J., New York Mercantile National Bank. Bonds subject to call at 110, after July 1, I900. The mtge. covers about 67 acres of land adjoining the city of Cincinnati, together with the 29 factory buildings thereon. Of the common stock, $1,000,000 is not to receive dividends until 12 p. c. has been paid on the remainder of the common stock. Dividends on common stock in 1891, Aug., 8 p.c.; in 1892, Aug. 15, 12 p.c. Annual Meeting, Nov. 9g, 1892. For year ending June 30, 1891, net profits were $601,031; deduct interest on bonds, $120,000; dividend on preferred stock, $180,000; dividend on $1,250,000 common stock, $100,000; balance carried to surplus fund, $201,031. For year ending June 30, 1892, net earnings, $619,629; deduct interest on bonds, $120,000; dividends on preferred stock, $180,000; dividends on common stock, $270,000; leaving net balance, $49,629,. of which $48,968 placed to surplus fund, making that fund $250,000, and $661 held as. undivided profits. PROVIDENCE AND STONINGTON STEAMSHIP CO., General Office, Pier 36, North River ; other Offices, Pier 29, North River, N. Y.; 207 Washington st., Boston, Mass.; Fox Point Wharf, Providence, R. I.; Stonington, Conn. The fleet of this Co. consists of 5 steamers—Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine and New Hampshire. The two latter are among the largest vessels of their character afloat, having been built by the Harlan & Hollingsworth Co., of Wilmington, Del., and added to the fleet in the spring of 1892. They are screw steamers 310 feet long, 60 feet wide, built of steel and divided by steel bulkheads into water-tight compartments. Average speed, 20 miles per hour. The Co. operate, under one management, two separate lines 638 of service between New York and Boston. OFFICERS—J. W. Miller, President; Samuel D. Babcock, Vice-President ; Richard Deming, Assistant to President; W. F. Herbert, Treasurer; O. W. Cooke, Auditor; Samuel J. Clarke, Superintendent; O. H. Briggs, General Passenger APente v1, Williams, eters EF reight Agent ; oe Guilfoyle, Chief Steward. PULLMAN’S PALACE CAR CO., General Office, 15 Broad st.; Corporate Office, Chicago, Ill.; London Office, London, Brighton and South Coast RW., London Bridge, S.E. Inc. in IIL. Capital authorized, $30, 000,000, par $100; Full paid. Divi- dends since 1676; From 18770-1600, 6» p, C.g trom 1881 to 1883, 9% ; from 1884 to 1892, 8 p.c. yearly. Fiscal year ends July 3I8t. INCOME ACCOUNT. Revenue : 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. I89gI-92. Harnings (leased dines included) teeysuisvssivess+ sss eee $6,825,955 $7,473,136 $7,871,146 $8,061,081 Patent royalties, ‘manuf. profits, ete ania: <1:.ccs. es eee 1,477,341. 1,397,925 1,901,178 1,941,275 275 Total revenues tsisestieveaaet $8,393,296 $8,860,961 $9,772,324 $10, cone Disbursements : ADDETALING. EXPENSES <-> .ocsdsish ecvcna Hezescermtncgia seca ne $3,070,779 $3,274,605 $3,569,681 $3,438,863 Paid other sleeping-car associations .. .......--...0 es et 920,906 1,022,625 1,008,324 947,504 ALOUpON Interest Gn bonds. vec mucmeeneee. tw et eunts tes "IQ, Hopaete rs Gerrte 65,600 65,600 Dividends on capital stacky ir, no eae es brome ania 1,795,038 2,000,000 2,000,000 2,300,000 Repairs of cars in'excess of mileage. \.i..s., farm account (horses and wagons, etc.), $6,734.96; $124,717.10; Net total of assets, $707,015.54. Less dividend payable Feb. 23, 1892, $4.00 per sh., $200,000. Total divi- dends in the year, $450,000. Summary for the year—Average force employed, 652 men; average number of ~ miners, 182 ; average wages of miners on contract, per month, $53.40; yield of mineral per fathom of ground broken, 835 lbs.; yield of refined copper per fathom of ground. broken, 685 lbs. ; total rock mined, 276,336 tons; total rock hoisted, 269,817 tons ; total stamp rock treated, 263,678 tons; product stamp mineral, 8,649,585 lbs.; product masses, 4,177,490 lbs.; product refined copper, 10,542,519 lbs. Dividends, if any, not. ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFriIceErs—Thos. .F. Mason, President: F. Henry Mason, Vice-President; Wm. R. Todd, Secretary and Treasurer. D1IrRECTORS—Thos. F.. Mason, Nathan H. Daniels, Edwin Rice, T. Henry Mason, Sam. B. Harris, Nathan‘H. Daniels, Transfer Agent, 35 Congress st., Boston. RAILROAD TOPICS PUBLISHING CO., Office, 7 Warren st. Inc. in N. J. Capital authorized, $30,000. No other information furnished. OFrriceERs—Edward F.. Galvin, President ; G. S. Martin, Secretary. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO., of Minnesota, Capital paid up, $996,500, par’ $100. FuNbDED DEBT—Ist mtge. g. 6s $950,000, $1,000, 1891 ; due June, 1893, to Igor; $50,000 per ann., drawn at par, J.& D. Owns equipment costing over $1,500,000, which is leased to the Chicago, St. Paul and Kansas City RW. Co., at a rental which is. to be more than sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds, to retire $50,000 bonds yearly at par and to redeem the balance of the issue at maturity in Ig01. Lessee is to keep the: property in repair. Bonds offered by Maitland, Phelps & Co. in 1891, who pay interest. READ FERTILIZER CO., General and Corporate Office, 88 Wall st. Inc. in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $230,000; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $275,000. Total assets at least $450,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt.. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Isaac Read, Presi- dent; Clement Read, Treasurer. RHODE ISLAND-PERKINS HORSE SHOE C0., Providence, R. I. Capital, $2,750,000, viz.: Common, $1,000,000, par $100, and preferred 7 p. c. cum., $1,750,000. Commenced business in 1874, and inc. July, 1891, in N. J. After payment of 7 p.c. per ann, on the cumulative preferred the common stock is to receive up to Io p.c.; after~ that both are to share equally. Net earnings in 1891 were $268,960.87; in 1890, . 640 $265,448.52. For years 1887 to 1891, inclusive, net earnings averaged $262,654.73—an amount sufficient to pay 8% p.c. on the preferred, and 11% p. c. on the common stock, leaving a surplus. Net earnings for the 6 months ending Dec. 31, 1891, about $177,009. F. W. Carpenter, President, Providence, R. I. Transfer Agents, Maitland, Phelps & Co., New York. E. C. RICH CO., Limited, 160 Franklin st., and 42 N. Moore st. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $25,000, par $100; Full paid. Debts do not exceed $100,000. Assets at least $100,000. OxsyecT——Confectioners. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—E. S. Holmes, President; E. C. Rich, Secretary ; James Towney. NON-MAGNETIC WATCH 0CO., General Office, 177 Broadway ; Corporate Office, Elizabeth, N. J. (See p. 293. Corrected article.) Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid, per share, par. OByecT—Manufac- ture Paillard Non-magnetic Watches. No dividends in last fiscal year. No funded debt. OFrricers—Charles O. Morris, President and Treasurer; Alfred C. Smith, Vice-_ President and Secretary. Drrecrors—C. O. Morris, A. C. Smith, R. B. Morris, E. M. Smith, R. V. Pierce. THE PLAINFIELD GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT CO., General Office, 15 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Plainfield, N. J. Inc. 1890, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $175,000, par $100; Full paid, per share, par. OBjEcT—To operate a gas and electric light plant in Plainfield, N. J. Dividends in last fiscal year, none. FUNDED DEBT—§11I0,000, Ist mtge. $1,000 §s., 20 years, Central Trust Co., Trustee. OFFICERS—E. R. Pope, President; H. G. Runkle, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECT- ors—E. R. Pope, H. G. Runkle, Wm. Runkle. ROCHESTER GAS AND ELECTRIC CO., General Office, 15 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Rochester, N. Y. Inc. 1892, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $4,300,000, par $100; Full paid, half common, half preferred, per share, par. OBJECT —To consolidate and operate all the gas and electric companies in Rochester. Plant located at Rochester. Dividends in last fiscal year, none. FUNDED DEBT—$1,113,000, Ist mtge. $500 and $1,000 6s and 7s, due in 1900. Knickerbocker Trust Co., Trustee of majority of amount. OFrFICERS—J. Lee Judson, President; Wm. Runkle, Ist Vice- President; Frederick Cook, 2d Vice-President; George C. Hollister, Secretary; George W. Archer, Treasurer; H. G. Runkle, Assistant Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS— J. Lee Judson, Wm. Runkle, Frederick Cook, George W. Archer, George C. Hollister, H. G. Runkle, Granger Hollister, H. L. Brewster, H. H. Craig, Theo. F. Wood, W. E. Stiger, R. A. C. Smith, A. H. Harris. ROCKWELL FUR CO. (See p. 353.) Company now out of business, having been consolidated with Geo. C. Treadwell Co. THE ROGERS TYPOGRAPHIC C0., General Office, Detroit, Mich. ; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. 1892 in N. J. Opjecr—To consolidate the Rogers Typograph Co. of N. J. and the Electric Typographic Co. of W. Va., Company to manufacture machines for making a line of type from assembled matrices or dies. Principal plant at Detroit, Mich. OFrFICERS—M. W. O'Brien, President; Ford Starring, Manager ; John R. Rogers, Mechanician. PRINCIPAL STOCKHOLDERS—Hon. T. W. Palmer, Hon. James McMillan, Thomas Ewing, Homer Lee, Bradley Redfield, Col. F. J. Hacker, M. W. O’Brien, Ford — Starring, C. L. Freer and John R. Rogers, the inventor. SAWYER-MAN ELECTRIC CO., General and Corporate Office, 120 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $125,000; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $600,000; Total assets at least $140,000. Dividends, if — any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—G. W. Hebard, Vice-President ; George H. Lewars, Treasurer. Direcrors—G. W. Hebard, P. F. Kobbe, G. Westing- house, Jr. SECURITIES CO., General and Corporate Office, 192 Broadway. No information — furnished. SEA BEACH CYCLORAMA CO., General and Corporate Office, 127 Broad st. Inc. in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $25,000; Full paid, 48 p.c. — in cash, balancein property. Liabilities other than capital, $300; Total assets, $13,120.69. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OrricERs—Alrich H. Man, ~ President; James T. Nelson, Treasurer. D1irReEcrors—Alrich H. Man, James T. Nelson, ~ Chas. C. Protherve. ee ee ee ee eS Se OAT SEABURY & JOHNSON. (See p. 367. Corrected article.) General and Corporate Office, Seabury Building, 59-61 Maiden la. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized and paid up, $100,000. Surplus, $320,000. OByEcT—Medical, surgical and antiseptical specialties. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS ANI) TRUSTEES—Geo. J. Seabury, Presi- dent; A. H. Mason, Secretary ; Geo. W. Hopping, Treasurer. SEARS COMMERCIAL CO. (See p. 367.) In liquidation. Sears & Co.,a firm, SUECESsors. SEATTLE COAL AND IRON CO., Office, 80 Broadway; Corporate Office, Seattle, Wash. Inc. in Wash. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital, $5,000,000; Amount paid in not known. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other information furnished. OFFICERS—General J. W. Bryant, President; A.S. Dunham, Vice-President. THE SECURITY CORPORATION CO., Office, 2 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, 802 Broad st., Newark, N. J. Inc. 1891, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $350,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyect—General agency business. Company pur- chased Nov. 2, 1891, from L. W, Waterbury & Co., the following concerns: Boston Cord- age Co., and Standard Cordage Co., of South Boston, Mass.; New Bedford Cordage Co., New Bedford, Mass.; Lawrence Rope Works, Brooklyn, N. Y.; Field Cordage Co., and Ohio Cordage Co., of Xenia, Ohio; Middletown Twine Co., Butler, O.; William Deering & Co.,inc. in Chicago, and leased them to the National Cordage Co., a New Jersey company, for 20 years, ending Nov. 1, 1911. To provide for these acquisitions Company has created its funded debt, ist mtge. g. c.* 6s 1891, due Nov. 1, IogII, $6,000,000; $1,000 M. & N., int. and principal payable in gold coin by Manhattan Trust Co., Trustee. Sinking fund, $225,000 per ann., A. & O., 15th. Bonds not redeemable before maturity and secured upon all these several concerns as acquired and by the assignment of the lease to the National Co.to the Trustee. -€4,210,000 bonds listed. Balance reserved to take up prior liens. OFFICERS—John I. Waterbury, President; Jos. O. Sheldon, Vice-President; C. A. Griscom, Jr.; Secretary ; C. H. Smith, Treasurer. SEVEN STARS GOLD MINING CO., General Office, 41 Broadway. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $5; Amount paid in not known. OBjEcT—Gold mining ; formed to acquire, Oct. 1, 1882, as a “going concern,” and to provide a working capital of $200,000 to further equip and develop the Seven Stars, Hillside and Happy Jack Mines, comprising the following patented claims: Seven Stars, Happy Jack, Hillside, Camp, Contact, No. 1 and Contact, No. 2. Also the locations known as the Mesa, Elwood, Midnight, Mescal, Watertall and Boulder. StruaTtion—These mines are in the Eureka Mining District, Yavapai Co., Arizona, 50 miles from Prescott, Arizona. Dividends to be paid by the Industrial Mining and Guarantee Co. Company guarantees I5 p. c. per ann. for 5 years by deposit of collaterals, or money refunded after 2 years if stockholder dissatisfied. D1IRECTORS—Hon. Warner Miller, President Nicaragua Canal Co., 44 Wall st., N. Y.; Arthur G. Yates, President Buffalo, Rochester and Pittsburgh RW., Rochester, N. Y.; J. Clifford Richardson, President Chemical National Bank, St. Louis, Mo.; H. H. Warner, President H. H. Warner & Co., Rochester, N. Y.; Hon. John W. Vrooman, Director Holland Trust Co.,,N. Y., also Director Herkimer Bank, Herkimer, N. Y.; B. E. Chase, Director Central Bank of Rochester, Réchester, N. Y.; Hon. R. S. Hudspeth, Jersey City, N. J.; J. Herbert Jefferis, Secretary of the Whitney Glass Works, 227 S. Front st., Phila., Pa.; C. B. Wiser, of R. B. Crouch & Co., 37 Market st., Chicago, Ill. Counsel, Hudspeth & Collier, 243 Broadway, N. Y. THE SIENITA CO. of Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc.in N.Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $1,000,000 ; Full paid in property. Liabilities other than capital, $2,147.49; Total assets at least $1,000. No other information furnished. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFrFrircERS—Lemuel Bannister, Vice-President, 120 Broadway; John Caldwell, Treasurer. DIrREcTORs—Lemuel Bannister, Paul D. Cravath, John Caldwell. SILVER BULLION CERTIFICATES. The silver bullion certificates dealt in on the N. Y. Stock Exchange represent each 1,000 ounces of fine silver bullion deposited with the Mercantile Safe Deposit Co. of New York City. They are subject to a storage charge of one cent per day per 1,000 ounces. Sept. I9, 1892, the Safe Deposit Co. reported in its possession, in trust for outstanding certificates, 1,882,440 ounces of silver bullion. 642 SINGER MANUFACTURING C0O., Offices, 149 Broadway, 376 Grand st. and 205 E. 123d st. Inc. in 1863, in Elizabeth, N. J.; Charter special. Capital authorized, $10,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. Onjecr—Manufacturing sewing machines. Plantlocated at Elizabethport, N. J., and consists of factories and equipments; employing 8,000 to 10,000 men. Dividends not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS —-Frederick G. Bourne, President, W. F. Proctor, Vice-President; Chas. A. Miller, Secretary ; Edwin H. Bennett, Treasurer ; Alfred Corning Clark, Hugo Cheyne. SMALL HOPES CONSOLIDATED MINING CO., Office, 1 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $5,000,000; Amount paid in not known. No other infor- mation furnished. Dividends regularly paid, amount not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Richard C. McCormick, President; Chas. A. Cameron, Secretary. DIRECTORS —Peter A. Hegeman, Richard C. McCormick, Chas. A. Cameron, Thomas Moore, Jr., Richard C. Kernes, Edward L. Morris, Eugene Caty, Eugene A. Furber. SNOW-CHURCH SURETY CO., Office, 265 Broadway; Corporate Office, Jersey City, N. J. Inc. 1890, in N. J.; Charter, 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Paid in, $25,000, per share, par. The Snow-Church Surety Co. was organized for the purpose of aiding the various offices of Snow, Church & Co., of which they are now twenty, as follows: Cincinnati, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Chicago, Louisville, Milwaukee, Kansas City, Minneapolis, Grand Rapids, Omaha, St. Paul, Detroit, Pittsbsrgh, Cleveland, Denver, St. Louis, Atlanta and St. Joseph. All of the above offices are corporations, under the laws of the States in which they are located, excepting Philadelphia. The Snow-Church Surety Co. selects the banks and attorneys — with which the above offices, except Philadelphia, do business. It guarantees the offices — against loss by the misfeasance of the banks or attorneys. lishes a legal and banking directory, containing a list of its attorneys, banks, and an encyclopedia of mercantile law information. ‘The various offices pay in a sum to the Surety Company ranging from $25 to $75 per month, according to capital, which sum is to be invested in bonds of the United States, or similar security, deposited in a Trust Co. The treasurers of the various offices give bonds to the Snow-Church Surety Co. that all moneys coming into the hands of the offices, belonging to clients and subscribers, shall be paid over. In case of default the Surety Co. has to make good, to the subscrib- ers and clients, and collect the same thereafter, from the bond ot the treasurer of the — delinquent office. The trust fund may be used for this express purpose only ; any sum taken from it for this purpose to be replaced as soon as collected from the bond. It also provides for giving undertakings and bonds for the clients of the various offices, in attachment, replevin and other similar law-merchant suits. Nofunded debt. Dividends ~ in last fiscal year 1 of 12 p.c. OFFICERS—C. A. Nimocks, of Minneapolis, President; — J. A. Cavanaugh, rst Vice-President; Geo. Boltwood, 2d Vice-President; Peter Ryle, Secretary; Arthur Murphy, Treasurer. DirREcrorRs—John A. Edmundson, C. A Nimocks, E. V. Harmo, G.'S. Boltwood, J. A. Cavanaugh, Thomas C. Campbell, Peter — Ryle, S. A. Johnson, R. A. McDonnald, G. W. Ward, Frank S. Lodge, M. J. Jones, | Arthur Murphy, S. G. Patterson. SOUTHERN AND ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH (CO, Capital, $048,875, par $25. Lines leased to Western Union and stock guaranteed by the rental, 5 p. c. per ann. SOUTHERN COTTON OIL CO., 80 Broad st.; Office, Girard National Bank Building, Philadelphia; Transfer Office, Metropolitan Trust Co., Nv Yo ‘Inc. in! Na Mar. 5, 1887, for 50 years. Capital authorized, $5,000,000 ; Paid in $4,000,000, par $100. Stock registered at New York Produce Exchange Bank and listed on New York Ex- change. Property, Sept., 5, 1889, no later information having been obtained :— The Surety Company pub- — Crush capacity, Mills. tons per day. New Orleans, Ua.) Arse csi susie we stta'ts 300 Houston, Tex., Lae oes tatodes edt us eatek 300 Brule ROCK: Alter bl cceccots cies ace ssecremets 200 Memphis, “Tenn, 2 al..ccp scene ap scatevncareacess 200 Also storage houses at all, and at first six and Philadelphia refineries. Crush capacity, Mills. tons per day. Montgomery, Ald. 5/2 -aiidiesrsss ductive sen vanhee 200 Atlanta, Ga., Ladwinsks 3 cag ~ yaw ahem 200° Savannah, Ga., Tibirapecantepn tan ens asain 100 Columbia,.S. C., Company also owns a tug-boat and six barges on Mississippi, and are building fifty tank-cars. 643 STATEMENT, Apr. 30, 1889 :— ASSETS. LIABILITIES. Permanent investment, real Bills and accounts payable........ $38,491 76 estate, buildings, machinery, Capitalstock.w.ad. $4,000,000 00 patents, fixtures and _ pro- Profit and loss. ..... 164,526 47 DRO e revere an, anevne) 5 xscntedtemanents $3,563,890 15 4,164,526 47 Less charged for partial ex- haustion of patents............00 200,000 00 $3,363,890 1 Prepaid taxes and unexpired cee ROPABCATICE ...4ni'sr'es sae etre indecent 7,128 64 | WEE Riera 54. csig abxet. voce’ $441,218.88 Less dividends......... 160,000.00 | 281,218 88 Bills and accounts receivable..... 159,647 95 Merchandise and supplies on Bere trae e vocl's cuccont oacceccee mene ete 391,132 61 $4,203,018 23 $4,203,018 23 PROFIT AND LOSS. Brags tl, TS88, cr. balancengaaseaastytecntrceser eee iec a wioaadaae occas ee ena qhedsese's $98,553 42 mae, 1860, het profit June Lersooy tO GAtG wn. sss.sc cs. atared canes sksca seuss 585,973 05 Dr, to exhaustion. of patemtsuencn.c eo cieteeenieaseeees Pen enacts oe $200,000 00 po-dividends paid Meb: crutacg trey tata e ie eee tect meee ee acai ees 160,000 00 io dividends patd)Jutiesis a scduvtancererm certo tees canted eeckeda-ts. 160,000 00 Balance tO NEw, AcCOumt cemventeecstervies ees an re os sdeaeee deed ea seses teats 164,526 47 $684,526 47 $684,526 47 Dividends in 1892, Mar., 2% p.c.; June, 2% p.c. OFFICERS—Henry C. Butcher, President; Amos R. Little, Vice-President; Alan H. Harris, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Henry C. Butcher, R. H. Laimbeer, Wm. T. Carter, John Sinclair, Wm.S. Harvey, Geo. Philler, Amos R. Little, E. P. Borden, Wm. J. McCahan, Charles M. Lea, Edward Flash, Jr., N. Y. Agent. SOUTHWESTERN COAL AND IRON CO., General Office, 33 Wall st.; Corporate Office, Hanover, N. M.; Branch Office, Colorado Springs. Inc. Nov. 21, 1891, in New Mexico; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid and non-assessable ; $120,000 stock in treasury. Issued, $880,000. Co. owns mines at Hanover, N. M., and The Silver City and Northern RR., Whitewater, N. M., to Hanover, N. M., 19.1 miles. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. s. f. 6s, $100,000, $1,000; 24 mtge. s.f. 6s, $100,000, $1,000. Registrar of stock and transfer agent, Manhattan g@rustCo., N. Y. Last: Annual Meeting, Jan. 20,1892. Earnings tol Dec. 31; 189% $23,112.88 ; Expenses, $20,172.26. . OFFICERS—C. Lawrence Perkins, President; T. G. Condon, 1st Vice-President and General Manager; W. R. Varker, 2d Vice-President ; R. P. Perkins, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTORS—C. Lawrence Perkins, Treadwell Cleveland, Sheppard Gandy, R. P. Perkins, N. Y., and T. G, Condon, W. R. Varker, J. B. Gilchrist, N. M. SPALDING TELEGRAPH CO. No address, Inc.inN.Y. Capital authorized, $1,000; Amount paid in not known. No other information furnished. SPRING BROOK WATER CO., Office, Sandy Hill, N. Y. Inc. in Sandy Hill, N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $30,000; Full paid incash. Liabili- ties other than capital, $53,500. Total assets at least, $72,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DiREcToRS—Loren Allen, President; Grenville M. Mgalsbe. STANDARD GASLIGHT CO., General and Corporate Office, 173 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital $10,000,000; preferred stock, $5,000,000, par $100; common stock, $5,000,000, par $100; preferred entitled to 6 p. c. per ann.; if common gets 6 p. c., then surplus over 12 p. c. is divided between them ; Both are non-assessable, and both are registered by American L. and T. Co., N. Y. Preferred, Sept., 1891, 1&% p.c.; Dec; 1891, passed; Mar., 1892, 14 p. c.; common stock, none. No other information furnished. 41 644 THE STANDARD HOD ELEVATING CO., General and Corporate Office, 317 _ E. 122d st. Inc. May 5, 1891, in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, | $10,000; Full paid. Liabilities other than capital, $5,300; Total assets at least $10,000. — Dividends, if any, not ascertained. OFFICERS—Frederick S. Lawrence, President; — Albert Hull, Treasurer, 317 E. 122d st. Direcrors—J. D. Flint, Albert Hull, Frederick ~ S. Lawrence. 1 STANDARD OIL CO. of New York, General and Corporate Office, 26 Broad- way. Inc. Aug. 1, 1882, in N. Y., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $7,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Osyect—Refining and dealing in the various products of petroleum. Plants located at Long Island City and Brooklyn, and consist of factories and refining properties. Company succeeded the Standard Oil Trust, which controlled petroleum oil — refineries in all the principal northern cities of the United States, and produced about 65 p. c. of the country’s total output of refined oil. Also controlled oil wells in Pennsyl- yania, Ohio and West Virginia, and pipe lines for transmitting its oil to tidewater. The old Trust certificates were issued against a deposit in trust of the stocks in the various refining, producing and transportation companies controlled by the Trust. In Mar., 1892, the Supreme Court of Ohio decided against the Standard Oil Company of that State as © to the legality of its being inthe Trust. Owing to this and to the unpopularity of trusts, j the holders of the Standard Oil Trust certificates on Mar. 21 voted to terminate the trust — agreement at the end of four months. The certificate holders to receive their f70 rata 4 share of the stocks held in trust. Dividends under the old Trust were 12 p.c. per ann. ~ No funded debt. OFrFICERS—William Rockefeller, President; John D. Archbold, Vice-— President; Louis D. Clarke, Secretary ; William T. Wardwell, Treasurer. TRUSTEES— John D. Rockefeller, William Rockefelier, John D. Archbold, W. H. Tilford, Henry Maa Flagler, Henry H. Rogers, Paul Babcock, Jr., Charles M. Pratt, A. M. McGregor. | STANDARD UNDERGROUND CABLE CO., Office, 41 Park row; Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. in Pa. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100 ; Full paid. | Oxpyect—Manufacture of underground electric cables and aerial wires. Plant at Pitts- burgh, Pa. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—George © Westinghouse, Jr., President ; J. W. Marsh, Vice-President and General Manager; F. A. — Rhinehart, Secretary and Treasurer. THE STONE BRICK CO., of N. Y., General Office, 174 Chambers st. ; Corporate — Office, N. Y. Inc. 1885in N. Y.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid. Oxsyecr—Manufacturing building materials. No special — manufacturing establishment. No funded debt. Non-active. Awaiting develop-— ments. OFFICERS—C. I. Walker, President; Henry L. Hinton, Secretary and Treasurer. DirEctorsS—C. I. Walker, A. C. and Howard Hinton, Byron M. Pickett, Henry L. Hinton. SUGAR REFINERIES—SUGAR TRUST.—See American Sugar Refining Co. THE TAYLOR BREWING AND MALTING CO., General and Corporate Office, ~ Albany, N. Y. Inc. in Albany. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $275,000 ; © Amount paid in, $219,000 in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $97,700. Assets: land, $295,000; mtges, 75,000,000; machinery, tools and plant, 84,000; net value of real estate, 220,000; cash, 35,000; horses, etc., $8,500; due from customers, $35,000. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. Orricers—N. B. Taylor, President; E. L. Taylor, Treasurer. Directors—N. B. Taylor, E. L. Taylor, David G, Hackney. TENNESSEE COAL, IRON AND RAILROAD CO., General and Corporate Office, Nashville, Tenn.; Transfer Office, Central Trust Co., N. Y. Inc. 1860, in Tenn., as Tennessee Coal and RR. Co.; Sept., 1881, amended and present name given; Sept. 13, 1881, bought the Sewanee Furnace Co., and Feb. 1, 1882, Southern States Coal, Iron and Land Co., Limited, and Sept. 29, 1886, absorbed Pratt Coal and Iron Co., which was > a consolidation of Pratt Coal and Coke Co., Alice Furnace Co. and Lynn Iron Works. — This Company owns blast furnaces, coal mines, iron mines, foundries, etc., and coal and iron lands in Tennessee and Alabama. Company owned mineral lands and rights — in 1891, 208,323 acres, of which 81,998 acres are in Alabama and 126,425 acres are in| Tennessee. Of the latter 58,135.5 lie in Cocke and Green counties, in the eastern portion” of the State, on the borders of North Carolina. In Sept., 1892, consolidation with De Bardeleben Coal and Iron Co., agreed to Mar., 1892, was effected, Company acquiring — thence coal and iron lands in Alabama, 150,000 acres, including Blue Creek Coal Mines ~ and Eureka Ore Banks, 7 new furnaces, daily output 700 tons, 6 coal and 6 ore mines, - partly developed, with daily output of 3,000 tons each, 20 miles railroad, 1,100 coke ‘ 645 ovens and about 1,000 buildings under annual rental: earning capacity of that Company being about $500,000, and all fixed charges, etc., $210,000. Sept. 12, 1892, agreed to acquire Cahaba Coal Mining Co. and Excelsior Coal Mining Co. (see Cahaba Co.), in all about 44,000 acres coal and iron lands in Bibb, Shelby and Jefferson counties, Ala.; output 800,000 tons per ann. Capital authorized, $20,000,000; Paid in, $17,700,000, par $100, viz.: 8 p. c. cumulative preferred, $1,000,000, and $16,700,000 common; $7,700,000 was issued to absorb the De Bardeleben Co., and $3,000,000 to be issued for Cahaba and Excelsior Cos. No dividends on common stock since 1 p. c. in 1887; .on preferred, now; J. &J..4p.c.each. Funpep Desr—Tennessee Coal and RR. Tracy City 1st and 2d mtge. 6s, 1879, due Apr. 15, 1894, $157,400, $200, etc., A. & O. Consol. mtge. 6s, 1881, due Nov., 1901, $35,000, $1,000, M. & N.; South Pittsburgh purchase Ist mtge. 6s, 1882, ‘due Feb. 1, 1902, $122,000, F. & A.; Alice Furnace Co., Ala., Ist mtge. c.* 7s, 1882, due 1892-1902, $300,000, $1,000, A. & O.: Pratt Coal and Iron Co., Ala., 1st mtge. s. f., not drawn, c.* 7s, 1883, due Nov. I, 1903, $675,000, $1,000, M. & N. Int. on all foregoing at Mechanics’ Bank, N. Y. Birmingham, Ala., Div. consol. mtge., g., s. f., I p.c., not drawn, c.* 6s, 1887, due Jan. 1, 1907, $3,454,000, $1,000, J. & J., Hanover National Bank, N. Y.; Tennessee Div. g., s. f,, 1% p.c. per ann., not drawn, c.* 6s, 1887, due Jan. 1, 1917, $1,315,000, $1,000, A. & O., Fourth National Bank, N. Y.; De Bardeleben 1st mtge. g., s. f., $30,000 per ann., not drawn, c., 1890, due Feb. 11, IQIO, $3,000,000, $500, etc, 0. &A., National Park Bank Nowy... ihe Birmingham Division and Tennessee Division bonds are each a lien on their own property, as described in the mtge., and a second lien on the property of the other division. Of the Tennessee Division bonds outstanding, $78,000 are held alive in the sinking fund. The Tracy City rst and 2d mtge. 6s and the consol. 6s due in 1go1 are all exchangeable at par for bonds of the Nashville, Chattanooga and St. Louis RW. Co. held by the Central Trust Co. Fiscal year ends Jan. 31st. Tons. 1887-88. 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. Seer OULU... dea. sctevet, enoree eee tee 1,168,364 1375, 577 1,619,020 1,583,170 1,776,881 Beer OULDLUt. 0... 0cs-0'c5-sesaes eee eeeetee 329,987 456,605 509,906 498,014 521,729 BPS ATON, OUTPUt......cccceceueaeescereces 109, 160 200,750 264,648 260,378 290,220 Peon Ore, OUtPUt.2:... cctemaeeeepentennne 107,750 126,271 124,574 109,508 117,160 Mittal net profits:..;.0.c52.ccapuecr seers $626,975 $666,092 $781,300 $663,890 $692,071 maverest on bonds:2..).,secesthoapeeress 263,748 322,291 361,484 355)955 351,193 Miscellaneous interest, etc.......... 14,531 14,406 22,243 18,033 8,885 MELE TICLS,. . 3) ss cacnnaaacaacentaneene ees 98, 300 40,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Total disbursements........s.seccees $376,579 $376,697 $453,727 $453,989 $440,078 BeetAtiCe, SUL P]US 0.0 call sacesceadveasene 250,396 289,395 227,573 209,901 251,993 OFFICERS—Thos, C. Platt, President, New York, N. Y.; N. Baxter, Jr., 1st Vice- President, Nashville, Tenn.; T. T. Hillman, 2d Vice-President, Birmingham, Ala.; A. M. Shook, 3d Vice-President and General Manager; James Bowron, Secretary and Treasurer; J. L. Gaines, Assistant General Manager, Nashville, Tenn.; G. B. MacCor- mack, Assistant General Manager Alabama Division, Ensley, Ala. EXECUTIVE CoMMITTEE—Thos. C. Platt, Chairman; Samuel Thomas, Napoleon Hill, J. H. Inman, = C, Baldwin, A. B.* Boardman, N: Baxter, jr.) DiRECTORS—-Thos:. C, -Platty Cases Baldwin, John H. Inman, Lucius Moore, A. B. Boardman, Jas. T. Woodward, W, C. Sheldon, Samuel Thomas, I’. T. Brown, New York, N. Y.; T. T. Hillman, Birmingham, Ala.; A. M. Shook, N. Baxter, Jr., Nashville, Tenn.; E. Ensley, Napoleon Hill, Thos. Barrett, Memphis, Tenn. THE TERMINAL RR. ASSOCIATION of St. Louis, Office, 23 Wall st.; Main Office, St. Louis, Mo. Capital, $1,441,200; Paid in. The Terminal RR. Asso- ciation of St. Louis was organized in Oct., 1889, under the auspices of the following lines of railway: Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago and St. Louis RW. Co., Louisville and Nashville RR. Co., Missouri Pacific RW. Co., Ohio and Mississippi RW. Co., St. Louis Iron Mountain and Southern RW. Co., Wabash RR. Co., and had for its object the pur- chase of existing and furnishing of additional terminal facilities in the city of St. Louis and in East St. Louis for the traffic of the above-named six proprietary companies, and the exchange of business between them, as well as such other railway lines as might, from time to time, be admitted to the use of the facilities in whole or in part. At present there are eighteen lines using the Union Passenger Station, owned by the Association. The Association is the absolute owner of 71,5), acres of land in the most central business portion of St. Louis, and through its ownership of all the capital stock of the Union RW. and Transit Co. of Illinois, and Terminal RR. Co. of East St. Louis is also practically the owner of 78,7 acres of land in East St. Louis, all of which are free of 646 incumbrance, except the mtge. securing the bonds below mentioned. These extensive properties embrace over 50 miles of yard and storage tracks, also extensive buildings, warehouses, machine shops, etc. The Association is now erecting a new passenger station in St. Louis, which is estimated to cost $1,000,000 (exclusive of land, for which about $1,000,000 additional has already been paid), and will, with its appurtenances, cover 15 acres of the above-described area, and contain 32 parallel tracks under roof. These properties, having been gradually purchased and improved ever since the open- ing of the St. Louis Bridge for traffic in 1874, having vastly increased in value, and are believed to represent at this date, in real estate alone, a sum largely in excess of the mtge. debt of the Association. In addition to this, the bonds have the further and exceptional security of the agreements with the proprietary companies as set forth below. The Association is also the lessee, by assignment, of the St. Louis Bridge Co. and Tunnel RR. of St. Louis, crossing the Mississippi River and connecting the Com- pany’s property in St. Louis with that in East St. Louis. The Association is controlled and six-sevenths of its outstanding stock is owned by the six companies above named, the remaining one-seventh being reserved for the benefit of such other railroads as may be admitted. This division is in pursuance of contracts dated Oct. 1, 1889, by one of which the companies above named agree to use forever the bridge and all the prop- erty of this Company for all the freight and passenger business controlled by them centering in St. Louis, and agree to pay tolls at rates to be fixed from time to time, and intended, under ordinary circumstances, to be sufficient to provide for interest on these bonds, in addition to taxes, rentals and other charges, and that if, owing to competition, — the rates should have to be reduced, and for this or other temporary unforeseen circum- stances the net earnings should not be sufficient to meet the fixed charges, each line ~ would contribute its proportion, to the extent of one-seventh of $1,000,000, to make up: any deficiency. The leases of the Bridge and Tunnel are for the term of their corporate — existence, and were made to Wabash and Missouri Pacific, July 1, 1891, and assigned to — this Association, under the lease, the guarantees are 6 p. Cc. on $2,490,000 Ist preferred | stock, 3 p. c. on $3,000,000 2d preferred stock, and 6 p.c. on Tunnel Co., $1,250,000 5% common stock, all payable, J. & J., by Drexel, Morgan & Co. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge- gc. 7s, 1879, due Apr., 1928, $5,000,000, $1,000, A. & O. Total created, $7,000,000, § $2,000,000 reserved for enlargements. Under this indenture there were issued Feb. 1, 1892, $7,000,000 additional 1st mtge. g. c.* 4%4s, due Oct. I, 1939, each $1,000, A. & O., Drexel, Morgan & Co. The bonds now offered were issued by the Association to pay — for the various properties acquired by them, and to defray the cost of the extensive improvements thereon. They are secured by a Ist mtge. to the Central Trust Co. of © New York on all the property of the Association, also (through pledge of all the stock — of the Union RW. and Transit Co. of Illinois, and the Terminal RR. Co. of East Stam Louis, upon the above-described property in East St. Louis, and likewise upon the leasehold ‘nterest of the Association in the bridge across the Mississippi River and the Tunnel RR. of St. Louis. In 1891 gross earnings were $1,756,429 ; net, $938,476; income from rents, etc., $123,665 ; total net, $1,062,141 ; interest, $274,346; rents, $694,401 ; improve- — ments, $61,733; balance, surplus, $31,661. In 1890 gross, $1,929,322; net, $1,123,300; total net, including rentals received, $1,236,866 ; surplus for year, $273,328. TEXAS PACIFIC LAND TRUST, 1:1 Pine st. Certificates of proprietary interest, $8,761,731, par $100. These certificates represent the ownership of lands formerly belonging to the Texas and Pacific RW. Lands received consisted of 3,450,642 | acres and also $899,731 secured by purchasers’ contracts. On Jan. 1, 1891, there remained to the trust 3,341,162 acres of land, $447,067 deferred payments and $222,158 bills receivable. In 1890 there were sold 63,852 acres and 45 town lots for $184,879. — Rentals received from grazing lands, $17,019. Sales 1891, 15,297 acres and 94 town lots | for $49,488. On Jan. 1, 1891, Trust held remaining 3,359,945 acres, $407,415 deferred — payments, $236,045 bills receivable. TrusTEES—Charles J. Canda, Simeon J. Drake and William Strauss, all of N. Y. ¥ THE THURBER-WHYLAND ([CO., 116 Reade st., N. Y. Corporate Office, | Jersey City, N. J. Inc. Dec. 2, 1890, in N. J.; Charter for 50 years. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $2,500,000, viz., $1,500,000 8 p. c. Cum., $1,000,000 com- — mon, $500,000 in treasury unissued. Opject—Manufacturing, importing and wholesale — grocers and dealers in general merchandise. Organized to take over the entire property and to carry on the business of the firm of Thurber, Whyland & Co. Mr. Francis B. Thurber acts as president for five years and longer, if desired, and ~ receives no salary for any year till 8 p.c., has been paid for that year on the preferred stock. No bond or mtge. can be created without the consent of go p. c. of the preferred stockholders. Complete statements of earnings to be published semi-annually. Average — net profits of the old firm for ten years ending Jan. 31, 1891, were $220,084 ; net profit 647 for year ending Jan. 31, 1891, about $241,000. Dividends: On preferred from Aug., 1891, to Feb., 1892, both inclusive, 4 p. c. semi-annually (8 p. c. per ann.), F. & A.; on common stock, in 1892, Feb., 8 p.c. (annual). STATEMENT. Jan. 5, 1891. Jan. 30, 1892. Stock of goods, merchandise, etc., on hand, as per inventory......... $1,117,373 88 $1,219,868 95 Ledger accounts and bills receivable in excess of those payable.... 165,039 05 133,292 89 0 GS 0 reir ame her tac fot ie eas he de oe ahah eee 42,004 77 49,682 17 Manufacturing plant, machinery and fixtures ..........csccsscesesees sevens 9218S 533 73;795 42 fees) Onvhand and in -banksis74.ccuce-antkesous actenessnecsecncotoaee teria cece I1I1,988 48 182,837 68 Semi-annual dividend on preferred stock, paid Aug. 15......ccoccseoeoe saeeee Vabtecasa 60,000 00 $1,508,534 50 $1,719,477 II Plants as follows: Offices and Salesrooms, W. Broadway, Reade and Hudson sts., N. Y.; Manufactory of food products, 85, 87 and 89 Thomas st., N. Y.; Canned goods factory, Moorestown, N. J.; Coffee-roasting establishment, 18 Worth st., N. Y.; Butter and cheese department, Reade and Hudson sts., N. Y. Sole agents for the U.S. and Canada for the Alexis Godillot, Jr., brands of French fancy groceries. European — factories: Sundry goods, 185 Rue Fondaudege, Bordeaux; French prune packing establishment, Marmande; Sardine packing establishment, Concarneau. OFFICERS— Francis B. Thurber, President; Albert E. Whyland and Alexis Godillot, Jr., Vice-Presi- dents ; Alexis Godillot, Jr., Treasurer; John F. Godillot, Assistant Treasurer ; George B. Howard, Secretary. DIrEcTORS—The officers and H. B. Cannon, Thomas T. Barr, David Hunt, J. C. Bonton. GEO. C. TREADWELL CO., Office, 69 Mercer st.; Corporate Office, Albany, N. Y. Inc. 1892, in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100, viz., $500,000 7 p. C. cumulative preferred and $500,000 common. Common stock entitled to dividends up to 8 p. c., and thereafter both equally. The Mercantile Trust Co., Registrar of the Stock. Fidelity Title and Deposit Co., of Newark, N. J., Transfer Agents. OpjyeEct—To take over and carry on the business of Treadwell & Co., 480-482 Broadway and 15-17 James st., Albany N.Y., established 1832; W. H. & R. Burnett, 17 Academy st., Newark, N. J., established 1886; A. H. Ward & Co., 69 Mercer st., N. Y., established 1870; The Geo. E. Treadwell Fur Co., 8-14 Vosburgh st., Albany, N. Y., inc. 1890. In the consolidation, properties were valued at: real estate, $99,000; merchandise, $562,335.96; secured book debts and bills receivable, $90,045.32; total, $751,381.28, making its capitalization at $625,000. No funded debt. Dividends, Feb., qrly., payable by Mercantile Trust Co. OFFICERS—Geo. Hooker Treadwell, President and General Manager; Wm. H. Burnett, Vice-President and Treasurer; N. J. Bishoprick, Secretary ; Counsel, Riker & Riker, Newark, N. J. Drrecrors—Geo. Hooker Treadwell, John D. Parsons, Jr., Geo. H. Thacher, E. L. Ridgway, N. J. Bishoprick, Chandler W. Riker, W, H. Burnett, Augustus H. Ward, Walter B. Timms. Auditors, Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., New York, London, etc. THE TRENTON POTTERIES CO., Office, 18 Wall st. ; Corporate Office, Trenton, N. J. Inc. 1892 in N. J. Capital stock, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid, viz., $1,250,000 8 p.c. cumulative preferred and $1,750,000 common. New York Guaranty and Indemnity Co., registrar of stock. Messrs. A. M. Kidder & Co., Transfer Agents. Extracts from Prospectus issued May 25, 1892: ‘‘ The Company started business without debt or liability of any kind. Dividends upon the preferred stock will be cumulative at 8 p.c. per ann., payable Mar., qrly., and this stock will have preferential lien upon all the property and assets of the Company. No bond or mtge. can be put upon the property except by the consent of go p. c. of the preferred stockholders. This Company is formed to acquire and continue the business heretofore conducted by the following potteries, at Trenton, N. J.: The Empire Pottery, The Enterprise Pottery, The Delaware Pottery, The Equitable Pottery, The-Crescent Pottery “Vendors Statement.—These 5 companies manufacture and sell about 75 p. c. of the entire output of the famous Sanitary Plumbing Ware made in this country. Some of them also manufacture fine toilet and table ware. Real estate, buildings, machinery, fixtures, etc., $866,000 ; merchandise, stores and manufactured goods on hand, $524,000. Total valuation of plant, $1,390,000. The various plants occupy large areas of ground in the city, some in the very business centre of Trenton. All have railroad connection by private tracks and switches running directly into their grounds. The buildings are extensive and substantial, constructed largely of brick and Stone; are fully equipped for the manufacture of the best earthenware; have all the modern improvements, with engines, boilers, steam pumps, and needed machinery of every kind. The property is 648 held in fee simple, and title guaranteed. The manufacture of these goods requires skilled labor of the highest grade, and the stock of patterns, moulds, designs, etc., could not be replaced except by several years of labor. The books of all the companies have been examined by Messrs. Barrow, Wade, Guthrie & Co., chartered accountants, who find that the average net profits for the past 3 years have been $314,573.34, and that for the last of these years, viz., 1891, the net profits were $401,000. The average earnings estimated will pay 8 p. c. on the preferred stock and over II p. c, on the common stock. The earnings for 1891 will pay the dividends on the preferred stock and over 16 p. c. on the common stock, after providing for the expense of management.” | DirEcTORS—D. K. Bayne, H. J. Davison, Jr., W. S. Hancock, R. J. Kimball, John Leuckel, F. A. Magowan, H. J. Morse, Theo. F. Miller, H. D. Oliphant, C. H. Skirm, eh? laylor, Jr: TROW DIRECTORY, PRINTING AND BOOKBINDING CO., Offices, 205 E. 12th st. and 11 University pl. Inc. 1891 in N. J. Capital authorized, $1,500,000 ; Full paid, par $100, viz., $750,000 8 p. c. cumulative preferred, and $750,o0o0 common. Organized to carry on the business of the Trow Directory Co., which was established in 1786, and of Trow’s Printing and Bookbinding Co., established in 1826—two com- panies heretofore conducted separately. The parties in interest in the old companies and their associates retain the ownership of $500,000 of the common stock. There will — be no mtge. on any of the property unless hereafter ordered by a vote of go p.c.of — the stockholders, and the new Company begins business without a debt of any kind. Registrar of stock, Central Trust Co. The average net profits of the two concerns for the five years ending Dec. 31, 1890, after providing for cost of materials, labor, cost of ~ renewals and repairs, etc., as determined by public accountants, was $132,282. Profits — for 1890 were $143,736. Dividends on preferred stock, 8 p.c., Feb. 15 qrly. OFFICERS ~ —Robert W. Smith, President; F. B. Thurber, Vice-President; Wm. H. Bates, Secre- — tary; Edward Lange, Treasurer. DiReEcTors—Robert W. Smith, Edward Lange, F. B. Thurber, Alfred C. Cheney, Franklin W. Hopkins, Robert J. Dean, Wm. H. Bates. RAPHAEL TUCK & SONS CO., Limited, General and Corporate Office, 368 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement Jan. 1, 1882: Capital authorized, $100,000; Full 7 paid, Liabilities other than capital, $15,000. Total assets at least $115,000. OBJECT— ~ Art publishers. Dividends, if any, not ascertained. No funded debt. No other infor- — mation furnished. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Chas. Kaufmann, President; Samuel — Gabriella, Secretary and Treasurer. 7 TUCKER ELECTRICAL CONSTRUCTION CO., Office, 14 Whitehall st. Cor- porate Office, Orange, N. J. (see p. 410. Corrected article). Inc. Jan., 1887, in N. J., for 50 years. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid. Reduced in 1888 to ~ $50,000. OxbyeEct—General electrical and construction work. Annual Meeting, Ist Tues. — in Feb. No dividends in 1892. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. 6s, $25,000, $500 for Io years. Trustee, Atlantic Trust Co., N. Y. Bonds can be paid befcre maturity. OFFICERS— — James R. Strong, President; Henry A. Sinclair, Secretary; Wm. E. Gavit, Treasurer. ~ DirEcToRS—James R. Strong, Murray H. Strong, Wm. E. Gavit, Henry A. Sinclair, — John H. Greacen, Frank Hedden. TWIN CITY RAPID TRANSIT CO., General Office, 45 Wall st.; Fiscal agents, J. Kennedy Tod & Co. ; Corporate Office, Minneapolis, Minn. Inc. 1891 in Minn. Capital authorized, $20,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $15,000,000. Company owns, controls and operates, under exclusive charter, all the street railways in Minneapolis and St. Paul, which were formerly Minneapolis Street RW. Co. ; Minneapolis, Lyndale and Minnetooka RW. Co., and St. Paul City RW. Co., and has exclusive right of operation between the two cities. Miles, 205; being 195 electric and 15 cable, all recently rebuilt. The line between the centres of the two cities is double track electric, g miles long. No dividends. — FUNDED DEBT—Minneapolis Street RW. Co. Ist mtge. 7s, 1880, due Nov. I, IgIo, $380,000, $1,000, M. & N.; redeemable annually at 105. 2d mtge. g. 6s, 1883, Nov. 1, 1913, $600,000, $1,000, M. & N. Ist cons. g. c.* and r. 6s, 1889, Jan. 15, 1919, $3,990,000, $1,000, J. & J. 15. Totab amount created, $5,000,000, and intend to retire prior liens. . St. Paul City RW. Co. Ist cons. mtge. 6s, 1884, Oct. 1, 1934, $680,000, $1,000, A. & O. 2 St. Paul City RW. Co. Debentures g. 6s, 1890, May I, 1900, $1,000,000, $1,000, M. & N- St. Paul City R. W. Co. Cable cons. g. 5s, 1887, due Jan. 15, 1937, $4,477,008 $1,000, J. & J. 15. Principal and interest guaranteed by Twin City Co. Authorized issue is $5,500,000, of which above issued and balance reserved to retire prior issues — 649 and provide new construction at rate of $15,000 per mile, and are a prior lien to deben- tures. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., N. Y., Trustee. Assets, Jan. 1, 1892, $12,868,261, of which $2,298,852 is real estate. Earnings Io years prior to 1888 of all consolidated comparies averaged 32 p. c. per ann., and to and including 1891 34 p. c. gross; gross earnings 1889, $976,096; 1890, $1,337,190; 1891, $1,820,592; surplus over all int. charges, $310,974; for seven months of 1892, $1,191,857. THE UMBRELLA CO., General and Corporate Office, New York City. Inc. 1892, in N. Y. Capital authorized, $8,000,000, par, $100 and power to increase either by 8 p. c. pref. stock, or by $2,000,000 of debenture stock. OByEcT—Manufacture and sale of umbrellas. Company just being formed. UNION FERRY CO., of New York and Brooklyn, General and_ Corporate Office 15 Wallst. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $3,000,000, par $100; Full paid in cash. Liabilities other than capital, $2,500,000. Total assets at least $2,500,000. Company operates five ferry lines between New York and Brooklyn. FUNDED DEBT— Ist mtge. g. 5s, 1890, due Nov. I, 1920, $2,200,000, $100, etc., M.& N., H. B. Hollins & Co., N. Y. Mtge. covers all the Company’s property, including 19 ferry-boats, real estate, etc. Redeemable at 110 after Nov. 1, 1895. Dividends not ascertained. OFFICERS—W. H. Male, President; Geo. W. Quintard, Secretary. DiReEcTors—W. H. Male, Felix Campbell, John E. Hoffmire. THE UNION PALACE CAR CO., General Offices, Pullman Building, Chicago, Ill. This Company is operating and is prepared to contract with railroad companies for sleeping and parlor cars. Alsoto charter special cars, etc. They are especially designed to meet the requirements of private excursion parties, tourists or professional people. OFFICERS—Geo. M. Pullman, President; T. H. Wickes, Vice-President; C. A. Garcelon, Gen. Superintendent; E. A. Jewett, Assistant Gen. Superintendent ; Geo. M. Gray, Gen. Ticket Agent; A. S. Weinsheimer, Treasurer; Jno. S. Runnells, Gen. Counsel; F. C.N. Robertson, Auditor; Geo. Goldsmith, Acting Commissary, Chicago, Ill.; S. W. Bretzfield, Purchasing Agent, New York. UNION PAVEMENT CO. (see p. 414). Now practically out of business. Organ- ization retained for purposes of litigation. THE UNITED AGENCY CO. (see p. 416. Additional information). General and Corporate Office, 115 Broadway. Inc. 1886, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000, par $100; Full paid, per share par. OsByect—To furnish the cash backing of the Citizens’ Mutual Life Ins. Assn. (115 Broadway), on terms mutually satisfactory. No funded debt. THE UNITED DEVELOPMENT CO. General Office, 115 Broadway ; Corporate Office, E. Orange, N. J. Inc. 1890, in N. J.; Charter 50 years. Capital authorized, $2,000, par $100; Full paid, per share par. OBjEcT—Agency for the sale of stocks, bonds and securities. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—W. G.*Chamber- lin, President and Treasurer; F. E. Chamberlin, Secretary ; J. S. Turner. THE UNITED FIRE ALARM AND POLICE SIGNAL CO.,, General and Corpo- rate Office, 15 Wall st. Inc. 1892, in W. Va.; Charter 25 years. Capital authorized, $1,000,000, par $100; Full paid, per share par. OxsyEct—To carry onthe municipal fire alarm and police signal business. Dividends in last fiscal year none. No funded debt. OFFICERS—W. N. Woodruff, President; Edw. M. Graves, Secretary and Treasurer. Directors—W. N. Woodruff, E. N. Graves, E. S. Greeley, G. H. Bishop, T. F. Gaynor. THE UNITED LINES TELEGRAPH C0O., General and Corporate Office, 18 Broadway. Inc.in N. Y. Statement, Jan. 1, 1892: Capital authorized, $3,000,000; Full paid, in property. Assets, $500,000; Debts, $1,700,000. OFFICERS—-Dwight Townsend, President; W. P. Furgueson, Treasurer. DIRECTroRs—Dwight Townsend, R. S. Guernsey, Geo. W. Casper. UNITED STATES BOOK CO,, Office, 155 W. 23d st. Inc. 1890,in N.J. Capital, $1,250,000; com., $2,000,000 8 p. c. cum. pref.; total, $3,250,000, par $100. FUNDED DEBT—Ist mtge. c. g. 6s created, $1,000,000; outstanding, $600,000, $1,000. 1890 due IgI0, J. & J., Chase Nat. Bank, N. Y. OsyeEct—To manufacture and sell books, magazines, 650 newspapers, etc. It acquired the entire business, stereotype and electrotype plates, books, stock in trade, good-will, copyrights, etc., of the John W. Lovell Co. and the National Publishing Co. of New York; also, the stereotype and electrotype plates, copyrights and good-will of the most popular standard works, 12mos, and works of fiction published in this country by 13 New York firms, 3 Boston firms, 1 Albany firm, 2 Chicago firms and 3 Philadelphia firms. Among the foregoing are included Dodd, Mead & Co., G. W. — Dillingham, George Munroe, Estes & Lauriat and J. B. Lippincott. The Company began business Aug. 1, 1890, and for the five months ending Dec. 31, 1890, the net earnings were $151,056. Preferred stock has preference in respect of assets in case of liquidation, as well as in respect of earnings. Stock listed in June, 1891. OFFICERS— Horace K. Thurber, President; John W. Lovell, Vice-President; James A. Taylor, Secretary; Edward Lange, Treasurer. D1RECTORS—Samuel Thomas, Edward Lange, Chester W. Chapin, Horace K. Thurber, John W. Lovell; N. Y.; James D: Saftora Springfield, Mass.; Erastus Wiman, Staten Island; M. A. Donahue, Chicago; James A. Taylor, Plainfield, N. J. THE UNITED STATES CAR CO., General Office, 29 Nassau st.; Corporate Office, N. J. Inc. 1892, in N. J. Capital authorized, $3,500,000, par $25 ; Amount paid in not ascertained. Organized to succeed the United States Rolling Stock Co. To acquire, sell and lease all kinds of railway equipment. FUNDED DEBT, $4,000,000. OFFICERS—David Cornfoot, President, London, Eng,; Robert S. Green, Jr., Secretary, Elizabeth, N. J.; Thomas F. B. Parker. Treasurer, New Brunswick, N. J. THE UNITED STATES CUTLERY C0O., Office, N. Y.; Corporate Office, Trenton, N. J. Inc. 1892, in N. J. Capital authorized $1,600,000, par ¢100; Amount paid in not known; one-half pref. and one-half com. The Company is organized to take in four of the oldest and largest business properties in the country. These concerns are the Miller Bros. Cutlery Co., of Meriden, Conn.; the New York Knife Co., of Walden, N. Y.; the Walden Knife Co., of Walden, and the cutlery factory of Dwight Divine, of Ellenville, N. Y. Business begun July 1, 1892. OFFICERS—W. F. Rockwell, President; Thos. W. Bradley, Vice-President. DiIrRECTORS—W. F. Rockwell, Thos. W. Bradley, E. Whitehead, Dwight Divine, ex-Gov. James E. Campbell, George H. Holt, A. L. Pancoast, A. Chamberlain. UNITED STATES EXPRESS (0., 49 Broadway. Sept., 1887, stock increased | $3,000,000, to $10,000.000, par $100, and Baltimore and Ohio Express purchased. Divi- — dends since 1880: 1881 to 1887, 4 p. c.; 1888, 5; 1889, 5; May, 1890, 2; Nov., 2; 18Q%m May, 2. None since. UNITED STATES HEATING AND PLUMBING CO., Office, 471 4th ave. Inc. in Boston, Mass. No other information furnished. Eric M. Harding, N. Y. — Manager. THE UNITED STATES RUBBER CO., Corporate Office, N. Y. Office of New Jersey Rubber Co., 54 Reade st., and 15 Wall st., and 16 William st. Inc. 1892, in N. J. © Capital authorized, $50,000,000; Paid in $26,947,000, par $100; % preferred 8 p.c.; % common. On Nov. 1, 1892, an additional issue of $10,500,000 preferred stock was offered for subscription. Annual Meeting, Oct. 14th. The preferred stock is entitled to — a preferential dividend of 8 p. c. per ann., declared out of net earnings of each © year. The earnings remaining in any year after the payment of 8 per cent. on the preferred stock belong to the common stock. The preferred stock will also have — priority over the common stock in respect to all property or assets of the Company in case of liquidation. Dividends M. & N. No bonded or mortgage debt except with the — consent of the holders of at least three-fourths of all issued capital stock of each class. — It now either owns absolutely or permanently controls the following properties : Amer- ican Rubber Co., Boston, Mass,; Boston Rubber Co., Boston, Mass.: L. Candee & Co., New Haven, Conn.; Goodyear’s Metallic Rubber Shoe Co., Naugatuck, Conn. ; Lycoming Rubber Co., Williamsport, Penn.; Meyer Rubber Co., New Brunswick, N. — J.; National India Rubber Co., Bristol, R. I.; New Brunswick Rubber Co., New Bruns- — wick, N. J.; New Jersey Rubber Shoe Co., New Brunswick, N. J. The concerns above mentioned are nine of the fifteen: manufacturing companies in which is centred the entire rubber boot and shoe business of the country. The accounts for ten years past of each — of the above-mentioned companies (except two of them which have not existed for that time and as to these for the period of three years last past) shows an average yearly profit of 13% p. c. upon the aggregate capital employed. In addition to the properties | 651 above mentioned, this Company has acquired also the property of the Para Rubber Co., Boston, Mass. It has contracted also for the control of the two other rubber boot and shoe properties. The value of these properties (which is less than their cost,) together with the purchase price of the Para plant and cash and other assets in the treasury of the Company, together with available assets over liabilities, is equal to the par of the total present issue of preferred stock, without consideration of good-will, trademark, or other assets. OFFICERS—Robert D. Evans, President ; James B. Ford, Vice-President ; Charles R. Flint, Treasurer ; John I. Waterbury, Secretary ; H. B. Hollins & Co., Bank- ers and Transfer Agents in New York, Wall and Broad sts.; Lowrey, Stone & Auer- bach, Counsel, 3 Broad st.; Central Trust Co. of New York, Registrar in New York ; Old Colony Trust Co., Registrar in Boston; American Loan and Trust Co., Transfer Agent in Boston. UTICA COTTON CO., General and Corporate Office, 141 Pearl st. (Corrected article. See p. 426.) Inc. Nov. 29, 1865, in N.Y. Capital, $100,000, par $100; Paid in cash. Cotton manufacturing. Plant located at New Hartford, Oneida Co., N. Y., about 66 acres owned by the Company. Dividends not stated. Has no funded or other debt. OFFICERS—Henry M. Taber, President; William P. Taber, Treasurer; Benj. es Secretary. DiIrReEcTORS—Henry M. Taber, William P. Taber, William H. eioner, Jr. THE WAGNER PALACE CAR CO., General and Corporate Office, Vander- bilt ave., cor. E. 44th st., N. Y. Capital authorized, $6,000,000 ; Amount paid in not known. A joint stock Association. Dividends not stated. Gross earnings year ending June 30, 1891, $3,297,731.11 ; Expenses, $2,669,617.44 ; Gross income, $628,113.67. GENERAL OFFICERS—W. S. Webb, President; H. W. Webb, Vice-President; J. D. Taylor, Secretary and Treasurer; C. D. Flagg, General Superintendent; T. A. Bissell, Manager Buffalo Works, Buffalo, N. Y.; Jas. Benkard, Inspector, New York. WALL STREET FERRY STAGE C0O., General and Corporate Office, 18 Cort- jJandt st. No information furnished. H. H. WARNER INVESTMENT CO., General Office, 41 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Capital authorized, $500,000. Company reported to be absorbed by the Indus- trial Mining and Guarantee Co. OFFICERS—Hulbert H. Warner, President; William R. Kennard, Secretary ; William M. Earle, Treasurer. H. H. WARNER & CO., Limited, Office, 41 Broadway ; Corporate Office, London, Eng. Offices and Laboratories: Rochester, N. Y.; Melbourne, Australia; Pressburg, Hungary; Frankfort, A. M., Germany; Toronto, Canada; Dunedin, New Zealand; Kreuzlingen, Switzerland. Special Agencies: Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, India; Ran- goon, British Burmah, Colombo, Ceylon, Capetown, Port Elizabeth, East London, South Africa. Inc. in Great Britain, in 1889, to succeed H. H. Warner & Co. Original capital, £700,000; * £150,000 debentures, 1,500, par £100, int. 6 p.c., payable M. & S.; £200,000 preferred stock, 20,000, par £10, cumulative dividend, 8 p. c.; £350,000 common stock, 35,000, par £10, dividend paid past 2 fiscal years, 17% p.c. each year. Capital increased in Nov., 1891: By additional stock, 4,000 shs., par £10, £40,000, cumulative 8 p. c. preferred, sold at $50, and 2,000 shs., par £10, £20,000, common stock, offered at $75; all stock full paid and non-assessable; Union Trust Co., Registrars; Dividend paid by Central Trust Co., A. & ©.) 2st: Original Company acquired business of H. H. Warner & Co., on July 31, 1889, for $3,395,000. Specialties, Warner’s Safe Remedies and Safe Yeast. Prior to capitalization, net-earnings for 7 years were $3,035,682.87. In year ending July 31, 1890, net earnings, $509,500, from which paid debenture interest, 6 p. c., preferred stock dividends, 8 p. c. and 17% p. c. on common stock, besides carrying to reserve $218,250. In year ending July 31, 1891, after paying debenture interest and cumulative preferred dividends, Company cancelled $306,000 debentures and carried forward $100,000 profit. Company has no funded debt. H. H. Warner. President. WASHINGTON STORAGE WAREHOUSE AND VAN C0,, Limited. (See .) Additional Director, Sumner W. White. Albert Hartog, Manager, 2300 8th ave. F. S. Marden, Secretary and Treasurer, 46 Wall st. 1¥663,c00 of the above debentures were called in, paid and cancelled during the year 1891, in addition to above dividends. 652 WELLS, FARGO & CO. (See p. 436. Additional information.) In Mar., 1888, this Company bought the Erie Express of the New York, Lake Erie and Western RR. Co. Dividends of 8 p. c. yearly have been paid for many years, J. & J. I. WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO., 195 Broadway. Inc. in N. Y. Apr. 4, 1856, with capital stock of $500,000. On July 1, 1869, its capital stock amounted to $41,063,100, having been increased for the acquisition of new properties and by the pay- ment of stock dividends. In June, 1879, a scrip dividend of 15 p. c. was paid to represent surplus to credit of income account. On Jan. 19, 1881, was dated the grand consolidation, in which the Western Union raised its stock to $80,000,000, giving par, or $15,000,000, for the stock and bonds of the American Union, 60 p. c. for old At. and Pac. stock in new West. Un., and a stock distribution of 48% p.c. to Western Union shareholders. In Apr., 1886, the qrly. dividend was paid in scrip, and no more dividends were paid till July, 1888, when cash dividends were resumed at I p. ¢., afterwards increased to 1% p.c., Jan., qrly. In Jan., 1890, an extra dividend of 3¢ of I p. c. was paid. The collateral trust bonds of 1888 (trustee of deed, Mercantile Trust Co.) are issued to retire an equal amount of stock and bonds of various telegraph and cable companies for the interest or dividends on which the Western Union Company is liable, these when so retired to be held as security for the new bonds. STATEMENT for fiscal years ending June 30:— 1888-89. 1889-90. 1890-91. 1891-92. Revenues for the year. sccccccorssesesserees eevesseees $20,783,194 $22,387,029 $23,034,321 $23,700,404. Operating exp., rentals, taxes, etC............0+ 14,505,153 15,074,304 16,428,746 16,307,857 INGE? DIGS; excavse avossonps vesreseseueneapard anon: 6,218,041 7,312,725 6,605,585 7,398,547 Dividends paid......... .....0.. cecvesseeserscenesceeses 4,309,520 4,956,008 4,309,606 4,309,638 EMtEVESt ON DOGS ie..csccehiucsanscccdetoueeyenass source 755,086 875,135 891,218 890,532 SMS {NSH « loesccse eos vucnsun renee tsbasia ashe arys 39,982 40,000 39,991 39,991 Total disbursements...... sSbedepoachsr na unnes 5,105,188 5 O71,t43 5,240,826 5,240, 167 Balance Of profits... 22.2. .ci ee aresese cones Heat 1,122,353 1,441,582 1,364,759 2,158,385. Surplus July ISt..:......00seerescasesenee svcscsees cooees 7,498,489 8,611,402 10,052,983 11,417,742 Balance profits for year. .....s0e+ -eeerscen verses cenene 1) 852,553 1,441,582 1,364,759 2,158, 305m Total nom. sur. June 3oth (end of year) .... 8,611,402 10,052,984 11,417,742 13,570,127 The net revenues of the quarter ending Sept. 30th, instant, based upon nearly completed returns for July, partial returns for Aug., and estimating the business for Sept., will be ADOUt.......c..csecessetensensecnes eseenee seenweres toseeaesereesas $2,200,000 00 Add surplus July 1, 1892, AS ADOVE... .ccoseees sevesrees eeeeeceeeceeees eneeeees neecseaeseeees ceeens 13,576,127 16 $15,776,127 16 From which appropriating for— MMTETSSt OF DOTS iis ccexcesocees dus ctaeuineveratenannvats estat Natacainceasteteeestpsne $222,960 00 Sinking fumds.........0: sccoovcce soseeesee conccenes coonnesen secccnese seensesesssucessecnes 20,000 00 a 242,960 00 — Leaves a balance Of........++. BAD ars ece then eee Cas Te tae RRC en eee omar re ree eestes $15,533,167 16 © It requires for a dividend of 1% p.c. on the Capital StOCK.........sesseeeeseeeeseeereeees 1,077,410 00 — Deducting which leaves a surplus, accumulated since Oct. 1, 1881, after paying GIVEN, -Ofi 0s tie nderenvon ss gets dvselvesertaatasaannte Pub aiken Se coueke coauetce p riacaans oot ciscmcodaee $14,455,757 16 © The following table shows the property and business of the Company at different — periods :— | Miles of Miles of No. of Year. Poles & Cables. Wire. Offices. Messages. Receipts. Profits.) EEGOCO7 ict. iinadeteosscneecst) moetOle7O 85,291 2,505 5,879,282 $6,568,925 $2,624,919) — EROO7Gys oevasdecrgravias te tee 54,109 121,191 3,972 9,157,646 PRY: 2,227,905 — RSTO OO) cubhae dene ve eoadere sn 85,645 233,534 9,077 29,215,509 12,782,894 ° 5,833,937" MSS -OOS sake akdtssorasse chess 183,917 678,997 19,382 55,878,762 22,387,029 7,312,7 25m PEQO-O 1 Gascndanshaticer ae useobd 187,981 715,591 20,098 59,148,343 23,034,326 6,605,585. _— BOL 2G 2iecceveses seonrence heave 189,576 739,105 20,700 62,387,298 23,700,404 ‘7,398,547 FUNDED Drpr—Real estate, mtge. g. 7s, s. f. not drawn, 1872, due May, 1902, — $1,214,000, $1,000 M. & N., Union Tr. Co., secured on the Company's N. Y. building, — Debentures (if drawn surrender optional) c. and r. 7s, 1875, due May 1, 1900, $4,920,000, — $1,000 M. & N., at Company’s office. Debentures (s. f. 1 p. c. drawn at 100) ¢. g. Oy 1875, due Mar. 1, 1900, $831,060, £100, etc., M. & S., London. Collateral trust c.* 5 Seam 1888, due Jan. 1, 1938, $8,233,000, $1,000, J. & J., at Company’s office. Total debt, $15,198,060, less sinking fund appropriations, $388,030; net, $14,810,030. Ss. SO a ee ee ee | 653 List of Securities belonging to the Company, June 30, 1892 :— STOCKS. . No. Shares. Par. Val. Anglo-American Petr Camare 41,308 Amer. District Tl. Co., Balt..37,735 $188,675 | Amer. District Tl]. Co., N.Y.. 4,114% 411,425 Amer. Spkng. Telephone Co..12,075 1,207,500 Bell Telephone Co., Canada.. 372 37,200 Bell Telephone Co.; Philada.. 2,500 125,000 Boston District Tel. Co......... 7.528 188,075 Brooks’ Undergrnd. Tel. Co.. 1,000 100,000 Cntl, Dist. & Print. Tel. Co.. 1,496 149,600 Pate D.& Pry Tl..Co. scrip. 1214078 Chi. & Mississippi. Tel Co... 2,500 125,000 California State Tel. Co....... 23,816 2,381,600 Sontinental Tel. Co: .:.. icon 5,625 140,625 | Del. & At. Tl. & Telphn. Co. 250 25,000 SPomnanion Tel...Co...ei.ss estes 5,766 288, 300 Delaware River Tel. Co....... Py3ul 22,975 East Tennessee Tel. Co....... 513 25,050 Prankiin Tel, Co... 2sana 20 632,900 Gold & Stock Tel. Co.......... 14,438 1,443,800 Gold & Stock Tel. Co., Cal... 3,010 301,000 | Prawkeye Tel. Co. .cccccscaccscee 3,140 31,400 | International Ocean Tel. Co.. 231 23,100 BALANCE-SHEET, June 30, 1892 :— ASSETS. Telegraph lines ; stocks owned of leased telegraph companies that are merged in Western Union Co’s system ; franch’s, pat., etc. $97,653,20 Stks. and bds. of leased tel. co’s, recd. in exchange for collateral | | Pest bONS j.s.s. ces cceesnceanndemarates 8,234,500 | Stks. of not leased tel. and teleph. co’s and other securities ..:........ 7,627,559 | BGal State. ..... sseccoves vecseasenicegacenss 3,313,913! Supplies and materials in supply | MPeODAtINents..:...01.seoccamenecm tomes S5ar7aao| Sundry accounts receivable, etc... 2,088,599 | Cash in treasury and in hands of agents (since remitted to treas.) 2,202,275 | Sinking funds for redpt. of bds.... 388,030 PETALS cinco oss sa jeckscnceva sera speaehenetmn $121 ,760,806 | | Illinois & Mississippi Tel.Co. 2,007 $100,350 Lynchb. & Abingtn. Tel. Co. 272 27,200 Michigan Telephone Co...... 1,936 193,600: Metropn. Telephn. & Tl. Co..12,000 1,200,000 New York Mutual Tel. Co...95,168 2,379,200 Ohio & Mississippi Tel. Co... 1,629 81,450: Pacific & Atlantic Tel. Co....58,300 1,457,509 Put-in-Bay Tel. Cod. 62.65 sccau 16 800: Philadelphia Local Tel. Co...16,000 400,000 Rochester District Tel. Co... 3,325 33,250 Sth. Bell Telephn. & Tel. Co. 3,574% 357,450: Southern & Atlantic Tel. Co.15,619 390, 475. Troy, Telephone <2 lel Co nr S2r 82,100 Vermont & Boston Tel. Co... 2,395 119,750 Western Union Tel. Co........ 254 25,400: Western (of Balt.) Tel. Co... 97,505- Wash, & New Orl. Tel. Co...10,615 530,750 BONDS. Buffalo & South Western RR. Co.... $3,650 Paris < Danville: R ROC Onecsstecescseot 3,000- URILER States *AS iessccesavacrseerstvectnses 1,500: Chicago & North Western Tel. Co... 40,000 Mutual LUnionvlels Con. cei hee enaerase 3,043,000- LIABILITIES. Capital istocks ise.s-. ice secece erreur $86, 199,852" Puna@ecwdentetcss atecccasmsere ese seree 15,198,060: Gold and Stock Telegraph Co. for stks. of other co’s, held through fease,of that Co..until: 1981i.i5.20. 2,264, 200- Sundry accts. payable, etc. (in- cluding dividend payable July PR IGOL ) 5 crcsneeco teneeesastrs st eevede ewes 2,924,383. Surplus of income prior to Oct. 1, 1881, appro. for construct. and acquisit. of tel. lines and prop. (in excess of the $15,526,590 cap. stk. distributed in 1881, on acct. of such appropriations of income during the 15 yrs. preceding)...... 1,598,184. Surplus of income subsequent to Oct. T,/ 288m, ¢ ($10,787,081. 41), plus the portion of income prior to Oct. 1, 1881 ($629,759.91), that was not appropriated as above 13,576,127 SDIOUA Eeevees cvscetoudatrdassct casey cove vevatet $121,760,806- On Oct. 25, 1892, stockholders voted, authorizing an increase of $13,800,000 in the capital stock of the Company, making the aggregate capital stock $100,000,000. “The charter of the Company stipulates that the lines shall be extended from the sale of capital. stock and not otherwise, and the law does not permit the sale of capital stock at less than its par value. The only method, therefore, of compliance with both the charter of the Company and the general statutes, is to expend a portion of the net earning, which belong to the stockholders, in the extension of the lines and addition of wires and other telegraph properties, and give the stockholders fvo rata capital stock for such expenditure at par. been determined upon. No definite disposition of the proposed increase of capital stock If authority be given to make the increase, the new board of directors, elected at the annual meeting, will in due time determine on such disposition of the increased capital as shall be for the best interests of the Company, and equally fair and just to all the shareholders.” A portion of the new capital is reported to have: been employed in absorbing the Montreal Telegraph Co. of Canada, which has wires in New York and the New England States, capital $2,000,000, by issuing 2 shares of its stock for 1 of the Montreal Co. $165,000 per ann. is said to be guaranteed upon it. OFFICERS—Norvin Green, President; Thomas T. Eckert, Vice-President and General Manager; John Van Horne, Robert C. Clowry and George J. Gould, Vice-Presidents ; J. B. Van Every, Acting Vice-President and Auditor; A. R. Brewer, Secretary; R. H- 654 Rochester, Treasurer; George H. Fearons, General Attorney. DIRECTORS—Norvin Green, Thomas T. Eckert, John T. Terry, John Van Horne, Jay Gould, Russell Sage, Alonzo B. Cornell, George J. Gould, Samuel Sloan, Edwin Gould, Robert C. Clowry, John G. Moore, Henry Weaver, Percy R. Pyne, Austin Corbin, J. Pierpont Morgan, Frederick L. Ames, John Hay, William D. Bishop, C. P. Huntington, Geo. B. Roberts, — Charles Lanier, Erastus Wiman, Charles F. Mayer, Chauncey M. Depew, James W. — Clendenin, Sidney Shepard, Henry M. Flagler, Henry B. Hyde, W. Murray Crane. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE—Norvin Green, Thomas T. Eckert, John T. Terry, John Van Horne, Samuel Sloan, George J. Gould, Jay Gould, Russell Sage, Alonzo B. Cornell, | Robert C. Clowry, Edwin Gould, John G. Moore. WESTINGHOUSE ELECTRIC AND MANUFACTURING CO., 120 Broad- way ; Corporate Office, Pittsburgh, Pa. Inc. 1891, in Penna. Capital paid in as follows : Old common stock, $272,550; assenting stock, $5,727,450; total, $6,000,000; common and ist preferred 7 p. c. cum., $4,000,000 ; total, $10,000,000, par of all $50. All have voting power. Ist preferred stock is preferred both as to principal and dividends up to 7 p. c., and thereafter equal. Interim dividend 1 p. c., paid Feb. 1, 1892, on preferred in July, 1892, 3% p. c. OByecT—General electric business. Plant, unincumbered real estate, etc., at Pittsburgh, employing 1,000 men, and under leases factories of U. S. Electric Light Co., Newark, N. J., and Consolidated Electric Light Co. (in name of Saw- yer-Man Electric Co.), on West 23d st., N. Y., employing in these about 800 men. In the consolidation these two Company’s stockholders exchanged for Westinghouse stock of U. S. Co. 14,624 shares, out of 15,000, and Consolidated Co., 23,771 shares, out of — 24,624. Company also assumed U. S. Electric Light Co. bonds 6s, $650,000, redeem- able $50,000 per ann. Earnings of all companies: 1887, $874,657; 1888, $1,288,569; 1880, $3,618,379; 1890, $4,289,087. OFFICERS—George Westinghouse, Jr., President ; Lemuel Bannister, 1st Vice-President ; George W. Hebard, 2d Vice-President; P. F. Kobbe, Treasurer. DIRECTORS—Brayton Ives, Chairman, Charles Francis Adams, Lemuel Bannister, August Belmont, A. M. Byers, Charles Fairchild, Marcellus Hartley, G. W. Hebard, Henry B. Hyde, George Westinghouse, Jr. WHEATLAND IMPROVEMENT CO. (see p. 440. Corrected article). General Office, 239 Broadway; Corporate Office, Camden, N. J. Inc. 1888 in N. J.; Charter so years. Capital authorized, $200,000, par $10; Full paid. _Onject—To develop a large tract of land in Passadena, formerly Wheatland, N. J. Dividends in last fiscal year none; earnings spent in improving the property. No funded debt. OFFICERS—Edwin V. Machette, President ; James C. Caldwell, Secretary and Treasurer. DrreEcrors—Edwin V. Machette, James C. Caldwell, Norman S. Kenyon, Chas. M. Wilkins. WHEELING BRIDGE AND TERMINAL RW. CO. Inc. in W.Va. Capital not ascertained. Co. owns a railway bridge at Wheeling, W. Va. and about eight miles of © terminal track connecting with Cleveland and Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Lorain and Wheel- ~ ing, and the Wheeling and Lake Erie on Ohio side, and the Baltimore and Ohio, ~ Pittsburgh, Wheeling and Kentucky, and Ohio River RW., on the Wheeling side. FUNDED DrsT—ist mtge. g.c.* 1889, due Dec. I, 1939; $2,000,000, $1,000, 63; J. & D. 2d mtge. g. 1890, due Sept. 1, 1940; $1,500,000, $1,000, 6s; M. & S. Company under- going reorganization. R. H. Cochran, President. WHEELING, LAKE ERIE AND PITTSBURGH COAL CO, Organized Aug. 7, 1888, to work the coal in Jefferson Co., O., adjacent to the Wheeling and Lake Erie RW., by which company it is controlled. Owns upward of 6,300 acres of coal and has four mines in operation, each thoroughly equipped. Capital, $1,000,000, ~ par $100; $670,000 is owned by the Wheeling and Lake Erie RW. Co. FUNDED DeEBT—Ist mtge. g. c. 58, 1889, due Jan. 1, 1919; $984,000, $1,000; J. & J., Central Trust Co., N. Y.. There is a sinking fund of 5 cents a ton for which the bonds may be called for payment at 1o5 and interest. For six months ending Dec. 31, 1891, output of coal was 302,755 tons, and net earnings were $45,869. In years 1890-91 coal produced was 391,757 tons; net income, $43,415. WHITEBREAST FUEL CO., General Office, 18 Broadway; represented by Charles H. Parmelee; Corporate Office, Ottumwa, Iowa. Inc. June 20, 1887, in lowa; Charter 20 years from June 21, 1887. Capital authorized, $2,000,000, par $100; Paid in, $1,300,000, par ¢roo. Annual Meeting, Sept. 2, 1891. OBJECT=43 Mining and sale of coal; also handling of all kinds of fuel. Is authorized to own stocks in other corporations. Owns 4 mines in Iowa, 2 in Illinois; owns 27,000 acres_ n Illinois, and 5,000 acres in Iowa of coal lands, and about 1,000 acres of ——— — a 655 surface lands. Dividends, 1% p. c., Nov. 12, 1890, Mar. 16, 1891, and 33% p.c. Oct. 1, 1891; 7 p. c. in all. Business year ends June 30th. FUNDED DEBT— General mtge. dated June 1, 1888, due June 1, 1908, coup. 6s, with privilege of registry. Created and issued, $600,000; outstanding, $510,000; each $1,000, J. & D. Interest payable at Atlantic Trust Co., 39 William st., N. Y., who are also: trustee and registrar. Bonds payable through sinking fund at rate of $30,000 per ann., Which may be from offerings or drawn at 10 p.c. above par. Annual sinking fund to be deposited with trustee. Secured on all property and franchises ; no other guarantee. STATEMENT of earnings and expenses for the year ending June 30, 1891 :— EARNINGS. EXPENSES. From Coal Sales.........ssseee vescesees $1,004,054 56 | For mine and office expenses...... $895,372 70 Miscellaneous mine earnings.. 25,680 99 IMSUTANCE 2.004 -neconese soneee sesvooees 1,205 73 (Dal xeGteveccess Pea tee Ee Ue ttaaa a's we ecesees 1,461 85, Personals injur yew ..s.cue cessor couse 612 85 Miscellaneous items.........se0es 264 85, $1,029,735 55 $898,917 98: Net profit from Operation Of MINES. ......006 ceccecee covencces cocrscens sensacees covcssenecscece seceeeens $130,817 57 Dividends on stocks in auxiliary COMPANIES........ceesecserssseeesscencecses sosveeee eeseee soeees 34,903 50 Total net. earnings y.cc.-csauetaserserterata otenyecsatec cure sessrmeurncens duddatsectnsc tate guste sessed $165,721 O7 Net earnings year ending JUME 30, 18Q0.......csseeeerescesensees seceer sevens cocescene seaeeeees 183,284 99 DECrEASE 5. .vccnn ccevseceadecnune coauaeten ee anne teva penta tease fammasesansen tutsse veces ciresesconalseeaecsss $17,563 92 STATEMENT of assets and liabilities, June 30, 1891 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Investment accounts :— PT Capital iStOCkISSUCU ctcscavence l-y5es $1,300,000 0o Real estates...:.csccssssaacsseteneene $1,303,368 03 | General mtge. bonds........ Mevauines 510,000 00: Mines and equipment............ 533,281 87 | Surplus ACCOUNL........1 ceeeseeeeseeees 45,488 64 Cash assets :-—- | Undivided profits........ vpeeseloeer: 61,633 84 MUS cso doedes sapaee-aneacesieeennneeanee 20,309 29 | Cash liabilities :-— Bills receivable.......c...scee secre 6,956 89 | WNPSid ACCOUNTS 22g. sense one ves 49,292 59 Uncollected accounts.........+4+. 46,499 08 | Bills: payable. ic..csscecccee:aessvnas 123,327 60 Mine supplies........ccseccseoveee os 21,243 00 | Accounts with auxiliary ‘com- REIL. ok ise cencene setts oncnceunmeentaettots 1,365 96 | WATMES a cxetneutueecocrceescmeseent es 37,285 23 Stocks and investments in auxiliary COMPANIES........0+0 194,003 83 | $2,127,027 95 | $2,127,027 95. OFFICERS—J. C. Osgood, President; Paul Morton, Vice-President; C. E. Phelps, Secretary; Glenn W. Traer, Treasurer; C. H. Parmelee, Assistant Treasurer; T. J. Phillips, General Superintendent. DirREcrors—William H. Male, Geo. H. Prentiss, David R. Stanford, New York; William McNett, Ottumwa, Iowa; and officers. D. R. Stanford, Transfer Agent, 18 Broadway, N. Y.; Atlantic Trust Co., New York, Registrars. WINONA BRIDGECO. Capital notgiven. FuNpED DeBr—ist mtge. g. 55, 1890, due Sept. I, 1915, $375,000, $1,000, M. & S., Messrs. J. Walker & Son, N. Y. Sinking fund redeemable at 110 after Mar., 1898. Company owns bridge over Mississippi at Winona, leased to Chicago, Burlington and Northern; Winona and Southwestern; and Green Bay, Winona and St. Paul RRs. WOODRUFF SLEEPING AND PARLOR COACH CO., General Offices, Pull- man Building, Chicago, Il. Summary of equipment—Sleeping cars; sleeping cars, with smoking-room, state-room and buffet ; combined sleeping and reclining chair cars, with buffet and smoking-room; parlor cars, with buffet and smoking-room, with and without private compartment; private or excursion cars. OFFICERS—T. H. Wickes, ~ President, Chicago, Ill.; James Martin, Vice-President, Philadelphia, Pa.; C. A. Garcelon, Gen. Superintendent; E. A. Jewett, Asst. Gen. Superintendent; Geo. M. Gray, Gen. Ticket Agent; A. S. Weinsheimer, Secretary and Treasurer ; John S. Runnells, Gen. Counsel: F. C. N. Robertson, Auditor; Geo. Goldsmith, Acting Commissary, Chicago, lil.: S. W. Bretzfield, Purchasing Agent, New York; S. D. Adams, District Superin- tendent, Memphis, Tenn. * “Real Estate Sinking Fund,” which in previous reports has appeared as a liability, is here included in real estate account, the amount of $140,000 having been credited to that account. 656 q WORCESTER CORSET CO. (See p. 448. Corrected article.) General Offices, 454 Broadway, New York; 260 5thave., Chicago ; Corporate Office, Worcester, Mass. Inc. Feb., 1888,in Mass.; Charter Unlimited. Capital, $200,000, par $100; Full paid. Annual Meet- ing, Jan. 10, 1892. OBjEect—Corset manufactory. Plant: four-story brick, 60,000 sq. ft. Last year’s dividends, Apr. and Oct., 8 p.c. semi-ann., since inc. No funded debt.. OFFICERS—D. H. Fanning, President; F. W. Ruggles, Treasurer; John E. Lancaster, . Secretary. DirEcrors—The officers and Jonathan Munyan, Jared Whitman, J. A. ‘Ordnay. WORCESTER EXCURSION CAR CO., General Offices, Worcester, Mass. No information furnished. OFFICERS—Jerome Marble, President; C. B. Pratt, Treasurer; J. F. Bigelow, Superintendent; A. B. F. Kinney, Secretary. THE YANKEE GIRL SILVER MINES, Limited, 33 Wall st. (See p. 451. Cor- - rected article.) Corporate Office, 25 Old Broad st., London. Inc. 1889, in London ; Charter 20 years. Capital authorized, £260,000, par £1; Full paid, per share, par. ‘OpjyEcT—Silver mining. Plant located at Red Mountain, Col., and consists of mines and equipment, employing about loo men. Dividends in last fiscal year none. Within 9 years has paid $3,000,000. No funded debt. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS—Fred. P. Crowther, Esq., John Darlington, Esq., Thos. Philpotts, Esq., Stewart Pixley, Esq., Dyson Weston, Esq., London ; George Crawford, Esq., Resident Director in N. Ve Bedford McNeil, Esq., Secretary, London. THE YUSCARAN MINING CO., 19 Park pl. (See p. 455.) E. S. Renwick, President, not Rennick. MORTGAGE AND INVESTMENT COMPANIES. BANKERS LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO., General and Corporate Office, 50 Wallst. Inc. May, 1890, in N. Y.; Charter Perpetual. This is a building association. OFFICERS—Silas W. Burt, President; William Potts, rst Vice-President ; John A. Rich- ardson, 2d Vice-President ; Galen H. Coon, Secretary; Henry D. Hotchkiss, Counsel ; J. T. Baldwin, Treasurer. Drrecrors—Silas W. Burt, William Potts, John A. Richard- son, Henry D. Hotchkiss, Edward O. Graves, J. T. Baldwin, B. Blankenship, William A. French, M. C. Palmer, Galen H. Coon, F. G. Rogers, Christian Devries, W. A. Shaw. THE W. C. BELCHER LAND MORTGAGE (CO,., Corporate Office, Fort Worth, Kan. Inc. Jan., 1885, in Kan.; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $300,000; subscribed, $200,000; paid in, $53,000. No dividends. Profits applied to payment of _ Capital stock. Personal liabilities of stockholders, $147,000; total amount of unpaid and outstanding loans to Jan. 1, 1892 Guaranteed, $529,735.15 ; not guaranteed, $213,452.90. OFFICERS—F, S. Belcher, President; Noah Harding, Vice-President; L. D. Cobb, ‘Treasurer ; H. H. Cobb, Secretary ; W.C. Belcher, Auditor. DIRECTORS—F. S. Belcher, Noah Harding, L. D. Cobb, H. H. Cobb, W. C. Belcher, C. D. Cobb, J. D. Callett: DEBENTURE BONDS. | Year when Amount of Rate | \Secured by pledge) Series. per | * of first mortgage | ea Dated.) Due. poe Meee | "Security. Debentures. Ee csscat'snayeesed 7 Ne LSS 18 18 Re sch 4s 6 and 7 806 ee eat $103,352 50 | $103,352 50 $98,210 00 SA raetc css iezss 6 and 7 | 1890 | I900 | 18 =). alia anit | oat ia eee 69,421 00 69,421 00 551950 00 D 6 | 1890 | 1900 | 1895 15,505 00 15,505 00 13,600 00 tals j.cdessctt acadesveeee fii. ceoge ee) pass onanel pasate nats | $188,278 50 $188,278 50 $167,760 00 J Trustee for debentures: First National Bank, Charlotte, Mich., Trustee for series <‘A”’ and “B;” Fidelity Loan and Trust Company, Detroit, Mich., Trustee for series 46 Wee STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. | LIABILITIES. Loans sec. by 1st liens on real est. $214,452 90 | Capital stock paid in........,...s0c000 $53,000 00 Loans sec. by 2d liens on realest. 20,997 60 | Undivided profits..............ss000+ 27,642 72 Earned commission on deb. bds... 16,000 00 | Bills payable ...........ccc0 ceseeseeeseeees 12,500 00 ax Sale. CtfS..s.c: secs on cundatansentteeaite 16te53) 4 Deb. bds, outstanding Access, cnstevees 167,760 00 Other real estate.......0+ ssessescereeees 22,406 55 | Int. pd. in advance by borrowers 5,505 75 Furniture and fixtures........ ...sseeee 798 78 Deposits awaiting investment ..... 47,085 23 Past-due int. remitted for, but not Gather denositern wi it.aervcied bei 5,990 00 PAI tO US... erecccererees cecees svevsoees 6,485 80 | Due to br. offices and agents....... 133 50 Due from br. offices and agts...... 1,389 75 Other liabilities, viz.:— Due from sundry peFrsoOns.......se00 3,224 32 | Deb. coups. not present. for pay. 701 00 Due from banks and bankers...... 27,138 64 | Accr. int. on debentures not due... 3,432 72 Judgments (secured) ......sereerersees 5,505:50 | Due. sundry persons. ...cciesedscsscses 271s an Int. on mtges. accrued, not due... 7,947 81 OLA) 24,561 1892 1891 | 1896 1884 ) 1893 1891 12,860 1896 1892 ) 1897 1893 | 1896 1892 ¢ 19,103 1897 1893 | 1893 1892 J 1896 1893 | 1894 1893 | 1896 1893 | 1896 1894 } 21,424 1898 1896 | 1898 1894 | 1896 1894 J Debentures. - $2,000 7,000 7,600 559 3,000 1,000 9,650 2,450 5,800 3,800 1,200 650 2,150 850 1,000 2,100 1,500 2,450 1,100 $55,85¢ Se A “A Trustees for debentures: Series 1, A. B. C., F. A. Percival and J. J. Town; Series New: Des Moines, N. Bank. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS. Loans sec’d by ist lienson real est. $90,541 Loans sec’d by 2d liens on realest. 100,123 Loans on collateral security. ......... 50,335 Loans on personal S€CUTIItY.. ....eee 7,869 max Sale Certificates .......ssc. Undivided profits 2 !:iacsseee wean 24,600 — lax Sale WOeErlinicaresescns its mecctes ser eson A,1229) BUS payable: s ccveavecceceny caer eee eens 18,000 Stocks and bandsi nn esitewseiascrtics sesensse g1o2s" HDividends tinnaid queen eee ae 8o1 Other, real-estate. iccitesdawee rere aps tessss 10,194 | Loans paid but not remitted for........... 308 Putniture and Gxtures. 2 uvectes Agere cough 2,021 Due borrowers on loans made............. 11,770 Current GX PEnses \isersssnses cepees vavenneebeed 10,426 Deposits awaiting investment............. 9,113 Past-due int. remitted for but not paid Pit Other Ge pOsits nrticctansitsscsheeenrernenee tte ee 5,860 LOMSin s sap ss vewehe te seoceeeaes Putas t as senna 12,571 | Due to branch offices and agents......... 9,648 Due from branch offices and agents...... 12,434 | Due from’ sundry Persons, s. ones. -c-s0sieesee 15,392 | Due from banks and bankers............... 4,425 | CASS nisshonvesoarvars ee ererey Mereeanr cies ceonetains 349 | | a DOCAL zee otinas ccwkatareesraece sesslescenntes $150,838 | "LOtal secs ee epeacts Fis aniceat teeesien Coens $150,838 OFFICERS—H, J. Aldrich, President and Treasurer; E. A. Fay, Secretary. DIRECT= orsS—H., J. Aldrich, F. E. Otley, E. A. Fay. A. K. Goodrich, New York Agent. * 661 THE DARROW INVESTMENT CO., Corporate Office, Corning, Iowa. Inc. July 15, 1890, in lowa; Charter Perpetual. Capital authorized, $100,000: $20,000 paid in; no dividends. Total amount of unpaid and outstanding loans to Jan. 1, 1892, not guaranteed, $280,465. STATEMENT, Jan. I, 1892 :— ASSETS, » LIABILITIES. Loans sec. by rst liens on real estate...$14,486 | Capital stock DAId Iie hessscnsapecenss + s+e0e 20,000 Loans sec. by 2d liens on real estate... 13; 145.0 S Und vided Grontss_c.-. ua, size reader eaten 929 Loans on collateral security. .......00.0006 4,000 TisbillS DA VADIC. csagessasencs | oetetn ter eaenasenetes 9,554 Loans on personal securily............s000+ 600 | Int. paid in advance by borrowers ...... 571 Bias sale Certificates (v.00). eee 18,477 | Deposits awaiting investment. ............. 21,469 meer realestate. Acct nee te ete 321 | Dueto bank and bankers........... s.seeee