‘, it ey - e | Wy 4 } le: P: \. -\-— DIVISION OF BIBLIOGRAPHY + oe s. a a Re’ hey LIST OF REFERENCES ON COUNTY LIBRARIES ‘ W. TT, p: Pulte Been Th ‘. A tive Chief Bibliographor Bere Ld OBR AP RM FOES ‘ m8 Gray, Duncan. County library systems; their history, organization : and administrations London, Grafton and cos, Uo” York, The HeWe 5 Wilson coe, 1922. 184 p. (Ths Coptic serics) K Bibliography: ps. 32=33. Z675 .C8G7 z 8 New York. State library school, Albany. County library law of tho = United States. Charles M. Baker, comps Albany, 1918. 16 pe ae Riverside, Cal. Public Library. County free libraries in California y and elsewhere... Riverside, Cale, 1914, 12 pe (Riverside pub- 9 lic library (also the Riverside County free library) Bulletin 4 103) Bibliography. 2Z716.A1R6 GENERAL 4 Abstract of laws relating to libraries, in force in 1915, in the LIBRARY OF CONGRESS states and territories of the United States. [Cleveland] Priv. print. [Tho Lezius printing coo] 1916. 368 p. See index under County librarics» Z677eABA2 S. Akin, S. M. The Froderick County free library in Maryland. Public 6 Anerican library association, Book wagons; the county library with rural book delivery. Chicago, Axerican library association,1922. 12 De "This little booklet is mado up of material furnished by Miss Mary Le Titcomb of the Vashington County free library, Hagerstown, Md., and Miss Mary Frank, of the Wew York public library. hs REPT ih September 11, 1922. AS Mea cae at Hat ty ‘ AY Hane oe ‘ Pure ay Sena BERNE: OS 0TH Mepee > Galeton a . p Rcde Pgh Ae ome a a ie ptt NE BR De RE BR De a ‘eh ie VS Bet pe aa a a Rhy | Wy J fy it M ence t | us Ne Ry i Ts ep ree START VR LOD a0. Bae eR ey = ~ . \ vs MOL Te Sar ith eer t * ehiahar fat thre, pawn tf fe hint sail) ey oy eell ant et" a ie ie : Fo dq 46 ie ae ‘ees aff? Sy ah | ot” itenteial Bin fag’ : ae St ae, vanes yo ives ober at) ef HBL VERE (een Gteete | pede et tee eS emery Hee GAs 29 wel yee sid it vowed ened A atecney qysenl state ? er. , a ae RS eve bib i 7.6 ae eBid no tte “i my iia toa snedegen Bak, aly. ha Re it ee iii 2 PALE Bhasoteled as pee Le it» Yau ots me ry pale wt LBRO 4 we lhe ebsewev ED > eet OE NBECE yet Cohbine VAM anes 3 pbibe Cra Cereal de HE ahd ore waH a ae wae ‘eons 7 ies e | A GOE 7 ha ie ae Le oe ae Pa GaAs : Ss x atts : | , IA KDRa oO. a) aie a yb es age ; ‘ pare 4 j a os oes 2 8 Oi 4 ie Bae a tt ra fg pr P< 48 Pets tea 8 De ened ae it of aie BO”: 4 mi “ind “iad bes clp aia WAS SY de duals "i oe Fes to} saOGATE er a as a panty Dey ee Roos Hehe Sa iho sh “oe BIB HOTOL? [ine capes: ane uad: eat} eterst F; MAGAAOR! suatmemiad ened: tebe ae eet hoe fs Lt Ps be Btn 7 eae pneu “ono wet abrin ay wnt yale 5 oboe ba? en ET ON EDR HE B83 thomas eines ig aii: Gd it een tt Vinnie sit more G08 ean ptnbpev er, 'y : Blt haha Doub ms Sadat: itu sos . eo io Didaina sed halt ilsas Se bectes oem Cebcotit vécau obiet, ot de tin sé site ser; pat 4 te kL Heat Yomcd we Shey oS a seo eet: bee Peek), a of, Scere tite: wee ue + oe ia esi oo A gine Be” es oy fay} ) Ll Ee ON A? ath eR: be BG tence ies ve aie ge ap aed : ay Z Vw 4: ‘pr et to Yuet hl soured ont): yentdtl ytauoo seomoky oct Nie tle ee edt af ‘Pito.ie vor Urewdkl Ydeuoo bdt bas (cid aimed Pro® ae¥ Ay: AGE of 808 LOLOL) dvetq seeholl ent ¢20 as nav .eeted® bed in” ERS AaSY eeve st00 wreaked’ ond geod “yebad it yaw CEO ns" ‘tent rors rev ay OGIev, oF BO’. fe" bes e3SS 08s ov SSE yhs ‘ te sate eee nadéf ot feu < Leometh atikigaaeti ytaned. A ydonodad ey ¥, TET LFaS es - eBb 8 “—? assed. a Wageeree $s etwtafeine® add yd dayett Sh eo lsnidht ‘ean8 reine) me Odsv fueskPAS = = .O8SrOhew YALE aA atnarucr't Aereag hd) i, hegkal ett te: tebret es: ytrinto to. Procol aves’ ‘etd Yo dotede fone w2SL28 ev \BORL wth, wobitendet etetb tiled Yo cogom ewell spetetG~ | bev sASDeSERE S 3 i RE a reste ‘Laiead 40 det ear emit: bec “sie # i uta teed Pr oChaLt? CL oO PMT HAY SGLCEMREOE = «tod geotanasty: oRtdud Sawa itbsar’ Viairo ‘pleco 32a © om wrtoune Lov TOT LIS eOSGu0geseTev Ore » peokwridhl og ld pobre (20 Wo" ve teya Cretd el’ yhapso’ Agi aut | dfevgtet. Wak: - o058638S:a8 av CONE come: cok Ustshl oott ywanss ebirio’ L£29 ‘sMtapmere ne ersndif etete sine | AkABIYETD ., o ¥ite: yrtos2 sae (eRe dg | obodes ‘metto ‘enizteok es aes | GEAR ara Oay 07 OF*' sofel yauetto ‘gattniay ves cae | “Lhe Ps »#00 cor wast SkatottL00 to seven evel! ak “befiring ‘SeteT ~ . tol ‘ r: Oy ice ef? Pig . + sohsartoe 6? eo ive sre ar ont wea spies yeee ae -< gt ot TL* oG£°L yoottte mntining etnies elite tested *.2 Yrouwe aya? ve i PN a oCliL Lich qeeluwedil skort teled rah eetea oval ort: si wey? aXe ee sr 099 -G078 eciien ! bi Sc Phys nee atelacon Laure wise biomove bodies? ake neesvare * Hibinee “iene ae oT ate” -weFet * KBE sale cit ‘etety havens phe tae oie eee _ BRD S95 $098 ae er bie if Nomar : i, , jit 4 sj : ’ 4 i : « hag #u) ¢ j % a , aoe eh . twee ) ‘ee iA nd ig ct et, “ & . th).% cs ee 783 deer Ofer sot eboarauet, tinal ' a cima Neel bags ay i (3 og tewit perdu ‘eadoveniy i gp WG~sOL 1S ey Ss lie i mae Lh acs | aL 23 24 20 26 27 28 29 30 ol 32 33 34 36 a 3 Countryman, Gratia A. Traveling libraries in Dunn County, Wisconsin. Library journal, Dec»e 1897, vs 223750. Z6714L7 ,Ve22 County free libraries in California. News notes of California libra- ries, Octe agit; Ve 6252845306 2732 eC2Ayveb County libraries in Hawaiie Library journal, Mare 1, 1922, v.473219- 2206 Z671+L7,v 047 [County libraries in Indiana.] Library journal, Mar. 1915, v«40;202, Z671.L7,V.40 County libraries in Ohioe Ohio farmer, Febe 19, 1921, vo 147:277e $1.035,ve147 Céunty libraries solve the problem. Library journal, Sept. 1, 1922, Ws 47:708. 267LeL7 ,Ve47 County library movement. Amorican city (T and C ode) y Mare 1915, Ve 121209212, "PDL AB yvel2 County library plans New York libraries, Oct. 1911, Ve Std Z732eN7N8,V«3 County library service. Public libraries, May, 1920, v«252269=270. Z671«P97,V 025 County library system for California; what it is, how to proceed in establishing it, etc. News notes of California libraries, Oct. 1909, Ve 4:423-431. & Z732.C2A, ved County systems of traveling libraries. Wisconsin library bulletin, Sept. 1905, v. 1;72-74, 27 32. L693 yvel Daniels, Je F. County free library service as operated at Rivorside, Cal, American library association, Bulletin, July, 1917, vell: 125-1276 Z673eA5B, Vell Dawson, L. I, Detroit county library exhibit. Library journal,Sept. 15, 1922, ve47:757=760. Z6716L7 ,ve 47 Downey, Mary E, Pioneering in Utahe (In American library agsocia- tion. Papers and proceedings, 1915. Chicago, 1915+ pe 139+144-) 2673-A5P 1915 “---- What a county library will do for North Dakota» National educational association. Journal, Mare 1923, val2: 94> 113.N412,v012 Dyer, 7. A, Spread of county libraries; how Van Wert So.nty, O.,has solved the problem of the distribution of good reading among isolat- ed rural cormunities by means of a county public library with branch- es in the country stores and collections of books in the country schools. World's work, Sept. 1915, v,»30:609-613. AP2.W8,v.c0 | mitogen atin yrswdil ath “UWawee & Yo pape ed Bg tt ” aac oa Aten t “ fae : pe k. otiemooeil: .ytaupt ike ad egivetdil Laat Krak prea es Sheva Wal aay Tea) | bersss ov! Pe) 90d, anwot YwsIG wand bt semioti lad td eto: awed _psaitotb isd ef pedaetdee EE -" rass09 a Gov ASDeSEVE . +i 0EG08S090 ov. be sta0 yreeia ~OLSethaw’ SOL. .L. etal aTaerusot uri "baer mk edterdtt yn a Theva M het aS ) tae ee esaty a? /SOSsOhe¥ ALL otal stam t asc Caestht ‘gi sahenettl fes8] Ob eV We LSS oh ; is : v4, oRTS TSE ray. «fser a et comet ob okt mt moderate ease VaLe yy SROo fe . Ap ot, ait: an wae rf ? oe aS GAL 5 fi eit ad x Leaetue f wren bo esoldorg edd esica senueubas vet) TeaNhe MinG BSS we AROS ti” aka $y pCO te ov i. ae « bee, otk o¥ ,€L0L opell.. of abe 9 bas?) ytto neoitemA © s«taamevens reuandit-yonwcd * So a, ol, fi. “ie > ; Pane: a + : alee iG 55> ay : she mv oo eBie YW, Led rab syiniert ino well. she eed ‘yeh * Ca¥ GNM ASSTS),* Bn glade in se. stip | War ts veh y rene. ; % lp Ad CAG en ae : eOVGeldS 20S. oser aa D eambenluraty essa weenuee querdif wine iy io pagie TOs | ah Bi ie | I. , aah Af : i), des . \ oe sbie o ak behets, a. worl oe ve dade paket 4b mtow satin e200 ,agtieai AL i abarmanseelts to seton avell 2ofe FE oitidetd dase 5 4 ie be¥ ASD «Ss * ry ae 5 ah RR eRe. ae coed ie wtitelled yiexdtl atanc ont rood we1sil alieaane to mnétaye: acd le SRS Suvs x iT Hs obTeRt st ‘e ate eh td : | Cihesaetia ‘a hetarego Gs ‘eolysen: quads aan. qtaned > a wt, gateuiied *$LLeV Piel yytul gtiteliol s»medssioores yer is asotiow te Lad {fev AAAs ENAS Rt gre : Wc oVSLeRSE, . sh ries aire. ‘wReidhl «=, Sk dksixe ud ei Sheatet ‘: rr x ; pee as? Tho, MoE PS. an a 208 TaTeh: ddd vite RD om ef ‘daze : es ins % ‘ae e 1 ‘"Sabooeen Yasvdbt anotzenA nt) er) at pat ueannat “a “wel g Yeared CebbkoGEl sq e@ied panokdd anes agaibesoorg bas eroqed emolt EOE ada.evad « ay Oe | oa i alg a Ri bist Ar eOs 5 ‘Nae “fanottol sstoded aftol 0d ob baa gel ie ae pried, se--9 . ab@ sS£ev .eser oNalk see Mabhespievicee vig Heuo tone a | Siev SIA .6L | H i : La aL 33 Ai Rita rere nailaine A eatysO gyi, ered asl woe eon qtaves Yo baowqe vA Ay etsloal name gathset hoog to mottudéiatelb efit to meldowy ‘ed? bovis at a y . | Yitauoo edt ck. 1 o emobtoetiog baa conote vate edt a : be ert ate sores Hi mvanna st192 ad drow. e'bfx0T er 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 20 ol -4- Farll, Is The county library as a rural social force, Cornell countryman, Apre 1921, v. 18; 381-383. S1.C77,v.18 Eddy, Harriet G, California county free librariese (In National education association. Proceedings and addresses; 1911. Amn Arbor 1911. ps» 1026-1029, ) L13-N4,1911 ----- California county free libraries. American library associations Bulletin, July, 1911 v. 5:138-144, Z673.A5B,v.5 Library journal, July, 1911, v.36:336-342. 2Z671.L7,v.36 ----- The county library. (In California library association. Handbook and proceedings, 1910, Sacramento, 1911. ‘p. 29-31.) Z673.C15 1910 ----- County library in California. News notes of California libraries, July, 1910, v.5: 375-377. Z732 eC8A,v.5 ----- Elk Grove station of the Sacramento County library. (in California library association. Handbook -and proceedings, 1909. Sacramento, 1910. p. 46-48.) i? Z673.C15 1909 Farr, He Libraries and the counties. . Library acsctciation record, May, 1906, v. 8:169=-177. : . Z2671.L693,v.8 Discussion: p. 207-216. (te--- Libraries in the rural districts. Library assistant, Aue, 1909, v+6:389-394, si) «2671. L691,v.6 | Ferguson, Milton J. Recent California library legishation and its Significance. (In California library associatien. Handbook and proceedings, 1909. Sacramento, 1910, pe 35-40.) 2673.C15 1909 Gaylord bros., Syracuse, N.Y. ~The green bock of methods for organizing county library service... Syracuse, N, Y., Gaylord brothers, 1922. 32 pe : 267.5.C8G3 Getting books to the people. World's work, Feb. 1913, v.25:389+390. bet TERE Ae Gillis, Je Le California county library system. American library assQe ciation. Bulletin, Sept. 1909, v.31:152-154, Z673.A5B,v.8 a ee ----+- Co-ordination in library work in California, Anerican library... . association. Bulletin, July, W911, v.5:72-75. 2673-A5B,v.5 ee mine The proposed new county library law. (In California library association. Handbook and proceedings, 1910. Sacramento, 1910. pe 31-32.) as * £6738.C15 1910 Gray, Duncan. County library sy steng; their history, organization and administration. London, Grafton and coe; New York, The H. W. Wilson cos, 1922, 184 p. (The Coptic series) 2675.C8G7 oli) G4 > pe ee = ro Lee i ee Cee a Sh «. eee ee cre ee Bo aes i oo ae au : +e : j eG ie T Piety Sih ue Sed id ate § ee) ae a 4 .y =) Sea on ee a 1G bid 34 Ae Bs ; ; Aes baw he We fies 2 Ee ' ‘ : es : ‘ ‘ k -* ae Lo (ig Se ; - . i ma yt » bs, t > f . ( , \ 1 . whe , 4\r% ne : a ; e ays eee aes ffenrcd” | asi! Lhioes iow 6 es Ey: ahnheon od? ee a seit OL. wy Mle) /eB8GeL8E28E v ef SlL. o7th: auth "Lens Hal ql) } Ldelbhaneiat sort ‘Ghins atwrotttad : 2 doivait om acgnk naa (fies Rendoeti ba hee bneperanios encitninoses mbatsoube Dy ee et (6 280L48808- be . Lik moitsinesas’ ytd st asdixant: ‘egies ott Yin sieto Vets | oe GeV GaAs OS. oe. de sOeied Uv List owl oe a6.¥ The LTS. © eSee 088 :06e7 Tt oe oct) Laataact baleen | -nritaiores eect EE Shared bed “Bld: . o yrstd ht ‘ebaiiron’ edt afro (L608 wa “offer * ancealoadll OLCLE SHRED CEO bas Hoppe 3 Ofer FLOceves. siniotifed th -eotia well apnea fod fk ceilhtbl ‘emit poser IF 3. ¥, ARTs BINS | LWPeette save KO6EL ysl (eakrtrded aD. a Weed LE TID these xon@ elt to ‘go tease vow ALE pera. Coes ete cate "Ene foodbask - salts iooses Visthis mimrctaled GOST ( .Bdwdlr og OSCE poidi carta change dodvas ices Vrstil . porta Sut “eed eoiisi¢id doi "TIS Vy SGOT SLPS aa oS ReCaLs8 “ov, 000L. — neg? :7stem has been worked out. Library journal, July, 1911, v.i6:547-348. Z671.L7,v 36 Isow, Me. Fe County libraries in Oregone American library associa- tion. Bulletin, July, 1911, v.5;144-146. Z673.A5B, ved Isom, Ms Fe County library system in Multnomah County, Oregon. (In California library associatione Handbook and proceedings, 1909. Sacramento, 1910. p. 41-44.) Z6736C15 1909 Jacobus, S- Me California county library law. Public libraries, Jane 1910, v.15:15. Z671s P97, veld List of counties that have adopted the county free library system [California]e News notes of California libraries, Oct. 1913, Ve 8:445. ; 2732 +C2A,v.8 MacDonald, A. Ae Tho county library. American city, July, 1928, v.29: 54055, HT101,A5 ,v»29 McPherson, Mrs. G. Bs UWounty extension. Minnesota. Public library comission. Library notes and news, Dece 1905, vslt7=9- Z673eM66,vel Maryland, Public library commissions Biennial report, 1914-1915. Baltimore,Press of Hs E. Houck and cos, 1915. 31 p» Gives report on the principal county and city libraries. Z2782eM38 1914-15 Metz, Ce As Ohio county library. [Van Wert.)