THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY The Frank Hall collection | of arithmetics, presented by Professor H. L. Rietz of the University of Iowa. MATHEMATICS LIBRART 5 . ae Ls Ba’ ee oe ®. «0 UNIVERSITY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN The person charging this material is responsible for its renewal or return to the library on or before the due date. The minimum fee for a lost item is $125.00, $300.00 for bound journals. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. Please note: self-stick notes may result in torn pages and lift some inks. Renew via the Telephone Center at 217-333-8400, 866-262-1510 (toll-free) or circlib Renew online by choosing the My Account option at: GRADED LHSSONS IN Eee few Eyl) C GRADE II. BY WILBUR F'NICHOLS, A.M. PRINCIPAL HAMILTON STREET SCHOOL, HOLYOKE, MASS. THOMPSON, BROWN & CO. Boston. CHICAGO. “FG i h oF) 4 => v: - ae A feud uA 9% : 7 . THON rt 7 AMEE CH COPYRIGHT, 1897, By WILBUR F. NICHOLS. C. J. PETERS & SON, TYPOGRAPUERS, BOSTON. aa So Te 2) ML Faas N as A \.| MATHEMATICS UBRARY GENERAL INTRODUCTION. 1. These lessons have been prepared in the belief that it is a mistake to assume that one topic is to be finished before another is begun. The elements of many topics are here given in the lower grades in explanations, illustrations, . and examples easily understood by the younger pupils, and then the work in each topic is made more and more diffi- cult through the various grades until it is finished. These examples have stood the test of the school-room, and in no case have they been found too difficult. 2. The arrangement of the topics is such that pupils in passing into a new grade find but few new topics, and many pupils are prepared for promotion from grade to grade at various times during the year, and are not obliged to wait for the annual promotions. 3. Such practical subjects as Percentage and Interest are introduced in the lower grades, where many pupils are found who are obliged to leave school before they reach the more advanced grades. 4. Clear conceptions of geometric forms and mensura- tion are introduced at an early period, that principles thus developed may be applied to many practical problems. 5. One or more lessons are given to the developmg of anew topic; then the following lessons are so arranged as to give the pupils practice in applying the new topic in 464033 1V GENERAL INTRODUCTION. connection with all the other topics previously learned. This constant review will be found very beneficial. 6. Few teachers will find the need of supplementary work, as so large a number of problems are given. On the other hand, few pupils should be required to solve all the problems. It is a good way to assign for required work for all the class that number of examples which even the slowest child can do, and then allow any child to work the remaining examples of the lesson as optional work. 7. The large amount of oral or mental examples will be appreciated by those who believe that ten minutes each day should be given to work of this kind. These are not mental gymnastics, but plain, practical, every-day questions. 8. The introduction of Algebra and Geometry in the higher grades will be found beneficial. 9. The methods here advocated are the shorter meth- ods found in daily use among bankers, mechanics, and merchants. WILBUR F. NICHOLS. HOLYOKE, September, 1897. INTRODUCTION TO GRADE II. Tris book is designed for pupils of the second year in school. While it contains a review of the work of Grade I, pupils, who have not had the benefit of a Kindergarten training, or of Grade I drill, will need to have certam principles and definitions more carefully explained. Pupils are supposed to know: 1. The combinations in the numbers from 1 to 10. 2. The following parts of units and collections of units: 4, 41, 3. 8. To recognize the inch, foot, and yard as wholes. 4. The meaning of parallel, vertical, horizontal, adjacent, and perpendicular. 5. To recognize angles, right, acute, and obtuse. 6. To recognize the square, rectangle, and triangle. 7. To recog- nize the square inch as the unit of measurement of surfaces. 8. To determine the number of square inches in squares and rectangles by observation: covering larger forms with pasteboard squares, and counting the number used. 9. To find perimeters of squares, rectangles, and triangles. 10. To recognize the inch cube as the unit of measurement of solids. Starting with this knowledge, which is usually given in all Kindergartens, the work in this grade advances logi- cally, as the mind of the child expands. These lessons have been used regularly for some time, and thoroughly tested in a second grade, and have been found simple enough for the pupils. V © Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Uroana-Champaign nich Numpsers 1 To 11 NumMBERS 1 To 12 NumsBers 1 to 13 NumBers 1 To 14 NuMBERS 1 To 15 NuMBERS 1 To 16 NumBERs 1 To 17 NumBeErs 1 To 18 NvumBErs 1 To 19 NuMBERS 1 TO 2 SINGLE . . ree, . Ake co CONG stay bc, COMPARISON OF Form . . DicTATION FOR POSITION Dri_tt TABLES. Dry MEASURE. EXERCISES FOR ILLUSTRATION FRACTIONS .. KEEPING STORE Lone MEASURE Liquip MEASURE . MrASUREMENTS Opp AND EVEN SJGNCES. ..: PRISMS. RECTANGLES. . TimE MEASURE TELLING TIME. TRIANGLES .. . Ld . . . . . . . Lessons 20, vii . Lessons Lessons . Lessons . Lessons Lessons . Lessons . Lessons . Lessons . Lessons 78 to to to to to to to to to . Lessons 87 and 88 . Lesson 2. Lesson . Lessons 6, 7, Lessons 32, Lessons 12, 63, Lesson Lesson S1y-Oe. Of teen. Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lesson Lessons 15, 16, 38, Lessons 53, . . Lesson 82 58 26 do 95 31 21 98 30 10 17 3, a \ Aa 7 S teed ied Aol “ee . < aD c hy ~ : a - - i: iP > rn Ss « GRADED LESSONS IN ARITHMETIC. GRADE II. LESSON 1. >: 1+ 10, o 10+1=11 & Fed OM Hele i ke eed ba $ RR Ror yeas 11 $ 4+ f,or 7+4=11 $ d+ 6,or 64+5=I11 Perey 2. 3. aedmeeer ede S211) NO A 1] 1. 6+?=11 ?+9=11 10+1=? 7+?=11 ?+1=11 7+4=? 8+?=11 ?+4=—1]1 Add by lines and columns: Homo. tr. LS. 8 3+34+3+4+1=? 10. 2+09+3+1=? ll. 44+2+4+2+3=? 12. 2+1+1+6=? Sight addition : Mier ete eo. ee, 20, a 6 a =i hes Tes Vea 4. Cyaan Des Geena? Ae ebealy ay pas Be. 13. 14. 15. 16. . 24+94+241=? . 1+4424+3=? .d+14+44+2=? .9+2414+3=? 2 LESSON 2. 1 2 3. 4 11290 De 8 eee Ll 24 SE? 7 es a = ?=9 Al) Sy3 96 ee ee 1 —-?=6 AW=%= 10) pkee ee 1 %=6 T18#= 4 10 5. 6. 7 i 8 IX2=2 10-5 ey a che 2 ee 2x b=? D2 igh Oe) aon 2x WE? NGS ee oF Sion eee eee DW S25 7 OBE ae aot ee ee Ox Be) Beate oae oh oe eee 9. In a brood of ten chickens, one chicken was white and the rest were black. How many were black? 10. If you had a ten-cent piece and bought 3 bananas at 5 cents each, how much would you have left ? | 11. I have 3 three-cent pieces, and a two-cent piece. How much money have I? 12. How much must you pay for 3 three-cent stamps and a two-cent stamp ? 13. What will 10 glass balls cost He a cent a ball ? 14. Rose is 7 years old, and her brother is 2 years older. How old is her brother ? 15. If you have been at school 2 weeks and one day this term, how many days have you been at school? 16. Mary had 11 oranges, and gave her sister 7 of them, how many had she left ? 17. If you buy 11 quarts of milk, how many gallons do you buy ? 18. Nellie had 11 cents; she spent 4 of them, lost 2, and gave away 3; how many had she left ? LESSON 3. 9) Draw 11 parallel lines, each one inch long. Draw 1 line 11 inches long. Draw 11 squares, each side one inch long. Draw 11 triangles. Measure a line on the floor 11 feet long. 11 is how many more than 5? 7? 9? 10? 8? meet 2) LY 37 7. Cut a string 1 foot long. Cut off 11 inches from this strmg. Measure the length of the piece that is left. 8. Cutastring 11 feet long. Cut off from this a piece 3 yards long. How much is left ? 9. What two different pieces of money make 11 cents? 10. How many windows are there in 5 rooms, if there are 3 windows in each room ? 11. Make an example for 1 12. Make an example for 6 8 7 gid ek hn feel | © I 13. Make an example for 14. Make an example for 15. Make an example for 11 — 1 16. Make an example for 11 — 5 = 6. 17. Make an example for 11 — 6 +++ H=~ OD Cr | ——— a rey eee Fill the blanks with suitable words : — 18. 8( )and3(_)are ak 19. 9( )and2( )are Pak 20. 7( )and4(_)are ‘eas 21. 5( )andd(_)are igh? 22. 10( )andI1(_ )are ae 23. l1( )-less 4( ) are (Se): 24. 11( ) less 8( ) are (4): 25. 10( )less 7(_ ) are cals); 26. 3( )and8(_ )ar prime) 27. O( )and4(_)are (ey: 28. 6( )andod(_ )are ait} ty 2+8=? 5+2=? 2+6=? Ee Picton! 5. 1+1=? 2Z2+1=? 8+2=? 1+9=? 83+1=? 9. 4+6=? 1+6=? 3+6=? 5+38=? 8+0=? Sight addition : 13. 14. 3 4 2 3 Sens 22. 23. Det age LESSON 4. 2. 6+3=? Q2+2=2 8+1=? 7+1=? 7+3=? 6. T+2=? S4+5=? 1+3=? 6+2=? 0+6=? 10. 2+9=? 5+6=? 34+2=? 5+1=? 1+8=? 15-8 LG: 3. 4. 9+1=? 9+2=? 6+4=? Le esi Thee 1+4=? 2+3=? 6+5=2 (44+4=? yi BO (et § if 8. 4+7=? 2+4=? 5+5=? 5+4=? 3+ 7=? Sacto uae 1+5=? Ai Dae 441=? 6+1=? A by, 12. 3+4=? toi 2=? 7+0=? +0L 5 = 8+3=? 7 Olea 4+5=? tof 6 =? 3+8=? F OLS 18. 19 PA0hy Pdi te 6 5 3 3 oe 27. 28. 29. $0. $l LESSON 5B. 5 1. If your mother gives you a 5-cent piece, a 2-cent piece, and 4 cents, how much money does she give you? 2. Some boys are coasting on a hill. There are 5 boys coming down and 6 boys gomg up. How many boys are there in all? 3. If 7 of these boys have sleds, how many boys do not have sleds ? 4. Wilfred went out to the barn to find some eggs for his mother. He found 7 eggs in one nest, and 4 in an- other; how many did he find in all? If his mother should use 3 of them, how many would be left ? 5. If you go to the store with 11 cents, and buy 5 oranges that are 2 cents each, how much money will you have left ? 6. If you take a dime and a cent to the store, and buy some pears at 3 cents each, how many pears can you buy, and how much money will you have left ? 7. If you pay 11 cents for 5 strings of blue beads, and 6 strmgs of red ones, how much do you pay for 1 string? 8. If you spell 5 words on Monday, 1 on Tuesday, 4 on Wednesday, 2 on Thursday, and 1 on Friday, how many words do you spell durmg the week ? 9. Two boys, Ned and Willie, were passing ball, and each threw it 11 times. Ned missed it twice and Willie two times; how many times did each catch it? 10. If Mary has 11 words to learn to spell, but misses 4, how many does she spell ? 11. If you should tap a maple tree to get the sap, and should get 14 gallons in the morning, and 5 quarts at night, how many quarts would you get during the day? 12. Write all the numbers that make 11. 13. Take 11 sticks, and form 2 squares and | triangle ; how many sticks have you left ? 14. Find 11 vertical lines in the room. 6 LESSON 6. c d What is each figure called ? How many sides has each ? How many right angles has each ? How many pairs of parallel les has each ? How many pairs of adjacent lines has each ? How much longer is A than 6? How much wider is A than 6? How many square inches in A ? How many square inches in 6? How many more square inches in A than in 6? How much larger is A than B? What is the perimeter of 4? Of B? 13. How much greater is the perimeter of A than of 6? 14. How many vertical lines in each? How many hort- zontal ? — rODMDNANTAWDH —_ wo Note. —If pupils have not had the preliminary work of the first grade, they should now be trained to recognize square rectangles, as A; oblong rec- tangles, as B; parallel lines, as ab and cd; adjacent lines (lines that meet), as bd and cd; vertical lines, as ac and bd; horizontal lines, as ab and cd; perpendicular lines (lines that meet at right angles), as ac and dc; perime- ter. Pupils at this point should not be compelled to memorize definitions of these terms. Each child should be provided with a foot rule, and-taught to use it frequently. LESSON 7. (. 1. Make figures the same shape as each of these, but twice as long and wide. 2. Divide each of the figures into inch squares. 8. Count the square inches in each figure. 4. How many rows of inch squares do you have in each figure ? 5. Which figure is the largest ? 6. Which figure is the smallest ? 7. Count the inches in the perimeter of each figure. 8. Which has the greatest distance around it? 9. Make a figure the same shape as A, but four times as long and twice as wide. 10. Cut at home without measuring, and bring to school to-morrow, 2 square rectangles, each side 4 inches, and 2 oblong rectangles, 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. 11. Cut these figures out of paper at home to-night, and bring them to school to-morrow. Mark on each the num- ber of inches that there are round it, and the number of square inches that there are in it. —_ fom) co + bo | — bo LESSON 6. Le 2+ 10 orl04+2=12 3+ 9or 9+38=12 4+ 8or 8+4=12 o+ Tor 7+9=12 6+ 6 = 12 4. 5. 8S+?=12 ?+5=12 64+?=12 ?+7=12 2+?=12 ?4+4=12 Lee 2 8. 9. 12.2 = Oe ie aes de amy a eee ty — UF LD ee ees 12—?=3 ?—10=2 12. 13. 6x 2=? DemiDionts 1x3=? 6+2=? 2x38=? 10+2=? S8x38=? 12+2=? 1G: Ver I2+4=? tof 12=? 8+4=% 4of12=? O+4=? 40f12=? 4+4=? 4tof 10=? ‘ LESSON 9. 9 Copy and learn : — 12 single things or units make one dozen. doz. stands for dozen. 1. What number is one-half of twelve ? 2. How many threes are there in a dozen? 3. Luther paid 12 cents for 4 bananas; how much was that for one? 4. How many plums will it take to give Frank and 5 other children 2 plums each ? 5. Grace is 4 years old; how long must she live to be 12? 6. When apples are worth 2 cents each, how much is § doz. worth ? 7. What number is doubled to make 12? 8. How many horns have three yoke of oxen ? 9. How many must you add to each of followmg num- bers to get 12: 9? 7? 4? 6? 8? 5? 3? 11? 2? 10. Jennie is now 12 years old; how old was she 7 years ago? 11. Which costs more, a dozen of lemons at a cent each, or a half-dozen oranges at 2 cents each? 12. If crackers are 6 cents a hali-pound, what will a pound cost? 13. If apples are 12 cents a dozen, how many can you buy for 7 cents? 14. Jennie’s mother divided 12 red cherries among Jen- nie and her two brothers; how many cherries did each have? 15. How many threes in } of 12? 16. One-half of 10 from 11 leaves $ of what number? 17. Subtract 3 from 11, divide by 4, add 5, multiply by 2, subtract 8, multiply by 5, and add 6; how much have you? 18. John found 4 eggs in one nest, 3 eggs in another, and 5 in another. How many eggs did he find? 10 LESSON 10. Take your foot-rule, and find how many inches there are ina foot. ‘Take the yard-stick, and find out how many feet there are m a yard. Copy and fill blanks : — —inches make one foot. nm. stands for inch or inches. — feet make one yard. ft. stands for foot or feet. yd. stands for yard or yards. 1. Draw a line 1 foot long, and divide it into 12 equal parts. How long is one of these parts? 2. What part of a foot is 6 ches? 4 inches? 3 inches? 8. How many inches is 3 of a foot? 4 of a foot? 4 of a foot ? 4. Draw a line on the board or floor 12 feet long. Di- vide it into 4 equal parts. What is one part called ? What part of a yard is a foot ? Draw a square foot; a square yard. Draw an oblong that shall contain 12 square feet. . How long is your oblong, and how wide is it ? . Make another different oblong that shall contaim 12 square feet. How long and how wide is it? 10. Cut out of paper, and bring to school to-morrow, 2 squares that shall contain 1 square foot each. 11. Cut out an oblong that is 4 inches long and 3 mmches wide. How many square inches in it? 12. Cut out an oblong that is 6 mches long and 2 inches wide. How many square inches in it? 13. Form 9 squares into one large square. How many feet long is your large square? How many feet wide is it? How many yards long is it? How many yards wide is 1t? How many square yards are there? How many square feet did you use to form your square yard? O WIHT Nore. — The teacher should provide many squares, in order to furnish each child with squares enough to perform the work and answer the questions in Example 14. The teacher should not do this work for the child. 1. Subtract: pe tL a) Biot D 2. Subtract: ll 9 OY. .2 eae IH LESSON 11. Wee ae tee ee OM oe LOG Ses a a 11 1" SUN hg El oa Od Se Se eA. 6 cere 2 6. Divide: ‘a 1x2=? 4x2=? 6x 2=? BE $of 2=—? tof 4=? Di Ome oe 8 1 0) 22) 6.4 8 dt man ieen sen Oyo. ky 10 12 13. 14. tof 8=? t:of3=? 4o0f12=? Foi l10=7 tot6=2? 40f 4=? tor lZ=? s¢o0f9=? tof 8=? 11 LESSON 12. 12 ae) I~ Ken) Key) N Ae) N As) h tt GN NI N N N Ae) Ke) 70 ae) GN oD tl Practice until every pupil can give the sum of any two Numbers below 12. lines at sight. LESSON 18. 13 1. Mark on the board a figure 2 feet long and 2 feet wide. How many square feet in the figure ? 2. Make another figure 1 foot long and 1 foot wide. How many square feet in it? 3. Cut a piece of paper the size of the smaller figure. How many pieces of that size will it take to cover the larger one? 4. Make another figure 1 yard long and 1 yard wide. How many square yards are in it? Find by measuring how many square feet are in it. 5. Make a figure 9 feet long and 1 foot wide. Find how many square feet are in it. To how many square yards is it equal? 6. What is the area of a flower-bed 1 yard long and 3 feet wide? Prove it by drawing the figure on the board. 7. Draw a rectangle 6 inches long and 2 inches wide. Divide it into equal squares. 8. Draw another rectangle one-half as ‘large as the first. How many square inches does it contain ? 9. Make a figure 12 inches long and } of a foot wide. 10. Make a fizure 3 of a foot long, ead 3 of a foot wide. 11. Draw a right-angled triangle, the sides of which are 3 inches, 4 inches, and 5 inches. How many inches is it around it ? 12. Draw a rectangle 4 inches long and 3 inches wide. Divide this rectangle into two triangles. 13. How many square feet in a flower-bed 2 feet wide and 4 feet long? 14. How many feet around the edge of this flower-bed ? 15. Draw a square that contains 4 square inches. 16. Draw a square that contams 9 square inches. 17. A rectangle is 4 mches long and 2 inches wide; what is its perimeter ? 14 LESSON 14. 1. Take 12 one-inch sticks. How many squares can you make if you put one stick on each side ? | 2. How many triangles can you make, using one stick on a side ? 3. Put 12 sticks mto one triangle with same number of sticks on a side. How many have you used on a side? 4. Put 12 sticks into one square. How many have you used on a side ? 5. How many rectangles, 4 inches long and 2 inches wide, can you make with 12 sticks ? 6. With your 12 sticks make a rectangle that is twice as long as it 1s wide. How long and how wide have you made it? 7. With your sticks make a triangle that is 4 of a foot on each side. 8. With your sticks make a triangle that is 4 of a foot on each side. How many sticks are left over? 9. With your sticks make a square that is + of a foot on a side. 10. Arrange your sticks in one horizontal line. 11. Arrange your sticks in one vertical line. 12. Arrange them in 6 parallel horizontal Imes. How many are in each Ime? 13. Arrange them in 4 parallel vertical Imes. How many sticks are in each line? 14. Make 6 acute angles; 6 right angles; 6 obtuse angles. 15. Copy and learn : — 12 thmgs make a dozen. 12 inches make a foot. 12 months make a year. 16. The names of the months are: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, Octo- ber, November, December. LESSON 15. 15 1. Write the names of the months of the year. 2. December, January, and February are called the winter months. What part of the whole year are winter months ? 3. March, April, and May are called sprig months. What part of the year are sprmg months ? 4. June, July, and August are called summer months. What part of the whole year are summer months ? 5. September, October, and November are called fall or autumn months. What part of the whole year are autumn months ? 6. Three is what part of 12? 7. Write the names of the spring months. 8. Write the names of the summer months. 9. Write the names of the autumn months. 10. Write the names of the winter months. 11. If I have 11 cents, how many pears can I buy at 2 cents each? and how many cents will I have left ? 12. 7 trees are on one side of a street, and 5 on the other side. How many trees are on the street ? 13. From 12 take 3, divide by 3 of 9, multiply by 4 of 8, divide by 3 of 6, add 4; write the answer. 14. From I1 take 1, take away 3 of what is left, add 3, divide by 2 times 2, multiply by 4 of 12. How much is it? 15. What part of 12 lilies are 6 lilies? 16. What part of 10 lilies are 5 lilies ? 17. What part of 8 cents are 2 cents? 18. What part of 9 cents are 5 cents? 19. What part of 12 boxes are 4 boxes ? 20. What part of 12 boxes are 3 boxes? 21. If Helen pays 8 dollars for a fur cape and 4 dollars for a music-box, what will both cost her ? 22. How many cents are 5 cents, and 5 cents, and 2 cents, and | cent? 16 LESSON 16. 1. Copy and learn : — Jan. stands for January. Oct. stands for October. Feb. stands for February. Nov. stands for November. Aug. stands for August. Dec. stands for December. Sept. stands for September. 2. Write the names of all the months in the year. 83. Write the names of the seasons. 4. Write the names of the months that make each season. 5. Write the name of the present month. 6. How many months in 3 of a year? 7. What month will it be 8 months from now ? 8. What season will it be 4 months from now ? 9. How many months from January to October ? 10. How many months from April to July? 11. In what month is your birthday ? 12. How many quarts of milk in 12 pints? 18. If a dozen chickens cost 8 dollars, what does 3 a dozen cost ? 14. John bought 12 marbles at 1 cent each. He sold 3 of them at 2 cents each, and gave 4 marbles to his brother. How much money had he then? and how many marbles had he left? 15. Wilham got 6 credit marks on Monday, and 6 more on Tuesday. How many did he get on both days? 16. George picked 12 peaches from a tree, and gave 3 of them to a little sick boy. How many did he have left ? 17. Joseph picked 5 quarts of blackberries, and his brother 7 quarts; how many quarts did both pick? 18. If an orange costs 5 cents and a Jemon 4 cents, how much will both cost ? 19. Henry gave 4 cents for an orange, and 3 cents fora pear, and 2 cents for an apple; how many cents did he give for all? LESSON 17. 17 Notre. — It is understood that a set of Liquid Measures are provided for the room, so that the pupils may intelligently perform =, this work. , uc Pint) 1. Take the smallest measure, h the gill; fill it with water, and pour “it into the next larger one, the pint. Continue to do so till the pint measure is full. How many gills make a pint ? 2. In the same way find out how 1 many pints make a quart. 3. In the same way find out how many quarts make a gallon. 4. Write this table on your paper, filling the blanks: — gills make | pint. oi. stands for gill or gills. — pints make | quart. pt. stands for pint or pints. — quarts make | gallon. qt. stands for quart or quarts. gal. stands for gallon or gallons. 5. Learn and recite the table you have just made. 6. How many pints ina quart? In a gallon? 7. How many gills ina pint? Ina quart? 8. What part of a gallon is | quart? 9. What part of a gallon is 2 quarts? 10. What part of 1 quart is 1 pint? 11. What part of a quart is 2 pints? 12. What part of a gallon is 4 quarts? 13. What part of a pint is 4 gills? 14. What part of a pint is 2 gills? 15. What part of a pint is | gill? 16. What part of a quart is 4 gills? 17. If 1 quart of milk costs 6 cents, what will 2 quarts cost ? 18. If your oil-can holds 2 gal., and your lamp holds 2 quarts, how many times can you fill your lamp from your can ? LESSON 18. 18 ?+4=12 Homa Dee UL Mes SCS, Diels 10. ?4+9=12 8+?=11 14. Seige ee | akin 2, Regen eee Solas =, a een gr | Ey as ase cee aa | 18. D2 16. 15. 6—-—3=? eats) 10-—?=7 ?- Se 4 7—0) 9—?=6 ? i= Oat 9—-6=? ?—11l=1 —?=0) 22. eh 20. 19. f 12—? 12—10=? 94+43=? 8 12-—?= 44+?=12 12—?% T+ 4=?2? 6 Dene 2 26. 4x1l=? 24. 25. 2x6=? 2x 1=? 23. b= 4x2=? 4x 3=? Dex ale ar 3x2=? 5x l=? 2x2=—? 1x 3=? 2x 3=? 1x4=? 2x4=? 83x 3=? 1x5=? LESSON 19. 19 Five ( )and4(_ )are (eer: Seven ( )and3(_)are femal 12 ( )less4( )ar (a 4 ( )and 4 ( 3 are ‘: Make a story about 7 and 3. Make a Make a story about 4 and 6. story about 2 and 4. Be Ot one cacti ee ance Make a story Make a story about 7 and 5 . Make a story about 4 and 3. . Make a story about 9 less 6. . Make a story about 8 less 3. . Make a story about 9 less 4. . Kleven from 12 leaves how many ? about 12 less 5 about 10 less 5. Make a story 4( )and6( )are Gt) 10( )and2( )are Ges. 7( )and2( )are om) 6(_ ) less 6 ( )are ft) 6( )andd(_)are (me): 9( )and3(_)are fy dnd 1a ( )less*8"(° rare ae) BC o }less 76 Yrare (5) DE (es itlesse2 (-)) are (ee) 4( )less2( )are (ey) 11( )and1(_)are (a) Ten from 12 leaves how many? 8 from 12? 6 from 12 leaves how many? 4 from 12? 9 from 12? ) from 12? ‘Detroms L2.? Seven from 12 leaves how many ? Three from 12 leaves how many ? . What number is 7 less than 12 ? . What number is 5 less than 12? What number is 3 of 122 . A half-dozen is how many less than 10 ? 20 LESSON 20. 1 2 3 4 5 Divide 6 iz 8 9 . Into how many parts is the line divided ? . Into how many parts 1s the circle divided ? . What is each part called ? . Draw a line 6 inches long. Find ¢ of this line. . Draw a rectangle 3 inches long and 2 inches wide. it into square inches. Mark off § of it. . What is 3 of 12? . What is 3 of 12? . How much larger is 3 of 12 than 3 of 12? iT How many months 1 in 3 + of a year? How many inches 1 m4 or a foot ? . How many eggs in 3 i a dozen ? . Draw a square, mark off § of it. . Make 4 examples, using 3 in each. . How many are 2 of 12, 4 of 12, and } of 12? . Which is larger, 4 of an apple or 2 of it? . Which is larger, 4 of an apple or 4 of it? . By drawing lines and dividing them into equal parts, show the answers to the loth and 16th questions. ity. If ¢ of a pound of raisins is worth 2 cents, what are @ of a pound worth ? 19. If ¢ of a pound of butter is worth 4 cents, what are é of a pound worth ? 20. Mary is 12 years old, and her brother is 3 as old; how old is her brother ? 21. What is the distance round the outside of a rectan- gular table that is 5 feet long and 2 feet wide ? LESSON 21. yk 1. If 1 pencil costs 2 cents, how many pencils can you buy for 12 cents ? 00 00 00 00 00 00 Deeegeee ei Wee) = 6 pencils: Illustrate each of the followmg examples: 2. If 1 apple costs 2 cents, how many apples can you buy for 10 cents ? 3. If one box of butter costs 3 dollars, how many boxes of butter can you buy for 9 dollars? 4. If silk costs 5 dollars a yard, how many yards can you buy for 12 dollars ? 5. If one peach costs 4 cents, how many peaches can you buy for 12 cents ? 6. If eges are 2 cents each, how much will } of a dozen egos cost? 7. If one orange costs 3 cents, how much will % of a dozen oranges cost ? 8. If one lamp costs 2 dollars, how many lamps can you buy for 8 dollars ? 9. If I pay a cent for 3 little flags, how many flags can I buy for 9 cents? 10. How many 2-cent postage stamps can I buy for a dime ? 11. At 2 dimes apiece, how many books can I buy for 8 dimes ? 12. At 5 cents each, how many melons can I buy for 12 cents ? 13. If a pint of berries costs 4 cents, what will 1 quart and | pint cost ? 14. If 1 apple costs 5 cents, 2 apples will cost how many cents ? 15. If 1 apple costs 3 cents, what will 3 apples cost ? 16. If 1 apple costs 4 cents, two apples will cost how many cents? bo bo LESSON 22. 1. 2 gills are what part of 1 quart? 2. Draw a square, and divide it into 4 triangles by drawing the diagonals. Cross out 4 of the triangles. Cross out 4 of them. How many triangles have you crossed out? 3. 4 and 4 area. _ 4 less 1 are z 4, 4 and 3 are zs. 3 less 3 are s. 5. 4 and 3 are s. 3 less 4 are o. 6. }0f 4 equals what? 21s 3 of what? 7. 4of lequals what? 3 is } of what? 8. 3 of 6 equals what? 21s 34 of what? 9. }of lequals what? 21s 4 of what? 10. 3 of 12 equals what? 241s % of what? 11. Write the names of the winter months. 12. Write the abbreviations of the fall months. 13. Draw 2 rectangles whose perimeters shall be 12 inches. 14. How many quarts make a gallon ? 15. How many feet make a yard ? 16. How many things make a dozen ? 17. Name 5 things that are sold by the quart or gallon. 18. Make a story for the class to answer about each one of the things you named in answering the 17th question. 19. Write the names of the days of the week. 20. Draw a vertical line 8 inches long. 21. Draw a horizontal line 6 mches long. 22. What kind of an angle is formed if you use a verti- cal and a horizontal line ? 23. ind the area of a rectangle that 1s 6 feet long and 2 feet wide. 24. Cut out of paper a half-inch square, and name it A. Cut a rectangle 2 inches long and 1 inch wide, and name it B. Fold B until it is the same size as A. How many times larger is it ? Ca “ LESSON 23. Ce) GT Ce) = ee | T at ee | ie | ee | ae R _ bo ; ae ae cr} nae 4 QO aml (ARAL 1s) ae | a ae Re sees iS GP) mal Cie ie, | t+++ 2 xs esa a es eee eC a. SOa0or | I _ ++tt | ego ph Dept Taha) Ny —_ of ri @:: of eccccceses® 8 1il—? eee 13 — 1S heey ey: ? 6+ 7 10. 3) 13 Di 12. 13. 14. 16. 15. eae Poy Be CO 1) OO GN pp ne tet | Se eae ue a Se Bag mote, Be 24 LESSON 24. 1. Sight subtraction : 9 12 SLL V5 ee Oe ee eee TT Be Oe ae 2.59090. VEN iF ORR ieS en! “1 2 34 eee 3. 10° 12 S12 oe oer 0 eee ee eee os ok 4:°12 13 [la SOs el oi ee ern eee Pee ot We! 5. What have you seen measured with a yard measure? 6. What have you seen at home that was Il yard long? 7. Find something in the room that is 1 yard long. 8. Draw a horizontal lmne that is one yard long. Do not use a ruler. 9. Measure your line with a foot rule, and see how many feet you have. How many should you have in 1 yard ? 10. Ifa table is 8 feet long and 5 feet wide, how many feet is it } way around the table ? 11. Bessie had 8 cents and Belle had 5 cents. Bessie gave Belle 1 cent; how many cents had each then ? 12. Make a story about 13 eggs. 13. Make a story about 13 boys. 14. Make a story about 13 birds. 15. Make a story about 15 cherries. 16. 15 months are how many months more than a year? 17. 15 inches are how many inches more than 1 foot? 18. What number must you put with 8 to make 13? 19. 13 is how many more than 7? LESSON 265. 25 1. Draw an oblong; cross off + of it? 2. Draw a square; cross off 4 of it. 3. Take 12 cubes, and build a wall 4 blocks long and 3 blocks high. Take away 4 of your wall. 4. How many are 9 less 5? I1 less 7? 13 less 9? 5. If your mother gives you a dime and a 3-cent piece to buy 4 three-cent oranges, how much change will you bring her ? 6. Charles has 15 apples; if he gives each of his 3 brothers 3 apples, how many does he have left himself ? 7. If pop-corn is 5 cents a pint, how many quarts can you buy for 13 cents, and how much money will you have left ? 8. Fred is 15 years old, and his sister is } as old; how old is his sister ? 9. pee: Michael earned + of 12 cents; Tuesday he earned $ of 12 cents; Weioecda he earned 3 of 12 cents. How much did he earn during the three eae 10. If Mary has 7 books, and her father should give her 6, how many books would she then have ? 11. Charles walked 4 miles and rode 9; how many miles did he travel? 12. Mary gave her teacher 5 pinks and 7 roses; how many flowers “did she give e her? 18. Harry caught 5 squirrels, and Thomas caught 8; how many squirrels did both boys catch ? 14. Joseph had 7 walnuts, and John gave him 6; how many had he then ? 15. William picked 7 quarts of ae and his brother 6 quarts; how many quarts did both pick ? 16. In a certain class there are 9 girls and 6 boys; how many more girls than boys in the class ? 17. A man had 13 cows, and sold 4 of them; how many did he then have ? 26 LESSON 26. es 1. Take a 2-inch square, and fold it to the shape and size of Fig. A. 2. Take another square, and fold it to the shape and size of Fig. B. 3. Write five things in which these figures are alike. 4. See if you can write five differences. 5. Write the name of A. 6. Write the name of B. 7. How can you prove that A and B are alike in area? Both are halves of what ? 8. What angle of A equals what angle of 6? 9. What sides of A equal what sides of B? 10. Both have a pair of what kind of lines? 11. How many right angles has each ? 12. How many lines are there in the boundary of each surface ? 13. Bring to school to-morrow 5 oblongs and 5 right- triangles. 14. See if you can find 5 objects like each of these forms on your way home from school. —J LESSON 27. Z . 15 cents are how much more than a dime? . 15 feet are how much more than 3 yards ? 13 quarts are how much more than 3 gallons ? . What two numbers ene together make 12? . Draw 5 squares, each 2 inches on a side. Arrange them so that there shall be one center square with the other four touching it at each of its corners. 6. In five e quarts there are how many pints ? 7. In 3 gallons and a quart there are how many quarts? 8. A quart is how many times as much as a pint? 9. A quart is how many times as much as a gill? 10. A line is 3 yards and 2 feet long. How many feet long is it? 11. If you find 4 eggs every day, how many days will it take you to find a dozen egos ? 12. At 3 cents a pint, what will 12 sills of milk cost ? 13. If you study 2 hours each school day, how many hours do you study in a week ? 14. Four times 3 are how many less than 13? 15. To 5 add 6, take away 3, divide by 2, add 7, take away |, divide BY. 5, add 1, multiply by 3, hame your result. 16. Multiply 2 by 3 3, multiply by 2 divide by 4, add 8, take away 1, add 2 2, divide by 6, add 2, write your result. 17. 13 mimus 5 times 5 are how many less than 2 times 6? 18. How many times is 5 contained in 15 less } of 6? 19. Multiply 6 by 2, add 1, take away 3, divide by 2, take away 1, multiply by 3, add } of 5, take away 3, write your result. 20. A long ladder has 15 steps, and a short one has 6; how many more steps has the long ladder than the short one ? 21. A boy had 12 cents, and gave 5 of them for an orange, and 4 of them for a pear; how many cents did he have left? Piet oN ye 28 LESSON 28. Tell a story about each, and then fill the blanks with the right words. Llustration: Mary had 8 peaches, and gave her brothers and sisters 6, so she had 2 left; 8 peaches less 6 peaches are 2 peaches. 1. Hight (. ) lessstx ( ) are (or, 2. Nine ( )and four (_ ) are (ih) 8. Thirteen( ) less nine (_) are (ae 4. Seven ( )andsix ( )are ‘ve: 5. Thirteen( )lessten ( ) are (ara 6. Twelve (_ ) less eight (_ ) are th a 7. Eight ( )andfive (. ) are (ey 8., Six ( ) and three (_) are ee. 9. Five ( ) and seven( ) are ‘es 10. Eleven ( ) less five ( ) are a: 11. Twelve ( )lesssix ( ) are [ee 12. Eight ( )and three (_ ) are (e) 13. Four (_ )andseven(. )are Roce 14. Three ( )andnine (_ )are (oe) 15. Five ( )and five ( )are sia 16. Kleven ( )lessfour (_ ) are Lay 17. Twelve ( ) less seven( ) are Par, 18. Nine (_ ) less three (_ ) are aes 19. Nine (_ )andthree(_ ) are fon} 20. Hight (_ ) less three (_ ) are dat) 21. Thirteen( ) less seven( ) are (coun 22. Six ( )and five ( )are ins) 23. Seven ( )andthree(_ ) are (fei) 24. Twelve (_ ) less eight (_ ) are G4 25. Kleven (_ ) less nine (_ ) are (my 26. ‘Ten ( )and three (_ ) are Oye 27. ‘Ten ( ) less'six, Pam) same (oe) 28. l'welve ( ) less four (_ ) are (anes 29. Six ( )andsix ( )are ey 30. Hight ( )andfour (_) are (im) LESSON 29. 10. re ie OID AI QI or HY TH | MD rt. 6 | Hr Ot 99 GO | A169 | oO OI | Se mee ise FD, 616... «17. «#4618. 19. 320, mh. CO 1 6 I GN GN le) Siu] ral GNI GD) H | Aire | SN SST so el sige CO re GT ‘ok rma) ro = Ke) COO Sri Me eee fa est ott IN RO ORI 19 oH AH Ol = eee pete oS oe ‘ anid S 2 Simei tahoe Sy oes ae i A ne Za S —— ae eS i eH eich ae 2 ae) nab Sash vm OR oes irom i = re ‘ae O Oo»? mM rc (aD) ies — a = M > ‘Ss Qe De De Gs © ) oe & oor OO A Bg fiesta: | Te oe ie Pore ee OG OH a ee, ee Ot Os te eee Secrets eas pcs Soe eee Sckie ergy en Se eet ae ap = oS 5 a eee ae niN AN AN AN a ; = TD i a: ord iim SNH ee bala he, Fe A ee Deo pe) ee | Oise a noo a ay ee 1 oe Ge Ge See meee (SITS Wn oe coe et ee ee ee ee SS Pox te GN Dia eG tape Ss pe | ees) heer |e | Par ee ee ee ee, ee co nit OF eww ove ot ote = S = ct com | | | | “ft + ote + 10 | CO 10 | I 10 | C210 | 1D 10 | HL | oF 1 | N10 | 1 | Yes car[ ¢ Nr | EO rt] Ot r| LO r= 4] CO > | m0 A | Hr 6d | IDO A cD CO OF | Aan | CD 1D CO | S) = LESSON 41. 4] 1. Emily’s dress cost 13 dollars, and her hat 3 dollars ; how much more did the dress cost than the hat ? 2. Mary has 12 raisins; if she eats 4 of them, how many will she have left ? 3. Mr. Smith has 13 hogs; if he sells 4 of them to a drover, how many will he have left ? 4. Alice had 14 figures on her slate, and then erased 5 of them; how many figures were left ? 5. Jane is 14 years old, and her brother is 6 years younger; how old is her brother ? 6. Alice is 7 years old, and her brother is 7 years older ; how old is her brother ? 7. Mary is 14 years old, and Kate is 8; what is the difference between their ages ? 8. Two men start at the same time from 2 towns, and walk toward each other. One walks 4 miles an hour, and the other 3 miles an hour. If they meet in 2 hours, how far apart are the 2 towns? 9. Two men start at the same place, and travel the same way. One travels 2 miles an hour, the other 4 miles an hour; how far apart will they be in 1 hour? In 4 hours? 10. If 3 men can do a piece of work in 2 days, how many days will it take 1 man to do it? 11. T'wo men start from the same place, and travel dif- ferent ways, one 2 miles an hour, the other 3 miles an hour. How far apart will they be in | hour? In 2 hours? 12. If 1 orange is worth as much as 3 apples, how many apples are 4 oranges worth ? 13. George was sent to the store to buy 6 skeins of black thread; if each skein cost 2 cents, how much must George pay? 14. If peaches are 5 cents each, how much will 4 cost ? 15. Write the abbreviations for gallon, quart, pint, gill. 16. Write the abbreviations for the days of the week. 42 LESSON 42. 1. Two boys, James and Robert, each bought 7 marbles. James gave Robert 4 of his; how many had each then ? 2. If you had 10 cents, and your father should give you 8 more, and then you should buy 10 marbles ,at the rate of 2 for a cent, how much money would you have left ? 8. In a school 5 pupils sit in the first row, 5 in the sec- ond, and 4 in the third; how many are there in the 3 rows? 4. James sold 2 quarts of berries at 5 cents a quart, and spent 2 cents for ginger-snaps. How much had he left? 5. 14 is how many times 2? 7? 14? 6. 12 is how many times 2? 3? 4? 6? 7. 10 is how many times 10? 5? 2? 8. If 2 men can cut a piece of wheat in 4 days, how many days will it take 1 man to cut it? 9. How much will 6 eggs cost at 14 cents a dozen ? 10. A man owed me 14 dollars, and paid me all but 6 dollars; how many dollars did he pay me? 11. John bought 38 tops for 6 cents, and James bought 9 tops for 8 cents. How many tops did they both buy ? How many cents did they pay ? 12. Seven and seven are how many ? 13. Five and nine are how many ? 14. Six and eight are how many? 15. Frank gave 3 cents for an orange, and had 10 cents left. How much did he have before he bought the orange ? 16. Lewis bought a watch for 8 dollars, and sold it for 10 dollars; how much did he gain? 17. Mr. Day bought a barrel of flour for 5 dollars, and sold it for 2 dollars more than he gave for it. For how much did he sell it ? 18. In 14 there are how many sevens? 19. In 14 there are how many 3’s and what remainder ? 20. In 14 there are how many 4’s and what remainder ? he et _ oO -}- or or oS 35 | | bet Gt © bw + + | LESSON 43. 5+10=15, or 10+5=15 G+ 9-415, 0r°9-+6=—109 t+ 8 = 15, or §+7=15 2. 3. 7+6=? 6+4=? i+ fst 7+9=? ,+6=? §+4+4=? 5+6=? 647=? 114+3=? 9+3=? 6. 7 7+7=13 9+4+7?=14 Set a St 1S §5+2?=15 74+?=11 Cot 12. 6-7 = 10 64+?=15 9d4?= 9 10. Ce 24 4=15 ?4+7= AQ 13 1 £45 = P1214). 2-4 | I a ay BM ey EN ts GT tag Go ta iol) t+ 6 = eS ey. es! ee ge oa 14. 15. 1+5=? 13=4=? 16+ 3 =? 12+3=?7 14+-7=? 12+2=? 14+2=? 10+ 56 =? 12+6=? 10+2=? 4. 10+ 4=? Dee as, Q — 5 —- ? 8+ {=? 2+13=? 8. 12+?=19 114+?=14 94+?—12 10 a= ¢ = 15 7+?=19 12. ?7+2=12 274+ 3=11 24+ 3=159 P+ §6=14 2+ 4=— 8 16. Q9+3=? 8§+4=? 8+2=? 6+3=? 6+2=? Ad SOE S SiON. Fill the blanks with any suitable words: ieeour 2. Nine 8. Hight 4. Kleven 5. ‘Twelve 6. Six 7. Seven 8. Hight 9. Nine 10. Hight Lele 12. Fifteen 13. Fourteen 14. Three 15. Five 16. Nine V7 en 18. Seven 19. Twelve 20. Eleven 21. Seven 22 ei 23s Hiiteen: 24. Six 25. Fifteen 26. Fifteen 27. Seven 28. Nine 29. Five 30. Thirteen 31. Four 32. ‘l'welve 33. Thirteen ) and three and two less five less nine less sLx and seven and seven and six and four and seven and five less nine less eight and twelve and nine and six and three and eight ) less. eight less seven ) and four and five less four and four less six eee”, eae AC in IA a ee SR Fh et Re a ed SO OO OO OOOO ooo oN OTT and three and seven ess eight ) and nine ———) less nme ) less seven ) —) ——) ) and six ) ) )1 oa“ | Veheoee less thirteen ae) = es) of ae Oo O . . . . . . . ° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ° . . . are of 2 Sees | ans Oo MO @ 9 eS as) ae) on as) 99 oe © 9 © © eh Mole ti erat gee olga CD

op ++4+4++ eho et RO NR CKO NO HI AO NO NO NO ORO Hr tO AD ND Ho jm fo o] ros oa | a | Ht Oo ko a eh a rH kN a oe 2c ll il od fe ee Seg ed | aed eee we a ena Cit cas ClO 10 OID OD IH GK oY WO WD MO MO RitK Ye) mko mko mi Me lt re + + + a ict eb t+++++ Se) sae eit itt rk mt HO HK ko tH oo ONO NM NO NCO ih cake tke tk pa pl o il ill sid AN AN CIN ae) = Ko fo mn kn o ko ae) ko rea) ko Ik Ip nr Ie In Riba Aa ep see ell Pe death bes eet = I om eAh Sl seeded Ot an bs Lan od } CWO Cn HOD 1 ko na eal = Heo HO ko CNMI mS eit IN ich IH IN pee th t+++4+ ri ii seat Mae Ge ee aD Rit Ro (00 ODDO rN HN FIN MK CISD KO NO OD HIN coh oct reo 9 LESSON 538. Do Nore. — There should be a clock-dial in the room. Each child should be allowed to use it in connection with the problems of this lesson, in order that he may “learn by doing.”’ 1. Of what is thisa picture? How many pointers are there ? 2. Are they of the same length? 8. What does the long pointer tell? The Tong pointer tells the minutes. 4. What does the short pomter tell? The short pomter tells the hours. 5. Have you ever noticed where the long pointer was when the clock struck the hour? Where was it? 6. Put both pointers at XII. It is now 12 o'clock. 7. Let the long pomter remaim there. Put the short pointer at I, Il, Il, IV, V, VI, VU, VILL, IX, X, XI, XI. Tell what hour it is with the long pomter at XII and the short one at each of these figures. 8. Draw a clock-face that shows 9 o’clock. 10 o'clock. 9. How long does it take the long pointer to move round the face ? 10. How far does the short pomter move, while the long pointer is going round once ? 11. Where is the long pointer when it is half way round? 12. Show on the clock-face half past 12. Where is the short pointer ? 13. Show on the clock-face half past 10. Half past 3. 14. Show on the clock-face half past 9. Half past 1. 15. Show on the clock-face half past 6. Half past 11. 16. Show on the clock-face the time when school begins in the morning and afternoon. 17. Show when the school closes in the morning and afternoon. 18. Turn the pointers on the dial so as to indicate each hour and each half hour of the day. _ =) -f = | — oo 1. 44+12=—? 10+ 6=? 5. Gee eons 84+2=16 pimcoenits apeh TS it! Da ule 9. oem | eas Pang ele Meg reef fet Bre aL h 13. 16—14=? 16—12=? 16—10=? 16— 8=? lo Sey 16 Vises LESSON 54. 6+ 10, or 10+ 6 = 16 VA Tock: 07, OP diate ae 8+ 8 =a10 2. 3. 4, T+7=? Ooty feat 5+ 10=? 94+7=? 7+5=? 1l+ 4=? eh sty sy 6+6=? 10+ 4=? 9+6=? 54+8=? 8+ 6=? Sto=? 9+ Oo =? 9+ 3=7 6. rf 8. 10+?=16 15+?=16 S8+?= 16 44+?=15 14+?=15 7+?=16 3 = aLD 12+?=14 9+?= 16 9+?= 12 10+?=18 6+?=16 6+?=11 94?=12 o+?=16 10. i 12. ?+8=16 ?+14=16 ?4+ 5=16 ?74+9=14 ?+10=16 . 2? 425m ?+6=15 18160) ee oe ?+5= 9 %74+12=—-16 74102 14. 15. 16. 16—?= tes Lie 7+ 9=? 16—?= ?-8= 8 8+ 8=? 16—?= ?—9= 7 5+ 11=? 16—?=10 1-1 == LY 6+ 7=? 16—-—?= tT, 8 2+14=? 16—?= ?7-9= 4 6+10=? New Tey) LESSON 565. Omid Aa | BD HAD P= & [eo a) soo am ce I 6919 mm a+ /c0 OM HOD a | 1D 69 HAD B [SO SHAD 10 19 & [60 BHD Le eS CVD rH HKD PAD TH GD + [6 2 CQ 60 CO cal OR O ~ wah SA S| heey? oak aes SS is m4 10 oe ae Shee See | eo OD pr. x Or oon i = ae Som Fine ches sh Oc Bee. | Sica sre 0 Dacow 9 Cte eae At oF | tie weeks oe | Air ey Rcd io CR BOP 1D AIO Sw a0 eel i go | lied G62 | Bo 9| fo~ Biot | hele dwn Speke) BHO | dc Bony Spa g 0] Sab 4 BH 09 | 3 wi ou tel 56 LESSON 56. DRILL IN SUBTRACTION. _— [DD DO ex [r+ co Ot re Ww 1He © OU ws) [oo OU 6. 10 1 [+ H» 0 —— Ino to © [r+ a © jo 38 | ri wJ | - 6) | re en | pete co o> © IS 02 © Orr © Jake peat: Cor" © Jr aS @ [roo S Joo S mos mr OO laos loro S fasts i, See Gia LESSON 57. 2. xs at ox2=? 6x2=? 4x2=? 6. yd ea ox?=19 6x ?=12 7x?=14 10; Q9+3=—? I2+4=7 8+8=? 6+3=? 14. 10 +3 =? 9+4=—? 16=7=2? 18 +6=? 18. ee need 2x T=? ax l=? 8x4=? > A hee! 3. 2x3=? 2x o=? 2x S=? AX 6 =! a a. ve 6 4x?= 8 ox ?=10 Sed 6 ja t 10+5=? Leys ae L647 VAP 2, =? 15. 14+4=? 16+6=? ee 12+8=? 19. 3xd0=? 4x]=? 4x3=? ox l=? 5x 3=? 58 LESSON 58. Note. — Place a cube on each pupil’s desk. 1. Count the surfaces of your cube. 2. How many surfaces has the cube ? 3. Put your finger on its upper surface or 4. How many edges has the upper face ? 5. Put your finger on another face of the 6. How many edges does it have? How many edges does each face have ? 7. Put your finger on the front left-hand point of the upper face. 8. How many lines meet at this point? 9. How many corners or poimts has the cube? How many lines meet at each point ? 10. Of the Imes meeting at each point, how many are horizontal ? 11. How many are vertical ? 12. How many lines or edges has the cube ? 13. How many pairs of parallel lines has the cube ? 14. See how many things you can write that are true of the cube. 15. See how large a list you can make of things you can see that have 6 surfaces. 16. How many square inches are there in the entire surface of the inch cube ? 17. Hold your cube, if you can, so that none of its edges will be vertical. 18. Hold it, if you can, so that none of its edges will be parallel. 19. Put your finger on the upper back left-hand corner of the cube. 20. You may each dictate some Ime or corner or face for the class to touch, LESSON 59. 59 1. Take 16 inch sticks. 2. How many triangles can you make, using one stick on a side? 3. How many squares can you make ? 4. How many pentagons can you make ? 5. Make 1 square, and use all the sticks. How many sticks are on each side? 6. Make a pentagon, a square, and 2 triangles. How many sticks are left ? 7. Make an equilateral triangle, with 5 sticks on a side. How many sticks are left? 8. Make a rectangle 4 sticks long, and one-half as wide. Make a square with the sticks that are left. 9. How many times larger is the rectangle than the square ? 10. Arrange the sticks mto 2 parallel vertical Imes. How many sticks are in each line? 11. Arrange the sticks into 4 parallel horizontal lines. How many sticks are in each line? 12. Make an original design with your sticks. 13. Draw a rectangle 16 inches long and 1 inch wide. Find the number of square inches in it. 14. Draw another rectangle that contams as many square inches as in Example 15. 15. Draw a square that contains as many square inches. 16. Kind the perimeter and area of a rectangle 6 feet by 2 feet. 17. Draw a line 16 feet long. 18. Draw a line 3 yards and | foot long. 19. Guess a distance on the floor of 16 ft. Measure it. 20. Guess a distance out doors of 16 yds. Measure it. 21. Draw without measuring a vertical line 16 in. long. Test it. 22. Hind area and perimeter of a rectangle 3 ft. by 5 ft. 60 LESSON 6oO. 1. If you had 2 bushels of walnuts, how many peck would you have ? 2. If you had 16 pecks of chestnuts, how many bushels would you have ? 3. How many pecks of walnuts are there in } bushel? 4. How many quarts of nuts would you have if you had 3 bushel? 5. If you had 4 bushel of nuts, to how many persons could you sell 2 quarts each, and have 2 quarts left for yourself ? 6. If you should gather 2 bushels of chestnuts, and give your brother a peck, and keep a peck yourself, how many pecks would you have left ? 7. To how many children could you give a pint of fil berts, if you had a peck of them ? 8. If you had a peck of nuts, and should give 1 quar to one boy, 2 pints to another, and a pint to another, ho many quarts and pints would you have left ? 9. Write the table of measures you use in measuring nuts. 10. Name 5 things that are measured with these meas ures. 11. Fill blanks: 12. Fill blanks: stands for peck. 4 pt. make quarts. stands for quart. 12 qt. make pk. and qt. stands for bushel. 10 pk. make bu. and qt. stands for pint. + bu. makes pk. | 13. Write 5 examples using quarts. 14. Write 5 examples using pecks. 15. Write 5 examples using bushels. 16. How do you find the number of quarts in a certain number of pecks ? 17. How do you find the number of pints in a certain number of quarts ? LESSON 61. 61 1. Fill blanks: 2. Copy and fill blanks: —— gills make | pint. —— days make | week. —— pints make | quart. ——— months make I year. —— quarts make 1 gallon. 3. Copy and fill blanks: stands for gill. ——— stands for gallon. ——— stands for day. —_— stands for week. stands for year. How many gills are there in 2 quarts ? How many pints are there in 2 gallons? Make 5 examples using gills, pints, quarts, or gallons. Name 4 things that you could buy at a store where he storekeeper would use these measures. 8. In half a gallon of milk, how many quarts of milk? ‘9. If a pint of water weighs a pound, how much do 2 rallons weigh ? 10. How many pint bottles will it take to hold 2 quarts £ catsup ? 11. How many gallons and quarts in 15 quarts? In 3 quarts? In 16 quarts? 12. 5 quarts is what part of a gallon ? 13. How many quarts in 3} gallons ? 14. If 4 gallons of varnish cost $16, what will 1 gallon ost ? 15. At 3 cents a pint, what will $a gallon of milk cost ? 16. A milkman sold 3 quarts of milk to one man, 4 juarts to another, 5 quarts to another, and 8 pints to an- ther. How many gallons of milk did he sell? 17. How many quarts of milk in 16 pints? 18. ae addition : 7 Le peed | Peer car v OF 4) 95,68 Mie 8 56 8 6 8 ts idee 62 LESSON 62. 1. Take the clock face. Start with both pointers at XII. Show me every hour and every half hour in the day. 2. Where is the long pointer when it has gone 4 of the way around ? Remember, when the long pointer is at II we call it “ quarter past.” 3. If the long poimter was at III, and the short one a quarter of the distance between I and TH, what time would — it be? ; 4. Show quarter past II. , 5. Show quarter past LX. 6. Show quarter past XII. 7. Practice until you can place the pointers so as to show quarter past any hour. 8. Where is the long pointer when it has gone } of the way around ? Remember, when the long pointer is at TX we call it “ quarter of.” 9. Show quarter of IX. The time for you to start'to school. 10. Show quarter past I. ‘Time to start in the afternoon. 11. Show quarter of VII. 12. Show quarter of IV. 13. Show quarter of XII. 14. Show quarter of any hour asked. 15. Do you see the little marks between XII and I? Are there marks between all the numbers ? 16. Into how many parts is each space divided ? . 17%. Each division marks 1 minute. How many minutes then between XII and I? 18. Start with both pointers at XII. Move the long | pointer to I. Over how many minutes have you moved it ? How many minutes past XII is it then ? 19. Show 10 minutes past XII. 20. Show 5 minutes past XIT. 21. Show 15 minutes past XII. LESSON 68. 63 Jrill Tables in Addition, numbers below 16: ten (ee eee Be a Le , ey) Peon aw won Oe te Oe A Re AS I EG a ai IT AIS Se ay fie a Oa: Mi er Ow AL Sie cool D'. Gy ee ® imate tied, Ais Shee ay) OME As ete ee ene ee) eta Ae en) Aa ne 8 Gh, TE ILO DA SY EDS so Ns Serge” SRL aS Le Po Oe he Cpe oe AO of Oe ae 4 ee ee Oe eee ee St Berg thows) of 97) 8 Ay Lue EN oe ett Sey Ns a gs ce Peano mee 4 eo Boome) eee bk VAme 884) eee oC oe A Ue A 8 8 a Oe) ome ee em re SO oe Of | i 8 8 meet OAs ee s0' 2 ot eet Ot) (6.6 AON eee bea WA PrmeneneDo. (oe 6 PS) 9 5G Soe UN Briar est Teme rn Orie ere): we 240. wien 7g Tete we es Ope OO DOE sagtOilgr go Biel oe ier 214 Fo SP) a7 Le Sted head: Prem e few 6 4 Oe a ee Bo ds G 19. Poimt to any number; let the pupil give the sum of that number and the one above. 20. Point to any column as e, pupils give sum, as 13, 7, 12, 13, etc. 21. Add any two lines from left to right. 22. Point to any line as 6, pupils add any given num- ber, as 7. 64 ® e 80 ee 6 6e 62 $3 104+7=17 4. 17-9 li -7= l7—9o= 17-4= 17 —6=? 17 —?=16 lj—-?= 3 lj —?=14 17—?= 6 17 —?=10 12. 8+ d=? 7+ 6=? J = s+ 8=7 64+ o=? 4+ 13'=? 12+ 5=? LESSON 64. 7+ 10, or 10+7=17 8+ 9,or 9+8=17 i 64+?=17 [et ALY 8+?=17 9+?2=17 d+?=17 5 2. ?+10=17 ff Asli ft eO aly pee ah thy fea Ssa by 6 17 —10=? Mp tes l7-— 3=? ii Sa ba 17 —15=? 9. pa Pal Peed eee) Pepe: ob i= 2=? 17 —16=? ic 17—-14=? l7-— 1=? 10: 2?—-8=9 2?—-6=9 ?-7=9 ?—5§=9 2—3=9 14. Ass J1+6=? 104+5=? 94+5=? 947=? 104+ 7=? 7+8=? PENA BES ib a: 164+2=? 144+3=? 1344=? 124+5=? Tl 0% tf: a htae te| ie ieee 17 -—?=4 li —?=8 17 -—?=95 11. ?—4= 13 ?—d5= 12 ?—6=11 ot and) (5 ie 15. LOA 2 J14+6=? 11+4=? 8+6=? lop Oa 9+4=? 1l4+5=? =i, s+ 2=? act we 1+24+344+4+5=? ) o 2+4+64+5+0=? 6+7+1+2+1=? 24+34+44+243=? Ah a3 6+5+04+2+4=? 6 5. uate . ? Ft LESSON 9 oO 9 o 1+6+2+2=? +14+9+42+ | bat Re ey Rea ee ea ~ 8+04+14+642=? per 7+64+24+14+1=? 44+54+0+4+5+ 6+38+4+44+34+1=? 9) — Ol me HH e510 69 | O <1 29 61 00| G@ Oi rir QgHonc| ew ODOM ODOM! 1 S> HOD | sO 4] 3 Oo Hd OT} ea Veo xt or] His S 0] RY td Q > od SHAD 10 | oom O 1 od H 19 | re Bo sto 09] Croan] oo) OR HH XH 10 | Oe net al O10 10 H 09 | oD Boca ed beet Fre - 6 UD UO Qo OUD 1 | OQ pad 1B cH OI C9 | Masco | 9 on HH c0 | a HH OS H10] Gi nto Ho S| Sed cd SH] w+ 09 | DHS co HH on > Oy Ca ieee a co) 2 Ae ete i ba So HOrNAY| H ia es a “oo a Sas) Seed 66 Sages peg) Pn Sd A 4 is contained in 17 (—— 6 is contained in 17 (—— 8 is contained in 17 (—— 9 is contained in 17 (—— 5 is contained in 17 (—— 3 1s contained in 17 (—— 2 is contained in 17 ( 7 is contained in 17 LESSON 66 \t )t )t ) ti ) ti ) ti ames hh ) ti more than 13. more than 9. more than 16. more than 4. ) more than 4 times 3. ) more than 4 times 4. ) more than 3 times 9. ) more than 2 times 6. mn mn" is ( ) times 4 and ( ) over is ( ) times 5 and ( ) over is ( ) times 8 and (———) over is (__—_) times 4 and (—__) over is (——_) times 6 and ( ) over is ( ) times 3 and (——-) over is ( -) times 2 and ( ) over is ( ) times 7 and ( ) over. is ( ) times 9 and ( ) over. is (———) more than 14. is ( ) more than 8. is ( ) more than 6. is ( ) more than 10. is ( ) more than 12. is ( ) more than 15. is ( ) more than 9. is ( ) more than 7. is ( ) more than 11. fra Care (ead, Ceaey ( is ( 18 ( 18 ( Imes and Imes and imes and mes and imes and imes and imes and imes and (—— é is } $ of 12 =? of 13 =? of lo=? of 17 =? 14. of 8 =? sof 8=? of 8=? of 8 =? LESSON 67. 5)16 6)17 9)15 9)14 9. kof 16=? }of 17 =? sof 17 =? of 16 =? 12. tof 15=? tof 8=? tof 12 =? tof 14=? 15. t of 6 =? kof 6=? tof 6=? tof 6=? 10. $ of 15 =? of 14=—? Sof 135 =? sof 12 =? 13. tof 16=? t of 12 =? kof 16 =? 4 of 17 =? 16. sofl1=? tof l=? 1 of 1 =? kt of 1] =? 67 68 LESSON 68. 1. Illustrate by Imes and squares: eee ve | eal ace grat g=7% = 8 5=6 4 = 8 2 oe aay 7 ae 2 See, 2 i AS +738. 4-2 —— 25 eee A eg rt Pipe! ats DD ae 4— 2 Cafe eres Pe ae ees: $=t $= 4=6 é = 8 2. 17 months will make how many years and how many months over ? 8. 17 months will make how many seasons and how many months over ? 4. 17 inches are how many inches more than a foot? 5. 17 eggs are how many more than | dozen eggs? 6. 17 days are how many weeks and how many days over ? 7. 17 feet are how many yards and how many feet over ? 8. 17 quarts are how many gallons and how many quarts over ? 9. 17 pmts are how many quarts and how many pints over ? 10. 17 gills are how many pints and how many gills over ? 11. 17 pecks are how many bushels and how many pecks over ? 12. 17 quarts are how many pecks and how many quarts over ? 13. 17 cents are how many cents more than a dime? 14. 17 cents are how many cents more than 5 5-cent pieces ? 15. 17 cents are how many cents more than | dime and 1 5-cent piece ? 16. 17 days are how many days more than a fortnight ? 17. If you know what | book costs, how can you find what 5 books cost ? 18. Prove it by an example and illustration. 19. Show what part of 16 pencils 2 pencils are. LESSON 69. 69 ODD AND EVEN. 1. Write all the numbers below 10 that you can evenly divide by 2. 2. Copy and learn: All numbers that can be evenly divided by 2 are called even numbers. 3. Write all the even numbers between | and 17. 4. Write 4 numbers on your slate that can not be evenly divided by 2. 5. Copy and learn: All numbers that can not be evenly divided by 2 are called odd numbers. 6. Write all the odd numbers from 1 to 17. 7. Commence with 2 and count by 2’s to 16. 8. Commence with 5 and count by 2’s to 17. 9. Bring some corn or beans to school to-morrow, and ask your teacher to let you play ‘ Odd or Even.” 10. I had 16 dimes. I gave 4 of them to my sister. How many dimes did I have left ? 11. If this room is 5 yards and 2 feet long, how many feet long is it? 12. May had 17 apples. She ate 1, and gave } of the rest to her brother. How many did she have left ? 13. Carl has a square garden that is 16 feet around it. How long is one side? 14. If you had two 5-cent pieces, one 2-cent piece, one 3-cent piece, and two I-cent pieces, how many cents would you have ? 15. If you should buy 2 sticks of braid and pay 1 cent a yard, and there were 8 yards in each piece, how much would you have to pay for the braid? 16. Some children are coasting on a hill. 4 sleds are going down with a boy and 2 girls on each sled, and 2 boys and 3 girls are drawing their sled up the hill. How many children are on the hill? ‘oe " ~w 1 70 LESSON 7O. 1. If you bring up 2 hods of coal from the cellar every morning, and each hod holds 4 of a bushel, how many bushels will you bring up in 2 weeks ? 2. If 4a gallon of vinegar costs 16 cents, what will 1 pint cost ? 8. How many times can I fill a 2-quart can from a pail that holds 12 quarts ? 4. If Mr. Smith pays 2 cents for a pencil, and 15 cents for some paper, how many cents does he spend ? 5. Aman bought a barrel of flour for $6, and paid $9 for other things; how many dollars did he spend ? 6. How many are 12 and 3 less 8? 12 and 4 less 7? 7. How many are 5 and 8 less 12? 12 and 3 less 9? 8. How many are 17 less 5 less 9? 9 and 6 less 6? 9. How many are 9 and 6 less 8? 10. If 3 tables cost $15, what will 2 tables cost ? 11. If 5 pears cost 6 cents, what will 8 pears cost? 12. At 5 dimes each, how many hats can you buy for 15 dimes ? 13. How many oranges can you buy for 16 cents if 1 orange costs 4 cents ? 14. 5 three-cent pieces and 4 two-cent pieces are how much money ? 15. Laura is 17 years old; how old was she 9 years ago? 16. Jennie is 8 years old; how old will she be in 9 years? 17. See how many things you can write about 17? 18. John has 5 apples, and Henry has 2 times as many ; how many apples have both John and Henry ? 19. At 8 cents each, what will be the cost of 2 inkstands? 20. Frank has 8 cents, and wishes to buy a book that costs 17 cents; how many cents more does he need to pay for the book ? 21. If you paid 8 cents for paper, and 6 cents for pen- cils, how much would you pay in all? LESSON 71. ral 1. What is the area of a flower bed 8 feet long and 2 feet wide ? 2. Draw a yard square on the board.. Divide it into square feet. How many square feet are there ? 8. Find 5 things in the room that you can measure, and then find their area. 4. Draw without using a ruler a vertical line 17 in. long. 5. Draw without using a ruler a horizontal line 1 foot 5 inches long. 6. Take a ruler, and measure the lines you have just drawn to see how much of a mistake you made. 7. Go out of doors and estimate, and then measure a line 17 feet long. Also one 17 yards long. 8. How many squares can you make with 17 inch sticks? and how many sticks will not be used ? 9. How many triangles can you make with 17 inch sticks ? and how many sticks will not be used ? 10. If you had 4 gallons of milk, and should sell 5 quarts at one house, 4 quarts at another, and 6 quarts at a third house, how much would you have left? How much would it be worth at 5 cents a quart ? 11. If 3 bu. of lemons cost $12, what will 1 peck cost? 12. Measure 16 feet on the floor or sidewalk. Walk that distance and count your steps. 13. Take that number of steps in a different place. Measure, and see how near it is to 16 feet. 14. ‘l’o estimate distance by counting your steps is called “ pacing.” 16: Paced yd. l0ft. 4 yd. 16ft.. Oft. 8 ft. 16. Be sure your steps are of the same length. Meas- ure after pacing to find out your mistake. 17. Find out the length of your schoolroom in yards by measuring. 18. Draw a rectangle and both of its diagonals. fe LESSON 72. IT Gs) a Point to one part of the rectangle. What is one part called ? Pomt to one part of the pentagon. Point to one part of the circle. Point to one part of the line. . Draw a rectangle 5 inches long, and 1 inch wide. Divide it ito 5 equal parts. Cross off $ of it. 7. Illustrate by lnes: ee $1Ol pee of 5 8 $ of 10 z of 10 8 of 10 $ of 10 $ of 15 z of 15 8 of 15 3 8. What part of 51s 1? 9. What part of 51s 2? 10. What part of 15 is 5? 11. What part of 10 is 2? 12. How much money have you if 3 cents is 4 of it? 13. How many marbles have you if 2 is 3 of them? 14. Place 15 blocks on your desk; take away 4} of them; take away 2 blocks more; take away 4 of what remain. How many are left? 15. Place 6 blocks on your desk; take 4 as many more; take 1 more; take away 4 of what you have; take away 4’ of what are now left. How many blocks have you? 16. Make 5 examples, using the fraction $ im each. 17. Which is larger, 3 of 6, or 3 of 18? 18. Which 1s larger, 4 of 12, or % of 12? 19. Which is larger, 3 of 15, or $ of 15? 20.. Which 1s larger, 4 of 12, or 4 of 12? ] SOSA Td Gee de = 21. Which 1s larger, 4 of 16, or } of 15? 22. Which is larger, of 12, or 4 of 10? Col Bb col Co tole hole — — = LESSON 738. (is 8+ 10, or 10+8=18 XVUI=18 9+ 9 is if 2. 3. 15+ 3 Soha t SE I % +3 i+l1l=? 9+8=? 14+ 4=? os is Ge oS 6+59=? 13+ 3=? 64 12 11l+7=? 1B ie eek — ¢ 4, 5. 6. ve 7+?=18 5+?=18 2+?=18 ?4+ 8=18 OBt+7=18 15+?=18 144?=18 ?414=18 $+?=18 44+?=18 rs Ley ee eos S+?=—-18 13+?=18 16+?=18 ?+4+ 9=18 8. 9. 10. LAG Mereo—=! I18-10=? I18-—-1=? I18—.4=? m™-14=—? 18— 2=? 18—138=? 18-— 6=? esi 6S CULT =? )hlhUdIS8— BH? C18 — 11 =? mete I8—15=7. 18—-16=?.. 18—12.=? 12. 13. 14. 15. eS i+? 18= 24? AReye— san hae Srot Lo ¢ §=10+? 18=135+? 18= 4+? POEM ake: = o+? 18=15+4? Ih. G42 oy or lo 8=14+4+? 18= 84? Lees Lt ian aco hs oe $= 8+? 1O.=7 9'-- 2 18=12+4? Peote [hier 16. iy, 18. 19. 2+16=? o+ 8=7 bran li 2 1 s.r LG o+ 5=? 7+10=? sorte! .) tof fea e+ (=? 9+ 6=? Perel, FOL 74 13. 18+1=? 18+2=7 18+3=? 18--4=7 ity é 94+9=? 94+7=? 94+0=?2 HES SON ar, 2. Die tyeaay 1343 = Wp 49 if Boe a) 4s Ate Deol 5 xe Ae be 6. AO De ieee 29 ==" es er 1K8Y 16+4=7 LG eee 16+-8=7% 16+3=? 14. 18 +5 =? 18 + 6=7 18 7 =z 18 +8 =? 18. 8+i8=? 8+6=? 8+4=2 3. Dex A ean Sex eee Ae Lxo=? 2x 0 S14 ay cea) ee ibe lee Pap AA ae te 1x2=? rey pe aye ih Zee ena Lie 15+5=? 15+3=? 14+7=? 14+2=? 15. 18) 290i) iby 1d 1811 =% 18+12=? 19. (Coe 7+5=? 74+3=? or I | “5S 9 9 5 +9 +9 oD e-9D bse po eH bo eH oo b ae Ge Ae, te Tn as Sree /Og80o I ¥ 2. 3. m6 8 m= 4 8 a meet meeris 18 mous. 13. Be 4 «(38 m5. 4 mB 4 #4 m5 8 21. 18 is ? x 4 and ( 22. 1818s? x 8 and ( 28. 18 is? x 2 and ( 24. 18 is ?x 9 and ( 25. 18 is? x 3 and ( 26. 18 is? x 5 and ( 27. 18 1s 28. 18 is 29. 18 is 380. 18 is $1. 18 is 32. 18 is 33. 18 is 34. 18 is 35. 181s 36. Add: 6 8 a7 7 37. Add: 8 7 NN I ONL ff Cc CO ae ee eon Go| mo en on en LESSON 75. act Jeoim | o Sl AAOADG Pl Yaw ArH ) over. ) over. ) over. ) over. ) over. ) over. ) more than 9. ) more than 11. ) more than 15. ) more than 15. ) more than 17. ) more than 16. ) more than 14. ) more than 12. ) more than 10. ee ee lho no aa a Blom oo OD law leo eo Imo mak oa) Jeon lo o ~ OUR Co ® | bo COO OIE CO Jon ie feiesectoa BIL a aae ~J Cr Ino wl ora 1S Jar-s re 76 LESSON 76. i Nore. — It will not be time wasted to a low each child to use the scales, and find o for himself how many ounces there are in @ pound. 1. What are the things in- the picture called ? 2. For what are they used? 8. Have youscalesin yourroom 4. Weigh a pound of sawdust. — 5. Find out how many ounces there are in it. | 6. Copy and fill blank: ounces make ‘1 pound. | Oz. stands for ounce or ounces; Ib. stands for pound o pounds. 7. How many ounces in 3 of a pound? 8. How many ounces in } of a pound? 9. 2 oz. is what part of a pound ? 10. Guess at the weight of your arithmetic; weigh it. 11. Guess at the weight of different objects im the roo then weigh them to find your mistake. 12. Copy the following, and fill it out: NAME. GUESS. WEIGHT. MISTAKE. Nore. — The teacher should have a large variety of objects, such as bas of pease, corn, meal, sugar, sand, sawdust, ete. The pupils should be allowed to spend several hours in estimating weigh and then testing their estimate. Connect this with ‘‘ store-keeping.”’ LESSON 77. 4 1. Take 18 inch sticks; arrange them into squares. Jow many squares have you? 2. Arrange them into triangles. How many triangles lave you? 8. Arrange them into rectangles twice as long as wide. Tow many rectangles have you > _ 4, Make a rectangle whose perimeter is 18 inches. dow long and how wide is it? 5. Make a rectangle whose perimeter and area are both 8 inches. How long and how wide have you made it ? 6. How many square feet in a table 6 feet long and 3 eet wide ? _ 7%. What is the area in square feet of a flower bed 9 eet long and 2 feet wide? — 8. Find the area of a path 18 feet long and 1 foot wide? 9. How many pairs of parallel lines can you form with 8 sticks ? 10. How many acute angles can you form with 18 sticks? 11. How many pairs of adjacent lines can you make vith 18 sticks? 12. How many faces have 3 cubes? 13. How many quarters ought you to give for a half lollar ? 14. When a gallon of oil costs 12 cents, what will I juart cost ? 15. If your mug holds a gill of milk, how many times ‘an you fill it from a quart jug ? 16. When milk is 3 cents a pint, how many quarts can _buy for 18 cents? 17. If a pound of meat costs 18 cents, what will } of a ound cost ? 18. When you know the price of a quart of milk, and he number of quarts, how can you find the cost of all the | ? 7 LESSON 78. cap} Ge Ge Ge Ge RE it oe eet | mia kc ae ack tS = ‘et ales ec cal xX a coy, oF a Qua Cres (Orel Gee on ax | pee | a ee | Mm 0 ON l gm = o> ie Paar + fester yh ter ier Zs a — = Ge Ge Ge Ge = | i dt od +oos 7 eo aie Pets etearl oO Daron ee So bcos: | eoeeeee . esses 600 *' ete ri 20. 19. 18. Erg ? 25. 24. 23. 22. 21. redial etd ht oh 2 LESSON 79. 79 19 =? x 3 and ( ) over 19 =? 5 and ( ) over 19 =? x 4 and -( ) over 19 =? x 2 and ( ) over. Eee oF and ( ) over. 19 =? x 6 and ( ) over. 19 = 3 of 18 and ( ) over 19 =} of 15 and ( ) over. 19. = 1 of 18 and ( ) over. 19 =} of 18+ 3 of 18 and ( ) over. 19 =3 x 6 and ( ) over. - 19=2x 7 and ( ) over. 6 is contained in 19 ( ) times and ( ) over 8 is contained in 19 (—_—) times and ( ) over 9 is contained in 19 (—_) times and ( ) over 7 is contained in 19 (—_) times and ( ) over . 11 is contained in 19 (—_) times and ( ) over . 15 is contained in 19 (——_) times and ( ) over . 12 is contained in 19 (——) times and ( ) over 5 1s contained in 19 ( ) times and ( ) over 8 ( )and 9 ( ) are ( ). 10 ( )and 9 ( ) are ( Ke fal )and 8 ( ) are ( ) eer — =.) legs. D. ( ) are ( ) i ae ae Weare, (625. =) ite) less 0 ( ) are ( ) 14 ( )and 5 ( ) are ( ). 12 ( )and 7 ( ) are ( ). Pepe boot Ley a 12h 1 a 19 epee b0. ASP fo 184 = 19 — © =r ~D Hm DO © ll il h— Com Oo. © => Rb 80 LESSON 80. , 1. Take 19 inch sticks. How many squares can you. make ? . 2. How many triangles can you make ? . 3. Make 4 squares and 1 triangle. How many sticks’ are left ? 4. How many sides have 4 squares and 1 triangle ? 5. How many pentagons can you make? and how many sticks are unused ? 6. Make 3 pentagons and 1 square; how many sticks are left ? 7. How many sides have 83 pentagons and 1 square ? 8. Draw a line 19 feet long. How much more than 6 yards 1s it? : 9. Draw a lme 19 inches long. How much more than 1} feet is it? 10. 19 oranges are how many more than 1} doz. oranges? 11. 19 days are how many days more than 2 weeks? 12. 19 ounces are how many ounces more than 1 pound? 13. 19 quarts are how many quarts more than 4 gallons? ; 14. 19 pints are how many pints more than 9 quarts ? — 15. 19 gills are how many gills more than 4 pints ? 16. 19 pecks are how many pecks more than 4 bushels ? 17. 19 quarts are how many quarts more than 2 pecks? 18. 19 months are how many months more than 1 year? 19. 19 cents are how many cents more than 1 dime? | 20. If you drink 1 pint of milk every day for 2 weeks, | how many quarts will you drink ? 21. Jennie is 6 years old, and her sister is 1 year more than 5 times as old; how old is her sister ? | 22. Sight subtraction : 15) TT SELB P15 18 La els een 2 8 7 7 8 9 2 7 9 23. In 9 quarts and a pint there are ( ) pints? | LESSON 81. SI Illustrate each of these examples. 1. A man had $16. He paid $5 to one man, and $6 to another; how many dollars did he have left ? If 1 lb. of sugar costs 8 cents, what will 2 Ib. cost ? If 1 lb. of fish costs 9 cents, what will 2 Ib. cost ? What cost 3 quarts of berries at 6 cents a quart ? What cost 4 bushels of cranberries at $3 a bushel ? At $4 a yard, what cost 4 yd. of broadcloth ? How many lemons at 4 cents each will pay for 4 oranges at 2 cents each? 8. How many pears at 3 cents each will pay for 3 melons at 6 cents each ? 9. When 10 cents are paid for 5 rolls of candy, how much must be paid for 6 rolls ? 10. If a cocoanut is worth 9 cents, what 1s 4 of 1t worth? 11. If a cord of wood costs $6, what does 4 of it cost ? 12. When $8 are paid for a ton of coal, what must be paid for } of a ton ? 13. If a barrel of sugar is worth $18, what is 4 of a barrel worth ? 14. If 4 of an orange is worth | cent, what is the whole of it worth ? 15. If § of a pound of beef is worth 35 cents, what is a pound worth ? 16. At $5 a yard, what will $ of a yard of cloth cost? 17. At $6 a ton, what will 13 tons of coal cost ? 18. If 1 lb. of cheese costs 12 cents, what will 4 of a pound cost ? 19. If 1 bushel of beans is worth $4, what is } of a bushel worth ? 20. If 4 dimes will buy | yard of cloth, what part of a yard will | dime buy ? 21. If a barrel of flour costs $6, what part of a barrel can you buy for $2? ed ea 82 LESSON 82. ysoumiere, Copy: Circle; Circumference; Diameter. 1. Make this figure on your paper. 2. Do you know what it is called? 3. Write its name on your paper. 4. Point to the line that bounds the cir- cle. What name do we give this line? 5. Point to the line drawn through the circle. What name do we give to this line? 6. Make a circle, and write the words circumference and diameter in their right places. 7. See if you can find 5 circles in the room. 8. See if you can find 5 circles on your way home from school. [ind 5 at home. 9. Make a circle on your paper, and make a square be-- side it. 10. Tell five points in which these figures are unlike. 11. Mold a cube and 2 spheres of clay. Cut one of the spheres in two. Each half is called a hemisphere. Diameter 12. Do the objects that you have molded look like these pictures ? 13. State the likenesses and differences in these figures. 14. Think of some objects in the form of a sphere. 15. Think of some objects in the form of a hemisphere. 16. Think of some objects in the form of a cube. 17. What is the difference between the surface of the sphere and the surface of the cube? LESSON 83. ADDITION. O Ho Ox co x > HID 10 0 6 1D XH | HAD XH Ord 4 oH 19 DO Hid | hI 1S XH 09 1D > =H | CH 6D 10 | mt 1D b= HH) GO 1919 | O > <> ~H| re moO HY SO) © 110 <0} com D-H 00 re WH CTO re Boat Roc | repre Roch | Gio r= 69 | GO sO Bo SH 1m] OND] OH 9 0 a0 00 | an) es ool mal | OAD | SH ce 00 | Gp CO B= HY 84 (ser ls ~3 60 pene Li oo re) | LESSON 84. SUBTRACTION. 4 5. 6 7 9 8 ae | lige Aik 2 L410 eel eli. Pea ee ee Bs MOG hs 24. 25. 26. 27. (ee eke ibs}. = 1Es) Blin haat 34. 35. 36. 37. eye EE aL 9 ee 44. 45. 46. 47. ist aR Mba aes eee es 54. 65. 56. 577. NRO iki RWS Ae 255 ACT ore 64. 65. 66. 67. 14 Toe Ago ee eae 14. 185 9a" 77. LESSON 865. 5 D Make an example to illustrate each combination in this lesson. Le 9+8=? 3+6=? S+9=? 6+4=? 5 9+5=? 7+6=? 9+6=? of3 =? 9. 8+8=? o+9=? 6+7=? 4+6=? ek: 17 —9=? 9—6=—? 12—3=? 10—4=? 1 ig'ie 14-—9=? §3—T=? 15—9=? 6—3=? 2. 6+3=? 44+8=? 4+7=? O+7=? 6. o+5=? 3+50=? 3+6=? 64+ 6=?. 10 9+3=? 7+3=? T+2=? 6+90=? 14, 9—3=? 12—4=? sf =? 12—5=? 18. 10—5=? 8—3=? 9—3=? 12—6=? 3. 7+5=? 6+9=? 6+8=? 44+2=? vf 4+9=? Jeo = 2 2 = 7 S8+9=? Bee ree 7+8=? T+9=? o+6=? o+4=? 15. 12—7=? 15 —6=? 14—8=? 6—2=? 19. 13-—4=? 18 —9=? lj —2=? 17-8 =? 4. Ship gaat, ise sh ay eae, PSO REN, 8. he Bia fe, ae Teens jeaeiie=’’, 12 eee, epee ee Gaede ee, 16. ieee aresye ies eee, Suto fice ey 20. eee ey ieee Tes aes 86 LESSON 86. 1. In a street there were 15 doves picking up corn, — but a dog frightened away 8 of them. How many were left ? 2. There were 16 houses on a street, but a fire burned 7 of them. How many were not burned ? 8. ‘I'wo boys started from the same place. One ran north 12 yards, and the other south 7 yards. How far apart were they then? (Illustrate.) 4. If the 2 boys had both gone north, how far apart would they have been? (Illustrate. 5. I bought a watch for $11, and sold it for $17. How many dollars did I gain ? 6. If a deer runs 15 miles in an hour, and a dog runs 18 miles in the same time, how many miles has the dog gained on the deer ? 7. A man paid $18 for a gun, which was $1 less than he paid for a dog. How much did he pay for his dog? 8. A man bought a load of hay for $16, and sold it for $19. How many dollars did he gain ? 9. ‘There were enough quart bottles on a shelf to hold — 18 pints. How many bottles were there ? 10. Write all the facts you can about 19. 11. If a table is 6 feet on one side, and 3 feet on the other, how many yards is it all round the table ? 12. Ifa table is 6 feet long and 3 feet wide, how many square feet are there in the top of the table? In 3 of the table? In 4ofit? In 4 of it? 13. If you had of a dollar, and gave away +, how many fourths were left ? 14, If you have a pear, and eat 4 of it, how many thirds will be left ? 15. If you have 2 pears, and cut them into thirds, and divide the pieces equally among 3 boys, how many pieces will you give to each boy ? & €9 10 + 10 — 20 4. 5x 4=? 1x6=? 2x6=? 3x 6=? 8. 20= 9+? 20= 7+? 20 = 104? 20= 4+? 12. 16+? = 20 14+ ?= 20 12+?= 20 10 + ? = 20 16. 20 —?=14 20-—?= 9 20 —?=12 20 —?= 16 LESSON 87. 10 + 10 = 20 l. 2. 1x2=? 6x2=? 2x2=? 7x 2=? 3x2=? 8x2=? 4x~2=? 9x2=? ox2=? 10x 2=? 5. 6. 1x 7=? lx 9=? 2x T=? 2x 9=? 1x 8=? 1x 10=? 2x8=? 2x 10=? 9. 10. 20= 8+? 20= 247? 20= 64+? 20= 5+? 20=164+? 20—144? 20=154+? 20=12+4? 13. 14. 18+?=20 19+4+?= 20 8+2?=20 17+?= 20 6+?=20 154+?= 20 4t+?=20 13+4+?= 20 Lie 18. 20-—15=? 134+ 7=? 20—ll=?, 12+8=? 20— 8=? 114+9=? 20.—-13 =? 14+-+4=7 XX = 20 3. 1x3 =? 2x3=? 8x 38=? 4x3=? oxd=? ie 2 ee aoe 20+ 4=? 20+ O=? 20 +10 =? 11 20= 8+? 20 =11+? 20 = 13+? PAV 4 by oes er, 15. li +?= 20 9+ ?= 20 7+?= 20 o+?= 20 19. 12+6=? 114+8=? 164+2=? 11l+7=? 87 88 S| Cleo 09 SD bO wm Lee Or Lire 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. GES SOINe s. o. 5+5+5+4+5=? §+384+343=? 6+6+6+4+2=? 2+2+2+6=? 2)20 2, 6)20 01 8540) 20/7 yan Taeo 3) 20 7) 20 11) 20 15) 20 4) 20 8) 20 12) 20 16) 20 5) 20 9) 20 3) 20 20 ) 20 6. rf 8. 9. 10. Ll 254 Sse Z 2 T 2 6 5 4 7 5 8° <9 iver 6s) be eel 4 oy 4 1 6 D 9 6 4 5 4 v if e y ? ‘ 2 ? e ? ? 20° 290) 90.920) 20 0 0s pee Pe, balk 16. 44+-7+543=? o9+644+4+4=? 7+44+54+3=? 2+14+5+8=? 2+1+0+1=? 20 = ? times 4 and ( ) over. 20 = ? times 2 and ( ) over. 20 = ? times 3 and ( ) over. 20 = ? times 6 and ( ) over. 20 = ? times 6 and ( ) over. 20 =?and 1 and ( ) over. 20=?and 9 and ( ) over. 20=?and 7 and ( ) over. 20 =? times 3 and 4 of (——). ee _ LESSON 89. llx2= 12x 2= Lex ee 11 2x 9=? oe 0 taai Lease |) =at¢ 5 ep cod AU ars 15. 30+5=? 1o+5d=? 209+d90=? 20 +5 =? 19. 10+2=? 6+3=? 8+2=? 2+2=? 4+-2=? 90 ey LESSON 90. . 64+74+445=? 74+74+74+7=? 8+8+8+6=? 3tO+64+ 7 =% 9+94+9+3=? 8+84+84+5=? 9+5+6+9=? 64+8+594+9=7% 44-9159 4 =? 8+843+4+8=? (peed Tey at ma 944484+5=? 84+34+3+3=2 44+444+44=? 5+54+5+5=? C+6+64+6=1 - 04+64+546=? 6+74+64+7=? 7+84+7+8=7? S+9+44+6=? (falar seer ep telinp hie ays 9 3+9+7+8=? 9+3+8+4+9=? 44+3+9+6=? 2. 6. 8. 10. 12. 9+8+6+4+5=? Ate eer 8+54+9+6=? 714+9+843=? - 64+54+64+5=? 7+64+74+6=? 8+9+4+849=? J? a 7 oP Saree Ga 28.) 0 eee 9+44+54+5=? 94+84+4+4+8=? 44+44444=? 5+ 54 5-- biae 6+64+6+6=? oA leh an 6+8+4+8+47=? 9+6+649=? 8+4+4+/+0=7 T+5+8+6=2 9+84+7+6=? 2+3+4+4+5=? 6+7+849=? o9+9+6+4=? 8+24+543=1 LESSON Qi. 9] Make rectangles of the following measurements, and then find their area and perimeter. 1. 10 inches long and 2 inches wide. 2. 10 inches long and 3 inches wide. 3. 9 inches long and 2 inches wide. 4. 9 inches long and 3 inches wide. 5. 8 inches long and 4 inches wide. 6. 8 inches long and 2 inches wide. 7. 8 inches long and 5 inches wide. 8. 7 inches long and 4 inches wide. 9. 6 inches long and 5 inches wide. 10. 5 inches long and 5 inches wide. 11. 7 inches long and 5 inches wide. 12. 6 inches long and 4 inches wide. 13. 7 inches long and 2 inches wide. 14. 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. 15. 5 inches long and 4 inches wide. 16. 4 inches long and 4 inches wide. 17. 5 inches long and 5 inches wide. 18. 4 inches long and 3 inches wide. 19. How many rows of inch squares did you find in each of these rectangles ? 20. How many inch squares did you find in each row ? 21. Draw the right diagonal in the first 6 rectangles. 22. Draw the left diagonal i in the last 6 rectangles. 23. How many yards of fence must a man build around his yard if it is 9 yards long and 6 yards wide? 24. How many square inches in’ the surface of a rect- angle 3 inches wide and 9 inches long? 25. What is the area of a 5-inch square ? 26. If your garden bed is 8 feet long and 4 feet wide, what is the distance around it ? Nore. —In each case have the pupils tell you the number of units ina row, and the number of rows. 92 LESSON 92. IMM 9 Os ~1. Into how many parts is each figure divided ? 2. What is each part called ? | 8. Point to } of the circle. Of the square. Of the | nonagon. 4. Draw a line 9 inches long, and divide it mto 9 equal parts. 5. Point to $ of the line. 6. Draw a rectangle 9 inches long and 1 inch wide. Cross off } of it. So) W bat isso teslouenes yar 9.) What 1s # Onova See kin 107) W hatiis 3 obey also are 11. Show by drawing that } and 3 are equal. 12. Which is larger, Fot!9 os SOL a, 13. Which is larger, 3 of 9 or } of 9? 14. Which is larger, } of 9 or § of 122 15. If you have an apple, how many ninths of an apple have you? 16. If you have an apple, and give away 3 of it, how many ninths have you left ? 17. Show by drawings that 2 and } are equal. Cross off 3 of it. 7. Draw a rectangle 6 inches long and 8 inches wide. 7 1S. ee $ = 3. 5 Eh = 5. 10.6 7h ae, + 5 ek 20, $—§ =>9. aie oth =o. el. $+3=95 Se. B+ 5 => 22. 5 +5 =3 =a. §—$=s. LESSON 93. 95 A Rectangular Solid 1. Take some inch cubes. Make a rectangle 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. How many cubes are in each row? How many rows are there? 2. Put another layer of cubes on top of the first layer. How many cubes are in this layer? 3. Put another layer on top of the other two. What form have you now ? 4. How many layers have you? How many cubes in each layer ? 5. How many cubes are there in the prism? 6. Make a cube that shall have 4 cubes on each side. How many layers have you made? How many cubes are in each layer ? 7. Out of your cubes make a rectangle 6 inches long and 3 inches wide. Put on top 2 more layers like the first. Is this a cube? Why? 8. Make a prism 9 inches long, 2 inches wide, and 3 inches high. Tell how many layers you have, how many rows in each layer, and how many cubes in a row. 9. Do the same for each of the following: A prism 4 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 6 inches high. 10. A 5-inch cube. 11. A prism 5 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 6 inches high. 12. A prism 6 inches long, 3 inches wide, and 8 inches high. 13. A prism 6 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 6 mches high. 14, A 6-inch cube, 94 LESSON 94. Copy and learn : 60 seconds make 1 minute. 60 minutes make | hour. 24 hours make 1 day. 7 days make | week. 52 weeks make | year. 12 months make | year. 1. If you are asleep 3 of the day, how many hours are you asleep ? 2. How many hours in the forenoon are you at school? 3. How many hours are you in school in a day? 4. Copy and learn: “'Thirty days hath September, Apri, June, and November.” February has 28 days, and in leap year 29 days. The other months have 31 days each. 5. Write the names of the months in order, and after each write the number of days in it. 6. What month is it now? How many days has it ? 7. How many weeks are there in 30 working days? 8. How many days from the 11th of June to the 9th of July? 9. How many days from the 25th of September to the 25th of October ? 10. Tell the pupils to call the knuckle of the fore finger January, the space between the fore finger and the middle finger February, the next knuckle March, the next space April, the next knuckle May, the next space June, the knuckle of the little finger July. Now come back to the knuckle of the fore finger for August, and continue to the end of the year. All the months that have 31 days come on the knuckles, and those that have less than 31 come between the knuckles. This is an aid that every pupu always carries with him, _ a LESSON 9Q5. 95 Mee bo 3 4) G6 88 8 Tk 8 rose oT 8 5.3 9° 4 88 e Semeece e 8 8 7) «8.5 7-7-7 ¢ Mees or bo 4 8 «Ol 6UdT 9 U8 lb Memeo 6 7 8 7 2 7 1 6 Ae Meo o 1-7 1, 9 TF 8 9. OF Meech’ 6b 7 8 9 6. Bb Ag TS SS Oe a a a i ga Memes re 304 9 7 9 Bo) he meet 5 9 1 2 8 9 Tag Memerre 5 1 8 4 6 7 87. Bk Memeo eo So 1 2 4 8 8 6. 3u Add lines a and 0; band e¢, ete. Add lines a, 6, and c; 0, c, and d, ete. Add any four lines. Multiply each line by 2. Multiply each line by 3. Add a and 6, and from the sum take ec. Add 6 and ec, and from the sum take d. Add ec and d, and from the sum take e. Add d and e, and from the sum take /. 10. Add e and /, and from the sum take g. 11. Add a and e, and from the sum take 0. 12. Add ¢ and d, and from the sum take a. 18. Add cand d, and from the sum take 0. 14, Add d and e, and from the sum take a. 15. Add & and 7, and from the sum take 7. 16. Multiply ¢ by 2, and from the product subtract 0. 17. Multiply ¢ by 3, and from the product subtract the sum of a and 0. 18. Multiply ¢ by 2, and from the product subtract d. 19. Multiply 6 by 3, and from the product subtract a. SEO NSE ee ce Se 96 LESSON 96. Fig. i: Fig. 2. Fig. 3. 1. Bring 4 squares to school to-morrow, and 4 rect- angles. Let the squares measure 4 inches on a side, and the rectangles 6 inches by 4 inches. 2. ‘Take a square, draw its diagonal. Take a pair of scissors, and cut on the diagonal. Into what have you di- vided the square? Do the same to one of the rectangles. 8. What part of the whole square or rectangle is one of the right triangles ? 4. Take another square and rectangle, and find how many square inches there are in each of them? 5. If the right-triangle is 4 of the square, and the square contains 16 square inches, how many square inches are there in the right-triangle ? 6. Take one of your right-triangles, and place it on your desk in the position of Fig. 2. Place A on B and fold. Cut it where you have creased it. Place the pieces as in Fig. 8. What figure have you? 7. Place beside this rectangle a right-triangle. How do they compare in length? How in height or altitude ? 8. Two right-triangles of the same size will make what ? 9. Make 4 squares or rectangles by putting right-tri- angles together. 10. Into what figure can you change a right-triangle ? 11. Change 4 right-triangles into 4 rectangles. 12. A right-triangle has a base of 6 inches and an alti- tude of 6 inches. Change it into a rectangle having the same area. T'ind the area. CODNAMNARWNDE Oe a eel ce oe ee oe oo oe oe Sos 0 SEE OU PaCS Sones 21. wwnnwn»w noc tha ae eh 27. LESSON 97. Q7 Draw a circle on your paper. Draw its diameter. Draw a 5-inch square. Draw its diagonal. Find the perimeter of the square. Find the area of the square. Draw a pair of parallel lines. Draw a pair of adjacent lines. Draw two pairs of perpendicular lines. Draw two pairs of horizontal lines. Draw two vertical lines. Draw an acute angle. Draw an obtuse angle. Draw a right angle. Draw a triangle having only acute angles. Draw a triangle having one right angle. Draw a triangle having one obtuse angle. Write the table for Liquid Measure. Write the table for Dry Measure. Write the table for Time Measure. Write the table for U. 8. money. Write the names of the Spring months. Write the names of the Summer months. Write the names of the Autumn months. Write the names of the Winter months. Write the names of the days of the week. Write the abbreviations for the words used in an- swering the questions in this lesson. 28. 29. 30. 31. to 20. Write all the odd numbers from 1 to 30. Write all the even numbers from 1 to 30. Write in Roman notation all the numbers from 1 f each fe ‘a cube is a 2-inch square, how man If each face of } 2-inch square, | Square inches are there in the whole cube? 5 98 LESSON Qs. MM 6 1. Into how many parts is each figure divided ? 2. What is each part called ? 3. Draw a rectangle 10 mches long and | inch wide; divide it ito 10 equal parts. 4. Draw a rectangle 5 inches long and 2 inches wide; divide it to 10 equal parts. 5. Draw a line 10 inches long, and cut off 7s of it. 6. Draw a line 20 inches long, and cut off Yo of it. 7. Draw a line 30 inches long, and cut off Yo of it. 8. If you divide some apples equally among 10 chil- dren, what part of the apples do you give to each? . 9. If a man divides 20 cents equally among 10 girls, how many cents does each girl receive ? 10. How many are yy and Yo? | 11. Which is larger, ¥o of an apple or } of it? Jlustrate. 12. Which is larger, } of an apple or xo of it? ~Tlustrate. 13. Which is greater, # or fo? LTlustrate. 14, Draw 20 lines on your slate, and let 7 of them be vertical, and the rest horizontal. How many are hori- zontal ? 15. A boy had 10 apples, and gave away % of them. How many had he left ? 16. Take 30 blocks, and give ys of them to each of 5 of your classmates. How many have you left? 17. From 30 blocks take away 1'o of them, then } of the remainder, then 3 of the second remainder, then 3} of the last remainder. How many blocks are left ? 18. If you have 20 pieces of candy, and divide io of them equally among 2 girls, how many pieces will each receive? LESSON 9Q9Q. 99 1. What will 4 a pound of sugar cost at 6 cents a pound? What will 3 pounds cost ? 2. Arthur has $24 in a bank, and George has } as much. How much has George? If Arthur takes out $8, and George puts in $8, how much will each then have in the bank ? 8. Make 7 vertical lines on the blackboard, each 2 inches apart. How far apart are the 2 outside lines? 4. If you buy a gallon of milk for 20 cents, and sell it at 6 cents a quart, how much will you gain on the gallon ? 5. If you have a dozen oranges, and give away 7 of them, how much are the rest worth at 5 cents apiece ? 6. If 10 shovels cost $20, how much will 8 shovels cost? 7. If your father pays $27 for 3 cords of wood, how much would he have to pay for 2 cords? 8. What will 3 papers of tacks cost at 8 cents a paper ? 9. What will 10 pieces of braid cost at 3 cents each ? 10. To 21 add 3 of 21, divide by ¢ of 24, subtract 3 of 25, and multiply by 3 of 30. Write result. 11. 25 cents are how many half-dimes ? 12. If you have 25 cents, and buy a ball for 10 cents, _and a bat for 8 cents, how many cents will you have left ? 13. A 4-gallon jar will hold how many quarts? 14. Fill the blank spaces: 3 4 5 7 4 7 9 6 8 3 6 if 6 7 2 8 9 6 9 6 a 6 8 8 9 6 9 8 7 4 9 OME SM Slee oe mene eck Seme0 et 30.22 24° 30 25 29 | 16 15. John has a quarter of a dollar and James has 2 dimes. How many cents can John spend and still have as much as James? 16. If 4 men can do a piece of work in 6 days, how many days will it take 1 man? 100 LESSON 100. 1. Give the pupils a box 6 inches long, 4 inches wide, and 3 inches deep. Measure this box. With your inch cubes make a pile just as large. How many inch cubes have you used i each layer? How many inch cubes are there in each face ? 2. Find the area and perimeter of a flower bed 8 feet long and | yard wide? 3. How many months in 2 years? 4. How many yards in 21 feet? 5. How many pecks in 24 quarts ? 6. How many dimes in 380 cents ? 7. How many smgle things in 2 dozen things? 8. Is 10 odd or even? How much must you add to it to make it odd? 9. How many pounds in 18 ounces? 10.. How many eights in }? 11. Illustrate. How many square inches in a right- triangle having 5 inches for its base and 4 inches for its altitude ? ; 12. If 1 quart of grass seed costs 3 of a dollar, what will 1 peck cost ? 13. How many gallons in 28 quarts? 14. How many pints in 10 quarts? 15. Turn the pointers in the clock dial so as to read 2.15 P.M. . 16. Guess at the height of your desk. Measure it. 17. How many dollars in 30 dimes? | 18. Guess at the width of the road in yards. Measure it. 19. Name the months in the first half of the year. 20. Write the abbreviations for the months of the sec- ond half of the year. 21. Keep store. Let each pupil be store-keeper, Pe make change for two transactions, and also go to the store twice to buy something. — a re | Poy ee ita ee a WA ie) \ al p : Ty’ ~~ tale Vay TF he : Ay { ae 4 an + 7 be sataeas ests. ais phebod et ad Het Hist, sr thee 31 . ety st at arity toh sears rats . tek eh tt Biss : a a eee! : ; Patty We 353 vhs + eit Te one teletet 3: ty? Sater ere Sty tity se .? es oy si tatet 7 t aE : Tthshetets Ht 03 > +f ts $.tt ne it ‘ ‘shah 4Pet, Tetote i ‘: . r ; ‘i > of 3. >. 7. 2 ut 3ge34 ¢ $43 5) if} iv, at PS ehptaale * asetebess iS: tit ps3 reba tal eelah risttattas ia “ highs atatetetetsre? 7 se t oat sieht yt tpryait Saha beled: Stitt ti teeth Heel phytate sarpograry at rsasasayerey ettets settee Fn 83 + 3 - ta tet tit Sotet + zt tt +43 Nebg? aan eats 3 3F Epes peste re stes teeee rs zs a rebate i - Battiss tint Th 3s riyiehe lan ete ry + iat pase} te : f ‘ t at i meters) Petetetey tal i i ot ot tree Tet ia POH as pType. : ‘ tetas pity seetiReee tate : aaa vee: : fi “ee ef piel Hit ut shit taloisletebstatets peletesaiete! faa +. rate es rat Foi giat ty sail! $3 cat a3 HS 3 ae be $834 het terete att etnies, ehetetetitat Stale title i i 3 Tt. Sh. sieleneseaengt ste! +t: seu os + i fit rt iotint 37 i ay + ete Si ptetttat pe 35: babehet te Beh 4 Biz ae aah ii + 33 °s ; 5g3438 site tele ; repre reapers : et ate tara, Regret sigtetsy tit + Seen ea tilalaletity tals - Tihs oa fetaeigianeti atria tata 3 1H he S 1; i tats : ait et patelst re teltts a5 esta nbn a + St Hs : 3 at y fr , a ! tetehyt Hate Niet raasests ws ahplehehathtared el atghe ii tehets + il alee obi rain Siena eae tt habe Ta tet teicher Tetenartares st sro mene oh Bite + i: aa 2 tah aisate aaiatet 2 e i aie phates aa elsleletst eh gis Baiae of adaty Bese Ta s4ek esege pees ae pages at ET ote ee bed eI a siattetatatate oe mht a i i Sih i) aie Leigh sagt ui arth aieigt $3 tiie , Esa) ‘ atta tytat Bt seigtete : ae is ei alghele byte! erate eee } yeled $2 1 t. >. ig tatety fateh Belg tats qeetitetietad stetatane Prhgty tele + " a a et thPatete te! nnn) bel Sites! Tetetet it ae she tole sie esesgpa tice sy sary padaellshieiganth ait eesthe Toke! eu tet tate tlre tea tits ; , Sita sii a ? te it Sale etal . t ee Siete bantatt eet ae eset t+ Seaeee petescaetsl he a: at et ts +