CITY OF MUSKOGEHEF, OKLAHOMA REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES Ooty MUSKOGEE PUBLISHED UNDER AUTHORITY GIVEN BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF MUSKOGEE, UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 1269, PASSED AND APPROVED ON THE 9TH DAY OF JANUARY, 1923. THIS COMPILATION INCLUDES ALL ORDINANCES UP TO AND IN- CLUDING APRIL 24, 1923, AND A COPY OF THE CITY CHARTER PRINTED BY OKLAHOMA PRINTING COMPANY MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA ec oe Se oe 6 Yo lo REMOTE STORAGE: COMPILING ORDIRAR KR sta OKe V (Published Muskogee Daily Phoenix, January 10th, 1923) ORDINANCE NO. 1269 _ An ordinance authorizing and ordering a revis- ion, compilation and publication of the general ordinances of the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and declaring an emergency. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MUSKOGEE. ¢ SECTION 1. A revision, compilation and publication in book ~ form of the general ordinances of the City of Muskogee, Okla- ~ homa, is hereby ordered, and Cliff V. Peery, City Attorney, and H. W. Pramer, Assistant City Clerk, are hereby authorized and direct- ed to revise, compile, index and publish in book form all the general ordinances of said city, and to arrange the same in chapters, articles and sections, with appropriate titles, sub-titles and num- bers necessary to facilitate examination thereof, and the ascertain- ment of the sections referring to the subject sought to be examin- ed, and to prepare and arrange an index thereof, and, when so pre- pared, to superintend the printing of not less than one hundred (100) copies thereof, and as many more as may be deemed exped- ient by the City Manager. There shall also be included in said publication the present charter of said city, with a separate index thereto, and a schedule or reference list of such special ordinances of said city as are not included in the general ordinances so revised, and such other information or public data as may be deemed ap- propriate. SECTION 2. In the preparation, revision and compilation of. the general ordinances all titles, captions and formal sections re- ferring to the time of taking effect, publication thereof, and repeal of previous ordinances shall be wholly omitted, as well as all other sections or parts of sections as may, in the judgment of the com- pilers, be deemed not necessary to a full statement of the provi- sions of the ordinances; and such other changes, alterations and revisions may be made as may, in the judgment of the compilers, be deemed expedient to clarify the meaning, harmonize the various ordinances, harmonize their provisions with the present form of government, and make them applicable, so far as may be, to the present conditions. The numerous penalty sections of the various ordinances may be omitted and a general penalty provision for > each chapter or article, as the case may be, substituted therefor. by “\the compilers, if deemed advisable. SECTION 3. When said revision and compilation shall be com- pleted and is ready for publication the same shall be submitted to ™ the City Council for its examination, correction and approval be- , 4 ad ha : Le C 814583 AFQY VI COMPILING ORDINANCE fore publication ; and when finally published same shall not become effective until finally approved and accepted in published form by the City Council, and the effective date thereof fixed by ordinance. SECTION 4. When the revised general ordinances of said city shall have been published in book form, as above provided, and accepted and approved by the City Council, same shall become and be the “Revised General Ordinances” of said city, and shall super- sede and repeal all then existing general ordinances, or parts there- of, not included in said revised general ordinances, or in conflict therewith, and said book of “Revised General Ordinances” shall be read, received and accepted in evidence in all courts of this state without further proof. SECTION 5. Emergency: For the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, a public emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof it is necessary that this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication as required by law. Passed this 9th day of January, 1923. Approved this 9th day of January, 1923. W. G. Gibbons, Vice Mayor. Attest: W. W. Gilbert, City Clerk. RESOLUTION Resolution approving the Revision and Compilation of the General Ordinances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma. WHEREAS, a revision and compilation of the general ordin- ances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, has been made as author- ized by Ordinance 1269 of the City of Muskogee; and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and is ready for publication; and WHEREAS, the same has been submitted to the City Coun- cil of Muskogee, Oklahoma, for its examination, correction and -approval; and : ; WHEREAS, the said City Council of Muskogee has examined and corrected the same: IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED BY THE COUNGIRRAE THE CITY OF MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA: 1. That said revision and compilation of the general ordin- ances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, made by Cliff V. Peery, City Attorney, and H. W. Pramer, Assistant City Clerk, pursuant COMPILING ORDINANCE VII to Ordinance No. 1269, be, and the same is hereby, approved, and the same is hereby ordered published in accordance with the pro- visions of Ordinance 1269 of the City of Muskogee. GEO. H. WALKER, Mayor. MONA he W. W. GILBERT, City Clerk. ORDINANCE No. 1288 An Ordinance Approving the Revision and Compila- tion of the General Ordinances of the City of Mus- kogee, Oklahoma, and declaring an emergency. WHEREAS, a revision and compilation of the general ordi- nances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, has been made as authorized by Ordinance 1269 of the City of Muskogee; and WHEREAS, the same has been completed and is ready for publication ; and WHEREAS, the same has been submitted to the City Council of Muskogee, Oklahoma, for its examination, correction and ap- proval; and WHEREAS, the said City Council of Muskogee has examined and corrected the same: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUN- Ci Ore THE CEEY OF MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA: SECTION 1. That said revision and compilation of the gen- eral ordinances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, made by Cliff V. Peery, City Attorney, and H. W. Pramer, Assistant City Clerk, pursuant to Ordinance 'No. 1269, be, and the same is hereby, ap- proved, and the same is hereby ordered published in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 1269 of the City of Muskogee. SECTION 2. Emergency. For the preservation of the public peace, health and safety a public emergency is hereby declared to exist by reason whereof it is necessary that this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, approval and publication, as required by law. Passed this 24th day of April, 1923. Approved this 24th day of April, 1923. GEO. H. WALKER, Mayor. Pel LEST: W. W. GILBERT, City Clerk. ih ye t , vt — “ as c y . ai i * , , } i \ 4 % HOF, { sine \ i rd jf Ye , a ae cit Ri. pias iS PAS ed eWNG le! The City of Muskogee is twenty-five years old, having been originally incorporated as a town on March 19, 1898, and later by order of the Judge of the District Court for the Eastern District of Oklahoma, made a city of the second-class, and finally on Decem- ber 23, 1907, by proclamation of the Governor, made a city of the first-class. The last three years the city has been operated under the managerial form of government, the Charter providing for the election of a mayor and sixteen councilmen, four from each ward. The councilmen are nominated by wards on a non-political ticket and the councilmen and mayor are elected at large. They appoint a city manager who has charge of all the departments ‘of the city. The mayor and councilmen pass all ordinances and the mayor signs all contracts. It is purely representative in form; the power is derived directly from the people, and is centered in one place where it can be effective, or responsibility lodged if it is a failure. The manager is appointed without term. He makes up the budget, directs the expenditures, and employs and discharges all city forces except the park, board, library and similar boards, city clerk, and city treasurer. It is more nearly patterned after the public school system, or a private corporation than any other form of government—the stock holders or voters to select the board of directors; the board of directors, or councilmen, to appoint the manager, and the manager to conduct the affairs of the corporat- ion. In the work of arranging the several subjects or chapters un- der which the ordinances are grouped, we were assisted materially by the work previously done in an effort to compile and publish a code of the ordinances, which work was only partially completed. The ordinances themselves, however, had been amended or entirely repealed in so many instances, that it was necessary before a com- plete and authentic code could be compiled, that we start with or- dinance No. 1 and eliminate everything that had been repealed and the portions of ordinances amended, up to the present time. CLIFF V. PEERY, City Attorney. H. W. PRAMER, Asst. City Clerk. AY a a \ kts ‘ a @ 7 ite eae ’ S te « i Ves 18 ihe Tere y3 ale) Poa of ae ‘ . 3 osfi* 5 i vaerh ome ’ ry + a. ae . ie as a , q GN Pele Pete eee eee " e ¥ 5 . ‘ ’ ‘ ‘ y c ah A | ( a i CITY OFFICIALS ee REL MR VY URE Ti eee are ne. ee ae ae ne ed ts Mayor _ COUNCILMEN WARD 1. WARD 3. F. B. Beall W. G. Gibbons N. B. Shouse Le ekoach Fie), King ~~ Walter E. Roberts Jack Crabtree Peseonirar WARD 2. WARD 4. A. E. Bonnell a Ast J. V. Chappel E. A. Hutchinson W. H. Cavanaugh bbs locke S. O. Wood J. H. McDonald LO GUA RDI e ya 8 ic Mie lite. pelle t ece a City Manager MO ey OUTNANS coc oo teccescsk 2-2 Purchasing Agent and Asst. Manager Mati reer te kA es eee City Clerk UD, USES N2509 to Ree ep eee City Treasurer BME ITI ATs ee, ee City Accountant CPE Rl TEC = ENG OWN Rte pt te Sola ac City Engineer ee, SWIG a layla GR Wt oe ae oO ne re ee City Attorneys 11 CSHTPI CT REET CE 2 2.5 Rt ie lls Be License Inspector “fecel U)Raal 15) DEE 0 9 | 2 NA i aa ee Chief of Police Mee LG Vy Ue ese esc Superintendent of Health CL, CEOs (ET Reels haa. “eee Chief of Fire Department [hs INCOMES (ed [0s eee ee ee Building Inspector We ee | OTITIS OM fa eyes, Superintendent Water Department TT IN SS nnd Fe ee eee Police Judge PARK BOARD EF. A. Hutchinson R. G. Emmert E.. C. Hoffman LIBRARY BOARD W. H. Cavanaugh Walter Roberts N. B. Shouse lack Crabtree Pea ohirar J. H. McDonald HOSPITAL BOARD Bb. Locke Joes Bast Sol Wood ATHLETIC PARK BOARD L. J. Roach Pec eroux Tom Loughney MUSIC BOARD A. E. Bonnell R? Ty Price Hye Pantrel nr ‘ ty » ee ¥ / ia cay 2 . : 4 Rew ‘ ry Lk eee ‘ : = *y ‘ Age ~ ied n ie > m rire: te Be a ay 2 as 4 ie uy Oe } ' ‘ i ‘ 4 oe 7 CONTENTS MUSKOGEE CITY CHARTER Page ARTICLE I. Name, Boundaries, Powers, Rights and Liabilities... eee eee 1 ARTICLE II. OLR ICL OE ASS ORT eI Tt 5, LN oe DU 2 aM aM ot cer i vd ong Pe: 2 ARTICLE III Se CMC MCN OCLO CAL Coren cree ats neo. caf actavdnobbaopec eras eelecae nahinomaeaieecears 5 ARTICLE IV. TE NAEED | Ce 5 tla aOR I alte Ble Da eli 9 ACR e REIN TEN ork dN PR OEY Kee 8 ARTICLE V. RS 0, ke ae a a oe sonnel Soecartauntds 13 ARTICLE V1: RAR eee LIV) TOT er cc eccceverssatipdewuctiovsgcusevtadien tetians 18 ARTICLE VII SR A ET CS eee cece eee oe Ne cecaccesssncsends tacpececateacseste= 18 ARTICLE VIII Ns GET MO ty a os peo rec Sees cavseocencdenal iipenp tut babel vomubadedee.tgledet 23 ARTICLE IX conse tbhe ppulbemnpenlh Shes OU See 2 aa Iso a oe ee a A 24 ARTICLE X. (TE USM eg oa cas Bie ka ec ere eee Ala Lt CRSA ee tee ae a AOD ERT TS 24 ARTICLE XI eee TEE EM FAN GE cate ag SL Cede pote ens Sina andy ce catec saat ndosseldeesuecoeectuced 24 OTR RAIS: pau ee li ade ty ar ll RE SE OSC ne eR NEES SOME Toe 2 25 CONTENTS REVISED GENERAL ORDINANCES OF MUSKOGEE, OKLAHOMA Page CHAPTER’ I. Amimalls oisceccccctescdcensctedds ogee hue ee ee et 27 CHAPTER II Building” Rerilations Eb. ei a eS ee Sw 34 CHAPTER III City. Market ooo ccccccc ccc capeccesca spec sessbeas ee 141 | CHAPTER IV City Excise BO ard eon cne., cates pesesannescntdpsbaads Cotes mteians tepaecanc cane sts, ae 145 > (CHAPTER.V Drugs and Narcotics....24.20.0. 545. 4p ewe Lot CHAPTER VI Electric’ Railroads 2.577322. = a ae 153 CHAPTER VII Fire Protection ~.2...0..c.ccicccccsccscsssecacsecceseadecee-s-te sn 159 CHAPTER VIII Food and Drug Inspection....2 222) ee ere V7} CHAPTERGRA: Gambling. | sscsccsssscscetsasoedeevcccedetessssucteca costa; sesaebedee sa sone Aga en 182 CHAP BE Reh. Health and Sanitation). :2...c22.072 2.0 eee 183 CHAPTER XI. House Numbering and Street Markers....02..,-..20i ee 195 CHAPTER-AIT: Intoxicating” Liquors: .2:2).., Sc 201 . CHAPTER XIII. Jitney Vehicles, Operation Of... 2o cocci cceeceacece nee cee se onete nes ene 203 CHAPTER XIV. Legislative Procedure and Manner of Handling Claims............000000..00000000.-.-- 208 CHAPTER XV. Library” 3.20. ie a ee 211 CHAPTER XVI. Licenses and Occupation. Taxi. .oco. 1 coccccctcc)cssensueeseontucn sconces: ees) aaa 212 GHAPTER XVIT. Milk and Dairy Inspection ..2...2J2oocsoccecccee sce ate e orca gee eee 220 Police- Court -scscostvsciasedeccscconcsaas cicaveesteus Ja thedatdaudensaeeay. 16.77 78. 9°10 EL 12 18 ies E 2 Story igi 3 Story 20 (eel ogloels 4 Story 24 Clee enlom lout 5 Story 24 Ziel Gera lot} 6 Story 24 VALS CFA EG) Efendi 4 Ro} iss 7 Story 30 Zoe ele elie lowtoele 8 Story 30 ZOCOR aE Cle Li (lo plo ale 9 Story 30 PASy pe Ag, DA AL ALIN! MEG Bia ted bag a BS: 10 Story 36 PR VES OL PA he TAA TAL, iS Ae DE 11 Story 36 PURE Zon ecoae lear h(el (el (a loco le 12 Story 40 Sompeco coe onze 2 ah Viel Below The above table shall apply to all walls of sixty (60) feet and under in length; walls exceeding sixty feet in length shall not have more than two upper stories twelve (12) inches thick, unless strengthened by brick cross walls of pilasters. MN lo eR. OOWEREULINGS APARTMENTS AND FLATS. Dwellings, apartments and flat buildings shall have walls if of brick or cement block, of the following thicknesses: Brick Walls for Dwell- Basement Story ings and Apartments and Flat Buildings. RabpblessBricky 1), 62) +80) 945 1752-216 1 Story 18 13 9 2 Story 18 Ly, a) nas, 3 Story 18 ge LS aa 4 Story 20 i LO MNS Teas aS) 5 Story 20 21 lifeeel Tels S39 6 Story 25 el 21 Te Via SA SES 9 The above table shall apply to all walls sixty (60) feet and under in length; and when over sixty (60) feet in length such walls shall not have more than two upper stories thirteen (13) inches thick, unless strengthened by brick cross walls or pilasters. 6. THICKNESS OF DIVISIONS WALLS. The thickness of all brick division walls in dwellings, apartment and flat buildings shall be as shown in the following table: Basement TAT 28a Stok iG 2 Stony 7 1313 2 Story": 3 SiBry Le Lon) Lsens 4 Story ZAR Vi Ap lseet os 5 Story HAA Vee Vines s 13 95k3 6 Story 21 Ln OGuG Glas tsenle 60 BUILDING CODE 7. TEMPORARY BUILDINGS. Provided that temporary buildings may be erected of brick or concrete, one story in height and not exceeding eleven feet with nine (9) inch walls, provided that said walls are reinforced by the construction of thirteen (13) inch piers, not to exceed twenty (20) feet apart in said walls. 8, LIGHT COURTS OR AREAS. The walls) Gimaumaene courts or areas, in buildings within the fire limits, beginning above the first floor must be carried by steel beams resting on outside walls or on incombustible piers for that purpose. All such walls shall be of incombustible material either brick, stone, con- crete or other fireproof material. Steel studding with metal lath will be permissible. 9. PARTITION IN ‘TWO-STORY DWELUINGSSieas APARTMENTS. Partitions of brick or Portland cement concrete not less than nine inches in thickness may be used above first floor where stud partitions in buildings are allowable under this Ordinance. Where such partitions exceed one story in height, thirteen inch foundation walls shall be provided. Hollow tile par- titions may be used under similar conditions if constructed and proportioned as elsewhere indicated in this Ordinance. No hollow tile partition less than nine inches in thickness shall be used as a © bearing wall. Such partitions if more than one story high, shall be provided with thirteen inch foundation. Hollow tile partitions less than nine inches in thickness may be provided with nine inch foundation walls in basement, providing said basement is not more than ten feet in the clear. In case of dwellings or apartments more than two stories in height nine inch walls of concrete or brick may be used in lieu of stud partitions specified in this Ordinance. In no case, however, shall nine inch walls be more than two stories in height without sub-walls proportioned as elsewhere indicated in this ordinance. 10. FOUNDATIONS FOR FRAME DWELLINGS. Frame dwellings not over two stories high may have outside foundation walls of brick or concrete nine inches in thickness where floor level of basement or cellar is not more than five and one-half feet below the established grade, if provided with proper lateral supports. In case of veneered frame houses, the foundation of Portland ce- ment, concrete or brick shall be four inches thicker than the above. In event of depth of basement floor being more than five and one- half feet below the established grade or in event of basement or cellar being more than ten feet in depth, outside foundation walls shall be four inches thicker than the above, and shall be provided with proper lateral supports. Rubble foundations not less than sixteen inches in thickness may be used for any part of frame house foundations. Inside walls of brick or concrete may be nine inches in thickness, if not over ten feet in height. No wall under any part of a frame dwelling shall be less in thickness than above. This applies to porches, bay windows and other appurtenances to BUILDING CODE 61 a dwelling. Proper ventilators shall be provided in foundations, one under each outside wall of each room. By lateral supports for walls is meant cross walls, buttresses or other supports made of concrete, brick or stone. 11. COMBINATION WALLS. Concrete blocks, concrete, hollow brick, hollow hard tile, terra cotta, stone or metal may be used in whole or in part of combination for the construction of walls. Such material may be used for backing, filling or facing when the character of material, design and construction is such as to realize the ultimate strength of walls indicated in other tables and requirements for various purposes in building. 12, FRAME AND VENEERED -BUILDINGS. HEIGHT. No person or persons shall hereafter construct any wooden frame, or brick or stone veneered apartment or flat building more than two stories in height. It shall be unlawful to construct any brick or stone veneered building, for any purpose, over two and one-half stories in height. 13. APARTMENT AND FLAT BUILDINGS. If the ground area of any two-story frame or veneered apartment or flat build- ing hereafter constructed exceeds 4,500 superficial feet, then there - shall be constructed division walls of brick, stone or other incom- bustible material, extending from front to rear and built from basement through the roof of such building as a fire wall. Pro- vided, that in all buildings covered by this section the street front- age shall not exceed fifty-five feet without a division wall con- structed from front to rear of such building and constructed of such materials as above provided for division walls. All apart- ment or flat buildings hereafter constructed or erected within the City of Muskogee that are over two stories in height shall have the outside walls constructed of brick or other incombustible ma- terial, and if more than one flat or apartment in width, shall have division walls of brick, stone or other incombustible material, ex- tending from front to rear and from basement through roof of said building as aforesaid. iene wEN DE WAELS HOR, BRICK “BUILD UN GS. THICKNESS. All basement walls built of brick shall be laid in cement mortar. If solid buttresses, or if iron or steel pillars, not over eighteen feet between centers, with sufficient strength to carry trusses or girders, are used, then the thickness of walls may be reduced four inches, provided, however, that no brick wall shall be less than thirteen inches in thickness. The thickness of walls specified herein and set forth in the tables for the various build- ings are intended to apply to all exterior walls and all interior bear- ing walls. . 15. CURTAIN WALLS, THICKNESS. No curtain wall shall be over one story in height without under bearing and not less than thirteen inches in thickness, excepting in case of tene- 62 BUILDING CODE ment or apartment buildings where they may be nine inches in thickness. 16. ADDITIONAL THICKNESS OF WALLS. Where it ap- pears that additional strain shall come upon any wall or pier, pro- vision shall be made for carrying the same. 17, PARTY WALL—THREE FEET ABOVE ROOF. When a roof comes in contact with a party wall, the walls shall extend un- diminished in thickness at least three feet above the roof at all points of contact, and there shall be no openings in such wall above contact of roof. 18. RECESSES IN WALLS. Recesses may be made in ex- ternal walls, provided the thickness of the backs of such recesses be not less than nine inches. 19. FIRE-PROOF DOORS. Whenever it becomes desirable to cut an opening through or leave an opening in, any party or division wall, notice shall be filed with the Building Inspector, who shall issue a permit therefor when satisfied that such opening will be protected by a fire-proof door or doors on each side of the wall; such doors shall be sliding doors whenever practicable, and shall be constructed in accordance with the standard of the National Board of Fire Underwriters. 20. METAL WINDOW FRAMES AND FIRE-PROOF SHUTTERS. Every building within the fire limits, except pri- vate dwellings shall have metal window and door frames and sash for all openings above the first story except where there is not or may not be erected other buildings within thirty feet of such build- ing. Such sash to be glazed with wired glass not less than one- fourth of an inch in thickness. Such opening, however, if preferred, may be provided with fire-proof shutters to conform to the requirements of the Building Code of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, Page 139, Edi- tion 1909, 21. HOLLOW WALLS. Hollow walls, not bearing walls, ‘may be used in all cases, but all hollow walls shall be bonded or tied together with incombustible anchors, placed not more than three feet apart. If used as bearing walls, the thickness shall be reckoned by their solid parts, provided each part is at least nine inches thick, and solid connections are made in upright directions not less than thirteen inches wide, or not more than fifteen feet apart from centers. 22. HOLLOW BRICK. Hard burned hollow brick may be used for the inside course of walls for buildings, when well bonded into the solid brick walls, and may be included in the measure- ment of the thickness of such walls, provided the walls to be built shall be sufficiently strong to properly support the loads they may have to sustain. BUILDING CODE 63 23. EXTERIOR WALLS. Exterior walls faced with stone shall have a backing of not less than nine inches of hard brick work laid in mortar. But in no case shall the thickness of stone and backing taken together be less than the thickness required for a brick wall of the height as given in tables. The stone facing of such walls shall always be securely tied to the brick backing by means of bond stones or metal ties. 24. STONE CORNICE. HOW LAID. In all cases where a wall is finished with a stone cornice, the center of gravity of such cornice and wall above it shall fall within the bearing wall. Pe OR ICK = WALES HOW, BONDED. “In “all brick wails every seventh course of brick shall be a header course, except where walls are faced with face-brick, in which case every seventh course shall be bonded with Flemish headers, or by cutting the course of face-brick and by putting in diagonal headers behind the same or by metal ties. All header courses shall be of good, hard, perfect brick. 26. BACKING OF WALLS FACED WITH ASHLER. HOW THICK. In all walls which are faced with thin ashler tied to the backing or in which the ashler has not alternate headers and stretchers in each course, or in alternate courses, the backing of brick shall not be less than thirteen inches thick. Each stone of such, ashler work shall be properly tied. No ashler less than four inches thick shall be included in computing the thickness of a wall. 27 ee WOODEN GIRDERS OR LINTELS NOT ALLOWED. It shall be unlawful to build any external, party, division or parti- tion walls, except a frame wall, upon any wooden support what- ever. 28. ANCHORS. End, side and party walls shall be anchored at each tier of beams or joists at intervals of not more than ten feet with good strong wrought iron anchors at least three-eighths by one and one-half inches in section, well built into the walls and fastened to the beams; and such anchors shall run within four inches of the opposite side of the wall or through the wall; and where the beams are supported by girders, the ends of the beams resting on the girders shall be butted together end to end and properly tied together at the same distance apart and in the same beams as the wall-anchors, and shall be well fastened. Joists shall be lapped and spiked. 29. FLOOR BEAMS OR JOISTS. Floor beams or joists shall have a bearing of at least four inches at each end. All joists, beams or rafters shall have fire-cut ends. 30. HEADERS HUNG IN STIRRUPS. Every header or tail joist more than four feet long, except in dwellings, shall be hung in stirrup irons of suitable strength, or shall be properly framed into trimmers. 64 ~ BUILDING CODE 31;: ROOF AND ~» FLOOR -TIMBERS P NOT Sloe THROUGH WALL. Roof or floor timbers entering the same wall from opposite sides shall have at least four inches solid brick work between the ends of same, except in foundation walls in dwellings. 32. FLOOR TIMBERS NOT TO ENTER CHIMNEY WALL. All floor beams, joists and headers shall be kept at least one inch clear of any wall enclosing a fire flue or chimney-breast. 33. FURRED WALLS OF CHIMNEYS. In all walls or chimneys furred with wood, two courses of the brick shall project the thickness of the furring beyond the inner face of the wall. 34. STUD .PARTITIONS NOT TO SUPPORT Gare. Stud partitions shall not be employed to support any floor or roof, except in dwellings and buildings not over two stories high. 35. NON-COMBUSTIBLE SUPPORT. No building here- after erected to be used as an apartment house, hotel, lodging house, office building, hospital, school building, assembly hall of any, kind or public building, located in any part of the city shall be constructed with floor beams or joists of wood exceeding twenty-five feet clear span. Each joist shall have proper bearing at each end on brick or other forms of burnt clay, concrete or structural metal. In case structural metal is used it shall be prop- erly insulated. 36. STONE AND IRON TEMPLATES. Stone templates of proper size or standard iron plates shall be used under the ends of iron or steel girders resting on masonry walls. 37. BRICK AND HOLLOW’ TILE PARTITIONS See inch brick and six and four inch hollow tile partitions, of hard burnt clay or porous terra cotta shall not be built over twenty-five, sixteen and twelve feet high, respectively, nor more than seventy- five feet long unless strengthened by proper cross-walls, piers or buttresses, or built in iron or steel frame work. All such partitions shall be carried on proper incombustible supports. 38. EXISTING PARTY WALLS. Walls heretofore built or used as party walls, whose thickness at the time of their erection was in accordance with the requirements of the then existing laws, but which are not in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance, may be used if in good condition for the ordinary use of party walls, providing the height of the same is not to be in- creased. 39. BONDING OF WALLS. All rubble masonry shall be thoroughly bonded with at least three-quarter bond. Ledges will be permitted to support, joists or beams, but shall be of sufficient strength to carry the load imposed thereon. 40. LINING EXISTING WALLS. In case it is desired to increase the height of existing party walls or independent walls, BUILDING CODE 65 which are less in thickness than required under this Ordinance, the same shall be done by a lining of brick work to form a com- bined thickness with the old wall of not less than four inches more than the thickness required for a new wall. The said lining shall be supported on proper foundations. No lining shall be less than eight inches in thickness, and all lining shall be laid up in Portland cement mortar and thoroughly anchored to old walls with suitable metal ties placed two feet apart and securely fastened or driven into walls in staggered rows. Old walls shall be cleaned of plas- ter or other coatings before lining. Any lining of a basement wall shall be at least twelve inches thick, and shall project four inches beyond the lining of the first story. Skeleton construction may be used, carried up to full height of proposed building, with col- umns and girders supporting each story, resting on sufficient foot- ings. 41. HEIGHT OF STORIES. The height of stories for all given thicknesses of walls must not exceed eleven feet in the clear for the basement, eighteen feet in the clear for the first story, fif- teen feet in the clear for the second story, fourteen feet in the clear, average height of all stories above the second story. If any story exceed those heights, respectively, the walls of such story, and of all the stories below the same, shall be increased four inches in thickness additional to the thickness already mentioned. 42. GROUND DAMPNESS. Im all cases where the soil con- tains water, suitable provision shall be made to carry off such water by means of drain tiles laid inside or outside of the wall, or both. Such drain tiles shall be connected with a catch basin or other suit- able device, and thence discharged into a dry well or storm sewer. SECTION 41—CHIMNEYS, FURNACES AND HEATING PLANTS. 1. CHIMNEYS. All chimneys shall be built of brick, stone or other incombustible material, and whether built inside or out- side of buildings, or whether connected with the same or isolated, shall have foundations designed and built in conformity with the provisions relative to foundation of buildings herein given. Chim- neys in all buildings shall have walls at least four inches thick, well pointed outside and plastered inside, if of brick, unless terra cotta or fire clay flue linings are used, in which case plastering inside may be omitted. Large chimneys other than those built of brick shall have walls at least eight inches thick, and shall have an addi- tional lining of four inches of brick work or a terra cotta or fire clay flue lining. Every chimney not forming a part of a wall shall rest upon the ground or other sufficient fire-proof foundation. All chimneys or smoke flues occurring in masonry walls shall have a wall eight inches thick at the back, and when corbeled out, shall be supported by at least five courses of brick, but shall not 66 BUILDING CODE be corbeled out more than two-thirds of the thickness of the wall. If supported by piers, the same shall start from the foundation on the same face as the chimney above. All chimneys occurring in brick walls shall be bonded to the walls at every fifth course from the bottom to the top in regular bond. Sheet metal smoke flues inclosed in vent flues are prohibited. All chimneys shall be topped out at least four feet above the top of the roof at point of contact, if a flat roof, and at least eight feet above the eaves if a pitched roof. No chimney flue shall be less than sixty-four inches in area when used as a smoke flue. All stove pipe holes shall have proper thimbles and stoppers. All brick smoke flues, stacks or chimneys hereafter erected having a sectional area greater than two hundred and sixty square inches, but less than five hundred square inches, shall be surrounded with walls not less than eight inches thick, and shall comply in all respects to the requirements of this Ordinance relative to flues in brick walls. Brick flues, chimneys or stacks having a sectional area greater than five hundred square inches shall have hollow walls in which the combined thickness of the enclosing walls shall be at least twelve inches and the air space between the inner and outer walls shall not be less than two inches. The opening for the smoke pipe and the chimneys for a distance of two feet below and at least ten feet above same, shall be lined with fire brick laid in fire clay. The tops of all smoke flues, chimneys or stacks which may hereafter be erected, exceeding a sectional area of one hundred and seventy square inches, shall extend to a height of not less than twelve feet above the roof of the building. Where there are other buildings within a radius of fifty feet, any smoke flue which exceeds five hundred square inches in area shall be carried to a height sufficient to protect such buildings from smoke and gases, or suitable and approved smoke consuming devices may be used to serve the same purposes. All flues in party walls shall be kept at least two inches from the party lines of said wall; except joint flues, which shall be separated by a four inch width of brick work the entire height. Reinforced concrete chim- ney stacks may be erected, provided that in design and construc- tion they shall equal in strength and safety those specified herein. 2. DANGEROUS CHIMNEYS AND FLUES. It shall be un- lawful to maintain any chimney flue, fireplace, or heating apparatus on any premises when, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, they are dangerous or unsafe. In all such cases the Building In- spector shall at once notify, in writing, the owner, agent or other party having an interest in said premises, and shall require him to make the same safe; and upon neglect of said person so notified to comply with the provisions of such notice for a period of ten days after the service thereof, he shall be subject to a fine of not less than one dollar, nor more than fifty dollars, and each day’s continuance of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. BUILDING CODE 67 3. HOT WATER AND FURNACE PIPES. In all cases where hot water, steam, hot air, or other furnaces are used, the smoke pipes shall in all cases be kept at least eight inches from the beams or ceilings above them, and the same shall be protected by shields of bright tin properly suspended to give ventilation. fee URNACE Se TORS OF BRICK): ET's The! tops’ ofall furnaces, set in brick, shall be covered with brick or at least two inches of concrete, supported by iron bars. 5. TOP OF PORTABLE FURNACE. The top of every port- able furnace not set in brick shall be kept at least one foot below the beams of ceiling, with a shield of bright tin made tight and suspended below the said beams or ceilings in a manner to admit of proper ventilation, and extended one foot beyond the top of the furnace on all sides. 6. WARM AIR PIPES OF TIN. All warm air pipes next to wood work for conducting warm air from furnace to radiators shall be standard bright tin warm air conductors, double thickness with air space between, or single bright tin pipe wrapped with asbestos, in pockets lined with black iron and lathed with metal lath; horizontal furnace pipes in basement shall be kept at least two inches below joist and may be made single. 7. HOT AIR REGISTERS. All hot air registers from hot air furnaces, hereafter placed in the floor of any building, shall be set in iron borders not less than two inches in width. There shall be an open space of one inch on all sides of the register box, ex- tending from ceiling, below the register, to the border in the floor. The outside of said space to be covered with a casing of tin plate, made tight on all sides, to extend from the upper side of aforesaid ceiling up to the under side of said border. Peso Phe Sh bP AM AND OTHER: PIPES... Gas, -.water, steam or other pipes, which may be introduced into any building, shall not be let into the beams unless the same be placed within twelve inches of the end of the beam, nor be let into the beam more than two inches. 9. HEARTHS. All hearths for fireplaces shall rest on brick or Portland cement concrete trimmer arches not less than four inches thick, the header kept at least two feet from the face of chimney breast. The backs of all fireplaces shall not be less than eight inches thick. All centers shall be taken out under hearths before the floor is laid, and no person shall lay any hearth on any other than brick or cement arch. The jambs on each side of fire place shall not be less than twelve inches wide, and not less than sixteen inches thick. Fireplace fronts shall be built up the full width of the breast to the bottom of the joists; no wood work to be used in constructing the chimney. All chimneys containing fireplaces shall be built between floors with full size bases entirely 68 BUILDING CODE of masonry, no wood work to form any part of the construction. Corner chimneys containing fireplaces shall be built on each of their three sides of solid masonry. 10. METALLIC CHIMNEYS. Smoke stacks or chimneys built of iron or steel shall be thoroughly anchored or guyed, but shall not pass through the floors of a building unless protected by fire-proof walls entirely enclosing the stack or chimney. Where smoke stacks or chimneys of iron or steel pass through the roofs of boiler houses, the roofs shall be protected with a metal jacket. Metallic chimneys or smoke pipes shall not be used inside of any building in such manner as to pass through the floors or roof of same, unless properly protected. 11. METALLIC SMOKE FLUES. Where metallic smoke pipes of a dimension of eight inches or less pass through a wood plastered stud partition they shall be surrounded either by a body of brick, hollow tile or porous terra cotta, or other incombustible substances measuring at least four inches all around such smoke pipes, or they shall be surrounded by a sheet metal thimble made of two concentric rings at least two inches apart, and the entire thimble so constructed that there will be a free circulation of air between the two rings forming the same. Six inch smoke pipes may have thimbles with one inch air space. Metallic smoke pipes of greater diameter than eight inches shall be kept at least six inches away from any wood work, and the said smoke pipes must be covered with at least two inches of asbestos cement applied on wire lath, and any wood work above the said smoke pipes must be protected with sheet metal, porous terra cotta, hollow tile, plaster or asbestos board. 12, CHIMNEYS OF CUPOLAS. Iron cupola chimneys of foundries shall extend at least ten feet above the highest point of any roof within a radius of fifty feet of such cupola. No wood work shall be placed within two feet of the cupola. 13. ISOLATED SMOKE STACKS. Smoke stacks, flues and connections other than those above named, may be made or con- — structed and shall: be built of metal, brick, concrete or other suit- able non-combustible material supported, arranged and connected in a manner to conform to the established practice of the best engineering authorities. 14. BOILERS PLACED. No boiler used for steam or motive power shall be placed on any floor above the cellar floor unless the same is set on non-combustible platform. And all boiler setting shall conform to the established practice of the best engineering authorities. 15. STOVES AND RANGES. Where stoves or ranges are set upon combustible floors, they shall be so set as to leave suffi- cient ain space between them and the floor, and the floor shall be - BUILDING CODE 69 protected by sheet metal. All brick set or large portable ranges shall be set on hearths of brick or cement, the said hearths to extend at least twelve inches beyond the face of the range. _ 16. ASH BOXES. All receptacles for ashes within the Fire Limits shall be of incombustible material. 17, DRYING ROOMS. All walls, ceilings and partitions, en- closing drying rooms, when not made of fireproof material, shall be wire lathed and plastered or covered with insulated metal or tile or other incombustible material. 18. BAKE OVENS. Bake ovens shall rest on solid founda- tions or metal beams and columns; the sides and ends shall be at least two feet from any wood work, and the crown of arch at least four feet from ceilings that have wood joists. The hearth in front of bake oven shall extend at least three and one-half (3 1-2) feet beyond the face of said oven. 19. BOILER ROOMS. All boiler rooms hereafter con- structed in any building other than dwelling houses shall be pro- tected with brick, iron, tile or other fireproof material. Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to fireproof buildings. SECTION 42—STAIRS. 1. STAIRS. WHERE REQUIRED. Every building erected or, altered for use as a store, factory, hotel, lodging house, except as herein otherwise provided, covering an area of not over 3,500 square feet, shall be provided with a stairway not less than three feet six inches in the clear in width. All such structures over 3,500 square feet area shall have six inches of additional length of tread for each additional 500 square feet of area up to 5000 square feet. Buildings of above areas housing more than fifty people shall be provided with an additional stairway not less than three feet six inches in width. Buildings whose area exceeds 5,000 square feet and does not exceed 7,500 square feet shall be provided with at ‘least two stairways, neither of which shall be less than four feet in width. In larger buildings the length of treads shall be increased by six inches for each 500 square feet of additional area. Buildings having floors supported by wooden joists or containing stud par- titions, shall have one additional line of stairway for each 3,500 square feet of area in excess of 7,500 square feet, where such structure is more than three stories high. Stairways shall be placed as remote from one another as possible. Fireproof or slow burning buildings of more than 7,500 square feet of area prop- erly located stairways of capacity as above given. Peo aio POR SCHOOL BUILDINGS.” Every school building two stories in height with floors of wood construction and having more than three rooms on the second floor shall have at least two stairways leading from the first to second floor as far removed from each other as possible. School buildings having four rooms on the second floor shall have ten lineal feet of tread, 70 BUILDING CODE but no stairway of a school building shall have less than four lineal feet of tread for each stairway to second floor. For each addi- tional second floor room seating not over fifty pupils the length of the treads shall be based upon two lineal feet for each addi- tional school room on that floor. Stairways from first floor to grade line shall be provided with six inches additional tread, for each school room seating not over fifty pupils, in excess of that from first to second floor. Stairways to basements shall be at least three-fourths of the width of stairs to first floor. Each stairway to second floor shall be provided with landing about half way up, which shall equal in width the length of the tread. Exceptions may be made for stairways in fireproof school buildings or those constructed according to the slow-burning sys- tem. In such cases centrally located single stairways of above capacities shall be provided from the first to the second floor in buildings not having more than six rooms, each seating not over fifty pupils on second floor. Every school building or any class of construction shall be provided with at least two entrances lead- ing to first floor and basement, located as remote from one an- other as possible, and which shall be at least as wide as the stairs from first floor to grade. No riser in any stairway shall be over six and one-half inches high and no tread less than eleven inches run. Stairways eight feet or more in width shall be provided with substantial double rail in the middle thereof. In three story school buildings the width of stairs from grade to first floor and from first to second floor shall be increased by six inches for each room seating not over fifty pupils on the third floor. 3. STAIRWAYS IN FIREPROOF BUILDINGS. Stairways in fireproof buildings used for auditorium or theatre purposes if constructed entirely of fireproof material may extend free from adjoining walls and be provided with substantial hand-rails on each side. Stairs in fireproof buildings, if covered with slate, stone or marble treads or other fractious materials, shall be provided with metal or concrete under-treads of sufficient carrying capacity to perform all the offices of the finished and superimposed tread. 4. PUBLIC HALLS AND CHURCHES. Each stairway shall have a strong hand-rail on each side thereof through its en- tire length. All enclosed staircases shall have on both sides a strong hand-rail firmly secured in the wall, about three inches distant therefrom, and about thirty inches above the floor of the stairs. 5. APARTMENT HOUSES. FLATS AND DWELLINGS. Every apartment house, flat building, tenement house or dwelling over two stories in height and covering an area of more than 3,500 feet shall be provided with at least two distinct and BUILDING CODE 71 separate staircases of ample capacity. The carrying capacity of stairs mentioned in this section shall not be less than one hundred and fifty pounds per square foot. In tenements, apartment and flat buildings and lodging houses more than two stories high the partitions adjacent to or enclosing stairways shall be constructed of either brick or hollow tiles; stud partitions may be used if car- ried with metal lath on both sides, and provided with cut-offs of slow burning materials at each floor. 6. WINDING AND CIRCULAR STAIRS. No winding or circular stairs shall be allowed in any buildings, except dwellings. SECTION 43—FIRE ESCAPES, STAND PIPES. 1. FIRE ESCAPES. WHAT BUILDINGS MUST HAVE. Every building now or hereafter used in whole or in part, as a public building, public or private institution, asylum, school house, dormitory, church, theatre, public hall, office building, place of as- sembly or public resort, and every building in which persons are employed above the second story in a factory, work shop or mer- cantile or other establishment, and every hotel, family hotel, apart- ment house, boarding house, lodging house, club house, or tene- ment house in which persons reside or lodge above the second story; and every factory, work shop, mercantile establishment or other establishment of more than two stories in height, shall be provided with proper ways of egress or means of escape from fire, sufficient for the use of all persons accommodated, assembled, em- ployed, lodged or residing in such building, and such ways of egress and means of escape shall be kept free from obstruction, in good repair and ready for use at all times, and all rooms above the sec- ond story in such building shall be provided with more than one way of egress or escape from fire, placed as near as practicable at opposite ends of the room and leading to fire escapes on the out- side of such buildings or to stairways on the inside, provided with - proper railings. Every fire escape shall have a goose neck ladder extending from the upper landing to the roof of the building, and a stairway or station way ladder shall be provided therein from the top floor to the roof. 2. BUILDINGS PROVIDED WITH FIRE ESCAPES. In addition to the foregoing means of escape from fire, all buildings enumerated in Section 43, which are more than two stories in height, shall have one or more fire escapes on the outside of said buildings, as may be directed by the Building Inspector, ex- cept in such cases as he may deem such fire escapes to be unnecessary in consequence of adequate provisions having been already made for safety in event of fire, and in such cases of exemption the said Building Inspector shall give the owner, lessee or occupant of said building a written certificate to that effect and his reason therefor. Such fire escapes as are pro- vided for in this Section shall be constructed according to the 72 BUILDING CODE specifications issued or approved by the Building Inspector. and shall be connected with each floor above the first, well fastened and secured, and of sufficient strength; each of which fire escapes shall have landings or balconies guarded by iron railings not less than three feet in height and embracing one or more windows at each story, and connecting with the interior by easily accessible and unobstructed openings; and all of the balconies or landings shall be connected by iron stairs, placed at a slant of not more than 66 2-3 degrees, and not less than twenty inches wide, protected by a well-secured hand-rail on both sides, with a sixteen-inch wide drop ladder from the lower platform, reaching to the ground, the upper not less than 18 inches wide, except that in cases of school buildings, iron stairs shall extend to a ground landing. No tele- graph, telephone or electric light poles or wires, signs or other obstruction shall interfere with the construction or use of any fire escape. 3, FIRE ESCAPES. IN’ COURTS. Every court ime there is a fire escape shall have direct and unobstructed access along the surface of the ground to a street or alley. 4. NIGHT WATCHMAN TO BE PROVIDED. Every hotel, boarding house and lodging house containing fifty or more, and less than one hundred rooms ‘and being more than two stories high, shall have therein at least one competent watchman on duty between the hours of nine o’clock in the evening and six o’clock in the morning; and in every hotel, boarding house and lodging house containing one hundred or more rooms, and being four or more stories high, not less than two such watchmen shall be pro- vided and kept on duty as aforesaid, each properly assigned. And in every such hotel, boarding house and lodging house, the halls and stairways shall be properly lighted at night, and a red light shall be kept burning during the night at the head and foot of each flight of stairs, and at the intersection of all hallways with the the main corridors and one or more proper alarms or gongs, cap- able of being heard throughout the building, or an electric alarm bell, in each sleeping room, approved by the Building Inspector, shall be maintained easy of access and ready for use. Every keep- er of such hotel, boarding house or lodging house shall keep posted in a conspicuous place in every sleeping room a notice descriptive of all means of escape. 5. STAND PIPES. Each business building, hotel and office building, four stories or more in height, and each building exceed- ing eighty feet in height, shall have a stand pipe extending to and above the roof and so arranged that fire hose can be attached from the street to the same. 6. STAND PIPES. HOW CONSTRUCTED. " Standeigipes shall be at least three inch wrought iron pipe except from the top story to the roof, or all stories above the fifth floor, which may be two and one-half inches. Stand pipes shall have Siamese connec- BUILDING CODE 73 tions within five feet from the street grade, and one hose-valve at each floor above the first, and on the roof, all of which shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector. feel PEOAND HOSEHACONNECIIONS IN*PUBLIG HALLS, In every public hall of five hundred or less capacity there shall be provided and connected with city service, one two and one-half inch pipe with a two inch hose connection within the hall and one in the corridor, with fifty feet of approved two inch hose and nozzle on each connection ready for use. There shall be one addi- tional similar connection and hose for each five hundred additional capacity or fractional part thereof in such hall. There shall be provided one three gallon chemical extinguisher at each hose con- nection. All public halls with accommodations for one thousand or more persons shall also be provided with stand pipe and connections on outside of building as directed by the Building Inspector. SECTION 44—ELEVATORS. Peeve lORSS PERMITS MUST BE OBTAINED. No person shall hereafter build or install, or re-build or change, any passenger or freight elevator or any part of the machinery, car, shaft, or hatchway thereof in any building in the City of Musko- gee, until he shall have filed with the Building Inspector a state- ment or specifications or both, giving all required information in regard to the manner of construction, and the material to be used in or about said machinery, car, shaft or hatchway; and in addi- tion thereto, he shall file full working plans when required, and shall apply to said Inspector for a permit to perform such pro- posed work. : PM Ae Peat SHOWING CARRYING. CAPACITY, The owner, lessee, manager, or other person having charge or con- ‘trol of any elevator now in operation in the City of Muskogee, and the manufacturers of elevators hereafter placed in buildings, shall cause to be fastened in a conspicuous place in said elevators, metal plates having suitable raised letters on same, which shall state car- rying capacity of such elevators, such plates to represent not more than 75 per cent of the safe carrying capacity of such elevator. 3. QUALIFICATIONS OF PERSONS OPERATING ELE- VATORS. No person shall operate an elevator in the City of Mus- kogee unless he is at least eighteen years of age; is reliable and of sober habits and has had at least four days’ experience in run- ning an elevator under the instruction of a competent person and shall be fully qualified in all other respects. 4. PASSENGER ELEVATOR. DEFINITION. All eleva- tors not designed for freight service exclusively shall be classed as passenger elevators and shall be subject to all of the provisions of this Ordinance, relative to passenger elevators. 74 BUILDING CODE 5. PASSENGER ELEVATOR HATCHWAYS. HOW EN- CLOSED. The hatchway of each elevator shall be surrounded by substantial vertical enclosure continuous from floor to ceiling, on open side of, car, except on the top floor, where the height of six and one-half feet is sufficient. The enclosure on every other side of the car shall not be less than six and one-half feet in height. All enclosure doors shall be made to slide, and shall be provided with locks so,arranged that the doors cannot be opened from the outside, except by a key, and such doors shall at all times be securely closed before starting the car. All grill-work around elevator hatchway shall be securely braced and kept in thorough repair. 6. FREIGHT ELEVATOR HATCHWAYS. HOW EN- CLOSED. Every freight elevator hatchway shall be enclosed on all floors by a substantial frame work not less than six and one- half feet in height, and all openings to such hatchways shall be provided with automatic or self closing gates made to slide ver- tically, if practicable. Where such hatchway is enclosed by par- titions or is constructed with brick or fireproof walls, the open- ings shall be provided with automatic gates, unless the elevator is in charge of and run by a regular operator, in which case doors may be used, provided with spring locks which cannot be unlocked from the outside except by a key. 7. PASSENGER CARS WITH MORE THAN ONE EN- TRANCE. Every passenger elevator’ with more than one en- trance shall be provided with a sliding door on the inside of the car on each entrance, one of which shall be securely closed before the elevator is put in motion. 8. AUTOMATIC DOWN-SPEED GOVERNOR. Haye power elevator shall be provided with an automatic down-speed governor and no elevator shall have a greater working speed than six, hundred feet per minute. 9, AUTOMATIC SLACK CABLE DEVICE. All power driven elevators, the cables of which wind around a drum, shall be provided with an automatic trip or slack cable device, which shall automatically cut off current to the machine and apply the brake. 10. TERMINAL STOPS. All power-driven elevators shall be provided with automatic terminal stops on the machine, except in the case of traction REARS where switches in hatchway will be acceptable. 11, AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC BRAKES. HOW APPRiE All power elevators shall be provided with an electrically released brake which shall act in’ case the current is interrupted from any cause. 12. SAFETY DEVICE ON -CABLE-HOISTING Shin ae TOR. Every cable hoisted elevator car or platform which runs on BUILDING CODE 715 guides shall be provided with an approved safety device which will prevent the car and load from falling. Device to be tripped by speed governor. 13. CABLES. All hoisting and counterweight cables used on elevators shall be double metallic cables. Factor of safety for freight elevators at least six. Factor of safety for passenger ele- vators at least eight. 14. HEAD ROOM ABOVE CAR. All power elevators shall hereafter be installed in such a manner that, when the floor of the car or platform is level with the top floor of the building, the guides and guide posts shall extend at least three feet above the highest point of framework or guide shoe of car or platform, and that there shall at such time be free head room above said highest point of framework or guide shoe or car or platform at least to the level of the tops of such guides and guide posts. Freight elevators of over six thousand pounds capacity and with platforms over fourteen feet in length shall have a double set of guide-posts. 15. ELEVATOR BUILT IN WELL-HOLE. It shall be un- lawful to install any power-driven elevator in the well-hole of any stairway unless there be a fireproof wall between such elevator and the stairway, such wall to extend at least two feet above the level _ of the roof of the building. In fireproof buildings such enclosures may be of wired-glass in metal frames. 16. INSPECTION. Any person having charge of an ele- vator shall, when requested, render the Building Inspector such assistance as may be necessary to enable him to make a thorough examination of the same. 17. BEAMS AND GUIDES. No elevator shall be hung on other than steel beams. All elevators must have steel guides for car and counterweight. 18. EMERGENCY EXIT. Every passenger elevator car to have an easily removed panel in canopy of same. 19. ELECTRIC ELEVATORS. WHEN. All power eleva- tors with a speed of 150 feet per minute, or greater, shall be elec- trically controlled. 20. COUNTERWEIGHTS. All counterweight to be de- signed so that spreading of the rods will not allow any weights to fall down hatchiway. 21. EMERGENCY AND FINAL LIMIT SWITCHES. Every electric passenger elevator to have an emergency switch in car which will cut off current to the machine and automatically apply the brake, and shall have final limit switches in hatchway at top and bottom which will be opened by car, in case car exceeds normal 76 BUILDING CODE travel, and cut off current from machine and apply the brake. 22. PIT. Every passenger elevator shall have pit at least three feet deep. SECTION 45—FIREPROOF CONSTRUCTION. 1. FIREPROOF BUILDING—CONSTRUCTION. WHEN. Every building hereafter erected or altered to be used for educa- tional purposes, or as an institution of any kind for the care or treatment of persons, if three stories or over in height or every flat building, lodging house, apartment buildings or public hall, if more than three stories in height, or as a factory, office build- ing, or retail store buildings, six stories or more in height, shall be of fireproof construction. Every factory, office building or retail store building five stories in height, and not of fireproof construc- tion, shall have at least one stairway enclosed by fireproof parti- tions. No wood or other inflammable material shall be used in any of the walls, partitions, furring or ceiling in any fireproof building, except that the doors and window sash and their frames, the interior finish and blocking and grounds thereof, floor boards and floor strips directly thereunder, may be of wood, bapa as herein otherwise provided. 2. FIREPROOF: CONSTRUCTION DEFINED. “The term “Fireproof.Construction” shall apply to buildings in which all parts that carry weights or resist stresses are constructed wholly of stone, burned clay, iron, steel or concrete and in which all.stairs and all elevator enclosures, and their contents, are made entirely of incombustible material, and in which all metallic structural memz- bers are insulated against the effects of fire. Suh LR EPROOMENG: MATERIALS USED FOR. Thesmiae terials which shall be considered ‘as fulfilling the condition of fire- proof covering are: brick, hollow tile, burned clay and concrete. No structural metal shall have a covering extending less thant three inches from the metal; one inch on the interior of such; fireproofing may be air space. By the term “Structural Metal” is meant such metal as is used in preserving the stability or integrity of the structure itself, or any integral structural part thereof, and does not apply to any orna- mental metal work, screens, stairs, or other metal which may be removed without affecting the structural stability of the work or any part thereof. In buildings of this type, all door or window mullions, whether vertical or horizontal, shall be faced with cast iron, terra cotta, or other incombustible material of equal fire-resisting value, except- ing as otherwise specified. All iron or steel used as supporting members of the external construction of any building shall be protected against the effects of external changes of temperature BUILDING CODE 77 and of fire, by a covering completely enveloping the same. If of brick or concrete, it shall not be less than three inches thick, and there shall be an air space between the iron and steel members and the tile. When skeleton construction is used for the whole or part of a building, the enveloping materials, shall be independently sup- ported on the skeleton frame for each individual story. If iron or steel supporting plates are used in each story, they must be of sufficient strength to carry, within the limits of fiber- stress, the enveloping material for the story, and such plates may extend to within two inches of the exterior of the covering. If terra cotta is used as a part of such fireproof covering it shall be backed up with brick or hollow tile of such dimensions and laid up in such a manner as to secure a perfect bond with the terra cotta facing. Provided, however, that terra cotta of suffi- cient thickness ‘may be used without backing. If hollow tile alone is used for such covering, it shall be at least two courses thick, breaking joints and bonded. If cement concrete is used in any form for such covering, it shall be in a manner approved by the best recognized engineer- ing authorities. The upper surface of all breaks or offsets in external cover- ings, as well as the tops of walls, shall be capped with fireproof material. 4. INTERNAL FIREPROOFING. The internal structural parts of all fireproof buildings of skeleton construction shall be fireproofed by coverings of brick, hollow tile, porous terra cotta or cement concrete in a manner approved by the best recognized engineering authorities and as above specified. In places where there is trucking or other handling of packages, the lower five feet of the fireproofing of columns, other than concrete, shall be incased in sheet iron or oak plank, which shall be kept continually in good repair. In all cases, the covering of beams, and girders, if of hollow tile or porous terra cotta, shall be so applied as to be supported entirely by the beams or girders and by the mortar used in setting. Wire binding and anchors shall not be used as fasteners of such fireproof covering. The filling between the individual iron and steel beams supporting the floors of the fireproof buildings shall be made of brick or hollow tile arches, or other forms and materials of fireproof construction may be used if approved by the best rec- ognized engineering authorities. The Building Inspector may re- quire a practical test to be made by the owner or contractor of the proposed ‘construction to determine its safe carrying capacity and its fire-resisting qualities. If brick arches are used, they shall not be less than four inches thick and shall have a rise of at least one and one-quarter inches to each foot of the span between the beams. If the span of such arches is more than five feet, the thickness of 78 ' BUILDING CODE the same shall be increased as required by the Building Inspector. Such brick arches shall be laid with close joints in cement mortar in proportions of not more than two parts of sand to one part of cement by measure. If hollow tile arches having a straight soffit are used, the thickness of such arches shall not be less than one and one-half inches for each foot of span. In all cases the protection of the bottom flanges of the beams and so much of the webs as are not covered by the arches shall be made as before specified for the covering of beams and girders. Plastering on wire or metal lath shall not be considered as fireproofing for structural members. SECTION 46—REINFORCED CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION. 1. FOR WHAT BUILDINGS. Reinforced concrete may be used for all classes of buildings if the design is in accordance with good engineering practice and the the stresses are figured by rules and formulas equal in all respects to those set forth in the latest edition of “Concrete, Plain and Reinforced,” by Taylor & Thomp- son. 2. COMPUTATIONS. The Building Inspector shall have ac- cess to all computations, which shall give all assumed loads, sep- arately such as dead and live loads, wind and impact (if any), and the resulting stresses. 3. SPECIFICATIONS. The specifications shall state the qualities of the materials to be used in making the concrete, and the proportions in which they are to be mixed. 4. RECORDS OF WORK. Exact records of the progress of each operation of construction shall be kept where they can be examined by the Building Inspector. These records shall show the dates of the placing of all concrete, and the dates of the re- moval of forms. 5. TESTS OF CEMENT. Tests of cement used in building operations shall be made from time to time under the supervision of the Building Inspector and all cement which does not meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications of the American So- ciety for Testing Materials shall be rejected. 6. AGGREGATE. Extreme care shall be exercised in select- ing the aggregate for all concrete and careful tests shall be made of the materials, where any doubt exists, for the purpose of deter- mining their qualities and the proportions necessary to secure maximum density. 7. CINDER CONCRETE. Cinder concrete shall not be used for reinforced concrete structures, except for fireproofing. Where cinders are used as the coarse part of the aggregate, they shall be BUILDING CODE 79 hard, clean, vitreous cinders, free from sulphides, unburned coal and ashes. 8 REMOVAL OF FORMS. Forms shall not be removed until the concrete has hardened sufficiently to permit their re- moval with entire safety. 9. FIREPROOFING. The main reinforcement in columns shall be protected by a minimum of two inches of concrete; re-in- forcement in girders and beams by one and one-half inches, and floor slabs by one inch. SECTION 47—IRON AND STEEL CONSTRUCTION. 1. IRON AND STEEL CONSTRUCTION. All iron or steel columns shall be made true and smooth on both ends at right angles to the axis of the columns and shall rest on shoes or plates of iron or steel and shall have iron or steel caps which shall be made true, and such plates and caps shall be of size and strength sufficient to properly distribute the weights that may be imposed upon them; Provided, however, that in all buildings four stories and over in height such columns shall rest upon properly designed bridge plates bolted to the columns. All iron or steel trimmer- beams, headers and tail-beams shall be suitably framed and connected together, and all iron or steel girders, columns, beams, trusses or other iron or steel work shall be strapped, bolted, riveted, anchored and connected together in a strong and workmanlike manner approved by the Building Inspector. Pee CNESoe Ol WALLS—HOW CARRIED © In vall buildings of skeleton construction, when the walls are carried by the metal frame, the thickness of outside masonry shall not be less than twelve inches, except as hereinbefore provided for “Curtain Walls.” 3. CAST IRON. In buildings less than ten stories in height, cast iron columns may be used, in which case each successive col- umn, shall be bolted to the one below it by at least four bolts not less than three-quarters of an inch in diameter, and the beams and girders shall be bolted to the columns. No cast iron lintels shall be used in skeleton buildings. SECTION 48—SLOW BURNING BUILDINGS. 1. SLOW BURNING BUILDINGS—HOW CONSTRUCT- ED. All buildings six stories or over in height not especially men- tioned under the head of Fireproof Buildings, if not strictly fire- proof must be built equal in slow-burning qualities to the follow- ing: All floor and roof joists shall not be less than sixty inches in area of cross-section and shall be floored over with matched planks 80 BUILDING CODE not less than two and one-half inches thick. Partitions shall be either brick, tile or plank; if plank are used, the same must not be less than three inches thick. No stud partitions or wood furring shall be allowed. No buildings of “slow burning” construction shall be more than eight stories in height. If metal columns or girders are used they shall be fireproofed. Warehouses, storehouses and factories of slow-burning con- struction three stories or more in height, shall have all stairways and elevators enclosed in fireproof shafts, provided with automatic fire doors at all openings, and no openings shall be allowed through the floors of such building except for power belts, unless provided with automatic fire doors. SECTION 49—THEATRES AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. 1. PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. DEFINITIONS. Every building hereafter erected or altered to be used as a theatre, opera house, or for other public entertainments of any kind, where stage scenery and properties are employed, shall comply with the _pro- visions of this Ordinance. 2. OBSTRUCTIONS. All aisles and passageways in build- ings devoted to purposes of amusement shall be kept free from camp stools, chairs, stoves and all other obstructions. No person or persons shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any of the aisles or passageways during any public assemblage, except in the space in the rear of the last row of seats. 3. CHANGES OF EXISTING THEATRES. All places of public amusement and instruction in the City of Muskogee already erected, shall be required to conform to the provisions of this Ordi- nance with respect to obstructions in aisles or passageways, elec- tric wiring, lights, curtains, entrance, exit, doors, aisles, seats, stairways, automatic sprinklers, fire protection and water service, and matters relating to the management of theatres and places of — public amusement. It being the intention not to require the re- construction of existing buildings used for such purposes, except as herein indicated. 4. BUILDING INSPECTOR TO TAKE POSSE soit all cases under the provisions of this Ordinance whenever the Build- ing Inspector may deem it for the public safety to require altera- tions as provided in Paragraph 3 of this Section, or to limit the num- ber of persons that shall be permitted to occupy the interior of any theatre or place of public amusement, and the owner, lessee or manager neglects or refuses to comply with his order in relation thereto, he shall be authorized and required to take possession of and close such building and perform such other acts in the prémises as may be necessary to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance. 5. EMERGENCY EXITS, ETC. Emergency exits, and doors in walls not directly related to the main entrance of buildings of BUILDING CODE 81 this class, shall be equal in width to twenty inches for each one hundred of seating capacity, and shall be provided on each floor, gallery and balcony. Fire escapes shall be provided therefrom in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance. 6. AUDITORIUM EXITS. From the auditorium shall be two exits, unless one side is on the street, in which case there shall be more than two, if desirable, in each tier, from and including the parquet and each and every gallery. 7. WIDTH. Every exit shall be at least five feet in width in the clear and provided with doors. 8. DOORS BOLTED. All doors shall open outwards, and must be fastened with movable bolts, the bolts to be kept drawn during the performance, or the doors may be supplied with auto- matic door-opening devices. 9. BALCONY EXITS. Where a theatre, hotel or other pub- lic auditorium, has a frontage on more than one’street or public highway, balcony projections of a substantial character and un- objectionable appearance may be provided on the street or high- way not used as the principal entrance, and proper stairways there- from shall be provided. This balcony projection for the different exit levels may be used in lieu of fire escapes. In no case shall columns be placed so as to obstruct any passageway. 10. DIAGRAM AND LIGHTS. A diagram of the theatre showing all exits shall be published in each theatre program, and every exit shall have over the same on the inside, a red exit light or sign with the word “Exit” thereon in letters at least six inches high. 11. BUILDINGS—HOW USED. No portion of any building hereafter erected, used or intended to be used for theatrical or other purposes as in this Section specified, shall be occupied or used as a hotel, boarding or lodging house, factory, workshop or “manufactory, or for storage purpose except where hotels, boarding houses, workshops or manufactories are separated from said theatre by means of a fire wall. 12. WORKSHOPS, ETC. No workshop, storage or general property room, shall be allowed above the auditorium or stage, or under the sdme, or in any of the fly galleries, excepting for the painting of scenery. All said rooms or shops may be located in the rear or at the side of the stage, but in such cases they shall be separated from the stage by an incombustible wall. Each open- ing in such partitions shall have standard fire-proof doors on each side of the wall. 13. HAZARDOUS BUSINESS. No store or room contained in such building shall be let or used for carrying on any business dealing in articles designated by insurance companies as hazardous 82 BUILDING CODE material. No lodging accommodations, except for the janitor, shall be allowed in any part of the building communicating with the auditorium or stage. , 14. EXTERIOR WALLS. Exterior walls of theatres and places of public amusement shall be as provided for walls of other structures within the same district, and of the same general class, and shall in all ways conform to the general provisions of this Ordinance. 15. INTERIOR WALLS. Interior walls of masonry, here- after described, shall separate the auditorium from the stage, from the entrance vestibule and from any room or rooms over the same; also from any lobbies, corridors, refreshment or other rooms. 16. STAIRCASES. All enclosed staircases shall have on both sides a strong hand rail, firmly secured in the wall, about three inches distant therefrom and about thirty inches above the floor of the stairs. All stairways shall be closed on at least one side with incombustible material, except that stairways in fireproof buildings if constructed entirely of fireproof material may stand free from the adjoining walls and shall be provided with substantial hand rails on each side thereof. 17. FIRE WALLS. A fire wall to be built of brick shall separate the auditorium from the stage, and the same shall extend four feet at least above the highest roof adjoining said fire wall. 18. FIREPROOF ARCH. Above the proscenium opening there shall be an arch of fireproof material to protect it from the heat; if a girder, there shall be constructed a relieving arch over the same, the intervening space to be filled in with bricks to the - full thickness of the wall, the brick wall shall then be carried up above the roof, as above mentioned. 19. PROSCENIUM FRAME. The frame around the pros- cenium opening shall be formed in metal or plaster and filled in solid with non-combustible materials and securely anchored to the wall with metal. 20. PROSCENIUM WALLS—DOORS IN. All doorways or openings through the proscenium wall in every tier shall have. standard automatic fire doors which can be opened from either side at all times. Direct access to those doors shall be provided on both sides, and the same shall always be kept free from any incumbrance. 21. CURTAIN. The proscenium curtain shall be placed at least two feet distant from the floor lights at the nearest point. 22. METAL CURTAIN. The proscenium opening shall be provided with fireproof curtain made with a steel frame, well braced in section and sliding at each end in metal grooves securely fastened in the brick wall. Each section shall be filled in with wire cloth not over one inch mesh of not less than No. 14 wire American BUILDING CODE 83 Gauge, or the frame may be covered with No. 25 gauge iron riveted together and to the frame. This fireproof curtain shall be raised and lowered at least twice during each performance and shall be operated by machinery approved for that purpose. 23. FIREPROOF SHAFTS. A shaft or shafts shall be pro- vided over the stage to and out of the roof, of an area or combined area of at least one-tenth of said stage, fitted up with skylights having sliding sash glazed with double thick sheet glass, not ex- ceeding one-eighth of an inch thick, and each pane measuring not less than three hundred square inches. 24. SKYLIGHTS. And the whole of such skylights shall be so constructed as to open instantly, on the cutting or burning of a hempen cord arranged to control the whole of said skylights or by some other equally simple and approved device. / 25. SHEATHING. None of the walls or ceilings shall be covered with wood sheating or canvas. This shall not exclude the use of wall fabrics pasted directly on walls or ceilings of the audi- torium, foyers and entrances, and shall not exclude the use of wood wainscoating to a height not to exceed six feet, provided that the space between the wainscoating and the wall shall be filled in solid with fireproof materials. 26. DRESSING ROOM WALLS, ETC. The wall separating the actors dressing rooms from the stage, and the partitions divid- ing the dressing rooms, together with the partitions of any pas- sage from the same to the stage, and all other partitions on or about the stage, shall be constructed with fireproof material. 27. OPEN SPACE OF STAGE. All that portion of the stage - floor not comprised in the working of the scenery, traps and other mechanical apparatus for the presentation of a scene, and four feet wider on each side than the proscenium opening, shall be built of steel beams, filled in between with fireproof material; and all girders for the support of said beams shall be of steel. 28. FLY GALLERIES. The ceiling or underpart of the fly galleries shall be covered with iron or tin under the entire exposed woodwork. 29. STAGE WOODWORK. All woodwork and other non- fireproof materials on or about the stage, shall be saturated with an approved fire-resisting compound or otherwise rendered safe against fire. All such materials shall be coated twice each year with fireproofing paint or compound, as above. 30. DOORWAYS. Every doorway of communication be- tween aisles in the auditorium, and any lobby, corridor or passage, shall have a clear opening of not less than five feet in width. 31. CAPACITY. The aggregate capacity of the lobbies, cor- ridors, passages and rooms for the use of the audience, must on 84 BUILDING CODE each floor or gallery be sufficient to afford safe and easy egress for the entire audience. 32. SEATS. All seats in the auditorium, excepting those contained in the boxes shall be not less than thirty-one inches from back to back measured in a horizontal direction and not less than twenty inches in width from center to center of arms and shall be firmly secured to the floor. 33. AISLES. All aisles in the auditorium shall have at least a width of twenty inches for every hundred persons or part thereof. Main aisle shall not be less than three feet wide at their narrowest part; shall increase in width toward the exit at least one inch for every five running feet or part thereof. Lateral aisles and aisles adjoining proscenium boxes may be of lesser width, but in no case shall these aisles be less than twenty-four inches at their narrowest parts. 34. BOILER ROOMS. No steam boiler which may be re- quired for heating or other purposes, shall be placed under the auditorium or stairs and the space allotted to such boiler shall be enclosed by walls of masonry on all sides, and have a ceiling con- structed of fireproof material; all doors in such walls to be stand- ard automatic fireproof doors. 35. LIGHTING OF BUILDING. Every portion of the build- ing devoted to the use or accommodation of the public, and all out- lets leading to the highway, shall be well and properly lighted during every performance, and shall remain lighted until the en- tire audience has left the premises. 36. GAS MAINS AND LIGHTS. Gas mains supplying any theatre shall have independent connections for the auditorium and the stage, and provisions shall be made for shutting off the gas from the outside. When interior gas lights are not lighted by elec- ricity, other suitable appliances approved by the Building Inspec- tor must be provided. All stage gas lights shall have strong metal wire guards or screens, so constructed that any material in contact therewith shall be out of reach of the flames. 37. FIRE APPARATUS. Fire protective apparatus shall be installed of a character to adequately protect the contents of build- ing and its equipment. The size of hose, pipe and fittings shall be proportioned to the duties required of them. In no case shall pipe, other than service sprinkler pipes, be less than two and one-half inches in diameter. 38. WATER SERVICE. There shall be two sources of auto- matic supply, namely city pressure and automatic pump or tank. Approved Siamese connections for steamers shall be provided on outside of buildings, and shall conform to the requirements of the BUILDING CODE 85 Building Inspector. Each source of supply shall be properly equipped with proper gate and check valves. 39. TANK. Tank shall be located and constructed as to in- sure twenty pounds pressure at highest outlet, with a capacity, if gravity tank is used, of not less than twelve thousand gallons, or if pressure tank is used, not less than thirty-five hundred gal- lons. If a pump is used it shall be automatic, and of not less than five hundred gallons per.minute capacity and shall be ready for service at all times when the theatre is open to the public. Such pump shall be placed in boiler room. 40, AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERS. There shall also: be a complete, separate and distinct system of automatic sprinklers with fusible plugs installed subject to the approval of the Building In- spector. Said sprinklers to be placed by and upon the proscenium opening and on the ceiling or roof over the stage at such intervals as will protect every square foot of stage surface when in opera- tion. Such sprinklers shall also be placed under the stage so as to protect every square foot of surface in basement under stage. Such sprinkler equipment shall have independent connection from service in building and not a branch connection from any stand pipe. 41. STANDPIPES. Two standpipes shall be located on stage and shall be provided with hose attachments on each level gallery or landing thereof. There shall be one hose connection on each side of each gallery or balcony. There shall be two such con- nections in each corridor, vestibule and lobby next to the audi- torium and at all of its different levels. There shall be two similar connections, one on each side of basement immediately under audi- torium; there shall be two similar connections under stage, one on each side there; one in carpenter shop and one in storeroom. 42. HOSE. For each connection above mentioned there shall be not less than fifty feet of approved two inch hose and nozzle ‘which shall be attached and connected in a manner to meet the approval of the Chief of the Fire Department. In lieu of hose, turret nozzles may be used, except that they must be placed in sufficient numbers to cover all parts of the building. 439 OLHER PIRE APPARATUS. One fire hook and one fire axe shall be provided for each side of stage and for each fly gallery. Hooks shall be fifteen feet in length and together with axes shall be hung on the walls in conspicuous places. 44. APPROVAL BY BUILDING INSPECTOR. The above apparatus shall be placed in position in a manner to conform to the requirements of the Building Inspector, and shall be subject to his approval. 45: MUST HAVE WATER CLOSETS. Every building used as a theatre, opera house, or intended for theatrical or operatic 86 BUILDING CODE purposes, shall be provided with, and there shall be maintained therein suitable and separate water closets for men and women, for the convenience of the patrons of said theatre, opera house or building, which said closets shall continuously be kept open for a period of fifteen minutes next preceding the commencement of any entertainment or performance until the close thereof. 46. ROOMS FOR MOVING PICTURES. All rooms or build- ings which have heretofore been erected for the use in the opera- tion of, or which may hereafter be erected for, or used in the operation of moving picture machines, shall be inspected and ap- proved by the Building Inspector of said City before the same shall be so used. Every room used for such purpose shall be on the ground floor of such building, and shall front on a public high- way, and in no case shall there be a means of connection from said room to any other room or building, nor shall any other business be operated or conducted in such room. Every room hereafter erected or used for such purpose shall have at least one exit in addition to the main or front entrance to said room, which exit shall open direct into a street, alley, or courtyard, free from ob- structions, with direct access therefrom and to a public highway in said City. The doorways of the main entrance to every room here- tofore or hereafter erected or used for such purpose shall be not less than five feet in width and all additional doorways shall be not less than three feet in width. All doors must open outward and‘ shall not be locked while the building is open to the public. Each exit shall be clearly indicated on the inside thereof by illuminated red signs with the word “Exit” thereon in letters not less than six inches in height. No aisle shall be less than three feet in width. All seats shall be not less than thirty inches from back to back and not less than eighteen inches 1n width, from center to center of the area thereof and shall be firmly secured to the floor. No camp chairs or stools shall be used in such roam. There shall be placed in a box or compartment in which said moving picture machine is operated, a three gallon chemical fire extinguisher, which shall be charged at least once in each year. Every moving picture machine when in use must be enclosed in a fireproof booth or compartment, which booth or compartment shall be equipped with fireproof magazines for the top and bottom rolls of such machine. Extra films must be kept in metallic boxes with tight fitting covers. All wiring apparatus for electricity in the use of such machines shall be constructed in conformity with the National Electric Code in existence at the time of the installa- tion of such wiring, and with this Ordinance. SECTION 50—BUILDINGS WITHIN FIRE LIMITS. 1, CONSTRUCTION OF EXTERIOR WALLS. The outer wall and walls of every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits, shall be built only of brick, stone or other BUILDING CODE 87 equally substantial and incombustible materials: Provided, how- ever, that if any person or persons desire to increase the height of any wooden dwelling or any part thereof, already erected and situated within the fire limits and the height of such building, when completed will not exceed two stories, the Council of the City of Muskogee may grant a permit therefor, if in their judgment the fire hazard will not be increased thereby, and provided, further, that the second story of any dwelling may be constructed of wood with brick-veneer or stucco plaster if the walls of the first story thereof are of incombustible materials and at least eight inches thick. A frame dwelling may be built within the fire limits if such dwelling is not over two stories high; is veneered with at least four inches of incombustible material; properly anchored to frame walls and is provided with incombustible roof. 2. REPAIRING OR ALTERING FRAME BUILDING WITHIN FIRE LIMITS. It shall be unlawful to repair or alter frame buildings within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee if, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, such building has been damaged from any cause or causes to the extent of twenty-five per cent of the value of a similar new building, and any such build- ing shall be torn down and removed when so ordered by the Build- ing Inspector. No alteration or change in plan or size of such structure shall be made, or other changes which may allow a use or uses othler than that for which the structure was originally intended. 3. RE-LOCATING FRAME BUILDING. Whenever frame buildings heretofore erected within the fire limits shall be moved, they shall not be re-located within the fire limits, except by per- mission of the Council of the City of Muskogee. 4. ROOFS IN FIRE LIMITS. The external covering of all roofs, cornices, gutters, eaves and parapets, within the fire limits, - shall be of incombustible materials. No uncovered tar, tar or rosin paper, composition, felt or wood shall in any way be exposed on any roof or its appendages. Every composition roofing material shall be protected with a permanent covering of gravel or crushed stone, subject to the approval of the Inspector, except when such _composition is laid upon a fireproof roof. 5. CORNICES. Cornices shall be well secured to the walls, and in all cases the walls shall be carried up to the level of the roof, and where the cornice extends above the roof, the walls shall be carried up to the top of the cornice. All exterior cornices that will hereafter be necessary to place, shall be constructed as required for new buildings. 6. TEMPORARY SHEDS. Temporary one-story frame sheds may be erected within the fire limits, for the use of builders, 88 BUILDING CODE adjacent to buildings in course of construction, but shall be demol- ished or removed upon the completion of such buildings. 7. STAIRS OF WOOD WITHIN, THE Fike WHEN. Outside stairs constructed of wood in a substantial man- ner, if approved by the Building Inspector, may be erected-in con- nection with porches in the rear of flat buildings and dwellings within the fire limits. SECTION 51—DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. 1. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS, WALLS—CONDEMNA- TION. Whenever in the opinion of the Building Inspector any wall, or other part of a burned or otherwise damaged building is unsafe, or when any building or any part thereof shall be unsafe for the purpose for which it is intended or used, or whenever any machinery, material or staging used in or about the construction of any building is unsafe for the purpose for which it is intended or used, it shall be forthwith taken down, repaired or altered, as the Building Inspector shall require. And thereupon the owner, agent or occupant so notified by the Building Inspector, shall forth- with put such wall, building, machinery, material or staging in a safe condition, or take down and remove the same. Should such owner, agent or occupant refuse to comply with the said written notice, the Inspector, shall promptly report his conclusions, to- gether with such recommendations as he may desire to make, to the Mayor and City Council. Whereupon, it shall be the duty of the said Mayor and City Council to cause notice to be served upon the owner, owners or agent of said building or other structure to appear before them upon a day named in such notice, to show cause why such building or other structure should not be condemned in whole or in part and the same removed; and the Mayor and City Council shall thereupon hear and consider the recommendations of the Building Inspector and the objections thereto, if any, of such owner, owners or agent, and having satisfied themselves upon the matters presented, shall make final orders therein; and if the re- port and recommendations of the Building Inspector shall be found correct, and shall be approved and such building or other structure be condemned by the Mayor and City Council as dangerous or in- secure in whole or in part they may order the Building Inspector to forthwith give the owner or owners, or his or their agent, notice to take down, such building or structure in whole or in part, and clear the highway of all debris within a specified time and further to notify any tenant or occupant of such premises to vacate the same within a specified time. Should the person or persons so notified fail or refuse to comply with such order, the Mayor and City Council shall order the Buildings Inspector to cause such building or other structure, or so much thereof as may have been condemned, to be taken down and the same and all debris removed, all at the expense of the owner or owners who shall be liable to ‘the City for all expenses incurred by said Inspector in taking down BUILDING CODE 89 such building or structure, and the removal of the same and the debris thereof. The failure of any owner or owners, or his or their agent or agents, to comply with the provisions of this Section when notified by the Building Inspector as hereinabove provided, shall constitute a separate violation thereof for each and every day such violation shall continue. SECTION 52—MOVING OF BUILDINGS. 1. HOUSE MOVING—PERMITS. No building shall be moved to a new location within the City Limits unless a permit be first issued therefor by the Building Inspector. The person desir- ing such permit shall file written application therefor, setting forth the kind of building to be moved, its original cost, its dimensions in extreme length, height and width, its present location, and the particular lot or site on which it is to be moved. The Building Inspector shall thereupon thoroughly examine such building and may issue a permit for such removal designating therein the par- ticular streets or alleys along which the building shall be moved. Provided, however, that it has not been damaged to an extent ex- ceeding fifty per cent of its first cost, and that such removal can, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, be made without serious injury to any person or property or any pavement, or other public improvement. No frame building to be moved from without to within the fire limits. 2. BOND TO BE GIVEN. As a condition precedent to the issuance of such permit, the Building Inspector, shall require an indemnifying bond to be executed by the applicant with satisfactory surety, which bond shall be in terms and amount as he may prescribe, conditioned upon a strict cdmpliance with the terms of the permit as to route, time of removal the repair or com- pensation for the repair, the payment of all damages whatsoever occasioned by or incident to such removal, and the payment to said City of Muskogee as liquidated damages an amount not exceeding Fifty Dollars, to be prescribed by the Building Inspector, for each and every day’s delay in completing such removal or in repairing any damage to property or public improvements, or in clearing public highways of any debris occasioned thereby. Upon the issu- ance of such permit the Building Inspector shall cause written notice thereof to be given to the Superintendent of Fire Alarm, and of telephone, electric light and other companies whose property may be affected by such removal. . SECTION 53—SIGNS AND BILLBOARDS. 1. FENCES, SIGNS, BILLBOARDS—PERMIT. It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, cause or permit to be erected, within the City of Muskogee, any fence, signboard, sign, billboard, 90 BUILDING CODE or other structure to be used for advertising purposes without first obtaining a permit therefor from the Building Inspector. 2. SIGNS ON TOP OF STRUCTURES. It shall be unlawful to erect or maintain any solid sign, billboard or other structure for advertising purposes upon the cornice or on the roof of any build- ing in the City of Muskogee, if such structure is greater than two feet in height; nor shall any windows or doors be obstructed by any sign, billboard, or other advertising structure; Provided, how- ever, that it will be permissible to erect and maintain skeleton signs upon the cornice or on the roof of any building when con- structed according to the requirements of this Ordinance. 3. DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS. Permits for signs and banners shall be granted only upon the basis of representa- tions made by proper drawings and specifications indicating the location, disposition, quality of material and workmanship, full dimensions and manner of fastening the same in place. These drawings and specifications shall be subject to all of the special and general provisions as indicated by this Ordinance for general build- ing work. 4. GENERAL PROVISIONS. All signs hereafter. erected or placed on buildings within the fire limits shall be of incombustible material, and all signs in any part of the City shall be propérly supported, braced and stayed and otherwise rigidly and perman- ently secured, and shall in no case be less than ten feet above the sidewalk. No advertising structure shall be erected which in any way conflicts with public safety or convenience. Whenever in the opinion of the Building Inspector, any ad- vertising structure shall endanger public safety or convenience, it shall be “taken down, repaired « or altered as the Building Inspector may require. All signs or banners, in the sense herein indicated, that conflict with the conditions of this Ordinance shall be removed or altered within six months after its passage. The term “advertising structure” shall apply to transparencies, electric devices, streamers and other means of attracting public attention. The term “Sign” in the sense herein, does not include those which are painted directly upon the structural parts of any build- ing, but does apply to signs painted upon any structure erected for sign purposes. Signs of the type known as “shingles” containing not over four square feet, not more than 1-2 inch in thickness and placed not less than ten feet above the first floor or the sidewalk line, may be erected without permit. However, the Building Inspector shall have authority to order their removal if in any way they vio- late any of the special or general conditions of this Ordinance. BUILDING CODE 91 No permit shall be granted for the erection of any advertising structure to be placed less than ten feet above the sidewalk, and no sign shall extend beyond the curb line. SECTION 54—MISCELLANEOUS. Pe DULL DING ss aAnrTONOT PROPECL BEYOND BUILD- ING LINE. The face of any wall pilaster or column of any build- ing above the level of its main water table shall not project beyond the' building line, except as hereinafter provided. The plinths pil- asters, columns, porticoes or entrances of buildings may extend not to exceed twenty-five inches and such porticoes or entrances shall not be over one story in height, but no such extensions shall be al- lowed on sidewalks of less than fifteen feet in width. ; Oriel or balcony windows shall not project more than three feet beyond the property line and shall not be less than twelve feet above the sidewalk. 2. IRON BARS AND POSTS. Temporary iron bars and wooden posts may be set on the side of a highway for the purpose of erecting guy lines or derricks; such bars and posts shall be re- moved at any time at the order of the Building Inspector. 3. SMOKE HOUSES. Smoke houses shall not be built in any cellar and shall be constructed throughout of incombustible material and shall be provided with ventilation at or near the top, and with guards not less than four feet above the firebed, suffi- cient to prevent the meats from falling into the fire. If such smoke houses open into other buildings such openings shall be pro- tected by iron doors or shutters properly constructed. 4, SCUTTLES ON FLAT ROOFS. Every building two or more stories in height shall have a scuttle through the roof not less than three feet long by two feet wide, or a bulkhead with a' door, and where located within the fire limits such scuttle shall be constructed of or covered with incombustible material. All scuttles or bulkhead shall have stationary ladders or stairs with strong hand rail leading to them, which shall at all times be kept free from obstructions and ready for use. In no cases shall the door in a bulkhead or scuttle be locked but it may be fastened on the inside by movable bolts or hooks. 5. SKYLIGHTS. Every skylight in the fire limits shall have frames and sash constructed entirely of metal and shall be protect- ed by a substantial screen set twelve inches above glass and on the sides of sheet metal. A protecting screen shall also be placed on the inside where wired glass is not used. 6.. FIREPROOF SHAVING VAULTS. No building within the fire limits shall be used or occupied in whole or in part, for planing-mill, sash, door, blind, wagon, carriage, cabinet and furnt- 92 BUILDING CODE ture, agricultural implement, box or shingle, carpenter, cooper, wood turning or veneering shop, factory, or any other woodwork factory or shop, unless it shall have a fireproof vault of sufficient capacity to contain all the shavings, sawdust, chips or other light combustible refuse produced therein; and such refuse shall be gathered each day and placed in the vault. In no event:shall the proprietors, owners or lessees of any such manufactory or shop al- low combustible refuse to accumulate upon any lot, or in any build- ings, except stored in such fireproof vault. 7. RAINWATER LEADERS. Every building shall be pro- vided with proper leaders for conducting the water from the roof to the ground, storm sewer, street, gutter or dry well, in such man- ner as shall protect the walls and foundations from damage; and in no case shall roof water be allowed to flow upon the sidewalk. 8. DECORATIONS IN STORES. It shall be unlawful to use cotton batting or similar substances in the show windows of stores for decorating purposes, and in no case shall combustible material be allowed in contact with lighting or electric appliances. 9. PUBLIC HALL AND. CHURCH. EXITS. | lien yaaa hall and church, with accommodations for five hundred people or less shall have at least two separate and distinct exits, to be as far apart as may be practicable. No exit shall be less than five feet in width. Public halls and churches accommodating more than five hundred people shall have additional exits proportioned in the ratio of twenty inches in width for each additional one hundred people or fractional part thereof. ‘The aisles or passageways in such public halls and in all places of public assemblage shall at all times be kept clear and unobstructed. 10. HEIGHT OF PUBLIC HALLS ABOVE GRADE portion of the main floor of any public hall not used as a theatre, and with accommodations for five hundred persons, shall be ele- vated to a greater height than thirty-five feet above the street grade, except in case of fireproof buildings. Public halls with ac- commodations for one thousand persons or ‘more shall have the main floor not more than twenty-five feet above the street grade, except in case of fireproof buildings. 11. BRIDGING. All joists shall be double bridged in rows not over eight feet apart with one by four beveled bridging. Bear- ing partitions over ten feet high, shall be bridged horizontally. SECTION 55—AWNINGS. 1. CLOTH AWNINGS. Cloth awnings may be erected over the sidewalk as a protection over doors and windows, such awnings © to be supported by substantial metal hangers and framework, pro- vided that no part of any such awning shall be nearer than seven feet from the sidewalk, nor shall project past the curb line. BUILDING CODE — ELECTRICAL CODE 93 2. INCOMBUSTIBLE AWNINGS. Stationary incombus- tible awnings may be erected not more than ten feet wide or not wider than the sidewalk. No part of such awning shall be nearer than ten feet from the sidewalk, providing that such awning shall be supported by rods or chains sufficient to sustain the same. 3. WOOD AWNINGS. Light wood awnings may be erected on frame buildings in isolated localities at the discretion of the Building Inspector and are subject to removal at his request, pro- vided such awnings conform to requirements as to height and width. 4. AWNINGS PREVIOUSLY ERECTED. Awnings that were erected prior to the passage of this Ordinance which do not conform to the requirements of same shall be changed to meet the requirements within six months from the passage of this Ordi- nance. SECTION 56. 1. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person or. persons, firm or corporation, violating any of the provisions of this Ordi- nance, for which no penalty is hereinbefore named, shall be deemed - guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95. ARTICLE II. Bee URICAL, CODE. Section. Section. 57. Electrical Inspector. 62. Issuing Permits and Fees. 58. Appointed by City Man- S21 Hixtures, and Ceiling ager. Fans. 59. To Give Bond. 9. Window Reflectors. 60. Duties of Electrical In- 10. Temporary Permits. spector. 11. Inspect New Wiring— 61. Annual License of Elec- Notifications. tricians and Bond. 63. Board of Examiners, Ex- 62. Issuing Permits and Fees. amination of Applicants. 1. Open Work. 64. Certificate of Examina- 2. New Work. tion; Fees. 3. Motors and Genera- 65. Licenses—Grading of Li- tors. Celiscs: 4. Electric Signs. 1. Grade A. 5. Outlining. 2. Grade B. 6. Bell Transformers. SoiGaraden@: 7. Arc Lighting. 4. Grade D. 94 ELECTRICAL CODE Section. 65. . Architects . Additions Licenses—Grading of Li- censes—Cont. 5. Licenses Granted for One Year. . Electrical Inspector to Have General Supervision. . National Electric Code to Govern. . Electrical Inspector to De- cide all Questions. . Certificate of Inspection. . Refusal to Issue. . Light Companies. . Furnace Work. Gas Fit- ting. and Builders. Instructions as to Chan- neling. Provisions for Plans. Pocketing. . Decisions Made by City Electrical Inspector. . Accidents. ) . Annual Inspection of Iso- lated Plants. . How to Wire Different Classes of Buildings. to Wiring Old Buildings. in . Switches and Switch Boards. Section. 80. ls 100. Conduit Connections to Switch Board. Conduit Wiring for Mo- tors. . Installation of Meters. . Feed Wires. . General Conduit Wiring. . General Wiring. . Repairs of Old Wiring. . Cabinets. . Wiring of Signs. . signs and Outlining. . Theatres. . Operator Must Stand at Lamp. . Moving Pictures. . Privileges of Electrical Inspector. | . Miscellaneous. . Assistants and Reports. . Liability of the City. . Penalty. . Penalty for Unlawfully Converting Electric Cur- rent. /.Penalty for Recétvemiea: Wrongfully Diverted Cur- rent. Penalty for ‘Tampering with Electric Current. Ordinance No. 753. Electric Current—To Prevent Un- lawful use of. Ordinance No. 760. Electrical Code. , Ordinance No. 1206. Creating Office Electrical Inspector. SECTION 57—ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. That there shall be and there is hereby created the office of Electrical Inspector. SECTION 58—APPOINTED BY CITY MANAGER. The Electrical Inspector shall be appointed by the City Man- ager and shall be subject. to removal by him. No person shall be eligible to the office of Electrical Inspector, unless such person shall have equipped himself by study or practical experience to ELECTRICAL CODE 95 enable him to perform the duties as Electrical Inspector in accord- ance with the regulations set out in the building code of this City, and shall be a bona fide resident of the City of Muskogee, and over the age of twenty-one years. The salary of the Electrical Inspec- tor shall be fixed by the City Manager. SECTION 59—TO GIVE BOND. Immediately after his appointment and confirmation, the Elec- trical Inspector shall be, and is hereby required to give a bond to the City of Muskogee in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000.00) Dol- lars, with a responsible Surety Company as surety, conditioned for the faithful performance of his duties as such Electrical Inspector, and the faithful accounting to the City of all moneys coming into his hands and belonging to said City, which bond shall be approved by the City Manager and Council, and filed with the City Clerk. SECTION 60—DUTIES OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector under the direc- tion of the City Manager to enforce the provisions, rules and regu- lations created by any and all ordinances relating to electrical Wiring, work and appliances in the City of Muskogee. He shall inspect and have supervision over the installation of all electrical work, wiring and appliances installed in said City as is now or may be required of him by any ordinances of the City of Muskogee. He shall keep an accurate daily record of all notices issued, appli- cations filed, permits granted, and work inspected. He shall issue a certificate of approval of all work inspected and approved by him, collect all fees for inspections, and permits and pay over the same daily to the City Treasurer. He shall cause the arrest of all persons violating the provisions of ordinances relating to or regulating electrical wiring work and appliances, and shall do and perform any and all things and duties properly belonging to the office of Electrical Inspector, and such other duties as may hereafter be prescribed for him by ordinance. SECTION 61—ANNUAL LICENSE TO ELEC- TRICIANS AND BOND. That all companies, firms and corporations or individuals (ex- cept public telephone, telegraph and messenger call companies operating under a franchise granted by the City of Muskogee) en- gaged in the business of running or installing electric wires or conductors inside of any building within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee (except central stations, power-houses, sub- stations or car barns) for the purpose of transmitting electrical currents for electric light, heat or power, gas lighting systems, house annunciators, burglar alarms, electric bell buzzers, electric 96 ELECTRICAL CODE signal systems, private telephone, telegraph or messenger call sys- tems, lighting fixtures, or installing electric apparatus of any na- ture, kind or description, shall first procure from the Inspector of Licenses, upon recommendation of the Electrical Inspector, a li- cense of such class as pertains to and regulates such installation, or grade of electrical work thereof; Provided, that before such a recommendation shall be given by the Electrical Inspector, the company, firm, corporation or individual applying for said license, shall give bond to the City of Muskogee, in the sum hereinafter provided and required for said grade of license, conditioned that they will in good faith, perform all things required of them under the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 62—ISSUING PERMITS AND FEES FOR SAME. That all companies, firms, co-partnerships, corporations or individuals (except public telephone, telegraph and messenger call companies operating under a regular franchise granted by the City of Muskogee, and already under bond to the City of Muskogee) who desire to have electric wiring, electric fixtures, appliances or apparatus installed in or on any building (except central stations, power-houses and sub-stations belonging to the Electric Light or Street Railway Companies operating under a franchise) shall pro- cure a permit from the Electrical Inspector. The term “Electric Wiring” is intended to mean the installation of electric wires, fix- tures, appliances or apparatus used or to be used in any building for the purpose of transmitting electrical current for electric light, heat or power, gas lighting systems, house annunciators, burglar alarms, electric bells, electric signals, private telephone, telegraph, messenger call systems, lighting fixtures or installing electrical apparatus of any nature, kind or description. Permits must be taken out for the installation of all electric bells, buzzers, annunci- ators, private telephone, signal systems, and all other electrical apparatus, and the Electrical Inspector will have jurisdiction over the installation and inspection of same, but where the voltage does not exceed 48, no inspection fee for same will be charged. Where fixtures and other apparatus are taken out to be repaired, permits must be taken out to re-install same, except when the voltage to operate does not exceed 48. In order to procure a permit for the installation of electric wiring, the said companies, firms, co-partner- ships, corporations or individuals shall, before having any elec- trical work commenced, or any addition made to any old wiring, make written application to the Electrical Inspector, and shall pay the said Electrical Inspector, the fee required by the following schedule: 1. OPEN WORK. For open work, fees will be charged as for fixtures. In open work where circuits are wired in without any fittings attached, a fee of 25c for first circuit will be charged and 10c for each additional circuit. ELECTRICAL CODE 97 2. NEW WORK. From one to ten outlets for new work the sum of $1.00 will be charged; for each additional outlet 10c. For one outlet only or complete with fixture on old work 25c; for each additional outlet 10c. If, for any reason after a permit has been issued, it is necessary to install additional outlets, a fee as in addition to new work will be charged. 3. MOTORS AND GENERATORS. For electric motors, ex- cepting those that are portable, $1.50 each; for electric generators used for light and power purposes including switch board and con- nections from generator, $4.00 each. When motors are changed where new wiring is not installed for same, a fee of 50c will be charged. A fee of $1.50 will be charged for Rectifiers. 4. ELECTRIC SIGNS. For each electric sign, a fee of $1.00 will be charged where the total number of lamps does not exceed thirty-two, and 50c per hundred, or fraction thereof in excess of thirty-two. Two sockets in a transparency will be classed as one outlet,in procuring permit, and a fee of 50c will be charged; more than two sockets in a transparency will be classed as a sign. 5. OUTLINING. In outlining, fee will be on same basis as charges for signs. 6. BELL TRANSFORMERS. Bell ringing transformers must be installed in fire proof cabinets or enclosures, and a fee of 50c will be charged for their inspection. 7. ARC LIGHTING. Either series or incandescent for one or two arc lights, $1.00 will be charged, for three arc lights and more than. four, $1.50, for each arc light in excess of four, 25c. This rate to be for arc lights either connected to old outlets or when new installations are made. Vapor lamps, x-rays and spark coils, will be classed as arc lamps when procuring permits, and the same fees charged therefor. 3 8. FIXTURES AND CEILING FANS. Twenty-five cents will be charged for first fixture or ceiling fan, and 10c for each additional fixture or ceiling fan installed. Three cord drops or receptacles or part thereof will be charged as for one fixture. 9. WINDOW REFLECTORS. Window reflectors will be classed as signs and not as fixtures in procuring permits, and the same fees charged therefor. For theater switchboards, a fee of $2.00 will be charged for boards of 100 amperes capacity or less, and 1c for each ampere in excess of 100. When cabinets are moved, a fee of 50c will be charged for their inspection. Where meter loops are moved from present location, the in- spection fee shall be 50c. When. circuits are moved, a charge of 50c will be made for inspection of first circuit and 10c for each additional circuit. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for inspecting moving picture machine and booth. 98 ELECTRICAL CODE 10. TEMPORARY PERMITS. A fee of $1.00 will be charged for temporary permits, same not to extend over a period of 30 days. Regular fees will be charged where wiring is changed for in- surance purposes. All permits must be taken out before work is started and im- mediately upon completion, notification for inspection must be made in writing. When addition or change is made to work, that a certificate has been issued on, where a permit was not issued for the addition, the original certificate must be cancelled and the regular fee charged for re-inspecting the original and additional work. 11, INSPECT NEW WIRING. NOTIFICATIONS. No alteration or change shall be made in the wiring of any building, nor shall any building be wired for electric lights, motors, heating devices, or any other electrical apparatus of whatever nature, nor shall electrical apparatus be installed without first securing from the Electrical Inspector a written permit as provided for. When alteration or change is made in wiring of any building, or any new wires or electric apparatus are installed, it shall be the duty of the company, firm, corporation or individual, doing or having work done to notify in writing the Electrical Inspector immediately after completing such work, that the work is ready to inspect. On re- ceipt of the notice, the Electrical Inspector shall inspect said work and issue a certificate when it complies with all the rules govern- ing the work under which it is classed. On business blocks, hotels and apartment houses, an inspection will be made of different sec- tions of the work at the discretion of the Electrical Inspector, in order not to delay the other work in the construction of the build- ing. SECTION 63—BOARD OF EXAMINERS. .EXAMINA- TION OF APPLICANTS. There is hereby created a Board of Examiners to pass upon the qualifications of all persons doing electrical wiring or electrical work in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Said Board shall con- sist of three (3) members, one of whom shall be the Electrical Inspector of said City, who shall be ex officio Chairman of said Board; the second member shall be an Electrical Contractor, and the third member shall be a Journeyman Electrician. The second and third member of said Board shall be appointed by the City Council, to serve without compensation and hold their office at the pleasure of the Council. It shall be the duties of the members of said Board, under such rules and regulations as they shall prescribe, to hold meetings at such times and in such places as may be fixed by said Board for the purpose of passing upon the qualifications of parties desiring to do electrical wiring or electrical work within the City of Mus- kogee. ELECTRICAL CODE 99 SECTION 64—CERTIFICATE OF EXAMINATION, FEES. Any person, whether employer or employee, except helpers, before engaging in electrical wiring or electrical work in the City of Muskogee shall apply to said Board and pass an examination as to his competency as an electrician, and if on examination such applicant is found competent to do electrical wiring and electrical work, said Board of Examiners shall issue a certificate of examina- tion to such applicant authorizing him to engage in electrical wir- ing and electrical work in said City. The fee for examination of each applicant shall be One ($1.00) Dollar, payable in advance, and shall be retained by said City whether the applicant passes the examination or not. SECTION 65—LICENSES. GRADING OF LICENSES. Licenses of four different grades will be issued under the head of “Electric Wiring Licenses.” First Grade “A”. General Contractors License. Second Grade “B”. Contractors License for apparatus and wires not using over 48 volts. dhird Grade. “C”’.)) Blectricians: License. Fourth Grade “D”. Journeyman Electricians License. heGRADE “A®UICENSE.: | Hlectrical License known ‘as Grade “A” shall grant the holder thereof the right and privilege to contract for the installation of, or to himself install, (provided he has passed the required examination before the Board of Exam- iners), electric wires for the transmission of electric energy, for the purpose of electric light, heat and power, or any electrical ap- paratus of whatsoever nature. A Surety bond shall be required from such licensee in the sum of $1,000.00, said bond to be executed as provided for in this ordinance. | 2. GRADE “B” LICENSE. Grade “B” License shall grant the holder thereof the right to contract for the installation in any building within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee of electric wires, conductors, and the apparatus connected thereto, for the purpose of house annunciators, buzzers, electric bells, burg- lar alarms, private telephone, telegraph and messenger call sys- tems, gas lighting systems, or any apparatus of whatsoever char- acter; provided that in no instance shall the maximum difference of electrical potential between the two points of said system, ex- ceed 48 volts. A surety bond shall be required from said licensee -in the sum of $500.00, said bond to be executed as provided for in said ordinance. Suu Ona @ wWEICUNSE a Grade: CG” license) shall grant the holder thereof the right and privilege to care for, while operat- ing isolated plants, motors and dynamos of any capacity, to wire, change, or alter any electrical apparatus or conductor, (excepting ‘meter, meter connections and services owned by other Light Com- 100 ELECTRICAL CODE panies) that may be confined to any building, single plant or build- ings under one management or ownership, and which must be defi- nitely specified in each license, issued under this class. 4. GRADE “D” LICENSE. Grade “D” License known as Journeyman Electricians License, shall grant the holder thereof the right and privilege to do electrical work, of any nature what- soever in or on any building in the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, provided he has passed a ‘satisfactory examination be- fore the Board of Examiners, and said examination certificate shall constitute said license. 5. LICENSE GRANTED FOR ONE YEAR. All licenses and certificates of examination shall be granted for a period of one year, and the Board of Examiners may require a re-examination before the renewal of any expired license or certificate of examina- tion shall be granted, upon recommendation of the Electrical In- spector. SECTION 66—ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TO HAVE GENERAL SUPERVISION. The Electrical Inspector and his assistants are hereby author- ized, empowered and directed to regulate, determine and have general supervision over all electrical apparatus, and the stringing, placing and attaching of electric light, power, telephone, telegraph and all other electric wires of any nature whatsoever now or here- after placed in or upon, or in any manner directly attached to any building, or to any airdome or other similar temporary structure in the City of Muskogee, except such wires, and the motors, gen- erators and other apparatus belonging to any Electric Light, Street Railway or Telephone Company that are under their con- trol. SECTION 67—NATIONAL ELECTRIC CODE TO GOVERN. The Electrical Inspector, or one of his assistants shall inspect and re-inspect all electrical apparatus and wires which they con- sider to be of sufficient importance or hazard to require such in- spection. The National Board of Fire Underwriter’s Rules and Regulations known as the “National Electric Code”, their list of approved fittings, and such pamphlets and lists of approved fit- tings as are published by them from time to time will govern all electrical installations, except such special rules as are contained in this Ordinance. SECTION 68—ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR TO DECIDE ALL QUESTIONS. The Electrical Inspector shall decide all questions not pro- vided for in this Ordinance, pertaining to the installation of all electric wires and apparatus, and his decision shall be final and binding. ELECTRICAL CODE 101 SECTION 69—CERTIFICATE OF INSPECTION. On the completion of the work covered by a permit in accord- ance with the rules of this Ordinance and to the satisfaction of the Electrical Inspector, said Electrical Inspector shall issue a certifi- cate of inspection. In this certificate, said Electrical Inspector shall certify that the work is in accordance with the rules govern- ing the respective class to which it belongs, as specified by this Ordinance. Whenever a permit is issued for an addition to old work that does not conform to the rules as laid down in this Ordi- nance, the Electrical Inspector shall issue a statement that the new work complies with the rules, but that a certificate cannot be issued for its connection to the old work, as the old work does not comply with the rules of the Ordinance. SECTION 70—CERTIFICATES OF INSPECTION, REFUSALS TO ISSUE INSPECTION OF OLD WORK. The Electrical Inspector is hereby given the authority to refuse to issue a permit for any addition, or any extension to any wiring system in or on any building, where in his opinion the wir- ing is in an unsafe condition. If, after a permit is issued, the work for any reason covered by the permit does not comply with the rules of this Ordinance, the Electrical Inspector may refuse to issue a certificate of inspection, and all owners of buildings, all electric light, heat and power companies, are ordered not to have connection made, nor to connect to any building without having a certificate of inspection, or the written permission from the Elec- trical Inspector, if the work is of a class considered by him reason- ably safe, but in his opinion not entitled to a certificate of inspec- tion. Upon application of any owner or tenant, the Electrical In- spector shall inspect or cause to be inspected any old wiring or electrical apparatus in their building within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, upon the payment of the fee covering such work, and shaii issue a certificate if the work is in accordance with the rules of this Ordinance. In case the work does not comply with the Ordinance he shall issue a written statement as to the changes necessary to bring the work up to the code and the stand- ard as required by the provisions of this Ordinance. A certificate will not be issued under any circumstances on work that is con- cealed in such a manner that it cannot be inspected. SECTION 71—CERTIFICATES OF INSPECTION. LIGHT COMPANIES MUST HAVE CERTIFICATES BEFORE CONNECTING. LIGHT COMPANIES MUST OBTAIN PERMIT TO WIRE. No electric light, or heat and power companies shall do any wiring of any nature in or on any building” (excepting power- houses, sub-stations and buildings of electric hght, heat and power 102 ELECTRICAL CODE companies operating under a franchise granted by the City of Muskogee) for which a permit has not been issued, or to make any electrical connections to any building until a certificate stat- ing that the wiring is approved, has been issued by the Electrical Inspector. All firms, corporations or individuals whether operat- ing under a regular franchise granted by the City of Muskogee, or not, shall upon written notice from the Electrical Inspector, dis- connect from any service or circuit as designated by said office, and shall not re-connect said service or circuit except upon written notice from the Electrical Inspector. SECTION 72—FURNACE WORK COMPLETED BEFORE WIR: ING IS FINISHED. GAS FITTING COMPLETED BEFORE WIRING IS FINISHED. LICENSE NECESSARY FOR ALL WIRING. LABELS SHOWING ON SERVICE SWITCH WHETHER WIRING IS APPROVED OR CONDEMNED. LATHING IS FORBIDDEN UNTIL WIRING IS AP= PROVED. STEAMFITTING IN PLACE BEFORE WIRING IS COMPLETED. It shall be unlawful for owners, contractors, or workmen, not holding a license to do electrical work, to in any manner interfere with any electric wiring or apparatus in or on any building, tent, airdome or other structure, in any manner whatsoever. If for any reason the wiring is in such a position as to interfere with the progress of any work, the Electrical Contractor must be notified to have it changed. No wood or metal is to be placed within one inch of any concealed electrical conductor. On inspecting the elec- trical wiring of any building, or other structure, the Electrical In- spector or his qualified representative shall leave a notice in the form of a tag or label attached to the service switch. This notice shall clearly state that the work has been passed upon by the Elec- trical Inspector, and no workman shall lath, ceil or in any manner conceal any electrical wiring until they know positively that it has been so inspected and approved. The Electrical Inspector must in all cases inspect, or cause to be inspected by a qualified represen- tative, all electric wiring within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee within 48 hours of the receipt of written notice from the Electrical Contractor that the work is completed. (Holidays and Sundays not included in this time.) All steam fitting, furnace work, gas fitting and telephone wiring which is to be concealed, must be in place before the electric wiring will be inspected, and such wiring will not be considered as completed until the above work referred to is in place. SECTION 73—ARCHITECTS AND BUILDERS. INSTRUC- TIONS AS TO CHANNELING, PROVISIONS FOR PLANS. POCKETING. Architects and Builders are required, when drawing plans and specifications, to make provisions for channeling and pocketing ELECTRICAL CODE 103 of buildings for such electrical conductors as may be required by the Electrical Inspector, and to state definitely in such specifica- tions, and mark on such plans, the location of all light, switch (except main line switch and cut-out) and other openings, and state definitely in watts the capacity of each outlet. Architects and Builders are required to furnish such plans and specifications of proposed work as may be deemed necessary by the Electrical Eee before a permit for such plans and specifications will be issued. SECTION 74—DECISIONS TO BE MADE BY THE CITY ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. The Electrical Inspector is hereby deemed the sole judge ‘of what constitutes the proper installation, and the safe insulation of electric conductors and apparatus, within or on buildings in the City of Muskogee, and is hereby authorized to make such rules and regulations of a technical nature, as may be deemed necessary to make such conductors and appliances as safe as possible. The National Electric Code, and their list of approved fittings shall govern all electrical installations and apparatus, except in those cases where conditions may warrant a deviation therefrom. SECTION 75—ACCIDENTS. SUPERVISIONS FOR THE PRE: , VENTION OF. The Electrical Inspector is hereby authorized, empowered and directed to have general supervision over the placing, stringing or attaching of telegraph, telephone, electric light or other wires with- in, or on any building or buildings within the City of Muskogee, and such lights, wires and electrical apparatus now existing as well as those hereafter constructed and placed, shall be subject to such supervision. Whenever any electrical wire or other piece of elec- trical apparatus shall for any reason become defective or danger- ous, the Electrical Inspector shall at once notify the owner or agent thereof to repair or remove the same, and upon the failure to com- ply with such notice within twenty-four hours after service thereof, the Electrical Inspector shall cause such defective or dangerous wire or apparatus to be removed or repaired at the expense of the said owner or agent, and the said owner or agent shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction fined not less than $5.00, and each day after the expiration of the time limited by said notice, and until the time when the cost of repairing said wire or apparatus shall have been paid, shall constitute a separate offense, SECTION 76—ANNUAL INSPECTION OF ISOLATED PLANT. It shall be the duty of the Electrical Inspector to inspect an- nually all isolated electric light plants now in operation in the City 104 ELECTRICAL CODE or hereafter installed, or oftener, if application therefor is made by: the owner of such plant, or his agent, and he shall order any dangerous or defective machinery, wires or appliances found there- in or attached thereto removed or remedied immediately at the ex- pense of said owner or agent. SECTION 77—HOW TO WIRE DIFFERENT CLASSES OF BUILDINGS. NEW BUILDINGS ALL ELECTRIC WIR:- ING DONE INSIDE OF THE CITY FIRE LIMITS SHALL BE PUT IN CONDUIT OR METAL MOULDINGS. Buildings of one story where there are one or more apart- ments, must each be wired for separate service. Wiring for light, heat or power in all buildings hereafter erected, and all new additions to buildings, within the City Fire Limits shall be installed as a conduit system. All buildings here- after erected for mercantile purposes, all churches, schools, public buildings, apartment houses, garages, hotels, hospitals, livery stables, factories, hay barns, flour mills, grain elevators, and all buildings to be used for public entertainment within the City Lim- its of the City of Muskogee shall have all- wiring for light, heat and power installed as a complete conduit system. All changes: or additions to wiring used for light, heat or power inside of the City Fire Limits shall be in conduit or metal moulding, and all changes or additions to conduit or metal moulding wiring within the City Limits shall be in conduit or metal moulding. The term electric wiring herein used is meant to cover all wir- ing used for electric current of whatever nature, exclusive of wir- ing using 48 volts or less. SECTION 78—ADDITIONS TO WIRING IN OLD BUILDINGS. When old buildings are to be wired for the use of electricity or when additional lights are to be installed on knob and tube wires, when no alteration or remodeling of the building is contemplated, such wiring may be installed complete in approved flexible metal conduit. This class of buildings may have additional lights in- stalled in the same manner. SECTION 79—SWITCHES AND SWITCH BOARDS. | On private residences main line switch and cut-out must be installed in rear room or hallway on first floor where rear entrance door is located. Conduit must be installed for all services. Every service must be provided with one main line switch. Service switch must be placed seven feet from floor in a posi- tion where person operating same cannot come in contact with grounded metal parts. ELECTRICAL CODE 105 SECTION 80—CONDUIT CONNECTIONS TO SWITCH BOARD. Conduit must be extended as close as possible to switch board and be provided at end of pipe with approved condulet or other equal fitting. Underground wires running from dynamo to switch board must be wired with lead cable encased in approved duct. Said duct must be sealed on end to prevent dirt or moisture from enter- ing conduit. Automatic controllers for elevator motors are to be considered as switch boards in wiring with conduit. SECTION 81—CONDUIT WIRING FOR MOTORS. Wiring on motors must be figured 25 per cent above rated horse power. All switches and rheostats controlling motors are to be in- stalled in iron cabinets in regular manner. Rheostats must be installed within sight of motor where prac- tical. When out of sight of motor controlling switch must be placed at motor. Compensators must be installed on all single phase motors of 5 horse power capacity and over, and all three phase motors of _ 7 1-2 horse power capacity and over. SECTION 82—INSTALLATION OF METERS. One meter loop at least must be installed on each building not more than 7 feet from floor and as near as practical to the point where the feeders enter the building. Where there is more than one meter loop, same must be-plain- ly tagged inside and out of cabinet. In doing new work wiremen are required to plainly mark inside of cabinet the number of out- lets on each circuit, or the load in watts or amperes, and when any additional load is added, tag in box must be marked accordingly. ' Main line switch and cut-out must protect this meter loop. All meter loops must be left open and must not be connected by any one without a written order from the company supplying the current. All wires for meter loops must be at least 18 inches long. SECTION 83—FEED WIRES. Only one set each of light and power wires will be allowed to enter any one building. (See exception in Section 80.) Nothing smaller than No. 12 B. & S. gauge wire will be allowed for feed wires. In figuring size of feed wires each branch cut-out must be 106 ELECTRICAL CODE figured at six amperes, whether the same cut-out is loaded or not; two per cent drop only will be allowed from main line switch to the farthest lamp at full load. Where entering buildings feed wires, where practicable, must be installed at least three feet from any door, window or porch roof. All wiring in buildings having installation of over six amperes must be wired on a three wire system. Three wire feeds must enter through three wire condulet with porcelain cap or some similar device, neutral wire of which must always be the middle wire. Two wire feeds must enter through two wire condulet with porcelain cap or some similar device. SECTION 84—GENERAL CONDUIT WIRING. The National Electric Code rules on conduit will govern all installation of same. All pipe must be properly reamed and inspected before in- stalled. All pipes must be double locknutted to outlet boxes, flush switch boxes, junction boxes, cabinet boxes and panel boxes. Con- duit bushing must be placed on end of pipe to protect wire. All pipe work must be complete and no wire drawn in same until after the mechanical work on the buildings that is liable to injure pipe is completed; this includes all plaster work. Paragraph four, Section twenty-four of the National Electric Code will govern the installation of all vertical conduit risers. All outlet and junction boxes must be installed so that same are readily accessible. Conduit must always be complete from outlet to outlet; the entire conduit system must be permanently and mechanically grounded to water pipe so that short circuit will operate heaviest fuse or circuit breaker. Said ground should be made as near as possible to main line switch box. Ground wire must not be smaller in circular mills than one-half the main feed wire. Approved ground clamps only will be allowed in grounding conduit. Where cut-outs for signs are installed in buildings, all wires may be run from cut-outs to sign in one pipe. Two or more cir- cuits may be run in single pipe for large chandeliers, but no lights must be tapped off feed wires for same between fuse blocks and chandeliers. ELECTRICAL CODE 107 SECTION 85—GENERAL WIRING. Outlet boards must be installed on all outlets. Spliced wires will not be allowed in conduit or mouldings. All joints must be mechanically strong, soldered and taped with both rubber and friction tape. When same are found un- soldered inspector will require all joints untaped and left untaped for his inspection until such joints are soldered. Same rule will govern joints where rubber tape is omitted. Cut-outs and switches must be placed on side walls not over seven feet above the floor and under no circumstances in the ceil- ing unless permission in writing be granted by the Electrical In- spector. Cord drops must not extend below six feet from floor, and must hang free from rosettes. Knots must not be tied in same. Adjusters approved by the Electrical Inspector will be allowed where.necessary. Reinforced portable cord must be used on all pendant switches, where knobbed on ceiling to clear shade of lamp, sufficiently heavy to carry all current used. Where portable cord drops for lights, fan motors and other devices are used, reinforced portable cord must be installed on same. All sockets installed in bath rooms, cellars or basements must be of approved porcelain type. All bath room lights must be controlled by a wall switch. Cut-out cabinets must not be installed in bath rooms. Wiring must be completed before final approval; this includes the installation of proper size fuses. In figuring drop voltage four candle power lamps will be fig- ured twenty watts, eight candle power lamps thirty watts, sixteen candle power lamps fifty watts, and thirty-two candle power lamps eighty watts. On inside wiring two per cent drop only will be allowed from main line switch to last lamp on circuit. ' On outlining and signs three per cent drop will be allowed under same conditions. SECTION 86—REPAIRS OF OLD WIRING. When any addition, alteration or extension is made in any manner to old wiring in buildings, or when fixtures are installed, the following rules must govern said installation. Branch cut-outs must be removed from clothes closets. Where branch cut-outs are in bath room they may remain if parties install- ing fuse cannot come in contact with grounded metal parts of bath room. All old type cut-outs without covers must be changed to ap- proved type. ay te Circuits must not be over loaded. Over loaded circuits must be divided so that not more than 660 watts are dependent upon one cut-out. 108 ELECTRICAL CODE Where fixtures are installed or re-connected all outlets must be loomed, also gas pipe must be loomed or taped, extending above insulating joint. Where combination fixtures are installed in old houses, they must be provided with insulating joints. If old insulating joints are in good condition, they may remain; if not, approved type must be used. All fuses must be removed from canopies. Where cut-outs are changed from present location they must be installed in fire-proof cabinets; additional cut-outs must be in- stalled in fire-proof cabinets with cut-outs already in. Any deviation from these rules must be given in writing by the Electrical Inspector. Fitting must be used on metal moulding and flexible metal conduit. SECTION 87—CABINETS. All cabinets must be complete, with no extra holes therein when work is completed. All cabinets, boxes and panel cabinets must conform to the National Electric Code. National Code rules will govern the spacing and manufacture of all panel boxes. All switches and cut-outs in cabinets and panel boxes must be installed so that. live parts will clear door of cabinet at least one inch when door is closed. All switches must be installed in cabinets and panel boards so that door will close either when switch is closed or open. Doors of said cabinets and panel boxes must swing from side or top of box and never from the bottom. In no instance will more than 660 watts be allowed on one circuit. Cord drops, cut-outs or arc lamps of any description will not be permitted in show windows. Decorative and ‘window lights are to be controlled and pro- tected by main line switch and cut-out that control main feed wires in building. SECTION 88—WIRING OF SIGNS. Frames of all electric signs and transparencies must be made of non-combustible material. Connections from cabinet box must be in flexible metal or iron armored conduit. Feeds for signs and transparencies that are installed on roof of building, must be supported on trestles seven feet above the roof or in approved flexible metal conduit or iron armored conduit. Switch for same may be installed at least 7 feet from ground on pole, or connected to main line switch on building. ELECTRICAL CODE 109 SECTION 89—SIGNS AND OUTLINING. __ Where switches for signs and outlining are installed on street side of buildings, double pole snap switches up to 250 volts and thirty amperes may be used. Above 250 volts and thirty amperes approved double pole knife switches must be installed in cabinets. Where installed less than seven feet from the ground, they must be placed in cabinets. Approved. flush switches may be used instead of snap switches. Under this class of work, 1,320 watts will be allowed on one circuit, provided that when more than 660 watts are on a circuit nothing smaller than No. 12 B. & S. gauge wire will be allowed. SECTION 90—THEATRES. During each and every performance a licensed electrician must stand at stage switch board or close enough to it to be able at all time to operate said board. In case it becomes necessary to leave switch board, he must appoint a substitute in his place. The licensed electrician has full charge of all electricians at work on the stage and theater, electricians with traveling com- panies included, and must at all times see that this Ordinance is enforced. The electrician in charge is held responsible for all electrical apparatus used on stage and must not allow any unsafe electrical apparatus to be used. Each arc lamp must be operated by one man. The arc of such lamp must at all times be enclosed in metal and wire mesh. SECTION 91—OPERATOR MUST STAND AT LAMP. No exposed wires (except stage cable and reinforced window cable) or exposed current carrying metal part of apparatus will be allowed to be used. Commercial lamp cord of any description must not be used except for low voltage battery current. Reinforced portable cord may be used on portable fans, table lamps and wall brackets where not more than 250 watts are de- pendent on one cable. Stage scenery must never be placed on stage cable or rein- forced portable cord, and such cable must be always in good condi- tion. Lamp guards must be placed around incandescent lamps when such lamps are closer than two inches to any inflammable material. All portable switch boards, rheostats and fuses must be in- stalled in iron cabinets, and when in use must have an attendant; when not in use, cabinets must be closed. ? 110 ELECTRICAL CODE SECTION 92—MOVING PICTURES. Licensed electricians only will be allowed to operate moving picture machines, and all operators must be 18 years of age or older. A monthly inspection must be made of all moving picture shows, and operators will be classed as Grade “C” in procuring li- cense, except where there are more than one show under one man- agement, then only one operator will be required to take out Grade “C” License, provided the holder of Grade “C” License does all the wiring, altering and repairing of the shows under the above named management. Operators must not leave picture machine in charge of substitute unless such substitute is a licensed operator and 18 years of age or older. Smoking is prohibited within the enclosure in which the mov- ing picture machine is operated. ‘The use of any fire or open light is prohibited in the lamp room during the time the audience is in the building. No person but the operator in charge of the moving picture machine shall be allowed in the lamp room during the time the picture machine is in use. SECTION 93—PRIVILEGES OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR. The Electrical Inspector in the discharge of his duties, may enter any building or premises at any time, and upon the refusal of any owner or agent to allow such inspection, as are required of the Electrical Inspector, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. SECTION 94—MISCELLANEOUS. Architects and Builders when letting wiring contracts are re- quired to include in their specifications the installation of all main switches and branch blocks, and same must be installed when roughing-in work is done. All doors on cabinets must be hinged, and a lock or catch must be placed on them to keep door closed, and all Electrical Contrac- tors are to do or have the above named ‘work done. Special permission may be obtained from the Electrical In- spector for deviation from Section 13 for the wiring of office build- ings in connection with the construction of large buildings, also for the temporary wiring of fixtures, etc., for display or test sets, when confined to the place of business of Electrical Contractors. This Ordinance shall not prohibit the employing of a helper provided that at all times, said helper shall be under the immediate supervision and control of a Journeyman Electrician holding a li- cense, and at no time must a helper be left alone on any work. The fee for inspecting any wiring or apparatus for which no ELECTRICAL CODE 111 fee is herein specifically stated, shall be 50c for the first 100 watts, or fraction thereof and 5c for each succeeding 100 watts or frac- tion thereof. The Electrical Inspector and Electric Light Company must be consulted as to the location of entrance wires for all buildings, ex- cept residences. __ All work must conform to plans and specifications insofar as said plans and specifications do not conflict with any of the provi- sions of this Ordinance. Wires in knob and tube work must be run in a straight line as near as possible and when a turn is necessary must be knobbed where turn is made, and work will not be approved where wires are angled through joists, causing a strain on end of tube and cutting insulation of conductors. SECTION 95—ASSISTANTS AND REPORTS. The City Manager is hereby authorized to appoint such as- sistants to the Electrical Inspector as may be necessary to carry on the -work of the Electrical Inspection Department. The Elec- trical Inspector shall on or before the 5th day of each month make a written report to the City Manager, showing all permits issued and fees collected by him during the preceding month. SECTION 96—LIABILITY OF THE CITY OF MUSKOGEE. This Ordinance shall not be so construed as to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any person or persons, co-partner- ships or corporations, owning, operating or installing any electrical wires, appliances, apparatus, construction or equipment from dam- age to any one injured thereby; nor shall the City, or any officer, agent or employee thereof, be held as assuming any such liability by reason of anything authorized herein. SECTION 97—PENALTIES. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provi- sions of this Article shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction, shall, except as herein otherwise provided, be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95. SECTION 98—PENALTY FOR UNLAWFULLY CONVERTING ELECTRIC CURRENT. That any person who, without consent of any person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture, distribution and sale of electricity, for public or private use, shall unlawfully and intention- ally convert to his own use or the use of another party, from any 112 ELECTRICAL CODE wire or conductor of such person, firm or corporation, any portion of such electric current or electricity, or who shall unlawfully and intentionally prevent such current or any portion thereof from pass- ing through any meter provided for measuring the same by such person, firm or corporation, or who shall in any manner, unlawfully and intentionally, prevent such meter from registering correctly the current passing through it, or who shall by any appliance or connection consume and use, or convert to their use electricity or electrical current passing through any meter not installed for the person so using it, and without any contract or consent to the per- son so using it from the person, firm or corporation authorized to manufacture, distribute and sell electricity, or who shall make joint use of any meter registering electricity without first having obtained the consent of such person, firm or corporation, or any person who shall unlawfully and without the consent of such per- son, firm or corporation permit other persons to jointly use any meter put up for his or her use, or to permit any other person, without the consent of such person, firm or corporation, to use electrical current passing through and registered by the meter in- stalled for and used by such person, or who shall aid in any manner the unlawful conversion to his use, or the use of another, or any portion of such electric current, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor ; and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $19.95, | . SECTION 99—PENALTY FOR RECEIVER OF WRONGFULLY DIVERTED CURRENT. Any one who shall knowingly accept or receive the use and benefit of electric current which should pass through a meter but had been diverted therefrom, or which has been prevented from be- ing correctly registered by a meter provided therefor, or which has been diverted from the wires or conductors of a person, firm or cor- poration producing electricity for public or private use, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $19.95. SECTION 100—PENALTY FOR TAMPERING WITH ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. Any person who shall unlawfully and maliciously destroy, injure or otherwise tamper with any engine, generator, dynamo, machin- ery, meter, pipe, conduit, line or pole belonging to any person, firm or corporation engaged in the production and sale of electricity, or shall destroy, injure or otherwise tamper with any wires, cables, lamps, or other apparatus placed upon poles belonging to or leased by such persons, firm or corporation, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine-of not more than $19.95. PLUMBING CODE 113 ARTICLE III. PLUMBING CODE. Section. 101. 102. 103. 104. Creating office plumbing. Inspector; Experience; Qualifications ; Appointed by City Manager. Duties. All work to conform to Ordinance; must be in- Sspected' and certificate issued. Must report all work for inspection. Inspection of finished work. All work must be inspect- ed. - Inspector shall issue cer- 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. tificate of approval. Shall inspect work with- in four hours. Failure: Fees for inspec- tion plumbing work. Excavation and repairs. Must have permit to cut curb, sidewalk or pave- ment. Permits: Unlawful to proceed without per- mit. Fee. Indemnity Bond. Must file bond before do- ing work; renewed an- nually. Definitions. Branches. Outside water closets. House drain. Fixtures or fixture. Fixture, flow line of. Inspector. - Mains. Minor Repairs. Soil Pipe. Vent Pipe: Waste Pipe. Section. 109. Definitions—Continued. 110. Sewer. House Sewer. Private Sewer. Spacing. Slack. Size and Length. Trap, Seal of. Auxiliary Vent. Back Vent. Circuit Vent. Loop Vent. Soil or waste Vent. Must Conform to Rules and Regulations. (a) Must comply with sections preceding. Applications must be made and permits issued for all exten- sions. No work shall be covered up until in- spected. Time of filing appli- cations for inspec- tions. (b) (c) (d) (e) Time inspections shall be made. Permits issued when. Roughing-in, Sewer and Final Inspec- tions made, when. Must be tested in presence of In- spector; Shall not be concealed until in- spected and ap- proved. (f) (g) Manner of testing. plumbing. (h) 114 PLUMBING CODE Section. MT dh 33 114. Sewer Pipe. (a) Manner of laying. (b) Ditches Graded. (c) Backfilling Ditches. (d) Earthenware Pipes; where used. (e) Earthenware Pipe covering. (f) Defective joints or pipes rejected; Man- ner of making con- nections. (g) Old tile sewer to be removed. (h) Must be present when work is in- spected. . Water Pipe. (a) Sizes to be used. (b) Depth of water sup- ply. | Work to be done in com- pliance with rules. (a) Iron Pipe qualities. (b) Diameter and weights. (c) Fittings, quality. (d) Main stacks. (e) Floor Rests. (f) Pipe joints, Filling f of. (g) Pipe supports. Pipe Hooks prohibited. (h) Soil Vent Stacks, termination of. (1) Roof flashings. (j) Vent Pipes near openings. (k) Pipes outside build- ings. (1) Fittings, joints re- jected. (m) Brass Pipe. Method of connecting to soil and waste branches. (a) Water closets. (b) Waste connections allowed. Section. 114. [Bish 116. Method of connecting to soil and waste branches —Continued. (c) Lead Pipes. Quality within parti- titions. (d) Size of wastes and Vents Permitted. Traps—to conform to rules. (a) Traps, where located. : (b) Trap Revents—con- cealed partitions. (c) Connected wastes. (d) Laundry Tubs. (e) Bath Tubs—How trapped and vented. (f{) Soda fountains and bar wastes—how trapped. (g) Certain Wastes* Pro- hibited. (h) Floor Washers, Bell traps, Back water- valves. (1) Fountain spittoons, how trapped. (j) Refrigerator wastes, sizes and traps. (k) Grease traps. (1) Stable racks. Hall Drains. (m) Exhaust, Blow-off and Drip Pipe con- nections. (n) Garage drains and catch basins. Sediment Pipe from house boiler. (a) Automatic flush Tanks for Urinals. (b) Water Closets, flushing. (c) Water Closet, out- door. | PLUMBING CODE 115 Section. Section. 117. Water Closets, Manner 119. Urinals, bath or water of Installing. closets; Light and venti- (a) Flushing Rim bowls. * lation. (b) Under Sidewalks. — 120. Extensions or alterations, (c) Prohibited: Remov- to be tested. als 121. Iocations inspected. (d) Prohibited: Re-in- 122. Roof gutters not to be stalled. connected with house (e) How Vented. drainage system. (f) Revents not re- 123. Violation; Delay. quired. (a) Work put in, in vio- (2), When set on: tloor, lation of this ordinance. connected how. (b) Unreasonable delay 118. Urinals, How construct- in work; suspension ed, etc. of certificate. (a) Construction, Pro- 124. Work put in, in violation Iieditice: of ordinance; to be re- (b) Kind of material al- Shao Cc Ota Com iGg Pere under direction of Inspec- ; tor. (c) Traps, wastes, sizes 125. Penalty. of. 126. Repealing No. 897. (d) How vented. 127. Validity. Ordinance 1285. SECTION 101. CREATING OFFICE PLUMBING. INSPEC- TOR; EXPERIENCE; QUALIFICATIONS; APPOINTED BY CITY MANAGER. The office of plumbing inspector for the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma is hereby created. The plumbing inspector shall have had not less than five years practical experience at the plumbing business, shall hold a certificate issued by some examining board of the State of Oklahoma, and shall not be interested either direct- ly or indirectly with any firm or corporation engaged in the plumb- ing business. He shall be appointed by the City Manager for a term of one year, and shall be paid such salary as may be deter-. mined by the City Manager. SECTION 102—DUTIES. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to inspect all plumbing installed and furnish a certificate of approval of same, to sign and issue all notices and certificates and to pass on all plans submitted, to keep a daily record of this work, including all notices 116 PLUMBING CODE issued, and applications received, the violation of these regulations, and all other matters which may pertain thereto; and to make a monthly report of his operatioys to the City Council. Said Inspec- tor may, as far as necessary in the performances of his duties enter, in the daytime, any building or premises inside the corporate lim- its of the City of Muskogee. SECTION 103—ALL WORK TO CONFORM TO ORDINANCE; MUST BE INSPECTED AND CERTIFICATE ISSUED. MUST REPORT ALL WORK FOR INSPECTION. All plumbing and drainage of buildings, and all sewer work inside of private property lines, in the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma, must be done or installed in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance, and must be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector and a certificate of inspection issued therefor, before the same may be used or connected with the public sewer or water pipe line, and all sewers and connections in streets or alleys of said City, must be inspected by the Plumbing Inspector of said City. Any person, firm or corporation doing any plumbing or sew- erage laying, must report the same to the said Plumbing Inspec- tor as soon as the job is ready for inspection, and must keep the same open for inspection until the inspection is completed. If such plumbing or sewerage passes inspection, a proper certificate of in- spection shall thereupon be issued by the proper officer, upon the payment of the fees therefor. Whenever the Plumbing Inspector shall have inspected drain pipes, soil pipes, waste or vent pipes in any building, he shall leave a notice in writing, attached to such pipe or pipes, in case the work of installing the same meets with his approval. In case the same does not meet with his approval, he shall refuse to leave such writ- ten notice. Until the Plumbing Inspector shall leave a written notice, as hereinabove provided, showing his approval of the in- stallation of the fixtures above named, it shall be unlawful for any person to lath, seal up, plaster, floor, or in any manner, or with any building material, conceal any plumbing, fixtures, or pipes. SECTION 104—INSPECTION OF FINISHED WORK. All plumbing installed in the City of Muskogee must be in- spected by the Plumbing Inspector, both in rough and when fin- ished. When the plumber has finished his plumbing job, such as the setting of all fixtures, he shall call the Plumbing Inspector for his approval, and the plumber must have job complete and ready for inspection. ~The water must be on, and all stop-and-waste and drain cocks must be in place, and everything to make the job com- plete and in working order according to this Ordinance. After the Plumbing Inspector has made finished inspection and placed his tag or label of approval on the fixtures of such job, PLUMBING CODE Lid the plumber shall shut or cause the water to be shut off on such job, and the water shall be turned on by the City Water Depart- ment, and no other person, firm or corporation shall turn the water on. The Plumbing Inspector shall give certificate to the plumber or owner, on the completion of the roughing-in of plumbing job, where same is wanted, but water shall not be turned on job by this certificate until the Plumbing Inspector has stamped his ap- proval on same on completion of finished inspection. The regular form of certificate shall be used by the Plumbing Inspector, on the completion of roughing-in jobs and when job is finished complete and meets the approval of the Plumbing Inspec- tor, he shall placeia stamp across the face of the certificate stat- ing the job is ready for use, and then the water may be turned on. Whenever new fixtures are added, alterations or changes made to plumbing, or new jobs have been installed, the water shall be shut off and left off by the plumber or person doing the work, and. no person, firm or corporation shall turn on the water, or assist to turn on the water until a certificate of the inspection has been is- sued by the Plumbing Inspector of the City of Muskogee. All cer- tificates shall be turned over by the property owners to the Water Department when the water shall be turned on. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector in all cases, when notified, to inspect all plumbing, fixtures or pipes in connec- tion with sewerage, drainage, or gas work within four (4) hours after receipt of notice from the plumbing contractor, or person in charge, that such work is ready for inspection. Holidays and Sun- days shall not be computed in said four (4) hours. SECTION 105—FAILURE: FEES FOR INSPECTION PLUMB- ING WORK. ’ Should the Plumbing Inspector fail to comply with the above requirements, the Plumber doing the work shall file with the City Manager, a written statement, that the inspection was not made within the above mentioned time. The fees for the inspection of plumbing work shall be as follows: For the first six (6) fixtures, Fifty (50) cents each, in excess - of six (6), up to and including twenty-four (24) Twenty-five (25) cents each; and for all in excess of twenty-four (24), Twelve and One half (12 1-2) cents each; provided the minimum fee for the inspection of both rough and finished work shall be One Dollar ($1.50) and fifty cents, and for each extra inspection required One ($1.00) Dollar. Regular fee shall be paid when permit is issued, and for extra inspection the fee shall be paid in advance. For one fixture only, in old buildings, the Plumbing Inspector may permit plumbing installations being made in conflict with 118 PLUMBING CODE these rules and regulations, if, in his judgment, the work, material and methods provide a safe job from a sanitary standpoint. SECTION 106—EXCAVATIONS AND REPAIRS. No person, firm or corporation shall excavate or cause any ex- cavation, in any street, alley or other public place, or cut or cause to be cut any curb, sidewalk, or pavement, in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, in doing, or for the purpose of doing any work covered by this Ordinance, without having a permit so to do from the City Manager of said City, or such officer as may be authorized by him to issue same, and without having deposited such sum of money as is required by Ordinance of the City of Muskogee. SECTION 107—PERMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to pro- ceed with any work connected or to be connected with any pipe or pipes of the waterworks system or sewer system therewith, or any private sewer inside of the property line and connected or to be connected with the public sewer system of said City, until a permit for such work has been obtained from the Plumbing, Inspector, provided, that such permit shall not be required for minor repairs. By minor repairs are meant repairing leaks in pipes, traps or cocks, opening up waste or supply pipes, traps and drains and re- pairing fixtures and frozen pipes. No person, firm or corporation shall proceed with any work pertaining to any public or private sewer in any street, alley or other public place in said City, without first obtaining a permit therefor from the City Manager of said City. The fee for the issu- ance 2S such permit shall be one Dollar and twenty-five cents. (Sito): No permit shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation to do any work necessitating the disturbance of any street, alley or other public place, or the alteration, repairing or locating of any service pipe or pipes connected with the waterworks system or any drain or pipes connected with the sewer system of the City, unless the bond provided for in the next section hereof, be in full force and effect and on file in the office of the City Auditor. SECTION 108—INDEMNITY BOND. Before any person, firm or corporation shall be permitted to make any alterations in or repairs to or connections with any pipe or pipes belonging to any part of the waterworks system or public sewer system of the City of Muskogee, or make any excavations, or do any other. work in any street, alley or other public place of the City of Muskogee, for the purpose of doing any work governed or regulated by the terms of this Ordinance, such person, firm or PLUMBI'NG CODE 119 corporation must file with the City Auditor of said City, a good and sufficient bond in favor of said City, in the penal sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($1500), and executed by said prin- cipal, together with one or more good and sufficient sureties, condi- tioned that said principal shall indemnify and save and keep harm- less the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, from any loss. costs, damages, expenses, action, or liability of any kind whatever, including reasonable attorney’s fees, which the City may suffer or be re- quired to pay, or which may accrue against it or be recovered from the said City, from, or by reason of any negligent act of omission or commission, done or permitted to be done by the principal in such bond or any servant, agent, or employee of such principal in and about the doing, in any street, alley, or other public place in said City, of any plumbing, sewer, or other work regulated by this Ordinance, or the making of any connections, alterations, or re- pairs to any pipe or pipes, water mains or connections belonging to the waterworks system or sewer system of the said City of Mus- kogee, or by reason of any negligence on the part of such principal or the servants, agents or employes of such principal, in not main- taining proper barriers and warning signals around any excava- tion or opening which may have been made by such principal in any street, alley, or other public place in said City, in pursuance of any work regulated by this Ordinance; and conditioned further to secure the restoration and repair of all public property damaged or destroyed by said principal or the agents, servants or employees of said principal. Said bond shall be subject to the approval of the City Manager, and shall not be filed until so approved. It shall be the duty of the principal in each of the bonds herein mentioned to cause a new bond or an extension or renewal of the old bond to be filed annually. SECTION 109—DEFINITIONS. That the definition of the terms used in this ordinance shall be as follows; and terms not herein specifically defined shall be construed in the manner commonly accepted. Branches: The branch of any system of piping is that part of the system which extends, horizontally at a slight grade from the main to receive fixture outlets, not directly connected with the main. Outside Water Closets: By an outside water closet is meant any closet that is installed in a building detached from the main building, and not inhabited. House Drain: That the term House Drain is that part of the horizontal piping of the house drainage system, which receives the discharge of all soil, waste or other drainage pipes inside the walls or building line of any building, and conveys the same to the house sewer or main drain on the outside of the foundation walls or building line of such building. 120 PLUMBING CODE Fixtures or Fixture: The term Fixture or Fixtures, when used in a general sense, applies to all receptacles which receive the house sewerage or waste from which water is used as a flush; when used specifically it means any of such receptacles, including water. clos- ets. It also means any tank, heater or any other contrivance or vessel through which water passes to supply hot water to bath tub, sink, basin or other vessel where hot water is needed. Fixture, Flow Line Of: The flow line of a fixture is the ex- treme top or over flow point of same. Inspector: When the word Inspector is used, without prefix or affix, it means the Plumbing Inspector charged with the enforce- ment of the provisions of this plumbing ordinance and the rules contained therein. Mains: The main of any system of horizontal, vertical or con- tinuous piping, is that part of such system which receives the dis- charge or back vents from fixture outlets, direct or through branch pipes. Minor Repairs: By minor repairs is meant the repairing of leaks in pipes, traps and cocks or faucets; opening up waste pipes, traps and drains, and repairing broken fixtures and broken pipes. Soil Pipe: A soil pipe is any pipe which conveys the discharge of water closets, with or without other fixtures, to the house drain. Vent Pipe: A vent pipe is any special pipe provided to venti- late the drainage or plumbing system or piping and to prevent trap syphonage and back pressure. Waste Pipe: A waste pipe is any pipe which receives the dis- charges of any fixture except water closets and conveys the same to the house drain or soil pipe. Sewer: That the term Sewer is a general term for a system of horizontal piping used to convey the drainage from any site to a main, public or private sewer. House Sewer: That the term House Sewer or main drain is a lateral or main drain of the horizontal piping of a house drainage system extending from the house drain to its connections with a main or private sewer, and conveying the drainage of one or more buildings on the same lot. Private Sewer: That the term Private Sewer is a main or branch sewer, located either on public or private property not con- structed or accepted by the City, which conveys the drainage of one or more buildings to its public outlet. Spacing: The distance of pipes from each other or from fix- tures, is the horizontal distance between corners of pipes or fixture outlets. Stack: Stack is a general term for any vertical line of house drainage piping exclusive of the main and its branches. Size and Lengths: The given caliber or size of a pipe is for its PLUMBING CODE 121 standard internal diameter, and the length of a pipe is its devel- oped length taken along the center line. Trap, Seal of: The seal of the trap is the height of the water column measured between the point of overflow and the dip or diversion level separating the inlet and outlet, arms of the trap. Auxiliary Vent: An auxiliary vent is an additional vent stack assisting the main vent, which passes through the roof independ- ently. Back Vent: A Back Vent is that part of a vent line which con- nects directly with an individual trap near the fixture and extends either to the main or branch vent pipe. Circuit Vent: A circuit vent is a system of venting by which the syphonage and back pressure on the seal of the trap is pre- vented, by extending the branch soil or waste pipes and connecting them with the main or an auxiliary vent stack of equal size, which vent stack, in conjunction with the main soil or waste vents, com- pletes and forms a continuous air circuit or vent for each branch line so installed. Loop Vent: A loop vent is a modified circuit vent, where the branch or branches of soil or waste pipes of only one floor having no other fixture or fixtures installed above them, loop over above the flow line of fixtures and reconnects with the main coil or waste lines. 7 Soil or Waste Vents: The soil or waste vent is the part of the main soil or waste pipe above the highest installed branch, or fix- ture outlet connection, extending through the roof. SECTION 110—MUST CONFORM TO RULES AND REGULATIONS. That each person, firm or corporation doing business as a plumber or drainlayer, must conform to the following rules and regulations of this ordinance: (a) Before beginning any work all the requirements men- tioned in preceding sections must be complied with, and permit issued for said work must be in the possession of the person doing work at time of inspection. (b) Applications must be made and permits obtained for all extensions, alterations or other work to be done in connection with the house drain, any plumbing work or water supply in old build- ings except minor repairs, and the work shall be done in the same manner and under the same rules as work in new buildings. (c) All plumbing fixtures shall be installed as open plumbing, and no plumbing or drainlaying work shall be covered up until in- spected by the Inspector, or his deputy, who shall show his badge of authority on request. (d) Applications for inspection must be filed at the office of 122 PLUMBING CODE the Plumbing Inspector by the plumber, on blanks furnished by the City, before ten A. M. for morning inspections, and before One P. M. for afternoon inspections. (e) Inspections will be made between ten and twelve A. M., and between one and three-thirty P. M., and no inspections will otherwise be made, except in cases of emergency. (f{) Permits will be issued from eight A. M. to five P. M. Sun- day and holidays excepted. Applications for roughing-in inspection must be made when roughing-in is complete and this includes water supply, unless same is exposed on walls or ceilings, and be- fore any of the work is covered up or made inaccessible, to the Inspector. For sewer inspections application must be made, stat- ing time when sewer will be complete, and before same is covered. For final inspection applications must be made when all fixtures are complete. (g) All plumbing work must be tested by the plumber in the presence of the inspector before it is accepted. When it is incon- venient or impracticable to test the entire work at one time, it can be tested in sections, and no part of the work shall be covered or concealed in any manner until same has been approved by the Plumbing Inspector. : (h) All roughing-in tests must be made with water. For such testing the iron extension of the soil pipe outside of the foun- dation of the house or building shall be securely closed, as shall all branches, inlets and other openings of the work to be tested. The closing of joints and pipes must be sufficiently tight and strong to withstand the pressure of the column of water reaching the top of the pipe to be tested. The pipe shall then be filled with water to its top and shall stand so without perceptible lowering. If the water is lowered by leakage, the leakage must be found and made tight by the plumber, and the work shall not be approved by said Inspector until the water stands at the top without perceptible lowering. SECTION 111—SEWER PIPE. That in laying sewer pipes the plumber shall lay them in a straight and direct line, from the opening in the city main or pri- vate sewer, to the end of the house drain. All-sewers shall be laid with the greatest possible fall from the end of the house drain to the main or private sewer opening, and no line shall be laid with a less than two per cent grade, unless by special permit in writing, signed by the Plumbing Inspector. All changes of direction must be made with Y’s or 1-8 bends. The sewer pipe shall be vitrified earthenware hardburned, glazed and free from defects and cracks. Bowed or curved joints shall be termed defective, all pipes shall re- ceive spigot ends with a clear space all around of at least 3-16 of — aninch. All joints shall be made with Portland cement mortar, not more than two parts sand being used to one part cement. All PLUMBING CODE 123 joints must be made by first inserting a swab of the full diameter of the pipe. The bell shall be filled to the spring line with cement mortar, the spigot end properly inserted in the bell, the joint to be cemented on the outside to a bevel finished at the end of the bell, and the swab drawn out and cleaned. (b) Ditches Graded: All ditches must be properly bottomed to a perfect grade before sewer pipe is laid. No pipe shall be laid on made or filled ground without thoroughly tamping same until a solid foundation is secured. (c) Back Filling Ditches: The back filling must be properly and solidly tamped under the pipe at its sides to the height of twelve inches above it; all large stones shall be excluded from this filling. (d) Earthenware Pipes: Where used. No earthenware pipe shall be nearer than two feet from the foundation or outer wall or building line of the house whether approaching or parallel with such wall or building’ line. All spigot ends of iron pipe will be al- lowed-to connect with the bell end of the sewer pipe; but no spigot ends of tile sewer will be allowed to connect with bell ends of iron pipe except as hereinafter mentioned, and then only where the sewer line is crossing through brick storm sewer or across ditches when suspended. (e) Earthenware Pipe Covering. In the event of a sewer pipe having three feet or more of covering, and it is necessary to run nearer than two feet to the houses or rear of alley end of lot, - the tile sewer-pipe may be used, provided there is no basement under same, but in no instance will the tile sewer pipe be allowed under a house of any kind. 7 ({) If any joints or pipes should be found defective they will be rejected and same be made good by the plumber before accept- ance by the Inspector, and when an opening is made, or found, in a soil or sewer pipe, the same shall be properly repaired, and in case of iron pipe, by inserting a tapped screw, in case of earthenware pipe by putting in a new joint, and the work must be left in first- class condition. All such drains shall be not less than four inches in diameter. (g) Where either an old or new building is placed on a lot which has an old tile sewer within the lines of any part of founda- tion or building line of such building, such sewer must be either removed or replaced with cast iron pipes run in accordance with these rules and regulations. (h) ‘The man in charge of the sewer ditch must be present when the work is inspected and have all permits necessary with him. He must have a good level and line, and must give such in- formation as may be required. Notice will be given whether the work is satisfactory, and if passed; also, if improperly put in and not passed; and shall notify his employer immediately. 124 PLUMBING CODE SECTION 112—WATER PIPE. (a) That no iron water pipe shall be used from curb line cock to range boiler, less than three-quarters (3-4) inch wrought iron galvanized pipe; 1-2 inch branches may be used from main sup- ply to floor line of fixtures and further reduced at this point to suit fixture supply. A stop and waste cock with suitable key attached shall be put on main supply. (b) All water supply laid under ground on premises inside the property line shall be laid to a depth not less than (18) eighteen inches. SECTION 113—WORK TO BE DONE IN COMPLIANCE WITH RULES. That all work shall be done in a workmanlike manner and in faithful compliance with the following rules: (a) Iron Pipes—qualities: All soil, waste and vent pipes ex- cept as hereinafter specified for lead branches and brass pipe, shall be standard cast iron pipe coated inside and outside with coal tar. Fach length shall be branded with the word standard or letter S. All soil or waste pipes shall be free from sand holes, cracks or de- fects of any nature. (b) Diameter and weights: Extra heavy cast iron soil pipe 2 inches, 5 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 4 inches, 13 pounds per lineal foot; 6 inches, 17 pounds per lineal foot; 8 inches, 20 pounds per lineal foot; standard cast iron soil pipe, 2 inches, 3 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 3 inches, 4 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 4 inches, 5 1-2 pounds per lineal foot; 6 inches, 10 1-2 pounds per lineal foot. (c) Fittings, quality: All fittings used for soil or waste pipe, except as hereinafter specified, shall be standard cast iron, or equal in weight and quality thereto and coal tarred. Wrought iron waste pipes: with special cast iron, recessed drainage fittings may be used, provided the ends of such pipes are properly reamed and butted to shoulder of fittings. No wrought iron waste will be allowed in dwellings. (d) Main stacks shall be of not less than four (4) inches in diameter, and each such stack shall have a clean-out plug in the bottom thereon where practicable, and extend eighteen (18) inches above roof. Peach horizontal line five (5) feet or over in length shall have a clean-out plug at end thereof. (e) Floor Rests. All vertical lines of soil, waste or other pipes within buildings shall be provided with floor rests at intervals of not less than one to each story. Such rests shall be placed im- mediately beneath the hub of fitting. (f) Pipe Joints, Filling Of: All joints on cast iron soil, waste or drain pipes shall be so filled with picked oakum and molten lead, © and hand caulked as to make them water tight. (g) Pipe Supports—Pipe Hooks Prohibited: The foot of every PLUMBING CODE 125 vertical soil or waste pipe shall be adequately supported by brick, stone or concrete piers properly constructed, otherwise equally well supported. Pipes under basement floors shall be properly laid, graded and supported or suspended with heavy iron hangers, not less than three-eighths of an inch in diameter placed at inter- vals not less than ten feet apart. When a horizontal line runs parallel with and against a wall it shall be supported by heavy iron clamps not less than one inch in width and three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness, firmly secured to the wall with lagscrews or ex- pansion bolts to be placed at intervals of not less than five feet. (h) Soil Vent Stacks—Termination Of: All soil or vent stacks shall continue from a point two feet outside of foundation line un- diminished in size to a point not less than one foot above the roof measured from the upper side of pipe and shall not terminate with- in six feet of a window or other opening, unless carried two feet above the same. All vents to main stacks to be made with inverted Y’s and all vents from plumbing fixtures to be made with Y’s and 45 degree ells. (i) Roof Flashings: The termination of all vents passing through the roof shall be carefully flashed with sheet lead, or other approved flashings, except tar and gravel roof. (j) Vent Pipes Near Openings: When vent pipes terminate within six feet of any opening in adjoining buildings they must be carried to a point two feet above same in the best possible manner. No brick, sheet metal or earthenware flush shall be used as a sewer ventilation nor any chimney or pipe placed in a chimney shall be used as ventilators. (k) Pipes outside Buildings: No soil, waste or vent pipes of any kind will be allowed to run on the outside of buildings other than yard closets. | (1) Fittings—Joints Rejected: Slip nuts shall not be used on waste or vents. No fittings such as split fittings, sand holes or porous fittings, or in any other way than sound and whole, shall be used in any soil, waste or vent pipes of any building, and shall at once be removed by order of the Plumbing Inspector. No para- phine, rosin, coal tar, putty or gas fitter’s cement will be allowed in making of any joints or to cover defects. All caulked joints shall be run full of molten lead on top of well packed oakum and no for- eign material shall appear on the surface of the lead caulking. (m) Brass Pipe: Brass soil, waste or vent pipes must be of standard wrought iron pipe size, whenever and wherever same is used for either of above purposes. SECTION 114—METHOD OF CONNECTION TO SOIL AND ve WASTE BRANCHES. That the method of connecting water closets and minor f1x- tures-to the various kinds of soil and waste branches and vent pipes shall be as prescribed in these rules: (a) Water Closets: Water closets, when connected to cast 126 PLUMBING CODE iron pipes, except as hereinafter described, must be connected to same by means of a four (4) inch lead pipe, wiped to heavy brass ferrule and caulked into the stack fitting. (b) Waste connections allowed: Lead wastes may connect into lead when lead is used for main waste branch, and in all cases where lead pipe is attached to or connected with soil pipe, such attachment or connection shall be made with brass ferrules of standard make. (c) Lead Pipes—Quality Within Partitions: Lead pipe of quality equal to light shall be used for water closet bends, and extra light as branches for vent, revent and waste pipe connections. Lead pipe used for vent or revent connections shall not extend into or be used within partitions except from twelve inches above the flow line of fixtures to floor line. All connections from lead to lead or lead to brass shall be made with wiped joints. (d) Size of Wastes and Vents Permitted. Plumbers shall be governed by the following table in the construction of. drainage and ventilation in all buildings in this City. Waste Vent Trap Water: closets not less than 2) = es) eee 4 in. 2 in. 4 in. Miashobasin) notaless than v=. an eee 1% 1% 1% Bath tub tot lésse thai ge ese ee 1% ly 4“ Drum Sink’ not, lessathan se ee ee 1y% 1% 1y% slop, sink nottlesssthan 7. ey ee ly 1% 1y% Slop sink notsless thare sg.) 5. 80a 3 2 3 lop sink *not less (hance ss + ie 4 Laundry Dubs setsnotsléss. than .5 ly ly 4 Pantry jsinkenotglesss than = 1y%4 Ly 1% Urinal not, lesstthang. nee eee ly 1yY 1y% Drinking Fountain not less than... ee 1% 1% 1% meven Openine Bar not less than. ly ly 4 Drum soda Fountain not less thana..... 2 2 1% 2 Seale SECTION 115—TRAPS TO CONFORM TO RULES. That traps of all kinds shall be constructed in strict accord- ance with the following rules: (a) Where the vent or revent pipes are continuous and traps are ventilated through the waste fittings, the center of the outlet of such fittings or lead Y branch shall not be set below the water seal of trap and the trap shall not be more than twenty inches away from the waste fittings. All traps must be located as near the fixtures as possible and at no time shall it be placed more than two feet from same. (b) Trap Revents—Concealed Partitions: Every water. closet, urinal, sink, basin, bath tub or set of laundry tubs, or any other ‘plumbing fixture shall be effectively and separately trapped and revented. All the traps shall be protected from syphonage by PLUMBING CODE 127 special vent or revent pipes. Such traps shall not depend on any concealed partition for its water seal. (c) Connected Wastes: A connected waste pipe receiving the discharge of not more than two wash basins set in line may waste into single trap not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter; where bat- teries or basins set in line exceding two and not more than six, may discharge into a single trap not less than two inches in diam- eter; where batteries or basins set in line exceeding two and not more than six may discharge into a single trap not less than two inches in diameter. All such traps must be located as near the cen- ter of battery as possible and not more than two feet from the waste line of one of the fixtures. _ _(d) Laundry tubs from one part up to four parts, when set in line, may be discharged into single drum trap not less than 4x8 inches to be vented in the same manner as prescribed for bath tub. (e) Bath Tubs—How trapped and vented: All bath tubs shall be trapped by a 4x8 drum trap revented. Drum traps on bath tubs shall be placed in such a manner that a clean-out screw shall be in plain view and above the floor. (f{)° Soda Foundations and Bar Wastes—How Trapped: All wastes from soda fountains and bar sinks shall be trapped with a 4x8 inch drum trap with an inlet not less than 1 1-2 inch in diam- eter and an outlet not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter. Where it is impossible to revent such traps they may be used without re- vent by obtaining the written permission of the Inspector. (g) Wastes Prohibited: In no case shall a waste pipe from any fixture discharge into any vent or revent pipe, nor shall it dis- charge into any other fixture, trap, or any other fixtures, except as allowed in refrigerator wastes, connected basins, or laundry tubs. (h) Floor Washers, Bell Traps, Back Water Valves: Where floor washers are connected, it shall be by means of a deep seal combination floor drain with back water trap. (i) Fountain Spittoons—How Trapped: All fountain spittoons shall be trapped and vented as prescribed for other minor fixtures. (j) Refrigerator Wastes—Sizes and Traps: The waste pipe from a refrigerator or ice box shall not be directly connected with any soil waste pipe or drain or sewer. They shall discharge into a movable pan, or an open water supplied sink or over a floor drain in basement, and shall be as short as possible and disconnected from the refrigerator by at least four inches, and where refriger- ators or ice boxes are placed in buildings on two or more floors the waste and vent pipes thereof shall be continuous and run through the roof and in no case shall it open within six feet of an open soil, or waste pipe. The size of waste pipes for refrigerators for two or less shall be at least 1 1-2 inches, and two inches for three floors or under five floors, and 2 1-2 inches for five floors and over. Each refrigerator or ice box shall be provided with a suitable trap with 128 PLUMBING CODE an accessible trap screw or cleanout ; shall be placed in the 1 1-2 inch waste pipe and shall be as near as possible to the refrigerator or ice box. Such trap need not be vented. (k) Grease Traps: All hotels, restaurants and large boarding houses must have a suitable grease trap connected with the kitchen sink, or a catch basin in the yard as close to the sink as possible. Residence property owners may have grease traps under sinks if they so desire, but it shall not be compulsory to install them. When they are so installed they shall be constructed of brass, cast iron or lead and ta be 10 inches by 12 inches in size. When made of ~ lead the lead shall be of strength equal to six pounds to the square foot, and when constructed outside of buildings they may be. .OF brick, ‘tile or cement. (1) Stable Racks, Hall Drains: Stable racks or any urinal re- ceptacle, when the washings carry sediment of solid, shall not be connected with any sewer drain or lateral unless a suitable catch basin suitably trapped with deep seal is provided to prevent the obstruction of said sewer drain or lateral. (m) Exhaust, Blow Off and Drip Pipe Connections: The ex- haust, blow off, sediment or drip pipe from a steam boiler shall not be connected with any sewer, drain, soil or waste pipes. Such pipes shall discharge into a suitable blow off tank. The waste from said tank shall be at least one size larger than the inlet, but not less than three inches in diameter and provided with a trap and vent through roof. (n) Garage Drains and Catch Basins: Garage or other struc- tures for the housing, sale or repair of automobiles which are pro- vided with a water supply of either a temporary or permanent character, or in which automobiles are washed, cleaned or repaired shall be provided with proper means for draining the floors and repair pits, in such a manner that no drainage therefrom shall flow over any street, alley or paved approach. Such drains shall be so arranged as to intercept all oil, gasoline or other inflammable fluids, as well as sand, silt or other solids for the purpose of excluding same from the sewerage system. Such drains shall have the ac- cumulated oil and other inflammable fluids pumped or otherwise re- moved therefrom at regular intervals and shall be so maintained as to insure the exclusion of the same from the sewerage system. They shall also be kept free of sand, silt and other solids and shall be subject to a periodical inspection. They shall be so constructed as to have a sand receptacle of not less than twelve (12) inches in depth and diameter below the bottom of the outlet; a sealed depth and diameter of not less than twelve (12) inchs in the drain with an outlet therefrom of not less than four (4) inches; a ventilating chamber of not less than twelve (12) inches in depth ‘and diameter, with a sealed inlet opening not less than three (3) inches in diam- eter and ventilating pipe leading from a ventilating chamber of not less than three (3) inches in diameter and carried up above the PLUMBING CODE 129 highest part of the roof and subject to the same conditions as for roof outlets of soil wastepipes. The material for vent pipe must be the same as required for house drains when below ground, and for soil and waste vents when above ground. The above capacity for the sand receptacle is based on a storage capacity of two (2) automobiles and a proportionate cubical capacity must be added for each additional automobile capacity, with corresponding diameter drain carried to the floor line. Every building hereafter constructed or converted into a place of business where gasoline, benzine, naptha or other inflam- mable oils or compounds are used, also any existing buildings where such business is carried on, shall be provided with a special drain the same as that required above for garages. A wash basin in a garage may discharge into the pipe leading from the ventilating chamber. Such catch basins may be con- structed of cast iron, earthenware pipe with not less than four (4) inches of Portland cement concrete surrounding it and including the trap outlet, or of concrete or brick as required for pene cess- pools. SECTION 116—SEDIMENT PIPE FROM HOUSE BOILER. That the sediment pipe from a house boiler shall not be con- nected into sewerage of any trap, nor directly connected with any soil, waste or drain pipe. It may discharge on the outside of the building, but must be carried down to a point within one foot of the established grade line, or it may be discharged over an open fixture or floor drain. (a) Automatic flush tanks for urinals shall be arranged for intermittent and automatic discharges. All such tanks shall be flushed at regular intervals not to exceed twenty minutes. (b) All water closets, except flushing valve closets, in build- ings used for living purposes shall be flushed from tanks. (c) All out-of-door water closets shall be equipped with cast iron enameled bowl, cast iron trap, hard wood seat and Vogel closet or equal. All traps and supply cocks shall be placed at sufficient depth in the ground to prevent their freezing, and not nearer than ten feet to living rooms. All water closets in yard to be vented with 4 inch stack except in cases where 4 inch stack is run through roof of main building. SECTION 117—WATER CLOSETS, MANNER OF INSTALLING. That water closets shall be installed, constructed and maintain- ed in strict accordance with the plumbing rules: (a) All water closets shall have flushing rim bowls. (b) Water closets Under Sidewalks: Where water closets or other plumbing fixtures are placed under sidewalks or areas, or 130 PLUMBING CODE en other like places adjoining an opening into the basement of any building, each and every fixture so placed shall be ventilated in the same manner as provided for the interior of all buildings, and the water closet compartment shall be adequately lighted and venti- lated. (c) Prohibited Water Closets, Removal: Pan, plunger, offset or other closets, the bowl of which does not receive a proper flush will not be allowed. All such closets when found to be a nuisance shall be removed or when taken out for repairs, shall not again be installed. (d) Prohibited Fixtures, Not Reinstated: No fixtures shall be installed and no fixture shall be reconnected or reinstalled where it does not meet with the requirments of this ordinance. (e) Water Closets, How Vented: All water closets shall be vented through a Y, T, Y or a drainage fitting, or off the top of the horizontal part of the lead bend or above the upper line of horizontal part of same, except for circuit venting and for top clos- ets, as hereinafter prescribed. The revent of a single water closet shall not be less than two inches in diameter. (f{) Revents not Required: Water closets four feet or less from the stack measured along the line of waste will not be re- quired to be vented in the uppermost story of any btilding. Base- ment is not to be considered as a floor. (g) All water closets when set on floor to be connected with a brass floor flange and no putty joint will be allowed. 3 SECTION 118—URINALS, HOW CONSTRUCTED, ETC. That urinals shall be installed, constructed and maintained in strict accordance with the following rules and regulations: (a) Construction, Prohibited Use: The sides, back and base of every urinal stall placed within any building shall be of a non- absorbent material. Urinal stalls having troughs set in the floors are prohibited. The use of galvanized steel, cast iron, sheet metal, wood or absorbent material for the use of urinal bowl or trough is prohibited. (b) Urinals, Kinds of Material Allowed: Every urinal shall have an individual lipped urinal bowl or cast iron enamelled urinal trough or other urinal, constructed of non-absorbent material ap- proved by the Inspector. If enamelled iron urinal trough is used, it shall be constructed as to retain at least one inch of water. (c) Urinal Traps, Wastes, Sizes of: Urinal traps for single urinals shall be not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter, two feet of trough space to count as one urinal. Urinal troughs exceeding two feet in length to have trap not less than two inches in diameter; single urinals to have wastes same size as traps. Where two and not more than four urinals are placed in line two inch branch wastes must be used. (d) Urinals, How Vented: All urinal traps shall be revented PLUMBING CODE 131 through a Y, T, Y, or drainage fitting or room vent; and all urinal trap revents to be not less than 1 1-2 inches in diameter and in- creased in proportion to number of urinals installed. SECTION 119—URINALS, BATH OR WATER CLOSETS; LIGHT AND VENTILATION. That all urinal, bath, or water closet compartments hereafter constructed in any building shall be lighted and ventilated as here- after provided for. Every water closet or urinal compartment or bath room in every compartment in building hereafter erected, shall be ventilated by a window opening into the outer air, or by proper ventilating pipes, shafts or ducts run through the roof or to the external air. All such compartments shall be adequately lighted, either by natural or artificial light, and if mechanical ventilation is used, the air shall be changed at least three times per hour. SECTION 120—EXTENSIONS OR ALTERATIONS, TO BE TESTED. That in case of extension or alteration of any existing plumb- ing system the same, if new stacks are run, shall be tested when roughed in. SECTION 121—LOCATIONS INSPECTED. That where special permits are issued the location shall be in- spected before the work is started. SECTION 122—ROOF GUTTERS, NOT TO BE CONNECTED WITH HOUSE DRAINAGE SYSTEM. That no-connection shall be made to any part of the house drainage system, or house sewer, with the roof gutters or any other channels for the conveyance of rain water. SECTION 123—VIOLATIONS. DELAY. That in the event a plumber should put in work contrary to this ordinance, it shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to notify the plumber in charge of the work in writing, stating where- in the work does not comply with this ordinance, and ordering de- fects in material or workmanship remedied, sending a copy of the notice to the City Manager. Should the plumber fail to comply with the orders of the Plumbing Inspector within twenty-four hours after said notice has been given, or in the same time fails to show to the City Manager why orders of the Plumbing Inspec- tor have not been obeyed, then the Plumbing Inspector shall at once file charges against said plumber for violating this ordinance. (a) Any licensed plumber who neglects or refuses to comply with these regulations or with the conditions of his permit shall be subject to have his certificate and bond suspended or revoked and 132 PLUMBING CODE shall thereby be debarred from obtaining permits or doing plumb- ing work in the discretion of, and for such length of time as the Manager and City Council shall deem just and proper, and shall also be liable to punishment under Section 125 of this ordinance. | (b) Bad faith or unreasonable delay in plumbing work shall be deemed a sufficient reason for subjecting the plumber so of- fending to a suspension of his certificate and bond and every plumber shall be held responsible for the violation of these regula- tions by mechanics, laborers and helpers themselves. SECTION 124—WORK PUT IN, IN VIOLATION OF ORDI- NANCE; TO BE REARRANGED, OR COMPLETED UNDER DIRECTION OF INSPECTOR. That any person who shall do or permit any work contrary to the provision of this ordinance, shall upon five (5) days written notice by the Plumbing Inspector, be required to-rearrange said work so as to comply with the requirements of this ordinance, and upon his neglect, failure or refusal so to do, said work may be rearranged and completed under the direction of the Plumbing In- spector, at the cost of such person, which may be recovered of him at the suit of the City of Muskogee in a civil action. SECTION 125—PENALTY. That any person who puts in, or any plumbing Inspector who permits work to pass which is contrary to this ordinance or any person who violates any provision of this ordinance, or who refuses or wilfully neglects to comply with any of the provisions of the ordinance, shall, upon conviction be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95 for each and every offense. SECTION 126—REPEALING NO. 897. That all of Ordinance No. 897 and all Ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby expressly repealed. SECTION 127—VALIDITY. If any section or provision of this ordinance shall be declared to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any other part thereof. PLUMBING CODE 133 ARTICLE IV. PLUMBERS EXAMINING BOARD. Section. | Section. 128. Creating plumbers Exam- for certficates. ining Board; members 130. Shall have power to can- appointed by mayor. cel certificates. Time of service. 131. Certificates; to be re- Plumbing Inspector to be newed annually. ex-officio secretary. 132. Shall stand examination. 129. Duties and powers; fees 133. Penalty. Ordinance 1284. SECTION 128—CREATING PLUMBERS EXAMINING BOARD; MEMBERS APPOINTED BY MAYOR. TIME OF SERV- ICE. PLUMBING INSPECTOR TO BE EX-OFFICIO SEC- RETARY. There is hereby created the Plumbers Examining Board of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, consisting of three members, one of whom shall be the Chairman of the City Board of Health, and who shall be ex-officio chairman of the said Plumbers Examining Board, and one shall be a master plumber, and one shall be a journeyman plumber, all residents of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma. The said members, other than the chairman, shall be appointed by the Mayor, and approved by the City Council for a term of one year, and shall be paid for their services such sum as may be authorized by the City Manager, not exceeding the amount received by the City as examining fees and for the issuance of certificates as pro- vided in the following section. The Plumbing Inspector of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall be ex-officio secretary of said Board. He shall serve without additional compensation and shall have no powers as such secretary other than the usual clerical duties performed by a secretary. SECTION 129—DUTIES AND POWERS; FEES FOR CERTIFICATES. The said Plumbers Examining Board shall, within ten days after their appointment, meet and designate the times and places for the examination of all applicants desiring to engage in, or work at, the business of plumbing within the City of Muskogee. Said Board shall examine said applicants as to their practical knowledge of plumbing, house drainage and ventilation, and if satisfied of the competency of such applicants shall thereupon issue certificates 134 PLUMBING CODE to such applicants authorizing them to engage in or work at the business of plumbing, either as master plumber, employing plumber, or journeyman plumber, which certificate shall be signed by the Chairman of said Board and attested by the Secretary thereof. Said examination may be made in whole or in part in writing and shall be of practical and elementary character, but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant. The fee for a certificate for a master plumber or employing plumber shall be $5.00; for a journeyman plumber it shall be $1.00. Such fees shall be paid into the City Treasurer of the City of Mus- kogee, and no certificate shall be issued until such fee is paid. SECTION 130—SHALL HAVE POWER TO CANCEL CERTIFICATES. The said Plumbers Examining Board shall have the power to cancel, upon good cause shown by written charges duly filed with said Board, any certificate issued under the provisions of this Ordi- nance; provided, the holder of such certificate shall have had ten days notice of such charges and an opportunity to be heard by said Board. SECTION 131I—CERTIFICATES; TO BE RENEWED ANNUALLY. All certificates shall be renewed annually upon the payment of the fees above specified; provided, that the holder of the certifi- cate need not be required to stand more than one examination, ex- cept when required to do so by a majority vote of said Board for a good cause shown. SECTION 132—SHALL STAND EXAMINATION. No person shall engage in the business of plumbing or do any plumbing work in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, either as a master plumber, employing plumber or as a journeyman plumber until such person shall have stood the examination hereinabove provided for and received a certificate from said Board showing that he has satisfactorily passed such examination, and paid the fee therefor. But this section shall not be construed as authoriz- ing any person to engage in the business of plumbing or to do any plumbing work in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, without also complying with the plumbing regulations and requirements of said city as now provided or which may be hereafter provided by Ordi- nance. SECTION 133—PENALTY. Any person who shall knowingly violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or who shall knowingly fail or refuse to comply with the provisions hereof shall, upon conviction thereof, be pun- ished by a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95. PLUMBING CODE 135 ARTICLE V. GAS FITTING. Section. Section. 134. (a) Shall file Bond. (f{) Gas inspector shall ‘(b) Creating Office Gas Inspector. (c) Defining Gas fitters ; Gas appliance deal- ers. (d) Plumbers Examining Board shall inquire into qualifications of Gas fitters; shall is- sue certificate. (e) Unlawful to convey gas through. rubber hose; General speci- fications for gas fit- ting. make tests; sizes of service pipes. (g) Sizes of service pipes for dwellings. (h) Service pipes inside of buildings. (i) Gas inspector shall shut off gas where dangerous. (j) Fireman shall have access to buildings. (k) Charges for inspec- tion. (1) Defining gas fitting. (m) Penalty for viola- tion. Ordinance No. 1052. SECTION 134—(a) SHALL FILE BOND. That all firms, companies, co-partnerships, corporations or in- dividuals engaged in the gas fitting business within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall first file with the City Clerk of said city a good and sufficient bond in the sum of Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, as a guarantee for the faithful compliance with all the provisions of this ordinance. Provided, however, that any firm, company, co-partnership, corporation or individual engaged in plumbing business within the corporate lim- its of said city must comply with the terms and conditions of this ordinance, except as to the license fee as hereinafter provided. _Provided further, that after due inspection and approval of such job of gas fitting done by the principal on said bond, by the Gas Inspector, the said principal and sureties on said bond shall be absolved after a period of fifteen (15) days from such approval from all liabilities upon said job so inspected and approved by the Gas Inspector, or his assistant. (b) CREATING OFFICE GAS INSPECTOR. There is here- by created the office of Gas Inspector who shall be the Plumbing Inspector of the City of Muskogee. Said Gas Inspector shall serve without additional compensation, but may be allowed such addi- tional help as is necessary to expedite the inspection of all services 136 PLUMBING CODE installed. It shall be the duty of the Gas Inspector to pass upon all service lines installed by the gas company to the curb before they are covered'up and see that all lines and connections comply with the provisions of this ordinance whether such lines are laid by gas fitters or the company furnishing the gas. He shall have the power to require the installation of new service lines, where present service lines are inadequate for the transmission and con- sumption of natural gas. (c) DEFINING GAS FITTERS; GAS APPLIANCE DEAL- ERS. All persons, firms, corporations dealing in gas stoves, heat- ers or other appliances shall be known as gas appliance dealers, and persons in the employ of such gas appliance dealers engaged in fitting gas appliances, who shall be known as gas appliance fit- ters, shall not be deemed or considered gas fitters within the mean- ing of this Ordinance. Gas appliance fitters shall make applica- tion to the board of examiners provided for herein to be by them registered as such, provided that application must be accompanied by the recommendation of a licensed gas appliance dealer as to the applicant’s moral character and competency to be trusted with the performance of work involving the possibility of danger to health and life, and provided further that gas appliance fitters shall ap- pear personally before the board of examiners, to be registered. Gas appliance fitters shall not be required to stand any examina- tion. Gas appliance fitters will only be allowed to connect or dis- connect gas stoves, ranges, heaters, and other gas appliances be- tween the risers or openings provided for as appliances. They will not be allowed to do any pipe work or other fitting nor remove any pipe or fittings, provided for appliances, in any building. No stoves, ranges, heaters, or any other gas appliances must be disconnected without capping the pipe openings. Gas meters must not be turned on until all pipe openings are capped. (d) PLUMBERS EXAMINING BOARD SHALL INQUIRE INTO QUALIFICATIONS OF GAS FITTERS; SHALL ISSUE CERTIFICATE. The Board of Examiners of Plumbers shall be the examining board to inquire into the qualifications of all per- sons who endeavor to do the actual work of gas fitting within the City of Muskogee, and upon satisfactory evidence that the person taking the examination is qualified to do gas fitting, a certificate shall be issued thereto for which a fee of One ($1.00) Dollar shall be paid, which certificate shall be issued for one year and may be renewed from year to year by paying the license fee of One ($1.00) Dollar. Provided, however, the renewal of such certificate shall be denied any gas fitter who in any manner has violated’ the provi- sions of this ordinance relating to gas fitting. (e) UNLAWFUL TO CONVEY GAS THROUGH RUBBER HOSE; GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR + GAS FITTING. PLUMBING CODE 137 It shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, to convey gas from one part of a building to another through a rubber hose, and all gas pipe and fittings must be done by a licensed gas fitter. All piping for gas lighting shall be made with screw connections into separate elbows. All gas pipe must be properly insulated from elec- tric wires. All gas meters are to be placed in an easily accessible place at the expense of the Gas Company or corporation furnishing meter with instruction how to cut off the gas supply in cases of emergency and such other information as is necessary to insure safety in the use of gas, and designating the location of the cut-off valve in feet and direction. In all theatres, picture shows, schools, churches and other public buildings where gas is used for heating or lighting there shall be placed on the wall nearest the cut-off valve, in full view of the public, a card of instructions designating the location of the cut-off valve and the direction and approximate distance in feet to said cut-off valve. Every job of gas fitting must be reported to the Gas Inspector as soon as roughed in, and upon test must show no leakage under a twenty-five (25) pound pressure on a spring or mercury gauge, at the discretion of the Gas Inspector, for fifteen minutes. This test must be made by the Gas Inspector or his assistant, and no job of gas fitting shall be concealed until a certificate of inspection has been issued for the same by the Gas Inspector. All services shall be provided with a curb cock and box at the curb line, if installed in front of the property, or at the property line, if installed in an alley, the same to be furnished by the person or corporation that installed the service. All old service lines now in use not provided with curb cock and box at the curb line, if in front or at the property line, if within an alley, shall be furnished with curb cock and box as required for new service lines. (i) -GAS INSPECTOR SHALL MAKE TESTS; SIZES OF SERVICE PIPES. When requested to do so by the gas fitter or the consumer of gas, the Gas Inspector shall make tests with proper proving apparatus. Any piping fixtures or meter found to be de- fective shall be ordered removed and same replaced with perfect materials, fixtures or meters at the expense of the firm, company, co-partnership, corporation or individual that furnished same. No opening shall be less than three-eighths (3-8) inch pipe and shall be increased in proportion to the number of fires and lights used as per schedule hereinafter formulated. All service pipes hereafter installed shall be not less than one and one-half (1 1-2) inches in diameter from curb or property line to meter. Half inch key valves must be used whenever directed by the Gas Inspector. For large buildings, hotels, business houses, etc., application must be made to the Gas Inspector for the size of service required. No cast iron fittings or lead connections can be used in gas piping. ; Correct distances for the installation of the meter must be 138 PLUMBING CODE left by the gas fitter, which distance shall be procured from the company furnishing the meters. No cement of any kind shall be used to repair any gas fitting. A fire test will not be allowed under any circumstances on inside work. (g) SIZES OF SERVICE PIPES FOR DWELLINGS. Or- dinary dwellings must be piped with the following sized pipes: For all connections made from and after the passage of this Ordi- nance the service pipe shall not be less than one and one-fourth (1 1-4) inches in diameter from curb or property line to meter. As to the adequacy of service lines already installed it shall be left to the judgment and test of the Gas Inspector. To hot air furnaces, or small boilers, not less than one and one- fourth (1 1-4) inch pipe can be used from meter to furnace or boiler. For more than three (3) fires, stoves or grates one and one- fourth (1 1-4) inch pipes shall be used to first fire, one (1) inch to second and third fires and three-fourths (3-4) inch pipe to fourth fire. Only one fire will be permitted upon one-half: inch pipe. For three or less fires, ordinary stove or grates, one-inch pipe from meter to first fire must be used. In all cases the company furnishing the gas must install adequate service lines to the curb to meet the services installed in accordance with the requirements of this Ordinance, at the direction of the Gas Inspector. The following schedule for the sizes of pipe, length of runs for lights and fires must be rigidly followed in gas plumbing for all new work done from and after the adoption of this ordinance: Size of Pipe, Inches sag Nes of Pipe Number of Lights eet 3-8 26 3 1-2 30 6 3-4 50 20 1 70 35 1 1-4 100 60 1 1-2 150 100 2 200 300 No. of Fires 1-2 10 1 3-4 30 1 i 100 1 1 1-4 350 1 3-4 20 2 1 60 ia 1 1-4 160 2 1 40 3 12 120 3 1 20 + 1 1-4 90 4. 1 1-4 70 5 1 1-2 125 5 PLUMBING CODE 139 Size of Pipe, Inches Length of Pipe No. of Fires Feet 1 1-4 40 6 1 1-2 90 6 1 1-4 30 4 1 1-2 Wo 7 1 1-4 15 8 iet-2 50 8 1 1-2 40 28 1 1-2 30 10 (h) SERVICE PIPES INSIDE OF BUILDINGS. All gas piping inside of building must be securely strapped to joists or ceil- ing with iron straps provided for same. No hanger made of nails, wood or wire will be permitted. All service pipes must be eighteeen (18) inches deep from the top of curb or alley grade. All gas meters must be placed inside of buildings and in no case will meters be set under buildings except where the same is provided with cellar or basement. No meter shall be placed behind any door, under any plumbing, fixture, or closer than six feet from any fire place, heating stove or range. All valves shall be placed in an easy accessible place where they can be packed from time to time. All extensions of pipe from one room to another must be in- spected by the Gas Inspector before gas is turned in to such ex- tension. All gas ranges, heaters, (except bath room heaters) water heaters and furnaces must be vented into a brick flue, or other- wise into the open air, and in such a manner as to permit a free out- let for all fumes or escaping gas. All vent pipes passing through wood partitions or walls must be protected by a thimble with proper air space, except that no vent pipe from fires or lights shall pass through any closet or pantry used for the storage of clothing, household goods or other combustible material. When more than one meter is installed on the same service by the company furnish- ing the gas, they shall be grouped together and in no case shall they be placed in separate compartments. All gas appliances for heating must have an air space of four (4) inches between the bottom of the stove and the floor and must not be closer than one (1) foot of any wood or lath and plaster partition. fier NOPLeLORSS HALL SHUT "OFF GAS WHERE DANGEROUS. The Gas Inspector shall shut off, or cause to be shut off, all gas connections with residences or business houses in the City of Muskogee where, in his judgment, the gas fitting is dangerous, the gas to remain shut off until such time as changes are made by the property owner or the party installing same. Pro- vided, however, when such residence or business houses are oc- 140 PLUMBING CODE cupied, he shall give notice to the occupant or owner, or both, before said gas is turned off, except in cases of emergency. (j) FIREMEN SHALL HAVE ACCESS TO BUILDINGS. The Chief of the Fire Department, or other firemen, of the City of Muskogee shall have access at all times to the dwellings or busi- ness houses connected with gas, to ascertain the locations of the shut-off valves to be closed in all cases of fire. (k) CHARGES FOR INSPECTION. A minimum charge of one ($1.00) dollar will be charged for every inspection of service lines by the Gas Inspector and an additional ten cents for each open- ing above ten. When any contractor doing gas fitting shall call the Inspector and the work is not ready, or is condemned, an extra fee of fifty. (50c) cents may be charged for each trip made by the In- spector, provided, such defects are due to the negligence of such contractor or his employees. e ! -? . When a consumer of gas has cause to believe his meter is fast, the same shall be removed by the Gas Company and must be tested in the presence of the Gas Inspector and the consumer. If the meter is found to be more than three (3) per cent fast, the Gas Company shall refund to the consumer the amount of overcharge according to bills rendered. (1) DEFINING GAS FITTING. The term “gas fitting” as used in this Ordinance shall apply to house piping, laying of service pipes, hanging of gas fixtures and the connection of all gas ap- pliances. (m) PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. That any firm, com- pany, co-partnership, corporation or individual doing a gas fitting business within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, Okla- homa, or any other person who shall fail in any way to comply with or violate any of the provisions of this Ordinance, or any person, other than a licensed gas fitter, who shall in any way tamper with the service pipes or meters, shall be deemed guilty of an offense and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not less than Five ($5.00) Dollars and not more than $19.95. CITY MARKET 141 ‘CHAPTER III. CITY MARKET. Section. Section. 135. Establishing market. 138. Peddling in other places 136. eae designated; mar- prohibited. et hours. : 137. Superintendent of Mar- 139. Stands designated. kets. 140. Sidewalk use. 1. ie attend City Mar- 141. Stand forfeited. et. Pee ec ae a 142. Space reserved for huck- Supervision. ssa. 3. Exercise general care. 143. Daily re-assignment of 4. To assign places; en- space. force order, etc. 144. Cleanliness of market re- 5. Examine weights and quired. bi Tons: seal scales, 145. Forestalling prohibited. etc. 146. Arrests authorized. 7. To protect purchasers. 147. Penalty. Ordinance No. 1132. SECTION 135—ESTABLISHING MARKET. That there is hereby established for the sale of produce, fruits, vegetables and all products of the farm, with the exception of hay and grain, a City Market for the purpose of enabling the farmers and truckmen living in the vicinity of Muskogee to offer their products directly to the consumer. The place of conducting this market to be hereafter designated by the City Council. SECTION 136—SPACE DESIGNATED, MARKET HOURS. That the spaces of ground ten feet wide on both sides of the streets so designated in the City of Muskogee next to the curb line, and such other spaces contiguous thereto, as may be set aside from time to time by resolution of the City Council, is hereby de- clared to be the City Market Place for the sale of produce, fruits, vegetables, berries, fowls, eggs, butter, cheese, melons, provisions and other articles usually sold in public markets. Said City Market shall have public market hours on Wednesday and Saturday be- tween the hours of 5 o'clock a. m. and 10:30 o’clock a. m. from April lst to November Ist, following, and between 6 o’clock a. m, and 10:30 o’clock a. m. from November Ist to April Ist, following, except legal holidays. 142 CITY MARKET SECTION 137—SUPERINTENDENT OF MARKETS, LICENSE INSPECTOR DESIGNATED. That the License Collector of said City shall be Superintend- ent of Markets and is hereby assigned to that duty. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Markets: 1. To attend at the City Market on market days during the market hours: 2. ‘To exercise general supervision over the Market Place and market spaces, and to enforce such regulations as from time to time may be established and provided for the govern- ment of the same; 3. To exercise a general care and custody of the City Market and appurtenances thereto; 4. To assign places to wagons or persons attending the market and enforce order among them and compel a compli- ance with all ordinances of the City and laws of the State in and about said City Market; 5. ‘To examine weights and measures of all articles ex- posed for sale and to decide all disputes between buyers and sellers at the market, as to the weight or measure of any ar- ticle offered for sale; | 6. To test and seal all scales and measures to be used in weighing or measuring all articles offered for sale in the mar- ket, and no scale or measure shall be used in the market unless approved by the Superintendent of Markets; 7. To do and perform such other duties as may in this or any ordinance, or by any rule or resolution of the City Coun- cil, be imposed upon him, and it shall be his duty, and he is hereby empowered, to maintain peace and order in and about such City Market, and to take all steps that may be necessary to protect purchasers at said Market from impositions and to prevent the sale of unsound, diseased, impure or unwholesome articles of food. SECTION 138—PEDDLING IN OTHER PLACES PROHIBITED. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons having articles of marketing for sale to go upon any public street, alley or public grounds in the City of Muskogee during the market hours hereinbefore established, and to there sell or offer for sale, by re- tail, such articles, or to in any manner hawk or peddle any such articles, except butter, milk and eggs; and it shall be the duty of the Superintendent of Markets upon request to assign places in the markets for all persons requesting the same, and in the event the grounds and places hereafter to be designated for the market shall at any time be inadequate to accommodate persons attend- ing the market, it shall be lawful for such persons, under the super- vision of the Superintendent of Markets, to stand on such other CITY MARKET 143 places as may from time to time be designated by the City Council, and on such places as may be designated by such Superintendent, which streets and places, while so occupied, shall be held to be in- cluded as a part of the market herein created. SECTION 139—STANDS DESIGNATED. That the portions of said streets hereafter to be designated and established as the City Market shall be, by the Superintend- ent of Markets, platted, subject to the approval of the City Council and the stalls or stands shall be designated on the plats thereof by - consecutive numbers, provided that no stall or stand shall occupy more than ten feet of frontage space. SECTION 140—SIDEWALK USE. That in addition to the space in the streets, the persons per- mitted to occupy any market stand shall be allowed, during mar- ket hours to occupy sufficient space on the sidewalk, not to exceed three feet wide, next to the curb line, upon which may be placed, only during market hours, a bench two feet wide, eight feet long and not to exceed three feet high, upon which ue be displayed and exhibited his wares. SECTION 141—STAND FORFEITED. That failure to use any assigned space for four consecutive market days, or refusal to comply with the ordinances and direc- tions of the Superintendent of Markets, shall constitute good cause for withdrawing the use thereof from the person permitted to oc- cupy such space, and the stand or spaces shall thereupon be re- assigned according to the City Market rules. SECTION 142—SPACE RESERVED FOR HUCKSTERS. That the portion of said market space hereafter described and such spaces as the Superintendent of Markets may deem necessary elsewhere are hereby designated and set apart for hucksters and re-sellers spaces, to which the Superintendent of Markets may as- sign hucksters and re-sellers and the person occupying such stalls for the purpose of re-selling shall display prominent cards at such places as shall clearly advertise the nature of his selling, with the word “Huckster” prominently displayed. SECTION 143—DAILY REASSIGNMENT OF SPACE. That the Superintendent of Markets is hereby directed to re- serve all space until 6 o’clock a. m. of market days, and after that time he may, in his discretion, assign such spaces to other parties for the day in question. 144 CITY MARKET SECTION 144—CLEANLINESS OF MARKET REQUIRED. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation occupying any stall or market space, regularly or temporarily, by permit or otherwise, to leave or quit said space without having first thoroughly cleaned and removed therefrom all dirt, filth or rubbish, accumulated or deposited thereon, whether by himself or others, and such person shall provide a suitable box or other re- ceptacle in which all tops and other trimmings and discarded vege- tables and refuse shall be placed and hauled away. SECTION 145—FORESTALLING PROHIBITED. That it shall be unlawful for any person to buy or contract for any article on its way to or intended for the market with the in- tention of selling it again at a higher price; and no person shall sell or offer or expose for sale in the Market any such article so pur- chased or contracted for by any other person. No person shall in the Market by agent or otherwise, buy or receive, or engage, prom- ise or propose to buy, accept or receive or negotiate in any way for buying, accepting or receiving any article for the purpose or with the intent of re-selling the same, and no person shall dissuade or attempt to dissuade any person from bringing provisions or any other proper article to the market, or persuade or try to persuade any person to enhance the price of any article brought by such person to the market or attempt in any manner to forestall the market. SECTION 146—ARRESTS AUTHORIZED. That the Superintendent of Markets shall have power to arrest any person who shall violate any of the regulations respecting the City Market, and it shall be unlawful for any person to resist, hinder or obstruct such Superintendent in the discharge of his duties or to refuse to obey his lawful orders. SECTION 147—PENALTY. That any person violating any of the provisions of this ordi- nance shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $19.95 for each offense, and upon failure to pay said fine, shall be confined in the City Jail for a period of time to serve out the same at the rate of $1.00 per day. CITY EXCISE BOARD 145 CHAPTER IV. CITY EXCISE BOARD. Section. Section. 148. Creating City Excise 153. Funds appropriated for Board, specific purposes. 149. Duties of City Council. 154, Authority of bxcise 150. Time of meeting; shall yey v examine and may revise 155 estimate, etc. . Funds may be reap- 151. Appropriations to be propriated. ye itemized; may restrict 156. Defining “appropriation.” items of expenditure; 157. Special election necesary shall appropriate for for excess levy; proced- sinking fund require- ure. ments. 158. Advalorem taxes, collec- 152. Shall make levy in ac- tion, etc., governed by cordance with laws of state laws. State. 159. Validity. Ordinance 1211-1212. SECTION 148—CREATING CITY EXCISE BOARD. There is hereby created a City Excise Board for the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, to be composed of the following: The Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Manager, City Clerk, and City Treasurer, who shall perform the duties as herein provided without additional compensation. The Mayor shall be chairman of said board and the City Clerk shall be the secretary of said board. SECTION 149—DUTIES OF CITY COUNCIL. The City Council shall meet on the first Monday in July of each year and shall make in writing a financial statement showing the true fiscal condition of the city as of the close of the previous year, and an itemized statement of the estimated needs for current expenses for the current fiscal year, and the probable income from sources other than ad valorem tax. ‘The financial statement shall be supported by schedules or exhibits showing by classes the amount of all receipts and disbursements, and shall be sworn to by the City Manager as being true and correct. The statement of estimated needs shall be itemized so as to show by classes, first, the several amounts necessary tor the current expense of the city, and each officer and department thereof. Second, the amount required by law, to be provided for sinking fund purposes; third, the probable income that will be received from all sources other than ad valorem taxes, and shall be detailed in form and amount so as to disclose the several items for which the City Excise Board is authorized and 146 CITY EXCISE BOARD required, in Sections 150 and 151 hereof, to approve estimates and make appropriations. Such financial statement and estimate, as pre- pared in accordance with the provisions of this section, shall be published in two consecutive issues of some daily newspaper pub- lished in said city, the first of said publications to be made within five days after the completion of said estimate. Said estimate so made out and published as aforesaid shall, as soon as completed, be certified to the City Excise Board together with affidavit at- tached showing publication as herein required. The budget made up by the City Manager in accordance with Section 99 of the City Charter shall at the same time be transmitted to the City Excise Board. SECTION 150—TIME OF MEETING; SHALL EXAMINE AND MAY REVISE ESTIMATE, ETC. The City Excise Board shall meet at the City Offices in said city on the last Saturday of July in each year, and may adjourn from day to day and time to time thereafter, for the purpose of ex- amining the financial statement for the previous fiscal year as sub- mitted by the City Council, and ascertain the true fiscal condition of the city at the close of such year; and for the further purpose of examining the statement of estimated needs for current expense purposes for the current fiscal year as certified by the Council, and determining the items and amounts for which appropriations shall be made for such year, detailed as to each officer, board or depart- ment. The said City Excise Board shall have power and authority to revise and correct any estimate certified to them by either strik- ing items therefrom, increasing, or decreasing items thereof, or adding items thereto, when in its opinion the needs of the city shall require. All revisions and corrections shall be as to specific items of the estimate and in no event shall any item or items of the estimate for current expense purposes be increased, or any item added thereto, until such proposed increase or additional item shall have been advertised and published by the City Excise Board in some newspaper of general circulation in the city, in one issue, if published in a weekly paper, and two consecutive issues, if pub- lished in a daily paper. When the City Excise Board shall have examined, revised and adjusted the items of the estimate, and shall have ascertained in separate items the needs of the city, if the same shall be within the limits for current expenses as provided by law, they shall approve the said items and appropriate the res- pective amounts thereof for the purposes so found to be necessary. The appropriations made for the use of each separate office, board, commission or department of the city, shall be stated in separate items, and no appropriation shall be available for the use of more than one office, board, commission or department. CITY EXCISE BOARD 147 SECTION 151—APPROPRIATIONS TO BE ITEMIZED: MAY RESTRICT ITEMS OF EXPENDITURES; SHALL AP: PROPRIATE FOR SINKING FUND REQUIREMENTS. The appropriations for the city shall be itemized so as to show the amount of funds appropriated for the several offices, boards, commissions and departments and shall be detailed in separate items as to each thereof, as follows: For salaries and compensa- tion of each officer and all regular deputies and employes there- under; for special services and extra help; for office supplies, blank books, stationery and printing; for postage, telephone and telegraph; for express, freight and drayage; for light, fuel and water; for rent; for charities and aid to poor; for furniture and of- fice equipment; for maintenance, renewals and extensions; for purchase of park, building sites, and other real estate, with appro- priation for each, separately stated; for construction of new build- ings, with the appropriation for each proposed building, separately stated; for maintenance and repairs on buildings and parks, for park and other permanent improvements with the appropriation for each separately stated; for equipment and apparatus; for such other expenditures as may be necessary and authorized by statute or ordinance, but not herein enumerated. Such appropriations may be further detailed and itemized at the discretion of said City Ex- cise Board, and the said board shall have the authority to impose and prescribe such additional restrictions as to the expenditure of any item of appropriation as it may deem meet and proper. In addition to the items provided for current expense purposes, the City Excise Board shall ascertain and appropriate the amounts re- quired by law to be raised annually for a sinking fund to be used for the payment of coupons and bonds as they fall due, and for the payment of judgments. SECTION 152—SHALL MAKE LEVY IN ACCORDANCE WITH LAWS OF STATE. The City Excise Board shall ascertain as soon as may be from the proper County Officials the total assessed valuation of all prop- erty taxed ad valorem in said city, after the same has been finally equalized and adjusted in accordance with the laws of the state. When the City Excise Board has ascertained the total assessed valuation of all property taxed ad valorem in said city as aforesaid, and shall have computed the total of the several items of appropria- tions for current expense and sinking fund purposes for the city, with ten (10%) per cent added thereto for delinquent tax, they shall thereupon make the levy therefor, after deducting from the total so computed the amount of any surplus, balance of revenue or levy, ascertained to be on hand from the previous fiscal year or years, together with the amount of the probable income from all sources other than ad valorem taxation; provided, that in no event shall the amount of such estimated income exceed the actual collec- 148 CITY EXCISE BOARD tions from such source for the previous fiscal year. The rates of levy for current expense purposes and sinking fund purposes shall be separately made and stated and the revenue accruing therefrom shall be known as the general fund and sinking fund, respectively. When the said rates of levy shall be so made and fixed they shall be certified by the secretary of the said City Excise Board to the County Officer whose duty it is to make up the tax rolls. The secretary of the said City Excise Board shall also immediately cer- tify to the City Manager and to the City Council the rates of levy so certified and the appropriations so made by the City Excise Board. In no case shall the total levy fixed by the said City Excise Board exceed the limit allowed by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Oklahoma. SECTION 153—FUNDS APPROPRIATED FOR SPECIFIC PURPOSES. The several items of the estimate as made and approved by the City Excise Board for each fiscal year shall constitute and are hereby declared to be an appropriation of funds for the several and specific purposes named in such estimate, and the appropriation ° thus made shall not be used for any other fiscal year or purpose whatsoever. Each clerk or other issuing officer shall open and keep an account with the amount of each item or appropriation showing the purpose for which the same is appropriated and the date, number and amount of each warrant drawn thereon. No war- rant or certificate of indebtedness in any form, shall be issued, ap- proved, signed, attested or registered on or against any appropria- tion for a purpose other than for which the said appropriation was made, or in excess of the amount thereof. SECTION 154—AUTHORITY OF EXCISE BOARD. Should the Council fail to make and submit an estimate as herein provided, the City Excise Board shall have authority to make an appropriation for current expense and sinking fund pur- poses and make such levy therefor as it may find necessary to meet the probable needs of the city, provided that no such esti- mate shall be approved until the same shall have been by the said Excise Board advertised in liké manner as to items that shall be added to or increased in an estimate. SECTION 155—FUNDS MAY BE RE-APPROPRIATED. If at any time during the fiscal year all monies appropriated for any particular fund or department by reason of exigencies or conditions arising not anticipated, have become exhausted and the City Council, upon examination, shall find that there are surplus and unappropriated revenues belonging either to that particular department or fund, or to some other department or fund, and CITY EXCISE BOARD 149 which is available for current expenses, then the City Council may, by resolution, appropriate a sufficient amount of such unappropri- ated and available funds or revenues to meet the requirements of such department in which the appropriation has become exhausted : but such additional or supplemental appropriation or appropria- tions shall not exceed the aggregate of such surplus and unappro- priated funds and revenues then available in the treasury. If, how- ever, there should not be a sufficient amount of surplus or unap- propriated funds or revenues available for such appropriations to meet the needs and requirements of any such department the ap- propriations of which have become exhausted, then the City Coun- cil, if in its judgment the exigencies and the requirements for the public good so demand, may by resolution, revoke and cancel, in whole or in part, any appropriation or appropriations previously made to any officer or department of the City, and reappropriate such funds to such department or departments of the City in which the appropriations are exhausted, if the Council shall deem such action necessary to the public good: Provided, that no appropria- tion, or a part thereto, shall be revoked or cancelled against which there may be an unpaid claim or contract pending. The total amount of all such appropriations and reappropriations shall not exceed the aggregate of the amount of appropriations so revoked or cancelled and the surplus or unappropriated revenue so appropri- ated as in this section provided. SECTION 156—DEFINING APPROPRIATION. The term “appropriation” as used herein is hereby declared to be synonymous with “estimate made and approved,” as defined in Section 3, Chapter 80, Session Laws, 1911 of Oklahoma, and the provisions, requirements, limitations and penalty of said Chapter 80, Session Laws 1911, are hereby specifically declared to extend to and embrace “appropriations” as herein defined. SECTION 157—SPECIAL ELECTION NECESSARY FOR EX- CESS LEVY; PROCEDURE. If it shall appear that the estimate certified to the City Excise Board for the current expenses of the city shall require a tax levy in excess of the limit prescribed by the laws of the State for cities of the first class, and the City Excise Board shall be of the opinion that such excess is reasonably necessary for the current expenses of the city, they shall enter such fact upon the record of their pro- ceedings and shall so enter the amount of such excess levy:which in their opinion is reasonably necessary, and the secretary of the said City Excise Board shall so certify to the Mayor and City Coun- cil. Thereupon the Mayor and City Council shall, by resolution, call a special election to be held in the city on the second Tuesday after the first Monday in August next after the meeting of said City Ex- cise Board, or as soon thereafter as may be, for the purpose of 150 CITY EXCISE BOARD submitting to the qualified electors of the city the question of mak- ing such increased levy. Such election shall be held under the general election laws of the State at the regular voting precincts in the city and by the regular precinct election officials, and in such election the amount of the proposed levy shall be printed upon the ballot, with the words “for the levy” and “against the levy,” to the left of which shall be printed a square in which the elector shall stamp to indicate his choice. Notice of such election signed by the Mayor and City Clerk shall be published in at least three consecu- tive issues of a daily newspaper published in the City, the first publication to be at least seven days prior to the date of the elec- tion. Said notice shall name and state the voting places where said election shall be held, and the purpose for which it is held. The Mayor and City Council shall cause to be prepared and printed the ballots for said election and all other necessary blanks for hold- ing said election and making the returns of the same, and the city shall pay all expenses for holding said election. No election for an increased levy shall be valid unless fifty per cent of the qualified electors in the city, as shown by the last preceding election, shall vote thereon. The returns of such special election shall be made to and canvassed by the Mayor and City Council at a meeting held in the Council Chambers on the next day after said election. If the levy voted upon shall be approved by a majority of those vot- ing for and against such levy and the total number voting for and against such levy shall be the proportion of the qualified electors of the City hereinabove required, then the Mayor and City Coun- cil shall direct the City Clerk to certify the same to the County Of- ficer whose duty it is to extend and make up the tax roll, and such certification shall be his authority for extending said levy upon the tax rolls. In case the levy voted upon shall not be approved by a majority of those voting for and against such levy, then the City Clerk shall so certify to the City Excise Board, and the City Excise Board shall thereupon fix a levy not exceeding the limit authorized by the laws of the State for Cities of the first class, as hereinabove provided, and shall cause such levy to be certified to the County Official whose duty it is to extend the same upon the tax roll as hereinabove provided. SECTION 158—ADVALOREM TAXES COLLECTION; GOV- ERNED BY STATE LAWS. Except as herein provided, the assessment, equalization, levy, and collection of all ad valorem taxes in the City of Muskogee shall be made, had and carried on as now provided by the general laws of the State. SECTION 159—VALIDITY. If any section or provision of this Article shall be held to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of the Article as a whole or any part thereof other than the part or parts held to be invalid. DRUGS AND NARCOTICS 151 CHAPTER V. DRUGS AND NARCOTICS. Article. Article. I. Wood Alcohol. | II. Opium, Coco Leaves, Etc. ARTICLE I. WOOD ALCOHOL. Section. Section. 160. Regulating sale Wood or 161. Retailer to keep record Denatured Alcohol. of sales. 162. Penalty for violation. Ordinance 1163. SECTION 160—REGULATING SALE. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person, firm or corpora- tion to sell, or keep, or offer for sale at retail, or to give away or otherwise furnish, or to keep or to have in possession for any pur- pose, except for sale by wholesale and for the manufacture of paints, any WOOD ALCOHOL or DENATURED ALCOHOL or product or solution or any mixture thereof except paints unless the said wood alcohol or denatured alcohol shall be or shall have been treated with a green coloring matter so that the same shall have a distinctly dark green color. SECTION 161—RETAILER TO KEEP RECORD OF SALES. Every person, firm or corporation who shall sell at retail, or give away or otherwise furnish Wood Alcohol or Denatured Alco- hol shall keep a full and complete record of each transaction, in- cluding the name of the purchaser and the amount and date of purchase. Said record shall be kept in the place of business of the person, firm or corporation making such sale or sales, and shall be open at all time to public inspection; and such person, firm or corporation making such sale or sales shall on or before the 5th day of each month furnish to the Chief of Police a copy of the rec- ord of sales made during the previous month; and any sale of such product, any composition, solution or mixture thereof shall have stamped or pasted on the container a poison label showing that the contents are poisonous. 152 DRUGS AND NARCOTICS SECTION 162—PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person found guilty of violating this article, or any provi- sion thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not exceeding nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95). ARTICLE II. OPIUM, COCOA LEAVES, ETC. Section. Section. 163. Unlawful to possess or intoxicated condition. sell Opium, etc. 166. Habitual user declared a 164. Unlawful to transport, common vagrant. etc. 167. Defining word “person.” 165. Unlawful to appear in an 168. Penalty. ‘Ordinance 1187. SECTION 163—UNLAWFUL TO POSSESS OR SELL OPIUM, COCOA LEAVES, ETC. It shall be unlawful, for any person to possess, use, compound, sell, deal in, dispense or give away opium or cocoa leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative or preparation thereof ex- cept the same be done in strict accordance and full compliance with the laws of the State of Oklahoma and of the United States pertaining thereto and the rules and regulations prescribed there- under. SECTION 164—UNLAWFUL TO TRANSPORT, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person to carry, transport or de- liver from any point or place in the City of Muskogee, to another point or place therein any opium or cocoa leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative or preparation thereof except the same be a lawful purchase under the laws of the State of Okla- homa and of the United States and the rules and regulations per- taining thereto. SECTION 165—UNLAWFUL TO APPEAR IN INTOXICATED CONDITION. It shall be unlawful for any person to be or appear upon the streets, alleys, or in any other public place or places in the City of Muskogee in a drunken or intoxicated condition from the use of opium or cocoa leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, deriva- tive or preparation thereof. - DRUGS AND NARCOTICS—ELECTRIC RAILROADS A53 SECTION 166—HABITUAL USER DECLARED A COMMON VAGRANT. Any habitual user of opium or cocoa leaves or any compound, manufacture, salt, derivative or preparation thereof to the extent of producing intoxication shall be deemed to be a common vagrant and punished as in this Article provided. SECTION 167—THE WORD “PERSON” TO INCLUDE COR- PORATION, ETC. The word “person” as used in this Article shall be construed to mean and include a partnership, association, company, or corpora- tion as well as a natural person. SECTION 168—PENALTY. That any person who violates any of the provisions of this Article shall on conviction be fined not more than $19.95. CHAPTER VI. BLECTRIC RAILROADS. Article I. Regulation, Con- Bite. struction, Opera- Article II. Tenders and Sand tion, Maintenance, Boxes. ARTICLE I. REGULATION, CONSTRUCTION, OPERATION, MAINTEN- ANCE, ETC. Section. Section. 169. To what roads applicable. 174. To hold City harmless. 170. Successors to officers 175. Materials; barricades, City Supervision. 176. Plans to be submitted tc City Council. and boards. 171. Poles and wires. 172. Street improvement. tse, City may make repairs, 173. Notice of cutting pave- when. ment. 178. Penalty. Ordinance No. 590. Section 169. TO WHAT ROADS APPLICABLE. The pro- visions of this ordinance shall apply to all electric traction rail- roads or railways of whatever kind, constructed or to be construct- 154 Le ELECTRIC RAILROADS ed within the streets, alleys, and public places of the City of Mus- kogee. Section 170. SUCCESSORS TO OFFICERS AND BOARDS. Wherever in this ordinance any board or officer of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, is named and such board or officer is abol- ished by law, then in such event, the rights reserved to and the obligations imposed upon such board or officer shall be reserved to and imposed upon any successor to such board or officer when- ever any such successor may be designated. Section 171. POLES AND WIRES. The poles to be placed ‘for supporting the trolley wires shall not be less than twenty-five feet in height and not less than one hundred twenty-five feet apart, lengthwise of the street or avenue, and the material used shall be either iron or wood, as may be determined by the City Council of said City; the trolley wires, suspended therefrom shall not be less than seventeen feet above the ground. All poles and posts owned and used by any company or person operating a street railway shall be well and ‘sufficiently painted and shall not be maintained or used in violation of the Charter, or of any ordinance of this City. Poles of other persons, companies, or corporations may be used by any company or person operating such railway on obtaining the con- - sent of the owners thereof; and the consent must be procured when possible, to use the poles already erected wherever they are so located that they may be used; and the City Council shall deter- mine as to the practicability of such joint use of poles and as to — where they shall be located. In erecting the poles for its trolley and other necessary wires, and in strengthening its wires they shall be so placed as to interfere as little as possible with the use and enjoyment of other property along the line of said railways, and the orders and directions of the City Council with reference to placing and changing said poles and wires shall be followed. When trolley wires shall cross any other electric wires previously placed, good and sufficient guard wires shall be maintained at all times by the Company or person operating said street railway. Should the City of Muskogee desire at any time to place any wires, signs, or arches spanning any of the streets covered by any fran- chise granting the right to span a street railway, the City of Mus- kogee may use any of the poles for Ae or supporting such wires, signs or arches. Section 172. STREET IMPROVEMENT. Every company or person constructing or operating any street railway system within the City shall grade and otherwise improve the streets along which any track is laid or may be laid as ordered by the City Council and as provided by the laws of Oklahoma. Section 173. NOTICE OF CUTTING PAVEMENT. Street railway companies or persons operating the same, shall not tear up any pavement or dig into or remove any portion of the surface of the street or avenue or alley without giving twenty-four hours ELECTRIC RAILROADS 155 notice in writing of its intention so to do, the same to be served upon the City Engineer, except in cases of emergency. ~ Section 174. TO HOLD CITY HARMLESS. Every person or company operating a street railroad or railway within the City shall save the City harmless from all claims for damages by acci- dent or otherwise to person or property; arising or to arise in any way, because of the failure or neglect of such person or company to keep in proper and safe condition the portions of the streets re- quired by law to be paved by such company or person; and from damages arising from any fault or neglect of such person or com- pany, their officers, agents and servants. peciioult/io, eM AERIS BARRICADES Ob DY oO SUH Re VISION. No material shall be used in the construction, altera- tion or repair of street railways, or railroad tracks, poles or wires or in paving or otherwise improving or repairing any street or avenue without the inspection and approval, first had of the City Council, or its properly authorized officer or committee. When repairs, alterations, or other improvements are being made, a good, sufficient, and safe road or driveway, shall be kept open and free to use by the public, and all excavations, or embankments or other dangerous places caused by the said company in the making of said repairs and improvements shall be well and properly barricaded by day and night so as to prevent accidents and injuries to persons and property; and all. work shall be done under the supervision of the City Council or its proper officers or committee; and no por- tion of any street or avenue shall be torn up or barricaded longer than is actually necessary; and unused materials, refuse or debris shall be cleared away as soon as possible. Section 1/6. PLANS TO BE, SUBMITTED TO CITY COUN- CIL. Before entry upon any street or avenue for the purpose of laying, altering, or changing the tracks or rails thereof, and when- ever it shall become necessary to change, repair or renew the same on account of any grading, paving, repairing, or improvement of whatever kind, the company or person about to make said improve- ment shall prepare and submit to the City Council, for its approval, a complete plan and diagram, showing the proposed track or tracks, the plan of construction thereof, material to be used therein, the kind, and size of trolley and return wires, and system of returning the electricity to the power station; the form and kind of rails to be laid; the location, character, and purposes of all side tracks, turnouts, switches, curves and other accessories, and when such plans shall have met the approval of said Council, the tracks, side- tracks, turnouts, switches, curves, and other accessories shall be constructed under the supervision of the Council and in conformity with their direction and in such manner and of such material and design as they may direct; and no change shall be made in any of the plans of the said road; its tracks, or rails except upon applica- tion to and by the approval of said City Council. 156 ELECTRIC RAILROADS Section 177. CITY MAY MAKE REPAIRS, WHEN. If any electric traction company shall fail to make any reasonable im- provements or repairs provided for in this ordinance, or ordered by the City Council, after reasonable notice in writing by the City, said improvements and repairs shall be made by the City at the costs and expense of said company and the same shall constitute a lien until paid upon the property of said company. Section 178. PENALTY. It shall be unlawful for any offi- cial, agent, or employee of any electric traction company, operating within the City of Muskogee, to knowingly violate any of the pro- visions of this article, or of the other ordinances of the City of Muskogee regulating such companies and street railway systems, or to knowingly disregard any of the reasonable directions of the City Council, and any person found guilty under this section shall be punished in any sum not exceeding a fine of nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents, ($19.95). Each day’s violation of any of the provisions of this article shall constitute a separate offense. ARTICLE II. FENDERS AND SAND BOXES. Section. Section. 179. Fenders and sand boxes, 181. Sand boxes; how con- required. structed. 180. Fenders; how attached. 182. Penalty. Ordinance No. 803. Section 179. FENDERS AND SAND BOXES, REQUIRED. That it shall be unlawful to operate or cause to be operated upon any street railroad within the limits of the City of Muskogee, any car without first equipping it with fenders and sand boxes. Section 180. FENDERS; HOW ATTACHED. That the fenders herein required shall be so constructed and placed and maintained upon each car so as to afford the best possible protec- tion to persons or things with whom such car might come in con- tact. Said fenders to be subject to the approval of the City Man- ager. section 181. SAND BOXES; HOW CONSTRUCTEDi fiae the sand boxes herein required and the apparatus necessary to properly operate the same shall be sufficient and adequate for the purposes for which they are intended, and such sand boxes shall be kept well filled with sand at all times while the car is in use and shall be so constructed and placed and maintained upon each car as to supply sand to the rails instantly when the valves are opened. Section 182. PENALTY. That any President, Manager, ELECTRIC RAILROADS—FIRE PROTECTION 157 Treasurer, Secretary, Superintendent or employee of any street railroad within the limits of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, who shall operate or cause to be operated any car upon such street rail- road without first equipping same with fenders and sand boxes, as provided in this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined in any sum not exceeding Nine- teen and 95-100 Dollars, and for each and every day such car shall Pe: operated without such equipment shall constitute a separate offense. CHAPTER VII. FIRE PROTECTION. Article I. Fire Department. Article IV. Fire Alarm System. Article II. Fire Limits. Article V. Firemen’s Relief Article III. Gas Hose. and Pension Fund. ARTICLE I. FIRE DEPARTMENT. Section. Section. 183. Creating Department and 188. Salaries. eo age eruleece®: 189. Destruction of buildings . Duties o ief. spat 185. Further Antes of Chief. se CEH TURES CIM. RUE 186. Further duties of Chief. direct when. 187. Chief may prescribe 190. Chief to devote entire rules; vacations. time. Ordinance No. 980. Fire Department—Providing for. Ordinance No. 1160. Fire Department Employees—Vacations. Section 183. CREATING DEPARTMENT AND PROVID- ING EMPLOYEES. That there be and there is hereby created a fire department of the City of Muskogee and that the employees thereof, shall consist of a Chief of the Fire Department, and such assistants, captains, engineers and other employees as in the judg- ment and opinion of the City Manager may be required for the sate and efficient work and administration of said department and all such officers and employees shall be appointed by the City Man- ager. Section 184. DUTIES OF CHIEF. The Chief of the Fire Department shall at all times have charge, supervision, and control over all engines, hose and hose carts, and all other property of the City belonging to or used by the fire department, and shall see that said property is kept from loss and waste, and is at all times in 158 FIRE PROTECTION. good condition for use. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be responsible for the training and disciplining of the men under his control. Section 185. FURTHER DUTIES OF CHIEF. It shall be the duty of the Chief of the Fire Department to advise from time to time with the City Manager and to make suggestions relative to and for the benefit of the fire department. Section 186. FURTHER DUTIES OF CHIEF. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have absolute control at all fires, and upon the alarm of fire being given shall go to the place of the fire and assume control thereof. He shall have power to arrest any or all persons who may fail, refuse or neglect to obey his orders relative to the management and control of such fires. He shall make a monthly repoft to the City Manager, on the first day of each calendar month, of the number of fires occurring, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, the value of the losses of the property involved and the amount of insurance cov- ering such loss. He shall likewise make an annual report to the City Manager, showing condition of all fire stations, fire apparatus, horses, buildings, and all other property belonging to and in use by said fire department. Section 187. CHIEF. MAY PRESCRIBE RULES; VACA- TIONS. The Chief of the Fire Department shall have authority to prescribe reasonable rules and regulations for the conduct of the members of the Fire Department, the advancement of the mem- bers thereof in regard to their rank, the duties to be performed, the physical exercises, and the moral and physical discipline, and to grant a term, or terms, of vacation, not to exceed fourteen (14) days during each year, for the employees of such Department, providing, that no vacation shall be granted to any employee until he has served in said Department for a period of one (1) year prior to the granting of any term of vacation. Such rules and regula- tions as promulgated by the Chief of the Fire Department shall have a general application to all members of the Department so that, unless for good reason, no member shall be discriminated against. Section 188. SALARIES. The Chief of the Fire Department, and other officers and members of the said Department, shall re- ceive such salaries as may be fixed by the City Manager. Section 189. .DESTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS TO;CHEGE FIRE; CHIEF MAY DIRECT WHEN. The Chief of the Fire Department may direct any hook and ladder or other company present to cut down and remove or blow up with explosives, or otherwise demolish any building or erection during the progress of a fire, for the purpose of checking and extinguishing the fire. : Section 190, CHIEF TO DEVOTE ENTIRE TIME. The Chief of the Fire Department shall devote his entire time to the duties of his position. | FIRE PROTECTION ARTICLE II. FIRE LIMITS. Section. 191) Limits defined. 159 Section. 204. Construction under super- vision of City Engineer. Unlawful to make deliv- ery of gasoline, etc., on streets. May deliver one gallon to stalled motor vehicle. Construction of gasoline service station, etc., pro- hibited without permit from City Clerk. Regulating construction outside fire limits; must obtain consent property owners. . Must obtain license fee. . Regulating erection cleaning establishments, etc., outside fire limits. . Must make application and obtain consent of property owners, etc. . Must obtain spark ar- resters for certain flues, etc. Failure to obtain declared to be public nuisance. Penalty. Powder House, Misdemeanor to maintain Frame structures in Fire Limits—Declared Regulating Storage of Oil, etc. Regulating Storage of Oil—Amending No. 1120. | Proving for spark arresters, etc. Regulating construction gasoline stations, Regulating sale gasoline on streets. 192. Building Regulations. 193. Repairs to frame build- 205. ings. 194, Relocating frame _ build- 206 ings. 195. Material for external 207. covering. 196. Temporary one story sheds. 197. Frame structures within 208. fire limits declared a nuisance. 198. Burning trash inside fire : limits. 209 199. Burning trash outside 210 fire limits. 200. Misdemanor to convey nitroglycerine through eu City. 201. Misdemeanor to main- tain powder house with- 212 in City. 202. Each day a separate of- fense. 213. 203. Regulating storage of oil above ground. 214. Ordinance No. 162. within City Limits. Ordinance No. 495. a nuisance. Ordinance No. 858. Fire Limits—Defined. Ordinance No. 1120. Ordinance No. 1123. Ordinance No. 1214. Ordinance No. 1220. etc. Ordinance ‘No. 1230. Ordinance No. 1244. Prohibiting Cleaning Establishments, etc., outside fire limits. 160 FIRE PROTECTION Section 191. LIMITS DEFINED. That all that part of the City of Muskogee lying, being and situated within the limits herein- after set forth and described shall be known as the fire iimits of said city, which said limits are in words and figures as follows, to-wit : Beginning at a point where the center line of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company’s main track intersects the north and south alley in Block 367; thence northerly with said alley and the alley through Block 383 to Baltimore Avenue; thence easterly with Baltimore Avenue; to South “C” Street ; thence northerly with “C” Street to the intersection with the east and west alley through Block 387; thence easterly with the alley through Block 387 to “D” Street; thence northerly with “D” Street to a point one hun- dred and sixty (160 feet) feet south of Dayton Street; thence westerly with original alley through Block 392 to southwest cor- ner of Lot 4, Block 392; thence northerly with the west line of said Lot 4, Block 392, to Dayton Street; thence easterly along Dayton Street to intersection of north and south alley in Block 393; thence northerly with said north and south alley in Block 393 to Elmira Street; thence westerly with Elmira Street to North “C” Street ;. thence northerly with North “C” Street to Fon du Lac Street; thence westerly with Fon du Lac Street to Altamont Street; thence southerly with Altamont Street and the north and south alleys in Blocks 243 and 242 to the intersection of the east and west alley in said Block 242, known as East Street; thence westerly with said Fast Street to North Fifth Street; thence southerly with North Fifth Street to Court Street ; thence westerly with Court Street to North Seventh Street; thence southerly with North Seventh Street to intersection of Okmulgee Avenue; thence easterly with Okmul- gee Avenue to the northeast corner of Lot 2, in Block 55; thence southerly with the east line of said Lot 2, in Block 55, to the south- east corner of said Lot 2 at intersection of east and west alley in said Block 55; thence easterly with said east and west alley in Block 55 to northeast corner of Lot 14 in said Block 55; thence southerly with east line of said Lot 14 in Block 55 to Columbus Avenue; thence westerly with Columbus Avenue to intersection of Owen Street; thence southerly with Owen Street to intersection of Elgin Avenue; thence easterly with Elgin Avenue to intersection of Main Street ; thence southerly with Main Street to intersection with cen- ter line of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company’s main track; thence easterly with the center line of the St. Louis and San Francisco Railway Company’s main track to the point of beginning. Section 192. BUILDING REGULATIONS. The outer walls and walls of every building hereafter erected or enlarged within the fire limits, shall be built only of brick, stone or other equally substantial and incombustible materials: Provided, however, that if any person or persons desire to increase the height of any wood- en dwelling or any part thereof, already erected and situated with- FIRE PROTECTION 161 in the fire limits, and the height of such building, when completed will not exceed two stories, the Council of the City of Muskogee may grant a permit therefor, if, in their judgment, the fire haz- ard will not be increased thereby; and, provided further, that the second story of any dwelling may be constructed of wood with brick, veneer or stucco plaster if the walls of the first story there- of are of incombustible materials and at least eight inches thick. A frame building may be built within the fire limits if such dwelling is not over two stories high; is veneered with at least four inches of incombustible material; properly anchored to frame walls and is provided with incombustible roof. section 193. REPAIRS TO FRAME BUILDINGS: » It-shall be unlawful to repair, or alter, frame buildings within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee, if, in the opinion of the Building Inspector, such building has been damaged from any cause, or causes, to the extent of twenty-five per cent, of the value of a similar new building, and any such building shall be torn down and removed when so ordered by the Building Inspector. No alteration or change in plan or size of such structure shall be made, or other changes which may allow a use, or uses, other than that for which the structure was originally intended. Section 194. RELOCATING FRAME BUILDINGS. When- ever frame buildings heretofore erected within the fire limits shall be moved, they shall not be relocated within the fire limits, except by permission of the Council of the City of Muskogee. Section 195. MATERIAL FOR EXTERNAL COVERING. The external covering of all roofs, cornices, gutters, eaves and parapets, within the fire limits, shall be of incombustible materials. No undercovered tar, tar or rosin paper, composition, felt or wood shall in any way be exposed on any roof or its appendages. Every composition roofing material shall be protected with a permanent covering or gravel or crushed stone, subject to the approval of the Inspector, except when such composition is laid upon a fire-proof roof. | Section 196. TEMPORARY ONE STORY SHEDS. Tem- porary one-story frame sheds may be erected within the fire lim- its, for the use of builders, adjacent to buildings in course of con- struction, but shall be demolished or removed upon the completion of such buildings. Section 197. FRAME STRUCTURES WITHIN FIRE LIM- ITS DECLARED A NUISANCE. All frame structures now locat- ed within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee which are not such buildings in nature and kind of construction as are permitted by this article to be erected within the fire limits of said City, are hereby defined to be nuisances, and when any owner, or his, her or its agent of any such building or structure refuses to remove 162 FIRE PROTECTION from the fire limits of said City, or destroy the same upon due and reasonable notice to any such owner or agent, said notice to be given at the direction of the said City Council of said City, and for the length of time it may prescribe, then said City by and through its proper officers at the expiration of said notice shall destroy said building or structure in such manner as the City Council may direct. Section 198. BURNING TRASH INSIDE FIRE LIMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to start or maintain any fire, or cause any fire to be started or maintained outside of a building and inside the fire limits of the City of Mus- kogee, for the purpose of burning any waste paper, weeds, hay, straw, or other combustible material, rubbish, waste or trash of any description. Section 199... BURNING TRASH OUTSIDE Vii LIMITS: It shall be unlawful for any person to start or maintain any fire or cause any fire to be started or maintained outside of a building and outside of the fire limits of the City of Muskogee, for the purpose of burning any refuse, waste paper, weeds, hay, straw, . or other inflammable material, rubbish, waste or trash of any de-- scription, unless the same be burned within an incombustible re- ceptacle so constructed and equipped as to prevent the contents of the same or fire therefrom escaping, except with the permission and under the direction of the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 200. MISDEMEANOR TO CONVEY WNITRO- GLYCERINE THROUGH CITY. Any person hauling or con- veying in any truck, automobile, wagon, buggy, hack or transfer wagon, or other vehicle, within or through the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, any Nitro-glycerine shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 201. MISDEMEANOR TO MAINTAIN POWDER HOUSE WITHIN CITY. Any person maintaining any powder house or magazine, or any house for the purpose of storing any explosives therein within the corporate limits of the City of Mus- kogee, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 202. EVERY DAY A SEPARATE OF PENS Breas every day any person shall permit any powder house or magazine, or any house used for the storing of explosives to stand, with any such explosives stored therein, after five days notice by the Fire Chief or Chief of Police, shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 203. REGULATING STORAGE OF OIL ABOVE GROUND. That all oil, gasoline, naptha, kerosene and other like liquids, kept in storage in quantities of more than sixty gallons in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, above ground, shall be kept in metal tanks or concrete tanks erected on stone, brick, concrete or steel bases or piers, and all such tanks which shall be erected or FIRE PRUTECTION 163 constructed hereafter shall be enclosed in a concrete basin with a ~ capacity sufficiently large to contain at least one and one-half times the capacity of said storage tanks so enclosed. Section 204. CONSTRUCTION UNDER SUPERVISION OF CITY ENGINEER. The construction and maintenance of said storage tanks shall be under the direction and supervision of the City Engineer of the City of Muskogee, and shall be approved by him as adequate in construction and size. Section 205. UNLAWFUL TO MAKE DELIVERY OF GASOLINE, ETC., ON STREETS. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell and deliver or to make de- livery on the streets, alley ways and other public thoroughfares and grounds of the City of Muskogee, of any gasoline or other volatile liquids of similar character from any tank, tank car, wagon or other container to any person, firm, corporation, motor car, motor truck or other vehicle where such sale and delivery or such delivery requires that said gasoline or other volatile liquids of sim- ilar character be changed from one container to another, except that such sale and delivery or such delivery may be made by a reg- ular dealer from containers of well recognized and approved con- struction to filling stations, stores and other dealers in the said products, but such delivery must be made from an alley at the rear of said place of business when that is at all practicable or feasible and when delivery is being made to any store or other place of business located in a building the most approved means and con- tainers for handling said liquids must be employed to the end that said liquids shall be openly exposed as little as possible, and when delivery is being made to underground containers or filling sta- tions then so far as possible said liquids must be conducted from container to such underground place of storage through pipes and under no circumstances shall such delivery be made except when a capable, competent person is actually and constantly present supervising the same. Section 206. MAY DELIVER ONE GALLON TO STALLED MOTOR VEHICLE. If an automobile, motor truck or other mo- tor vehicle shall become stalled on any street, alley way or other public thoroughfare or grounds of the city of Muskogee because of the entire exhaustion of its supply of gasoline, then a sufficient amount of gasoline (in no event to exceed one gallon) may be de- livered to said car, truck or vehicle to run it to the nearest filling station. Section 207. CONSTRUCTION OF GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, ETC., PROHIBITED WITHOUT PERMIT.FROM CITY CLERK. The construction or installation of any gasoline service station, building, plant, machine or storage place for gaso- line, any garage for commercial or public use, repair shop, ma- chine shop or blacksmith shop, within the City of Muskogee, Okla- 164 . FIRE PROTECTION homa, is hereby prohibited, except upon a permit issued by the City Clerk of said City as provided in Section 209 hereof. Section 208. REGULATING CONSTRUCTION OUTSIDE FIRE LIMITS: MUST OBTAIN CONSENT @@k@ri OWNERS. The construction, installation or operation of any gasoline service station or gasoline filling station or of any station, building, plant, machinery or storage place for gasoline to be used for or in connection with such gasoline service station or gasoline filling station, or any garage for commercial or public use, repair shop, machine shop or blacksmith shop within the City of Mus- kogee, Oklahoma, outside of the fire limits of said City as estab- lished by ordinance thereof, is hereby prohibited, except with the consent in writing of the owners of two-thirds of the property, estimated by the front feet thereof, lying within 300 feet of the proposed gasoline filling station, garage for commercial or public uses, machine shop, repair shop or blacksmith shop, except upon the issuance of the permit provided for in section 209 hereof. Section 209. MUST OBTAIN LICENSE FEE. Upon appli- cation to the City Clerk of said City by any person, firm or corpora- tion for a permit to erect, install and operate a gasoline service station or gasoline filling station, building, plant, machinery and storage place for gasoline to be used in connection with such gaso- line service station, garage for commercial or public use, repair shop, machine shop or blacksmith shop, accompanied by plans, specifications and location of said proposed plant, service station, storage place for gasoline, garage for commercial or public uses, repair shop, machine shop or blacksmith shop, and accompanied by a license fee of $5.00 paid to the said City of Muskogee, if it ap- pears that said plans, specifications and locations are in compliance with this ordinance and all other ordinances of the said City of Muskogee, the City Clerk shall issue such permit; Provided, that if said proposed location is outside the fire limits of the said City of Muskogee the application for said permit shall be accompanied by the consent in writing of two-thirds of the property owners as provided in Section 207 hereof; otherwise, the permit shall be re- fused. Section 210. REGULATING ERECTION (Cl) EyAapiene ESTABLISHMENTS, ETC., OUTSIDE FIRE LIMITS?) fie erection or construction of a cleaning establishment, a grocery store or any other business or sales houses, and the installation and conducting of a cleaning establishment, grocery store, or any other kind of business whatever in any house or structure not now used for such business, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and outside the fire limits of said City as now or hereafter defined, is hereby prohibited except on a permit issued by the City Clerk of said City as hereinafter provided. Section 211. MUST MAKE APPLICATION AND OBTAIN CONSENT OF PROPERTY OWNERS, ETC. No permit shall be FIRE PROTECTION 165 ~ ae issued by the City Clerk for the erection or construction of any cleaning establishment, grocery store, or other business house, or for the establishment, conducting or operation of any cleaning establishment, grocery store or any other kind of business, outside the fire limits of the City of Muskogee as now or hereafter estab- lished, except upon a written application for such permit stating fully the nature and kind of business to be established and con- ducted, the number of the lot and block where such business is to be established and conducted, or building erected, and the name of the proprietor or owner of such business, and unless such applica- tion is accompanied by the written consent of the owners of 75 per cent of all the property situated within three hundred feet of any part of the lot on which said business is to be established and conducted. The fee for the issuance of such permit shall be $5.00. No such permit shall be required for any business to be conducted within the fire limits of said City, except as may be required by Ordinance No. 1220, it being the intention that no part of said Ordinance Number 1220 shall be repealed by any provision hereof. Seciomest2 MUST OBILAIN (SPARK -ARRESTERS, ROR CERTAIN FLUES, ETC. Any person who maintains or operates or causes to be maintained or operated within the corporate. lim- its of the City of Muskogee any engine, power plant, furnace, heat- ing plant or other business in connection with which fuel is con- sumed in such quantities as to cause live sparks or dense black or thick grey smoke to be emitted into the open air from any smoke stack, chimney, pipe or flue at such time or in such quantities as to annoy, injure, or endanger the comfort, repose, health and safety of others, or in any way render other persons insecure in the enjoy- ment and use of property in close proximity of such smoke stack, chimney pipe or flue, shall install the best known and most ap- proved spark arresters and smoke consumers to the end that the emission of live sparks and dense black or thick grey smoke from the chimneys and flues in the City of Muskogee may be abated so far as it is practical and possible so to do. Section 213. FAILURE TO OBTAIN DECLARED TO BE PUBLIC NUISANCE. Any person who maintains or operates or causes to be maintained or operated within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee any plant or business of the character de- fined in Section one of this ordinance without installing the best known and most approved spark arresters and smoke consumers shall be guilty of maintaining a public nuisance and each day such plant or business is so operated, shall constitute a separate offense. Section 214. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation who violates any of the provisions of this article shall, upon con- viction, be fined in any sum not exceeding nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95), and each day a condition contrary to the provisions of this article is permitted to exist, shall constitute a separate offense. 166 FIRE PROTECTION ARTICLE III. | GAS HOSE. Section. Section. 215. Flexible material; pro- 216. Penalty. hibited. ~ Ordinance No. 875. Section 215. FLEXIBLE MATERIAL; PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to install or use in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, any hose made of cloth, rubber or other flexible material for the purpose of connecting lights or stoves with gas pipes for lighting or heating any room, house, tent or building whatever; provided, that upon written con- sent first being obtained from the Chief of the Fire Department the use of a flexible metal hose shall be permitted, subject to such conditions as may be imposed by said Chief of Fire Department. Section 216. PENALTY. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95) for each offense. Each and every day of such violation shall constitute a separate offense. ARTICLE IV. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM. Section. Section. 217. Protection of system. 219. Penalty. 218. False Alarm. Ordinance No. 519. Section 217. PROTECTION OF SYSTEM. It shall be un- lawful for any person or persons to cut or sever or cause to be cut or severed, or interfered with in any manner, any wire of the fire alarm telegraph system in the City of Muskogee, or remove or — change the same or cut, injure, change, alter or remove any pole, cross-arm, bracket or other support upon which said wires rest or in which said wires are enclosed, or disconnect said wires or any of them, from the gongs, alarm boxes or instruments connected with said fire alarm telegraph, or cause in any manner the work- ing of the same to become obstructed or interfered with without being first duly authorized so to do by the Chief of the Fire De- FIRE PROTECTION 167 partment nor shall any person deface or in any manner injure any of the fire alarm boxes or any instruments or appliances connect- ed with or belonging to said fire alarm telegraph or tamper with or obstruct in any manner whatever the boxes, keys or glass upon any of said boxes, or make or cause to be made, without authority from the Chief-of the Fire Department, keys to any alarm box or boxes or to use or cause to be used any such unauthorized key so made; nor shall any person place or fasten over or upon any fire alarm box, a hand bill, notices or sign of any kind except the signs placed upon the same by direction of the Chief of the Fire Depart- ment and pertaining to the fire alarm service; nor shall any per- son hitch or cause to be hitched any horse or animal to any pole upon which is situated a fire alarm box. Section 218. FALSE ALARM. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to knowingly give or cause to be given any false alarm of fire by means of an alarm box connected with the fire alarm telegraph or give or cause to be given without authority from the Chief of the Fire’ Department or his assistant by means of any such signalling key at the time a fire is in progress, any second or general alarm from the same fire, or cause to be given an alarm by telephone, or electrical call alarm, knowing that the same is false or to enter at any time any Fire Department station, and manipulate or tamper with the alarm telegraph, telephone, or other electrical appliances connected with the fire alarm service without authority to do so. Section 219. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the provisions of this article shall upon conviction thereof be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95. ARTICLE V. FIREMEN’S RELIEF AND PENSION FUND. Section. Section. 220. Creating Board. 227. Roster of Membership. 221. Amount of Pension. 228. Report of Accidents. 222. Pension; disabled fire- 229. Claims; presentation. 230 orm: o1eG@laims, men. 223. Certificate of disability. a, Reet Miabiliees ihe one 224. Sick or Accident Bene- week. fits. } 233. Fund; donations to. 225. Death in Discharge of 234. Claims; attestation. Duty. 235. Funds prorated if insuf- 226. Appeals from Board. ficient. Ordinance No. 932. Section 220. CREATING BOARD. That there is hereby 168 FIRE PROTECTION created a Board of Trustees of “The Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund” of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, composed of the Mayor, City Clerk, City Treasurer and two members of the City Fire De- partment as is provided for in article V of chapter 29 of the com- piled Oklahoma Statutes, 1921. Section 221. AMOUNT OF .-PENSION. That a monthly Service Pension equal to one-half (1-2) the amount of the salary attached to the rank which he may have held on such Fire Depart- ment preceding his retirement, and in no case shall the payment be less than Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per month, shall be paid to each of the members of the Fire Department, who has served for a period of twenty (20) years or more in some Fire Depart- ment in the State of Oklahoma, five (5) years of which shall have been consecutive, immediately preceding the end of such period. In the event of the death of any person who has been awarded such pension, his widow, children or other persons wholly dependent on him for support shall be paid the pension so awarded; provided, however, whenever such widow, child or children shall marry, or such child or children shall become sixteen years of age, they shall receive no further pension. No member shall receive such pension while he is a member of the Fire Department. Section 222. PENSION; DISABLED FIREMEN. When- ever a fireman shall become physically or mentally disabled while in, or in consequence of, the performance of his duty as such fire- man, said Board may, upon written request, or without such re- quest if it deem it for the good of the Department, retire such per- son from active service and, if so retired, shall order and direct that he be paid a monthly pension equal to one-half (1-2) of the salary attached to the rank which he may have held on such Fire Depart- ment preceding his retirement, and in no case shall the payment be less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars. Provided, that when- ever such disability shall cease such pension shall cease, and such member shall be restored to active service at not less than the same salary he received at the time of his retirement; provided, further, that should death result from such injury or sickness, sus- tained by such person while in, and in consequence of the perform- ance of his duty as an employee of such Fire Department a monthly pension equal to one-half the amount of the salary attached to the rank he may have held in such Fire Department shall be paid to his widow, child or children or other person wholly dependent upon him for support; provided, however, whenever such widow, child or children shall marry, or such child or children shall become six- teen years of age they shall receive no further pension herein. Section 223. CERTIFICATES OF DISABILITY. No person shall be retired, as provided in the next preceding section, or re- ceive any pension from said fund, unless there shall be filed with said board certificates of his disability, which certificates shall be subscribed and sworn to by said person and by the city physician, FIRE PROTECTION 169 and the fireman’s relief and pension fund physician, if any, and such board may require other evidence of disability before order- ing such retirement and payment as aforesaid. section 224. SICK OR ACCIDENT’ BENEFITS. A sick or accident benefit of Five ($5.00) Dollars per week, necessary hos- pital care and professional nursing expenses shall be paid by said board to a member of the fire department who becomes sick or temporarily disabled, which sickness or temporary disability is caused or sustained while in the discharge of his duty as a member of the Fire Department, and his salary shall be continued while he is so temporarily disabled or sick, for a period not to exceed six months. At the expiration of six months the other provisions here- in for relief shall apply. Bection 225. DEATH IN DISCHARGE OF DUTY. When- ever any member of the Fire Department shall lose his life while in the performance of his duty, leaving a widow, or child or child- ren under the age of sixteen (16) years, a monthly pension equal to one-half of the salary attached to the rank which said member held in said Fire Department at the time of his death shall be paid to the widow during her life; if there be no widow, then said sum shall be paid to his child or children until they shall be sixteén years of age; provided, if such widow or child, or children shall marry, then such persons so marrying shall thereafter receive no further pen- sion from. such funds. Section 226. APPEALS FROM BOARD. Any person who deems himself aggrieved by the decision of said board on his claim for pension, either in rejecting his claim or in the amount allowed by said board, may appeal from such decision to the District Court by giving written notice of his intention to appeal to the City Clerk, and by filing with the Court Clerk a transcript of the pro- ceedings had before said board within thirty (30) days from the date of such decision. An appeal may be also taken from any de- cision of said board by the City Attorney, acting for and on behalf of the City, under the same conditions and upon the same terms and to the same court as herein provided for appeals taken on the part of any claimant. Section 227. ROSTER OF MEMBERSHIP. A roster of members of the City Fire Department shall be kept by the City Clerk and the date of enlistment in company of each member. Section 228. REPORT OF ACCIDENTS. The: Chief of .the Fire Department shall report all accidents to members of company to the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of “The Firemen’s Re- lief and Pension Fund” in writing within three (3) days after the occurrence. Section 229. CLAIMS; PRESENTATION. All claims as provided for under the previous section shall be made in duplicate 170 FIRE PROTECTION and made payable to the person or persons entitled to said bene- fits, one to be retained by the Chief of the Fire Department and one to be filed with the Secretary of the Board of Trustees of “The Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund.” Section 230. FORM OF CLAIMS. ‘To the Board of Trus- tees of “The Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund.” Please make warrant payable to member of Muskogee Fire Department, Muskogee, Oklahoma, who was disabled while’in the line of duty’ on’ the) 2 eee day Olea abe oe ek. ee oh] Opie. and has been unfit for service for ATMO eee weeks, or service pension as per Section............ of Ordinance No................0f the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, is entitled to $ I hereby certify that the above claim is correct and true. Signature of Fireman. Section 231. RECORD OF PROOF. To receive a service pension, the City Clerk’s and Fire Department’s Records shall be taken as proof to the term of years applicant for pension has served as a member of the Fire Department. Section 232. BENEFITS NOT LESS THAN ONE WEEK. No benefits shall be paid for less than one week. Section 233. FUND; DONATIONS TO. All general dona- tions made to the Fire Department shall go to and become a part of The Firemen’s Relief and Pension Fund. section 234. CLAIMS; ATTESTATION. The City Physi- cian and the Chief of the Fire Department shall attest each claim. Section 235. FUNDS PRORATED IF INSUFFICIENT. If the funds in the firemen’s relief and pension fund should at any time be insufficient to make full payment of the amount of pen- sions to all persons entitled thereto, then said funds shall be pro- rated by said board among those entitled to receive the same. But in no case shall the amount paid exceed the amount collected by said board under the ordinances of this city and the provisions of law applicable thereto. 171 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION ~ . CHAPTER VIII. FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION. Section. Section. g00: CATR 238. EAN 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. eae, 253. Inspection by City Chem- 1St. Enforcement; monthly reports. Assistant inspectors; to be Sanitary Officers. Adulterated, mislabeled or misbranded. Persons defined. Food defined. Food; Standard of purity. Food; Adulteration ; what constitutes. Food; Mislabeled; what constitutes. Drugs; Adultered; what constitutes. Drugs; Mislabeled or misbranded; what con- stitutes. Term “Misbranded” fined. Term “Package” defined. Violation ; prima facie © evidence of. Hotels, etc., using com- pounds, etc., to post no- pee Ol, Compounds of lard; com- pounds of beef suet per- mitted when labeled as herein provided. Manufacturers, etc., of lard compound to label package. Compound lard; posses- sion prima facie evidence of intent to sell. de- . Food containing certain acids; prohibited. me Ktracts., + Honey. . Vanilla Extracts. . Spices and condiments. . Meats, fish, fowl or game, protection of. . False labeling. 261. 262. ZO. 264. Sea food; acids prohib- ited. Flour. Flour compounds; prima facie evidence. Colored distilled vinegar ; - sale prohibited. 202, 260. 267. 268. 209: 270. ads DF 2, 2/3; 274. 275. 276. ashe 278. JH AS 280. 281. 282. Zoo. 284. 285. 286. Bread. | Adulterated candies. Prosecution ; protection against. Eggs; rotten; sale pro- hibited. Butter ; renovated or pro- cess made to be labeled. Butter; rancid, etc., pro- hibited. Storage and transporta- tion facilities to be kept sanitary. Screens; Regulations. Toilets; Regulations. Living or sleeping in place of production. Diseased persons; em- ployment prohibited. | Sidewalk displays; Reg- ulations. Covering candies, fruits, etc., required. Slaughter house; Regula- tions. Receptacles; cracked or broken prohibited. Hotels ; Restaurants, etc., sanitary regulations. Animals barred from shelves. Meat Markets; Sanitary Regulations. Soda Fountains; Regula- tions. Fruit and vegetables, venders. Bottlers ; Regulation. Penalty. 172 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION Section 236. INSPECTION BY CIFY CHEMIST.” ThesCirs Chemist of the City of Muskogee shall be ex-officio Food and Drug Inspector. Section 237. ENFORCEMENT; MONTHLY REPORTS. It shall be the duty of the Food and Drug Inspector to see that all the laws relating to the inspection of foods and drugs are enforced, and shall perform all the duties required of him by the laws of this City, and the orders of the City Health Officer. He shall make written reports monthly of the work done in his department to the City Council. Section 238. ASSISTANT INSPECTORS; [TO 3a TARY OFFICERS. The Sanitary officers of the City of Mus- kogee shall be the assistant food and drug inspectors. Section 239. ADULTERATED, MISLABELED OR MIS- BRANDED. The manufacture, production, preparation, com- pounding, packing, selling, offering or keeping for sale within the City, or the introduction into this City of any article of food, drug or medicine which is adulterated, mislabeled or misbranded within the meaning of this article, is hereby prohibited. Any person who shall import, or bring into or cause to be brought into this City, or who, having so received, shall deliver, for pay or otherwise, or offer to deliver to any other person, any article of food, drug or medicine mislabeled or misbranded within the meaning of this article, or any person who shall manufacture or produce, prepare, compound, pack or sell or offer to keep for sale in the City of Mus- kogee, any such adulterated, mislabeled, or misbranded food, drug or medicine, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 240. PERSONS DEFINED. The word “person” as used in this article shall be construed to import the singular or plural, as the case may demand, and shall include firms, corpora- tions, societies and associations. When construing and enforcing any provision of this article, the act, omission or failure of any officer, agent or other person acting for or empowered by any firm, corporation, society or association, within the scope of em- ployment of his office, shall in either case be also deemed to be the act, omission or failure of such firm, corporation, society or associa- tion, as well as that of the person. Section 241. FOOD DEFINED. The term “food” as herein used, shall include all articles of food, drink, liquor, beverage, con- fectionery or condiment and substance used in the preparation of any such article of food, drink, liquor, beverage, confectionery or condiment, whether simple, mixed or compound, used by man or other animal. The term “drug” as used in this act, shall include all drug and medicine preparations recognized in the U. S$. Pharma- copocia or National Formulary for internal and external use, and any substance or mixture of substances to be used for the cure, protection or prevention of disease of either man or other animal. Section 242. FOOD; STANDARD OF PURITY. The stam FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION 173 ard of purity of foods shall be that proclaimed by the Secretary of the Department of Agriculture of the United States. The stand- ard of purity of drugs and medicine shall be the U. S. Pharmaco- pocia and National Formulary, and the regulations and definitions adopted for enforcement of the food and drugs Act of June 30th, 1906, shall be adopted for the enforcement of this act, together with such other rules and regulations as the City Health Officer and the City Chemist shall make from time to time. Section 243. FOOD; ADULTERATION; WHAT CONSTI- TUTES. Food shall be deemed adulterated within the meaning of this act in any of the following cases: First. If any substance has been mixed or packed with the food so as to reduce or lower or injuriously affect its quality, pur- ity, strength or food value. Second. If any substance has been substituted wholly or in part for the article of food. Third. If any essential or valuable constituent or ingredient of food has been wholly or partially abstracted. Fourth. If it be mixed, colored, powdered, coated or stained in any manner whereby damage or inferiority is concealed. Fifth. If it contain any added ee yasitigs or other deleterious ingredients in the food. Sixth. If it consists in whole or in part of a filthy or decom- posed or putrid animal or vegetable substance, or any portion of an animal unfit for food, whether manufactured or not, or if it is the product of a diseased animal or one that has died otherwise than by slaughter. Section 244. FOOD: MISLABELED; WHAT CONSTI- TUTES. Food shall be deemed mislabeled within the meaning of this act in any of the following cases: First. If it be an imitation or offered for sale under the dis- tinctive name of any other article of food. Second. If it be labeled or branded or colored so as to mislead, deceive the purchaser, or if it be falsely labeled in any respect or if it purport to be a foreign product, when not so, or if the con- tents of the package as originally put up shall have been removed in whole or in part, and other contents shall have been placed in such package. Third. If in package form and the contents stated in terms of weight or measure, they are not plainly marked and correctly stated on the outside of the package. Fourth. If the package containing it or its label shall bear any statement, design or device regarding the ingredients or the substance contained therein, which statement, design or device shall be false or misleading in any particular. Fifth. When the package bears the name of the manufacturer, 174 | _ FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION jobber, or seller of the grade of the product, it must bear the name of the real manufacturer, jobber or seller and the true grade or class of the product, the same to be expressed in clear, distinct English words, in legible type; provided, that an article of food shall not be deemed misbranded if it be a well known food product of a nature, quality and appearance and so exposed to the public appearance as not to mislead or deceive a purchaser, and not mis- branded and not of the character included within definitions one to four of this section. Provided, that all packages of imitation butter and cheese shall be so labeled. Section 245. DRUGS; ADULTERATED; WHAT CONSTI- TUTES. Drugs shall be deemed adulterated within the meaning of this act in any of the following cases: First. If when a drug is sold under or by a name recognized in the U. S. Pharmacopocia or National Formulary, it differs from the standard of strength, quality, or purity as determined by the tests laid down in the U. S$. Pharmacopocia or National Formulary, official at the time of the investigation; provided, that no drug de- fined in the U. S. Pharmacopocia or National Formulary shall be deemed adulterated under the provisions of this act, if the stand- ard of strength, quality, or purity is plainly stated upon the pack- age thereof, although the standard may differ from that deter- mined by the test laid down in the U. S. Pharmacopocia or the National Formulary. Second. If the strength or purity fall below the professed standard of quality under which it is sold. Section 246. DRUGS; MISLABELED OR MISBRANDED; WHAT CONSTITUTES. Drugs shall be deemed mislabeled or misbranded within the meaning of this act in any of the following cases: First. If it be an imitation or offered for sale under the name of another article. Second. If the contents of the package as originally put up shall have been removed in whole or in part and other contents shall have been placed in such packages; or, if the package offered for sale at. wholesale or retail, fails to bear the statement on the label of the quantity of any morphine,opium, cocaine, heroin, alpha or beta, eucaine, chloroform, cannibi, indica, chloral, hydrate, acet- anilide or other derivation or preparation of any of such substances combined therein except when prescribed by a licensed physician, licensed dentist, or licensed veterinary surgeon. Section 247. TERM “MISBRANDED” DEFINED. The term “misbranded” as used herein, shall apply te all articles of food, and drugs or articles which enter into the composition of foods and drugs, the package or label of which shall bear any statement, de- sign or device, regarding such article, or the ingredients or sub- stances contained therein, which shall be false or misleading in any particular. FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION 175 Section 248. TERM “PACKAGE” DEFINED. The term “package” as herein used, shall be construed to include the original unbroken package, phial, bottle, jar, demijohn, carton, bag, case, can, box, barrel, or any receptacle, vessel or container of whatso- ever material or nature, which may be used by the manufacturer, producer, jobber, packer or dealer for enclosing any article of food or any drug or medicine when exposed and offered for sale. Section 249. VIOLATION; PRIMA FACIE, EVIDENCE OF. The possession of any adulterated, mislabeled or misbranded article of food, drug or medicine or the offering for sale of any adulter- ated, mislabeled or misbranded food, drug or medicine by any manufacturer, producer, jobber, packer or dealer in foods, drugs or medicines, or any broker, commission merchant, agent, employee or servant of any such manufacturer, producer, jobber, packer, or dealers shall be prima facie evidence of the violation of this article. Provided, that whenever it shall appear to the City Chemist. that any person has violated, or is violating any of the provisions of this act, said City Chemist shall notify such person or persons and shall give him or them an opportunity to be heard, under such ‘rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the City Chemist or City Health Officer. ection 200. SHORES. HTC. USING: COMPOUNDS, .ETC., TO POST NOTICE OF. Whenever any hotel, tavern, restaurant, or boarding house shall knowingly serve for the use of its patrons, such foods as is defined by compounds, imitations, blends (except coffee), renovated butter, imitation cheese, adulterated milk or adulterated lard, shall keep conspicuously posted, or printed in a bill form in plain view and legible words, a list of the articles of food so served, and shall give the brands or labels upon the original package or show the constituent parts of such food articles. ' Section 251. COMPOUNDS OF LARD; COMPOUNDS OF BEEF SUET PERMITTED WHEN LABELED AS HEREIN PROVIDED. The provisions of this act shall not apply to sub- stances for sale in this City, made in the semblance of lard, if the ingredients or component parts shall consist of pure lard, leaf lard or pure stearine and cotton seed oil, that one per cent of legitimate and exclusive fat of hog, or pure lard, pure stearine, or beef fat, and 99 per cent of cotton seed oil and the tierce, tub or pail or pack- age containing the same is distinctly and legibly branded, marked or labeled “lard compound” or “compound lard” or “lard substitute,” in letters proportioned to the size of the package, and if such mix- ture contain other substance than pure lard, pure stearine, or beef fat or pure cotton seed oil, then the person so manufacturing shall cause the tierce, tub, barrel or package containing the same to be distinctly and legibly marked, branded or labeled adulterated lard. The term “lard compound”, or “compound lard” as used herein shall include all articles of food used as lard or made in the semblance of lard, which shall be composed of two or more ingredi- 176 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION ents or component parts consisting of either cotton seed oil, pure lard, or hog lard, beef fat, or pure stearine, the percentage of either of the two or more ingredients used to be in the discretion of the manufacturer. The term “lard substitute’ as used herein shall apply to any compound which may consist of two or more of the aforesaid ingredients, or of cotton seed oil alone. Neither shall the provisions of this act apply to mixtures or compounds consisting of mixtures of beef suet, beef fat, or pure stearine, and the cotton seed oil alone, when said mixtures or compounds are used as ordin- ary articles of food or cooking “compounds” are manufactured and sold under their proper trademark, and when the tub, tierce, bar- rel, pail or package containing the same shall be distinctly and legibly branded or labeled in letters proportioned to the size of the package, with the name of the mixture or compound and the name and the location of the person manufacturing the same. Section 252. MANUFACTURERS, ETC., OF LARD COM- POUND TO LABEL PACKAGE. Every manufacturer, trader, dealer who, by himself or agent, or as the servant or agent of an- other person, offers or exposes for sale or sells or exchanges any form of lard substitutes or adulterated lard, as hereinbefore de- fined, shall securely fix or cause to be fixed to the package wherein the same is contained, offered for sale or sold, a label upon the out- side and face of which is distinctly and legibly printed in letters not less than one-half inch in length, the words “lard substitute,” or “lard compound” or other words which shall correctly express its nature and use. Section 253. COMPOUND LARD; POSSESSION PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE OF INTENT TO SELL. The having in pos- session of any other lard, substitute or adulterated lard compound as hereinbefore defined, which is not branded or labeled as here- inbefore required or directed upon the part of any manufacturer, trader, dealer or any person engaged in the sale of such articles, shall, for the purpose of this act, be deemed prima facie evidence of intent to sell or exchange the same. Section 254. FOOD CONTAINING CERTAIN ACIDS; PRO- HIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell or expose for sale or exchange any article of food to which has been added formaldehyde, borax, boracic acid, benzoic acid, sulphurous acid, salicylic acid, adrastal, beta-napthol, flourine com- | pounds, saccharine—provided, that in the case of molasses and syrups and bleached dried fruits, that in the finished products sul- phurous acid, flourine compound, and chlorine are entirely re- moved subject to the rules of the National Pure Food Commission —provided, that the spreading of dry borax over the surface of meat cannot be construed to be a violation of this act. Section 255. EXTRACTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell or offer for sale or exchange, as extracts, FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION 177 flavorings, which were not made from the natural fruit, unless the same are labeled “imitation,” provided the word imitation must im- mediately precede the name of the flavoring, in the same type and style; such flavoring shall be free from coloring matters deleter- ious to health. Section 256. HONEY. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale or exchange, any honey which has not been home made by bees, unless the same is labeled “imitation” and contains nothing that is injurious to health. section 257. VANILLA EXTRACTS. It shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, offer or expose for sale or exchange, extract of vanilla, essence of vanilla, not wholly made from the extracted matter of the vanilla bean. Section 258. SPICES AND CONDIMENTS, It shall be un- lawful for any person to manufacture, sell, offer or expose for sale or exchange, in this City, any spices and condiments, either ground or unground, which are adulterated with any foreign substance or substances within the meaning of this article, which are injur- ious to health, and provided, that where foreign substances are used, the package shall contain the word “compound”. The term “spices” and “condiments,” as used herein, shall embrace all sub- stances known and recognized in commerce as spices and condi- ments, whether the same be in natural state or in the form which would result from grinding, mixing or milling or the compounding of the natural product. Section 259. MEATS, FISH, FOWL OR GAME, PROTEC- TION OF. Every dealer or peddler in slaughter house meats, fish, fowl or game for human food, at wholesale or retail, in the transportation of such food, from place to place, to customers, shall protect the same from flies, dust and other vermin, or substance which may injuriously affect it, by securely covering it while so transported. Section 260. FALSE LABELING. Whoever shall falsely brand, mark, stencil, or label any article or product required by this act to be branded, market, stenciled or labeled, or shall re- move, alter, deface, mutilate, obliterate, imitate, or counterfeit any brand, mark, stencil or label so required shall be deemed guilty of a misdmeanor and shall be punished as hereinafter provided for. section 261. SEA FOODS; ACIDS PROHIBITED. Any person either in person or by an agent, who shall sell, or expose or offer for sale within this City any oysters, clams or other sea food products, to which salicylic acid, formaldehyde or any drug or pre- servative has been added, or in preserving which any poisonous or deleterious substance has been added, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 262. FLOUR. Within this City, no person shall manu- facture, or offer or expose for sale, or keep in his possession with intent to sell, or exchange any flour made from wheat containing 178 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION any products of corn, rice or other foreign substance, unless each and every package thereof be distinctly and legibly labeled and branded “flour compound” in letters not less than one-half inch in height, and be followed with the name of the maker and mill, and the location of such flouring mill. Section 263. FLOUR COMPOUNDS; PRIMA FACIE EVI- DENCE. The having possession of any “flour compound” or meal compound, which is not branded as hereinbefore required, and dir- ected upon the part of the person engaged in the public or private sale of such article, shall for the purpose of this act, be deemed prima facie evidence of intent to sell the same. Section 264. COLORED DISTILLED VINEGAR; SALE PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale in this City any colored distilled vinegar. Section 265. BREAD. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale, in this City, any loaf of bread manu- factured outside of this City, without having pasted on each loaf of such bread a label having written thereon the date and hour of the day when the same was baked, and it shall be unlawful for any person to sell, offer or expose for sale any bread over seventy-two hours old without informing each person purchasing same or offer- ing to purchase same that it is “stale bread.” Section 266. ADULTERATED, CANDIES. | Any speesen manufacturing for sale or selling or offering for-sale or exchange, any candies, or confectioneries adulterated, by mixtures of terra alba, barytes, talc, or other earthly mineral substances, or any poisonous colors, flavors, or extracts from other deleterious in- gredients detrimental to health, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and punished as hereinafter provided. Section 267. PROSECUTION; PROTECTION AGAINST. No dealer shall be prosecuted under the provisions of this article when he can establish a guarantee signed by the wholesale jobber, manufacturer, or other party residing in the United States, from whom he purchased such articles, to the effect that the same is not adulterated within the meaning of this article. Said guaranty to afford protection must contain the name and address of the party or parties making the sale of such article, to said dealer, and an itemized statement showing the article purchased, or a gen- eral guarantee may be filed with the Secretary of the U. S. De- partment of Agriculture, by the manufacturer, jobber or other party of the United States. Section 268. EGGS; ROTTEN; SALE PROHIBITED. The sale, keeping for sale or offering for sale of rotten eggs is pro- hibited. Section 269. BUTTER; RENOVATED OR PROCESS MADE TO BE LABELED. It shall be unlawful to sell, offer, or expose for sale in this City, renovated or process butter unless the pack- age in which the same is packed is so labeled in bold faced type FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION 179 three-fourths of an inch in length. section 270. BUTTER; RAINCID; ETC., PROHIBITED.’ It shall be unlawful to sell, offer or expose for sale any tainted, ran- cid or putrid butter. section 271. STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION FACIL- ITIES TO BE KEPT SANITARY. The floors, ceilings, side- walls, furniture, receptacles, implements, and machinery of every establishment or place where foods or drugs are manufactured, stored, sold, served or offered for sale or distribution and all trucks, cars, and vehicles used in the transportation of food products, shall at no time be kept in unclean, unhealthful or unsanitary condition. Section 272. SCREENS; REGULATIONS. The doors, win- dows, and other openings of every food or drug producing or dis- tributing establishment during the fly season shall be fitted with self closing screen doors and wire window screens of not coarser than 14-mesh wire gauge. Section 273. TOILETS; REGULATIONS, Every building, room, basement, or cellar occupied or used for the preparation, manufacture, packing, canning or sale or distribution of foods and drugs shall have convenient toilet or toilet rooms. The floors of such toilet rooms shall be of cement, tile, oiled wood, brick or other non-absorbent material, and the tops of all toilet rooms shall be covered with air-tight material, and the floors of said toilet rooms shall be washed and scoured daily. Lavatories and wash rooms shall be adjacent to toilet rooms and shall be supplied with running water and clean towels and maintained in a sanitary manner. Operatives, employees, clerks and all other persons who handle the material from which food or drugs are prepared, or the finished product, before beginning work, or after visiting the toilet, shall wash their hands and arms thoroughly in soap and water. . Section 274. LIVING OR SLEEPING IN PLACE OF PRO- DUCTION. No person shall be allowed to live or sleep in any bake shop, kitchen, dining room, confectionery, creamery, cheese factory, or place where food is prepared, served or sold. Section 275. DISEASED PERSONS; EMPLOYMENT PRO- HIBITED. No employer shall require, permit or allow any per- son to work, nor shall any person work, in a building, room, base- ment, vehicle or other place used for the preparation, production, manufacture, packing, storage, sale, distribution or transportation of foods or drugs who is affected with any contagious disease of whatsoever nature. Section 276. SIDEWALK DISPLAYS; REGULATIONS. The sidewalk displays of food products is prohibited unless such products are enclosed in a show case or similar device, which will protect the same from flies, dust or other contamination ; provided that food products that necessarily have to be peeled, pared or cooked before they are fit. for consumption, may be displayed on the sidewalk; provided in such display the bottom of the container 180 FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION be at least eighteen inches above the surface of the sidewalk; but the display of meat or meat products is prohibited. Section 277. COVERING CANDIES, FRUITS, ETC., RE- QUIRED. Confectionery, dates, figs, dried fruits, berries, butter, cheese, and bakery products shall be properly screened or covered to effectively protect the same from contamination or damage by flies, dust, vermin or other means. Section 278.. SLAUGHTER HOUSE; REGURA Eien]: Every person owning, leasing or occupying any place, room or building wherein cattle, sheep or swine are killed or dressed, or any market, public or private, shall cause such place, room, building, or market to be kept at all times thoroughly cleansed and purified, and all offal, blood, fat, garbage, manure or other unwholesome or offensive refuse shall be removed therefrom at least once every twenty-four hours after using, and the floor of such buildings, places or premises shall be so constructed that they can be flushed and washed clean with water. No blood pit, dung pit, offal pit, or privy well shall remain or be constructed within 150 feet of the slaughter house. Doors and windows must be screened and side walls painted or white-washed. All slaughter houses shall be kept in a sanitary condition at all times. If the floors of such slaughter houses are found to be in an unsanitary condition, the said floors shall be condemned, and shall be replaced with either concrete, tile, or brick. All new slaughter houses erected after the passage of this ordinance shall be constructed with cement floors and killing beds. section 279. RECEPTACLES; CRACKED .OR BROKEN PROHIBITED. The use of glassware, earthenware, or any re- ceptacles, trays or dishes used in the preparation or serving of food products, that may be cracked, broken or otherwise unsound, or © that may be so impaired as to prevent a thorough cleansing, is prohibited. Section 280. HOTELS; RESTAURANTS, ETC., SANITARY REGULATIONS. Sanitary conditions shall exist in drug stores, hotels, and restaurant kitchens and dining rooms, ice cream par- lors, lunch cars, and all other places where food is prepared and served, to-wit: when the floors are free and clear from litter and accumulated dirt; when the sidewalls and ceilings are free from cobwebs and accumulated dirt; when the counters, shelves, tables, sinks, drawers, blinds, and cabinets are clean; when the refrigera- tors, ice boxes, and cold storage rooms are free from foul and un- pleasant odors, moulds and slime; when the doors and windows are properly screened; when dining rooms and kitchens are well venti- lated and lighted. Dishes, tableware, and kitchen utensils must be washed and rinsed in clear water after using; food served to customers and returned to the kitchen or serving room must not again be served; all garbage must be removed daily. Back shops, back yards and cellars must be kept clean and free from rubbish. Cellars, unless properly arranged, well ventilated and well lighted, FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION 181 and free from moisture, must not be used for the storage of pre- pared foods, unless such food is in glass, tin or air-tight containers. section 281. ANIMALS BARRED FROM SHELVES. Cats, dogs, and other animals shall not be allowed on shelves or counters or other places where food products are kept or stored. Section 282. MEAT MARKETS; SANITARY REGULA- TIONS. All meat markets or other places where butchered meat is sold or distributed, must be kept’ clean. The floors must be scrubbed as often as necessary to keep them free from grease, blood and other dirt. The meat must not be exposed to flies and dust. The refrigerator and all meat hooks must be thoroughly scoured with hot water and lye not less than once each week and oftener if necessary to keep the refrigerators free from odor. No tainted meat or cheese or vegetables shall be allowed to remain or be placed in such a refrigerator. The refrigerator or metal must be kept dry inside. Section 283. SODA FOUNTAINS; REGULATIONS. Glass- ware, spoons, etc., used at soda fountains, or refreshment stands shall be thoroughly washed and rinsed in clear water. Soda foun- tains, syrup cans, and bottles shall be thoroughly washed before being refilled. Draft tubes must be kept clean. Drainage boards, sinks, shelves, etc., shall be kept clean. All jars, syrup cans, bowls, packers, and other containers used in the dispensing of ice cream, ices, extracts, flavors, crushed fruits, and nuts at soda fountains, or other places shall be covered in a manner to protect said articles from flies and dirt and dust. Section 284. FRUIT AND VEGETABLES; VENDERS. No persons engaged in the peddling and vending of fruits and vege- tables or other perishable products, shall be permitted to openly display any of the aforesaid products on any wagon, hack, buggy or other vehicle used for the transportation of said products un- less said products be encased in glass or properly screened with clean cloth so as to afford protection from flies and dust. Pro- vided, however, that such fruits or vegetables that necessarily have to be peeled, pared or cooked before they are fit for human consumption, shall not come under this provision. Section 285. BOTTLERS; REGULATION. Bottlers of car- bonated or other drinks, water, etc., shall thoroughly wash and rinse in clean water, all bottles before same are filled, and shall thoroughly cleanse the exterior and interior of all bottles, remov- ing from them all accumulation sediment or stain. Sanitary re- quirements governing bottling establishments shall be those pro- vided for buildings and places wherein food is manufactured or sold. Section 286. PENALTY. Any person guilty of violating any of the provisions of this article shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction, thereof, shall be fined not more than nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95). 182 GAMBLING = CHAPTER IX. GAMBLING. Section. Section. 287. Unlawful to exhibit 290. Slot machines, etc., Pro- gambling device, ete. hibiting keeping, etc. 288. Unlawtul to loai, loiter, 291. Owners or employers of games. Bt, 292. Persons playing at 289. Unlawful to bar or barri- eames. cade building. 293 .Penalty: Ordinance No. 493. Slot Machines, Prohibiting. Ordinance No. 1195. Gambling Prohibited. Section 287. UNLAWFUL TO EXHIBIT GAMBLING DE- VICES, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons with- in the limits of the City of Muskogee to exhibit or expose to view in any building, or in any part of or room in any such building in the City of Muskogee, any table, cards, dice, roulette wheel, or other articles or apparatus suitable or capable of being used for gambling purposes. Section 288. UNLAWFUL TO" LOAKE,” LOTTE Rhea shall be unlawful for any person or persons to visit, loaf, loiter or idle in, about or upon any such building, or any part of or room in such building in which any table, cards, dice, roulette wheel or other articles of apparatus suitable or capable of being used for gambling ~ purposes are exhibited or exposed to view. Section 289. UNLAWFUL TO BAR OR BARRICADE BUILDING. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to bar or barricade any building, in said city, or any part of or room in any such building, in order to render the same difficult of access or ingress to the police, officers of said city, in which such build- ing, or any part of or room in any such building, any table, cards, dice, roulette wheel, or other article or apparatus suitable or cap- able of being used for gambling purposes are exhibited or exposed to view. Section 290. SLOT MACHINES; “ETC., PROHIBI TINS KEEPING, ETC. No person shall keep, own, operate, use, or cause ta be kept, operated or used in any room, drug store, cigar store, inn, tavern, shed, booth, building, inclosure, or upon any premises or any part thereof, any Check-boy, Hy-Lo, card ma- chine or slot machine or other device of any kind or nature what- soever, upon, in or by or through which money is staked or haz- arded or into which is paid or played upon chance or upon the re- sult of the action of such Check-boy, Hy-Lo, card machine, or slot GAMBLING—HEALTH AND SANITATION 183 machine or other device, money or other valuable thing is staked, bet, hazarded, won or lost. Section 291. OWNERS OR EMPLOYERS OF GAMES. Any person who, within the City of Muskogee deals, plays or carries on, Or opens or causes to be opened, or who conducts, either as owner or employee, whether for hire or not, any game of faro, monte, poker, roulette, craps, or any banking or percentage game played with dice, cards, or any device, for money, checks, credit, or any representative of value, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 292. PERSONS PLAYING AT GAMES. Any person who, within the City of Muskogee, bets or plays at or against any of said prohibited games mentioned in the last section above shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished as hereinafter provided. Section 293. PENALTY. Every person who shall violate _ any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $19.95. Each and every day in which any person shall operate, keep, own or have in his charge, pos- session or control and such check-boy, hy-lo, card machine or slot machine, or other device in violation of the provisions of this chap- ter, shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. CHAPTER X. ieee) a AND SSANITALION. Article I. Health Department. Obstetrics. Article II. Bs ee As Neer clRi Alera eee Article V. Flies. tutes. Article III. Diseases; Physi- Article VI. Sanitary Inspectors cians to Report ; and Regulations. ARTICLE I. HEAL EH. DEPARTMENT: Section. Section. 294. Creating department, of- 295. Shall be licensed and ficers and assistants; sal- practicing physicians. aiies. 296. Duties. Ordinance No. 850. Section 294. CREATING DEPARTMENT; OFFICERS AND ASSISTANTS; SALARIES: That there is hereby created a de- partment to be known as the Health Department of the City of Muskogee, consisting of a Chief Health Officer to be appointed by 184 HEALTH AND SANITATION the City Manager to serve during the pleasure of the City Man- ager at such monthly salary as the City Manager shall deem com- mensurate with the duties of such office, and such Assistant Health Officers as the City Manager shall from time to time deem it nec- essary to appoint, such Assistant Health Officers to serve during the pleasure of the City Manager and at such monthly salaries as the City Manager shall deem commensurate with the duties of such officers. Section 295. SHALL BE LICENSED AND PRAG To. PHYSICIAN. That the Chief Health Officer and Assistant Health Officers shall each be regularly licensed and practicing physicians of the State of Oklahoma, in good standing, of good moral character, and the Chief Health Officer shall be a resident of the City of Muskogee for at least two years next preceding his appointment. Section 296. DUTIES. That the duties of the Chief Health Officer and Assistant Health Officers shall be such as are pre- scribed by the laws of the State of Oklahoma, and they shall each perform such other and further duties as the City Manager shall from time to time require or by the rules and regulations prescribe with respect to the public health of the city of Muskogee; and the Chief Health Officer shall have the power to make and enforce any and all needful rules and regulations for the prevention and cure, and to prevent the spread of, any contagious, infectious or malarial diseases among the inhabitants of the City of Muskogee, and to establish quarantine and isolate any persons affected with contagious or infectious diseases, and to remove or cause to be removed any dead, decaying or putrid body, or any decayed, putrid or other substance that may endanger the health of persons or domestic animals in said city; and to condemn or cause to be de- stroyed any impure or diseased articles of food that may be of- fered for sale, and to superintend and establish rules and regula- tions for the keeping and reporting of all vital statistics, births, deaths, marriages and divorces as provided by the laws of the State of Oklahoma, and as may be required by the rules and regula- tions of the City Manager pertaining to the public health, and the ordinances or parts of ordinances of the City of Muskogee in re- lation thereto; and the Chief Health Officer and Assistant Health Officers shall have the same power to arrest any person or per- sons violating any of the provisions of the Charter as amended, and ordinances of the City of Muskogee relative to the public health, as the Chief of Police or any policeman may have for the violation of any ordinance of the City. HEALTH AND SANITATION 185 ARTICLE II. POLICE COURT ENFORCEMENT OF STATUTES. Section. Section. 297. Police Court; Jurisdic- 299. Quarantine Regulations. tion. 300. Health Rules; Violation. 298. Failure to remove 3 Penalty. nuisance. Ordinance No. 548. pee eonereo/, -POLICES COUR] J; URISDICLION:. In’ acz cordance with the powers conferred by an Act of the Legislature of the State of Oklahoma entitled “An Act creating the State Board of Health, etc.” approved May 16th, 1908. Same being ar- ticle two, chapter 79 of session laws of 1908.. The rules and regu- lations of State, County and City Boards of Public Health and the orders prescribed by the City Superintendent of Public Health thereunder are made enforcible by the Police Court and violation of such orders shall subject the offender to the penalties hereinafter mentioned. Section 298. FAILURE TO REMOVE NUISANCE. If the City Superintendent of public health shall order the owner or oc- cupant of any private premises, at his own expense, to remove any nuisance, source of filth, or probable cause of sickness found on said premises, within twenty-four hours, or within such other time as shall be considered reasonable, and such owner or occu- pant refuses and neglects to comply with such order he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished as in this chapter provided. Such order shall be in writing and may be served on such person by the Sanitary Officer or any Police officer of the city as other process may be served. If the premises are unoccu- pied and the residence of the owner or agent is unknown, or is with- out the state, such notice may be served by posting it on the prem- ises. Each day such person fails to remove such nuisance after the expiration of the time within which he is notified to remove same shall constitute a separate offense. Section 299. QUARANTINE REGULATIONS. The Police Court is also empowered to try persons found guilty of disobeying the quarantine regulations of the Mayor and Common Council of the said City maintained under the supervision of the City Super- _intendent of Public Health and any person found guilty of violat- ing any order of quarantine shall be subject to the penalty here- inafter provided. Section 300. HEALZH-RULES; VIOLATION; PENALTY. Any person who shall knowingly violate any rules or regulations 186 HEALTH AND SANITATION of the Health Officer authorized to be made shall be subject to trial in the Police Court and upon conviction, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE ITI. DISEASES; PHYSICIANS TO REPORT; OBSTETRICS. Section. Section. 301. Contagious and Infec- 302. Obstetrics; Reporieas tious diseases; Physi- Births. cians to report. Ordinance No. 8. Physicians to report diseases. Ordinance No. 252. Obstetrics—Regulating practice of. ARTICLE III. DISEASES; PHYSICIANS TO REPORT; OBS ea nae Section 301. CONTAGIOUS .AND INFECTIOUS Sis. EASES; PHYSICIANS TO REPORT. That hereafter all physi- clans practicing within the corporate limits of the City of Mus- kogee be and they are hereby required to report all cases of infec- tious and contagious diseases immediately after coming under their treatment, or to their knowledge, within the corporate limits or. within five miles thereof, to the Health Officer. Section 302. OBSTETRICS; REPORT OF BIRT Bijaaeacs every physician or mid-wife now practicing, or who may hereafter practice obstetrics in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall re- port every birth, at which said physician or mid-wife makes the delivery, and which occurs within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, within fifteen (15) days after the time of birth, by filing with the Health Officer of the said City of Muskogee, a cer- tificate setting forth the name of the parents of the infant, giving their nativity, sex and color, and also giving the place of birth of the infant. ARTICLE IV. WEEDS. Section. Section. 303. Weeds to be Cut. 304. Penalty. HEALTH AND SANITATION 187 Ordinance 586. (See also Charter) ARTICLE IV. WEEDS. Section 303. WEEDS TO BE CUT. That all owners, lessors or agents of land or lots in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall be required to cut or cause to be cut all weeds growing on the premises owned, leased or otherwise controlled by them, and on the parking in all streets adjacent to and bordering on such premises, before the seeds borne by such weeds shall have matured and are cast off or blown off by the wind, and in no event later than the 15th day of June in each year. Second crops of weeds shall be cut in like manner. Section 304. PENALTY. That the allowing of weeds to grow in violation of the last section is hereby declared to be a public nuisance and dangerous to health, and the owner, lessee or agent of any such land, lots or parking, on which the weeds are not cut as required in the last section, shall be liable to arrest, and upon conviction, shall be punished as hereinafter provided. ARTICLE V. BLES: Section. Section. 305. Disease causing condi- 309. Unlawful to collect rent . ‘ Ps where no screens. 30 ee causes enumerated. 310. Unlawful to collect rent 6. ae ty. where no screens. 307. Windows to be screened. Bie Hach: Ca varaiter | dived, 308. Duty to screen. 1921, separate offense. Ordinance No. 739. To Protect Public Health. Ordinance No. 1219. Requiring Screens on Hotels, Ete. Section 305. DISEASE CAUSING CONDITIONS; CAUSES ENUMERATED. ‘That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to suffer or permit or have upon their premises, whether owned or leased by them, any one or more of the follow- ing unsanitary fly producing, disease causing conditions, to-wit : (1) Animal manure in any quantity, which is not securely protected from flies; (2) Privies, vaults, cess pools, pits or like places, which are 188 HEALTH AND SANITATION not securely protected from flies; (3) Garbage in any quantity, which is not peer tt! protected from flies; (4) Trash, litter, rags or anything whatsoever, in which flies may breed or multiply. Section 306. PENALTY. Any person found guilty of violat- ing the provisions of the last section above shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed the sum of nineteen dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95). Section 307. WINDOWS TO BE SCREENED. All windows, doors and other openings in all hotels, apartments, boarding houses and rooming houses within the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall be kept well screened with not less than 12 mesh screen, from and’ including the month of April to and including the month of Oc- tober of each year so as to prevent the entrance of flies in such places. Section 308. DUTY TO SCREEN. It shall be the duty of every person owning, leasing, renting, managing, operating or con- ducting any hotel, apartment, rooming house and boarding house or residence to keep the same well and sufficiently screened as re- quired by the last Section. Section 309. UNLAWFUL TO COLLECT RENT WHERE NO SCREENS. It shall be unlawful for any person to receive or collect any rent for any hotel, apartment, rooming house or board- ing house or residence which is not well and sufficiently screened as required herein, and it shall be unlawful for anyone to run, operate, manage or conduct any hotel, apartment, rooming house or boarding house which is not well and Sui cians screened as provided herein. Section 310. UNLAWFUL TO COLLECT RENT WHERE NO SCREENS. It shall be unlawful for any one to receive or col- lect any rent or lodging for the use of any rooms or room in any hotel, apartment, rooming house or boarding house or residence which is not well and sufficiently screened throughout as provided herein. Section 311. EACH DAY AFTER JULY 1, 1921, SEPARATE OFFENSE. Each day after the first day of July, 1921, any such hotel, apartment, rooming house or boarding house or residence shall not be well and sufficiently screened as provided herein, shall be and constitute a separate offense. HEALTH AND SANITATION 189 ARTICLE VI. SANITARY INSPECTORS AND REGULATIONS. Section. Section. 312. Sanitary Inspectors. — 324. Privies; Removing con- 313. Prohibiting throwing tents. waste matter in streets 325. Permission to haul refuse. and alleys. 326. Sidewalks; Sweeping of, 314. Prohibiting throwing un- regulation. clean water into streets 327. Unlawful to sweep trash or contiguous property. into street. 315. House offal, etc., to be 328. Defining garbage. hauled away as desig- 329. Charges for removing. nates. 330. Removed under control 316. Gutters abutting prem- of City. ises free from obstruc- 331. Removal night soil, let by tion. ; contract. 317. Gardens; decaying vege- 332. City to| retain exclusive table matter. right to remove garbage. 318. Hogs; not to be kept. 333. City may enter into con- ~ 319. Dead animals. tract for sale of garbage. $20. Dead animals; removal; 334. Unlawful to spit on side- definition. et ie ae 321. Hotels and other public 335. C ee etn he £ Cj places to provide garbage aes Bee Cee pee ics acteriologist. 322. Public places; waste 336. Invalidity of one section matter receptacles. not to invalidate others. 323. Privies; Regulation of. So/fm Penalty. Ordinance No. 1116. Fixing rates for handling garbage, etc. Ordinance No. 1129. General Sanitary Regulations. Ordinance No. 1148. Prohibiting sweeping of sidewalks between certain hours. ARTICLE VI. SANITARY INSPECTORS AND REGULATIONS. Section 312, SANITARY INSPECTORS. The City Manager is hereby authorized, and empowered to appoint two suitable per- sons to be known as Sanitary Officers, whose duties shall be to perform such services as may be prescribed by the ordinances of the City, or as may be directed by the City Manager. It shall fur- ther be the duty of said officers to examine sanitary conditions of the City and make reports thereon to the City Manager from time ta time. It shall further be the duty of said officers to serve all 190 HEALTH AND SANITATION notices directed to property owners or tenants or persons in con- trol of any property whereon there may exist any nuisance, as provided by the ordinances of said City. The City Manager may at his discretion employ such other assistants from time to time as he may deem necessary. Section 313. PROHIBITING THROWING WASTE MAT- TER IN STREETS AND ALLEYS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to throw animal or vegetable substance, straw, hay, oats, ashes, soot, glass, or other article or substance whatever into any street, alley, thoroughfare, or other public place in the City of Muskogee, or from his premises upon any property contiguous thereto. Section 314. PROHIBITING THROWING UNCLEAWN WATER INTO STREETS OR CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to conduct into any street, alley or other public place, in the City of Muskogee any filthy, or sour or unclean water, from his house, kitchen or tenement, or to suffer any filth or water to escape from his premises upon any of the places above men- tioned or upon property contiguous thereto. Section 315. HOUSE OFFAL, ETC, [QO BESS. AWAY AS DESIGNATED. All house offal, whether consisting of animal or vegetable substance and all articles enumerated in the two preceding sections at private residences, boarding houses, hotels and other public houses, shall be safely gathered up, into convenient metallic barrels or other suitable metallic vessels, kept in some suitable place or places and hauled off every forty-eight hours, or oftener if necessary to the health and cleanliness of the City, to some place to be designated by the City Manager. Section 316. GUTTERS ABUTTING PREMISES eh aap FROM OBSTRUCTION. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to allow any filth, dirt or obstruction of any kind to accumulate in the gutter in front of his premises; and all owners and occupants of property are required, under the penalty hereinafter provided, to keep their premises and the sidewalks, gutters, streets and alleys adjacent thereto, free from weeds, trash and all obstruction, and to remove such weeds, trash and obstruction from such places. Section 317. GARDENS; DECAYING VEGETABLE MAT- TER. All persons cultivating a garden inside the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee for the purpose of raising vegetables are required to keep such gardens clear and free of all decaying vege- table matter; and all gardens or parcels of ground used and culti- vated for the purpose aforesaid left in an unclean and filthy state, or with decaying vegetable matter of any kind in sight, or the smell of which to passersby denotes the presence of such decaying matter therein, are hereby declared nuisances, and the person or HEALTH AND SANITATION 191 persons owning, controlling or cultivating such garden shall be ‘subject to the penalties provided for herein. Seationecls: HOGSwNOl TOURER) KEPT WITHIN 4H CITY LIMITS. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep any hog or hogs in a pen or stable, or otherwise confine any hog or hogs within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, without first having procured a written permit from the City Manager so to do; provided, this shall not apply to the placing of hogs in stock pens on railway right of way for the sole purpose of shipment. Section 319. DEAD ANIMALS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to put any dead animal in any street, alley, or any other public place, or to allow any dead animal which he owned, or had control of, to remain in any street, alley or other public place, or on the premises of any person whomsoever, within said City of Muskogee for more than six (6) hours and should any animal die in any street, alley or other public place, or on the premises of any person within said City, then the person or persons who owned or had control and possession of said animal prior to its death, shall remove or cause to be removed, such animal within six (6) hours from the time said animal died, removal to be made to a place designated by the City Sanitary Officer. Section 320. DEAD ANIMALS; REMOVAL; DEFINITION. It shall be the duty of the owner, possessor, and all persons having knowledge of any dead animal or animals, in the City of Musko- gee, to report the same to the proper sanitary officer of said City, giving the name of the person who owned or had possession, or control of said animal, and to cause the same to be removed, as provided for in the next preceding section. The words “dead ani- mals” as used in this section shall be held to include all dead, un- dressed and unslaughtered hogs, cattle, or other animals, which may have died from disease or accident or causes other than slaughter for use as food, in accordance with the sanitary law regulating such acts. And no slaughter, butchering or dressing of any animals shall be permitted for public or private use within the corporate limits of said city. Serotec Orel eAN De OTHER PUBLIC PLACES’ TO PROVIDE GARBAGE, BARRELS. That it shall be the duty of the owner or occupant of any hotel, restaurant, boarding house, butcher shop and other places where refuse and filth are liable to accumulate, to deposit all filth, slop, refuse, offal, vegetable or ani- mal matter that may accumulate upon or be the product of such premises, in metallic barrels with metallic covers and handles, which are commonly known as garbage barrels, and shall cause the same to be removed, daily, to such place as may be provided or designated by the Sanitary Officer. pection: 322.) PUBLIC PLACES; (WASTE MATTER. RE- 192 HEALTH AND SANITATION CEPTACLES. That all business houses, offices, and all places of public business shall be provided with metallic boxes or barrels with metallic covers, wherein all sweepings, waste paper and refuse of every description shall be deposited to be removed daily as may be designated by the Sanitary Officer. Provided, that busi- ness houses, offices and places of public business may provide sacks with draw strings, wherein may be deposited waste papers and waste accumulated from such places, to be used under the direction of the City Manager. Section 323. PRIVIES; REGULATION OF. All privies and cess pools outside of the sewer district and not accessible thereto, shall be provided with boxes and such boxes shall be so construct- ed as to prevent all night soil and other closet matter from reach- ing the ground and all such closets and cess pools shall be cleaned as often as they become unsanitary. Section 324. PRIVIES; REMOVING CONTENTS. That the contents of all privies and cess pools shall be removed in an odorless airtight tank; said tank shall first be examined and in- spected by some member of the sanitary department before being used by the owner thereof and if said tank shall be approved by said member of said sanitary department the said department shall issue a certificate of approval and thereupon the owner thereof shall be authorized to use said air-tight tank for the purpose here- above indicated. The said sanitary department shall have the power at any time to condemn any tank or apparatus when unfit for use, as provided by this section. Section 325. PERMISSION TO HAUL REFUSE Aiea shall be unlawful for any person, to clean any privy or cess pool or haul, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, any filth, slop, refuse, offal, refuse vegetable or animal matter without first obtaining written permission from the City Manager. Section 326. SIDEWALKS; SWEEPING OF; REGGE TION. It shall be unlawful for any person to sweep or cause to be swept any sidewalk in the City of Muskogee within the fire limits of said City between the hours of seven thirty A. M. and ten o’clock P. M. Provided, that it shall not be unlawful at any time for the sidewalks to be cleaned by the use of the floor brush or floor mop, after such sidewalks are sprinkled with sweeping com- pound, and, provided further, that no trash, dirt, waste or refuse matter of any kind shall be swept or thrown into the street or gutter. Section 327. UNLAWFUL * TO” SWEEP “TRASH aa STREETS. That it shall be unlawful for any person to sweep or cause to be swept into any street of the City of Muskogee any boxes, waste paper, boards, card board or other trash. Section 328. DEFINING GARBAGE. That the word “gar- HEALTH AND SANITATION 193 bage” as used herein means all slop, household waste, refuse aris- ing from the preparation of food and the remains of prepared food, dead animals and organic industrial refuse of whatever kind or nature, tin cans, waste paper and other waste accumulating within the said city. Section 329. CHARGES FOR REMOVING. The City of Muskogee shall charge for removing said garbage such rates as may be fixed by the City Manager. Section 330, REMOVED UNDER CONTROL OF, CLIY. Such garbage shall be collected and removed under the supervi- sion and control of the City Manager. Section 331. REMOVAL NIGHT’ SOIL;* LET BY (CON- TRACT. The collection, hauling and disposition of night soil and refuse from outhouses shall be let by contract, and the person receiving said contract shall collect and dispose of the same, receiving as his compensation therefor the sum of fifty cents from each person from whose premises the same is collected for each time the same is removed. The person receiving said contract shall have the exclusive right to remove such refuse from outhouses and shall remove the same in vehicles and receptacles as shall be approved by the Board of Health of the City of Muskogee, and along such routes and at such times as may be approved by said Board.. And no person shall remove any garbage, refuse or other waste matter along the streets of the City of Muskogee except such as may have a permit as herein provided for from the City of Muskogee. Section. 032) 0Gt tye TORRE TAIN EXCLUSIVE -RIGHT, TO REMOVE GARBAGE. The City of Muskogee shall retain the exclusive right to collect and remove all garbage and other waste matter within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, and shall grant no permit to any person to remove the same along the streets of the City of Muskogee except to such person as it may contract with for the removal of refuse and night soil from out- houses, and no person except such person as has such permit for the removal of night soil and refuse from outhouses shall remove any garbage, refuse or other waste matter along the streets of the City of Muskogee. Section 333. MAY ENTER INTO CONTRACT FOR SALE OF GARBAGE. The City of Muskogee may enter into a contract for the sale of all or any portion of the garbage collected by it with- in the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, provided said contract be first approved by the Council of the City of Muskogee. Section 334. UNLAWFUL TO SPIT ON SIDEWALK, ETC. It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person to spit on any side- walk, or on the floor of any street car or other public conveyance, or in any public building, or hall, or on the floor of any theatre 194 HEALTH AND SANITATION or moving picture show, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, except in cuspidors or other receptacles especially provided therein for that purpose. Section 335. CREATING POSITION OF CITY BACTER- IOLOGIST. That the duties of such bacteriologist shall be to make all tests of water, milk and other substances upon request of the City Manager and to make any laboratory examinations of patients under the care of the City Physician or Health Officer of the City of Muskogee. Section 336. INVALIDITY OF ONE SECTION NOT TO IN- VALIDATE OTHERS. If any provision or section of this chap- ter shall be held invalid it shall not effect the remaining provisions thereof, but the same shall be deemed valid and remain in full force and effect. Section 337. PENALTY. Any person violating any of the sections or provisions of this chapter, or failing to comply with any of the provisions and requirements of this chapter, or to com- ply with any order of the City Superintendent of public health, or other sanitary officer, as herein authorized to be made, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and may be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95. Each and every day any person shall per- mit any condition to exist or continue upon his premises in viola- tion of any provision of this chapter, or any order of the City Superintendent of Public Health, or other sanitary officer, as here- in authorized to be made, shall constitute a separate offense. ~HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS 195 CHAPTER XI. HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS. Article I. House Numbering. Article II. Street Markers. ARTICLE I. HOUSE NUMBERING. Section. Section. 338. M. K. & T. Right-of- territory outside of orig- Way; Okmulgee; Base inal townsite and McKel- Lines. lop’s Addition. 339. Original Townsite & 343. Numbers; Requirements. McKellop’s Addition. 344. Numbers; Building In- ~ 340. Numbering Scheme; spector to designate. Original townsite and 345. Duties of agents or McKellop’s Addition. owners to number. 341. Where cross street cause 346. Penalty for failure to jog; provisions for. comply with certain con- 342. Extending numbering to ditions. Ordinance 733. ARTICLE I. HOUSE NUMBERING. Section 338. M. K. & T. RIGHT-OF-WAY; OKMULGEE; BASE LINE. That for the purpose of numbering and more par- ticularly locating all business houses and residences of the City of Muskogee on the streets and avenues thereof, a line along the cen- ter of the right-of-way of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway from the Northern to the Southern limits of the City shall be the base line or dividing line between the East and West portions of the City, and all streets and avenues which cross the M. K. & T. Railway shall have prefixed to the official name of the Street or avenue, the word “East or West” according as that portion of the street or avenue lies Eastward or Westward from said Railway ; and that Okmulgee Avenue shall be the base line or dividing line between the North and South portions of the City. All streets crossing Okmulgee Avenue shall have prefixed to the official name the word North or South according as that portion of the street lies Northward or Southward from said Okmulgee Avenue. Where streets do not have the same name on each side of the said base lines, these additional designations shall not be required. All house 196 HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS numbering of the City shall proceed Eastward, Westward, North- ward, and Southward from these base lines. Section 339. ORIGINAL TOWNSITE & McKELLOP’S AD- DITION. For practical purposes all the principal streets, Avenues, and Boulevards in the original townsite and in McKellop’s Addition shall be considered as even hundreds in the numbering scheme, ac- cording to the relative position with regard to these base lines, of the numerical names or the numerical alphabetical names of said principal streets, Avenues or Boulevards and the house numbers in the block next to them shall be the units and tens of the complete house number. Section 340. NUMBERING SCHEME; ORIGINAL TOWN- SITE AND McKELLOP’S ADDITION. That for the purpose of locating business houses and residences in the respective blocks, each twenty-five feet of frontage (and the final fraction of ten feet or more) shall constitute a lot or space for one house number, all odd numbers (as 1, 3, 5, etc.) being placed on the South or West side of the street, and all even numbers (as 2, 4, 6, etc.) on the North or East side of the Street. Beginning at the center of the M. K, & T. Railway on any East and West street or avenue, the first numbers going East- ward or Westward from said base line shall be 1 and 2, then 3 and 4, then 5 and 6 and continuing on alternating sides of the street until Main Street is reached on the West and Cherokee Street on the East. Then beginning West of Main Street and East of Cherokee Street the first number shall be 101 and 102, then 103 and 104 and alternating as before on opposite sides of the street until second street is reached on the West and “B” Street on the East, at which a new hundred, according to numerical or numerical alphabetical name of said street, shall begin and the units and tens shall revert to 1 and 2’and proceed as before. For the North and South street numbers, a like method shall be followed, the first two numbers north of Okmulgee Avenue or South of Okmulgee Avenue or any street shall be 101 and 102 and alternate numbers until Boston, or Baltimore, or Broadway is reached, when 201 and 202 will be the first numbers of the block. In like manner, Third, “C”’, Court, and Callahan streets, and Columbus and Cincinnati Avenue shall be reckoned 300; Fourth, “D”, Dayton, Denison Streets, and Denver and Dorchester Avenues © shall be reckoned 400; and in like manner for all other streets and avenues in the numerical or numerical alphabetical order. But Commercial Street shall be counted as an extension of Emporia Street, Spruce Street shall be considered an extension of Fourth Street. Tower Hill Boulevard west of block 277 and Ter- race Place shall be considered an extension of Iola Street. North Terrace Boulevard, an extension of Howard Street; South Terrace HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS 197 . Boulevard, an extension of Girard Street; Spaulding Boulevard, an extension of “F” Street; South Side Boulevard, an extension of Hartford and Hamilton Avenues; Capitol Place as an extension of Tenth Street. East Side Boulevard shall be reckoned 800 and North “H” Street and Ash Street shall be reckoned 900. The following streets, avenues, places and alleys, to-wit: Wall, Lombard, Lake, Market, Altamont, Mill, Oak, Elm, Maddin, Peoria, Vine, East, Grant, Wealaka, Owen, Byrne, Elliott, Chandler, Dela- ware, Louisiana and Creek Streets; Felix, Garland and Worrior Avenues; Prospect Place, Park Place, Wiswell Place and Times Street or alley together with any other that may be created or opened out of the regular order shall be disregarded when number- ing across them; but they and all other short streets and avenues, boulevards, places, drives, and alleys shall be numbered along their length uniformly with the streets parallel and alongside of them. Bpeciono4l WHERE CROSS” SPREETS CAUSE OG: When cross streets form what is commonly called a jog or off-set across any street, the numbering of the longer block shall continue as begun until finished, although some of the numbers on the op- posite side of the street may be in a new hundred; but when the second part of the jog or off-set is passed, the numbers on that side of the street shall correspond in odd or even numbers to those which were begun when the first jog or offset was passed. Long blocks which face two or more blocks shall be numbered to correspond with the block which they face, and likewise other long blocks parallel with such long blocks shall be numbered as nearly as may be with such first named long blocks, so that the numbering throughout the City shall be as nearly as practicable parallel in parallel blocks. The blocks bounded by the M. K. & T. Ry., Okmulgee Avenue, Seventh Street, and South Side Boulevard shall be numbered from North to South so that the numbers shall be as nearly as practicable parallel with the numbers West of Seventh Street omitting the 400 block. Blocks 44 to 47 inclusive, shall be numbered going Eastward in 300, 400, and 500. Block 410 and the West side of Block 436 shall be numbered going Northward as if Elmira was continued through the same. Block 64, and blocks 323 and to 332, inclusive, shall be numbered, going southward, as though Independence and Joliet Avenues were extended through the same. Blocks 49 and 395 shall be numbered, going Northward, as though Galvestion Street ex- tended: through the same; Blocks 364 to 368, inclusive, shall be numbered going Southward as though Ellsworth Avenue were continued along the line of the Midland Valley Railroad. Section 342, EXTENDING NUMBERING TO TERRITORY OUTSIDE OF ORIGINAL TOWNSITE AND McKELLOP’S AD- ~ 198 HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS DITION. In extending the numbering to that portion of the City outside of the original townsite and McKellop’s Addition, the basis for numbering shall be four blocks or four hundreds to each quar- ter mile. The Northern Boundary of the original townsite West of the M. K. & T. Railway and the extension of said line westward shall be considered 1200 and each quarter of a mile going Northward shall be counted four blocks or four hundreds. ‘The section line between Sections 20, 21, 22 and 23 on the South and Sections 14, 15, 16 and 17 on the North shall be counted 2000. The West Boun- dary of the original townsite and the extension of the same South- ward shall be counted 2000 and each quarter of a mile going West- ward shall be counted four blocks or four hundreds. The Section line on the West side of Section 22 and 27 shall be counted 2400 and the Section line on the West side of Sections 21 and 28 shall be counted 4000; provided, however, that Northward of Emporia Street the Extension of Twentieth Street shall be counted 2000. The South Boundary of the original townsite, east of the M. K. & T. Ry., and the extension of said line eastward, shall be con- sidered 1600 and each quarter mile going Southward shall be counted four blocks or four hundreds. | The township line between townships 14 and 15 north shall be counted 2400. ) The East line of the original townsite and the extension of the said line Northward shall be considered 1700 and the numbering ~ going Eastward shall be as follows: Maple and R. Streets, 1800, Chestnut and S. Streets, 1900; Walnut, T. and Kentucky Streets, 2000; Utah Street, 2100, and Virginia Street, 2200, Washington Street, 2300, and the Section line or Range line between Ranges 18 and 19 East and known as York Street, 2400. The numbering in the Midland Valley Addition going East- ward shall be as follows: Lubbes Avenue, 600, Welch Avenue and the East line of Midland Valley Railroad Shop grounds south Tur- ner Street, 700; Kinney Avenue, 800, Harrison Avenue, 900; Pat- terson Avenue, 1000; Trumbo Avenue, 1100; Cook Avenue, 1200 and Gulick Avenue, 1300. The numbering in the Robison Addition going Eastward shall be as follows: East line of the original townsite, 1300, Sycamore “Street, 1400, Missouri Street, 1500, Texas Street, 1600, Choctaw Street, 1700, Osage Street, 1800; Seminole Street and the exten- sion of the same from Baltimore Southward, 1900. The north line of Blocks 44 and 417 and of the Martin Miller Reid Addition and the extension of the said line Eastward shall be counted 1400 and each quarter of a mile going Northward (East -of the M. K. & T. Ry.) shall be counted four blocks or four hun- dreds. : 3 Alta Vista and Findlay Heights shall be numbered going North- -ward as follows: Okmulgee Avenue, 100; Broadway, 200; Court HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS 199 300, Agency, 400, Denison Street, 500, Findlay Avenue, 600, To- peka Avenue, 700; and Emporia Street, 1200; and the numbers running Northward in the territory west of same shall correspond with the above numbering. The Highlands, Higgins Addition and Garrett Heights shall be numbered going Southward as follows: Okmulgee Avenue, 100, Boston Avenue, 200, Columbus Avenue, 400, Elgin Avenue, 500, Arline Avenue, 600, Carolyn Avenue, 700, Tennyson Avenue, 800, Estelle Avenue, 900, Elizabeth Avenue, 1000, Williams Avenue, 1100, Maryland Avenue, 1200, and Border Avenue, 1600; and the num- bers running South in all of the Territory West of the same shall correspond as nearly as practical to the above numbering. In Dean’s Addition the Midland Valley Railroad shall be con- sidered an extension of Jackson Avenue. Dean Avenue shall be considered as an extension of Kalamazoo Avenue and Jones Avenue as an extension of Lincoln Avenue. Cecil Street shall be consid- ered an extension of Tenth Street, McCormick Street as an exten- sion of Eleventh Street and Thompson Street as an extension of Twelfth Street. All numbers running Fastward and Westward, North of the North line and South of the South line of the townsite and the extensions of the said lines East and West shall correspond as nearly as practicable to those numbers opposite or parallel to the same in the townsite and those immediately East and West of the same. All numbers running Northward and Southward, East of the East line and West of the West line of the townsite and the exten- sions of said lines north and south shall correspond as nearly as practicable to those in the townsite and those immediately North and South of the same. Section 343. NUMBERS: REQUIREMENTS. All numbers on business or residence houses in the City shall be of a figure not less than three inches in height and approximately two or more inches in width and shall be so placed as to be seen plainly from the street. They shall be purchased and paid for by the owner or agent of the property. The figures shall be of durable metal, glass or enamel, or they may be painted of neat design and durable ma- terial on the glass of the transom of the door. Perishable materials, as wood, paper and card, and marking of pen, pencil or other easily displaced substance shall not be deemed a compliance with this ordinance. Section 344. NUMBERS; BUILDING INSPECTOR TO DESIGNATE. Building Inspector of the City shall designate the numbers of all houses in conformity with the preceding provisions and shall furnish the owner or agent of each house now or here- after built with its proper number as soon as completed. When any house is not correctly numbered, or not numbered at all, the Building Inspector shall give such house its proper num- 200 HOUSE NUMBERING AND STREET MARKERS ber and shall notify the owner, agent or occupant to number such house correctly in accordance with this ordinance. Section 345. DUTIES OF AGENTS OR OWNERS TO NUM- BER. It shall be the duty of owners or Agents of business or residence buildings to properly and correctly number the same within sixty days and in like manner to number all new buildings in construction or hereafter constructed within twenty days after the building is completed, or within twenty days after it is occu- pied, and buildings removed from one lot to another shall in like manner be re-numbered according to the new location within twenty days after such removal and re-location. And the owner, agents, or other persons making repairs or additions to buildings shall cause the number (or others of proper kind) to be replaced, should the repairs or improvements require temporary removal of the numbers. Section 346. PENALTY FOR FAILURE 10 3¢@eRa WITH CERTAIN CONDITIONS. Any person, whether owner, agent or occupant, who shall fail or refuse to correctly number any house owned, occupied or controlled by said person within twenty days from the date of notice from the Building Inspector to do so, or who shall fail or refuse to number any house which has been removed from one lot to another or which has been repaired; or who shall number any house otherwise than in conformity with this ordinance, or who shall destroy or remove the house number of another, or who shall obliterate, conceal or obscure any house number by paint or other means shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $19.95. ARTICLE II. STREET MARKERS. Section. Section. 347. Markers at Street Cross- 348. Penalty. ings. Ordinance 64. ARTICLE II. STREET MARKERS. Section 347. MARKERS AT STREET CROSSINGS. That for the purpose of marking and properly designating the streets and avenues of the City there shall be placed at all street crossings, metal signs with the names of the streets and avenues plainly painted thereon. Such street names shall be uniform and of a di- STREET MARKERS — INTOXICATING LIQUORS 201 mension not less than 4x14 inches and shall conform as nearly as practical to the general style of the house numbers adopted by the City. They shall be firmly nailed to the fences, buildings or other suitable places found at the crossings or intersections of all streets and two shall be placed on the northeast corner and two diagonally across the street on the southwest corner, and in such a manner as to be easily seen and so as to designate the street traversed and also the street crossed; Provided, that the markers or signs placed at street intersections by the Kiwanis Club during the year 1920 are hereby adopted and designated as correct and proper markers. Section 348. PENALTY. It shall be unlawful to mar or de- face such street names or signs or markers in any manner what- soever, and any person or persons who shall do so, shall be deemed guilty of misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be subject to a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95. CHAPTER XII. INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Section. Section. 349. Defining “Intoxicating 352. Unlawful to transport. liquor.” 353. Building where liquor 350. Unlawful to manufac- sold declared a nuisance. ture, etc. 354. One section invalid not 351. Unlawful to keep or pos- to invalidate others. ‘sess with intent to sell. doo. Penalty. Ordinance 1198. Section 349. DEFINING “INTOXICATING LIQUOR.” The word “liquor,” or the phrase “intoxicating liquor” when used in this article, shall be construed to include and mean alcohol, brandy, whiskey, rum, gin, beer, ale, porter, and wine, and in addition there- to any spiritious, vinous, malt or fermented liquors, liquids or com- pounds, whether medicated, proprietary, patented or not, and by whatever name called, containing one-half of one per cent, or more, of alcohol by volume, which are fit for use for beverage purposes; and the word “person” shall mean and include natural persons, associations, co-partnerships and corporations. Section 350. UNLAWFUL TO MANUFACTURE, ETC. That it shall be unlawful for any person to manufacture, sell, give away, dispose of, exchange, barter, or otherwise furnish any intoxi- cating liquor as defined in this article, except when the same is manufactured, sold or otherwise furnished in accordance with the laws of the United States, and of the State of Oklahoma, and the 202 INTOXICATING LIQUORS rules and regulations duly prescribed thereunder. Section 351. UNLAWFUL TO KEEP OR POSSESS WITH INTENT TO SELL. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep or possess any intoxicating liquor as the same is defined in this article with the intent to sell or otherwise dispose of the same in violation of Section 2 of this article. Section 352. UNLAWFUL TO TRANSPORT. It shall be un- lawful for any person to transport, either directly or indirectly, any intoxicating liquor as defined in this Ordinance from any point or place in the City of Muskogee to any other point or place therein, except the same be a lawful purchase under the laws of the United States or of the State of Oklahoma. Section 353. BUILDING WHERE LIQUOR SORDe DE CLARED A NUISANCE. That any room, house, building, ve- hicle, structure or place where intoxicating liquor, as defined in this article, is manufactured, sold, kept, bartered, or otherwise furn- ished, in violation of any of the provisions of this article, is hereby declared to be a common nuisance and unlawful, and any person who maintains such a common nuisance, either directly or indirect- ly, shall be punished as provided in this Ordinance. Section 354. INVALID SECTION NOT TO INVALIDATE OTHERS. Should any section or provision of this article be for any reason held void or invalid, it shall not affect the validity of any other section or provision thereof which is not itself void or invalid. Section 355. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any provision of this article shall, on conviction for the first offense, be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95; and shall, on conviction of the second or any subsequent offense under this article, be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95, or be imprisoned not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both. JITNEY. VEHICLES 203 CHAPTER XIII. JITNEY VEHICLES, OPERATION OF. Section. Section. 356. Defining “Jitney Ve- 363. Jitneys to maintain hicle.”’ schedule. 357. Must obtain license. 364. To paint sign “Jitney” on 358. Application to be pre- windshield. _ sented to Council. 365. To display license, name 359. City Clerk to issue li- of owner, route and ter- cense. ee 7 BPO ikon ces fax 366. To leave termini at an- ; ioat Se nounced time. 361. Riding outside body of 367. License to be revoked for vehicle—Prohibited. cause. 362. To designate streets on 368. Operating without license which jitneys shall oper- a misdemeanor. aceen. 369. Penalty. Ordinances 1150-1151. Section 356. DEFINING “JITNEY VEHICLE.” The words “Jitney Vehicle” as used in this Ordinance shall mean and include, and this Ordinance shall govern, any motor vehicle, jitney auto- mobile, automobile, automobile motor bus, or other self-propelled vehicle, except street cars running on rails, engaged in the busi- ness of carrying passengers over a regular route, or routes, or which, if held out or announced by sign, voice, device or advertise- ment, to operate or run, or which is operated or run, over a regular or particular route, or routes, or from a particular terminus, sta- tion or place to any other particular terminus, station or place; or having a particular time of departure from or arrival at any terminus, station or place. Automobiles and other self-propelled vehicles used as sight-seeing cars, hotel buses, depot buses, livery automobiles or taxi-cabs, and which have regular stands or places of business and which are operated for hire by the hour, day or trip, are not included in or governed by the provisions of this Ordi- nance. Section 357. MUST OBTAIN LICENSE TO OPERATE VE- HICLE FOR HIRE. No person, firm or corporation shall operate any such vehicle for the carriage of persons without first obtaining a license therefor for each vehicle and no such license shall be is- sued until the person desiring such license shall file with the City Clerk of said City a written application signed by the applicant therefor, stating: 1. The horse power of such vehicle. 2. The trade name and factory number of such vehicle. 3. The seating capacity of such vehicle as ordinarily adver- 204 JITNEY VEHICLES tised by the manufacturer of said vehicle. Provided, however, if such seating capacity has been changed or re-constructed or the person making the application desires to change the seating cap- acity of said vehicle then the re-constructed or changed seating capacity of said vehicle. 4. The terminal or route over which such vehicle is to be operated. 5. The hours of the day during which such vehicle is to be operated, the frequency of the trips to be made over such route, or routes, together with the time of departure from the termini of such route or routes for each trip over the same. 6. That there will be held in readiness for service, under the condition and in the manner required of jitney vehicles in active use, an extra jitney vehicle to be held in reserve so that the schedule to be maintained by such licenses may be continued without inter- ruption in case of accident, damage or any failure to use the jitney vehicle regularly on such line. 7. Fare to be charged. And the person desiring such license shall file with the City Clerk a statement setting forth: 1. The name of the person, firm or corporation desiring to procure such license, stating whether or not the applicant is an in- dividual, partnership or corporation, and whether or not such per- son, firm or corporation is a resident of the City of Muskogee. 2. The age of all persons whom it is intended shall have charge during its operation in the City of Muskogee of such ve- hicle. 3. Whether or not all persons whom it is intended shall oper- ate such vehicle have any physical defects which render such per- son unfit to safely operate such vehicle. 4. Whether or not the person, or persons, whom it is intended shall operate such vehicle are addicted to the use of intoxicating liquors, morphine, opiates, or any other derivative or preparation manufactured from opium or cocoa leaves or morphine. 5. Whether or not the person or persons whom it is intended shall operate such vehicle are of good moral character. Before receiving any license to engage in the business of oper- ating a jitney, or jitney vehicles, in the City of Muskogee, each ap- plicant shall file with the City Clerk an indemnity bond in the sum_ of $2500.00 for the operation of each jitney vehicle. And it shall be the duty of the Clerk to present such bond to the City Council at its next regular meeting after the filing of said bond with the City Clerk, and the same shall be approved by the Mayor and Council before said license shall be issued and the applicant shall maintain the bond at the amount specified during the whole time said appli- cant is engaged in the business of operating a jitney vehicle, or jitney vehicles. Said bond shall be conditioned to the effect that JITNEY VEHICLES 205 the owner, or operator, of any jitney vehicle will pay to the person, or persons, recovering any final judgment against such owner, or operator, of any jitney vehicle for the damage or any wrongful death of any person, or any injury to any person, or injury or dam- age to any property caused by the operator of any jitney vehicle, and said bond shall not be void upon the first recovery, but shall remain liable and be sued from time to time until the full penalty thereof may be exhausted. All statements herein required to be made shall be vérified by the affidavit of the person, firm or corporation making the ap- plication. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk upon the filing of the application substantially complying with the requirements set out in this Section, to present the same to the Mayor and City Council of said City at their next regular meeting after the filing of the statement herein mentioned, and in no case shall the City Clerk delay presenting said application to the Mayor and City Coun- cil for a longer period than one week. Section Joo, APPLICATION [TO BE PRESENTED BY CITY CLERK TO COUNCIL. Whenever any application mentioned in peewonuso/ hereot shall-be presented to the Mayor and City Council of said City by the City Clerk, it shall be the duty of said City Council to read the same in open meeting and determine whether or not the person, firm or corporation making application for a license under the provisions of this Ordinance is a suitable person to whom such license should be issued in respect to the mat- ters set out in the preceding Section hereof, and whether or not the vehicle which it is intended should be operated is a suitable, and safe vehicle to be operated as a jitney vehicle. And the Mayor and City Council of said City shall determine whether or not the - route for which a license is sought is a proper route for the opera- tion of a jitney vehicle in the City of Muskogee. Provided, no person, firm or corporation making application for a license as herein provided, shall be denied the same unless City Council should determine that the route sought to be used by such applicant is already burdened with an unusual amount of traffic to such an extent that it is dangerous to the public safety to have an additional amount of traffic imposed upon such route or unless the person, firm or corporation is found to be unfit, or the vehicle intended to be used is found to be unsafe for the public safety in regard to the matters specified in the preceding Section. Should the Mayor and City Council find that the application herein mentioned under the terms of this Ordinance should be granted and the applicant given a license under the provisions herein, then in that case the City Clerk shall be instructed to forthwith notify the City Manager that the application of the applicant for a jitney license as herein mentioned has been granted. Should the Mayor and City Council determine that the application should not be granted, then it shall be their duty to deny the same and 206 JITNEY VEHICLES enter the same on record of the meeting of said Council, specifying the reasons why such application is denied, and no applicant de- nied the license as herein contemplated, shall again make applica- tion within a period of three months or until the specific cause of the denial has been entirely removed or obviated. Section 359. TO ISSUE LICENSE. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to immediately issue to the applicant a license upon the allowance of the application by the Mayor and City Council of said City and upon payment of the fee therefor. Section 360. TO ISSUE LICENSE ON PAYMENT OF LI- CENSE TAX. No license shall be issued until the person, firm or corporation desiring the same shall pay or cause to be paid a li- cense tax in the sum of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) per annum, payable in advance for each jitney vehicle operated or to be operated by such applicant. | The proceeds from all license taxes collected under this Ordi- nance shall be paid into the general fund of said City, for the pur- pose of defraying the expenses attendant upon the supervision and regulation of Jitneys and issuance of license for operation of same. Section 361. UNLAWFUL TO SIT OR RIDES ON RUN- NING BOARD, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to operate any jitney vehicle either as principal, owner, agent or employee while any person is standing or sitting on the running board, fender or hood of any such vehicle, or while any person is riding on the same outside the body thereof; or where there are more than four (4) adult persons thereon or therein in addition to the rated seating capacity of such machine, and it shall - be unlawful for any person to stand or sit upon any fender, running board or hood of any such vehicle or to occupy a position thereon or therein outside of the body of such vehicle while said vehicle is in motion and being operated as a jitney vehicle. Section 362. MAYOR’) AND CITY COUNCIL, TOsDESi=. NATE STREETS ON WHICH JITNEYS SHALL OPHEAa= It shall be the duty of the Mayor and City Council in granting any application for license as herein provided, to state definitely in writing to the licensee the streets or highways in the City of Mus- kogee upon which a licensee may operate such vehicle, the schedule upon which such vehicle is to be operated, the route and terms upon which the same is to be operated and the hours during which such vehicle shall operate for each day of the week; and shall speci- fy in granting the license that no particular driver shall operate a jitney vehicle during any day for a longer period than eight (8) hours during the day except in case of emergency and upon the securing of a permit issued by the Chief of Police. It shall be un- lawful for any person, firm or corporation to operate any jitney vehicle upon any street, highway or avenue in the City of Mus- kogee other than upon such street, highway or avenue designated JITNEY VEHICLES 207 by the Mayor and City Council under the provisions of this Ordi- nance.. Section 363. JITNEYS TO MAINTAIN SCHEDULE. Every owner or operator of a jitney vehicle shall cause such vehicle to leave the termini of its route at the time stated in his application for a license for such vehicle, and to travel over such route and to keep and maintain a regular schedule specified for the time of leav- ing the termini of said route between the hours of six o’clock A. M. and ten o’clock P. M. section 364. TO. PAINT SIGN “JITNEY” ON . WIND- SHIELD. It shall be the duty of all persons operating jitney ve- hicles to have the word “jitney” painted on the wind shield of such vehicle in such a manner that the same is legible for a distance of fifty (50) feet and in such a manner that said word can not be readily removed or obscured. Placards and attached signs, other than one painted on the wind shield shall not be construed to com- ply with this provision. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to drive or operate any jitney vehicle on the streets of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, for hire, unless the same shall have installed therein and in working order, an instrument commonly known as a speedometer, which instrument shall at all times be properly connected, according to the common and ordinary use of such instrument, to the vehicle so that the rate of speed at which such vehicle is being driven, or operated, may be determined by the person operating or in charge of such vehicle or by any person near such driver or operator. Section 365. TO DISPLAY LICENSE, NAME OF OWNER, ROUTE AND TERMINI. All jitney vehicles shall have displayed therein in a conspicuous manner, first, the name of the party own- ing, or operating, the same; second, its license number; third, its general route and the termini thereof. All such vehicles shall, in addition to the lights now required by Ordinance having the inter- ior, or body of such vehicle, if the capacity thereof is five passengers or more, well lighted and illuminated after dark. The licensee operating such vehicle shall keep, or cause to be kept, a permanent record showing the name of the driver in charge of the operation of such vehicle at all times. Section 366. TO LEAVE TERMINI AT ANNOUNCED TIME. It shall be unlawful for any driver, operator or person in charge of any such jitney vehicle to wilfully cause such vehicle to leave any terminus of its route at any time other than its announced or scheduled time, or to operate the same at any other place than on its announced and scheduled route, for the purpose of carrying passengers for hire; or to wilfully fail or refuse to run or operate said vehicle over its announced or scheduled route at the time of its announced or scheduled leaving or arrival at the termini of its route. 208 JITNEY VEHICLES—LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE: Section 367. LICENSE TO BE REVOKED FOR VIOLA- TION OF PROVISIONS. Upon written complaint filed with the Mayor and City Council upon notice of not less than three days nor more than fifteen days given to the licensee that said licensee has violated any of the terms or provisions of this article, or any of the existing Ordinances of the City of Muskogee pertaining to the regulation of the operation of jitney vehicles, and upon the deter- mination by the Mayor and Council that the provisions of this article or of such Ordinances have been violated by any licensee, it shall be the duty of the Mayor and City Council to revoke the license of such licensee and restore to such licensee a pro-rata part of the license fee herein provided, or pro-rated according to the — time the same has run and the same would run were not such li- cense revoked. Section 368. OPERATING WITHOUT LICENSE A MIS- DEMEANOR. Any person who shall operate any jitney vehicle carrying passengers for hire on the streets of the City of Mus- kogee without having procured a license to do so under the provi- sions of this article, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as hereinafter provided. Each day during which any person shall operate any such vehicle without a license so to do, shall be deemed a separate offense and a separate violation of this article. Section 369. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this article, shall, upon conviction thereof, be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $19.95. CHAPTER XIV. LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE AND MANNER OF HANDLING CLAIMS. Article I. Councilmanic Rules. Article II. Claims Against City. ARTICLE I. COUNCILMANIC RULES. Section. Section. 370. Regular meeting day. 373. Motions; In possession of 371. Special Meetings. Council, when. 372. Order of business. 374. Questions under debate; Motions allowable. Ordinance No. 705. City Council—Legislative Procedure. Ordinance No. 1201. Setting Time for Regular Meetings. Section 3/0. REGULAR MEETING. That from and after LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE 209 the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance, the reg- ular meetings of the City Council of the City of Muskogee shall be held at the City offices of said City at four (4) o’clock p. m. on the second (2nd) and fourth (4th) Tuesdays of each month, provided that if any such meeting falls upon a legal holiday, then such meet- ing shall be held at the same time and place on the next succeeding ay. 371. SPECIAL MEETINGS. That a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Muskogee may be called by the Mayor or by nine (9) Councilmen at any time on twenty-four (24) hours notice to all members of the Council. Such notice must be given by the City Clerk and may be given either by telephone or by writ- ten notice duly posted in the mails, and proof of the giving of the notice required herein shall be made by the City Clerk and duly filed as a part of the records of his office before such special meet- ing shall have authority to transact the business named as the purpose of the meetings in the call. Section 372. ORDER OF BUSINESS. The Order of busi- ness at all regular meetings shall be as follows: Ist. The calling of the roll and the marking of absentees, if any. 2nd. The reading of the minutes of the last regular or special meeting, or both if necessary, and the correction of any error, or errors, in such minutes, if any there be. 3rd. The receiving of reports of committees other than upon Ordinances. 4th. The receiving of petitions. 5th. ‘The consideration of claims and accounts against the City. 6th. The taking up of business on the table in its regular Order, 7th. The taking up of unfinished business. 8th. The taking up of new business, including the introduction of new ordinances and new resolutions. Oth. The consideration of Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions. Section 1476," MOTIONS: IN POSSESSION: OF COUNCIL WHEN. When a motion is made and seconded it shall be deemed to be in the possession of the Council, and shall be stated by the presiding officer, or, if in’ writing, may be read by the mover and by him handed to the Clerk, to be read by the Clerk previous to the debate. Section 374. QUESTIONS UNDER DEBATE; MOTIONS ALLOWABLE. When a question is under debate no motion shall be received unless “to adjourn,” “to lay.on the table,” “for the previous question,” “to postpone to a certain time,” “to commit 210 LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE 99 66 or recommit,” “to amend” or “to postpone indefinitely.” These several questions shall take precedence in the order in which they are enumerated. A motion or resolution may be withdrawn at any time before action is had thereon, by the mover thereof, to- gether with the consent of the seconder. ARTICLE II. CLAIMS AGAINST CITY. Section. Section. 375. To: be itemized, etc. 377. City Manager to prepare 376. City Manager to Audit. and present schedule of all claims monthly. Ordinance No. 1180. Section 375. TO BE ITEMIZED. All claims for money due from the City of Muskogee shall be itemized in detail, verified and filed for allowance and payment with the City Manager within such time after any such claim or claims shall become due as the City Manager shall prescribe. Such verified claim or claims shall show in detail the amount due on each item, the date thereof, the purpose for which each item was expended and such other facts as are necessary to show the legality of such claim or claims and each item thereof. Section 376. CITY MANAGER TO AUDIT. The City Man- ager shall audit and examine into such claim or claims so filed with him for allowance and payment as aforesaid, and if such claim or claims and all parts thereof are found to be correct and in compli- ance with Section 375 of this article, the same shall be by the City Manager allowed for payment, and the City Manager shall there- upon prepare, draw and sign a warrant therefor on the City Treas- urer, or cause same to be prepared, and shall require the City Clerk to attest the same with his signature as such City Clerk, and to affix the seal of the City thereto, and the City Auditor shall keep such account and record thereof as the City Manager shall pre- scribe in a book to be provided for that purpose. Section 377, CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND SUB- MIT SCHEDULE OF ALL CLAIMS MONTHLY. That at the first regular meeting of the City Council next after the first of each month hereafter, the City Manager shall prepare and present for approval to the Council of the City of Muskogee a report and schedule in writing of all claims allowed for payment during the previous month in accordance with Section 376 of this article, and shall annex thereto the return receipts showing payment of each item of such claims, which report and schedule, shall be prepared LEGISLATIVE PROCEDURE—LIBRARY 211 in manner and form as in the judgment of the City Manager shall be deemed necessary to fully inform the Council of the City of Muskogee of the facts necessary to show the legality of all such claims and of each item thereof, and if the said report and schedule is found to be correct, the Council of the City of Muskogee shall thereupon authorize and direct the Mayor to approve the same and shall order the same filed in the office of the City Clerk. CHAPTER XV. Pip Rak v2 Section. Section. 378. Library established. 381. Board may receive dona- 379. Library Board. tions. 380. Powers & Duties of 382. Library funds. Board. 383. Unlawful to injure or de- stroy library property. Ordinance No. 464. Section 378. LIBRARY ESTABLISHED. There’ is hereby created and established a free public library for the use and bene- fit of the inhabitants of the City of Muskogee. Section 3/9. LIBRARY BOARD. There is hereby created a library board consisting of six members to be appointed by the Mayor and City Council, as soon as the Council is organized after each general city election, who shall hold their positions during the pleasure of the Council and serve without pay. The chairman of the library board shall be a member of the City Council and the other five members shall be chosen from the citizens of Muskogee at large with reference to their fitness for such position. When- ever a vacancy shall occur in said board the Mayor and Council shall select some qualified person to fill such vacancy. Section 380. POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD. The li- brary board shall have the custody and care of the public library or libraries in the City of Muskogee, and shall manage the same, and shall have such other powers and duties as are prescribed in article two of chapter 70 of the Revised Laws of Oklahoma 1910. Section 381. BOARD MAY RECEIVE DONATIONS. The said library board is authorized and empowered to accept dona- tions of property and money for the use and support of such pub- lic library in the City of Muskogee, upon such terms as shall be mutually agreed upon between the donors thereof and the said board. Section 382. LIBRARY FUNDS. All moneys received for 212 LIBRARY — LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX such public library, whether through taxes or donations, shall be deposited in the City Treasury to the credit of the library fund, and shall be paid out only upon proper authenticated vouchers of the said library board. Section 383. UNLAWFUL TO INJURE OR DESTROY LI- BRARY PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person in- tentionally to damage, injure, or destroy any library property or book, or to fail or refuse to return any book belonging to such library, and any person violating this section shall be punishable by fine not exceeding $19.95. CHAPTER XVI. LICENSES AND OCCUPATIONS ee Section. Section. 384. Unlawful to operate 395. Unlawful to operate un- without license. til license tax is paid. 385. Date of expiration of li- 396. Duty of Police. cense. 397. Defining short time loan 386. Classifications. business. 387. Certain Licenses Granted 398. Shall file application for at Discretion of City license. Manager. 399. Intention to regulate and 388. City Manager may can- control short time loan cel license for cause. busitiess. 389. Driver of Cab, etc., must 400. Liceuse fee; amount. have special license. 401. Unlawful to operate 390. Transient dealer defined. without license. 402. Dogs; license required; amount. 403. Dealers in coal oil, etc., for motor vehicles, gar- 391. Shall render sworn state- ment of capital invested. 392. License to be posted. O90: Validity of one section ages, -CtG., Uo procure li- not to be affected by an- cense. other. 404. Shall keep record of 394. Circus exhibitions; li- sales. cense tax; amount. 405. Penalty. Ordinance No. 910. Dogs—Imposing license tax. Ordinance No. 1077. Licensing sale gasoline, etc. Ordinance No. 1200. General License Ordinance. Ordinance No. 1221. Amending License Ordinance No. 1200. Section 384. UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE WITHOUT LI- CENSE. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, associa- LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX 213 tion or corporation within the limits-of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, to engage in, carry on, conduct or follow any of the trades, businesses, vocations, professions or callings hereinafter set out and enumerated without first having procured from the City License Clerk of the City of Muskogee, and having paid there- for, the amount of license hereinafter mentioned and provided for in this Ordinance for the privilege of engaging in, carrying on or following such trade, business, profession, vocation or calling in said City. Section 385. DATE OF EXPIRATION. All license taxes shall expire on the last day of April next after the same are issued and no license shall be issued until the amount prescribed therefor shall be paid to the City Treasurer at the City Office, and no license shall in any case be assigned or transferred excepting by consent of the City Manager, all licenses so issued shall be signed by the City License Clerk. All licenses issued hereunder shall be at an annual rate unless otherwise specifically provided for herein, and no license issued on a per annum basis or rate shall be issued for any period of time less than three (3) months except upon the payment of the amount of license tax due under this Ordinance for a three (3) months’ period; provided, however, that where a rate of tax at so much per day or per month is fixed, then a license may be issued for such period of time upon the payment of the tax required for such period. Section 386. CLASSIFICATIONS. The following classifica- tions of businesses, trades, vocations, professions and callings shall be and are hereby made, and the following occupation or license tax for the conduct of the same shall be and is hereby fixed, to- wit: Class of Business Amount of Tax Advertising by horse and wagon, or other vehicle, per day...$ 2.50 Pe eeeiisn or, Ulusic Merida yan... Lola eitei apie: 5.00 ater Cisiito epiliboards., pet. annum. 2... aii Mort elo 50.00 Pevertisine, sion boards, per annumtt.....s! san-..elesual.ies 25.00 Advertising, distribution of circulars, per day...................-.---. 5.00 Burm te Da CCT OCT AL NAUN ee ipa cpap ater ge oe ae 12.00 eS eCT Raat, NOL CANIM oactesnce onsen sc a ks nase he yagtp evened nee 25.00 Pe cme ARO, CTs ANOUIN ee eee oo ano ene 25.00 Amusement, carnival companies (provided such license shall be issued only in the discretion of the City Manager as to location and character of performance), per day........ 50.00 Prici@peccor ter. Annies ee eh. 2 OU 25.00 Paiction noeucseeproprictor, per annum 2) 20h ile een 150.00 Baie tort Sales as tirana ste a) bet it) DAN hd Ee ln haere 10.00 PerehwcliGdca amen A yee tert cin. dh pet! ea nin preg eel oo ee 5.00 Baggage wagons, drays (2 horses) or automobiles used as bacoagesvehicleéspeach driven, perannutt.nciiae-seeiias 12.00 Baggage wagons or drays (1 horse), per annum.................--. 9,00 214 LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX Class of Business Amount of Tax Bowling, box or pin alley, for first alley, per annum................ 10.00 For‘each additional alley, per. annus... 25 eee 5.00 Boxing contest, per. exhibition? 2...) ee 25.00 Billiard or poolrooms, each table, per annum........................... 15.00 Dance. hall, proprietor of, per month 2)... 7.02 ee 5.00 Employment agents or agencies, per year=....9.. =e 10.00 Exhibitions, outside regularly licensed opera houses, etc., per day-_..2. cect pias eee eaten ee 10.00 Fire and wreck sales of merchandise, per annum.................... 25.00 Filling stations, in sidewalk or parking, gasoline and oil, ex- clusively;sperj annum s..203 Oi) AOUSee Se 25.00 Games, knife boards, cane racks, per instrument, per day.... 2.00 Per smonthig220 2. LA ee eee 20.00 Hotels and rooming houses, 8 to 24 rooms, per annum............ 12.00 Each iadditional room, per vannum +). 01. ceee 50 Hamburger ‘stands, per jannumic i SaaS Fe 180.00 Hawkers; périday.2ls00. 4408 Bat G ae 2 ee 2.00 Per:smonth’:. 2. 2340..CO 2s. Soe ee ee 15.00 Horse or mule market, or sale stable, per annum.................-.. 12.00 Ice Cream peddler, each wagon, per month:..........-...saue 5.00 Junk dealer; per annum. 0 9 ye eee 100.00 Livestock dealers; transient, per’day.!20 22) faa 7. eee 10.00 Livery, feed stables and wagon yards, where horses and mules are not handled for sale, per annum. see ALLARD Medicine shows, per) day, 222) 2 25.00 Merry-go-rounds, ferris wheels or swings, per day................_ 2.00 Per. month it 20.020 ee 50.00 Moving picture theatres, vaudeville theaters, or both, per TINUE ne eengs ce ecececevec ce sece tesa pede ncanes leer ee Un ene 50.00 Milk dealers, each wagon or other vehicle, per annum.......... 5.00 Two cows or more; per annum.422) 036. fe 2.50 Patent medicine manufacturers, per anntm_...1.-4. 2 25.00 Pawnbroker, per annum...) 000 ee 2p 100.00 Peddlers, jewelry, per days22 22) 22 ‘F200 Per month:.3 Ue ee eee 20.00 Peddlers, of fish, game, meats, oysters, butter, eggs, poultry, vegetables, fruits, berries or other products of farm, orchard, garden or vineyard, not grown or raised, pro- duced or slaughterted or caught by himself, not other- wise provided for, per wagon, per month........000 20... 5.00 Provided, however, that the wares of every such ped- dler shall at all times be subject to the inspection of the Health Department of the City of Muskogee. Peddlers or other persons selling or offering for sale from any car or cars, or distributing from said car or cars in less than carload lots, any fruits, vegetables or products thereof and producé, percaris.. 243 ee 25.00 LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX 215 Class of Business Amount of Tax Peddlers, goods, wares or merchandise not otherwise pro- Srrcartormherein, pemdaya 2%. ty ee eg 2.00 (gv tas 408) v1 Cem BO BES ae SOUS Wek ai DB 1) ae de ee 25.00 Mereeorapuers, transient per day. ssa eke ace tected 2.00 GS EO EAT TREN gOS OS eget elle ene Same lotae 0. Siren eat Oe NORE 15.00 Rte eS tine rin eS Vere MON ts Nic Yo. told kage Be 10.00 PC ETN AGN Ei ths 02 Mie TA a We YO tale ne le PS Dia TD 100.00 Memem Ny UNCIA1C® SOOCS # DER Gai cc saa sce peek posh de 5.00 ees Oa ery Tere MON tee ees Sa oh tte eR 5.00 Slot or vending machine, not chance, each, per annum.......... 1.00 Dee EECITIO ET ATSIC.) [Gy CAV siocek gacees fete cacnenes ob ate e aie ce vy 2.00 pe edeities.., excitisively opetannittn 2 2g 24.00 Street stands (pop corn), per annum.......... ie tes WES Ane Fie 60.00 eimceu stands (Sale-oivgoods) .petidayis 3.00 Taxi and cab drivers, each driver of a cab, taxi or service. car or other vehicle for the transportation of passengers Seiad CORIOGP MLC MPer annus lao eed 20.00 Temporary drink stands, from or by which are sold or of- fered for sale lemonade, soda water or milk shake, per EERE Re PROS ee ee oS Dk een dare ans Sane ee 12.00 Lite STRESS), "oa SS DAB sa eS 50.00 “0 Sy 65 Caray oly #1 gig Ga Le he ol 9 90) ea © ROR eae eno 5.00 GE QO ee is Ee Sere ee 25.00 Transient dealers, excepting dealers in original paintings, OPIS ESTA EV ITELS Ta 2 sepia PRN ace US ae eae 25.00 Transient merchants, ladies’ and gentlemen’s ready-to-wear, a I ass Eancnensnogrcctey doeezzarodeiphe cian 25.00 Mth Va rQepPrOprierat age per. QUatEl.....2.....--cceccziccnccbenccieg encode 3.00 VO GIR SENT me EO ean) eR 12.00 Bees -imarcuesmearcncontest...0r0. 0.20 A). 10.00 Multinvesr Shdwspemexmibitioniids da .sdih. J alislluacak 50.00 Rercenmotkersy transicht wiper days 22.0 dhe lala lin 1.50 Pee eaC CW Sie te a 2 Fe ey tgs late 5.00 Section 387. CERTAIN LICENSES GRANTED AT DIS- CRETION OF CITY MANAGER. The granting of any street or sidewalk license, or dancing hall or dancing hall proprietor license, shall be in the discretion of the City Manager as to location and character of the applicant. Section 388. CITY MANAGER MAY CANCEL LICENSE FOR CAUSE. That the City Manager shall, after notice and hearing had, have the right to cancel any license granted for the conduct of any bowling alley, pool hall, billiard hall, or the license for the conduct of any other character of business or amusement where loafing, gambling, games of chance, or minors are permit- ted to frequent, or other immoral or indecent or improper prac- tices are allowed or permitted to be carried on in or about such place of business or amusement, or for the allowing or permitting 216 LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX on or about such place of business or amusement of any acts or conditions which amount to a public nuisance. Section 389. DRIVER OF CAB, ETC., MUST HAVE SPE- CIAL LICENSE. That each driver of a cab, taxi, service car or other vehicle for the transportation of passengers, or baggage for hire must be issued a special permit by the City Manager; must not be under nineteen (19) years of age; must have had at least one year actual experience in the driving of motor vehicles; must be of good moral character; must have been a bona fide resident of the City of Muskogee for a period of not less than sixty (60) days prior to the issuance of such permit, and the correct name and address of the driver of said car, as well as the owner thereof, to- gether with the State License Tag Number, must at all times be furnished to and kept on file with the City Manager, and kept posted, together with the legal rate of taxicab fare, in a conspicu- ous place in the vehicle being driven. The City Manager may adopt such rules and regulations for securing the necessary information for the enforcement of this provision as in his discretion seems reasonable and proper; provided, that the City Manager, after notice and hearing had, shall have the right to cancel the permit of any driver for failing to comply fully with any of the provisions of this section, or for any conduct on the part of said driver that would make it unsafe and dangerous to the public peace, safety and welfare for such permit to be continued in force; and, pro- vided further, that a second conviction after this Ordinance be- comes effective, of any criminal offense under the laws of this State or of the City of Muskogee shall be conclusive evidence of any person’s unfitness to be issued or to hold a permit as a driver under this Ordinance. Section 390. TRANSIENT DEALER DEFINED. The word “Transient Dealer” for the purposes of this Ordinance shall mean and include such person or persons, both principal and agent, who stop at hotels or rent rooms at other places to display their goods or go from house to house and sell such goods, wares or merchandise by sample or otherwise and deliver their goods at the time or after- wards to the purchaser or purchasers. Sction 391. SHALL RENDER SWORN STATEMENT OF CAPITAL INVESTED. In all cases where the amount to be paid for a license depends upon the capital invested or the value of goods carried in stock, it shall be the duty of the person applying for such license to render to the City Manager a sworn statement as to such capital stock or the volume and value of such stock of goods, and such other and further proof as the City Manager may demand to show the actual amount of capital invested, value of goods or stock, and the City Clerk shall not be required to issue a receipt for any money until such proofs are furnished, provided that each person, firm or corporation having more than one place of business shall pay a license for each separate and distinct place of business. LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX 217 Section 392. LICENSE TO BE POSTED. Each license shall be posted in a conspicuous place where such business, vocation or calling is carried on, and the holder of such license shall immediately show the same to any officer of the City upon being requested so to do. Section 393. VALIDITY OF ONE SECTION NOT TO BE AFFECTED BY ANOTHER. Should any section or provision of this Article be for any reason held void or invalid, it shall not af- fect the validity of any other section or provision thereof which is not thus void or invalid. ection so74, CIRCUS HW XHIBITIONS: LICENSE, -TAX, AMOUNT. For the purposes of regulating, supervising, controlling and policing circus exhibitions and parades within the corporate limits of the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and for the further pur- pose of protecting and repairing the streets used for such parades, the following license tax or fee is hereby levied and fixed; For each circus with menagerie or side-show during all months of the year except September and October, without parade, per day $100.00. With parade, per day $300.00. For each circus with menagerie or side-show during the months of September and October of each year, without parade, per day $500.00, with parade per day $1,000.00. For parade alone in the city when such circus as described — above is shown outside the city limits during all months of the year except September and October, for each parade $200.00. For parade alone in the city when such circus described above is shown outside the city limits during the months of September and October, for each parade $500.00. For all other circuses without parade per day $25.00, with parade per day $50.00. For all other circuses, for parade alone, per day $25.00. Section 395. UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE UNTIL LICENSE TAX IS PAID. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corpora- tion, or company to show or exhibit or attempt to show or exhibit any such circus within the corporate limits of such city, or to sell or offer to sell tickets to the same, or to perform or act or other- wise participate in any way in any performance, in such circus, or to use any street or streets of said city for any such parade, or to participate in any way in any such parade, until the license as hereinabove set forth has been paid. Section 396. DUTY OF POLICE. It shall be the duty of the police to stop the performance, exhibition or parade of such circus, until the proper license fee as herein provided has been paid, and to seize and hold sufficient property and paraphernalia belong- ing to such circus to cover all license fees, fines and penalties. 218 LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX Section 397. DEFINING SHORT TIME LOAN BUSINESS. By the term “short time loan business,” as herein used, is meant and included every person, firm, partnership, company or corpora- tion maintaining an office or place of business within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, engaged regularly in the business of loaning money, with or without security, for a short period of time, and who has not complied with the banking laws of the State of Oklahoma, or of the United States, so as to receive authority to do a general banking business under such laws. Section 398. SHALL FILE APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. Every person, firm, partnership, company or corporation desiring to engage in the short time loan business, as herein defined, in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, shall file with the City Clerk an ap- plication for a license stating, (1) the name under which the busi- ness will be conducted, (2) the place where such business is con- ducted, (3) the name, age and residences of each member of the firm or partnership, or, if a corporation, the name, age, and resi- dence of each officer thereof, (4) the name, age and residence of the person who will be in the immediate charge of such business, and (5) how long the applicant has been a resident of the City of Muskogee. Such application shall be filed with the City Clerk and be presented to the City Manager for his action thereon. If such applicant has been a bona fide resident of the City of Muskogee for a period of sixty days next before making such application, and is a person of responsibility, integrity and good moral charac- ter, then the City Manager may issue or cause to be issued to such - applicant, within ten days from the filing of such application, a li- cense to engage in such business upon the payment of the fee there- for as herein provided. Before the issuance of such license it shall be the duty of the City Manager to satisfy himself as to the char- acter, fitness and responsibility of such applicant. Section 399. INTENTION TO REGULATE AND CONTROL SHORT TIME LOAN BUSINESSES. It is intended by this ordi- nance to regulate, control and supervise the short time loan busi- ness in the City of Muskogee. If at any time the City Manager shall be convinced through information received by himself, or upon investigation made by himself or his duly authorized repre- sentatives, that any person, firm, partnership, company or corpora- tion, licensed hereunder to engage in such business, is guilty of fraud, dishonesty or oppression in the conduct of such business, he may, after giving such person an opportunity to be heard and explain any charges made, if still convinced that such charges are true, revoke the license heretofore issued to such person, firm, partnership, company or corporation. Section 400. LICENSE FEE; AMOUNT. For the purpose of defraying the expense of issuing such license as herein provided for and the supervision and regulation of the short time loan busi- ness as herein provided, a license fee of $25.00 per annum shall be LICENSES AND OCCUPATION TAX 219 charged and collected upon the issuance of each license thereunder. All licenses issued hereunder shall-expire on the last day of April, and shall not be issued for a less period than one year. ection 401. UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE WITHOUT LI- CENSE. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, partnership, company or corporation to engage in the short time loan business as herein defined in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, without first having procured a license and paid the fee therefor as herein pro- vided. Section 402. DOGS: LICENSE REQUIRED: AMOUNT. That it shall be the duty of every person owning or having in charge any dog within the corporate limits of the City of Musko- gee to pay to the City of Muskogee, a license tax of One Dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for each male dog, and Two Dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for each female dog, and to place about the neck of each dog a leather or metallic collar bearing a copper tag containing the number of the year in which issued and the word “Muskogee” engraved thereon, such tag to be evidence of the payment of the license tag required hereunder. Section 403. DEALERS IN COAL OIL, ETC., TO PROCURE LICENSE. Before any person, firm or corporation shall engage in the business of selling coal oil, gasoline, fuel oil or other supplies ordinarily used in motor vehicles, or engaged in the repair of such vehicles, or operate a garage in the City of Muskogee, he shall make application to the City License Collector for a license to operate such business, and shall pay to said Collector, for the benefit of the City, the sum of $1.00, which license shall continue for a term of one year, ending on the 30th day of April of each and every year. Section 404. SHALL KEEP RECORD OF SALES. Every such person, firm or corporation engaging in the business as de- scribed in this Section, shall keep and maintain a permanent rec- ord, in'a Book kept for that purpose, of the date, the purchaser’s name and address, and the name of his motor vehicle, the manu- facturer’s serial engine number, and the State license number, of each and every person purchasing coal oil, gasoline or fuel oil, or leaving cars in their garage, and no person, firm or corporation shall make any repair to or sell any parts of any motor vehicle without first having made the above permanent record, and it shall be the duty of every such person, firm or corporation to keep, at all reasonable hours, said permanent record open for public inspec- tion, and no record of said car shall be made except upon personal inspection of the one making such sale or repairs, or keeping the car in their garage. Section 405. PENALTY. Any person, firm, association or corporation, or agent thereof, violating any of the provisions of this article, shall, on conviction, be fined in any sum not exceeding Nineteen Dollars and ninety-five cents ($19.95), and each day of said violation shall constitute a separate offense. 220 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION CHAPTER XVII. MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION. Section. Section. 406. Inspector. 424. Prohibition of certain 407. Duties of Inspector. food for cows. 408. Sanitary officers to be 425. Cows to run in open air; Assistant Inspectors. premises drained, etc. 409. Application for and issu- 426. Procedure where cows ance of permit; amount have disease. ! of fee. 427. Diseased cows; killed or 410. Procedure when cows are quarantined. not owned by Dairymen; 428. Diseased cows; failure to providing for additional kill or quarantine. permit. 429, Diseased cows; notice of 411. Permit; License; Re- disposition. vocation. 430. Condition of wagons 412. Penalty for sale without used; no waste hauled, permit. etc, 413. Grade of milk. 431. Application for license 414, Skimmed milk. and permit. . 415. Grade of cream. 432. Premises and equipment 416. Grade of butter. to be sanitary; illness of 417. Grade of skimmed milk. family and employees. 418. Adulteration of milk. 433. Rules and regulations. 419, Tuberculin test. 434. Milk to be bottled. 420. Inspector’s tight to en- 435. What constitutes a dairy ter and make test. or dairy depot. V1. Dj d 436. Fees to be paid. ORE aiee Abe 437. Quarterly inspections. 422. Tagging cows inspected. 438. Tuberculin test to apply, 423. Inspector’s power to to all cows from which make inspection of dair- milk is sold. ies. 439, Penalty. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. 1025. 948-1025. 1106-A. 1194. Milk and Dairy Inspection. 1229. Milk and Dairy Inspection. Amending 948- 948. Milk and Dairy Inspection. Milk and Dairy Inspection. 1070. Milk and Dairy Inspection. Amending 10235. 1106-A. Milk and Dairy Inspection. Amending 948. Amending Amending 948. _ Section 406. MILK INSPECTOR. The City Chemist of the City of Muskogee shall be ex-officio Milk and Dairy Inspector. section 407. DUTIES OF INSPECTOR. It shall be the duty MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION 221 of the Milk and Dairy Inspector to see that the laws relating to the inspection of Milk and Dairies are enforced, and he shall per- form all the duties required of him by the laws of the City and the orders of the City Health officer. He shall make monthly written reports of the work done in his department to the City Council and City Health officer. It shall be the duty of the Milk and Dairy In- spector to tabulate in detail the results of all inspections and milk tests made by him or his assistants and the same shall be published for the information of the Citizens of Muskogee, once a month during a period beginning May first and ending October thirty-first of each year. Section 408. SANITARY OFFICERS TO BE ASSISTANT INSPECTORS. The Sanitary officers of the City of Muskogee shall be the assistant milk and dairy inspectors. Section 409. APPLICATION FOR AND. ISSUANCE OF PERMIT, AMOUNT OF FEE. Each person, firm or corporation desiring to sell or in any manner dispose of milk from one or more cows within the City of Muskogee shall before engaging in such business make application to the office of the Milk and Dairy In- spector for a permit for that purpose, and shall furnish him a cer- tificate in writing of the number of cows used in the production of such milk and the location of the barns, sheds and stalls and the premises in which said cows are kept, fed and milked. And it shall be the duty thereupon of the inspector, or his assistant, to inspect the barns, sheds, stalls and premises so reported, and if it be ascer- tained by said inspector that said barns, sheds, stalls and premises are properly constructed and sanitary, and as hereinafter provided, that said cows are free from injury or disease, it shall be the duty of said inspector to issue a permit to the applicant to sell milk in the City. Said applicant shall immediately notify the inspector in writing, when any additional cows are added to his, her or its herd. The applicant shall at any time upon written notice from the City Health Officer furnish a statement, under oath, from a competent and authorized veterinarian, showing that his cows are entirely free from injury or disease. Section 410. PROCEDURE WHEN COWS ARE NOT OWNED BY DAIRYMEN; PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL PERMIT. Each person, firm or corporation who desires to sell or dispose of any milk in any way in the City of Muskogee, where said milk is not produced from cows owned by him, her or it, shall before engaging in such business or within sixty days from this date make application to the Milk and Dairy Inspector, or such other person who may be designated by the Council for a permit for that purpose and shall furnish him with a certificate in writing from a qualified veterinarian, sworn to and subscribed before any person qualified to administer oaths, showing that said cows are free from all injuries or disease that would affect the milk especially any disease that is communicable to man or which produces eleva- 222 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION tion of systematic temperature, such as tuberculosis (determined by tuberculin test), anthrax, Texas fever, pneumonia, tarpurient, apoplexy (milk fever), malignant catarrh, and all such diseases; Provided, that when any person, firm or corporation dealing in milk sold or disposed of in any way to him, her or it, by any per- son, firm or corporation who has obtained a permit under the fourth section of this chapter as to such milk, a copy of such per- mit may be presented to the Milk and Dairy Inspector, and shall be by him accepted in lieu of the veterinarian’s certificate required above. Any person, firm or corporation obtaining 4 permit under this ordinance must obtain additional, new or fresh certificate or certificates of veterinarian at any time on demand of the Milk and Dairy Inspector, and, upon failure within ten days after demand in writing from said Inspector to furnish new or fresh certificate, the permit provided for in this ordinance shall be ipso facto forfeited. Section 411. PERMIT, LICENSE, RENOUNCEMENT BY COUNCIL. The issuance of the permit by the Milk and Dairy Inspector shall not create a vested right to do business in the city. The City Council hereby reserves the right to revoke the same at any time upon the failure or neglect of the party obtaining the same to comply with the terms, provisions and requirements of the ordinance. Regulations shall be made from time to time by the Inspector and Board of Health, as they may deem advisable. Section 412. PENALTY FOR SALE WITHOUT PERMIT. Any person, firm or corporation who sells or disposes of milk in any way in the City of Muskogee produced from cows not included in the permit as provided for in this chapter, or from cows, whether so included or not, which are not kept, fed or milked in barns, sheds, stalls or premises—included_ in a permit as provided for in this chapter shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 413. GRADE OF MILK. No person, firm or cor- poration shall sell, barter or offer for sale or barter within the City any milk which contains more than 87.5 per cent of water, or less than 3.2 per cent of butter fat, and the specific gravity of which at 60 degrees F. shall be between 1.029 and 1.033; all milk of lower grade and quality than specified in this ordinance shall be taken and condemned as adulterated and impure by the Milk and Dairy Inspector, or his assistants, and the vendor thereof punished. Provided, further, no person shall dispose of or sell any milk from any cow, until at least ten days after the date when said cow shall have calved. Section 414. SKIMMED MILK. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to sell or dispose of in any way, or to have in custody with the intention of selling or expose or offer for sale, as whole milk any milk from which the cream, or any part thereof, has been removed, and all such milk from which the cream or any part thereof has been removed shall be plainly MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION 223 labelled and marked “skimmed milk.” Section 415. GRADE OF CREAM. No person, firm or cor- poration shall sell, barter or offer for sale within the city any cream which contains less than 18 per cent of butter fat, and all cream of lower grade and quality than that shall be taken and condemned as adulterated and impure by the Dairy and Milk Inspector, or his assistant; and all milk and cream used in the manufacture of creamery butter and ice cream for commercial purposes, and all milk bought to be resold, must be pasteurized to a temperature of 145 degrees F. for twenty-five minutes, or to 150 degrees F. and held for twenty minutes, using the holding system of pasteuriza- tion, or shall be heated to 170 degrees F. with the flash (continu- ous) system of pasteurization. Section 416. GRADE OF BUTTER. It shall be unlawful to sell or barter or offer for sale or barter, within this city any butter that is not made from pure milk or cream; the same shall be free from all chemicals and adulterations and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of the pure food laws of the United States of America. Section 417. SKIMMED MILK. Skimmed milk, or separat- ed milk, that is sold, bartered or offered for sale or barter, within this city shall contain not less than 9 per cent of milk solids, ex- clusive of butter fats, and shall be plainly labeled “skimmed milk,” and all butter milk shall contain not less than 8 per cent of milk solids, exclusive of butter fat, and all such milk of lower grade and - quality than specified in this section shall be taken and condemned as adulterated and impure by the Milk and Dairy Inspector, or his assistants. Section 418. ADULTERATION OF MILK. It shall be un- lawful to add to milk intended for sale or barter in this city any chalk, borax, salicylate of soda, or other preservative, ice, water, or other substance of fluid, and it shall be unlawful to sell or barter or offer for sale or barter, any milk which has been added to, or adul- terated as aforesaid, or any impure, adulterated or unwholesome milk, and the Milk and Dairy Inspector shall condemn and destroy such milk. Section 419. TUBERCULIN TEST. No person, firm or cor- poration shall sell or in any manner dispose of milk or cream in this city produced from cows which have not been tested by the Milk and Dairy Inspector or a qualified veterinarian with tuber- culin for tuberculosis, and certificate furnished by such aforesaid veterinarian, after July lst, 1914, and such test prescribed shall be made at least once each year before July Ist; provided, that the official test of the State of the United States government be recog- nized; that is, where the States or United Sates government has tested an animal such test shall be recognized in the City of Mus- kogee for a period of one year from the date of such testing. 224 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION Section 420. INSPECTOR’S RIGHT TO ENTER’ “AND MAKE TEST. The Inspector, or his assistants, shall have the right at any time to enter, examine and inspect any dairy, the owner of which sells or in any manner, disposes of milk in the City of Muskogee, and to examine, inspect and test for disease any cow connected with or belonging to the owner or proprietor of such dairy. For any interference with or hindrance of the said Inspector or assistants, by the owner, proprietor or agents, the permit provided for by this ordinance shall be upon conviction in police court ipso facto forfeited; any person so hindering or pre- venting said Inspector or assistants from making such inspection shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 421. DISEASED COWS. It shall be unlawful to sell, barter, or offer for sale or barter, within this city milk from cows suffering from injury or disease which would affect the milk, especially diseases which are communicable to man or produce elevation of systematic temperature, such as tuberculosis, anthrax, Texas fever, pneumonia, purturient apoplexy (milk fever), malig- nant catarrh, and all such diseases. Section 422. TAGGING COWS INSPECTED. No milk shall be used from a dairy the owner of which sells or in any manner disposes of milk in this city, unless such cows have been tested by the Milk and Dairy Inspector, or his assistants, with tuberculin for tuberculosis, or by some qualified veterinarian satisfactory to said Inspector; provided, the Government or State test shall be recognized as provided for in Section 419. All cows so tested shall be marked in the ear with a tag bearing a serial number and the words “Muskogee, Okla.,”’ and such cow may be re-tested as afore- said as often as the inspector may deem necessary. And it shall be unlawful to sell or in any manner dispose of milk in this city from any cow which has not been so tested. Section 423. INSPECTOR’S POWER TO MAKE INSPEC-. TION OF DAIRIES. The Milk and Dairy Inspector or his as- sistants shall have the right to enter and examine any place within this city where milk is sold, bartered or offered for sale or barter and to inspect and examine at any time and any place any of said milk, and said Inspector and Inspectors are hereby given police power and authority. Section 424. PROHIBITION OF CERTAIN FOOD FOR COWS. Dairy cows producing milk for the Muskogee market shall not be fed distillery waste, “swill,” or any substance in a state of putrefaction or rottenness, or any other substance that is unwhole- some, or that will in any way affect the healthfulness of their cow; and any person, or firm, or corporation, who sells milk in the City of Muskogee produced from cows fed on the above described sub- stance shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 425. COWS TO RUN IN OPEN AIR AND PREM- MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION 229 ISES DRAINED, ETC. Each cow used in the production of milk for sale or disposal under this ordinance in the City of Muskogee shall be allowed free movement in the open air at least six hours each day, and the barns, sheds, stalls or premises in which the cows are kept, fed and milked shall be properly drained, lighted, venti- lated and cleaned, as per instructions of the Inspector. Section 426. PROCEDURE WHERE COWS HAVE DIS- EASE. If upon inspection as provided for in this ordinance, it is ascertained that any milk cow kept, owned or used in any dairy, or on the premises of any dairyman who sells or otherwise disposes of milk in this city, has the disease of tuberculosis, it shall be the duty of said Inspector or assistants to notify the owner; provided, that the owner of any cow so found to have the disease of tuber- culosis shall have the right to call a competent veterinarian, who, together with the said Inspector, shall select a third person, and the three shall re-examine said cow or cows, and if a majority of those examining find that said cow or cows is or are so diseased, the same shall be disposed of as hereinafter provided. And should a majority not so find the then said cow or cows shall not be so disposed of. Section 427. DISEASED COWS KILLED OR QUARAN- TINED. It shall be the duty of the owner upon receiving notice from the said Inspector that any cow belonging to him or her and used in the dairy, or kept on his or her premises, is diseased with tuberculosis, to immediately stop using the milk from said cow and either kill or quarantine her, and keep her quarantined until said animal shall either be killed or found to be non-tuberculosis by the Inspector. Section 428. FAILURE TO KILL OR QUARANTINE. If any owner of a dairy shall fail to kill or quarantine a tuberculosis cow upon receipt of notice from the Milk and Dairy Inspector or his assistants, or if the produce of any cow kept, fed or milked in any barn, stable or other place with any tuberculous cow is offered for sale or sold in the City of Muskogee such owner or person shall be punished as hereinafter provided. Section 429. NOTICE OF DISPOSITION. Upon disposing of any diseased cow the owner shall at once notify the inspector in writing what disposition has been made of said cow. Section 430. CONDITIONS OF WAGONS USED.—NO WASTE HAULED, ETC. Each wagon used in the delivery of milk shall have the name of the owner or proprietor and the num- ber of the permit under which the business is conducted, painted thereon in prominent letters. All such wagons shall be provided with covers and shall be neat and clean, the interior of such wagon being scrubbed with soap and hot water at least twice per week. The wagons shall be kept neatly painted. No vegetable or waste 226 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION products shall at any time be hauled in any wagon used for the transportation of milk. Section 431. APPLICATION FOR LICENSE. All applica- tions for license to establish and conduct a dairy depot shall be ap- | proved by the Milk and Dairy Inspector or before such license 1s issued. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to conduct a dairy depot, restaurant or other place through which milk is delivered and sold in this city shall apply to the City Clerk, who shall, upon the approval of the Milk and Dairy Inspector, issue a permit. Said permit to be issued on or before July lst of each year and to ex- pire on June 30th of the following year. | Section 432. PREMISES AND EQUIPMENT TO BE SAN- ITARY, ETC.—_ILLNESS OF FAMILY OR EMPLOYEE. Any person, firm or corporation conducting a dairy depot, restaurant or other place in which milk or its products is sold or otherwise disposed of in this city shall at all times maintain such place in a strictly sanitary condition, to be open for inspection at all times during business hours. All ice boxes and refrigerators in which milk is kept shall be and remain in a sanitary condition, being scrubbed at least once each week, said boxes and refrigerators to be drained according to the direction of the inspector. There shall be no closets, hog pens, or quarters for animals or fowls closer than 100 feet from said dairy, depot or place where milk is sold. Provided, this shall not apply to a water closet properly connected with the city sewerage system and maintained in a clean, sanitary condition. Any person conducting a retail dairy route or dairy depot, or restaurant, shall report within twenty-four hours to the superin- tendent of health, any illness of any kind whatsoever occurring in his family or among his employees, or any person connected with the business in any way, giving name and address of attending physician. The health officer shall have the power to suspend temporarily the business of any such place if he deems such action necessary to protect the public health against the infection of such case of illness. Section 433. RULES AND REGULATIONS. In addition to the rules and regulations hereinbefore set out, all persons, firms or corporations selling or offering to sell milk in this city, shall ob-_ serve and comply with the following requirements: (1) No milk shall be bottled except at a dairy or properly equipped dairy depot, and all milk receptacles shall be kept when not in use free from dirt and flies. (2) No milk shall be strained in a barn or other place where the milk will be liable to become contaminated. (3) All milk offered for sale within the City of Muskogee shall be cooled to a temperature not greater than 70 degrees F. after milking. MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION 227 (4) Dairy cattle shall be prohibited from running on pastures that contain streams, ponds or other water that shall be found contaminated with sewerage. (5) Every cow shall have the teats and udder well cleaned before each milking and all milkers shall wear at each milking overalls or clothes that are clean; each milker shall clean his or her hands thoroughly with soap or water immediately before milking. (6) No milk shall be sold which contains more than 400,000 bacteria per cubic centimeter, and dairymen whose milk shall be found continually contaminated with pathogenic germs shall be suspended from selling milk in the city and not licensed to sell milk without the permission of the inspector. No milk shall be sold which has been pasteurized that contains more than 50,000 bac- teria per cubic centimeter, and such pasteurized milk shall not be re-pasteurized for the purpose of lowering the number of bacteria or for preserving purposes. (7) Every dairyman shall be required to keep his barn lot’ where same is located free from manure, droppings from the cows being gathered once daily, piled in an enclosure not closer than 100 feet from the dairy barn, milk house or source of water supply and said lot and barn shall also be kept free from stagnant water and other objectionable material. (8) Each dairy shall be provided with a properly constructed milk house, provided with wire screens for doors and windows, and shall not be used for any other purpose than handling milk or milk products; said milk house shall be so constructed that bottles, cans,, and other utensils used in handling milk may be washed and drained and that said milk house shall be properly drained in such a manner that a pool of water cannot form within 100 feet of milk house, barn or water supply. (9) No milk shall be sold or offered for sale by any restau- rants, hotels or other public eating houses which contains less than 3.5 per cent butter fat unless a sign is displayed reading “Skimmed Milk Served Here,” and sign to be displayed so as to be read from any part of the room in which milk is served. Section 434. MILK TO BE BOTTLED. It shall be unlaw- ful on and after the passage of this ordinance for any retail dairy- man or merchant to sell milk when delivering the same in wagons over the city, in any way whatsoever except in glass bottles, well and securely stoppered when it leaves the dairy and not removed from them until delivered, provided, that this section does not ap- ply to restaurants, hotels, hospitals and bakeries, so far as purchas- ing milk in bulk is concerned. Provided, further, this section shall not apply where milk is being delivered to houses where there are infectious diseases and all persons receiving milk on any such prem- ises shall furnish proper receptacles into which the milk shall be poured. Section 435. WHAT CONSTITUTES A DAIRY OR DAIRY DEPOT. All persons, firms or corporations owning or using milk é ” 228 MILK AND DAIRY INSPECTION from two or more cows, who sell or barter, or offer for sale or barter, any milk within this city shall under the provisions of this ordinance be considered and be a Dairyman, Dairy, or Dealer, and fall within the scope and meaning of this ordinance. Merchants’ milk products, such as condensed milk, malted milk, and similar products are exempt, being a part of their merchandise. Section 436. FEES TO BE PAID. Every dairy, or dairyman, or dealer, shall register annually for period ending April 30 and shall be provided with a number and a copy of the Milk Ordinances. The registration fee for one vehicle, and the number furnished therefor, shall be $5.00 and there shall be an added fee of $2.50 for numbers furnished for each additional vehicle under one registra- tion used by any dealer mentioned herein for the delivery of milk. Provided that dealers who do not use vehicles for delivery shall be furnished a certificate of registration for which a registration fee of $2.50 shall be paid, and such registration certificates shall show the registration number of said dealer. If at the time of applica- tion for a registration fee under the provisions of this section less than six months of the current year shall have expired, the appli- cant shall be required to pay for registration fee the full annual fee and if at the time such application is made more than six months of the current year shall have elapsed, the applicant shall be re- quired to pay one-half of the annual registration fee; and no dairy, dairyman or dealer shall be permitted to register under the pro- visions of this ordinance for any period or part of any year for a less sum than one-half of the annual registration fee. Section 437. INSPECTION TO BE MADE QUARTERLY. The inspection of dairies as provided in this Chapter shall take place quarterly and as often as deemed necessary by the inspector. Section 438. TUBERCULIN TEST TO APPLY SiGe. COWS FROM WHICH MILK IS SOLD. Provided, however, that nothing in this chapter shall be intended to do away with the in- spection and examination for tuberculosis of any cow whose milk is sold or bartered or offered for sale or barter in this city and it shall be the duty of the Inspector to see that every cow whose milk is sold or bartered or offered for sale or barter in this city is given a test for tuberculosis, as provided in this Chapter. Section 439. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Every person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall upon conviction in police court, be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95; and in addition thereto, the license of such convicted per- son, firm or corporation, may be revoked; Provided, that each act constituting a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be deemed a separate offense. POLICE COURT 229 CHAPTER XVIII. PORICE COUR E. Metical): Police Court. Article II. Penalty for violation of all ordinances. ARTICLE I. POLICE COURT: Section. Section. 440. Creating and Establish- 447. Form of prosecutions ; ing; Jurisdiction. | Docket; Sworn com- 441. Officers. plaint. City attorney to 442. Time of sessions. prosecute cases. 443. Presided over by Police 448. Powers of, Police Judge. Judge. Election; remov- 449. To assess punishment al. and fine. 444. Salary. 450. May suspend sentence. 445. Eligibility. 451. Creating position of 446. Mayor to designate act- Clerk of Police Court. ing Police Judge. - Duties. Bond required. Ordinance 1278. Section 440.. CREATING AND ESTABLISHING; JURIS- DICTION. ‘There is hereby created and established a Police Court for the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Said Police Court shall have original, exclusive jurisdiction over all violations of the Ordinance of said city. Section 441. OFFICERS. The officers of said court shall be the Police Judge, the Clerk of said court, the City Attorney, the Chief of Police, and all other police officers of said city. Section 442. TIME OF SESSIONS. One session of said court shall be held each day, except Sunday and legal holidays, commencing at nine o’clock A. M. and other sessions of said court may be held whenever the business of said court may require. Pccugnetioe PRESIDED OVER BY “~POLICH” JUDGE. ELECTION; REMOVAL. Said Police Court shall be presided over by the Police Judge of said city. Immediately upon the pas- sage of this ordinance, or as soon thereafter as practicable, the City Council, in regular or special session, shall elect and appoint a Police Judge as prescribed by the City Charter. The votes there- for shall be duly recorded, and no one shall be declared to be elect- ed Police Judge at any time until he shall have received the votes 230 POLICE COURT of a majority of the members of the Council, present. The said Police Judge shall hold office until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. He shall be subject to removal by the City Council. Vacancies in the office of Police Judge shall be filled by the City Council. Section 444. SALARY. The salary of the Police Judge, un- til otherwise provided by Ordinance or Resolution, shall be $100.00 per month. Section 445. ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be eligible to the office of Police Judge who is not a member of the Bar, and who does not possess all the qualifications required by the City Charter for the office of Mayor. Section 446. MAYOR TO DESIGNATE ACTING POLICE JUDGE. If the Police Judge be absent from the City, sick, or dis- qualified from acting, the Mayor shall designate in writing a per- son as acting police judge having the same qualifications as herein prescribed for police judge, and such acting police judge shall act as police judge until such absence or disqualification is removed, and during such time shall perform all the duties of police judge. Section 447. FORM OF PROSECUTIONS; DOCKET ; SWORN COMPLAINT: CITY ATTORNEY TO PROSEGUTE CASES. All prosecutions for violating any City Ordinance shall be entitled: “The City of Muskogee vs ” (name of defendant). The Police Judge shall keep a docket which shall show the name of the defendant, the number of the case, the number of the Ordi- nance which defendant is accused of violating, the nature or char- acter of the offense, the plea, the date of trial, the final judgment, the date of payment of fine, the date of issuing commitment, if any, and every other fact necessary to show the full proceedings in the case. A sworn complaint shall be made before the case is tried but such complaint may be printed or written upon the docket and there signed and sworn to so that separate files need not be kept. Such complaint shall be prepared by the Desk Sergeant as the cases - arise under the general direction and supervision of the City At- torney, and in such form as shall be prescribed by the City Attor- ney. Such complaint may be amended in form or substance at any time either during the trial or on appeal. No amendment shall cause a delay of the trial, unless for good cause shown. The City Attorney shall appear and prosecute all cases in which the defend- ant appears by attorney. Section 448. POWERS OF POLICE JUDGE. The Police Judge shall have power to issue warrants of arrest upon the filing of written verified complaint; and shall have power to issue alias warrants at his discretion. He shall also have power, and it shall be his duty, to issue subpoenas for all persons whose testimony may be deemed material as witnesses upon the trial, and to enforce their attendance by attachment, if necessary. He shall also have POLICE COURT 231 power to administer oaths, and enforce due obedience to all orders, rules and judgments made by him, and may fine or imprison for contempt offered to such Judge while holding Court, or to process issued by him, in the same manner and to the same extent as the District Judge. He shall also have power to fix and allow bail, and he may authorize the Chief of Police or Desk Sergeant, in the event of arrest at night, or at other times when it is not convenient for the Police Judge to allow bail, to accept cash bonds in such sums as may be fixed by the Police Judge by general order. Section 449. TO ASSESS PUNISHMENT AND FINE. Whenever any person shall have been arraigned before the Court for a violation of the City Ordinances and shall have pleaded guilty -to the charge, or whenever any person shall have been found guilty by the Court upon the trial of the case, the Police Judge shall de- clare and assess the punishment prescribed by ordinance and ren- der judgment accordingly, and shall further adjudge that said de- fendant be committed to the City Jail until his fine is paid, either in cash, or by confinement in the City Jail and receiving credit on his fine at the rate of $1.00 for each day of such confinement. Section 450. MAY SUSPEND SENTENCE. When any per- son shall have been tried and found guilty, or have pleaded guilty and a fine imposed, the Police Judge may in his discretion, sus- pend such sentence for such time as the person so sentenced shall remain absent from the City of Muskogee, or parole such prisoner during good behavior; provided, however, that such suspension or parole shall be subject to the right of said judge, to order execu- tion of sentence in thé event of a violation of the terms thereof. Section 451. CREATING POSITION OF CLERK OF PO- LICE COURT. DUTIES. BOND REQUIRED. The position of Clerk of Police Court is hereby created. Said Clerk shall be ap- pomted by the City Manager. It shall be the duty of said Clerk to receive and collect all fines assessed and all forfeitures taken by and in said court. He shall make daily deposits of said fines and forfeitures so collected, and at the end of each month shall pay the same to the City Treasurer, and at the same time furnish to the said City Treasurer a full written report stating the style and number of each case, amount of fine assessed, amount collected in cash, amount served in jail, and the amount of forfeitures collected in each case. A copy of said report shall be furnished to the City Clerk and the City Manager. The said Clerk shall be required to give a bond in the sum of $2,000.00 to the City of Muskogee to be approved by the City Council conditioned that he will faithfully ac- count for all moneys so received by him. 232 POLICE COURT ARTICLE II. Section. Section. 452. Penalty for violation. 453. Ordinances in conflict re- Amount. pealed. 454. Emergency. Ordinance 1279. Published in Muskogee Daily Phoenix, April 11, 1923. ORDINANCE 1279 An ordinance fixing the penalty for the violation of the ordinances of the city of Muskogee, Oklahoma, repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith and declaring an emer- gency. Be it ordained by the Council of the City. of Muskogee, Okla- homa: Section 452. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. AMOUNT. Any person who violates any ordinances of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, or any section, part or provisions of any such ordinance, or who neglects, fails or refuses to comply with any provision of any such ordinance, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine in any sum not less than $1.00 and not more than $19.95. Section 453. ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT REPEALED. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, in so far and to the extent only as they conflict herewith, are hereby re- pealed. Section 454. EMERGENCY. For the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, a public emergency is hereby de- clared to exist by reason whereof it is necessary that this ordi- nance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage, © approval and publication as required by law. Passed this 10th day of April, 1923. Approved this 10th day of April, 1923. GEO. H. WALKER, Mayor. AttLestcam W. W. GILBERT, City Clerk. OFFENSES GENERAL 233 CHAPTER XIX. OFFENSES GENERAL. os Article Article Article Article Article Article ARTICLE I. graph Poles. VIII. Soliciting, Rail- way Stations, For Retail Stores. IX. Fines and For- feitures, Impris- onment. X. Sabbath Breaking. XI. Prohibited Selling Certain Articles on Certain Streets. XII. Basement Ways, Etc. XIII. Penalty. PUBEIC PEACE, Article I. Public Peace. wprere ils ©. Public’ Safety: Article III. Public Morals. Article IV. Vagrancy and Loafing. Article V. Unlawful Conver- sion of Electric Current or Gas. Article VI. Oijil or Gas Wells Within City Lim- its. Article VII. Posting Advertis- ing Matter on Telephone or Tele- Section. 455. Disturbance of Peace. 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Ordinance Obscenity ; profanity ; blasphemy ; unusual noises. 7 Concealed weapons. Intoxication. Public masked ball. Wearing hats or other similar headgear at theatres, moving picture shows or other public places of amuseinent. False alarm of fire. Discharge of fireworks. Sale of Fireworks. No. No. 108. 634. No. 866. No. 978. No. 1067. NOsul227; No. 1287. Section. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. — Resisting officers. Prisoners breaking jail. Drivers of vehicles car- rying boisterous or dis- orderly persons. Loitering or sleeping in the street or other public places. Crowds obstructing streets and sidewalks. Auctioneers, prohibiting ONTSUreers: , Removal of grade stakes, cic. Curfew—Penalty. Auctioneers—Prohibiting on Streets. Monuments—Providing for Protection. Curfew Law. Public Peace. Amending No. 978. Amending No. 978. Amending No. 978. Fireworks. Section 455. DISTURBANCE OF PEACE. It shall be un- 234 OFFENSES GENERAL lawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to assault another, or assault and beat another, or wrangle, quarrel or fight, or use any obscene or indecent language, menaces or threats of violence, or insulting language, or language likely to provoke another person to anger, or to be guilty of tur- bulent, violent or tumultuous conduct, or make any loud, offen- sive or unusual noises, such as to disturb the peace or quietude of any other person, or persons, or any neighborhood or community in said City. Section 456. OBSCENITY: PROFANITY: BLASPHEMY: UNUSUAL NOISES. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to use any boister- ous, obscene, profane, indecent or blasphemous language, in or up- on any public street, alley, avenue or other public place, or in any hotel, rooming house or boarding house within said City, or to make or permit, or to assist in making or permitting any objection- able, or offensive, or unusual noises, or disturbances, in or about the premises in or under his control, sufficient to harass or disturb the peace of any other person, or persons, or any neighborhood or community in said City.. Section 457. CONCEALED WEAPONS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Musko- gee, to carry concealed on or about his person, or in an automobile or other conveyance in which he is riding, any pistol, revolver, bowie knife, sling shot, brass knucks, dirk, cane containing sword or spear, razor, sand bag or knife with a blade over three inches in length having a spring handle, or other dangerous or deadly weapons; provided, however, that the provisions of this section shall not apply to United States marshals, sheriffs, constables or members: of the police department, all of which said officers are hereby empowered and authorized to carry such weapons while acting in the discharge of their duties, but not otherwise. Section 458. INTOXICATION. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to be drunk or intoxicated in or upon any street, avenue, alley or other public place, or upon any property not owned by him and not law- fully under his control. | Section 459. PUBLIC MASKED BALL. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Mus- kogee, to give, conduct, superintend, manage or to participate therein, any public masked ball without permission in writing of the City Manager first had and obtained for the giving of such ball; and by the term “masked ball” as used in this section, is meant a ball at which participants therein wear masks such as to conceal their identity and which is had and conducted in any place other than a private residence in said City. OFFENSES GENERAL 235 Section 460. WEARING HATS OR OTHER SIMILAR HEADWEAR AT THEATRES, MOVING PICTURE SHOWS OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. It shall be un- lawful for any person to wear any hat, cap, bonnet, or other head- wear or headgear at any theater, moving picture show, or other public place of amusement within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, during the performance of any play, theatrical ex- hibition, or any display of moving pictures, or other public amuse- ment; and it shall further be unlawful for the owner or proprietor, or manager, or usher, or other person or persons in charge of such theater, moving picture show, or any play, theatrical performance display of moving pictures, or other public amusement, to permit any person composing the audience or in attendance thereon, to wear therein during such time any hat, cap, bonnet or other head- wear or headgear. Section 461. FALSE ALARM OF FIRE. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Mus- kogee, wilfully to give or make any false alarm of fire or false not- ice, warning or information of fire, by means of any communica- tion whatsoever to the fire department of said city whereby and by reason whereof said fire department shall be called out to ex- tinguish a fire which does not in fact exist. Section 462. DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to discharge any firecrackers, rockets, torpedoes, Ro- man candles, or other fireworks or substances designed and intend- ed for pyrotechnic display, or to discharge any pistols, canes, can- nons, or other appliances used for such purpose, blank cartridges or caps excepting those of a harmless character known as sparklers, small torpedoes, colored dipped sticks and torches and firecrackers not over two inches in length and containing only black powder and clay, provided, however, that the Mayor of said city may authorize a public display of fireworks to be managed and conducted by properly qualified persons, and under the direct supervision of ex- perts in the handling of fireworks, such permission to be given by the Mayor in writing, and provided further, that such display of fireworks shall be of such character and so located, discharged or fired, as, in the opinion of the Chief of the fire department, shall not be hazardous to surrounding property or endanger the lives or homes of any person or persons, which said opinion shall be given to the Mayor by the Chief of the fire department, before the Mayor shall be authorized to issue the permit herein provided. Section 463. SALE OF FIREWORKS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to sell or offer for sale at retail, any fire- works of any kind or description whatsoever excepting those of a harmless character known as sparklers, small torpedoes, colored 236 OFFENSES GENERAL dipped sticks and torches and firecrackers not over two inches in length and containing only black powder and clay. Section 464. RESISTING OFFICERS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Musko- gee to resist any member of the police department or other of- ficer or person authorized by law to make an arrest, in the dis- charge of his duty as such member of said department, or pursu- ant to law so authorizing him to make such arrest, or to assist or to attempt to assist in any manner the escape or rescue of any person in custody of any officer of said police department or of any officer of law, or of any person authorized to make such arrest. Section 465. PRISONERS: BREAKING JAIL: PASSING INSTRUMENTS INTO JAIL. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, by force or otherwise in any manner to set at liberty or rescue, from the custody or charge of any officer, any prisoner, either before or after conviction; or for any prisoner after being placed under ar- rest, and before being formally discharged by proper authority, to break or attempt to break from the jail, vehicle, building, or en- closure in which he is being detained; or for any person to loiter around any such jail or enclosure and attempt, without permission of the proper officers, to communicate with or pass any article to any prisoner confined therein; or for any person to convey into the city jail any disguised or concealed instruments or other article useful in facilitating the escape of a prisoner, whether such instru- ment or article be delivered or an escape effected or not. Section 466. DRIVERS OF VEHICLES CARRYING BOIS- TEROUS OR DISORDERLY PERSONS. It shall be unlawful for a driver of any vehicle to transport therein, over, through or along any public street, alley or thoroughfare within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee any one or more persons who are making loud, boisterous, or unusual noises, or who are using vul- gar, profane or indecent language, or who are otherwise disturb- ing the public peace; and it shall be unlawful for any driver trans- porting such persons in such vehicle while such persons are so engaged in the use of such language and in disturbance of the peace, to refuse to stop such vehicle when so ordered by any member of the police department of said City, and keep the same standing a length of time sufficient to enable such officer to exam- ine the vehicle and arrest any of its occupants engaged in violation of any of the ordinances of said City. It shall be unlawful for the driver of any such’ vehicle, when called so to do to refuse to give the name or names of the person or persons, who may be, or who may have been guilty of the violation of the provision of this sec- tion, provided such name is known to such driver. Section 467. LOITERING OR SLEEPING IN THE STREET OR OTHER PUBLIC PLACE. It shall be unlawful, between the OFFENSES GENERAL 237 hours of twelve o’clock, midnight, and the hour of daylight there- after, for any person to loiter, or wander aimlessly, upon or about the streets, alleys or other public highways, or parks, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, or upon any private lot or around vacant or unoccupied buildings, or railway property, or railroad yards, within said City, who has not a lawful reason for being at such place. Section 468. CROWDS OBSTRUCTING STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. It shall be unlawful for any crowd or collection of persons, to stand upon any sidewalk, street, or street crossing with- in the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, so as to prevent, interrupt or obstruct the travel or free passage over the same by the public, or to stand or loiter on the sidewalk, in front of or at the side of any business house in said City, to the detriment or an- noyance of the occupants of said building, or to the detriment or annoyance of the general public, or for any person or persons con- stituting such crowd or collection, to fail, refuse, or neglect to dis- perse or move on when directed so to do by any member of the City police department. And it shall further be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to stand on any sidewalk, street, avenue or park, while so standing, to make any public speech, or to employ any device, noise, or per- formance tending to the collection of persons on such streets, avenues, alleys or in such parks to the obstruction of the same, or to engage in any trick or legerdemain or other devices of like kind, or to perform with bells, organ, or other instrument upon any such street, alley, avenue or park; provided, that this section shall not affect any exhibition, or performance intended for the purpose of calling attention to the sale of any article or articles authorized on the public streets, avenues and alleys of the City by any ordinances of the City granting license and permission therefor; and provided further, that the person or persons giving such exhibitions and performances, shall first have obtained such license and paid into the City Treasury the sum required by ordinance therefor. Section. 469.. AUCTIONEERS, PROHIBITING ON STREETS. No person shall exercise the business or calling of auctioneer or vend at public auction or outcry any. goods, wares or merchandise upon the streets of Muskogee; Provided, however, that this section shall not apply to public officers in the discharge of an official duty. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 470. REMOVAL OF GRADE STAKES, ETC. Any person who shall remove, destroy, disturb or in any manner injure any grade stake, stone or other mark or monument set by or under the authority of the City Engineer or any of his assistants, to designate or mark grades, lines, corners or bench marks on any public work in the City prior to the completion and acceptance of the contract for which such stakes or monuments are set, shall be 238 OFFENSES GENERAL—PUBLIC SAFETY deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction, shall be fined as in this chapter provided. : Section 471. CURFEW—PENALTY. It shall be unlawful for any minor under the age of fourteen years to loiter, loaf or linger idly about the streets, alleys, parks or other public places of the City of Muskogee, after the hour of nine o’clock at night. That any minor under the age of fourteen years found guilty of violat- ing the provisions of above section, shall, upon conviction, be fined in a sum not exceeding Five ($5.00) Dollars. ARTICLE II. PUBLIC SAFET X, Section. Section. 472. Obstructing streets and | medicines. alleys by depositing 494. Molesting property of therein boxes and barrels. public utilities. 473. Animals running at large. . 495. Trains or engines, ob- 474. Leaving teams unhitched. structing crossings. 475. Placing lights at cuts or 496. Trespass on private prop- excavations in streets. | erty and appropriation of° 476. Hitching horses in alleys. personal property with- 477. Obstructing sidewalks, out consent of owner. streets and alleys. 497. Regulating air-craft; de- 478. Leaving open trap doors, fining. ditch, pit or vault. 498. Trick flying prohibited. 479. Riding or driving on 499. Shall not fly lower than sidewalks. 1000 ft. .s 480. Obstructing street cross- 500. Unlawful to drop ballast, ings. etc. 481. Careless riding or driving. 501. To pass other craft at 482. Dangerous animals. right. 483. Prowling about private 502. Lighter than air craft to property. have right-of-way. 484. Trespassing. 503. Obstructing or damaging 485. Disturbing lawful meet- railroads. ing or assembly. 504. Fences and buildings pro- 486. Ball playing in streets. hibited in streets. 487. Entrance to buildings ; 505. Flowers and shrubs, un- obstructing. lawful to injure. 488. Fire apparatus, hose, 506. Smoking in street cars etc., injury to. prohibited. 489. Glass; tacks; nails; in 507. Spitting on sidewalks street. and in public buildings 490. Injury to public parks, prohibited. flowers, shrubs, trees 508. Burial of dead within therein. city limits. 491. Jumping on and off cars. 509. Vehicles left in streets 492. Petit Larceny. prohibited. 493. Distributing samples of 510. Fraudulent advertising. OFFENSES GENERAL 239 Ordinance No. 23. Dead—Prohibiting Burial within City Limits. Ordinance No. 132. Nitro-glycerine—Transporting through city —Prohibited. Ordinance No. 198. Electric Railway—To Prevent Obstruction of. Ordinance No. 569. Prohibiting obstruction of streets. Ordinance No. 827. Unlawful to Spit on Sidewalks, Etc. Ordinance No. 889. Smoking on Street Cars Prohibited. Ordinance No. 903. ‘Trees—Providing Against Mischief to. Ordinance No. 977. Obstructing Streets, Etc. Ordinance INo. 982. Amending No. 977. Ordinance No. 1208. Fraudulent Advertising. Ordinance No. 1217. Regulating Air Craft. ARTICLE II. PUBLIC, SAFETY. Section 472. OBSTRUCTING STREETS AND ALLEYS BY DEPOSITING THEREIN BOXES AND BARRELS. It shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct, or cause to be obstructed, sidewalk, street, alley or avenue, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee by depositing therein or thereon, or by causing to be deposited therein or thereon, any boxes, barrels, or other re- ceptacles containing goods, wares or merchandise, provided that any such boxes, barrels, or receptacles may be deposited on any such sidewalk or alley for the purpose of receiving or moving the same, from one point to another within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, or to any point outside thereof; and provided further that such boxes, barrels or other receptacles may be per- mitted to remain on such sidewalk or alley for such length of time only as may be reasonably necessary for their removal. Section 473. ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE. It shall be unlawful for any person to suffer or permit any horse, mule, sheep, goat, swine, cow, steer, bull, calf or chicken to run at large within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee. Section 474. LEAVING TEAMS UNHITCHED. It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any horse, horses, mules or other animals attached to any carriage, wagon, cart or other vehicle in any street, alley, avenue or other public place within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee without first securely fastening or hitching such horse, horses, mules, or such other animals, or leave some competent person in charge thereof. Section 475. PLACING LIGHTS AT CUTS OR EXCAVA- TIONS IN STREETS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to make any cut or 240 OFFENSES GENERAL excavation in any sidewalk, street, alley or avenue thereof, with- out placing and maintaining thereon, therein or thereabout, red lights between the hours of sunset and sunrise of each day, so long as such cuts or excavations remain open, sufficient to warn persons approaching the same of the presence thereof, in such sidewalks, streets, alleys or avenues. Section 476. HITCHING HORSES AND TEAMS IN AL- LEYS: It shall be unlawful for any person to hitch any horse or horses, with or without a wagon or other vehicle attached, in any alley within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee, as fixed by the ordinance of said City, or to permit the same to be or remain in such alley longer than reasonably necessary for loading or unload- ing same. Section 477. OBSTRUCTING SIDEWALKS: STREETS AND ALLEYS BY THROWING OR LEAVING THEREON EMPTY BOXES, BARRELS, CANS AND OTHER RECEP- TACLES. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Muskogee to obstruct any sidewalk, street or alley thereof by placing or depositing therein or thereon any empty boxes, barrels cans or other receptacles of like kind, which shall obstruct the full and free passage along such sidewalk, street, or alley, by the general public, or by the fire department of said City, or which may be of such inflammable kind as to ignite easily and when so ignited, communicate fire to one of the adjoining premises. Section 478. LEAVING OPEN ANY TRAP DOOR, DITCH, PIT, OR VAULT. It shall be unlawful for any person to open and leave open any trap door, ditch, pit, or vault in any sidewalk, street, alley or avenue, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee or to suffer the same to be kept or left open, such as to endanger the life or limb of persons passing along such sidewalk, street, alley, or avenue. Section 479. RIDING OR DRIVING ON SIDEWALKS... It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse, or horses with vehicle attached, or any automobile, motorcycle or bicycle on any sidewalk within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee. Section 480. OBSTRUCTING STREET CROSSINGSHis shall be unlawful for any person to stop any vehicle or animal on any street crossing, or to leave the same standing on any street crossing, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee. Section 481. CARELESS RIDING OR DRIVING. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive any horse, horse or horses with vehicle attached, automobile, motorcycle or bicycle through, upon or along any of the streets, alleys or avenues, within. the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, in such careless man- OFFENSES GENERAL 241 ner, or at such great rate of speed, as to endanger the life, limb or property of other persons. Section 482. DANGEROUS ANIMALS. It shall be unlaw- ful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Mus- kogee to permit any wild beast, dangerous or mischievous animal or dog, owned by him or under his control, to run at large within said City. Section 483. PROWLING ABOUT PRIVATE PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to prowl about private premises without lawful purpose. Section 484. TRESPASSING. It shall be unlawful for any person to enter the house, barn, or garage or place of business, or upon the premises of another for an unlawful purpose, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee. Section 485. DISTURBING LAWFUL MEETING OR AS- SEMBLY. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the cor- porate limits of the City of Muskogee, to disturb any congregation or assembly or meeting for religious purposes, by making loud or unusual noises, or indulging in rude or indecent behavior, or by using profane or indecent language in or about such congregation or assembly as to disturb the order or solemnity thereof. | | Sechelt e PLAYING IN STREETS. Tt shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to play at any game of ball or to throw or bat any ball in, upon or across any sidewalk, street, avenue or alley of said City. Section 487. ENTRANCE TO BUILDINGS: OBSTRUCT- ING. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to obstruct, loaf or loiter in or about or in front of any entrance to, or any stairway, corridor or hall leading to or in any public building, or any place of business, or any office building in said City. Section 488. FIRE APPARATUS: INJURY. It shall be un- lawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to lead, ride or drive any horse or other animal over or upon, or haul, or drive or propel any carriage, wagon, automo- bile, or other vehicle, street car, or other car, over or upon any fire hose or in any manner to disturb or injure such hose, or any en- gine, appliance or other apparatus belonging to or used by the fire department of said city, either while in use for extinguishing fires or flushing streets and sewers, or while located in fire sta- tions. 242 OFFENSES GENERAL ‘Section 489. -GLASS: TACKS: NAILS IN STREE Rae ALLEYS. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the cor- porate limits of the City of Muskogee, to place or throw, or cause to be placed or thrown upon any public street, alley or avenue of said City, any broken glass, tacks, nails, pieces of iron, bottles, or other like substances or things that might cut or puncture any pneumatic tire when passing over the same or might cause injury to persons or animals. Section 490. INJURY TO PUBLIC PARKS: FLOWERS: SHRUBS: TREES THEREIN. It shall be unlawful for any per- son, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, wilfully and without authority to cut, pull, pluck or otherwise injure any flowers, flowering plants, shrubs or trees growing in or around any private or public park, or parking, or any private or public grounds within said city, or to climb up in such trees; or wilfully and without authority to tear down, remove, cut or otherwise in- jure or destroy any gate or fence enclosing any such park or grounds or wilfully injure or destroy any stand, bench, seat or other property situated upon such park or grounds. Section 491. JUMPING ON AND OFF CARS. It shail be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to jump on or off, cling to, or hang on, the outside of any railway engine, car, or street car, while the same is in mo- tion, unless such person be at the time in the service or employ of the railway or street car company to which such engine, car or street car belongs. Section 492. PETIT LARCENY. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to take, steal, or carry away, by fraud or stealth, any money, per- sonal property, goods or effects of value, not exceeding Twenty ($20.00) Dollars, with intent to deprive another thereof. Section 493. DISTRIBUTING SAMPLES OF MEDICINE. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to distribute, or throw upon private prem- ises, Or upon vacant lots, sidewalks, streets or alleys or upon porches or in or about the houses or residences of said city, any patent medicine or any samples of medicine of any kind whatso- ever. . Section 494. MOLESTING PROPERTY OF PUBLIC UTIL- ITIES. It shall be unlawful for any person, within the corpor- ate limits of the City of Muskogee, to alter, remove or molest or tamper with any wire, fixture, pipe, conduit, meter, or other ap- pliances of any waterworks plant, gas or electrical, or telephone or telegraph, or other company, association or person, operating a similar business or calling, or to tap any such supply wires or pipes, or to fraudulently or secretly extract or use, any water, electricity or gas of such plant or company or to uncover or open OFFENSES GENERAL 243 up any manhole or other opening to any sewer, unless the person so doing be an employee of the company, or city, or under author- ity and direction so to do. And it shall further be unlawful for any person in said city, to leave any manhole or other opening, so opened, without replacing the fixtures and appliances thereto in their proper place and position. Section 495. TRAINS OR ENGINES OBSTRUCTING CROSSINGS. It shall be unlawful for any person within the cor- porate limits of the City of Muskogee, to obstruct any of the streets or crossings of said city by stopping or standing therein or thereon, any car or train of cars of any kind, or any locomotive engine, so as to prevent the free passage of automobiles, teams or foot passengers, for more than five minutes at any one time, and any yard-master, conductor, engineer, fireman, or other person who shall be operating or assisting to operate any car, engine or train which shall obstruct any city street crossing for a greater length of time than as aforesaid, or who orders or directs such obstruc- tion, shall be held and deemed guilty of a violation of the provisions of this section. section 496. TRESPASS ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, to use, take or appropriate any merchandise, vehicle, tools, apparatus, or other personal property of another to his use, without the knowledge and consent of the owner, or to enter upon the premises of another or use the same without the owner’s consent. (Ordinance 977-1067-1106) Section 497. REGULATING AIR-CRAFT; DEFINING. For the purpose of this Ordinance the term “air craft” shall mean any airplane, dirigible, balloon or other apparatus carrying one or more persons into or through the air, propelled by currents or by power or motors contained in said apparatus. The term “pilot” shall include every person who, being in or upon any aircraft, un- dertakes to direct its ascent, flight or descent in the air. The word “flight” shall include every kind of locomotion by aircraft. 498. TRICK FLYING PROHIBITED. No aircraft in the air over any territory within the limits of the City of Muskogee shall be guided or controlled by the pilot or any other person in a man- ner designed to give any demonstration of trick flying or aerial acrobatics, or be given any manipulation of the controls which may tend to divert the aircraft from a normal flight with every con- sideration for stability and safety. Section 499. SHALL NOT FLY LOWER THAN 1000 FEET. No aircraft shall fly over any part or section within the limits of the City of Muskogee at a height lower than that enabling such aircraft to glide in any emergency and at all times to a known, established or recognized open or unobstructed place on land, nor 244 OFFENSES GENERAL shall aircraft under any circumstances, special or otherwise, fly at a height lower than 1,000 feet over any part or section of said City. Section 500. UNLAWFUL TO DROP BALLAST, ETC, No person in aircraft shall cause or permit to be thrown out, dis- charged or dropped any ballast, instruments, tools, containers, handbill, circular, card or other matter whatsoever, unless it be directly over a place established for that purpose, and all equip- ment carried in aircraft shall be securely fastened in place before leaving the ground. Section 501. TO PASS OTHER CRAFT AT RIGHT craft approaching each other head on from opposite or different directions shall alter its course to the right in passing. Section 502. LIGHTER THAN AIR CRAFTS (Oia RIGHT-OF-WAY. Lighter than air craft shall at all times have the right-of-way over heavier than air craft. Section 503. OBSTRUCTING OR DAMAGING RAIL- ROADS. That every person who shall in the City of Muskogee wilfully and maliciously place any obstruction, by stones, logs or any other thing, on the track of any railroad within the limits of said City, whether operated by electricity or steam, or who shall tear up or remove, burn or destroy any part of such railroad, or the works thereof, with intent to obstruct the passage of any engine, car, or cars thereon, or to throw them off the track, shall be deemed guilty of malicious mischief. (Ordinance 198) Section 504. FENCES AND BUILDINGS PROHIBITED IN STREETS. That it shall be unlawful, within the corporate limits of the city of Muskogee, for any person to obstruct any street, side- walk, alley, avenue, park, parkings, or other public place by erect- ing or locating thereon, or therein, any permanent building or ob- struction of any kind whatsoever, or to set therein or thereon any post or fence, whether constructed of plank, wire or other material. Section 505. UNLAWFUL TO INJURE FIO Wie SHRUBS, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person maliciously or mischievously to enter upon the premises of another, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, and bruise, break, pull up, cut down, carry away, destroy or otherwise injure any trees, flowers, shrubs, bushes or vines growing or standing on such prem- ises. ; Section 506. SMOKING IN STREET CARS PROHIBITED. That the smoking of tobacco, in any form, in any closed street car engaged in public service within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee be, and the same is hereby prohibited and declared un- lawful. Section 507, SPITTING ON SIDEWALKS AND PUBEIS BUILDINGS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person to spit on any sidewalk, or on the floor of any street car or other OFFENSES GENERAL 245 public conveyance, or in any public building, or hall, or on the floor of any theatre or moving picture show, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, except in cuspidors or other receptacles especially provided therein for that purpose. Section 508. BURIAL OF DEAD WITHIN CORPORATE LIMITS PROHIBITED. That it shall be unlawful for any per- son or persons to bury or assist in the burial of the remains of any human being within the corporate limits of Muskogee. pectiai ou) 8 V BHELICL ES. DETACHED IN STREETS*PRO- HIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any person, persons or cor- poration to obstruct in any manner any street, alley, avenue, lane, or public place in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, by leaving or permitting to remain in any such street, alley, avenue, lane or pub- lic place, any wagon, buggy, vehicle or other thing of any nature or kind whatsoever. Any person, persons or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Section shall be subject to the punish- ment provided for violations of this chapter, and each and every day that any person, persons or corporation shall permit any ob- struction to remain in any street, alley, avenue, lane or public place shall be deemed a separate offense. Section 510. FRAUDULENT ADVERTISING. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association who, with intent to sell or in any wise dispose of merchandise, securities, service or anything whatever offered by such person, firm, corpora- tion or association, directly or indirectly, to the public for sale or distribution, or with intent to increase the consumption thereof, or to induce the public in any manner to enter into any obligation relating thereto, or to acquire title thereto, or an interest therein, makes, publishes, disseminates, circulates or places before the pub- lic, or causes directly or indirectly to be made, published, dissem- inated, circulated or placed before the public within the corporate limits of Muskogee, Oklahoma, in a newspaper or other publication or in the form of a book, notice, handbill, poster, bill, circular, pamphlet or letter, or in any other way, an advertisement of any sort regarding merchandise, securities, service or anything so of- fered to the public, which advertisement contains any assertion, representation or statement of fact which is untrue, known by him to be deceptive or misleading. Section 511. UNLAWFUL TO SELL INFERIOR QUALITY OR GRADE OF GOODS THAN ADVERTISED. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm, corporation or association to sell or offer for sale in the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, any merchan- dise, securities, service or anything whatever kept and offered by such person for sale in his business, which is not of the same qual- ity, standard of grade which he, either orally or by writing, repre- sents, states or advertises it to be. Section 512, PENALTY. That any person, firm, corpora- tion, or association who violates any of the provisions of Sections 246 OFFENSES GENERAL 510 and 511, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $19.95. ARTICLE III. PUBLIC MORALS. Section. Section. 513. Disorderly House; opium 519. Prostitutes living alone. den. 520. Indecent exposure. 514. Visiting disorderly house; 521. Immoral shows. inmates. 522. Opium Dens. 515. Procurer, White Slave 523. Lewd Books and Pic- Traffic. tures. 516. Street Walking; solicit- 524. Dance halls, Defined.. ing. 525. Unlawful conduct. 517. Male persons, walking or 526. Dance hall, location of riding with prostitute. subject to permission of 518. Prostitutes on streets. City Manager. 527. Penalty. Ordinance No. 1204. Public Morals. - Ordinance No. 1284. Amending—Dance Halls. ARTICLE III. PUBLIC MORALS. Section 513. DISORDERLY HOUSE; OPIUM DEN. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, or maintain, or aid, or as- sist in keeping and maintaining any disorderly house within the > corporate limits of the City of Muskogee. By the term disorderly house, as herein used, is meant any brothel, bawdy house, house of ill-fame, gambling house, house of assignation, or house or room where persons congregate or engage in drinking intoxicating liquors or smoking opium, or taking or using other narcotic drugs, or house where intoxicating liquors are manufactured, sold or kept unlawfully, or house where persons are permitted to engage in disorderly or indecent conduct, and it shall be unlawful for any person to lease or let, either by himself or through an agent, any house or building owned by him within the corporate limits of the. City of Muskogee for the purpose of keeping therein a brothel, bawdy house, house of ill-fame, or house of assignation, or house or room where persons congregate or engage in drinking intoxi- cating liquors, or smoking opium, or taking or using other nar- cotic drugs, or who, knowing or ascertaining that such house is so occupied and used, shall fail or neglect immediately to oust the occupants thereof. OFFENSES GENERAL 247 Section 514. VISITING DISORDERLY HOUSE; INMATES THEREOF. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether male or female, to be an inmate of, or resident of, any disorderly house, brothel, bawdy house, house of ill-fame or house of assignation, or to be found in or visiting such house, but this section shall not apply to physicians or officers visiting such house in discharge of their professional or official duties. Section 515. PROCURER; WHITE SLAVE, TRAFFIC. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the ‘City of Muskogee to act as procurer, or solicitor for any brothel, bawdy house, house of ill-fame, or house of assignation, or to solicit business for any lewd or immoral woman, or to assist or persuade any female to visit or become an inmate of any brothel, bawdy house, house of ill-fame, or assignation, or to aid or assist any female to visit any hotel, rooming house or other place in the City of Muskogee for immoral purposes. Section 516. STREET WALKING; SOLICITING. It shall be unlawful for any woman to solicit any business or patronage for immoral purposes in, upon, or about any of the streets, thorough- fares, parks, hotels, rooming houses, or other public places within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, or to go into, or fre- quent any residence, place of business, hotel, rooming house, or other place, within said City for such purpose. Section 517. MALE PERSONS WALKING OR RIDING WITH ANY PROSTITUTE IN STREET OR PUBLIC PLACES. It shall be unlawful for any male person over the age of 14 years to ride or walk within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, in or upon any of the thoroughfares, streets, alleys, parks, or other - public places of said City with any woman known, or generally reputed to be a prostitute or lewd woman, or to be in company with such a woman at any hotel, rooming house, or other place in the City of Muskogee. 3 Section 518. PROSTITUTES WALKING STREETS AFTER 9 O'CLOCK AT NIGHT. It shall be unlawful for any prostitute to walk the streets, thoroughfares, alleys, parks or other public places within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee at any time between the hours of 9 o'clock p. m. and 8 o’clock a. m. Section 519. PROSTITUTES LIVING ALONE. It shall be unlawful for any prostitute or lewd woman to live in any house or occupy a room alone, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, and while so living therein to engage in prostitution, fornication or other lewd conduct. . Section 520. INDECENT EXPOSURE. It shall be unlawful for any person to appear upon any street, thoroughfare, alley or within any hotel, rooming house or other public place within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee in a state of nudity, or in 248 OFFENSES GENERAL an indecent or lewd dress, or make an indecent exposure of his person, or be guilty of any lewd or indecent act of behavior, or dis- orderly conduct, upon, at or within such places. Section 521. IMMORAL SHOWS. It shall be unlawful for any person, either as owner, proprietor, lessee, actor or actress, to give or permit to be given, or to take any part in giving, in any opera house, theater, or other public place within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, any show, plays, exhibition, or other entertainment, or any moving picture display of an indecent, lewd or lascivious character. Section 522. OPIUM DENS. It shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee to maintain, or assist in keeping or maintaining, any opium den or joint or other brothel house of like character or to be found therein. Section 523. LEWD BOOKS AND PICTURES. It shall be unlawful for any person to bring or cause to be brought within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, or to buy, sell, or cause to be sold or bought, or to advertise, lend, give away, offer, show, exhibit, post up or distribute, or cause to be distributed any in- decent or obscene book, pamphlet, paper, picture, drawing, figure, or other engraved, printed or written matter. Section 524. DANCE HALLS, DEFINED. The term public dance as used in this ordinance shall be taken to mean any dance or ball to which admission can be had by payment of a fee or by the purchase, possession or presentation of a ticket or token in which a charge is made for caring for clothing or other property, or any other dance to which the public generally may gain admission with or without payment of the fee. The term public dance hall as used herein shall be taken to mean any room, place or space in which a public dance or public ball may beheld. : Section 525. UNLAWFUL CONDUCT.. It shall be unlawful to hold, manage, conduct or maintain any public dance or public ball within the limits of the City of Muskogee and outside of the fire limits of the City of Muskogee without the owner, proprietor or manager of said dance hall first paying the license fee required by the license ordinance No. 1221 of the City of Muskogee, and obtaining the written consent of the Manager of the City of Mus- kogee. : section 926. DANCE HALL, LOCATION OF, SUB] BG iam PERMISSION OF CITY MANAGER. The City Manager of Mus- kogee shall not give his written consent for the maintenances, con- duct or operation of a public dance hall within the city limits of Muskogee and outside of the fire limits of Muskogee until he shall, from personal investigation, find that said public dance hall is lo- cated at a place where it will not disturb persons living in the resi- dence district; not located at a place where it will disturb in the OFFENSES GENERAL 249 slightest degree any hospital; not located at a place where persons attending said dance hall will in any manner interfere with the traffic on the streets or roads adjacent thereto; and is located in such a place as will be conveniently under the police protection of the City of Muskogee without extra or additional expense to the City of Muskogee. Section 527. PENALTY. Any person violating this ordi- nance, or any provision thereof, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor and shall be fined in a sum not exceeding $19.95. ARTICLE IV. VAGRANCY AND LOAFING. Section. Section. 528. Vagrancy defined. 530. Loafing in public places. Dear enalty. 531. Loafing about railroad yards and stations. Ordinance No. 65. Vagrancy—Loafing—Loitering. Ordinance No. 566. Vagrancy—Defining; Fixing Penalty. Ordinance No. 1105. Vagrancy—Loafers. Ordinance No. 1226. Amending 566. | Section 528. VAGRANCY-DEFINED. That the following persons are vagrants »within the meaning of this article. First: Any idle person who lives without any means, or who has no visible support, and makes no-exertion to obtain a livelihood by honest employment. Second: Any person who strolls or loiters idly about the streets of the City of Muskogee, having no local habitation and no honest business or employment. Third: Any per- son who sttfolls ‘about to tell fortunes or to exhibit tricks not h- censed by law. Fourth: Any common prostitute, any manager or controller of a house of prostitution, or ill-fame, or gambling house, or anyone employed therein, in any manner, and habitual frequenters thereof, and also any person who habitually procures or solicits customers for such houses of prostitution or ill-fame or gambling house. - Fifth: Any proprietor, manager, operator of a house, room or place where intoxicant liquors are sold or opium or other similar drug are smoked, and any person employed therein, or an habitual frequenter thereof. Sixth: Any-~ professional gambler or gamblers, or professional card players or card sharper. Seventh: Any person who goes about to beg alms, who is not af- flicted or disabled by a physical malady or misfortune. Eighth: Any habitual drunkard. Ninth: Any person who abandons or ne- glects or refuses to support his family. 250 OFFENSES GENERAL Section 529. PENALTY. Any person found guilty of being a vagrant as defined in the last section above, shall be punishable by a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95, or by imprisonment in the City Jail for a period not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Section 530. UNLAWFUL TO LOAF IN PUBLIG PLAGE, That it shall be unlawful for any person to idle, loaf or loiter in, around or about any public place or places within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma. Persons who idle, loaf or loiter within the meaning of this section shall include all able- bodied persons who are physically fit to work and who do not work and who have no property to support them. Public places within the meaning of this section shall include all streets, alleys, side- walks and other public thoroughfares, as well as stores, pool and billiard halls, and any and all other places kept open to the public for business or other lawful purpose. Section 531. LOAFING ABOUT RAILROAD YARDS AND STATIONS. That it shall be unlawful for any person or persons, to be found loafing or loitering in or around any railroad yard, sta- tions, depots, freight houses or platforms used in connection there- with, in the City of Muskogee, unless such person or persons, shall be at such place for the purpose of transacting business with such railroad company, its agents, servants or employes, or for Bul lawful purposes. ARTICLE V. UNLAWFUL CONVERSION OF ELECTRIC CURRENT OR GAS. Section. Section. 532. Unlawful conversion, machinery. electricity. 534.: Unlawful receiving. 533. Unlawful tampering, 535. Unlawful gas connec- tions. Ordinance No. 338. Gas Mains—Prohibiting Connection With- out Consent of Owner. Ordinance No. 753. Electric Current—Unlawful Conversion. Section 532. UNLAWFUL CONVERSION OF ELECTRIC- ITY. That any person who, without consent of any person, firm or corporation engaged in the manufacture, distribution and sale of electricity, for public or private use, shall unlawfully convert to his own use, or the use of another party, from any wire or con- ductor of such person, firm or corporation, any portion of such OFFENSES GENERAL | 251 electrical current or electricity, or who shall unlawfully and inten- tionally prevent such current or any portion thereof from passing through any meter provided for measuring the same by such per- son, firm or corporation, or who shall in any manner, unlawfully and intentionally, prevent such meter from registering correctly the current passing through it, or who shall by any appliance or connection consume and use, or convert to their use electricity or electrical current passing through any meter not installed for the person so using it, and without any contract or consent to the per- son so using it from the person, firm or corporation authorized to manufacture, distribute and sell electricity, or who shall make joint use of any meter registering electricity without first having ob- tained the consent of such person, firm or corporation, or any per- son who shall unlawfully and without the consent of such person, firm or corporation permit other persons to jointly use any meter put up for his or her use, or to permit any other person, without the consent of such person, firm or corporaion, to use electrical current passing through and registered by the meter installed for and used by such person, or who shall aid in any manner the un- lawful conversion to his use, or the use of another, of any portion of such electrical current, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Section 533. UNLAWFUL TAMPERING; MACHINERY. Any person who shall unlawfully and maliciously destroy, injure or otherwise tamper with any engine, generator, dynamo, machin- ery, meter, pipe, conduit, line or pole belonging to any person, firm or corporation engaged in the production and sale of elec- tricity, or shall destroy, injure or otherwise tamper with any wires, cables, lamps or other apparatus placed upon poles belonging to or leased by such persons, firm or corporation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. : ‘Section 534. UNLAWFULLY RECEIVING ELECTRICITY. Any one who shall knowingly accept or receive the use and benefit of electric current, which should pass through a meter but had been diverted therefrom, or which has been prevented from being correctly registered by a meter provided therefor, or which has been diverted from the wires or conductors of a person, firm or corporation producing electricity for public or private use, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. (Ordinance 753) Section 535. UNLAWFUL GAS CONNECTIONS. That any person, firm or corporation connecting any pipes, meters or appli- ances, or disconnecting any pipes, meter or appliances to or from any of the mains or services belonging to any person, firm or cor- poration, or any of the pipes connected with the mains or services belonging to any person, firm or corporation furnishing gas in the City of Muskogee, for the purpose of taking therefrom gas with- 252 OFFENSES GENERAL out obtaining the consent in writing of said person, firm or cor- poration, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor. The provisions of this Section shall apply to any person, agent, contractor, com- pany or corporation who makes connection or disconnection with any of the pipes, mains or services of any person, firm or corpora- tion furnishing gas in the City of Muskogee, and such person shall be amenable to the provisions herein the same as the person, agent, contractor, company or corporation for whose benefit. or use said connection or disconnection is made. (Ordinance 338) ARTICLE VI. OIL OR GAS WELLS WITHIN CITY Cini: 536. Prohibited in Fire Limits. Section. Section. : 537. Conditions. Ordinances 134-485 Ordinance No. 134. Prohibiting Drilling for Oil or Gas Within City. | Ordinance No. 485. Prohibiting Drilling for Oil or Gas Within City. . ARTICLE VI. OIL OR GAS WELLS WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Section 536. PROHIBITED IN FIRE LIMITS. Any per- son or persons, or any member of a company, or every member of a corporation, if by a corporation, who shall drill or dig any oil or gas well within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished as in this chapter provided. | Section 537. CONDITIONS. That it shall be unlawful for any person, persons or corporation to drill or attempt to drill with- in the corporate limits of the City_of Muskogee, Oklahoma, within two hundred and fifty feet of any dwelling, store-room, business house or any other substantial building, any oil or gas well, without first gaining and getting the consent of said owner of any such dwelling, store-room, business house or other substantial building to the value of $500.00, to so drill any such oil or gas well, except where well is begun or timber is on the ground for drilling, and any such person, persons or corporation so doing or attempting to so do, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convic- tion, shall be punished as in this chapter provided. OFFENSES GENERAL 2953 ARTICLE VII. POSTING ADVERTISING MATTER ON TELEPHONE OR TELEGRAPH POLES. Section. Section. 538. Posting advertising mat- 539. Advertising matter on ter, prohibited. buildings; regulations. (Ordinance 959) Section 538. UNLAWFUL TO POST ADVERTISING MATTER ON TELEGRAPH POLES, ETC. That it shall be un- _ lawful for any person, firm or corporation to place or cause to be placed on any telephone, telegraph, electric light or lamp post of the City of Muskogee, any advertising matter of any kind or to cause to be placed upon said posts any printed matter of any kind whatever. : Section 539. ADVERTISING MATTER ON BUILDINGS; REGULATING. No person, firm or corporation shall place upon any building in the City of Muskogee any advertising matter of any kind or shall print or exhibit printing on said building or any part thereof, in words, signs or characters, except with the express consent of the owner, lessee or authorized agent of the owner of said building. No person, firm or corporation shall place or cause to be placed upon any sidewalks within the incorporated limits of the City of Muskogee any advertising matter of any kind, or cause to be printed on any sidewalk any signs or characters of any kind whatever. ARTICLE VIII. RAILWAY STATIONS, SOLICITING PATRONAGE HOTELS, ETC., REGULATING. RETAIL STORES, SOLICIT- ING FOR PROHIBITED. Section. Section. : 540. Soliciting at Railway ner, prohibited. Stations. 542. Soliciting for Retail 541. Loud or boisterous man- Stores prohibited. Ordinances 898-1103 Ordinance No. 898. Soliciting—Prohibited for Hotels. Ordinance No. 1103. Soliciting—Prohibited for Retail Stores. Section 540. SOLICITING AT RAILWAY STATIONS. That it shall be unlawful for any person, within the corporate lim- 254 OFFENSES GENERAL its of the City of Muskogee, in the depot or upon the grounds of any railroad company, or upon any platform thereof, or upon any walk or crossing connected therewith and belonging thereto, to solicit the patronage of passengers, or other persons, alighting from trains arriving thereat, for any hotel, rooming house, board- ing house, restaurant, or other public place of entertainment, or to lay hands upon, push, pull, or otherwise disturb or interfere with such person, or passengers, or to take hold of the baggage, or other articles or packages, belonging to such passenger, or other person, or to solicit the hauling of such baggage, or other articles. Section 541. LOUD OR BOISTEROUS MANNER, PRO- HIBITED. That it shall be unlawful for any person within the corporate limits of the City, at or near any railroad depot, to solicit in a loud or boisterous manner, or with unnecessary noise, the patronage of any passenger, or other person, for any hotel, room- ing house, boarding house, restaurant, or other public place of entertainment, or to solicit the carriage or transportation of any passenger, or baggage, or freight, at or near such depot in a loud and boisterous manner and with unnecessary noise. Section 542, SOLICITING FOR RETAIL STORES PRO- HIBITED That it shall be unlawful for any person to solicit upon the streets of the City of Muskogee business for retail stores. ARTICLE IX. FINES AND FORFEITURES. IMPRISONMENT. Section. Section. 543. Ordinance failing to pro- ing to pay fines. vide penalties. 545. Persons in Jail under 544. Convicted prisoners fail- charge of Chief of Police. (Ordinance 975) Section 543. ORDINANCE FAILING TO PROVIDE PEN- ALTIES. Any person or persons who may have violated any pro- vision, Or provisions, or any ordinances of the City of Muskogee, or of any of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Muskogee for the violation of which no punishment has been provided, shall upon conviction of the violation of such provision or provisions, be pun- ished by a fine not exceeding $19.95. Section 544. CONVICTED PRISONERS FAILING TO PAY FINES. The fines imposed for violation of any provision or pro- visions of any ordinance or ordinances of the City of Muskogee, or of any provision or section of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Muskogee, when not paid by the defendant, may be collected by committing such defendant to the city jail, where he shall remain until his fine and any costs assessed against him shall be discharg- OFFENSES GENERAL 209 ed, either by payment, or by confinement in city jail at the rate of $1.00 per day, or by working said defendant upon any street, alley, park, or other public place of the city at a rate of $1.50 per day, under the direction of the police department of the city. Section 545. PERSONS IN JAIL UNDER CHARGE OF CHIEF OF POLICE. Any person confined in the city jail by sen- tence or commitment of the police court for the violation of any of the provisions of any city ordinance, or in default of payment of any fine or penalty of such violation, shall be under the care and control of the Chief of Police. (Ordinance 975) ARTICLE X. SABBATH BREAKING. Section. Section. 546. Prohibited; defining. 547. Penalty. Ordinance 1002. ARTICLE X. SABBATH BREAKING. Section 546. PROHIBITED; DEFINING. That any person or any officer, agent, servant or employee of any person, firm or corporation who shall, within the corporate limits of the City of Muskogee, at any time during the first day of the week, commonly called “Sunday,” do or perform, or cause to be done or performed, any of the acts or things in this section set out or described, shall be guilty of the offense of Sabbath Breaking. First. Servile labor, except work of necessity or charity. Second. Trades, manufactures and mechanical employment. Third. All shooting, horse racing or gaming. Fourth. All manner of public selling, offering or exposing for sale publicly, of any commodities, except that meats, bread and fish may be sold at any time before 9 o’clock in the morning, and except that food and drink may be sold to be eaten and drunk upon the premises where sold, and drugs, medicines, milk, ice and surgical appliances and burial supplies may be sold at any time of the day. Section 547. PENALTY. Any person who shall be guilty of the offense of Sabbath Breaking, as described in the last sec- tion above shall, upon the conviction thereof, be punished as pro- vided elsewhere in this chapter for violations of provisions of this 256 OFFENSES GENERAL chapter; provided that it shall be a sufficient defense in a prosecu- tion under this ordinance, for the person charged with the offense of Sabbath Breaking, to show that the person accused uniformly keeps another day of the week as holy time and does not do any of the acts set out or described in section one thereof, upon that day and that the act or acts complained of were done in such a manner as. not to interrupt or disturb other persons in observing the first day of the week, commonly called “Sunday” as holy. ARTICLE XI. PROHIBITED SELLING CERTAIN ARTICLES ONSCH Ri STREETS. Section. Section. 548. Portable Stands; regula- 549. Hamburger wagons, etc. tion. Ordinance No. 886. Prohibiting Selling Merchandise on Broad- way. Ordinance No. 1155. Prohibiting Portable Restaurants. Section 548. PORTABLE STANDS; REGULATION. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in the business of sell- ing from any wagon, cart, or other vehicle, or from any portable stand, fresh or prepared food stuffs, fruit, popcorn, peanuts, candy, or other like article of merchandise, on Broadway, in the City of Muskogee, between the main line of the M. K. & T. Ry. Co.’s tracks and the east line of Fifth Street, or to have, or keep, or maintain on said Broadway between said points any such wagon, cart or other vehicle, or portable stand for the purpose of engaging in such business therewith and therefrom. Section 549. HAMBURGER WAGONS, ETC. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person, or persons, within the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma or upon any street, or streets, thereof, to maintain, use or operate any portable restaurants, stands, ham- burger wagons or stands from which are sold, or offered for sale, food cooked ready to serve, including sandwiches, pies, cakes, or hamburgers, except at such locations as may be designated Py the City Manager. OFFENSES GENERAL—PAWNBROKERS 257 ARTICLE XII. BASEMENT WAYS, ETC. Section. Section. 550. Unlawful to erect. 552. Penalty for violation of 551. Unlawful to maintain. this Chapter. Ordinance 515. Section 550. UNLAWFUL TO ERECT BASEMENT WAYS, ETC. That it shall be unlawful to erect or construct or cause to be erected or constructed any cellar or basement way, stairway, doorway, hitching-post and rail, awning post or any other kind of structure projecting into, upon or over and adjoining any street or sidewalk within the fire limits in the City of Muskogee. Section 551. UNLAWFUL TO MAINTAIN BASEMENT WAY, ETC. It shall be unlawful to maintain or permit to remain any cellar or basement way, stairway, excavation, doorway, hitch- ing post and rails, awning posts or any other kind of construction projecting into, upon or over and adjoining any street or sidewalk within the fire limits of the City of Muskogee, and each day that any person or persons shall permit any of the above mentioned things or construction to so remain shall be deemed a separate offense. | Section 552. PENALTY. Any person violating any provi- sion of any Section of this Chapter, in whatever article found, shall be punished, if not herein otherwise provided, by a fine of not less than $19.95. CHAPTER XX. PAWNBROKERS. Section. Section. 553. Defining Pawnbroker. 558. To enter record of all 554. To secure license. purchases of property. 555. To furnish Bond. 559. Not to purchase from 556. To keep record of prop- minor. erty taken or purchased. 560. License required. 557. Register to be open for 561. License to be revoked for inspection. violation. 562. Penalty for violation. 258 PAWNBROKERS Ordinance No. 712.. Pawnbrokers—Regulating. Ordinance No. 723. Pawnbrokers—Regulating—Amending No. 712. Section 553. DEFINING PAWNBROKER. Any person who loans money on deposit of personal property, or who deals in the purchase of personal property on condition of selling the same back again at a stipulated price, or who makes a public display at his place of business of the sign generally used by pawnbrokers to denote their business, to-wit: three gilt or yellow balls, or who publicly exhibits any sign of money to loan on personal property is hereby declared to be a pawnbroker. Section 554. TO SECURE LICENSE. No person shall carry on, or engage in business as a pawnbroker in this City without having first obtained a license therefor from said City, and such license shall conform to those now provided for, or that may be hereafter provided by ordinance. Section 555. TO FURNISH BOND. Every person applying for a license to engage in or carry on a business of pawnbroker, shall before such license is issued to him, enter into bond to the City of Muskogee with some Surety Company, or with two or more good and sufficient sureties, residents of the City, in the penal sum of Two Thousand ($2,000.00) Dollars, conditioned that said applicant will strictly and faithfully observe all ordinances, regulations and requirements of said city in relation to pawn- brokers, or their business, and will pay all costs, fines and pen- alties incurred on account of his failure or neglect in that behalf, and will pay all damages resulting to any person by reason of his wrongfully purchasing, taking or receiving in pledge, or on deposit, any stolen property, or the property of any minor, which bond shall be approved by the Council and filed with the City Clerk, and may be sued upon by any person damaged as aforesaid, in the name of the City to the use of such person, but in no event shall said city be liable for any cost in such suit. | Section 556. TO KEEP RECORD OF PROPERTY TAKEN OR PURCHASED. Every pawnbroker shall keep at his place of business a register in which he shall enter in writing a minute de- scription of all property taken, purchased or received as aforesaid, including any and all numbers that may be in or upon any article, together with the time and name, age, nationality, color and place of residence (give street number if within the City) of the person leaving said property, also the amount loaned and the time when the loan falls due, which register shall be kept clean and legible. He shall make such entries within one (1) hour after the receipt of all property. Every entry shall be made in ink, and shall not in any manner be erased, obliterated or defaced. It shall be the further duty of every pawnbroker to make out and deliver to the PAW NBROKERS 259 Chief of Police, every day before the hour of 12:00 M., a legible and correct copy from said register of all personal property or other valuable things received or deposited or purchased during the preceding day, together with the time when received or purchased, and the description of the person or persons by whom left in pledge, or from whom the same were purchased. , PROVIDED, that no person shall be required to furnish such description of any property purchased from manufacturers or wholesale dealers having an established place of business, or of any goods purchased at open sale from any bankrupt stock, but such goods must be accompanied by a bill of sale or other evidence of open and legitimate purchase, and must be shown to any member of the police department when demanded. Section 557. REGISTER TO BE OPEN FOR INSPECTION. Said register shall, at all times be kept open to the inspection of the Chief of Police, and the Sheriff of Muskogee County,. or his Deputy, or any other officer of the police force of this City, the City Attorney of this City, and the Prosecuting Attorney of said Muskogee County, and any, one authorized in writing for that pur- pose by the Chief of Police force, which authority shall be exhibited to the pawnbroker. Said pawnbroker shall also upon request, show and exhibit to any such person or officer, for inspection any article or articles purchased, taken or received by him. Section 558. TO ENTER RECORD OF ALL PURCHASES OF PROPERTY. Every pawnbroker shall, on the absolute pur- chase of any personal property enter the same in such register in the same manner as properly received on pledge; such property shall be exhibited to inspection of said officers and persons, and to the same extent as goods received on pledge. Section 559. NOT TO PURCHASE FROM MINOR. No pawnbroker shall purchase, take or receive any pledge or deposit, any article of property of or from a minor, or any stolen property, or property which from any cause, he may have reason to believe or-suspect cannot be lawfully or rightfully sold, pawned or pledged by the person offering it. Section 560. LICENSE REQUIRED. A license shall be and is hereby required of every pawnbroker for each and every place where such business is transacted and it shall be unlawful for any- one to act as agent or solicit for any pawnbroker while such pawn- broker is engaged in such business at a place other than that speci- fied in said license. Section 561. LICENSE TO BE REVOKED FOR VIOLA- TION. If any pawnbroker, or his agent, servants or employees shall violate any of the provisions in this ordinance, or any of the statutes of the State of Oklahoma, and be finally convicted in any court of record in this City or State, or in the municipal court of 260 PAWNBROKERS—POOL AND BILLIARD ROOMS the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, or become a person of bad moral character in the conduct of pawnbroker’s business, it shall be suf- ficient to authorize the City Manager of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, to revoke his license, and sufficient grounds for the refusal to issue a new license. Section 562. PENALTY FOR VIOLATION. Any pawn- broker who shall violate, fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any of the provisions, regulations or requirements of this article, or who shall fail to procure a license, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor, and upon conviction thereof, be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $19.95. CHAPTER XXI.. POOL AND BILLIARD ROOMS. Section. Section. 563. Unlawful to open on Sun- 565. Minors not allowed in day. | ~ pool rooms. 564. To close 12:00 o’clock 566. Not to permit games of midnight. chance, ete 567. Penalty for violation. Ordinance No. 947. Section 563. UNLAWFUL TO OPEN ON “SUNDAR =a shall be unlawful for the proprietor, licensee or any person in charge of any hall or room wherein a billiard table or billiard tables, or pool table or pool tables are provided, or any agent or servant or employee of such proprietor, licensee or person in charge of such hall or room, or any other person to open or suffer or per- mit to be opened such hall or room on the first day of the week commonly called Sunday, which shall cover a period of twenty- four hours (24) beginning at 12 o’clock midnight on Saturday and ending at 12 o’clock midnight Sunday. Section 564. TO CLOSE AT 12:00 O’?CLOCK MIDNIGHT. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, licensee or any person in charge of any hall or room in which are provided a billiard table or tables or a pool table or tables, or any servant, agent or employee of such.proprietor, licensee or person in charge of such hall or room, or any other person connected therewith, to fail, refuse or neglect to close said hall or room at the hour of 12 o’clock midnight or to suffer or permit such hall or room to be, and remain, open at any time thereafter, until 6 a. m. of the following day. Section 565. MINORS NOT ALLOWED IN POOL ROOMS. It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, licensee, or any person in POOL AND BILLIARD ROOMS—SECOND HAND DEALERS 261 charge of any hall or room in which are provided a billiard table or tables, or pool table or tables, or for any servant, agent or em- ployee of such proprietor, licensee or person in charge of same to suffer or permit minors to enter or remain in such hall or room, or to loaf therein, or about said hall or room, or to use any such bil- liard or pool tables with or without gain or profit, or for any other purpose whatsoever. ection 000. NOT LO PERMIT GAMES OF CHANCE, ETC. _It shall be unlawful for the proprietor, licensee, or any person in charge of any hall or room, wherein are provided a billiard table or tables or pool table or tables or for any servant, agent or em- ployee of such proprietor, licensee or person in charge of such hall or room, or any other person, to play any game of chance for money or any other representative of value upon the pool or billiard tables therein, or in, upon or about anything whatsoever, within such hall or room, or suffer or permit any such game within such hall or room, either upon billiard or pool tables or elsewhere, within the same. Section 567. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate, ne- glect or refuse to comply with the provisions of the above and fore- going sections of this article, or any one thereof, or any regulation or requirement contained in any section thereof, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof before the judge of the police court of the City of Muskogee, shall be fined in a sum not less than Ten ($10.00) Dollars nor more than $19.95. CHAPTER XXII. SECOND-HAND DEALERS. Section. Section. 568. To keep register of hibited except on permit goods purchased. from City Clerk. 569. Buying from minors pro- 570. Penalty. (Ordinance 33) Section 568. TO KEEP REGISTER. It shall be the duty of each and every dealer in second-hand goods and each and every junk-dealer doing business in the City of Muskogee, to keep a book or register in which he shall keep a record in a plain and legible hand giving a description as complete as possible of each and every article of goods bought by them, together with the name, descrip- tion and residence of the person from whom he received the same and the date of such receipt and the amount paid out thereon, which book or register shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times and hours to all policemen, marshals or other officers of said City 262 SECOND HAND DEALERS—SEWERS desiring to examine the same, or any sheriff, the United States marshal or their deputies who may desire to examine the same, and such dealer or junk dealer shall, on demand, of any officer ex- hibit to them any article of merchandise or property bought by them or held by them, and such dealer of second-hand goods or junk dealer in said City, who shall fail or neglect to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a mis- demeanor. Section 569. BUYING FROM MINORS PROHIBITED. It shall be unlawful for any second-hand dealer, or junk dealer, to buy any article or goods from any person under legal age, unless said person shall exhibit a permit to sell said articles or goods signed by the City Clerk. Section 570. PENALTY. Any person violating any provi- sion of this article shall be subject to a fine in any sum not more than $19.95. CHAPTER XXIII. SEWERS. GENERAL REGULATIONS. Section. Section. 571. Sewer System. drains. 572. Connections. 584. Pipe laying. 573. Licensed Plumbers. 585. Inspection. 574. Permits. 586. General rules. 575. Inspection. 587. Toilet Paper. 576. Statement of work done. ~~ 588. Connections, size. Shall 5/7. Cess Pools. obtain permit. 578. Injury to Sewers. 589. Laid under supervision of 579. Water and Gas Pipe. Plumbing Inspector. 580. Obstructions. 590. Duty of Property owners 581. Private Sewer to con- to make sewer connec- form. tions. 582. Trenching. 591. Section 590 cumulative. 583. Material for sewer and 592. Penalty. Ordinances 105-167-318-562-1090-1243. Ordinance No. 105. Regulating use of. _ Ordinance No. 167. Amending No. 105. Ordinance No. 318. Amending No. 105. Ordinance No. 562. Prohibiting Connection with Storm Sewer. Ordinance No. 1080. Regulating—Supervision of City Engineer. Ordinance No. 1243. Requiring Sewer Connections. SEWERS 263 Section 571. SEWER SYSTEM. The Sanitary Sewer Sys- tem of the City of Muskogee, consists of main and lateral conduits of salt-glazed, vitrified earthenware pipe, with necessary acces- sories. They are designed to carry off all liquid house wastes, and are known herein as Sanitary Sewers. The sewers in the streets in front of the various lots are called main or lateral sewers. ‘The sewer leading from the main or lateral sewers to the property on either side are called house sewers. Porous drains laid for remov- ing sub-surface water are called sub-soil drains. Section 572. CONNECTIONS. All connections of house sewers, drains or plumbing work with the sewer system of the City of Muskogee, shall be made in accordance with these rules and regulations. Section 573. LICENSED PLUMBERS. No person, firm or corporation shall contract to lay, or contract to alter or repair any house drain, sewer or plumbing work or contract to make any connection whatever with any sewer or drain belonging to the sanitary sewer system, or contract to do any kind of work con- nected with the laying of house drains or house sewers or plumb- ing or making any repairs, additions to or alterations of any drain, sewer or plumbing connected, or designed to be connected with the sanitary sewer system unless he be regularly licensed by the City of Muskogee. Property owners may lay pipes on their own premises. | Section 574. PERMITS. To connect with Sanitary Sewers. Applications for permits to connect with the Sanitary Sewer Sys- tem or do plumbing work to be connected therewith, must be made in writing by the owner of the property to be drained or his au- thorized agent. Such application shall give the precise location of the property, the name of the owner and the name of the person employed to do the work, and shall be made on blanks furnished for that purpose. No permit shall be deemed to authorize anything not stated in the application, and for any misrepresentation in such application, the plumber shall be suspended; and if such misrepre- sentation appears to be wilful, his license shall be revoked. The said permit shall be accompanied by a fee of One Dollar and twenty- five cents ($1.25) to be paid to the Plumbing Inspector. Permits to make connection with the sewer system will be is- sued only when the plumbing in the house or building to be con- nected, is in accordance with the rules for plumbing prescribed by the City, and has been inspected and such inspection approved by the Plumbing Inspector. The City Engineer will designate the position of the “Y” branch in the street, as shown by the records in the City Engineer’s office. All connections made with the sanitary sewers or drains and all plumbing connecting therewith shall be made under the direction of the Plumbing Inspector. 264. SEWERS Section 575. INSPECTION. The Plumbing Inspector is to be given notice when any work is ready for inspection, and all work must be left uncovered and convenient for examination until in- spected and approved. Such inspection shall be made within twenty-four hours after such notification. Section 576. STATEMENT OF WORK DONE. The plumb- er shall, on the completion of the work, file in the office of the Plumbing Inspector, on blanks furnished for that purpose, a cor- rect statement of the work done under the permit. Section 577. CESS POOLS. No open gutter, cess-pool or privy vault shall be connected with any sewer or drain. Section 578. INJURY TO SEWERS. No person, firm or corporation shall injure, break or remove any portion of any man- hole, lamp-hole, flush-tank, catch basin or any part of the sewer system, or throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited in any sewer opening or receptacle connected with the sewer system, any garbage, offal, dead animals, vegetable parings, ashes, cinders, rags, or any other matter or thing whatsoever except faeces, urine, the necessary water closet paper, liquid house and mill slops. Section 579. WATER AND GAS PIPE. Any person, firm or corporation desiring to lay pipes for water, gas, steam, or any purpose in any street, or alley, upon which sewers are laid, shall give at least twenty-four hour’s notice to the Plumbing Inspector before opening the street, and the manner of excavating for lay- ing and backfilling over such pipe shall be subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. All such work shall be planned and executed so that no injury shall occur to any public sewer or drain or to any house sewer or drain connected therewith. Section 580. OBSTRUCTIONS. The Plumbing Inspector shall have power to stop and prevent from discharging into the sewer system any private sewer or drain, through which substances are discharged which are liable to injure the sewers or obstruct the flow of the sewage. Section 581. PRIVATE SEWER TO CONFORM. Before any old private drain or sewer shall be connected with the sewer system, the owner of the private drain or sewer shall prove to the satisfaction of the Plumbing Inspector that it is clean and conforms in every respect with these rules and regulations. Section 582. TRENCHING. The house sewer trench shall be so dug as to meet the public sewer at the position of the “Y” branch as located by the Plumbing Inspector. The material thrown from the trench shall be placed so as not to obstruct and so as to cause the least inconvenience to the public. Proper barriers and lights must be maintained on the banks of the trench to guard the public against accidents during the progress of the work. In back- SEWERS 265 filling the earth shall be carefully rammed or flooded so as to keep the pipe in proper position and avoid settling, and no stone shall be used in filling until there has been depth of two feet of earth or gravel placed over the pipe. Section 583. MATERIAL FOR SEWER AND DRAINS. The house sewer from a point five feet outside of the house to the street sewer, shall be of first quality, salt-glazed, vitrified earthen pipe, unless laid less than two feet deep, when it shall be of heavy cast iron. The interior diameter shall be not less than six inches. Sub-soil drains shall be earthenware pipes. All the laterals and extensions of the sewer system, made either by private parties or for private parties by the City, shall be under the supervision and subject to inspection of the Plumbing Inspector. The plans for said extension shall be subject to the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. Section 584. PIPE LAYING. The cover of the “Y” branch on the sewer shall be carefully removed, so as not to injure the socket, and the first length of pipe attached to the “Y” branch shall be set at not a greater angle than 45 degrees. Plumbers are re- .quired when making connection with the sewer mains where no “Y” is found, to take out the joint of sewer pipe where connection is desired to be made and substitute a “Y” joint in the place of the joint removed. The ends of all private sewers not immediately connected with the plumbing fixtures shall be securely closed by watertight im- perishable material. If lead pipe, the end must be soldered; if cast iron pipe, a cast iron plug must be calked in with lead. Cellars shall be drained, when possible, by means of suitable, properly laid earthenware tile pipes. They shall not communicate directly with any drain pipe carrying foul sewerage, or with a sewer or cess-pool. Where possible they shall connect with the subsoil drains in the street. The main pipe from the sewer connection to the house tap must be at least six (6) inches in interior diameter at every point. Section 585. INSPECTION. In cases where plumbing work has been completed in a building before these rules and regulations came in force, if the plumbing has been done in accordance with these rules and regulations permits will be granted for making connections with the sewer as in new work, but in case the plumb- ing is not in accordance with these rules and regulations, such alterations shall be made as the Plumbing Inspector shall direct, to make the plumbing safe to the person residing in the house, and such as to be no source of injury or stoppage to the sewer. Section 586. GENERAL RULES. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, when living on property abutting or adjoin- 266 SEWERS ing any street or alley upon which sanitary sewer pipes have been laid, to throw or allow to be thrown or deposited on the surface of the ground, or in any hole, cess-pool or vault in or under the surface of the ground, except the necessary and proper manuring of the soil, any water which has been used for domestic purposes, or any liquid, solid filth, faeces or urine. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to make or have made any connection with the sewer system of the City of Mus- kogee that will permit any surface or rain water from the ground | or from the roofs of the houses or the overflow of cisterns or cess- pools, to enter sewers, either directly or indirectly; provided, how- ever, that the drainage of cellars may be connected with said sys- tem, when made in accordance with the regulations, plans and specifications of the Plumbing Inspector, and under his direct supervision. Section 587. TOILET PAPER. The use, placing or keeping of any paper or other substance, other than toilet paper that is suitable for the passage through sanitary sewers, is hereby pro- hibited. Section’ 588. CONNECTIONS, SIZE. LOCK WHE ieee STREET. That it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to lock the wheels thereof, or any one of them by chains or other similar means, in such manner as to prevent the same from revolv- ing while in motion on any paved street or alley of the City of Muskogee, or to suffer or cause the same to be done. Section 627. PROPERTY OWNERS TO MAKE SEWER CONNECTIONS, ETC., IN ADVANCE OF PAVING. Upon the passage of any legislation providing for the paving or re-paving of any street, highway or alley in the City of Muskogee, or before the contract is executed or the improvement actually begun the City Engineer shall notify every property owner having property abutting on such street, highway or alley that upon the expiration of a time to be named in the notice, which time shall not be less than thirty (30) days from the date of said notice, that the improve- ment of said street, highway or alley will be commenced, and warn- ing such property owner to obtain permits for, and to complete all work that might in any way necessitate the cutting, digging or tearing up of the street, alley or highway, or any part thereof, after such improvement has been made. Such notices may be served personally on the property owner, or known agent, or by registered letter, mailed to the last known address of said property owner or agent. Actual service of the above mentioned notice shall not be construed as a pre-requisite to the validity of the proceed- ings under this ordinance. Section 628. STREET CUTS; TO OBTAIN PERMIT FOR MAKING. That said pavement or repavement, or curb or side- walk when thereafter laid, shall in no event be cut, dug or torn up in whole or in part, at the instance of, or by any person or cor- poration except upon a permit obtained from the City Manager, or such person as may be by him authorized to issue same. No permit shall be issued until the applicant shall have paid a fee of $10.00 per square yard for each cut or opening to be made in the street, curb or sidewalk, such opening to be repaired and repaved by the City as soon as same can be done. Section 629. REPAIRS TO CUTS AND OPENINGS, MADE BY CITY. The repairs herein provided shall be made of the same material with which the improvement was originally constructed, except that in the instance of brick paving in which a sand filler was used in the original construction, as asphalt filler shall be used in making the repairs. section 630. UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE TRACTORS, ETC, OVER STREETS WITHOUT PERMISSION. That it Shall@he unlawful for any person or persons to drive, pull or move (other- STREET PROTECTION—TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 277 wise than by hauling), upon the paved streets of the City of Mus- kogee, Oklahoma, any tractor or engine with lugs, flanges or other protruding parts upon the surface of the wheels of same without first obtaining written permission from the City Manager or some other officer designated by him for such purpose. Section 631. SHALL PROTECT PAVEMENT FROM IN- JURY BY REMOVING LUGS, ETC. That permission shall not be given any person or persons by the City Manager or any other officer of the City to drive, pull or move (otherwise than by haul- ing), upon the paved streets of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, any tractor or engine unless all lugs, flanges, or other protruding parts, upon the surface of the wheels of same are first removed, or unless a base or board way is laid upon the paved street for the wheels of such tractor or engine to run upon so as to keep the wheels from coming in contact with the pavement and so as to entirely protect the pavement from such wheels. Section 632. PENALTY. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Chapter shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95, unless a separate and special penalty therefor is provided herein. CHAPTER XXVII. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS. Section. Section. 633. Unlawful to drive motor 647. Dazzling lights prohibit- vehicle without state li- ed; dimmers required. cense tag. 648. Red colored headlight on 634. Unlawful to drive motor vehicle prohibited. vehicle with engine or 649. Use of cut-out prohibited. factory number defaced. 650. Accident, participation 635. All persons to conform to in; duties of drivers, etc. and observe rules. 651. Must not allow oil or 636. Terms defined. gasoline to fall upon 637. Vehicle defined. street. 638. Motor vehicle defined. 652. Unlawful to. molest ve- 639. Horse defined. hicle, change levers, etc., 640. Driver defined. without consent of owner. 641. Street defined. 653. Congested District de- 642. Roadway defined. fined. 643. Person defined. 654. Streets, pedestrians to 644. Motor vehicles to carry cross at intersections. lighted lamps. 655. Drivers to give signals 645. Hacks, etc., to carry when turning into inter- lamps. sections, etc. 646. No vehicle to be left in 656. Turn to left; driver shall street without displaying ° pass beyond center of lights. street. 278 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Section. Section. 657. Turn to right; driver to 679. Vehicle to give place to pass close to curb. another, when. 658. Age limit of drivers. 680. Designating hours for 659. Not to cause delay in receiving or discharging traffic. To avoid noise freight, etG. from improper loading. 681. Not to obstruct street 660. Unlawful for more than. crossing. one person to ride upon 682. Unlawful to ride or drive motorcycle. on sidewalk. 661. Unlawful to drive vehicle 683. Vehicle not to be left over ten feet in width. standing in front of 662. No motor. vehicle to be theatre, etc. left with machinery in 684. Taxi-cabs, etc., to be motion. controlled in use of 663. Designating vehicles “stands” by Chief of Po- which have right-of-way. lice. 664. Unlawful to interfere 685. Time vehicle allowed to with certain vehicles. stand in front of place of 665. Fire apparatus; vehicles business of another. ; to draw up to curb on 686. Shall not drive abreast of approach of. another. 666. Driver of street car to 687. Shall give signals when stop on approach of fire approaching a _ crossing apparatus. or when rounding a 667. Street cars to have curve or corner. right-of-way when. 688. Shall be equipped with 668. Vehicle approaching brakes and suitable sig- from right to have right- nal, of-way. Certain vehicles 689. Unlawful to operate to have right-of-way. “siren.” 669. Driver to turn out clear 690. Shall drive in careful of street car on signal. manner. 670. Vehicles to keep to the 691. Shall not drive recklessly. right of center of street. 692. Shall not allow vehicle to 671. Vehicle meeting another come within 10 feet of to pass to right. vehicle in front. 672. Vehicle overtaking an- 693. Unlawful to participate other to pass to left. in speed contest on 673. Shall not obstruct pas- street. sage of such vehicle. 694. Shall not operate vehicle 674. Slow-moving vehicles to in reckless manner; rates keep close to curb. of speed allowed. 675. Vehicles to turn only at 695. Unlawful to pass street intersections. car taking on passengers, 676. Not to stop with left etc., except where safety side to curb. .zones are established. 677. Manner of parking. 696. Horse shall be unhitched 678. Not to interfere with * from wagon when left passage of other vehicles. standing on street. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS Section. 697. 698. 699. 700. 401. 702. AVES 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance ‘No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Ordinance No. Section 633. UNLAWFUL TO Shall not cease holding reins of horse when driving. No animal shall be left unhitched on street; or within 15 feet of fire plug. Shall not turn any dom- estic animal loose in pub- lic place. Shall not jump or ride upon vehicle in motion, except upon consent of driver. Unlawful to annoy or harass drivers of ve- hicles, etc. Unlawful to place any nails, glass, etc., on street. Authority given to Police to mark off safety zones. Vehicles shall not drive into safety zones, etc. Streets adjacent to schools and hospitals to constitute safety or quiet zones. Shall not operate at greater speed than eight miles in safety zones. Shall not operate vehicle to make loud or unusual noise. Board of Education to erect proper signs. 279 Section. 709. 710. Zbl: ate AAT 718. ANS) 720. Unlawful to repair, etc., motor vehicle within 300 feet of school or hospital. Duty of Police Depart- ment to enforce provi- sions of ordinance. Drivers to comply with signals of police officers. Hydrants. To park properly. Park- ing regulations, certain streetsae. (sub {ectato change by order of Chiet of Police). . Manner of parking near Katy right-of-way. . Unlawful to park within certain limits any bag- gage wagon, etc. . Unlawful to stand tax, etc., within certain lim- its. . Unlawful for person operating taxi, etc., to stand on sidewalk and solicit business adjacent to such restricted loca- tion. Unlawful to attach to ve- hicle on street. Unlawful to leave ve- hicles on certain streets. Penalty for violation. Vehicles to be brought to stop before entering Broadway or Okmulgee. (2 leeiena live 837. Misdemeanor to Attach to Vehicle. 1111. Prohibiting Running Motor Vehicle Without State Tag, Engine Number Erased, Etc. 1136. Parking Regulations—M. K. & T. Ry. Co. 1152. General Traffic Regulations. 1257. Amending No 1152. 1268. Amending No. 1152. 1186. Amending No. 1152. DRIVE MOTOR VEHICLE 280 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS WITHOUT STATE LICENSE TAG. That it shall be unlawful for any person to drive through the streets of the City of Musko- gee any motor vehicle without having a legal state license tag dis- played on the rear of such vehicle, securely fastened so as to pre- vent the same from swinging. Section 634. UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE MOTOR VEHICLE WITH ENGINE OR FACTORY NUMBER DEFACED. It shall be unlawful for any person to drive through the streets of the City of Muskogee any motor vehicle with an engine on which the factory number is erased or defaced. Section 635. ALL PERSONS TO CONFORM TO AND OB- SERVE RULES. The owner, operator, driver or person in charge of any cart, dray, wagon, hackney-coach, omnibus, automobile, street car, taxicab, carriage, buggy, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle, motor tricycle or other vehicle used, propelled or driven in or upon any of the streets of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and also all pedestrians using the streets, shall conform to and observe the rules and regulations set forth and contained in the following sec- tions of this article. Section 636. TERMS DEFINED. The following terms, whenever used herein, except as otherwise specifically indicated, shall be defined to have, and shall be held to include each of the meanings herein below set forth, and any such term used in the singular number shall be held to include the plural. Section 637. VEHICLE DEFINED. The word “vehicle” in- cludes every wagon, carriage, omnibus, sleigh, push-cart, auto- mobile, motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle and other conveyance in what- ever manner driven or propelled (but street cars shall be included only when specially mentioned), and every draft or riding animal, — whether driven, ridden or led. An animal or animals attached to any vehicle shall, with such vehicle, constitute one vehicle. Section 638. MOTOR VEHICLE DEFINED. The word “motor vehicle” includes all types and grades of self-propelled vehicles not running on tracks or rails, whether commonly known as automobiles, locomotives, motorcycles or otherwise. Section 639. HORSE DEFINED. The word “horse” includes every domestic animal used for draft, riding or driving purposes. Section 640. DRIVER DEFINED. The word “driver” in- cludes the rider or driver of a horse, the rider of a bicycle, and the operator of any motor vehicle, street car or other vehicle. Section 641. STREET DEFINED. The word “street” in- cludes every avenue, boulevard, highway, cart-way, lane, alley, path, square, bridge, viaduct, subway and every other place used by or laid out for the use of vehicles. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 281 Section 642, ROADWAY DEFINED. The word “roadway” is that part of the street, highway, bridge or viaduct between the curb lines thereof designated for the use of vehicles. Section 643. PERSON DEFINED. The word “person” shall include all individuals, associations, partnerships and corporations. Section 644. MOTOR VEHICLES TO CARRY LIGHTED LAMPS. That every motor vehicle (except motorcycles and mo- tor-tricycles) shall carry during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, at least two lighted lamps show- ing white lights visible at least two hundred (200) feet in direction towards which such motor vehicle is proceeding and shall also ex- hibit at least one lighted lamp visible in the reverse direction show- ing a red light to the rear, and one white light so placed that the registration number plate may be clearly read and shown at a dis- tance of one hundred feet. Every bicycle, motorcycle and motor-tricycle shall display dur- ing said period a bright light on the front of such vehicle. Section 645. HACKS, ETC., TO CARRY LAMPS. On every hack, carriage or cabriolet used for hire when driven on the streets during the period aforesaid, shall be fixed on either side thereof, in a conspicuous place, two lighted lamps, with plain glass front and with plain glass on the outer side, on which shall be painted in leg- ible figures at least one inch long the license number thereof. Section 646. NO VEHICLE TO BE LEFT IN STREET WITHOUT DISPLAYING LIGHTS. No vehicle shall be left standing in a street or other public place at night without showing lights so displayed thereon as to be visible from any direction. Section 647. DAZZLING LIGHTS PROHIBITED; DIM- MERS REQUIRED. All persons, firms or corporations operating or driving an automobile, street car or other vehicle equipped with a brilliant or dazzling light or lights, commonly known as head- lights or front lights, when such lights are being used, shall have installed and shall maintain an adjustment or fixture over or upon such light or lights which adjustment or fixtures shall be a hood made of metal, leather or other suitable material and so arranged and attached over such light or lights that the direct rays from such light or lights when burning shall not be reflected or thrown directly in front of such light horizontally above five feet on a level plane measured forty feet from such light or lights, or shall have and maintain in working order a device commonly known as “dimmers,” or some other practical device which shall be so ar- ranged, equipped and connected to said light or lights that such device arrests the brilliancy of such light or lights to the extent that they are not dazzling. It shall be the duty of any and all persons using or operating any motor vehicle or street car equipped with headlights upon 282 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS which proper safeguards or devices have not been installed in com- pliance with this ordinance to install the same within five days after the passage and publication of this ordinance. Section 648. RED COLORED HEADLIGHTS ON VEHICLE PROHIBITED. No self-propelled vehicle shall have installed thereon while the same is being operated any red colored head- light. Section 649. USE OF CUT-OUT PROHIBITED. No “muf- fler cut-out” shall be used on any motor vehicle while operated upon — any public street or public place of the City of Muskogee, and no motor vehicle with an “explosive” type of engine shall be placed or used upon any public street or public place of the City of Muskogee, unless the exhaust from such engine is muffled by a suitable and efficient exhaust muffler. | Section 650. ACCIDENT, PARTICIPATION IN) DU TiEs OF DRIVERS, ETC. ‘That the driver of any vehicle and the mo- torman or conductor of a street car, who, in the operation of such vehicle or street car, has participated in an accident by collision or otherwise, or has injured any person, horse or mule, shall forth- with bring his vehicle or street car to a stop, and shall give to any person demanding the same the registration number of his vehicle, or the number of such street car, together with his name and ad- dress, and the driver of such vehicle shall also give the name and address of each and every occupant of the vehicle driven by him, and after affording every reasonable assistance to any injured per- son or animal, the driver of such vehicle and motorman or conduc- tor of any such street car, shall at once report such accident in person, or by telephone or messenger to the Police Headquarters of the City of Muskogee. Section 651. MUST NOT ALLOW OIL OR GASOLINE TO FALL UPON STREET. No motor vehicle shall be placed or used upon any public street or public place within the City of Muskogee, unless the same is so constructed, equipped and operated that no oil or gasoline can escape therefrom and fall upon such public street or public place. Section 652. UNLAWFUL TO. MOLEST V:i. i tee CHANGE LEVERS, ETC., WITHOUT CONSENT OF OWNER. That no person shall without the consent of the owner or person in charge thereof, change the position of the levers, switches or other parts of any motor vehicle or in any way injure, tamper with or molest any motor vehicle or other vehicle upon any public street or public place of the City of Muskogee. Section 653. CONGESTED DISTRICT DEFINED. That the term “congested” district as used in this article shall include all the following portions of the following streets, to-wit: Court Street from Main Street to Fifth Street; TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 283 Broadway Street from C Street to Sixth Street; Okmulgee Avenue from C Street to Sixth Street; Main Street from Commercial Street to Midland Valley Railroad tracks; Second Street from Commercial Street to Midland Valley Railroad tracks; Third Street from Commercial Street to Midland Valley Railroad tracks; Fourth Street from Commercial Street to Midland Valley Railroad tracks; Callahan Street from C Street to Cherokee Street; Cherokee Street from Callahan Street to Okmulgee Avenue; Wall, Lombard and State Streets and Fifth Street from Court Street to Okmulgee Avenue. Section 654. STREETS, PEDESTRIANS TO CROSS AT INTERSECTIONS. The roadways of streets and other highways are primarily intended for vehicles; but pedestrians have the right to cross them at intersections in safety, and all drivers of vehicles, including street cars, shall in congested districts exercise all proper care not to injure pedestrians. Pedestrians when crossing a street shall not carelessly or ma- liciously interfere with the passage of vehicles. Pedestrians shall not walk across streets except at crossings and crossing any street at the intersectionn thereof with another street within the congested district shall pass over such portion of the street as is included within the lines of the sidewalk pro- jected, and not diagonally. Section 655. DRIVERS TO GIVE SIGNALS WHEN TURN- ING INTO INTERSECTIONS. No vehicle as defined hereinabove shall be turned either to the right or to the left by the person in charge of such vehicle, into an intersecting street unless a signal of his intention to turn shall previously be given by such person in charge of such vehicle by a wave of the hand indicating the direc- tion such person intends to turn; and provided further, that in the congested districts of said City as defined in this article, any person in charge of such vehicle approaching a street intersection where any traffic officer is stationed on duty directing the orderly pro- cedure of pedestrians and vehicles across such street intersection, shall indicate to the officer by a wave of the right hand when such person is intending to turn to the right, and shall indicate to such traffic officer by a wave of his left hand when intending to turn to the left. No person in charge of a vehicle shall proceed into a street intersection where a traffic officer is directing traffic until a sig- nal has been given to such person in charge of such vehicle by the 284 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS traffic officer to proceed, and no person in charge of such vehicle " shall turn to the left at such street intersection until the traffic officer has indicated that permission is given by him to such per- son in charge of such vehicle to proceed. No person in charge of any vehicle turn around at a street intersection where a traffic officer is in charge and directing traffic, shall proceed to turn unless a wave of the left hand is given the traffic officer after his attention has been called by the sound of a horn or some other instrument or device, and until the officer’s attention is ob- tained by such person in charge of such vehicle, which signal shall be made by the person in charge waving his hand in a circular manner. Section 656. TURN TO LEFT -DRIVER SHALD PASS BE YOND CENTER OF STREET. A vehicle when turning to the left into another street shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the intersecting street before turning. Section 657. TURN TO RIGHT; DRIVER TO PASS CLOSE TO CURB.. A vehicle turning to the right into another street shall turn the corner as near to the right hand curb as possible. Vehicles crossing from one side of the street to the other shall do so by turning to the left so as to head in the same direction as the traffic is on that side of the street. Section 658. AGE LIMIT OF DRIVERS. No person shall drive or operate any wagon, carriage, omnibus, or any other ve- hicle drawn by more than two horses or other animals, or any automobile or motorcycle, or street car, who is less than sixteen (16) years of age. Any person, firm or corporation owning or operating any auto- mobile in the City of Muskogee, who allows or suffers any vehicle, automobile, motorcycle, or street car to be driven or operated by any person less than sixteen (16) years of age, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be pun- ished as hereinafter provided. section 659. NOT TO CAUSE DELAY IN TRAP IGS AVOID NOISE FROM IMPROPER LOADING. No person shall drive or conduct any vehicle in such a condition or so constructed, or so loaded as to be likely to cause delay in traffic or accident or injury to man, beast or property. No person shall drive a vehicle loaded with iron or other ma- terial likely to produce a great annoying sound without using prop- er deafening substances to muffle such sounds. Section 660. UNLAWFUL FOR MORE THAN ONE PER- SON TO RIDE ON MOTORCYCLE. It shall be unlawful for more than one person to ride upon any motorcycle, bicycle, or other two-wheeled conveyance within the congested district of said City, as defined by this article. TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 285 Section 661. UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE VEHICLE OVER TEN FEET IN WIDTH. No person shall drive or convey through any public street any vehicle the width of which, with its load, ex- ceeds ten feet, except in accordance with a permit from the City Manager. Section 662. NO MOTOR VEHICLE TO BE LEFT WITH MACHINERY IN MOTION. No motor vehicle shall be left stand- ing in any street with its machinery in motion, unless some per- son over the age of sixteen (16) years be left in charge thereof. Section 663. DESIGNATING VEHICLES WHICH HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY. Vehicles of the Police and Fire Departments of the City of Muskogee, and underwriters’ salvage corps, emer- gency repair vehicles of street railways and public lighting com- panies, United States mail vehicles and ambulances shall have the right-of-way in any street and through any procession, when in the regular course of their duty. No vehicle other than those in this Section mentioned shall be driven through a procession, ex- cept with the permission of a police officer. Section 664. UNLAWFUL TO INTERFERE WITH CER- TAIN VEHICLES. It shall be unlawful for any person to inter- fere with any vehicle named in the section above when the same are in the regular course of their duty. Section 665. FIRE APPARATUS; VEHICLES TO DRAW UP TO CURB ON APPROACH OF. Upon the approach of any fire apparatus, every vehicle shall immediately draw up as near as practicable to the right hand curb of the street and parallel thereto and remain at a standstill until such fire apparatus shall have passed. Section 666. DRIVER OF STREET CAR TO STOP ON AP- PROACH OF FIRE, APPARATUS. The driver of a street car shall immediately stop his car and keep it stationary upon the ap- proach of any fire apparatus. Section 667. STREET CARS TO HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY, WHEN. Subject to the provisions of Sections 663 to 666 of this Ordinance, inclusive, street cars shall have the right-of-way over all vehicles, and street cars traveling in an easterly or westerly direction shall have the right-of-way over all street cars traveling in a northerly or southerly direction. Section 668. VEHICLES APPROACHING FROM RIGHT TO HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY. CERTAIN VEHICLES TO HAVE RIGHT-OF-WAY. At intersecting roads or streets, vehicles ap- proaching from the right shall have right-of-way over those ap- proaching from the left, except as provided in Section 720. United States mail, fire apparatus, ambulances, police patrols, and vehicles of physicians when so designated, shall have right-of-way in any 286 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS street or road and through any procession. Section 669. DRIVER TO TURN OUT CLEAR OF STREET | CAR ON SIGNAL. The driver or person in control of any vehicle upon, a track in front of a street car, shall turn out clear of the track, upon a signal from the motorman or conductor of such street car, and as promptly as the condition of the street will permit. Section 670. VEHICLES TO KEEP TO THE RIGHT OF CENTER OF STREET. Every person using a vehicle on any street in the City of Muskogee shall operate, drive or ride such vehicle on the portion of the roadway to the right of the center thereof, except where the right side of the roadway is in such con- dition as to be impassable or unsafe. Provided, that on a street which is divided longitudinally by any parkway, walk, sunken way or viaduct, vehicles shall keep to the right of such sub-division. Section 671. VEHICLE MEETING ANOTHER TO PASS TO RIGHT. A vehicle meeting another vehicle or street car shall pass on the right. Section 672. -VEHICLE OVERTAKING ANOTHER PASS TO LEFT. A vehicle overtaking another vehicle shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle, and not pull over to the right side until entirely clear of such vehicle; nor shall a vehicle attempt to pass another vehicle unless there is a clear way of at least 100 feet in advance thereof on the left. Section 673. SHALL NOT OBSTRUCT PASSAGE OF SUE VEHICLE. When a vehicle attempts to overtake another vehicle the latter shall not intentionally block or obstruct such passage, but shall turn to the right as far as possible when necessary to give such passage. Section 674. SLOW-MOVING VEHICLES TO KEEP CLOSE TO CURB. Vehicles moving slowly shall keep as close as possible to the curb on the right, allowing more swiftly moving vehicles free passage to their left. Section 675... VEHICLES TO'TURN' ONLY ATINTERRSEe TIONS. No vehicle shall be turned around upon any street within the congested district unless such vehicle shall first proceed to the next cross street and shall then make the turn to the left, after reaching the center of said cross street. Section 6/6. NOT TO STOP WITH LEFT SIDE [TO Gia No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb within the con- gested district. Section 677. MANNER OF PARKING. Within the congest- ed district, all vehicles shall, when allowed to stand upon the streets, be so placed that one of the wheels on the side of the ve- hicle nearest the curb shall be against or approximately against TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 287 the curb and the other wheel on the side of the vehicle nearest the curb shall not be more than 6 feet from the curb, and in no case shall any vehicle be left standing in such a position as to come in contact with or obstruct the egress of any vehicle already stand- ing in the street. Other parking regulations are subject to the orders of the Chief of Police of the City of Muskogee. Section 678. NOT TO INTERFERE WITH PASSAGE OF OTHER VEHICLES. No vehicle or street car shall so occupy any street as to interfere with or interrupt the passage of other cars or vehicles. section 6/9. VEHICLE TO GIVE PLACE TO ANOTHER, WHEN. A vehicle waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to a vehicle about to take on or let off passengers or freight. Section 680. DESIGNATING HOURS FOR RECEIVING AND DISCHARGING FREIGHT, ETC. No vehicle shall remain upon any public street for the purpose of receiving or discharging freight between the hours of nine o’clock a. m. and seven o’clock p. m., if there is a public alley which has connection with the prem- ises where said freight is to be delivered or received and such de- livery or receipt is practicable through such alley. A vehicle hauling freight shall remain backed up to a curb only long enough to be loaded or unloaded. Horses attached to vehicles and the shafts or tongues of un- hitched vehicles when backed up to the curb, shall be turned to head in the direction of travel, at right angles to such vehicle or as nearly said angle as possible. When taking up or discharging freight or passengers vehicles within the congested district shall so far as practicable be headed in the direction of traffic on the right side of the roadway. So far as practicable, freight, coal and ice wagons and other heavy traffic wagons shall be unloaded from the right side or the end of the wagon, and shall be drawn in close to the curb when unloading. Section 681. NOT TO OBSTRUCT STREET CROSSINGS. No vehicle or street car shall stop or stand within a street inter- section, or so as to obstruct a street crossing. No vehicle shall stop or stand in any street or other public place except near the curb thereof. Section 682. UNLAWFUL TO RIDE OR DRIVE ON SIDE- WALK. It shall be unlawful for any person to ride or drive on any sidewalk of the City or to stop any vehicle or animal on any cross- ing or cross walk of the City or to leave the same standing on or across the said crossing or cross walk of the City or to ride or use any bicycle, velocipede or similar vehicle on any sidewalk in the City of Muskogee. Section 683. VEHICLE NOT TO BE LEFT STANDING IN FRONT OF THEATRE. No vehicle shall be left standing in front 288 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS of the entrance to any theatre or church, or any public place or of- fice building more than three stories high; nor within fifteen feet of either side of the entrance to any such building; except when taking on or discharging passengers or freight and then only for such length of time as is necessary for such purpose. Section 684. TAXI-CABS, ETC., TO BE CONTROLLED IN USE OF “STANDS” BY CHIEF OF POLICE. The proprietors and drivers of all cabs, taxicabs and other vehicles used in the transporting of passengers or freight for hire, shall in the choice and use of “stands” upon the streets of the City of Muskogee, be controlled by the directions of the Chief of Police, and no such ve- hicle shall make a “stand” in front of any residence or place of business of any person without the consent of such person. Section 685. TIME VEHICLE ALLOWED TO }Siniia FRONT OF PLACE OF BUSINESS OF ANOTHER. No vehicle shall be allowed to stand in front of the place of business of any person for a greater period than one-half hour, against the protest of such person or after the driver or other person in charge thereof has been requested by the owner or manager of such business to move such vehicle. : Section 686. SHALL NOT DRIVE ABREAST OF AN- OTHER. A person having charge of a vehicle shall not stop or drive the same in a street abreast of another vehicle standing lengthwise of the street, or proceeding thereon, except in case of emergency. Section 687. SHALL GIVE SIGNALS WHEN APPROACH- ING A CROSSING OR WHEN ROUNDING A CURVE OR COR- NER. Drivers of street cars and all motor vehicles of all kinds, shall when approaching a crossing, and when rounding a curve or corner on a public street, sound their signals in such a way as to give warning to the other vehicles and to pedestrians of their approach. Section 688. SHALL BE EQUIPPED WITH BRAKES AND SUITABLE SIGNAL. Every bicycle, motor vehicle, street car, engine and machine in use upon the streets of the City of Mus- kogee, shall be equipped with good and sufficient brakes and with a suitable gong, bell, horn or other adequate signal in good working order and of the proper size and character sufficient to give warn- ing of the approach of such bicycle, motor vehicle, street car, en- gine or machine to pedestrians, and to riders and drivers of other vehicles, and to persons entering or leaving street cars; but such gongs, bells, horns and other signals shall not be sounded except when necessary to give warning. Section 689. UNLAWFUL TO OPERATE “SIREN? aie shall be unlawful to use or operate upon any vehicle, street car, en- gine or machine in any street or other place in the City of Mus- TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 289 kogee, any “siren” or “sireno” or any gong, bell, horn or other sig- nal which produces a sound unusually loud or annoying or of a distressing character, or such as will frighten pedestrians or ani- mals. Provided, that this Section shall not apply to vehicles be- longing to the fire or police department of the City of Muskogee, or to ambulances, or vehicles required to respond to alarms of fire or other emergency calls. Section 690. SHALL DRIVE IN CAREFUL MANNER. Every vehicle and street car shall be driven in a careful manner and with due regard for the safety and convenience of pedestrians and all other vehicles and street cars. Section 691. SHALL NOT DRIVE RECKLESSLY. No per- son shall wilfully or recklessly ride, drive or cause to be ridden or driven any vehicle or street car in any such manner as to come in collision with or strike any other vehicle, object or person upon the street or any other public place. mection,092. soHALE NOT ALLOW-VEHICLE. FO: COME WITHIN 10 FEET OF VEHICLE IN FRONT. -No person having charge of a vehicle shall allow the same to come within ten (10) feet of any vehicle in front of him, when approaching and passing over a crossing or when a pedestrian is about to pass. Section 693. UNLAWFUL TO PARTICIPATE IN SPEED CONTESTS ON STREET. It shall be unlawful for any person to participate in any race or speed contest of any character upon any street in the City of Muskogee. Section 694. SHALL NOT OPERATE VEHICLE IN RECK- LESS MANNER; RATES OF SPEED ALLOWED. It shall be unlawful for any person, driving or riding any horse or bicycle or other vehicle, or operating or driving any motorcycle, motor-tri- cycle or other motor vehicle of any character, or any street car, to drive, ride or operate the same upon any public street, or any public place in a reckless or imprudent manner, or in such a man- ner or at such a rate of speed, as to endanger the property, life or limb of any other person. Provided, that driving in excess of the following rates of speed for a distance of more than two hundred feet shall be pre- sumptive evidence of driving at a rate of speed which is not care- ful and prudent, but is reckless, to-wit: Fifteen (15) miles per hour on the streets specified in this article, as the “congested” district ; Twenty (20) miles per hour upon all streets within the limits of the City of Muskogee, and without the said congest- ed district thereof. Provided, further, that in passing any street intersection, crossing or cross walk within the limits of the City of Muskogee, 290 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS the rate of speed for driving shall not exceed ten miles per hour when any person or vehicle is upon said intersection, crossing or cross walk with whom or with which there is or may be danger of collision, and in no event shall such rate of speed at a street intersection, crossing or cross walk exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour, and the driver of any motor vehicle when passing any street intersection, crossing or cross walk, shall at all times have his machine under control so that the same may be stopped quickly in case of emergency, provided, further, that it shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive any motor vehicle of any char- acter or any street car or any other vehicle while in an intoxicated condition or under influence of intoxicants. Section 695. UNLAWFUL TO PASS STREET: CARR] ies ING ON PASSENGERS, ETC., EXCEPT WHERE SAFETY ZONES ARE ESTABLISHED. Any person in charge of any ve- hicle traveling upon any street in the same direction in which any street car may be proceeding or headed, and approaching such street car when such street car has stopped or is about to stop for the purpose of taking on or discharging passengers, shall stop the vehicle of which such person is in charge at least eight (8) feet to the rear of such street car, and shall not proceed by such street car until all persons boarding or alighting from such street car shall have boarded such car or proceeded from that portion of the street between such street car and the curb to the right thereof. Provided, that the provisions hereof shall not impose any obligation or duty upon any person in charge of a vehicle to en- tirely stop such vehicle at any intersection of streets where safety zones are established and marked off. Provided, however, that all persons in charge of any vehicle at such intersections shall slow down to a safe rate of speed not exceeding six (6) miles per hour. Section 696. HORSES SHALL BE UNHITCHED FROM WAGON LEFT STANDING ON STREET. No person shall in any street or other public place remove any material part of a horse-drawn vehicle, or any material part of the harness of a horse without first unhitching the horse, or horses, attached to such vehicle. No horse shall be unbitted in any street or other public place unless secured by a halter. Section 697. SHALL NOT CEASE HOLDING REINS OF HORSE WHEN DRIVING. No person when driving a vehicle with a horse or horses attached thereto, shall cease from holding the reins in his hand, to guide and restrain the same nor when not riding cease from walking by the head of the shaft or wheel horse, either holding or keeping within reach of the bridle or halter thereof. Section 698. NO ANIMAL SHALL BE LEFT UNHITCHED ON STREET, OR WITHIN 15 FEET OF FIRE PLUG. No horse, TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 291 mule or other animal used for riding, driving or draft shall be per- mitted to stand upon any portion of any street or other public place, unless the driver thereof is in charge of and accompanies the same, or unless such animal be securely hitched to a hitch weight or hitching post, and no vehicle, horse, mule or other ani- mal used for riding, driving or draft shall be permitted to stand upon any street or other public place to the obstruction of the same, or to the inconvenience of travel, or within fifteen (15) feet of any fire plug or fire hydrant of the City of Muskogee. pecnom 0297.5 SHALE NOT TURN DOMESTIC ANIMAT, LOOSE IN PUBLIC PLACE. It shall be unlawful for any per- son after working, riding or driving any domestic animal to turn the same loose on any street or other public place. Hecuion: /00. SHALL INOLT JUMP OR RIDE UPON VE- FHC. IN MOTION, EXCEPT UPON CONSENT OF DRIVER. No person shall jump, climb, ride upon or cling to any vehicle or street car while in motion, without the consent of the driver there- of. . Section 701. UNLAWFUL TO ANNOY OR HARASS DRIV- ERS OF VEHICLES, ETC. It shall be unlawful for any person in or upon the roadway of any street, alley or public thoroughfare, designed for the use of vehicles, to slide or coast upon any hand sled, wagon, cart or skates, or to jump at, towards or in front of any vehicle, while the same is in motion, with intent to annoy or harass the driver or occupants of such vehicle; or to throw or shoot any stick, stone or other missile at any such vehicle or the occupants thereof or to engage in any sport or exercise likely to scare horses or embarrass, obstruct or interfere with the passengers of vehicles or with pedestrians. Section 702.. UNLAWFUL TO PLACE ANY NAILS, GLASS, ETC., ON STREET. It shall be unlawful for any person to put or place or cause to be placed in or upon any street or other public thoroughfare any scrap iron, nails, tacks, glass, sticks, hoops or other articles which are or may be liable to injure or damage per- sons, horses or vehicles. Section 703. AUTHORITY GIVEN TO POLICE TO MARK OFF SAFETY ZONES. Authority is hereby given to the Chief of Police or the Traffic Officer of said City to mark off and main- tain safety zones on Main Street between Broadway and Court Street; on Second Street between Broadway and Court Street; on Third Street between Okmulgee Avenue and Court Street; on Court Street between Main and Third Streets; on Broadway be- tween Main and Sixth Streets; on Okmulgee Avenue between Third and Sixth Streets. Said safety zones shall be marked off — and established at the street intersections within the limits above mentioned, along and parallel to the street car lines on said street intersections and shall be of suitable length along said street car 292 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS line, not to exceed 75 feet from the center of the street intersec- tion and shall be in width from the outer rail of said street car line not to exceed 10 feet, and shall be so marked and designated by lines properly drawn and visible, and by proper signs erected or set up at the street intersections. Section 704. VEHICLES SHALL NOT DRIVE INTO SAFE- TY ZONES, ETC. No operator of any vehicle shall drive into such safety zone, but shall keep to the right of same near the curb or in turning shall keep to the right of same. Provided, said safety zones shall not be marked at any street intersection on the street car lines, nor intersect each other in such a manner that not less than 15 feet shall remain outside of said safety zone for the use of vehicles. When said safety zones are properly marked off by the Chief of Police or Traffic Officer of said City no person shall stop on nor allow to stand, any vehicle between the limits of said safety zone and the curb, except in case of emergency, but persons in charge of vehicles shall proceed near the right hand curb and continue moving until without the confines of said safety zones, except in case of extreme emergency. Under no circumstances ‘shall any parking be permitted or al- lowed in safety zones, and it shall be an offense to park any vehicle named in this Ordinance within the confines or limits of said safety zone. Section 705. STREETS ADJACENT "1O* SCHOO R= a. HOSPITALS TO’ CONSTITUTE "SAFETY OR’ OUIRA 72 Ghee That all streets within the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, parallel and adjacent to any lot or block on which is any building used as a public school or hospital shall be and constitute a zone known as and defined as a safety zone. Provided, only that portion of such street abutting the City block in which such school or hospital is located, together with its cross street intersections, shall be in- cluded wihin said zone. Section 706. SHALL NOT OPERATE AT GR ia. SPEED THAN 8 MILES IN SAFETY ZONES. It is hereby de- clared to be unlawful for any person to ride, drive or operate any vehicle as defined in this article in any safety zone as defined here- _in at a greater rate of speed than eight (8) miles per hour, or to ride, drive or operate any such vehicle in any such zone in a reck- less or careless manner. Section 707. SHALL NOT OPERATE VEHICLE TOs as LOUD OR UNUSUAL NOISE. It shall be and is hereby declared to be unlawful for any person to operate, ride or drive any vehicle as defined herein in such manner or under such circumstances that a loud and unusual amount of noise is created thereby. Section 708. BOARD OF EDUCATION TO ERECT PROPER SIGNS. That the Board of Education of the City of TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 293 Muskogee is hereby authorized to erect and maintain at each cor- ner of the zones defined in Section 705 hereof, and at a place which will interfere as little as possible with traffic, signs bearing in large plain lettering the words: “School Caution,” “Drive Slow,” or, “Hospital Caution,” “Drive Slow.” Provided that the City Man- ager of said City shall be notified before the Board of Education | erects said signs and his consent be obtained for the erection and maintenance of such signs. Section 709. UNLAWFUL TO REPAIR, ETC., MOTOR VE- Picer WLIHIN 300} FEET OF SCHOOL OR HOSPITAL... It shall be unlawful for any person to repair, work upon, adjust, run, or operate any motor vehicle or any vehicle that has an explosive type of engine for its motive power within three hundred (300) feet of any public school or hospital within said City in such a man- ner that a loud noise is thereby created. Section 710. DUTY OF POLICE DEPARTMENT TO EN- FORCE PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE. DRIVERS TO COM- PLY WITH SIGNALS OF POLICE OFFICERS. It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the City of Muskogee to enforce all of the provisions and requirements of this Ordinance, and,to that end every person driving, operating or propelling any vehicle or street car, shall at all times, comply with any direction, by voice or hand, of any member of the Police force of the City of Musko- gee as to stopping, standing, starting, approaching or departing from any place, and as to the manner of taking up or setting down passengers, or loading or unloading goods in any place. The raising of his hand or club, or the blowing of his whistle, by a police of- ficer, shall be a signal to stop. Section 711. HYDRANTS. No parking permitted on any street in the City of Muskogee within fifteen (15) feet of a Hy- drant or Fire Plug. Section #712) TOMPARK “PROPERLY. “Section’ 6/7” pro- vides that within the congested district all vehicles shall, when allowed to stand upon the streets, be so placed that one of the wheels on the side of the vehicle nearest the curb shall be against, or approximately against the curb and the other wheel on the side nearest the curb shall be not more than six (6) feet from the curb. (For Congested District, see Section 10, Traf- fic Ordinance No. 1152.) Section 713. MANNER OF PARKING NEAR KATY RIGHT-OF-WAY. It shall be unlawful for any automobile, tax1 cab or vehicle of any kind to park or stand on Broadway Street, beginning at a point seventy-one (71) feet from the west line of the main track of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Com- pany’s right-of-way, on the north side of Broadway ptreet, thence in a westerly direction forty (40) feet. 294 TRAFFIC REGULATIONS: Section 714. UNLAWFUL TO PARK WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS ANY BAGGAGE WAGON, ETC. Beginning with the west line of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company’s right-of-way, and extending west one hundred and seventy-five (175) feet on the north side of Broadway Street, it shall be unlaw- ful for any person operating any baggage wagon, truck or vehicle of any kind used in carrying of baggage, express, freight or mer- chandise to park or use as a stand for such business, or to load or unload baggage, express, freight or any kind of merchandise. Section 715. UNLAWFUL TO STAND TAXI, ETC., WITH- IN CERTAIN LIMITS. Within the limits set out and reserved in Section 713, or on the sidewalk adjacent thereto, it shall be un- lawful for any person, or persons, engaged in the transfer busi- ness, or operating an automobile, taxi cab, baggage wagon or ve- hicle of any kind for hire for the use of carrying passengers, mer- chandise, freight or express to solicit business, or to stand for the purpose of calling the attention of the public to their trade, whether engaged in the transfer business or in the operating of machines or vehicles of any kind for carrying passengers. Section 716. UNLAWFUL FOR PERSON OPERATING TAXI, ETC., TO STAND ON SIDEWALK AND SOLICI Busi NESS ADJACENT TO, SUCH RESTRICTED SLOCAT Ghia: shall be unlawful for any person, or persons, operating automobiles, taxi cabs, baggage wagons, or vehicle of any kind to solicit busi- ness, or to stand, for the purpose of calling attention of the public to their trade, on the sidewalk adjacent to the space or limits above described and set out, whether such person, or persons, is engaged in the business of operating an automobile, taxi cab, bag- gage wagon, truck or vehicle of any kind, used in carrying pas- sengers, baggage, express, freight or merchandise. Section 7/17. UNLAWFUL TO ATTACH TO VERiG ties STREET. That no person on roller skates, bicycles or tricycles, sled, wagon, cart, or any other like mode of conveyance, used for amusement, exercise or business, or in any other manner or for any other purpose, shall catch hold of or in any manner attach him- self to any moving automobile, wagon, buggy, motorcycle, street car, road cart, or any other vehicle or other mode of conveyance of any kind or character, in or upon any street, avenue, alley or public way, within the limits of the City of Muskogee. Section 718. UNLAWFUL TO LEAVE VEHICLES sim CERTAIN STREETS. That on any street or avenue in the city of Muskogee, where the clear width of said street, between the curbs is less than thirty (30) feet, it shall be unlawful for any per- son, firm or corporation, to leave standing any vehicle of any de- scription whatever save for the length of time and under the con- ditions hereinafter set forth in this ordinance. That on any such street or avenue no person, firm or corporation shall leave stand- TRAFFIC REGULATIONS 295 ing any wagon, carriage, automobile, taxicab, or vehicle of any kind for any longer period than ten (10) minutes. Provided, fur- ther, that no person, firm or corporation doing business in a build- ing, the rear entrance of which opens upon a street or avenue less than thirty feet in width between the curbs, shall use said street or avenue for the purpose of standing any vehicles for a longer period than above set out, and no person, firm or corporation shall be permitted to use said street for the purpose of loading or de- livering goods into wagons or other vehicles from the rear entrance of any store opening on such street or avenue. Provided, however, that such person, firm or corporation operating any store, one en- trance of which is on such street or avenue, may use the same for the purpose of having goods, wares and merchandise delivered and unloaded to them at the entrance of the store opening on said street or avenue, provided, however, that such unloading or deliv- ery shall not occupy to exceed a period of time of fifteen (15) minutes. Provided, however, that at the time of such loading or unloading the said vehicle shall remain parallel with the said street. Provided, however, that nothing contained in this section shall be held to apply to any street or avenue in this city, save the street situated between the west line of Third street and the east line of State street and between Broadway and Court street in said City of Muskogee. Section 719. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this Article, or who shall fail or refuse to obey the provisions hereof, shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine in any sum not exceeding $19.95. Section 720. ‘VEHICLES TO BE BROUGHT TO STOP BE- FORE ENTERING BROADWAY OR OKMULGEE. All auto- mobiles, motor trucks, motorcycles, and all motor vehicles of every kind approaching East Broadway, West Broadway, East Okmulgee Avenue and West Okmulgee Avenue from either side shall, before entering such streets and avenues, be brought substantially to a stop. All vehicles traveling in either direction on East Broadway or’ West Broadway, East Okmulgee Avenue and West Okmulgee Avenue, shall have the right-of-way over all vehicles approaching said streets or avenues from either side. Section 721. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate the provisions of the last section shall be fined in any sum not exceed- ing $19.95. 296 VEHICLES FOR HIRE CHAPTER XXVIII. VEHICLES FOR HIRE. Section. Section. 722. Schedule of rates charg- cupy driver’s seat. ed. 727. Unlawful to drive taxi 723. Copy of schedule to be through Fair Grounds placed in taxi, etc. when carrying passeng- 724. Record to be kept of ve- ers) hicles for public hire. 728. Lawful rate for carrying 725. Driver shall wear badge. passengers to and from 726. Only one person shall oc- Fair Grounds. 729. Penalty for violation. Ordinance No. 290. Regulating Charge. . Ordinance No. 1109. Prohibiting Driving Taxi-Cabs Through Fair Grounds. Ordinance No. 1153. Regulating Charge for Passengers to and from Fair Grounds. Section 722. SCHEDULE OF, RATES, CHARGED Aas hack, omnibus, cab, carriage, or other vehicle of whatsoever kind used for the transportation of the public, and which is kept for public hire, and for which a license has been paid and issued by the City of Muskogee, shall not be in excess of the following schedule, to-wit: For a distance not exceeding ten (10) blocks from starting point, a fee not exceeding twenty-five (25) cents for each pas- senger may be charged. For a distance in excess of ten (10) blocks, and not exceeding twenty (20) blocks from starting point, a fee not exceeding fifty (50) cents for each passenger may be charged. For a distance in excess of twenty (20) blocks, and within the City limits, a fee not exceeding seventy-five (75) cents for each passenger may be charged. That, when engaged by the hour, a fee of two ($2.00) dollars for the first hour, or fraction thereof, and one ($1.00) dollar for each hour, or part thereof, after the first hour, may be charged. _ PROVIDED: That no charge shall be made for any child, or children, under six (6) years of age, when accompanied by a pay- ing passenger, and, PROVIDED: That for all children over six (6) years of age, and under twelve (12) years of age, when accompanied by a pay- ing passenger, a charge not exceeding one-half of the rate fixed in this section may be made and collected. VEHICLES FOR HIRE 297 Section 723. COPY: OF SCHEDULE TO BE PLACED IN TAXI, ETC. It is further provided that all owners, agents, or per- sons having charge of the vehicles hereinbefore enumerated, shall cause to be placed in a conspicuous place therein, or thereon, a notice so printed in English type, wherein the above scale of prices shall appear, that passengers for hire may easily see the same; and each driver of the vehicles herein mentioned shall be provided with, or provide himself with, a copy of such schedule to be displayed by him upon request of any passenger taking conveyance, or whom he may convey. Section 724. RECORD TO BE KEPT OF VEHICLES FOR PUBLIC HIRE. The City License Inspector of the City of Mus- kogee, Oklahoma, shall keep a record containing a list of all such vehicles kept for public hire, and which are enumerated herein, with the name of the owner, person, or persons, agent, or agents, having same in charge for the purpose of public hire, together with the place of business where said vehicle, or vehicles, are maintained, and the number designating said vehicle or vehicles. Section 725. DRIVER SHALL WEAR BADGE. Every driver or person, or persons, having charge of said vehicle, during the time it is absent from its place of maintenance, must wear, conspicuously, a badge, numbered to.correspond with the vehicle of which he has charge, said number to be registered, or recorded, with the same official, and in the same manner as provided herein in recording the number of the vehicle of which he may have charge in transporting passengers. Section 726. ONLY ONE PERSON SHALL OCCUPY DRIV- ER’S SEAT. There shall never be more than one person (and that one the driver, or person having in charge that vehicle), upon the box or driving seat when in actual use, unless the interior of the cab is crowded, and then only when the extra occupant of the box is a paid passenger, and no person, or persons, shall occupy the vehicle, or vehicles, herein named except passengers paying for the use thereof, or whose use therefor has been paid. Section 727. UNLAWFUL TO DRIVE TAXI THROUGH NEW STATE FAIR GROUNDS WHEN CARRYING PAS- SENGERS. That it shall be unlawful for any person to drive a taxicab, car, automobile or other vehicle of any kind or character into, upon or through the park of the City of Muskogee commonly known as the Fair Grounds, where said car is being used for the carrying of passengers for hire. Section 728. LAWFUL RATE FOR CARRYING PAS- SENGERS TO AND FROM FAIR GROUNDS. Any person, per- sons, corporation or association of individuals using any vehicle for the transportation of passengers from within any point of the City of Muskogee, to or near any location, portion or part of the 298 VEHICLES FOR HIRE—WARDS Oklahoma Free State Fair Grounds, or returning from said Fair Grounds to any point within the City of Muskogee, at any time or during any period within which there is being conducted what is known as the Oklahoma Free State Fair, shall be permitted to make a charge therefor, provided that said vehicle has paid the li- censes required by the City of Muskogee, and other laws, in any sum not to exceed Twenty-five (25) Cents for each passenger for such trip. Section 729. PENALTY. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this article, or who shall charge or attempt to charge in excess of the fees provided for in this article, shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95, and his license for the operation of such vehicle may be revoked. Each trip on which a greater fare is charged, and for each person against whom such charge is made, shall constitute a separate offense. CHAPTER XXIX. WARDS. Section. Section. 730. Division of City into 732. Defining Ward No. 2. Wards. j 733. Defining Ward No. 3. 731. Defining Ward No. 1. 734. Defining Ward No. 4. Ordinance No. 379. Section 730. That the City of Muskogee be and the same is hereby divided into four wards. Section 731. That all that part of said City of Muskogee lying north of the center of Callahan Street and east of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway right-of-way be, and the same is hereby, designated as the First Ward of the said City of Muskogee. Section 732. That all that part of the City of Muskogee lying south of the center of Callahan street and east of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas right-of-way be and the same is hereby designated as the Second Ward of the said City of Muskogee. Section 733. That all that part of the City of Muskogee lying south of the center of West Okmulgee Avenue and west of the east line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway right-of-way be, and the same is hereby designated as the Third Ward of said City of Muskogee. Section 734. That all that part of the City of Muskogee lying north of the center of West Okmulgee Avenue and west of the east line of the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway right-of-way be, and the same is hereby designated as the Fourth Ward of said City of Muskogee. WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES 299 CHAPTER XXX. WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES. Article I. Regulations. Article III. Penalties; Rights of Article If. Charges. City Water Works. Article IV. Rates. Ordinances 1039-1076-1192. Ordinance No. 1039. Regulating Connection and Use of Water. Ordinance No. 1076... Amending Sec. 5 Ord. 1039. Ordinance No. 1192. Water Rates. ARTICLE I. REGULATIONS. _ Sections. . Sections. 735. Contract; application for. 741. Pipes between meter and 736. Form and contents of wall; stop cocks and application. stop boxes. 737. Charges prepaid. 742. Plumber’s return to 738. Misuse of water and water department; con- penalty. tents and approval. 739. Fixtures; protection 743. Meters; charges; testing. against freezing. 744. Record of applications, 740. Taps. returns, etc. 745. Meters; kind authorized. Section 735. CONTRACT; APPLICATION FOR. Before any person, firm or corporation, is or shall be entitled to the right to connect with or take or use water from the mains of the water system of the City of Muskogee, Oklahoma, or from any of their appurtenances, services or connections, an application for such right or rights signed by the owner of the premises, or by his duly authorized agent, must be made at the office of the Water Department of said city, which must be submitted to the said Department and at the time of making said application said owner shall pay in advance all charges for making the connection with the mains and must contract and agree to be responsible for all charges for the water service and all other charges accruing because of and in connection with the said service, except as here- inafter provided, and further contract and agree that though he has paid the cost of installing the connecting pipes the city shall have complete control of such pipes as far as his property line. Section 736. FORM AND CONTENTS OF APPLICATION. Application for such right to connect with the mains, and to use 300 WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES water must be made upon the printed form of blank provided for by the city for such purpose and the application must state and describe fully and clearly the location of the premises, the name of the owner, the name of the occupant, the uses and purposes for which water is desired and the kind, number and size of fixtures to be used. No extensions of or changes in the service and no new or ad- ditional fixtures, or uses of the water, shall be lawful until similar and proper application therefor shall have been made and a permit therefor shall have been issued in the regular form. Section 737. CHARGES PREPAID. No permit shall be is- sued for connection with the main, or for the use of water there- from, until the charges as provided herein for such connection shall have been paid. The Superintendent of the Water Department may demand from tenant consumers using a meter a cash deposit equal to one and one-half (1%) times the estimated charge for water to be con- sumed during the next paying period, or in lieu thereof he may re- quire a written guarantee by the owner of the premises or his duly ~ authorized agent that all bills for water used on the premises shall be paid promptly when due. In either event any sum so deposited shall, upon failure to pay any bill when due, be applied upon the pay- ment thereof and in the event said deposit is insufficient to pay said bill in full said property and the owner thereof shall be liable for any remainder unpaid. section 738. MISUSE OF WATER AND PENALTY. Any applicant for the right to connect with the mains ‘and to use water who shall be guilty of misrepresenting his intended use or who shall supply water to, or permit it to be taken for use on other premises or for purposes other than those specified in his applica- tion, contract and permit; shall forfeit his right to all connection and use and to the payments made; that water shall be shut off from the premises and his permit shall be forfeited and cancelled, and such party may be punished, if found guilty by the police court of said city, by a fine of not less than $10.00 or more than $19.95. Section /39, “FIXTURES; PROTECTION (AGAR FREEZING. No connection or fixture shall be placed in a yard or in any portion of any premises so that it is accessible to per- sons living or doing business elsewhere to take water from it with- out written authority of the Superintendent. All service pipes and fixtures must be kept in perfect repair and must be protected against freezing. No rebates will be made any time during which service pipes or fixturés may be frozen or otherwise defective. All waste of water or allowing it to run to prevent service pipes and fixtures from freezing is prohibited, and any person permitting water to run to prevent pipes from freezing, or otherwise wasting of water, if found guilty by the Police Court of said City shall be fined in any sum not exceeding $19.95. WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES 301 Section 740. TAPS. No plumber or other person except the tapper employed by the water department, or some other person ‘regularly licensed and authorized to do such work by the city council, shall be allowed to tap any street main, and all taps shall be made by modern, approved tools only when the main is under pressure. Section 741. PIPES BETWEEN METER AND WALL; peer COCK AND STOP BOXES. Between the main and the meter or the inner wall of the building to be supplied with water, none but extra strong A.A. lead pipe with lead flange connections or wiped joints shall be used, sizes of service to be as follows: Three-quarter-inch extra strong A.A., weight three pounds, eight ounces per foot. One-inch extra strong A.A., weight four pounds, 12 ounces per foot. One and one-quarter-inch extra strong A.A., weight six pounds per foot. One and one-half-inch extra strong A.A., weight eight pounds per foot. Two-inch extra strong A.A., weight nine pounds per foot. That the City of Muskogee, through its superintendent of waterworks, may furnish all material and labor necessary for the making, repairing, renewal or extension of such connections which material and labor shall be furnished at actual cost, without dis- count, and shall be due and payable in advance and shall be paid be- fore water is turned on to said premises, and in the event water should be turned on to said premises before such account is paid, the water shall be turned off by the Superintendent of Waterworks until said account is fully paid. Before such work, connections, re- newals, extensions or repairs shall be covered and before permis- sion to turn water on shall be issued all of the house plumbing must be inspected while under pressure by the authorized city inspec- tor who shall issue a certificate of inspection in accordance with the plumber’s code. Immediately adjacent to and never more than one foot distant from the curb or the sidewalk, there must be inserted an inverted key stop-cock, and stop-box which shall be under the exclusive control of the city. The stop-cock shall be of the class known as inverted key round way “ground” work with a “T”’ handle and the stop-box shall be a screw extension iron box, with screw bolts to secure the top so that it may unscrew or open only by a socket wrench. | Section 742. PLUMBER’S RETURN TO WATER DEPART- MENT; CONTENTS AND APPROVAL. Before water will be turned on for regular use, the plumber must make a return to the water department on a printed form or blank for such purpose of 302 WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES complete record of his work, which must state and show clearly the following and in addition thereto such other information as the Superintendent of Waterworks may require. Name of street, number of house, location with reference to nearest block corner and to its own lot front line. Location of the tap from the lot corner and size and kind of pipe used per foot. Location, size, kind of all taps, stop-cocks, boxes, meters and fixtures set. After the approval of this “return” and the inspector certifies to its correctness and that the plumbing work is tight and proper, which certification shall be on his “return,” and upon the payment of all rates and charges due, the water will be turned on by the water department and a record kept of the time thereof on the return blank. Section 743. METERS; CHARGES; TESTING. The city may insert meters in any service at any time it may desire. Meters shall be tested by the water department upon demand by any water rate payer upon a reasonable showing of evidence or belief that the meter is not recording accurately upon payment of $1.00 for such test and in the event said meter is found upon test to be more than 3 per cent fast said sum of $1.00 shall be returned ‘to the party paying the same. Section 744. RECORD OF APPLICATIONS, RETURNS, ETC. The original of all applications and “returns” and exact duplicate of all permits shall be properly indexed and preserved in the office of the Superintendent of Waterworks. Section 745. METERS, KIND AUTHORIZED. Every serv- ice may be supplied with a meter; the meter must be so located that all water leaving the main on account of the service connec- tion must pass through it. If supplied by the owner, his agent or tenant, it must be of modern type, accurate to within a maximum error of one and one-half (11%) percent and of a size, character and so located as shall comply with the requirements of the de- partment, and it shall always be subject to test and inspection by the representatives of the water department. ARTICLE II. CHARGES. Section. Section. 746. Charges, payable month- penalty. ly. 748. Bills for water service. 747. Non-payment of bills; 749, Meter repairs. Section 746. CHARGES; PAYABLE MONTHLY. All charges, whether because of water service or otherwise for serv- WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES 303 ices are due and payable at the office of the Superintendent of Waterworks without notice monthly on the first day of each month insofar as their amounts may be capable of determination. Section 747. NON-PAYMENT OF BILLS; PENALTY. Where any bill for water service, or otherwise, or a penalty for delay in its payment, or both, remain unpaid after 12 o’clock noon of the twentieth day of the month wherein it becomes due, the water shall be cut off from the premises against which said bill is a charge and water shall not be again supplied to such premises until all bills; charges and penalties against the account are paid. Section 748. BILLS FOR WATER SERVICE. All bills for water service shall be rendered monthly and as near the first day -of each calendar month as is practicable. No changes in rates charged for water service will be made because of non-use of fix- tures or discontinuance of any portion of the use of water until notice of such change or discontinuance is made so that it may be inspected, verified and approved. Section 749. METER REPAIRS. When the service requires the use of a meter having an inlet connection greater in diameter than one (1) inch it must be supplied, set and kept in proper con- dition by the owner of the premises or the user of the water. It must be subject to the approval of the Superintendent of the Water- works as to kind, size and location and while in use must always be under the exclusive control of the department. In the event the owner or user fails to keep said meter in repair and perfect con- dition the Superintendent of Waterworks may have the said meter repaired and placed in good condition and charge the costs thereof to said water service, such charges to be payable upon presentation of bill and collection enforced the same as other charges herein provided for. ARTICLE III. PENALTIES. RIGHTS OF CITY WATER WORKS. Section. Section. -750: Interference with tection; meters. meters; inspection; pen- 756. Right to shut off water. alty. 757. Plumbers; violating reg- 751. Reading meters. ulations ; penalty. 752. Tampering with fire 758. Agent of City Water hydrants. Works permitted to ex- 753. Damaging water works, amine water pipes. ete: 759. City Water Works given 754. Separate pipes for each right to shut off water house. for repairs. 755. Connections for fire pro- 760. Specific quantity of water not guaranteed. 304 WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES Section 750. INTERFERENCE WITH METERS; INSPEC- TION; PENALTY. It shall be unlawful for any person, save a city employe thereunto duly authorized, to interfere with any meter used for the measurement of city water. It shall also be unlawful for any person to hinder or prevent a regularly authorized employe of the city from inspecting or read- ing a meter used for the measurement of city water. Any person convicted before the police court of the city of either of these offenses shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $19.95. Section 751.. READING METERS. Meters shall be read as near the last day of the paying period as practical. Should any meter fail to register properly and not show cor- rectly the quantity of water used since the last reading, in arriv- ing at the quantity used, the right shall exist on the part of the city to average the month or quarter and charge for water on a basis of any three months within the previous year. Section 752. TAMPERING WITH FIRE HYDRANTS, UN- LAWFUL. It shall be unlawful for any person, party or corpora- tion, except a member of the city fire department, or by order of any officer of said department or written permit from the mayor or Superintendent of Waterworks, to open or use water from the city hydrants or the taking off of caps or damaging the same, nor shall anyone be allowed to hitch horses or any other animal thereto or to block the approach thereto. Anyone violating this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction before the police court of the city shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $19.95 for each offense. Section 753. DAMAGING WATER WORKS, ETC. If any person shall in any manner deface or injure any of the houses, walls, machinery or fixtures connected with or appertaining to the waterworks, or shall bathe in the water or throw or deposit any sticks, mud, rubbish or any other matter near the source of supply, he, she or they, so offending shall be deemed guilty of a misde- meanor and shall, upon conviction before the police court of the . city, be fined not more than $19.95 nor less than $10.00 for each offense. Section 754. SEPARATE, PIPES FOR EACH HOUSE. All single residence houses shall be required to have separate and dis- tinct connections to the city mains, and separate stop-cock and whenever the waterworks department shall find more than a single house supplied from one pipe they shall at once have their water turned off and the same shall not be again turned on until separate connections are made unless the property owner pays for all water theretofore consumed and agrees in writing to pay for all future service the minimum rate per quarter for each house and no allow- ance, deduction or discount shall be allowed on account of any WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES 305 house being vacant unless said house is vacant during the entire paying period and such fact must be proven by the affidavit of the party claiming such deduction or his lawful agent. Section 755. CONNECTIONS FOR FIRE PROTECTION; METERS. No water connections with the water mains in any building will be permitted for fire protection except by permission of the Waterworks Superintendent, and no connections with the water mains shall be allowed larger than two inches in diameter except where the opening for hose connection is placed outside the building, and no danger of being broken off by falling walls. Where water is used on the premises for other purposes the water must be measured by meter. Where water is paid for all purposes on premises, there will be no additional charge for fire protection, providing there is a tank used on the roof or next floor beneath the roof with larger connections to water mains than one- inch in diameter to flow into tank, and provided with ball-cock, the said tank shall have no overflow, so there can be no waste. Under such conditions a standpipe can be used from tank to any part of the building of any desired size with hose connection which would control or hold fire in check until arrival of fire department. Section 756. RIGHT TO SHUT OFF WATER. Any con- sumer or subscriber violating or permitting violations, from their attachments, of any of the waterworks rules and regulations gov- erning the introduction, supply and consumption of water, the city will shut off the water on such premises and the consumer will forfeit the unexpired term for which they have paid rent, and the - water will not be turned on again except under a new assessment and security against future violations; and in case of persistent violations the service attachment will be withdrawn from the city’s distributing pipes. The special penalties provided herein shall also apply. Section 757. PLUMBERS, VIOLATING REGULATIONS. PENALTY. Any plumber violating any of the rules and regula- tions governing the introduction, supply and consumption of water or who shall voluntarily, or at the request of any consumer, intro- duce any hydrants, pipe, bath, watercloset, urinal or any other device or fixture which is prohibited or which has not been per- mitted by the city waterworks, shall forfeit and pay to the city the sum of one hundred dollars, which may be recovered on his bond, or by direct action and in addition his license may be forfeited and not to be renewed, nor will he be allowed to do business either for himself or other plumbers, in connection with the waterworks un- til after the expiration of ninety (90) days, and until payment of such fines. Section 758. AGENT OF CITY WATER WORKS PERMIT- TED TO EXAMINE WATER PIPES. Every person taking water from the city waterworks shall at all reasonable times permit the 306 WATER WORKS AND WATER RATES Superintendent or any agent of the city waterworks to enter his, her, or their premises or buildings to examine the water pipes and fixtures or to count the number of rooms and the manner in which the water is used. Section 759. CITY WATER WORKS GIVEN RIGHT TO SHUT OFF WATER FOR REPAIRS. That the city waterworks shall have the right at any and all times to shut off the water in their main pipes for the purpose of repairing the same, making connection or extensions to the same, for the purpose of cleaning the same and for the purpose of repairing their machinery or any part of their works; and the city shall not be liable for any damage for leaks or breakage of pipes in or on any premises; and shall make such other rules and regulations as may be necessary for the preservation, protection and character of their works. Section: 760. SPECIFIC. OUANTITY » OF SWAT GUARANTEED. Water consumers are not guaranteed a specific quantity of water for any purpose whatever, but simply an ample quantity for the purpose named in the permit and all other purposes water may be applied to are violations of the agreement made be- tween the city waterworks and the consumer at the time of grant- ing the permit, and therefore subject to such reasonable penalties as the city Waterworks Superintendent may see fit to impose. ARTICLE IV. METER RATES; PENALTY. —_—_—_—_______— Section 761. METER RATES; PENALTY. That all water furnished by the Water Department of the City of Muskogee to consumers through water meters shall on and after July 1, 1920, be charged for and the amount due collected at the following rates, to-wit: é 20 cents per hundred cubic feet for the first 3,000 cubic feet; 18 cents per hundred cubic feet for the next 60,000 cubic feet; 15 cents per hundred cubic feet for the next 60,000 cubic feet ; 12 cents per hundred cubic feet for the next 60,000 cubic feet ; 9 cents per hundred cubic feet for all other cubic feet; Provided, however, that the minimum charge for water shall be at the rate of $1.00 per month without regard to the meter reading ; Provided, however, that all amounts which may be due under the above rates are to be subject to a penalty of 10% if the same are not paid on or before the 10th day of the month next succeed- ing the month for which the bill was rendered, and provided fur- ther that the water will be shut off on all taps where bills are un- paid on the 20th day of the month next succeeding the month for which the same is due, and a charge of $1.00 will be made for again turning on the same. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 307 CHAPTER XXXI. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Section. Section. 762. Inspectors; designated. 770. Stamping false weight or 763. Inspector. false tare. 764. Inspection ; how made. 771. False weights and meas- 765. Stamps and Brands; uni- ures. formity. 772. Fee: 766. Legal bushel. 773. False weights and meas- 76/7. Legal capacity of meas- ures may be seized. ures. 774. Weights may be tested 768. Measures used. and destroyed. 769. Card of legal weights. 775. Punishment. (Ordinance 1000) Section ./o2. UNSPECTORS DESIGNATED. «The: City Chemist of the City of Muskogee shall be the inspector of scales, weights and measures; the assistant milk and dairy inspector shall be assistant inspector of scales, weights and measures. Both the City Chemist and the Assistant Milk and Dairy Insnpector shall perform the service of Inspector of Scales, Weights and Measures, and Assistant Inspector of Scales, Weights and Measures, respec- tively, in addition to the other duties now defined by the ordinances of the City of Muskogee, and the compensation paid said City Chemist, as City Chemist, and the compensation paid said Assis- tant Milk and Dairy Inspector as said Milk and Dairy Inspector, shall be in full for all services performed by both for the City of Muskogee under the terms of this Ordinance. Section 763. INSPECTOR. The City Chemist as herein designated as the Inspector of Scales, Weights and Measures shall hereinafter be referred to as “Inspector.” Section 764. INSPECTION, HOW MADE. It shall be the duty of the Inspector of Scales, Weights and Measures, to secure proper beams and scales, for the purpose of testing and proving the weights and measures used in said City. He shall examine and inspect all scales, weights and measures used within said City in the purchase or sale of articles every ninety (90) days and shall stamp or brand the same as to their being correct or otherwise. For such purpose he shall have the right, without interference, 308 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES from any person, to enter the premises of any person, firm or cor- poration buying or selling merchandise of any character in said City to make such inspections or examinations as are necessary to carry out the provisions of this ordinance. For such purpose and in making arrests hereunder, he shall possess all the power and authority of a member of the police force of said City. Section 765. STAMPS AND BRANDS: UNIFORM. Such inspector shall adopt a uniform system of stamps and brands for weights and measures, which he shall place thereon in such manner as may be necessary to properly designate and identify same and it shall be unlawful to in any manner interfere with or imitate any such stamp, brand or label used by such inspector. Section 766. LEGAL BUSHEL. A bushel of each of the. articles enumerated in this section shall consist of the number of pounds avoirdupois respectively affixed to each, viz: Salt, lime, and mineral coal, eighty (80) ; corn in shuck seventy- two (72); unshelled seventy (7/0); wheat, beans, peas, and split peas, Irish potatoes, clover seed, including alfalfa and alsike (or Swedish), sixty (60); onions, fifty-seven (57); rye, shelled corn, flaxseed, green peas (unshelled), and kaffir corn, fifty-six (56) ; sweet potatoes, fifty-five (55), buckwheat, fifty-two (52); car- rots, rutabagas, corn meal, millet, sorghum seed, and rape, fifty (50); barley, apples, peaches, pears, cucumbers, Hungarian grass seed, and broom corn seed, forty-eight (48); castor beans, forty- six (46) ; tomatoes, and timothy seed, forty-five (45) ; parsnips, and hemp seed, forty-four (44); Bermuda grass seed, forty (40); malt thirty-eight (38); Osage orange seed, thirty-six (36); dried peach- es, thirty-three (33); Oats and cotton seed, thirty-two (32); top onion sets, twenty-eight (28) ; dried apples, twenty-four (24) ; pea- nuts, twenty-two (22); bran, twenty (20); the seed of blue grass, red top, and orchard grass, fourteen (14). Section 767. LEGAL CAPACITY, OF MEASUR Emm peck, half peck, quarter peck, quart and pint measures for measur- ing commodities shall be of the following capacities, to-wit: Peck measure shall contain five hundred thirty-seven and six- tenths cubic inches; half peck measure shall contain two hundred sixty-eight and eight-tenths cubic inches; quarter peck measure shall contain one hundred thirty-four and four-tenths cubic inches ; quart measure shall contain sixty-seven and two-tenths cubic WEIGHTS AND MEASURES 309 inches; pint measure shall contain thirty-three and six-tenths cubic inches. Section 768. MEASURES USED. It shall be illegal to sell or offer for sale any commodities, from broken package, by meas- ure unless such measure bears the seal of the inspector. Section 769. CARD OF LEGAL WEIGHTS. A card show- ing the legal weight of each of the articles enumerated shall be printed by the City of Muskogee and furnished free of cost to all parties affected by this.ordinance. Said card to be displayed by the person affected in such a place as may be designated by the Inspector. Section 770. STAMPING FALSE WEIGHT OR FALSE TARE. Every person who marks or stamps false or short weight or false tare on any cask or package, or sells or offers for sale any cask or package so marked, is guilty of an offense. Section 771. FALSE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Any person having in his possession a false balance, weight or measure, for the weighing or measuring of anything whatever that is pur- chased, sold, bartered, shipped or delivered, for sale or barter, or that is pledged or given in payment, he shall be punished by a fine as hereinafter provided in this chapter. Section 772. FEE. A fee shall be charged for the testing of scales and measures. Such fee shall be ten cents for the first scale or measure and two and one-half cents for each additional scale and measure. Section 773. FALSE WEIGHTS AND MEASURES MAY BE SEIZED. Every person who is authorized or enjoined by law to arrest another person for violation of any section of this ordinance, is equally authorized and enjoined to seize any false weights or measures found in the possession of the person so arrested, and to deliver the same to the Police Judge before whom the person so arrested is required to be taken. Section 774. WEIGHTS MAY BE TESTED AND DE- STROYED. The Police-Judge to whom any weight or measure is delivered pursuant to the last section, shall, upon the examina- tion of the accused, or if the examination is delayed or prevented, without waiting for examination, cause the same to be tested by comparison with standards conformable to law; and if he finds it to be false, he shall cause it to be destroyed or to be delivered to the County Attorney of the County in which the accused is liable to indictment or trial, as the interests of justice in his judgment require. Section 775. PUNISHMENT. Any person who shall violate any provision of this chapter where a specific penalty is not pre- scribed shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not to exceed $19.95. 310 ANNEXATIONS APPENDIX A ADDITIONS ANNEXED TO CITY AND PARTS EXCLUDED Name Ordinance No. Date Agency 591 8-15-1910 Agency Hill Pak pol 8-15-1910 Alamo 391 3-29-1909 Alamo 657 1-31-1911 Alta Vista 342 9-21-1908 Alta Vista (West) 591 8-15-1910 Alta Vista (South) 713 5-13-1911 Alta Vista Plate Accepted by Resolution 6-22-1920 Benson Heights 655 1-23-1911 Bliss Heights 591 8-15-1910 Bonito 769 -1-1911 Browns 395 4-19-1909 Browns 905 3-20-1913 Caesars Order U. S. Court 4-1-1899 Caesars 342 9-21-1908 Canard 591 8-15-1910 College Heights 591 8-15-1910 Corona 655 1-23-1911 Crabtree 344 9-25-1908 Cream Ridge 708 5-4-1911 Davis 591 8-15-1910 Dean’s 342 9-21-1908 Factory 905 3-20-1913 Fair Grounds 904 3-19-1913 Factory 395 4-19-1909 Fairview 655 1-23-1911 Findlay Heights 342 9-21-1908 Garrett Heights 342 9-21-1908 Gipson Heights 591 8-15-1910 Grand Divide 655 | 1-23-1911 Greever 655 1-23-1911 Higgins 342 9-21-1908 Highlands 342 9-21-1908 Houck & Dill 591 15-1910 Hubbard Heights 769 -1-1911 Kenwood Place 591 -15-1910 Kinney 905 -20-1915 Lincoln Place 343 -21-1908 Lincoln Place 905 Love’s 591 M. O. & G. 905 8- 8 3 9 Lincoln Place 395 4-19-1909 3 8 3 Martin-Miller-Reid B32 8 ANNEXATIONS—STREETS AND ALLEYS Name Ordinance No. Melrose Place °713 Midland Valley 691 Monticello 684 Murphy Heights 769 Muskogee Townsite Co.’s Ist Order U. S. Court Muskogee Townsite Co.’s Ist 591 Muskogee Townsite Co.’s 2nd 474 McIntosh (Harrison Sub) 343 - McKellop’s 275 McKellop Heights 708 Patterson Heights 591 Park View 591 Reeves 343 Reeves 395 Reeves 905 Reid Heights 657 Robison 275 Tuxedo Park 708 Warren 591 West View Park 713 West Park 655 West Alta Vista 591 Westmoreland 591 Woodland 713 Excluding certain property 984 Soe parlor orec ty Ly Rls (Amended by 990) Excluding certain property 990 S. E. part of S. 22°T: 15: R: 18 Annexing territory in S. E. part of City 275 Annexing territory in S. E. part of City 209 Annexing territory in S. E. part of City 300 APPENDIX B. 311 Date 5-13-1911 3-15-1911 3-15-1911 8-1-1911 4-1-1899 8-15-1910 1-6-1910 9-21-1908 5-7-1907 aaigea 5-13-1911 3-30-1915 9-10-1915 5-7-1907 1-13-1908 1-23-1908 OPENINGS AND VACATIONS OF STREETS AND ALLEYS BY BLOCKS. Date Block Ordinance ne, .No, No. 3-16-1903 6 8-17-1903 6 101 8-8-1904 6 159 11-8-1906 6 260 7-13-1904 7. 154 Purpose 75 Opening streets and changing alley. Opening. street thru. INow75): Changing alleys and streets. Vacating alleys in. Opening alley in. (Amending 312 Date * 15-1911 2-6-1911 6-25-1908 8-2-1909 12-16-1901 12-16-1901 12-16-1901 12-21-1905 12-16-1901 11-8-1909 9-21-1903 9-21-1903 12-16-1901 11-19-1903 12-13-1918 11-19-1903 6-26-1917 6-26-1917 2-17-1911 2-4-1907 3-6-1905 2-23-1912 6-9-1905 5-31-1910 8-16-1912 3-18-1908 3-26-1920 Block STREETS AND ALLEYS Ordinance No. 214 “Ake 268 538 172 689 690 Purpose Dedication of property in. Dedication of alley in. Opening alley in. Dedication for alley purposes. Opening of alley thru. Vacating alleys in. Accepting dedication of State and Wall Streets. Accepting dedication of State St. and alleys in Blk. Vacating part of alley in. Accepting dedication of alley. M. K. & T. right-of-way. M. K. & T. right-of-way. M. K. & T. right-of-way. Mayor authorized to execute deed tog: eae Gr, Lieve M. K. & T. right-of-way M. K. & T. right-of-way. Changes in alley. Dedication of property in. M. K. & T. right-of-way. Dedication of property in. Vacating part of alley in. Dedication of property for streets. Vacating alley Lot 3. Vacating alley Lot 3. M. E. T. Co. required to maintain sidewalk in. Vacating part of alley. Abandoning part of alley. Dedicating property in. Changing location of alleys in. Changing location of alley. Vacating part of alley. Vacating part of alley. Conveying part of alley. Changing location of alley. Authorizing Mayor to execute deed to. Deed executed for part. Opening alley in Lot 4. Refusal to accept land in. Dedicating alley. Opening alley in Eaton’s Sub. of Tot 15. J Opening Boston Avenue thru. Date 4-26-1921 7-1-1904 11-8-1904 9-21-1903 9-21-1904 2-14-1911 12-16-1901 2-14-1911 4-13-1917 2-4-1907 4-13-1917 - 1-9-1905 5-31-1910 5-31-1910 12-20-1906 4-17-1905 2-13-1913 ‘9-21-1917 3-3-1909 9-1-1911. 3-3-1909 3-7-1911 3-15-1911 8-17-1903 7-23-1912 7-23-1912 3-2-1902 6-16-1911 3-2-1902 5-4-1906 10-3-1912 4-3-1905 Block Ordinance No. 25 56 56 STREETS AND ALLEYS 313 No. 1215 153 176 Purpose Vacating alleys in. Dedication of property in for streets. pe of property in. (Amend. 153). 3 Granting right to construct switch- eS across. Granting right to construct switch- es across. Opening street across. M. K. & T. right-of-way. Vacating portion of Main Street. Excluding from City. Dedication of street in. Excluding from City. Opening alley in. Dedicating property in for street and alley. Vacating alley. Vacating alley in. Vacating alley in. Vacating alley in. Dedication of alley thru. Vacating alleys in. Re-opening alley in. Vacating alley in. Opening alley. Vacating alley in. Dedicating property for streets and alleys. —Dedicating alley. Dedication property for streets. Dedication of alley. Opening Court Street thru. Darby’s Sub-div. Dedication of streets thru. Opening Court Street thru. Dedication property for streets. Opening Eighth Street thru. | Dedication property for streets. Changing alleys in. Dedication alley in. Dedication alley in. Vacating alley in. Vacating alley in. Vacating alleys in. Vacating alley in. 314 STREETS AND ALLEYS Date Block Ordinance Purpose No. No. 7-20-1920 213 1196 Vacating alley. 4-9-1920 215 1172 Vacating alley. 6-15-1920 216 1193 Vacating alley. 1-13-1922 216 1236 Vacating alley in. 10-10-1922 224 1258 Closing N. and S. alley in. 2-18-1904 226 121 Changing alleys in. 3-7-1904 226 129 Dedication of property for streets and alleys. 6-18-1906 226 254 Vacating alleys in. 2-18-1904 227 121 Changing alleys in. -7-1904 227 12 Dedication property in. 6-18-1906 227 254 Vacating alleys in. 7-22-1921 227 1224 Vacating alley. 4-15-1919 228 1134 Vacating part of Prospect Place. 7-22-1921 228 1224 Vacating alley. 7-22-1921 229 1224 Vacating alley. 11-10-1911 229 800 Vacating alley thru. 3-1-1909 241 377: ~=—~‘Vacating part of alley in. 3-1-1909 241 378 Dedication of alley. 245 498 NDP 0 BGS ate to purchase. (Vetoed). 5-23-1904 248 147 Abandoning alley in. 7-28-1911 252 766 Vacating portion of alley. 7-28-1911 252 767 Accepting deed for alley. 4-6-1920 266 1171 Vacating part of alley and opening street thru. 11-2-1903 280 bis Dedication property for streets and alleys. 10-7-1907 281 o> Dedicating and vacating alley in. 7-12-1912 287 864 Exchanging deeds to Lot 6. 6-6-1904 298 150 Ozark & Cherokee Cent. Permis- sion to cross Lot 1. 11-14-1922 300 1261 Accepting and dedicating for street purposes. 11-14-1922 300 1262 Vacating portion of. 11-14-1922 307 1261 Accepting and dedicating for street purposes. 11-14-1922 307 1262 Vacating portion of. 11-14-1922 308 - 1261 Accepting and dedicating for street purposes. 11-14-1922 308 1262 Vacating portion of. 3-6-1914 324 942 Vacating part of south alley in. 10-25-1904 350 . 175 Dedication streets and alleys. 5-4-1903 359 81 Readjusting lines of lots, etc. 2-4-1907 360 270 += Vacating part of Ellsworth Ave. 4-26-1921 364 1215 Vacating alleys in. 8-3-1908 368 B35 Opening street across. STREETS AND ALLEYS 315 Date Block Ordinance Purpose No. No. 9-15-1904 374 168 Abandoning part of Ellsworth and I Sts. and alleys. 2-4-1907 375 270 Vacating part of alley. 5-4-1903 377 81 Changing K, Opening L and M. Sts. and abandoning alley in. 11-30-1917 386 1075 Vacating alley by Wisdom Flats. 2-23-1912 391 842 Dedication of alley. 2-23-1912 391 843 Dedication of alley. 12-15-1911 392 816 Dedication of street. 1-20-1910 394 478 Dedication property for street pur- poses. 11-21-1910 402 635 Vacating part of alley in. 1-31-1911 407 660 Dedicating property for alley. 7-25-1904 412 158 Vacating alley in. 7-15-1904 413 155 Dedication property in for streets. 6-5-1905 413 204 Dedication property in for streets. 1-12-1912 430 828 Vacating alley in. 7-8-1909 436 421 Dedication alley. 7-8-1909 436 422 Dedication alley. 1-2-1906 436 234 Dedication property in for streets. 7-11-1911 437 759 Dedicating portions for streets. 12-31-1907 449 296 Dedication alley in. 8-1-1913 462 925 Vacating part of Haskell Boulevard. 1-9-1923 463 1271 Vacating part of Haskell Boulevard. 1-16-1920 465 1166 Vacating alley. 2-14-1911 480 665 Vacating alley in. OPENINGS AND VACATIONS OF STREETS IN ADDITIONS TO CITY. Date Addition Block Ordinance Purpose No. 4-30-1909 Alamo + 401 Vacating alley in. 4-20-1917 Alamo 9 1048 Vacating alley in. 8-26-1921 Alta Vista 4 1228 Vacating alley in. 4-3-1913 Brown’s 906 Vacating portions of streets in. 8-22-1922 Canard 33-34 Wap Vacating alleys in. 4-30-1909 Crabtree 8 401 Vacating alley thru. 4-15-1919 Crabtree 9 1133 Providing for open- , ing Broadway. 2-14-1911 Crabtree 12 665 Vacating alley in. 7-25-1922 Elm Ridge Acres 1250 Via Cais 0 oapartnat Street. in: Fairview 5 944 Dedicating streets. 6-28-1921 Highland 2 1223 Vacating alley in. 1-17-1911 Higgins 10 654 Vacated for Park. 316 Date 141221912 6-6-1907 10-12-1909 Beno 1e2 5-19-1911 8-20-1912 9-12-1922 OPENINGS AND VACATIONS. AND CHANGING NAMES OF STREETS. Date 5-4-1903 8-6-1900 12-21-1908 6-7-1909 4-8-1919 2-4-1914 6-25-1913 3-26-1920 3-2-1902 8-24-1905 1-16-1905 3-6-1905 6-9-1905 9-17-1909 12-5-1904 3-27-1908 1-16-1905 STREETS AND ALLEYS Addition Block Ordinance No. Higgins 3 829 McKellop’s EK 278 McKellop’s N 447 McKellop’s 89 1238 McKellop’s 3rd 8 718 Monticello 7 873 West Park 1 1256 APPENDIX C. Street Baltimore Ave. 81 Broadway 49 364 415 1133 665 “B,” North Boston 918 1170 Court 73 216 189 195 206 443 177 NO 310 Charleston 189 Ordinance No. Purpose Vacating alley in. Vacating alley. Land abandoned for street. Vacating E. end Dor- chester Ave. Vacating alley in. Property donated for Houston St. Accepting dedication of lots for street pur- poses. ESTABLISHING GRADES — Purpose Extending. Opening and widening of. Establishing grade on. Establishing grade on. Providing for opening thru Blk. 9 Crabtree Add. Vacating alley bet. Wis- well Place & E. Bdwy. Vacating portions of. Providing for opening thru Block 55. Opening thru 188-189. Extending to Cherokee across viaduct. Opening Main to Charleston. Amending 189. Amending 195. Establishing grade. Providing for opening and abandoning part of. Changing width of road- way (See 177). Extending. Blocks Date 3-6-1905 6-9-1905 3-18-1910 6-25-1913 6-26-1917 11-14-1922 4-11-1906 12-2-1921 3-18-1910 3-25-1922 9-15-1904 2-4-1907 8-1902 4-30-1909 5-4-1906 11-7-1904 8-9-1909 1-2-1920 1-17-1911 11-8-1912 6-6-1911 8-1-1913 1-9-1923 8-20-1912 11-28-1922 9-15-1904 4-10-1923 11-3-1903 6-8-1908 4-19-1913 3-18-1910 5-4-1903 3-6-1914 STREETS AND ALLEYS 317 Street Cincinnati Capitol Place Cherokee ST “D,” South Division Blvd. Dorchester Ave. Ellsworth Elgin Elliott Eighth Fifth Fifth Fifth Fremont Fremont Haskell Haskell Haskell Houston Sel? Wake el ee Tola lola Tola Junction “Ke aK 27 Ordinance No. 195 206 j20 802 49] 918 1056 1261 243 H2g5 491 1238 168 270 70 401 s251 176 432 1161 654 885 f21 925 ag. 873 1263 168 1283 Bis 324 908 491 81 Purpose Extending (Amending Ord.6i89). Extending (Amending Ordeiosis Extending (See 802). Extending across M. K. Ga DR: Cian ojiaro. name: of streets. Vacating portions of. Vacating portions of. Vacating portions of. Opening and extending. Vacating portion of. Cha mewn ov iname tot Steck: Vacating East end of. Abandoning part of. Vacating ¢pat~ otacin Blocks 360-365. Establishing grade on portion of. Vacating part in Alamo Addition. Opening thru Block 189. Changing location of. Establishing grade. Vacating portions of. Vacating portion for Park. Vacating portion of. Accepting dedication of. Vacating part in Block 462. Vacating a portion of. Block 7, Monticello, Dedicated. Vacating a portion of. Abandoning part of. Vacating part of. Dedicating for streets and alleys. Extending. Closing. Chan ono nameot Street. Changing and abandon- part of. Vacating part of. 318 Date 6-8-1908 4-19-1913 3-6-1914 10-20-1916 5-4-1903 12-19-1910 4-8-1922 8-19-1903 3-16-1903 12-16-1901 1-17-1911 5-4-1903 6-18-1910 11-2-1903 7-1-1904 12-21-1908 6-7-1909 4-15-1919 10-12-1909 1-9-1923 2-6-1911 3-2-1903 9-25-1908 11-2-1908 10-13-1904 3-6-1905 3-18-1910 3-18-1910 4-30-1909 8-19-1903 3-16-1903 3-15-1911 8-1902 3-16-1915 STREETS AND ALLEYS Street Kankakee Kankakee Kalamazoo Kingsley relies Lincoln Ave. Lombard Lombard Main Main SMe? Madison Maddin Owen Okmulgee Okmulgee Prospect Place Terrace, N. Terrace, S. Utah Wall Wall Wall Ordinance No. 324 652 81 572 113 153 364 415 1134 447 1270 Purpose Extending. Closing. Vacating part of. Vacating part of. Opening and extending. Vacating portion of. Vacating alley along N. side of. Amending 75. Desig- nating name of street. Dedicating streee (Block 6.) Opening of. (Station grounds M. K. & T. Ry) Vacating portion of. Opening of. Extending. Vacating part of. Opening. Accepting dedication of Street. Establishing grade. Establishing grade. Vacating part of. Opening. Vacating 10 feet be- tween Baltimore and Cincinnati. Accepting dedication of in Block 11. Accepting dedication of. Improvement of. Fixing grade. Fixing grade. Opening of. Changing grade of. Changing name of street, Changing name of. Vacating part of. Amending 75. Desig- nating name of street. Dedicating street. Accepting dedication of. Establishing grade S. of Eigins and S:7onm@er chester. Adoption of copy of grade map prepared by H. V. Hinkley. 6-30-1911 71 Streets 7-7-1911 7-3-1914 7-3-1914 11-9-1908 3-18-1910 3-17-1902 5-31-1904 4-30-1909 STREETS AND ALLEYS 319 Ordinances Changing Names of Streets 4 Streets 25 Streets 749 756 ps3 956 Bol 491 64 148 401 Changing names of streets in Additions. Changing names of streets. Vacating certain streets ing oi22 Be 1Ss RAS: Establishing certain SEFEEts: Changing names of streets. Changing names of Streets: Street names, relating to. Granting ht. Vee ke R. Co. right to cross cer- tain streets. Vacating certain streets and alleys. 320 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS APPENDIX D. BONDED INDEBTEDNESS AS OF JANUARY 1, 1923. Ord. No. 170 170 227-248 362 670 1124 995 361 671 1006 439 1125 578-614 892-5 1005 1079 1128 1135 1184 1182 1126 1183 672-694 994 380 928 1043 BONDS Water Works Water and Sewer Water, Sewer and School__- Water Works Water Works Water Works Total Sewer Bonds Fire Utility Fire Equipment Total Fire Department Bonds Fair Grounds Improvement Fair Grounds Improvement Memorial Park_________- Honor Heights Park Athletic Park Total Park Bonds_ -_- Detention Hospital Municipal Hospital Total Hospital Bonds Garbage Disposal Gas Pipe Line Total Miscellaneous Bonds Total Property Bonds Funding Funding Funding Date Date of Rate of Issued Maturity Interest 3-1-1902 3-1-1932 5% 11-1-1904 11-1-1924 5% 11-1-1905 11-1-1925 44% 12-1-1908 12-1-1933 5% 3-1-1911 3-1-1936 5% 3-1-1919 3-1-1944 5% 3-1-1902 3-1-1932 5% 12-1-1908 12-1-1933 5% 3-1-1911 3-1-1936 5% 1-1-1916 1-1-1941 5% 9-1-1909 9-1-1934 5% 3-1-1919 3-1-1944 5% 9-1-1910 9-1-1935 5% 2-1-1913 2-1-1938 5% 3-15-1916 3-15-1936 5% 3-1-1918 3-1-1938 5% 3-1-1919 3-1-1944 5% 5-1-1919 5-1-1944 5% 5-1-1920 5-1-1945 5% 5-1-1920 5-1-1945 5% 3-1-1919 3-1-1944 5% 5-1-1920 5-1-1945 5% 3-1-1911 3-1-1936 5% 1-1-1916 1-1-1941 5% 3-1-1909 3-1-1929 5% 10-1-1913 10-1-1928 5% 1-1-1917 1-1-1942 5% Amount Outstanding $ 150,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 250,000.00 390,000.00 130,000.00 $1,120,000.00 $ 25,000.00 300,000.00 225 ,000.00 25,000.00 $ 575,000.00 $ 60,000.00 75,000.00 $ 135,000.00 50,000.00 150,000.00 80,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 100,000.00 25,000.00 100,000.00 $ 705,000.00 $ 12,500.00 150,000.00 $ 162,500.00 $ 35,000.00 100,000.00 $ 135,000.00 $2,832,500.00 74,000.00 52,061.38 115,593.00 $ 241,654.38 $3,074,154.38 STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS 321 APPENDIX E. STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS. Date District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 8-17-1903 : 104 Improvement of Streets. 6-3-1907 279 Creating district. 12-23-1907 288 Providing for improve- ment. 1-6-1908 297 Assessing Ordinance. 2-10-1908 303 Providing for issuance certificates. 6-21-1909 418 Cancelling lien Lot 11 DikweiZ 12-6-1911 809 Cancelling lien Lot 11 Blk. 12. 12-16-1907 3 286 Providing for improve- ment. 11-15-1907 292 Providing for improve- ment. 1-6-1908 298 Assessing Ordinance. 3-16-1908 305 Amending No. 298. 3-18-1908 307 Providing for certificates. 11-7-1907 5 287 Creating district. 12-23-1907 289 Providing for improve- ment. ‘ 5-4-1908 316 Establishing values for assessment. 6-24-1908 Aves Amending 289. 6-24-1908 329 Assessing Ordinance. 7-24-1908 333 Providing for improve- ment. 6-21-1909 418 Cancelling assessment against Blk. 12. 1-25-1909 13 369 Assessing benefits. 1-25-1909 14 370 Assessing benefits. 11-29-1909 15-A 466 Assessing benefits. 5-20-1910 15-B 520 Assessing benefits. 6-1-1909 1/7 409 Assessing benefits. 1-25-1909 18 3/1 Assessing benefits. 4-24 1909 19 398 Assessing benefits. 5-20-1909 20 407 Assessing benefits. 3-29-1909 21 390 Assessing benefits. 2-8-1909" 22 75 Assessing benefits. 1-17-1910 23 477 Assessing benefits. 8-23-1909 24 436 Assessing benefits. 10-20-1909 24 450 Correcting description. 10-20-1909 2 454 Assessing benefits. 7-6-1909 26 420 Assessing benefits. 322 STREET [IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Date District No. Ordinance No. — Purpose 10-8-1909 26 445 Correcting description. 7-8-1909 27 423 Assessing benefits. 10-8-1909 Se 449 Amending No. 423. 9-23-1909 28 438 Assessing benefits. 6-1-1909 29 410 Assessing benefits. 7-30-1909 30 428 Assessing benefits. 7-30-1909 31 426 Assessing benefits. 10-20-1909 32 453 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 AYA 594 Assessing benefits—Cor. recting 453. 7-30-1909 33 425 Assessing benefits. 10-20-1909 33 455 Amending No. 425. 2-21-1910 34 482 Assessing benefits. 12-20-1909 35 473 Assessing benefits. 5-11-1910 36 518 Assessing benefits. 9-17-1909 a7 442 Assessing benefits. 7-30-1910 38 427 Assessing benefits. 11-21-1910 40 636 Assessing benefits. 5-11-1910 41 qo Le Assessing benefits. 7-30-1909 42 429 Assessing benefits. 4-7-1910 43 501 Assessing benefits. 8-22-1910 44 599 Assessing benefits. 4-5-1909 44-A 393 Assessing benefits. 394 Assessing benefits. 6-21-1909 44-B 419 Assessing ordinance. 11+29-1909 45 465 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 55 597 Assessing benefits. 5-10-1910 af, 516 Approving assignment contract. | 625 Assessing benefits. 11-8-1909 60 460 Assessing benefits. 6-7-1909 61 413 Assessing benefits. 9-10-1909 64 441 Assessing benefits. 10-24-1910 65 621 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 66 592 Assessing benefits. 6-30-1910 67 549 Assessing benefits. 1-6-1910 69 475 Assessing ordinance. 1-10-1910 70 476 Assessing benefits. 11-1-1910 71 624 Assessing benefits. 5-20-1910 LZ 322 Assessing benefits. 7-18-1910 74 575 Assessing benefits. 5-20-1910 75 bed Assessing benefits. 10-20-1909 76 452 Assessing benefits. 11-8-1909 ti 460 Assessing benefits. 11-8-1909 78 457 Assessing benefits. 11-1-1909 79 456 Assessing benefits. 6-23-1910 80 543 Assessing benefits. 4-7-1910 83 499 Assessing benefits. STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS Date District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 7-18-1910 84 574 Assessing benefits. 7-18-1910 85 573 Assessing benefits. 6-30-1910 88 550 Assessing benefits. 4-7-1910 89 500 Assessing benefits. 6-10-1910 90 So7 Assessing benefits. 8-4-1910 91-A 585 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 91-B 593 Assessing benefits. 1-31-1911 92 658 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 93 ahS Assessing benefits. 12-6-1910 94 640 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 95 598 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 96 554 Assessing benefits. 1-19-1912 97 830 Assessing benefits. 12-6-1910 98 639 Assessing benefits. 9-30-1910 99 617 Assessing benefits. 1-31-1911 100 659 Assessing benefits. 6-2-1910 101 SOS Providing for improve- ment. 2-14-1911 101 667 Assessing. ordinance. 11-14-1910 102 626 Assessing benefits. 4-7-1911 103 693 Assessing benefits. 7-25-1911 104 763 Assessing benefits. 6-23-1911 105 740 Assessing benefits. 2-14-1911 106 666 Assessing ordinance. 3 107 806 Assessing benefits. (Re- pealed.) 817 Repealing No. 806. 834 Assessing benefits. 3-6-1911 109 677 Assessing benefits. 3-6-1911 110 679 Assessing benefits. 3-6-1911 111 678 Assessing benefits. 9-30-1910 We 619 Requiring water and sewer connections. 5-11-1911 ja yes 711 Assessing ordinance. 711-1911 116 758 Assessing ordinance. 8-23-1911 117 778 Assessing ordinance. 5-8-1912 118 856 Assessing benefits. 1168 Repealing No. 856. L173 Re-assessing benefits. 1-2-1912 119 823 Assessing benefits. 10-5-1911 ‘120 796 Assessing benefits. 11-21-1912 121 887 Assessing benefits. 12-14-1911 122 814 Assessing benefits. 9-26-1911 -. 123 pers Assessing benefits. 12-9-1911 124 810 Assessing ordinance. 1-19-1912 125 831 Assessing ordinance. 12-14-1911 126 815 Assessing ordinance. 2-5-1913 127 899 Assessing ordinance. 324 Date 7-31-1913 12-21-1911 10-20-1911 6-21-1912 4-23-1912 1-2-1912 5-20-1913 12-31-1912 8-31-1912 8-31-1912 12-5-1912 10-31-1912 10-14-1921 10-14-1921 12-2-1921 7-11-1922 7-25-1922 7-25-1922 8-22-1922 12-12-1922 11-14-1922 4-24-1923 5-8-1923 5-8-1923 STREET IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS District No. 127 Wa, 130 131 133 134 135 137, 139 140 143 144 145 149 150 151 152-AA 152-AB 152-B 153 155 161 162 164 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175-A 175-B 176 177 178 7 18C 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 Ordinance No. 924 820 798 860 852 821 914 894 877 878 891 884 O15 917 916 Oe 1213 1218 1191 1154 1203 122) 1232 1231 1234 1247 1248 1249 1253 1290 1264 1291 1259 1275 17293 172 Purpose . Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing ‘Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing Assessing ordinance. ordinance. ordinance. ordinance. ordinance. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits. benefits benefits. benefits. benefits. Date Date 7-13-1903 9-21-1908 9-25-1908 10-5-1908 3-31-1909 10-5-1908 1-18-1909 3-29-1909 10-19-1908 1-18-1909 4-11-1910 4-22-1911 11-9-1908 3-29-1909 11-18-1908 8-23-1909 11-18-1908 11-20-1908 3-29-1909 11-23-1908 3-29-1909 4-24-1909 11-2-1908 3-29-1909 5-3-1909 6-7-1909 12-8-1909 STREET IMPROVEMENT—SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS 325 District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 189 Assessing benefits. 190 Assessing benefits. 191 Assessing benefits. 192 Assessing benefits. 193 Assessing benefits. 194 Assessing benefits. 195 Assessing benefits. 196 Assessing benefits. 197 Assessing benefits. 198 Assessing benefits. 199 Assessing benefits. 200 Assessing benefits. APPENDIX F. SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS. District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 97 Water & Sewer System. 340 Providing for _ sewers. Const. laterals. 1 346 Lat. Sewer Elgin Avenue. l 347 Creating district. l 392 Assessing benefits. 2 348 Creating district. 2 367 Assessing benefits. 2 385 Assessing benefits. 3 349 Creating district. 3 368 Assessing benefits. 3 506 Outlet, providing for. 3 702 Outlet, providing for. + 354 Creating district. + 386 Assessing benefits. 5 356 Creating distrist. 5 435 Assessing benefits. A 354 Assessing benefits. 6 359 Creating district. 6 387 Assessing benefits. General 361 Issuance sewer bonds. General 389 Establishing and provid- ing for Sewers. General 397 Establishing and provid- ing for Sewers. General 363 Creating district. General 388 Assessing benefits. 404 Creating district. 8 411 Assessing benefits. 9 470 Creating district. 326 SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS Date District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 8-8-1910 9 589 Assessing benefits. 0 Paid out of bond issue. 11 Paid out of bond issue. 9-12-1910 12 613 Creating district. 12-3-1915 12 999 Assessing benefits. 5-22-1923 12 1294 Assessing benefits. 5-3-1909 13 405 Creating district. 6-7-1909 13 412 Assessing benefits. 4-30-1909 M. M. R. Add. 400 Establishing sewer in. 6-9-1909 M. M. R. Add. 416 Repealing No. 400. 12-8-1909 15 469 Creating district. 7-18-1910 15 576 Assessing benefits. 12-8-1909 16 471 Creating district. 6-2-1910 16 532 Assessing benefits. 12-20-1909 i7, 472 Creating district. 6-2-1910 17 527, Assessing benefits. 1-31-1910 18 479 Creating district. 9-6-1910 18 607 Assessing benefits. 2-24-1910 19 483 Establishing district. 7-13-1910 19 556 Assessing benefits. 3-10-1910 20 487 Establishing district. 8-15-1910 20 596 Assessing benefits. 3-10-1910 21 489 Establishing district. - 8-22-1910 21 600 Assessing benefits. 2-24-1910 22 484 Establishing district. 22 555 Assessing benefits. 2-24-1910 23 486 Establishing district. Assessing benefits. 3-10-1910 24 488 Establishing district. 8-8-1910 24 587 Assessing benefits. 3-13-1911 24 683 Assessing benefits, Block 149. 3-31-1910 25 494 Establishing district. 9-6-1910 Za 608 Assessing benefits. 4-11-1910 26 503 Establishing district. 8-8-1910 26 588 Assessing benefits. 4-11-1910 27 504 Establishing district. 7-28-1910 27 580 Assessing benefits. 8-22-1910 7, 603 Amending No. 580. 5-23-1910 28 525 Establishing district. 9-9-1910 28 611 Assessing benefits. 5-23-1910 29 524 Hstablishing district. 9-6-1910 29 610 Assessing benefits. 5-23-1910 30 526 Establishing district. 8-22-1910 30 604 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 32 557 Establishing district. 1-31-1911 oe 662 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 33 558 Establishing district. SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS 327 Date District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 1-31-1911 55: 663 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 34 559 Establishing district. 1-31-1911 34 661 Assessing benefits. 7-13-1910 35 560 Establishing district. - 7-28-1910 35 583 Repealing No. 560. 7-28-1910 34 584 Establishing district. 8-22-1910 35 601 Establishing district. 12-19-1910 35 643 Assessing benefits. _ 7-15-1910 36 564 Establishing district. 11-21-1910 36 633 Assessing benefits. 9-9-1910 as 612 Creating district. 3-15-1911 37 686 Assessing benefits. 8-15-1910 38 595 Creating district. 1-9-1911 38 | 648 Assessing benefits. 9-30-1910 38 616 Correcting description. 8-22-1910 39 602 Establishing district. 1-16-1911 650 Assessing benefits. 8-22-1910 40 605 Creating district. 3-6-1911 676 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911. 42 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 4-7-1911 698 Assessing benefits. 12-14-1910 43 629 Creating district. 4-5-1911 692 Assessing benefits. 1-9-1911 4a 647 Creating district. 1-17-1911 653 Amending No. 647. 3-15-1911 688 Creating district. 8-8-1911 © 1742, Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 45 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 6-8-1911 728 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 46 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 5-2-1911 707 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 47 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 3-13-1911 682 Assessing benefit. 1-16-1911 48 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 | 673 Amending No. 651. -7-1911 697 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 49 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 ; 673 Amending No. 651. 6-8-1911 729 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 50 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 8-8-1911 . 771 Assessing benefits. 1-16-1911 aL 651 Creating district. 2-27-1911 673 Amending No. 651. 328 Date 6-23-1911 2-27-1911 4-22-1911 8-8-1911 3-15-1911 6-8-1911 3-15-1911 8-8-1911 3-15-1911 6-23-1911 4-7-1911 8-8-1911 5-9-1911 12-5-1911 4-22-1911 5-31-1911 8-8-1911 6-8-1911 1-19-1912 6-8-1911 9-21-1911 10-20-1911 8-22-1911 12-12-1911 9-5-1911 2-20-1912 9-5-1911 1-19-1912 9-12-1911 12-12-1911 9-19-1911 12-12-1912 11-21-1911 2-13-1912 10-3-1911 2-20-1912 4-5-1912 7-16-1912 2-16-1912 6-21-1912 SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS District No. a2 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 67 68 69 Ji 12 73 74 Ag 76 Ordinance No. 744 674 704 Tie 687 731 687 776 687 743 696 775 710 808 703 Purpose Assessing benefits. Creating district: Amending No. 6/4. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing: benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. (Paid out of Bond Fund.) Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. Creating district. Assessing benefits. SANITARY SEWER DISTRICTS 329 Date District No. Ordinance No. Purpose 4-16-1912 7h 846 Creating district. 9-10-1912 7 879 Assessing benefits. 3-26-1912 79 844 Creating district. 5-7-1912 854 Creating district. 12-4-1912 890 Providing for hearing complaints. 12-31-1912 893 Assessing benefits. 3-19-1920 85 1169 Creating District. 6-8-1920 1190 Assessing benefits. 4-10-1920 86 1174 Creating district. 8-24-1920 1199 Assessing benefits. 8-31-1920 87 1202 Creating district. 12-14-1920 1210 Assessing benefits. 6-3-1922 88 1246 Creating district. 9-12-1922 1255 Assessing benefits. 6-3-1922 89 1245 Creating district. 8-22-1922 1254 Assessing benefits. 11-14-1922 90 1260 Creating district. 3-13-1923 1273 Assessing benefits. 12-12-1922 91 1265 Creating district. 4-10-1923 1286 Assessing benefits. 12-12-1922 92 1266 Creating district. 3-27-1923 VAM Assessing benefits. 12-26-1922 93 1267 Creating district. 3-20-1923 1276 Assessing benefits. 2-27-1923 94 1274 Creating district. 1298 Assessing benefits. 4-10-1923 95 1280 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 96 1295 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 97 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 98 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 99 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 100 Creating district. Assessing benefits. 330 STORM SEWERS Date Ordinance No. 7-13-1903 9-21-1908 9-26-1908 11-9-1908 11-21-1908 2-1-1909 4-19-1919 3-31-1910 4-11-1910 4-11-1910 6-20-1910 7-15-1910 7-25-1910 9-6-1910 12-19-1910 4-22-1911 8-1-1911 4-5-1912 10-8-1915 11-23-1915 2-21-1916 3-17-1916 5-27-1918 4-29-1922 97 340 346 APPENDIX G. STORM SEWERS. Purpose Water & Sewer System, Extension of. Provision for construction of laterals to main. Lateral Sewer on Elgin between 57 and 164. Lateral “A” Elgin Avenue. Bonds. Storm and Sanitary Sewers. Outlets, Storm Sewers 1, 2 and 3. Storm Sewer: Provision for condemna- tion of lands for. Providing for Storm Sewer on So. Chero- kee Street. Storm Sewer, South Junction Avenue. Outlet Main Storm Sewer, Dist. 3. Outlets to Storm Sewers—Provision for construction of. Sanitary Relief Sewer, providing. Outlet to proposed Junction Avenue Sewer. Southside Blvd. and Denison Streets. Repairs to Sewer on Katy Right-of-way. District 3. Provision for outlet ditch and sewer to. Provision for outlet ditch for Dist. No. 1. North Slope main Sanitary Sewer. Sewer—Provision for bonds for. Sewer—Provision for bonds for. Sewer—Provision for bonds for. Sewer—Provision for bonds for. Sewers to be built under supervision of City Engineer. Requiring sewer connections. FRANCHISES AND SPECIAL CONTRACTS 331 APPENDIX H. FRANCHISES AND SPECIAL CONTRACTS. Ord. To Whom Granted Purpose Date Term Years No. Zia 274 af 102 930 941 144 148 152 544 62 179 p20 353 437 459 535 545 802 908 1045 1051 1074 1040 1044 253 547 902 Convention Hall do Cemetery, Green Hill. C. N. Haskell & W. R. Eaton Mackey Telegraph & Cable Co. do Midland Valley Railroad Company do do do Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railway Company do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Missouri, Oklahoma & Gulf Railroad do do Appropriating $7175 for 7-13-1905 Erection, control, main- tenance, etc. 5-7-1907 Conveying part to Cath- olic Congregation 3-18-1907 Electric Railway 8-15-1903 Telegraph 10-15-1913 do 3-3-1914 Right-of-way 5-11-1904 do 5-1-1904 do (Amend. No. 148) 7-1-1904 Requiring to pave, etc. 6-23-1910 Adjusting controversy station grounds. 12-16-1901 Coaling Station 12-5-1904 Extending Cincinnati across tracks Sewer on right-of-way 11-24-1908 Gas pipe on right-of-way 8-24-1909 Right-of-way thru Block 22 11-8-1909 Right-of-way across certain streets 6-6-1910 To drain tracks 6-23-1910 Extending Cincinnati 11-21-1911 Vacating lola and Kankakee Sts. 4-19-1913 Pipe line on right-of-way 2-4-1917 Spur track to Fair Grounds 5-11-1917 Coaling Station 9-28-1917 Gas Pipe line on right- of-way 12-12-1916 do 1-26-1917 Deeding Block 20 to 12-21-1905 Requiring to pave, etc. 6-23-1910 Right-of-way 2-25-1913 30 332 FRANCHISES AND SPECIAL CONTRACTS Ord. To Whom Granted No. 145 178 193 283 542 D77, 845 1209 169-173 Muskogee 58 151 231 Ira L. Reeves, et al, Muskogee Electric Traction Company do do do do do do Oil Refining Co. Muskogee Light & Power Company Muskogee Ice & Power Company Oklahoma Gas & Electric Company Muskogee National Telephone Com- pany Pioneer Telephone & Telegraph Com- pany do Muskogee South- ern Railway Muskogee Union Railway Company do Ozark & Cherokee Central Railway do do Gills-Sanders Gro- cer Company Smith-Torrens Furniture Company st. Louis & San Francisco R. R. Co. Jes W. Zevely, et al, Transferring Block 20 6-22-1903 Purpose Date Term Years _ Electric Railway 5-14-1904 30 Right-of-way, addition- al streets 12-5-1904 do (Amend- ing No. 178) 3-6-1905 Right-of-way, Additional streets 8-5-1907 do do 5-31-1910 do do 8-1-1910 do 4-1-1912 Double tracks over via- duct 12-14-1920 Grant to use certain streets 9-19-1904 Light and power 5-14-1901 25 do 6-6-1904 Street Lamps, Contract for 11-1-1921 "2 Telephone system 3-16-1903 20 Conduit, Wall Street 10-15-1912 Use of Streets 11-29-1909 Right-of-way 12-21-1903 Right-of-way 10-5-1903 Right-of-way 11-11-1903 do 11-14-1903 do 6-6-1904 Switch to 9-23-1903 do 4-7-1904 Requiring to Pave 6-23-1910 Gas 11-16-1905 25 PAVING OF STREETS APPENDIX I. PAVING OF STREETS. Designated by Names of Streets. Street Ash Arline Arline Arline Altamont Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Broadway, Boston Boston Boston Boston Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore Baltimore yah nR? al Bk Gy oOo Callahan Callahan Capitol West West West West West West West East East Fast East East East East East East Portion N. line Gibson to N. line Martin-Miller Reid Add W. line Junction to E. line 24th Junction to 21st 9 ft. strip at Junction and Arline Market to Girard W. line 3rd to W. line 6th W. line 6th to E. line 14th W. line M. K. & T. R of W to E. line M.°-K. & I- R of W 2nd to 3rd E. line 14th to E. line 24th 24th to 31st W. line 6th to M. K. & T. R of W W. line “D” to W. line “G” K. line M. K. & T. R of W to W. line Cherokee Cherokee to “C” (Part) gy to “1”? (Part) Wiese ,-(x. to. b. line 1,” Ev ime “L”’ to W. line “R” eRe toeUtah E. line M. K. & T. R of W to W. line Cherokee E. line Cherokee to W. line “D” W. line 6th to E. line 17th E. line 17th to E. line 24th W. line 4th to E. line 6th E. line 24th to W. line Blk. 2-3 S. Alta Vista Add E.. line Cherokee to W. line Spaulding He ines Ke wito WwW alne «PY E. line Spaulding to W. line “G” Peliness be toeWs lines R S. line Okmulgee to N. line Frankfort Frankfort South N. line Okmulgee to S. line Callahan N. line Callahan to N. line Lawrence S. line Okmulgee to N. line Cincinnati E.. line Cherokee to W. line “G” W. line “G” to east City Limits South to North Terrace 333 District 2 fe 112 eZ 130 iS 334 Street Carolyn Central Cherokee, North Cherokee, North Cherokee, North Cherokee, North Cherokee, South Cherokee, South Cherokee, South Cherry Chesnutt Cincinnati Cincinnati Columbus Columbus Columbus Commercial Commercial Commercial Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court Court tA Die D4 Dayton Dayton Dayton Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denison Denver Denver Denver PAVING OF STREETS Portion W. line Junction to E. line 23rd All S. line Callahan to N. line Dayton N. line Dayton to S. line Fon du Lac N. line Okmulgee to S. line Callahan (Widening) N. line Dayton to S. line Fon du Lac N. line Okmulgee to N. line Frisco R of W N. line Frisco to N. line South Side Blvd. N. line South Side Blvd. to City Lim- its South Gibson to North Street Manitou to Haskell E. line Cherokee to W. line Spaulding Main to Cherokee ) W. line 4th to E. line 6th W. line 7th to E. line 11th W. line 23rd to W. line Blk. 1 West Park Add. E.. line 3rd to E. line 4th W. line Main to W. line 2nd W. line 2nd to E. line 3rd W. line 17th to E. line 24th W. line 2nd to E. line 3rd E. line 3rd to E. line 4th W. line 5th to E. line 6th Main to Lombard (Part) W. line 4th to E. line 5th W. line 6th to E. line 7th 7th to 17th. Viaduct Approach W. line Main to E. line 5th N. line Okmulgee to S. line Dayton S. line Okmulgee to N. line Frankfort Eline Cute We liner W. line “E” to W. line “L,” E.. line Cherokee to W. line “C” W. line Main to E. line 2nd E. line 2nd to E. line 4th W. line 4th to E. line 5th E.. line 5th to E. line 6th 9th to 17th W. line Main to E. line 4th W. line 11th to E. line 14th W. line 7th to E. line 11th 14th to Junction District 112 134 1-19 1-19 3 19 3 40 153 116 L2f 69 171 PAVING OF STREETS 335 Street Portion , District Dorchester Heiser es 178 at Ds: N. line Dayton to S. line Houston 31 Fast Side Blvd. N. line Okmulgee to N. line Irving 91-A East Side Blvd. N. line Irving to S. line Lawrence 91-B East Side Blvd. N. line Lawrence to City Limits 104 Fast Street W. line 4th to E. line 5th 106 Eighth N. line Broadway to S. line Emporia ‘55 Kighth | Elgin to Okmulgee 125 Eleventh S. line Fon du Lac to N. line Elgin 65 Eleventh S. line Elgin to N. line Hartford 99 Elmira 7 E. line Cherokee to W. line “G” 75 Elgin F.. line 6th to E. line 8th 5 Elgin FE. line 8th to E. line 14th 17 Elgin FE. line Main to W. line 4th 57 Elgin W. line 4th to W. line Owen DF Elgin E.. line 6th to W. line Owen 74 Elgin W. line 14th to E. line Junction 1 Elgin } Junction to 24th 119 Elgin FE. line 24th to E. line 28th 179 Emporia W. line 6th to E. line 12th 36 Emporia W. line 4th to E. line 6th 61 Emporia W. line 12th to E. line 20th iz Estelle | W. line Junction to W. line 22nd 112 Bes N. line Okmulgee to S. line Lawrence 44-A Felix E. line “C” to Alley east 105 Fifth N. line Okmulgee to S$. line Denison 5 Fifth S. line Okmulgee to N. line Columbus 1 Fifth N. line Denison to S. line Market 78 Fifth N. line Market to S. line Fon du Lac 79-125 Fifth N. line Fon du Lac to S. line Tamaroa 118 Fifteenth N. line Okmulgee to S. line Fon du Lac 66 Fifteenth S. line Okmulgee to N. line Elgin 94 Fifteenth S. line Elgin to E. line Junction 12 Fifteenth Junction to Fremont 112 Fifteenth S. line Okmulgee to N. line Elgin 181 Fon du Lac » BK. line M. K. & T. R of W to W. line “C” 20 Fon du Lac FE. line M.K.& T. Rof Wto W. line 4th 23 Fon du Lac FE. line 4th to E. line 19th 23 Fourth N. line Commercial to N. line Court 1 Fourth N. line Court to N. line Broadway 1 Fourth S. line Broadway to N. line Okmulgee 1 Fourth S. line Okmulgee to N. line M. V. R. R. R of W 1 Fourth S. line Fon du Lac to N. line Commercial 20 ‘Fourth N. line M. V. R of W to S. line Denison 152-B Fourth S. line South Side Blvd to S. line Kala- mazoo 169 Fourteenth S. line Elgin to S. line Emporia 27 336 Street Fourteenth Fourteenth Fredonia Fredonia Fremont Fremont “(3 melee wie Ax Galveston Galveston Garland Georgetown Georgetown Gibson Girard “HL” Hartford Hartford Haskell Houston Houston Howard Irving Irving e699 66799 Jefferson Jefferson Junction Junction pK Ia Ex Lake Lawrence Lawrence Lawrence Live Oak Locust Lombard Main Main Main Main PAVING OF STREETS Portion N. line Emporia to S. line Lot 17 Block 226 S. line Elgin to E. line Junction E. line “C” to W. line East Side Blvd. EF. line East Side Blvd. to E. line “J” FE. line 9th to W. line 14th W. line 14th to E. line Junction N. line Dayton to §. line Houston N. line Okmulgee to S. line Dayton S. line Okmulgee to N. line Frankfort S. line Okmulgee to N. line Park Drive ‘EK. line “F” to W. line “G” Street E. line “G” to W. line East Side Blvd. 2lst to 24th W. line 14th to E. line Junction 10 to 14th E. line East Side Blvd. to East City limits DilietOes tine N. line Houston to S. line Gibson W. line 14th to E. line Junction llth to 14th Fredonia to York E. line “C” to W. line “K” W. line “K” to Virginia 5th to 7th E. line “C” to W. line East Side Blvd. E. line East Side Blvd to W. line “H” St. N. line Fredonia to S. line Houston Houston to Gibson E. line “C” to West line East Side Blvd. F.. line East Side Blvd. to W. line “J” N. line Court to S. line Jackson N. line Court to S. line Denison S. line Okmulgee to S. line Baltimore S. line Callahan to N. line Okmulgee W. line Main to E. line 4th FE. line East Side Blvd. to Utah . E. line East Side Blvd. to E. line “C” ' Live Oak to first alley west Gibson to Manitou Gibson to N. line Martin-Miller-Reid Add. N. line Wall to S. line Court N. line Court to S. line Commercial ». line Okmulgee to N. line M. V. R of W Broadway to Denison S. line Commercial to S. line Fon du Lac District HZ 76 149 105 LiZ 64 77 84 84 104 104 175-A 112 122 44-C 118 170 112 122 151 1 1 1-20 20 Street Main Main Main Manitou Manitou Manitou Maple Market Ne Ninth Ninth Ninth- Ninth Ninth Oklahoma Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Okmulgee, Park Drive Park Drive Park Alley Second Second Second Second Seventh Seventh West West West West West West West East Fast Fast East East East East ‘PAVING OF STREETS Portion S. line Elgin to N. line Kalamazoo Fon du Lac to Girard N. line M. V. R of W to S. line M. K. Cr ieee Olas WV E. line Summit to Live Oak Summit to Ash Live Oak to First Alley west N. line Gibson to S. line Lawrence 4th to 10th Street S. line Okmulgee to N. line Baltimore S. line Okmulgee to N. line Elgin N. line Fon du Lac to S. line Terrace S. line Elgin to N. line Fremont Terrace Blvd. to Terrace Place Okmulgee to Fon du Lac Junction to 24th W. line 4th to W. line 6th 2nd to 3rd W. line 6th to E. line 20th W. line 20th to E. line 24th W. line M. K. & T. R of W to W. line 6th E. line 24th to W. line 29th 29th to City Limits E. line M. K. & T. R of W to W. line Cherokee W. line M. K. & T. R of W to E. line M. K. & T. Right of Way east E. line Cherokee to W. line Spaulding W. line Spaulding to E. line “K” Paine ik to line “Pe” PE atouultaly Baltimore to Monta / N. line Okmulgee to S. line Callaha S. line Okmulgee to S. line Baltimore S. line Okmulgee to E. line Spaulding W. line Spaulding to “G” N. line Market to S. line Fon du Lac N. line Wall to S. line Commercial S. line Frisco R of W to N. line South- side Blvd. Okmulgee to N. line M. V. R of W N. line M. V. R. R. R of W to S&S. line Commercial Frisco Railroad to Southside Blvd. N. line M. V. R. R. Rof W to &. line E. line M. K. & T. extending 95 feet 1 337 District 111 144 52-AA 25 a fa 70 88 85 177 162 1 20 152-B NY, 338 PAVING OF STREETS" Street Portion District Terrace Place 43 Seventeenth N. line Boston to S. line Fon du Lac 71 Sixth N. line Elgin to S. line Fon du Lac 5 Sixth Fon du Lac to Girard 131 Sixteenth N. line Okmulgee to S. line Fon du Lac 28 Sixteenth S. line Okmulgee to N. line Boston 89 Sixteenth Denver to Junction 116 South Side Blvd. 7th to Main 117 South Side Blvd. Cherokee to “B” 150 Spaulding S. line Okmulgee to S. line Cincinnati 83 Spaulding S. line Okmulgee to N. line Park Drive 177 Summit N. line Gibson to N, line Martin-Miller- Reid Add 109 Tennyson W. line Junction to E. line 23rd 15 ¥- Tenth N. line Fon du Lac to S. line S. Terrace 101 Tenth N. line Emporia to S. line Fon du Lac 106 Tenth N. line Georgetown to §S. line Court 120° Tenth Denison to Emporia 126 Terrace, South S. W. line Block 256 to N. line Fon du Lac 90 Terrace, South FE. line 12th to Fon du Lac 90 Terrace, North W. line Capitol Place to E. line 7th 101 Terrace, West E. line 12th to N. W. line Block 256 90 Terrace,2S:2We N. W. line Block 256 to S. E. line Block 256 90 Terrace Place 7th to 9th 118 Thirteenth N. line Boston to S. line Fon du Lac 26 Thirteenth S. line Boston to N. line Elgin 45 Thirteenth Elgin to Hartford 122 Thirteenth S. line Okmulgee to N. line Boston fae Third N. line Court to §. line Commercial 1 Third ©. line Okmulgee to N. line M. V. R. R. R of W 5-20 Third N. line Commercial to S. line Fon du Lace 20 Third N. linesM. Vo Rit RAR ot W tesserae Third Kalamazoo ae 107 N. line Fon du Lac to S. line Iola 110 Third N. line Okmulgee to S. line Fon du Lac 152-AB Twelfth N. line Broadway to S. line Fon du Lac 5 Twelfth N. line Elgin to S. line Boston 33 Twelfth 5. line Boston to S. line Broadway 33 Twelfth N. line Fon du Lac to N. line W. Terrace 90 Twelfth N. line West Terrace to S. line Tamaroa 90 Twenty-first S. line Arline to N. line Williams 112 Twenty-second S. line Arline to S. line Estelle - 112 Twenty-third S. line Arline to S. line Tennyson Li? Twenty-third Arline to Boston 119 Twenty-third Boston to Broadway 150 PAVING OF STREETS 339 Street Portion District Twenty-sixth N. line Columbus to S. line W. Okmulgee 175-B Tower Hill Blvd. N. line Columbus to S. line W. Okmulgee 175-B Utah © Callahan to Haskell 127 Viaduct, East Ap- | | proach Wall FE. line Lombard to E. line Third 1-20 Wall W. line 3rd W. 108 feet 161 Walnut N. line Gibson to S. line North Street 41 PAVING OF ALLEYS AND STREET INTERSECTIONS Designated by Block numbers, etc. Street Improvement District Block 4 Court to Main Block 5 East and West Alley 20 Block 6 N. line Wall to S. line Court 80 Block 8 East and West and North and South alleys 161 Block 8 N. line Wall to S. line Court 161 Block. 9 W. line 4th to E. line 5th 13 Block 12 FE, line 6th to N. and S. alley 167 Block 12 N. and §S. Alley, Broadway to Okmulgee 167 Block 18 N. line Court to S. line Denison 20 Block 23 12 foot alley 121 Block 30 N. line Broadway to S. line Callahan 20 Block 53 W. line 2nd to E. line Times Alley 98 Block 54 15 foot alley 121 Block 120 Alley 116 Block 152 Alleys 133 Block 153 Alleys jos. Block 154 Alleys | 133 Block 164 Alleys 133 Block 165 Alleys 133 Block 183 Alleys 143 Block 184 Alleys 143 Block 187 Alleys | 174 Block 188 Alleys 134 Block 195 Alleys 143 Block 402 Alleys 143 Times Alley 98 Columbus Ave. Alley Railroad Crossing, Frisco and Midland Valley 113 Intersection 14th and Emporia ; 101 Intersection 4th and Fon du Lac 101 Intersection Okmulgee and Park Drive 104 Intersection Lawrence and Walnut 104 340 Ord. No. 751 920 1078 1093 1114 1138 1159 1165 1181 1189 1179 1240 507 561 1237 MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCES APPENDIX J. MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCES. Purpose Appropriation, for year ending June 30, 1912. Appropriation, for year ending June 30, 1914. Appropriation, Additional for 1917-1918. Appropriation, Additional for 1918-1919. Appropriation, Tax Levy for 1918-1919. Appropriation, Annual for 1919-1920. Appropriation, Tax Levy for 1919-1920. Appropriation, Additional for 1919-1920. Appropriation, Re-Appropriation Miscellaneous Funds. Appropriation, Additional 1919-1920; Water Revenue und. Athletic Park, Creating Board of Commissioners. Athletic Park, Amending No. 1179. B. Barn, City. Appropriation for. Barn, City. Appropriation for. C. City Manager, Salary. MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCES 341 Ord. No. 338 994 998 1040 1044 1045. 1046 1188 1197 979 514 Purpose E. G. Gas Mains, Prohibiting connection. Gas Pipe Line, Providing for Bonds. Gas Pipe Line, Providing for Bonds. Gas Pipe Line, on M. K. & T. right-of-way. Gas Pipe Line, Terms and conditions for furnishing natural gas. Gas Pipe Line, on M. K. & T. right-of-way. Gas Pipe Line, collection of money from sale of gas. Gas Pipe Line, money from sale of. Gas Pipe Line, disbursement of funds from sale of. Grade Map of H. V. Hinkley, made official. Green Hill Cemetery, Creating Board Trustees. 342 Ord. No. 89 795 1007 1008 1018 pod MISCELLANEOUS ORDINANCES Purpose PSI ate Bas? AN ed 5 NSSF Unb SOT ToT aR SET Sele cn 33 Rr AICO CIQIIS Rete eee 37-39 (EE ONES CGE 6 ae iE 38 Pee EGT Ost INCL Y GoD USINESS | 2... n,n. cncensscnweenenencnenenneeneee 40 Br RE CECTITISNIGATION EXP CSCS... --snsneeseceeseosccnsndecenenevenntiane 41 Oe STs 1 Se SE eaice er on Sa 42-82 ROSIE cen c[ 9 0 ARES a tae eS St Ea ok ea 47 pum edie lection iiicer. 2.1 hi AoA. 8 EASES 1°70 tT Ss lene ope ae nena oy OBES ieee ne 82 Ce RG EES TEST TY 8 Et ZI De eae MER aN 2 81 RNP eeleeriOtice’ 0.88 keen} 81 |e SSPE GTA Lel 0) 9 SM) 7 See ane Me dele en Ate ne acer eo nacean 48-83-92-99-100 NST TALC Sraray 9 UM wate eo 0 3 0) eee eel le peers EON 76-77 RSLS SAS 9 BGT 5 Eh ela 79 Ua esl On on en va ee ee OM ip BBLS Be oo Brrmeeer heciites Reports... ceiave ats iar bl eee 100 (ce oeteye Za ST hg aR pS eS OY Baas meee rp 48 . N. NN AE AE ee ys er aera sonra beatae tedercapeprnreerc cece 1-2 (cay ghee LEC a Tey a he SN al get coal ae PB ie ees el oer 10 (he PRAIA rag ilk ie ae ie a Slee a a PA ee a eae 7 O. ier wer owerse ois City. vested (if. sie e 2 STH GOT) cues. oe OTN, Sa Renee een one cee ey enc MeL En 8 Re CCT Suse ee ee RU EN Sa A SLT ke 110 Mee ly Duos, Records, etC. 2-42. A an 110 Officers of City, How Chosen...........----------ccececesecesececeeeeteeeeeneeeeeeeces 48 348 INDEX TO CHARTER O. Section Officers Selected by Council, Removal........... 25.2 49 Officers, Compensation | ....22--...i cc ipeee r 50 Official Bonds .2c.82.0002 Bon ee 61 Oath “of Office! i200 chu 3 ee 38 Ordinances, How: tnitiated.2. 2.2.22. ee 19-20-30 Ordinances, How (Repealed... 2 22-29 Ordinance, Delegation Powers Dy--..:--:cc-¢cc--::cn- 2 Ordinance, Construing 12.00.00. 67 Ordinances, -Reterendum oni2).2.00. 02 2 ee 23-24 Ordinances, When’ take. efiect.............02)01..35.. 02 23 Ordinance, Repeal of Electoral 22/22 ee ieee ze Ordinances, Several submitted one election.............20000000220eeeeeeeee 20 Ordinances; How ee 42 Ordinances, Vote :onmione eke ee ae Ordinances, Record- Of-.3 2.225). ssccecteeteene en 58 Ordinances, How Passed......c200-. eee 53-56 Ordinances, “Hmergency seh nec) ee Pere 23-53 Ordinances, Amendment © -.:22024.0./22:4 2). 5/- Ordinances, Proof: Of........-.-::0--Sscsqcosscsesstl <2 taste eee te ee 33 Deadly weapon; unlawiul to carry... 24. 457 Death of firemen in discharge, of duty-.2.)..25s.,10 225 Dealers in coal oil, etc., to procure license...) 403 Dealers in gas stoves; known as gas appliance dealers............ 134-d Decorations in stores :cc....c kee, cage reese ds ... 54 Defective électrical apparatus....0. css pee 1 Defective sidewalks to be reported.._........4:.4.....1).. ee 597 Definitions; building regulations....___.. 0... 3 o3 Defining Gas Fitters 2032 ee 134-c Defining Gas Fitting 7 134-1 Delay in ‘plumbing work). 23) £335. 123 Delay in traffic by: improper, loading... a 659 Designating vehicles which have right-of-way...............:.:cecc0ecs--- 663 Destruction of buildings to check fire -...2.0..... ee 189 Disability certificate of firemen....s.....),.028) Ze Diseases ; infectious or contagious; animals... 14 Diseases of cows; procedure of... 2 426 Diseased cows; -killed or quarantined. ss.c...:.2.-2::..4:....2 ee 427 Diseased.cows; failure’ to. kill/or quarantine: 421.) 428 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 357 Section Mibweree Meets), TOtICG Of" CISPOSIELOT i es -on25 =. oops cence rake ce ose ceenvbaeceons 429 Piised-eammorces and mules exclidédi... 4.2440. = sant oes Aste s: 14 iceased, norses and mules; prohibiting. sale: .23 16 Deedee persons, employment, Promibited. (eo occ cence nee amsenee = fafa LE A SAS SAL tt 4 ni cn Stl ec loo lene Uhl aa eae esee Ca 466 eeecerive Houses visiting tinlawitl |e. 513-514 Disputes; construction of buildings; settlements..........2...0..2.... 31 (os IEE SINS LIC aN ot a ade del oe AL Ce Ae eR ee a 457 Peer nititio samples Gf medicine; prohibited:....0. 00.0202 493 SpE REMTTO ran Cleiice tiem ayn A eee hone ce a te iT ee® 485 uEmrEEeCes Cle eae me emer Nw eh 455-456 fereewuetic witiitoslea ve. Oper ..0 ee EO ee 478 “he codec, SRUE DES RS Si ele pine Oe ecehee 2 cai ha cleat tides Me ea 33-40 rem e inguor: baltwo; pronibiteds. eo ee tT) 15 ere ceptno ands iimpounding. ee Oe 25-26 (ORS VES Sead eta gba hoe ie ll sal dla hea AAO Sell I ab aE Oa 20 rr eer senrediticed 9° 0 a as Res 40-49 oad Sach Sec 9 BE eels aoe ee Re coe A Pe rercelecoveriasarorsicame. buildings... ..---2--------e-- ee RO 15 te et eet th 257-255 B: IE EERE 2a ai aia a iz et NL cE en 33 MME MCT Ee BUI a LE accra ge ete ee oa oo cea race eae a a beret aecie t= age te ee 461 (Eke: CUTS CDRS «eet pte ce Te. fall ea peepee nore mee mnie reeia eG Gann vely OT Yes 260 Bemieemcichi anid tate and, Startpin oo oc pct eects eec apes eect 770 eto AN oCASULCS foc cc osc eek elene Sa ccnctecscsa Be ee Ligh MMMM Pomel. «(ICONS Crs... ie oss cs ee nn dpe sor se ate dase ty Hho ata ee 386 (9 TSR aaa ls: Sea Sa eg la Oe ERT ie. YC 83 BUSA CHE Ca CAL CL Soc ck cen oe ea cree soap ack wn deluceedabeentnubogghee aioe 436 RelA lee OD CLIGANV OL Kio ca 5 ono od oc ccce ne nec bacc- ene 62 “ scptey 3” cE ISIC Mea aE Fy ci od erties Sr 62 Peeereclectric Motors and PeneratoOrs. 2... c-s-ne-senepee-semgsnsenne seas 62 (LS SCG ATR SITTER IES me RR ae aR an His) Dare mie SARA PR 62 5 CSNGICT NIRS, “eich a WEN PNT RR a eee acer Memo eee ae 62 es PUTRI! 7 ape se ea gh CR A BAIN Fe Sep NMS AOE 2 Mee Sep rOnimiteca ine sercet ini). | tik aoeet ek 3 ae 504 Be wi vOnsandeyoxcs. Led ured. ....Abl er ape hee 179 tats Sol eT mend sat Bree ap ae a Oe SUN pe Per Uae Rie er 180 360 INDEX TO ORDINANCES Section — Highting animals; prohibited_..._[ = Apueawei ee 15 Filling station; licenses... occccocesecte ns 386 Fines and forfeitures; failure’ to payu5i225. 2. ce ee 544 Fire alarm system; protection (ot Rink. 222 eee 217-219 Fire apparatus; ‘injury. tos) 2¢20 See) 0 488 Fire apparatus; vehicles to give right-of-way..............----.------ 665 Fire apparatus; street, cars to stop..2:)0- Se 666 Fire apparatus; places of amusement.i..0.._.. 2 ee 49 Fire and wreck sales of merchandise; license for..........--. 386 Firé Department, creating<...222)4 224 ie 183 Fare @SCAPCS © oc. focccecccdiaconsecsacaucnens ab i etod otek thet ee 2 43 Fire; false. alarm) 220.2.002. nce i 461 Fire hydrants; tampering withii0e2) 122i eee Fae Firé, limits';)definédiiins: J25' ek DAs ese eee 191 Fire limits; building within... 024 22 ee 50 Fire. limits; penalty.......-2-14.2.-15 5. 214 Fire proof buildings stu stuaccaeascerguasehe cease sabapeedwnapad «idee alia ten gaan 40 Fireproof .construction) ,......:.-..1--s0l00n see ee 45 Fireproof shafts .00s.c...cecersscsse.sctp eee rr 49 Fireproof. arch; theatresi.3:f0 2 2a ee 49 Fire plug; no parking within i5 f eet... -----scerc-n ete 698 Fire, wall... 33-49 Firemen’s P. & R:. Fund; creating board of) ane 220 Firemen’s P. & R. Fund; donations toe. Sai) 233 Firemen shall have.access to buildingsti, s2 45. 134-} Firemen’s. retirement. pension 1... 12) eee IAA Fireworks; discharge ot unlawful... 462 Fireworks ;, sale. of. cee 2.463 Furst. StOLy. o2.-..-c.cscescesnececsnncacccn de tosses et ne 33 Fish, fowl, game and. meat ;. protection of.....00 ee 259 Fittings; joints, rejected... 2.2). ieee 113 Fixtures; defined 0.0250. 109 Flagman_ at certain’ crossings... 607 Flat buildings 22.1500 es 40 Flats and dwellings..2200 cola 42 Flies; "protection strom. ta ee 305-307-308 Bies: penalty en ee fesse chennaesaeseses sae 306 Floor beam of joist!..2.2 Loh kc 40 Floors in construction 220 eer 36 Floor ‘loads i.e Be ene a ee er 36 Pldor ‘rests. 2 Ge oe ee i ee 113 Floor timbers not to. go through wall. 40 Floor timbers not to enter chimney wall.) ae 40 Floor washers, bell traps and back water valve-....-.-:e-s-seccec---- 115 Flour’) 2. ig ee i ek 262 Flour, compound; prima facie evidence..a:c...5 4......0... ae 263 parks; injury) £0...) 2/2)... gee 490 Flowers; unlawful to anjures22...2.. ee 505 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 361 Section EE 2! Oa es bo mer Ro as 1 PO oY de 41 ets Ht DOWIS 29 che Ae at: awa iE See 117 I Is oases Su ee rath es eter ya a te 49 Meee madititeration:. what. constitutes 2022 243 Pem@ieuitainine certain acid prohibited:....../2. ii. 254 PIM URIS tLe Weyree ere Tee geht ats Bree Eg 241 MR ICUMCIETIO? LSHCELOI nmr me 1A UAT 2 eto Fe ni a | 236 1 mnt) gS Py BS ic ak Pg Yr ote ee ne 244 MBER LANIOACOROt att Yo see. eA iaetth, tie Tek er ne 242 PE IR alae a ie NS Tod UP ct on eon 6) Ocoee EN 39 ERIS, OLOMIMILINIC 01a LP act oon on ean LG 145 MEE eaicechitLOols s1nOwntrapped crs. e2i xis ih ace 115 ETRE parr a acne Sh eR eet NSE DETECT ENTE OL ID 33-39-40 RE The Wet he es, tr Air om tery ee antes tht tes base leo yt to aa RB) AOE oe mer er, fei ee ieee ot fee oa ales 10 15, SPRRE > VSTRAT GEER e Se rE ae et Sil oh Pk eT SUE PD Ny AE 33 Peete aiiidine « withinatire “limits: ....2:...<. Wetel.2N ne tke 192 Frame structures; nuisance within fire limits..............00...... 193-197 Pee cuteadvertising ;. unlawitils...-200.2-22s-c on. 510-511 Beer aise hn Coro MOUTS, 2c eee 680 Pee aneiese ctc,. covers: required... 20.5 cle ee 277 UTES gE SESS wl 0] FESR Ua (a () a ee 284 Pugseomay be teappropriated..../cna0). 2 ob Leh! RY ree ge 155 Meme appropriated: for Specitic purposes... 22. n et to eee erat re ek he it ee 41 Mee Pe iri oneC tO... fa Ll ctl a 72 AVNET ck oy hyn ocak sas -canc vee ce cnsetdeseaeceeeespoecednsosseas 40 G. (1 SPREE SEDER UTI, Pt eS I Se gn eae 293 (amon devices, etc,; unlawiul to: exhibit... 201.0... 287 MRT GreCLOS CC tet SV OT ATIC Yoon cece tenet cement 528 Stay Gap aN SUSY se ty 2 Per RR AS SE et eta ne epee Dee 292 eee eerie poands,. eterno licenses... 2-00) 386 Meme ood raiis and (caicl, basins... 82ers oe 115 Be Peeoiiaitcls tobe. provided... cil) 2 et 321 MEP CD AL AZCSHLOT TEMOVA Ls. 2 cet ccc. cokes ated eden cree 329 UN Die Soc Rg Re ann Re ete LES eo ee oe AEA 328 ieoace; removal under. control of city2202...2 330-332 eee salc ot ;;may..enter into..contract..........--- 2a 300 MEER e Caving Veretable: Matte tac nc. nence_cerecn en stetegss eens 317 MME IY 1 SLOG OVGl. 4. cece 2 Rg ee 6 et RCL). reece eas cde ee LL 134-c ANS DEC LOT i ccc cae a chek et ee ee ea tne 12 Gas fitting work; reported to gas inspectot.............-.-...----- 134-e, 134-f Gas hose; flexible material prohibited.....................-... 134-e, 215-216 Gas Inspector; creating office of; duties; powers...................... 134-b Gas Inspector; shall shut off gas where dangerous.................. 134-1 Seseinspector shall test. gas-titting work.........00.1 3.4. 134-e 362 INDEX TO ORDINANCES Section Gas appliance fitters shall be registered__-___ eee 134-c Gas appliance fitter allowed to connect stoves only...............-...- 134-c Gas appliance dealers; defining... ee 134-c Gas appliance fitters, defining..1:-1.1:2-4..5.2. ee 134-c Gas hose; penalty._........2j2i.2-L ne 216 Gas or steam pipe columns.....02.20..e ee 35 Gas mains and. lights; places of amusements..2.3 eee 49 GAS PIPES... cccc--ceccsesenceseee-tanecpeesesceestcssts Sedans donee err 41 Gas. well; prohibited 1n. city limits...........02.22. 536 Gas; unlawful .connection......2... ee ents 538 Gasoline service stations; permit... 207 Gasoline service stations; regulating construction........--.--..-----. 208 Gasoline.service stations; license. 209 Gasoline; unlawful to deliver on. street........................0eeee 205 Gasoline; delivery one gallon only on street... 206 Gates at. railway. .CrOSSINQS:-..c.-2-.2<)cceeerecee-cieee- cor e 605 Geese; running at large... 2 et 10 General conduit wiring))...2.... 0.0 2 84 General wiring. o.c:..2..c¢:cctesces-coceccs Er 85 Glanders; unlawful to bring horse into city afflicted with.......... 14 Glass, nails, etc.; unlawful to place on street............0 1. 489-702 Grade. of electrical license......---..-...44: 65 Grade stakes; unlawful to destroy... 470 Granitoid sidewalks; construction. of...) 2 602 Gravel; hauling, etc.,.over streets..000.0..L 616 Gravel; to be removed from. street........J. 22) 617 Grease tLAPS aoecoeccetececeecwnecidebespruenecedeeee ws SOUR nA te 11S Ground floor’ ...22010000.242 er 33 Ground; dampness 1..n....c1.c.cccscccsteslecssecucsk tole ene 40 Gutters ta be free from obstructions....2...2.. 316 Gutterways; should be kept clear... 38 H. Hacks, etc., to carry light......2....-::ctccs2::1--.ce-ds0..-/0) ssa 645 Hamburger stands; license.........-2:--::cescse:c:--J1s---hos-s5a51ses 386 Hamburger wagons; regulating. .......0...1........2...) 549 Hatchways; how-enclosed.......-c::-re-:cc-ctiesesscustss5...0.- 1-2 - 43 Hats; unlawful to wear at theatres...............-...--...2.1..———— 460 Hauling gravel, etc.,-over streets....::ci:--2..-2-2-<-.-1-..-... 20 616 Hawkers ;. license ..........., 11 ee 296 Health officers; licensed and practicing physician... 295 Health rules. violation; penalty. ..000.0.u. nla re 300 Heating. plants: jsee Ak cone tects gee 41 Heights of buildings 2 es seals cnt 3a INDEX TO ORDINANCES 363 | Section Meee eS CON Yi tre tyra) cared ees ire PO iey Fale k 33-40 Sree re a tl |Siad s,s a ee crt eerie wedt an | fee roto IN el aac en, 33 fe wenotro be kept within icity limitsi¢ lel). 318 Berea oe norses in street > prohibited: ..........csctaes a. 476 IR S53 cages chet cons ean er tix, bbe ce kiero rock bo 40 ee SUSIE gL RP) 1S ata ee peal ee Ha er ele en Oe 40 SU ARH SREP Per Bs ao ae a a SERS Ol ed eT ipveh Fe wit has 40 ee Pe ee tees. ee Aare tA erie soe) Sales 256 REMUS LIfe Che eeteh 1 Aw eee fis Were ec rie t) cod odect 639 fremecato be unhitched when-lefit:standing:....0-c.2cu.. la. 696 Mossereteins to be held when driving.) c:c2.. Acuna. 697 Mme ERG INL MATKEL ¢ NCENSE:,....-- 5-08 -occ-ceoe-eeti eset deet le ee 386 TS CASEC CX CHIGEC 22.0 occcocdeccoc cel eecoe nec et) oe 14 Mummeeemmcieserced @ pronibitine sale ,........diause0 1k. LSB e acl 16 Es STV ATES SERS eo a ee 1 PEP FHILFIYSR 020 SUR are ee a) ae ee ke ee ee 4] EM AEG seg Pe 2 span ten ceedaesvanatdelasndebh UNA. tevRS 41 ener ee eae 8s a I ele aed bout AAD ie 33 Hotel, etc., to post notice of using compounds, etc.......................250 Beemer OOMMNo MoUses; WCenS.c..../...... nn ects ceaacce sete eceeneceeetees 386 Sijeetoerestaurants, ¢tc., sanitary regulations......--.-..2----.-.- . eaters. See ne: 105 364 INDEX TO ORDINANCES Section Inspection of weights and measures; how made..............------------- 764 Inspectors of Weights and Measures; designated...................---. 762 Inspectors right to ertter.and make tests2i2. ene. a) ee 420 Installation -of..meters.2220.4.2.00- 82 Instructions ;-architects and builders......02..22..2 22 73 Interior . walls. ‘ssi...3..ccc-ccreond desde ateeediene-ee- 49 Intoxicating liquor; defined....2.0 2... eee 349 Intoxicating liquor; manufacturing of unlawful........2-22. 350-513 Intoxicating liquor; unlawful to keep... 351 Intoxicating liquor; unlawful'to transport.-_..\.. {eae 352 Intoxicating. liquors; penaltyiii. 22a ae 950 Intoxication; unlawtul 2.52.22... 3 Soo 458 Iron pipe for S@WeT. oo eee ns Iron and.steel construction ..........0,0.-,1 ee 47 Tron. water Pipe. .c.ccciscecctessseteseaeessdstaee oe 112 Isolated plants; annual inspection......... 7... 76 Isolated smoke stacks .22oo2.ccc.cocceseecc teeters es ese eee 41 Issuing permits and fees; electricians... 62 Ap Jacks; running at large_..23 ee 1 Jennet; running at large. 1 Jitney; operation, streets designated... 2... 362 Jitney; operating without license; misdemeanot.....................--.--. 368 ‘“Jitney” must be painted on windshield” 2) 364 Jitney; to maintain schedule.) ee 363 Jitney; to leave termini at announced time...) 366 Jitney, vehicle; defining 20.372 356 Jitney;, penalty) 2 ee 369 Jumping on or off cars; unlawiul rr 491 Junk dealérs | 200 568 Junk ‘dealers; license... 2 386 K. Knife, bowie; unlawful to carry... 2221..:n.sesse ee 457 Knives; spring handle; unlawful to carry...) 457 Li; Labeling; false. ee, 260 Lard compound; possession prima facie evidence.............0....0..... Zod Laundry tubs: :250.0 eo ee Se 115 Lawn, driving stock/overt.. 2 2 6 Legal capacity; ‘measures. 00 767 Legal weights; card of. 769 Legerdemain; unlawiul to engage ini 222) Ni. 468 Length. of walla. aie Levy, made in accordance with laws: of State..22.....1. ae 152 Lewd pictures, and books... 4a. 523 Liability. of city, electrical installations:...4_ 222 ee 96 Library Board; powers and duties... 2. — 380 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 365 Section BREET hs Liu A er ae peg tS ty 379 Bea @ a onations; received by Board... nat. aah Sol: 381 MRM MNOS ie es a Sniper pete, Lao or70. tests 382 MunermmectADUSHEd: ues ee 8 tes eee ro i tnoret htm Dy, 378 Library property; unlawful to injure or destroy.........00.0.2000.200200----- 383 Pere wannitial electrician Sic. een atiia..300824.3 5 ls 61 Meese, applications, for vehicles for hire...iiisi el bila. 358 DOR OTC OCCUNALION: TAX i oe eel ey, 384 License, certain granted at discretion of City Manager................ 387 Bee erat ey Ola expitationin lhe wah edu 385 isiccnse for operating vehicles for hire.tesiie:cueh id 357-359-365 icense for vehicles; issued: by City Clerk tecticc2l lecnnleansles: 359 Ee CLC Ole ieee eed tes eyes elite luge te ee 65 Re ecemiineycita, bes displayed... c.-rg) lyin ks. dere ceausrees 2 365 ieee, toisdemeanormto operate without..........2..-0/iai ne. 368 Peer eemGeruITcUm lO MOS Si Crk ree ries Sole As he 22-23-24-402 eres teem ee Uitte Agee es Pp ee le eos 1) ae 360 Dreenecetaxercduitedsforcircus exhibitions...0) i 2.-Ale. calla. 394 eee Re OGL Coarse leche 392 Pee Ce I CRECVOKECE LOT CASO fo seenscarnncrcpeon i edaigted ete 367 FOO 2 1 REE (22S ae Sn oY Oe Lae as Sc ee 405 v8 st) STEREO URTE Dg Si <) 0 01 0 NS t= ae ep eee eee Pea eR 573 2 Te SRE CS WG en oe 40 eee aiipaaine mst obtdin permit! s..s.2c:2l] 21 ads. 7\ Reece OMMATITUSCINGITS 12. cacacnns heise cotebtgeidaca-dasive.-J-ceie eke 49 Mee a plocinveat ets OF CXCavations......--.-:./--is---asideh eect 475. eas ESTEE TES ES ERE Sa et a Ee eee ae 34 aegis CC OR rel ee tee Ne ay es) ea cil See 40 Meret. AOW CO ages Mel G ctl ite Aci ods alt AO mien mint Oxicating derining. oak aie ee ah aeee 349 Me mere Ce CCAICT St ICONS Ce oo. creas reece sect Sncula a bbel Mosh andedscstedegch-- AGS ROOO Mr et G AIC Cie s caer 8) dere Nes sialon a 386 Living or sleeping in place of production, unlawful...._.....2-.......... 274 Loads, floor; to be distributed............... pA TUARG ne ae T haga 2 ote 36 Beerleme eines oy. ee coe Sac yield ls ein gee 33 Loafing, loitering, in gambling halls; unlawful........................ 288 Pemecexrriceis sinlawiul-on, street.....c.....---.--.-.-S aie ee a: 626 (WEE “Ch VATE LoS co RS IIa EMO: Me TREES Pree Ag 33 Bee eruceipepuvlic places, unlawiul.3.c2oi0n 8k pln a hee 467 mre me Line ie ee ee eee aan 109 Dae MECCA Tiya) CALS eases 8 ee) no tet oe Men ees mee 34 M. BOC LY eATlA VLU CAITLIN ooo yen Posen pens Pegg chen age pts 533 ee AS Soca Ss vane scbage Saat ee dlp goatee ery 113 Beeler itla lin tO; LEA ER Opel. wo anes ee een eres tee 494 a rate T iC eewtee bane remiss 8 bs SEC TEE ROR Ae 38 Preeeentindat larce. Wa ein 8 Osta ad eid eee: 1 Suerte cleatiiness Tequired..:...3-..05-2-- kn eens hak ae te 144 366 INDEX TO ORDINANCES Section Market, City; establishing.........5..04....c.02 asta teee eee 135 Market. hours \ cece ee ccag tcf ee ee cee en 136 Market space; designated..........-222..2.:::1::.4::.20: oe 136 Market; superintendent, Of. ..2.2:..-4.....c: 2001 -4e01--..:.- 2 137 Market; use of sidewalks.0 2.002.100) LA0 ee 140 Markers; at street crossings. ..:s.2:..:....101.._ 0 347 Masked Ball; ‘public...u.0UL Ane. rr 459 Materials - 0.2. ciccc.cssi 2ecccsescnsesscshsetecsctdusscnecsucsedle =D OOUe Ree 34 Material for external covering for buildings...t4.2..2eeee 195 Material. for. sidewalk.....1..002. al 600 McKellop Addition; numbering houses in.....................-. 339-340-342 Measure; legal. bushel..t0J01 2 766 Measures; legal capacity. Of-.:..2:.2.0-2c---0-1-0se0q00ets) rr 767 Measurement of:-buildings.......0200.000l.... 02 Measures. used :i200.n2) ON eno oh TO 768 Meat: market.;.sanitary regulations.......02.1).1.......0se 282 Meats, fish, fowls and game; protection of... 11222 259 Medicine shows; licenses... eee 386 Merry-go-rounds, etc.; licensé<...2.2....22.... 386 Metal :curtainsui 2a eees yg eee vetlel 4 49 Metal window frames..i...--2:1../2.::-:0:.:¢erssecse-essndck eon eee 40 Metallic chimneys © ee 41 Metallic smoke flues.c....i.....1.h.c nicked 41 Meter loops, installation of. 22 We 82 Meters; gas; testing of..2s...4....202) oe 134-k Meter reading ...:2.4.2..4. 2000 Se Jed Meter. rates) ies iii 761 Meters; charges, testing for. water..........<.-00545... nn 743 Meters; interference, inspection, penalty... 3. ee 750 Meters; installation of:..2.:.2............. L040 | 82 Meters}: water ;-TePAaITrs tO.c...2-.ccsccnecasssssksele dell ts 5 eee 749 Meters, water; kind authorized...............1.........0 745 Milk,... adulteration Vic) ee Le eee 418 Milk and Dairy. Inspector..,.............00i A 406 Milk and dairy rules and regulations................ 22 433 Milk and dairy. inspection!:.2.0.0:22.53.20 7 437 Milk dealers; licensé.u.....0....c.128l ol ee 386 Milks grade Of-ccsicc..scctecsicsctecsscesstesfedcee-teseocheasee-s4ite- 0-1-0 413 Milk Inspector’s powers.2.....40) 4 e.un2 et 425 Milk; permit for salecot iii... 410 Milk; permit may be revoked:...12.04..2....0.2. 411 Milk; skimmed 223.2 4ie 414 Milk; skimmed, grade of.22.00.2.-20.. 417 Milk: to be, bottled::2.. et eee 434 Milk; tuberculin testii2 23 0 419 Minors not allowed in pool rooms.-_...-.-..0..2....:--1s.. 565 Minors; unlawful to loiter on streets..........42..4...5.2..= 471 Misbranded ; .defined ° .ss-ccedimenccsl Re 247 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 367 Section Peeeremenw 1000S. Or. drugs settee Ss Oo) FON ea boon, 239 Miscellaneous; (Building regulations)......... LAER ee ots 54-94 Meee TOO Of Aros aus etiag AT Ohte SCTE oe fa Zo0 Meee sutieeproperty of public utilities, ...2..0cececsde ee 404 SIERRA 11 Sittin ne Nt aes IS NT er 2 ae 377. MP etes rina witthstO, CeStroy 220.22) cescscch thaccses we 470 Messin possession of council, when!...0..)2).2000 2 ea 373 MnP tC See CLIT re ec ds Eia sacdssdnrs ed AM 638 Mererecuicic. to carry lichtedslampy ine) ae. Lele 644 Motor vehicle; unlawful to leave machinery in motion................ 662 Motor vehicle; without state license tag unlawful............2........ 633 Motor vehicle ; with engine or factory number defaced, unlawful 634 CEERI it awirinoe sos et ee I ee 81 Bron cycle, only one person permitted- to ride... 02.02... 660 Meme tes PeleCETICIAlIS .-2.:20c-c er ea eo ee ole Ber emecteres theatre y LICen Seo. 3c ieee etn n aeons sre cee saree see OO (Ty ET IG UG FCG eS esl se el RRA ee BO OST ARLD GLey Be SC ACCC OX CIC CC. teeSiisss.-Baserceia..y cp a.-c guetta nod 32 Mees oreexcavatinge > how: to Secure,.......--cbs-ivseeiepep creep on 621 Meee provision for additionalsasditss:1isn-A-1ci_... oR 290 Slot. or vending..machines; license-.................... (1 386 Slow. burning buildings)... i2.2.002....... 48 Smoke, houses: o..ccciccl cc Stitk ne cece shea edn oer ee 54 Smoking’ in street cars; prohibited__1.i:a2020_ 2 506 Soft. drinks, exclusively ;. license... 28... 2 386 soda fountains; regulation.........._..._._ La a 283 Soda fountains and bar wastes; how trapped...0 ees 115 Soil and waste branches; method of connection...............-........---- 113 Soil pipe; definedu.t... 2a |) ee 109 Sol pipes: littiness. we aie ae ink Soil or waste vent: defined.22...... 2) eee 109 Soil vent stacks.._o.21.22-jecfecceccesat-csentesselyspeanelectiest oleae 113 oil or waste pipes; diameter and weights<.— 2) =e 113 Soliciting at railway. stations; prohibiting ~ 2202 eee 540 Soliciting for retail stores; prohibited: 2.4.22) 2 ee 542 Soliciting, street walking; unlawful = eee ce ae 516 spark arresters for certain flues must be obtained.2i meee 242 Spark arresters; failure to obtain... 229 2 Zi Spear, unlawful to carry.20.0...2 457 Special election for excess levy...) 2 157 Special meetings of Council: (eee Je a7 | Specifications of construction of granitoid sidewalks.._............. 602 speed. rate’ allowed... 22S 694 speed of trains in certain.places................ 604 Spices and. condiments. .--...-22-c.22¢--ceccscteeccne ness 258 Spitting. on. sidewalks; unlawful... 3302S 334-507 Stable. racks, hall drains; etc....2.2022). 2 11S stack’ in plumbing; definedcaitins 1a) J ee 109 Stage; open space of... 2 49 Stage, woodwork 2.0000 49 SLC MEMO Mf Gays alco 42 stairs; school buildings...) oe Sele ee 42 Stairs; winding and circular... 42 Stair cases; theatres (20200 cee esse 49 Stairway over street; prohibited: na Stairway. at street cornefs.....1.._._|__ 2c of stairways; fireproof buildings. .2.1j.ualcceniaaes 2 ee 42 Stalled motor vehicles; gasoline delivered t0........0.20ceccceceeeeeeeoee 206 »tamps and brands; uniformity_010.. = 765 stand: forfeited cis pecs ncsecsnetvenues cic ene eae 141 Stand “Pipes cocceecccaesssvprusceten secre ML Send De eee ee 43 stand pipe; how constructed... ee ee 43 INDEX TO ORDINANCES 375 Section Beeempes. places Of amusementiisails.f cepted adn tech Bememeomdesionated 22.2080 sane sens FADS NEE LEM aes eee 139 mer ISD CCLLON cP) ok Scag co conde 228en ct le aS ete 72 RM Cee COUT ii RW a aa jo IEE Cp eee 8 a oe ee 41 Steam railroads; electric gongs at certain crossings...............2...... 606 Pream railroads; flagman at certaim crossings....1.- 2262 f0t. ce 607 Pe terairodds; gates at. certain. crossings. 22 jel lc is 605 Meme OAC S Peay. ce aa nse eta ER 2) eee Ie 608 Purr trond“ repilatine. speed. .22 iis.oA, 4G coheed 604 See Ce PUCTIOU MIEN COM) ie Od re no On eg 47 ee mr yaino through. streets. )ctese ees a Ee 6 Pee beet obese impounding es 0 225 ey eae vy; eae ITIP NLT Come eR NINA ABNOR oo tL ee Ue 2-5 PG eerUniiuc abn iarre re rl Ape. Ont 5 Sue 6 Mrtmeemc nice MO Winlalc. 4.50 es esc I JO) Slee 40 Storage and transportation of food and drugs, sanitary................ 271 Peeracenor. ol. above eround; resulating. A 203 Remrereuecmimincitc cetiired.