. 2 x rz — a 2 - : ae? 2 Sea Ler ” ‘= i - * 3 a2 t “ Z ; ee a ss * Poo aie, ~ ; > pid Ey x » » ‘ ~ = y b 5 2 ‘ : i od - e ® £ ak : : f . Be w % Yi ig’ ang oe ‘ow 7 hk # oh a, eee § ? » it a, = i . * - + a al Ul C cj _ pe. a> 5 as * Pac eels } ae 2 7 ‘gan - oe = 4yq ae a al las Pash) é mee << ee Ra so THE EPIGRAPH ALBUM HOAAOLNS. Meet: y THE EPIGRAPH ALBUM ERWIN E. WOOD CHICAGO 1890 7 LAST _ CopyriGuHT, 1890, By Erwin E. Woop. PANNE IGS ¢ ye yy ; vi K . T¢ be YY WES 2 i pe of fof) DEDICATED AS A Holiday and Birthday Souvenir EO MY OWN AND OTHER PROFESSIONS 696128 Af ah: ster >> » wih .; ae rs o » _ “ Ras ee 4 ... gui? 4 = 4 * ¥~ —_ AMS are thought ‘PIGR md CUCNeeA AOA HAHFO E who is too proud to stoop will miss the fra- grance of the flowers, the fla- vor of the vine-born berries and the delights of the cooling spring by the wayside. HE richest poetical na- tures may produce noth- ing, because of that very nature in them which dreams and only dreams, unable to creep along the dull level of exertion. -ENTIMENTALITY frequently causes us to wait and hope, when we should plan and act. VERY man needs a task- master; if not some one else, himself; if not himself, his necessities. HE successful ones in the battle of life are those who recover quickest from their fatigues, and press for- ward. EING a daisy does not save it from the sickle. HE blessing appreciated is the one which has been lost. F civilized men there are a few; of nations, none. FIND man most interesting when studied as an animal. AN is a creature feeding greedily on that which is freshest and sweetest in the greensward of life, the while trampling under his feet many a tender floweret. NYWAY, man is only an appetite; )and that ap- petite an insanity. T takes darkness to develop the demon in man. RESS is a civilizing stim- ulant which may be over- indulged in; but without dress man is a savage. ARK the difference be- tween intimacy and friendship. HE greatest possible dis- tance? It is that which , lies between a good/ woman) Vitae anda bad woman. =~ MAN goes to the bad by degrees; a woman all at once. DUCATION is a bridg- ing of the way. HE most enduring earthly consolation is found in religion; the next in friend- ship, and close upon the latter —in scholarship. ’ Te} ‘ t 44 > , Nt a 4 q 7 io > ‘ tit al 1 , ; qitler * > ' SP EE er eee oi » & Te -! ‘ ,* + ry Hy i} = a J i Soy, oer ee iB 56 br *"s i 3 : ACTS are old; it is put- ting them to fresh uses that makes new eras. HE masses like to be led, and therefore choose leaders. ANY things seem odd to us because we are ignorant. E have to adapt our- selves to our adoptions. VERY luxu ae: adds / labor. os Atty (Sri ~ tase ha 144 LAY we frad rau 01k UCCESS is its own pun- ishment. HE worst thing about a bad thing is, that one bad thing leads to another. ‘5 s 4 7 7 > 5 * ALS —- a id . * , i \ BOI) Jetow we weeds and the flo look alike when youn bre H re! F, r 14 a a, | ; i O show an intense love for any material object is to reveal a weakness. HE gardener may save even a weed, if but a trailing flower tenderly en- twines about it. FTER the tree has been felled we realize its grand proportions. see Cut down a bearing vine or fruited tree. e pains a humane heart to LEEPING is the over- lapping of our days, and should not be reckoned in their length. IFE begins and ends with leer Lip he Vie ( Retr is the struggle of soul for speech. Wee afarke fbn Af 5, MONG songs I have many friends, both old and new. ILENCE is the back- ground of all symphonies, and a component element of all that is grand in nature or great in man. POEM is a spasm in literature. ~~ ARICATURE | is the dis- tortion of a feature al- wie strongly pronounced. esWULPITS are the scales on which theologians are weighed. N plants let the moss be my emblem; it grows more beautiful under the snows of Winter—is at its best when the days are darkest. dy a | ; ana i can. i ier ont Ve ae, ai x ue oS * ee bt tr, ' ; . As : q i a . fy i} po , ' : My 5 } bia \ 3 +N i i m - \ as i ; ; j My all 7 4 ; ” My ‘ ; ra ‘ ‘ hE 5 | ‘ hy 1 ‘ i my a 3 : % ; ' Mo, *, { F * : ; }: ¢ Ai oe ee ee “ar ad aeons ‘ort tol etagig 4 ik ‘eV: hay catelanat ’ | loveworravi th vebasp lebemniey SO ie noveddad edi in ei-—-tatai Wy, Ne Es deodtebh sikh oxeh add ia ~ de SS tee ~ E Fer ate ie Nat he a iv Bt 0% ene pe as sais) po; Sat halecatemge oo ee oe Ta SP “< ‘ ae cd Pn et Sy JES ee oy Pri kt . igh: . 7 ee me oct Ina . ; J oa > 7 ~~ RYE _ rf 0112 0621