FIFTH ANNUAL REPORT OF THE KANSAS STATE DAIRY ; COMMISSIONER, ©. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1912. D. S. BURCH, Dairy Commissioner, MANHATTAN, KANSAS. 2 sg a: 3 o7. = fs aN 7 “) ae 1] ®e ~ “SGineaecsoe™™ STATE PRINTING OFFICE, TOPEKA. 4-4238 ORGANIZATION OF THE OFFICE OF STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. Under the provisions of the Kansas State Dairy Law, the Board of Regents of the Kansas State Agricultural College appoint a dairy commissioner and the necessary deputies. The officers appointed perform the active work and the Board of Regents are a governing body, which also approves the dairy commissioner’s rules and regulations before they be- come Official. PERSONNEL OF OFFICE OF STATE DAIRY COMMISSIONER. Commissioner: ® ak ee D. S. Burcu. Deputy Commissioner BS Se ea W. F. DRoGe. Deputy Commissioner ......... E. G. MAXWELL. V a | FIFTH ANNUAL Report of State Dairy Commissioner. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 3, 1912. INTRODUCTORY. The following is a presentation of the dairy conditions in Kansas for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912. Information has been given as is believed to be of importance and interest to a majority of Kansas dairymen, dealers and manufacturers of dairy products. Information along special lines and of special interest to only a few has not been included in this report, but is available on request. The primary purpose of the office is to serve the various dairy interests of Kansas efficiently with respect to the giving of information and advice in dairy matters and impartiality in the enforcement of the law. The usefulness to Kansas of the office of state dairy com- missioner for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1912, may be briefly summed up in the following list of its principal activities : Total office correspondence, chiefly letters of information, advice and LCE PE a SR SE aR SS Dias OOP gk, ke eine Caney ee aa 7,269 _ Complaints of violation of the law received and acted upon........ 130 Pret POPSULEAIMOCTICS, *. ox wreaterc «© soles 3 Stk 6 pris ccaleiSta nye tae s alee 32 Peper al ACE-CEAMILTACLOLICS 3 igs iu! oc Gia aca On alte are Woe see +e elehs 24 Pee ed CTY) COLA SEONG. < eivoe,s Sectate den tom Sella. w slegnis: Hone + ys mieporeaye 428 PSE E CIDER OL ECONGCOSETIOCS heri's ee mveclscp ale oles tah to een oie 8 6 wiithadeletelers 2 SEs EE I LATING 5 olan conse vine a's) + Seals Kin oe» « «9 eee, «las 67 POEM O PRION DCTINIEN 1OGILCU 5). saitoh et nie fig \yuei el ens scare ace StS. « 's Seen. «oe 879 Number of permits canceled for violation of the law............. 8 - Number of permits temporarily canceled or establishments closed up pending affidavit that necessary changes had been made..... 28 Number of samples received and tested by state chemist.......... 200 Number of samples taken by dairy commissioner and deputies.... 225 Number ot sediment =tests.of ‘market milk... 02. 6. o.oo ee 60 Amount of cream condemned as unfit for manufacture into butter PE CEU LOU OCP ALIONS ) ie oso os, ptt ees ee A wee eects 194 Inaccurate weights condemned and confiscated................... 10 Obsolete and inaccurate test bottles confiscated................... 90 New rulings formulated and passed in connection with the Board of GReTL ia eg CI fe AIR SM Tec RMI 6 apna! sm ais wie Wi nie AoBLaoal wie: w+ «gua wie 3 Grading tests manufactured, standardized and put into commercial Dee git Maat, Petals itis sasha, Saige MS TRUITs Tab a daloa Wo a igtaie's jelp)arathcw ae © + «Baie bese 18 Pos ueriis, ANC. Driticed SCIP Cla FSSPLEDATCH.. sisle cas a aronace heces 9,090 Wee Cen Tit MTS Saree iy sve ks why, Sete ed oe» be —————— 23,504,808 6 State Dairy Commissioner. By Nebraskicreameries ........ 7)... eee 4,028,997 By: Colorado creameries.4.) 0s eee eee 1,274,690 By, Missourl creameries:..... soe oe oe ee ee 3,176,354 Made by outside creameries .............. “EREEGISt BROtaT eo tienes id ceca eens es late ere oe ee mica eee pete na 31,984,849 Number of Cream Stations Sampling and Testing. Sampling : ; : Sampling. andtesting. Totul. Kansas creameries having one to ten stations... 20 Kansas creameries having eleven to fifty stat’ns, 32 198 230 Kansas creameries having over fifty stations.. 122 631 735 OUR aes cir inc Gis se ee Ce eg a ge aa 174 903 1,077 Nebraska, Missouri and Colorado creameries... 40 305 345 TPotad ea ece see eae ee cece 214 1,208 Laz? An inspection of the foregoing figures shows that the oper- ators of six stations out of every seven both sample and test. The best results are obtained when the operator who does the sampling conducts the testing as well. At the close of the fiscal year there were about 125 routes, 30 milk depots and one skimming station in operation in Kansas. Milk Supply Stations. Total cities in: Kansas: 2o5..0 5 eae eee Hk Ss ome eh eee 471 Cities’ over5000: Inhabitants: W266 es ca hte eee ee 21 Cities over 5000 inhabitants having milk inspectors......... 6 Cities over 5000 inhabitants not having local milk inspectors, 15 Cities; considerine milk ordinances oo. 5... ).4..642 ees eee 8 Cities under 5000 inhabitants having milk ordinance........ 0) Populationvof Kansas o3, 6.05 4). s ois oooh en 0 eo ete rea 1,690,949 Gallons of -milk:consumed annually 20 3. Ge ee 54,000,000 Percentage of pasteurized milk sold in Kansas, estimated.... 1 Percentage of bottled milk sold, estimated ..... ee ea eee 7 Ice-cream Statistics. Number ‘of wholesale: ice-cream factories =.....50. es oeeeee 44 Creameries. making iceccrean’ 03. focus wes sc place's = ane nen ee 28 Total wholesale ice-cream establishments ..............-226: fo Ice Cream Manufactured. Amount of ice cream made by wholesale factories....... 296,384 gals. Amount of ice eream made by creameries .............. OUT abe Total/wholesale ice: creant oo... cece 6 nae ae ee ee 694,125. The total amount of ice cream consumed in Kansas annually is at least a million gallons. Commercial wholesale value of ice cream................. $0. 743 Average wholesale vale, 27 0.2 0. sce ne anaes 2 staan ene (43 Investment ‘in: ice-Crlam: -TaActorres vi, . Se oon cies ater ae $167,994.00 Fifth Annual Report. q The Condensed Milk Industry. The condensed milk industry in Kansas is limited to the operations of three condenseries. A fourth condensery, for- merly in operation, has been idle during the past year. Condensery Statistics. Number of condenseries in Kansas ..............+-e008: ik 4 Number of condenseries in Kansas in operation .............. 3 Number of pounds of condensed and evaporated milk.......... 141,000 PETRI AGPOUORTOT STILT Mar Sie igo siete whe bio PRIN Ole ne octal Clntw a oo -ale os $189,625 Per PEMID LOVERS LOL SHOLVICES 0... cris’ > ac astus oie melee ustedes eicceitoce $21,011 Peer SON ie TIPE COTEIISOLLCE 9 5.0.00 Sos sess nel o-tile, pesita 4 Glayee soo wa eile Ane $120,000 The Cheese Industry. The cheese industry of Kansas is limited to the operation of one cheese factory. We believe, however, from our observa- tions and experience, that where an ample supply of milk can be secured a cheese factory can pay more per pound for butter fat than any other dairy establishment at the present time. Cheese Statistics. BePORC OAC MITICS Shei OM, 0s tas ws fale des She a, a haa «wo ene 1 1 ReMRR EOI PACLOTY: ACHEREE Ueteiels 5 ot digi uk is\ di «. wctianedy oie on ERIS 28,625 Perera ssaCe FOLe DU LUI IAL. 2 aoWs Gap Pc oi elec ble nce eee 24¢ SEEM VIONTU MTEL eo TIUT CUCM ge testa g oes ood kts elie 'a,'a\ vw e:.0elhena oliai"e «we PSbBiaa: ware 21¢ to 32¢ URES AT aL OT TITLES PAGES ats soiia Sik ts oo wai clone cteete « « «so bracts $2,594 | 5826025