sok LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 668.5 The person charging this material is re- . sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. | Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. To renew call Telephone Center, 333-8400 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN L161—O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign THE BARBERS’ CUE. OVER A400 FORMULAS AND RECIPES FOR BARBER SwoU RBIs Ss: 1897. PUBLISHED BY The Barbers’ Cue Publishing Co. 915 Race Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. Introduction. The heaving tendency of the prosperous barber is to be master of his own dominion. The profession has seen a revolution in recent years and the tonsorial parlor of to-day must abound in sweet scented waters, ointments, lotions, tonics, etc., with healing properties to suit the infinite variety of conditions among men who look to their barber as a sort of physician and surgeon. It is necessary for the barber to know how to prepare his own supplies for two reasons, i.e. he should never apply a preparation to the skin or scalp of a customer even though it be recommended unless he has a perfect knowledge of its chemical analysis; secondly he is entitled to the inside cost if he can possess himself of the best and purest formulas. Hence his running expenses are materi- ally reduced and his earnings correspondingly increased. The author having traveled over the entire United States and many parts of Europe calling upon your fra- ternity, spent the best years of his life in the endeavor to compile a work such as herein is presented. Many of these formulas have been taken from eniment authorities throughout England, France and Germany, but the majority have originated in America. I do not thrust upon the public an aimless collection of untried recipes as any first-class barber will readily see by glancing over these pages—there being no attempt at ad isplay of unfamiliar expressions in foreign languages. or druggists’ signs. If I have been successful after these many years of toil, in presenting to my friends in the tonsure world a book which proves an ever ready CUE to the secrets so long withheld from the operator, I am satisfied to abide by their decision. THE AUTHOR FORMULAS. Fd FLORIDA WATER. Wilsbervamot eee eee. : 8 ounces COTICOLOLID GRNNRRO ore hn, gts es 4 - ounces Pp mlavencer™ (besten 7 ee 2 3 ounces MIPOlOVES straw tls. s td. tae eens I$ ounces Oil cipnamous (trie) pewnek «cars: 4 ounce RINCLULC TOL OLUisamemen te atk wali! se, 4 pint Miuctorerol ber palsam.n. 22... 4 pint Plcouolhoopoer: Cent tas. poe fee Oa LOnS et LOrieee.| Cter ieee * face ta abated 6. pints Mix, and allow to stand for several days before filtering and bottling. FLORIDA WATER. ililawenderyy. 5 awe ccs. i 4 ounces ODED ORNL ease eer Nia ye, 4 ounces ECAR AMOUR E Fer nye tee de. Mag. 2 drams IE JETER S pivet tally oe il alee one Oa. 1 dram OG Ys Ferre Eine dew ee Rs sled ieee Ain Ca: 2 drams AES eg pilrGe sey bts se tote en os PO 4 grains Cologne spirits, 95 per cent........ I scruple Macerate 16 days and filter through paper. FLORIDA WATER. SSCL e IGTILON ter gar® ech etn, ee 6 ounces RMANCTIOCI Berg ke ga. cg’, shies S ounces SOURIS OMA CTASS ite) of teats ot ah 2 ounces eC lonekery hin: eee. (2. 4 Ounces PICO ING ea Rar ie Oe ye hy RE 4 gallons Distiediy terete ie hye. | S I gallon FLORIDA WATER, Hgserrceolabercainioy). 1 5 eae 2 drams. Fesehredef larmnon (tr 1a 1 dram Oi Oener Olid Bs 2h.cccea) 11s aera ae 20 drops. OrboffOriean uiner eae ue seen 6 drops OulRoferosemmarv ary 23. ee 20 drops Orange sioweruwatet.. -20 oni. ee I ounce Colognesspirit, qas- toimakes san 20 ounces Dissolve the essentials oils in the alcohol and add the orange flower water. Filter, if necessary. FLORIDA WATER. Onl la Vener nee. eed ae 4 fl. ounces. Oil bergamotwan sae sneha een 4 fl. ounces Oil nero line koe er eae oe eee re 2 fl. drams C)ITFOLA ROC Ri, eee ne nba: sien eat 4 fl. drams Oiliclo vcs Sua, ay ne amen i fl) dram Pareti itis ki omen ste a ats. c oe 4 grains Cologne spirit, 96 degrees...... 1 gallon Tincture of tonka, sufficient to color. Macerate 15 days, and filter through paper.. FLORIDA WATER, CHEAP, UG OLe A VOU CCL ort calm suet eee ei ere I ounce Orsoieherramot [2 | eee ee ee I ounce Oiotelemon) et chee oMekavee eerie, I ounce: (UO TEC LOVES 585) ciation < ft hae aaa 1 dram GOULOIRCIANAIION 3, 16 ph, Loa eae ae 1 dram FACOG MMDeS i BLeCtiied | sea) aan, 2 quarts Distiledswatemtoimake, -22c.1 6 quarts Dissolve the oils in the alcohol and add the: water. Let stand for 24 hours, and filter. 4 FLORIDA WATER. Omlavendenr. . sachs BA42 Ys 2 ounces Rr LerOl eta Gra 4 moter mate, Uy) cae I ounce (Oi oranve Neer aes yore eM I ounce ROU CLOVE Ss hee eam e285. Se ch 5 drams Deordorizedsalcohon. AG) r gallon FLORIDA WATER. UGE OalO lets nw, x ues teeny, fe 5 ounces REO OT We an Malet ke Re nal ot 3 ounces faporativer Oeel a arnt. 5 Pekar ee, Jae 2 ounces SUMAN EN Gere ie. t yd ieee ONES, 34 ounces PD UCCIO VES Sehr tA gs be ore 4 ounce SO MACMITAAIVOTL oe Ole 1g Water Pe 4 ounce ONTO Cr hte ire cn a At dea Na , 4 ounce pA ale 5 Bae ae Pel SOA SS TOE 1 gallon PRI CODO LEN Me teL ose hire ewan Dik). 4 gallons FLORIDA WATER, FINE. COneotalavenuer She ae oe, pepe 2 drams CUO DELO A Otters rc esc fs fs 2 drams Ji-O Luter Oliddae’ sven eee aces teas | 2 drams (PA Gietiero late hore ee Oe ite 2 I dram BUmeLUrertuiMeric..s:. . 4 do4604 6.4 I dram Ay lao Timea ete Akan nc, See a 30 drops tO Ee naa TSU Nat ei nae Wes ea 10 drops ASG CO MVON ETAT Est ryiyn oO c e eee a" I quart Mix. FLORIDA WATER. ine der 084 5.0 ie ARS 2 drams MORE er Sa Otmes oat atkt. Oueb NAc c'. 2 drams COnmlerd O Meme? REL) PG: le. 2 drams CeOLOLl, Sele ee 1 dram Oibotibalm viel ayibo.. Gees 30 drops LEG ON TOSeSing hho ene ee 10 drops Recgifledispinite.... 0.) .... 0 2 pints HONEY WATER. Oil OfsClovies ase. sees eee 24 drams Oilsols Det Sani taverta ee seen IO drams English oil-of lavender... 3...) 24 drams Mis kitts J ds eee een 4 grains Mellow. sandal wood. 2...) een 24 ounces WWectificds spi titce wey st ae cane eee 32 ounces Nosemwvater 2a eye een ee ete 8 ounces Oranvenlo wer. watel sn eee 8 ounces En Glishehote vere. osu e 2 ounces Macerate the musk and sandal wood in the spirit 7 days, filter, dissolve the oils it the fil- trate, add the other ingredients, shake well, and do so occasionally, keeping as long as possible before filtering. GERANIUM WATER. Oil of rosésceraniun: (nee I ounce Mincture.Olforris *rootte, a. ae ee I ounce Tincture of musk..... oe mee 2 drams PATCOUG |. on hosel. one ree eee ee ee 2 pints TVOSCaWOLED (4/21...) 50a hl, ee ee 4 ounces CARBOLIC ‘TOILET WATER. Crystallizedecarbolic acid’... 3 IO parts Besencésmicheuree... <, acta. act I part Tincture quillaya saponaria...... 50 parts Winter. 5. Ui eepebaiee ei). sso eaten 1,000 parts EAU DE TOILET (LUBIN’S). Sirois tincture occ nitet ee eh I ounce TY UD Te (8 TS a De Wa Fare 3 drams DTS etIniCUITe AO ie bean eu! eM Aare.) 12 drops MousselinesexCrac ts tigers tates N. 3 drops Lavender Guememme see eos. 16 drops BeupamGteoll crm tee nya) ey fe ees 30 drops CAINS 5: (0 8 ans Bate acon ORE Gea 1 drop polariceylanc oll. ir irate tee oe. 5 drops PUCOWO lie tere feral a Ayla? 24 ounces ilelavender Mowers. visa.” as 16 drops SE MCT PEN a at 7h ik ens alee aa. 2 drams Brac LOM UrmMeCriC’. fou tact yuu cours fa 2, 1 dram GTI LO lima rial Re i ama sls gst, Late aa. 1 dram OIE Gp 0s Od Soe aes ee a ec a aa 30 drops AUVOSC MMR lee, oe een ge ee ere a, id 10 drops PXCONO Laie ee ee ele AAT Se I quart PEE TICONO i aa tag a meee «no eh I quart Mix the oils with the alcohol, then with the dilute alechol. The finished product will mix with water and makes a fine barbers’ toilet water. LAVENDER WATER, FRENCH. BN COICH Moet My Sia otes cay ware ys to te, 8 gallons JiaGilaverdetuce: sate edit kes 16 ounces Oe aiaer Oanotian Wry te we te 8 ounces SUITE lemlotinmi, © okie eka 4 ounces tele aes tse sn be Pierre iP I ounce SOU ORIG Re ne I ounce Hixinacts OfeOiligk 554 tees jctae ns... . 8 ounces Heotract of amberoricue wastt,ih so... +). 2 ounces EAU DE VIE DE LAVANDE DOUBLE AMBREE. Alcohol, best quality. nea 5.18 quarts Lavender oil, best quality... 72 3.52 ounces French rose geranium oil...) 47 O77 soumeee OUPORCASSIO ans e ee eee nae te 0.88 ounces Oillorbereaniota aaa a mere an 0.88 ounces Oilof lemon: 7h vt ge se) wee Oe Orfof Frenchapetit-qraim. 2 0.88 ounces Peri balsam] pe saw a a 5.29 ounces Oris TOO LINC eI te ae aia ae eee 2.11 quarts Ambererisetimictute... sae 5.29 ounces IVINS ket iN Clure. meee ae en Pee 0.25 ounces DLOTa xX LINC tte. amet han eee eee 8.81 ounces Polusbalsamctinctutes.9) pee 5.29 ounces BenzoimgeimCture) ae en eee, 10.58 ounces No water should be added. LAVENDER WATER. Oi Blawendenr >a et.) uniee ee. ware 4 ounce OT cloves cles (cg Sar Dot anti ane ora 14 drams Oil beroamot a ae eee me ase 14 drams Fssence amber cis aa) ame saree 3 drams Mas Kk oi. Nees eta eee ra ee 5 grains Wonky-peans CONLUSCU swe Cle ieee 2 (drams Orristrooly contused , aan eee 2 drams IOS W AGEL 0 No: maerti ry ene tae IO ounces PAICO RO SS vn ai nie re een ee 40 ounces Macerate 7 days only and filter. ORANGE FLOWER WATER. Take 3 or 4 drops of a fine quality of oil of neroli petals and drop ona small piece of filter paper, say three inches square. 8 LAVENDER WATER, WHITE. Greavender (flowers). .is me) <1. 3 drams NC Lats hy. 0". | Samet ye te, 6 drops PI OGCUCe Tsk ak cee te is eae 4. drams WOrog nets piri tem wearin ace. Sak a 0 I pint Wheaten te ee eee eee es her ate. oy 4 ounces Bullen’stearth, q's. i ylcer: LAVENDER WATER. CIGVCULAG Ia cht. Mat, Gr mers nak gal 12 drams UCT a OC sah, Aa ah eee 4 drams PagciuTenin DET OTISN . 60 isa ta a ou 4 drams ECOL OI eA Np siete Cat is Al 9 a8: 40 ounces Mix and allow to mature. LAVENDER WATER. Ore lawerrdene. «1a. wane eee aie t 3 ounces (US DELP ALOT ey, 2 ene cee 10 drams SiMr Ose mrt ee sake eh mea ots 12 minims ISCO Cena Mer HER aoe oe keels IO minims @ilinerolisupertines 40 minims PPBSEMCerAIINDCE OTIS YH AGS g's ou Me ear 2 $ ounce a Soe MCG US keh oh ise kA 2 drams igor lotion wi is es 4 dram PO nitroUus sellers ck a 4 dram PAN CONO tere py etga test eet ene Barn So sctay, 120 ounces LAVENDER WATER, ENGLISH. Oyu ber oa mots een es flat eaten P< 10.0 CUTUPNes 006 Poe [ee ae a 20.0 rmonan ve Hower... «0 ae ees... 2.0 Pi MONONA Girt. Ok... od. os 2.0 PRU CS Dinca | os ol ah 0.2 VER iinet Ta eee ee |. 3 fila 0.2 iaverider Tlowersy ) sp eet er 30.9 mleoho lec. this. be ee ee goo.0 Rosemwateriecfos 3... 1 ee On 600.0 ~ Distill. EUCALYPTUS TOILET WATER. Balsam eruved 3. masse eee eee 20 minims chancture tOluw oe eines eee, 80 minims Hincture benzoinss we ee ie 80 minims Tincture: tonkaspeaiisn i eee 120 minims Iinctureny aisle eee 7 ee en eee 160 minims AVINClLULeNiske aes Oe ae eee 100 minims Cilleuca ly UUs. ee -aae a gues ee 30 minims Oil sneéro eee ee ne 4 minims Rose water gists eet 6 ounces Orange flower water:........... 6 ounces PMC ONO] oie! Sa ene teen tei veenie ty. t 20 ounces On addition of sufficient glacial acetic acid this will produce a good eucalyptus toilet vinegar. COLOGNE (ORDINARY). Orltiawenders. oie p eck ee ee ee 4 ounce Oilgrosemaryis, sk oSs 42 eee 4 ounce Oisberoamot.ww, ees oe ee ee I ounce Qilwlemon.s ine oe oc eee ee 2 ounces CHSCIOVES 4g 3h ean ane ae 4 dram Deocormzed alcohol nena ee 1 gallon COLOGNE, ANTISEPTIC. Bal degcolOone el. one. tee 8 ounces Ciloriimiydrates a}. eke 2 drams Quininema ealoidennc) <> eae IO grains NCIC CATO MG@mmmemen ar... oe een 30 grains Gilpla vende aera. 5:0. 20 drops AQUA ATHENIENSIS. ete Ta 2 ey Ses, Som eee fae eel Rey Oe are 1.5 Dissolve in SSI VCELING Str U Steph pret as dy nea SG bea 30.0 IOSGN Wall cea i 8 ee es 100.0 Then mix with PERECOLOPTIE WALEL<. 2 chs le. on gle 20.0 WeInccore qutllajd..o det nie tweet is 50.0 Stand aside several days and filter. EAU DE LUCE. piicuure Ot a@ImMDErgris,., 8.6 ... 10% ounces HA BU LUC OLDEN ZOIN os se. 4 pound SO. a VeENGer. cee 150 grains NVteec oreaminonia) Jet ot, ue. 14 pounds The tinctures are mixed with the ammonia by agitation, and immediately filled into bottles; the liquid should havea inilky appear- ance. At times 150 grains of white soap is added, which aids in imparting to the liquid the desired milky appearance. In fine Eau de Luce the odor of ambergris should predominate ; this can easily be effected by increasing the amount of tincture of ambergris. EAU DE BOUQUET ONAN CU CCTE RM ee ita eas a. o 4 dram EINCTOl Mea tart es Che se oe 8 drops Dilstosere say le Dy is eS, 4 dram Me MBDerOnInGt ye Ae: EA te yl eee 24. minims Bee Ceg Ue eiie Bil emis ik 24 drams Mesericemm Dero risagame. acs)... 5 drams Duconolsi ti oe wt)... 8 ounces CAROLINE COLOGNE. Oil of bergamot, Oil lavender, Oil rosemary, @ilflemon,-ofecachare.- os a. Gee 14 ounces Oil citronella, Oil neroli, Essence of musk, Oiloteclovess.ofedc haa.) = eee I dram PV LCOHOLS, tenn pees nee ieee 4 pints hose: watet.'9) tee ee 2 pints Dissolve the oils in the alcohol, add the rose water and filter. COLOGNE (SECOND QUALITY). Bring into a large glass vessel Alcohol, 95 to 96 per cent., best Quality sees syed a ee ewes 7.9 gallons Pemo nto eee ade eee 10.58 ounces Beceemot. 01! cee eee eres 12.34 ounces INGrO LOLS ke cone tent a ek area 1.76 ounces French extract lavender oil) (O:G) ounces Rosemary oil.. tren Nemrad OM ay Wa siiel eo Finest German sete ripe th te 0.35 ounces French petit grainoil.......... 0.5 ounces Mix thoroughly, and after 14 days add best orange blossom water and rose water each, 2.64 quarts. Mix again thoroughly, and let stand until wanted for use. EAU DE BRET TFELD. Digest 230 parts of Florentine orris root with 2,000 parts of cologne spirit for 3 days ina warm place. On the other hand, dissolve 70 drops of oil of lemon, 60 drops of pure oil of (PA pa) rose, 70 drops of oil of neroli (bigarade) in 300 parts of cologne spirit, and digest 0.15 parts of musk in the solution. Finally, mix the two liquids and filter. AQUA MELLIS. BAO tancer seca a te sel A. 7 pounds BEL GWE SDN OPS eS EL ie MN ee, I2 ounces ILO RAR ate MA a eee. olre Ps wy 8 ounces Nutmegs pees) Dan ee crate ee 8 ounces TeGron) Declare uw. eee ok. IO ounces GUase ey See er et en pee 6 ounces MEOOUMSDITI Ca. (Aetna ae ea ee I I5 pints WV E irate Re rare) ry ois Uses cu wv 8 pints Macerate for a month in a closed vessel, then distill 22 pints, and to the distillate add: Oranoe dower, Waterers. ew, 5 pints PCOSCMOM Mey 55!) a ere grant ‘oK 24 drops PATHE fio ear 2% 1) SAMs et la I grain AS CESTUREY, DOSUSS ier en = veneniete ae mam nee 2 ounces Macerate for 8 days and filter. COLOGNE (FOURTH QUALITY). Bring into a large glass vessel Alcohol, free from fusel oil... 7: g gallons Davenderg Ol Oey nae {0 eee rere 2, 2.64 ounces Vetere thier) Uxer bee eee ye en ne ton 2.04 ee iLO Tain Olen. ne porate cet. 0.7 IRS ccmasvsOllt genie) Fe gcse hm 0.52 UB eat O la Ol ceed Fe ee ord .< aS 3.52 LA Vacs OM6 Vk Bow at me sae hat on ea 3.52 rer Me Ca waler at. wale sais, 7.9 quarts If this quality, after standing for some weeks, should not become clear, use some magnesia in filtering, or use less water. 13 FARINA COLOGNE. Oilotsneroliaesed’: fia eee 1 dram Oildemonzpiniia nett S. . shee 4 drams Oilavender.. aor. 1... eee 4 dram Beadorizedsspitin a a |. + nee I4 ounces Rose water sufficient to bring the mixture up to I pint. Macerate in a wooden vessel for the space of three months. COLOGNE (THIRD QUALITY). Bring into a large glass vessel Alcohol, 95 to 96 per cent., best CDE AT AA cyt hy Arete nae Tee 7.9 yallons PEMONE OL ce Maeda ee ccadh oe oan 7.05 ounces Beroamots Ol. eeaie ee ae nee 7.94 ounces POTCUS AUTO. peer emeee ecg pore 3.52 ounces Penchepetitecraiiy Oly, ane Ee 1.58 ounces Hinestacocemarynoil 7 er see 0.52 ounces Tae ner Gi lites Mien mate ean ee 0.7 ounces. Orange blossom water......... 1.58 quarts ROSE SWALCI wet arte mia ek say ce 1.58 quarts Distitied wate tare seen cee ee 2.11 quarts Mix thoroughly, and let stand 14 days. Mix again thoroughly, and let stand until wanted for use. HOYT’S GERMAN COLOGNE. EN ICOHG) mais 8 ial eae cee et eee 5 gallons Gulibergamoty cia. 2 seep aes on eee 4 ounces @ilslémoneune cases. Oe ae ee 4 ounces Oil mero aeeeaee Gt... ee eae I ounce Oil Sandal oglermam: deni sere 2 ounces Cai POT wee. 7. eae 4+ ounce Let stand 14 days and filter. 14 EUCLID AVENUE COLOGNE. MAYAN TROT TI OG eas se Wy eet 2 drams Sete MOTO... F484 eateries toh I dram ROTO Ue rOSeINat Vis. was ys pet 14 drams ico netolia tae ree ee 5 drops COUIOENT OSCR partenaires Be! 5 drop SAS TA DM EO msILS an aemn cotend Ae 9A oe My. 2 drams Nieeture of cardamom... 410.20 3 drams LOO a ee eae) 2 givers eo Tt PE 24 ounces PL DO em ees oe id, Roa pice 8 ounces Piisay ena BCU Luss Waite es se 2 ounces BSOUV LCT OC ROPES (FOOL rele ee I ounce Dissolve the oils in the alcohol, then add the rest of the ingredients; macerate for 1o days, filter through animal charcoal and paper. HOY T’S COLOGNE. RO BOrOlL Weel avo tae whe! | Ae 30 minims SVERACCNOULV te a aitels y=: 40 minims EVER D SENG aE W he Sona gra an 40 minims Oileroecsocesniim a eee a) 60 minims Oin@Ganadasnake root. .o.). 6.8 180 minims OM ev eicime tt, oe ta hoe a 60 minims NOR EEA CURL DELOSE, ira, cnet sos I ounce TO METAC TUS Keg erage | ie. ges 2 ounces ePime Cum eae Ord Xero ae tee 2 drams ICON Ome nt te tall ten Meee 40 ounces WAR LOTE pha St ant, ove wa tiiag ote eee bh S. 8 ounces Mix, and after standing, filter. ESSENCE OF MUSK. Deseecd oleae rat meer ee tee eee 10.0 eibgie ea tale ear il le 27k | > Nei shannon, oa 10.0 Triturate together, then add (CMS) SUE be SONGS OG eae 7 ae Ee ig er 200.0 PLeCiC puis w en habia Fl) rk 300.0 Uy Guava miMmomidane ares 2088 a 8 ee Macerate 8 days and filter. 15 LUBIN’S EAU DE TOILETTE. Opristroot. cs. units eee ee 30 grams mumeture:ot toluc i 2, ae eee 10 grams Essencenmusk”. 58. 1. 5: (o..o: ne 12 grams Extract ofsmousseliné .... 4775 ae 10 grams Wineturesof Gilslavender:. es 16 grams ‘Lincture ofsbercamoteOlla.s.) nae 30 grams danctyrerot clovecoil’ a ee I gram Tincture of attar of ylang ylang.... 5 grams ya Core) ace cvaee oer Race we Wp meee ee Mei 75 grams Mix and let macerate for several days, then iter. SWEET BRIAR, Oilalaven deri eh ee ee 40 drops Oibpergainot.peeer 6g a ae So drops Oi eCMOlias geno. eke nate epee So drops OlLOM Ost aek. Ee ena 5) kee hee ae 8 drops Oilpver pena ee a8. Wage Cen ae I drop Essentialioilalmonds.. 3, 4.8. oes 1 drop PISSenCe US Ky qwerty ee 120 drops Rectiiiedss pirith re acre ee I ounce COLOGNE (FIFTH QUALITY). Bring into a glass vessel Alcohol, free from fuselvoily 9 7.9 gallons Portugal oi] 7 eeepc ai eee 0.88 ounces Rosemary Oil tee ae eee 0.88 Lavender oil, Bergamot oil, Memontomeol cach \. via. Seon 1.76 After standing for 14 days add 7.9 quarts of distilled water, mix thoroughly and let stand until used. 16 OPOPONAX, AU SOTASEL A, kel NR a a ee ac ie Po as 26 ounces RE es ch. wink CEOS A 4 dram “ECORI: (AS SES Menges, oe lee eee a 4 ounce PiU DCAISs Stet ea cs att Ae oe 4+ ounce Macerate for a month, filter and add: Tite eC Otis ete 5. 8 oe oat 6: IO ounces Pere OL COSC A x, eed 4. sy ht oe 10 ounces Extract of orange flowers........ 5 ounces PEUEACIROL CUSSION CC Cae tise. ue ee 5 ounces LETS Te ey aa (0) (ol Rt ee 16 ounces erlepiwe(tLonella.: cic g sas ae 13 minims RP EOTECILLO Ihe aunts ert gare =f ie lay, 60 minims WieOeDereaniot ee amr co, 60 minims WT RGiBCINOS wet. Pars Pe ere I5 minims Wileolenacoobly ot tay... wheels t 30 minims Re BeOS Oe ie oe, he. SMe esa 0 I5 minims This recipe, as will be seen, is quite different from the following one. FARINA COLOGNE. OU OL er Ol <8 franc) 2 5 drains 20 drops Oiboti ber cainotawaeweytads « I ounce Oil of rosemary flowers.... 1 dram 20 drops Gologne spirit. «es 6 pints Orange flower water...... 2 pints Mix them. Set aside for 20 days; filter through magnesia and paper. ESSENCE MUSK AND AMBERGRIS, LMMOTEVEG mg Gs Sao Pee SRE a ner ey ere 1.0 EASES COO temo Ae eet led, rs te 2.0 SSLTDEE gh NS LU RAE eee eel on ee 5.0 Reduce to a powder and soak in IDINAON of6) Ghee oA. A Te or 200.0 set aside for several days. Filter. 17 YLANG YLANG. GENS FOU ch is to te ee 12 ounces RGsemlowers, ...:00. 0a 12 ounces Wranvecpcele. cc. o:. . «1 16 ounces GUUS oe cc a os > he 2 grains AW 21111 Lie ieta ened te ak 27 51,.0 ee 4 grains SL VC CEC EIA. cohen re octet aes I grain NEOSK de abhe ved tl 9 oo Soy ee I grain Oilsviane ylang. (°. 5 asks, ween 30 drops Chiular ote esos ak eee 20 drops Gibiber@amot x.) 54 Uhre ee ro drops ISSCNCE /AStiIte. 5. a) wa eee I ounce YLANG YLANG, Oiliotylang-ylang,y 22-35.) eae 370 grains WiHiictareroligetales. 5 somone 48 drops OP OR COSC rte, UN ee ee 115 drops We Ok lemiOl se tac oon tenes ee 48 drops NITISENE Scien 2.) ee Rete ee ae 16 drops Alcohol (deodorized 2. sa oes. 30 pints NEW MOWN HAY. Don ka, beans. Cittm. a, ena 75 grains CJPTISTOOUS career ee ene 150 grains Meatid Ua See can Ae Nn ae aes 8 vrains Oilsbersamotie +6) See. ee 30 drops @itmerolt, 5 eae 2 drops MRC OSE 6 tot a ay ete 2 drops OHGIAV CN COIL cease Ramee, wreenee 2 drops AU GCIOVESu.. ac neces 1 drop atenourys OCCD. 19), vee eran 3 grains Benzciencid (a... |) see 8 grains IN Gttlegher bcs Po’ orgetat ee 30 grains Picololiteadorized.... aa. 7 troy ounces Digest 14 days, and filter. 18 EAU DE COLOGNE, WHITES. Wms Wer Oates: 706 Re ke Peal. I ounce AOS FETC A aN ea SO 2 ounces MePKIED) Graal Gy ce. ar eeeeey oree see ics 2 ounces SEWOLPTOSCIIALY 5 ev astue. ca een 3 I ounce Dyills V8 gesagt) ied 74 A eo wee Ce ea 2 drams (Oieaierose eeranium : ee. af. 4 drams ROIEESL ONCE. WAR Ue 2h Raat EI) bar Ave 2 drams Petr Ctwot Musi Vreet Varah cage, aS I ounce iraneemower Water.) sn .. .bawiere - I pint : AWC Ge) eon er dD ee r gallon EXTRACT MILLEFLEURS. “ROTH Te RE, OU AAR ree oe oa IO grains BUD Perec Naot arc eoukes 0 4 Bh ce! «4 2 drops ARE RCST! a ORL (gS s Sie cs oA ar 3, drops SERUM CT OLDER on ioe gas hc... 3 5 drops EMC CHITON SY gare tert SLs he eb aye 15 drops PROT PaO MeMIUSK Sole ohne 5 15 drops etree UTOe GL apeitzOlNl. 8. 2. ear ach 20 drops AO ACHE ii te te oan kit. Bats 2 ounces TINCTURE MUSK. PUENTE Gle Oye ein cietnay StS ee 60 grains bowuered pumice stone. (7) i. 2. 7) 75 grains Tel LLC INGOs Wish AGO. 3 white Sch tee 2 ounces PR OOITO Mme me ant Oia) og chee oye 14 ounces Arromatic spirits of ammonia..... 40 drops Rub the pumice and musk together, add the hot water and let stand 12 hours, then add the alcohol and ammonia and macerate for 4 weeks. OPOPONAX. Tgpenceno Cassin meee nS... Lyin Epremce Otel CtOce mmm ea... I pint eseice ot jasinitic waampemiie a), 2 3 4 pint “Bincture of Orris: (i: to eae eee ee ee 4 pint “lincture of benzoin (1 tO). nese 4 pint Tincture-of tolu.(1 to O).)) 2) ee 4 pint ‘Tincture of ambrette seed (1 to 4).... 4 pint Tincture of musk (1 to 23). | eee 4 pint Roseiyvateriro Me ote. 4 pint COMPOUND ESSENCE OF ORRIS. Vanilla cutiveryesmal | epee naere 2 drams Orris root. binised 90.5, <) ) eeee 6 drams Essence of Peruvian balsam....... I ounce Rectified +spititse pea) eee I5 ounces Macerate 14 days, and filter. PERISAN BOUQUET. OTTO CTUM ethene a eee 1 dram OirOse Te < femur Cini c. saa aoe 1 dram Qilspittertaimonds cy eae. eee 20 drops Oikcloves se Wace, site, cht wee ony eam 10 drops Oiliperitsoraitice ete eee 1 dram mUINCtUreYOLTiS TO0t, ee eee ene 8 ounces elincturesy ati dee cist ee 4 ounces Tancturemus eee ee ee I ounce Rose avater-. er. dc) eee ee 4 ounces Cologne spirit, quantity sufficient, PLLC Pacah wet ash.< Sore ene nc ie eee 4 pints Mix the oils and the tincture with the spirits, and lastly add the rose water; shake well; allow to stand 3 days and filter. WHITE ROSE. COURT GSE Ree O ek. [OIE ea aren 15 drops Patchoulycherbsnc! +6 eee a 3 grains Musk Sema Se oun ic noms 3 grains DeodGrizetmeaicohol,.). 2 & aaee 7 troy ounces Digest 14 days, and filter. 20 ESSENCE BOUQUET. MAR BEOOUS 6 cj 0 bss 8s, Sd PE ee, 4 ounces OREEE LR OMOR IES yt ow ae Ee RIS 4 ounces Bee SOELONVCES 0.0.7 a any lors At 3 POTS 4 ounces RMEATISOE CCl to) Sm a PON a5 4 ounces PVPs Kern ee Sr he 5 oa ae SAG 2 grains Wim atire (Pry i ea kA pwd 4 grains ren a Cr De le hee eee 4 grains ROS CCma gene, Se OU gi ye 12 drops OPES LO AIOE RR fit 6 87.0 acy iho 12 drops “LEN SYS CU 2 od eine ee se ar eae ee 5 drops ORR ay LATOR eg 8 togans alte 5 drops RO erga UT OR Rt ec ete ric By ace 4 drops SOUR Eh ol 5 24 en 5 drops APOE ALMONGS,.4,.5,, 5... 44-2 + 3 drops |S 17 (OUT ISN 00) 0 cone ig A I ounce WHITE ROSE PERFUME, Cheap. NTA OTA TCUR OECe) 2. Aci l incite wtan 5. 25 minims RP MROLE SET ATUIAMIN fh, ob gle ero IO minims BOO OA OU Vos Cee ees, 8 3 minims Muricsipe*OlsOnriss (1-112 ye sien. I ounce 1D Ge Sew ACC lemme ree eR rg 2! ; I ounce Exicolol; sufucient'to make... 2... 5 ounces WHITE HELIOTROPE. TAS UNS 8) Bi bral TAS ae a en 2 drams COs GUO Wile LOSE IN in sical, I ounce PescCeOteOLiaeimine, oa... 6.) ci. ses I ounce Hee aCemOleniisk i sci. lo. oe, 4 ounce EEOC NRA RSS eae ie Pekin ie 40 ounces HELIOTROPE. | Roma ee! CAT Otaea A in, ntl. 14 ounces eat Oe OR AR, deen 8 grains iineturerof benzo. wee... 2 drams TREGUIEO SULUIES: ) |) ane 20 ounces. HectraGler ret a a<5 . 8 eee 10 ounces Hextract Orasigres 40/5 4)o. eo eo 7 ounces Ocal nian d cae eke. «ee 5 minims: TUX eaGteciveta a: (earns. & 340k 2 ounce LILAC. Tesence OM ubeLose ay sae 4 ounces. Essence of orange flower... .. 2. I ounce Tincture of civet (1 dram to 1 pint) 3, drams Spirit bitter almond (5 minims oil tol ounce aicohol).. igs 3 ee 20 minims. LILY OF THE VALLEY; Pextractijashiineey. 30.0) ete 40 ounces lxtracteyjane wilano eens ee 6 ounces Cardamon seeds, bruised......... 2 ounces CUM OT ETS her. cee Me nae pane EO, ae IO minims. Macerate for two weeks or a month if possi- ble. If the odor of the cardamon is found to: predominate, add extract of jasmine to neutra- lize it. EAU DE COLOGNE. Oibbercamots, co eee eee 2 drams. OTIC Talsye Gratee Member Roden, Sted 1 dram CO) gC COLT Pee eat) 7 Siar he eu ere negeae 20 drops Ou ciera mini, oes on ee I caer ee 6 drops OUgrOseiaty ake... caA eee eens 20 drops Recttited spirit: (treble dist.) 20 omnces. Orangerowerewater.. 5), ees I ounce Mix in above order. BOQUET SOLID PERFUME. Mormensaoder: |. 6. ak aes Oil cloves Oil sandal Oil of geranium Extract cassia Extract rose Extract jasmine Extract orris. Extract violet MARY STUART. Extract rose Extract jasmine Extract musk Extract ambergris Pentel Mea ht Pas o oy IB AEN CCI s+) 0M one tyetr te 4's PERE LO UIMOL a ow ee orn Geico Ss TOE LOSES i, ath heat TN ete MOIBO TA OF ATIOC ss a Mit) teal aa On ry Mma ee Apts Boe eer a en heer te IRN ees Che I SY ee OLR eS OC Fen) ee Pe Eee Be unmeL Peain Ober 1s eet tas SRATAG CAV ETL MA, oer ke, ee PRtrACt eval AME yome st) set ee Oey ree erate ea 6 hia\ a) Loris) 4:8 te 9a fe’ xe 8! 6. fe) Rie Sor iy pec ire i) ae es Se) Cece Om ery Oc We sh es @OdeiNy GiGND © 8 8s Oe 18 minims 2 minims dram drams dram ounce dram dram mjnims O diene me me OD OH IO ounces 20 ounces IO ounces I2 ounces IO ounces 3 drams 2 ounces 14 ounces 40 minims i eoidrams Poe CLalns eae eaiiis Beet crain . a e2idrams .. 4 drams eae32 crains .. 12 grains .. dram eaIOUOCeS WHITE ROSE SOLID PERFUME. Oillceranium 2. 2 ae 4 dram Oilsberoamot.s....:.... 29s. sn kone 4 dram Oiulppatchoulyec. cn cs hn eee 5 minims FRECKLE POMADE. Elder tlowerointment..4 see I ounce Sulphate of zinc (levigated)....... 20 grains Mix by porphyrization, or by trituration in a wedge-wood mortar. The above applied night and morning, is excellent for either cold or summer freckles. FRECKLE OINTMENT. Plour of aiustardl 23) qe 4 eee 3, ounces Lemon juice to make a thick paste sufficient quantity. Oillot-almondsy qin ts aan 4 fl. ounce FRECKLES AND YELLOW DISCOLORATIONS OF THE SKIN. Oleatecot coppers, reas 10 to 20 grains Ointment of oxide of zinc.... 4 ounce Rub into the spots, night and morning. MILK WASH FOR REMOVING SUNBURN AND FRECKLES, Buttermilk (or sour milk)......... 4 ounces Grated horseradish... ee 4 ounce (COPommien |e masta, wri e eer 14 ounces Make into a thin paste, spread between cheese cloth or thin muslin, and apply to the face at night. 24 FRECKLES AND YELLOW DISCOLORATIONS OF THE SKIN. orrosive stiblimate. 22.2001... IO grains Prerilled witch-hazelw 8 os a oe 2 ounces TVOSE WULEL Soo) Rien ae er ee ela whe 2 ounces Mop over the spots. MILK WASH FOR REMOVING SUNBURN AND FRECKLES, HuLtemmuke(or sour milk) <9... .. 4 ounces Tale ersroicsul phir. Jeers to Ah 2 drams OO AE Nie Wen pens a Gt ts. ator k Sa 14 ounces Make into a thin paste, spread between cheese cloth or thin muslin and apply at night. FRECKLE MILK. Catt LO teen mar Merc See ne te 12 ounces mnomiin chioridey: testes. 2 2 ounce Corrosiyesu Diitiate aac. vemecns I50 grains EP SLOLIM CR gle ler Oe care ee Fe: 4 ounces 2 EO Orem Wiatetie see, ene. ner, 2 pounds Use with care. RUSSIAN REMEDY FOR FRECKLES. DilLpuMcarpolate Ol ZING @. 04 fan... 1 dram ie Pe mMOl eyes ee eee an eta soe OL ain PE COLO emer coi nie C8 (ie ety MES Wine. 5 drams AS ULL OCU OT teh et Seca eee te ec, 45 drams Mix. To be applied with a camel’s hair brush. FLORAL FRECKLE LOTION. erences Ose Water. 6y cee do 640 parts iigiowexttact Olirose,.4 4.0 .... 100'parts PKETAcUOlyasmiInememeaiee es. oh... roo parts aR euehier Mat age). Sd I0O parts Eextractcimicletale. Sma mse eee 48 parts: Hydrochloric acid; diluted ee. IO parts Bichloride.of mercury. . 7." soa, eee beans FRECKLE LOTION. Borax tha Ae ens i re 60 grains Potassimmiachlormte ae ee 30 grains Glycerinein: & (ey ied! eh Pee ee Alcohol:.o35 \o5: aa: es ee 1 fl. dram sides Satie Se 3 fl. otinces. ‘Apply witha soft sponge several times a day. FRECKLE LOTION. Potassium cyanide. 4... 2) to@ierame Floney:( {it te)) sce Sal yee ee et ee ee Glyceriné:< Li sa9) sayege Ceaser oe Soe creer Rorevwaltemq ss") ar ee aee 14 fl. ounces Apply night and morning. FRECKLE LOTION. Rigelica-1OOt aa, tae ee Meee eae 12 ounces. Black hellebore rootz73 =. cae 12 ounces StOTAK. 5: 'n yee oa ee oe 8 ounce Oil of bergamot. eye: eee eee I50 grains OU G ie CLEGG ae eee ere eee 150 grains ALC OTIG 1D Fe Se 8S geek eee eae 2 quarts. Macerate for a week, filter. LAIT VIRGINAL. Bowdered*travacanth. ). eae 6 grains GIN Celine pa sea ee ee 4 ounce ROses waters eiack sos eles eaten ae mae 9 ounces. Mix and add— TanctimerOlspenZO1n j,i ees ee 2 drams This is said to make a nice white emulsion and leaves no greasy stains upon the skin. 26 TAN AND FRECKLES, CHEVASSES, LEME Ri ME asa ed aes, oA agi 6 ounces io AS) ATMS oR RR Rie Pe by alata fe 4 ounce Prem ainond Wateta. een ane, 24 drains MeNicture: DEDZOlN Pawnee. oo 24 drams adit: eee ea at abe + ih i On ar 14 drams Rub the borax with the glycerine, gradually adding the rose and almond water; lastly add the tincture benzoin, agitating constantly. Apply night and morning. TO PREVENT WRINKLES. ABS penal he Lee) em red Tee anna ae I ounce Sieh ts Cre tales oaks Nes een eae spent eee 3, ounces. Use with friction on the skin. REMOVAL OF PIGMENT SPOTS. Cacaocbutterie gue ae ane Ae eee 24 ounces. Castor01])..2) seks Geet oe aaa 24 ounces. ZETEC) OX 10 Cie ee re ce, ee nee 45 grains Amymoniatéed mercnr yr ee eae 2 grains Oil of roses, sufficient quantity. To be applied night and morning. PLASTER FOR REMOVING MOLES. Take tartar emetic in impalpable powder, 15, grains; soap plaster, 1 dram, and beat them to- a paste. Apply this paste to nearly a line in 28 thickness (not more), and cover the whole with. strips of gummed paper. In 4 or 5 days the eruption or suppuration will set in, and ina few days leave in the space of the mole only a very slight scar. FRECKLE LOTION. ihicade ofammonium.. a2. s0 2+ 1 dram ReePOCMIOLICVACIC:aane f2) th. Seek 14 drams Cy COLUIG Been ties ae tar nth Le I ounce LDOLE oaSa GN Es ok open oh ako ca eg 14 ounces: Mix. Apply to the freckles morning and evening with a camel’s hair brush. GOWLAND’S FRECKLE LOTION. Sweet almonds (blanched)....... I ounce Bitter almonds (blanched)........ 4 ounce Wormoestyoksublimates ah so 54s I5 grains. ame eee itd IR Ae Fic. otle bey s bit 24 drams OM i Ad el eet Leite Make an emulsion of the almonds with the water and strain, add the mercurial salt dis- solved in the spirit; lastly add water to make the whole measure one pint. FACE BLEACH, Detar OL. sevens, oe, ee Sal 5 grains SOCIOL i eres 2h a dn 3, ounces RE a eit aniy Soars apt geon eae 99! 3 ounces. FACE BLEACH, Said to resemble Madam Ruppert’s. Sorgusiveisnbumate! cee... S grains pb oestriver benzo lal il lager nk 1 dram Water, quantity sufficient to....... S ounces 29 AUSTIN’S FACE BLEACH, dincttire of *benzoin )7.. ee eee 1 dram Gorrosive sublimate:, See 8 grains Water ouire t,he he a ee 8 ounces CLEAR COMPLEXION WATER. OCLIM. DOLALE aiytc eran eee fener cee 1 dram Boracic acid? ue > 23, een eee 20 grains Anyi perfumed toilet. water ayaa I pint COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER. AQGUG aMMOnial ee le eee 2 parts Bay Tunis coset sake ae cate eee 2 parts Roseiwatersee a on eee ei me ee 2 parts Borax SA eeeeeee ey er ee 2 parts Glycerine Qepthen ket ror ee I part Distilled water...” tedeconete eee 16 parts Spiriismum perscom pounds... arene 16 parts Mix. If the face be washed with a soft rag dipped in this lotion it will remove tan, freckles, pimples, black-heads, and many other similar face disfigurement. CLEAR COMPLEXION WATER. Magnesium sulphatei a eee 60 grains Rose Wate 5 ae 0) ase eee eee 12 ounces Orange ower water. ae eee 4 ounces Dissolve the magnesium sulphate in the waters and filter. BLOOM OF ROSES. Prupercacmille?s, eae eee ee 4 ounce Escenceswitite:rose:. —eginare 3, fl. ounces Solutiomspotashy DB. Pia a ee 6 fl. drams Woatemtosiiakeve.: .. (pein 20 fl. ounces Set aside for a few days, agitating occasion- ally, finally filter. 30 COSMETIC. Se re baci Go Nd Co aia Ms Dg 30 grams Sam MVATMCIA Tyco, coh nth ty Wace cauiies 30 grams (UL AERE GSS NV AOVY s Maca itn Sores, Aah) Seer 30 grams COSMETIC WATER. Dilute hydrochloric acid, Miotceaitric acid of each. .; 2 parts PROUCCMYV Leta hour) oh renter nies so 200 parts For application to pimples, liver spots, etc. COMPLEXION BEAUTIFIER. POU POU EUITiC aides |<) ka 2 fl. drams eV Eck COE EUIC Scns A ee a eet 3, ounces Extract of white rose (io Tey, 4 fl. ounce PEO ATIOLO IN eee ate ees PCRs t 10 minims Mix and add: Peroxide ol hydrogens «a 2 fl. ounces: rycerine rag. fet wren b eee 2 ounces fEanctureroivcochinedl >, (2.522% r fl. dram era Were 40 ounces Let the mixture stand three weeks and filter. Wet the corner of a napkin with the lotion, and apply each time after washing, then dry. CLEAR COMPLEXION WATER. Per Nie CILOLiGe, Sac... omens 4 grains SRA U CI Coe, herd a iit ak dee kee 1 dram IS OBCe OV ALCTe aan cele 16 DENY RNE ne iala 5 I pint NIGGER BLACK FACE PAINT. Beat the finest lampblack into a stiff paste with glycerine, and apply with a sponge; if necessary mix a little water with it when using. Easily removed. FLESH FACE PAINT. Preparedichalk.. ..,..°. 2a.) eee 200 parts ZAG WDLLGLZ, sac. ee 200 parts Ene rOOls.. tye. Coe. 50 parts gio ye eer 30 parts Oil of sweet almonds, about....... 60 parts Gam phors cn. o) osc eee ee 3, parts Oilspeppermint. ... 1% 2 OzS. IO ers. PCRIVEGEMAG ER y SoM. oc Lt a 42 ounces Water, a sufficient quantity. . Steep the sage and raspberry leaves together in 18 fluid ounces of water, and the tea sepa- rately in 10 fluid ounces; filter and mix the liquids, adding sufficient water through the filter to make the mixture measure 27 fluid ounces. Add to the other ingredients 43 fluid ounces of water, and mix the whole thoroughly together. PHALON’S HAIR RESTORATIVE. To 8 ounces of go per cent. alcohol, colored by few drops of alkanet root, add 1 ounce of castor oil, and perfume with a compound of bergamot, neroli, verbena and orange. ELITE SHAMPOO. Diamar Va Vuleh vias cea: I pint LOH ASHOA VELL ele Sh tae 8 fl. ounces Wancenrevolsqtiilaiad sm wad oer. 4 fl. ounces PVGsrinarvaWater. iva poo esos) ot 4 fl. ounces CINECELIC™ me htt re ene pares 2 fl. ounces Bicarbonate of ammonia. ....... I ounce BoratevGrs sodas = fo id See, I ounce danctiré’ of’ cantharide, 1% 0°04". cy dram To the rosemary water, in which has been dissolved the borax and ammonia, add the rest 45 of the ingredients and mix thoroughly by agita- tion. The hair is moistened with the liquid and rubbed vigorously to produce a copious lather. TWIGG’S HAIR DYE, Precipitated-snlphure,. cee s sar ee 1 dram Acetateoileadyg a eee 1 dram R.ose watery 53,1 ae eee eee 4 fl. ounces Triturate together ina mortar. This should be applied twice a day until it gradually restores the hair to its natural color. The addition of 4 ounce of glycerine will take from it a drying property which is undesirable. DRY SHAMPOO. Borax) 3.43. Wipes Qa eee ee ee 4 drams Carbonate of-ammoniay soa ara 4 drams Dincturerofcene Cae aes ele ee 1 dram Essence of:ratatin Says, gare ee ee oe 10 drops Rectified spirits ieee eee ee 5 ounces Water cto cap ule ee eee wen ne I pint Mix. This may be used without water. EGG SHAMPOO. JOMOGI ge WalCl.. tan) een gee 3 fl. drams Golocne water, acne = a aes 3 fl. drams AlCohol.e 200 haat. or ee mere 5 fl. ounces A) eae carr erties ee teh U5 I 8 5 fl. ounces Whites of eggs, as many as desired. The whites of eggs (about 2) are thoroughly beaten up previous to being mixed with the water and water of ammonia; the remaining ingredients are added in their order and the whole stirred briskly. 46 SHAMPOO CREAM, Soap (fine, white, in shreds).... 4 ounce TMOGe TW ALCT tc n i Ceuapreeenm ya. 5 1 fl. ounce Solution.of AMMONIA. ae ays 1 fl. ounce PUcouolion Day ernie wie were a2. 4 fl. ounce OMe i hs4 eee 8 fl. ounces Dissolve the soap in the rain water by heat, and when nearly cool add the ammonia, rose water and alcohol, stirring constantly. Rain water ARNICA HAIR WASH. PLC Ra WACOT a, 2 hh.) Ginter sagen fea 4 pint 1 - 1 SMCUR YW ATG? 2). toe Ahk i. name 4 pint PC LURC* ATH 1CAMn« textes Meme a 4 fl. ounce PACOUOUCFATRINON I 4a. fuels ea ke 1 fl. dram LE CG oe. eeu we Sond | Sead gn a I ounce PO We rol Cal pO tem mmte a +. ft ay: 4 dram UROL SFOSEINAL VAN tach Store ae TS 10 drops MMixseul oomake ipint. BRUNEL’S HAIR WASH. PECL SEC LICR RI ea se chy, cists 40 grains pista LeCDCUZOll tires ates oo ieee 4 dram PIC ORO Le cw tet a i de see ese te 8 ounces Oe LI Nene ere mance Ah, UW Sys hie 8 ounces Mix. EGG SHAMPOO. Newel landers reas Sat 215 a) 15 ounces PAN ALN rw tna ee ee) he keg 2 IO ounces IV CECIUG et PE ra Er ere us I ounce ee, ee PN a is A 2 ounces WAAL GS) 27 oe Re ge, Se No. 2 Difficulty may be experienced in dissolving 2 ounces of borax in the alcoholic liquids; it is 47 recommended to incorporate the borax in fine powder with glycerine, and to add the bay rum and New England rum gradually and with constant stirring to the mixture. The white of egg is well beaten and added to the solution of borax, and the whole stirred thoroughly until an even mixture results. EGG SHAMPOO. Volk oes yes) oye reer I Rosewater. ee eee Lipint Hau detcolognch- a). eee 1 fl. ounce Transparent (soap ..3 57. eee I dram Cunbondte of potash aia a 1 dram Rectified spiritva = ea eeaee 24 ounces Dissolve the potash in half the rose water over a water bath, adding at the same time the saffron. ‘Then mix the other half, and slowly rub down with the yolk of egg. Lastly add the spirit and eau de cologne. SAPONACEOUS HAIR WASH. DOLL S08 Daa tee ee meee ee 4 ounce Dilttedtalcoholas =.= eee I ounce Oiltrosemary. 20 5 Bee ee 25 minims Oihlayendér= 30 See ee 8 minims Dissolve and add Wha triton yeas a eens eee 8 ounces Mix and filter. HAIR WASH IN SEBORRHOEA CAPITIS. (Particularly in women with long hair). Eihermsginiicn. cea. 7 eee er 1,000 parts Benzoinpimcture... ee ee ee 100 parts Vanilla eee ss, coe ee I part Picliotropimuemses «3.5 cate ee 3 parts Geranium oil...... eos > 6 eae 2 parts Use externally. Pour a tablespoonful on the the head once a day, after washing (or with- out previously washing), and rub in witha fine cloth. (Inflammable). : SAPONACEOUS HAIR WASH. SSRN DS {YS Karas Ai aI he Be I ounce PRLOEC OG LABS na Bok nn pois ee ete 2 ounces Puicoholsyerre ante CPT Seale AS 2 ounces Perfume, quantity sufficient. NET MA 8 eA ORS rl ecg Re ae I pint Dissolve the soap by the aid of heat in water ; then add the potash, and when cold, the spirit and perfume. SEA FOAM (DRY SHAMPOO). Warbonate Of ammonia... 5... 1 dram Garpouate or potash. 37 1 -eeeioy te. 2 drams Wencture of cantharides,. 55 Seoe" 5 I ounce RAO Epp eed. ee has ley to. Se A 5 ounces PH otadCAsTUNT Cicada re. Sak eee I pint Picoucienguconto. make. i... 3. 2 pints TONIC SHAMPOO. fmcture oGqutlajary ast at: 10 fl. ounces Pra erCOlO OT Cseh Burg vican ors, eyes 4 fl. ounces CST MEE DIN Open wate re olen Gono et 3, fl. ounces Fluid extract of pilocarpus..... 4 fl. drams sulphate-ofiquinine. acini 30 grains French orange flower water, enous tOlmake ett ge WOK ie 2 pints Dissolve the quinine in the eau de cologne and tincture of quillaja with the aid of heat ; then add the remaining ingredients and filter if necessary. 49 SEA FOAM (DRY SHAMPOO). AICOnO |. 5h iat ge ae ee 7 ounces WEA LOTS aon 2 er IO ounces Ammoniaswater sj) 2... ees oe I ounce Colognes da tao eh ae Sah I ounce SPEC CUTe, ST CCl. SOa Diy an. ween 4 drams Use as a shampoo and wash off with clear water. _ SEA FOAM, LIQUID SHAMPOO. Day eruttin aera eee oe PER ERE cst & 24 pints W eters 20 000 oer eee ee cere ae 4 pint GIYCErine) 2) See eee oe eee ae I ounce ‘Pineture of cantharidess sa eee ae 2 drams Carbonate of ammonium.......... 2 drams Borax. 0 Mae, ae a A cee 4 ounce SNOW-DRIFT SHAMPOO. Carbonate of potash...) eae 3 ounces Ammonia water «9, 2..6s heen ae I ounce moapsbark «54. eS meee arian tar 4 ounces Orange tlowér-water a. 05 Gena I pint Olt Watery.) oer. (2 eee ae eee eae 7 pints Boil the soap bark with the water and filter or strain. When cold add the carbonate of potash and orange flower water, and finally the ammonia water. HOW TO DRY A LADY’S HAIR. The lady should recline on a lounge or a sofa, with her long hair hanging over the end. A pan containing 2 or 3 bits of ignited charcoal is then placed under it, and a little powdered benzoin sprinkled upon the lighted fuel. The thick smoke which rises and is_ strongly impregnated with benzoic acid combined with 50 carbonic acid, rapidly absorbs the moisture in the hair, which should be previously well wiped with towels, so as to be as free from wet as possible; and in a few seconds the hair is ~ perfectly dry, beatifully perfumed, and ready for the operation of the brush. SHAMPOO LIQUID. solution Of potassa . Myr cos. 4 fl. ounces BETS, Rea A ROR una oir arera war faegr I ounce ESE DUTY cag) ee Nene oes AS 4 fl. ounce SRinceure Of QUILA Amen ener eas 4 fl. ounce Water enough to make.....:... 16 fl. ounces SHAMPOO LIQUID. Fluid extract of soap-tree bark.. 2 fl. ounces leo Uierat Winns te eee eek 1 fl. ounce a yee ELIYA Sat Gs Aloe GA ain ah eae 4 fl. ounce GIS CAUING hou ya rag stem 4 fl. ounce {Se RIN Na es hot eaii ai IO ounces Add water last. SHAMPOO PASTE. Melt 20 parts of lard in a salt bath at 213 degrees F; then let 5 parts of caustic potash lye of 36 degrees B; runin very slowly during constant stirring with a wooden paddle; when the paste becomes thick, 5 parts more of lye are added in the same manner. After several hours stirring the mixture becomes firm and is finished. SHAMPOO POWDER. letevesp oh ge Utent ara ny delet SMe, ick kp eee 14 ounces woe sal, Vee Y COE (1S WE anne Merve Fe aa ale 3 ounces Catia tee ee ee kee, 14 ounces Perfume. Mix. To use, dissolve in warm water. 51 SEA FOAM SHAMPOO. Mix together 2 ounces glycerine, 2 drams aromatic spirits of ammonia, 4 ounces alcohol, and make up the measure of 1 pint with water. SEA FOAM. Glycerine, eee a ee I ounce AMMODIa. Be? Six ua jee ee 2 ounces Al CON Ol gtr? Geb ins eee ee cee 16 ounces Waterrenouch to make yw, ees 32 ounces SEA FOAM (EXTRA SOAPY). Carbonatetol potashaes sai. see aoe 4 ounce Powderedvcastilesscoap ay I ounce Wa Ceri. teem eden te eee tet aa a ae 8 ounces ‘Einctireoteguiliaia. sam =. cence I ounce Orloff Day atens cian ere eee 5 minims Alcohol enough’ to make. ..7. | I pint SEA FOAM. Lincturesammica-te, gine 2a) ema, 1 dram ‘Lameture;cantharidesis s7). i aoe 2 drams Wiater-ammonia=i.ay lon eee 3 drams Alcoholswie. streis ix: eet aoe ee 4 pint softuwatermiy. 1 Aes eet sak ce 4 pint AUSTIN’S INSTANTANEOUS SEA FOAM. (Used without sponge or towel). AICOHO MSS 6 eon ee ere 8 ounces Wealeriaen 4.) eee IO ounces Concentrated ammonia....... 2 fl. drachms Winterorce trimer)... m etaae 10 drops LENE Co Sele a ef SEAS [Jr Sy. stot See eee 14 fl. ounces Carbonate of potassium....... 160 grains Water of ammonidsa so. o 160 drops Oil sugar of coumarin......... 8 grains OTHERS 20S URES es Deon eh ee ae 2 drops ODE OATIIOUS = ed oe etree 2 drops ire OGh Ceraniuin Olle «a. 1 drop PANO CS Oh aa ct Re eS 1 drop BROSCAVIAUCE gin thn me ce bee 27 fl. ounces Thoroughly beat the eggs, and then dilute with the rose water. Then add the other ingredients. Oil sugar of coumarin is prepar- ed by triturating 1 part coumarin with 999 . parts of sugar of milk. SHAMPOO LIQUID. Fluid extract of soap pa 5 fl. ounces CGE G Savin | ng) ya ae lh ns 24 fl. ounces (Solera Aven aa Mik deee ee rh. 5 fl. ounces PN COLO aires ay pee ean ar: 10 fl. ounces INOS CIV ELL CAR get Get ett eas 13 fl. ounces SHAMPOO LIQUID BOL Soap OSE RAR 14 ounces Carbonate of potassium....... 24 drams ICON lommtes ert ng oa eal ote 3 fl. ounces Essence of jockey club........ 4 fl. ounce Water, enough to make....... 25 fl. ounces TO REMOVE HAIR DYE FROM THE SKIN. Make a roll of newspaper that has plenty of printer’sink upon it, dip the paper in hot water and rub the skin gently withit. A fewstrokes will remove any kind of hair dye. 53 HAIR TONIC, SA TG a tace ead hk as eeee I ounce Boiling waterc.. . 2.).+).07 eee I pint Steep for an hour, strain, and add: A STV CERINIOTS eee Wain. “te Lc a en 2 ounces BOLE Xe ce ete ee ee 4+ ounce Tac sulphorae.o) ame mene ees 4 ounce Tincture :Canthatides teen ee + ounce Perfume with oil of bergamot. HAIR ‘TONIC. «ee eee 2 drams Vinevar'of ‘Cantharides seen 4 drams Pincttiresor cinchonacem ask cease 2 drams GI yCerinie s. reaea tes fe Ge ee eee 4 ounce Orange flower water, Rose water, iachtequalf parts tO« pee ea ees 8 ounces Brush into the roots of the hair every morn- ing, and rub in a little lanolin at night. HAIR ‘TONIC. Quinine sul phate ccm aera 20 grains flincturescantharidés-a. ape 2 fl. drams Fluid extract jaboranding sae 2 fl. drams ZA ICODO Loy ee elie, Aen eee eee 2 fl. ounces GY CETiING 45.0 ee ne 2 fl. ounces Bay seni aay Freee te ee 6 fl. ounces Roseswater.qys. to;make:.0 15 fl. ounces The quinine is dissolved in the alcoholic liquids by warming slightly, then the other ingredients are added. 54 EAU DE QUININE, PINAUD. COTTE TO sap RAND Sieg Meee ra”) 2 ke. sOOd cologne Walter, sgn. in 250 grams Bpilll, G5: Pel Con tamer as tera. 250 grams PROG LT CUCUUT Grae tee pane ei cree ae I0O grams PPINCLUTEICINONO Narre wily wees 50 grams PGVIVR A SATII ee erp a ene EG cas 20 grams. RUT EMerOAM Olas my anid... tga hot IO grams Hresiv sweet Olb OranSe sg? We 2” 2. IO grams SCS OLIPOETANIUIM cv om as ae Tams soiticture Cantnarides\: Rew. saw... 25 grams The whole colored red with cochineal or alkanin. EAU DE QUININE (IMITATION). PSUCOLEO LE Eater sae mek ee Ger, eto 25 quarts NEA PLU ACTIN CLUTO bee Bee clara pers 2 quarts EGU al Ol loc ih tee deen tials 4-5 I pound Tea nia grOSAs Ol!) giles seek neta: =. 8 ounces Glover Gil hans «crate ee saai tis ld 34 ounces Giycerine.of 28-degrees Bi. 5... 3 pounds Sait Be ODU. cou. ere hice sa 3 pounds Boil in rain water 20 quarts, bicarbonate of soda 1 pound, dissolved in rain water 1 quart. The alcohol, tinctures, and volatile oils are _ brought into a glass balloon, and after vigorous | agitation, allowed to stand 8 days for the volatile oilsto dissolve. The decotion of Panama wood is then added, next the bicarbonate of soda. EAU DE QUININE. Oilminersn lp natergee! on arb 2 anlar I part Bugctitocantlandes semen sue. IO parts CO Ceritie amen Sctarh me Meme ee telin” 75 parts. ETAL Sg nent eer 500 parts DRUGUITC Ol UalCAl vaReren ec: 5. 20 parts SOltitsoislaVvCRUCt peewee mat. 2... > 50 parts EAU DE QUININE. Bisulphate of, quinine... 4 ounce Vinegar of cantharides.......... 24 ounces DPILiGoOk POSEMALY co ap) an, ee 18 ounces La VenderewWiltet oa). ae 8 ounces Glycerincioignor xe, mtn I ounce {31 VCETIN Csr gahth at See here tee ere I4 ounces Distilled; water.) fe ee ae 80 ounces Burnt sugar sufficient to color. EAU DE QUININE. Castor Ouly. Aine. soe tee ee Ree ee Io. drams Balsam s herus eee ee eee 3 drams JAMAICA SCG Te es a eee 124 ounces Distillédiwater aaa eec os ie eee 6 ounces Minetifreccinchonare case seer 14 ounces Cologené water,n ss a ee 14 ounces HAIR ‘TONIC. Tincturercantharides 2475 ane 4 drams Aiminonia water at. |e cueeematen, 4 drams IV GSEAWALET 50-2) x1 ee eece ete meer 2 ounces (iolycerine cam ae ace ee oe . 4 ounces Bayirtimntetidec War. ecu eemeet ee eee g ounces HAIR TONIC. Fluid extract cinchona, pale...... 1 dram fT incturescantharidesizasn . .. eee 2 drams Gilycerineviae iGo Lait eee ee I ounce Bayirum Cee ae a eee (ee Ol lee Rose water q Sseadi as so _ »., 20 ounces CONSERVATEUR, FOR DISEASES OF THE HAIR. “inc ta reed eaiCa ae 1) ee ee ro drams (SLY GETING sae 6. 5.1 eee eee 5 drams 1) DLEI U2) See |. oo, ee eee Io drams Waters): oes.” |. ie 60 drams PEPUOUCTAGICc 1.21 lee 30 minims ‘Pineture Ob nux Vomica 1... | 2 drams Compound tincture of cinchona. 1 fl. ounce Peiuctire OF cCanthatides sss 4: 30 minims CGlooTio Wale! spre mie hte tLe t fl. ounce Cocoanut oil-to make... . 2: 4 fl. ounces To be applied to the scalp twice a day with a small sponge. SALICYLIC HAIR ‘TONIC. PURLIC VIC HAG centre a. ene let, 50 grains J ERGY GES ait 7 gi SIR etc aaa CNOA he 24 drams sancture cantharides.., 7)... 5. 14 fl. ounces JET A A Tan Gah soci et By br se Naty Aa 6 fl. ounces Pec AlCl iat, ah wen) ake 6 fl. ounces Boiling water q. s. to make... 18 fl. ounces HAIR TONIC. SOE TI SOZGIOGO) agaist fr es 2 parts SEE CO WWAtC Dats eee eae ots ce, 300 parts MeO OMe iW abet ain Wiel teen) sc 2 20 parts As a wash for the hair and scalp. HAIR TONIC, Olive! oil ay pea ek ONE MRT ioe: 2 ounces Pex Le OL) LORE Maes ciate cist Ua argh ey a Ree Mea Fa 3, ounces meCOuo tsa leat wags. ee a cee 3, ounces Spiriisnlavender iy? Sensis iat. I ounce Rub into the scalp once daily. ASTRINGENT HAIR TONIC. ULL, cpr re ete gee yl 1 dram Me MeLUre LOU Iny tt sere r fl. ounce Civecriic © 2 seem . 5 fl. ounces HAIR TONIC. Thirty grains of precipitated sulphur (well washed), triturate it with 60 grains fine sand, add 4 ounce of glycerine and 1 pint of rose water. Shake frequently during several days, when it is ready for use. _ HAIR CURLING LIQUID. Steep 6 ounces gum tragacanth for 4o hours in 1 gallon rose water, stirring frequently ; strain through a cloth and Jet stand for a few days, then strain and work into it 1 dram of oil of roses. HAIR CURLING FLUID OR CURLIQUE, Mucilage of quince seed may be used as a bandoline, or tincture benzoin with a little washed sulphur and oil of sweet almonds. CURLINE FOR THE HAIR. Make athick mucilage of gum tragacanth in rose water. Adda small quantity of salicylic acid dissolved in alcohol, asa preservative agent. HAIR CURLING LIQUID. Boraxte. 2) 4 a eee ee 2 ounces (sil GaTADICMe ee eee are etek, I dram Add hot water (not boiling) 1 quart; stir, and as soon as the ingredients are dissolved add 3 tablespoonfuls strong spirits camphor. On retiring to rest wet the hair with the above liquid, and roll it in twists of paper as usual. 58 HAIR CURLING FLUID. Saccharated solution of lime....... 2 drams WEUCMACE Of ACACl dimer eee as 4 drams TSSEUUC EOL TOSe Gag mre ett he 4 dram Wiaterstouniak canary Ge see 10 6 ounces HAIR CURLING MIXTURE. Chloride of ammonium, | 42.3... . 1 dram Carbonate of potassium........... 2 drams Peach Ot ASI i Once boa ante ite kee 4 drams Pe MifacceOl WILLE. COSC iu thew ny tar 4 drams PRE COLIN Came | M4 Shai sane te OE 22) A2dralns PICO DOL Svar se iia, aunt ees oe an 2 ounces Powdered -tragacanth.. 4.0) as 1 dram AINA Kk yin Se PRG AS COM ae Aro en Oe wal 36 ounces Mix the tragacanth in very fine powder, with the alcohol, and triturate thoroughly ; then add some of the water and the glycerine to make a mucilage, mixing in the perfumes, and finally the salts, dissolvedin the remainder of the water. PINAUD’S QUININE HAIR TONIC. CVE gel piiateen cy. crar at 30 grains Mincture cantharides 42.7.2 = 24 fl. drams plaimic trewrbatai yet” osu bears aee 5 fl. drams SiO il ayVencer rs. ey le 2 fl. ounces CAIVCCRIAG. a. aerre tiet es 51 wedi. 2 fl. ounces SoM TST OVE gy ies aaa tag tn Mey 194 fl. ounces BANDOLINE OR FIXATEUR. Boil Iceland or Irish moss in water, strain, and perfume the fluid. BANDOLINE OR FIXATEUR. Boil for 5 minutes 1 tablespoonful of flaxseed in 12 pints of water. 59 CRYSTALLIZED POMADE. OVE OU net G ea. te ee 9 ounces —PEerimaceti aie. Tl... ee I ounce Oilvotbergamot: sings). eee 1 dram OIROM Cloves tae 2 ere yea eee 3 drops Oil of cinnamon, Oil of neroli, of each JE rd a 5 drops Dissolve the spermaceti in the oil by the aid of heat. Place the bottles up to the neck in water as hot as they will bear. Then fill with the pomade, adding the perfume immediately before pouring out. Cover the bottles as soon as they are filled. BRILLIANTINE POMADE. Melt together on a water-bath, 6 ounces suet and 4 ounces clear amber resin. While liquid (at about 80 degrees C.), add a solution of 5 ounces caustic soda (40 degrees) in 10 ounces alcohol. Heat in a large vessel until a trans- parent soap is formed. In another vessel heat 8 pounds vaseline in 10 pounds castor oil, and add by portions 20 ounces of the soap mass and 3 quarts rectified spirit. Heat the whole till bubbles rise, pour out, color with gamboge, and perfume with 3 ounces oil of sweet orange or any other perfume. BANDOLINE. Isinglass wa Gast... ; jc eee I ounce Water ve Wie eee 0b 2: aoe ea I pint Proof spiritheeh eee (744 ots arene 2 fl. ounces Dissolve the isinglass in the water by heat, add the spirit, and scent with almond oil. 60 BANDOLINE. Quince seed, # of a teaspoonful; linseed, 1 tablespoonful, and add a pinch of white mustard seed. Boil in a pint of soft water to half a pint, and scent with oil of almonds. BANDOLINE. Grumiacacant imc gcer eens share 14 drams Wrerlemre Cie OC eee fa tien. 7 ounces PrOGcOlrite, cre coe My 3 ounces SUMO IRCOSE Ce Ue eae ae Sos eee a 10 drops Macerate the gum in the water until com- pletely dissolved, strain and add the spirit with the otto, previously dissolved in it. If a rose- colored bandoline be required, a few drops of cochineal color should be added to the spirit. CHAFE POMADE. ESR An Ee (ab oe Aik tey ie vast OP ea, Conan pe a 85 parts Pe DOITUN ea gout ee BS IO parts amunho-pieniques a 44. 5 parts The directions for use on the label should instruct the purchaser to wash the affected parts with ‘‘suds’’ made of tepid water and white castile soap; to dry them softly with a very soft napkin or old towel, without rubbing; and then to apply the pomade. This should be done on retiring and on getting up in the morning. OLEATE OF QUININE POMADE. So bate OF CUININCher eg I.O gram ei Hei geleeteakoi gin eee) 2 2.5 grams BIC AC last) oe as.) 7.5 grams BORACIC ACID POMADE. Acid, boracic, pulverized... ee 6 grains Waseline &/ a0 eh er. ae 30 grains To this may be added 8 minims, or 50 grains, balsam of Peru to give an agreeable odor. ‘The ointment, being antiseptic and non-irritating, may be used for exoriations, fetid perspiration ~ of the feet, etc. REGENERATIVE POMADE. Olive oil) 7 oo) Say vee pee ah ee cae 24 ounces White wax. si, tco en mae cea ee oe 3, ounces Palmcoils eee ee Secs 3 ounces ROse pomade myer as a ee eee 6 ounces Jasnimmespoinader ea. eee eee 2 ounces Orange pomadets... 2. ae aan I ounce VASELINE CAMPHOR ICE. Wihiteswax ke pen on nr, hee 5 ounces Bara ting 25) itso ee aeregrel ye eee 2 ounces WW ASELING ja: 6-5 a oe ee ee 8 ounces Camphor. 05 e.0) aa cee eee 2 ounces Cs yCeri ne es wate kek agen eee eee 2 ounces Melt the first three, add the camphor, and when dissolved, the glycerine. Mix thoroughly and pour into suitable molds. CAMPHOR ICE, Cam phon, in, powder es ee 2 ounces Wibitegua xtee ce.) ? hohe pee Poa OUTCES Béenzottecicuet. < «. c-saeqek om nee I2 ounces Gilycériie argeecte cs .,, 57 ect Cane 4 ounce Oirlavengerslowers. . -ii te ees 4 ounce Oibbitteralmonds... . ac cee eee 10 drops 62 CAMPHOR ICE. NG CREO. 6 ny 5 eke eee 16 ounces SPIE RIGCEUE S306 viahy tire teen ft a 16 ounces Oivoet sweet almonds] 2 25 1. +: 16 fl. ounces CULV Ce RIG ye Ue Were e eerie diy sks + fl. ounces Oe nena Eta yee Mes ge) agi De 4a nolan 3, ounces CAMPHOR ICE. Pe Pecce Cg ATL ndet ae cx eir i Puhr ones. z4 ounces NYG D Mea TRE BOF wel Mey Ee OR. ee eS 20 ounces Set U ACE UI shes tok dlr By crc mena, © oe IO ounces CUTEST Tepe (EEA SOI ee Rie: 6 ounces Melt the wax and spermaceti together by means of a water-bath; then add the lard and camphor, and when the camphor is dissolved, pour the mixture into suitable molds. Oil of bitter almonds in the proportion of 1 fluid dram to each pound of camphor ice is a pleasant addition, and should be mixed in at the last moment when the mass is nearly ready to harden, and before it is cast into the molds. a BROMINE CREAM. Bine yellow soap... «casa sen... 13 pounds PION C LEAT he Ss algae eae 14 pounds UTES TNS OY PETA a gt ee Rae 4 drams PEE QIUN IC pr RO Cee ce Rant 2 drams ETO CIO VOCERM Nae te oe aie ee Io drops COLE CATS, WA YViaeades ct a aii ant een 10 drops SE Oites BMOnds ay aves tu, 1. rt dram AN CN pri lp atte ae ea 14 ounces Dissolve the iodine and bromine in the ether, beat the soap and cream into a uniform mass, add the ethereal solution, triturate until ether is evaporated, then add perfume. 63 BORO GLYCERINE CREAM. Oil of sweet-almond aye 0 sere see 100 parts W hite’vegetable avaxs ee eee 125 parts Spermaccties. ii aie 160 parts Glycerine? at dec 200 280 parts Borictdcrd Pagii cease os i eam 12 parts Wratenity. (et Shae wen tere see mee 500 parts Dissolve the boric acid in the glycerine, and mix the solution with the oil, wax and sperma- ceti. Melt together with a very gentle heat, stirring constantly; when homogeneous, pour into a warm mortar, add the water and beat energetically until it forms a smooth mass. In case it becomes lumpy, remelt, and again beat up. CACAO CREAM. Oilitheobromar ase ae eee 16 ounces Castor:oily 5 OC. Gkss iene Grae 96 ounces Orrnsbersamot, Gigs cee ie tke 6 drams Orblemonmk? Fe ae te it. eee 14 ounces Oil: cutonella mit ey wae ae 14 drams Oil'lavendérsiit, Gianyar Sag ben, 4 drams Cologne spirits, 95 percent...... 64 ounces Melt the oil of theobromo, warm the castor oil, and mix. Dissolve the essential oils in the cologne spirits. Fill the bottles 2 full with the first mixture, and fill the balance of bottle with the perfumed spirit. An elegant dressing for the hair. CIRCASSIAN CREAM. Purittedslardica) ae ere erate 2 ieee I pound Benzoinmstet coer... ia eee I pound French?rose pomade . 7) 1s. esak oie 4 pound OttotoMrosewey Bi: ee ee 4+ ounce Mix by heat on a water-bath. 64 ALMOND GLYCERINE. Oil sweet almond (or lard oil) 2 -4-gallons MORENO CT hah ib. 255. Uhm ee ree 5 gallons Saccharated solution of lime...... IO ounces Mix the lime water with the solution of lime, and then add one pint of oil, and shake well; repeat this process until the oil is mixed, then add the following : \ONLL LES aVa¥cl ot sop Sacto Same mia teem 2 ounces i lgcrieea las, ys lee a 2 Gwe cia eae ott 3 ounces OUMthy met Wilite rape Maka es a a8 hai: I ounce DG AAs ea nih Latch yews cel. I ounce HisGINIAMON:, Cassia’ #Ha- esa... 4 ounces UT CION CG ee. en) ite ga eee ete iS ss I ounce Way 2D 220 Va et cup Bae y © Oe aie te te ee I ounce CUCUMBER CREAM. White wax I ounce avoirdupois, spermaceti I ounce, benzoinated lard (quantity sufficient) I pound avoirdupois, 6 fair-sized cucumbers (those which have not become quite green appear to possess most flavor) peeled and cut in slices, borax sufficient. Melt the wax. and spermaceti, add the lard. COLD CREAM. Pe Hille wax.52 Pia eta Pr os. 24 ounces me emIIEA CE LIM tate eet eye ect aoe ss 5 ounces gavin Te TeTs ES C71 Nigh alate wt cn See ane ae 16 ounces BOSC MWA LET a meet ak Uaioe 2 tg on 6 ounces CC OMLOSES sa Mere as. ts 20 drops SIMPLE COLD CREAM, YBESLU CONV AX eds co Stn a) oy cee 5 troy ounces DP PerMACetl ee co ee, 5 parts Oilsweetalmonds........... 40 fl. ounces Melt together; when nearly ready to congeal whip toa froth, adding gradually a solution of : BOLgk eae ate et oe ee ee I50 grains JO ISteU WW ALCI ae it oes 8 fl. ounces Lastly add Coumarin isc iho See das ke. 13 grains OL Tope fsck a it ccm aii cee 45 grains Oil rie rol hte ese e-pegee ee I5 grains Oilsrosesveraniun 4. een 10. drops. Only land viata) ae eee 4 drops OT OLrist ne ieee eed ae 2 drops Tincture ambergris (1:10).... 6 drops CREAM BALM. White wax 4 yee Sie | eee ee nee I dram Paraffin *:...0 MAS So Sess 4 dram Onlisweeb-dinigndse i) Cane eet e eens 2 drams Adding vaseline and stirring well until cold. Having dissolved in a mortar 4 dram soda nitrate in 4 dram of water, mix the above salve thoroughly with this solution, and finally add: Oil oblemonti), ait: .eepiris es IO minims Oil of orange? 4-45 ss ne 2 minims CARBOLIC CREAM. Sadium borates.: 225.2 17 eee 2 drams Hose Watts 16244 2 oe pate eee 2 ounces Dissolve, and mix with: Olivessil ies 2 es ee ee ee 8 ounces PaWei teks hdl Ce oe me ey 30 grains ,TIf cottonseed oil is used, the proportion of borax may be increased so as to produce a creamy mixture. 66 CUCUMBER POMADE, Benzoumted lard... Se AN 6 pounds Meera cett i) ge a. oe RNR 2 pounds Potro, CUCUIIDEL Conte ee iach E |e I pound Melt the spermaceti with the lard, then keep it constantly in motion while it cools. Beat the grease in a mortar, gradually adding the essence of- cucumber, continue to beat the whole until the spirit is evaporated and the pomade is beautifully white. Apply by rub- bing a little over the skin at bed time. CAMPHOR ICE. Wart pUOra TileepOWw Cer jile eta. 05.2. 6 parts Wihiteuwax or paraiin’ 97... i. 25 parts Pee ee a. coon ee MEE EEE Te 69 parts Melt the wax and vaseline, and while cool- ing but still liquid add the camphor. CAMPHOR ICE, Wei Cassia 20h, esate yet Pato 22 parts UE ACCU cetera Oa Meta rite es ot ee: 22 parts N/ESSANTOREGS Syubhyen ore a saa an a 50 parts Camplror ei fh Mee x28, ROTI 6 parts CAMPHOR ICE. On a water-bath melt 2 ounces of white wax and 16 ounces of spermaceti; add 4 ounces castor oil, and afterwards 13 ounces camphor. When dissolved, remove the heat, cover the vessel, and when partly cooled stir in ro min- ims carbolic acid, 6 minims oil bitter almonds and 60 grains benzoic acid. Run into suita- ble moulds. 67 COLD CREAM. YE Ge wa nat ee 4 parts ~permadéetit J 451 sir jose ee 5 parts Regn ut Ogos uel OE is oe 32 parts Roser Water ihe, ic ea ee 16 ounces Melt on a water-bath, and, having removed the bath, stir well until cool. CAMPHOR COLD CREAM. White Wwaxtew ede aces 24 troy ounces = PCLT ACCU saa, ets eee 24 troy ounces Camphonis canara) ete 14 troy ounces Oil sweetialmonds e225 a3. 164 fl. ounces Distilediwater ire ees 9g fl. ounces Borax ters 7 ee ee eee 75 grains Coumariniyey fo. .2 rae 3+ grains Oilof ‘rose res eee 22 minims Oil geranium, French ...... 5 drops Oilvylano- ylang 9 ee 5 drops Oil bitter almond a) 2 drops Oil Orrist ahs See eee Taro Tincture muski(r 10) ey Io. drops Dincture; Civ els. ae tee ers eres 5 drops CAMPHOR ICE AND GLYCERINE. White swax ) ee eee ee 74 ounces SO permaceti ee ee ee ee 74 ounces Ralverized’campnor.mi re ee IO ounces Pure-tallow sige es oer 28 ounces Olivecoil es gece ents a ee 24 ounces Glycerine gi.242); 2.7.0 s et eee 8 ounces Melt the white wax, spermaceti and tallow together, while warm dissolve the camphor in the mixture. Finally, add the olive oil and glycerine. Stir, and pour into molds. 68 CAMPHOR ICE WITH GLYCERINE. Best quality stearin (stearic acid). 8 pounds Deamquality lard... oo aoe 14 | 10 pounds ipuce white wax.. 2)... J) WNL. 5 pounds SD PCTINACCL aurea gee Ne eae) © 5 pounds Melt on a water-bath in an earthen or por- celain dish; strain into a similar vessel; add a solution of 2 ounces powdered borax in 1 pound of glycerine, previously warmed, to the melted substance when at the point of cooling ; stir well; add camphor, 2 pounds, powdered, by means of alcohol, 3 fl. ounces; stir well and pour into molds. CAMPHOR ICE. os | Ga SUR Teel a hee ete Dann e. We ehame ai 3 ounces PNT Lee W.a XO Cts nM Nera rs sy 4 ounces Oil almonds, expressed........... 8 ounces PAUL DOIN sewers oft nl conan 8 an al, 4 ounces OCA pul ba ee eed - '.. 40 drops JOEYE ENT AYT foteds Onis eae te ie ae 2 drams CAMPHOR ICE. pile cvase Nets te een Sean 8 ounces Bee RE SUIAL ALL Tae erat nerd ayes, 5 ounces OSD URODEKGTS gis 2 7 ete Naess ee ae eae 2 ounces COLD CREAM, NTIS S02. 0 oie avg ete eRe as 2 ounces Re DCLINA CCL ve Fete tl Lh os 3 ounces BIOUC VOL: Ur wiea ie ietie vite asl = | 8 ounces Nig Secanetel Vek ge Rea Dre lg Mae Mal eee 5 ounces MALLS” ok hh een Nas 6 ounces OCLOSO Isr Osean trait OREM) to drops ESPEY’S FRAGRANT CREAM. Mucilage of quince seed, 100; bcerax, 2; dissolved in a little water (4): glycerine, 6; alcohol, 3. in which oil bergamot, finest, hand- pressed, (1), has been dissolved. SWEATING OF ‘THE HANDS. Rub on the hands three times a day, a solu- tion of 5 parts each of borax and boric acid, and 15 parts each of salicylic acid and glycerine, in 30 parts of alcohol. SWEATING HANDS AND FEET. Use a soap made as follows: On the water- bath melt 15 parts of fat soap, add 1 part of tannin, mix thoroughly and stir in enough starch to effect the right consistency. CREAM FOR RED HANDS. — TERPOU IS... cei ee hin eRe ee IO ounces Veeehrie oll. + aka ot woke heat 3 ounces iV anillas lg 50 nem Rec ee tee oot ae I grain Otto Of POSCe.. eee eee hater bee ee 5 drops Mix. The cream to be applied to the hands every night. MOISTURE OF THE HANDS. Salicylic acid... IAB AD <300>=1-- 1 dram Impure carbonate of zinc........... I ounce Dust over the surface. MOISTURE OF THE HANDS. Rub the hands several times a day witha mixture of tincture of belladonna, 4 ounce; cologne water, 4 ounces. : “70 SOFT, WHITE HANDS. Dee aeNRE TOPE © revert, cis por CN aS 2 ounces UNG. 6. coe OP. he Ute oa 2 grains AMER PLTOSC2 6 ed aan es BES 1 drop MOISTURE OF THE HANDS. Ghroniichacidy ) 12802 EES Venn TA): 5 grains Distalledpwitch-hazel~. . nos} Si Rs 28s: 4 ounce Especially useful for moist, clammy hands. Drop over the surface several times a day. MOISTURE OF THE HANDS. Glos fas OLE ING ou oe he ie I dram Subnigrate of bismuth ..© > 7. 2. Ay: 2 drams Dee pouol. t. l. S ee ae IO grains Dust frequently over the surface. THICK SKIN ON HANDS OR FEET. MN ICRACIC es ieee ee hes 4 dram Ointment of oleate of lead... 7.34.5. 4 ounce Spread on muslin and use on the surface. WHITE HANDS, 20849 (Ve oi aca Ai ge PAO lt MS a 4 ounces Berrie ara s. fier Cte, on yo I ounce NY ESVA EL so Sty ore pera a on AR REE oo 2 grains RSE OTe One mere tw hetk RANE, Sty I drop Fill into collapsible tubes. POMADE FOR CHAPPED AND CRACKED HANDS, Campho-pheniques....) ofc lp. ae} 50 parts WVieseline or lanolin (ie) elke ny... 100 parts Mix, and apply two or three times a day. 71 ESPEY’S FRAGRANT CREAM, inseed a... > Oe eee 20 ounces BoOTacie acid. 74.) (eee eee 20 grains Distillédiawaterqac. Surana) saree 1 gallon Colognemar... SQAMOA AGT? SCM. 2 ounces PBICPONA Cnet ney Ol ete iv ete gym aii be 7 drams BLACK MOUSTACHE COSMETIQUE. From good lard, 5 parts; wax, 2 parts; (or hard pomatum, 7 parts); melt, stir in levigated ivory black, 2 parts, and pour it into molds of tinfoil, which are afterwards to be placed in paper sheaths. 79 MOUSTACHE FIXING VARNISH. Mastic. Shy arn ca oe eer 2 parts andaracee® 2. 6c... eee Geen 4 parts Colophon'y aisha een eae 12 parts SPIT ClO Mw INGAe wee 8 ee 16 parts Fither fe 0tse s cereeyt carci one os ne eee 2 parts All by weight. Dissolve and strain. MOUSTACHE COSMETIQUE, HARD. MiGHO Ws We asceey ee Cie es eee 50 grams Benzoinated tard tan. 4 anes 35 grams Melt, and add: Venice turpentine = 6.2) 7) aan 10 grams Eilers Wie eer ee 5 grams Balsam Perit cee ee eee 5 drops Oil bergamot.) ones 3, drops When almost cold, roll into sticks. POMADES IN ‘TABLETS. Yellowswax *:.72,cocta er eee 100 UCL eek Te ue Peas ee aang ene ae 40 Lard ie eo eae eee 50 Durpentine, Vienetiariia, 2. ee 20 Elemi. 05 ie ae eee IO Oil odorati, quantity sufficient. BLONDE STICK POMADE. Melt together 250 parts yellow wax, 125 parts castor oil, 125 parts Venetian turpentine, 1 part etheric extract of anatto, and perfume as above. LIGHT BROWN STICK POMADE. Use the bases above given (for blonde), add- ing 1 part of extract of alkanet and 24 parts of chlorophyl. Perfume as above. 76 WHITE STICK POMADE. Melt together 50 parts of white wax, 25 parts castor oil, 25 parts Venetian turpentine, and for every 3 ounces of the mixture add 5 drops of the perfume given below. DARK BROWN STICK POMADE, The same bases as for lhght brown, the deepening of the shade being obtained by increasing the proportion of extract of alkanet and chlorophyl, a very dark brown being secured by doubling the proportion of these ingredients. An intense brown is attained by the addition of umber, which should be rubbed up with castor oil before melting. PERFUME FOR STICK POMADES, SGroomnOL Pollan 2). act eames a eee 400 parts Perron lett ee en or se 300 parts Oilboila vender iy eg aw. 3s cs 200 parts IESE NE 3 dy See a en 50 parts aes TOn Ot cr oem ales dv che Ph 30 parts (Esko alee UE Ms eam Ye Mey oc, 08 in gto ae 20 parts IM Ore Le OLECI ea atts teeta IO parts PMO my IAN ON ANS ag. oct cee, 5 parts BPEL D Ii tne stare ete ha tek. eRe, 5 parts ESAT Me RN, a senatin. mon SPN I part Mix, and let stand for several days before using. Five drops to every 2 ounces of pomade are sufficient. HUNGARIAN POMADES. For packing in jars or tubes. Bottles with ground glass stoppers should be used, as when ordinary corks are used the contents dry out fh and become hard. The tubes are best, as the pomade cannot dry out, and always retains its proper consistency. POMADE HONGROISE FOR FIXING MOUST ACHES. Wie chs RN Been eh ae ont eee 4 troy ounces Oiltsoa Pye vn of celom reer tee 2 troy ounces @il oftbergamoti! 79% 48. aeane 4 fl. ounce Powdered gum arabic. 02. 2... 2 troy ounces loniize to momagem 4 fl. ounces Dissolve the gum in the water; melt the wax and soap together in a water-bath, stir in the solution of gum, and lastly, just before cooling, add the bergamot. Color, as required, with burnt umber or lampblack, rubbed to perfect smoothness on a slab with a little of the melted wax. Put up in small porcelain jars. TRANSPARENT COSMETIC. TRG Wale) ance ae ee eene 8 ounces CUedanit-oil sae. ps semen 2 ounces pUdal bye "(Sp.08 510330 \ense ee 5 ounces Strong alcohol (60 per cent.)... 5 fl. ounces @anddat balsam: .S..0..80 seen 4 ounce Chisslacouls on. |. ancnceh pte A I5 minims Gyblegiyc loves oi mane eee IO minims Orkofila vender a ann een 10 minims Ouioficitronellagvas wot. bende.4 IO minims Oil ofthymesans.c years of cage IO minims Glycerine [05 en ee eee I ounce Melt the fats together; mix the soda lye and alcohol and warm over a water-bath, then mix with the melted fat and keep well stirred over the water-bath until a portion being removed sets toasoap-like firmness. Then remove from 78 the heat and mixin the perfume, Canada balsam and glycerine, and cool as rapidly as possible by standing the vessel in cold water. PUREED IN CAE te eae dace SR 20.0 PSISMIt ast CACHON Ac. ween Bee tee 5-0 Dacia phate, precipitated... 10.0 CUBAN BELLE, White rose face powder, Red rose face powder, of each...... 4 ounces Ox OLOnOGlite waa ac Saale! ty. :1s.. 4 drams Mix intimately and pass through fine bolting cloth. 81 COMPLEXION POWDER. Carmine et Bob: le kgaeinas eee 2 parts Solution ammonia (stronger)...... 6 parts Alcohol... .. cpapeweciee tee pie oe: 4 parts Powdered. talca-n. i ue eee 700 parts Powdered sorris tool a er eee 200 parts ATIC ORI ete es ee eee ee ee 100 parts Acid -sality iC. 22. aie) iene IO parts Dissolve the carmine in the ammonia; add the alcohol, then the powders; to be thorough- ly mixed and the powder exposed to permit evaporation of alcohol and ammonia. FACE POWDER, FRENCH WHITE. Ralo Gees. ccc ee? Suge ae ae 4 pounds Oily lemon: ge a aiies eee ae 75 grains OU Dero anol. nay, Ae ae eee re ee 75 grains The talc must be reduced to finest powder, levigated, dried, then perfumed. FACE POWDER, DRY PEARL WHITE. Venetian iialine sane on ere, 20 pounds Pubnitrate) Dismay ee eee 42 ounces ZANC WIG. ea ee ee ere 42 ounces Oil lemon’.::. = igme Ser A 14 ounces COSMETIQUE. Wihite wax... beisiiqrmetq sient I pound OI RSOA 0° ie. aos ya eae 4 pound Gunvarabic..e¢ 222 ee ae one 4 pound Rose water... ete =e I pint Oil bergamot... .. . seheroq. ane ss I ounce Oil.thyme.\—....dass le 26burer. sont 4 dram Melt gum and soap in water with gentle heat, then add the wax, constantly stirring, when uniform consistency, add perfume. S2 FOR COLORED COSMETICS. Use yellow wax. Use lamp black for black, burnt umber or Vandyke brown for brown. Rub with a little 011 almond and add to melted mass just before pouring out. COSMETIQUE. Benzoatedysustiis lL eae = apy IO drams Wheat'starch o:....’. Seswaiteor dx 1 dram Gasie scooter: 2.45.8 4 teemres ters baci I dram Gippbeteamot i.) ate... rte 1 drop ROUGE EN PATE. Carmine YS, 434 1 eae eee I ounce Talcunts.. 32" 2) eee ee 2I ounces Gum) acaciaiey 4.) eee eee 12 ounces The ingredients in finest powder are mixed in a mortar by prolonged trituration, then water is added in small portions to form a doughy mass, to be filled into shallow porcelain dishes about the diameter of a dollar. If the rouge is desired darker for the use of actors and dark complexioned persons, the proportion of carmine should be increased. NILE LILY FACE POWDER. Bismuth subcarbonate; 2. ee = 2 drams Oxide*ofmaincs(Eiub bucks) gee ae 2 ounces Puriiied:talcot age) eee ae 24 ounces Precipitaed (chal Keesresno tase 24 ounces Wheat starch ieee meee. 34 ounces Ollroses Sera liu in yaeeeeae ee eee 20 drops TOILET VINEGAR. lessence Ofaberpamots., wee 20 minims Essence am berorisas,..e0k snes = 4 drams Essence vanilla iatg. ae be eee 30 minims Oil Of neroly See ee ete 30 minims Aceticsacids(... sywtea wag... s I ounce Aromatic vinegar, quantitysufficient 16 ounces Tincture cochineal, quantity sufficient. BORAX LOTION. AGS 28 (Ra Sees 8 Gea ae |, 1 dram Sivceriie tee.) cum ye I ounce Bay rum, quantity sufficient........ 4: ounces 87 COOLING LOTION. AICOHOLY oo) Nice’ iby. te eee ee oe I ounce Wittatesootascium. | eee eae 4 drams A Celtic aGid. gs.) 05 een 4 drams (Cam phormawoater.o 5.07. ee eee 20 ounces Borie actdys + ounce WHIEe eAStUeSOAD ecu fe oe Fae! 4 drams WOloonee SOIL wetunm emer esta aon 12 pints DEALELE, tea ata eta Danese cae yi) ght 9 pints Dissolve the castile soap in a pint of the water by the aid of heat; dissolve the oils in the cologne of spirit, gradually add the solution of soap, tincture of orange and water, let stand and filter. 89 BAY RUM— DOMESTIC. Giigbay fic. goa hi pee ee 5 fl. ounces Skoohol feo Bib. 35. ae eee 64 gallons Waten ap Sic. 63,8 eee 3% gallons Bay leayesig ce 26 <3 a ee 5 ounces Macerate 14 days; filter. BAY RUM ESSENCE. CUT DAV a eer ie ee ee rae I ounce C)it Dime Coie rosa eek gee 1 dram Or ClOVES 208i = re ee ee 1 dram Aceticvethers 7 tas ee eee 2 ounces With alcohol 60 per cent. the above is suffi- cient to make 6 gallons of bay rum. BAY RUM ESSENCE. anginite bay leaves. .- oe oer 300 parts Oilsba yer. aan. 0 sr eee ree 10 parts BOPax es en: i eee oe 50 parts Ammonitim, carbonate: tease aameee 50 parts Rose water, qisradhe Basta " 1,500 parts BRILLIANTINE., tt Stine eee ca oe Se 4 ounces SIDSLOIACELL cia tere ae ee eee 2 ounces Gastoreoll: Ac.) meen wea ee I2 ounces Oil ot. bittercalmondsi pee I drop CH i OP UCIO Ve Satta eee ene 10 drops OiPoMberganigtes:. ... ea een re 20 drops Melt together the first three ingredients, and add the perfumes when nearly cold. 90 BRILLIANTINE, eet Ol Aon OAs a es Ramee cee «oe 6 parts WaTStIAM SOAP... 6 ec ce oe ee tO 2 parts POEORITE, Bey ists tw. aide gS wl 2 parts ATEOHOLE Oo dda ca ESOS 200 parts Oil of rose or neroli, qnantity sufficient. BRILLIANTINE. OTIC CRELIC Sel toy cokes AS eet A ae IO parts pat oy AY” SG heel ae en RRP ee ee eS Pe 100 parts RG e Wa ere 5 aia vo Sere warden fone 100 parts BRILLIANTINE. NE OCROT et uehe Bo 8 eke as ge 6 parts SCOR Gs etic cae eg. ee! 6 parts eC OM Me eer eae CP Sn Re. gag, 2 parts UOTE eR coe) ic Tae awe os oct 2, 200 parts Perfume, quantity sufficient. BRILLIANTINE, NON-SEPARABLE. @lASCOtLOl a ek eae ae oP ss 4 ounce ee G ao eOOae hi Con Uta Neck meet Nel: I ounce CFCUOROLS LOSER nme Pea’. ames 2 drops Mb ncn BS 8 SF gu) § eee ses MENG EOE Cn ls Cages Peas 2 drops Mix and color with tincture of saffron. BRILLIANTINE, NON-SEPARABLE, act OLAON ee ett ey a 4 ounces vi Sah p47 SE ay aN ol 6) 8% pl ey Det ee 5 ounccs MDP RCLOM ee ee sb ie etn ae ee 6 drops Oiprose CeTaniOman G «on Late. 10 drops Oiltverbena. .. 247i PMS |. 6 drops SO SUL eee ne a 30 drops Green color may be imparted by green oil of elder, pale rose by alkanet, golden with saffron or oily butter color. 91 PINAUD’S BRILLIANTINE. Gastormoil se <4. eee t fl. ounce mivectalmond oil... 2 eee 7 fl. ounces Gly enines anu 044 oe cee ee 3 fl. drams Jockeyclub extract |. 0a ae 6 fl. drams Alcohol, enough to make....... 16 fl. ounces BAY RUM. Or Gf sb y4 Sec ee ee ie ys ne 4 ounce Carbonate of magnesium........... I ounce News bnglandiritn. eee. t leg eee I pint Pa Wlete) sXe) Mammen emi Sryehs Maple sian Bie Srcsmiiits W ater i a oie t race ee eee 2 pints Tincture of grass, sufficient to color. Rub the oil with the carbonate of magnesium; then gradually add the water, alcohol and New England rum. Filter through paper, and add sufficient tincture of grass to give it a light green color. BAY RUM. Distilled oil bay (Myrcia acris).. 1 fl. ounce Ether Acetic site iat eee ene 1 fl. ounce (1 DIME DLO) et ee ee eee 4 fl. ounce Aicoholat 7 tse soe tee cee ner 14 gallons “Watering eo 5 0 ieta cea cae er oe 14 gallons Add 1 ounce pure borax; this gives the desired color. First dissolve it in 4 gallon of the water, then filter. BRILLIANTINE. - Almond Solin... \ ee 4 ounces Glycerinetaaes tt). Yiabe ak eet ees 4 ounce Reéctinedispigiie. ca.” . 8.2) beeen 2 ounces Oilfrosé: geraniom: . ./." 25 ele 6 drops PEE OMUeE TOR As 258 ay ate 5 aeaee aes ets 24 pounds BCT AG CLT hp She as <2 oneeeae Carnet 4 pound MICO N oc, giseeeee ay a 3 ounces Melt the spermaeti at a low temperature ; add the oil and heat until all flakes disappear. Let the jars into which it is to be poured be warm, and then cool as slowly as possible to insure good crystals. COCOANUT HAIR OIL. SOCOAnUt Ollascee niet gy oe Are tel 4 pint (eae OF Ol) c2, pease Mane els. Sie Pe 4 pint BENE OG pest tras a Pay Oe ANC, eed Ee Eo co 4h 6 parts Pipers ce in Dar k keratoses. ahd Var: I ounce VEN TRTES Ste OR eRe Nt ch ge ey ea ae 4 ounces Oi tae Oa Ot. ce at meiner cairn I ounce CUS LEMON: vag a ae ada oa 4. 4 ounce Diol epimMentOrs gm ae eee ea! 2 ounce SOMES UOT Gs abe oa nolean nue ge 1 dram The cocoanut oil is mixed with the castor oil and the alcohol mixed slowly with them at a sight heat. The elm bark in coarse powder is dissoled in the water and strained and mixed by agitation with the rest. Lastly it is filtered, perfumed and colored with a little tincture of gamboge. HAIR OIL. COASE OT LOT ER Si Wate mee ee pedis 4 pint PAGO OS Per cent ek 4 pint ier seam 95 ah.) cout 4 ounce (Dallele) serie way eee 2s 2 drams Color a pale pink with alkanet root. 93 MACASSAR OIL. Oil of ben or almonds (redened).... 1 pint Git'6ftosemary.”. 2... Ven ee Neue see rt dram OrPoPoriganum.......5 3425455403 1 dram Or) Of TUL ICO (ah. hae Sage eee 15 drops Otto 00 TOSES NEE RMP oei eee uke oat 15 drops INeCTO1L <7 ey leah ait at gan Get eae 6 drops Eeseneesar us ts. hes veh eae 3.0r 4 drops HUILE DE MACASSAR (MACASSAR OIL) OF NAQUET. QilboiAben Ate conch aera aa eee 8 quarts Oik6tinsoisette. oy ov os Ne oe ee 4 quarts AICGHD ES go .....-. 23 BoraciceA cide Pomaden.s csc: 62 Boro Glycerine Cream.......... 64 Borax LOtonys co isigseccdesscscnses 87 Mase aneateaseaeetacawar aeee% 105, 106 paki Red Face Paint........ 114 Brightening Matting and Wile @lOthie weet ecee are es 112 alicia tine maces es 90, 91, 92, 93 is Pin aw. see ene s Non-Separable. ae te 60 Bromide. Greamirr. sce esiscsts 63 BLOW, Oe bvalin One were occa snees Bone Moustache Cosmet- Bruwell SHELA Ua WIASIL ana. checces fe (Cacao Cream eng es eee see ue oe 64 CamphormColdjC@reaml...-...-: 68 Camphor Ice and Glycer- LIVE a ceeavips con guavsusaedceasarss. 68, 69 Camphoniice......... 62, 63, 67, 69 Camphor Ice, Vaseline......... 62 Carbolic Cologne Ree Miarsec sant aac 12 oe Creamies, cecissadeeccces 66 Carbolic Toilet Water........... 6 Caustic Collodion for Syphi- RGIGS WALES ep ecateesstoau acne ests IIo ChaterPomademcseetentcsee 61 Chapped and Cracked Hands Omaclellormeee sceeeret tees 71 Chapped Hands tae cose ras. 74,75 Se pyyaital TWA NS shoe oe 75 “« Glycerine and Cocoa Cream for Chapped ands, soe eee eee eeenes Glycerole for Chapped Hands, Lotion for... «© Ointment for oe os “Milk of Roses LOT are oees el coon ibewrudeceeaetes TE Chapped and Rough Hand su spires ce cece 74; ie Chestnut Brown Hair Dye. C@hristadorosH aixs Dyers. seers He Cireassian Creamen.ce ccc 64 Cleaning Brass or Copper... 106 Ee Covered Glasses... 103 BG Glassware.isic..c:: 102 ac Globes on Gas Fix- BULGE Sz dopearieicetiee tar ease ricveie s'sins'aae 102 Cleaning air brushes:.2:.... 104 Mite blenaceee sas oc rece III es Siler entinececdseente 105 fe Smoky Walls........ 107 x Wall Paper.........: 106 ce ce ee Compo- SILO MOMs errenadedtstcasoncsete 104 Cleaning Tarnished Gold..., 104 «* and Polishing Brass 105 Clear Complexion Water.. 30, 31 Cocoanut Hair Oil Cold Creams teccscecor 65, 68, 69 SE MES III DLOMe cecartsece: 5 Cologne, Ain tiSep tl Cemar: eos 10 Haring ee fife, Fy i Le MOKA? Goenaeacccee 15 GG ‘oe Germane ens I4 “6 Euclid Avenue........ 15 Cologne, Oxdina tym eee sees 10 Be Second Quality...... 12 G Third RET poate 14 fe Fourth Soup Uae 13 “6 Fifth Let tree 16 Colored Cosmetics, for......... 83 Complexion Beautifier.. yen eh OW Ge ryarasee eee 82 Compound Essence of Orris., 20 Conservateur, for Diseases of GICMEMALINS sscercen estes tenses 56 CoolinsmlMotionse eee es 88 COMMS cress esse 107, 108, 109, 110 (GOSMVeliCk’. . :2...csaneeeeceumeneeees 31 ee Wiaterccsutmtesaceets 31 Cosmetic, Transparent......... 78 Cosmetique..c.cereere eee 82, 83 Coudray’s Eau de Quinine... 33 Creams Balin. os.ctaecncessemecenee 66 ee for Red Hands. :i2..2. 7O Crescent, Hair Dyes. LE £8,138 Crystallized Pomadeni atin 60 Ctibam/Bell ge. Sage aa. 8c eoeeeeet 81 Cuweumib ere Cream 2... scccscss 65 GucumbersPomade-es.: 67 Curesior Wiartseee see I1O, III Curline forthe hairs. oee 5 Dan Paik es ccs eects 97, 98 ee MOLSON ele. Bes Sree actadetes 98 Dark Brown Stick Pomade... 77 Darkening thevh aimee Deep Bordeaux Red Face Palmttss. hefttce se ceenesc encore: 114 Depitlatoty ge: acccteee ce aes 107 Diseases of the Hair, Con- SCL vate Ol == en eeeeenee ee 56 Dry Sham podwiy..n Mis wtiet ase 46 s Sea Foam... 49, 50 Dr. Cooley’s Wonderful Hair Grow erotar sh ee eee 42 Hauide 12 HanidesBoucire topes etree II Eau de Cologne, White’s...... 19 Kaurde Cologmeseccn sear 22 HauideUucee tae masta II Hau deOuinines sesectees S550 ee oS (Coudreay*s) S82 ae ah) aalieeNsitoy ale ae 55 uh ore Weyhoenoue GS tae 55 Kaw des Vovet. plan binesse ei Eau de Toilette: Lubin’s...:2:. 16 Eau de Vie de Lavender, Double mAnn bree ese Eau Lustral (Hair Restora- ELV. ere tet ct bacea nee e 33 Egg Shampoo Eset Sistoawes 46, 47, 48 Hite; Shamine Onenseeeeee ne 45 Espey’s Fragrant Cream.., 70, 72 Essencervots bayaissinie seeeeree 9° Hssenceyboug et. = toeene “* of Musk & Ambergris a sie of Misia tye ee ni Essence of Orris, Compound. 20 Eucalyptus Toilet Water...... 10 Euclid Avenue Cologne........ nS Extract of Millefleurs............ I Extracting Oil from Marble OR LONG area Ramee meee IIt Face Bleach. ..sassreeenee 29 oe ee ASIST Gee eee nee oe 30 poe OLIOT IN Sienna 87, 88 ‘Powders Diy, Pearl White eae een ects asettae: 82 Face Powder, French White 82 “Nile Lily Beer aeons awhbiss. Sa uc 84 (ee Pondne Bianene Surfine 79 Fairies: Mace Powder:,.....-... 83 Falling of the Hair...... 34, 35, 30 Barina Cologiens ests, 14,17 Blesh Hace Pain teecemee cn 32 Floral Freckle Lotion........... 25 Blorida, Waters) B45 Go Waters Chienpiescsit css 4 ols oh ave pt ee aitedoser 5 For Colored Cosmetics......... 83 Prasrant Cream, Espey’s.. 70, 72 Freckles and Yellow Discolor- ations of the Skin......... 24, 25 Freckle [SOttOmesesweascoceees 26, 29 “©. Gowland’s...... 29 Boo Mee ere eth Peet os ci 25 oe (Ointment sets ear 24 “e Pomiade: 2.2 fee ee 24 Freckles, Russian Remedy... 2 French Lavender Water........ 7 Hace Paint, Black..c.2e en 115 as x Bright Red...... 114 Se se Deep Bordeaux INO. Sancess stanton nea 114 Bace Paint, Flesh) Timts sce: II5 ue “e Skinm’Color:... 114 ob fe W hitemes2 sees 113 French? Har Orlpes, cee 113 Furniture Polish, Magic ..... 115 Gepaninm |Wiater eee ete 6 General Thining and Loss of FRatr eae. ee ee eee 36 Glassware, to Clean’...7.uc.= 102 Globes on Gas Fixtures, to Clean 2i225iice Se eee 102 Glycerine Cream, Boros... 64 Glycerine, Admond..ccauu ee : Glycerine (Hair oniese eee Glycerole forChapped Hands os Glycerine and Cocoa Cream for Chapped Handses.cs- 74 Gold, Tarnished, to Clean... 104 Gowland’s Freckle Lotion..... 29 Grease on Wall Paper, to Rie MOvieyi ci ee cscresetecee ee 104 Greasy Bottles, to Clean..... 103 Hair Brushes, to Clean ...... 104 Hair Curling Liquid....58, 59, 98 Hair Curling Fluid or Curl- Ig wel... Ss ake eee 58 Hair Curling Moxturess 59 ain Dye, Bismuthiee eee 40 oe ‘© Chestnut Brown.. 40 wt << > eee 37 a eC rescemt.. sree 38 Ge 6 eC liristacdonots: sem 37 a Grower, Dr. Cooley’s Wonderttthee-s ses eeeeeeee 42 Hair Dye, How to Remove... 53 sar, aeet cece eee 39 06 et | TOW Ieee ee eee en 39 gs SAAT WIP SUSU at neces 46 << ef ede S.ctotoseee 37 cs Ss u¢ * _ o a alt ar Va! MGS 1 ! en Hag ' 4a - } rey hi ‘ ¥ a wy rich ba? aba : ie Dene a i ca A ea ae WAN i UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3 0112 058536001 l w