J. OR tHE ‘| itiage of st. Peter a 4 IELINOIS. 1909. i o | , 2 : on Cus oeeepaned by it ape “Albert & Matheny, Bttorheys Vandalia, Mlinois, Published ey Gainey of the Village Council of the aynine of St. Peter, the 6th day of _ December, A. D. 1909. x . ‘LEADER PRInT—Vandalia, tl. WARY aedat a ) oO z OGRA AE Eee vy ii a0 oO i 8) AAMC — — 4 NTL hy % 4 " mr! Mead A A 4 By 4 x r han ~) it, x Bs tik Di Ne A, ‘ ek er. a4 a i? a CT oe ert Cj a he. : bh jo, » 1 | NOA KO ez “At. BS . | < A . | a mt . N On } ; \ \ GENERAL ORDINANCES ——OF THE—— Village of St. Peter, ILLINOIS. 1909. Prepared by Albert & Matheny, Attorneys, Vandalia, Illinois. Published by authority of the Village Council of © the Village of St. Peter, the 6th day of December, A. D. 1909. he, Vv nat Xo as ; wh i , were. Se eo is i r. i a ‘ sa oa iV ae Sk eh {eo Ne 3 : aes i AL ne f } | | ea Dat t Wile eee mh Be | SAAARS Py ate 2 > “ i , ~ ° ’ ‘ “ : io: ” : . a : ' . é * 1 @ | . ‘ é i : a . x { \ t “ ’ > : ‘ . : 7 ee ey ¥ “oo. \j i ? ' sal vs -_: a } ri . ee , } : ? - ie 3 , : w 4 : : ust t Pe 4 Be a4 ~% i) . +s Pay Be Gs ih. AP We oni a < 2 ; : an ‘ * f y ? j 4 i i . , : ne f A } £: < Pi ” ; ‘ r i ay Cag Oe IR a ; awa 352.0773 Oe rag 0 \Qos GENERAL ORDINANCES ——- OF THE —— VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. WHEREAS, It is necessary that general ordinances of the Village of St. Peter should be enacted and confined to appropriate chapters, articles and sections, and made concise and _intelligi- ble; therefore Be it ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Vil- lage of St. Peter, as follows : CHAPTER I. CORPORATE LIMITS. Section 1—CORPORATELIMITS. That the boundaries of the Village of St. Peter are as follows and are described by metes and bounds as follows to-wit: Beginning at the south east corner of the west half of section eleven, in township Five north, range three east, of the third prin- cipal meridian in Fayette County Illinois, and running thence east. fifty rods, thence south three hundred and twenty rods, thence west fifty rods, thence south sixteen rods, thence west two hun- dred forty rods, thence south thirty four rods, thence west one hundred sixty rods, thence north thirty four rods, thence west three hundred twenty rods, thence north thirty two rods, thence east two hundred forty rods, thence north three hundred eighteen rods, thence east four hundred eighty rods, thence south four- teen rods, to the place of beginning, All being in Township five north, range three east, of the third principal meridian, in Fay- ette County Illinois. CHAPTER II.’ CORPORATE SEAL, ETC. Section 1. — CORPORATE SEAL. That a seal in circular form with the word ‘‘Seal’’ in the center, and the words “Vil- lage of St. Peter’ in the outer circle over the word seal, and the words and figures ‘‘Incorporated 1909” in the outer circle un- der the word seal, shall be the corporate seal of the Village of St. Peter. Section 2.—CLERK CUSTODIAN OF SEAL, ETC. The Vil- lage Clerk of the Village of St. Peter, shall be the custodian of et Ca 2 VILLAGE ORDINANCES the corporate seal. He shall affix the corporate seal to all com- missions or other official documents required to be issued by him, and attest or countersign the same. He shall affix the seal to all official acts of the President, or President and Board of Trustees, requiring it, and if necessary, attest the same. He shall also certify under the corporate seal, copies of any records, ordinances, documents or papers in his office, when required by any village officer or other person. But in no case shall the impression of the corporate seal be binding upon the Village, un- less it be authorized by the laws or the ordinances thereof and is attested by the official signatures of the Village Clerk. CHAPTER III. OFFICERS. Section 1—OFFICERS. The officers of the Village of St. Pe- ter shall consist of a President of the Village, six Trustees, a Village Clerk, and a Village Treasurer, who shall be elected by the electors of said Village. And there shall also be a Street Com- missioner and Village Police, who shall be chosen or selected by a majority of the Village Council, as hereafter provided. Section 2. — ELIGIBILITY. No person shall be eligible to hold any office aforesaid, who is not a citizen of the United States and a qualified elector of the Village of St. Peter at the time of his election or selection, nor who is in any way a de- faulter to the Village. And such officer shall reside in the Vil- lage during the entire term of his office. Sec. 3.—-OATH—BOND. All officers of said Village, when- ever elected or appointed, shall before entering upon the duties of their respective office, and within ten days after notice of election or appointment, take and subscribe the following oath or affirmation: I do solmenly swear (or affirm) that I will sup- port the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution of the State of Illinois, and that I will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of (here name ofiice), according to the best of my ability. Which said oath shall be filed in the office of the Village Clerk and by him preserved. And the President, Clerk, Treas- urer, and Street Commissioner, before entering upon the duties of their respective office, shall each execute bond with security in such amount as may be directed by ordinance, said bonds to be approved by the Village Council. Provided, however, in no case shall the Village Treasurer’s bond be fixed at a less sum than the amount of estimated tax and special assessments for the current year. Which bonds shall be filed with the Village Clerk VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 3 and by him carefully preserved, except the bond of the Village Clerk, which shall be filed with and preserved by the Village Treasurer. Sec. 4——POLICE. The President may, with the approval of the Trustees, whenever he may deem the same necessary, ap- point a Village Police; provided that the Village Constable may perform the duties of such Village Police when there is no Vil- lage Police. Sec. 5.—VACANCIES AND FILLING SAME. Vacancies in all offices, except Street Commissioner, and Village Police, occas- ioned by death, resignation cr removal from the corporate limits, or otherwise, shall be filled by election of the electors of said Village. Vacancies in other offices shall be filled by appointment of the President, with the advice and consent of the Trustees. CHAPTER IV. VILLAGE PRESIDENT. Section 1. — PRESIDENT—HIS QUALIFICATIONS, DUTIES, ETC. The President of the Village, shall be the chief executive officer of the Village of St. Peter, shall possess the qualifica- tions required in sec. 2 chap.3 of these ordinances, and shall hold his office for two years, and until his successor is elected and qualified. ; Sec. 2—PRESIDE AT MEETINGS — ENFORCE ORDINAN- CES—VOTE IN CASE OF TI), ETC. The President shall devote so much of his time to the duties of his office as a faithful and efficient discharge thereof may require. He shall take care that all ordinances of said Village are duly enforced, respected and observed. He shall preside at all meetings of the Village Coun- cil, but~-shall not vote except in case of a tie, when he shall give the casting vote. He shall preserve order and decorum, and gen- erally do and perform allacts and things which are enjoined upon him by the laws of the State of Illinois, and the ordinances of the Village of St. Peter. Sec. 3.—VACANCY. Whenevel any vacancy shall happen in the office of President, on account of death, resignation, removal from the limits of the Village of St. Pete orr for any other cause, such vacancy shall be filled by special election as provided by ordinance. Sec. 4-—-PRESIDENT PROTEM. During a temporary absence or disability of the President, the Village Trustees shall elect one of their own number to act as President, pro tem, who, during such absence or disability of the President, shall possess the powers of President. 4 VILLAGE ORDINANCES Sec. 5.—GIVING BOND. The President, before entering up- on the duties of his office, shall execute a bond to the Village of St. Peter in the penal sum of one thousand dollars, with good securities, such as the Village Council shall approve, condition- ed for the faithful performance of the duties of the said office, which bond shall be approved by the Village Trustees, and filed with the Village Clerk and by him safely preserved and Kept. Sec. 6—APPOINT OFFICERS, ETC. The President shall, with the advice and consent of the Trustees, appoint a Village Police; and he shall nominate not less than 38 candidates for each of the following office, viz: Street Commissioner, and for the Trustees to vote for to fill said office. And in case of vacancies in the office of Village Police, or Street Commissioner, he may designate some suitable person to discharge the duties of said respective office, until a successor may be duly chosen. Sec. 7—SUPERVISE CONDUCT OF OFFICERS, ETC. The President, shall supervise the conduct of all appointive officers of the Village, and see that they faithfully and efficiently dis- charge the duties of their respective offices. He _ shall inquire into all reasonable complaints made against them, and he shall, when he becomes satisfied that any such officer has willfully neglected or refused to discharge his official duty, cause such officer to be prosecuted and punished, and he shall convey tothe Village Council information of charges made against such offi- cers, and the result of his investigation into such charges. Sec. 8—REMOVAL OF OFFICERS, REPORT ETC. The President shall have power to remove all appointive offi- cers, on any formal charge, whenever he shall be of the opinion that the interest of the Village demands such removal. But he shall report the reasons for such removal, in writing, to the Vil- lage Council, at the next regular meeting thereafter, and the Trustees may by a two-thirds vote of all the Trustees elected, by yea and nay vote, disapprove of such removal; and when such Trustees so disapprove of the removal, such officer so removed by the President, shall become restored to the office from which he was so removed; but he shall give new bonds and take a new oath of o‘fice. Sec. 9.—ORDINANCES APPROVAL— VETO. The President shall carefully inspect all ordinances passed by the Village Coun- cil, and affix his official signature to such as he may approve, and return them to the Village Clerk within 10 days after their passage. And all ordinances passed as aforesaid which do not meet his approval, he shall return to the Village Council with his objections there to in writing, at the next regular meeting of the Council; Such veto may extend to any one or more items or appropriations, contained in any ordinance, or to the entire or- VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. . dinance. And in case the veto only extends to a part of such ordinance, the residue thereof shall take effect and be in force, but in case the President shall fail to return any ordinance with his objections thereto, by the time aforesaid, he shall be deemed to have approved such ordinance, and the same shall take ef- fect accordingly; provided, however, the Village Trustees may by a two-thirds vote of all Trustees elected, pass any ordinance or resolution so vetoed by the President, over his said veto. Sec. 10—SIGN COMMISSIONS — CONTRACTS ETC. The President shall sign all commissions, licenses, permits and war- rants granted, issued or drawn, by order of the Village Coun- cil, or authorized by ordinances. In all contracts where the Vil- lage is a party, unless otherwise provided, he shall sign the same on behalf of the Village. And it shall be his svecial duty to see that the other contracting party faithfully complies with the contract. And in all suits when the Village is a party it shall be the duty of the President to see to securing an attorney to represent the Village therein. Section 11. — FURTHER DUTIES—SALARY. In addition to the above duties, the President shall perform all such other and further duties pertaining to his office, as are or may be required of him by the laws of the State of Illinois or the ordinances of the Village of St. Peter. He shall receive annually the sum of 48 dollars in full of all salary and other compensation, to be paid in quarterly install- ments. CHAPTER V. VILLAGE COUNCIL. Section 1. — COMPOSITION — ELECTION — QUALIFICA- TION. The Village Council of the Village of St. Peter, shall con- sist of the President, and six Trustees, of said Village. The President shall be first elected at the regular Village election (on tthe third Tuesday in April) in 1910, for the term of one year; and thereafter the President shall be elected at the regular Village election and to hold his office for two years. At the regular Village election in April 1910 there shall be elected six Village Trustees. And atthe first meeting of the Vil- age Council after said election the said Trustees shall be divid- ed by lot into two classes; those of the first class to hold their office for the term of one year from their election. And those of the second class to hold their office for the term of two years from their election. And annually thereafter there shall be elected at the regular Village election in April, three trus- tees, who shall hold their office for the term of two years from 6 VILLAGE ORDINANCES their election. And there shall be elected at the regular Village election in April 1910 of each year a Village Clerk and Vil- age Treasurer who shall each hold their office for the term of one year. All such elective officers, to hold their respective of- fice until their successor is elected and qualified. : The Village Council shall be judge of the election and qualifica- tion of its own members and in case any vacancy occurs in the office of trustee or President, such vacancy shall be filled by a special election of the electors of said Village, to be called by the Council. Sec. 2.—MEETINGS. The regular stated meetings of the Village Council of the Village of St. Peter shall be held in the Village Council hall or at such other place in the Village of St. Peter as the Council may provide, on the first Monday of each calendar month, except when the time for such meeting may happen to be a public holiday in which case the Council shall meet on the next day following. All regular meetings of such Village Council shall convene at 7:30 o’clock P. M. unless other- wise ordered by the Council. And adjourned meetings may be had for the purpose of completing unfinished business of the regular meetings, at such time or times as may be determined by the Council. Sec. 3— SPECIAL MEETINGS. Special meetings of the Vil- lage Council may be called by the President, or by any two Trustees. The call of any special meeting shall be in writing, signed by the President or by at least two of the Trustees, stat- ing the object and purpose of such meeting, and the time and place of holding the same, and shall be filed with the Village Clerk. The Clerk shall issue the notices of all special meetings. so called, stating the time and place of such meeting, and the purpose thereof, and shall be served by the Village Constable or Village Police, upon each member of the Village Council; and no business shall be transacted at a special meeting, except such as specified in the call and notice therefor. Sec. 4. — NON-ATTENDANCE. If any member of the Village Council shall absent himself from any meeting of the Village Council or shall depart therefrom before adjournment, unless he be excused by the Council, he shall forfeit his pay for such meeting. Sec. 5. — COMMITTEES. It shall be the duty of the Presi- dent, at the first regular meeting of the Village Council in May of each year, or as soon thereafter as may be, to appoint standing committees of the Village Council, which shall be as follows: 1. Committee on Ordinances. 2. Committee on Streets, Alleys and Sidewalks. 3. Committee on Finance and Claims. VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. ~I 4. Committee on Buildings and Health. Each committee to consist of three members. Sec. 6. — DUTIES OF COMMITTEES. It shall be the duty of the standing committees of the Council, to keep a_ close watch upon, and of, the affairs of the respective departments of the Village Government over which their committee have supervision. They shall have general management, control and supervision over all work, and things ordered to be made or done by the Council in their respective departments, and they shall make report to the Council of such facts occuring there- in, or with reference there-to, as are deemed important. Each committee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate all matters which may be referred to it, and report thereon in writing at earliest. opportunity, and do all other things required of it by the Council. Sec. 7. — DUTY OF COMMITTEE ON STREETS, ETC. The Committee on Streets, alleys and sidewalks, shall also have a general supervision of the streets, alleys, sidewalks and bridges of the Village of St. Peter, and shall take such steps, as they deem necessary, to keep the same in good and passable and san- itary condition. They shall give directions, from time to time, to the Street Commissioner, who shall follow the directions so given him, They shall report tothe Village Council, from time to time, such changes, repairs and improvements as are required on the streets, etc., of the Village. . Sec. 8. — FINANCE COMMITTEE — DUTY. The Finance Comittee of the Village of St.. Peter may prescribe the manner in which the books and accounts of all officers of the Village shall be kept, and shall from time to time examine said books and the accounts of all Village Officers and see that they are properly kept, and shall see to the preparation of ordinances, appropriating. moneys of the Village, and carefully examine all reports of oficers collecting and handling Village moneys, and perform all other duties required of them by law, or the ordi- nances of the Village of St. Peter. Sec. 9. — ACTION ON REPORTS OF COMMITTEES. The report of any committee to the Council, shall not be finally acted upon until the next regular meeting of the Council, upon the request of any two Trustees, and when reporting to’ the Council each committee shall attach to their report all docu- ments and papers in their possession, relative to the matters referred to. Sec. 10. — COMPELLING THE ATTENDANCE OF TRUS- TEES. Should a majority of the Village Council fail or refuse to attend any regular or special meeting of the Council, the members present shall have power to adjourn the meeting to the next regular meeting, or to any specified time preceding 8 VILLAGE ORDINANCES the same, and shall also have the power to order the Clerk to issue a warrant, directed to the Village Constable or Village Police, commanding him to arrest each delinquent member of the Council, and cause him or them to appear at the Council room forthwith, or at such time as may be mentioned in said warrant. Sec. 11. — RULES OF BUSINESS. (1) The President shall promptly call the Council to order at the appointed time, and in case the President is absent, the Clerk shall call the Council to order, and the members present shall appoint one of their number as President pro tem, to act during the absence of the President. (2). As soon as the Council is called to order and a pre- siding officer is in the chair, the roll of members shall be call- ed by the Clerk in alphabetical order, noting who are present, and who are absent, and the same recorded in the proceedings of the Council. (3) It shall be the duty of the Village Police or Village Constable to be in attendance at every meeting of the Village Council. (4) The President shall preserve order and decorum, may speak to points of order in preference to any member from his seat for that purpose, and shall decide all questions of or- der, subject to an appeal to the Council, by any member, on which no member shall speak more than once, except by leave of the Council. (5) All special committees shall be appointed by the President, unless otherwise ordered by the vote creating them. (6) In ease of any disturbance or disorderly conduct in the Council chamber by spectators, the President may order the Village Police or Village Constable to clear the room of such spectators,. or remove the offending parties. (7) The following shall be the order of business at each regular meeting: (1) Reading and correcting the journal of the last preced- ing meeting. (2) Unfinished business of preceding meeting. (3) Report of Standing Committees. (a) Finance and Claims. (b) Streets, alleys and sidewalks. (c) Buildings and health. (d) Ordinances. (4) Reports of Special Committees. (5) Presentation of petitions, remonstrance, and com- munications. VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 9 (6) Reports of City Officers. (7) Reading of action on bills and accounts. (8) Miscellaneous business. Sec. 12. — READING OF ORDINANCES. Every ordinance or resolution in the nature of an ordinance, shall be read at the time of its introduction, after which, the Council may amend, adopt or reject such ordinance or resolution. All votes upon ordinances or resolutions in the nature of an ordinance, shall be by a yeaand nay vote, and be entered in the journal of the Council meetings. Sec. 138. — CLAIMS TO BE CERTIFIED. All demands, claims or accounts presented against the Village, shall be cer- tified as correct by some apropriate committee before the same shall be put to a vote of allowance. And no vote appropriat- ing money shall be declared adopted, unless the same shall re- ceive the votes of a majority of all the members of the Village ‘Council elected. All votes appropriating money, shall be taken by yeas and nays, and entered at large upon the journal, and be published with the Council proceedings when published. Sec. 14. — EVERY MEMBER SHALL VOTE. Every mem- ber of the Council present shall vote upon every motion put by the chair, unless excused by a vote of the Council, in which case the fact of such excuse shall be spread at large upon the records. Sec. 15. — TRUSTEES—COMPENSATION. The compensa- tion to be paid Trustees for their services is hereby fixed at the sum of 50 cents to each Trustee for each meeting of the Village Council, actually attended by him, and no other compensation shall be allowed any Trustee for his services whatever. Sec. 16. — MUNICIPAL YEAR. The municipal year of the Village of St. Peter shall commence on the first Wednesday af- ter the 3rd Tuesday in April of each year. Sec. 17. — FISCAL YEAR. The fiscal year of the Village of St. Peter shall begin on the first Wednesday after the 3rd Tuesday in April of each year. CHAPTER VI. VILLAGE CLERK. Section 1. — BOND. The Village Clerk, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall execute a bond to the Vil- lage of St. Peter in the penal sum of Five Hundred Dollars, with such sueities as shall be approved by the Village Council, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of the 10 VILLAGE ORDINANCES office and the accounting for all moneys that may be received by him, according to law and the ordinances of said Village, which bond shall be filed with, and preserved by, the Village Treasurer. Sec. 2. — DUTIES OF CLERK. (1) The Clerk shall attend all meetings of the Village Council, and shall keep in a suitable book to be styled the ‘Journal of the Village Council,” a full and faithful record of its proceedings. Said Clerk shall pre- pare all commissions, licenses, permits and other official docu- ments required to be issued by him under the laws and _ ordi- nances of the Village, and shall attest the same with the cor- porate seal, and he shall in like manner attest all deeds for sale of real estate owned by the Village and conveyed by said Vil- age. He shall carefully preserve in his office all books, rec- ords, papers, maps and effects of every description, belonging to the Village or appertaining to said office, and upon the ex- piration in any way of his official term, he shall on demand de- liver all such books, records, papers and effects to his successor in office. (2) He shall issue notices to the members of the Council, and when directed by that body, to the members of the differ- ent committees of that body, and to all persons whose attend- ance shall be required before any such committee, when direct- ed by the chairman thereof,and shall also issue notices of spe- cial meetings of the Counc]. (3) .He shall attest with the corporate seal, all licenses granted by the President or Village Council. (4) He shall, without delay, deliver to the President all ordinances or resolutions under his charge, which may require to be approved or otherwise acted upon by the President. (5) He shall monthly pay over to the Village Treasurer all moneys received by him on any account whatever, taking a receipt therefor, and he shall at each regular meeting of the Council make a detailed account to the Council of all moneys received by him during the preceding month, and on what ac- count received, and shall f.le therewith the receipt of the Treasurer, for all such moneys. Sec. 3. — NOTICE OF APPOINTMENTS. The Clerk shall, at least five days prior to any election, give notice in writing to each of the Judges and Clerks appointed by the Council, of their respective appointments. Sec. 4. — RECORD ORDINANCES. The Clerk shall record and properly index, in a book kept for that purpose, all ordi- nances passed by the Village Council, and at the foot of the record of each ordinance, so recorded, he shall make a memor- andum, of the date of the passage and of the publication of VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 11 such ordinance, which record and memorandum or a certified copy thereof, shall be prima facia evidence of the passage, and publication, of such ordinance for all purposes whatever, Sec. 5. — NOTICE OF ELECTION, ETC., OF OFFICERS. It shall be the duty of the Clerk, within five days after the re- sult of the election is declared, or appointment is made, to notify all persons elected or appointed to office, of their elec- tion or appointment, and unless such persons shall respective- ly qualify within ten days after such notice, the office shall be- come vacant. Sec. 6..— SALARY. The Village Clerk shall receive an an- nual salary of 48 dollars, to be paid in monthly installments, in lieu of all other compensation, perquisite or benefit in any form whatever. Sec. 7. — PROVIDE BLANKS, ETC. The Clerk shall pre- pare all orders for special elections, and perform all other du- ties which by usage devolve upon Clerks of Villages, and he is hereby authorized to procure from time to time, for said Village, such books and blanks as may be necessary for the use of the Village in elections, and otherwise to be paid for by the Vil- lage. Sec. 8. — PUBLISH ORDINANCES. The Clerk shall attend to the publishing of all ordinances, and shall keep a list of all committees appointed by the Council, and the business referred to them, and the date and nature of their reports. He shall, with the President, sign all orders on the Village Treasury, and affix the Village seal to the same. (As_ to. publishing ordi- nances see appendix.) Sec. 9. — TO MAKE POLL LIST, ETC. The Clerk shall, with the assistance of the Street Commissioner, on or before the first Monday of May in each year, ascertain, as near as possible, the names of all male persons in said Village be- tween the ages of twenty-one and fifty years, except those who are exempt by law, and register said names in a book provided for that purpose, and at the first regular meeting of the board thereafter, he shall submit said register to said Board, and add such names as the Board may direct. Sec. 10. — POLL LIST FOR STREET COMMISSIONER. On the tenth day of May of each year, or as soon as_ possible thereafter, said Clerk shall make out from the register in his office, and deliver to the S‘:reet Commissioner, a list of all the hames of persons thereon, and afZix thereto a certificate, under seal, that the same is correct, and also the amount of poll tax assessed against each person on said list, and the unmber of days’ labor required to be performed, if such tax is not paid in lieu thereof; and the aggregate amount of said list, in money, 12 VILLAGE ORDINANCES shall be charged the Street Commissioner in his account with the Village, which shall be kept by the Clerk; and .he shall also cause to be provided appropriate receipts and notices, for the use of the Street Commissioner, and receipts for the Village Treasurer. Sec. 11. — CLERK’S REPORT -- TO HAVE REPORT OF TREASURER PUBLISHED. The Clerk of the Board shall, at the last regular meeting of the Board in each municipal year; lay before said Board a statement showing in detail the assets and debits of the Village. Also a statement showing the amount of all appropriations or warrants drawn on the treasury during the present fiscal year, for what purpose drawn, and the amount for each purpose. He shall cause such statement to be publish- ed in such manner as the Board may direct. He shall also cause the Treasurer’s annual fiscal statement to be published as provided in Sec. 10 of Art. 7 of Rev. Statutes, and in all cases furnish the printer with a copy of the same. Sec. 12. — REGISTER OF ORDERS. For each payment which the Village Board shall order to be made out of the Vil- lage Treasury, said Clerk shall draw an order on the Treasurer, and countersigning the same, stating therein the name of the payee, the amount, to what fund chargeable, and for what pur- pose. He shall date and number all orders and keep a book in which he shall register the same; which orders shall also be countersigned by the President. See. 13. — APPROVAL OF BONDS. The Clerk shall endorse the words ‘‘Approved by the Board,’ and the date of approval, and note upon the journal said proceedings, and the names of all principals and sureities, upon all bonds. CHAPTER VII. POLICE DEPARTMENT. Section 1. — COMPOSED OF WHOM. The Police department of the Village of St. Peter may consist of a Village Constable, or a Village Police, or both. Sec. 2. — DUTIES. The Police department shall be conser- vators of the peace within the corporate limits of the Village; shall execute all processes; shall arrest on view without process any person found violating any of the Village Ordinances, and immediately convey such person so arrested to the Police Mag- istrate, or some Justice of the Peace of and in said Village or County, and prefer a formal charge or complaint against such per- son so arrested, and cause such person to be prosecuted. Sec. 3. — ATTEND COUNCIL MEETINGS. The Police de- VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 13 partment shall attend all Council meetings, prepare the room in which they meet, and serve all notices in writing of said Coun- cil or the Village Clerk, when required so to do, and perform all other duties required by the Village ordinances. Sec. 4. — CLEAR SIDEWAKS, STREETS, ETC. The Police de- partment shall keep all sidewalks and streets free from obstructions, and remove or cause to be moved all nuisances from the corporate limits, and they shall have all the powers of a Constable at common law. Sec. 5. — SALARY. The members of the Police department shall receive such fees and compensation as’ shall be agreed upon by the Village Council and the several members of said Police force. CHAPTER VIII. VILLAGE TREASURER. Section 1. — BOND. TheVillage Treasurer, before he enters upon the duties of his office, shall take the oath required, and shall execute a bond to the Village of St. Peter, in a penal sum not less than double the amount of the estimated Village taxes and special assessments for the current year, with at least two good and sufficient securities, to be approved by the Vil- lage Council, conditioned for the faithful performance of the du- ties of the office, and the payment of all moneys received by him according to law, and the ordinances of said Village. Sec. 2. — RECEIVE MONEYS.—KEEP BOOKS. The Vil- lage Treasurer shall receive ali moneys belonging to said Vil- lage, and shall keep his books and accounts in such shape, as to exhibit, at all times, the true financial condition of the corpora- tion, and such books and accounts shall always be subject to in- spection; and shall keep separate accounts as_ follows, viz: Street Labor Account, Forfeiture Account, License Account and Miscellaneous Account. Sec. 3. — RECEIPTS. The Treasurer shall give every per- son paying into the Treasury, 2 receipts therefor, one to be filed with the Clerk by such person; but, in the event of a failure of such person to file such receipt as _ aforesaid, the Treasurer shall file copies of such with the Clerk upon the ren- dition of the monthly report. Sec. 4. — FINES. Any Police Magistrate or other person collecting any fines or money on account of the Village, shall pay the same into the Village Treasurer as fast as collected. The Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace before whom any suit or suits are brought in the name of the Village for’ the recovery of any fine or penalty, on the first Monday in June, 14 VILLAGE ORDINANCES September and March of each year, shall report to Board of Trustees a list of all the suits brought before him in the name of the Village since his last report, with the disposition made of each case, the amount of fine imposed if any, and the amount collected, and also the amount collected since his last report upon any judgement prior to report. Any Police Magistrate or Justice of the Peace failing to comply with the requirements of this section shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dol- lars ($10), and shall be liable on his bond for double the amount of money he fails to pay over. Sec. 5. — TREASURER’S REPORT — CLERKS COUNTER STATEMENT. The Treasurer shall annually, between the first and tenth days of April, make out, and file with the Clerk, a full and detailed account of all receipts and expenditures of said village, and all of his transactions as such Treasurer during the present fiscal year, which statement shall exhibit under sep- arate and appropriate headings, the several accounts that are required to be kept under section 2 of this ordinance. It shall be the duty of the Clerk to submit his counter financial report, together with the annual report of the Treasurer aforesaid, to the financial committee of the Board. If the committee shall de- cide that the report is true and correct, they shall approve it and return it to the Clerk, and he shall have it published. Sec. 6. — ORDERS. All orders drawn upon the Treasurer, must be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Clerk, stating the particular fund to which chargeable, the per- son to whom payable; and no money shall be otherwise paid, except as otherwise provided. Sec. 7. — SPECIAL TAX. All moneys received on any spe- cial tax or assessment, shall be held by the Treasurer as a spe- cial fund, to be applied to the payment of the indebtedness to which such assessment was made, and said money shall be used for no other purpose whatever. Sec. 8. — SALARY. The Village Treasrer shall receive as his compensation the following:—24 Dollars per year as salary in full of all compensation whatever, the same to be paid quar- terly. CHAPTER IX. STREET COMMISSIONER. Section 1. — APPOINTMENT OF STREET COMMISSIONER. The President shall nominate not less than 3 candidates’ for Street Commissioner, and from such persons nominated, the Trustees may select by a majority vote of all Trustees elect- VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 15 ed the Street Commissioner, who shall hold his office until the -end of the municipal year, unless sooner removed from his of- fice. Sec. 2. — REPAIR WALKS—CLEAN STREETS. The Street Commissioner shall, personally superintend all improvements upon the streets and alleys and sidewalks; on the order of the Street Committee cause all insecure and unsafe places in the streets and sidewalks to be repaired, and report the cost to the Council. He shall annualiy, in the spring of the year, as soon as practicable, cause the streets and alleys to be cleaned, and gutters to be opened, and he shall keep them in that con- dition during the year. Sec. 3. — WARN OUT MEN — STREET LABOR — AR- RESTS. The Street Commissioner shall, from time to time, report to the Council such improvements and repairs as he may deem needed. He shall warn out all able bodied male inhabi- tants liable to labor on the streets and alleys under the direc- tion of the Board, and compel such faithfully to labor the time required, on the streets and alleys, and he shall collect a com- mutation of seventy-five cents per diem from all parties so warned, who do not labor or furnish an able bodied substitute. He shall be ex-officio a Policeman, and may arrest upon view, any one in the act of violating any of the ordinances of said Village. Sec. 4. — WHO EXEMPT FROM STREET LABOR. Every able bodied man (or male inhabitant) above the age of 21 and under the age of 50 years, except such as are exempt by law, shall labor on the streets and alleys not to exceed two days in each year, provided, that every person subject to such labor may, in lieu thereof, pay into the Treasury seventy-five cents for each day he may be reqired to labor. Section 5. — FORM OF NOTICE. It shall be the duty of the Street Commissioner to serve a notice upon each person liable to street labor, at least three days before such person shall be lia- ble to appear and perform such labor, or pay money in lieu thereof, which notice shall be in the following form; STATE OF ILLINOIS, Village of St. Peter. t ss. To A. B. Sir:—You have been assessed a poll tax to labor on the streets and alleys of said village, for the year 19——, —— days; you are hereby notified to appear at , on the —— day of AD. ae , at — o’clock —m., and bring with you , for the purpose of laboring two days success- ively on the streets and alleys of said village as you shall then and there be directed by the Street Commissioner, or that you pay into the treasury, within three days after the service of this lo VILLAGE ORDINANCES notice, the sum of seventy-five cents as commutation for such labor for each day. — C. D. Street Commissioner. Section 6. — RETURN. The return of the Street Commis- sioner on the back of any notice, as to the manner of serving the same, shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated. Section 7. — PENALTY.~ Any person liable to perform street labor, who shall after due notice as aforesaid, fail or refuse to perform such labor, or pay in lieu thereof, according to the pre- visions of this ordinance, shall be subject to a fine or penalty of not less than $2 or more than $10, and cost of suit, to be re- covered by suit as in other cases of penalties for violating or- dinances. Section 8. — SUITS FOR POLL TAX. At least five months before the end of each municipal year, the Village Treasurer shall certify to the Village Council a list of delinquents who are not credited on his list as having ‘‘Paid with labor’ or “Paid with money’, as aforesaid, and the Village Council shall direct the Street Commissioner to commence suit against such delin- quents as said council shall determine are liable for street. labor, such suits shall be instituted by said Street Commissioner at a season of the year: best suited for Street labor. Section 9. — ATTORNEY. That there may be appointed by the Board of Trustees and President, a person as Village attor- ney, whose duty it shall be to attend and _ prosecute all _ suits brought in the name of the Village; he shall be allowed 1-3 of the fines recovered on each prosecution until the fine exceeds ten dollars, and fifteen per cent. on the excess, and in all cases of civil action brought before a Magistrate, Justice of the Peace or Board of Arbitrators, not to exceed five dollars. Section 10. — BOOK. The Street Commissioner shall, in an account book belonging to his office, keep a list of all tools and implements belonging to the village. He shall keep in said book a plain and accurate account of the money expended on_ the streets, alleys and sidewalks. Said book shall, at all times be’ subject to inspection, and he shall deliver the same to his succes- sor in office. Section 11. — APPROPRIATIONS. The Village Council, shall within the first quarter of each fiscal year, (that is between the 3d Tuesday in April and the 3d Tuesday in July), by ordinance, to be termed the annual appropriation bill, appropriate such sum or sums of money as may be deemed necessary to defray all necessary expenses and liabilities of such corporation, and such ordinance shall specify the objects and purposes for which such appropriations are made, and the amount appropriated for each purpose, and no further appropriations shall be made at any VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 17 other time within such fiscal year, unless the proposition to make such appropriation has been first sanctioned by a majority of the legal voters of the Village of St. Peter, either by peti- tion signed by them, or at a general or special election duly called therefor. (See form No. 1 Appendix.) Sec. 12. — BOND. Before entering upon the duties of his office, the Street Commissioner shall take the oath of office re- quired of village officers, and shall execute a bond to the Village of St. Peter in the penal sum of Four Hundred Dollars, with such securities as shall be approved by the Village Council, con- ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office. Sec. 18. — SALARY. The Street Commissioner may be al- lowed for his compensation, the sum agreed upon by the Coun- cil which appoints him to said office. CHAPTER X. SALARIES.] Section 1. The salaries or compensation of the several offi- cers of the Village of St. Peter shall be as follows, except as otherwise provided. (a) The Village Trustees shall receive 50 cents for each regular meeting of the Council attended by them. (b) The Village Constable and Village Police shall be al- lowed the same fees as shall be allowed Constables of the coun- ty for like services. All of his fees to be taxed as costs and collected from the Defendant; except for dieting prisoners which shall be paid by the Village. And the Village Police may also be paid such other fees as may be allowed by the Council. (c) The fees of witnesses and jurors shall be the same as allowed by statute, provided the Village shall not in any case be required to pay the same. (d) Judges and Clerks of elections held for corporate pur- poses shall be allowed $2.00 each for each election. (e) Police Magistrates and Justices of the Peace _ before whom actions are tried for violating ordinances of the Village, shall tax the same costs as provided by law for the Justices of the Peace; provided that said Village shall in no case be adjudg- ed to pay, and shall pay no such costs. But all such fees shall be recovered from the other parties to the proceedings or re- main forever unpaid. (f) The Village Treasurer shall receive in full for his serv- ices 24 Dollars per year. (z) The President shall receive in full for his services $48 per year. y rt 18 VILLAGE ORDINANCES (h) The Village Clerk shall receive in full for his services. $48 per year. (i) The Street Commissioner shall have compensation as agreed on by the Council. CHAPTER XI. ELECTIONS. Section 1—TIME OF HOLDING. That a _ general election shall be held for all elective officers, on the third Tuesday of April in each year, at such places as may be designated by the board. At least 20 days notice of any election shall be given by posting up written or printed notices thereof, stating the time and place of holding such election, and the ofiicers to be elect- ed. Special elections to fill vacancies may be held at any time and in same manner as general elections. See. 2. POSTING NOTICES BY CLERK. All election no- tices shall be made out and posted by the Clerk as required in the preceding section. Sec. 3.—JUDGES AND CLERKS OF THE ELECTIONS. The Board shall annually, at least ten days before election day, ap- point three legal voters of the Village to act as Judges, and three others to act as clerks, of the elections for the year in which they are appointed. The Cl2rk shall without delay, after such appointment, make out certificates thereof under the corporate seal, one of which shall be delivered to each person, so appointed. Sc. 4—VACANCY IN ELECTION BOARD. If any Judge or Clerk shall refuse to act, or shall not attend at the time fixed for the opening of the polls, the vacancy shall be filled by a le- gal voter to be chosen by the Judges and Clerks in attendance; if no majority shall attend, then a majority of the legal voters present may choose the requisite number of Judges and Clerks -in like manner. Sec. 5—OATH. The Judges and Clerks shall each, before opening the polls for receiving any votes, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, which shall be fixed on the poll book, and shall be in the following form: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support the Constitution of the United States and of this State, and that I will perform the duties of Judge or Clerk of this election according to law and to the best of my ability. Sec. 6—OPENING POLLS; GENERAL ELECTION LAWS TOW APPLY The opening and closing of the polls, the quali- fications of voters, and the manner of conducting elections, and 6 VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 19 contesting the same, the keeping of poll lists, and the canvass- ing of votes, and all things pertaining thereto, shall be the same as in the election of county officers, and the general’ election laws of this State. Sec. 7 — RETURNS. After the closing of the polls the bal- lots shall be counted by the Judges, and after being read and canvassed, be strung upon a string in the order in which they have been read, and shall then be carefully enveloped and seal- ed by the Judges and marked “ballots,’’ and one of the poll lists properly certified, and one of the tally lists shall be carefully en- veloped in another envelope, and sealed up and marked ‘‘election returns,’ and both packages so sealed and marked, shall be ad- dressed to the “Village Clerk of the Village of St. Peter’’ and put into the hands of one of the Judges selected for that pur- pose, who shall within one day after such election, deliver the same to the Village Clerk. Sec. 8.—RETURNS. If any Judge chosen to deliver the elec- tion returns as above provided shall not deliver the same with the seal unbroken within one day after election, he shall be sub- ject to a penalty of not more than One Hundred Dollars; and the Village Clerk shall be subject to a like penalty, if he fails to de- liver the same to the Village Board, in the same condition. Sec. 9. — RETURNS. When the election returns have been filed with the Village Clerk, he shall without delay, notify the President, who shall immediately convene the Board, and _ shall then open the returns and canvass the same, and when finished shall declare the result, and the Clerk shall enter the same, at large upon his journal of proceedings, naming every person voted for, the number of votes recceived, and for what office voted for, and showing whom elected and to what office. Sec. 10—NOTICE OF ELECTION. The Village Clerk shall, within five days after any person is elected or appointed to any office, make out written notice thereof, informing him of his elec- tion or appointment, stating to what office, and requesting him to qualify within ten days afier such notice, which shall be deliv- ered to the person so elected or appointed, and if he fails to qual- ify within ten days after such notice, the office shall be declar- ed vacant. Sec. 11—ORDER AT POLLS. The Village Constable or Po- lice shall, if in the opinion of the President of the Board it be deemed necessary, employ one or more persons, and station them at the place of voting, for the purpose of enforcing good order and the lawful demands of the Judges. Sec. 12.—ARRESTS. The Judges of any village election shall have power to preserve order at the polls, and command 20 VILLAGE ORDINANCES the police stationed there to arrest, and take before the police magistrate or justices of the peace of said village, any person whose disorderly conduct interferes with the judges or clerks in the discharge of their duties, or any voter in exercising the privi- lege of voting, and for each offense the offender shall pay a fine of not less than five, nor more than twenty-five, dollars. Sec. 18. —ELECTIONEERING AT POLLS. No _ person whatever shall do any electioneering or soliciting votes on elec- tion day within any polling place or within one hundred feet of any polling place; no person shall interupt, hinder or oppose © any voter while approaching the polling place for the purpose of voting; whoever shall violate the provisions of this section shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars ($25) nor more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each and every of- fense. Sec. 14—DECLARING RESULT OF ELECTION. The Vil- lage Council, acting at the time of holding any election, shall be the judges of the election and qualification of the newly elect- ed members of the Village Trustees. And when they open and canvass the returns of election, they shall declare who has been elected, and declare the result of said election, and cause a record thereof to be made by the Clerk. See. 15. — CONTESTS—WHO MAY. The election of any Trus- tee may be contested by any elector of said village. The Village Council shall be the tribunal before which said contest shall be heard, and its decision shall be final. And such proceedings shall be as follows: Sec. 16.—NOTICE OF CONTEST. When any person shall de- sire to contest the right of another to hold the office of Trus- tee of said Village, he shall within 30 days after the person whose election is contested is declared elected, file with the Village Clerk a statement in writing briefly setting forth the points on which he will contest such election. Sec. 17—CONTESTEE TO HAVE NOTICE, ETC. Upon the filing of such statement such contestant shall, within ten days thereafter, also serve a copy thereof upon the person whose elec- tion he intends to contest, and in case such person is absent from the village or cannot be found, then by leaving a copy of such statement at his usual place of residence. Sec. 18.—FIXING TIME FOR, AND TRIAL. Whenever such statement has been filed and service had, it shall be the du- ty of the Village Council, on request of either party, to meet and fix the time and place to try said contest. At the time fixed for trial the Council shall assemble, the Clerk shall swear the VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. a1 witnesses, and the Council shall hear the evidence and try the cause, and no evidence shall be heard except pertaining to the points set forth in the petition. And after hearing the evidence the Council shall consider, and then after due deliberation the Council shall decide the contest by a yea and nay vote, and de- clare who shall be the duly elected candidate, which decision shall, by the Clerk be entered on record. Provided the person whose office is contested shall have no vote or voice in decid- ing such contest. Sec. 19. — BALLOTS OPENED AND COUNTED. In such contest the Council may order the ballots opened, and may then and there canvass said ballots. Sec. 20. — BALLOTS PRESERVED. The Clerk shall care- fully preserve all ballots for six months after all elections, and if no contests be filed he shall destroy said ballots by burn- ing, under the direction of the Council, provided if a contest be pending, said ballots shall not be destroyed until after said con- test be fully terminated. CHAPTER XII. LICENSES. Section 1. — HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS. That it shall be unlawful for any person to exercise within the limits of said Village, the business of auctioneer, hawker or peddler, or’ to manage for gain a theatre, or any other exhibition, show or amusement, without first obtaining a license therefor from the Village Clerk. Sec. 2. — AUCTIONEER.—FOR LICENSE TO PURSUE THE BUSINESS OF AUCTION-EER $2.50 PER DAY. No person shall be considered as having the right to dispose of any goods, wares or merchandise whatever at public auction, when the same have been brought into the Village for the purpose of being disposed of in such manner, without first applying to the Village Clerk and procuring a license therefor. Sec. 3. — CIRCUS. For a license of any exhibition, circus or caravan, $10 for each day. Sec. 4. — THEATRES. For a license for any theatre, musi- cal party, concert, rope or wire dancing, puppets, wax figures, paintings, statuary, tricks of ledgerdemain, or any show or ex- hibition whatever, where money is charged for admission, from 50 cents to ten dollars, shal! be charged for each day. Sec. 5. — HAWKERS. For hawkers and peddlers there shall 2 VILLAGE ORDINANCES be charged the sum of one dollar per day, foot, and $2.00 other-. wise. Sec. 6. — CLERK MUST ISSUE. The Clerk of the Village Board is hereby authorized to grant license to all persons who may apply therefor, and who present to him a receipt of the Treasurer showing they have paid into the treasury a sum suffi- cient for the license for which they apply, and have otherwise complied with the ordinances of the Village thereto. Sec. 7.— PENALTY. Whoever shall violate or neglect to comply with the provisions of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of not less than three nor more than twenty-five dol- lars. Sec. 8. Whenever the amount to be charged for a license to pursue any business in said Village shall not be fixed by or- dinance, or the same shall not be certain, the Treasurer shall refer the matter to the President, and he shall fix the rate. All licenses shall be signed by the President, and countersigned by the Clerk of the Village, and attested by the corporate seal. Sec. 9. — TIME OF LICENSE.—TRANSFER. No license shall be granted for a time beyond the existence of the then pending municipal year, and no such license shall be assignable or transferable, nor shall any person do business under such license, except the person named therein as licensee. And all licenses may be revoked by the President for good cause. Sec. 10. — LICENSE TO BE POSTED. All licensees _ shall keep the same posted plainly in a conspicuous place in his office or place of business, and any person failing or neglecting so to do shall be fined not less than $3.00 nor more than $10.00 for each offense. Sec. 11. — POLICE. The Police Department shall enforce the provisions of this chapter, and see that all persons violat- ing the same are arrested and prosecuted for such violations. CHAPTER XIII. LICENSING AND SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUORS. Section 1. RETAILING OF LIQUOR WITHOUT A _ LI- CENSE PROHIBITED. Any person who shall, by himself, his agent, clerk, or servant sell, barter, exchange, give away, or in any manner deal in or dispose of any intoxicating, malt, vinous, mixed or fermented liquors in quantities less than one gallon, within the corporate limits of the Village of St. Peter, without first having obtained a license so to do, as hereinafter provided VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 23 shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than twenty dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, for each and every offense. Sec. 2. — NUMBER OF DRAM SHOPS LIMITED. No more than two licenses to sell, intoxicating liquor within the limits of the Village of St. Peter shall be granted, or exist at the same time. And two Dram Shops for the sale of intoxicating liquor within said Viillage is all that shall ever exist or be licensed by said Village to exist at one time. And no license to keep a Dram Shop within said Village shall be granted to any person, or corporation owning or interested in a Brewery, or in the bus- iness of wholesaling intoxicating liquors, or to any person who in fact, or by shift or device is in any way interested therein, or who in any way represents such Brewery, or person engag- ed in the business of wholesaling intoxicating liquors. And the Village of St. Peter and its officers have no power to license any such person to keep a Dram Shop in said Village. And all licenses granted by the Village, or its officers, contrary or in opposition to this section, are declared to be invalid and void. Sec. 3. — LICENSE. HOW OBTAINED.—BOND. Any per- son (not prohibited from being licensed to keep a Dram Shop in the Village of St. Peter as provided in Sec. 2 above), desiring a license to sell intoxicating liquor in less quantities than one gallon aforesaid, shall make application in writing to the Village Council of the Village of St. Peter therefor, stating the build- ing, and location thereof, in which the business is to be carried on, and produce evidence to satisfy said Council that the appli- cant is a person of good moral character, and that he does not come within one of the persons prohibited to be so licensed as set forth in Sec. 2 of this article. And shall submit to said Vil- lage Council the names of the surities who are to execute’ the bond and bonds required; whereupon the Village Council may, if it deems it to the best interest of said Village, by resolution, order a dram shop license to issue to said applicant (provided no more than two such licenses shallever exist atthe same time as provided in Sec. 2 above) Whhereupon said applicant shall execute a bond to the Village of St. Peter in the penal sum of $1000.00 with at least two good surities, free holders of the coun- ty of Fayette, to be approved by the Village Council, condition- ed for the faithful observance of all ordinances of the Village of St. Peter now in force or which may hereafter be passed and in force during the continuance of such license regulating or re- lating to the sale and traffic of intoxicating liquor. And such applicant shall also give bond in the penal sum of $3000.00 payable to the People of the State of Illinois, with at least two good and sufficient surities, free holders and residents 24 VILLAGE ORDINANCES of said Fayette County, conditioned as provided in Section 5 of. Chapter 43 of the Revised Statutes of the State of Illinois en- titled Dram Shops, which bonds shall be approved by the Vil- lage Council, and filed with, and preserved by, the Village Clerk. Upon such applicant complying with the above requirements and upon his paying into the Village Treasury at the rate of $700 per year for said license, he shall be entitled to receive a li- cense in due form for the purpose aforesaid (if he be not pro- hibited as above set forth in this article). Provided that all dram shop licenses granted hereunder shall expire at the end of the municipal year of the Village (which municipal year ends on the first Wednesday after the third Tuesday of April in each year) Provided further, that no license shall issue for a short- er time than 3 months unless the time between the date of such issuing and the end of that municipal year is less than 3 months, then in such case such license may be issued for a term ending with the then municipal year. And all licensees shall pay in advance the whole license fee for the whole period covered by such license. Sec. 4.—FORM OF LICENSE. The license above mention- ed shall state the License is for the sale of all intoxicating liquors, the time for which it is granted, the place and building in which such dramshop is to be conducted that such license is not assignable or transferable and is subject to be revoked by the Village Council as provided by ordinance. Which license may be in the following form: “By authority of the Village of St. Peter permission is here- by given to to keep a dram shop for the sale in less quanti- ties than 1 gallon of All intoxicating liquors in the building, situated in — in Block of in the Village of St. Peter, Fayette County, Dllinois, from the date hereof until the day of 19—, such bonds having been given, approvy- ed and filed as are required by the laws of the State of Illinois and the ordinances of said Village of St. Peter in such cases cases made and provided.” The said to be subject to all laws of the “State of Illinois and ordinances of the Village of St. Peter, which now, or hereafter may be, in force touching the premises. This license is not assignable or transferable and is sub- ject to be revoked by the Village Council of St. Peter, as pro- vided by its ordinances. The Village Council by resolution havy- ing ordered this license to issue. Given under our hands and the Corporate seal of the Vil- VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 29 lage of St. Peter this day of Bian) are Presidant: CNaare™Sealoias 6h Sie ely. oh. ee Village) Clerk: Sec. 5. — REVOCATION OF LICENSE. Any license so _ is- sued, may be revoked by the Village Council, upon written notice first given to such licensee, whenever it shall appear to the sat- isfaction of said Council that any person licensed has violated any of the ordinances of said Village concerning the keeping of dram shops and sale of intoxicating liquors, or any of the condi- tions of the bonds required of dram shop keepers. Sec. 6. — LICENSE TO BE POSTED UP—PENALTY. Every person licensed to keep a dram shop as aforesaid, shall, during all the time so licensed, place and keep such license conspicu- ously posted in the place of business of said dram shop. And any person so licensed who shall fail, neglect or refuse to keep at all times, his license so posted, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 for each such offense. Sec. 7. — MINORS SHALL NOT BE EMPLOYED. No per- son licensed to sell liquor or keep a dram shop as herein provid- ed, shall employ or suffer any minor to act as clerk, bar-tender or servant, in or about his saloon or place of business, and ev- ery violation of this section shall subject the person violating the same, to a penalty or fine of not less than $3.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense. Sec. 8. — TO WHOM LIQUOR SHALL NOT BE SOLD OR GIVEN — PENALTIES. Any person licensed to keep a dram shop hereunder, who shall by himself, his agent or servant, direct- ly or indirectly, sell or give away intoxicating liquors to any idiot, insane or intoxicated person, or to any minor without’ the written order of his parent, guardian or family physician, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00 for each offense. Sec. 9 — SELLING ETC. TO HABITUAL DRUNKARDS — PENALTY. It shall be unlawful for any person, whether dram shpo keeper or not, in said Village to sell or give away any in- toxicating liquors to any person who is drunk or intoxicated, or who is an habitual drunkard, and every person so offending shall be fined not less than $10. nor more than $100. for each offense. Sec. 10. — LOAFING AROUND DRAM SHOPS AFTER FOR- BIDDEN — PENALTY. Any minor, or habitual drunkard, or in- toxicated person, who shall loiter or remain in or around any dram shop, after being notified by the keeper of such dram shop, or policeman, or village constable, or any member of the Village Board, to quit the same, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $25.00 for each offense. Sec. 11. — INSTRUMENTAL MUSICAL PROHIBITED. No 26 VILLAGE ORDINANCES instrumental music of any kind shall be played or suffered to be played in any dram shop, and no entertainment, such as danc- ing, sparring or boxing, shall be suffered in any dram shop. And every person so dancing, sparring or playing instrumental music, and the dram shop keeper who allows or permits the same, shall be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $20.00 for each of- fense. See. 12. — OPENING AND CLOSING SALOONS. Every re- tailer of liquor, or dram shop keeper, licensed under these ordi- nances who shall keep open or permit to be kept open his place of business in the night time between the hours of 10 o’clock p. m. and 4 o’clock a. m. or shall permit any person to so keep the same open, or permit any person not an employee at said dram shop to enter or remain therein, between said hours, shall be fined not less than $10. nor more than $50. for each of Ee uke Pe Lee ee D DOGS. Ferocious .dog:— vbitch in. . ...oneaies) Meni ce Muzzles dogs.s, .'< bse. ss Sepia. o clehale ln, IRve eee DRAM SHOPS, (see licenses and penalties) Ss ELECTIONS. General election — holding of — notice of ...... Special election — notice of ...... . pr Bee Pleats ee ae Judges and clerks of election — oath of — how ap- pointed — Clerk to notify ...... ...... Pees of .jJudges). (and * clerics. ..~.. a ee 18 17 VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. Vacancy in election board — how filled ...... Polis .— opening and closing of, .......)....... How, election .to be .conductedy. ios... No wck tee Order at polls — 100 foot limit, etc. ...... Returns of election ...... adel shea wouncil toy be called: to can Vass) i, des bis a. Pouce towadeciare, Tesultsofien.ei A pecn isos Officers elected to be notified by the Clerk Officers elected to qualify in ten days ...... Contest of election — who may file Council to try contest, ete. .... Mode of trial of contest ........ Rt ee [> oe is Ea ee FEES. Sere ULOTS. >. yes. leer hos Be)... Sees Of police aoe Cae ete as tes es 5 BEME Le ore NR EOE Balt at ey shan. Me Lee vss. 45 Do thee 6 aoeee ee oe eeee oe ee ee oe ee ee Of -village constable ........ ee MT eee One Of taking up and impounding animals FINES, (see penalties) L LABOR ON STREETS, ETC. POMS DIGCLs LOU DOll “tax Joe... edie. Brae COMME: TOT YG «ae «5018's Wee Lk Notice to labor — form of ...... ...... Memon warm Out tapoTers las...) ese. Penalty for not working .... ... +: i epee Suits to be brought for failure to work eee LICENSES. Hawkers and peddlers ...... ARR TE EARS oot PO CCCI Me cro os a/aleida a eh ivaie « «id vie tetiie § ieee OITCUSES os... OTS «fics Pa 6k 3 Rey ee PEPER ARS ioe cP le al x: on igh od Setar ee LIMISEUL Ate. Weal dels Ou oo: cal tayieias et hy Mt albiede os eeere eee eee os * 6 os owen ee oe ee we ee ee we All licenses to be cod. by Preaident and Clerk .. MrMiLinvetiol Ore LIGCNSe. .c%Geh ©. ke ccld. «ste ws) oe oe ee ee POMEL Te T OIG. | sek) 410s a eee oe acetece Pi Gees aan Mave Ue Tevoked: DY Presid@hL. ...4<. aesnes ws LICENSING DRAM SHOPS. DUE Reh SG cael. actin ME a 1 ach ba Sie eae How dram shop license obtained ...... Pounver, OL dranwusnops. limited) wines) 02 iiss PSCICUT OFIILI TOU bs; J tete os te's otealtd RR ee Fee WL hicenserfee (3700.00.50 Pai ee oh ees 2S. ab AliSiicenses to ;expire “wheny = « «docs coe. cies oeeeee 3s) a) sea" & oe ee ee eoeeee ee ea. o¥e 52 VILLAGE ORDINANCES License fee to be paid in advance .... .... ....«. 24 Form of License) oii... - SR Se ee 24 License to be kept posted ...... ...... wees. BA icf 25 License may be revoked ...... ...... 2440 sb ce ate 25 Minors: not allowed .injdramshops.., i). /aee see See 25 What. sales .of liquor prohibited 7s <)\ sive oe 25 Certain loafing then prohibited .... .... ...... wee 25 Musie prohibited in ...... ene a ont ree 25 Open:and «close: when) eu...) PN ea ure. | 26 Dram shop defined ...... 5 ad So NG ES ee 5 aie 26 Shall be closed on Blection Day oie ek By ee Pa 26 Oo OFFICERS. KLeGtive “ich. ee be Be ee is hs i eee der ie 2 ADDOUENVO” AGiareee so cecten oe + Va ot i's fete aot Dies 3 eet age Eligibility oedee esis) SASS Bee aa ere Aree ec F 2 Oath and bond of). eee ee 4.) Seer ie oo EST Oaths «filed; whens... pepe. ce. : wf tae ee 2 Bonds — how approved and here filea it PEERY 2 Must’ ‘qualify. -in...ten tdayeae.. /s° oikaee cava Udy cane 19 Vacancies, when. filled byselection 4:2) 8 eee 3 Vacancies, when filled by appointment .... .... .. 3, 18 Removal of appointive officers .2s7 dyn ele 4 Notice of election or appointment .... ...... wees LED ae Must -pay over money monthly i, cfa....eeee eee 29 ORDINANCES. How passed. i240. deus eee o's. oub epae eae an ea ene 9 Approved or vetoed by President a 5.3) genset oen Eee signee 4 May /bé) carried (over tvete.. .. <2). a den ee 4 To .be,published® by. :Glerk: .... (2.22%, dite oe eee ore ba! Appropriation must be by ordinance .... .... .... 16 Providing for revision ...... , , Sata’ beh eae 42 Orders to pay money — to be aaa vgs Clerk and signed by President and Clerk .... .... .... 12, 14 PENALTIES AND FINES. Assault) and? ‘battery. -acsm. doe hincapiee ane 32 Disturbing ‘peace «iis. se wake ss Sie fave) peaches GRD a aces ore 32 Carrying: concealed weapons ..../2e tee eee oe, ob Drunkenness) jo2.3) 2.5 0. see wa sd pub: Richa ROPMLE Se ise eee 32 Indecency . aia ae ss oh Be Kad A! shetiiake DR a ig A a 33 Indecent Exhibitions »s ee 0 a Er ee ee ta 33 Disturbing. schools, ete, ia. : adel sel ee ee 33 Keeping house of ill fame ...... Skt RRP: Terrie 33 Defacing nroperty: 33. se.uees- a woetey. Mapas, he eras 33 VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 53 RE PRIRU CRE TREN crew Mi Uta) wae ee Oa Sa UT NS 33 EMPL C UNA IATITA LSS coe iis ahs ik MMR 5c UTE SR UNS tL eh eet ae & 33 Men nine -LA8C trains: i... 15° ome»: peictee le Ate Sad kd ates 33 SEMIS SOREN OL Che, dace ati, cme» > eles ke ae an ieeitias « 34, 37 Obscene writings, etc. ...... ...... 2 ail EA gar ge 34 MCP TSN RE UME A LS VUES UN aie 6) cat julio) + lara ossouelit hw pay oa ole whl sb Saunt 34 Team unfastened, etc. ...... Oe ca eee GN PELE cy eeess 34, 36 Obstructing streets, ete. ...... 34 Injuring sidewalks, etc. ...... RE tke Ni bee bene area 34 PPCM Poe. Bd? “ATTESE in otras 0 ere Wala ele 's wales 35 maine ence pe ‘OL DrisOnere. tae.) S14 GeN s a th fa), ce eh ao False alarm of fire ...... ENS Fae RR) ene 39 Sunday disturbances ........ She vo | aMeRRIe Wena er ald atts 35 Falsely assuming to be an officer »: Cale SAGA aoe 35 RTGOLY OL OLITClAL) CULY® Lk es ht. Sea a Me leta wae 35 ae SERNA) Ole, Sayin 5 settle’ oa o' Kat ore ule Wid adele wiane a 36 Unlawful assembly ....... ey n'y 5 GORY oP Lk allt la tae 36 Aiding unlawful acts ...... BG's 2" Sek ERE Ses a 36 SME ee UC a eel it A oe OM eA 2 3 Injuring trees, etc. ...... 2 hee COr chee er aes RM RE aD 36 Filthy objects near walks ...... ee ek os as a ees ne Pree tO “ANNOYANCE OF OLRETS) . 5 ck oes kn he cee 3t Challenging to fight ...... ed A One ee 37 Allowing minors in aramah ads Son ia Wale o> itty oes data ae 25 aeitie GtrOre 20 “INnOl, GEC) a >.< «peli vanes a eenere au TOMTOM TOUT BALOOTIG iat ume 65): (eeeee neh ite ole y (oom ee 25 Music in saloon ..... Sra Mik RULMMERS.. Gens PeNhaMA bape! ae» Wha ee nches 25 Keeping saloon open, etc. ...... sascha Aphta wees tea ees 26 Seine tqnor without Hcense | ... sn.) vs swine 22 Pe) KOODING CONSE. DOSled isct. cain). om pfeie als gees es 25 Peddling without license ...... a ke | taal Via a Oras 21 Allowing gates to open outward .... ...... sseeee 39 Not keeping cellar doors closed 39 Peewee mruvoiei.: CC.) OU -SUTGGL si. os ciew eel havin v.56 39 NEMNES GSLs SCLC mera te yd SCR k's rece ae Cpe ote oe ek 39 Not muzzling dog ...... Ae) alae ty Crate ar humo ettie re "seats 40 Letting animals run at wie SENG GUGM ae Me MEP OMS eaters 40 Releasing animals from pound .... ...... “41 Pecavine trom quarantine: 42.2 6..) Ageia 42 NOE OL RID SGM DOIL LAX Gy 4 otets tae. o.8 an 15 Disorderly conduct at elections .... ...... 19 Electioneering in 100 feet of polls .... .... ...... 20 TIT POMMtOL HTOLUTUINE VOLEBIELC. bese es ce vol sig dste ite 19 Police magistrate failing to report fines ...... ...... 14 DIANA LU ISANCES, «OCC gs nda a0! s ecale”, ue ebatenes 38 54 VILLAGE ORDINANCES PRESIDENT OF VILLAGE: Bligibility. and.’term. of: oifice ©... .. 04... @iseee eee ee 2, 0, 9 Dutles |i eos ala eek aie so) Gaetrrans LE, ky Oe 3 ._Preside over council, enforce laws, etc. .... ...... m4 Vote in” case ,or Tigh tau. Gecaml tase) eee 3 Approve or. ‘veto ordinances: —. ..tas)) o> eee 4 Enquire into complaints .... ...... Pu te 2 Sakbcies space 4 May remoyve.certain officers” ....9.0. ..c) ok eee 4 Sign commissions, licenses and orders .... ........ 5, 21 secure attorney in n¢@Qive .ou hae Galak 5 BAlAry / Of Gs. ets > sane eles iw ce eeetes eee ae 5 Appoint committees. .dieea-|. sue eee . 5 ie ieee 6 Call council to canvass votes) .325 ce jose Ig May revoke: licenses, Jape... .o5. oe Seen yt epetale « See 22 May. release ‘prisoners s22-... . sweep sli 2 eee 31 Fill ‘certain. Vacanciesin office: |)... 2.).ae eee 3 POLICE DEPARTMENT. Duties “ofes. of Wess PS, Oo ae SPLITS eee 12 Salary “of° 252. 32500 (sce: ae eee a SO SE 13, 17 Keep order’ at polls sea. are +. OR ee 19 Attend council ‘meetings/etc. -.2057 ; Vat ee eee 8 Serve notices for council and clerk .... «.2.) ...40. 6 Furnish’ list of ‘witnesses;) etc.: ). oe Sa eee eee 28 Enforce dramshop ordinances, etc. .... .... ....... 26, 22 May be removed, when ....°...... Bees. gt aay 26 Make report of all executions, ete. ...... i. OS ae 29 Street commissioner ex-officio police .... .... ...... 15 POLICE MAGISTRATE. Hlection:— term of office;, etary 2 2. Sele sn ace ee 41 Fees Of ....; ap Mes 3 ees ib ss aus op. oe iy May adjudge fines worked out ...... ...... 5 ts 30 Report all moneys collected, etc. .... ..:.: s... «es 29, 138 Penalty: for failure» to (renort (2 ee eee eee ae 13, 29 POLL TAX, (see labor) Able« bodied -men.«to work). ..2.. a+. 8s. Sass Wa eee 42 Max “cOMMULG.%.), 45 4. oes SR 2 Se See eee yee 42 PRISON ‘OR CALABOOSE 28a. eo ec ee ae ere 32 S SALARIES. TRTUBLESS Wk ies Bela PET eA SOS BO oars? “ee ae a 6 VILLAGE OF ST. PETER. 55 (ER SWOT" 2, Se ened ean Sy Re ee ee ee Pea os ates 13, 17 RCS DCEO UAE MIN, oot hel) aaa) oth ic CARINE avec in ve an Odd EBS CT tes latete a.'e 17 Judges and clerks of CLECUIIONME ci ade laste cake Fale EZ BeriICG) MAPFISULALG OF. ).u ccs oMIRbs > cove 0's eh ea adn y te ee ae et iW; EPRMBCR LEE OES Gr W's |! at ee gtd aves) ale Pe eee ee ere sy Coats 14,17 RMN FDS DP et ga! 5 dhicin a> Aon oP asd i a, tee AME Sk BAS dn eh ote mi! Smee CIITA MION OL ts ase) Sees ee dis scan ke a bitere que 17 SIDEWALKS. TN Te Cla ual ORE 2 Nn ER 1 RR hele DME Weldie « ne irc nA) ene tees S ae — 56 VILLAGE ORDINANCES oe TREASURER, Village Oath and DONG)... ey a cic «ole bus OR Receive money — keeps books, etc. Give receipts for all money ...... Pere ee Make. full .repOrts: co. sk a's oP ys we isla ein en Pay orders drawn. in form): ..¥% ‘..\.< s:«.5 ee Keep .special._tax separate, etc. ...: .2..) su eee SAAT OPK a He aie nce SERIO, oer Pere es ot, V VOTE. President ‘may vote when... .: 2...) W.).> 5 se Y YEAR. Municipal sooo een. eee eon ae eee o's a eh ae BOMCHL 85 al Pal ode Le ee, GN ale ge PPM re nu I OlIS-URBANA |