O27. 82} PSUR Boerne me wees Oh he A DL NGL I 8 Instructor, University of Illinois Library School Compiled By Emma Felsenthal Urbana, Illinois University of Illinois Library School 1935 rs ‘d - Me CONTENTS Fiction arr MeV ata VOR yeu de 2 RNs a ho bin be Page 1 EUR GS) A NR Ms, 6 ke wn oe ollbine wi Simran gD e 3 Biography BU SOV VEAP SS ee ok SEW OS Oe ee eee e 7 ee Ri PORES) Vie Sia ee aN MBE 7 Travel and History re CRN cee eee. st sb Oe es Oe Ns Bales em Bled “4 3 See ANT IOER VEAP Aya. Feeble Tis pice Rivne mie " 9 Nature Day GHC ane year gown ore. Care eet as r 10 GEG GAG Sen VRar VV Wie cave Paves daliacameen " nie Drama | RES GE OY OAT So einen es os spins 0 Rabe ere elneeee " 12 Aide BE BS eet 05. Bl RA Gea RO aR oR PEON Pay age! Pp 12 Poetry | RE VA, ORR VT ata ooh! ob ae ity whe ae b asiay Se . 13 SE sta SE VO I. Bees Ceres Oa eles 3 13 Essays 4rd and 4th years..... wp Rie iid lec! Sale ve Ne era tee " 14 a weer eed, CM ( oat wan set ¢ v . yo by ’ a m NbN Abé AA i eee ah iets ey We BY ee a % or ¢ : wre 4 ie > 4 ) io tae eet tad ’ “ Hix Hog rs Ras 4 ; ey i ; ay ry ete ss ‘ * Gia iacike da f SS . ‘ Wee aaie | 8 a | itiented f ' ty \ . . ' oi. wets! t ae itt : | sD ee Soria ne So are tans | oe ain : 5 Ta va ag ’ * : iw ; aera oe ie te a eS ESey ‘bee & Pre) uate epee ah v rs fh ’ r le ~ A ; ‘ i eens Cee i ‘ : ; | 8 a me ethene yee Tay re ae ey ee Pe eee iy Mig eed in ene SE d Bee Bet \ ‘ae al ane (> Aer we ' / te an eam. Loh aint y ’ was Pith oe. ; \ fe ky | ema eR tat al gy signe Ce Mir eiice 28" dip vim” a Sa ee Bp 4 ' / 4m ' . a 7 i] we F ae a avr ert , 7 J ' : pers : oc i A me . gy + 4 Aeoud f 4 Pa “a ¥ Sy { at) Jt Eee'y i mi ’ a a id . uy" ¥ ‘cf! Th rae te PARA Pe ay et By atid a ies A oa, tm Pi ik f es ite nee Lane A ah ii Sig ¢ ee ae ee eee ee ee ee vi Oe a + CGM : rept ee “tok et tere: My Ye ha he : ’ ) ale “ ye } J : Fa al? | rH 2b Sally peal, eee 2 * : r ‘ a der am : iM. of i ee ; el f , Pee , : . . KY ’ 4 *~ ws Pay J ” ih hi a 4 i i es Pre By et ne a Pe er e Puee ark aes er foe aes tall Va a 7 ) ie) a, ar ae i ree ae * oe ~~ § — <2 &6 ie ho C oe eo o% he ey mane «| Baca bel ' vay ¢ ei Ae oS 4 ree SRR pot ERA ee we ares eerie ee ew eee ee ie ; i BAC ae . oe aS a r yt . ie ae ' ps PP Thy Ae ¢ Se hy ne 4 “ ON ed ees A rr ere re ae Oe wae et 8 x Eytte, ' i by ake . $y) ade 6 le ; badd smcet gig | bae. “ax ig re Cam a ; F ‘ J in ( i Wea eit Pare mm dy y ee ern le ay roe ; es ‘ eehrerr , | ’ i j i te kdl geet reheat ie lo) ghand tet: okat arnt HAG} aE act Bears Lex! oa) beers Vata i puerta anasto cats i Ss ae rit Ua! ‘ Natal mane os —— gen pe reAich yo WS syd dh veieat® watts Ay ar ar) ‘a 74 pola gy 2 ree ore +! he polaroid abs 18 s94 ae haw Pape ity 5) HS 4 eee sea? ae TO THE TEACHER: It is suggested that students be not required to keep too strictly within the sections of the list assign- ed to their own grades. The titles are in general suitable to the years to which they are assigned, but individual differences in students’ ability to appreciate, previous reading, etc., should be allowed for. Credit should, there- fore, be given for any title on the list at whatever time it is read during the four years. Credit should also be given for other books by authors included on the list, if students wish to substi- tute, - for instance, other novels of Dickens, or Scott, or Stevenson. Substitution should, however, be made only on the approval of the teacher. It is strongly advised that students be required to read from three or four of the groups. Otherwise many will read fiction exclusively and the list will partly fail in its purpose, The aims of the list are (1) to guide students who already have a taste for reading to well written and interesting books; (2) to assist in developing a taste for reading in those who do not have it, To accomplish this second purpose it is necessary that reading be fairly con- stant. One book a month would, therefore, not be too much to require. Young people are affected in their choice of books by outward appearance, and it is well to provide as attractive editions, particularly of standard works, as can be obtained at reasonable cost. Suggestions as to editions are here made for those who may wish to purchase from the titles on the list. However, the list is primarily intended for students' use, and if duplicated for then, publishers and prices had best be omitted. 8 & ’ Sn ~*~ - A bh ee ~~ ae ie - a \™! gs yy. Me . AS at re NY Pie le, a to Dei ales i 1 a | Rove io wee us 4 y . ® sROMOAST BT OF PA Hex tip or boys eg aetnebudte dacit Do fpopes ‘gt, of y | | gees fais Had he exeetore edt pidsapn Titoigén oot woqgd oF ot a WON bikie ieteege ai ete asjtl? eAy ,webete pve tient OF be a Vuh Mae aly “wLbrg tud pameiass eis yout datdw ot egaoy ect oF | GUARD wise Ps . FatoerogR at yeiiide lygoabute at poonere tid [VASES ob tore #fRO% y 2S ot horette ed Pivede ..0f8 —pateeet | nie Kevetsda as Saal ett no oifit Yee tor neyrkes es) «} ,RteSY WOT one ager £ FLD i ak Jf "SG axogd tenig fol tevin od vets 6 Luexe yiberxd “e008 OF eit atagpude 77 .#siL odd mo Sabylons gusdige Br) &G .ftaom to .anetolig to efeyaa jedeo ,eomgtent tel 4 ,oryd Ho ying eban od ,x9yewod ,eiyoda woddutttesue .nonnevede ‘ 3 FERS aar stg +0 iavotana gas a ISTEYEST Od Béaohute Jade Besives ¥igeorve Bt +t thom G@RITENIQ »equotg edt Iq THOT TO egtHe MOTh Dewy ov isas Yieteg fitw tet, and bag yfevgauloxe aeligtt Bast Lily ; ,oeoqgmg att mt rs - aa, sw aa tus OF cat & TF TF 2 £L ea¢ 10 ares v0 bes periitw lex of gaibse « tQt eee 6 3VS 1 yhgot ts Orly tot atest s goiqaloveb nt deleea of (3) jeatoad gritagyoryae Tv ¥ ein, haben oF ,¢%2 even ton of ariv oF Ose at gathers ; migd YLElet od aribeot tat? ytecaooon al of seoms iwqg Hi009 | » Roe god ad fan ,apeteatedé 2 ipev LEAKE s Saod eno ,gnste eilupss of ", 4 ME taieo st ‘i 7 g % s 4@ POfado atedt af. betostte ota of fynog Biot ve me if on ohivetg ot flew ef Ff bas .coasteouas Bieriee Vd etleod b és ,adtew busheste to yineivoltuaq ,amoddibe aevitostets | ae BS anoifesszu® , tans a ldaqness 4 fs besiacde ed meno . j TRBADIUG OF fe fw vem ori. Sand sot ehem eted sts anosribs | ; Yittemtag ef gait ose ,cevevoH ,tetl edt ao pefsit edt port (Moi WOT be ta0 4Lqub if bee sey ‘a Seopeds tot behasict head ben aeattq Soe atede lidua Hettino od 47 ‘< b * : a 6 é yal “ff Have @OHOOL REABING List FICTION Stories of adventure; animal stories; stories of America and of foreign countires; fanciful stories; historical tales; humorous stories; stories of inter- esting characters; among them a few of the great novels of the world. ist and end years. Aldrich The story of a bad boy Houghton Andrews The perfect tribute Scribner Atkinson Greyfriars Bobby Harper Austin Standish of Standish Houghton Bacheller A man for the ages Bobbs—Merrill Barrie Peter and Wendy Scribner Bennett Master Skylark Century Blackmore Lorna Doone Crowell Burnett The secret garden Stokes Cooper The deerslayer Putnam Cooper The last of the Mohicans Holt Gooper The spy Putnam Dana Two years before the mast McKay Davis A friend of Caesar Macmillan ‘Dickens Christmas carol In the volume, Christmas stories Scribner Dickens Cricket on the hearth In the same volume with A Christmas carol Dickens Great expectations Scribner Dickens A tale of two cities Crowell Fitzpatrick Jock of the Bushveld Longmans French The story of Rolf and the viking's bow Little French The lance of Kanana Lothrop | WOTPOTG, . esfzods. jootiots. femias | : easitanek oF Fowee Aut ioge’.. ger iieyos. ‘ahibans fe Yi \ 225-36 poitosa:- jbatave, Eno romd 7esist “Leo troseta is y AOVUH QM UCE Nahe: ested wot © ine MAY, Breoliis * Bae Reiebete : geitaa- - a, PV AE RY a Sixow edi 0" oievort po hee me hat t to estrose | -, & Soe ebtkentd to a f Pack of S : a atk. sop eigag oth Yor, pad. 2a xgota oft doteb Lik” hs tead-i208. out sad AQehe a oes | | aviob ch BL s tecase ydtued pstetyed . ‘hoonizoa i 1G. Woddaugh fet DBE 29 Ma thnese , “abteon OOWs J toM=adr' od 5958 od 10% mam A. ro Liddoad OD eh tend fr9k wpaeil bag rated, “et read O28 2.” You tae0, tae cy se 19 teak, tieans a Teens dook PHONO : eto OG ANTS ong scented , 1S! SSO 0 MOO TBS det Se ont seecuvia hy A aes a Baie i sG44 mamrgtart: to (elatesah eat. Teqood tT. ee 0 ee) oe Cee ORL PLO Be atrolte ois, To teal ong zoqood remy niet iW dan 2 cee ; oer naeran’ Sie eat reqood 4 Othe t THIoN Habe Gog SEQLEe 8 grsey om? : ‘ona d nat Lhe FRE 989 +0 bagi A tc aenits tact aivad earnao id O66 tearg Pop ogin ar ganto fut i oni Lo od as ay yes Big teen eat no foxorw eneto fa £OTBO 2 git ee id A it oe anni Loy ‘ems sit ad Pare 1 i ES mand £608 EMQLIBT COGKS 25930 ea9vo id Sin ALeRo xo apt ttn Joys to eist A anoao £d et... etnasgacil bLhavetyisl ane ze ool soiaveqsdit | Odd bye LOR. to yrote ‘ag? rotre ae -efttid vod a *enidiv~ sok Se 6 it OTE toad Shsaek to 9trel eff doaott oa ; e, i Bag _ paps ae lyts ¥ (thet) Le.) Grahame The wind in the willows Scribner Hale The man without a country Little Hawes The great quest Atlantic Hawes The mutineers Atlantic Irving The legend of Sleepy Hollow This and the next are in Irving's Sketch Crowell Irving Rip Van Winkle Jackson Ramona Little Janvier The Aztec treasure-house Harper Kipling Captains courageous Doubleday Kipling Puck of Pook's Hill Doubleday Kipling Rewards and fairies Doubleday La Motte Fouque Undine Houghton London The call of the wild Grosset London White Fang Macmillan Masefield Jim Davis Stokes Masefield Martin Hyde, the duke's messenger Little Muir Stickeen Houghton Ollivant Bob, son of Battle Doubleday Pyle Men of iron Harper Sand Fanchon the cricket Duffield A translation of the French story Fadette Scott Ivanhoe Orowell Scott The talisman Macmillan Stevenson The black arrow Scribner Stevenson Kidnapped Harper Stevenson Treagure Island Harper Stockton Fanciful tales Scribner 2.25 es.e. he 4% pe ’ cre ‘, h) me ie ae 1 ‘ \ + *% Ay ie pl oka Cyr assy _ ee ae qrett valet tint: endo Ldeoos; tate Legal Nod Peery h toawots tel LowoeM ekiors oft eta _ingtetgu gh Tbs Mera : doqualt “Pie tzeyt _Efewot | Sondtrod : oqsat - pitebat. wets. onyodro tenes? oedsA OAT ? Mae ee rg A see : at PAS lg augeystida ented gad fae eee! te soot a er ta . fi ar esiniet bas ebxanedl come av i oe ae he | ontball baiw aid to ites ont a grat aste tar atved ait a! edub ene Ny, Tesi aS AEA Were staal bp easyaed yi iiotts “0 fesbuse Kid ead Qeeginds SR Lay oat titivd tease vat ‘Steals otro te Hed Biodtsdhin SoRAt ext ddolt aH ho bhi, ant Bi teat Bh rateO , wean Some Gettote ys Tetto Bre seranee Okided A” oa ta estvada abwor bactsvate atau binding ae wért bdoWmecng oad weaa ra | ch pane ? ett “te ekytd oat tee eo Riin eat “ee ete havea ' in, ae ee ly Pier Tobe 8s % ane ; mae eetan * Nate: Hudson Hudson Hugo Hugo Hugo Johnston Kelly Kipling Kipling Read The ship that found herself, The The purple land Green mansions Les misérables Notre Dame de Paris Toilers of the sea To have and to hold Little aliens Kim The day's work Dutton Knopf Crowell Little (8v.) Little Houghton Scribner Doubleday Doubleday bridge builders, The brushwood boy, and William the conqueror. Kipling Read An habitation enforced, and With Actions and reactions the night mail. Lagerlof Lynn Lytton Melville Melville Mitchell Norris Page Parker Poe Quick Quiller-Couch Reade . Sand Scott The girl from the marsh croft Stepdaughter of the prairie The last days of Pompeii Moby Dick Typee Hugh Wynne, free Quaker The octopus In ole Virginia, and other stories Seats of the mighty Tales of mystery and imagin- ation Vandemark's folly True Tilda The cloister and the hearth The devil's pool Kenilworth Doubleday Doubleday Macmillan Crowell Dodd Harcourt Century Doubleday Scribner Appleton Dutton Bobbs-Merrill Grosset Crowell Dutton Crowell 1.90 sei ; -, fogawt oad Ligne (,¥S). ftettd eben fait dau ok cong 108 eae ta e8 Nghe tog ol “eo Keabetn ood _ adget ob emus puto! 2 OR. OE8 ho ete Ltol phos. od bag ovat; of eet te oLigtd Rees Ztor, 2B ' Yad pat od? ,ifpatog bavet tect “ide edt, fe ., baa, Woo: Agowiiay td sit? <8 tb. Lhud. | pad at yabs [dol we Bla oe UM " ' s* fs oan te shy “ hi a . cy LA 1,66 av setae ‘ena’ 1% ytel ral DAS [ivvet ag we onty Lov sispe eat ‘ uted ot totean sit ‘ rem ytred edt : ay. ; Wtus tau ; ih ’ e 5 shisel Grist ‘ROS: « Tond toa ontom ,tqs0 To sot tnovbA | ‘00.8 seat ito® omits tt) sebbuf nodtocte | 05.1 STR 6 TBO ‘omed sawarebs ‘i GS wshts! ee " ysinsv - yeredei: We “ aie Js yt DS 1.2 150% relbnt aart sme, di [ine ext | sotgatias? 1:08 fierexD opfe al Bed ort ts 2 at svol seni i at ot oui bey ry toga 160 4 ait | Ce a ‘teqrsi truyod & Mivadesnd tA - 1 Boge! vp z astevetsd to Pity ae shidise ext ntewT | to gen sp ee ‘ynoo ’ > be } , ' aol to gnottoss lover “fencexed | peeet ah oa ae £&f Pe te . Saetod a Ao oe uw Pe tne - © L ft. | be ictiod ? oe, pee Cle Se EP A er Pe eke } n Be ey nd ‘ro i? F fa % - avr ; ' 7 ‘adtonek kL ws ' a] 2 DA wmoeze, 08 y : ' " 1 ‘ Orth: (9) 7) Foe nentevit oft ist and ond years. Alcott Eastman Forbes-Lindsay Franklin Grenfell Haworth Krasinska Hagedorn Hawkes Keller McClure Muir Nicolay Paine Plutarch Richards Washington Whitlock 3rd and 4th years. Antin Barrie BIOGRAPHY Lives of statesmen, natural- ists, authors, heroic men and women, and one or two of plain and simple folk. Life, letters, and journals Little An Indian boyhood Little Daniel Boone, backwoodsman Lippincott Autobiography Holt Adrift on an ice-pan Houghton George Washington, farmer Bobbs-Merrill The journal of Countess Krasinska, great grandmother of Victor Enmanuel McClurg Boy's life of Theodore Roosevelt Harper Hitting the dark trail Holt Tne story of my life Doubleday iy autobiozraphy Stokes The story of my boyhood and youth Houghton Boy's life of Lincoln Century Boys! life of Mark Twain Harper Lives Putnam A famous book. Florence Nightingale Appleton Up from slavery Doubl eday Abraham Lincoln Small The promised land. Houghton Margaret Ogilvy Scribner (7) 6 mh ad b ne) re ’ Ay ie : ne nae Fee Ai UL} beet “Boodivad 2 ate Hf Jatiet ? pa ve ‘ - sopntaectd naneboowiosd encod tetied ° , tick | * sethe ee Besiaron wena ed tox ao HERabA i t brxpit-add Fok tomo? ‘ notgatdesl ag toed dashed to Lanstiot eat et toubitet; tees -eleatast oy Ta RAP RES « , ie a LOS TO? ol¥ to 1, yet b aided etil ya to ytota saAT 2e80TS vdastooidotiye vi Ri (AGS TZ Cia st ® . “ c Fe ght fi es oa ridand Loorntd to stil ‘atyoll Py e-s Phe five es %- roq7eH niaw? “sinatt to “OLEL eyed ite ees te Th Be peas ; merotyd ae | pevid | Aagd Sled conus 3 A ‘ KO oe Hoe (A 8 Lega dts ier Some Tt oLt Yabo Idr: of ‘ytevelte neat qu ly lage eLoogid sadetdA ee t, F he roddiswod band bontnozq wad i tend ise ae aw Lago voungaed Bradford Portraits of American women Houghton 3.0C Bradford American portraits Houghton 35. 5U Eastman From the deep woods to civilization Little 3.50 Eliot John Gilley: Maine farmer and fisherman. This is in Eliot's Durable satisfac- tions of life Crowell O.p-. Garland A son of the middle border Macmillan 8.50 Hudson Far away and long ago Dutton 3.00 Larcom A New England girlhood Houghton 1.00 Palmer The life of Alice Freeman Palmer Houghton 8.00 Panunzio The soul of an immigrant Macmillan 2400 Riis The making of an American Macmillan 72 Rolfe Shakespeare the boy Harper 4.50 Roosevelt Letters to his children Scribner 2.50 Schurz Avraham Lincoln Houghton 1.50 Shaw The story of a ntoneer Harper 1.75 Stanley Autobiography Houghton 4.00 Strachey Queen Victoria Harcourt 8.50 Trudeau Autobiography Doubleday 4.00 Wilson George Washington Harper 8.50 TRAVEL AND HISTORY The books of travel tell fascinating stories of personal experiences, and the histories (many of them) describe romantic phases of our national development. ist and end years. Bullen Cruise of the Cachalot Appleton L275 Custer Tenting on the plains Harper 1.90 Pi tg Man Oo ma ry Gael aay Rea th ORS a SALELinagit .. ebadd qikbtn. edt he moe, Ai. OE?" Posted: ee ee OC: motdziroll- * bodd Lath, boats x we. well- & Ramee Solik Yo oVke eit O0;5'>* be dal wu cient a nombat. G0s6'* os lhidogs- m hagelamd oe te ison odt | hf ketal reotiaad te To wo tag 6 Peer. | Tota. yos ont ateeqeoted@ - 08 Ss a tondbioa: E notht bts ate ot predted.- 8,2: - rreohebaneat™ * Be chi “eclooadd sasdatdAa, ° GVeh-- tOQIBH. : tTesnntg-§ Ro Yuta: edt. Qua: : note eer. Yaqs zygote totus - ie hoods he tise eet. | OORT oeRUp ” Ons." | yehoddaat.” ” yaqergoidotud . Y: Ow Th ar notontdasY egret: ‘ H te eVlGbh: tech thnden haath Liat. eer a Bera (nea¥ to: yes). estiotald oc? bie: yeoombtapans Li re er ob. Pion adel tira, %o° nonstl SS Mills Newbolt Newbolt Nicolay Parkman Rinehart Roosevelt Turley Van Loon White ord and 4th years. Clarke A girl's entertaining diary. The Rocky Mountain Wonderland The book of the happy warrior The book of the long trail Our nation in the building The Oregon trail Through Glacier Park Stories of the great West Voyages of Captain Scott The story of mankind The pass Houghton Longmans Longmans Century Little Houghton Century Dodd Boni Doubleday Village life in America 1853-75 Holt Begins when she is ten. Franck Franck Haworth Hough Hungerford Irving Lummis Morley Muir Page Paine Paine Four months afoot in Spain A vagabond journey around the world Trailmakers of the Northwest The passing of the frontier The personality of American cities. The Alhambra some strange corners of our country The Carolina mountains My first summer in the Sierras Dramatic moments in American diplomacy Lost ships and lonely seas The O1d merchant marine Century Century Harcourt Yale univ. press McBride Crowell Century Houghton Houghton Doubleday Century Yale univ. press (9) 2.25 2.50 2-50 5-50 5-00 1.35 1.75 2250 5.00 2.00 at | | ‘seed anc ‘sit nee a "oaa | Cw Faad | Sabb Stud eat itt sober 1 ; | GO. often -Livtt rogetd oot abst | “ Moddiaudtl rat tetoeiD: int iy 8 Med ‘Wabdced - deat taoun oht- to: getsove i, Diet pied tioo? ctbtqey to aenayo¥ es 4 » ¥ 5 ‘ - ~ +e pe, " 00.8 iiog beitiaas to yore. ec ; 4 a hi Me < , , one Oe 5. ate 00.8 Yabo Ldiuet ey Bee ah >) = sfow &Y-Sc8l- get oma md etll sgelily . oxy | | ; snige& .wiath anctnietsine -e*itig A apie ye < - 4 « » A . pris ’ M4 o wey is fas. ef ace feast uh 4 > aa . ‘ - x GRO TWINS phage of too ts eilditom aed ea : “ Say Dnwoete Yertvot Saovepey A pais 82 VY feted - Hinxow ry Od vB T%tUOO LEH FT pey Hiro adt: to onxad whe Lraxt . Wine"eisy - teitncotY edt te patesaq eat OB ot SSOng ie 4 ; Pee USnesy re rf ; , 1 ath , 4 Baie Ay *. OBs8 ebiatiod -“ sectrema to wtifencaxsg eg? —baettegayl | A .. seiht to vy 8S fferrord “-gxdmed [A ed? A te ts hae ee 26 exenton eps tts. omoe Ga.c Yuerired ERE MUOO a, oe nod Spicol - gaéetiwom eatioted oft ny Soe Bie ; . site ah Eye fotigvot setxelG eit ab t¥amye Tets? YR : f apy ae ‘gaeoltemA at alstdavind nd temas NET EA ast yeboa ldo ae rokaio lg th 3 oe euentied - gee QlomoLt bie atide: food | vin afey 3 on £ tien Lana Sani sta altel eR0t™ (19) Remington Pony tracks Harper 3.00 Roosevelt African game trails Scribner 6.09 Scully Lodges in the wilderness Holt OP. Shackleton South! Macmillan 4.50 Sparks The men who made the nation Macmillan 1.75 Stanley How I found Livingstone Scribner o.p, Stevenson The amateur emigrant Seribner 1.60 Stevenson An inland voyage Scribner 1.60 Stevenson The Silverado squatters In the same volume with The Amateur emigrant Stevenson Travels with a donkey . Scribner 1.60 Stewart Letters of a woman homesteader Houghton 1.65 Stockton Buccaneers and pirates of our coast Macmillan 2-00 Stuck Ten thousand miles with a dog sled Scribner Twain Life on the Mississippi Harper 8.285 Wallace The lure of the Labrador wild Revell 3.50 Wells Short history of the world Macmillan 4.00 White The land of footprints Doubleday 2.00 NATURE Trees and stars and animal life and the marvellous revelations of chemical science .-: .- described by men who appreciate the wonders of nature. ist and end years. Burroughs Locusts and wild honey Houghton 2200 Burroughs Squirrels and other fur bearers Houghton 1.65 Fabre Insect adventures Dodd 3.50 f ally) sadn holieA sit Absa odw osm ae ot a: is ‘clo. | Sameidon shotogniytd boro? I wok 2 “9 8 r Fite Rae est tees tims trots ant oan node rasa ensyov bastnt eA + ene sfetisups obs | snare tt PR OP Ds hie ag ovis (emt , re There tus. xgeascana ‘ed? wt esucfo¥ scp eit of rant “Rend Pto€ ‘Heweb ‘5 -dbiv pfouset posmevestE os Vel Lar” apts ON Ee Ry le ae ' | #a.£ Norinsel “tebsetssiiod : remor & to atetead tens de ‘ ”~ = 7 e oe 4 . " cD at 3 ok me a R * ,. . * Saat Ware Tyo to ‘sotsetiq- Bap ateensoout fiotiogss 00.5 raltlinogé tees Ay, ase + Webel he \ a: ake dtiv -tgaeltm. Bosanodt- 2et teat? yi nt oh a us ; Wis ba7lroe é Bele 2ob ¥ ire E 88.8 teqte 8 ‘ioyiee tae ht ed¢ no etl _ ntisvT - ” a . Daa] 4 oo - ae, 00,3 veb* idrrad 2 Ftyh ea ot bat) er ‘ i , eal : | ; f i! Ctr? AN bi! ee eh Sf? bits tag ‘featas: bas ‘atete Boz esexT eee ‘ .Sonttoe Leo Ymecio to sooitslever- eugtiev aan Bie) ate eles 90t- e¢5 iso tone one BSE Na: Aree aeieel : » 4 ; . o ms hot at 00.8 HOF Agu or Yonod -bLitsy ans aietood Mice & e Pa a ig ' ‘ot OH ete ceod THT tedto: Ds: tae A ms "Bho desicgnnehh bepaivon i ‘7 Scribner 5.00 Hornaday Camp-fires in the Canadian Rockies. | Mayer Trapping wild animals in Malay Duffield 2-50 jungles. Mills The story of a thousand year pine Houghton 1.35 Mills Watched by wild animals Doubleday Be 50 Seton The biography of a grizzly Century 1.90 seton Wild animals I have known Scribner 2450 Sharp A watcher in the woods Century 1.35 ord and 4th years. Bailey The outlook to nature Macmillan o.p Beebe Edge of the jungle Holt 200 Burroughs Riverby Houghton 2.00 Burroushs Ways of nature Houghton 2-00 Fabre The wonders of instinct Century 4.00 Fraser secrets of the earth Crowell 1.60 Fuller The story of drugs Century 3200 Hudson The book of a naturalist Doran 3.50 Lankester secrets of earth and sea Macmillan 3-50 Lewis Splendors of the sky Duffield 1.75 Maeterlinck The life of the dee Dodd 2-00 Scoville Everyday adventures Atlantic 3.00 Sharp Roof and meadow Houghton 1.75 Sharp The face of the fields Houghton 1.75 Slosson Creative chemistry Century 3200 Thomson Outline of science ,vol.f Putnan—~ > 4.50 The romance of the he&vens, the in- sect world, the story of evolution, are some of the topics which are here treated in separate chapters. Read those which interest you especially. a a . / . ui ; ’ i iy : EM ies! ie. 5 (088 ar busied abet Ce ee obrguol bate x89v' ‘Renate. rs toe ite oe? 08 «5 “tabs Ido ‘elemiae bgt x OG, 2 trtuie.D .yfssit3-a to eaidntpetd eft \ ;, i M ‘ ; ; ; ‘ mn j 86S end bto2 mronx saver .T .etemits- DERF.. / | eet Yusrsized aboow ett ad tefoter A 1.0, malituosn mutes ot tooktyo eit ‘ Of,8 LOH sfLanut edd ko egbit iy , S8aeS | 2 i oi on yd ier ih adturonawel " OD.8 Novtgon Sstutean to ayay fs 66.5 | wIsT red tonttend to etebrow sat BBek ilevend djxse edt to ateroet 02.6 asl Limos}: soa. ftte aitsa to sdosouil ae | b es) {tind ‘Yan sat 26 stobaelga iy 00.5 hood sed ent 5O etek oft | RO.6 * ys bee LFA aewinevhe webyseva, aR. : | creat thesroR vWobsgen brs Look - ets Bier et Oma! «| ehie it eae ‘te ope eat | ‘, | O06 | Yxstrad yiteimedd eviteen) oe ate i rat aa we 4 ft toot = Dove tee A | b, fev, somptos ‘te eat tae 2 moana Peewee rote may a oe eigel eyehd seamed ont to sonscon sat a Peseta ets .gottyfove to Proto os” {B3 se 7 shetsqee nt betsett ered este dotdr: eotqod : 8. 5 aN rae Oram aes tootetat fo ttt alia af «0304 «a ae “ia } ais ee tae tates per ot oe re DRAMA Reading a play is almost as good as seeing it - if you use the eyes of your mind. ist_and end years. Maeterlinck Peabody Shakespeare Shakespeare Walker The blue bird The piper As you like it Midsummer night's dream Portmanteau plays ord and 4th years. Barrie Bennett Drinkwater France Gal sworthy Gea cworthy Gregory Mackaye Noyes Parker Phillips Shakespeare Shakespeare Sheridan Yeats Yeats In his Hour-glass and other plays Zangwill ‘Half hours Milestones Abraham Lincoln The man who married a dumb wife The mob Strife Seven short plays The Canterbury pilgrims Sherwood Disraeli Ulysses King Lear. Romeo and juliet. The rivals The land of heart's desire A pot of broth The melting pot Dodd Houghton Dutton Dutton Stevart Scribner Doran Houghton Lane Scribner Scribner Putnam Ifacmillan Stokes Lane Macmillan Dutton Dutton Dutton Dodd Macmillan Macmillan 2-00 1.75 3.00 1.40 re vate i eiee * A . &. we: : . A m4 aie ge be tmoe aoe ont : ty 4 may ays i vie ' . Tou a ee a M { ~ - 4} a be} ; ff f 18) a: Py rr Rh Se ey (OR ot poset 1 OE etht arog 7 OF. “a dottd = mao. et ihgs te. emmuabsit oh ad ii Stewete weal usstusadiet t vo tondit02® . gwwod Belt ¢ Be sy 2 toro “.-, Pepaotee til 0 or got AgtoH ee _sstopa.et usdexda pe ahatvrater E ated dab 8 bektsem one asa eat ie eae SEek _ @tteal Dee “a aety are) b ped: deed toe | fom oct “enone eo ie 00.8 ae | : et ete ae vétxometeo i ik 00. a. Alt angina’ ie exetg toda asved. — hy | aeger0 } O88 meTLeoiar: ‘eirenhbe vindtesasd: ast - mietoax | Pie ee assiote boowrae : “geyot © | BE. 1. uae ened | 7 Lesreld aa st mind Go. eu Lend ait wih say aseee le | Ceqtecidt | ORR. e petted cn. yao get ots hea isde or. poate” tents, bes osmoR pieincks ee | eye haven gat” eetanb o' nao Bila nel bah th : oy X ole an his nin ‘ J = (43) POETRY Find poems that you like in these collec- tions. Read as many as would make a small book. Most young people enjoy Burns and Scott and Longfellow and Whittier and Kipling and Robert Louis Stevenson. High tide and The little book of modern a eee ist_ and end years Repplier A book of famous verse Houghton 1.10 Wiggin . Golden numbers Doubleday 1.75 Stevenson Home book of verse for young Holt 8.75 people. Rittenhouse A little book of American Houghton 1.75 poets. Henley Lyra heroica Scribner 1.75 Olcott Story-telline ballads Houghton 3-00 Each of the next three is by a single poet. Macaulay Lays of ancient Rome Dutton i eee) Masefield Reynard, the fox Macmillan 1.75 Percy The boy's Percy Scoribner 2.25 Famous ballads, retold by the American poet Lanier. ord and 4th years. Quiller-Couch Oxford book of English verse Oxford 3-40 Richards High tide Houghton 1.75 Rittenhouse A little book of modern Houghton 1.50 verse. Rittenhouse A second book of modern Houghton 1.50 verse. Stevenson Home book of verse for Holt 38.75 young people. peMhyt | Rettayvor serot exons to stood Ny mB oe Be 2 eRe Dy seat RE ate a gabe Ldivot exo mun nebiop eye. tio . guoy tot sazev to toe pa £08 . ah Sao | 9 ltiaeg eyes. ‘\ g6tHguoH . mestremA 26 foot aie nee Fy eae BOM i og aks : ea mea ae BOO: ai Sb 8 tomdtre8 | eotored smal. yo fine tei: bee ete atts ~4 2 as ae WOE. Tak nad vel abaliad ynt Ltr -ci0we ) tioolo — .gog ‘einitte 5 vd et seuit !xot od to oga any . 4 90» s : ie wd dir ono #eetone 3 to ayad | qelveoell , erect Raliimesh. | KOT sod Sasiyeh. ) biobtogel | : | ape heh ; : a B+ he tond feo8: | vores ‘woe | eat pees ; * REO t teak sit yd biotss 8 ei lad. euonet jo) oi : sa rere to fxr sis Ia i © “) .gttse" a 4 7 | a OAsS. | biotxd sazev tatty ical to £86 g bxgrx | HowoDateL Ee ee am notdyiolt apie obey atk | | i: 2) Ge ee dt: rtebom to food oithel A aM sake | -oater- ie oe notigsok -fetebont to. toed busoee 4 ai. ania as. Oe ceed a OB 40¥- RAR i: ae 20%, eatgy jo, tose anc ah Choose also from these eight (14) re Frost North of Boston Holt 1.75 Homer Iliad Macmillan 4.40 Homer Odyssey Macmitlan 1.40 ‘These two great treasures of literature, the Iliad and the Odyssey, have been trans-— lated into both prose and poetry. One of the best translations of the Iliad is by Lang, Leaf, and ifyers. One of the best of the Odyssey is by Butcher and Lang. Kipling The seven seas . Doubl eday 1.90 Masefield King Cole Macmillan 1.50 Masefield Saltwater poems and ballads Macmillan 2.80 Noyes Tales of the Mermaid tavern Stokes 8-00 Noyes Watchers of the sky Stokes 8-50 ESSAYS In reading essays we think over again the thoughts of wise or observant men. Some of the essays on the list which follows are quite modern, like the beautiful and touching sketch of Mary White, or Kilmer's bright and interesting description of riding in the subway. Others, as for example Emerson's, are fine inspiring old standards. ord and 4th years. Bennett How to live on twenty-four hours a 075 day. Doran Carlyle Heroes and hero worship Scribner 80 Eliot A happy life . Crowell Oops Emerson Essays Houghton 200 Read several, Friendship, Self-reliance, Compensation, Prudence, Gifts, Nature, are among those young people care most for. Hawthorne Mosses from an old manse Houghton ie tS Hudson A traveller in little things Dutton 3.00 James Habit Holt 75 gee ke 880 - .etteor: per ape : ONG at B eit “Yo: eootietenea! ¢ ‘feed edt to ond sateyt oe see o erase bos todoted yd et ° tL “f - giddy _ 3 a anes 7 A ehh M cad ng ie ry } g f , +s 08. : | gabe fairer e6sa wevee eal | Oa pent eT ee oe Sait bist > rise a : 4 \y > 4 atin ne ee 08.5 Aeliimosl - absiiad. Ged amede ‘oy aneiee 7 “biotiess ) 90.5 eeiote. ntovet blsatel ede to selet 3 > apyoit O28 .8 7 ashore . Vie oft to stefocel a ‘eovall | : OX AGB - adtgirod? eae ataze tere tobad' ox eysess sathse nt Ans no eveeee ots. to emod~ rem Taaviosdy ié se ph Soy '* edt oxi Lotebom eting ote ‘avollot fobie tedl oie a “0 reed aopel: 20 datesie aiitored Brig Lud foused ee Pa ats | to Gofsalvoseh . act tronotmt ‘Bea Seg eee er tee. | hy! oe | oeieie “Sot eb otodee: eerie ‘eat iit Srps ae | a3 90 28t Herein brome ent | rotwetl om “a oat At elétt gidt difv ¥saae ont bash Oe 60.5 eat) ae | b Et tt atitt Sate dood a CDi noditeoH des sete vt hottevid Lud iter | gees ‘ my a ag. otgauct : al fot “4 | Bes ai at BidT i bak ox: efimatea asizes, es Pee... SA ¢ to 61 stv © bas. eee bis a OBE oe eee aqteds i id botibe, 8 “", | a Bootes sied fo fay te ee ' rae } ras 2 sa eh a 1 Ob Aa: 7 a aha’ ‘ soak te aa ’ } ra sale Con 3 c : i om - ; Reve | f f 5 ASA a 9 ak pa RYN io Fear ¥ ; ; -_ at a 7 ing wit ; aay te | Le easier eed Holey pes; ° (ee Ps Ab 7 Va tke oe Stevenson Stevenson Thoreau Thoreau Warner Warner Washington Wilson The lantern-bearers. In Stevenson's Across the plains, with other memories and essays. Virginibus puerisque Walden A week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers Being a boy In the wilderness Farewell addresses When a man comes to himself Scribner Scribner Houghton Scribner Houghton Houghton Houghton Harper (16) 1.60 1.60 4.75 1.00 1.65 1.65 44 05 a Pat ee SEs sire F 5 = a : 3 ee 2 aa Sa gs at J . 3 -; = = ae rp + = ts wd 4 S ‘ ~ ee we - {= a -- é S é = . i = - ey < WH 202 o < =——Oo —— ———_—__ | =—— ————— : — —— - —=F ) ==¢o ————_— ==_=o0 $$ —— =a =— ——<— —— —e =_=o Pa 3 SS a —— | ’ ——— (9) SS $s —_——— . ——— | ——— r 3 —— 2 | : | =— eee a : ’ FA vag | ry a : = : é : | t - Z | Pay : . 3 3 =. e . os ae z on | ¥ | 3 r ; wt f ® : | ay SS 2 ; B i = : 2 = ; r a : ~ 3 Ls z “> = g -_ ae | « “a asi ‘ . ~e : be ~—f : x Ana Pa “i : ; ‘ | | | . ? = j