for 543 Cities in Kansas, Together With Their Population, A Compilation of the City, School and County Tax Rates Effective Assessed Valuation and Bonded Indebtedness Bulletin No. 46 Compiled by THE MUNICIPAL REFERENCE BUREAU University Extension Division University of Kansas Lawrence April 1, 1924 Reprint From KANSAS MUNICIPALITIES Price, 50 cents Lawrence Kansas BULLETINS of the e MUNICIPAL REFERENCE BUREAU Lawrence, Kansas Year No. Issued 11 Cities in Kansas Having Municipal Lighting Systems (Corrected to July, 1923) 12 Cities in Kansas Having Municipal Water Works (Corrected to July, 1923) 18 Tax Rates and Assessed Valuations in Kansas Cities for 1919... 1919 18 Regulation of Traffic at Street Intersections in Kansas Cities... _______. 1919 20 A Report on Police Departments in Seventeen Kansas Cities and Twenty- five. Out-of-State Cities 02 0h 1920 21 The Regulation of Billboards in*Kansas Cities... 3 ee ee 1920 23 Tax Rates and Assessed Valuations in Kansas Cities for 1920... 1921 26 *Parks‘and Playgrounds in Kansas... ee 1921 27 *Salaries of .City Clerks in Kansas... 2 ee 1921 29 *City Officials in Kansas... 1921 30 Personnel and Equipment of Fire and Police Departments of Kansas Cities of the First and’ Second: Classes... eee 1921 31 Tax Rates, Assessed Valuations and Bonded Indebtedness of Cities in Kansas: for- 1921. 23) a ee 1922 32 *Costs: of Pumping Water in Kansas Citiesi) 2) oe Vee 1922 so *Cost of Milkiand Icein Kansas Cities 22) 20 5 ee 1922 84 Directory of Civic Organizations of Kansas—..- 5 ee 1923 35, Tourist Camps in Kansas Cities... a eee 1928 86. Directory of 542) Incorporated’ Cities in, Kansasi 20 1923 37 Tax Rates, Assessed Valuations and Bonded Indebtedness of Cities in | Kansas *for (1922205 2 ee eee 1923 88 Garbage and Trash Collection and Disposal in Cities of the First and Second Classes 2.224.238) oe ee ee 1923 39 Salaries of City Clerks in7the Cities of Kansas= =. = [eee 1923 40 Public Utility Rates for 542 Kansas Cities (contains water, light and power, gas’ and telephone rates.) 5. - 3 eee 1923 41 ’ Directory of. City .Officials of Kansas. 22227) 1928 42 Salaries of City Officials in Cities of the First and Second Classes. 1923 43 Personnel, Salaries and Equipment of Police and Fire Departments of Kansas Cities of the First ‘and Second: Glasses 33 Sal eee 1923 44 Directory of all Public Improvements in 542 Kansas Cities — 1923 45° A. -Model “Prafiies Ordinances. 2) a eee eee Dito: Be oe eee 1923 46. City Tax. Rate: Bulletin xfor 1923 22 ee ee 1924 * Out of Print. Municipal Reference Bureau Lawrence, Kansas Staff : JOHN G. StTuTZ (Secretary) ESTHER CLARK HILL HARVEY WALKER J. HAYDEN CHAPMAN NoNA MUCHMORE CHESTER K. SHORE Bulletin No. 46 April 1, 1924 4886 9 881 4 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 Giving Citizens Tax Facts A Sample of the Tax Dollar Graph Which Is an Up-to-date Method of Showing the Citizens How Their Tax Dollar Is Spent One of the most difficult problems ‘of those who are responsible for municipal administra- tion is to make plain to the taxpayers just how their money is spent. The ordinary budget is unintelligible and a financial statement is un- interesting and frequently lends itself to mis- interpretation. i s Nit ‘ee LY, hy emer Tae Several cities which have given this poblem special consideration have evolved a graphi- cal method of presentation such as that shown in the accompanying illustration. It is common knowledge that we learn more easily thru pictures than any other method and this drawing of the tax dollar which was prepared by the engineering department of the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, takes advantage of this. It shows the typical dollar Les \ \ A 3 \ ARN paid in by the citibens of the city for their 1923 taxes, divided by the “pie” method into sections showing the proportional amount of the dollar which is spent for each major muni- cipal function. In order that this picture might appear where it would be most useful, it was printed on the back of every tax receipt Nes WY YS = eg issued. It was also printed in the city’s an- nual report and in the daily newspapers. By two such diagrams comparisons may be made between different years and growth of specific municipal services shown. Some such system as this might prove at- tractive to other city officials who feel the need for a wider popular knowledge of the purposes for which their city’s money is spent. CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 5 City Tax Rate Bulletin for 1923. A Compilation of the City, School and County Tax Rates Effective for 543 Cities in Kansas, Together with Their Population, Assessed Valuation and Bonded Indebtedness PURPOSE The purpose of this compilation is to af- ford each city some data on tax rates, as- sessed valuations and services of other cities which are comparable in size and ability. CO-OPERATION MAKES THIS POSSIBLE The compilation has been made _ possible through the co-operation of the city clerks and county clerks of Kansas, with this office. Their willingness and promptness in answer- ing our questionnaires and verifying our tab- ulations have been most commendable, in view of their many duties. CARE TAKEN TO AVOID ERRORS The questionnaires on tax rates and asses- sed valuations and on bonded debt were sent to the county clerks in November, 1923. When the return had been tabulated, each city clerk was given a copy of his city’s part of the compilation for verification. In addition to this precaution against errors, we have called the city Clerk’s special attention to excess- ively high or low rates or assessed valuations in order to insure our readers of accuracy. TABLE OF ANALYSIS The grouping of the cities was based on a selection of those which would be able to give like services: therefore the cities have been grouped so as to make comparison pos- sible within the groups and not in order to provide comparable groups. Compilation of the city and school tax rates and assessed valuations was made for the cities of the first and second classes for the ‘ years 1919, 1920, 1921, and 1922. We have undertaken to show in the table of analysis some comparative data for the last five years which we believe comprises the most salient points of interest. Care has been given in making the comparisons in order that they may be true. The table of analysis indicates that the in- crease in city tax rates this year is general. It may also be noted that the school rates for these cities has increased as much and in many cases more than the city rate. City rates levied for the general fund are some- what less than last year. The average per cent of the total rate paid for bond and in- terest is slightly larger, but not in proportion to the increase in the whole city rate. There- fore, it would appear that the cost of main- taining streets, policing streets, and furnish- ing the increased demand for new services such as a public nurse, rest room, municipal bands, and playgrounds is the principal fac- tor in causing the general increase of city tax rates. ASSESSED VALUATIONS IMPORTANT FACTOR The outstanding reason for conspicuously high tax rates in some cities is very low assessed valuations. The next is a high bond and interest rate; others are high county, school and judgment rates. Very low tax rates are often due either to high assessed valuations or to the fact that only a few of the modern services are being rendered the citizens. We urge each reader to consult the itemized tabulation of the various city rates in each case where the city appears to be levying a very high or very low tax rate. This itemized tabulation of the city’s tax rate is the only way in which we have been able to approach a statement of the services ren- dered to the citizens for their money. The assessed valuation of the city, its population and its bonded debt to be redeemed by gen- eral taxation must be considered in each case with the fundamental factor—services ren- dered to the citizens. The administration of our municipal affairs is fast becoming a proposition which must be given more consideration from a business and social standpoint, or the increased demand for public services will raise the tax rates to a point which will stunt the proper growth of our cities. The time honored customs of shorter days, lower standards of service, pub- lic positions for charity, and less wages for public employees is past. Municipal admin- istration has grown into a man’s sized job. Handling it as a side line is becoming entirely too expensive to the public officials who are giving their time free and to the citizens who eet the service and pay the bills. BUSINESS FORESIGHT The unusually large increases in levies for bond and interest funds in some cities in- 6 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 dicate that the sinking funds have _ been permitted to lapse or have been otherwise neglected. This not only harasses the tax- payers but gives the city a reputation which will effect its growth; first, by discouraging further public improvements, and second, by discouraging investment of capital in the city. MODERN SERVICES COST MONEY It is a well known fact that no city can furnish twentieth century services on nine- teenth century tax rates; neither can tax- payers expect a low tax rate when the assessor accepts only a small portion of the true value of property as the assessed valuation. The cities of Kansas, as a whole, are out- standing evidence of the work of enterpris- ing, forward-looking men and women who have been and are endeavoring to lead in making their communities good places in which to work, to study, to play, and to live. It is hoped that this complication and others made and published by the Municipal Refer- ence Bureau and the League of Kansas Municipalities will be of some assistance to students of our schools and to the municipal officials of Kansas. SALARIES OFFICE Exp Uy), A sample of a: Tax Dollar graph designed and used by the City of Mansfield, Massachu- setts to show the citizens what disposition was being made of their tax money. CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 7 TABLE OF ANALYSIS Tax Rate Bulletin for 1923 All All Cities of second class Cities of 3rd Class Cities Cities 5,000 3,000 500 of first second over to to Under over to Under Class Class 10,000 10,000 5,000 3,000 1,000 1,000 600 Aeeoper.cap.ass dc. val n719.000...0.....4. 111d 920 995 934 870 909 Avg. per cap.ass’d val’n ’20........... eee 1220 1036 1116 1024 961 1099 Aveapercap.ass GO Val N21) i! ei. sete 1260 1021 T1335 1020 951 1013. 921 1066 1142 Avg oper cap. ass’d Val’n 22... is... 1235 1010 1110 1007 Visa olvozt 997 952 1033 Avg. per cap. ass’d val’n °@3.....0. ees 1286 1013 1135 1025 949 925 995 939 1002 VERA TAS TAU SON tire dss tattiys 10.22 11.50 10.39 10.65 12.0 11.60 Parmer tha X TALE OO cei Bele iyeiccedawsss Lines 12.50 10.89 10.36 12.86 13.86 (RS Ae 1 ARLE RL) SR fe Vinge leet hieose 1t, eo sel 4ul sO 15-63215.00) 12°00" "7580 PUMICE, CAN THLE! 22... 5. seeds .csr © O64 © ap ae 4 29 2g © 3 S52 wee 0 Ne a ce] 3 en Ss Pr Py ® q 2 J] H mest 22, es KS = ) @ ere Oe Orne = 2 ae 4 a H oh Axe Qa 2 ~ © & @ 8 o€ os aa) (a) 3 x ea) = ue) n ue) » 3 aa a BP Oe Cae Nees Sha eee 58 B e 2 B é Aero tao can eA 6) a < 6) N Ox SAF ea) aa) eo) Kansas City ............_ 108,851 121,380,689 13.22 15.756 4.5 35.8 3,782,655 3,881,605 4,745,100 Wichita..i:c. ahetencce vate. 217 ant 12770 24 oe 90 16. 4.276 31.6 3,509,513 2,193,588 Topeka..................... 60,022 75,750,819 10.84 129.55 5.686 31.4 834,401 436,377 1,121,000 Hutchinson................ 23,298 33,709,526 10.4 13.75 3.976 380.45 1,300,000 557,240 Pittaburg 2.0 cee 18,052 18,624,095 12.325 16.5 8.641 39.79 267,246 416,667 Leavenworth............ 16,912 15,469,900 16.0 16.0 5.876 40.2 553,709 351,633 100,000 Parsons... nse) ~616,028> 216-561-305 Slieig 17.425 4.926 35.865 96,350 1,195,000 84,052 Salinas occatek eae O.08b1 “9S: 686-866: eeu at 12.5 2.5 26.424 663,755 527,149 Coffeyville..:.......5.... 18,452 12,281,014 138.735 15.75 5.94 37.749 367,500 429,529 212,000 Atchison................... 12,680 16,795,812 16.75 10.475 6.151 35.7 141,145 768,957 Fort Scott........0........ 10,693 9,439,826 13.64 18.45 8.3 42.714 348,242 135,250 214,500 CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS Lawrernces:).4.5 12,456 16,987,895 9.0 14.63 4.746 30.7 100,656 889,090 Independence............ 11,920 14,409,358 17.84 20.00 5.94 46.104 469,257 897,556 Emporia...i.ccau..... 11,274 + 14,856,056 13.0 13.0 5.176-3$.25 205,546 698,460 Arkansas City.......... 11,253 ~ 11,912,320 . 14.9 16.0 4.676 37.9 1,378,372 901,181 El Dorado.................. 10,995 9,287,045 16.0 17.0 beat it A Teas te ya | 350,299 349,438 Ghaniters cs ease. 10,286 9,980,000 9.30 Beale 5.09 29.714 96,046 330,557 WewWLOts sa oe, 9,781 10,434,611 9.9 14.0 3.776 30.0 205,473 367,492 CLawas:. eco 9,018 9,108,520 9.745 13.90 3.431 29.40 210,439 230,300 408,100 Tolar eats. 8,513 0 260370 11.0 14.5 4.176 38.0 212,515 115,000 50,000 Manhattan................ 7,989 10,057,700 11.8 16.0 3.076 33.20 951,381 380,374 Winfield) ane 7,933 9,658,009 10.75 20.0 4.676 37.75 407,423 210,697 366,000 Junction City............ 7,533 7,354,086 12.30 16.0 5.076 35.7 378,059 89,055 253,920 Wellington................ 7,048 7,191,890 16.75 13.0 4.376 36.5 331,224. 717,425 Pratts....cee eee 5,183 4,563,063 17.0 20.0 4.686 44.01 400,000 509,600 Dodge City..2, gee. 5,061 6,084,277 13.0 18.75 4.68 38.754 420,000 377,000 Abiiene.22:5..... 4,895 6.237106 ° 827 14.0 2.376 27.4 16,987 93,284 264,000 Osawatomie.............. 4,772 2,240,832 16.15 92.0 3.72 24.194 339,349 184,707 Galena... 4,712 1,865,781. 17.25 95.0 6.826 51.4 179,475 Concordia....c......5 008 4.705 6,320,561 8.35 12.0 4.17 26.844 117,341 331,883 Cherryvale.....5 25... 4,698 3,030,679 - 16.4 V0 5.94 - 41.664 127,239 374,417 McPherson................ 4,595 6,325,675 7.50 12.0 2.376 24.2 50,918 108,131 188,000 Great Bend.............. 4,460 6,644,280 11.25 10.50 3.776 27.85 255,397 Avigiista::. ) PKs) “County Tax Rate 2.376 (ore) ~J on) Sr > Or LOX] OWN" 3 Oc a state tax, 2.326 mills) Total City Rate (incl. 33.7 35.825 32.1 29.824 48.65 61.608 42.2 29-194 S20 48.1 25.8 35.75 36.834 28.0 31.774 30. 144 39.584 50.27 20.63 34. 584 40.29 33.4 30.374 29.70 34.27 43. 524 24.9 23.45 25:2 37 . 824 ~ 3025 28.125 paid off by spec. Bonded Debt to be assessment * 29,000 Mille 24,000 75,233 14,000 251,000 25,761 20,000 * ok 200,000 * 109,864 26,061 139,500 24,000 51,650 44,200 * 141,500 142,000 * 15,500 k 47,091 Bonded Debt to be paid off by gen. property levy. ok 125,000 110,000 173,412 93,000 127,000 65,000 75,000 75,266 114,000 153,000 18,000 83,500 189,500 * 29,000 86,000 56,000 *k * 62,500 20,911 75,000 7,500 16,500 101,000 68,800 - ok 5,870 * 23,000 *k 23,000 13,000 33,600 34,000 38,000 83,944 26,400 * 25,000 57,500 * * * 60,000 5,500 * * 39,400 15,750 . Other Bonded Debt 11,308 3,350 105,000 88,014 40,000 ok * 123,065 76,000 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 19238 11 oe Wa Bens ec Bg a5 CD) emt 3 2 me 2 a Ps 0 Pas’ ee fc © ier: S ; : 3 aS 22 aap 3 s 5 fs “ 4 Ao ae Bu ee eS S ° = © = etic, 0 ey te jap ° = “ee a 2, BH OC § of€ ° a : nS Bo eS Bee 20 238 be B a ae 8 pt mee 5 «Ss Ba3 oe haere os S ni a 5 = 5 OTN oS 5 aR 5A 12) Ay '¢ Srieiitire lie Moe ts 619 626,951 10.5 25. MEO PA. 27320 26.474 5,500 Waverly se ee a er 619 552,552 10.0 an 15.5 6.71 35.034 29,500 Ug rt) pt OA ee 617 704,388 6.0 bsp 16.59 2.4 28 . 564 bia bi dety1: bie tne ean 616 546,262 10.0 91 FG 5 G2 1oieseotso * . FAGSRO ete en or 616 908,263 22.5 fh 15.825 4.625 47.274 130,000 Cen Gere ikchiovdsveet 615 814,161 7.0 1324 “18178 732206" $2). 55 PRE Qc ucla Noe, eee ee 605 521,920 4.0 i 10.8 2.376 26.0 7,000 Pith Saket 603 440,170 14.5 LNGE 7.8 4.926 31.16 ss * “ TORR Ses ee Se cess he 600 565,495 31.6 3.5 29.9 6.4767 73.8 145,043 30,000 NV ACROTIA Ne chon Anke: 600 471,010 18.5 4.2 4.5386 29.56 60,000 ACURA POUL & Boece 599 600,000 12.5 17:8: “Sre76"-8839 34,000 APU OR a irade cars dnicss. 596 252,060 15.0 af 10.9. SCO 71GReS270 : : i IRGTIRITIP LON, Hickinepstisices 595 671,280 13.0 AO 19.8 1.95 °37.674 27,000 MITC yt seis 591 389,405 20.0 Hin 2 O21. 8.65 53.524 ; 25,000 Arlington. ccc.cccceccssess0-0e- 590 578,187 14.4 .75 14.3 3.976 35.82 * * * DTOUSOTIM et nc. den 590 466,483 7.0 2.66 14.08 8.3 34. 364 Ses eal os Ses sceke 589 566,809 17.0 4 14.0 9.376 3671 8,312 43,712 A Pa Pen ch oe ee ' 585 762,160 6.5 e75. 16255 18299" “S05114 32,500 Long Island.................. 583 = 388,725 —s «6.0 .75 13.6 3.99 26.664 i! “: TOUOTON ae ees casts 583 569,247 6:25 1:75 18.9 2.85 QT. O74 “2 nd a MeFarland:..)ici.!.....:. 579 911,738 4.5 1.2 7.9 4.676 20.6 12 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 ra 7 S) =| 3 * rs a8 ao, 8 aes ee ae Ra Pe; \ 2 e s pa = ae =e eee c a 7 4 x aie SH ¢ 2k P aS ae ie ) s H me Qof AOE a 92 a = > Seo ees ZEs = 4S Z S a EN 28h my 8h > a o> > : 2 5 beet Eby pet =) ° D = S) Ps ro) i) ° 2) 0 ay x oO a! op) oO ia jaa —Q Partiord.. 9s 575 575,439 ~=6.0 19.1 7 S2176,782e6 Moalouth 2..4.e.4.0" 575 481,467 3.0 3.98 7.9 5.43 922.584 . = Lebous.: bey 3. | B12 SS5S0TE 610 Yao 9.0 6.71 26.534 Blue Mound................ 570 334,462 8.0 7 7-0 48 32.824 | ral ne eee 570 225,371 19.0 25.2 6.476 53.0 22,500 Geneseost. ee 561 464,045 14.5 4 15.0 3.426 35.65 " : Jetmores. eee 559 515,562 11.1 6 11.75 5.576 31.25 24,500 Wakini.. 6.0.02 2 556° 9T 870 2 12795 ees 1810) eee 22,500 Lotisbure fe aetars:..< 556 Whitewater.................. 556 778,385 4.0 5 2 5.9 3.976 33.95 Grenolas, (3c 6472 WSLS SIS es .75 12.5 2.85 30.024 26,000 Searidiae che 2 Dale Ose Sls BESS 6 lel. ©33476a01670 i? ‘3 Syl Viae oie Meee ee 542 642,193 8.15 .25 9.6 -3.976 26.8 5,000 Shawnee, 280.0. ss. 533 =: 919,367 = 8.7 15 14.5 3.576 35.85 Wakefield......c0...... 631 990,960 5:5 75 9.1 2.826 20.5 < . Summerfield................ 530 558,118 5.0 % 10.09 2.4 21.314 8,000 TDD Ver ah eee deer 528 429,140 9.5 10.8 5:09 -“S@7e714 1,200 Lenvracee ie. 520: “713;817.68820" 827 7%. BOelTGess 44,000 Natoma..i-2 «08205. (518. 758585071050 ry 911.5" WAeei6 Masses 29,500 Gardhers 2 Sy 514 616,010 5.5 | 9.8 3.576 21.3 9,000 9,000 Mount Hope................ 513 452,060 6.0 1.25 8.2 4.276 23.3 13,000 Byerae..... eee ic. os 510 200,000 7.00 .75 9.0 4.686 31.16 7,500 Otis 28. here =e 505 = 520,497 5.5 5 G2], 82855 Fale 474 17,000 Dightont..) see ee 503 638,644 15.0 6.0 3.926 27.25 37,000 Ednae..) ee. 7500. 14595805 WESEO .87 16.6 4.926 27.72 5 5: Robinsonx.:..4ee ce 500 399,164 6.46 .295 4.16 3.3802 20.826 Wetmore...) @e4c....... 500 754,079 6.0 .25 9.43 3.0 21.004 : 4 Dexter.) =e 497 363,459 10.0 [75 17.0 ©4°676 84.95 35,000 Greeley.i..: cat eeene) 9 496 Jamestown...:.............. 495 490,835 9.0 .25 13.6 4.17 29.344 - - Minneola: =i.) 493 414,150 16.0 S$ 11.0 5201 2 es4e83 - ‘ Americus:, (38.%.5..2... 493 371,465 9.3 2 14°7° SN 76537 21,000 McCracken’ ................ 491 640,444 171.0 °2:0 13.07 2755 ~"30.084 100,000 Fowlet..: 208 Oe Os. 490 521,801 12.0 6 14.01 6.126 35.06 ¥ * BindiGtty ees ee 489 568,916 15.0 .25 11.0 6.74 35.364 : ig Belpree =e ee 488 318,776 13.5 2.05 14.4 4.88 $7.15 “2 . Birhlers. «4.000, bee 486 636,925 3.0 25 8.7 3.976 20.55 2,000 Pomona gees fe 485 304,350 10.0 5 9.04 3.431 25.295 ~ 4 Alta Vistas ee 484 538,603 8.0 7 10.4 4.676 26:4 6,000 Inman. 2 2a ae USL oS Oe es 9.9 2.376 22.9 Roseland: acca oe. 482 0.0 3.0 28.5 6.826 30.65 3 - Perry Sa 481 472,591 6.0 QT 6.75. 1643 VRONTTA 5,000 Argoniac® cos hee 478 413,575 11.3 15.4 4.376 33.4 - . Norcatut..............:-.-. 476 474,368 6.0 5 16.2 7.616 42.6 Luray ei.cae ve 475 568,360 13.25 .3 14.6 3.646 34.12 56,500 Englewood................... 466 329,322 19.5 1834 551 45 . 234 * + TVescottie yess cee 468 420,420 6.0 10.79 4.8 23.914 Cunningham................ 462 343,744 4.5 1 16.0 4.42 27.844 : i SL VTOcke eon eae 454 289,916 10.0 20.99 6.44 39.754 Beattie: cease 452 396,652 5.0 4 ALT eee 22.644 Sylvan Grove.............. 450 972,085 5.0 G24 42176 17 " Kincaid s mie 443 330,597 6.0 7 12.1 4.45 25.574 * - Republic... 442 560,636 8.0 3 9.0 3.476 23.1 wi 3 Burden 102. ee 441 375,963 8.0 ‘3 SLIN7. | 40676204702 15,000 LAWiS.t ee ae. 439 651,304 16.0 9.4 4.88 32.604 40,000 Bieker ats e ees ess 436 306,882 15.0 W6 8915" 4:8 39.974 11,500 ' Other Bonded Debt * CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 © o 5 © 4 $ gs $$ 48 ae £8 o = 0 (2 my Nn ~ 3 # me res 2> +2 : Soto ee Ok BR oo 3. ° rar i) H I eval oO fay= ve Sal ¥ 2 S Os og ° = es es Boe ee ou fe ite ' —) n is 5 Soe ee ee ae eee See ES 5 fi, < 5 BE Da ae A A PIED eet ech tier seams 433 561,335 9.0 aa! 12.6 4.276 28.9 * * VV TEENS occa Sree sce 433 508,912 2.0 .22 7.0 4.456 21.0 Pretty Prairie.............. 432 688,657 6.25 a 4.9 $.976 20.7 31,000 Maye Me ee neue cei: 432 426.329 2.5 25 18.0 $.476 21.55 a * Norwich....... ae eres 430 373,086 8.5 1.45 7.72 4.492 28.014 1,000 Pawnee Rock................ 428 488,100 225 5.0 Se rrO "hs. 0 Muscotah...42..%....0... 427 343,679 5.5 65 13.65 6.151 28.275 6,000 TREC S IS Aso ng cxtues 427 416,540 6.25 12.4 2.776 23.75 * * South Haven................ 423 S76;aro, he. 0. Stl 8.4 4.3876 33.7 1,000 Melvoriiee ota, 422 310,146 11.0 Aa 3) 6.5 3.743 28.067 11,000 1 Eg ta Ph ie en ee 422 341,624 6.5 ys 5.28 5.43 24.784 20.000 1 EC ey Ge ee es 422 177,515 4.0 6 13.6 4.376 24.8 ig ¥ Holyrood......... st eee 42] 769,170 9.5 2 DeoemrOr 23 . 224 10,000 SPORT Paes crecesdesee ss 419 463,876 oO aD Sn. 3.0 31.774 (CC 2h a 417 797,865 2.2 ott 1.45 4.176 11.85 2,000 JUL, 61 415 449,890 10.5 .25 10.0 8.776 25.85 28,000 21,000 CLS WIT 1s aes ae 411 ATS SS7 ~-2T".0 2 14.0 3.476 41.0 * * bs) eo i rr 4d] 293,100 - 6.0 Pate 1G 27 8.3 36. 444 11,000 Terndany .3.2 sens 411 428,794 8.0 tt 8.0 6.034 30.108 Williamsburg................ 404 299,605 13.0 5) 6.56 3.431 29.865 16,100 PE VELORUte ences 403 568,344 3.00 Ag | 3.64 3.3802 15.016 2,000 CAULEOTUA. itace acs 401 185,504 10.0 21.2 6.476 40.0 = + TORO cits. j.c8 sects 401 381,297 16.0 e656. 17-4 4.686 41.16 LG 0 lo) oe eee 401 595,405 3.0- 76 6-7 3-076 18:95 pia’ GUA eee ee 400 281.990 4.0 76° «210.5 4.456 22.03 . “: FIENINONG Girne. oes es 400 499 465 4.0 50 10.42 3.431 20.675 i 7: Hextords: 4. Assn. 400 298,258 34.6 1.0 15.0 3.75 58 . 424 50,000 LCs a 2 oe ae enn 398 405,075 8.0 pro LOoT 3.0 28.174 22 000 JEP calttiick Ske eee ee 397 485.981 12.5 1¥-14-38:515 =20r114 117,000 boty thc eet ee an ore 396 418,996 4.6 aA 10.4 o.016. 20:7 x + biG Pe eee 395 437,762 6.25 5 1135 3.376 -238.55 ie * TREE htt ivcccsennes 392 437,941 19.0 11-3 6.176 38.8 45,500 POLIS eens Fae ssi ncdda> 390 387,888 15.0 8.8 276. 80.7 = 5 Westmoreland.............. 386 $65,021 17.25 .3.0 SUld. Seer 0! (oases 24,000 Valley Center.............. 386 316,385 18.5 65° 11:25 4.87 37.0 : *% HAE VIO Wes <0 oozed 386 491,949 5.0 25 7.77 3.3802 18.646 * * Winchester................ ... 385 425,778 7.5 84 6.75 5.48 27.844 Pigratnerrien. 8 Asx 385 336,620 5.0 575 =6=«219.75 4.676 $2.5 ss x Carbondale.................. 383 233,605 8.75 a 65) Sey 3.743 29.267 2,000 Conte ee A inks 383 434,213 8.0 11.8 4.686 26.81 * bs Coen Pere eee atc 383 475,685 20.0 5 Wes. 2868 50.924 106,000 Maribor leeks. 381 143,130 4.0 9.1 5.09 20.514 Rigi eee 381 308,286 7.5 pk 15.8 4.676 29.9 PR Ria T ayy ioe bs 5c 3 379 273,604 4.0 275 6.75 4.676 26.15 MP ESCOL Eee gk dei sds Fie 424,585 6.0 as) 6.79 4.0 23.614 Ball Rivete een ....; 376 324,215 4.0 .3 1050 © 19273. P20116 2045 . ¥ x Ramoona............... ee 303 291,825 4.0 FSe) 11/82 8762.96:5 Din lap... ...ctemeere 300 9329123 10.0 a8) 12.4 2.976 34.0 eee wer 300 =. 349,612 1.5 3) 5:95: 3376-28760 2 is , Uanontowi...n:heee 300 950;877- 0S 00, 2:66) 920.25 SEs 26.184 = “4 x Dorrance. 2). sees 299 307,080 3:0 1 (hee 3.646 20.07 Hamilton... 298 485,491 12.5 G22 ss 29.114 Green... «cae 297 397,150 6.0 Liv6= 22826424275 4,000 Garden Plain..........0::.. 296 166,240 21.65 1.5 12.0 4.276 43.0 19,000 Morkind 2.2" ee: 296 406,536 5.5 8.75 8.42 29.494 32,000 Allen ae eee 296 254,701 6.0 oo 9.5 5.176 26.4 6,000 Dearie... aie Belse 295 130,819 10.0 16.0 6.44 34.'764 EMs Falls. 3x wees eee 295 173,056 6.0 5 8.3 2.285 22.054 Simpson.<...dcsa ese... 295 319,116 10.0 Wolly 1047 . 3206.) Saas 6,500 STi PSO gre se ea 295 26,341 10.0 5». 107. - Awe | S2604 6,500 Vermillion: 25 ices ccceowus 294 387,011 5.0 felis nee 21.824 * sf * Athole stash ee 294 318,280 555 “75 . 1674 1.95 25.924 - - x (yrammueld ss iat. ee 290 S13; 1407 °5:0 G25 91 22) Doar rok 25.999 x ! PreSeotiea.. ee oe 290 235,660 6.0 oe chad bees) 62276 22:85 3,000 Durham. >... 288 288,312 5.5 1.0 8.6 L-Si Gels Chases). dee ee 987 216,214 10.5 5.9 3.426 28.15 12,500 Ransont. 2 eee 985 450,920 13.0 8.42 3.476 31.22 30,000 Uticas 3) 5 ee. oe 285 218,660 20.0 4 15.9 3.476 41.9 7 * ¥ Deertiéld=. 5 esi000. 284 239,680 5.0 925519. 0 2 -7.616. 34735 2,400 Lainie ek soe 282 379,577 3.0 1 4.1 57-376.) 12:9 4 * * Hazeltot22- ee 281 591,162. 7:0 cro, 12.0 4.676 26.75 12,000 Palet cee, 8 oem 281 442,879 6.0 DO SO w 6.27 39. 204 14, 000 Sel dense seme coe es 280 362,534 13:0 5 21.62 4.625 42.069 * * Isabella ote. eee Ae 330,544 Oo 5 18.5 4.676 29.5 Onenuia 2.2 ae 276 282,440 2.0 5 5.0 SS 12.824 = * Barelictzns. oto QT5 148,655 S52 29205. 4: STG oe ela Airona ae ee Q75 375,865 4.0 evo Leb. 4267 13.094 900 SCs oc are 22 287. O2i males 5626-5234) 4a5 28 .05 17,000 Lari ie ope ne eee ae 2) OZ 236,632 8.5 14.25 4.68 29.754 a 5a x $Mitchell County *Cloud County CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 | 15 Bete + “Seay | 228) 88 ~ ” @ ee om © o (om o fae} sash nz oo] 3 “ ee) Me yh yr ® q ee ) 4 4 A a> Q2Q,, Qa 5 Oo = fe) = @, Pre eat OF..o & a ra 4 = H a AX? Ata 9 D 3 x 2 2 A , .8 a 5 oi mek fQ ‘a nS SI < re S Veo DUa oD 2 We : 2 03 praty in PT sae ae Son oo ~ 5 ae = 5 a 3 o7N o me o FA le. é) Ay 23 56 4,200 DU VE ein a. onesies, 226 200,829 8.75 1.40 10.75 4.42 30.194 9,000 Oiferlen yess ast ae. 2. 225 307,671 oa £6 11.7 4.88 29.004 17,000 A) at ee Shs eee 22D 2015565 8.0 13D O30. + Sr 24.374 Waldron.Jic inex: 2925 173,866 15.0 Ele< 9%4' 4.8 31.636 - bs * Bertin te raat sur: 224 221,450 4.0 5 Sy cei Lg ow A DL ha » * New Albany.......:........ 225 16G 9208) 93.0" A 05) 18:0: 4.376.288 .75 Bartletiitetas tes: 222 218,840 3.0 88 7.85 4.926 21.98 Kdmond eck ates, 213 PS Ls oT 5 7 LT Lae Oe Lz oe 5 5 10,000 3,000 Brookvilles......00.... 6c. ee. 219,190 8.0 CDi ecGe wy Os, OLD HOrace ie tak. coickixs 212 132;723. 10:0 2 gee Ole 5 5..0 38.524 te e St. Georgeiin. on tox. 211 207,034 9.0 TDs ewe bouo.otb. 29.3 16 | CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 paid off by gen. prop. levy. v 5 a 23 - 0 hl es meee 23 2 . Oe eee G ke one ss =I » a » 3 Qe: 3} 3 e a w >r o re 2 ae x pt Be RF A 8 A 3 oe e co Zs 405 gs S 5 0 P ge 8 =» § =~ “°3 gee" 2a 5 fc < 5 — a Sees BAG & DMahsaica:: eee an 210 230,142 6.1 al 9.0 3.376 20.8 * * Hunnewell .................. 209 246,435 3.0 6.2 4.3876 20.4 Si amilin: n> eee 208 183,432 ot aa 8.79 3.302 22.566 + * Mahette: cits ecu oeree 207 119,890 5.0 84 5.5 4.926 21.59 IN Ar Kaito elas yc cna eens 207 259,889 5.0 8.5 3.476 (19.3 - * M UISVINO cs ccs 207 $2,005. 13.5 15 9.95 3.376 29.90 # - A cinivent eee toes 205 298,028 On 38 11.3 5.1%6 24.1 * * Ajalesburg.. 3. 205 293,530 pad 1126 5.09 21.914 PA tiniter 2 ee, 205 229,097 12.0 2.16. 7.87 3.206 33.13 PAN COD sig ecat cotteet sds 204 149,805 18.8 Ripe Vea 3.976 38.05 * dwardsville...............- 203 160,000 8.0 ee 902 150,493 11.0 LO eee 3.976 28.85 7,000 Brewster is. osec.0s.0 es 200 S26.340 ot OLS Bes Uo eos 26,000 Eemmett.e. 345 ee 200 199,622 8.5 wes 3.20 -30.016 24°59 14,500 Nsshvilles.. 6 ee 200 239,216 4.5 ihe ll 8.55 4.42 23.894 Mite eee 200 292,415 Le 125° 3.776 14°35 5,000 Winonatel << eee 200 954,757 21.75 2.0 19.2 doo 51.624 Belvues.s hee ae 199 290,819 12.0 5 13.0 4.476 32.3 6,000 Laks ee ee... ee 198 196,000 6.0 6.5 4.686 19.51 1,000 WVillis 52a, ... sere 197 T2bAis 8.0 25 Be 7 3.302 22.956 8,000 (Denton. cat. sews: 193 236,602 iho 25 9.95 6.166 21.63 Medan Ponte. oe 190 67,750 7.5 .oo 6€6LLLA 684 Q7 . 504 ‘f ODN Vere eet 190 363,204 12.0 eC. 11.0 6.28 32.394 12,000 IM SII GE 2 a ee 189 117,145 9.0 ep ORE ea lp Sores 7 * STAT ets ies ees cea 189 203,345 6.0 825 5.09 91.914 iG EV igelemare, Geapee lunes 2./ 188 176,455 4.0 05 7.0 ‘ooikemk Alb, ded 1,200 CZECH ee es 188 213,770 2.0 iat 4.3 4.42 18.644 WNiotazeee.....c. ee 186 132,066 4.0 17.4 6.476 30.2 Buancaster 2 eee ee 184 185,418 Pe .O $3.55 6.151 16.775 SVANIITIG Ge. ; Seesaneh serene 183 39,435 5.0 BES ps 2.826 18.1 Ming... ene ee 183 108,581 5.0 ye aU 3410) liso * * Prairie View.................- 183 258,885 5.0 .75 20.385 3.99 32.414 Vaimer... ss ee 180 262,974 4.0 aul 7.9 See o ag i Kanorados.....4e0- 4... 175 831,085 15.0 986. “ical ploa 25,000 Viola... ee 173 131,405 5.0 13.25 4.276 34.85 = ~ Virsil os. ...cccneee yh 428,568 6.0 . 29 6.22 3.15 93.644 Seottsville.a.1.!6- ee 165 193,847 5.0 135 10.22 3,206 22°95 Montezuma.................. 163 150,000 13.0 91.5 5.276 42.1 - ASrinnell:. oo teen cue 3 162 230,330 ULEAD eas hays 10. 35% oo 28 . 374 = x MLONPIO0G. <., ces ee 155 161,820 3.0 5& 6.7 2.3526 “17.10 -Johnson tt eo es eee 150 96,000 - 1.5 yey kW) 5.80 22.374 Sublettewes.4 ee 150 181,061 5.0 9.0 5.5 27 . 824 20,000 Sa tanta: werent sto 150 232,996 21.5 8.9 8.5 44, 224 30,000 Rolla eas eee 150 210,705 8.0 ik.8s kee Uleeess 38 . 924 x * HOF 2's (1 ek ae it Sea 149 128,670 4.25 AB 9.4 1.95 18.224 . 2 ®@rederick 2 .....4..4 — 25 Topeka oe) = —s —S to = Parsons G9 w © Salina 0° — — zw 09 De ww or — 3 . 6539 a0 1.3864 aa “I © Gr we oS =) — faS) or Ir HB Or 00 a 2) =} Pu & me — = i@*) oe 9) Dn cr a ; 1.1084 2.374 9 2.3 ‘ OTe sete lL On eee. Parker hc ce esate 5 5 A 5 5 OTe 12356 APES a Ved 1 | ee a ea ; ah Light... : : 198 SQueeaeOdU! WOT “1 Byea Fire Department... eee 1.9066 1.072 1.5 ae icapy 158 MA Sap Firemen’s Pension........ ul DA aes ee 25 2 A 5 .48 245 Nursing Associatton.... Shar.e 2 Donation Fund............ Pi iGage. Ose oat Band & Music.............. 64 3S 1 ae 174 Bridge... pen renee =o eo New Industries....... .... General Improvement Srincral Lain tytes65.)... i peng 4a ee 25 Aileke | hen dt tnwer ees WT = Or wt a on) rh) (iS) =) = eo) fe wer) jam 13,452 12,630 10,693 iS) Or —_ cx 3 Atchison or or 32 wa 2S Fort Scott rhs) two or DA TN Shieriy eee rene 1.9 .38 2.5 Day - Nursery.....c.:.:..... weds) Decoration Day............ Special Improvement.. .06 Municipal Farm.......... .092 Rest Room... f e135 Inspection Department . 2018 Water Hydrant........... iF: Police Pension Fund... et Police Department...... 2.1507 (emeteryvens... SecAn.. Water Department.... 1.0 CITIES OF THE SECOND CLASS 12,456 11,920 11.273 11,253 10,995 10,286 9,018 8,513 7,989 Arkansas City 9,781 Independence Lawrence = El Dorado oo Emporia oe: Total City General... Te yon eae Street & Alley. one te é 2 Health & Sanitation... .18 Bond & Interest.......... 1.08 10.28 4.6 = oo Manhattan now vo Chanute wo © lon) —_ AS v9 wo © Newton PhS) ~ —_ wo we vw 09 oo © (So) rw © Ottawa ore 3 TS Or bad won lola (=) (ee) foe) mem Or rhs) = Or —" oe) ©9 on) Wo) D Sr St DOOR Light.... ie ie [GOs 4 Soe 6 Fire Department... ORAS STAN) eg oe i) Library.. ; PAS 1 18 EROS Nursing Association... : Band & Music.............. ae 2 ‘ =a fed a A General Imp................. 8 139 .07 Sewage........... 4 Special Improv ement.. Hest Honiarici. 0. 5.icie vs em VO =e ras) t or Or Or 09 &% 09 CAS) oo 09 — = cr @ Lar 2 < oo _— = — ee er a Or Us , gag rh) Or ~© COmMGtET¥ ato teke ciece. i ; Water Department: 4 Bridge... ete Boe aye Hospital. NE eric ge Garbage Disposal........ Or th) lagicis (doe Wellington mo OS Winfield — wo © Junction City won wT Gr 09 or iS) of ~ or 2sous (oS) woo CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 18 Ye 1s ; 1D 19 HID D 19 £06"e RSowns GS % on SoL'e CODAHRNOH ONO R 1d 0 1072 AOOMMrRIss 19 a Bluopol yy TRAD SABH Ros cyt = UuBULSUIS, ~RNNH ; 19 Ye) ve 6929 02 2919 600°F IDIDOMmRN CH Ro 4 98T§ rOnNSo OS 4 Rw ots ee TOF 69 HS GID UO NRK eel ex shah reat! Oem a BUOAT aie” 35 ‘ 40 a> ‘7 690‘F OMIM ONO HRNO RNR CCGas mnOoOoM SCS OF GCS G NQSooo oO S167 ca 1g UoVSUMAOH Wg aH ByyeMelT an Seas PIOWUNH Ss oaowHa : onl re Q Lae : Ye) 19 ‘ 4 616 Now S a 19 GZZ‘s cmon nocSe 1 20 ra ES ~ eysnsny 1D 0 NE = DeUdLUOL S 000 Re ‘aa gs re 19 eM) iy ae 1D 19 19 19 09F‘F RO © HMNHSO Ras RQ 892'e reno ~ eR 1 499° COOH WHO _ pued #891 Lg a = arent toe tp | eee) pak BETO es ek mm : re R = é DOIDS 6 1g ‘ 19 ‘ G6S'F MWORGDH GOH QV O ae 19 19 0 19 19 19S eS iat eee ae SoSOon ON S uost94UdON nH oe WPIO Sane 4 ‘ he > 69 09 a 19 1 19 ; , R o OL Ye) 19 869'F HiIQSONR SOS we cTs‘s SS 6HHre RH 3 Toy ne OOD S1919H QW PIVBAAIIIGYD sana i RLOTP SLY Testes 566 ‘ FO EE repay oi arapaae ie at rs 19 19 © : GOLF BOSCHRN SHr~ a LOE'Ss BOORRNKO 19 GR OrLS MOMCSCHOSO DIO BIPIONUND nRAm AVuBO 09 OR Sw ; AUOUWV so er oS Se re Lise | BY) 10) : as) 1 ‘ GLL'h RS Sere Se eS 809°S Contr iso ° LG8‘Z CMmH9r~ OS0 oO BUSTED Si ROT rt ssulids 19}XPGT Voc _ a dAOAD [LQUNOD Beas a ee) = re > é. oe) Yen) 2 Yon) Yon] SLL YP mtéooOoRN 6 © HR e119 e ScooRrnrs i 8h0'e CwMWOHSWH WO © STULOJBMESQO OMHS 4 [B49GIT wg Hna OITIASAUBIW RRO a) : re rm Saal re Yon) Yon} ‘ Ye Yon) C68‘F mEMINOM DOM oF 15 SIL‘s 19SO6HH SM et OT ECR Boon 19 10 19 aUeTIGV saan pe 191U8D APIO Honan” i eleaiad SeeELT A P i re ra ‘ ve Yon] pYon} Yen) aw) PN re SIHMHS Arona 19 BPgig DO DORSAHR B19 aot ¢ FOORHSOSOH O10 ORaHe AWD USPIBH ro nH = ; i! Be eet ey ien as an iat wii dds rel rt i! = ‘ ‘ ‘ ar 1 981 S mo ole ot ae Tey fb6 & IS Oo ets RQ 19 TOTS ROSS 9% OF IAD 19 VICI = gaia . BUSIPOIN Suis mcrae te ars oe e A preity Saree sehen ae . are a tah ~RN @& CD OD OD Ho 4 TORN = re re mo e . . . . . . . . . . . . . ® Ne CE RCN cae er ee rae hee ae eee ret ieee ce lea: feta Pena as NaS: Ee ten ee se ae ey eres SOG Th Ree tee Re gam 15 Caen tole Ee RC a RE CU ee Marri eri pars oh Gace Moe he aes = ic ae a= nate Sake prepa Geet Wha eat yh eee eau a fk ur da Coe PA ete 2~ SiR Ss 2 Saat at ty ie lina ao hg eae ee ee eae ee Ree eee ache ee. eee A ee Ne afer! ieee co ET, cage imae os ba ke ag = Rae ec Me = Ber ek a eT Seo a Ee OB aie ee ae a Ge ee i ier yan 8) iF om ea A Mawes Rs ie : 5 so: ee ar ek: ne atl oe oS Seo So Ao Sie ph Bi: Poa 2,0 1.00 5.40 Q. Fe 1.0 2.0 10.0 14.5 18.0 1.0 1.0 12.0 2.0 2.0 AD] 11.5 2.24 2.0 6.9 23 1203 3.0 2.0 1.0 Hydranttic.cccs,.: DOWER cbabaal dns’ PAG Dir Ftaccs. General Improvement WE Let ea eS onoy: Geme@ter Yrs fecerk ssh ss: Strett & Alley.............. Cs bdh, ious dos Fire Department... Athi FET BE pe Bond & Interest........ ; tei ge hs ae ee Totalinivn sic. (eer 280) Sa. CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 20 6E3'T SUBAI[NIV L¥Z‘T Ul[IEqO T62 T uo UuBsEd[dq G08‘T eZpoy suloipeay OTs'T Sinqsdi[[iud vte‘T JAOJHUBIG ToE‘T SAIB]T 39 ¥2E'T W033903g 968‘T oyeyueyy 907T WOPSULYSE MM TSt'T o10qs{ tH 68¢oT OS9ule A 80S ‘T SsUuUMOG 9.25 3.00 11.80 15.10 2.50 3.00 etapa bara uta ee LOLA) WU Uiae cee Bond & Interest.......... C Y a 2.0 1.0 2.0 25 .50 1.80 7.00 4.00 . 60 .50 1.70)" 1005" teo0 1.00 ev Fire Department.......... CIMNELE Vine sees Lig bg cy See Cree tee eee NA PAT Vas crn ees ( 60T‘T U01}99}01g SILT = - AYIQ Yoog vIL'T 4£q109 OZT T ssujidg ABMUOD 00 LEL'T UIMpPled LYL'T puelysy 19 O9T‘T WeUAIA 1D S9T‘T : Peo S[VH o AS o1Ig GLEE BIpBoly LOG'T Id9}EMPLOD fost GTS‘T 19 1B sinqgsusoi+) 8IZ‘T 122 SII@A ASTRA Ty ALOT bs atc. a ares Hospital yeneral Imp................. Waters pete cst areca Street & Alley.............. C 2.0 1.5 oa 2.0 6.0 1.0 1.0 3.0 2.0 Bond & Interest.......... Hy drantexo.s: eee oes: De Wetec eee Pavitig eeni> Sane General Imp... eee Water. 3 cncteten,. amet Mire. Depts 24a oe Tats ae... See eect GETALCI VE «..:..:..0Raetos: Street & Alley.............. Library. hee POtANGIty f0ce teed (FONE Als, Se nei eee oes OTOT ssBlsnoqg 9T0'T euooILy 020'T UOSTIM 820°T eusAOBT bF0'T SII@uT Poomuoj}09 vb0'T d[BAIePID 6S0'T esSnoeI sy 090T prleMmoyyT €90°T ePpAIO’ TLO‘T uUOULO[OS T60‘T eeyo19O SOL'T pooMUTIIA 6.22 26.6 26.6 34.12 16.0 12.0 Total Gitys eect Generako ais ee 7.72 10.5 22.87 3. 5.0 6.5 1.0 3. 1 12, Bond & Interest.......... ev DOWEL ome Hest Loon)... Piedras 2a. ee PAVING cee ee Water «Sots ete en Street & Alley.............. General] Imp................. ometerya sees Bands Soe ee Fire Department.......... Lights oe Parks Ate oe ee Library2: ase bee 21 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 8065) Migs S08) S Sete Rane eee 2 S288 8 AMD SSON RTRs Wis ae VSSOID eT &. 7 ef ie ce . IT[IASOB] SSS > 1g RO Ha DRO _ — rm oD = re = re re 616 Se So eS > 608 9G2 DOOMYy ae ro he puUvIusION = Ser. : SITASTIOM See = ~rOOH RMN = 20 R oD rm QO R isyd Lael & re 8E6 = cT8 = = 6SL [e19uIW sem SO Cae sSulidg uorsyug TSC a SSpiyan eee eee Weel ae mop 6f aH 219 69 69 OH mR : CR ~ rt re — br6 ene eat STs COL Soo 1D eSa70Gm CS a) od fa) AYO Bu0i34s Sing tae : A0YU 97 ace e aes s SIL[Odoue xT ek ee : HO | HRN a rex : © 69 19 _ _ r= L¥6 : 128 ee SL. a Pe 9 195 O° 16) ooren Sac L oo TOeOuVH 2.2 Aare : OTEAUO}ININ, > oe ; ay jequaaiyn OS g roe es cy i) been IS) AES) 2 rm 4 oD rm Gt 66 cs = re re 056 328 = 0 RNOWRN SIO 19'S Som) Poy es 69 82 So wm» OMn0KT “=. >. 4, aa uoueqga Ae : ’ : 9 Ae ig Cae Pas £5.80: S3 QO tr ord tH 69 29 re 2} 2 ROR So oD mi = TL6 5 638 on st PBL a — rn) = of 19 O roy erxouesu0, =~ O1UODRI, °c “Ase : woexey us 6 a fae oD on | _ me H t PE | ee | es VL6 Gss S 20 ; I) oe wcmoomf S sS : 89L RNR RO » neg ‘} cay bong 4 : ul[Tyon =) ; eS. ‘ I d 5 SRN OD me Qe ae a © 69 69 _ Qe - OTH EO COMmr~ re r= SLE oO 8&8 oon 1D > Ton) Oo oo» a) =) 88. Yo eSlId1ie}u 5 rs deren s AES : eseu hg =) ak a. ; = et ae ol oo 4 — O SOR Gr 6 AUD 1eqMeO 19 69 6 R = \ soe | re — T66 oo Scare 8&8 R 68L i) 5 Oars 20001 rs ends ee epeod a ee ese : : o dinates mes Bane Lise aos BOL i aies m Cav oe be | re . re L66 MoMMINnO OO 6&8 MOO =. SCS o 6 G6L S Auoto ee rn a ee : QuIe sTITo fier Bee ert 3 ; aie ous 100 Oto x oo Meld PMA Sg ae of COSTED CIN ia ar os oa m £00 T con o So «4 €48 aoa ~ o oa) - £08 Roonwo»w AzuzoN eb pie tke é js uReude mule Ghee o A - i.e teas pane eas. re eM Soe rel ae of) te m AQTI®A punoy en Raa, Ll RN re —_ re 400'T Sco 4 HOO 018 19 19 om Re $08 SS) SS O[[IAUIe Siete hats s 5 s 3 one oe ee are a aes tT Id ~ 89o x o& CUO EL a rscopaat oR T9®9P angmig RR | ae | Dor A ne a ae a aie ak a ere alee) or [14 ae eee 8 Shek ie oh ok eae ede a ea ae ee Se ry rc it = Remi es at a ees eR rhe ie a See me a ote : : eM ce ee OA ss a Sr be? ae fee eee ey fot hoes hi gs ee eee ee Se PS eres ee = | ee s 1 oe mes Bis tik SA is a re rr a Sa ce | OSS ip MS) 88 Saar, Out ec Gear ty Ome 22.5 maa * “BO we he S aye THA FR a a S sareks py es es VUw & 2 > & HS ce SL hd 8 re ee Oa ad SESEREDEESE 2 Se Seah ms ES SSE SE REES te ot BO 2 CO cpt e oe) O53 CS spel ant ROR Fe Onoeme ROMA OE OMOnOoEE BOM Am ¥ .50 4.00 3. 3.0 HIV GEARG i eices. roicinse Ne hf ol Re a TOE EUROT 8 ods cca General Imp................ Woh ote oe ens ] 0 Py es CEMELET Ys 205 oss nccrdth Street & Alley.............. 22 LOLRLACHL et ack aes Greneral.eticc eee! Bond & Interest.......... Bire Depts: tates. nc. Lights e322 ae Cemeterygcatoesee Street & Alley.............. PAViNe 26 enna Rest RGem bose. Meptal ONL fen e: xe ATeHErAl mies..... aces Bond & Interest......... Cemetery.s 5: aera Street & Alley............. General Imp................ Watering 220 3" cone Total City yon: Genéralo3 4c Fen Bond & Interest......... Park ibraryasse eee ae Fire Department. ........ Licht. Siok cele Street & Alley............. General Imp.......:......... AY LOG jeer ies) Sete oe Flv tanitowe oe actos CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 Elwood 750 Mound City 720 Little River 749 _ BO ew Cr Noo) a) Towanda 718 2.0 Clearwater 648 .50 —_ Oxford 748 oo 69 Ses wo —) nO 10 1.0 8.0 1.0 10 3 5 SS Gx a> Oe fas} n ) e) 7) -0a70 Le 3.0 ao 4.00 5 50 20 oO 1.00 .20 2.0 1.00 a) 8 fe hea ee Gs Ox Peo Hpco ® =} S a 9.00 20.50 By) SRA TEO00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 50 Buffalo 739 jund = So & bl .61 Or Nortonville 696 wD or i) South Hutchinson 639 2.00 2 2 ‘cl ° = a e fan} Sen @ o Herp Se fokor) Fy ov St or ~ ie) = | nh = eC on 5 Le Beau 2 Or ou AgSy. TEA .5 .o oo 2D 1] LO Ibe 28 TO aD c Sa Sco aw Bi ot oF a) 6,05 ge 3 ° os ea) a < 10.00 15.10 14.9 a0 Pa me U 320 3.50° 9:00 9.50 30 .40 . 20 1.00 10 2.50 oO 2 .b0 2.00 20 c ea) “2 $8 88 ae oe reo 5 Hes Ses moo oD oc =t= Pm — O ay 14.3 15.0 SeOF Lt 4.8 8.0 5 25 5) 1.0 25 lio f 220 3.0 1.0 2.5 ‘= ae LO va Eaweece 4.30 6.00 adi TR, 1.30 1.00 2.00 = a3 ES ha) =e = ro) 1.50 13.80 2.50 1.50 6.80 1.00 1.00 2.00 .50 pees zd Ow Om me US a Nn fe ro) 10.75 2.40 9.25 1.00 .30 2.5 6.00 1.60 4.0 50 5 05 15 25 1.00 .30 2.25 50 1.00 .50 p> = o) a or na Tm) 5 | Ss 9.0 13.00 5.0 6b Sopa 45 eS 50 5 5 155 5 135 SS eee 5 a 3 3 : Tay} 22 Sono mee oe mo ce ® 3 5 Zi ical nN 11.00 18.00 10.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 10.00 2.00 .50 1.00 2.00 1.59 1.00 2.00 3.00 3.00 “= CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 23 fe 2 3 : rch a ae : ES 33 BS £8 Ee pte mS SS ae ES 83 8S §3 Pees Pe ee ota dee one eg SG otal Gity, 3. sn. Sere, Ieeco et DUS IOTO® 6.0 10709, 22557 FoOe 4.0 1475 -31.6* 18.5 1925 18.20 General... eae SHOP aoe eb). S.0. 25057850 2:0 Sa0e O60. Se eee .85 Bond & Interest... Bre 55 2.0 4.1 C098" 1460 ,) Seo 2150 1075 6.018.365 iby g ‘e+: kA a 1.0 ms 1.0 . 25 Era ek oo eR | 4 Fire tigate ee 1.0 2.0 2.0 5 Light.... oR AE Oo te eu 120 1.0 1.0 aa 1.0 Band... ~ Ser oes 5 25 Cemetery... Teaco nen 25 5 Street & Alley....... Bessy v.07 285,” .2°0 fe LO. oO Ieoo,- 220 BP Ua: fo Une ood Ena oy) bY Eoin, oe is 2.0 5 SO aie P 5 1 a © 2 S a = 5 S = 5 < = oS = ° Ein S&H to Re Sa e Sa CUS Si, n Fo aS go S20 §s $8 82 8 BB #E SE G5 e& oS o o ° oO ~ Lo rb se RS Sia TI | on et ae a Dr Sh Le 5 ee eee Posth 20 20 7.0 17.00 6.50 6.00 6.25 4.50 6.00 3.00 6.00 8.00 UN gs Mie Sea 2 3.0 4.3.0 Psetco.0) 2.50 3.00 2.00% 3:00. 2.00. S;00 722505 8.00 Bond & Interest. pee S70 1495) TES P55 10200" .2700 1.00 Park... peed te .o 1.00 25 . 50 25 50 Vi bik, ie ae 1.00 Ds ete es asc stees 1.0 1.0 TOU tel LOU, e000" 6100 ier sn 12002-2700 MCEIMCLOEY fi osaotisces-.. so: eg Street & Alley.............. 1007 | 220 1.0 2.00 00 -2,50 2. 00° 3°00 GENeTal LM 25 ccs afi 4aW) . WW i ee ae gor. (2 -(a OO > eH So ee) Qe dic fen aes =o Pro s ee ee ee ees eS SE Ge. BSP ae ra = 28) ad =) ‘c' S & 2 5 > m0 5 10 o o o 3] () Ke Q, paar o : 1 Ay oO 5 4 4 S N ix 5 a wn = a8 REPRE ACNE Aa esc. you 19.00 14.50 11.10 12.25 4.00 6.00 10.25 11.25 7.50 10.00 5.50 12.50 General... SE 3.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 2200 82200 s3600.73,00 1250 5.00,52.508. 2-00 Bond & Interest en Maes 9.00 5.00 4.00 6.00 1200 23200 4.00 2.00 9.50 peta, Se a 1.00 Library... heist 225 25 Fire Department aeate 2.004, 50> | S50 2.00 7.00 Light.... Pe ae 2.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 1,00... 2eou Cemetery. oS ae ee 25 25 Street & Alley.............. 3.00 ° 1750.43.00 2.00 4.00 2.00 200. 2200 General Imp....... ......... 3.00 WN ALOR decries: 8, 2.50 I CREAUIOT eh nh 00552, ht PU Ears oP eee duns 2.00 3.00 3 2, oes : 8 rs] ® Be a AS 3 @ o a Pr eee Bee aoe eee i=l tee. or, eet op beans Ate fi0 Pio Bis “19 G10 mis a0 Si6 aes Sis p12 PAYS a 5) Se i b 3 a o a © & > 3 a) N mn n = N HH J Zz o) a aa) fe) chat Al Gs Gee ox eee Pout ntoe colo .oe10 -ogp- -o.00-29750 18700 10700: 5:50: 6700 7.00 26660 (pemera lk 0 sh SeOUea 0. ast 3.00) 28.00 ~2700 26.00 3.00 3.0. .1200 504-2706 Bond & Interest.......... Bod Oo spn He. OU St hl 2.20 1300 2100 5:50 1.00 $:50 3740~ 2700 NI Pie el eae cine 25 50 Fire ve aan aa pa .25 .50 Light... Sefton ebse ach ts T2002 512.00 51.00 “2206 1.00 50 OU. 1.00 -60 2:00 ESE ro cari .50 Cemetery. Dae si Riera .50 Street & Alley.............. 2.00" 1.00 3:00 2.50 aoe 2-00 <1 00 ee olen LANE Pavabittiat eon tascnne ee ees ei tl aue te Oona eee ee 1.00 24 Total Cry ae General. Bond & Interest, gee di Park... Fire Department... Light... Bande Serer Road aoe Cane Total City General. Bond & Tatecest. te Fire Dpeartment Light... Street & Alley... General Imp........ Water............: tne Total City... General. Bond & ua oS Park ee Library. Fire Department one Light.... CG emetery.. anaes Street & Alley..... General Imp................. Waterss ce Total City General Bond & Interest.......... Library.... Fire Depar rtment......... Street & Alley..... General Imp........ sete eenee se aeweneee — ow o& Dighton CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 500 oo © ooo .50 ¢9o —_ S =) on) ( © og oo 3) S —) rw S oS Sylvan Grove 450 CS pe Or S09 O o .38 .o7 427 : — He 9? SS Leon aor — ™ S “ South Haven — © D> Robinson 500 ac ao dd 1.91 Alta Vista 484 Kincaid 443 (=p) i 3.0 423 Grace Go jae 500 00 50 .d0 wo > Wetmore 150 ™ Melvern 422 20 oo Or 2.0 3.00 Roseland 482 220 ° Meriden 422 m= ©9 Cor OS Or Greeley 496 bee Milan 422 oo 1.0 1.0 =} 3 x = 3 pa ten) ovo OD Poker Daas a 2 = = “A 9.00 16.00 3.00 38.00 2.00 3.00 . 50 50 1.00 .00 .00 1.50 1.00 1.00 7.00 0) fy 8 5 0 Be Om oS eS ) < Z, 11.30 6.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 .40 1.0 2.00 1.0 2.00 1.0 Heo of as §3 Ey < Leu 9.0 o7L0Un 20 8.0 4.0 1.0 ih 28) on) 2. 0 os ot) Se Fo poe S ° 0) oO 9,50 3.5 3.0 Weed 4.5 iD LZz0 1.0 .o io $ sees See ort Bo Mm 4 Oo or) ox 04 eee & 2 ° a a fy 9.30 11.00 12.90 2.00 3.00 3.00 4.00 5.50 sou .00 .00 1.00 2.00 2.00 50 50 2.00 3.00 1.00 50 ue} ° S tM >) Ss — ca 13925 19.6 3206." 3.0 webO L3oe0 1.00 1.0 Le 2.0 Q5 a 4a bo x Eo race . eo 2S gs S A o a0 6.25 "250 1.0 1.25 8.5 3.00 .o 5 LEU oie: 9 Ts a » Fis rt Ree te) — 3 OBS OBS w ie} o FQ Ay oO 10.5 21.0 2.5 3.0 4.5 11.25 1.0 ns) IES.) 27.0 1.75 5 1.0 1.6 Be LO Bird City 498 15. .80 Sunninghan 462 — or S ox © Norwick 430 me 29 FO oo S Or Fulton 411 6.0 1.0 We 2 | Pawnee Rock 428 mt 0 Or Or 3.0 25 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 66E Zs LLE 19€ 9¢¢ 1j09’7] ae }JOOSaL oe S aT[IAUT NL ese aoa PeIplIy % n=) R oo ON QR ~rs | a | a 268 iy ms 6LE Pas 19 mg ae LEé weppey TSE = euety SC = wisy Cet jhe oy AOSTIM, c68 i eos oa I8é 6wO we tee r9E os eaciges 6EE sours ape she ; e = xt : 4 Agjt Ass foe uspun a FR al ITSP Ly i~ 0D H+ m& Ate ~ o> NN pun 86E T8§ —i—) ra) Gos © 9 S Tré uo}[IWeH uoyIeA — Be poomury s : = preuoqgo 86€ cece = ° &8é —i—i— i LOS soon o Gre ee ae 5 TOMO Sa ot Sty isos oF 070§ ed 2 i od 00¥ Cininowmoos E86 — > 898 oe C1 94 IO}Xxo RR os a> a ‘fae i s é 5 Meace s ape e Deegan ni i ao BO eo _ PiPBTED ag oe fc Mex} T3TPLOs \ >) QR al 00% O10 19 &8& mooo Ot 6 OLE Eoo ° 0G8 vere So - Pe gas Se099 ati “a USIUOT 6 65 ot 3 ATED 007 S16 19 G88 O19 a ILE oco ° OSs AO es - I9u pie A oe : 2 Manne js fate ey Lt Oe eee te UoSUIUUAY 4 as gg a VIUBIIAIS TOF oo 98& 16 19 coco ZLE oo ooo TSS ydjopuey tee I9ysayoul M oP eaten ws exoUS'T aia. i ee eUuey I LOY ae See ee 988 O98 0 TLE Se SoS = 998 re rm : TOF So —l— i) " eS SISOS. © Yo GLE coo oc oS LG§ od edt tS eS Bt OD sep INA eS a ot <9 UIPH Qe 60 60 ac oF meste re re ‘aes €0F rs 98 Row ae en eLe rons Yee)! | tle: 8S YOIDAT 4s gi BTSIOUNSIOM Sahoee wet TOC OUT Wee “ange tanta) he ake SuUIpBoYy | ee | FOr ooo SK= 068 Soros SES Yor OLE oso S 6S¢ SINGSUBTEM en 9 oF Ste OCT bis eye Ml 1 OR JOAIY T1®T wa oO preuied ra re a -e See tia Pig i ibid: eS OR eS ae a pe ra en er teres haere Vee = Se Mm Sig seg a See Poe BeO. tt Sk eee sae ot ei eee" pee aes 53:0 me 5 x) oe. 5B : 8 og ee ee Sea pate sign ee Se ee age thie Saye NS ON ee Poe se gy ee eet 2s Po i G& : ie i< : so Lae ta = ia ta: yt wheeler t= 8 gy ee ah as, im (eg EG A ad aS ON tae O82 78 Fo une Aide yas sleet: pale pelhs heap 1a ke te ee Ct aad Fe Daye 5) ie a O50 Vy RIS Oo. 8 oS SAT ohos ts Sean, OD oA. SHH EOH OARS 000 4.5.08 .S moO 000 @.H.MOH OS >, On0 Og Fa Re ee SS RORmm One mem ROME RAOnOEE eog--f-e te ol —F-- xy > 2.0 2.0 Pyrat ce Bek: S118 Coy, pl ee re General Imp................. Waterton... Street & Alley.............. Fire Department.......... Bond & Interest.......... Pari Aer rats Total Citys: 5... Greneral tte oo. co. CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 26 128 yet ae i oe 862 882 ak ASIPII maa ee ae uo} [Ture pire iS weying “°'* pe 4p pug SSS ae TPHO CO ROD mR ee NHS Oo oe 1d QR Hae : eae ras Boo a ~ $t& 6646 062 UOVSADE se T= aourtsog SS Abbe ae = oo eee oo pas tod =QRQ of 6D OR No HR =e SE 00 ooo ©. 19 062 ooo G13 RON uoley Katy MO UOIU a ce aS pet os s San Te OF EL eee x PRO ISA ae a ae ype 6. 4s KS oo ° 008 Init ~ 163 9LZ oo MIApreuoary = = me sinqsiQ 7 ouLy eta a -ePRUQ gS 4 re rr uspsxrq SS ‘oe dvjung SSS S eZ cooe Lug ae o'9 oO a SS a UONPIMIAA ys i) Sa aye | ad uoyqeng SOS > guouey C2 8 SC 2 coonotor a ‘2 ~- QAR On) HR a su0sdug oS Cs ai ae Okan UPPPS ge = = ° rs ° ri | | T€& ' auagy SoS —qepury 28 sz Seeeoness Ww oss Se 2.0 RR FUOSdUIISG SomR mF a Td on se cuma “2° oo eects a 19 S ao HOS = 183 OS ROS OO oo ao WAP is at ai 89 SI? WA Ses en MON [220 Fhe s oe een Ges $s$é oo OTS ©1920 G62 oo Ses 782 BS Va xs uoiduioser ot Suitcase ae ae ce uur] > ; ed ey ° SEs ooo ° PTE orn neo G66 9 Mee i) v8Z Soo o[[TAAoAre FT 1S oo o m UOJSPOO M 1s ¥ ? ae UudILV cS os oa pad nisi pletyz990q 1S R os P — ec N && oon So = LT€é O29 Ye 962 19 26 19 1D G8z ons kh) STTAUCAWH ase INGIUSH eS ag PUBIAOW vin ao a : BN sere mo} . R em whit 3 oo rr 8T& ee) 10 962 Soo I~ OO ae G8z C1906 oo LS oe Ripe Sates PUIGDOOM Sigs a ured WPIED ats Re se WOSUBY 6S gt oo vie Ye | me vee 29 20 STE oo S L6G eoco A) 982 169 Soa oes odo Se dah tos Loa 3 Perio ae oy PUD Ses gh ates re Fo ee Ss er gees ey oreo a ae oy dea ae aC a Ne Ge CRS ch cue arnt : : : : : : Z : : : 3 2 2 : 3 A as . i 5 2 : : x. Oe - os ‘ ; a : < ‘ 3 . : : : 2 See eg ee el a a 2 Ge! Ce) eee Bn ae st Nan ae Oe CoB a eee Gl ede eae Pr? ae Be er ee ~ oe Ae ee i ace ake Spittal gies Ae i te as pen aes te ae Se Ro ee oe tie a By he: oo Pie ee eye 4 We tegen oe a ee eS Peeks Ss (iD iS i: 2a: Ss 0 2c ot eee ae Se a en me Fig if: | Said Aled ae icra is Saw Baebes oh Bey tg: Sites Stem: Seer ~~: : : mt: + ee: : leah =e - ie: : ia} eo a as : : iB > 2, 1B - Sree > 24 1 Bm FE Se > 2, :B : + poe Ce oe . m4 : B ad OSA Spied er Ss OS ie ere eae ORS 28 9 8 ws ORS ine isis ae ‘AwSRaak ees Ym ede at oa a ‘A sere ee ary - HE 3p eS aevvvT rood Boras = o as TA OTS Slee ee & qgeoty S35 884 SPA eaHotogs» pi al = = hare og = SAH OAORT'S oO Soe Sof Os 006 3.4.08 ee 006 4.8.MH OO O09 6.2. WHS bat O19 OC mie ee tee HORE HAOeH HORE IHR AUR ME SHE maw ROR AmeHnee {Mitchell County. *Cloud County. 27 CITY TAX RATE BULLETIN, 1923 9G 602 6&2 826 eduey, a he By uOsIT[ND eae ee Bpuss Vy = = uoyeM eiecie 6D 6D ~-QRQ R mo Qe m 4) 6 GY . 69% ROS BS Oo 082 one oS 6 athe ge Yipee Suan ° STAUBBION a PIO Sg oh ab Br sie Pa < ° wz eco oS oz of Soo ung S25 So 3 fom 22% ooo Ter Smis 6S Ue UOSSPH 6S gs inert ; 16 s+ @ i So eet re ° = 19 19 g92 COS © g9% OR 6 uoseg CRO % uoyaen, OS Soman JAMES Hor PSPUNET 5 16 HH RR HR am ro re re gz 25° 49 ¢ a2 > wide SOS 2 sian O° 2 Ja1seudueW os x eeGruue le ag) at 68 S16 a : HR aR a $06 SES £96 = = 296 Pi ae oe hee SUNG Shae oe ere ee opasog “= = SUIBIIOT Qe - PIEPPID So RN o9 DHOMHRR ; oo — me re 206 992 Rees 89z == o ° Ser ooo oun eth ae 19S 6 Suladg =epnoay Sox me afltan Keke Seer co OR j O03 Gt Esa ; HR R a | 99 VES Meee eke ee leh ta oes en ODE tess Se eee = ica Qe _ J StI 4 yoltepes gq a er =) ; CDR al jaa) ’ 6FT at a ica Sy Sy) Pita oe a ee cy Fre = << OST lo sou SS Seas 99 bd 0 cP Ac) q10d901,7 OsT < sume “OOS = a9 ne rai 6 29 of ody aR BizBen val OST ae = =. 9379TqQNS eae a eIOW][I MA oO OST 1d) 260 —) s0T uosuyor | ° = sessAT() gigi: Sok a oo 1s 9 aa <4 Oe in. SG acs eg — GC Seige tio CGS 8 iS ws @SSUYW—= = O.9 & 2PeeunOynees ) vo () OS om ond) Gs} S FH Oy ey eS 1.0 1.75 3.0 Street & Alley........0..... General Imp................. Fire Department.......... Bond & Interest.......... (Pairk 2055: 1M GTA Se RR CTORBU EE oss cca bcc STeMiriehuhdis ek RAAL ) - > a aA «9 -_" a4 a at WSOP) | UR TAWA AEA * 9 aol aa ‘ ~ Ion Seer s.. ¢* : = | eS Be = seh at* ; w * 4% . ey TUT > Ye +t 4 4 -t=5t i * be ee \' _— City Tax Rate Bulletin For 1923