The person charging this material is oe: sponsible for. its retires, an ar chef ~ CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY ONARGA, ILLINOIS. 1895. $6 5B. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS. RELIGI@US. Section A. The Balance—May 0... cee ceceetee! 101 The Christian’s Manual—Merritt............ 102 The Touchstone of Sincerity—Flavel....103 The Apostolic Fathers—Jackson............. 104 Keeping the Heart—Flavel............ 200.5.... 105 Alarm to Unconverted Sinners—A lleine 106 Bree VOLO. ee he 201 Call to the Unconverted—Baxtev............ 202 Meera Vee OM LOL) 2222) 2 le, 203 Law of Kindness—Montgomery................ 204 GORE Gs EN SSE a” See a 205 Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul LOS CEO 2 A ne pee ROB 206 A Voice to Y outh—Austin...0 207 A Voice to Youth—Austin.....002.00000 0... 208 Pilerim’s Progress—Bunyan.................... 209 Guide for Young Disciples—Pike............ 210 Light in Dark Place—Ueander a va 211 * Bible News—Worcester 20... coos 301 History of the Sabbath—Andrews .......... 302 Religious Amendment to the Constitu- Mone-rattieioln. ee ee, 303 QMartyrs of Spain—Charles........:......0....... 304 _The Bible from Heaven—Cauright ....... 305 Hist. of European Morals, Vol. 1-Lecky..806 es Volga ia eeOT Paige S Commentary, AUR LISS SEO ai ad 308 aah erie Gtk, ee ap 309 a s Ct Fy RRs ae IN 310 vé es Wate gah. rat 311 Endless Misery Examined— Williams....312 Character in the Gospels—Chapin..... ...318 SOMONE SOM aE'Y Ge. Sr... Ua Calis 314 Religions and Ceremonies—Sale.............. 315 DEEL Hr eo a need te ne 316 The Martyrs—Chateaubriand.......... ......... 317 Notes on the Book of Job, Vol. 1-Barnes..318 ee eee rea at 319 Pro and Con of Univer salism—Rogers. 320 WecarBemo—Seeley .....2. ak ie. 321 The Sacred pipes — Hea Pie alee 322 Wletier es, Appeal... eben... 323 Watson’s Observations .................0:.0.0c 324 WW ce a 325 What is the Bible ?—Sunderland ............ 326 The Saints’ Inheritance—Hill .................. 327 Ecclesiastical Polity—Fillmore................ 401 Theological Views—Clapp...............0.......... 402 Mormonism Exposed—Bennet .................. 403 The Great Idea—Brittan ............0000.00.002..... 404 Protemtanm@eresiuitism 2g... sie 405 Infidelity Answered—Robinson................ 406 Boston Monday Lectures—Cook .............. 407 Life of Sestig—Rena....2222.3..00.--.2 kee. 408 Saint. Patiieemene :.......Wet thos as: 409 Life of Christ—Fleetwood ..................... _....410 Natural Theology—Paley ...... .................. 411 Patton Ss Pineqpenguir yet ee ee .. 412 Austin on the Attributes of God.............. 415 Practical View— Wilberforce ................... 414 BaBours Second Inquiry... seen. 415 Doctrine of Endless Punishment-Thayer416 Treatise on the Atonement—Ballou........ 417 The Ages Before Moses—Gibson......... ... 418 PECINON Se Meee eee. la ve tall, 419 Crumbs Swept Up—Talmage .................... 420 Pee MOTOS: LD typ sia ecto.) Seek Se een a 421 Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism —Uhlhorn Biblical Review—Manley ...........00..000002.. 502 The Mosaic Era—Gibson .......0..0....0..220000.... 503 MeaCDOS ON Sa WenVv nee eke ee vee 504 The Better Land—Thompson Salida bey PLN 505 Pulpit Pungencies.........; daa a. he 506 Ten Years of Preacher-Life—Milborn...507 The Pillar of Fire—Ingram...................... 508 feria orepure-Inoranit oop 509 Sites Sear Oem meets eee i ets 510 Elements of Moral Science—Wayland.511 The Pastor’s Bequest—Bacon.................... 512 Selections from Eminent Commentators ek te eed <2 Sal Rl a pA LV eM a 513 Primitive Piety Revived—Fish.. 514 Notes on the Parables—Ballou ................ 515 Notes on Hebrews—Barnes ....................... 516 The Karly Dawn—Mrs. Charles................ 517 Parables of Our Savior—W. W. Taylor..518 The Evolution of Christianity—L. Abbott 519 Life and Words of Dhrist—C. Geikie ....520 The Ascent of man—H. Drummond ........ 521 Story of Madagascar—J. W. Mears sae 522 Beggars of Holland— “* 523 Tales of the Persecuted............002...202.000. 524 From Dawn to Dark in Italy.....0..0020000..... 525 Voices from Babylon—Seiss .........7............ 601 Philosophy of Religion—Deeck.................. 602 The Land and the Book, Vol.1-Thompson603 o6 66 66 66 AT yee 66 604 Ecclesiastical History—Marsh.................. 605 ALemperance Sermons is ve oie ee 606 Thoughts on Revelation—Queach............ 607 epoucliis on) Daniel SelM ols ge) 608: Is Life Worth Living ?—Mallory .... ....... 609 The Roman Exile—Cajan1..........200.0002..0.. 610 The Great Red Dragon—Galvin................ 611 Women of the Bible—Headley eR as 18% 612 Origin and Growth of Religion—Muller 613 Saints’. Rest—Baxter. 225 083. 614 Prince of the House of David- Ingraham 615 A Sheaf from a Pastor’s Field- Leonard. TOL Lecture Sermons—Ballow ......00000000000000..... 702 Select Sermons— EEN Ve eRe ee 703 Bunyan’s Awakening Works .................... 704 Sermons and Exhortations—Thompson..705 Rationalism in Europe, Vol. I—Lecky..706 Vo 1. 2— ‘ 707 PB unin AACE 708 The Bible of To- ida auaawiek se See 709 Moody’s Anecdotes—MecClure.................... TL0 Heaven and Hell— Swedenborg........ 801 Divine Love and Wisdom— ‘ Divine Providence— “ DO ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Four Leading Doctrines- Swedenb’g ih Conjugial Love— 05 Theological Works— iM 806 Apocalypse Revealed, Vol.1— 3 807 Vol.2— 53 808 The Variations of Popery—Edgav.......... 809 Dick’ S Theology, WO did ee ehh as 2 eae 810 Wile Bios ae aise eee 811 J Sane ce ele aR Sapa a! Re aa Se 812 Sacred Biography—Hunter...............04:. 813 Dignity of Human Nature—Bur phere 814 Bible GaSe aR A aOR. . Sena 2 meme 815 Spanish Bina cee oes a 816 Interviews; Memorable and Useful........ 817 Butler’s Analogy Pee ceevwwaemes ce Tees GS fe 818 Wesley’s Sermons.............. i ae hy Sei: laa 819 A’ Legacy+ Oem so. 8 G00, cca tame ag 820 Sacred History of the World—Turner..821 Bible 901 Vaudois Church...._.......¢ngee eee 902 Literary Remains of Emanuel Deutsc... 903 Ancient Faith and Modern—Inman........ 904 Fox’s Book of Martyrs 2.23 905 Dick’s Works ...........;..5en 906 The True Chr istianReligion-Swedenb’ 2907 908 Ar cana Coelestia, Vol. 1— Fe 909 . Vol. 2— to PaO fs Vol. 3— A nt ae % RS Vol. 4— fe 912 et rf Vol. 5— uf 913 a x Vol. 6— sere x ry Vol. 7— . 915 ee 4 Vol. 8— . 916 i # Vol. 9— i 917 4 Y Vol. 10— OS he Christian Library, Vol. 10. ssi: 919 GENERAL LITERATURE. Section B. Chamber’s Pocket Miscellany, Vol. 1....101 2: i i Vol. 2....102 3 rf i Vol. 3....1038 i i A Vol. 4...104 %y ‘i + Vol. 5....105 is ht i. Vol. 6....106 * ih a Vol. 7...107 ? 3 2 Vol. 9....109 ¥ 4; 4, Vol. 10.110 LY ik 1d, .. ames Mek oraee han Motives.of Life—Swing ........ eee 201 Representative Men—Emerson ................ 202 Letters and Social Aims—“6...s....... 203 Conduct of Social Life— “§ ow... 204 Society and Solitude— ie, ae eam ae 205 Essays, First Series— °F TG Oa AE 206 Moments with Thackeray—Rideing........ 207 Bacon's Missa yscn4)5 1512 hi 4 ee 208 The Studio Arts—JObNsON. 0... 209 Underbrush—Fields...............c 210 Locke on Tidnucation 2.2). eens 211 The Sketch-Book—Irving ........ 212 Studies for Stories—Ingelow .................... 213 On (Heroes ~Carlyle 5... i.w Ree eee 301 Miscellaneous Essays—Carlyle .. Bi te tag 302 ok tae 303 cs oi tae aes APL aa 304 aes 66 Se ae OMe 305 Sartor Resartus— iat, ee) 307 Self-Culture—Blackie............. Ps Cena 308 Glib Hesayss-S wits 0s oc... ume eee 309 Poetic Interpretation of Nature— Shair p3l0 Culture and Religion— 311 Maga Social Papers. 0007/5 a eee ee 312 Chamber’s Miscellany, V0l. 10. 42.22.0095 313 ‘About Babies—Tuckerman.......00200000000...... 314 Gastronomy asa Fine Art-Brillat Saarn 315 Sense-“Pomeroy 4cLiccs use. Bea 316 Mrs. Partington—Shillabev.........00000.000.2... ‘ Puddleford Papers—Riley Wise Sayings of the Great and Good......319 Evenings in the Library—Stewart......... 320 Readings in English Literature—Green 321 How to “Do It—Hale...... 33. 322 Pepacton—Burroughs... ee 323 My Summer ina Garden—Warner....... 324 Plato—Collins ............ 2 Bob Backlog Studies—W arnev...................4... 326 The Book-Lover—Baldwin .................... peel Books and Men—Repplies....................... 328 Summer Rest—Hamilton............00000000.. 329 Earlier Victorian Authors—Shepard Bee 330 Authors and Authorship— Among My Books, Vol. 1—Lowell....... 832 Ms Vol. 2— 9“) 333 Half- Hour Ss With Great Humorists ........ 334 ‘“ )6Novelists .. 28 335 ‘ ih ‘* .Story-Tellers - Pe Duties of Woman—Cobbe «|... 337 Chats About Books—Hazelton.................. 338 Jonathan and His Continent—O’Rell _..339 John Bull and His Island— ey ... 840 Macaulay’s Essays..:....2. 401 The Spectator, Vol. 2—Addison................ 403 The Letters of Junius 22 404. Bracebridge Hall—Irving......00... 1... 405 Wolfert’s Roost— 64 ye 406 American Note Books, Vol. 1- Hawthorn407 43 Vol. 2- 408 Essays (Second Series)—Emerson............ 409 Gold-Foil—Holland ......... 2 eee 410 Lessons in Life—Holland.............0.0.. 411 Recreations of a Country Parson, 1- —-Boyd4l2 ‘9. 413 Records of c Years au 414 Talks on Women’s Topics ...\... eee 415 Sermons Out of Chureh—Muloch..........416 Potiphar Papers—Curtin........ ae 417 Music—Study in Germany... eee 418 An Author’s Mind . 2.5... 419 Kssays, Historical and Critical Maen 420 Masters of the Situation—Tilley.......... _ 421 Look Upward—Clark.............. ee 422): a GENERAL LITERATURE, In'a Club Corner—Russell.........0..0..000002.4.. 423 EC seeks allie 424 Dlptle POs es——StOwe.. ies lear 425 In Darkest England—Booth.... .....00.0000...... 426 Woman; Her Power—Talmage................ 428 Golden Gleams of Thought—Linon .......... 429 Happy Thoughts—Burnand ...........2..22...... 430 Thought-Hives—Cuyler Pee R een Ace ae, 431 Concerning Men—Craik......00000002 co... 432 Essays in Little—Lang........0..00. 433 Looking Forward—W eavet................:.0-- 434 WrermmannGed—-b lack 40 ca 435 Sesame and Lilies—Ruskin........000:.0000000.. 436 Education and the Higher Life-Spalding437 As We Were Saying-—Warner Riles seed 438 . Dreams—Schreiner «00.0.0... eee 439 England and the English, Vol. 1-Bulwer501 i Vol.2- ‘* 5602 Skirmishes and Sketches—Dod¢ge............ ...508 St. Martin’s Summer—Brewstevr.......... 504 _Baked Meats of the Funeral—O’R eilley 500 Symbols of the Capital—Maryo..........2..2.. 506 Thackeray’ S Miscellanies, MiOW die ete< 507 Yio s EE SEs Ea 508 i as Nahr ages Le 509 Character—Smiles ).2..-5 oc. ji eee eee 510 STOEL SIT ERR TEST ATI cE il ne 511 Spare Hours—Brown .................0.000. cece 512 Essays and a Drama—Holland.................. 514 Best Th’ gsf’m B’t A’ th’rs, 1- Shoem’k’ r 515 6 66 2- 516 6é cs 66 66 66 oo ME OLS LL 6é 66 as 66 6 Ae. 66 518 66 66 a3 66 66 ies 66 519 66 66 66 66 66 6- 6 520 Studies from Life—Craik........0.00000000000000.... o21 Thoreau’s Thoughts—Blake..............0....... 522 Biglow Papers, Vol. 1—Lowell w............ 523 nm DV FOIL, erect Rh A Pet No. 524 Latest Literary Essays— ‘6 ou... 525 Over the Teacups—Holmes:........200.0....: 526 Gr eat Men at Play, Volii=—-Dyets: 302). 527 Sa wen VU TD ae le 528 The Bena cestt Papers—Safford......529 Mijaiamdn Ph iana—Lam boi o.2. 0. esa. 601 Iliad of the East—Richardson.................. 602 Mixed Hssays—Arnold .........0..00 elec... 603 Recent Music and Musicians—Moscheles..604 Hours ina Gibrary—Stephen.......0.00... 605 LSeR Or 5 SS Ee eee ee ae 606 Sut lgcct | SSS SRR) a am a 607 Impressions of TheoplerastusSuch-— ~Eliot608 Our Old Home—Hawthorn............2........... 609 ' English Traits—EMmerson....:2.1...2.20...0..... 610 Star Papers—Beecher...0.2...0.......e eee 611 The Best Reading—Perkins. +.....2..00..0... 612 Mvatden--bmorean...0. eo) al hac, 613 Half Hours with Am. Authors, 1— —Morris 614 66 a9 ee 66 615 66 66 66 66 66 3] 66 616 66 a3 66 66 66 4= 66 617 Eng. Lit. in Reign of Victoria—Morley..618 Literature English—Richardson.............. 619 Hand-book of English Lit.—Underwood 620 ‘Elementary History of Art— Half- ‘Hours with Am. Hist. Vol. 1-Morris621 ‘. oe Ota Sak PSS G22, ito "Tolstet de Pee Ta Reg ee BLN. 624 Odyase ya Omer ite 0th el ee ee luda ass 625 The English in the West Indies—Froude626 Nemesis of Faith—Froude .......... 627 Woman in the Pulpit—Willard................ 628 Wns! Seen a eos et 0 ei 629 Happy Homes and Hearts that Make Them—Smiles A dee RARE GIRS M8 Sg 630 Non bale ne. s Wika vise bio \ilen giver ed OF Devas 701 Modern Painters, Vol. 1—Ruskin St ae 702 Vid Zaeeeht Phe wens ae 703 ie eS VAG Lichen’ CRY cs eit 704 Fs Uh VOb ra eh hii eB eR, 705 a ‘ MOL adh) So. ana 706 Shakespeare; His Mind and Art-Lowden707 Literary Style+Mathews..).2)00000sc.. 708 Words; Their Use and Abuse—Mathews709 Hours with Men and Books— hy T10 St. Beuve’s Monday Chats-— a 711 The Great Conversers— $f 712 Getting on in the World— i 713 English Literature—Richardson............... 714 Juventies Mundi—Gladstone ....0............... 715 Notes on Paris—Taine...0.00... ol 716 Progress and Poverty—George................ TLE Short Hist. of French Lit.—Saintsbury.718 England Without and Within—W hite ..719 Bright Skies and Dark Shadows—Field 720 Schools and Masters of Painting—Rad- il Sat (2S SA SIE SORTING OOS D2 721 Gossip in a Library—E. Gosse.................. 722 The Pleasures of Life—Lubbocek ............ ves The Beauties of Nature— * ) ).22..02.,. 724. English Past and Present—French ........ 125 Concerning All of Us—Higginson.......... 726 N. Danvers 727 Damsom s Art Criticism Msp hee yi 728 hee OleSouth-—Ee No Pages ay 729 The Recreations of a Country Parson... 130 66 66 66 66 66 ute Oni the, Unréeshold= Munger sai) Ea 8. Our Country—Rev. J. SirOug Seda NCE 734 CEEELGGEIN @eyr, Tr ar nel aye SES aa PR pl 735 Hasietis lable: Wea bee uel eu be 801 Opium Eater, etc.—DeQuincey .....:.......... 802 The Cesars, etc.—DeQuincey .............. ....803 Chestertield’s Letters iiiiuce ae ei, yu. 804 Coleridge’ 8 Works, WO GaN, 2 eta CA 805 Vili Rati seail ek din 806 Latter Day Pamphlets—Carlyle .............. 807 Books-and Reading—Porter......4.400::..1.4. 808 Cumnock’s Choice ‘Readings usta ale, Mirae 809 Novelsand Novelists, 18th C.-Forsythe..810 Taine’s English Literature.............0.0...... 811 Salmaoundi-~-lewinge ui oe Oe sie 812 Mount Vernon Papers—Everett.............. 813 American ‘Literature wee be S28 a: 901 Constitution of Man—Coombe ............... .. 902 Moder n Br itish Essayists—Jefirey Pt 903 —Smith............ 904 oe Oe 66 —Wilson. .........905 4 ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY. Modern British Essayists—Carlyle .... ... 906 Common- “place Book, Vol. Mees es Nickerbocker Magazine, Vol 45° 22s 912 Vol 46. 2 913 ui Voki 2 0 ..908 Worcester Magazine .." 32 eee 914 Lee Words—Dickens ...................... 909 Salad for the Solitary and Social—Saun- Nicker bocker Magazine, V OVS. .ccema 910. ders 0.4.2 915 Wolwa wae 911 BIOGRAPHY. Section C. The Diary of a Nobody—Grossmith....... 236 Raphael--Sweetser. 27.27 ou. Sea 101 Famous Types of Womanhood—Bolton_.237 Landseer— AP Thee tee 8 es De ee 102 Under the Evening Lamp—Stoddard......238 Murillo— a OR Tay A Acdsee Se 108 Mark Hopkins—Carter......0000000000. 239 Turner— Sab EEO en UNM te Fe! OR 104 Ethan Allen—Hall.......5) 0 eee 240 Ipving’s Golambus itis.) eee 105 David Crockett.).......:.. 222s Sane 301 Memoirs of J. B. Taylor—Rice............... 106 Ralph Waldo Emerson— Holmes............. 302 The Great German Composers—Tenis...107 . John C. Calhoun—VanHolst —.......000...... 303 Men of Modern Times, Wl. Ti ees 108 John Randolph.; Adams.222 ea 304 aby ee Wil. 2 Me ee ee 109 Horace Greeley—Parton .....0000 305 Life of Froderic the Great—Macaulay..111 Rutherford B. Hayes—Conwell......... 306 Life of Julius Caesar—Liddel...........0.0.... 112 Life of Spencer—Rafiles_) 2a 307 Life of Isaac Newton! +.) 2 ae. 113° Life ‘of Fremont.__. eae rok k 308 Franklin’ s Life and Wr itings, Vol. 1....114 Edward the Third—Morris .........0000 309 Voli 2.2..115 Life of Napoleon... (2 2a 310 Life of Washington, Wool. 1... ee 116 The Old Masters and Their Pictures— Ol, |. ee Wt °° Tytler ..22.......10524, 3 311 Memoirs of Empress Josephine~-Memes..118 Lockhart’s Life of Robt. Burns—Douglas 312 Life of Commodor e Perry; 2-Mackenzie_.119 ‘William Penn.................... 2 ae 313 ‘s ‘¢ —1-Mackenzie..120 Daniel Webster—Lodge....... 314 King Richard the First—Abbott........... 201 King Richard’ ithe: Third—- Se aa 205 202 Darius the Great— a ae) Yaa 203 William the Conquerer— oi) 9 se 204 Alfred the Great— 1 ie 205 Julius Ceesar— ZU Ft ae 206 - —Dup. Damage, AV. 207 Hannibal— oy Ee 209 Xerxes the Great— i} Se ia ORE 210 Cyrus the Great— OM i. eNO ae 211 Charles the Second— es tae 212, Geughis Khan— LF, Aa Ee 213 Queen Elizabeth— jo SEAR Tana 214 Margaret of Anjou— pe Nag tee te ew 215 Henry the Fourth— AP yaaa 216 Peter the Great— SF a doo, SEALE 217 Mary Queen of Scots— SP Mite d certs 218 Louis the Fourteenth— ei ae eee Sete LS) Life of General Jackson.....................00.-..-.- 220 Life of Nathan Hale—Stuart -.......0.......... 221 Footprints of Famous Men—Edgar 222 Victor Hugo—Barbow..........056000000 223 Charles Dickens—Jones.......%..01..0.-2.0/.. 224 Political Adventures of Beaconsfiel........ 225 Pindar=-M orice tii 66 2. ee eve ae 226 William Cullan Bryant—Hill....,..0000... 227 Girls Who Became Famous—Bolton......228 Frederick, Crown Prince and Emperor— Georre KliotBlindite.) eee ae 330 Life of Andr ew Jackson, Vol. 1—Paton..231 4 Vol.2— “ 282 66 66 66 66 Vol. 323 66° 933 Admiral Farragut—Mahan.......00000000000...... 234 Moward:2..G ages eee 235 General Taylor Living Authors of America—Lowell.... 315 Mary ‘Queen of Scots—Headley.... 3816 Life of LaFayette—Cutter.__ 2s o17 St. Benve’s Celebrated Women................ 318 Plutarch’s Lives ......._...... a noble Life of Lemuel Haynes—Cooley........... 320 American Men of Letter s, Vol. 1- War ner321 a ae Vol. 2- 322 66 sam os 66 Vola 6% 323 66 a te ee Vol. 4= 6s 324. 66 66 66 66 Vo Bas 66 325 a3 6é se $e Volk 6- oe 326 sé 66 6s $e Vol. 1s a 327 iad 6é be oe Vol. g— 6s 328 66 6é 6 66 Vol. O- 66 829 English Lands and Letter 8, a Mitchell. 330 4 331 Some Successful Wonen Bee aE aoe 332 Life Letters and Journal of L. M. Aleott —Cheney ....1........... 2S 333 From Ushers’ Desk to Tabernacle Pulpit —Sehudler.,.:.:.:...... or 334 The Knightly Soldionaencuinile a 335 Life of Whitfield—Belcher.......... 2 401 Men of Mark—Brightwell. ge 402 Life of Garfield—Bundy..). 403 Life of Walter Scott, Vol. 1—Lockhart. 404 Vol. 2— 405 DBS Bi i ‘* Vol. 3— " 406 oe 66 $e Vol. 4 —_ a 407 Khar cie ‘6 66 Wok 6 408 Se a 15 66 Wilh (6 409 ay 6e 66 66 Vol. = 6 410 Sta 3 66 Vol. 8-= 66 qs : “ en 'A0) OR sh 412 BIOGRAPHY. 5 Life of Bartonand of Olney— Williams 413 Life of Franklin Pierce—Bartlet............ 414 The Heroes of Europe—Hewlett..........2.. 415 Life of General Putman—Cutter ............ 416 Who Goes There ?—Bogart....2................. ALT Biographical Sketches—Macaulay_.......... 418 Life of Benjamin Franklin, Vol.1—Parton419 ay 66 ‘Vol. 2 81) 420 PebeoN Ore Mas ie A lS 421 Beethoven—Nohl Tyee | Sokerhy. yeni ne) BREE’ 422 Haydn— Does Reet ete Mal 423 W agner— i ORTIR 1A, ONEES Ase eg 424 Sir Walter Scott—Hutton..........2.00...0.00...2. 425 ‘Daniel Defoe—Minto W000... cee: 426 William Wordsworth—Myers.................... 427 Nathaniel Hawthorne—James .................. 428 Fobert Burns—Shairp....-...)...202.0 kek, 429 Edward Gibbon—Morrison ........................ 430 The Sea Fathers—Markham..........00......... 431 Famous American Authors—Bolton ....... 432 Henry Clay, Vol. Lo ecurs feng ee PES 433 seer MOL: SNVALE dou 434 Patrick Henr ote lor a Wait Ls 8 435 John Adams—Morse......02.0 0.00. see 436 John Quincy Adams—Morse...................... 437 Franklin’s Autobiography.............000.0........ 438 Life of Frank Buckland—Bompas .......... 439 Life of Edgar A. Poe—Gills:.......000......... 440 Michael Faraday—Gladstone .................... 441 Life of Daniel Webster—Lyman.............. 501 Three English Statesmen-—Smith............ 502 Eminent Mechanics—Howe ..............:........ 503 Dictionary of Biography—Goodrich ......504 Recollections of a Lifetime— ‘© ...... 505 66 66 66 GUO eae 506 Life of Seward. gpa pens TLS Oa Oh UO 507 Sentral: With Authors—Fields ....... 509 Karly Bench and Bar of [llinois—Linder 510 Life of Mary R. Mitford, 1—L’ Estr ange. O11 a4 oe Det Bas 9» Madam Mohl and Her eae 513 Life and Work of Pestalozzi—Krusi..._514 Memorial and Biographical Sketch— Clark .- Eminent Authors of 19th Cent.—Brandes 516 William Shakespeare—Hugo.................... 517 Recollections of Eminent Men-Whippleo18 Literature and Life— 519 Victorian Poets—Stedman:..............:. 520 Home-Life of Great Authors—Griswold.521 . Life and Letters of Elizabeth Prentiss..522 Poets and Novelists—Smith _.................. Sd} Works of Edgar A. Poe—Stoddard....... 524 Anecdotes of ~Beecher— Shenstone. ........ 525 Memories of Men Who Saved the Union ee eg i. 8 2S Re 526 Hoots. wEemines——Gilmain ee) oa D2 Memories—Field............0.0.00000o cece 528 The Sisters Grimke—Birney .................... 529 Bryant and His Friends—Wilson............. 530 Stories of Inventions—E. E. Hale... 531 Life and Letters of W. TeV pe he Bs Irving 601 ay te ve a ve ve 6 602 Life and Letters of W. Ir ving, 3—Irving 603 ‘6 COURS ys Ee ‘6 604 Columbus, NA Ree b cha oy any Golly ee yes euler ne 607 Via ere iid Ma Ne ea He fe 608 4 Viger ee h AH x MOR pens ha 609 The Crayon Miscellany—Irving ............. 613 Adventures of Capt. Maman ROKR Goldsmith live eo) i ree 615 Mahomet, Vol. 1— Irving DRONE R Sid! 2 tH oe 616 re Mikap hs vee Dumas Vp Mibmanciie SiMe ch G Mea 617 Rembrandt—Mollett 2200000000 618 Sihian-— Pesta csc ya ker hay 619 Prenbeln- Cin Gea ak ee ai i a rigs 320 Life of Napoleon—Arnalt.....000002020... 621 Life of Louis Kossuth—Headly............. 622 Life of Emperor Napoleon—Headly ......623 Life of Empress Josephine— ‘ ..... 624 Life of General LaFayette— ‘“ ...... 625 Universal Biographical Dictionary _...... 626 Queens Before the Conquest, Vol. 1-Hal1627 nf Vol. 2— ‘ 628 Lives of the Hesancee ERC n MUR tbe Ml AU) 629 Life of Silas Wright—Jenkins................. 630 Life of General Scott—Manfield........... 631 Louis Agassiz, Vol. 1—Agassiz ................ 632 * Vol.2— * Ae tae oes ‘Ralph Waldo Emerson—Cooke 634 Poets and Problems— Mea iraseaate. | se 80 635 The Poetry of EN ek Gh taal ae Dyke ee 636 ee Days of Marie Louise— £6 hi G38 Life of Michael Angelo, Vol. 1—Grimm 701 66 66 66 AVA OSL ype 66 702 Reigns of George and William IV. Vol. 1 ertareeville, \Iemiinu aah Bea Ou Beli 703 Reigns of George and William IV.Vol. 2704 Memoir of Chief Justice Parsons........ aie Lives of Madison and Monroe—Adams 706 Life of Alexander Hamilton—Smucher..707 Life of Aaron Burr—Parton...............0.2.-.. 708 Lives of the Signers—Goodrich...... _....... 709 The Makers of Florence—Oliphant.......710 Memorials of F. R. Havergal-Havergal 711 Self-Made Men—Seymour 712 Memorials of a Quiet Life—Hare............ 713 Henry the VIII and His Wives—Herbert 714 Memoir s of Prince Metternich, Vol eonhto ite Waoli22 2116 Anecdotes ot Public Men, Vol. 1- Torney717 COUT MOL Meal tel made Thomas Ts Danas ONE eA iso 719 Short Studies of Great Lawyers—Browne720 Our Famous Women vid t One Hundred Famous Americans—Smith722 Journal of Walter Scott—Scott.......0....... 12a Theodric the Goth—Hodgkin.................... 724 Pericles — As bObieeee iste eae pe ie tka aad 725 Gustavus Adolphus—Fletcher .................. 726 Horatio Nelson—Russell ivi Ti Sovereign and Courts of Europe.............. 728 House of Rothschild—Reeves .................. 729 AINE SR 2S OA cere et Ue OG ae eee ee 730 Dorothea Lynde Nix—Tiffany.................... 731 Prince Bismark—Hesekiel. .............2.......... 801 6 ONARGA Life of Abr aham Lincoln—Holland... - ‘¢ . —Arnold......... 803 Matsieeione of John B. Gough Loyal Women of America—Brockett... 805 Reminiscences of Dan’1 Webster— ~Harvey806 Gresar—Froude f0 2 a 807 Autobiography of John Stewart Mill ....808 Memoirs of Gen. W.. T. Sherman, Vol. 1.809 66 66 66 66 66 Vol. 2 810 Macaulay’s Life and Letters—Travelyan811 The Old Masters of Belgian and Holland —F rouinentin ....... Oe as ens 812 Reminiscenses of Rufus Choate—Parker813 Life of Andr ew Jackson, Vol. 1—Parton 814 i Vol. 2— ** 815 66 6e 66 oe Vol. j= ee 816 Memoir S of Rev. Sydney Smith, i- Austin817 sip ob te: Lifeand Times of H.Gr Pee ae 819 Life of Grant--Coppee.s28. 1. ae) a, 820 Life of Sterling—Carlyle.........020......204..... 821 Memoirs of David Marks—Marks........... 22 Memoirs of Rev. John Moore—Adams. 823 Life of Hosea Ballou—Ballou The Chronicles of the Sid—A. KE. Orpen 825 My Life and Times—Cyrus Hamlin........ 826 | Life of Prince Bismark—Chas. Lowe...827 PUBLIC LIBRARY. William E. Gladstone—G. W. E. Russell828 Life of Dr. Kane—Elder. 2 a eee 901 Memoirs of Dr. Livingstone—Gunn. tes 902 Plutarch’s Lives ....u... ae 903 Life of Geo. Washington, Vol. 1—Irving 904 hep eth. pes Vol. 2— 905 66 66 66 6s Vol. pi ee 66 906 66 oe 66 66 Vol. 45 oe 907 66 66 6S 66 Vol. Foun! ig 908 Boswell’ S Johnson, Vol. lo Sees 909 Vol. 2.2 910 Lives of Governors of New York—Jenkins911 Life of Geo. Washington—Frost........... 912 Cr oker’ s Cor respondence and Diaries, 1..913- 4 2.914 Life of Greene ..........:... Ee 915 Life of Cadwell—Caruthers.......... 916 Recollections of a Busy Life—Greeley..917 Jefferson at Monticello—Pierson.............. 918 Biographical Sketch of Illinois Officers — Wilson......2....0... Victor Hugo—Hugo......2 eee 920 Victor Hugo and His Times—Barbon....921 H. W. Longfellow, Vol. 1—Longfellow. 922 TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE. Section D. Traveller’s Notes—Tuckerman ............. 10% China and the Chinese—Smithe ...... ....... 102 Our Life in China-—Nevius .....0...0.00...-....... 108 Letters from the Continent: ...2.24 20k 104 Tales of Ancient Greece—Cox.................. 105 Astoria*“ar i. eh, ae 106 Journey to Central Africa—Taylor ......... 107 Whip, Hoe and Sword—Hepworth.......... 108 Maga Papers About Paris—Tuckermanl09 A Yankee in Canada—Thoreaw.......1......:. 1 Prairie Traveller—Marcy Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia—Prime_ 112 Isthmiana—Winthrop .........002.5 ee 113 Journey Through Kansas—Mason ........... 1i4 Bivouac and Battle—Noyes LE ono WRF 115 Odd People—-Reidi iui 00" Ne ee 116 Bits of Travel—Helen Hunt Jackson ....117 Bits of Travel at Home—H. H. Jacksoni18 Among the Isles of Shoals—Thaxter... 19 In the Wilderness—Warner..............42..... Heroine of the White Nile—Wells Studies of Travel, Greece-E.A.Freeman 122 Studies of Travel, Italy— ‘‘ ‘ ‘ 123 Crescent and French Crusaders—Ditson 201 From Cape Cod to Dixie—Mackie .......... 202 Excursions—Thoreaw 02d. wee Minnesota and Its Resources—Bond ........ 204 The Adirondacks—Headley .......0.0.0000..... 205 Country, of. the! Dwarls i 2a 206 Brownlow Among the Rebeleseeeisene 207 To Cuba and Back——Dana....5. 208 Center of the Earth—Verne.... .....0......... 209 Vol. 2— ..923 Thomas Hoyne............ 320 924 Down in Tennessee—Kirk........0000.00000 210 Wild Men and Wild Beasts—Cumming 211 How WeWent and W hat We Saw-Reeve212 California and Alaska—Webb ..........._...213 Our Italy—W arnev.........2... | 214 Notes in England and Italy—Hawthorne215 Britons and. Muscovites—Guild 0... 216 Girdle Round the Earth—Richardson...217 The Pacific Coast—Finek...__ ee 218 Home-Life on an Ostrich Farm—Martin219 Through Russia on a Mustang—Stevens 220 Jinrikisha Days in Japan—Scidmore.....221 Within the Enemies Lines—Adams........ 222 On the Blockade— Moet oe 223 Glimpses of Norseland—Hervey.._........ 224 Life With Stanley’s Rear Guard—W ard226 Jungle, Peak and Plain—Stables 226 Historic Water Ways—Thwaites _......... 227 A Summer Outing—Harrison 0028 228 A Girl in the Karpathians—Dowie......... 229 Our Asiatic Cousins—Leonowens ........... 230 - In and Around Berlin—Norton ..............231 Noto—Lowell ...../...... D2 232 Flying Trip Around the World—Bisland 233 Picturesand Portraits of Foreign Travel301 Great Cities of the World—Frost........... 302 Ely’s Journal in Richmond 2a 303 The Rhine—Hugo....... 304 In the Tennessee Mountains—Craddock 305 Around the Pyramids—Wared ................ 306 Gulliver’s Travels——Swift..... 57 ee 308 Five Weeks in a Balloon—V erne =e 309 The Demon of Cawnpore— “ 310 TRAVEL AND Tigers and Traitors—Verne...................... 311 Adirondack Tales—Murray.............0.......... 312 ret lap —-LieSage .0..0 ne Sts Stories of Mountain and Forest—Paull..314 Alaska,thesSitkanArchipelago Scidmore315 Rivers of Ice—Ballantyne.........0000.0000000..... 316 An Involuntary Voyage—Biart................ 317 Discovery of the Northwest—Butterfield318 GO a Wishing —Prime oo... :...2.-.. ceed 320 Rescue of Greeley—Schley gS A ee ea 321 ape COG ChOrea c.28. fib g tile aetelest. 322 Poets’ Bazarr—Anderson...-.:....22.:0....0..0.4 323 A ‘Tramp Trip—Meriwether ..........:.2...... 324 From the Forecastle to Cabin-Samuels....325 Souvenirs of My Times—Fr emont Des ee 326 melee yy eam cetches— hh) Aa 327 Following the Guidon—Custer.................. 328 A Little J ourney in the World—Warner329 5000 Miles in a Sledge—Gowing................ 380 EuropeanGlimpses andGlances, Emerson331 Bammer tolidaye-——Child a. uel. 332 My Twentieth Year—Stafford.....0..0000... 333 Personally Conducted—Stockton.............. 334 lava svone 10 Africa: ia)5 elke 401 The Secret Service—Richardson.....°........ 402 Star of the West—Carroll................0........ 403 States and Territories of the West- Ferris404 Prime’s Travels, Vol. 1—Prime .............. 405 ig a NE nes eae nies so! 406 Wayside Glimpses-—F'oster ................ ‘407 Stories of the Old Dominion—Cooke......408 Across Patagonia—Dixie.......... eae ... 409 Tent-Life in Siberia—Kennan.. ............... 410 Tales of Caravan, Innand Palace-Hauff..411 Between the Gates—B. F. Taylor........... 412 POI ay ODT 2 Tr ay 413 Travels in India and Ceylon—Haechel. 414 SunnyMemories ofFor elg nLands- Stowe 416 oh ate: 6 We Two Alone in Eur SliNinda of eae 418 Glimpses of Three Coasts-H. H.Jackson..419 Our Boys in the Army—Hill..... 2. 420 [Ne eet Ay Cale eh SS ee OA aR His t ADVENTURE. 7 Lhreet¥ ears’ im Chai ou Oe 28 Pa e| Border and Bastille—Livingstone.......... 515 Crests from the Ocean-W orld—Tripp....516 Week on the Concord and Merrimac— Eb ahel ies. hh icime mle, pee ye Ad aad Le we Re ae ON DIT Cottages of the Alps—Johnson ................ 518 The Great Fur Land—Robinson .............. 519 Nile Notes—-Curtiss.........0060000000. ne. 520 Round About Rio—Car penter i Ma esas a2] Boots and Saddles—Custer ...............000.002. 522, Pye TiC POS eee re ht use eta a ae py, esa: Journal of a Visit to EKgypt—Grey .........524 The Maine Woods—Thoreau .................... 525 Due’ W est—Ballow ..0./ 0c! B26 DUS SOUT t ere Ney yk eg eee 527 Yankee Girls in Zulu Land—Sheldon...528 Copia Via Lee eh a ene ho ei 529 One Hundred Days in Europe—Holmes. 530 Taken by the Enemy—Adams Through the Dark Continent, I-Stanley 601 D_ Ao: 602 Travels around the fe EU Mecca NE Rich 603 Spy of the Rebellion—Pinkerton............ 604 From Egypt to Palestine—Bartlett...... 605 In the Lena Delta—Melville........0000.0000..... 606 Land of the White Elephant—Vincent....607 In Land of the Lion and the Sun—-Wills....608 Travels i in Central Ameri ica, i Stephens 609 re 610 White and BlackintheU.S SO 611 Plains of the Great iad come a ds ren os 612 Telemachus—Fenelon .....0.0..000. oe. 613 At Home in Fiji—Cumming: _.000. 0. 614 From Killarney to the Golden Horn— Field Travels in Alaska and on the Viton AVIV AS GT? Ra PA NE. CUED SUE a, 616 A Summer in Norway—Caton Rob Roy on the Jordon—MacGregor......618 Reindeer, Dogs and Snow-Shoes—Bush. 619 Natur alist’ 8 Voyage Round the World —Darwin Under the Trees—Prime ...:...,.................... 421 The Cruise of the Challanger—Spry.....621 ‘hve wsie of) the Princes—Cox 2.02 01.2.....: 422 War Reminiscences—Mosby..................... 622 Mremern0ing— bart. ieee cs Se, 423 A Round-About J ourney—Warner ORE Se 623 Mount. Trails, etc., in Colorado-France.424 My Winter onthe Nile— “......... 624 Land of Pueblos—Wallace .........0..00..... 425 Journey in Brazil—Agassiz .......................625 History of a Mountain—Reclus................ 26 Expedition to Japan—Hawks.................... 701 Saunterings—W arner ......2.....02.....5 eae 427 Wonders of the World—Abbott................ 702 Fireside Travels—Lowell............. ee ie 428 Travels in Many Lands...........0......00002...- 703 Unbeaten Tracks in Japan—Bird............ 501 Parley’s Panorama—Goodrich............... . TO4 Japan in Our Day—Taylor................ PeeLOUO MA UAUSOn Ss Traviela kosoves k aa lo kath 705 Arabia— ‘CAG apa E Seeoes 903. he Great: W est-—-Howe ke 706 South Africa-— eS: Ea UIE ala 504 Arctic Explor ation, Vol. 1—Kane.. 2.2... 707 Central Asia— 7 Se ee ree 505 ViOig aa! IN rae 708 Central Africa— 21 AOU ES Vl 006 Trav els South Afr ica-—Campbell gue. 709 Siam— ARR tee een, d07 AF Hale710 Wonders of the Yellowstone—Taylor....508 Land of thie Midnight Sun, 1—DuC haillu7i Camping Among Cannibals—Johnson....509 ee a 712 The Potomac and Rapidan—Quint .. .....510 The Midnight Sun—Buckley.........000000..... 713 Voyage Around the Wor ld—Taylor... Pants SL Andersonville MoE rower genni 3 714 PremOnr es A reeON........ ete ds 512 Our Arctic Province—Elliott ................ 715 Residence on a Georgian Plantation— Sein), Ace Orca oaks ae Ra Ue ent ou ee TAY Ranch Lite and Hunting trail-Roosevelt 718 te) ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY. Pictures of Life in Camp and Field— RLY LOR Gy 00 oer ee a 719 Petals Plucked from Sunny Climes— Sunshine dhs one cle eel eat 720 Capturing a Locomotive—Pittenger ys 721 Picturesque Alaska—W oodman................ 722 Winter—Thoreau .....2.01.4..4 0 ences 723 Through Yellowstone Park on Horse Back-—Winiateucg 0 25)28 fe eee 724 Winning of the West, Vol. 1-Roosevelt..801 PEN OL. Oe y: 802 How I Cr ossed Africa, Vol. 1—Pinto......803 66 66 6é Vol. pe 66 Andis 2 804 Japan— Dresser 300.0 3.0). oe a 805 India; the Land and the People—Caird806 In the Trades, the Tropics, etc.—Brassey 807 Around the World ina Yacht— ‘* 808 Tenting on the Plains—Custer................. 809 The Exploration of the World—Verne 810 Famous Travellers and Travels— ‘“* 811 The Great Navigators— ne 3 72 Sunshine and Storm—Brassey.................... 813 Ar ound Wor ldona Bicycle, By) eae oti 814 oe 66 815 The Congo, Vol. 1— Stanley. ade aE OR 816 Pi Vi Ohya of S0 | A nna 817 Around and About South Amer.—Vincent818 Untrodden Peaks and UnfrequentedVal- . leys—Edwards The Viking Age, Vol. 1—Du Chaillu tie 820 66 Viol, 2-— a ae: 821 Knocking Around the iRockcies_Ingersoli 22 Wonders of Alaska—Badlam................... 823 Great African Travellers—Craig.............. 824 The Rear Column—Jameson...................... 825 Prisoners of War—Isham ................ cali s 901 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. Section E. Illustrated London News ........00........0........ 101 Scientific Americani.V Ol, . Beier ee 102 J Ol. Zier eke 103 ie My Mol. dete seis 104 as de MO). Sees oer 105 Mg sy Vol. Weg yO 106 Winds of the Globe—Coffin.....0000000000...... 107 Smithsonian Temperature Tablets... 108 Commercial Relations, Vol. 2.........00000004.. 109 Eighth Census of the U.S S.(1860)Kennedy 110 66 a 66 66 oe 66 ‘6 a 66 oe 66 oe ad te ‘ Me lass a9 66 66 66 66 66 6e stale 66 66 66 ¢e 66 v6 se 115 66 ee a 4 ee ve 66 116 66 66 G6 66 oe 66 be Bes hed Ninth Hawt Ale (1870) 118 te 66 oe 66 66 ve 66 119 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 120 oe 6 66 $e 6é +e 6e ] oath U. 5 Coast Survey, i beste peeeumabeer sy i! wanes 201 ISG Bee ela te mae 202 A Race With the Sun—Harrison ............ 902 Life on the Mississippi—Clemenia............ 903 On Canada’s Frontier—Ilian................... 904 From Palm to Glacier—Rollins............... 905 Among the Camps—Page ....... 906 Seven “Years in Ceylon—Leiteh...02...... 907 In Biscayne Bay—Rockwood .................... 908 Across the Plains—Stevenson ........... 909 Tramp Across the Continent—Lummis. 910 Stand by the Union—Adams........00000.00.. 911 Across Russia—Stoddard......0.0.e. 912 Hard Life in the Colonies—Jenkyns _... 913 Scouting for Stanley—Stevens.............. 914 Daring Deeds of Daring Men—Kilmer_915 Sultan to Sultan—Sheldon.......0: 916 Missing Friends:..._.2.\. 02 917 Adventures of a Blockade Runner— Watson Spanish Cities—Stoddard .....00. 919 A Thousand Miles up the Nile—Edwards920 Equatorial America-——Ballou Rifle, Rod and Gun in Cal.—VanDyke.._.922 The Story of the Hills—Hutchinson ......923 Canoe-Mates—Munroe..............-..2..2....... 924 Afioat and Ashore on the Mediterranean —Meriwether ....0.0... 22.5 Gee 925 Our Cycling Tour in England—Thwaits 926 Tom Clifton—Gass From the Arctic Ocean to the Yellow Sea-=—Price 04.020... 928 On Canada’s Frontier—Ralph_ LS) eee 929 Barr’n Ground in North’rn Canada—Pike930 Story of John G. Paton—Paton Ab-Sa-Ra-Ka—Carrington.......00 2 932 The Wrecker—Stevenson...........................933 —— U.S. Coast Survey, 1864 ie. 203 x sh SES Lip 204 ve * re 1867 aut ie 205 Congressional G slobe, 1862-63 ithe, Tae 206 ‘Sees 207 hy a 1869-70 3. 2 208 66 66 a4 $0. ee eee 209 66 6 6 66 210 a 66 ct 4g 211 a4 : 66 6 (¢ | 212, ad 6 6s (¢ @ oy Se 913 “ ee she 24 1871. .. a 215 66 eo <4 216 “ ¢ 18701 2a 17: Debates of Constitutional Con. of Il. 1870 218 oe 7 219 Congr essional Globe, 1870......... 2a 220 ; ‘ 1871... 2 221 Geological Sur vey of Illinois, Vol. 1.....301 cf “ Valo 2oaps ad Ae hy us Voli-3..25a0s he a *¢ #3 Vol. 4.....304 Commerce and Navigation, 1863 7 305 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. cs ommer ce and 1 Navigation, 1869 ............. 306 Ae GOP ECL ea a oath cs 307 Agricultur al Report, be Dae ae Se te a Me 308 : ibe Cg 4 SW nS iy Mae 309 5 1868 12810 i he fick aie Ak a a 311 Report of Com. of Education, ROTO .c) aig 312 Rela epee 313 ‘ ve ve ay ts 1877 Wear dae 314 : Bsr ye Le Sea 315 be 66 . ee oe 1879 Wore ve eae 316 ve ve 6 +6 be 1880... eda SUF Pay a a oe 1881 SOEs) 318 e uch il 4 1882-3... 319 Report of Chief Signal Officer, 1879)..." 401 * 1880 0 402 Sos i TBSP. 403 Report of Com. on epee | in Kansas... 404 Rep't of Com's to Pari is Exposit’ n, 1867. es as oe Message and Documents, 1856-7 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘6 6s te be 66 vs 66 a 6s oe ee 6e ¢é 6+ ee 66 405 406 66 oe os oe ee te o o6 1865— pee gS Mining Res. West of Rocky Mts., 1869... Mining Statistics, 1870 Adj. Gen’l’ S Rep’ t of Illinois, 1865-6 Klu Klux Conspiracy te ve 6 ee 66 ve ve 6é +6 66 v6 “ 1861- oe Patent’ Office Report, 1849-50 407 408 409 410 411 412, 4138 414 415 A416 417 418 419 420 501 502 503 ... 504 505 006 507 508 ive (227) ie, cee ene ay )} Gen. McClellan’s Rep. and Campaign... {} Patent Office Report, 1856.......000004.0000.4. 604 : 2: BAe hee Re ae, OPES, 605 es : DY te ae Gon AY Ra Une 606 ig : [SOOM eae? 607 be ee 6 A Ae: ck ont NG ay od i 608 6s v6 oe CO yc Set CU MRE I fe, 609 = By Fe L860) eee eet 610 : - ig TSCLA SLA as ye Mele 611 Comp’d’m of U. S. Census, 1850................ 612 Mortality Statistics; 1850 v.02 613 Kighth Census, 1860 SS BODE AITO et 614 PAA age apy ee SEN A OM 615 American Bouton TOMER Seay Wty 616 Report of Director of the Mint, 1877......617 Executive Doewimente eigen rh caetitiy ia: 618 Bi RR (NON sane EO aOR EIT 619 Journal of Con. Convention (I1l.), 1870....620 Reports of Gen. Assembly ‘ °1881...621 oe 66 te 66 ’ 66 4 622 66 oo ee a6 be Ge ; 623 Heat af ‘* -1880....624 Siate Journal of Hlinois, 188] PENT GT fot 625 House “LAN Ed ca mk Me AEG RU \626 Public Libraries'in the U.S. 2000. TOL Report of Com. of Agriculture, 1862 ....... 702 be 66 ce 66 66 8 3 ay ee 703 66 66 oe a 66 Sein Cont TO4 ti Rees Ct 18660505. 705 d Bee Si in ISTE AL AG 706 ¢ ay oe Ge ‘ 1878 At 107 i * School Com., ROG Leo 708 ; BER R. & W. Com. LST ca) a 709 o6 oe Sr Oe 710 Min. Res. West. of Rocky Mts, 1869........711 Illinois Universal Extension, 1867........ T12 A Legislative Directory, 1881:....... 713 Report of Comp’r Currency, 1884... T14 awe Of Likinois; 873-4 on T15 Smithsonian Report, bs te MP RE NINA ie 716 Rots Le oR LY Rea, ny ci : SGN VEY Wir ue UNI NaN a 718 ee : PSG) PDI aN Sh 719 ao " We A he ae ete ane IED 720 e : IL SOG iis orem a Ee Wok 66 te De Weta t etiegis cua: MMOD a) ieee t : Pal aaterd maar \ we acl ata 723 e % Deli y (ae eke Mg sm low 724 et yi Pacso) Wink MUM at 725 Hh ‘ ASG Re yy ne 126 as bh PET OR aS OA Lear T27 ee : dt oN OMe SADE es 728 oF KS feo eT Mere GNM nae a STUN T29 is at Re Wi Se Ss aN tah hy OLE 730 es fe RS 4 a 731 : ; Of Ee AMM pia ete Bela Oh 132, i uy BT Grae se ae 733 ; LST Gots NEM yet a 801 ‘ DESO! Mele Sean 802 i i 1feporstullly Maciel sey Mk vir 803 On the Training of Pauper Children_....805 The National Almanac, 1864...)000000:000.... 806 General Orders Volunteer Force, *64......807 SRDS GI deg eric 4 MB 808 Whig Almanac, 10 ONARGA PUBLI C LIBRARY. ogawsot: Ulinois, 883 ova. dhe entree 809 Ann. Report of Com. of Labor, 1886....... 817. Legislative Manual, 1865 ................0....... 810 Gaws of Ulinois, 1887... 2o) ae 818 Smithsonian Report, 1881 ..................2...-- 811 Higher Education in Wisconsin .............. 819 e é A heroes SeBaas Chm HANS UF 812 History of Education in Florida... 820 “ + LSS4 ie Lae 813 Education in Georgia...) 2a 821 Repor t of Com. of Education, 1883-4....814 Higher Education in South Carolina. ....822 ie 1884-5.....815 History of Education in Alabama............ 901 Smithsonian Report, 1885.........0.. 816 Instructions to Observers of Sig. Service 902 POETRY. Section F. Poems—Holmes.......:......) 302 Poems Pot we aes kkk. at a 101 ‘t —Ingelow ...... 32 308 HN he Pear tamale lel) 2S, Sok el emt 102 Festus—-Bailey........... 2 304 Tytetle- Toy tion 205 ce iad eee | 103: Poems— Whittier ..2..,. ee 305 Poems; Vol. J--Percival .......22. 5 2428 104 ‘+ Southey ......... 2 306 ci AS MOND ad CA Pde Aa a ee 105 —Burns....00.. 223 307 he Ar eT OW TLITO. 20 un aul meee 106 ‘¢ —Dryden 808 oe ae eam SOE CARRE 2 ARENDS es 107 ‘* | —Hood |... 309 ; «3+ Ae SRM | ORR od BAL 108 = White.)._....... 310 : (4 Titel, ieee, See ae 109 Bittersweet— Holland stash. 311 te rs oo BF Risin. CaO a, eg 110 Kathrina— ©“ |». 312 Ag ma ME OU ETS 2 oh. Noe: ee 111 Mistress of the Manse—Holland.............. 313 i ‘« 2—Longfellow ............-22........ 112 Emeline—Robinson ;.....4..05 eee 314 s ——-COWPOL.....5)s:-p a Sees 113 The Great Atonement Illus.—Alford 315 Gems of Sacred Poetry.............0..0.0-+: 114 Sacred, Poems... »:.:....._. [i 316 Album of Love........... Bi reemieete |X. Wien IR 115 Poems—Campbell ........0.00.22. Ey Opiet Houre.c a2 ec elk ee es 116 ‘* Wordsworth .....3a.2e : ie Cae 318 Sonnets and Lyrics—Jackson ..................- Aty ‘¢ —Browning ........ 3333272 ee 20 Roadside Poems—Larcom.............. 0.0... 118 te —Lonegtfellow ER 321 Friar Anselmo—Dorr..o.c....0..0c0 119 Poetical Favorites—Kendrick 322 Poems of Pleasure—Wilcox..........000.... . 120 Poems—Tennyson ...........2 ee oh beet ALOE LGH, icc. 2 eae 121 Divine CG omedy, Vol. 1—Dante......000 401 Poems Thackera yon. sy .....gewaeme: oct 122 2— “8 i 402 Surf and Wave—Watd..........00....-.-.. 123 i Pe co Eee 403 The Classic Shades—Miller........00000..... 124 Shakespeare for the Young... J. 404 Proeme—“Tay lors sc 9..2.. 5 ce eeaae as ee 125 -Poems—Longfellow ..... 4. se en teas 405 Rhymes of Childhood—Riley.................... 126 .Faust—Goethe __....... 2 406 The Spanish Gypsy—Lewes._............-...... 127 Poems—Holmes.......... wie) 407 Jerusalem Delivered—Tasso...............0...... 201 ‘ — Taylor... 2 408 Hudibtras-~ Butler eu eb. oe ges: 202 English Dramatic Poets... 409 TOCInS 4} POpG: esr eaer eh eee ac: 203 Poems—Moore.............. are Tirart peregatie eon Wegem'e*CLViOeanig ve 204 A Fable for Critics—Lowell 000... 41] POU ceca, 8) ceo! SNe SEI >), ie eR eee 205 Poems—Milton...... eee 413 PAP bere NATOK Fe ee at ou. , cee ede 206 '* —Rossette ....... 414 Dramas-+ Lytton, it) ee 207 = Platt ._..4... 2 415 Rubaiyat—Khayyam .........002..0....--e 208 Shelley's Poems............2 2 aua7aeeeaa 417 Shakespeare Calendar.......... 4.42 209 Bryant’s Poems .......... 22.530 ee 418 Poetical Works—Saxe................... 40.210) Bomer’s Tiliad’ 2)... 30 419 ee sh it ee OO HOT). TRA Nenm ise ae ae 211 City Rectival-eCarlotae denne rao 420 Wide Swath—Shillaber «00 |. 212 Selected Poems—W hitman... 421 Poems—Spofford .......... Bek is os, Mee nb he 213 Fable for Critics—Lowell..........000022..0 422 Child-Life— W hittier........... 214 The Lady of the Lake—Scott.......0000. 423 POCA = Cary File SACO) 5 eka et ee dient 215 Shakespeare view asp ons. «A ae 501 Sh Geter OUR cea) LN cls. a a a J AIG OE ee 501 BF ic OOM Gut) US: ee ey La 218: Poems—Byron ............ 2.) 502 Classic Heroie: Ballads’. oun 1 ee Mo -—-Cowper.......... 2a rr 508 Heartsease and Rue—Lowell .............0.... 220 Poets and Poetry of Poland—Soboleski 504 Tdyls and Toyrics=Piattt: ...jjcteerae 22] Poems—By. POD oa eeeeeceees ceeeeeeectcecececenteetnecttnne 505 Poetic Studies~Phelps .1../, 2s 222 DD grasa bes OBR gS Be weet stv ehe «2 506 Poems--~Larcom slp ano PES! Me 223 5s ood: _isesees speeded: 2h 508 Songs of Mexican Seas—Miller................ 224 ‘The Shepherd Lady.2...4..2 33 509 Humor, and Wits yee. th Ala ois 301 Farm Festivals—Carleton 510 HISTORY. 1] The Buntling Ball... 6... ....511 Flower and Thorn— Aldrich... ....:...2.2.. 516 Thewaw sing “Arthur... jack... 512 Poems—Wilkinson ..00.00..0000.. bce: 517 Relics of Ancient Poetry 4 ercy i... D138 Verses—Randol ph ......2.0. 00 eee eee 518 Jar leton........... Rane ae D514 A Child’s Garden of Verses-Stephenson 519 ie mioux War—~Heard ya... ieee ee. 214 Outbreak of the Rebellion—Nicolay......215 From Ft. Henry to Corinth—Foree ........ 216 The Peninsula—Webb...........0.....00...0000000... 217 The Army Under Pope—Ropes................ 218 Anteitam and Ireder icksburg—Palfrey oe Chancellorsville, Gettysb’g—Doubleday..220 Ar rmy of the Cumber land— Cist Pumpewer it ee ses ee 206 A Miracle in Stone—Seiss................ 2.0.2... 207 Fairy-land of Science—Buckley................ 208 How to Grow Handsome—Jacques _........ 209 Sight—-LeConte 2 0. Ae Seen, 210 The Camel-Mareh 2h ca aie Gale 211 Natural History—Hooker .....-.....0...0..2....... 212 Half Hours with Modern Scientists, 1....213 aS ey i Geological Sketches—Agassiz aca © es 215 we OY cham WiRoe eR Eta Cy 216 Contributions of Science to Edu.—Payne217 Principles and Practice of Teaching— JOHONNGU ara. es ea ot AR ieee 218 History of Pedagogy—Compayre............ 219 Talks on Teaching—Parker ..................... 220 Philosophy of Education—Tate ............... 221 Hmiilie—Rosseat of cous... Pe Rees 222 Education by Doing—Johnson .. Eee Gentle Measures in Training Young— ADORE Ce Se ees |... eee rma raee 224 Arnold's Lectures 2220/2... eee eae 225 Hconomics—Bower -.20.0....... ness 220 Old Greek Education—Mahaffey.............. 228 History of a Candle—Faraday.................. 229 Chips from Teacher’sW orkshop-Klemm230 Structure of Animal Life—Agassiz........ 231 School Master of 19th Century.................. 232 7000 Words often Mispronounced-Phyfe 233 Book of Beauty and Fascination—Jelley..234 Practical Hints for Teachers—Howland 235 Quote" Hall S tare toes) een a! 236 Four Great Teacher s—Forster............. 231 How to Read, Recite and Impersonate— WW Gey a ae et) Gel a OL ohn ay 238 Civil Government in U. S.—Fiske........... 239 Memory: what it is, how to improve—Kay240 Marvels of Animal Life—Holder «........... 241 Our Common Birds—Grant............. ga eae 242, Natural Law in Spiritual W orld—Drum’d243. House Plans for Everybody—Reed.. 244 Philosophy of Common Life, 1—Lewes. 301 66 Drees o6 Fe 302 Political Economy—Bastiat..........02.00........ 303 Sophisms of Protection— Bastiat... ........... 304 The Hunan :Species 12:1.) Ceti 2 asa 305 Alphabet in Finance—McAdanm .............. 306 Arago's Biographies, Vol. Le fae 307 PAO, Re ad o08 Popular Astronomy—Mitchell................ 309 Letters to a Young Physician—Jackson3 10 Physical Life of Woman—Napheys pret 3h Medical Lectures for the People-Arnold 312 Comstock’s Philosophy.......0 0204.00.00. 313 Youman’s New Chemistry: 314 Life and Her Children—Buckley ........... 315 Insect Lives—Ballard 0.0000... 316 Laws of Fermentation—Patton 317 Chemical Mineralogy—Joyee......0000..4 318 ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY. C hips fr om aGerman Wor beicines > ~Muller. 401 402 66 6e 66 66 ae 66 4038 66 te ve 66 p< oy 404 oe ‘eo be te oo ee 405 Cosmos, Vol. 1— Humboldt 1! Cigna 406 2— 1 ee 407 ie 6 8 OO 408 - ui 4— 66 409 MY ete “JU 410 Recreations in Astronomy a i, 411 The Dawn of History... 72. eee 412 Principles of Zoology—Agassiz................ 413 Education—Spencer..............-.............., 414 Hand-book for Engineers—Morris............ 415 Lectures of Phrenology—Combe............. 416 Animal Life—Semper.._.1.. a ae 417 : Mechanism—Marey...............0... 418 $ Intelligence—Romanes ............. 419 Ten Thousand Wonderful Things... 28 420 World Life Geology—Mitchell_........... 421 Electricity up to Date—Verity............... 422 The Ivory King—Holder 2 Sige Lt aS Along the Florida Reef—Holder............. 424 Industries of Animals—Houssay............. 425 Politics for Young Americans—Nordhoff 426 Walks and Talks in Geological Field— Winchell .... 6000 Tons of Gold—Chamberlain .......... 4 28 Instructions for Volunteers and Militia —Gilham |..............,,.. a 501 The Englishman’s House—Richardson_502 Corelation and Con. of Forces ................. 5038 Lay: Sermons, etc.—Huxley.. eee 504 Man’s Place in Nature—Huxley.._._.._! 505 The Original Species—Darwin ........... 506 The Descent of Man— “ 2 See 507 Homes for the People—Wheeler........__... 508 Earth and Man—Guyot 2... 0. 2s. 509 American Cottage Builder—Bullock.....5 Elements of Military Art—Halleck ........ 511 Popular Geography—Miller.... 513 Klementary Geology—Hitchcock dl4 Great Facts— Bakewell .......0..000000 51d First Six Books of Euctd. ee 516 Anthracite Iron—Johnsen ee 517 Light and Electricity—Tyndall. _.......-618 The Mound Builders—Maclean ........... 519 Political Ethies, Vol. 24.../ Sa 602 Civil Liberty and Self Gover nment....... 603 Sloan’s Architecture 2............. 72a 604 Man and Beast—W ood .../.:...... eee 605 Pre-Historic Races of U.S. ae ise 606 Ghemistry 2.00 00..(0...43t .. 607 Antiquity of Man—Lyell........ see 608 Harris’ Book-keeping............. ae 609 The Steam Eng ine—Lardner Sere. 610 Comde’s Physiology..2...7.... 2 611 Physical Geography of the Sea—Maury TOL Cottage R esidenc es—Downing. 723 702 Economical Geology of I1l.,1-Worthern 703 mG a3 66 66D (6 704 oe ee iad te nee oe TOD Birds of the Northwest—Coves......0.0. 706 ORATORY, REFERENCE, MISCELLANEOUS. Practical Model Calculator—Byrne.......707 Gallery of Nature, Vol. 2—Milnev.......... 804 Climatology of the U. $.—Blodgett........ 80). Botany—Sache Annee cea eae 805 Dram alueLISbOr Yn W 00d: 2 Se, 802 Principles of Geology—Lyell........... 806 Gallery of. Nature, Vol. 1—Milner.......... 803 American Wasps—Saussure .....2.-00... 807 ORATORY. Section J. Memorial of Abraham Lincoln—Bancroft204 Speeches in Congress—Gidding................ 101 Corwin’s Speeches .......0.00000... HOWE aa 301 Oratory and Orators—Mathews................ 102 Life and Wr itings Rufus Choate—Browns302 Philosophy of Rhetoric—Campbell. ....... 108 se 308 Life and Speeches of Henry Clay............ 201 Ever ett’ s Or ations and Speeches, Vol. 1 304 Obituar y, Addresses on Death of Clay....202 ‘¢ 2.305 Webster’s and Hayne’s Speeches .... ....... 203 i ‘ Me = BOG REFERENCE BOOKS. Section K. New Ameri ‘ican Encyclopedia, Vol. 1......401 Boyer’s Dictionary, Vol. 1.............. Cannot 101 6 2/402 oe 6s ‘ ve 2, eg ETA Rook J a 102 ee 6 66 ee 3 Rat 403 SererorisereutiOns eo ke a Oe ; 4. 404 Well’s National Hand-Book .........00........... 104. i . alin stent: AA) Nichol’s Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 aa ' (ht Gi OG te ee +s pe st ie he ee et 2. yy ‘ se 7 See 407 ; , PA eS ner Sg rs ie vf es 8... 408 be ‘ ‘ 4 NOUN oR ede a 204 6s 66 oe oe 9 SG 409 chy io ip Ace a ye) Eh ae ik ih fe 10... 410 DAR (0S reas BOG) ht! i. + phi aves ‘ ‘ gay Gs NEE eee 20a 2h tes WANA, 0s vs 66 vA ite. we OR cs ea 208 ‘ ss = COTS pukeihe: 66 ‘ “6 9g Tis ee re a 209 6e ve ve ee 14 ae 4}4 “s . ido CS ces ace a ZA a i as ce Nae: oe ve oe 11 RNR SUTd Mae of ey P11 66 oe 6é 66 16 Aa a 416 . a be catia RO oe 212 Annual American Encyclopedia, Vol. 1 501 Political Eneyclopedia—Cluskey .............. 301 oe vb fe ree 2 O02 Chreago City Director yi. ai. 302 i He cs 6¢' 3 5038 Family Encyclopedia—Frost .................:... 303 Spanish Dictionary—Cadena........00.00.. 00... 504 Information for the People, Vol. 1......... 304 U.S. Gazetteer—Fisher |e. 505 Sh ad n Det se nk 305 Young People’s Cyclopedia .........00..20..... 506 Leaawares U.. 3, Gazetveer 1s.) /.ss:. 306 MISCELLANEOUS. Section L. The Young Lady’s Companion—Coxe... 302 Hime t500K. OF LOWS): ... ee ete. 101 Letters to Young Men—Sprague............ 303 IR 2) So Fs Ve ga a Uda domi alt Vie 102 A True Republic— BLECKDOYV i. 0a Ulu 304 Roberts’ Rules of Orders 103. School Government. oa ee 305 The Temperance Speaker |. ...0.....02..0........ 104 Key to Ollendorf’s Spanish Len DAMS MeL 306 Minoo suvature, WKilecte ie 2) le ka 105 Uprising of a Great People.....0.000000....... 307 Young Man’s Guide—Alcott.....000.0..000... 106 Swingin’ Round the: Cirelea si. Soo. ey 308 How to Choose a House............0.2...0222...2....- 10m: Kirkhany’s Grammar oi) us ee 309 Bits of Talk About Home Matters. ......... 108 Father’s Book—Dwight ACOA DSN WS ie 310 Sprague’s Letters to a Daughter.............. PUR Oilend ori’s) Spanig hwy ie een, aan 311 Voune Man's friend—Eddy 10......000.... 202 Mrs. Partington’s Knitting-Work...........312 Titcomb’s Letters—Holland 0.0.0... PO VAVELn ANSCAObES 0 Sines BAUS, S13 Golden Steps for the Young —........00.......... 204 The Wealth of Nations. .)..000 0. 401 Familiar Letters to Young Men.............. 205 The Indian Question ......... TRS epee UMN 402 Weaning s Narrative 028 Le elt 216 Our Wasted Resources ................. a TUPS AAR 403 Wemae Orcs Ua OL Le eter ints loward: Reforma sine 2S. 404 Civil Government— Y oung......00002......2-.-.-.. OR UMCRT GEN (iG Wis hitene § nukes, CRtUn Se iets MY) 405 Lectures to Young Men—Beecher ......... 301 Gallows, Prison and Poor-house 406 16 ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY. Lao Student: ke Lee oie ere 501 Bird-ways—Miller \..:.0) 2 ee 522 Robinson Crusoe’s Money........... -.----.---- 502) Mothers ‘in Council...) ee 523 Republican Landmarks...............--.---...-- 503 A Bundle of Letters—Dodge ................... 524 Results of Emancipation—Cochin............ 504 Sermons to the Clergy .............0.0...022.2: 525 Cuba for invalids 7o oNk, nee ees 505 Twenty-six Hours a Day................0....2... 526 Adventures of an Attorney ...........0..... 506 Prisoners of Poverty Abroad-Campbell 527 Remarkable ‘Trigisy 2... eo ee ee 507 Common Sense in the Note jee 528 The Preedmeén’sBO00k ...). ees 508 By Leafy Ways—Knight ... 1.529 Unconstitutionality of Slavery... aber ee eee 509 cate of the Field...) 2 Why We Laugh—Oox.......0..0.05 0k. 510 . Upland and Meadow... oo cane 531 How to be Happy Tho’ eel Boni Aertel 8 511 What Shall We Do With Our Children Joe, Miller’s)) ested.) es pemeee 512 |.—-Barry..... a Lee 533 Manners and Social Usages........................ 5138 Go Right On, Girls... ii OOF Manners Maketh Man......2...0.......2.--2--- 514 How the Other Half Lives ._......0.0.00..... 585 England’s Antiphon.)..b J pasar oko 515. Under the Trees—Mabie ).) ee 536 Prisoners of Poverty... +... 24a 516 Thrown Upon Her Own Resources.......... 537 Domestig Probleme i. 25 oN aS veer ate 517 Birds in the Bush—Torrey ..............00..1.. 538 AGlib Ob One eck eee een ee 518 Half Hours With Millionaires—West....539 The Evolutions of the Snob... 519 Little Brothers of the Air... 540 The Modern vew i) 2)... aie ee 520 How to Win—F. Willard....... Jie 541 Romance Without Fiction... 521 JUVENILE. Section M. The Four MeNicols—Black.........-... 142 Flaxie Frizzle—Miss Clarke............0..0.... 101 Ten Days a Newsboy—Otis ee Hes 143 Flaxie Frizzle and Dr. Papa—Miss Clark102 Bertie and the Carpenters—Leslie. 146 Lattle! Pitehers ie.) ol. 02 Ga ee ee 103 ‘Plumbers Seam 147 Loife—-Johnsons..7. i. i Seen 1 oe ri “SS Painters— +f i ee 148 Tag h ter (i lr Le cece eee 106 Letters to a Daughter—Starrett.............. 149 Peomance. 222 Ce ee ....107 Harry’s Garden ...__....) 150 My Sher yi) tanto aE Gam 108. The Purse of Gold ......... 2) ee 151 Comedy is hhc, wide aR apne cea 109 Dottie’s Bedquilt....... _-seinies eal 153 Childhoodii Li) ee ee een 110 The Lost, Knifes. ......2 23 Lt oe Herolsriy sac es Ns, Angee Sl 111 A Summer at Aunt Helen’s........ 155 Humanity. eh. cao) * Soa nen ve 2 112 Stevie’s Visit.................... 3a 156 Wonder Book—Hawthorne...... ................ 113 Lottie’s Birthday............... 2 157 History: of) Greece. 2.\ 0 eee eee te 114 Reginald’s Vacation............ ee 158 rh 1S "ROMS 12.4))) co eee aman 115 Grandma’s Surprise Party ................. 159 Roman Antiquity—Wilkins...........00.......... 116 Nature, Humanity 02 eee 160 History of Kurope—Freeman.................... li Hrile 0.025.000... ee 161 Jlassical Geography—Tozen...................... 118 Fortune ..................u..... (A 162 Geography—Grove ...........2.cceeeeee: .--+- A199" Intellect...) \...)........2 163 Little Prudy—Miss Clarkevieery cueees 120. Adirondack Stories.....0).2 eee 164 Little Prudy’s Sister Susy—Miss Clarke121 Stories of Great Men... 165 ‘¢ Captain Horace— ‘ 122 Stories of Remarkable Women................ 166 ‘A Story Book— fy 123 Leonard and Gertrude... ae 167 es é Cousin Grace— * 124 The Forbes-Dolan Affair... 168 i As Dotty Dimple— ‘ 125 When I was a Boy in China...........0...... 169 Primer Histor y of Africa—Goodrich....127 John Spicer Lectures... 170 ‘* Kurope— RN Aen, 128 Keyhole Country..:......2.. 2.42 171 Indian Traits, Vol. 1—Thatcher.............. 129 Melchior’s Dream—Ewing...... ............... Liz y 4 Ap erie: Haun, Velen 130 Stories That Grandma Told .........00... 173 Miss Toosey’s Mission #..:cyyo fee a oe 131 Left in the Wilderness ......0.0000n 174 Charley’ s Lesson About Animals ............ 132 The Last. Penacook....2......... 2 175 Xed-Letter Stories—Spyri.............. Ysera sep 133 Being a Boy—Warner................00 176 Seven Little Sister s—Andrews sh Mic 2s AO 134 The Last of the Peterkins 0... rem 1i7 Bach and AS ic) 1. an ee ee 135 Little Miss Weezy .....0.0..000... .. ee 178 FLO Witt. Gia Bs lesa ee rene 136 True Stories—Hawthorne |... 179 My Uncle the Clockmaker—Howitt....... 137 Marjorie Daw—Aldrich |... 180 No Sense Like Common Sense—“ 138° Genevra—Wallace .................... 181 Sowing and Reaping—- AP in Vol ae 139 Stories About Authors |... 182 Story of a Genius— erm en 140 Narrative Poems... 2) 183 Work and Wages— awe 141 Minor Poems—Johnson | ...0..000.0000000. 184 JUVENILE. Authors—Johnson.......... HR eM PE us. bh Sia 185 DoyricalPoeme— Johnson)... 186 A World of Little People...........02............... 187 The Story of Puff—Pansy .......>..0:...2..2..... 188 New Year’s Dela Pansies =n Sh 189 In the Woods and Out— ‘Sooo. 190 Bobby’s Wolf— 2 Cen Ree a ae 191 Po Erome and Abroad— of). ise... 192 Mary Burton Abroad— ~"' ou... 193 Six O’clock in the Evening—Pangsy ........ 194 Two Boys—Pansy CSU 8 ie 2 Banc A eee eae WED 195 Gertrude’s Diary—Pansy Mee ee BN es) 196 UU Es Mag ane t ah san eee ee 197 Couldn't be Bought— ‘* 9 oo... ee. 198 Boys’ Heroes—Halle ..2..00.......2:ceeee cece eee 199 sweDor Story—Talbotc cil. 200 Dottie Dimple at Grandma’s.....2.2..6.0: 201 1 RB Ke ac) OW ret: Wee A Be 202 a “ BY COUN Sty eee bi ba Ji 203 : 4 ALON EAE a Ame tote ed a Bee 204 4 SEONG, ICLEOO seid Wee Claiey UA 205 emimpiles.Blyaway 2b ns 206 Little Sunshine’s Holiday—Mulock 7 207 ‘* (dup 208 The Cousins from India—Mulock ba Bre 209 MeWwenty -¥Y Card APO ei PR ciel 210 Miss Moore— Hr Right ale Be 211 An Only Sister—DeW itt 219 Roderick Ashcount Wise ........2........0.2...0.0.2. 213 MG eee eect oe RAPE ye: 214 Camping Out— Stephens in... 215 quero on lnabrador— ol selene, 216 ChItO the iGeysers— es kkk lees. 217 Fox Hunting— RR ates eon te eee 219 ite wuinazone “Fe 220 PSOSbON: GO Aa MOrO-3 aes Aiea. ey 22] Firelight Pelee ihe: 2 TUN eRe a2 222 LES EOL Ta of 52 Sy dea ee CN eo 223 Ceara Oe. eet eto a A, A 224 Trotty Book— Phelps mi SP ods be!) eae 225 Trotty’s Wiecdine. Toure. eee. 226 Parents’ Assistants A RR 2 Ge ah UA ete 227 Jack Hazzard and his Fortunes—Trow- Cry a SOE MRR) a ea 228 A Chance for Himself—Tr owbr idge........ 229 Demee pest-—) 6 bai hyn es 230 Fast Friends— ir me ea a ol Lawrence’s Adveutures— ‘* —_....... 233 Fr ank Mr ments UNDA tae ac...) Ses eed 235 Pe VV OOUS... crates. Ais OO amine ire rok sbi sgl, sda: 237 ‘* on the Lower Mississippi . BAR os 238 PODS Ee PAIriec tea eats a hs 239 SER ey VAN CA LINS 0 Oe Sad: Sues: We 242 Paetgexouns Naturalist...) ot... 243 Pore eanrerr mi VV INter See x el hie 244. Pe ORIRCH Se eT y. og eS oy nds 245 Harper’ 8 Stor y Book, 1—A bbott............ 246 ee UR ied 5 Soden ee 247 6s ag 6 3 Seale Sa Tus ashe aelt D4 “e : mh ee ey LG thee SAO 66 6s os ROE ne 259 he of 6— DAM Deane ad ao] rs ts Beet he Gedo a 252 17 Har per ’s Story Book, 8— Abbott Ps Nyce 253 g— BPR See 254 te 66 se 10— FS SUA Rta ey 25 yD if Ph ite La AED aid og 256 6e 66 ee 1224 ide Relea One O57 Taihele, JOG=- Obi sie seek tha Me pu es 258 S. S: Stories for Children—Hale.............. 259 ‘ 66 66 66 ives | ESL erty ek cil eh Te 260 206 ae ca eM yl 2d OR NS 08 Ae Sa A Neal Ele 261 Strange Stories from History .............. 262, Little Miss Weezy’s Brother .....0..00..00....... 263 Jo's Opportunity—Lillie. ..) iu 264 Juno and Georgie—A bbott......0.00.. eee. 265 PUNOON A OUPIOW SOI titer OM Sol wen ie 266 Hubert— PUR lear Vai OC IE 267 Mary Osborne— as taco Mangan fc 268 ‘en, Boys—Andrews i) 200 vos ah 269 On y eke Vie ares pum aeee ee DOE aye kth, 270 Mlover-—-Coolidgenn mirc aes 271 Just Sixteen—Coolidge... 0.0.0... 272 The Jimmy Johns—Diagey os 301 The Wm. Henry Letters—Diaz................ 302 Wm. Henry and His Friends |... 303 Bedtime Stories—Moulton.......0.000200002.... 304 More Gedtime Stories—Moulton.............. 305 New Bedtime Stories— ad Rata ptiae ae 306 Belle and the ocean SRA Me ALES 2 307 Noy louse hold Petsic iis pee iis 8 ee ins 308 Whreads of Knowledge wii Li ag 309 Pictures of Travelin Far-off Lands, C.A.310 Sahat S.A. 311 Dr. Kane, the Arctic Hero—Jones ......... 312 Rollo Lear ning to Talk—A bbott.......000.: 313 Learning to Read ee HAE MEN, 314 “at Wor ae Se RAMS te Lee 815 niecan: lays SORA woe LT 316 at School— 1 317 ‘f= Vacation— Ronnie ee aera 318 Rollo’s Experiments— A Rae RC a 319 ‘¢ Museum— Mihi aes Nard by 320 fay bravels-—- Aly Wie te Oe 321 in Correspondence ses i isy rb 8 oe 3a2 6 Philosophy, Water iii iui beh 323 Fi Air PALMA Sea Se 324 ss it PE ns ie i a BaD ae i SOLE eR EM srl ile 25, 326 Xollo on the Atlantic— re Rae eM, B27 ‘¢ in Paris— RH Saab aR. 328 “in Switzerland— Ny Kap ae Ree 329 ‘¢ on the Rhine— ie Puy Ce 830 in Scotland— BEATA dah Aci 33] ‘ Uw Bae Poor Papar+Porter (202 MO eum nae 430 Break Up— ees 536 Handy (A ndy== luo veri) adveg amarensene ee ter 431 Bear and Forbear— |“ Sat Dab KinzersSstoddar ds) 152) eae eae 433 Children’s Stories in American History Vice Versa— A netey. ito tee eee 434. °° .-——Wright .............2 20) 538 Six Little Rebels—Woods 0.020.002... 435 Dick’s Wandéring—Sturgis......0000 539 Doctor Dick—W 0045S |... eee 436. Sea and Shore—Wright ee 540 Tales from Many Sources, L.......................488 Kangaroo Hunters—Bowman .........00..0.. 541 ok iy Wl i Dili sae det e cot a 439 Travels Round the World—Smiles ___ 542 66 66 id 3 MeN eg to ay - 440 American Girl’s 543 JUVENILE. Wifn-Hollow—Potter...........22......0c. se. 544 Little Mook and Other Tales—Hauff.....545 . Boys at Chequasset— W hitney.................. 546 Piper OOOO et 547 The Little Silver Trumpet—Meade....... 548 Bar Harbor Days—Harrison...................... d49 Up the River—Adams.........0000.. 200... 550 Great Grandmother’s Girls—Champnrey 551 Knock About Club—Ober.....0000.0.00000 0.00... 5o2 Two Little Confederates—Page................ 503 Juan and Juanita—Baylor. ........00000..0........ do4 The Boy’s Republic—Harris.. ................... dod A>Wrozen Dragon—Holder...............0..0..... 556 A Brave Struggle—Locke.......000000050000... 5o7 Wide-awake Pleasure Book | _......0............ 5d8 Recollections of a Drummer Boy-Riefferd59 Adventures of Tom Sawyer—Clemens ...560 Tales of King Arthur—Farrington......... D6 ER SACO aR 563 Beresrownies—-OCox ft. oe 564 (Jueer ep with Wings and Stings-— ON IE ER ere eee 566 Alden cose) SARIS UO ae a of ea ae 568 Queer People, Goblins, Giants—Cox Northern Loands—Adams....'......... 608 Cross and Crescent—Adams.................2...... 603 Sunny Shores— Ee ep Ue hea 604 Poor and Proud— ents eee een ee.) 607 Work and Win— AP fe ). rola? SURE a eet 111 The Berber— CMM tan CRN in 212 Doe STS SS Re Sa) a ee 112 Young Mrs. Jardine—Mulock be aL te Ae ae 301 Last of Mohicans—Cooper PLEO ga ent EAM 113° A Eon ont Me PARE NS Ab) NURSE 302 prmeeremenmea tyr 8 AR a 114 Two Marriages— ing Lala. NDS MANE TE 308 The Prairie— oh gt SS b Ae ST aati Eo sale 115 The Unkind Word— Pb fad Y ache nc tn 304 Water Witch— hh Ty Myce SPS Ne a 117 JohnHalifax,Gentleman—* 2.0) 2000.0... 305 The Bravo— ERIM One wees Live" 118 A Noble Lite dd ae Ns Seay Med 306 SU TIC Weber IMIS OY de, cates es! 119 A Brave Lady— AEP ae oe eal a NS 307 Afioat and Ashore— “Co... 120 Scenes of Clerical Life—G. H. Lewes....308 Daniel Deronda, Vol. 1— oe : ONARGA PUBLIC LIBRARY. Daniel Deronda, Vol. 2—G. H. Lewes... 310 Felix Holt, the Radical— 311 ¢ (Dup)— 312 Romola— 313 Mill on the Floss— ie 314 Adam Bede— it ...015- Shirley—Charlotte Bronte.....2......0....00..... 316 The. Professors eh"), (0 (esse 317 History of Amelia—Bronte.......c1/.2.0.44, 318 Adam Bede—George Elliott.................... 319 Humbled Pride—John R. Musick............ 320 Pomponia—Mrs, Webb......42.:4 ).2.0005) 321 Transplanted—Fannie EK. Newberry ...... 322 Alderside—Annie 8S. Swan........... Bbidacs lst: 323 Falconer of Faleonhurst—E. E. Green....32 Oliver Langton’s Ward— Mt 825 Wyhola— * 826 Elenor’s Discipline—Janet Brown ..... ..... 327 Old Port Days—T. W. Higginson............ 328 Life by the Ganges—Mrs. Mullens. .... . Henry Esmond—Thackergay .................... 401 Vanity Fair— Pn Pewee Reh 402 Pendennis— Af rs RA ae a 403 The Newcomes— BF.) | ba ec AMie a ae eos 404 The Virginians— RO ONIN BG Saag sale 405 . i (Dupe eee sae 406 Alton Locke—Chas, Kingsley ete. dui 407 Westward How: att aes Beem 408 Hypatia— AM tay: aor 409 Yeast— 00 al Rete imme s, 410 Dr. Johns, Vol. 1—Mitchell.........000000... 41] sé 66 66 yan CE Seba ey aaleta edS 412, White Lies—Chas. Reade.................. ........ 413 A Terrible Temptation—Chas. Reade....414 Woman Hater— 415 Never too Late to Mend— " 416 se (Dup)— AIT The Elect Lady—Geo. MeDouala ees 418 Doctor Latimer—Clara L. Burnham......419 Mississippi School-Master—H. Matson..420 Robert Hardy’s Seven Days—Sheldon... 421 The Twentieth Door— ... 422 Sybil Trevillian—Mrs. R. Hughes.......... 423 Waring Peril—Capt. Chas. King BO AY ela 424 Sergeant Croesus—-) 0b) eae da 425 Malbone—Higginson .......,024.0-35..4 426 In Wild Rose Time—Amanda Douglas. 427 Lyndell Sherburne— me 428 Sherburne Cousins— oa ‘F429 Home Again—MeDonald (hy les 430 When All the Woods are Green-Mitchel 431 Wanted—Mrs. G. R. Alden... 2. 432, The Red Wallflower —Miss Warner ett th 433 INODOG y= GAs ie! fii t OS Te he ea 434 The Ola Helmet— te aethee st 2 435 The End of a Coil— ih Se Sad bel ha 436 Stephen, M. D.— of ge 437 Miss Prudence—Jennie Drinkwater. be 438 Tessa Wadsworth’s Discipline—Drink- WatOlns inure h es eee a a 439 From Flax to Linen—Drinkwater......... 440 The Lone House—Amelia Barr. 44] Only the Governess—Rose N. Cary per 442 Queenie’s Whim". Sha ae 443 The Old, Old Story —Rose N. Cary rae 444 Heriot’s ‘Choice— ye 445 Under Fire—Chas. King... 446 The Colonel’s Christmas Dinner .............. 447 Sweet Clover—C. L. Burnham.......0..0.02 448 Elsie Dinsmore—Martha Finley Wi dks aie 449 Elsie’s Girlhood— ‘* || 7°" SS 450 Philip and His Wife—Margaret Deland 451 Katherine Lauder dale, I-F. M. Crawford452 2- Ss; 453 The Ralstons, 1— ss oy 454 2— sy ey 455 A Divided House—Annie S. Swan .......... 456 Love and Shawl-Straps—A. L. Noble .....457 Another Girl’s Experience—L. Webster458 Miss Hurd—Anna K. Green 459 Coeur D’Alene—Mary Hallock Foote ....460 Tales of a Grandfather, 1,2-Sir W. Scott 501