TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE een LUBBOCK, TEXAS er me NOY Sea, ae UNIVERSHH Oi TLLINGIS ~ FOREWORD THE COLLEGE THAT IS TO BE Ne a Butry as second-class matter December, 1924, at the postof, ‘ Texas, under the Act of August 24,1912, appl* = ~ ~ ‘ ‘ » xT 4 < ~ te 4 7 . meaner ST hy a ee oath ay yee F GAS hea 4 2 er Same a BI if . i sat : b *: aoe oe = re Ly af i pas Tyee, Pia ee oy Weer Raker ee Te sie ae 3) 83-824-3000-L180 ' wf N 1 eee BULLETIN | OF THE LUBBOCK, TEXAS No. 1 rin yn SE OR cn Ay ain oD 4 3 ie iy w) ty rr Vy ail > ed Pos 2 | x 7 a ' * * i 4 J MU > ab 7 i Chey eee ru AN TEXAS TECHNOLOGICAL COLLEGE GENERAL INFORMATION Hstablished by Act of the Thirty-eighth Legislature of Texas. - Located at Lubbock, Texas. “ Site, two thotisand acres. First session opens September, 1925, - For first year, freshman and sophomore classes only. Junior classes in September, 1926; senior classes, September, 1927. Co-educational. ; : Standard entrance requirements. Entrance by examination, or by graduation from affiliated high school. Students of twenty-one years or over admitted on ery idual approval. Organized into four co-ordinate colleges: (1) The College of Liberal Arts. (2) The College of Home Economics. (3) -The College of Agriculture. (4) The College of Engineering. Standard four-year courses in each of these colleges. - For further information address the Registrar, Lubbock, Texas. . ope 3 = ws aR NEN