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N, : AND PROFESSOR OF MATHEMATICS IN THE ROYAL MILITARY ACADEMY, WOOLWICH. i { | LONDON: PRINTED FOR G. AND J. ROBINSON, AND R. BALDWIN, PATERNOSTER-ROW, RY S. HAMILTON, SHOE-LANE, FLEET-STREET. a, epee re oe - ee te 1804. mea. a3 eee wh OOK aot Wii “Hoyt Hien | ae aN ‘* aa: jedi srw sce agen ‘abies rs en -, ame H . ” ont j ORK LOT mm, tT Y é We Oe el 5 TO THE , REV. NEVIL MASKELYNE, D.D. F.R.S. ASTRONOMER ROYAL, &c. IN TESTIMONY OF RESPECT FOR HIS EMINENT LEARNING AND ABILITIES, AND FOR HIS LAUDABLE AND DISINTERESTED PROMOTION AND ENCOURAGEMENT OF THESE, AS WELL AS ALL OTHER USEFUL SCIENCES, AND OF GRATITUDE ) FOR HIS GENEROUS ADVICE AND ASSISTANCE IN THIS WORK, AND ON VARIOUS OTHER OCCASIONS, | THESE SHEETS ARE HUMBLY INSCRIBED, BY HIS MOST OBEDIENT SERVANT; THE AUTHOR. 7 ete Y Fh be casi? 409 ot Te ls ite Nat, 4 0 > de ul my exis ree ‘ r F Sey Vs see Re ores Yon, baa fe 2 feed i 7% Se + nF eal 228 os ac) ; ty “ ol " dup itt Cinna contin te tb 5 : RARE RAS TSE . My Ste bcs ie . : £ ) ae r < +, eee he Od on ' 4 iy se ¢ rns) : 7 Mette ote u ve é, Y * ‘g > a i, sdk ito, . aah a ia < ‘ eRe: oon; Ree | “ ae ners * when the greater leg is the conftant radius, the two columns of this feries are titled hypotenufe and perpendicular, which are our fecant and tangent; and when the lefs legis conftant, the two co- lumns in this cafe are called hypotenufe and bafe; which are our cofecant and: cotangent. After this large canon, is printed another fmaller table, which is faid to be the two columns of the third feries, or cofecants and cotangents, with their differences, but to 3 places of figures leis, or to the radius 10000000. But I cannot difcover the reafon for adding this lefs table, even if it were correct, which is very fay . TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &e. i far from being the cafe, the numbers being uniformly erroneous, and different from the former through the greateft part of the table. Towards the clofe of the 16th century, many perfons wrote on the fubject of trigonometry, and the conftruction of the triangular canon. But, their writings being feldom printed till many years afterwards, it is not eafy to aflign their order in refpe& of time. I fhall therefore mention but a few of the principal authors, andthat without pretend- ing to any great precifion on the {core ef chronological precedence. In 1591 Philip Lanfbergius firft publifhed his Geometria Triangul- rum, in four books, with the canon of fines, tangents, and fecants ; a brief, but very elegant work ; the whole being clearly explained : and it is perhaps the firft fet of tables titled with thofe words. ‘he fines, tangents, and fecants of the arcs to 45 degrees, with thofe of their complements, are each placed in adjacent columns, in a very commo- dious manner, continued forwards and downwards to +5 degrees, and then returning backwards and upwards to 90 degrees: the radius is 10060000, and a fpecimen of the firft page of the table is as follows: O Sinus | - 'Tangens Secans ite 6) 0/10000000;) O} infinitum. 10000000] infinitum. {00 1 |; 2909 9999999) 2909 34377466738 10000000 34377468193)'59 2 || 5818) 9999998) 5818 17188731915 |1000000217188734924 58 _ — -——_—— --— “3 || 8727| 9999996) 8727|11459152994|10000004,11459157357'57 4 |11626} 9999993}111636] 8594363048 ,|10000007! 8594368860) 56 5 j|t4o44 ties 14544) 6875488693' 10000011} 6875495966) 55 ee se <9 Of this work, the firft book treats of the magnitude and relations of fuch lines as are confidered in and about the circle, as the chords, fines, tangents, and fecants. In the fecond book is delivered the conftruétion of the trigonometrical canon, by means of the properties ‘Jaid down in the firft book. After which follows the canon itfelf. And in the third and fourth books is fhown the application of the table, in the refolution of plane and {pherical triangles Lanfhberg, who was born in Zealand 1561, was many years a minifter of the gofpel, and died at-Middleburg in 1632. ‘Lhe trigonometry of Bartholomew Pitifcus was firft publifhed at Francfort in the year 1599. This is a very complete work; contain- ing, befides the triangular canon, with its conttruction and ufein . refolving triangles, the application of trigonometry to problems of furveying, altimetry, architecture, geography, dialling, and aftronomy. The conftru€tion of the canon is very clearly defcribed: And, in the third edition of the book, in the year 1612, he boafts to have added in this part, arithmetical rules for finding the chords of the 3d, 5th, and other uneven parts of an arc, from the chord of that_arc being given ; faying, that it had been heretofore thought impoflible to give fuch rules; But, after all, thofe boafted methods are only the application of al x 1s HISTORY OF the double rule of Falfe-Pofition to the then known rules for finding the chords of multiple arcs ; namely, making the fuppofition of fome number for the required chord of a fubmultiple of any given arc, then - from this aflumed number, computing what will be the chord of its multipie arc, which is to be compared with that of the given arc ; then the fame cperation is performed with another fuppofition; and fo on, as in the double rule of pofition. The canon contains the fine, tangent, and fecant for every minute of the quadrant, in fome parts €o 7 places of figures, in others to 8 ; as alfo the differences for every 10 feconds. The fines, tangents, and fecants, are alfo given for every 10 feconds in the firft and laft degree of the quadrant, for every 2 feconds in the firft and Jaft 10 minutes, and for every fingle fecond in _ the firft and laft minute. In this table, the fines, tangents, and fe- ' cants, are continued downwards on the left-hand pages as far as to 45 degrees, and then returned upwards on the right-hand pages, fo that the complements are always.on the fame line in the oppofite or facing: pages. : | ‘The mathematical works of Chriftopher Clavius (a German jefuit, who was born at Bamberg in 1587) in five large folio volumes, were printed at Moguntia, or Mentz, in 1612, the year in which the au- thor died, at the age of 75. Inthe firft volume we find a very ample and circumftantial treatife on trigonometry, with Kegiomontanus’s canon of fines, for every minute, as alfo canons of tangents and fe- cants, each in a feparate table, to the radius 10000000, and in a form continued forwards all the way up to 90 degrees. The expla- nation of the confiruCtion of the tables is very complete, and is chiefly extracted from Ptolemy, Purbach, and Regiomontanus. The fines have the differences fet down for each fecond, that is, the quo- tients arifing from the differences of the fines divided by 60. About the year 1600, Ludolph van Collen, or a Ceulen, a refpect- able Dutch mathematician, wrote his book De Circulo et Adfcriptis, . in which he treats fully and ably of the properties of lines drawn in and about the circle, and efpecially of chords or fubtenfes, with the conftruciion of the canon of fines. The geometrical properties from which thefe lines are computed, are the fame as tlHofe ufed by former writers ; but his mode of computing and exprefling them is different from theirs; for they actually extrafted all the roots, &c, at every ftep, or fingle operation, in decimal numbers; but he retained the © radical expreffions to the laft, making them however always as fimple as poflible: thus, forinftance, he determines the fides of the polygons of 4, 8, 16, 32, &c, fides, infcribed in the circle whofe radius is 1, to ‘be as in the table here annexed: . where the point before any figure (as /.2) fignifies the root of all that follows it; fo the laft line is in our notation the fame as Jot VI-WV2. And as } 99 Pf 24 fsd-m/2 the perfect management of fuch | Ke, Bc. futds’: was then’ (not * generally rrr eae knownly Length of each fide. 4 | /2 eC: 16 | /.2—-/.2+4,/4 ~ —————————— eo % TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, kc. is known, he added'a very neat tra&t on that fubjeét,’ to facilitate the computations. Thefe, together with other diflertations on fimilar ge- ometrical matters, were tranflated fromthe Dutch language, into Latin, by Willebrord Snell, and publifhed at (Lugd. Batav.) Leyden in 1619. It was in this work that Ludolph determimed the ratio of the diameter to the circumference of the circle, to 46 figures, fhowing that, if the diameter be 1, the circumference will be greater than 3-14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 83279 50288, but lefs than 3:14159 26535 89793 23846 26433 $3279 50289 3 which ratio was, by his order, in imitation of Archimedes, engraven on his tomb-ftone, as is witnedied by the faid Snell, pa. 54, 55, Cyclom metricus, publifhed at Leyden two years after, in which he treats the fame fubje&t in a fimilar manner, recomputing and verifying Lu- dolph’s numbers. And, in the fame book, he alfo gives a variety of geometrical approximations, or mechanical folutions, to determine very nearly the lengths of arcs, and the areas of fectore and fegments of circles. . ue . r Befides the Cyclometricus, and another geometrical-work (Apollonius Battavus ) publifhed in 1608, the fame Snellius wrote alfo four others dottrine triangulorum cansnice, in which is contained the canon of fecants, and in which’the conftruction of fines, tangents, and fe= cants, together with the dimenfion or calculation of triangles, both plane and fpherical, are bricily and clearly treated. After the author’s death, this work was publifhedin 8vo, at Leyden 1627, by Martinus Hortenfius, who added to it a tract on furveying and fpherical prob= lems. ‘Wulebrord Snell was born in 1591 at Koyen, and died in 1626, being only 35 years of age. He was profeflor of mathematics in the univerfity of Leyden, as was alfo his father Rodolph Snell. Alfo in 1627, Francis van Schooten publifhed, at*Amfterdam, in a {mail neat form, tables ‘of fines; tangents, and fecants, for every minute of the quadrant, to 7 places of figures, the radius being 10000000 ; together with their ufe in plane trigonometry. Thefe tables have a great character for their accuracy, being declared by the author to be without.one fingle error. This however muft not be ‘underftood of the laft figure of the numbers, which I find are very often erroneous, fometimes in excels and fometimes in defect, by not being always fet down to the neareft unit. Schooten died in 16595 while the fecond volume of his fecond edition of Defcartes’ geometry was in the prefs: He was alfo author of feveral other valuable works in geometry and other branches of the mathematics. The foregoing are the principal writers on the tables of fines, tan- gents, and fecaifts, before theinvention of logarithms, which happened about this time; namely, foon after the year 1600. ‘Tables of the natural nurabers were now all completed, and the methods of com- puting them nearly perfected : And therefore, before entering on the difcovery and conitruction of logarithms, I fhall flop here a little, to give a fummary of the manner in which the faid natural fines, tans _ ‘gents, and fecants, were actually computed, after having been gra- dually improved fromm Hipparchus; Menelaus, and Ptolemy; who ufed “f nh only 14 HISTORY OF only the chords, down to the beginning of the 17th century, whem fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines were in ufe, and when the method hitherto employed had received its utmoft improvement. In this explanation, I fhall here firft enumerate the theorems by which the calculations were made, and then defcribe the application of them to the computation itfelf. Theorem 1. ‘The fquare of the diameter of a circle, is equal to the fam of the fquares of the chord of an arc, and of the chord of its fupplement to a femicircle. 2. The reGtangle under the two diagonals of any quadrilateral infcribed in a circle, is equal to the fum of the two rectangles under the oppofite fides. 3. Lhe fum of the fquares of the fine and cofine (hitherto called the fine of the complement), is equal to the fquare of the radius. 4. ‘The difference between the fines ef two arcs that are equally diftant from 60 degrees, or 7 of the whole circumference, the one as much greater as “the other is lefs, is equal to the fine of half the difference of thofe arcs, or of the difference between either arc and the faid arc of 60 degrees. 5. The fum of the cofine and verfed fine, is equal to the radius. 6. The fum of the fquares of the fine and verfed fine, is equal to the {quare of the chord, or to the Sods of double the fine of half the arc. 7. The fine is 2 mean proportional between half the radius and the verfed fine of double the arc. g. A mean proportional between the verfed fine and half the radius, is equal to the fine of half the arc. 9. As radius is to the fine, fo is twice the cofine to the fine of twice the arc. | 10. As the chord of an arc, is to the fum of the chords of the fingle and double arc, fo is the difference of thofe chords, to the chord of thrice the arc. 11. As the chord of an arc, is to the fum of the chords of twice and thrice the arc, fo is the difference of thofe chords, to the chord of five times the arc. : 12. Andin general, as the chord of anarc, is to the fum of the chords of z times and #-+1 times the arc, fo is the difference of thofe chords, to the chord of 27+1 times the are. 13. The fine of the fum of two arcs, is equal to the fum of the products of the fine of each multiplied by the cofine of the other, and divided by the radius. 14. The fine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to the difference of the faid two products divided by radius. 15. The cofine of the fum of two arcs, is equal to the difference en the produéts of their fines and of their fetch divided by radius 16. The cofine of the difference of two arcs, is equal to a Hh ae of the faid products divided by radius. Be A {mall arc is equal to its chord or fine, nearly. 8. As cofine is to fine, fo isradius to tangent. i 19. Radius TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &e. | 15 I 19, Radius is a mean proportional between the tangent and co- tangent. — 7 20. Half the difference between the tangent and cotangent of an arc is equal to the tangent of the difference between the arc and its complement, Or, the fum arifing from the addition of double the tangent of an arc with the tangent of half its complement, is equal to the tangent of the fum of that arc and the faid half complement. 21. The fquare of the fecant of an arc, is equal to the fum of the {quares of the radius and tangent. 42. Radius is a mean proportional between the fecant and cofine. Or, as cofine is to radius, fo is radius to fecant. 23. Radius is a mean proportional between the fine and cofecant. 24. The fecant of an arc, is equal to the fum of its tangent and the tangent of half its complement. Or, the fecant of the difference between an arc and its complement, is equal to the tangent of the faid difference added to the tangent of the lefs arc. 25. The fecant of an arc, isequal to the difference between the tangent of that arc and the tangent of the arc added to half its com- plement. Or the fecant of the difference between an arc and its complement, is equal to the difference between the tangent of the faid difference and the tangent of the greater arc. From fome of thefe 25 theorems, extracted from the writers before mentioned, and afew propofitions of Euclid’s elements, they com- piled the whole table of fines, tangents, and fecants, nearly in the following manner. By the elements were computed the fides of afew of the regular figures infcribed in a circle, which were the chords of fuch parts of the whole circumference as are exprefled by the number of fides, and therefore the halves of thofe chords the fines of the halves of the arcs, So, if the radius be 10000:00, the fides of the following fi- gures will give the annexed chords and fines. | a Arc {ub-| Its chord, |Halt] Its fine, The fignre tended or fide | arc jor £ chord Triangle OS 17320508 | 60°| 8060254’ Square gO 14142136 | 45 | 7071068 Pentagon 72 11755705 |. 36 | 5877853 Hexagon GO 10000000 | 30 | 5000000 Decagon 36 6180540 | 18 | 3090170 Quindecagon| 24 4158234 | 12 | 2079117 _ Of fome, or all of thefe, the fines of the halves were continually taken by theorem the 6th, 7th, or 8th, and of their complements by the 3d; then the fines of the halves of thefe, and of their com- plements, by the fame theorems ; and fo on, alternately of the halves and complements, till they arrived at an arc which is nearly equal to its fine. ‘Thus, beginning with the above arc of 12 degrees, and its fine, the halves were obtained as follows; The ’ ten’ ‘6 HISTORY OF ‘Fhe halves |Pheir nnés {TheCompJ” Sines The halves{ Sines. P62 2 7} 1045285 of thefe 33°’ 154.4639) - (3 + §238 48° % 17431448 IO 30 240153 7: 30 261769 69 0335804: $ 15 11434926) 45 | 130896 79 30 19832549 27 45 |4656145 oy nei Nie 84 45 0958049 rote te ep The comp. 46 30 7253744 57. fags670 | of thefe su is oe 73 30 19588197 84 9945218 Se ne 1 Hate . £84 45 k 2 15 |884987 fez | 9980208} crihele Hale Te Vedanta eee 4067366, | 28 30 |4771588) 89-29, 9999149 1h 34 30 [5664062] | 14 * 15 (2461533, cae. 17-15 |2965416) | 36 - 45-|5983246) The halves /39 45 |6394390| |~ Comps. ‘5p of thefe Jef 23. 15 |3947439 61 30 |8788171 | 42 6691306 ct bec 6 45 19692309 . i 5 OWS * A 3583079 , The comp. 53 1S 8012538 (10 =. 30: |: 1822355 66 oy Re voe: 40% Maman Comet eifeee neta) urea | & «315 | 915016 | | 55° 30 |241262 Flatt. 43 30 | 6883545 72 45 |9550199,. | 99 #5 _ SI 12931 24 45 | 3705574 50 «15 (7688418 Comp. |, | 144 15 | 6977905 66 45 |91879121 | 59 158594064: The fines of fmall arcs are then deduced in this manner. From the fine of 46’, above determined, are found the halves; which will be thus: PGB QM R 3) 6a BOTAN Set PEGG OS ROMAINE 6 DE eS 65449,4 BPP Tare: Seeing haat 32724,8 Now thefe laft two fines being evidently i inthelfaine. SHG Bs their arcs, the fines of all the lefs fingle minutes will be found by fingle proportion. So the 45th part of the fine of 45’, gives 2909 for the fine of 1’; which ‘may be doubled, tripled, &c, for the fines of 2’, 3’, &c, up to 45’. Then, from all the foregoing primary fines, by the theorems for halving, doubling, or tripling, and by thofe for the fums and dif- ferences, the reft of the fines are deduced, to complete the quadrant. But having thus determined the fines and cofines of the firft 30° of the quadrant, that is, the fines of the firft and laft 20°, thofe of the intermediate 30° are, by theor. 4, found by one fingle fubtrac-. tion for each fine. The fines of tha whole quadrant being thus completed, the tan- gents are found by theor. 18, i9, 20, namely, for one half of the quadrant by the 1éth and 19th, and the other half, by one fingle addition or fubtraction for each, by the 20th theorem. And laftly, by theor. 24 and 25, ‘the fecants are deduced from the tangents, by addition and fubtra€tion only. % Among the various means ufed for conitructing the canon of fines, tangents, and fecants, the writers above enumerated feem not to teen een, “ TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES,’ &c. U7 been poffeffed of the method of differences, fo profitably ufed finces and firft of all I believe by Briggs, in computing his trigonometrical canon and his logarithms, as we fhall fee hereafter, when we come to defcribe thofe works. ‘They took however the fucceflive ditterences of the numbers after they were computed, to verify or prove the truth of them ; and if found erroneous, by any irregularity in the laft differ- ences, from thence they had a method of correéting the original numbers themfelves. At leaft, this method is ufed by Pitifcus, Trig. lib. 2, where the differences are extended to the third order. In page 44 of the fame book alfo is defcribed, for the firft time that I know of, the common notation of decimal fractions, as now ufed. And this fame notation was afterwards defcribed and ufed by baron Napier, in po/itio 4 and 5 of his pofthumous works, on the conitruction of logarithms, publifhed by his fon in the year 1619. But the decimal fractions themielves may be confidered as having been introduced by Regiomontanus, by his decimal divifion of the radius, &c, of the circle; and from that time gradually brought into ufe : but continued long to be denoted after the manner of vulgar fractions, by a line drawn between the numerator and denominator, which laft however was {oon orhitted, and only the numerator fet down, with the line below it; thus it was firft 31-34, then 312%; afterwards, omitting the linep it became 31°°, and laftly 31,;, or 31.33, or 31°35: as’ may be traced in the works of Vieta, and others fince his time, gra- dually into the prefent century. . Having often heard it remarked, that the word /ize, or in Latin and French finus, is of doubtful origin ; and as the various accounts which Ihave feen of its derivation are very different from one another, it may not be amifs here to employ a few lines on this matter. Some authors fay, this isan Arabic word, others that it is the fingle Latin word fmus; and in Montucla’s Hi/fare des Mathematiques it is conjec- tured to be an abbreviation of two Latin words*. The conjecture is thus exprefled by the ingenious and learned author of that excellent hiftory, at pa. xxxili, among the additions and corre€tions of the firft volume: ‘ A Voccafton des finus dont on parle dans cette page, comme d’une invention des Arabés, voici un étymologie de ce nom, tout-a-fait heureufe et vraifemblable. Je la dois a M. Godin, de Académie Royale des Sciences, Direteur de Ecole de Marine de Cadix. Les finus font, comme l’on fcait, des moitiés de cords; et les cordes en Latin fe nomment infcript@. Les finus;font donc femiffes infcriptarum, ce que probablement on écrivit ainfi pour abréger, S. Ins. Dela en- fuite s’eft fait par abus le mot de finus.” Now, ingenious as this conjecture is, there appears to be little or no probability forthe truth ofit. For, in the firft place, it is not in the leaft fupported by quo- tations from any of the more early books, to fhow that it ever was.the _ practice to write or print the wordsthus, S. Js. upon which the con- ieCture is founded. . Again, it is faid the chords are called in Latin infcripta ; and it is true that they fometimes are fo: but I think they are more frequently called /ubtenfe, and the fines /emiffes /ubtenfarum * That is, in the firft e.:tion o: his book, But he has omitted this improbable conje@ture in the new edition of 1799, D . of 18 . HISTORY OF. of thedouble arcs, which will not abbreviate into the word fmus. But it may be faid, what reafon have we to fuppofe that this word is either a Latin word, or the abbreviation of any Latin words what- ever ? and that it feems but proper to feck for the etymology of words in the language of the inventors of the things. For which reafon it is, that we find the two other words, tangens and fecans, are Latin, as they were invented and ufed by authors who wrote in that language. Hut the fines are acknowledged to have been invented and introdueed by the Arabians, and thence by analogy it would feem probable that this is a word of their language, and from them adopted, together with the ufe of it, by the Europeans. And indeed Lanfberg, in the fecond page of his trigonometry above mentioned, exprefsly fays that its Arabic: His words are, Vox finus Arabica ef}, et proinde barbara; fed cum longo ufu approbata fit, et commodior non fuppetat, nequaquam repudianda eft: faciles enim in verbis nos effe oportet, cum de rebus convenit. And Vieta fays fomething to the fame purport, in page 9 of his Univerfalium Infpectionum ad Canonem Mathematicum Liter : His words are, Breve finus vocabulum, cum fit artis, Saracenis prafertim quam familiare, non eft ab artificibus explodendum, ad laterum femiffium infcriptorum denotatimnem, 8c. Guarinus alfo is of the fame opinion: in his Euclides Adaudtus, Sc. tract. xx. pa. 307, he fays, Sinus vero eff nomen Arabicum ufurpatum in hance fignificationem a mathematicis ; although he was aware that a Latin origin was afcribed to it by Vitalis, for he immediately adds, Licet V1- talis in fuo Lexico Mathematico ex €0 velit finum appellatum, quod claudat curvitatem arcus. » Long before I either faw or heard of any conjecture, or obfervation concerning the etymology of the word finus, I remember that I ima- gined it to be taken from the fame Latin word, fignifying breaft or bo- fom, and that our fine was fo called allegorically. Ihad obferved, that feveral of the terms in trigonometry were derived from a bow to fhoot with, and its appendages; as arcus the bow, chorda, the ftring, and /agitta the arrow, by which name the verfed fine, which repre- fents it, was fometimes called ; alfo, that the tangens was fo called from its office, being a line souching the circle, and /ecans from its cut- ting the fame: I therefore imagined that the fizus was {fo called, either from its refemblance to the breaft or bofom, or from its being a line drawn within the bofom (/inus) of the arc, or from its being that part of the ftring (chorda) of a bow (arcus) which is drawn near the breaft (/inus ) in the at of fhooting. And perhaps Vitalis’s defini- tion, above-quoted, has fome allufion to the fame fimilitude. Alfo Vieta feems to allude to the fame thing, in calling /aus an allegorical word, in page 417 of his works, as publifhed by Schooten, where, with his ufual judgment and precifion, he treats of the pro- pricty of the terms wed in trigonometry for certain lines drawn in and about the circle; of which, as it very well. deferves, I fhall here extraét the principal part, to fhow the opinion and arguments of fo great a man on thofe names. ‘ Arabes autem femifles infcriptas du- plo, numeris prefertim 2zftimatas, vocaverunt allegoricé Sinus, atque ideo ipfam femi-diametrum, que maxima eft femiflium infcriptarum, Sinum Torum. Et de iis fua methodo canones exiyerunt qui circum- feruntur, TRIGONOMETRICAL TABLES, &c. 19 feruntur, fupputante prefertim Regiomontano bené jufté et accuraté, in iis etiam particulis qualium femidiameter adfumitur 10,000,000. 4 “¢ Fx canonibus deinde finuum derivaverunt recentiores canonem femiffium circumfcriptarum, quem dixére Fecundum ; et canonem eductarum € centro, quem dixére Facundifimum et Beneficum, hypo- tenulis addiftum. Atque aded femiffes circumfcriptas, numeris pre- fertim eftimatas, vocaverunt Fecundss, Sinus numerofve videlicet quanquam nihil vetat Fecundi nomen fubftantivé accipi. Hypote- nufas autem Beneficas, vel etiam fimpliciter Hypotenufas : quoniam hypotenufa in prima ferie finds totius nomen retinet. Itaque ne no- vitate verborum res adumbreter, et alioqui fua artificibus, eo nomine debita, preripiatur gloria, prepofita in Canone Mathematico canon- icis numeris in{criptio, candidé admonet primam feriem effe Canonem Sinuum. In fecunda vero, partem canonis foecundi, partem canonis foecundiflimi, contineri. In tertia, reliquam. ‘Sane preter infcriptas et circumfcriptas, circulum etiam adficiunt alive linese recte, velut Incidentes, Tangentes, et Secantes. Vertm illz voces fubftantive funt, non peripheriarum relative. Ac{fecare qui- dem circulum linea recta tuncintelligitur, cum in duobus punctis fecat. Ttaque non loquuntur bené geometricé, qui eductas é centro ad metas circum{criptarum vocant fecantes improprié, cum fecantes et tangen- tes ad certos angulos vel peripherias referunt. Immo vero artem con- fundunt, cum his vocibus neceffe habeat uti geometra abs relatione. * Quare fi quibus arrideat Arabum metaphora; que quidem aut omnino retinenda videtur, aut omnind explodenda; ut femifles in- {criptas, Arabes vocant finus; fic femifles circumfcripte, vocentur Profinus Amfinufve ; et educte écentro Transfinuofe. Sin allego- ria difpliceat, geometrica fane infcriptarum et circum{criptarum no mina retineantur. Et cum eductzé centro ad metas circum{criptarum, non habeant hactenus nomen certum neque elegans, voceantur fané profemidiametri, quafi protenize femidiametri, fe habentes ad fuas - circumfcriptas, ficut femidiametri ad infcriptas.”’ Again{t the Arabic origin however of this word (/mus) may be urged its being varied according to the fourth declenfion of Latin nouns, like manus ; and that if it were an Arabic word latinized, it would have beenranked under either the firft, fecond, or third dee clenfion, as is ufual in fuch adopted words. So that, upon the whole, it will perhaps rather f{eem probable, that the term /inus is the Latin word anfwering to the name by which the Saracens called that line, and not their word itfelf. And this conjeCture feemis to be rendered {till more probable by fome expreflions in pa. 4 and 5 of Otho’s Preface to Rheticus’s Canon, where it is not only faid, « that the Saracenscalled the half-chord of double the arc finus, but alfo that they called the part of the radius lying between the fine and thearc finus verfus, vel fagitta, which are evidently Latin words, and feem to” be intended for the Latin tranflations of the names by which the Ara- bians called thefe lines, or the numbersexprefling the lengths of them. And this conje€turehas been confirmed and realifed, by a reference to Golius’s Lexicon ofthe Arabic and Latin languages. Inconfequence I find that the Arabic and Latin writers on trigonometry do both of them ufe thofe words in the fame allegorical fenfe, the latter being the Latin tranflations of the former, and not the Arabic words ae : rupted. Baits HISTORY OF : ~ rupted. ‘Thus the true Arabic word to denote the trigonometrical fine, is WAS) pronounced 7eid, (reading the vowels in the French man- ner), meaning finus indufit, veffisque, the bofom part of the garment ; the verled fine is Rey Sebim, which is fagitta, the arrow 5 the arc 18 On > which ‘is arcus, the arc; andthe chord is y a) Vitr, that. is, chorda, the chord. OF LOGARITHMS. Tae trigonometrical canon of etd fines, tangents and fecants, being now brought to a confiderable degree of perfection, the great length and accuracy of the numbers, together with the increafing delicacy and.number of aftronomical problems and fpherical triangles, ‘to the refolution of which the canon was applied, urged many perfons, converfant in thofe matters, to endeavour to difcover fome means of diminifhing the great labour and time, requifite for fo many multi- plications and divifions, in fuch large numbers as the tables then con- fitted of. And their chief aim was, to reduce the multiplications and divifions to additions and fubtractions, as much as poflible. For this purpofe, Nicholas Raymer Urfus Dithmarfus invented an ingenious method, which ferves for'one cafe in the fines, namely, when radius is the frit term in the proportion, and the fines of two arcs are the fecond and third terms; for he fhowed, that the fourth term, or fie, would be found byonly taking halfthe fum or difference of the fines of two other arcs, which fhould be the fum and difference of the lefs of the two former given arcs, and the compiement of the greater. ‘This is no more, in effect, than the following well-known theorem in trigonometry : as half pen is to the fine ons arc, {fo is _ the fine of another arc, to the cofine of the difference minus the co- fine of the fum of the faid arcs. ‘The author publithed this ingenious device in 1588, inhis Pundamentum Afironome. And three or four years afterwards it was greatly improved by Clavius, who adapted it to all- proportions in the refolution of f{pherical triangles, for all fines, tangents, fecants, verfed fines, &c; and that whether radius ee in the proportion or not. All which he explains very fully in dem. 53, did. 1. of his treatife on the Afrolabe. See more on this fubjec in in Longomont. Aftron. Danica. pa. 7, et feq. This method, although ingenious, depends not on any abftract property of numbers, but only on the relations of certain lines, drawn in and about the circle ; and it was therefore rather limited, and fometimes attended with trouble in the application. After perhaps various other contrivances, iNceffant endeavours at length produced the happy inventionoflogarithms, whichare of direct ‘and univerfal application toall numbers abftractedly confidered, being derived froma property inherent in numbers themfelves. ‘This pro- perty may be confidered, either as the relation between a geometrical feries of terms and a correfponding arithmetical one, or as the relation » between ratios and the meafures of ratios, which comes to much the fame thing, having been conceived in oneof thefe ways by fome of the writers y 4% be . LOGARITHMS. ta 2% writers on this fubje€t, and in the other by the reft of them, as well as in both ways at different times by the fame writer. A fummary idea of this property, and of the probable, refleCtions made on it by the firft writers on logarithms, may be to the following effect : The learned calculators, about the clofe of the iéth, and begin- ning of the i7th century, finding the operations of multiplication and divifion by very long numbers, of feven or eight places of figures, which they had frequently occafion to perform, in refolving problems relating to geography and aitronomy, to be exceedingly troublefome, fet them- felves to confider whether it was not poflible to find fome method of leffening this labour, by fubftituting other eafier operations in their fiead in purfuit of this obje€t, they reflected, that, fince in every multiplication by a whole number, the ratio, or proportion, of the product to the multiplicand, is the fame as the ratio of the multiplier tounity, it will follow that the ratio of the product to unity (which, ac- cording to Euclid’s definition of compound ratios, is compounded of the ratios of the tzid product to the multiplicand and of the mul- tiplicand to unity), muft be equal to the fum of the two ratios of the multiplier to unity and of the multiplicand to unity. Confequently, if they could find a fet of artificial numbers that fhould be the reprefenta- tives of, or fhould be proportional to, the ratios of all forts of numbers to unity, the addition of the two artificial numbers that fhould repre- fent the ratios of any multiplier and multiplicand to unity, would an- fwer to the multiplication of the faid multiplicand by the faid multi- plier, or the fum arifing from the addition of the faid reprefentative numbers would be the reprefentative number of the ratio of the pro- duct to unity;-and confequently, the natural number to which it fhouid be found, in the table of the faid artificial or reprefentative numbers, that the faid fum belonged, would be the product of the faid multiplicand and multiplier. Having fettled this principle, as the: foundationsof their wifhed-for method of abridging the labour of cal~ culations, they refolved to compofe a table of fuch artificial numbers, or numbers that fhould be reprefentatives of, or proportional to, tie xatios of all the common or natural numbers to unity. The firft obfervation that naturally occurred to them in the purfuit of this {cheme was, that whatever artificial numbers fhould be chofen _to reprefent the ratios of other whole numbers to unity, the ratio of equality, or of unity to unity, muft be reprefented by 0; becaufe that ratio has properly no magnitude, fince, when it is added to, or fub- tracted from, any other ratio, it neither increafes nor diminifhes it. The fecond obfervation that occurred to them was, that any num- Der whatever might be chofen at pleafure for the reprefentative of the . Yatio of any given natural number to unity; but that, when once fuch choice was made, all the other reprefentative numbers would be thereby determined, becaufe tney mult be greater or lefs than that firft reprefentative number, in the fame proportions in which the ratios re- prefented by them, or the ratios of the correfponding natural numbers. to unity, were greater or Jefs than the ratio of the faid given natural number to unity. ‘Thus, either 1, or 2, or 3, &c, might be chofen for the reprefentative of the ratio of 10 tol. But, if 1 be chofen for it, the reprefentatives of the ratios of 1Q0 to 1 and 1000 to 1, whichare . double *, Saeea 7 HISTORY OF double and triple of the ratio of 10 to 1, muft be 2and 3, and cannot be any other numbers ; and if 2 be chofen for it, then the reprefenta- tives of theratios of lOUto 1 and 1000 to 1, will be 4 and 6, and cannot be any other numbers ; and, if 3 be chofen for it, then the reprefenta- tives of the ratios of 100 to 1 and 1000 to 4, will be 6 and 9, and cannot be any other numbers; and fo on. . The third obfervation that occurred tothem was, that, as thefe arti- ficial numbers were reprefentatives of, or proportional to, ratios of the natural numbers to unity, they muft be -expreflions of the numbers of fome fmaller equal ratios that are contained in the faid ratios. Thus, ‘if 1 be taken for the reprefentative of the ratio of 10 to 1, then 3, which is the reprefentative of the ratio of 1000 to 1, will exprefs the number of ratios of 10 to | that arecontained intheratioof 1000 to 1. Andif, inftead of 1, we make 10,000,000, or ten millions, the reprefen- tative of the ratio of 10 to 1, (in which cafe 1 will be the reprefentative of a very {mall ratio, orratiuncula, whichis only theten-millionth part of the ratio of 10 to 1, or willbethe reprefentative ofthe 10,000,000th root of 10, or of the firft or fmalleft of 9,999,999 mean proportionals interpofed between 1 and 10), the reprefentative of theratio of 1000 to 1, which will in this cafe be $0,000,000, will exprefs the number of thofe ratiuncula, or {mall ratios of the 10,000,000th root of 10 to 1, whichare contained in the faid ratio of 1000 tol. And the like may ‘be fhown of the reprefentative of the ratio of any other number to unity. And therefore they thought thefe artificial numbers, which thus reprefent, or are proportional to, the magnitudes of the ratios of the natural numbers to unity, might not improperly be called the LoearitHns ‘of thofe ratios, fince they exprefs the numbers of {maller ratios of which they are compofed. And, then, for the fake of brevity, they called them the Logarithms of the faid natural numbers themfelves, which are the antecedents of the faid ratios to unity, of which they are in truth the reprefentatives. ? The foregoing method of confidering this property leads to much the fame conclufions as the other way, in which the relations between | a geometrical feries of terms, and their exponents, or the terms of an arithmetical feries, are contemplated. Inthis latter way, it readily occurred that the addition of the terms of the arithmetical feries cor- - refponded to the multiplication of the terms of the geometrical feries; and that the arithmeticals would therefore form a fet. of artificial _ numbers, which, when arranged im tables, with their geometricals, would anfwer the purpofes defired, as has been explained above. From this property, byaffuming four quantities, two of them as two terms in a geometrical feries, and the others asthetwocorrefponding terms of the arithmeticals, or artificials, or logarithms, it is evident that all the other terms of both thetwoferiesmay thence be generated. And therefore there may be as many {ets or {cales of logarithms as we pleafe, fince they depend entirely on the arbitrary affumption of the firft two arithmeticals. And all poflible natural numbers may be fuppofed to coincide with fome of the terms of any geometrical pro- greflion whatever, the logarithms or arithmeticals determining which of the terms in that progreflion they are. 3 ~ It was proper however that the arithmetical feries fhould be fo af- fumed, LOGARITHMS. 23 fumed, as that the term 0 in it might anfwer to the term ] in the geo- metricals; otherwife the fum of the logarithms of any two numbers would be always to be diminifhed by the logarithm of 1, to give the logarithm of the product of thofe numbers : for which reafon, making © thelogarithm of 1, andafluming any quantity whatever for the value of the logarithm of any one number, the logarithms of all other num- bers were thence to be derived. Andhence, like as the multiplication of two numbers is effeCted by barely adding their logarithms, fo divi- fion is performed by fubtracting the logarithm of the one from that of the other, raifing of powers by multiplying the logarithm of the given number by the index of the power, and extraction of roots by dividing the logarithm by the index of the root. It is alfo evident, that in all icales or fy{tems of logarithms, the logarithm of 0 will beinfinite ; namely, infinitely negative if the logarithms increafe with the natural numbers, but infinitely pofitive if the contrary; becaufe that while the geonietrical feries mult decreafe through infinite divifions by the ratio of the progreflion, before the quotient come to or nothing; the loga- rithms, or aritmeticals, will in like manner undergo the correfpond- ing infinite fubtra€tions or additions of the common equal difference ; which equal increafe or decreafe, thus indefinitely continued, mutt needs tend to an infinite refult. | This however was no newly-difcovered property of numbers, but what was always well known to all mathematicians, being treated of in the writings of Euclid, as alfo by Archimedes, who made great ufe of it in his Arenarius, or treatife on the number of the fands, namely, in affigning the rank or place of thofe terms, ofa geometrical feries produced from the multiplication together of any of the fore- going terms, by the addition of the correfponding terms of the arith- metical feries, which ferved as the indices or exponents of the former. | Stifelius alfo treats very fully of this property at folio 35. et feq. and. there explains all its principal ufes, as relating to the logarithms of numbers, only without the name; fuch as, that addition anfwers to: multiplication, fubtraCtion to divifion, multiplication of exponents to involution, and dividing of exponents to evolution ; all which he ex- emplifies in the rule-of-three, and in finding fevetal mean propor- tionals, &c, exactly as is done in logarithms. So that he feems to have been in the full poffeffion of the idea of logarithms, but without the neceffity of making a table of fuch numbers. For the reafon why tables of thefe numbers were not fooner compofed, was, that the ac- curacy and trouble of trigonometrical computations had not fooner rendered them neceflary. It is therefore not to be doubted, that about the clofe of the fixteenth and beginning of the feventeenth century, many perfons had thoughts of fuch a table of numbers, be. fides the few who are faid to have attempted it. | It has been faid by fome, that Longomontanus invented logarithms : but this cannot well be fuppofed to have been any more than in idea, {ince he never publifhed any thing of the kind, nor ever laid claim to the invention, though he lived thirty-three years after they were firit publifhed by baron Napier, as he died only in 1647, when ge: cey “ 24 HISTORY OF been long known and received all over Europe. Nay more, Lorn gomontanus himfelf afcribes the invention to Napier: vid. Aftron. Danica, p. 7, &c. Some circumftances of this matter are indeed re- lated by Wood in his Athena Oxonienfes, under the article Briggs, on the authority of Oughtred and Wingate, viz. “That one Dr. Craig, a Scotchman, coming out of Denmark into his own country, called upon Joh. Neper baron of Marchefton near Edenburg, and told him, among other difcourfes, of a new invention in Denmark (by Longo- montanus as ’tis faid) to fave the tedius multiplication and divifion in aftronomical calculations. Neper being folicitous to know farther of him concerning this matter, he could give no other account of it,’ than that it was by proportionable numbers. Which hint Neper taking, he defired him at his return to call upon him again. Craig, after fome weeks had paffed, did fo, and Neper then fhowed him a rude draught of that he called Canon mirabilis Logarithmorum. Which draught, with fome alterations, he printing in 1614, it came forth. with into the hands of our author Briggs, and into thofe of Will. Oughtred, from whom the relation of this matter came.” Kepler alfo fays, that one Jufte Byrge, afliltant aftronomer to the landgrave of Heile, invented or projected logarithmslong before Neper did; but that they had never come abroad, on account of the great ~ reférvednefs of their author with regardto his own compofitions. It is alfo faid that Byrge computed a table of natural fines for every two feconds of the quadrant. : But whatever may have been faid, or conjectured, concerning an thing that may have been done by others, it is certain that the world is indebted, for the Abel hema ae of logarithms, to John Napier, or Nepair*, or in Latin, Neper, baron of Merchifton, or Markinfton, in i} * The origin of which name, Crawfurd informs us, was from a (lefs) peer/e/s action of ene of his ancefiors, viz. Donald, fecond fon of the earl 6f Lenox, in the time of David the Second. ‘* Some Englifh writers, miftaking the import of the term baroz, having _called this celebrated perfon lord Napier, a Scotch nobleman. He was not indeed a pecr of Scotland: but the peerage of Scotland informs us, that he was of a very ancient, ho- nourable, and illu(trious family ; that his aneeftors, for many generations, had been poffeffed ef fundry baronies, and, amongfi others, of the barony of Merchiftoun, which de(cended to. ‘him by the death of his futher in 1608. Mr. Briggs, thereiore, very properly ftyles him Baro Mercheftonii. Now, according to Skene, de verborum fiynificatione, ‘1n this realm (of Scotland) he is called a Barronne, quha haldis his landes immediatelie in chiefe of the king, and hes power of Pit and Gallows ; Fof/a et Furca; qubilk was firft inffitute and granted be king Malcome, quha gave power to the Barrones to have ane Pit, quhairin wemen condemmed for thieft fuld be drowned, and ane Gallows, whereupon men thieves and trefpaffowres fuld be hang- * ed, conforme to the doome given in the Barron Court thereanent.’ So that a Scotch baron, though no peer. was neverthelefs a very confiderable petionage, both in dignity and power ” Reid’s Essay on Logarithms... The name of the illuftrious inventor oflogarithms, and his family, has been varioufly written at different times, and on different occafions., In his own Latin works, and in (perhaps) all other books in Latin, it is Mefer, or Neferus Baro Mercheftonii s By Briggs, in a letter to Archbifhop Uther, he is called Nafer, lord of Markinfion: In Wright’s tranflation of the logarithms, which was revifed by the author himfelf, and pub- lithed in 1616, he is called Nepair, baron of Marchifion; and the fame by Crawfurd and fome others: But M‘Kenzie and others write it Majier, baron of Merchifton 3 - which being alfo the orthography now ufed by the family, I fhall adopt in this. work, I obferve alfo, that the Scotch Compendium of Honour fays he was only ~ Sir LOGARITHMS. 25 in Scotland, who died the 3d of April 1618, et 67 years of age. Ba- ron Napier added confiderable improvements to trigonometry, andthe frequent numeral computations he performed in this branch gave oc- cafion to hisinvention of logarithms, in order to fave part of the trouble attending thofe calculations ; and for this reafon he adapted his tables peculiarly to trigonometrical ufes. This difcovery he publifhed in 1614, in his book intituled Mirificz Logarithmorum Canonis Defcriptio, referving the conftruction of the numbers till the fenfe of the learned concerning his invention fhould be known. And, excepting the conftrudtion, this is a perfeét work on this kind of logarithms, containing in effect the logarithms of all numbers, and the logarithmic fines, tangents, and fecants, for every minute of the quadrant, together with the defcription and ufes of the tables, as alfo his definition and idea of logarithms. Napier explains-his notion of logarithms by lines defcribed or ge-- nerated by the motion of points, in this manner: He firft conceives a lineto be generated by the equable motion of a point, which paffes over equal portions of it in equal {mall moments or portions of time: he then confiders another line as generated by the unequal motion of a point, in fuch manner that, in the aforefaid equal moments or por- tions of time, there may be defcribed or cut off, froma given line, parts which fhall be continually in the fame proportion with the refpective remainders, of that line, which had before been left: then are the fe- veral lengths of the firft linc, the logarithms of the correfponding parts of the latter. Which defcription of then: is fimilar to this, that the logarithms are a feries of quantities or numbers in arithmetical pro- greflion, adapted to another feriesin geometrical progreflion. The firft or whole length of the line, which is diminifhed in geometrical pro- greflion, he makes the radius of a circle, and its logarithm 0 or no- thing, reprefenting the beginning of the firft or arithmetical line ; and the feveral proportional remainders of the geometrical line, are the natural fines of all theother parts of the quadrant, decreafing down to nothing, while the fucceflive increafing values of the arithmetical line, are the correfponding logarithms of thofe decreafing fines: fo that, while the natural lines decreafe from radius to nothing, their loga- rithms increafe from nothing to infinite. Napier made the logarithm of radius to be 0, that he might fave the trouble of adding and fub- tracting it, in trigonometrical proportions, in which it fo frequently occurred ; and he made the Jogarithms of the fines, from the entire quadrant down to O, to increafe, that they might be pofitive, and fo in his opinion the eafier to manage, the fines being of more frequent ufe than the tangents and feeants, of which the whole of the latter and half the former would, in his way, be of a different affetion from the fines ; for it is evident that the logarithms of all the fecants in the quadrant, and of all the tangents above 45°, or the half quadrant, would be negative, being the logarithms of numbers greate: than the radius, whofe logarithm is made equal to O or nething. Sir John Napier, and that his fon and heir Archibald, was the firft lord, being tailed to that dignity in 1626. Be this however gs it may, I fhall conform to the common modes of exprei+ fion, and call him indifferently, Buren Negi or Lerd Nupicr. x : $ 4 Is HISTORY OF As to the contents of Napier’s table; it confifts of the natural fines and their logarithms, for every minute of the quadrant. Like moft other tables, the arcs are continued to 45 degrees from top to bottom on the left-hand fide of the pages, and then returned backwards from bottom to top on the right-hand fide of the pages: fo that the arcs and their complements, with the fines, natural and logarithmic, ftand on the fame line of the page, in fix columns; and in another column, in the middle of the page, are placed the differences between the lo- garithmic fines and cofines on the fame lines, and in the adjacent co- Jumns on the right and left; thus making in all feven columns in each page. Ofthefe columns, the firft and feventh contain the are and its complement, in degrees and minutes; the fecond and fixth, the natural fine and cofine of each arc; the third and fifth, the loga- rithmic fine and cofine ; and the fourth, or middle column, the dif- ference between the logarithmic fine and cofine which are in the third and fifth columns. To elucidate the defeription, the firft page of the table is here in- ferted, as follows: (PL a i re a cer arn ne eR RU RE BER Gr. OU Tari POY Wen wes RY: ‘ . min. Sinus. Logarithmi. Diftcrentie. Logarithmi.|, Sinus. O bat O || Infinitum. | Infinitum. O | 10000000 | 60 a | 2900 81425681 | 81425680 ] 10000000 | 59 2 | 5818 CAS94213 - FASOS211 | ; 2 99999098 | 58 3/8 87' we | “70436 9504 70430: 560 4) 9999906 | 57 4. 11636 67562740 | 67562739 7 || 9999903 | 56 5 |14544 | 65331315 | 65331: 1304 Seti 99 99989 _ a } 6 117453 || 63508099 | 63508083 7 }20362 || 6!966595 | 61900573 8 (23271 60631284 | 60651256 “9 [26180 "59453453 | 50453418 16 | ggggus6 | 54 22} 9999980 | 53 28 | g99Qy74 | 52 35 |) 9999907 51 1029088 || 58399857 | 58399814 43 || g999959 | 50 11 (81997 || 57446759 | 57440707 | 52 | 9999950 | 49 12 34900 50576646 - 56576584 02 ~ 9999940 48 13 137815 || 55776222 | 557760149 4 40724 || 55035148 55035004 Pa Rein) is. irks ot 73 || 9999928 | 47 48 | 55035004 | 84 |) 9999917 a, 43632 || 64345225 | 54345129 96 |}. 9999905 | 45 46541 || 53699843 53099734 ~ 109 goggsg2 | 44 17 |49450 |) 53093600 | 53093577 123 | 9999878 | 43 52359 || 52522019 | 52521881 19 155268 || 51981350 } 51981202 58177 || 51468431 | 51468301 4 = ees i AS STIRS ESS | \Ot086 || 50980537 | 50980450 22 163995 || 505 15342 50315137 £05 Q999795 | 38 23 j00904 50070827 500706 13 | 224 e) 9999776 37 24 (69813 || 49645239 | 49644995 244 | 9999756 | 30 257 L721 a 49237 30 | 49236765. 205 9999736 | 35 26 175630 | 48844826 48844539 _ 287 | __ 9999714 34 27 178539 |, 48407431 | 48467122 309 | 9999692 | 33 138. ~ 9999893 42 154 || 9999847 | 41 170 ||_g999831 | 40 187 QO9Q090813 | 39 28 |81448 |) 48103763 | 48103431 332 | 9999008 | 32 | 29 184357 || 47752889 ee 356 | 9999044" } 31 | 30 [87205 | 47413852 | 47413471 | 381 | 9999619 “30 89 Befides: LOGARITHMS. 27 Befides the columns which are aétually contained in this table, as: above exhibited and defcribed, namely, the natural and logarithmic fines and their differences, the fame table is made to ferve ailfo for the logarithmic tangents and fecants of the whole quadrant, and for the logarithms of common. numbers. For, the fourth or middle column contains the logarithmic tangents, being equal to the differences be- tween the logarithmic fines and cofines, when the logarithm of radius’ is O, becaufe cofine : fine: : radius : tangent, that is, in logarithms, tangent = fine — cofine. Alfo the logarithmic fines, made negative, become the logarithmic cofecants, and the logarithmic cofines made ~ negative, are the logarithmic fecants ; becaufe fine : radius : : radius : cofecant, and cofine : radius: : radius : fecant; that is, in logarithms, cofecant = 0 — fine = —fine, and fecant = 0 — cofine = — co- fine. And to make it anfwer the purpofe of a table of logarithms of common numbers, the author direéts to proceed thus:. A number being given, find that number in any table of natural fines, or tangents, or fecants, and note the degrees and minutes in its arc; then in his table find the correfponding logarithmic fine, or tangent, or fecant, to the fame number of degrees and minutes; and it will be the required lo- garithm of the given number. After his definitions and defcriptions of logarithms, Napier explains his table, and illuftrates the precepts with examples, fhowing how to take out the logarithms of fines, tangents, fecants, and of common numbers ; asalfo how to add and fubtract logarithms. He then pro- ceeds to teach the ufes of thofe numbers; and firft, in finding any of the terms of three or four proportionals, fhowing how to multiply and divide, and to find powers and roots, by logarithms : 2dly, in tri- gonometry, both plane and {pherical, but efpecially the latter, inwhich he is very explicit, turning all the theorems for every cafe into loga- rithms, computing examples toeach innumbers, and then enumerating a fet of aftronomical problems of the {phere which properly belong to each cafe. Napier here teaches alfo fome new theorems in_ {pherical trigonometry, particularly, that the tangent of half the bafe: tang. * fum legs; : tang. } dif. legs: tang. i the alternate bafe; and the ge- neral theorem for what are called his five circular parts, by which he condenfes into one rule, in two parts, the theorems for all the cafes of right-angled {pherical triangles, which had been feparately demon- itrated by Pitifcus, Lanfbergius, Copernicus, Regiomontanus, and others. he defcription and ufe of Napier’s canon being in the Latin lan- guage, they were tranflated into Englith by Mr. Edward Wright, an ingenious mathematician, and inventor of the, principles of what has commonly, though erroneouily, been called Mercator’s Sailing. _ He fent the tranflation to the author, at Edinburgh, to be revifed by him before publication; who having carefully perufed it, returned it with his approbation, and a few lines introduced befides into the tranflation. But, Mr. Wright dying foon after he received it back, it. was after his death publithed, together with the tables, but os number 28 HISTORY OF number to one figure lefs, in the year 1616, by his fon Samuel Wright, accompanied with a dedication to the Eaft-India Company, as alfo a preface by Henry Briggs, of whom we fhall prefently have occafion to {peak more at large, on account of the great fhare he bore in perfecting the logarithms. In this tranflation, Mr. Briggs gave alfo the defcription and draught of a fcale that had been invented by Mr. Wright, and feveral other methods ofhisown, for finding the pro- portional parts to intermediate numbers, the logarithms having been on'y printed for fuch numbers as were the natural fines of each mi- nute. And the note which Baron Napier inferted in this Englifh edi- tion, and which was not in the original, was as follows: ‘ But be- “ canfe the addition and fubtraétion of thefe former numbets may “< feem fomewhat painfull, I intend (if it fhall pleafe God)in a fecond “‘ edition, to fet out fuch logarithms as fhall make thofe, numbers “* above written to fall upon decimal numbers, fuch as 100,000,000, *€ 200,000,000, 300,900,000 &c, which are eafie to be added or ¢ abated to or from any other number.” ‘This note had reference to the alteration of the fcale of logarithms, in fuch manner, that 1 fhould become the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, inftead of the number 2°3025851, which Napier had made that logarithm in his table, and. which alteration had before been recommended to him by Briggs, as we fhall fee prefently. Napier alfo inferted a fimilar remark in his Rabdologia, which he printed at Edinburgh in 1617. | The following is the preface to Wright’s* book, which, as far as where * Of this ingenious man I fhall here infert in a note the following memoirs, as they have been tranflated from a Latin piece taken out of the annals of Gonvile and Caius College at Cambridge, viz. ‘* This year (1615) died at London, Edward Wright of Gar- vefton in Norfolk, formerly a fellow of this college; a man refpected by all for the integrity and fimplicity of his manners, and alfo famous for his fkill in the mathematical fciences : infos much that he was defervedly ftyled a moft excellent mathematician by Richard Hackluyt, the author of an origina! treatife of our Englifh navigations. What knowledge he had acquired in the fcience of mechanics, and how ufefully he emploved that knowledge to the public as well as private advantage, abundantly appear both from the writings he publifhed, and from the many mechanical operations ftill extant, which are ftanding monuments of his great in- duftry andingenuity. He was the firft undertaker of that dificult but ufeful work, by which a little river is brought from the town of Ware in a new canal, to fupply the city of London with water ;. but by the tricks of others he was hindered from completing the work he had begun. He was excellent both in contrivance and execution ; nor was he inferior to the moft ingenious mechanic in the making of inflruments, either of brafs, or any other matter. To his invention is owing whatever advantage Hondius’s geographical charts have above others ; for it was our Wright that taught Jodocus Hondius the method of conttructing them, which was till then unknown : but the ungrateful Hondius concealed the name of the true author, and arrogated the glory of the invention to himfelf. Of this fraudulent praétice the good man could not help complaining, and juftly enough, in the preface to his Treatife of the Corretion of Errors in the Art of Navigation ; which he compofed with ex- cellent judgment, and after long experience, tothe great advancement of naval affairs. For the improvement of this art he was appointed mathematical lefturer by the Eaft- India Company, and read leétures in the houfe of that worthy knight Sir Thoraas Smith, for which he had a yearly falary of 50 pounds. This office he difcharged with great reputation, and much to the fatisfaction of his hearers. He publithed in Englifh, a book on the doétrine of the fphere, and another concerning the con- firuction of funedials. He alfo prefixed an ingenious preface to the learned Gil- , _ _ bert’s » LOGARITHMS. 25). where it mentions the change from the Latin into Englifh, is a literal tranflation of the preface to Napier’s original ; but what follows that, is added by Napier himfelf. And I willingly infert it here, as it con- tains a declaration of the motives which led to this difcovery, and as the book itfelf is very fcarce. ‘‘ Seeing there is nothing (right well beloved ftudents,in the mathematics) that is fo troublefome to Mathe- maticall practife, nor that doth more moleft and hinder Calculators, than the Multiplications, Divifions, fquare and cubical Extractions of great numbers, which, befides the tedious expence of time, are for the moft part fubject to many flippery errors: I began therefore to confider in my minde, by what certaine and ready Art I might remove thofe hindrances. And having thought upon many things to this pur- pofe, I found at length fome excellent briefe rules to be treated of (perhaps) hereafter. But amongft all, none more profitable than this, which together with the hard and tedious Multiplications, Divifions, and Extractions of rootes, doth alfo caft away from the worke it felfe, even the very numbers themfelves that are to be multiplied, divided, and refolved into rootes, and putteth other numbers in their place, which performe as much as they can do, onely by Addition and Sub- traction, Divifion by two, or Divifion by three; which fecret inven- tion, being (as all other good things are) fo much the better as it fhall be the more common; I thought good heretofore to fet forth in La- tine for the publique ufe of Mathematicians. But now fome of our Countrymen in this Ifland well affeCted to thefe ftudies, and the more publique good, procured a moft learned Mathematician to tranflate the fame into our vulgar Englifh tongue, who after he had finithed it fent the Coppy of it to me, to be feene and confidered on by my- felf. I having moft willingly and gladly done the fame, finde it to be moft exact and precifely conformable to my minde and the originall. Therefore it may pleafe you who are inclined to thefe ftudies, to re- ceive it from me and the Tranflator, with as much good will as we recommend it unto you. Fare yee well.” There are alfo extant copies of Wright’s tranflation with the date 1618 in the title: but this is not properly a new edition, but only bert’s book on the load-ftone. By thefe and other his writings, he has tranfmitted his fame to late{t pofterity. While he was yet a fellow of this college, he could not be concealed in his private ftudy, but was called forth to the public bufinefs of the kingdom, by the queen’s majefty, about the year 1593. He was ordered to attend . the earl of Cumberland in fome maritime expeditions, One of thefe he has given a faithful account of, in the way of a journal or ephemeris, to which ‘he has prefixed an elegant hydrographical chart of his own contrivance. A little before his death, he employed himfelf about an Englifh tranflation of the book of logarithms then _ lately found out by the honourable Baron Napier, a Scotchman, who had a great afte&tion for him, This pofthumous work of his was publifhed foon after, by his only fon Samuel Wright, who was alfo a fcholar of this college. He had formed many other ufeful defigns, but was hindered by death from bringing them to perfeétion. Of him it may be truly faid, that he ftudied more to ferve the public than Kimfelf; and though he was rich in fame, and in the promifes of the great, yet he died poor, to the fcandal of an ungrateful age.” Other anecdotes ofhim, as well as many other mathematical authors, may be found in the curious hiftory of navigation by Dr. James Wilfon, prefixed to Mr. Robertfon’s excellent treatife on that fubject. . . ah & 30 . HISTORY OF the old work with a new title-page adapted to it (the old one being cancelled), together with the addition of fixteefi pages of new matter called “ An Appendix to the Logarithms, fhowing the practice of the calculation of triangles, and alfo a new and ready way for the exact finding out of fuch lines and logarithms as are not precifely to _be found in the canons.” But we are not told by what author: pro- bably it was by Briggs. } . Befides the trouble attending Napier’s canon, in finding the pro- portional parts, when ufed as a table of the logarithms of common numbers, and whichwas in part remedied by the fore-mentioned con- trivances of Wright and Briggs, it was alfo accompanied with another inconvenience, which arofe from the logarithms being fometimes +. or additive, and fometimes — or negative, and which required there- fore the knowledge of algebraical addition and fubtra@tion. And this inconvenience was occafioned, partly by making the logarithm of radius to be 0, and the fines to decreafe, and partly by the compen- dious manner in which the author had formed the table; making the three columns of fines, cofines, and tangents, to ferve alfo for-the other three of cofecants, fecants, and cotangents. | But this latter inconvenience was well remedied by John Speidell, in his New Logarithms, firft publifhed in 1619, which contained all the fix columns, and in this order; fines, cofines, tangents, cotan- gents, fecants, cofecants: and they were befides made all pofitive, by be~ ing taken the arithmetical complements of Napier’s, that is, they were the remainders leftby fubtraGting each of thefe latter from, 1000000. And the former inconvenience was more effectually removed by the faid Speidel!, in an additional table, given in the fixth impreflion of the former work, in the year 1624. This was a table of Napier’s logarithms for the round or integer numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, to 1000, together with their differences and arithmetical complements 3 as alfo the halves of the faid logarithms, with their differences and arithme- tical complements; which halves confequentiy were the logarithms of the fquare roots of the faid numbers. Thete logarithms are-how- ever a little varied in their form from Napier’s,namely, foas toancreale fron: 1, whofe logarithm is 0, inftead of decreafing fo 1, or radius, whofe logarithm Napier made 0 likewife ; that is, Speidell’s logarithm of any number #, is equal to Napier’s logarithm of its reciprocal ;: fo that in this laft table of Speidell’s, the logarithm of 1 being 0, the logarithm of 10 is 2302584, the logarithm of 100 is twice as much, or 4605168, and that of 1000 thrice as much, or 6907758. This table is now commonly called Ayperbolic logarithms, becaufe the numbers exprefs the areas between the afymptote and curve of the hyperbola, thofe areas being limited by ordinates parallel te the other -afymptote, and the ordinates decreafing in geometrical progreflion. But this is not a very proper method of denominating them, as fuch areas may be made to denote any fyftem of logarithms whatever, as w efhall fhow more at large in the proper place. idee In the year 1619, Robert Napier, fon of the inventor of logarithms, . | publithed LOGARITHMS. | 31 publithed a new edition of his late father’s Logarithmorum Canenis Diferiptio, together with the promifed Legarithmorum Canonis Cona firuétio, and other mifcellaneous pieces, written by his father and by Mr. Briggs.—Alfo one Bartholomew Vincent, a bookfeller at Lugdu- num, or Lyons, in France, printed there an exact copy of the fame two works in one volume, in the year 16203; which was four years before the logarithms were carried'to France by Wingate, who was therefore erroneoufly faidto have firft introduced them into that country. But I {hall treat more particularly of the contents of this work, after I have enumerated the other writers on this kind of logarithms. In 1618 or 1619, Benjamin Urfinus, mathematician to the Elector of Brandenburg, publifhed, at Cologn, his Cur/us Mathematicus, in which is contained a copy of Napier’s logarithms, with the addition of fome tables of proportional parts. And in 1024, he printed at the fame place, his Trigonometria, with a table of natural fines and. their | _ Jogarithms, of the Napierian kind and form, to every ten feconds in the quadrant; which he had been-at much painsin computing. In the fame year 1624, logarithms, of nearly the fame kind, were alfo publifhed, at Marpurg, by the celebrated John Kepler, mathema- tician to the Emperor Ferdinand the Second, under the title of Cdr“as Logarithmorum ad Totidem Numeros Rotundos, premifa Demonftratione fegitima Ortus Logarithmorum eorumque U/usy &c; and the year follow- ing, a fupplement to the fame; being applied to round or integer numbers, and to fuch natural fines as nearly coincide with then» ‘Thefe are exa€tly the fame kind of logarithms as Napier’s, being the fame logarithms of the natural fines of arcs, beginning from the quad- rant, whofe fine or radius is 10,000,000, the logarithm of which is made ©, andfrom thence the fines decreafing by equal differences, down to 0, or the beginning of the quadrant, whilft their logarithms increafe to infinity. So that the difference between this table and Napier’s, confifts only in this, namely, that in Napier’s table the are of the quadrant is divided into equal parts, differing by one minute each, and confequently their fines, to which the logarithms are adapted, are irrational or interminate numbers, and only exprefied by approx~ imate decimals ; whereas in Kepler’s table, the'radins is divided into equal parts, which are confidered as perfect and terminate fines, having equal differences, and .to ‘which terminate fines the logarithms are lrere adapted. By this means indeed the proportions for intermediate numbers and logarithms are eafier made, but then the correfponding arcs are not terminate, but irrational, and only fet down to an ap- proximate degree. So that Kepler’s\table is more convenient as a table of the logarithms of common numbers, and Napier’s as the lo- garithmic fines of the arcs of the quadrant. In both tables, the loga- rithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, is the fame quantity, namely 23025852 ; and as the radius, or greateft fine, 1s 10,000,000, whofe logarithm is made 0, the logarithms of the decuple parts of it will be found by adding 23025852 continually, or multiplying this logarithm by 4, ¥, 4, &c 3 and hence the logarithm of 1, the farft number, or {malleft fine, in the table, is 161180959, or 7 times 2302 &c. 32 HISTORY OF Befides the two columns, ofthe natural fines and their logarithms, with the differences of the logarithms, this table of Kepler’s confifts alfo of three other columns ; the firft of which contains the neareft ares, belonging to thofe fines, exprefled in degrees, minutes and fe- conds; and the other two exprefs what parts of the radius each fine is equal to, namely, the one of them in 24th parts of the radius, and minutes and feconds of them; and the other in 60th parts of the ra- dius, and minutes of them. As a fpecimen I have here extraéted the latt page of the table. printed exactly as in the work : siaces SINUS. -| Partesvice- {| LoGarirumM! Partes Circulicum | feu numeri 6 t differentiis.Af i differentiis. abfoluti. 1mz quar ew. jCUM dliferentils. exagenarigz, 1 ene 101.58 80. 3. 461 98500.00 |23. 38. 24) 1511.36+ | 59. 6 2 0. Lg 101.47 80. 23. 58 | 98600.00 |23. 39. .50; 1409.890+ | 59. 16 20. 53 |————_| ——_>$ —__— —_- 101.37 —_————- 80. 44. 51 | 98700.00 23. 41. 17] 1308.524+ | 59. 13 | 21. 2 101.26 r 81. 6. 33 | 98800.00 |23. 42, 43! 1207.26 5G he, me VO Da Seana 81. 29. .26 | 98900.00 |23. 44. 10) 1106.09+ | 59. 20 24. 6 101.06 | 81. 53. 32 | 99000.00 |23. 45. 36; 1005.03+ | 59. 24 D5, 6 meee meee fee ence 100.96 82. 18. $38 | 99100.00 |23. ~ 47. 2 904.07+ | 59. 28 26. 28 100.85 82. 45. 6 | 99200.00 |23. .48. 29 803.224 SQ 81 07.554 |-——- | +. 100.76 —_—— 83. 13. O | 99300.00 |23. 49. 55 702.46 A Dis Pe 30. 20 100.65 83. 43. 20] 99400.00 |23, 51. 22 601.81 59. 38 82. 40 PAIS SURAT VDE 100.56 eee ia 84. 16. O | 99500.00 |23. 52. 48 501.254 | 59. 42 3:6..180 100.45 84. 52. 30 | 99600.00 }23. 54. 14 400.80 50,. . 46 PS Magee Dag Pa aN ot NES Blk panes 100.35 i se a ool 85. 33. 39 | 99700.00 |23. 55. 41 300.45 59. 49 48. 54 100.25 86. 22. 33 | 99800.00 |23. 57. 7 200 20 59... ~53 Dee ie VEL, (yn Pema Romane, Peal ROUT ie PATA POST Fo Be ee Eee Sua 87. 26. 15 | 99900.00 j23. 58. 34 100.05 50.; 30 Sen” Maia: Bt ONL 100.05 90. O. QO. |100000.00 /24, O. Q| 000000.00 60. oO To LOGARITHMS. __ 33 To the table, Kepler prefixes a pretty confiderable tract, containing ‘the conftruction of the logarithms, and a demonttration of their pro- perties and {tructure, in which he confiders logarithms, in the true and legitimate way, as the meafures of ratios, as fhall be fhown more particularly hereafter in the next part, where we {hall treat of the conftruction of logarithms. Kepler alfo introduced the logarithmic calculus into his Rudolphine tables, publifhed in 1627 ; and inferted inthat work feveral logarithmic tables; as, firft, a table fimilar to that above defcribed, except that the fecond, or column of fines, or of abfolute numbers, is omitted, and, inftead of it, another column is added, fhowing what part of the quadrant each arc is equal to, namely the quotient, exprefied in inte- gers and fexagefimal parts, arifing from the dividing the whole qua- drant by each given are; 2dly, Napier’s table of logarithmic fines to every minute of the quadrant; alfo two other fmaller tables, adapted for the purpofes of eclipfes and the latitudes of the planets. In this work alfo Kepler gives a fummary account of logarithms, with the def{cription and ufe of thofe that are contained in thefe tables. And here it is that he mentions Juftus Byrgius, as having had logarithms before Napier publifhed them. Befides the above, fome few others publifhed logarithms of the fame kind about this time. But let us now return to treat of the hiftory of the common or Briggs’s logarithms, fo called becaufe he firft com- puted them, and firft mentioned them, and recommended them to Napier, inftead of the firft kind by him invented. | Mr. Henry Briggs, not lefs efteemed for his great probity, and other eminent virtues, than for his excellent fkill in mathematics, was at the time of the publication of Napier’s logarithms, in 1614, pro- feflor of geometry in Grefham college in London, having been ap- pointed the firft profefior after its inftitution: which appointment he held till January 1620, when he was chofen, alfo the firft, Savilian profeflor of Geometry at Oxford, where he died January the 26th, 1687, aged about 74 years. On the publication of Napier’s logarithms, Briggs immediately ap- plied himfelf to the ftudy and improvement ofthem. In a letter to Mr. (afterwards Archbifhop) Ufher, dated the 10th of March 1615, he writes, “ that he was wholly taken up and employed about the noble invention of logarithms, lately difcovered.”’ And again, ‘* Napier lord of Markinfton hath fet my head and hands at work with his new and admirable logarithms : I hope to fee him this fummer, if it pleafe God ; for I never faw a book which pleafed me better, and made me more wonder.” ‘Thus we find that Briggs began very early to com- pute logarithms: but thefe were not of the fame kind with Napier’s, in which the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1 was 2°3025851 &c; _for, in Briggs’s firft attempt he made 1 the logarithm of that ratio; and, from the evidence we have, it appears he was the firft perfon who formed the idea of this change in the fcale, which he prefently -and.generoufly communicated, both to the public in his lectures, and to lord Napier himfelf, who afterwards faid that he alfo had thought . of the fame thing; as appears by the following extract, tranflated iin F the’ have been as in the firft column ; but after they 54 HISTORY OF the preface to Briggs’s drithmetica Loggrithmica : “ Wonder not (fays he) that thefe logarithms are different trom thofe which the excellent baron of Marchifton publithed in his Admirable Canon. For when I explained the doctrine of them to my auditors at Grefham college in London, I remarked that it would be much more convenient, the lo- garithm of the fine total or radius being 0 (as in the Canon Mirificus), if the logarithm of the 10th part of the faid radius, namely, of 5° 44’ 21”, were 100000 &c3 and. concerning this I prefently wrote to the author; alfo, as foon as the feafon of the year and my public teaching would permit, I went to Edinburgh, where being kindly received by him, I ftaida whole month. But when we began to converfe about the alteration of them, he faid that he had formerly thought of it, and wifhed it; but that he chofe to publith thofe that were already done, till fuch time as his leifure and health would permit him to make others more convenient. And as to the nature of the change, he thought it more expedient that O fhould be made the logarithm of 1: and 100000 &c the logarithm of radius; which I could not but acknow- ledge was much better. ‘Therefore, rejeCting thofe which I had be- fore prepared, I proceeded, at his exhortation, to calculate thefe: and the next f{ummer I went again to Edinburgh, to fhow him the prin- ciple of them; and fhould have been glad to do the fame the third fummer, if it had pleafed God to {pare him fo long.” So that it is plain that Briggs was the inventor of the prefent fcale of logarithms, in which 1 is the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, and 2 that of 100to 1, &c3 and that the fhare which Napier hadin them, was only advifing Briggs to begin at the loweft number 1, and make the logarithms, or artificial numbers, as Napier had alfo called them, ‘to increafe withthe natural numbers, inftead of decreafing ; which made no alteration in the figures that exprefled Briggs’s logarithms, but only in their affection or figns, changing them from negative to pofitive; fo that Briggs’s firft logarithms to the numbers in the fecond column of the annexed tablet, would were changed, as they are here in the third co- Jumn ; which isa change of no eflential difference, ae fala fs _as the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, the radix 9 \ Ot? _of the natural fyftem of numbers, continues the 1 sn a fame, a change in the logarithm of that ratio being en | O _the only circumftance that can effentially alterthe |—1] 10 1 fyfem of logarithms, the logarithm of | being 0, [-—2 |100 | 2 And the reafon why Briggs, after that interview, ae NO” 3 —- a rejected what he hadbefore done, and began anew, was probably becaufe he had adapted his new logarithms to the approximate fines of arcs inftead of the round or integer numbers, and not from their being logarithms of another fyftem, as were thofe of Napier. On Briggs’s return from Edinburgh to London the fecond time, namely, in 1617, he printed the firft thoufand logarithms, to eight places of figures, befides the index, under the title of Logarithmorum ' Chilias Prima. But thefe feem not to have been publifhed till after the a a -LOGARITHMS. 35 the death of Napier, which lIrappened on the 3d of April 1618, as before faid; for, in the preface to them, Briggs fays, “ Why thefe logarithms differ from thofe fet forth by their moft illuftrious inventor, | of ever refpectful memory, in his Cavion Mirificus, ty 1s TO BE HOPED his pofthumous work will fhortly make appear.” And as Napier, after communication had with Briggs, on the fubje& of altering the {cale of logarithms, had given notice, both in Wright’s tranflation, and in his own Rabdologia, printedin 1617, of his intention to alter the fcale (though it appears very plainly that he never intended to compute any more), without making any mention of the fhare which. Briggs had in the alteration, this gentleman modeftly gave the above hint. But not finding any regard paid to it in the faid pofthumous work, publifhed by lord Napier’s fon in 1619, where the alteration is again adverted to, but {till without any mention of Briggs; this gentleman thought he could not do lefs than ftate the grounds of that alteration himfelf, as they are above extracted from his work pub- lifhed in 1624. Thus, upon the whole matter, it feems evident that Briggs, whe- ther he had thought of this improvement in the conftru@tion of loga- rithms, of making | the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, before lord Napier, or not, (which is a fecret that could be known only to Napier himfelf), was the firft perfon who communicated the idea of fuch an improvement to the world ; and that he did this in his le€tures to his auditors at Grefham college in the year 1615, very foon after his per- ufal of Napier’s Canon Mirificus Logarithmorum in the year 1614. He alfo mentioned it to Napier, both by letter in the fame year, and on his firft vifit to him in Scotland in the fummer of the year 1616, when Napier approved the idea, and faid it had already occurred to himfelf, and that he had determined to adopt it. It would therefore have been more candid in lord Napier to have told the world, in the fecond edi- tion of this book, that Mr. Briggs had mentioned this improvement to him, and that he had thereby been confirmed in the refolution he had already taken, before Mr. Briggs’s communication with him, to adopt it in that his fecond edition, as being better fitted tothedecimal notation. of arithmetic which was in general ufe. Such a declaration would have been but an act of juftice to Mr. Briggs; and the not having made it, cannot but incline us to fufpect that lord Napier was de- firous that the world fhould afcribe to him alone the merit of this very ufeful improvement of the logarithms, as well as that of having originally invented them ; though, if the having firft communicated an invention to the world be fufficient to entitle a man to the honour of having firft invented it, Mr. Briggs had the better title to be called the firft inventor of this happy improvement of logarithms. In 1620, two years after the Chilias Prima of Briggs came out, Mr. | Edmund Gunter publifhed his Canon of Triangles, which contains* the artificial or logarithmic fines and tangents, for every minute, to feven places of figures, befides the index, the logarithm of radius be- ing 10-0 &c. Thefe logarithms are of the kind laft agreed upon by Napier and Briggs, and they were the firft tables of logarithmic fines and tangents that were publithed of this fort. Gunter, alfo, in 1623, . HO 2 reprinted 36 - HISTORY OF reprinted the fame in his book De Seéfore et Radio, together with the Chilias Prima of his old colleague Mr. Briggs, he being profeffor of aftronomy at Grefham college when Briggs was profefior of geometry there, Gunter having been elected to that office the 6th of March 1619, and enjoyed it till his death, which happened on the 10th of December 1626, about the forty-fifth year of his age. In 1623 alfo, Gunter applied thefe logarithms of numbers, fines, and tangents, to ftraight lines drawn on a ruler; with which, proportions in common numbers and trigonometry were refolved by the mere application of a " pair of compaffes ; a method founded on this property, that the loga- rithms of the terms of equal ratios are equidifferent. ‘This inftrument, in the form of a two-foot {cale, is now in common ufe for navigation, - and other purpofes, and is commonly called the Gunter. He alfo greatly improved the fector for the fame ufes. Gunter was the firft who ufed the word co-/ine for the fine of the complement of an arc. He alfo introduced the ufe of arithmetical complements into the logarithmieal arithmetic, as is» witnefled by Briggs, chap XV. Arith. Log. And it has been faid, that he flarted the idea of the logarithmic curve, which was fo called becaufe the fegments of its axis are the logarithms of the correfponding ordinates. The logarithmic lines were afterwards drawn in various other ways. In 1627, they were drawn by Wingate on two feparate rulers fliding againft each other, to fave the ufe of compafles in refolving propor- tions. They were alfo,in 1627, applied to concentric circles, by - Oughtred. Then in a fpiral form by a Mr. Milburne of Yorkshire about the year 1650. And, laftly, in 1657, on the prefent fliding rule, by Seth Partridge. | The: difcoveries relating to logarithms were carrie¢ to France by Mr. Edmund Wingate, but not firft of all, as he erroneoufly fays in the preface to his book. He publifhed at Paris, in 1624, two {mall tracts in the French language : and afterwards at London, in 1626, an Englith edition of the fame, with improvements. In the firft of thefe, he teaches the ufe of Gunter’s ruler; andin the other, that of Briggs’s logarithms, and the artificial fines and tangents. Here are contained alfo, tables of thofe logarithms, fines, and tangents, copied from Gunter. ‘The edition of thefe logarithms printed at London in 1635, and the former editions alfo I fuppofe, has the units figures difpofed along the tops of the columns, andthe tens down the mar- gins, like our tables at prefent; with the whole logarithm, which was only to fix places of figures, in the angle of meeting: which is the _ firft inftance that I have feen of this mode of arrangement. But proceed we now to the larger ftruCture of logarithms. Briggs had continued from the beginning to labour with great in- » duftry at the computation of thofe logarithms of which he before *publifhed a fhort {pecimen in {mall numbers. And, in 1624, he pro- duced his 4rithmetica Logarithmica—a ftupendous work for fo fhort a time !—-containing the logarithms of 300V0 natural numbers, to four- teen places of figures befidés the index, namely from 1 to 20000, and from 90000 to 100000; together with the differences of the lo- garithms. Some writers fay that there was another chiliad, namely, from © | LOGARITHMS. 3T from 100000 to 101000; but none of the copies that I have feen have more than the 30000 above mentioned, and they were all regularly terminated in the ufual way with the word Finis. The preface to thefe logarithms contains, among other things, an account of .the alteration made in the fcale by Napier and himfelf, from which we before gave an extra&t; and an earneft folicitation to others to under- take the computation for the intermediate numbers, offering to give inftructions, and paper ready ruled for that purpofe, to any.perfons fo inclined to contribute to the completion of fo valuable a work. In the introdudtion, he gives alfo an ample treatife on the conftru@tion © and ufes of thefe logarithms, which will be particularly defcribed hereafter. By this invitation, and other means, he had hopes of colleCting materials for the logarithms of the intermediate 70000 numbers, whilft he fhould employ his own labour more immediately on the canon of logarithmic {nes and tangents, and fo carry on both works at’ once ; as indeed they were both equally neceflary, and he himfelf was now pretty far advanced in years. Soon after this, Adrian Vlacq, or Flack, of Gouda_in Holland,” completed the intermediate feventy chiliads, and republifhed the Arith- metica Logarithmica at that place, in 1627 and 1628, with thofe in+ termediate numbers, making in the whole the logarithms of all num- bers to 100000, but only to ten places of figures. To thefe was added a table of artificial fines, tangents, and fecants, to every minute of the quadrant. ‘ : ‘ Briggs himfelf lived alfo to: complete a table of logarithmic fines — and tangents for the hundredth part of every degree, to fourteen places of figures befides the index ; together with a table of natural fines for the fame parts to fifteen places, and the tangents and fecants for the fame to ten places; with the conftruction of the whole. Thefe tables were printed at Gouda, under the care of Adrian Vlacq, and moftly finifhed of before 1631, though not publithed till 1633. But his death, which then happened, prevented him from completing the application and‘ufes of them. FElowever, the performing of this office, when dying, he recommended to his friend Henry Gellibrand, who was then profeflor of aftronomy in Grefham college, having fucceeded Mr. Gunter in that appointment. Gellibrand accordingly added a preface, and the application of the logarithms to plane and {pherical trigono- metry, &c; andthe whole was printed at Gouda by the fame printer, and brought out in the fame year, 1633, as the Lrigonometria Artifi- cialis of Viacq, who had the care of the prefs as above faid. » This work was called. Lrigonometria Britannica; and befides the-arcs in degrees and centefms of degrees, it has another column, containing the minutes and feconds anfwering to the feveral centefms inthe firft column. | . In 1633, as mentioned above, Vlacq printed at Gouda, in Holland, his Trigonometria Artificialis; five Magnus Canon Triangulorum Loga- rithmicus ad Decadas Secundorum Scrupulorum.confirudius. ‘This work contains the logarithmic fines and tangents to ten places of figures, with their differences, for every*ten feconds in the quadrant. To them is alfo added Briggs’s table of the firft 20000 logarithms, but carricd only to ten places of figures befides the index, with their dif- ferences. BEN a iy HISTORY OF ferences. The whole is preceded by a defcription of the tables, and the application of them to plane and fpherical trigonometry, chiefly extracted from Briggs’s Trigonometria Britannica, above mentioned. Gellibrand publifhed alfo, in 1635, 4n Inftitution Trigonometricall, containing the logarithms of the firft 10000 numbers, with the natural fines, tangents, and fecants, and the logarithmic fines and tangents, _ for degrees and minutes, all to feven places of figures, befides the index ; as alfo other tables proper for navigation; with the ufes of the whole. Gellibrand died the 9th of February 1636, in the 40th year of his age, to the great lofs of the mathematical world. Befides the perfons hitherto mentioned, who were moftly computers of logarithms, many others have alfo publifhed tables of thofe artifi- cial numbers, more or lefs complete, and fometimes improved and varied in the manner and form of them.. I fhall here juft advert to a few of the principal of thefe. . In 1626, D. Henrion publifhed, at Paris, a treatife concerning Briggs’s logarithms of common numbers from | to 20000, to eleven places of figures; with the fines andtangents to eight places only. In 1631, was printed, at London, by one George Miller, a book containing Briggs’s logarithms, with their differences, to ten places of figures befides the index, for all numbers to 100000; as alfo the logarithmic fines, tangents, and fecants, for every minute of the qua- _ drant ; with the explanation and ufes in Englifh. The fame year, 1631, Richard Norwood publifhed his Trigonome- trie ; in which we find Briggs’s logarithms for all numbers to 10000, and for thefines, tangents, and fecants, to every minute, both to feven places befides the index.—In the conclufion of the trigonometry, he complains of the unfair practices of printing Vlacq’s book in 1627 or 1628, and the book mentioned in the laft article. His words are, “© Now whereas I have here, and in fundry places in this book, cited Mr. Briggs his Arithmetica Logarithmica, (left 1 may feem to abufe the reader,) you are to underftand not the book put forth about a month fince in Englifh, as a tranflation of his, and with the fame title; being nothing like his, nor worthy his name; but the book which himfelf put forth with this title in Latin, being printed at London anno 1624. And here I have juft occafion to blame the ill dealing of thefe men, both in the matter before mentioned, and in printing a fecond edition of his 4rithmetica Logarithmica in Latin, whilft he lived, againft his ~ mind and liking ; and brought them over to fell, when the firft were unfold ; fo fruftrating thofe additions which Mr. Briggs intended in his fecond edition, and moreover leaving out fome things that were in the firft edition, of {pecial moment :a practice of very ill confequence, and tending to the great difparagement of fuch as take pains in this kind.” i Francis Bonaventure Cavalerius publithed at Bologna, in 1632, his Direétorium Generale Uranometricum, in which are tables of Briggs’s logarithms of fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines, each to eight places, for every fecond of the firft five minutes, for every five feconds trom five to ten minutes, for every ten feconds from ten to twenty minutes, for every twenty feconds from twenty to thirty minutes, for _ every thirty feconds from 30’ to 1° 30’, and for every minute in the reft LOGARITEMS. | 39 reft of the quadrant: which is the firft table of logarithmic verfed . fines that I know of. In this book are contained alfo the logarithms of the firft ten chiliads of natural numbers, namely, from 1 to 10000, difpofed in this manner: all the twenties at top, and from 1 to 19 on the fide, the logarithm of the fum being in the {quare of meeting. In this work, alfo, I think Cavalerius gave the method of finding the area or {pherical furface contained by various arcs defcribed on the {furface of a fphere; which had before been given by Albert Girard, in his Algebra, printed in the year 1629. _ Alfo, in the Trigonometria of the fame author, Cavalerius, printed in 1643, befides the logarithms of numbers from | to 1000, to eight places, with their differences, we find both natural and logarithmic fines, tangents, and fecants, the former to feven, and the latter to eight places; namely, to every 10” of the firft 30 minutes, to every 30” from 30’ to 1°; and the fame for their complements, or back- wards through the laft degree of the quadrant ; the intermediate 83° being to every minute only. Mr. Nathaniel Roe, ‘* Paftor of Benacre in Suffolke,” alfo reduced the logarithmic tables to a contracted form, in his Tabule Logarith- mice, printed at London in 1633. Here we have Briggs’s logarithms of numbers from 1 to 100000, to eight places; the fifties placed at top, and from | to 50 on the fide; alfo the firft four figures of the logarithms at top, and the other four down the columns. They con- tain alfo the logarithmic fines and tangents to every 100th part of de- grees, to ten places. . Ludovicus Frobenius publifhed at Hamburg, in 1634, his Clavis Univerfa Trigonometrie, containing tables of Briggs’s logarithms of numbers, from I to 2000; and of fines, tangents, and fecants, for every minute; both to feven places. | But the tables of logarithms of common numbers was reduced to its moft convenient form by John Newton, in his Zrigonometria Bri- tannica, printed at London in 1658, having availed himfelf of both the improvements of Wingate and Roe, namely, uniting Wingate’s dif- pofition of the natural numbers with Roe’s contracted arrangement of the logarithms, the numbers being all difpofed as in our bett tables at prefent, namely, the units along the top of the page,. and the tens down the left-hand fide, alfo the firft three figures of each logarithm in the firft column, and the remaining five figures in the other co- Jumns, the logarithms being to eight places. This work contains alfo the logarithmic fines and tangents, to eight figures befides the index, for every 100th part of a degree, with their differences, and for 1000th parts in the firft three degrees.—In the preface to this work, Newton takes occafion, as Wingate and Norwood had done before, as well as Briggs himfelf, to cenfure the unfair practices of fome other publifhers of logarithms. He fays, “In the fecond part of this inftitution, thou art prefented with Mr. Gellibrand’s Trigonometrie, faithfully tranflated from the Latin copy, that which the author himfelf publifhed under the title of ‘Lrigonometria Britannica, and not that which Vlacq the Dutchman ftyles Zrigonometria Artificialis, from whofe corrupt and imperfect copy that feems to be tranflated which is amongft us gene- 40 , HISTORY OF rally known by the name of Gellibrand’s Trigonsmetry ; but thofe whe either knew him, or have perufed his writings, can teftify that he was mo admirer of the old fexagenary way of working ; ‘nay that he did preferre the decimal way before it, ashe hath abundantly teftified in all the examples of this his trigonometry, which differs from that other which Vlacq hath publithed, and that which hath hitherto borne his name in Englifh, as inthe form, fo likewife in the matter of it; for in the two laft-mentioned editions, there is fomething left out in the fecond chapter of plain triangles, the third chapter wholly omitted, und a part of the third in the {pherical ; but in this edition nothing : fomething we have added to both, by way of explanation and demon- {tration.” : In 1670, John Caramuel publifhed his Jfathefis Nova, in which are eontained 1000 logarithms both of Napier’s and Briggs’s form, as alfo 1000 of what he calls the Perfect Logarithms, namely, the fame as thofe which Briggs firft thought of, which differ from the laft only in this, that the one increafes while the other decreafes, the radix.or logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1 being the fame in both. The books of logarithms have fince become very numerous, but the logarithms are moitly of that kind invented by Briggs, and which are now in common ufe. Of thefe, the moft noted for their accuracy or ufefulnefs, befides the works above mentioned, are Vlacq’s {mall vo- lume of tables, particularly that edition printed at Lyons in 16703 alfo tables printed at the fame place in-i760 3 but moft efpecially the tables of Sherwin and Gardiner. Of thete, Sherwin’s Mathematical _ Lables, in 8vo, formed the moft complete colleGtion of any, contain- ing, befides the logarithms of all numbers to 101000, the fines, tan- gents, fecants, and verfed fines, both natural and logarithmic, to every minute of the quadrant. ‘Che firft edition was in 1706 ; but the third edition, in 1742, which was revifed by Gardiner, is efteemed the moft correct of any, though containing many thoufands of errors in the final figures: as to the laft or. fifth edition, in 1771, itis fo errone- oufly printed that no dependance can be placed in it, being the moft inaccurate book of tables I ever knew; I-have a lift of feveral thou- fand errors which I have corre¢ted in it, as well as in Gardiner’s oc- tavo edition. , Gardiner alfo printed at London, in 1742, a quarto volume of “Tables of Logarithms, for all: numbers from 1 to 102100, and for the fines and tangents to every ten feconds of each degree in the qua- drant 5 as alfo, for the fines of the firft 72 minutes to every fingle fecond: with other ufeful and neceflary tables ;” namely, a table of Logiftical Logarithms, and three fmaller tables to be ufed for finding the Jogarithms of numbers to twenty places of figures. Of thefe tables of Gardiner, only a {mall number was printed, and that by fubfcription ; and they have always been held in great eftimation for their accuracy and ufefulnefs. 7 _ An edition of Gardiner’s colleCtion was alfo elegantly printed at | Avignon in France, in 1770, with fome additions, namely, the fines and tangents for every fingle fecond in the firft four degrees, and a {mall table of hyperbolic logarithms, copied from a treatife on Fluxions by LOGARITHMS. | A by the late ingenious Mr. Thomas Simpfon : but this is not quite fo ~ correét as Gardiner’s own editiow. ‘The tables in ail thefe books are to feven places of figures. There have alfo lately appeared the following accurate and elegant books of logarithms ; viz. 1. Logarithmic Tables, by the Jate Mr. Michael Taylor, a pupil of mine, and author of The Sexagefimal Table. His work confi{ts of three tables ; 1 {t, The logarithms of Common Numbers from | to 1260, each to 8 places of figures ; 2dly, The Logarithms of all Num- bers from 1 to 101000, each to 7 places; 3dly, The Logarithmic Sines and Tangents to every Second of the Quadrant, alfo to 7 ‘places of figures: a work that muft prove highly ufeful to fuch per- fons as may be employed in very nice and accurate calculations, fuch as aftronomical tables, &c. ‘The author dying when the tables were nearly all printed off, the Rev. Dr. Mafkelyne, Aftronomer Royal, has fupplied a preface, containing an account of the work, with ex- cellent precepts for the explanation and ufe of the tables: the whole very accurately and elegantly printed on large 4to. 1792. 2. “Tables Portatives de Logarithmes, publiees 4 Londres par Gar- diner,” &e. This work is moft beautifully printed in a neat portable 8vo volume, and contains all the tables in Gardiner’s 4to volume, ‘with fome additions and improvements, and a confiderable degree of accuracy. On this, as well as feveral other occafions, it is but juftice to remark the extraordinary {pirit and elegance with which the learned amen and the artifans of the French nation undertake and execute works of ‘merit. Printed at Paris, by Didot, 1793. 3. Afe¢ond edition of the ** Tables Portatives de Logarithmes,” &e. printed at Paris with the Stero types, of folid pages, in 8vo, 1795, by Didot. ‘This edition is greatly enlarged, by an extenfion of the old tables, and many new ones; among which are the log. fines and tangents to every ten thoufandth part of the quadrant, viz..in which the quadrant is firft divided into 100 equal parts, and each of thefe into 100 parts again. 4, Other more extenfive tables, not yet quite completed, ordered ‘by the Board of Longitude in France, and under the dire€tion of M. Prony, in which the quadrant is decimaily divided into 10000 equal arts. ee The logarithmic canon ferves to find readily the logarithm of any affigned number; and we are told by Dr. Wallis, in the fecond volume of his Mathematical Works, that an antilogarithmic canon, or one to find as readily the number correfponding to every logarithm, was be- gun, he thinks, by Harriot the algebraift (who died in 1621), and completed by Walter Warner, the editor of Harriot’s works, before 1640; which ingenious performance, it feems, was loft, for want of ‘encouragement to publith it.”” ** A {mall fpecimen of fuch numbers was publifhed in the Philofo- ‘phical Tranfactions for the year 1714, by Mr. Long of Oxford ; but it was not till 1742 that a complete antilogarithmic canon was pub- Jithed by Mr. James Dodfon, wherein he has computed the numbers yi ita to every logarithm from 1 to 100000, for 11 places of gures.”” | | G THE 42 ! CONSTRUCTION OF THE CONSTRUCTION OF LOGARITHMS, &e. Havine defcribed the feveral kinds of logarithms, their rife and invention, their nature and properties, and given fome account of the principal early cultivators of them, with the chief colleCtions that have been publifhed of fuch tables; I proceed now to deliver a more par~ ticular account of the ideas and methods employed by each author, and the peculiar modes of conftruction made ufe of by them. And firft, of the great inventor himfelf, Lord Napier. NAPIERS CONSTRUCTION OF LOGARITHMS. The inventor of logarithms did not adapt them to the feries of na- tural numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, as it was not his principal idea to extend them to all arithmetical operations in general ; but he confined his labours to that cireumftance which firft fuggefted the necedlity of the invention, and adapted his logarithms to the approximate numbers which exprefs the natural fines of every minute in the quadrant, as they had been fet down by former writers on trigonometry. ‘Vhe fame reftricted idea was purfued through his method of con- flructing the logarithms. As the lines of the fines of all arcs are parts of the radius, or fine of the quadrant, which was therefore called the Jfinus totus, or whole fine, he conceived the line of the radius to be defcribed or run over, by a point moving along it in fuch manner, that in.equal portions of time it generated, or cut off, parts in a de-~ creafing geometrical progreflion, leaving the feveral remainders, or {ines in geometrical progreflion alfo ; whilft, another poimt, in an in- definite line, defcribed equal parts of z¢ in the fame equal portions of time ; fo that the re{pective fums of thefe, or the whole line generated, were always the arithmeticals or logarithms of thefe fines. Thus, az is the given radius, on which all the fines are Sines Log. to be taken, and A&c the indefinite line containing the °° 4]? logarithms ; thefe lines being each generated by themotion -|; -|: of points, beginning at A, a. Now, at the end of the |}, ft, 2d, 3d, &c,. moments, or equal fmall portions of = | time, the moving points being found at the places marked 1, 2, 3, &c, then za, z1, 22, 23, &c, will be the feries -4 J. of natural fines, and AO (or0), Al, A2, A3, &c, will be -)5 their logarithms; fuppofing the point which generates az “|x | to move every where with a velocity decreafing in propor- — -|&e -6 tion to its diftance from z, namely, its velocity in the points | 0, 1, 2, 3, &c, to be refpectively as the diftances 20, zl, 2 | 22, 23, &c, whilft the velocity of the point generating the ve logarithmic line A&c remains conftantly the fame as at firft in the point A or 0.. Hitherto the author had not fully limited his fyftem or feale of lo- garithms, having only fuppofed one condition or limitation, namely, that the logarithm of the radius az fhould be 0. Whereas two inde- pendent conditions, no matter what, are neceflary to limit the feale or fyftem of logarithms. It did not occur to him that it was proper te form the other limit, by affixing fome particular value to an afligned number, * LOGARITHMS. | 43 number, or part of the radius : but, as another condition was neceflary, he affumed ¢his for it, namely, that the two generating points fhould begin to move at a and A with equal velocities; or that the incre- ments al and Al, defcribed in the firft moments, fhould be equal ; as he thought this circumftance would be attended with fome little eafe inthecomputation, Andthis is the reafon that, inhistable, the natural fines and their logarithms, at the complete quadrant, have equal dif- ferences ; and this is alfo the reafon why his fcale of logarithms hap- ae accidentally to agree with what have fince been called the hyper- olic logarithms, which have numeral differences equal to: thofe of their natural numbers at the beginning ; except only that thefe latter increafe with the natural numbers, and his on the contrary decreafe; the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1 being the fame in both, namely 2°30258509. And here, by the way, it may be obferved, that Napier’s manner of conceiving the generation of the lines of the natural numbers, and their logarithms, by the motion of points, is very fimilar to the manner in which Newton afterwards confidered the generation of magnitudes in his do€trine of fluxions; and it is alfo remarkable, that, in art. 2. of the Habitudines Logarithmorum et fuorum naturalium numerorum invi= cem, in the appendix tothe Con/iruétio Logarithmorum, Napier {peaks of the velocities of the increments or decrements of the logarithms, in the fame way as Newton does of his fluxions, namely, where he fhows that thofe velocities, or fluxions, are inverfely as the fines or natural numbers of the logarithms; which is a necefflary confequence of the nature of the generation of thofe lines as defcribed above; with this alteration however, that now the radius az muft be confidered as generated by an equable motion of the point, and the indefinite line A&c by a motion increafing in the fame ratio as the other before de- creafed ; which is a fuppofition that Napier muft have had in view when he ftated that relation of the fluxions. Having thus limited his fyftem, Napier proceeds, in the pofthumous work of 1619, to explain his conftruction of the logarithmic canon ; and this he effects in various ways, but chiefly by generating, in a very eafy manner, a feries of proportional numbers, and their arith- meticals or logarithms; and then finding, by proportion, the loga- rithms to the natural fines, from thofe of the neare{t numbers among the original proportionals. After defcribing the neceflary cautions he made ufe of, to preferve a {ufficient degree of accuracy, in fo long and complex a procefs of cal- culation ; fuch as annexing feveral ciphers, as decimals feparated by a point, to his primitive numbers, and rejecting the decimals thence relulting after the operations were completed; fetting the numbers. downto the neareft unitin the laft figure; and teaching the arithme- tical proceffes of adding, fubtraCting, multiplying, and dividing the limits between which certain unknown numbers mutt lie, fo as to ob- tain the limits between which the refults muft alfo fall; I fay, after _ defcribing fuch particulars, in order to clear and fmooth the way, he. enters onthe great field of calculation itfelf. Beginning at radius 10000000, he firft conftrudts feveral defcending geometrical feriesy but of fuch a nature, that they are all quickly formed by an eafy nee finua! 44 CONSTRUCTION OF tintal fubtraction, and a divifion by 2, or by 10, or 100, &c, which is done by only removing the decimal point fo many places towards the left hand, as there are ciphers in the divifor. He conftruéts three tables of fuch feries: “Fhe firft of thefe confifts of 100 numbers, in _ the proportion of radius to radius minus 1, or of 10000000 to 9999999; all which are found by only fubtracting from each its 10000000th part, which part is alfo found by only removing each figure feven places lower: the laft of thefe 100 proportionals is found to be 9999900:0004950. | The 2d table contains 50 numbers, which are : f (No.| First TaBLe. Seconp TaBLe. i inthe continual propor- | 1” |19900000.000000011 0000000.000000 tion of the firft to the laft 2 | 9999G99.0000G00! 9999900.000000 in the firft table, namely, | 3 | g999998.0000001! 9999800.001000 of 10000000-0000000,' | 4 | 9999997.0000003} 9999700.003000 to 9999900'0004.950, or &c. j&c tul the 100th term,| &c to the 50th term nearly the proportion of | °0 Race miher eI e220 27, 100000 to 999993; thefe [190 _1 9999900.0004950. therefore are found by only removing the figures of each number 5 places: lower, and fub- tracting them from the fame number : the laft of thefe he finds to be 9995001°222927. Anda fpecimen of thefetwo tables is here annexed. The third table confifts of 69 columns, and each column of twenty- one numbers or terms, which terms, sn every column, are in the con- tinual proportion of 10000 to 9995, that is, nearly as the. firft is to the Jaft in the 2d table; and as 10000 exceeds 9995 by the 2000th part, the terms in every column will be conftructed by dividing each upper number by 2, removing the figures of the quotient 3 places lower, and then fubtracting them; and in this way it is proper to conftruct only the firft column of 21 numbers, the laft of which wilk be 9900473°5780: but the 1ft, 2d, 3d, &c, numbers in all the co- Jumns are in the continual proportion of 100 to 99, er nearly the proportion of the firft to the laft in the firft column; and therefore thefe will be found by removing the figures of each preceding number . two places lower, and fubtracting them, for the like number in the next column. tii Coiumn. 1 |10000000.0006)G4YO00000.C000|Y801000.0000| &c tor }5048858 8900 9995000.0006/9$95050.0000|97 96099.5 the Ath |5046334.4605 3 | 9990002 5006\9890102.4750/9791201.4503}) 5th, O.h, 9043811.2932 A | 99085007 .4987|9885 157.4237|9780305.8495 7th, &c 5041289.3879 5 | 9980014.995019880214.8451|9781412.6gG67| col. till '5038768.7435 &c é&e ull &C &c the laft , &c, 21 | G900473.5780|9801468.8423|9703454 1539 bo Thus he had, in this 3d table, interpofed between the radius and its half, 68 numbers in the continual proportion of 100 to 99 3 and interpofed Letween every two of thefe 20 numbers in the proportion of LOGARITHMS. 45 16000 to 9995: and again, in the 2d table, between 10000000 and 9995000, the two firft of the third table, hehad 50 numbers in the pro- portion of 100000 to 99999; and laftly, in the 1f{t table between 10000000 and 9999900, or the two firft in the 2d table, 100 numbers in the proportion of 10000000 to 99999993 that is, in all, about 1600 praportionals ; all found in the moft fimple manner, by little more than eafy fubtractions ; which proportionals nearly coincide with all the natural fines from 90° down to 30°. To obtain the logarithms of all thofe proportionals, he demonftrates feveral properties and relations of the numbers and logarithms, and illuftrates the manner of applying them. ‘The principal of thefe pro- perties are as follow: ift, that the logarithm of any fine is greater than the difference between that fine and the radius, but lefs than the faid difference when increafed in the proportion of the fine to radius* 3 and 2dly, that the difference between the logarithms of two fines is lefs than the difference of the fines increafed in the proportion of the lefs fine to radius, but greater than the faid difference of the fines increafed in the proportion of the greater fine to radius.+ Hence, by the 1ft theorem, the logarithm of 10000000, the radius or firft term in the firft table being 0, the logarithm of 9999999, the 2d term, will be between 1 and 1°0000001, and will therefore be equal to 1°00000005 very nearly: and this will be alfo the com- mon difference of all the terms or proportionals in the firft table: therefore, by the continual addition of this logarithm, there will be obtained the logarithms of all thefe 100 proportionals ; confequently 100 times the ie firft logarithm, or the laft of the above fums, will - give 100°000005, for the logarithm of 9999900°0004950, the laft of the faid 100 proportionals. Then, by the 2d theorem, it eafily appears, that -0004950 is the difference between the logarithms of 999900'0004950 and 9999900, the laft term of the firft table, and the 2d term of the fecond ehtes * By this firft theorem, r being radius, the logarithm of the fine s is between ys and the ; and therefore, ~when s differs but little from r, the logarithm J . of s will be nearly equal to———— Sain - ot oe the arithmetical mean between the li- mits r—s andr 5 but ftill nearer to (—s)V— — or are rs the geometrical mean between fee {aid limits. 4 By this fecond theor em, the difference beers the Jeger of the two Ss— fines S and s, lying between the limits S rand = Fr will, when thofe S 9 S S—s) : 3 fines differ but little, be nearly equal to a or aay caine r, their arith- S—s metical mean ; or nearly = = ety the geometrical mean ; or nearly = car 2rs by | fubfituting i in the latt denominator, 4 (S+ts) for 4/ Ss, to which it is nearly equal ‘ 5 this as ts CONSTRUCTION OF this then being added to the laft logarithm, gives 1000005000 for the logarithm of the faid 2d term, as alfo the common difference of the logarithms of all the proportions in the 2d table; and therefore, by continually adding it, there will be generated the logarithms of all thefe proportionals in the fecond table; the laft of which is 5000°025, anfwering to 9995001°222927, the lait term of that table. Again, by the 2d theorem, the difference between the logarithms of this laft proportional of the fecond table, and the 2d term in the firft column of the third table, is found to be 1:22353873; which being added to the laft logarithm, gives 5001°2485387 for the logarithm of 9995000, the faid ud term of the third table, as alfo the common difference of the logarithms of all the proportionals in the firft column of that table; and this therefore, being continually added, gives all the logarithms of that firft column, the laft of which is 100024°97077, the logarithm of 9900473°5780, the laft term of the faid column. Finally, by the 2d theorem again, the difference between the loga- rithms of this laft number and 9900000, the 1{t term in the fecond column, is 4'78°3502 5 which being added to the laft logarithm, gives 100503°3210 for the logarithm of the faid 1{t term in the fecond column, as well as the common difference of the logarithms of all the numbers on the fame line in every line of the table, namely, of all the I{t terms, of all the 2d, of all the 3d, of all the 4th, &c, terms in all the columns ; and which therefore, being continually added to the logarithms in the firft column, will give the correfponding loga- rithms in all the other columns. — | And thus is completed what the author calls the radical table, in which he retains only one decimal place in the logarithms (or artifi- _ tals, as he always calls them in his tract on the conftruétion), and four in the naturals. A fpecimen of the table is as here follows; RADICAL TABLE. Terms 1% Column. _ 2d Column. 69th Column. Naturals: {Artificials|| Naturals. | Artificials Naturals. | Artificial 1 $10000000.0000 01} 9900000.0000; 100508.3}} 5048858.8900' 6834225,8 2 9995C00.0000 5001.2}] 9895050.0000} 105504.6|| 5046333.4605|6839227.1 3 9990002.5000} 10002.5}} 9890102.4750! 110505,8]} 5043811.2932'6844228.3 A 0985007.4987! —15003.7]} 988515'7.4297! 115507.1|| 5041289.3879!6849229.6 a 99800149950} 20005.0}] 9880214.8451} 120508.3]} 5038768.7435)6854.230.8 &c &c till &c &e. &c &e &e |. 91 9900475.57801. 100025.0}} 9801468.84293) 200528.2}) 4998609.4054)6934250.8 Having thus, in the moft cafy manner, completed the radical table, by little more than mere addition and fubtraCtion, both for the natural, numbers and logarithms ; the logarithmic fines were eafily deduced from it by means of the 2d theorem, namely, taking the fum and dif, ference of each tabular fine and the neareft number in the radical table, annexing 7 ciphers to the difference, dividing the refult by the fum, then hali the quotient gives the difference between the logarithms of the pis ‘ . faid LOGARITHMS. 4% faid numbers, namely, between the tabular fine and radical number ; confequently adding or fubtracting this difference, to or from the given logarithm of the radical number, there is obtained the loga- rithmic fine required. And thus the logarithms of all the fines, from radius to the half of it, or from 90° to 30°, were perfected. Next, for determining the fines of the remaining 30 degrees, he deliverstwo methods. In the firft of thefe he‘proceeds in this’ man- ner: Obferving that the logarithm of the ratio of 2 to 1, or of half the radius, is 6931469°22, of 4 to 1 is the double of this, of 8 to I is triple of it, &c; that of 10 to 1 is 23025842°34, of 20 to 1 is the fum of the logarithms of 2and 10; and fo on, by compofition for the logarithms of the ratios between 1 and 40, 80, 100, 200, &e, to 10000000 ; he multiplies any given fine, for an arc lefs than 30 de- grees, by fome of thefe numbers, till he finds the produét nearly equal to one of the tabular numbers ; then by means of this and the fecond theorem, the logarithm of this product isfound ; to which adding the logarithm that anfwers to the multiple above mentioned, the fum is the logarithm fought. But the other method is ftill much eafier, and is derived froin this property, which he demonftrates, namely, as half radius is to the fine of half an arc, fo is the cofine of the faid half arc to the fine of the whole arc; or as 3. radius : fine of an arc :: co~ fine of the arc: fine of double arc; hence the logarithmic fine of an arc is found, by adding together the logarithms of half radius and of the fine of the double arc, and then fubtracting the logarithmic co- fine from the fum. And thus the remainder of the fines, from 30° down to 0, are eae fily obtained. But in this latter way, the logarithmic fines for full one half of the quadrant, or from 0 to 45 degrees, he obferves, may be derived ; the other half having already been made by the general method of the radical table, by one eafy divifion and addition or fub- traction for each. I have dwelt the longer on this work of the inventor of logarithms, becaufe I have not feen, in any author, an account of his method of con itructing his table, although it is perfectly different from any other method ufed by the later co.nputers, and indeed, almoft peculiar to his {pecies of logarithms. ‘The whole of this work manifelts great inge- nuity in the defigner, as well as much accuracy. But notwithftanding the caution he took to obtain his logarithms true to the neareft unit in the lait figure fet down in the tables, by extending the numbers in the coniputations to feveral decimals, and other means, he had been dif- appointed of that end, either by the inaccuracy of his affitant com- puters or tranferibers, or through fome other caufe ; as the logarithms in the table are commonly very inaccurate. It is remarkable too, that in this traét on the conftruction of the logarithms, Lord Napier never calls them logarithms, but every where arfificials, as oppofed in idea to the naturalnumbers : and this notion, of natural and artificial nums bers, [take to have been his firft idea of this matter, and that he altered the word artificials to logarithms in his firft book, on the defcription of them when he printed it, in the year 1614, and that he would ae : ave sg CONSTRUCTION OF have altered the word every where in this pofthumous work if he had lived to print it: for in the two or three pages of appendix, annexed to the work by his fon, from Napier’s papers, he again always calls them logarithms. | ‘This appendix relates tothe change of the loga- rithms to that {cale in which 1 is the logarithm of the ratio of 10 to 1, the logarithin of 1, with or without ciphers, being 0 ; and it appears to have been written after Briggs communicated to him his idea of that change. | Napier here in this appendix alfo briefly defcribes fome methods by which this new {pecies of logarithms may be conftru@ted. Having fuppofed 0 to be the logarithm of J, and 1, with any number of ciphers, as 10000000000, the logarithm of 10, he direéts to divide this loga- rithm of 10, and the fucceflive quotients, ten times by 53 by which divifions there will be obtained thefe other ten logarithms, namely, 2000000000, 400000000, 80000000, 16000000, 4200000, 640000, 128000, 25600, 5120, 1024: then this laft logarithm, and its quo- tients, being divided ten times by 2, will give thefe other ten loga- rithms, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4,2, 1. Andthe numbers anfwering to thefe twenty logarithms we are directed to find in this manner; namely, extract the 5th root of 10 (with ciphers), then the 5th root of that root, and fo on, for ten continual extractions of the 5th root; fo fhall thefe ten roots be the natural numbers belonging to the firit ten logarithms, above found in continually dividing by 5: next, out of the laft 5th root we are to extract the fquare root, then the {quare root of this laft root, and fo on, for ten fucceflive extraCtions of the fquare root; fo fhall thefe laft ten roots be the natural numbers correfponding to the logarithms or quotients arifing from the laft ten divifions by the number 2. And from thefe twenty logarithms, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, &c, and thejr natural numbers, the author obferves that other logarithms and their numbers may be formed, namely, by adding the logarithms, and multiplying their correfponding numbers. It is evident that this procefs would generate rather an antiloga- rithmic canon, fuch as Dodfon’s, than the table of Briggs; and that - the method would alfo be very laborious, fince, befides the very troublefome original extractions of the 5th roots, allthe numbers would be very large, by the multiplication of which the fucceflive fecondary natural numbers are to be found. Our author next mentions another method of deriving a few of the primitive numbers and their Jogarithms, namely, by taking continu- ally geometrical means, firft between 10 and 1, then between 10 and this mean, and again between 10 and the laft mean, and fo on; and taking the arithmetical means between theircorrefponding logarithms. He then lays down various relations between numbers und their loga- aithms; fuch as, that the produéts and quotients of numbers anfwer to the fums and differences of their logarithms, and that the powers .and roots of numbers anfwer to the products and quotients of the logarithms by the index of the power or root, &c3 as alfo that, of any two numbers whofe logarithms are given, if each number be raifed .to the power denoted by the logarithm of the other, the two refults fi 2% will LOGARITHMS. 49 will be equal, He then delivers another method of making the loga- rithms to a few of the prime integer numbers, which is well adapted for conftructing the common table of logarithms. ‘This method ea- fily follows from what has been faid above; and it depends on this property, that the logarithm of any number in this fcale, is 1 lefs than the number of places or figures contained in that power of the given number whofe exponent is 10000000000, or the logarithm of 10, at leaft as to integer numbers, for:they really differ by a fraction, as is fhown by Mr. Briggs in his illu{trations of thefe properties, printed at the end of this appendixto the conftruction of logarithms. I fhall here fet down one more of thefe relations, as the manner in which it is ex- prefled is exactly fimilar to that of fluxions and fluents, and it is this: Of any two numbers, as the greater is to the lefs, fo is the velocity of the increment or decrement of the logarithms at the lefs, to the ve- locity of the increment or decrement of the logarithms at the greater: that is, in our modern notation, as _X:Y:: § to x, where x and # are the fluxions of the logarithms of X and Y. Kepler’s Conftruction of Logarithms. The logarithms of Briggs and Kepler were both printed the fame year, 16243 but as the latter are of the fame kind as Napier’s, we fhall here give this author’s conftru€tion of them, before proceeding to that of Briggs’s. We have already (pa. 31 & /eg.) defcribed the nature and form of Kepler’s logarithms, fhowing that theyare of the fame kind as Napier’s, but only a little varied in the form of the table. It may alfo be added, that, in general, the ideas which thefe two mafters had on this fubje&, were of the fame nature: only it was more fully and methodically laid down by Kepler, who expanded, and delivered in a regular fcience, the hints that were given by the illuftrious inventor. The foundation and nature of their methods of conftruction are alfo the fame, but . only a little varied in their modes of applyingthem. Kepler here, firft of any, treats of logarithms in the true and genuine way of the mea- {ures of ratios, or proportions*, as he calls them, and that in a very full and fcientific manner: and this method of his was afterwards fol- lowed and abridged by Mercator, Halley, Cotes, and others, as we fhall fee in the proper places. Kepler firft ereéts a regular and purely mathematical fy{tem of proportions, and the meafures of proportions, treated at confiderable length in a number of propofitions, which are fully and chaftely demonftrated by genuine mathematical reafoning, and illuftrated by examples in numbers. This part contains and de- * Kepler almoft always ufes the term proportion inftead of ratio, which I alfo fhall do in my account of his work, as well as conform in expreffions and nota: tions to his other peculiarities. It may alfo be here remarked, that I obfervethe fame practice in defcribing the works of other authors, the better to convey the idea of their feveral methods and ftyle. And this may ferve to account for fome feeming inequalities in the language of this hiftory. H monttrates 56 CONSTRUCTION OF monftrates both the nature and the principles of the ftructure of lo- garithms. And in the fecond part he applies thofe principles in the actual conftruction of his table, which contains only 1000 numbers, and their logarithms, in the form as we before defcribed : and in this part he indicates the various contrivances made ufe of in deducing the lo- garithms of proportions one from another, after a few of the leading ones had been firft formed, by the general and more remote princi- ples. Heufes the name /ogarithms, -given them by the inventor, being the moft proper, as exprefling the very nature and effence of thofe artificial numbers, and containing as it were a definition in the very name of them; but without taking any notice of the inventor, or of the origin of thofe ufeful numbers. eo As this tract is very curious and important in itfelf, and is befides very rare and little known, inftead of a particular defcription only, | I fhall here give a brief tranflation of both the parts, omitting only the demonftrations of the propofitions, and fome rather long illuftra- tions of them. The book is dedicated to Philip, landgrave of Heffe, but is without either preface or introduction, and commences immediately with the fubjeét of the firft part, which is entitled Zhe Demonftration of the Structure of Logarithms; and the contents of it are as follow : ? Poftulate 1. ‘That all proportions equal among themfelves, by what- ever variety of couplets of terms they may be denoted, are meafured _or expreffed by the fame quantity. ; Axiom |. Iithere be any number of quantities of the fame kind, the proportion of the extremes is under{tood to.be compofed of all the proportions of every adjacent couplet of terms, from the firft to the laft. 1 Propsition. 'The mean proportional between two terms, divides the proportion of thofe terms into two equal proportions. Axiom 2. Of any number of quantities regularly increafing, the means divide the proportion of the extremes into one proportion more than the number of the means. Poftulate 2. That the proportion between any two terms is divi- fible into any number of parts, until thofe parts become lefs than any propofed quantity. Gaye An example of this fection is then inferted in a fmall table, in dividing the pro- portion which is between 10 and 7 into 1073741824 equal parts, by as many jean proportionals wanting one, namely, by taking the mean proportional be- tween 10 and 7, then the mean between 10 and this mean, and the mean between 10 and the laft, and fo on for 30 means, or 30 extractions of the {quare root, the laft or 30th of which roots is 99999999966782056900; and the 30th power of 2, “which is 10737141824, fhows into how many parts the proportion between 10 and 4, or between 1000&c, and 700&c, is divided by 1073741824 means, each of which parts is equal to the proportion between 1000&c, and the 30th mean 999 &c, that is, the proportion between 1000&c, and 999&c, is the 1073741824th part of the proportion between 10 and 7. Then by aflumingthe fmall differ- ence 00000000033217943100, forthe meafure of the very fmall element of the proportion of 10 to 7, or for the meafure of the proportion of 1000&c, to 999&c, or for the logarithm of this laft term, and multiplying it by 1073741824, the number of parts, the product gives 35667.49481.37222,14400, for the logarithm of the lefs term 7 or 700&c. Poftulate 3. That the extremely fmall quantity or element of a pro- pertion LOGARITHMS. — 51 portion may be meafured or denoted by any quantity whatever; as, for inftance, by the difference of the terms of that element. 2 Propofition. Of three continued proportionals, the difference of the two firft. has to the difference of the two latter, the fame propor- tion which the firft term has to the 2d, or the 2d to the 3d. } 3. Prop. Of any continued proportionals, the greateft terms have the greateft difference, and the leaft terms the leait. 4 Prop. In any continued proportionals, if the difference of the greateft terms be made the meafure of the proportion between them, the difference of any other couplet will be lefs than the true meafure of their proportion. 5 Prop. In continued proportionals, if the difference of the greateft terms be made the meafure of their proportion, then the meafure of the proportion of the greateft to any other term will be greater than their difference. , 6 Prop. In continued proportionals, if the difference of the greateft term and any one of the lefs, taken not immediately next to it, be made the meafure of their proportion, then the proportion which is between the greateft and any other term greater than the one before taken, will be lefs than-the difference of thofe terms; but the pro- portion which is between the greateft term, and any one leis than that firft taken, will be greater than their difference. 7 Prop. Of any quantities placed according to the order of their magnitudes, if any two fucceflive proportions be equal, the three fucceflive terms which conftitute them will be continued propor- fionals. 8. Prop. Of any quantities placed in the order of their magnitudes, if the intermediates lying between any two terms be not among the mean proportionals which can be interpofed between the faid two terms, then fuch intermediates do not divide the proportion of thofe two terms into commentfurable proportions. , Befides the demonftrations, as ufual, feveral definitions. are here given; as of commenfurable proportions, &c. 9 Prop. When two exprefible lengths are not to one another as two figurate numbers of the fame fpecies, fuch as two {quares, or two cubes, there cannot fall between them other expreflible lengths, avhich fhall be mean proportionals,-and as: many in number as that fpecies requires, namely, one in the {quares, two in the cubes, three in the biquadrats, &c. 10 Prop. OF any expreffible quantities, following in the order of their magnitudes, if the two extremes be not in the proportion of two {quare numbers, or two cubes, or two other powers of the fame kind, none of the intermediates divide the proportion into commenturables. 11 Prop. All the proportions, taken in order, which are between expreflible terms that are in arithmetical proportion, are incommen- furable to one another. As between ®, 13, 18. . ie 12 Prop. Of any quantities placed in the order of their magnitude, ie the. LIBRARY LINIVERSITY OF TLLINOIS 52 CONSTRUCTION OF the difference of the greateft terms be made the meafure of their pro- portion, then the difference between any two others will be lefs than the meafure of ¢heir proportion ; and if the difference of the two leaft terms be made the meafure of their proportion, then the differences of the reft will be greater than the meafure of the proportion betwee their terms. . Corel. If the meafure of the proportion between the greateft ex- ceed their difference, then the proportion of this meafure to the faid difference, will be lefs than that of a following meafure to the difer- ence of its terms. Becaufe proportionals have the fame ratio. 1% Prop. If three quantities follow one another in the order of mag- nitude, the proportion of the two laft will be contained in the pro- portion of the extremes, alefs number.of times than the difference of the two leaft is contained in the difference of the extremes : And, on the contrary, the proportion of the two greateft will be contained in the proportion of the extremes, oftener than the difference of the former is contained in that of the latter. } Corol. Hence, if the difference of the two greater be equal to the difference of the two lefs terms, the proportion between the two greater will be lefs than the proportion between the two leis. 14 Prop. Of three equidifferent quantities, taken in order, the pro~ portion between the extremes is more than double the proportion be- tween the two greater terms. Corol. Hence it follows, that half the proportion of the extremes is greater than the proportion of the two greateft terms, but lefs than the proportion of the two leatt. 15 Prop. If two quantities conftitute a proportion, and each quan- tity be leflened by half the greater, the remainders will conftitute a proportion greater than double the former. 16 Prop. The aliquot parts of incommenfurable proportions are incommenturable to each other. 17 Prop. If one thoufand numbers follow one another in the na- tural order, beginning at 1000, and differing all by unity, viz. 1000, 999,998,997, &c3 and the proportion between the two greateft 1000, 999, by continual bifecétion, be cut into parts that are fmaller than the excefs of the proportion between the next two 999, 998, over the faid proportion between the two greateft 1000, 9993; and then for the meafure of that {mall element of the proportion between 1000 and 299, there be taken the difference of 1000 and that mean proportional which is the other term of the element. Again, if the proportion be-~ tweetr 1000 and 998 be likewife cut into double the number of parts which the former proportion, between 1000 and 999, was cut into: and then for the meafure of the {mall element in this divifion, be taken the difference of its terms, of which the greater is 1000. And inthe fame manner, if.the proportion of 1000 to the following numbers, * as 99, &c, by continual bifection, be cut into particles of fuch magnitude, as may be between 3 and } of the element arifing from the fection of the firft proportion between 1000 and 999, the meafure | of LOGARITHMS. 58 of each element will be given from the difference of its terms. “Then, this being done, the meafure of any one of the 1000 proportions will’ be compofed of as many meafures of its element as there are of thofe elements in the faid divided proportion. And all thefe meafures, for all the proportions, will be fufficiently exaét for the niceft calcu» lations. All thefe fe@tions and meafures of proportions are performed in the manner of that defcribed at poftulate 2, and the operation is abundantly explained by numerical calculations. | 18. Prop. ‘The proportion of any number, to the firft term 1009, being known ; there will alfo be known the proportion of the reft of the numbers in the fame continued proportion, to the faid farft term. So from the known proportion between 1000 and 900, there is alfo known the proportion of 1000 to 810, and to 7295 | And from 1000 to 800, alfo 1000 to 640, and to 5123 And from 1000 to 700, alfo 1000 to 490, and to $433 And from 1000 to 600, alfo 1000 to 360, and to 2163 And from 1000 to 500, alfo 1000 to 250, and to 125. Corol. Hence arifes the precept for {quaring, cubing, &c3 as alfo for extracting the {quare root, cube root, &c, out of the firft figures of numbers. For it willbe, as the greateft number of the chilhad, as a denominator, is to the number propofed as a numerator, fo is this to the fquare of the fraction, and {fo is this to the cube. 19 Prop. The proportion of a number to the firlt, or 1000, being known; if there be two other numbers in the fame proportion to each other, then the proportion of one of thefe to 1000 being known, there ‘will alfo be known the proportion of the other to the fame 1000. Corol. 1. Hence from the 15 proportions mentioned in prop. 18, will be known 120 others below 1000, to the fame 1000. For fo many are the proportions, equal to fome one or other of the faid 153, that are among the other integer numbers which are lefs than 1000. Corol. 2. Hence arifes the method of treating the Rule-of-Three, when 1000 is one of the given terms. / _ For this is effected by adding to, orfubtracting from, each other, the meafures of the two proportions of 1000 to‘each of the other two given numbers, at- cording as 1000 Is, or isnot, the firft term in the Rule-of-Three. 20 Prop. When four numbers are proportional, the firft to the fe- eond as the third to the fourth, and the proportions of 1000 to each of the three former are known, there will alio be known the propor- tion of 1000 tothe fourth number. Corel. 1. By this means other chiliads are added to the former. Coro/, 2. Hence arifes the method of performing the Rule-of-Three, when 1000 is not one of the terms. Namely aa the fum of the meafures of the proportions of 1000 to the fecond and third, take that of 1000 to the firft, and the remainder is the meafure of the propor- tion of 1000 to the fourth term, Definition. 54 CONSTRUCTION OF Definition. . The meafure of the proportion between 1000 and any lefs number as before defcribed, and expreffed by a number, is fet oppofite to that lefs number in the chiliad, and is called its LoGa- RITHM, that 1s, the number (api§uos) indicating the proportion (Avvo) which 1000 bears to that number, to which the logarithm is annexed. — 21 Prop. Tf the firft or greateft number be made the radius of a circle, or finus totus; every lefs number, confidered as the cofine of fome arc, has a logarithm greater than the verfed fine of that arc, but Jefs than the difference between the radius and fecant of the arc; ex- cept only in the term next after the radius, or greateft term, the loga- rithm of which, by the hypothefis, is made equal to the verfed fine. That is, if CD be made the logarithm of AC, or the mea- EE fure of the proportion of AC to AD; then the meafure of _the proportion of ABto AD, that is the logarithm of AB, will be greater than BD, but lefs than EF. And this is the fame as Napier’s firft rule in page 45. . A BCD 22. Prop. The fame things being fuppofed; the fum of the verfed fine and excefs of the fecant over the radius, is greater than double the logarithm of the cofine of an arc. Corel. The log. cofine is lefs than the arithmetical mean between the verfed fine and the excefs of the fecant. Precept 1. Any fine being found in the canon of fines, and its de- fe& below radius to the excefs of the fecant above radius, then fhall the logarithm of the fine be lefs than half that fum, but greater than the faid defect or coverfed fine. Let there be the fine 90970.1490 of an arc: bpd is Its defect below radius is 29.8510 the coverf, and lefs than the log. fine; Add the excefs of the fecant 29.8599 Sum 59.7109 its half or 29.8555 greater than the logarithm. ‘ "Therefore the log. is between 29.8510 . and 29.8555 Precept 2. The logarithm of the fine being found, you’ will alfo find nearly the logarithm of the round or integer number, which is next lefs than the fine with a fraGtion, by adding that fractional ex- efs to the logarithm of the faid fine. Thus, the logarithm of the fine 99970.149 is found to be about 29.854 ; ifnow the logarithm of the round number 99970.000 be required, add 149, the frac- tional part of the fine, to its logarithm, obferving the point, thus, 29.854 149 the fum 30.008 is the log. of the round number 99970.000 nearly. 23 Prop. Of three equidifferent quantities, the meafure of the proportion between the two greater terms, with the meafure of the proportion LOGARITHMS. 5s proportion between the two lefs terms, . will conftitute a proportion, which will be greater than the proportion of the two greater terms, but lefs than the proportion of the two leaft. 1 Vina Thus if AB, AC, AD "be three quantities, having AB CG D the equal differences BC,CD; and ifthe meafure ofthe proportion of AD, AC be cd, and that of AC, AB be 1 1‘ be ; then the proportion of cd to cb will be greater than the proportion of AC to AD, but lefs than the propor- tion of AB to AC. 24.’ Prop. The faid proportion between the two meafures is lefs than half the proportion between the extreme terms. ‘That is, the proportion between bc, cd, is lefs than half the proportion between AB, AD. Corel. Since therefore the arithmetical mean divides the propor- tion into unequal parts, of which the one is greater, and the other lefs, than half the whole; if itbe inquired what proportion is between rate proportions, the anfwer is, that it is a little lefs than the faid alf. | | 2 ® + 4n Example of finding nearly the limits, greater and lefi, to the meafuve of any propofed proportion. Tt being known that the meafure of the proportion between 1000 and 900 is 10536.05, required the meafure of the proportion 900 to 800, where the terms 1000, 900, 800, have equal differences. Therefore as 9 to 10, fo 10536.05 to 11706.72, which is lefs than 11778.30 the meafure of the proportion 9 to 8. Again, as the mean proportional between 8 and 10 (which is 8.9442719) is to 10, fo 10536.05 to 11779.66, which is greater than the meafure of the propor- tion between 9 and 8. - Axiom. Every number denotes an expreflible quantity. 25 Prop. If the 1000 numbers differing by 1, follow one another in the natural order; and there be taken any two adjacent numbers, as the terms of fome proportion; the meafure of this proportion will be to the meafure of the proportion between the two greateft terms of the chiliad, ina proportion greater than that which the greateft term 1000 bears to the greater of the two terms firft taken, but lefs than the proportion of 1000 to the lefs of the faid two feleCted terms. So, of the 1000 numbers, taking any two fucceffive terms, as 501 and 500, _the logarithm of the former being 69114.92, and of the latter 69314.72, the difference of which is 199.80. ‘Therefore, by the definition, the meafure of the proportion between 501 and 500 is 199.80. In like manner, becaufe the logarithm of the greateft term 1000 is 0, and of the next 999 is 100.05, the difference of thefe logarithms, and the meafure of the proportion between 1000 and 999, is 100.05. Couple now the greateft term 1000 with each of the felected terms 501 and 5003; couple alfo the meafure 199.80 with the meafure 100,05 ; fo fhall the proportion between 199.80 and 100.05, be greater than the proportion between 1000 and 501, but lefs than the proportion between 1000 and 500. Corol. 1. Any number below the firft 1000 being propofed, as alfo its logarithm, the differences of any logarithms antecedent to that propofed, 56 CONSTRUCTION OF propofed, towards the beginning of the chiliad, are to the firft loga- rithm (viz. that which is afligned to 999) in a greater proportion than 1000: to the number propofed; but of thofe which follow towards the laft logarithm, they are to the fame in a lefs proportion. Corol. 2. By this means, the places of the chiliad may eafily be fill- ed up, which have not yet had logarithms adapted to them by the former propofitions. 26. Prap. The difference of two logarithms, adapted to two adjacent numbers, is to the difference of thefe numbers, in a proportion greater than 1000 bears to the greater of thofe numbers, but lefs than that af 1000 to the lefs of the two numbers. This 26th prop. is the fame as Napier’s fecond rule, at page 45. 271 Prop. Having giventwo adjacent numbers, of the 1000 natural numbers, with their logarithmic indices, or the meafures of the pro-— portions whichthofe abfolute orround numbers conftitute with 1000, the greateft ;, the increments, or differences, of thefe logarithms, will be tothe logarithm of the {mall element of the proportions, as the fe- cants of the arcs whofe cofines are the two abfolute numbers, is to the greate{t number, or the radius of the circle; fo that, however, of the fatd two fecants, the lefs will have to the radius a lefs proportion than the propofed difference has to the firft of all, but the greater will have a greater proportion, and foalfo will the mean proportional between the faid fecants have a greater proportion. Thus if BC, CD be equal, alfo bd the logarithm of A B, and cd the logarithm of AC; then the proportion of bc to. c d will be greater than the proportion of AG to AD, but lefs than that of A F to AD, and alfo lefs than that of the mean proportional between AF and AG to AD. ° Corol. 1. The fame obtains alfo when the two terms differ, not only by the unit of the fmall element, but by another unit, which may be ten fold, a hundred fold, or a thoufand fold of that. 3 Coral. z. Hence the differences will be obtained. fufliciently exact, - efpecially when the abfolute numbers are pretty large, by taking the arithmetical mean between two fmall fecants, or (if you will be at the labour) by taking the geometrical mean between two larger fe- cants, and then by continually adding the differences, the logarithms will be produced. . Coral. 3. Precept. Divide the radius by each term of the afligned proportion, and the arithmetical mean (or ftill nearer the geometrical mean) between the quotients, will be the required increment ; which being added to the logarithm of the greater term, will give the lo- garithm of the lefs term. | : Example LOGARITHMS. ~ 57 Example. Let there be given the logarithm of. 700, viz. $5667.4948, to find the log ta 699. Here radius divided by, 700 gives 1428371 &c. and divided by 699 gives 1430672 &c. the arithmetic mean is 142.962 which added to 35667.4948 - gives the logarithm to 699 $5810.4568 Corel. 4. Precept for the logarithms of fines... The increment between the logarithms of two fines, is thus bad: find the geometrical mean between the cofecants, and divide. it by the difference of the fines, the quotient will be the difference of the logarithms. Example. 0° 1’ fine 2909 cofec. 343774682 The quotient 80000 exceeds the re- ‘0 2 fine 5818 cofec. 171887319 | quired increment of the logarithms, becaufe the fecants are here fo largev dif. 2909 geom.mean 2428 nearly. Appendix. Nearly in the fame manner it may be fhown, that the fecond differences are in the duplicate proportion of the firft, and the third in the duplicate of the fecond. Thus, for inftance, in the be- ginning of the logarithms, the firft difference is 100.0000, viz. equal to the difference of the numbers 100000.C0000 and’ 99900.000U0.; the fecond or difference of the differences, 10000; the third 20. Again, after arriving at the number 50000.00000, the logarithms have for a difference 200.00000, which is to the frit difference, as the number 160000.00000 to 50000.00000; but the fecond differ- ence 1s 40000, in which 10000 is Ponianed four times ; and the third 328, in which 20 is contained 16 times. But fince in treating of new matters we labour under the want of proper words, where- fore left we fhould become too obfcure, the demonftration is omitted untried. 28. Prop. No number exprefles exa@tly the meafure of the propor- tion, between two of the 1000 numbers, conftituted by the foregoing method. 29. Prop. Ifthe meafures of all proportions beexprefied by numbers or logarithms ; ; all proportions. will not have afligned to them their due portion of meafure, to the utmoft accuracy. 40 Prop. If to the number 1000, the greateft of the chiliad, be ied others that are greater ee it, and the logarithm of 1000 be made 0, the logarithms belonging to thofe greater. numbers will be negative. This concludes the firft or fcientific part of the work, the principles of which Kepler applies, in the fecond part, to the meat conftruction of the firft 1000 logarithms, which conftruétion is pretty minutely defcribed. This part is intituled 4 very compendious Method of ¢con- Jtructing the Chiliad of Logariims ; and it is not improperly fo called, the method being very conc'‘e and eafy. The fundamental principles are briefly thefe: That at the beginning of the logarithms, their m- I crements 58 CONSTRUCTION OF crements or differences are equal to thofe of the natural numbers : that the natural numbers may be confidered as the decreafing cofines of in- creafing arcs; and that the fecants of thofe arcs at the beginning have the fame differences as the cofines, and therefore the fame differences as the logarithms. ‘Then, fince the fecants are the reciprocals of the cofines, by thefe principles and the third corollary to the 27th propo- fition, he eftablifhes the following method of conftituting the 100 firft or {malleft logarithms to the 100 largeft numbers, 1000, 999, 998, 997, &c, to 900. viz. Divide the radius 1000, increafed with feven ciphers, by each of thefe numbers feparately, difpofing the quotients in a table, and they will be the fecants of thofe arcs which have the divifors for their cofines; continuing the divifion to the 8th figure, as }t is in that place only that the arithmetical and geometrical means differ. Then by adding fucceffively the arithmetical means between every two fucceffive fecants, the fums will be the feries of logarithms. Or 4 adding continually every two fecants, the fucceflive fums will be the feries of the double logarithms. Befides thefe 100 logarithms, thus conftructed, he conftitutes two others by continual bifeCtion, or extractions of the {quare root, after the manner defcribed in the fecond poftulate. And firft he finds the logarithm which meafures the proportion between 100000.00 and 97656-25, which latter term is the third proportional to 1024 and 1000, each with two ciphers ; and this is effected by means of twenty- four continual extractions of the fquare root, determining the greatest term of each of twenty-four claffes of mean proportionals; then the difference between the greateft of thefe means and the firft or whole number 1000, with ciphers, being as often doubled, there arifes 2371.6526 for the logarithm fought, which made negative is the loga- rithm of 1024. Secondly, the like procefs is repeated for the propor- tion between thenumbers ! 000 and 500, from which arifes69314.7193 for the logarithm of 500; which he alfo ¢alls the logarithm of du- plication, being the meafure of the proportion of 2 to 1. | Then from the foregoing he derives all the other logarithms in the chiliad, beginning with thofe of the prime numbers 1, 2, 3, 5; 7, &c, in the firft 100. And firft, fince 1024, 512, 256, 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1, are all in the continued proportion of 1000 to 500, therefore the proportion of 1024 to 1 is decuple of the proportion of 1000 to 500, and confequently the logarithm of 1 would be decuple of the Jogarithm, of 500, if O were taken as the logarithm of 1024 but fince _ the logarithm of 1024 is applied negatively, the logarithm of 1 muft be diminifhed by as much: diminifhing therefore 10 times the loga- rithm of 500, which is 693147.1923, by 2371.6526, the remainder 690775.5422 is the logarithm of 1, or of 100.00, what is fet down in the table. And becaufe 1, 10, 100, 1000, arecontinued pro- | Nos. |Logarithms. 100| 230258.5141 _ portionals, therefore the proportion of 1000 to | is 101 460517.0282 triple of the proportion of 1000 to 100, and confe- 1} 690775.5422 ently Mos the lovar, : .1] 921034.0563 quently = of the logarithm of I is to be put for the .01]1151292.5703 logarithm of 100, viz. 230258.5141, and this is | goiliagis51.0944 alfo the logarithm of decuplication, or of the pro- !.0001[1611809.5935 portion.of 10 tol, And hence, multiplying this Wise logarithm 7 LOGARITHMS. 5 S logarithm of 100 fucceffively by 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, there arife the logarithms to the numbers in the decuple proportion, as in the margin. Alfo if the logarithm of duplication, or of the (Log. of 1690775.5422 proportion of 2 to 1, be taken from the logarithm | of 2 to 1) 69314.7195 of 1, there will remain the logarithm of %¥; and | log. of 2}621460.S229 5 y 3 log. of 10 460517.0281 from the logarithm of 2 taking the logarithm of pegOe yaa cacti 10, there remains the logarithm of the proportion ; iio SpORSTTTATE of 5 to 13 which taken from the logarithm of 1, ' “*' there remains the logarithm of 5. See the margin. __ For the logarithms of other prime numbers, he has recourfe to thofe of fome of the firft or greateft century of numbers, before found, viz. of 999, 998, 997, &c. And firft, taking 960, whofe logarithm is 4082.2001; then by adding to this logarithm the logarithm of dupli- cation, there will arife the feveral logarithms of all thefe numbers, which are in duplicate proportion continued from 960, namely 430, 240, 120, 60, 30, 15. Hence the logarithm of 30, taken from the logarithm of 10, leaves the logarithm of the proportion of 3 to 1; which taken from the logarithm of 1, leaves the logarithm of 3, viz. 580914.3106. And the double of this diminifhed by the logarithm of 1,-gives 471053.0790 for the logarithm of 9. Next, from the logarithm of 990, or 9 X 10 X 11, which is ¥005.0331, he finds the logarithm of 11, namely, fubtra&t the fum of the logarithms of 9 and 10 from the fum of the logarithm of 990 and double the logarithm of 1, there remains 450986.0106 the loga- rithm of 11. | Again, from the logarithm of 980, or 2 X 10 X 7 X 1, which is 2020.2711, he finds 496184.5228 for the logarithm of 7. And from.5129.3303 the logarithm of 950, or 5 x 10 x 19, he finds 396331.6392 for the logarithm of 19. In like manner the logarithm to 998 or 4 X 13 X 19, gives the logarithm of 13; to 969 or 3 X 17 X 19, gives the logarithm of 17; _ to 986 or2 X 17 X 29, gives the logarithm of 29; to 966 or6 X 17 x 23, gives the logarithm of 23; _ to 930 or 3 X 10 x 31, gives the logarithm of 31. And fo on for all the primes below 100, and for many of the primes in the other centuries up to 900. ° After which, he directs to find the logarithms of all numbers compofed of thefe, by the pro- per addition and fubtraCtion of their logarithms, namely, in finding the logarithm of the product of two numbers, from the fum of the ee of the two factors take the logarithm of 1, the remainder is the logarithm of the produ€t. In this way he fhows that the loga- rithms of all numbers under 500-may be derived, except thofe of the following 36 numbers, namely, 127, 149, 167, 173, 179, 211, 223, 251, 257, 263, 269, 271, 277, 281, 283, 293, 337, 347, 349, 355, 359, 367, 373, 379, 383, 389, 397, 401, 409, 419, 421, 431, 433, 439, 443, 449. Alfo, befides the compofite numbers between 500 and 900, made up of the produdts of fome numbers whofe logarithms have been before determined, there will be 59 primes not compofed. of sy 60 CONSTRUCTION OF of them ; which, with the 36 above mentioned, make 95 numbers in. -all not compofed of the produts of any before them, and the loga- rithms of which he directs to be derived inthis manner; namely, by confidering the differences of the logarithms of the numbers inter- fperfed among them: then by that method by which wereconftituted the differences of the logarithms of the fmalleft 100 numbers in’a con- tinued feries, we are to proceed here in the difcontinued feries, that is, by prop. 27, corol. 3, and efpecially by the appendix to it, if it be rightly ufed, from whence thofe differences will be very eafily fupplied. | | Vhis clofes the fecond part, or the aétual conftruction of the loga- rithms; after which follows the table itfelf, which has been before _ defcribed, pa. 32. Before difmifling Kepler’s work, however, it may not be improper in this place to take notice of an erroneous property laid down by him in the appendix to the 27th prop. juft now referred to; both becaufe it is an error in principle, tending to vitiate the ‘practice, and becaufe it ferves to fhow that Kepler was unacquainted with the true nature of the orders of differences of the logarithms, notwithftanding what he fays above with refpect to the conftruction of them by means of their feveral orders of differences, and that con- _ fequently he lias no legal claim to any fhare in the difcovery of the dif- ferential method, known at that time to Briggs, and it would feem to him alone, it being publifhed in his logarithms ‘in the fame year, 1624, as Kepler’s book, together with the true nature of the logarithmic orders of differences, as we fhall prefently fee in the following ac- count of his works. Now this error of Kepler’s here alluded to, is .in that expreflion where he fays the third differences are inthe duplicate ratio of the fecond differences, like as the fecond differences are in the -duplicate ratio of the firft; or, in other words, that the third differences are as the /guares of the {econd differences, as well as the fecond dif- ferences as the fquares of the firft; or that the third differences are as the fourth powers of the firft differences. Whereas in truth the third differences are only as the cubes of the firft differences. Kepler feems to have been led into this error by a miftake in his num- bers, viz. when he fays in that appendix, that the ¢hird difference is 328, in which 20 is contained 16 times ; for when the numbers are ac- curately computed, the third difference comes out only 161, in which therefore 20 is contained only 8 times, which is the cube of 2, the number of times the one firft difference contains the other. It would -hence feem that Kepler had haftily drawn the above erroneous prin- ciple from this one numerical example, or little more, falfe as it is : for had he made the trial in many inftances, although erroncoufly -computed, they could not eafily have been fo uniformly fo, as to af- ford the fame falfe conclufion. And therefore from hence, and what he fays at the conclufion of that appendix, it may be inferred, that he either never attempted the demonttration of the property in queftion, or elfe that he found himfelf embarraffed with it, and unable to ac- complifh it, and therefore difpatched it in the ambiguous manner in which it appears. But it may eafily be fhown, not only that the third differences of the logarithms / LOGARITHMS. 6L ‘logarithms at different places, are as the cubes of the firft differences; but, in general, that the numbers in any one and the fame order of differences, at different places, are as that power of the numbers in the firft differences, whofe index is the fame as that of the order: or that the fecond, third, fourth, &c, differences, will be as the fecond, third, fourth, &c, powers of the firft differences. For the feveral orders of ‘differences, when the abfolute numbers differ by indefinitely fmall parts, are as the feveral orders of fluxions of the logarithms ; but if j m 4 e 1 . e ‘ x be any number, then — is the fluxion of the logarithm of x, to the v modulus m, and the fecond fluxion, or the fluxion of this fluxion, z m x? “i d ‘ i3 —- ——., fince x is conftant: and the third, fourth, &c, fluxions, - Q2m2x2> 2.3mat : . Noten ane meat a &c; that is, the firft, fecond, third, fourth, fifth, xv be fixth, &c, orders of fluxions, are equal to the modulus m multiplied into each of thefe terms, a Li iy Se TIS hia, va Meh TCO aa isa DOCiis —— — —— — ——_-——-, ee ? > 2 a Xx 2 ae 3 4 v 5 “es where it is evident, that the fluxionof any order is as that power of the firft fluxion, whofe index is the fame as the number of the order. And thefe quantities would actually be the feveralterms of the differ- -ences themfelves, if the differences of the numbers were indefinitely {mall. But they vary the more from them, as the differences of the abfolute numbers differ from x, or asthe faid conftant numerical dif- ference 1 approaches towards the value of « the number itfelf. How- ever, upon the whole, the feveral orders vary proportionably, fo as {till fenfibly to preferve the fame analogy, namely, that two ath dif- ferences are in proportion as the 7th powers of their refpelive firft differences. : Of Briggs’s Confiruction of his Logarithms. Nearly according to the methods defcribed in page 48, Mr. Briggs con{tructed the logarithms of the prime numbers, as appears from his relation of this bufinefs in the Arithmetica Logarithmica, printed in 1624, where he details, in an ample manner, the whole conftruction ‘and ufe of his logarithms. The work is divided into thirty-two chap- ters or fections. In the firft of thefe, logarithms ina general fenfe are defined, and fome properties of them illuftrated. In the fecond chap- ter he remarks, that it is moft convenient to make O the logarithm of 13; and on that fuppofition he exemplifies thefe following properties, namely, that the logarithms of all numbers are either the indices of powers, or proportional to them; that the tum of the logarithms of two or more factors, is the logarithm of their product; and that the difference of the logarithms of two numbers, is the logarithm of their quotient. In the third fection he ftates the other aflumption which is neceflary to limit his fyftem of logarithms, namely, making 1 the logarithm of 10, as that which produces the moft convenient form of logarithms ; 62 CONSTRUCTION OF fogarithms: He hence alfo takes occafion to fhow that the powers of 10, namely, 100, 1000, &c, are the only numbers which can have rational logarithms. The fourth fection treats of the characteriftic ; by which name he diftinguifhes the integral, or firft part, of a loga- rithm towards the left hand, which expreffes one lefs than the num- ber of integer places or figures in the number belonging to that loga- rithm, or how far the firft figure of this number is removed from the place of units; namely, that O is the characteriftic of the logarithms of all numbers from 1 to 10; and1 the characteriftic of all thofe from 10 to 1003; and 2 that of thofe from 100 to 1000; and fo on. He begins the fifth chapter with remarking, that his logarithms may chiefly be conftructed by the two methods which were mentioned by Napier, as above related, and for the fake of which he here pre- mifes feveral /emmata, concerning the powers of numbers and their indices, and how many places of figures are in the products of num- bers, obferving that the product of two numbers will confift of as many figures as there are in both factors, unlefs perhaps the product of the firft figures in each factor be exprefled by one figure only, which often happens, and then commonly there will be one figure in the product lefs than in the two fa€tors ; as alfo that, of any two of the termsin a feries of geometricals, the refults will be equal by raifing each term to the power denoted by the index of the other; or any number raifed to the power denoted by the logarithm of the other, will be equalto this latter number raifed to the power denoted by the logarithm of the former; and confequently if the one number be 10, whofe logarithm is one with any number of ciphers, then any number raifed to the power whofe index is 1000 &c, or the logarithm of 10, will be equal to 10 raifed to the power whofe index is the lo- garithm of that number; that is, the logarithm of any number in this {cale, where 1 is the logarithm of 10, is the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the given number. But the index of any in- tegral power of 10, is one lefs than the number of places in that power, confequently the logarithmofany other number, which is no integral power of 10, is not quite one lefs than the number of places in that power of the given number whofe index is 1000 &c, or the logarithm of 10. Find therefore the 10th, or 100th, or 1000th, &c, power of any number, as fuppofe 2, with the number of figures in fuch power; then fhall that number of figures always exceed the logarithm of 2, although the excefs will be conftantly lefs than 1. LOGARITHMS. 63 No. of places or logs. se An example of this procefs is | here given in the margin; where the 1ft column contains the fe- veral powers of 2, the 2d their correfponding indices, and the 3d contains the number of places in the powers in the firft co- lumn ; and of thefe numbers in the third column, fuch as are on the lines of thofe indices that | 12089 _ confift of 1 with ciphers are continual approximations to the logarithm of 2, being always too great by lefsthan 1 in the laft figure, that logarithm being 30102999566398 &c. And here, fince the exact powers of 2 are not required, but only the number of figures they. confift of, as fhown by the third column, only a few of the firft figures of the powers in the firft column are retained, thofe being fufficient to deter- mine the number of places in them; and the multiplications in raifing thefe powers are per- formed in a contracted way, fo as to have the fifth or laft figure in them true to the near- eft unit. Indeed thefe multi- plications might be performed in the fame manner, retaining only the firft three figures, and thofe to the neareft unit in the third place; which would make | 1 433 this a very eafy way indeed of | 33977 finding the logarithms of a few 46129 prime numbers. It may alfo be remarked, that thofe feveral powers, whofe indices are 1 with ciphers, are raifed by thrice fquaring from the former powers, and multiplying the firft by the third of thefe {quares ; mak- ing alfo the correfponding doublings and additions of their indices : thus, the fquare of 2 is 4, and the {quare of 4 is 16, the {quare of 16 is 256; and 256 mutiplied by 4 1s 10243 in like manner, the double of 1 is 2, the double of 2 is 4, the double of 41s 8, and 8 added to 2 makes 10. And the fame for all the following powers and indices. The numbers in the third column, which fhow how many placeg are in the correfponding powers in the firft column, are produced in the yery fame way as thofe in the fecond column, namely, by three dupli- 13 log. of 16 25 log. of 256 100 31 log..of 2 200 61 log. of 4 400 121 log. 16 800 241 log. 256 1000 302 log. 2 2000 603 log. 4 4000 j 1205 log. 16 8000 2409 |. 256 10000 3011 log. 2 | 6021 log. 4 40000 12042 log.16 25099 | 80000 - 24083 |. 256 100000 30103 log. 2 200000 60206 log. 4 400000 120412 & 99204 | so0000 240824 ° 1000000 301030 2000000 602060 4000000 1204120 8000000 2408240 10000000 | 3010300 20000000 | 602@600 40000000 12041200 80000000 | 24082400 100000000 | 30103000 200000000 | 60206000 400000000 | 120411999 800000000 | 240823997 1000000000! 301029996 64 CONSTRUCTIGN OF duplications and one addition; only obferving to fubtract 1 when the product of the firft figures are exprefled by one figure, or when the firft figures exceed thofe of the number or power next above them. It may farther be obferved, that, like as the firft number in each qua- ternion, or {pace of four lines or numbers, in the third column, ap- proximates to the logarithm of 2, the firft number in the firft qua- ternion of the firft column; fothe fecond, third, and fourth terms of each quaternion in the third column, approximate to the logarithm of 4, 16, and 256, the fecond, third, and fourth numbers in the firft quaternion in the firft column. And moreover, by cutting off one, two, three, &c, figures, as the index or integral part, from the faid logarithms of 2, 4, 16, and 256, the firft, fecond, third, and fourth numbers in the firft quaternion of the firft column, the remaining fi- gures will be the decimal part of the logarithms of the correfponding firft, fecond, third, and fourth numbers in the following fecond, third, fourth, &c, quaternions: the reafon of which is, that any number of any quaternion in the firft column, is the tenth power of the corre- {ponding term in the next preceding quaternion. So that the third column contains the logarithms of all the numbers in the firft column: a property which, if Dr. Newton had been aware of, he could not well have committed fuch grofs miftakes as are found ina table of his fimilar to that above given, in which moft of the numbers in the latter quaternions are totally erroneous; and his confufed and imperfect account of this method would induce one to believe that he did not well underftand it. In the 6th chapter our illuftrious author begins to treat of the other general method of finding the logarithms of prime numbers, which he thinks is an eafier way than tie former, at leaft when the logarithm is required to a great many places of figures. ‘This method confifts in taking a great number of continued geometrical means between land the given number, whofe logarithm is required; that is, firft extracting the fquare root of the given number, then the root of the firft root, the root of the fecond root, the root of the third root, and fo on till the laft root fhall exceed 1 by a very {mall decimal, greater or lefs according to the intended number of places to be in the logarithm fought: then finding the logarithm of this {mall number, by methods defcribed below, he doubles it as often as he made extractions of the {quare root, or, which is the fame thing, he multiplies it by fuch power of 2 as is denoted by the faid number of extractions, and the refult is the required logarithm of the given number ; as is evident from the nature of logarithms. ‘The rule to know how far to continue this extraction of roots is, that the number of decimal places in the laft root be double the number of true places required to be found in the logarithm, and that the firft half of them be ciphers; the integer being one: the reafon of which is, that then the fignificant figures in the decimal, after the ciphers, are direCtly proportional to thofe in the correfponding logarithms ; fuch figures in the natural number being the half of thofe in the next preceding number, like as the logarithm of the laft number is the half of the preceding logarithm. ‘Therefore any one fuch {mall number, with its LOGARITHMS. es its logarithm, being once found by the continual extractions of fquare roots out ofa given number, as 10, and correfponding bifec- tions of its given logarithm 1; the logarithm for any other fuch {mall number, derived by like continual extractions from another given number, whofe logarithm is fought, will be found by one fingle pro- portion: which logarithm is then to be doubled according to the num- ber of extractions, or multiplied at once by the like power of 2, for the loga- 10,given no. _|1, itslog.f rithm of the number propofed. To find | } 3162277 &e | O'S the firft {mall number and its logarithm, | 3 ra sia nah : our author begins with the number 10 | 4 | 4454781 6°0625 and its logarithm 1, and extracts con~ | 5 | 1:074607 003125 tinually the root of the laft number &e. &c. and bifects its logarithm, as here re- , giftered in the margin, but to far more places of figures, till he arrives at the 53d and 54th roots, with their annexed logarithms, as here below : . ; . Numbers. Logarithms. 53 | 1+00000,00000,00: 06,25563,82986,40064,70 | 0:00000,00000,00000, 11 102,23024,59515,45404 54 | 1-00000,00000,00000,12781 ,91493,20052,35 | 0-00000,00000,00000,05551,,11512,31257,82702 where the decimals in the natural numbers are to each other in the ratio of the logarithms, namely in the ratio of 2 to 1: and therefore any other fuch imall number being found, by continual extration or otherwife, it will then be as 12781 &c,is to 5551 &c, fo is that other {mall decimal, to the correfponding fignificant figures of its loga- rithm. But as every repetition of this proportion requires both a very long multiplication and divifion, he reduces this conftant ratio to another equivalent ratio whofe antecedent is 1, by which all the di- yifions are faved : thus, | as 12781 &c 35551 &es+,1000 &c: 43429448 1903251804, that is, the logarithm of 1:00000,00000,06000,1 is 000000,00000,00000,04342,94481,90325, 18045 and therefore this laf{t number being multiplied by any fuch fmall de- cimal, found as above by continual extraction, the prody@ will be the correfponding logarithm of fuch laft root, : But as the extraction of fo many roots is a very troublefome ope- ration, our author devifes fome ingenious contrivances to abridge that Jabour. And firft, in the 7th chapter, by the following device, to, have fewer and eafier extractions to perform: namely, raifing the powers from any given prime number, whofe logarithm is fought, till a power of it be found fuch that its firft figure on the left hand is 1, and the next to it either one or more ciphers; then, having di- vided this power by 1 with as many ciphers as it has figures after the firft, or fuppofing all after the firft to be decimals, the continual roots from this power are extracted till the decimal become fufticiently {mall, as when the firft, fifteen places are ciphers; and then by mul- tiplying the decimal by 43429 &c, he has the logarithm of this laft soot; which logarithm muleelice PE the like power of the number. 2, Ss giveg 66 CONSTRUCTION OF gives the logarithm of the firft number from which the extrace tion was begun: to this logarithm prefixing al, or 2, or 3, &c, ace cording as this number was found by dividing the power of the given prime number by 10, or 100, or 1000, &c3 and iaftly, dividing the refult by the index of that power, the quotient will be the required logarithm of the given prime number. Thus, to find the logarithm of 2; it is firit raifed to the 10th power, as in [217 the margin, before the firft figures come to be 103; then, 4 2) dividing by 1000, or cutting off for decimals all the figures $4 after the firft or 1, the root is continually extrafted out of bo ; the quotient 1,024, till the 47th extraction, which gives 64| 6 1,00000,00000,00000, 1 6851,60570,53949,71; the de= | 42a f cimal part of which multiplied by 43429 &c, gives pee ; 0,00000,00000,00000,07318,55936,90623,9368 for its |,°!% 0 lav logarithm; and this being continually doubled for 47 times, yeaa gives the logarithms of all the roots up to the firft number: or being at once multiplied by the 47th power of 2, viz. 140737488355328, PREGA LOS which is raifed as in the margin, it gives 4 | 2 0;01029,99566,39811,95265,27744 for the ree bea logarithm of the number 1,024, true to 17 or 32 | 5! 18 decimals: to this prefix 3, fo fhall 3,0102 64 | 6 &c be the logarithm of 1024: and laftly, be- 128 | 7 caufe 2is the tenth root of 1024, divide by oop aa Dog 10, fo fhall ©,30102,99956,63981,1952 be the Pieabeh bye logarithm required to the given number 2. 1048576 {20} The logarithms of {, 2, and 10 being now 1073741824 180} known; it is remarked that the logarithm | 1099511627776 ie 140737488355328 {47 of 5 becomes known; for fince 10 + 2 is == 5, therefore Jog. 10 —log. 2 = log. 5, which is 0,69897,00043,36018,8058 ; and that from the multi- plications and divifions of thefe three 2, 5,10, with the correfpond- ing additions and fubtra€tions of their logarithms, a multitude of other numbers and their logarithms are produced; io, from the powers of 2 are obtained 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, &c; from the powers of 3, thefe, 25, 125, 625, 3125, &c’; alfo the powers of 5-by thofe of 10 give 250, 1250, 6250, &c3 and the powers of 2 by thofe of 10, give 20, 200, 2000, &cs; 40, 400, 80, 800, &c3 likewile by divifion are obtained 24, 14, 123, 63, 12, 3%, 62, &c. . Briggs then obferves, that the logarithm of 3, the next prime num- ber, will be beft derived from that of 6, in this manner: 6 raifed to the 9th power becomes 10077696, which divided by 10000000, gives 1,0077696, and the root from this continually extracted till the 46th, is 1,00000,00000,00000,10998,59 34.5,88155,71866 5 the decimal part of which multiplied by 43429 &c, gives 3 0,00000,00000,00000,04776,62844,78608,0304 for its logarithm ; and this 46 times doubled, or multiplied by the 46th power of 2, gives 0,00336,12534,52792,69 for the logarithm of 1,0077696; to which adding 7, the logarithm of the divifor 10000000, and dividing by ¥, the index of the power of 6, there refults 0,77815,12603,8 Bye iee ‘ or LOGARITHMS. 67 for the logarithm of 6; from which fubtraCting the logarithm of 2, there remains 0,47712,12547,19662,44 for tae logarithm of 3. In the eighth chapter our ingenious author defcribes an original and eafy method of conftru€ting, by means of differences, the continual mean proportionals which were before found by the extraction of roots. And this, with the other methods of generating logarithms by dif- ferences, in this book as well as in his Zrigonometria Britannica, are J believe the firft inftances that are to be found of making fuch ufe of differences, and fhow that he was the inventor of what may be called the Differential Method. He feems to have difcovered this method in the following manner : having obferved that thefe continual means be- tween 1 and any number propofed, found by the continual extraction of roots, approach always nearer and nearer to the halves of each pre- ceding root, as is vifible when they are placed together under each other; and indeed it is found that as many of the fignificant figures of each decimal part, as there are ciphers between them and the in- teger 1, agree with the half of thofe above them; I fay, haying ob- ferved this evident approximation, he fubtracted each of thefe decimal parts, which he called A or the firft differences, from half the next preceding one, and by comparing together the remainders or fecond differences, called B, he found that the fucceeding were always nearly equal to 4 of the next preceding ones; then taking the dif- ference between each fecond difference and 4 of the precedingone, he found that thefe third differences, called C, were nearly in the continual ratio of 8 to 1; again taking the difference between each C and 4 of the next preceding, he found that thefe fourth differences, called D, were nearly inthe continual ratio of 16 to 1; and fo on, the 5th (£), 6th (F), &c, differences, being nearly in the continual ratio of 82 to l, of 64 to 1; ec, Thefe 63 Thefe plain obfervations being made, they very na- turally and clearly fuggett- ed to him the notion and method of conftructing all the remaining numbers ‘from the differences of a few of the firft, found by extracting the roots in the ufual way. This will evi- dently appear from the annexed fpecimen of a few _ of the firft numbers in the laft example for finding the logarithm of 6 3 where, after the 9th number the reft are fuppofed to be conftructed from the pre- - ceding differences of each, as here fhown in the 10th and lith. And it is evi- dent, that in proceeding, the trouble .will’ become always lefs and lefs, the differences gradually va- nifhing, till at laft only the firft differences re- main; and that generally each lefs difference is’ fhorter than the next greater, by as many places as there are ciphers at the beginning of the de- cimal in the number to be venerated from the dif- ferences. He then concludes this chapter with an ingenious, but not obvious, method ef finding the differences B,C,D,E, &c, belonging to any ‘number, as fuppofe the 9th, from that number itfelf, independent of any of the preceding sth, 7th, 6th, 5th, &c, and itis this: Sth, &c powers ; CONSTRUCTION OF 1,00776 ,96 1} 1,0038'7}72833,36962,45663,84655, 1 9) 1,00193,67661,36946,61675,87022,9 3] 1,00096,79146,39099,01798,89072.0 4! 1,00048,33402,68846,62985,49953,5 5} 1,00024,18908,78824,68563,80872,7 24,19201,34423,314:92 ,74626,7 292,55598 62928, 93'754,0 “@{-1,00012,09381,263597, (5459,49919,4 Al 12,09454,39412 ,34281,90436, 3 73,13015,! 2U822,46516,9 73,13899 ,65732,23438 5 884 44909, 1692! c <7 1,00006,04672,35055,30968,01600,5 6;04690,63195,56729,71959,7 18,28143,25761,703 3592 18,28253,80205,61629,2 110,54443,91270,0 110,55613,72115,2 : 1169,30845,2 8] 1,00003,02331 ,60505,65775,96479,4 5,02336, 17527, 65484,00800, 2 4..51021,99708,04320,8. 457035 ,81440 942539,8 13,81732,58269,0 13,81805, 48908,7 _ 73,10639,7 73,11302,8 663, 1 9| 1,00001,51164,65999,05672,95046,8 1,51165,80252,82887,98239,7 1,14253,77215,03190,9 Hithertothe 1,14255,49927,01080,2 (maller differences 1,72711 ,971889,3. are found by fub- 1,72716,54783,6. traéting the larger from 456894, 5 the parts of the like pre- — 4,56915,0 ceding ones. 20,7 20,7 Here the greater differences : 65 remain after fubtra@ting 28555,89 the fmaller from the parts 28555 ,24 of the difference of 21588,99736,16 the next preceding 21588,71180,92 number. 23563,44303,7579'7,72 28563,22715,04616,80. 715582,32999,52836,47524,40 1,00060,75582,04436,80121,42907,60 ti ) Plow pb) > 1K RlH DbiH Soon > P| OW PP. Bh Col Sol tia wn wi >» aie OF Pw ele) yao be NH ss) os “Neko ual we! IK tint = iS - pr mwNovta's IC a ro | 2 1784,70 | 1784,68 | 2698,58897,@2 |: 2698 5711294 7140,80678,76 154,20 sa 1140,7'7980, 1904126 8779 1,02218, 15060 11453, 80 | 11,1,00000,37 790, 9504", 53'1080,5241 2,54 im >> wwOOUU tole : raife the decimal A to the 2d, 3d, 4th, then will the 2d (B), 3d(C), 4th (D), Be difs ferences, be as here below, viz. B= - LOGARITHMS. 69 ei Az, ae SB . rAS41A4, =. ZAMIR EACH re le Ce RP plied “beat Se QeAS 4 7A® + 1015. A7 4 19.6 ASE LEAS + br125 Aro, . 139,A°4 -813A7+ 296.27, AS 4 834.43 A+ 1953253.A '°&e. = : . 192 F ATL SION AS +1IA75 2 AP + 65372,2°,A!°8& Ce ae ; ‘ MD teat a MP aaa ge 7068452423. At °&c. | ire : : : . §4902.8,2. DY eee ee ee mm . 6 8 SB np to a ; 9805527 At °&e, Cc. Thus in the gth number of the foregoing example, omitting the ciphers at the beginning of the decimals, we have A = 1,51164,65999,05672,95048,8 A*= - 2,28507,54430,06381,6726 Ak’= = + + 3,45422,65230,48546,2 Ata =~ 2 -- = $,22156 97802;288 ASS Sig ee i = 7.80316, 8208° & EPS Gare ae re oe PT, OSES) 1 &C. Confequently, EA? = 1,14253,77215,03190,8363 =B ZA32- § 1,72711,32619,74273 gAt- - -. 65209,62225 tA3+4 4A 1,72711,97889,36498 = C 2A* 4,56887,35577 AS - - 6.90652 vs - - = +5 TAFLZIASLWZA® 4,50894,20234 =D Ea ob - 20,71957 7A° - - - 83 2RASE7AL + 1 =) = 20,72040 = E which agree with the like differences in the foregoing fpecimen. > {n the ninth chapter, after obferving that from the logarithms of 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, before found, are to be determined, by addition tnd fubtraction, the logarithms of all other numbers sphioh can be 4 produced: from thefe by multiplication and divifion; for finding the Jogarithms of other ptime numbers, inftead of that in’ the feventh chapter, our author then fhows another ingenious method of ob- taining numbers beginning with 1 and ciphers, and fuch as to bear a certain relation to {ome prime number by means of which its lo- garithm may be found. ‘The method is this: Find three products having the common difference 1, and fuch that two of them are pro- duced from factors having given logarithms, and the third produced from the prime number, ‘whofe logarithm i is required, either multi- plied by itfelf, or by fome other number whofe logarithm is given : ad #0 CONSTRUCTION OF then the greateft and leaft of thefe three products being multiplied to- . gether, and the mean by itfelf, there arife two other produéts alfo dif- _4ering by 1, of which the greater, divided by the lefs, gives fora quo- ‘tient 1 witha {mall decimal, having feveral ciphers at the beginning. Then the logarithm of this quotient being found as before, from thence will be deduced the required logarithm of the given prime number. ‘Thus, if it be propofed to find the logarithm of the prime mumber 7; here 6 X 8=48, 7X 7=49,and 5 X 10= 50, will be the three products, of which the logarithms of 48 and 50, the 1ft and 3d, will be given from thofe of their faCtors 6, 8, 5, 10: alfo 48 X 50 = 2400, and 49 X 49 = 2401, are the two new produdts, and 2401 + 2400=1,000412 their quotient: then the leaft of 44 means between | and this quotient is , _ 1,00000,00000,00000,02367,9824.9,04333,6405, which multiplied by 43429 & c,produces0,00000,00000,00000,01028,40172,88337,29715 for its logarithm 5 which being 44 times doubled, or multiplied by 17592186044416, produces 0,00018,09183,45421,30 for the loga- rithm of the quotient 1,000413; which being added to the logarithm of the divifor 2400, gives the logarithm of the dividend 2401 ; then the half of this logarithm is the logarithm of 49 the root of 2401, and the half of this again gives 0,84509,80400,14256,82 for the lo- garithm of 7, which is the root of 49. The author adds another example to illuftrate this method ; and then fets down the requifite factors, products, and quotients for finding the logarithms of all other prime numbers up to 100. The 10th chapter is employed in teaching how to find the loga- rithms of fraCtions, namely by fubtracting the logarithm of the de- nominator from that of the numerator, then the logarithm of the fraCtion is the remainder: which therefore is either abundant or de- fective, that is pofitive or negative, as the fraction is greater or lefs than |. In the 11th chapter is fhown an ingenious contrivance for very ac- curately finding intermediate numbers to given logarithms, by the proportional parts. On this occafion, it is remarked, that while the abfolute numbers increafe uniformly, the logarithmsincreafe unequally, with-a déecreafing increment ; for which reafon it happens, that either logarithms or numbers corrected by means of the proportional parts, will not be quite accurate, the logarithms fo found being always too {mall, and the abfolute numbers fo found too great; but yet fo how- ever as that they approach much nearer to accuracy towards the end of the table, where the increments or differences become much nearer to equality, than in the former parts of the table. And from this property our author, ever fruitful in happy expedients to obviate natural difficulties, contrives a device to throw the proportional part, to be found from the numbers and logarithms, always near the end of the table, in whatever part they may happen naturally to fall. And it is this: Rejeéting the charateriftic of any given logarithm, whofe number is propofed to be found, take the arithmetical complement of the decimal part, by fubtra€ting it from 1,000 &c, the logarithm. of 103; then find in the table the logarithm next lefs than this Hane: metic LOGARITHMS. qb metical complement, together with its abfolute numbers to this ta- bular logarithm add the logarithm that was given, and the fum will be a logarithm neceflarily falling among thofe near the end of the table: find then its abfolute number, corrected by means of the pro- portional part, which will not be very inaccurate, as falling near the end of the table; this being divided by the abfolute number, before found for the logarithm next lefs than the arithmetical complement, the quotient will be the required number anfwering to the given lo- garithm ; which will be much more correcét than if it had been found from the proportional part of the difference where it naturally hap- pened to fall: and the reafon of this operation is evident from the nature of logarithms. But as this divifor, when taken as the num- ber anfwering to the logarithm next lefs than the arithmetical com- plement, may happen to be a large prime number ; it is farther re- marked, that inftead of this number and its logarithm, we may ufe the next lefs compofite number which has {mall factors, and its lo- garithm; becaufe the divifion by thofe {mall factors, inftead of by the number itfelf, will be performed by the fhort and eafy way of divi- fion in one line. And for the more eafy finding proper compofite numbers and their factors, our author here fubjoins an abacus or lift . of all fuch numbers, with their logarithms and component factors, from 1000 to 10000 ; from which the proper logarithms and factors are immediately obtained by infpeCtion. ‘Thus, for example, to find the root of 10800, or the mean proportional between 1 and 10800: The logarithm of 10860 is 4,03342,37554,8695, the half of which is 2,01671,18777,4347 the logarithm of the number fought, the arith- metical complement of which logarithm is 0,98328,81222,56535 now the neareft logarithm to this in the abacus is 0,98227,12330,3957, and its annexed number is 9600, the factors of which are 2, 6, 3; to this laft logarithm adding the logarithm of the number fought, the fum is 0,99898,31107,8204, whofe abfolute number, corrected by the proportional part, is 99766,12651,6521, which being divided continually by 2, 6, 8, the factors of 96, the laft quotient is 103,923048454713 which is pretty correct, the true number being 103,923048454133 = /10800. We now arrive at the 1th and 13th chapters, in which our inge- nious author firft of all teaches the rules of the Ditferential Method, in con{tructing logarithms by interpolation from differences. ‘This is the fame method which has fince been more largely treated of by later authors, and particularly by the ingenious Mr. Cotes, in his Canonotechnia. How Mr. Briggs came by it does not well appear, as he only delivers the rules, without laying down the principles or in- veftigation of them. He divides the method into two cafes, namel when the fecond differences are equal or nearly equal, and when the differences run out to any length whatever. ‘The former of thefe is treated in the 12th chapter; and he particularly adapts it to the in- terpolating 9 equidiftant means between two given terms, evidently for this reafon, that then the powers of 10 become the principal mul- tipli¢rs or divifors, and fo the operations performed mentally. The fubftance of his procefs is this ; Having given two abfolute ae . } wit "9 CONSTRUCTION OF with their logarithms, to find the logarithms of 9 arithmetical means between the given numbers: Between the given logarithms take the “ft difference, as well as between each of them and their next or equidiftant greater and lefs lo- r equ ai 1] 48 94 garithms;-and likewile the fecond differences, or | 2| 35 £3 the two differences of thefe three firft differences; | 2] 22 33 j 3 pei : a 26 Se then if thefe fecond differences be equal, multiply | 5 | "s <4 one of them feverally by the numbers 45, 35, |@|—5-3 7; &c, asin the annexed tablet, dividing each pro- | 7] 15 84 duct by 1000, that is cutting off three figures | 8 | 25 33 from each; laftly, to +5 of the 1f difference ic 30 Be. ef the given logarithms add feverally the firft five quotients, and {ubtract the other five, fo fhall the.ten refults be the refpeCtive firft differences to be continually added, to compofe the required feries of logarithms, Now this amounts to the fame thing as what is at this day taught in the like cafe: We know that if 4 be any term of an equidiftant feries of terms, and a, b,c, &c, the firft of the 1ft, 2d, 3d, &c, order of differences; then the term 2, whofe diftance from A is exprefled by x, will be thus, <= A+ wat ex. coe et ies Mah c+ &c, And if : a 2 now, with our author, we make the 2d differences equal, then c, d, é, &c, will all vanith, or be equalto 0, and 2 will become barely = 4 + x2 rt ag ; er" in Series of terms. The differences. Therefore ir we take x |4 oe } fucceflively equally to A+ ott x30b Pott 2t00 Hott r3h0b Portosre Fs? &c, we fhall AtTo9+ x08 ot t xp qb ott rgs0b have the annexed feries At yott zoo! 15? ta500 Sot + 1360! of terms with their dif- [4 tase t abe! raat ro0b S104 traa0! ferences. Whereit istobe Bey 14 ile ; 14 Yee ities Tress obferved, that our author Paki Hird j ret Ee ; had reduced the difer- A4 Se a4 fob pas of RAM it : ences from the Iftto the PROTO MO REO yo ea ery Saree A+ SoA +5309 | 154 —xb5b= 751-1550} 2d form, as he thought A+ it eafierto multiply by 5 * than todivide by 2. Alfoall the laft terms (x. *~1 5) are fet down po ° | r 9 — I 45 a tot—zo05 = hI — +3356 fitive, becaufe in the logarithms dis negative.—If the two 2d differ- ences be only nearly equal, take an arithmetical mean between them, and proceed with it the fame as above with one of the equal 2d dif- ferences.—He alfo fhows how to find any one fingle term, independ- ent of the reft; and concludes the chapter with pointing out a mez thod of finding the proportional part more accurately than before. _ In the 13th chapter our author remarks, that the beft way of filling up the intermediate chiliads of his table, namely from 20000 to 90000, is by quinquifeCtion, or interpofing four equidiftant means between two given terms; the method of performing which he thus particu- larly defcribes. Of the given terms, or logarithms, and two or thre¢ others on each fide of them, take the lft, 2d, 3d, &c, aeepore LOGARITHMS. 43 till the laft differences come out equal, which fuppofe to be the 5th differences: divide the firft differences by 5, the 2d by 25, the 3d by 125, the 4th by 625, and the 5th by 3125, and call the refpective quotients the 1ft, 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th mean differences; or, inftead of dividing by thefe powers of 5, multiply by their reciprocals +%5 13% rou» Tooss, rosso; that is, multiply by 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, cutting off refpectively one, two, three, four, five figures from the end of the products, for the feveral mean differences: then the 4th and 5th of thefe mean differences are fufliciently accurate; but the lit, 2d, and $d are to be corre€ted in this manner; from the mean third differ- ences fubtract three times the 5th difference, and the remainders aré the corre 3d differences; fromthe mean 2d differences fubtract double the 4th differences, and the remainders are the correct 2d differences; laftly, from the mean 1ft differences take the correét 3d differences, and + of the 5th difference, and the remainders will be the correct firft differences. Such are the corrections when the differences extend as far as the 5th. However, in completing thofe chiliads in this way, there will be only 3 orders of differences, as neither the 4th nor 5th will enter the calculation, but will vanifh through their {mallnefs: therefore the mean 2d and 3d differences will need no correction, and the mean firft differences will be corrected by barely fubtraCting the 3d from thea. Thefe preparatory numbers being thus found, all the 2d differences of the logarithms required, will be generated by adding continually, from the lefs to the greater, the conftant 3d diiference; and the feries of 1{t differences will be found by adding the feveral 2d differences; and laftly, by adding continually thefe 1{t differerices to the 1ft given logarithm &c, the required logarithmic terms are generated. Thefe eafy rules being laid down, Mr. Briggs next teaches how by them the remaining chiliads may beft be completed: namely, having here the logarithm for all numbers up to 20000, find the logarithm to every 5 beyond this, or of 20005, 20010, 20015, &c, in this manner 3 to the logarithms of the 5th part of each of thefe, namely 4001, 4002, 4003, &c, add the conftant logarithm of 5, and the fums will be the logarithms of all the terms of the feries 20005, 20010, 20015, &c: and thefe logarithms will have the very fame differences as thofe of the feries 4001, 4002, 400%, &c; by means of which ‘therefore in- terpofe 4 equidiftant terms by the rules above ; and thus the whole canon will be : 43430.: 43213 the logarithm of or the difference between the logarithms of 100 and 101. But the log. of 100 is 2; therefore the logarithm of 101 is 2,0043213,—-Again, to find the loga- rithm of 102, we muft firft find the logarithm of root the mean be- tween its terms being 101°5, therefore as 101°5 : 100.: : 43430 101 42788 the logarithm of Lg ON the difference of the logarithms of 301 and 102. But the logarithm of 101 was found above to be 2,004321%3 3 therefore the logarithm of 102 is 2,0086001.—So that, dividing continually 868596 (the double of 434298 the logarithm of 99°5 199 100°5 OF 901 then add 2 to the 1{t quotient, to the fum add the 2d quotient, and fo on, adding always the next quotient to the laft fum, the feveral fums will be the refpective logarithms of the numbers in this ferics 101, 102, 103, 104, &c. The ~~) by each number of the ferigs 201, 203, 205, 207, &c, 94 - CONSTRUCTION OF The next, or prop. 10, fhows that, of two pair of continued ratios whofe terms have equal differences, the difference of the meafures of the firft two ratios, is to the difference of the meafures of the other two, as the fquare of the common term in the two latter, 1s to that in the former, nearly. Thus, in the four ratios b a+3b a+4b ; nee i Oy ee St ot eet ie theatare eh eee (the difference ath? a+ub a+4b° a+5b3 (a +2) of the firft two, or the quotient of the two fractions) : is to the. aa+8ab+15bb . meafure of Set ‘tt fo (a+4d)* zis to (a+5)*, nearly. In prop. 11, the author fhows, that fimilar properties take place among two fets of ratios confifting each of 3 or 4 &c, continued numbers. Prop. 12 fhows that, ofthe powers of numbers in arithmetical progreffion, the orders of diflerences which become equal, are the 2d differences in the {quares, the 3d differences in the cubes, the 4th differences in- the 4th powers, &c. And from hence it is fhown, how to conf{truct all thofe powers by the continual addition of their differences ; as had bees long before more fully explained by Briggs. In the next, or 13th prop. our author explains his compendious method of raifing the tables of logarithms, fhowing how to conftruct the logarithms by addition only, from the properties contained in the Sth, 9th, and 12th propofitions. For this purpofe, he makes ufe of the quantity samp which by divifion he refolves into this infinite fe- a ac aes ac ties eit y He ai 3s + Ga &c (ia infin.). Putting thena = 100, the : : preabie 5” ba arithmetical mean between the terms of the ratio eT es 100000, and ¢ fucceflively equal to 0°5, 1°5, 2°5, &c; that fo b—c may be re- fpectively equal to 99999+5, 94998°5, 99997°5, &c, the correfponding 99999... 99998 99907 ig re a sae 9 [eres 100000 99999 99998 4 means between the terms of the ratios a it is evident that Pe will be the quotient of the 2d term divided by the 1ft, in the proportions mentioned in the 8th and 9th propofitions; aud when all of thefe quotients, are found, it rernains then only to multiply them by the conftant 3d term 43429, orrather 43429°8, of the proportion, to produce the logarithms of. the ratios 9999 99998 99997 .,, 1000 , iy 0000" 99999 99998" &e, till 7556, 3 then adding thefe conti- nually to 4, the logarithm of 10000, the leaft number, or fubtracting them from 5, the logarithm of the higheft term 100000, there will. refult the logarithms of all the abfolute numbers from 10000 to 100000. Now when ¢ = 0°5; then , ‘ a d — LOGARITHMS. 95 * , 3 : os ‘001, ae “000000005, ~ = -000000000000025, o = -000000000090000000128, &c. ; therefore = ie — +o p Bes: “> ~ &, is == +001000005000025000125, In like mannerr if c= 15, then = will be == -001000015000225003375:; ——€ and if e == 2-5, then —— willbe = -0010000250006250156255 b—c ac. But inftead of aiteratitie all the Values of -— po in the ufual way of raifing the powers, he directs how they may be found by ad- dition only, as in the tals propofition. Having thus found all the values of se , the author then fhows, | 1 , 4342: that they may be drawn into the conftant logarithm 43429 by addition only, by the help of the annexed table of the firft 9 products of it. The author then diftinguifhes which of the loga- rithms it may be proper to find in this way, and which from their component parts, Of thefe, the logarithms of all even numbers need not be thus computed, being compofed from the number 23; which cuts off one-half of the numbers: neither are thofe numbers to he computed which end in 5, becaufe 5 is one of their factors ; thefe laft are - of the numbers; and the two together } -++ ; make 4 of the whole: and of the other 2, the Ey of them, or ¥;, of the whole, are compofed.of - 3; and hence 4 + 4%, or 7 of the iabeys, are made up of fuch as - are compofed of ’, 3,and 5. As to the other numbers which may be compofed of 7, of 11, &c; he recommends to find zheir logarithms in the general way, the fame as if they were incompolites, as it is not worth while to feparate them in fo eafy a mode of calculation. So that, of the 90 chiliads of numbers, .from 10000 to 100000, only 24 _ chiliads are to be computed. Neither indeed are all of thefe.to be 1 pith i A i a calculated from the foregoing feries for ~— -—, but only a few of them in that way, and the reft by the proportion in the sth propofition. Thus, having computed the logayittinas of 10003 and 10013, omit- ting 10023, as being divifible by 3, eftimate the logarithms of 10033 and 10043, which are the 30th numbers from 10003 and 410013; and.again omitting 10053, a multiple of 3, find the logaxithins of 10063 and 10073. Then by prop. 4, fay, As 10048, the arithmetical mean between 10033 and 10063, to 10018, the arithmetical mean between 10003 and 10033, fo 13006, the difference between the logarithms of 10003 and 100335 to 12967, the difference bet ween the logarithms of 10033 and 10063. | 10048 “12967 That is, 1ft - - As} 10078 > ; 10018 :; 13006: 4 &c. 10108 ‘lta $6 CONSTRUCTION OF (10058) ~ 12953 Again, As2 10088 > : 10028 : : 12993: 4 &c. 10118 | 10068 12940 And sdly, As} 10008 | sok OOBS ¢) REDS TOME ee CCS &c. And with this our author concludes his compendium for con- ftructing the tables of logarithms. He afterwards fhows fome applications and relations of the doc- trine of logarithms to geometrical figures: in order to which, in_ prop. 14, he proves algebraically that, in the right- angled hyperbola, if from the vertex, and from any other point, there be drawn BI, FH perpendicular to the afymptote AH, or parallel to the other afympe tote; then will AH: AI:: BI: FH. And, . In prop.15, if AL=BI=1, andHI =a; then will ‘ER =1—a+a*—a* +a*—a> &c, inine l+a finitum, by a continued algebraic divifion, the procefs of which he defcribes, {ftep by ftep, as athing that was new or uncommon. But that method of divifion had been taught before, by Dr. Wallis, in his Opus Arithmeticum. | Prop. 16 is this: Any given number being fuppofed to be divided into innumerable fmall equal parts, it is required to affign the fum of any powers of the continual fums of thofe innumerable parts. For which purpofe he lays down this rule; if the next higher power of the given number, above that power whofe fum is fought, be divided by its exponent, the quotient will be the fum of the powers fought. ‘That is, if Nbe the given number, and a one of its innu- merable equal parts, then will a” -+(2a)" + (3a)" + (4a)? &c.....N* be = noe which theorem he demonftrates by a method of indu€tion. And this, it is evident, is the finding the {um of any powers of an infinite number of arith- _ meticals, of which the greateft term is a given quantity, and the leaft indefinitely fmall. It is alfo remarkable, that the above expreflion is fimilar to the rule for finding the fluent to the given fluxion of a power, as afterwards taught by Sir I. Newton. | Mercator then applies this rule, in prop. 17, to the quadrature of the hyperbola. ‘Thus, putting AI=1, conceive the afymptote to be divided from J into innumerable equal parts, namely Ip=pq = qr =a; then, by the 14th and 15th, —) ena 2 3 ps = 1 eae fs, x cet But the area Blru is =the fum =li— z7— ga3 kee qt - 2a + 4a 8a" &c ps + qt tru, whichis = rus 1l~—3a+ 9a? —27a3 &c 3— 64 +14a?— 36a3 &c, that is, equal to the number of terms contained in the line Ir, minus the fum of thofe terms, plus the fum - LOGARITHMS: 97 fum of the fquares of the fame, minus the fim of their cubes, plus the fum of the 4th powers, &c. Putting now IA=1, as before, and Ip=o-l the number of terms, to find the area Blips ; by prop. 16 the a) seen 3# ‘ ; ; “12 ; {um of the terms will be “y =-005, the fum of their fquares = *000333333, the fum of their cubes :000025, the fum of the 4th powers ‘000002, the fum of the 5th powers ‘000000166, the fum of the 6th powers "000000014, &c. Therefore the area BIps is = . *L — 005 + °000333333 — 000025 + *O00002 — ‘000000165 + *000000014 &e = *100335347 — °005025166 = *095310i81 &c, Again, putting Iq =°21 the number of terms, he finds in like tanner the area BIqt = -2i1 —*02205 + °0030%7 —-000456202 + ~ *00008 1682 — *000014294 + *000002572 — *000600:72 + “000000088 &c = -213171345 — ‘022550954 = *190620361 &c. He then adds, hence it appears that, as the ratio of Af to Ap, or 1 to 1°!, is half or fubduplicate of the ratio of Ai to Aq, or i to 1°21, fo the area BIps is here found to be half of the area Biqt. Thefe areas he computes to 44 places of figures, and finds then: itill in the ratio of 2 to 1. The foregoing do€trine amounts to this, that if the reCtangle BI x Ir, which in this cafe is -expreffed by Ir only, be put = 4, AL being = 1 as before; then the ar¢a Blru, or the hyperbolic logarithm of 1 + 4, or of the ratio of 1 to 1 + A, will be equal to the infinite feries 1— $A? + $43 — TA* 4-44 &cs; and which therefore may be confidered as Mercator’s quadrature of the hyperbola, or his gene- ral expreffion of an hyperbolic logarithm in an infinite feries. And this method was further improved by Dr. Wallis in the Philot. Tranf. for the year 1668. eae . . | In prop. 18 Mercator compares the hyperbolic areo/e with the ra- tiuncule of equidifferent numbers, and obferves that, the areola BIps is the meafure of the ratiuntula of AI to Ap, the areola {pqt is the meafure of the ratiuncula of Ap te Aq, the areola tqru is the meafure of the ratiuncula of Aq to Ar, &c. Finally, in the 19th prop. he fhows how the fums of logarithms may be taken, after the manner of the fums of the areole. And from hence infers as a corollary, how the continual produ& of any given numbers in arithmetical progreflion may be obtained; for the fum of the logarithms is the logarithm of the continual product. He then remarks, that from the premifes it appears, ininwhat manner Mer- fennus’s problem may be refolved, if not geometrically, at ieaft in figures toany number of places. And thus clofes this ingenious tract. In the Philof. Tranf. for 1668 are alfo given fome further illuithias tions of this work, by the author himfeli.. And in various places aifo in a fimilar manner are logarithms and hyperbolic areas treated of by Lord Brouncker, Dr. Wallis, Sir I. Newton, and many other learn- ed perfons. Of Gregory's Exercitationes Geometrice. In the fame year 1608 came out Mr. James Gregory’s Exercita- tiones Geometric, in which aie contdined the following pieces): 1, Appen- 98 CONSTRUCTION OF 1, Appendicula ad veram circuli et hyperbole quadraturam ? 2, N. Mercatoris quadratura hyperbole geometricé demonftrata z, 3, Analogia inter lineam meridianam planifpherit nautici et tans gentes artificiales geometricé demonftrata; feu quod fecantium natu- ralium additio efheiat tangentes artificiales: 4, Item, quot tangentium naturalium additio efficiat fecantes. arti- ficiales: 5, Quadratura conchoidis : €, Quadratura ciffoidis: & l, Methodus facilis et accurata componendi fecantes ect tangentes artificiales. The firft of thefe pieces, or the 4ppendicula, contains fome farther — extenfion and illuftration of his Vera circuli et hyperbole quadratura, occafioned by the animadverfions made on that work by the celebrated mathematician and philofopher Huygens. In the, 2d is demontftrated geometrically, the quadrature of the hy- perbola; by which he finds a feries fimilar to Mercator’s for the logae rithm, or the hyperbolic {pace beyond the firft ordinate (BI, fig. pa. 96.) In like manner he finds another feries for the fpace at an equal diftance within that ordinate. ‘Thefe two feries having all their terms alike, but all the figns of the one plus, and thofe of the other alter- nately plus and minus, by adding the two together, every other term is. cancelled, and the double of the reft denotes the fum of both fpaces. Gregory then applies thefe properties to the logarithms; the conclu fion from all which may be thus briefly exprefled : : 1+f4 fince A— $4’ 444i —4A* &c. = the log. of A and 4 + 14% + 143 4+ 1A* &e = the log of > therefore 24 + 2.4?4+2 45 +347 &c = the log. of £ of or of the ratio of 1 —.4 tol1+ 4. Which may be accounted Gree gory’s method of making logarithms. ‘The remainder of this little volume is chiefly employed about the nautical meridian, and the logarithmic tangents and fecants. It does not appear by whom, nor by what accident, was difcovered the analogy between a fcale of logarithmic tangents and Wright’s pro« traction of the nautical, meridian line; which confifted of the fums of the fecants.. It appears however to have been firft publifhed, and introduced into the practice of navigation, by Henry Bond, who mentions this property in an edition of Norwood’s Epitome of Navigation, printed about 16453 and he again treats of it more fully in an edition of Gunter’s works, printed in 1653, where he teaches, from this property, how to refolve all the cafes of Mercator’s failing by the logarithmic tangents, independent of the table of meri- dional parts. This analogy had only been found to be nearly true by trials, but not demonftrated to be a mathematical property. Such demonftration feems to have been firft difcovered by Nicholas Mercator, who, defirous ef making the moft advantage of this nti bs, and LOGARITHMS. 99 and another concealed invention of his in navigation, by a paper in the Philof. Tranf. for June 4, 1666, invites the public to enter into a wager with him, on his ability to prove the truth or falfehood of the fuppofed analogy. But this mercenary propofal it feems was not taken up by any one, and Mercator referved his demonitration. The propofal however excited the attention of mathematicians to the fubject itfelf, and a demonftration was not long wanting. The firft was publifhed about two years after by Gregory, in the track now under confideration, and from thence and other fimilar properties, here demonftrated, he fhows, in the laft article, how the tables of logarithmic tangents and fecants may eafily be computed, from the natural tangents and fecants. ‘The fubftance of which is as follows; Let AI be the arc of a quadrant 4, extended in aright line, and let the figure AHI be compofed of the natural tangents of every arc Q from the point A, erected per- pendicularto AI at their re{pect- we points: let AP, PO, ON, NM, &c, be the very fmall equal parts into which the quadrant is divided, namely, each 4, or +a0 of a degree: draw PB, OC,ND; p< M ME, &c, perpendicular to AI. Then it is manifeft, from what had been demonftrated, that the’ fi- gures ABP, ACO, &c, are the artificial fecants of the ares AP, AO, &c, putting o for the artificial radius. It is alfo manifeft, that the rectangles BO, CN, DM, &c, willbe found from the multiplication of the fmall part AP of the quadrant by each natural tangent. But, he proceeds, there is a little more difficulty in meafuring the figures ABP, BCX, CDV, &c; for if the firft differences of the tangents be equal, AB; BC, CD, &c, will not differ from right lines, and then the figures ABP, BCX, CDV, &c, will be right-angled trian- gles, and therefore any one, as HQG, will be = 3 QH x QG: but if the fecond differences be equal, the faid figures will be portions of trilineal quadratrices ; for example HQG will bea portion of a trilineal quadratrix, whofe axis is parallel to QH; and each of the laft diiler- ences being Z, it will be QHG = + QH x QG—,42Z x QG: and if the third differences be equal, the faid figures will be portions of trilineal cubices, and then thall QHG be =i QH x QG— Vv (7% QHxZxQG’*— 775, Z* x QG’): when the 4th differences are equal, the faid figures are portions of trilineal quadrato-quadra~ trices, and the 4th diflerences are equal to 24 times the 4th power of QG divided by the cube of the latus reCtum; alfo when the 5th differences are equal the faid figures are portions of trilineal furfo- lids, and the 5th differences are equal to 120 times the furfolid of QG divided by the 4th power of the latus retum; and fo on in infinitum. What has been here faid of the compofition of artificial fecants from the natural tangents, it is remarked, may in like manner 100 CONSTRUCTION OF be underftood of the compofition of artificial tangents, from the natural {ecants, according to what was before demonftrated. It is alfo obferved that the artificial tangents and fecants are com- puted, as above, on the fuppofition that 0 is the logarithm of 1, and 10 OOCCOOUU0" the radius, and 23025505 2994145624017870 the logarithm of 1 5 but that they may be more eatily computed, namely, by addition only, by putting 3 of adegree = QG=AP=1, and the jegarithm of 10==°7915704467897819; for by this means 30H xQis is = {QH=QHG, and {QHxQG —+,Z x QG= Z0H — +5 PN Qki 9 alfo 3QH x QG — v(7,QH x Z x QG*— yh? x QG*= 4QH — VW(-4QH x Z—+434,Z7) = QUG: and finally, by one divifion only are found the artificial targents and fecants to 10000000. 00C0000, the logarithm of 10, putting ftill 1 for radius, which are the differences of the artificial tangents and fecants, in the table from that artificial radius 5 and to make the operations eafier in multiplying by the number 7°157044678s781%, or logarithm of 10, a table is fet down of its products by the firft 9 figures. But if AP or QG be = zie of a degree, the artificial tangents and fecants will anfwer to 13192840779829703 as the logarithm of 10, the firft 9 multiples of which are alfo placed in the table. But to reprefent the numbers by the artificial radius, rather than by the logarithm of 10, the author directs to add ciphers, &c.—And io much tor Gregory’s Etxercitationes Geometrica. The fame analogy between the logarithmic tangents ard the me- ridian line, as alfo other fimilar properties, were afterwards more elegantly demonftrated by Dr. Hailey in the Philof. Tranf. for Feb. 1696, and various methods given for computing the fame, by exa- mining the nature of the fpirals into which the rhumbs are tranf- formed in the ftereographical projeétion of the {phere on the plane of the equator: the doctrine of which was rendered {till more eafy and elegant by the ingenious Mr. Cotes, in his Legometria, firft printed in the Philof. Tranf. for 1714, and afterwards in the collec- tion of his works publifhedin 1732 by his coufin Dr. Robert Smith, who fucceeded him in the Plumtan profeflorfhip of philofophy in the Univerfity of Cambridge. | The learned Dr. lfaac Barrow alfo in his Leéfiones Geometrica, Lc, XI. Append. firft publifhed in 1672, delivers a fimilar property, namely, that the fum of all the fecants of any arc is analogous to the logarithm of the ratio of r +s tor —s, or radius plus fine to radius minus fine; or, which isthe fame thing, that the meridional parts anfwering to any degree of latitude are as the logarithms of the ratios of the verfed fines of the diftances from the two poles. Mr. Gregory’s method for making logarithms was farther exem- lified in numbers, in a {mall traét on this fubje€t, printed in 1688, i one Euclid Speidell, a fimple and illiterate perfon, and fon of John Speidell, before mentioned among the firft writers on loga- rithms, | | ! | is * ere Gregorp LOGARITHMS. ° 101 Gregory alfoinvented many other infinite feries, and among them thefe here following, viz. a being anarc, ¢ its tangent, and s the fe- cani, to the radius r; then is , {3 ¢5 ¢7 #9? & pot fe 4 YO, a ; or* oh oe Y hoe + or* ‘ s a3 2a5 1747 62a° bec ea ah or*. i5r* 1 315r° F. 2835r* ; 7 ® 4 ,5 7 0 5a Ola 2774 ee s=7t oO, + aap + z20rs + “GoGar? And if 7 and ~ denote the artificial or logarithmic tangent and fecant of the fame arc a, the. whole quadrant being g, and e= 2a—gs then is Ses 73 7 6177 277979 3 ee ~ = &e, 6; r 24r* = 5040r° + 72.576r* e3 e 6le7 27769 Toe 4+ —— 2 — 4 — 4 Xe. t 62 + gars + Gosor® + 72576r% ar at a® 17a® 622° = ort jot 45R + o520r7 + 2835079 Alfo if / denote the artificial fecant of 45°, and / + / the artificial fe« cant of any arc a, the artificial radius being 0; then is azhe: sat sy ster (& 7l+ 1415 45215 ai Oke T f 3r2 sis Br + 3r4- 45r5 or The inveftigation of all which feries may be feen at pa. 298 eft /eg. Vol i. Dr. Horfley’s learned and elegant commentary on Sir I, New- ton’s works, as they were given in the Commercium LEpiftolicum No xx. without demonftration, and where the number 2% is alfo wanting in the denominator of the firft term of the feries exprefling the value of o. | Such then were the ways in which Mercator and Gregory ap- plied thefe their very fimple feries A— 7A” + 3A? — {A+ &c, and A + TA* +3A* + 7A% &c, for the purpofe of computing logarithms. But they might, as I apprehend, have applied them to this purpofe in a f{horter and more direct manner, by computing, by their means, only a few !ogarithims of {mall ratios, in which the terms of the feries would have decreafed by the powers of 10 or fome greater number, the numerators of all the terms being unity, and their denominators the powers of 10 or fome greater number, and then employing thefe few logarithms, fo computed, to the finding of the logarithms of other and greater ratios, by the eafy operations of mere addition and fub- traction. This night have been done for the logarithms of the ratios of the firft ten numbers, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11, to 1, in the following manner, communicated by Mr. Baron Maferes. In the firft place, the logarithm of the ratio of !0 to 9, or of 1 to +% or of 1 to 1 — x5, is equal to the feries J 1 1 1 1 Tx 10 + 2x100 + 3xic00 + 4x 10000 F Sxi00000 &* In like manner are eafily found the logarithms of the ratios of 11 to 102 CONSTRUCTION OF 11 to 10; and then, by the fame feries, thofe of 121 to 120, and of 81 to 80, and of 2401 to 2400; in all which cafes the feries would coriverge flill fafter than in the firft two cafes. We may then pro- ceed by mere addition and fubtraCtion of logarithms, as follows : Log. 43 = .L. 1° + L. S33L. ¥e di fe 2 furs = L.r5 —Ls P27 eos — — - I as key ou + Tt she! 2 44 a hee {, 9 nt 5 me ri nf : Bet Ris L. ae Lies : et Sots: bey rs ti of ey \¥ 5 ey BR oe MT + MX::MX:NV + NY &c ; “ty GUM A NOR: Bs Boosie Nix OFF “as ME Vinge LV: NX — LT ep MxXOY.— MV. &c of AB: 2BEs > 3 MV :MT-— MX ::N& :NV/—NY.. &c. And on the other hand, AB: 2AE:: LS : KT + KR, &e. Therefore put AB = 1, and make BE x LT = La, AE x KT = Sa, Sa — La = LV, 2AE x LV — TM = MX, &e. The fenfe of thefe general theorems is this, that if P be any one i among 106 | CONSTRUCTION OF among 2 feries of angles in arithmetical progreffion, the angle d being their common difference, then as radius or col! Patcof Pi! -b yr een Pa | iene erate fn, tn Pune ar . §cof.P: fin. P+ d— fin. P—d 1:2 fin. d:: sep “cot Ppa — cof Pe a where the 4th terms of thefe proportions are the fums or differences of the fines or cofines of the two angles next lefs and greater than any angle P in the feries; and therefore, fubtraCting the lefs extreme from the fum, or adding it to the difference, the refult will be the greater extreme, or the next fine or cofine beyond that of the term P. And in the fame..manner are all the reft to be found. ‘This method, it is evident, is equally applicable, whether the common difference d, or angle A, be equal to one term of the feries or not: when it zs one of the terms, then the whole feries of fines and cofines becomes thusj;iviz, asd! 2icolid ty: fin. d: fin. 2d 2: fin. 2d: fin. d+ fin. 34: : fin. Sd: fin. 27+ fin. 4d:: fin. 4d: fin. 3d+ fin.5d &c, col. dil cof 2d: : cof. 2d: cof. d-+- cof. 3d: : cof. 3d: cof. 2d+- cof. 4d :: cof, 4d: cof. 3d—+-cof.5d &c. which is the very method contained in the directions given by Abra- - ham Sharp, for conftructing the canon of fines. Sir I. Newton remarks, that it only remains to find the fine and cofine of a firft angle A, by fome other method; and for this purpofe, he directs us to make ufe of fome of-his own infinite feries: thus, by them will be found 1°57079 &c for the quadrantal arc, the fquare of which is 2°4694 &c3 divide this fquare by the fquare of the num- ber exprefling the ratio of 90 degrees to the angle A, calling the quo- pd 3 4 tient z ;then 3 or 4termsofthis feries 1 mie T s — a Hees SiC, will give the cofine of that angle A. Thus we may firft find an angle of 5 degrees, and thence the table may be computed to the fe- ries of every 5 degrees ; then thefe interpolated to degrees or half de- grees by the fame method, and thefe interpolated again ; and fo on as far asneceflary. But two-thirds of the table being computed in this manner, the remaining third will be found by addition or fubtraction only, as is well known. Various other improvements in logarithms and trigonometry are owing to the fame excellent perfonage; fuch as, the feries for ex- prefling the relation between circular arcs and their fines, cofines, verfed fines, tangents, &c; namely, the arc being a, the fine s, the verfed fine v, cofine c, tangent ¢, radius 1, then is | ) Gees SSS ee cb tie ld erat agres) &C amet + fol 4 aot 4. riot + pte | aSdgv® &e. Om, ls Ms aL Ze at? + oh me dott Oy ORs $a == 003 tyie@® —. sort? + oxarsyo®? —. soprero0e"* &e. sal = fe?. 4+ et opie?! + qotee® — orerrpost"® &c. v = hat—_hat+ 700°. — goezet® + zerpgo0t ~~ aza0sTs00%"* &C tmatie@ + pea tose? + oaegse? tb regpasat® &ee LOGARITHMS. 107 Of Dr. Halley's Method. Many other improvements in the con{tru€tion of logarithms are aifo derived from the fame doétrine of fluxions, as we fhall fhow here- after. In the mean time proceed we to the ingenious method of the learned Dr. Edmund Halley, Secretary to the Royal Society, and the fecond’Aftronomer Royal, having fucceeded Mr. Flamfteed in that honourable office in the year 1719, at the Royal Obfervatory at Greenwich, where he died the 14th of January 1742, in the 86th year of his age. His method was firft printed in the Philofophical _'TranfaCtions for the year 1695, and it is entitled * A moft compen- dious and facile method for conftructing the logarithms, exemplified and demonftrated from the nature of numbers, without any regard to the hyperbola, with a {peedy method for finding the number from the given logarithm.” Inftead of the more ordinary definition of logarithms, as numerorum proportionalinm equidiferentes comites, in this tract our learned author adopts this other, umeri rationem exponentes, as being better adapted to the principle on which logarithms are here conftruéted, where thofe quantities are not confidered as the logarithnis of the numbers, for example, of 2, or of 3, or of 10, but asthe logarithms of the ra- tios of 1 to2, or 1 to 4, or 1 to 10. In this confideration he firft purfues the idea of Kepler and Mercator, remarking that any fuch ratio is proportional to, and is meafured by, the number of equal ratiunculz.contained in each; which ratiuncule are to be underftoad as in a continued fcale of proportionals, infinite in number, between the two terms of the ratio; which infinite number of mean propor- tionals is to that infinite number of the like and equal ratiunculz be- tween any other two terms, as the logarithm of the one ratio is to the logarithm of the other: thus, if there be fuppofed between 1 and 10 an infinite fcale of mean proportionals, whofe number is 100000 &c in infinitum; then between 1 and 2 there will be 30102 &c of fuch proportionals; and between 1 and $ there willbe 47712 &c of them; which numbers therefore are the logarithms of the ratios of 1 to 10, 1 to 2, and 1 to ¥. But for the fake of Ais mode of conftru€ting logarithms, he changes this idea of equal ratiuncule, for that of other ratiunculz, fo conftituted, as that the /ame in- finite number of them fhall be contained in the ratio of 1 to every other number whatever; and that therefore thefe latter ratiunculze will be of unequal or different magnitudes in all the different ratios, and in fuch fort, thatin any one ratio, the magnitude of each of the ratiuncule in this latter cafe, will be as the number of them in the for- mer. And therefore if between 1 and any number propofed, there be takenany infinity of mean proportionals, the infinitely {mall augment or decrement of the ficft of thofe means from the firft term 1, will be a ratiuncula of the ratio of 1 to the faid number; and as the number of all the ratiuncule in thefe continued proportionals is the fame, their 108 CONSTRUCTION OF their fum, or the whole ratio, will be dire€tly proportional to the magnitude of one of the faid ratiuncule in each ratio. But it is alfo evident that the firft of any number of means, between i and any number, is always equal to fuch root of that number, whofe index is expreffed by the number of thofe proportionals from 1 ; fo, if 7 denote the number of proportionals from 1, then the firft term after 1 will be the mth root of that number. Hence, the indefinite root of any number being extracted, the differentiola of the faid root from unity, fhall be as the logarithm of that number. So if there be required the logarithm of the ratio of 1 to 1 + g3 the firft term after 1 will be (i+ 9)", and therefore the required logarithm will be as (1 + q\m —1. 1—m 1 1—n: - 1—2m a 1 1 : Buty {1 ueeap ed bee gick oro ed he Fem sed ORS or by omitting the 1 in the compound numerators, as infinitely {mall in refpect of the infinite number m, the fame feries will become 1 1 —m | 1 am om Ag ee aa Pk Bae em | 1 1 1 1 ; Sock gi gt) he aa aed Bees and hence, finding,-the q’ &c, or by abbreviation it is differentiola by fubtraQting 1, the logarithm of the ratio of 1 tol +4 is as — x (g— 29 + 3¢ —ag' +4¢5—tq> &c.) Now the index m may be taken equal to any infinite number, and thus all the varieties of {cales of logarithms may be produced: fo, if m be taken 1000000 &c, the theorem will give Napier’s logarithms ; but ifm be takenequal to 230258 &c, there will arife Briggs’s logarithms. This theorem being for the increafing ratio of 1 to 1 + 43; if that for the decreafing ratio of 1 to | — g be alfo fought, it will be ob- tained by a proper change of the figns, by which the decrement of the firft of the infinite number of proportionals will be found to be Lai PRO RES ; é F — into g + 39° + 39° + ag° &c, which therefore is as the logarithm of the ratio of 1 to 1 — ¢. _ Hence the terms of any ratio being a and 4, g becomes a or the difference divided by thelefs term, when it is an increafing ratio ; or g foe when the ratio is decreafing, or as ) toa. Therefore the logarithm of the fame ratio may be doubly exprefied; for, putting x for the difference b — a of the terms, it will be 1 ite x xe? x? x* - m a 24? 3a° Aa’ Bik x xe x? x* OP ADtO oe ae ae i ee Oe Mm b 26? ne 35° Abt But if the ratio of ato 4 be fuppofed divided into two parts, namely, into LOGARITHMS. 108 into the ratio of a to 4a + 4) or iz, and the ratio of tz to 4, then will the fum of the logarithms of thofe two ratios, be the logarithms of the ratio ofa to 6. Now by fubftituting in the foregoing feries, the logarithms of thofe two ratios will 5 a x 2 3 4 5 iy on es see MRT te i dB EA m z Qx? 32° Ac! 52? iy x x? Fo x4 Eo and— into —.— —. + —_ —___4 "_. &c; and hence the fum, m z Da XB ix® 4iz* 52? 1 Bie 9x + 9x3 ox? Qx7 2x9 or —_ into ae oe ULE Net, Sit, mm f-: ES Y i Lei Oz? will be the log. of the ratio of a to J. Moreover, if from the logarithm of the ratio of a to iz be taken that of tz to 4, we fhall have the logarithm of the ratio of ab to 427; and the half of this gives that of Wad to tz, or of the geometrical mean to the arithmetical mean. And confequently the logarithm of this ratio will be equal to half the difference of that of the above two 2 4 6 3 ratios, and will therefore be . into 3 + i + 5 +- — &c. The above feries are fimilar to fome that were before given by Newton and Gregory, for the fame purpofe, deduced from the con- fideration of the hyperbola. But the rule which is properly our au- thor’s own, is that which follows,-and is derived from the feries above given for the logarithm of the fum of two ratios. For the ratio of ab to jz’ or 4a’ + 4ab + 30’, having the difference of its terms ta°— iab + 10° or (44—4a)? or 6107016/2 —1838335/10] Z 0,3010299950040 0 = 364511 O + 235313 N = 2302585825187 12 — 693147400972 /10 7 0,301029995663987| they ‘LOGARITHMS. 117 they are compofed of the logarithms of 2 and 10, the numbers in gueftion, thofe logarithms being denoted thus, /2 and /10. Then multiplying the two numbers in the firft column together, there is produced a third number 1,024, again{ft which is written C, for its logarithm, exprefling likewife by an equation in what manner C igs formed of the foregoing logarithms A and B. And in the fame man- ner the calculation is continued throughout; only obferving this compendium, that before multiplying the two laft numbers already entered in the table, to confider what power of one of them muit be ufed to bring the product the neareft that can be to unity. Now after having continyed the table a little way, this is found by only dividing the differences of the numbers from unity one by the other, | and taking the neareft quotient for the index of the power fought. Thus the fecond and third numbers in the table being 0,8 and 1,024, their differences from unity are 0,200 and 0,024; hence 0,200 + 0,024 gives 9 for the index; and therefore multiplying the 9th power of 1,024 by 0,8 produces the next number 0,990352031429, whofe logarithm is D= B + 9C, When the calculation is continued in this manner till the numbers become {mall enough, or near enough to 1, the laft logarithm is fuppofed equal to nothing, which gives an equation exprefling the relation of the logarithms, and from thence the required logarithm is determined. ‘hus, fuppofing G = 0, we have 2136/2 — 643/10 = 0, and hence, becaufe the logarithm of 10 is 1, we obtain /2 = = 0,30102996, too fmall in the laft figure 2136 only; which fo happens, becaufe the number correfponding to G is greater than 1. ‘Andin this manner are all the numbers in the third or laft column obtained, which are continual approximations to the logarithm of 2, There is another expedient, which renders this calculation ftill fhorter, and it is founded on this confideration ; that when x is fmall, (1 +x) is nearly = 1 + x. Hence if 1 + » and 1—pwohr ou On & 1 mere '0009|1,002074475|| 1,009 41,020939484 1,018591388 1,016248694 1,013911386 1,011579454 1,009252886 1,006931669 1,004615794 1,002305238 8|1,001843766 7|1,001613109 6|1,001382506 5|1,001151956 4|1,000921459 3]1,000691015 211,000460623 t|1,000230285 motoh OOnN © - © © © joak fied Cr ak ise) (=) 5000009} 1,000020724 1 11,000002302 Log.'Nat. Numb.||. Log. {Nat. Numb, 00009 |1,000207254 1,000184224. 1,000161194 |1,000023026 8/1,000018421 7\1,000016118 6|1,000013816 5 1,000011513 4| 1000009210 3)1,000006908 2)1,000004605 Nat. Numb, 1,000002072 1,000001842 000001611 000001381 000001151 000000924 1,000000690 1,000000460 1,000000230 =r —_ ary 500000009} ,000000207 8]1,000000184 7|1,000000161 6|1,000000138 511,000000115 4|1,000000092 3}1,000000069 2|1,000000046 1/1,000000023 where, becaufe the logarithms in each clafs are the continual mul- tiples 1, 2,3, &c, of the loweft, it is evident that the natural num- bers are fo many {cales of geometrical proportionals, the loweft be- ing the common ratio,’ or the afcending numbers are the 1, 2, 3, &c powers of the loweft, as expreffed by the figures 1, 2, 3, &c of their correfponding logarithms. third, &c clafs, is the 10th, 100th, 1000th, &c root of 10; and any number in any clafs is the 10th power of the correfponding number in the next following clafs. 'To find the logarithm of any number, as fuppofe of 2000, by this table, Lock in the firft clafs for the number next lefs than the firft figure 2, and it is 1,995262315, againft which is 3 for the fir{t figure of the logarithm fought. Again, dividing 2, the number 4 Alfo the laft number in the firft, fecond, propofed, LOGARITHMS. - 119 propofed, by 1,995262315, the number found inthe table, the quo- tient is 1,002374467; which being looked for in the fecond clafs of the table, and finding neither its equal nor a lefs, O is therefore © to be taken for the fecond figure of the logarithm; and the fame quotient 1,002374467 being looked for in the third clafs, the next lefs is there found to be 1,002305238, againft which is 1 for the third figure of the logarithm; and dividing the quotient 1,002374467 by the faid next lefs number | 002305238, the new quotient is 1 ,000069070; which being fought in the fourth clafs gives 0, but fought in the fifth clafs gives 2, which are the fourth and fifth figures of the lo- garithm fought : again, dividing the -laft quotient by 1,000046053, the next lefs number in the table, the quotient is 1,000023015, which gives 9 in the 6th clafs for the 6th figure of the logarithm fought: and again dividing the laft quotient by 1,000020724, the next lefs number, the quotient is 1,000002291, the next lefs than which, in the 7th clafs, gives 9 for the 7th figure of the logarithm: and dividing the laft quotient by 1,000002072, the quotient is 1,000000219, which gives 9 in the 8th clafs for the 8th figure of _ the logarithm: and again the laft quotient 1,000000219 being di- vided by 1,000000207, the next lefs, the quotient 1,000000012 gives 5 in the fame 8th clafs, when one figure is cut off, for the 9th figure of the logarithm fought. All which figures collected together give 3,301029995 for Briggs’s logarithm of 2000, the index 3 being fi plied ; which logarithm is true in the laft figure. To find the number anfwering to any given loga- {3{1,995962315 rithm, as fuppofe to 3,3010300: omitting the cha- |o\0 racteriftic, againft the other figures 3,0,1,0,3,0,0, {1/1,002305238 as in the firft column in the margin, are the feveral {9/0 numbers as in the 2d column, found from their re- _|9,1,000069080 {pective Ift, 2d, 3d, &c claffes; the effective num- 0,0 bers of which multiplied continually together, the nit laft product is 2,000000019966, which, becaufe the characteriftic is 3, gives 2000,000019966, or 2000 only, for the required number, anfwering to the given logarithm. ~ Of Mr. Fones’s Method. In the 61f volume of the Philofophical Tranfa€tions, is a fmall paper on logarithms, which had been drawn up, and left unpublifhed, by the learned and ingenious William Jones, Efq. The method con- tained in this memoir, depends on an application of the doctrine of fluxions, to fome properties drawn from the nature of the exponents of powers. Here all numbers are confidered as fome certain powers of a conftant determinate root : fo, any number x may be confidered as the z power of any root, or that x = ris a general expreflion for all numbers, in terms of the conftant root 7, and a variable expo- nentz. Now the index z being the logarithm of the number », therefore, to find this logarithm, is the fame thing, as to find what power of the radical ris equa! to the number x. ) From 136 CONSTRUCTION OF From this principle, the relation between the fluxions of any number, +, and its logarithm z, is thus determined: Put r = 1 + 23 : 2 S : z+ Zz then is x =r = (L+2), and# + «¢=(1 +2) “=(14n) xX {t+ n) =m x (1+ n) , which by expanding (1 + n)'s omitting the a 2d, 3d, &c powers of z, and writing ¢ for rey becomes eben Xs gtigtig tig kes | therefore + = axz, putting a for the feries g + 29? + ty° &e;y a% . ° I or fa = «#2, plitting f = i, Now when r = 1 + 2 = 10, as in the common logarithms of Briggs’s form; then »=9,q = ,9, and the feries g + 49’ + 44% &c, gives @ = 2,302585 &c, and therefore its reciprocal f = 9434294 &c. Butifea=1 =f, the form will be that of Napier’s logarithms. | RIDE MO From the above form rz = fx, or z =~» are then deduced many curious and general properties of logarithms, with the feveral feries heretofore given by Gregory, Mercator, Wallis, Newton, and Halley. But of all thefe feries, that one which our author feleéts f-—p j » the r . Cass logarithm of is = 2fx: N+iN° + 5N? + 5N’ &c, in the for conftructing the logarithms, is this, putting N = cafe in which r— p is = 1, and confequently in that cafe 3 N= oho Spa : Elence, having given any numbers, 9”, g, r, &c, and as many ratios’ a, 5, c, &c, compofed of them, the difference between the two terms of each ratio being 1; as alfo the logarithms 4, B, C, &c of thofe ratios given: to find the logarithms P, 9, R, &c of thofe numbers ; fuppofing f= 1. For inftance, if p= 2, g=3, r= 53 ; which feries will then converge very faft. d . a | eed 7 : h ] — > b — ; 3 — pee ae N W = rithms 4, B, C, of thefe ratios a, 4, c, being found by the above feries, from the nature of powers we have thefe three equations, A= 22 —3P which equa- (P = 34 + 48 + 2C = log. of 2. Bx=4P— Q—- Rt tions re- = 5A + 6B + 3C = log. of 3. C=2R— Q—3P) duced give (R=7A+ OB + 5C = log. of 5. And hence P+ R=104+4 13B + 7C is = the logarithm of 2X 5or 10. An elegant tract on logarithms, as a comment on Dr. Halley’s method, was alfo given by Mr. Jones, in his Syzopfs Palmariorum Mathefeos, publifhed in the year 1706. And, in the Philofophicak Tranfactions, he communicated various improvements in goniome- trical LOGARITHMS. 121 trical properties, and the feries relating to the circle and to trigono- metry. | | The memoir above defcribed was delivered to the Royal Society by their then librarian, Mr. John Robertfon, a worthy, ingenious, and induftrious man; who alfo communicated to the Society feveral little tracts of his own relating to logarithmical fubje€ts; he was alfo the author of an excellent Treatife on the Elements of Naviga- tion in two volumes; and he was fucceilively mathematical mafter to Chrift’s hofpital in London; head mafter to the royal naval aca- demy at Portfmouth ; and librarian, clerk, and houfekeeper to the Royal Society; at whofe houfe, in Crane-Court, Fleet-Street, he died in 1776, aged 64 years. And among the papers of Mr. Robertfon, Ihave, fince his death, found one containing the following particulars relating to Mr. Jones, which I here infert, as 1 know of no other account of his life, &c, and as any true anecdotes of fuch extraordinary men mutt always be acceptable to the learned. ‘This paper is not in Mr. Robertfon’s hand writing, but in a kind of running law-hand, and is figned R. M. 12 Sept. 1771. “ William Jones, Efq. F.R.S. was born at the foot of Bodavon mountain [Mynydd Bodafon], in the parifh of Llanfihangel tre’r Bardd, in the ifle of Anglefey, North Wales, in the year 1675. His father John George * was a farmer of a good family, being defcended from Hwfa ap Cynddelw, one of the 15 tribes of North Wales. He gave his two fons the common fchool education of the country, reading, writing, and accounts, in Englifh, and the Latin grammar. Harry his fecond fon took to the farming bufinefs; but William the eldeft, having an extraordinary turn for mathematical ftudies, determined to try his fortune abroad from a place where the fame was but of little fervice to him; he accordingly came to Lon- _don, accompanied by a young man, Rowland Williams, afterwards “an eminent perfumer in Wych-Street. ‘The report in the country is, that Mr. Jones foon got into a merchant’s counting-houfe, and fo gained the efteem of his mafter, that he gave him the command of a fhip for a Weft-India voyage; and that upon his return he fet up a mehematical fchool, and publithed his book of navigation + ; and that upon the death of the merchant he married his widow: that Lord Macclesfield’s fon being his pupil, he was made fecretary to the chancellor, and one of the D. tellers of the exchequer—and_ they have a ftory of an Italian wedding which caufed great difturbance in Lord Macclesfield’s family, but compromifed by Mr. Jones; which * Tt is the cuftom in feveral parts of Wales for the name of the father to be- come the furname of his children. John George the father was commonly call- ed Sion Siors of Llambabo, to which parifh he moved, and where his children were brought up.” + This traét on navigation, intitled, ‘‘ A new Compendium of the whole Art of Practical Navigation,” was publifhed in 1702, and dedicated “ to the reverend and learned Mr. John Harris, M.A. and F.R.S.”’ the author, I apprehend, of the “ Uniyerfal Di@ionary of Arts and Sciences,’ under whole roor Mr. Jones jays he compefed the faid treatife on Navigation. : R gave 122 CONSTRUCTION OF gave rife to a faying, that Macclesfield was the making of Jones, and Jones the making cf Macclesfield.” | Mr. Jones died July 3, 1749, being vice-prefident of the Royal Society; and left one daughter, and his widow with child, which proved a fon, who was the late Sir William Jones, one of the judges in India, and highly efteemed for his great abilities and extenfive learning. ' - Euler’s method given in his Introd. in Anal. Infinit. is much the fame, in manner and effect, as that of Mr. Jones, given above. Of Mr. Andrew Reid and Others. Andrew Reid, Efg. publifhed in 1767 a quarto tract, under the title of An Effay on Logarithms, in which he alfo fhows the compu- tation of logarithms from principles depending on the binomial theo- rem andthe nature of the exponents of powers, the logarithms of numbers being here confidered as the exponents of the powers of 10. He hence brings out the ufual feries for logarithms, and largely exemplifies Dr. Halley’s moft fimple conftruction. Befides the authors whofe methods have been here particularly defcribed, many others have treated on the fubje&t of logarithms, and of the fines, tangents, fecants, &c ; among the principal of whom are Leibnitz, Euler, Maclaurin, Wolfius, and prefeffor Simfon in an elegant geometrical tract on logarithms, contained in his pofthu- mous works, elegantly printed in 4to. at Glafgow, inthe year 1776, | at the expence of the very learned Earl Stanhope, and by his Lord- fhip difpofed of in prefents among gentlemen moft eminent for ma- thematical learning. Of Mr. Dodfon’s Anti-logarithmic Canon. ‘The only remaining confiderable work of this kind publifhed, that I know of, is the Anti-logarithmic Canon of Mr. James Dodfon, an ingenious mathematician, which work he publifhed in folio in the — year 1742: a very great performance, containing all logarithms under 100000, and their correfponding natural numbers to 1! places of figures, with alltheir differences and the proportional parts; the _ whole arranged in the order contrary to that ufed in the common tables of numbers and logarithms, the exact logarithms being here placed firft, and increafing continually by 1, from 1 to 100000, with their correfponding neareft numbers in the columns oppofite to them; and by means of the differences and proportional parts, the Jogarithm to any number, or the number to any logarithm, each to 11 places of figures, is readily found. ‘This work contains alfo, be- fides the conftruction of the natural numbers to the given logarithms, “* precepts and examples, fhowing fome of the ufes of logarithms, in facilitating the moft dificult operations in common arithmetic, cafes of intereft, annuities, menfuration, &c; to which is prefixed an introduction, containing a fhort account of logarithms, and of the moft confiderable improvements made, fince their invention, in the manner of conftruCting them.” | The manner in which thefe numbers were conftruCted, confifts chiefly 4 LOGARITHMS. 123 chiefly in imitations of fome of the methods before ‘defcribed. by Briggs, and is nothing more than generatinga fcale of 100000 geo- metrical proportionals, from 1 the leaft term to 10 the greateft, each continued to 11 places of figures; and the means of effeCting this, are fuch as eafily flow from the nature of a feries of proportionals, and are briefly as follow. Firft, between 1 and 10, are interpofed 9 mean proportionals; then between each of thefe 11 terms there are interpofed 9 other means, making in all 101 terms; then between each of thefe a 3d fet ot 9 means, making in all 1001 terms; again between each of thefe a 4th fet of 9 means, making in all 10001 terms ; and laftly, between each two of thefe terms, a 5th fet of 9 means, making in all 100001 terms, including both the 1 and the 10. The firft four of thefe 5 fets of means, are found each by one extraction of the 10th root of the greater of the two given terms, which root is the leaft mean, and then multiplying it continually by itfelf according to the number of terms in the fection or fet ; and the 5th or laft feGiion is made by interpofing each of the 9 means by help of the method of differences before taught. Namely, putting 10 the greateft term I x i ae | rt a= ASGHAR ri, (BE? ox © ORF = DD) * ono Eeand Er Snr ke now extracting the 10th root of A or 10, it. gives 1,25892541138 =—B fe ses ie — A T° for the leaft of the 1ft fet of means; and then multiplying it continually by itfelf, we have B, B?, B3, B+, &ctoBt° =A for all the 10 terms: 2dly, the 10th root of 1,2589254118 gives i ays i 1,0232929923 = C = Bt® — A‘ for the leaft of the 2d clafs of means, which being continually multiplied gives C, C*, C’, &c, to Creo = Bt? = A for all the 2d clafsof 100terms: 3dly, the 10th root Zz I Lt pi l,02 39920922 aiwes 1002 105038 tien) CTS —— BI Aree for the leaft of the 3d clafs of means, which being continually mitiltipliedsepives.D,'D%, Ds 8rcito .D ieoh = Cr2? Book for the 3d clafs of 1000 terms: 4thly, the 10th root of. 1,0023052381. ir I gives 1,0002302850 = E = Dro — CTs — Bross = ATCO foy the leaft of the 4th clafs of means, which being continually mul- Ciplicd, dives Deis oc cD. bore ee ee eo Bre for the 4th clafs of 10000 terms. Now thefe 4 claffes of terms, thus produced, require no lefs than 11110 multiplications of the leaft means by themfelves: which however are much facilitated by making a fmall table of the firft 10 or even 100 produ€ts of the conftant multiplier, and from thence. only taking out the proper lines and adding them together: and thefe 4 clafies of numbers always prove themfelves at every 10th term, which mutt always agree with the correfponding fucceffive terms of the preceding clafs. The remain- ing 5th clafs is conftructed by means of differences, being much eafier than the method of continual multiplication, the 1ft and 2d differences only being ufed, as the 3d difference 1s too {mall to enter the computation of the fets of 9 means between each two terms of the 4th clafs. And the feveral 2d differences for each of thefe fets of 9 means, are found from the properties of a fet of proportionals ly 7, 124 CONSTRUCTION OF LOGARITHMS. l,r, 7°, ry &c, as [Terms] itdif. | 2ddif. | 3ddif. | &e difpofed in the lft co- 1x |(r—1) x|(7—1)P X|(r—1)3 X] lumn of the annexed 1 1 aa | 1 table, and their fever ral orders of differences as in the other columns of the table ; where it is evident that each column, both that of the given terms of the progreffion, and thofe of their orders of differences, forms a f{cale of proportionals, having the fame common ratio r, and that each horizontal line, or row, forms a.geometrical progreflion, having all the fame common ratio r— 1, which is alfo the 1{t difference of each fet of means; fo (r—1)* is the 1ft of the gd differences, and which is conftantly the fame, as the 3d differences become too {mall in the required terms of our pro- ’ greffion to be regarded, as leaft near.the beginning of the table: hence, like as 1, y-—1, and (r-—1)’ are the firft term, with its 1ftand 2d differ- ences; for’, r° (r—1), and r” (r—1)’ are any other term with its 1ft and 2d differences. And by this rule the 1{t and 2d differences are to be found for every fet of 9 means, viz, multiplying the 1 term of any clafs (which will be the feveral terms of the feries E, E’, E°, &c, or every 10th term of the feries F, F’, Fy &c) by r—1 or F—1 for the 1ft difference, and this multiplied by F—1 again for the true 2d difference at the beginning of that clafs. Thus, the 10th root of 1,0002202:50 or E gives 1,000023026116 for F, or the 1ft mean of the loweft clafs, therefore F —1 =r—1 = 3000023026116 is its 1{t difference, and the fquare of it is (r—1)? F 2 f 10 = ,0000000005302 its 2d difference; then is ,000023026116F ” ; 20 or ,00002302611G6E* the 1ft difference, and ,0000000005302F " or ,0000000005 302K” is the 2d difference at the beginning of the mth clais of decades. And this 2d difference ts ufed as the conftant ad difference through all the 10 terms, except towards the end of the table, where the ditterences increafe faft enough to require a {mall corre€tion of the Yd difference, which Mr. Dodfon effects by taking a mean 2d difference among all the 2d differences, in this manner; having found the feries of 1ft differences (F—1) E™ n—t-1 ‘ . ene (F—1)E + »(F—1) E Bie &c, take the differences of thefe, and gs of them will be the mean 2d differences to be ufed, namely, F—1 pr! es E)’, me l (Er ta: ET) > &c, are the mean \ 2d diiferences. And this is not only the more exa@, but alfo the ea- fier way. ‘The common 2d difference, and the fucceflive 1 ft differ- ences, are then continually added, through the whole decade, to give the fucceilive terms of the required progreilion. DESCRIPTION. i C4 ae ase DESCRIPTION AND USE OF LOGARITHMIC TABLES, Auruoucu the nature and conftruction of logarithms have been pretty fully treated in the preceding hiftory of fuch numbers, ‘where the more learned and curious reader will find abundant fatif- faction, I fhall here give a brief, eafy, and familiar idea of thefe - matters, for the practical ufe of young ftudents in this fubject. Lhe Definition and Notation of Logarithms. : Logarithms are the indices or arithmetical feries of numbers, adapt- ed to the terms of a geometrical feries, in fuch fort that 0 correfponds to 1, oris the index of it, in the geometricals. Thus iW wl YP 3 4... 5, &c. indices or logarithms, is ee 8 16 32, &c. geometric progreflion. ae ee bv 2 aes ‘i 5, &c. indices or logarithms, ae eae a = 243, &c. geometric feries. a2 3 + 5,. &c. indices or logarithms, Where the fame indices ferve equally for any geometric feries; and from which it is evident, that there may be an endlefs variety of fyftems of logarithms to the fame common numbers, by varying the 2d term, 2, or 3, or 10, &c, of the geometric feries; as this will change the original feries of terms, whofe indices are the integer numbers, 1, 2, 3, &c3 then by interpolation the whole fyftem of numbers may be made to enter the geometrical feries, and receive their proportional logarithms, whether integers or decimals, Or, the logarithm of any number is the index of that power of fome other number, which is equal to the given number. So, if N 0 7 vi } 1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, &c. geometric feries. be =r’, then the logarithm of N is z, which may be either pofitive or negative, andr any number whatever, according to the different fyftems of logarithms. When N is 1, then =0, whatever the va- jue of ris; and confequently the logarithm of 1 is.always 0 in every fyftem of logarithms. When »# is = 1, then- N is = +3; confe- quently 7 is always the number whofe logarithm is 1, in every fyftem. When 7 is = 2°718281828459 &c, the indices are the hyper- bolic logarithms, fuch as in our 7th table; fo that is the hyperbo- lic logarithm of (2°718 &c)’. But in the common logarithms, r is F 126 DESCRIPTION AND USE is = 103 fo that the common logarithm of any number ( 10°) is (x) the index of that power of 10 which is equal to the faid num- ber. So 1000, being the 3d power of 10, has 3 for its logarithm; 1-69897 ; and if 50 be = 10 , then is 1°69397 the common logarithm of 50. And hence it follows, that this decupal feries of terms 4 10% , 103 , 107,10", 10°, 10. 10. 10 ;, 10 "ts or 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1, ‘l ,*Ol ,*00L 4, -0001 , have 4°. §)...38) gp ID 5 Beg endr sabes | 2s GS Ses = re{pectively for their logarithms. The logarithm of a number comprehended between any two terms of the firft feries, 1s included between the two correfponding terms of the latter, and therefore that logarithm will confift of the fame index (whether pofitive or negative) as the lefs of thofe two terms, together with a decimal fraCtion, which will always be pofitive. So the number 50, falling between 10 and 100, its logarithm will fall between 1 and 2, and is=1°69897, the index of the lefs term, toge- ther with the fame decimal *69897 as before: aifo the number.°05, falling between the terms*l and ‘01, its logarithm will fall between —— 1 and — 2, and. is indeed = — 2 + °69897, the index of the lefs term together with ftill the fame decimal:69897. Uhe index is alfo called the characteriftic of the logarithms, and is always an integer, either pofitive or negative, or elfe = 0; and it fhows what place is occupied by the, firft fignificant figure of the given number, either above or below the place of units, being in the former cafe + or po- fitive, in the latter — or negative. es Re 2 , When the characteriftic of a logarithm is negative, the fign — is commonly fet over it, to diftinguith it from the decimal part, which being the logarithm found in the tables, is always pofitive: fo — 2+ °69897, or the logarithm of :05, is written thus 2°69897. But on fome occafions it is convenient to reduce the whole expreflion to a negative form ; which is done by making the charaCteriftic fi- gure lefs by 1, and taking the arithmetical complement of the deci- mal, thatis, beginning at the left hand, fubtract each figure from 9, except the laft fignificant figure, which fubtra&t from 103; fo fhall the remainders form the logarithm entirely negative. ‘Thus the logarithm of -05, which is 2°69897, or — 2 + 69897, is alfo exprefled by — 1*3010%, which is wholly negative. It is alfo fometimes thought more convenient to exprefs fuch logarithms wholly as pofitive, namely, by only joining to the tabular decimal the complement of the index to 10: in which way the above logarithm is exprefled by 8*69897 5 which is only increafing the indices in the fcale by 10, [tis allo convenient, in many operations with logarithms,to take their arithmetical complements, which is done by ‘beginning at the left hand, and fubtra€ting every figure from 9, but the lait figure from 10: fo the arithmetical complement : of 1°69897 Cand of 2°698972 where the index — 2, being nega- is 8°30103 @° itis 11°30103 § tive, is added to 9, and makes 11. ag The OF LOGARITHMIC TABLES. 127 The Properties of Logarithms. From the definition of logarithms, either as being the indices of a feries of geometricals, or as the indices of the powers of the fame root, it follows, that the multiplication of the numbers will anfwer to the addition of their logarithms; the-divifion of numbers to the {ubtraction of their logarithms; the raifing of powers, to the multi- plying the logarithm of the root by the index of the power; and the extracting of roots, to the dividing the logarithm of the given number by the index of the root required to be extracted. So. 1B Lae! ot? @ Xe si Ls a@i-b Deb Tici8 ors Gis L. 3 4d. 6 B65, KO 74a Ais La eee. 0 4 Lg 2d. Li. a 5 1S) Die oe a L. 18~+6 is=L. is—L. 6 . L. 7ox5+—9is = L. FO+L 5—bL. 9 L. fdorl+2is=bL.1—-L2=-0-LiI—L2 torn isc: — lex z ~ ™ ¥ on , Bich Ris n ° 1} Ne wt Sd Lar ist 8le rs Lr On la ria re Lr is ~ Lr. nN ‘ I 3 3 Ls 20s = 01,2; D.-25 or Ly Bis fF 23 25 is ee ge So that any number and its reciprocal have the fame logarithm, but with contrary figns; and the fum of the logarithms of any num- ber and its complement, is equal to 0. ; Lo conftrud Logarithms. It has been fhewn, in the foregoing hiftorical part, that the loga- af “hy ¢ db. 2g x x3 ¥? x 7 ty ‘ rithm of — is = — rey Fee ag eas —— &c, where ae a pr ieos tere ta? P “re the sum, and » the difference of a and 4; alfo m= 2°202585092994 &c, the hyp. logarithm of 10. Therefore if a and 4 be any two numbers differing only by unity, fo that x or 6— a may be = 1; 2 1 1 1 then fhall the logarithm of bbe = L. a + noe hana t Bye oe Which gives this rule in words at length: call z the fum of any number (whofe logarithm is fought) and the number next lefs by unity ; divide °8685889638 &c (or 2 + 2°23025 &c) by z, and re- ferve the quotient: divide the referved quotient by the fquare of z, and referve this quotient: divide this laft quotient alfo by the fquare of z, and again referve this quotient: and thus proceed, continually, dividing the laft quotient by the {quare of z, as long as divifion can be made. - Then write thefe quotients orderly under one another, the firft uppermoft, and divide them refpectively by the uneven num- bers 1, 3, 5, 7) 9, 11, &c, as long as divifion can be gs : that 123 “DESCRIPTION AND USE that is, divide the firft referved quotient by 1, the 2d by 3, the 3d by 5, the 4th by 7, &c. Add all thefe laft quotients together, then ~ the fum will be the logarithm of 6 + a; and therefore to this loga- rithm adding alfo the logarithm of @ the next lefs number, the {um will be the required logarithm of d the number propofed. | Er.1. To find the Log. of 2. » Ex,2. To find the Log. of 3. ° Here the next lefs number is1, & 2+ 1/Herethe next lefs number is 2, and 2+ 3 =— 3 = 2, whofe fquare is 9. ‘Then = 5 = 2, whofe fquare is 25, to divide 3)'868588964| 1)-289529054(:289529654| by which always multiply by ‘04. Then ©)°289529654| 3) -32169962( 1072332115 ):868588964] 1)'173717703(°173717793 ©) 32169962; 5) 3574440( 714888|25)-173717793] 3) 6948712( 2316237 ©) 3574440 7) 397160( 56737|25) 60948712) 5) 277948( 55590 9) 397:60' 9) 44129( 4903/25) 277948] 7) 11118( 1588 ©) 4412911) A903¢ ' 446/25) 11318} 9) 4A8( 50 Q) 4903 13) 545 ( 42|25) 445\i1) 18( 2 9) 545 15) O1¢ a TS - « °176091260 A annette ee y, i PF 2 9) | 61) Log. = *301020995 L. 2add - -301029905 Add L.1 = *000000000 Li3 0 ~ 4771291255 Log. of 2 = | *301020995 Then becaufe the fum of the logarithms of numbers gives the lo- garithm of their product, and the difference of the logarithms gives the logarithm of the quotient of the numbers, from the above two ‘logarithms, and the logarithm of 10 which 1s 1, we may raife a great many other logarithms, thus: Ex. 3% Becaufe2 x 2— 4, therefore| Ex.6, Becaufe 32 = 9, therefore tol.2 - - - *3010299952 L.3° - + = 477121254, add b.2-+ - - °301029995% mult. by2 = + y Ee fumisL.4 - - 6020599914 gives L.Q ~- °054242509 © _Ex. 4. Becaufe2 x 3 —6, therefore! Ex. 7, Becaufe 42 = 5, therefore toL.2 - = ~- *301020095 ‘from L. 10 - 1°000000000 add L.3 - = °477121255 takeL.2 - -. ‘*3010299952 ‘ fumisL,6 - - °778151250 leaves L.5 = °698Q700044 Ex.5, Becaufe 23 = 8, therefore |Ex. 8. Becaufe 12 =3 x 4, therefore L,2- - - = 3010299952 toL.3 - - = °477121255 mult. by3 - - 3 addL.4 - + ‘602059901 . ‘ gives]L.8 - - ‘908089987 |. givesL.12 - 1°079181246 And thus, computing, by the general rule, the logarithms of the other prime numbers 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, &c3 and then ufing compofition and divifion, we may eafily find as many logarithms as we pleaie, or may ipeedily examine any logarithm in the table. THE ( 199 ) THE DESCRIPTION AND USE OF THE TABLES, Tue following colle€tion .confifts of various tables, in the fol- lowing order, viz. 1, A large table of logarithms to 7 places of figures; 2, A table for finding logarithms and numbers to 20 places; 3, Logarithms to 20 places, with their 1f{t, 2d, and 3d differences 5 4, Another table of logarithms to 20 places, with their 1ft, 2d, and 3d differences 5 5, Logarithms to 61 places ; 6, Another table of !o- garithms to 61 places, with their 1{t, 2d, 3d, and 4th differences 3 71, Hyperbolic logarithms ; 8, Logiftic logarithms, 9, Logarithmic fines and tangents to every fecond of the firft ¥ degrees; 10, Natural and logarithmic fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines, with their differ- ences to every minute of the quadrant. After which follow feveral {maller tables ; as a table of the lengths of circular arcs; a traverfe table, or table of difference of latitude and departure, to every degree and quarter point of the compafs; atable for changing the common logarithms into hyperbolic logarithms; and a table of the names and number of degrees &cin every point of the compafs ; as alfo lifts of errata in various works of this fort. Of each of which in their order. Of the large Table of Logarithms. The firft is the large table of logarithms, to all numbers from 1 to 100000; by which may be found the logarithm to any number, and the number to any logarithm, to 7 places of figures. ‘This table con- fifts of two parts; the firft contains, in 4 pages, the firft 1000 num- bers with their correfponding logarithms in adjacent columns ; the fe- cond contains all the 100000 numbers and their logarithms, with the differences and proportional parts, difpofed as follows: in the 1{t co- lumn of each page are the firft 4 figures of the numbers, and along the top and bottom of the columns is the 5th figure, in which columns are placed all the logarithms, the firft 3 figures of each logarithm be- ing at the beginning of the lines in the firft column of logarithms, figned O at the top and bottom, and the other 4 figures in the remain- ing columns. Sometimes the firft three figures of the logarithms are found in the line next below the number, viz. when the fourth fi- gures have changed from 9’s to 0’s, in which cafe, a baris placed over the firft cipher, to catch the eye, thus 0. After the 10 columns of logarithms, ftands their column of differences, figned D ; and laftly, after that, the column of proportional parts, figned pro. pts. fhowing what proportional part of each difference correfponds to 1, 2, 3, &c, the whole difference anfwering to 10; or fhowing the +5, +s, +35, &c, of the differences. , Note, The logarithms in thefe columns are all fuppofed to be deci- mals, and their correfponding natural numbers may be either inte- gers or decimals or mixt numbers; for the fame figures, whatever be their denomination, have the fame decimal logarithm, and_thefe differ only in the index or characteriftic, which is the integer num- 9 ber 130. DESCRIPTION AND USE ber to be prefixed to the decimal part of the logarithm ; and this is always the number which exprefles the diftance of the higheft deno-. mination, or left-hand figure, of the natural number from the units place. So that if the natural number confift of only one place of integers, the index of its log. will be 0: if of 2, 3, 4, 5, &c, the index of its logarithm will be refpeétively 1; 2, 3, 4, &c, being 1 lefs than the number of integer places: and the fame figures made negative will give the index of the logarithm of a decimal, viz. if the. natural number be a decimal, and its firft fignificant figure be in the place of primes, 2ds, 3ds, 4ths, &c, the index of its logarithm will be refpectively 1, 2, 3, 4, &c, or the figure which ex- prefles the diftance of the firft place of the natural number from the units place, but with a negative fign, as the number is below the place of units, the fign being written above the index inftead of before it, as that part only of the logarithms is to be confidered as negative, the decimal part of it bemg always affirmative. And in the arithmetical operations of addition and fubtra€tion with loga- rithms, the negative indexes will have the contrary effet to that of the decimal part of the logarithm, viz, when the logarithm is to be added, the figure of the negative index muft be fubtracted, & vice verfa. Hence if 4234097 be the tabular or decimal part of the logarithm belong- ing to the figures 2651, without any re- 4 Number Logar. 2651 3°4234097 gard to their particular denominations ; 265") 2+4.234097 then according as they are varied with 26°51 1°4234.097 re{fpect to the number of decimals, as in 2°651 0°4234097 the 1 ft annexed column, the index of “O61 114934097 their logarithm, and the complete loga- nbs bhhes4b04 s é, ‘ ue ig Oe Lee a)* x rithm, will vary as in the 2d column here rrte: TNS BROIL 70026 51)3°423 L097 annexed. And hence, like as when the natural number is given, we find the in- ot dex of.its logarithm by counting how far its firft figure on the left hand is from the units place; fo when:a logarithm is given, the de- nominations of the figures in its natural number will be found by placing the decimal point fo, that the number of integer places may be { more than that of the index when pofitive, or by fetting the firft fignificant figure in that decimal place, which is exprefied by the number of the index when negative. : Of “finding the Logarithm of a given Number, or the Number to a given ° Logari thm. f 1. To find the Logarithm, of a Number conjfifting of 3 figures. Find the number in the column of numbers in one of the firft 4 pages of the table, and immediately on the right of it is its logarithm _ fought. So the logarithm of 72 is 1°8573525, and the logarithm of 3°33) is 075221442, when the proper index is fupphed, ® Boh \ OF THE TABLES. : 131. 2. To find the Logarithm of a Number confifiing of 4 Places. In the firft column (figned N) in fome one of the pages of the table after the firft four, find the given number, then againft it in the 2d column (figned 0) is the logarithm fought. So the logarithm of 2254 is 3°3529539, and that of 31°32 is 1°4598218. 3. Lo find the Logarithm of a Number confifting of 5 Places. / Find the firft 4 figures of the given number in the firft column as before, and the 5th figure at the top or bottom; then the 7 figures of the logarithm are found in two columns on the line of the firft 4 figures of the given number, viz, the firft 3 figures of the logarithm are the firft 3 common figures of the 2d column (figned 0), and the . laft 4 figures are on the fame line, but in the column figned with the Sth figure of the given number. So the logarithm of 23204 is 4*3655629, and that of 746°40 is 2°8729716, and that of °083178 is 2°9200085. : | Note, When the laft four figures of the logarithm begin with a cipher, or any figure lefs than the laft four in the 2d column begins with, then the firft $ common figures are thofe in the next lower line: fo in the laft example the firft 3 common figurés ate 920, and not So. 4. To find the Logarithm of a Number of 6 Places. Find the logarithm of the firft 5 figures by the laft article, and take the difference between that logarithm and the next following logarithm, or (which is the fame thing) find the difference neareft oppofite in the laft column but one, figned D; then under that dif- ference in the laft column (of proportional parts) and againft the 6th figure of the given number, is the part to be added to the logarithm before found for the firft 5 figures, the fum being the logarithm fought. Soto find the logarithm of 3409°26: the logarithm. of 34092, the firft 5 figures, being 5326525, and the common difler- ence 127, under which and againit 6 in the laft column is 76, which being added to the former logarithm, and the proper index prefixed, we have ¥*5326601 for the whole logarithm required. 5. Lo find the Légarithm of a Number of 7 Places. Find the logarithm, of the firft ¥ figures by the 9d article, and of the fixth figure by the 4th article; then for the logarithm of the 7th figure, divide its proportional part by 10, that is, fet it one place further to the right hand than the laft figure of the logarithm reaches; add all the three together, and their fum will be the logarithm re- quired, , o Thus 132 DESCRIPTION AND USE Thus, to find the logarithm of 3°409264. The feveral parts beingtaken out according Numb. Logars’ to the rule, and placed as in the margin, the 34092 - - 5326525 fum gives the whole logarithm fought. 6 - 76 Note, In the fame way we might take out 4 - 5b the proportional part of an oth figure, divid- 3*40926 4-0'°5326606 ing its tabular part by 100, or fetting it two places further to the right hand than the firft logarithm. Or the whole proportional part for any number of figures above five, may be found at once, by multiplying the common tabular difference of the logarithms, found as before, by all 127 the figures after the 5th, cutting off from the product 54 as many figures as we multiply by, and adding the oU8 re{t to the logarithm of the firft 5 figures before 162 found. So in the laft example above, having found 81,28 the common difference 127, multiplying it by 64 the so0¢505 laft two figures, cutting off two, add the refit to the .=G5caq- ; : : ; 0°5326606 logarithm of the firft 5, as in the margin. For another example, fuppofe we wanted the Jogarithm of the fol- lowing 8 figures 34092648. The operation by both methods will be as below. | 127 94092 = = - = 5326525 ; 648 6mice other F6ix:i| wildest: 9 at01es ch POE Ae saa Sil 508 Be hes me je 1,02 7162 34092648 - - ° 75326607 “82,296. B326525 7°54326607 the fame as the other. 6. To find the Logarithm of a Vulgar Fraétion, or of a Mixt Number. Either reduce the vulgar fraction to a decimal, and find its loga- rithm as above. Or elfe (having reduced the mixt number to an improper fra€tion), fubtract the logarithm of the denominator from the logarithm of the numerator, and the remainder will be the loga- rithm of the fraction fought. | ; Ex.1.To find the log. of 3. or 0:1875| Ex.2. To find the log. of 13jor %. From log,of 3 - - 04771213 |Fromlog.of 55.9 -..- 1°7403027 Take log. of 16 - - 1°2041200 |Take log. of 4 - - 0'6020600 Rem, log. of 3.or ‘1875 1°2730013 (Leaves log. of 58 or 13°75 11393027 1. Lo find the Natural Number anfiering to,any given Logarithm, Find the firft 2 figures, next after the index of the given logarithm, in the fecond column, figned 0, and the other 4 figures on the fame line in one of the nine following columns if the figures of the loga- rithm OF THE TABLES. 133 rithm be thus found exactly, then on the fame line in the firft column are the firft four figures of the natural number, and the 5th is at the top or bottom of that column in which the laft four figures of the log. were found. So to find the number anfwering to the logarithm 2°5890108. In pa. 64 I find the firft three figures 539, and in co- lumn 6 of the line above are found the other four *0108, becaufe the firft three common figures are fuppofed to begin at that part of the line above where they are placed): then on the fame line in the co-' Jumn of numbers ftand the firft four figures 388°1, and 6 at the top of the column, making in all 388-16 for the number fought ; having’ placed the decimal point fo as to make three integers, being 1 more than 2 the index of the given logarithm. But if the given logarithm be not found exaétly in the table, fub- tract the next lefs tabular logarithm from it, and look for the re- mainder in the proportional parts under the difference between the two tabular logarithms next lefs and greater than the given loga- rithm, and againft it, or the part next lefs, isa 6th figure to be an- nexed to the five figures before found. And if the remainder be not found exaétly in the proportional parts, fubtract the next lefs part from it, and annex a cipher to this 2d remainder, then againft the neareft proportional part (either greater or lefs) is a 7th figure to be annexed to the fix before found. And that figure will be the neareft to the truth in that place, either too much or too little. , Ex. To find the number an{wering to the logarithm 1°2335678. The next lefs tab. log. is the log. of 17122 viz. 2335545 1ft rem. 133 The difference is 254 i - 5 for hp al —", _ 2d rem. and the table of pro. pts. gives¢_ _ sg tattle tmart oa) cues So that the number fought is 17°12252, making two integers for the index |. Or the 6th and 7th figures may be found without the table of pro- portional parts, by dividing the firft remaindér by the tabular differ- ence, annexing one cipher to the dividend for each | figure to be found. So, in the laft example, the re- 254)133,00(52 mainder 133, with two ciphers annexed, being di- 127,0 vided by the tabular difference 254, as in the margin, “600 the quotient gives 52 for the 6th and 7th figures, 508 the fame as before. - {n like manner may be found the numbers to the following loga- _ rithms. Loar. 1°2345678 Numb,17+10200 3°7343003] 1 0921406)2°3720468/4:'6123004 3-2946809 5*423758 |'1236348 /-02355303 40954'39 |1970°974 OF 134 DESCRIPTION AND USE OF LOGARITHMICAL ARITHMETIC. I. Multiplication by Logarithms. Add together the logarithms of all the faCtors; then the fum isa logarithm, the natural number correfponding to which, being found in the table, will be the product required. | ) Obferving to add, tothe fum of the afhrmative indices, what is carried from the fum of the decimal parts of the logarithms. And that the difference between the affirmative and negative in- _ dices, is to be taken for the index to the logarithm of the product. Ex. 1. To multiply 23:14 by 5:062. (2x. 2. To mul. 2581926 by 3'457291. 23°14 its log. is 1°3643634 2°581920 iis log. is 04119438 5062 its log. is 0.7013221 3°457291 - - - 0°5387359 — Product 117'1347 - 2°0080855) Prod. 8.92047 - - 0'9506797 ———— pe aad Ex. 3. To mult. 3-902, and 597°16,|Ex. 4. To mult. 3°586, and 2°1046, and ‘0314728 all together. and 0°8372, and 0'0294 all together, 3°902 its log. is 0°5912875 3°586 its log. is 0°5546103 50716 + = 2°7760907 21046 ~ - 03231606 “0314728 - ~ 2:4979353 1°9228292 Prod. 73 33533 - + 1°8653133 0'0294 - -. 2'4683473 Prod. °1857618- - 1'2689564 Here the 2 to carry cancels the 2, and |there remains the 1 to fet down. The 2 cancels the2, and the 1 to carry from the decimals is fet down. Il. Divifion by Logarithms. ~ From the logarithm of the dividend, fubtra& the logarithm of the divifor; the remainder is a logarithm, whofe correfponding number will be the quotient required. But firft obferve to change the fign of the index of the logarithm of the divifor, viz. from negative to affirmative, or from afhirmative’ to negative ; then take the fum of the indices if they be of the fame kind, or their difierence when of different kinds, with the fign of the greater, for the index to the logarithm of the quotient. And when | is borrowed in the left-hand place of the decimal part of the logarithm, add it to the index of the logarithm of the divifor when that index is afhrmative, but fubtraét it when nega- tive; then let the index thus found be changed, and worked with as before. Feel. OF THE Ev, 1. To divide 24163 by 4507. Divid. 24163 its log. 4°3831509 TABLES. 135 Ex. 2. To divide 37'149 by 52376. Divid. 37'149 its log. 1.5699472 Divif. 4567 - - 36590310 Divif. 523°76 - - 2°7191323 Quot. 5°290782. - 0°7235109' Quot. 07002752 - 28508148 Ex. 3. To divide 06314 by *007241. Divid. ‘06314 its log. 2 8003046 3°8597985 0°9405061 Here 1 carried from the decimals to Divif. 007241 Quot. 8°719792 - the 3 makes it become 4%, whiclstaken from the other 2, leaves O remaining. Ex. 4. To divide ‘7438 by 12°9476. Divid. 7438 its log. 1°8714562 Divif. 12°9476 - =—-:1'1121893 Quot. ‘05744094 - 2°7502669 Here the 1 taken from the 1 makes it become 2 to fet down. Ill. Lhe Rule of Three, or Proportion. Add the logarithms of the 2d and 3d terms together, and from their fum fubtract the logarithm of the Ht, by the foregoing rules ; the remainder will be the logarithm of the 4th term required, Or in any compound proportion whatever, add together the loga- rithms of all the terms that are to be multiplied, and from that fum take the fum of the others; the remainder will be the logarithm of the term fought. But inftead of fubtracting any logarithm, we may add its comple- ment, and the refult will be the fame. the logarithm of the reciprocal mainder by taking the given logari By the complement is meant of the given number, or the re- thm from 0 or from 10, changing the radix from O to 103 the eafieft method of doing wich) ig to begin at the left-hand, and fubtra&t each figure from 9, except the laft fignifcant figure on the right-hand, which mutt be fubtradted from 10. But when the index is the reft as before. | And for every negative, add it to 9, and fubtract complement that is added, fubtra& 10 from the laft fum: of the indices. Ex. 1. To finda 934, and 2°519, and357'4862. Ath proportional to{Ex. 2. To finda 3d proportional te to 12°796 and 3°24718. A 72°34 - comp. log. 8°1406215|As 12-796 - comp. ae 8 8929258 To2519 .- - = => 0:4014282'To 3- 24718 ~ 0'5115064 So 357'4802 = + = 2°5532502|/S0 3-24718 - = - 075115064 To 1244827 - - = 1:0951089)7'9 +g940216 = - - 19159380 Ex. 3. To fiod a number ia propor- tion to 379145 as ‘85132 is to 0649. Ex. 4. If the intereft of 100I. tor a year or 365 days be 4°51]. what will be the intereft of 279°25!. for 274 piv days ? As 0649 - comp. log. 11° Beale 100 pales 8'0000000 To 85132 - - - = 1:9300928/45} g¢5 ( COMP: (OB } 7-4377071 So +379145 - =. = 1°5788054 279'25 2+ = = 2°4459032 HWaradet ool. enobaae| (0 4 274 2 =i at. > 2°4377506 “td eres (SQA ih a cme aialer ies O 6532125 To Q433296 - - - U'y740034 LV. Invo/u- 136 DESCRIPTION AND USE IV. Involution, or Raifing of Powers. Multiply the logarithm of the number given by the propofed in- dex of the power, and the product will be the logarithm of the power fought. : Note, In multiplying a logarithm with a negative index by any affirmative number, the product will be negative.—But what is to be carried from the decimal part of the logarithm will be affirmative.— ‘Therefore the difference will be the index of the product; and it is to be accounted of the fame kind with the greater. Ex.1. To find ‘the 2d power offE x, 2. To find the cube of 3:07146. 2°57). Root 2'57Q} its log. 0°4114682' Root 3°07146 its log. 0°487344g9 index - - - - 2 index ---- 3 Power 6°651756 ~ 08229364 Power 28°97575 - 14020347 (Ex. 4, To find the 365th power of Ex.3. To find the 4th power of 1°0045. 709103, Root 1°0045 its log. 0°0019499 Root 09163 its log. 2°9620377 index - - - 305 index ----4 07405 Power ‘0000704938 = 5°8481508 116004 58497 Here4 tim ative ind é | ——— RT iseutan een echt Power 5°148888 - 0°7117135 ing 8, and 3 to carry, the difference 5 is the index of the produét. l hl V. Evolution, or Extraétion of Roots. Divide the logarithm of the power, or given number, by its index, and the quotient will be the logarithm of the root required. Note, When the index of the. logarithm is negative, and the di- vifor is not exa€tly contained in it without a remainder, increafe it by fuch a number as will make it exadtly divifible ; and carry the units borrowed, as fo many tens, to the left-hand place of the de- -cimal part of the logarithm ; then divide the refults by the index of the-root. | : Ex. . OF THE TABLES. Ex.1. To find the fquare root of 305. Power 365 +. - 2) 2°5622929 Root 1910498 = 1°2811405 Ex.3. To find the 10th root of 2. Power 2 - - 10) 0°3010300 Root 1°071773 - 0'0301030 Ex. 5. To find the fquare root of “093. Power ‘093 - - 2) 2°9684829 Root ‘304959 - 1°4842415 Here the divifor 2 is contained ex- actly once in 2 the negative index, therefore the index of the quotient 137 To find the cube root of 12345. Power 12345 - 3) 40914911 Root 23°11162 - 1°3638304 Ex. 2 Ex. 4. To find the 365th root of 1°045. Power 1°045 365) 0'0191163 Root 1;00012L - 0°:0000524 Ex.6. To find the cube root of ‘00048. Power - - - $)4°6812412 Root ‘07820735 - 2'8937471 Here the divifor 3 not being exaétly contained in 4, augment it by 2, to make it become 6, in which the di- is 1. vifor is contained juft 2 times; and the 2 borrowed being carried to the other figures 6 &c, makes 2°6812412, which divided by 3 gives *8937471, OF THE TABLES FOR LOGARITHMS TO TWENTY ‘ PLACES. ‘Turse are tables 2d, 3d, and 4th, beginning at page 187. Of thefe, table 2 contains all numbers from | to 1000, and all uneven numbers from 1000 to 11613; with their logarithms to twenty places : table 3 contains all numbers from 101000 to 101139, with their lo- garitbms to twenty places, and the 1ft, 2d, and 3d differences of thofe logarithms : and table 4 contains all logarithms regularly from 00001. to 00139, with their corref{ponding natural numbers to twenty places, as alfo the 1ft, 2d, and 3d differences of thofe numbers. And by means of them may be found the logarithm to any other number, and the number to any other logarithm, to twenty places of figures. (I.) To find the Logarithms to given Numbers. Casz 1. If the given number 4 be found in any of thefe three tables ; then its logarithm B is in the line even with it. Casz 2. If Jis known to be the product or quotient of numbers found in thefe tables; then B is the fum or difference of the logas rithms of thofe numbers. T Case 138 DESCRIPTION AND USE Case 3, Ifa’, the firft fix fignificant figures of a given number b', be found in table 3; let @ be an integer, A’ its logarithm ; the remaining figures of 4’; x the complement of 5 to d’ or 1; D’, D’, D”, the 1ft, 2d, 3d differences of the logarithms in the fame line with A’; f= + D” x «41 + D”: Then B' the logarithm of the number J' will be ; Ry tO At ee te Aid tyD'+D' xd+A’ - - tol places of figures nearly. ey UK oF Ale) eto 20 Ex.1. Given the number 4: = 0°01010,26227,6351, to find B’ its logarithm nearly to twelve places. | Here a’ = 101026 A’ = 00443,31579,747 § = 0:2276351 0D - --- + 9785,618— “ D’ = 429881746 B’ = 2°00443,41365,365— Exr.2. Given b' = 0:01010,26227,63509,626, to find B’ its log. nearly to 17 places. - Here a = 101026. 5 == 0:22763,509626 ; x = 0'772365; D’ = 42988,174579; D” = 425510. we Ue cal mnths Gime ecm Lo ue ee a real Ot aa ee De ee nie al or GABE LAST 8G txD'+D' - - - - - - = + 42988,33890,31 axD'+.D' x3 - -« - «= ~ = 9785,65466,42 AU - = = 0:0443,31579,74695,33 AndixD’+D'xd4 A,orB’ = 2:004.43,.41365,40161,75 Ex. 3. Given b = 0°01010,26227,63509,62573,17345, to find B’ its log. nearly to 20 places. a’ = 101086. § = 0°22763,50962,5731733 7 =0°7172365490374; r+ 1 = 1°7723653 D'= 42988,17457,46301; D’= 42550,96343 ;D” = 84236. Now 7 DUX WHEL oe ne ee a 4766 Du - - - + - = = 42550,96343 fi. et eet te ee ee = 4955146109 EU f men ee ee a G45 9,62757 Il’ ae Le = a ‘ad ‘ai - Gr 4.2988,17457,86301 taf+D' - - - - - - = - 42988,33890,49058> yaft+D xd = - - - - - 9785,65466,45604 - = = 00443,31579,74695,3279 | And Bo = 6-2-2 (6 ee + 2,00443,41365,40161,78395 Case 4. Ifthe number d do not come under one of the preceding cafes: put for the firft five figures of 6; » for 101, the leaft, or ; a oon y fome one, of the numbers in table 3; then 7 Or— = a is to be had XQ «a b in table 2, with A its logarithm; let 4° =-— or da, and a’ the a firft fix fignificant figures of 3’ (found in table 3) be an integer, | and OF THE TABLES. 139 and A’ its logarithm ; put 3 for the remaining figures of 3’; x the” complement of 6 to ad’; D', D’, D”, the lft, 2d, 3d, differ. ences of the logarithms in fie fame ine with A’; Waar el Ulge,: *+1+D”. Then B the logarithm of the number 4 will be D' x4 A‘ + A = B+ A to 19 cee of pxD’'+D' x3 +A +A=—B + Ato17 figuresinearly Ss Behe ee eee ee nee Ex. Given 6 = 3'14159,26535,89793,25846,26434, to find B to twenty places. Here a = 31415 Letiaics. + S831, RI aes Then J’ = Ge COO; 15840,95144,02970,573 a’ = 101015. 5 ==0°84095 14402,971057; * = 0°15904,8559754 -F P= 1°15905; . D'= 42992,85574,06337; D’= 42560,23099; DY = 84265. BRING Wie ee EE Tlie ose em lee) RS) OB SE DF ee, a) [SREY OO Aa 6O,83099 Ff da) ic ee pettiness We PS ahs 4.2560,55654 DONUTS nN a wi tas Mn hs Vina OO ROTEL Di n= me ew te = (429999,85574,06337 a*f+D) fof Pa OU ge %72999,88968,66008 ye a RS Be ee, ENE Pare 36154,93242,03919 Woke ph aan tA 00438 ,58681,74054,30961 A - = 49276,038905,26837,50555 AndB .- - = = = «@ = 0°49714,98726,94133,85435 144 ji Or, let a Tae: $°216"—=.0°536 x6, Then 4’ = ba = 10°10336,19739447175,0549 ; a = 101033. 3 =0°6197%,94477,50549 3 x= 0°38026,0552253 nti) 1=1°38036; D'’ = 42985 ,19618,80760; D’ — 42545,06747 ; how = 84219. Now; D" xX *+1 Se ae a eT a ere iin, ta | . Par ke hos aol ig SN da es A ET SPER edit nite sie e ey im fe etn ODED OSS APs hm itd mt) =. vm pin 4 eh mee iy BOBOILIOLO dD - = = - == = 42985,19618,30760 ERD iar is ei ee eyes etn 42985,27107, 93670 eX OGG r ne) =; Sek $96ES9:67 187,886 11 A’ - = = 00446,32488,03359,61854 BP - = = = = = =. 1:00446,59127,70547,50665 Aoi im 4s, BOR 2 = 0°50731,60400,76413,65230. =B—A «- « = = 0°49714,93726,94133,85435 140 DESCRIPTION AND USE \IL.) Lo find the Numbers to given Logarithms. # Case 1. When the logarithm B is found in any of thefe three tables: then its number 4 is in the line even with it. Case 2. If the firft five figures (omitting the index) of a given logarithm Bb’, be between 00432 and 00492: take them as an inte- ger, and put A/ and C for the logarithms, in table 3, next lefs and greater than B’, a’ and ¢’ their numbers; let D’ (= C’ — A’) and D" be the 1ft and 2d differences in the line with A’; A = B’— A; di = (c —\a’ =) 1: Sig = See then 2°. = a’ 3 D! D'+ 3 pb Wee + 3, nearly true to 17 places of figures. ix. Given the logarithm B’ - = 5,00446,59127,70547,507 to find J its number. A’ = 5,00446,32488,03359,619 a’ = 101033 | A = 0'26639,67187,888 O- - = 0°61973,944776 D’ = 0°42985,19618,808 6 = 101033:61973,944776 D’ — A = 0°16345,52430,920 X = 0'38026 D’ = 0:00000,42545 % X D” = 0°00000,08089,1 D’ + =: X D” = 0°42985,27707,9 But when any other logarithm B is given, fubdu€t -004321 from the firft fix figuresof B: call the remainder R, and let A be the logarithm in table 2, next lefs than R, or next greater than the complement of R, and a its number: then B = B— A, or B = B + A, will be within the limits of table 3, and 4 will be found as in the preceding example ; and if B’ = B— A, then’ = al’; orif BD = B+ 4, then d=, Case 3. If A’, the firft five figures (omitting the index) of a given logarithm B’, be found in table 4: let a’ be its number; and put A’ asaninteger, and A the remaining figures of B’, and X the complement of A to D’; a’, d’, d", the lft, 2d, 3d differences of the numbers in the fame line with a’; f = d’— 3d" x K+41; then the number 4’, whofe logarithm is B’, will be . dxAQ+t+a = = to 12) @—iXd’xAt+d -. - to17 places of figures nearly. ad—iXf xA+ad - # to 20 , Ex. Given the logarithm B’ = 0:00006,93311,37711,69929, ta find 4 its number to 20 places. Here A’ = 00006, A= 0'93311,37711,69929; X—0'°06688,622883; X + 1 =1:066886; a! = 23029,29742,212933 d’= 53027,52746 3d”. = 1-22100. Now OF THE TABLES. 141 Nowfd”" Xx X+1 - - - 2 - = = = = 43422 ee ais wie a OF LESS A eae SSOTT SOG Fim 8 meg ee tt -63027,09324 1Xf Pde APOE TERS INAS gh 1773,39115 d’ = iti! oh inn, tek e poms @9089, 20 $2 O90 S a—Z7Xf - - = - = = & = = 23029,27968,82178 a— z Xf x A - 2 - - CA ae - ae’ 21488,93801,72000 a - - = = 10001,38 164,64943,57474 Ande vem Safle le. iim) «eo 1100015,96535,81462,9474 Case 4. If the logarithm B do not come under one of the pre- ceding cafes. Put A for the logarithm in table 2, next lefs than B, or next greater than the complement of B, and a its number; let B' = B — A, or B = B + A; and A’, the firit five figures of B’ may be had in table 4, with a’ its number; put A’ as an integer, and let A be the remaining figures of B'; X the complement of A to D’; d, d’, d", the 1ft, 2d, 3d differences of the numbers in the fame line with a’; f= d'— id” x X + 1: then the number 6, whofe logarithm is B’, will be d xA+a@ xa=al' to 0} places of figures d—141XavxXxA+a Xa al to 16 2 nearly. @—iXf xA+4 x a=al' to 19 Ex, Given B = 4°46272,61172,07184,15204, to find 4 its number. Let A = 1°46239,79978,98956,08733. a = 29. B/ = B— A =5-00132,81193,08228,06471. A’ = 00132 A=0°81193,08228,06471; X=0°18806,917723; X + 1=1°18807; d= 23096,20835,345893 d’ = 53181,59733;d" = 1°22457. Nowid” x X+1 - - - = + - = - = 48496 Bien ie er Deals ms ue lg os ddgn = cial Le ie SOAS LEA TO eae te im, se eerie ee OSS PROT Sa Se wert ties a Pa BA ee a het 0 OOD, Sa Ud DP Nee a hee ee ae im | ite et SAI G JOSS A. tt 5 80 @—-3 Xf nee we oe wm 23096,15534,48187 PE Xf XA - = = = = © 18752,48284,85771 , a = = = 10030,44036,01963,96855 be = 2 = & = = & 10030,62788,50248,82626 6 mal = «© = =~ 0'90029,08882,08665,72159,6154 142 DESCRIPTION AND USE, &c. Or, given B = 4°46372,61172,07184,15204, to find 5. Let A = 215365 5584425,71530,11 208. ata 344. B=B + A = 100028 ,45597,78714,26409. A’ = 00028. A = 0°45597,78714,264093 X= 0°54402,21986; X+ 1 Cal 54402 @ = _23040,96629,915215 d”== ~ 53054396394; d"” = = 122163. NS eens I ep Mey Oh ry er aN al ge eee DEE Set we me I?! RR tra i AO S054 7590634. Fmt fe ee eR ee OS e660 ee ie ea et a NS BL ae To Be ig lites DN! 83040 0669091503 ee NT be iy ee ye ee 23040,82198,70342 d—-i*#XfXA - - - = - ~ J0506,10496,55627 ~ @ = = = 10006,44931,70511,67281 BaP oh sor V euimeym yim yep OGS. 155437,81008,22908 sg i - = = = = 0'00029,08882,08665,72159,616 on THE TABLES FOR LOGARITHMS TO SIXTY-ONE PLACES. Thefe are tables 5 and 6, from page 203 to page 207; the former containing the natural numbers in regular order from 1 to 100, and after that all the primes up to 1100, with their correfponding loga- rithms, to fixty-one places of figures 5 5 and the latter in page 207 contains all numbers in order from 999980 to 1000020, with their logarithms, to fixty-one places, as alfo the Ift, 2d, 3d, and 4th dif- ferences of thefe logarithms. And the ufe of thefe tables; in finding the logarithm to any number, or the number to any logarithm, each to fixty-one places of figures, will be as follows. ee, 1 Any 9 $Socug = jo wyIneSo] s,s83ugq soars ‘ox geg6s'essos.o Aq parduytur sry 7, “y Dv ‘6e098‘ss00Z‘0Eesgr‘t08Se'4/861'7Zs62'z0878'sC817%O16Z¢6°08160'90080'Z6000'00000-0 “Tt fo wy eso] peanqepy ; : q 6cOPOOOTI a rr Sekine Seyral a Muae-s ant 6 Sc ON at eee Ot eee ae ge eee et ee eee DETER ROA BATE et SBOE: ZOZST SELET OSESS OGFLO SETLT Pub be 08s ole 6 bb ee os 6 8 ke ee es G6 Wises hie ets oe Wet Cotet eos 8 6 628 Sas eles eves Bt IA ee ee r ob686P‘8sgss'Feses‘s 1002‘ cg I Z86C108 ‘ESC 'SZOF0'S ¢-9 0 0, ee 7S er « wie) 6 ob wie tt ee 6 $0 es ee elke ee et ae ce oS SD 00 Ge ee WO lee 88 eer TEBEC 1 LVOS' STITB ‘88798 GOFS | ZFFO6‘'65640'2 280 1 ‘2092608 16090080‘ 2600000000 0 TT xy — POSE G00 Lceleteslel ceces L8LLs OPSSF SI LET GFREKLIFFCOOFOTOOOTO-GOL eee ee ee eee ome BEI ay — Z£0GSzSQOT ZL csZalesleZLsseces L8LL5 ‘OFSSF' eI Zsl OrscK LI F+7 GOF I ‘OO000 O Jenn ‘y= (1.JEX S1.€) $T8.F8 sandy aay yay ou} pur ‘9 = 1266eosereootZ eslziesled cezes'LesLeoOPssHr'el Let GrsEerZIFFT GOFOL ‘00€78-FG St Nposd ay} ua) ‘Zz ayer ‘OTESTE Joydupnuw sy) so peayur ‘uonvszado ay} uayioty pus ‘aaa wy [IM (LZ Aq paplatp 12% ETE sv) s1ay}0 9WO} Jo ynpoid ay) ‘umouy si }t IY] Lo SpuNos H99q dA¥Y pjnod yupoad yon} ou JI yNgG “9 2,42} UL OOOOOOL Yorvou Sulsq trom AIOA SUNT 929 ST ‘OFESHZ8eE6°6808 IS 1660'08890‘S9986'9 I ES¢'TOFFO'SEL68 OZOTFOSLS¢.0000001 IpNpord ayoym “57g OSI PT-€ joaquin ay} Joy Jayduynw 3y e si (OGET xX G@s Jo payodwios Suraq) yorym ‘Ajre0U OLEsTE saronb GsirTE 4q paplatp 000000866666 | | ‘gynUtu T Jo ore ay Jo sanjeaur ayy (fy) fo wityurso] ay1 Aqosoy3 pure “1 Snojz aq (1 SISMIpes ay} UdYM “Bap OST JO d1e 9y} Jo JAnyeotU ay Jo “{ st JaIOWLIP ayo apd B JO GoUaIEF --uinosto 343) o¢cGs'FF6rZ Gozss'01¢Ze'66E690'T 26 IF 8870S 6LzEs EETOr OFsEs cOL68cEcot GetFI-€ (IT) Jo wiytseso] ayy 33T "910Jaq Se PUNOF aq JIM WYyIIeso] sz YOIYA Aq SsisquUNnu prey ayy jo s10ur yo auo fq apew it Jo y:npoid owoy Jo 10 Gaquinu Uaatd ay} JO ayouy se autey ay} Joorayy soandy asowl 10 “UdAI} “KY Yay ayy aavy [eUy se ‘sa]qe} OY} UI Saquinu jo payodwios ynpoid awio} OJ yao} Udy Spey aq ULd yQnpoid Yon} OU Jr ynq + dJaqunu UALS 941 JO WYWILBOT ay} St AopuleuWad oY} S10WRT 9y}- JO WYIIeSo] 9} OUlYVAIQNy Udyy €ynposd ayy jo wyiiedoy Sq] 2a13 [im “spoy 9a Ft *poqpesqoy 40 €918213 ay 9q Znpo.d ayi zr ‘pappe (GOT ased ur sarsay ayy Aq punoy) saquinu yyy pue ynpoid sy Aq apeul VOTpeIF aY1 JO WY Mw1eSO] 243 pug {u9A13 o7aq} st Wy taro] ajoum ‘9 a]qey UL sAaqUINU ay) JO auO avaU ‘[eUNIDapL sv anpyer ay YUM “ynpoid ay} Jo Sdansy UIAIF JO XY Yay ayy ayvur oj Sraquinu uaais ay} Surdydypnur Ao 10yvF v aq qed You ay3 soz {IM ‘payodmos oF jusvonb 9y2 0] Jaquinu ys4v8u 2y} 10 *¢ a]qeI Ut suaquinu Aue jo *yj0q 30 Penge es 2 > ot eS ey $18961‘¢66zg‘ 12686‘ e6986'z6Zo TS ISFZ‘ TOSFO'SOTIS OStSt'StFORSLEecHPgsOP. OT sees STE 30 “30°F v 60008091 ZOO'VESST eTISE' LFFO0'SE1Z8'61 E86‘ ZSFO4LO6T 66°007TTEF8O000;D0000.0 “s**t ttre teres: A JO WIL] ssosIg AO . : “paxauue sasuataytp yersacy oy) Aq “sa0xzd Og 01 pey Apyeo your aq Aeur myyresoy ays “QO B14") My staquiNU oy} wd9MJoq psonpord soquinu Au JQ ‘7/ON ‘payodoid aq Ue) Jey] SIVQUINU You! JOJ puNo} 3q Avut syuatpadxs yung “Suipaoaad oy] wey) JoypIay a319\u09 T[iM sq} +7 = {6.1 X GP.OX €8. OX TE.T =) FEEIOOO.T St ‘GE s]qQ¥I Ur SIaquinu jo payodurod . glstos €1¥9 1 000F2:‘Z16£9° L269 SLES 608600 SS TZ FFLi6'7SFL8°GEG96 91000 T “= (55 90.1) 82418 91000. 1 Aq pardrayned YOTy AA t OBLsrit ‘iors COEtr I FesoZ‘Z1gos'ZrreZ 91 98'006S4'77880'0L87F9E905°66060.0 890 a eee epics sorry aq} JO WOU £O071z'F099°SE8Z 1*F6E86'1 87962689 VELLF E9086 CFL08 08 129° E9F0 00000-0 feet ie ae “++ suivd aatyesou ay3 Jo wing LISOFETGHOSTT eri 5, Bs. ieee Sey es BO Pn tT Se ee eo ate ey pen ie 6sssos 108rZ‘o0sG1 ‘SZlorrZesl F SP grea eee Vee a TNE STE EE MG ay a oes | ON So BILE ICA RES ce Se NT ees SSETT1 S780 O0SOS'FOFOI'ZESrS GST FO OIFSZOSc60 Me IMR poe as. wee eee wre SEeeS Bitte ets ead weg yea «sane Ge ens EU Ne whe! 6-4 ae .e7s pens, «18 cV 2. He Q08E10'°SZ010' 1 SZ IF I9STE‘STCTS‘SESF9'G0ETT E1469 TFEOS‘O8TL9°E0F£0'00000.0 9 Bee og ge Oi ae agri aN E8FIOE SEsOI SPlos 87269 6760 LEFTE' TG8TEFSOF 1 S9186°69000'00000'00000.1 SF ee) log “sjivd aaljewauye ayy fo wog gOsI¢ sh, ty, Ih ee Be ia ene els ele Sen ea Reet eee | ee OMIT anehe hg ee Peer oe a ee Rr LURE LS SI ee aa! gta TS = Soe my Soe $oclelFe1leo'sss6l‘Z6Eez> fap atee eee eee res 6 a Rie oy em ke ee ee CLS a CL OR Meh Sa od itech Rg pee he ae BE iGe1Si406c9"LZe00'ci0eT BO100BOTEO GEG st Th tet ee se : Pes g Sepia veers cite ee ee ee Ea a 889807 8/60°T8R8 SISTS OSOEF'SIT 69‘ 167TE' FEOF 1'S9 186 6600000000‘ Raph epie ween: Senge toe eae tg a na pr ee 9990790 140% Sa eee” wa 6 te ale Ee, ee Ce fa Da gk De bas, Se ee Lee one Coe Oke, CEES BROS ee ea: es 6S yee OWN “eae Hi 8 eo *. wees 8S ee ee ace’ duels toe gege- see emt # Gitte nd and eRe he Jeire Set g ZSOTIF*ZBOEO'S6L6¢ St OS ae I Ba a Pe CSR a ice CoRR teen et ae ne Sipe a A Ne Oy rept eS 8 Cag obsses‘sooes SbEZI‘STPFOTZI ee, ge a a ROE cot ion 0 en CaO Deel ett ba My aii A a” 9 7: sel Ri a 5, BOLE a ee ic ORC SUTHIRB Ean eS ee tg ee ee oe a ab ee Seccecip eee we = actin GLAPP DOPOT Gere aio htt ee Set ge eee | OW £76008 e601 96e6e' L7eFOL 668% LEesre FI Ses TOSS TF Alt iw WR alata g VT AE RM ei ace os 6G eR eee tk Pro ge Nee ee LLILES‘00C61 FOLLE‘OEOE0' 10198 ‘OEZ8E E0SF9's006zOEEgS GI I Ae ea ie oe RL ROO hs | ae ee ne Sh Rec Re de QOEEIO'SZOIO'I SZIF 1Q8ZESTTTS‘ SESPS' GSOSTE‘EI L69'1F 86868125" eOFED{00000.0 "Tn debts aor a re 146 DESCRIPTION AND USE OF THE TABLE OF HYPERBOLIC LOGARITHMS. This is table 7, in pages 208 - -.- 211, which contain the feries of numbers 1°01, 1°02, 1°03 &c to 10°00, with their hyperbolic logarithms to feven places of figures. They are-fo called becaufe they fquare the afymptotic {paces of the right-angled hyperbola ; and they are very ufeful in finding fluents, and the fums of infinite feries. The table, as well as the following rules, were firft given at the end of Simpfon’s fluxions, but they were rendered much more correct.in the French edition of Gardiner’s tables, printed at Avi- gnon in 1770, being very incorreét in the laft figure in Simpfon’s book. But both thofe books aré very erroneous in the Pregelee for finding logarithms by the table. 1. When the given Number is between 1 and \0. From the given number fubtraét the next lefs tabular number, _divide the remainder by the faid tabular number increafed by half the remainder; add the quotient to the logarithm of the faid tabu- lar number, and the fum will be the logarithm of the number propofed. Ex. To find the hyperbolic loga- ; rithm of 3:4.5678. Here the next lefs 3°45239) °00678 (0019633 nue is 3°45, and its logarithm. — 1°2483742 °2383742, the remainder or dividend log. 1°24033715 cae 718,4its half 339, which joined to the tabular number 3°45, gives the divifor ;. the quotient 0019633 added to the tabular logarithin 12335742, gives 1°2403375 the re- quired logarithm of 3 45678: 2, When the given Number exceeds 10. Find the logarithm of the number as above, fuppofing all the figures after the firft to be decimals, then to that logarithm add 2 13095 851, or 4°6051702, or 6°9077553, &c, according as the given number Panta Oo Or 3, or 4, &c, places of integers. ‘Thatas, add 2*302585092994 multiplied by the index of the power of 10, by which the given number was divided to bring it to one integer, or within the limits of the table. Ex. To find the hyperbolic logarithm of 345+678. This number divided by 100 or 10°, to bring it within . 1°2403375 the limits of the table, or removing the decimal point 4 6051702 two places, gives 3:45678, the logarithm of which as 5+8450077 ‘above found is 1°2103375, to which adding 4 6051702 the hyperbolic logarithm of 100, the fum is 5°8455077 the hyper- bolic logarithm te a of 345°678. " Note; OF THE TABLES. 147 Note, The hyperbolic logarithm of any number may be alfo found from Briggs’s logarithms, viz. multiplying Briggs’s logarithm of the fame number by the hyperbolic jopea a of 10, viz. _ Multiplying by - = 2*30258,50929,94045 ,68401,79914, Or dividing by its reciprocal °43429,44819,03251,82765,11289. OF THE LOGISTIC LOGARITHMS. Thefe are in table 8, pages 212 - = - 216, which contain the logiftic logarithm of every fecond as far as the firft $0’ or 4800”. The logiftic logarithm of any number of feconds is the difference between the logarithm of 3600” and the logarithm of that number of feconds. The chief ufe of the table of logiftic logarithms, i is for the ready computing a proportional part in minutes and feconds, when two terms of the proportion are minutes and OS hours and minutes, or other numbers. When two terms of the proportion are common numbers, their common logarithms may be ufed inftead of their logiftic logarithms, puiting the logarithm | where its complement fhould be, and the contrary. 1. To find the Logiffic Logarithm of any Number of Minutes and Seconds, within the Limits of the Table. At the top of the table find the minutes, and in the fame co- lumn, even with the feconds on the left-hand fide, is the logiftic - logarithm. Note, When hours are made any terms of the proportion, they are to be taken as if they were minutes, and the minutes-of an hour as if they were feconds. 2. To find the Logiftic Logarithm of any Number not exceeding 4800. In the 2d row, next the top of the table, find the number next lefs than that given; then in the fame column, even with the difference on the left-hand fide, is found the logiftic logarithm. When two given terms of the proportion are common numbers, one or both greater than 4800, take their halves, thirds, &c, in- ftead of them. But when only one of .the given terms is a common number, and that greater than 4800, take its half, third, &c, and multiply the 4th term by 2, 3, &c. The logiftic logarithms in this table are all affirmative, as well above as below 60’; but'the index of thofe above 60’ is — 13 be- low 60’ down to ey the index is 0; and below 6’, the indices (being either 1, 2, or 3) are expreffed in the table. } . ‘ EXAMPLES. 148 DESCRIPTION AND USE EXAMPLES. A:60° .- - Jo.log.[As60’.- + lo. log.jJAs 60’ - ~~ lo. log. To4612" - O1135!T9 78’ 27”. 1-8836/To 1531 Pincay oe So 8 7 - 0'8088/So 13 53. = 0 6357/50 40 12”. - (01135 To 615 - 09823'To18 9g - 05198 3 To 1179.-'' -\ 04848 As 46°12" co, 1°8865}As 78’ 27” co, 0.1164 As 40°12” co. 1°8865 To 60:'0 -' o0000/To60 0 - 0-0000'T0 1179 - - 04848 So 615 - 0'9823/S0.18 g - 05193'So60'0" - - 0:0600 ‘To 8:7 = 0°8688/To13 53 .- 0°6357/To 1531 - - 03713 As60'. - co. 00000; As 24" - co. 1°6021 As 24" - co. 1'6021 To 4721 - 1°8823}T046° 11" - 0°'1137\ To 76 34” ~~ 18941 So 37'28” - 0:2045/S0 8" 7° - _0'8088/§, 13553” - * 0:6357 To 2048 - - oad or VOR Nir ey “05846 To. 445 ee S10 As 4721 = c0.0'1177|As 46°11” co. 1°8863| As 76’ 34” co. 0'1059 To 600" - 9'0000)/To 24" - _- 0'3979'To 24" - .- 03979 So 2948 + - 00808!So 15°37” - 0°5840 50 44°17" - 071319 To 37/28". - -0°2045/To 8° 7’ = 0-8688/T0 13" 53° =. 06357 The logiftic logarithms may conveniently be ufed in trigonome- trical operations, when two of the terms are fmall arcs, with the logarithmic fines or tangents of other arcs; obferving, that inftead of the logarithmic fine or tangent, to take the complement of their logifiic logarithm ; ; and the contrary. But this may be as readily and more naturally done by the loga- rithmic fines and tangents themfelves of fuch fmall arcs, as taken from the next following table of fines and tangents for r every fecond of the firft 2° or 120’, OF THE LOGARITHMIC SINES AND TAN GENTS +0 EVERY SECOND, Table 9, pages 218 - - - 247, contains the log. fines and tan- gents for every fingle fecond of the firft 2 degrees of the quadrant ; he fines being placed on the left-hand pages, and thé tangents on the right. ‘The degrees and minutes are placed at the top of the co- Jumns, and the feconds on the left-hand fide, of each page, the logarithmic fine or tangent being found, in the common angle of meeting. So of 1° 52” 54” the log. fine is 8° 5163: 420, and the log. tangent $°5165762, ‘Uhe fame numbers are alfo the coho and cotangents of the laft 2 degrees of the quadrant, thofe degrees with their minutes being placed at the bottom of the columns, and their feconds afcending | on | OF THE TABLES. | AAI on the right-hand fide of the pages. So the cofine of 88° 7’ 6” is 8°5163420, and its cotangent 8°5165762. _ When it is required to find the fine or tangent &c to 3ds &c, or any other fractional part. of a fecond, fubtraGt the tabular fine or- tangent of the complete feconds from the next to it, in the table, and take the like proportional part ofthe difference ; which part added to, or taken from, the faid tabular fine or tangent, accord~ ing as it is increafing or decreafing, will give the fine or tangent required. fix. 'To find the log. fine of 1°52’ 54” 25’ or 1° 52’ 54° 23 or #y. Here the fine of 1° 52’ 54” 19 52’ 54” fine 8°5163420 taken from the next Jeaves 1 52 55 - 8'51040061 641, which multiplied by 5 dit. O41 and divided by 12, or multi- 5 plied by 25 and divided by 3 12)3205 60, gives 267 the pro. part; pro. part. 2607 this added to the firft fine gives 1°52’ 54” =~ 825163420 that which was required. | 1° 52’ 54°" 25'"8°5 163087 On the contrary, if a fine or tangent be given, to find the cor- refponding arc ; take the difference between it and the next lefs ta- bular number, and the difference between the next lefs and greater. tabular numbers, fo fhall the lefs difference be the numerator, and the greater the denominator, of the fraCtional part to be added to. the arc of the lefs tabular number; which fraction may alfo, if re- quired, be either turned into a decimal, or into 3ds &c, by multi- plying the numerator by 60, and dividing by the denominator. Ex. To find the arc whofe fine is 85163900, Finding the number is between the fines. of 19 52’ 55" and 1° 52° 54’, take the differences between the fines as in the margin, and the differences oo give £77 for the fraction of a fecond, sits ra ed or #% nearly, which abbreviates to Ht rae 2" = 45"; and therefore the arc fought is 1° 52’ 54” 45”, Where the 1ft differences of the fines and tangents alter much, as near the beginning of the table, the 2d, 3d, &c, differences may be taken in, and then the logarithmic fine or tangent will’be exprefled by this feries, viz. . 19 52'55” = 85164061 1 52 54 - 85163420 l 52 54 45” 8°5163900 x—] x«—2 die 8 x—1 Q—=A+xD’'-+x, Z D+. nau’ jz Dk; ornearlyA+D’/—iD", x; where A is the next lefs tabular logarithm, D’, D”, D’’, &c, the 1ft, 2d, 3d, &c differences of the tabular logarithms, and x the fractional part of the arc over the complete feconds. SLs, ; Lx. 150 DESCRIPTION AND USE © £x. To find the log, tangent of 5’ 1” 12°” 24!" of 511” nh OFS) 1) 206, Here A=7:1641417,; x —-52,;.D’ = 14404; / Tang. Dp’ Be ~ §.0%.« 4+1626964! nue, and the mean 2d diff. D’” = —48. Hence 5 + 7164141 ed A 1) “ ; “Pavciane 174404 9 | ay 1641417 43-7 10 5821) 4350-47 SD cee on eee 5 3° - 7-1670178 | Bry ¥ ¥, casein 2 Vi “= F a A 2 Therefore the tangent of.5’ 17 12/” 24°" .. 4. =) 7 1644398 ‘ And on the other hand, when the fine or tangent is given, and falls near the beginning of the table, from the fame feries we may find « the frational part of a fecond. - For fuppofe it be required to find the arc whofe tangent is 7°1644398. This falling between the tangents-of 5’ 1" and 5’ 2”, take the differences, &c, as above P| u rT ee or 2981 = 14404 *— 24. «*— x, or — 24 x* 4 14428 x = 2981; which gives x = +2067” nearly = 12" 24’. Therefore the arc ‘required is 51” 12” 94’, Or rather the approximate value A + agate AEE: ye QA ae aan 2981 D’/ — iD’ ox = Q, gives x = D—ib’ > and the feries gives 7°1644398 = T1641417 +x#D'+ x. se 14404424 — 14498 — *2067, the fame as before. ) £3. . OF THE LARGE TABLE OF NATURAL AND LOGA- ‘RITHMIC SINES, TANGENTS, SECANTS, AND VERSED SINES. ; Table 10, page 248 - = - - 337, contains all the fines, tangents, fecants, and verfed fines, both natural and logarithmic, to every minute of the quadrant, the degrees at top, and minutes defcending down the left-hand fide as far as 45°, or the middle of the quadrant, and-from thence returning with the degrees .at the bottom, and the minutes afcending by the right-hand fide to 90°, or the other half of the quadrant, in fuch fort, that,any arc on the one fide is on the fame line with its complement on the other fide; the refpective fines, cofines, tangents, cotangents, &c, being on the fame line with the minutes, and in the columns figned with their refpe@tive names, at top when the degrees are at top, but at the bottom when the degrees are: at the bottom. ‘Tlie. natural fines, tangents, &c, are placed all together on the left-hand pages, and the logarithmic ones all together, facing them, on the right-hand pages. Alfo in - the naturals there are two columns of the common differences, and in the logarithmic 3’columns of common differences, each column of differences being placed between the two columns of numbers having the fame differences; fo that thefe differences ferve. for both their right-hand and left-hand adjacent columns: alfo each differential number is fet oppofite the {pace between the numbers whofe difference it is. ‘Thé numbers on the fame line ‘in thofe co- lumns having fuch common diserences, are mutually complements : of OF THE TABLES? 7 ts¥ of each other; fo that the fum of the decimal figures of any two {uch numbers, is always 1 integer, with O in each place of deci-. mals. } All this will be evident by infpe€&ting one page of each fort, as well as the method of taking out the fine, &c, to any degrees and complete minutes. It is however to be obferved, that in’ all the log. fines, tangents, &c, and in fuch of the natural as have any fignificant figure for their index or characteriftic, the indices are exprefied in the table, and the feparating point is placed berween_ the index and the decimal part of the number; but in feveral co- lumns of the natural fines, &c, having 0 for their integer or-index, both the index and decimal feparating point are omitted ; and where- ever this is the cafe, it-is to be underitood that all the figures in fuch columns are decimals, wanting before them. only the feparating point and index 0. , The fine, tangent, or fecant of any arc, has the fame value, or is expreffed by the fame number, as the fine, tangent, or fecant of the fupplement of that arc; for which reafon the tables are carried only to a quadrant or 90,degrees. So that when an arc is greater than 90°, fubtraét it from 180°, and take the fine, tang. or fecant of the remainder, for that of the arc given. But this property does not take place between the verfed fines of arcs- and their fupplements : and to find the verfed fine of an arc greater than 90°, proceed thus: in the natural verfed fines, to’radius add the natural cofine, the fum will be the natural verfed fine; and in the log. verfed fines, add 0°3010300 to twice the log. fine of half the arc, the fum, abating radius 10:0000000, will be the log. verfed fine required. 1. Given any Are ; to find its Sine, Cofine, Tangent, &c. Seek the degrees at the top or bottom, and the minutes refpect- ively on the left or right; then on the fame line with thefe is the fine, &c. cach in its proper column, the title being at the top or’ bottom, according as the degrees are. , * But when the given arc contains any parts of a minute, interme- diate to thofe found in the table: take the difference between the tabular fines, &c, of the given degrees and minutes, and of the mi- nute next greater; then take the proportional part of that difference for the parts of the minute, and add it to the fine, tangent, fecant, and verfed fine, or fubtra&t it from the cofine, cotangent, cofecant, or coveried fine, of the given degreesand minutes; fo fhall the fum or remainder be the fine, &c, required. Note, ‘The proportional part is found thus, as 1’ is to the given intermediate part of a minute, fo is the whole difference to the pro- portional part required ; which therefore is found by multiplying the difference by the {aid intermediate part. Alfo that intermediate part may be exprefied either by a vulgar fra€tion, or a decimal, or a fexagefimal in feconds, thirds, &c, and the fraction or fexagefimal may 152 | DESCRIPTION AND USE may be firft reduced to a devimal, if it Be thought better fo to do, by dividing the numerator of the fra€tion by the denominator, or by di- viding the fexagefimal by 60. BE, XOA MoPobh E:S: 1. To find the natural fine of |2. To find the natural tangent of ye 4.9/ 938” 190°": | §° Q’ 10” 24". Inthe columnof difference between 8° 10’ tang. - = 1435084 - the natural fines of 1°48’ and 1° 4g) ~ BH £ = 1432115 is the difference 2907 ; and 28” 12'” diff. 2909 being —= 28°22” — 47’: therefore as Bl este oe a ( 11 : 2060 ::: (10" 24'"=) +7'1- 1: 2907 :: -47: the pro. part +1306 9 os . ) Re eee to which add fin. 1948’ - 0314108 8° 9 10 24” ade ad makes fin. of 1° 48’ 28” 12’” 0315474. ‘ 1432630 3. To find the nat. coverfed fine of| 4:10 find the logarithmic cofine of 4° 6" 5” 40”, 0° 8-42" 17’ ; ; , L = 2902 (tab. dif.) 735 =| —274/1:156(tab. dif.) ::°'7’=42”: pr.pt. --95 5” 40”: pro. part 2 6° 8’ cofine - 9°9975009 4° @’coverf. - - 9285026 6° 8'42” - 5 99974974 49.6’ 5” 40°" *. ~ 9984752 6. To find the] i .To find the log. fec. of 7919 50"| > go ar an” mayne Teen OF . 5’ , . : Py 1:160tab.dif.:: 2.50": pr. pt. +133! ? 2581 tab. dif. :: 203 = | 6 set 12” 20”; pro. part ads 79 12’ fecant = 10°0034381 39° 4’ cotan. - 10°0905978 79 19’ 50” s 10'0034514 39° A’ 12” 90” 10°0905447 The foregoing method of finding the proportional part of the ta- bular difference, to be added or fubtra¢ted, by one fingle propor- tion, is only true when thofe differences are nearly equal, and may do for all except for the tangents and fecants of large arcs near the end of the quadrant in the natural fines, &c, and in the log. fines, &c, except the fines and verfed fines of {mall arcs, the tan- gents of both large and fmall arcs, and the fecants of large arcs. And when much accuracy is required, thefe excepted parts may be found by the feries ufed in the laft article, viz. Q= A+ x* D' + sear? See aps Sr lew eee ae StURETE NE Wa prc AL) A! abet haste t— D" &c.or = A + D— ¢ DD. ~x near- 2 2 3 ly; where A is the tabular number for the degrees and minutes D’, D’, D", &c. the I ft, 2d, 3d, &c tabular differences, and rv the fractional part ever the complete minutes, &c3 at leaft it may be proper to find the tangents and fecants of very large arcs from this - feries; but as to the log. fines, verfed fines, and tangents of {malt arcs, they may alfo be found, perhaps eafier, from their correfpond- ing matural ones, viz. find the natural fine, veried fine, or eae : ry ~ -” OF THE TABLES. 153 of the given fmall arc, and then find the log. of fuch natural number by the 1ft or large table of logarithms, which will be the log. fine, &c, required. And the log. tangent and fecant of large arcs will be alfo found by taking the difference between 20 and their log. cotangent and cofine refpeétively. And laftly, the natural tangents and fecants of large arcs may alfo be found by firft finding their log. tangent and fecant, and then finding the correfponding number. EXAMPLES. 1. To find the log. fine of 1° 48’ 28" 12”, The natural fine, found in Ex. 1. above is’ "03154745 and the log. of thisis$-4.989636 which is the log. fine required. L 3. To find the log. tang. of 2° 23’ 33” 36”. 2° 23’its nat. tan. = -. 0416210 1:2914 tab. dif.::°56’ = 33” 36”: + 1632 . 2° 23’ 33” 36” nat. tan. - 0417842 Itslog.2 23 33 36 log. tang. 86210121 5. To find the log. fec. of 88° 11’ 31” 48”, Its complement is - -- 1 48 28 12 Its log. fineinEx. l.is - ~- 8°4989636 Which taken from - - - 20-:0000000 Leaves 1. fec. 88° 11'31”" 48"" 11°5010364 In the 6th example, the natural fecant is found by the differential feries to be 31°698339.. But by taking the number to the Jogarithm of it, as found in the 5th example, it is 31°698333 ; which feems to be the more accurate, as well as the eafier way ; and indeed this method by the feries | - feems to be, in fome inftances, more trou- blefome, and lefs accurate, than finding the fecant by dividing 1 by the cofine. 2. To find the log. verf. of 1° 43’ gg7 19" 1° 48/ nat. verf. - - - 0004934 1:92 tab. dif.::-47' = 28"12":+ 43 1°48/ 98” 39" nat. verf. - *0004977 Itslog.1 45 28 12 log. verf. 6°6969676 4. To find the log. tang. of 87°36’ 26” 24", Its complement is - - 2 23 33 36 Whofe log. tang. in Ex. 3. is 8°6210121 Takenfrom - - -+ - - 20:0000000 Leaves log.tan.87° 36’ 26” 24" 11°3789879 6. To find the nat. fec. of 88° 11’ 31” 48". 20976074 ‘ ow to ' 88 10131°257577/7 Oe 88 11 /31°544246 $8 12/31°836225 88 13132133663 850 9 | D” dD” seananld 16 286669). 4/144 291979)2 1149 297438) Hence A = 31°544246; D' = 291979; D” = 5310; the mean D” = 146; 45S 168) o> 31-48""5)00, Pane Od K—1 x—2Z te = 06188. Then A - = = = - = -31°544246 xD’ om” we - - ad - = 1)’ - hd = = bad 154748 ——664 ~~ 31°698339 2. Given ‘154 DESCRIPTION AND USE 2. Given any Sine, Tangent, Sc. to find its Are. Take the difference between the next Jefs and greater tabular numbers of the fame kind, and the difference between the given number and the faid next lefs or next greater tabular number, ac- cording as the: given number is a fine, tangent, &c, or a cofine, cotangent, &c, noting its degrees and minutes ; then the two dif- ferences will be the terms of a vulgar fra€tion of a minute, to be added to thofe minutes, to give the arc required. | And this vulgar fraction may alfo, if required, be reduced to a decimal by dividing the lefs or numerator by the denominator, or brought to fexigefimals, by multiplying by 60, &c. Alfo, where the tabular differences are printed, the fubtraCtion of the lefs tabular number from the greater is faved. EXAMPLES. 1. To find thearcto the natural fine|3. To find the arctologarithm cofine 03154714. 9°9974974. Anf. 1° 48’ 28” 12” 0315474 6° 8’ - 9:9975069 Subtr. 1 48’ next lefs0314108 Anfwer 6° 8/ 42 9°9974974 1366 95 60 60 Tab. diff. ~ 2907)81960(28"| Tab. difference 136)5700 5814 544 23820 260 23256 Veet st 564 60 2907) 33840(12” 4. To find the arc to logarithm cot. 10°0905447. 29° 4! 100905978 Anf.39°4'12"20"10:0905447 2, To find the arc to natural tang. *1432630 , Next greater 1435084 Anf. 8° 9/10” 24” 1432630 531 Nextlefs,fubt.fr.each1 432115 | 60 7 515 Tab. difference 2581)31860(12" 60° 2581 Tab. difference 2969)30900(10" 6050 29690 5162 1210 888 60 GO scan 712600(24"" 2581)53230(20 5938 5162 13220 1660. The OF THE TABLES. | 155 The above method of proportioning by the firft difference alone, can only be true when the other differences are nothing, or very {mall 5 brut other means muft be ufed when they are large, viz. for the natural tangents and fecants of very large arcs; and for the lo- garithmic fines, and verfed fines of {mall arcs, alfo the log. fecants of large arcs, with the log. tangents and cotangents both of {mall and large arcs. When the log. fine, verfed fine, or tangent of a {mall arc is given, by means of the table of logarithms find the cor- xefponding natural number, and then the arc anfwering to it in the table of natural fines, &c. But when the log. tangent or fecant of a large arc is propofed, fubtract it from 20, the remainder is the . log. cotangent or cofine, which will be the log. tangent or fine of a {mall arc which is the complement of that required, which comple- ment will be found as in the laft remark, by taking the correfpond- ing natural number, and finding it in the natural tangents or fines ; then fubtracting that complemental are from 909, leaves the required large arc anfwering to the propofed log. tangent or fecant. And when the natural tangent or fecant of a large arc is propofed, change it into the log. tangent or fecant of the fame, by taking the log. of the propofed natural number ; then proceed with it as above in the laft remark.—Or, what relates to the log. fines and tangents of {mall arcs, or cofines and cotangents of large ones, will be beft performed by the foregoing table for every fecond of the firft 2 degrees. | EXAMPLES. ) t. To find the arc to natural tangent, 2. To find the arc to natural fecant 50°0000000. 31 6983333. 20'0000000 200000000 Given 50°0000000 itslog.1 16984700, Given 31°608% its log. 11°5010365 ‘02 - - - - 8 3010300 "0315474 - - 8 4989635 "0197830 nat. tan. of L° 8’ 0314108 nat. fine of 1° 48’ 2370 1366 60 | 60 2910) 130200 (44” . 2907) 81960 (28” 1164 5814 1380 93820 1164 23256 210 — «04 60 60 12960 (44”” 33840 (12/" 1164 2907 1320 : 4770 Hence from = = 90° 0' 0” 0 Hence from - - 90° 0' 0” O%. Take thecomp. + - 1 844 44! Takethe comp. - | 48 28 12 Leaves arc required. 68 51 15 16| Leaves arc required $5 11 31 48 TRIGONO- (sb Sy TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. / 1. Ty a tight-lined triangle, whofe fides are a, B, C, and their oppofite angles a, 4, c; having given any three of thefe, of which one is a Bas: ; to find the reit. > Put s for the fine, s’ the cofine, t the tangent, and t’ the cotangent, of an arch or angle, to the radius r; alfo x for a logarithm, and u’ its arithmetical comple- Then ment. When three fides a, B, c, are given, eat Po = A+B +c or femiperimeter. a hens, 8 poi ay ayo Se P55 AS eae), Cafe 1. A Se cr Ae 3 ae Abo), AXB L. s.dc= Z(t. p—a-L. -u, Pow a! hats B). u's.c= S(t. P+. pet wl abt! B). Note, When a = B, then Ae — Ft Gh: See x, Ands’ CL A A 2 } A® , Cafe 2. Given two fides a, B, and their included angle c. —Le,andt.d=AT® Ai 8s Put s = 90° A-++B | thena=s +d; andb=s—d, And thes Wie enamee 2S ef plien rr Or in logarithms, putting L. a = ) 2L. (A —B), and L. R= 1L.2a + 1, 2B + Dees $. 5 c — 20; we fhall have L, C = 3 OL. (@+R). - one value, If the angle ¢ be right, or = 90°; then t. a Arzstbm 4; os A a plese cm 7a, or = — 8B, or = a? + 8%, S.a s.6 If a = B; we fhall have a ath = 90°— 1'¢,and Cafe 3. When a fide aed its oppofite angle are atnong the terms given. A Bits ‘ Chen 2 vies 2 Tront which Sia 2 pied) sie equations any term wanted may be found. When an angle, as @, is 90°, and a. and c are given, then BW a® —c* = / (a+c) X (A—C). Andiu.Bm=i(l.at+eo+L.a4—C). Note, When two fides a, B, and an angle @ oppofite to one of them, are given; if a be lefs than 3, then 4, c, c have each two values; otherwife, only I. In eal 7 TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. angles a, 4, reft. Ca/e 1, Given the three fides a, B, c. Calling 2p the perim. orp = 3 (a+z+c). hen a tiecamee Ay & (FB) S.AXS.B S.P XS. (P—C And eee res lho). §; A XSi B Pek. 8. 4 c= (x. S. P—A-L. $.P—g-br!s. a-L1’s. B) ‘hes c= (tu. 8. pe. s. p—c-br’s. a-Ev's. 8), And the fame for the other angles. Cafe 2. Given the three angles. Put 22 -a +6 -+¢. Then . gicary oP ** (e). And { Sa KS; Wiemr yl PT X § (p~4) s.a@ Xs. 6 8. 7 C= F(t. 8/p-f tes! p—ce+rv’ s, atr/s. b) Ok. S304 (1. 8!p—atr, s'p—b-ex! s. at-1's.b) And the fame for the-other fides. Note, The fign 7 fignifies greater than, and Z lefs than; alfo w the difference. e Cafe 3. Given a, 8, and included an- gle c, To find an angle a oppofite the fide a, let ris’c::t.a:t:M, like or unlike ys ascis 7 or Z 90°; allon= Bom: then s. N:S.M%2:t.¢:t. a, like or-un- likecas Mis 7 or Z pB. Orilets’2.a+B:s Lawme:: Lh datine, which is 7 or Z 9O°as a+ Bis 7orZ 180». ands.ia+B:S.AKB::t/le:t. N,7 90°. thena=mM+wn;andé—=™M—wN. Again let r:s’c::t.a:t. ™m, like or unlike 4 as¢ is 7 or Z 90°; and N = 8B nM, 2'c—20; then L. s. $ 157 * eel {pheric triangle, whofe three fides are A, B, C; and their oppofite ff. In a fph Oe Aa heen of thefe fix terms being given, to find the Then s’M:s’n::s' a: 3’ ¢, like or un- like Nasc¢cis 7 or Z Q0o. Or, s.AXS.BxXs*1i¢, ,,-—-— 8.36 te 4/ pe ae & on rr ar In logarithms, putt.a = 2b. s.2a meg; andy. W S= Li ~S.'A" 42 02 6) ew Des, C=L. (ate), Cafe 4. Given a, 4, and included fide c, Firft, letr:s’c::t.a:t’ m, like orun- like aas cis 7orZ 90° ; allouxsw-m, Then s/n": $m: 3.t..G if. A,. like or un- like xas ais 7 or Z 90°. On lets 2469 4 acs hoes cet: M, 7 of £ Q0easa+Sis 7 or Z 180°; ands.ja+6:3.am6::t.tc:t.n,790°3 thna=mM+tN;andgao=uMay un. Again, letr:s'c::t. a: t’ m, like or un- like a@as cis 7 or Z 900; anduz= bw m: ‘ 8.a::s'a:8 ¢, like or unlike a@asmis 7-or-Z b,» then s, m : Cafe 5. Given a, 3, and an oppofite ans gle a. Mftisca + S'ar:; B's. 6, 2 or Z g0°. and. Let r:s'B::t.a:t’m, like orunlike Basais 7 or £ 90°; and t.a:t.B::9s'm:s' 7, like or unlike Aasdais 7 or Z 90°; then ¢= m2, two values alfo. Sdly. Letris’a:: t. B+: t.m, like or unlike Bas dis 7 or Z 90°; . and s'2: 8A ;:s'M:3' wn, like or unlike 4 as ais 7 or Z 90°; then c <= mM = n, two values alfo, But if a be equal to 8, or to its fup- plement, or between B and its fupple- ment; then. is @ like to » : alfo cig — mn, and ¢ =M => NH, as Bis like or unlike a, C. afe 158 Cafe 6. Given a, 3, fide a. Sty 8a 28, a’: 2 8.098. By 7 Or 2, 00%, and. Letr:s'4::t.a:t.M, like or un- like das Ais 7 or Z QO°; andt.a:t.6::8.M:s.N, 7. or Z 90°: then c = mM + n, as wis like or unlike 4, Bdly. Letr:s'a::t.4: t! m, like or un- likebasa 7 or Z QO°; ands’6:s'a::s.m:s8.u, 7 or Z QO: then c — m = 2, asais like or unlike 4. But if a be equal to xz, or to its fupple- ment, or between B and its fupplement ; then B is unlike 4, and only the lefs values of n, 2, are poflible. Note, When two fides a, B, and their oppofite angles a, 4, are known ; the third fide c, and its oppofite angle c, are readily _ found thus: s-lanmb:s.tatb:i:tEamse:t Zc. s.2.00B8:S2.a+Bi: than b:5e. and an oppofite TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. Ill. In a right-angled fpheric trian- gle, where u is the hypotenufe, or fide op- pofite the right angle, sp, Pp the other two fides, and 4, p their oppofite angles ; any two of thefe five terms being given, to find the reft ; the cafes, with their folutions, are as in the following table. | The fame table will alfo ferve for the quadrantal triangle, or that which has one fide = 90°, » being the angle oppofite to that fide, B, P the other two angles, and 6, p their oppofite fides ; obferving, inftead of # to take its fupplement: or elfe mu~ tually changing the terms /ike and unlike fot each other where u is concerned, and its real value is taken. | ' Cafe |Given Reg‘ 6 \|s.H: r :: 8.B : 8.0, and is like B A P A eae es LB nay ty 7 or Z 90° as w is like or unlike 3B} Poul SOB Ps 2 Se Sie Pll . B yr :8.H:: 8.6 : s.B, liked 2 °y fi oe ee tah 7 7 or Z 90° as uw is like or unlike i p PRM sy SCl.OF Fue 1 SO er es bee eee > a 3 ‘ P r 2 tp:2 £b «:teee >, each 7 or Z 90's bot values true | pss: 7 tt 80 sh 4 | H r :tB:: 8p :tH, 7 or Z 90° as Bz is like or unlike p Bed oy al ce y 3'sBis, sp 3 80, likes P P r $8.B22 tp. ¢ te, golikep | H r ¢8'B:: se : s'H, Z or 7. 90° as B is like or unlike P B ‘ j ' Hy ce b r ¢s.P:: te : tb, likes p T(E SDs h. BR ak Pye Cee ee, H r :tb:: tp : su, 7 or Z 90° as bis like or unlike p 6 ‘i Be Sea (ee i i i sb .: sB, hiked PL Epis ot BD tas BR, MKD serliipeoateligatetralpennne termysreattnsinleae eect hea GAN DIT CE TE OM ne te $-OuL WUT. TO UN WSs ee ee ee an ene Thi TRIGONOMETRICAL RULES. _ 159 ? ‘ The following Propofitions and Remarks, concerning Spherical Tri- angles, (fele&ted and communicated by the Reverend Nevil Mafke- lyne, p. D. Aftronomer Royal, F.R. s.) will alfo render the Calcu- lation of them perfpicuous, and free from Ambiguity. " «¢ 1, A fpherical triangle is equi- lateral, ifofcelar, or fcalene, accord- ing as it has its three angles all equal, or two of them equal, or all three unequal ; and wice ver/a. 2. The greateft fide is always op- pofite the greateft angle, and the {malleft fide oppofite the fmalleft angle. 3. Any two fides taken together, are greater than the third. 4. If the three angles are all acute, or all right, or all obtufe; the three fides will be, accordingly, all lefs than 90°, or equal to 90°, or greater than g0°; and vice vera. 5. If from the three an- gles aA, B, C, of a triangle Asc,aspoles, /..., A there be de- ; Ke {cribed, upon eee ek - the furface of the fphere, three arches of a great circle DE, DF, FE, forming by their interfections a new {pherical triangle peF; each fide of the new triangle will be the fupplement of the angle at its pole; and each angle of the fame triangle, will be the fupplement of the fide oppofite to it in the trian~ glea Be. 6. In any tri- C angle a BC, or A ’c, rightan- gled in A, itt, Theanglesat the hypotenufe are always of the famekindas their oppofite fides ; 2dly, The hypotenufe is lefs or greater than a quadrant ac- cording as the fides including the right angle are of the fame or diffe- rent kinds; that is to fay according as thefe fame fides are either both acute or both obtufe, or as one is acute and the other obtufe. And, vice verfa, 1{t, The fides including the right angle, are always of the fame kind as their oppofite angles: 2dly, The fides including the right angle will be of the fame or different kinds, according as the hypotenufe is lefs or more than 90°: but one at leaft of them will be of 90°, if the hypotenufe is fo.” A THE i60 ) THE CASES OF PLANE TRIANGLES RESOLVED BY LOGARITHMS. J N this and the following folutions of fpherical triangles, it is to be ob- ferved, that when we fay the fine, tangent, &c, we mean the logarithmic fine, tangent, &c. as found by the table, C A Prop.I, Having the angles, and one - fide ; to find either of the other fides, Add the logarithm of the given fide to the fine of the angle oppofite to the fide required, and from the fum fub- tract the fine of the angle oppofed to the given fide ; the remainder will be the logarithm of the fide required. Example. In the triangle pcn, hav- ing the angle cpB 90°, cBD 51° 56, BcD 38° 4, and the fide Bb 197°3; to find the fide cn. 2'2951271 log. of 197°3 G°8961569 fin. of 51° 50’ 12°1912040 tum 9°78909880 fin. of 38°4 2'4012700 log.251°9278 cp req, Or you may add the complement of the fine of the angle oppofed to the given fide, to the two other loga- rithms, the fum (abating radius) is the logarithm of the fide required ; as fhown in art. 3. of Log. Arith. And it is to be obferved that the com- plements of the fines in the table are to be found in the columns of the cofecants; for (pafling over the firft unit) the cofecants of the fame arcs are the complements of the fame fines. Alfothe complements of the tangents, are the cotangents. Example, The fine of 38° 4’ being 9°7899880, the cofecant of 38° 4’ is 10°2100120, which (omitting the firft unit) is the complement of the faid fine. ' 0'2100120 co. of fin. 38° 4 2°2951271 log. of 197°3 9'8961369 fin. of 51° 56’ 2'4012700log.251'9278,as before, But if one fide and the angles; of a right-angled triangle, be known, and you would have the other fide, as in the former example, the operation will be eafier thus : Add the tangent of the angle op- pofite to the fide required, to the lo- garithm of the given fide, the fum (abating radius) is the logarithm ef the fide required. | | 10°1061489 tan. 51° 56 22951271 log. of 197°3 2 4012700 log. 251'9278 asbefare, Prop. II. Having tewo fides, and an angle oppofite to one of them ; to find the other tavo angles, and the third fide, Add the fine of the angle given, to the logarithm of the fide adjoining that angle, and from the fum fubtract the logarithm of the fide oppofite to that angle, or add its arithmetical comp. the remainder or fum will be the fine of the angle oppofite to the adjoining fide. _ Example. In the triangle az €, having the fide ac 800, Bc 320, it the OF RIGHT-LINED TRIANGLES. the angle anc 128° 4 angles BAC, ACB, and the fide av. 7°0969100 ar. com, log. 800. 2°5051500 log. of 320. 9°8961360 fin. 128° 4’, 0°4981909 fin. 18 21 Bac. Having Bac and asc, the angle AcB is their fupplement to 1809, viz. 33° 35’; and you may find the fide as by the firft propofition, Prop. II]. Having tavo fides, and the angle between them ; to find the other two angles, and the third fide. If the angle included be a right angle, and the radius to the logarithm > of the lefs fide, and from the fum fubtra&t the logarithm of the greater fide, or add. its. arith. comp. the re- mainder or fum will be the tangent of the angle oppofed to the lefs fide, Example, Jn the triangle gcn, hav- ing the fide BE 197°3, and cp 251°9; to find the angles BCD, cep, and the fide cr, 7°59877 28 ar. com, log. 251°9 12°2051271 rad. + log. 197°3 9°8958989 tan, 389 4” RED. But if the angle included be ob- lique, add the logarithm of the dif- ference of the given fides to the tan- gent of half the fum of the unknown angles, and from the fum fubtra& the logarithm of the fum of the given fides, or add its complement ; the re- mainder or fum will be the tangent of half their difference. Example. In the triangle abc, hav- ing the fide aB 502, BC 320, and the angle AEG 128° 4’; to find the angles BAC, ACB, and the fide AC. td ’; to find the 161 The fum of the given fides is 882, and the difference 242, the half fum of the unknown angles is 25° 58’. 7°0545314 com, log. 882 2°3838154 log. of 242 9°6875402 tang. 25° 58’ 9° 1258870 tang. 7 37 ; 25 1 SR Angle acgp. - 33 35 fum, Angle caB = 18 21 dif. Thefe 7° 37’ being added to 25° 58’ the half fum of the angles un- known, the fum is 33° 35’ for the greater angle acB; and the fame 7° 37’ being fubtrated from 25° 58’, the . remainder is 18° 21’ for the leffer an- gle cag. Lafily, knowing the angles, and two fides, the third ee may be found by the firft propofition, Prop. FV, Having the three fides ; to Jind any angle. Add the three fides together, and take half the fum, and the differences betwixt the half fum and each fide: then add the complements of the lo- garithms of the half fum, and of the difference between the half-fum and the fide oppofite to the angle fought, to the logarithms of the differences of the half-fum, and the other fides ; half their fum will be the tangent of half the angle required. Example. In the triangle a Bc, having the fide aB 562, ac 800, and BC 320; to find the angle aBc. Ac=800|u=841 - co. 7'0752040 AB 502/H—ac=41 co. 838721601 BC—=320|/H—aB=279 - 2°44560042 fum 1682)H--Bo=521 - 2°7168377 Jium 841H fum 20°62450-0 ‘Lang. of 64° 2’= tum 1073124310 W hofe double 128°4 is the angle aBc. Y THE ° (\ ¥6o"") THE CASES OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES RESOLVED BY LOGARITHMS, ‘Tue refolution of fpherical tri- angles is to be performed by the table of fines, tangents, and fecants ; which we fhall fhow by the 28 propofitions following : whereof 16 are of right- angled, and 12 are of oblique trian- gles; and firft - Of right-angled Triangles. B h a Prop. I. Having the legs; to jind the bypotenu/e. Add the cofine of one leg, to the cofine of the other leg; the fum, (a- bating radius) is the cofine of the hy- potenufe required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle aBc, having ac 27° 54’, and BC 11° 30’; to find as the hypote- nufe. 99911927 cofin. 11° 30! 9'0463371 cofin, 27 54 -9'9375298 cofin. $0 AB. req. Prop. II. Having the two legs ; to find either of the angles. Add the fine of theleg next the an- gie fought, tothe cotangent of the a ther leg : the fum, (abating radius) is the cotangent of the angle required. Example. Inthe right- -angled tri. angle ABC, ae ac 27° 54, and nc 11° 30°; to find the angle Bac. Q° 6701807 fin, next leg. 27° 54’ 10°6915374 cot. opp. leg. 11 30 10°3617181 cotan, Bac 23 30 pate sisinbee Bi. tn Prop. V. Prop. III. Having the hypotenufe, and one of the angles ; to find the other angle, . Add the cofine of the hypotenufe to the tangent of the angle given ; the fum, (abating radius) is the cotangent of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled tri- anole agc, having the hypotenufe AB 30°, and the angle aBc 69° 22’; to find the angle Bac. 9°9375306 cofin. hyp. aB 30° 00’ 10°4241806 tang. aBc - 69 22. 10°3617202 cotan. BAC - 23 30. Prop. 1V. Having the hypotenu/e, and one of the angles ; to find the leg next the given angle, Add the tangent of the hypotenufe to the cofine of the angle given ; the fum, (abating radius) is the tangent of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle asc, having the hypotenufe AB 30°, and the angle aBc 69° 22’; to find the leg Be. 9'7614393 tang. hyp. aB. 30°00 9'5470188 cofin. ABc 86-69 22 9°3084581 tang.Bc - - 11 30 Having the hypotenufe, and one of the angles; to find the eg ops pofed to the given angle, ~ Add the fine of the hypotenufe to the fine of the angle given; the fum, -(abating radius) is the fine of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle a BC, having the hypotenufe AB 30°, and the angle Bac 23° 30’; to find the leg Bc, 9'6989700 fin. hyp. aB 30° 00’ 9'6006997 fin. BAC - 23 30 Q 2990007 fin.’BC = 11 30 Prop, RESOLUTION OF SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. Prop. VI. Having one of the legs and the angle next it; to find the hypotenu/e. Add the cotangent of the given leg, to the cofine of the given angle; the fum, (abating radius) is the cotangent of the hypotenufe required. Example. In the right-angled trian- gle anc, having the leg ac 27° 54’, and the angle pac 23° 30’ ; to find the hypotenufe as. 10°2761563 cot. ac - 27° 54’ _9'9623977 cof. Bac - 23 30 .10°2385540 cot. hyp. aB 30 00 Prop. VII. Having one of the legs, and the angle next it; to find the other leg. Add the fine of the leg given to the tangent of the angle given; the fum, (abating radius) is the tangent of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled trian- gle anc, having the leg ac 27° 54’, and the angle Bac 23° 30’; to find the leg BC. 9'6701807 fin. ac 27° 54’ 9'6383019 tan. BAC 23 30 0°3084826 tan. Ec 11 30 Prop. VIII. Having one of the legs, and the angle next to it ; to find the other angle, Add the cofine of the given leg to the fine of the givenangle; the fum, (abating radius) is the cofine of the angle required. . Example. In the right-angled trian- gle anc, having the leg gc 11° 30, and the angle arc 69° 22’; to find the angle Bac. 9°9911927 cof. Ec 11° 30’ 9°9712084 fin. aBcOQ 22 9:9624011 cof. Bac 23 30 Prop. 1X. Having one of the legs, and the angle oppofed unto it ; to find the hypotenufe. ' Add the radius to the fine of the _ given leg, and from the fum fubtract 163 the fine of the given angle, or add its | cofecant ; the remainder or fum is the fine of the hypotenufe required. Example. \n the right-angled tri- angle anc, having the leg Bc 11°30’, and the angle Bac 23° 80 ; to find the hypotenufe AB. 9°2996553 fin. Bc 11°30’ - O 3993003 cof, BAC 23 30 976980556 fin, aB 30 reqd. Prop. X. Having one of the lees, and the angle oppofed unto it ; to find ihe other leg. Add the tangent of the given leg, tothe cotangent of the given angle; the fum, (abating radius) is the fine of the leg required. Example. In the right-angled tri- angle asc, having the leg 5c 11°30’, and the angle Bac 23° 30’; to find the leg ac. e 9°3084626 tang. Be 11° 30’ 10°3616981 cot. Bac 23. 30 poe es ee Se 9°6701607 fin. ac 27 54 Prop. XI. Having one of the legs, and the angle oppofed unto it; to find the other angle. Add the radius to the cofine of the given angle, and from the fum fubtraét the cofine of the given leg, or add the fecant ; the remainder or fum is the fine of the angle required. Example. In the right-angled trian- gle apc, having the leg pc 11° 30’, and the angle Bac 23° 30’; to find the angle aBc. 9°96230977 cof. BAc 23° 30° 0088073 fec. Bc 11 30 9'9712050 fin. asc 69 22 Prop. XII. Having one of the legs, and the hypotenufe; ta find the angle next the given leg. } Add the tangent of the given leg, to the cotangent of the hypotenule, the fum, (abating radius) }s the co- fine of the angle required. Example, 164 Example, Yn the right-angled tri- angle anc, having the leg ac 27° 54’, and the hypotenufe ax 30° ; to find the angle pac, 9°7238436 tan. ac 27° 54’ 10 2385606 cot. aB. 30 OO 99624042 cofi, Bac 23 30 Prop. XIII. ‘Having one of the legs, and the hypotenufe ; to find the angle oppofed to the given leg. Add the radius to the fine of the given leg, and from the fum fubtract the fine mE the hypotenufe, or add its cofecant ; the remainder or fum will be the firie of the angle required. Example. Yn the right-angled trian- gle aBc, having the leg Be 11° 307, and the hy potenufe AB 30°} to find | the angle Bac. 9'°2096553 fin. leg. Be 11° 30 0°3010300 cofec, hyp. AB 30 CO 9 6000853 fine of Bac 23 30 Prop. XIV. Having one of the legs, and the bypotenuje ; to. ae, the other leg. Add the radius to the cofine of the hypotenufe, and from the fum fub-- tract the cofine of the given leg, or add its fecant ; the remainder or -fum is the cofine of the leg. required. Example, In the right-angled tri- anele anc, having the leg rc 11° 30’, and the hypotenute AB 30° ; 3 to find the leg ac. 9:9375306 cofin. AB 30° 00 0'0088073 fec. Bcll 30 99403379 cofin. ac 27 54 ’ Prop. XV. Having the angles: to find the bypotenufe, Add the cotangent of one oblique angle to the cotangent of the other oblique angle; the fum, (abating ra- dius) 1s the cofine of the hypotenute required, Example. In the right-angled tri- angle A BC, having the angle pac - pofite to the angle fought, THE RESOLUTION OF 23° 30’, and the angle ane 69° 22’; to find the hypotenufe as. 0°3616981 cot. BAc 23° 30° 9°5758104 cot. aBc 09 22 9°9375085 cof. hyp. AB30 OO Prop. XVI. Having the angles; to find either of the legs. Add the radius to the cofine of ei- ther oblique angle, and from the fum fubtra&t the fine of the other oblique angle, or add its cofecant; the remain- der or furh will be the cofine of the leg oppofite to the angle, whofe cofine was taken. Example, In the right-angled tri- angle ABC, having the angle BAC 3° 30’, and the angle ABC 69° 22’; te find the leg Bc. 0°9623977 cofin. BAC 23° 30’ 0'0287916 cofec. aBc 6Q 22 0°9911893 cofin. Bc 11 30 Of Oblique Triangles, ri oS Prop. XVII. Having the three fides, to find any of the angles, Add the three fides together, and take half the fum; alfo the difference between the half fum and the fide op- ‘Then add the cofecants, or the complements of the fines, of the other fides, to the fines of the half fum and of the faid difference; half the fem of thefe four logarithms is the cofine ot half the angle required, Example, In the triangle szp, hav- ing the fide zs 40°, rs 70°, and pz 38° 30°; to find the angle ars. Ps SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. Ps=70° O'lcofec. 0'0270142 PZ—38 36 cofec. 0°2058505 zs=40 Ofin. }fum 0°9833805 y Sum 148 30 jin. dif. 9'7503579 1fum 74 15 2) 19°9660031 zs—40 0O cof, 15° 47’ 9°9833015 Diff. 34 15} zes 31 34 required. Prop. XVII. Having the three angles; te find any of the fides, ‘ Let the angles be changed into fides, taking the fupplement of one of them ; then the operation will be the fame as in the-former propofition. _ Prop. XIX. Having tawo angles, and a fide oppofed to one of them; to find the fide oppofed to the other angle, Add the fine of the fide given to the fine of the angle oppofite to the fide required, and from the fum fubtract the fine of the angle oppofite to the fide given, or add its cofecant; the remainder or fum will be the fine of the fide required. Example, In the triangle szp, hav- ing the angle, szp 130° 3’ 12”, sPz 31° 34’ 26”, and the fide zs 40°; to find the fide ps. 9'8080675 fin. zs 40° 0’ 0” 9 paisa fila: i 49 56 0'2808858 1165 § } cof, spz A8 31 35 34 70;, OY O 1165 Q: 9729842, fin. ps reqd. See pa. 171 following. Prop. XX. aoe two angles, anda fide oppofed to one of them ; to find the fide between the angles given. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle unknown, on its oppofite fide : then add the cofine of the given angle next the given fide, to the tangent of the given fide; the fum, (abating ra- dius) is the tangent of the firft arc, comprehended between the given an- gle next the given fide, and the feg- ment of the fide where the: perpendi- cular falls, 163 And the fecond arc, comprehended between the fame fegment and the other angle, is to be found thus: add the fine of the arc found, to the tangent of the given angle next the given ‘fide, and from the fum fub- tract the tangent of the other angle. given, or add. its cotangent ; the re- mainder or fum will be the fine of the fecond arc. The fum or difference of thefe two arcs will be the fide required. Example. In the triangle sz Py having the angle zps 31° 34’ 26”, zsP 30° 28’ 12”, and the fide rz 38° 30’ ; to find the fide sp. 9°9303781 S188 ie 440 cof. zPs Saga Q'9006052 = tan. Pz 38 30 0 9°8310273 tan.PRIiftarc34 7 30 9 7488608 aaa og cee Ve EdD 9°7884529 Me SA x 1227 tan. ZPs 26 02301404), . 30290 . agg y cot tee f 20 8 9°7079103 fin.sr2darc 35 52 30 add pr Iftarc 34. 7 30 fumissP 70 0 O See page 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two arcs wilh be the fide required, Prop. XXI. Huving two angles, and a ‘fide oppoftte to one of them; to find ihe third angle, Let a perpendicular fall from the angle unknown, on its oppofite fide : then add the cofine of the given fide to the tangent of the adjacer nt angle; the fum, (abating radius) is the, co- tangent ‘of the firit angle to be found, comprehended by the given fide and the perpendicular. And the fecond angle, comprehend- ed by the perpendicular and the fide unknown; 1s to be found thus: add the fine of the angle found, to the cofine of the given angle oppofite to the given fide, 166 fide, and from the fum fubtraé the cofine of the other angle given, or add its fecant; the remainder or fum -will be the fine of the fecond angle. The fum or difference of thefe two angles will be the angle required. Example. In the triangle sz P, having the angle vs 31° 34’ 26”, zsp 30° 28' 12”, and the fide pz 38° 30’ ; to find the angle szr. 98935444 cofin. Pz 38°30’ 0” 0°7884529 $1 34 Wears ea 086 9°6821200 cot. 1ft ZpzrR64 18 50 9'9547619 64 18 deh fin. PZR } WES ¢ oe cof, zsP ay Pere 0 0695443 31 34 336 fec. ZPS } ; 26 9° 9508447 fin. 2d Z szr 65 44 21 thenadd 1fiZpzr 64 18 50 the fumis szP 130 3 11 See page 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two angles will be the angle re- quired, Prop. XXH. Having tawo fides, and the angle between them ; te find either ah the other angles, ‘ et a perpendicular fall from the unknown angle, which is not required, on its oppofite fide: then add the co- fine of the given angle to the tangent of the given fide oppofite to the angle required ; the fum, (abating radius) is the tangent of the firft arc, compre- hended between the given angle and the fegment of the given fide where the perpendicular falls. And the fecond arc is the difference of that fide and the firft arc, being comprehended between the fame feg- ment and the angle required. THE RESOLUTION OF Now add the fine of the firft are, to the tangent of the given angle, and from the {um fubtraét the fine of the fecond arc, or add its cofecant; the remainder or fum will be the tangent of the angle required. Example. In the triangle sz p, having the fide pz 38° 30’, Ps 70°, and the angle zPs 31°34’ 26” to find the angle zsp. ° _ y 0 / we 9 oan cofin, ZPs ?) a4 26 99006052 tang.rz 38 Oo 9°8310273 tan.pR,lftarc34 7 30 taken from ps70 O O 2 leaves sr, 2d arc 35 5¢ iss mingare sa Hi. 932. spat Ge 9'7884529 Pash G3 Bee COP 1227 tang. ZPs : _ 26 02320011) Vc. gp $35 53 - 873 . - .—30 9°7090270 tan.zPps req. 30 28 12 See page 171 following. To find both the unknown angles. Add together the cofecant, or the complement of the fine, of half the fum of the given fides, the fine of half their difference, and the cotangent of half the angle given; the fum, (abat- ing radjus). is the tangent of half the difference of the angles required. Add.alfo together the fecant, or the complement of the cofine, of half the fum of the given fides, the cofine of half their difference, and the cotan- gent of half the angle given ; the fum, (abating radius) is the tangent of half the fum of the angles required. Then add the half difference of the angles required, to their halffum,and ~ you will have the greater angle; and fubtract the half-difference from the half-fum, and you will have the leffer angle required, the fame as in the former operation, PS SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 167 PS io 70° O' ~—_ |Cofec. 3 fum 0°09060719|Sec. $ fum 0'2334015 by 38 30 Sin. 2 diff. 9°4336746\Cofin. + diff. 9-9833805 Sum 108 30 Cot. 4 zps 10'5486352\Cot. 4 zes 10 5486352 Diff. 31 30 T.49°47'30"10°07290817|T.80°15'42” 10°7654172 1 Sum "5A 15 Halt {um of angles required is . 80° 15’ 42” 2 Diff. 15 45 Half the differenceis . . 4 .° 49 47 30 “—"F zps— 31 34 26 |The greater angle szpis . . 130. 3 12 1 £2ps=15 47 13 The lefler angle zsp is, as before, 30 28 12 Prop. XXIII. Having tawo fides, and the angle between them; to find the third fide. Let a perpendicular fall from either of the angles unknown, on its op- pofite fide : then add the cofine of the given angle, to the tangent of the fide from whofe end the perpendicular is let fall; the fum (abating radius) is-the tangent of the firft arc, comprehended between the given angle and the feg- ment of the fide where the perpendi- cular falls. And the fecond arc is the difference of that fide and the firft arc, being comprehended between the fame feg- ment and the end of the fide required. Now add the cofine of the fec6nd arc, to the cofine of the fide from whofe end the perpendicular falls, and from the fum fubtra¢t the cofine of the firft arc found, or add its fe- cant; the remainder or fum will be the cofine of the fide required. Example. Inthe triangle szp, hav- ing the fide pz 38° 30", Ps 70°, and the angle zps 31° 34’ 26”; to find the fide zs. 9'9303781 o1c . 440 cofin. ZPs 9°9006052 tang,Pz . 38 9'8310273 tan.pR,1ftarc 34 taken from es 70 O O leaves sr, 2d arc 35 52 30 ages Be Feni De ts ee 30 9'8935444 35’ sa? —34 30 O 7 30 cofin. Pz 38 30 0 0'0820236. 8469 ey) fec, PR 30 1°8842553 cofinzsreq.40 O O See page 171 following. Prop, XXIV. Having two fides, and the angle oppofite to one of them; to jind the angle oppofed to the other fide. Add the fine of the angle given, to the fine of the fide oppofite to the an- gle required, and from the fum fub- tract the fine of the fide oppofite to the angle given, or add its cofecant ; the remainder or fum will be the fine of the angle required, Example, In the triangle szp, hav- ing the fide ps 70°. zs 40°, and the angle szP 130°3' 12"; to find the an- gle zPs. 9'8838294 49° 56’ .” eK fin. fup. gis ree, Q'8080675 fin. zs 40 0 QO 00270142 cofec. rs . 70 O O Q'7189961 fin. zpsreq. 31 34 26 See page 171 following. Prop. XXV. Having two fides, and the angle oppofite to one of them; to find the third fide. . Let a perpendicular fall from the angle between the fides given, on its oppofite fide ; then add the cofine of the angle given, to the tangent of the given fide next that angle; the fum, (abating radius) is the tangent of the tirft arc, comprehended between the given angle and the fegment of the fide where the perpendicular falls. Now the 2d arc, comprehended be- tween the fame fegment, and the end of the fide required, is to be found thus: add the cofine of the firft arc, to the cofine of the given fide oppo- fite to the angle given, and from the fum 168 _ fum fubtraét the cofine of the other given fide, or add its fecant; the re- mainder er fum will be the cofine of the fecond arc. The fum or difference of thefe two arcs will be the fide required. Example. In the: triangle sz p, having the fide pz 38° 30’, sz 40°, and the angle srz 31° 34’ 26”; to find the fide ps. 99303781 fast cof. sPz os ial 9'9006052 tan.pz 38 30 O 9°8310273tang.Priftarc34 7 30 . - r / 9 Sea cofin. pr 9°4 oA 9°8842540 cofin.sz. 40 0 O 071064556 fec, Pz 38 9'9086432 cofin.sn2dare 35 52 30 add pr, iftarc 34 7 30 gives psreq. 70 O O See page 171 following. But when the perpendicular falls out of the triangle, the difference of the two arcs will be the fide required, Pron. XXVI. Having two fides, and the angle oppsfed to one of them 3 to Jind the angle between them. Let a perpendicular fall from the angle between the fides given, on its oppofite fide: then add the cofine of _ the given fide next the ave angle, to the tangent of that angle ; the fum, (abating radius) is the cotangent of the firft angle to be found, compre- hended by the given fide next the an- gle given, and. by the perpendicular. Now the fecandangle, comprehend- ed by the perpendicular and the other given fide, is to be found thus: add the cofine of the firft angle found, to the tangent of the giver tide next the angle given, and from the fum fub- tract the tangent of the other given fide, or add its cotangent; the re- mainder or fum will be the cofine of the fecond angle to be found, 3 Ls ah Ae 38° 30’; to find the fide sz. THE RESOLUTION OF The fum or, the difference of the firft and fecond angles, will be the angle required. Example. In the triangle $2 P, _ having the fide pz 38° 30’, sz 40°, and the angle spz 31° 34/ 26”; to find the angle szp. ; | 9'8935444 cofin. Pz 38° 30° 0” 9 7884520 31 34 . 1927 tang. sZzP ' 96 9'6821200cotan.pzr,1ft 264 18 50 rea io a ee id big eel 437 ; .—10 99006052 tang. pz . 38 30 O 0°0701865 cotan.sz . 40 0 O Q°6137213 cofin.szr,2d 265 44 22 add pzx, lit 264 18 50 gives szp, req. 130 3 12 See page 171 following. Prop. XXVII. Having tavo angles, and the fide between them; to find either of the other jivies. Let a perpendicular fall from the given angle, which is next the fide re- quired, upon its oppofite fide: then add the cofine of the given fide to the tangent of the given angle oppofite to the fide required; the {um (abating radius) is the cotangent of the firft angle to be found, comprehended by the given fide and the perpendicular. And the fecond angle is the differ- ence between the firft and the given angle next the required fide, being comprehended by the perpendicular and that fide. Now add the cofine of the firft an- gle found, to the tangent of the fide given, and from the jum fubtract the cofine of the fecond angle, or add its fecant; the remainder or fum will be the tangent of the. fide required. Example. In the triangle szpr, having the angle spz 31° 34’ 26”, szP 130° 3’ 12’, and the fide pz 0'8935444 SPHERICAL TRIANGLES. 9°8035444 cofin. Pz - 38° 30’ 0” 9'7884529 $1 34 1297 | tang. SPZ 56 9°6821200cot. PzR, Ift Z, 64 18 50 taken from szP 130. 3 12 leaves SZR, Qd Li 65 44 22, ‘96368859 | ‘ { 64 19° ya aeealeh PZR “ethane 9 9000052 tang. pz - 38 30 O 0°3861750 (aoe 65 44 1028 b is ae pater. 22 9'9238126 40.0 0 See page 171. following. To find both th: unknown fils. Add together the cofecant, or the -complement of the fine, of half the fum of the angles given, the fine of half tan. sz req. 169 their difference, and the tangent of half the given fide; the fum (abating radius) is the tangent of half the dif- ference of the fides required. Add alfo together the fecant, or the complement of the cofine, of half the fum of the given angles, the cofine ef half their difference, and the tangent of half» the given fide; the fum (abating radius) is the tangent of half the fum of the fides required. Then add half the difference of the fides required, to their half fum, and you will have the greater fide; and fubtraét the half-ditference from the half-fum, and you will have the leffer fide required, the fame as in the former operation, SZP 130° 3'12” |Cofec. I fum 0:0056062! Sec. 3 fum 0'796836 SPZ 31 34°20 |Sin, i diff. 9°870352 i Cofin. 4 diff. Lapis Sum 161 37 38 |Fang.£Pz 9°5430936|Tang. i rz 9 5430936 Diff. 98 28 46 |'Tang. of 15° g: "4980535 | Tang. of 55° 10°1547733 tSum 80 48 49 Half fam of the fides required'ig.\ += <5 -5," 55° Diff. 49 14 23. |Half their differenceis - -° - = - = 15 PZ. 38 30,0, ,| The greater fide sp'is)) 9-504 5 1 pz 19 15 oO |Leffer fide sz is, as before Me ee pe li iy a0 y | Prop. XXVIII. Having two angles and the fide beiween them 3 ta find the third angle. Let a perpendicular fall from either of the angles given, upon its. oppofite fide: then add the cofine of the fide given to the tangent of the given an- gle, from which the perpendicular does not’ fall; the fum {abating radius) is the cotangent of the firft angle, com- prehended by the given fide and the perpendicular. And the fecond angle is the differ- ence between the firt and the given angle that the perpendicular fell from, being comprehended by the perpen- dicular and the fide oppofite to the other angle given. | Now add the fine of the fecond angle to the cofine of that given angle from which the perpendicular did not full, and from the fum fubtra& the fine —_—_ of the firft angle found, or add its co- fecant ;. the remainder or {um will be the cofine of the angle required. Example. In the triangle szp, hay- ing the angle $ZP 130° "3" 1207) $P4 31° 34’ 26", and the fide pz 38> 30’ ; to find the angle psz. 98935444 cofin. Pz - 88 30 O 9°7884529 Sida’ S iad ARB MORE Lo oe gig 96821200 cotan-pzR,1ft Z,64 18 50 taken from szP 130 3 12 leaves $ZR, QdZ, 05 44 22 0°0451773 } K 6419": On Gso PZR ; OME 15 *0303781 : 9°9 Ae cofin. sPz ee cy sais ban m9 is 44. * by Mr. Norwood in meafuring the diftance from York to London, as the road led him, obferving- the feveral bearings by his circumferentor, and finding by fuch a table his feveral dif-. “ferences of latitude, and departure, by which he obtained the diftance be- tween the parallels, of London and York, pretty near the truth, fo long ago as the year 1635; as may be feen in his Seaman’s Practice. Alfo in plotting the furvey of a county thus taken, the circuit ftation- lines, though confifting of many hun- dreds, may be reduced to a few for the firft clofing, and the like for the intermediates of each line firft plot- ted, by which every ftation may per- haps be more truly placed than by any other method: the diftances in the table may be chains of 66, or 100 feet, as well as miles, or any other ymeafure that the differences of latitude and departure would be had in. Prop. U1. Having the difference of latitude, and the departure ; to find the courfe and diftance. : Seek the given difference of latitude and departure, taken together, in their columns, or the neareft numbers to them ; and the courfe is even there- with at the fide, and the difiance at the top and bottom: but if the given difference of latitude and departure cannot be found nearly, take 4, 2, &c. part, or any equal multiple of them that can be found; then the courfe is even with them at the fide, and fuch a part of the dittance, as was taken of the difference of latitude and departure, at the top and bottom, Example 1. Given the difference of Jatitude 59 miles s, and the departure 68 miles w; the courfe and diftance are required. In the double column over g, even with 49° at the right-hand fide, is USE OF THE TRAVERSE TABLE. found together the given difference of latitude and departure ; therefore the courfe is 49° sw, and the diftance 90 miles. Example 2. Given the difference of latitude 30 miles nw,’ and the de- parture 18 miles; the courfe and diftance are required. Here the given difference of lati- tude and departure, or any numbers near them, are not to be found to- gether in the table; therefore taking ~ or the double of each, the courfe is found to be 31° n E£, and the diftance. 35 miles. _ Note. A table computed to every mile in the diftance up to 100 miles would more readily folve this example. Prop. IV. Hawing the departure and middle latitude: to find the difference of longitude, according to the method ufed by W. Jones, Eiq. F. R.S. Seek the given departure, or the next le{s number in the columns figned lat. even with the middle given lati- tude found among the courfes, and at the top and bottom (figned dift.) is the difference of longitude fought ; which if not found dire€tly at once, may be taken out at twice or thrice. Exemple1. Being yefterday noon in the latitude of 37° 17’ N, and this day noon in 38° 43’ n, and by the table the departure is found 70°921 §; the difference of longitude is required. Jn the column figned lat. under 9, even with 38°, the middle latitude 1s found 7°0921!; therefore 9O miles is the difference of longitude fought. Example 2. Being yefterday noon in latitude 46° 25’ n, and this day at noon in 47° 35’ n, fo that the middle latitude is 47° n,.and the departure is found 112°53 miles w; required the difference of longitude ? In the column figned lat, over 10 at the bottom, even with 47 at the tights OF MERCATOR’S SAILING. Yight-hand fide, is 6°8200; therefore fubduting 68200 from 112°53, the remainder is 44°33; then over 6 is 4°0920, and 40°92 fubdudted from 44°33 leaves 3°41, which is found over 5; therefore the difference of longitude is 165 miles-wett. If the middle latitude be not an even degree, but have odd minutes ; find the difference of longitude, for the even degrees next lefs and great- er, and add a proportional part of the difference between the two refults to the lefier ; the fum will be the differ- ence of longitude fought. Suppofe the middle latitude in the laft example had been-47° 20’ n, then, after finding the difference’ of longi- tude as before for 47°, find- it -alfo for 48°, which is 168 miles; then x of the difference being added to the former, gives the difference of longi- tude 166 miles weft. Note. Though this method is not in all cafes near the truth, yet when the miles are geographical, it is fufh- ciently near fer daily pra¢tice in any voyage, as well as eafy, and very ex- peditious. 175 Prop. V. Having the latitudes, and the longitudes of two places, to find the bearing and diftance, Seek the complement of the middle latitude among the degrees, and the difference of longitude in minutes among the diftances, the departure anfwering is found in its proper co- lumn ; then with the difference of Ja- titude and departure, find their bear- ing or cour{e and diftance by the third. Example. Wet the Lizard be given in the latitude of 49° 50’. N, and 5° 21° w longitude, and Cape Ortegal in the latitude. of 44° 10’ n, and 70° 43’ w longitude; to find the bearing and diftance. The difference of longitude is 142’ 3 and in the columns figned dep. under 10, 4, and 2, even with 43° the co- middle latitude, are found 6°8200, 27280, and 1°3640; then increafing the two former as before fhown, their fum is 96°844 miles w, for the de~ parture ; and the bearing, or courfe, anfwering to 340 miles difference of latitude, with Q6°844 departure, is found about 16° sw: and the diftance about 354 miles. OF MERCATOR’S SAILING. a HE ufes of the table of meridional parts are fully fupplied by the table of logarithmic tangents, as is demonftrated in N° 219 of the Philofophical Tranfaftions. It is there proved, 1ft, That the meridional line, or fcale of Mercator’s Chart, is a fcale of the log. tangents of the half complements of the latitude. 2dly, That fuch log. tangents of Mr. Briggs’s form, are a fcale of the differences of longitude, on the rumb which makes an angle of 51° 38’ 9” with the meridian. And 3dly, That the differences of longitude, on dif- ferent rumbs, are to one another as the tangents of the angles of thofe rumbs with the meridian. itl Hence it follows, that the difference of the log. tangents of the half _ complements of the latitudes, is to the difference.of longitude a fhip makes in failing on any rumb from the one latitude to the other, as the tangent of 51° 38’ 9” (whofe logarithm is 10°1015104) to the tan- gent of the angle of the rumb or courfe with the meridian ; fo that: I. If two latitudes, and the difference of longitude be given, the courte and diftance are readily determined by this rule. Take, 176 OF MERCATOR’S SAILING. Take, by help of the tables, the difference of the log. tangents of the half complements of the latitudes, efteeming the la{t three figures to be a decimal fraCtion ; and add the complement of its logarithm to the logarithm of the difference of longitude reduced to minutes, and the conftant log. 10°1015104; the fum (abating radius) fhall be the log. tangent of the courfe. And to the log. fecant of the courfe, add the logarithm of the difference of latitude reduced to minutes, the fum (abating radius) fhall be the logarithm of the diitance in minutes. Example, Given the Lizard to be in latitude 49° 55’ n, Barbadoes in 13° 10’ n, and their difference of longitude 53°00’, or 3180° w3; to find the courfe and diftance. i Co. lat ra 38° 25’ |. tan. 9°39930821.3180'= 3°5024271 zee" Lizard = =20 221, tan. 95620477 conft. log.10°1015104 diff. 3372°G05 its co. log. 64720346 _ Log. tang. of the courfe 49° 59’ 10” sw - = - - - 10:0759721 Log. fec. of the courfle 49 59 10 - = - = = = 1071918067 Log. of 2205’ diff. of the; latitudes’: oie Sb 58 fate eos de BB 4840816 Log. of 3429°373 diftance of Barbadoes from the Lizard — 3°5352153 If. If two latitudes and the courfe be given, the difference of lon- gitude is obtained with the fame eafe: for as the tangent of 51° 38° g” is to the tangent of the courfe, fo is the difference of the log. tangents of the half complements of the latitudes, to the difference. of longitude fought. ‘Therefore, to the complement of the conftant log. 1071015104, add the log. of the difference of the log. tangents of the half complements of the latitudes, and the log. tangent of the courfe, the fum (abating radius) will be the log. of the difference of longitude in minutes. Example. Given the latitudes 49° 55’ and 19° 10’, and courfe 49° 59’ 10"; to find the difference of longitude. Lat. 13° 10’, its } co lat. 38° 25’ 1. tan. 9°8993082 Lat:49 55 - - - 20 231.tan.9°5620i77co.conft.log.9°3984896 diff. 3372°605 - its log.3°5279654 Log. tang. of the courfe 49° 59°10" - - - -- - - 10°0759721 Log. of 3180’ = 53° for diff. of longitude - - - - 3°5024271 By this rule, having two good obfervations of the latitude, and the courfe duly fteered, the reckoning of a fhip’s way is beit afcertained, efpecially if you fail near the meridian. | Ill. if the latitude departed from, the courfe fteered, and diftance failed, be given; to find the fhip’s latitude, and difference of longitude. Firft, the latitude is obtained from the confideration that the diftance | is to the difference of latitude, as radius to the cofine of the courfe, which is common to plain failing. Therefore to the log. of the diftance add the log. cofine of the courle, the fum (abating radius) is the log. of the difference of latitudes; which ditierence added to the lefier latitude, or fubtraCted from the greater, the fum or remainder is the prefent latitude: then having the two latitudes, and the courfe, the difference of longitude is found by the fecond. . : Example OF MERCATOR’S SAILING. 177 Example. Waving failed from the Lizard, in lat. 49° 55’ N, ona courfe 49° 59' 10” fouth-wefterly 3429-378 miles: required what lon- gitude and latitude the fhip is found in. Log. of 3429°478 the diftance failed . . . . . . 3°5352153 Log. cofine of 49°59 10" thecourfe . . . «°° « 998081933 Log. of 2205’, or 36° 45’ diff. of the latitudes . . . 3°3434086 Now fubtraGting 36°45’ from 49° 55, the remainder 13° 10’ N, is the latitude the fhip is found in. By which latitude, now known, the difference of log. tangents will be found 3372:605, and the further procefs in nothing differing from the fecond rule, by which the difference of longitude will be found 53° 00’. Thus the dead reckoning by the log. line, and daily account of a fhip’s way, are duly kept, and the trouble very little more than by plain failing. Thefe are all the cafes that occur in practice ; the reft, which are moftly fpeculative, are either eafily reducible to thefe, or elfe not to be performed by logarithms, and therefore come not at prefent under our cognizance, | But it is to be noted, that both the complements of the latitudes are to be eftimated from the fame pole of the world ; which may be from either ; and therefore if one latitude be n, and the other s, to have their complements, you muft add 90° to one of them, and fub- tract the other from 90, and then the operation will be the fame as in the preceding cafes. ihe Example. Given St. Jago, one of the Cape-de-Verd iflands, in the latitude of 14° 56’ Nn; and the ifland St. Helena, in latitude 15» 45’ s, and their difference of longitude 30° 12’ £; to find the courfe and diftance. Bi | Colat 13e Jago 52° 2s’ , 1. tan, 10°1144965 1. 1812’ 3°2581582 " (St.Helena 37 73.1. tan. 9°8790845 conft.log.10°1015104 2354°120 itsco. log. 6°6281714 Log. tang. of the courfe 44° 11'53” sE . . ~ 99875400 Log, fec. of the, courfey 4411-583) oo. ee 101445200 Log. of 1841' diff. of the latitudes . ... . . . 3°2650538 Log. of 2567°875 diftance of St. Helena from St. Jago — $*4.095738 Or if it be thought eafier, when one latitude is N, and the other s, you may add 90‘ to each of them, the fum of the log, tangents of | their halves (abating twice the radius) will be the fame as the diffe- rence of the log. tangents of the former. For an example, take the fame latitudes as in the precedin ; 14° 56'=104° 56’ 2. 52° 28']. tan. 10°1144965 Rhea 20% a 45 =105 45 ? BR ae: 5221, tan. 10°1209155 The fum (abating twice the radius) equal to the former AUCANCeDe etry Trea iee Ss Vaile | te are Mee AGS tel 20 Alfo, when both latitudes are of the fame name, that is both n or both s, you may add 90° to each of them, the difference of the log. tangents, of half thefe fums, will be the fame as of the log. tangents of half the complements of thofe latitudes. 24 TABLE 178 CIRCULAR ARCS. ‘TABLE FOR THE LENGTHS OF CIRCULAR ARCS. ‘TL us is table 12, and conftitutes page 340. It contains the lengths of every fingle degree up to 180, and of every minute, fecond, and third, each up to 60. The form of it is obvious; the length of each degree, minute, fecond or third, immediately following it on the fame line in the next column. And the two following examples will. fhow the ufe of the table. Ex. 1. To find the length of an arc of 57° 17 447 48". Take out from their refpective columns the lengths anfwering to each of thefe numbers fingly, and add them all together, thus: 57° 0°9948377 Ly " 49451 4.4” : 2133 4.9/7" 39 the fum or 1°O0000000isthe whole length, and is equal to the radius ; that is, the length of an arc of 57° 17 44” 48” is juft equal to the radius of the circle. Ex. 2. To find the degrees, mi- nutes, &c in the arc 1, which is equal to the radius. Subtract from it the next lefs ta- bular arc, and from the remainder the next lefs again, and fo on till nothing remain; andoppofite tothe feveral numbers fubtracted, will be the degrees, minutes, &c ; thus: Given length 1°0000000 BI AS ten, «5 SBR LT 51623 aca se 49451 2172 dA ik, ares a Wel ee wie ie, emgage 1 _ So that the arc which 1s equal to theradius contains 57° 17/4448". COMMON AND HYP. LOGS. 179 TABLE FOR COMPARING HYP. AND COMMON LOGS. Tus is table 13, and is the upper part of page 341. It contains the hyperbolic logs. anfwering to the firft 100 common logs. and is very ufeful for fpeedily changing the one into the other. Ex. 1. To find the hyp. log. an- fwering to the common log. 0°9542425. Beginning at the left hand, and dividing the given number into periods of two figures each, in- cluding the index, take out the hyp. log. to each period, omitting two figures at the 2d period, four at the third, and fix at the 4th; then add them ‘all together, thus: Ex. 2. To find the common log. an{wering to the hyp. log. 2°19712246. Subtra& continually each next lefs tabular hyp. log. from the given number, and from the re- mainders ; and the feveral com- mon logarithms anfwering to thefe tabular hyp. logs, joined toge- ther, will be the com. log. re- quired, thus : com. log. hyp. log. hyp. log. 09 o. 01 Iso 206 given 2°1972246 54 ‘ 1243396 09 2°0723226 ye 5526 1248980 25. 58 54 1243396 0°9542425 2°1972246 anf, 5584 Sirs 24, 5526 ae. 25 58 0°9542425 anfwer. The remaining pages contain the {mall table of the names and de- grees, &c, in the points of the compafs ; which needs no illuftration ; and a copious lift of fuch errors, with their eorrections, as have been difcovered in the principal books of logarithms; among which are many that have been detected by myfelf, both in the Avignon edition of Gardiner, and in Gardiner’s own quarto edition, as well as in the French tables by Callet, and by Didot: which renders this lift more complete than any former one 3 and it will be found very ufeful in correcting thofe books of tables which are already in the pofleffion of the public. As to all the editions of Sherwin’s and Gardiner’s tables in o€tavo, the errors in them are far too numerous to be printed in this or any other work, as they amount to many thoufands, even in the edition of 1742, publifhed by Gardiner, in which the laft figures of the logarithms are ufually not correct to the neareft unit, except in a very few pages at the beginning, and at the end of the table, {fo that it cannot be depended on for nice calculations, TABLE ite 7 | i." vib cab eM petals pty” Poa. it a bys a) ey 4, py. pit God, arty > athe ‘age Gia ok HAAS wha? Ret, ‘sitio ath Uga¢ vadcel igi, tiie 5 eras as a Pree Nee red at shee ok Cath ag a hi & An iyibas: 22109 Nf. Me A alg: oe: we “an : Boone) cob pniaeleak cian gi ‘sna poaihaci a! o € aaah moldy eB ep ‘etyehee Sele) ed Serie 2 . nt peeks Det: hhh 8 Bigg ip eek iii sgl ey a ‘3 fyaeoe Bldies | Sunen fea a “a Mabie tas Re te : ie OMe see ma write. 7 Sy Ai Pi in 6 eit a Rif, Pisa esthy TABLE I. CONTAINING THE LOGARITHMS OF ALL NUMBERS, From 1 to 100000. 2B 1|0’0000000 2|9°3010300 319°4771213 4'0:6020600 5|0'6989700 610°7781513 7|0°'8450980 8|0°9030900 9|0°9542425 10}1°O0000000 11|1°0413927 12/1°0701812 13}1°1139434 14|1°1461280 15}1°1760913 16]1°2041200 17}1°2304489 18/1°2552725 19|1°2787530 20|1°3010300 2111°3222193 22)1°3424227 23|1°3617278 24]1°3802112 25|1°3979400 26|1°4149733 27\1°4313638 28|1°4471580 29]1°4623980 30}1°4771213 31|1°4913617 32}1°5051500 3311°5185139g 34/1°5314789 |35}1°5440680 36|1°5563025 37|1°5682017 38}1'°5797836 3911°5910646 40}1'6020600 41}1°6127839 42|1°6232403 4311°6334685 4411°6434527 45|1°6532125 46|1°6027578 47|1°6720979 45|1°6812412 40\1°6901961 5C|1°09897 (2) Numb. 1to100,and|_LoGcaRiTHMs —N.100 4.00 their Log. with Indices.||N.| Log. ||N.| Log. |[N.| Log. 51]1°7075702||100|0000000 52\1°71600331/101|0043214 53]1'7242759||102'0086002 5411°7323938]|10310128372 55|1°7403627|110410170333 50|1°7481880]/105|0211893 57|1°75587490||100}0253059 58]1°7634280]107|0293838 50]1°7708520]|108/0334238 600}1°7781513||109|0374205 61}1°7853298)]1 1010413927 62)1°7923917||111]0453230 63}1°7993405)|112/0492180 64|1°8061800!|113}0530784 65}1°81291341|11410569049 66}1°8195439]}115|0606978 67|1°8260748]|1 16}0644580 68|1°8325089}|117|0681859 60|1°8388491||118|0718820 70|1°8450980)|119|0755470 71\1°8512583}/12010791812 72\1°8573325||12110827854 73|1°8633229]|122|0803598 74\1°86923 17||/123|0899051 75\1°8750613}|124\09034217 76)|1°8808136)|125}0969100 77\1°8864907}|126| 1003705 78|1°8920946)}127|1038037 79\|1°897627 1)|128]1072100 80}1*GO30900)/129]1105897 81}1°9084850)|130]1139434 §2}1°9138139]1131]1172713 83]1°9190781]|132}1205739 8411°92427931|133)1238516 85|1°9294189)134)1271048 86}1°9344985}/135]1303338 87|1°9395193}|136]1335389 88]1°944482711137|1367206 89]1°9403900}|138)1398791 90}1°954242511139]1430148 Q1}1°95904.14}}140]1461280 Q2]1°903787 811411492191 93}1°9684829]|142|1522883 Q4}1°G73.127911143|1553360 95|1°97772301114411583625 Q611°98227 1211145}1613680 .97|1'°9867717|1146}1643529 98]1°991226111147|1673173 99]1°9950352/1148!1 702617 100|2°0000000)]149|173 1863 N.100 L.00 150|1760913 ||205|3010300 151}1789769||201|3031901 152]1818436}}202)3053514 153}1846914/!203|3074960 154|1875207||204|3096302 155|19033 17||205|3 117539 156|193 1246}|/206)3 138672 157|1958997||207|3 159703 158|1986571 15912013971 160|204.1200 161|2068259 162|2095150 163|2121876 164|2148438 165|2174839 166|2201081 107|2227165 168|2253093 164|2278867 170|2304489 171|2329961 172|2355284 173|2380461 174|2405492 175|2430380 176|2455127 177|2479733 178|2504200 179|2528530 180|2552725 181|2576786 182|26007 14 183|2624511 184/2648178 18512671717 186|2695129 187/27 18416 1882741578 189|2704618 190|2787536 191|2810334 192/2833012 193|2855573 19412878017 195|2900346 196|2922501 197|2044662 198|2966652!| 208|3180633 209|3201463 210|3222193 211|3242825 212/3263359 213|3283796 214|3304138 215|3324385 21613344538} 21713364597 21913384565 219|3404441 22013424227 22113443923 22213463530 223|3483049 2.24'3502480 225|3521825 22613541084 227|3560259 228|3579348 229|3598355 230|3017278 23113636120 232'!3654880 233|3073559 234|3092159 235/37 10679 23613729120 23713747483 N. 250 L. 39 351}5453071 352|5465427 135315477747 1135415490033 305/4842998 306/4857214 13071487 1384 308/4885507 309|4899585 310/44913617 311}4927004 311312'4941546 355|5502284 35615514500 357|5526682 358|5538830 32915171959 330)5185139 33115198280 332)5211381 33315224449 334|5237465 335|5250448 336/5263393 337|5276299 OF NUMBERS. 40016020600 401|603 1444 402|/6042261 403|6053050 40410063 814 40510074550 406|}6085260 407|6095944 408/6106602 409|0117233 450/6532125 45110541765 45210551384 45310560982 454/0570559 45510580114 45016589046 457'0599162 458/6008055 459/0618127 460/0627578 461|0637000 462/0046420 463|06655816 46416605180 468|6702454 46610711728}, 470/07 20976 4711673020 472|0739420 47310748611 47410757783 47510766936 )||476107 70070 47710785184 478|079427¢ 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(186) N CONAGAONE| Logarithms. 00000 00000 C0000 00000 30102 99956 63981 19521 47712 12547 19662 43730 60205 99913 27962 39043 69897 00043 36018 80479 77815 12503 83643 63251 84509 80400 14256 83071 90308 99869 91943 58564 905424 25094 39324 87459 00000 00000 00000 00000 04139 26851 58225 04075 07918 12460 47624 82772 11394 33523 06836 76921 14612 80356 78238 02593 | 17609 12590 55681 24208 20411 99826 55924 78085 23044 89213 78273 92854 25527 25051 03306 06980 27875 36009 52828 96154 30102 99956 63981 19521 32221 92047 33919 26801 34242 26808 22206 23506 36172 78360 17592 87887 38021 12417 11606 02294 39794 00086 72037 60957 41497 33479 70817 96442 431360 37641 58987 31189 44715 80313 42219 22114 46239 79978 98956 08733 47712 12547 19662 43730 49136 16938 34272 67067 50514 99783 19905 97607 51851 39398 77887 47805 53147 89170 42255 12375 54406 80443 50275 63550 55630 25007 67287 26502 56820 17240 66994 99681 57978 35966 16810 15675 59106 46070 26499 20050 60205 99913. 27962 39043 61278 38507 19735 49451 62324 92903 97900 46322 63346 84555 79586 52641 64345 20764 86187 43118 65321 25137 75343 67938. 66275 78316 81574 07408 67209 78579 35717 46441 68124 12373 75587 21815 69019 60800 28513 66142 69897 00043 36018 80479 N. | 75587 48556 72491 39883 06378 78273 45555 26930 | 96848 29485 53935 11696 | 98677 17342 66244 85178} 6 MOTs Ss PF For finding Logarithms and Numbers to 20 Places of Figures: Logarithms. 70757 01760 97936 36584 71600 33436 34799 15963 72427 58696 00789 04563 73239 37598 22068 50710 74036 26894 94243 84554 74818 80270 06200 41635 76342 79935 62937 28255 77085 20116 42144 19026 77815 12503 83643 63251 78532 98350 10767 03389 79239 16894 98253 87488 79934 05494 53581 70530 80617 99739 83887 17128 81291 33566 42855 57399 81954 30355 41808 67326 82607 48027 00826 43415 83250 89127 06236 31897 83884 90907 37255 31616 84509 80400 14256 83071 85125 83487 19075 28609 85733 249064 31268 46023 86332 28601 20455 90107 86923 17197 30976 19202 87506 12633 91700 04687 88081 35922 807901 35196 88649 07251 72481 87146 89209 46026 90480 40172 89762 70912 90441 427909 90308 GQ86g 91943 58564 90848 50188 78649 74918 91381 38523 83716 68972 91907 $0923 76073 90383 92427 92860 61881 65843 92941 89257 14292 73333 93449 $4512 43567 72162 93951 92526 18618 52463 94448 26721 50168-62639 94939 00066 44912 78472 95424 25004 39324 87459 95904 13923 21093 59992 97312 78535 99698 65963 97772 36052 88847 76032 98227 12330 39568 41336 99122 60756 92494 85664 99563 51945 97549 91534 00000 00000 00000 00000 Tab. 2. Logarithms. 00432 13737 82642 57428 00860 01717 61917 56105 01283 72247 05172 20517 01703 33392 98780 35485 02118 92990 69938 07279 02530 58652 64770 24085 02938 37776 85209 64083 03342 37554 86949 70231 03742 64979 40623 63520 04139 26851 58225 04075 04532 29787 86657 43410 04921 80226 70181 61157 05307 84434 83419 72280 05690 48513 36472 59405 06069 78403 53611 68365 06445 79892 26918 47776 06818 58617 46161 64380 07188 20073 06125 38547 07554 69613 92530 750925 07918 12460 47624 82772 08278 53703 16450 08150 08635 98306 74748 22910 08990 51114 39397 93180 09342 16851 62235 07009 09691 00130 08056 41436 10037 05451 17562 90052 10380 37209 55956 86425 10720 990G6 47868 30050 11058 97102 99248 96370 11394 33523 06836 76921 11727 12956 55764 26081 12057 39312 05849 80847 12385 16409 67085 79225 12710 47983 64807 62036 13033 27684 95006 11667 13353 89083 70217 51418 13672 05671 56406 76856 13987 90864 01236 51138 14301 48002 54095 08046 14612 80356 78238 02503 14921 91126 55379 90171 15228 83443 83056 48131 15533 60374 65061 80996 15836 24920 95249 65545 16136 80022 34974 89212 16435 28557 84437 09629 16731 73347 48170 09872 17026 17153 94957 38724 17318 62684 12274 03826 17609 12590 55681 24208 LOGARITHMS tO 20 PLACES. N. 151 152 153 154 155 156 .22530 92817 25862 853605 | 23552 84469 07548 91683 (187) Logarithms. 17897 09472 93109 43087 18184 35879 44772 54718 18469 14308 17598 80313 18752.07208 36463 06668 19033 16981 70291 48445 19312 45983 54461 59693 19589 96524 09233 73676 19805 70869 54422 62321 20139 71243 20451 48293 20411 99826 55924 78085 200682 58760 31849 70958 20951 50145 42030 94439 21218 76044 03957 80704 21484 38480 47697 88404 21748 39442 13906 28283 22010 80880 40055 09905 22271 64711 47583 27998 22788 67046 13673 53841 23044 89213 78273 92854 23299 61103 92153 83613 23804 61031 28795 41456 24054 92482 82599 71984 24303 80480 86294 44028 24551 26078 14149 82161 24797 32003 61806 62756 25042 00023 08893 97904 25285 30309 79893 16057 25527 25051 03306 06980 25707 85748 69184 51029 20007 13879 85074 79513 26245 10897 30429 47118 26481 78230 09536 46451 26717 17284 03013 80159 26951 20442 17916 31218 27184 10065 36498 96929 27415 784092 63679 85484 27646 18041 73244 14260 27875 30009 52828 96154 28103 33672 47727 53764 28330 12287 03549 60858 28555 73090 07773 76060 28780 17299 30226 0470: 29003 46113 62518 01129 29225 60713 56476 05185 290446 62261 61592 92737 29666 51902 61531 11055 29885 30764 09706 65010 30102 99956 639081 19521 LOGARITHMS Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 30319 00574 20488 87144 251 | 39907 37214 81038 13934 30535 13694 46623 76949 252 | 40140 05407 81544 00573 30749 60379 13212 91805 253 | 40312 05211 75817 91962 30963 01674 25898 75626 254 | 40483 37166 19938 05946 31175 38610 55754 29930 255 | 40654 01804 33955 17062 31386 72203 69153 40038 256 | 40823 99053 11849 56171 31507 03454 56917 75346 257 | 40993 31233 31204 53716 31806 33349 62761 55006 258 | 41161 97059 63230 15891 32014 62861 11054 00229 259 | 41329 97640 81251 82752 32221 9209047 33919 26801 260 | 41497 33479 70817 96442 32428 24552 97692 66508 261 | 41664 05073 38280 96192 32633 58609 28751 43606 262 | 41830 12913 19745 45602 32837 96034 38737 72339 263 | 41995 57484 89757 86897 33041 37733 49190 83605 264 | 42160 39268 69831 06369 33243 84599 15605 33119 265 | 42324 58739 36807 85042 33445 37511 50930 89753 266 | 42488 16366 31066 98746 33645 97338 48529 51038 267 | 42651 12013 64575 22202 33845 04936 04004 83041 268 | 42813 47940 28788 82458 34044 41148 40118 33837 269 | 42075 22800 02407 98009 34242 26808 22206 23506 270 | 43136 37641 58987 31189 34439 22736 85110 60775 271 | 43296 92908 74405 72052 34635 29744 50638 62932 272, | 43456 89040 34198 70940 34830 48630 48160 67348 273 | 43616 26470 40756 03721 35024 80183 34162 80678 274 | 43775 05628 20387 y6378} 35218 25181 11362 48416 275 | 43933 26938 30262 05032 35410 84391 47400 91801 276 | 44090 90820 65217 70659 35602 58571 93122 72010 277 | 44247 97000 64448 55378 35793 48470 00453 78926 278 | 44404 47959 18070 27507 35983 54823 39887 90413 279 | 44500 42032 73597 55426 36172 78360 17592 87887 280 | 44715 80313 42219 22114 36361 19798 92144 30876 281 | 44870 63199 05079 89286 36548 79848 90899 67297 282 | 45024 91083 19301 09692 36735 59210 26018 97219 283 | 45178 04355 24290 23550 36921 58574 10142 83901 284 | 45331 83400 47037 07052 37106 78622 71736 26920 285 | 45484 48000 08510 20362 37291 20029 70106 58069 286 | 45036 60331 29043 00517 37474 83460 10103 86529 287 | 45788 18967 33992 32522 37057 69570 56511 95447 288 | 45939 24877 59230 85066 37839 79009 48137 68500 289 | 40089 78427 50547 85708 38021 12417 11606 02294 290 | 46239 79978 98950 08733 38201 70425 74868 38408 291 | 46389 29889 85907 28908 38381 53659 80431 27671 292 | 46538 28514 48418 29150 38560 62735 98312 18648 293 | 46086 70203 54109 45624 38738 98263 38729 42431 294 | 46834 73304 12157 29393 38916 60843 04532 46621 295 | 46982 20159 78162 99505 39093 51071 03379 12702 206 | 47129 17110 58938 58245 39269 69532 59005 73074 207 147275 64493 17212 35204 39445 16808 26216 26531 208 |47421 62640 76255 23347 39619 93470 95736 34113 209 | 47567 11883 24429 64807 300 | 47712 12547 19662 43730 | 39794 00086 72037 60057 Tab. 2./ Tab. 2. © Logarithms. 47856 64955 93843 35712 48000 69429 57150 63208 48144 20285 02305 01157 | 48287 35836 08753 74239 48429 98393 46785 83867 48572 14264 81579 99834 48713 83754 77186 48475 48855 07165 00444 26189 48095 84704 24834 64247 49136 10938 34272 67967 49276 03890 20837 50555 49415 45940 18442 79214 49554 43375 46448 48481 49692 96480 73214 93198 49831 05537 89000 51009 49968 70826 18403 81842 50105 92622 17751 49455 50242 71199 84432 67814 50379 06830 57181 12808 50514 99783 19905 97607 |‘ 50650 50324 04872 07813 50785 58716 95830 90479 50920 25223 31102 89008 51054 50102 00612 13961 51188 33609 78874 37878 51321 76000 67939 00285 51454 77526 60286 07250 51587 38437 11679 08015 51719 58979 49974 29513 51851 39398 77887 47805 51982 79937 75718 73861 52113 80837 040360 29426 52244 42335 00319 87140 52374 64668 11564 47520 52504 48070 36845 23894 52633 92773 89844 04886 52762 99008 71338 62619 52891 67002 77054 73363 53019 96982 03082 16009 53147 89170 42255 12375 53275 43789 924907 72042 53402 61060 56135 03134 53529 41200 42770 49214 53055 84425 71530 11205 53781 90950 73274 12095 53907 60987 92776 60977 | 54032 94747 90873 71854 }. 54157,92439 46580 91506 54282 54269 59179 89654 54406 80443 50275 63550 TO 20 PLACES. _ (189) Logarithms. 54530 71164 05824 08109 54654 26634 78131 01682 54777 47053 87822 56550 54900 32620 25787 82277 55022 83530 55094 09088 55144 99979 72875 17515 55266 82161 12193 19655 55388 30266 43874 36478 55509 44485 78319 14782 55630 25007 07287 26502 55750 72019 05057 92307 55870 85705 33165 70550 55990 66250 36112 51880 56110 13836 49055 99035 56229 28644 50474 70586 506348 10853 94410 66639 56466 60642 52089 33799 56584 78186 73517 65972 56702 63661 59060 36910 56820 17240 66994 99081 |. 56937 39096 15045 87635° 57054 29398 81897 50739 57170 88318 08687 60551 57287 16022 00480 16450 57403 12677 27718 85165. 57518 78449 27661 05006 570634 13502 05792 85054 57749 17998 37225 33781 57863 92099 08072 34193 57978 35906 16810 15675 58092 49756 75019 30154 58200 33629 11708 73285 58319 87739 08022 74038 58433 12243 07530 80379 58546 07295 08500 67625 58058 73046 71754 95581 58771 09650 18911 40100 58883 17255 94207 24221 58994 96013 25707 73624 59100 46070 26499 20650 59217 67573 95860 80741 50328 60670 20457 24707 59439 25503 75420 69811 59549 62218 25574 12259 59659 70956 204600 23278 59769 51859 25512 30577 | 59879 05067 63115 06588 50988 30720 73687 84531 60097 28956 860748 22954 }. 60205 99913 27962 39043 (190) N. 05321 25137 75343 67938 LOGARITHMS Tab. 2. Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 60314. 43726 2018% 30054 451 | 05417 65418 77960 53526 60422 60530 84470 06666 452,| 65513 84348 11382 11322 60530 50461 41109 44887 453 | 65609 82020 12831 87416 60638 13651 10604 96470 454105705 58528 57103 91532 60745 50232 14668 55397 455 | 65801 13966 57112 40470 60852 60335 77194 11326 456 | 65806 48426 64434 98447 | 60059 44092 25220 03756 457 | 65991 62000 69850 22235 61066 01630 89879 95148 458 | 66086 54780 03869 18934 61172 33080 07341 80361 459 | 66181 26855 37261 24043 61278 38507 19735 49451 460 | 66275 78316 81574 07408 61384 18218 76069 20586 461 | 66370 09253 89648 14507 61489 72160 33134 59560 462 | 66464 19755 56125 50397 } 61595 00516 56401 02097 463 | 66558 09910 17953 13567 61700 03411 20898 94867 464 | 66651 79805 54880 86819 061804 80967 12092 70862 465 | 60745 29528 89953 92175 61909 33300 26742 74528 466 | 66838 59166 90000 16740 62013 60549 73757 51775 467 | 60931 68805 66112 16309 62117 62817 75035 19750 468 | 67024 58530 74124 03422 62221 40229 66295 30085 469 | 67117 28427 15083 26486 62324 92908 97900 46322 470 | 67209 78579 35717 46441 62428 20958 35668 30744 471 | 67302 09071 28896 17406 62531 24509 61673 86030 472 | 67394 19986 34087 77590 62634 03673 75042 33900 473 | 67480 11407 37811 56716 62736 58565 92732 63127 474 | 67577 83416 74085 06050 62838 89300 50311 53811 475 | 67669 36096 24866 57111 62940 95991 02718 91860 476 | 67760 69527 20493 14968 63042 78750 25023 86460 477 | 67851 83700 40113 92022 63144 37690 13172 03126 478 | 67942 78906 12118 88022 63245 72921 84724 24725 479 | 68033 55134 14503 22010 03346 84555 795860 52641 480 | 68124 12373 75587 21815 63447 72701 60731 60075 481 | 68214 50763 73831 76601 63548 37468 14912 09274 482 | 08304 70382 38849 57929 63648 78963 53365 44270 483 | 68394 71307 51512 14088 63748 97205 12510 70559 484 | 68484 53616 44412 47193 63848 925069 54637 32941 485 | 68574 17386 02263 65057 63948 64892 68586 02563 486 | 68663 62692 62293 38169 64048 14369 70421 84040 487 | 68452 890612 14634 33246 64147 41105 04099 53358 488 | 68841 98220 02710 61953 64246 45202 42121 37003 489 | 68930. 88591 23620 24494 64345 26764 86187 43118 490 | 69019 60800 28513 66142 64443 85894 67838 53601 491 | 69108 14921 22968 47275 64542 22693 49091 89206 492 | 69196 51027 67360 32233 64640 37262 23069 50023 493 | 69284 69192 77230 01587 64738 29701 14619 82453 494 | 69372 69489 23646 92596 64836 00109 80931 58951 495 |69460 51989 33568 72013 } | 64933 48587 12141 86869 496 |69548 16764 90197 46052 65030 75231 31936 47555 497 |69635 63887 33332 11081 65127 80139 98144 00199 AQ8 | 69722 93427 59717 53034 65224 63410 03323 17492 499 | 69810 05456 23389 91417 500 69897 00043 36018 80479 To 20 PLACES. ee ee 69983 77258 67245 71728 70070 37171 45019 33455 70156 79850 55927 39710 70243 05364 45525-29094 70329 13781-18661 37906 70415 05168 39799 11483 | 70500 79593 33335 97571 70586 37122 83919 25467 70671 77823 36758 74657 170757 01760 97936 36584 70842 09001 34712 73179 79926 99609 75830 75692 71011 73651 11816 27342 71096 31189 95275 73238: 71180 72290 41191 00906 71264 97016 27211 35413 71349 05430 93942 50516 71432 97597 45233 02273 71516 73578 48457 85186 )|71600 33436 34799 15963 71683 77232 99524 47424 71767 05030 02262 15714 71850 16888 67274 23926 71933 12869 83726 65124 72015 93034 05956 87758 72098 57441 53739 00419 72181 06152 12546 60821 72263 39225 33812 25800 72345 56720 35185 75774 72427 58696 GO789 04563 72509 45210 81469 06485 72591 16322 95048 18268 72672 72000 26572 26372 72754 12570 28556 41723 72835 37820 21228 44562 72916 47896 92770 01979 72997 42856 99555 60687 73078 22756 66389 17530 73158 87651 86738 70217 73239 375908 22968 50710 73319 72651 06569 43688 73399 92865 38386 92473 73479 98295 88846 94758 73559 88996 98179 90461 73039 65022 76642 43999 73719 20427 04737 23243 73798 73263 33430 77381 73878 05584 84369 15899 73957 23444 50091 90848 74036 26894 94243 84554 Logarithms. 74115 15988 51785 04887 74193 90777 29198 90180 74272 51313 046908 25871 74350 97647 28429 748909 74429 20831 22670 23889 74507 47015 82057 47088 74585 51951 73728 90044 74663 41989.37578 74947 74741 18078 86423 20561 74818 80270 06200 41635 74896 28612 56161 40659 74973 63155 69061 08808 75050 83948 51346 22909 75127 91039 83342 29214 75204 844783 19438 52758 | } | 75281 64311 88271 43077 | 75358 30588 92906 57989 75434 83357 11018 87173 75511 22663 95071 17229 75587 48556 72491 39883 75663 61082 45848 05004. 75739 60287 93024 20038 75815 46219 67389 97403 75891 18923 97973 52044 75966 78446 80630 48844 76042 24834 23212 04587 70117 58131 55731 42849 76102 78384 20529 05229. 76267 85637 27436 19789 76342 70935 62037 28255 76417 61323 90330 73454 76492 20846 49888 48429 76500 85547 59014 08638 ; 76641 28471 12309 48072 76715 58660 82180 44858 76789 76160 18090 65146 76863 81012 47614 47606 76937 73260 76138 48915 77011 52947 87101 64120 77085 20116 42144 10026 77158 74808 81255 36467 77939, 17067 22919 77766 | 77305 46933 64262 60640 77378 64449 81193 54785 77451 69057 28549 56404 77524 62597 40236 42868 77597 43311 29369 08740 77670 11839 88410 84329 | 77742 68223 89311 37983 77815 12503 83643 63251 (192) LOGARITHMS Tab. 2. IN; Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 601 | 77887 44720 02739 52089 651 | 81358 09885 68191 94767 602177959 64912 57824 55233 652 | 81424 75957 31920 19807 603 | 78031 73121 40151 30874 653 | 81491 31812 75073 92143 604} 78103 69386 21131 82730 054 | 81557 77483 24267 26771 605 | 78175 53740 52468 88629 655 | 81624 12999 91783 06560 606 | 78247 26241 66286 20678 656 | 81690 38393 75660 27536 607 | 78318 86910 75257 58096 657 | 81756 53695 59780 77566 608 | 78390 35792 72734 93761 658 | 81822 58936 13955 49034 609 | 78461 72926 32875 35534 659 | 81888 54145 94009 86128 610 | 78532 98350 10767 03389 660 | 81954 39355 41868 67326 611 | 78604 12102 42554 23362 661 | 82020 14594 85640 23665 612 | 78075. 14221 45561 19356 062 | 82085 79894 396909 93382 613 |78746 04745 18415 03774 663 | 82151 35284 04773 13504 614. | 78816 83711 41107 67997 664. | 82216 80793 68017 48947 615 | 78887 51157 75416 73059 665 | 82282 16453 03104 59703 616 | 78958 07121 64425 45710 666 | 82347 42291 70301 06661 617 | 79028 51640 33241 68205 667 | 82412 58339 16548 96620 018 | 79098 84750 88815 83768 668 | 82477 64624 75545 67041 619 | 79169 06490 20117 97680 669 | 82542 61177 67823 11077 620 | 79239 16804. 98253-87488 670 | 82607 48027 00826 43415 621 | 79309 16001 76580 19075 671 | 82072 25201 68992 07464 622 | 79379 03846 90818 70077 672 | 82736 92730 53825 24408 623 | 79448 80460 59169 01544 673 | 82801 50642 23976 84648 624 | 79518 45896 82423 98736 674 | 82865 98965 35319 82140 625 | 79588 00173 44075 21915 675 | 82930 37728 31024 92146 626 | 79657 43332 10429 68002 676 | 829904 66959 41635 02884 627 | 79726 75408 30716 43958 677 | 83058 86686 85144 31601 628 | 79795 96437 37196 12719 678 | 83122 96938 67063 35530 629 | 79805 00454 45208 92535 679 | 83186 97742 80501 68250 630 | 79934 05494 53581 70530 680 | 83250 89127 06236 31897} . 631 | 80002 93592 44134 31302 681 | 83314 7111G 12785 15740 632 | 80071 70782 82385 01364 682 | 83378 43746 56478 91563 633 | 80140 37100 17355 10238 683 | 83442 07036 81532 56340 634 | 80208 92578 81732 68977 684 |} 83505 61017 20116 22655 635 | 80277 37252 91975 66903 685 | 83569 05714 92425 57335 636 | 80345 71156 48413 87336 686 | 83632 41157 06751 68735 637 | 80413 94323 35350 43063 687 | 83695 67370 59550 43142 638 | 80482 06787 21162 32330 688 | 83758 84382'35511 30726 639 | 80550 08581 58400 16068 689 | 83821 92219 07625 81484 640 | 80617 99739 83887 17128 690 | 83884 90907 37255 31616 641 | 80085 80205 18817 42225 691 | 83947 80473 74198 40758 642 | 80753 50280 68853 27334 692 | 84010 60944 56757 80499 | . 643 | 80821 09729 24222 07249 693 | 84073 32346 11806 74605 644 | 80888 58073 59812 10001 694 | 84135 94704 54854 91375 645 | 80955 97146 35207 76849 695 | 84198 48045 90113 88524 646 | 81023 25179 95084 08529 696 | 84260 92396 10562 11027 647 | 81090 42806 68700 38446 697 | 84323 27780 98009 42305 648 | 81157 50058 70593 33482 698 | 84385 54226 23161 09175 649 | 81224 40968 00369 23101 699 | 84447 71757 45681 40948] 650 | 81291 33566 42855 57399 700 | 84509 80400 14256 83071} Logarithms. 84571 80179 66658 65700 84633 71121 29805 27631 84695 53250 19823 95834 84757 26591 42112 21203 84818 91169 91398 70650 84880 47010 51803 76071 84941 94137 96899 40499 85003 32576 89769 017908 85064 62351 83066 54285 85125 83487 19075 28609 85186 96007 20766 30258 85247 99936 36856 37036 ‘85308 95298 51865 55853 14 | 85369 82117'76174 30176 5 | 85430 60418.01080 61474 } }:854.91 30223 07855 56000 |85551 01556 67800 12230 | 85012 44442 42300 34303 ‘85072 88903 82882 60777 85733 24964 31268 46023 85793 52647 19429 03588 85853 71075 69639 11829 “| 85913 820972 94530 82137 4 | 85073 85061 97146 90071 86033 80065 70993 69601 (86003 66207 00093 71401 80153. 44108 59037 83621 86213 13793 13037 18556 Q | 80272 75283 17074 62377 80332 28601 20455 90107 86301 73769 57860 45405 86451 10810 58391 86161 86510 39746 41127 94317 86569 60599 16070 53320 806628 73390 84194 90351 } | 86687 78143 37408 854094 89740 74878 50051 47490 86805 63618 23041 56431 809023. 17197 30976 19202 86981 82079 79328 16804 87040 39052 79027 07156 87098 88137 60575 29242 ‘| 87157 20355 45878 70260 87215 02727 48202 84304 87273 88274 72668 80072 87332 06018 15308 77842 87390 15078 64461 35972 87448 18176 99466 47155 87500 12033.91700 04687 To 20 PLACES. 80804 44383 94825 73669 (193) Logarithms. 87503 99370 04108 38075 87621 78405 91642 24527 87079 49762 00700 57664 $7737 13458 00774 05175 87794 69516 29188 241606 )| 87852 17955 01206 53302 ‘87909 58795 00072 75709 87966 92056 32053 53715 88024 17758 95480: 35691 ‘| 88081 35922 80791 35190 88138 46567 70572 82637 88195 49713 39600 49675 ‘88252 45379 54880 46591) 88309 33585 75689 92806 88366 14351 53017 60792 ‘88422 87606 32603 93559 88479 53639 48980 95947 88536 12200 31511 99900 88592 63398 01431 03960 88640 07251 72481 87146 88705 43780 50956 97446 88761 73003 35736 15102 88817 94939 18324 90897 88874 09606 82802 59621 88930 17025 06310 28924 88986 17212 58188 43743 89042 10188 009014 26482 89097 95969 80688 93146 89153 74576 72504 45605 89209 46026 90480 40172 89265 10338 77300 32684 89320 67530 50848 00262 89370 17620 57943 3009022 890431 60626 84438 44228 80486 90567 45252 54155 89542 25460 39407 89332 80597 47323. 59004 55847 89652 62174 89555 31780 89707 70032 09420 30627 89762 70912 90441 4279u 89817 64834 97676 5535) 80872 51815 890493 50098 89027 31873 17603 80309 89982 05024 27006 26100 *Q0036 71286 56470 28771 g0091 30677 37669 04053 90145 83213 96112 34727 90200 28913 50729 42476 90254 67703 13991 39205 90308 99869 91943 58564 92941 89257 14292 73333 LOGARITHMS ‘Fab: 23 Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 90363 25100 84237 65931 851 | 92992 95600 84587 87568 90417 43682 84163 50176 852 | 93043 95947 66700 11382 Q0471 55452 78680 94182 853 | 93094 90311 67523 03000 90525 60487 48451 26187 854 | 93145 78706 89005 05981 90579 58803 67808 51437 855 | 93196 61147 28172 64091 90633. 50418 05090 64409 856 | 93247 37646 77153 22648 Q0687 35347 22070 41738 857 | 93298 08219 23198 16429 90741 13607 74586 15992 858 | 93348 72878 48705 44247 90794 85216 12272 30432 859 | 93399 31638 31242 30263 90848 50188 78649 74918 860 | 93449 84512 43567 72162 90902 08542 11156 03069 861 | 93500 31514 53654 76252 9095500292 41175 30847 862 | 93550 72658 24712 79506 91009 05455 94068 16682 863 | 93601 07957 15209 59266 |91062 44048 89201 23277 864.| 9365137424 78803 28705 91115 76087 39976 61243 865 | 93701 01074 04814 21935 91169 01587 53861 14669 866 | 93751 78920 17346 63791 91222 20565 32415 487094 867 | 93801 90974 76210 29438 91275 33036 71322 99882 868} 93851 97251 76491 90081 91328 39017 60418 47451 869 | 93901 97764 486066 46875 91381 38523 83716 689072 870 | 93951 92526 18618 52463 91434 31571 19440 77180 871 | 94001 81550 07663 20336 91487 18175 40050 40107 872 | 94051 64849 32567 22084 91539 98352 12269 83977 873 | 94101 42437 05569 72637 91592 72116 97115 79081 874 | 94151 14326 34403 03562 91645 39485 49925 08762 875 | 94200 80530 22313 24507 91698 00473.20882 21619 876| 94250 41061 68080 72880 91750 55095 52546 67071 877 | 94299 95933 66040 51823 91803 03367 84880 14389 878 | 94349 45159 06102 56585 91855 45305 50273 55312 879} 94398 88750 73771 89354 91907 80923 76073 90383 880 | 94448 26721 50168 62639 91960 10237 84110 99107 881 | 94497 59084 12047 91274 92012 33262 90723 94049 882} 94546 85851 31819 73123 92064 50014 00787 58096 883 | 04596 07035 77568 58562 92116 60506 37738 71297 884.1 04645 22050 13073 08817 92168 64754 83002 08477 885 | 94094 32706 97825 43234 92220 62774 39016 39271 886 | 94743 37218 87050 75544 92272 54579 93259 99155 887 | 94792 30198 31726 39220 902324: 40186 30276 50506 888 | 94841 290657 78601 01974 92376 19608 28700 27500 889 | 94890 17609 70213 09496 92427 92860 61881 65843 890 | 94939 00066 44912 78472 92479 59957 97912 17467 891 | 94987 77040 30874 78993 92531 20914 99649 50266 892 | 95036 48543 76123 06390 92582 75746 24742 33016 893 | 95085 14588 88546 42595 92634 24466-25655 05551 894 |95133 75187 95917 67077 92085 67089 49692 34320 895 | 95182 30353 15911 97430 } | 92737 03630 39023 53422 896 195230 80096 62125 19721 92788 34103 30700 91221 897 | 95279 24430 44092 08537 92839 58522 56713 82649 898 | 95327 63366 67304 37013 92890 70902 43952 67285 899 | 95375 90017 33228 76700 95424 25094 30324 87459 te I I RE A RR A A Tab. 2. TO 20 PLACES. (195) Logarithms. N. Logarithms. 951 | 97818 05169 37413 93185 952 | 97863 69483 84474 34489 953 |.97909 29006 38326 40853 954 | 97954 83747 04095 115 955 | 98000 33715 83746 34242 956 | 98045 78922 76100 07543 957 {98091 19377 76843 50538 958 | 98136 55090 78544 41531 959 |} 98181 86071 70663 59928 9600 | 98227 12330 39568 41336 961 | 98272 33876 68545 35933 962 | 98317 50720 37812 90123} 963 | 98362 62871 24534 51542 964 | 98407 70339 02830 77450 965 | 98452 73133 43792 50533 960 | 98497 71264 15493 34209 907 | 98542 64740 83001 67360} 908 | 98587 53573 08393 66714 969 | 98632 37770 50705 32737 970 | 98677 17342 66244 85178 971 | 98721 92299 08004 86280}: 972 | 98766 62649 26274 57690}. Q73 | 98811 28402 68351 91117] 74 | 98855 89568 78615 52768} 975 | 98900 46156 98536 81607: 976 | 98944 98176 66691 81474] 977 | 98989 45037 18773 07091 Q78 | 99033 88547 87001 44015 979 | 99078 20018 03137 82547} 980 | 99122 60756 92494 85664 981 | 99166 90073 79048 50979 982 | 99211 14877 86949 66707 Q83 | 99255 35178 32135 62275 984 | 992090 50984 31341 51745 985 | 99343 62304 97611 73216 986 | 90387 69149 41211 21109 Q87 | 99431 71526 69636 73242 988 | 99475 69445 87028 12117 989 |} 99519 62915 97179 40527 ~990 | 99503 51945 97549 91534 991 | 90607 30544 85275 32836 g92.| 99051 10721 54178 05574 903 | 99604 92484 95381 175900 994 | 99738 03843 97313 31202 095 | 990782 30807 45725 45489 090 | 99825 93384 23008 73156 947 197634 99790 03273 41875 997 | 99869 51583 11655 719088 948 | 97080 83373 38066 25572 9Q8 | 99013 05412 87371 10938 949 197726 02124 27202 67028 999 | 99956 54882 25982 30864 97772 36052 88847 76632 1001 | 00043 40774 709318 64067 901 | 95472 47909 79002 97417 902 | 95520 65375 41941 73047 903 | 95568 77503 13505 79441 904 | 95616 84304 75303 30844 905 | 95604 85792 05203 31508 906 | 95712 81976 76813 06938 907 |} 95760 72870 60095 25585 908 | 95808 58485 21085 11053 909 | 95856 38832 21967 44887 910 | 95904 13923 21093 59902 |. 911 |95951 83769 729008 24763 912 |}9590909 48388 28416 17069 913 | 96047 07775 34208 94458 914 | 96094 61957 33831 41757 915 | 96142 10940 66448 27507 916 |96189 54736 67850 38456 917 |96236 93356 70021 09152 918 |96284 26812 01242 43564 919 |96331 55113 86111 26520 920 |96378 78273 45555 20930 921 |96425 96301 96848 92205 922 |96473 09210 53629 34029 923 |96520 17010 25912 05530 924 |96567 19712 20106 69918 925 {90614 17327 39032 60638 1926 | 96661 09866 81934 33089 927 |96707 97341 44497 07970 928 | 96754 70762 18862 06340 {929 |96801 57139 93641 76318 930 |96848 29485 53935 11696 931 | 96894 96809 81342 62206 932 | 969041 59123 53981 36262 933 |96988 10437 46499 94285 934 | 97034 68762 30093 35830 935 |}97081 16108 72517 77408 936 197127 58487 38105 22944 937 |97173 95908 87778 26303 938 | 97220 28383 79064 406008 939 | 97266 55922 66110 92210 940 | 97312 78535 99698 65963 941 197358 96234 27256 90834 942 197405 09027 92877 36927 943 197451 10927 37328 37338 944 197407 19942 Q8068 97112 945 | 97543 18085 09262 94738 940 | 97589 11364 01792 76237 3C2 re rem (196) Dono diss DOG ARE TEMES Tab. 2, N. Logarithms. N. Logarithms. | 1083 | 03462 84566 25320 36037 1085 | 03542 97381 85148 31517 1087 | 03622 95440 86294 53993 1089 | 03702 78797 55774 95610) 1091 | 03782 47505 88341 87761) 1093 | 03862 01619 49702 79227 1095 |03941 41191 76137 14316 1097 |04020 66275 74711 13222 1099 | 04099 76924 23490 56747 1101 | 04178 73189 71751 77529} 1103 |04257 55124 40190 59866)’ 1105 | 04336 22780 21729 50254}. 1107 |04414 76208 78722 80639 1109 |04493 15461 49160 06471) 1111 |04571 40589 40867 61503) 1113 |04649 51643 34708 31364 1115 |04727 48673 84779 47827) 1117 |04805 31731 15609 05702 1119 | 04883 00865 28350 04281 1121 | 04960 56125 94973 15180 1123 |05037 97562 61457 78469 1125 |05115 25224 47981 28895 1127 |05192 39160 46106 54029} 1129 | 05269 39419 24967 86114 1131 }05346 26049 25455 29384 1133 | 05422 99098 63397 24592 1135 |05499 58615 29741 5248 1137 |05576 04646 87734 77923 1139 | 05652 37240 79100 36209 1141 }05728 56444 18214 63835 1143 |05804 62303 95281 73884 1145 |05880 54866 759060 79892 1147 |05956 34179 01267 67648 1149 |06032 00286 88285 17768 1151 |06107 53236 29791 80185 115g | 06182 93072 94699 02164 1155 |06258 19842 28163. 11355 1157 | 06333 33589 51749 55393 1159 | 06408 34359 63595 90543 1161 ]|06483 22197 38573 83830 1003 | 00130 09330 20418 11880 1005 | 00216 60617 56507 67623 1007 | 00302 94705 53618 00717 1009 | 00389 11662 36910 52172 1011 |00475 11555 91001 06349 1013 | 00560 94453 60280 42845 1015 | 00646 60422 49231 72283 1017 | 00732 09529 22744 59739 1019 | 00817 41840 06426 39490 1021 | 00902 57420 86910 24725 1023 | 00987 56337 12160 15771 1025 | 01072 38653 91773 10408 1027 | 01157 04435 97278 19720}: 1029 | 01241 53747 62432 92943 1031 | 01325 86052 83516 54691 1033 | 01410 03215 19620 57904 1035 | 01494 03497 92936 55824 1037 | 01577 87563 89049 96243 1039 | 01601 55475.57177 41240 1041 | 01745 07295 10536 15583 1043 |.01828 43084 26530 86897 1045 | 01911 62904 47072 80707 1047 | 019904 66816 78842 33384 1049 | 02077 54881 93557 85901 1051 | 02160 27160 28242 22008 1053 | 02242 83711 85486 51839 1055 | 02325 245906 33711 46987 1057 | 02407 49873 07426 26758 | 1059 | 02489 59601 07485 00279 1061 | 02571 53839 01340 66012 1063 | 02653 32645 23296 75697 1005 | 02734 960077 74756 52817 1067 | 02816 44194 24469 89253 1069 | 02897 77052 08778 01749 1071 | 02978 94608 31855 63385 1073 | 03059 97219 65951 08414 1075 | 03140 84642 51624 13598! 1077 | 03221 57032 97981 58511} 1079 | 03302 14446,.82910 67304 } 1081 |.03382 56939 53310 84328 ee a ro 20 PLACES. 97) dec 2. HDS; : 101022'00441 59622 79337 39356|42989 87670 14079|42554 33310184245 101023|00442 02612 67007 53435/42989 45115 80760|42553 49005|84244 101024'00442 45602 12123 34204142989 02562 31704/42552 64821|84239 101025|00442 88591 14685 6590842988 60009 66883/42551 80582/84239 10102600443 31579 74605 32791|42988 17457 86301|42550 96343/84236 101027'00443 74567 92153 19092/42987 74906 89958/42550 12107|84233 101028\00444 17555 67060 09050/42987 32356 77851142549 27874|84230 10102900444 60542 99416 86901/42986 89807 49977|42548 43644|84228 101030,00445 03529 89224 36878/42986 47250 06333/42547 59416|84225 10103 1/00445 46516 36483 43211}42086 04711 40917|42546 75191|84225 101032/00445 89502 41194 90128/42085 62164 71726)42545 90966|84219 101033|00446 32488 03359 61854142985 19618 80760/42545 06747|84219 101034/00446 75473 22978 42614|42084 77073 74013|42544 22528/84214 101035|00447 18458 00052 16627/42084 34529 51485/42543 38314|84215 101036|00447 61442 34581 68112/42983 91986 13171142542 54099/84209 101037|00448 04426 26567 81283142083 49443 59072|42541 69890/84209 101038/00448 47409 76011 40355|42983 06901 89182|42540 85681/84205 101039/00448 90392 82913 29537142982 64361 03501/42540 01476|84204 101040/004409 33375 47274 33038]42982 21821 02025/42539 17272|84199 101041|00449 76357 69005 350031429081 79281 84753|42538 33073|841 99} 101042/00450 19339 48377 19816/42981 30743 51080/42537 48874|84196} 101043/00450 62320 85120 71496}42980 94206 02806/42536 64678/84193 110104400451 05301 79320 74302}42980 51669 38128)42535 80485/84189} 101045|00441 48282 30990 12430/42980 00133 57643/42534 96296|84180} 10104600451 91262 40129 70073142979 66598 01347|42534 12107|84187} ° 101047100452 34242 06728 31420}42979 24064 49240/42533. 27920/84181} 101048/00452 77221 30792 80660142978 81531 21320/42532 43739]84181 ; 01049|00453. 20200 12324 Oig80 42978 38998 77581/42531 59558)/8-41 78 (198) “LOGARITHMS ~ ‘Fab. 3. Num. Logarithms. Diff. 1. Diff. 2. {D. 3. 101050|00453 63178 51322 79561|42977 96467 18023|42530 75380|84177 101051100454 06156 47789 97584|42077 53936 42643|42529 91203|84172 101052|00454 49134 01726 40227142977 11406 51440/42529 07031184170 101053|00454 92111 13132 91667|42976 68877 44400|42526722861|84168 101054|00455 35087 82010 36076/42976 26349 21548|42527 38693|84167 101055|00455 78064 08350 57624/42975 83821 82855|42526 54520/84162 101056|00456 21039 92181 40479/42975 41295 28320/42525 70304/84161 101057|00456 64015 33476 68808|42974 98769 57965|42524 86203/84158 101058|00457 06990 32246 26773|42974 56244 71762/42524 02045|84155 101059|00457 49964 88490 98535|42074 13720 69717|42523 17890/84154 10106000457 92939 02211 68252/429073 71197 51827|42522 33736|84150 101061100458 35912 73409 20079}42973 28675 18091/42521 40586/84148 101062/00458 78886 02084 38170/42972 86153 68505/42520 65438/84146 10106300459 21858 88238 06675 42972 43033 03067/42519 81292/84143 101064|00459 64831 31871 09742142072 01113 21775/42518 97149184140 101065|00460 07803 32984 31517/42971 58594 24626/42518 13009/84138 101066|00460 50774 91578 56143|42971 16076 11617|42517 28871|84137 101067|00460 93746 07654 67760/42070 73558 82746|42510 44734|84132 101068'00461 36716 81213 50506'42970 31042 38012/42515 60602/84130 101069100461 79687 12255 88518/42969 88526 77410/42514 76472|84130 101070|00462 22657 00782 6592842969 46012 0093842513 92342/84124 10107100462 65626 46794 66866/42969 03498 0859642513 08218/84123 101072100463 08595 50292 75462/42968 60085 00378'42512 24005|84122 101073|00463 51564 11277 75840|42968 18472 70283 142511 390973|84117 10107400463 94532 29750 52123'42967 75061 3631042510 55856|84116 10107500464 37500 05711 88433/42967 33450 80454/42509 71740!84113 10107600464 80467 39162 68887|42966 90941 08714)42508 87627|84111 101077100465 23434 30103 77601|42966 48432 21087/42508 035160)84107 101078/00465 66400 78535 98688!42906 05924 17571\42507 19400/84107 101079|00466 09366 84460 16259/42905 63416 98162)42506 35302/84102 101080/00466 52332°47877 14421142965 20010 62860/42505 51200/84102 101081|00466 95297 608787 77281|42964 78405 11060!42504 67098|84007 101082|00467 38262 47192 88941|42964 35900 44502/42503 8300184095 101083|00467 81226 83093 33503/42903 93306 61561|42502 98g06|84095 101084|00468 24190 76489 95064|42963 50803 62055|42502 14811/84090 101085100468 67154 27383 57719|42963 08391 47844142501 30721)84087 101086|00469.10117 35775 05563\42902 65800 17123|42500 46034|84087 101087 (00469 53080 01605 22686/42962 23389, 70480|42499 62547/84083 101088|00469 96042 25054 93175/42061 80890 07942/42408 78464/84080 101089|00470 39004 05045 01117/42961 38391 20478|42497 94384/84078 101090|00470 81965 44336 30595|42960 95893 35094/42497 103006184077 101091/00471 24920 40229 65680}42960 53306 24788/42406 20220|84073 101092/0047 1 67886 93625 90477142960 10899 98559142495 42150|84069 101093|00472 10847 04525 89030/429590 68404 56403/42494 58087|84070 101094}00472 53806 72030 45430|42959 25909 983 16/424G3 74017|84005 101095|00472 96765 98840 43755/429058 83416 24290/42492 89952|84063 101090|00473 30724 82256 6805442058 40023 34347142492 0588G|84060 101097 |00473 82083 23180 02401|42957 98431 28458]42491 21829/84061 101098|00474 25641 21611 30850|42957 55040 06629)424090 37768|84052 10100000474 68598 77551 37488]42057 13449 68861|42489 53710/84056 Tab. 3. to 20 PLACES. (199) Diff. 1. Diff.-2. 101100100475 11555 91001 06349/42956 70960 15145|42488 69660|84050 10110100475 54512 61961 21494/42056 28471 45485]42487 85610/84048 101102|00475 97468 90432 66979/42055 85083 50875]42487 01562|84046 101103|00476 40424 76416 26854/429055 43496 58313]42486 17516|84043 10110400476 83380 19912 85167|42955 01010 40797/42485 33473]84040 101105100477 26335 20923 25964/42954 58525 07324/42484 49433/84040 101106100477 69289 79448 33288/42054 16040 57801|42483 65393/84034} 1101107|00478 12243 95488 91179/42053 73556 92498/42482 81350}84035 101108|00478 55197 69045 83677/42953 31074 11139|42481 97324/84030 101109|00478 98151 00119 9481642952 88592 13815/42481 13294|84028 10111000479 41103 88712 08631|42952 46111 00521/42480 29266/84025 101111}00479 84056 34823 09152/42952 03630 71255|42479 45241/84026 101112|00480 27008 38453 80407/42951 61151 26014/42478 61215/84018 101113|00480 69959 99605 06421/42951 18672 64790/42477 77197|84020 101114/00481 12911 18277 71220)42950 76194 87602/42476 93177|84015 101115|00481 55861 94472 58822/42950 33717 94425/42476 09162/84013 1101116|00481 98812 28190 53247|42049 91241 85263/42475 25140184012 101117|00482 41762 19432 3851042949 48766 60114/42474 41137|84008 10111800482 84711 68198 98624/42049 06292 18977|42473 57120184006 10111900483 27660 74491 17601/42048 63818 61848/42472 73123184002 10112000483 70609 38309 79440|42048 21345 88725|42471 89121184003 101121|00484 13557 59055 68174'42947 78873 99004|42471 05118/83996 101122/00484 56505 38529 6777842047 36402 94486/42470 21122/83998 101123|00484 99452 74932 62264/429046 93032 73364142469 37124/839003 10112400485 42399 68865 35628/42046 51463 36240/42468 53131/83990 101125100485 85346 20328 71868|42946 08994 83109/42467 69141|83988 101126|00486 28292 29323 54977/42945 66527 13968/42466 85153183988 101127|00486 71237 95850 68945/42045 24060 28815/42466 01165|83982 101128|00487 14183 19910 97760/42944 81594 27650/42465 1718383981 101129|00487 57128 01505 25410,42944 39129 10467/42464 33202/83978 10113000488 00072 40034 35877/42043 96664 77205|42463 49224|83978 101131100488 43016 37209 13142|42943 54201 28041/42462 65246/83971 101132/00488 85959 91500 41183/42943 11738 62795|42461 81275183972 101133|00489 28903 03239 03978/429042 69276 81520/42460 97303|/83969 10113400489 71845 72515 85408/42942 26815 84217/42460 13334|83965} 101135|00490 14787 99331 69715/42941 84355 70883/42459 29369/83964 101136|00490 57729 83687 40598/42941 41896 41514/42458 45405/83962 101137|00491 00671 25583 82112/42940 99437 96100/42457 61443|83957 101138|00491 43612 25021 78221)/42940 50980 34660/42450 7748683956 101139100491 86552 82002 12887]42040 14523 57180/42455 03530}83954 Num. Logarithms. Ter! apg . A BL Ev. ne a (ZOO) «, : LOGARITHMS AND Tab. 4, 00007|10001 61193 04083 sa 23029 82769 74039|53028 74846]1 22106 Joo00s 10001 84223 77455 52806}23030 35798 4 48885|53029 06082 1 22104 10002 53316 43942 12421123031 94892 06063|53033 63282]1 22115 1000276348 38834 18484/23032 47925 69345153034 85397|1 22120 11 12 0038 10005 52773 14511 54360)23038 84424 54566|53049 51008|1 22151 00925}10005 75811 98936 08926|23039 37474 05574|53050 73159|1 22156 026,10005 98851 36410 14500|2303Q9 90524 78733/53051 95315/1 22158 00027) 10006 21891, 26934 93233/23040 43576 74048|53053 174731 22161 2810006 44931 70511 67281/23040 96629 91521/53054 39634/1 22163 00029} 10006 67972 67141. 58802/23041 49684 31155|53055 61797|1 22167 00030'10006 91014 16825 89957|23042 02739 92952/53056 83964]! 22170 00031/10007 14056 19565 82909|28042 55796 76916153058 06134|1 22170 032/10007 37098 75362 59825|23043 08854 83050|53059 28304|1 22177 00033|10007 60141 84217 42875|23043 61914 11354153060 50481|1 22177 00034|10007 83185 46131 54220123044 14974 61835153061 72658]1 22180 00035)/10008 05229 61 106 1606423044 68036 34493|53062 94838}1 22185 0038 10008 75365 24405 26242)/23046 27228 855611|530606 61397|1 22192 00030}10008 98411 51634 11803/23046 80295 46958|53067 83580}1 22195 00040)10009 21458 31929 58761}23047 333603 30547/53069 05784}1 22196 100041}10009 44505 65292 89308|23047 86432 36331153070 27980}1 22202 00042)10009 67553 51725 25630}/23048 39502 64311153071 50182}1 22202 00043}10009 90601 91227 89950)23048 92574 14493153072 72384|1 22200 00044/10010 13650 83802 04443]23049 45646 86877153073 945g0}1 22208 00045}10010 36700 29448 91320]23049 98720 81467|53075 10795}| 22213 00046}10010 59750 28169 72787}23050 51795 98205]53076 39011}1 22213 00047|10010 82800 79965 71052] 23051 04872 37276|53077 61224}1 22218 09048]10011 05851 84838 0832£}23051 57949 98500}53078 83442]1 22219 190040}10011 28903 42788 00828 25052 11028 819421/53080 056611 22224 ‘Tab. 4. NUMBERS to 20 PLACES. — ... (201 ) Differ. 1. its: 2.) D3 00050/10011 51¢ 51955 55 53810 8 88770 23052 64108 ‘08 87603 53081 2 27885 1 22225 00051/10011 75008 17925 706373/23053 17190 15488|/53082 50110}1 22228 00052/10011 98061 35115 91861|23053 70272 05598]53083 72338]1 22232 00053}10012 21115 05388 57459/23054 23356 37930|53084 94570}1 22233 00054}10012 44169 28744 95395|23054 76441 32500/53086 10803]1 22238 00055|10012 67224. 05186 27901/23055 29527 49309|53087 39041]1 22238 0005610012. 90279 34713 77210|23055 82614 88350/53088 61279]1 22244 00057/10013 13335 17328 65560|23056 35703 49629|53089 835231 22245 100058|10013 36391 53032 1518023056 88793 33152153091 05768|1 22247 00059|10013 59448 41825 4834123057 41884 38920/53002 28015|1 22252 00060)10013 82505 83709 87261|23057 94976 66935|53093 50267]1 22254 00061}10014 05563 78686 54196/23058 48070 17202153004 72521|1 22255 00062|10014 28622 26756 71398/23059 01164 89723|53095 94776|1 22261 00063/10014 51681 27921 61121/23059 54260 84499/53097 17037|1 22262 100064} 10014 74740 82182 45620)23060 07358 01536/530g8 392Q90|1 22263 00065|10014 97800 89540 47156/23060 60456 40835|53099 61562]1 22270 00066/10015 20861 49996 87991/23001 13556 02397|53100 83832]1 22270 00067/10015 43922 63552 90388/23001 66656 86229|53102 06102|1 22273 00068]10015 66984 30209 76617|23062 19758 92331|53103 28375|1 22276 00069/10015 90046 49968 68948/23002 72862 20706/53104 50651|1 22280 00070|10016 13109 22830 89054/23063 25966 71357|53105 72931|1 22282 0007 1}10016 36172 48797 61011]23063 79072 44288/53106 95213]1 22284 00072|10016 59236 27870 05299/23064 32179 39501/53108 17497|1 22287 00073}10016 82300 60049 44800/23064 85287 56998/53 109 39784|1 22290 00074/10017 05365 45337 01798/23005 38396 96782)53110 62074|1 22295 00075/10017 28430 83733 98580/23065 91507 5885653111 84369]1 22295 1(00076}10017 51496 75241 574306,23006 44619 43225/53113 06664]1 22299 '00077|10017 74563 19861 00061|23006 97732 40889|53114 28963]1 22301 (00078}10017 97630 17593 50550/23067 50846 78852/531 15 51264]1 22305 00079)10018 20697 68440 290402/23068 03962 3011653116 73559|1 22306 00080)10018 43765 72402 59518/23068 57079 0368553117 95875|1 22312 0008 110018 66834 29481 63203!23069 10196 990560'53119 18187]1 22312 00082)10018 89903 39678 62763/23069 63316 17747|53120 40499|1 22315 00083}10019 12973 02994 80510!23070 16436 5824653121 62814]1 22318 00084}10019 36043 19431 38756)23070 69558 21060153122 85132I1 22324} 00085]10019 59113 88989 59816/23071 22681 06192/53124 07456|1 22321 00086]10019 82185 11670 66008|23071 75805 1364853125 29777|1 223209 00087} 10020 05256 87475 7965623072 28930 43425|53126 52106]1 22320 00088] 10020 28329 16406 23081/23072 82056 95531153127 74435|1 22332 00089]10020 51401 98463 18612/23073 35184 69966/53128 96767|1 22336 90} 10020 74475 33647 88578/23073 88313 66733|53130 19103]1 22339 0009 1}10020 97549 21961 55311,23074 41443 85836/53131 41442/1 22339 00092)10021 20623 63405 41147|23074 94575 27278|53132 63781]1 22346 00093]10021 43698 57980 68425123075 47707 91059/53133 8612711 22345 0009410021 66774 05688 59484)23076 00841 77186/53135 08472]1 22351 00095}10021 89850 06530 36670|23076 53976 85058/53136 30823]1 22350 00096}10022 12926 60507 22328/23077 07113 16481153137 5317311 22358 00097110022 36003 67620 38800|23077 60250 69054153138 75531\1 22355 00098}10022 59081 27871 08463|23078 13389 45185|53139 97886)1 22363 00099]10022 82159 41260 53648|23078 66529 43071153141 2024011 22362. 3D Log. Number. _ LOGARITHMS and NUMBERS to 20 PLACES. Differ. 1. Diff. 2. }00100}10023 05238 07789 96710}23079 19670 63320|53142 42611]1 00101|10023 28317 27460 60030}23079 72813 05931153143 64979]1 00102110023 51397 00273 65970)|23080 25956 70910153144 87346]1 00103|10023 74477 26230 36880|23080 79101 58256153146 09720]1 00104|10023 97558 05331 95136|23081 32247 67976|53147 32094] 00105}10024 20639 37579 63112/23081 85395 00070/53148 54472}1 00106}10024 43721 22974 63182/23082 38543 54542/53149 76852]1 00107|10024 66803 61518 17724|23082 91693 31394|53150 99235}1 00108]10024 89886 53211 49118]23083 44844 3062953152 21621}1 00109/10025 12969 98055 70747|23083 97906 52250)53153 44011]1 00110)10025 36053 96052 31997/23084 51149 96261|53154 66403}1 00111/10025 59138 47202 28258/23085 04304 hier aoe 88796}1 }00112)10025 82223 51506 90922/23085 57460 51460'53157 11194}1 06113}10026 05309 08967 42382/23086 10617 62054/53158 335941 res 28395 19585 05036|23086 63775 96248/53159 55997/1 00115/10026 51481 83361 01284|23087 16935 52245/53160 78404|1 0011610026 74569 00296 53529|23087 70096 30649/53162 00811}1 00117|10026 97656 70392 84178!23088 23258 3140053163 23223}1 0011810027 20744 93651 1563823088 76421 54683/53164 45638}1 001 19|10027 43833 70072 70321/23089 20586 00321/53165 680541 0012010027 66922 90658 70642/23089 82751 68375153166 90475/1 00121/10027 90012 82410 39017|23090 35918 58850]53168 12897]1 00122)10028 13103 18328 97867|23090 89086 71747/53169 3532211 00123|10028 36194 07415 69614)|23091 42256 07069|53170 57752}1 00124'10028 59285 49671 76683/23091 95426 64821153171 80182}1 00125110028 82377 45098 41504|23092 48598 45003!53173 02616)1 00126)10029 05469 93696 86507/23093 01771 47619|53174 25054]1 00127|10029 28562 95468 34126/23093 54945 72673/53175 47492)1 soleil 51656 50414 06799|23004 08121 20105|53176 69935/1 00129 00130;10029 97845 19833 17004|23095 14475 82481153179 14829]1 00131|10030 20940 34308 99545|23095 67654 97310|53180 37279)1 00132)10030 44036 01963 96855|23006 20835 34589/53181 59733]1 00133}10030 67132 22799 31444|23096 74016 04322|53182 82190}1 00134)10030 90228 96816 25706/23007 27199 76512/53184 04649Q)1 00135)10031 13326 24016 02278/23097 80383 81161/53185 2711211 00136/10031 36424 04399 83439|23098 33569 08273|53186 495761 00137|10031 59522 37968 91712|23098 86755 57840|53187 72045]1 [00138 10031 82021 24724 49561|23099 39943 29894|53188 94514]1 (00139|10032 05720 64667 7945523009 93132 24408153190 1698G]1 Siiieneretrinana esas ca gig Map ESS G88 Say gD al eid wo 2 (202) Log. Number. Tab. 4. D3: 10029 74750 58535 26964|23094 61297 90100/53177 923811 22 22450}; 22454 22475} 22476 N Tab. 5. 410°60205 510°69897 6|0°77815 710°84509 810:90308 10|1 -00000 11/1°04139 15}1-17609 16}1-20411 17}1°23044 18)1°25527 19}1-27875 20}1 30102 21)1°32221 22)1°34242 23)1°36172 24/1 +38021 1°44.715 9}1°46239 30}1°47712 ]42)1-62324 43/1-63346 4411-64345 45/1+65321 46) 166275 47/1-67209 48|1-68124 49)1-69019 ail 69897 so 0157 ath: 71600 60/1°77815 99913 00043 12503 80400 99869 25094 00000 26851 12460 33523 80356 12590 99826 89213 25051 36009 99956 92947 26808 78360 12417 00086 33479 37641 80313 79978 12547 16938 99783 39398 89170 80443 25007 17240 35966 46070 99913 385677. 92903. 84555 26764 25137 78316 78579 12573 60800 00043 01760 33436 58696 37598 26894 8027() 48556 79935 20116 12503 63981 19662 27962 36018 83643 14256 91943 39324 00000 58225 4.7264 06836 78238 55681 55924 18273 03306 52828 63981 33919 22206 17592 11606 72037 710817 58987 42219 98936 19662 34272 19905 171887 42255 50275 67287 66994 16810 26499 27962 19735 97900, 79586 86187 75343 81574 35717 75587 28513 36018 97936 34799 00789 22968 94243 06200 71249] 62937 421 4d 83643 TABLE V_ Bricas’s Logarithms of all Numbers to 100, and of Primes under 1100, to Sixty-one Places. LOGARITHMS To 61 ee "1/0°00000 00000 00000 00000 2|0°30102 99956 310-47712 125417 195421 43729 39042 80478 63250 83071 58564 874.59 00000 04075 82772 716920 02592 24208 78085 92854 06980 96153 19521 26800 23.596 87886 02293 60957 9644.2 31188 22113 08733 43729 67966 97606 47804. 12375 63549 26501 99680 15675 20650 39042 49450 46322 5264.0 43117 67937 07408 4644 1 21814 66142 4 80478 36583 15963 04563 50709 84553 41635 39883 28254 19026 63250 00000 57388 50279 FATT 62611 87667 22162 12166 00558 00000 01999 25056 65051 59551 12890 49555 01698 37947 63334 37388 712441 39388 77771 62445 25222 02440 50837 96940 28467 50279 67041 86944 52278 39087 84773 75335 84506 00723 15330 74777 94118 09330 50881 76177 63169 15160 42193 99834 ASZ5 62611 51977 39829 29922 88226 64610 34329, 13613 65856 06563 87667 00000 00000 94724 03255 89448 05275 97979 58592 84173 06510 00000 11243 92704 57942 53317 08530 78897 94328 01234 75156 94.724. 61847 65967 12251 87428 10551 52666 09765 48041 62969 03255 00118 13622 714498 89052 63868 95959 89539 70481 61197 8944.8 49968 56572 53229 60692 11785 06915 9GA49 82153 17185 05275 7 97583 4739 sted 04489 76518 42766 79012 57693 84535 97979 49302 11530 98605 50697 60833 63619 47908 23061 00000 02424 10136 32843 62228 92931 98605 68257 20064 08741 27238 25659 83895 53121 11527 04462 74801 14423 60833 3D2 12922 97210 33703 72364 49302 75150 51726 18954 59438 01394 82145 34592 62224. 25499 11530 41572 46513 13955 83005 14316 21667 12944 42934 44374 18079 244.52 22215 01029 73759 50697 45233 1 31448 PLACES. 00000 67681 92001 35363 32318 59683 34835 03045 84002 00000 17067 27365 08297 OQ4517 24319 7072" 00075 51684 T9511 67681 26837 84748 96975 95046 64636 15979 716003 710199 12542 92001 23037 38409 09068 6TT57 67153 19366 79829 47193 00298 35363 95305 94518 88087 52430 16320 64657 01598 62728 69671 32318 92076 43661 26955 43685 49385 37881 71512 80224 89267 59683 00000 89881 28864 19762 10118 18745 12396 69644 57728 00000 (2190 08627 297838 62277 38982 59525 67378 47609 29337 89881 01260 92071 11034 98508 20237 19069 86592 52159 94.417 28864 01558 49407 31054 57259 82514 37491 72690 19218 5805 "9762 13633 O1141 "4884 81953 67846 00915 03098 88390 4A'T92 10118 53 96242 08951 (2401 16474 12309 4.2040 58201 84299 4AdIT 4 18745 2 S776 00000 00000 46210 19069 92421] 53789 65280 32396 38632 38139 00000 46645 11491 38706 "8607 2858 84843 4.2504 84350 39449 46210 51466 52856 33609 57702 07578 84917 57208 24818 88715 19069 30418 31054 65714 88715 $6185 30560 16631 8.5660 85413 58648 710826 14586 4.4.06 1 54065 56239 17296 00000 30945 29474, 82718 39478 73235 41652 63973 02709 75989 85413 12713 16359 61882 14887 29173 68131 T5944 24891 38410 58648 4.6559 27065 89594 49386 68651 88122 25466 61402 41366 70826 70890 98126 34145 01772 31883 4NQ95 78270 00300 08130 14586 22622 53544 "7805 61358 45532 10304 34637 34926 23823 93076 52155 2 65280 44061 924.2] 83368 97676 38009 39067 91998 79820 4.2994, 03913 64793 789 61574 31128 29493 03419 00434 71029 58519 000000 907959134 ; -—_~ S) © ©9 ~~ a) J 104.275 298656 208549 895725 402981 036350 312824 © OID inlets ios 965390}11 507206)12 011910)13 140624)14 194382)15 417098|16 803685}17 104275)20 335006|21 069665|22 756055\23 611480|24 191451125 116184126 895969)27 244899128 653969|29 298656)30 383498|31 521373|32 264047|33 932075135 805862/36 176799)37 172463)38 20854.9/40 073567 41 43928 1/42 247493143 173939)/44. 4.93038}45 860329/46 873294147 T1STS5|A8 072699149 895725150 102341151 2204.59/52 941030)53 0002444154 758244)58 857159 saneaiine N (204) LOGARITHMS TO 61 PLACES. Tab. SN 61}1°78532 98350 10767 03388 57485 13757 32134 92633 78757 11340 42120 "703489 62}1°79239 16894 98253 87488 04429 94842 90874 90718 91439 76629 31972 487773 63}1°79934 05494 53581 70530 22720 65102 86681 18838 30124 70535 71361 633662 64]1°80617 99739 83887 17128 24333 68346 95816 06091 39288 77265 12478 625648 6511°81291 33566 42855 57399 27662 63217 83540 40615 39306 92495 97304. 907635 66]1°81954 39355 41868 67325 89667 69222 63257 76750 20936 11925 5007 368321 §7|1°82607 48027 00826 43414 91316 29226 06858 09496 26080 56861 38691 179160 68]1°83250 89127 06236 31896 76476 83777 32308 35439 4'7141 34926 34800 012234 69}1°83884 90907 37255 31616 28050 15506 30485 88976 39898 52679 20531 054711 70}1°84509 80400 14256 83071 22162 58592 63619 34835 72396 32396 54065 036350 71}1°85125 83487 19075 28609 28294 35035 42913 52704 19901 60039 19762 766499 72|1°85733 24964 31268 46023 12724 90683 70969 87048 27372 76771 73535 910137 73|1°86332 28601 20455 90107 43869 00470 30853. 44528 68255 31165 74851 100020 74|1°86923 17197 30976 19202 21895 84263 62247 47511 62571 62842 10879 281074 75|1°87506 12633 91700 04686 75501 13806 12925 56637 49101 26647 87822 090107 76|1°88081 35922 80791 35196 38112 65205 91537 14875 09100 31871 46815 276738 77\1°88649 07251 '72481 87146 24162 29835 66043 51902 74586 79041 85011 001740 78|1°89209 46026 90480 40171 52719 55921 93676 67980 47934 03987 26779 414841 7911°89762 70912 90441 42799 48213 86478 24968 64828 62019 02515 03156 163513 80190308 99869 91943 58564 12166 84173 47908 03045 69644 38632 56239 312824 81)1°90848 50188 78649 74918 01116 13020 46123 68005 15456 76278 34593 194626 82)1°91381 38523 83716 68972 31507 44692 67382 62987 03515 29579 56503 177842 83|1°91907 80923 6073 90383 27603 52027 26124 70016 37658 08063 04535 293708 8411°92427 92860 61881 65843 47219 51296 13755 62200 81023 43887 83539 543555 85{1°92941 89257 14292 73332 64309 99603 84400 32393 77496 96293 78560 699410 86|1°93449 84512 43567 72161 88270 47953 71518 55769 64765 84220 19558 351768 87)1°93951 92526 18618 52462 78746 66224 37030 04544 23282 07784 97058 952625 88/1°94448 26721 50168 62639 14166 55416 50332 20112 71834 85277 87185 278214 89}1°94939 00066 44912 78472 35433 69702 44112 46651 61858 10024 45836: 328694 90}1:95424 25094 39324 87459 00558 06510 23061 84002 57728 38139 17296 597313 91|1°95904 13923 21093 59991 87214 16534 96462 43133 01584 71103 36783 048259 9211°96378 78273 45555 26929 52549 01700 17560 32338 90797 26031 32708 964604 93/1°96848 29485 53935 11696 17320 03373 53103 15038 30422 49488 05207 682155 9411°97312 78535 99698 65962 79582 94173 69366 69279 92979 89205 63683 477569 95/1°97772 36052 88847 76632 25945 81032 43629 11829 39455 93238 90575 963914 96/1-98227 12330 39568 41336 37223 76877 58044 30410 78271 50123 85713 820029 9'7)1°98677 17342 66244 85178 43618 11665 57744 94258 41584 63886 69747 187207 98)1°99122 60756 92494 85663 81714 11909 76541 37353 34674 11003 93543 176974 realli 51945 97549 91534 02557 77753 25486 01069 59918 84784 48242 562703 Adee iit 13737 $2642 57427 51881 78222 93791 32192 89355 20645 25914 058186)101 103/2-01283 72247 05172 20517 10711 94580 23942. 43905 23496 97603 05647 528079|103 107!2-02938 37776 85209 64083 45412 39461 43564 61268 16891 63401 93519 816620|107 109|2°03742 64979 40623 63520 05133 07613 87528 66422 04522 82798 36821 104005|109 113/2°05307 $4434 83419 72279 52270 28609 44818 47783 83623 62209 73395 157054113 12'7/2°10380 37209 55956 86424 69874 21827 28625 85765 63239 79239 38677 68782Q|127 131)2:11727 12956 55764 26081 00542 70697 73859 47801 63117 12162 69689 '770335|131 1371213672 05671 56406 76856 29266 27114 78973 36782 29707 46423 50456 632444]137 139]}2-14301 48002 54095 08045 64332 02319 84731 44797 32967 91785 93396 574308|139 149/2°17318 62684 12274 03825 73635 42628 33705 39346 71326 37222 11012 048653}149 151|2°17897 69472 93169 43686 90730 55337 30278 84460 93428 77687 74510 971401]151 11571219589 96524 09233 73676 14811 29897 28370 50651 90992 78552 95873 594477/157 163;2°21218 76044 03957 80764 00914 35925 99475 49930 97247 35985 06185 303704163 167/2°22271 64711 47583 27998 40759 09920 46753 44613 38401 33125 82289 069635167 173/2°23804 61031 28795 41456 05302 58758 46588 77816 83269 13492 66453 988743/173 179}2°25285 30309 79893 16957 03826 91773 05861 94310 72090 67852 86239 4'77285|179 181/2°25767 85748 69184 51028 97436 76412 29249 22479 59232 72291 88769 574799}18) 191/2°28103 33672 47727 53763 50435 98270 61031 84957 36134 17824 30405 891262}191 193)2°28555 73090 07773 76059 72386 46353 31082 10979 21601 94604 88412 889733}193 19712-29446 62261 61592 92737 17443 17717 15501 75120 64672 00453 36906 180720)197 199|2*29885 30764 09706 65010 00217 84419 80284 14948 88771 49827 32431 907065]199 21112:32428 24552 97692 66508 1558) 29927 88565 15502 58502 90193 86869 014730)211 223|2°34830 48630 48160 67347 51762 16240 35284 44534 24237 98021 08177 231582223 22'7'2°35602 58571 93122 72010 50489 64753 67294 74838 78261 56058 48416 494656|227 229)2°35983 54823 39887 99412 79298 65526 65887 03358 93242 54328 14002 593934)229 233}2°36735 59210 26018 97215 91388 35476 85936 08884 54098 32289 45750. 381402/233 239]2°37839 79009 48137 68500 16611 60147 89212 27092 22421 69429 85262 599734)239 N Tab. 5. LOGARITHMS TO 6] PLACES. (205) N 241|2°38201 70425 74868 38407 68839 66454 63294 43845 75422 87941 37116 090780/241 25112°39967 37214 81038 13934 05493 16706 90408 18574 66685 39315 23086 557977|\251 25712°40993 31233 31294 53716 28954 65919 63183 09299 89891 62261 22190 657085|257 263}2°41995 57484 89757 86897 22335 83870 11811 42207 55733 87652 55581 84'7682|263 269|2°42975 22800 02407 98008 72285 15871 27175 37709 54680 -10337 16358 202492)269 2711243296 92908 74405 72952 11801 94875 18026 90280 28099 71147 47196 959683)271 27'7\2°44247 97690 64448 55377 77563, 19599 75831 09223 84739 72572 00838 275546|277 28112:44870 63199 05079 89286 39179 16275 08871 55000 84994 87733 11091 225526)281 283]2°45178 64355 24290 23555 89519 10570 23772 98828 25398 13326 05411 834686}283 293|2:46686 76203 54109 45624 37585 12602 18133 14970 80293 87633 91801 387293)293 307|2:48713 83754 77186 48475 46084 36539 33504 93281 89817 26663 11352 567959|307 311]2:49276 03890 26837 50555 30231 83253 64155 85949 18519 90441 42567 782324)311 313}2°49554 43375 46448 48480 81265 04861 24315 15792 98693 98571 52993 196813313 317/2°50105 92622 17751 49455 32290 16378 22488 04877 22158 71549 07278 111979|317 331]2°51982 79937 75718 73860 81406 07340 85663 50827 13549 69614 46087 295510/331 337|2°52762 99008 71338 62619 00147 90194 51019 87041 58106 86338 94145° 590771|337 347/2°54032 94747 90873 71853 53573 03206 97397 86865 56176 91243 65052 250367|347 349)/2°54282 54269 59179 89654 01719 77159 63066 31783 00866 75487 04181 990296/349 35312°54777 47053 87822 56549 70693 15968 56119 79362 71500 87293°47356 1717651353 359|2°55509 44485 78319 14781 65293 94413 89970 02357 64461 12862 45018 194841|359 367|2°56466 60642 52089 33798 75290 93006 90914 75947 52157 57773 73388 529180|367 373}2°57170 88318 08687 60550 68969 38701 43991 49308 33032 45651. 82236 8284'75/373 37912°57863 92099 68072 34193 14620 59454 44405 29413 87210 96923 21381 081258/379 383/2°58319 87739 68622 74037 90461 29502 11234 47857 39787 51936 81090 658346/383 389}2°58994.96013 25707 73624 49469 11731 95270 14076 41221 24688 95645 0643841389 3972-59879 05067 63115 06587 68482 40668 63112 25522 37562 91876 18078 588386/397 401/2°60314 43726 20182 30654 46411 48149 42549 75189 88963 37359 82761 562011)/401 409]2°61172 33080 07341 80360 95027 17736 46679 00320 51595 65255 67279 407052)/409 41912°62221 40229 66295 30985 07395 99373 73621 25514 08166 99180 26223 814'797/419 42112°62428 20958 35668 30744 40669 23421 44371 09437 88488 01681 56998 058298/421 43112°63447 72701 60731 60075 02803 26184 67878 49873 63233 16232 39160 168424/431 433|2°63648 78963 53365 44269 80664 49685 26766 08604 17833 53839 54652 633209)433 439/2°64246 45202 42121 37063 37411 50613 31363 46233 64482 93197 78492 698498)/439 (443]/2°64640 37262 23069 56023 01044 89864 53902 83230 69450 39547 31960 218878/443 44912°65224 63410 03323 17491 90263 53743 43105 35027 59942 01108 72112 409383/449 45712°65991 62000 69850 22235 35461 45220 47714 05940 16155 52489 85626 587883|/457 461|2°66370 09253 89648 14507 46818 18487 42153 71937 47244 04839 02463 622776|461 463/2°66558 09910 17953 13567 41931 08438 70855 40157 65450 46974 53874 838090|463 467/2°66931 68805 66112 16308 80510 89779 99674 10010 61401 55968 77553 654228/467 4'7912°68033 55134 14563 22009 69639 66962 31078 27266 76340 01805 94696 676822/479 4872-68752 89612 14634 33246 32050 64435 '75372 38433 54413 59009 69060 272887/487 491)2°69108 14921 22968 47275 36909 83546 39435 54324 95219 43164 65484 935064/491 499/2°69810 05456 23389 91416 59050 36033 38846 ‘73162 68889 76585 04407 216866|499 415031270156 79850 55927 39709 82240 90279 52805 50061 79311 53264 13100 626989|503 40912-70671 77823 36758 74656 80767 11564 25501 75116 31022 82795 59327 732505)509 521/2°71683 17232 99524 4'7423 63411 86589 82340 55592 48804 35659 10389 037518|521 523/2°71850 16888 67274 23926 01265 78891 07882 05229 27624 54022 80340 618542|523 541)2°73319 72651 06569 43687 93482 43895 35766 02744 51126 54918 07249 958843/541 547 2°73798 73263 33430 717381 26473 72542 06411 41123 32573 38734 83672 5442941547 557}2°74585 51951 73728 90044 34334 98899 38696 26667 22982 65562 88916 047639|557 563/2°75050 83948 51346 22909 45827 07761 08389 89309 27510 02997 46276 527041|563 569/2°75511 22663 95071 17228 70555 24030 20058 87808 40566 56954 49337 6621641569 571|2°75663 61082 45848 05004 02841 30031 39578 08074 83371 59899 19622 253745/571 S77/2°T6117 58131 55731 42848 88336 67563 87165 18349 94631 00807 86067 506949577 537/2°76863 81012 47614 47606 35592 98596 71376 19981 12599 05673 24995 7158554587 593}2°77305 46933 64262 60639 66715 59821 78133 09249 84055 79640 65224 216122)593 599)2°77742 68223 89311 37982 81725 69101 74684 25198 87827 14494 37552 485037|/599] 601/2°77887 44720 02739 52088 58506 99987 83983 48917 52297 24032 80181 145090/601 607|2°78318 86910 75257 58096 01956 30455 95072 14062 42317 98498 79486 868541|607 613)2°78746 04745 18415 03774 22662 81456 45078 29528 38564 77870 60511 887769]613 617)2°79028 51640 33241 68204 54661 67275 45331 98845 73431 10231 76836 317560|617 619)2°79169 06490 20117 97679 79674 34394 50849 41105 79264 06695 48606 1340851619 631)}2°80002 93592 44134 31301 69298 49975 36836 15526 21483 45926 22618 8194061631 641/2°80685 80295 18817 42224 83770 09638 02810 30784 64091 37064 08860 016375641 643/2°80821 09729 24222 07249 19385 05465 83232 48443 16034 72535 33279 475692)643 _ (647]2°81090 42806 68700 38445 84305 62795 35772 33374 52752 88620 55534 785384|647 N (206) LOGARITHMS TO 61 PLACES. Tab. 5 N 653/2°81491 31812 75073 92142 93105 65465 57968 44420 93073 59911 14836 790768) 653 659/2°81888 54145 94009 86128 04846 07065 03884 71245 58914 63114 16630 487450} 659 661}2°82020 14594 85640 23664 65718 97680 09240 24475 29556 41077 27411 001763} 661 673}2°82801 50642 23976 84647 61709 94824 66587 84392 73852 95699 07219 527629) 673}. 677}2°83058 86686 85144 31600 60170 60287 15791 96987 21869 42085 75219 422855} 677 683}2°83442 07036 81532 56339 98239 41016 94314 12519 92074 22395 15101 356100} 683 691}2°83947 80473 74198 40758 33677 24326 62643 33706 67025 71535 20888 200815} 691 70112°84571 80179 66658 65706 40223 37250 30440 16828 60606 06710 99378 642626] 701 709|2°85064 62351 83066 54285 38844 79778 89914 12079 23464 57372 91344 715434} 709 719/2°85672 88903 82882 60776 76506 51400 88113 55319 50785 66409 97910 273675} 719 727\2°86153 44108 59037 83621 34642 48678 39613 39988 10242 96505 05660 709999] 727 733/2°86510 39746 41127 94317 28131 02559 86776 12051 12268 36141 01539 967269) 733 739|2°86864 44383 94825 73669 35855 14263 03827 78685 62960 06015 93030 162646} 739 743)2°387098 88137 60575 29242 26723 41225 78659 86402 35201 25826 22906 426196} 743 751|2°87563 99370 04168 38974 59851 09251 08913 79777 69486 72300 09449 287788} 751 75712°87909 58795 00072 75709 02275 46289 28831 29598 55610 77568 18424 909661} 757 761\2°88138 46567 70572 82636 87243 35559 42944 66262 26115 19329 16113 770466| 761 769}2°88592 63398 01431 03960 42922 39990 68928 55438 24266 73676 32539 540297} 769 77312°88817 94939 18324 90897 46881 27193 74602 82128 27448 51788 65363 250475} 773 787|2°89597 47323 59064 55847 49105 93093 84403 00557 33235 30892 05759 509372) 187 797)/2°90145 83213 96112 34726 66008 27220 37150 60763 80048 04080 90214 871170] 797 809/2°90794 85216 12272 30432 36285 45880 42151 46893 16537 70803 38111 022662} 809 811)2°90902 08542 11156 03069 03305 483522 97484 96977 10258 36812 36616 489430} 811 821}2°91434 31571 19440 77180 40593 41703 71406 12897 21030 05294 12843 731072} 821 82212°91539 98352 12269 88976 77077 56599 55165 51291 17341 03959 46095 528115] 823 827/2°91750 55095 52546 67071 16671 84496 53756 13593 71081 63043 50219 579982} 827 829|2°91855 45305 50273 55311 51367 88077 88199 00092 68851 27047 81176 310395} 829 839}2°92376 19608 28700 27499 86012 26886 40032 82838 28125 42235 16955 539741} 839 855}2°93094 90311 67523 02999 84110 76276 55284 29746 89789 10727 91914 383868] 853 85712°93298 08219 23198 16429 25296 94750 29838 44651 50336 92985 47521 566946} 857 85912°93399 31638 31242 30262 85442 12269 31107 61700 39788 21370 78414 600987] 859 863]2°93601 07957 15209 59266 36308 69754 18427 13577 12652 84446 77410 023962) 863 877} 2°94299 95933 66040 51822 80278 38057 14352 55114 87250 72879 32288 432978] 877 881}2°94497 59084. 12047 91274 93677 89471 82528 26645 36545 68702 11333 796990} 881 883}2°94596 070385 77568 58561 59058 73327 89211 59413 9689 03497 15640 730610} 883 887/2°94792 36198 31726 39219 65090 14904 07473 08873 98971 35988 60988 634764} 887 907|2°95760 72870 60095 25584 72139 01553 62348 76134 78601 27524 63755 591947) 907 911/2°95951 83769 72998 24763 28008 17777 19688 55416 00035 05336 771914 276734) 911 919}2°96331 55113 86111 26519 69202 08586 23523 20678 28235 45128 04319 378878} 919 92912°96801 57139 93641 76318 47673 87869 08415 56826 51327 04702 61455 402055} 929 937(2°97173 95908 87778 26302 75767 32122 15899 55792 61709 53802 51627 468099] 937 94142°97358 96234 27256 90834 22975 10551 79624 82320 81816 02752 59675 858750} 941 947/2°97634 99790 03273 41875 01137 75925 22039 01622 95145 98964 50857 664310] 947 9521297909 29006 38326 40853 29398 47717 31227 47302 58220 10598 20494 365710} 953 967)2°98542 64740 83001 67359 77060 21186 62711 98227 26427 50112 13308 635787} 967 971}2°98721 92299 08004 86280 31389 06536 25140 40531 99480 84889 06195 031834) 971 97712°98989 45637 18773 07091 48028 11052 34926 25914 08310 84838 41813 133125} 977 985|2°99255 35178 32135 62274 96349 24741 43755 19748 99290 01985 16629 651606} 983 991}2°99607 56544 $5275 32836 44343 78815 42086 41325 12663 22812 08187 848418} 991 997}2°99869 5158311655 71988 13717 02813 27239 27091 29009 56252 34578 237114) 997 1009}3°00389 11662 36910 52171 52813 16509 55886 55201 95652 55260 09846 382385}1009 1013/3°00560 94453 60280 42845 01617 20070 22165 08630 76662 06266 67962 258954/1013 1019}3:00817 41840 06426 39490 49899 22311 83296 76922 24936 36781 15542 42525611019 102143°00902 57420 86910 24724 81480 36966 37851 03031 35315 99655 45457 518936}1021 103143°01325 86652 83516 54690 96644 09013 44583 24998 28006 59445 12546 301730]1031 1033{3°01410 032135 19620 57904 40100 62744 77060 74356 51400 55338 40683 272162}1033 1039}3°01661 55475 57177 41240 21010 01361 62758 71828 97066 20300 27455 551333}1039 104913°02077 54881 93557 85990 72007 63899 91741 19141 56191 40400 29271 212173]1049 1051}3°02160 27160 28242 22008 37688 89097 91687 94575 69660 00863 13290 071509]1051 1061}3°02571 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NATURAL SINES, &€. ‘Tab. 10. 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Tab. 10. Sine |Dit.|Covers}| Cosec, | Vang. 011391731 2881 8608269]7°1852965]1404085}7 +1 153697} 1 -0098276)0097319 11139461 2lo 30 213974925860 /13}1400372 96 6 411403252log¢9 5114061325906 9902681\60 He: 9902275159 +n {9901869158 7" s 9901462157 h ng 9901055156 as 9900646155 9900237154 411 9899826)53 41 ligg99415152 412/9899003151 aig 8.588108]77082694111426179)7:011'7441}1°0101187/01001'74 81141477219 9-74/8585228| 706827771 42914716 9971806) 1 °0101607}0100585 J 91141765 1]9g69[8582349]7°0539205]1439 1 15]6-9826781}1-010202710100997}, 5, | (01142053 199x0]8579469]7°0396220|1 435084)6-9682335} 1 -0102449)0101410) ; 319898990150 29779|8576590| 7°0253820|1 43805316 -9538473|1-010287110101823], 1, }9898177/49} 1211426289]og 791857371 1|7°0112001]144 1022|6-9395199|1-010329410102938], | ./9897762/48 13]1429168]9g~79|8570832|6-9970760}1443991}6-9252489|1-0103718]0102653}, ; ¢|9897347147 14]1432047]9919|8.567953|6-9830092I1 44696 1]69110359]1-0104143}0103069) , | 9896991146 15|1434926]9g -9|8565074|6-9689994| 144993 1|6°8968799] 1 -010456810103486), ; .|989614/45 16114378035|9g79|856219.5|6-9550464|1452901|6-°8827807|1 -0104995|0103904], | 59896096144 17|14406841990|855931 6|6-941 1496|1455872|6°8687379| | -0105422/0104323), | 5/9895677/43 18/1443562]99%7¢|8556438|6"9273089|1458842|6°8547508|1-0105851/0104749}, 989 2258/42). 19]1446440]ogx9/8553560|6'9135239|1461813|6°84081 96]1°01 0628010105162}, 00 20/1443 19}9979|855068 1|6"89979491 1464784|6-826943"7] 1 -010671010105584) 4, 2211455075|o9~ 9(8544925]6°8724995|1470727|6-7993565]1 0107573|0106428) {9893572138 23]14.5'7953|g2n|85420476°8589338|1473699|6-7856446]1 010800601 068521 ; 4 .|9895148)37 24|146083019376/85391 70}68454229| 1476672|6-7919867|1 0108440]0107277], 4,|9892725)36 25]1463708]997n|8536299)6+8319642|147964416°7583826]1 -0108875]0107702), 9 26|14665951997g|853341 5|6°8185597|1482617]6-74453 18]! -0109310/0108128}, 9. 27|1469463]99~71853053"7|6-8052082|1485590)6°7313341|1-0109747}0 108555} 45 428|14723401997718527660|6°7919095|1488563)6"7 17889 1)1+0110184]0108983), 54 29|147521 Tl9qur18524783)6-7786632|1491536]6°7044966] | -0110622|01094 12}; 5719890588)31. 30|1478094|9g-77|8521906|6°765469 1|14945 10|6-691 1569}1 °0111061|0109841), 55 311480971 lo g7n718519029]6°7523268|1497484)66778677|1 0111501101 10279}, .., 32/1483848]9 37 6|85161526°7392360|1500458|6-6646307|1 011 1942/01 10703}; 54} }33[14867241997118513276|6-7261965|1503433]6-6514449|t-0112384]01 11135], 44 34148960 1log76|851039916-7132079|1506408]6-63831 00}1 °0112827]0111568], 5). 9888432196 95|1492477logr 6|8507523|6-7002699|1509383]6-6252258}1 “01152701011 2009] 5 9887993/05} 36|1495353}997n|8504647|6°6873822|1512358|6°61219191-0113715|0112436), 5 .|988 7564) 24. 37|1498230|9gx76|8501770|6°6745446]1515335|6-5992080|1 +01 14160]01 12879}, 4. 38]1501106|9g75|8498894|6"6617568|1518309|6°5862739} I 0114606|01 13308], 4, 39}150398 119g176|84960 1 9]6-6490184]1521285|6-5733892|1°0115054|01 13745}; 46 40/1506857]9 97618493 143]6°6363293]1524262|6 5605538) t-0115502101 14183) 54 41}1509733] 5 975|8490267|6-6236890|1527238)6-5477672|1°01 1595110114622), 55 $42115 12608log76|84873996-61 109'73|1530215|6°5350293} 1 0116400]0115061), 4 5 9884939}18 9g178|848451 6/6°5985540|153319216-5223396|t-011685110115502), 5 reas bi 1". 44/15 18359}9 9x75|8481 64 1/6°5860587|1536170]6-5096981|1-0117303]01 15943}, 4 [0884057116 45}152123419¢175|8478766|6°57361 1 2|1539147]6-4971043)1-0117755)0116385) 4.44 asta 15 46]1524109| 9¢u7518475891!5-5612113]1542125|6-4845581/1 0118209}01 16828]; 9885172114 47}1526984}9 9+) 1847501 6|6-5488586|154510316-4720591)1°0118663]01172791, , ,p992-25i13 4 A , % J , 48}152985819g-7518470142|6:5365526|1548082|6°4596070]1 01191181011 7716]; ; Jose 228412 49]1532733|9 gx 4|8467267|6°5242938|1551061|6-4472017|t-0119575/0118162}, , 99818 50}1535607]99475|8464393}6-51208 1 2]1554040}6-4348428}1 -0120032)0118608), 4. 988139211 0; 51]1538482|9 973 /846151 816-4999 148|155701916-4225301]1 -01 2048910119055]; 1 o|2880945) J52[1541356]9 97 4{8458644|6-487794.4]1559998]6-4102633]1 -0120948101 19503], 1 [9880497 53]154423019 9x 418455770|6°47577 1 95]1562978|6-3980429|1 -0121408|0119959}, 541154710415 9x 1|8452896/6°4636901|1565958|6-3858663}1 -0121869/0120401 9886255]91 988581799 9885378]19 9973| 944427516 °42787 1 9}15749006 °3496092)1 -0123256/01 21755 58}1558598 9874 844.1402}6-4160216}157788 116°3376126}1 -0123720]01 22208 591561472 2873 $43852816°404.215411580863}6°3256601)1-012418510122662 Ne ed ed Ce Deg. $l. 8 Deg. LoG. SINES, &c. (265) ‘) Sine {Dif 019°14355551,-- 119-1444582 9191453493 319-1462435 4|9-1471358 Cosec. |Verseds.| ‘T'ang. |Dit| Cotang. ‘Covers. | Secant |D.] Cosine | a. | ——— | ———- -——_—_————_] -——_ i | RD 10-8564447/7-988199019-1478025|. ..|10°8521975|9-9349158/10-0042472 91577] 0.851981819-9347'705|10-0042650|- -919-9957350159 10°850367919-934625 11100042828 Ag 9+9957172158 8942 8923 Si tone 9102 390,{108528642}7°9953955}9-1514543]9 97 {|10-8519738}7-997185319-1523627}, \a5 36r%{10°8510852)7-9989713]9-1532602\5 9° $19: 1506864}045110-8495136|3-0025 125|9-1550769 9}9+1515694}5 45 3|10°8484306)8 004307619-1559780 10}9°1524507]3~705|10-8475493]8-0060790|9' 15687 11/91533301}o.- -|10-8466699|8-0078468/9-15777 19/9-1542076]o4 00 9:1550834len., 13|9: 4 14|9-1559574 ant 15|9°1568296|57 16/9°1577000}3 <3 6 17/9°1585686}, 006 18]9°15943541o 235 |10-8405646/8°0201213/9-1640083 19|9-1603005 20/9-1611639}ecs4 9011 gg93 T3)gq%75 10*8457994(8-009611 3 1saeroe838 08457994 0 ohne 8923 8904 519°9955552149 10°8413294/9°9331688}10-0044630 oh 9°9955370/48 } 10-8404354}9°9350230|10-0044819] |, .|9°9955188|47 10-8395431|9-93287711|10-0044995] | °3|9°9955005}46 10-8386527|9°9327311]10-00451 73}, 35 19°9954822/45 10-8377639|9'9325851|10-0045361] | 5° |9°9954639|44 10°8368769|9'9324391}10°0045545}, 2 719°9954455143 10°8359917)|9°9322930}10-0045729 a 9*9954.271)42 9°1604569 8818 10°8388361|8-023596519°1657737 ‘ 10:8379746|9-0253289|9-1666538 eee 10°8333462/9-9318545|10-0046283|/9°19-9953717 22}9°1628853}35 5 1|10-837114"7]8-0270587|9°1675322|o. 7 23}9°1637434135 ¢ |10-8362566/8-0287833|9° 1684039}. 5 4 24/9°1645998Io5, 5 ¢]10-8354002)8 0305053|9'1692839|.-3 4 sad A teu (9-9952785}534 10*8281011}9°9309764]10°0047403}, 3 .19°9952597/33 10+8272328/9°9308299|10°0047591} | 4 .|9°9952409/32 10°8263662|9°9306833|10'0047779 9°99522911/31 10°825501219-930536%|10°0047967 aN 9-9952033/30 10°8246378|9°930390110°0048156 190 9-9951844129 10°8237761|9'9302434|10°0048346 190 9°9951654|28 10°8229160]9'9300967}10°0048536 190 9°995 1464127 10°8220575|9°92994.99)10°0048726 190 9°99512'74)26 10°8212007/9°9298031{10-0048916 191 9°9951084}25 10°820345419°9296563}10°0049107 9°9950893}24 19] 10°819491819°9295094)10-0049298 199 9-9950'702|23 10*8186398}9°9293624110-0049490 199 9°9950510)22 10°817789419°9292155}10°0049682 199 9*9950318)21 10°8 16940519 °9290684)10°004.98'74. 193 9-9950126)20 10°816093219°9289214)10°0050067 9°9949933/19 10°81524'75}9°9287743}10°0050260 i 9°994974.0118 10°8144034]9°928627 1|10°0050454 99949546) 1'7 10-8135608|9-9284'799|10-0050648), 92/9-9949359|16 10°8127198]9-9283327}10:0050842| | 719°9949158)15 10°8118804/9°9281854|10:0051036 ian 9-9948964114 10°811042519°9280380]10-0051231 196 9:9948'769}13 10°8102061/9°9278907|10°0051427|, 2°19-9948573]12 196 196 9°9948377)11 196 9°9948181)10 19% 9°994'7985 9°994'7788 : 84.78) 4 a aly | Q € 29}9°168855) 8469 10°83114.4.118°0390643)9-1736338 865 30|9°1697021}¢ 4 4 4|10-8302979}8-0407659/9°1744988), 23» 3119°1705465: 84.28 10°8294535}8°042464219-1753622 861% 32/9°1713893 8419 10°8286107}8°0441592}9-1762239 3419°17350699 8378 sp-iiipreakees 37/9° 1755784), 3819°1764112 Se 3919°1772425 206 4.019°1780721 828() 4119°1789001 8264 43}9°1805512 4419°1813'744 oe. 4519°1821960 8200 46|9°1830160|o7 4 47 9°1838344, 8168 4819°1846512 8] 4.919°1854665 50)9°1862802 51|9°4870923 5219°18 79029 5319°188'7120 5419°1895195 8666 10°8252561|80509061)9-1796546)g 555 10°8244216]8-0525846)9*1805082/¢ 5... 10°8235888|8°054259919*1813602|9 50: 10°8227575]8-0559319}9'1822106)94.44 10-8219279|8-0576007}9°1830595|0 13 10+8210999/8-0592663)9: 1839068]. 5 10°8202735|8°0609286|9+1847525)q 5) | 10°8194488|8-0625878|9*1855966]g 4.96 10-8186256)8-0642438/9+18643923 51 5 10°8178040|8-0658966|9" 1872802). 5 10-8169840|8-0675463)9'1881196|o5-9 10°8161656|8-0691928)9°1889575|,3 05 10°8153488|8 0708362/9"1897939|0° 4 8075 8059 5519°190325410,, .|10°8096746/8*0822531/9'1956059 19g|2 9947195 56|9-1911299 aaa 10-8088'701|8-089871819-1964302 oe a AR ail 5791919328), 7,110 -8080672/8-0854875/9-1972530 3013 199 eg Gout 58|9-1927349}-0.49|10-8072658/8-087100219-1980743 |e .45 20012 cbacnoe 59|9°1935341}-955/10-8064659|8-0887099/9-1 98894112 55 5 300199946399 3M Deg. 81, - 14111682026 {27|1641868 * (266) 9 Deg. NATURAL sings, &c. 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NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. — | ——— | Sf SS SSS SS 8] Ce 0/1'7364821 4 ¢ 6 418263518)5°758770511763270)5 °671 2818}1+0154266)0151922 9848078|60 1]1739346}5 0 6 |8260654)5 "149286 1/176626915*6616509/1+0154787]0152428 9847572159 2)1742211 2864 825778915°7398333]1'769269}5°6520516]1°015531010152934 9847066}58 3}1'74.5075 2864 8254925)5+7304121]1772269|5 6424838) 1°0155833)0153442 9846558157 441747939] 5 9 5 |8252061)5 71210225}1775270)5 632947411 015635710153950 984.6050)56 5|1750803 9864. 8249197)5:7116636]177827015 6234421) 1°0156882)0154458 984.5542)55 61753667 2864 824633315 °'7023360)1'7812'71|5°6139680)1°0157408}0154968 9845032)54 nl1756531 8]1759395| 5004 9]1762258)- 101765121 11}17679841: 19}1770847 9844521153 51] 519 9844010)52 1 (9842471|49 1710841956 /48 ae 9840994146 > [9840407}45 10(9339889]44 821484015 °60173861181430315"5117579|1-016325210160630!. 4219839370143 520 ; 520 9838850)42: 2863 16}1782298 2862 17|1'785160 oo oo |2862 19}1788022|50 0 19117908841, 2011793746 aoe 21|1796607\ 5005 23|1802550\500, 2411805191} 5904 9511808052 2611810913 rn Q7/1813774 5901 28]1816635|532, Q911819495|55 00 30|1822355|o6n5 2860 2860 33|1830935 2860 3411833795 3511836654 re 3611839514 8209116 8191948|5+5508129]1838350|5°4396599}1 :0167573|0164811|.56 527 soi? 834136/33 $99(9823608)32 §180505}5°4960305|1850382|5°4042901]1-0169755}0166921|>--19833079)3 1 817764515 °48'7404.31185339015°3955 1 7211 -0170303/0167451 eee 9832549130 8174'78.5|5°4'78805611856399|5°386771811:0170851/0167981 wet 8171925]5-4'702342|185940915*378053811 0171401101685 13122. “|98304.22/26 534 9 € 9) s95{ 829888)/25 935 2859 es 9827206120 “ mo 9826668119 “a 9826128118 5*3777192]1 89253315 283925111 -0177509/0174413]. A 982558717 8157618]5-3694664]189554615'2755255|1°017806910174.954,2 7 19825046] 16 S42!9804 504115 2859 an p|2008 2858 4Mogogail13 5aA QSV0Qrc AGI 822873 8117615}5°3124109)1916648]5°21'74428]1 -0182020|0178766} 8114759)5°3043608)191966415'20924.59]1 0189588101793 14 24819820686 19820137 ‘ »12856 56|1896667 2856 S43} 930396 1114] | all 2453632 2481811 6 #2530675 10°'746932518°2086298/9°2601461 1164 )*2537609 10°7462591)8°2100281/9°2608625},. ., 9°2599509 9°2606330 9°2613141 9°2619941 19°2673945 19°2687338 192694019 19°2700689 19°2707348 }9°2713997 19°2720635 19°2733880 19°2740487 19°2799484. 19°2805988 °2572110 92660509, LOG. SINES, &c. Sine |Dif| Cosec. 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NATURAL SINES, &c. . Tab. 10. ‘| Sine |Dit|Covers| Cosec. |'Tang. 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-611 1057] 79164341 -2651950]1-275421212159453] ¢2|784054"7|38 2516209198). {9790809 “6105 140}7921 167]1 262440911 275715 1|2161259| 10) 017838741137 2416211478), -g)9788522| 1 6099228|7925909|1 -261 68601 276009 1|2168065| ,6|7836933|36 251621375 oon 3786243] 1-6093323}7930640]1 -2609323)1°276303412164873 1804 7835127135 2616216036 aoe (8396411 +608'74.2317935379|1-2601792]1:2765980/2166680 1809 7833320|34 2716218314 anny 3781686)1°6081528}794.012111°2594267|1°2768928/2168489 1809 7831511|33 28|62205921 9 5 4|3779408| 1 6075640)7944865]1 -2586747|1 -2771 878/21 70298), 5 41782970232 2916222870 9976 37771301 °6069757|794961 111°2579232| 1-2774831|2172108 1810 7827892131 30}6225146 oon 377485411 °606387917954959]1°2571723|1°277778712173918 18] 7826082)30 3116227423 9075 3772577| 1605800817959) 1011 °2564219|1°278074412175730 811 7824270129 32}6229698)45.-|9770302)1 -6052142)796386211 -2556721]1°2783705|21 77541) 1 4) 1822459)28 33|6231974 oH i 3768026|1°604628 11796861 7|1°2549229|1 2786667121793 3416234248 9074 3765752|1°6040426|/79733'74|1°2541749)1-2789632/2181167 35 6236522 on 3716347811 °6034577 36|6238796 9945 37612041 1°602873417982895]1°2526784\1°2795570 lovin 3758931) 1-°6022896|7987659|1°2519313}1°2798543/2186610 agHb 3756658|1°601706417992425}1°2511848}1°2801518 1gin 34; 3754386|1°6011237)7997193] 1 -2504388/1°2804495/2190243 1817 7809757\21 4016247885 oot 3752115}1°6005416|8001963|1°2496933]1-28074'75|2192060 7807940/20 41|6250156 9977) 3749844]1°5999600|8006736|1 -248948411°281045712193877 1819 4216252427 9966 3747573] 1°59937901801151111 2482040] 1°2813442|2195696 18 7804304118 4316254696 98"0 37453041°5987986|801 62881 -2474602)1°2816430)2197515 1890 780248517 4416256966 2966 3743034) 1*5982187|8021067/1*2467169}1°2819419)2199335 189 7800665)16 4516259235 2968 3740765) 1°59'76394|8025849]1 °24597421 *2822412 °] 7798845)15 46|6261505 0266 3738497)}1+59'70606/8030632! 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LOG. SINES, &c. (325) Sine [Dif] Cosec. |Verseds. Tang. |Dif| Cotane. | Covers. | Secant |Dif} Cosine 10°2106580}9-3263138}9-8928098} ,.., ,]10°107190219-584'7139]10-1034679 987 9°8965321160 7895036 1616 10°2104964]9-3266806|9-8930702 2604 10°1069298}9°5844549]10°1035666 988 9°8964334159 ,|10°210334819-+32704'73/9 8933306 5 10°1066694)9°584195'7}10°1036654. 98 9°8963346]58 .|10°210173419°327413719-8935909 2602 10°1064091]9°5839364]10°1037642 98 9*8962358}57 10°2100120)9°3277800|9-8938511 9603 10°1061489]9°5836771]10°1038631 99 9°8961369]36 10°2098507}9°3281461/9°8941114 10°1058886]9°5834176]10°1039621 9°8960379/55 10°2096896]9 °328512119-8943715 9602 10°1056285}9°5831581]10°1040611 od 9°8959386]54. 10°209528519:3288778|9°8946317 2601 10°1053683}]9'5828985]10-1041602 992 9°8958598]53 10°2093675]/9°3292434)9 8948918 260 10°1051082/9°5826387|10°1042594 999 9°8957406152 10°2092067}9-3296089|9°8951519]> 10°1048481]9°5825789]10-1043586 999 9°8956414151 10°20904.59]9 :3299'74.1/9°89541 19] 10°1045881}9°5821190/10°1044578 993 10°2088852|9*3303392/9-8956719 10°104328119°5818589}10-1045571 994, 10°2087246]9-330704119°8959319 2599 10°1040681/9°5815988}10:1046565 9°8953435/48 995 10°208564119°3310688]9°8961918}- g|9-1038082)9°5813386]10-1047560 995 9°895244014.7 3 10°2084.037/9-3314334)9°8964517 92599 10°1035483]9°5810783}10-1048555 995 9°8951445 46 7917566 1602 10°208243419-331797819°8967116 Q59¢ 10°1032884]9°5808179]10-1049550 00% 9°89504.50145 10°2080832/9-3321620/9°8969714. 959 10°1030286]9°5805574110-1050547| O5 -|9°8949453144, 10°20'7925119°3325261|9°897231¥ 2598 10°1027688}9°5802968)10°1051543 9°8948457143 10-2077631}9-3328900]9:897491 0153.4 -|10°1025090}9 580036 1/10-1052541| 940)9-8947459|42 10-2076032}9°3352537|9°8977507| 95 9n|10°1022499]9°5797753|10-1053539| ge (9°8946461|41 10-2074454}9-3336179|9-8980 104} 2110-101 9896|9'5795144|10- 1054557] ,99819-8945463|40 10+2072837}9°3339806|9-8982700152.5¢|10°1017300}9°5792534|10-1055537) 00|9-8044.463159 160 ( 10+2071240/9°3343438]9 8985296 10°1014'704]9°5789923}10-1056536), 7.7" |9°8943464138 10°206964.519+334'7068|9°8987892 595 10°1012108}]9°5787311|10'1057537 10 (2 8942463 37 4{10°2068051)9-3350697)9°8990487 9595|10°1009513]9°5784698)10-1058538 100 ]|2 994146236 10°2066457/9-3354323/98993089| 9. 10°1006918}9°5782085/10-1059539), ogi? 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(326) 39 Deg. NATURAL SINES, &c. Tab. 10. 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"7513089969 16] *2792527|| 76|1-3264.502 17] -2967060}| '77|1+3439035 18} °3141595}| '78]1-3613568 19} *3316126]| '79]1°3788101 20} 3490659] 80|1+3962634 21} *3665191]) $1]1-4137167 29} +3839724)| 82)1-4311700 401429571] 83}1°4486233 *4188790|| 8411°4660766 *4363323}| 85)1°4855299 "4537856)| 86]1°5009832 4712389]! $7/1°3184364 *4886922]| 8811°5358897 *5061455]} 89}1°5533430 *52355988]| 90/1°5707965 *5410521}) 91175882496 *55850541| 92)1°605'7029 *5759587)| 93}1°6231562 *5934119]| 94)1°6406095 *6108652)| 95)1°6580628 *62835185}} 96)1°6755161 *6457718)| 97|1°6929694 *6632251]} 98}1°7104227 *6806784}| 99}1°7273760 *6981317]/100|1°7453293 "7155850 101]1°7627825I1 413119264. 421 -73303831|10211-7809358 491199173 431 -7504916l10311-7976891 431125082 44] °76794491110441°81514.24 451 °785398911105/1-8325957 "8028515 *8203047 °8377580 "3992113 "8726646 *8901179 "9075712 9250245 “94.24.9778 "9599311 ‘9775844 "9948377 106}1°8500490 107} 1°8675023 108)1°8849556 09}1°9024089 114]1-9896753 115]2:0071286 116/2°0245819 117/2-0420352 118}2:0594885 119]2-0769418 12012-0943951 Del Arc i t “ “Lab. 03 04 05 06. 07 08 09 10° L 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 « “25 A TABLE of Rumbs, shewing the Degrees, Minutes, and Seconds, that every Point and Quarter-point of the Com- CL IHYL. LO. “O01 | 02'|- 13. CL | HYP. LO. 02302585 || +26 04605170] +27 ‘06907755 |] +28 09210340] -29 "11512925 || +30 *13815511]] -31 "16118096 |} +32 "18420681 |} -33 :20723266 |] -34 "23025851 || +35 "25328436 |] +36 ‘27631021 || +37 -29933606 || +38 “32236191 || +39 "34538776 || -40 "36841361 |} +41 "39143947 |] +42 "41446532 || +43 ‘ASTAOILT || +44 ‘46051702 || +45 48354287 || 46 ‘50656872 || “47 "52959457 || 48 55262042 |} +49 ‘57564627 || +50 ~-59867212 °62169798 *64472383 °66774968 *69077553 *71380138 *73682723 *75985308 "78287893 *80590478 *82893063 °85195648 87498234, *89800819 *92103404 "94405989 “96708574 *99011159 °01313744 °03616329 "05918914 "08221499 *10524084 *12826670 15129255 Ce ee ee ee ee eg pass makes with the Meridian. Bergtits North NbE Nb W NNE NNW NEbWN Ne NE NW NEbE |NWbW ENE WNW EbN WbN | East West 902 0° FQ Fast Pts.qr. 0 CMTTTINAAMAMAMOGOGT EEE EOW WOW HWW MK HHHOO 0 OrOUWN KF OWNK THONWH CUNO rH OW IDR SWwe CDW KE CH 4} COMMON AND HYP. LOGARITHMS. 341 HYP. LO. 1°17431840 119734425 122037010 1°24339595 1'26642180 128944765 1*3124'7350 1°33549935 1*35852520 1°38155106 140457691 1°42760276 1°45062861 1°4°7365446 1°49668031 1°51970616 154273201 1°56575786 1°58878371 1°61180957 1°63483542 1:65786127 1°68088712 170391297 1-72693882 as) a — Ce ee oe SHOONWOWHOWUH ON 2 2s Shae 3 ET UDO DD Sr Gr Or Or oe EB OO 09 09 00 OUWKH STHODWH OW? CL 76 1 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 “89 90 ‘91 99 93 94 95 96 ‘97 98 -99 1-00 SSE . SEbS | SWbsS SEbE {SW bW ESE EbS HYP. LO. 1°74996467 1°77299052 1°79601637 1°81904.229 1*84206807 1°86509393 2°02627488 2°04930073 2°07232658 2°09535243 2°1183'7829 2°14140414 2°16442999 2°18745584 2°21048169 2°23350754 2°25653339 2*271955924 2*30258509 Tab. 14. South SSW WSW WbS West | + pena Sige 34.2 A LIST OF ERRORS DISCOVERED AND CORRECTED I. In Gardiner’s Edition of 1742, in 4to. In the Logarithms. In the Sines. 101213 3630 ay) OF: aes 8°0738436 14 4059 0:59 ae 8:2360264 15 4488 1 7 48 82949277 16 4917 by 2h 0 8°3879622 17 5346 2 4 0 8°5570536 1)... 94° *19 9°2960174 21308 5427 1S, BRL 0 9:3668676 26719 8202 _ 32 3. 20 9°724983T 29315 0899 37: 86...20 275 diff. 34259 7747 eo a OU 275 diff. 34728 6798 DP is OR a ae 162 diff. 35704 7534 55, . 48 10 9°9171322 511938 2106 65 4 20 97 diff. 59502 5316 65 4 30 98 diff. 60844. 2178 65 4 30 9°9575403 64445 1892 ED OU aD 9°9743838 . 65640 1686 15 SG BW 52 diff. 66607 5199 ys Sara's Foal 3 L 9°9893657 67329 2022 82 0 40 9°9957646 69519 1035 sh AY 0 9°9988962 71492 2574 73338 3291 13983 1319 In the Tangents. M4294 | 9537 DT ee ake 8°7674175 74.742 5647 8 36 20 9-1799393 "5561 Q977 10) "TS" 50 9°2564.267 "6000 8136 1345 2SH 480 9°3756001 76041 0473 43 56 30 9-9839523 "6031 9907 44 12 20 9°9879549 "7316 2694 68 19 20 10°4006638 82958 8583 "1 21 0 10*4717147 73: 18 0 10°5228579 17 1 40 10°6375975 Absolute Numbers. 84 4 10 10°9871756 6462 6492 . 86 39 40 11°2340287 8668 8688 BT ii LDu s 20 11°3300317 9167 9157 88 20 30 11°5383295 G9 5 Oo a 12°8520268 L to 20 places, 916. 96189 Expl. & Use, p.11, 1.4 bot. mg, m1. 4 Note, that some very few places are omitted where a figure does not perfectly ap- pear, as they are not real errors, and cannot mislead, but may easily be filled up by the differences.—It is also to be observed, that some of these errors in both the books are not in all copies of the same edition, as I have experienced by collating divers copies: a circumstance probably occasioned by types sometimes working out at the press, and carelessly supplied again; and sometimes by discovering and correcting errors after the copies of some sheets ‘have been but partly worked off. And the same in the French edition following.— All the real errors in both books are brought toge- ther in these tables, both those I have seen printed elsewhere, and those received by private communication, besides upwards of twenty detected by myself, in comparing the proofs of my book with the like parts of the others. IN LOGARITHMIC TABLES. Il. In the Avignon Edition of 1770. In the Logarithms, 100288 4897 100499 6174 101213 3630 14 4059 15 4488 16 4917 17 5346 14151 "871 17740 9536 24626 3939 25803 6702 33071 4473 34259 TT47 34.728 6798 37268 3361 3'7696 2953 38119 1415 42431 6833 43284 3274 44218 5991 44781 0938 46309 6654 46559 0036 51193 2106 54681 8364 58987 1563 59502 5316 59889 3471 60844 2178 63064 71815 64149 1899 64347 5283 64445 1892 64881 1175 68128 3256 68761 3422 68859 9607 69339 9776 69519 1035 69533 1910 70076 5693 71021 3864 74.703 3380 81674 0838 84393 3068 $5328 0916 86486 9458 $9322 9584 89680 6956 94841 9961 93614 3408 Absolute Numbers. 4770 4670 3520 5520 71235 7135 1635 1535 1 Sheet ¢, last line, M;, m’. Pro. Parts. Sh, i. 9 Dif. 94 | 85 In the Sines. OR GH ele 7+2852698 Qo! ee pao 7°6568492 On FT 3 8°0325059 O° 445i,7 30 8°1217248 Sih LOR Soe 8°5795094 Diy Sea ve 8°6535839 2° «Boe wee 8°6607629 Bi78, SQue 86660134 3) abled 8°7459722 Si RG Med 8°7789797 18 44 20 621 diff. 45 4 50 9°8500947 65 4 = 20 97 ditf. 30 98 diff. 30 9°9575403 Lon IS Ry ne ee 8 9°9649579 BS 9O8 ie: SO 52 diff. SB) 583,10 99999154 In the Tangents. Fo OR a Lie 7°4314311 Oslo Say 7°5349960 Oey Rae re8 7°6215882 0. S00, oo 78372579 O 2&4 16 7°8487435 Oo 24 p54 7°859933 ON TST ere 80348694 Lige TOTS 8°3628023 ) RNR De ake 8°3826268 3 0 7 8°7196777 3 6.28 8°734.7535 Rt 9 8°7633926 3 54°38 8°8347909 5 5 0 8°9491676 Ut) 39 40 9°5029635 23 R20 9°6297224 23. 22 0 9°6355321 bers 9 4 40 9°8464809 Shiney E33: SO 10°3770260 Wate 20 ad 10°5241600 88 Bie ae 11°4685399 Sheet S 1 79 deg. T 4 12° 60 Table to 20 places. ao 77085°20 &e 825 91645°39485 1083 03462-84566 Table ILI. of the same. Diff. II. ib. 00127 Logist. - Log. Hyp. L. 6 531 75:47 kes acne "15 >| 1°9095425 In the last Page. line 20 | 0-0019633 22 1:24.03375 24 | 1-2403375 26 | 5-8455077 343 : 344 A LIST OF ERRORS CORRECTED, &c. III. The following List of Errors in Callet’s Tables Portatives have been discovered in reading his book with the proof-sheets of the 2d edition of my Tables. . In Callet’s Tables Portatives, Paris 1783. In the Introduction. In the Logarithms. Page 9, line 1, read_t’/b 47891 2539 41, — 9, — compris c H 60844 2178 19, — 3¢ 64113 | 9461 44, —10, — L’/$c 64445 1892 46, — 28, — Ap- 64547 8761 70357 3073 76872 7682 77054 8515 78050 3729 99018 7142 IV. In Taylor's Tables, London 1792; besides those mentioned in the book itself. Page 56, line32, for +2, read -+ L. 2 In the Sines. 57, — 10and11,readonly one root Pol in 4° 93' 38” | 43007 “Rs MOR ead | 4 93 39 | 43981 5 3 — 25, for — read = — 27, for 4p read 4 p V. In Callet’s Stereotype Edition, Paris 1795. In the Logarithms. In the Differences. 1014 3795 214 — 7 150 24626 3939 185 — 1 19 27502 9406 185 — 3 56 33071 44.73 66 — 6 40 4.3130 7795 53919 7418 56246 0916 57319 2986 0? 909m 38%. 5 « 2599 64445 1892 O 24 54 9331 81674 0338 99018 7142 In Table I. to 20 Places. 965 56538 1071 94608 1085 85148 1105 | 21729 1115 84779 1125 47981 1135. [| 29741 Jn Table II]. of the same. 00132 Dif. 34589 In the Tangents. Printed by 8. Hamilton, Shoe.Lane, Fleet-Street, mn I Si Jf i i se pe i 2 nay | 7 ; he i be a my Vad) ” ¥ J 7 - = Age | Thee ey py | At | in 3 0112 016734995