CITY OF BUFFALO a a _ SECOND SUPPLEMENT 4 ci TO THE ay, With cross indices of all ordinances enacted, amended, supplemented or repealed. From JANUARY Ist To DECEMBER 31st 1921 F. W. TYLER, City Clerk CITY OF BUFFALO REMOTE STORAGE SECOND SUPPEEMEN Price TO THE ORDINANCES With cross indices of all ordinances enacted, amended, supplemented or repealed. From JANUARY Ist To DECEMBER 31st a AR. F. W. TYLER, City Clerk Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2022 with funding from | University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates | > Ja27 352.00N Bor 1420 4 for’ pr CHIL: OF BUFFALO SECOND SUPPLEMENT TO THE GENERAL ORDINANCES CHAPTER 1. June 15th. That so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordin- ances of the City of Buffalo, under Public Safety—J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital, as reads as follows: 1-A, 1-A, 1-A, 1-A, 1-A, 1-A, BIN, 1-A, 1eAS PadN TA 1-A, 1-A, X-ray assistant, typist, clerk, two cook’s helpers, 1 skilled laborer, 1 skilled laborer, stenographer, dietitian, butcher, chef, assistant chef, baker, two cooks at $720.00 each, } ad? 4 SECOND SUPPLEMENT 1-A, laundry manager, 1-A, head laundry man, 1-A, head waitress, painter at $2.50 day,’ carpenter at $3.50 day, —be arid the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 2-A, stenographer, 2-A, dietitian, 2-A, butcher, 2-A, chef, 1-A, assistant chef, 2-A, baker, 1-A, two cooks at $780.00 each, 2-A, laundry manager, 1-A, head laundry man, 1-A, head waitress, 2-A, painter, 2-A, carpenter, 1-A, assistant X-ray technician and photographer, 1-A, clerk-telephone operator, 1-A, bookkeeper, 1-A, two assistant cooks at $600.00 each, 3-A, farm manager, 2-A, grounds working foreman. That so much as relates to labor, regular roll, be amended to read as follows: | HOSPITAL LABOR. Twelve laborers, not to exceed $720.00 a year each. Three laborers, not to exceed $780.00 a year each. Four laborers, not to exceed $900.00 a year each. Laborers, not to exceed $660.00 a year each. CITY ORDINANCES 5 FARM LABOR. Laborers, not to exceed $1,200.00 a year each. WOMAN LABOR. Waitresses, maids, laundresses, seamstresses and linen sorter, not to exceed $420.00 a year each. Housekeepers, not to exceed $600.00 a year each. Cleaning women, not to exceed $480.00 a year each. —and by striking therefrom the following: 2-A, chauffeur, 1-A, one baker’s helper. Also by adding thereto the following: 2-A, X-ray technician and photographer, 2-A, electrician, 2-A, mechanic, 1-A, general repair man, 1-A, assistant baker, 1-A, head seamstress. Effective July 1, 1921. June 29th. That Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under Department of Public Safety— J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital—be amended so as to read as follows: INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION. 1-A, 1 head seamstress, 1 head waitress. LER ERCLS Af ere Sul alee A hob ony Ee a ae $ 480 00 SIG CCIELINY CT Nem FOTN cer acy co ctade stant pose eine 540 00 BE Gr PMN SRR eee Tio c vss auhe ein cVeturansesss 600 00 6 SECOND SUPPLEMENT 1-A, 2 assistant cooks. First: year ted itesapacetarh-ctaeccs teed diac ieee emma $ 600 00 Second SVeancniyaetsecuentie eres eee! 660 00 1-A, 1 assistant X-ray technician and photographer, 1 -clerk-telephone operator, 18 nurses, 1 clerk, 1 watchman. First iy Oa cto vis sree Rte aires ataces $ 660 00 Second year 1-A, 1 laboratory assistant. ARB RSS MN gore f peg ee APRs AC MTS pelted ener ee Ne 70 0,0) ECON uy eal Mw maven mee eed wk eeu, 780 00 1-A, 1 general repairman, 1 assistant baker, 1 bookkeeper, 1 assistant chef, 2 cooks, 1 head laundryman, 6 supervising nurses. BirSh py CAUA cacti) eee avere eel ele vow $ 720 00 Dechndtvenn se aiace le eee Ae acre 780 00 PLPC Vero: Coca sme pita tes leeds Ome OA ati 840 00 Hoprths years sicechemneeane ead trees: uaa naa 900 00 2-A, 1 butcher, 1 baker, laundry manager, dietitian, stenographer, chef, storekeeper, ae ae ee oe ee ee CITY ORDINANCES 7 1 junior assistant physician, 1 X-ray technician and photographer. REAM RR as cote ai cere a GABA PESVLLNIVE lool rieok $ 960 00 arecae as Gy 0 8 Cape iets a nel a Bag. SRE ae 1,020 00 BETIRECyYCAT Pacicuaces eurteves: et Bu RO NN 1,080 00 SOS ak Su Cy (Ragas | ts ag se EAB I ai ic aa 1,140 00 BUTE ULV aN OEIC Sebo ted hint ance ceter a ressckte devote 1,200 00 2-E, 1 grounds working foreman, 1 painter, 1 carpenter. MMT eSes yigerche) | opbkr IMs ape ESS ot ta $ 960 00 BS COLIR EHV et Geran LWeon Man on tava estos «ant teaie an. 1,020 00 ARTE yo Penge Pos Peper ae ta EAS ams Mat es 1,080 00 RPOUIULIUE VEIN stents tts tevicstuatvtncost viscieeeo 1,140 00 Fifth year ....... fy eae Re al et aap AE TCC 1,200 00 2-E, 1 skilled laborer. 3-E, 1 farm manager. BAS Tati WR TRE cite Gicsr teeh cintleetnteetascyei tebe eenabess Ges $ 1,260 00 Det MEIC LMDY Ciel EBA As rete, acute A wate weapons 70s 1,320 00 PRL ET CATA Me easinven tots Proasincinitartteatcashss seed 1,380 00 3-A, 1 matron. ROPE W EG ek is Le VMraay sedan aos sUek (laabiies Ryvdsssnase $ 1,260 00 aera UI yo: hee Saat at FNL ES a en Pc 1,320 00 CASED eaters tdci dbed atid tah ecibss tens v ak eee 1,380 00 4-A, 1 steward. TAS ME REET YEL Se Dh elaes sli sPovEasel)nchax cess $ 1,560 00 ORCL RHEE PN cas cca) sys cndadins oop piutstctewaleca stesso 1,560 00 PIED Ue CtLS A Teah: Rechts she) catdh gra scndvatasss 4aeaas vse’ 1,620 00 8 SECOND SUPPLEMENT 6-A, 1 senior assistant physican. First year. (15 EH Ne ott aie. t anes econ $ 2,100 00 Second oven, lore satiety occ team eaten Onreees 2,100 00. PL aan | VGAT ater seers eet ee eee 2,280 00 Baurth, year ti-ncsueccce vecol sae sche yee tenet 2,280 O00 Fitth WvGar isc. aetacscsersstisecwtie eater eee 2,460 00 7-A, 1 assistant superintendent. Per) Year rosy. ese veces ene eee Crees $ 3,500 00 1 superintendent. Pek 2 yearieh erates. cci, eke ecm ee ee aee $ 5,000 00 MECHANICAL DIVISION. 2-A, 3 firemen, 1 mechanic, 1 electrician. HirSPeyGata pies. to ccever cater tier tana eee meen ae S$ 960 00 SECON: VEd Tiere tacit. sors eee Piel 1,020 00 SIP VCAT a acres cere. cat pete ee eee ee 1,080 00 MI OUDLAPY CATA or nei reenter et researc, 1,140 00 Hitthfyvear ae. ei a cee eee 1,200 00 4-A, 1 engineer. BRACST) VOCAL y eaceecercencecs cent eennae ee eee $ 1,320 00 SECON A EAL, eee coarse tie eee ed ee 1,380 00 Hite Vea, teers eer ey oe ee 1,440 00 LSrojthude® iieche ay Ae Mieee ory irrnr ee ria! 1,500 00 PIAL TI Ga Tater aces. dfupeese rte on Sarah aga 1,620 00 If quarters are not furnished the incumbent of this position shall receive in addition to his an nual salary the sum of $180.00 annually, payable in semi-monthly installments. 4-A, 1 assistant engineer. ee: FE AE Nee eerste Ot nik sont teens LENCE MES i, Uo CITY ORDINANCES 9 LABOR DIVISION. HOSPITAL LABOR, Laborers not to exceed $660.00 a year each. Twelve laborers, not to exceed $720.00 a year each. Three laborers, not to exceed $780.00 a year each. Four laborers, not to exceed $900.00 a year each. FARM LABOR. Laborers not to exceed $1,200.00 a year each. WOMAN LABOR. Waitresses, maids, laundresses, seamstresses and linen sorter, not to exceed $420.00 a year each. Housekeepers and nursing attendants, not to exceed $600.00 a year each. Cleaning women, not to exceed $480.00 a year each. Effective: July 1, 1921. July 13th. That so much of Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordin- ances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety, J. N. Adam Memorial Hospital, as reads as follows: 2-A, One junior assistant physican, be amended so as to read as follows: 3-A, One junior assistant physican: Svar ier gas 2 pha a Riprecna ena lly Ae en $ 1,260 00 PIC EA catenesdcnares secu pers cts Said ea erry 1,320 00 PEC UCT Te irate haps tbh oes teed tel leaks 1,380 00 RUSTE RATES ssi My citiicrctas ce vigbeh; coceess se 1,440 00 Si tT Tie V Or teasers. cents ees ulvek dash betaes/ait 1.500 00 10 SECOND SUPPLEMENT July 13th. That Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety—Health—Laboratory Group, be amended by adding thereto the following: 2-A, One messenger : First, years ects oo in orem rene $ 960 00 Second yeah saan ater ee see eee ere 1,020 00 THird Wear nvciavicspetteme terres tener 1,080 00 Fourth “yearier cc wcsadrctescdteenseverevaseeas eset 1,140 00 Pith yea riers ee dvaen c eee ener ara 1,200 00 One laborer, $3.00 per day. July 27th. That Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety, be amended by adding thereto the following: MECHANICAL DIVISION. 4-A, One assistant engineer (who shall relieve the engineers at the Washington Market and Bath House No. 1 on Amherst street, allowing each engineer one day off in seven). FAFSERVGOD sy eiossciscctiabe ure mire eaeas terres sere, $ 1,320 00 DOCONS VAT scsi tcc ss GUN ROM MN ahr cce ane 1,380 00 MW evewe Gif ch amano ee CIM A Sy cas aie tee 1,440 00 Hourthovea rioters seren ices: ertrnyedivcnteenas 1,500 00 Pafth yea) seven am cee anit anna aes 1,620 00 November 16th. That so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordin- ances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety—Health, reading: CITY ORDINANCES 11 “Director of Laboratory (Bacteriologist)” —be amended to read: “Superintendent of Laboratories.” December 7th. I make the recommendation that that part of Article 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances reading: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY—FIRE. 6-B, one operator assignment clerk —be repealed, and that that portion reading: MECHANICAL DIVISION. 4-B, three fire alarm operators, —be amended to read: MECHANICAL DIVISION. 4-B, four fire alarm operators. December 7th. That Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety, Fire Division, be amended by striking therefrom the following : Thirty-four assistant engineers ; Substitute drivers; Drivers (as required). December 16th. That Section 1 of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety—Fire Division, be amended by adding thereto 12 SECOND SUPPLEMENT the following: Thirty-four assistant engineers, Substitute drivers, Drivers (as required). May 5th. That Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo be amended by adding in the schedule of positions under Skilled Trades, Group “B” (fore- men), the following: 4 Foremen (Construction). Also by adding under the Department of Public Saftey—Police, the following: SKILLED TRADES DIVISION. 4-B 1 Construction. Poremianiweeer ni $ 1,740 00 MECHANICAI, DIVISION. AB; i Batteryman?.. cou merece ter. $ 1,620 00 April 6th. That so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo relating to the De- partment of Public Safety—Police—Custodial Division which reads as follows: 5-B, 1 superintendent of motive power —hbe and the same hereby is amended to read as follows: 5-B, 1 superintendent of motive power and supplies. CITY ORDINANCES 13 July 27th. I recommend that so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under De- partment of Public Safety—Police, as reads as follows: 1-A, three laborers, 7-A, one janitress, Headquarters, salary, expenses for _ additional charwoman and feeding prisoners; 2-A, three engineers, —be amended so as to read as follows: 1-A, five laborers, 7-A, one janitor, No. 1 Police Station, salary and ex- penses for additional help; 2-A, two engineers. Effective July 31, 1921. September 7th. I, therefore, recommend that so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety—Health, read- ing: 2-A, one messenger : EES an Wich Re SRR BE ge aN vn 3b $ 960 00 Sa) USN er Bo gt ate RR le ae ER 1,020 00 PTCA meres Siette tpein ead ts caccaenexces 1,080 00 BUCO A MR Ray aoe Oye ee ote Ud octet cdaviensee 1,140 00 AT VCAT Mcrae g ihe? Ac nbuipengytil, vonesd canteens 1,200 00 1 laborer, $3.00 per day, be amended to read: 2: laborers, $3.00 per day. 14 SECOND SUPPLEMENT September 7th. That Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, Department of Public Safety, Mar- kets, under the heading Custodial Division, be amended by adding thereto the following: 1-A, one gatekeeper, at $3.00 per day. 1-A, one assistant gatekeeper, at $2.75 per day. September 14th. I recommend that so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Safety—Markets—Custodial Di- vision, as reads as follows: 2-B, five assistant superintendents (Markets). 3-B, three senior assistant superintendents (Markets). —be amended so as to read as follows: 2-B, four assistant superintendents (Markets). 3-B, four senior assistant superintendents (Markets). July 20th. That so much of Chapter I, Section 1, of the Or- dinances of the City of Buffalo as relates to the Bureau of Accounting, Department of Finance and Accounts, be amended by adding thereto the following: 3-A, 1 Income Tax Statistician. January 19th. That so much of Secton 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo as relates to the salaries of Bureau of Public Welfare which reads as follows: CITY ORDINANCES 3-H, nineteen visitors. —be and the same is hereby amended to read as fol- lows: 3-H, twenty-two visitors. December 7th. That Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Affairs, Bureau of Public Welfare, be amended by adding thereto the following: 3-A, 1 colored visitor. UTE PUTA BREE Pec or sy Lash satya sank devads tasers $ 1,260 00 BICCOMCMRVED Ein ctecterafeitasathts att caaciesacavidasuan ts 1,320 00 PETE CCULU RAN Snead aca aheth cgay ouvenodieters 1,380 00 PUTER UV ODE Lance R e Weret Mates ccsten Hoseeneet cbooehcken 1,440 00 Pitthonea rm out pene uls Saris, erat 1,500 00 June 29th. That so much of Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordin- ances of the City of Buffalo, as reads as follows: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. INDUSTRIAL AID BUREAU. 3-A, 1 placement woman. ALU SEw VOOM. Oihiviys Rpm ce Uh ub Eeated vasesnvoer> $ 1,260 00 RAL ECHL A Adee ssh a de otce iia atic anew ese suadt basa 1,320 00 BU IEEE Pity eee feetret hss ttushl ats ipakee cess ostnncastyiavie 1,380 00 PES PCRPLY Ga TaM io pRreceta hy PAA tacial cvchertesdsirs 1,440 00 PUTER AVORT maior ra-eacmeess og) ehsiasys MEMES eer 1,500 00 —be amended so as to read as follows: 16 SECOND SUPPLEMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS. INDUSTRIAL AID BUREAU. 3-A, 2 placement women. Birgt Wea tkctesacestecs eet tiret ire eegeeee eeetees $ 1,260 00 Second (year 2.cusws ui deere assert 1332000" Third:vear sap teuthule a eee 1,380 00 Fontth ) Wear sec: ecgees-ce eee ee 1,440 00 Putthvvear.#..cca.2 ts eh tee ee ee 1,500 00 October 5th. That Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Streets, monthly roll, be amended by adding thereto the following: Grade 7-A one manager (piggery) per year..$ 5,000 00 Grade 6-A one assistant manager (piggery) PEL PVCAT NG cece .cstecetes art eeeen te ny ane ney ere 2,400 00 October 5th. That Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, Department of Public Works, Bureau of Streets, weekly roll, be amended by adding thereto the following: Laborers (garbage disposal) per day.............. $ oe July 20th. That Section 1, of Chatper I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, under the Department of Public Works, Bureau of Water, be amended by adding thereto the following: Special laborers on high pressure fire lines not to ex- ceed $4.50 per day. CITY ORDINANCES 17 September 14th. I would respectfully recommend that Section 1, Chap- ter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, relating to the Bureau of Water, be amended by adding thereto under the heading ‘Skilled and Unskilled Labor—Weekly Roll” the following: Tele CAL INSIIGCUOT G Nerkateviatsnistcdicitvavss sere $5 00 per day September 28th. I would respectfully recommend that Section 1, Chap- ter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, relating to the Bureau of Water, be amended by adding thereto, under the heading, “Skilled and Unskilled Labor—Week- ly Roll’, the following: PUIMASONS), (LEINIPOLALY ).2247.ihesssrsseccedesscoie $! OO per hour October 26th. I would respectfully recommend that so much of Section 1, Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo, relating to the Bureau of Water, which reads as follows: Three masons (temporary), per hout............ $ 1 00 —be and the same is hereby amended to read: Masons, as required (temporary), per hour....$ 1 00 December 28th. That so much of Chapter I, Section 1, of the Or- dinances of the City of Buffalo pertaining to the Bureau of Water be amended by adding thereto the following: 7-A, 1 deputy water commissioner (temporary) POA TE eee Wh asa est te cor auc tases ce tiatd bubeacses $ 4,000 00 18 SECOND SUPPLEMENT June Ist. That so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Or- dinances of the City of Buffalo, relating to the De- partment of Parks and Public Buildings, Division of Parks, as reads as follows: SKILLED TRADES DIVISION. 1-D 17 attendants, —be and the same is hereby amended to read: 1-D 21 attendants. June Ist. That so much of Section 1, Chapter I, of the Or- dinances of the City of Buffalo, under Department of Parks and Public Buildings, Bureau of Recreation, Re- creational Division, as reads as follows: 32 playleaders, 16 caretakers, —be amended so as to read as follows: 17 playleaders (men), 17 playleaders (women), 17 caretakers. April 20th. That so much of Section 1, of Chapter I, of the Ordinances of the City of Buffalo under the head, Law Department, Professional and Sub-Prpfessional Divi- sion, and which now reads as follows: CITY ORDINANCES 19 Grade 4-A, 1 Registrar: (Or eB ges baba apieie ep ter | psaib gaint . Supplemented accuse 70 25 SI = Amended. cokoah ee 71 29 ‘2(ob 5) 84-4 Amendedin i.e: ntl es fe 25 0025) Atetided’ ate ek ee 73 25 1O8%s eA mendedy uni aeeeh 74 eas L2i eA ten Cd. cee tek eee 75 25 1434 Amended)" catsnatees 76 25 143351 A metided @ etnies ees 76-77 CITY ORDINANCES 6] CHAP. SEC. VOLUME, PAGE 25 166-169 Supplemented .............. 1 78-79 25 170-177 Supplemented ............. ee 37-45 Pa 178 Supplemented .............. im 45 25 150A Supplemented. .............. Z 45 29 [Roepe cu sstvvletars Latine werates pepe Op 1 79 29 BOM eCOrrectian ue senna 1 98-99 29 Z1A . Supplemented ...........%.. 2 46 31 7 Aamended tira scarce eto l 80-82 “Hl 1 Potartctiva (le Bi Wachee ym eee 2 47-48 gic PPE OH LEGS citigssiaevn oa, 1 82-93 32 1G ABV Ad sea ti Cciakel as Rien Ae eee 2 48-49 32 FeO MPA INETOES ices. caetaciasir ies. 2 48-49 32 A ADE ENS saWestel Nak Ye beige pears peo 2 48-49 32 (BAD ONAN G6 Chita Yah eptoeh hcp ee fy 48-49 36 3 Supplemented .............. 2 49 47 LO=1 Grete OEE CEIOM ot tare: vet easinds secs 1 97 52 [oA SUA mended «.ztvicscsovtfivaps 2 BOSS Sb 6 SUP PhEMeNLedat sess soy .0: 1 93 55 6 PEIMEN CEU Ho caseetenndatesaee tens re 55 58 3 Supplemented: vets: .s.t-