CODE Or ORDINANCES ORF EEE CITY OF PENSACOLA | CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF PENSACOLA CONTAINING ALL GENERAL ORDINANCES IN FORCE UP TO AND INCLUDING OCTOBER Ist, 1920, WITH AN APPENDIX REFERRING TO SPECIAL ORDINANCES, AND STATUTE LAWS, AFFECTING THE CITY. PREPARED BY JOHN B. JONES, City Attorney By authority of the Board of Commissioners FRANK D. SANDERS, Mayor and Commissioner of Finance and Revenue GEO. H. HINRICHS, Commissioner Streets and Public Works FRANK R. POU, Police and Fire Commissioner l920 Printed by MAYES PRINTING COMPANY Pensacola, Florida hey ANY te, Ainect } 4 Chas rf REMOTE STORAGE BOOKSTACKS OFF ICE CODE OF ORDINANCES CITY OF PENSACOLA CHAPTER I DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL PROVISIONS ARTICLE I.—DEFINITIONS. SECTION 1. In the construction of this Code and of all ordi- nances hereafter to be enacted, in the absence of contrary controlling provisions, the word “City” shall mean the City of Pensacola; “Board” shall mean the Board of Commissioners of the City; the designation of any officer by name shall mean the officer of this City with corres- ponding designation; person shall include natural and artificial per- sons, the masculine shall include the feminine, and neuter; the sing- ular the plural and the plural the singular; street shall include avenue, alley, public square, common, park, promenade, public wharf, boule- vard and sidewalk; writing shall including printing, and an oath shall include an affirmation. ARTICLE II.—GENERAL PROVISIONS SEC. 2. Any act or omission prohibited or declared unlawful in this Code or in any of the ordinances hereafter to be ordained shall be punished by fine not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or both, at the dis- cretion of the Recorder, and it shall not be necessary in this Code, or in any of the ordinances hereafter to be enacted, to specify the punish- ment for the violation of any provision thereof. SEC. 3. Whenever the unlawfulness of an act or omission shall depend upon the giving of a notice by any officer of the City, the con- tinuance of the act or omission, after such notice, shall be deemed an offense, and the offender shall be punishable for each day of such continuance as for a separate offense. 842589 4 SECTIONS 4 TO 7 SEC. 4. No suit, proceeding, right, fine, penalty or forfeiture, in- stituted, created, given, accrued or secured under any ordinance pre- vious to its repeal, shall in any way be effected, released or discharged by its repeal, but may be prosecuted, enjoyed and recovered as fully as if such ordinance had continued in force, unless otherwise ex- pressly provided. SEC. 5. In all cases where fines, penalties or forfeitures are im- posed, they shall be for, and extend and apply to, each and every act and omission and for each and every day’s continuance of such act or omission, when it is of continuing character; and in addition there- to the Recorder is authorized, when the welfare of the City requires it, to cause to be removed, to any other place within or without the City, any and all persons, vessels, goods, property, obstructions, erec- tions and nuisances that may be forbidden by any ordinance to remain in the City or any part thereof, at the expense of the offenders. CHAPTER II BOUNDARIES AND PRECINCTS ARTICLE I.—BOUNDARIES. SEC. 6. The boundaries of the City are as follows: Beginning at Galvez Springs, thence running northeast to Bayou Texar, thence with said Bayou to Pensacola Bay, thence due south to a point in a straight line drawn between the northeast corner of Pensacola Navy Yard, and Garzon Point between Escambia and East Bays, at the point of intersection, thence westerly along said line to a point due south of where Bayou Chico intersects with Pensacola Bay, thence due north to said intersection, thence along the eastern shore of Bayou Chico to the point of beginning. ARTICLE II.—PRECINCTS AND ELECTION DISTRICTS ‘SEC. 7. The City is divided into four Precincts as follows: Precinct No. 12. Embraces all that portion of the City lying East of a line drawn through the center of Alcaniz Street. SECTION 8 5 Precinct No. 18. Embraces all that portion of the City bounded on the East by a line drawn through the center of Alcaniz Street and on the West by a line drawn through the center of Palafox Street. Precinct No. 14. Embraces all that portion of the City bounded on the East by a line drawn through the center of Palafox Street and on the West by a line drawn through the center of Spring Street from the Northern limits of the City to the center of Romana Street and thence through the center of Romana Street to the center of Barce- lona Street and thence through the center of Barcelona Street to the Southern limits of the City. Prencinct No. 15. Embraces all that portion of the City lying West of Precinct No. 14. SEC. 8. The said Precincts are divided into Election Districts, as follows: Precinct No. 12: Election District No. 12. Bounded on the North by Gadsden Street, on the South by the Bay, on the East by Ninth Avenue and on the West by Alcaniz Street; Election District 26. Bounded on the North by Gadsden Street, on the South by the Bay, on the East by Bayou Texar and on the West by Ninth Avenue; Election District 27. Bounded on the North by the Northern bound- ary line of the City, on the South by Gadsden Street, on the East by Bayou Texar and on the West by Ninth Avenue; Election District 28. Bounded on the North by the Northern boundary line of the City, on the South by Gadsden Street, on the East by Ninth Avenue and on the West by Alcaniz Street. Precinct No. 13: Election District 18. Bounded on the North by Gadsden Street, on the South by the Bay, on the East by Alcaniz Street and on the West by Palafox Street; Election District 29. That portion of the City lying North of Gadsden Street and between Alcaniz Street and Palafox Street. Precinct No. 14: Election District 14. Bounded on the North by Gadsden Street, on the South by the Bay, on the East by Palafox Street and on the West by Barcelona and Spring Streets; Election District 30. That portion of the City lying North of Gadsden Street between Palafox Street and Spring Street. Precinct No. 15: Election District 15. Bounded on the North by Garden Street, on the South by the Bay, on the East by Barcelona and Spring Streets and on the West by Oliva Street; Election Dis- trict 31. That portion of the City lying West of Spring Street and North of Gadsden Street; Election District 32. That portion of the 6 SECTIONS 9 TO 11 City lying West of Oliva Street and South of Gadsden Street: Elec- tion District 34. That portion of the City bounded on the North by Gadsden Street, on the South by Garden Street, on the East by Spring and on the West by Oliva Street. CHAPTER Il SEAL ARTICLE I. SEAL. SEC. 9. The Seal of the City shall have on its face, “City of Pen- sacola, Florida,” with a circle around a shield with a cross in the center of the shield, at the base of which shall be a helmet with plumes, and above the shield a hand with a pen in the act of signing, and on either side of the shield the figures “1696”, the year of the first settlement of Pensacola by the Spaniards, and “1821,” the year of the first city government under General Andrew Jackson, United States Army. CHAPTER IV OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES ARTICLE I—ENUMERATION, ELECTION AND TERM OF OFFICERS. SEC. 10. The government of the City of Pensacola is vested in three Commissioners and constituting the Board of Commissioners under the Commission form of government created by Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida of 1913. SEC. 11. One of said Commissioners to be designated by the Board as Police and Fire Commissioner has special charge of all matters relating to the health, justice, sanitation, pounds, police, meats and milk, weights and measures inspection and fire department. SECTIONS 12 TO 15 7 One Commissioner designated by the Board as Commissioner of Streets and Public Works has special charge of the Water Works, sewers, garbage, harbor and wharves, plumbing, streets and street improvements, lighting and electric departments. One Commissioner to be designated by the Board as Commissioner of Finance and Revenue has under his special charge the accounts, revenues and finances, public property, public buildings, institutions, parks and playgrounds. Said Commissioners shall perform all the executive duties of the respective departments assigned to them respectively, but the Board shall supervise and be responsible for the administration of each said department. SEC. 12. The Board at its meeting on the second Monday in June annually shall by ballot elect one Commissioner to act as Mayor. SEC. 18. The Board shall on the second Monday in June annually appoint the following officers and employees, namely: Chief of Police, Chief of Fire Department, City Physician, Comptroller, City Attorney, Plumbing Inspector, City Engineer, Superintendent of Water Works, Building Inspector, Electrician, Clerk and Treasurer, Tax Assessor, Tax Collector, Recorder and Registration Officer. Each said officer and employee shall continue in office until the ap- pointment and qualification of his successor. SEC. 14. The Chief of the Fire Department, Chief of Police, or any head of any department, or any superintendent or foreman in charge of municipal work may peremptorily suspend or discharge any subordinate under his direction for misconduct or failure to perform the duties of his office or employment, or disobedience of orders, but shall within twenty-four hours thereafter, report such suspension or dismissal and reason therefor to the Commissioner of his department who shall thereupon affirm or revoke such suspension or dismissal according to facts. Such employee, or officer discharging or suspend- ing him, may within fifteen days after such ruling appeal therefrom to the Board, which shall fully hear and determine the matter, sitting in regular session. In the event that the Board shall decide said suspension of such employee was not just, he shall be allowed full pay for time lost during such suspension. SEC. 15. Each said officer shall be subject to removal by said Board for incompetency, insubordination, or any other good cause, if com- plaints or charges shall be preferred against him, and upon trial therefor he shall be found guilty by said Board. Laws of 1915, Sec. 2, Chapter 7220. 8 SECTIONS 16 TO 19 SEC. 16. Every officer, before entering upon the duties of his office shall take the following oath: “T, A. B., do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support, protect and defend the Constitution of the Government of the United States and of the State of Florida against all enemies, domestic or foreign, and that I will bear true faith, loyalty and allegiance to the same and that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution, that I possess all the qualifications prescribed by the City Charter, and am not subject to any of the disabilities which would render me ineligible to hold the office to which I have been elected, and that I will faithfully perform all the duties of the office on whcih I am about to enter, ac- cording to the best of my knowledge and ability, So help me God.” SEC. 17. Each officer appointed by the Board shall exercise and perform, under the direction and supervision of the Commissioner in charge of the department to which is assigned the business of said office, or employment, or matters pertaining thereto, all powers and duties prescribed for such officer by law and ordinance, or otherwise ordered by the Board, and all the acts of each such officer shall be subject at all times to review, and to approval and revocation by said Board. SEC. 18. That each bond of every officer of whom a bond is re- quired shall be in such form as the Board may prescribe and fur- nished by a duly authorized Surety Company, to be approved by the Board and shall be deposited with the Comptroller; except that the Comptroller’s bond shall be deposited with the Mayor. ARTICLE II—COMPENSATION AND BONDS OF OFFICERS. SEC. 19 That the compensation of officers, which shall be payable semi-monthly, as provided by ordinances and the amount of bond each is required to furnish, are as follows: Officer Salary Bond Chief of “Poliee jig ay a $2,100.00 $ 2,000.00 Chief of Fire Department............0000000000000000.. 1,800.00 City PIysician ea Ey eat 1,800.00 Comptroller ee Cece ae 3,000.00 2,000.00 OUEY (A VEORR GY li UNG MMC AA Na Ue ea 2,700.00 Plumbing Inspector cua 2,000.00 2,000.00 City Engineer ............... a ESC Ue dat 2,700.00 2,000.00 Superintendent of Water Works .......000.00000.... 2,400.00 5,000.00 Building Inspector ec ay en ei ls 1,320.00 1,000.00 POLGCURICIA MN oN Cis ON 1,620.00 SECTIONS 20 TO 24 9 Officer Salary Bond CRAVE OYIO VL TORGUTOL ere leo le ug ageoeg ese 2,700.60 20,000.00 Dat A BROSSON (ite eri Reh ae asceco ne adedeesscanencubees 1,800.00 1,000.00 ae I@CUOD) Coe eee tk a ean ie UU 2,100.00 10,000.00 RET Pah gh (0 a ARP EI Due APIA Dest oN aU GDA Te BONE 900.00 Hevretration) OMmceniii a ue 450.00 SEC. 20. No Executive Board or officer of the City shall accept or in any way recognize or agree to any assignment or transfer of any salary, or compensation earned, or unearned, of any officer or em- ployees of the City; provided that this provision shall not prevent the transfer by endorsement of any warrant or other written order of the City by the person to whom same is made payable. SEC. 21. It shall be unlawful for the Treasurer, Clerk, Tax Col- lector or other officer, or the deputies of any of them, to buy at a dis- count or in any manner, directly or indirectly, to speculate in scrip or other evidence of indebtedness issued by the City; Provided, that they shall not be prohibited from making such purchases when the same are with the intent to make payment of taxes. ARTICLE IIT—POWERS AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS. THE MAYOR SEC. 22. The Mayor shall preside at all the meetings of the Board of Commissioners and shall be the chief official representative of the City; except as otherwise provided by the Charter, or as the Board of Commissioners shall authorize or direct he shall have supervision and charge of all matters and perform all duties pertaining to said office. THE ASSESSOR It shall be the duty of the Assessor: SEC. 23. To value, assess and list for taxation all property, real and personal, taxable by the City, in the manner and at the time provided by law or ordinance. SEC. 24. Beginning on the tenth day of January of each and every year the Assessor shall take a list of all taxable property, held or owned by every person, firm or corporation in his, her or its own right, or as fiduciary, guardian, or agent, subject to taxation for City purposes under the ordinances of the City and laws of the State, upon blanks in the following form, substantially, to-wit: 10 SECTION 24 CITY OF PENSACOLA. Tax Return No............. PENSACOLA, FLA.,...0.0..0...0..c02.0000 19.4.0 Statement and return of all lands and improvements and all personal property subject to taxation by the City of Pensacola, held or owned LANDS AND IMPROVEMENTS Dimension |Location by Description by Lot and Block || in Feet (Streets and Value : ee es No. PERSONAL PROPERTY Value of Household and Value of all Patent Rights Kitchen Furniture ...... and all Territory to sell Value of Gold, Silver and SONI NSU ea eee ae Plated ware ................ Value of all Annuities and Value of Paintings, Stat- uary and Libraries .... Value of Pianos and other Musical Instruments .. Value of Clocks, Watches and Chains ioe Value of Diamonds and other Jewelry ............ Value of Vehicles ....@.... Value of Horses......@.... Value of Mules.......... @.... Value of Cows ........ @... Royalties cc oan Value of all Bonds (other than City of Pensacola and U. S. Bonds) .......... Value of Notes Secured by Mortgages) ie Value of Other Notes and ACCOUNTS hase Value of all Stock in Cor- porations 2.03 Value of all Property held in Pawn or Pledge........ Value of all Merchan- AO ied aa Lop dae Value of Office and Store fixtures and furniture Value of all Manufactur- ing Implements and Machinery of all kinds Value of all Manufactur- SeovaArticles 0). ue Value of all Raw Ma- Paring ee isco Ace Value of all Brick, Stone and other Building Ma- TAVIGIN Dh) fiche ey SECTION 24 Amount of Cash on Hand Amount of Cash on De- DOSiG Iihy GAN ere Amount of Cash on De- posit with Individuals or Corporations ............ Amount of other Credits or Moneys at Interest Value of Steamboats, sail- boats and other Float- INS rOpercyy ease Value of all Miscellaneous any and all other Prop- erty not mentioned above Total Value of Personal 11 SUE OG & sta Daal UNG ehh Oe MEODGEGM i ch ei verdanssiesctice RAILROADS, STREET RAILWAYS, TELEGRAPH, ELECTRIC LIGHT, GAS, WATER AND TELEPHONE COMPANIES. Wainesorimiain’ Track.) io... ice LS CTY Caan sane Seep WaesuGrae sider) racks ..j72.mueeenel LISTE 77k Tae aR Rerae adie Value of Rolling Stock: PCR GL VES cil ncas setcenssscsonee san ecen CAE Yeast dot EP a Ea Passenger Coaches ..................-. OS ee As coat Breen Ge OOTS she a CPA Roh Wek AE Se Value of Shop Machinery, Tools and Stock $....00000... eee eee Value of Telegraph, Telephone, Light or other wires....Miles @ $........ ERTS: tae LCE ARs tet ALS OR oitte dines eae Mant ene ese WO Srnec Depots, Warehouses, Wharves and other buildings and of office fur- niture and fixtures to be listed and assessed the same as like property of individuals. I certify that the above is a true and correct list in quantity and value of all the property owned or held by me in my own right or as TIGUCIAT VE Un uaIE OL AC ONT ROP ee soo), Joos ca sesndbaeacceian ome tetel ies. on the first day of January, A. D., 19 Seer RBCOIV GG oe ee Pee ee eet ee 19 Oe eee eee eS ORO SOE OSES SESE REESE SFOS SSS ES S88 STFS 5S5S5 559899 959855995999999999998SS988 Assessor. 12 } SECTIONS 24% TO 28 It shall be the duty of the Tax Assessor: SEC. 24%. To complete the assessment roll on or before the first day of June of each year and shall keep the same in his office, open for public inspection every day during said month, except Sundays and legal holidays, and he shall receive and present to the Board all com- plaints against assessments that are filed with him during the month of June. SEC. 25. To deliver to the City Comptroller on the first day of October or as soon thereafter as practicable the assessment roll as completed, with the levies of taxes calculated and carried out thereon, as required by the City Charter, and attach to such assessment roll a certificate in the form prescribed by Section 6 of Chapter 6386, Laws of Florida of 1911. SEC. 26. To perform all such other services as may be required of him by this Code, and the ordinances of the City, or by the laws of the State. Chapter 5088, Laws of 1901. Chapter 6386, Laws of 1911, Appendix. THE ATTORNEY It shall be the duty of the Attorney: SEC. 27. To institute and carry on all actions at law and in equity in favor of the City to final judgment, and defend all suits brought against the City, where a defense should be made; to appear at the police court when notified to do so by the Mayor, and prosecute all persons charged with the violation of any ordinance of. the City; to investigate all titles in behalf of the City, and furnish written reports thereof, and to give his opinion, orally or in writing, on questions of law to the officers and board, whenever officially requested; to reduce to writing all contracts where the City is a party, when requested; to furnish the Board with a written statement of the suits pending wherein the City is interested, upon the request of the Board fully advising as to all legal points, the testimony necessary for the City, and other matters relating to the same. SCE. 28. To keep a record of all opinions given by him in writing and an account book showing the claims placed in his hands and all moneys received by and payments made to him as well as of all pay- ments made by him to the Treasurer. He shall keep a docket in which he shall enter a complete and full abstract of all suits pending SECTIONS 29 TO 31 13 with necessary indexes and references to each, all of which books and dockets shall be delivered by him to his successor in office. SEC. 29. To perform such other duties as an Attorney as may be imposed on him by this Code and any ordinances hereafter to be ordained. BUILDING INSPECTOR SEC. 30. The Inspector of Buildings shall perform all the duties required by ordinances relating to the inspection of buildings, and such other duties as may be required of him by the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works and by the Board. He shall issue all per- mits for the erection, repair, or removal of any building in the City of Pensacola, and shall keep in his office a record copy of every per- mit issued by him, and shall keep on file the application upon which the permit was granted. He shall, subject to the instructions, rules and regulations of the Board and ordinances of the City, inspect all buildings in course of erection, removal or repair, for the erection, removal or repair of which a permit is required by ordinances of the City, and to note and report to the Board any and all defects which he may find in the construction of said buildings, together with his recommendation as to what should be done to remedy the same; he shall also report to the Board all violations of the ordinances of the City relating to the erection, removal or repair of buildings; he shall also report monthly to the Board all permits issued by him during the month. The said Inspector of Buildings shall cause the arrest of any and all persons who shall oppose or obstruct him in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by this or any other ordinances. He shall cause the arrest of any and all persons whom he may find violating, or who may violate any ordinance of the City relating to the erection, repair or removal of buildings. When on duty the Inspector of Build- ings shall wear a metal badge indicative of his official position, and of such size and shape as the Board may approve. THE CLERK It shall be the duty of the Clerk: SEC. 31. To attend all meetings of the Board and make proper records and entries of all orders, resolutions, ordinances, opinions and proceedings thereof; to keep a separate book in which shall be entered in full, all ordinances, by-laws, orders, etc., adopted by the Board with full and complete index and marginal references thereto; to carefully file and preserve in his office all books and papers which may be delivered to him, or come into his possession by virtue of his office, 14 SECTIONS 32 TO 39 and to carefully and legibly mark such papers; to keep at all times the office free and accessible to any person having a right or claim of business therein. SEC. 32. To perform all other duties imposed by the Board or this Code or by any ordinances hereafter to be enacted. SEC. 33. He shall be entitled to charge (other than the City) twenty cents per folio of one hundred words for each copy of any por- tion of the records or papers in his office. SEC. 34. To cause all ordinances to be published as required by law, but it shall be unlawful for him to cause any ordinance relating to the interest of an individual or individuals ordained at the request of such individual or individuals to be published unless the amount of money necessary to cover the publication thereof has first been paid into his hands by the individual or individuals so interested. THE COLLECTOR It shall be the duty of the Collector: SEC. 35. To collect all taxes, for the collection of which a warrant is given him, in the manner and at the time provided by law and ordinances, SEC. 36. To collect all assessments or liens imposed by this Code or any ordinance. SEC. 37. The Tax Collector shall by a general notice published in a newspaper published in the City of Pensacola, once a week for eight (8) consecutive weeks, next preceding the second Monday in August of each year, give notice to all whom it may concern, that all real estate in the City of Pensacola upon which taxes for the preceding year are due the City, or upon which the City has a lien for taxes on personal property for said year, and remaining unpaid, will be sold at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Pensacola at noon on said second Monday of August, to satisfy said taxes and penalties, interest and costs as provided by law. SEC. 38. After giving notice as required by law, to sell on the second Monday in August of each year all real estate upon which taxes are due the City for the preceding year, or upon which the City has a lien for taxes on personal property, as provided by Section 10, Chapter 6386, Laws of Florida of 1911. SEC. 39. To issue distress warrants as may be necessary, as pro- vided by Section 9, of Chapter 6386, Laws of Florida of 1911. SECTIONS 40 TO 48 15 SEC. 40. To deliver to the Comptroller each week a statement showing what persons did during the previous week pay their taxes, the amount paid and the number of the tax receipt, and specify whether the same has been paid in United States currency, coupons of any indebtedness of the City, or evidences of indebtedness of the City. SEC. 41. To make monthly reports of all collections and payments to the Board, which shall be published with the proceedings of the Board. SEC. 42. To keep books and accounts as prescribed by ordinance, or resolution of the Board and as directed by the Comptroller under the supervision of the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue. SEC. 438. To settle his accounts with the Comptroller and Treasurer under the direction of the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue at the end of each fiscal year, and otherwise as the Board shall require. SEC. 44. At all sales of property for taxes he shall bid in, for the City, all property for which there is no other bidder, for the amount of taxes, interest and costs. SEC. 45. To issue to the City Tax Sale Certificates in the form prescribed by law, and to file the same for registration in the office of the Comptroller, as soon as practicable after the date of the tax sale. SEC. 46. To perform all services required by law of the State or by this Code and the ordinances of the City. Chapter 4518, Laws of 1895. Chapter 5088, Laws of 1901. Chapter 6386, Laws of 1911, Appendix. COMPTROLLER It shall be the duty of the Comptroller: SEC. 47. To keep the City books and accounts showing the fiscal affairs of the City, the collection and disbursement of all revenues and moneys of the City. SEC. 48. To prescribe and enforce under the direction of the Com- missioner of Finance and Revenue rules and regulations to be observed in relation to all accounts, settlements and reports connected with the fiscal concerns of the City. 16 SECTIONS 49 TO 57 SEC. 49. To see that no liability is incurred and expenditure made from the Treasury without due authority of law, and that appropria- tions are not overdrawn. SEC. 50. To make monthly and annual reports to the Board through the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue of the financial conditions of the City with careful statements and estimates of the receipts and expenditures. SEC. 51. To keep in his office records that shall show the financial operations, conditions and claims of the City, the expenditures author- ized for public works and all contracts in which the City is interested, and the bonded and other indebtedness of the City. SEC. 52. To sign all checks or warrants drawn on the City Treas- urer and to duly record the amount and nature of same in his office. SEC. 53. To countersign all bonds and similar obligations issued by the City and all contracts in which the City is a party. SEC. 54. To have the custody of the City Seal, public records, vouchers and accounts and original roll of ordinances, all original con- tracts, all deeds and certificates relating to any property of the City, all official, penal indemnity or security bonds and such other records, papers and documents of value not required to be deposited with any other officer. SEC. 55. To attest and certify to copies of such original documents, records, and papers in his office that may be required by any officer or person, and charge therefor to individuals, for the benefit of the City, the same fees as are allowed Clerks of Court for similar ser- vices. SEC. 56. To perform such other duties as are required by the Charter or as may be prescribed by ordinances or resolution of the Board or by laws of the State. Chapter 4513, Laws of 1895. Chapter 5088, Laws of 1901. Chapter 6386, Laws of 1911. Chapter 6746, Laws of 1913, Appendix. SEC. 57. The Comptroller, upon receipt of the assessment roll from the Tax Assessor, shall verify the extensions, calculations and recap- itulations made by the Assessor and charge the total amount thereof against the Collector in a book to be kept by him for that purpose SECTIONS 58 TO 62 | 17 and thereupon deliver said assessment roll to the Collector with a warrant annexed thereto, as required by Section 7 of Chapter 6386, Laws of Florida of 1911. THE ELECTRICIAN SEC. 58. The Electrician shall have general supervision, under the direction of the Police and Fire Commissioner of all electrical con- struction, and keep in repair and proper condition all electrical appar- atus owned and controlled by the City, and to perform such other duties as are required of him by the laws and ordinances of the City and as the Board shall direct. THE ENGINEER. SEC. 59. The Engineer shall have general supervision of sidewalk construction, fix sidewalk and street grades and lines, have charge of the storm water sewers, and render such other services as a surveyor or civil engineer as may be provided by law and ordinances, or as the Board shall prescribe under the supervision and direction of the Com- missioner of Streets and Public Works. SEC. 60. It shall be the duty of the Engineer to prepare and keep an index according to number and to file in books to be kept in his office for that purpose, all maps, plans, profiles, and surveys made for or belonging to the City and which have heretofore, or shall here- after, come into his official custody, and not required to be filed else- where; and the same together with all books, papers, and documents and other property appertaining to said office shall be carefully pre- served by him, and at the expiration of his term of office delivered by him to his successor or the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. BOARD OF EQUALIZATION SEC. 61. The Board shall meet for the purpose of considering complaints and equalizing assessments, every day during the month of July, except Sundays and legal holidays, and for such further time as may be necessary to complete its work. SEC. 62. That after the assessments have been equalized, revised and fixed by the Board at its first meeting in August or as soon thereafter as practicable, the Board shall by ordinance approve and adopt said assessment roll and determine the amount and fix the rate of taxation and make the annual tax levies for the ensuing fiscal year. Chapter 5088, Laws of 1901, Appendix. Chapter 6386, Laws of 1911. ASN, SECTIONS 63 TO 67 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT SEC. 63. The Chief of the Fire Department shall perform such duties as are required of him by the Board and the laws and ordi- nances of the City under the supervision and direction of the Police and Fire Commissioner. REGISTRATION OFFICER SEC. 64. The Registration Officer, who shall be a qualified voter of the City, shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties of Registration Officer of the City of Pensacola as provided by law and shall possess such other powers and perform such other duties as may ‘be provided by ordinances. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS SEC. 65. The Superintendent of Streets, subject to the super- vision and direction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works, shall exercise immediate supervision over, and have charge and con- trol of, all overseers, laborers, and employees of the City, and City prisoners, in the performance of all the work done by them upon the streets and parks, or other public places of the City. He shall have charge of the mules, horses, carts, harness, tools and implements belonging to the Department of Streets and Public Works, together with the City Stables and the employees therein. He shall cause to be removed all obstructions which he may find in the streets, drains, ditches, sidewalks and pavements, and if the person responsible for any said obstruction shall fail or refuse to remove it, he shall report such person to the Commisisoner of Streets and Public Works. Said Superintendent of Streets shall perform such other duties as may be required of him by the Board or Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. All work done by the Superintendent of Streets and by the overseers, employees and City prisoners under his control] shall be performed at such places and in such manner as shall be directed by the Board, or the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. THE RECORDER SEC. 66. The Recorder shall have all the powers and perform all the duties pertaining to the judge of the Recorder’s Court under the laws of the State of Florida and the ordinances of said City. THE RECORDER pro tem SEC. 67. The Recorder pro tem shall be vested with all the juris- diction, powers and duties of Recorder in the absence, inability or disqualificaiton of the Recorder. SECTIONS 68 TO 77 19 CHIEF OF POLICE SEC. 68. The Chief of Police shall designate and assign to every member of the City Police Force, and employees of the Police Depart- ment under him, the duties which each such officer shall perform in accordance with the ordinances of the City, and subject to rules and regulations adopted by the Board and as directed by the Police Com- missioner. SEC. 69. The Chief shall keep a record of all appointments, sus- pensions and discharges of policemen; he shall collect all fines imposed and turn all cash in his hands over to the Treasurer every Saturday. SEC. 70. Under the supervision of the Police Commissioner the Chief shall have charge of the City Jail, Pound, Stock and Property of the Police Department. It shall be his duty: SEC. 71. To see that each police officer and policeman properly discharges the duties assigned to him. SEC. 72. To see that the public peace is preserved, and when any violation thereof, or of the ordinances, shall come to his knowledge, to cause the requisite complaint to be made, and see that the evidence is procured for the successful prosecution of the offender. SEC. 73. To obey, and cause the police force under him to obey, the orders and the directions of the Police Commissioner and of the Board, and see that they perform their duties promptly and faithfully. SEC. 74. In case of tumult, riot, insurrection, or threat thereof, to take command, in person, of the police and auxiliary forces, and direct their movements and operations in the discharge of their respec- tive duties, as the Police Commissioner, or the Board shall direct. SEC. 75. To attend, at the Recorder’s Court, and at the prison, at such times as the Police Commissioner may direct. SEC. 76. To keep and cause to be kept and made, at such times and in such manner as may be directed by the Police Commissioner, all records, lists, registers, books and reports concerning the affairs and operations of the police department. SEC. 77. To perform all other duties imposed upon him by this Code, or any ordinances hereafter enacted. 20 SECTIONS 78 TO 82 CITY PHYSICIAN SEC. 78. The City Physician shall professionally attend the in- digent sick of the City under the rules and regulations prescribed by the Board or at the request of the Police and Fire Commissioner and shall assist in the compilation of vital statistics, etc. As Health Officer he shall have general charge of the sanitary inspectors and shall have all the powers and duties conferred upon him by ordinances subject to the supervision and direction of the Police and Fire Commissioner. SEC. 79. The City Physician, with approval of the Police and Fire Commissioner, may cause persons whom it shall be his duty to attend professionally to be cared for at the Pensacola Hospital upon the terms and conditions of the agreement therefor between the City and said hospital. PLUMBING INSPECTOR SEC. 80. The Plumbing Inspector subject to the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall see that all the rules and regulations prescribed for plumbing and drain laying within the limits of the City are properly carried into effect, and perform all other duties required of him by the Board and the ordinances of the City. (See Plumbing, Sewerage and Drainage.) THE TREASURER It shall be the duty of the Treasurer: SEC. 81. To receive and keep in such depository, or depositories as the Board shall designate, all moneys of the City, and to pay out same only on Warrants drawn by the Comptroller and countersigned by two Commissioners, and it shall be his duty to report to the Board any officer or agent of the City who fails to make weekly deposits of all money collected as provided by the City Charter, or ordinances. SEC. 82. To keep a regular set of books, in which fair entries shall be made of all things pertaining to or done in his office; to make monthly reports, in writing, to the Board of all money received by him, from whom, and from what source or revenue, and of the amount paid out by him on account of the City—to whom, and for what de- partment, and with the proper vouchers and warrants accompanying, which reports must contain a full statement of facts, and if he deems it necessary, his suggestions and opinions; to carefully file and pre- serve in his office all books and papers which may be delivered to him by virtue of his office and turn same over to his successor; to perform all duties that are or may he prescribed by the City ordinances, by- SECTIONS 83 TO 87 21 laws or resolutions; to perform all other duties generally, under the direction of the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue, which Treas- urers of Cities are required and accustomed to perfrom. SEC. 83. To enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, the fact of his refusal to pay any warrant or order which may be presented to him as Treasurer, and to include in such entry a description of the warrant or order, and by whom presented, and the date of presen- tation, and he shall at the request of the person presenting the same, endorse on the back of such warrant or order the fact of such refusal or non-payment and the reason therefor. The Board shall supply the Treasurer with the necessary books to keep such records. CHAPTER V THE RECORDER’S COURT ARTICLE I.—ORGANIZATION OF COURT SEC. 84. The Court held by the Recorder under the law shall be known as the Recorder’s Court of the City of Pensacola. SEC. 85. The Recorder shall be the Judge of said Court, the City Clerk, or other person designated by the Board shall be the Clerk thereof, and the Chief of Police the executive officer thereof. The Recorder and the Clerk shall have the power to administer oaths; issue warrants for the apprehension of accused persons; issue sub- poenas for the witnesses, and perform all other duties incident to their offices. In the absence of the Recorder and Clerk from the police station the Chief or Captain of Police, Turnkeys or Station Keepers shall have power to administer oaths to affidavits of complaints and to issue warrants for the arrest of persons complained against. SEC. 86. Sessions of the said Court shall be held daily (except Sunday) at such times as the Recorder may direct. SEC. 87. The Clerk and the Chief of Police shall attend all sessions thereof. The Clerk or Recorder shall administer oaths to witnesses therein, and the Clerk shall keep a record of the proceedings thereof, which record shall show all convictions and sentences, and the manner of payment of, or release from, fines, 22 SECTIONS 88 TO 92 SEC. 88. Any person designated Clerk of the Recorder’s Court, in place of the City Clerk, shall be required to give bond in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars, ($2,000.00) of the form, and with surety to be approved by the Board. SEC. 89. The Clerk of the Recorder’s Court shall for the use of the Court daily enter in a book to be kept for that purpose, a list of all cases, leaving spaces in the margin of said book, or following each case for the judge to note the proceedings and orders made therein. Said book shall be known as the Judge’s Docket and it shall be the duty of the Judge to concisely note therein in ink the proceedings, orders and judgments in each case and sign his name thereto. SEC. 90. No order or judgment of said Court shall be modified, set aside or annulled except in open Court at a regular session, within three days after the date thereof by the Judge who tried the case. The grounds for modifying, setting aside or annulling any case or judgment shall be stated briefly and concisely by the Judge, and entered by the Clerk in the order book of the Court. SEC. 91. No order remitting, or reducing any penalty imposed by said Court shall be effective unless it shall be signed by members of the Board sitting in regular session, and after the Judge who im- posed same has been given an opportunity to submit any objection thereto that he may desire. ARTICLE II.—PROCEEDINGS BEFORE RECORDER’S COURT SEC. 92. All prosecutions brought for the violation of this Code or any ordinance hereafter to be enacted, shall be commenced by a com- plaint in writing, made under oath, briefly setting forth the breach of any ordinance, and in the following form, as near as may be: STATE OF FLORIDA) ie Escambia County. City of Pensacola:—ss. Personally appeared before me..................0..... who, being duly sworn, deposeth and saith that................ on, then aie Mey VOt ce ome 19...., in the State and County aforesaid and within the corporate limits of the City) OL Pensacola dla. ea a ae in violation of the ordinances of said City, in such case made and provided. Oe ee ee ew nee en ene ene wen nen enn enone nemanananenaces SECTIONS 93 TO 95 23 This form shall, and may, be varied so as to apply as the occasion and the right and justice of the case may require, without regard to the particular form or words. And no objections to forms or words shall be allowed, if such written complaint shall substantially set out the nature of the offense charged, so as to give notice to the defendant of the nature of the charge which he is called upon to answer. SEC. 98. On the filing of the said complaint, the Recorder or other authorized officer shall, provided the offender has not been arrested, issue his warrant, reciting therein the breach of the ordinance, as set forth in the complaint, for the arrest of the person or persons named or described therein, returnable forthwith. SEC. 94. The warrant of arrest may be in the following form: STATE OF FLORIDA, Escambia County. To the Chief of Police or any other Lawful Officer of said City: City of Pensacola:—-ss. Whereas, complaint, on oath, has been made before me that............ on the)./......... dayie. OL: AS Datos , in the State and County aforesaid and within the corporate limits of the City of Pensacola, did................ These are, therefore, to command you to arrest the said........0..0.......... and bring him or her before me, to be dealt with according to law. Given under my hand and seal of said City. Dated this............ day) of yo ee LGM ee SEC. 95. The form of commitment shall be substantially as follows: State of Florida—Escambia County, | i City of Pensacola. § arenneh souks In the Recorder’s Court of the City of Pensacola held the........ day of To the Chief of Police or any Policeman: You are hereby commanded to take the body of (A. B.) and him safely keep for a term not exceeding................ days, until the following fine and costs are paid: 24 SECTIONS 96 TO 99 The City of Pensacola, ee ee ee ee ee eee ee eee ee ee eee eee eee ee eee ee eee ee ee eee ee ee ee ee ee eee | SEC. 96. Form of commitment where the accused fails to give bond and further time for trial is granted: State of Florida—Escambia County, R deal City of Pensacola. § she Nonial nally trhan To the Chief of Police or any Policeman: On the appearance of (A. B.) charged with the offense of................ there appearing probable cause that said offense has been committed and that (A. B.) is guilty thereof: You are therefore commanded to receive him into your custody and detain him until he is legally dis- charged. Admit him to bail in the sum of................ dollars, with good and sufficient sureties. Dated this............ Cay OL erie A. D., 19 ALONE AY PCOREE NPRM RN Mek MUAY ADAMO ac IGG AML Beals Recorder. SEC. 97. In all cases where there shall be imposed any fine, pen- alty or forfeiture upon any person, and such person shall not comply with and perform the judgment imposing such fine, penalty or for- feiture, he shall be committed to the prison until compliance there- with for a time not to exceed sixty days for any one offense. SEC. 98. The Recorder shall have the power to fine and imprison for any contempt of the court committed in his presence, or in the immediate vicinity of the room in which the court is held. SEC. 99. When in the course of a trial it is developed that there is reason to apprehend a breach of the peace, or the violation of any ordinance, by any person, the Recorder examining the cause may require bond, with good and sufficient security, in such amount as he shall deem reasonable, that such person shall be of good behavior for a term not exceeding twelve months; and if such person refuse SECTIONS 100 TO 105 25 or fail to give such bond, he may be imprisoned, or otherwise con- fined, for such time as the Recorder may determine, and until he gives bond, not exceeding sixty days; and where such person is a minor the parent, guardian or employer may give, or cause the bond to be given. SEC. 100. The Recorder may, in his judgment, adjourn a case from time to time. CHAPTER VI POLICE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE I.—ORGANIZATION OF POLICE DEPARTMENT SEC. 101. The Board shall from time to time provide for the ap- pointment of such number of policemen as may be necessary to pre- serve the peace and good order of the City, who shall be subject to removal as provided by the City Charter and this Code. SEC. 102. The Police Commissioner shall have charge and control of the Police Department, and shall exercise such power and perform such duties relative thereto as may be provided by the Board. SEC. 103 The Chief of Police, subject to the supervision and di- rection of the Police Commissioner, and always subject to the orders and regulations of the Board, shall superintend and direct the police- men and other employees of the Police Department in the performance of their duties. SEC. 104. The Police and Fire Commissoiner shall appoint subject to the Board’s approval, Captains of Police, Turnkeys, Station Keepers, and such other officers and members of the Police Force or employees in the Police Department as shall be provided for by ordinance, or resolution of the Board. They shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the Police Commissioner, subject to rules and regulations that may be adopted by the Board. They shall obey, and cause members of the police force under them to obey, orders of the Chief of Police and Police Commissioner. SEC. 105. The Board shall provide rules for uniform clothing for the police force, which shall be procured and paid for by each mem- ber of the police force under the terms of contracts, which the City shall let for furnishing same. 26 . SECTIONS 106 TO 111 SEC. 106. Said Board may, in case of need, appoint special police to do special duty at any place within said City, and on such terms as it may deem proper; and these special policemen shall be governed by such rules and regulations as said Board may provide; and be given such powers as said Board allow; and in case no such rules are provided, they shall have the powers and duties of ordinary policemen. SEC. 107. No officer, or policeman, shall be called on for any con- tribution or assessment by any superior. No officer or member of said police department shall be allowed to solicit any contribution or funds, or to sell tickets, or to procure any money by any devices from the public. SEC. 108. No policeman or police officer shall be allowed, without the consent of the Board in each case, to receive any money, or gratuity or compensation, in addition to his salary, for any service he may render. SEC. 109. Every officer and employee of the police department, except special private police and persons employed for special duty, shall have the following qualifications: 1. He must read and write correctly the English language. Zz. He must pass a satisfactory examination on the ordinances of the City in such parts as relate to the duties of his office. 3. He must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age. 4. He mae be of sound health and sufficiently strong to be ae and able to discharge easily his duties. 5. He must be a resident and qualified voter of the City. SEC. 110. The Police and Fire Commissioner, Chief of Police and City Physician shall make examination of all applicants recommended for appointment or employment in the police department and make written report thereof to the Board. ARTICLE II.—POWERS AND DUTIES OF POLICE DEPARTMENT SEC. 111. Any member of the police force shall have power to exe- cute process from the Police Court, and shall have power without warrant to arrest all persons found violating, or about to violate, this Code, or any ordinance, or aiding or abetting in any such violation or threat to violate, and all dangerous and suspicions characters and all persons found under suspicious circumstances, and all vagrants and persons having no visible means of support. SECTIONS 112 TO 117 27 SEC. 112. Any person making arrest under authority of this Code or any ordinance hereafter to be enacted, shall commit the person arrested to await trial before the Recorder’s Court, before which the Chief of Police shall bring him at the next session thereof; Provided, that any person thus committed may give bail for his appearance before said court in such sum and with such surety as the Recorder or Chief of Police may require. Provided, however, that no person shall be admitted to bail while violently drunk. SEC. 118. While making an arrest, or while executing and serv- ing any warrant or process, the police force, or any member thereof, shall be vested with the powers, rights and authority, conferred, or to be conferred, on sheriffs and constables by the statutes and law of Florida. ARTICLE III.—OFFENSES BY AND AGAINST THE POLICE DEPARTMENT It shall be unlawful: SEC. 114. For any member of the police to neglect or refuse to perform any duty required of him by this Code or the ordinances, or the Board or any authorized person, or in the discharge of his official duties to be guilty of any fraud, extortion or oppression, favoritism, partiality or wilful wrong or neglect of duty. SEC. 115. For any male person, twenty-one years of age, when called upon by the Chief of Police or any policeman, or any authorized person, to neglect or refuse to properly aid or assist such person in making any arrest or in preserving peace. SEC. 116. For any person, knowingly and wilfully, to obstruct, re- sist, oppose, interrupt or interfere with any officer or authorized per- son in serving or attempting to serve any lawful process, or with any officer in the discharge of any duty imposed by this Code or any or- dinance on any such officer. SEC 117. For any person to falsely personate any of the members of the police department, or maliciously, or with intent to deceive, use or imitate any signs, signals or devices used by the police. 28 SECTIONS 118 TO 120 CHAPTER VII PRISON ARTICLE I.—PRISON SEC. 118. The Police Commissioner shall have control of the City Jail, or other place provided for the confinement of such persons as are imprisoned for the violation of the Code or any ordinance, and for temporary safe keeping of persons arrested by the police. ARTICLE II.—PRISON KEEPER SEC. 119. The Police Commissioner shall detail from time to time, for such time as he sees fit, a member of the police force as keeper for such prison under the supervision of the Chief of Police. SEC. 120. It shall be the duty of such keeper: a. To have the charge and keeping of the prison and the custody of the persons confined therein. b. Not to release, or permit the escape of any person committed to his care, except upon written order of the Recorder or Chief of Police. ce. To give the officer committing any person a receipt stating the alleged name of the prisoner and the charge against him, and when such person is released or placed in any other custody, he shall take a like receipt, a copy of which he shall keep on file in his office. d. To record in a book kept for that purpose a full account of all articles of property taken from any person placed in his custody, for which he shall give a receipt to such person, with a description of the articles, and upon the discharge of the prisoner, on bond, or otherwise he shall deliver to the prisoner such articles, unless they have been used as a means of committing a felony, or are necessary to be used in evidence, except as otherwise provided in this Code. e. To furnish to all persons confined therein proper food and diet, according to the regulations that may be made, from time to time by the Board or Police Commissioner. f. To keep the prison clean and well ventilated. SECTIONS 121 TO 124 29 g. To make a monthly report to the Comptroller of all persons committed to the prison, discharged and remaining in custody, which report shall be accompanied with vouchers. h. To deliver to any prisoner any food or drink, (except wine, malt, or spirituous liquors or any poisonous substances,) wearing apparel or bed clothing which may be brought to him for such prisoner. i. To allow interviews between any prisoner, his relatives and friends in the day time for any proper purpose. He may, in his dis- cretion, be present at such interviews, except at those with counsel, when he shall not be present. CHAPTER VII ESCAPE—PUNISHMENT FOR SEC. 121. When any person in the custody of the municipal au- thorities, in pursuance of a sentence of imprisonment by the Recorder’s Court, shall attempt to escape or shall escape from such custody and be retaken, the Recorder shall be authorized to add to the original term of confinement an additional term not exceeding one-half of the original term and cause such person to be retained until the additional term added to the remainder of the original term shall have expired. SEC. 122. Whenever a person in confinement, as aforesaid, is re- quired to work upon the streets of the City and refuses to work, or does not work upon demand, the Recorder shall have authority to extend his time of confinement in the manner and to the extent set forth in the foregoing section. SEC. 123. No additional punishment allowed by the foregoing sec- tions shall be permitted to be imposed until after the Recorder shall have entered in a book, to be kept by the Clerk of the Recorder’s Court, a statement of the name of the offender; the original sentence im- posed upon him; the additional sentence; the time of its imposition, and the time of its taking effect. SEC. 124. The Chief of Police may place upon any person con- victed in the Recorder’s Court and working upon the street a pick or other device to prevent the escape of such convict. This Section shall, however, not be construed to permit the use of balls or chains on any prisoner, 30 SECTIONS 125 TO 129 CHAPTER IX FIRE DEPARTMENT ARTICLE I.—ORGANIZATION OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SEC. 125. The officers of the Fire Department shall consist of the Fire Commissioner, a chief who shall be elected by the Board and serve until his successor qualifies, and such other officers and em- ployees as the Board shall from time to time provide for by ordinance, or resolution. ARTICLE II—POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT SEC. 126. The Police and Fire Commissioner shall have control and supervision of all matters relating to the Fire Department under the ordinances of the City; shall appoint and remove its officers and em- ployees subject to the approval of the Board. He shall have the cus- tody and control of all apparatus, machinery, horses, or other para- phernalia of the said Fire Department, the property of the City and shall have power to use and cause to be put in service all or any part of the apparatus belonging to the said Fire Department. SEC. 127. It shall be the duty of the Police and Fire Commisioner with approval of the Board to make and promulgate rules and regu- lations governing the conduct and duties of the officers and employees of the Fire Department, regulating the electric alarm system, to pre- vent and control fires and the general regulations of matters pertain- ing to fires and the Fire Department; to prescribe penalties for the violation of such rules and regulations, and such rules and regulations shall have all the authority and force of law. SEC. 128. The Board shall fix the compensation of the officers and employees of the department. SEC. 129. Each hose company shall be provided with two suitable hose couplings or valves to be of a pattern approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, who shall make a monthly examination of all the apparatus, especially the hose, and make written reports each month to the Board, and otherwise as the Fire Commissioner shall direct. SECTIONS 130 TO 135 31 SEC. 130. The hose company first reaching the hydrant which it intends to couple to shall attach both of such couplings or valves to such hydrant, so that the next company arriving may make connection without delay. SEC. 131. The Fire Commissioner shall procure from the Water Department or cause to be made, keys to the fire hydrants, and de- liver one to each of such persons as he may think necessary for the speedy procuring of water at any fire, and such persons shall have the right to open hydrants necessary for use at a conflagration. SEC. 132. Whenever a fire shall occur, if the Mayor, the Fire Com- missioner and the Chief of the Fire Department shall deem it neces- sary to pull down, blow up or destroy any building to arrest the fire the said building shall be removed or destroyed as those parties shall direct. SEC. 133. The Chief of the Fire Department shall keep a record of all alarms and return a monthly statement on the first of each month to the Fire Commissioner, giving date and hour of all alarms, the location of the fire and the damage sustained, together with the amount of the insurance and the names of the companies doing service at each fire. SEC. 184. The Police and Fire Commissioner shall inspect, or cause to be inspected by officers or members of the Fire Department, as often as may be necessary, but not less than twice a year in out- lying districts and four times a year in the closely built portions of the City, all buildings, premises and public thoroughfares, except, the interiors of private dwellings, for the purpose of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any conditions liable to cause fire or any violations of the provisions of any ordinance of the City affecting the fire hazard. SEC. 135. Whenever the said Police and Fire Commissioner or officer or member of the Fire Department, shall find in any building or upon any premises or other place, combustible or explosive matter or dangerous accumulation of rubbish or unnecessary accumulation of waste paper, boxes, shavings, or other highly inflammable mater- ials especially liable to fire, and which is so situated as to endanger property, or shall find obstructions to or on fire escapes, stairs, pass- ageways, doors or windows, liable to interfere with the operations of the fire department, or egress of occupants in case of fire, he shall order the same to be removed, or remedied and such order shall be forthwith complied with by the owner of such place or building if such remedy shall require an alteration of the structure of such build- 32 SECTIONS 136 TO 139 ing or place, otherwise by the occupant of such place, or building, subject to appeal within twenty-four hours to the Board of Com- missioners of the City of Pensacola, which shall within ten days re- view such order and file its decision thereon, and unless the order is revoked or modified it shall remain in full force and be obeyed by such owner or occupant. SEC. 136. The order provided for in the preceding section shall be in writing and signed by the person making such inspection, and shall state specifically the conditions to be remedied. Service of such order shall be made upon the occupant of the premises to whom it is di- rected by either delivering a true copy of same to such occupant per- sonally or by delivering the same to and leaving it with any person in charge of the premises, or in case no such person is found upon the premises, by affixing a copy thereof in a conspicious place on the door to the entrance of said premises. Whenever the owner of the premises, building or structure is responsible for the condition thereof that is required to be removed, or remedied, or is otherwise liable therefor, said order shall be served upon such owner, or his agent by delivering to and leaving with the said person a true copy thereof, or, if such owner is absent from the jurisdiction of the City, by mail- ing such copy to the owner’s last known post-office address, or if he shall have a business agent resident in the City by delivering a true copy of such order with such business agent. SEC. 137. The duty imposed upon occupants of buildings and premises by the foregoing section is hereby imposed upon the owners of such buildings and premises when such buildings or premises shall be vacant. ARTICLE YI.—OFFENSES AGAINST THE FIRE DEPARTMENT It shall be unlawful: SEC. 188. For any able-bodied citizen, when called upon, at or about any conflagration by the Chief of the Fire Department or the Assistant Chiefs, the Police and Fire Commissioner, or officers of the Police, to fail or refuse to render service in such manner as those officers may deem proper. SEC. 139. For any person to whom hydrant keys have been en- trusted to use them except in case of fire This shall not apply to use Py, the City authorities for purposes per- mitted by the Board. SECTIONS 140 TO 144 33 SEC. 140. For the owner, driver, motorman, conductor, or engineer or any person in charge of any buggy, wagon, carriage, street car, steam railroad car, or other vehicles, propelled by hand, horse, elec- tric or steam power, or any person whomsoever, to carelessly, wantonly, maliciously, or otherwise, in any manner whatsoever, ob- struct, or intercept, the right of way of any vehicle of the Fire De- partment of the City of Pensacola when responding to any alarm of fire. SEC. 141. For any dray, cart, wagon, street railroad car, or any other vehicle whatever to pass over any of the fire hose, whether such hose have water in them or not. SEC. 142. To damage or injure any property of the Fire Depart- ment. SEC. 143. To interfere with, or obstruct, any officer or employee of the Fire Department in the performance of any duty. CHAPTER X CONTRACT FOR UNIFORMS FOR POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS SEC. 144. The Board shall enter into contracts from time to time as it may determine, for furnishing uniform outfits to members of the police and fire departments, or for members of each department separately. Proposals for such contracts shall be published once a week for four (4) weeks in each daily newspaper published in the City, referring to the specifications and form of contract on file in the office of the City Clerk. Said specifications shall show the kind of materials of which said uniforms shall be made, the color, the trimmings, orna- ments, buttons and style of coat and pants, and of vest if any be de- sired. These specifications shall be adopted by the Board after recommendations from the Police and Fire Commissioner, and Chief of the Police and Fire Departments. The bids shall be opened and read in regular session of the Board at the time specified in the adveritsement. 34 SECTIONS 145 TO 147 Each bidder shall submit with his proposal samples of cloth to be used, or instead a sample of one complete uniform made up according to the specifications, as the Board may require. Yard samples of cloth shall be required and immediately after awarding the contract this sample shall be cut into four equal parts, the City Clerk, the Chief of Police, the Chief of the Fire Department and the contractor shall each be given one of the parts to be retained by them until the contract has been completed to the satisfaction of the Board. SEC. 145. The Board in letting said contract shall not accept or consider any extra inducements as free pressing, free repairing, free cleaning of uniforms or any other offers than the price, quality of material, workmanship and ability of the bidder to perform the con- tract and such other things as shall directly affect the value of the uniforms as delivered complete and ready to wear. SEC. 146. Each proposal must be accompanied by a certified check drawn on some bank in the City of Pensacola in the sum of One Hun- dred Dollars ($100) for liquidated damages payable to the City of Pensacola, if after the acceptance of said proposal said bidder shall fail to enter into the contract and furnish bond therefor within the time and manner required. The contractor shall furnish with his contract a bond in the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500) with surety or sureties which the Board shall approve conditioned that said contractor shall faithfully and strictly perform and comply with each and all of the terms, and con- ditions of said contract. CHAPTER XI PROTECTION FROM FIRE ARTICLE I—DELINEATION OF FIRE LIMITS SEC. 147. Fire Limits No. 1 shall be all that portion of the City bounded as follows: Beginning at a point 150 feet North of the North line of Wright Street, thence running East the distance of 150 feet to the West line of Palafox Street, thence to a point on the East side of Polafox Street and 150 feet North of the North line of Wright Street, thence along a line parallel with Wright Street to a point 150 SECTIONS 148 TO 149 35 feet West of Tarragona Street, thence North to the center of Belmont Street at a point 150 feet West of Tarragona Street, thence along the center of Belmont Street at a point 200 feet East of the East line of Tarragona Street, thence along a line distant 200 feet from Tarragona Street, to the center of Wright Street, thence from the center of Wright Street along a line 150 feet East of the East line of Tarragona Street to a point in the center of Garden Street, and thence along the center of Garden Street and the center of Manresa Street to the center of Romana Street, thence from the center of Romana Street along a line 150 feet East of the East line of Tarragona Street to the center of Main Street, thence along the center of Main Street to the center of Alcaniz Street, thence along the center of Alcaniz Street to the South line of Cypress Street, thence along the South line of Cypress Street to a point 150 feet West of the West line of Baylen Street, thence North along a line 150 feet West of the West line of Baylen Street to the center of Garden Street, thence along the center of Garden Street to the center of Baylen Street, thence along the center of Baylen Street to a point 150 feet North of the North line of Chase Street, thence along a line 150 feet North of the North line of Chase Street to a point 150 feet West of the West line of Palafox Street, thence along a line 150 feet West of the West line of Palafox Street to the point of beginning. SEC. 148. Fire Limits No. 2 shall include that portion of the City outside of. Fire Limit No. 1 embraced within the following boundaries: Beginning at a point 150 feet West of the West line of Baylen Street, thence running along a line 150 feet South of the South line of Main Street to the center of Barcelona Street, thence North along the cen- ter of Barcelona Street to the center of Romana Street, thence East along the center of Romana Street to the center of Spring Street, thence North along the center of Spring Street to a point 150 feet North of the North line of Chase Street, thence East along a line 150 feet North of the North line of Chase Street to the center of Baylen Street, thence North along the center of Baylen Street to the center of Belmont Street, thence East along the center of Belmont Street to the center of Alcaniz Street, thence South along the center of Alcaniz Street to the center of Main Street. ARTICLE II.—OFFENSES RELATING TO PROTECTION FROM FIRE It shall be unlawful: SEC. 149. To have or maintain a coal, fuel or lumber yard without the permission of the Board. Any accumulation of coal, wood, fuel, 36 SECTIONS 150 TO 155 lumber, poles, staves, shingles or other combustible materials out- side of a building shall be subject to removal or relocation by the Police and Fire Commissioner whenever in his opinion the quantity or position of the same shall increase the danger to adjacent property from fire. SEC. 150. To erect, within the fire limits, any fence, bill-board, or like structure, more than six feet in height, unless the same shall be constructed wholly of some non-combustible material. Provided however, that the Board may permit any such structure to be con- structed of wood and to be of the height not exceeding 10 feet when such structure shall be located not less than 10 feet from any building, or from any wooden structure. SEC. 151. To kindle, or maintain any open fire outside of any building within fire limit No. 1, without a permit therefor issued by the Chief of the Fire Department with the approval of the Fire Com- missioner. SEC. 152. For accumulation of trash, packing boxes or combustible material of any kind whatsoever, except fuel to be used on the premises, to be allowed to remain upon any premises within the fire limits, unless the same be maintained under a permit issued by the Board or Police and Fire Commissioner. SEC. 153. For any person to have in his possession any coal, wood, poles, planks, staves, shingles, lumber, or fuel of any description combustibles or materials, in such position or place in relation and proximity to the buildings or property of others as may occasion haz- ard or danger of fire, unless the same shall be placed or secured in such situation and in such manner as the Police and Fire Commis- sioner or the Board shall consider safe or secure from danger. SEC. 154. For any owner or occupant of any house, stable or other building, less than three stories high, to omit to keep on the premises, in a safe and accessible place, and fit for use in case of fire, a ladder of sufficient length to reach the roof of said house or building. SEC. 155. For the owner or owners to fail to provide with safe and sufficient outside metal fire escapes, or ladders, of such number, and located as the Board shall direct, any building already erected, or that may hereafter be erected, three stories or more is height, occu- pied, or used, or erected to be occupied, or used, as a hotel, boarding house or lodging house, and every office building, manufactory or work shop, or hospital, three stories, or more, in height, wholly or in part occupied, or used, as a school or place of instruction, or assem- bly. Any owner, or owners, of any building mentioned in this sec- SECTIONS 156 TO 159 87 tion, upon which metal fire escapes are required to be erected, who shall fail to provide such building with metal fire escapes within sixty (60) days after having been ordered to do so by the Board, shall, upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding $500.00, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, and each day’s failure to provide the same, shall be a distinct and separate offense. SEC. 156. To operate, or cause to be operated, in or about, or upon any street, wharf, or dock; or in or about any mill, factory, or shop, or private premises within a radius of two hundred (200) feet of any building, any locomotive engine, donkey engine, stationary engine or steam engine from the smoke stack of which burning sparks or cinders are emitted, without first providing said smoke stack with a sufficient spark arrester, or other device, to effectually prevent the escape of burning sparks or cinders therefrom; provided that noth- ing herein shall be construed to apply to smoke stacks or engines which make no use of forced draft in any form and when said smoke stacks are sixty (60) feet in height, and at least ten (10) feet above the highest point of any building within the radius of two hundred (200) feet. SEC. 157. For the agent, master, or captain of any vessel, pro- pelled wholly, or partly, by steam (other than vessels which are fitted with condensing engines and make no use of forced draft in any form and which do not emit burning sparks and cinders from its funnel, or smoke stack) to omit immediately upon the arrival of such vessel at any wharf to cover all its funnels and smoke stacks with sufficient spark arresters to effectually prevent the escape of burning sparks and cinders therefrom. SEC. 158. For the owner, or manager, of any theatre, concert hall, music hall, or other building used for public amusement, or assem- blage (other than churches and places of religious assemblage) to permit any obstruction in the halls, or passage ways of such building while the same is in use for the congregation of persons, or to permit to exist at such time any ticket office, booth, screen, railing, or other structure in any of the passages, lobbies, or entrances leading from such building; or to permit any doors leading from such building, or from any floor, or story thereof, to open inward. SEC. 159. For any owner or manager, mentioned in the foregoing section, to omit to have during the use aforesaid, exits of sufficient number and size to permit the easy passage from said building with- in three minutes of all the persons who could be within such house or building, when filled to its maximum capacity; or to omit during such time to have sufficient Fire Escapes to permit the easy passage from the upper stories of such house or building, within three minutes, 38 SECTIONS 160 TO 164 of all the persons who could be within such upper stories when filled to their maximum capacity; or to omit to have all such exit doors marked over the top thereof in white letters not less than six inches long on a black background as follows: “Exit”; or to omit to mark the inside approach to each fire escape with like sign which shall be the words “Fire Escape”; or to omit to place in the hands of such per- son entering the said building or place or house for use as aforesaid a printed diagram of each floor of said building, plainly and distinctly showing the location of all the Exits and Fire Escapes. SEC. 160. For the owner, or manager of any theatre, or public hall (other than places used for religious assemblage) to omit to have during the time the same is used for public assemblage such number of hand fire extinguishers as may in the opinion of the Police and Fire Commissioner be sufficient for protection from fire, and located at such points in said hall, or building as the Commissioner shall indicate. ARTICLE III—RELATING TO EXPLOSIVES SEC. 161. That permits herein provided for shall only be issued upon application in writing to the Board. Said permits shall be revocable at any time by said Board on ten days’ notice to the parties to whom granted. SEC. 162. That by the term “explosive compound or mixture’ is meant any compound or mixture capable of causing a sudden and great development of gases and consequent violent increase of pres- sure by rapid combustion or decomposition. SEC. 163. That no person, firm or corporation, without first pro- curing a permit therefor from the Board shall within the corporate limits of the City transport, have, store, keep, manufacture, use or sell any explosive compound or mixture, or a mixture compound, adap- tion or contrivance containing an explosive compound or mixture, but this prohibition shall not apply to the keeping, using or sale of small arms ammunition in quantities not exceeding the amounts permitted by City ordinances to be kept in hardware and sporting goods houses, or to the keeping, using or sale of such fire crackers and fire works as are permitted by City ordinances. SEC. 164. That no person, firm or corporation, without first pro- curing a permit therefor as herein provided, shall, within the corpor- ate limits of the City store, manufacture or keep for sale or keep for use in any art, trade or manufacture, any liquid which will emit an inflammable vapor at a temperature below 110 degrees Fahrenheit, as tested in G. Tagliabue’s closed Pyrometer, except that if kept in SECTIONS 165 TO 168 39 self-closing metal cans, not exceeding one gallon of gasoline, ben- zine, or naphtha may be kept in a building, and not exceeding five gallons may be kept outside a building without obtaining a permit therefor; this provision shall not apply to gasoline in tanks of vehicles or boats using gasoline for power. SEC. 165. That a permit for the manufacture of gas from gasoline, benzine or naphtha shall only be issued where the generating appar- atus is either outside of building and underground at least two feet, or else in a building isolated from all other buildings and used ex- clusively for manufacturing said gas, said building to be removed a distance of not less than thirty feet from all other buildings, streets, or public places, in accordance with the size and capacity of the gener- ating apparatus. SEC. 166. That all apparatus used for generating or holding acety- lene gas shall be so constructed, located and used as to secure the greatest measure of safety; all such apparatus to be located outside of buildings and at least ten (10) feet therefrom. SEC. 167. That no permit shall be issued for the storage or keep- - ing for sale or use of gasoline, benzine or naphtha, in bulk, save in underground, (buried in the ground) metal tanks, with no opening for drawing off contents below the level of the ground, but to be drawn from by pumps. Said tanks should be provided with a ventilating pipe extending up as high as the roofs of the surrounding buildings, pro- vided that said ventilating pipe shall not be required to be more than thirty (30) feet high, and no such tank capable of containing more than 250 gallons will be permitted within one hundred feet of build- ings, but any such tank containing less than 250 gallons, if properly buried underground, may be located within ten feet of other build- ings; provided however that nothing in this section shall apply to any tanks of the capacity of 1,000 gallons and over, constructed and in use prior to December 8th, 1909, and located not less than thirty-five (35) feet from any building, and not less than thirty (30) feet from any street and protected with a hood of corrugated iron extending one (1) foot below the tank; and further provided that the Board may hereafter grant permits for the erection of tanks otherwise than herein provided of not less than 1,000 gallons capacity upon specifica- tions, and at localities, to be approved by said Board. SEC. 168. That no person, firm or corporation, without first pro- curing a permit therefor as herein provided, shall within the cor- porate limits of the City, store, manufacture, keep for sale, or keep for use in any art, trade or manufacture, any carbide in excess of 100 pounds that will free any inflammable gas by contact with water 40 SECTIONS 169 TO 173 or moisture or any chemical element which will free any inflammable gas by contact with water or moisture. SEC. 169. That a permit may be issued for the storage and keep- ing of calcium carbide in hermetically sealed iron receptacles and in quantities not exceeding 600 pounds in the aggregate, in isolated buildings where it will not be an exposure to any adjoining property provided the building is water proof, well ventilated and drained, with floor raised above the grade upon which it stands; but no one pack- age shall contain more than 100 pounds, nor shall any package be broken while another broken package containing more than one pound remains on the premises. SEC. 170. That if the building is used exclusively for the storage of calcium carbide and if it is detached at least thirty feet from other buildings, a permit may be given by the Board for the storage in quantities in excess of 600 pounds and not exceeding 1200 pounds, provided the calcium carbide is stored in not exceeding 100 pound packages in sealed iron receptacles. In such buildings no artificial light or fire other than incandescent electric shall be permitted. SEC. 171. No merchant, storekeeper or other person shall have or keep within the limits of this City, any dynamite, nitro-glycerine or other violently explosive material, except as provided herein. SEC. 172. Any merchant dealing in gun powder may keep not exceeding fifty pounds of powder at one time in or about his store or place of business in a strong metallic covered tightly closed box or cannister readily removable in case of fire. Such box or cannister shall be painted red, shall be conspiciously labeled Gun Powder and shall be kept in a place readily accessible for purposes of removal in sight of and not further than twenty feet from the front entrance of the store, and provided, that gun powder may be kept by private per- sons, in quantities not exceeding two pounds in any building or upon any premises. SEC. 178. Volatile inflammable liquid shall not be kept in a Public Garage, or drawn, or used therein except in approved safety cans of a capacity not exceeding five (5) gallons, and then only for the pur- pose of immediately filling the tanks of the automobiles or motor cars then being therein. No such liquid shall be allowed to run upon the floor, or to pass into the drainage system of a Public Garage, and sand in sufficient quantity shall be kept in each such Garage and used by the keeper thereof to absorb liquid waste on the floor. By the terms “Public Garage” is meant any building, or that portion of a building maintained and used in business charging for the stor- SECTIONS 174 TO 176 41 age, care, or repair of automobiles, or other such motor vehicles which use volatile inflammable liquid for fuel, or power, or wherein any such vehicle which is kept for sale, or hire, is lodged. By the term “volatile inflammable liquid” is meant any liquid which will emit inflammable vapor at a temperature below one hundred degrees Fahrenheit when tested in the open air. ARTICLE IV.—RELATING TO PROTECTION FROM ELECTRICAL FIRES SEC. 174. The City Electrician shall prepare for approval of the Board rules and requirements for the installation of electric wiring and apparatus, to be used by all persons, firms or corporations fur- nishing or receiving electricity within the City of Pensacola, and from time to time to recommend such alterations, amendments or repeal of such rules and regulations. And it shall be the duty of the Police and Fire Commissioner, from time to time, to cause to be in- spected by the Electrician of the City, all electric works and appliances to be used or intended for the use of the manufacture or supplying or receiving of electricity within the City of Pensacola, and especially such of said works and appliances as are used or intended to be used in making connections for supplying and receiving electricity for light, heat, power, telephone, telegraph and signalling systems, so that all such connections and appliances within or without all buildings shall have proper installation, in order to guard against fires or damage to persons and property by reason of their imperfect construction or insulation. SEC. 175. It shall be the duty of the City Electrician to look after and keep in repair and proper condition all electrical apparatus owned and controlled by the City; and also to inspect all overhead and underground electrical construction by whomsoever owned, and all connections inside and outside of buildings within the City, and such other electrical work as may be required of him by the Board; he shall keep a faithful record of all applications to string wires in streets or houses, whether approved or rejected, and shall immediately inspect all new work and report the same to the Police and Fire Com- missioner. SEC. 176. No person shall work at the business of electrical con- struction for light, heat or power, either as a master-electrician, or journeyman-electrician, in the City of Pensacola, unless he shall have first received a license or certificate in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance; Provided, however, that each journeyman-electrician, actually engaged in a piece of electrical work, may have one or more 42 SECTIONS 177 TO 182 helpers or apprentices. Each journeyman-electrician and each mas- ter-electrician who proposes to do electrical work, before he shall be allowed to work in Pensacola as such, shall stand an examination before the Board and the City Electrician; and if he shall pass a satisfactory examination, there shall be issued to him a certificate, certifying that he is competent to work at said business. SEC. 177. Every person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of electrical construction, and of the installation of wiring and apparatus for electrical light, heat or power, in the City of Pensacola, shall, before doing so, obtain a license therefor, and shall pay to the City an annual license tax as required by ordinance. SEC. 178. On any pole of any electric light, power, street railway, telephone or telegraph company, used jointly by two or more such companies, each company shall be allotted a special zone, and shall confine its wires to that zone. Space shall be measured from the top of the poles downward. SEC. 179. The City Electrician shall have the power to order all “dead” wires condemned as dangerous, to be removed from poles or other fixtures, and all wires and appliances found to be defective, to be removed or repaired; and if such order is not complied with promptly, he may cause them to be removed at the expense of the owners thereof. SEC. 180. The City Electrician, or his authorized representative, shall have the right, in the discharge of his duties, to enter any building, manhole or subway, or to climb any pole for the purpose of examining and testing the electrical appliances therein or thereon contained. And for that purpose he shall be given prompt access to all buildings, after proper notice to the individual or company own- ing or in charge of same. SEC. 181. No building shall be wired for electric lights, heat or power, nor shall any telephone, telegraph or signalling system be installed, or any repairs, changes or additions in or to the wiring already installed in any building, within the corporate limits, be made, nor shall any extensions or alterations be made in underground or overhead construction, until appliciation shall have been made and a written permit obtained from the City Electrician. SEC. 182. No electrical contractor, employee, or any person whom- soever, shall connect up any electrical wires or appliances with any plant supplying electric current until all of said wires and appliances shall have been inspected by the City Electrician and until the said SECTIONS 183 TO 188 43 City Electrician shall have issued his certificate in writing to the electrical contractor or owner that the work has been done in accord- ‘ance with the rules of the Board. SEC. 183. No person, firm or corporation supplying current for electric light, heat or power, or for telegraph, telephone or signalling systems, shall connect up wires or allow the same to be connected up with any building in the city, until the said certificate of the City Electrician has been issued. SEC. 184. Unless otherwise provided by this Code all electrical construction, all material and appliances used in connection with the electrical work, and the operation of all electrical apparatus within the City, shall conform to the current “Rules and Requirements of the National Board of Fire Underwriters,” for the installation of wiring and apparatus for electrical purposes. SEC. 185. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons in erect- ing scaffolding, putting up signs, repairing or painting buildings, or in any other way to cut, break or interfere with the arrangement of telegraph, telephone, light, power or other electrical wires; provided, however, that when it is found necessary to remove wires therefrom in prosecuting such work, the owner of the building, or the contractor engaged thereon, shall give the City Electrician written notice, two days before such removal is required, and it shall be the duty of the City Electrician to notify the owner of such wires to remove the same; and upon their failure to do so within twenty-four hours after such notice, the City Electrician may authorize the removal of such wires, at the expense of the owners. SEC. 186. It shall be unlawful for any person or corporation en- gaged in the construction or repair of any gas piping, plumbing, steam or hot water piping, or other metal work or fixtures in any building, to place, construct or repair any such piping or fixtures within six inches of any wire or wires used for electric lights, heat or power, nor shall any person engaged in the construction or repair of such buliding, place any wood or brick work within six inches of such wire or wires unless properly insulated. SEC. 187. The City Electrician shall keep a full and complete daily record of all work done and permits issued, examinations made and other official work performed as required by this ordinance, and shall make a reoprt thereof to the Board monthly. SEC. 188. The City Electrician shall give his entire time to the City and shall not engage in the business of electrical construction 44 SECTIONS 189 TO 195 or electrical supplies, or be interested in any firm or corporation en- gaged in such business, during his terms of office. SEC. 189. In any case of failure to comply with the foregoing Sections, where electrical work or appliances have been condemned as dangerous, the City Electrician shall have authority, after notice, to cut off electric current from such work or appliance until the provisions herein are complied with. SEC. 190. Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with any order or notice, given in pursuance of and by authority of said Sections, and by authority and the rules of the Board, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding Fifty Dollars. SEC. 191. Nothing herein shall be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of any party owning, operating, construct- ing or installing any electrical equipment, for damage to any one injured thereby, nor shall the City be held as assuming any such liability by reason of the inspection authorized herein or certificate issued. SEC. 192. Before any wires are run through the foliage of shade trees a permit for same shall be obtained from the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works and if any pruning or trimming of said trees is necessary for the running of said wires the same shall be done under the supervision of the Commisisoner at the expense of the person for whom the wiring is to be done. ARTICLE V.—ELECTRIC THEATRES SEC. 1938. Any person, firm or corporation having, operating, own- ing, constructing or maintaining electric theatres or auditoriums where moving pictures are displayed, or similar theatres or auditor- iums, shall comply with the provisions of this Article. SEC. 194. Such theatres or auditoriums, hereinafter called elec- tric theatres, shall not be constructed, fitted up or operated or licensed until a permit therefor has been issued by the Building Inspector and the City Electrician. Said officers are hereby directed and authorized to issue such permits for electric theatres provided they are con- structed in accordance with plans approved by them and which plans secure the safety of persons patronizing same. SEC. 195. All wiring in such theatres shall be installed under the direct supervision of the City Electrician, and where he condemns any such wiring same shall be reinstalled under his direction and SECTIONS 196 TO 202 45 approval and where he condemns wiring hereinafter installed, same shall likewise be reinstalled, and in all cases where the owners or operators of such electric theatres refuse to conform to the directions of the City Electrician in the matters herein mentioned, the license therefor shall be ipso facto void, and such electric theatres shall be immediately closed as unsafe for patronage. SEC. 196. All fuses used in connection with lights illuminating the parts of the house, room or auditorium used by the audience must be installed in fire-proof enclosures, so constructed that there will be a space of at least six inches between the fuse and the sides and face of the enclosure. SEC. 197. All exits shall be plainly indicated by a sign, same to be illuminated by other than electricity and bear the word “Exit’’, the letters of which must not be less than four inches in height and there must not be more than one set of fuses in any “Exit” sign circuit between the service fuses and the sign. SEC. 198. Inside lights and all lights in halls, corridors or any other part of the building used by the audience, except the general auditorium lights, must be fed independently of the stage light and must be controlled only from the lobby or other convenient place in the front of the house, and there must be two circuits into the auditor- ium, one controlled by the operator in booth and one controlled from without the auditorium, in lobby or without the entrance. SEC. 199. Every portion of the building devoted to the use and accommodation of the public, all outlets leading to the streets, all open courts, corridors, hall-ways and exits shall be thoroughly lighted during every performance and the same shall remain lighted until the entire audience has left the premises. One 16-candle power incan- descent lamp for every four hundred square feet of floor surface is hereby ordained as sufficient illumination. SEC. 200. Each arc lamp used as a part of the moving picture machine, must be constructed as directed by the City Electrician, and the wiring of same must not be of less capacity than No. 6, B. & S. gauge. SEC. 201. Rheostats must conform to rheostat requirements as directed by the City Electrician. SEC. 202. Top reel must be encased in an iron box, which box has a hole at the bottom only large enough for films to pass through, and cover therefor so arranged that this hole can be closed. No solder to be used in the construction of this box. 46 SECTIONS 203 TO 208 SEC. 208. The handle or crank used for operating the machine must be secured to the spindle or shaft so that there will be no liability of such handle or crank coming off or allowing the film to stop in front of the lamp. SEC. 204. A shutter must be placed in front of the condenser arranged so as to be closed normally, subject to open only by outside pressure, such as the pressure of the foot. SEC. 205. Extra films must be kept in a metal box having a tight fitting cover. SEC. 206. Said machines must be operated by hand. Motor driven machines are hereby prohibited. SEC. 207. The picture machines must be placed in an enclosure or house made of or lined with fire-proof material, thoroughly ventilated and large enough for the operator to walk freely on either side or back of the machine. Such enclosure or house must have no opening into the auditorium other than the opening where the light for the picture is emitted, and this opening must be provided with fire-proof covering or door, hinged with spring hinges, opening by a trigger which is in reach of the operator so that it can be released by hand, and which door must be constructed so that it can be securely closed. Furthermore, if the City Electrician and Building Inspector decide that the arrangements are such as would require it, such door must be so arranged that it may be released automatically. All other openings, such as vents and entrances to the enclosures, must open into some other part of the building or theatre than the main auditor- ium. No electrical pictures or material of any kind will be permitted in the operating booth other than the picture machine and its acces- sories. t SEC. 208. It shall be unlawful for any person to engage in or work at the business of operating or assisting in the operating of any cine- matograph or similar apparatus commonly known as moving picture machine without having first obtained a license and paid the fee there- for as provided by Chapter 6955, Laws of Florida of 1915. A Board of Examiners to be composed of the Police and Fire Com- misisoner, the City Electrician and Building Inspector or such other persons as shall be provided by the Resolution of the Board of Com- missioners shall have the powers and perform the duties of the Board of Examiners and license Commissioners provided by said Chapter 6955. SECTIONS 209 TO 213 AT SEC. 209. It shall be unlawful for any owner, proprietor or man- ager of any electric theatre, cinematograph or similar apparatus to employ any unlicensed person to operate or assist in the operation of any such moving picture machine. SEC. 210. The City Electrician shall make an inspection of every moving picture machine at least three times a year, and oftener as he may deem advisable, or as the Board shall direct. He shall make report in writing to the Board of each examination on blank forms to be provided therefor. SEC. 211. Any person, firm or corporation, their agents or em- ployees, constructing, operating or managing electric theatres, or auditoriums where moving pictures are displayed, or similar theatres, in violation of the terms of this Article shall, on conviction in the Recorder’s Court, be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (80) days, either or both penalties to be inflicted in the discretion of the Re- corder, each day’s operation to be held a separate offense. CHAPTER XII BUILDING REGULATIONS SEC. 212. The following regulations shall control the construction, erection, maintenance, repair and removal of buildings and structures within the City of Pensacola: SEC. 213. The following technical terms shall have the meaning respectively assigned to them in this section: (1) “Adjoining Owner”’—The owner of the premises adjoining the premises upon which a building is being constructed, reconstructed or repaired. (2) “Building”—A structure with walls and roof. (3) “Building Line”’—A line beyond which property owners, or others have no vested right to extend a building, or any part thereof without permission of the proper authorities. (4) “Building of the First Class’—A building of fire-proof con- struction throughout. 48 SECTION 214 (5) “Building of the Second Class’—A building not of the first- class, the external and party walls of which are of brick, stone, iron, or other equally substantial and fire-proof materials. (6) “Building of the Third Class”—Any building not of the first or second class, but of frame or partly frame inclosing walls. (7) ‘“Hotel”—A hotel shall be taken to mean and include every building, or part thereof, intended, designed or used for the public to supply not less than twenty persons with sleeping accommodations, or food and usually maintaining a register of guests, and must be a building of the first or second class. (8) ‘“Repairs’—The re-construction or renewal of any part of any building or its fixtures, and not made for the purpose of CONN Orn the building in whole to a new one. (9) “Shed”—A rough or unfinished structure for storage, or an open structure for temporary shelter. (10) “Theatre’—A building or a portion of a building, that is designed as a place for presenting amusement performances of any character for the entertainment of spectators. (11) “Wooden Building”—Any building of which the external walls, or a portion thereof, are constructed of wood. SEC. 214. The following shall apply to building in Fire Limit No. 1: (1) All exterior walls shall be of brick, stone or Portland cement concrete, or other incombustible material. (2) All exterior platforms, galleries, and sheds shall be of non- combustible material, provided that purlins under roofing may be of wood. (3) Combustible frame sheds covered with sheet metal will not be allowed. (4) Finials, cornices, gutters or ornament above the first story shall be of some fire-proof material. All fire-proof cornices and gutters shall be well secured to the walls with iron anchors. When the cornice projects above the roof, the walls shall be carried up to the top of the cornice. (5) All exterior galleries, wooden cornices, or ornament that may now be, or that may hereafter become unsafe, damaged or rotten to more than 50 per cent., shall be taken down, and if replaced shall be SECTION 215 49 constructed of some fire-proof material. Every building or addition thereto hereafter erected within fire limit No. 1 shall be roofed with non-combustible material. Every roof within fire limit No. 1 of com- bustible material that shall become impaired one-third of its original area shall be replaced with non-combustible material, and no com- bustible roof shall be repaired except with non-combustible material and no such roof shall be repaired without a permit. (6) When the first story is not used for the purpose of a show window with a large glass area, the same shall be of fire-proof con- struction. (7) Exterior windows, doors, frame and their trim may be of wood in all cases where they face a public street of 50 feet, or more in width, but when the width is less than 50 feet, they shall be of non-combustible material, and all windows, doors, frames and their trim must be of non-combustible material with wire glass when in- serted on the side and rear of the building next to adjoining property or lots, except for churches, schools, dwellings and clubs; and provided that within fire limits No. 2 the said doors, blinds or shutters may be constructed of pine or other soft wood of two or three thicknesses (depending on size) of matched boards, clinch-nailed, at right angles, or placed diagonally with each other, and securely covered with tin, on both sides and edges, with folded lapped joints, the nails for fasten- ing the same being driven inside the lap; the hinges and bolts or latches, shall be secured or fastened to the door or shutter by wrought iron bolts passing through the door or shutter, and secured by nuts and washers on the opposite side after the same has been covered with the tin, and such doors or shutters shall be hung upon a wrought-iron frame, independent of the wood-work of the windows and doors, or to wrought iron hinges securely fastened in the masonry. (8) Party walls must be carried up to at least 3 feet 0 inches above the roof. (9) All rough exposed construction interior timbers must be cov- ered with sheating, tin, plaster or some similar material. (10) Buildings partly within the fire limits shall be considered to be within the limits. SEC. 215. (1) The same regulations shall apply to buildings in fire limit No. 2, as in limit No. 1, except that the Board may upon ap- plication of the owner of any frame residence, now existing, or the owner of any vacant lot surrounded by frame buildings, grant permis- sion by a majority vote of its members present to make repairs and 50 SECTION 216 additions of wood, and to erect new buildings of wood for living pur- poses only, provided the roof of such new buildings be covered with slate, metal, or some incombustible material. (2) Out-buildings not larger than 5x8 of wood entirely covered with metal may be constructed on business property, and out-houses not larger than 8x10, entirely of wood may be constructed on residence property, provided such wood out-house is not nearer than 10 feet to adjoining buildings. (3) The Building Inspector may issue permits for repairs of roofs of combustible material within fire limits No. 2, when the amount of the repairs, as estimated by him before issuing the permit will not exceed five per cent. of the roof’s area, and except as herein otherwise provided the regulations for repairs of all roofs within said limits shall be the same as provided for repairs of roofs within limits No. 1. (4) Iron clad buildings may be erected within the fire limits south of Main Street to be used exclusively for boat houses, storage, fac- tories and work shops, in case where no permanent foundation for a substantial building exists and the erection of such building will not prove hazardous to surrounding property. No such building shall ex- ceed five thousand square feet in area, or exceed fifteen feet, or more than one story in height. It shall not be permissible for any such building when exceeding one thousand square feet in area, to have wooden flooring, unless laid on sleepers inbedded in concrete, so that there shall be no open space beneath such floor. Each piece of the wooden framework of such building when exceeding three hun- dred square feet in area, shall be encased on all sides with sheet metal of the thickness not less than number twenty-eight gauge; and the roofs, inclosed sides, doors, windows and all openings of such building shall be covered with metal of a thickness not less than number twenty-eight gauge. No such building shall be placed nearer to the line of any ground of any other owner than five feet, nor nearer to another building than ten feet. SEC. 216. (1) The Building Inspector shall be charged with the survey and the inspection of buildings, and the enforcement of these regulations, and shall not while holding this office, engage in the business of an architect, builder, or building contractor. (2) He shall sign and issue all permits, certificates and notices, under these regulations,—keep on file all applications, plans of build- ings for public assemblage and notices received—keep the record of all the violations of these regulations and all matters relative thereto, and make a monthly report to the Board, as to the number of permits SECTION 216 51 issued, and the value of the improvements, and such other matters as he may be called upon to report,—keep blanks for permits, applica- tions and complaints, and such other stationery as will be found nec- essary for properly conducting the business of the office. All blanks and stationery required for this office, shall be furnished on approval of the Commissioner of Works and paid for by the City. (3) He shall require the intent of these regulations to be observed in all matters affecting structures not specifically set forth herein, and order such reconstruction as he may deem necessary for safety,—and any person or persons violating or evading such order, shall be liable for the penalties provided in this Chapter, but he shall have no dis- cretionary power to modify these regulations. (4) He shall inspect all buildings in course of erection, alteration or repair, and may repeat such inspection as often as he considers necessary, and shall see that the work and materials are up to the standard of the requirements of these regulations, and are of suffi- cient strength and solidity to insure safety when used for the purpose for which designed. (5) He shall examine any building when application shall be made for a permit to revise, enlarge, or build upon it, and make a record of its condition. (6) He shall have the supervision of the erection and placing of all heating apparatus in the City, and he shall have the right to enter any building, or premises within the City, to examine the stoves, ranges, furnaces, and any heating apparatus of any kind including chimneys, flues and pipes with which same be connected,—engine rooms, boilers, kettles, ovens, or any apparatus that in his judgment may be liabe to cause fires, explosions, or the loss of life or limb,— he shall report the same and issue orders in writing or otherwise to the owner, agent, or occupant, to remove or alter same in such manner, and within such time as he may deem necessary. (7) He shall, so far as it may be necessary, for the performance of his duties, have the right to enter any existing building, or any building under construction, or that may hereafter be constructed, or any premises or building that may be reported to be unsafe, or a men- ace to life or limb. (8) He shall make a record of any faulty conditions found in any building inspected by him, and make demand in writing of the owner, or agent of said building, that the defects be remedied within such times as designated. 52 SECTIONS 217 TO 218 (9) If any structure, or any part of any building within the City, shall from any cause be reported unsafe, and having been inspected as provided for in this Chapter, and the owner or owners, or their agent shall have been notified to remedy the same and they fail to comply within three days with the said notification, and fail to commence repairs or removal of such defects as directed by the Inspector within the time set out in said notice, then if the Inspector deems the safety of the adjoining property or life or limb of the occupants of said premises, or others in danger he shall notify in writing the contractor, builder or owner, that work must cease on said structure until the defects enumerated are removed, and the structure made to conform to the regulations of the City. He must keep a record of such notice and file a copy with the Board. (10) His office and records are to be open for the inspection of the members of the Board, at any time they may demand to make such inspection. (11) He shall call for and receive a written opinion from the Attorney for the City on all legal questions arising out of these regu- lations, and be governed in his actions by such opinions,—when so acting he shall not be held personally liable for any damages to per- sons or corporations. (12) Any sign hereafter erected on any building or over any side- walk in the City shall be subject to condemnation by the Building Inspector, if in his judgment, it is unsafe, or a menace to life, limb or abutting property, and any existing sign that may become danger- ous must be removed upon order of the Building Inspector. (13) The Building Inspector shall notify the City Engineer at the time permits are issued and for what purpose to enable the City En- gineer to carry out his duties. SEC. 217. (1) The City Engineer shall in all cases supply correct number for any new or old structure, and same is required to be posted in conspicuous place on said building, at owner’s expense. (2) All applicants for elevation permits to build must get proper grades for computing elevations and street lines for the building from the City Engineer. SEC. 218. (1) Permits for remodeling, altering, enlarging, or erecting any building will not be issued until proper plans and specifi- cations, showing that the requirements regulating plumbing, drainage and water supply have been complied with, and approved by and certi- fied to in writing by the Plumbing Inspector. SECTION 218 53 (2) Permits shall be obtained form the Building Inspector for re- pairing at a cost exceeding twenty-five dollars, any building anywhere within the City limits, or for making any repairs or alterations what- ever which shall affect the structural strength of any building. (3) Slip permits must be obtained for the erection or installation of hot water, heaters, boilers, engines, furnaces, ovens, machinery observation stands, temporary sidewalk coverings, awnings, and all excavations’ appertaining to building,—also slip permits will be issued for the erection, alteration or repair of buildings where the cost of such repairs, alteration or erection, does not exceed Five Hun- dred Dollars ($500.00). (4) Permits for the erection, alteration or repair of buildings, when such repairs, alterations or additions exceed $500.00, will only be issued to licensed contractors and architects, and to owners when the work is being executed by licensed contractors, and in case of an owner doing the erection, alteration or repair, of the building, by the employ of his own workmen, a permit will be granted, but there must be in charge of such building operations a competent foreman. (5) No permit shall be issued for increasing the height of any building, unless the owner thereof shall have furnished the Building Inspector with satisfactory proof of the adequate thickness of the walls thereof and the foundations and soil upon which the walls rest shall be proved sound. (6) Applications for permits shall be made in writing by the owner or agent, or by the proper officer in the case of a corporation, who shall sign said application, and have same signed by his or its architect or builder, and shall state clearly and fully the work con- templated to be done, and the proposed entire estimated cost of said improvement, alteration or building, and shall be made by the appli- cant in writing upon blanks furnished by the Building Inspector, and the correctness of the statement contained therein must be sworn to, before an officer authorized to administer oaths. When such applica- tions and plans and specifications conform to these regulations, the Building Inspector shall issue a permit, and shall file the application. (7) Before permits are issued, duplicate copies of complete plans and specifications drawn to scale must be filed with the Building In- spector, one of which will be retained by him for the office record, the other to be kept on the building at all times together with the written permit, also copies of detail plans showing exact method of construction and calculation in writing when required by him for further information. 54 SECTION 219 Duplicate copies of complete plans, blue prints or ink tracings, drawn to scale, and specifications, of all buildings to be erected with- in the fire limits and of all Churches, Hospitals, Colleges, School Houses, Theatres, Factories, Depots, Warehouses and of all build- ings of a public nature, to be erected anywhere within the City limits shall be filed with the Building Inspector before he shall issue a per- mit for the erection of any such building. Detailed plans and other information shall be furnished when required as herein provided. (8) After a permit has been issued and plans approved, it shall be unlawful to alter, erase, or modify any lines, figures or colorings shown upon the drawings or specifications of the approved set. (9) Application for any alteration or deviation to be made on the building from the approved plans and specifications, must be made in writing on blanks provided by the Building Inspector accompanied by revised set of plans, the part already approved to be in outline with the proposed changes shown in detail. (10) Permits shall be valid and in force for a period not exceed- ing six months unless otherwise determined and inscribed on the face thereof by the Building Inspector. (11) The Building Inspector shall not issue a permit for any struc- ture to be used for the purpose for which a special license is required, until the applicant shall have secured his certificate that all legal re- quirements have been complied with,—this certificate to be obtained from the City Attorney, and must accompany the application for per- mit. (12) It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to see that per- sons engaged in building operations, or alterations, have a permit for such building operation or alteration, and said permit must remain at the building at all times. SEC. 219. (1) All materials are to be of such quality for the pur- pose for which they are to be used as to insure, in the judgment of the Building Inspector, ample safety and security of life, limb and property. Building materials are to conform to legal trade and manufacturers’ standards, and shall be subject to the approval of the Building Inspector, who may require tests to be made by the architect, engineer, builder, or owner, to determine the strength of the structural materials before or after they are incorporated in the building, and may require of them certified copies of tests made else- where. SECTION 219 55 (2) The following rules must be complied with in the making and application of all mortar used in building work in the City: Mortar below the water line, one part cement to two parts sand. Mortar for first class buildings shall be one part cement, three parts sand for one-half their height,—above that height one part cement, one part lime and six parts sand. Mortar for second and third class buildings that come in contact with earth, same as that for upper half of first class buildings. Mortar for parts of second and third class buildings above the ground shall be composed of one part lime and four parts sand. Clean, sharp sand, free from loam or dirt, shall be used for all mor- tars. The Building Inspector may change these proportions when he thinks the nature of the work demands it. (3) All brick shall be well shaped, whole sound and free from pebbles or stones, and shall be thoroughly burnt through, so that all arch and hard bricks will give a clear, sharp metallic ring or sound when struck together. The bricks in any wall shall not vary in size more than one-quarter of an inch in any dimension, except face or pressed brick not counted in the thickness of the walls. Good quality of soft brick when whole, well shaped and with straight edges, may be used in interior walls above foundations and for backing in ex- terior walls, when approved by the Building Inspector, and when not approved shall be hauled away from the site. (4) All timber and wood beams used in any building shall be of good, sound material, free from any imperfections that will impair its durability or strength, and be of size and dimensions as the pur- poses for which the building is intended require. They shall be properly secured in position to prevent spreading. (5) Every portion of every structure in process of construction, alteration, repair or removal, and all neighboring property and struc- tures, or any portion thereof, affected by such process, or by excava- tion, shall be sufficiently supported and protected by the building owner during such process,—and all necessary precautions for the protection of life or limb be taken by said building owner and his agents, who shall, within a reasonable time, in the judgment of the Building Inspector, restore the adjoining property and structures re- moved or damaged by him or them, to as good condition as they were immediately prior to his, or their operations. 56 SECTION 219 (6) The use of soft brick is prohibited in foundations, and all brick work shall be bonded at least every five courses, and be laid solid, plumb and level. No edging courses will be allowed except in face brick, and all work must be laid level to avoid blocking up under joists and beams. When necessary to block up, it must be done with slate, or other non-combustible material. No mortar joint except for face or pressed brick, shall be less than one-quarter inch in thick- ness, or more than three quarters of an inch. In any course of brick work taken at a given level, the percentage of broken bricks, bats, fillers and closures shall not exceed ten per centum of the whole brick required for the same course. Any wall or part of wall not erected according to these regulations shall be condemned and taken down at the expense of the owner, or his agent, and all materials removed. (7) Ashler facings or pressed brick four inches or less in their ~ beds, shall not be figured in the thickness of the walls. (8) The stone and terra cotta facings of walls shall always be securely tied to the backing by suitable iron clamps, as well as any cornice or ornamental work. (9) The Building Inspector shall, upon the application of any build- ing owner, or his agent, examine any party wall, and if deemed by said Inspector to be defective, out of repair or otherwise unfit for the purpose of the new building about to be erected, such wall shall be made good, or torn down by the building owner, as the decision may be. The cost of removal, erection or repair, or of any damage to adjoining property must be borne by the building owner. (10) Roof and floor beams and joists must be anchored at each tier into side, end and party walls, and to each other .with proper connections, and in case of joists with wrought iron anchors at least three-eights of an inch thick, so as to form continuous ties across building, not more than 10 feet apart, and should be of iron or steel with lugs at least 4 inches on one side or spiking rods, at least 3 feet long. All anchors in party walls must be blind anchored. (11) The walls of every building must be constructed as nearly simultaneously as possible,—and in no case shall any part of a wall be carried up higher than any other unfinished wall of same structure, unless under special permission from the Building Inspector in writing, defining the manner in which the work shall proceed. The cost of the underpinning of any adjoining walls, shall be borne by the building owner. SECTION 219 57 (12) No smoke stack or stove pipe shall project through any win- dow. It shall be unlawful to use a furnace or stove in any building where said furnace or stove is within one foot of any woodwork, with- out protecting said woodwork with incombustible material to the satis- faction of the Building Inspector. No smoke stack or stove pipe shall pass through any ceiling, roof or external wall, unless said ceiling, roof or external wall be properly protected against fire by brick, stone, metal or concrete or other fire-proof material for a radius of at least 1 foot around the pipe. In cases where metal is used, the metal thimble must not be in direct contact with incombustible material, but must be composed of two rings with an air space of at least 2 inches between the inner and outer ring. All the foregoing applies to flues, both within and without the fire limits. (18) All flue pipes within fire hmits shall be built of brick or con- crete and must not have their bearing on any combustible beams, joist or studding. Smoke pipes of iron or steel may be erected within the fire limits on the exterior of building, when deemed safe by the Build- ing Inspector. (14) Both within and without the fire limits chimneys and flues shall have walls not less than four inches thick and extended at least two feet above the roof and they shall be topped out not less than five feet above the roof. Within the fire limits they shall be lined with Terra Cotta or other approved lining. (15) When the ceiling, roof or external wall of any building is other than metal, brick or concrete, the smoke stack or stove pipe must pass into a brick flue, and if the pipe enters into the bottom of the flue, the flue must be supported by iron hangers, projecting not less than 2 inches below the ceiling. (16) All hearths, fireplaces and grates shall be laid on trimmer arches of brick, turned the full length of the chimney breasts or upon bars of iron, supporting trimmer arch. When laid upon trimmer arches, the wood center is to be removed, before plastering is done. All hearths shall be not less than eighteen inches wide and not less than four inches thick. | (17) No wooden joists, rafter beams, girders or other woodwork shall be built into chimney flue, or fireplace, nor woodwork of any kind be placed in closer proximity than 1 inch to any part thereof. (18) Inno case shall a nail be driven into any flue, or any roofiing board be permitted to come in contact therewith. 58 SECTION 219 (19) Flue pipes for conducting heated air shall be thoroughly isolated where they pass through, or in a wooden partition or floor, and if deemed necessary by the Building Inspector shall be encased in an outer casing of metal 1 inch larger than the heat pipe, and he shall require all woodwork in close proximity to any furnace, boiler or heat pipe to be covered with some fire-resisting material. (20) All openings for doors and windows within the fire ‘limits shall have lintels of stone, iron or other non-combustible material, or a good substantial arch of brick or stone with suitable abutments and skewbacks. Over all interior openings, arches shall be turned in addition to timber lintels, which have 4 or more inches bearing on walls. Where flat or “Jack” arches are in face brick work, or cement blocks, they must be supplied on incombustible lintels. (21) The walls of buildings over corner openings within the limits shall be sustained on brick, cut stone or iron supports, and if iron, such supports shall be protected by fire-proof covering. (22) All timbers and ends of beams, rafters and joists entering brick walls shall have a bearing of at least four inches therein, and shall be cut on a splay of 3 1-2 inches in their depth, or the joists shall be hung on iron stirrups to be approved by the Building Inspector. (23) All buildings shall be provided with proper metallic gutters and down-spouts, and in no case will water from such spouts or gut- ters be allowed to flow on the sidewalk, or to drain on or damage ad- joining property, but shall be conducted by drain pipe to sewer, or where no sewer exists, to the gutter outside of sidewalk. (24) All roof timbers must have the proper wind braces, and all floor joists shall have cross bridging in rows not exceeding ten feet apart. All header and trimmer joists shall be of sufficient size, and framed together, or hung on iron or steel hangers. (25) Temporary wooden sheds may be erected within or without the fire limits upon lot or adjoining lot, with the consent of the owner thereof, by builders for their use, in storing tools and materials dur- ing construction, permits for such sheds revokable at the discretion of the Building Inspector and in any case are to be removed on com- pletion of the building. (26) In cases not otherwise provided for by ordinance, persons engaged in the demolition, erection, re-construction, or repair of any building, may occupy public space with the building materials under such regulations as may be made by the Board, and shall cover any sidewalk in front of such building, when directed to do so by the SECTION 219 59 Building Inspector, with a good substantial shed or covered walk, to protect pedestrians from falling materials and shall keep such side- walk open to traffic at least six feet wide. The use of any street for building purposes shall not commence more than twenty days in advance of actual construction, nor continue for more than ten days after completion. Street gutter must be kept open at least two feet wide, and no mortar shall be mixed in the street except in a tight box. All dirt and other rubbish shall be removed by the builder or owner, when directed by the Building Inspector. (27) Each builder or owner occupying public space with materials, shall exhibit a red light at nights, placed in such manner to warn the public of danger, and so as to show the clear passage way or road- way, or sidewalk; such lights not to be more than 20 feet apart. (28) The dressing of any materials in the public spaces is pro- hibited, and where dry rubbish is being removed from any building or placed in the public places for removal, it shall be kept wet. (29) Any building material condemned by the Building Inspector as unfit for use under these regulations shall be considered as un- authorized occupancy of public space when deposited outside of the building line, and all materials condemned shall be removed within forty-eight hours after notice has been served on the owner, builder or his agent, and when not so removed the Inspector shall revoke the permit for the building, and order all work thereon stopped, and shall invoke the penalties herein provided for. (30) All working scaffolds shall come under the provisions of these regulations, and the erection and placing of all boilers, engines and steam pipes, and other machinery, shall be done as directed by the Building Inspector in each case. (31) Concrete for foundation shall be made of at least one part Portland cement, two and one-half parts sand, and five parts of broken stone, hard brick or gravel, none to be larger than will pass through a two-inch ring. The cement, sand and stone to be thoroughly mixed and worked until a quaking mixture is attained, and the water appears on the surface and all voids to be properly filled. (32) Portland cement used in work under these regulations for plain concrete, mortar, cement finish and similar work shall be con- sidered to mean such cement as will, when tested, neat, after one day in air and six days in water be capable of sustaining without rupture a tensile strain of at least 300 pounds per square inch, and after twenty-eight days a tensile strength of at least 500 pounds per square inch. Cements other than Portland shall be considered to mean 60 SECTION 220 such cement as will, when tested, neat, after setting seven days in air, be capable of sustaining without rupture a tensile strain of at least 80 pounds per square inch, and after thirty days in air, be capable of sustaining without rupture a tensile strain of at least 120 pounds per square inch. Cement used in re-inforced concrete construction to meet the requirements specified in that part of this Article relating to re-inforced concrete. All cement used below water or high tide level shall be hydraulic cement. All lime used shall be of good quality, thoroughly burned and prop- erly slacked before it is mixed with the sand. (83) Every cellar below high tide level shall have the floors and walls so constructed and water-proofed that they will be safe against external water pressure. All floors in building without cellars, that come in contact with the earth, must be laid upon creosoted sleepers or sleepers embedded in not less than six inches of cement, concrete, or be of non-absorbent materials, and no floors built of absorbent materials shall be closer to the ground than six inches, and these shall be properly ventilated. SEC. 220. Foundation walls of buildings may be of either hard burned brick, stone or concrete with the use of cement as provided by ordinances. When of brick, the bottom courses must be doubled then taper up with 1 1-2 inch offsets until thickness of wall is attained. In all cases the bottom course of foundations, when of brick, must be twice the thickness of walls. The top of the projecting footings shall be at least 6 inches below grade of lot or sidewalk, provided that in all cases the foundation must go down to solid sand or clay, sufficient in the judgment of the Building Inspector and City Engineer and in all cases soil tests must be made when required by them to their satisfaction. All footings shall be spread so that the bearing soil is not stressed above the safe limit allowed by these laws. The width shall be such that the inner angle between a horizontal line and a line drawn from the base of the wall to the bottom extrem- ity of the footings shall be not less than 60 degrees. In designing footings the safe bearing power of soils shall be taken, where no test is made as follows: Clay on thick beds, always dry, 4 to 6 tons per square foot. SECTION 221 61 Clay on thick beds, moderately dry, 2 to 4 tons per square foot. Soft clay, 1 to 2 tons per square foot. Gravel and coarse sand well cemented, 4 to 6 tons per square foot. Sand, dry and clean, 2 to 4 tons per square foot. SEC. 221. (1) The following regulations are prescribed for the public safety in theatres or places of amusement or assembly in the city, and all present buildings used for assembly shall be made to con- form with these provisions so far as it is possible to alter the existing building to make same safe for the public, as directed by the Building Inspector. Any owner, lessee or manager not carrying out the pro- vision of this law shall not allow any assembling of the public or performance to be held in the said building, nor will a license be issued until the Building Inspector has certified that such building in the case of a new one, agrees with these regulations, and in the case of pre- sent buildings the Building Inspector shall survey and see that same are made safe, as far as possible, for the assembling of the public according to the alterations he directs, and performances shall not take place or license issue until his directions are carried out. (2) All exits shall be of such dimensions as the Building Inspector shall deem sufficient, and every floor that is above grade shall have ample stairways and fire escapes as may be required by him. (3) No boiler, furnace, or heating apparatus, except radiators and steam pipes, shall be located under the auditorium or stage, or under any passage or stairway of exit. (4) Every building hereafter erected or altered for use of a theatre or place of amusement involving the use of a stage, with movable or shifting scenery, curtains and machinery, shall be of brick and fire- resisting construction throughout except the flooring boards and the stage floor fronting the auditorium, and between it and the curtain. (5) Such building shall have the highest part of the floor of the auditorium not more than 4 feet above the sidewalk,—shall have at least one entire frontage on a street, with openings for exits not less than one-third of the frontage of the building, and shall have the doors, aisles, stairways, corridors and lobby, wide, direct and so con- structed and arranged as to afford easy exit under all circumstances. All exits shall open outwards and remain unfastened during all per- formances, and the aisles next to the walls shall be not less than 3 feet wide. 62 SECTION 221 (6) All other aisles shall be not less than three feet wide and must not diminish in width toward exits, and must be free from any and all obstructions. All changes in the level of the floors of such buildings, except under stairways and the necessary steps in galleries rising exits, shall be made by inclines of no steeper gradient than one inch rise in each foot of run. (7) All stairways shall be composed of non-combustible materials. The risers shall not be more than 7 1-2 inches, or the treads more than 11 inches. No window shall be used in any stairway for exit or entrance. All stairways shall be provided with good and secure hand- rails. There shall be two separate and distinct stairways from each floor of an auditorium, starting not less than five feet wide at the upper gallery, and increased 1 foot in width for each one hundred seats in gallery below. (8) No stairway shall ascend a greater height than 11 feet, with- out a level landing, which, if its width is in the direction of the run of the stairs, shall not be less than 4 feet wide, or if at a turn of the stairs shall not be of less width than that of the stairs, nor shall there be less than three risers between any two landings, or between any floor, and any landing. Stairs turning at an angle shall have a proper landing without winders introduced at said turn. (9) All partitions enclosing corridors, or lobbies, or separating them from the auditorium, shall be of brick masonry, or other incom- bustible materials. (10) All exits shall be marked in large letters with the word “EXIT” and shall be supplied with a red light of not less than six- teen candle-power, which, together with all lights in lobbies or corri- dors, shall be controlled from some convenient place in front of the theatre and shall in no case be connected with the lighting system of the stage or auditorium. No light other than electric light shall be maintained in any build- ing of this character, except on staircases and in halls where at least two oil lamps shall be provided in addition to the electric lights, in case of failure of the electric current to be kept burning during the whole performance, and gas and water pipes shall never form a part . of any light circuit. (11) There shall be lobbies adjoining each division of the auditor- ium, the floor surfaces of which shall be equal to one-quarter of the seating capacity of the adjoining auditorium. SECTION 221 63 (12) The stage shall be separated from the auditorium by a brick wall, not less than 17 inches in thickness, the entire width of the build- ing, and top out at least 4 feet above the roofing boards. There shall be no openings in this wall except the curtain openings, and two others located at or below the level of the _ stage floor. These latter openings shall not exceed 21 superficial feet in area, and shall have fire resisting doors, securely hung _ to brick work, in such a manner that they will be at all times self-closing. The walls over the curtain openings shall be carried by iron girders, or sufficient brick. (18) There shall be water plugs located as may be directed by the Chief of the Fire Department, and such water hose and other fire protections as he may deem necessary. (14) The curtain opening shall be fitted its entire size with an approved fire-proof curtain, hung with such appliances as will enable it to be lowered with rapidity. The finish or decoration of such open- ings shall be of fire-proof material. (15) The roof trusses, curtains, scenery and all woodwork of the stage, and fly doors shall be coated or covered where practicable with fire resisting materials of an approved character. (16) All openings to stage shall be provided with fire resisting doors and all property, shop and wardrobe rooms shall be separated from the stage by brick walls. All rooms and premises for the use of employees shall be located in secure positions and have at least two independent exits, as far removed from the stage as possible. (17) There shall be one or more ventilators located near the center of the highest point above the stage, constructed of fire-proof material and equal in combined area to one-tenth of the area of the stage floor. Said ventilators shall have valves or louvres, arranged to operate from the prompter’s desk and to open automatically in case of fire on the stage. (18) No aisle, passageway or stairway in any public building shall be obstructed or occupied by any camp-stool, chair or any obstruction whatever during the occupation of the same by any public assemblage, and no person shall be allowed to stand in or occupy any aisle, or passageway or stairway during a public assemblage of ‘any kind. (19) The owner or owners, or trustee or trustees, or any person or persons responsible for the proper maintenance of any estate, place 64 SECTION 222 of amusement, assembly hall, public office building, hotel, association, society, college, academy, school, manufactory, hospital, or asylum, owning or using any building two stories or more in height, used for any of the purposes herein mentioned, shall provide and cause to be erected and affixed to such building iron fire escapes, of such designs and in such locations as may be directed by the Building Inspector, and all places of public assembly or places, when occupied at night, shall be properly lighted, and at the head and foot of each flight of stairs, at intersection of all hallways and corridors, shall be kept during the night a red light, and one or more proper gongs, which shall be placed at or near the fire escapes, capable of being heard through the entire floor,—and there shall be kept posted in a con- spicuous place in each room, a notice descriptive of each means of escape in case of fire. If the fire escapes are located at openings in rooms, such rooms shall have a sign, “FIRE ESCAPE”, and a red light located over the entrance thereto, and in plain view of the entire corridor, and. such doors shall be built to open outside and easy to open. It shall be unlawful for any officer of the City to issue a license for the occupancy of any building for any of the purposes here- inbefore mentioned in this section, until the provisions of these regu- lations have been complied with. Any person or persons that may have received notice to comply with the provisions of this section, who fails to so comply within the time specified in such notice, shall be subject to the penalties provided in this Article. (20) No electric wire or conduit in any building shall be concealed until it has been inspected by the City Electrician and pronounced by him to be safe and his certificate given therefor. (21) It is the duty of the police to demand that the builder’s per- mit as provided for in this Article be exhibited by any person en- gaged in the building, and in the absence of such permit, it shall be their duty to report the case to the Chief of Police, who shall sum- mon the person to answer for a violation of this Artcile before the Recorder. SEC. 222. (1) Every wooden building within the fire limits that may become damaged by fire or decay, not exceeding 50 per cent of its original value exclusive of its foundation, may be repaired, other- wise, it must be torn down, and the old material removed. The amount and extent of such damage shall be determined by the Build- ing Inspector. If owner of such building objects at conclusion arrived at by said Inspector, the Inspector shall notify the Commissioner of Works. SECTION 223 65 SEC. 223. (1) When it is reported to the Building Inspector or otherwise comes to his attention that anywhere in the City limits, a wall or building or part thereof is from any cause liable to fall and injure people, or any wharf, pier, hall, theatre, church, store, ware- house or other building is liable to fall and injure people, or that any building or structure is a menace to other buildings on account of its inflammability or is otherwise a public nuisance, the Building Inspector shall as soon as practicable fully inspect such building, wall or struc- ture and if it is dangerous, a menace or public nuisance, he shall condemn the same to repair, or removal, as the case may be, and make written report to the Commissioner of Works. The Commis- sioner of Works shall, where it is condemned or dangerous, thereupon, have the place and so much of the street as it seems necessary barri- caded and a notice of “Danger” prominently posted on the wall or building and shall in all cases notify the owner, or agent, if within the City limits to repair or move, as the case may be, such walls, structure or building, forthwith. (2) The owner or agent may within two days after such notice, file with the Commissioner of Public Works a request for examination by disinterested parties, and, thereupon, the Commissioner shall appoint one arbitrator, the owner one, and if they cannot agree, these two shall call a third. These shall examine the building, structure or wall in question, and shall in writing report to the Commissioner confirming or qualifying the condemnation. The Commissioner shall, thereupon, notify the owner, or agent if he can be found, of what is after such examination, to be done by him or her, and if the condemnation is reversed shall promptly remove such barricade and “Danger” sign. (3) Should the owner, agent or trustee fail or refuse to appoint arbitrators as provided herein the Commissioner of Works shall direct the Building Inspector to enter the premises and employ such labor and materials and take such steps as may in his judgment be neces- sary to make the building, wall or structure safe and secure. The expense incurred in the enforcement of the order shall be borne by the person or persons owning said wall, structure or building, and all sums expended in the demolition, removal or repair of such wall, structure or buliding, together with attorney’s fees shall be recoverable in any court of competent jurisdiction, and the judgment of such court shall constitute a first lien on the property in question. (4) Such arbitrators shall be paid $10.00 per day for their ser- vices, half of which shall be paid by the City and half by the owner, but the City will not in any case pay more than two days for such examination. 66 SECTION 224 (5) The owner or his agent shall upon such notice from the Com- misioner of Works begin the demolition and removal of such con- demned wall, structure or building, or repair it as the case may be, and continue the work until completed. (6) In emergency or imminent danger, or when the owner or agent cannot be found within the City limits, the Commissioner of Public Works shall so remove or repair the same, and reimburse the City as far as possible out of the proceeds of sale of the old material. (7) The Commissioner of Public Works or Chief of Police shall upon creditable report of danger to the public from any cause in the street or elsewhere, take such measure by barricade, notice, lights or otherwise, as will secure the public safety until proper investiga- tion and repairs can be enforced. SEC. 224. (1) The floors of all buildings shall be designed and constructed so as to have sufficient strength, according to rules given in these laws to sustain the weight to which the proposed use of the building will subject them, and in addition to the weight of the ma- terials, of which the floor is constructed the live loads mentioned be- low for the different kinds of buildings, shall be provided for every square foot of floor surface: Dwellings—40 lbs. Hotels—50 lbs. in private rooms or apartments and 75 lbs. in the main entrance halls. Offices (private)—60 lbs. Halls, lobbies, and other parts for com- mon use of tenants 80 lbs. Churches, Theatres and Banking Rooms—90 lbs. with fixed seats or desks, but without fixed seats and in corridors and entrances 120 lbs. School—60 lbs. in class room, but assembly hall and corridors 100 lbs. Ordinary Stores, Light Manufactory and Storage Buildings—Accord- ing to the weight they have to carry but not less than 120 lbs. (2) All floors not included in this classification and for floor sub- _ ject to vibration of machinery, or those of drill rooms, dancing and riding schools, or where they may be subject to stress from moving or suddenly applied loads, the Building Inspector shall determine the loads they are to be proportioned for. (3). The weight placed on any floor of any building shall be safely distributed thereon, The Building Inspector may require the owner, SECTION 225 67 or occupant of any building, or of any portion thereof to re-distribute the load on the floor, or to lighten such load, where he deems it to be necessary. SEC. 225. (1) The safe carrying capacity of various materials of construction (except where special cases are mentioned in other parts of these laws) shall be determined by the following stresses in pounds per square inch of sectional area: Direct Compression MPULI@ CN SSCCOL 1) LE, A een Mee AY Gt oil cl st packceenaecaedenss 16,000 8 S102) IRR Sees 8.) oc) SOR i 16,000 RPSETEPEYCOLPOTY | oo 20s hr, ee mE Ye ie 1h UR Rel 12,000 Brecnmrins ANG Rivets, (DeAting Were seh La 20,000 ras ATOt ill) DIOCKS) oe ta ane he Tee 16,000 Pemermrones il COLUMNS cee ene eh dee Court eee 10,000 Wrought Iron Pins and Rivets (bearing) ............000000022.2.2202202-. 15,000 With Across Grain Grain Rie Meme ete oo) sj. ae Ok eS ar val oh 900 800 ones beat) Pine...) 00... Gleaner HR RWEW CRU RFD NE: 1000 600 POOOUy ier ine and SOTuCe:..) un meter eS 800 400 Brick Work in Portland Cement Mortar, one part cement TOLOG PALS SANG), Gc.uch reper taht ciegee es Casts cnet tae 250 Brick Work in Natural Cement Mortar one part cement, threes parts: SAN) cece mea eee Bi! al SG 208 Brick Work in Lime and Cement Mortar, one part cement, one part lime, six parts sand ........................ 160 Granites. (according to tests oer) ee, 700 to 2400 Brick Work in Lime Mortar, one part lime, four parts POUT ies bas eh ee eee ae pom PM So ECL gk Oe ba | Lime stone, (according tor teste tue nee eel, 600 to 2000 Band’ Stone (according ta tests) eet eo ee 400 to 1400 Direct Tension Rolled Steel hi eves se tee re eS eae 16,000 Cast SLee Hie he le a arama ee Pee 0S TS oe 16,000 WV rome tlm ies tee ee ae aay eke nia 2 ke Ee 12,000 Cast Tron ec ee Ney oe eae CAVA i US ts Ge ee 3,000 87:1 Sue Sa Wore ay PSG ORI RYAN S22) LU RE RN AME Ny Be Tah uh 1,000 Bonga beats Pine! 20). isa rene ee ee eyo ac BL ee P 1,200 LARELOL EY) ENG 2h colander Lua ae rte NO OE dc Lk eS ash aikt udemaiee yee 2 800 68 SECTION 226 Shear Steel Web Plates, shop rivets and pinS............0....c..cccecceeeceeeeeeeeeeneeeeees 9,000 Steel Field Bolts and Field rivets and pins ...........0....000..eeeeeeee 7,500 LOCH AME hyo) «PCAN UO DG AURAL An VINCI NG NOAM MMaMIMEROMRMR YY EU SUNCtAK 00 8 3,000 (2) In all cases provision shall be made by suitably proportioning the structural members, or otherwise to prevent danger from horizon- tal or vertical deflection and internal stresses. The value of other materials not mentioned in these laws to be determined by actual tests. SEC. 226. (1) The foundation walls of frame structures exceed- ing fifteen feet in height shall not be less than twelve inches thick to grade and eight inches thick to under side of sill. The strength and stability of the structure shall be according to the requirements of these laws. (2) Where columns are required, they shall be so designed that the unit stresses allowed by these regulations are not exceeded in the case of columns where the length is not more than twelve times the least thickness, and when this ratio is exceeded, or eccentric loading ~ occurs, they shall be designed by recognized authorities’ formulae. (3) Floor joists for dwelling houses with a uniformily distributed load shall not be less than the following sizes: l ! ive : Size of Joist Distances on Centres Maximum Span Alans x.) OG). He a ie : § In.) x), 6) in. ie us te 3 2 in. x 8 in. Ws a ca : 3 in. x 8 in. rp ii fel ; 3 in. x 9 in. 16 ig 16. : 2 in. x 10 in, pas ae 8 in. x 10 in, ea ik 6 2 in. x 12 in. ew ie10 SECTION 227 A189 Size of Joist Distances on Centres Maximum Span : 12 in. 24. 0 3 in. x 12 in. 16 in. 99. 6 ; : 12 in. 24-10 2 in. x 14 in. EES 22. 9 : ‘ 12 in. 36- 9 2%in. x 14 in. 16 in. 24. 0 : : 12 in. 28- 0 3 in. x 14 in. Tehin. 25- 3 The above table to be used only for floors of private dwellings with a uniformly distributed load, and does not allow for special concen- trated loads, which must be taken into consideration separately. (4) Floors of factories, warehouses, public buildings, theatres or other buildings must be designed for the load they intend to carry for each different case of loading, according to the allowable unit stresses of these laws. SEC. 227. (1) Thickness of brick walls carrying floor loads for dwellings, apartments, or hotels: No. of Stories Foundation Thickness of Walls in Inches DER A eiss a) BD Gr Thu Sse PLO One Story 16 iI’ Two “ 16 12:12 Three “ 16 12:12 12 BOUt ns, 20 16°16 12°12 Five “ 24 20 16 16 12 12 Six oe 24 20 16 16 16 12 12 Seven “ 28 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 Hight “ 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 Nine “ 32 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 ¢X:) s 32 28 28 24 24 20 20 16 16 12 12 LLL ECL Tt 70 SECTION 227 Table No. 2. (2) Thickness of brick walls carrying floor loads for mercantile buildings, public buildings, stables, warehouses, and factories, store houses, armories, barns, court-houses, jails, garages, mills, office buildings, railroad buildings and machine shops, and similar buildings: No. of Stories Foundation Thickness of Walls in Inches 1).2) (8.4 (0) 6 a eee One Story 16 12 Pwoec 20 12 12 Three “ 24 16 16 12 Four!) 28 20 16:16 ‘12 Bive’) .vF 28 20 20 20 16 16 Six ‘f | 32 24 20 20 20 16 16 Seven “ 32 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 Hight “ 32 24 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 Nine “ 36 28 24 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 Ten ir 36 28 28 24 24 24 20 20 20 16 16 (3) When the walls in any non-fire-proof building are used for party walls, the 12-inch sections of the walls shall have corbeled ledges to carry the end of the beams, or the beams entering the walls shall be staggered. If the beams do not rest on corbeled ledges, or are not so staggered, the 12-inch sections shall be increased to not less than 16 inches in thickness. (4) For buildings 25 feet or more in width between walls and bearings, or without intermediate rows of columns or girders supports, the walls shall be increased 4 inches in thickness for every twelve feet or fraction that wall or ties are more than 25 feet apart, or shall have instead of the thickness, such piers or buttresses as the Building Inspector may deem necessary. In no case will these be allowed more than fifty feet between walls, unless building is fireproof throughout. SECTION 227% Th (5) The height of stories for all given thickness of walls shall not exceed: First Story—18 feet 0 inches in the clear. Second Story—15 feet 0 inches in the clear. Third Story—13 feet 6 inches in the clear. Fourth and Upper Stories—12 feet 0 inches in the clear. And if any story exceeds the foregoing heights, the walls of any such story and all the walls below that story shall be increased 4 inches in thickness, and in cases where the height is greatly in excess of the foregoing heights the walls shall be thickened as the Building Inspector directs. (6) Walls containing over 33 per cent of openings shall be in- creased in thickness. (7) In case it is desired to increase the height of existing walls, which are less in thickness than required under these laws, the same shall be done by a lining of brickwork to form a combined thickness -with the old wall of not less than four inches more than the thick- ness required for a new wall corresponding with the total height of the wall when so increased in height. The said linings shall be sup- ported on proper foundations. (8) Walls supporting trusses or heavy concentrated loads, same shall be increased in thickness, or buttresses provided, but in no case must the brick work be stressed above the limits allowed by these laws and provisions must be made against buckling. (9) Within the fire limits one story buildings may be built with outer walls nine (9) inches in thickness, when such walls inside, be- tween floor and ceiling, do not exceed twelve (12) feet in height, or fifty (50) feet in length, and do not support girders, or carry floor loads; and, except as is herein otherwise provided, every such build- ing shall be made to conform with the provisions of ordinances appli- cable to the construction of such buildings in said limits. SEC. 227%. (1) Where columns are used to support iron or steel girders, carrying inclosure walls, the said columns shall be of cast iron, wrought iron, or rolled steel and on their exposed outer and inner surfaces be constructed to resist fire by having a casing of brick work not less than 8 inches in thickness,—on the outer surfaces, nor less than 4 inches in thickness on the inner surface all bonded in the brick work of the inclosure walls. The exposed sides of the iron or steel girders shall be similarly covered in with brick work not less 72 SECTION 227% than 4 inches in thickness, on the outer surface, and tied and bonded but the extreme outer edge of the flanges or beams, or plates or angles, connected to the beams, may project to within 2 inches of the outside surface of the brick casing. The inside surface of girders may be similarly covered with brick work, or if projecting inside of a wall, it shall be protected by terra cotta, concrete or other fire-proof material. Girders for the support of the inclosure walls shall be placed at the floor line of each story,—all columns subjected to cross bending by wind or eccentric loading shall have additional area pro- vided for the stresses. The connections and design of all structural parts shall be in conformity with the practice of the “Carnegie,” “Trenton,” “Passaic,” ‘“Pencoyd,”’ “Jones and Laughlin,” or other first-class rolling mills, as published in their hand books. (2) No part of a steel or wrought iron column shall be less than one-quarter of an inch thick. No wrought iron or rolled steel column shall have an unsupported length of more than forty times its lateral dimensions or diameter, unless the unit stress allowed in these laws is proportionately reduced. The ends of all columns and the connections between them shall be made with spliced plates. The joint may be effected by rivets of sufficient size and number to transmit the entire stress, and then the spliced plates shall be equal in sectional area to the area of the columns spliced. When the section of the columns to be spliced is such that spliced plates cannot be used, a connection formed of plates and angles may be used, designed to properly dis- tribute the stress. Steel and wrought iron columns shall be made in one, two or three story lengths and the materials shall be rolled in one length wherever practicable to avoid intermediate splices. Where any part of the section of a column projects beyond that of the column below, the difference shall be made up by filling plates secured to col- umn by the proper number of rivets. Shoes of iron or steel as des- cribed for cast iron columns, or built shoes of plates and shapes may be used, complying with same requirements. (3) Cast iron columns shall not have less diameter than 5 inches or less thickness than three-quarters of an inch, nor shall they have any unsupported length of more than twenty times their least lateral dimensions or diameter, except special cases, and except the same may form the part of an elevator enclosure or stair case. All cast iron columns shall be of good workmanship and material. The top and bottom flanges, seats and lugs shall be of ample strength, rein- forced by fillets and brackets,—they shall be not less than 1 inch in thickness when finished. All columns must be faced at the ends to a true surface, perpendicular to the axis of the column. Column joints shall be secured by not less than four bolts each, not less than three SECTION 227% 73 quarters of an inch in diameter. The holes for these bolts shall be drilled to a template. The core of a column below the joint shall be not larger than the core of the column above, and the metal shall be tapered down for a distance of not less than 6 inches, or a joint plate may be inserted of sufficient strength to distribute the load. The thickness of metal shall be not less than one-twelfth the diameter of the greatest lateral dimensions of cross section, but never less than three-quarters of an inch. Whenever the core of a cast iron column has shifted more than one-fourth the thickness of the shell, the strength shall be computed, assuming the thickness of the metal all around equal to the thinest parts, and the column shall be condemned if this computation shows the strength to be less than required by this Article. Whenever blow-holes or imperfections are found in a cast iron column, which reduces the area of a cross section at that point, more than 10 per cent, such column shall be condemned. Cast iron posts or columns not cast with open side or back before being set up in place, shall have a three-eights of an inch hole drilled in the shaft of each post or column by the manufacturer or contractor, fur- nishing the same, to exhibit thickness of the casting,—and any other similar sized holes, which the Building Inspector may require shall be drilled in the said post or column by the said manufacturer, or con- tractor at his own expense. Iron or steel shoes, or plates shall be used under the bottom tier of the column to properly distribute the load on the foundation. Shoes shall be planed on top. (4) Iron or steel posts, or columns with one or more open sides and backs shall have solid iron plates on top of each, excepting where pierced for the passage of pipes. (5) Rivets in flanges shall be spaced so that the least value of a rivet for either shear or bearing is equal or greater than the imple- ment of strain, due to the distance between the adjoining rivets. All other rules given under riveting shall be followed. The lengths of rivets between heads shall be limited to four times the diameter. The compression flange of plate girders shall be secured against buck- ling, if its length exceeds thirty times its width. If splices are used, they shall fully make good the members spliced in either tension or compression. Stiffeners shall be provided over supports and under concentrated loads,—they shall be of sufficient strength as a column to carry the loads, and shall be connected with a sufficient number of rivets to transmit the stresses into the web plate. Stiffeners shall fit so as to support the flanges of the girders. If the unsupported depth of the web-plate exceeds sixty times its thickness, stiffeners shall be used at intervals not exceeding one hundred and twenty times the thickness of the web. 74 SECTION 227% (6) When rolled steel or wrought iron beams are used in pairs to form a girder, they shall be connected together by bolts and iron separators at intervals of not more than five feet. All beams 12 inches and over in depth shall have at least two bolts to each separator. (7) When lintels or girders are supported at the end by brick walls or piers, they shall rest on steel, iron, stone or granite, of suf- ficient size to distribute the loads along the wall or pier, so that the unit stresses allowed by these laws are not exceeded. (8) All rolled steel and wrought floor and roof beams used in build- ings shall be of full weight, straight and free from injurious defects. Holes for tie rods shall be placed as near the thrust of the arch, as practicable, the distance between the rods in floors shall not exceed 8 feet and shall not exceed eight times the depth of floor beams, 12 inches and under. Channels or other shapes where used as skew backs, shall have a sufficient resisting moment to take up the thrust of the arch. Beams resting on girders shall be securely riveted or bolted to the same. Anchors shall be provided at the ends of all beams bearing on walls. (9) Trusses shall be of such design that the stresses in each mem- ber can be calculated. All trusses shall be held rigidly in position by effective system of lateral and sway bracing. Any member of a truss subjected to transverse stress in addition to direct tension or compression shall have the stresses causing such strain added to the direct stresses coming on the member and the total stresses thus formed shall in no case exceed the working stresses stated in these laws. (10 All structural metal work shall be cleaned of all scale, dirt and dust, and be thoroughly coated with one coat of paint. Cast iron columns shall not be painted until after inspection by the Building Inspector. Where surfaces in riveted work come in contact, they shall be painted before assembling. After erection, all work shall be painted at least one additional coat. All iron or steel used under water shall be enclosed with concrete. (11) All steel used in building in the City shall be free from seams, flaws, cracks, defective edges, or other defects and shall have a smooth, uniform finish. It may be made by either the Bessemer or Open Hearth process. All structural steel used in beams and columns, and in other large members shall have an ultimate tensile resistance of from 60,000 pounds to 70,000 pounds per square inch, and an elastic limit of not less than one-half of its ultimate strength and a percent- age of elongation in 8 inches equal to 22 per centum. Such steel shall SECTION 228 75 also bend one hundred and eighty (180) degrees on a diameter equal to the thickness of the piece stated without fracture on the bent por- tion, when tested in a test piece, and shall not contain more than one-tenth of one per centum of phosphorus when made by the acid process, nor more than five hundredths of one per centum when made by the Basic process. Rivet steel shall have an ultimate resistance of forty-eight thousand pounds per square inch to fifty-eight thous- and pounds per square inch, and an elastic limit of not less than one- half of its ultimate strength and a percentage of elongation in 8 inches equal to 26 per centum. Such steel shall not contain more than four hundredths of one per centum of phosphorus. (12) All wrought iron shall be uniform and fibrous. It shall have an ultimate tensile resistance of not less than forty-eight thousand pounds per square inch, and an elongation of twenty per centum in 8 inches when tested in small test pieces. (13) All steel column bases and all other important steel castings shall have coupons cast with each casting, such steel shall have not more than one-tenth of one per centum phosphorus when made by the acid process, nor more than five one hundredths of one per centum when made by the Basic process. Cast steel when tested in coupons that were not detached from casting until annealing shall have an ultimate resistance from 60,000 to 70,000 pounds per square inch, elastic limit equal to 45 per centum of its ultimate resistance, and an elongation in 2 inches of 18 per centum. All steel castings shall be annealed. (14) All cast iron castings shall be made of tough, clean, gray iron. They shall be free from injurious blow holes, cold-shuts and cinder spots. Sample bars 1 inch square, cast in sand moulds on a span of 12 inches, shall bear a central load of 2,400 pounds, with a minimum deflection of one-tenth of an inch before breaking. SEC. 228. (1) Hollow concrete building blocks may be used for buildings not more than six stories in height, nor more than 75 feet in height under the following conditions: (2) The thickness of walls for any building where hollow concrete blocks are used shall not be less than is required by the Building Ordinance for brick walls. (3) Inno case shall the walls, or webs of said blocks be less than one-fourth of the height of the blocks. (4) Where hollow blocks are used for party walls, the blocks must be solid at each tier of beams from a line drawn not less than 76 SECTION 229 9 inches below the bottom of the beams to a line drawn not less than 9 inches above the top of the beam. (5) All outside walls below grade must be bulit solid. (6) Where the walis are made entirely of hollow concrete blocks, but where the said blocks have not the same width as the walls, every fifth course shall extend through the wall forming a secure bond. (7) All concrete blocks shall be laid in Portland cement mortar. (8) The hollow space in a block shall not exceed one-third of the superficial area, and no block shall be used which will, at the age of twenty-eight days, crush at less than 1,000 pounds per square inch of solid area, and no block in a wall, pier or buttress, shall be sub- jected to a greater stress than 150 pounds to the square inch of available effective section. (9) No concrete blocks shall be used in the construction of any building until they have been inspected and approved by the Build- ing Inspector. (10) All conerete blocks shall be composed of at least one part of Portland cement and not more than five parts of clean, coarse, sharp sand and gravel, or other suitable aggregate approved by the Building Inspector. (11) All concrete blocks before being used shall have attained an age of at least 28 days. (12) The aggregate shall be of such fineness as to pass through a half-inch ring and be free from dirt and other injurious matter. (18) The cement shall be up to the standard requirements set for reinforced concrete. SEC. 229. (1) The term re-inforced concrete in these regula- tions shall be understood to mean an approved concrete mixture, re- ‘inforced with steel of any shape, so combined that the steel will take up the tensional stresses and assist in the resistance to shear. (2) Before permission to erect any re-inforced concrete structure is issued, complete drawings and specifications must be filed with the Inspector of Buildings, showing all the details, and the sizes and position of the re-inforcing rods, stirrups, etc., and giving the com- position of the concrete, provided, however, that the permission to erect any concrete does not in any manner imply the acceptance of the construction to the satisfaction of the Inspector of Buildings. SECTION 229 77 (3) The concrete shall be mixed in the proportions of not less than one part of Portland cement, two parts of sand, and four parts of clean stone or gravel, or in such other proportions as may be neces- sary to make the resistance of the mixture to crushing not less than two thousand (2000) pounds per square inch after hardening for twenty-eight days. In all cases the proportion shall be such as will produce a compact and dense concrete. (4) Cement to be according to the test requirements of the “Amer- ican Society of Civil Engineers.” Provided always that a copy of a duly certified statement of the result of each such test of the cement to be used in any concrete con- struction shall be filed with the City Inspector before the said cement is used in said construction. (5) The sand to be used must be clean, sharp and coarse, perfectly free from loam or dirt. (6) The stone shall be clean crushed rock or gravel, or crushed blast furnace slag,—the run of the crusher may be used, providing, however, that the maximum size must pass through a two-inch ring for footings, walls and larger size girders and pass through a three- quarter inch (38-4) ring for floor slabs and other work. (7) The concrete used in re-inforced construction must be what is usually known as a wet mixture, and all concrete shall be thoroughly mixed by machine to an even, uniform consistency. When.a section or panel of re-inforced concrete or any trussed con- crete member is started it must be finished in its entirety before shut- ting down for any purpose, which will make a necessary delay of more than thirty minutes’ duration, and any batch or remnant of concrete, which has been allowed to stand until it begins to set must be at once removed and shall not be mixed or used in any portion of the work. (8) All concrete must be placed in the forms in its final position as quickly as possible after being properly mixed, and particular at- tention must be given to the thorough puddling of concrete around all re-inforcement and under lower flanges of all beams, so as to make the entire mass a monolithic body entirely free from voids or unfilled portions. (9) The steel shall be rolled from new billets and certified tests shall be supplied the Building Inspector, showing the elastic limit, ultimate strength and properties of the re-inforcing metal before the work is commenced. 78 SECTION 229 Steel for re-inforcing shall be medium or high elastic limit steel with a minimum elongation in eight inches of eighteen (18) per cen- tum. The steel shall bend cold on its own diameter through an angle of 180 degrees without fracture on the outer circumference. In the case of the high elastic limit steel, when the adhesion between con- erete and steel exceeds the limit allowed by these laws, the re-inforc- ing steel shall be deformed in an approved manner so that the ad- hesion between the two is not less than the unit stress in this ordi- nance. (10) All re-inforcing steel shall be completely enclosed by the con- crete,—the thickness of the concrete on the bottom or exposed side of any re-inforcing steel member of a lintel, beam, girder or column, shall not be less than one and one-half (1 1-2 inches) inches and there shall not be less thickness than three-quarters of an inch (8-4 inch) on the bottom of the steel in a floor slab. The steel in the walls shall be so disposed that there be not less than one (1 inch) inch of concrete between the steel bars and either face of the walls. All the requirements herein specified for the pro- tection of steel and for the fire resisting purposes shall apply to re- inforced concrete fillings between rolled steel beams, as well as to the re-inforced beams and to the entire structure in re-inforced concrete. Any concrete structure or the floor filling in same, re-inforced or otherwise, which may be erected on a permanent centering of sheet metal, of metal lathing and curved bars, or a metal centering of any form must be strong enough to carry its load without assistance from the centering, as herein specified for steel re-inforcement. Exposed metal centering or exposed metal of any kind will not be considered a factor in the strength of any part of any concrete structure and a plaster finish applied over the metal shall not be deemed a sufficient protection. (11) When columns, girders, beams, lintels, etc., are not cast in place, they shall be cast in the same position they would be placed in the structure. All columns shall be cast in their vertical positions. All floor beams and slabs must be cast in one operation when the section is considered in the design of the beam. (12) The execution of the work shall be performed by workmen under the direct supervision of a competent foreman or superinten- dent. (13) Re-inforced concrete shall be of such nature that the stresses can be calculated, and it shall be so designed that the stresses in the concrete and the steel shall not exceed the following limits in pounds per square inch: SECTION 229 79 Extreme fibre stress on concrete in compression. .....................---.-- 500 MOR TVS LPOSS: TT COMCR CUM es fits oe ees v3 hanna sore spebacnened Ge oeas cule heae ae oe eet eet 75 SGNETELE UIT ITEC COM PLES SONG, cic. ss svleseinesdpsecheaeaclccnlvasauactespeaadenevadeed 450 Mensile stress ‘in. eteclat-crelastic limit) ./..G i esc cue ie PO nesion. Of /CONCTETEILO BLEG hte ea a ee 75 Sas rIN SUPER Sl li BLOM Ye eee see here ok 10,000 The ratio of the moduli of elasticity of concrete and steel shall be as one to fifteen. The following assumption shall guide in the deter- mination of the bending moments due to the external forces: Lintels, beams and girders shall be considered as simply supported at the ends, no allowance being made for the continuous construction over supports, and the bending moment for the uniformly distributed load on such a member shall be taken at not less than WL-8 where W is the uniformly distributed load and L is the span. The moment of resistance of any re-inforced concrete construction under traverse loads shall be determined by formulas based on the following assump- tions: (a) The bond between the concrete and steel is sufficient to make the two materials act together in a homogeneous solid. (b) The strain in any fibre is directly proportionate to the dis- tance of that fibre from the neutral axis. (c) The modulus of the elasticity of the concrete remains con- stant within the limits of the working stresses fixed in these laws. (d) The tensile strength of the concrete shall not be considered. From these assumptions it follows that the stress in any fibre is directly proportionate to the distance of that fibre from the neutral axis. When the shearing stresses developed in any part of a concrete steel construction exceed the safe working strength of the concrete, as fixed in these laws, a sufficient amount of steel shall be introduced in such a position that the deficiency in the resistance to shear is overcome. Re-inforced concrete may be used for columns when the ratio of length to least side of diameter does not exceed twelve,—pro- vided the least side of diameter in no case be less than eight (8 inches) inches. The re-inforcing rods shall be rigidly tied or latticed together at intervals of not more than the least side, or the diameter of the column, or spirally wound steel may be used. All columns shall con- tain vertical re-inforcing rods of a total section of not less than one two hundred and sixtieth (1-260) of the total cross-sectional area of the column. The safe load in pounds per square inch of cross sec- tion of re-inforced concrete columns shall not exceed 600 for the upper 80 SECTION 229 story columns, 625 for the next lower story columns, 650 for for the next lower story columns, 675 for the next lower story columns, 700 for all the next lower story columns, and no allowance shall be made for the steel in the columns. When allowance is made for steel the columns shall be so constructed that they can be figured by some approved recognized engineering formula, and the unit stress in the concrete shall be taken at 500 pounds. When vertical re-inforcing rods are used in columns, such rods shall have their ends milled nor- mal to the longitudinal axis, and such rods shall have perfect bearings at each joint, which joints shall occur only at floors or other points of lateral supports, and a tight fitting sleeve shall be provided at all joints of vertical re-inforcing rods. Where the re-inforcing rods in the columns on the different floors are of different sizes, iron fillers can be used in order to make a tight fit of the smaller rod in the sleeve. In the case of buildings in which allowances must be made for wind pressure, the re-inforcing rods of columns shall be connected and the milled surfaces brought together by threading the rods, and providing threaded sleeve nuts or threaded turn buckles, or other equally effective methods satisfactory to the Building Inspector. In all cases where re-inforced concrete columns rest upon girders, walls or foundations, or other piers, and stress the concrete, brick or other material in excess of that allowed in these laws, either wrought or cast iron or steel bearing plates must be provided. The plates or bases to be of sufficient size to distribute the load, or, if the girder, wall or foundation, or other pier is constructed of material, the strength of which is not especially referred to in these laws, the plates or bases must be of sufficient size to distribute the load to such an extent that the safe compressive stress per square inch allowed by standard engineering authorities on such material will not be exceeded. The plates or bases must also be either of sufficient thickness, or be braced or webbed so as to resist within the limits allowed by these laws,—the bending and shearing stresses to which they will be sub- jected by these columns and the ends of all re-inforcing rods must be milled or sawn normal to the perpendicular axis and each must have a full or perfect bearing on the plate or base. No floor slabs shall have a thickness of less than three and one-half (3 1-2) inches. (14) The thickness of bearing walls for any building where con- crete walls are used shall not be less than is required by the building . law for brick walls. Buildings having a complete skeleton construc- tion of steel, or of re-inforced concrete construction, or a combination of both, designed to safely resist all strains caused by the dead weights of the structure and the live loads and wind pressure within the safe limits of stress provided in these laws for each material used, may have walls of re-inforced concrete 6 inches thick for the upper SECTIONS 230 TO 233 81 two stories and walls 7 inches thick for the two stories next below the upper two stories, and walls 8 inches thick for all other stories next below the upper four stories. Provided, however, that such walls shall support only their own weight, and that such walls have steel rods not less than 3-8 inches in diameter or of an equivalent area set vertically not more than 18 inches on centers and horizontally not more than twenty (20 inches) inches on centers properly anchored and hooked to columns and panel beams, said rods to be wired or otherwise tied together where they intersect one another, and pro- vided that said walls shall safely resist a pressure of fifty (50) pounds per square foot from either the exterior or the interior. SEC. 230. No building, or part of a building, within fire limits number one or two, shall be used as a Public Garage unless the floor on which automobiles or motor cars, or vehicles are stored, kept, or repaired shall be of stone, fire brick, concrete or other equally suf- ficient fire proof material, and, if such Garage shall be in a building the exterior or party walls of which are not brick, stone, concrete, or other incombustible material, all the interior walls and partitions thereof, which are not of incombustible material, and all wood-work forming parts of its interior construction, shall be covered for the height of six (6) feet from the floor with tin, sheet-iron, or other equally sufficient fire proof material. Where any portion of a building is used for a Garage the Garage shall be deemed to embrace all of the building not separated from the Garage proper by walls and partitions made of incombustible material, or covered with such material as is provided herein. SEC. 231. In the event of the refusal of the Inspector of Build- ings to issue a permit when applied for, the applicant shall have the right of appeal to the Board, and said Board shall have the authority to direct the Inspector to issue any such permit not in violation of any law or ordinance of the City. SEC. 232. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to serve all legal notices in connection with the Building Inspector’s office and make a true return of same. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 233. To construct any building unless the roofs be so con- structed as to be reached by scuttle, or by iron steps fastened to the outside of the outer wall; if by scuttle the same shall be at least 20x30 inches, the frame and lid covered with metal and shall have a stationary ladder communicating with such scuttle. 82 SECTIONS 234 TO 238 SEC. 234. To remove from one point to another in the fire limits No. 1 or from without into said fire limits any building or part thereof with exterior walls constructed of wood or combustible material. SEC. 234%. For the occupant, owner of, or contractor for any build- ing, or any other person, to in any way hinder or prevent any author- ized officer from entering during business hours, any business build-. ing or any other building in process of construction. SEC. 235. To construct within the fire limits No. 1 any building having a wooden frame covered, or to be covered with tin, zinc, or sheet iron, except as provided in this code. The Board may, upon application of the owner of any lot that is entirely covered by water, grant permission to such owner to erect, or repair, upon said lot on pilings a boat house, or like building, having a wooden frame and to be entirely covered with tin, zinc or sheet iron. SEC. 286. For any person to construct, erect, maintain, repair or remove any building or structure within the limits of the City of Pensacola in violation of any of the foregoing regulations, or to do any act in violation of, or fail to comply with the requirements of, any permit, or notice, authorized by said regulations. Whenever the unlawfulness of an act or omission shall depend upon the giving of a notice by an officer of the City or the obtaining of a permit, the continuance of the act or omission after such notice or without hav- ing such permit, shall be deemed an offense, and the offender shall be punishable for each day of such continuance as for a separate offense. ARTICLE II—HOUSE MOVING. SEC. 237. No house, building or other such structure shall be moved along, across or over any street or public way of the City with- out a permit from the Board. Such permit shall be granted only when the applicant shall file with the Board a bond in such amount and with such surety as the Board shall require conditioned that the applicant shall pay to the City, and to all persons any and all damages which it or they may sustain by reason of the moving of said structure or resulting from the omission or commission of any person or persons engaged in such work. SEC. 238. It shall be unlawful for any person engaged in moving any structure on or over any street or public way to damage or inter- fere with any trees, electric wires, posts or other structures of any kind except as authorized by the Board; to do any injury or damage to any person or property; to unreasonably obstruct or interfere with the traffic on any street; to fail to obey any ordinance, rule or regu- SECTIONS 239 TO 241 83 lation relative to warning signals and barriers; to disturb or damage any street, paving, or sidewalk, or to fail and refuse to replace, and repair any street pavement or sidewalk that the Board may permit to be disturbed. CHAPTER XII PLUMBING AND DRAIN LAYING ARTICLE I.—PLUMBERS LICENSE SEC. 239. That in conformity with the Laws of Florida of 1917, all persons engaged or engaging in the business or work of installing plumbing or house drainage within the limits of the City of Pensa- cola shall be subject to examination, license and registration as herein provided. Any person desiring to engage in or work at the business of plumb- ing either as master plumber or employing plumber or as journeyman plumber shall make application to the Board of Examiners herein pro- vided for at such times and place as said Board may direct. Said examination may be made in whole or in part in writing and shall be of a practical and elementary character but sufficiently strict to test the qualifications of the applicant. SEC. 240. The Board of Examiners of plumbers is hereby created to be composed of the City Plumbing Inspector, the Health Commis- sioner and a master plumber to be appointed by the Board of Commis- sioners for the term of one year beginning the first day of January. The Plumbing Inspector shall preside at all the meetings of the Board and shall have the deciding vote in all matters connected with the examination of applicants and granting of certificates whenever the remaining members of said Board are unable to agree. No member of said Board shall receive any salary or compensation except the master plumber who shall be paid out of the General Fund of the City the sum of Five dollars ($5.00) for each day’s attendance at the meeting of the Board. SEC. 241. Said Board of Examiners shall as soon as practicable after their appointment meet and shall then designate times and places for examination of the applicants desiring to engage in or work at the business of plumbing. Said Board shall examine said 84 SECTIONS 242 TO 244 applicants as to their practical knowledge of plumbing, house drain- age and plumbing ventilation and if satisfied as to the competency of said applicant shall issue a certificate to such applicant authorizing him to engage in or work at the business of plumbing either as master plumber or as a journeyman plumber. The fee for a certificate for a master plumber shall be five dollars; for a journeyman plumber it shall be two dollars. Said certificate shall be valid for the term of one year, but the same can be renewed if application is made to said Board not less than thirty days before the expiration of said certifi- cate. The fee for renewals shall be one dollar ($1.00). All moneys shall be paid into the City treasury and credited to the General Fund. All meetings of said Board shall be held in the Council Chamber at the City Hall. SEC. 242. Every person, firm or corporation now or hereafter engaged as a contracting or employing plumber in the business of plumbing and drain laying in this City or similar work in connection with the sanitary or storm sewerage system of the City shall apply to the Board of Commissioners for a license to engage in such business and if said Board of Commissioners shall be satisfied of the appli- cant’s skill and responsibility to conduct such business satisfactorily in compliance with ordinances and rules and regulations relating to plumbing and drain laying, the license shall be issued upon the appli- cant paying the license tax and furnishing a bond in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000) Dollars as required by City ordinance. All such licenses shall expire annually on the thirtieth day of September. It shall be discretionary with the Board of Commissioners to require any applicant for such license to secure from the Board of Examiners of Plumbers a certificate of his qualifications to engage in the busi- ness for which the license is required. SEC. 243. It shall be unlawful for any person other than a regu- larly licensed and bonded contracting or employing plumber or jour- neyman plumber holding a certificate from the Board of Examiners of Plumbers of the City, in the employ of licensed and bonded plumb- ers, to do any work in connection with drainage or ventilation pipes of the plumbing system of any building, or in connection with the sanitary or storm sewerage system of the City. SEC. 244. Nothing herein shall be construed to apply to appren- tices working with and under the control and direction of a duly licensed journeyman plumber, or to affect any plumber’s certificate or license heretofore issued in conformity with existing laws and ordinances of the City until the expiration of the time for which same was granted. SECTIONS 245 TO 247 85 SEC. 245. The bond shall be of a surety company to be approved by the Board; it shall be given in the name of the corporation, and shall be conditioned that the plumber shall indemnify and save harm- less the said corporation, or its proper officers, of and from all acci- dents and damages caused by any negligence in protecting his work, or by any unfaithful, imperfect or inadequate work done by virtue of his license, and that he will also replace and restore the streets and pavements over any opening he may have made to as good a state and condition as he found them, and keep and maintain the same in good order and repair to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works for a period of six months thereafter. ARTICLE II.—REGULATIONS FOR PLUMBING, ETC. SEC. 246. The Board shall elect some competent and suitable per- son who is a practical plumber and registered voter of the City to fill the office of Plumbing Inspector for the City of Pensacola, whose duty it shall be to see that all the rules and regulations prescribed for plumbing and drain laying within the limits of the City are properly carried into effect. Such Inspector shall be subject to the instructions, rules and regulations prescribed by the Board under the supervision of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. SEC. 247. The Plumbing Inspector shall have charge, under the direction of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works, of all public sanitary sewers and appurtenances of same. He shall regu- larly inspect the same and supervise their cleaning out and repair Where and when necessary and shall report directly to the Board. In addition to this duty he shall be charged with the inspection of all plumbing in all buildings and the ventilation of all water closets, cess-pools, drains, waste and ventilating pipes from all sanitary fix- tures that may be placed in a building or outside thereof, which is connected with the public sewerage system of the City. He shall make three separate inspections, or more if necessary, of all plumbing work inside or outside of new buildings, and of additions or altera- tions of all plumbing inside or outside of old buildings. The first inspection shall include all terra cotta pipe laid from the main sewer in the street to a point five feet outside the foundation line. The second inspection shall include all soil, waste, drain and vent pipes within the building and to a point five feet beyond the foundation line and making the air test of same. The third inspection shall in- clude all fixtures and the manner of making connections and shall be _a final inspection. When it is necessary to make more than three inspections, either by request of the plumber, or owner, or by reason of the fault of the plumber, or owner, then the plumber, or owner, 86 SECTIONS 248 TO 250 as the case may be, shall pay fifty cents ($0.50) for each of said in- spections, which amount shall be turned over promptly to the City Treasurer. No other charge shall be made for plumbing in- spections and no charge shall be made for sewer connections. In alterations or repairs of plumbing in old buildings his inspections shall be made in the same order as herein specified so far as such inspections are necessary. He shall, so far as may be necessary for the performance of his duties, and for the proper maintenance of the health of the citizens of the City of Pensacola, have the right to enter any building or premises in the City limits. He shall have the authority of ordering the removal of any plumb- ing fixtures connected with the public sewerage system, or any soil, drain, or waste pipe connected therewith, which may be found in an unsanitary condition. Any person who shall interfere with him in the proper performance of such duties shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not ex- ceeding thirty days. SEC. 248. Before any portion of the plumbing and drainage sys- tem of any building shall be constructed or reconstructed, there shall be furnished to the Plumbing Inspector a description or statement of the proposed work, together with a detailed sketch or drawing, showing the run of the soil, drain, waste and ventilating pipes; such description and sketch, or plan, must be signed by the licensed plumber and must give the number and kind of fixtures to be used in said work, the size and quality of said soil, drain, waste and ventilating pipes to be used and such other information as will give the Inspector a complete knowledge of the work to be done. The said description and sketch, or plan, shall be made in duplicate, and when approved by said Inspector, such approval must be indorsed on each copy, one to be returned to the plumber and the other filed with the records of the Board, whose pruperty it then becomes. The work must be executed strictly in accordance with such approved description and sketch, or plan. This regulation also applies to any extension or alteration of old work. SEC. 249. The Plumbing Inspector shall be notified at least twenty- four hours before the plumbing and drainage work of any building or a portion thereof is completed, ready for each inspection or testing. Any system of plumbing or drain laying put in and covered over with- out first being approved by the Plumbing Inspector must be uncovered for his examination by or at the expense of the licensed plumber. SEC. 250. When a water closet is to be connected with a public sewer it must be connected with soil pipes not less than four inches in SECTIONS 251 TO 254 87 diameter, and shall extend five feet beyond foundation wall. All cast iron pipes underground must have at least one-quarter inch fall to the foot. All horizontal drains within and to a distance of five feet be- yond the foundation wall of building shall be of tar coated cast or galvanized wrought iron, and shall be so located as to be readily accessible for inspection at all times. Outside of buildings where the soil is of sufficient solidity for proper foundations, cylindrical terra cotta pipes of the best quality, free from flaws, splints or cracks, perfectly burned and well salt glazed over their entire inner and outer surfaces, may be used, laid as required, but in no case shall terra cotta pipes be permitted within five feet of any foundation wall or the top of the pipes less than twenty inches from the surface of the ground, and no connection shall be made with rain water conductors, surface or air inlets, except as hereinafter specified. SEC. 251. Should there be no water closet within the building, the soil pipe leading from the water closet in the yard shall extend above the roof of the building and at a point to be designated by the In- spector, but in no case shall the vent pipe terminate within twelve feet of any window or other opening of this or the adjoining building or buildings. SEC. 252. All cast iron pipe must be tar coated, sound, and free from holes and when laid under ground shall be extra heavy and when placed above the ground shall be of standard thickness. SEC. 253. All drain, soil, waste, vent and supply pipes shall be as direct and concentrated as possible and protected from injury. Waste pipes from kitchen sink, pantry sink, bath tub, wash stand and laundry tubs, shall consist of soil or galvanized iron pipes two inches inside diameter, or lead pipe one and one-half inches in diameter, with traps not less than one and one-half inches in diameter, except in the case of wash stands, which may be one and one-quarter inches in diameter. The size of vents for the above shall not be less than one and one- quarter inches in diameter inside measure. SEC. 254. Every vertical soil pipe, waste pipe and vent pipe must be of cast or galvanized wrought iron or lead, and it must extend full size to at least two feet above the roof. Each length shall be securely fastened to the walls of the buildings, and in case of each line of soil pipe it shall rest at its foot on a pier or foundation to prevent settlement. All joints in cast iron drain, soil or waste pipes must be so filled with oakum and lead, and hand caulked as to make them gas tight; the amount of lead shall not be less than twelve ounces to each inch diameter of pipe. All wrought iron pipe shall have gas tight screw joints. All soil pipe shall be at least four inches in 88 SECTIONS 255 TO 259 diameter. The whole line of soil, waste or vent pipes in any system of plumbing must be sujected to an air pressure of seven pounds per square inch, without any apparent fluctuation of the pressure guage. The plumber must provide air pump and plugs and make the test in the presence of the Plumbing Inspector, who must not approve any system of piping which will not withstand the above described test. SEC. 255. There shall be no traps placed on the vertical soil or waste pipes, and the former must be free and unobstructed from the public sewers to its termination at the top of the roof of the building. Soil, waste and vent pipes in an extension must be extended above the roof of the main building, where otherwise they would open within twelve feet of the windows of the main house or those of adjoining houses. ; SEC. 256. Where lead pipes are used to connect fixtures with soil or waste pipes, or to connect traps with vent pipes, they must not be lighter than D pipe. All water closets used inside of a building shall be either a siphon jet or siphon action closet. An iron hopper closet, enameled inside, with trap also enameled inside, and properly connected with a flushing tank of at least five gallons capacity may be used as a yard closet in lieu of a siphon jet or siphon action closet. Connections between hopper closets and soil pipes shall be made by caulking trap of closet into hub of soil pipe with oakum and lead making an air tight joint. Connections between other closets and soil pipes shall be made with four-inch lead bends, or four-inch lead piped wiped onto a four-inch brass ferrule, and the ferrule is to be caulked into hub of soil pipe so as to make an air tight joint. Con- nection between closet and lead bend shall be made with equal parts of white lead and putty, or with brass floor plate with rubber gaskets. Floor plate to be soldered to lead bend. SEC. 257. All connections of lead with iron pipe must be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the same size as the lead pipe, with a wiped joint, and the other end adjusted in the hub of the iron pipe and caulked with lead. No connection between waste and vent pipes and traps shall be made with slip joints, and in no case will a trap be allowed with less than a full two and one-half-inch seal. SEC. 258. Every water closet, urinal, sink, basin, wash tray, bath and every tub or set of tubs and hydrant waste pipe must be separ- ately and effectively trapped. In no case must the waste from a bath tub or other fixture be connected with a water closet trap. SEC. 259. Traps must be placed as near the fixture as practicable, and in no case more than two feet. Each and every trap shall be SECTIONS 260 TO 262 89 protected from siphonage and to be ventilated by an air pipe taken out of the crown of the trap and branched into the soil pipe above the highest fixture, or be connected with a special pipe erected for ventila- tion only, such ventilating pipe to extend at least two feet above the roof. Approved mechanical traps may be substituted where it is necessary or advisable upon the approval of the Plumbing Inspector. Where only one closet is used on run of soil and vent pipe and is not over two feet from soil and vent pipe, such closets will not have to be back vented, but where two or more closets are connected on the same soil pipe they shall be back vented by a two-inch pipe properly con- nected to lead bend below floor and connected to four-inch vent pipe above highest fixture. SEC. 260. Overflow pipes from fixtures in each case must be con- nected on the inlet side of the trap of the same fixture. The waste from the refrigerators must in no case be directly connected with any soil or waste pipe, or with any other drain or sewer. SEC. 260%. Water closets must never be located in any unventi- lated room or compartment. In every case the compartment must be open to the outer air, or be ventilated with a shaft or air duct. Water closets of all descriptions when placed in the yard, or in an outshed or balcony, must have water supply pipes and traps protected from injury. The compartments of such water closets must be ventilated. All traps and valves must be placed in a pit, constructed of brick, stone or cement, at least two feet below the surface of the ground. SEC. 261. Rain water leaders must not be connected with the pub- lic sewers or with any fixture connected with the sanitary system of a building. When it is desired to carry off the storm water under- ground, special permission must be obtained to connect with the public drains. No steam, exhaust, blow-off or drip from a steam boiler shall be connected with the sewer or with any other drain, soil pipe or waste pipe. Such pipes must first be discharged into a condensing tank. SEC. 262. All work improperly executed and not in accordance with this Chapter, shall, upon the written order of the Plumbing Inspector, be removed by the person or firm improperly executing the same, within forty-eight hours after notice, and for any failure so to do, said person or firm shall be punished by a fine not exceed- ing Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding 30 days. As soon as any plumbing system has been finally inspected and approved by the Plumbing Inspector, he shall issue to the plumber a certificate to that effect. 90 SECTIONS 263 TO 266 SEC. 263. No person, or persons, shall make any excavation in any street, avenue, sidewalk, lane or other public place for the purpose of laying any drain or sewer, or shall make any attachment with the public sewerage or drainage system of the City of Pensacola, or shall do any work in connection with the plumbing and drain laying in the said City where such is connected with the public sewers, drains, gut- ters and water courses without first having obtained a permit from the Plumbing Inspector for the purpose of connecting with the sani- tary sewers, or from City Engineer for the purpose of connecting with storm sewers. And no work of any kind can be commenced or con- tinued without the permit is on the ground in the hands of the plumber or drain layer and the same shall be shown to any City official if so requested. And no permit will be granted for the performance of any work as above described to any other person than a regularly licensed plumber. SEC. 264. In connecting a house branch to a public sewer in the street the Y branches or slants which have been built into the sewer for that purpose, must be used for making such connections, unless a special permit has first been granted to insert a new connection. If no junction Y’s or slants have been built into the sewer at the place where the connection is to be made, the plumber must cut out part of the main sewer and carefully insert a Y branch or slant, the main body of which must be of the same diameter as the sewer. Such work must be done under the immediate supervision of the Plumbing In- spector and the cost of same must be paid by the plumber. SEC. 265. In all cases the drain and sewer pipes extending from the main sewer in the street to a point five feet outside of the building or if not taken into the building then to any other place which it is intended to drain, must consist of extra heavy tar-coated cast iron or good salt-glazed terra cotta pipe, approved by the Plumbing In- spector, and shall be five inches in diameter. The minimum weight of terra cotta pipe must be ten pounds to the foot. SEC. 266. The least inclination which will be allowed for water closets, kitchen and other drains not over five inches in diameter liable to receive solid substances, is 1-4 of an inch to the foot, and for cellar and other drains to receive water only 1-8 of an inch to the foot. Pipes are to be laid in a trench carefully, at a uniform and unbroken grade and in a straight line from the public sewer in the street to the upper end of the pipe. Changes of direction where necessary are to be made with regular bends, and all connections with Y branches or slants must be made with a bend. The joints of the pipes must be made with one part of approved Portland cement mixed with one part sand; each joint must be thoroughly filled with mortar all around, SECTION 267 91 and covered with the same to the thickness of the bell. All pipe must be cleaned on the inside by drawing through it a swab of the same diameter as the pipe while the same is being laid. All terra cotta pipe used must be of the hub and spigot pattern. In back-filling the trench the best materials excavated must be rammed about the pipe and over it for a depth of 18 inches, the balance of the back-fill- ing may be puddled. All pipes must be laid upon a good foundation satisfactory to the Plumbing Inspector. SEC. 267. The street and sidewalk must be opened and the work and other materials deposited in such manner as will occasion the least inconvenience to the public, and provide a passage way for the water to run through the gutters. Every plumber must enclose any opening which he may make in the public places of the City with sufficient barriers, and must maintain red lights at the same at night and must take all necessary precautions to effectually guard the pub- lic against all accidents by reason of work. He and his sureties will be held strictly liable for any damage to person or property resulting by reason of any work done by him. After the trench is filled in the top surface of the streets and pavements shall be finished in the same condition and with the same materials as it was prior to the com- mencement of the work and must be so maintained for a period of six months by and at the expense of the plumber. When the exca- vation is made through or under a permanently improved street, the plumber must deposit with the Board, before receiving his permit, such an amount of cash as, in the judgment of said Board, may be sufficient to pay the cost of refilling the trench made through or under such street, and repaving it in the same manner and with like ma- terials as it was paved or improved prior to its being disturbed. As soon as the plumbing and drain laying is finished across, through or under any such street, the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall be notified, whereupon the trench shall be filled in as soon there- after as possible by men in the employ of the Board, and as soon thereafter as the said Board may deem advisable, the section of street thus disturbed shall be paved by said Board. The cost of refilling of the trench and repaving and maintaining said portion of the street shall be paid from the deposit made by the plumber, if the cost is less than such deposit, the balance shall be returned to the plumber, but if it exceeds such deposit the excess shall be paid to the Board before any other permit is granted to such plumber for other work. In all cases the plumber shall protect and be responsible for the trench dug by him in, through or under any paved street as aforesaid until it is filled in by the men in the employ of the Board, when thereafter the City shall be responsible therefor. 92 SECTIONS 268 TO 275 SEC. 268. The Inspector must be permitted at all times to inspect all material or workmanship. Any person refusing to permit such inspection or interfering with the Inspector in the performance of his duty shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. SEC. 269. No person shall uncover a public sewer for any purpose or make connections therewith, or shall uncover the public inspection holes, or connection branches therewith, or disturb any street inlet, or other appurtenances with the sewers or drains of the City without first obtaining a permit from the Plumbing Inspector in cases where sanitary sewers are involved, or from City Engineer where the storm sewers are involved. | SEC. 270. No person shall throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, in any vessel or receptacle connected with a public sewer, any garbage, vegetables, parings, ashes, cinders, rags, or offal from any stable, slaughter house, stock yard, or any other building or establishment of any kind, or shall discharge or permit to be dis- charged into any public sewer anything that will injure or obstruct it. SEC. 271. The City Engineer will give the plumber the location of the Y branch or slant in the public sewer to which he desires to connect. SEC. 272. It shall not be lawful for any plumber or other person to connect any privy, well, cess-pool, or dry closet with any public sewer or with a private sewer connected with a public sewer or, to connect any sewer with, or deposit any sewerage in, the public drain- age system of Pensacola. SEC. 273. All branches of sewers, soil, and waste pipe must be made with Y branches, or with Y branches and 1-8 bends, and all 90 degrees and 45 degrees intersections of sewers, soil and waste pipe must be made with Y’s and Y’s and 1-8 bends with clean out screws caulked into the hub of the Y fitting, and on all horizontal lines of soil, sewer, and waste pipes, there shall be inserted a Y and cleanout screw at the upper end of the line. SEC. 274. The use of T’s is prohibited on horizontal lines of sewers, soil or waste pipes, and the use of crosses and double hubs are pro- hibited on all lines of sewer, soil and waste pipes. SEC. 275. No sewer, soil, waste, or. vent pipe shall be drilled and tapped and the use of saddle fittings is positively prohibited. SECTIONS 276 TO 282 93 SEC. 276. Traps of 11-2 inches and 11-4 inches in diameter shall be revented through pipe of the same diameter as the trap. Two-inch traps may be revented through the pipe of 11-2 inches in diameter. SEC. 277. Where all vent pipes pass through the roof of a building the pipe must be flashed and counter flashed with four-pound sheet lead or with sixteen-ounce copper. SEC. 278. That all kitchen and pantry sinks in hotels, restaurants, hospitals, sanitariums, boarding houses, boarding schools, and similar places accommodating ten or more persons, which are now or may be hereafter connected with the sanitary sewers of the City, shall be provided with grease traps known as chilling grease traps, placed under or close to the sink, and connected in such a manner that all water drawn for use in the kitchen or pantry shall pass through same, and shall have union connections for waste and vent and constructed with proper partitions and waste pipes, and screw plates for cleaning out the same, and shall be thoroughly backed aired and vented. SEC. 279. That the owners or proprietors of any such place men- tioned in the foregoing section where grease traps are installed shall cause the same to be cleaned out at least once each week, or oftener as may be required by the accumulation of grease therein. SEC. 280. It shall be unlawful for the owners or proprietors of any hotel or other building or place such as is mentioned in Sec- tion 278 to fail for thirty days after notice from the Plumbing Inspector to provide any existing kitchen or pantry sink upon their premises with a grease trap as is provided in said section, or for the owners or proprietors of any such building or place to allow any such kitchen or pantry sink to be hereafter connected with the sanitary sewer of the City, without providing same with a grease trap as is required by the foregoing section, or for any such person to fail to keep any grease trap cleaned out as is herein provided. SEC. 281. It shall be the duty of the City Health Officer to require the Sanitary Inspectors under him to make weekly inspections of all sinks and grease traps mentioned in the foregoing sections and to report to the Police, for arrest and prosecution in the Recorder’s Court all persons found violating any provision thereof. SEC. 282. That no permit shall be granted for connecting any premises with a public sewer unless all fines have been paid by the plumber making the application and unless the said plumber has com- plied with all the requirements of the Board and the Plumbing In- spector as to the other work for which he has been granted a permit. 94 SECTIONS 283 TO 285 SEC. 283. On all streets where there are sewers, it shall be un- lawful to connect two or more buildings with one sewer pipe con- nected with the main sewer, but each building must be connected with a separate and independent pipe laid from said building to the main sewer in the street; provided, that two or more buildings on the same lot or adjoining lots used for residence purposes and owned by the same person, may be allowed to make one connection with the main sewer for the exclusive accommodation of such buildings during the time only that the same are so owned. All connections with the sewer main for more than two buildings shall be made with eight inch pipe. On streets where there are no public sewers more than one building may be connected with a sewer pipe laid in the street at the expense of property holders and connected with the main sewer, but said sewer pipe must be eight inches in diameter instead of five inches, and shall be laid under the rules and regulations governing the public sewers of the City and shall at all times be subject to said rules and regula- tions. CHAPTER XIV GAS, WATER AND SEWER CONNECTIONS ARTICLE I.—CONNECTIONS REQUIRED AND REGULATED SEC. 284. That whenever provision shall be made by ordinance for the paving, or repaving of any street or portion of street, within the City of Pensacola, it shall be the duty of the Commisioner of Streets and Public Works to have the owners or agents of all property abut- ting upon the portion of any such street to be paved or repaved, noti- fied to make all connections with the water, gas or sanitary sewer mains, in the front or on the side of their respective properties, and to make all necessary repairs to such connections, where said con- nections may have been made prior to the passage of the ordinance authorizing such paving or repaving. SEC. 285. That it shall be the duty of every owner or agent of any property abutting upon the portion of any street to be paved or repaved as aforesaid to have within sixty days after the date of notice from the Commissioner of Public Works, all connections with the san- itary sewers, water or gas pipes laid under the portion of the streets SECTIONS 286 TO 288 95 from such sewers, water or gas mains to a point inside of the estab- lished, curb line of the street. When the property is improved, a separate connection shall be made to accommodate each main build- ing and where unimproved, a separate connection shall be made to accommodate each City lot abutting on said street, except in corner lots where said frontage may abut on the portion of the street or streets to be paved and improved, in which case one connection for each of the services above specified shall be made to accommodate a depth of not over one hundred and twenty-five feet. All such connections to be made of a permanent character, in conformance with the ordinances of the City and the rules and regulations of the Board and under the supervision of said Commissioner. SEC. 286. That whenever sanitary sewers shall be laid and accepted by the authorized agents of the City on any street or portion of street in the City it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Public Works to have the owners or agents of all improved property abutting upon the street or portion of street notified to make connection with the sewer mains in front or on the side of their respective properties. SEC. 287. That it shall be the duty of every such owner or agent of any improved property abutting upon any street or portion of street in which sewer mains shall be laid to have, within sixty days after the date of the completion of said sewer, as aforesaid, each buliding in which household liquid waste, human sewerage, or manu- facturing or industrial liquid waste may be generated, separately connected with the said sewer. All such connections to be made of a permanent character, in conformance with the ordinances of the City and rules and regulations of the Board and under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works. SEC. 288. That it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Pub- lic Works to notify all persons, firms or corporations, or their agents, owning or operating any gas or water mains, or private sewer systems, electric light, power, telephone or telegraph poles, on the streets or portions of street for which ordinances shall be passed providing for the paving or the repaving thereof to overlook, examine and test all such property owned and maintained by them on, under or across any of said streets, and it shall thereupon be the duty of such persons, firms or corporations, or their agents, to forthwith proceed to over- look, examine and test all of such property owned and maintained by them on, under or across the street, or portion of streets, to be paved or repaved, and to make all repairs, renewals, or extensions thereto necessary to properly operate and maintain such property without subsequent disturbance for a period of five years after the completion of the paving or repaving, and all such persons, firms, or corporations, 96 SECTIONS 289 TO 290 or their agents, owning such water or gas mains, and sewerage systems, electric light, power, telephone or telegraph poles, shall within sixty days after the date of notice from said Commissioner, lay and build all such connections and make all such renewals and exten- sions on, across and under the portion of the streets or parts of streets to be paved or repaved which may be necessary to properly supply their patrons and carry on their business for a period of five years after the completion of the paving or repaving as aforesaid. SEC. 289. That should the owner or agent of any property abutting upon that portion of any street about to be paved or repaved or in which sanitary sewer mains have been laid as aforesaid, refuse or neglect, within sixty days after the date of notice, as aforesaid, to lay or have laid a connection with the sewer to a point inside the curb line of the street to be paved or repaved, so that such property may be thus connected with the public sewer at such points as designated in this Article, or fail to connect the public sewer with the sewer on his property, the Board may proceed to have laid such connectrons with the public sewer and assess the cost of same against the owner of the abutting property for which such connection is thus made. Such assessments shall become a lien upon the abutting property from the date of the warrant and shall be due and payable within thirty (30) days after the date of such lien. If not paid within such time the lien shall become immediately foreclosable in the manner pro- vided by law, and interest at the rate of eight (8) per cent. per annum shall be added to such lien from the date of such assessment until its final payment together with all costs of collection. SEC. 290. That after any pavement shall have been laid under the provisions of any ordinance, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation, or their agents, to dig into or disturb any such pave- ment or parts of same, for any purpose whatever without a written permit from the Board. Any person desiring to dig up or disturb any pavement shall make written application to the: Commissioner of Public Works for permission to dig up and disturb such pavement, and shall pay to the City in cash at the time such application is made such sum of money as said Commissioner may deem sufficient to pay all cost incurred in restoring such portion of pavement disturbed to its original condition, and immediately after the repairs, causing such digging up or disturbing, have been made, the Commissioner shall be notified, whereupon said Commissioner shall cause the excavation in or under the street or streets, to be filled up under his direction by men in his employ, and shall cause that portion of the pavement thus disturbed to be placed in its original condition as near as practicable. Should the cost of such work be less than the amount paid the City SECTIONS 291 TO 293 97 as above, the excess shall be returned to the owner, and if it should be more the owner shall pay the difference to the City. SEC. 291. That any person, firm or corporation, digging up or dis- turbing any such pavement, or causing the same to be dug up or dis- turbed contrary to the provisions of this Article, or failing to make the sewer connections as required by ordinance, or failing or refusing to overlook, examine, test and make good any property owned and maintained by it or them under the portion of the street or streets to be paved and improved, shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not exceeding One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment for not exceeding sixty days. SEC. 292. That the notice hereinbefore referred to, shall for the purposes of this Article, consist of a printed or written notice left with the owners or occupants of said premises, if any there may be, and by general notice published daily for two weeks in one or more daily newspapers printed within the City, and shall set forth the streets or portions of streets to be paved or repaved, and the streets or portions of streets upon which connections must be made with sani- tary sewers, and the end of the period in which all connections, repairs, extensions, examinations and testing of water or gas pipes or.sewers, electric light, power, telephone or telegraph poles must be made. ARTICLE II.—ENFORCEMENT OF SEWER CONNECTIONS SEC. 293. Whenever for more than sixty (60) days after the date of the completion of any sanitary sewer which is connected with the water mains in any paved or unpaved street, the owner, agent or occupant of any property which is required to be connected with such sewer shall fail to provide said connection, or shall fail to alter, repair or renew said connection that may be necessary to make the same con- form with provisions of City ordinances after having been notified so to do by the Plumbing Inspector or any Sanitary Inspector, it shall be the duty of the inspector giving said notice to report to the Com- missioner of Public Works all persons who fail to comply with any such notice, and thereupon said Commissioner shall notify in writing the owners of such property or the occupants or the agents thereof, that the City shall proceed to make such connections, or to do such other work as required by such notice and to have the same charged against them and their said property at the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of said notice. Said notice shall be served on the owners of the premises or their agents or the occupants thereof. And at the expiration of said ten (10) days the Commissioner of Public Works shall order said connection made and said work done at 98 SECTIONS 294 TO 296 the expense and cost of the owners or occupants and the same shall be assessed as a lien against said property. SEC. 294. In the event the City Health Officer shall recommend that the making of such connections or the doing of such other work as aforesaid is necessary to abate a nuisance detrimental to the pub- lic health or to remedy any serious unsanitary condition, the Com- missioner of Public Works shall be authorized to take action necessary to abate such nuisance or to remedy such unsanitary condition, with- out giving such ten (10) days notice, but after serving the owners or occupants or agents of the property with such reasonable notice as will be justified by the conditions. SECS. 295. The Commissioner of Public Works shall report to the Board his action in causing such connections to be made and such work to be done, together with the itemized costs thereof, charageable to the owners or occupants and to be assessed as a lien against the property. SEC. 296. The Board shall cause notice to be published three con- secutive days in some newspaper published in the City of Pensacola of the time and place that they will pass upon such report and hear objections thereto. The owners or occupants of any premises of other persons interested therein for which connections have been made or other work done, may appear at such time and place and make objections to such connections or other work being charged to them or assessed against said property. All assessments for the amount of the costs and expenses incurred in making such connections or per- forming such other work as the same shall be ascertained and finally determined by the Board after notice as aforesaid with interest at the rate of eight (8%) per cent. per annum shall constitute a lien against the property on which said connections were made, or such other work was done, from the date of completion of the work until fully paid and satisfied. Tax bills for the amount of said assessments with interest shall be issued by the Board in manner and form as shall be provided by resolution, and registered in the office of the City Com- ptroller. All such tax bills held by the City, and remaining unpaid thirty days after the date of their issuance shall be placed in the hands of the City Attorney who shall thereupon proceed by action at law or in equity to recover the amount of such assessment with interest and costs, including a reasonable sum as attorney’s fees. SECTIONS 297 TO 299 99 ARTICLE IIT.—CONTRACTS FOR SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS. SEC. 297. That the Board shall from time to time as it may deem necessary, advertise, in accordance with the City Charter, for bids for the construction of lateral sewers to property lines to connect abutting property with the sanitary sewers of the City, as are required by ordinance to be constructed, and, also, for connecting such property with the City Water Mains to property line. All contracts let for such work shall provide that the work done thereunder, shall be paid in Special Tax Bills, which said Board is hereby directed to issue against the pieces of real estate, respectively, for the total amount of the costs of the work done in connecting said property with said sewer or water main; said Tax Bills shall draw interest at the rate of six per cent. (6%) per annum from the date thereof until fully paid, and shall be payable at the option of the property owners, all in cash, or one-fourth (1-4) in cash and the balance in three (8) installments, as nearly equal as possible, payable at such times as may be specified in said contract, subject, however to the right of the contractor, or his assignee, to enforce payment of the total amount thereof, together with interest, immediately upon failure of the owner of the property to pay any said installments, or interest thereon, within ten (10) days after the same shall become due, and in the event of collection by suit there shall be added thereto all costs of court, including a reasonable attorney’s fee. The Tax Bills, herein provided for shall be issued against each parcel of real estate upon the completion and acceptance of the particular work for which issued, at such time and in such manner as may be provided for in said contract, and shall be recorded in the office of the City Comptroller before being delivered to the Contractor. SEC. 298. That whenever the Board shall order any such property connected with the sanitary sewer, or water mains, of the City, as provided by ordinance, and said property shall not be so connected within the time required, it shall thereafter be unlawful for such owner to make such connections, or have such connections made except through the Board by the City Contractor, under the contract provided for in the foregoing Section, and in all such cases, and, also, whenever the owner of any property shall request the Board so to do, and con- sent to pay for the work as may be provided in such contract, it shall be the duty of said Board to require such connections to be made by the City Contractor under the above mentioned contract. SEC. 299. That the Board may after proper advertisment, order the construction of lateral sewers to property lines to connect abutting 100 SECTIONS 300 TO 302 property with sanitary sewer extensions that may be in process of construction by the Board. ARTICLE IV.—SEWER EXTENSIONS IN SPECIAL DISTRICTS. SEC. 300. Whenever pursuant to Section 9 and 10 of Chapter 8335, Laws of Florida, ordinances shall establish Special Sewer Dis- tricts and provide for the construction of lateral sewers and water mains and for the connection therewith of the property within said districts the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall as soon as possible after the adoption of such ordinance advertise for pro- posals for the letting of a contract or contracts for the construction of such lateral sewers and water mains and for connecting abutting property in such districts in accordance with plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer and approved by the Board and in conformity with the provisions of the ordinance relating thereto. Said advertisement shall be published twice a week for two con- secutive weeks in each daily newspaper published in the City of Pensa- cola, and invite sealed bids to be opened by the Board of Commissioners at a time to be designated not less than one week after the last pub- lication of said advertisement. SEC. 301. That the total cost of all the work, materials, and ser- vices and other things necessary, or requisite, for the construction of lateral sewers and water mains in each said Special Sewer District shall be paid for by the City out of moneys appropriated therefor from the proceeds of the sale of Improvement Bonds issued for such purpose or from its general revenues, and from moneys realized by the assessments for such purposes of lots and parcels of land bene- fitted and embraced in each said Sewer District. One-third of said total costs shall be apportioned to and paid by the City from said bond money or its general revenues and the remaining two-thirds of said costs shall be apportioned to, and assessed as a Special Tax against each separate lot or parcel of land in the proportion that their respec- tive areas bear to the area of the whole Sewer District, exclusive of streets and public ways. SEC. 302. That upon the completion by the contractor of the entire work in each said District the owners and occupants of each lot or parcel of land in said District shall be notified in writing by the City of the time and place that the Board of Commissioners will meet for the consideration of the Engineer’s final estimate of the cost of said work, and of the amount due said contractor, and for apportioning and assessing the costs of said work to the City and the lots and par- cels of land in said District. SECTION 303 101 General notice of said meeting for such purposes shall also be pub- lished in a newspaper published in the City of Pensacola for three (3) consecutive days prior to the day for said meeting; and as soon as said Board shall have completed and adopted the apportionment and assessment of the costs of said work the same, or so much thereof as shall be necessary to show the exact amount apportioned to and assessed against each lot or parcel of land in said District shall be published one time in each daily newspaper printed in the City and if the owners or occupants of any lots or parcel of land shall fail for thirty (30) days after the date of the last said publication to pay the total amount of said costs apportioned to and assessed against such lot or parcel of land the total amount thereof shall become due and payable immediately and charged and assessed as a Special Tax against said lot or parcel of land, and thereupon said Board shall immediately make out and certify in favor of the contractor a Special Tax Bill according to said apportionment and assessment and there- upon a lien shall exist on said lot or parcel of land from the date of the completion of said work for the full amount of said assessment and tax bill tgether with interest at the legal rate and costs, including attorneys fees, if collected by court proceedings. Provided the owner of any such lot or parcel of land shall have the option to pay by installments the amount so assessed against such lot or parcel of land and in the event of the election and request for the privilege of paying by installments before the expiration of the period of thirty (30) days after publication of said assessment as here- in provided this amount of said tax bill shall be payable as follows: One-sixth within thirty (30) days after the date of said bill and one-sixth each year thereafter during the period of five (5) years with interest thereon payable annually at the rate of eight (8%) per cent. per annum. By agreement between the City and the owner of property taxed such payments may be made in amounts and at times different form those herein provided during said period of five (5) years. In event of the failure of the property owner to pay any install- ment and the interest within thirty (30) days after it becomes due all the other installments shall thereby become due and payable im- mediately and the total amount of said assessment remaining unpaid, with interest shall be collected by proceeding to enforce the lien under said tax bill in the manner provided by law. SEC. 303. Before the letting of any contract as herein provided, the Board of Commissioners may by resolution provide for the issu- ance of the City’s Certificate of Indebtedness for the payment to the 102 SECTIONS 304 TO 305 contractor to the extent necessary of the amount of the costs of the work approtioned to and assessed against lots and parcels of land within the sewer districts, instead of delivering to said contractor the tax bills issued therefor as herein provided. The aggregate amount of the Certificates so issued shall not be in excess of the total amount of the tax bills issued for such purpose and shall bear interest at the rate of six (6%) per cent. per annum and the maturities of such cer- tificates shall coincide substantially with the installments of the tax bills in lieu of which they are delivered to the contractor. All such tax bills shall be registered in a book to be kept in the office of the Comptroller for such purpose, and after registration shall be deposited with the City Treasurer for collection, and he may be authorized to deliver same from time to time as may be necessary to facilitate collection to the Tax Collector and City Attorney., All proceeds from such tax bills shall be applied exclusively to the payment and retire- ment of such certificates of indebtedness as the same shall become due and payable. And no such tax bills shall be delivered to the contractor until they have been registered in the book kept’in the Comptroller’s office as herein provided, and every such tax bill so delivered to the contractor shall be cancelied, and of no effect whatsoever after six years from its date unless within said time proceedings have been instituted in Court to enforce its collection. CHAPTER XV HEALTH AND SANITATION ARTICLE I.—HEALTH DEPARTMENT SEC. 304. The Health Department of the City of Pensacola shall consist of the Police and Fire Commissioner to be known as the Health Commissioner, the City Physician and the other officers, inspectors and employees as provided by ordinance and resolution of the Board and shall have cognizance, supervision and control of all matters affecting the health and sanitation of the City. SEC. 305. The Health Commissioner shall supervise, under the direction of the Board, all appointed officers and employees of the SECTIONS 306 TO 310 103 Health Department, from whom he shall require reports from time to time. SEC. 306. The Health Commissioner shall prescribe proper rules and regulations regarding sanitary matters, and for the guidance of the officers, physicians and employees; shall provide for the collection and compilation of full vital statistics; shall make reports to the State Board of Health, in accordance with the requirements of said Board annually, or oftener, upon request of said Board. SEC. 307. The City Physician, subject to the ordinances of the City and under the direction and supervision of the Health Commis- sioner, shall have general charge of the sanitary inspectors and other employees of the Health Department of the City, and in addition to the powers and duties hereby conferred shall possess all the powers and perform all the duties that may be assigned to him by the Health Commissioner with the approval of the Board. SEC. 308. The City Physician shall have the power to suspend any inspector or other employee, or subordinate, for a period of not ex- ceeding twenty-four (24) hours. He shall report within twenty-four (24) hours all suspensions made by him to the Health Commissioner, who shall present same with his recommendation to the Board within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter. The Board in its discretion may suspend, remove or discharge any inspector, or other employee of the Health Department at any time. SEC. 309. The City Physician shall under the direction of the Board or the Health Commissioner attend the indigent sick of the City and the employees of the City, who shall be disabled in the discharge of their duties, and any other special cases; he shall assist in the collection and compilation of vital statistics as directed by the Board, and make required medical examination of all applicants for employ- ment in the Police and Fire Department of the City. For such examination and report in writing the City Physician shall be entitled to a fee of Two ($2.00) Dollars for each and every exami- nation, said fee to be paid by the applicant for examination. The City, under the direction of the City Physician, shall have printed suitable forms of application for said examination, to be filed, when submitted to the Health Commissioner. SEC. 310. The Health Commissioner, City Physician, Chief of Police and Sanitary Inspectors shall have power to examine all houses, outhouses, drains, privies, and yards for the purpose of ascertaining whether the same are or are not in a sanitary condition. For such 104 SECTIONS 311 TO 315 purpose, they shall at all times have free access to all houses and premises and to every part thereof. They shall have such other powers as are conferred by this Code or any ordinance. SEC. 311. In the discharge of their official duties the Sanitary Inspector and Officers shall be privileged to enter any yard, lot, en- closure, house or building, between the hours of 7 a. m. and 6 p. m. and at other times when ordered to do so. If any person interferes with any Health Officer, Sanitary Inspector or other officer in the discharge of his or their duties in connection with the Health Department, he shall be subject to arrest and prose- cution, and upon conviction before the Recorder’s Court, the of- fender shall be fined in a sum not exceeding Fifty ($50.00) Dollars or imprisonment not exceeding thirty (80) days for each offense. SEC. 312 It shall be the duty of each member of the Police Force to receive complaints and to note and report daily to the Health Com- missioner through the Chief of Police, any infraction of the City or- dinances and the rules and regulations prescribed for the protection of the health of the City. SEC. 313. The City Clerk shall keep all records, reports, etc., necessary to comply with the ordinances of the City, rules and regu- lations of the City and laws governing the State Board of Health. ARTICLE II.—PREVENTION AND ISOLATION OF DISEASE SEC. 314. Whenever any epidemic or contagious disease exists in any building the Health Commisisoner may cause the same to be isolated, and the inmates restrained from leaving the same and from personal communication with the outside without written permission, and to make necessary orders in connection therewith. SEC. 315. It shall be the duty of every physician practicing in the City of Pensacola, to report in writing to the City Health Department, all cases of fever suggestive of the existence of yellow fever, together with the name and address of the person having such fever which may come within his knowledge or observation within five (5) hours after the discovery of such case or cases. The City Physician shall investigate any or all such cases reported to the City Health Department, subject to such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board, and if he has any doubt or sus- picion concerning the nature of the illness, he shall report the fact immediately to the resident agent of the State Board of Health, and shall aid and assist such agent in such other or further investigation SECTIONS 316 TO 318 105 as may be necessary to determine the nature and cause of any such case or cases. And the City Health Department is hereby authorized and empowered to enforce the fumigation of any place, building or premises where any such case of fever exists, or may have been with such disinfectants and in such manner as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Board. Whenever any physician practicing his profession within the City of Pensacola shall be called to see or attend any case of fever sug- gestive of the existence of yellow fever it shall be his duty to order such case to be screened at once and if such is not done he shall so report to the City Health Department, which shall take such measures as may compel the proper screening of the patient for such time as may be required to render such case harmless to the public health. It shall be the duty of every parent or guardian of any child, and the head of every family, to properly screen any and all cases of fever, suggestive of the existence of yellow fever, occurring in their respec- tive families and to keep such case or sick person screened with a mosquito net for the first seventy-two (72) hours during the attack of illness. SEC. 316. All rooms containing typhoid fever patients, or patients with any contagious disease shall be screened against flies, or such patient shall be so screened, and the stools of such patient shall be dis- infected in such manner as prescribed by rules and regulations of the Health Department. Whenever the City Physician or State Health Officer shall declare by published interview, statement or letter that in his opinion yellow fever: exists in any of the Gulf States, the provisions of this Section shall apply to all cases of acute fever in the City of Pensacola. SEC. 317. Any person convicted of violating any provision of the foregoing Section shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Fifty Dol- lars, ($50.00), or by imprisonment not exceeding aaa (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SEC. 318. Whenever the State Health Officer, or Health Commis- sioner shall announce that yellow fever exists in the City of Pensa- cola, the building, or place, in which any such case of fever shall exist, and all buildings and places within three hundred (300) feet thereof, and all places and all buildings in which any person infected with yellow fever shall have been within five (5) days prior to the time of the announcement that he was infected with said disease, shall be subject to fumigation with such disinfectants and in such manner as may be prescribed by the Health Commissioner, and all buildings 106 SECTIONS 319 TO 320 and places which shall be fumigated as herein provided shall also be thoroughly screened in such manner as said Commissioner shall prescribe. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police of the City, and all sani- tary inspectors vested with police powers, to cause the arrest of all persons who shall fail, or refuse, to allow any building, or other place to be fumigated, as provided herein; and it shall be the duty of any such officer, upon the written order of the Health Commissioner to enter any such building, or place, between the hours of 8 o’clock a. m. and 5 o’clock p. m., and to cause the same to be fumigated and screened as herein provided under the personal supervision of the City Physi- cian, or any assistant of such officer who shall be duly authorized by the Health Commissioner. Any person who shall fail, or refuse, to allow any building, or other place to be fumigated, or screened, as is herein provided, or who shall in any manner resist, oppose, hinder or interfere with the City Physi- cian, sanitary inspectors, or other duly authorized person in the doing of anything relating to the fumigation or screening of any building, or place, or in the performance of any other official duty, as herein provided, or as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the Board, or who shall destroy or damage any screen which shall be placed in any building or other place, shall, upon conviction thereof in the Recorder’s Court, be punished by a fine of not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Recorder. SEC. 319. It shall be the duty of every physician practicing his profession in the City of Pensacola, to report to the City Health Department of the City of Pensacola, every case of scarlet fever, diptheria, measles, cerebro-spinal meningitis, anthrax, poliomyelitis (anterior) bubonic plague, glanders, rabies, leprosy, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, cholera, typhus fever, yellow fever that comes within his practice, within ten (10) hours after he becomes cognizant of the same. SEC. 320. Whenever complaint shall be made to the Health Com- missioner or whenever it shall come to his knowledge that the water used in drinking, or household purposes, upon any premises is impure and unfit for such use, it shall be his duty to require the same to be examined, and if found impure, to order the owner of the premises, or his agent, to cause the discontinuance of the use of such water and furnish a supply of pure water for the persons occupying said premises within a reasonable time, to be fixed by said commissioner. SECTIONS 321 TO 326 107 SEC. 321. All places in which stagnant water, filth or drainage collects and stands so as to become dangerous to the health of persons in the City of Pensacola, are hereby declared to be nuisances, injurious to the public health. SEC. 322. The Street Commissioner shall promptly abate any such nuisance existing in any street, or other public place. Whenever the City Health Department shall notify the owner, or owners, or the agent thereof, of the existence of any such nuisance on the premises of such owner, or owners, they shall within five days after the service of such notice abate such nuisance and place said premises in a thoroughly sanitary condition, and upon the failure of such owner, or owners, or their agent, to comply with any such notice the City shall cause the necessary work to be done and charge the expense thereof against the owner, or owners, of the premises for which the City shall have a lien on such premises to be enforced in the manner provided by Statutes of Florida and City Ordinances. SEC. 328. That it shall be unlawful for any person to omit to com- ply with any reasonable notice given by the Health Commissioner in accordance with either of the two foregoing Sections. ARTICLE III—RELATING TO DRY CLOSETS AND SCAVENGER SERVICE. SEC. 324. That all premises upon which human beings live, are employed or congregate that are not required to be connected with the sanitary sewers and to be provided with water closets, shall be pro- vided with surface closets or privies which shall be constructed and maintained in conformity with the requirements of this article. Such surface closets shall be required only when the same are necessary for the accommodation and convenience of persons occupy- ing and using said premises, or to prevent unsanitary conditions, or are appropriate or permissible to subserve the public health and gen- eral welfare. SEC. 325. All surface closets or privies used for the deposit of human excreta shall be constructed and maintained in conformity with plans recommended and approved by the State Board of Health, or in conformity with the requirements of the following Sections of this Article. SEC. 326. Every surface closet or privy that is not in conformity with plans recommended or approved by the State Board of Health shall be constructed, kept and maintained so that 108 SECTIONS 327 TO 330 (a) The excreta deposited therein will not fall upon the ground but in some metal water-tight receptacle and (b) The contents of which receptacle shall not be accessible to flies, fowl or small animals at any time; (c) The box parts of said privy, if made of wood, shall be con- structed of sound lumber, all joints being made tight. The seat there- on is to be covered with a self-falling, hinged lid, so as to render such box fly-proof; (d) Proper ventilation of such box shall be provided by means of suitably placed openings or flue. Such ventilating openings are to be fly-proof; (e) Such privies shall be so located as to be easily accessible to the scavenger for cleaning. It shall be the duty of the owner, or holder, or the agent, of any premises upon which surface closets or privies are required by this Article to provide said premises with appropriate closets that are adequate for the accommodation of the tenants or other occupants or users of said premises. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 327. For the owner, holder or agent of any premises to © occupy, lease, rent, or collect rent for, or to permit the use or occu- pancy of, any premises that are not provided with appropriate and adequate surface closets or privies as required by the foregoing Sections. SEC. 328. For the owners or agents of any property, to let or allow to be used or occupied, or for any person to use or occupy any premises in this City, fronting or abutting upon any street through which runs a public sanitary sewer, and a public water main, upon which premises there is not located a water closet equipped with proper sanitary fixtures and connected with such public sanitary sewer in the manner provided by ordinance. SEC. 329. For the occupant, or if there be no occupant, then for the owner or agent of any premises to omit to keep the privy on said premises in good and thoroughly sanitary condition. SEC. 330. For the occupant, owner or agent of any premises to fail to empty and clean the privy receptacles on their premises at least once every 15 days, or at any other time within twenty-four SECTIONS 331 TO 336 109 (24) hours after being notified to do so by the Commissioner of Health or any policeman, or sanitary inspector, or other agent or em- ployee of the Health Department. SEC. 331. For any person to remove or dispose of the contents of any privy receptacle without a permit from the Commissioner of Health. Such permits shall be issued only to duly licensed scaven- gers and to owners or occupants of property to remove and dispose of the contents of privies on their own premises, subject to the pro- visions of the Scavenger Ordinance. SEC. 332. For any unauthorized person to remove or interfere with any receptacle or other utensil or fixture belonging to any privy box, or for any person to interfere with or damage any such privy or part thereof, or to deposit therein any dish water, slops, garbage, trash or other material or substance except human excrement, and things necessary for its appropriate use. No night soil from any person suffering from typhoid fever, or other serious bowel trouble, shall be deposited in any privy without being previously disinfected in such manner as directed or approved by the City Physician. SEC. 338. To construct, maintain or use a privy, or dry-closet of any kind upon premises which front or abut upon any street, or public way through which runs a public sanitary sewer. SEC. 334. To construct, or manitain any privy or dry-closet except upon premises that front, or abut upon a street or public way through which there does not run a public sanitary sewer and unless such privy or dry-closet shall conform with the requirements of this Article. SEC. 335. That the Commissioner of Health, through policemen, sanitary inspectors or other agents and employees of the City Health Department, shall diligently inspect all premises within the City upon which sanitary privies are required to be constructed and maintained, and whenever it is found that any premises are not provided with the requisite privy, or that the same is in bad order, unsanitary or does not otherwise conform with any provisions of this ordinance, to cause notice to be served upon the owner, or agent of such premises, or, if there be none, upon the occupant thereof, commanding that said prem- ises shall be provided with a privy of the type required by this Article. SEC. 336. The Commissioner of Health, subject to rules and regu- lations adopted by Resolution of the Board of Commssioners, shall prescribe proper sizes and methods of construction of such privies, and such other details as will render this ordinance effective and its application uniform. 110 SECTIONS 337 TO 3438 SEC. 387. No privy receptacle shall be permitted to become filled to overflowing. If emptying of privy receptacles becomes necessary oftener than hereinbefore provided, it shall be the duty of the occu- pant of the property to notify the Health Commissioner, and such privy shall be cleaned and an additional charge will be made for each receptacle so emptied. SEC. 3388. The City shall make or cause to be made such alterations or constructions to such privies as are nuisances as will render them sanitary, and the entire cost of such work shall be charged against the person creating or maintaining the same. All such alterations or constructions are to be prescribed by the Health Commissioner and approved by the Board. And the Board of Commissioners may from time to time by reso- lution advertise for bids and provide for letting of contracts as may be necessary or proper for furnishing of materials, or services or any work or other thing requisite for the construction or alteration of any such privy or for keeping the same clean and in a thorough sanitary condition. The cost of all materials, labor, or other things done or furnished under any such contract shall be charged as a lien in favor of the contractor against the property upon which such privy is located, and tax bills shall be issued therefor. SEC. 339. Every person or corporation who removes the contents of privies shall be deemed a night soil scavenger within the meaning of this ordinance and shall not remove the contents of any privy or in any manner engage in the business of night soil scavenger without first having obtained a license so to do. SEC. 340. The Mayor shall from time to time, upon application to be approved by the Commisioner of Health, grant licenses to any per- son or corporation to engage in the business of night soil scavengers. SEC. 341. All night soil scavengers shall have night soil license properly framed, protected by glass, and attached in a conspicuous place to the particular wagon for which the license is issued, so that it may be readily read without removal. SEC. 342. No privy box or receptacle shall be opened, nor the con- tents thereof disturbed or removed, between the hours of seven o’clock p. m. and seven o’clock a. m. of any day. SEC. 343. The contents of any privy shall not be removed without a permit having been first obtained from the Commissioner of Health. SECTIONS 344 TO 347 111 SEC. 344. No part of the contents of any privy receptacle except as hereinafter provided, shall be removed therefrom, nor shall such contents be transported through the streets, avenues or alleys of the City unless the same shall be removed and transported in airtight and watertight receptacles, so as to entirely prevent the escape of any noxious and offensive odors therefrom, and unless such recept- acles are properly and fully equipped with the necessary tools, appli- ances, devices and connections in accordance with the rules and regu- lations of the Commissioner of Health so that the contents of the receptacle may be emptied into the sewer, if the Commissioner of Health so directs in the permit, without permitting any of the con- tents to be deposited upon the surrounding soil; and no conveyance or appliances shall be used for the purpose of removing or handling night soil until they have been inspected by the Commissioner of Health and a certificate has been duly issued by him authorizing the use of such conveyance or appliance. The cleaning, emptying and re- moving of the contents of the privies shall be done in an inoffensive manner, so as not to create a nuisance, and in accordance with the directions and rules and regulations of the Commissioner of Health, and any night soil scavenger having begun any such work shall with- out interruption or delay, finish the same promptly and shall in each and every instance leave the privy in as good condition as when the work was undertaken. All such receptacles when cleaned shall be dis- infected by the night soil scavenger as soon as the contents have been removed. SEC. 345. The contents of privies so removed by any night soil scavenger shall be disposed of at the place and in the manner pre- scribed in the permit given by the Commissioner of Health. SEC. 346. All night soil scavengers shall be allowed to charge and receive a sum not exceeding 25 cents for each receptacle cleaned. SEC. 347. Whenever the Commissioner of Health shall deem any privies offensive and in need of cleaning, it shall be his duty to notify the owner, agent, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of the premises upon which such privy is located to have the same cleaned by a duly licensed night soil scavenger within a period named in such notice; and unless the person so notified shall comply within the time mentioned, it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Health to cause such privy to be cleaned by one or more of the regularly licensed night soil scavengers aforesaid, at the expense of the owner, agent, occupant or person in possession, charge or control of such premises and to cause the arrest and prosecution of the offender. 112 SECTIONS 348 TO 350 SEC. 348. Any person without a license as aforesaid, who shall act as a night soil scavenger, or who shall undertake to remove the con- tents of any privy within the city, or who will fail to comply with the provisions of this ordinance or any order or rule or regulation of the Commissioner of Health, or who shall load, transport or unload night soil in any way or place or deposit the same so as to produce a nuis- ance or who shall violate any provision of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than one hundred dollars; and if the night soil scavenger shall be so fined three times in the same year, his license shall be revoked. ARTICLE IV.—RELATING TO GARBAGE. SEC. 349. That the owner, agent and occupant of every premise, improved or unimproved, in the City of Pensacola whereon or where- in garbage shall be created, shall provide a metal, water-tight con- tainer or containers, each with a tight-fitting cover, such container or containers to be of such size as to be easily man-handled, and of such number as to receive the garbage accumulation of forty-eight hours from each premise, and shall place or cause to be placed in such container or containers for the purpose of having their contents re- moved, on the sidewalks or open alleys in front or rear of said premises, at the times hereinafter set forth. SEC. 350. That for the purposes of this ordinance the City of Pensacola is hereby divided into three garbage districts. The first garbage district shall comprise all that portion of the city lying south of Belmont street between the east line of Alcaniz street and the west line of Baylen street. The second garbage district shall be comprised of all that part of the city lying outside of the first garbage district hereinabove described and bounded as follows: Beginning at the foot of “J’’ street on Pensacola Bay, thence north on “J” street to Government street, east on Government street to “D” street, north on “D” street to LaRua street, west on LaRua street to “J” street, north on “J” street to Gadsden street, east on Gadsden street to “D” street, north on “D” street to Lloyd street, east on Lloyd street to Palafox street. The third garbage district shall be comprised of all that part of the city lying outside of the first garbage district hereinabove described and bounded as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Lloyd and Palafox streets thence east on Lloyd street to Alcaniz street, north on Alcaniz street to 16th SECTIONS 351 TO 355 113 street, east on 16th street to 16th avenue, south on 16th avenue to Cervantes street, east on Cervantes street to Bayou Texar, south on Bayou Texar to LaRua street, west on LaRua street to 16th avenue, and south on 16th avenue to Bay. The owners, agents and ocupants of premises in the first garbage district shall place, or cause to be placed, garbage containers for re- moving of their contents as provided for in Section 349 every day except Sundays before the hour of 7 o’clock a. m., and in the second garbage district every Monday, Wednesday and Friday and in the third garbage district every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, before the hour of 7 o’clock a. m.; provided that such garbage con- tainers may be so placed over the night preceding the day fixed for the removal of their contents. SEC. 351. That for the purpose of this ordinance, the word “garb- age” as used in this ordinance, shall be construed to mean house and kitchen offal, an] all refuse matter not excrementitious liquid, and com- posed of animal or vegetable substances, including dead animals (except cows, horses, mules and goats) coming from public and private premises of the city, and not destined for consumption as food. SEC. 352. That it shall be unlawful for such owner, agent or occu- pant of any such premise to have, maintain or keep any garbage on any premise, except in such garbage container as provided for in Section 349 of this ordinance. SEC. 353. That such garbage containers shall be kept tightly covered at all times, except when momentarily open to receive the garbage or to have the contents therefrom removed, as provided for hereinafter. SEC. 354. That when such garbage container is placed on the outside of any premise, it shall be unlawful for any person engaged in the removal of garbage, or for any person to remove the cover from such garbage container, except for the purpose of emptying its contents into a duly authorized garbage wagon or to throw such garbage container on the street or sidewalk, or to injure it in any way, so as to make it leak or to bend it or its cover, as to prevent said garbage container from being tightly covered; and all persons engaged in the removal of garbage shall, after emptying said con- tainer replace the cover tightly on said container. SEC. 355. That the owner, agent or occupant of every premise in the City of Pensacola shall keep separate from their garbage and ashes, tin cans, broken crockery, hardware, old planks, wooden matter, paper, sweepings and other trash, and place same in a sound sub- 114 SECTIONS 356 TO 362 stantial vessel or container kept for that purpose, which vessel or container shall be placed on the sidewalk or alley in front or rear of each premise of the City of Pensacola as provided in Section 349 of this ordinance for garbage containers for removal on Tuesdays and Fridays of each week before the hour of 7 o’clock a. m., provided that such rubbish, other than garbage may be so placed over night on Mondays and Thursdays; provided that not more than one barrel of trash shall be so placed for removal from any one premise at any one time. SEC. 356. That the provisions of this ordinance shall apply to all places of business, hotels, restaurants and all other premises whether used for business, boarding or residential purposes. SEC. 357. That for the purpose of enforcing this ordinance any person living on any premise shall be deemed an occupant, and any person receiving the rent, in whole or in part, of any premise shall be deemed an agent; that on any premise where construction of any kind is in progress, and where employees or workmen eat their dinners, or lunches, in or about said premises, or scatter lunch or food in or about such premises, the contractor or foreman or other person in charge of such workmen shall be deemed an occupant. SEC. 358. That it shall be unlawful for any person to pick from or disturb the contents of any garbage containers or vessels or other containers provided for in this ordinance. SEC. 359. That each day’s violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 360. That manure, garbage, or kitchen waste in vehicles shall be protected against flies by suitable cover, and no garbage or kitchen waste shall be collected from premises except in covered vehicles, or unless said garbage or kitchen waste in vehicles be protected from flies. SEC. 361. That any person violating any provisions of this Article shall on conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding Twenty-five ($25) Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Re- corder. ARTICLE V.—PROTECTION FROM BUBONIC PLAGUE. SEC. 362. That every building, outhouse and other superstructure, stable, lot, open area and other premises, sidewalk, street and alley, SECTIONS 363 TO 364 115 now constructed or hereafter to be constructed in the City of Pensa- cola, shall be ratproofed in the manner hereinafter provided for. SEC. 363. That it shall be unlawful for any preson, firm or cor- poration to have or maintain, or hereafter to construct any building, outhouse or other superstructure, stable, lot, open area or other premise, sidewalk, street or alley within the City of Pensacola unless the same shall be ratproofed in the manner hereinafter provided for. SEC. 364. That for the purpose of ratproofing, all buildings, out- houses and other superstructures, in the City of Pensacola, except stables, shall be divided into two classes, to-wit: Class A and Class B; and the same shall be ratproofed in the manner following, to-wit: Class “A”—AlIl buildings, outhouses and other superstructures of Class “A” shall have floors made of concrete, which concrete shall be not less than four (4) inches thick, and overlaid with a top dressing of cement, mosaic tiling, or other impermeable material, laid in ce- ment mortar, or shall be a floor four (4) inches thick of floated con- crete with or without top dressing, and such floors shall be either re- inforced concrete or shall rest without any intervening space between, upon the ground, or upon filling of clean earth, sand, cinders, broken stone or brick, gravel or similar material, which filling shall be free from animal or vegetable substances; said floor shall extend, and be hermetically sealed, to walls surrounding said floor, which walls shall be made of concrete, stone or brick, laid in cement or mortar, and each wall shall be not less than four (4) inches thick, and shall extend into and below the surface of the surrounding ground at least eighteen (18) inches, and shall extend not less than (1) foot above the surface of said floor; provided that wooden removable gratings may be laid on such concrete floors in such parts of such buildings, superstructures and outhouses as are used exclusively as sales departments, provided that wooden flooring may be laid over the concrete wherever the intervening space between such flooring and the concrete shall not exceed one-half inch; provided further that any sleepers that are sunk into the concrete shall be creosoted. Class “B” All buildings, outhouses and other superstructures of Class “B” shall be set upon pillars or underpinning of concrete, stone or brick, laid in mortar, or may be set upon underpinning of substan- tial timber, the height of such pillars or underpinning to be not less than eighteen (18) inches, the height to be measured from the ground level to the under side of sill. The intervening space between said building and the ground level to be open on three (3) sides, and to be free from all rubbish and other rat harboring material, or may be made rat proof by constructing 116 SECTION 365 at the margin of the ground area of said building a wall of concrete or brick or stone laid in cement; such wall to extend into and below the surface of the ground at least eighteen (18) inches and to meet the floor of the building above closely and without any intervening space, such walls shall be at least four (4) inches thick and extend entirely around said building; provided that said wall may be built with openings therein for ventilation only, and provided further, that such openings for ventilation may be of such size as the owner may elect and shall be securely screened with metallic gratings having openings between the bars of said gratings of not more than one-half inch, or with wire mesh of not less than twelve guage, having open- ings between the wires of said mesh of not more than one-half inch, and the whole so constructed and closed as to prevent the entrance of rats beneath such building, provided that the walls of Class “A” and Class “B” buildings may extend not less than eighteen (18) inches below the surface of the surrounding ground and that where deficient in existing structures the requisite additional depth for such walls may be secured by overlapping at least four (4) inches above the bottom of such existing walls and extending downward to the specified depth. SEC. 365. That every restaurant kitchen, hotel kitchen, cabaret kitchen, dairy, dairy depot, dock, wharf, pier, elevator, store, manu- factory and every other building, outhouse or other superstructure, wherein or whereon foodstuffs are stored, kept, handled, sold, held or offered for sale, manufactured, prepared for market or for sale, ex- cept stables shall be ratproofed in the manner provided for herein- above as Class “A”; provided that such parts of any structure here- inabove defined as of Class “A”, that shall be over a body of water, may be ratproofed as of Class “B”, as hereinafter provided for. “Foodstuffs,” as used in this ordinance, is hereby defined to be flour and flour products, animal and animal products, produce, gro- ceries, cereals, grain and the products of cereals and grain, poultry and its products, game, birds, fish, vegetables, fruit, milk, cream and the products from milk or cream, ice-cream, hides and tallow, or any combination of any one or more of the foregoing. All other buildings, outhouses and superstructures, except stables, not hereinabove specified as Class “A”, and all buildings used ex- clusively for residential or other Class “B” purposes, shall be rat- proofed in the manner provided for hereinabove as Class “B”; provided that the owner of any building, residence, outhouse or other super- structure in Class “B” may, if he so elects, ratproof the same in the manner provided for in Class “A”. SECTION 365 117 Provided, that in any case, where under the foregoing provisions, any building, outhouse, or superstructure, is required to be ratproofed as of Class “A” and the said building or outhouse or superstructure is used in part, for residential or other Class “B” purposes, and that part used as a residence or other Class “B” purpose is effectively separated from the parts falling within Class “A”, by permanently and effectively closing all openings above and below the ground floor or by constructing a new wall, and in either case the whole, in such manner as to make such wall whole and continuous in its entirity, without doorways, windows or other openings, between the part used as a residence and that used for such purpose as makes it fall in Class ‘“‘A’’, then, in such case and for ratproofing purposes only, the said building will after such separation, and closure of the openings, or by the construction of such new wall, be deemed to be two build- ings, and that part used exclusively for residential or other Class “B” purposes may be ratproofed in the manner provided for a Class “B” building, and the remaining part of said building shall be ratproofed in the manner provided for a Class “A” building. Stables—All buildings now, or hereafter to be constructed and used for stabling horses, mules, cows and other animals, shall be con- structed as follows: Walls—The walls of such building shall be constructed of concrete, brick or stone, laid in cement mortar, and shall be not less than four (4) inches thick, and shall extend into and below the surface of the surrounding ground a sufficient height as to be not less than one (1) foot above the floor level. All openings in such foundation walls shall be covered with metal grating having openings not greater than one-half inch between the grating. FLOORS—tThe floors of stables and stalls shall be of concrete not less than four (4) inches thick upon which shall be laid a dressing not less than one-half inch thick of cement or stone, laid in cement mortar, or may be floated concrete four (4) inches thick with or with- out top dressing, in such way as to prevent ingress or egress of rats, and such floors to have a slope of one-eighth inch per foot to the gutter drain. STALLS—The floors of stalls may be of planking, fitting either tightly to the concrete floor or elevated not more than one-half inch from the stall floor and so constructed as to be easily removable. Such removable planking shall be raised at least once a week, and the said planking and the concrete floor beneath thoroughly cleaned. 118 SECTIONS 366 TO 368 GUTTERS—Semi-circular or V-shaped gutters shall be constructed in such stables in such manner that a gutter shall be placed so as to receive all liquid matter from each stall. MANGERS—Each manger shall be constructed so as to have a slope of two inches toward the bottom, shall be covered with tin or zinc and shall be at least eighteen (18) inches deep to avoid spilling of food. FEED BINS—AlIl feed bins shall be constructed of cement, stone, metal or wood, and with close-fitting doors. If constructed of wood the bins shall be lined or covered with metal and the whole so con- structed as to prevent the ingress or the egress of rats. All grain, malt and other animal food, except hay, stored or kept in any stable, must be kept in such feed bins. Said feed bins must be kept closed at all times except when momentarily opened to take food therefrom or when same are being filled. No feed shall be scattered about such bin or stable, and all such food found on the floor or in the stalls of such stables removed daily. No foodstuffs intended for or susceptible of human consumption shall be kept or stored in any stable or any other place where animals are kept. SEC. 366. That the construction and materials used in ratproofing shall conform to the building regulations of the City of Pensacola except and only insofar as the same may be modified herein. SEC. 367. That all accidental and unnecessary spaces and holes, ventilators and other openings other than doors and windows in every building, outhouse and other superstructure in the City of Pensacola shall be closed with cement-mortar or other material impervious to rats or screened with wire having not more than one-half inch mesh, as the case may require, and all wall spaces shall be closed with ce- ment-mortar or other material impervious to rats, which closure shall extend the full thickness of the wall and shall extend at least twelve inches above the floor level and the whole closed in such manner as to prevent the ingress or egress of rats. SEC. 368. That all premises, improved or unimproved, and all open lots, areas, streets, sidewalks and alleys, in the City of Pensacola shall be kept clean and free from all rubbish and similar loose material that might serve as a harborage for rats, and all lumber, boxes, barrels, loose iron and similar material that may be permitted to remain thereon, and that may be used as a harborage for rats, shall be placed on supports and elevated not less than two feet from the ground, with a clear intervening space between to prevent the harbor- ing of rats. SECTIONS 369 TO 374 119 SEC. 369. That all planking and all plank walks on and in yards, alleys, alley-ways, streets, sidewalks or other open areas, shall be removed and replaced with concrete, brick or stone, laid in cement, gravel or cinders, or the ground left bare. SEC. 370. That it shall be the duty of every owner, agent and occupant of each building, outhouse and other superstructure, stable, lot, open area and other premises, sidewalk, street and alley, in the City of Pensacola, to comply with all the provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 371. That it is hereby made the duty of the Police and Fire Commissioner and particularly the officers and employees of the City Health Department and Police Department under him, to enforce the provisions of this ordinance, provided that no affidavit shall be filed against any owner, agent, occupant or other person charged with the duty of complying the provisions of this ordinance until thirty (30) days shall have elapsed after a communication shall have been de- posited in the United States Mail addressed by said Health Depart- ment to such owner, agent, occupant or person to his residence or to the premises upon which said violation shall be alleged to lie, which communication shall designate the character of violation with which such person shall be charged and the location of the premises upon which the offense is alleged to lie, provided that no prosecution shall be instituted against any person who within said thirty (30) days shall begin and actively carry on in good faith the repairs or work required by the above mentioned notice. SEC. 372. That each day’s violation of any provision of this ordi- nance shall constitute a separate and distinct offense. SEC. 373. That any person violating any provision of this Article shall on conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Re- corder. SEC. 374. No vessel, coastwise or foreign, shall come into the cor- porate limits of the City of Pensacola to land or to moor at any wharf or dock unless’ said vessel shall be fended away from such landing place, wharf or dock for a distance of at least four (4) feet, and every hawser, line, rope and other means of staying said vessel at such landing, wharf or dock shall be provided with a rat shield or guard properly attached to such hawser or rope and which shield shall be of the pattern approved by the United States Public Health Service, and so designed and con- structed and used as to effectually prevent the egress of rats and rodents from such vessels to such landing, wharf or dock. 120 SECTIONS 375 TO 379 SEC. 375. No gangplank, staging, ladder, skids or other device whatsoever whereby rats and rodents may find egress from a vessel to such wharf, dock or landing shall be ever allowed to extend from any vessel in communication with such wharf, landing, or dock except only during such times as such vessel is actually engaged in discharg- ing or receiving cargo and at the time of loading or discharging cargo only when the master, owner, or agent of said vessel has stationed at every gangplank, and within five (5) feet of the same, a person ‘whose duty it shall be to prevent rats and rodents from reaching such wharf, dock or landing from said vessel. While not actually in use all such staging, gangplanks, and other devices and means of egress for rats and rodents from vessels to shore shall be so removed as to posi- tively cut off all communication from such vessel to the dock, landing or wharf. SEC. 376. No freight so packed, or crated as to allow the harbor- ing of rats or rodents shall be removed from any vessel until the same shall have been examined and inspected so as to insure the absence of rats and rodents from such freight. SEC. 377. The following definitions of words used in this Article are hereby adopted: “Vessel” is meant any boat engaged in traffic or the carrying of freight; “wharf, dock and landing” are meant and shall embrace any place where a vessel may land, discharge or take on cargo or freight, receive or disembark passengers, whether the same be the natural shore of the bay or a structure or device of any kind that may be used for any such purpose. SEC. 378. That the owner, master or agent of any vessel, or their servants or employees, or any person whomsoever who shall violate any provision of Sections 374, 375 or 376 shall upon conviction be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred ($100) Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Recorder. ARTICLE VI.—RELATING TO BAKERIES, CONFECTIONARIES AND RESTAURANTS SEC. 379. The word “bakery” as used herein shall be held to mean and include all places used for the process of mixing, baking or manu- facturing for sale any bread, biscuit, cake, pies, candy, confectionary or any food product of which flour or meal is the principal ingredient. SECTIONS 380 TO 384 121 The terms “confectionary” and “confectionary establishments” as used herein are defined to be any room or place where candy, sweet- meats or any other food products, of which sugar, molasses, chocolate or nutmeats are the principal ingredients, are prepared, mixed, cooked, dried, formed, coated or cooled, to be sold as food, and any room or place where food, the principal ingredients of which are sugar, milk, cream or fruit are chilled or frozen or prepared or mixed for chilling or freezing, and any room used for any process incidental thereto. SEC. 380. Every building used as a bakery or confectionary shall be provided with sufficient means of ingress and egress, and shall be so constructed that it may be properly lighted and ventilated and that it may be kept free from rats, flies and other insects and animals likely to convey infection. SEC. 381. Every room or apartment used as a bakery or confec- tionary shall be of a size sufficiently large to allow ample space for all equipment located therein and for all employees whose duties require their presence therein. SEC. 382. The flooring of every room used as a bakery or con- fectionary, if below the level of the ground, shall be constructed of concrete, cement, or tile laid in cement, and covered if desired with a hardwood floor, having tight joints; if above the level of the ground, the flooring shall be either of impervious material, as above provided, or of hardwood with tight joints, which shall be either surrounded by a continuous unbroken wall, so constructed and fitted to the floor as to prevent the entrance of rodents thereunder, or elevated at least eighteen inches above the surface of the ground so as to allow a clear space thereunder which can be readily inspected. SEC. 388. The side walls and ceiling of every room in a bakery or confectionary shall be constructed of tightly fitting material which will exclude flies, dust, dirt, and all contaminating agents, and other insects;.and shall be so constructed and finished that the interior may be readily and thoroughly cleaned. SEC. 384. Every bakery and confectionary shall be lighted to such an extent that any refuse or dirt in any portion of it may be seen at a glance; and every bakery and confectionary shall be ven- tilated by means of windows, skylights, air-shafts, air-ducts, or me- chanical means if necessary, so as to insure a free circulation of fresh air at all times; it shall not be necessary, however, to ventilate at such times or in such manner that the process of mixing or rising of dough will be interfered with. Plumbing and drainage facilities shall be of an approved type and construction. 122 SECTIONS 385 TO 392 SEC. 385. All doors and windows, ventilators and other apertures shall be covered with well-fitting wire screens which shall have at least fourteen meshes to an inch, and shall closely approximate the frames to which they are attached. All screen doors shall be tightly fitting, shall open outward only, and shall be equipped with properly working automatic closing devices. SEC. 386. All bakeries and confectionaries shall be provided with ample supply of water of good sanitary quality for all uses. SEC. 387. All materials used in the mixing or preparation of any product offered for sale, served or sold by any bakery or confectionary shall be healthy, sound, wholesome and safe for human consumption. SEC. 888. All rooms for the storage of flour, meal, sugar, or any- thing for use in a bakery or confectionary, shall be dry and well ven- tilated. Every room used for the storing of such material shall be so arranged that the shelves, cupboards, trays, troughs, bins, cases, and other appliances, can be easily removed and cleaned. SEC. 389. No sleeping or living quarters, water-closets, urinal, ash-pit or coal-bin shall be within a room or apartment used as a bakery or confectionary, nor shall they communicate directly with such room or apartment. No person shall be allowed to enter any room or apartment used as a bakery or confectionary, except on official business, or regularly employed therein and duly registered as herein provided. And the proprietor of such place shall register at the office of the City Clerk the names of all persons employed therein, stating their age, sex, color, place of residence, and nationality. SEC. 390. A suitable space shall be provided for the purpose of keeping the wearing apparel, boots, shoes and other wearing effects which are the property of employees and not being worn; and such space shall be separate from the rooms in which food is handled, and shall be of ample size and well ventilated. SEC. 391. All furniture, tables, bins, troughs, and other appurten- ances and appliances shall be so constructed and arranged that they may be readily cleaned on all sides. All apparatus and utensils used in mixing and preparing bread-stuffs and confections shall be of smooth, hard material. SEC. 392. All equipment and utensils used in the process of mix- ing or baking shall be kept and maintained in good and safe con- dition and in a clean and sanitary manner, and all apparatus and utensils used in mixing or preparing bread-stuffs shall be thoroughly SECTIONS 393 TO 400 123 cleaned after each day’s use. All sifters, strainers, mixers, and other utensils shall be kept in first class condition, free of dirt, or dust and capable of preventing foreign or contaminating substances from entering the prepared product. SEC. 393. All bakeries and confectionaries shall be provided with ample facilities for cleansing all utensils and with an adequate supply of hot and cold water. SEC. 394. All employees in bakeries and confectionaries shall be provided with clean, washable, outer garments and shoes or slippers which shall be worn at no time other than when said employees are engaged in the manufacture or handling of products intended for human consumption. All such employees shall be clean in person at all times, and shall thoroughly wash the hands and forearms before beginning work at any time, and also after each visit to the toilet. SEC. 395. No person having any communicable disease or carrying the infection of any communicable disease shall be employed in a bakery or confectionary. SEC. 396. All employees in bakeries and confectionaries shall be typhoid-immune; and every manager or other person in charge of such place shall cause every person now or hereafter employed to be vaccinated against typhoid fever, and shall keep on file certificates of such vaccination for presentation to the inspecting officer. SEC. 397. All bakeries and confectionaries shall maintain for the use of employees ample and sanitary toilet and lavatory facilities, with towels and soap to enable those employed to keep their hands and persons clean. The use of a common towel is prohibited. SEC. 398. The use of tobacco in any form by employees in the rooms of bakeries and confectionaries is prohibited. SEC. 399. No employee or person shall expectorate or discharge from the body or any organ thereof upon the floors, walls or equipment of any bakery or confectionary, nor upon any product or material that may be upon the premises. Placards stating that “Spitting is Prohibited” shall be displayed in all such places. SEC. 400. All bakeries and confectionaries shall provide such equipment as cases, bins or other appliances as will insure full pro- tection of all material and products intended for human consumption from dust, dirt, flies, vermin and other means of contamination. All materials used in the process of mixing, baking or manufacturing products intended for human consumption shall be handled in a sani- tary manner. All finished products intended for transportation or 124 SECTIONS 401 TO 407 distribution shall be wrapped in paraffin, grease-proof, glassine or sulphite paper, or protected by some other equally satisfactory method so as to insure protection of the products from flies, dust and other means of contamination. All finished products shall be stored in cases which exclude flies and dirt. SEC. 401. All sweeping, dusting and cleaning shall be done in combination with sprinkling or other method, or by moist cloths in order to lay the dust. During such sweeping, dusting or cleaning all foodstuffs shall be protected by coverings, or otherwise, from contamination thereby. SEC. 402. Every room in a bakery or confectionary shall be kept free from dust, dirt, and accumulation of waste or refuse of any character. The floors, side walls, ceilings and equipment shall be kept clean and in a state of good repair. SEC. 403. All rooms in a bakery or confectionary must be kept clean and wholesome at all times, and precautions must be taken to prevent nuisance from dissemination of vapors, odors and gases, if necessary by the use of air-shafts, fans or other approved methods: SEC. 404. All bakeries and confectionaries shall be provided with fly-proof, water-tight garbage cans of adequate capacity to receive all garbage. These containers shall be kept closed at all times except when depositing and removing garbage, and shall be emptied and thoroughly cleaned at least once daily. SEC. 405. All accumulation of waste materials within, under or around any building used as a bakery or confectionary is prohibited. SEC. 406. No animal shall have access to any room in a bakery or confectionary, and the managers of such places shall cause the abatement and destruction of flies and vermin wherever found. SEC. 407. It shall be unlawful, during the period from April first to November first, of any year, for the proprietor or other person in charge of any public lunch room, restaurant, hotel dining room, or of any such room, or place, in which edibles of any kind are served to be there consumed, or for the proprietor or other person in charge of any ice cream saloon or any room, or place, in which soda water drawn from a fountain, or other mixed drinks, are sold, to fail to keep all the doors, windows, and other openings to such place securely covered with wire netting, or otherwise screened, so as to exclude flies from such room, or place, at all times when any such door, window, or other opening is not closed, and when it is not necessary for such screen SECTIONS 408 TO 413 125 to be swung open, or moved temporarily, for the egress or ingress of customers, or for the transaction of the business of the place. SEC. 408. Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this Article shall be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred ($200.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty (60) days or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Re- corder. ARTICLE VII.—FOODS AND DRUGS It shall be unlawful: SEC. 409. To offer for sale in the City of Pensacola any unwhole- some, decayed or tainted meats, provisions, fruits, vegetables, fish, oysters or other articles, and each day the same are offered for sale shall constitute a distinct and separate offense. SEC. 410. For any person, firm or corporation to haul, or allow to be hauled, through the streets of the City, any fresh meat which _is to be used for food or to deposit any such meat on any sidewalk, or platform, or other place outside of any building, without having the same securely covered with cloth or other suitable covering, sufficient to protect it from contamination by filth, dust or insects. SEC. 411. To allow food that is intended for human consumption to be deposited or remain within two feet of the surface of any side- walk, street, alley or public place, or on the floor of any building where stored unless same shall be contained in unbroken packages or in receptacles so as to be protected from dogs and other animals and their excretions. All broken packages of foodstuffs in storage shall be elevated at least twelve inches above the floor. All products shall be protected from handling by the public. SEC. 412. For the proprietor or manager of any market or butcher shop to fail to keep the same screened in such way as to exclude flies, access thereto being through screened doors. SEC. 413. For any person, firm or corporation to keep, or expose, for sale in any building, store, vehicle, or other place, or upon any street in the City of Pensacola, any fruits, excepting only citrus, citrullus, cocoa and shell fruits and fruits having rind thicker than citrus fruit, without having the same protected by covering, or en- closing same with screens, or coverings of wire, or cloth, netting, or otherwise as to prevent access thereto by flies or other such insects. 126 SECTIONS 414 TO 418 SEC. 414. For any merchant, or keeper of any shop, store or bak- ery or any such person to fail to keep all candies, cakes, bread and like articles in fly-proof and dust-proof show cases or to be otherwise screened so as to exclude all dust, flies and other insects therefrom. SEC. 415. For any person, firm or corporation engaged in the busi- ness of selling or delivering bread for human consumption to sell or deliver the same outside of the place of business of such person, firm or corporation, without having such bread wrapped or covered so as to protect the same from exposure. Any person violating this Sec- tion shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $25.00 or by imprison- ment not exceeding thirty days or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Recorder. SEC. 416. For any druggist or other dealer in drugs, or merchan- dise, or any other person to sell or dispose of the drugs, or alkaloid, known as cocaine, or its salts, except upon the written prescription of a duly licensed physician, which said prescription shall be filled but once. Nothing herein shall apply to manufacturers making and selling cocaine at wholesale, or to sales thereof for use by dentists, physicians, hospitals or infirmaries. SEC. 417. For any person to sell, or to offer for sale from house to house except at the established place of business of licensed dealers any drug, medicine, or chemical, or any compound or combination thereof, for the treatment of disease, injury, or deformity. That, except as may be otherwise authorized by law, no person shall throw, cast, deposit, or leave, or cause to be thrown, cast, or deposited, or left, any drug, medicine, or chemical or any compound or combina- tion thereof, in or upon any street or public place, or, without the con- sent of the owner, or occupant thereof, in or upon any premises in the City of Pensacola. SEC. 418. For any person, firm or corporation to fail or refuse to remove, any unwholesome, decayed or tainted meats, fruits, vege- tables, fish, oysters or other provisions within three hours after notice from the City Physician or any Sanitary Inspector of the City that the same has been condemned. Provided, that upon condemna- tion of any such provisions, meats, fruits, etc., as aforesaid, by any inspector and notice as aforesaid, the person, firm or corporation so notified shall have the right within three hours after each notice to appeal to the Health Commissioner and in the event of such appeal such offense shall not be deemed to have been committed until the decision of the Inspector has been affirmed by the Health Commis- sioner and the failure or refusal to remove same within three hours SECTIONS 419 TO 421 127 after notice that the decision of the Inspector has been so affirmed; and each day the same are kept in violation of this Section, shall con- stitute a separate offense. The Health Commissioner or any health officer is authorized to cause the seizure of all such articles and upon conviction of the offender, to destroy the same. ARTICLE VIII—RELATING TO THE PRODUCTION AND SALE OF MILK. SEC. 419. That all dairymen and other persons who sell or supply milk or cream in any way to, or for use of, the people of the City of Pensacola, shall be required to pay an annual license fee, and this fee shall in no way affect, interfere with or be a substitute for any vehicle license which may be imposed by the City. SEC. 420. That it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or cor- poration, either as principal, as servant or employee, to maintain or operate a dairy farm within the police jurisdiction of the City of Pen- sacola or to sell, give, exchange, barter, deliver or transport in the ‘City of Pensacola, any milk or cream without having obtained an annual permit, from the Board of Commissioners. Such permit shall expire on the 31st day of December of each year and shall be renewed on the Ist day of January following. SEC. 421. That no person, firm or corporation, shall sell or de- liver or have in his possession or custody with intent to sell or deliver for consumption as human food, any milk or cream, or dairy pro- ducts, until after having obtained a permit to do so from the Board of Commissioners. To obtain such permit the applicant shall present to the City Clerk a written application upon a form prescribed by the Board. As soon as possible after such application has been received” at the office of the Board, it shall be referred to the Health Commis- sioner, and he, or his duly authorized assistant, shall visit the dairy or place of business of such applicant and make such observation and gather such information as will enable the Board, through the report of the Health Commissioner, to properly consider such application. Provided, however, that if the dairy or place of business of said appli- cant be located outside of the police jurisdiction of the City of Pen- sacola the applicant shall pay the cost and expense of making such investigation. Such permit shall be required for each dairy or other place of business from which milk is sold or delivered to residents of the City and must be issued in the name of the owner and shall not be transferable. Such permit shall be subject at all times to revoca- tion by the Health Commissioner for cause; provided, however, the 128 SECTIONS 422 TO 426 owner of said permit shall always have the right of appeal from the action of the Health Commissioner, to the Board of Commissioners, which shall be required to act thereon within forty-eight hours after the receipt of the petition for an appeal. _ SEC. 422. That if, upon investigation, the Board shall conclude the said applicant has complied and will comply with the requirements of this ordinance, it shall issue the permit herein required without cost to said applicant. Said permit shall be written or printed upon a form to be prescribed by the Board. SEC. 423. That it shall be the duty of every person, firm, associa- tion or corporation having a permit under this ordinance to exhibit the same conspiciously in the dairy or in the place where milk or other dairy products are kept for sale, exchange, use or distribution. All vehicles used for such sale or distribution, shall have painted thereon in a conspicious place on both sides, the words and figures; “HEALTH PERMIT (No.2... ” (corresponding with permit number), together with the name and location of the dairy. All distributors of milk or other dairy products on foot shall carry on their person, ready for exhibition to any sanitary officer or consumer, the permit issued to him or under which he is operating. SEC. 424. That all dairy barns shall be provided with solid floors with suitable drainage and with a screened milk room with tight walls and ceiling, and no milk shall be stored, cooled, mixed or changed into any other form of dairy product in any other place than this milk room. No milk shall be allowed to remain in the barn except in a milking pail into which the milk is being milked and no milking pail with less than 3-4 covering for the top surface, shall be used. All milk pails and other utensils used in the handling of milk and in ,which milk is contained shall be sterilized before being used. The milk room shall be kept free from flies. SEC. 425. That milk kept for sale, use, consumption, distribution, exchange, barter or other disposition as food for human beings, in any store, shop, restaurant, market, bakery, hotel, or other establishment, shall be placed in a container, which shall be kept in a covered cooler, box or refrigerator which shall be substantially constructed, lined with metal or tiles, and elevated at least three inches above the floor. Said cooler, box or refrigerator shall be ventilated and properly drained and the temperature in which, shall not be above fifty degrees Fahrenheit. SEC. 426. That no person, firm, association or corporation shall deliver bottles or other receptacles containing milk or cream to any SECTIONS 427 TO 430 7 129 house designated by the City Health Officer as containing any infect- ious or contagious disease. The milk or cream delivered to such houses shall be poured into a vessel belonging to the customer. SEC. 427. That except as otherwise specially provided in this Article all portions of milk or cream delivered to any house or per- son shall be delivered in the original bottles or cans which were put up at the dairy or milk depot, and no bottles or other receptacles shall be filled from any other can or receptacle after the wagon has left the dairy, or milk depot. SEC. 428. That every person, firm, association or corporation maintaining a dairy or dairy farm shall provide for the use thereof, an adequate supply of water of good quality and proper for maintain- ing the health and good condition of the cows, and purposes necessarily connected with the dairy, subject to the approval of the Health Com- missioner. All sources of impure water in and about the dairy or dairy farm enclosures and pasturages for cows shall be abated. SEC. 429. That any cow found to be suffering from any disease liable to render her milk unwholesome shall be at once removed from the herd and isolated, and shall not be used again for milch pur- poses until cured, or if said disease be tuberculosis the animal shall be disposed of. All dairy cows shall be tested with tuberculin at least once each year by duly licensed veterinarians authorized by the Commissioner of Health or by veterinarians, or other duly authorized representa- tives of the State or United States Government, or by such other persons as the Board of Commissioners shall appoint for the purpose, and found free of tuberculosis and so certified by such representative, or veterinarians to the Health Commissioner, before the milk from such cows or products thereof shall be allowed to be sold, or kept or offered for sale within the City. No milk from cows within three weeks be- fore or one week after parturition shall be brought into or sold, delivered or offered for sale in the City. SEC. 430. That all milkers and those who engage in the handling of milk or any other dairy product shall maintain strict cleanliness of their persons and particularly of their hands, while milking or engaged about the dairy. All milkers shall wash their hands with soap and water then rinse them in water just previous to milking each cow. The udder of each cow shall be washed and dried just previous to being milked. No person suffering from or who has knowingly, within a period to be specified by the Health Commissioner, been exposed to diphtheria, scarlet fever, small-pox, anthrax, tuber- 130 SECTIONS 431 TO 433 culosis or any contagious skin or venereal disease, shall work or assist in or about any dairy farm, and it shall be the duty of any person holding any permit under this Article, to enforce these regulations. SEC. 481. That all milk delivered to the people of the City for consumption as food, shall be delivered in a covered wagon or other vehicle of such construction as to protect the milk at all times from the sun or dirt, or other contamination. The driver’s seat in such vehicle or wagon shall be so arranged that the person or clothing of the driver shall not come in contact with the milk bottles while the wagon or vehicle is being driven. Such wagon or other vehicle shall be kept clean at all times while engaged in the transportation of milk or milk products. No person shall carry on any wagon or vehicle upon which or from which milk or other dairy products are being sold or delivered to the people of the City any vegetable matter, garbage, refuse, or any other decaying or fermenting, putrefying, foul, un- wholesome, noxious or filthy matter or any can or other receptacle containing the same or any material with which milk or cream may be adulterated, diluted or rendered impure, unwholesome or unhealthy. No one shall milk a condemned cow, in any place other than in an open field, and milk obtained from such cow, shall be drawn directly to the ground, and not into a pail or other vessel whatsoever. SEC. 482. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm, association or corporation acting either as principal, or agent or through servants or employees, to sell, exchange, barter, deliver or transport, or have in his possession for the purpose of selling, bartering, delivering or giv- ing away, any milk which contains more than eighty-seven and fifty one-hundredths per centum (87.50 per centum) of water or less than three and fifty-one hundredths per centum (3.50 per centum) of butter fat, or a specific gravity of which at 60 degrees Fahrenheit shall be less than one and twenty-nine thousandths. All milk of a lower grade, not contained in vessels labeled or marked, as required by Section 433, or which contain less than nine per centum of milk solids, exclusive of butter fat, when being transported, sold, bartered, exchanged or given away, as “skimmed” milk or “separated” milk, shall be taken and condemned and destroyed as adulterated and impure, and the vendor or person having it in his possession for the purpose aforesaid, shall be fined as provided in this Article. SEC. 433. That no dealer in milk or the servant or agent of such dealer shall sell, exchange or deliver, or have in his or her custody with intent to sell, exchange or deliver milk from which the cream or part of the cream has been removed, unless in a conspicuous place above the center upon the outside of every vessel, can or pack- age, from which or in which such milk is sold, the words, “Skimmed SECTIONS 434 TO 440 131 Milk” are distinctly marked. If a portion of the cream has been removed without otherwise changing the character of the milk, such milk shall be labeled or marked “Separated Milk” and the percentage of butter fat remaining shall be designated on the label. SEC. 434. That no milk shall be sold or kept for sale, transported or delivered containing ice, chalk, borax, salicylate soda, boric acid, formaldehyde, flies, maggots or vermin or insects of any kind, or any coloring matter or substance or visible sediment which is foreign to the milk as it comes from the cow. SEC. 435. That whoever shall adulterate, sell, exchange, deliver or have in his or her custody or possession to sell or exchange, adulter- ated milk to which water or any other foreign substance has been added or from sick or diseased cows, or whoever shall adulterate, sell or exchange or deliver or have in his or her custody to sell, exchange or offering for sale as pure milk, any skimmed milk from which the cream or any part thereof has been removed except as above provided for, shall be punished as provided in this Article. SEC. 486. That every person, firm or corporation who sells milk shall furnish without cost, to the inspector or assistants authorized by the Health Commissioner, for inspection and analysis, a sample of the milk offered for sale by the said person, firm or corporation, from the can or other vessel from which it is sold to the public. SEC. 487. That whenever the analysis of a sample of milk indicates that the milk has been adulterated or the cream or any part thereof has been taken from the milk, the same shall be prima facie evidence of such adulteration, in any prosecution under this Article. SEC. 488. That each and every quantity of milk sold or exposed for sale contrary to the provisions of this Article shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 439. That a fee of fifty cents for each cow shall be charged for testing the cow with tuberculin for tubercolusis, provided, that if a cow shall be retested a second charge for the test shall not be made if retested within twelve months. SEC. 440. That no dairy cow producing milk for the Pensacola market shall be fed upon distillery waste, usually called “swill”, or upon any substance in a state of putrefaction or rotten, or upon any other substance that is unwholesome or that will in any way affect the healthfulness of the cow. Furthermore, the cows of the dairy shall be allowed free movement in the open air. The barns, sheds and stalls in which said cows are milked shall be properly ventilated, 132 SECTIONS 441 TO 446 lighted, drained and cleaned, all of which shall be subject to inspec- tion by or under direction of the Health Commissioner. SEC. 441. That it shall be the duty of the inspector, acting under the Health Commissioner, or his assistants, to collect samples of milk from persons selling or offering for sale, milk in the City of Pensa- cola, at such times and in such manner as may be provided for in rules and regulations made by the City Health Commissioner and approved by the Board of Commissioners. Furthermore, it shall be the duty of said inspector or his assistants to inspect all dairies sup- plying milk to the people of the City under such rules and regula- tions as may be made by the Board. SEC. 442. That the Health Commissioner or his assistants or any other person authorized by the Board of Commissioners, shall have the right at any time to enter upon or into the dairy, farm, or any premises, or enclosure connected therewith, or upon or into the prem- ises of any vendor or distributor of milk or other dairy products, and upon any wagon or vehicle used in the sale or distribution of milk or other dairy products for the purpose of examining the same and all appliances and utensils therein or thereon, and any refusal on the part of such dairyman, vendor or distributor to allow such entry and such inspection as may be required and directed by the Board of Commis- sioners, shall be punishable by the revocation of the permit of such dairyman, vendor or distributor by said Board. SEC. 443. That the City Treasurer shall keep a separate account in which he shall credit all dairy licenses, fines and fees and any other monies collected under this Article and shall make report of such account in his returns to the Board. SEC. 444. That the Health Commissioner is authorized to estab- lish such regulations as may be approved by the Board of Commis- sioners to enforce this Article and it shall be the duty of all inspectors and assistants to obey such rules and regulations. SEC. 445. That when an infected animal has been condemned by the Health Commisisoner, or his assistant, it shall be unlawful for any person, to sell, or offer for sale, any such condemned animal or any infected part of any such animal. Any person violating any pro- vision of this Section shall be fined by the Recorder not less than Twenty-five ($25.00) Dollars for each such offense. SEC. 446. That the Board of Commissioners shall from time to time adopt such rules and regulations not in conflict with the laws of the State of Florida as in its judgment may be necessary to regulate SECTIONS 447 TO 449 133 and control the hygenic care and handling of milk, milking and the care of dairy cows and dairies in the City of Pensacola or from which milk is brought to be disposed of in the City. SEC. 447. That any dairyman, or other person, firm, association or corporation, producing and vending milk, and any person, firm, association or corporation handling and vending the milk of any dairyman, who shall, in addition to the other requirements of this Article, ice and refrigerate the said milk to a temperature not ex- ceeding fifty degrees Fahrenheit immediately after the same has been milked and keep the same iced and refrigerated to a temperature not exceeding fifty degrees Fahrenheit up to the time of delivery to the purchaser or consumer, shall be entitled to be registered as a dealer in guaranteed milk and may use the label containing the words, “Guaranteed and Iced Milk”. Any person failing to comply with this ordinance in the production of milk and who has not properly after milking, reduced the temperature of said milk to not exceeding fifty degrees Fahrenheit and retain the said milk at the said fifty degrees up to the time of delivery of same to the purchaser or consumer there- of, shall not be entitled to use the name or.label, “Guaranteed and Iced Milk”. The purpose of this Section is to protect the public against unfair and untruthful representation in regard to the icing of milk and its other conditions, and to enable the consumer to purchase at his election said guaranteed and iced milk from such dairyman or handler of milk who shall produce and ice the same in the manner named in this Section. Any dairyman, milk dealer or other person, firm, association or corporation, who shall engage in the production and sale of milk, by himself, itself, servant, agent or other, label, or cap, or otherwise mark, or designate, on the body of the bottles or other utensils, or containers of milk, indicating that the same is guaranteed or that the same has been iced, or use the words, “Guaranteed and Iced Milk”, or other equivalent words, in connection with milk to be sold or offered for sale, when the same has not been produced and handled in the manner and to the extent and kept cold to the extent as hereinbefore required, then such person, firm, association or cor- poration using such label or name shall be fined in a sum not exceed- ing One Hundred Dollars and shall have his dairy permit revoked. SEC. 448. That no milk shall be sold or offered for sale by any per- son, firm, association or corporation, within the City, which contains more than five hundred thousand bacteria per cubic centimeter. SEC. 449. That the said Health Commissioner, with the assistance of Inspectors and other persons whom he shall employ with the ap- proval of the Board shall be charged with the enforcement of this 134 SECTIONS 450 TO 454 Article. All examinations and analysis of milk shall be made by the Health Commissioner, or as he shall direct, or as he shall arrange to have made by other persons or at the laboratory of the State Board of Health, if arrangements therefor satisfactory to the Board of Com- missioners can be made with said Board of Health. SEC. 450. Any person convicted of violating any provision of the foregoing Sections of this Article when no other penalty is prescribed, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100), or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Recorder. ARTICLE IX.—PRACTICE OF MID-WIFERY SEC. 451. No person shall practice, or attempt to practice, mid- wifery in the City without first having obtained a certificate of quali- fications so to do from the City Physician, who shall issue such certifi- cate to any person applying therefor, when after an oral examination of such person as to the management of natural and uncomplicated labor, in all stages, he is satisfied of the competency of such person to practice mid-wifery. SEC. 452. Every mid-wife attending a case of labor, otherwise than under the directions of a licensed practicing physician, shall advise the person in labor or some member of her family, that it is necessary to call in a licensed practicing physician, when such case continues for a period exceeding twelve hours, or when the child is born with sore eyes, and if such physician is not called in the mid-wife shall im- mediately report the facts in the case to the City Physician. SEC. 453. The Board may upon the recommendation of the City Physician revoke the certificate of any mid-wife whenever he becomes satisfied of the gross ignorance, incompetency, or wilful misconduct of the mid-wife to whom the same was granted, and a person whose cer- tificate to practice mid-wifery has been revoked shall not again prac- tice except upon order of the Board. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 454. For any person to practice mid-wifery in the City with- out first obtaining a certificate from the City Physician as provided in Section 451; or for any mid-wife to undertake the management of any complicated or unnatural case of labor, or to administer any so- called ecbolic drug, such as ergot, mistletoe, or any drug, or domestic or bush medicine, or use any unnatural, unusual, or extraordinary means or method, except upon the advice and under the direction of a licensed practicing physician. SECTIONS 455 TO 459 135 ARTICLE X.—VACCINATION. SEC. 455. Whenever there shall be reasonable apprehension of danger from small-pox, the Health Commissioner shall, at the expense of the City, procure the services of a physician to perform vaccina- tion, and shall make proclamation that the said physician will vacci- nate persons applying, free of cost, stating in said proclamation the time when and place where such vaccination will be performed, and that all persons will be required under penalty to be vaccinated. SEC. 456. It shall be the duty of the persons performing vaccina- tion to keep a record of all persons upon whom vaccination has been performed and the date of the vaccination, which record shall be filed in the office of the Clerk. ARTICLE XI.—VITAL STATISTICS. SEC. 457. The City Physician shall supervise, under the direction of the Health Commissioner, the collection, compilation, record and publication of vital statistics, including births, marriages and deaths, and make report of same as may be required by the State Board of Health, or ordinances of the City. SEC. 458. The office of the City Clerk shall be kept open daily during business hours to receive reports of births and deaths, for which suitable blanks shall be provided by the City. All City records which relate to births, marriages, deaths and burials, shall be kept in books provided for that purpose at the office of the City Clerk, and any in- formation relating to the same shall be furnished upon request of any person paying the fees hereinafter provided. SEC. 459. Upon the death of any person within the corporate limits of the City of Pensacola, the attending physician, or, if there be no physician, the nearest relations, or, if there be no relations, the undertaker, or, if there be no undertaker, the coroner, shall report the same within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter to the City Clerk, using blank forms for this purpose furnished by the City. It shall be the duty of each and every undertaker to obtain and furnish the City Clerk with a certificate which shall contain the name, age, race and other details of every person interred within forty-eight (48) hours thereafter, on blank forms to be furnished the undertaker for this purpose by the City. No person shall bury or place in a tomb, or remove from the City, or otherwise dispose of the body of any human being who shall die in the City, or be brought into the City for burial, without first reporting the death to the Health Commissioner and obtaining a permit from 136 SECTIONS 460 TO 465 him for the burial of the body of such person. The death certificate and the burial permit shall be kept on file in the City Clerk’s office, and the sextons of cemeteries shall file original burial permits and keep a correct record of all burials made in their respective cemeteries. All sextons, overseers, or other persons who may have control over any cemetery in the City shall make weekly reports to the City Clerk of all interments made during the week in the cemetery whereof they are such sextons, or overseers, respectively, and shall state specifically in said reports the names and ages of the persons interred, their sex, color and place of birth, and the locality and date of death, as the same appears from the burial permit. SEC. 460. Each birth occuring within the limits of the City shall be reported by the attending physician, mid-wife, or other attendant, within forty-eight hours thereafter to the City Clerk. Such report shall be made upon blanks provided by the City for that purpose, and shall specify the time and place of birth, the sex and race of the child, and the name, occupation, age and race of the father and mother, and other details as may be required by ordinance or laws of the State. SEC. 461. The Health Commissioner shall obtain from the County Judge, at least every week a full record of all marriage licenses issued within the City limits during the preceding week, giving the names and races of the persons to whom issued, and the same shall be re- corded in the office of the City Clerk. SEC. 462. The City Clerk shall be local Registrar of Vital Statistics under the provision of Chapter 6892, Laws of Florida of 1915, and as such he shall perform the duties as provided by said law and in accord- ance with the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health. SEC. 468. Any person failing to make any report, or file any cer- tificate, within the time and in the manner herein provided, shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days. SEC. 464. The City Clerk shall collect a fee of one dollar for each certificate of death or birth, which fee shall be deposited with the City Treasurer, and reported weekly by the Clerk to the Comptroller. SEC. 465. Any physician or other person whose duty it may be, under the regulations prescribed by the Board, to make any report and file certificates of deaths and births, who may fail so to do within the prescribed time shall upon conviction before the Recorder’s Court, be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars or imprisonment not ex- ceeding sixty days. SECTIONS 466 TO 468 137 ARTICLE XIII.—OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC HEALTH. SEC. 466. During the period from March 1st to November Ist it shall be unlawful for any person who shall own, control, or occupy any lot, parcel of land, or premises in the City of Pensacola, or for the agent, servant, representative or employee of any such person, to allow weeds to grow upon such lot, parcel of land or premises to a height exceeding eighteen (18) inches. The words “weeds” as herein used shall be held to include all rank vegetable growth which exhale unpleasant or noxious odors, and also all high and rank vegetable growth that may conceal pools of water, trash, filth, or any other deposits which may be detrimental to health. SEC. 467. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works to cause to be cut down and removed from all public ways and other public places of the City, all weeds which shall grow to the height exceeding eighteen (18) inches; and also, to cause to be cut down and removed, from any private premises all weeds growing thereon to a height exceeding eighteen (18) inches whenever the owner of said premises, or other person who is required by this ordinance to cut down and remove the same fails or refuses to do so. In the event that said Commissioner shall cause weeds to be cut down and removed from any private premises, the cost thereof shall be certified by him to the Comptroller and the Board shall assess same as a special tax against said premises, and shall be a lien against said premises, to be enforced in the manner provided by law for the col- lection of other special tax bills. Nothing herein shall be construed as applying to any unimproved lot, or parcel of land, or public way not within the limits bounded as follows: On the North by Gonzalez Street, on the South by Hickory Street, on the East by 16th Avenue, and on the West by Oliva Street. Any person convicted in the Recorder’s Court of violating any pro- vision of Section 466, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Recorder. SEC. 468. Whenever any lot, block or parcel of land in the City of Pensacola is overgrown with any wild shrubbery or undergrowth of such a character and of such a height and thickness as to be detri- mental to the public health or safety, the Board may by resolution require the removal of such shrubbery or undergrowth by the owner, occupant or agent of said property. 138 SECTIONS 469 TO 471 Any owner, occupant or agent of property who shall fail, or refuse to remove such shrubbery or undergrowth within five (5) days after being served with a copy of the resolution of the Board requiring the removal of the same, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Recorder. And in such event the Board shall have the right to cause said shrubbery and undergrowth to be removed at the cost of such owner, occupant or agent. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 469. To resist, oppose, hinder or delay the Sanitary Inspector, Chief of Police, City Physician or the employees of the Health Depart- ment in the performance of their duties. SEC. 470. For the occupant, or if there be none, then the owner, of any house, yard, stable, store, or lot of land to omit to keep the same clean, or to permit any offal or offensive matter of any kind to accumulate or remain in or upon his premises. SEC. 471. For any person controlling or occupying any lot, parcel of land, or premises, in the City of Pensacola, or for the agent, ser- vant, representative or employee of any such person, to allow any cistern, tank, reservoir, vessel, tin can or receptacle of any kind whatsoever containing water, or any other open body of standing water in which the larve of the mosquito exists, to be or remain any- where upon such lot, parcel of land, or premises, unless same is properly oiled, screened, or covered, or stocked with minnows as re- quired by this Section. It shall be the duty of all persons controlling or occupying any lot, parcel of land, or premises, in the City of Pen- sacola, to cover or screen, with wire netting not larger than number 18 mesh, all cisterns, tanks, reservoirs (including flush tanks to water closets not in daily use) or other open bodies of standing water upon the premises. Whenever it is not practicable to screen or cover any cistern, tank, reservoir, or other open bodies of water as required by this Section, it shall be the duty of the person controlling or occupy- ing the lot, parcel of land, or premises, to oil with kerosene all such cisterns, tanks, reservoirs or other open bodies of standing water at least every fifteen days, using not less than one ounce of kerosene to every 15 feet of surface oiled. Whenever it shall be impracticable to oil any open body of water as provided by this Section, it shall be the duty of the person controlling or occupying the premises to stock same with minnows or small fish, and to keep same so stocked. SECTIONS 472 TO 483 139 SEC. 472. For any person residing within the corporate limits of the City of Pensacola to fail to empty, at least every seven days, all kegs, barrels, boxes, jars or other vessels, or receptacles of whatso- ever kind, upon the premises, which contain water, unless the same shall be kept securely covered or screened, and all persons or their agents who may own any lot within the corporate limits of the City of Pensacola shall cause to be removed therefrom all barrels, kegs, glass or crockery, tin or woodenware, boxes, jars, or any other vessel or receptacle which may contain water, unless the same shall be kept securely covered or screened. SEC. 473. For any person, occupant or owner of premises after being notified by the Sanitary Inspector, Chief of Police or other officer, to place the same in proper sanitary condition, to refuse or neglect to remove the cause of the improper sanitary condition for the space of twenty-four hours. SEC. 474. To pour slops of any character into a privy vault. SEC. 475. To omit to empty and clean any privy at least once a month, or oftener whenever required to make same sanitary. SEC. 476. To refuse to empty and clean any privy at any time after twenty-four hours’ notice by the Sanitary Inspector, the Chief of Police, or other officer to clean and empty the same. SEC. 477. To open any tomb, grave, or vault containing any dead body, without written permission from the Health Commissioner. SEC. 478. To inter or disinter, entomb or disentomb, or remove from, or bring into the limits of the City, any human remains without written permission from the Health Commissioner. SEC. 479. For any person who shall have knowledge of the exist- ence of any epidemic or contagious disease to fail to report the same to the Health Department within the time prescribed by ordinance. SEC. 480. For any person to originate and give circulation to false rumors of sickness or epidemic in the City. SEC, 481. To violate any order made by the Health Commissioner under authority of any ordinance. SEC. 482. To place any offensive matter, dead animals, fish or other offal in the bay or bayous, or in any other place than that designated by the Health Commissioner or a Sanitary Inspector. SEC. 483. For any person unable to procure from a reputable physician a certificate of successful vaccination performed within 140 SECTIONS 484 TO 491 four (4) years before the proclamation of the Health Commissioner provided by Section 455 to neglect or refuse to be vaccinated within fifteen (15) days after said proclamation, and to report within such time such vaccination to the physician provided by the City under Section 455, if the vaccination be not performed by him. SEC. 484. For any person to neglect or refuse to cause any child under his control to be vaccinated within the time prescribed by the foregoing Section, unless he be able to produce a certificate as to the vaccination of said child, like that prescribed in the foregoing Section. SEC. 485. For any teacher of any school to permit, after the said proclamation of the Health Commissioner any child who shall not produce a certificate of successful vaccination performed within four (4) years to attend any school or school room controlled by such teacher. SEC. 486. To refuse or neglect to collect the filth, etc., or put it into receptacles, or to put said receptacles on the sidewalk, or to refuse to remove same from sidewalk when emptied, as provided by ordinance. SEC. 487. To sweep into, or deposit in any street, any papers, trash, or rubbish, or to omit to collect and put the same into receptacles, as provided by ordinance. SEC. 488. For any person, other than the owner or scavenger, to interfere with or trouble in any way any garbage can or trash boxes and barrels provided for by ordinance. SEC. 489. For any person other than the owner of lots not fully occupied, or of vaults in the old cemetery on Alcaniz Street, to inter bodies therein; or for such owners to make such interments without the permission in writing of the Health Commissioner, who may re- quire interments within the limits of the City to be encased in brick or stone or cement. SEC. 490. For the owner or occupant of any real estate in the City of Pensacola to refuse or delay, after notice from a duly author- ized City Officer, to clean and keep in good condition any portion of a ditch or drain in said City which underlies the crossing or crossings over such ditch or drain, maintained for use in connection with the occupation of said property, or to refuse to keep said crossing or crossings in good repair. SEC. 491. For any person to impair the drainage capacity of any ditch or drain within the City limits. SECTIONS 492 TO 499 141 SEC. 492. For the owner of premises, or his agent, to omit, after the time fixed by the Health Commissioner, to cause the discon- tinuance of the use of the impure water or to supply pure water to persons occupying said premises. SEC. 493. For the owner, lessee, or keeper of any tenement house, lodging house, boarding house, or manufactory to cause the same to be over crowded, or cause, or allow such a number of persons to dwell, be, or sleep in such house, or any portion thereof, as thereby to cause any danger, or detriment to life or health; or to cause, or permit any person, or persons, to dwell, be, or sleep in any room having less then four hundred (400) cubic feet of air space for each person being, dwelling or sleeping therein. SEC. 494. For any proprietor, lessee, tenant and occupant of any oyster house, oyster saloon or other premises where oysters, clams, lobsters, or shell or other fish are consumed, used or sold, or where any of the refuse matter, offal or shells thereof accumulate, to omit to cause daily all such shells, offal and refuse matter to be removed therefrom to some proper place, and to keep his house, saloon and premises at all times free from any offensive smell or accumulation. SEC. 495. For the owner of, or agent for, any lot upon which a pool of water exists, or is likely to exist, to refuse or neglect to fill up said lot within the time specified by the notice given by the Health Com- missioner under Section 321. SEC. 496. To deposit in any public stream, spring, well or fountain of the City, any foul, unclean or poisonous substance or any substance calculated to endanger the health of any person or animal drinking water at such stream, spring, well or fountain. SEC. 497. For any person to spit upon any paved, or other im- proved sidewalk, or upon the floor, or any other part, of any street car, public theatre, public hall, or public building in the City of Pen- sacola. SEC. 498. For any officer of any street car company, or the pro- prietor of any theatre, or other public hall in the City of Pensacola, to fail to post and keep in a conspicuous place in their street cars, theatres and halls, respectively, copies of the foregoing Section, printed in black ink, with type not smaller than Pica, which copies shall be furnished by the City. SEC. 499. For any person to smoke on, or in, or on the platform of, electric cars in operation within the City; except upon extra or special cars set apart and designated by the company operating the 142 SECTIONS 500 TO 503 same as cars upon which smoking may be allowed. Any person con- victed of violating any provision of this Section shall be punished by fine not exceeding $25.00, or by imprisonment not exceeding 30 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Re- corder. SEC. 500. Any conductor, or other person, in charge of any street car in operation in the City of Pensacola, who shall suffer, or permit any person to smoke on, or in or on the platform of any such car in violation of the foregoing Section, shall be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceed- ing thirty (30) days. For the purpose of enfrocing the foregoing Sections, conductors or other persons in charge of street cars, are clothed with police powers, and are authorized and empowered to eject, or arrest any person who is guilty of violating the provisions of Sections 497 and 499. SEC. 501. For any person, firm or corporation to place on any street or alley, or place or keep on any lot, any manure, garbage, or kitchen waste unless same be kept covered or kept in a screened receptacle not accessible to flies; all garbage or kitchen waste re- moved by the garbage collector to any place of deposit for same in said City shall be by him promptly destroyed; and any manure used in the City by any person, firm or corporation for fertilizer shall be promptly mixed with the soil and covered therewith, so that flies shall not be attracted thereto. SEC. 502. To convey any dead animal along any street or alley unless said animal be protected from flies. CHAPTER XVI RELATING TO ANIMALS ARTICLE I.—KEEPING AND TREATMENT OF, AND PREVENTION OF INJURY BY, ANIMALS SEC. 503. It shall be unlawful for the owner or custodian of any horse, mule, cow, goat, sheep, hog, cattle or any other such animal to allow it to go or be at large anywhere within the City limits. SECTIONS 504 TO 506 143 SEC. 504. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, members of the police force and any other person designated by the Police Commissioner to take up and place in the City pound any animal found at large in the City limits, and if the owner of such animal shall not within forty-eight (48) hours after such impounding, apply for its release and pay the costs and expenses of taking up, keeping and impounding said animal the Chief of Police shall give notice by post- ing in at least three public places that he will on the day and hour designated in said notice, not less than five days from the date of said posting, sell at the City pound said impounded animal. of which a description shall be given in said notice. If the owner of any such animal shall not before the day designated for its sale pay all fees, charges, costs and expenses provided for taking up, impounding, feed- ing and caring for said animal, the Chief of Police shall sell the same pursuant to said notice for cash to the highest bidder, and the proceeds of said sale shall be paid by the Chief of Police to the Treasurer, who shall after taking the amount of all costs and expenses to which the City is entitled, pay the balance, if any, to the owner upon his written application certified to by the Chief of Police and approved by the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue. Any money paid by the owner or custodian of any animal to the Chief of Police or any other person for the release or redemption of any impounded animal shall be paid to the Treasurer. SEC. 505. For taking up, keeping, impounding, advertising and selling any animal found at large the following fees shall be charged: For taking up and impounding each animal.......000000000....0.2eeeeeeeeeeeee $1.00 For feeding and keeping horses, mules or horned cattle (except DMT ESHECT I CACI DEL CGAY oy. ck cccsaplewcn cciedaidsdetaveresnesves .50 For feeding and keeping every other animal not specified here- Le ay TREN AUST EE RARE ce ae a 25 MARIN NEMO ODOSTING NOLICES OF SAC oi. .-c--oc--oe-cckeccseencecsesnncentecce .25 oes RRM Ce TUM SETURL UU oe oa ca sodedecvesanersiucaveusvdicies 25 It shall be unlawful: SEC. 506. To discharge any horned cattle from cars, or to erect, or maintain, stock pens for the loading, or unloading of cattle from cars, at any place within the limits south of Lloyd Street, north of Main Street, between Oliva Street and Bayou Texar, except that stock pens for the loading and unloading of cattle in transit to and from points outside the City may be erected, maintained and used at a point on the line of track of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad 144 SECTIONS 507 TO 516 Company, between Cevallos Street and Bayou Texar for the sole pur- pose of giving such cattle rest and food in compliance with the Acts of Congress of the United States. SEC. 507. To drive any cattle along or over the streets within the limits mentioned in the foregoing Section unless said cattle shall at all times be in charge of a sufficient number of competent and ex- perienced drivers to prevent damage to persons or property. SEC. 508. To hitch, fasten or tie any horse, mule, cattle or other animal to any shade tree growing on any street, or to any boxing placed around such trees. SEC. 509. To leave standing unfastened any horse, mule or other animal, in harness or saddle, or attached to any wagon or other vehicle, or to allow the same to pass through any street without a suitable driver. SEC. 510. To ride or drive any horse, or mule or other animal, violently through or along any street so as to endanger the safety of any person, or to suffer any such animal or team to travel or run at a gait faster than an ordinary and moderate trot or pace upon any street, or to drive in such a careless manner as to endanger the safety of any person. SEC. 511. For the owner of any dead animal to omit to cause the same to be removed to such place as shall be designated by the Sani- tary Inspector, Chief of Police or Health Commissioner for the space of twenty-four hours after its death. SEC. 512. To place any dead animals in the bay or bayous, or in any other place than that designated by the Health Commissioner or Sanitary Inspector. SEC. 518. For the owner of any animal afflicted with the glanders, or other contagious distemper, to suffer such animal to roam at large in any street, or to keep the same so as to endanger the health of other animals. SEC. 514. To keep any live swine in any street, yard, building, pen, or other enclosure within the limits of the City. SEC. 515. For any person to water any horse, or other animal affected with any disease at any public stream, spring, well, or foun- tain of this City. SEC. 516. To make any indecent exhibition of any horse or other animal. 4 SECTIONS 517 TO 523 145 SEC. 517. To keep any wild or ferocious animal except under the charge of an armed guard, or securely caged. SEC. 518. For any person, or persons, to over-ride, over-drive, over-load, torture, deprive of necessary sustenance, or unnecessarily or cruelly beat or mutilate or kill, or cause to be over-ridden, over- driven, over-loaded, tortured, tormented, deprived of necessary sus- tenance, or unnecessarily or cruelly beaten, or mutilated, or killed, any domestic, or domesticated animal, fowl, or bird, or any wild animal. This Section shall apply to all cases of horses, mules or oxen, or other animals being worked while weakened and unfitted for service by want of sufficient or proper nourishment, or by disease; and shall also apply to cases of sore backs, sore shoulders, or lame- ness of such animals that unfits them for service. SEC. 519. To keep any live poultry such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, or guinea fowls, within the limits of the City, except in coops, pens or enclosures, so constructed and maintained as to prevent same from going upon the streets, parks, or public places, or upon the premises of others than the owner, or custodian of such poultry or fowl. SEC. 520. Any police officer shall have power and authority, and it is hereby made his duty, to arrest or cause to be arrested immed- iately any person, or persons, seen by him, or reported to him to be violating any of the provisions of Sections 506 to 519. ARTICLE II—RELATING TO DOGS. SEC. 521. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to own, keep, harbor, or have in his possession any dogs within the limits of the City of Pensacola without first having obtained a license for same. SEC. 522. All persons who own, possess, keep or harbor any dog within the limits of the City of Pensacola, shall pay annually for each year ending September 30th, to the City Treasurer for each such dog the following license tax, viz: For each male dog the sum of one dollar ($1.00); for each female dog, two dollars ($2.00), and shall cause each such dog to be registered by the Comptroller in a book kept by him for that purpose, and shall at the time of such registry obtain from the Comptroller the license and metal tag hereinafter provided, which said tag shall be securely fastened around the neck of the dog for which the license tax is paid. SEC. 5238. The Comptroller shall upon presentation by any person of the Treasurer’s receipt for the payment of the license tax herein 146 SECTIONS 524 TO 527 provided, furnish such person with a license and a metal tag which shall have stamped thereon in raised letters the respective letters “C. T. P.” and figures indicating the number of the license and the year for which same is issued. The Comptroller shall keep a regis- ter showing the name of the person, the number and date of the license issued, and a general description of the dog licensed. In case of loss of a tag the Comptroller shall, upon satisfactory evidence of the loss of such tag, issue a duplicate upon payment of a fee of twenty-five (.25) cents, which shall be paid into the City Treasury, and note the same upon the register herein required to be kept by him. SEC. 524. Any dog found at large on the street or in any public place without having fastened around its neck the license tag herein required, shall be taken up and impounded by the Chief of Police, or any other police officer, or by any other person authorized or employed by the Board for the purpose, and, if same be not released within three days by the owner, or other person entitled to the possession of such dog by payment of the amount of the license tax herein required, together with a pound fee of 50 cents, such dog shall be killed, or dis- posed of, at such time and in such manner as shall be prescribed by the Board. SEC. 525. Any person having on his premises or in his custody or control any unlicensed dog may surrender and deliver same to the City pound to be treated as provided in Section 524 for dogs found at large upon the streets, and any person having surrendered and de- livered any dog to the City pound, as above provided, shall not be liable for the license tax provided in this Article. SEC. 526. Any person who shall knowingly or wilfully remove any license tag from any dog without the consent of the owner there- of, or who shall knowingly or wilfully put any such tag on any dog for which the license has not been paid and for which the tag was issued, or who shall violate any other provision of this Article, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty-five dollars ($25.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days. ARTICLE III.—BITCHES. SEC. 527. It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any bitch to allow her to be found on any street during any period in which said bitch is in heat. If said bitch, whether licensed or not, be found upon the street, she shall be impounded, and unless the owner or keeper shall within three days after notice to him of such impound- ing pay for her release the sum of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars, she SECTIONS 528 TO 533 147 shall be killed under the direction of the Chief of Police. Such im- pounding and killing shall not relieve the owner or keeper from lia- bility to prosecution. SEC. 528. Whenever the Board shall deem it necessary to insure public safety upon an alarm of hydrophobia it may by resolution di- rect the Health Commissioner to issue his proclamation requiring all persons owning, keeping or harboring any dog to securely muzzle the same, or to confine the same by sufficient means to the house, stable, outhouse, or yard wherein such persons may reside, during such time as said resolution shall state. SEC. 529. It shall be unlawful for any person owning, keeping or harboring any dog to allow or suffer the same to go or be at large, or upon any premises, in violation of any proclamation issued in con- formity with the foregoing section. Any dog found at large, or else- where without being muzzled, or confined, as provided herein shall be impounded and treated as the ordinances provide unlicensed and untagged dog's shall be dealt with. SEC. 530. No person shall own, keep or harbor in or upon any premises, occupied by him, or under his charge or control, any vicious or dangerous dog without keeping the same securely fastened by a chain or leash not over ten feet long. SEC. 531. No person who owns, keeps or harbors any vicious or dangerous dog shall allow or suffer the same to be or go in or upon any street, park or public place, or private premises other than the habitat of such dog, without having the same muzzled or otherwise secured, so as to be prevented from biting mankind or animals. SEC. 532. Any vicious or dangerous dog found anywhere within the City limits without being chained, muzzled or otherwise secured, as provided in the foregoing Sections, shall be impounded and treated as the City ordinance provided unlicensed and untagged dogs shall be dealth with. SEC. 533. Any person convicted of violating any provision of this Article shall be punished for each such offense by a fine of not more than Fifty Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding Thirty Days, and if at the trial of any such person the dog is shown to possess the habit of biting mankind or animals, or has bitten any person or animal, the Recorder may order the same killed by the Chief of Police or any member of the police force. 148 SECTIONS 534 TO 538 CHAPTER XVII PUBLIC MORALS ARTICLE I.—OBSERVANCE OF SUNDAY. It shall be unlawful on Sunday: SEC. 5384. For any merchant or shopkeeper or other person to keep open store or dispose of any wares, merchandise, goods or chattels, or sell or barter the same; Provided, that in case of emergency or necessity they may dispose of the comforts and necessaries of life to customers, without keeping open doors. The foregoing Section shall not be held to prohibit selling or keep- ing open store for the purpose of selling gasoline, drugs, ice, fruit, fresh meats, breads, newspapers and periodicals, fresh vegetables, cigars and tobacco, ice cream, soda water, soft drinks, fish, or oysters (without exposing the wares in doors or on sidewalks) nor to prohibit the selling of meals by restaurants or hotels. SEC. 535. No person shall engage in the business of selling on Sunday ice cream, soft drinks, candies, fruits, cigars, tobacco, drug store supplies or gasoline, nor shall public amusements be allowed in any place except as shall be authorized by the license to be issued therefor on payment of the tax as provided by ordinance. SEC. 536. To open for the purpose of working therein any barber shop, hair-dressing saloon, or other place where hair-dressing, hair- cutting, shaving or shampooing is done for pay or to work therein. SEC. 537. For the owner, proprietor, or person in charge of any public bowling alley, public pool room or billiard room, or any shoot- ing gallery, to permit the same to be open or used. ARTICLE II—BAWDS AND BAWDY HOUSES. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 538. To keep a bawdy-house, or house of ill-fame, or house of assignation, or any other building or place where any indecency or lewdness is practiced; or to stay in, visit or loiter around or about any such house or place, SECTIONS 539 TO 545 149 SEC. 539. For women of disreputable character, or women known as keepers of, or as occupants of houses of bad character or of ill- fame, or women commonly known as street walkers, to be found stand- ing or loitering about the streets, stores, bar-rooms or other places or public buildings of this City, without being able to prove that they are on unavoidable business. ARTICLE II.—GAMING. SEC. 540. If any of the implements, devices or apparatus com- monly used in games of chance, usually played in gambling houses or by gamblers, are found in any house, room, booth, shelter or other place, it shall be prima facie evidence that the said house, room, or place where the same are found, is kept for the purpose of gambling. SEC. 541. Such articles, whenever found, shall be seized by the officers or policemen finding them, and if conviction be had, under any of the succeeding Sections of this Article, of any person owning them or using them, shall be destroyed under order of the Recorder or Police Commissioner. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 542. For any person by himself or herself, servant, clerk, agent, or in any other manner, to have, keep, exercise or maintain a gaming table or room, or gaming implements or apparatus or house, booth, tent, shelter or other place for the purpose of gaming or gambling, or in any place of which he or she may directly or indirectly have charge, control or management, either exclusively or with others, to procure, suffer or permit any person to play for money or other valuable thing at any game whatsoever, whether heretofore prohibited or not. If the person convicted be the keeper of a boarding house, hotel, tavern, or saloon, his license to carry on such business shall be re- voked. SEC. 543. For any person to play or engage in any game at cards, keno, roulette, faro or other game of chance at any place, by any device whatever, for money or other thing of value, or to visit such places kept for gambling. SEC. 544. For any person to act as servant, clerk, agent, or em- ployee of any person in the violation of this Article. SEC. 545. For any person, whether owner or agent, to knowingly rent to another a house, room, booth, tent, shelter or other place to be used for the purpose of gaming. 150 SECTIONS 546 TO 551 SEC. 546. To set up or promote any lottery for money or by way of lottery dispose of any property of value, real or personal, or to aid by printing or writing, or in any way be concerned in the setting up or managing of any lottery or in any such disposal, or offer or attempt to dispose of property by any such chance or device. SEC. 547. To sell for himself or any other person or to offer for sale or to have in his possession with the intent to sell or offer for sale or to exchange or negotiate, or in any way aid or assist in the selling, negotiation or disposal of a ticket in any such lottery or share of ticket or any such writing, certificate, bill, token or other device or any share or right in such disposal, or offer, as is mentioned in Section 546. ARTICLE IV.—MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES AGAINST PUBLIC MORALS. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 548. To give, sell or deliver, or cause to be given, or sold or delivered in any manner, or by any means whatever, any spirituous, vinous or malt, or other intoxicating liquor, to any person under the age of twenty-one years, unless the same be furnished upon the pre- scription of a regularly practicing physician. Any person violating any provision of this Section shall, upon con- viction, be punished for the first offense by a fine not less than One Hundred Dollars nor more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprison- ment not exceeding sixty days, and for each subsequent offense by a fine not less than Two Hundred and Fifty Dollars nor more than Five Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding sixty days. SEC. 549. For the keeper of any billiard or poolroom to suffer a minor child or children to enter the same without the written consent of the parent or guardian of such minor. SEC. 550. To keep for hire any billiard, or poolroom, or table, or bowling alley at any place within five hundred (500) feet of any lot upon which there is located any established church, or school, or upon which any railroad passenger depot is constructed. SEC. 551. For any keeper of a “variety house” to induce or permit a minor to visit such house. The Chief of Police shall designate some policeman to visit each such place at least once in each twenty-four hours to detect violations of this Section. SECTIONS 552 TO 557 151 SEC. 552. To exhibit, or cause to be exhibited in this City, any bull or bear fight or pugilistic contest, or make any immoral exhibi- tion. & SEC. 553. To bathe in the bay outside of a regular and protected bath house, without having the trunk of the body covered with a proper bathing suit. SEC. 554. To appear in any public or exposed place in a state of nudity or improper exposure of person, or in a dress not belong- ing to his or her sex, or be guilty of any indecent or lewd acts and behavior, or to exhibit, sell, or offer to sell, or dispose of any indecent or lewd book, picture or thing, or to exhibit or perform any indecent, immoral or lewd play, or other lewd representation. SEC. 555. To expose, circulate, offer for sale, sell or distribute within the limits of the City, any obscene, scandalous or libelous book, print, newspaper, pamphlet, circular, or periodical, caricature, picture, drawing, statute, or other object whatsoever of any immoral or scandalous nature, or calculated to excite scandal, immorality or dis- turbance of the public peace or tranquility. SEC. 556. To post up, or have posted up, or placarded in any public place, any hand-bill announcing the sale of medicine for, or the treat- ment of, any immoral disease. CHAPTER XVIII aq PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD ORDER It shall be unlawful: SEC. 557. To disturb maliciously or wilfully the quiet of any street or neighborhood, or of any family of persons, by making loud or unusual noises, by blowing horns or other instruments, by the beating of drums, pans or other things of like nature, by loud and boisterous laughing, singing, screaming, by using or uttering obscene language or conversation, by making false alarms of fire, or by using any other device or means whatever so as to disturb the peace. 152 SECTIONS 558 TO 565 SEC. 558. To disturb the peace and good order of the City by swearing, threatening, quarreling, scolding, hallooing, cursing, chal- lenging, assaulting, striking or fighting under any pretense whatever. SEC. 559. To keep a disorderly house; and whenever there shall be any loud quarreling, swearing, or any fighting or discharging of fire- arms, or other loud noise, within any house, public or private, within the corporate limits, and the proprietor, owner or other person in charge of the same does not immediately call a police officer or report the disturbance, with the name or names of the party or parties creat- ing the same, the house wherein such offense occurs shall be deemed a disorderly house. SEC. 560. For any person who shall have blown a whistle for, or otherwise called, a policeman to refuse to inform such policeman or any other policeman or the Chief of Police why he so called a police- man, or to refuse to give the name and description of any person whose conduct caused such call or to refuse to give any information for the prosecution of such person. SEC. 561. To be drunk or intoxicated in any street, or in any public place, or in any place to which the public has access. SEC. 562. To disturb or interrupt the proceedings, service or ex- ercises of any lawful assemblage, by noise, or by rude, profane, in- decent or unbecoming language or behavior, or in any other manner molest or hinder the orderly proceedings of such assemblage. SEC. 5638. For any person to carry weapons concealed upon his person. SEC. 564. Any concealed weapon found on or about any person arrested for the violation of any ordinance of the City of Pensacola, shall be taken possession of by the officer making the arrest and turned over by him to the Chief of Police, who shall retain the same until after the trial of such person, and, if such person be convicted, shall be forfeited to the City of Pensacola, and the Chief of Police shall sell the same at public sale under the direction of the Police Com- missioner and account for and pay over the proceeds thereof as in case of fines collected; but if such person be acquitted, said weapon shall be returned to him. The Chief of Police shall keep in his office a record of all weapons forfeited as aforesaid, which shall show the disposition made of each. SEC. 565. To use within the limits of the City of Pensacola any slung shot, air gun or air rifle, SECTIONS 566 TO 569 153 SEC. 566. To sell or keep or expose for sale within the City of Pensacola, any toy or toys designated and intended for the purpose of exploding any explosive or detonating materials, whether such toys be of the shape or kind commonly known as toy pistols, or otherwise; or to sell or keep or expose for sale any fulminating, detonating or ex- plosive material for use in, or in connection with, any such toys; or to sell or keep or expose for sale any firecracker, or other such fire- works of more than three inches in length, or one-half inch in diameter, or any such fireworks charged with any fulminating, detonating or explosive materials, capable of making greater noise than a firecracker three inches in length, or one-half inch in diameter, charged with gun powder. It shall be unlawful for any person to discharge, or explode in or upon any street, public way or park within the City of Pensacola, any of the toys, firecrackers or fireworks, the sale or keeping or ex- posing for sale of which is prohibited by this Section. SEC. 567. For any agent, runner, drummer or other person to drum or solicit in a boisterous or disorderly manner, patronage for any hotel, boarding house, eating house, lodging house, or for any ' other matter or thing, at or upon the depots, or wharves of this City upon the arrival or departure of any railroad train or steamboat or other vessel or vehicle to and from the City; provided, however, that it shall be lawful to drum or solicit patronage in a quiet and orderly manner, and subject to such rules and regulations as the Police Com- missioner and the Superintendents of the depots, wharves, or stopping places of vehicles, or other persons having in charge such places, may from time to time establish pursuant to ordinance. SEC. 568. For any person whomsoever to sell or give to any voter or any other person, any wines, malt or spirituous liquors at any place within the City between the hours of six o’clock p. m. of the day preceding any election and six o’clock a. m. of the day after the election. . CHAPTER XIX RELATING TO SEPARATION OF RACES ON STREET CARS. SEC. 569. All persons, companies or corporations operating street cars in the City of Pensacola shall furnish separate accommodations for white and colored passengers. 154 SECTIONS 570 TO 576 SEC. 570. Every street car company or person operating a street car line along or upon the streets of the City of Pensacola shall make provisions, rules and regulations for the separation of white passen- gers from colored passengers by separate cars or fixed divisions or movable screens or other method of division in the cars of such lines. A failure or refusal by any such street car company or other person to make such provisions, rules or regulations, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars for each offense, each day of such failure or refusal shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 571. Conductors or other employees in charge of such cars shall assign passengers to their respective car or division provided by said companies or persons under the provisions of this Chapter. SEC. 572. Any passenger wilfully occupying any car or division of car other than that to which he has been assigned as aforesaid, shall be punished by a fine not to exceed twenty-five dollars or by imprison- ment not to exceed thirty days. Conductors or other employees in charge of such cars, or divisions of cars, may eject therefrom any passenger who wilfully occupies any car or division other that that to which he has been assigned. SEC. 578. If any conductor or other employe having charge of any such car shall permit white and colored passengers to occupy the same car in case separate cars are provided, or divisions in case separate cars be not provided, he shall be punished by a fine not to exceed fifty dollars or imprisonment not to exceed sixty days. SEC. 574. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to prevent the running of extra or special cars for the exclusive accommodation of either white or colored passengers, if regular cars for the accom- modation of both white and colored passengers are operated as re- quired by this Chapter, and run at such intervals of time as is now or may hereafter be required by ordinances of the City. SEC. 575. Nothing in this Chapter shall be construed to apply to nurses attending children, or invalids, of the other race. CHAPTER XX STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES ARTICLE I.—LOCALITY AND DESCRIPTION SEC. 576. Streets in the Water Front shall have the designation, locality and dimensions delineated on the map of the Water Front SECTIONS 577 TO 578 155 drawn by Galt Chipley, City Engineer, in 1889, except as herein otherwise provided. The streets in that portion of the City designated as Lake View shall have the designation, locality and dimensions delineated on the map filed in the office of the City Clerk by the heirs of Henry Baars, as provided by ordinances approved August 12, 1909. SEC. 577. The streets and other public places, except in the water front and Lake View, shall have the designation, locality and dimen- sions delineated on the map drawn by Davidson & Lee, and caused to be lithographed by Thos. C. Watson, the year 1884, and delineated in the plan of the Maxent Tract made by its owners, Wm. Fisher, L. E. Thompson, W. J. Van Kirk and W. A. Blount, except as follows: Spring Street, south of the Catholic Cemetery, between Alcaniz and Cevallos Street, shall be known as Aragon Street; Jefferson Street, in the Western portion of the City, west of the Clapp Tract, shall be known as Lee Street; Adams Street, west of the Clapp Tract, shall be known as Blount Street; DeSoto Street, lying east of Cevallos Street and between Wright and Gregory Streets, shall be known as Heinberg Street; Florida Square, between Gadsden and Jackson Streets, on Palafox, shall be known as R. E. Lee Park; 12th Avenue shall be known as Stoddart Avenue. SEC. 578. The following changes in the names of streets and thoroughfares as they now appear on the map drawn by Davidson & Lee and caused to be lithographed by Thos. C. Watson in 1884, and delineated in the plan of the Maxent Tract made by its owners, Wm. Fisher, L. E. Thompson, W. J. Van Kirk and W. A. Blount, are hereby designated and made, viz: Pettersen Street in the Maxent Tract to CYPRESS STREET. McLellan Street in the Maxent Tract to PINE STREET. Alston Street in the Maxent Tract to MAGNOLIA STREET. Havana Street, Alston Street and 18th Street, in the Pettersen Addition to GREGORY STREET. Simpson Street to WRIGHT STREET. Forbes Street and First Street to BELMONT STRERT. Howell Street and Second Street to LA RUA STREET. Griswall Street and Third Street to JACKSON STREET. Campbell Street and Fourth Street to GADSDEN STREET. 156 SECTION 578 Babcock Street and Fifth Street to CERVANTES STREET. Kennedy Street and Sixth Street to STRONG STREET. Duval Street and Seventh Street to DESOTO STREET. Wagner Street and Eighth Street to GONZALEZ STREET. Rodney Street and Ninth Street to BRAINARD STRERT. Washington Street and Tenth Street to LLOYD STREET. Jefferson Street west and Eleventh Street to LEE STREET. Adams Street west and Twelfth Street to BLOUNT STREET. Madison Street and Thirteenth Street to MORENO STREET. Calhoun Street, Fourteenth Street and Park Street to MALLORY STREET. Lake View Avenue, Sixteenth Street and Sierra Street to STOD- DART STREET. Palmetto Street and Nineteenth Street to MAXWELL STREET. Center Street and Twenty-Second Street to SCOTT STREET. Fifteenth Street to AVERY STREET. Seventeenth Street to HERNANDEZ STREET. Highteenth Street to JORDAN STREET. Twentieth Street to BOBE STREET. Twenty-first Street and Job Street to YONGE STREET. Twenty-third Street to HATTON STREET. Twenty-fourth Street to CROSS STREET. Twenty-fifth Street to FISHER STREET. Twenty-sixth Street to LEONARD STREET. Twenty-seventh Street to BAARS STREET. Twenty-eighth Street to HAYES STREET. Twenty-ninth Street to ANDERSON STREET. Thirtieth Street to MAURA STREET. | The street immediately north of Maura Street, and extending westerly to the City limits, shall be known as TUNIS STREET. SECTION 579 157 Eighth Avenue and Cevallos Street, from City limits on the north to the City limits on the south, to CEVALLOS STREET. Seventh Avenue from Wright Street to the City limits on the north to SAN CARLOS STREET. Sixth Avenue from Wright Street to the City limits on the north to CORDOVA STREET. Texar Avenue, extending from Nineteenth Avenue to Liberty Street, and Liberty Street, extending from Texar Avenue to Bayou Texar, shall be known as NINETEENTH AVENUE. Twentieth Avenue shall extend from the City limits on the south to the intersection of Bond Street on the north, and from the inter- section of Bond Street to Bayou Texar (embracing what was formerly Pearl Street.) Oak Street between Bond Street and Bayou Texar to ESCAMBIA AVENUE. Maxent Street from the City limits on the south to the City limits on the north to “E” STREET. Palma Street from the City limits on the south to the City limits on the north to “C” STREET. Jorda Street from the City limits on the south to the City limits on the north to “B” STREET. Oliva or “A” Street from the City limits on the south to the City limits on the north to OLIVA STREET. Sheffield Street to “F” STREET. Birmingham Street to “H” STREET. Anniston Street. to “I” STREET. SEC. 579. The following changes in the name of Avenues in Pet- tersen’s Addition and in the names of Lettered Streets in the West King Tract, are hereby designated and made, viz: First Avenue and “O” Street to PETTERSEN STREET. Second Avenue and “P” Street to MULDON STREET. Third Avenue and “Q” Street to WATSON STREET. Fourth Avenue and “R” Street to HYER STREET. Fifth Avenue and “S” Street to GREEN STREET. 158 SECTION 580 Sixth Avenue and “T” Street to PFEIFFER STREET. Seventh Avenue to SIMPSON STREET. Eighth Avenue to KEYSER STREET. Ninth Avenue to KNOWLES STREET. Tenth Avenue to DAVISON STREET. Eleventh Avenue to CLINTON STREET. Twelfth Avenue to HANCOCK STREET. Thirteenth Avenue to CAHN STREET. Fourteenth Avenue to STILLMAN STREET. Fifteenth Avenue to WATER STREET. SEC. 580. The street or public way extending from Reus Street to Oliva Street through blocks numbered 35, 36, 37, 42, and 48, in the Donaldson Tract, shall be named and known as FORT STREET. The street or public way, extending from DeVilliers Street to Oliva Street through blocks numbered 33, 34, 43, and 47, in the Donaldson Tract, shall be named and known as TAYLOR STREET. The street, or public way, extending from Donaldson Street to Oliva Street through blocks numbered 44 and 46, in the Donaldson Tract, shall be named and known as CEDAR STREET. The street, or public way, in the Maxent Tract extending from Reus Street to Chipley through blocks numbered 56, 57, and 58, shall be named and known as CHIPLEY STREET. The right of way of the Pensacola and Perdido Railway Company within the City limits, shall be named and known as PINTADO STREET. Bessemer Street in the Water Front of the City of Pensacola, accord- ing to the official map thereof, shall be known as “E” STREET. The lines of that portion of Church Street which lies between Jeffer- son Street and Commandencia Street shall be and the same are hereby extended and changed as follows, to-wit: The Northern line of said portion of Church Street shall begin at a point on the Eastern line of Jefferson Street at the Southwest corner of lot “A”, thence run East- erly at right angles to said Eastern line of Jefferson Street the dis- tance of Two Hundred and Forty (240) feet, thence run Southerly and parallel with the Eastern line of Jefferson Street to the North line of Church Street. SECTIONS 581 TO 583 159 The Southern line of said portion of Church Street shall begin at a point on the Eastern line of Jefferson Street Forty (40) feet South of the Southwest corner of lot “A”, thence run Easterly at right angles to the Eastern line of Jefferson Street the distance of Two Hundred (200) feet, thence run Southerly and parallel with the Eastern line of Jefferson Street the distance of Forty (40) feet, thence run at right angles to said line Easterly to the Western line of Commandencia Street. SEC. 581. The public way named Barrancas Avenue of the width of 100 feet extends in a straight line from the intersection of “D” Street and Garden Street to the western line of Block 186, in the Maxent Tract, and then along the lines indicated on the plat on file, over and across Petersen Street through lots one (1), two (2), three (3), nine (9), ten (10), eleven (11), and twelve (12) of Block One Hundred and three (103) of the Pettersen Addition, to connect with the street or public way extending from First Street to the Bayou Chico Bridge. SEC. 582. That a public way, or Boulevard, to be called “The Bayou Texar Boulevard” is established upon and through the strip of land bordering upon the Bay and Bayou Texar and extending from Gregory Street to the Northern boundary of Bay View Park. Said Boulevard shall be constructed of the width and along the lines, and otherwise, as indicated upon the plat made by L. E. Thornton, City Engineer, and designated “Plan showing proposed Bay and Bayou Boulevard from Gregory and Sixteenth Avenue to Mallory Street.” SEC. 588. That the thoroughfare between Government Street on the south and Intendencia Street on the north, running through lots Two Hundred and Seventy-Two (272) and Two Hundred and Eighty- Seven (287) in Block Sixteen (16), Old City, of a width of Fifteen and One-half (15%) to Sixteen and One-half (16%) feet, now known as Cushman’s Alley or DeReache Street, is declared to be a street to be known as DeLuna Street, and the City assumes full control of and obligations for the maintenance and use of the same as a street. That in consideration of the assent of the person owning the soil of the said alley, that it shall become a street, and of their promise to immediately pave the same either with vitrified brick, or concrete base with a hard finish, with a slant to the center where there will be a gutter One and One-half (1%) inches deep, Ten (10) inches wide at the bottom and fourteen (14) inches wide at the top, the City agrees that the said street shall always remain a street of from Fifteen and One-half (15%) to Sixteen and One-half (16%) feet wide; that the City shall maintain the said pavement or one equally desirable; that 160 SECTIONS 584 TO 587 it will never construct, nor permit to be constructed, sidewalks in said street, and that it will never permit to be constructed thereupon any steam or street car line, or telegraph or telephone, or any other wire- bearing poles. | That no vehicle shall enter the said street, except from the north end thereof, or pass out of said street, except at the south end thereof. Any violation of the prohibitions contained in this Section shall be unlawful, and any person violating them shall, upon conviction in the Recorder’s Court, be fined by a fine not exceeding Fifty Dollars, or be imprisoned for not exceeding ten days. SEC. 584. The width of Adams Street is made forty-four and six- tenths (44.6) feet instead of sixty (60) feet as heretofore, between Government and Zarragossa Streets. The line of the West side of Adams Street remain unchanged. The fifteen and four-tenths (15.4) feet thus gained is added to the width of Seville square making said width in an east and west direction two hundred, twenty-five and fif- teen one thousands feet (225.15) instead of two hundred nine feet, nine inches as heretofore. SEC. 585. The width of Gregory Street East from Ninth Avenue to Tenth Avenue, is made Fifty-eight (58) feet, instead of Eighty (80) feet, as heretofore, and the North line of said portion of Street shall be the prolongation of a straight line beginning at a point on the Eastern line of Ninth Avenue Fifty-eight (58) feet distant North of the South line of said Street, and running parallel with said South line to the Western line of Tenth Avenue; and the South line of said por- tion of Street shall remain as it is now shown on the official map of the City. SEC. 586. That the width of that portion of DeSoto Street extend- ing from the Eastern line of Guillemarde Street to the Western line of Tarragona Street as the same now exists is reduced to the width of Thirty (30) feet and so that there shall be the width of Fifteen (15) feet on each side of the center line of said portion of Street as for- merly existing. SEC. 587. The west line of Spring Street, between the south line of Gregory street and the north line of Romana street, is a continuation of a line which, between Gregory and Garden Streets, is sixty (60) feet from the east line of Spring Street between said points. The west line of Spring Street is defined with posts placed at the corner of each block by a surveyor employed by the Board of Public Works. SECTIONS 588 TO 590 161 SEC. 588. The street grade of North Baylen Street, between Bel- mont and Wright Streets is declared to be as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the center lines of North Baylen and West Wright Streets, at an elevation of nineteen and five-tenths (19.5) feet, said elevation being taken from the system of bench marks as established by Waring, Chapman and Farquhar, in 1902, thence in ascent to a point approximately sixty-seven and five-tenths (67.5) feet north of said intersection to an elevation of nineteen and sixty- six one-hundredths (19.66) fect, said point being the point of curve of a compound vertical curve; thence (in ascent) in said compound vertical curve and with a radius of one hundred and ninety-nine (199.00) feet for a distance of fifty-seven and five-tenths (57.5) feet to an elevation of twenty and four-tenths (20.4) feet, then with a radius of seven hundred and forty (740.0) feet a distance of two hundred and twenty- two and five-tenths (222.5) feet to the intersection of the center lines of Belmont and Baylen Streets, at an elevation of twenty-nine and five-tenths (29.5) feet. SEC. 589. The present grade lines as shown on the Waring, Chap- man and Farquhar profiles for the correct grade of Cedar Street, between Jefferson Street and Commandencia Street, is abandoned. The grade of Cedar Street, from Jefferson Street to Commandencia Street, is established as follows: The elevation of the intersection of the center lines of Jefferson and Cedar Streets is established as plus three and three-tenths (3.3) feet, (present City Datum). The eleva- tion of the intersection of the center lines of Commandencia and Cedar Streets is established as plus five and two-tenths (5.2) feet (present City Datum). Between the points above mentioned, viz: The point of the inter- section of the center lines of Jefferson and Cedar Streets and the point of the intersection of the center lines of Commandencia and Cedar Streets, there is established a straight and continuous grade. SEC. 590. That the grade of the center line of Gadsden Street from Fifteenth Avenue to Bayou Texar is established as follows: The intersections of the center line of Gadsden Street and Fifteenth Avenue shall have an elevation of sixty-seven and eight-tenths (67.8) feet above City Datum; thence the grade shall descend to the center of Sixteenth Avenue at an elevation of sixty-five and five-tenths (65.5) feet above City Datum; thence the grade shall descend to the center of Seventeenth Avenue at an elevation of sixty-two (62.0) feet, thence the grade shall descend to the center of Eighteenth Avenue at an elevation of fifty-seven and one-half (57.5) feet; thence the grade shall descend to the center of Ninetenth Avenue at an elevation of — 162 SECTIONS 591 TO 593 fifty-three (53.0) feet above City Datum; thence continuing in descent Easterly sixty-five (65.0) feet to an elevation of fifty-two and twenty- six one-hundredths (52.26) feet above City Datum; at which point the said grade shall descend in a vertical curve of radius one thousand and sixty-eight (1068.0) feet to a point four hundred and sixty-five (465.0) feet East of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue at an eleva- tion of thirty-four and thirty-nine one-hundredths (34.89) feet (The theoretical point of intersection of the tangents of the above described curve is a point two hundred and sixty-five (265.0) feet East of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue and at an elevation of fifty (50.0) feet above City Datum). Thence continuing in descent, and tangent to the curve above described, to a point six hundred and fifteen (615.0) feet East of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue at an elevation of twenty-two and seven-tenths (22.7) feet above City Datum; thence continuing in descent in an inverted vertical curve with a radius of three hundred and seventy-two (372.0) feet to a point seven hundred and fifteen (715) feet east of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue at an elevation of seventeen and four-tenths (17.4) feet above City Datum. (The theoretical intersection of the tangents of the above described curve is at a point six hundred and sixty-five (665.0) feet East of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue at an elevation of eigh- teen and eighty-one one-hundredths (18.81) feet above City Datum. Thence continuing in descent and tangent to the curve above described to a point seven hundred and sixty-five (765.0) feet East of the center line of Nineteenth Avenue at an elevation of sixteen (16.0) feet above City Datum. SEC. 591. That the grade center line of Intendencia Street shall be as follows: Where said center line intersects the West line of Alcaniz Street, the elevation shall be seven and nine-tenths (7.9) feet above City Datum, and at a point four hundred (400.0) feet West of the West line of Alcaniz Street the said center line shall have an elevation of nine (9.0) feet above City Datum, and that the said center line where it intersects the East line of Tarragona Street shall have an elevation of eight and sixty-four-hundredths (8.64) feet above City Datum. SEC. 592. That the grade of that portion of LaRua Street between the West property line of Palafox Street and the East sidewalk line of Baylen Street, as now shown on the official plat and profiles in the office of the City Engineer, be and the same is hereby abolished. SEC. 593. That the grade of the curb on the North side of LaRua Street between Palafox and Baylen Streets shall be as follows: Where the said curb intersects the West property line of Palafox Street it shall be at an elevation of forty-seven and forty-one one-hundredths SECTIONS 594 TO 596 163 (47.41) feet above the City Datum, and at a point sixty (60) feet West of the West property line of Palafox Street the said curb shall be at an elevation of fifty-one (51.0) feet above City Datum, it shall thence ascend in a vertical curve (with tangent of two hundred (200.0) feet), to a point two hundred and sixty (260.0) feet West of the West property line of Palafox Street at which point it shall have an eleva- tion of fifty-five and thirty-five one-hundredths (55.35) feet above City Datum. Thence tangent and in descent to the intersection of the East sidewalk line of Baylen Street and at an elevation of fifty- three and ninety-one one-hundredts (53.91) feet above City Datum. (The theoretical point of intersection of the tangents of the above described curve is at a point one hundred and sixty (160.0) feet West of the West line of Palafox Street and has an elevation of fifty-six and thirty-five one-thousands (56.35) feet above City Datum.) SEC. 594. That the grade of the curb on the south side of LaRua Street between Palafox and Baylen Streets shall be as follows: At the intersection of said curb with the West line of Palafox Street, it shall be at an elevation of forty-five and sixty-one one-hundredths (45.61) feet above City Datum; thence in ascent to a point sixty (60.0) feet West of the West line of Palafox Street where it shall have an elevation of forty-nine and sixty-one one-hundredths (49.61) feet above City Datum from said point and tangent to the line just trans- versed, thence the curb shall be in a vertical curve (with tangent of two hundred (200.0) feet), to a point two hundred and sixty (260.0) feet West of the West line of Palafox Street at an elevation of fifty- four and sixty-nine one-hundredths (54.69) feet above City Datum; thence tangent and in descent to the intersection of the East sidewalk line of Baylen Street and at an elevation of fifty-three and forty-one one-hundredths (538.41) feet above City Datum. (The theoretical point of intersection of the tangents of the above described curve will be at a point one hundred and sixty (160.0) feet West of the West line of Palafox Street and at an elevation of fifty-five and sixty-six one-hundredths (55.66) feet above City Datum). Any pavement built on this street between the points named shall be built between, and conform to curbs laid to the grade as above described and said pave- ment shall have an elliptical crown. All other improvements such as sidewalks, sewers, drains, etc., shall be laid with proper relation to the above established grade. SEC. 595. That the elevation of the surface of the intersection of the North roadway of Wright Street with the center line of Tarragona Street be made twenty-four feet (24.0) above City Datum. SEC. 596. That the elevation of the surface of the intersection of the South roadway of Wright Street with the center line of Tarra- 164 SECTIONS 597 TO 603 gona Street be made twenty-three and five-tenths feet (23.5) above City Datum. SEC. 597. That the grade of the center line of the North roadway of Wright Street from the center of Tarragona Street to the center of Hayne Street be on an ascent of eight-tenths of a foot (0.8) and that the elevation of the intersection of the North roadway of Wright Street with the center line of Hayne Street be twenty-four and eight- tenths feet (24.8) above City Datum. SEC. 598. That the grade of the center line of the South roadway of Wright Street from the center of Tarragona Street to the center of Hayne Street be on an ascent of eight-tenths of a foot (0.8) and that the elevation of the intersection of the South roadway of Wright Street with the center line of Hayne Street be twenty-four and three- tenths feet (24.3) above City Datum. SEC. 599. That the grade of the center line of the North roadway of Wright Street from the center of Hayne Street to the center line of Aleaniz Street be given a descent of eight-tenths of a foot (0.8) and that the elevation of the intersection of the center line of the North roadway of Wright Street with the center line of Alcaniz Street be twenty-four feet (24.0) above City Datum. SEC. 600. That the grade of the center line of Wright Street from the center line of Alcaniz Street to the center line of Davis Street be given a descent of three-tenths of a foot (0.8) and that the eleva- tion of the intersection of the center line of Wright Street with the center line of Davis Street be twenty-three and seven-tenths feet (23.7) above City Datum. SEC. 601. That the grade of the center line of Alcaniz Street from | the center line of Wright Street to a point 100 feet North of the North building line of Wright Street shall be in ascent two and five-tenths feet (2.5) and that the elevation at this point shall be twenty-six and five-tenths feet (26.5) above City Datum. That from the point last mentioned the grade of the center line of Alcaniz Street shall be in descent four feet (4.0) and the elevation at this point shall be thirty and five-tenths feet above City Datum. SEC. 602. That the grade of the center line of the South roadway of Wright Street shall in all cases be five-tenths of a foot lower than the grade of the center line of the North roadway from Palafox Street to Aleaniz Street. _ SEC. 603. That the grading, paving and curbing of those portions of the streets mentioned in the foregoing Sections as authorized by the ordinance adopted April 29, 1909, and ordinances supplementary SECTIONS 604 TO 609 165 thereto, shall conform to the grades for the said several portions of streets which are hereby established, and shown upon the plat which is thereto attached and made a part thereof. SEC. 604. That the grade on Gadsden Street, between DeVilliers Street and Reus Street is changed in accordance with the profile drawn by L. E. Thornton, City Engineer, in June 1913, and now on file in the office of the City Engineer of the City of Pensacola; provided that nothing herein shall effect any existing sidewalk or permanent im- provement on said portion of Street. SEC. 605. That the grade of Intendencia Street, between Florida Blanca and Cevallos Streets, as set forth on the plans of Waring, Chapman and Farquhar, is hereby abolished. SEC. 606. That all sidewalks, paving or other improvements on Intendencia Street, between Florida Blanca and Cevallos Street, here- after constructed shall properly conform to the following grade, to- wit: The intersection of the center lines of Florida Blanca Street and Intendencia Street shall be at an elevation of seven and seven- tenths (7.7) feet City Datum, a point on the center line of Intendencia Street two hundred and forty (240) feet east of the east property line of Florida Blanca shall be at an elevation of six and six-tenths (6.6) feet City Datum, the intersection of the center lines of Intendencia Street and Cevallos Street shall be at an elevation of six (6) feet City Datum. SEC. 607. Except as is otherwise provided by the preceding Sections or by ordinance providing for grading, paving or otherwise improving streets, the grades and levels as surveyed and platted by Warring, Chapman and Farquhar as shown by the plans and maps furnished by them are adopted and established as the grades and levels of all streets shown on said plans and maps. SEC. 608. R. E. Lee Square is placed under the charge of the Con- federate Monument Association with power to erect a Confederate Monument upon said square; to fence and to improve and ornament the same; provided, that no structure of any kind, except said fence and monument, be erected in said square until approved by the Board. SEC. 609. That a space of thirty (30) feet square in the center of Plaza Ferdinand VII, shall be reserved and set apart as a site for the monument of the late W. D. Chipley; and the said monument and its surroundings shall be under the care of the City authorities to whom may be intrusted the care of parks and public places. 166 SECTIONS 610 TO 616 SEC. 610. That the roadway through the northern part of Bay View Park, upon lines parallel to, and twenty feet on both sides of the sectional line between said Park and Lot 1, Section 6, as per the U. S. Survey, and extending in a southwesterly direction to the shore of Bayou Texar shall, at all times be subject to the ordinances of the City of Pensacola relating to Parks and Squares, and nothing herein | shall be construed to be an abandonment, or diversion, by the City of any portion of Bay View Park from the purposes for which it was dedicated. SEC. 611. A space of Fifty (50) feet from the East line of Pala- fox on Garden Street by Sixty (60) feet in the center of Garden Street, shown on the Hatton proposed paving plan map as a grass plot and sidewalk, shall be reserved and set apart as a site for the drinking fountain donated to the City by the National Humane Alliance of New York for the use of the public; and the said fountain and its surroundings shall be under the care of the Board. SEC. 612. The parking in the center of Garden Street, between Baylen Street and Spring Street is set apart and designated as Elk’s Place; that the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks is author- ized to erect in said Elk’s Place a life-size figure of an Elk upon a suitable base, and to thereafter improve, beautify and maintain said place as a public parking under the supervision, and subject to the control, of the Board or other City authorities to whom may be in- trusted the care of parks and public places. SEC. 618. That Cordova Square in the City of Pensacola is set apart to be used, equipped and maintained as a permanent public play- ground. SEC. 614. Public Schools shall be allowed to use Malaga Square during the pleasure of the Board. SEC. 615. That the circular plot of ground on the East side of Alcaniz Street adjacent to the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Com- pany’s passenger station shall be designated and known as “Marston Park”, in honor of Capt. Frank H. Marston, U. S. A., the first citizen of Pensacola to make the supreme sacrifice on the battlefields in France in the war against Prussian Autocracy. SEC. 616. That pursuant to ordinances providing therefor the following portions of streets are vacated and closed: Portions of “N” Street and Zarragossa Street lying between Blocks 131, 182 and 133 of the Maxent Tract. SECTION 616 167 Portions of “K” Street lying south of the south line of Main Street and north of the north line of the right of way of the Pensacola, Moblie and New Orleans Railroad in the Maxent Tract. The portions of Muldon Street, Watson Street, Hyer Street, Sixth Street, Seventh Street and Eighth Street and also the portions of all alleys embraced within the following boundaries: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of right of way of the Gulf, Florida and Alabama Railroad with the Westerly line of “O” Street, thence southerly and along the westerly line of “O” Street 351.5 feet, to its intersection with the northerly line of the right of way of the Pensa- cola, Mobile and New Orleans Railroad, thence northwesterly and along said northerly line of the right of way of the said Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans Railroad 1486.5 feet to its intersection with the East line of Green Street; thence northerly and along the East line of Green Street 663.0 feet to the southerly line of Eighth Street; thence Easterly and along the Southerly line of Eighth Street 360.0 feet to the Easterly line of Hyer Street; thence Northerly along the Easterly line of Hyer Street 322.0 feet to its intersection with the Southerly line of the right of way of the Gulf, Florida and Alabama Railroad; thence Southeasterly along the southerly line of the right of way of the Gulf, Florida and Alabama Railroad 1480.0 feet to the place of beginning and containing in all twenty-two and 45/100 (22.45) acres, more or less in the Pettersen Addition of the City of Pensa- cola. Portions of all streets within the limits bounded as follows: Be- ginning at the point of intersection of the Westerly boundary line of the City and the Southern line of the Pensacola and Perdido Rail- road right of way, thence extending southeasterly along said southern line of said right of way to the western line of Pettersen, or “O” Street, thence along said Street line to the northern line of Third Street, thence along said street line to the western line of Hyer Street and thence along said street line to Bayou Chico, thence along the shore line of Bayou Chico to the point of beginning. The portions of Fourteenth Avenue and Fifteenth Avenue lying south of the south line of Tunis Street and north of the north line of Hays Street and that portion of Sixteenth Avenue lying south of the south line of Anderson Street and north of the north line of Hays Street; and that portion of Maura and Anderson Streets lying east of the east line of Thirteenth Avenue and west of the west line of Sixteenth Avenue as the same are delineated upon the map of the City of Pensacola published by Thos. C. Watson in 1906. 168 SECTIONS 617 TO 624 That part of “L” Street lying between the Bay of Pensacola and extending north to a point 202 feet south of Pettersen Street in the Maxent Tract. ARTICLE I1—NUMBERING OF HOUSES FRONTING ON STREETS. SEC. 617. That all houses fronting on streets shall be numbered, and the numbering shall be as follows: All streets running north and south shall be numbered from Garden street as a dividing line. Those portions of such streets lying north of Garden street to be known as north, and those portions lying south of said street to be known as south; and all streets running east and west shall be num- bered from Palafox street as a dividing line; those portions of said streets lying east of Palafox street to be known as east, and those lying west of said street to be known as west. SEC. 618. The numbers of each successive block from the place of beginning shall begin with a new “100.” SEC. 619. The allotment of numbers shall be made by the City Engineer. SEC. 620. The odd numbers shall be on the south and west of all streets, and the even numbers shall be on the north and east. SEC. 621. The numbers shall be assigned in each block so as to use the entire allotment, for instance, in a block three hundred feet front, one odd or even number shall be alloted to each six (6) feet front; in a block four hundred feet front, one odd or even number shall be allotted to each eight (8) feet front. SEC. 622. Houses being on the streets running East and West, West of “A” or Oliva Street, shall be assigned numbers as outlined in the foregoing except that the first block West of “A” or Oliva Streets shall be numbered eight hundred (800) irrespective of its dis- tance from Palafox Street, and each succeeding block shall have a new “100” ascending from 800. SEC. 623. The lowest number on Guillemarde Street, Davis Street, 6th Avenue and 7th Avenue, shall be three hundred (300) at Wright Street, and they shall then be numbered as_ the streets parallel to them. SEC. 624. The lowest number on Barcelona Street, North or South of Garden Street, shall (at Chase Street on the north, and Romana Street on the South) be one hundred (100), and it shall then be num- bered as the streets parallel to it. SECTIONS 625 TO 628 169 SEC. 625. The first figures of a house number shall indicate its position East or West of Palafox Street, or North or South of Gar- den Street; the balance of the figures its position in the particular block. The Streets running East and West, and North and South, and lying North of Wright Street, shall govern the distribution of the said first figures, and the frontage of the particular block shall govern the distribution of the balance. SEC. 626. All numbers shall be neatly and legibly painted on the front of the building to be numbered, or upon a metal plate not less than three by six inches, or in separate numerals not less than three inches high, securely fastened to the building. SEC. 627. The owner, occupant or agent of any building shall number such building in accordance with the provisions hereof, and any such owner, occupant or agent thereof, who shall fail or refuse to so number his house or building, or to change the number, if wrong when so notified by the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works, shall upon conviction before the Recorder be punished by a fine of not exceeding $10.00, and or by imprisonment not to exceed ten days. ARTICLE III.—SIDEWALKS. SEC. 628. Sidewalks shall be constructed on all streets within the limits bounded as follows, to-wit: Commencing at Oliva Street on Pensacola Bay; thence along Oliva Street, including both sides, to Belmont Street, thence along Belmont Street, including both sides, to “G” Street; thence along “G” Street, including both sides, to LaRua Street, thence along LaRua Street, including both sides, to Oliva Street; thence along Oliva Street, including both sides, to Brainard Street, thence along the center of Brainard Street to the center of Reus Street; thence along the center of Reus Street to a point one hundred and fifty (150) feet north of the north line of Lloyd Street; thence along the line one hundred and fifty (150) feet north of the north line of Lloyd Street to the center of Baylen Street; thence along the center of Baylen Street to the center of Lee Street; thence along the center of Lee Street to the center of Palafox Street; thence along the center of Palafox Street to the center of Gonzalez Street; thence along the center of Gonzalez Street to Ninth Avenue; thence along Ninth Avenue, including both sides, to Moreno Street; thence east along Moreno Street, including both sides, to Tenth Avenue; thence north along Tenth Avenue, including both sides, to Mallory Street; thence east along Mallory Street, including both sides, and both sides of Twelfth Avenue from Mallory Street to Stoddard Street ' to Fourteenth Avenue; thence south along Fourteenth Avenue, in- cluding both sides, to Blount Street, and Blount Street on both sides 170 SECTION 629 from Fourteenth Avenue to Bayview Park; and east along both sides of Blount Street to Twelfth Avenue; thence south along both sides of Twelfth Avenue to Gadsden Street; thence along both sides of Gadsden Street east to Bayou Texar; thence along Bayou Texar to Pensacola Bay and thence along Pensacola Bay and the center of Main Street to the point of beginning, also on both sides of Palafox Street and intersecting Streets south of Main Street; provided that no sidewalks shall be constructed on Jefferson Street beginning at the south side of Main Street and running to the south boundary of Water Front, or in front or alongside of any lot in Block 2 of the Water Front. SEC. 629. Sidewalks on the following streets shall be fifteen (15) feet wide: On both sides of Palafox Street from the north side of Garden Street to the south side of Wright Street. On both sides of Garden Street, between Tarragona Street on the east and Spring Street on the west. Sidewalks upon the following streets shall be ten (10) feet wide: On both sides of Palafox Street between the north line of Hickory Street and the south line of Garden Street. On the north side of Wright Street from Palafox Street to Hayne Street. On the south side of Wright Street from Palafox Street to Alcaniz Street. Sidewalks on the following streets shall be eight (8) feet wide: On both sides of Palafox Street between Wright and DeSoto Streets. On both sides of Government Street between Baylen and Adams Streets. On the north side of Zarragossa Street between Palafox Street and Tarragona Street. On the south side of Zarragossa Street between Palafox Street and Barracks Street. On both sides of Garden Street, west of Spring Street and East of Tarragona Street. Nothing contained in this Section shall be construed to compel any person now having sidewalks complying with existing ordinances to SECTIONS 630 TO 632 171 remove them and to broaden them to the width hereinbefore provided, until such existing sidewalk shall be in bad condition or require re- newal. Except as is herein otherwise provided, all sidewalks required to be constructed within the limits of the City shall be six (6) feet wide. SEC. 630. In every case where the owners of abutting property upon the streets within the limits in which sidewalks are required to be constructed, shall not have constructed, or have obtained a permit for the construction of a sidewalk in front or alongside of their re- spective lots or parcels of land, in conformity with the ordinances of the City within fifteen (15) days after the date of the adoption by the Board of a resolution ordering the construction of such sidewalks by the owners of the abutting property, the Board shall proceed to order such sidewalks constructed at the costs of the owners of the abutting property, as is provided by ordinances, and nothing herein or elsewhere in the ordinances of the City shall be construed so as to require any notice to be given such property owners to construct such sidewalks other than the publication of such resolution three times a week for the space of one week in a newspaper published in the City of Pensacola to be designated by said Board. SEC. 631. The Board may by resolution order the reconstruction or reformation of any sidewalk whenever it may be necessary to make such sidewalk conform to the requirements of this Article. Such resolution shall require the owner, or owners of the abutting property to reconstruct or reform such sidewalk within the time to be specified in said resolution not less than fifteen (15) days after the day on which said owner is served with written notice to recon- struct or reform such sidewalk in conformity with said resolution. SEC. 632. That immediately after the passage by the Board of a resolution ordering the reconstruction or reformation of any sidewalk, the City Clerk shall furnish the Chief of Police with a written notice under the seal of the City directed to the owner, or owners of the property in front of, or alongside which the sidewalk is ordered re- constructed or reformed, requiring such owner, or owners, or their agents, to reconstruct, or reform said sidewalk in conformity with said resolution, a copy of which shall be embraced in said notice. Im- mediately upon the receipt of said notice the Chief of Police or other police officer shall serve said notice upon the owners, or agents of said property by delivering to either of them a copy thereof, or, if said owners are non-residents and there is no resident agent for the property in the City, said police officer shall post a copy of said notice on the abutting property. And, after serving said notice said police 172 SECTIONS 633 TO 636 officer shall return the original notice with his endorsement thereon, to the office of the Clerk, stating how he served the same, upon whom and when and if posted, on what lot, or parcel of land, and the time that the same was so posted. SEC. 633. All defective and unsafe sidewalks are hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and it shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and the members of the police force through him to report daily to the Commissioner of Streets all such sidewalks. Said Commissioner shall order all such sidewalks removed or repaired, as he may deem proper, and shall remove any such sidewalk upon the failure of the owner, agents, or occupant of the abutting premises to comply with his order to do so. SEC. 634. Any owner, occupant, or agent of premises adjoining any defective sidewalk that is unsafe or dangerous for use by pedes- trians who shall fail to repair and place the same in good and safe condition within twenty-four hours after being served with a notice by the Commissioner of Streets, the Chief of Police or other member of the police force shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the Recorder. SEC. 635. That the Board shall annually and from time to time as it may deem necessary advertise in accordance with provisions of the City Charter, for bids for the construction, reformation, rebuild- ing and repair of sidewalks, as the same may be required to be con- structed, rebuilt, reformed or repaired by the City as provided herein. In case no satisfactory bid is received, or upon the failure of the successful bidder to enter into the contract, or after entering therein, shall default therein, then, and from time to time thereafter as the occasion may require, said Board shall re-advertise in like manner for bids for the construction, reformation, rebuilding and repair of side- walks during said year, or any part of the year. And in case no satisfactory bid shall be received for the doing of any such work, the Board shall authorize the Commissioner of Streets to do the same as the occasion may arise, purchasing the materials and employing the labor requisite therefor. : SEC. 636. All sidewalks in the City shall be constructed in con- formity with the following provisions: (1) All sidewalks shall be of brick, stone, cement, or some product thereof and shall have the lines, width and grade as prescribed by the ordinances of the City. SECTION 636 173 (2) The contractor shall strictly follow without needless delay all orders and instructions of the City Engineer or his duly authorized Inspector when given in compliance with the ordinances of the City; the City Engineer is to interpret the specifications provided for in the ordinance. (3) The contractor shall make such cutting and filling as may be necessary to bring the foundation when completed to the level of five (5) inches below the surface of the finished sidewalk in brick, con- crete and stone walks, and four (4) inches in artificial stone block walks. (4) Material for filling must be suitable for the purpose, and must be placed in layers and compacted for making a good foundation. In case of excavation, any unsuitable or objectionable material in the bed is to be removed, and the space filled in with clean sand, or other satisfactory material. The contractor is to trim the bed so as to make it parallel to the surface of the finished pavement and thoroughly compact the bed by rolling and ramming. (5) Care must be taken at all times not to interfere with business or travel, more than is absolutely necessary, free ingress from the street to entrances to premises fronting on the sidewalk, shall be provided at all times. The contractor will be required during the time before the walk is thrown open to travel to establish and main- tain in a safe condition, a crossing for each dwelling or building in front of which the sidewalk is being laid. (6) Material in the street must be piled in a neat and careful manner so as to occupy as little space as possible. Care must be taken at all times to maintain free and unobstructed access to fire hydrants, fire alarm boxes and police telephone boxes. (7) The contractor shall suspend all work when notified by the City Engineer, or his duly authorized Inspector, that the weather is unsuitable for carrying it on, or that the materials he is using are not such as are prescribed by ordinances. (8) The contractcr shall at all times that the work is being done, have a competent man on the work, whose name shall be certified to the City Engineer, or his Inspector, to whom the said Engineer, or the said Inspector, shall give instructions. (9) Work or material condemned by the City Engineer shall be immediately removed by the Contractor to such a point as designated 174 SECTION 636 by the said Engineer, but no allowance or remuneration will be made by the property owner or the City to the contractor for removing said material. (10) The City Engineer shall furnish the contractor the necessary lines and levels which will be marked by suitable stakes. The con- tractor shall exercise due care in the preservation of these stakes as far as is practicable to do so. (11) If any of the work done shall on account of poor material or bad workmanship need repair, within two years from date of ac- ceptance, the Contractor shall immediately upon notice from the City Engineer make such repairs, without cost to the City or to the abut- ting property owner, in accordance with the ordinances of the City. (12) The contractor shall place sufficient red lights on or near the work and materials in the street and keep them burning from sun- set to sunrise, and shall exercise due care for the safety of the public, and shall be responsible for all damage to persons or property by reason of his negligence. (18) All cement shall be the best grade Portland cement according to the test prescribed by the American Society of Civil Engineers; sand shall be clean and coarse, and gravel shall be clean flint gravel. All materials shall be the best of their several kinds and they, along with the work, will be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. (14) All concrete shall be a mixture as follows: One (1) part of cement, two and one-half (2%) parts sand and five (5) parts gravel, mixed until a thoroughly homogeneous mass is secured. (15) The contractor shall be entirely responsible for all injury to gas and water pipes, existing drains or sewers, poles carrying tele- graph, telephone or electric wires, curbs, fences and structures of any kind met with in the prosecution of the work and shall be liable for damages to public and private property. (16) Whenever any property owner desires to build a sidewalk he shall notify the City Engineer who shall make a survey of the ground and designate the grade prescribed by ordinance at which sidewalk shall be built and the location thereof, and the same shall be built under his supervision. (17) (a) In concrete walks the concrete shall immediately after being mixed as provided in Paragraph 14, be placed in the proper forms; said forms to be constructed of sound deals not less than 2x5 and well braced. After it is started to fill a form the work will not be stopped for any reason, but the form will be filled to the proper SECTION 636 175 height in one operation and the concrete thoroughly tamped into place. The concrete will have a thickness of four (4) inches when tamping is completed. Expansion joints will be placed at least every Thirty (30) feet. (b) On the concrete as described in the preceding paragraph shall immediately be placed the wearing surface one (1) inch thick. This shall consist of one (1) part cement and two (2) parts sand, thoroughly mixed and worked to a smooth surface and to the correct grade. (c) If the contractor for any reason allows the bottom or foun- dation course to set before he is ready to put the top or wearing sur- face on, he will be required to remove all such concrete and replace same with freshly mixed concrete, the object being to get the top course on before the concrete sets at all. (d) The walks are to be kept moist, protected from the weather and guarded against travel until they have thoroughly set. They may be kept moist by covering them as soon as they have set sufficiently with about one inch of sand or sawdust, wet at intervals to keep it all times moist, for a period of at least seven (7) days. (18) (a) In brick walks samples will be required of the brick to be used and they will be required to pass the National Brick Manu- facturers’ Association test for “Paving Brick.” (b) The brick must be laid on a foundation after same has been thoroughly compacted, herring bone fashion, as close together as possible and tamped to an even surface. (c) Cement will then be broomed into joints and the whole walk wet thoroughly. (19) (a) In stone walks the stone must be of such quality, size and thickness as may be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works and shall be immediately placed on the concrete which shall be two (2) inches thick after tamping; the surface of each stone must contain at least 15 square feet. (b) If the contractor for any reason allows the bottom or founda- tion course to set before he is ready to set the stones, he must remove such concrete. (c) The stones will be bedded into the fresh concrete and dry cement broomed into the joints to thoroughly fill same, after which they must be sprinkled. 176 SECTION 636 (d) Driveways shall be laid in the same manner as concrete side- walks except that they shall be marked in small squares and rolled with a tooth roller. (20) (a) In artificial stone block walks the blocks may be of any conventional shape; the blocks must be made of Portland cement and sand in the proportion of one (1) part of cement to two (2) parts of sand, mixed with the proper amount of water and coloring matter, rammed into the proper moulds and allowed to set before the moulds are removed. The moulds must not for any reason be placed on dry planks or boards, nor shall they be placed in the.sun, and the blocks must be sprinkled at intervals to keep them at all times damp for a period of three days. The blocks shall have a thickness of at least one (1) inch when laid; the top surface to be smooth steel troweled finished top, edges to be true and sharp, sides to make a true right angle with top surface. The blocks when broken must show that mixing and tamping was properly done and that each block is thor- oughly homogeneous throughout. They must not be laid until they have thoroughly set, which time is placed at fourteen (14) days. No chipped or broken blocks will be permitted to go into the walk except that half blocks may be used on the edges to make joints break properly. Blocks must be impervious to water and must ring clear when struck together. (b) The concrete shall immediately after being mixed as provided in Paragraph 14 be placed in the proper forms, constructed of sound deals not less than 2x4 inches and well braced. After it is started to fill a form, the work shall not be stopped for any reason, but the form will be filled to the proper height in one operation and the con- crete thoroughly tamped into place. The concrete shall have a thick- ness of three (3) inches when tamping is completed. (c) Expansion joints will be made by placing a board 1x5x6 inches at right angles to long axis of the walk allowing same to stay in long enough to permit removal without disturbing the concrete, and the void will be filled with clean dry sand. Expansion joints will be placed every thirty (30) feet. (d) The bottom course will be laid only so far in advance of the block layer as to allow the blocks and curb dressing to be placed in the concrete before same sets. Concrete that is allowed to set before the blocks and curb dressing are placed will be removed and not used again. (e) The blocks after being well sprinkled will be laid and bedded in the fresh concrete in true and regular courses and tamped -:down SECTION 636 ney LTT with the handle of a bricklayer’s hammer, or other suitable tool; the curb dressing one (1) inch thick will then be placed and well troweled to make a neat and flush joint with the blocks. (f) The surface of the blocks will then be covered with dry cement which will be thoroughly broomed into the joints with a broom suitable for the purpose, after which the work will be well sprinkled. (g) During this operation care will be taken not to loosen or disturb the position of the blocks and any blocks loosened or disturbed will at the discretion of the City Engineer, or his Inspector, be re- moved, the bed trued up and the block relaid. All walks will have a uniform pitch laterally of one quarter of an inch to the foot. (h) The walks are to be kept moist, protected from the weather and guarded against travel until they have thoroughly set. They may be kept moist by covering them as soon as possible with about an inch of sand or sawdust, wet at intervals to keep it at all times moist, for a period of at least seven days. (i) After the work has been allowed to set for a period of seven (7) days it and that part of the street that the contractor has used during his operations will be thoroughly cleaned before the walk will be finally inspected and accepted. (21) Every person, firm or corporation desiring to engage in the business of contracting for, and the building of sidewalks in the City of Pensacola, shall be licensed by the Board upon filing a satisfactory bond in the penal sum of $500.00. This bond shall have two sureties to be approved by the Board and shall be conditioned that the con- tractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Pensacola, and the property owner thereof, from all damages to person and property caused by the acts or omissions of them or any of their employees in the execution and protection of any work done by them. The said bond shall also guarantee that the said contractors will upon being ordered by the Board make such repairs to the walks con- structed by them at any time within two years from the date of com- pletion of same, as may be necessitated on account of poor materials or workmanship. The said bond shall also guarantee that the said contractor shall place the streets and parts of streets used by him during the prose- cution of his work in as good condition as they were before he com- menced work. 178 SECTIONS 637 TO 641 (22) No work shall be built without a permit from the City En- gineer a blank form of which will be furnished and the permit issued by the said Engineer free of all cost. (23) The City Engineer or his Assistant acting for him shall at all times during usual business hours have access to the works and ware- houses of the licensed contractors. The said Engineer shall be allowed to select samples of any and all materials to be used in the con- struction of walks and said samples will be delivered by the said con- tractor to the City Hall without delay, and free of all cost to the City. SEC. 687. Any sidewalk constructed contrary to the provisions of this Article may be condemned by the Board and ordered recon- structed or reformed as provided herein. SEC. 638. It shall be unlawful for any contractor, builder or any other person to construct, reconstruct, or repair any sidewalk con- trary to any of the foregoing requirements, or to violate any other provision of this Article. SEC. 689. The grades and levels as surveyed and platted by War- ing, Chapman and Farquhar as shown by the plans and maps fur- nished by them are adopted and established as the grades and levels of all sidewalks. In the construction, reconstruction, repairs or alter- ations of any sidewalk the Board shall require the grade or level of said sidewalk to conform to and follow the grades or levels as shown on said plans and maps, unless the same shall be varied or changed by ordinance or by the paving of any street. The City Engineer, under the direction of the Commissioner of Streets shall furnish, stake and mark, free of charge, the grade for any sidewalk when requested by any person desirous of constructing, rebuilding or reforming a sidewalk in conformity with ordinance. SEC. 640. The sidewalk grade established by ordinance may be changed by the City Engineer with the approval of the Board when- ever such change may be necessary to place sidewalks on a uniform grade in any block, where there exist permanent sidewalks constructed of stone, brick, cement or some product thereof. ARTICLE IV.—MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS RELATING TO STREETS. SEC. 641. The names of such streets as the Board shall designate Shall be placed upon the corners thereof in such a way as the Board shall determine, SECTIONS 642 TO 648 | 179 SEC. 642. All telegraph poles in the streets shall be painted to a height of nine (9) feet from the ground a red color and above the red to be painted white. All telephone poles shall be painted green. All electric light and power poles shall be painted a slate color and shall have a circle painted white twelve (12) inches wide ten (10) feet above the surface of the street. All poles shall be painted as often as may be deemed necessary by the Board and the color shall be sub- ject to the Board’s approval. SEC. 648. The portion of the paved streets between the side- walk and the curb is hereby set aside for, and designated as, street parking. SEC. 644. Street parkings shall be used exclusively for the purpose of planting trees, grass and shrubbery, and for the location of such poles as are now allowed on the said streets, except in front of busi- ness houses where, by permission from the Board the space in front of said business houses may be paved with the same material used in the sidewalk and laid to conform to said sidewalk under the super- vision of the City Engineer; said space when so paved may be used as sidewalks are used. SEC. 645. Nothing in the above Section shall be construed to pre- vent the building of one permanent crosswalk for each main entrance to each property, and one driveway as may be required to each property. SEC. 646. In parkings of a width of six (6) feet or more poles and trees shall be planted three (3) feet from the sidewalk; in those less than six (6) feet trees must be planted in the center. SEC. 647. No poles used for the support of wires for the transmis- sion of electricity shall be erected in any street, alley, or other public place of the City without the permission of the Board subject to such terms and conditions as it may prescribe. Before granting any such permission the Board shall require the person desiring to erect such poles to file a petition therefor. Said petition shall state the name of the owner of the poles, the purpose for which and by whom they are to be used, designate each street and other place where they are to be erected, and set forth the height, frequency and number of poles to be erected and the manner in which the wires are to be strung. SEC. 648. Within sixty days after written notice by the City of Pensacola, any person or corporation transmitting or causing to be transmitted electricity by wires along or across streets, alleys, or pub- lic places within the territory in said City, bounded on the south by the south line of Main Street; on the north by the north line of Wright 180 | SECTION 648 Street; on the east by the west line of Tarragona Street (which street is excepted from the operation of this ordinance), and on the west by the west line of Baylen Street, and also on Palafox Street, between the north line of Gadsden and the south line of Pine Streets, shall begin the work necessary to place such wires in conduits to be furnished by such person or corporation underneath the surface of such streets, alleys, or public places (except where such conduits have already been placed) and shall complete the placing of said wires within such conduits within 210 running days after such notice, and after such completion no wires, poles or other structures or appli- ances above the ground shall be permitted in said territory for the carriage of electric wires or the transmission of electricity, except posts and the necessary attachments thereof, tubing and cables, and overhead wires from distributing posts to subscribers’ stations, used in connecting electric wires in said conduits with buildings, lamps or signal boxes on or adjacent to the street in which such conduits are laid; such posts shall be located only at such points as are necessary for the proper distribution of such electricity to such buildings, lamps or boxes and only under the supervision of the City Elecrtician and Police and Fire Commissioner. Nothing in this Section shall apply to poles, wires, conductors or apparatus necessarily used by street railway companies in the oper- ation of trolley cars in said territory as now authorized by ordinances of the City, nor shall it be construed to prohibit the use of all neces- sary manholes connecting the surface of the streets, alleys and public places with the said conduits, but such manholes shall be authorized wherever necessary, at locations approved by the Board. If at any time after any paving of any of the streets, alleys, or public places within said territory, shall have been done by or under authority of the City, it shall become necessary for any person or corporation transmitting electricity as aforesaid to remove, repair, locate, or re- locate any of its poles, or manholes, cables or conduits, and thereby to displace any of such paving, such person or corporation shall, at his or its expense, replace any paving displaced and put it in as good order and condition as before displacement, and in the event of his or its failure so to do within a reasonable time, the City may do so at his or its expense. Any person or corporation failing or refusing to place the said electric wires in conduits, underground, in said territory, within the time hereinbefore limited, or any person or corporation after said time, erecting or maintaining any wires, posts or other structures within said territory for the transmission of electricity, except as permitted by this Section shall, upon conviction, be fined Twenty-five SECTIONS 649 TO 652 181 ($25.00) Dollars per day for each day of the continuance of such failure or refusal or of the continued existence of such wires, poles or other structures above ground. SEC. 649. The Board may issue a permit to any Telegraph Com- pany engaged in business in the City of Pensacola, having a messen- ger call service connected with its business, to string wires for messenger calls across the streets and public ways of the City; Pro- vided, that such wires shall not be less than twenty feet from the ground, and shall not be attached to any pole or other fixture in the streets or public ways of the City, and shall be placed as directed by the City Electrician under the rules and regulations of the Board and shall be thoroughly insulated and kept in repair as required by said Electrician under said rules and regulations. SEC. 650. All railroad companies operating in the streets of said City, whenever the Board shall deem that the safety of the public so demands, shall be required to place a flagman at such crossings as the Board shall designate, where a railroad track or tracks cross the streets of said city, before the approach of any passenger or freight train, locomotive or switch engine. SEC. 651. Said flagman shall take his position in the middle of said track along which the train of cars or locomotive is approaching at a place where the track intersects the street, and shall carry in the daytime a flag and in the nighttime a lighted lantern which he shali move back and forth so as to give warning of the approach of said train or locomotive as soon as it shall approach within fifty feet of said street. SEC. 652. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company and all other corproations, companies or persons owning or controlling rail- road tracks for the operation of steam cars along and upon Wright Street and Tarragona Street in the City shall station one or more flagmen at the crossings at the intersection of Wright and Hayne Streets and at Tarragona and Zarragossa Streets and at Wright and Alcaniz Streets, whose duty it shall be during the hours of each day from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. to warn pedestrians and persons in or on vehicles of all kinds, about to cross the railroad tracks at such cross- ings, of the approach of any railroad train, locomotive, tender or car by signalling with a flag in the day and with a lighted lantern in the nighttime. Said railroad company shall cause a flagman to proceed by at least 50 feet and not more than 100 feet any railroad train, locomotive, tender or car passing over the tracks of said company at all street crossings on Tarragona Street between Main Street and Belmont 182 SECTIONS 653 TO 655 Street and on Wright Street between Tarragona Street and 9th Ave- nue. Said flagman shall be required at all hours of the day and night to warn pedestrians and persons in or on vehicles of all kinds about to cross the railroad tracks at such crossings of the approach of a train, locomotive, tender or car by signalling with a flag in daytime and a lighted lantern at nighttime. Provided that a permanent flag-. man shall be stationed during the hours from 6 o’clock a. m. to 9 o’clock p. m. at the crossing of Hayne Street and Alcaniz Street at Wright Street and the crossing of Zarragossa Street at Tarragona Street, and automatic gates of a type to be approved by the Board may be established by the Railroad Company at any of said cross- ings. SEC. 6538. The Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company, its suecessors and assigns shall erect, maintain and operate automatic safety gates on the east and west sides of Tarragona Street at the intersection of Gadsden Street for the protection of persons and vehicles travelling on Gadsden Street across Tarragona Street against the danger caused by the running of trains, cars and locomotives on the tracks of said company over said crossing; said gates shall be operated so as to close upon the approach of any train, car, or loco- motive and remain closed until the same has passed over and across Gadsden Street, and then immediately open; provided that the Board may by resolution authorize said company to erect, maintain and oper- ate instead of the automatic gates herein provided, such gravity gates or other safety gates, of such a pattern as shall be submitted to and approved by the Board. SEC. 654. That for each and every day said company shall fail to erect and operate gates as provided in the foregoing Section, it shall, upon conviction be punished by a fine of fifty ($50.00) dollars, and any officer, agent or employee of said company, or any other person who shall operate, or cause to be operated, any train, car or locomotive along the tracks of said company, across Gadsden Street, unless the gates herein required have been erected and in condition to be operated or who shall fail to properly operate any such gate, or who shall cross or attempt to cross said railroad tracks at said crossing when said gates are closed, or being closed, or who shall damage or interfere with any such gates, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty ($50) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Recorder. SEC. 655. The Board shall require persons or companies owning or leasing or operating any track, or tracks, along or across any alley, avenue or street of the City of Pensacola, to plank said track or tracks at the street crossings, between the rails and for the space of one and SECTIONS 656 TO 659 ; 183 one-half (1%) feet outside of the rails of said tracks with good sound and whole pine planks whenever any such railroad crossing shall not be required by ordinances to be paved or flagged, and to keep same in good repair, and so as to permit vehicles to pass across same without damage or hinderance. SEC. 656. If any person or company shall fail to comply with the provisions of the foregoing Section within ten (10) days after receiv- ing notice of the adoption by the Board of a resolution requiring them to construct and maintain any such crossing, the Board shall have said work done at the expense of said person or railroad company, and the City shall have a lien for the total costs thereof against the property of the said persons or companies interested. SEC. 657. Any person owning or leasing or operating any railroad track, or the manager, superintendent or agent of any railroad com- pany, who shall fail to construct and maintain plank crossings over and across any railroad track at the expiration of ten (10) days from the date of the service of any resolution of the Board requiring them to construct and maintain the same, shall be punished by a fine not -exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding Thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment at the discretion of the Recorder. ARTICLE V.—OFFENSES RELATING TO STREETS. It shall be unlawful: SEC. 658. To erect, build, construct, deposit or place, or to procure or cause to be erected, built, constructed, deposited or placed upon or in any street, or any place where the public have a right of passage, any house, cellar, stable, shed, privy, fence, enclosure, walls, founda- tions, or any other structure, or any obstruction of any kind whatso- ever; or for the owner or occupant of any lot or part thereof abutting on a street of this City to permit any obstruction to remain upon the sidewalk in front of such lot or part thereof; or for the owner or occupant of such lot or part thereof to permit any sidewalk in front of such lot or part thereof to remain in such condition as to prevent convenient and safe use thereof by the public. SEC. 659. Upon the trial of any person who may be found guilty of violating the above Section, the Recorder shall direct such person to forthwith remove such obstruction, if it exists at the time of said trial, forthwith, and each day’s neglect to remove the same shall be considered a new offense. 184 SECTIONS 660 TO 669 SEC. 660. The Recorder shall have power to direct the Police to abate and remove any such obstructions. SEC. 661. To move any building on, along or across any street or sidewalk of the City without a permit from the Board or Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. SEC. 662. To keep on any street, any firewood, empty boxes or barrels, shavings, bricks, bats, refuse building materials, or any carriage, cart, wagon or other vehicle except as authorized by ordi- nance, or permitted by the Board. SEC. 6638. To throw or deposit offal or other offensive matter in any street, or to discharge, or permit to be discharged from his prem- ises, so much water or other liquids as may put any part of the streets in bad order, or to obstruct the gutters or sewers with dirt, trash, wood, lumber, brick or other material. SEC. 664. To drive over the streets any wagon, dray, or other vehicle, carrying Two Thousand pounds, or more, which has tires of less than two and one-half (2%) inches in width, or the axle, or axles, of which are so bent as not to present the flat surface of the tires to the ground. SEC. 665. To allow any cart, dray or other vehicle to remain in any street or public place during the night time without being properly lighted, or so as to obstruct the street. SEC. 666. To roll water barrels, wheelbarrows, or other hand vehicles, on the sidewalks or pavements. SEC. 667. To remove grass, earth or sand from, or to dig up any street, or to deposit material of any kind on any street without per- mission of the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works. SEC. 668. To injure in any manner any tree or trees growing upon any street, or to cut, break or destroy any building or other thing belonging to, or under the control and care of the City. SEC. 669. ‘To ride upon or across, or to drive or cause to pass over or across any improved sidewalk or any paved gutter with any horse, mule or other animal, or any team, wagon, cart, dray, carriage or other vehicle, or any timber or other material drawn by any horse or other animal, except at regular crossings; Provided, That any occu- pant of any yard or lot may have access to the same by placing in front thereof, at his own expense, and with the consent and direction SECTIONS 670 TO 679 185 of the Commissioner of Streets, a bridge or carriage or roadway over the pavement, gutter and curbing, in such manner as will preserve the same from injury or obstruction. SEC. 670. To erect, or maintain, a gate that will open outward over the sidewalk. SEC. 671. To obstruct or injure, in any way or manner, any pave- ment, curbing or improved sidewalk. SEC. 672. To obstruct, or cause or allow to be obstructed, any sidewalk or crossing. SEC. 673. To stop or leave any team or vehicle on any street so as to obstruct or block said street in such manner as to prevent other teams, or vehicles from passing at all times, unless in cases of absolute necessity, or to stop teams or vehicles at the regular crossings of streets so as to prevent, or impede, the free passage of pedestrians. SEC. 674. To erect, or build, place or construct or cause or procure to be erected, built, placed or constructed upon any street any house, cellar, stable, shed, pen, fence, walls, foundations or any other struc- ‘ture whatever, except in the manner prescribed by this Code; Pro- vided, That the provisions of this Section shall not extend to canvas or wooden awnings placed in front of stores and other buildings, when said awnings are not less than eight feet from the ground or sidewalk at the lowest point. SEC. 675. To leave open, uncovered or unguarded, any cellar door, pit, vault or other subterraneous opening leading from, into or upon any street. SEC. 676. To leave any material, while building, or repairing any house, or doing other work, in such a condition as to endanger per- sons or vehicles in passing along any street, alley, or public way, and without keeping on same at night a suitable light at such points thereon as may be easily seen to warn the public of danger. SEC. 677. To run any locomotive, railroad car or other railroad rolling stock at a greater speed than five miles per hour, or without ringing, or causing to be rung, a bell attached to such running car or locomotive. SEC. 678. For any person occupying or owning any lot or part of lot, in the City, to omit to keep the paved sidewalk clean and in good order, and the gutters adjoining the same free from any incumbrance and obstruction. SEC. 679. To omit to number any house as required by ordinance, 186 SECTIONS 680 TO 689 SEC. 680. To tear down or deface any number or sign put upon any house in acordance with ordinance. SEC. 681. To destroy, injure or deface the names of any street or any sign put up under the provisions of ordinancé, or by any official. SEC. 682. To lay pipes of iron, lead or other metal, or wood or earthen or stoneware, or pipes of any kind, for conveying water, or for any other purpose, in any part of the City, nearer to the center of the street than six feet, except when it may be necessary to cross the same at right angles. No such work shall be done without authority from the Board and a permit from the Commissioner of Streets. SEC. 688. To erect, rebuild, build or enlarge any house, building or fence, fronting on any street, except under the designation of the line of such street by the City Engineer. And any house, building or fence, which has been or may be placed _ so that it encroaches on the street or sidewalk, shall be removed back under order of the Commissioner of Streets, to the proper line of the street. SEC. 684. For any person having the privilege of disturbing the surface of any street, to omit to leave the same in like condition as before disturbance, by filling and packing the earth and other materials so as to produce and leave a level surface. Each day of such omis- sion shall constitute a separate offense. SEC. 685. To remove, destroy, or deface any placard, advertise- ment, bulletin or sign attached to, or printed or impressed upon any building, sign board or bulletin board. SEC. 686. To post up, or have posted up, any advertisement or paper whatever on any private house or building or wall, or fence, without the consent of the owner. SEC. 687. To attach posters or hand-bills to, or to cut, scratch or otherwise disfigure any telegraph, telephone, electric light, signal or other pole or gas post standing in the street. SEC. 688. To omit to paint, as required by ordinance any of the poles mentioned herein for five days after their erection. SEC. 689. For any person, firm or corporation to erect or permit to be erected or to remain over the sidewalk or street in front of the building or property owned or controlled by said person, firm or cor- poration, any sign board, of wood, metal or other substance what- soever. SECTIONS 690 TO 693 187 Provided, That the Board may grant to any person applying there- for, permission to paint signs on portable awnings, of canvas or cloth, when such awnings shall be not ness than eight feet in the clear above the sidewalk, and to set up and maintain illuminated signs and lettered lamps, illuminated by gas or electricity on the inside thereof. The Board or Commisioner of Streets, may order the removal of any awning, sign, lamp or other fixture, erected or that may be erected hereafter, upon, or over, any street or sidewalk, when the same is insecurely fastened; or constructed, or erected, as to cause danger of fire; or on account of its size, or situation, unreasonably obstructs the view, or use of the street; or that is of a dangerous, immoral, or otherwise objectionable character. Any person, firm or corporation, erecting, or maintaining, any sign, sign-box, or fixture, upon, or over, any street, or sidewalk, unless authorized to do so, as herein provided, or who shall refuse, or fail, to remove any such sign, or fixture, when ordered to do so by the Board or Commissioner of Streets, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding $50, or by imprisonment not exceed- ing 30 days, for each day that said sign may be so erected, or main- tained. SEC. 690. For any street car to cross the line of the L. & N. or P. & A. railroads at the following designated points without first com- ing to a full stop, at least thirty feet from the line of said railroad track: On Gregory Street at its intersection with Tarragona, and its inter- section with Alcaniz, and at Government and Tarragona. On Wright Street at its intersection with Tarragona and Hayne Streets. SEC. 691. For employees of any railroad to impede the progress of the street cars; and if any engine or cars of said railroads shall be across the line of the street cars upon the arrival of a street car, the said engine or cars shall be immediately moved. SEC. 692. For any person or persons to put or place, or cause to be put or placed in or upon any street, lane, alley or other public place in the City, any glass, crockery, scrap iron, nails, tacks or any other articles except such articles as may be necessary to make a good roadway, which would be liable to injure or damage the tires or wheels of bicycles or any other vehicle which have wheels with rubber or pneumatic tires or the feet of animals. SEC. 693. To fail to place flagman as required by Section 652. 188 SECTIONS 694 TO 702 SEC. 694. To throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited on any street or sidewalk, any fruit peelings or parings or trash of any kind whatsoever, except that garbage as defined by the ordi- nances of this City, in the proper receptacle, may be placed thereon. SEC. 695. For any person to erect, or maintain, in any street, alley, or public place of the City, any pole used for the transmission of electricity without permission of the Board and without complying with the provisions of the ordinances of the City. SEC. 696. To ride, drive or walk along or across street parkings at any point or points other than at permanent cross walks or drive- ways. ARTICLE VI.—RELATING TO BAYVIEW PARK. SEC. 697. The Commissioner of Finance and Revenue is designated Park Commissioner, and as such shall have direct charge and super- vision of all matters relating to Bayview Park, except as is otherwise provided by ordinance or required by the City Charter. SEC. 698. That all automobiles, carriages, wagons and vehicles of any other kind entering Bayview Park shall at all times be kept within the paved road or other roads and places as shall be provided there- for and designated by the Park Commissioner. | No horse driven vehicle, or horse or other animal shall be permitted to stand in any portion of the park unless the driver thereof, or other competent person remains in charge of the same, nor permitted to obstruct or inconvenience travel. SEC. 699. No person shal engage in any racing, speeding, or fast and reckless driving or riding in said park. SEC. 700. No horse, mule, cattle, or swine shall be allowed to go at large or to graze in said park. SEC. 701. No motorcycle, bicycle, tricycle, wheelbarrow, hand cart or other such vehicle shall be permitted on any of the walks, paths, or grass plots, or play grounds of said park, nor to cross the same except in conformity with the rules to be published and posted by the Park Commissioner. Nor shall any dog be taken or permitted in said park except the same is led and secured at all times by a cord or chain not of greater length than ten (10) feet. SEC. 702. No person shall hitch any horse or other animal to any lamp post or tree or so near to any tree or shrubbery that such animal can damage same by biting or otherwise. SECTIONS 703 TO 711 189 SEC. 708. No person shall place or deposit or allow to be placed or deposited in said park any article or thing which would obstruct or hinder the safe and convenient use of any part of the park by the general public, without the written permit of the Park Commissioner. SEC. 704. No person shall play any game whatsoever in said park except ball, cricket, croquet, lawn tennis, and other games of recrea- tion as may be designated from time to time by the Park Commis- sioner, and under such rules and regulations as may be prescribed by the Board of Commissioners. No games or sport shall be engaged in in a manner calculated to frighten the horses or injure or embarrass the occupants of vehicles or to endanger the safety of other frequent- ers of the park. SEC. 705. No person shall fire or discharge any firearms or ex- plosives or throw stones or other missiles within said park, or with- out permit from the Park Commissioner discharge or set off any rocket, cracker, torpedo, or other fire-works. SEC. 706. No person shall without a permit from the Board of Commissioners expose any article or thing for sale, or do any hawking, -or peddling, or displaying hand bills, or erect any sign boards, or post, paste or affix any notice or bill, or advertisement of any kind in writing or printing on any tree, post or at any other place or in any manner whatever in said park. Nor shall any animal or vehicle or person carrying or displaying any placard, or advertisement of any kind be allowed in said park except as authorized by the Board of Commissioners. SEC. 707. No person shall break or injure in any way, any of the trees, shrubs, turf, grounds, fences, buildings or other structures or property of the City in said park. SEC. 708. No person shall be guilty of any disorderly or lewd conduct or habitual loafing or of sleeping on the ground or benches or make, aid or assist in creating any disorder or breach of the peace within the limits of said park or in the vicinity thereof. SEC. 709. No person shall disturb the quiet or peace of said park by any act of conduct prohibited by any Section of this Code. SEC. 710. No person shall take or remove or interfere with, in any manner whatever any article or thing belonging to the City or to any person frequenting said park, without authority from the proper representative of the City or the owner of such article or thing. SEC. 711. The Board of Commissioners may by resolution adopt rules and regulations for the reasonable and proper use, and for pre- 190 SECTIONS 712 TO 718 venting injuries to or misuse of, said park and its appurtenances and park property, and to prevent disorder and improper conduct within the precincts of said park and the waters adjacent thereto. Any such rules and regulations when published or posted in said park shall have the same effect as ordinances and any violations there- of shall be punished as provided herein. CHAPTER XXI VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC REGULATIONS ARTICLE I.—PUBLIC VEHICLES. SEC. 712. No person shall operate or drive a vehicle of any char- acter for the conveyance of passengers for hire, or for the conveyance of property for hire, or which shall be used on the streets for the pur- pose of soliciting or acquiring business unless he shall have secured a license so to do as provided by ordinance. SEC. 718. Any person desiring to secure a license as an operator or driver of a vehicle for hire shall make application in writing there- for to the Comptroller upon a printed form to be furnished by the City. Such application shall set forth the name of the applicant, his color, age, residence and occupation and by whom employed during the preceding six months, and shall be endorsed by at least two re- sponsible citizens of the City, who shall certify that the applicant is a man of good habits, honest, sober, and industrious, and a fit person to drive a public vehicle. If the Comptroller shall be satisfied that the applicant is over 18 years of age and a fit person to be licensed he shall, upon the payment of a license fee of two dollars, ($2.00) to the Treasurer, issue to such applicant a license authorizing him to drive any licensed vehicle until the expiration of such license; if the Comptroller shall not be satisfied that the applicant is a fit person to drive a vehicle he shall cause the Chief of Police to investigate his qualifications and it shall be the duty of said Chief to report the re- sult of his investigation as to the qualifications of such applicant, within five days thereafter and if the Comptroller is not satisfied with the qualifications of the applicant, he shall refuse to issue such license and shall forthwith report the same to the Board of Commissioners for final action. Said Board in reviewing the action of the Comp- SECTIONS 714 TO 717 191 troller shall have the power to order said license issued to the appli- cant whom it may find to possess the requisite qualifications and is otherwise entitled to the same. All such licenses shall expire October first. Every person licensed to operate or drive a public vehicle shall file with the Comptroller a bond in the sum of Fifty Dollars, ($50.00) with surety to be approved by the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue conditioned upon the faithful compliance by said licensee with the terms and provisions of ordinances pertaining to the use of the streets or relating to vehicles kept for hire, and further, for the payment of any damages occasioned any person by the wilful or negligent act of such operator or driver. This bond shall be renewed annually on the first day of October. SEC. 714. If any such licensed operator or driver shall change his residence at any time before the expiration of his license, he shall forthwith notify in writing the Comptroller of such fact. SEC. 715. Vehicles kept for hire while waiting or soliciting em- ployment shall stand only at such places as shall be designated there- for, and subject to the regulations provided by ordinances. The operator of every vehicle when on the street or in any public place for soliciting or acquiring business, shall remain on, or within ten (10) feet of such vehicles, and refrain from using any profane, abusive or loud language, or other disorderly conduct in speech or behavior, and it shall be unlawful for any persons to congregate, loaf or loiter in, or upon or about any such vehicles or to use any insult- ing, abusive or profane language, or to commit any disorderly act in or near any such vehicle. SEC. 716. Each motor vehicle used for the carrying of passengers for hire shall have a “Taxi for Hire” sign in letters at least four (4) inches in size in white paint or metal on a six (6) inch black back- ground and shall keep same at all times where it can be plainly seen. SEC. 717. Every person licensed to operate or drive a public vehi- cle shall, at all times while acting as such operator or driver wear a metal badge one and three-quarter inches long and one and one-eighth inches wide, having a number thereon corresponding to the number of such operator’s or driver’s license. Such badge shall be provided with a pin or other fastening, and shall be worn in a conspicuous place on the outside of the outside coat, and shall be of different de- sign for each year. The badge shall be furnished by the Comptroller when the license is issued. 192 SECTIONS 718 TO 722 SEC. 718. Every driver or operator of a public vehicle or person having charge or control of same upon being requested so to do, shall give his license number and name to any passenger in his vehicle, or who is about to become a passenger in such vehicle. SEC. 719. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or drive or hold himself out as an operator or driver of any public vehicle without being licensed as such operator or driver, or to borrow or lend such license or badge, or to use such badge or license of another. SEC. 720. No operator or driver or person in charge or control of any vehicle shall induce any person to employ him or his vehicle by knowingly misinforming or misleading any such person, either as to the time or place of the arrival or departure of any train, steamboat, or other public conveyance, or as to the location of any depot or ticket office or the location of any hotel, public place or private resi- dence within the city; and no such operator or driver or person in charge or control of any vehicle shall falsely represent his as being in the employment of any public house, railroad, steamboat, or other person, firm or corporation; nor shall any operator or driver or per- son in charge or control of any such vehicle deceive any person in relation to any railroad or other ticket or voucher for conveyance, or make any false representation or statement in regard to same or convey any passenger to any other place or over any other route than to which or over which such passenger may have informed such driver or person he desires to be driven; nor shall any such operator or driver, while on duty, become intoxicated or treat any passenger or passengers in an insolent or improper manner. SEC. 721. It shall be unlawful for the owner, driver, or other person in charge of any vehicle kept for hire, not being engaged, to refuse the use and service of the same when called upon, for the rates herein prescribed. SEC. 722. It shall be unlawful for the operator or driver of any such vehicle licensed to carry passengers for hire to charge for each passenger conveyed in excess of the following rates: To or from any point the distance less than sixteen blocks............. 50 To or from any point the distance of sixteen blocks or more......... 75 The above rates may be doubled between the hours of eleven o’clock p. m. and five o’clock a. m. except to passengers to and from railroad depots or boat landings. Notwithstanding the above mentioned rates, the owner or driver of any licensed taxi-cab may charge for the use of said taxi three SECTION 723 TO 727 193 dollars ($3.00) per hour for a four or five passenger car, and four ($4.00) dollars per hour for a seven passenger car, while running and one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) per hour while waiting. SEC. 723. It shall be unlawful for the operator or driver of drays, motor trucks or other vehicles hauling trunks, baggage or freight to charge in excess of the following rates: For each trunk or baggage or similar freight not exceeding one hundred and fifty (150) pounds to or from any railroad depot or boat landing or to or from any point the distance less than OTs 10 LOCK we eee ee oe hac gs dpa ahs docaecxaanctalensvadcapecacheansoens 50 To or from any point the distance of sixteen blocks or more........... 75 and ten cents (10c) additional for delivery to the upper floor of any building. SEC. 724. Any driver or operator of a vehicle who shall violate any of the provisions of this article or of any ordinance of the City pertaining to the use of streets or relating to vehicles or shall neglect to comply with any of the provisions of such ordinances, shall for each offense, upon conviction in the Recorder’s Court, be punished by fine or by imprisonment, and in addition to such fine or imprisonment for the first offense, his license may be suspended for ten days; for the second offense, his license may be suspended for thirty days; and for the third offense his license may be revoked. ARTICLE II.—VEHICLE STANDS. SEC. 725. It shall be unlawful for the owner, driver, or other per- son having charge or control of any passenger vehicle kept for hire to allow such vehicle to be kept standing while waiting employment on any street in the City of Pensacola except at a stand designated for such purpose, as is provided by this Article. SEC. 726. The Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall set apart as stands to be occupied by passenger vehicles kept for hire, sufficient spaces in the portions of streets following: On the North side of Garden Street adjacent to the Parkway, between Tarragona and Bru Street intersection, and on the West side of Jefferson Street, between Government Street and Zarragossa Street. SEC. 727. That the owner or occupant of any premises abutting on any street except the portion of Palafox Street between Gregory Street and Main Street and Government Street between Tarragona Street and Baylen Street may be authorized by the Board of Com- missioners to occupy the portion of street, adjacent to the sidewalk in 194 SECTIONS 728 TO 732 front of said premises as a stand for any passenger vehicle kept for hire, or to give permission in writing to the owner or driver of any such vehicle to stand at such place, adjacent to said sidewalk. Pro- vided that no such vehicle while waiting to be employed shall be allowed to stand within thirty (80) feet of any street corner, or of the entrance to any hotel, restaurant, office building, church, theatre, | public hall or place of public amusement. SEC. 728. The Police shall assign positions to vehicles at the pub- lic stands which are hereby established, according to their license numbers, giving preference to the lowest numbers in making the first assignment. Every week the positions of each vehicle shall be changed, in rotation. SEC. 729. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police and police- men to order the driver, or person in charge of any vehicle standing on any street to make such change in position from time to time as may be necessary to prevent any unreasonable obstruction of, or inter- ference with, traffic. SEC. 730. No vehicle of any kind shall stand in, or occupy, any part of the street or parkway between Wright and Gregory Streets adjacent to and in the vicinity of the Louisville & Nashville Railroad Company’s passenger depot on Alcaniz Street, except as authorized by the following Section, nor shall any such vehicles while waiting for passengers be kept moving around and about the entrance to said depot, or make use of said entrance except as and when necessary to take up or put off passengers, baggage or freight. SEC..731. The roadway on the East side of Alcaniz Street extend- ing from the wall South of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad Company’s passenger depot to Gregory Street is set aside and desig- nated as a stand for public vehicles carrying passengers for hire (except omnibuses), and the space immediately South and alongside of the sidewalk extending West from the Northwest corner of the depot and commencing forty feet from the property line on the East side of Alcaniz Street is set aside and designated as a stand for hotel and transfer omnibuses with seating capacity for ten or more passen- gers when such omnibuses are at the depot solely for the purpose of carrying persons between said depot and a hotel or hotels, other railroad stations, or boats. Such stands shall be used and occupied by such vehicles only during reasonable times as the Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall prescribe not exceeding one hour pre- ceding the arrival and departure of trains. SEC. 732. The Commissioner of Streets and Public Works is hereby authorized to designate other places in the vicinity of said depot which SECTIONS 733 TO 736 195 shall be occupied by private vehicles awaiting the arrival or departure of trains, and places on Wright or Gregory Street at which vehicles engaged in carrying baggage and freight, shall be allowed and required to stand. SEC. 733. It shall be unlawful for any hackman, driver or operator of any vehicle kept for hire, or the agent or employee thereof, or por- ter, drummer, solicitor or any other person to solicit any business of any kind within the enclosure of, or on the sidewalk, or in the said street or parkway adjacent, to and in the vicinity of, said depot, ex- cept as is authorized by ordinance. P SEC. 734. The Commissioner of Streets and Public Works shall designate places outside and away from the depot entrance which all duly licensed persons soliciting business shall be required to occupy; provided that porters, and solicitors for hotels, boarding houses and similar places when in uniform and wearing badges shall be allowed at the time of the arrival of trains, to stand off the West end of the Station platform as the Railroad Company’s rules shall provide, and drivers, or persons in charge of, or soliciting business for, hacks or other passenger vehicles, shall be required to remain on, or stand alongside their vehicles. SEC. 785. Any person who shall violate any of the foregoing pro- visions, or who shall drive or propel any vehicle into the enclosure of said depot, or enter said depot, or enclosure, for any unlawful pur- pose, or otherwise than is authorized by law or ordinances, or who shall be and remain in or about said depot or grounds in violation of law or ordinances, or who shall loaf, lounge, loiter or congregate in or about said depot, or premises, or the sidewalk, street or parkway adjacent thereto, or, in any said place, make any loud outcry, or loud or unusual noise, utter any profane, indecent or boisterous language or commit a breach of the peace, or disorderly act, or who shall take hold of, jostle or otherwise annoy, vex, harass or disturb any passen- ger or person, or interfere with or injure any person or property, shall upon conviction for each such offense be punished by a fine not exceed- ing one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE III— REGULATING MOTOR BUS OR JITNEY. SEC. 736. Unless it appears from the context of this Article that a different meaning is intended, the following words shall have the meaning given to them by this Section: (a) The word “street” shall mean and include any and all public ways of the City. 196 SECTION 737 (b) The words “motor bus” or “jitney” shall mean and include any automobile, automobile truck or trackless motor vehicle engaged in the business of carrying passengers for hire within the City limits of the City, which is held out or announced by sign, voice, writing, device or advertisement to operate or run, or which is intended to be operated or run, over a particular street or route or to any particular or desig- nated point, or between particular points. Automobiles used exclu- sively as sight-seeing cars or hotel buses shall not be considered motor buses within the meaning hereof. SEC. 737. No person shall run or operate, or cause to be run or operated a motor bus or jitney within the City limits without first ob- taining a license therefor; and no license shall be issued, until the per- son desiring to operate such motor bus shall file with the Commissioner of Finance and Revenue an application in writing for a license; which said application shall state: (a) The type of motor car to be used as such motor bus. (b) The horsepower thereof. (c) The factory number thereof. (d) The State license number thereof. (e) The seating capacity thereof, according to its trade rating. If the motor car has been adapted for use as a bus, either by con- verting a freight carrying truck into a passenger carrying vehicle, or by reconstruction modifying or adding to the body or seating arrangement of a passenger carrying motor car, a statement of its seating capacity as adapted, and the method and materials used in such adapting shall be added. (f) The termini between which such motor bus is to be operated and the street or streets over which such motor bus is to be run, both going and returning. (g) A schedule showing the time of departure from the termini according to which it is intended to operate such motor bus. The Commissioner shall refer such application to the Board at its next regular meeting, occurring not less than thirty-six hours after such filing, together with his recommendation thereon. The Board of Commissioners may grant such application for licenses, or grant the same in modified form; or if the motor car described in the opera- tion of the particular motor bus or motor buses over the route desig- nated by reason of existing traffic conditions would be dangerous or hazardous to public safety, or if the schedule described in such appli- SECTIONS 738 TO 740 197 cation be not such as in the judgment of the Board will conserve or promote the convenience of the public, or if said application be not in compliance with the provisions of this Article, the Board may refuse same. Upon the granting of such application as filed, or modified, and the payment of the required license fee and the filing with him of the indemnity contract hereinafter provided for, properly approved by the Commissioner of Finance, the City Comptroller shall issue a license to operate, the motor bus described between the termini and accord- ing to the schedule therein stated, and between no other termini and according to no other schedule; provided that the termini and schedule stated in such license may thereafter be altered by order of the Board, upon application of the person holding such license. SEC. 7388. The license fees herein provided for are fixed as follows: For each motor bus with a seating capacity of five (5) or less per- sons, including the driver, $25.00 per year; for each motor bus with a seating capacity of more than five (5) persons, including the driver, $50.00 per year. SEC. 739. The license herein provided for shall be good and in force and effect only for the fiscal year in which same is issued. Frac- tional licenses may be issued for not less than one-half of a fiscal year, and then the fee for same shall be only half the fee provided herein. SEC. 740. It shall be unlawful: (a) To drive or operate or cause to be driven or operated any such motor bus or jitney upon or along any street unless there is in force and effect a valid license as prescribed in this Article for the opera- tion of such motor bus. Provided that any licensed bus may be trans- ferred from one route to another upon previous notice thereof being filed in writing at the office of the City Comptroller. (b) To stop such motor bus, or permit such bus to remain standing, upon any street for the purpose of loading or unloading passengers if the side of such bus nearest the side of the street is more than two (2) feet distant from its curb, except in the event of an obstruction or other emergency. (c) To drive or operate such motor bus without the City license number thereof displayed in figures not less than three (3) inches in height permanently painted on or attached to the body or appur- tenances of the body on both front and rear and both sides of said motor bus, and without the City license or permit itself being dis- played on the inside of said motor bus. 198 SECTION 740 (d) To drive or operate such motor bus without having permanently displayed upon and permanently attached to same a sign or painting showing both the destination and route of same in accordance with the provisions of the license covering same. (e) To drive or operate any such motor bus while any person is standing or sitting upon any running board, fender, or door thereof or while any person is riding on such motor bus outside the body thereof. It shall also be unlawful for any person to stand or sit upon any fender, running board or door of such motor bus, or occupy any por- tion of such motor bus outside the body thereof while such motor bus is in operation. ; (f) To drive or operate any such motor bus upon any street unless the owner thereof or a person in whose name the license or permit is issued, shall have procured and deposited with the City Comptroller an indemnity contract issued by a solvent insurance company or in- corporated Guaranty or Surety Company authorized to do business in the State of Florida, which said indemnity contract shall provide a limit of two thousand dollars for said bus, and by its terms shall guarantee that the owner or person in whose name the permit to operate said motor bus is issued shall pay any and all lawful claims for damages, not exceeding in the aggregate the sum of Two Thous- and ($2,000.00) Dollars, for injury to persons or property sustained in said motor bus or upon any street in the City of Pensacola, by the negligence of the owner, or person in whose name the license for the operation of said motor bus is issued, or of his, its, or their servants, agent, or employees. Said indemnity contract shall be payable to the City of Pensacola, and by its terms be for the benefit of passengers or other persons who may be injured or sustain any property damage on account of any negligent operation of said motor bus as above pro- vided, or in case of injury resulting in death shall insure to the bene- ficiaries of such passenger or other persons for the injury resulting from the operation of such motor bus. The “beneficiaries” shall mean those persons by or for whom an action may be maintained under the statutes of the State of Florida for negligence causing injuries re- sulting in death. (gz) To fail, refuse or neglect to operate such motor bus between the termini designated in the license for a period of ten consecutive hours in every twenty-four (24) hours, except in case of accidents, break-downs or other casualties, according to the schedule stated in application upon which the license for such motor bus was granted, or upon the surrender of said license, or to operate, or permit to be oper- ated, any motor bus off of, or away from, the route stated and fixed in the license for the operation of such bus. SECTIONS 741 TO 744 199 (h) To refuse to'carry a child under the age of five years without fare when accompanied by a paying passenger. (i) To race with any other auto bus or to drive rapidly to pass one in order to be the first to any prospective passenger or to any one waiting for a motor bus or other conveyance. (j) To operate such motor bus at a greater rate of speed than twelve miles per hour except as shall be otherwise stated in the license certificate as the Board of Commissioners shall order. (k) To reconstruct, materially alter, modify or add to the body or seating arrangements of any motor bus, after the license therefor is issued without first applying for and receiving the consent of the Board of Commissioners. SEC. 741. Any person who shall violate any provision of this Article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punished by a fine not ex- ceeding two hundred dollars. SEC. 742. In case of the conviction of the owner or operator of any motor bus of the violation of the terms of this Article it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of Fire and Police to report such conviction to the Board of Commissioners together with his recommendation. The Board shall consider and act upon said recommendation and may revoke, suspend, or continue in force such license as it may deem proper. ARTICLE IV. TRAFFIC GENERAL REGULATIONS SEC. 7438. In the construction of this Article in the absence of contrary controlling provisions “Street” shall include alley, avenue, boulevard, highway, roadway, parkway and every other thoroughfare laid out, and set apart for public travel, including the passage of vehicles. Curbing means the lateral boundaries of that portion of the street designed for the use of vehicles, whether marked by curbstones or otherwise designated. SEC. 744. All streets shall be classified as business streets and resident streets as follows: 200 SECTIONS 745 TO 746 Business streets shall include the portions of Palafox, Baylen and Tarragona Streets south of Wright Street, and Garden Street and all other streets and portions of streets south of Garden Street, and between the eastern line of Alcaniz Street and the Western line of Baylen Street. Resident streets shall include all streets and portions of streets not herein classified as business streets. SEC. 745. All vehicles using or occupying part of any street after nightfall shall be provided with a white or red light capable of being seen at the distance of one hundred (100) feet both in front and in the rear of such vehicle. SEC. 746. It shall be unlawful to have or use on any street any vehicle in violation of any of the following regulations: 1. Vehicles shall be kept to the right of the center of all streets. 2. A vehicle on a street divided longitudinally by a parkway shall keep to the right of such division. 3. Vehicles approaching each other shall pass to the right. 4, A vehicle overtaking another or encountering any obstacle shall pass to the left. 5. The driver of any vehicle shall before stopping, turning or changing the course of said vehicle, first see that there is sufficient space to make such movement in safety and shall give a visible or audible signal to the driver of vehicles following of his intention to make such movement by raising the hand or whip, or by otherwise indicating the direction in which he intends to turn or move. 6. Vehicles turning to the right into another street shall turn the corner as near the right hand curb as practicable. 7. All vehicles turning to the right from one street into another shall have the right of way over vehicles traveling in the same direc- tion. 8. Vehicles turning to the left into another street shall pass around and as near the point of intersection of the center lines of the two streets as practicable. 9. Vehicles turning to the left from one street into another must allow the right of way to vehicles traveling in the same direction. SECTION 746 201 10. Vehicles crossing from one side to the other of a street shall do so by turning to the left and heading in the same direction as the traffic on the side of the street to which it crosses is required to move. 11. the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 8. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Approved April 29, 1913. CHAPTER 6747, LAWS OF 1913. AN ACT to Legalize and Validate the Ordinance of the City of Pensa- cola Passed November 27, 1912, Approved November 29, 1912, En- titled, “An Ordinance to Provide for the Issuance of Bonds of the City of Pensacola, Florida, Under and by Virtue of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida, Entitled, ‘An Act to Author- ize the City of Pensacola to Issue Negotiable Bonds for Municipal Purposes and Provide for the Payment Thereof,’ Approved May 12, 1905,” and the Election Held Pursuant thereto on the 30th day of December, 1912, and all Proceedings in Connection Therewith; to Authorize the Issuance of Bonds Pursuant Thereto and Ae Levy of a Tax for the Payment of said Bonds. Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the ordinance of the City of Pensacola passed by the Council of said City on the 27th day of November, 1912, and approved by the Mayor of said City on the 29th day of November, 1912, entitled, “An Ordinance to Provide for the Issuance of Bonds of 308 APPENDIX IV the City of Pensacola, Florida, Under and by Virtue of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida, entitled, ‘An Act to Authorize the City of Pensacola to issue Negotiable Bonds for Municipal Purposes and Provide for the Payment Thereof,’ approved May 12, 1905,” is hereby ratified, approved, confirmed, legalized and validated, and all acts, and proceedings taken by the said City and by the officers thereof under and pursuant to the said ordinance, are hereby legalized and de- clared to be valid and binding acts of the said City and of the said of- ficers, and the election held in the said City pursuant to said ordinance on the 30th day of December, 1912, at which said election the following propositions were submitted to the qualified voters of the said City: “Shall bonds issue for three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000), for establishing, constructing and equipping one or more municipal wharves, or docks, including dredging and other necessary harbor improvements, and the purchase of property necessary to supplement city property to be used as sites for such purposes ?” and “Shall bonds issue for one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), for establishing, constructing and equipping mu- nicipal railroads to connect municipal wharves or docks with other wharves, docks, railroads and industrial establishments in the City, including the purchase of property and rights and furnishing motive power necessary therefor?” the votes at which said election have been duly canvassed and the re- sults thereof declared, and at which said election the majority of the votes cast thereat by the qualified voters qualified to vote and voting thereat were cast in favor of the issuance of the bonds for each of the respective purposes, and all the proceedings of the said City and of its election commissioners and other officers in canvassing and declaring the result of the said election, are hereby ratified, approved and con- firmed and legalized and declared to be binding in every respect and the said City of Pensacola is hereby authorized to issue bonds to an amount not exceeding four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000), for the respective purposes as provided in and by the said ordinance and in accordance with the provisions of the said ordinance, which said bonds shall be executed and signed in the manner directed by Section 30 of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida approved the 3rd day of May, 1913, and entitled, “An Act Relating to the City of Pensacola, to Create a Commission Form of Government for said City; to Provide for the Election of Commissioners, their Terms of Office, and the Se- lection of one Commissioner as Mayor; to fix the Powers, Duties and Compensation of such Commissioners; to Punish Improper Conduct in Connection with Elections and Petition Hereunder; to Abolish all Exist- APPENDIX IV | 309 ing Offices and Boards, including the Council of the City of Pensacola, and to Enlarge and Extend the Powers and Jurisdiction of said City, and Provide for the Support and Maintenance of its Government.” The vote of the said qualified electors, this Act, and said Act ap- proved the 8rd day of May, 19138, shall, without reference to any other act of the Legislature of the State of Florida, be full authority for the issuance and sale of the bonds referred to and specified in the said or- dinance, which bonds shall have the qualities of negotiable paper under the law merchant, and shall not be invalid by reason of any irregu- larity or defect in the proceedings in relation to the adoption of said ordinance, the holding and calling of the said election and the canvass- ing and declaring of the result thereof, and shall, when issued and sold, be incontestable in the hands of bona fide purchasers or holders for value, without the necessity of any other proceeding to establish or de- clare the validity thereof. No proceedings in respect to the issuance of any such bonds shall be necessary except such as required by the said ordinance and by this Act, and by said Act approved the 3rd day of May, 1913. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the said bonds, the entire taxable property within the City of Pensa- cola is hereby pledged and the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensacola are hereby directed to levy annually in addition to all other taxes for municipal purposes, a special tax on all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said City in such amount as shall be necessary to pay the interest on said bonds whilst any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid, and to provide for a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds and to pay the said bonds at maturity. The tax levy to provide a sinking fund shall annually from the time when said bonds are issued and sold, to January 1, 1918, amount to not less than one-half of one per cent. of the total amount of bonds issued and outstanding, and thereafter to January 1, 1923, to not less than one per cent. of the amount of said bonds, and from and after January 1, 1923, to January, 1928, to not less than one and one-half per cent of the amount of said bonds, and from and after January 1, 1928, to January 1, 1933, to not less than two per cent. of the amount of said bonds, and from and after January 1, 1983, whilst any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid, to not less than two and one-half per cent. of the amount of said bonds. Sec. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this act shall take effect upon the passage and ap- proval by the Governor. Approved May 22, 1913. 310 _ APPENDIX IV CHAPTER 7220, LAWS OF 1915. AN ACT to Supplement and Amend Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida, known as the Commission Government Charter of the City of Pen- sacola, Relative to Political Primary Elections; to the Tenures of Municipal Offices and Employment; the Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness and Negotiable Notes; the Issuance and Payment of Special Improvement Bonds and the Establishment of a Free Employment and Publicity Bureau. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That in all primary elections held for the nomination of Commissioners, or any other elective officers in the City of Pensa- cola, the form of the ballot and the method of voting and determining the result of the election shall be in accordance with the provisions of the State laws regulating primary elections for the nomination of State and County officers, insofar as the same may be made to apply. Sec. 2. That the tenures, and the method of appointment and re- moval, of all subordinate officers, except as is provided in Section twenty-three (23) of Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida, shall be pre- scribed by ordinance of said City; provided, that no officer shall be re- moved without legal cause, unless he is given at least thirty (30) days’ written notice of the day on which his removal shall become effective. Sec. 3. That the City of Pensacola may issue certificates of in- debtedness, or negotiable notes, not to exceed in any fiscal year the total amount remaining unpaid of the taxes levied and assessed for said year, for the purpose for which said notes or certificates are is- sued; provided, that all such taxes levied for the purpose or purposes for which said notes or certificates are issued, shall, when collected, be applied to the payment of said notes, or certificates at maturity; and the City shall, annually thereafter, levy and collect such deficit tax as may be necessary to pay the principal and interest of such notes and certificates at maturity. In addition to the notes and certificates au- thorized to be issued as aforesaid, said city may, by ordinance, provide for the issuance of certificates of indebtedness or negotiable notes, payable out of the general fund, as may be necessary, to pay at ma- turity the principal and interest of any special improvement bonds, whenever the proceeds, or the amount collected, of special assessments securing same may be insufficient to pay any such bonds, as they be- come due, and to provide for reimbursement of the general fund as far as possible, out of such special assessments after such bonds and in- terest have been fully paid, and such notes or certificates may also be issued for the purpose of anticipating the levy and collection of any special assessment authorized to be made for any public work or im- APPENDIX IV 311 provement as it progresses, and to reimburse the City, either by the is- suance and sale of special improvement bonds, and by the collection of special assessments. The form and denomination of such notes and cer- tificates, the date or dates of the maturity or maturities thereof, not ex- ceeding three years in any instance, the rate of interest thereon, and the date and place of its payment, and the method of payment, together with other provisions and regulations concerning such notes and certificates of indebtedness, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall be prescribed by the ordiance authorizing the particular issue. All notes and certificates issued under the provisions of this Act shall be sold for not less than par to the bidder who agrees to make the loan _ for the lowest rate of interest, and all such loans shall be offered for public subscription in such manner as shall be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 4. The City of Pensacola may, by ordinance, provide for the establishment and maintenance of a free public employment and pub- licity bureau, to be conducted on the most improved plans, and to pro- vide for the expenses thereof, out of the general revenues of the City. Sec. 5. No ordinance authorized by the provisions of this Act shall take effect until thirty (80) days after the date of its publication, and if within said thirty days twenty per cent. at least, of the qualified voters of the City shall file with the City Clerk a petition or petitions protesting against the adoption of said ordinance, said Clerk shall im- mediately notify the Commissioners thereof, and thereupon said ordi- nance shall not become effective unless the same shall be approved by the majority of the electors of said City voting thereon at a regular City election or at a special election called for such purpose, at which the question of the approval of such ordinance shall be submitted to the electors of said City. Sec. 6. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith, be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 7. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved May 29th, 1915. CHAPTER 7221, LAWS OF 1915. AN ACT to Authorize the City of Pensacola, Florida, to Issue Nego- tiable Bonds for Certain Municipal Purposes. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: © Section 1. That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pen- sacola, Florida, are hereby authorized to provide by ordinance for the 312 APPENDIX IV issuance of, and to issue negotiable bonds of said City for the several purposes and amounts enumerated as follows: For the purpose of erecting and equipping buildings for the use of the fire and police department of said City, the sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00) dollars. For the purpose of erecting, equipping, extending and improving the buildings and plant of the water department, and constructing and equipping of stable for the department of streets and public works, the sum of twenty thousand ($20,000.00) dollars. Any money received from the sale of any of said bonds, which will not be used for the purpose authorized, shall be placed in a sinking fund to be used solely for the purpose of retiring the bonds issued un- der this Act. | Sec. 2. That said bonds shall be designated by such name as the Board of Commissioners shall determine and shall be issued in the name of the City of Pensacola, and shall be signed by the Commission- ers and the City Clerk and countersigned by the City Comptroller, and shall bear the corporate seal of the City. Said bonds shall be num- bered in the order in which they are issued. The form of said bonds and the denominations thereof, shall be prescribed by ordinance. Said bonds shall be issued on the 1st day of July, A. D. 1915, or at such time or times thereafter as shall be provided by ordinance, and they shall become due and payable ten years after the date of their issue. Said bonds shall draw interest from the date of issue at a rate not ex- ceeding six per cent. per annum, payable on the ist day of January and the 1st day of July of each year, and shall have interest coupons attached payable on said dates. The principal and interest of said bonds shall be payable in gold coin of the United States of America at the present weight and fineness, at such place or places as may be designated by ordinance prescribing the form of said bonds. Sec. 3. That the Commissioners of the City of Pensacola shall provide out of the annual net profits of the City Water Works and the general revenues of the city a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds and to pay said bonds at maturity. - Sec. 4. The Board of Commissioners shall offer said bonds for sale by notice published in a newspaper published in the City of Pen- sacola, and otherwise, as said Board may determine, and calling for sealed bids for said bonds on the date specified in said notice. On the day specified in said notice for receiving bids the Board of Commissioners at a meeting to be held at the City Hall in the City of Pensacola, shall publicly open and read all bids received, and said Board shall have the. APPENDIX IV 313 right to reject any and all bids, and re-advertise for sale, and to sell from time to time any of said bonds remaining unsold. Sec. 5. That all bonds, when engraved or issued, shall be placed by the Board of Commissioners in such bank or banks, or other depos- itory as shall be designated by the Board, and all money received from the sale of said bonds shall be deposited by the Board with said depos- itory, and any money not needed for immediate disbursement shall be placed by said Board at such place and upon such terms and conditions as the Board may designate, and not in conflict with any provision of this Act. Sec. 6. That it shall be the duty of the Board of Commissioners whenever it sells, or otherwise disposes of any bond, or bonds, to reg- ister the same in a book to be provided for that purpose; and to be kept in the office of the City Comptroller. Such registration shall show the number and denomination of each bond, when and to whom sold, or how disposed of, and the amount for which it is sold or dis- posed of. ; Sec. 7. That the officers of said City, and other persons collect- ing or receiving any money from any assessment, tax or other sources to be applied to the payment of the principal or interest of said bonds, or any of them, or any portion of the indebtedness created thereby, shall make semi-monthly, or oftener if required by the Board of Com- missioners, written reports, in duplicate, showing the exact amount collected or received by them, and the person or source from which the same was collected or received. One of said reports shall be kept in the record of proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, and the other shall be filed with the City Comptroller, and entered by him in a book to be provided for that purpose under the direction of the Com- missioner of Finance. Sec. 8. That the question of the issuance of the bonds herein pro- vided for, shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of Pensacola at the election to be held in said City on the seventh day of June, A. D. 1915, or at a special election to be called by the Commis- sioners for that purpose at any time, or times thereafter, and the of- ficial ballot used in said election shall state the proposition in the fol- lowing form: Shall bonds issue for Ten Thousand Fi Sp Oe bl ds: For iil ig aS Dollars for the purpose of erecting and equipping buildings for the use of the fire and police depart- Site eas Against Bonds |ment. 314 APPENDIX IV Shall bonds issue for the sum of Twen- For Bonds|ty Thousand ($20,000.00) Dollars for the purpose of erecting, equipping, extending nd improving the buildings and plant of the water department, and constructing and equipping of stable for the depart- Against Bonds|ment of streets and public works. wm ewe wwe cece ecco negess Sec. 9. Each cross mark on said ballot in front of the words ‘‘For Bonds” shall constitute a vote of the elector making the same in favor of the proposition to issue bonds for the purposes and amounts speci- fied, and each cross mark in front of the words “Against Bonds” shall constitute a vote of the elector making the same against the proposi- tion to issue bonds for the purposes and amounts specified. If a ma- jority of the votes in said election shall be cast in favor of bonds for either one or more of the amounts and purposes specified, then the bonds shall be issued as herein provided for such amounts and purposes, but unless a majority of the votes cast shall be so cast in favor of the proposition to issue bonds for the purposes and amounts specified, the amount to be issued for such purpose and amount shall not be issued. Sec. 10. That the Board of Canvassers for the election shall per- form all the duties and have all the powers conferred upon the Board of Canvassers of regular city elections under existing laws and ordi- nances insofar as the same are requisite for holding, determining and certifying the result of said election. Sec. 11. That the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensa- cola shall cause this Act to be published at least three times in each daily newspaper published in the City of Pensacola preceding the time for holding of any election at which the question of the submission of said bonds shall be submitted to the electors. Sec. 12. That this Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval. Sec. 13. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. i Approved June Ist, 1915. CHAPTER 7685, LAWS OF 1917. AN ACT Relating to Back Taxes, Tax Liens and Tax Sale Certificates Held by the City of Pensacola. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the City of Pensacola may by ordinance fix the rate of interests on arrearages of taxes and on all liens and tax sales APPENDIX IV 315 certificates which are owing to or held by said city, at eight per cent per annum, from the date this Act takes effect, in lieu of the interest and penalties not fixed by law; Provided, That this Act shall apply only to the taxes in arrears prior to January, 1917, and which shall be paid and the certificates therefor which shall be rendered on or before the first day of October, 1918. Sec. 2. The owners of property in arrears for the taxes or for which tax certificates have been issued for more than one year shall be entitled to pay back taxes, or redeem the certificates for one or more years at the time, but only in the order that the said taxes are levied. Sec. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved June 5, 1917. CHAPTER 7687, LAWS OF 1917. AN ACT to Amend Section 3 of Chapter 7220, Laws of Florida, en- titled, “An Act to Supplement and Amend Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida, known as the Commission Government Charter of the City of Pensacola, Relative to Political Primary Election; to the Tenures of Municipal Offices and Employment; the Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness and Negotiable Notes; the Issuance and Payment of Special Improvement Bonds and the Establish- ment of a Free Employment and Publicity Bureau.” Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That Section 3 of Chapter 7220, Laws of Florida of 1915, entitled, “An Act to supplement and amend Chapter 6746, Laws of Florida, known as the Commission Government Charter of the City of Pensacola, relative to political primary elections, to the tenures of municipal offices and employment, the issuance of certificates of in- debtedness and negotiable notes; the issuance and payment of special improvement bonds and the establishment of a free employment and publicity bureau,” be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Section 3. That the City of Pensacola may, by ordinance, issue certificates of indebtedness or negotiable notes bearing interest at not more than six per cent per annum, and maturing not more than three years from the date for the purpose of providing funds in anticipation of taxes theretofore levied and may issue refunding notes and certifi- cates with like limitations when necessary, to provide for the payment 316 APPENDIX IV of any such notes or certificates at their maturity; the aggregate amount of such notes or certificates at any time outstanding shall not exceed fifty per centum of that sum, which remains, after subtracting from the amount of all uncollected taxes levied in the five preceding fiscal years the amount of all the notes, certificates, warrants, or other city obligations then outstanding which have no fixed maturity, or which, by their terms, mature within three years from the date of their respective issuance. Provided, that all such taxes levied for the purpose or purposes for which said notes or certificates are issued shall, when collected, be ap- plied to the payment of said notes, or certificates at maturity; and the city shall annually thereafter, levy and collect such deficit tax as may be necessary to pay the principal and interest of such notes and certifi- cates at maturity. In addition to the notes and certificates authorized to be issued, as aforesaid, said city may, by ordinance, provide for the issuance of certfiicates of indebtedness or negotiable notes, payable out of the general fund, as may be necessary, to pay at maturity the prin- cipal and interest of any special improvement bonds, whenever the pro- ceeds, or the amount collected, of special assessments securing same may be insufficient to pay any such bonds, as they become due, and to provide for reimbursement of the general fund, as far as possible out of such special assessments after such bonds and interest have been fully paid, and such notes or certificates may also be issued for the purpose of anticipating the levy and collection of any special assess- ment authorized to be made for any public work or improvement as it progresses and to reimburse the city, either by the issuance and sale of special improvement bonds, and by the collection of special assess- ments. Ki The form and denomination of such notes or certificates, the date or dates of the maturity, or maturities thereof, not exceeding three years in any instance, the rate of interest thereon and the date and place of its payment, and the method of payment together with other provisions and regulations concerning such notes and certificates of in- debtedness, and not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, shall be prescribed by the ordinance authorizing the particular issue. All notes and certificates issued under the provisions of this Act shall be sold for not less than par to the bidder who agrees to make the loan for the lowest rate of interest and all such loans shall be offered for public subscription in such manner as shall be prescribed by ordinance. Sec. 2. That all laws or parts of laws in conflict with this Act be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its passage and approval by the Governor. Approved June 5, 1917. APPENDIX IV 317 CHAPTER 8334, LAWS OF 1919. AN ACT in relation to the issuance of bonds of the city of Pensacola authorized at a special election held in the City of Pensacola on the 16th day of August, 1918; to legalize and validate said election and all proceedings in connection therewith, confirm and validate all acts and proceedings relating to the sale and issuance of said bonds by the City Commissioners of said City; to legalize and vali- date all ordinances adopted by the Board of Commissioners of said City relating to said bonds; to authorize all said bonds that remain unissued to be issued and sold pursuant to and as provided in said ordinances for the purposes stated therein and as provided in this Act; and to provide for the levy of a tax for the payment of said bonds. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the ordinance of the City of Pensacola passed by the Board of Commissioners of said City July 8, 1918, entitled, “An ordinance to provide for the issuance of bonds of the City of Pensacola, Florida, under and by virtue of an Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida, entitled, ‘An Act to authorize the City of Pensacola to is- sue negotiable bonds for municipal purposes and provide for the pay- ment thereof,’ approved May 12th, 1905,” and the ordinance passed by said Board on July 15th, 1918, to amend Section one (1) and Section nine (9) of the aforesaid ordinance, are hereby ratified, approved, con- firmed, legalized and validated and all acts and proceedings taken by said City and by the officers thereof, under and pursuant to the said ordinances and the election held in the said City, pursuant to said ordi- nance on the 16th day of August, 1918, at which said election the fol- lowing propositions were submitted to the qualified voters of the said City: “Shall bonds issue for sixty-five thousand ($65,000.00) dollars for extending and improving the City’s sewerage system?” and “Shall bonds issue for thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars for ex- tending and improving the City’s water system?” and “Shall bonds issue for twenty-five thousand ($25,000.00) dollars for grading, paving and curbing or otherwise improving streets be- tween Barrancas Avenue and “O” Street and between Garden and Gov- ernment Streets in the sub-division adjacent to the Pensacola Ship- building Company’s plant?” and “Shall bonds issue for fifty thousand ($50,000.00) dollars for grad- ing, paving and curbing or otherwise improving streets, including re- paving and repairing DeVilliers and Garden Streets?” and 318 APPENDIX IV “Shall bonds issue for forty thousand ($40,000.00) dollars for the purpose of providing funds to secure the surrender, relinquishment and the reconveyance in and reinvestment in the City of Pensacola of all rights and title in and to the water front property granted to John A. Merritt and J. S. Reese by ordinance passed January 7th, according to the agreement of said Merritt and Reese filed in the office of the City Clerk, December 31st, 1917,” the votes at which said election having been duly canvassed and the results thereof declared, and at which said election the majority of the votes cast thereat by the qualified voters qualified to vote and voting thereat were cast in favor of the issuance of the bonds, for each of the respective purposes, and all proceedings of the said City and of its election commissioners and other officers in canvassing and declaring the result of the said election are hereby rati- fied, approved, and confirmed and legalized and declared to be binding in every respect, and the ordinance passed January 31, 1919, entitled, “An ordinance in relation to the issuance of bonds of the City of Pen- sacola, authorized at a special election held in the City of Pensacola on the 16th day of August, 1918, and to validate the sale of said bonds,” and the ordinance passed September 9th, 1918, entitled, “An ordinance relating to the engraving, sale and issuance of improve- ment bonds of the City of Pensacola, as provided by ordinances adopt- ed July 8th and 15th, 1918,” and all the proceedings and acts of said City, its officers and agents thereunder, are hereby legalized and de- clared to be valid and binding acts of the said City and of the said officers. The vote of the said qualified electors and this Act shall, without reference to any other Act of the Legislature of the State of Florida, be full authority for the issuance and sale of the bonds referred to, except certain improvement bonds of the City of Pensacola, dated Oc- tober Ist, 1918, pursuant to ordinance passed July 8th, 1918, to be issued in amounts aggregating the sum of ninety thousand ($90,- 000.00) dollars for the purpose of extending and improving the City’s water system, and for grading, paving and curbing or otherwise im- proving streets, are hereby authorized to be sold and issued for any one or more. of said purposes or any other municipal purposes, as the Board of Commissioners of said City may by resolution determine; Provided, That the question of issuing said last bonds shall be sub- mitted to the qualified voters of said City at a regular election or a special election called for that purpose and said bonds shall be issued only for the purposes and amounts specified on the ballot that shall be approved by the majority of the votes cast on the proposition. Said bonds shall have the qualities of negotiable paper under the law merchant, and shall not be invalid by reason of any irregularity or defect in the proceedings in relation to the adoption of said ordi- APPENDIX IV 319 nance, the holding and calling of the said election and canvassing and declaring of the result thereof, and all said bonds that have been sold or issued, or shall be issued, are hereby approved, confirmed, legalized and validated and shall be incontestible in the hands of bona fide pur- chasers or holders for value, without the necessity of any other pro- ceeding to establish or declare the validity thereof. No proceedings in respect to the issuance of any such bonds shall be necessary except as required by the said ordinances and by this Act. Sec. 2. That for the purpose of paying the principal and interest of the said bonds, the entire taxable property within the City of Pen- sacola is hereby pledged and the Board of Commissioners of the City of Pensacola are hereby directed to levy annually in addition to all other taxes for municipal purposes, a special tax on all the taxable property within the corporate limits of said City in such amount as shall be necessary to pay the interest on said bonds whilst any of said bonds are outstanding and unpaid and to provide for a sinking fund for the payment of the principal of said bonds and to pay the said bonds at maturity. Sec. 3. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. Sec. 4. That this Act shall take effect upon becoming a law. Approved May 23, 1919. CHAPTER 8335, LAWS OF 1919. AN ACT in Relation to the Powers and Government of the City of Pen- sacola; Relating to City of Pensacola Dock and Belt Railroad Bonds; the Issuance of Certificates of Indebtedness in Anticipa- tion of Collection of Back Taxes; the Validation of Prior Assess- ments and Tax Levies and Tax Certificates Issued for Non-Pay- ment of Taxes and to Provide for Cancelling said Certificates and the Redemption of Property Sold for Non-Payment of Taxes; the Passage and Publication of Ordinances and Requiring Judicial Notice Thereof; Amending Section Three (3) of Chapter 7686, Relating to Board of Centennial Commissioners; Amending Sec- tion Eighteen (18) of Chapter 6386, Relating to Licensing and Regulating Occupations, Businesses and Amusements; Changing Salaries of City Commissioners; the Extension and Improvement of the City’s Sewerage, Draining and Water System; and to Fur- ther Amend and Supplement the Charter of said City and provide for the Exercise of Powers Vested for Municipal Purposes. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: 320 APPENDIX IV Section 1. That all the authority and powers vested in and duties imposed upon the Commissioners, and the Board of Commissioners in relation to the issuance of bonds of the City of Pensacola, as provided by the ordinances of said City legalized and validated by Chapter 6747, Laws of Florida, be and the same are hereby vested in and imposed upon the City Commissioners now in office, their successors, and the Board of Commissioners of said City as now constituted, or as it shall be constituted hereafter to be exercised and performed in the manner that said powers and duties were authorized and required to be exer- cised and performed by the City Commissioners in office and the Board of Commissioners existing at the time of the passage of said Chapter 6747. Sec. 2. That the total amount outstanding of the certificates of indebtedness, which Chapters 7220 and 7687, Laws of Florida, author- ize the City of Pensacola to issue in the anticipation of the collection of back taxes, shall not at any time exceed sixty (60) per centum of the total amount of uncollected taxes for any preceding year or years, after deducting therefrom the total amount remaining unpaid of all certificates, or other obligations payable out of said uncollected taxes for such year, or years, or for which said taxes were levied. Sec. 8. That real estate, or any interest therein, upon which the City has any tax lien for which it holds any tax sale certificate for taxes levied and delinquent prior to January ist, 1919, may be re- deemed by the owner, his agent, or attorney at any time prior to June Ist, 1920, by the payment to the City of the face amount of each tax sale certificate with interest thereon at the rate of eight (8) per eent. per annum from the date of the certificate until January Ist, 1920, and thereafter with ten (10) per cent. interest per annum up to the date of said payment; and all tax liens and certificates unless paid and cancelled, as herein provided, shall be and remain in full force and effect the same as if the privileges of redemption herein given, (as to all tax liens and certificates not so redeemed and cancelled), and nothing herein shall be construed to affect the right of the City to recover the full amount of such taxes with all the interest and penal- ties as provided by the City Charter. And all said certificates are hereby legalized and validated. Sec. 4. No ordinance granting any franchise, or right or privi- lege in, on, over, or through any street or public way, or public prop- erty, of the City of Pensacola, or providing for the sale or other dispo- sition, or lease for more than two years of any public property shall be passed prior to the expiration of one year after the same shall have been published in full in a newspaper published in said City. APPENDIX IV 321 Sec. 5. All ordinances of the City of Pensacola, as passed by the City Commissioners, shall first be published in a newspaper in the City of Pensacola one time after first reading and before the adoption and three times after final reading and adoption, on three several days. The courts of this State shall take judicial notice of all ordinances that are so published. In all judicial proceedings in which the validity of any ordinance is attacked, or any ordinance -is proper evidence, such published copy, or a certified copy of the original from the Comptroll- er’s office, may be read in evidence, but the court shall take judicial notice of all such published ordinances, without proof and reading thereof as aforesaid. That the expenditures of candidates in prima- ries for city commissioner are expressly limited to $250.00, excepting for advertising purposes. That the list of licenses issued by the City of Pensacola, shall be published once in a newspaper published in the City of Pensacola, giving the name of the person to whom license is issued, occupation and amount, such publication to be made within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year. Sec. 6. That Section three (3) of said Chapter 7687, Laws of Florida, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “Section 3. That the City Commissioners of the City of Pensa- cola ex-officio, and twelve other persons who shall have had their business domicile or residence therein for more than five years next preceding the passage of this Act, shall constitute the Board of Cen- tennial Commissioners which is hereby created, and shall possess and exercise all the powers and perform all the dutiés which this Act or any other law shall vest in and impose upon the Board of Centennial Commissioners of the City of Pensacola. The City Commissioners shall at any time they may determine appoint the other twelve mem- bers of the Board of Centennial Commissioners, provided that at the next city election commissioners to succeed all so appointed shall be elected by the qualified voters of said city for the term of four years. The names of all persons who shall become candidates for said posi- tions, including the persons appointed by the City Commissioners, shall be printed alphabetically on the ballot; but the name of no person shall be printed on the ballot except those who are appointed by the City Commissioners, or nominated in a primary election, or who have been requested to be candidates by petition signed by at least one hundred voters of the City. Any and all of said Commissioners shall be subject to recall at any time in the manner provided by law for the recall of the City Commissioners.” Sec. 7. That Section 18 of Chapter 6396, Laws of Florida of 1911, entitled: “An Act Relating to the Issuance of Bonds and Special Tax Bills; the Assessment, Levy and Collection of Taxes; the Licens- 322 APPENDIX IV ing and Prohibition of Business, Occupations, Trades and Amusements, and the Abatement of Nuisances, by the City of Pensacola, and also to further Alter and Increase the Jurisdiction, Privileges and Powers of the said City in other Matters Pertaining to its General Welfare, and to Revise, Supersede or Repeal Conflicting Laws,” be and the same is hereby amended by inserting immediately after Section 18 thereof an additional section as follows: “Section 18-a. Said City shall be empowered also to pass ordi- nances as provided in the second (2nd) paragraph of the preceding Section 18 to license and regulate the sale of ice cream, soft drinks, candies, fruits, cigars, tobacco, drug store supplies, periodicals and gasoline and the renting of bathing suits and bathing supplies. That the Board of City Commissioners are hereby authorized to increase the salaries of City Commissioners to the amount of $3,600.00 per year; said action to be taken only by the passage of an ordinance after thirty days’ notice by publication in a newspaper in the City of Pensacola; the said ordinance shall be subject to a referendum vote as provided by the City Charter of said City of Pensacola. Sec. 8. That all property fronting or abutting on any street, or public way of the City of Pensacola, through which a public sewer or water main has been, or shall hereafter be constructed, shall be con- nected with such public sewer and water main at the costs and ex- pense of such property, as provided by ordinance heretofore passed, or that shall hereafter be passed by governing authority of the City of Pensacola. Section 9. That all property within one thousand feet of any public sewer or water main and not required by the foregoing section to be connected therewith, shall be connected therewith by district, or lateral sewers and waters mains which the City shall require to be constructed for the accommodation of all such property that has been or shall:be improved. by any building or house being erected thereon. Property for the accommodation of which such district or lateral sewers and water mains shall be constructed shall be embraced in special sewer districts, of such area not exceeding two thousand feet square, as shall be determined by ordinance. The City shall by ordinance provide the method of making assess- ments and issuing tax bills against property liable for the improve- ments authorized by this and the following sections. Said assessments and tax bills may be made payable in installments during a period not exceeding five (5) years, with such rate of interest not over ten per cent. as ordinances shall provide. Liens shall exist on each separate lot or parcel of land, from the date of the completion of the work for APPENDIX IV 323 the full amount of the assessment and tax bills against such property together with interest and costs, including a reasonable attorney’s fee for collection by court proceedings; and said liens may be enforced in like manner as other liens against real estate are enforceable. The City may issue certificates of indebtedness not exceeding the total amount of such tax bill issued and outstanding, in anticipation of the collection of said assessments and taxes which, when collected, shall be applied to payment of said certificates of indebtedness. The City of Pensacola shall pay from its general revenues or from the proceeds of the sale of bonds, issued for the purpose of extending and improving the City sewerage or drainage system one-third of the total cost of constructing such district, or lateral sewer and water main in each such special sewer district, and the remaining two-thirds of said cost shall be apportioned to and assessed as a special tax against each separate lot or parcel of land in the proportion that their respective areas bear to the area of the whole district, exclusive of streets and public ways. Sec. 10. Whenever one-third or more of any contiguous blocks lo- cated within one thousand feet of any special sewer district, estab- lished as aforesaid, are built upon, or occupied, said blocks within the area of two thousand feet square and contiguous to said special sewer district, shall constitute a joint sewer district, and said district sewers and water mains shall be extended therein and all property therein shall be required to connect with said sewers and water mains as so extended and the costs in such joint sewer district shall be appor- tioned, assessed and paid in the manner provided herein for apportion- ing, assessing and paying the costs of district or lateral sewers. And in like manner the City shall be empowered to extend its sewerage, drainage and water system to and within any area of two thuosand feet square within the City limits whenever the majority of the own- ers, according to area of the property to be connected with the sewers and water mains, or drains, shall by written petition request that said area be made a sewer district; and whenever a sewer district so estab- lished is more than one thousand feet from any existing sewer and water main or any other special or joint sewer district, the total cost of constructing the sewers and mains for the whole distance in excess of one thousand feet as shall be necessary to connect such new dis- trict with the existing sewers and drains, shall be paid by the City of Pensacola, and thereafter to be apportioned and assessed in the man- ner herein provided, and paid by the property embraced within any dis- trict or districts thereafter established and in which said lateral and connections are located. And whenever any lot or parcel of land, in front or alongside of which such lateral and connections extend is improved by any building 324 APPENDIX IV being erected thereon, such property shall be required to be connected with said lateral and it shall pay its proportion of the cost of the sewers and mains within the joint sewer district for which such lateral forms the connection with the existing sewers, or sewer district. Any property paying such assessment shall not thereafter be re- quired to pay an assessment for the sewers and mains in any district thereafter established in which it shall be located, unless it be given full credit for the amount so paid. Sec. 11. The dumping and disposal by the City in a sanitary manner, of garbage or any refuse, within or outside its limits shall not be prohibited or restricted by any provision of Chapter 6584, Laws of Florida, but such dumping and disposal outside said limits may be restrained and regulated by the State Board of Health when- ever necessary for the protection of the pulic health. Sec. 12. That all publications by this Act, or any other law re- lating to the forces of said City of Pensacola to be made in a news- paper published in said City, shall be published only in a newspaper published in said City of general circulation, and that shall have been published in said City for at least two years before any such publica- tion. Sec. 18. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 14. This Act shall take effect immediately upon its becoming a law. Approved June 9, 1919. CHAPTER 8336, LAWS OF 1919. AN ACT Providing the Number of Hours Employees of the City of Pensacola, Escambia County, Florida, Engaged in Any Work in Conection with the Prevention and Extinguishment of Fires, in said City, shall Remain on Duty, Prescribing two Shifts of: Fire- men for said City, and Certain Rules and Regulations Relating to the Same. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That the City of Pensacola, from and after the pass- age and taking effect of this Act, shall provide for two shifts of fire- men, one shift to be on duty during the day and the other shift to be on duty during the night; Provided, however, that all firemen, whether on the day or night shift, shall be subject to call in case of a general fire alarm during the time when a fire emergency so requires. APPENDIX IV 325 See. 2. That no fireman shall be required to remain on duty more than fourteen (14) hours per day, and the hours during which each shift is to be on duty shall be so divided, either by the shifts alternating from night to day shifts or otherwise, so that neither shift shall be discriminated against in the number of hours during which the members thereof are required to be on duty. Provided, further, that nothing in this Act shall be construed as repealing any of the provisions of the law or ordinances of the City allowing vacation to firemen. Sec. 3. That the term “fireman” as used in this Act, shall be con- strued to mean all those persons employed by the City in any work in connection with the prevention and extinguishment of fires in said City by the said municipal government. Sec. 4. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are here- by repealed. Sec. 5. This Act shall take effect upon the first day of October, A. D. 1919. Approved June 9, 1919. CHAPTER 8340, LAWS OF 1919. AN ACT Relating to the Issuance of Certain Improvement Bonds of the City of Pensacola. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That certain improvement bonds of the City of Pensa- cola, dated October 1st, 1919, pursuant to ordinance passed July 8th, 1918, and authorized at the election held in said City on August 16th, 1918, to be issued in amounts aggregating the sum of ninety thousand ($90,000.00) dollars, for the purpose of extending and improving the City’s water system, and for grading, paving and curbing or other- wise improving streets, are hereby authorized to be sold and issued for any one or more of said purposes or any other municipal purpose, as the Board of Commissioners of said City may by resolution deter- mine; Provided, That the question of issuing said bonds shall be sub- mitted to the qualified voters of said City at a regular election, or a special election called for that purpose, and said bonds shall be issued only for the purposes and amounts specified on the ballot that shall be approved by the majority of the votes cast on the proposition. The resolution of the Board of Commissioners relating to the is- suance of said bonds shall be published in each daily newspaper 326 APPENDIX IV printed in the City at least four times next preceding the day of the election at which the question is to be submitted to the qualified voters. Sec. 2. All laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith be, and the same are hereby, repealed. Sec. 3. That this Act shall take effect upon becoming a law. Approved May 23, 1919. CHAPTER 8341, LAWS OF 1919. AN ACT Prescribing and Defining an Eight Hour Day for all Em- ployees of the Police Department and Street Employees, and Em- ployees of the Water Department of the City of Pensacola, Es- cambia County, Florida. Be it Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section 1. That from and after the passage and taking effect of this Act, no employee of the police department or street employees or employees of the water department of the City of Pensacola, Escam- bia County, Florida, shall be required to work or remain on duty more than eight hours in any calendar day, and eight hours shall be consid- ered a day’s work in said department. Sec. 2. That employees of the police department shall be consid- ered and deemed to include all police officers, patrolmen and every person engaged in work in connection with and for said department, and street employees shall include all employees who are engaged in cleaning and otherwise improving the streets and parks of the City of Pensacola, and employees of the water department who are engaged in pumping and otherwise employed in furnishing water and reading water meters for the City of Pensacola. Sec. 3. That nothing in this Act shall be construed as prohibiting the calling out of any of said employees of the police department when off duty in case of any general riot or disturbance for the period of such disturbance or riot or calling out any of the street employees in clearing up streets after a storm, fire, or epidemic or other urgent causes, or calling out employees of the water department in emergency cases affecting their department. See. 4. That all laws and parts of laws in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 5. That this law shall take effect October 1, A. D. 1919. Approved June 9, 1919. APPENDIX IV 327 OTHER SPECIAL LAWS CONFERRING POWER ON AND RELATING TO THE CITY OF PENSACOLA. CHAPTER 4513, LAWS OF FLORIDA OF 1895, PAGE 331. “‘An Act to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now known as the Provisional Municipality of Pensacola, and for the Gov- ernment of said City of Pensacola, and to Provide for its Officers and their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Government and Improvement of said City,” etc. CHAPTER 4802, LAWS OF 1899, PAGE 191 “An Act to Grant the Waterfront of the City of Pensacola.” CHAPTER 5086, LAWS OF 1901, PAGE 305 “An Act Authorizing the City of Pensacola to Levy a Special Tax for the Support of a Free Public Library, and to Authorize said City to Enter into an Obligation for the Support thereof.” CHAPTER 5089, LAWS OF 1901, PAGE 321 “An Act to Amend and Supplement the Charter of the City of Pensacola, Florida, Designated as Chapter 4513, Laws of Florida of 1895.” CHAPTER 5529, LAWS OF 1905, PAGE 317 “An Act to Amend Section 87 of the Charter of the City of Pen- sacola Relating to the Chief of Fire Department.” CHAPTER 5531, LAWS OF 1905, PAGE 320 “An Act to Amend an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now Known as the Provisional Mu- nicipality of Pensacola, and for the Government of said City of Pen- sacola, and to Provide for its Officers and their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Government of said City,’ approved May 27, 1895, and to confer further powers upon said City.” CHAPTER 5532, LAWS OF 1905, PAGE 322 “An Act to Amend Sections 88, 95 and 105 of an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now known as the Provisional Municipality of Pensacola, and for the Government of said City of Pensacola, and to provide for its Officers and their 328 APPENDIX IV Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Government and Improvement of said City.” CHAPTER 5832, LAWS OF 1907, PAGE 592 “An Act to Amend Sections 6, 28, 24, 36, 103 and 104 of an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now known as the Provisional Municipality of Pensacola, and for the Government of said City, and to Provide for its Officers and their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Government and Improvement of said City,’ the same being Chapter 4513, Laws of Florida, approved May 27, 1895; and to amend Sections 7 and 12 of an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for the As- sessment, Levy and Collection of Revenue for the City of Pensacola, same being Chapter 5088, Laws of Florida, approved May 22, 1901; and to amend Section 2 of an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Provide for the registration of all legally qualified Voters in the City of Pensacola, Florida, and to Define the Qualifications of such Voters,’ the same being Chapter 5533, Laws of Florida, approved May 29, 1905; and to provide for the election of a Superintendent of Streets, for the election of a City Electrician, and an Inspector of Buildings for said City, and to provide for the removal of persons elected to offices and employ- ments under this Act, and to provide for filling vacancies in the same.” CHAPTER 5834, LAWS OF 1907, PAGE 601 “An Act to Authorize the City of Pensacola to Loan its Money.” CHAPTER 5835, LAWS OF 1907, PAGE 602 “An Act to Provide for the Deposit in a Bank or Banks and for the Loan and Investment of Funds of the City of Pensacola, and for the Obtaining of Interest Thereon.” CHAPTER 5837, LAWS OF 1907, PAGE 604 “An Act to Amend Section 34 of an Act entitled, ‘An Act to Pro- vide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now known as the Pro- visional Municipality of Pensacola, and for the Gavernment of said City of Pensacola, and to Provide for its Officers and their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Gov- ernment and Improvement of said City,’ same being Chapter 4513, Laws of Florida, approved May 27, 1895.” CHAPTER 6084, LAWS OF FLORIDA OF 1909, PAGE 580 “An Act to Authorize the City of Pensacola to Permit the Pensa- cola Hotel Company to Occupy and Use a Portion of Certain Streets in said City.” APPENDIX IV 329 CHAPTER 6086, LAWS OF FLORIDA OF 1909, PAGE 581 “An Act Relating to the Government and Officers of the City of Pensacola and Repealing Sections six (6) and Twenty-four (24) of Chapter 4513, Laws of Florida of 1895, as the same were Amended by Sections one (1) and two (2) of Chapter 5882, Laws of Florida of 1907, Relating to the Charter of the City of Pensacola.” CHAPTER 6087, LAWS OF FLORIDA OF 1909, PAGE 583 “An Act Supplementary to ‘An Act to Provide for the Creation of the City of Pensacola, now known as the Provisional Municipality of Pensacola and for the Government of said City of Pensacola, and to Provide for its Officers and their Terms of Office, and to Provide for the Support and Maintenance of said Government and Improve- ments of said City,’ and to extend the Powers of the Government of the City of Pensacola, and to Legalize and Validate Certain Ordinances and Resolutions of said City.” CHAPTER 6387, SPECIAL LAWS OF 1911, PAGE 744 “An Act to Provide for the Planting, Protection and Care of Shade Trees on the Streets and Highways of the City of Pensacola, and for the Appointment of a Shade Tree Commission, and for Raising Money for such Purposes, and Creating Liens on Property Benefited by the Planting of Such Trees.” RESOLUTION, GENERAL LAWS OF 1915, PAGE 504 Relating to holding of an exposition in the City of Pensacola, to celebrate the cession of Florida by Spain to the United States. CHAPTER 7686, SPECIAL LAWS OF 1917, PAGE 935 “An Act to Empower the City of Pensacola to Hold an Exposition to Commemorate the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Cession of Florida by Spain to the United States, and to Issue Bonds for that Purpose, and for Promoting and Providing Exhibits of Historic Events and all other Subjects Befitting the Celebration of said Centennial and Calculated to Promote the Progress and General Welfare of the Com- munity; to Create a Board of Centennial Commissioners and Amend the Charter of said City.” — = ee me. ——= LD WOES PASC Nh nen PATS iM je APPENDIX V 331 APPENDIX V FIRST GOVERNMENT OF PENSACOLA IN 1821-22 - February 22, 1819, the treaty for the cession of Florida by Spain to the United States was signed by the agents of the respective govern- ments and was promptly ratified by the Senate of the United States. The King of Spain delayed ratification until October 24, 1820, and for this reason the treaty was finally ratified by the Senate of the United States February 19, 1821, and the issuance by President Monroe of his proclamation on February 22, 1821. March 3, 1821, Congress authorized by law the President to organ- ize a temporary government for Florida. March 10, 1821, President Monroe appointed Major General An- drew Jackson Governor of Florida with all the powers and duties pre- viously possessed and exercised by the Captain General and Governor under Spain. July 17, 1821, at Pensacola, West Florida was transferred to the United States. The following is a copy in the English language of a paper signed by the representatives of the two governments in the transaction: “The undersigned, Major General Andrew Jackson, of the State of Tennessee, Commissioner of the United States, in pursuance of the full powers received by him from James Monroe, President of the United States of America, of the date of the 10th of March, 1821, and of the 45th of the independence of the United States of America, attested by John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State, and Don Jose Callava, Com- mandant of the province of West Florida, and Commissioner for the delivery, in the name of his catholic majesty, of the country, terri- tories, and dependencies of West Florida, to the Commissioner of the United States, in conformity with the powers, commission and special mandate, received by him from the Captain General of the Island of Cuba, of the date of the 5th day of May, 1821, imparting to him therein the royal order of the 24th of October, 1820, issued and signed by his catholic majesty, Ferdinand the Seventh, and attested by the Secretary of State, Don Evaristo Perez de Castro. “Do certify by these presents, that, on the seventeenth day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one of the Christian era, and forty-sixth of the independence of the United States, having met in the court room of the government house in the town of Pensacola, accompanied on either part by the chiefs and officers of the army and navy, and by a number of the citizens of the respective nations, the said Andrew Jackson, Major General and Commissioner, has delivered 332 APPENDIX V to the said Colonel Commandant Don Jose Callava, his before-men- tioned powers; whereby he recognizes him to have received full power and authority to take possession of, and to occupy, the territories ceded by Spain to the United States by the treaty concluded at Washington on the 22nd day of February, 1819, and for that purpose to repair to said territories and there to execute and to perform all such acts and things touching the premises, as may be necessary for fulfilling his appoint- ment conformably to the said treaty and the laws of the United States, with authority likewise to appoint any person or persons in his stead, to receive possession of any part of the said ceded territories, accord- ing to the stipulations of the said treaty; Wherefore, the Colonel Com- mandant Don Jose Callava immediately declared, that, in virtue and in performance of the power, commission and special mandate, dated at Havana on the 5th day of May, 1821, he thenceforth, and from that moment, placed the said Commissioner of the United States in posses- sion of the country, territories, and dependencies of West Florida, in- cluding the fortress of St. Marks, with the adjacent islands dependent upon said province, all public lots and squares, vacant lands, public edifices, fortifications, barracks, and other buildings which are not pri- vate property, according to, and in the manner set forth by, the inven- tories and schedules which he has signed and delivered with the archives and documents directly relating to the property and sover- eignty of the said territory of West Florida, including the fortress of St. Marks, and situated to the east of the Mississippi River, the whole in conformity with the second article of the treaty of cession concluded at Washington the 22nd of February, 1819, between Spain and the United States, by Don Luis de Onis, minister plenipotentiary of his catholic majesty, and John Quincy Adams, Secretary of State of the United States, both provided with full powers, which treaty has been ratified on one part by his catholic majesty, Ferdinand the Seventh, and the President of the United States, with the advice and consent of the Senate of the United States, on the other part; which rati- fications have been duly exchanged at Washington the 22nd of Feb- ruary, 1821, and the forty-fifth of the independence of the United States of America, by General Don Dyonisius Vives, minister pleni- potentiary of his catholic majesty, and John Quincy Adams, Secre- tary of State of the United States, according to the instrument signed on the same day: And the present delivery of the country is made in order that, in execution of the said treaty, the sovereignty and the property of that province of West Florida, including the fortress of St. Marks, shall pass to the United States, under the stipulations therein expressed. “And the said Colonel Commandant Don Jose Callava has, in con- sequence, at the present time, made to the Commissioner of the United APPENDIX V 333 States, Major General Andrew Jackson, in this public cession, a deliv- ery of the keys of the town of Pensacola, of the archives, documents, and other articles, in the inventories before mentioned; declaring that he releases from their oath of allegiance to Spain the citizens and in- habitants of West Florida who may choose to remain under the do- minion of the United States. “And that this important and solemn act may be in perpetual memory, the within named have signed the same, and have sealed with their respective seals, and caused to be attested by their secre- taries of commission, the day and year aforesaid. “ANDREW JACKSON, JOSE CALLAVA, “By order of the Commissioner Por mandate de su senioria el on the part of the United Coronel Comisario del Gobierno States. de Espana. “R. K. CALL, JOSE Y. CRUZAT, “Sec’y of Commission. E] Secretario de la Comision.” July 17, 1821, General Jackson, at Pensacola, issued the following: ‘“‘Whereas, by the treaty concluded between the United States and Spain, on the 22nd day of February, 1819, and duly ratified, the prov- inces of the Floridas were ceded by Spain to the United States, and the possession of the said provinces is now in the United States; “And whereas, the Congress of the United States, on the 3rd day of March, in the present year, did enact that, until the end of the first session of the seventeenth Congress, unless provision for the tempo- rary government of said provinces be sooner made by Congress, all the military, civil and judicial powers exercised by the officers of the existing government of the said provinces shall be vested in such per- son and persons and shall be exercised in such manner as the Presi- dent of the United States shall direct for the maintaining the inhabi- tants of said territories in the free enjoyment of their liberty, proper- ty, and religion; and the President of the United States has, by his commission bearing date the tenth day of said March, invested me with all the powers, and charged me with the several duties, hereto- fore held and exercised by the captain general, intendant, and govern- ors, aforesaid; “T have, therefore, thought it fit to issue this my proclamation, making known the premises, and to declare that the government here- tofore exercised over the said provinces, under the authority of Spain, has ceased, and that that of the United States of America is estab- lished over the same; that the inhabitants thereof will be incorpo- rated in the union of the United States as soon as may be consistent with the principles of the federal Constitution, and admitted to the 334 APPENDIX V enjoyment of all the privileges, rights, and immunities of the citizens of the United States; that, in the meantime, they shall be maintained and protected in the free employment of their liberty, property, and the religion they profess; that all laws and municipal regulations which were in existence at the cessation of the late government, re- main in full force; and all civil officers charged with their execution, © except those whose powers have been especially vested in me, and ex- cept, also, such officers as have been intrusted with the collection of the revenue, are continued in their functions, during the pleasure of the governor for the time being, or until provision shall otherwise be made. “And I do hereby exhort and enjoin all the inhabitants and other persons within the said provinces, to be faithful and true in their alle- giance to the United States, and obedient to the laws and authorities of the same, under full assurance that their just rights will be under the guardianship of the United States, and will be maintained from all force and violence from without or within. “Given at Pensacola this (tenth day of July for East Florida, and seventeenth day of July for West Florida) one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one. — “ANDREW JACKSON. “By the governor: “R. K. CALL, “Acting Secretary of the Floridas. “St. Augustine, East Florida, July 10, 1821. “By the Governor: “ROBERT BUTLER, United States Commissioner.” July 18, 1821, General Jackson promulgated ordinances which es- tablished the first civil government of the City of Pensacola under the United States, as follows: ORDINANCES By His Excellency, Major General Andrew Jackson, Governor of the Provinces of the Floridas, exercising the powers of the Captain General and of the Intendent of the Island of Cuba, over the said Provinces, and of the Governors of said Provinces respectively: That with a view to the preservation of the good order and health of the town of Pensacola, I do ORDAIN Section 1. That there shall be appointed by the Governor annual- ly, a chief officer to be called the Mayor, and six subordinate officers APPENDIX V 335 to be called Aldermen, who shall form a council and have and exercise all the powers necessary to the good government of the said town. Sec. 2. That the said Mayor and council shall have power by ordi- nance or otherwise to impose fines and forfeitures for the infraction of their regulations, and appoint such officers as they may deem neces- sary to enforce their ordinances, and to levy such taxes as may be necessary for the support of their town government. Sec. 8. As the christian sabbath is observed throughout the civ- ilized world it is ordained, that in order to remove any doubts which might be entertained with respect to the powers of the Mayor and Council on this subject, that the said Mayor and Council be authorized to make any regulation for the due observance thereof which they may deem proper. Sec. 4. In order to remove all doubts on the subject of the limits of the said town of Pensacola, and its dependencies, as well as to place under the immediate control of the Mayor and Council, all the foun- tains or springs from which the inhabitants are supplied with water, it is ordained, that the incorporated limits of said town shall be as follows: bounded to the south and east by the harbor, to the west by the Western Lagoon, or Bayou Chico, and to the north by a line run- ning due east from Galves spring to where such line will intersect the Eastern or Texas Lagoon. Sec. 5. That the public gaming-houses as well as public gaming of every description (billiards alone excepted) shall be and the same is hereby interdicted and prohibited, under the penalty of two hundred dollars for each conviction, and the forfeiture of all the apparatus or machinery used toward the commission of such offenses, as well as all sums of money which may be seized by the public officer or other per- son—one-half to the use of the informer and the other half to the use of the town; and that each and every person so convicted, shall be, and stand committed to prison until the whole of said fines and costs be paid; and moreover, until he shall have found good and sufficient surety, in the sum of five hundred dollars, for his good behavior for and during the term of one year. Sec. 6. That the Mayor and Aldermen as is provided for in this ordinance, shall be known and called the City Council of Pensacola, and in that name may acquire and dispose of property for public uses, and sue and be sued, and plead and be impleaded, on all subjects re- lating to, and connected with the said town and its dependencies. “Sec. 7. That all innkeepers, grocers, and all other retailers of liquors, are by this ordinance expressly prohibited from furnishing or 336 APPENDIX V selling any liquor or ardent spirits whatever, to any soldier in the ser- vice of the United States of America, under the penalty of $19 for each offense, and to stand committed to the common jail until the said penalties with costs are paid. Pensacola, July 18th, 1821. (Signed) ANDREW JACKSON. By the Governor: R. K. CALL, Acting Secretary of West Florida. AN ACT to Incorporate the City of Pensacola, and Improve the Public Roads in the Neighborhood Thereof. 1. Be it enacted by the Governor and Legislative Council of the Territory of Florida, That all the free white inhabitants of that part of the County of Escambia comprehended within the following boun- daries, that is to say, bounded on the south and east by the harbor of Pensacola, on the west by Bayou Chico, on the north by a line drawn north and east from Galvez’s spring, to where the said line will inter- sect the Bayou Texar, thence with the said bayou to Pensacola Bay, shall be, and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, by the name and style of the City of Pensacola, and by their corpo- rate name, may sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, grant, re- ceive and do all other acts as natural persons, and may purchase and hold, real, personal and mixed property, or dispose of the same, for the benefit of the said City, and may have and use a City seal, which may be broken or altered at pleasure. 2. Be it further enacted, That, the government of the City shall be vested in a person, to be called Mayor, who shall be annually elected by the persons, and at the time and manner hereinafter mentioned in this act, and in a board of Aldermen to consist of eight members, two of whom to be elected from each of the four wards of the City as now designated and known, in the same manner as is hereinafter provided for the election of Mayor, and which said Aldermen and Mayor shall possess all the qualifications that are required by this act, for the voters entitled to elect the same. 3. Be it further enacted, That, the board of Aldermen shall, with- in five days after their election, convene at such place as the Mayor may appoint, and proceed to the election by ballot of a President of the board, who shall administer to the Mayor, in the presence of the board, and afterwards to the Aldermen respectively, the following oath or affirmation: “I, A. B., do solemnly swear that I will to the utmost of my power support, advance, and defend the good order, peace and APPENDIX V _ 337 welfare of the City of Pensacola, and its inhabitants, and will faith- fully demean myself in the office of Mayor, (or member of the board of Aldermen, as the case may be) for the said City according to the by-laws and regulations thereof, to the best of my skill and judgment, and I do also swear, (or affirm, as the case may be) that I will sup- port the Constitution of the United States,” and a like oath or affirma- tion shall be administered by the Mayor to the President of the board. 4. Be it further enacted, That, three-fourths of the members of the board of Aldermen shall be a quorum to do business, but a smaller number may adjourn from day to day, they may compel the attend- ance of absent members in such manner, and under such penalties as they may by ordinance provide; they shall settle their rules of pro- ceedings, appoint their own officers, regulate their respective fees, and remove them at pleasure; they shall judge of the election returns and qualifications of their own members, and may with the concurrence of three-fourths of the whole, expel any member for disorderly behavior or malconduct in office, but not a second time for the same offense; they shall keep a journal of their proceedings and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolve or ordinance, at the request of any two members, and their deliberations shall be public, and all ordinances or acts passed by the board of Aldermen shall be submitted to the Mayor for his approbation, and when approved by him, shall be obligatory as such, but if the Mayor shall not approve of such ordinance or act he shall return the same within five days with his reasons in writing therefor; and if three-fourths of the board of Aldermen on reconsid- eration thereof approve of the same, it shall be in force in like man- ner as if he had approved it. 5. Be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Mayor to see that the ordinances of the corporation be duly executed, and shall report the negligence or misconduct of any officer to the board of Aldermen, who on satisfactory proof thereof may remove from of- fice the said delinquent, or take such other measures thereupon as shall be just and lawful. He shall appoint to all offices under this corporation. He shall have power to convene the board of Aldermen, when in his opinion the public good may require it, and he shall lay before the board from time to time in writing such alterations in the laws of the corporation as he shall deem necessary and proper. He shall have and exercise all the powers of a justice of the peace within the said city, and shall receive for his services annually a just and reasonable compensation to be allowed and fixed by the board of Al- dermen, and which shall not be increased or diminished during the period for which he shall have been elected. 338 | APPENDIX V 6. Be it further enacted, That the corporation aforesaid shall have full power and authority to pass all by-laws and ordinances; to prevent and remove nuisances, to co-operate with the board of health in preventing the introduction of contagious diseases within the City, to establish night watches or patrols, and erect lamps to regulate the stationing, anchorage and mooring of vessels, to provide for licensing and regulating auctions, retailers of liquors, billiard table keepers, hackney carriages, wagons, carts and drays, to restrain or prohibit gambling, and to provide for licensing, regulating or restraining the- atrical or other public amusements within the City, to regulate and establish markets, to license and regulate the pilotage of the harbor, to erect and repair bridges, work-houses, houses of correction, and other public buildings, to keep in repair all necessary streets, drains and sewers, and to pass regulations necessary for the preservation of the same, to provide for the safe keeping of the standard of weights and measures fixed by Congress, to regulate burial grounds, to pro- vide for the licensing and regulating the sweeping of chimnies and fix- ing the rates thereof, to establish and regulate fire wards and fire companies, to regulate and establish the size of bricks that are to be made and used in this city, to sink wells, and to erect and repair pumps in the streets, to control and regulate the use of the springs in the city, to establish and regulate the inspection of tobacco, cotton, salted provisions and other articles, the guaging of casks and liquors, the storage of gunpowder, and all naval and military stores not the prop- erty of the United States, to regulate the weight and quality of bread, to tax and license hawkers and pedlers, to restrain or prohibit tippling houses, and lotteries, to preserve the navigation of the harbor and bay adjoining the city, to erect, repair and regulate public wharves, and to deepen docks and basins, to provide for the establishment and super- intendance of public schools, to regulate and license ordinary keepers, retailers and ferries, to provide for the appointment of all such offi- cers aS may be necessary to execute the laws of the corporation and to affix their compensation, provided that no law or ordinance shall be passed granting a salary, per diem allowance of fees, to the members of the board of Aldermen, to open, extend, alter, regulate and pave the streets within the limits of the said city, and to remove all old and decayed buildings or ruins therein; Provided, they make to the person or persons who may be injured by such extension or alteration of the streets or by the removal of such buildings or ruins, just and adequate compensation out of the funds of the corporation to be ascertained by the verdict of an impartial jury, to be summoned for that purpose, to borrow money for the use of the city, provided the sum borrowed shall not in any year exceed five thousand dollars, nor a greater rate of an- nual interest be paid therefor than six per cent., to provide for the APPENDIX V 339 support of the poor, infirm, diseased and insane of the City, to lay and impose taxes and provide for the collection thereof; provided, that no tax shall be imposed on real property in the City at any higher rate than three-quarters of one per centum on the assessment valuation of such property, to impose and appropriate fines, penalties and forfeit- ures for breach of their ordinances, to restrain and punish offenses committed by negroes and people of color, and to pass all ordinances necessary to give effect and operation to all the powers vested in the corporation; Provided, that the by-laws or ordinances of the corpora- tion shall be in no wise obligatory upon the persons of non-residents of said City, unless in cases of intentional violations of the by-laws or ordinances previously promulgated, and provided further that no law or ordinance shall be passed by said corporation repugnant to the Constitution or laws of the United States or the laws of this Territory. 7. Be it further enacted, That, all fines, penalties, forfeitures and taxes imposed by the corporation if not exceeding twenty dollars shall be recoverable before a single justice of the peace, and if such fines, penalties or forfeitures exceed the sum of twenty dollars, the same shall be recoverable by action of debt before any court of record in the County of Escambia in the name of the corporation and for the use of the City, and if the person or persons by whom the same shall be due and unpaid, shall be non-residents of the City, or shall have absconded therefrom, the corporation shall have the same remedy by attachment for the recovery thereof, as is by law provided in cases of absent or absconding debtors. 8. Be it further enacted, That, the corporation shall have full power and authority to keep in repair all public roads leading to the City for the extent of three miles therefrom and within the same dis- tance to establish and regulate ferries, and may levy a tax for these purposes in such manner and under such regulations as they may con- ceive least burthensome to the citizens and best calculated for the gen- eral good and welfare of the city. 9. Be it further enacted, That, all free white male inhabitants of full age, who shall have resided one whole month in the City next pre- ceding the day of the ensuing election and six whole months next pre- ceding the day of every subsequent election, and who shall be liable to be taxed by the corporation or to be called upon to perform any duty within said City, shall be qualified to vote for Mayor and Aldermen, and the persons qualified to vote as aforesaid, shall meet at some con- venient place in the ward in which they respectively reside, and elect by ballot for a Mayor and for two persons who shall be residents of said ward to represent the said ward in the board of Aldermen. The said election shall be held on the last Monday of August in every year 340 APPENDIX V and by three Commissioners to be appointed in each ward for that purpose by the Mayor for the ensuing election and afterwards by the board of Aldermen, which appointment shall be at least ten days be- fore the day of each election, except in regard to the first election to be held under this act. And the said Commissioners shall fix on the place in each ward for holding said elections of which public notice shall be by them given. ; 10. Be it further enacted, That, the said Commissioners pre- viously to receiving any votes shall severally take an oath or affirma- tion before some person qualified to administer the same, that they will without fear or favor, faithfully and impartially conduct the said election. The polls shall be kept open from eight o’clock in the morn- ing till seven in the evening and no longer, for the reception of ballots —on the closing of the polls the Commissioners shall close and seal their ballot boxes and meet on the day following in the presence of the Mayor for the first election, and the board of Aldermen afterwards, when the seals shall be broken and the votes counted, and the Mayor shall give notice to the persons having the greatest number of votes of their being duly elected, and shall cause public notice thereof to be inserted in some newspaper published in said City, and to secure the more equal representation of each ward in the city, it shall be in the power of the corporation to enlarge or diminish the extent of said wards so that each, as near as may be, may be made to contain an equal number of inhabitants. 11. Be it further enacted, That, in case of the refusal of any per- son to accept the office of Mayor upon his election thereto or of his death, resignation, inability or removal, the President of the board of Aldermen shall perform the duties thereof during the remainder of the term for which the said Mayor was elected and the President shall thereupon vacate his seat in the board of Aldermen, and in case of the absence or inability of said Mayor, the said President shall perform all the duties of the Mayor that may be required to be performed during his absence or inability. And the board of Aldermen shall have power to fill vacancies in their own body by causing elections to be made in the manner hereinbefore directed, out of the citizens qualified to fill the said office in the ward in which such vacancies shall have hap- pened. 12. Be it further enacted, That, in case no election shall be holden from unavoidable causes at the time pointed out by this act, the char- ter of the corporation shall not on that account be forfeited, but it shall be the duty of the Mayor to name another day for holding the election as near as convenient to the one pointed out by this act, and APPENDIX V 341 which said election shall be as valid and legal as if the same had been held at the proper time. 13. Be it further enacted, That, this act shall be and continue in force for the term of eight years and no longer. J.C. BRONAUGH, President of the Legislative Council. (Approved 28rd August, 1822) WM. P. DUVAL, Governor of the Territory of Florida. Attest: JOHN COPPINGER CONNOR, Clerk of the Legislative Council. Aiba AA Te ith 4 nth RA vary ahi vie NT bea WOR eter ik A WAY AE Kid it Not Wi } a 4) if i i" math ei i) tH Hy) iy . i baa i) i Aes A) Oh) Pit hs We Rtn nde | Pay Ate me hia 1 4 Z| be ty f s * Z * ». Last ay | : oe! Boe, fis 4 ae eM we ire ' OTS RN INDEX TO COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER Page Abandonment of Commission Government........................ 277 Affidavits to be filed by candidates...........0.00000000.00000.000..... 261 Applications to be filed by candidates...................0220000...... 262 Appropriation, made, to be revised by Commissioners.. 271 MTGE POLI OLA DTERCRI UC ee ar... ka nc) ce ant doomed s 262 BLOrOr COMMISSIONON, sees aie eee et ere 263 BSURINCREOOS O PICGPEL ATIC POT Ce el a ee 263 Bonds of officers to be prescribed by Commissioners.... 276 Bidder, lowest to be awarded contract.................000020200000.-- 275 Hands of. officers to be recordéd...... ahi eten i 276 Board of Equalization, powers and duties of vested in ASCII BRIO NETS: tll eee eee as Pod eee tele Sy 277 Bonds, issuance of by Commissionerfs....................22.......... 274 Bond Trustees, Commissioners successors to...................- 275 ISO00S; CLC nO W:, CXCCIILEU Ue Bie ete it a 275 PS SE 20 02. Wana Pai Raion SRD “ACN AOE CR oh Ok ea ROCCE EE 265 Books and accounts, examination of............. Cr Pia eee a: 270 Books and papers, Commissioners’ power to compel PIE OCUUS ERROR O06 56,24 coyote ctns a Gas AER tee Peak to ee 271 Board of Commissioners, powers of, as to wharves, docks, railroads, terminals, harbor, public utilities 272 Gommissioners, when elected.0...5...2c6 succes a an... 260 Commissioners, when to qualify.................000.00000eeeeeteeeeeee ee 261 Commissioners, term, of office ian hk 261 Commissioners, candidates for to file application............ 261 Commissioners, primary nominations.................22.22..2....... 261 Candidates for Commissioners to file statements............ 262 Clerk of Circuit Court, statements to be filed with, bonds to be filed with, bonds to be approved by, Otitis CODE TOCOTOGOs Ys. ter ike terested 262 Commissioners, qualifications of....................0..00000ceeeebeeeeeeee 263 Commissioners, to be over 21 years of age........................ 263 Commissioners, to be qualified voters...............................- 263 COMTI t eT OR GH OL) ee ek ak ue sk be ge 263 Cam iieeitetos DONG OL. rakes 0 hoe ie ba 263 Commissioners, vacancies in office of................02222........... 264 Na aan 346 INDEX TO COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER Page Commissioners, to elect Mayor.................... AIR LPH 264 Commissioners, Board of, designate: Police and Fire Commissioner, Streets and Public Works Commis- sioner, Finance and Revenue Commissionev.............. 264 Commissioner, Police and Fire, duties of............0.....222..... 264 Commissioner, Finance and Revenue, duties of .............. 265 Commissioner, Streets and Public Works, duties of........ 265 Contracts involving $300.00 to be advertised.................... 275 Contracts when let to lowest bidder....................-22..::eee-s-++- 275 Compensation of officers or employees...........0...2...0..2006+ 276 Commissioners, duties as to bonds of officers.................. 276 Clerk of Circuit Court to record bonds of officers.......... 276 Charter, amendments to, how made......... DOIG AE A) nv 0) 2m7 Commission form of government, how abolished............ 277 Contracts) now executed: Uc oil el eae 275 Checks, to be signed by Comptroller..........00......20...-+ 275 Checks, to be countersigned by Commissioners................ 275 Construction of Charter provisions......00.............ceceeeeeeeeeeeees 275 Charter provisions, difference of opinions as to.............. 275 Corporate existence continued.......................cececeseseeseeneeeeeees 265 Corporate ‘name ‘wnchanged. 0.000000 a ey 265 Corporate duties continued.................0...cccceceteeeceeeeseeeeeeneeeeeee 265 Corporate obligations 265 Contracts (Continued se lu 0 Oi Ge Ne ae I GN ale Gani 265 Corporate powers continued...................... ES se aA as alle ath GB Corporate limits unchanged.......00000.0000le ae 265 Commissioners, to be elected at large... eee 265 Commissioners, to submit ordinances to voters when.... 266 Commissioners’ proceedings, publication of.......0........00.... 270 Clerk of Circuit Court to keep record book..............20.00..... 271 Clerk of Circuit Court, fees for examining petitions...... 271 Commissioners empowered to enforce attendance of WitNeSBeS i Ae Oe Ml a Nea 271 Commissioners empowered to compel production books, 2) 1 AM eA ER OOM OAT USilg UPON PMY sl) Ne eye lc OMICS C8 271 Commissioners, first elected to change appropriations.... 271 Chief of Fire Department to suspend or discharge sub- Ordinates i Uyess uA Ud ae Ni eee Saad akon 271 Chief of Police, to suspend or discharge subordinates.... 271 Chief or head of department, to suspend or discharge SUDOTMINALES el MN ie A aR arty 271 Commissioners to appoint Recorder.............0.0..,.eccecceeeeeeeee 271 Dischatge of subordinates... A ae 271 Election to fill vacancies......... Sa DMR POOH DNR eLOALINMR Po, incln tsi 264 INDEX TO COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER = 347 Page Sec Election, to be called by Mayor. ..0................ccccccccscseeesseseseeee 260 1 Erection, time) TOPMNOMIN Ge een Bee in aie ae 260-62 1,2,3 Election, Clerk of Circuit Court to call... 260 1 PRIOCUION. RIOUICE OL CI el Oi ee a a ERE a ag 260 1 Election, expenditures of money im... 262 4 Election, laws and ordinances governing....................222-..-- 260 1 Elections, expenses of regulated cece eeeeeeeeeeeeeee- 262 4 Election of Commissioners, time for...............0..2...0000022000-- 262 4 Expenses of Candidates for Commissioners.................... 262 4 Eligibility for office of Commissionet..............0..2.........2---- 263 5 Employee, intereference in politics by, prohibited.......... 276 35 Election for amending Charter. ..............0...0000000..0.2e0eeeeeeeeeee 277 38 Equalization Board, superseded by Commissioners........ 277 39 Election for submitting proposed ordinance............. Bt 266 14 METRO LTICS NGS alse ue ik, Sees UN AU eS 272 26 Forection) Tor. issuing bonds al nee ead Sede 274 30 Election for issuing bonds, voters’ qualification.............. 274 30 BVIGONCC Oi INGEDLOGMOS 8 os2ccd.c cies oo ect dopeeceecustnnevcccpeassedulecepes 275 32 Election submitting ordinances. .........................cesccesceseeseeees 266 15 Election submitting ordinances, call for...........00000000.0000.... 266 15 Election for granting franchises, expenses of.................. 266 15 Expenses and receipts to be published.................00000......... 270 19 Franchises, applications, to pay expenseS................0....-. 266 15 Franchises, applications for, may withdraw application 266 15 Pranchises, conditions of grantiiyc bc ie 268 16 Franchise, property held under, purchase of.................... 268 16 Fire Department, Chief of, to suspend or discharge sub- ge F ay, ha or DNMMRERL ALICE ARECS BUS cesdatat SAPNA AE RMS Slat OY Le 271 23 Franchises to public utilities, how granted........................ 272): 26 Franchises to public utilities, election for..........000..0........ 272 26 Franchises to public utliities, when effective.................... 272 26 Facilities of public utilities, extension of.......................... 272 26 Fire Department, inspection of, in charge of.................... 264 10 Former government, how resumed.......................22000eeeeeeeeee 277 40 Governor authorized to have books, etc., examined........ 270 19 Health matters, administration of.......... 266 13 Mean State OR Of bine iain a sy) ie lel bel sll ag 266 13 Health matters in charge of Police and Fire Commis- BT COTIGT Wetec enV ile maleath ti Suna e PANES Cea Ste ALLY Ube ld Sh ig i 264 10 Justice, department of, in charge of Police and Fire OUOVTYT IE STODOE ie Nh Neen Las Ae MeL LY Nar 0 elas Ge 264 10 Journal of Commissioners’ proceedings to be published 276 37 PR TOTIPEIOCO oy creel toe Le 2s an 278 41 BAWe CONTINUeE (iN TOTCEL NOP Ss oe ne au in de 265 12 348 INDEX TO COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER Page Limits of /City,, unchanged) ye a es ee 265 Meat inspection in charge of Police and Bire Commis- SIOTIOW A RN NT OU Lee aa ene 264 Mayor to preside at meetings..............22.....2222-::c0220eeeeeeeeee 264 Mayor has:no veto power... en ee ee 264 Mayor to be elected at first meeting..................2.20.::....----- 264 Mayor to be elected annuallyii oo a eae 264 Mayor: to\call election: eo we ac i aa a 260 Meetings :of Commissioners se:jiic nue ee 276 Meeting, time for holding to be published........................ 276 Meetings, special, how called... .00 00 276 Meetings; journal of, tobe) Kept.ciic hey es 276 Milk inspection in charge of Police and Fire Commis- SOTO Ta UE a tek di a a 264 Measures and weights, inspection in charge of Police and” Hire: Commissioner. 2.000.000) a 264 Meetings, regular oj data od Oe ea 276 Notes, how executed........................ dopelductugt eS 1 AON taser 275 Office hours ae ee 264 Officers, appointed by Commissione’s................2.2...2.200--- 265 Officers, jyremoval of:00Mu2a co 265 Officers, salaries (Of 0000000 ee a 265 Officers, bonds Ofer A ear 265 Officers, tenure 200s. ot eh ee en) a oe eae 260 Officers and employees, not to be related within cer- TAIN AESTee oo a i Os aires et Nga 273 Officers and employees, not to be stockholder, when...... 273-4 Officers and employees, not to be interested in con- 5 21d Ad EO AMMO IDG E Meee IoC a ite ee 273-4 Ordinances continued in force...............02000.0cccceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 265 Ordinance, may be proposed by petition.....................0...... 266 Ordinance proposed by petition, action on............0...00..2... 266 Ordinance proposed by petition, how voted on.................. 266 Ordinance} granting franchise... i ee 266 Ordinance granting franchise, when effective.................. 266 - Ordinance granting franchise, publication of.................. 266 Ordinance granting franchise, expenses for...................... 266 Ordinance granting franchise, election on........................ 266 Officer, interference in politics by, prohibited.................. 276 Political activities by officers and employees.................. 276 Petitions: proposing ‘ordinance 40 va ae 266 Petition for election on franchise ordinance, etce............... 266 Publication ‘of ‘proceedingsiuwi a a 276 Pound, in charge of Police and Fire Commissioner... 264 INDEX TO COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER 349 Page Sec Police, in charge of Police and Fire Commissionet.......... 264 10 MO WELE VAG LO PUIG UCIIIGIOS ic scrtosicthleeeco.calsh saa uioeesesetleenee 272 26 Rowers. a8 to rates and Services. 2.....c0c sees. iy ie 273 rot! Powers, as to examination of books and accounts............ 273 27 ROTI FOMSLOLE LOCH Lemme our ee ae ie Cr Je OTE Reon 268 17 Peticion tor election om franchises). 268 16 Property of franchise holder, purchase of........................ 268 16 Petition for Commissioner’s resignation..............0............. 268 17 Proceedings of Commissioners to be published................ 270 19 Police department, Chief of, to suspend or discharge SROTUTIMAL CR hen cen et ot he se ty ee eek eee ae A 271 23 Public utility, regulation of by Commissioner.................. Zia 26 Resa INCUEEEN s | CHOTITIOO ery rs ce etal ees eh oheaeeare 272 26 Public utility, how franchises granted to....................0..... ais 26 Public utility, extension of facilities.........00000000 00. 272 26 Public utility, extension of services................002222.222222.200--- 272 26 Public utility, to keep uniform accounts.................0.......... 273 pf Public utility, purchase of property....................000.....c:00 268 16 Pee OPMIO Ser eeCOUL Ces rises neat ets ey ek RUE a 2th 24 PEC OLUet TaD DOLD NCTC COL ea pete yet cecneete tlre aero 271 24 PROCOEIEY fe TUM NIRCALION: Ores eg teen ceases td chatvcceicoateewtete rag 24 Recorder, powers and duties of..............00.....0:-cc:ccseeeeeeeeees 271 24 Recorder, remittance of fines by........00200002002000002eeec cee 2i2 25 Recorder, under supervision of Police and Fire Com- CULE T S00 of Meehan Bie eg SUD | UR ne ERB Ea IRE Me 265 10 BUCO LAE THC LITIONS cto ear ee eens ee A enh all) | ae via 268-70 17-18 Recall of Commissioner, proceedings for..................0....... 268 17 Receipts and expenses, to be published.............00000000020...... 270 19 Record book to be kept by Clerk of Circuit Court.......... 271 20 Railroad company, rights on tracks of others.................. 272 26 PeaPOROT CraCKS MSG OL UY Cities, eet chee ace 272 26 Surety company to be surety on officers’ bonds.............. 276 36 Sanitation in charge of Police and Fire Commissioner.. 265 10 muspension of subordinates ...05 20 27% 23 Subordinates, suspension or discharge of........................ 271 23 BErVICER OL DUDUG UGLY ae ee ee 212 26 Jelegraph poles, use of by City....00..0l 272 26 Telephone poles, use of by City...i..........0cccececcceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 273 26 Vacancies, in Commissioners’ offices................20.-.-.2000----+- 264 7-8 Vacancies, elections to fill vacancies.............0.0....0.000.0200--- 264 8 Weights and measures in charge of Police and Fire PEOMMITSSTONGR UUM ek ee tek: Lua are 2) 8 eh ee 265 10 Witnesses, Commissioners’ power to enforce attend- April ah GBA ANN ER at Sis te eee id 8 LTE a ae ES Dh 271 21 a A (are) , vn Otte. pis oF i y i NAC Te ete Mi Ot A aval * 4 we ' (ia my / I \ Who ty eA ¥ i's 4 any EE sThRiyuut Meat thy , H 1 | a eS Se K GENERAL INDEX Page Section A ABATEMENT OF NUISANCEG.........00000.00000000000.. 0. “cc “ec SOP MMEIIN LG (We hee tae eA? Co AS Lk 944 JS Se EAT G4 WER GO SDM 8 6 ONS SR ee de 219 ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANIEB.................... 228 ACCOUNTANT—Auditing Company, license for........ 220 ADDING MACHINE—License for ................................ 219 ADJOURNMENT of case by Recorder.......................... 25 ADAMS STREET—Width 0f.......22.1..ccc.c..ceeceecseeeceeceees 160 ADVERTISING AGENTS—See Licenses .................. 219 ADVERTISEMENT—Defacing, ete. ............................ 186 AFFIRMATION—Included in oath..................00......2.... SOP AAS RET PW 9 7) an eee no PR a 22 ts 5G LACONSCA be hae ea Staal av cece was dot gcd dane 219 BS LLIN CH of oss ev aetes- okay dpeaeicebanees ee oe RVs pk Aegan a8 152 lilo Yy — Included. in; StYee@b. 2. 8lo oo co.nop. sentence ssc ensenedncveete ANIMALS— Be weeitig ANC LPCALINOGNt Ol 49 a ee 142 Animalsinot to:ron atilargcer.. 2a pve. 2nd: 142 PIN OGUIG IN ANTI Ds: a he le 143 Meee tr OY IMPOUNCING foci ces ccan tee eee NN Se ash 143 Cattle not to be unloaded from cars within cer- LU EET En: ee Ca ak OOM Ay WBN? BMS Ca PLC p 143 Cattle, driving of through streets.................... bre 144 Animals not to be hitched to trees...................... 144 Not to be left unfastened on any street.............. 144 Animal passing on street to have suitable bah fo) cope elibegt op oe OEE OP LOU OMARION EE Sem C Nee 144 Not to be driven violently or carelessly in CE ol sO) Bie (aie OP ee ERE OO | sels ies RAP He ETE 9 14 144 Not to be driven carelessly in street.................. 244 Dead animal to be removed by ownev................ 144 Desaranimal, disposing Of..+:..... seins 144 Animal with glanders or distemper prohibited BYIPBLOOOG ot her ah ek Ne a eed ee | 144 Swine not to be kept in City limits.................... 144 5 868 830 830 830 830 100 584 830 685 1 92 830 2 GENERAL INDEX ANIMALS—Continued. Diseased animals not to be watered at public ODF 8S 2 8 0s ARRON ROS DEN ORR ap ARIAL eS une RN I ROE RL UY, Indecent exhibition of animal prohibited............ Wild and ferocious animals to be guarded........ Cruelty to animals prohibited........00......0.....0.0..... Poultry and fowls not to run at large................ Dogs— Keeping of without license.......... RPE iy AN es Fee for licensing and registering........................ Comptroller to issue license............22.......-:-20:0-0++ Dogs found at large, disposal of........0.......0.0220.... Surrendering dogs to city pound.......................... Penalty for removing license tag from.............. Bitches motte '‘goatiargwe eo I aa i Muzzling of dogs to prevent hydrophobia.......... Restraining, to prevent hydrophobia.................. Vicious or dangerous, to be securely fastened.. Vicious or dangerous dog to be muzzled............ Vicious or dangerous dog found at large to be IA DOUNGE oi a SU a ae Dogs disposed to bite mankind or animals may 1n7c4 80-29 MipbMdenba legOlbe PUL ERM NRMD RI EWAL ane ASIANS IQ Holy aS UW 5 eo B Ad MN oH Oe bh SSA IRM MASOOD eID APIS Cea ait Micon et OUE SUE iy ARREST—W arrant Ooi ae OS ANN a AFP VIG OL ee I ae Without warrant, vagrants, ete..........0..0000000020... Without warrant ae Ung Persons authorized to make..........000.0.00000000.00... Procedure: ater ee NN iris a ieee Refusal to’ assist In making.. oe Powers ‘th making eis ee a a RESTSUIINS oe re A en aia CaN ASSEMBLAGES—Disturbing LEA a ah Ran POs Odes SURI Det ASSESSMENT—When and how made.......................... Return, of property) LOK ae ASSESSMENTS—See Charter Appendix ...........0........ For (Sidewalks ena cca eg ! For water connections ...........00002222.2.0200- sb un tay For sewers ........ FRAN SU HAE GEOR EO PO MI MAGADISNSAA TD as For abating nuisances!) 2.0 cue ey For removing’ buildings)... fe. For district sewers and extensions .................... For street paving—See Appendix.............0........ Page Section 144 144 145 145 145 145 145 145 146 146 146 146 147 147 147 147 147 147 219 23 22 26 26 26 515 516 517 . 518 519 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 830 93 92 111 111 111 112 115 113 116 562 24 24 630 297 289 296 2238 301-2 GENERAL INDEX ASSESSOR—See Tax Assessor ASSIGNATION HOUSE—See Bawdy House ASSIGNMENT—Of salary prohibited .................0...... ASTRONOMERS—On streets ............0..000..00eccceeeeeeeeeeeee ATTORNEY, CITY—See City Attorney RL PORN EG LU RULING ier AE SE Omak el aed, PTE ING COMPANIES ire Rikki gay buns AUTOMOBILE—See Vehicles— UPS yr Rane Sh erat Lae arte Wg CF AR OO ES ACEBBSOTICS © oer haces, Ul AML 6 Sogn i GArave Or rensir shop nee AVENUE—Included in street ..........0000000002e cece MON ILIN Green street ye eee Ty ee rele ah PRINUING “BIVTY OD) face neat. ee LEON aa GOH el OF 8 Od A RY a BAIL—For appearance, right of...............00.......2.00...0... coxcept to persons arumie to) Eee CUMS OD 415 RA SOG SEN cM es SOA eat A BAKERIES, CONFECTIONERIES AND RESTAU- RANTS—See Health and Sanitation BALLAST—See Harbor (MEARE SS © ee aes OR Out yc Cool Jar Ne BARS RRA ie PRU BADE UDAW LRE PINCHES ose el libletilaslcetoveeee UF ANS OF Bo oe Oo WO Aa OV aca ar eet SN BAS DOA LH PARES (ous Ua aed et) Sees RPM Bape ALY ET SUD ¢ Gov cu seis ce eads cote nemaal eee hak ote ie Ee das “SES HDS 192 RO a Py 00, oaks PRAY UE LO A Le ROE ae Cd 4 Aa Et M58 ad ERO aD eee Ee BARRANCAS AVENUE ESTABLISHED .................. BATHING IN BAY—Regulated ...0..00.....00002000000eeeeee. DW Dr tOPUlAtion, Of veer wale LE Ot BAWDY HOUSES—Prohibited .................. ON arrose Staying in or visiting prohibited ............0000000..... BAWDS—Not to loiter about streets or public places BAY—See Harbor BAYVIEW PARK ROADWAY—Established ........... BAYVIEW PARK—Regulations .......000000000000c Control by Park Commissionet............................ Vehicles to keep in roadway.........................0--.-.--- RIUSURUCTION OL LEALLIG eee mite tenet warmed Sh 3 Page Section 9 219 220 220 220 220 220 20 830 830 830 830 830 830 : 674 689 830 112 112 830 830 830 830 844 830 830 830 830 588 581 553 _ 588-9 538 538 539 610 697-711 697 698 698 699 4 GENERAL INDEX BAY VIEW PARK—Regulations—Continued. Animals not: to go at large wis oe 188 Bicycles, etc., on walks prohibited...................... 188 Dogs unsecured prohibited eerie ou ke eee 188 Animals not to be hitched to trees...................... 188 © Animals not to injure trees or shrubbery.......... 188 Dangerous articles prohibited ...........................- 189 Games permitted and regulated ........................ 189 Firearms or explosives prohibited .................... ne 189 Peddling and sale of articles prohibited............ 189 Advertising by placard, etc., prohibited............ 189 Posting advertisements on trees prohibited...... 189 Injuring trees, buildings, etc., prohibited.......... 189 Disorderly conduct 02 ee Ne A ee 189 Breach or the peace 20.0 wes ae elie 189 Interfering with City property -...............0000...... 189 Rules and regulations adopted by Board............ 189 BBAR FIGHTS—Prohibited ...:.00.25...20 22 ae, 151 BICYCLES: and ‘supplies... ee 220 Renting or repairing (0.4. ue ae 220 Riding on sidewalks prohibited................000000...... 243 peed Limited Se ae eee 243 To carry light at night {2 eee 243 To. havesignal bell 0200 o3 2 ee ee 243 Bell to be sounded at crossing .................0..2...2.04. 248 BILLBOARDS (3 ce is ee oe ae ee ik, OO BILL ;POSTERS ii 0 i aa ea ee 221 BIRTHS—Physicians and others to report.................... 136 BILLIARD ROOM—Public, location of ........000000000000.... 150 BILLIARD SALOON—Minors not allowed in.............. 150 License tax) 2) Se ie ee ee Pee cee 220 BITCHES=Im ‘heat. jc) oc ee ee ee, 146 BLACKSMITHS—See horseshoeing BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS—Meaning of ............ 3 See Commission Charter Index BOARD— Supervise all departments |......00....00000000000... 7 Annual meeting )Otiuuiiens 2.20 J eee re 7 Appoint) officers avisGr aes jek ee 7 Review acts: of officers ..........:..0c ee 8 BOARD OF EQUALIZATION— Board of Commissioners to be ................. 17 To ‘consider: complaints \.0. 20)... 05 un ee ae 17 To equalize assessments ............0000....ceeeeeeeeeeeeee 17 Page Section 700 701 701 702 702 703 704 705 706 706 706 707 708 709 710 711 552 830 830 860 861 861 862 863 150 830 460 550 549 830 527 1 11 12 13 17 61 61 61 GENERAL INDEX BOARD OF EQUALIZATION—Continued. PA CCU CLG cst ee ee Ded Vdseauopt: GssessMents iso kates tis a lk IL OGSERS VASP LALO ce akl ol ee Ce ae ae Ditties preseribed: by lawini...2. ee) BOARDING HOUSES—To pay license tax.................. Not to: be’ overcrowded! 522 Sa ee poe Tob he We (GIR CONS Sauder det ey re Sle pclae aba ent est babe Ree ye AEOLOT AT OF o NING cr ite eh eg heehee Peer TE ROTM NLLS Oneida tases iver nists 7 nes HOTIOG PS. Peat eWeek aaiatie nee BREN LI ICOL DOOG: DENA VIO cscs oo oan can es ccee tines vusce cevncsen ade CAPO TICE iia se ee te ee ahah eh dsb oon te greta sce weirs COPE COTS Gan Seca dS cask nace see bitodl BONT) COMPANIES: 4»... Migr A eee stk... BONDS AND PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS—Appen- ne ol SE RMR 2 ae ae SE APR Pi tonk AC ee en ECR = eT we ae BONDS, Act of 1905 authorizing issuance of—Ap- Seni kame 6 aih0.go bese RE enh ee LN a Se ade BONDS for Street Improvement, Act of 1909.............. mens anetunding Ach Ofc 1OL 1 son ic snnosarctesncpo ees BONDS for Dock and Belt Railroad, Act of 1913........ BONDS for Dock and Belt Railroad, Act of 1919........ BONDS for Water Works and Building, Act of 1915 BONDS for Improvements, Act of 1919...........0............ BONDS of 1919, validated—Appendix IV.................... TOTS ESS ION LS CU AMnT ee eyC rte An er ete + eet ean ee BOOKS—Advertising Directory ...................----0:0000--0--- CELE OE GN ES OLAS ORR EL PE UE Tibia 9 a ne Et BOULEVARD—Included in street .............. Se gee oe POEL RETA Ted Bars CI TOL Oy EV ee ees clo cag deka cules nee ta abed be REESE SL Cart Pali kG % oe eee are Mgt ea hee asucksnntgatics Tora TiGThs OF rms Obs rare eee tery enh As: Porta vilicerie: tae Green ae te te tet. ORC GRRE Ey MI OS 6 iW 9 Po Oh nek neh ys ee aie eee pA BOUT ANS ELO LD ALA Re ist sarees eee MeN LEAND SHOBs DMA LE RS uae cB ee catters PE LL SPIN Gr WC) ECR taut ett ee pe ret eee BOsSTAND. CRATE FACTOREMS Mies s Wa asl. Diba D110. bec wrapped) anit. Maes ee BReaU—Lo) be: wrapped i498. Pee ee at REG Le ML TLL) ENE cde ak cna hacen ahvnpecaces nn ancioanbavsbecsyeucubagsss 5 BRICK-OR STONE DEALERS i .0...-. 266k eee 5 Page Section 17 17 17 17 221 141 221 221 61 62 62 62 830 493 830 830 830 830 99 112 19 830 6 GENERAL INDEX BROKERS—Merchandise cece eceekece cece eceeecepeeeeeee COE COT I eRe BUA MO UA AUS C50, OU Fruits, eben ay FOAL CIU UD UHI ONRR SRO NRTI Reap VEUML Grain and stocks on margin.............................-- Late DOT VO OAT RSI GHMN 0/1) nL a RI La DOB ee NN UR Ne GBT NOS cea ee Mone ye sneha ESA NG oi CCU Ship ....... Pig Ved MU ALINE RUC a Og IN CURLED VEER PN ea IQ Tinney ie eon Oia ei ee RUM gO Anh ana BUBONIC PLAGUE—Protection from— See Health and Sanitation. ......0000000000) 0a, BUILDERS—See Contractor BUILDERS’ SUPPLIES .................. EEN SURCEAP Ua Ai HONG ENCINO BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS ................. BUILDING MATERIALS—To be lighted .................. BUILDING INSPECTOR— Appointment? or eect BONG OR AAO SU ND AL Ce Se Compensation ‘of oe eNO re Duties of generally: 7 ey tec ano TO ISSUE | DETMITS (ys RUE een aie enn To supervise building operations ...............0.0...... To make report monthly to Board...................... To enforce building ordinance and regulations To wear an official ‘badge ee See ‘building regulations: 22...) ea BUILDING (REGULATIONS (es as cee Apartments—Brick walls of 20.00.0000... (Par. 1) Assembly—See amusement places .... Application for building permit .......... (Par. 6) Application for increasing height of |p 5 0d Ka bh ab ghPNMtaba Aan MaDe coment ADL de si GN a Eg (Par. 5) Application for elevation permits........ (Par. 2) Application to have plans and specifi- cations attached ...... RY MSAD PORES ATE (Par. 7) Application for alteration .................... (Par. 9) Application to be accompanied by City Attorney’s certificate .............. (Par. 11) Application for examination of party AVS i ea Me Lene ay (Par. 9) Page Section 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 222 114 13 13 13 13 13 13 47-82 47-82 69 61 53 53 52 53 54 54 56 47 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 830 362-78 830 830 676 13 19 19 30 30 30 30 30 30 212-36 212-36 227 221 218 218 217 218 218 218 219 213 GENERAL INDEX 7 Page Section BUILDING REGULATIONS—Continued. Amusement—Places of ......20........2.2204.... (Par. 1) 61 221 PONV TITRE por old Nae (Par. 2) 61 221 Heating apparatus in .............. ..(Par. 3) 61 221 SCRE) INE eee ee ue (Par. 4 and 12) 61-3 221 AvcItOriv ire ch Oe et (Par. 5) 61 221 TMT ON aie ence y ie Nth alla el al (Par. 6) 62 221 SCREW Balle ii et a (Par. 7-8) 62 ral Partitions ane ihe is ee ane | (Par. 9) 62 221 FOX OT eae i (Par. 10) 62 221 LARS OxiIG i a ey (Par. 10) 62 221 TObDIes ee ela en (Par. 11) 62 221 Fire water plugs a. ek: (Par. 13) 63 221 Gurtain Opening oun ue (Par. 14) 63 221 Root (trusses) Sai a (Par. 15) 63 221 Fire resisting doors in .............. (Par. 16) 63 221 Ventilationiin eee, (Par. 17) 63 221 Obstructing aisles, etc., prohib- ACG cise Nis Ay geet (Par. 18) 63 221 Fire escapes for ........................ (Par. 19) 6344 221 Electric wire and conduits in (Par. 20) 64 221 Beams, kind to be used ........... Be Sp dareves DO (Par. 4) 55 219 For) root and floonag (Par. 10) 56 219 Beagrie Ol ee eel) (Par. 22) 58 219 Iron or steel forming girder......(Par. 6) 74 227% Iron or steel, kind and weight Ch ig WRUOOL SAR Lede ig hla ALO ACURA (Par. 8) 74 227% Resting on girder to be riv- BEC Uae ely (Par. 8) 74 227% Bearing on walls to have ANCHOPE eens Ohh ol) (Par. 8) 74 227% Brick, kind and quality of...................... (Par. 3) 55 219 Soft brick prohibited in foun- CATION UM Meo a Amo amt) (Par. 6) 56 219 Broken brick, percentage of al- TOWECOITWALIB Ca (Par. 6) 56 219 Concrete for foundation........................ (Par. 31) 59 219 Concrete blocks allowed in........................ 75 228 Reinforced concrete construc- v9) 4 HUM alos NUURAM Sy ANOKA CLS (Par. 1) 76 229 Reinforced concrete construc- tion, plans and specifications 1 fs 1 si NTC EAC RDA kh RAR DEAR Ee) RN (Par. 2) 76 229 Cement to be tested.................... (Par. 4) 77 229 8 GENERAL INDEX BUILDING REGULATIONS— Page Section Concrete—Continued. Sand to’ be sede ek (Par. 5) 77 229 Stone to be used... (Par. 6) 717 229 Concrete to be mixed by ma- CHING Tvs Renae crore o eo (Par. 7) 77 229 Concrete, how placed in forms, CoE CATT 0b 2 LAU BAIR Se es Ac a (Par. 8) 77 229 Steel used to be tested................ (Par. 9) re 229 Steel to be completely en- CLORCUE Ose Sa (Par. 10) 78 229 Steel in walls, floors, ete........... (Par. 10) 78 229 Columns, etc., how placed........ (Par. 11) 78 229 Workmen to be under compe- tent: foreman (2.025000 (Par. 12) 78 229 : Calculating stress of reinforced COTCHOSS Hues rcaeu eat mre (Par. 18) 78 229 Method of testing............00...0.... (Par. 13) 79 229 Thickness of bearing walls........ (Par. 14) 80 229 Skeleton construction of steel, BEC UL Oe Re) ot as ae (Par. 14) 80 229 Cellar, below high tide level................ (Par. 33) 60 219 Buildings without........0000000000.... (Par. 33) 60 219 Columns of iron or steel................ (Par. 1 to 5) 71-3 227% steel bases: fori (Par. 13) 75 227% Commissioner of Public Works— Duties (of ie ee eae (Par. 1) 64 Jae Duties OL eho eae aca 65 223 Supervise and direct Inspectov................ 13 30 Condemnation of decayed or dangerous struc- TUTOS) 22662 ee er se ee (Par. 1) 64 222 Condemnation of decayed or dangerous struc- Pures es A a aS A rah 65 223 Cement, required to be tested.............. (Par. 32) 59 219 Kind to be used below water (Par. 32) 60 219 Kind to be used in reinforced CONCTELE Yn ack oe epg (Par. 32) 60 219 Lime to be used in making......(Par. 32) 60 219 Chimneys and flues, ete................... (Par. 14-15) 57 219 Chimneys; eben oa ie ee (Par. 17) 57 219 COTMICES CE a ee ar a dl (Par. 4-5) 48 214 Damaged or decayed buildings, re- pair! Of Feats ahd eae 8 (Par. 1) 64 222 Condemnation of. ..............2.2......- (Par. 2) 65 223 Definitions 2 Ca tee nate 47 213 GENERAL INDEX 9 Page Section BUILDING REGULATIONS—Continued. Dwelling Houses— WOOD IOISGS TOP ite tnd (Par. 3) 68 226 Walle storie Aho Ae (Par. 1) 69 227 Engineer— 7 To be notified when permit is- pets (Bat co ote Bre ae bo epee (Par. 13) 52 216 To supply number for building..(Par. 1) 52 ZLT To provide grade for elevations (Par. 2) 52 21% To gives lines for buildings........ (Par. 2) 52 217 Exterior walis}*ete mack sce La) (Par. 1) 48 214 Exterior doors, windows, etc................. (Par’7) 49 214 Factories, floors) ofsimeec..-.b Bae (Par. 4) 69 226 Pinte ls es ae eaek ck Ae (Par. 4) 48 214 Fire’ Limit Nowe Sea a hk: 34 147 Buildinge ive ak (Par. 5) 49 214 Outshouses t4.tadesend pont (Par. 2) 50 215 Iron clad buildings...................... (Par. 4) 50 215 Flues and smokestacks in.......... (Par. 13) 57 219 Doors and windows, openings, WICDITIO ieee EOE eee (Par. 20) 58 219 Walls of building over corner, openings within.............00....... (Par. 21) 58 219 Temporary wooden structures TN Ae RAS ee aT (Par. 25) 58 219 Wooden buildings may be re- PSITSU Mea eal ese wccssesasidess (Par. 1) 64 wae Walls offnuiidiners anys idetadiaitie 69-71 227 Caraga DULCN ei eens ee re at 81 230 Wooden building covered by tin PPCM TGOC ela ei Y 82 235 Wooden building, moving pro- hipited: its..7k ARBOR AR ee Gea he 82 234 Buildings partly within............ (Par. 10) 49 214 One-story buildings imn................ (Par. 9) 71 227 Rite: Limit nie cet cit net yiycazcadiscct A) 35 148 Building Vinwc waa eke (Par. 1) 49 215 Roof repairs permitted................ (Par. 3) 50 215 Frame residences imn.................... (Par. 1) 49 215 Repair of wooden buildings in..(Par. 1) 49 215 Repair of wooden buildings in..(Par. 3) 50 215 Floors in buildings without cellars....(Par. 33) 60 219 Strengtn :Olisaals dll! (Par. 1) 66 224 Weight to be placed on................ (Par. 3) 66 224 10 GENERAL INDEX BUILDING REGULATIONS— Page Section Floors—Continued. Joists for dwelling house............ (Par. 3) 68 Ratan OF Factories) Noa Meas fae (Par. 4) 69 226 Of warehouses... eee (Par. 4) 69 226 Of ‘public buildings. (Par. 4) 69 226 OF | CRERERES kan ul ie (Par. 4) 69 226 Flue Pipes— Within fire limits........................ (Par. 13) 57 219 Through wooden partitions or floor prohibited .............00...... (Par. 19) 58 219 Foundation, concrete for...........01......... (Par. 31) 59 219 Foundation Walks cee a Ue a a 60 220 Foundation walls, footings of.......0.....0..e lee 60 220 Foundation ‘walls, width. of.ccu 60 220 Foundation of frame structures............ (Par. 1) 68 226 Frame) residences jcc a (Par. 1) 49 215 Frame outbuildings yo (Par.: 2) 50 215 Frame of galleries, ete.........000c. le. (Par. 2) 48 214 Mrame sheds nuiWe iio oe ois aaa ay (Par. 3) 48 214 Frame roofs, repair Of..........-.cccccccecc0--- (Par. 3) 50 215 Frame boat house and workshop.......... (Par. 4) 50 215 Frame sheds for temporary use.......... (Par. 25) 58 219 Frame structures, foundations of.............0.......... 68 226 Frame structures for garages prohibited.......... 81 230 Frame structures not to be constructed or movediin fire limits: OUR a ay 82 234-5 Gabbery ilies ni iyk il 5 ie CAs a (Par. 2) 48 214 Gallery a es NN kg (Par. 5) 48 214 Garages— Building of regulated.............cccceeeece ee 81 230 Defined oe OG Ve nea UO Ns AQ 173 Girders of iron and steel........................ (Par. 1) FL 22746 Use of iron or steel beams of....(Par. 6) 74 227% Supported by wall or pier.......... (Par. 7) 74 227% Gutters eG Un ACen UN aia (Par. 4) 48 214 Downspouts) of 52k aos (Par. 23) 58 219 Hearths, fireplaces, ete.....00...00.00000....... (Par. 16) 57 219 Hotels defined ih OA ane ih (Par. 7) 48 213 Brick walls ope H ileal ey (Par. 1) 69 227 Inspector— AppointmenGiokie wi eR ii 13 Bond ot ol hr Un nat Ue I0e ie ing 8 19 Compensation) (Gf jie ia ey 8 19 Duties ‘of generally i ae 13 30 GENERAL INDEX 11 BUILDING REGULATIONS— Page Section Inspector—Continued. DUCTS Ren beats, enesoeus OL Wee cavadiesod 50 216 May permit repairs of roof......(Par. 3) 50 215 Not to engage in other business (Par. 1) 50 216 To supervise heating appara- TUS CLUVaRy OLCE aieni a (Par. 6) 51 216 Right to enter buildings.............. (Par. 7) 51 216 To require repair or removal of unsafe structure.................. (Par. 9) 52 216 biability ots (Par. 11) 52 216 To Temovaraiaria eee (Par. 12) 52 216 Notify engineer of permits is- BVIOIY La eae NL ae Se a (Par. 13) 52 216 To require certificate from Plumbing Inspector.................. (Par!/2) 52 218 Permits to be issued by, for re- TO INES Tc me Fp ahaoo ital uit Mets en aac tse cuss (Par. 2) 53 218 Slip permits to be issued by, TOP CNERTEYA | GUCAy nse tuto trans (Par. 3) 53 218 Permits to be issued by only to licensed contractors, etc......... (Parivayy O53 218 To keep copies of plans and SHECHICATIONE | silt cncnvetitassse (Par. 7) 53 218 Acting on City Attorney’s cer- tifieate nthe ee rae, (Par. 11) 54 218 To approve materials.................. Crear. ia) 54 219 To examine party walls.............. (Par. 9) - 56 219 Material condemned by............ (Par. 29) 59 219 Duties as to theatres, etc........... (Par. 1) 61 221 Damaged or decayed buildings to be removed by...................... (Par, 2) 64 222 To condemn dangerous struc- CUPS R eet rk eee Wy Bik Mia (Par. 1) 65 223 To regulate load on floors.......... (Par. 3) 66 224 To permit reinforced concrete BEPUCTULOR er erie erences (Par. 2) 76 229 To test and approve cement in concrete construction.............. (Par. 4) 77 229 To test and approve steel in concrete construction.............. (Par. 9) 717 229 Refusal to issue permits re- Viewable by Bosrdeiys. ccd tapes steuene 81 231 Iron clad buildings in fire limits............ (Par. 4) 50 215 12 GENERAL INDEX Page Section BUILDING REGULATIONS—Continued. Joists— For roof and floor...................... (Par. 10) 56 219 Cross bridging of............00..0..... (Par. 24) 58 219 Machinery, use and placing of........ (Par. 30).... 59 219 Materials— Kind and standard of.................. (Par. 1) . 64 219 Condemnation of by Inspector (Par. 29) 59 219 Carrying “capacity “ofs.2.80005 05 Lee 67 225 For metal, iron and steel con- SEPUCTION hh oaisue oe. (Par. 10-11) 74-5 227% Steel column bases.................... (Par. 13) 75 227% Cast iron castings...................... (Par. 14) 75 227% Mercantile buildings, etc., walls of....(Par. 2-9) 70-1 227 Mortar— Below water line............0.....2..0... (Par. 2) 55 219 For first class buildings.............. (Par. 2) 55 219 For second class buildings.......... (Par. 2) 55 219 Moving buildings, in or from without, into PPS Mit Oe en ee 82 234 Moving buildings in or over streets.................... 82 237 Notices to be served by police........000..000000002.0... 81 232 Party walls above roof..........00...0::04.5.0.; (Par. 8) 49 214 Kixamination, Of. 0000 ee (Par. 9) 56 219 Penalties for violating building regulations...... 82 236 Permits— To repair frame residence.......... (Par. 1) 49 215 For erection of wooden building (Par. 1) 49 215 For repair of roof in Fire Limit INO US ee ls ay (Par. 3) 50 215 For repair of roof in Fire Limit INO ee se ae ee ny ee (Par. 3) 50 215 Permits, etc., to be signed by Inspector iestes ua Gia ates (Par. 2) 50 216 Notice to engineer of issuance (Par. 13) 52 216 For remodeling, etc........... Paes (Par. 1) 52 218 For repairs exceeding $25.......... (Par. 2) 53 218 Slip permits for heating appa- Tatus: ,ClCe oe See ee es (Par. 3) 53 218 Slip permits for repairs not exceeding $500................2.00...... (Par. 3) 53 218 For erection and repairs ex- ceeding $500...............000000 (Par. 4) 0/58) 68 218 GENERAL INDEX 13 BUILDING REGULATIONS— Page Section Permits—Continued. For increasing height of build- bat tf Bete ce he. GA EP CAR rad ee (Par. 5) 53 218 Appli¢atiorneefore.s.2 01.028 (Par. 6) 53 218 Plans and specifications to be filed with applications............ (Para?) 53 218 Plans and Specifications— To be filed with application for DOrnni ee aa ee ie So a (Parviit) 53 218 Not to be altered after issuance OL APPT eee ee ek oct (Par. 8) 54 218 PA SPOTMN 8 ey Ue he ee ae (Pari?) 48 214 Police— To see that persons have per- TLC ree ee (Par. 12) 54 218 Protection of property, life and limb ING CONSEPRICTION:.......nteden chs (Par. 5) 55 219 Public amusement or assembly (see PTNUBSIIONE Peters ert os ee 61 221 Public buildings, floors of...................... (Par. 4) 69 226 Public space, occupying, in building Operations 5 2..46.c.cendh.. (Par. 26-8) 58-9 © 219 BCG ITS) COTNG IA ae oo iicea argh ntieniaenntas. (Par. 8) 48 213 Of wooden building in fire limite ta 3 4 reeinod st les (Par. 1) 64 tae Rivets, in columns, ete. 222)..28i28n. (Par. 5) 73 227% Roofs, to be connected by scuttle or Iron, steppe) 225k ee a 81 233 Roof timbers to have wind braces......(Par. 24) 58 219 Scaffolds, use and placing of................ (Par. 30) 59 219 Gee CLOTINNG Gt ee beet eek we lenecdanzdtevess (Par. 9) 48 213 smokestack :......,.cticel eet ey (Par. 12) 57 219 SSE Vy OPS Font ot hin sco ceh Saaseceenene tl BAA (Par. 12) 57 219 Street, occupying in building opera- TOM Sa eee 2 ee Net, ks (Par. 26-8) 58-9 219 Structural metal work to be eleaned ahd. painted: en snes en. (Par. 10) 74 227% Under water to be enclosed by CONCTOIG Wee ee a (Par. 10) 74 227% Quality and strength of mate- Tigh: Used) IN. eens ew. (Par. 11) 74 227% Tables— Carrying capacity of mate- PITRE esos sce ys cnsoabese BAUER CLS (Par. 1) 67 225 14 GENERAL INDEX BUILDING REGULATIONS— Page Section Tables—Continued. Size and capacity of floor joists (Par. 3) 68 226 Thickness of brick walls for dwellings, eben i view u(Par.d) 69 227 Thickness of brick walls for business buildings.................... (Par. 2) 70 227 Height of stories. ii Nios (Par. 5) Tl 227 For calculating stress of re-in- forced: concrete. iil on. (Par. 13) 78 229 Temporary wooden sheds.................... (Par. 25) 58 219 Theatres, defined ou Mlk a (Par. 10) 48 213 See amusement places................ 61 221 ETOP ariel aes ANU (Par. 4) 69 226 Trusses, desion | OFl ig Ay (Par. 9) 74 227%2 RCTS HOR iui (Par. 9) 74 22712 Underpinning of adjoining walls........ (Par. 11) 56 219 Walls—Material for exterior................ (Par. 1) 48 214 Cornices to be secured to............ (Par. 4) 48 » 214 To be carried above roof............ (Par. 8) 49 214 Boat house and workshop.......... (Par. 4) 50 215 Mortar to be used im.................... (Par. 2) 55 219 Brick to be used imo) (Par. 3) 55 219 Foundation ei ee enn (Par. 6) 56 219 Condemnation of..........0000000000000... (Par. 6) 56 219 Facing excluded in thickness of (Par. 7) 56 219 Facing to be securely tied.......... (Par. 8) 56 219 Repair or removal of.................. (Par. 9) 56 219 Beams and joists to be an- Chored intone a a (Par. 10) 56 219 Construction of simultane- . OUST OAC aang (Par. 11) 56 219 Smoke stack or stove pipe ex- tending through... 30 (Par. 12) 57 219 Of chimney and flues................ (Par. 14) 57 219 Door and window openings in (Par. 20) 58 219 Over corner openings................ (Par. 21) 58 219 Timbers, beams, etc., entering (Par. 22) 58 219 Brick foundation, method of CONSEPMCTION lie ye 60 220 Partitions in theatres, etc......... (Par. 9) 62 221 Dangerous, to be condemned......(Par. 1) 65 223 Foundations of frame _ struc- TRV Sa Sa ie (Par. 1) 68 226 Thickness of brick.................... (Par. 1-2) 69 227 GENERAL INDEX BUILDING REGULATIONS— Walls—Continued. Party walls not fireproof............ (Par. 3) Increased thickness required..(Par. 4-8) Thickness decreased for one- StOTy, UMN Hrtiee ya (Par. 9) Concrete building’s.................... (Par. 1-3) Reinforced concrete.................... (Par. 10) Reinforced concrete................... .(Par. 14) Garage, exterior and party........ Wooden, covered by tin, etc., prohibited in fire limits.......... Warehouses, floors Of...............2....2200:--+- (Par. 4) Wind braces for roof timbers.............. (Par. 24) Wooden building defined...................... (Par. 11) Repair of in fire limits................ (Par. 1) BULLETIN—Defacing; "éte. o.oo. BL LG Lone TORIDIGEG: cle te Me Dl BURIALS—When permitted ......0.....0020002200.cceeeeeeeeeeee SOTERA DEOMI yee ere UU tu C22 AWM So Oa BE BS RPS cage ea CBA a BEREUTOT Sellen rsh Sek eG cue et ee Aad al gun Cy 48 BUSINESS STREETS—Defined .........00...0.00000000eeec... BUTCHERS CAB DRIVERS—Violence or insult by.......................... Ree mere TOLER OE Were er On umes Ne Cee OU LO ayn, CHAIR DLAING ALCL eR ieee lege sla becelomnsees tla locmet occ PURI OF BULORE ccs tae icone lecertcuss peat aeete slot Oat pH OAS ARE RSM Wiepa ile fa MISC IRAE SIS IgA La edi CCB EA Sp HUT ORE ASICS VOR 14S (TUG TAA AAU GA Np alia VOM Peart aN le Rs SN PRLS SP NV EGE SEU ee non Cea t ane) age LAVA g ae sab | CARRIAGES—Public to have lamp..............000000.0........ BPS FCA DEE SA Ue A CHES hI LPAI NEN A CARE IL CATTLE—Impounding and sale of..........0..00000000000.0000... Hitching to trees, etc., on street..............0........... DIPIV IS LO FOURTH SULBELS oot ct scuer tt ensth ne cute Plovmed throu Straere eet aie ee CELLAR DOORS—Open on streets.........0.00000000000.... CEMENT MANUFACTURERS ..........000.0..00000c cee 15 Page Section 70 70-1 227 227 227 228 229 229 230 16 GENERAL INDEX Page Section CEMETERIES—Destruction of plants, etc................... 241 845 Removal of plants, etc., from...................22.22..---- 241 846 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, App. IL....... 253 CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS—Act au- CHOTIZING We NEA ee Ah he 3810-15-19 CHARTER—City of Pensacola (see Appendix).......... 260 CHARTER AMENDMENT OF 1911, App. IV............ 299 CHARTE ROR PS 2 20 ie ee an lie fe Res 336 CHICKENS-——Hueksters of .2.ic oe 232 830 CHIEF OF FIRE DEPARTMENT— ADpOInTMent 20a ea al eae 7 13 Compensation Oni ear ae ee eas 8 19 Duties }@enerally enc ue Ee eee 18 63 To suspend subordinates............-..00.3h2 7 14 To: @Xamine Nose i... a ee 30 129 To blowup houses at fire. ..-...0.0 0 Oo ee 31. 132 Keep records of alarms, ete... Sone 31 133 Fire Commissioner to supervise and direct...... 18 63 CHIEF OF POLICE—See Police. CHILDREN—Cruelty. to... (242 850 Not:to ‘visit: pool: rooms, ete,u2 20 ee 150 549 Gomer out at inight. oo ee ee 242 851 Negiect of; by parent joi Sooo ee 242 852 Associatine: with unlawfully ou 242 853 CHIPLEY MONUMENT—Space reserved in Plaza.... 165 609 CHIROPODISTS oN as ea ae 223 830 CHURCH STREET—Boundaries of changed.............. 158-9 580 CIGARS—-Dealers ini j/200. Ws NE a aay 223 830 CIRCUSES i a Nh Tae eal ees 224 830 CIRCUS (PARA DIGS ce 0 eT oer eaten ee aera 224 830 CISTERNS—To be screened or oiled..................002.0.00.... 138 471 ' CITY—Meanine in vcode (Qo ie a 3 1 Boundaries gee eT nee Ta 4 6 Precincts (of led cee es aa 4 7 Seal rote i ya ee Ee) CEN Tao au ate 6 9 Not to be liable for injuries from electrical CONSTIUCHION Cys Oh a ean ee een ee 44 191 CITY ATTORNEY—Appointment of ..000000.00 2. meaty 7 13 Compensation Ob nine ee See a er eos 8 19 Dutiesof wenerally cs ee 12 27 Give written opinions) ...0 300 es, 12 28 CITY CLERK— a Appointment of ........... SUSI Uc ale) CA eal te 7 13 Bone sok cs ee ea sada 8 19 GENERAL INDEX CITY CLERK—Continued. Compensationof 000s 0.)05.\ etl gals Suet bey Duotves: of penerally1 se le. Ure C6) Ime Mls Poy. Pe et 2 Re Orn eiln cd EE To be Clerk of Recorder’s Court ..............0.0....... ‘owpablish Ordinances )go.50 7 rok Peek eee pd LOMpeeord ordinances 42... eee To keep all records required by State Board Greperen lth. aye tee ce tees A Fees for birth and death certificates.................. To report to Comptroller fees collected.............. To be local registrar of vital statistics.............. CITY PHYSICIAN— Avpomtment of Cie ee oe Compensationioi hk. ce hoe 2 LARA: Dutiessof generally Te A Pei eee To direct sanitary inspectors ............................-- As: to vital statistics HUA Ea Treatment of patients at hospital -..................... To be'City Health-Officer iia el To issue certificates to practice midwifery........ To have charge of sanitary inspectors under supervision of the Health Commissionev........ Perform duties assigned him by the Board........ Power to suspend subordinates............................ TOmeLbeno indigent sick ek se a te Assist in compilation of vital statistics............ Examine applicants for Police and Fire De- eyes aT a4 a 0 Oued Sd fF ike aR RD Ree OD eee ATAU S Power to examine houses, ete.............0.222..222200000-- Duty to investigate all fevers suggestive of Ve limit GVOTis ee a) Be ae Dutyeas. to; yellow: fever( i vo ok ates Duty of as to condemnation of tainted meats, fHiits, eter shee ea, eh er re, ey: CITY COMPTROLLER—(See Comptroller) CITY ELECTRICIAN—(See Electrician) CITY ENGINEER—(See Engineer) CITY OFFICERS—Not to speculate in scrip................ Gly PROB RD Y— Injury toe 2 a aia sam CIVIL; ENGINEERS ok. peeuineiiivos leheit tye upd ey 17 Page Section 8 13 14 21 14 13 19 31 33 85 34 31 313 464 464 462 13 19 78 78 78 79 78 451 307 307 308 309 309 309 310 315 318 418 21-841 847 830 830 830 830 18 GENERAL INDEX CLIPPERS OF HORSHS, | Ete ee ON CLOTHING—Second hand dealers ..........2:.2:.:::::000020000++ COAL—Keeping of regulated ................0....eeeeceeeese eee COAL) BUNK BRN Ge uae UN Cea ey RN Nea COAL ‘AND ‘ICE: PEDDLERS ie eee COAT VARD SHEP Fre TGS eee UO OR | License tax Required ou Uh aa COCAINE—Sale of regulated O00 cal cM SHON 94 02 ect RY ciel S oc ROR SDAA RRR MN SUN) PEA 38 COLD (STOR A Gi ie Wi tuvouia MANU i cel An See ha ennui COLLECTING (AGENTS ae ee a Castine ae ai COLLECTOR—See Tax Collector COMBUSTIBLES—Removal of. -...20c.ccc a. COMMISSION MERCHANTS ....... RNGALU TRUMAN NTN a YE COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER, App. IV COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER— AION e UNC ley UN na ane App. IV COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER— ATHENIAN UCC DRA aaah an ga App. IV COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER— PNG i ght ota bet 6 IMRBISEaM REBT INUAOUR UD ERE Desryne cuss roy 0 eL App. IV COMMISSION GOVERNMENT CHARTER— VATINEIO OE a i CCC a aR App. IV COMMONS—Included in streets ....0......c.occeeecceeeeeeeece eee COMMITMENT—Forms | of) ou OPI OL i ee NEY STO nA ae i a COMPTROLLER— Appointment Of i Na aie Se Bord Ody cate ican a ona a tt Se COUP CA GOMDPERSAEION ie UT ISR Ge CH Duties of) renerally oa RUA aC Ul To enforce financiabaccounts uu, To supervise expenditures ........0.000 002. To’ make. monthly) reports ).2..h0 To keep records of finances ........0000000000000000000.... To:.sign ‘checks or ‘warrants i000 To countersign bonds and contracts ......0........... To-Keep city seals CT Nie say eee To have custody of original ordinances, deeds, DONS Ober Ces Titi Ca ea Wi Me ame aed Ome To certify to copies of public records ................ Fees for certified copies of records .................... Page Section 224 GENERAL INDEX 19 Page Section COMPTROLLER—Continued. Dutiés prescribed by law .:....4..0.04.00 as 16 56 ‘ovweri.y sssessment iroli.)260). ee 16 57 Duties as to assessment roll .................222 16 57 COMMISSIONER OF STREETS AND PUBLIC WORKS— BRULEE OL AER hare Aura aden vaverh ss oreo seal ae a eu he 7 11 Duties of in connection with building regula- ete) «aE Osea ra Orr Uoe i On AN WDNR oe DRO SLs 64 222-23 To supervise and direct Building Inspector...... 13 30 Duty asito stagnant water: wea 107 322 See streets See buildings See plumbing See water works See sewers See Commission Charter Index “COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE AND REVENUE— Mie ye. fia) igklh © UR C8.) BAG FM) ORB AIOTY it a ea ER SI 7 11 See Clerk and Treasurer See Collector See Comptroller See Parks See Weights and Measures See Commission Charter Index COMMISSIONER OF POLICE AND FIRE— TIURC SIT Pate E RE PRON PRR RSC LONE ey areca teneeit ca 6 11 To’ control: Police. Department) joc 25 102 RGOCOTLEO LH ALe LIODBICINEND cee uiko yal Wullee Bcpataaiees 30 126 To control Health Department ..............000........... 102 305 Prescribe rules and regulations regarding BATHLATY NIDAEVRTE 9 ois ava tore pce aleeataceeecr neue 103 306 Provide for collection of vital statistics............ 103 306 Make reports to State Board of Health.............. 103 306 PELL CONODED: CTAVO ues Cea ats tne bdoes 139 477 DSi h gE dM at hagas Fh tio ABO InL MRIICED USD VS SUH tg WS hg QLUAR AE LUy Ra RUM ER ORC 135 459 Removal of human remains ..............0.0..........2..-- 139 478 Duties of as to epidemic or contagious dis- Po ECT MRR aA War RR ek DUR CAS Sep aS 104 314 To issue permits to remove contents of privy ; WTSIER pe een cre ee eee Cte as ME OR 109 331 To cause inspection of all privies........................ 109 335 To regulate construction of privies.................... 109 336 To inspect scavenger vehicles .......................-...- 111 344 20 GENERAL INDEX COMMISSIONER OF POLICE AND FIRE—Continued. To cause privies to be cleaned ...........0.00000020...2.-. Duties as to\rat-proofing i020... U8. Boe Dutiés\as to. dairieso.0200 is Sep eee os Duties as to taking samples of milk.................... Duties as to inspection of dairies.......................- Duties,as tovmilkianalveisc to el eee Duties as totvaccination wc. ie alte ae Supervise collection of vital statistics................ Duties as to marriage licenses......... oni lh faite ae See Commission Charter Index See Fire Department See Health and Sanitation CONCEALED WEAPONS. 7.0.20... ee Disposition Aofeu ens eo Oe te ee CONCERTS? BA LUS,-ete, ec ee ee CONFECTIONERIES—See health and sanitation...... False rumors concerning 22222025022 A CONTEMPT—Punishment by Recorder for ................ CONTINUING OFFENSES: .......2.....02endie Bigs CONVICTS—Working on streets ............00000....ceeeceeeeeee COOPER SHOPS—Barrel factory | 1...6..0)0).1222.04004 COPPERSMITH S ie Ny ah pa CRACKERS AND CAKES—Manufacturers .............. GREOSOTING PLANTS: (0). beae eee eee GROSSINGS—Railroad. icc... te ee To be flagged! (sty eee ele eid oy pt aa See Railroads CRUELT Y=—To ; animals» tei aaa es ie Mane To children. 22.0 ae ea ee a ee CURIOS—+~Dealers in. (2240) 0 ee ey ater es) DIATRIES Bai 00 2 28 OE soe Paola Rok OR RUN ee ead DANCING SCHOOES: (27 Ane AU oa as Beemer DANGEROUS BUILDINGS. 222:2:0e02.e a DANGEROUS AND SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS.. Arrest without warrant ii5. cu. Doi DEALERS—See License Taxes .....0....00........cceccteceeeeeee ee Page Section 111 119 127 132 132 134 135 135 136 152 152 220 120 224 224 104 104 139 24 3-4 29 220 224 224 224 187 181 145 242 224 225 225 65 241 26 225 347 371 421 441 442 449 455 457 461 563 564 830 379 830 830 314 315 480 98 3-5 124 830 830 830 830 690 650-2 518 850 830 830 830 223 842 LYE: 830 GENERAL INDEX 21 Page Section BOR PS PE Ry ees ROCOLUS LOL! cro cesceccstse sek ok dain acc eeuurancasennsencede cok 135 459 DEBENTURE COMPANIES? 240...0.20 4.200.800 221 830 DEFINITIONS. ......... rt re ee ee a ee Ae Pee sk 3 1 RAUB WLS 1 Og REARS DA aa a ee eg 159 583 BON LISTS te ae eas rk ra 8. 225 830 DEPOTS—Boisterous solicitation of business at........ 153 567 DEPOSITORIES FOR: CITY MONEY........25.008:.:. 248 885-6 DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY MONEY.........0.0000000........ 328 EU Bal Bd ON SE ag gk A 9 Si ae a ae 225 830 eR AN ELD IN Ra he Oe De eR i aed atl ie 219 830 DIRECTORIES—Making™ of: 22.2.6 ec clsck 225 830 DISEASES—See Health and Sanitation 200000000000... 102 DISEASE—Epidemic or contagious ...................0........ 104 314 PRIBGsPUrn Ore) OL fir iy, tte rte tReet ceuecies Loge 480 DISINTERMENT—Certain prohibited .............00......... 139 A478 Chas ta Wy oo ay dag G4 OBB) Oi OJ Lod Ula he Mao eas AIR oe eral Ca 151 557 BY TVeDICleNarivers ie ee ee 243 858 LLL Op RG BD Ds RN hints (ye Te) ris nil ae eee Place Nl ROE) 195 735 AA CULCLOF A CATICS osc cette oe ete te tats torte nyse oases 191 715 PLAY eV ICU PAT. 5 ore one eee a 189 708 ere) Fabia k/ PLOT ia, be SB ke ae edn ae a A 152 559 DISREPUTABLE WOMEN—See Bawds DISTEMPER—Animals with ....0.02......0.0..0.00..ceeeeceeeee eg 144 513 18g Wd WLR D PAS 9 0! 007 OE 8D ag CP 1 «oR ae hela belie ae i 151 557 Baywrur fasemblageng: ene as 152 562 eS EDA Ora Sb UML We SS a a i has Mada reg ene 225 830 DOCK AND BELT RAILROAD BONDS..........000......... 250 CCE Pel UTS GO fk ee ee ha ncken des 307 DOCTORS—See Physicians La INS PRN Seg 0 BIRR iors 90 Pe, el ae Cae OR, NP, MOTOR DN 2 RL 145-7 521-33 Tis OR VANIMAL. BAMIBITION one ii See 225 830 DRAINAGE—Capacity not to be impaired ................ 140 491 Under crossing to be kept in repair.................. 140 490 See plumbing and drain laying............................ 83 239-838 DRA YMEN—Violence or insult by ..............00000000000....... 243 858 DRAYS—See Vehicles DRIVEWAYS—Over gutters, etc. _.........000000000222..2ee- 184 669 SIPEVIN GLUON SLD WAT eee I a eN 184 669 DRIVING IN VIOLATION OF ORDINANCE............ 206 765 DRIVING, RECKLESS AND CARELESS.................. 224 865 DRUGS—Selling or distributing ..............0..00.00..22..2....... 126 417 See Health and: Sanitation® -.0.02.)..nceea 125 409 DRUNKENNESS—Prohibited eee. 152 561 DRUNKEN PERSONS—Not to be bailed.................... 27 112 22 GENERAL INDEX DREDGB. BOATS eee Oe eA Cee uaa DROVERS AND ITINERANT DEALERS _ IN STO GR ca Ge Ra Reet eyes a a nie Oat call | DRY ‘DOGS 2 OO a See GE WRU URE RULL ORLA es eae Ta DRY CLOSETS AND SCAVENGER SERVICE— Hee Health and Sanitation DYNAMITE—Keeping of 0000000000000... ee DYERS AND CLEANERS wep een en eee ee ce eee ee ee ee reece ee ence eeece BATTING HO GaSe EURO Me WLR une vgun oaui eae oe EGGS—Hucksters of ELECTION— Regulations EDS AA AMIANTLS ON Need MIRAI MACE MIE MRULMINMN NAIA uA op NEL) SPECIAL o coina yu ol PP ENON Me Nae AYMAN CUE Precincts DISTPTCES Ud Ou UA aU a ec a Polling places i eo ns AO Qualifications of voters Registration 2000 hiiet Tunes Oc Ni oie eee Registration for special election Laws governing ............... peated eae ca eH nde natch Officers, duties relating to Inspectors’ and ‘clerks oo cu ooo a a Returns and certificates of Canvass of ReCard OL eM Mc cS GF ION eae ade en See Appendix Primary Elections ae A DDENGIK ea Ue es aaa gas eats ELECTION DAY—Disposal of liquor ELECTRIC COMPANIES— Ticense taxi. iy eer ee Nang tea cava To place wire underground in certain limits.... To replace pavement on street ...0.0.00....eece cece ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES—To be painted Not allowed in certain limits ....000000000000.. Separate zones when wired jointly ELECTRIC THEATRES— Regulation’ of soca itu h lina i ane nasi al Motor driven machines prohibited wee ten ew wwe cere ee ee meee ewe meme m ese necc ees a we wee eens enenees Oe we ee ee ee ee meee ence te ww nnn een ewe me ewes ewer ee ne tenee wee ee enn we eee eee ee ewe eee ween eee Page Section 225 225 225 40 225 233 232 244 260-297 247 307 153 225 180 180 179 180 42 830 830 830 171 830 830 830 869-84 869 870 7-871 8-872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 881 882-84 568 830 648 648 642 648 178 193 206 GENERAL INDEX ELECTRIC THEATRES—Continued. Operators to be examined and licensed ............ Examiners of operators of picture machines .... Employment of unlicensed operators prohib- PEA: Th EMME RIL yO me RAG ay ANA ONG Qe 8 Bally HOC OBA a OBO Z Fa Moving picture machines to be inspected by PIBCETIC AT Wiccre me mneL oi cule esti e le ob ako ei Dag Penalty for violating rules, ete. ..............00000000.... ELECTRIC WIRES AND CONSTRUCTION— Dead wires to be removed. 22.0.2). .cccccecccceedoceeee eee Rules and reenilations iwi ee ei i Record of permits and examination by elec- pg 15 « DI RMRIUU RMeR RRC Us OAD IAIN heen UNE Fe FORMA Electric current to be cut off by electrician...... Penalties for violating rules .0.0000.......00000000000200-- AMADLUCY LOD) CRIME ES muy irl iba ein aah Permit required to run wires through trees...... ELECTRIC WIRING AND CONNECTIONS— City Electrician to grant permits for................ RORINECTIONS | DATM Its LOT jie ui auarsdedenvaten ER EPIC TOCA LPS Bet. oe ern EOIN Day 1h) 28) MES eN TH FUETO SY LOM wait re eee rue Mea NN ae PNCSRTCTENGEs WIGM ic ten Sie Re we ch Piping not to be placed within six inches of...... UEATH T'S) 5) QOMunee Dil arnt AEE ASEM E tN ated ON RONG eT ML ha Wires through shade trees ..0..........2.....02e2seeeeeeeee Penalty for violating ordinance .......................... Penalty for violating rules of Board ................ See also Electric Wires and Construction ELECTRICAL FIRES— PP POLECCIOITILROTR ose ho te nN UU Neem Mpa ag Y See also Fire Protection SC LAA Le TAIT FONG LA Part scccescta orm Ub nc anne ie ELECTRICIANS— Lb ec hre NAT AM TAY oKid 94 URDU OMIA ND NU AN Uta OED eae FURL. = A atyL CAR LACENSS TAK PEQUITER UU UNO ar. uu nO, ELECTRIC MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES ............ ELECTRICIAN, CITY— Apoomtiment) Of su wen i Vu a, Compensablons Ohieihiine uke Mena 8 Duties of generally Ne To supervise electrical construction .................. To repair and maintain electrical apparatus .... Duties of as to permits for wiring .................... 23 Page Section 46 46 47 47 47 42 43 43 tt 44 44 44 42 42 44 44 43 43 43 44 44 44 41 208 208 209 210 211 179 184 187 189 190 191 192 181 182-3 193-211 191 185 186 184 192 190 190 174 184 176 830 830 13 19 58 58 58 181 24 GENERAL INDEX ELECTRICIAN, CITY—Continued. | Duties of as to removal of wires ........................ Right to enter buildings, ete. ...........0000000020......... Regulate electrie wiring tiie. Not to engage in other business .......................... Power: to: cut: of ficurrent 1G 2000 bel ae To keep records of permits and examinations.. Issuing permit for electric theatre .................... To supervise wiring of electric theatre ............ To supervise lighting of electric theatre .......... To supervise moving picture machines ............ To inspect moving picture apparatus ................ EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES—License ee Serer ENGINES—To have spark arresters ENGINEER, CITY— Appointment of Bons ik 200000 A |e Ey el SHINE a ed ea Compensation, of 002000, NCR ee, eae Duties.‘of generally) 5 oa ee ee a To fix grades and lines of streets and sidewalks To supervise sidewalk construction .................... To have charge of storm water sewers.............. To keep index records of maps, etc. .................. To preserve plans, surveys, ete. -.......00000000020000. ENTERTAINMENTS—License .......00000000000000 222s EPIDEMIC DISEASES—See Contagious Diseases ESCAPE—Punishment for Prevention Of Goa ar ae On EXCELSIOR “FACTORY ie eee EXHIBITION (‘OF (FREAKS (0 ee a ee POX HIBITIONS (ote ES sak ee Le Immoral’and indecent) 20 ea ae ae EXPRESS * COMPANIES) cg ee EXPLOSIVES— Keeping of regulated Permits: for: keeping | ee ee Explosive compound or mixture defined .......... Keeping or transporting explosives without POLTNIG Ee LOCA AU NM OI a Naptha, gasoline and inflammable liquids, keeping of /tiyXZA LAUR A eee Gas manufacturing ee en ee es Page Section 42 42 Al 43 44 43 44 44 45 46 47 220 226 226 220 151 226 38 38 38 38 38 39 179 180 174 188 189 187 194 195 200 207 210 832 15 830 156 13 19 19 59 59 59 59 60 60 830 121 124 830 830 830 552 830 161-73 161 162 163 164 165 GENERAL INDEX EXPLOSIVES—Continued. Acetylene: ae) tien 2... A Gasoline, naptha, etc., stored in tanks .............. GCarbides (5.25: SOR LA RAR Calcium carbides, keeping of ...............2..22.0000..... Violent explosive materials ............0000..00000.000...- Gunpowder, ‘keeping of, 0... 2S Le Sie, Inflammable liquid in garages ..................-......... “Volatile inflammable liquid” defined Discharge of TRE SE GR aU OPS Se Ms a pe CAIN Ue A A SO AEM Be © PN 4 SY es IE ay SR ee A Re MAL SECA ARMS ORO PIRE Cor kee FALSE IMPERSONATION OF POLICEMEN FEED STABLES—See Livery ............0......0....cceeeeseee ee FEMININE—Included in masculine ME ING: Breen ISA PDE WILE: Sis hic tetas ce rc dices adv nay Seteabstsecde. 3 FENCES—In fire limits TRL ee LAM Gl OT i ee eee a a a Enforcement by imprisonment By Recorder for contempt PEL eA al) epi tact ee POEL AT Eis RIGNO VAT ORS ee ae es LP AES TA BSP SON OD TPS 208 Oh oe DP FERTILIZER—Dealer in WOU ee CCAN OC an ae ee ees PALME AN UTE ORAE Sac s is 0% inept a leah icin Ct Sse FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES DIRE ARMo-—LDISChArre OF: bo ey FIRE AND WRECK SALES FIREWORKS—Discharge of Sale of regulated PIGALGT a iii eee ee ee eee FIRE ESCAPES—Required in certain buildings PIR HOSE COUPLINGS wi kl a ate FIRE HYDRANTS—Keys to WVU SSUEEE OT OVE ioscan id ees cas chaste ssss Obstruction: of)... oc ctyeie baotslscin.tis (Par. 6) FIREMEN’S UNIFORMS—Contract for .................... FIREMEN—Work. hours ..2.0020.:0...0.2.0.:. 0 WON As 25 Page Section 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 241 166 167 168 169-70 171 172 173 173 848 26 GENERAL INDEX FIRE DEPARTMENT—See Chief of— Police and Fire Commissioner to control.......... Commissioner to appoint and remove em- DIGV CCB ee CRE NS oat Oi Commissioner to make and enforce rules.......... Compensation of employees to be fixed by Board ye UN SIUC SUC UC UaAn Chief to examine apparatus .....................-.222222--- Chief to make written reports to Board............ Hose connection at fires toe eau eey Destruction of buildings to arrest fires ............ Records of fire alarms (ono cy nMalaa Record of fire Gama ce eeu a ee nes THSPEGEIONS ANT) CUE SAT od Ae Ua Removal of combustibles or explosives, ete. .... Offenses''arainst 0 Ni beey ls Wa aad ee Obstructing fire jtrucks, ete. ius Driving ‘over fire! hoses a Injuring property, OF) ue Oe ee en Obstructing officers or employees of.................. FIRE PROTECTION— PiveLamMiti Noy ee yO Nea Sai nn An te Fires Toimit: No.2 iN EN ORS Accumulation of lumber, wood and combus- TIDIES (hi SUMMON BRSMIVIRRI NN fina VISES CLA BIULL BEN Erection of fences and billboards ................... ve Open fires prohibited without permit ................ Accumulation of ‘trash, ete. Jp oy ik Ladder required on premises ......2...0........2220000--- Explosives, keeping of regulated -.............000002.... Moving buildings in or from without into fire Timi tS) ET ON LC aa ane Dangerous accumulations .0000..000000000 ccc Dangerous accumulations -.........0.0.000000.cceeeeeeeeeeeee Fire escapes required) uo Mii lua lies MN can Fire escapes obstructing: -...0..00.ce Spark) arrester: gcc aes nA Ae etn Fire extinguishers in public halls ........000........... See Building Regulations Electrical Fire Prevention .............0...00.0000.0.00..00eeccoee.. Blectrie: wiring ei nh a ar Electrician to inspect electrical work ................ Electrical construction, rules and regulations.. See also Electric Theatres Page Section 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 126 126 127 128 129 129 130 132 133 133 134 135 138-43 140 141 142 143 147 148 149 150 151 152 154 161-73 234 135 135 153 155 135 156 160 174 174 175 184 GENERAL INDEX FLAGMEN—Railroad to put on certain streets.... BGO U Hee MUL osr eve ciate ea 29 ed PR DADS 0 She OF aE AN aR he ROSE oy OA ene UAE ei YS LIN GaN EE Res eI Bs Sa aN Ue Ie OT decayed finish ea cde FOOD AND DRUGS—See Health and Sanitation Bd SEL US IN Beard es Laced Reet sadke se nncdatene eet e RGA MU REES cathe. BER US INE) RRL Rss Peicceceueckia ns tah Nee ed Bs usar heen 8 ude U9 AB WA od os BAB BY OM NS RT Cana ape oh Une Goce cr eae e eg FRANCHISE ORDINANCES—See Appendix III Peet t= —Selling decayed atu, whe FUEL YARDS—In fire limits FUMIGATION—In case of certain fevers ............ GAMBLING—See Gaming GAMES COABIDTIN) Fe ee eee, Re RULE Nest eine ea as Servants of gaming houses ............................ Renting houses for gaming ...............0..00........ Loteeries:) prohibited si ie Sale of lottery tickets GARAGE BUILDING eg tbe) (Veen (2) af 100 tise eee nM Hte ERMC ROE BOOLIAN hey REE EN Keeping inflammable liquid in ...................... Budding or ireartiated oe yedn cee na! GARBAGE—See Health and Sanitation GAS COMPANIES GAS—Refuse, how disposed of GAS, SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS.... Connections when streets are to be paved.. MUGENITURE, DEALERS wea eee Sl BORNITURE PACKERS aus oe Aa Ta In case of yellow Tever ii. n.bie kG CEA MEIN P Een criaccce dea sonattearenes JERE OMT IEE SD Sapa Sete Implements, as evidence ...............22...22002...- eee Implements, destruction of ..........0.000000.000...... Keeping gaming houses, ete. ........................ Examination and repairs required when streets Pn cag ret Ge WRT) ky do by Py ee ANT ie PE SPEAR) Connection, time and method of making...... Sanitary sewer connections ......,......22.......-.-- Separate sewer connections ..................2.....0.-- 27 Page Section 181 226 226 226 125 226 226 232 255 125 35 226 226 104 105 227 149 149 149 149 149 149 149 150 150 81 40 40 81 112 227 243 94-284 94 94 94 95 95 650-52 830 830 830 409 830 830 830 409 149 830 830 315 318 830 540-47 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 230 173 173 230 349 830 859 299 284 284 285 286 287 28 GENERAL INDEX Page GAS, SEWER AND WATER CONNECTIONS—Continued. Commissioner of Public Works to enforce OP GINANICE 252A OU Ue ee ache eect een aet ol tay ete Making connection and repairs at cost of PEGPETLY:: 28 ee sc Paving not to be disturbed without permit........ Penalty for disturbing pavement ...................... Connection, notice, form and service of.............. Enforcement of sewer connections...................... Repairing and altering connections.................... Nuisance, connection required to abate.............. Report by Commissioner of Public Works........ Assessing costs for abating nuisance.................. Taxi bills for abating riwisance.....2.1..2 208020 Contract for sewer and water connections........ Tax bills for payments under contract.............. Prohibiting work after contract.......................... Laterals, connecting sanitary sewer and prop- i} o th Loe eo MONSTER Mae EE OEM LUE a. Special sewer districts ~.............00..0....... ities bea Contract for work in special districts................ Assessment for work in special districts............ Notice to owners of property assessed.............. Tax bills for costs assessed........ LO Te RC ACS te.) Certificate of indebtedness for cost assessed.... GAS LAMPS—Injury: to ci ee Unlawful extinguishment of ........000000..00000200002.. GASOLINE—Dealers in 1.300000 ae GATE—Not to open over sidewalk.........00000000..2.0.. se. GLANDERS—Horses afflicted with .........0000000000000...... GLASS—Plate companies. ....0.......:..0.4.02. ee GOATS—Impounding and sale of............ eee GOOD BEHAVIOR—Bond for eee Hi: GOOD ORDER: (oti eee Ree ee eee are GRAIN ELEVATORS .....2000000000.2...... UA RUA MBO SU GRAVEL AND SAND AGENTS ......0000000000 GREEN GROCERS—See Butchers GRAIN DEALERS—On margins (see Brokers)........ GRIST: MUS oc on ee ed ns Cie eee rae GUARANTY COMPANIWS (one ee GUNS ccc gn NN Ieee AS Me al raiate a ea 95° 96 96 97 97 97 97 98 98 98 98 99 99 99 99 100 100 100 100 101 101 243 243 227 185 144 228 142 24 151 227 227 222 226 221 227 Sec. 288 289 290 291 292 293 298 294 295 296 296 297 297 298 299 300 300 301 302 302 303 857 857 830 670 513 830 503 99 557-68 830 830 830 830 830 830 172 GENERAL INDEX GUTTERS—Obstruction -offensciiae.. 4OLLAALIR Riding andrdriviiie: overs.inl...nta emus 2a Driveways..oven! .2iige so uesitadire sunken TO DerReDUiclen tay) 207 uke ah Sed sere HACKS—See Vehicles HACK DRIVERS—Violence or insult by .................... HAND BILLS—Posting on telegraph poles, ete. ........ HARBOR—Lightering ballast in ...0000000.0000..0e eee Ballast deposited south of Magnolia Street...... North of Magnolia Street ........................ In. bay) prohibited -2neied 2 eet Withoutitpermity rid siisieie ue | becon, Inawhat enclospren 2s is a Upon: vehicles, whem) :22:::....0:-2828850i.: Only in:certain places caxidaccd-cneniaiih Discharging on wharf ............000200000000...... Sunken vessels in to be removed.......................... Putting offensive matter in ...........2..002.0000000022... Bathing in regulated. .sisse2 aanesteo2 has. 4 LL S—Hor hire: 23s a ik, ditt ede), HAWEERS ©... achiis tie ld neitin.. nlanals. HAY, GRAIN AND FEED—Dealers in .......000000000........ HEALTH—See Public Health HVALTHSDEPARTMENT ...3......ctunala.dine.nakaw HEALTH OFFICER—See City Physician HEALTHSAND. SANITATION shine 2). eS Heaith Departments .2i2dii.dauiniose Qk: Health Commissioner 22) danclashayl laude Officers, inspectors and employees .................... Health Commissioner to supervise officers and BIO VECH Et cr ne oa lk ila To prescribe sanitary regulations .......... To direct collection of vital statistics.... City Physician, power to suspend subordinates To attend indigent sick ................20.000..: To assist with vital statistics .................. To examine members of police and fire depantmient! ea 2uwranki! al eo ecsie als. Fee for examining applicants .................. Page 184 184 184 185 243 186 207 207 207 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 151 227 227 224 227 227 102 102 102 102 102 102 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 29 Sec. 663 669 669 678 858 687 766 767 768 769 770 770 771 772 773 774 769 553 830 830 830 830 830 304 304-502 304 304 304 305 306 306 308 309 309 309 309 30 GENERAL INDEX HEALTH AND SANITATION—Continued. Examination of houses, etc., by health officials Sanitary inspectors authorized to enter build- ATU nk TAIN eR A uC GL LN UO Penalty for interfering with health officials.... Complaints and reports by police ...................... Records to be kept by City Clerk ..........00......... Tsolation ‘oF (diseases eo con ay Yellow fever, cases to be reported .................... City physician to investigate suspicious cases Fumigation of buildings, ete. ...........0.000222eeeeeeeeee. Screening of suspicious fever cases .................. Typhoid fever patients to be screened .............. Penalty for failing to fumigate or screen.......... Fumigation and screening when yellow fever ORS ES Ue EG Uae Sete Ae eee Reportable diseases ...... wg aeul A SU Ue ae 9 Water for drinking purposes to be pure .......... Water that is stagnant or impure is a nuisance Nuisances detrimental to health, abatement of Penalty for failure to abate nuisances .............. Dry Closets and Scavenger Service— Dry .closets required oa Dry closets to be in conformity with rules of State Board of Health ............ Dry closets, rules for construction and maintenance of ils ae naa Owners and agents required to provide premises with closets 2...........00020..0200000-- Offense by owner, agent or occupant, for failing to provide closet ................ Occupying premises without closets .... Omitting to keep closet in sanitary con- CUOMO eC SL Vn ee Caches sl ae CML AIG VATA an nag Disposal of contents of closet recep- Tacles tA ere ee ee ae nna Offense for interfering with closet re- ceptacles (ie Gen es vie ah Offense to construct dry closet upon premises abutting a sanitary sewevt.... Dry closets to be inspected by health officers and inspectors .......0......200..2-... Page 103 104 104 104 104 104 104 . 104 105 105 105 105 105 106 106 107 107 107 107 107 107 108 108 108 108 108 109 109 109 109 Sec. 310 311 311 312 313 314 315 315 315 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 334 335 GENERAL INDEX 31 HEALTH AND SANITATION— Page Section Dry Closets and Scavenger Service—Continued. Plans for constructing closets may be altered by) the: Board ick 109 336 Closet receptacles to be cleaned ............ 110 337 Nuisances created by closets be abated 110 338 Night soil scavenger defined .................... 110 339 Night soil scavenger to be licensed ........ 110 340 License to be displayed ................000000...... 110 341 Closet receptacles to be removed during prescribed hours esd le 110 342 Permit for removal contents of closet POQUITCO IY TN TAG, A Oe ee 110 343 Regulating the removal, disposal and cleaning of closet receptacles................ 111 344-5 Scavengers’ fees prescribed .................... 111 346 Cleaning of offensive closets .................. 111 347 Penalty to act as scavenger without JICENSE VETO ee eo oe STAR ees Dis 348 Garbare: Removals ok ad 112 349-61 Garbage receptacles required .................. 112 349 Garbage districts defined ........................ 112 350 Garbage defined iii R co a 113 351 Offense not to have garbage receptacle 113 352 Garbage receptacles not to be uncovered 113 353 Interference with garbage prohibited.... 113 354 Garbage and other materials to be kept BODALALG HE eel iia wee Aan eincue rE Cat ANY 113 355 Garbage removal on days specified ........ 114 355 Places subject to garbage regulations.... 114 356 “Occupant” and “agent” defined ............ 114 357 Disturbing garbage receptacles prohib- vr oP fab gh SRR Bac a ak Ee EM a ae AN 114 358 Separate offenses ..............2.....cceceeeeeeeeeeeee 114 359 Flies, manure, garbage, etc., to be pro- RECKLED TTOME gs etic UM CAN Gus SOU AL belay 114 360 Penalty for violating garbage ordinance 114 361 Bubonic Plague, Protection from ........................ ! 114. 362-78 Buildings required to be rat-proofed .... 114 362 Offense for failure to rat-proof .............. 115 363 Buildings required to be rat-proofed ; CIA RST Gy ia ea PN as tes ac a 115 364 Class A buildings, manner of rat-proof- RPE eee Rh ae aN Ay 115 364 32 GENERAL INDEX HEALTH AND SANITATION— Page Section Bubonic Plague, Protection From—Continued. Class B buildings, manner of rat-proof- TT es Se ea Hak Ne naan 115 364 Restaurant kitchen and buildings where foodstuffs are kept .............22...2.222.000--+- 116 365 “Foodstuffs” defined .iccc0. eee Pet 116 365 Residences and other Class B buildings 116 3865 Buildings partly Class A and of Class B LUY 365 Stables, manner of construction and rat-. | POOTING oN ee ih ig aaa 117 365 Materials to be used in rat-proofing...... 118 366 Openings and ventilators in building to be fscreened tiki). acistenes) Let here 118 367 Rubbish affording harborage for rats prohibited (00) joel miki ee eh aie 118 368 Plank walks and open areas to be re- moved or protected )i...1..244).4b aa 119 369 Notice for rat-proofing prescribed ........ 119 371 Violating of ordinance continuing of- FEMS] ooo chs. ee ea ae els eps ire 119 372 Penalty for violating ordinance .............. 119 373 Vessels, at wharf or dock, to have rat Shields cise Aredia: asasyt rh Ney ot ane 119 3874 Access of rats to and from vessels ........ 120 375 Freight to be packed to prevent harbor- ALEC WOE: TATE i Os eh eee a ene 120 376 “Vessel” and other words and terms de- fined ecg cog oat ata Nal eee 120 377 Penalty for violation of ordinance by owner or agent of vessel ...................... 120 378 Bakeries, Confectionaries and Restaurants...... 120 3879-408 Definition of “bakery,” “confectionery” and other words and terms .................. 120 379 Building used as a bakery to be prop- erly constructed, lighted and venti- . Devt 228 ei IN Oa oe eg ee ale tear ie 121 380 Bakery and confectionary to be free from’ rats,(flies rete Ae aes £21 380 Bakery to be of sufficient size................ 121 381 Concrete floor to be provided for bakery 121 382 Walls and ceilings of bakeries ................ 121 383 Lighting and ventilation of bakeries...... h kp | 384 Plumbing and drainage facilities ............ 121 384 Screens on doors and other openings...... 122 385 GENERAL INDEX 33 Page Section HEALTH AND SANITATION— Bakeries, Confectioneries and Restaurants—Continued. Water used in bakeries to be of good GEC PUN cheumee lc Lob uky I Sie Sesey uae MOET Sd a) 122 386 Ingredients of manufactured products tO Mer wholesome...) ee a toa 387 Storage room to be dry and ventilated... 122 388 Storage rooms, appliances of ..........6....... 122 388 Sleeping apartment, etc., prohibited in DEROry ee ee he Meare 122 389 Entering bakery restricted to employees 122 389 Wearing apparel of employees, keeping a AM ect ESE Ooi LD ME e me Coan OMAaNd Loe at 8) 122 390 Construction and arrangement of fur- niture and apparatus ........00000000..000000... 122 391 Sanitary equipments and utensils re- TOITER eae en Ee ets eh ey 122 392 Cleansing facilities to be provided.......... 123 393 Garments, etc., to be worn by employees 123 394 Diseased employees prohibited ................ 123 395 Vaccination of employees against ty- DNOId Leverinise cee Ay ee ee 123 396 Toilet and lavatory facilities to be pro- Vier yi eee ere eh eee 123 397 Tobacco not to be used in bakery............ 123 398 Expectorating, etc., prohibited ................ 123 399 Equipment to protect materials or prod- ucts from=dust? files, ete! vik 2 ee 123 400 Wrapping of finished products ................ 123 400 Sweeping, dusting, etc., regulated .......... 124 401 Accumulation of waste and refuse pro- Fibs Ged ae eee edd oe ae ae ot 124 402 Nuisance to be prevented _.......0..000......... 124 403 Garbage can required ................2.2200000.2000-- 124 404 Waste materials, exposal of .................... 124 405 Animals prohibited in bakery .................. 124 406 Screening of restaurants, etc. ................ 124 407 Penalty for violating article -................... 125 408 Food! and ‘Druga cect ee he yt Pesce 125 409-18 ale of revilatedt.c ee, Co ees 125 409 Food, sale of unwholesome prohibited .... 125 409 Contamination of food prevented ............ 125 410-11 Market to be screened to exclude flies.... 125 412 Fruits toi be screenediin ee es 125 413 34 GENERAL INDEX HEALTH AND SANITATION— Page Section Food and Drugs—Continued. Candies, etc., to be protected from flies 126 414 Breads to be wrapped ................2.2000:--0-- 126 415 Cocaine, etc., sale of regulated ................ 126 416 Peddling or distributing drugs, etc., pro- PETES eee UU GN MNO EU AUERG NEL DeSean 126 417 Decayed provisions, etc., to be con- Pe Col aah e crv RU NENORRU NSA PECK AN BNI VAR na MMR AE oH MAMI 126 418 Health Commissioner, power to destroy condemned provisions ....................-------- 126 418 Milk, Production and Sale of _...................2.2......... 127 419-450 Milk dealers, dairymen, etc., to pay TICOMSS iti ou eA Me ce CUNT av RCE Nv asni Ip’ 419 Dairymen to obtain permit ................0..... 127 420 Permit to be issued by Board .................. 127 421 Application for permit required ............ 127 421 PeFmits LOTT Oe TAA ean 128 422 Permit 'to ‘be displayed 128 423 Dairy barns, construction and screening OE Ci oe Seale aa Sa On ee 128 424 Milk, handling ‘of (ie ee 128 424 Milk to be kept cool and protected ........ SE We =: 425 Milk, delivery in bottles, etc., prohibited 128 426 Milk not to be transferred from bottles or receptacles) ig gk iv eni ue n Nie 129 427 Dairies to be provided with water of good ‘quality io ne ORE al CONG iain 129 428 Diseased cow to be isolated from herd.... 129: 429 Tuberculin test of dairy cows required.. 129 429 Milkers and dairy employees, health and cleanliness: Of (sce ey en ai 129 430 Milk wagons, etc., to be covered ............ 130 431 Garbage and vegetable matter prohib- ited. on' milk wagons (inince r ini 130 431 Diseased and condemned cow not to be milked: ei uch anes PAA AUMUND ART cates ahaa 130 431 Mille ‘eraded) oil iin Mae) Cada 130 432 Milk, test of, prescribed ..............0.000000... 130 432 Adulterated or impure milk prohibited.. 130 432 Skimmed' milk, ‘saleiot |e ane 130 433 Milk to be free from foreign substance 131 434 Offense the disposing of impure milk, ete 0 RA FERN Se te OO aaa 131 435 Sample of milk for analysis, required .... 131 486 GENERAL INDEX 35 HEALTH AND SANITATION— Page Section Milk, Production and Sale of—Continued. Analysis showing adulteration ................ 131 437 Continuing torlense) tess oe ee | 131 438 Fee for tuberculin test ..............0.2.022200.0...- 131 439 Dairy cows, feeding and care of ............ 131 440 Inspection of milk and dairies ................ 132 441 Inspection of appliances and utensils .... 132 442 Dairy license fees and fines, collection AYE ACCOUNT CIS ith oe co ee oe 132 443 Health Commissioner, authority to pre- scribe regulations: ...-.2..000000.-.s.c.0.0d02 Sa he 132 444 Infected animals to be condemned .......... 132 445 Sale of infected animal, or part of, pro- MAGI PEC tt Come et Sr Me Me ob al 182 445 Hygienic handling of milk to be pro- MP4 CLEA IET BOPP danse buick yn dcuedoan qaiaticnk Se 132 446 Guaranteed and iced milk provided for.. 133 447 Milk DRCLETIA -CASt shee eet eae teeuicn: 133 448 Health Commissioner to enforce regula- RIOT eI Ls ee ca ee as TE 133 449 Penalty for violating Article .................. 134 450 Mid-Wifery— Practicg OC iTeculated ves ok Vio us 134 451-54 Qualifications to practice .......................- 134 451 DideWIVES LORTONOTE srateeatoeecteecactlna 134 452 Certificates to practice revocable ............ 134 453 Penalty for practicing without certifi- . Pada) AR ENE LL BI SA DUIS SEN CAR MT OSE NG RROOPSTR te 134 454 License ‘tax: required: 2 ea 230 830 Vaccination— Free vaccination provided ........................ 135 455 Record oftvacemationy ers 135 456 To refuse to be vaccinated ...................... 139 483 To neglect or refuse to cause child to Debvaecina teats d, ceed Gee a 140 484 To permit unvaccinated child to attend RETOOL iy tee meaner ice ae ea eR As 140 485 Vital Statistics— Collection and record of ...........................- 185 457 Record of, how and where kept .............. 185 458 Death certificates re) eee 135 459 Burial PETMUCS Hite ete. vei 185 459 Sexton of cemeteries to report ................ 136 459 Births to be reported ...................2.22-2------- 136 460 36 GENERAL INDEX HEALTH AND SANITATION— Page Section Vital Statistics—Continued. Marriage license, record of ...................... 136 461 City Clerk, duties under state law .......... 136 462 Penalty for failure to report .................... 136 463-5 Fee of Clerk for certificate ...................... 136 464 Offenses Against Public Health ........................ 137 468-502 Weeds, lefined ic uae el eee 137 466 Weeds, allowing to grow upon premises 137 466 Weeds, removal of by Commissioner of Streets and Public Works .................... 137 466 Shrubbery or undergrowth, failure to TOMNOVE) a ee a a 137 468 Opposing health officers or inspectors.. 138 469 Failure to keep premises clean .............. 138 470 Failure to oil, screen or cover water, OtC se es Ae eee 138 471 Failure to screen or remove barrels, ete., containing water... ee 139 472 Failure to place premises in sanitary CONGIEION ) i WU 0 a ace 139 A73 To empty slops into a privy vault............ 139 474 Failure’ to: clean privy.c)2 ee Bar lest! 475-6 To open any tomb or grave without per- TOG hil ice a ae 139 477 To inter or disinter human remains without: permait (ie 2G pee ee 1389 A477 To fail to report epidemic or contagious CIS@ASO 225i ek DA eli aa 1389 479 To make false rumors of sickness or Gisease iu A I aaa 139 480 To violate order of health authorities.... 139 481 To place offensive matter in bay or other place without permit .................. 139 482 To neglect or refuse to be vaccinated... 139 483 Te neglect or refuse to cause child to he vaccinated c:0-): ches ae Ce 140 484 To permit unvaccinated child to attend BCHOOL Mice o eh ein Ce Ne ie panne 140 485 To refuse or neglect to collect and dis- pose Of Mth pce el gc aa hae 140 486 To sweep or deposit paper, trash or rubbish’ in streetiiji 00) 0s, ei eae eh pale 140 487 To interfere with any garbage can or trash ‘receptacle... Ginter ee 140 488 GENERAL INDEX HEALTH AND SANITATION— Offenses Against Public Health—Continued. To inter human remains in St. Michaels cemetery without permit —.................. Failure to keep open ditch or drain........ To impair the capacity of any drain or AEA eal 1 Ry cee Eg Ail Seopa ta Sel bn ob Seda alee) Failure to supply premises with pure RE etal g Panic le aa Sy ti oy an RO ee Raed Bet To allow tenement house to be over- CROW COU ose eo ee ee aeeE deb To allow persons to sleep in rooms without sufficient air space ................ To allow accumulation of oyster shells OT TELUSE MALLON acct covet eos To refuse and neglect to prevent ac- cumulation of water upon premises .... To deposit unhealthy or dangerous sub- stances in streams, springs, ete. ........ To spit upon any sidewalk, ete. .............. Failure to post notice prohibiting spit- BINS MMI SCTeOL CATS, (Cll. cee ee. To smoke on or in any street car ............ To allow smoking in street cars ............ To place or keep on premises any un- covered manure, garbage, etc. ............ Failure to screen manure, ete. ................ To convey dead animals along street Without covering (oe ew SATAY, TLRS WS pale ae aU RaW a Te LUE TN ce dN eR Oe ee aL Bers LIN OOUNGIN (OLAa oer ee tai aa ok SSSR TTD ATIC Pet ey ess er es bee ee Bia tinesiol DUCTS Of) or Ee. HORSESHOEING—Shops. .....002...2...2.eesceeeeeeeeeeseeeeeeeeeeees HORNED CATTLE—Discharge of from cars.............. Lrivine Chrougn Streetann A 3 he a HORSES—Impounding and sale of .....000..0...00.00e..eee.. Hitching to trees, etc., on street ............0000000..... Unfastened or without driver on street.............. HOSE—Passage over by vehicles ........00.0000000000000000000---- Hose companies to furnish couplings.................. Hose companies, duty upon reaching hydrants HOSE TRUCKS—To have right of way ...................... HOSPITALS AND SANITARIUMS .........00..00000000....... 37 Page Section 140 140 140 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 141 142 142 142 142 227 142 144 224 227 143 144 142 144 144 33 30 31 33 227 489 490 491 492 493 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 501 502 830 503 514 830 830 506 507 503 508 509 141 129 130 140 830 38 GENERAL INDEX Page Section HOUSES—Numbering of .....0......0........ CRANE D ENGLAND (0. 168 617-18 Omission to number, penalty ...........000..002........... 169-185 627-679 Defacing, ete., number om uo ea 186 680 HOUSE AND CARPET CLEANING—Contractors.. pi 830 HOUSE: BUILDERS ee Oy Re esse ys AN Na ena pt | 830 HO USB ROVERS ei ar a Lem tt BU gay ae a 2a 830 HOUSE: MO VEN Gye Oi) Coat aN NUN en La 82 237-8 HOUSE) MO VGN Gi nae CUE U ts OU MCe aN Gama) Sea 184 661 HOUSEHOLD GOODS—Canvassers. ...............2.2...2....-- 223 830 HYDRANTS—Fire, procurement of keys .................... 31 131 Misuseol REVS ee) ae a twa a age 32 139 HOT HS cil a Ue Pa Lars Uo ea Le A Oe 221 830 HOTEL) BULEDUNG Hirer IAL Cems Li pa ellen 48 213 HOTEL—.To): keep) registet 3) 240 839 HUCK STEERS ee gS EL Ueki eae 232 830 I IGE—Dealers: am ia Bae Be eu 228 830 IGE FACTORIBS (il 2a eae Ae Suet 228 830 ICE WAGONS TO CARRY SCALKS ......00000000ee... 216 820 ICE PEDDLERS—Regulated el. 216 820 ICE CREAM FACTORIES 0c Q un A Tekno 227 830 Peddlers) cco i eis AEG Caan RC Ce Oe OO gat 830 Saloons (hae ei en as Re RA a en mee 2a 830 Retarlers oo RM ee O CD ea af 830 ILL FAME HOUSES—See Bawdy Houses IMMORAL: EXHIBITIONS eo eG es anes L151 552 IMMORAL: BOOKS, Bite ee a rier 151 555 IMPOUNDING OF ANIMALS Joc 143 504 OL MOR a DER ay ei Gl OR GD Se Sala a a 146 524 | Ser 1 MR OSE OR BADE RUU/ Ma Nts HAKIIRISGIN ELI ERG gLaAM RL sce uct dahie MR Cc 143 505 IMPRISONMENT—Limit of, 3 2 To enforce ‘nes. Otc ici ey uae ian ur ys ee 24 OF By Recorder for contempt ............02000.00.... colar oath 24 98 For failure to give peace bond ......00........220022022.- 24 99 For attempt to escape from custody ................ 29 121 INDEBTEDNESS—Certificates of .................. App. II 253 See Certificates INDECENCY—Exposure of person ..........0000..000000.022.. 151 554 Wearing dress of other Sex -0000....00.0022ececceeeeeeeeeeeee 151 554 Indecent’ behavior; ete. a ne 151 554 Books, eben eu ea ie nnn eae 151 554 Plays, CbCs eG ah SID GHC SRA ta oa LU Mec ee 151 554 Exhibition of animals, ete. .............02.....- Lai ae 144 516 GENERAL INDEX INSPECTOR OF BUILDINGS—See Building Regu- lations DE ChE NO) Na Lame ue catia ei Naas tl cM A INSPECTOR OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES ........ INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AGENTS—Li- BE NROG Ties Were mom Uduasem en DOM y ania Nau tt Sa) a No De BTN GIS) OR IGE ie ee ne ee INTERMENTS—See Burials INTOXICATION—Public prohibited ...... VADER ae a INTOXICATED PERSON—Driving vehicle .............. NBA yt MRS | Pec ey AMPS) a 9) Saye Ps) eg LA EEC i er a a TRON-GUALY BULL DIN GS ae ee ane BLOIN SA bu A PONES (TOR clay as ee i a ISOLATION OF DISEASES—See also Health and SSP RSSESCICION os Lyre An nee PCa Rees pete Canad alae cee Sy 2 OL BORIN A E00 A Ee ay tl ed the NU at TTINERANT PHOTOGRAPHERS wo, BENGALI LC RAINGS le ee as SALA Gh Rey PBT AP WAS LON Te ig a le te Cs ee ORES EGON LAIN Ca ETH RCo upsinene soon eaeen yy kro ert atnumeti UN YET Py ate raGs LEAL LON britcchcots. yvesuehd suse ceacadtace SUB PRC WI OD es iva ana ossy Lab sit te Us TAU Ra PO SeC Ca JUNK DEALERS—Regulated ..........000..0..2.0ce testes KNIFE AND SCISSORS GRINDERS ..............-........... SUMMIT Ee Rte Limes MELCA ERC eo icees eet ean os kg LADDER—Omission to keep on premises ..................-. LAMPS—Publiec vehicles to have ..00............22.-20.-cceeee--- CSRS PROT OCTA ecu arena bak cL SEN Cot BIEGUTIC Hh DEOLRRTRCU ube main eae oe LAND AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANILBS ............ UE NUD St DD 2 @ OF STATIS SSI ONSEN ARE UA a Aa eg Me SUE Permits required for laundry work .................... CET QRS RAO SAR SAAB ia MORIN AOA VRPP DFE App. IV 39 Page Section 132 215 228 228 228 441 813-14 830 830 561 748 830 215 830 314 830 830 830 830 830 736 830 835-37 830 616 154 745 857 857 830 830 838 562 40 GENERAL INDEX Page Section LAWYERS (000 e oe sere aaa SUPA CeaR aH Oa 28 95 229 830 LEE SQUARE-—Named ij 20d ies ev ronan 155 577 ProvViSiONS: CONCEPNING wee eee i oper 165 608 LEWDNESS—See Bawds, Indecency LEWD WOMEN—See Bawds RIEBRA R Yi or Sie ei a Re Re CeO eae 229 830 LICENSE VPA ES cea oa ce eee 217 822-34 LICENSES--Required cio. oy i ae 217 822-23 Expiration of ye tO aN 2 eet 217 823 Locality ‘and transter: oft. kt eae 217 824 Companies engaged in interstate commerce.... 218 826 Revenues from licenses distributed .................. 218 827 PXhibi tion NOL) ce OC eae oe Ae ee 218 828 Evidence ‘of Liability) fo) ea te ae 218 829 Exhibition of; penalty) 220 a ee 238 831 Civil war veterans exemPt ...............0000.....2-2--006-- 218 830 Cripples and widows exempt ................22.0-0.-..-4-- 218 830 For restraint) i 2 eee 236 830 LIGHTS—Im parks and streets, injury to .................... 243 857 LIVERY “STA BIE i 2g een ee 229 830 LOCKSMITHS AND TRUNK REPAIRERS .............. 229 830 LOCOMOTIVES, Etc.—Speed in streets ............00........ 185 677 Belis:to be rung On) sa) eae Resa 5 677 LODGING, HOUSES ioe al ee 229 830 LOITE RE RSs och lh eG ee eh et a a 241 842 LOITERING—On streets, ete. 20......0....cccccccce cee eeeeeeeeeeee 241 842 PW Faye (=) 000) aneuandtny WN ee Mie clh meas maMeMiN WI DaN i Stree Mis NE MN 195 735 At. vehicle\istanda (2) iWon. oR Oe a ae 191 715 LOTTERIES—See Gaming LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE R. R. Co.—Flagmen required7on. certain. streets i or ho ee eee 181 652 LUMBER YARDS—In fire limits 35 149 License’ required): oie) OP ak sie nc eae, 229 830 LUMBER AND/OR TIMBER—Dealers ...................... 229 830 LUNCH STANDS) 0h. ae. TIPe acum Ih ASE MCB ME, 229 830 LUNCH, BASKETS ios CR ee eran eon 229 830 M MA CHIN BER Ye ot Se Re IC acy a Oe aL ea 229 830 MACARONI FACTO REGS eon tee yeaa 229 830 MALAGA SQUARE—Use by Public School No. 4...... 166 614 MANUFACTURING i: eg hl aes eel 229 830 GENERAL INDEX MANUFACTURERS—Of proprietary medicines ...... MANUFACTURERS—Overcrowding ...00..0..0000000000....... MARBLE OR STONE—Agents ...000000.00.00 eect eee MARINE RAILWAY OR DRY DOCE ........................ S04 an be) DOR ape Wee een ednd a0. SCARMIRS | Me Lc ae Eon MARRIAGE LICENSE—Record of .....000000000000 0000000... MASCULINE—Includes neuter ........2200.000 022 MAYOR—Chief officer of City ......000000 Duties 0fi reneralivin sit woe 2 oj ak Pelee rOn OF8 cea ae a Ei To preside at Board meeting's ...................02.2..... BAS PIC CR usd, CRUG ees Sie te ee Ser SOR Ras 3 a ee turers 1A Cy LORS Mice tu ee eee! PRAAS DE Fe Pararae U LO Es LENOIR EE Cue icet soca leah eerie ca de wien wae MEASURES AND WEIGHTS—See Weights and ETT ORG A le OIE te cat Se, Se as ORDO PY PAPE A PROC Bo Brac Al) pe LIGUA VEC wo. ae, eee Ae So ota er at MESSENGER—Call service ...0.0...000..ceeec eee PRG E LO LING OSS en ton coe ame el hes, Joti Le oes ER LEE Mees DIT IL. Soprtead ive cee Bete te ak ees SG LUA DOL ne ee a pe ae ee One) hE hy) MID-WIFERY—See Health and Sanitation _.............. MILB INE PEOLTION,: Htc ghee in, ek fe tes be OP LOS Erie) oe era ae cg 1) iy Se ER Ye MINORS—Not to visit pool rooms ................2222..0....---- NOLO Visit variety DOUSeH tee. teks te iit POGUE NIOPET oe dere se ena Teme ui fo de ely MISCELLANEOUS OFFENSES—Against Public LOVE Le ase it MES At MR OT ead ea a og! See also Morals MISCELDANEOUS: PROVISIONS) Gan 232 ees Pawn brokers, junk dealers and second hand BURP CR eh e Pat See oe ets eakds vassk be gicnt lsd sob Le Record to, be kentibyuiiyn nei as. Reports to be made to Chief of Police... JIU eR ere TEPOLLS a. ne aceite etek one Launary permits required nein. 2 eee Hotels and lodging houses to keep register...... Hotels and boarding house register to be in- STCCLEUs Wi DOME. peered wei te cates aed: pees Repisteringeca Selva ome te eek ts te Paiure. toy Keep reristery hats ee a ae HAIN CO Ines Iateny he aco, pa smear Speculation in scrip by officers .......................... 41 Page Section 229 141 219 229 125 139 830 493 830 830 412 461 1 22 22 12 22 830 830 830 813-21 409 830 830 830 830 830 419-450 830 549 551 850-54 548-56 835-68 835 835 836 837 838 839 839 840 840 840 841 42 GENERAL INDEX Page Section MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS—Continued. Lotte rine ce eu Oe UN Se SA a 241 842 Vagrants and suspicious characters .................. 241 842 Failure to obey subpoena .....................--22-22222---+- 241 843 Barbed wire on street line prohibited ............... i 241 844 Injuring or interfering with trees and plants * ID COMET eee er UI. Cala eeuntU 241 845 Injuring or interfering with any decoration or adornment in cemetery ..........--.......::::e:ee+++- 241 846 Injuring or destroying city property ...........:.... 241 847 Discharging firearms or explosives .................- 241 848 To board a moving car or locomotive pro- ESTA C28 UMD CORR e ALGAE UED EIA MDa DAMP RUM MINM BAN ILO 200 241 849 Cruelty to children i 242 850 Children in public places at night during cer- CATA DOUTS Al ITT ae 242 851 Neglect of child by parent or guardian ............ 242 852 Associating with children in violation of or- CONE 6t 8 EY U1 - IRL OUND HEI HERO NN We A EREMR LI AWINUUMGIOVOI EIMBSAE AR cca AhN Cad 242 853 Arrest of children found violating ordinance.... 242 854 Sailor boarding houses regulated ...................... 243 855 Injuring or interfering with any street lights 243 857 Insults or violence by drivers of vehicles.......... 243 858 Gas) refuse, disposal of ts COUN Dann Raa, 243 859 Bicycle riding on sidewalk -..00...0.......ceeeeeee eee 243 860 Bicycle riding at excessive speed ...........0.0.......... 243 861 Bicycle riding without lights 2200000000... 243 861 Bicycle riding without signal bell .............0000.... 243 862 Bicycle riding without sounding alarm. ............ 243 863 Disobedience of official order ......00......02000.2ecceeee- 244 864 Reckless and careless riding or driving.............. 244 865 Vagrancy defined and punished ................. ORY Ts 244 866 Nuisance idefined cei aT IO tay 244 867 Nuisance, abatement ‘of; ie ay 244 868 MORALS 7 gi GU UO hee OM HORI MUIOR AAR ia EULER Aaa 148-51 534-56 Sunday) observance yc nee Tae ed cele Arn av 148 534 Keeping open store on Sunday prohibited ........ 148 534 Sale of articles on Sunday permitted ................ 148 534 License required for Sunday sale ........ UVa 148 535 Barber shop to be closed on Sunday .........0........ 148 536 Bowling alley, pool and billiard rooms and shooting gallery to be closed on Sunday........ 148 537 Bawds and Bawdy Houses ...........0......200..00...cecceceeeeee 148 538 Staying in or visiting immoral places ................ 148 538 GENERAL INDEX 43 MORALS— Page Section Bawds and Bawdy Houses—Continued. Street walking by disreputable women pro- |e D yr ets GMA ae COMA Steg GRAS EST ACO Y MEME GAN EA EOE SAAR 4 149 539 Gaming— Gaming implements not to be kept .................... 149 540 Gaming implements to be seized and destroyed 149 541 Gaming’ house pronibited 1 ek 149 542 License forfeited upon conviction of keeping PAMOUUS HOUSE eee ec ree Pe a ens 149 542 Gambling or playing games of chance pro- FeV vba ste bibaaeeles Man WN! Sak AE a LUN ta PAGE SAUD mp AMO 149 548 Unlawful to be servant or agent in gambling Js F CO as goatee Anan AAOIE aN eeT Mage SONNE Ph Agee ae 149 544 Renting house for gaming prohibited ................ 149 545 Lottery or other disposal of property by CHATICE ) PYOMIDIGCU coca eeeee eee eke a ete 150 546 Lottery ticket and similar articles not to be eh E=1 6/4) oc0 Ag 1 igh ae aa Ay ale OE ETI RARE RR DHT hdr tt aD Ae a 150 547 Miscellaneous Offenses Against Public Morals...... 150-51 548-56 Liquor not to be furnished minors .................... 150 548 Minors not to visit billiard or pool rooms ........ 150 549 Billiard, pool room or bowling alley not to be kept near church, school or railroad depot.... 150 550 Minor not to visit variety house ........................ 150 551 Immoral exhibitions prohibited ..................0....... 151 552 UTP ad CG eater beds Ye Aipuledl DAN OV ONE Man OAIR AN Geni a RU MRED Ba ES 151 552 Pugilistic contests prohibited ...............00000.......... 151 552 Bathing in open bay without proper garment DDODTBEE (rome ere eit een ce una 1 eae 151 553 Appearing in public in improper dress.............. 151 554 Indecency and lewdness prohibited .................... 151 554 Books, pictures, etc., of lewd and immoral CHATACLOT. PYOMIDIEGR 2a cua e-tmreiecls censure 151 554 Obscene or immoral prints and pictures not to DSO OT ICIP OR Ate ce ne ye ie hn AN 151 555 Prints and pictures tending to disturb the pub- MG, MERCes NIOHID UE stra Nena Uke ent 151 555 Medicine for treatment of immoral disease not to be publicly advertised ......002..220..0 cee 151 556 MOSQUITO—Protection from ......00..0000000..0ceee eee i 1388 471-72 BECVIN GO PEE NLR EG EUs kes a EPS OINS a ban Li 230 830 MOTORGPGUM AGENTS inva i. enn 230 830 RAR ULATIONS ite acer en en ene TN ha NIN 205 754 44 GENERAL INDEX MOTOR VEHICLES—Regulations .............000020.000220:. License Tequired (io. 2.. Pain ee MOVING BUILDING—In fire limits .........00000000000...... MOVING HOUSE ON STREET ..............000000000000000....... MOVING PICTURE SHOWS—See Electric Theatres MUNICIPAL COURT—See Recorder’s Court N NAMES OF STREETS—To be put up ........................ DeTAcing eter eee Ne eee et atgt en ere NAVAB IS LGR WS rere ES aero oy hye one Me NEUTER—Included in masculine ..................0000002...... NEWS S DANDS rote cronies rue vile ee ae NEWSPAPERS 2 ge Goggle Ce eee toe eae eee NITROGLYCERINE—Keeping of _....0000000000 NUISANCE—Removal Of 2000.00...0..ccccccecciecescsabecesesnene Defined’ and prohibited, 22.2.5 sn ee Abatement Of Gran chron eT ae eae ee NUISANCE—Stagnant water, ete. ................0...2..22222ee. NUMBERING OF HOUSES 23.2.0 ee Omission to number, penalty .............000.0002000000.. Defacing numbers, penalty ...........000000000000cee..- See also Streets and Public Places NURSERY: (STOCK ys eee ne oe ee ene OATH—Included in affirmation .0.. OF OELIGETS nied ke ee Cd er ey a en OBSCENE BOOKS, Ete, (5.255 4. ee ee DANSUa ee eas Or ane aN aa ret OBSTRUCTIONS—Removal of 20..0........0ocebccecececeeeeeeee OFFENSES—Continding) ey ee ee OFFICERS— Meaning of (ceo eee ar Removal Of iit as Ree ee ay ae iia Tey eo et Direction and supervision of Commissioners.... OFFICERS—Enumeration of, of City 0.000.000... Oath oe Ge ad i Aer Aes no Soe Rr Compensation oft. oe oe eee Bonds (Of) ti 5 cog an aa ee ane has Page 204 230 82 82 230 231 40 4 244 244 107 168 169-185 186 231 Section 751 830 234 237 830 641 681 830 u 830 830 171 5) 867 868 321 617-18 627-679 680 830 1 16 555 557 5 658-61 830 3-5 1 15 17 13 16 19 19 GENERAL INDEX Page OFFICERS—Continued. Notto-speculate in scrip ./£...014.....2.227 eee 9-241 ATA DEPROUE CONG Olga gcc i teenie ee ne 27 SPDSCrICIN ee ede i) Se) eerie TAR Y 27 Acts of subject to review of Board ...........0........ 8 OFFICIAL NOTICE—Violation of 200....000...0200....ccc:e200--- 244 ORDINANCES—Punishment for violation of ............ 3 Repeal as affecting prosecution under .......... 4 To be,recorded by Clerk pose igh 13 EO. Des NUDISNEGS DWE IOLHK hat nee en scla eos 14 Publication of private, how paid ........................ 14 Granting franchises—See Appendix .................. 255 PUDIICALION OLY aes oe titel ree App. IV 324 CSRS Ae 2a gba eh tne oe Bel GUN eoladrtet ee Ol Aide! ae et Meats aoe 231 Bg BME Cin oS eg 2) ot DEA Dy Ue RoC, SERRE I 231 SST OE B49 0) Baie Oe ga Emer ae ee er 231 eee RA Nem tL GINGPEN Ge one hic eters shes eos do vnekcatitana cha esas 231 APIECE RIN Crom LIOR LOT HR: ATI res cede ale cee cas eges vhs ocaeieedn nee = 232 BERET Gere Lm AO) C) Leen een e txect sat eck bee cashes teenawehua ssn dacades 231 De O WDINGrORS HOUSES ie ite, cin tecspataens tis 141 QJVelen sreuLS—Removal of s.......2..::-:0l us. 141 GWEC OD ago We By ODS DCR DE Se sl ic RECUR At ana AOE OIE ca 231 P PARK——inclided ini streetisi 0 Fes ee ee 3 PARKIN GS—Defined: vise es Ba, scene bene 179 TUBES te ee epee Av meee, Pot eM eins on eds 179 CRORRING irs een eee teens 179 TOGA DIATICIN we tits ee ek Be aed oe 179 PACKING HOUSE COMPANIES: .2.........0.-2-ns0028- 231 dea ha GAs RAS Wes pags UC or, Noe ap Opa te AL ea dng) Se 231 EAUNT Gh ANDY DICORA TORS) 5 oiocccc.cisssscecr sie 231 PARADING FOR ADVERTISING PURPOSES........ 231 PAVEMENT—Not to be disturbed without permit Patina? JSTOR os Cee eer IS LAR CaN Se Nt Tia) Cie INR ae A re 96 PENALTY FOR DISTURBING PAVEMENT............ 97 Psy ING CORDINA NGM See Buea ete oe gu App. I 249-51 PAWNBROKERS—To keep books ..............00..000000..ceee- 239 DAGATIBG. TAX FACIL ON occas cee tel sh al cues each yoo 231 PARKING PLACES DESIGNATED ......00000000000000........ 201 CITIPE LALOR BLY COT eee ey oe ai 2 tae RS 203 45 Sec. 935 830 746 748 46 GENERAL INDEX PRACE~Bond: to Keepy ee Preservation of, refusal to assist - FT HAMMAN et PUBIC eer eM ea Uea UAAC O Le aa See also Public Peace PEANUTS AND POPCORN ROASTERS .................. PEDDLE Re ee ON AT OO IES De CMO Siu: ULE CEY U PEDDLERS—Farm.: products, \etes:i..:.00.. bu ae PEDESTRIANS—Crossing street ..........22.......22.222:0:0-+- PENSACOLA GAS CO—See Franchises PENSACOLA WATER CO.—See Water Works PERSONS INCLUDE WHAT (oui Oe lag PERSONATION OF POLICEMAN, Ete. .................... PHYSICIAN—See City Physician PELY BICTAN Sea ES Oy Toa AO IOI ue alkaer a etetias Toi Peporti fevers ul) On ace Uae To report diseases jaa ee PHOTOGRAPH EE Re a hers os OE aie PHRENOLOGISTS oe 0) SOE Nae a ae uaa PIANOS—sDealers ini ee ae ae PIANO | TUNE Re nN oc Ae ae eee a Le PID) DRIVERS i Os Ga SU ONoT A CE MA aka eee PIPES—Laying near center of street ............0000000000... Sewer, soil and waste, how to be made.............. Sewer, soil and waste, not to be drilled and TADPEO ieee AS NE USO v AMA Si aa Vent, how) flashed on ia a ae See also Plumbing and Drain Laying PLACARDS—-Defacing, -etes i a Of medicine for immoral diseases ...................... PRAY S—Indecent a i es ae aca PLURAL—Included in singular ...0..000000000000.eceeeeecceeeee PLUMBERS— Applicaiton for examination .........000000000000..0000.... TAICeNSE BAX ee MU Ae CL ea Ne eee en ra BONG OL Oe ee ADS Ui une MUM A geen Compensation of members of board .................. Examination! required) 00) nue ln ae Fee for certificate sole oan UU OMe Sa aaaiE Working without license of bond prohibited... J OUTNE VIMAR igs RN ie Se ND co ri ADPPENEICE Oia aU ie Ciara Bond of surety company required ...................... Bond, conditions Of (iene ae ee ae See Plumbing and Drain Laying Page Section 24 232 104 106 232 232 232 232 232 186 92 92 93 83 232 83 84 83 83 84 84 84 84 85 85 99 115 557-68 830 830 830 748 1 117 830 315 319 830 830 830 830 830 682 273-4 275 277 685 556 554 1 239 830 240 242 240 239-241 241 243 244 244 245 245 GENERAL INDEX 47 Page Sec PLUMBING INSPECTOR— FLOGUINUINENU OLY sen tae etna ncase helene One 7 13 PSOTEROE Nl MO LIe ION: FON Oe Ce ait ile 8 19 UWOMPENsAbion wot ci SEEN 8 19 To enforce plumbing regulations ........................ 20 80 PIMATIUCALIONS On iise (ia niu eal bake Watashi T 85 246 DUties ot (mene rally eile seed INS Hod pee 20 80 TUR VA ae cde Sh UE RR ae Ne EN 85 247 To have charge of sanitary sewers, etc. _........... 85 247 To supervise changing and repair of ................ 85 247. To inspect plumbing in all buildings .................. 85 247 To inspect plumbing connected with sewers.... 85 247 To make three inspections of plumbing............ 85 247 Fee to be charged for inspection........................ 85 247 Fees collected to be paid City Treasurer .......... 86 247 Authority to enter building or premises ............ 86 247 Interference with, punishable ~.............00000000........ 86 247 To be furnished with plan and description of THEREIN VOT heh aaa Ne 8) 86 248 To be notified when work completed .................. 86 249 To inspect plumbing work and issue certifi- et oY, Ienban a SIC oF blots i ae REEF B27 af CL ENON RC UABS Mell aD oP 89 262 To require removal of defective or improper 9 (ta Lowe A! 1211) baad EAS PEAS RPA SLE EAE AERA CP 89 262 To issue permits to connect with sanitary Fo op id ab Sahn aE NSP DN ana ented oe ASR RR Rb SU 90 263 To supervise connection of house branch with rood, (ok ule WO SROESUEEE Cac 21M RSC CIIG Ue Rie aS nee RENE CORP LAC 90 264 To approve connecting pipes of house branch.. 90 265 Must be permitted to inspect plumbing.............. 92 268 To require sinks to have grease traps................ 93 278 Pa AY Career LLL ELON Sic Oe ayes 91 267-838 PLUMBING AND DRAIN LAYING ........00000000000000...... 83 239-83 Examination and licensing of plumbers, etc..... 83 239 Board of examiners of plumbers........................ 83 240 Compensation of members of board of exam- aT: thNPARNA SE AUD po) ECU ORCC AS gaa SCR IAS ELAN RIE 83 240 Examination required by board of examiners.. 838 239-41 Master plumber, fee for certificate .................... 84 241 Journeyman plumber, fee for certificate .......... 84 241 Certificate to be issued by board of examiners 84 241 Fee for renewal of certificate .......0......1..000.0600- 84 241 Fees collected to be paid City Treasurev.......... 84 241 Bond required of plumbers and drain layers.... 84 242 48 GENERAL INDEX Page Section PLUMBING AND DRAIN LAYING—Continued. Work to be done only by licensed plumber, etc. 84 243 Apprentices under journeyman plumber .......... 84 244 Bond of surety company required ..................-..- 85 245 Conditions of bond's aa eae 85 245 Bond: to protect: work wien ee gal ee 85 245 Bond ito replace street in) 02060 ee ae 85 245 Bond to protect and indemnify the City .......... 85 245 Commissioner of Streets and Public Works to stipervise | plumbing, ete; ik ee 85 246 Commissioner of Streets and Public Works to direct Plumbing Inspector ..............2..........-.--- 85 247 Sanitary sewers, etc., in charge of plumbing INSPECTOR es ae Fh ee en os ec 85 247 Cleaning and repair of sanitary sewers ............ 85 247 Inspection of plumbing and ventilation in batidings, eben i ae ee ne epeer ee 85 247 Inspection of pipes outside of buildings ............ 85 247 Fee for inspection i200 emai 86 247 Removal of unsanitary fixtures .......................... 86 247 Plans and specifications, plumbing and drain- age,:to be filed ..)02 ia 86 248 Inspecting and testing plumbing when com- iiplebed si. Led Ul A oe ake aaa 86 249 Water closet connection with sewer .................. 86 250 Water closet outside of building's ...................... 87 250 Water closet connection with terra cotta pro- hibited ) wie ie eae Be eee 87 250 Water closet in yard to be vented .................... 87 251 Water closet connecting pipes to be tar coated 87 252 Pipes to be direct and concentrated .................. 87 253 Waste pipes for sinks, ‘ete.’ 2.2. 87 253 Trapsofor ‘waste pipes) 320) a eae 87 253 Vents: for ‘waste: pipes jc a ea 87 253 Vertical pipes, quality and size of ..........000.000..... 87 254 Joints in waste pipes, ete. ..............20020 22... mes 87 254 Soil pipe, (size. Obi ee ee ae ea 87 254 Test.of. pIPING 24a ee eee 88 254 Traps;on: vertical pipes ieee be es 88 255 Pipes to extend through roof .......-.....040.01... 88 255 Vent and waste pipes not to open near win- dows. ....... steele side east Pate tk count gale soot aa Le Seca 88 255 Lead pipe \connectionsiuii iad oe ae 88 256 Siphon jet or siphon action —.......00.0000000..0ceecee 88 256 GENERAL INDEX 49 Page Section PLUMBING AND DRAIN LAYING—Continued. Hopper closet, when allowed ..........0..00.0000020....... 88 256 Hopper closet: connections’ ..2.../../00000 i. 88 256 Connections between other closets .................... 88 256 Connections of lead with iron pipes .................. 88 257 Connections between waste and vent pipes, etc. 88 257 Trapping of closets, sinks, ete. ............................ 88 258 Trans; distance of irom ifixtare 20002 eat 88 259 Traps to be protected from siphonage .............. 88 259 Trane to be wentilated 23.10. sues ee 89 259 Traps to be approved by Plumbing Inspector.. 89 259 ClemeGe? DAC karen OL lisitiay. ccs 2 ONE 89 259 LIUOrt lO Wi DINOR ee ae ee 89 260 Refrigerators, connections of ........................-..... 89 260 We ACE? CLOSOLSs LOCATION ote. ocncis. cies els oe 89 260% Water closet compartment ............02...........220000--- 89 260% ar irclOSGLe ate Ait et Nee, 89 260% Yard closet pipes and traps to be protected...... 89 260% Yard closets to have pits, traps and valves...... 89 260% Rain water leaders not to be connected with OR kee ne MS eT a ness Sascha canoe 89 261 Storm water underground drains ...................... 89 261 Steam boilers, etc., not to be connected with Sewer Of Grain ® ate ieee. Bate ATR Mees 89 261 Work improperly executed to be removed........ 89 262 Penalty for failure to obey order of Inspector 89 262 Certificate to be issued by Inspector .................. 89 262 Poxcavatingoinoatreetl son we ee ee 8 89 263 Connecting with sanitary sewer ................0000.... 90 263 Connecting with storm water sewer .................. 90 263-66 POLES—In streets to be painted |......0.00...0000000002000..... 179 642 Deri WOOL face he Re AP 186 687 POSLOTS OUCH LOTS Or 5 2 yee es) se 186 687 OOMTEIBIOTS LO NDAIN bark sae lk ad 186 688 MirecisOl Ole TORT IAC oot eee oy Sa 179 647 Separate zones, when wired jointly .................... 42 178 BD LIN Chet Rc ORGS ee 20 hye el ans A ee eee eT 245 873 POLICE DEPARTMENT VEGETAL ALION COL eee ad Bei testers pice sentido das 25 101 Appointment of policemen ................................-- 25 101 Police Commissioner’s control of -..................... 25 102 Chief of Police to superintend and direct police By) g oc OMENS py UR SOE Cae ec aia) ae LR Se RE Reba bet 3h" 103 Appointments recommended by Commissioner 25 104 50 GENERAL INDEX Page Section POLICE DEPARTMENT—Continued. Board to adopt rules governing .................222.-.- 25 104 Board to adopt uniforms for police .................. 25 105 Contracts for ‘uniforms Via es 33 144 Special police, appointment of .......0...........2-..---- 26 106 Contributions by or from police prohibited...... 26 107 Payment of reward or gratuity to police .......... 26 108 Qualifications of officers and employees .......... 26 109 Examination of applicants for employment...... 26 110 POLICEMAN—Designation of duties by Chief .......... 19 68 To obey directions of Police Commissioner and Chief of Police ce es ee ey 25 104 To be appointed by the Board .....................-...-+- 25 101 Power to execute pYrocCeSS ........222......ccceeeeeeeeeeee ee 26 111 Offenses BY kun a eee cane 27 114 Refusal: to Assist: 0 Oe ee a 27 115 Refusal topinform) 0) oe osc CT eae 152 560 Resisting; “eter ey ee a oe enna 27 116 Impersonating isi ae 20 117 To receive complaints of violation of health TESUIATIONS el a eS 104 312 To report infractions of sanitary ordinances.... 104 312 Powers and duties of police force...........-............ 26 111 To arrest without warrants vagrants, etc......... 26 111 Procedure after arrest {i002 es as 27 112 Powers of police in making arrest...................... 27 113 Neglect of duty by police ::.20:.000022.00ce. PA 114 Malfeasance by ieic a aia ae pe! ye | 114 Hight-hour ' Gay oie a gee a a ate 326 POLICE, CHIEF OF— Appomtment sor ee os ns ie 7 13 Bone 08 io eT Ve en uct et Nad 8 19 Compensation) (0 ene ee Sa alate 8 19 Duties of generally ....00000....00.20200.... SEU i ANNO tig 19 68 To direct. police ................. OCU Te Ga 19 68 To enforce regulations -........00000000000.2.. da Ua cain 19 68 Police Commissioner to control ........000.0.00000000.. 19 68 To keep records of appointments and dis- CHET OOS: Wnt ie eave i aa agri oa 19 69 To eollect fines usu ic densa me 19 69 To turn in collections to Treasurer .................... 19 69 Tovcontrol city) jail ietes fone ae ae, 19 70 To supervise members of the police force........ 19: 71 To preserve (peace uso ee eG 19 72 GENERAL INDEX POLICE, CHIEF OF—Continued. POOL AO, CNTOFCe OPGINAaNnces nila oun low a tis Tor prosecute offenders yea nN yg To obey and cause police to obey orders of the CODIMISBIONO TS te Mel A Reese Lo atvend (Recorder's) Courteney To keep records and make reports .................... To supervise and direct police force .................. To cause arrest of persons refusing to have HOUSE sTUMI CA CEE ee ee ee es To serve sidewalk: notices .)c20.0 ea, To report defective sidewalks .................000........ POO Ls On ow A TR ONO i sbi incest: Soll) ini PORT—See Harbor Pee RAE Ls SOPTOLTO RR Ryo ClOy sibs Oot Cie edie POSTERS—On private buildings, ete. .......0...000000002..... On telegraph and other poles ................0020200....... POSTING PLACARDS, Etc.—Of medicine for im- THOT) GIBERRER LU ete tele tek. hg ha ae ON alc POUND—Certain animals to be put in ~......0.0000........ POULTRY —Runningiat large) o7 Ol ee a ol PRECINCTS. ..........: PU esas Piatra Ly ue etc, SH a a Heh 9 e EEA AOR RSE Bf 2 PR 4 OA Bs GU to Ane de Aa AUN aT Nn ee PRINTING—Included in writing .......0....000000000000000.002.- PRISON—Selection of keeper .............2...0.00ceecesceceeeeeees Keener es Cuties yee ee bon ye i a eed Police Commissioner to control ..............2..0........ Chief: of) Police: to, supervises cs ola PRISONERS—Duties of keeper towards .................... Working vetractey cs ua ale me ious tong PBC DE OT cele thr AUR ier Deh Leis ARS Auli FOBLUBIN DCO) WOLKE at eee ea a bales a ean Preventing G6Capeok. sini il ar ie PREY PES AS POCTION OL ile sod) a Sh COMALTUCTION. OF VAIL Ce ee ae tanh POUPINE BIOS, AM Ne ae pW cp ase Toke cleaned. oy hen el See ees otis TCGERIBA ALOR ICATE eC TDR LIN S550 Voc MA TaN PGS CALLN ATIC) OATIIEACION leh 2 Ni ee TheEROMIBITED: AGT-—Punished |i. Page 19 19 19 19 19 25 106 171 172 232 107-141 232 186 186 151 143 145 4 232 3 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 109 107 51 Section 72 72 73 75 76 103 318 632 633 830 321-495 830 686 687 556 504 519 7 830 1 119 120 118 119 120 124 121 122 124 335 326 474 330 475-6 324-48 2 116 1 830 52 GENERAL INDEX PROVISIONS—Sale of decayed .220..22....02-200:0.. jets PUBLIC HEALTH—See Health and Sanitation ........ PUBLIC MORALS—See Morals PUBLIC PEACE AND GOOD ORDER ......................... Disturbance of the peace and quiet of any neighborhood prohibited ............20......::::::-::00+ Noises of loud and unusual character prohib- 123s Neh s Sian Sey Oat bch aie Mies DENS EMM a ee L YG (08 Obscene language not to be used in public........ False alarms of fire prohibited ..................22.0...... Assaulting and fighting prohibited .................... Keeping disorderly house ........--....0--2-222.-0008 Disorderly house. defined \:.)2.:..0.5.5-02..0 227 Proprietor to keep order and notify police........ Refusing to aid police... 2 a ee Public intoxication prohibited ...................2-......- Disturbance of lawful assemblage by noise or otherwise i ee ee Weapons not to be carried concealed.................. Weapons carried concealed to be forfeited to the-City oe ee es areas Sling-shot, air gun or riflle not to be used in OLY) to ae ene et ee ee ear ea Raia Tete. Fireworks and explosives, keeping and sale of Firecrackers, etc., discharge of prohibited........ Soliciting business at depot regulated................ Liquors not to be disposed of on day preceding any. election 2. 2:.00..0.) a ie eae) PUBLIC SCHOOL No. 4—To use Malaga Square .... PUBLIC SQUARE—Included in street ...............00002... PUBLIC VEHICLES—See Vehicles PUGILISTIC CONTEST—Prohibited ..2.....000000.000000.... PUNISHMENT—Extent of permissible ..........0...0....... Need not be specified in ordinance or code ........ By imprisonment to enforce fine, ete. ........0002.... By’ Recorder for contempt 2.0.2 eee By Recorder for escape 2...0.:...00...0. cd! Be by Prisoners refusing to work ....... eee Record of ‘additional iii 40 el eae RAILROAD \ COMPANIES ala Nea RAILROADS—To flag certain streets .....0.0..20.0000020.... Cars; speed of In-streets 00M. oo enon ae Page Section 125 102 151 151 151 151 151 152 152 152 152. 152 152 152 152 152 152 153 153 409 304-502 557 557 557 557 557 558 559 559 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 566 567 GENERAL INDEX RAILROADS—Continued. SOTEE DAU UN tree dee eo iy tia Unlawful to board while in motion .................... Pere OLONDIACE TIN GMAN Gyo tu. ee Building and repair of crossings ........................ REAL BESTA TE—Ageney, (cick ce i essatseediasicse RECORDER— PAUL UINON Gr OF My ert ees eee a ee ee COM DENSALION Olen citecmie ttn art Lie id ei eal Dies UL CONOrn liver seb tee ee Mee teed To order obstructions removed .......................... To order nuisances removed .................--...--.-00---- RECORDER’S COURT— OPE PANEER LAOTIOOL nT: ets the Lieto oe dade ee UO COL ore tn ee cera Oe als Se agen eer ale TURBCUUIVE OLEICERGOL rs SOl ee, ate a anil ce tod is Administering oaths to witnesses in ................ Record of proceedings to be kept ...................... Slere UG V OG, DONO). 1 2k eee sd ikl as Clerk to prepare and keep docket ...................... Judge to note proceedings and orders in docket Orders and judgments, modifications of ............ Reasons for modifying order of judgment to DeTeNnvered IT AOCKEG se ee Let Board may remit or reduce penalty .................. Prosecution in, to be on affidavit -..................... Form of affidavit of complaint -.........0000000000...... Technical defects in affidavit -......000.000000000000.... Warrant of arrest, when issued ........................ Warrant of arrests TOT (OF) ict cee oc cnatae! CSM GTN OTE TOR TIT ANE sie a ease ee cecal hd ea ge Commitment to enforce judgment .................... Eunisnment: Lory convemneg: 2. iic. oe eee Band 10r Pood DenAViOL eo wut PACA G GU UN TET Sa ite! cts eee a a ae REFUNDING BONDS OF 191i)... eas App. I a Te Ra ANN ARNO, TAM aga Pee SIL ARES ee ions Spee App. IV 53 Page Section 185 241 187 182 233 23 23-24 24 24 24 25 250 299 297 245 677 849 693 655 830 94 95-6 97 98 99 100 875-6 54 GENERAL INDEX REGISTRATION OFFICER—Appointment of .......... Compensation On ues sea U ian eeu anys Duties. of ‘generally ioe Oy ae Duties Oe ee OE GNM Ua aa an REPEAL OF ORDINANCES—As affecting prosecu- TIONS) CEO eA Oa a MUI MLL De secede aa REPAIR. SHOPS NSU AEN SSN ota Ue Rey 4 RESISTING AN: OBR BICER ee a RESTAURANT aa ee See' Health and ‘Sanitation :.00 ee RESIDENCE STREET—Defined ........2..2..00.0.:./c00c0. R. E. LEE SQUARE—See Lee Square. RIDERS ON HORSEBACK—To keep to right To Keep to lenge oa EN nae RIDING FAST IN STREET—Prohibited .................... RIOT—Duties of Police Commissioner and Chief of POCO ne as ee TUL NAA ALC AALS ee MR eg ROAD-—Rules ot es OU a aga RUBBER STAMPS—Dealers in eee ee ea SABBATH—See Sunday SADDLERY MAKERS AND REPAIRERS SAPER( DEPOSIT) VAULT ir ik sia ne ana SAILOR BOARDING HOUSES—Regulation of ........ SALARY—Assignment of prohibited (see Officers) SANITARY INSPECTORS—Appointment of Powers and) Cates i ON TAO Aon To examine drinking water To examine stagnant water Obstruction of TO NS pect MH i ON ee Re Condemnation of tainted meats SAW MTS ie eG Ya UT aU an ON SECOND HAND STORES io ee ear SECOND HAND DEALERS—Regulated SEED DEALERS ee ee en ee. ee es rr ee ee ee ees SEAL OF CITY SCREENING— In‘ case of yellow fever i ee Of Frits ete ola eon UN Ne Need a en ain ae Of tanks.) ‘cisternerietes (ACU Us Nn aaa Page 7 8 18 245 Sec. 13 19 64 875-6 a 830 116 830 379 744 865 865 865 74 746 830 GENERAL INDEX Page SCREENING—Continued. BOC HTOOC ANG TURE Oc o cme ert eae Te 125 See Bakeries and Confectionaries ...................... 120 DOOR OIALIUITO, SOUR L eco ke eel dee 142 SEAMEN—Protection Of) ........006icsl cc cectecepteanecenpalne 243 SEWERAGE—See Plumbing and Drain Laying BERN Putt MGRDEN IN PUGH LOIN priests uat od joe ae 94 SALES a oe Pd 08 6 Man RA RY OE PE LOLS TE iN MUR 2 Re 99 Special districts (see Appendix IV).........0000....... 100-319 SEPARATION OF RACES IN STREET CARS— Separate accommodations for white and col- OPO, PABSENPEMS We mie ee ee 153 Rules for separation of races ....................0......... 154 Passengers to observe rules for separation...... 154 Extra cars may be provided for either race...... 154 Duty of conductors as to separation of races.... 154 Separation not to apply to nurses ...................... 154 BORER Aa CF Re EUR nities cheek che Coteee deer acne tes eepelcey Gl ais 233 SHEEP—Impounding and sale of ......0..00000.eeeeeee eee 143 SHELLS—Oysters, etc., removal of ....0.0020.0.2000.0...0e..- 141 SHUPELEBOARD—Ganies 0.0. fe ee 227 ERMC. PCP LCG AN PAG IU TCL Gren ets tie eer ih caine tein 0 233 PE ELOLYY cere STOIOPAL icc pura ulate Cunt eel Seek 151 Not: itr licensed theatres fie Or 233 See License Tax : HS ASAP) 2) CS AR a Th Ends aN AE ea A 222 ARS ORES S 0G URS SMBS CUS th Ugobg Soakt Dy, stay Jk LEO EO REED T OB ein 234 SLO WALKaAIBUILDERS Wiese bee es 234 SIDEW ALKS—(See also Streets) _...0.000000...022eeeeie.. 169 GIN DO LHOIT ES ECO. eee ie ah bees Lk 186 HACE) Ate eae MGS ie Bh ON 2 aS TR ane OE RR MSE ANN NB te Feta 234 SIGNAL POLES TO BE PAINTED ...........0.0000000000...... 179 SINGULAR—Includes plural .....0000.0020000 el! 3 SIREN WHISTLE—Prohibited ........0020000000002.eeeee-- 203 SLING SHOTS—Use of prohibited ...............000.00.000..... 152 SBA PIN Gree UN Sa toi eck b tava ei vedce wave geeeraueny eee nemeee RE eos 234 SELEPING) CAR) COMPANIES Whew es 234 SO ENey Cie VE Fe EEN LIN Tues a cri inl Uoeiniea ease tetedcs upaekielie ey Danton 234 UD it CO Be he GS SR ae Ree NATO OND Aru eae ULAL I uk NMR GE ARNIS gy BAG 234 SOLICITATION OF BUSINESS BOISTEROUSLY 153 SODA WA LER FOUNTAINS iin aiiiiie ect 234 SPARK ARRESTERS— RONG a) CO MA VE cs ste ONT Oe Ns ye TS Sat 57 MV REP COs TUB VG ene Pia UBIO TESD Rey hd | ules 37 55 Section 501-2 855 284-96 297-99 300-3 569 570 571-2 574 571-3 575 830 504-5 494 830 830 554 830 830 830 830 628-40 680-81 830 642 1 748 565 830 830 830 830 567 830 156 157 56 GENERAL INDEX Page Section SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS...-App..............-- 249-279 SPECIAL (‘LAWS ie Bare eae ade ae ae te 279-329 STA BLES—For‘salevof livestock 244.252 Lees 235 STAGNANT WATER— Declared: a mutsance ye ee eee 107 Commissioner of Streets and Public Works to PW 024 = RNEASY elas teh ASIN aay UR RW eae A Ua a 107 Owner to abate on private premises .................. 107 STEVE DOR NS oie iis Do hek 1 ogeca aac ames ee oe 230. STORAGE’ WAREBO Ue ee cece eee 235 STOVES—Prevention from. fires by .22..5..0.2 57 STREAMS-—Pollution® Of eee eee ee 141 STREET IMPROVEMENT ACT .................... App. IV 279 STREET PAVING ORDINANCE ..........0000.20..000 2.02. 249-57 STREET—What it includes.c00. 500 ee oe 3 Laying pipes near center. a0 ne ee 186 STREETS AND PUBLIC WORKS—Commissnioer of— To issue permits to run wires through trees.... 44 See also Commissioner Streets and Public Works STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACKS W000. 154-190 Streets—Locality and description ...................... 154 In the water front, designated................ 154 Tn ‘Lakeview (ip) iota NS es ae aos 155 As designated on Watson’s map of 1884 155 In the Maxent Tract: 2) pau nue creed: 155 Street) names, change in | 00/4 2) ae as 155 Street names changed in Pettersen’s Addition and: West King Tract. a ee 157 Adams Street, width changed ................0.0000...... 160 Alcaniz Street, grade changed ..................00000..... 164 Bessemer Street in the water front changed toi? ssrteet ee eee ec eae ea 158 Barrancas: Avenue, Jocation’ 2.300055. 28038 159 Bayou Texar Boulevard, established ................ 159 Baylen Street grade changed ......0000000....0..0....0.... 161 Bay View Park roadway established ................ 166 Cedar :Streeti2 5 2G Bee) el Une eae 158 Cedar Street grade line changed ........................ 161 Chipley , Street) :in oc ee ea nih a ea 158 Chipley monument space in Plaza .................... 165 Church Street, lines of changed ...............00....--- .. 158-9 830 192 576-711 576 576 576 577 577 578 579 584 601 580 581 582 588 610 580 589 580 609 580 GENERAL INDEX 57 Page Section STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES—Continued. Cordova Square set apart for public play- aga LUEE LE ia0T 2, Pete ietrmes {OAS tule Sree WOME Mee © REE BRE ear a 166 613 DeLuna Street, establishment and maintenance "it 0b salieeaneeom EE Deh eclsich fee! ane Wey OEE en ae 159 583 TIBROEU) SUT OCh a ee od ee ast a ele kd 160 586 Elks’ Place dedicated on Garden Street ............ 166 612 Fort Street ...... BAe Pa) k CU sca a REC OO erm NT 158 580 Gadsden Street grade established ...................... 161 590 Gadsden Street from DeVilliers to Reus Street, gh Ye eke) Gaattn, Bile 0 «bg RABE See RE Ne ag CPO Ah UN 165 604 Gregory Street, width changed .......................... 160 585 Intendencia Street, grade changed .................... 162 591 Intendencia Street from Florida Blanca to Ce- vallos Street,: grade changed .......................... 165 605-6 LaRua Street, grade changed .............................. 162 592-4 Lee Square, dedication and control of ................ 165 608 Malaga Square used by school children ............ 166 614 Marston Park dedicated #.3..44.0 he inn ky 166 615 HSTICAGO UV StPGe Ure, ete os eesti ce ue aieae. aus 158 580 Palafox Street drinking fountain of Humane PUED CON CRS ot APs Ce dey a es ba 166 611 Spring Street, west line of changed .................. 160 587 ayer Street sae eho ae oes hal es cole tel 158 580 Wright Street, grade changed .......00.000...00000.0.2... 1638-4 595-600 Wright Street roadway from Palafox to Al- BAT2) Street Me mee A ree ee eel. ie) Go hh ey 164 602 Streets vacated and closed .............22222022eeeeeee.. 166 616 Hprisesy TUM Deri Oe Coe kee. eee nee 168 617-27 Method of numbering houses ................02.0000....... 168 617-18 Method of numbering houses .........0.-2000002.00.... 168 620-25 Numbers to be allotted by City Engineer ........ 168 619 Size and character of numbers required .......... 169 626 Penalty for failure to number house .......... Ahi 169 627 SIO GVE ALR S ree a ste en Iee eA ae tay 169-78 628-40 Sidewalk construction regulated ........................ 169 628 Streets on which sidewalks are required .......... 169 628 Sidewalk widths prescribed .............00..000020020000000 170 629 Sidewalk construction by City at cost of abut- EIDOWDIOPOR Laide a ea ooh ne Tk fet 171 630 Reconstruction or reformation of, may be or- TESA gt eee nee Oe ear UTD Na TRO cee oe ree MON oe aera 171 631 Notice of reconstructing or reforming sidewalk 171 632 58 GENERAL INDEX STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES— Page Section Sidewalks—Continued. Defective or unsafe, to be removed or re- DITO UNC aM NEL eRe ROS Sorat Aa ea 172 633 Penalty for failure to repair defective side- a: | URED NRE ROHS SUR pcan a BU nL PAATANED RUS MNS UG 172 634 Contract to be let for sidewalk construction.... 172 635 Specifications for sidewalk construction .......... 172-7 636 Sidewalk contractors to be licensed and to give DOR SN NET SS Ag NaC SU Se enn LV 636 Condemnation of sidewalks constructed in vio- lation) of ‘ordinance ieee uae eee 178 637 Offense for constructing sidewalk contrary to SHECHICATLONS rece A Na aie er Ae a 178 638 Grades and levels for sidewalks adopted .......... 178 639 Grade for sidewalk to be given by City En- PIO P Os eC IN SU See a ane 178 639 Sidewalk grade may be changed by Board........ 178 640 Miscellaneous Provisions Relating to Streets.......... 178-183 641-57 Street names to be placed at corners................ 1780 64E Telephone and telegraph poles in street to be EBL CSS MEAS DANG SRS MOBO ROR MO DIANNA Sa ORE CULKIN IE ho SIA BACK chain @' = Street parking designated .............00.0000000000ees eee 179 643 Street parking, use of ae 179 644 Street parking, cross walks and driveways CHOU ee 179 645 © Tree planting in parkings regulated .................. 179 646 Poles for electric wires not to be erected with- OUG) DOTTIE ed NU a a aera 179 647 Poles not to be allowed within certain limits 179 648 Underground wires, conduits and cables .......... yaa it) 648 Permits for messenger call wires ...................... 181 649 Flagmen at railroad crossings may be ordered DY Bosra a OO Ten yk At) eee Oa i oe 181 650 Flagmen at railroad crossings to give warning SISA IS AE TOM LEU ASAT aa Ra Me Me a 181 651 L. & N. Railroad Co. to keep flagmen at cer- tain crossings!) eon an AU One 181 652 Railroad crossings to be planked .................0...... 182 655 Offenses Relating to Streets ..2...0000000.00eeeeeeeeeeee 183 658-96 ODStruchions Ol eee ges ERNE PCR SA) BN unt 183 658 Neglect to remove, a continuing offense 183 659 Removal of by Recorder ...........0.....002020... 184 660 Moving building on street without per- : bv ABE ARMMBe ce CeO aeT Re MCR ROMY Se ADS CENON so 184 661 GENERAL INDEX 59 STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES— Page Section Offenses Relating to Streets—Obstructions of —Continued. Abatement of by police 0000.00.00... 184 660 By firewood, vehicles, ete. .............00......... 184 662 Deposits of offal, liquids, etc., im ...............0000..... 184 663 Vehicles for hauling materials ........000000000000000..... 184 664 Leaving’ carts, etc.;ion atiunight vue 184 665 Water barrels, etc., not to be rolled on side- RE Oi Ok Maree TIES Siar AA ON SS IE Moen slay ed el 184 666 Gates not to open outward over sidewalk.......... 185 670 Removal of earth Troms ey ral 184 667 DOU AU PU NOGA Erol DEN act aici 184 667 Deposit: of materialom waite a 184 667 Vehicles not to be driven over sidewalks.......... 184 669 RY IUP es CONTPROS ORE lk oll a alos OS ata a 184 668 anjaries to sidewalks eben cc nui lee” 185 671 CLOSRINE Ss (ODSTPOSLION Of ook ey tals 185 672 Obstructian of (by iteams iii eel ets ed 185 673 raj fog Vo) bag ol Bee ML ee a aati ae Si RNA COR KHON IAN SagDIG ORT 185 674 ei tSAdS tut) 8 UMNO auleg nue e OUD CUUNE aint TER Le EP Ame 185 674 Opening cellar doors, etc., OM ....00.00.....000000.c0- 185 675 Building and other material to be lighted........ 185 676 Locomotives, etc., to ring bells on ...........02000000... 185 677 Pavements and gutters to be kept clean .......... 185 678 Numbers on houses not to be omitted .............. 185 679 Defacing numbers on house ...................2feceeeee---- 186 680 Defacing names on streets) iii.) ociok eceteella, 186 681 SUA tO BeLON Me Or uN Ul ha ca enc ias 186 683 Pipes in: streeta Now yiaid wo Ul aoe 186 682 Omission to replace disturbed .....0.......0000002.220.... 186 684 Destruction, etc., of placards, ete. ......00....000..... 186 685 Sweeping paper ees intoai ioe tu Nal wa 140 487 Posting advertisements on private buildings.... 186 686 Disfiguring, etc., telegraph and other poles...... 186 687 Omission to paint telegraph and other poles.... 186 688 Signboards, erection of permitted ........00.000.0...... 186-7 689 Signboards not to be hung over sidewalks........ 186 689 Lights upon vehicles at night ........0...002..220000..... 200 745 Street cars approaching railroad lines to stop 187 690 Railroad employees not to impede street cars 187 691 CYOseine Street DATKING Ue blokes el 188 696 To place glass, tacks, etc., on streets to injure TEPER AORN TRAUB ON SILER Uy 187 692 Peelings of fruit, etc., not to be thrown on IQ OWL etn NLU Ea IIe a GU 188 694 60 GENERAL INDEX STREETS AND PUBLIC PLACES— . Page Offenses Relating to Streets—Continued. Failure to put flagman on railroad .................... 187 Maintaining electric light pole without permit 188 Street obstructions by animals or vehicles........ 202 Street, use of in repairing vehicles .................... 203 STREET CARS—How to cross railroads .................... 187 Impeding by railroad employees ........................ 187 Boarding while in motion unlawful .................... 241 Separate accommodations for white and col- ored. passenzere ie ee 153 See also Separation of Races Smoking, on; propibived ae ee 141 Conductors given police power in certain in- StATICES (OA ees GY Lan ire ema ae 142 STREET CAR ‘COMPANIDS 8 ee 235 STREETS( VACATED oa we ee 166 STREET LAMPS— Unlawful extinguishment of .0....0.....0000..eeeceeeeeeeee 243 Tyarytos ol ee aa aa se 243 STREET SUPERINTENDENT— Street Commissioner to control ..000.....000.0000000.2.. 18 Duties of generally). 2.200 Sa eee 18 STREET EMPLOYEES—8-hour day ...00000...000000.020000--- 326 STREET WALKERS—See Bawds SUBPOENA—Failure to obey 200.....000000ccccccecceccscceeeeeeeeee 241 SUB-CONTRACTORS 20 on ee 235 SUNDAY (SALES (ee ye eT cies aN tat hy 234 SUNDA Y—Observance Of 2o........ccccecccceceeseeeseceeenceeeeeeeees 148 Openistores on) ano) a ae ee es 148 Selling merchandise on ..............-:cccecccecccceeeeeeee 148 Open barher:shops oni) ee eae Uy ean 148 Bowling alley, billiard and pool room and shooting, “gallery sie i 148 SUITS TO;ORDER geo een ee have a Nace 235 SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS—See Street Superintendent SUPERINTENDENT OF WATER WORKSG .............. 209 ADPOMIMeNG eee Tae ey Caney § 7 CEM ECT oa demas aun SUMMA A MSIALY NG AMR AC aco ean ks tay oo Ur 8 See also Water Works SWINE-—Keeping in City a een ea 144 SUSPICIOUS CHARACTERS—Arrest without war- ah ATIGS rs ey aie eile AAG MT Ls AAEM SE eS BRIDES) Ae 26-241 SURETY COMPANIPS hue uy ale 221 Section 693 695 748 748 690 691 849 569 499-500 500 830 616 857 857 65 65 843 830 830 534-7 534 534 536 537 830 777 13 19 514 111-842 830 GENERAL INDEX T Page TAX ASSESSOR—See Laws, Appendix IV.................. 284-299 PPL SSTFCPSETIONG (Glib ce et she ly iene Lids delees i{ are e i int Pree Ee ak eg tA a Qi Sand pa Sei Omen MARU NaS 8 OEM GLISAGIONS OF aires uses cal enegnn nieivact cuddalccae 8 Pte s OT PONCTA LY ee he chet eaenecleoats se, 9 MU LISCECANUDIO PrODELCYy tices se teense ea 9 When to complete assessment ....................0..-.... 12 To receive complaints for Board ........................ 12 To deliver assessment roll to Comptrollev........ 12 TOLER DIeRCTIDed DY IAW). ee 12 TAX COLLECTOR—See Laws, Appendix IV ............ 2845-299 PWC ee ab eae t Ts LF Cen CRE ON LEME ages CLO eee ae ORG {i Unive’ e UVa) yeh ble SOND A eae alan eate OUT ES, Aloe ee lfeeac te Ree Ras stab 3 ede 8 MGOMMENSALION Ol yas eee eo es) Sek 8 PIICB OPP CNCIAUY cc ee ee ee as 14 POPC OMOCE NCA NOS fete 208 Ott et i a eat 14 Tor collect assesements nis ik ey 14 PO PAUVEItIgg tax SAGES 00) Ae ee 14 ‘Lo sell property for taxes s.2..0 eek 14 SO MsHUG. Cistress warrants 22206005... o bl 14 To report payments to Comptroller .................. 15 To report monthly to the Board ................000....... 15 PUPEMCBDUDOOKS Clears colt 1500 7 al Be alah 15 To make annual settlement .........0..........2200000....... 15 Ouidah DED PEYLY- At. tax SAIC 92.0... eniec.-t-c.. 15 TOsShue tax. certificates i.e 2eclidea eel 15 Ditiesiprescribed DY: La Worl ic: occ seco nssdeake eee 15 TAS RE CURNS—F orm, of | 2...0ie. nee 10 TAX SALE CERTIFICATES........000000000000000000.. App. II 253 TAXES—See Licenses TAXES— aateahtamiene OLE Tas Gb efaivtar ARMORED BMS AUPOSE |). Fel eae (7) 202 748 Hitching animals to poles or trees................ (7) 202 748 Railroad cars blocking crossings.................... (8) 202 748 Cars stopping at street intersections............ (9) 202 748 Defacing traffic notice or sigm.................... (10) 203 748 Throwing glass, etc., in street...................... (11) 203 748 Interfering with vehicle or animal on street es 3 ae EES Ded a RC a ceases an EE EN Be (12) 203 748 Jumping on or holding to moving vehicle (13) 203 748 Vehicles to turn only at street intersections nib 5 ah, Aieaie a Matted a Both halen enn ALE RBS HORM En, ae (14) 2038 748 Use of street for repository or repair of ve- | VTLS cop Pet adets S Peels Sian cen EA MU OR Loc eS (15) 203 748 Crossing street other than at street corners Oe os ae be sonal pat LS RL aCae | Sle, 1, Conse ee (16) 203 748 Pedestrians crossing street .......................... (16) 2038 748 Parking vehicles on South Palafox Street..(17) 203 748 Parking vehicles on west side of Plaza......(17) 203 748 Siren whistles, etc., prohibited .................. (18) 203 748 ESS. NSIS italy AON REN aS (18) 203 748 66 GENERAL INDEX VEHICLE AND TRAFFIC REGULATIONS— Traffic and General Regulations—Continued. Page Section Lights on vehicles standing on Palafox Street, Po GUM CSIR AE UL RS MLE MO PLUM OPN Sap afer UR GEREN BO 203 749 Police authorized to control traffic .................... 204 750 Motor vehicles) (ice ain ONis Oasis ie a Sere alae 204-07 751-65 To have ‘State Vicense (wie yk ee eae 204 751 State license number to be registered with City ‘Comptroller iii eng Vaid gic Gls laa 204 751 Speedhrates: wee lag Gy el es aU 204 752 Lights: required: on) au el ol ae ae 204 753 Motoreycle damp and ‘horn (22:82).2.00, 422402 205 754 Dazzling lights prohibited ...................2..00::0..--050 205 755 Dimmers ‘required ious eae eae 205 755 Spotulights: promibited) uci. i een 205 755 Automobile‘horn ‘or signal i... 205 756 Warning signals required ...........2....2..-.2:0:022eeeeee 205 756 Blowing whistle unnecessarily ............................ 206 157 Muffler required: chun ae Nae 206 758 Muffler to remain closed when vehicle moving 206 758 Exhaust except through muffler prohibited...... 206 759 Smoke ejection from exhaust prohibited ........ — 206 760 Age'of operator limited) i200 005 a 206 761 Motor vehicle not to be left unattended............ 206 762 Brakes required Ome i a ag 206 763 Vehicle to be stopped when signalled ................ 206 764 Vehicle to be stopped to avert danger .............. 206 764 Penalty to operate without license .................... 206 765 Incompetent person not to operate ............00...... 206 765 Reckless operation yg i a Na 206 765 Revoking permit to operate ..00...00..0000cccceeeeeeeeee- 207 765 VEHICLE) REPAIR SHOPS wis 236 830 VEHICLES—Passing over fire hose ..........00...0000000------- SO 141 VEHICLES, DRAYS Mtoe 00a en nia 237 830 VENT PIPES—See Plumbing and Drain Laying VESSELS SUNK: IN) HARBOR) C/o nes 208 774 VESSELS—To have spark arresters .............0.0.......... 37 157 VITAL STATISTICS—See Health and Sanitation...... 135 A457 VOTERS—Act for registration of...................App. IV 297 Qualification: Of ie Ol aig eg Tere 245 874 Repistration Ob yi.) eu Nn a NUNIT 245 . 875 Registration of for special elections .................. 245 876 VULCANTIZERS cog aT Lan el ania anne 237 830 GENERAL INDEX 67 WwW Page Section nV TAC AD pr A Gg Wy 85-6 WS Reinty nk ey AES AU Talo Lidl ay ah RO 236 830 WARRANT—Unpaid, duty of Treasurer .......0............ eh 83 WATCH AND JEWELRY REPAIRERS .................... 238 830 WATER—Pure drinking on premises .............0.000........ 106 320 BICeUe Tatler PERO VAL OL Mii esshatelm cerns Hens oct: 107 321 WAUULe LOzTULIION DOL Te sseicksaceocctstes corte seca? 141 492 Refusal to remove stagnant ......0....2000..0.0 ee 107 322 PO LEE TOTES BULGEIN tices oc feees folie satvenntaceucaieseviviees 141 496 Pollution of water in standpipe, ete. ............... 214 808 ATOTe? CO IVOTAL bts GUC. ue re ner 214 809 UIT TUL LOW OF Westua sce eh rp ee ae aug 214 809-11 Cisterns, etc., regulations as to keeping in ...... 138 471 EE Re EC REGED ASEES tele eee t LE Ua Adel Ina d yeh ie asceick aay tye 238 830 WATER CLOSETS—Connections ............000000000...2222000-- 86 250-51 See also Privies WATER FRONT—See Harbor ................000.00.2..2e22eeee 207 766-75 WATER WORKS AND CITY BUILDING BONDS RDEV TIE TONNE Sh 9 Rite Ns Dele CL ed te eH a App. I 251 WATER WORKS AND CITY BUILDING BONDS ALY esa A 0 INADA es are Sa App. IV 311 WATER DEPARTMENT—8-hour day ......................... 326 WATER WORKS— Management and operation of .....................-...--- 209-10 776-80 Control of Commissioner of Streets and Pub- TESMVIOTES icc ee ee ead Aa ea eas da 209 776 Superintendent to manage ....0.0......2002.cc00cceeeeeeeee 209 777 Clarke and employees: Of joo. licolvenssnmuatsosucbsnckde 209 U7 Reports concerning operation .............2..00002---- 209 777 OUIECTION OT NINDEVS okey ieee 8 Oe ot 209 (OH Weekly deposit with Treasurer required ........ 209 777 Report of collections filed with Comptroller.... 209 777 Treasurer to keep special fund .........................- 210 778 Warrants to be drawn on special fund .............. 210 778 Comptroller to keep account ...........0.222....-.---.2---+- 210 7719 Warrants to pay expenses to be drawn by Cn DELOLOT iia aN TUL me ce eee Sala bi 210 . 780 Supply and Use of Water— Permit to connect with mains .......................-.....- 210 781 Service pipes to be repaired and protected ...... 210 782 Inspection of plumbing and usage of water...... 210 783 Waste due to defective plumbing ...................... 210 784 Water to be shut off when plumbing defective 210 784 68 GENERAL INDEX WATER WORKS— Page Section Supply and Use of Water—Continued. Water not to be turned on without permit........ 210 785 Water turned on for test by plumberv............ 210 786 Application for water service ................:..-::22-00-- 244 787 Form of application for water .......................----- Zit 788 Fee for turning water off and on .................. git 789 Discontinuing use of water ...........2......22222--.000+++ 211 790 Bill for water payable quarterly .......................- 21k 791 Advance deposit required ....................22.2222222220+ 211 791 Discounts ‘allowed oe a ae 211 791 Water to be shut off when bill not paid ............ 211 791 Contractors and builders using water ................ 211 7192 Furnishing water from hydrants without au- EEOTTEY er sey ike ena age 211 792 Furnishing water for additional fire protection 211 793 Taps, size of described sc. eee 212 794 Minimum annual water rate ...............0........22..--- Bly 795 Rules and regulations adopted and enforced by: Board oe 2 oe a ea 212 796 Meter ‘may be required (....0.0.5...2.5.2),. eee 212 797 Meter required for hydraulic engines, etc. ...... Ze 798 Plumbers’ name not to be used by others ........ 212i 799 Plumber not to lend keys to others .................... 212 799 Separate connection for additional fire protec- EET hi les Od ee a a 212 800 Water may be shut off to repair mains.............. 212 801 Joint service pipes prohibited..............000000000000.... 212 802 Rates for water service. ...8) a a 212-13 803 Water ‘supplied free (2 i 213 804 Water for Pensacola Hospital .......000.00000000000...... 2138 805 Permits to be issued by Superintendent .......... 213 806 Penalty for violating ordinance ..................0....... 213 807 Offenses Against Water Works— Defilinge or polluting water £2.32 oi 214 808 Injuring or interfering with machinery, pipes, CLG er ee Lr Ee ENG 214 809 1o.obstruct any hydrant 2...) 020 ee resen 214 810 To permit waste of water 222)... ae 214 811 WEIGHTS AND MEASURES (200 ea 214-17 812-21 standard: of) jigs Cee eh ae eee 214 812 Set to be kept by City Clerk 215 812 Inspector of Weights and Measures to be ap- pointed 0.2.20) Pee PLUGINS LANA Wi enae Me elne se 215 813 Inspector of Weights and Measures, duties of 215 814 GENERAL INDEX WEIGHTS AND MEASURES—Continued. PeSLINg ANU LADGLINO ee we L, t meer ON ee Alieringsatter-tegting yn fer... ee) Failing to have inspection of ........0.....0...000......... Interfering with Inspector ...........0...000000022e.22.- Using or keeping incorrect scales and meas- Tk ate poet natyy caesab piste an Lori 0 Cade Se eke feeei Ora at em Bee Inspector to cause arrest of offenders................ Inspector to report to City Comptroller .......... Ice peddlers to have scales ....................022.222te22--- Ice peddlers refusing to weigh ice .................... Ice peddlers discriminating in making sales .... Tee: peddlers) insolence by) 2.24. 208 Inspector to report to police ....000..0.... eee SALAS ko) CT BSS TORS SUA AT SRG PAS ee DR ORS eA a CALS OS Fd OT OU a ad ed a WHARF—Public, included in street ...00000.0..00000000020.... Boisterons solicitation on). Sei. Go) tee | WHARVES AND WATER FRONT ..............00000000000...... WHEELBARROWS ON SIDEWALE .......0000000..... WHORES—See Bawds WIRES—Condemned, to be removed ..........................-. See also Electric Wires COTS) O's Wa RS eli ea aee Are Nar a Lert aay ee BP WORK HOURS—In Fire Department ..............000000...... In Police, Street and Water Departments.......... WRITING—Includes printing 2..0.0.0..00.0.0..-.-.cceeseeeese YELLOW FEVER— Physician to investigate suspicious cases ........ Fomigation< and: SCTeening yn pcs Physicians to report fevers suggestive of ........ i SD IME OT AR Tt ns aeebeod ch rea tly be ee ke 69 Page Section 215 215 215 215 216 216 216 216 216 217 217 217 137 238 3 153 207 184 815 815 816 816 817 818 819 820 820 820 820 821 466 830 1 567 766 666 179 bitte Uti th ifs): Toga St is mS int ey eh ‘