University of Illinois Library at Urbana-Champaign Oak St. Unclassified men «TIME OF WAR PREPARE FOR PEACE A Program: TO defend our fundamental American rights of FREE SPEECH FREE PRESS PEACEFUL ASSEMBLY TO work without ceasing for EARLY AND LASTING PEACE A UNITED STATES OF THE WORLD TO oppose legislation for COMPULSORY MILITARY SERVICE “To Defend American Ideals of Liberty and Democracy and to Work for an Early and Lasting Peace Our country is at war. Events are moving rapidly. Each day brings new threats against American liberties, new dangers to our democracy. In the heat of war, meas- ures are being proposed which would curtail or abrogate the most fundamental of our constitutional rights. LET US REMAIN A FREE PEOPLE The Espionage Bill was supposedly aimed against alien spies, but contains clauses which would kill free speech and muzzle the press. Meetings to protest against con- scription have been and are still being suppressed. Speakers have been jailed for criticising the war, and in some cases the police have stopped the sale of peace literature. A campaign of threats and “frightfulness” is conducted in the press against those who refuse to bind their consciences. SHALL WE ADOPT CONSCRIPTIONP If this were a people’s war there would be no need to talk conscription. If free Americans are failing to rally to the cause, may the fault lie not in their loyalty but in the cause itselfP Is it American, is it democratic, to force the plain people to fight the war on which they had no opportunity for consent or opposition? _ Why should America compel her men to fight in Europe when Australia refused to coerce their own British subjects to fight on European soil? Shall the United States fight this war with conscripts when the British colonies send only volunteers? Let us know and control our own foreign policy. Each of the Entente Allies has bound itself to make no peace until the war aims of all shall be satisfied. The Sherman Resolution, just introduced in the Senate, would “bind the United States not to make a separate peace with the German Government—nor with any of the Allies of the German Government.” It demands that no peace be concluded save by the “joint action of the United States and the governments with which it wages war Emergency Peace Federation Room 901, 70 Fifth Avenue, New York Telephone Chelsea 5458 OBJECT To defend American ideals of liberty and democracy in war time, and to work for an early and enduring peace. IMMEDIATE PROGRAM 1. . To oppose the To defend our constitutional rights of free speech, free press, peace- ful assemblage, and the right to petition the government. enactment of measures for compulsory military service, - To assert the right of the people to know and discuss the aims, scope, and method, of our partici- pation in the war, and their right at any time to advocate terms of peace. + TO oppose the adoption of any treaty, alliance or policy which would prevent the United States from making an independent de- cision as to when and on what terms it shall make peace. . TO urge our government to seize every opportunity for bringing about peace negotiations and estab- lishing international organization as a guarantee against future wars. Executive Committee EMILY GREENE BALCH Chancellor DAVID STARR JORDAN PHILIP SARGENT FLORENCE LOUIS P. LOCHNER REV. JUDAH L. MAGNES BENJAMIN C. MARSH JOSEPH CANNON PROF. H. W. L. DANA ELSIE BORG GOLDSMITH ROBERT W. HALE PROF. HARRY OVERSTREET TRACY D. MYGATT DR. HENRY NEUMANN FANNIE M. WITHERSPOON Secretary LELLA FAYE SECOR Treasurer DR. FREDERICK LYNCH Field Secretary REBECCA SHELLY Legislative Secretary ELIZABETH FREEMAN Legislative Headquarters ROOM 648, MUNSEY BLDG. WASHINGTON, D. C. a April 20, 1917. Dear Friend? You have stood by us - Wear ae You supported us nobly in the effort to prevent war - Now the war is on, but ovr work is by no means ended. The attendant evils of war must be fought. In the heat of the war spirit we must not permit any abrogation of our dearly won constitutional liberties. We must prepare the way for peace, The Federation is working night and day - we want you to know some of the things it is accomplishing. Won't you read the enclosed pamphlet - you will see at once the great importance and far reaching character of the work we are trying to do. All our friends are standing by us in our efforts to serve the best and abiding interests of our country. Will YOU help us? Send what you can without delay - no time can be wasted if our efforts are to produce results. Sincerely yours, o f . A Vi y Weteer adhe t Field Secretary. ay / my bal i mere % Housral st * Eee Nar WA cg oe ae 4s a yA ee Nes 1 oN ' aORe 7, * ‘ t 2 ., (aoe a amehifigo hd" nD . x TARO + ; ek ve he Sah Rg vi AAG weak SRAM ss WE ar by ead, Ge Bana Sankt _ Phas ’ i aD * ’ Ry," f i i i i ¥ J ¥ é o - - 1 % ye” at howe ’ . a \ a's 4 , a - i » ‘ at 1 } We \ : ” ta ‘ m j ’ ’ ‘ j } + ‘ ' ' b x | ‘ rh vi ‘ i - ‘ : ] , s ce 1A eh i A Daas nr . “~ - y t 3 } 4 j rf * ty oF Cae te ~ i iH | i i + D i ; yoy Lee ah Dee Pa et 2 a dine . ty "4 A ? Jt ’ 7 ie against Germany, and any other governments which may be joined with Germany as an ally, either now or hereafter.” This would make it absolutely mandatory that America continue the war even though Germany abandon her submarine warfare. Must American boys continue to die on European battlefields in order to secure for Italy Albania, Dalmatia and the Greek Islands, or to win for Great Britain Messopotamia, or to acquire new Asiatic possessions for JapanP Secret diplomacy prevailing in every nation now at war is conceded to be one of the greatest contributing causes of the European struggle. The Americans have the right and the duty to demand complete publicity on all our foreign dealings. WHAT THE EMERGENCY PEACE FEDERATION DOES The Emergency Peace Federation maintains a strong legislative committee in Washington which examines and reports especially dangerous war bills. It demanded and secured public hearings on the Espionage Bill, which exposed its pernicious features. At this writing it is watching sharply to prevent any clauses being slipped in which would endanger free speech. The Emergency Peace Federation also induced the Committee on Military Affairs to hear opponents of conscription in executive session. By letters, telegrams and newspaper publicity it is organizing the vast though inarticulate opposition to conscription. The Emergency Peace Federation is sending out hundreds of letters warning against the dangers of binding ourselves to continue the war until the Allies are ready to stop. An immense mailing list is also being built up. The Federation is trying to get in touch with all persons and organizations who are able to see, write or telegraph to Congressmen, write to the papers, or speak at union, lodge and church meetings. The ultimate purpose of the Emergency Peace Federation is expressed in the title, PREPARE FOR PEACE. Our workers are planning to the end that we may not be found unprepared when the “psychological” moment comes for a great nation- wide demand for peace negotiations. STAND WITH US! Ag YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!-~ To carry on this work costs courage, intelligence and money. Make the Emergency Peace Federation your weapon of defense, your voice of protest. It has the organization, the courage and the facilities to defend your liberties, to fight for an independent American foreign policy, and make itself heard in the councils of the nation in its advocacy of an early and lasting peace. WE MUST ACT—AND ACT AT ONCE Funds are urgently needed, and we must rely on our friends to make sacrifices, if need be, to enable us to carry on the work with all the intensity demanded by the present crisis. There are two things you should do—and do at once: 1. Sign the Liberty Defense Pledge—make your contribution as large as your means will allow. 2. Send the names of friends who will help to further the object of the Federation. LIBERTY DEFENSE PLEDGE FRIENDS OF LIBERTY I will help to further the object of I suggest the following names of my the Emergency Peace Federation by friends interested in peace and the contributing the following amount to defense of American ideals. assist in the work of the Emergency Peace Federation. Enclosed please find my contribu- LOT: Prices ee . I pledge myself to send you $ weekly /monthly. EMERGENCY PEACE FEDERATION 70 FIFTH AVENUE NEW YORK CITY