ee a SoM 39.68/49: Gul 97 Bulletin No. 27 MoM TRIaWToOM | : March 10, IYER. COMICUVEALTA OF PMINSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS James F. Woodward, Secretary BUREAU OF TOPOGRAPHIC AND GEOLOGICAL SURVEY George H. Ashley, State Geologist COAL RESERVES IN -WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANTA, By John F, Reese Introduction, In conneétion with the "Introduction to the Bituminous Coal. Piclas of Pennsylvania" now being prepared for publication by the Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, coal reserves of the bituminous fields are being computed by Mr, John F, Roese, .In order to render *; this information available at once without waiting for the uncertain mate of printing the report, an abstract of Mr, Reese's figures for Washington County is given herewith. All of the information readily Vailable at this time has been used in the computation, which followed the metho&s used by the Land Classification Board of the mnited States Geological Survey in its valuation of the public coal Hands. The results are given by beds for cach township. For some eds and for some areas the data arc abundant and the results entirely reliable. For other beds and areas the data are meager and the re- Ssyits. subject to revision as additional data are obtained, All of tHe data uscd and the computation sheets are permanently filed ad hat modifications of the original figures due to the sccuring of gaditional data can be made readily. e---ers % The figures presented are preliminary and subject to Gorreetion Or any area whon that area shall be studied in detail, In the mean- BPime critical cxamination of the figures is invited in order that tho Fosults may be made as accurato as possiblo, To that cnd the Survey will welcome: every bit of data not now in its possession. Records of -@rillings and other data will be kept strictly confidential if go desired, although the Bureau naturally prefers to be able to use data frecly. George H. Ashley. “ Se ere ee mane COAL BEDS. Washington County has the sccond largest reserve of coal within “f tho State, Pive beds are considered of economic valuc, and the quantity of coal in tho ground has been calculated for cach of these beds. In order of vresent importance as shipping coals, they are the Pittsburgh, Redstone, Waynesburg, Washington, and Frecport, Pittsburgh Coal. The extensive mining and prospecting of this bed, and its outcrop throughout the county, heve furnished many moasurements of its thickness, thus maxing possible 9 roliable computation of quantity, For some localitics, particularly the old abandoned workings elong Monongahela River and large areas in the northwestern part of Ee Nie no maps or other data are available from which to determine the size of the areas already minod out. Redstone Coal, This bed is developed locally in three town- Ships within the county, namely Union, Carroll, and Pallowficld, Measurements on the outcrop and in mine workings furnish the only data available for computing the quantity. It has been assumed that the bed is continuous within these townships and an average thickness of 3 feet has becn used in the calculations. This coal is mined on a very sniall scale for shipmont and for local use, Waynesburg Coal. Tho extensive outcrop of this bcd throughout the county has furnished many measvremonte of its thickness, thus making possible 9s fairly reliable computetion of quantity. This’bed is broken by many partings, is cxtremcly varicble in its section, and in many.localities is undcr shallow cover. or these reasons it: cannot be considered as ® good reserve for fucure commerctal use, and in computing the quantity of coal only 2 low perecntage of the bed has becn figured as mineable, The coal is mined for local use only. Washineton Coal. Measuremonts on tho outerep of this coal bea have been obtaincd in sufficient number to make a fairly reliable computation of the tonnage, Like the Waynesburg coal, this bed is broken by many partings, is varinble in section, and in placcs is under shallow cover. It is extromely dirty and in many places is represented by carbonaccous shale, For these reasons in computing the quantity of coal only a small vercentage has been considercd recoverable. The Yiashington coal is minced for local use only and cannot be considercd as a good souree of future supply. Frecport Coal. Reeords of drill holes along Monongahela River furnish che Only reliable datn on the thickness of this bed. Churn drill: records show coal at its horizon throughout the southeastern and central part of the county, It is assumed that this coal under- lies the entire county. CAE STAY me in Para Ree rss ( : Are RCE 3 4 D tek ' . Wap ns ohe ‘ : Pine ery ie Si teaae: # } WiROn Sit 83 , ‘ y ain J * 4 4 ‘ ‘ a“ ‘ A : iy eras ty il i oy 4st . / ay i ‘ 5 , , ‘ ( { 'y hy hy hi ; A re & : 4 : i " atthe’ ate nine sad ie \ . 4 , en i FD NT cctetyerie, aie grew aby 5 , : I Wah! ay at r , me AN Da Ba E ‘ j it aT ea nou) faye hs f oa * f ian oul > . ASM An pee Lem 17 ANY ‘ ual A i ‘ i ie oe) SR t ( ) ih *i pT Tay . " Fie ad mee he ef re! 45 “wi eres bao dss le eae ; iy * Pan 4 he iy aa \ ai A fe is i RE SORT Wn i at ACGME AT el IBA cates AN Cee MRD RD ‘ k , i ¥ P , . ea ‘ ‘ tA» a ee } h i 3 af etn \ & POP RE She Ee P| ¥ au ; { j ‘ * (sty ‘ i Mm ‘ Y 1 5 Par 4 4 ‘ y ‘ / « 4 t ' fa ‘ | Nes govern Ba ik eae wes: 4 My : } it ie i i * é ; ’ ” % “ ' y : hs n 4 \t 4 MER. P “vb. wt ing +4 a t aaiibiad Na: Lae i HOD oe am | i fF card if ale SF leh ee et acd My ( AAherotl ie: ¥ ‘ he did nee 4 : 4 ‘ iP v0 Ro eye the Freeport coal assigned in each zone. The assigned thickness xaos regularly decreased westward to a minimum of 24 inches in the north- west part of the county. The quantity recoverable his been estimated as 50 per cent of the whole, from which has been deducted 15 per cent for loss in mining. , Because of the irregularity and many partings of the Redstone, Waynesburg, ond Washington coals, it is believed that the Freeport bed will yicld a larger output then any of these others when the Pittsburgh bed has been exhausted and necessity demands the develop- ment of decp-lying beds. | The accessibility of the Redstone, Waynesburg, and Washington conls for local use makes them more important than the Freeport coal at the present time but if assumptions 2s to unbroken continuity of this bed throughout the county are correct, the Preeport coal can be considered as second in importance for future commercial use, Other conls are mined for local use, but as they are very small beds and little is known of their extent and thickness, they sre not included in the computation of reserves, Method of Computing Reserves, The following method was used in computing the coal reserves: A base map for each coal bed was made by trncing its outcrop from the quedrnngle maps made by the -U. S. Geological Survey. All available measurements of a coal bed, gathered from Pedoral and -State reports, mine maps, core drill records end personai inspections, were plotted on the map of that coal bed at the locality represented. By. studying the distribution of the figures, arcss of equal thickness were plotted, and by means of @ planimeter, an instrument for measuring plane areas, the area of ench coal bed in each township was measured, For calculating the quantity of coal in any aren 90,000 short tons per inch per square mile was used, Areas from which coal has been removed were determined from mine maps and plotted to scale on the base maps. The same method as above was used for computing the quantity of coal extractec, Having calculated the quantity of coal originally contained Within the area of any bed and subtracted the quantity already mined out, the writer detcrmined from enginecring experience the probable percentage of each bed which could be recovered in different locali- ties, This varies from 10 to 100 per cent, depending on the thick- ness and character of the bed. The quantity of coal computed to be in any bed, multiplicd by the assumed percentage of recovery, less 15 per cent for loss in mining, gives the estimated recoverable tonnage, Coal Reserves, The result of computing the coal reserves in Washington County based on the latest maps, cngincering data, and methods is shown in the following tables: Seite cs | | | Ae ib me - 5 4 ‘ ¢ ki ’ ‘ ie ! 4 4 Ny \ eh § ny é A N tA‘ iD ‘ Vebtie f ii a! NA ANN ay RCP LY sath ae sak Mn Paka ‘ i } hy irs, Y ; , 1 win eg MNP 5 pte ? rt L ¥ FA : s i , ‘ " a) + F ‘au , ‘ \ / t , i va Lo ity Hoy ig 5 a t - , E pas j Pa | in Pee i \ ‘ vat yh ¥; i es. | \ ; f / s Pe y 2 ! a jam t ry f ' “" : ‘ 1 r ‘4 { ’ F ye if Jf bide i ben as 4 a @ : <1, # ar {Pi 4 i ‘ + ; F ~ j f a. , % iy ae, / i ( * ‘ : - 1 4 ls OP eh ‘ { Dad 1h ; ‘ 1 oA ‘ ' oe Shei ihe al , ’ *« J ot howl is , eh b Fie sk Py a is Li Township Allen Amwell Beallsville Bentleyville Blaine Buffalo Canton Carroll Cecil Centerville Chertiers Cross Creek Deenston Donezal East Bethlehen East Finley Elco East Pike Run Fellowfield Hanover Hopewell Independence Jefferson Lonz Branch Morris Mt. Pleasant North Franklin North Strabane Nottingham Peters Robinson Pittsbureh 2,382 ,000 208: , 067, ,0Q0 15 , 782, "000 3. Oe, 000 52 | B26. “000 94 | "000 000 65. ,080 *000 47 "935 | “000 86 . 860,000 95,575,000 80. ,2 90. "000 110 , 682; "000 56,415,000 186 , 900 , 000 628 ,276 , 000 160 , 700; 000 680 , 000 29,200 ; 000 81,600,000 33 , 300 ; 000 89 ,000 ,000 98 ,600 , 000 76 ,380 ,000 2,050; “000 141 000; ‘000 147; “800-000 35. 400;000 122 ,700 000 80 , 300, 000 86 ,400 , 000 13,600,000 Redstone “180,000 110,0007000 5 -000:000 2°000'000 4,000,000 17,000,000 89602000 10 5000;000 12,000,000 1,700.00 5 /000'000 2'900?000 12,000,000 9,000 ,000 2,600 000 40 000 ,000 BZ 000,000 3,500,000 34 ,060 ,000 14,000 ,000 &:000;, 000 3,000; 000 300-000 300 . 000 66 000.000 5 -000:000 8; 000/000 19 000‘ 000: 8' 000/000 9,000,000 cee Waynesburg Summary of Recoverable Coal in Washington County, .in short tons Washineton | LL A tees epi spt states eensratsneseseo Ca ee See ee a Sane Sa 27,000; 000 360 ,000 90,000 2, 800-000 24° 000,000 6 ,000 ,000 270 ,000 30,000 4,000,000 "B00 ,000 27 000 ,000 24 ,000 ,000 7,000,000 3,000,000 4.0 ,000 21000 .000 3:000:000 5,000,000 5 000; 000 800-000 300 , 000 Preeport Total eee 000. 000 5,562,000 "900: * 000 406 , 367 ,000 a , 200 | 000 22,142,000 3'900;000 9,266 ,000 11,900 , 000 70,126 , 000 19,900,000 154,000,000 43,900,000 93,480 ,000 33,000,000 122,935,000 25,900,000 124,030,000 18 , 900 , 000 75,275,000 24 | ‘000 000 109 , 320 , O00 24. 000: "000 141 , 582 ,000 ie , 900 ; 000 84,715,000 39 | "000: "000 261,900,000 3 "000! 000 358 , 876 ,000 41,000; 000 265 , 700 000 "£00! 000 1,680 , 000 25,000 | °000 55 "700° » 000 37 "000: 7000 166, ‘600 "000 45. “000? , 000 78,300,000 1 *000° ,O00 123,000,000 24° 000° ,000 128,600,000 20; 000° , 000 oo 720-006 3. "090! 000 5,350 O00 ele "000! ‘000 263,000,000 oo ,000 * ,O0O0 188,800,000 8 000° » O00 56 ,400 ,000 Be ,090° “000 179,700,000 ae i ‘0007 ,000 116,100,000 Oo 000; ,000 118,700,000 20 000 000 33,600 , O00 ca s # Do a9 Ge eee os oe nen © ’ Me % brood ‘4 sean o ‘ i ode. ¥ ™, ; " ” ee ES ‘ tate » ; ke ‘ ie Summary of Recoverable Ccal in Washineton County in short tons - Continued een ee eae LOwnship Pittsburgh Redstone Waynesbure Washington Freeport Total ee ee a SS SS ee ee Rescoe ~ 68:000 eaaze 1,000,000 1,068, 0CO Smith 82,400,000 1 ,000;000 52,000,000 115,400,000 Somerset 122,000; 000 415000000 2,000,000 46,000,000 211,000,000 South Franklin 100;000;000 39,0060; 000 15 ,000 ; 000 25,000,000 .179,000,000 South Strabane 108,000’000 31,000,000 11,000,000 27,000,000 177,000,000 Speers "660.000 2 ,000 5000 2,660 ,O000 Stockdale - 76.000 ? "600,000 676 , O00 Twilicht 3 600 , 000 Se poe 2,000 ,000 5,600 , 000 Union 34,400,000 22,000,000 1,000,000 7 22,000,000 79 400 , 000 Yashineton 16 ,000 ; 000 3,000,600 200,000 4.000000 23,200,000 West Bethlehem 213,000:000 109,000,000 14,000,000 64;0090;000 400,000,000 West Finley 166° 300.000 44.000;000 G ,000,000 46,000,000 265,300,000 West Pike Run 79,000,000 13,000 ,000 450 ,000 29,000,000 121,450,000 ee et ee ee ee Total 3,516 ,860 ,000 88,000,000 668,380,000 212,540,000 995,900,000 5,481,680,000 : _— A A SRT we: ye . — a ene r37- : a = pent Scent oe pnt en 2S > x Sg cS ES a Noy ra pai q nels 1 } tA a } yh te pap eg pia ah } me { 4 Gu i F ; y y ‘ ; a , Per lar ma etey he MA at kai, wreak tly tea DRA £8 i DF it's | y * « ~ ae a — oe Lee SS e eet } ‘ } , : . r w . Rien } i uw ‘ j LS, ‘ 1 iv t y Phar k 1 t ‘ Ae ‘Oe a ne Mt i hy! J ‘ ri haan . Ail 4 f é ( oh) 4 ae ‘ orn 4 rh , : | ’ hie hs « 4 So 4 we an ' mn Bi i ia Te yee ie | =u iy * "alls LPO VAS ane ' 14 4 . 4 * 4 iy a | i ie ] j Ve ‘ La) p | ss ‘ Fe ee aie ? ‘ * oT ue ‘ Ys kl j Aa My 4 Mi uf \ iF Wy * ay t ‘ on | L » AU f) 7 i Pry ry ~ ‘ 4 s J 3 : ) ea a) Sle . 3 j y | Tyat } ' tat { uk yan ¥ ‘ ans \ ' ew i. . . ' (ea RY b a” ,, i gene ) i yy i H IP ige j : 7 { Aad ; cy I 1 { Wig ie i . { ra | ‘ wert t " Wray 2 04 vin enor & Bs a ae i i Jie a F ¥ { Aids} i ' rye Mae riay pre ‘ . 1 : ‘ Ve Pi 7, ' yes oer . eet Raia bn me 1 4 SS ‘ i ' i) He ‘ i) 7 ¥ * 7 & x LY y ei), ' jin) ‘ 1 ny f y { ' he H ‘ , y ‘ . - : . Ne i ? ‘ } BN x H ‘ j hs i h | , ‘4 i t “ ! Te ee ts , eA ; 7 bit 1 Ne oD aig { | i ‘ . 6 abe * * jj . ; u ‘ 4 Nag yi? Lee \ f f ’ i * a] ¥ revi ’ . if 1 } Thing j foe ; diate i r * . . Ae j e eA ; LD ” T ies f F qi} aif ice owt Ory te | ¢ 4 at | ae vr ‘ rere i a. 44 cf f j a Lae ral be ” Sa owes ! rik } pet WALL AE f i x “| Sey TAL? 1 SV a i) i ‘ bi i ni y iy 4 he Wha ire sa f 1) iy iy) NEY { \ 7 : i ‘ (eae y } t ul the ' ‘ { i y / \ | ] } ' \ My t sy LAr Dre GUM Ne ta\| j Var i} 1 aie ) au ‘ i [ 1 { irs ho 1 t | f aN | by fl { \" 4 ‘ y Q i 4 ~*~ thy } %, : f 1 1 hs 9 i hy ’ " $1 { ‘ { 1 7 | i i i; i : 7 : J i y" A .) eae a : Ae f, x 1 } ' f t a0) i aN ivi } i Hila ah Lal tht 5s i Coal Reserves in Washinzton County, in short tons. 7 : a Bed Original deposit Mined out Recoverable Pittsburch 5,091,310 ,000 556 ,163,000 3,516 , 860,000 Redstone 158 , 760,000 600 , 090 88 , 000 ,000 Waynesbure 1,914,084 ,000 700,000 668,380 ,000 Weshineton - . (972,315,000 300 , O00 212 ,540 ,000 Freeport 2,089 554,000 = | wennwen= 995,900,000 Total . 10,526,023,000 557,763,000 5 481,680,000 sociak The total area of Washington County is 884.6 square miles. In the large table giving the estimated recoverable tonnace by weds and townships, the figures are recorded as computed to the nearest thousand. It should however be distinctly understood that while the acreage of each of the beds has been accurately computed, the reliability of the average thickmess of the coals used in the computation of tonnage decreases for the severgz1 beds given from left to right end for the townships from east to west or from northeast to southwest. Thus, while the fignres for the Pittsburgh bed are con- Servative and probably reliable, the figures for the Freeport coal may be much too small or many times too large. Detailed tables of the coal reserves in each township have heen prepared and will appear in printed form in the report now being written on the bituminous coal fields of the State. They can be con-~ Sulted in the office of the Survey; or figures for a single towship Will be sent on request. WAN | | 0112 077640925 11a 11ZYO0U866 ww ——