SUGGESTED COURSE OF STUDY FOR THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF MISSISSIPPI FOR 1925-30 Issued by the State Deserta of Education, W. EF. Bond, Superintendent It is the aim of the Department of Education to fit this course of study to the Rural School having a minimum term of six months. FIRST YEAR | Child’s World Primer—First three months. (Teacher should have a copy of Child’s World Reader’s Manual). Child’s World First Reader—Second three months. Follow with supplemen- tary first reader, if time permits. Language—Story-telling, memorizing, picture study, dramatization, and cor- rection of common errors of speech, Oral and Written Number Work—Counting, reading and writing numbers to one hundred. Combinations to ten in addition and subtraction, Writing—On tablet or board. Care to be taken that first efforts be round and full, using the whole arm as much as possible. Practical Writing Book No. 1—Is to be used during the last two months. Spelling—Oral and written words; words to be selected by the teacher. SECOND YEAR. Child’s World Second Reader—First three months, Follow with supplemen- tary reader if time permits. _ Language—Continue work of first grade. Dictation teaching capitalization, correcting common errors. Spelling—Oral and written; words to be selected by the teacher, Oral and Written Number Work—(Teachers will find First Journeys in Numberland very helpful as a text.) - Practical Writing Book No. 2 iy Q Moral Instruction. THIRD YEAR Child’s World Third Reader—First three months. Review or follow with sup- plementary reader if time permits. Elsoit-Runkel-Royster’s Good English—Book 1. Part 1—(Teachers Manual Furnished Free. Ask County Supt.) Jones Keep-Well Stories—First three months. Follow with home geography if time permits. (Teachers will find Shepherd’s Geography for Beginners very helpful as a text.) Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic—Primary Book to bottom of page 162. Bailey’s Essential Words—Book 1, to bottom of page 84. Practical Writing Book No. 3. Moral Instruction. - FOURTH YEAR Child’s World Fourth Reader—First three months. Follow with a supplemen- tary reader if time permits: Elson-Runkel-Royster’s—Good English Book 1,—Completed. (Teachers Manual Furnished Free. Ask County Superintendent.) McMurry-Parkin’s Elementary Geography—Parts 1 and 2. Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic, Primary Book,-Completed. Practical Writing Book No. 4 Bailey’s Essential Words. Book One, Completed. Moral Instruction. FIFTH YEAR Child’s World Fifth Reader. Winslows Healthy Living Bock 1. Estill’s Beginners History of Our Country. The above books should be used primarily as readers, nad in six months school, two months only should be given to the reader. Elson-Lynch-Royster’s Good English—Book Ii—Part I. McMurry-Parkin’s Elementary Geography—Begin with Part 3 and complete book. Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic. Intermediate Book—Chapters I and II. Bailey’s Essential Words.—Book II to bottom of page 40. Practical Writing Book No. 5. Winston’s Simplified Dictionary—(This book is to be used in the sixth seventh and eighth grades as well.) Moral Instruction. SIXTH YEAR Bolton’s—Our State; Harris’—Elements of Conservation. Burkett, Stevens and Hill’s Agriculture. Elson-Lynch-Royster’s Good English,—Book II-—-Part II—(Teachers Manual Free.) Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic—Intermediate Book.—Chapters 3 and 4, McMurry Parkin’s Advanced Geography—Parts I and II. Bailey’s Essential Words—Book 2—Part Il]—Pages 41 to 68 inclusive. Practical Writing Book 6. Moral Instruction. d SEVENTH YEAR Fant’s Mississippi History; Winslow’s. Healthy Living—Book 2. Elson-Marsh-Royster’s Good English—Book 3. Part I. (Teachers Manual Free.) Mace-Petrie’s American Histery—Through Revolutionary War. McMorry-Parkin’s Advanced Geography——Beginning with part 3, complete book, Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic Advanced Book—Chapters I and II. Bailey’s Essential Words—Book 2—Part at od 69 to 98 inclusive. Practical Writing Book No. 7. Moral Instruction. —— Mace-Petrie’s American History—Completed. Elson-Marsh-Royster’s Good English—Book 3—Part II.—(Teachers Manual Free. Ask County Superintendent.) ; Smith’s Progressive Arithmetic Advanced Book—Completed. Bailey’s Essential Words—Book 2—Completed. Hughes’ Elementary Community Civics—Completed. NINTH YEAR EIGHTH YEAR | . Elementary Algebra—Stone-Millis—To Quadratics. Science Of Home and Community—Trafton—Completed with laboratory manual experiments. LIST OF ADOPTIONS WITH PRICES ARITHMETIC (Ginn & Company) Smith’s Progressive, Primary. ccccccccccccnenenenune Smith’s Progressive, Intermediate... cen Smith’s Progressive, AAVanced in e.cccccccccsocssuesenn AGRICULTURE (Ginn & Company) Burkett-stevens& Hil) 4S 4 CIVIL GOVERNMENT (Allyn & Bacon) Klementary Community Civics. cece a GEOGRAPHY (MacMillan Company) McMurry-Parkins, Elementary....cccscccecseccscssscnssemeene e MeMurry-Parkinsy) Advanced feet isc science HISTORY Estill’s Beginners History. (Sou. Pub. Co.)......... Mace-Petrie U.S. History. (Rand McNally)........ | Fant’s Mississippi. (Mississippi Pub. Co.)..... = LANGUAGE AND GRAMMAR | (Scott, Foresman Company) Goodwlinolisher oo ks 8 Meee yee Sect Good English, Book IL.. Good English, Book IIL... READERS (Johnson Pub. Co.) ChildiseewWorldae Peles 6 eee pers ee Child’s World First Readev..... Child’s World Second Reader. Child’s World Third Readev.... Child’s World Fourth Reader Childisnvorldenmun Readert— 2 eee te Sixth Reader “Our State” (Miss Bolton)... Seventh Reader “Elements of Conservation””...... SPELLING (Johnson Pub. Co.) NSsemtia aWiOLdS, bOO Klee |per solo) ee ee PSS CTIL a Va W OLClag ESO Okie Wie ic cis Gl Sete nencooni Nissentialy Words-eCompletell acct eect ne DICTIONARY (John C. Winston Co.) Winston’s Simplified Dictionary....W....--- WRITING (The Practical Drawing Co. Dallas, Texas) Practical Writing System, Books 1 to 7, each... COURSE IN MORAL INSTRUCTION (Tucker Printing Co.) Moral Instruction cence heentesseceneneenneneerentesemeenmees PHYSIOLOGY Keep-Well Stories, Jones (Lippincott Co.)........... | Healthy Living, Book I, Winslow (Chas. FE. | When mentll (Gfoheoy eke b ani s oso) Sean eee a, eae Healthy Living, Book II, Winslow (Chas. E. Merrill, Company... tao Retail ae 1.13 Exchange AT Junior High School Literature—Elson-Keck. 957344 ww