¥ i aa eawlp Fit 53 oa ‘ ‘5 eae ey Territorial Board of Health, GUVERNOR'S MESSAGE SOWTH. OF THE JANUARY 8, 18395. * f Ys a a ¢ Me a © » preteen Hg, 4 bos ery zo ke o - oO oO El oR a a I ae a TERRITORIAL BOARD OF HEALTH. RE Reno, O.cT Dec 1° 1894. meer His Excelleney, W ©. Renfrow, Governor of Oklahoma Ter- ritory, and the Legislative Assembly of Oklahoma Territory: [ In accordance with the provision of Section Thirteen (13), of Chapter Kight (8), of the Statutes of Oklahoma, under which the Oklahoma Territorial Board of Health was created, I beg leave 6 to herewith submit the following as the second biennial report of the Board covering the biennia! period from April 1, 1894, to — December 1, 1894, also including such proceedings of the old ) Board as are a matter of record. The ‘Territory has been free from epidemic diseases of a serious kind among the people since last April. Cholera has existed in the swine of Cleveland and Pottawatomie counties with a mortality of 50 percent. to 65 per cent., but has subsided. About a dozen cases of glanders in horses have been reported _ from Oklahoma county during the year, also three cases from Canadian county. A few cases of diptheria with a mortality of 100 per cent. are reported from Oklahoma and ‘‘O” counties. Sporadic cases of membranous (or diptheritic) croup are reported to have ex.sted in a number of the counties during the autumn oi with considerable mortality. Eight deaths have occured from « the above causes in Oklahoma county, and two in ‘‘O” and one in Canadian. Malarial fevers reported from several counties .) with a variable per cent. of mortality, ranging from 5 per cent. to 17 per cent. Typhoid fever in Oklahoma, Canadian, ‘‘O” and | Step» counties with a good death percentage, but aside from typhoid fever the people have .been unusually well. Measles of a mild type have been reported from Cleveland and Payne coun- isy ~ ties: also whooping cough of a light type in some of the courties Swithout any fatalities. «) Inthe absence of systematic sewerage in our towns and cities _ andconsidering the great amount of virgin soil exposed during last spring and early summer on our prairies the Territorial Board of Health congratulates the people of Oklahoma on hav. ing passed, ‘so far, a healthy year, and the death rate from all - causes is exceedingly low, There has been a total of 445 physi- 9 4. REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. cians registered by diplomas since the creation of the Territorial Board of Health; 255 of these have been registered since the last biennia: report was issued; eighty-five of the latter have been registered since April 9, 1894. A total of forty-one has been registered by examination, fifteen of whom have been registered since the last biennial re- port was issued and five of the latter have been registered since the 10th day of May, 1894. The number applying to be examined is steadily decreasing. ‘Twelve have appeared before the Board since April, two of whom. have been given a second examination without charge. The Board of Medical Examiners, to accommodate those ask- ing to be examined, have held one called meeting, by agreement, at Perry; also two private examinations which have cost the Board more than it has received. . In a further compliance with Section Thirteen (13) cf Chapter Eight (8) of the Statutes of Oklahoma, I would be pleased to offer some suggestions or recommendations which I consider of para- mount importance to the Territorial Board of Health. Virst. The organic act creating the Board fails to confer on it certain essential powers which are necessary to make its opera- tion complete, efficient, expeditious andinexpensive. Until-such powers are delegated the workings of the Board will continue to be restrained and embarrassed, Of this power] wish to speak further on. oN Second. The appropriation fer the expense fund of the Board for the last two years was inadequate to defray the abso- lutely necessary expenses of the Board if systematically organized and properly worked. The Territory has been increased by the addition of seven counties since the appropriation was made, and Oklahoma has perhaps, with its additions, doubled its population. The labor and demand upon the Board has been multiplied by this increase without a correspondingly increased expense fund. Third. County Superintendents, as a class, are not often adequately compensated for their work, especially when ealled to go long distances in the country to make an inspection of dis- eased stock. ’, Their work is usually'unpleasant in character and often offends some one whom it affects. Rather than neglect their practice and attend to a public work for a small compensa- tion, with a possibility of making an enemy, many of them prefer to neglect their duty, being satisfied with the little honors their office confers. In order to keep good efficient physicians as the executive health officers of the counties it seems to me that it would be, well to increase their per diem for a stated number of a REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 5 hours service. Their mileage should be increased. No good man ean afford to furnish his team for a drive of ten miles and return for one dollar. With reliable, energetic physicians to superin- tend the sanitary affairs of each county tse Territorial Board of - Health, if in line of its duty, is'a fixed success when an emer- gency arises, otherwise it is powerless to act with efficiency as to time and work. I would recommend that the ‘‘Act creating a Board of Health and regulating the practice of medicine in Oklahoma,”’ be so revised as to (a) Confer on the Territorial Board of Health the right to judge of and fix the standing of medical colleges and to say what shall constitute eligibility to practice medicine in the Territory. . (bo) To confer further the right for the Board to cancel certificates given to practice medicine in the Territory for specific causes. By constituting itself a court of investigation, with power to subpcena witnesses, giving the President and the Secretary of the Board power to administer oaths, take testi- mony, hear evidence and decide cases, granting an appeal when ealled for, only to the Governor, where it shali terminate, unless he remands the case back to the Board for a new hearing. The present law is not sufficient to enabie the Board, without an assumption of power, to’protect the people of the Territory against unqualified doctors, charlatans and quacks. In the earlier days of the Territory a number of doctors of the lower order took advantage of the affidavit privilege and secured certificates by perjury. Excepting one those certificates are retaining those men yet in the right to practice medicine in the Territory. To cancel those certificates under the present law is tedious, expensive and unsatisfactory. Before the Board of Health, with a properly revised law, it would be quickly and inexpensively done. There is a growing and positive belief with nearly all the state Boards of Health and Boards of Medical Examiners that diplomas, as a rule, should confer no power to practice medicine. That burning desire which rankles in the bosom of so many of our physicians in the larger cities, and not a few in some of the smajler cities, to teach in some medical college and thereby acquire the wonderful prefix of ‘‘professor,”’ an advertisement supposed to be of much value. Hence the stimulation to create numerous medical schools. Charters which empower the faculty to confer the title of ‘‘M. D.” are easily obtained. Men, young, and of middle life, in all trades and callings, being 6 REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. - | eiae — - = ies naentnamy 1, i i anxious to exchange their earnings for the title of ‘‘M. D.” rush into these newly created schools, many of whom have searcely a primary education, and owing to the brevity of their finances numbers of them remain only through a portion of each term. ha! ae More than 125 extinet medical colleges are a matter of record in the United States, many of them having survived but one or two terms. It is also a matter of record that more than forty fraudulent medica! schools have had an existence in the United States alone. Many of them exist today and new ones are being created annually. Many of them never existed as teaching bodies, but ‘‘ diploma mills.” One man mailed metwo, asking me to register him on them; another presented one, and several have ventured making affidavits, basing their rights to practice medicine on some such diploma. . Then why should a diploma confer a right to practice medicine, except when in the discretion of a legally constituted State or Territorial Board of Health or Board of Medical Examiners such right is declared ? Never before in the Medicai history of the United States have the State Boards of Health and State, Boards of Medical Examiners made such vigorous and progressive advances to eradi- cate the diploma evil as in the last few years. In some states the diploma, from whatever source, is ignored. Medical Colleges are being spurred to a higher order of medical education by the ‘demands of these Boards. Why should Oklahoma wait longer to ee rss strengthen her medical requirements? She is young, yigorous and progressive in other matters and will soon be the peer of inany of the older states in agricultural resources and wealth. Why should her medical system not be as good as the very best? Give the Territorial Board of Health the legal support it should have and our Territory will no longer be the focal point of those ~ who have been rejected in the states. sf a reid Vital Statistics. ; ae The Verritory is without satisfactory provisions for colleet- ee ing vital statistics. ‘The system heretofore attempted in the Territory has proven to be a failure in as much as there was no legal provisions to fine or otherwise punish for failure or refusal to report. All physicians should be compelled to make monthly reports of births and deaths occuring ia ‘their practice or under their observation, giving causes of such deaths. Burial permits should be required from magistrates orsome such officer insmall — towns and townships and from the City Clerk or other authorized REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 7 person in the cities and larger towns. The matter of collecting births should be strictly guarded. While physicians should be compelled to report all their births it seems to me to be advisable to perfect the system te make township trustees amenable to the law for failure to report any birth occurring in their township which was not attended by a doctor. Penalties should be fixed for every failure to report a birth. These births, and a copy of the burial permits, should go to the County Superintendent of Health and there be recorded as provided by law. The price for this work should be fixed and all accounts certified to by the County Boards of Health and allowed by the County Commis- sioners as other debts. Veterinary Surgeon and Stock Inspector. I would suggest that some provision be made for an efficient Territorial Veterinarian and Stock Inspector to be appointed by the Governor and subject to the calls of the Territorial Board of Health or the Governor. The counties calling for him, through the Territorial Board of Health or the Governor, to pay his fixed per diem and mileage. In view of our proximity to the Texas feyer belt on the South and our exposures on the East and West this office would cer. tainly be a useful one to the people at times. Particularly in eases of diseased horses or outbreaks of infectious or contagious diseases among domestic animals. Analytical Chemist, It seems to me that provisions should be made for a Terri- torial Analytical Chemist to be appointed by the Governor with the duties of his office defined. The time is not long off if not quite at hand when the Territorial Board of Health may need his services in analyzing adulterated foods, milk, medicines, sus- pected water, poison, ete. The provisions creating his office should prohibit him, under penalty, from giving his certificate for the use of any vendor of patent medicines or manufacturer of any articles of food as such is liable to lead to a corruption and misuse of his office. It is sufficient if an article is found to contain no adulterants to accept it as pure without a certificate. His pay for certain kinds of work might be approximately fixed by law to be paid when services are rendered to the Terri- torial Board of Health out of any funds arising from fines im- posed on those selling or offering for sale adulterated foods, liquids, medicines, ete. 8 . REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. Many articles of daily consumption as food, relishes, medi- cines, ete., are passed over the counters of our grocery stores, candy shops, drug stores, etc., recommended and extolled for their purity and ‘‘genuineness,’ whereas they are but cheap, adulterated and, in many instances, unwholesome articles. We have no article.that claims the attention of close analytical tests and inspections as our milk as it comes from the dairyman. A good law bearing on the adulterated foods and drinks is much needed. . Monthly Bulletin. Co-operation and fraternity of ideas are essential to the up- building of all organic bodies in every department of life, also in monthly interchange of views on the prevention of sickness and the prevailing diseases essential] to the better workings of our County Boards of Health. Nearly every State Board of Health publishes a monthly statement of the deaths caused from infee- tions, contagious or communicable ‘diseases of the month pre- vious, with also a statement of the prevailing diseases in the | different counties. This bulletin is a gleaner of all news concerning sickness throughout the State or Territory where published. Each County Superintendent of Health is abreast of the various kinds of sicke ness in his state and is prepared or forewarned to anticipat- any of the contagious diseases common among children or adults as well as infectious or contagious diseases among our domestic animals. Kach County Superintendent is expected to give each month astatement of matters pertaining to the diseases of his county, and, stimulated by an innate principle to excel, he can be relied upon. This can be published under the auspices of the Territorial Board of Health at a cost of $15 or $20 per month. Its existence and circulation would add much to the efficiency of the County Boards, and $200 could not be better exnended annually than in this monthly bulletin. ; Respectfully submitted, C.D. ARNOLD, M. D., Ter. Supt. Pub. Health. REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 9 Proceedings of the Territorial Board of Health Since April Ist, 1894. Eu RENO, O. T., April 18, 1894. _ Board convened in the office of .its President, Hon. E. A. Cameron. Present, E. A. Cameronand C. D. Arnold, M. D., Secretary. There being a vacancy in the Territorial Board of Medical Ex- aminers, Joseph Pinquard, M. D., of Guthrie, was appointed to fill the unexpired term of H. P. Halstead, resigned. W. R. Thompson, M. D., of Oklahoma City, was continued a member of the Board. John A. Hatchett, M. D., of El Reno, was appointed County Superintendent of Public Health for Canadian county to fill the unexpired term of Dr. C. D. Arnold, resigned. A. L. Share, M. D., of Kingfisher, was appointed Superin- tendent of Public Health in and for the county of Kingfisher, to fill the unexpired term of Dr. J. R. Shive, resigned. EK. A. CAMERON, C. D. ARNOLD, M. D., President. Secretary. Ev RENO, O. T., May 3, 1894. Board continued in the office of the Beneeiete to consider the appointment of a vice-president for the County Board -of Health for Kingfisher county. On the recommendation of the Secre- tary, F. S. Love, of Sheridan, was appointed to fill the a vis ed term of that office. Ev RENO, O. T., May 1i, 1894. Board met in office of the Secretary. Present, Hon. H. A. Cameron, President, and C. D. Arnold, Secretary. C. J. George, M. D., of Enid, was appointed on the recommendation of the Secretary, Superintendent of Public Health in and for the county of ‘‘O”’, to fill the unexpired term of Dr. G. W. Fairgrieve. The account of the Topeka, Kansas, Lithographing Company dated March 1st, 1894, for $9.00, presented by the old Board, for lithographing 300 graduation certificates, was allowed. Also an account presented by Dr. J. A. Overstreet for $21.25 for express- age, postage and other expenses, dated March 1, 1894, was allowed. E. A, CAMERON, C. D. ARNOLD, M. D., President, Secretary. Lo REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. EL RENO, O. T., June 7. 1894. Board met in the office of its President. Present, Hon. E A. Cameron, in the chair, and C. D. Arnold, Secretary. There being a vacancy on the County Board of Health, Joseph Donohoo, M. D., of Union, on the recommendation of the Secretary, was ap- pointed vice-president of the County Board of Health for Canadian county to fill the unexpired term of T. B. Patton. EK. A. CAMERON, C. D. ARNOLD, M. D., President. Secretary. | Ex RENO, O. T., June 18, 1894. Ata meeting of the Territorial Board of Health this day in Kl Reno, H. F. Beckham, M. D., of Arapahoe, was appointed on recommendation of the Saher tl Superintendent of Public Health in and for the county of ‘‘G.’ On the recommendation of the Secretary, Clarence H. Tears M. D., of Rogers, was appointed yice-president of the County Board ot Health for ‘‘G” county. EK. A. CAMERON, CID - ARNOLD, NLED., President. Secretary. Ext RENO, O. T., July 6, 1894. At a theeting of the Territorial Board of Health in the city of El Reno today, Hon. KE. A. Cameron and C. D. Arnold were present. The following accounts were allowed: T. F. Hensley, for fursishivg Secretary of this voard, 500 letter heads und 1,100 See on April 28, 1894.. Lg: hd eG Also salary to Dri He D. a At ty as "Parvi loka Superintendent of Public Health, for the quarter ending June |30,) 1894).540. "14.0. Postage for same quarter... Brae 7 95 Cash paid El Reno Puddec Co. pate 200 “hang affidavits.:..44) 2c keine Co. ige ee ees ne 2 00 Cash, one day book and expressage...............0senesetees 60 Mileage for the quarter. 2... :.0%0.. 2g eae saa ak eee Ota ee Sh onli he A ENS ee On $141 85 EK. A. CAMERON, OrD.-ARNOWD, Msp, President. Secretary. REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. I] Ev RENO, O. T., July 9, 1894. - Board met in the office of the Secretary, the President and Secretary present. On the recommendation of the Secretary, T. M. Cullimore, of Perry, was appointed Superintendent of Public Health in ahd forthe County of ‘‘P,” to fill the unexpired term of Dr. J. A. Hooe, resigned. E A. CAMERON, C.D. ARNOLD, M. D., President. Secretary. EL Reno, O. T., July 18, 1894. Board met to consider the matter of appointing members of the Board of Health for Payne County. On motion of the Secretary, J. B. Murphy, M. D, of Stillwater, was appointed Superintendent Public Health in and for Payne county, to fill the unexpired term of N. W. Mayginnes, M. D., resigned. S. M. Barnes, M. D., was appointed vice-president of the County Board of Health in and for Payne County, to fill the unexpired term E. A. CAMERON, C. D. ARNOLD, M. D., President. Secretary. EL RENO, O. T., July 20, 1894. Board convened to consider the matter of a Health Officer for Lineoln county. The President and Secretary present. On recommendation of the Secretary the Board appointed R. H. Galyen Superintendent of Public Health in and for the county of Lincoln for the unexpired term of J. B. Haggard, M. D., end- ing April 16, 1894. EK. A. CAMERON, C. D. ARNOLD, M. D., President. Secretary. TERRITORY OF OKLAHOMA, } LOGAN County. j To the Register of Deeds, Logan County, O. T. Srr:—This is to certify I have this day falintaet: surren- dered the within license (No. 107) to practice medicine. You will please cancel the registration of said license heretofore made on the records of your office. Witness my hand this 28th day of ‘August, 1894. S. F. FRAME. A. KEAMS, ere”. Dy Hy. MARK Filed Sept. 8, 1894, and entered on margin of record. G. H. DODSON. Register of Deeds, 12 REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. Personnel of the Territorial Medical Examining Board. May 10, 1894. Cc. D. Arnold. M. D., Chairman; W. R. Thompson, M. D., Secretary ; Joseph Pinquard, M. D., Treasurer. x Board met in Guthrie, 10 A. M., May 10, 1894. All members present. Six applicants, four of whom paid the fee O£:$20: each 830 eRe aS ea ee ee ee Disbursement:— Two of the four were rejected and $10 returned to eaehe-: 228 AS Ca a te een "UPR TC aan MNS ERs, ee See $ 20 00 Dr. C. D. Arnold, previous expenses and expenses in this examination............. Se on Se a 14 45 Dr. W. R. Thompson, per diem and expenses............ 17 50 Dr. Jos. Pinquard, per diem, hall rent, type-writ- ing, etc.,. pat 210. Fag en Paid Dr. ae for phate reserve eae ot ie Gonrie 12 95 Total... $ 80 00 3oard met in Perry, June 15, 1894. Present, C. D. Arnold, M. D., and W. R. Thompson, M. D. Receipts— JRMOCS Ee ral Sade} ieabeee ee ane eee $ 20 09 Ms "Is: BLOCK. ee eR Gee ees 20 00 DD Narco eae Le Al Oe ek ca ce 20 00 Gi Soha tt itive eS eet ee ee ate 10 00 Totalo.e es gir Ae OL Ain $ 70 00 Disbursements — C. D. Arnold, expenses, two ae postage and stationery .- 9 13 90 W. R. Phowipsenn per Saar ie anys: aud expenses, “8 including a German translation of questions ig and answers, one examination...........000.0e.eeeeseeee 33 90 My tefunded to applicants 2.24. oak. ee Seer eae 20 00 hie: Paid C. D. Arnold for reserve fund of the Board.. 2 20 f T Ota lek Sh hg ee an ee $ 70 00" seen a eae 2. ee a ys ae REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 13 GUTHRIE, August 16, 1894. Received of D, V. Honenkiatt............,-2.....-.- $ 20 00 GUTHRIE. October 11, 1894. Received of W. O. Hartshorne.............00.0.2. 0002.2. $ 20 00 PAO URL TOGGLE gilts actin. eaerput! “¥0 ‘ouey ial a BL ‘Ss ™ PPpe si | | o | i Sa g perry o1eq| “APIAMeN |'SSetppV “O ‘d ‘TN VN Ay w | 7 | | iH | | | a _ aoe SS. bel a Bas a = = * [EIIOPIIOL SY} WOI4 SdZVI}I7I9D POH CUM 19 OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 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Age dane eoeere AM ‘OT[TASIMOT [0D ‘pay eT[TAstuoT “AND BAO] ‘B MOT FO “ATU 9181S ‘ydeq ‘pan ‘OW ‘SINOT 3S “10D ‘pelt Lanosstyq oes esmmebesmnsg om ‘sInoy "49 * ‘TOO ‘pe Ueolisay mteahes on ‘qdasor 4g “Tag “pet Ul91SOMILON eB SE OS AU ‘OTTEASTNO'T “T0o9 “pelt XT[TASTNO7F i, PH ‘etomn[eg ‘sing pue sdqd Jo [0D soo eee ee uuay, ‘I[[IAYSVN ‘sosseuuay, Jo ‘AlN oe AY ‘VIPIASMOT “pelt Jo ooyos AYonya ay “IVVUTLOUIOM “SING pave pea] ‘lOO IjeuUTOUID Sopris ere eq ‘erydjepeltyd “lop ‘pen ‘per “~sijodvsauly ‘'[0DO ‘poy “dsoy RiossuUuIy, aa UL ‘OSROIGO “10D “pe Ysuy geri & 1oqiy uuy “YOu jo -Alug ‘3deq ‘pelt weavene Te “TI ‘osroryy * ‘3.1NS pur ‘sk{yq jo *[o9 Bares ‘ sersstn it~ ‘10D "poy wo VRIeS eo Ee stjodeueipay * euerpur JO ‘10D ‘pe pero as ‘ow ‘ydesor 3g “100 ‘pe ydesor 1g Seen AUPTHIGS ‘BANGZIOM JO “AIa) SSS: 8 ae ee AVIO sVvsury [OD ‘pay ‘AU. gees O1TYO “puRleAZTO “OD "paw PURTIAVIO ~~ om ‘qdesor 49 “(OD “pew VaszseMyION Se Seat Ay ‘S8][TASTQOT “0D ‘poy dI[TASINO'T oseolyyg “dsoy pue ‘(0D ‘pe UdemIoUYye Ry Reo eee Sing pue ‘pel Jo "[O9 WeuupoUuTy| | "oO WRUUTOUTD ‘94jN YSU] ‘psy_ OOOO “ST[TASIMoT ‘4deq ‘pe ‘et;TASTMOT jo ‘atug AUDA CN “LOD ‘pe o1nyRdowul0y °K oN “oT ‘ydesor 49 [OO ‘payy ad190}S9 Mm Y1ION D eeeee way ae om ‘ydssof 19 “10D ‘pew! qWaoMsUq ~~ ‘a][TASmoy ‘poy jo toouog Axon Wey eS ate OW ‘SINOT 19 “lOO ‘peTd SsTuOT 19 “UOTHeUupeay jo 8ssa][0p Total Practice.... "168, 518 "G9, |~ Yrs. Previn Ter 86. ‘% “WOM Idd LSIsst “AO ‘Tosyaeo| WU a ‘seuoyL| ~“g6, ‘Gi AeW She ‘ ‘WOW |" OTUO}” HO ‘oszrtVIO|""q Opuryro We) 6. ‘40 “TOW 7. ‘9 “GOK | AIOK MON!” YO ‘otayynyH] VM “teTtUL) “86. °6 “8 Li 28 “QA 8. “26 “AOA” ~ TNOSSTIC) “STL ANYOIM |" M AaT1ox § STAeI,|" “JANOSSTM|HO ‘Loysysury | WW “TUEATearq| S6. 2S Td y 86. 68 OUNL 92. ‘96 Caa) AYonjuey|HO ‘aoysysatry| ~~ a iL ‘Apaey) "16. ‘be 3deg 18< ‘SG qow|"* BaNeQeTY 4.9 eBmoye yo|y ‘mM ‘uosdwoygy) ~~ 16, ‘T sny €8. ‘24% “Ca |" ANOnUe | "HO Solaqyny| “gq “sour, ‘PIGQML| “16. ‘1g Aue f6& ouns STOUI[[I] "7 WeULION | H ‘f£ ‘H00g)| F6, ‘OL SnV 29. vane) eaeipay| ¥O ‘puvpeaes{p| M ‘dS £0013Ng|""F6. “Og “SAW TS ‘SL U9} tnosstw| “HO ‘ouey Tal £ a1equiog |" p6. “¢3 Alar 98: ‘9% “Q9H) CUO |e tee = "meaisuy|*"* VW ‘tepfes| 66. ‘1g ABIL 04: “3 799a)~ 7% uueg/4.9 BULOyeIIO| MN ‘H ‘W31UIg|"" * $6. ‘F ACI 19. (26 “OW | Be aerpuy | TsgeMT[ls| M ‘CLM ‘saetdg) > F6. ‘g ACT €8. ‘SL ‘WeW| ~~ stour[[y} yesminoay| SHA ‘souUlys| “FE, ‘2% lady £9. ‘OL “sny) eissny| rr Aqleys|"qoovr ‘repteuygog| ~~“ F6. ‘9 “GOW 64: ‘86 *Q0qa|* BURTpUy|" "HO SetaqynyH] ~~ fs ‘prsydeys|~ F6. ‘PL “Qa -TIUOSSt <= = Aaddiad| ~~ 06 ‘OL “290 H ‘H ‘teu04s| * 6. “1g “URL “Laeu1ey|£.g emoye|yo| ~~ [Img ‘mowIS| “$6, ‘Tg -ueL 86. i i” AES TAL go ty en al eee ae aoyNnA] VY soureLr 911989 “~"*86< QT "09d COve ET MOO ea NO ‘Gesunde H ‘ff ‘U}1UIS}""g6. ‘8g “AON 98.- ““"sexaL|1oO ‘fossoudey | “qq [enureg ‘}3008] 6, “g “AON 6: “§ OW Sonus “prIag} ss -aD fag) 86. ‘F 220 9), ‘8% “Qeq|-eesseuusay)| Aaded|" *M "wy ‘pueqynog|"~ £6.‘9T "AON 66. ‘p ‘ady) ~ - outrey)|s.9 euloYye[yO| “HV ‘ao}uOoMIIg)'"g6, ‘Tg “deg £6. 9 OLE. Pisses Whe ceherhzig | GZitnae 2 Yooy a31T “Aug “pup yay ydeq ‘pem| ¢ | "26, ‘9 2ad Vy SBSULY! "AO ‘PAB[SAZIO 68h a OW “‘Ydesor 48 “10D ‘pew UtojseMqIION| B1/% 168. ‘9% °A9a) 7 VMOT| “991 puog Bol nn see ee STNOT IS “TOO “POW “OW! SIM | es, ‘¢ TOW" LInossT{| WO ‘PueMpooM Pes ce Bee SsInoy 49 “[OD ‘pew OW) TL | |F6. ‘2% (Uom| BluTsatA |” eBou0d MON i aise eae TJVUULOUIO ‘a1N4T/Ssay “pey_ olosToW| he | “16, ‘g eunef| “"“euerpuy| “zo ‘uemAION Sd at pe ee STnNOT 4S “|0O ‘pel UVoTIOTMIY | YY | 26. ‘— oun] ~ ‘SesudVey| YO‘ Yoe19 paodg) g9|"“PlTtAstno7Ty “adoq “poyq ‘e[[1ASTNOT fo*atug| gt] f log, ‘— ‘qomM|“eMUeqe[yieqo1g Ss UMOag)’ RGls cat stjodeuvipu] ‘euvtpul Jo [oD "pope| IT) | ee. ‘Edom BTOUL Tce ic cs pug OGiaes as VUUTIUTO ‘OTYO JO "lOO pet} Gol 98. ‘BI ‘Wo | ‘eessouua Ty} "30 qosumoay, (oi Ree ipa ic eats OW ‘STOTT 39 “10D “pe OW) 7 | 2. ‘Sl WoW | nosstp_| oO ‘vouedery PO ae ey ‘eyueyyy “[OD ‘pely UsoqINos| Y “98, ‘T WoW)" WiGLOD | cone: hs LITO G eel” om ‘ydesor 49 “Too ‘pet WWomsu| Z “26, $F WOW) Tanossiyq|- Avuieg ore cee eae ej ‘ynyooy “sing pue ‘skug jo [oO] ¢ |" NG 92-09 m7 - TAROSSLN SH Se a leis ee ey ‘Ynyosy “sang pue ‘sk{yq jo oO] Ztl2i-Gl-2@; ‘8 -qoW)| puelTsaey} I91P MTS eg| AID BMO] ‘VB MOT Jo ‘ATU 93%19 4Ydeq ‘pem| ~~ |% leg, ‘el ‘Gom| “VNSeaqoN|4£,.9 VMOGPIHO TSh, AJID WOK MON ‘ 109 ‘pew dsog onacjieg| 6 |% {PR ‘el ‘UemW| ~~ Wueg|4,.9 BMoyRrTYO ce) “MOLSsUTyseM “AIUD pireMmoy 4d q‘peM] & T lf6. ‘Gl ade} Aon Wey | YO ‘A9ysysury GG ries O ‘HeUMINUTO ‘91NITSUT "pay OTPIETOM| L4Z/SI-G}"eg, ‘G aun) YOK MON] HO ‘9q2LeyO Sh go eaearrer ey ed ‘erydjepeityd “10D ‘pom "Her| § | Isa. ‘Pp cadwloo que |4.9 SULoyeyxO placer. ce uUuday, ‘I[JTAYSVN “ATUO aIquepneal Zi" Ié. ‘L ‘WoW |"eesseuuay,| ~~ “ousy 1 Pelece =. UOJSUIUSVM “AIUGQ pueMOoR 3deq ‘pom| Zl 16. ‘Gl ‘ad w| Asyonyuayq| HO ‘f9A0C pe} MOM O9TT “AtaQ ysupuy yay ‘ydeq ‘pem| si} Ig. ‘6 “Gon | svsueyary| “AID Aweqo04qO oe 3s mee ae mua, ‘OITA US@N “AIUQ) WIqdepueA] GT ~~ es. ‘E ‘WoW | “eueqe[y| “31O ‘Ue WION KS eee o1go ‘PABLIAIIO - ‘“AIUL) VALOSOY ULIISI9M] Bll Zh. 0S ‘UPW|""* °OTUO| “HO ‘LeTpueYyO CGF SS smnoy 49 “oD ‘pew ‘dsoy yuounreg! F1/%% |79, ‘I "qoy | Ayonzpasey| 3 puowpy var lent ole a hts Sas tea sToT Ig “lOO ‘pe uvowouy| ~~" |%? 168. ‘p oungl os AO ‘Oostagq pe) toqary uuy ‘aesiqoy a2 ‘ATUQ “3deq "peW| 93) |F9. ‘08 2 (2 ae ra uued|4.9 * ULOYRITAO EO Sr. aero OW ‘STNOT 19 “10 ‘pe anosrstM| IT} T |Té& ‘Ié “gow VA MIA. BMOYRTXO LP see ee @MOT JO ‘AIT 99R19 “3daq "peM| 81/%S |bL. ‘F “WOW AIOK MIN £O PUP VIAG op) OW SItO'T 4g “TOD ‘pel Tinosstyq| . Il} 118: SOOM 5 gite ce ae Se IS Bite) ‘e2u01e M 6f|‘OseoryD “‘dsoy pue "0D ‘poy UUeMoUYyeR| Fe\%S 199. “b “WOW) HIOK MON] HO SoTayINyH|) 1A on Bae sesaey “109 ‘pew A190 sesuey) — 1% {16 ‘ZT WoW |" sHxonjUey| ~~ = WOYSTIOM 4 ee “410 YIOR een “JOO "pe “ATUQ)| eT} 18. 8 “WoW uued|4,9O Buoy eTyO ole we eat OW ‘SINOT “IS “10D ‘PI SMOT IS} 9 |S [88 ‘8 WOW) Tnosstyq| ~~ Rite See Ci ee SBP VULHKOjUGIOL (0 ATU O¢la-ae PLc eune| " epeueo)| ~~ "HO ‘Atte OP PTASMOT ‘a[[taAstmmo7T jo ‘atug ydeq ‘poy esIl9-I II, ‘eZ qoq| ~* euetTpuy| ~*~ AovarMonW 69] SITFAsinoT ‘OTTTASINOT Jo ‘Alu "3deq ‘pom|. FR 6F< ‘You | “emeqeTy) LT ‘uosuyor CG |eras se: “ow ‘sInoy ‘19 “[OO ‘poy{ Tanosstyy| 8 | GSsT " WNOSsTI| HO ‘£4ID VoUdg ae shot timtten ee ‘qdeq “pel ‘e1[IASINOT Jo -atagQl =} 86. ‘El “UOW aceneetres [ener eteee ncee re eeeeee cand 4 oM ‘stuoy 4s “sing pue‘skyud [OO] Zl leg, ‘8 “qo Silanes "HO fe TIqyNy i “HOTS UTYySeM “AIT ueiquinjtog ydeq ‘pem|% |" eg, £eW 9 ql kat8g Rapa te at OW, ‘ydosor 15 “lOO pel GWomsag! Z% I9-T 16. ‘TE “WOW! ~~ lanosstyCl ~ “Te ysre yl” “gg oupig ‘TOSTIM ‘OM ‘TO1AM| 46. ‘OS “GOW Jf ‘PALBTITM | P6. ‘9 “SV seervawe VD ‘stave M| “Fé. ‘TE ATUL seceoreny Sf ‘soRTTeM “$6. GZ June eoeee Wee TWeULYIOM = EG6¢ ‘) oune “a “© ‘SOUPIM | F6<. “GI Sew HO ‘SUWRITIIM] F6. ‘02 lady Sy COSULETITEA |” "96. ‘1S 99°C Ea ak ‘MOSULEITIEA |" “86. ‘EL ‘99d W'S “SMPCITITM] ~~ S6. 9 “AON “Wf SUOSUIRIIITM] ~~ "¢6. ‘8 AON SS aE O ‘SMPITITM| 86. “3 “320 “"-q ppur ‘ast TB@M | e6. ‘Ee “AON “J osl0en ‘SeTIM| 86. ‘ZT “SV HM ‘aosze Mm} ~~ 6. ‘8 ATUL “Ty Mei ‘OUTM! S6. ‘08 “GOW @6. ‘OL Aine 96. ‘OT “UO “Ww "Yq ‘SUIVTTIIM | 86. ‘E WOW “ P'D ‘SUIVTITITM]| "26. ‘ST “AON “If ‘our ‘poom| "26, ‘fF oun ae WA ‘SUIPITITM | °26. ‘8% ABIL “WT SSUIBITITAA “S6. ‘SS [IV Wee A ‘gq ‘WOss19je M26. ‘TL adv “AISA ‘IVHLVM “VW MOISES ‘SHVM] Zé. ‘8a ‘UeL Sep! M ‘£f‘SITAM| 16. ‘PE “AON “ O-m ‘mospood,|~ 16, ‘2 “9deg ““TayseT ‘MOISeM|T68T a soped ‘lax M| ~~ 16. ‘T “SnVW ae: MO ‘W98ITM| 16. STS 0W “EO ‘aorpleM| "16. °4 9une ““M ‘FT ‘Junig WBA} Zé, ‘6T “SUV “TTT 4t00s1O PUB A “16. ‘le AIue tt "f ‘pooMaopuy|*"S6. “8S “COW wes M -¢O ‘AwegiL|"F6. “61 ATOL ‘¢ semoyqy ‘eutked| “Fé. “Fo “1H SH “svyo ‘toTkV TL) “$6. “ET ‘A9A ‘W auyor ‘aoue110) | $6, ‘6 “QA nee dM ‘10H0BL| F6. “Gs “Ue Spee ae. dO ‘tothe L) "Fo. TT “oer “MH “IQOY “ONVY L| "86. *GS “AON AE Loe MM “touUeyL)| “6, ‘BT “AON “16 °4dasg ‘eg oune ca § 1104198 ‘UMOL] “86. “WV ‘pussumog!"g6, REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. 30 : ‘WileeH FO pavog No jo j10d ad [VIUUaIG xed 9} UI AvIdde 4OU [[IM STOOYYS |Volpsyf Yous [[e ye yy p2qoodxe AT[eljuUapyacd Mou s1 4 ‘SA0Q® OTT} UL Vadde s[ooyodg [VoIpey™ o[qeindeisiq Moy e ‘sUOTINITySUI [Volpe jo aspnf 0, aamod sty UL peyiuMi, Sateq yuspaeiulsedus 2941 0} SUIMO “pd BUTIUIILS oq OUT} UT TIM YOIGM JSTT GAOQR 9} OVUT Yaad A[QCVplOAvaAN BAe SUOTLRAL “S$;801 9S|VJ V1OUL 10 vazOp J Vy swos ‘semoldip ,.pefoaqseap 40 4SO],, Loy Surptacad yoy |VOIpaM INO UT UOTSTAOA JAP oy4 Jepug ‘81S OIG S-OsINg WRI[TM 9q pluoyYs ‘gg osed ‘Fie ‘ON O1VOU AID ‘e[sae1g ssasang wei[ITM ‘PTEOBMA9O Jo L19atTep eLOFoq ALOP1I9T, 94} IFeT OH *poaoystFoa 10U “Bl eSed ‘cop ‘ON VIBOYTIZeO ‘“Yorpang “q ‘5 ‘pol[eoues ‘[g vced YOT ‘ON 93¥0UT IID ‘A'S Somes Saher sep ee See SUPAUSEN “AiuQ) ‘adeq pew) gg] ~~ | 8g ‘T “qoW|e.10re@p °N/4.0 VPMOGeTXO| ~~ Sq ‘SweITITM | F6.-“FI AON ANSEL Sh = > ee OW ‘SMOT “4s “(00 ‘pay stnoy 4g} 21) ~~ Jeg, FL“ QOW) ~~ stout O V@MOge[yOoO!"T XMeq “AeTNUIM| 16, ‘bl Ae Ww Cs Oe 12d So AG are a aes OW ‘SIVOT 48 “10D ‘pew stnoy 3s} ¢g2)--> 66. ‘FT “QOW) tanossifq} "Oo ‘ormqing OW “91M! "36: ‘08 “dy awick ers CaS AY ‘8}[lastnoy ‘ pes jo looyos ‘Ay 6 |Z 1G8, ‘9g PUNE] SVeSUeyAE| "HO ‘URUTION | NM ‘A SPOOM) 26. ‘ST (ony dq [80 0h) BT “ANYooy ‘Sing pue ‘skyq oO} 11/%s |-4g. ‘E “WoW! udwAAl4,.Q CMOGRIAD| ~~ Oo Samay ‘Kem | 16: ‘6L “2290 a OE AON Sere eee eee WVAUIOUID “4sUuy “pay o1joeTom O17 e 180.) aE eUueTpuy ~ “puourpy | ~~ “dd ‘M ‘UOSTIM |" T6, “FL snw Cl ete. el a aoe S om ‘ydesor 18 “lon ‘pat miaomsu4| 9 9-T 106. ‘9 “DOI “sesuRryIy | eomMRg| Aw STAqQIAW | HS, 4% come ' e {5 ca | So | + $18 tte/4 i — ett | i — | = Sot | S Et | ‘UOTIVNPRAY JO asai[loo £ 3 “pra a1eq| “AJIANVN |‘ssolppy ‘oO ‘d| ‘aN VN "‘JL99 Jo 23eq ‘S, aD, | j dt oH | 8) 0 |. a ae | | S10 lk 2|£ | Pb) aS, is) hae | QD va I< Ciba | ~“G(HONLLNOO UALSIDEY TYIOI4AO 31 REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. aor 1 $601 SOV ce ee ee (OO) UV< OT) WVIPUOURH “A ‘| Fé ‘OT “Sav S lee |- - |-- [ee ‘oy LET vouMeg mooeg ‘“M ‘OO! Fé. ‘OT APIA da |6g {89 ere Gee Gh OU E | oie ety gas ae ae ee UMIeVKW ‘dG ‘Gu! 6. ‘Gf sung d |P& jT¢ ; 0g|$t_ |e. ‘8 “AON| ANOnguo MM) kala] “" - BOOR “¥ “£) $6. £8 “AON d |t& |PF OTP ot S609 RON ters Fig? Se trese is ed ci5 8) BRR uvod "Y “H|~€&: ‘8 “AON Far ee poe ae ete re ear le Spee nay, Cow WEE Seu Soe hes oo (gg. 'g AON] po Soe) We UOT “S "H"86< ‘8 “AON Fo pace LS Re oa ene calc pe aI ag iat ah oh PP St Oy 8 AON e gt 25 tke “ = a he ene oe POO WL as €6. ‘RB “AON di {tp pe ORS F6. Ol AON] SIOUNIT/ HO “Uoyoupxe |" £01SMO “H “MFG: “ST “AON d |eg |F9 ee|% | 86, ‘8 “AON|'92S80UTa,L|1O"O ‘d seury) Tepuok ‘uml &6. ‘AON alee 8g LB|9-1 [86 ‘QT WOW) YO ‘qosmnday |" SOONOW 'O ‘£/' "86. ‘91 “WOW te 9¢ Og] > 186. ‘QI “Wom | 7 {4.0 BUONO] ~~ plegacwes “a 7 | 86. ‘OT “WOW au Poses 3 Poe S6c (OF WOW) is et fe moyACIO SS ssvq ULATVO] $6. 91 “WOW ap eobe he bs cane Pt eae a! oe dr 2 ea | Tt ee ees “--lFe “or eM) Seen plug WON} Suoysmay “g “O| F6. ‘OL AVIC d |96 |8F 7d a 6. “Ge Alo L) UeSTUOIN) AO PHAIMH) MOolOM AL “£“V) “6 “Ge AtOL a |¢e (¢s : rig bee ae, ‘eg Atne| Olga] HO ‘ous’ || [jeMmog V91oposyy| 26. ‘eg Aju d |f% |2¢ OTISEL (16 TS “SOG Se foo puoupa |" duop *M uyor) “Té ‘Tg ‘0eq a |& [8% 9] Z lle ‘el 990] SPVSURYIY| “HO ‘WVUIION|19Y1 MCT ‘q 119qQ0Y| “16. 68 ‘90M d |26 '|86 9 |%z% 1°26. (6 “AON|‘@988euuaL| “HO ‘Hol eyo} aeMANYyTL ‘HW 'Ser| “16. ‘OT ‘eed H {04 |9S . GI| 26; “Ge Alor) Bpeuep) “aepfug} euseids “W“y| 26. ‘eg Aue H Ist {It Ase es 26. ‘63 AML] AIOKR MON|A.O VMOURTAO) ~~ uved “Vv ‘seup] 26. “eg Ane da |8I |¢& PIVAT |I6. ‘FI “AON|‘99SS0MQ00L) 19VVMTTMS| PICTIG A TA'M'L| 16: FI “AON a |4t -|1¢ 121%S |'16. 08 FOO! ATOR MON] HO ‘OMYINH| WoIgIeHoW “DH *£L} 16 ‘OF “9O a |9l CS c S |T6« “0Z ‘Sny Ste sesuey| ~~ HO UOyNnA uoOSsSyVLIpuaPR “YO! CNG; ‘TI “ouW A ek) Sen Il] @ |I6. Fo “sny| “euerpuy| “AO ‘ouey lH | “qiag “WY ‘Ly 16. ‘bs “snW a ‘itl {it O@lAS |Té6. ‘ST des} lanosstp| HO ‘euquyH) espiyeg "yoey| 16. “Sl 3deg d |€&I ig¢ 0f\%2 | Té. ‘g Ides] "HAOA MON| AITO JU90SeID|"“peoqMey~m "H} Té. ‘§ Id-g d |@l_ |¥F 02/8% | 16. ‘§ “3deg] BlUISITA| "HO ‘SliqINH| puouistip "M uyor| 16, “e¢ “ydes. ma itt |f¢ : ANAS [16 (16 Say] STOUIT[]| ~~ HO ‘teavog| AopTUTT “y some] 16, ‘ee “sny a jor |s¢ Gli 16- ‘GT “sny| emeqeiy| HO ‘dosTIOqd| ~*~ AouSaTO "O'S! 16, ‘2S -snw ail6_ |S cel% 16 ‘IZ say} 4Honjuey| ouey 1H) 901g "f STMOT!"“ 16. 2 “SnW 'a |8 {0s L 14% [16 (Ie “Sny| UeStyog|s.O VULOye[yO!“resSunW “qd *09H| TF, ‘SZ “SnV qs bs L| ~ {16 ‘9 “4deg} Ayonqueyy Iesag} preyed ‘d|" 16. ‘4 “Weg oe py ae i A RE RAT gf Ce ee eee Ne Gc Sic OU Vie ee MO seq ysary| yWSug “VY ‘L] 16. ‘§ “sny ep teteee 13 | erl8e (16. 1 Snyl) Ayonjuey| 4.9 BuIoyeTyO) ~ Aarnqsueyg "T|"""" 16, ‘Tt sny a |p e Bn ip ee ns ae Wa oe a oe a Meee eg eam Ce kal Me ool Vio gene ee A; Fe CMOYV HO pooM ‘a ‘H| 16. ‘T “sny a |e | om’ | Té. ‘T*sny]easseuuay | dWema0N| uouueg Sf} Té ‘T “sny ig RSS Recht SSR gem Caen AS mer eae Reg We, Pies Seer itt fie ee ade HO ey nH} uUIpleyA, “f “S} "16. “Te Ane erty ad ag eg ea Be Mee es cn ee Pie eens es tee PAE MROP TU (Usa te Soe eee WO ‘aPuaIo0N! 10lewW “WV PATIO! “Te ‘TE AINE 5 She P 3 o|% 5 ; st p HOTYBNPBAL) JO 9Za][0D oF ne ‘p.X 07%q| ‘AIIAeN aie ‘O ‘d ‘aWVN ‘qdap Jooyeqd - os i i sf wim a aw ta eS a ee ee ee ee ee ee, ‘NOILVNIAVXH AG CHUALSIONUY ASOHL REPORT OF BOARD OF HEALTH. Expense of County Boards of Health. BLAINE COUNTY. . Expense— December’ 1, 1892, to April 1, 1894... 7.27.0 Gy eee $ 41 00 April 1, 1894, to December 1, 1894.............../..., 1-0 26 00 S Wei} irae BAI ROR Ine MIRE UN ® 67 00 Value of record and physicians’ certificates for death and: birth returns: 42425-2.00.-e $ 15 00 CLEVELAND COUNTY. Expense— . January.1,°1893, to April'l, 1894.00 oak eee eee April 1, 4894, to December 1,:1894 050. (23 a eee 14 45 Total sins ee GR Ra ee $ 42 45 One record book, value seks. ahs see eee a ce $ .8 50 POTTAWATOMIE COUNTY. Expense— | ‘ December 1, 1892, to April 1, 1894